HomeMy WebLinkAboutEval of Tailrace Attraction for the Proposed Bradley Lake Hydro Project 1985BRA 129 Alaska Power Authority LIBRARY COPY APPENDIX A EVALUATION OF TAILRACE ATTRACTION FOR THE PROPOSED BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS JANUARY 1985 DATE ,, r I .~ ' HIGHSMmt tHN22L BRA 129 188UED't0 PRINTED tH u.s.A. I I li. I I)_ t; APPENDIX A EVALUATION OF TAILRACE ATTRACTION FOR THE PROPOSED BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS JANUARY 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objective 1 1.3 Report Organization 2 2.0 PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE PROJECT AREA 2 2.1 Bradley Lake 2 2.2 Bradley River 3 2.3 Kachemalt Bay 3 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4 3.1 Project Facilities 4 3.2 Project Operation 5 4.0 FISH RESOURCES OF THE BRADLEY RIVER 5 4.1 Species Occurrence 5 4.2 Salmon Spawning Habitat Utilization 5 4.3 Salmon Production 7 5.0 PINK SALMON BIOLOGY 8 5.1 Life History Summary 8 5.2 Salmonid Homing Behavior and Imprinting 10 5.3 Pink Salmon Straying 12 6.0 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TAILRACE 14 6.1 Discharge 15 6.2 Salinity 15 6.3 Substrate and Sedimentation 17 6.4 Water Temperatures 18 7.0 ANTICIPATED IMPACTS 18 7.1 Attraction 18 7.2 Spawning Delays 20 7.3 Spawning and Incubation Conditions 21 8.0 MITIGATION OPTIONS 24 8.1 Approach 24 8.2 Selection of Evaluation Species 26 8.3 Avoidance and/or Minimization Measures 26 8.4 Rectification 31 8.5 Compensation 32 9.0 AGENCY CONSULTATION 33 10.0 LITERATURE CITED 34 i LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Project Location Figure 2. Physical Features of Project Area Figure 3. Project Facilities Figure 4. Phenology Chart for Salmonids Known to Inhabit Bradley River. Figure 5. Salinity Duration Curves for 10 and 25 ppt Bay Salinity. Figure 6. Layout of Seton Cree~ Hydroelectric Project. Figure 7. Comparison of Tailrace Cross Section with Riffle Reach Cross Section. Figure 8. Mitigation Option Analysis. iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The proposed Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Facility is to be located on the Kenai Peninsula at the head of Kachemak Bay, about 105 miles south of Anchorage, Alaska (Figure 1). Water is to be withdrawn from Bradley Lake and conveyed via tunnel to a powerhouse at tidewater. This diversion would alter the natural flows of the Bradley River. The Bradley River receives at least limited use by five species of Pacific salmon. Relatively small numbers of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and a few coho (fh. ltisutch) and chum salmon (fh. keta) spawn in the Bradley River drainage. Indication of use by other salmon species is restricted to observ~tion of several spawning pairs (USFWS 1982 and Alaska Power Authority 1983). In comparison to other Kachemak Bay drainages, it is not considered to be highly productive. In part, this is likely caused by large natural variations in flows between spawning and incubation periods in the Bradley River. Under Project operation, the stabilization of flow regimes in the lower Bradley River should improve fish production in the system. The Bradley River Instream Flow Studies (Alaska Power Authority 1983) predict a significant increase in effective spawning habitat, since it is estimated that under project conditions almost all spawning habitat will remain wetted by winter flows. There is concern, however, that during Project operation, returning adult salmon will be attracted to the tailrace where successful spawning is unlikely. This report addresses that topic and is based on a review of avialable literature and an evaluation of the fishery resources and physical conditions in the Project area. 1.2 Objective The purpose of this report is to provide an evaluation of the potential impacts resulting from tailrace operation and to identify 1 2.2 Bradley River he Bradley River ffows from the lake through a steep, narrow canyon for much of its 10-mile length before reaching Kachemalc. Bay. The lower reach of the river, which carries a high suspended sediment load, emerges from the canyon through a series of rapids and falls (RM 5.9), flattens in gradient, and crosses extensive tidal flats to enter Kachemak Bay. The Bradley River below RM 4. 3 is heavily influenced by tidal action and experiences frequent seawater intrusion, backwater effects, and sediment deposition (Alaska Power Authority 1983). Approximately 90 percent of the annual discharge in the Bradley River occurs during the period of May through October. The highest flows usually occur during the late summer when glacial melt is most rapid and precipitation rates are high. The mean annual discharge at the river mouth has been estimated to be 598 cfs, with mean monthly discharges ranging from 80 cfs in March to 1,541 cfs in July (R&M Consultants 1983). The Bradley River contributes about 25 percent of the annual surface freshwater inflow to Kachemalc. Bay. 2.3 Kachemak Bay Kachemak Bay is a narrow, tapered, northeasterly extension of Lower Cook Inlet that extends