HomeMy WebLinkAboutNeck Lake Hydropower Feasibility Study 1984Alaska Energy Authority LIBRARY COPY NECK LAKE HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR WHALE PASS WORK CENTER DATE SOE 049 ISSUED TO NECK LAKE HYDROPOW-ER FEASIBILITY STUDY for the proposed WHALE PASS WORK CENTER 0 r..l'1. ' WHALE PASS PACIFIC OCEAN· NECK LAKE HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS September 1984 II Submitted by: I Gre · Watkins, P.E. Hydraulic Engineer With Assistance From: Alvin Yoshida Civil Engineer and Louis Bartos Hydrologist $ACKGROUND This Hydroelectric Feasibility Study was initiated by the Engineering Section of the Alaska Region, USDA Forest Service. The SJ?_E!_~!f!-c_ object~_v_e was to determine if the obvious hydr9 ItO.~~ rt~J al_ C?f .. fie c. k_ Creek near the_ proposed Whale Pass Work Center ClOUld 9.t .. ~J'JOl1J.4 be._ developeg. An A&E contract was in progress to design a layout for a new Forest Service Work Center, but the contract only provided for diesel electric power generation. This hydro feasibility study is to supplement the current design study. The field portion of the study was made during the week of August 13-17, 1984. The author of this report visited the Forest Service Office in Ketchikan and made a field review of the proposed hydro site on Prince of Wales Island. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This field visit and subsequent data gathering was made possible by the assistance and cooperation of the following people: Louis Bartos, Ketchikan Area, Hydraulic Engineer, who did an excellent job in coordinating the details of the week's study, including his assistance with the field review of the site. He also developed Appendix A in this report which is the Hydrologic and Hydraulic Feasibility Report of Neck Lake. Les Paul, Regional Hydraulic Engineer for the Alaska Region, who proposed and obtained the go-ahead for this hydro feasibility study. Alvin Yoshida, Civil Engineer, Tongass-Ketchikan Area, coordinator for the ongoing A&E design study. He also developed Appendix B of this report detailing the electrical demands of the work center and the life cycle costs-for the diesel power generation alternative. Randy Bohachelc, Civil Engineer, Tongass-Ketchikan Area, assisted with the field review and level survey of Neck Creek. He also provided the unit prices for construction materials which were used to estimate the construction costs for the hydro project. Joe English, with Pacific Diesel in Seattle, who cooperated by providing details and estimated costs of standard turbine/generator equipment suitable for the site. .. 1973 Revi secl 1980 Seale: 14 mil• to 1 IDcb TABLE OF CONTENTS BACKGROUND and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LOCATION HAP I. INTRODUCTION and OUTLINE OF THE HYDRO SYSTEM II. ECONOMICS III. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS IV. ENGINEERING DETAILS FOR HYDROELECTRIC GENERATION APPENDICES Appendix A -Hydrologic Report Appendix B -Diesel Power Generations PAGE i ii 1 -3 4 - 6 7 - 9 12 -20 Appendix C -Manufacturer Products Information and Proposals TABLE I II III FIGURE I II III IV v VI VII VIII IX X LIST OF TABLES TITLE Construction Cost Estimate Engineering Parameters Economic Summary -Diesel vs Hydro LIST OF FIGURES TITLE Life Cycle Costs of Diesel vs Hydro Present Worth of Hydro vs Diesel Diesel Operation Costs Hydro System Costs Head, Kilowatt & Velocity Plot Pipe Diameter vs Flow Access Road, Penstock & Diversion Intake Structure Profile of Neck Creek Project Schematic Map PAGE 10 -11 16 17 .fA..!lj_ 5 5 6 6 1 3 14 1 8 19 20 Front Cover 1 I. INTRODUCTION The p~~pose of this feasibility report is to supplement the current A&E design