HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Comp of Negative Feasibility Rep for Hydro Power at Four AK Locations 1984HYD 045 . I ~OT ICE OF COMPLETION OF NEGATI~ ' . 1\EASIEILITY REPORTS FOR HYDRO- .ECTRIC POWER AT FOUR ALASKA l#)CATIONS REPLY TO ATTENTION OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U .S •. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA POUCH 898 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99606·0898 RECEIVED Plan Formulation Section OCT 1 1984 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY September 27, 1984 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF NEGATIVE FEASIBILITY REPORTS FOR HYDROELECTRIC POWER AT FOUR ALASKA LOCATIONS I am announcing completion of reports on potential hydroelectric power generating facilities at four Alaska ·locations: Chickaloon, Galena, Kenney Lake, and Nome. In all cases, after careful investigation and evaluation, I found that Federal development of the facilities is not feasible at this time. All four potential projects share a common limitation; they cannot meet the electricity needs of their ·communities during the winter, when Alaskan streams freeze and their flow stops or shrinks to an amount too small to produce sufficient power. Winter is also the period when demand for electricity . is . greatest. Even with a hydropower _project, each of these pl _aces ·would have to continue using fossil fue l generation in winter •. · · ·-• .. The four locations were studied pursuant to<a .·re5olution of the U.S. Senate Comnittee on Public Works .. dated October 1, 1976, directing the Corps of Engineers to determi-ne · the feasibi 1 ity of installing small hydroelectric plants fn . isolated Alaskan communities. The studies evaluated futur:e··, needs for electrical power at each of the sites and alternatives available to meet those needs. While the Corps had primary responsibility for conducting the studies, numerous other Federal, State,· ·and local agencies and groups contributed. A public involvement program was maintained. All sites were identified in regional reconnaissance stuqies performed by engineering firms under contract. -The Corps conducted followup field investigations. Each location .is briefly described below. Chickaloon: The Chickaloon area, about 7b mil~s northwest of Anchorage , is a rural community situated along the Glenn Highway, which follows the Matanuska River. The area now receives power from the Matanuska Electric Association (MEA), 95 percent of it produced by gas-fired turbines. Four potential hydroelectric sites were studied. A site on the Kings River, a tributary of the Matanuska, appeared to hold the greatest promise of feasibility. A run-of-the-river project evaluated for this site features a 30-foot-high concrete dam, which would furnish power for twin turbines with a total capacity of 600 kilowatts (kW). An annual average of 3.1 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) could be fed into the MEA line serving the Chickaloon area. The project would cost about $7 mi 11 ion and would have a benefit-cost ratio of 0. 3 to 1. (A ratio of greater than 1 to 1 is required to meet Federal economic evaluation criteria.) Besides having the problem of low streamflow in winter, this project would have to compete against the existing MEA electricity, which is produced with relatively inexpensive natural gas. The project would be economically infeasible at this time. Galena: Galena is located on the north bank of the Yukon River, approximately 270 miles west of Fairbanks. It is a regional hub for state and federal agencies, a transportation center, and the site of a U.S. Air Force Base. The potential damsite lies on Kala Creek, across the Yukon River from Galena, at a point where the creek • s course falls from a narrow valley to a relatively flat, swampy plain. The optimum project would be a 100-foot-high rockfill dam which would create a 1,300-acre reservoir. With a turbine capacity of 650 kW, the project could generate 4.5 million kWh a year -but no energy in February, March, or April. A larger 150-foot-high dam would provide some year-round capacity, but it would be insufficient to meet demand and the cost would more than doub 1 e. The optimum project wou 1 d cost $37.3 mi 11 ion and have a benefit-cost ratio of 0.3 to 1. This project would produce power during the warmer months, but at a greater expense than continuing to generate electricity with diesel fuel. In addition, serious potential problems were seen with the proposed transmission cable crossing of the Yukon River. Kenney Lake: This small community is located in the Tonsina River valley 66 miles northeast of Valdez. The potential damsite lies across the Tonsina from Kenney Lake on a small unnamed tributary of the Tonsina. The project would incorporate a 13-foot-high rockfill dam and a turbine generator with an installed capacity of 1,500 kW. The energy produced during the warmer months would be fed into the Copper Valley Electric Association {CVEA) system, supplementing existing hydropower generation. Output would be about 4.7 million kWh a year. The project would cost $9.3 million and have a benefit-cost ratio of 0.7 to 1. Other project sizes were considered, but no project at this location was found to be economically feasible for Federal development at this time. Nome: Nome, the most populous of the four sites, is a town of approximately 3,200 people on the south coast of the Seward Peninsula, fronting the Bering Sea. A gold-mining boom town at the 2 turn of the century, the community has become the commercial hub of northwestern Alaska and a center for Native handicrafts. Seven potential hydropower sites were investigated, but only three (Nome River, Sulphur Creek, and David Creek) offered some promise of development without severe technical problems. The three sites were studied both individually and in a combined plan which would deliver power from all three over a common transmission line The generation capacity of the combined sites would be 840 kW; they would produce a total of 3.4 million kWh of euergy a year. The three-site system, which would cost $21.6 million, has a benefit-cost ratio of 0.3 to 1. This is higher than the ratio of any of the sites considered individually. Hydroelectric energy would be available only 6 or 7 months a year. None of the Nome plans is capable of competing with the existing diesel fueled generation system. Further information on any of the above studies may be obtained from my office or from Mr. Carl Barash, Chief of my Plan Formulation Section, Pouch 898, Anchorage, Alaska 99506-0898. The telephone number is (907) 552-3461. Please pass this information on to others interested in these reports who may not have received this notice. 3 Je~ !0 ~ Ma~~~~s of Engineers Acting District Engineer OJ c: ·-~ en 0fb' <a t3 en '\') • ~Nom oo pacifiC ocean ~ 0 •Kenney Mile• h -=-' 200 FOUR LOCATIONS INVESTIGATED FOR HYDROELECTRIC POWER 40o ~ l INTRODUCTION Hydropower Development Potential of Kenney Lake, Alaska October 1983 RECEIVED OCT 1 1984 Wst<A P.OWER AUTiOIJy The evaluation of small hydroelectric systems was authorized by a 1 October 1976 United States Senate Resolution, which directed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing small prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated Alaskan communities. In 1982, a regional inventory for small hydropower projects in Southcentral Alaska was completed for the Alaska District by Ebasco Services Incorporated. This inventory analyzed more than 30 sites, recommending nearly 20 for more detailed examination, including the Kenney Lake site. The Kenney Lake site was one of six selected by the Alaska District from this group for field reconnaissance and additional analysis. Ebasco did not conduct any field reconnaissance at the Kenney Lake site during the Southcentral inventory. During 9-11 August 1982, an interdisciplinary Alaska District team conducted a field reconnaissance of a potential small hydropower project site near the small community of Kenney Lake in the Tonsina River Valley. The potential site is located across the Tonsina River from Kenney Lake on a small unnamed tributary south of the Tonsina {see figure 1 and 2). This area is approximately 6 miles southwest {upstream) of the confluence of the Tonsina River with the Copper River and approximately 30 miles southeast of Glennallen. Presently, the Copper Valley Electric Association {CVEA) serves the Kenney Lake area. Based on the August 1983 edition of 11 Alaska Electric Power Statistics .. by the United States Department of Energy, of the total installed nameplate capacity of 22,104 kW; 12,000 kW are produced by hydropower, 7,304 kW by diesel, and 2,800 kW by gas turbine. A total net generation of 35,941 MWh was generated in 1982. ENVIRONMENTAL SYNOPSIS Principal identified environmental resources in the vicinity of the site and the stream are Coho salmon, Chinook salmon, and Dolly Varden. The lower reaches of the stream are used as rearing habitat by juveniles of those species. Chinook salmon were observed spawning at the juncture of the subject stream and the Tonsina . River. Juvenile salmon were collected upstream of observed spawn1ng sites. The upstream extent of salmon spawning, juvenile rearing habitat, and resident Dolly Varden distribution {if any) was not determined. The fish populations involved are believed to be small and it appears that impacts to identified fish populations and habitats could be mitigated to within acceptable limits, possibly with minor adjustments to optimum project design and operating regimes. The stream undoubtedly contributes macroinvertebrates, algae, and other food-web components to the Tonsina River. Minor losses of these organisms would occur from project operation, but these losses could not be regarded as significant to other systems. Moose, black bear, brown bear, and a variety of furbearers in the canine, weasel, and rodent families occur in the area. Reconnaissance-level biological surveys indicate that project construction and operation would have little adverse effect on these animals, provided that construction and operation access could be achieved without road construction. If an access road were required, significant project impacts and secondary impacts from improved access would likely occur to local wildlife populations. No endangered or threatened species were observed or identified in a brief literature search. No cultural resource survey or inventory has been conducted. HYDROLOGY Description of the Area. The unnamed stream has a drainage area of 7.8 square miles. Watershed elevations range from about 2,400 to 6,000 feet msl. Significant snowpack exists in the higher elevations {above 5,000 feet msl), especially on the north and west slopes, but no glaciers exist in the study area. Stream slopes in the area average about 650 feet per mile with a maximum slope of about 860 feet per mile. Drainage area ground slopes range from essentially horizontal to nearly vertical. The lower elevations are covered by dense stands of willow, alder, and birch, while the intermediate elevations are covered with tundra plants and, where surface water is available, stands of alder. The higher elevations are either bare or covered by tundra plants. The stream on which the dam would be located consists of a series of cascades and waterfalls from the headwater area to the proposed powerhouse location. In general, the stream is about 12 feet wide with depths of up to about 1.5 feet between cascades and up to about 4 feet in the energy holes at the cascades. Site investigations indicate that stream stage fluctuations have been very minor in the past and the stream does not appear to have sediment problems above the damsite. Design Flows. Stage and/or discharge data in the vicinity of Kenney Lake, Alaska, are very limited. The only gaging stations which have existed in the area are the Little Tonsina River near Tonsina {USGS gage number 15207800, drainage area= 22.7 mi2), Squirrel Creek at Tonsina {USGS gage number 15208100, drainage area = 70.5 mi2), and Tonsina River {USGS gage number 15208000, drainage area = 420 mi2). To Glennallen \ \ ·copper Center ·· .