about 30 miles into the southwest coast of the Kenai Peninsula. The head of the bay consists of extensive mud flats that are alternately covered and exposed by high and low tides. Tides are a major influence in the bay, having a maximum range exceeding 2 7 f t and a daily range of at least 11 f t, as measured at Seldovia near the mouth of the bay. Five major contributors (the Bradley, Fox and Martin rivers, Sheep Creek and Battle Creek) provide substantial summer input of freshwater at the head of Kachemalc. Bay, however this influence is much reduced during winter (Colonell 1980). Tidal activity affects the rapid mixing of fresh and oceanic water in the upper bay. At low tide fresh riverine water, partially of Bradley River origin, accumulates along the southern shore. However, flood 3 3.2 Project Operation Under Project operation, flow in the Bradley River will be regulated throughout the year in accordance with the instream flow requirements. Regulation of the river flow will result in significant flow reductions, particularly during the summer months, and stabilized flows during winter. During the salmon spawning period (June-October), flows in the Bradley River would be reduced by 83 to 93 percent (Table 1). Discharge from the powerhouse tailrace will range from 439 to 1, 250 cfs and will average 497 cfs, which will be four to five times that of the river. The reduction in Bradley River flows and the establishment of a substantial tailrace outflow may divert returning salmon to the tailrace. 4.0 FISH RESOURCES OF THE BRADLEY RIVER 4.1 Species Occurrence Fifteen species of fish, including five species of Pacific salmon, are known to occur in the Bradley River drainage (Table 2) • These fish are confined to the lower portion of the river because a waterfall at RM 5.9 precludes further migration upstream. Relatively small numbers of pink salmon, and a few coho and chum salmon spawn in the Bradley River system. Although a limited number of adults of both sockeye and chinook salmon and a few juvenile chinook salmon have been observed in the Bradley River, there is no evidence of significant reproducing populations for either species (USFWS 1982 and Alaska Power Authority 1983). The phenology of salmonids known to inhabit the Bradley River is shown in Figure 4. 4.2 Salmon Spawning Habitat Utilization The availability of suitable pink salmon spawning habitat in the Bradley River mainstem is restricted to a small portion of the 5 Chinook salmon generally spawn near riffles of large rivers or large tributaries. They tend to use deeper water and larger gravels than other salmon species (Scott and Crossman 1973). Chinook salmon enter and spawn in the Bradley River in apparently low numbers during July and August (USF'WS 1982). Six adult chinook salmon, in spawning and spent condition, were encountered in Bear Island Slough (RM 5.1) during early August 1983 (Alaska Power Authority 1983). Depending upon habitat availability, sockeye salmon spawning locations include lake shores, tributaries, or spring-fed side channels along streams (McPhail and Lindsey 1970, Bechtel 1983, ADF&G 1983a). Although sockeye salmon have been found in the Bradley River, no spawning has been documented. Even though an appreciable number of fish enter the system, it is likely that those fish have strayed from their natal streams and are merely holding in the Bradley River for a temporary period (USFWS 1982). Tag and recapture efforts suggest that the fish eventually enter other streams to spawn (T. Schroeder, ADF&G, pers. comm., 1983). 4.3 Salmon Production The following discussion is focused on pink salmon because of the insignificant contributions of the other four salmon species. However, any program or mitigation measures directed towards pink salmon are likely to be effective for other species using mainstem habitats. Relative to other Kachemak Bay drainages, the Bradley River system is not considered to be highly productive. This is well illustrated by comparison to pink salmon escapements in several index waterbodies in the southern district of the ADF&G Lower Cook Inlet Management Area (Table 3). The average pink salmon escapement (1951-1982) of Humpy Creek, a smaller stream system some ten miles southwest of the Bradley River, is approximately 50,000 fish or roughly 50 times that of the estimated Bradley River pink salmon escapement in 1983. An even 7 depending largely upon location. The eggs are deposited in gravel redds generally in the lower sections of coastal streams; however, some fish may move as much as 300 miles upstream in larger rivers. Both tidally and non-tidally influenced stream reaches may be used for spawning (Scott and Crossman 1973). Intertidal spawning is typical of pink salmon populations within Prince William Sound and southeast Alaska (Helle, Williamson and Bailey 1964). A female pink salmon may carry 800 to 2000 eggs, depending upon the size of the fish, location, and year; may construct several redds; and may spawn with different males. Both sexes die soon after spawning. The eggs usually hatch between December and