HomeMy WebLinkAboutElim Supplemental Data Report Hydrology 1985PRE-RECONNAISSANCE STUDY FOR ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUPPLEMENTAL DATA REPORT: HYDROLOGY Prepared For: Alaska Power Authority Prepared By: OOWL Engineers t~ a y, 1 9 8 5 W.O. /1013470 TABLE or CONTENTS PAGE Purpose ••.•••.•••..•.••.••.•.•••••••..••..••.•..•..••••. Lac at ion............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Drainage Are a. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . • • . • . . . • . . . . 2 Gage..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Reference Marks......................................... 3 Discharge Measurements.................................. 3 Rating Curve. . . • . • . . . • • . • . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . • . . • . . . • . . 4 Channel................................................. 4 Contra 1. . • • . . • . . • . . . . • . . • . . • • . • . • . . • . . • • . • . . • • . • • . • • . . . . 5 Remarks................................................. 5 APPENDICES Appendix A -Discharge Rating Curve Measurements Appendix B -Printout of Discharge Measurements 2-Hour Stage Data and Corresponding Discharges Appendix C -Gaging Equipment Specifications LIST Or FIGURES Figure -Project Location Map Figure 2 -Discharge Rating Curve -Petersen Creek Elim, Alaska Figure 3 -1984 Hydrograph of Petersen Creek LISI or TABlES lable 1 -Summary Streamflow Data, 1984 Petersen Creek, Elim, Alaska ELIM Streamflow Data, Petersen Creek Purpose: The purpose of this effort is to collect streamflow data for Petersen Creek as part of the Elim Hydroelectric Project Pre-Reconnaissance Study. No streamflow data on Petersen Creek exists except for a few point discharge measurements made in connection with the pre-reconnaissane study. The streamflow data presently being gathered will supplement the hydrology for the pre-reconnaissance level of study con- ducted for this site. This report includes a daily stream discharge summary table as well as stage and discharge records for two-hour periods for the 1984 calendar year. Location: Lat. 64°35'N, Long. 162°24'W in NW1/4SW1/4 Sec. 36, T.10S., R.18W., on right bank, 300 feet upstream from the mouth, 4.5 miles southwest of Elim, Alaska (Solomon C-1 Quad). The gage can be reached by a skiff on Norton Sound to the mouth of Petersen Creek and by walking the remaining 300 feet to the gage location (see attached map-Figure 1). Winter access is by a snow machine over the frozen Norton Sound Iditarod Trail. I I I I ~ I N ~ENGINEERS N7 s 0 / VICINITY MAP 0 Mli.ES EUM ... U N 0 :s / I . LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCAL£ LOCATION OF STREAM GAGING STATION AND HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AREA ELIM ALASKA FIGURE Drainage Area: The drainage area is 1.49 mi2 at the gage site, and no glaciers exist within the drainage basin. The powerhouse location of the proposed hydropower project is at the selected gage site. Gage: The gage is an Omnidata Datapod (Model DP312) coupled with a small piezo-electric pressure transducer. The dat apod is an ultra low power microprocessor controlled recorder with sev- eral advantages. The device contains a battery supply, an analog to digital converter (12-15 bits), a microprocessor, a non-volatile storage module and a clock with an accurdcy of several minutes per month. The transducer (Enviro-Labs Model PT-105V) is housed inside a cylindrical stainless steel casing which is secured to the streambed by hose clamps and a steel rebar driven into the ground. A cableway extends to the recorder on the streambank. The recorder is set to sample the pressure every five minutes. The average of the five-minute readings is recorded every two hours in a 8-bit format. Following the assembly of the datapod, a digital stage recorder was installed on May 31, 1984. Gag- ing equipment specifications are attached to the report as Appendix C. Staff Gage: The staff gage is a rigid, precisely graduated, porcelain enameled iron plate securely fixed to a fence post driven into the streambed. 2 Reference Marks: RM-1 (base). A 24-inch long steel rebar with an aluminum cap driven into the ground on the right bank of the creek and 25 feet upstream of the gage location: Elevation 5.11 feet, gaqe datum RP-1. Top of rebar (attached to transducer) Elevation 4.73 feet, qage datum Discharge Measurements: Continuous measurements of stream discharge are obtaine& through collection of stage data at the gaging station. The stage of a stream is the height of the water surface above an established datum. The stage data on Petersen Creek is collected every four hours by an Omnidata Datapod digital recorder. In stream gaging procedures, stage data is used as the independent variable in a stage-discharge relation to derive discharges. It is, therefore, normal practice to establish a relationship (rating curve) between the stage at the gaging station and the discharge. lhis relationship depends on the shape of the cross-section and the roughness of the streambed. Therefore, the relationship has to be established empirically. As part of establishing the rating curve relationship, dis- charge measurements were taken at the gaging station using a Marsh-McBirney Model 201 flow current meter. The stage of the stream was also noted during discharge measurements and is provided below along with the discharge measurements. Date 05/31/84 10/02/84 02/20/84 Discharge (cfs) 4.75 3. 3 5 0.88 30 Gage Heiqh)-Stage (ft) 0.45 Rating Curve: 0.40 0.30 1.95 (by slope- area method) The rating curve for Petersen Creek will continue to be developed as additional stage-discharge data points are collected. A preliminary rating curve is plotted for the period of record and is shown in Figure 2. The discharge computation sheets are provided in Appendix A. After havinq established the rating curves, measurements will have to be continued to enable verification, and if necessary, adjustment of the ratinq curve to the actual cir- cumstances. Deviations from the discharges read from the rating curve are caused by morphological changes of the streambed and stream icing problems. Channel: The channel above the qaqe is cut into a contact between a crystalline limestone and a schistose marble. right banks are about four to five feet high. The left and The stream banks and slopes of the bluffs adjoining the stream are 4 2.5 I 2.0t- 1.5~ I 1.0 .9. .... .8-l-ti u... l= .6 :::r:: C> 1.1.1 .5+-:::r:: 1.1.1 C> ct .41 ~ .3 --- .25 . 2 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 §/ENGINEERS / / d / \ COMPUTED BY SLOPE -AREA METHOD / DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND I . I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.5 2 2...5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 40 RATING CURVE FOR PETERSEN CREEK ELIM. ALASKA-YEAR 1984 FIGURE 2 moderately vegetated with alders and mosses. Bed material consists of gravels and cobbles. encountered below the gage site. Control: Some bedrock is The control is a cross-section or reach of atream channel that determines the relationship between staqe and discharge at that section and for some distance upstream. Permanent controls are desired for a stable stage-discharge relation- ship; however, changes (shifts) in the control occur affect- ing the relationship of stage to discharge. At low, medium, and high stages, the channel will be the control for stream water levels. Remarks: Stage records are good for the period of monitoring. No stage data qaps exist. Because no high flows are measured during the high stages, slope-area method is used to calcu- late the discharge corresponding to the high stages. No siqnificnnt shifts occurred in the stream control. 5 TABLE 1 A SUMMARY OF PETERSEN CREEK (ELIM, ALASKA) STREAMFLOW RECORDS FOR JUNE 1, 1984 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1984 MEAN DAILY DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND 1984 Day Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 4o9 1 0 0 50 1 5o7 501 2o4 1 0 7 2 5o3 1 0 2 7o3 5o5 50 1 12 1 0 7 3 5o3 Oo9 7o5 5o5 501 17 1 0 5 4 50 1 1 0 0 7 0 1 5o5 4oR 6o0 1 0 6 5 50 1 1 0 4 6o8 5o4 3o9 1 0 8 1 0 6 6 3o9 1 0 9 6on 5o4 4o1 1 0 7 1 0 4 7 3 0 1 1 0 6 6 0 1 5o4 4o 1 1 0 7 1 0 7 8 3 01 1 0 3 6 0 1 5o4 3o8 1 0 7 1 0 6 9 3 0 1 1 0 2 6o0 5o4 4o4 1 0 7 1 0 0 10 2o6 1 0 0 5o4 5o4 3o4 1 0 7 1 0 0 11 2o2 1 0 0 5o4 5o4 3 0 1 1 0 7 Oo90 12 2 01 Oo9 5o4 5o4 3o3 1 0 7 Oo90 13 1 0 8 Oo9 5o4 5o4 4o7 1 0 7 1. 2 14 2o 1 1 0 0 5o4 5o4 3o8 1 0 7 1. 0 15 1. 7 1 • f) 5.4 5o3 3.6 1 0 7 1. 6 16 1 0 7 1. 0 5.5 5.4 3.4 1.7 1 • 1 17 1. 7 1. 0 5o5 5.4 3. 1 1. 7 1 • 2 18 1. 7 1 • n 5.4 5o4 3. 1 1. 7 1. 0 19 1. 7 1 0 4 5o4 5.3 4.0 1. 7 0.90 20 1. 7 1. 6 5.4 5.2 7. 1 1 0 7 0.90 21 1. 7 1. 6 5o4 5.1 12 1. 7 1. 0 22 1. 7 1 0 3 5.9 5. 1 17 1 0 7 1. 2 23 1. 7 1. 0 5o9 50 1 19 1. 7 1o 0 24 1 • 6 1. 2 6.1 5. 1 11 1. 7 1. 0 25 1. 6 1 • 2 6. 1 5.1 6.9 1. 7 1.0 26 1. 6 1. 0 6.1 5.1 17 1. 7 0.9 27 1. 4 1 • 1 6.0 5.1 24 1. 7 0.9 28 1.1 1. 2 6.0 5. 1 27 1. 7 0.9 29 1 • 3 1. 6 6.0 5.1 23 1. 7 0.9 30 1. 2 2o3 6.0 5. 1 15 1. 7 0.9 31 3.8 6.0 5o1 2.4 0.9 Tot a] 74 40 183 159 257 81 36 Mean 2.4 1. 3 5o9 5.3 8.3 2.7 1 • 1 MEAN FLOW FrJR fHE PERIOD OF RECrJRD 3.8 ClJBIC FEU PER SECOND en IJ._ (.) w C) a:: <( ::r: (.) en 0 :so 10 10 • • 7 ' 3 ll 1.0 .. •• . 7 .. MEAN FLOW 3.8 CFS ---------+ --------- 50 10 10 • • 7 • I 4 / I I 1.0 . . .7 . . . e .1 JUN! ~ULY AUtUIT IEPT!M~R OCTOIIR NOVIMIIR OICE.IER ~ENGINEERS 1984 HYDROGRAPH OF PETERSEN CREEK ELIM, ALASKA FIGURE 3 tJ) IJ._ (.) w C) a:: <( :r. (.) tJ) 5 APPENDIX A Discharge Rating Curve Measurements I :II i•l PROJECT NAI1E RIVER NAME TRANSECT f'.iO. ELIM HYDROELECT PROJ PETERSEN CREEK GAGE SITE-05/31/84 PT. STATION WIDTH <FEET> <FEET> ------------ 1 12. 80 0.00 2 13.00 0.35 3 13. 50 0.50 4 14.00 0. so 5 14. 50 0. 50 6 15. 00 0. 50 7 15. 50 0. 50 8 16.00 0. so 9 16. 50 0. 50 10 17.00 0. 50 11 17. 50 0. 50 12 18.00 0. 00 SUM OF CELL DISCHARGES = 4. 75 SUM OF CELL AREAS = 2.80 MEAN VELOCITY = 1. 69 DEPTH VELOCITY AREA DISCHARGE <FEETl <FT/SEC> <SG.FT) <CFS> --------------------_.,. __ , .... _____ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0. 11 0.00 0. 50 0. 15 0.25 0.04 0. bO 0.85 0.30 0. 25 0. 70 3. 40 0.35 1. 19 0.90 2. 40 0.45 1. 08 0.80 2. 10 0. 40 0.84 0. so 2.20 0.25 0. 55 0. 50 L 10 0.25 0.27 0. 50 1. 60 0.25 0.40 0. 40 0.60 0.20 0. 12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 CUBIC FT. /SEC. SGVARE FT. FT. /SEC. PROJECT NAt1E RIVER NAME TRANSECT NO. NOME HYDROELECT PR PETERSEN CREEK GAGE SITE-10/2/84 PT. STATION l.JI DTH (FEET> (FEET> --.. ---· -__ .,. ____ 1 7. 50 0.00 2 8. 00 0. 50 3 8. 50 0. 50 4 9. 00 0 50 5 9. 50 0. 50 6 10. 00 0. 50 7 10. 50 0. 50 8 11. 00 0. 50 9 11. 50 0. 50 10 12 00 0. 50 11 12. 50 0. 50 12 13.00 0. 00 SUM OF CELL DISCHARGES = 3. 35 SUM OF CELL AREAS = 2. 55 MEAN VELOCITY = 1. 31 PagE DEPTH VELOCITY AREA DISCHARGE (FEET> (FT/SECl <SO FT> CCFS) ____ _._ .. _,_-..... ._. __ -_, . ..._. _____ ----·----- 0. 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0. 00 0. 12 0.00 0. 40 0 15 0. 20 0. 03 0 40 0. 40 0. 20 0.08 0. 60 1. 60 0. 30 0. 48 0. 80 2. 60 0. 40 1. 04 0. 80 2. 00 0. 40 0. 80 0.60 1. 75 0. 30 0. 52 0. 40 0. 80 0.20 0. 16 0. 40 0. 40 0. 20 0.08 0 45 0. 70 0. 22 0. 16 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 CUBIC FT. /SEC. SQUARE FT. FT. /SEC. t !', ,ro ft '1•• i' ~~. [, PROJECT NAME RIVER NAME TRANSECT NO. ELIM HYDROELECT PRJ PETERSEN CREEK QAQE SITE-2/20/85 PT. 1 2 3 4 ~ 6 7 a STATION <FEET> 1. 50 . 2. 00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6. 50 7. 50 8.00 SUM OF CELL DISCHARGES = SUM OF CELL AREAS • MEAN VELOCITY = WIDTH <FEET> ----- 0.00 0. 75 1. 00 1. 00 1. 25 1. 25 0. 75 0.00 0.88 1. 45 0.61 . -J' DEPTH VELOCITY AREA DISCHARGE <FEET> CFT/SEC> CSG.FT> CCFS> ----------------------------- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0. 15 0. 15 0.02 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.08 0.20 0. 50 0.20 0. 10 0.30 0. 75 0.38 0.29 0.30 0.90 0.38 0.34 0.20 0.40 0. 15 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 o. 00-- CUBIC FT. /SEC. SQUARE FT. FT. /SEC. APPENDIX B Printout of Discharge Measurements 2-Hour Stage Data and Corresponding Discharges I "' I' PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 05/01/85 PAQE 1 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAQE DISCHQ DATE TIME BYT£ RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =··--=·· ···-· -------------··---------====·= 06/01/84 02:00 1 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/01/84 04:00 2 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/01/84 06:00 3 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/01/84 08:00 4 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/01/84 10:00 5 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/01/84 12:00 6 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/01/84 14:00 7 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/01/84 16:00. 8 a. 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/01/84 18:00 9 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 06/01/84 20:00 10 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 06/01184 22:00 -u t1 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 06/01/84 00:00 12 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0.46 0.46 4.9 06/02/84 02:00 13 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 06/02/84 04:00 14 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/02184 06:-00-·t5 09 0. 4!) 0.45 5. 1 06/02/84 08:00 16 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/02/84 10:00 17 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/02184 12:00 18 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 06/02/84 14:00 19 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/02184 16:00 20 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06102/M 18:-oct-21 10 0.!)0 0.50 5.4 06/02/84 20:00 22 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 06/02/84 22:00 23 10 0.50 0.50 5.4 06/02/84 00~00 24 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 .. DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0.48 0.48 5.3 06/03/84 -o2! 00 '2!) -ov· 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/03/84 04:00 26 10 0.50 0.50 5. 4 06/03/84 06:00 27 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/03/84 08:00 28 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/03/84 10:00 29 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/03/84 12:00 30 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/03/84 l4! 00 31 . 09 0.45 o.-45 5. 1 06/03/84 16:00 32 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 06/03/84 18:00 33 10 0.50 0.50 5.4 06/03/84-20:00 34. 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 06/03/84 22:00 35 10 0.50 0.50 5.4 06/03/84 00:00 36 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 DA T1 V AVFRAOF VAU.JFR 0 4R 0 4R !') ~ PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 05/01/85 PAGE 2 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAOE DISCHG DATE TII'IE BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ------------------···-···· ----·------------06/04/84 02:00 37 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 06/04/84 04:00 38 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/04/84 06:00 39 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/04/84 08:00 40 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/04/84 10:00 -41 -o9 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/04/84 12:00 42 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/04/84 14:00 43 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 Ob/04/84 lb:OO . 44 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/04/84 18:00 45 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/04/84 20:00 46 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 Obt04tt!M :z:t:oo·--47 09' 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/04/84 00:00 48 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/05/84 02:00 49 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/05/84 04:00 50 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/05184 06:--oo-51 ·1)9 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 06/05/84 08:00 52 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/05/84 10:00 53 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/05/84 1:t: 00 54 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/05/84 14:00 55 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/05/84 16:00 56 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/cnt/84----1-8':-()0-•57 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 06/05/84 20:00 58 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/05/1 Zi!: 00 59 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/05/ .... 00: 00 60 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/06/84 02:00 ·at· 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/06/84 04:00 62 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/06/84 06:00 63 o8 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/06/84 08:00 64 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 06/06/84 10:00 65 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/06/84 12:00 66 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/06/84 14:00 67 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/06/84 16:00 68 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/06/84 18:00 69 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 06/06/84 20:00 7'0 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/06/84 22:00 71 OS 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 06/06/84 00:00 72 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 0:42 0.42 3.9 ~ PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 0,/01/85 PAGE 3 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TI1'1E BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ......... --·-----· ·----------·-·· -----==•==· 06/07/84 02:00 73 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/07/84 04:00 74 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/07/84 06:00 75 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/07/84 08:00 76 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/07/84 10:00 77 .. ·oe-0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/07/84 12:00 78 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/07/84 14:00 79 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/07/84 16:00 BO 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/07/84 18:00 81 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/07/84 20:00 82 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/07/84 ·22'; 00 ··83· 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/07/84 00:00 84 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/08/84 02:00 8, 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/08/84 04:00 86 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/08/84 06:00 ·--87 .. 08 0.40 0.'40 3. 1 06/08/84 08:00 88 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/08/84 10:00 89 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/08/84 12:00 '90 OB 0.40 0. "'40 3. 1 06/0B/84 14:00 91 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/08/84 16:00 92 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 o6toaf84-·te;-oo -· ... "93 OS 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/08/84 20:00 94 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/0B/If;,12Q; 00 95 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/0!Jfd-l··-oo-:-00 ~--96 OS 0.40 0.40 3. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/09/84 02:00 97 ·os 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/09/84 04:00 98 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/09/84 06:00 99 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/09/84 08:00 100 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/09/84 10:00 101 OS 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/09/84 12:00 102 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/09/84 14:00 103 OS 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/09/84 16:00 104 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/09/84 18:00 105 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/09/84 20:00 106 OB 0.40 0.40 3. 1 ' 06/09/84 22:00 107 OS 0.40 0.40 3. 1 i i 06/09/84 00:00 lOB OS 0.40 0.40 3. 1 ('i DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 0.40 0.40 3. 1 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 05/01/85 PAGE 4 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =----=·· ---------·=·-----· =·-=·= =···---==== 06/10/84 02:00 109 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/10/84 04:00 110 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/10/84 06:00 111 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/10/84 08:00 112 08 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 06/10/84 10:00 113 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/10/84 12:00 114 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/10/84 14:00 115 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/10/84 16:00 116 OS 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 06/10/84 18:00 117 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/10/84 20:00 118 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 06/10/84 2~:00 119 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/10/84 00:00 120 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.38 0.38 2.6 06/11/84 02:00 121 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/11/84 04:00 122 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/11/84 06:00 123 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/11/84 08: 00 124 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/11/84 10:00 125 08 0. 40 0.40 3. 1 06/11/84 12: 00 126 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/11/84 14:00 127 08 0. 40 0.40 3. 1 06/11/84 16:00 128 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/11/84 18:00 129 oa 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/11/84 20:00 130 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/11/84 2~:00 131 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/11/84 00:00 132 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.37 0.37 2.2 06/12/84 02:00 133 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/12/84 04:00 134 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/12/84 06:00 135 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/12/84 08:00 136 01 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/12/84 10:00 137 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/12/84 12:00 138 08 0. 40 0.40 3. 1 06/12/84 14:00 139 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/12/84 16:00 140 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/12/84 18:00 141 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/12/84 20:00 142 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/12/84 22:00 143 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/12/84 00:00 144 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0.36 0.36 2. 1 PROPOSED ELIH HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/S5 PAGE 5 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIH, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/S4 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =··-=--------· .... -=·=-----·····== ••••zr ====··= 06/13/S4 02:00 145 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/13/S4 04:00 146 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/13/S4 06:00 147 07 0.35 0.3:5 1.7 06/13/S4 OS:OO 14S 07 0.35 0.3:5 1.7 06/13/S4 10:00 149 07 0.3:5 0.3:5 1.7 06/13/S4 12:00 150 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/13/S4 14:00 1:51 OS 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/13/S4 16:00 1:52 07 0.35 0.3:5 1.7 06/13/S4 1S:OO 1:53 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/13/S4 20:00 1:54 07 0.3:5 0.3:5 1.7 06/13/84 22:00 1!J:5 07 0.3:5 0.35 1.7 06/13/S4 00:00 156 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0.3:5 l.S 06/14/S4 02:00 1:57 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/14/S4 04:00 15S 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/14/84 06:00 1:59 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/14/S4 OS:OO 160 07 0.35 0.3:5 1.7 06/14/84 10:00 161 OS 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/14/S4 12:00 162 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/14/84 14:00 163 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/14/84 16:00 164 OS 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/14/S4 18:00 165 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 06/14/84 20:00 166 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/14/84 22:00 167 07 0.35 0.3:5 1.7 06/14/84 00:00 168 07 0.35 0.3:5 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.36 0.36 2. 1 06/15/84 02:00 169 07 0.3:5 0.3:5 1. 7 06/15/S4 04:00 170 07 0.35 0.3:5 1.7 06/15/S4 06:00 171 07 0.35 0.3:5 1. 7 06/1:5/S4 OS:OO 172 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/15/S4 10:00 173 07 0.35 0.3:5 1. 7 06/15/S4 12:00 174 07 0.35 0.3:5 1.7 06/15/S4 14:00 175 07 0.3:5 0.3:5 1. 7 06/1:5/S4 16:00 176 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/15/S4 1S:OO 177 07 0.3:5 0.35 1.7 06/15/84 20:00 17S 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/1:5/84 22:00 179 07 0.35 0.3:5 1. 7 06/15/S4 00:00 1SO 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0.3:5 1. 7 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/85 PAGE 6 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TII'IE BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =-=---------· --·-==··-----==··=· ==-·· ===·=- 06/16/84 02:00 181 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/16/84 04:00 182 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/16/84 06:00 183 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/16/84 08:00 184 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/16/84 10:00 185 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/16/84 12:00 186 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/16/84 14:00 187 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/16/84 16:00 188 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/16/84 18:00 184'1 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/16/84 20:00 14'10 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/16/84 22:00 14'11 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/16/84 00:00 14'12 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/17/84 02:00 14'13 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/17/84 04:00 14'14 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/17/84 06:00 14'15 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/17/84 08:00 14'16 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/17/84 10:00 14'17 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/17/84 12:00 14'18 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/17/84 14:00 14'14'1 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/17/84 16:00 200 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/17184 18:00 201 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/17/84 20:00 202 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/17/84 22:00 203 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/17184 00:00 204 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/18/84 02:00 205 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 -06/18/84 04:00 206 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/18/84 06:00 207 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/18/84 08:00 208 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/18/84 10:00 204'1 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/18/84 12:00 210 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/18/84 14:00 211 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/18/84 16:00 212 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/18/84 18:00 213 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/18/84 20:00 214 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/18/84 22:00 215 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/18/84 00:00 216 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0.35 1.7 • PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 05/01/85 PAGE 7 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ====··--•.... -------------=·=·=· ===·-:a::n=•== 06/19/84 02:00 217 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/19/84 04:00 218 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/19/84 06:00 219 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/19/84 08:00 220 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/19/84 10:00 221 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/19/84 12:00 222 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/19/84 14:00 223 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/19/84 16:00 224 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/19/84 18:00 225 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/19/84 20:00 226 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/19/84 22:00 227 07 . 