• ( Trana-Aiaaka Pipeline ,.. PROPOSED To Valdez Scale 10 0 10 20 lr....r--J I I I -~-------. Mile• ': .. : i··;n:5ts~_:-.;_;,.:-z~:r\ ·t · · ,,'·•·:···-~·-·~-··,: ·····~~.:·.~;. Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preaerve 0 ALASKA DISTRICT KENNEY LAKE Figure 1 ................ _.t-.:~'E-!!~'!f:-.... ~~-Edgerton Highway ·------= • I 1100~ • Transmission Line Powerhouse Penstock Dam 1000 zooo 3000 4000 0 FEET Figure 2 KENNY LAKE Sma II Hydropower Of these three stations, only the Tonsina River at Tonsina gage is presently in operation. The period of record mean annual flows for each of these three streams is given in Table 1. Water Year 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Table l Mean Annual Flow (cfs/mi2) Little Tonsina Rv. (D.A. = 22.7 mi2) 0.99 0.79 1.44 1.45 2.81 l. 09 Squirrel Crk. (D.A. = 70.5 mi1) 0.51 - 0.38 0.62 0. 31 0.28 0.38 0.59 0.47 0.35 0.49 Tonsina River (D.A. = 420 mi£) l. 90 - 1.77 2.04 1. 40 l. 51 l. 71 2.05 1.35 1. 60 2.01 1.58 2.82 l. 58 1.80 2. 31 The Tonsina River unit flows were obviously higher than those of the other two stations, especially the Squirrel Creek station, but they were not extremely different from the Little Tonsina River flows. The preliminary design flows for the Kenney Lake hydropower project were developed by multiplying the mean monthly Tonsina River flows in cubic feet per second per square mile by the Kenney Lake drainage area in square miles. This resulted in flows slightly higher than what would probably have occurred at the Kenney Lake damsite. ENERGY USE Records for 1982 indicate that CVEA generated approximately 35,941 MWh. Currently, CVEA purchases energy generated by hydropower from the Alaska Power Authority during the summer. This time period corresponds with the time period in which the Kenney Lake project would operate. Energy Analysis. The HEC program 11 Hydur" was used to compute the energy production for a variety of project sizes. _A~ overall p~ant efficiency of 0.86, a design head of aoo•, and a m1n1mum operat1onal capacity of 0.4 times the design capacity were used as part of the "Hydur" input data. The results are summarized below. Plant Size (kW) 300 700 1 '500 2,000 4,000 Average Annual Energy (MWh) 1 '470 2,696 5, 153 5,561 6,709 Benefit Analysis. At this level of analysis, it was assumed that the total average annual energy of the hydropower system less an 8 percent transmission loss would be equal to the usable energy. Two categories of benefits were determined for each turbine size; displaced existing hydropower and displaced transmission costs. An existing hydropower generation cost of 3.6¢/kWh (Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc.) combined with a transmission cost of 7.5 ¢/KW results in a total energy displacement cost of 11. 1¢/kWh. Shown below are benefits derived for each of the turbine sizes. Usable Displaced Displaced Plant Size Energy Existing Transmission {kW) (MWh) Hldro~ower Cost Total 300 1, 350 49,000 $101,000 $150,000 700 2,480 $ 89,000 $186,000 $275,000 1,500 4,740 $171,000 $356,000 $527,000 2,000 5,120 $184,000 $384,000 $568,000 4,000 6,170 $222,000 $463,000 $685,000 Cost Analysis. A preliminary cost estimate was derived for each of the project sizes. Shown is a summary of project features. Plant Size Dam Height Penstock Di a. (kWi (ft.) ( in. ) 300 11 14 700 12 18 1' 500 13 26 2,000 14 30 4,000 16 48 The cost estimates included the following items: rockfill dam, a 4,900-foot steel penstock, a S-mile access road to the powerhouse, 3 miles of transmission line, the powerhouse plus associated features, intake structure, helicopter support during construction, site preparation, mob and demob, a 20 percent contingency, 12 percent for E&D and S&A; and interest during construction based on a 2-year construction period. This cost estimate does not include O&M costs. Costs were amortized using an interest rate of 8 1/8 percent and a 50-year project life. Shown below is a summary of the estimated costs. Plant Size (kW) First Cost Tot a 1 Costs Annual Costs 300 $ 6,954,000 $ 7,516,000 $ 623,000 700 $ 7,507,000 $ 8, 114,000 $ 673,000 1,500 $ 8,717,000 $ 9,310,000 4 772,000 2,000 $ 9,202,000 $ 9,946,000 $ 824,000 4,000 $12,568,000 $13,584,000 $1,126,000 0 g "' - 0 ~ 0 Ji&: In ('If - CD N § ·-UJ .., ·-c 0 :::) 0 In .,.. § .,.. ----~----~----------~----~-----+0 0 0 0 .,.. ' 0 0 N I 0 0 (II) I 0 0 ..,. • 0 0 In • (000' ~$) SJ!I8U8S J8N KENNEY LAKE Graph A EVALUATION To derive the optimum project size and the net benefits, annual costs were compared against annual benefits. In addition, a cost per kWh was derived by dividing the project annual cost by the project's equivalent usable energy. The results are summarized below. Plant Size Annual 1-\nnual Benefit/Cost (kW) Costs Benefits Net Benet it Ratio $/kWh --300 $ 623,000 $150,000 -$473,000 0.24 $0.46 700 $ 673,000 $275,000 -$398,000 0.41 $0.27 l '500 $ 772,000 $527,000 -$245,000 0.68 $0.16 2,000 $ 824,000 $568,000 -$256,000 0.68 $0.16 4,000 $1,126,000 $685,000 -$441,000 0.61 $0.18 The above analysis indicates that none of the turbine sizes evaluated is economically feasible. Plant sizes versus net benefits were graphed to determine the optimum project and to determine if any feasibile units exist within the range selected (Graph A). The optimum project size was found to be a 1,500 kW system with a benefit/cost ratio of 0.68 which would produce negative net benefits of $245,000. CONCLUSIONS The project would produce power during the warmer months so that power could be fed into CVEA grid supplementing existing hydropower generation. It appears that all power produced by the hydropower project could be used in the CVEA system. During the winter, no power would be generated due to ice, and the power flow would be from the CVEA diesel generators to the Kenney Lake area. It can be concluded that, even with the optimistic assumptions made on the streamflow estimates used in the above analysis, no feasible project size exists. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that no further Corps of Engineers studies of hydropower development at Kenney Lake be undertaken at this time. DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1,500 kW Plan) ITEM/DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UN IT PRICE TOTAL MOB & DE~10B l I 1. s. $1,600,000 DAM & INTAKE STRUCTURE Excavation 820 c.y. 50 $ 41,000 Excavation, Rock {Spillway) 540 c.y. 50 27,000 Concrete, Dam 50 c.y. 800 40,000 Rockfill 800 c .y. 30 24,000 Steel, Rebar & Misc. 6,900 1 bs. 2 13,800 Intake l ea. 70,000 70,000 Total Dam and Intake Structure $ 215,800 PENSTOCK 26" dia. 1/4 11 Steel 5,000 1. f. 492.?/ $2,460,000 Concrete Supports 300 c.y. 800 240,000 Total Penstock $2,700,000 POWERHOUSE Structure 1 ea. 163,000 $ 163,000 Turbine Generator 1 ea. 640,000 640,000 Accessory Electrical 1 ea. 258,000 258,000 Auxilliary Sys. & Equip. 1 ea. 39,000 39,000 Switchyard 1 ea. 50,000 50,000 Total Powerhouse $1,150,000 TRANSMISSION LINE 14.4 KV Line 3 mi1e 100,000 $ 300,000 Clearing 8.4 acres 5,000 42,000 Total Transmission Line $ 342,000 UNIMPROVED DIRT ROAD Access Road 8 mile 54,250 $ 434,000 48 11 CMP 54 l.f. 98 5,300 Clearing 11.5 acres 5,000 57,500 Total Unimproved Dirt Road $ 496,800 SUBTOTAL $6,504,600 Contingency ( 20%) $1,300,900 Engineering & Design ( 8%) $ 520,000 Supervision & Administration ( 6%) $ 391,500 TOTAL FIRST COST $8,717,000 ll includes site prep, helicopter support for 6 months, mob & demob. ~/ includes cost of steel, excavation, installation, bends ' ANNUAL COSTS AND BENEFITS Investment Cost (incl. IDC) Interest and Amortization (8-1/8%@ 50 yrs) Annu a 1 Benefits Displaced Existing Hydropower Displaced Transmission Cost Total Annual Benefit Benefit-Cost Ratio Net Annual Benefit Dam Height (ft.) Penstock Length (ft.) Pertinent Data Sheet Penstock Diameter (in.) Transmission Line Length (mile) Access Road length (mile) Design head (ft.) $9,310,000 772,000 $ 171 '000 356,000 $ 527,000 0.68 -$245,000 l3 4,900 26 3 5 800 • -·· . ---· . .._ .... -· ------------ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS POUCH 898 ANCHORAGE , ALASKA 99505 RECEIVED OCT 1 1984 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SMALL-SCALE HYDROPOWER FOR CHICKALOON, ALASKA LETTER REPORT AUGUST 1984 SMALL-SCALE HYDROPOWER FOR CHICKALOON, ALASKA SUMMARY The Alaska District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, investigated the hydropower potential for Chickaloon, Alaska. Four sites along the Kings River near Chickaloon were studied, and one site was selected for further evaluation. A run-of-river project evaluated for this site would feature twin turbines with a total capacity of 600 kilowatts. Due to low winter streamflows, it could not produce a dependable capacity year-round. An annual average of 3.1 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) could be fed into the Matanuska Electric Association feeder line serving the Chickaloon area. The project would cost about $7.0 million and deliver electricity for about $0.21 per kWh to the existing feeder line. This cost exceeds alternative power system costs. Therefore, no further studies by the Corps of Engineers are planned at this time. i PERTINENT DATA SHEET GENERAL DATA Project Installed Capacity (kW) Number of Units Dam Height (ft.) Penstock Type Penstock Length (ft.) Penstock Diameter (in.) Transmission Line Length (miles) Access Road Length (miles) Gross Head (ft.) Design Net Head (ft.) Average Annual Energy (MWh) Average Annual Usable Energy (MWh) 600 2 30 Welded Plate Steel 3,000 60 4 4 64 55 3,100 3,100 ECONOMIC DATA (50 Years, 8-l/8 Percent Interest, 1984 Prices} Project First Cost Investment Cost Annual Cost Annual Benefits Benefit-Cost Ratio Cost per kWh i i $ 7,032,000 $ 7,450,000 $ 648,000 $ 186,000 0.3 $ 0.21 INTRODUCTION Authority SMALL-SCALE HYDROPOWER FOR CHICKALOON, ALASKA LETTER REPORT August 1984 The evaluation of small hydroelectric systems was authorized by a 1 October 1976 United States Senate Resolution which directed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installinQ small prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated Alaskan communities. Scope of Study In 1982, a regional inventory for small hydropower projects in Southcentral Alaska was completed for the Corps by Ebasco Services, Inc. This inventory analyzed more than 30 sites and recommended almost 20 sites for more detailed examination, including the Chickaloon site. The Chickaloon site was one of six selected by the Corps from this group for field reconnaissance and additional analysis. Ebasco did not conduct any field reconnaissance at the Chickaloon site during the Southcentral Alaska inventory. Field studies in 1982 and 1983 investigated and rejected the dam site selected by Ebasco because seepage probably could not be economically controlled. The site consisted of an unconsolidated deposit of considerable depth, formed by a landslide and full of small to very large voids. However, three additional sites"which appeared more promising were investigated. Of these, one site located downstream from the original site appeared to hold the greatest promise of feasibility. This potential site is located about 4 miles by an existing unimproved dirt road from a junction on the Glenn Highway 72 miles northeast of Anchorage (figure 1). Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) now serves this area with a single phase feeder line beginning at its Sutton substation on the Glenn Highway and ending at Mile 106. In 1983, MEA fed 3,988 megawatt-hours through the substation which serves this single phase line plus a 3-phase line which extends from Sutton to Palmer. The energy fed through the 3-phase line from Sutton reaches the Palmer Correctional Center (about 3 miles from Sutton), where a switch currently breaks the line. MEA purchases its power from Chugach Electric Association (CEA). Currently 95 percent of this power is produced by gas fired turbines. The remaining 5 percent is supplied by hydropower. MEA currently charges residents of the area $15 per month for each meter plus a rate ranging from $0.0584 to 0.0751 per kWh depending on the consumption rate. Environmental Synopsis Both moose and bear tracks were observed at the site. The Kings River has been sampled using minnow traps, seines, and electrofishing gear. Chinook salmon, grayling, Dolly Varden, and whitefish are reported to inhabit the 0 10 10 t ....... ___ , J Scale In Mllea ! Mile 57.8 Beginning of Exlatlng Feeder Line N Chickaloon Mile 108 End of Exl.tlng Feeder ~Line ",J_ ~ ~;;., \ {g~'> ·~'" ,/' 1..;.