February, depending upon water temperature, with warmer water accelerating development (Bailey and Evans 1971). The alevins (newly hatched fish with an attached yolk-sac) remain in the redd gravels for several weeks before emerging in the spring (usually in April or May), when development is complete (Scott and Crossman 1973). Upon emergence the fry (young-of-the-year) immediately begin downstream migrations to the sea (Neave 1966). Upon leaving their natal streams, pink salmon fry probably remain inshore throughout their first summer, but then migrate to the open sea. During their oceanic life Alaskan pink salmon may be found in most of the Northeast Pacific, the Bering Strait southwest to the Aleutians, and southeasterly to the California coast (Hart 1973). After spending some 15 to 18 months in the sea, the adults return to their natal streams to spawn. Returning pink salmon are generally 17 to 19 inches in length and most are 2 to 7 pounds in weight. The two-year life cycle of the pink salmon results in two genetically distinct populations because each year class is temporally (and therefore reproductively) separated from the next. The two populations are referred to as odd-year or even-year runs, based on the year the fish spawn. Fish abundance varies between odd and even years. One run is typically smaller than the other and may even be non-existent in some locations. 9 ,... Homing behavior in salmon is connected, at least in part, to a period of rapid, irreversible learning that takes place at the natal site or smolting site during the fishes 1 early life history prior to its seaward migration. Hasler and Wisby (1951) and other investigators (Brett and Groot 1963; Harden-Jones 1968 and Mayr 1974) have termed this behavior "imprinting". It is theorized that during the imprinting period, salmon learn the cues that enable them to identify their home stream. Later, as adults during the spawning migration, they remember those cues to locate the home stream once again. Experiments in which young salmon are transplanted to other waters to develop have helped define the imprinting period (i.e., prior to smoltification) and have shown that although there is a genetic component to homing behavior, memory of the home stream is not directly inherited. When presmolt salmon are transplanted to other waters, as adults they return to the site of release--not to the parent stream (Donaldson and Allen 1957; Carlin 1968; Jensen and Duncan 1971; Vreeland et al. 1975; and Bams 1976). Extensive studies involving artificial imprinting (i.e., young fish are subjected to a synthetic odor and later, as migrating adults, they are decoyed to a simulated home-stream scented with this odor) have been conducted to further elucidate homing mechanisms (Hasler and Scholz 1983). In the most elaborate of these studies, hatchery stocks of coho salmon were artificially imprinted with either morpholene (C 4H9NO) or phenethyl alcohol (PEA) (C 8H10 o) at smoltification, marked, and released into Lake Michigan along with a control group of fish that was marked but not exposed to either chemical. During the spawning period 18 months later, two home-streams were simulated by metering morpholine or PEA into the water and were then surveyed for marked fish. Additionally, 17 other stream locations were surveyed to determine whether a significant proportion of experimental fish were entering non-scented streams. The artificial imprinting was conducted twice: in 1973 with 5,000 fish in each group, and again in 1974 with 10,000 fish per group. Spawning migrations were in 1974 and 1975, respectively. Total fish recoveries from both experiments included 681 morpholine-imprinted fish (recovery rate =-4. 5 percent), 362 11 6.1 Discharge Tailrace flows are projected to be between 450 to 500 cfs on an average basis ranging from minimum values of 440 cfs to maximum values of 1250 cfs during operation. Table 4 presents projected average monthly tailrace flows. Flow interruptions will take place as part of normal Project operations, and possibly for periods exceeding 24 hours during annual maintenance and shutdowns. Velocities in the tailrace were calculated based on average cross- section and shape. The cross-sectional slope was assumed to be trapezoidal with 2:1 side slopes and a 70 ft bottom width. Average cross-sectional velocities in the lined portion of the tailrace are expected to range from 3.0 to 4.5 fps for the range of tailrace flows expected under operation. At discharges of 450 cfs average cross-section velocity is 3.0 fps. Depths are expected to range from 2 ft at 450 cfs to 3.5 ft at 1250 cfs. Depth and velocity cannot be computed for the unlined portion of the channel as channel cross-sectional shape is unknown. Tailrace discharge is expected to excavate a channel through the silt deposits of the tidal flats. This channel will probably be wider and shallower than the lined portion of the tailrace. Thus velocities would be lower than those forecast for the lined portion. 