0. 35 0.35 1.7 06/19/84 00:00 228 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 02:00 229 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 04:00 230 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 06:00 . 231 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 08:00 232 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 10:00 233 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 12:00 234 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 14:00 235 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 16:00 236 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 . 18; 00 237 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 20:00 238 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 22:00 239 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/20/84 00:00 240 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/21/84 02:00 241 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/21/84 04:00 242 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/21/84 06:00 243 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/21184 o8:oo 244 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/21/84 10:00 245 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/21/84 12:00 246 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/21/84 14:00 247 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/21/84 16:00 248 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/21/84 18:00 249 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/21/84 20:00 250 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/21/84 22:00 251 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/21/84 00:00 252 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0.35 1.7 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/85 PAQE 8 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS --------------------···-·· ·-----==·=· =-----06/22/84 02:00 2,3 07 0.3, 0.3, 1.7 06/22/84 04:00 254 07 0.35 0.3, 1.7 06/22/84 06:00 255 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/22/84 08:00 256 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/22/84 10:00 257 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/22/84 12:00 258 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/22/84 14:00 259 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/22/84 16:00 260 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/22/84 18:00 261 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/22/84 20:00 262 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/22/84 22:00 263 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/22/84 00:00 264 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/23/84 02:00 26, 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/23/84 04:00 266 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/23/84 06:00 267 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/23/84 08:00 268 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/23/84 10:00 269 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/23/84 12:00 270 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/23/84 14:00 271 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/23/84 16:00 272 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/23/84 11!: 00 273 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/23/84 20:00 274 07 0,3, 0.3, 1.7 06/23/84 22:00 27, 07 0.3, 0.3, 1.7 06/231t!t400:00 276 07 0.3, 0.3, 1.7 DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0.35 0.3, 1.7 06/24/84 02:00 277 07 0.3, 0.3, 1.7 -06/24/84 04:00 278 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/24/84 06:00 279 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/24/84 08:00 280 07 0.3, 0.35 1.7 06/24/84 10:00 281 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/24/84 12:00 282 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/24/84 14:00 283 07 0.3, 0.3, 1.7 06/24/84 16:00 284 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/24/84 18:00 285 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/24/84 20:00 286 07 0.3, 0.3, 1.7 06/24/84 22:00 287 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/24/84 00:00 288 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 0.3, 0.35 1.6 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/85 PAGE 9 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ===--=-·· -----=·=· ==·=··-==· =·=··= ===·· ==•==· 06/25/84 02:00 289 07 0. 35 0.35 1.7 06/25/84 04:00 290 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/25/84 06:00 291 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/25/84 08:00 Gi!92 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/25/84 10:00 293 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/25/84 12:00 294 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/25/84 14:00 295 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/25/84 16:00 296 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/25/84 18:00 297 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/25/84 20:00 298 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/25/84 22:00 299 07 0. 35 0.35 1.7 06/25/84 00:00 300 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0.35 1.6 06/26/84 02:00 301 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/26/84 04:00 302 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/26/84 06:00 303 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/26/84 08:00 304 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/26/84 10:00 305 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/26/84 12:00 306 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/26/84 14:00 307 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/26/84 16:00 308 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/26/84 t8:oo 309 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/26/84 20:00 310 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/26/84 22:00 311 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/26/84 00:00 312 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.34 0.34 1.6 06/27/84 02:00 313 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/27/84 04:00 314 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/27/84 06:00 315 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/27/84 08:00 316 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/27/84 10:00 317 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 06/27/84 12:00 318 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/27/84 14:00 319 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/27/84 16:00 320 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/27/84 18:00 321 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/27/84 20:00 322 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/27/84 22:00 323 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/27/84 00:00 324 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.33 0.33 1.4 • PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/85 PAGE 10 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =---------------=· ---------=··-·= ·-=··--=---= 06/28/84 02:00 325 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/28/84 04:00 326 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/28/84 06:00 327 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/28/84 08:00 328 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/28/94 10:00 329 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/28/84 12:00 330 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/28/84 14:00 331 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/28/84 16:00 332 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/28/84 18:00 333 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/28/94 20:00 334 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/28/94 22:00 335 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/28/84 00:00 336 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.31 0.31 1. 1 06/29/84 02:00 337 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/29/84 04:00 338 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/29/84 06:00 339 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/29/84 08:00 340 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/29/84 10:00 341 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/29/84 12:00 342 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/29/84 14:00 343 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/29/84 16:00 344 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/29/84 U!t: 00 345 01 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/29/84 20:00 346 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/29/84 22:00 347 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/29/84 00:00 348 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.33 0.33 1.3 06/30/84 02: 00 349 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/30/84 04:00 350 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/30/84 06:00 351 01 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/30/84 08:00 352 01 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/30/84 10:00 353 01 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/30/84 12:00 354 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/30/84 14:00 355 01 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/30/84 16:00 356 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 06/30/84 18:00 357 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/30/84 20:00 358 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/30/84 22:00 359 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 06/30/84 00:00 360 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY Avt!RAQE VALUES 0.32 0.32 1.2 • PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/85 PAGE 11 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS -------------•••a •=••••••• ==··=· ··-·· ==·==--07/01/84 02:00 361 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 07/01/84 04:00 362 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/01/84 06:00 363 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/01/84 08:00 364 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 07/01/84 10:00 365 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/01/84 12:00 366 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/01/84 14:00 367 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/01/84 16:00 368 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/01/84 18:00 369 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/01/84 20:00 370 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/01/84 22:00 371 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/01/84 00:00 372 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.31 0.31 1.0 07/02/84 02:00 373 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/02/84 04:00 374 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/02/84 06:00 375 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/02/84 08:00 376 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/02/84 10:00 377 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/02/84 12:00 378 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/02/84 14:00 379 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/02/84 16:00 380 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 07/02/84 18: 00 381 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/02/84 20:00 382 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/02/84 :Z2:00 383 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/02/84 00: 00 384 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 0.32 0.32 1.2 07/03/84 02:00 385 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/03/84 04:00 386 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/03/84 06:00 387 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/03/84 08:00 38B 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/03/84 10:00 389 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/03/84 12:00 390 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/03/84 14:00 391 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/03/84 16:00 392 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/03/84 18:00 393 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/03/84 20:00 394 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/03/84 22:00 395 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/03/84 00:00 396 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 0.30 0.30 0.90 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 05/01/85 PAGE 12 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ---------------------------------------·---07/04/84 02:00 397 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/04/84 04:00 398 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/04/84 06:00 399 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/04/84 08:00 400 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/04/84 10:00 401 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/04/84 12:00 402 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/04/84 14:00 403 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/04/84 16:00 404 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/04/84 18:00 405 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/04/84 20:00 406 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/04/194 22:00 407 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/04/84 00:00 408 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.30 0.30 1.0 07/05/84 02:00 409 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/05/84 04:00 410 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/05/84 06:00 411 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/05/84 08:00 412 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/05/84 10:00 413 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/05/84 12:00 414 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/05/84 14:00 415 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/05/84 16:00 416 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/05/t!t4 18:00 417 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/05/84 20:00 418 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/05/84 22:00 419 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/05/84 00:00 420 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.33 0.33 1.4 07/06/84 02:00 421 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/06/84 04:00 422 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/06/84 06:00 423 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/06/84 08:00 424 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 07/06/84 10:00 425 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 07/06/84 12:00 426 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/06/84 14:00 427 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/06/84 16:00 428 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/06/84 18:00 429 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/06/84 20:00 430 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/06/84 22:00 431 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/06/84 00:00 432 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY Avt!:ftAQE VALUES 0.35 0.35 1.9 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 05/01/85 PAQE 13 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAQE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ·-=·----....... -------------=·-··= -----=-=··== 07/07/84 02:00 433 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 07/07/84 04:00 434 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/07/84 06:00 435 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/07/84 08:00 436 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/07/84 10:00 437 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/07/84 12:00 438 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/07/84 14:00 439 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/07/84 1b:OO 440 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/07/84 18:00 441 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/07/84 20:00 442 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 07/07/84 22:00 443 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/07/84 00:00 444 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0.35 1.6 07/08/84 02:00 445 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/08/84 04:00 446 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/08/84 06:00 447 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/08/84 08:00 448 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/08/84 10:00 449 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/08/84 12:00 450 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/08/84 14:00 451 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/08/84 16:00 452 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/08/84 18:00 453 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/08/84 20:00 454 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/08/84 22:00 455 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/08/84 00:00 456 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.33 0.33 1.3 07/09/84 02:00 4:57 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/09/84 04:00 458 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/09/84 06:00 459 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/09/84 08:00 460 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/09/84 10:00 461 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/09/84 12:00 462 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/09/84 14:00 463 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/09/84 16:00 464 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/09/84 18:00 465 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/09/84 20:00 466 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/09/84 22:00 467 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/09/84 00:00 468 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 0.32 0.32 1.2 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 05/01/85 PAGE 14 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TII''IE BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS -----------------=---------===-=·= ===·-====== 07/10/84 02:00 469 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/10/84 04:00 470 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 07/10/84 06:00 471 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/10/84 08:00 472 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 07/10/84 10:00 473 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/10/84 12:00 474 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/10/84 14:00 475 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/10/84 16:00 476 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/10/84 18:00 477 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/10/84 20:00 478 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/10/84 22:00 479 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/10/84 00:00 480 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.31 0.31 1.0 07/11/84 02: 00 481 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/11/84 04:00 482 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/11/84 06:00 483 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/11/84 08:00 484 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/11/84 10:00 485 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/11/84 12:00 486 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 07/11/84 14:00 487 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 07/11/84 16:00 488 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 07/11/84 11!!1: 00 48. 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/11/84 20:00 490 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/11/84 22: 00 491 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 07/11/84 00: 00 41P2 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.30 0.30 1.0 07/12/84 02:00 41P3 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/12/84 04:00 494 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/12/84 06:00 495 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/12/84 08:00 496 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/12/84 10:00 497 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/12/84 12:00 498 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/12/84 14:00 499 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/12/84 16:00 500 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/12/84 18:00 501 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/12/84 20:00 502 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 07/12/84 22:00 503 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/12/84 00:00 504 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.30 0.30 0.90 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 0:5/01/85 PAGE 15 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ==·----------=---·====··=· ===·== ===·· ====== 07/13/84 02:00 505 06 0. 30 0.30 0.90 07/13/84 04:00 506 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 07/13/84 06:00 :507 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/13/84 08:00 508 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/13/84 10:00 :509 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/13/84 12:00 510 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/13/84 14:00 511 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/13/84 16:00 512 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/13/84 18:00 :513 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/13/84 20:00 514 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/13/84 22:00 51:5 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/13/84 00:00 :516 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/14/84 02:00 :517 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/14/84 04:00 :518 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/14/84 06:00 :519 06 0. 30 0.30 0.90 07/14/84 08:00 :520 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/14/84 10:00 521 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/14/84 12:00 :522 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/14/84 14:00 :523 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/14/84 16:00 524 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/14/84 1e-: 00 :525 06 0. 30 0.30 0.90 07/14/84 20:00 :526 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/14/84 22:00 :527 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/14/94 00:00 :528 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.31 0.31 1.0 07/1:5/84 02:00 .529 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/15/84 04:00 530 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/15/84 06:00 531 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/1:5/84 08:00 532 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/1:5/84 10:00 :533 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/1:5/84 12:00 :534 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/1:5/84 14:00 :535 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/1:5/84 16:00 :536 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/15/84 18:00 537 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/1:5/84 20:00 538 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/1:5/84 22:00 :539 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 07/1:5/84 00:00 :540 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.30 0.30 1.0 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 05/01/85 PAGE 16 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TII'IE BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS --------------------------------=···--=-·=· 07/16/84 02:00 541 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/16/84 04:00 542 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/16/84 06:00 543 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/16/84 08:00 544 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/16/84 10:00 '545 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/16/84 12:00 546 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/16/84 14:00 547 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/16/84 16:00 548 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/16/84 18:00 549 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/16/84 20:00 550 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07116/84 22:00 551 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07116/84 00:00 552 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.30 0.30 1.0 07/17/84 02:00 553 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/17/84 04:00 554 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07117/84 06:00 555 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/17/84 08:00 556 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/17/84 10:00 557 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/17/84 12:00 558 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/17/84 14:00 559 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/17/84 16:00 560 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/17/84 18:00 561 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/17/84 20:00 562 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/17/84 22:00 563 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/17/84 00:00 564 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.30 0.30 1.0 07/18/84 02:00 565 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/18/84 04:00 566 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/18/84 06:00 567 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/18/84 08:00 568 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/18/84 10:00 569 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/18/84 12:00 570 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/18/84 14:00 571 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/18/84 16:00 572 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07118/84 18:00 573 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/18/84 20:00 574 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/18/84 22:00 575 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/18/84 00:00 576 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0.30 0.30 1.0 I t 1,' 1,,: I '->· j ~ n, ;••I I . (' l"i ,. I I i i !A• l.nl 1,~ PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA DATE -liME BYTE RAW DATA-------------------------·-· 07/19/84 02:00 577 06 07/19/84 04:00 578 Ob 07/19/84 06:00 579 06 07/19/84 08:00 580 06 07/19/84 10:-00 -581 "07 07/19/84 12:00 582 07 07/19/84 14:00 583 07 07/19/84 1&~00 584 07 07/19/84 18:00 585 07 07/19/84 20:00 586 06 o7tt~11M-22. oo ~ ------or 07/19/84 00:00 598 07 DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 07/20/84 02:00 589 06 07/20/84 04:00 590 06 07120/84 ~oo----~r --01· 07/20/84 08:00 592 07 07/20/94 10:00 593 07 07/20/84 12!00 ~94 07 07/20/84 14:00 595 07 07/20/84 16:00 596 07 07120J1.,. .. ta:-oo-------~7 VT. 07/20/84 20:00 598 07 07/20/84 22:00 599 07 07/20/84 00:00 '600" 07 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 07/21/84 02: oo-·· --oOl -·· 07 07/21/84 04:00 602 06 07/21/94 06:00 603 07 07121184 oe:oo 604 o7 07/21/84 10:00 605 07 07/21/84 12:00 606 07 07/21/94 14: oo tro7 or 07/21/94 16:00 609 07 07/21/84 18:00 609 07 07121/84 20:oo oto Oll · 07/21/84 22:00 611 07 07/21/84 00:00 612 07 . DAILY AVERAGE VALUES- 05/01/85 PAGE 17 START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG CFS -FEET-. FEET ------=···-==----0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.30 0.35" 0.35 0.33 0.30 0.30 0:35' 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0. 