~;./i).J";., :_;.~~ "i· . ;,_ ·rj·Y~ PROJECT LOCATION ; ~:/:! ~. '.q--> .... · :; -~~(:~, '/<': s ,,.,/> -. _ ·'-' .. __ ~<:: .•. ":¥ f.'-~ff ·/ ~-h-~-tt , /M9V N 'f t\l ~.$ ; :·.:. \ ,/~·- _.,;-')· i ,-_ '.fj AREA MAP '1 I " stream, but a 2-day sampling period at a location 5 miles upstream from the project site produced only Dolly Varden. Salmon would be more likely found at the project site than at the sampling site, but no evidence of salmon has been found. Further investigation at the site would be recommended if the project were to proceed. HYDROLOGY Description of the Area. The Kings River drains an area of 127 square miles at the location of the potential damsite, which is 7.3 miles above its mouth. Kings River empties into the Matanuska River 15 miles northeast of Palmer. Kings River elevations in the study area range from about 1,100 feet mean sea level (msl) at the dam location to mountain peak elevations up to about 6,700 feet. Large glaciers and icefields exist above 5,500 feet. Stream slopes range from about 80 feet per mile in the vicinity of the powerhouse and damsite up to about 500 feet per mile in the canyon 5.5 miles upstream of the damsite. Significant sediment deposition has occurred upstream of the canyon, where a large sand and gravel bar has formed. Braided stream conditions exist above this deposit area. Observations of sediment in this headwater area indicate that sediment deposition could be a problem at the damsite because the stream velocities would be reduced in the impoundment area, and consequently much of the suspended material probably would drop out. Design Flows. The only flow and stage data known to exist for Kings River are the discharge measurements made during August 1982 and August 1983. Therefore, flows for Kings River were developed from observed data over a 23-year period of record for, two other gaged streams in the area: Little Susitna River near Palmer (USGS gage #15290000, drainage area= 61~9 sq. mi.) and Caribou Creek near Sutton (USGS gage #152820000, drainage area = 289 sq. mi.). The period of record mean annual flows in cubic feet per second per square mile (CFSM) for each of these two stations are given in table 1. Because the study area is located approximately midway between the two gaged streams, Kings River flows were computed by adding about 51 percent of the Little Susitna mean monthly flows to about 49 percent of the Caribou Creek flows and multiplying by the Kings River drainage area of 127 square miles. Slightly more emphasis was placed on the Little Susitna River because it is slightly closer to Kings River. 3 Month· Water Year 19"56 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Tab 1 e 1 Mean Annual Flow, Cubic Feet per Second per Square Mile (CFSM) Little Susitna River Caribou Creek (D.A. = 61.9 sq. mi.) (D.A. = 289 sq. mi.) 3.00 1.23 3.18 1.11 2.16 0.58 3.73 1.23 2.89 1.47 3.31 1.20 3.99 1.65 4.80 1.03 3.09 1.31 3.38 0.80 2.71 0.69 3.81 1.04 3.39 1.18 1.55 0.50 2.55 0.88 3.75 0.97 3.68 1.09 2.97 0.90 2.92 0.70 3.70 1.36 2.60 0.82 4.04 1.19 2.29 0.74 The estimated mean monthly flows at the project site on the Kings River are as follows: Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Flow (cfs) 34 27 22 30 310 940 Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Flow (cfs) 640 495 345 146 69 44 Spillwa~ Desirn Flood. The decision was made to adopt the 2 percent probabi ity f ow for the spillway design flood. Using the methodology described in the USGS publication, "Flood Characteristics of Alaskan Streams," this flow was computed to be 5,000 cubic feet per second. 4 ENERGY ANALYSIS Demand. Energy use records for the Chickaloon area were provided by Matanuska Electric Association (MEA). Users served by the Sutton substation are residential, with a few schools and municipal buildings. The area consumption for 1983 was 3,988 MWh, with a predicted 6,600-MWh use by the year 2000. A low to moderate growth rate is assumed, as forecasted by MEA. The annual growth until the year 2000 is assumed to be 4 percent per year. No growth was assumed to occur after the year 2000. By using these projected energy demand figures, an average annual equivalent consumption of 5,600 MWh was developed over a 50-year period of analysis. Hydropower. Monthly power routings for various plant sizes ranging from 150 to 7,000 kW were made based upon the standard energy equation: kWh= E * Q * H * 0/11.8, where kWh = plant output in kilowatt-hours; E = efficiency of conversion, which was assumed to equal 0.83, Q = mean monthly flow through penstock in cfs; H = net energy head in feet at the turbine, which was 64 feet gross head minus head losses associated with the flow in the penstock; and 0 = 720 hours of flow, a typical month's duration. A computer program was used to compute the power potential of v~rious total plant capacities between 150 kW and.7,000 kW. The computations assumed that each plant capacity would be developed by twin turbines, which would be more capable than one large turbine of producing energy during periods of low streamflow. This analysis, which was based on monthly streamflows, indicates that the 500-kW and smaller plants would produce energy during every average month (figure 2). It is expected, however, that no energy would be produced on some days with very low flows. The larger plants would not be expected to produce any power during some of the low flow months of typical years. BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS Benefit Analysis. The annual benefits assigned to a small hydropower project depend on the system known to be the next least costly alternative. The most obvious avoidable cost that can be eliminated by the proposed hydropower alternative is the cost of natural gas used by Chugach Electric Association to run its combustion turbines in Anchorage and across Cook Inlet at the Beluga fields. 5 Gas prices depend on the terms of various gas contracts. Contracts written early in the history of local petroleum development were cheap and long term, and varied between $0.25 and $0.75 per million BTU. Contracts written in recent years vary between $1.05 and $1.80 per million BTU. The current average gas price used in energy production is $1.23 per million BTU. The utility uses 12,500 BTU of gas to generate a kilowatt-hour of electrical energy; this is equivalent to 80 kWh/million BTU. As a result, the current fuel cost per kilowatt-hour is $0.015. To assess the impact of changing gas prices on the competitive position of hydropower development, two basic assumptions were made, as indicated in figure 3. First, the current average $1.23 gas price was escalated following Data Resource, Inc. {ORI) escalation factors. This escalation was projected undiscounted from the present (1984) to the 1990 power-on-line (POL) date anddiscounted to POL for the remaining years of the project life. An escalation factor of 1.8 was computed for a 1990 POL date. The second assumption allows the gas price to jump to an assumed world price in 1997, at which time the existing long term gas contracts end. The projected 1997 price was based on the current world price of $3.36 per million BTU, escalated according to DRI factors. Energy benefits claimed during the project life are discounted to the 1990 POL date, giving a $0.055/kWh average annual fuel cost saved by the hydropower alternative. Capacity benefits were considered but could not be claimed in this analysis because the hydropower facility cannot provide energy during peak demand periods, which unfortunately occur during low streamflow periods. Figure 2 shows that some energy is produced in every average month for all plant sizes considered except the 800-KW and larger capacity plants. However, it is expected that there will be short periods within the winter months in which the flow is too small to produce any power. Although no capacity benefits have been claimed, there may be some benefits associated with an extended life of the gas fired turbines. One small hydroelectric facility of this scale will do little to extend the life of large gas fired turbines. However, the combined impact of this project with others could have the effect of extending the life of gas turbines. Operational costs associated with the most efficient Chugach Electric Association (CEA) gas fired turbines total more than li per kWh. Some of these costs would remain whether or not the turbines were used. The study assumes that about 0.5¢/kWh for other O&M costs could be avoided if turbine operation time could be reduced. Thus, the benefit associated with reduced O&M of gas fired turbines would be 0.5¢ per kwh. The benefits used in this study totaled to 6i per kWr, including 5.5i per kWh for fuel and 0.5i per kWh for reduced O&M. The marketable hydropower energy and its value based on these benefits is shown for various capacity hydropower plants in table 2. 6 Plant Capacity (kW) 150 300 400 500 600 800 1 '300 2,200 7,000 Table 2 Marketable Energy and Its Value Marketable Energy (MWh) 1,200 1,800 2,000 2,400 3,100 3,600 4,900 6,700 7,800 Value ($1,000) 72 110 120 140 190 220 290 400 470 Cost Analysis. A cost estimate was determined for each of the alternative capacity projects. 7 co ff!IOM 10 )( }0 tO I INCH 1011-1 UNf HfAVY 7000 r -- ~+++ +++-++++-+ 700 +- -,_ -r--r . H+H++Jt-H- . ±±J±±±.:i-::i--= I --• -U I I I I .. LLlJ . .l.l J .l ----1\ .UJ .. UJ_ I _ _ 600 I= HJ+-H-1- 1- I u-~ +-- l( A 1---' • +' -t-Dr-·· -r +H-l--1--l-r-r Average Armua 1 _ -r I Energy Demand -1--h--,--,---,--++ _ _ _ -800 -r · .--.-.-\tr---~ -l-t--'-" ---"">-·c --~ d r-· ' --_ ' '"---legen : ri-i-t-H---t-+-tt::lt~-"__--:~f-~\_;=:r-___ -=-_ -_ ----_ _-Capacity Plants (kW) H-f-lU Megawatt-:: -H-r--2 150 ----• 500 li. Hours · -----1 --500 1"---- _ --I"' ----t-r--~--600 Jj_ r---f---~-r---cs -~--. f1 ~t-tttOO --------t--t--r--1-~-· _ . -600 __ J r ---800 -rs _ ,, --400 t--t-_ LU -7000 J. _)_ u· --t-t-1-t---r---.. .., -~" -~-t----r r-r--.-,--±±: 500 -r---~-+ ~-r-rr -r-1"----tL -, IH--t-t vr:= -'[ r t-+H+H-H+t+t+t-1-t-H--H-+H 1\b-~ ±ittliUJJjJJt::ttt:ti-ti+t-IT ~---+-l-cr:t~ 1\ I-+++1-H-+++++++-+-1--H-H+I H l --n=+-rtt::rtll-rr~-· 3 oo _ _ _ -_ -~·~•* -_~:-~ -_r.::cr-r-t·-j-~~ll&}j·-u:ft' I I I I I 1---' -t H ~--~·- CI'"Tl):;-3: OJ 0 ::l 0 ""0 --s CL ::l OJ <+ cJ{/)'"t:):J ....J. (f) -s --1 <+ ...... 0'< '< (j) c....... nrorn -o<+n::s --sro.-+ro 0 CL """'l c._.., '"0 tO (D):;-0'< n __. <+ <+rt-roo U1 (D ::l (D --s<:-+3 ::l -'•OJ OJ OJ ::l (·+ --.~ CL -'· < {/) (j) c -o -o ...... '< I I I I .., N tO c --s (D 200 100 -~+ Jan n ~~~~H -·-+-·--·-· H--H+++++i--1-H-ffJt++:H· ·II {\ -H-++-!+++-1--11 _ 1\!-·n---l- TH-tfn=t~ltt ' --. ~tit ~H-_ I TTl t-1-;~ ++++-__ 1 __ -:-{i 1---5-.0 _ ::! ___ -~ -: -- ~-j_ ... h tr:~-1-l-l-l!--l-1 l-1--l +-l·t +++- ~~~$}\ \f\}1- ·::t=rcll"[S--Et\ -ltrL1~ +-+ .u:::tc1· ··t·r-·-~p _ _[ __ -· . -~ H--t-1----' 1- Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec ·I~- < w (.) > Cll Q w U) < :r: (.) ~ :::;) D. U) < " :::;) .... al z 0 -..J ..J -:E ~ w D. 0 8.00 (2014, $7.69} 7.00 8.00 (1997, $5.60) 5.00 ANNUAL EQUIVALENT COST : $4.39/MILLION BTU. $0.055/kWh FOR 50-YEAR LIFE 4.00 ( 1990 TO 2040} AT 8 1/8% INTEREST 3.00 ASSUHPTI ONS: ( 1) Weighted average price of all gas currently purchased in 1984 is $1.23, according to Chugach Electr1c Assoc . (CEA) 2.00 (1997, $2 .. 05} (2) Data Resources, Inc. escalation rates used from 1984 to 1997. ( 3) Gas cost jumps to expected world market price in 1997 when long term gas contracts end. 1.00 (4) Data Resources, Inc. escalation rates used from 1997 to 2040. 