6.2 Salinity The salinity in the Bradley Lake tailrace was estimated based on the proposed tailrace channel dimensions and flow releases of 450 cfs. The salinity of Kachemak Bay in the vicinity of the tailrace varies significantly by location and season; thus several different values were used to calculate estimated salinities. Normal depth of flow in the tailrace will be about 2 ft for a discharge of 450 cfs. Based on a trapezoidal tailrace cross section with 2:1 side slopes and a 70 ft bottom width, the volume of fresh water (Vf) at normal depth is 148 ft 3 /ft of channel. 15 salinity patterns in upper Ka.chemak Bay (APA 1984). At flows of approximately 1200 cfs in the Bradley River (average summer flows) salinities measured near Sheep Point ranged from 1. 5 ppt to 7 ppt (Alaska Power Authority 1983 and Colonell 1980). Thus tailrace salinities of 0 to 8.6 ppt computed at bay salinities of 5 ppt may be considered representative of summer conditions (Table 5). Because freshwater inflow from the Sheep and Fox rivers would be greatly reduced, even with the Project, the winter salinities in Kachemak Bay are forecast to be higher. Salinities in upper Kachemak Bay are expected to be approximately 25 ppt. Salinities measured near Sheep Point in March ranged from 23.5 to 27.3 ppt (Colonell 1980) • Winter tailrace salinities are forecast to range from 0 to 21.9 ppt (Table 5). 6.3 Substrate and Sedimentation Substrate in the unlined portion of the tailrace is expected to consist of sands grading to silts. and sands similar to substrates associated with other intertidal channels in upper Kachemak Bay. Entrapment of silts and sands in the small gravel results from tidal interactions. Sedimentation of tailrace substrate is expected to occur as a result of tidal inundation. Upper Kachemak Bay receives significant inflow from glacial rivers and consequently contains a large amount of suspended glacial sediment. Substrates in tidally influenced channels in upper Kachemak Bay are composed of fine silts and sands. The sediment regime is related to two processes associated with tidal action. The incoming tide carries sediments from the bay upstream into the stream channels and deposits them at slack tide. In addition, the stream or river is carrying sediments downstream and these sediments are deposited when the tidal backwater is encountered. In the tailrace, tidal borne sediments are expected to be deposited over the spawning gravels. Although the streamflow in the tailrace during low tide may be sufficient to remove some of the silts and fine 17 tailrace have been estimated to range from 3.0 to 4.5 cfs under low tide conditions. During high tide cycles the incoming tidal waters will essentially dam the tailrace and velocities will approach zero. Thus, on the average it is likely that tailrace discharges may be of sufficient velocities to attract returning fish roughly 50 percent of the time. Similar problems have been encountered elsewhere at other hydroelectric power facilities. The Puntledge River Hydroelectric Facility on Vancouver Island, B.C., is in the upper reaches of the river, some 15 miles above Comox Bay. Flows of 1000 cfs are diverted from the river and discharged some four miles downstream. Residual flow in the river is 100-200 cfs. Discharge of the diverted flow back into the river resulted in the attraction and accumulation of salmon in the powerhouse tailrace (Andrew and Geen 1960). In a similar situation, pink salmon were attracted to the tailrace of the Seton Creek Hydroelectric facility at Lillooet, B.C. This facility, as depicted in Figure 6, is located well upstream (200 mi) on the Fraser River. Returning pink salmon bound for Seton Creek must pass the powerhouse tailrace which discharges directly into the Fraser River, approximately one mile downstream from the confluence of Seton Creek. Powerhouse flow is diverted out of Seton Lake. Flow in Seton Creek is from Seton Lake releases and Cayoosh Creek. Tailrace flows (4000 cfs) are approximately 10 times greater than the residual flows in Seton Creek. Pink salmon were attracted to and entered the tailrace where they remained an average of one day, although some were there longer. Maximum counts in the tailrace suggest that about 4500 fish (or about 7.5 percent of the population) occurred in the tailrace during the peak of the run. Spawning migrations into Segon Creek typically showed a daily morning peak in abundance. During days of continuous powerhouse operation such a peak was not evident and the number of fish entering the stream was markedly reduced (Andrew and Geen 1958). Scheduled plant shutdowns were conducted to mitigate the impacts resulting from 19 .- extended periods and the ability of those fish to reach Seton Creel< and spawn effectively was likely impaired. The overall magnitude of this impact was not assessed (Andrew and Geen 1960). Although flow conditions in the Bradley Lake tailrace may temporarily attract returning salmon, the conditions there are not ammenable to spawning (i.e. lack of suitable substrate and increased salinities). The opportunistic nature of the species would likely cause them to seek other areas in which to spawn. The short distance to the spawning grounds (5 miles) and relatively flat gradient of the Bradley River would not present a formidable migratory route. Thus, it is anticipated that even if temporarily delayed, significant reductions in pink salmon production would not occur. 