35'' 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.34 0.35' 0.30 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 a.35 0.35 0.35 0. 30' 0.35 0.35 0.34'- 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.35' 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.30 0:35 0.35 0.33 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 1.7 1. 7 1.7 1. 7 1.7 0. 90 -I. 7 1. 7 1.4 0.30 0.90 0.30 0.90 0.35 ... -T. 7 0. 35 1. 7 0.35 1. 7 0.35 1.7 0.35 1. 7 0.35 1.7 0:'35 I. 7 0.35 1. 7 0.35 1.7 0. 35 1. 7 0.34 1.6 o.·35" 0.30 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 '0. 35 0.35 0.35 0.30 0.35 0.35 0'.34 1.7 0.90 1.7 1. 7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 0.90 1.7 1.7 ·-r. 6 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 05/01/85 PAGE 18 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TII'IE BYTE RAW DA TIIi FEET FEET CFS -----------------------·-· --·-·· -------=--= 07/22/84 02:00 613 07 0.3:5 0.35 1.7 07/22/84 04:00 614 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/22/84 06:00 615 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/22/84 08:00 616 07 0.35 0.3:5 1.7 07/22/84 10:-oo~--617 07-0.35 0.35 1.7 07/22/84 12:00 618 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/22/84 14:00 619 07 0.35 0.3!5 1.7 07122184 t&:oo 020-06 0.30 0.:10 0.90 07/22/84 18:00 621 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/22/84 20:00 622 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07122184 22: 00 •fi23 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/22/84 00:00 624 07 0.35 0.3!5 1. 7 DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0.33 0.33 1.3 07/23/84 02:00 62:5 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/23/84 04:00 626 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 07/23/84 06:00 627-06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/23/84 08:00 628 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/23/84 10:00 629 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07123184 12:00 -&30 07 0.3!5 0.3:5 1. 7 07/23/84 14:00 631 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/23/84 16:00 632 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07 /23f84 t1t: -oo--633 07 0.3:5 0.3!5 1. 7 fl'! 07/23/84 20:00 634 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/23/84 22:00 63!5 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07123184-00:-oo 636 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0.31 0.31 1.0 -~- o7t24ttM oa. oo ··· ---a37 0& 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/24/84 04:00 638 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/24/84 06:00 639 07 0.3!5 0.35 1.7 07124184 08:00 '&40 07 0.3!5 0.35 1.7 -i 07/24/84 10:00 641 07 0.3!5 0.3:5 1.7 1 I 07/24/84 12:00 642 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 '· 07/24184 14:00 643 01!1 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/24/84 16:00 644 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/24/84 18:00 64!5 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/24184 20:00 646 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/24/84 22:00 647 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/24/84 00:00 648 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVI!RAOE VALUES 0.32 0.32 1.2 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/85 PAGE 19 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHQ DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET-FEET CFS -----------=-· -------------·===== -----------07/25/84 02:00 649 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/25/84 04:00 650 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/25/84 06:00 651 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/25/84 08:00 652 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 i 07/~/84 10:00--~-o53 Oli -·---0. 3CT-0.3() 0.90 'l 07/25/84 12:00 654 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/25/84 14:00 655 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/25/84 16:00 -· 656 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/25/84 18:00 657 07 0. 35 0.35 1.7 07/25/84 20:00 658 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/25-184 22:· 00 --~9 ott---.. ---. ----o. 30 0.30 0.90 07/25/84 00:00 660 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.32 0.32 . 1. 2 07/26/84 02:00 661 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/26/84 04:00 662 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/26/84 06:00 -663-U6 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/26/84 08:00 664 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/26/84 10:00 665 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/26/84 12:00 666-06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/26/84 14:00 667 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/26/84 16:00 668 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 07/26/84 18: 00 --·-&~ 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/26/84 20:00 670 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/26/84 22:00 671 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/26/84 00: OCT--·--672 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.31 0.31 1. 0 g~~~~'" ':; ~g ----~ ----CT6 0~ 30 -u.3o 0.90 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/27/84 06:00 675 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/27/84 oe: oo---· 676 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 '-07/27/84 10:00 677 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/27/84 12:00 678 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/27/84 14:oo· 019 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/27/84 16:00 680 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/27/84 19:00 691 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/27/84 20:00 -682 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 07/27/84 22:00 683 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/27/84 00:00 684 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 0.31 0.31 1. 1 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 05/01/85 PAGE 20 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ---------------------------------------···· 07/28/84 02:00 685 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/28/84 04:00 686 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 07/28/84 06:00 687 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/28/84 08:00 688 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/28/84 10:00 689 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/28/84 12:00 690 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/28/84 14:00 691 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/28/84 16:00 6112 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/28/84 18:00 693 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/28/84 20:00 694 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/28/84 22:00 695 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/28/84 00:00 696 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.32 0.32 1.2 07/29/84 02:00 697 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/29/84 04:00 698 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/29/84 06:00 ----699 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/29/84 08:00 700 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/29/84 10:00 701 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 07/29/84 12:00 702 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/29/84 14:00 703 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/29/84 16:00 704 06 0.30 0.30 0.90 07/29/84 18:00 . 705 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/29/84 20:00 706 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/29/84 22:00 707 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/29/84 00~00 70S 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0.35 1.6 0 7 /30f"t!!tit-1)2: 00-. 704J 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/30/84 04:00 710 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/30/84 06:00 711 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07130184 08: 00 712 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/30/84 10:00 713 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/30/84 12:00 714 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/30/84 14:00 715 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/30/84 16:00 716 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/30/84 18:00 717 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/30/84 20:00 718 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 07/30/84 22:00 719 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 07/30/84 00:00 720 10 0.50 0.50 5.4 DAlLY AVERAQE VALUES 0.37 0.37 2.3 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/85 PAOE 21 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHQ DATE TII"IE BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS --------------------·····-==·=·= =·-==· ·===·= 07/31/84 02:00 721 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 07/31/84 04:00 722 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 07/31/84 06:00 723 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 07/31/84 08:00 724 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 07/31/84 10:00 ~··725 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 07/31/84 12:00 726 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 07/31/84 14:00 727 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 07/31184 16:00 728 OS 0. 40 0.40 3. 1 07/31/84 18:00 729 08 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 07/31/84 20:00 730 08 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 07/31/84 22:00 731 OS 0.40 0.40 3. 1 07/31/84 00:00 732 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.42 0.42 3.8 08/01/84 02:00 733 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 08/01/84 04:00 734 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 08/01/84 06:-oo-.. 735 ~ 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 08/01/84 08:00 736 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 08/01/84 10:00 737 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 08/01/84 12:00 738 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 08/01/84 14:00 739 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 08/01/84 16:00 740 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 08/01/84 18:00 -741 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/01/84 20:00 742 14 0.70 0.70 8.3 08/01/84 22:00 743 14 0. 70 0.70 8.3 08/01/84 00:00 .. 744 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 51 0.51 5. 1 08/02/M 02:00 7~ 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/02/94 04:00 746 12 0.60 0.60 6. 8 08/02/84 06:00 747 12 0.60 0.60 6. 8 08/02/84 OS:OO 748 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 '-08/02/84 10:00 749 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/02/84 12:00 750 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/02/84 14:00 751 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/02/84 16:00 752 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/02/84 18:00 753 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/02/84 20:00 754 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/02/84 22:00 755 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/02/84 00:00 756 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.63 0.63 7.3 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/85 PAGE 22 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ------------· ----------·== ·=-··· =·=·-=·==== 08/03/84 02:00 757 13 0.65 0.65 7.5 08/03/84 04:00 758 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/03/84 06:00 759 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/03/84 08:00 760 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/03/84 10:00 761 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/03/84 12:00 762 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/03/84 14:00 763 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/03/84 16:00 764 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/03/84 18:00 765 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/03/84 20:00 766 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/03/84 22:00 767 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/03/84 00:00 768 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/04/84 02:00 769 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/04/84 04:00 770 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/04/84 06:00 771 13 0.65 0.65 7. 5 08/04/84 08:00 772 13 0.65 0.65 7.5 08/04/84 10:00 773 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/04/84 12:00 774 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/04/84 14:00 775 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/04/84 16:00 776 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/04/84 18:00 7'17 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/04/84 20:00 778 13 0.65 0.65 7.5 08/04/84 22:00 779 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/04/84 00:00 780 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.62 0.62 7. 1 08/051194-02: 00 781 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/05/84 04:00 782 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/05/84 06:00 783 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/05/84 08:00 784 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/05/84 10:00 785 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/05/84 12:00 786 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/05/84 14:00 787 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/05/84 16:00 788 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/05/84 18:00 789 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/05/84 20:00 790 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/05/84 22:00 791 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/05/84 00:00 792 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0.60 0.60 6.8 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/85 PAGE 23 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =·--=---··-------·-=····---•=t::~••• ==··· ==-··-08/06/84 02:00 793 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/06/84 04:00 794 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/06/84 06:00 795 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/06/84 08:00 796 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/06/84 10:00 797 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/06/84 12:00 798 1:Z 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/06/84 14:00 799 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/06/84 16:00 800 12 0. 60 0.60 6.8 08/06/84 18:00 801 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/06/84 :ZO:OO 802 12 0.60 0.60 6.8 08/06/84 22:00 803 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/06/84 00:00 804 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 59 0. 59 6.6 08/07/84 02:00 805 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/07/84 04:00 806 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/07/84 06:00 807 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/07/84 08:00 808 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/07/84 10:00 809 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/07/84 12:00 810 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 08/07/84 14:00 811 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/07184 16:00 81:Z 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08107184 18:00 813 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/07184 20:00 814 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/07184 22:00 815 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/07184 00:00 816 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 0810818'4 02: 00 817 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/08/84 04:00 818 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/08184 06:00 819 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/08184 08:00 920 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 ... 08/08/84 10:00 821 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/08/84 12:00 822 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08108184 14:00 823 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/08/84 16:00 824 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/08/84 18:00 825 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/08/84 20:00 926 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/08/84 22:00 827 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/08/84 00:00 828 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/85 PAQE 24 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAQE DISCHQ DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS --------------------------=:=•=·-=•:a=• --··=· 08/09/84 02:00 829 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/09/84 04:00 830 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/09/84 06:00 831 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/09/84 08:00 832 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/09/84 10:00 833 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/09/84 12:00 834 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/09/84 14:00 835 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/09/84 16:00 836 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/09/84 18:00 837 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/09/84 20:00 838 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/09/84 22: 00 839 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/09/84 00:00 840 11 0. 55 0.55 . 6. 1 DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0. 55 0. 55 6.0 08/10/84 02:00 841 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/10/84 04:00 842 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/10/84 06:00 843 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/10/84 08:00 844 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/10/84 10:00 845 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/10/84 12:00 846 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/10/84 14:00 847 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/10/84 16:00 848 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/10/1!4 18:00 849 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/10/84 20:00 850 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/10/84 22:00 851 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/10184 00:00 852 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/11·/fM---()2-;00 853 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/11/84 04: 00 854 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/11/84 06:00 855 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08111/84 08:00 856 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/11/84 10: 00 857 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/11/84 12: 00 858 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/11/84 14:00 859 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/11/84 16:00 860 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/11/84 18:00 861 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/11/84 20:00 862 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/11/84 22:00 863 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/11/84 00:00 864 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROEU:.c rRIC PROJECT 05/01/85 PAGE 25 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATI!: TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ==···=== ---------•=••=••a::= ·==·== --==·-=====· 08/12/84 02:00 86~ 10 0. ~0 0. 50 5. 4 08/12/84 04:00 866 10 0. 50 0. ~0 5.4 08/12/84 06:00 867 10 0. ~0 0.~0 5. 4 08/12/84 08:00 868 10 0. 50 0. ~0 5. 4 08/12/84 10:00 869 10 0.50 0. ~0 5.4 08/12/84 12:00 870 10 0. ~0 0.50 5. 4 08/12/84 14:00 871 10 0. ~0 0. 50 5. 4 08/12/84 16:00 872 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/12/84 18:00 873 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/12/84 20:00 874 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/12/84 22:00 87~ 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/12/84 00:00 876 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/13/84 02:00 877 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/13/84 04:00 878 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/13/84 06:00 879 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/13/84 08:00 880 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 08/13/84 10:00 881 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/13/84 12:00 882 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/13/84 14:00 883 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/13/84 16:00 884 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/13/84 18:00 885 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 08/13/84 20:00 886 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 08/13/84 22:00 887 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/13/84 00:00 888 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/14/ ... 02~00-889 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 08/14/94 04:00 890 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/14/84 06:00 891 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/14/84 08:00 892 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 \.. 08/14/84 10:00 893 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/14/84 12:00 894 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/14/84 14:00 895 10 0.50 0. 50 5. 4 08/14/84 16:00 896 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/14/84 18:00 897 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/14/84 20:00 898 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/14/84 22:00 899 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/14/84 00:00 900 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.50 0. 50 5. 4 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT 05/01/85 PAGE 26 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS -------------...... ----------=-·=· -----=···--08/15/84 02:00 901 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/15/84 04:00 902 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/15/84 06:00 903 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/15/84 08:00 904 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/15/84 10:00 905 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/15/84 12:00 906 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/15/84 14:00 907 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/15/84 16:00 908 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/15/84 18:00 909 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/15/84 20:00 910 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/15/84 22:00 911 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/15/84 00:00 912 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/16/84 02:00 913 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/16/84 04:00 914 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/16/84 06:00 915 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/16/84 08:00 916 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/16/84 10:00 917 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/16/84 12:00 918 10 0.50 0. 50 5. 4 08/16/84 14:00 919 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/16/84 16:00 920 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/16/84 18:00 921 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/16/84 20:00 922 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/16/84 22:00 923 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/16/84 00:00 4Jt24 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 51 0. 51 5. 5 08/17/84"02:00 41P25 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/17/84 04:00 926 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/17/84 06:00 927 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/17/84 08:00 .:ze 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/17/84 10:00 929 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/17/84 12:00 930 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/17/84 14:00 931 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/17/84 16:00 932 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/17/84 18:00 933 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/17/84 20:00 934 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/17/84 22:00 935 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/17/84 00:00 936 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5. 