1184 1110 1117 2000 2010 2014 2040 YEAR FIGURE 3 CHICKALOON, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY PROJECTED NATURAL GAS COSTS TO CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION 9 Al•ak• Dlatrlct, Corpa of Entlneera Table 3 develops the annual costs for various alternatives. Construction was assumed to take 18 months. The project was amortized over a 50-year (1990 to 2040) project life at 8-1/8 percent interest. An annual $30,000 operations and maintenance cost was added to obtain total annual costs. Table 3 Annual Costs Developed for Various Capacity Alternatives 400 500 600 800 Plant Size (kW) First Cost ($1,000) Interest During 6,776 6,917 7,032 7,303 1,300 8,490 Construction 403 411 418 434 (18 months)($1,000) Investment Cost ($1,000) Annual Interest and Amortization (50 years 7,179 7,328 7,450 7,737 504 8,994 at 8-1/8%, 1990 POL) ($1,000) Operations & Maintenance ($1,000) Total Annual Cost ($1,000) EVALUATION 595 30 625 608 30 638 618 30 648 642 30 672 746 30 776 To derive the optimum project size and the benefit/cost ratio, annual benefits were compared with annual costs (table 4). In addition, a payback cost per kWh was derived by dividing the project annual cost by the annual equivalent usable energy. Table 4 Economic Summary for Various Alternative Capacity Projects Power Cost Annual Annual Net Associated Plant Size Costs Benefits Benefits Benefit/Cost with Project (kW) ($1,000) ($1,000) ($1,000) Ratio ($/kWh) 400 625 120 -505 . 19 • 31 500 638 140 -498 .22 .27 600 648 190 -458 .29 . 21 800 672 220 -452 .33 . 19 1 '300 776 290 -486 .37 • 16 The above analysis indicates that none of the turbine sizes evaluated is economically feasible. Based on the assumptions of the study an approximate capacity project in the 600-kW to 800-kW range would be the optimum alternative, but even this project would be expected to show annual losses of some $450,000 with a benefit/cost ratio of about 0.3. The lower end of the optimum size range was considered more appropriate since average monthly flows tend to overstate potential energy benefits. Table 5 presents a detailed cost estimate for the 600-kW project, which was identified as the optimum project although it was found economically infeasible. 10 Figure 4 shows the layout of the major project features. The road alinement shown is only approximate and does not show switchbacks, which account for almost another mile of road. The design is based on field measurements and observations. The powerhouse lump sum cost, excluding tailrace and powerhouse excavation costs, is based on experience in estimating costs of other similar Alaskan small hydropower powerhouses. The relatively high volume, low head turbines associated with this project may tend to make actual costs higher than shown. The cost estimates include the following items: a 30-foot-high concrete spillway dam and related features, including an intake structure and a temporary diversion during construction; powerhouse, including the twin 300-kW turbines, electrical components, and tailrace; the access road, including improvements to 4 miles of existing road and 3,000 feet of new road; the 4 miles of transmission line, poles, and clearing required to connect the project to the existing transmission line at mile 72 (from Anchorage) on the Glenn Highway; 11.6 miles of new poles and a 3-phase transmission line along the Glenn Highway from mile 72 to the Sutton Substation; the 3,000 feet of 5-foot diameter steel penstock along the new access road between the dam and powerhouse (about 1,200 feet of the penstock would be buried to avoid negative ·pressure); mob and demob; lands and damages; a 20 percent contingency; a 15 percent allowance for engineering, design, supervision and administration; and interest during construction based on an 18-month construction period. Investment costs were amortized for a 50-year project (1990 to 2040) at 8-1/8 percent, and an annual $30,000 operations and maintenance cost was added to obtain total annual costs. All cost estimates were based on 1984 price levels. The "Pertinent Data Sheet 11 at the front of this report summarizes the 600-kW optimum project. 11 1-' N ) ---!OWERHOUSE " ) I TRANSMISSION LINE ~ ? { ~,... IMPROVED EXISTING N /J~•k• "ooo I \ooo 1000 0 3000 3000 E 3 E3 t=1 t===! t===1 Scale In Feet Flaure 4 PROJECT SITE MAP Table 5 Detailed Cost Estimate Optimum Project Plant Capacity -600 kW Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Total Price { $) Mob & DeMob l. s. $ 200,000 lands & Damages 1 l. s. $ 40,000 Spillway Dam & Intake Struc. Cofferdam & Temp. Diversion 1 l. s. 25,000 Concrete 700 c.y. 1,200 840,000 Excavation 200 c.y. 50 10,000 Intake 1 1. s. 60,000 Reinforcing Steel 35,000 1 b. 1.50 52,500 $ 987,500 Penstock 60 in. Oiam. l/4 in. Steel 483,000 lb. 2 $ 966,000 {3,000 ft.) Rock Excavation 2,500 c.y. 30 75,000 Common Excavation 260 c.y. 15 3,900 Concrete Supports 60 ea 15,600 $1,060,500 Powerhouse Structure, Turb. Generator, Accessory Electrical, 1 1. s. $1,085,000 Auxiliary Systems & Equip., Switchyard Tailrace & P.H. Excavation 260 c.y. 50 13,000 $ 881,000 Transmission Line Powerhouse to Glenn Highway Along Road (includes clearing & poles) 4 mi. 150,000 $ 600,000 Glenn Highway Mile 72 to Sutton Substation 11.6 mi. 100,000 1,160,000 $1,760,000 Access Road (12 ft. wide) Filter Fabric (13,560 ft.) 46 Roll 350 $ 16,100 Gravel 9,100 c.y. 15 136,500 18-foot, 48 in. Diam. Steel Culvert Pipe (including ends) 1 l.s. 1,800 Clearing (3,000 ft.) 1 1. s. 4,000 Excavation 210 c.y. 40 8,400 $ 166,800 Subtotal $5,095,800 13 Contingency (20%) Total Contract Cost Engineering & Design (8%) Supervision & Administration (7%) Total First Cost Interest During Construction (18 months) Investment Cost Annual I&A (50 years at 8 l/8 %, 1990 POL) Annual Operations and Maintenance Total Annual Cost CONCLUSIONS $1,019,200 $6,115,000 $ 489,000 $ 428,000 $7,032,000 $ 418,000 $7,450,000 $ 618,000 $ 30,000 $ 648,000 T\'10 factors are primarily responsible for keeping the benefits much lower than they might otherwise be. First, the project is not a dependable, year-round source of energy. Projects with water storage can overcome low flow months and claim capacity benefits. This run-of-the-river project, however, cannot feasibly incorporate a reservoir of required magnitude due to unfavorable topography. Second, the project is competing against electricity produced with relatively inexpensive fuel. The hydropower benefit/cost ratio would be about 0.3. Therefore, it is recommended that the Corps of Engineers' study of hydropower development in the Chickaloon area be discontinued at this time. 14 • RECEIVED OCT 1 1984 AlASAA POWER AlJTHORITY SMALL SCALE HYDROPOWER FOR NOME, ALASKA LETTER REPORT JULY 1984 Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pouch 898, NPAEN-PL-P Anchorage, Alaska SMALL SCALE HYDROPOWER FOR NOME, ALASKA JULY 1984 1. Introduction. The evaluation of small hydroelectric systems was authorized by a 1 October 1976 United States Senate Resolution, which directeo the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing small prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated Alaskan communities. A May 1981 report on the regional inventory and reconnaissance study for small hydropower projects in Northwest Alaska by Ottwater Engineers, identified six potential hydropower sites in the vicinity of Nome, Alaska. David Creek and Sulphur Creek sites were selected from this list of sites as having the best potential to serve the Nome electrical demand, considering site location, geology, hydrology, and topography. The Nome River site was added to the list based on the field reconnaissance. During the week of 27 June through 3 July 1982, an interdisciplinary team of personnel from the Alaska District and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) conducted a field reconnaissance of hydrology, geology, structural engineering, and biology. The team visited the Penny River, Basin Creek, David Creek, Sulphur Creek, Buster Creek, Osborn Creek, and the Nome River. Only four sites (Sulphur Creek, David Creek, Nome River, and Penny River) showed mcderate potential for hydropower development. It was determined that the Penny River site would encounter problems in the design and construction of a suitable dam elT'bankment and penstock. The probable route of the penstock would cross several sloughs and drainage ditches and would require some benching into hillsides where construction room is limited. The powerhouse location, due to probable deep alluvium, would require the powerhouse to be founded upon pilings. A gross head of less than 50 feet was calculated for this site and the measured streamflow was 8 cubic feet per second (c.f.s.). Therefore, the Penny River site was eliminated. Of the seven sites evaluated, David Creek, Sulphur Creek, and the Nome River sites were selected for further consideration. Electricity which could be produced from these sites would be used by the Nome market area and would result in less use of power provided by diesel generators. The Nome Joint Utility operates seven diesel-powered generators with a total installed capacity of 6,968 kilowatts (kW) and a transmission capability of 4,160 kW. Recent peak power demands of 3,300 kW were experienced on 12 January 1982, and total energy demand in 1981 was lt,354,581 kilowatthours (kWh). Any hydropower generation added to this system would only offset the use of diesel generation when hydropower was availablE rather than replace ciesel generation. The probable lack of hydropower generation in the winter months, when streams are frozen and electrical demana is hioh, would require that dependable capacity continue to be supplied by diesel generation. 2. Environmental Synopsis. Wilolife in the Nome area includes terns, dippers, willow ptarmigan, arctic ground squirrels, and tundra hares. ~,oose are common alono the Nome River and hoof prints, probably belon9in9 to reindeer, were found near the streams in question. One set of rear tracks, believed to be from a grizzly, wcs discovered along the Nome River about 1/2-mile upstream from the damsite. For safety reasons, bear population levels are controlled. Bears that stray into the Nome area are quickly disposed of. The native corporation maintains a domestic herd of reindeer for their meat, antlers, and hides. Aquatic wildlife, in the form of anadromous fish, is present in most of the rivers and creeks investigated. Portions of these streams offer excellent spawning substrate and ideal flows for spawning salmon, a factor which must be considered in locating hydropower facilities. In addition to pink, chum, and coho salmon, anadromous char, graylin9, and whitefish are tounc. No encangered or threatened species were observed or identified in the study area. No cultural resource survey or inventory has been conducted nor any detailea environmental analysis of potential impacts made. 3. Description of the Area and Investioations. The study area encompasses a raaius of approximately 3(; miles from the center of Nome, as shown on figure 1. The study considered hydropower sites in this area which could potentially supply the approximately 3,200 people of Nome with intermittent hydropower to offset the present diesel generation system. All of the sites, excluding the Penny River site, provided fairly easy, though long, transmission routes over tundra overlying grave 1. 4. Hydrology. Fiela inspections of the sites in June/July 1982 established the flow rate of each stream and the physical characteristics of the sites. No detailed hydrologic information was developed for these sites. Carre 1 at ion with other gaged stream data was evaluated but not included in the report due to the significant difference in drainage areas. S. Desion Flows. Design flows were assumed to he tre same as the flows measured in late June and early July 1982. The design flo¥; was used tc set capacity of the unit( s) at each site. Averaae flow throuah the unit(s) was expected to be 50 percent of the desig-n flow, because the flO\'JS in these streans are severely affected by winter freeze and full operation of the powerp 1 ant can be expected only 6 to 7 months of the year. Listed below are descriptions of estimated design fl0\<1S. a. f>iome River. The Nome River site is located approximately 23 miles northwest ot 1\orr,e, about l mile below the confluence of Sulphur Creek (see figure 1). The Nome River drainage basin encompasses 28 square miles. Field measurements indicate a design flow of 196 c.f.s. 2 .. n • DAM POWERHOUSE 3 , .... ,. 