study for a Forest Service Work Center at Whale Pass; frince of Wales Island, Alask~. Hydroelectric power may provide a viable alternative for diesel electric power generation and for fossil fuels for heating. We will discuss the demand and capacity of the site, system design alternatives, permits and land status requirements, and preliminary cost estimates. In the future, this report will be used in State of Alaska concerning scenarios for costing of a hydroelectric system that could Federal, State, and private development in the PERMITS AND LAND STATUS discussions with the collocation or share provide energy for Whale Pass area. ~er Bights: Power production for Forest Service requirements requires a maximum of 25 cfs. Any hydropower development using Forest Service funds must include the timely filing and obtaining of a State water right for the required flow. FERC Permit: The Forest Service, as another Federal agency, does not require FEBC licenses for hydroelectric developments. If we share the facility, the cosponsor may be required to follow the FEBC process. Land Status: Project works, with the exception of the transmission line, will be located on State-selected land. The State can issue leases for up to 55 years for a project such as this. Subsequent leases can be issued for continued operation after the original lease expires. SYSTEM SIZE This analysis compares the cost of electrical power generated with diesel power to that of hydropower generation. In addition, excess energy from hydropower generation can be utilized for space heat and hot water for the Work Center. The hydrosystem was sized at 125kw to meet all of the Work Center's electrical demands, in addition to the majority of the heating needs. A diverted flow of 25 cfs is required to produce this amount of power utlizing the 85-foot drop from the outlet of Neck Lake to the ocean. The outflow from Neck Lake will exceed this flow 100S of t.b...e.__.t.im~ with 2 feet of add! tiona! impoundment. Electronic load management of--t-he electrical loads is necessary to prevent overloads from occurring during peak electrical demands. Future Exoansion: The proposed 125kw system will also be capable of providing aos~ of the electrical needs for any future developments on the site. However, it will only be able to supply the heating load if beat sinks are provided to store the off-peak surpluses of generation. Heat sinks could consist of large bot water tanks. 2 Excess energy would be stored at night and during slack periods of day by heating the water. Heat for the building would be extracted from the tanks by flowing the water through hot water radiators. Additional building mass would be another form of a heat sink. The mass would be warmed by hot air from electrical heating elements. These electrical elements would be used in conjunction with oil-fueled furnaces. A disadvantage of hot air electrical elements is that they can create high peak electrical demands for heating when surplus energy may not be available from the hydrosystem. The important point, however, is to provide for a form of beat sink in the initial construction of the buildings at•tbe Work Center. The first of three major falls on Neck Creek as it drops from Neck Lake to the ocean. Hydroelectric Gen~ratins System: would comprise the system: The following major components 1. A small diversion structure across the outlet of Neck Lake, approximately 3 feet high and 75 feet wide. 2. An intake structure on one end of the diversion structure. The intake will channel a portion of the lake's outflow into the penstock and also screen out debris. 3. One thousand feet of 30-incb diameter steel penstock. 