5 PROt"'UtiEO t:.LlM HvurnJEU:.l. 1 t<IC t-I'(U<JEC r 05tvJJ85 r-AGE ,}.7 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASKA START TIME 06/01/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG OAT!: TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =··=·=--------------------======= ===·= ===r==-= 08/18/84 02:00 937 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/18/84 04:00 938 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 08/18/84 06:00 939 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/18/84 08:00 940 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/18/84 10:00 941 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/18/84 12:00 942 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/18/84 14:00 943 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/18/84 16:00 944 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/18/84 18:00 945 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/18/84 20:00 946 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/U!J/84 22:00 947 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/18/84 00:00 948 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/19/84 02:00 949 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/19/84 04:00 950 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/19/84 06:00 "1 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/19/84 08:00 952 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/19/84 10:00 953 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/19/84 12:00 954 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/19/84 14:00 955 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/19/84 16:00 956 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/19/84 18:00 957 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/19/84 20:00 958 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/19/84 22:00 959 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/19/84 00:00 960 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/20/84 02:00 961 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/20/84 04:00 962 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/20/84 06:00 963 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/20/84 08:00 964 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 ._ 08/20/84 10:00 965 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/20/84 12:00 966 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/20/84 14:00 967 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/20/84 16:00 968 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 08/20/84 18:00 969 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/20/84 20:00 970 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/20/84 22:00 971 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/20/84 00:00 972 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 .... ._ ....... ___ ---·. ~ ......... ·-----...... -. PE ___ lEN ~--EK ··-·'1 El ••• AL ....... A STA"T TIMF ~~/01 '0 ~ 1'\"'·')0 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =•a••••• ••••• ----=--------·==··= ---==-===·=- 08/21/84 02:00 973 10 0. ~0 0. 50 5.4 08/21/84 04:00 974 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/21/84 06:00 97~ 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/21/84 08:00 976 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/21/84 10:00 977 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/21/84 12:00 978 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/21/84 14:00 979 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/21/84 16:00 980 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/21/84 18:00 981 10 0. ~0 0. 50 5.4 08/21/84 20:00 982 10 0. 50 0. 50 ~.4 08/21184 22: 00 983 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/21184 00: 00 984 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/22/84 02:00 cpa~ 10 0. 50 0. ~0 ~-4 08/22/84 04:00 986 10 0. ~0 0. 50 5. 4 08/22/84 06:00 tnt? 10 0. ~0 0.~0 ~.4 08/22/84 08:00 988 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/22/84 10:00 989 11 0. ~5 0. 55 6. 1 08/22/84 12:00 990 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/22/84 14:00 991 11 0. 55 0. 5~ 6. 1 08/22/84 16:00 992 11 0. 55 0. 5~ 6. 1 08/22/84 18:00 9iP3 11 0. ~5 0.55 6. 1 08/22/84 20:00 994 11 0. 55 0. 5~ 6. 1 08/22/84 22:00 995 11 0. 55 0.5~ 6. 1 08/22/84 00:00 996 10 0. ~0 0. 50 ~-4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 53 0. 53 5.9 08/23/84 02:00 997 10 0. ~0 0.~0 ~.4 08/23/84 04:00 998 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/23/84 06:00 999 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/23/84 08:00 000 11 0. ~~ 0.~5 6. 1 08/23/84 10:00 001 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/23/84 12:00 002 10 0. 50 0. ~0 5. 4 08/23/84 14:00 003 11 0.~~ 0. ~5 6. 1 08/23/84 16:00 004 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/23/84 18:00 005 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/23/84 20:00 006 11 0.~~ 0. ~~ 6. 1 08/23/84 22:00 007 11 0. ~5 0. ~~ 6. 1 08/23/84 00:00 008 11 0.~~ 0.~~ 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. ~4 0. ~4 ~.9 . -·-··--·-. ..... ~--·" .... _ .... ~ --···~ ....... ·-1 u' -..... . -· ·~ DEPTH STAOE DISCHQ DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =••••=•• =•••m ----==······-DIIUI:Caa• ··==· =··==· 08/24/84 02:00 009 11 0.55 0.:55 6. 1 08/24/84 04:00 010 11 0.55 0.5:5 6. 1 08/24/84 06:00 011 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/24/84 08:00 012 11 0.5:5 0. 55 6. 1 08/24/84 10:00 013 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/24/84 12:00 014 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/24/84 14:00 015 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/24/84 16:00 016 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/24/84 18:00 017 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/24/84 20:00 018 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/24/84 22:00 01CJ' 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/24/84 00:00 020 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/25/84 02:00 021 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/25/84 04:00 022 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/25/84 06:00 023 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/25/84 08:00 024 11 0. :55 0. 55 6. 1 08/25/84 10:00 025 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/25/84 12:00 026 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/25/84 14:00 027 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/25/84 16:00 028 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/25/84 18:00 029 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/25/84 20:00 030 11 0.55 0. 5:5 6. 1 08/25/84 22:00 031 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/25/84 00:00 032 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/26/84 02:00 033 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/26/84 04:00 034 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/26/84 06:00 035 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/26/84 08:00 036 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/26/84 10:00 037 11 0. 5:5 0. 55 6. 1 08/26/84 12:00 038 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 08/26/84 14:00 03CJ' 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 '-08/26/84 16:00 040 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/26/84 18:00 041 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/26/84 20:00 042 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/26/84 22:00 043 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/26/84 00:00 044 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 55 0. :55 6. 1 ... -· ·----PE ___ ,EN A--EK ·-·1 ~ ·-Al""""A STA 0 T TIMF n~/OJ'DA {'\~·1)0 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ------------· ---· ·====··--==-=··= ==··· =·=··· 08/27/84 02:00 045 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/27/84 04:00 046 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/27/84 06:00 047 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/27/84 08:00 048 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/27/84 10:00 049 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/27/84 12:00 050 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 08/27/84 14:00 051 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/27/84 16:00 052 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/27/84 18:00 053 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/27/84 20:00 054 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/27/84 22:00 055 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 08/27/84 00:00 056 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 54 0. 54 6.0 08/28/84 02:00 057 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/28/84 04:00 058 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/28/84 06:00 0519 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/28/84 08:00 060 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/28/84 10:00 061 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/28/84 12:00 062 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/28/84 14:00 063 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/28/84 16:00 064 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/28/84 18:00 065 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/28/84 20:00 066 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/28/84 22:00 067 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 08/28/84 00:00 068 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 55 0. 55 6.0 08/29/84 02: 00 069 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/29/84 04:00 070 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/29/84 06:00 071 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/29184 "08:00 072 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/29/84 10:00 073 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/29/84 12:00 074 11 0.55 0. 55 6. 1 08/29/84 14:00 075 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/29/84 16:00 076 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/29/84 18:00 077 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 08/29/84 20:00 078 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/29/84 22:00 019 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/29/84 00:00 080 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.55 0. 55 6.0 i t... t L...l\...,._t,_ 'wH'-'-'" '~""'-~1'\. '-'-~t t1 '""'-"""",. \r--. \oool'ltU\ t ••• ·-""'-· ""'.,......., 't '-''-·'>..IV DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =••==••• •••a• =·=-=··-=-·-== -=·==-··=·= ====·= 08/30/84 02:00 081 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/30/84 04:00 082 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/30/84 06:00 083 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/30/84 08:00 084 10 0. 50 0. :50 5. 4 08/30/84 10:00 085 11 0. 5:5 0.55 6. 1 08/30/84 12:00 086 11 0. 5:5 0.55 6. 1 08/30/84 14:00 087 11 0. :55 0. :55 6. 1 08/30/84 16:00 088 11 0. 55 0. 5:5 6. 1 08/30/84 18:00 089 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/30/84 20:00 090 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/30/84 22:00 091 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 08/30/84 00:00 092 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 54 0. 54 6.0 08/31/84 02:00 093 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/31/84 04:00 094 10 0. so 0. so 5.4 08/31/84 06~00 09, 11 0.55 0. 5:5 6. 1 08/31/84 08:00 096 11 0.55 0. :55 6. 1 08/31/84 10:00 097 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 08/31/84 12:00 098 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/31/84 14:00 099 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 08/31/84 16:00 100 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 08/31/84 18:00 101 11 0.5:5 0.55 6. 1 08/31/84 20:00 102 10 0. so 0. 50 5. 4 08/31/84 22:00 103 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 08/31/84 00:00 104 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 54 0. 54 6.0 09/01/84 02:00 105 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/01/84 04:00 106 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 09/01/84 06:00 107 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 09/01/8lt1)8: 00 108 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 09/01/84 10:00 109 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 09/01/84 12:00 110 10 0. 50 0. so 5. 4 09/01/84 14:00 111 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 ~ 09/01/84 16:00 112 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/01/84 18:00 113 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 09/01/84 20:00 114 10 0. so 0. so 5. 4 09/01/84 22:00 115 10 0. so 0. 50 5.4 09/01/84 00:00 116 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. :52 0. 52 5.7 f f'\\Jf U-'&....&.1 &....e-4 t t t t to~.,....,.._._._""' t H ... w I l'\WV'-'-' 1 --" --' --PEl EN ---::K f ·-• 1 EL -.. AL ·-··1\ STAr~ ~IMt ~'/01 '~4 1"' ... ·')0 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TH1E BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ------------------·······-=··=·= ----· ·-==---09/02/84 02:00 117 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 09/02/84 04:00 118 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/02/84 06:00 119 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/02/84 08:00 120 11 0.55 0.55 6. 1 ~/02/84 10: 00 121 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 09/02/84 12:00 122 10 0.50 0.50 5. 4 09/02/84 14:00 123 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/02/84 16:00 124 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/02/84 18:00 125 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/02/84 20:00 126 11 0. 55 0.55 6. 1 0~/02/84 22:00 127 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 09/02/84 00:00 128 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 51 0. 51 5. 5 09/03/84 02:00 129 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/03/84 04:00 130 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/03/84 06:00 131 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 09/03/84 08:00 132 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 09/03/84 10:00 133 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 0.,/03/84 12:00 134 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 09/03/84 14:00 135 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/03/84 16:00 136 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/03184 18:00 137 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/03/84 20:00 138 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/03/84 22:00 139 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/03/84 00:00 140 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5. 5 09/04/84 02:00 141 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 09/04/94 04:00 142 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/04/84 06:00 143 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/04/84 08:00 144 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/04/94 10:00 145 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/04/84 12:00 146 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/04/84 14:00 147 10 0.50 0. 50 5. 4 09/04/84 16:00 148 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 09/04/84 18:00 149 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/04/84 20:00 150 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/04/84 22:00 151 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/04/84 00:00 152 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5. 5 r-a::. 1 c.n ;:)1:.1'4 "'n I:.I:.P\ 1'41:.Hn t:.l... .1M, AI...Hbl'\1"\ ;:)lf'\nt I .l.nC. VOl \.1 • 1 u•t Uc...UV DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =-=-··==· -------·= ·==··===-·= ===·=-=•c•= ===•== 09/05/84 02:00 153 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/05/84 04:00 154 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/05/84 06:00 155 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/05/84 08:00 156 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/05/84 10:00 157 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/05/84 12:00 158 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 09/05/84 14:00 159 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/05/84 16:00 160 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/05/84 18:00 161 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/05/84 20:00 162 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/05/84 22:00 163 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/05/84 00:00 164 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/06/84 02:00 165 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 09/06/84 04:00 166 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/06184 06:00 167 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/06/84 08:00 168 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/06/84 10:00 169 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 09/06/84 12:00 170 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/06/84 14:00 171 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 09/06/84 16:00 172 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/06/84 18:00 173 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 09/06/84 20:00 174 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/06/84 22:00 175 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/06/84 00:00 176 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/07/84 02:00 177 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/07/84 04:00 178 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/07184 06:00 179 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09107/tM·OS:OO 180 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/07/84 10:00 181 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/07/84 12:00 182 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/07/84 14:00 183 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 .... 09/07/84 16:00 184 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/07184 18:00 185 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09107184 20:00 186 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/07/84 22:00 187 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 09/07/84 00:00 188 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 PET~~~EN rD~EK M~~q El T~ ALA~WA STAPT TIMF O~/OJ/R4 0~:00 4 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TII"'E BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ==--··=----·= ••=• ••m•••••• ·===·· ---·-------09/08/84 02:00 189 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/08/84 04:00 190 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/08/84 06:00 191 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 09/08/84 08:00 192 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/08/84 10:00 193 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/08/84 12:00 194 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/08/84 14:00 195 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/08/84 16:00 196 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/08/84 18:00 197 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/08/84 20:00 198 10 0. :50 0. 50 5. 4 09/08/84 22:00 199 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/08/84 00:00 200 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/09/84 02:00 201 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/09/84 04:00 202 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/09/84 06:00 203 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 09/09/84 08:00 204 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/09/84 10:00 205 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/09/84 12:00 206 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/09/84 14:00 207 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/09/84 16:00 208 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/09/84 18:00 209 10 0. :50 0.:50 5. 4 09/09/84 20:00 210 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/09/84 22:00 211 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/09/84 00:00 212 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/10/84 02:00 213 10 0. :50 0.:50 :5.4 09/10/84 04:00 214 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/10/IM 06:00 215 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/10/84 08:00 21b 10 0. :50 0. :50 5.4 09/10/84 10:00 217 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/10/84 12:00 218 10 0. :50 0.:50 5.4 09/10/84 14:00 219 10 0. :50 0. :50 :5. 4 09/10/84 16:00 220 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/10/84 18:00 221 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/10/84 20:00 222 10 0. :50 0. :50 :5.4 09/10/84 22:00 223 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/10/84 00:00 224 10 0. 50 0.:50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. :50 5.4 ' '-f. ...._t~W._ ... 'Iooft''-'-''-f'lt.-MI\. '-'-"'' U ,...,._,..,__,,,,.., -•ttr'll.t ' ... ·-.... -~ ~ -* ~ '"1' '""'-· vv DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ====··=· ···=-=---===···=== ====== ===·· ====== 09/11/84 02: 00 225 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/11/84 04: 00 226 10 0.50 0. 50 5. 4 09/11/84 06:00 227 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/11/84 08:00 228 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/11184 10:00 229 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/11/84 12: 00 230 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/11/84 14:00 231 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/11/84 16:00 232 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/11/84 18:00 233 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/11/84 20: 00 234 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/11/84 22:00 :235 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/11/84 00:00 236 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/12/84 02:00 237 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/12/84 04:00 238 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/12/84 06:00 239 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/12/84 08:00 240 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/12/84 10:00 241 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/12/134 12:00 242 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/12/84 14:00 243 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/12/84 16:00 244 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/12/84 18:00 245 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/12/84 20:00 246 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/12/84 22:00 247 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/12/84 00:00 248 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/13/84 02:00 249 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/13/134 04:00 250 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/13/84 06:00 251 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/13/84' "08: 00 252 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/13/84 10:00 253 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/13/84 12:00 254 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/13/134 14:00 255 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 ... 09/13/84 16:00 256 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/13/84 18:00 257 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/13/84 20:00 258 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/13/84 22:00 259 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/13/84 00:00 260 10 0. 50 0. so 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 * '"-' --~----· •••• -··-----•• -·~ • ··--PE ___ 'EN ... 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".A ST~~T TIM~ ~~10' IQ4 n~·oo DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TII'tE BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS --------------------------··==--=·==·· ====== 09/14/84 02:00 261 10 0. 50 0. ~0 5. 4 09/14/84 04:00 262 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/14/84 06:00 263 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/14/84 08:00 264 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/14/84 10:00 26~ 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/14/84 12:00 266 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/14/84 14:00 267 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/14/84 16:00 268 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/14/84 18:00 269 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/14/84 20:00 270 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/14/84 22:00 271 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/14/84 00:00 272 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/15/84 02:00 273 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/15/84 04:00 274 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/1~/84 06:00 27~ 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/15/84 08:00 276 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/15/84 10:00 277 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/1~/84 12:00 278 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/1~/84 14:00 279 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/15/84 16:00 280 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/1~/84 18:00 281 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/15/84 20:00 282 09 0.45 0.45 ~. 1 09/1~/84 22:00 283 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/15/84 00:00 284 09 0.4~ 0.4~ 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.48 0.48 5.3 09/16/84 02:00 28~ 09 0.4~ 0.4~ 5. 1 09/16/84 04:00 286 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/16/84 06:00 287 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/16/84'08:00 288 10 0. ~0 0. ~0 ~. 4 09/16/84 10:00 289 10 0. ~0 0. 50 ~.4 09/16/84 12:00 290 10 0. ~0 0. ~0 ~. 4 09/16/84 14:00 291 10 0. ~0 0. ~0 ~.4 09/16/84 16:00 292 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/16/84 18:00 293 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/16/84 20:00 2.4 10 0. ~0 0. ~0 ~.4 09/16/84 22:00 29~ 10 0. 50 0. ~0 ~.4 09/16/84 00:00 296 10 0. ~0 0. ~0 ~.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.~0 0.~0 ~.4 --·-' ·~ . ·-· ·-· DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ••••a•m• •••=• =:a== •a•••••-== •a••=• ••••• a=•=== 09/17/84 02:00 297 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/17/84 04:00 298 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/17/84 06:00 299 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/17/84 08:00 300 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 o•t17/S4 1o:oo 301 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/17/84 12:00 302 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/17/84 14:00 303 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/17/84 16:00 304 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/17/84 18:00 305 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/17/84 20:00 306 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/17/84 22:00 307 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/17/84 00:00 308 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/18/84 02:00 309 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 09/18/84 04:00 310 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/18/84 06:00 311 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/18/84 08:00 312 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 09/18/84 10:00 313 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/18/84 12:00 314 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/18/84 14:00 315 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/18/84 16:00 316 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/18/84 18:00 317 10 0.50 0. 50 5.4 09/18/84 20:00 318 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/18/84 22:00 319 10 0.50 0.50 5. 4 09/18/84 00:00 320 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.49 0.49 5. 