7.3 Spawning and Incubation Conditions Poor water quality conditions in the tailrace would probably preclude incubation if spawning activity occurred there. The elevation of the proposed tailrace is approximately equal to sea level which would subject any developing embryos in the tailrace area to saline conditions 50 percent of the time. In general, the literature indicate that survival of embryos is satisfactory in the upper third of the intertidal zone and poor to non-existent in the lower levels. Estimations of salinities and inundation times in the tailrace area, which occurs in the middle of .the Kachemak Bay intertidal zone would most likely result in marginal incubation conditions. Other factors such as sedimentation may result in additional, if not complete, mortality to embryos. For comparative purposes, a cross section from Riffle Reach, the lowest location of successful spawning in the Bradley River, and the tailrace cross section are plotted in Figure 7. The tailrace water level is substantially lower in elevation, implying that the conditions responsible for the lack of spawning below Riffle Reach most likely also prevail in the tailrace area. 21 to cause extensive delays in migration or loss of reproductive success for pink salmon. However, if a significant attraction problem should result, mitigation activities will be undertaken. The Alaska Power Authority will provide monit.oring activities at the tailrace to determine the extent and duration of the attraction. Various mitigation options have been instituted at other water development projects with attractant flows and several of these options have been suggested for use in the Bradley River. This section presents an evaluation of the feasibility and applicability of several of the available options to the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project tailrace. If mitigation is required, this analysis will assist in selection of appropriate mitigation measures. These options are presented in a fashion consistent with the hierarchical approach presented in Alaska Power Authority mitigation Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Policy established by the Alaska Power Authority and coordinating agencies (~A 1982) as well as mitigation policies of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1981) and ADF&G (1982). The hierarchical scheme is shown in Figure 8. Mitigation options proposed are grouped into two broad categories based on different approaches: Modifications to design, construction, or operation of the project Resource management strategies The first approach is project specific and emphasizes measures that avoid or minimize adverse impacts according to policies established by the resource agencies (ADF&G 1982, USFWS 1981). These measures involve adjusting or adding project features during design and planning so that mitigation becomes a built-in component of project actions. 25 temporary shutdowns allow the fish an opportunity to leave the tailrace and find their natal streams. Flow interruption has been used to successfully pass pink salmon at Seton Creek Hydroelectric Facility on the Fraser River system in Canada (Andrew and Geen 1958). Pink salmon were attracted to and entered the tailrace. Complete plant shut-downs for 3 hours a day on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays resulted in most fish leaving the tailrace and resuming their upstream migration. Plant shut-down resulted in peak migration counts 2 hours later at the stream. Other partial shut-downs did not cause fish to leave the tailrace. Should a significant number of returning adult salmon accumulate at the Bradley Lake tailrace, it is anticipated that temporary plant shut-downs may alleviate potential impacts to the fish by allowing them to continue their upstream migrations. Four hour shutdowns timed to occur with the last two hours of the ebbing tide and the first two hours of the incoming tide should initiate movement of the fish into the estuary. There, they would encounter the outflow from the Bradley River, Fox River and Sheep Creek (under Project conditions this combined flow would range between 3,065 and 3,842 cfs during June-September) and would likely move upstream past the tailrace. 8.3.2 Chemical Attractants Artificial imprinting with chemicals such as morpholine has been used to investigate the homing response of salmonids. Experimental evidence indicates that it is possible, at least in part, to direct the final stages of the spawning migration in some species (Scholz et al. 1975). However, almost all work to date has been done with hatchery stocks under relatively controlled imprinting conditions (Section 5. 