1 NOME, ALASKA Sm•ll Hydropower Letter Report SITES INVESTIGATED Alaeka Dletrlct, Corp• of Entlneere b. Sulphur Creek. The Sulphur Creek site is located ahout l rri l e upstream-from its confluence with the Nome River (see figure 1). Sulphur Creek 1 s drainage basin encompasses 4 square miles. Field measurements indicate a design flow of 33 c.f.s. c. David Creek Site. The David Creek site is approxi!Tlately 32 miles north of Nome and 1. 5 mi 1 es upstream from the confluence of the Nome River. The Davie Creek drainage basin encompasses 2.1 miles. Field measurements indicate a design flow of 23 c.f.s. 6. Energy Use. The electrical needs of Nome are met by the Nome Joint Utility from diesel electric generation. Nome's electrical usage has grown 3.2 percent annually from 1978 to 1981 as derived from the usa9e values shown below: ,981 -16,354,581 k~h (kilowatt hours) 1980 -15,738,600 kWh 1979-14,917,367 kWh 1978 -14,419,200 kWh Continued growth can be expected to accelerate occasionally by increases in golG mining or other commercial activities. Certainly, the existinc;J and future electrical demand would support the construction of hydropower facilities of about l megawatt (MW) if operating such a hydropower development was n,ore economical than operating the existing diesel system. 7. Energy Analysis. Energy developed by any hydropower plant in the Nome vicinity would be used to offset diesel generation. Hydropower generation could be expected only in the warm months of the year when streams are ice free. Accordingly, the winter electrical derrand must continue to be met by diesel generation. Hydropower generation is expected to occur 6 to 7 months of the year. Based on the des i gr. flow ciescribed earlier, one plant size was formulated for each site. The following is pertinent generation information for the three sites: Site Nome River Sulphur Creek David Creek Design F 1 0\'1 196 c.f.s. 33 c. f. s. 23 c.f.s. Design Head 33 feet 55.5 feet 151.5 feet Annual Installed _l/ Energy Capa.c ity Gutput 2/ 460 kW 1,853,600 kWh 130 kW 523,900 kWh 250 kW 1,007,400 kWh 1/Installed capacity is based on the following formulas: Design Flow (c.f.s.) x Design Head (feet) x 0.072 (conversion factor incl~ding an 85 percent plant efficiency) capacity in kW l!Energy output is based on the following formulas: Installed Capacity (kW) x 0.5 plant factor x 8,760 hrs/yr x (100 percent -8 percent transmission loss) ~ Annual Energy Output (kWh) 4 8. Benefit Analysis. Benefits attributable to the proposed hydropower developments are limited to the avoided cost of diesel generation. Hydropower benefits do not include value of capacity because the hydropower could contribute no capacity (i.e. would not be dependable) ouring the high demand period in the winter. The avoided cost, considered the variable cost of operating diesel generators, is essentially the cost of fuel and lubricating oil. While maintenance and replacement would also be reduced or. the diesel units, operation ancl maintenance would be experienced on the hydropower units. For purposes of this estimate, no benefit is taken for reduced maintenance and replacement of diesel generation and no cost is ascribed to operation and maintenance of hydropower generation, assuming they would be very nearly equal ana cancel one another. Representatives of Nome Joint Utility provided data on fuel costs, lubricating oil usage, and diesel fuel usage versus electrical generation for the period 1978 through mid-1982 and for May 1984. The average May 1984 variable cost of diesel generation is 90.8 mills/kWh. This cost was determined using figures supplied by Nome Joint Utility: base (t'1ay 1984) prices of $1.176 per gallon for diesel oil and $4.10 per gallon for lubricating oil, and production ratios of 13.2 kWh per gallon cf fuel oil and 2,340 kWh per gallon of lubricating oil. Data Resources, Inc., predicts that real fuel costs in northwestern Alaska will escalate annually by 1.6 percent to 1990, 3.6 percent to 1995, 3.4 percent to year 2000, 1. 6 percent to 2010, and then remain constant the remainder of the project life. The following table shows the impact of real fuel cost escalation on the variable cost of diesel electric generation over the life of the project. Year 1984 1995 2000 2005 2010 2045 NOME DIESEL GENERATING COSTS Variable Costs (mills/kWh) 90.8 119. 2 140.9 152.5 165. 1 165. 1 An average annual variable electric generating cost was computed from this data for use as a measure of the power benefits. The average annual cost of 149.3 mills/kWh represents the value at project year one, 1995, including real fuel cost escalation for the period 1984 to 2045 discounted by present worth methods and amortized over the 50-year project life at 8-1/8 percent interest. This average annual cost is applied to the output ot each of the hydropower a.lternatives to i~dicate the value of avoided costs of diesel generat1on, as shown 1n the following table. 5 Project Nome River Sulphur Creek David Creek Three-Project AVERAGE ANNUAL BENEFITS OF HYDROPO~ER (Value of Avoided Diesel Generation Costs) Value of Output Output (kWh) (mills/kWh) 1,853,600 149.3 523,900 149.3 1,007,400 149.3 Combination 3,384,900 149.3 Annual Benefit $276,700 78,200 150,400 505,300 9. Cost Analysis. A pre 1 imi nary cost estimate was derived for one plant size on each of the streams described in paragraph 5, Design Flows. Preliminar} costs were also aeveloped for an alternative plan which incorporated developing all three sites and utilizing one transmission line to the Nome market. The following paragraphs describe the features and cost of the four hydropower plans. a. 1\ome River Hydropower Plan. This plan is located belov: the confluence of Sulphur Creek in Nome River Valley, which measures about 600 feet across at water· level. The old Miocene Ditch, a v.;ater supply ditch for early mining operations, runs along the west side of the river. The plan includes a 40-foot high, 700-fcot long roller compacted concrete darn founded on bedrock, a 60-i nch diameter penstock, a powerhouse with 460-kW i nsta 11 ed capacity, and a 23-mi l e t ransrni ss ion line. The penstock was sized to ccommodate a flow of 196 c.f.s. at 85 percent efficiency, the dam ~ould produce 35 feet of gross head, and the powerhouse was sized to produce a peak capacity of 460 MW at 85 percent efficiency and net head of 33 feet. The following items are includec ir the cost estimate: a roller-compacted concrete dam, a 200-foot steel penstock, a roac relocation of .5 mile, 23 miles of transmission line, the powerhouse plus associated features, intake structure, diversion, helicopter support during construction site preparation, and mobilization and demobilization. The cost estimate was based on a 25-percent contingency allowance; 18 percent for engineerin9 and design, and supervision and administration; and interest during construction based on a 2-year construction perioG. Costs were amortized usino an interest rate of 8-l/8 percent and a 50-year project life. This -cost estimate does not incluoe operation ana maintenance costs. Shewn below is a summary of the estimated cost. A detailed cost breakdown is shorm on exhibit 1 and the plan is shown on figure 2. Plant Size {kW) First Code Investment Costs 1/ Annual Costs 11 460 $13,000~000 $14,066,000 $1~ 166,000 1 Investment costs include construction costs plus interest ouring the 2-year construction period computed at 8-l/8 percent annually. !:._!Annual costs inc 1 uoe the arrort i zed i nvestrnent costs computed as an annual cost over 50 years at 8-1/8 percent interest, but exclude operation and maintenance costs. 6 7 t I Kuparak Road Nome River Dam Penstock Powerhouse Transmission Line ---- Figure 2 IIOME Rl¥.11 Small Hydropower b. Sulphur Creek Hydropower Plan. This plan is located on the lower length of Sulphur Creek below the confluence of its feeder streams, Alfield and Monte Cristo Creeks. 1his lower part of Sulphur Creek is approximately 1 mile long. The plan includes a diversion dam located in a fairl.Y steep sided reach of the creek slightly over 1 mile from the mouth, a penstock 36 inches in diameter running along the south bank of the creek, a powE:rhcuse of 130-kW installed capacity approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the mouth, and a 29-mile transmission line. The diversion dam, penstock, and powerhouse were sited and sized to accommodate, at 85 percent efficiency, a flow of 33 c.f.s. with a gross head of 60 teet ana linlit penstock flow velocities to 5 feet per second (f.p.s.) and head losses to 4.5 feet. The cost estimate is made up of the follo~ing items: an Ambursen-type treated wood dam, an intake structure, a 2,640-foot polyethylene penstock, a 1-mile access road, 29 miles of transrrlission line, the powerhouse plus associated features, diversion of water and helicopter support during construction site preparation, and mobilization and demobilization. The cost estimate was based on a 25-percent contingency allowance; 18 percent for engineering and design, and supervision and aoministration; and interest during construction based on a 2-year construction period. Costs were amortized using an interest rate of 8-1/8 percent and a 50-year project life. This cost estimate, which does not include operation and maintenance costs, is shown on exhibit 2 and the plan is shown on figure 3. Plant Size (kW) First Code Investment Costs 1/ Annual Costs 2/ 130 $8,710,000 $9,424,000 $781,000 ]/Investment costs include cor.struction costs plus interest during the 2-year construction period computed at 8-1/8 percent annually. l!Annual costs include the amortized investment costs computed as an annual cost over 50 years at 8-1/8 percent interest, but exclude operation and maintenance costs. c. David Creek Hydropo~er Plan. This plan is located on the lower 3-mile reach of David Creek. The creek flow would be diverted from a narrow porticn ot the creek valley where the abutments rise steeply from the stream bed with high dam diversion structure, a 36-inch diameter penstock b~r.ched into the left bank of the creek, a powerhouse of 250-kW installed capacity at the mouth, and a 32-mile transmission line. The plan -was sited and sized to accommodate, with an 85-percent efficiency, 23 c.f.s. of flow and a gross head of 158 feet. It would limit flo~' velocities to 3.5 f.p.s., and head losses tc 6.5 feet. The ccst estimate is made up of the following items: an Ambursen-type treated wood dam and intake structure, a 7,920-foot polyethylene penstock, a 1.5-mile access ~oad, 32 miles of transmission line, the powerhouse plus associated featur'es, civersion, helicopter support during construction site preparation, and mobilization and demobilization. The cost estimate was based on a 25-percent contingency allowance; 18 percent for engineering 8 Dam ~tf~~~~~~ Penstock ~~~~~~~~-Powerhouse f I ~'--~-+H-"".._~f.,l.l.,~-K up a r a k Road Transmission Line Nome River ---- Figure 3 SULPHUR CRI!I!K 9 ana design, ano supervision and administration; and interest during construction based on a 2-year construction period. Costs were amortized using an interest rate of 8-1;8 percent and a 50-year project life. This cost estimate does not include operation and maintenance costs. Shown belov. is a sun1mary of the estimateo costs. A detailed breakdown of costs is shown on exhibit 3 and the plan is shown in figure 4. Plant Size (kw) First Lost Investment Costs ll Annual Costs ll 250 $11,600,000 $12,551,000 $1,040,000 l/Investment costs include construction costs plus interest curing the 2-year construction period computed at 8-1/8 percent annually . .. ?