4 09/19/84 02:00 321 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/19/84 04:00 322 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 09/19/84 06:00 323 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 09/19/84 08:00 324 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/19/84 10:00 325 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/19/84 12:00 326 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/19/84 14:00 327 10 0. 50 0.50 5.4 (.. 09/19/84 16:00 328 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/19/84 18:00 329 10 0. 50 0.50 5. 4 09/19/84 20:00 330 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/19/84 22:00 331 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/19/84 00:00 :332 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAOE VALUES 0.48 0.48 5.3 t l'lt.Wt .... hJt....A,i' ._._.I I If t .L#-l'"'"""""'"""''-'w I f'lt, .. "' •• \oi.JW-""' t --PE 3EN :EK R E ' AI . -:A STI--TIM--~10' ·-·1 ........ 00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS =···----------------------===--· ----· ------09/20/84 02:00 333 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/20/84 04:00 334 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/20/84 06:00 335 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/20/84 08:00 336 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/20/84 10:00 337 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/20/84 12:00 338 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/20/84 14:00 339 10 0. 50 0. 50 5.4 09/20/84 16:00 340 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 09/20/84 18:00 341 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/20/84 20:00 342 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/20/84 22:00 343 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/20/84 00:00 344 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.46 0.46 5.2 09/21/84 02:00 345 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/21/84 04:00 346 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/21/84 06:00 347 10 0.50 0. 50 5. 4 09/21/84 08:00 348 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/21/84 10:00 349 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/21/84 12:00 350 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/21/84 14:00 351 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/21/84 16:00 352 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/21/84 18:00 353 OCP 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/21/84 20:00 354 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/21/84 22:00 355 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/21/84 00:00 356 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/84 02:00 357 OCP 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/84 04:00 358 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/&4 06:00 359 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/84 08:00 360 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/84 10:00 361 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/84 12:00 362 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/84 14:00 363 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/84 16:00 364 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/84 18:00 365 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/84 20:00 366 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/84 22:00 367 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/22/84 00:00 368 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAQE VALUES 0.45 0.45 5. 1 ' -1 '-''""L-', ""''L-L-r'l. ,,._....,,, t....t-.&.t'll ,..,t...MWt\h """'. ,.,,, . 1 ............ ""'-· -·, ,_;'t vc--. \Ju DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ==····-----·= ==== =====··=== ===·== ===·· ==t::=== 09/23/84 02:00 369 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/23/84 04:00 370 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/23/84 06:00 371 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/23/84 08:00 372 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/23/84 10:00 373 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/23/84 12:00 374 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/23/84 14:00 375 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/23/84 16:00 376 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 09/23/84 18:00 377 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/23/84 20:00 378 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/23/84 22:00 379 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/23/84 00:00 380 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/24/84 02:00 381 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/24/84 04:00 382 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/24/84 06:00 383 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/24/84 08:00 384 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 09/24/84 10:00 385 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/24/84 12:00 386 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/24/84 14:00 387 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/24/84 16:00 388 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/24/84 11!!1:00 31!!19 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/24/84 20:00 390 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/24/84 22:00 391 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/24/84 00:00 392 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/25/1!!14 02:00 393 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/25/84 04:00 394 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/25/84 06:00 395 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 o9t25tM·oe:oo 396 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/25/84 10:00 397 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/25/84 12:00 398 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/25/84 14:00 399 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 '-09/25/84 16:00 400 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/25/84 18:00 401 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/25/84 20:00 402 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/25/84 22:00 403 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/25/84 00:00 404 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.45 0.45 5. 1 PE..-..-~-EN "".-~K "'"""~ El T ... ALAOil ~ STAQT TIMF "~/01 1 ~4 ():;J·()O DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ----·==----== ==== ===•===== ===·=== ===•a ====-== 09/26/84 02:00 405 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/26/84 04:00 406 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/26/84 06:00 407 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/26/84 08:00 408 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/26/84 10:00 409 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/26/84 12:00 410 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/26/84 14:00 411 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/26/84 16:00 412 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 09/26/84 18:00 413 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/26/84 20:00 414 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 09/26/84 22:00 415 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/26/84 00:00 416 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 09/27/84 02:00 417 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/27/84 04:00 418 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/27/84 06:00 419 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 09/27/84 08:00 420 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/27/84 10:00 421 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/27/84 12:00 422 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/27/84 14:00 423 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 09/27/84 16:00 424 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 09/27/84 18:00 425 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 09/27/84 20:00 426 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/27/84 22:00 427 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/27/84 00:00 428 0411 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 09/28/84 02: 00 429 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/28/84 04:00 430 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 09/28/84 06:00 431 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/28184 08:00 432 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/28/84 10:00 433 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/28/84 12:00 434 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/28184 14:00 435 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/28/84 16:00 436 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 09/28/84 18:00 437 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 09/28/84 20:00 438 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/28/84 22:00 439 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/28/84 00:00 440 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.45 0.45 5. 1 PE ___ '3EN -.. -:EK ··-• R E' • ·· AI .... ".A STI"'.,.. TIM.-"'':110• , .. ., •. " .... ·oo DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS ======-== ===== ==== ====•==·= ===·=-= ===== ====== 09/29/84 02:00 441 09 0. 4:5 0.4:5 5. 1 09/29/84 04:00 442 09 0.45 0.4:5 5. 1 09/29/84 06:00 443 09 0.4:5 0. 4:5 5. 1 09/29/84 08:00 444 09 0.45 0.4:5 5. 1 09/29/84 10:00 44:5 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/29/84 12:00 446 09 0.4:5 0.45 5. 1 09/29/84 14:00 447 09 0.45 0.4:5 5. 1 09/29/84 16:00 448 09 0.45 0.4:5 5. 1 09/29/84 18:00 449 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/29/84 20:00 4:50 09 0.4:5 0.4:5 5. 1 09/29/84 22:00 4:51 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/29/84 00:00 452 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.45 0.4:5 5. 1 09/30/84 02:00 4:53 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/30/84 04:00 4:54 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/30/84 06:00 4:5:5 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/30/84 08:00 4:56 09 0.4:5 0.4:5 5. 1 09/30/84 10:00 457 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 09/30/84 12:00 4:58 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/30/84 14:00 4:59 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/30/84 16:00 460 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/30/84 18:00 461 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/30/84 20:00 462 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 09/30/84 22:00 463 09 0.4:5 0.45 5. 1 09/30/84 00:00 464 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.45 0. 4:5 5. 1 10/01/84 02:00 46:5 09 0.45 0.4:5 5. 1 10/01/84 04:00 466 09 0. 45 0. 4:5 5. 1 10/01/84 06:00 467 09 0.45 0.4:5 5. 1 10/01/84 08:00 468 09 0. 4:5 0.4:5 5. 1 10/01/84 10:00 469 09 0.45 0.4:5 5. 1 10/01/84 12:00 470 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 10/01/84 14:00 471 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/01/84 16:00 472 09 0.4:5 0.4:5 5. 1 10/01/84 18:00 473 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 10/01/84 20:00 474 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 10/01/84 22:00 47:5 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 10/01/84 00:00 476 09 0.45 0.4:5 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.45 0.4:5 5. 1 PE---,EN ~"~EK ~~Aq El Y-Al ""'"A STAgT TIMF n~/OJIR4 n:;,·oo DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DATA FEET FEET CFS -----------=---·= ·=··-·--= --·=== ·==== ====·= 10/02/84 02:00 477 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 10/02/84 04:00 478 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 10/02/84 06:00 479 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 10/02/84 08:00 480 09 0.45 0.45 5. 1 10/02/84 10:00 481 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 10/02/84 12:00 482 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 - I .. PROPOSF.:"D ELIM HYOROEU:::CTRIC PRO,JECT 05i01./85 PAGE 1 I PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM. ALASkt1 START TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH ~:TAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BY ft. RAW DATe, FEET FEET CFS ===::::::==:-::: ===== !:!'!:::::::::::::--· =======~:::: ====== ·~· ----··-· =====-== 10/03/84 02:00 l. 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/03/84 04:00 2 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/03/84 06:00 " oo 0. 45 0. 45 5 i .• J 10/03/i34 08: 00 .•1 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. i 10/03/84 10:00 <; 09 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 10/03/84 12:00 6 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 10/03/84 14:00 ! 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 10/03/84 16:00 B 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. i 10/03/84 18:00 9 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 10/03/84 20:00 ;(I ...... ()'? 0. 45 0 45 5. i 10/03/84 22:00 lJ 0"7 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 10/03/84 00:00 1 .·; " 09 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 10/04/81.1 02:00 13 QCl 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 10/04/84 04:00 1 ~~ 0'-i 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/04/84 06:00 1 ~j 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/04/84 08:00 tf_, 09 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 10/04/84 10:00 1? 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. i 10/04/84 12:00 18 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/04/84 14:00 10 OS' 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/04/84 16:00 ?0 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. j !1•1 10/04tB4 18:00 ;n 09 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 10/04/94 20:00 22 0!3 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 10/04/84 22:00 2.3 OS' 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/04/84 00:00 24 08 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 !'', DAILY .~.\IERAGE '.-'AI_UES 0. 44 0. 44 4. f-J 10/05/84 02:00 :~!S 01-J 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/05/84 04:00 26 08 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 10/05/84 06:00 :;:!'7 .:; .. ,; m3 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/05/84 08:00 2B 08 0.40 0. 40 3. i I ' 10/05/84 10:00 29 OB 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 r"f 10/05/84 12:00 JO OB 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 '· 10/05/84 14:00 ~~ OF.l 0. 40 0. 40 3. i 10/05/84 16:00 3r) 09 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 ~ c. :I 10/05/84 18:00 3:3 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/05/84 20:00 34 09 0. 45 0.45 5. 1 ·I 10/05/84 22:00 3~~ 09 0. 45 0 45 5. i L1' 10/05/84 00:00 3":) 09 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 I•·· DAILY ~VERAGE VALUES 0. 42 0. 42 3 Q PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PRUJECf Qj-'01/85 PAGE 2 PETERSEN CREEK NEAP FLIM. ALAS!<!; START TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME Bl' !E RAW DATr'~ FEET FEET CFS •••••••:s:m ••••• ===:::::-::=::a:=:-::z=m~-1': ===:::== ====== ===.:::::.::= 10/06/84 02:00 :3-;· 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. i 10/06/84 04:00 38 Ol=:J 0. 40 0. 40 3. l 10/06/84 06:00 JS' 08 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 10/06/84 08:00 4C. 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 .,1 10/06/84 10:00 41 08 0.40 0. 40 3. 1. 10/06/84 12:00 42 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. j 10/06/84 14:00 43 oc;· 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 10/06/84 16:00 44 09 0.45 045 5. 1 10/06/84 18:00 4::. 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/06/84 20:00 j~ f~ 09 0. 45 0 45 5. t 10/06/84 22:00 4 ., •/ 09 0. 45 0.45 5 l 10/06/84 00:00 48 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 43 0 43 4. j 10/07/84 02:00 4Ci 09 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 10/07/84 04:00 50 08 0. 40 040 3. 1 10/07/84 06:00 ~31 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/07/84 08:00 5~~ 08 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 10/07/84 10:00 ~:;::; 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 10/07/84 12:00 54 08 0. 40 0. 40 3 . .i 10/07/84 14:00 55 09 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 10/07/84 16:00 56 09 0. 45 0. 45 5 1 10/07/84 18:00 57 0'7' 0. 45 0.45 5. i 10/07/84 20:00 ~58 Oi:J 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/07/84 22:00 '59 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1. 10/07/94 00:00 60 08 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.43 0 43 4 1 10/08/84-02: 00 hl 08 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 10/08/84 04:00 t.~--' 08 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 10/08/84 06:00 6.3 08 0.40 0.40 3. 1 10/08/84 08:00 6ll 09 0.45 0.45 5. l 10/08/84 10:00 6:1 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/08/84 12:00 bb 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. i 10/08/84 14:00 67 08 0. 40 0 40 3 1 10/08/84 16:00 68 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 10/08/84 18:00 69 08 0.40 0. 40 3. t y~ ' 10/08/84 20:00 ?0 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 u,! 10/08/84 22:00 71 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/08/84 00:00 ?2 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 I DA[LY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 42 0. 42 3. 8 tpi ~ ~n: ' ' 1.): PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OS:Oi/8'.5 PAGE 3 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR LLIM. AL.ASh.t~ START TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BVTL RAW o,; r .. , FEET FEET CFS ==~===:-:::::: ===== :::::=:-:·.::::-_ :.======:=~;;o::.;_ --------·-·--===~.::=-:::.::------- 10/09/84 02:00 "? -~~l 08 0.40 0 40 3. :l 10/09/84 04:00 ?4 08 0. 40 0 40 '3. 1 10/09/84 06:00 75 OR 0. 40 0 40 3. 1. 10/09/84 08:00 "?'I:: 0~' 0. 45 0. 45 5. i 10/09/84 10:00 77 09 0. 45 0. 45 5. t 10/09/84 12:00 78 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 10/09/84 14:00 ?"'"? 11 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 10/09/84 16:00 80 10 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 10/09/84 18:00 ~~ 1. 09 0. 45 0 45 5. 1 10/09/8"1 20:00 P'' ,_1~,.: OfJ 0.40 0. 40 3 1 10/09/84 22:00 r:n 09 0. 45 0. 45 5 1 10/09/84 00:00 84 08 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 DA I L. 'y AVERAGE VAI.UES 0. 45 0 4~· 4. 4 10/10/84 02:00 E:~ Oi-J 0.40 0. /l-Q 3. 10/10/84 04:00 ~v. Oi:i 0. 40 0. 40 '3. 1 10/10i84 06:00 (;'' ()i3 0. 40 0 40 3. l 10/10/84 08:00 DEl 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/10/84 10:00 \'iC. OEl 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 10/10/84 12:00 'iO 0!-"3 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 .'P' 10/10/84 1.4:00 \)~ 1. 08 0.40 0. 40 3. i 10/10/84 16:00 ~-··""1 oo 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 -.~ 1.: 10/10/84 18:00 s·:·: 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. l 10110184 20:00 94 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 fU• 10/10/84 22:00 95 09 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 10/10/S4 oo:oo 'it. 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 , .... _.., ' ! ~-'--·"-:....,_--DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 41 0 41 3 . .11 ['1! :· i 10/11184 02: 00 C~} 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. , 10/11184 04:00 9G 08 0.40 0. 40 3 1 -10/11/84 06:00 99 08 0.40 0. 40 3. i 10/11/84 08: 00 lOG 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/11/84 10:00 j 01 OD 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 10/11/i:34 12: 00 tO~.' OB 0 40 0 4() 3. 10/11/84 14:00 1 ,·,~· \; ,.J Ot-J 0. 40 0. 40 3. t 10/11/84 16:00 104 08 0. 40 0. 40 3 1 ~H~ 10/11/84 18:00 10:": 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 I ' 10/11184 20: 00 106 mJ 0. 40 0. 40 3. !. .. I<• I 10/11/84 22:00 1 ''~'., '·' 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 I· I 10/11/Wi 00:00 1.0fi O~J 0. 40 0 40 3. i ' ' DAILY t'WERAGE \'1\L.UES 0.40 0 40 3. 1 W': fi .I ·I PROPOS~G EL IM HYDRtJE:.F.Crti IC r'f~'CJ It~•.: r o:·i·01l8:5 PIIGE 4 PETERSf::-:~.J CREEK NEAP i~'-IM, AL,!\':c.IJA STARr TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH ~rAGE. OIS<.:HG DATE TIME BY;!:' RAW DAr,, FEET FEFT CF'-.:0 ======~':':.: ===== =:::.-..:--: ~:-' :.:::=::=!:=-:::-~: "'7"" ====== ::::::::::::::."':'!::: =.=-:::-::;;;:-=::::= 10/ 12/f:i4 02: 00 10'=' 08 0.40 0 40 3 1 10/12/84 04:00 1 in Ot:l 0. 40 0. 40 3 10/12/84 06:00 1 i j ()SJ 0. 40 0 40 :~ i. 10/12/84 08:00 j_ t.;") O~l 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/12/84 10:00 1 J . ~ OF3 0.40 () 40 3. 10/12/84 12:00 l l .,, OE.i 0. 40 0. 4(j 3. 10/12/fll~ 14:00 li" Of:! 0. 40 0. tHJ ] 1 10/12/134 16:00 1 u, oc:· 0. 45 0 il-5 5 1 1 0 I 1 2 I 8 ·~ 1 8: 00 1 j / 0~'3 0.40 0 40 3. 10/12NN 20:00 118 08 0.40 0 40 :l ' """· J. 10/12/t3 1l 22:00 1.1 c 08 0. 40 (), 40 3 i 10/12/84 00:00 1 :?.(\ 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. DAILY l;VERAGE \·'1\UJES 0.40 0 40 :3. :3 10/13/84 02:00 ; --: ... 0'-'..' 0 40 0. 40 3. 1 •. ·, ·' 10/13/84 04:00 1 .;_c f.\i..:i 0 45 0 45 5 1 10/13/84 06:00 1. : ~· > ~ () ~~-~ 0. 45 <}, 4!': 5 1 10/13/84 08:00 i. l~: 11 1'.) 0. 50 0. 5C• 5 4 10/13/84 10:00 1 '."' ·'-,. 1 i) 0. 50 0. 50 5. 4 10/13/84 12:00 1 ,;_·,:, 1 i 0. 55 0. 55 6. 1 10/13/84 14:00 1 n '~. I 1 1 0. 55 0 55 6. 1 10/13/84 16:00 l-~'H 1 ! 0 55 0 55 6. 1. 10/13/~)4 18:00 1. :-:"' (;• ()1:' 0 45 0 4S 5. 1. 10/13184 20:00 t j! ~· 0~:'! 0. 40 0 40 3. 1. 10/13/84 22:00 i''j ·; ,.J: mJ 0. 40 0 40 3. 1. 10/13/84 00:00 l.J:· (IE) 0.40 o ~~o 3 1 DAILY AVERAGE VA:UES 0. 47 0 47 4 7 10/14/8<1 02:00 1U O'i' 0. 45 0 45 5 1 10/14184 04:00 1 J /£ o.:; 0.45 0. 45 5. 1 10/14184 06:00 1 -~; :·) 0'' 0. 45 0 45 5. j 10i14/84 08:00 1 .Jr.· 0>.: 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/14/8-1 1.0:00 1. ::: o~J 0. 40 0 40 3. t 10/14/84 12:00 1 lf J 01:''; 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 10/14/84 1.4:00 1. \(.J OH 0. 40 0 40 3 i 10/14/tJ4 16:00 141'' Oi'l 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 10/14/84 18:00 14 :·. Of-J 0. 40 0. 40 3. t 10/14184 20:00 1 :j._:· ()•'} 0. 40 0. 40 3 t 10/14/81.) 22:00 1 :l ~.·.; 0':) 0. 45 0 45 5. i 10/14i84 00:00 1 11'-' O!·J 0. 40 0. 40 3 i DAfl_y r-NERAGE \!At_UES 0.42 0. 42 3. t-J PROPOSCD ELIM HYDROEU .. CTRU: f~'FIU.'E.CT o:;.,.ol ;a::. PAGE 5 PETERSF~\I CREEY, NEAF: \·.L fM, ALASk: .. START TIME 10103;84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME DV :·~;. RAl.J DAlr• FEET FEET CP3 !::.=====:==-===== ::::::::.:.:::::.:::::.:::::::=:=:.'";; ====== ·~---·...--===::.-=:::.."':!"' 10/15if.Jil. 02: 00 jiJ"- ' ' 'I oc· 0. 45 0 45 5 10/15/84 04:00 14t· OfJ 0.40 0. 40 3 1 10/15/~14 06· 00 1 /,L' 0'3 0 40 0 40 :3. 1. 1 0/15/~3-'l 08. 00 1 •t}] 08 0. 40 0. 40 3 i. 10/15/84 10.00 )..fpC o~:: 0. 40 0. iH) 3. 1. 10/15/84 12:00 1 ::·< Ob 0. 40 0 40 J 1 10/15h14 14:00 l '': .1. QQ 0. 45 0 4'5 5. j 10/15/84 16:00 t :J;2 OtJ 0. 40 0. 40 3. t 10/15184 1800 t ~·~:i Of:l 0. 40 0 40 3 l 10/15/84 2000 1. 'j:). OEi 0 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/15/84 22.00 1 :~s OFt 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 10/15/84 00:00 l ~'it OS' 0. 45 0. 45 5. 1 DAILY ~~\IERAGE ',1/,LUES 0 41 () 41 :3. fJ 10/16/B4 02:00 1 :;:"~ 08 0. 40 0 40 ~3' 10/16/(34 04: 00 1. ~·j r:: OH 0.40 0 40 3 t 10/16/i:l4 06:00 1 ~~) ~.~ Ob 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 10/16/84 08:00 j <,I'• O•:i 0 40 0. 40 3 i 10/16/84 10:00 1 0'1 0. 40 0. 40 3. i. 10/16/84 12:00 1 0 13 0 40 0. 40 3. l. 10/16/84 1.4:00 1 (){] 0. 40 0. 40 3 1 10/16/E:Ll 16:00 l ~.!.;. oc::· 0 45 0 45 5. i 10/lf.J!811 18:00 1 -<:, Oc:: 0 40 0 40 3. j 10/16/84 2o·oo l i,,f, Otl 0. 40 0. 40 3. i 10/16/84 22:00 li'c· 7 ch:; 0.40 0 40 3. j 10/16/84 00:00 1u:· tFi 0. 45 0 45 5 . .i. DAILY ~VERAGE VAl .. UES 0. 41 0 41 3 4 10/17/Bll 02:00 1 ' o..:J 0 40 0 40 3. t 10/17/84 04:00 1 Oc'J 0 40 0. 40 3. i. 10/17/84 06:00 1'71 OEi 0. 40 0.40 3 .. , 10/17/84 08:00 t .7: OB 0. 40 0.40 3. i 1 0 /1 7 / 8 tl 1 0 : 00 1 ".,. Of:l 0. 40 0. 40 3. i 10/17h34 12:00 1 ·r ,, !. " on 0 40 0. 40 3. J 10/17/84· 14:00 l ."'· oe. 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/17/81~ 16:00 t 7,':·, O':l 0 40 0. 40 3 1 10/17/f34 18:00 1? .'' or::: 0. 40 0. 40 3. 'l 10/17/84 20:00 1 ;'f or: 0. 40 0 40 3 i 10/17184 22:00 J. ,..,, OF.: 0. 40 0 40 3 t 10/17/84 00.00 lf)i} m3 0. 40 0. 4(-3. 1 DAILY t.VERAGE. \',c,l.lJES 0.40 0 41) 3 • PROPOSF.:L• ELIM HYDRDtlr:C<RlC f'FI.J)ECf O'i•01i8'7 F·AGE 6 PETERSEt\l CREEl/.. NEAR 1:,. 11'1. t-'L t\7~i.l,/, START TIME 10103/84 02:00 DEPTH -:.~1 AGE DISChG DATE T lt1E £yp: RAW Dt·\fA FEET FEET CFS ======~=-====== ~=:--:-.-:-: ::::-:.~.=-~::::.:-::::.::·, ::;: ===::::=.::: .. ---··-·--· ==·.:: =.:-:-::~: 10/18/d<l 02:00 1 f~ j oc·· ~.) 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/18/84 04:00 1 F::~' Od 0 40 0 40 3. 10/18/1:)11. 06:00 1. l~; "i Oi:l 0. 40 0 4tj 3. j 10/18/811 08:00 18•i OfJ 0. 40 0. 4(i J 10/18/!:-)Q. 10: 00 1 ,_~~ :·~ Of1 0. 40 0 40 3 10/18/8<i 12:00 1)c;r. 08 0. 40 0 40 ~] 10/18/Flll· 14: 00 lEi OEl 0. 40 0 40 3 1 10/18/B'l 16:00 1 }_~t:_-; Cki 0. 40 0 40 3. l 10/18/84 18:00 1 FJ 0 ()8 0. 40 0 40 ] 10/18/B4 20:00 1...;'(• O~J 0. 40 0. 40 3 1. 10/18/8'~ 22:00 1 c;·' 0"? 0 40 0 4(.· :3 l 10/18/84· 00:00 1..:;.~ 08 0 40 () 40 3. 1. DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 40 0 4C· 3. l 10/19/!34 0:2· 00 1 •.:• .~ OEJ 0. 40 0. 40 3 10/19/B/f 04·00 1 (;. i!. 0':: 0. 40 0 40 3. t 10/19/134 06:00 1 \}C:, o~· 0. 40 0. 40 .-, -"'· 10/19/!Jll. 08:00 1 ~~l <Y~• 0. 45 0. 45 5. 10/19/84 10:00 ll:;· ~ o~.;· 0. 45 0. 4~: 5 l. 10/19/84 12:00 l '·'b 11~· 0. 50 o. ~:.o 5. 4 10/19/84 14:00 '1)>.". •. 1 •) 0. 50 0 so 5 4 10/19/~i4 1.6:00 ~~~I,,· • tC 0 50 (i ::;.e;. 5. 4 10/19/84 18:00 :?t>"!_ ()(~ 0. 40 (} 4('1 3. L 10/19/B4 20:00 2t.)~ ~ (_\~: 0. 40 0 4(1 3. 10/19ii=J4 22:00 '} .'"\ . C~ -· O•J 0 40 0 4C• 3 10/19/84 00:00 2 ... '.;'i Od 0. 40 0. 4() J 1. DAfLY ~VERAGE VA'.UES 0. 43 0 4:3 4 ·::. 10/20/84 02:00 20~; oc' 0. 45 0 45 :; i. 10/20/84 04:00 2(,i) ()Q 0. 45 0. 45 5. l 10/20/81+ 06: 00 2''\":' '·' lC· 0. 50 0 so 5. 4 10/20/84 08:00 2UF: 1 l 0. 55 0 55 6. 1 10/20/8'1 1.0:00 2()9 1 ::-: 0. 60 0. 60 6 Ei 1 0/20/1]1~ 1.2:00 ;:~ 1 ,··. 1 ,,,' 0.60 0 60 6. 8 10/20/t<4 l4: 00 Z· t 1 1 .:1 0.65 0 65 7. ~· 10/20/84 16:00 2 l --~~ :i'i· 0. 70 0. 70 8. ~i 10/20/1?.4 18:00 21. :l 14 0. 70 0 70 8 .. 1 10/20/84 20:00 21:1 1.1 0. 70 0 70 8 ··~ . '"' 1 0/20/B"i 22: 00 ... .,, .c.:, 1j 0 75 0 75 9. •J c. . ~ 10/20/8<1 00: 00 2 -~ ~--1 ,, 0. 75 0 75 9 0 DA T LV f•.\.iERAGE ' . .:.:,;. UFS 0 62 0 62 7 - I . PROPOSE.D EL IM HYDRDCLCTR Ic f'f'<:UEC r PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ~L.IM, ALASV~ DATE TIME BviE RAW Dr~r·.~, ~::!::::::::=::=::::= :::::::=:.::::= =:::: .. ~:·.·. -:::::::=:::.:::::;:::::·.::: . .:-· 10/21184 02:00 ,-, ·• 1 "; e. L ' 10/21/8'-\-04:00 ;;~ t f; 16 10/21/84 06:00 ~1) {. 1 -.• . ' 10/2118<1 08:00 'd.--.1._'1 ifj 10121 n14 10:00 ,;l -~· ~ l ;c-, 10/21/84 12:00 ··)·-·· ' 1 ·:;:: c. .. .:-:.-.·· 10/21184 14:00 :;2;:.: ... ~ 2rJ 10/21/84 16:00 2,-?t~ ~~ i. 10/21/84 18:00 2'2'. :;:'I 10/21/84 20:00 :;~ .. ~: ::·. •21 10/21/84 22:00 •-; :0 -r ~2~~ .. c~ . .