4. One-quarter mile of minimum standard access road to the point of diversion. The penstock will follow along the edge of the road. 3 5. Powerhouse building housing a turbine, generator, and electrical controls. 6. Three-quarter miles of power transmission line from the powerhouse to the Work Center. 7. A 30kw backup diesel-generator to provide power during periods of hydropower shutdowns. SUMMARY OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS Diversion Structure 10,500 Intake Structure , , ,600 Penstock 60,000 Access Road 27,000 Powerhouse Building 43,500 Turbine, Generator, and Controls 69,500 Transmission Line 50,300 Backup Diesel Generator -30kw 20,000 Electric Heating Units @ Work Center 9.500 Total Labor and Materials = 301,900 Contingencies @ 15% 45,000 Overhead and Profit @ 25% 75.500 Total Project = 422,400 O&M @ 4%/year $17,000 Additional detail of these construction costs with estimated quantities and unit prices is located in Table I on pages 10 and 11. 4 II. ECOliQMICS The economics of the hydrosystem and the fossil fuel system were compared by calculating their life cycle costs. The hydrosystem is outlined in the previous section and in Table I. The fossil fuel system used in the comparison consists of two 40 kW diesel generators, fuel oil furnaces for space beat, and propane hot water beaters. This combination of three fossil fuels was estimated to be the most cost effective fossil fuel system. _!p_p_~ll-~J~.-~ contains details of the diesel generator costs and fossil fuel heating requirements. The economics of the hydro versus fossil system were based on a 25 year period, a ~)discount rate, and a 4J fuel es~~alation rate. Operation and maintenance costs were estimated at ~JJof the initial cost of the diesel system and 4J for the hyaro system. ,·, > f" :.; l~ ~~\ ~· ..,. IL"· ""'~ ~ (J ' ~ ,...._ •.., f I • ',p • • •• J .pv· , . .. . '' r. ECONOMIC CONCLUSIONS: ',' ··"' The ~-l~.!'<?JS~13tem's initial_ cost of $422,400 is 4.7 times greater than the first ·c-ost or'·a·-~·(fie.se1---po"Wei;e·cf-sY"sTem~---~H-o.wever, .... the 15-i~~r.~--~Pr~sent --·wort&_o.f -tfle_f._ire·-·cy_c_le ·costs(Lcc >-or· the hydro- U§.1e.!l iJI_o_nly 70J of the-·LCCor··-the~fossii_ .. syst-em·: --·The ·econoillic·s of each system is visuaify dl'spliyea·-on-tlle-·rorrowing two pages of graphs. The break-even point between the two systems occurs at year nine. These graphs were developed from a summary of the economics of diesel generators vs hydro which is Table III on page 17. .. 5 LIFE CYCLE COSTS OF DIESEL VS. HYDRC WHALE PASS WORK CENTER 2.1 2 1.9 1 .8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1..4 1.3 VI'"' 1.2 It:., :5] 1.1 ...I= 1 o-a2. 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 /' / / - "1 "1 1:::: --/ -v v v r' /II' ,;" ~ ..... .,/' d / ,/ ...... ,..... H=t tt ....... H-T 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 14 15 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 YEARS D DIESEL o HYDRO Figure I E?RESEt{J W_QRTti OF HYDRO VS. DIESEL WHALE PASS WORK CENTER i-7:11; 800 700 500 400 300 200 100 rz:zJ HYDRO r:s::SJ DIESEL. Figure II ,..... en Vl"O a::c :5g ..J::I oo c~ ....... -Ill Vl"O a:::c: :50 ..J~ Oo Cf:_ ....... DIESEL OPERATION COSTS O&cM 0 6~;FUEL ESCALATION 0 4~; i -7~ 140 ~-------------------------------------------------------. 130 120 1 10 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 422400 180 170 160 150 140 1.:30 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 .:30 20 10 0 0 1 2 .:3 rz:zJ 2 .:3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 1 2 1 3 1415 1 6 1 71 8 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 YEARS O&cM cs:::sJ FUEL tz:ZI EQUIPMENT Figure Ill HYDRO SYSTEM COSTS O&:M 0 4~ OF CONST. COSTS ~) '--1 ~~ ' I I ' \ i I 4 56 7 8 91011121.3141516171819202122232425 YEARS rz:zJ O&M IS:sJ CONST. COsT Figure IV 6 7 III. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS Diversion Structure: A concrete gravity wall averaging 3 feet in height which will raise the level of Neck Lake about 2 feet. The wall would be 75 feet in length, 12 inches wide at the top, and 2 feet wide at the base. It would be anchored to solid bedrock for its entire length. See the conceptual plan in Figure VII. lntake Structure: A concrete box shaped structure integrated into the left abutment of the diversion structure. The function of the intake structure is to keep logs and debris from entering the penstock. It contains a steel trash rack with bars spaced 1 inch apart. This grate should be designed to always be submerged with a small flushing flow overtopping the back wall. This flow will help to keep floating debris from collecting on the grate. It is also important to keep the grate submerged so it is not exposed to freezing air temperatures which can cause the grate to ice up. The inlet to the box will include a slide gate valve capable of dewatering the intake. See Figure VIII for schematic details. Penstock: One thousand feet of penstock is needed between the intake structure and the powerhouse. The maximum velocity of the water in the penstock should be limited to 5 ft/sec. This will minimize the need for thrust blocks and anchors needed to restrain the penstock. A 30-inch pipe was selected which will limit frictional head losses to about 3.5 feet. It will weigh 65 lbs/LF uncoated and require a minimum of 3/16-inch wall thickness. The penstock could be buried or set above ground on timber saddles similiar to the pipeline supplying water to the Herring Cove Fish Hatchery. The above ground method requires additional thrust blocks while the buried penstock would need to be bituminous coated due to the acidic soils predominant of the general area. The above-ground method would be slightly cheaper in this instance. See Figure IX for a profile of Neck Creek. Powerhouse; The powerhouse would be located on the south bank of Neck Creek about 125 feet upstream from the old log stringer road bridge. The slab elevation of the floor would be about 9 feet above the visible high tide elevation. This elevation is needed to be above the 2,000 CFS flood flow capability of Neck Creek. In addition, the lower 4 feet of the side walls should be constructed of watertight concrete to provide additional protection from flood flows. The slab should be 2 feet thick to reduce vibrations and provide ballast to offset any buoyant forces which could be produced with watertight walls. An outlet tailrace channel would be constructed through and beneath the floor slab. • Access Road: A minimum standard 10-foot wide shotrock road is needed from the existing road to the powerhouse and on to the point ot diversion. The penstock will follow along the edge of the road and would be buried under the road tor several hundred feet as the 8 road approaches the intake structure. The road alignment would be fairly straight with a pitch of 20% ± grade as it climbs along the falls on Neck Creek. The total length of the road is 1200 feet. powerline: The powerline shown on the schematic map represents an overhead 12-kV wood pole tranmission line. An overhead line would be cheaper than a buried line because of the amount of rock. However, if a waterline will be run from near the powerhouse to the work center, it would be more economical to bury a 12 kV electric line below the water line in the same trench. It is also possible to construct the line for 7.8 kV. Many utility companies are upgrading their distribution