3). Hassler and Kukas (1982) reported on the successful recovery of a small number of artificially imprinted coho and chinook salmon at the ~lad River hatchery in California. That facility is 27 Section 5.3, the time of imprinting in pink salmon is not known. It may occur while the fish is developing in the redd, while it is migrating downstream, or even while it is residing in the estuary, prior to moving offshore. In lieu of information to the contrary, morpholine would have to be applied almost throughout the entire incubation phase (i.e., December-April) to ensure that young were exposed to the chemical at the proper time. Furthermore, delivery of adequate concentrations of morpholine throughout the mainstem is likely to present considerable design and logistic difficulties. To attract the returning adults, morpholine would have to be added to mainstem waters from June through September. Thus at a minimum, morpholine would have to be applied nine months of the year to effect imprinting and/or return. It is doubtful that such a program could be effectively implemented without significant increased knowledge of · the imprinting process in pink salmon. Thus, it is unlikely that this is a viable mitigation option for the Bradley Lake Project, particularly when it has failed with pink salmon experimentally (W. Heard, NMFS, pers. comm. 1984). 8.3.3 Chemical Repellents Brett and McKinnon (1952) found that Pacific salmon halted upstream migratory movements when exposed to water in which human hands had been rinsed. Subsequent work (Idler et al. 1956, 1961) identified the amino acid, L-serine, as the component in hand rinse which had repellent qualities. Migrating salmon exhibited an immediate alarm reaction and fled downstream when exposed to dilute concentrations of L-serine. Pink salmon can detect amino acid solutions at -5 concentrations of 10 M and exhibit avoidance responses to L-serine, as well as alanine and valine (Shparkovskiy et al. 1981). A single introduction of L-serine may cause avoidance up to 20 minutes (Bell 1980). Accounts are lacking as to the general applicability of the use of repellants under continuous field conditions. It may be possible to 29 fish passage (Bell 1980). For them to operate effectively on adult salmon they must be established in flows of at least 3 fps and need to be configured to provide sufficient depth of field (i.e., voltage gradient of 0.3 to 0. 7 volts/inch) so as to allow the fish to sense the current without becoming totally immobilized (Burrows 1957). Owing to the tidal flux and salinities in the estuary it is unlikely that an electrical weir would function at the Bradley Lake tailrace except during periods of low tide. Only at that time would flows (i.e., Q _3 fps) and salinity (i.e. 0/00) be ammenable to the use of an electrical weir in the channel. However, since the weir cannot be operated continuously, fish entering during high tides would be trapped above the weir with no way to escape. Furthermore, placement of a weir in the tailrace channel would only block access to the upper portion of the tailrace and would not deter fish from gathering just downstream. This option therefore is not considered feasible for the Bradley Lake Project. 8.3.6 Discharge Pipe and Diffuser System Use of a discharge pipe and diffuser system at tailrace outfalls can dissipate the effects of flow. At the Bradley Lake Project, however, incorporation of such a design would require the proposed turbine-type powerhouse and tailrace arrangement to be drastically changed. Some of the available pressure head would be used to pass the necessary flows (1270 cfs) through the discharge pipe and diffuser system extending below low tide. The low tide line is about 9000 ft away from the powerhouse. Therefore, there are high construction costs, plus costs associated with lost energy due to lost pressure head. The costs of this option are prohibitive. 8.4 Rectification 8.4.1 Transport of Fish It is possible to provide trapping facilities for trapping adult salmon from the powerhouse tailrace; however, it does not appear to be 31 9.0 AGENCY CONSULTATION J. Bailey, 1984. Telephone conversation regarding pink salmon straying and effect of barriers. National Marine Fisheries Service, Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory. P.O. Box 210155, Auke Bay, Alaska 94821. R. Blackett~ 1984. Pink salmon straying. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Fisheries Rehabilitation Enhancement and Development, P. 0. Box 686, Kodiak, Alaska 99615. E. Brandon, 1984. Use of morpholene on coho and chinook salmon, possible mitigation through plant operation. University of Washington, School of Fisheries WH-O, Seattle, Washington 98195. N. Dudiak, 1984. Morphiline use on king salmon in Homer, and pink salmon straying in Halibut Cove and Tutka Lagoon. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Fisheries Rehabilitation and Enhancement Division, P.O. Box 234, Homer, Alaska 99603. T. Hassler, 1984. The use of morpholene on coho and chinook salmon at the Mad River Hatchery. Humboldt State University. California Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California 95521. B. Hauser, 1984. Morphiline use on king salmon. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Fisheries Rehabilitation Enhancement and Development, 333 Raspberry Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99502. w. Heard, 1984. An unpublished report on pink salmon life history and studies. Included straying, barriers and imprinting. National Marine Fisheries Service, Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory, P.O. Box 210155, Auke Bay, Alaska 94821. M. Kelly, 1984. Returns of chum and pink salmon to Tyee Creek and tailrace. AEIDC, 707 A Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. J. Larin, 1984. The use of morpho lene on coho salmon. Effects of barriers on pink salmon behavior. Oregon State University. College of Agricultural Science, Fisheries and Wildlife, Corvalis, Oregon 97330. A. Lil, 1984. Effect of M.cSeaton Lake tailrace on sockeye salmon. Fisheries and Oceans, West Pender Street, Vancouver B.C., V6E 2Pl. T. McDaniel,, 1984. Straying and the effect of barriers on pink salmon. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Fisheries Rehabilitation Enhancement and Development, Cordova, Alaska, 99574. A. Palmaisano, 1984. Electric weir parameters and usage. and Wildlife Service. Marrowstone Field Station, Fishery Research Center, Nordland, Washington 98358. U.S. Fish National D. Rosenburg, 1984. Usage of electric weirs. Optimum time for release of pink salmon fry. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Fisheries Rehabilitation Enhancement and Development, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901. 33 Bell, M. C. 1980. Fisheries Handbook of Engineering Requirements of Biological Criteria. Fisheries Engineering Research Program Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division. Portland, Oregon. Bjornn, T.C. 1974. Sediment in streams and its effects on aquatic life. Idaho Water Resources Institute. U of I Moscow, ID. 47 pp. Brett, J .R., C. Groot. 1963. Some aspects of olfactory and visual responses in Pacific Salmon. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 20:287-303. Brett, J.R. and D. MacKinnon. 1954. Some Aspects of Olfactory Perception in Migrating Adult Coho and Spring Salmon. Pacific Biological Station, J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 11(3), 1954. pp. 31Q-318. Burns. 1970. Section 7. Burrows, R.E. 1957. Diversion of Adult Salmon at an Electrical Field. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. Special Scientific Report. Fisheries No. 246. pp. 1-11. Carlin, B. 1968. Salmon conservation, tagging experiments, and migrations of salmon in Sweden. Lect. Ser. Atl. Salm. Assoc., Montreal. Clay, C.H. 1961. The design of Fishways and other Fish Facilities. The Dept. of Fisheries. Ottawa. p. 70-95. Colonell, J .M. 1980. Circulation and dispersion of Bradley River water in upper Kachemak Bay. In: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1982. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Alaska. Final Environmental Impact Statement. Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Anchorage, Alaska. pp. 11-62. Cooper, J.C., A.T. Scholz. 1976. Homing of artificially imprinted steelhead trout. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33:826-829. Cordone, A.J. and D.W. Kelly. 1961. The sediment on the aquatic life of streams. 47(2). 189-228. influence of inorganic Calif. Fish and Game. Davidson, Frederick A. 1934. 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New York. 164 pp. 39 APPENDIX A TABLES Minimum Expected Project Project Existing Percent Month Flow (cfs) Flow (cfs) Flow (cfs) Change June 100 174 1043 -83 July 100 102 1322 -92 August 100 100 1379 -93 September 75a 75 8 1081 -93 ~nimum project flow of 75 cfs represents average of 100 cfs from September 1-15 and 50 cfs from September 16-30. EXISTING AND POST-PROJECT AVERAGE FLOWS IN THE LOWER BRADLEY RIVER DURING THE SALMON SPAWNING PERIOD (JUNE-SEPTEMBER) '---------------------TABLE 1 _ __, Scientific Name Salmonidae Coregonus laurettae Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Oncorhynchus keta Oncorhynchus kisutch Oncorhynchus nerka Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Salvelinus malma Osmeridae Thaleichthys pacificus Spirinchus thaleichthys Gasterosteidae Gasterosteus aculeatus Pungitus pungitus Cottidae Cottus cognatus Leptocottus armatus Clinocottus acuticeps Pleuronectidae Platichthys stellatus Common Name Bering Cisco Pink Salmon Chum Salmon Coho Salmon Sockeye Salmon Chinook Salmon Dolly Varden Eulachon Longfin Smelt Threespine Stickleback Ninespine Stickleback Slimy Sculpin Pacific Staghorn Sculpin Sharpnose Sculpin Starry Flounder SCIENTIFIC AND COMMON NAMES OF FISH SPECIES RECORDED FROM THE BRADLEY RIVER DRAINAGE '--------------------TABLE 2--- Southern District Escapement Goal Humpy Creek 25,000-50,000 Tutka Lagoon 6,000-10,000 Seldovia Creek 25,000-35,000 Port Graham River 20,000-40,000 China Poot Bay 5,000 Barbara Creek 18,000-24,000 Total 99,000-164,000 Average 1 Escapement 50,000 12,000 40,000 15,000 9,000 5,000 131,000 1983 2 Escapement 104,800 12,900 27,900 4,600 14,100 14,800 179,100 1 Average escapement figures are based on weir counts, ground and 2 aerial surveys conducted between 1951 and 1982. For many streams only several years data exist (ADF&G 1983b) Preliminary Data. (Source ADF&G, Anchorage) LOWER COOK INLET ESCAPEMENT GOALS, AVERAGE OBSERVED, AND 1983 ESCAPEMENTS OF PINK SALMON L--------------------TABLE 3--- Turbine Flow (cfs) Month Minimum Maximum Average October 438.6 1250.0 522.7 November 438.6 577.0 447.6 December 439.6 456.7 444.0 January 441.8 459.9 446.4 February 444.3 463.7 449.1 March 446.6 468.7 452.1 April 448.1 474.8 455.5 May 447.3 479.3 458.0 June 44.4. 