-~ 10/21/i:H 00:00 2~;~] 2. ~--=~ DAILY AVERAGE VAlUES 1 0/22/8ll 02: 00 :;2·--~~7-. 2] 10/22/84 04:00 2..1(' ;,;~ J 10/22/84 06:00 ~: J j ~24 10/22/84 08:00 ~2-]:-.. : ;;'4 10/22/84 10:00 2~~ .:: 2::1 10/22/84 12:00 2:.~/l 'i c t:...) 10/22/8-'l 14:00 ~~~")::, :.;.:~ 10/22/8·1-16: 00 ;t~~f-. ·• ~; r-.;:.: 10/22/!34 18:00 ... , -. -· ~, 7 c.:_·-' ,-:_,, 10/22/84 20:00 2.3H 2_( 10/22/84 22:00 2,'1~· .,--~ c. .. 10/22/84 00:00 ~::j -2'7 DA fl_ Y r\\/ERAGE ')A:-'JE-:::S 10/23/84 0200 2 1i ~ r; "7 c' 10/23/84 04:00 2l~~~ 27 10/23/84 06:00 ;;''4 :-; 2/ 10/23/84 08:00 24lJ. ;;.!8 10/23/84 10:00 ~?i:-~ .,.-, . ...,. >';:..,I 10/2:3/t:H 12:00 ;'4(. .-)·';,· c .. ; 10/23/84 1400 ~· ·J .. 2F~ 10/23/8 11 16·00 ;;.?tiE; ~!.7 10/23/tH 18: 00 24-=· 27 10/23/84 2000 ~-_-)!,:1 ~~ ,: 10/23/8/l 22:00 r; r.-::::_ • c. -~ I rl "1 .:;;_/ 10/23/,:J<l-00: 00 23~:: ~!'? DAILY ! .. VERAGE \'Al U[S os·o1/8::> FP.GE ..,. I START TIME 10103/84 02:00 DEPTH STAG£:~ DIS(:~v~ FEET FEE-f CFC:i ======= --··~---~-==::::::.:::-::.·:= 0. 75 0. 7'5 9 () 0 80 0 80 9. ~:: 0. 85 0 85 t 1 0. 90 0 90 1 i_ 0.90 0 90 1 l 0. 95 095 t:,:• 1. 00 1. 00 1 '"'\ .. ) 1-05 1 05 14 1. 05 i (}5 1 q. 1 05 1 OS 14 l. 10 1 1 C· 1 ~.; 1. 10 i.. iO 15 0.96 0 96 12 t. 15 1 15 l"i 1.. 1.5 1 1 'j 15 1. 20 1 21) 16 1.20 1 20 ib 1. 25 1 25 17 1. 25 1 ::· <; 17 1.30 1 '30 18 1. 35 1 -'"< c; .:J ,, 19 1 35 j_ 35 19 1. 35 j 35 1Cj 1. 35 1. 35 1 .:;-· 1. 35 1.. '35 19 1. 27 j_. '2" 1 '7 1 35 i :35 1 •:_,: 1 35 j J~ 1 ·~-' 1. 35 i :35 1 l? 1. 40 i 40 2CJ 1 35 1 35 F< 1. 35 1 :l5 1 C:.' 1. 40 1. 4-(• ~2\".1 1. 35 j 35 19 1. 35 i. 35 1 c_;. 1 35 1. 35 19 1. 35 1 35 19 1. 35 i 35 19 1. 36 i 36 1 ·? PROPOSE(} ELI/"1 H''!'DF-<~Utct.•'CrRIC Pt;i' 1t':.CT PETERSEi·.l CREEl". NE,AF-: f_;_ It1, AU\Si~.: DATE TIME ======~= ===== 10/24/Ba 02:00 10/24/84 04:00 10/24/84 06:00 10/24/81~ 08: 00 10/24/fj<+ 10: 00 10/24/84 12:00 10/24/8<+ 14:00 10/24/84 16:00 10/24/i'N 18· 00 10/24/84 20:00 10/24/8~ 22:00 10/24/84 00:00 10/25184 02:00 10/25/84 04:00 10/25/811 06:00 10/25/84 08:00 10/25/84 10:00 10/25/84 12:00 10/25/84 14:00 10/25/84 16:00 10/25/84 18:00 10/25/84 20:00 10/25/84 22:00 10/25/84 00:00 10/26/84 02:00 10/26/84 04:00 10/26/84 06:00 10/26/811 08. 00 10/26/8•1 10 00 10/26/1.=34 12:00 10/26/ Hfl iA · 00 10/26/84 16:00 10/26/i::14 18:00 10/26/84 20:00 10/26/84 22:00 10/26/134 00: 00 B-..' rr RAW iJA /·,:, :=::::::::::.~·:.:;::::=;:-': 2-:::,-:~: 27 2.:.r: .28 :;: ~~ '-_; 2 ~~ 2 -'.'r:. ~:~J 2t_)... 2~j ~!5:-· 1. 7 2::JC 08 ~:" \: en::> 261 08 202 08 2,~; ~~ Oi~ 264 08 DAILY ~VERAGE v~; UES ~~.~.~.. ()l] .;:~-~-· O·~j ;~·~~. :· t c ~;,:_. ~; 1 -~ ~~ t::. ·=:: l L ~.., ,' :· l .-~· ,;:---' 1 ~? :-· 1 :.J 27:~-1/-l 2 ?ii 14 ~7~ 14 276 16 DAILY !'·'/ERAGE \'fl' UES 2·-.•-;- ~:/p ;.2"~'~ ~80 2L?1 ~~}--_t ,._1 28-:; 2FJr1. 2b> ~~~-~;,~. ;;~n? 20(~ t ·:.: 1. ,.:j 1 i.;·· ro; ~ c: .. ' 2 .. '1 r) . ., " ~- ~~-:;- 2~ ~~;- ~?~:.:: :;-~·7· DAILY r~VERA'.~E ' .. '1\! UE:S DEPTH FEET =======::::: 1. 35 1. 40 1. 40 1 40 1. 40 0. 85 0 40 0 40 0. 110 0 40 0 40 0 40 0 85 0. 40 0 45 0 50 0. 55 0. 55 0. 60 0. 65 0 70 0. 70 0. 70 0. 70 0.80 0. 61 085 0.90 0.95 1. 05 1. 20 1 35 1. 45 1. 45 1. 45 1 45 1. 45 1. 45 1. 25 05·01185 PAGE 8 SfART TIME 10102/84 02 00 STAGE FEET .::-:.:::=:::::::: 1 35 1 40 1. 40 i. 40 1 40 0. 85 0. 40 0 40 0. 40 0 40 0 40 0 40 0. 85 0 40 0 45 0. ;)(; 0 55 0 c,.:; 0. 60 () 65 0 70 0. ·::r() 0. 70 0. 70 0. 80 0 6t () 85 0. Q() t) 95 1. o::: ;?C• ]5 i. 45 1 'f 5 i 45 1 45 1. 45 i 45 i. 25 DISU-Ii:; CF:; ::: ;::-:::!:.: ·::. ·.::-; --=~ 3 1 ,~, 2C) '"1(", e.·- 20 20 1J. .3. j 3 t 3 1 3 3. 1 11 3 5 ~ 4 6. 6 t b. 8 7. 5 8. J 8. J 8. 3 8. l 9. u b 9 1! 1 ' 12 14 16 1 <:;· 2i 2i 2i ...,, e. .l 21 21 1 7 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROFU:::CTRIC PPUJECT !)'] •01/8:"5 PI~GE 9 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR E!.IM, ALASIJ ~~\ START riME 10t()J/tJ4 02:00 DEPTH ~; T"AGE: DISCHG DATE TIME R At.J Di-\ T /• FEET FEF_ r cr--·:; =====:::=::::::::-===== ·-::=:::::-:::.::::-·::::,;:-: --------·---~--==.:.:~-::·::.-:::~. _ _,_ _____ 10/271tl4 02• 00 2FlO 2-, 1. 45 l 45 21 10/27/8ll 04:00 2.::'(· 2'? 1. 45 j 45 2i 10/27/84 06.00 "1C•1 <:. • 'J i 1. 55 l 5~-) "'1"-::1 <;;. ' 10/27/84 08:00 :;!'-I; :.'] .~'. 1 60 1 60 ;2? 10/27/84 10:00 2\~·"~ o"")'-.l 1. 65 1 f_;s 24 ._, . 10/27/84 12:00 ;;::.~t;. :]'~ 1. 70 1. 70 ""1C\ .::; .. 10/27/84 14:00 2~':-''5 T"J 1 75 1 75 26 10/27184 16:00 296 3':;. 1 70 1. 70 "ff'' <:..·::! 10/27/84 18:00 'IC··"' c .. ~J 'l 1. 70 1. 70 2~ 10/27/84 20.00 ~,·?~.~ :·3 ;j 1 70 1 70 ,.,. c;.) 10/27/84 22·00 2\.;.,;_:· :] :·. 1 75 1 75 2~.1 10/27/84 00:00 30('· 3f_~ 1 80 1. 80 , ... c./ DAILY AVERAGE VAlUES 1 65 1 65 24 10/28/84 02:00 ::>.c. ~~J7 1 85 j 85 28 10/28/84 0400 3'',;,· ;]"./ 1 85 1 ~!5 28 10/28/84 06:00 '3<~:·. 3"/ 1. 85 1 ~l~i 28 10/28/84 08:00 31\•1 ., 3t.3 1 90 1 i:.''' . . ' l, 29 10/28/84 10:00 :3 1.i Jr.;· 1 95 1 95 30 10/28/84 12:00 3(.)f, :JC 1 90 1. s·o 2 17' 10/28/84 14:00 ::.~·:·-..... -.,. 1 85 1 8;5 28 ,_1' 10/28/84 16:00 3{)f;' ~:1 :5 1. 75 1. 7'5 26 10/28/~)4 18:00 .-\ ., . .::; t.:~ 1 60 1' t10 2:3 10/28/aq. 20: oo ,31n :3t 1 55 1. ::;~i 23 10/28/84 22:00 ..., :~i 1 55 j 5S 23 .:.; 10/28/84 00:00 3 j .~ 3.i 1. 55 j 55 2~~ DAILY AVERAGE v~: UES 1 76 l. 76 ")'""? e..: 10/29/8<1. 0200 3 ];_ 1 55 1 S5 2,] 10/29/84 04:00 3td. :H 1. 55 1. 55 23 10/29/8 1l. 06: 00 a1 :-L 1. 60 i. 60 23 10/29/f34 08.00 31 !:1 ~J;~; 1. 60 1. 60 23 10/29/F:il'f. 10:00 Jj :J:.:: 1. 65 1 65 24 10/29/>;ll.l 12:00 ~2t j, ~:: :::~·:: 1 70 1 7C• <2:? 10/29 /8lf 14: 00 ~~ t <:: ;,:1 :~ 1' 70 1 7~") 25 10/29/84 1600 :].)(I 3J 1. 65 i. t>5 2,:4. 10/29/84 18:00 ]:,'I :.~ -~ 1 55 1 t:"\ t; 2~:! 10/29/8 1l 20:00 :~2-~. ~:it) 1 50 i ;:;o ,.,,.... r,;:..,:::; 10/2<Uf-J4 22: 00 ...,. }") ··~·~-30 1. 50 1. 50 2:;~ 10/29/Dil 00: ()0 :]~·tJ ~~C· 1 50 1 . 5() ""l'"'l c::,.;::. DA[LY AVERAGE vALUES 1. 59 1 59 " .. , e.;,,,;) '• PROPOSED ELIM HYDROft ~CTRI•,: r·•~u_if:( i. Q;.5. 01 /8~'i ~·AGE iO PETERSE~J CREEK NEAR i:!. U·1, AL /~ '::.i•: ;., SlART TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME !3 ·, li-;:;; 1"~\·J Pr1 :· r'· FEET FEET CF; ======:-::::= ===== :::=.:=-..::-;"'~~"! ::::::':'::::::::::::-::-:;:"'' ======-= ::":":=::":::;.:;::::::-:::.: :::::::.:::::-:.-: ;:_;:.;.··~·- 10/30/t]'l 02: 00 .. ,,.~ ·:. 30 1. 50 1 '50 t").r, ·.) ·= C"'-·-· 10/30/84 04.00 :3.;',~-, 3() 1 50 1. 50 22 1 0/30/8<~ 06· 00 .-~~ .... J"')i;· 1 45 1 45 21. ·.'1. "~ ' f'! • 10/30/84 08:00 __:; .-~· t"«· :30 1. 50 !. 50 2.~ 10/30/84 10:00 :3.;:'-7 :J<~· 1. 50 1. 50 .., -. c:.c 10/30/84 12:00 3.J(\ 3'' 1. 50 1 5{} 2:J 10/30/84 14.00 ':) '< ...t .J t 29 1. 45 i. 45 21 10/30/84 16.00 ::3:1:-:. 2r'"_, 1. 30 1 ~:lO tn 10/30/84 18 00 Tl:' J.ll 0. 70 0. 7C· 8 J 10/30/84 20:00 3 3'+ C·? 0. 35 0 :35 1 7 10/30/84 22:00 3 jS Otl 0. 40 0 40 3. 10/30/84 00:00 Jjt; 0? 0 35 (1 35 1 -, ! DAlL' AVERAGE V~.UES 1. 13 1 13 15 10/31/84 02:00 "1 ·:·c o·:· 0. 35 0 35 1 7 10/31/84 04:00 ] .. ~8 o~:: 0. 40 0. 40 J. 10/31/~J4 06: 00 ·j :~;.... (); 0. 35 t) :35 1. ., ,,,$. I 10/31/84 08:00 -~.-v-0!:1 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 10/31184 10:00 _]ll.i 0? 0. 35 0. :35 1. 7 10/31/84 12:00 .]/+,-:, OF; 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 t0/31/8f~ 14. 00 ]4 ·: c· 0 35 0 ~15 1 7 10/31/84 16·00 .]411. (k; 0.40 0 40 3 1 10/31 /1:1<1 18 00 ;>:l ':; 07 0.35 0. :..15 1. 7 10/31/84 20:00 34·"-OH 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 10/31/84 22:00 34 7 0 0.35 0.35 1 -! I 10/31/84 00:00 34~i 0•3 0.40 0. 40 3. 1 DAILV t,vER/~GE '.'t-\ti)ES 0.38 038 2 4 11/01 d34 02: 00 34\.;;. 07 035 0:35 1 11/01/8£1 04:00 3.::-n 0~3 0. 40 0 40 3 1 11/01/8tl 06:00 3::t.~. 0'' ; 0.35 0 ~35 1. 7 11/01/84 0800 3 ~);-~ 0>:3 0. 40 0. 40 3. 11/01/84 10:00 3''~.~:~ 0? 0.35 0 35 1.7 11/01/8'1 12:00 ~:3 ~j tl oe 0. 40 0. 40 3. 11/0 1/l:l4 14: 00 ":i:-5~ OC3 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 1 /011i:N 16: 00 3 ~~to ()}oj 0. 40 0. 40 3. 1 11/0 1 I 8 4 1 8: 00 ;"":;_'; . .J ,i 07' 0. 35 0.35 1. ' 11/01/84 20:00 3~~8 07 0.35 0 35 i. 7 11/01/!::14 22· 00 '3~07 07 0. 35 (j 35 1 'I 11/01/84 00:00 2t;t'· 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. DAIL~ AVERAGE VAtU~S 0.38 0. 3t~ 2. 4 PROPOS~C.LJ EL IM HYDRO(:_(-CrR IC r~f/;J.IECT 05 '01 /8~5 PAGE 11 PETERSUJ CREEK NEAR >:_,_ If>L ALI-1'0':11 ::-. START TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STA(;£. D I St:Ht:: DATE TIME f-)v:·,: RAW Di~l't, FEET FEET CF:C1 =====:::::·:=:= -====:== :::.::::'.::.::: -=::-::::::·::::::·.-= ·::::::.. ~ ======:=:. --~·--· -~-==:·.:·:.:::.-::.:: 11/02/81l 02:00 :]h' 08 0. 40 0. 40 3. 11/02/tN 04:00 J!l;; o..::· 0. 45 0. 45 5 ll./02/811 06.00 ":'! i, ··: 1 ,, 0. 50 0 SC< 5 4 11/02/tH 08:00 ]1 ._, 1 . .~-.. 0. 80 0. 80 9 ~) 11/02/8•1 10.00 3t_,-::-10:: 0.95 0 95 12 11 /02/E.H 12:00 :,31;.::-.. ;:n 1. 05 1. OC> 14 11102/84 14:00 :~(I:-· .-,-·. 1 15 i. iS 1'5 c..·.~· 11102/84 16:00 3b~_; -) ::~ C..·.-· i.. 15 t 15 15 11 /02/F.H 18:00 'JIJC:' .r;--. 1. 10 t to 1 r.; -:-... .• 7.·. 11/02/84 20:00 ")'J(' .--,.~ 1. 10 1 10 1 •:; .... .J' .j c: ': 11/02/8<1 22:00 :?~' .• 2~' 1. 10 1. iO 1.::5 11 /02/€:{4 00: 00 3:..,~-.. .,c: 1. 25 1. 25 17' c...., ... DA IL. !' ;,VERAGE _,',"'l..iJES 0. 92 0 92 1::; 11/03/8'1-02:00 37';; ~~: 1. 35 1 35 1"i 11/03/f!4 04:00 3:-u~ :;-~ ... ~. 1. 45 1. 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"?0 8 ·":'· . ·-' 11i04/[-1i!-12:00 3':0<'. 14 0. 70 <) 70 8 .-i 11/04/B<l 14:00 ]<·! 1<1 0. 70 0. 70 8. 3 11/04/84 16:00 ~3\.~~-~~ L.i 0 65 0 65 7. ~-:;. 11 /04i>Oil~ 18: 00 y;·::) Oti 0. 40 0 40 3 i. 11/04/8-'l 20:00 394 OD 0. 40 0 40 3. 1 11/04/84 22:00 :3c::; ()7 0 35 0 35 i 7 11 /04/8<1 00: 00 :::;;:· ~-u ~-1 0 :35 0 35 1 7 DAtLv ~VERAGE VALUES 0. 57 0. '57 6 0 PROPOSED ELIM HYDRUE!_f:.CTRIC PPtL'ECT o:; ... 01 /8:· PAGE 12 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR 0LJM, r~L ;,s r~ .:-. START TIME 10/0~;84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DIS•:Hr; DATE TIME lh l t: .. RAW DAT~; FEET FEET CFS ====::=== ===== ·---~-··-:::::·::::::=::::-::::.::.~·-~::: ======= ·------===::-:.·:.::::::=:: 11/05/84 02:00 ~3'~ .. -· 01 0. 35 0 35 1 ~- 11/05/84 04:00 3'·n:~ ()El 0. 40 0. 40 3. t 11/05/(=jll. 06: 00 ~,:,1.::. o-:; 0. 35 0. 35 1 ..,. 11/05/84 08:00 4 <~t: o.:· 0.35 0 :35 i. 7 11/05/8/f 10:00 41•·· ,, ' 07 0.:35 0 35 11105/84 12:00 4t)~' 07 0. 35 0. ~35 l ) 11/05/BtJ 14:00 40J 0? 0.35 0 35 1. 11/05/84 16:00 40:, 07 0 35 0 :35 1 7 11/05/,:34 18:00 ~~(;~ C·? 0.35 0 35 i .,. 11/05/84 2000 4l) ... 0 ., 0. 35 0 ]5 1. 7 11105/8·'1 22: 00 {',_(, :· 07 0.35 0 35 1 ; 11/05/84 00:00 4:.•E i)i 0.35 0 35 1 ..,. DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 035 0 '.35 1 f'l 11/06/84 02:00 4i',C' 07 0.35 0. 35 11/06/Bi~ 04: 00 4l···. ('. ._, 0.35 0. ·]5 11/06/BIJ. 06:00 if !. 1 c·· '' 0.35 () ·]::; 1 11/06/8<l 08:00 4 l; (!7 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 11/06/84 10:00 4 i. _-. 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PROPOSED ELIM HYDRO!:: I· CTRit: r·p;:: T.CT (}'; '01 /8q F't.\GE 13 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ~~IM. AC /.t~·:;-~.~ r' START TiJ·lF. 10/1)3/~34 02·00 DEPTH ';:~rAGE DrS·:~ Hf; DATE TIME B V"f ;:· RAi.J Dr~ 1 ·' FEET FEET CF"~; ===:====:::. =::=:=== :::::':!"" ~ .. :::::.~':.,"';!".:::::·;:.:::-;:·:::·;-=====:== -~ -~ -~--~~ ::::=~=·:-:::.;:;··: 11/08/84 02:00 4 ,:;~_: () 0. 35 0 35 1 ., I 11/08/84 04.00 ll o-:· 0. 35 0 35 1 11/08/84 06:00 4 ,. 07 0.35 0 35 1 ? 11/08/84 08 00 r.t _·;c. o·? 0 35 0 35 1 ., 11/08/£'!4 10. 00 1lT' (l? 0. 35 0 :Jt; j / 11108/84 12: 00 .!l.]F 07 0. 35 0 3'5 1 7 } 11/08/84 14:00 4:'i(" .. • 0 0. 35 0. :3'3 1 '! 11/08/84 1.6:00 4 !),~· 07 0 35 0 35 1 11/08/134 18:00 il-:1 1 0' 0 35 () -:-t5 i 7 11/08/84 20:00 (~ ~: ~-· \)/' 0. 35 0 ·-:;<; 1 ~ 11 /08/S•i 22 00 -:~ !j 07 0.35 0 35 1 11108/84 00: 00 4.:: ·: 0.-' 0. 35 0 35 1 7 OAILV .:.v~:RAGE \ UF.:S 0 35 0. 35 1 / 11/09 nH 02: oo 4-1"' f)'l 0.35 0 35 1 11/09/84 04· 00 4<1 c ~ '• 0 3'5 () ~-:1 '5 1. 11109/84 06: 00 4•''' '+. 07 0. 35 0 ]:'; 1. 7 11/09/84 08: 00 4oe 07 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 11/09/84 10:00 44G o:' 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/09/84 12:00 .:l :~\" o·: 0 35 0. 3S 1. 7 11/09/84 14.00 .t r•· .. 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IM, ALr·~~·l'/-~-START TIME 10/03184 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME Fl"'" H. RA\,J fiAT·'' FEET FEET CFS ======== ===== ==-.---:-=====-=:-:-:-...; =-=-· ====== --------:::::::=::.::::::::::: 11111/84 02:00 4i,';' 07 0.35 0 .35 1.7 11111/84 04:00 4 >'·~· 07 0. 35 0 ~"35 1. 7 11111/84 06: 00 4"1' ()7 0. 35 0 ]"! 1 .,. 11/11/84 08: 00 ll·;r_;_ {)? 0.35 0 "35 j. 7 1 1/11 / tH 1 0: 00 4 ~ :: (\"" 035 0 J'J 1 -.., 11111/1-34 12:00 4 ;,·il. I)? 0 35 0 ]') 1 7 11111184 14:00 4 '"' 07 0. 35 0 35 1 "7 . ' 11111184 16:00 4 ·~· ,s 07 0. 35 0. 35 1 7 11111/84 18:00 4 7"0" ().:' 0. 35 0. 35 1. ::- 11/11/04 20:00 418 Oi 0. 35 0 ':35 1./ 11111/84 22:00 t .. ~· ... ~ -· {)'' 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 11111/84 00:00 4t:l'.· u-;· 0. 35 0 ."35 i 7 DAILY AVERAGE VA! .. UES 0.35 (}. ']5 1 7 11112/8'l 02:00 '-FJ1 () --; 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 11/12/8 11 04:00 4>;;~:· () .. 0 35 0. 35 1. 7 11112/84 06·00 a.H: 0"/ 0 35 0 3S 1 7 11/12/84 08:00 4>Y: (;7 0. 35 0. 35 1 ? 11112/84 10:00 4-\::!:~ 0/ 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/12/84 12:00 i.lik.-i_\ -.-0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 11/12/84 14:00 11 ~-~ "t (1 :-.: 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 11112/84 16:00 4€::'' 07 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11112/8'1-18:00 1l ~:,c o·.~ 0. 35 0 .)5 1 -, . I 11/12/84 20:00 .!~ ·~· .) 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R Al<J [J,'IT ,-, FEET FEET CFS ==·====:= :::;.::::::::::::. :::::-....;:~:: ';!.::=:::~·-=:-:::= .. :.-:·:::::~.::··~ ====== ~----~~·--:=:::t:::.;.=-::7::- 11/14/84 02:00 50'' ;') 7 0. 35 0 35 1 . ., 11114/84 04:00 5·)~. 07 0.35 0 :35 j 7 11/14/8~ 06:00 5-';~ (\ -, J : 0.35 0 3': 1. 7 11 1 1 4/ n 'l 08 : oo 5(p::: 0? 0. 35 0. ]5 1 7 . ' 11/14/ f] 4 1 0. 00 5()1~" t]7 0.35 0 3'5 1. 7 11114/84 12· 00 51(\ 07 0. 35 0 ··-:;c:; 1. 7 11/14/84 l.4:00 51~. o: 0.35 0 3:\ 1 7 11/14/84 16:00 512. 0.'' 0.35 0 ]~' 1. '7 11/14/84 18 00 ~13 (l'7 0. 35 0 :]5 1 11/1418Q. 20:00 Sti'l r:y: 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/14/8/l 22:00 1::: i {~ o.:-0 35 0. 35 1 7 ·,./ ~ .. , 11/14/84 00: 00 51.6 07 0. 35 1) 35 1 -· . i DAILY AVERAGE VAi UES 0.35 0. ::iS 1 7 11/15/84 02.00 51 (\''7 0. 35 (j 35 1 ~ -It' i 11115/8£1 04.00 ~lE () 0. 35 0 35 1 .., I 11/15/84 06:00 5 it~ 0' 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 1 111 5/8 4 08: 00 s:;:·o (\ ., " I 0. 35 0. 35 17 11/15/84 10:00 521 o;' 0.35 0. 35 1 7 11/15184 12:00 5~),_-; 07 0.35 0. 35 1 7 11/15/84 14:00 ~ c 1 0.35 035 1 .., .J I 11/15/84 16 00 5~:~ 11 07 035 0 35 1 l 11/15/84 18:00 '3 ~: .. ? ~: (), 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/15/84 20: 00 52t: 0 0. 35 0. 35 1.7 11/15/84 22:00 C: '"; •,T .),.,._ .. o.:' 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/15/84 00:00 5;,?;;: c.·.r 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY t1VERt1Gl:: \'.:,: UES 0. 35 0 :.'35 1 11/16/84 02 00 5,...,,.,, n., 0.35 035 1. 11/16/84 04:00 :; .-::c o.· 0.35 0 '35 1 .. , • f .. 11/16/84 06:00 5 .. ~~ -~.. 07 0 35 0. 35 1. 7 11/16/84 08:00 5.~:-;2 07 0. 35 035 1 7 11116/84 10:00 5 ;~::~ n·.r 0. 35 0 35 1 '7 . I 11/16/8'~ 1.2:00 5.~i ~ li " 0.35 0 35 i 11/16/8ll 14 00 c; .• " '.1 .I. ()1 0.35 0 35 1 ~1 11/16/84 16·00 5:~6 tJ? 0 35 0 35 i : 11116/B4 18:00 5 ·.:• ()7 0.35 0. 35 i .. , I 11/16/81~ 20:00 5 Jlj c ;: 0.35 0. 35 1.7 11/16/84 22:00 5'Jq 07 0 35 0 35 1 7 11/16i84 00:00 5:1-~-; ()'7 0. 35 0 ;]5 1.7 OAIL Y 4VERAGE ·:tLUES 0.35 0. :35 1. 7 ~ PROPOSE_[, ELIM HYDPOC .. 'c(rRf: .. ,:;:,,;E(T OJ~Ol/85 f'AGE 16 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR 1oc!. Il"l, Al~ :;~-;"" f-·~ START TfME 10103/84 02:00 DEPTH lAGE_ DISCHG DATE TIME B \{ T F RA~~ [·(~i FEET FEET cp; ======== :::::::::::-::-:::: ~.:=:-=:::: :-.:.::-:::~.::."':::-.·-::·::..~~:·: ====== ·-·--·---===::::.:~~ 11/17/84 02.00 5<1 0 0.35 0 :.~5 1 11/17/84 04 00 5'1 ,;: 07 0.35 0. 35 1 11/17/84 06:00 54?: (".'' 0. 35 () 3'5 1 7 11/17/tt4 08:00 5'1 ,., ') 0. 35 0 -35 1 7 11117 h3tl 1 0. 00 i:.j4 ~ o: 0. 35 0 35 1. 11/17/8412:00 54t 07 0.35 0. 35 1 11/17/84 14:00 547 o;; 0 35 0. 35 1 7 11117/84 16:00 548 07 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/17/84 18 00 5LlQ (''7 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 11117/84 20: 00 5'"•.:· 0: 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/17/84 22:00 ss; o·:~ 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/17/84 00:00 5%: (}'1 0. ~35 0 35 1. 7 DAIL1 AVERi ... GE \'AI.UES 0. 35 0 :J~· 1. 11118/B'l 02· 00 55:: 0 7' 0. 35 0 35 i. 7 11/18/84 04:00 55tl ()7 0. 35 0. 35 1. ? 11/18/8 ti 06. 00 5S~.~ 07 0 35 0 35 1. 7 11/18/84 08:00 5'5.~ 0? 0. 35 0.35 1 ; 11/18/84 10:00 :~s·· ..... o; 0. 35 0. 35 1 ..., .. 11/18/84 12:00 5''•"-'• r· .J 0.35 0.35 1 7 11118/84 14:00 sr;c;. !)'! 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/18/84 1600 r..;. i ,·., ~t ... ·.._ (}7 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 11118/84 18: 00 :l~; ~; 0 .' 0.35 0 35 1.7 11/18/84 20. 00 5to~: !) 7 0. 35 0. 35 1 7 11/18/84 22:00 5f. .. :. 0 .. 0. 35 0 35 1 -, t 11/18/84 0000 56'\·~ \../ _.: 0. 35 0. 35 1 ~ ' DAILY bVERAGf V~.UES 0. 35 0. 35 1 11119/84 02.00 5t:l ':.' 07 0. 35 0 -:;c; 1 7 11119/84 04: 00 '560:. 07 0. 35 0 -~r; 1. 7 11119/84 06: 00 5i:J ()} 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/19/84 08.00 ShE () .. 0. 35 0 35 1. ; 11119/8 1~ 10 00 56C 07 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 11/19/84 12:00 5 :7 c· 07 0. 35 0. 35 1 "l' ' 11/19/84 14:00 .s ::-~ 0 0. 35 C"~. ]~5 1 ., f 11/19/811· 16 00 s·· . / .-. 0· 0.35 0 -:;;:; 1 11/19/84 18· 00 57.:-; (\ ., 0.35 0. 35 1 7 11/19/84 20:00 57£: (J :.c 0.35 035 1. ... ,. 11/19/84 22•00 c.: "7~ {\7 0.35 0. 3'5 1. ·~· ' .... 11/191 El <1 00. 00 '5 ~ ~. o:: 0. 35 0 '35 1. DA tl." r~VERAGE .'AU!ES 0 35 0 35 i PROPOSED ELIM HYDROEl.ECrR IC f'F>·t)._,!ECT 05101/85 PAGE 17 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR F:'1 iM, AL,,;,S~' ;. START TIME 10/03/84 02.00 DEPTH STAGE DIS(;HG DATE TIME 8-, ·r-fMI.-1 D!-1 T ."\ FEET FEET CFS ======::-:= ===== .::-:::-. !~·~.:. =====-:::::.:::-=. ;._~. ====== .:.r~==-'= ===-.::::::..:.'::.! 11/20i84 02:00 c: ., ,,) : ' 07 0.35 0. 35 1 7 11120/84 04: 00 5 !' ~; o·-: 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/20/8q 06:00 5 ~;::.:: o:r 0.35 0 3'5 1. ' 11/20/84 0800 ::?~J('· o·· 0. 35 0 35 i ., / 11/20/81l 10· 00 '5 ~J i 07 0.35 0. :35 1 7 11/20/84 12: 00 58Z 0? 0. 35 0 3S 1. l 11/20/84 14. 00 ~J ~:i :~:' ()7 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 11/20/84 16 00 5F.FL 07 0 35 0 35 1 7 11/20/84 18.00 ~d~~ ()'7 _, 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/20/84 20:00 58&: 0? 0.35 0 35 1 7 11/20/8/J. 22:00 5•3~" ('..., .I : 0. 35 () 35 i 7 11120/84 00: 00 588 07 0. 35 0 35 1 7 DAIL'i ,,,VERAGE '-/A1 .. VES 0. 35 0 -.c; -~ ' 1. 7 11/21/84 02: 00 5U 0 07 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/21/f34 04. 00 '390 0 ·~\-0.35 035 1 . .., . I 11/21/84 06:00 591 .-, -r \. ! 0. 35 0 35 1.7 11/21/84 08:00 s·"''' '? ,. 0? 0. 35 0. 35 t 7 11121184 10: 00 59J ():' 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 11/21/84 12:00 s~.~.;·,~ 0 0.35 0. 35 1.7 11/21/8<1-14:00 so·;: ("' -,. . .}.· 0. 35 0 :35 1 7 11121184 16: 00 59..:0 0. 0.35 0 :3'5 1 7 11/21184 18·00 s(~·-0' 0.35 0 35 1 7 11/21/84 20:00 5\: .. ·s 07 0 35 0. '35 1. 11/21184 22:00 59f~· ()7 0.35 (.\ 35 1.7 11/21/84 00:00 600 07 0.35 0 35 1. DAILY :.tJt.~R AC~E \'to: ... UES 0.35 0 3'5 1.7 11122/84 02: 00 60'1 (' ":' 0. 35 0. '35 1. 7 11/22/94 04:00 60; 07 0.35 0. :35 1 .. 11/22/84 06:00 6(J'.:; o; 0 35 0. 35 1. ' 11/22/84 08:00 604 0~' 0.35 0.35 i.7 11/22/84 10:00 6r)S 0? 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 11/22/84 12:00 bO,~ (\ ., 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 11/22184 14: 00 60' 0."' 0. 35 0. 35 i 7 11/22/84 16:00 60.1:; 07 0.35 0. 35 1.7 11/22/84 18:00 60<;' 07 0. 35 0 '35 1.7 11/22/84 20:00 610 07 0.35 0.35 1."'/ 11/22/84 22: 00 61) 07 0.35 0. 35 1 -, • I 11/22/84 00:00 6 i~ 0/ 0.35 0 35 1 7 DAILY AVERAGE VA~VES 0. 35 0.35 1. 7 PROPOSE[• ELIM HYDRDEL.::.CTRIC Ph:lUECr (/:). 01185 PAGE 18 PETERSE!'J CREEJ.I.. NEAR r::::_ IM, AI,. t~S:~~l\ STAPT TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME ih It. RA\.J Dt> l ,:, FEET FEET CF>:;l ======== ===== ~::::-::~-:.-.::::=::::::::-::::a:::--:.-====== =:!':::::::===-=.:::::::c.'"':="'.": 11/23/84 02:00 tr l :·:-; 07 0. 35 0. 35 1 7 11/23/84 04:00 61 il 0? 0.35 0 35 1 7 11/23/84 06:00 61." 07 0.35 0 35 1 7 11/23/81~ oe· oo 61 t:: 07 0.35 0. 35 1. -· 11/23/84 10·00 61 07 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/23/84 12:00 '=' l :;.; () '.1 0.35 0 35 1 7 11/23/84 14:00 ' 1 ,. ~ ~ l "t 0? 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 11/23/8·~ 16: 00 6.;~o 0/ 0 35 0 35 1 7 11/23181l 18: 00 621 07 0.35 0 35 1 7 11123/81i 20:00 6",;;:'. 07 0.35 0 :35 1. 7 11/2:3/•34 22· 00 6:i'::~ 0 '' 0. 35 0 ":jC::, ....... _, 1 7 11/23/84 00:00 62<l 0 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 DAILY AVERAGE ~ALUES 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/24/8(1. 02: 00 6.·2:; {)7 035 0 35 1 7 11/24/81.1 04:00 .~;. ::·,., 0 ·r ' ' 0 35 0 35 1. 7 11/24/84 06:00 6;:~·· o~· 0 35 0 35 1 7 11124/84 08: 00 6~·~8 Q 0. 35 0 35 1 :: 11/24/84 10:00 62";': 07 0. 35 0.35 1 7 11124/84 12: 00 c:~::~ 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 11/24/84 14:00 63 ()7 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/24/84 16:00 6 :,·· .•. •:::: 07 0.35 0. 35 1.7 11/24/84 18:00 6 J'~ 07 0.35 0. 35 1.7 11124/84 20: 00 63[; 07 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11124/84 22: 00 oJ·.~~ 07 0.35 0 35 1 ? 11/24184 oo·oo 6 ... :.;6 07 0.35 0. 35 1.7 DAILY 6,VERA•]E ' .. 'AUJES 0.35 0. :35 1. 7 11125/.;1<'1. 02: 00 6:;(' 07 0.35 0. 35 1 7 11/25/84 04:00 63~1 07 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/25/84 06:00 63::.' (' '7 _li 0. 35 0 35 i 7 11/25/134 08 00 640 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 11/25/84 10:00 ,~1 tl i. 07 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 11/25/84 12:00 o-":· 07 0.35 0 .. 35 1 .., 11/25/84 14:00 64.7! ., 0.35 0 3:5 1 ,. '·· I 11/25/84 16:00 64•i Ol 0.35 () 35 l 7 11/25/84 18:00 64.'5 Of 0. 35 0. 35 1 7 11/25/84 20:00 tAt-07 0. 35 0 35 1 7 11/25/84 22·00 647 o: 0.35 0. 35 1.7 11/25/G4 oo·oo 64'=~ 07 0.35 0. 35 j .., ! DA tLY •\'v'ERAGE ',',-\LUES 0.35 0 35 17 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PF~JECT 05,01/85 PAGE 19 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ~~IM. ALAS~0 START TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DAT~ FEET FEET CFS ======== ===== ===~ ====~===~ ====== -----====== 11/26/84 02:00 64~ 07 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/26/84 04:00 650 07 0.35 0 35 1 7 11/26/84 06:00 651 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 11/26/84 08:00 6~~ 0 7 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 11/26/84 10:00 653 07 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11126/84 1.2:00 65"J 1)7 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 11/26/84 14:00 6SB 07 0. 35 0.35 1. 7 11/26/84 16:00 6~6 07 0 35 0.35 1. 7 11/26/84 18:00 6~7 07 0. 35 0.35 1 7 11/26/84 20:00 6SS 07 0 35 0 35 1 7 11126/84 22: 00 6::•0 0 :· 0. 35 0 35 1 "l 11/26/84 00:00 6~0 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 DAILY AVERAGE VA1.UES 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 11/27/84 02:00 661 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 11/27/84 04:00 6~~ 07 0 35 0. 35 1. 7 11/27/84 06:00 6b~ 0! 0.35 0. 35 i 7 11/27/84 08:00 6b4 OJ 0.35 0.35 1 7 11/27/84 10·00 66~ 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 11/27/84 12:00 66~ 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 11/27/84 14:00 6b 7 07 0 35 0. 35 1. 7 11/27/84 16:00 668 07 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/27/84 18:00 66° 07 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/27/84 20:00 670 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 11/27/84 22:00 671 07 0.35 0.35 t. 7 11/27/84 00:00 67~ 07 0.35 0.35 1 ~ DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0 35 1 ~ 11/28/84 02:00 67? 07 0.35 0.35 1 , 11/28/84 04:00 674 07 0.35 0.35 1 7 11/28/84 06:00 675 07 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/28/84 08:00 b76 Q7 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/28/84 10 00 67 7 07 0.35 0. 35 1 7 11/28/84 12 00 678 07 0.35 0 35 1. 7 i1/28/E"r4. 14:00 6~n-o:r 0.35 0.35 1.7 11/28/84 16:00 bt"J;_, 07 0.35 0.35 1 "7 11/28/84 18:00 b8l Q7 0.35 0 35 1 7 11/28/84 20:00 6q? 07 0.35 0. 35 i. 11/28/84 22:00 683 07 0.35 0 35 1. 11/28/84 00:00 684 07 0. 35 0 35 1. DAILV AVERAGE 'v'A!.UES 0. 35 0. 35 1. i '' PROPOSED ELIM HYDRQEI.FC TR I<~ i='RU .. 'EC T 0'5 01/85 PAGE 20 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR E.Lf.M, AL(\C:I•"\ START TIMC 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISt:i-iG DATE TIME 13Y i~ RAW fi.4 u, FEET FEET CFS ==:=::::::::::::::::=-===== ~~=::::::::::!"!:~:::!· ====:::::= ~--··~--· ·- 11/29/84 02 00 6iJ:S 0? 0.35 0 35 1. 7 11/29/84 04: 00 68r1 07 0.35 0 35 1.7 11/29/84 06:00 687 0'7 0.35 0. 35 1 7 11/29/84 08:00 6'-!8 07 0.35 0 35 1 ...... t 11/29/84 1000 t"JF:l(i' 0'7 0. 35 0. 35 1 7 11/29/84 12:00 6S'O 07 0. 35 0. 35 1 '7 I 11/29/84 14·00 691 o.:· 0. 35 0. 35 1 .., ' 11/29/t'34 16: 00 6-?~2 07 0. 35 0.3'5 1 7 11/29/84 1.8·00 69:? 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 11129/84 20:00 6'-'flt 07 0.35 0 35 1 7 11129/84 22: 00 69~· ()7 035 C!. 35 ' 7 1 11/29/84 00:00 69,:-, 0' 0. 35 C'. 3:j 1 7 DAILY AVERAGE VAlUES 0 85 () 35 1 7 11/30/84· 02: 00 6'1 07 0. 35 t) 35 t 7 11130/84 04: 00 69f·:· 07 0.35 '.l. ,]5 1. 7 11/30/84 06:00 {;/(0 ()7 0. 35 () 35 1 ..., ( 11/30/84 08:00 7('('• (!7 0. 35 0 "35 i. 7 11/30/84 10:00 '7 i .. '• ,-; 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 11/30h14 12:00 -:-:~,~-07 0.35 0 35 1.7 11/30/84 14:00 7' J 07 0.35 0. :]5 1 7 11/30/84 16:00 7~)4 (:"' 0.35 0 35 1.7 11/30/84 18:00 70~-i {.j "? 0 35 <) :35 1 7 11/30/84 20:00 7U6 07 0.35 0 ;:!5 1 7 11/30/84 22:00 707 07 0.35 0. 35 1 7 11/30/84 00:00 708 07 0 35 0 35 1 i DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.35 0 ']'::; 1 7 12/01/84 o2·oo 7~'\•:l 07 / 0. 35 <) 35 1. 7 12/01/84 04:00 710 07 0.35 0.35 1 ., . t 12/01/84 06:00 711 07 0.35 0. 35 1.7 12/01/i14 08: 00 7 t ;;~ 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 12/01/iH 10: 00 ?iJ 0-. / 0.35 0.35 1.7 12/01/84 12:00 71 q. 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/01/tl4 14:00 ?1~ 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 12/01/84 16:00 7i.6 07 0. 35 0. 35 1.7 12/01/84 18:00 717 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/01/84 20:00 718 07 0.35 0. 35 1' 7 12/01/84 22:00 7t9 07 0.35 0. 35 1.7 12/01/84 00:00 720 07 0. 35 0. 35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0 35 0. 35 1.7 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC P~OJECT 0'5, 01185 PAGE 21 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ~LIM, ALAS!