/Annual costs include the amortized investment costs computed as an annual cost over 50 years at 8-1/8 percent interest, but exclude operation and maintenance costs. d. Three-Site Systerr:s. A fourth plan considered combining the generation of all three sites -Nome River, Sulphur Creek, and David Creek -and sharing a single transmission 1 ine cost. The cost for transmission includes a line connecting the three sites with an existing line along the Nome-Council Coast road. The cost estimate was based on a 25-percent contingency allowance; 18 percent for engineering and design, and supervision and administration; and interest durin9 construction based on a 2-year construction period. Costs were amortized using an interest rate of 8-1/8 percent and a 50-year project life. This cost estimate does not include operation and maintenance costs. DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Item/Description Mobilization and Demobilization J./ Cam and Intake Structure Penstock ]j Powerhouse l/ Transmission Line Unimproved Dirt Road Diversion Subtotal Contingency (25%) Engineering ana Design (10%) Supervision and J.l.dministration (8,~) Total First Cost Rounded to l/Includes site preparation, helicopter support mobilization and demobilization. Assumes the same demobilization will accornrrodate all three sites. ~/Includes cost of pipe, installation, bends. 1/rncludes cost for structure, turbine, generator, features. 10 Tot 1 $1,600,000 3,463,800 2,361,720 2,300,000 3,588,000 184,750 54,200 $13,552,470 3,388,120 1,694,060 1,355,250 $19,989,900 $19,990,000 for E months, mobilization and and associated ~..u-~...lp.-Dam ~~~~~~~~~--Penstock t I Powerhouse Nome River Kuparak Road ---- Figure 4 AVID CR •• K Small Hydropower 11 The ; nvestment cost was computed at 8-1/8 percent annua 1 interest ever a 2-year construction period. Annual co~ts are the investm~nt costs amortized over 50 years at 8-1/8 percent 1nterest. The three-s1te system plan is shown on figure 5, and a summary of costs is shown below: Plant Size {kW) First Cost Investment Costs ll Annual Costs~/ 8L . $19,990,000 $21,629,000 $1,793,000 l!Investment costs include construction costs plus interest during the 2-year construction period computed at 8-1/8 percent annually. ~I Annua 1 costs inc 1 ude the amortized investment costs computed as an annual cost over 50 years at 8-1/8 percent interest, but exclude operation and maintenance costs. 10. Evaluation. The following table summarizes the comparison of annual costs and benefits computed at 8-1/8 percent interest for a 50-year project life ana a power-on-line date of 1995. Benefit Output Annual Investment Annual Net to Cost Plan (kWh) Benefit Cost Cost Benefit Ratio Nome River 1,853,600 $276,700 $14,066,000 $1,166,000 -$ 889,300 Sulphur Creek 523,900 $ 78,200 $ 9,424,000 $ 781,000 -$ 702,800 David Creek 1, 007' 400 $150,400 $12,551,000 $1,040,000 -$ 889,600 Three-Site System 3,384,900 $505,300 $21,629,000 $1,793,000 -$1,287,700 11. Conclusion. As displayed above, none of the proposed plans were found feasible. The lack of benefits to cover the costs was so great that no amount of prcject redesign or combination of plans would be expected to produce an economically feasible project. Hydroelectric energy would be available only 6 or 7 months a year, not during the high demand periods of winter. Accordingly, the existing diesel generation systE:m woulo have to be operated, and hydrogeneration would only offset variable costs of diesel generation. The results of the above analysis were compared against synthetic flovJS derived from the Snake River and Crater Lake, on the Seward Peninsula, and were found to be conservative. The S)nthetic streamflow data are available from the Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. 12. Recommenaations. None of the hydroelectric plans studied for Nome, Alaska is capable of recovering its estimated costs over its project life. No further study by the Corps of Engneers is recommended at this time. 12 0.24 0. 10 0. 14 0.28 13 Figure 5 THREE SITE SYSTEM Small Hydropower NOME RIVER (460 kW) Detailed Cost Estimate -May 1984 Price Levels I tern/Description Mob and Demobl/ Dam and Intake Structure Excavation Excavation, Rock Roller Compacted Concrete Dam Cone rete Steel, Rebar, & Misc. Cutoff Wall -Concrete Total Dam and Intake Structure Penstock 60" Diameter 1/4 11 Steel Pipe Concrete Supports Rock Anchors Total Penstock Powerhouse S true ture Turbine Generatorl/ Total Powerhouse Transmission Line 13.8 KV Line Clearing Total Transmission Line Unimproved Dirt Road Access Road Clearing Total Unimproved Dirt Road Quantity 1 31,000 60 27,000 110 81,000 1 '500 200 20 120 1 1 23 55.8 .5 • 7 Unit 1. s. c.y. c. y. c.y. c.y. 1. b. c. y. l.f. c. Y• 1. f. ea. 1. s. Unit Price 18 50 38 800 2 800 210.?_/ 800 6 miles 100,000 acres 5, 000 miles acres 54' 2 50 5,000 Total $1,600,000 $558,000 3,000 1,026,000 88,000 162,000 1,200,000 $3,037,000 $42 ,ooo 16,000 720 $58,720 $375,000 1' 100 ,ooo $1,475,000 $2' 300,000 279,000 $2,579,000 $27' 125 3,500 $30,625 l/Includes site preparation, helicopter support for 6 months, mobilization and demobilization. 2/Includes cost of steel pipe, installation, bends. J/Includes cost of accessory electrical, auxiliary system and equipment, and swTtchyard • . EXHIBIT 1 14 NOME RIVER {460 kW) (continued) Item/Description Divers ion Quantity 60 11 Diameter 1/4" Steel Pipe Sub tot a 1 Contingency (251.) Engineering and Design (10%) Supervision and Administration (8%) Total First Cost 20 Unit 1. f. ANNUAL COSTS AND BENEFITS Investment Cost (incl. interest during construction) Interest and Amortization (8-1/8% at 50 years) Annual Benefits Benefit-Cost Ratio Net Annual Benefit Dam Height (feet) Penstock Length (feet) Penstock Diameter (inches) Transmission Line Length (miles) Road Relocation Length (miles) Design Head (feet) EXHIBIT 1 (cont.) PERTINENT DATA 15 Unit Price 210 Total $4,200 $8,784,545 $2,196,455 $1,098,000 $13,000,000 $14,066,000 $1,166,000 $276,700 0.24 $-889,300 40 200 60 23 .s 33 SULPHUR CREEK (130 kW) Detailed Cost Estimate -May 1984 Price Levels Item/Description Mob and Demob.!J Dam and Intake Structure Excavation Excavation, Rock Wood, Dam, and Intake Steel, Rebar and Misc. Total Dam and Intake Structure Penstock 36" Diameter Polyethylene Pipe Steel Supports Rock Anchors Total Penstock Powerhouse Structure Turbine Generator~/ Total Powerhouse Transmission Line 13.8 KV Line Clearing Total Transmission Line Unimproved Dirt Road Access Road Clearing Total Unimproved Dirt Road Quantity 1 600 200 1 1 2,640 600 1,200 1 1 29 70. 3 l 1.5 Unit 1. s. c.y. c. y. l.s. l.s. l.f. 1. b. 1. f. ea. 1. s. Unit Price 18 so 215'!:_/ 2 6 miles 100,000 acres 5,000 miles acres 54,250 5,000 Total $1,600,000 $10,800 10,000 32,000 16,000 $68 '800 $567,000 1 '200 71 200 $576,000 $75,000 250,000 $325,000 $2,900,000 351,500 $3' 25 l '500 $ 54,250 l/Includes site preparation, helicopter support for 6 months, mobilization and demobilization. ~/Includes cost of polyethylene pipe, installation, bends. 3/Includes cost of accessory electrical, auxiliary system and equipment, and switchyard. EXHIBIT 2 16 SULPHER CREEK (130 kW) (continued) Item/Description Quantity Diversion Subtotal Contingency (25%) Engineering and Design (10%) Supervision and Administration (8%) Total First Cost 1 Unit 1. s. ANNUAL COSTS AND BENEFITS Investment Cost (incl. interest during construction) Interest and Amortization (8-1/81. at 50 years) Annua 1 Benefits Benefit-Cost Ratio Net Annual Benefit Dam Height (feet) Penstock Length (feet) Penstock Diameter (inches) Transmission Line Length (miles) Access Road Length (miles) Design Head (feet) EXHIBIT 2 (cont.) PERTINENT DATA 17 Unit Price Total $25,000 $5,908,050 $1,477,950 $738,000 $591,000 $8,710,000 $9,424,000 $781,000 $78,200 0.10 $-702,800 10 2,540 35 29 1 55.5 DAVID CREEK (250 kW) Detailed Cost Estimate -May 1984 Price Levels Item/Description Mob and Demob!_/ Dam and Intake S true tu re Excavation Excavation, Rock Wood, Dam, and Intake Steel, Rebar and Misc. Cutoff Wall -Concrete Total Dam and Intake Structure Penstock 36 11 Diameter Polyethylene Pipe Steel Supports Rock Anchors Total Penstock Powerhouse Structure Turbine Generator~/ Total Powerhouse Transmission Line 13.8 KV Line Clearing Total Transmission Line Unimproved Dirt Road Access Road Clearing Total Unimproved Dirt Road Quantity 1,000 600 1 1 150 7,920 1 '900 3,400 1 1 32 77.6 1.5 2.2 Unit 1. 5. c.y. c.y. 1. s. 1. s. c.y. 1. f. 1. b. l.f. ea. 1. s. Unit Price 18 50 800 2153../ 2 6 miles 100,000 acres 5,000 miles acres 54' 2 50 5,000 Total $1,600,000 $18,000 30,000 12 7 '000 63,000 120z000 $358,000 $1,702,800 3,800 20,400 $1 '727 ,000 $62,500 437,500 $500,000 $3,200,000 388,000 $3 '588 '000 $ 81, 375 111000 $92,375 l/Includes site preparation, helicopter support for 6 months, mobilization and demobilization. ~/Includes cost of polyethylene pipe, installation, bends. 3/Includes cost of accessory electrical, auxiliary system and equipment, and swTtchyard. EXHIBIT 3 18 DAVID CREEK (130 kW) (continued) I tern/Description Quantity Diversion Sub tot a 1 Contingency (25%) Engineering and Design (10%) Supervision and Administration (8%) Total First Cost 1 Unit l.s. ANNUAL COSTS AND BENEFITS Investment Cost (incl. interest during construction) Interest and Amortization (8-1/8% at 50 years) Annual Benefits Benefit-Cost Ratio Net Annual Benefit Dam Height (feet) Penstock Length (feet) Penstock Diameter (inches) Transmission Line Length (miles) Access Road Length (miles) Design Head (feet) EXHIBIT 3 (cont.) PERTINENT DATA 19 Unit Price Total $25,000 $7,890,375 $1,972,625 $987,000 $750,000 $11 '600 '000 $12,551,000 $1,040,000 $150,400 0.14 $-889 '600 20 7,920 36 32 1.5 151.5 HYDROPOWER LETTER REPORT GALENA, ALASKA July, 1984 INTRODUCTION RECEIVED OCT 1 1984 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY The evaluation of small hydroelectric systems was authorized by a 1 October 1976 United States Senate Resolution, which directed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing small prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated Alaska communities. In 1981, a regional inventory and reconnaissance study for small hydropower projects in Northwest Alaska was completed for the Alaska District, Corps of Engineers by Ott Water Engineers, Inc. This was one of a series of similar studies directed at identifying potential small hydropower development for isolated communities throughout Alaska. As a result of the preliminary findings in this study, Galena was one of the sites selected by the Alaska District for further analysis. SITE INFORMATION STUDY AREA Galena is located on the north bank of the Yukon River approximately 20 miles east of the confluence of the Koyukuk and the Yukon. It is 270 air miles directly west of Fairbanks and lies in the Koyukuk Lowland, a flat floodplain characterized by muskeg, sloughs, oxbow lakes, marsh and thaw lakes. Because of the local availaility of gravel, the military built an air field and Air Force base in Galena, and the size of the community has grown steadily since 1950. The village was severely flooded in 1971, and in 197 5 development of a new town site began three miles away. - 1 - .._-LOCATION BEGINNING OF MAP EXISTING TRANSMISSION UNE \ GALENA TRANSMISSION UNE RWTE ______ _.... FIGURE I ~ALA CREEK ~RO SITE MAP LEGEND -=-=-= = =:. UN\t.PROVED ROAD ==~MPROVED R<W>· 2 + N ~ In 1981 (1) there were 174 residents at the old site, and 287 residents at the new site. The village is approximately two-thirds native. There are 198 housing units in the new and old sites. The school and city offices are located in the new site, while the post office and hotel are in the old site. (There are 299 military personnel and 45 civilians at the U.S. Air Force Base.) A population forecast for the proposed study period (1990-2040) indicates a population in the year 2040 of approximately 1800. Galena's economy centers around its function as a regional "hub": state and federal agencies locate field representatives here, and the community is a transportation center for the surrounding villages. The U.S. Air Force Base is also an economic influence on Galena, employing some residents and drawing visitors to the village. Subsistence plays a role in many residents' lives, with salmon fishing in the Yukon during summer and trapping in winter. In 1981, the school employed 18; the city, 7; the clinic, 20; Village Corporation (Gana- A-Yoo), 5-8; contractors, 2-3; a sawmill, 2 winter, 4 summer; Huntington Fisheries, 20-30 summer only. There are about 20 unemployed. Services include a post office, magistrate, state troopers, BLM fire base, FAA, state public works (aviation), a fire department, two air taxi operators, three stores, and a hotel. Miners use Galena as a supply point. Galena was incorporated