lines from 7.8 to 12 kV and there is an abundant supply of good used 7.8 kV transformers. Turbine: The site requires a "low bead" turbine designed for a 25 CFS flow. Three types of turbine equipment are available. A crossflow turbine, a Francis Turbine with adjustable wicket gates, and centrifugal pumps run in reverse mode. All three will produce the same amount of power. The Francis Turbine is the most efficient over a range of flows and is the most expensive. Centrifugal pumps are the cheapest and can be sized to operate efficiently for a given flow. Their efficiency drops rapidly at reduced flow, but the hydrology study shows 25 CFS to be available at all times. One crossflow turbine is available from Canyon Industries in Deming, Washington. A good proposal was made by Pacific Diesel Company using pumps from Cornell Pump Company. Two centrifugal pumps are used in a reverse mode of operation to operate as turbines. The pumps are connected through a gear drive train to turn a single 125-kW generator. See Appendix C for additional product information describing available turbines. Electrical Controls: Controls for the system, regardless of the turbine selected, will use a combination of electronic load control and water flow control. The generator must run at its exact design speed to produce power at 60 cycles per second (CPS). The design speed will be either 1200 or 1800 RPM. Given a set flow of water to the turbine and a corresponding set load of electrical uses, the generator will turn at its specified speed. If the electrical load is decreased or increased without a change in water flow, the speed of the generator will correspondingly decrease or increase. When it does, the frequency will vary from 60 CPS. A change of only two or three CPS can damage electric motors. Precise controls to adjust the water flow to match the electrical load are expensive and do not result in good control for a system this small. An electronic load controller is proposed for the system. It provides good control at an economical price. A 60,000-watt (60 kW) resistor load is utilized to maintain the exact balance between power generated and the electrical load in the work center. As loads are turned on or off in the work center, the amount of surplus power to the resistor load will be instantly adjusted to 9 account for the change in loads. This is done electronically by monitoring the 60-cycle frequency of the generator. Some power must continually be wasted to the resistor in order to be able to maintain a balance in the system. Energy dumped to the resistor load can be recovered for building heat, etc., if the resistor is used to heat water in a tank. Since this resistor can be located anywhere in the electrical system, the tank, or several small tanks can be located near any building(s) in the work center. A second feature of the governing system controls the water flow in conjunction with the load controller. It consists of a valve which will vary the flow of water to one of the two pump/turbines. If the amount of surplus power in the system approaches the 60-kW capacity of the resistor load, the water flow will be reduced. In a similar fashion, the water flow will be increased to the second turbine should the surplus of power to the resistor load drop below some minimum reserve level. This combination of electrical and water control is ideal for the system proposed for Neck Lake. It costs a fraction of the cost of a full water control governor while maintaining excellent control of the sytem. Appendix C contains an excellent description of a load/water control called Product G, produced by Thompson and Howe Engergy Systems, Inc. TABLE I &QNS'f'It6CTI ON CO:t'f"S