3 473.7 456.7 July 444.4 1074.9 517.7 August 444.1 1250.0 621.2 September 440.2 1250.0 696.4 POWERHOUSE TAILRACE FLOWS FOR THE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY Note: Minimum turbine flows represent plant operation with one unit generation at approximately 38 MW. Actual turbine flows will be zero when the plant is not generating or would be less than the minimum turbine flows when the power demand is less than 38 MW. ~------------------------------------TABLE 4----~ Tide Summer (10 Eft) Winter (25 EEt) Tide (ft. Exceed-a v (ft5 / S a S a s proj. datum) ance (%) f~ chan.) S/S 0 0 (ppt) (ppt) 0 (ppt) a b -4 50 0 0 0 0 0 -2 40 156 .51 2 1 5 0 28 328 .69 4 2.8 10 2 18 516 .78 6 4.7 15 4 8 720 .83 8 6.6 20 6 3 940 .86 10 8.6 25 s values assumed to be the maximum salinity at the head of Kachemak 0 Bay Exceedance is on an hourly basis for 19 years of record of heights at Seldovia, AK (1963-81) ESTIMATED TAILRACE SALINITIES FOR SUMMER AND WINTER CONDITIONS tidal s (ppt) 0 2.5 6.9 11.7 16.6 21.5 L--------------------TABLE 5 -~ Mortality (percentage) Hours of Exposure (twice daily) Salinity (ppt) 28 10-15 3.74 10.5 * * high incidence of deformity 9.33 6.67 100 50 <4 hrs 0 0 EFFECT OF SALINITY ON MORTALITY OF PINK SALMON EMBRYOS ~------------------------------------TABLE 6 Percent Survival by Tidal Exposure Percent Tidal Exposure 1 Year 80% 35% 10% Percent Survival 2 Weeks After Spawning 1960 48 83 90 1961 23 39 40 Percent Survival In Subsequent March 1961 0 20 54 1 Percentages represent percentage of time the intertidal area is inundated. Helle et al. (1964) PERCENT SURVIVAL BY TIDAL EXPOSURE ~-----------------------------------TABLE 7 Reservoir Tailrace Bradley River (RM 5.1) Month Intake °C oc oc October 3.4 4.0 4 November 2. 1 2.7 1 December 0 2.7 0 December 1.5 2. 1 0 January 1.5 2. 1 0 February 1.8 2.4 0 March 2.5 3.1 0 April 3.4 4.0 1 May 4.5 5. 1 2 June 5.6 6.2 3 July 6.6 7.2 6 August 6.9 7.5 7 September 5.7 6.5 7 ESTIMATED ANNUAL THERMAL REGIME OF THE LOWER BRADLEY RIVER AND THE PROPOSED TAILRACE TABLE 8-- APPENDIX A FIGURES 'i'P § t? '? '? ~ PROJECT LOCATION FIGURE 1 PHYSICAL FEATURES OF PROJECT AREA FIGURE 2 -----' PROJECT FACILITIES ~----------------------------------------------------------FIGURE 3----- Life Stage Spawning Incubation Fry Emergence Rearing Outmlgratlon Jan Feb Mar Apr PI --Cl --II lei dv --PI Cl --r- PI = pink 1al mon c1 = chum 1almon 11 = coho 1almon ----- -· -- PI Cl May Jun -- r--- --.,__ -- -.. !"' - kl !'" dv - Cl -- ·!'"" II r-- kl dv Ju I Aug Sep Oot Nov Dec PI Cl -- 1----II kl -dv - ----------- - ~ 1--II kl dv :--- ~ - kl = chinook 1almon dv = Dolly Varden - = Abundant - PI Cl II kl dv --= Pre1ent but not Abundant PHENOLOGY CHART FOR SALMONIDS KNOWN TO INHABIT BRADLEY RIVER . FIGURE 4--- 20 115 -1- :: 10 - 6 0 048 1 2 24 ... AVERAGE NUMBER OF HOURS PER OAY WITH TAILRACE SALINITIES GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO VALUE INDICATED 4.8 7.2 8.8 12 14.4 18.8 19.2 218 22 8 . 23 6 '\. ' ~ '\ 2SPPT I ... 1'\. \ ... -\ ......... ~ 10 PPT ' ' ~ ~ ~ \. [';~ 2 10 20 30 40 60 80 70 80 90 96 88 99 PERCENT OF TIME THAT TAILRACE SALINITY 18 EQUALLED OR EXCEEDED -SUMMER CONDITIONS ASIUIIIPTION: NO FRESHWATER CONTRIBUTIONS AT HIGE TIDE. SALINITY DURATION CURVES FOR 10 AND 25 PPT BAY SALINITY ...._---------------------.-----------FIGURE 5--- SETON OAM CAYOOSII OAM 0 2 km SCALE LAYOUT OF SETON CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT .._-----------------------------FIGURE 6 --- • • -MHHW 4 IIHW ~ 2 ~ .. c > "' .... "' 0 ~ .. c Q .. u a ·2 II: .. .. \ ' \ I I I I I I I I -~-, ' ~~ ' ~------------..,.~ --~-~-------------,~---~~~- ,-- 1 I I I I APPROX. LEVEL I OF TIDE FLATS ~RIFFLE REACH r CROSS SECTION I 2+11 (LOWER / LIMIT OF SPAWNING) I ..J--APPAOX. WATER I LEVEL AT LOW v , TIDE FOR 50cfa TYPICAL TAILRACE CROSS SECTIOH APPROX. WATER LEVEL AT LOW TIDE FOR 450cfa .. ~--------~--------~-------~------~-------~---~----r----------, 0 20 • 100 120 COMPARISON OF TAILRACE CROSS SECTION WITH RIFFLE REACH CROSS SECTION L-------------------FIGURE 7--~ PARTIAL ~ AVOIDANCE ' PARTIAL RECTIFICATION .,_ __ ---1 PARTIAL COMPENSATION IMPACT llENTIFICA nON I MmGAnON REQUIRED ~ AVOIDANCE I NO AVOIDANCE + MINIMIZATION NO MINIMIZATION .J, RECTIFICATION NO RECTIFICATION + REDUCTION NO REDUCTION ~ COMPENSATION NO COMPENSATION ~ UNMITIGATED/LOSS RESIDUAL IMPACT MITIGATION OPTION ANALYSIS ) NO MmGAnON REQUIRED TOTAL ~AVOIDANCE SOME MINIMIZA Tl ON SOME REDUCTION TOTAL COMPENSATION '------------------. FIGURE 8 __ ___.