as a second class city in 1971, and as a first class city in 1976, and functions under a city council -manager and mayor government, elections being held annually the first Tuesday in October. The city has a 3 percent sales tax. Municipality owned facilities include water, refuse collection, and sewer. There is a school board, a planning and zoning commission, and several city employees, including a manager, clerk/treasurer, attorney, police chief, fire chief, and health coordinator. The native residents of Galena are shareholders in Gana-A-Yoo Corporation, incorporated in accordance with the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. (1) Taken from Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and Alternatives, May 1982. Prepared by Acres American for the Alaska Power Authority. -3- Galena is a regional transportation center with a 6,665 foot paved runway. The FAA maintains air traffic control and is equipped for instrument approach. Wien flies to Galena five days a week from Fairbanks and Anchorage, and Galena Air and Harold's Air are both based in Galena. There are no roads to Galena and passengers, mail, and cargo arrive by air. J\arge service is performed on a weekly basis in summer by Yutana Barge Lines. Residents use river boats in summer and snowmachines in winter to travel around the area. On 12-13 July 1982, an interdisciplinary study team from the Alaska District conducted a field reconnaissance of a potential small hydropower site near the City of Galena. The site is located on Kala Creek, south of the Yukon River and about 15 miles southeast of Galena. HYDROLOGY The Kala Creek basin extends from the foothills of the Karjuh Mountains in the south to the Yukon River in the north. Upstream of the damsite, the channel is contained in a narrow valley falling at a gradient of approximately 25 feet per mile. The remaining four miles to the Yukon is in a relatively flat swamp tundra plain. The proposed dam site is located at the northernmost point of the valley just downstream of the Kelly Creek confluence. From the dam site upstream, the creek is generally uniform in section. The channel bed consists of well graded gravels 0/8-12 inches), sand and some silts. The water was very clean at the time of the site visit, indicating a low suspended particle load. The larger rocks were covered with moss and there was no evidence of recent bed displacement. These are indications of moderate velocities and no recent extremely high peak discharges. There are a number of curves in the channel with gravel bars inside and steeper banks outside. There was no evidence of recent or regular overbank flow. The banks appeared to be stable with little evidence of erosion. This also indicated that peak discharges are not excessively high or fast. There was very little debris accumulation along the banks or in shallows. There were very few large armor type rocks in the channel or along the banks. Except at outcrops, the entire basin is covered with vegetation that included grasses, willows, and birch and spruce trees. The ridge slopes are generally moderate. -4- YEAR 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 Avg. DESIGN FLOWS Discharge data for the Kala Creek site has been synthesized by the Alaska District, Corps of Engineers, as no measured data exists for this site. The summary of monthly streamflow is presented in Table 1. Table 1 Unregulated Streamflow -CFS OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 192. 151. 44. 37. 35. 23. 44. 148. 113. 152. 139. 122. 79. 86. 97. 3. 31. 15. 9. 21. 30. 303. 582. 186. 136. 95. 26. 7. 11. 36. 19. 39. 866. 1087. 205. 407. 827. 41. 31. 5. 10. 9. 12. 1419. 356. 121. 194. 104. 46. 11. 3. 20. 26. 28. 250. 457. 314. 581. 176. 45. 37. 11. 4. 7. 12. 689. 130. 130. 255. 102. 14. 15. 7. 13. 5. I. 428. 231. 129. 96. 21. 18. 12. 3. 3. 9. 7. 574. 514. 207. 497. II 0. 46. 30. 13. 4. 2. 24. 490. 731. 180. 237. 222. 34. 22. 6. 34. 7. 29. 115. 755. 114. 174. 427. 23. 23. 20. 1. 11. 9. 1033. 620. 154. 395. 143. 48. 5. 7. 2. 1 o. 5. 115. 740. 183. 267. 350. 26. 6. 6. 8. 4. 5. 1033. 673. 102. 160. 502. 14. 18. 5. 7. 4. 7. 636. 437. 103. 62. 163. 80. 8. 11. 7. 8. 24. 407. 462. 122. 193. 613. 33. 18. 9. ll. 10. 17. 597. 555. 161. 261. 290. GEOLOGY The site is in a restricted portion of Kala Creek valley. The stream is about 100 feet wide and flows at the base of a 200-foot high, steep rock slope on the east side of the floodplain. Westward from the creek the axis crosses a moderately sloping, open tundra area several hundred feet wide and abuts a steep rock slope which rises more than 300 feet above the floodplain. -5- AVERAGE 133. 307. 196. 162. 121. 82. 166. 177. 152. 215. !56. 221. 145. 168. 172. The alluvium of the floodplain is gravel and boulders at the site. The size of the alluvial material increases in an upstream direction to become mostly boulders and decreases to a fine silt downstream near the mouth of the creek. Bedrock at the site is of Cretaceous age and is chiefly graywacke which is massive bedded, fractured, jointed, contains numerous quartz veins, and dips almost vertically upstream. The strike at the site is N 50° E. Thick sequences of this graywacke occur on both abutments. Shale beds are also present and are visible on the east side of the creek. Penstock construction for this project would depend upon the size of the dam chosen. For a high head dam, the powerhouse could be an underground structure in the east abutment with a tunnel penstock; or, if the powerhouse were located in the floodplain near the west abutment, the penstock could pass along the west side of the floodplain to a powerhouse location some distance downstream. The route of the penstock and the powerhouse would be on alluvial materials. The alluvium, except near the stream, probably contains permafrost. ENVIRONMENTAL SYNOPSIS Construction of a 100 to 150-ft. dam would create a reservoir with a maximum surface area of 1300 to 2500 acres, and would back up Kala Creek 5 to 6 miles, and Kelly Creek 2 to 3 miles. Several small tributaries would also be affected. Some change in the food chain would occur due to the dam and flooded area. This change is not quantifiable without extensive study but is estimated to be relatively minor. Wildlife and habitat distributions within the Kala and Kelly Creek drainages range in densities from "occasional" to "present". The Yukon River Floodplain would not be significantly impacted by the construction of the -6- transmission line and a winter access road. However, high densities of some species are present. Wildlife and habitat distributions for both areas are listed below. (Source: Alaska's Wildlife and Habitat, Vol. I 0973) and Vol II (1978). State of Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game.) P = PRESENT H.D. = HIGH DENSITY Species Yukon River Kala & Kelly: Creek Bear (Black, Grizzly) p p Beaver p p Coyote p p Fox (Red) H.D. p Grouse (Sharp-tailed, Ruffed, and Spruce)) p p Hare (Snowshoe) p p Lynx p p Marmot 0 Marten p p Mink H.D. p Moose p p Muskrat H.D. p Otter (Land) p p Porcupine p p Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow) p p Squirrel (Red, Flying, Arctic Ground) p p Waterfowl and Seabirds p Weasel H.D. p Wolf p p Wolverine p p The project site is in an area of sporadic permafrost. Although no site- specific geotechnical information is available, it should be recognized that the potential exists for problems relating to thaw settlement and thermal erosion. -7- A rockfill dam, rather than a rigid structure such as concrete, should suffer relatively minor effects even if thermal degradation were to occur as a result of the reservoir acting as a heat sink. The powerhouse and switchyard would be located in the floodplain, which is composed primarily of gravels and cobbles, and normal sub-Arctic foundation construction should provide adequate protection against frost heaves or differential settlement. The most likely problem areas in terms of frozen ground conditions would be the transmission line and the river crossing. The potential problems associated with the river crossing, in particular, are dramatically demonstrated by the on-going bank erosion problems at Galena. /\ thorough geotechnical investigation would be required prior to the design of this facility, to determine the location and extent of such problem areas. ENERGY CONSIDERATIONS AVAILABLE POWER Two sources of power presently exist for the Galena area. The Galena Air Force Base supplies its own power with three 600KW units and one 300KW unit. The City of Galena is supplied by M & D Electric Company with two 250KW units and one 135 KW unit. All line voltage is 2400 volts, three-phase, at 60 hz. In addition, the school district maintains a standby 125 kw unit. All energy is produced by diesel fuel. ENERGY USE Energy forecasts through 2040 are shown in Table 2. Records supplied by the U.S. Air Force Base and M &: D Electric support the forecasts and are summarized in Table 3. Population (and thus energy use) on the Air Force Base is not expected to increase; and according to records supplied, daily demand ranges from 300 kw to 1000 kw. The village is expected to grow at an annual rate of 5% through 1991 and 272% thereafter. Peak load is about 300 kw. (Alaska Power Authority, 1982). - 8 - POWER POTENTIAL OF KALA CREEK Table 6 summarizes the results of reservoir release simulations for the three dam height options. The program HEC-5 was used to optimize the dependable capacities based on average observed monthly plant factors and the critical drawdown period, as determined by the program from the 14 years of synthesized data (Table l). The 100-and 125-ft. dams were found to yield no dependable capacity; that is, sufficient storage was not available to provide any level of continuous power. The average monthly outputs in Table 4 assumed installed capacities of 650 and 850 kw, respectively, which are based on a rated discharge of 100 cfs and rated heads of 90 and 115 ft., respectively. Reservoir releases were made only when the pool elevation exceeded a specified "buffer level". (El. 255 and 270, respectively). This allowed power generation for heads as low as 60% of the rated head, and also provided for sedimentation control at the intake. The 150-ft. dam yielded a dependable capacity of 852 kw. The assumption of a plant factor of 0.6 resulted in an installed capacity of 1420 kw. The rated discharge was 136 cfs, and the rated head, 140 ft. Reservoir releases were made only when the pool elevation exceeded 290. -9- Table 2 Projected Energy Demand (MWh/year) Year U.S. AFB Galena Total 1982 6000 1106 7106 1987 6000 1502 7502 1990 6000 1812 7812 2000 6000 2863 8863 2010 6000 3600 9600 2020 6000 4120 10120 2030 6000 4430 10430 2040 6000 4610 10610 Table 3 Galena Average Monthly Energy Demand (KWh/Month) Month U.S. AFB** Galena* Total %Annual January 563,760 135,360 699,120 10.2 February 514,560 126,240 640,800 9.4 March 517,380 79,680 597,060 8.7 April 470,533 99,480 570,010 8.3 May 412,700 82,200 494,900 7.2 June 396,367 63,600 459,970 6.7 July 387,800 59,400 447,200 6.5 August 406,200 72,480 478,680 7.0 September 420,320 104,760 525,080 7.7 October 484,840 99,360 584,200 8.6 November 511,920 112,080 624,000 9.1 December 578,040 136,920 714,960 10.5 5,664,420 1' 171,560 6,835,980 * Based on limited data (1980 & 1981) from M & D Operator ** Based on average demands for the period April 1977 through June 1982. -10- Table 4 Average Annual Energy, Potential and Usable (MWH) 100' DAM 125' DAM 150' DAM DEMAND(I) POT'L (2) USABLE(3) POT'L USABLE POT'L USABLE JAN 971 311 311 676 676 784 784 FEB 895 0 0 605 605 700 700 MAR 828 0 0 462 462 678 687 APR 790 0 0 0 0 631 631 MAY 685 473 473 526 526 677 677 JUN 638 509 509 603 603 891 638 JUL 619 508 508 627 619 1022 619 AUG 666 547 547 701 666 1183 666 SEP 733 538 538 688 688 1052 733 OCT 819 550 550 709 709 955 819 NOV 866 524 524 702 702 711 711 DEC 1000 499 499 677 677 809 809 4502 4502 6976 6933 10093 8465 INSTALLED CAPACITY 650 KW 850 KW 1420 KW DEPENDABLE CAPACITY 0 0 852 KW (1) Annual Equivalent Demand, derived from energy forecasts (1990 to 2040) from Table 2 and monthly distributions from Table 3. (2) Potential Energy calculated using HEC-5. (3) Usable