Diversion Structure -75' long x 3' high 75' X 1.5' X 3'/27 = 12.5 CY Use 14 CY due to uneven foundation Labor @$500/CY; Materials @$250/Cy Subtotal = $10,500 Intake Stucture (7' x 12' x 7') Slab 12' X 1' X 7'/27: 3.11 CY Walls 1 1 X 34 1 X 7'/27: 8.81 Say 12 CY@ Labor @ $250; Materials @$250/CY Intake Grate 5' x 6' W/1• Openings 36• Slide Gate Shutoff 36• to 30" Concentric Reducer Subtotal= $11,600 Penstock 30 8 ID X 1000LF x 3/16• Labor for Installation @$20/ft; Materials @$30 10 -MATEftl AbS $ 7,000 $ 3,500 $ 3,000 0 1 '500 200 $ 3,000 600 3,000 300 $ 4,700 $ 6,900 $ 20,000 Thrust Blocks -five @2 CY each = 24 8 Isolation Valve @ Powerhouse 10 CY 1 , 500 1. 000 $ 30,000 2,500 s,ooo Subtotal = $60,000 Access Road -1200 LF of 14' cleared and 10' rocked, low standard Rd @$120,000/mi $ 22,500 $ 37,500 $ 27,000 $ 0 Turbine with speed increaser and frame mounted$ Generator--480 Volt, 3 Phase, 125 kW $ 46,000 10,000 Electrical Controls over under Freg Guard, Micro-Processor, Water & Load Control Governor, (Product G) Electrical Design Consultation (Thompson & Howe) Installation of above unit Subtotal = $63,500 2,000 8,000 3,500 $ 10,000 $ 59,500 • CONST RUCTION COSTS· LABOR Transmission Line 3820 LF 12 kV Wood Pole Transmission Line Materials @$4/ft; Construction @$6 Two Transformers 480 V to 12 kV Subtotal = $50,300 Electrical Equipment in Work Center needed to utilize surplus power for building heat. 10 Load Management Relays • Duct Heating Elements Warehouse one 5 kW, one 7.5Kw Office two 5 kW Barracks one 10 kW, one 14 kW 3 Trailers w/5 kW in each trailer Subtotal = $9,500 Backup 30 kW Diesel Generator 11 MATERIALs- $ 23,000 $ 15,300 5.000 7,000 $ 28,000 $ 22,300 900 $ 5,000 900 1 14 0 0 1 • 30 0 $ 9,500 (Stand alone, not synchronized with hydro) $ 20,000 Powerhouse Building 18' x 24' Excavation Building 6 1 x 18' x 24 1 /27 Tailrace 6' x 4' x 40'/27 @$40/CY = 96 = 26 132 32 10.5 =~ 50.5 Concrete Slab 2' x 18' x 24 1 /27= Walls: 10" x 4'x 85 LF/27 = Tailrace 1 1 x 35' x 8 1 /27 Materials @$250/CY, Labor @$250 6' of f~amed wall and roof 432 ft x $30/sq ft Subtotal = $43,500 Total = $301,900 CY CY $ 5,300 CY 12,600 $12,600 7.000 6.000 $24,900 $18,600 $124,100 + $177,800 Electric resistance duct heaters may not make the best use of surplus energy. They were only used to represent an added cost need to utilize the surplus power. Electric heating elements in a hot water heating system are preferred. 12 IV. ~cgin~ering Parameters This section outlines the engineering considerations which affect hydroelectric generation on Neck Creek. Figure V depicts the hydro system using a 30-inch diameter penstock. It shows that a maximum of 260 kW could be produced if 70 CFS flows through the penstock. The maximum usable flow, however, will be limited to 25 CFS which is the capacity the turbine can handle. This capcity was set to produce the estimated power needs of 130 kW for the work center. The horizontal line• with the triangle legend indicates this maximum output of 130 kW. The line with the square legend plots the usable head at the turbine after frictional losses in the penstock are deducted. At a flow of 25 CFS, the head loss is only 3 feet and the velocity within the penstock is slightly over 5 ft/sec. (The velocity line is plotted with a factor or 10, so the listed velocity of 50 becomes 5 ft/sec.) KW, HEAD, & V L. VS FLOW FOR A 30" DIA. PENSTOCK 280 260 240 220 ~ 200 u 0 180 _J w > 160 0 z 140 <( v ,_---'---. ~~ / / :~ / v I /v /~ / ~ ...... v / ~ ~ v / v :3: 120 :::£ 0 100 L5 80 I 60 40 20 0 / ~ -v ~ v v v v / / / - / ~ ~ / "'"1 fl..-. '1--El-- / / / -;~ l? / 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 FLOW IN CFS o HEAD + KW <> VEL.