~.A START TIME 10/03/84 02·00 DEPTH ~]TAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTL RAW DAfA FEET FEEr CFS =========·== ===== :::::.=::-:::: ~=========:..:::::.: ======= .:=::::::::::::::-===:-=== 12/02/134 02: 00 7~'.1 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/02/84 04:00 72';:. 07 0.35 0 35 1. 7 12/02/84 06:00 723 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/02/84 08:00 7:,24 07 0.35 1). 35 1 7 12/02/84 10:00 7~~5 07 0. 35 () 35 1.7 12/02/!34 12:00 7~26 07 0.35 0. 35 1 ...,. . I 12/02/84 14:00 ?;:r:: 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/02/84 16:00 7.18 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/02/84 18:00 7,':29 07 0. 35 0 35 1 7 12/02/84 20:00 7::30 07 0. 35 0. 35 1.7 12/02/84 22:00 731 07 0. 35 0 ::15 1. 7 12/02/84 00:00 73::! 07 0. 35 0 :35 i.7 DAILY 4VERAGE VALUES 0.35 o :Js 1. 7 12/03/84 02:00 73'] 06 0.30 0 30 0. 90 12/03/Bq 04:00 734 Of, 0. 30 0 .30 0.90 12/03/84 06:00 7]~) 07 035 0 35 1. 7 12/03/84 08:00 7J6 07 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 12/03/84 10:00 7']'1' 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/03/84 12:00 rm 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/03/84 14:00 7]t"7· 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/03/84 16:00 740 07 0. 35 0.35 1.7 12/03/84 18:00 741 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/03/84 20:00 7•~:2 06 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/03/84 22:00 74:} 07 0.35 0. 35 1.7 12/03/84 00:00 744 07 0.35 0. 35 1 '7 . I DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 34 0 34 1. 5 12/04/84 02:00 745 07 0.35 0. 35 1.7 12/04/0ll 04:00 746 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/04/84 06:00 74'7 07 0. 35 0.35 1.7 12/04/84 08:00 748 0..,. ,. 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/04/84 10:00 740 07 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 12/04/H4 12:00 750 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/04/84 14:00 751. 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/04/84 16:00 752 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/04/84 18:00 7'53 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/04/84 20:00 754 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 12/04/84 22:00 '7 5~) 07 0. 35 0 ~35 1. 7 12/04/84 00:00 7~i::-07 035 0 ~35 1.7 DA IL\' ,~VERAGE VAI..UES 0.35 0. 35 1 . I_, PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Qj/01/85 PAGE 22 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALASht, START TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME Br' rE RAW DATf~ FEET FEET CFS ====~=:-== ===== ==:.:::-.: =======~= ====== ===== ==:::.:=== 12/05/r34 02: 00 7~?7 07 0.35 0 35 1 7 12/05/84 04:00 -;::::>f) 06 0.30 0. 30 090 12/05/84 06:00 7~3(:) 07 0.35 0 35 1.7 12/05/84 08:00 "16G 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 9() 12/05/84 10:00 76'l 07 0.35 0.35 1 7 12/05/84 12:00 7" 'J • f":or.:.. 07 0.35 0. :..15 l.l 12/05/84 14:00 76:"3 0"7 0. 35 0.35 1 7 12/05/84 16:00 764 07 0.35 0. 35 1 .., • I 12/05/84 18:00 7b5 07 0.35 0. 35 i.7 12/05/84 20:00 766 07 0.35 0 35 1.7 12/05/84 22:00 761 07 0.35 0 ]5 1.7 12/05/84 00:00 768 07 0.35 0.35 1. 7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.34 0 34 1.6 12/06/84 02:00 769 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/06/84 04:00 770 07 0.35 0.35 1 7 12/06/84 06:00 771 07 0. 35 0. 35 1.7 12/06/84 08:00 7/2 07 0.35 0 35 1.7 12/06/84 10:00 773 07 0.35 0 35 1.7 12/06/84 12:00 774 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/06/84 14:00 775 07 035 0.35 1. 7 12/06/84 16:00 776 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/06/84 18:00 7?7 O~.o 030 0 30 0.90 12/06/84 20:00 77B 06 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/06/84 22:00 779 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/00/84 00:00 780 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 33 0 33 1. 4 12/07/84 02:00 7f:li 07 0. 35 0.35 1 ;r 12/07/84 04:00 782 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/07/84 06:00 78:J 07 0.35 0.35 i. 7 12/07/84 08:00 784 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/07/84 10:00 785 07 0. 35 0. :.i5 1 ... . I 12/07/84 12:00 7H6 07 0.:35 0. ~15 i.7 12/07/84 14:00 i'E~? 07 0.35 0. 35 1. I 12/07/84 16:00 788 07 0.35 0 35 1. 7 12/07/84 18:00 789 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/07/84 20:00 790 07 0. 35 0. 35 1.7 12/07/84 22:00 7"?1 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/07/84 00:00 792 07 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 DAILY AVERAGE VAL.UES 0.35 0 35 1. 7 PROPOSED ELIM HYDRDEu":::CTRIC F;RUJECT OS/01/85 PAGE 23 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, AL.,"Si•,t, START TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BY fT:. RAW DAT.O. FEET FEET CFS ~~======== =::::::=== =~:::..~ =-=====::::-:.:;.-::: ====== ====:::: ====== 12/08/84 02:00 793 07 0. 35 0. 35 1 .. ., . l 12/08/84 04:00 794 07 0.35 0. 35 i. ? 12/08/84 06:00 7'?5 07 0. 35 0 35 1.7 12/08/84 08:00 7'~tJ 07 0 35 0 35 1 7 12/08/84 10:00 797 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/08/84 12:00 798 07 0. 35 0. 35 1.7 12/08i84 14:00 7<-J<':> 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/08/84 16:00 8()0 07 0. 35 0. 35 1 ., . I 12/08/04 18:00 801 07 0. 35 0. 3':' 1. 7 12/08/84 20:00 802 07 0. 35 035 1 7 12/08/04 22:00 8()'·] 07 0.35 0 35 1.7 12/08/84 00:00 804 07 0.35 035 1. 7 DAIL. Y 1\VERAGE \/AL.l.JES 0 35 0. 35 1.6 12/09/84 02:00 805 07 0.35 0. 35 1 7 12/09i84 04:00 806 06 0. 30 0. 30 0 90 12/09/84· 06: 00 807 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/09/84 08:00 808 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 12/09/84 10:00 809 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/09/84 12:00 810 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 12/09/84 14:00 81 t Ql_, 0.30 0. 30 0 90 12/09/84 16:00 81.2 06 0. 30 0 30 0.90 12/09/84 18:00 81:-:J 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 12/09/84 20:00 814 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/09/84 22:00 815 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/09/84 00:00 81t .. 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 31 0 :31 i. 0 12/10/84 02:00 817 Ob 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/10/84 04:00 Bin 07 0. 35 0 35 1. 7 12/10/84 06:00 81 c:. 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/10/84 08:00 s;;;;·o 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/10/84 10:00 821 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/10/04 12:00 822 Ot.• 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/10/84 14:00 K<J 06 0. 30 0. 30 0 90 12/10/~34 16:00 824 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/10i84 18:00 825 06 0. 30 0. 30 0 90 12/10/84 20:00 826 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/10/84 22:00 827 o..;, 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/10/84 00:00 82f~ Ob 0. 30 0.:30 0. 90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 31 0 31 1.0 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 05.t 01/85 PAGE 24 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR EL. IM, ALASI-\/l, START TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW DA ri~ FEET FEET CFS =======: ===::= ==:= ;::::=:=:==~:::::: ====== ===== ---------·-.--- 12/11/84 02:00 8:Jc:· 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 12/11/84 04:00 8.30 Qr'j 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/11/Bif 06:00 831 06 0. 30 0.30 0.90 12/11184 08: 00 B3~ 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 91) i2/11/fi4 10: 00 8]3 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/11184 12:00 834 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/11/84 14:00 835 06 0. 30 G. 30 0. 91) 12/11/l-34 16:00 8:36 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/11/84 18:00 8]7 06 0 30 0 30 0. 90 12/11/f;i4 20:00 s:~fJ o,s 0. 30 0. 30 0 90 12/11/fj4 22:00 8."39 06 0.30 0.30 0 90 12/11/B4 00:00 840 06 0 30 0. 30 0. 90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 30 0 30 0.90 12/12i84 02.00 841 06 0.30 0 30 0.90 12/12/84 04:00 84.;;'~ 06 0. 30 0 30 0.90 12/12/84 06:00 84:1 Ot..> 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/12/84 08:00 844 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/12/84 10:00 845 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/12/84 12:00 846 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/12/84 14:00 8/1'! 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/12/84 16:00 841-7: 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/12/84 18:00 81J.9 06 0. 30 0.30 0.90 12/12/84 20:00 850 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/12/84 22·00 851. Oi_, 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/l:i!/84 00:00 er.:.t·j ,_,(""., 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0 30 0 30 0. 90 12/13/84 02:00 853 07 0.35 0. 35 i ,. 12/13/84 04:00 854 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/13/84 o6·oo 8:"15 06 0. 30 0. :]0 0. 90 12/13/84 08:00 85h 07 0.35 0. 35 1.7 12/13/84 10:00 837 07 0.35 0. 35 1.7 12/13/8'~ 12:00 8':1!-J 06 0.30 0 30 0. 90 12/13/84 14.00 8517 06 0. 30 0. ~30 0 90 12/13/84 16:00 860 07 0. 35 0.35 1. 7 12/13/84 18:00 861 ·06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 12/13/84 20·00 862 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/13/8'~ 22: 00 863 06 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/13/8<1 00:00 8611-06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 32 0. 32 1.2 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELE.CTRIC PROJECr O': · 01/85 PAI:;E 25 PETERSEN CREEK NEAH ELIM, l-1l.AShi.o, START TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW D;iTII FEET FEET CFS =~======= ======= ==~=.·::-==::::::-::::-:::..";::::;::;: ====== -----==::::::=.;:;:;;-::::: 12/14/84 02:00 8/JS 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 12/14/84 04:00 866 06 0.30 0. 30 0 90 12/14/04 06:00 867 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/14/8'~ 08:00 8f,8 06 0 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/14/84 10:00 81.:=' 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 12/14/84 12:00 870 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 12/14/84 14:00 s··· / l. 06 0. 30 0. 30 0 9(! 12/14/.84 16:00 87rl '"-06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/14/84 18:00 87~~ 01_, 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/14/f34 20:00 874 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/14/84 22:00 875 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/14/84 00:00 876 Ot_, 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VAl.UES 0.30 0 :JO 1. 0 12/15/84 02:00 877 07 0. 35 (l 35 1. 7 12/15/84 04:00 87t? 0 ~7 0. 35 035 1 7 12/15/84 06:00 87~· ()7 0. 35 o ·Js 1. 7 12/15/84 08:00 880 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/15/84 10:00 881. 07 0.35 0 35 1. 7 12/15/84 12:00 88:2 07 0. 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/15/84 14:00 B'Yc' Ot~) 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/15/84 16:00 884 07 0.35 0 ]5 1. 7 12/15/84 18:00 8i3~ 07 0.35 0. 35 1.7 12/15/84 20:00 886 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/15/84 22:00 88/' 07 0.35 0 35 1. 7 12/15/84 00:00 8t38 07 0.35 0.35 1.7 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0. 35 0 35 1.6 12/16/84 02:00 88'? 06 0.30 0 :30 0. 90 12/16/84 04:00 8f:!r) 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/16i84 06:00 841 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/16i84 08:00 80" .c;. Ob 0.30 0.30 0. 90 12/16/84 10:00 8·::;':] 07 0. 35 0 35 1.7 12/16 hJ 4 1 2: 00 8Litl. 07 0. 35 0 "35 1. 7 12/16/84 14:00 g.-::•~. 06 0. 30 0 30 0.90 12/16/84 16:00 896 06 0. 30 0 30 0.90 12/16/84 18:00 8'// 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/16/84 20:00 8 1·t8 06 0.30 0 3C 0. 90 12/16/84-22:00 t399 07 0.35 0 "]5 i. 7 12/1b/8ll 00:00 ooo Oo 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 DAILY iiVERAGE \'N. UES 0. 31 0 31 1. 1. PROPOSED EL II"! HYDROE.t-t:CTR IC eRt:•.Ji::c T 05:'01/85 PAGE 26 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM. AL. /~ <; v,t>, START TIME 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DIS(HG DATE T It1E f:iYlE RAW DAfl• FEET FEET CP) ====:::::::=== ===== ==~::~""::. ====="'"'::::0:\':: :".~ ====== :::.==~== ~==:::=:::=: 12/17/84 02:00 Q(lj_ 07 0. 35 0 .]5 1 7 12/17/84 04:00 90;.: 07 0.35 0.:35 1.7 12/17/84 06:00 9(Y3 Of.l 0.30 0 30 0. 90 12/17/84-08:00 904 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 12/17/84 10:00 905 07 0.35 0 35 1.7 12/17/84 12:00 906 06 0. 30 0 .. 30 0.90 12/17/84 14:00 907 07 0.35 0. 35 1. 7 12/17/84 16:00 90E; 06 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/17/84 18:00 91)1;.1 06 0.30 030 0 90 12/17/84 20:00 9j0 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/17/84 22:00 91 !_ 06 0.30 0. 30 0 90 12/17184 00:00 912 07 0. 35 0.35 1.7 DAILV AVERAGE VAUJES 0. 32 0 32 1 "l ' c. 12/18/8'1 02:00 9LJ 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/18/84 04:00 9 J ij. Ob 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/18/84 06:00 ,, ' .:. .... ,./ 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/18/84 08:00 91.,~J 06 0. 30 0 30 0.90 12/18/84 10:00 91 -;·· 07 0. 35 0.35 1.7 12/18h'34 12:00 93.[:) ()~..) 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/18/84 14:00 9{1':.' 01::! 0. 30 0 3() 0 90 12/18/84 16:00 92(' Of., 0. 30 0. 30 0 90 12/18/ f3 4 1 8 : 00 9 7i ~ 0~.: 0.30 0 30 0. 90 12/18184 20:00 9"'1''! <""~(.;.., Oo 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/18/84 22:00 9 ')·;\ C:..·-· o.~, 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/18/84 00:00 924 Ob 0. 30 0 30 0 90 DAILY tNERAG[: '/ALUf~S 0. 30 0. 30 1.0 12/19/84 02:00 925 06 0. 30 0.30 0 90 12/19/84 04:00 9:'6 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/19/84 06:00 9,;:7 Of..J 0.30 0 30 0. 90 12/19/84 08:00 926 06 0. 30 0.30 0. 90 12/19/84 10:00 9.;;q 06 0.30 0 30 0.90 12/19/84 12:00 9JC• 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/19/84 14•00 931 (1~.1 030 0. 30 090 12/19/84 16:00 93e:: 06 0. 30 0. 30 090 12/19/84 18:00 933 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/19;'84 20:00 9::i4 06 0. 30 0. 30 0 90 12 I 1 9 I 8 '' 22 · 00 95~ 06 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12119/84 oo·oo 9.3h 06 0. 30 0. ;30 0.90 DAILY !NERAGE 'o'\LUES 0.30 0 :30 0 90 PROPOSED EL[M HYDROEL~CTRIC PR~JECT 0'5!01/85 Pt>,GE 27 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, t<\LA-:c:hi'-1 START Tli'iE 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH -::TAGE DISCHG DATE TIME Bl'H .. RAW D/•Tt-, FEET FEET CFS ======:.!:!!'·.::::.."': ===== ==~~== :::::::::.:::·::.::::-::::.':!:.:::: ======= ·---·--==~,==:::::::: 12/20/84 02:00 9"37 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 12/20/84 04:00 q ?.i:.l 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 9 1) 12/20/84 06:00 9]\ .. ~ o.s 0. 30 0 30 0 90 12/20/~34 08: 00 c::'40 01-, 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/20/,34 10·00 C'ij 1_ i)i_, 0. 30 0 30 0 90 12/20/84 12:00 94,;' OtJ 0.30 () :30 0. 90 12/20/84 14:00 94J OtJ 0. 30 0. 30 0 90 12/20/84 16:00 94'+ 06 0. 30 0. 3() 0 90 12/20/1]4 18:00 C-45 Oto 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/20/84 20:00 94-7· 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/20/84 22:00 9<P 0-c.: 0. 30 0 30 0 90 12/20/84 00:00 '748 06 0.30 0 30 0. 90 DAILY AVERAGE VAI.UES 0.30 0 :]0 0 9() 12/21/84 02:00 oqc;-· o.s 0. 30 0 30 0.90 12/21/~_14 04:00 9~.11) Ob 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/21/81~ 06: 00 o:::·1 0~) 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/21/8<l 08:00 9~,~~ ()b 0.30 0. 30 0.90 12/21/84 10:00 95.3 Ob 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/21/84 12:00 9'54 06 0. 30 I) 30 0. 90 12/21/84 14:00 9~-1~.i Of_, 0.30 0 30 0.90 12/21/84 16:00 9:,'f:) 0? 0. 35 0 35 1 7 12/21104 18:00 9:~, ~ o~" 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/21/84 20:00 9Sf! 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H: TR IC ::·,~·CiJFC T (j ~;. 01/8:5 PAGE 28 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR E~IM. .~u ... s~-<A START Tii!E 10/0J/84 02 00 DEPTH 1:::T.o-GE DISCHG DATE TIME 8"-tl': RAW DATi:\ FEET FEET CFS =======.:::::~ ===== -::=:-~::.~ :::=:':":'!:::::=.:::·"!::=:-:-======= ::.:::::::-:::= ==:::::::;:=.:::: 12/23/fj4 02:00 977 07 0. 35 0. 35 i. 7 12/2'3/04 04:00 97t: l)f:, 0. 30 0. JO 0. 90 12/23/84 06:00 9?5 06 0. 30 0 ;30 0 90 12/23/84 08:00 976 07 0.35 0 3'5 1 7 12/2:'3/t~ll. 10: 00 97':"1· Ol·_·, 0. 30 0 30 0 90 12/23/84 12:00 9lS Ob 0. 30 0.30 0 90 12/23/84 14:00 979 Ot> 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/23/£14 1600 i:i80 o.:S 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/23/84 18:00 'h) 1 06 0.30 0 30 0. 90 12/23/84 20:00 O~j;_,': I)~) 0. 30 0. JO 0. 90 12/23/84 22:00 98.:i t}r~.l 0. 30 0 30 0 90 12/23/84 00:00 98Ll <) '.:, 0. 30 (j_ 30 0.90 DAIU' .~VERr..,,;E \'f.,l_UES 0.31 0. 31 i. 0 12/24/84 02:00 985 0!. 0. 30 () 30 0 90 12/24/B4 04:00 9fkJ 06 0. :30 0 30 0. 90 12/24/84 06:00 98~~: 06 0. 30 0. ~JO 0 90 12/24/84 08:00 98t-l ()i:; 0. 30 0. 30 0 90 12/24/84 10:00 98"' Of.J 0.30 0. :30 0. 90 12/24/84 12:00 croc, o~j 0.30 tJ 30 0. 90 12/24/H4 14:00 9·~'1 (),", 0. 30 0.30 0. 90 12/24/84 16:00 9'·~2 06 0.30 0 30 0. 90 12/24/8'l 18:00 99':; Of, 0. 30 0 :]0 0. 90 12/24/84 20:00 9.-:,;<J 07 0. 35 0 35 1.7 12/24/84 22:00 c;l9~; 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/24/84 00:00 9.::;.~. Ol.' 0. 30 0 30 0 9C• DAILY AVERAGE VAl.UES 030 0 30 1.0 12/25/t14 02 00 q-::,~· 0-~ 0.30 0 30 0 9•) 12/25/84 04:00 O<:ff;; 0~) 0. 30 () ::.w 0.90 12/25/84 06:00 91;··1"? (h 0.30 0 30 0.90 12/25/G4 08:00 000 Of:.: 0.30 0. 30 0.90 12/25i>J4 10:00 Q~}~ 06 0.30 0 30 0 90 12/25/8'~ 12:00 007~ O~o 0. 30 0 30 0.90 12/2518<l 14· 00 00-:i 07 0 35 0 35 1.7 12/25/>34-16:00 004 06 0 .. 30 0 '30 0. 90 12/25/84 18.00 00~7· 07 0 35 0. 35 1. 7 12/25/84 20:00 006 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/25/81-22:00 0()7 06 0. 30 0 :JO 0.90 12/25/>J<~ oo· oo ()i:ri:_:! 06 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 DAILY t;'JERA(;;E \'ALUES 0.31 0 31 1 0 PROPOSED ELIM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 0'5r01/85 PAGE 29 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELLM, AU..,sv,f, START TIME 10/03/84 02.00 DEPTH SIAGE DISCHG DATE TIME IlVTf: FAW [it..,T,'-FEET FEET CFS ====::::::-::::=:::-:-:: ====== !:!-'7:-:':.'~':' ~====-==-:::;,..":;' ====== ===== ==:::::·::..:=:.::::::: 12/26/84 02·00 009 06 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/26/84 04:00 OlfJ Ot.; 0.30 0 30 0. 90 12/26/84 06:00 011 06 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/26/84 08:00 01 :' 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/26/84 10 00 ~. ~ u J. -~ 06 0. 30 0 30 0 90 12/26/84 12:00 Gi4 06 0. 30 0.30 0.90 12/26/84 14:00 01 '::' 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/26/84 16·00 01b 06 0. 30 030 0. 90 12/26/84 18:00 017 0~:· 0.30 0 30 090 12/26/84 20·00 Olf {)~~ 0. 30 0 :30 0. 90 12/26184 22:00 01 S~, 06 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/26/84 00:00 0::'0 06 0 30 0 30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES o. 30 0 30 0.90 12/27/84 02:00 t)~1 O~J 0.30 030 0 90 12/27/84 04:00 0 :;;::;~~ 06 0.30 0 30 0.90 12/27/8•1 06·00 0~1 3 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/27/84 08:00 024 06 0. 30 0 30 0.90 12/27/84 10:00 o;;;::1 06 0.30 0 30 0.90 12/27/84 12:00 0<:{6 o.s 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/27/84 14:00 027 Ofo 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/27/84 16:00 0;;':i3 06 0. 30 0. 30 0 90 12/27/134 18: 00 o:;::·.::· 06 0 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/27/84 20:00 0:3G 06 0. 30 0. '30 0.90 12/27/84 22:00 031 06 0.30 !} 30 0.90 12/27/84 00:00 OJ2 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0 30 0. 30 0.90 12/28/8<1 02:00 o:~:; 06 0. 30 0. 30 0 90 12/28/84 04:00 Q'j4 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/28/84 06.00 o:~s Or.:. 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/28/84 08.00 036 06 0. 30 0. ,)() 0. 90 12/28/84 10:00 OT' 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/28/84 12:00 OJ8 o,.: .. 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/28/84 14:00 0'39 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/28/i-]4 16: 00 040 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 12/28/84 18:00 041. 06 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/28/84 20:00 04~: OfJ 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/28/84 22:00 04;"3 Ot:O, 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/28/84 oo·oo ()4ij. 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.30 0 30 0 90 ' PROPOSED ELIM HYDROEL~CTRIC PROJECf li"Ji01;85 PAGE 30 PETERSEN CREEK NEAR ELIM, ALA'3i"J, START Til'![ 10/03/84 02:00 DEPTH STAGE DISCHG DATE TIME BYTE RAW Dt~ Ti~ FEET FEET CFS ======-== ===== -::::::-::-::::.~ ::-:::==:::::::::==:=== ====== ==:== :::=;::.:=~..:=~ 12/29/84 02:00 04~~ 06 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/29/84 04:00 04b 06 0.30 0 30 0.90 12/29/84 06:00 04/ Ob 0. 30 0 30 0 9() 12/29/84 08:00 Ot.J.f, Ob 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/29/84 10:00 049 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/29/84 12:00 050 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/29/84 14·00 051 06 0.30 0. 30 0.9) 12/29/84 16:00 0'.52 06 0 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/29/84 18:00 05~} 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/29/B4 20:00 05-'~ Oo 0. 30 0 30 0. 90 12/29/84 22:00 OS~i 06 0. 30 1). 30 0. 90 12/29/84 00:00 056 06 0.30 0.30 0. 90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.30 0 30 0. 90 12/30/84 02:00 o.:~? 06 0 30 0. 30 0.90 12/30/84 04:00 C~"it'l On 0. 30 (j '30 0.90 12/30/B4 06:00 o~:~'9 06 0. 30 0 .30 0. 90 12/30/84 08:00 060 Oo 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/30/1:14 10:00 061 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/30/84 12:00 OK· 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 12/30/84 14:00 063 06 0 30 0 30 0. 90 12/30/84 16:00 Q.i,l~ 06 0. 30 0. ;]0 0.90 12/30/84 18:00 (?,:J:} 06 0.30 0 30 0. 90 12/30/84 20:00 066 06 0. 30 0. :30 090 12/30/84 22:00 067 06 0. 30 0. 30 090 12/30/84 00:00 Q,£,0 06 0. 30 0. 30 0. 90 DAILY AVERAGE VALUES 0.30 0 30 0.90 12/31184 02:00 0<'.8 06 0 30 0 30 0. 90 12/311B4 04: 00 070 06 0. 30 0 .. 30 0. 90 12/31/84 06:00 071 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/31/84 08:00 or;: ('\' ,C) 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/31/84 to·oo 0 .:''J 06 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/31/84 12: 00 Gn OtJ 0.30 0. 30 0. 90 12/31184 14 00 07"' 06 0.30 0. 30 0 90 12/31/84 16:00 076 06 0.30 0.:30 0.90 12/31/84 18:00 on 06 0. 30 0. 30 0.90 12/31/84 20:00 O?B 06 0.30 o. :Jo 0 90 12/31 /€:4 22· 00 079 06 0. 30 0. :30 0 90 12/31/84 00:00 0'K' 06 0.30 0. 30 0.90 DAILY AVERAGE VAt.VES 0.30 0 30 0. 90 APPENDIX C Gaging Equipment Specifications """SPECIAL""" DATAPOD MODEL DP312 ONE CHANNEL VOLTAGE RECORDER OMNIDATA INTERNATIONAL. INC~ P.O. Box 3489 Logan. Utah 84321 January 1984 Version 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION ••• , ••••••• Send in Your USER WARRANTY CARD ••• Specifications ••• , ••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Connecting the Sensors. • • • • • • • • • • 3 Setting the Recording Interval. • • • • •• 3 Connecting the Battery Pack • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Starting Your System •••••••••••••••••• 7 Checking the Sensor and Calibration • • • • • • •• 7 Instal I ing the Data Storage Module. • • • • 8 Setting Time Unti I Logging Data Starts. • • • • • • 8 Testing the Data Storage Module • • •••••••• 9 Logging data. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 10 Displaying Stored Data • • • • • • • • •••• 10 Changing Data Storage Modules • • • • • •• 10 Resetting the DATAPOD. • • • • • • • • • ••• 11 Reading the Data into Your Printer or Computer ••••• 11 MAINTENANCE. • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••• 12 Preventive Maintenance • • • • • • • • • • 12 Battery Replacement • • • • • • • • • ••••••• 12 Hardware Warranty • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 12 Limited Software Warranty. • • • • • • • • •••• 13 ILLUSTRATIONS Diagram 1: Connecting Sensors to the DATAPOD. • • 4 Diagram 2: DP312 Internal View.......... 5 Diagram 3: Sample Interval Switch Control Settings •• 6 Initialization Sequence •••••••••••••••• 14 Time Untl I Logging Data Starts. • • • • • • 14 Run. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 14 Short Display Sequence. • • • • • • • • •••• 15 Example: Long Data Dump Sequence Without Max Min ••• 16 Example: Long Data Dump Sequence With Max Min ••••• 16 Model 217 Reader Output Format Without Max Min ••••• 17 Model 217 Reader Output Format With Max Min • • • • 17 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The DATAPOD Model DP312 is a miniature, battery-operated, one channel voltage recorder. The DP312 is environmentally sealed, so you need not be too concerned about weather or climate damaging your DATAPOD. However, we recommend that you do not submerge the DP312 for any extended period. The DP312 records at a recording interval set by the user and stores data in a so I i d state memory ca I I ed a Data Storage Modu I e <DSM). The user removes the DSM when it is full and replaces it with a new, "empty" DSM. To retrieve the data, the Model 217 Reader transmits the data from the DSM to apr inter or computer with ease. The data stored in the DSM remains there unti I it is erased by exoosure to an ultraviolet erasing lamp, after which the DSM can be reused. No sensors are Included with the OP312 Voltage Recorder. We recommend you use the following accessories:· 2 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. DSM1000 Data Storage Module UVS1 1E Data Storage Module Eraser 217D Datapod Reader with SC254 RS232 Cable 517 Small Instrument Shelter (Optional) Send In your USER WARRANTY CARD! Your USER WARRANTY CARD is our only record of which instruments you have purchased from Omnidata, so we can send you important update material about your specific purchase. Please, we need one USER WARRANTY CARD tor EACH instrument you've purchased from Omnldata. Be sure that your address on the card is where you would I ike us to send any update information. Omnldata cannot be responsible for notifying you of any changes or updates unless we have your campi eted USER WARRANTY CARD. Send it in today! Specifications FUNCTION: Voltage. C0-5 volts full scale) Minimum readings can also be taken. TYPE OF SENSORS: Average, Maximum, and 5 volt ful I scale, voltage output sensor. 3-wlre or modified 3-wire.transducers (WI I I not accept pure 4-wlre or differential type wiring.) SENSOR EXCITATION: Datapod provides 12.0 volts sensor excitation. Turns ott and on as needed to preserve battery I lfe. ACCURACY: 0.2% of reading. SAMPLING and RECORDING INTERVALS: User selects the recording interval. 