Energy is the lesser of Demand and Potential. -11- 0, II -1 / ""' I ~-" / " \ g-; '"'-.. I ' 8l ~ ~ I I I , 7 -G) C I G ~ ~ ~ "' --""""""'--------- r\) 5 "" ~~ ....... _ ;r \ 4-i I \ /' I 3-i \ \ /' ENERGY DEMANDED, AVG. ANN. EQ. \ I ENERGY DEMANDED, 1990 (POL) \ \ /t 2-1 \ I \ I -----ENERGY GENERATED, 100 DAM \ \ /t --ENERGY GENERATED, 125' DAM \ v,' ---ENERGY GENERATED, 150' DAM \ \_ _____ _) __ r-"l ___ -· ·-· ._. • ~~··· ······--·· -. -···· -~ i T I I I I I I I I I J F M A M J J A s 0 N D USABLE ENERGY, KALA CREEK HYDRO PROJECT DESIGN CONSIOERA TIONS LAYOUT OF FACILITIES The selected plant configuration is a 100-foot-high rockfill dam. For purposes of layout and computation of quantities, the dam is assumed to have 3:1 side slopes and an overflow spillway along the right abutment (see Figure 3). The powerhouse could be located immediately downstream of the dam, as no significant amount of additional head can be gained by moving the powerhouse further downstream. The penstock length with this configuration would be minimized, and is estimated to be approximately 300 feet. There appears to be sufficient area immediately adjacent to the powerhouse to place the switchyard also in the west floodplain, with a skewed crossing of the creek immediately to the north (see figure 4). POWERHOUSE LAYOUT The powerhouse would be a conventional indoor plant with the substructure constructed of reinforced concrete and the above-ground housing being a pre-engineered metal building. The powerhouse would contain the turbine, generating unit, controls, governors, switchgear, and a standby generator. Flow of water to the turbine would be via a 42" diameter, l/4"- thick steel penstock, controlled by hydraulically operated butterfly valves. Control facilities would be for an unmanned plant, and protective devices would operate automatically to protect the equipment. -13- ., G') c: ::u m (o) ELEV. 300 CONCRETE ON ~! ~~~~~~~ UPSTREAM FACE 1' THICK CUTOFF WALL GROUT CURTAIN L3. MIN. ~ ROCKFILL__.,.., ELEV. 200 Figure 3 GALENA SMALL HYDRO TYPICAL DAM SECTION lli.T.I. FIGURE 4 KALA CREEK HYDRO SITE LAYOUT -0 ~ SCALE~ 111 • ~· J 1000 The main power equipment would consist of one horizontal Francis-type 850 KVA turbine tied to a synchronous type generator rated at 850 KVA, 0.8PF and 900 rpm. The turbine discharge would be 100 cfs at 90 ft. of head. One 850 K VA transformer would also be provided. MAJOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Generator The generator would be a synchronous type with horizontal shaft directly coupled to the turbine. The generator would be rated at 850 KVA, 3 phase, 60 hz, 480 volt at 0.8 power factor. Drip-proof housing would be provided. The generator would,be open-ventilated with an 80° C rise, Class B insulation and no provisions for overload. The generator would have full run-away speed capability. Excitation systems would be according to manufacturer's standard. Power Transformers Two power transformers would be required. At the generating site, one (1) 850 KVA 0.48/34.5 KV delta-grounded wye, 30 transformer, OA class with minimum non-premium impedance would be required. A substation would be required at the point at which the 34.5 KV transmission line interfaces with the existing 2400 volt delta distribution system. The transformer at this site would be a 850 KVA 30, 34.5/2400V wye- delta, OA class transformer with minimum non-premium impedance. Load Controller The load controller would be of the gate shaft actuator type. It would be designed to regulate the load of the generator and prevent run-away by controlling the wicket gates. The load controller would consist of the necessary indicating and control devices, an oil pumping set consisting of a sump tank and two motor driven oil pumps, one or two pressure vessels as required, and all necessary servo-motor piping. -16- Generator Voltage System The connection between the generators and breakers would be with cable. The generator and station service breakers would be metal enclosed drawout type rated 600 V, with 1600 amp frames. The breakers would be combined in a common switchgear lineup along with generator surge protection and instrument transformers. Unit Control and Protective Equipment Unit controls would consist of manual startup and shutdown circuits, basic protective relays, and basic instrumentation. Protective relays for each unit would include generator differential, overspeed, overvoltage and ground overcurrent. Instrumentation for each unit would include a voltmeter, an ammeter, a wattmeter, and a watthour meter. The controls would be contained in a single cabinet. No annuciation or station battery would be provided. Station Service The station service power would be obtained via a tap between the generator breaker and the main power transformer. The station service distribution panel would be adjacent to the generator switchgear lineup. Station service power distribution would be at 480 volts 3-phase transformed to 240/120 volts three phase and single phase power. Standby diesel generation (approximately 25KW) sufficient to supply station power needs would be provided. TRANSMISSION LINE The 34.5 KV, three-phase transmission line would traverse northerly approximately 4 miles to the point where it crosses the Yukon River. North of the river, it would connect to the existing transmission line to Galena. The line would be /12ACSR mounted on single poles and crossarms. Ground clearance of 25'-30' must be maintained and clearing would be required where encroachment occurs. The proposed submarine cable crossing would require two transition terminations: one from overhead to submarine cable and one from submarine cable to overhead. Total length of the transmission system is approximately 8.8 miles, including the river crossing. -17- The 34.5 K V transmission line would be connected to the existing 2400 volt distribution system through a 850 KVA 34.5/2400 wye-delta transformer. A transfer switch would be provided to shift from hydro to diesel as it is required. A voltage higher than the 2400 volt existing system was selected due to the large conductors required to avoid excessive line losses at the lower voltage. SUBMARINE CABLE CROSSING A number of potentially serious problems are associated with the proposed transmission line crossing of the Yukon River. Among the most severe of these is the combined thermal and hydraulic degradation of the river banks in this area, which has been an on-going problem for the City of Galena for a number of years. It is not known whether the banks at the proposed crossing are ice-rich, but throughout this reach of river they are highly erodible. In addition to the known bank erosion, the potential also exists for bed scour which could expose the cable. No specific data is available for this site, but local scour in similar rivers can be on the order of tens of feet. Underwater construction, which would disturb the natural armoring of the streambed, could be a focal point for such local scour to begin. -18 - ECONOMICS BENEFIT ANALYSIS Annual benefits for each of the three options consisted of the following: Benefit Displaced Diesel Fuel Costs (Based on fuel cost of $1.64/gallon and generating efficiencies of 8.8 and 13.0 kwh/gallon for the village and AFB systems, respectively. Benefit value is a weighted average.) Fuel Escalation (as derived from current national fuel cost escalation rates, developed by Data Resources, Inc.) Displaced Operation and Maintenance Costs Dependable Capacity (For 150-ft. dam only) Value $0.14/kwh 0.08/kwh 0.02/kwh 350/kw These values were applied to the usable energy and dependable capacity figures from Table 4, yielding the following: DAM USABLE DISP. FUEL DISP. DEP. TOTAL HT. ENERGY FUEL ESC. O&:M CAP. BENEFITS 100ft 4502MWh $ 630,000 $378,000 $90,000 s 0 $1,098,000 125 6933 971,000 583,000 139,000 0 1,693,000 150 8465 1,185,000 711,000 169,000 298,000 2,363,000 COST ANALYSIS Cost estimates were derived for each of the project sizes based on October 1984 prices and included the following items: rockfill dam, steel penstock, powerhouse and associated equipment, transmission line, road improvements, mobilization, demobilization, profit, contingencies (20%), engineering and design (7 .5%), supervision and administration (6.5%), and interest during construction (18 months at 8 3/8%). Costs were amortized -19- over 50 years at 8 3/8%, and an additional $70,00 was added to account for operation and maintenance. Costs are summarized below. DAM TOTAL INV. AMORTIZED TOTAL HT. FIRST COST I.D.C. COST INV. COST ANNUAL COST 100 ft. $34,557,000 $2,765,000 $37,322,000 $3,184,000 $3,254,000 125 52,169,000 4,174,000 56,343,000 4,806,000 4,876,000 150 77,7 59,000 6,221,000 83,980,000 7' 163,000 7,233,000 A detailed cost estimate for the selected plan may be found on the following pages. EVALUATION To derive the optimum plan, net benefit and benefit-cost ratios were determined and are as follows: DAM ANNUAL ANNUAL NET HEIGHT COSTS BENEFITS BENEFITS B/C RATIO 100ft $3,254,000 $1,098,000 $-2,156,000 .34 125 4,876,000 1,693,000 -3,183,000 .35 150 7,233,000 2,363,000 -4,870,000 .33 The above analysis indicates that none of the options evaluated is economically feasible. Based on net benefits, however, the 100-ft. dam would be the selected plan. -20- CONCLUSIONS The project would produce power during the warmer months for the City of Galena and the adjacent Air Force base. During the winter, insufficient power would be generated and the existing diesel generators would be required. Some dependable capacity could be developed by the 150-foot dam but, as stated above, it would be insufficient to meet the demand. The maximum net benefit is yielded by the 100-foot dam, even though this option has no dependable capacity. Benefit-cost ratios for all three studied options (100-ft., 125-ft, 150-ft.) are extremely low, and all net benefit figures are negative. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on presently available information, it is recommended that no further Corps of Engineers studies of hydropower development at Kala Creek be undertaken at this time. -21 - DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (100-FT DAM) ITEM/DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL DAM & INTAKE Excavation 2,000 CY s 5 s 1 (),000 Rock Stabilization 10,000 SF 20 200,000 Soil Stabilization 200 CY 250 50,000 Filter Fabric 900 SF 3 3,000 Rockfill 240,000 CY 35 8,400,000 Concrete 2,000 CY 1,000 2,000,000 Spillway (excavation) 1,800 CY 250 450,000 Spillway (concrete) 205 CY 1,000 205,000 Intake 1 EA 60,000 60,000 TOTAL DAM & INTAKE $11,378,000 PENSTOCK Tunnel Excavation 200 LF 2,500 s 500,000 42-in Steel Pipe (1/4") 300 LF 950 28 5,000 Concrete Anchor Blocks and Thrust Blocks 24 CY 1,000 24,000 Rock Bolts 20 EA 50 1,000 Drainage and Vent 1 LS 20,000 20,000 TOTAL PENSTOCK $830,000 POWERHOUSE Structure 1 LS $253,000 $253,000 Turbine/Generator 1 LS 325,000 32 5,00() Accessory Electrical 1 LS 258,000 258,000 Aux. Systems & Equip. 1 LS 24,000 24,000 Switch yard 1 LS 42,000 42,000 Tailrace 1 LS 81,000 81,000 TOTAL POWERHOUSE $983,000 TRANSMISSION LINE Treated Wood Posts 300 EA 5,000 s 1' 500,000 Conductors and Insulators 43,000 LF 20 860,000 Submarine Cable 53,000 LF 70 3,710,000 Connect to Existing System 1 LS 1,000,000 1,000,000 TOTAL TRANSMISSION LINE $7,070,000 -22- ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Upgrade Existing 4 Cat Trail MOBILIZATION AND PROFIT Mobilization 1 Project Operation 18 Demobilization 1 Contractors Profit 5 TOTAL MOBILIZATION SUBTOTAL Contingincies (20%) Engineering & Design (7 .5%) Supervision & Administration (6.5%) TOTAL FIRST COST Interest During Construction TOTAL INVESTMENT COST ANNUAL COSTS Total Investment Cost, Amortized over 50 years at 8 3/8% Operation and Maintenance TOTAL ANNUAL COST ANNUAL BENEFITS Displaced Fuel Cost Fuel Escalation Saved 0 & M TOTAL ANNUAL BENEFIT BENEFIT -COST RATIO NET ANNUAL BENEFIT -23- Miles LS Months LS % $350,000 100,000 150,000 100,000 $1,400,000 $100,000 2,700,000 100,000 1,228,000 $4,128,000 $25,789,000 5,158,000 1,934,000 1,676,000 $34,557,000 2,765,000 $37,322,000 $3,184,000 70,000 $3,25l!-,OOO $ 630,000 378,000 90,000 $1,098,000 0.34 -$2,156,000