* 10 1:J. MAX KW Figure V 14 Figure VI shows four velocity curves. A system sized for 25 CFS requires a 30-inch pipe size to limit the maximum water velocity to 5 ft/sec in the pipeline. The other curves are for velocities of 3, 7, and 9 ft/sec. The maximum water velocity within the penstock of 5 ft/sec is a rule of thumb which: 1. reduces the need and size of thrust blocks at angle points. 2. • minimizes the range of operating heads at the turbine caused by frictional losses in the penstock. This results in more efficient generation throughout the range of usable flows. PIPE DIAMETER VS FLOW FOR GIVEN VELOCITIES IN THE PIPES so ,----------------------------------T----~---------------- 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 PIPE DIAMETER IN INCHES c 3'/S + 5'/S <> 7'/S ~ 9'/S Figure VI 15 Table II lists the system's electrical output given the input values of 80 feet of static head, 25 CFS flow, 1000 ft of 30 inch steel penstock with a manning coefficient of .012, and an overall system efficiency of 78%. The power output is calculated at 127 kW using the formula: kW: Ex Q X H/11.8 where E is the system's efficiency factor of 78%, H is the usable bead which is the 80 feet of static bead less the 3.17 feet of frictional losses, Q is the flow in CFS, and 11.8 is conversion factor to convert ft/lbs of work to kilowatts. a The bottom block on Figure II lists average monthly flows in Neck Creek. It is easily seen that the proposed system will always have sufficient flow to operate at full capacity. These monthly flows were taken from the Hydrologic report in Appendix A. The flows for Neck Creek were determined using seven years of actual flow records in addition to 19 years of flow data on a nearby stream. While the average flows exceed the hydro plant's demand, the 25 CFS flow will not be available during the low water years. Based on the lowest water year of 20 years of record, two feet of additional impoundment in Neck Lake is required to provide a continuous 25 CFS outflow. A 3-foot high diversion structure (dam) would be necessary at the point of diversion. This structure would raise the level of the lake 2 feet. See Figures VII & VIII for a conceptual plan for the diversion and intake structures. Table III contains the data used to develop Figures I through IV. The top portion contains the input data which was used to calculate the annual cash flows for the 25 year analysis period. This table was developed using a "spread sheet" on a personal computer, and thus the formulas used in the calculations are not shown. The calculations for the Diesel System are duplicated in a trackable form in Appendix B. JAN FEB MAR APf;: MAY .JUN c! UL. ?1lJG UEF' IJCT NLJ~.J DEC F'LAf\H FACTOR ::::: E::J-~U I h!E[f.'li'lf:; F''AF·O::.;Ht: I EF:h -f Ot~ hll"_Cf ! ?"if:E H'd)Rfl bTUUY DN F'f-<1 NLF Cit-l•!f:;u::_ ~~ I::; Uil\!1) TCJN(:;r::!~-;~:; Nf-lT I [lh!AL F Ohl S l by Greg Watkins Oct 25, 1984 ******************************************* * PIF't:: DIAt·lETt:F: 11-Sl hLi-)i1 NAH~l. FUM * STA rJ C HEt~D 11· F' I F'E L Ft-J(:-, T I-I * Mr-:il'JNIN\.3 N * S'YSTEI"l E.FFICIFNC'l' ·li· -- -· - = = ""' :::;o 1. :"! 80 1000 0. 012 0. 78 INCHEb * C! ~-) -¥c FEET * FEEl * * % * * ******~************************************ SYS fEt'! b IZE ******************************************* * MAX USEABLE Fl..DllJ * HEAD LOSS AT MAX FLOW - if· i•1AX F'O\.'JF!i OUTPUT = * MAX VEL. IN PENSTOCK :~;. 17 127 5. i. CFS * fEET +: Kl'-J if FT ISI:~L * *************~***************************** AVG FLUl•l bO EJu 90 1 l () 90 60 ~0 70 90 1BO 1 :':·0 100 1. (H) USEHHd: FL. Ul•J :~s. () 25. 0 :::=~ .. 0 2~5 .. 0 r !C::: .. :. .... J .. (J ~.c:- .L.d. 0 25 .. 0 ,"·,c.: 0 .,.·.:.. ·~.J • ... -. t.:.