1, 2, 5, 10, or 30 minutes or 1, 2, or 24 hour. PRESET TIME TIL RUN Clogging of data>: User may preset the time in minutes untl I the DATAPOD starts to run. INPUT CONNECTORS: One 3-pln environmentally sealed connector for Sensor. One 3-pin environmentally sealed connector for Battery Pack. DATA STORAGE: Capacity: 2046 recoraings. Medium: Non-volatile, interchangeable memory module. Retrieval: Via built-in display or Model 217 Reader. OPERATING CONTROLS AND DISPLAY: Display: 4 1/2 digit LCD with low battery indicator. Push Button: Controls data display and retrieval. CLOCK ACCURACY: +-3 minutes per month <-toe to +60C> SELF TEST: Performs se It test functions on power-up OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: -35 deg C to + 60 deg C, 0 to 100% RH, dust and watertight POWER: Power Is supplied by external 12 volt Battery of Omnidata. Battery Pack Model BP250. SIZE & WEIGHT: 6.3 11 X 3.3 11 X 2.3 11 , 1.2 lb. 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Connecting the Sensors Diagram 1 shows how sensors should be connected to the DATAPOD. A sealed rubber input connector Is the top socket on the left side of the DATAPOD. A ClO cable connects the sensor to the DATAPOD. If you do not have a C10 cable, you may purchase one from Omnidata. Contact Omnidata if your sensor appears to be incompatible. The DP312 will not connect to pure 4-wire differential transducers. The sensor shou I d be 3-w ire, sing I e ended, with a common lead for power-and signal-. Carefully align DATAPOD and pI ug are flexible, It they are forced. the polarizing tabs on the connectors and the the sensor Into the DATAPOD. Because the plugs is possible to mate the connectors improperly if So be gentle. Setting the Recording Interval Locate the RECORDING INTERVAL CONTROL SWITCH shown in Diagram 2. The switch Is set at the desired recording interval in Diagram 3. Use a small tool to slide the small levers up or down to make your adjustments. Set the switches before powering up the system (Connecting the Battery Pack). Note that some of the swItch settings cause the DATAPOD to take instantaneous readings. Some switch settings will take average readings, and one setting will take average, maximum, and minimum readings. Connecting the Battery Pack The DATAPOD has no OFF-ON switch and will turn on immediately upon connection of the battery pack. If you are using the 8P250 Battery Pack supplied by Omnidata, insert 8 fresh ALKALINE "D" size batteries. Do not use ordinary Zinc Carbon Batteries. They could leak and destroy the battery pack. Now connect the external battery to the second or bottom socket on the DATAPOD. After a few seconds, the display should cycle through these messages "DATA" "POD" 11 312" (for DATAPOD Model 312). 3 0 H )>o Cl :::0 )>o 3: 1-' .. n 0 ::J ::J ro () rt f-'· c. ::J •0 (fl ro ::J {/) 0 '1 {/) (1" 0 rt ::r <'D 0 :P 8 ~ 'U 0 0 POWER + 8 GREEN SIGNAL+ RED COMMON BLACK GND ' TRANSDUCER PIN COLOR I GREEN 2 RED 3 BLACK CIO CABLE I+ ~ ' BATTERY PACK } PIN COLOR POL. ----' ~ RED -----~----·-J- BLACK I N C 2 BLACK 3 RED I+ + BP250 --- OMNIDATA ·" OATAPOD OMNIOATA 10 0 Data Storage r~odul e r----., Contra l 1 Switch ~ __ J Gain Adjustment Trim Pot I nterna 1fr"":::. =,; 1' It Button ,, tt LL_-----1.! 0 0 0 o_J I I I I i I I 0 DIAGRAM 2: DP312 Internal View 5 0 I 0 Figure 2-3 Recording Interval Control Switch Settings. Switch Setting [ill I [Dj I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ SWITCH IN THE Recording Scan Type Service Interval Interval Reading Interval 1 min 1 min inst 1. 5 days 2 min 2 min ins t 3.5 days 5 min 5 min inst 7 days 10 min 5 .min--ave 14 days 30 min 5 min ave 42 days 1 hour 60 min 5 min ave 85 days 2 hours 120 min 5_min ave 170 days daily 1440 min 5--mm ave battery 1 ife max min 1 SHOULD ALWAYS BE ~ Program LOWER POSITION [ Storage DIAGRAM 3: Sample Interval Switcj Control Settings 6 000 [ill]oo I ~ ~ n n Starting Your System If nothing happens after you've connected the batteries, check to be sure they are Installed properly. A "lo-bat" or"<" In the upper left of the display indicates that the batteries are bad or that one of them has been installed backwards. The "312" wit I remain displayed for 2 seconds. A series of messages and numbers w I I I now be d i sp I ayed at approximate I y 2 second intervals. Refer to page 12 for a sequential I isting of the messages and their meanings. Following the message "DATA POD 312", the recording interval that you set on the contra I switch w iII bed i sp I ayed so you can verify your setting. First "REC" will display for 2 seconds then "INT" for the Interval XXXX (in minutes>. Because the 7-segment LCD display was not designed to display alphabetic characters, you may need a touch of imagination to read some characters in some of the messages. The first time you experiment with the DATAPOD, it ls best to do so without the Data Storage Module CDSM) in the DATAPOD~ This way you can get a feel for the startup procedure without recording unwanted data into the DSM. If you record unwanted data Into the DSM for whatever reason--Improper connections or switch settings--you must then erase the DSM. To erase the DSM, you must leave it under ultraviolet light for one hour before trying It again. Testing without the DSM also gives you a chance to observe the DSM test error messages. Once you've tested your system and are satisfied with its operation, then i nsta I I the osr..1. Checking the Sensor and Calibration The DP312 requires sensors with a 5 volt ful I scale output. For a 5 volt input, the reading would be 200. For a 2.5 volt input, the reading would be 100, and so on. After the DP312 has displayed the recording interval, it will display CHNl (Channel 1} followed by a voltage. "U" is used to indicate a voltage reading. The DATAPOD will display the reading as it cycles. Use this sensor check mode, indicated by the CHN1 and "U" display, to check and calibrate sensors, if necessary. The OATAPOD continues to cycle through this until you press and hold down the EXTERNAL button. 7 1 nstall I ng the Data Storage Modu I e When you are ready to Install the DSM~ unplug the battery cable connection from the DATAPOD. This wIll stop the system. Remove the cover of the DATAPOD by loosening the four captive slotted screws located at Its outer corners. Remove a DSM from Its case and insert It into the socket labeled DATA STORAGE MODULE at the top of Diagram 2. The notch at one end of the DSM shou I d match the socket on the left of the DATAPOD according to Diagram 2. Polarizing blocks are mounted on both the socket and the DSM to help prevent improper Insertion. Carefully plug the DSM into its socketand avoid bending the pins or the contacts. Record the month, day, hour, minute, and exact field location on a stick-on label and attach it directly to the DSM. We recommend that you also write this information in a log book. A record of this information is necessary to retrieve the stored data using the Model 217 reader~ or to use the display dump mode. No initial time data nor station 10 is stored in the DSM. If you mix up the DSM 0 s from several stations or lose the initial time data, you won't have much fun figuring out which DSM data belongs to which location. Setting Time Until Logging Data Starts After seeing "312" and "REC", and the check sensor mode, press an d h o I d dow n t h e EXTERNAL button to ex i t t h e c he c k sen so rm ode. You will then move into the next mode which allows you to set the time unti I the DATAPOD begins logging data. The messages you w iII see are "PRE" "SET" "PUSH". Decide if you want to set the time in minutes unti I the DATAPOD starts to run, or if you want the DATAPOD to start running as soon as the DSM tests are over. (The DSM tests are explained in the next sesction.) The Preset mode lets you synchronize the Datapod to start logging data at a known time. To skip the preset mode and start the DSM tests immediately, push the EXTERNAL button. To preset the time in minutes unti I logging data, first push both the EXTERNAL and INTERNAL buttons simultaneously. Once in the preset mode the DATAPOD will display the "MIN", "LEFT", "TIL", "RUN" prompt and then show how many minutes there are until the DATAPOD begins to record data. Refer to page 12 tor the sequence of prompts. To lengthen the time before recording data, push and hold down the external button. To lessen the time before recording data, push and hold down the internal button. When you have the right time set, pus h both the EXTERNAL and INTERNAL buttons simultaneously. Now your preset time is stored. 8 Testing the Data Storage Module The DSM stores or burns data into its UV erasable DSM Is reuseable and can be erased by exposing It one Inch from a surgical grade ultraviolet I ight. memory. The for one hour The OSM must be erased before it can be used In the DATAPOD. Model UVS-11£ ~Ill erase modules and the Model Includes a test function to verify that the OSM is erased.) (0mnldata 1 s 217 Reader completely The DATAPOD will tell you when it is going to start the DSM tests by asking you to pi ug in the OSM and push EXTERNAL the button, "PLUG" "IN" "DSM" "PUSH". Refer to the "RUN" prompt sequenc lng on page 12. Once you have put the DSM into the DATAPOD, push the EXTERNAL button and the tests w iII start. "DSM" "TEST" "ERA" w iII display to tel I you that the tests have begun. The "ERA" display appears at the start of the ERASE test and remains displayed for 10 seconds while the DSM is being tested. If the DSM is erased, the "PASS" prompt will be displayed. If the DSM is not erased, the "FAIL 11 prompt appears, followed by the number of unerased storage I ocati ons. If on I y a few locations are unerased, you could use the DSM in a pinch, with the number of unerased locations being the number of storage errors you will obtain. Normally, you should start with an erased DSM if this test fails. If your hands are wet and you touch the pins, it is possible that the OATAPOD w iII not continue with the DSM tests, that you w iII receive all kinds of improper messages, or that the test ~ill seem to keep running for I anger than l 0 seconds with "ERA" displayed. If any of these things should happen, leave the DSM in place, disconnect the battery, and wait until the display fades completely. Then reconnect the battery and proceed ~ith the tests. The "BURN", or recording, test starts automatically after the erase test. The BURN I ight on the right side of the front panel will flash while the selected record interval is being "burned" into the first location in the DSM. If data can be stored in the DSM, the 11 PASS" prompt will display. If data cannot be stored, the "FAIL" prompt wil I appear. Try a new DSM if this test fails. If the erase test passes but the burn test fails, the DP312 may have a problem. Contact Omnidata. At the end of the DSM tests, the dis pI ay w iII show 11 M IN" "LEFT" "TIL" "RUN" and the number of minutes until data logging starts will be displayed. The number will decrease once each minute untiiOOOOis reached,at which time data loggingwil I start ac- cordlngto the switch settings you have selected. See Diagram 3. 9 Logging Data While 11 RUN" is displayed, the DP312 Is keeping time of day and scanning the sensor according to the scan Interval you set on the control switches. The "burn" light will flash each time data is stored. Displaying Stored Data There are two modes of displaying stored data: a short dump and a long dump mode. Page 13 shows the short display sequence. The short display is activated by holding the button on the side of the case down until the display shows "DLY" (delay). The long dump mode Jets you recall each of the stored data values to the display on those occasions when you wish to check the recorded data values in the field. Later you would normally use the Model 217 reader to read the data back from the DSM to a printer or computer. To activate the long dump mode, first press the external button to initiate a short dump display sequence. Continue to hold the button while the "DLY 11 prompt displays. After about 2 seconds, "LONG" "DUMP" w iII d i sp I ay. ReI ease the button. You are now in the I on g dump mode. Page 1 4 g i v e s of a t y p i c a I I o rg dump sequence, and page 15 illustrates the reader output for the data. The data will be dumped out to the display on a last-in, first- out basis. That is, the last piece of Information recorded will be the first to be displayed in the long mode dumping. Remember: Multiply display readings by 2.5 to obtain actual sensor output voltage. The display will continue to cycle until either all the values have been displayed, or unti I you hoi d the external button down until "END" is displayed. This indicates that dumping Is comp I ete and you are out of the I ong mode. The DATAPOD w iII now resume its normal logging, and the display will show "RUN." Changing Data Storage Modules Before changing the DSM, review the information described above to be sure the DATAPOD is operating normally. It should be sufficient to use the short dump display sequence to check for proper Instantaneous readings and storage errors. If these are wrong, do not insert a new DSM without determining the problem. Be sure to check the time left until the next data point Is recorded. There should be 3 minutes or more left in order for you to change the OSM. If you try to change the DS~1 while it Is recording, then you will lose the data being recorded. 1 0 If the data looks good, remove the full DSM, and Insert a new DSM. It is not necessary to remove the batteries and restart the unIt. The DATAPOD w II I know that you I oaded a new DSM and w II I perform the DSM tests on the new DSM before recording the next data. CAUTION: Be sure that your fingers are dry and that you hold the DSM by the ends. If you are touching any of the pins whiie removing or Inserting a DSM, you may cause the program to abort and wil I have to reset the DATAPOD. Resetting the DATAPOD To reset the DATAPOD, remove one of the batteries and wait unti I the display fades completely. Reconnect the battery and the program will start from the beginning. Reading the Data into Your Printer or Computer Refer to the Model 217 reader manual when reading the Data Storage Module Into your printer or computer. Be sure to ~ultiply alI readings by 2.5 to obtain actual sensor output voltage. 1 1 MAINTENANCE Preventive Maintenance No periodic adjustments are required, unless you change voltage sensors. If your data looks good, then the DATAPOO is working properly. Check for moisture condensed inside the DATAPOD case when changing the OSM's. If you find any moisture, carefully dry the inside and inspect the case for damage and leaks. Check the gasket in the I id for breaks or foreign matter. Inspect the battery clips for any sign of corrosion, and clean them carefully if necessary. Do not use solvents of any kind. They will destroy the case by chemical reaction. CAUTION: Do not leave the instrument in direct sun I ight. Battery Replacement ******** USE ONLY ALKALINE BATTERIES ******** Regular batteries often leak and corrode. Alkaline Batteries will normally last about one year. When the "lo-bat" or"<" symbol on the display appears, there Is 30% life left in the batteries. If this happens sooner than about 7 months, there may be a weak component on the circuit board. Measure the current drain in series with a battery using a VOM or OMM. Normal operating current is under 100 microamps. If the current drain is normal, the batteries may have been old when purchased. Battery I ife is a function of the recording interval you've set on the control switch. Hardware Warranty The warranty covers products against defects In materials or workmanship for a period of 6 months after the date of shipment. DSM 1 s are warranted for a period of 18 months. Omnidata lntarnational, Inc. is not liable for damages resulting from an instrument fai I ure. This warranty applies only to the products manufactured by Omnidata. Omnidata hereby disclaims all warranties, express and Implied, including all warranties for merchantability and all warranties of fitness if user substitutes any memory medium for the Omnldata OSM1000 or if OSM1000's are read back on anything other than an Omn idata Model 217 reader. 1 2 Before returning any DATAPOD or accessory for repair, please contact the Omnldata Customer Service Department for a Returned M a t e r I a I s A u t h o r i z a t i o n N u m b e r • ( R t.l A # ) T h I s w I I I f a c I I I t a t e the prompt handling of your equipment. Limited Software Warranty Omnidata International, Inc. represents and warrants to customer that Omnidata International, Inc. has developed all software systems with reasonable diligence and skill. Upon receipt of written notice from customer outlining and describing any apparent program error within one year of shipment, Omnidata International, Inc. agrees to correct such program errors with reasonable diligence. OMNIOATA INTERNATIONAL, INC. MAKES NO OTHER REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPL lED, WITH REGARD TO THE SYSTE~~. OMNIDATA INTERNATIONAL, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY WITH REGARD TO THE FITNESS OF THE SYSTEM FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE BY CUSTOMER. OMNIDATA INTERNATIONAL, INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF REVENUES OR LOSS OF PROFITS, OR INJURY OR DAMAGE TO THE PROPERTY OF BUSINESS OF CUSTOMER OR ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES ARISING OUT OF, OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE'USE OR 11-IPLE~~ENTATION OF THE SYSTEM. Omnidata International, Inc. shall be under no obligation to update or modify the system except as herein noted to correct program errors. Further, customer agrees that the representation and warranty in the first sentence of this section shall be immediately null and void In the event of any modification, alteration or change in or to the system effected by or on behalf of customer, except for any change made by Omnidata International Inc. or under direct supervision of Omnidata International, Inc. Removal of the OMNIDATA SERIAL NUMBER LABEL will void the warranty on your instrument. We can not repair or update an instrument and return it to the proper individual without these numbers. 1 3 DISPLAY DATA POD 312 REC xxxx CHN1 uxxx PRE SET PUSH MIN LEFT TIL RUN xxxx PLUG IN DSM PUSH osr~ TEST ERA PASS FAIL xxxx BURN PASS FAIL Initial lzatlon Sequence COMMENTS Place batteries in Datapod to power up the system. Datapod 312 will display. The recording interval is displayed to check the setting of the control switches. Sensor test channel 1. Data is read from the sensor and displayed. U is for volts. Push EXTERNAL button to exit. You now have two options: RUN or PRESET. To Run and begin normal data logging, press the external button. To PRESET thetime in minutesuntil run, press the i nterna I button. Time Unti I Logging Data Starts Set minutes until run (logging of data). Pushexternalbutton to skippreset, Default=O minutes. Push external and internal buttons simultaneously to enter preset mode. If in preset mode the display shows minutes I eft unti I run. EXTERNAL button to increase time. INTERNAL button to decrease time. Minutes before recording begins. Press both buttons simultaneously to exit preset. Run P r om p t t e I I s u s e r to p I u g I n t h e D S ~~ • And then push the external button. The beginning of the DSM tests. Data Storage Module Erase Test Clasts 10 seconds). Pass the test, DSM is erased. Fai I the test, DSM Is not fully erased. If fail, display shows number of data points not erased. Data Storage Module Burn Test (LED flashes). Pass test, Data can be stored. Fai I test, Data can not be stored. 1 4 MIN LEFT TIL RUN xxxx RUN If either test falls, remove a battery, replace the DSM with a fresh one, and start agaln. Mlnutes I eft untf I run. Counts down the minutes unti I run. The DP312 DATAPOD is running and logging data. Short Display Sequence The following sequence of messages will appear if you press the button on the case while the "RUN" message is displayed. DISPLAY RUN DLY CHNl uxxx ERR xxxx ~-11 N LEFT xxxx DSM USED xxxx RUN COMMENTS Normal display while running. Press the button on the case. Delay while readings are taken. Current channel 1 data. Voltage Number of errors if any. Minutes left unti I next reading. Data storage module space used so far. There are 2047 spaces available when empty. Normal display while running. 1 5 Long Data Dump Sequence Example Without Max Min The following sequence is Initiated by pressing the button on the cas e an d h o I d i n g t h r o u g h t h e 11 D L Y11 u n t I I 11 L 0 N G 11 "DUMP" a p p e a r s. DISPLAY LONG DUMP uxxx COMMENTS Begin a long data dump. Displays the channel 1 average or instantaneous reading. U = Voltage. The display will continue cycling through this sequence until, the end of the long dump or you abort the long dump. END End of the long dump. RUN Normal display while running Long Data Dump Sequence Example With Max Min The following sequence is initiated by pressing the button on the case and holding through the 11 DLY" unti I "LONG" "DUf..IP" appears. uxxx uxxx uxxx Displays the channel 1 minimum reading. U = Voltage Displays the channel t maximum reading. C =Celsius U =Voltage Displays the channel 1 average reading. C =Celsius U =Voltage. The display wil I continue cycling through this seque- nce until, the end of the long dump or you abort the long dump by holding the EXTERNAL button unti I "END" appears. END End of the long dump. RUN Normal display while running If the DATAPOD needs to scan the channels and burn some data d u r i n g a I on g dump, i t w I I I temp or a r i I y I n t err up t the I on g d u m p, then resume where it left off when the scan Is over. 1 6 Model 217 Reader Output Format Without Max Mfn To use the OP312 with the Model 217 reader, set the reader up as f o I I ow s: Use CTL Nand set: FMT = 4 for Julian days or = 5 for month, day, year. 8 YT = 1 NCH = 2 Use CTL T and set: recording interval in minutes. Use CTL Band set: starting date and time. Use CTL Q to obtain a printout on a terminal like this: 05 16 1200 161 05 17 1200 154 The first series of three digits is the month, day, and time. If Julian days were set, month and day would be replaced by the day of the year. The next number is the voltage reading. Multiply all recorded readings by 2.5 to obtain the actual sensor output voltage. Model 217 Reader Output format With Max Min To use the OP312 with the Model 217 reader, set the reader up as f o I I ow s: Use CTL N and set: FMT = 4 for Julian days or = 5 for month, day, BYT = 1 NCH = 2 Use CTL T and set: 1440 (number of minutes in a day) • Use CTL B and set: starting date and time. Use CTL Q to obtain a printout on a terminal like this: 05 16 1200 1 61 167 1 20 05 1 7 1 200 1 54 155 100 The first series of three numbers Is the month, day, and time. If J u I ian days were set, the month and day wou I d be rep I aced by the day of the year. 17 year. From lett to right. First Is average reading Second Is maximum reading Third Is minimum reading Multiply the recorded readings by 2.5 to obtain the actual sensor output voltage. USER NOTES 1 8 COLD WEATHER APPLICATION If you plan to operate your Datapod In extremely low temperatures. at or below approximately -10 degrees Celsius or -14 degrees Fahrenheit, please read the follow lng to ensure safe and worry-free operation of your Datapod. Figures on the display may move sluggishly, and become virtually Illegible. But the Datapod keeps recording and storing your data. If you must see the data, place the Datapod Inside your clothing or In some other warm place for a few minutes. You can then read the data on the display during the dumping process. The connectors can become sl lghtly brittle In the extreme cold. If at all possible, leave the sensors connected to the Oatapod when moving to a new site or bringing your equipment in from the field. Then disconnect the sensors from the Datapod after your equipment has had a chance to warm up. If you disconnect the sensors in the field. be very careful to pull gently and straight out so the connectors won't break. CLOCK TIMERS To initiate preselected pulse cycles in data loggers and other environmental data recorders. Enviro-Labs provides two types of timers. The Model T-560C Real Time Clock-Timer features quartz crystal timing accuracy, can easily be synchronized with other clocks, and initiates preselected pulse operating cycles. It has an easy to read six digit LED display to show hours, minutes, and seconds. automatic preset capability, and nine switchable timing cycles. Various mounting brackets are avail- able to adapt the T-560C to existing recorders. The T-560C has two types of opto-isolated outputs available: a transistor output for normal recorder use, and a relay output for heavy duty or isolated control applications. The T-560C comes with 6 VDC internal rechargeable batteries for use until placed in operation with a recorder. For those who do not need real time accuracy, the Model T-560 Interval Timer has many of the same features as the T-560C: quartz crystal timing accuracy, switchable timing cycles, envi- ronmentally protected case with various mounting brackets available. It contains a two digit LED display to show the time remaining before the next cycle, and operates on external 12 VDC. CIRCLE EL·l 08 GEOTHERMAL PRODUCTS The Enviro-Labs Temperature Logging Systems include digital thermometers, temperature probes. and cable storage systems and accessories for use in geothermal prospecting and monitor- ing. The Model DT-201 Digital Thermometer features the latest in solid state microelectronics with push button operation and liquid crystal display; it operates with only two 9 volt transistor batteries, is housed in hi-impact polystyrene, and is available in two operat- ing ranges: 0 to 1 00°C and -55 to 150°C. Temperature probes in - clude the Model TP-1 04 with a thermistor sensor and 3 conductor polyurethane jacketed cable for measuring 0 to 100°C; and the Model TP-21 0 silicon sensor probe with 2 conductor Tefzel jack- eted cable for 0-150°C. For storage of cable, Enviro-Labs has two types of cable reels. The CR-104S is a manually operated reel with a capacity of 1500 ft. of polyurethane cable and 4000 ft. of Tefzel cable. The Model CR-104SM is similar to the CR-1045 but has the convenience of a 12vdc motor drive and clutch system. Both reels have a protective metal enclosure, precision silver slip rings, and a locking pin brake. They are easily portable and can be used with both the DT-101 and DT-201 Digital Thermometers. Accessories for the cable reels include: • Cable Counters (2 types: English or metric) • Tripod • Probe Weight Attachment CIRCLE EL·l 07 SENSORS Enviro-Labs environmental sensors are designed to be compatible with the full line of Data Loggers, Monitors and Recorders. All Sen- sors use tough, abrasion resistant, polyurethane shielded cable and rugged electrical connectors for compatibility with harsh envi- ronments. Sensor types available are: I Submersible Pressure Probe PT-105V 5to250 PSIG Specific Conductance Probe CP-102 100 to 50,000 umhos Water Temperature Probe TP-103 -5°C to +45°C l Air Temperature Probe ATP-108 -50°C to +50°C CIRCLE EL·l 09 ENVIRO-LABS, INC. 626 SONORA AVE., P.O. BOX 5145, GLENDALE, CALIF. 91201 • (213) 240-2666