~ ~ .J. (l .~,r:,.~ 0 .. ·: .. ..) . 25. 0 :-.. C' .:.: . ._J. (l A\/G HLAD 77 77 77 --, '7 I ' 77 Tl 77 77 77 77 77 77 AI/C:i 12/ 127 127 j ';;./ 127 1 ,.., --, ~.! 1::7 l':·' ., 127 127 12"7 127 F'OWER <Mt•Jhr/ c;;-c; ,_} 86 95 9'-' .. / 95 92 95 Q<:: ' ._J 9"' "'- 9tc ._J lJ•;;:: 95 16 J?ii! FEb MAF-\' AF'P r-·~~ ... .,.. .JUh ~.E.J! HUG E;t::.~: .. ClCT f•.,ll_)'.,' m:c TAFc:LE I I Table II 1 ABLE li I ECDNO~lC SUM~~Rf OF DIESEL 6ENE~P10R5 VS. H1LPO Al WHAiE PAS5 WG~k CENTER, RE5iQN 10 b1 Sreg WaUins ~~J¥ 3, !'184 HYDRO CDNSlRUCTIDN COSTS HYDRO OPER .• M~l~l. COST @ 41 DIESEL CO~STRUCl!DN COSlS ANNUAL OFER. MAiNT. SOSTS @ 6: IN!TIA~ DIESEL FUEL COSliYR ENERGY ESCALL~TICN RATE INTEREST RATE PERIOD OF ANALYSIS SALVAGE VAL.UE FOR H!DP.O SALVAGE VALUE FOE DIESEL U249•J DOLLAF:S 1bB96 DOLlAi6 90?2C, DOLLAti'S 544.3 OOLL~FS 38757 DOLLAr:S 4 7./YR. 7 t1l'R. 25 YEARS 424h, !JOLLA;S 22DC~O DOLLARS 17 -----·--------------------------------------------------------------~--------·------------------ DJE5~L GENERATOR COSTS HYDRO BENERATION [GSTS CONST ANNUAL ANNUAL ACCLi~ . CONST. ANNUAL A)j!tiUAL AC:I!M l '!Ei!R COSTS D & 1'1 FUEL COS1 COSTS COSTS I COSTS G ~ I! COSTS COSTS i -----------·------------------·----------------~------------------------------------------------ Pill " 120404 ~3433 683o41 8!:7478 ~i4575 196899 bll474 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 9072(• 0 0 90720 91}720 I ~22400 0 422~00 422~00 i 1 5443 4(•30? 45750 136470 I 16896 lo896 439296 ' 2 544) 41920 47363 183933 I 1 o996 16896 456192 ' 3 5443 43596 4904(1 232873 I 168'1o le89b 473(188 I 4 5443 45340 50733 283656 I 168% 16996 489984 I 5 5443 47154 52597 336253 ! 16896 16896 506880 6 5443 49040 54~83 390736 I 16896 !6896 5237'6 7 5443 51002 50445 447181 I 1699t 16896 540672 I £i 5443 53042 58485 505b66 I 16896 16896 557~68 I 9 5443 55163 606£16 5oo272 ' l689b 16896 5'74464 I 10 ~4000 5443 57370 62813 673v8b I !68% 168~b 591360 I 11 5443 59665 65!08 738!9$ I 16896 16896 1:08256 I 12 5443 62051 67494 805688 ' 16896 16E'6 6?5152 I 13 5443 64533 69976 8756!!4 i 1o896 16896 642\148 ' 14 5443 67115 72558 948222 ' 16896 16B'i'6 658944 I 15 5443 69799 75242 1023464 I 1689b 16891! 675840 i 16 5443 72591 78•.!34 1t 01499 ' 16896 16896 692736 ' 17 5443 75495 80938 1182437 ' 1689b 16896 709632 I 18 5443 78515 83958 12663'14 ' 1689b 168'16 726523 I 19 5443 81655 87098 13534'3 t 16896 1b89b 743424 2(1 44000 5443 84921 90365 1487857 I 16896 16896 760320 I 21 5443 883!8 93761 1581619 I 1689& 1689c 77721/:, I 22 5443 91851 97294 1678913 I 16896 lb896 794112 I 23 5443 95525 100968 1779881 I 16896 16896 811008 I 24 5443 99346 104789 18841170 . 1689c lb8qb 827904 I 25 -22000 5443 10332() 108763 1971433 I -42470 16896 l6896 802330 ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lHE HIFORPIATION IN lHIS TABLE MAS USED TO DEVELOP FIGURES I, 11, lll, ~ IY. Table Ill - ACCESS ROAD, PENSTOCK, & DIVERSION 10' ACCESS ISLAND s s s IN IIOAD / /;' ~ NL.-EC_K_C_R_E_E_K_ f NECK LAKE APPROX. SKETCH SCALE: 1!4 11 -= 10' Figure VII f .. ' IAL.I: I ._, I ftU\, I UnC CCONCIPTUAL elltQN) DIVERSION STRUCTURE A j """ ~ f .. 0 i ... , PLAN VIEW 3" fll A I R VENT SECTION A-A r-- """ ~--- ~ / -.. ' r:1 11 •• tl ,. II II . / I ( , A ~ / / I / 19 / / Figure VIII SCALE: ~ .. -~ 1'-0 .. :I: z <( UJ NECK CREEK PROFlLE -HORIZONTAL SCALE APPROXIMATE- ~~------~-------+--------+-------·~-------,r-----~~--------+-·----·-----~------ UJ > ~ <( 1000 900 700 EiOO 500 DISTANCE IN FEET FALLS ) 400 300 200 100 MEAN HIGH TIDE Figure IX APPENDIX A HYDROLOGIC & HYDRAULIC FEASIBILITY REPORT For The NECK LAKE HYDROELECT~IC SITE PRINCE Or WALES lSLAND, ALASKA ay LOUIS R. BARTOS -HYDROLOGIST 1984 y \ ' \ ./ ! ""'-' \ \ ' \ l '· . ' I .,