HomeMy WebLinkAboutLake Elva Reconnaissance Study 19795 W ~ ROBER ~ W. ,..R~!_HE~FORD A~S'?CfATES A . Consu!tin{J Eng ine-srs ~ · ANCHORAGE,ALASKA PROPOSAL tONNAISSANCE STUDY FOR HYDROELECTRIC AT LAKE ELVA NEAR DILLINGHAM AND ON KISARILIK RIVER NEAR BETHEL APAOOS/F RECEIVED. />J,ASKA POWER AUTHORIT'( PROPOSAL RECONNAISSANCE STUDY FOR HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT AT LAKE ELVA NEAR DILLINGHAM AND ON THE KISARILIK RIVER NEAR BETHEL Presented To STATE OF ALASKA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Prepared By: ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ARCTIC DISTRICT OF INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. August 6, 1979 APA005/F I. II. Ill. IV. v. VI. APPENDIX TABLE OF CONTENTS STUDY OBJECTIVE BACKGROUND & EXPERIENCE STUDY PLAN 1 3 10 A. Data Collection 10 B. Site Reconnaissance & Geological Studies 11 C. Power Requirement Forecast 12 D. Evaluation of Hydroelectric Resources 12 E. Evaluation of Thermal Generation Resources 14 F. Wind Power Potential 14 G. J nterconnection Potential 15 H. Conservation Measures 15 I. Analysis of Alternative Development Programs 15 J. Cost Estimates 16 K. Economic Analysis 16 L. Final Report 17 ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT PLAN 18 KEY PERSONNEL 19 BUDGET 22 COMPANY BROCHURES - i - APAOOS/F SECTION I STUDY OBJECTIVE Electrical Power requirements of Dillingham, Aleknagik Nelsonville Kanakanak, and the rural area between these villages is provided by Nushagak Electric Cooperative (N EC) in Dillingham. NEC is a distribution type Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Borrower. All power is generated by diesel electric generating units located in the City of Dillingham. Power for the City of Bethel is provided by privately owned and operated Bethel Utilities Corporation. Approximately 20 villages in the area are served by Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative (AVEC), another REA distribution borrower. With few exceptions these villages are electrically isolated from other village, with each having its own diesel powered generating units. Remaining villages in the general area are served mainly by small individually owned generating units in the 3 kW range. As the price of petroleum fuels continues to escalate and as the supply becomes less secure, the need to identify and use other sources of electrical power. becomes ever more urgent. This study will evaluate alternative to diesel generation for both the Dillingham and Bethel areas. The objective will be to consolidate the results of previous studies, analyze more promising alternatives in greater depth than previous studies have done, and recommend a course of action for the Alaska Power Authority. If one or more alternatives or combinations of alternatives appears to be technically, economically and environmentally feasible, an outline plan will be prepared for future action. In the case of hydroelectric projects the study report will present an outline plan for satisfying license application requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( FERC). -1- APAOOS/F The study will consider available energy alternatives such as hydro- electric potential, pulp, geothermal, wind 1 interconnection and conservation, and assess their viability to meet area needs. Diesel generation will be established as the economic yardstick against which other alternatives will be evaluated. It is anticipated, without precluding detailed consideration of other promising alternatives 1 that the major efforts of the study will be directed toward hydroelectric production. This proposal is submitted in response to a request for proposals issued by Alaska Power Authority. The title of the RFP and the proposal are not fully descriptive of the project. A study 1 11 Bristol Bay Energy and Electrical Power Potential 11 performed by Robert W. Retherford Associates for the United States Department of the Interior, Alaska Power Administration 1 has just been released in the client in draft form. That study addressed, in the Dillingham area 1 many of the items in the original RFP. Therefore the scope of the study in the Dillingham area was modified by addendum. As modified 1 the study in the Dillingham area will concentrate upon a more detailed follow-up analysis of the hydroelectric potential of lakes Grant, Elva, and Tazimina, and the potential of interconnecting Naknek 1 Dillingham 1 and other villages in the area. -2- APAOOS/F SECTION II BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE Robert W. Retherford Associates ( RWRA) has provided engineering services in Alaska for over a quarter of a century. The resulting knowledge gained of the state, its power systems, geography, weather 1 needs and potential has created a diversified, broad service engineering firm. In June 1979 Robert W. Retherford Associates become the Arctic District of International Engineering Company, Inc. (I ECO), an internationally recognized consulting engineering firm. I ECO has extensive experience in energy development and has a staff which includes specialists in every area of the field. These resources will be available during the study for assistance in specialized phases of the work and for overall review. However, it is anticipated that the majority of the work will be done in Alaska by the Anchorage office staff. One element of our broad experience in the Alaska energy field, which will be described in detail later, is our intimate knowledge of the energy situation in the vicinity of Dillingham and Bethel, having conducted or participated in numerous projects in those geographic areas. As is indicated in the RFP, studies conducted by Robert W. Retherford Associates have brought to public attention many of the possibilities for conservation of or alternate sources for energy which are to be considered in greater detail in this study. In 1977 we participated in a cost of service study for the Alaska Public Utilities Commission which included all the AVEC villages of the study area. We have produced power cost studies, construction work plans, and hydroelectric feasibility studies for Nushagak Electric Cooperative -3- APAOOS/F at Dillingham. An example of our familarity with power requirement and supply in the Bethel area is 11 A Regional Electric Power System for the Lower Kuskokwin Vicinity 11 produced by RWRA in 1975 for the United States Department of Interior, Alaska Power Administration. The 11 Bristol Bay Energy and Electric Power Potential 11 study and 11 City of Unalaska Electrification Study 11 recently completed by Robert W. Retherford Associates and currently released to the clients in draft form, are representative of Robert W. Retherford Associates efforts in studies similar to this proposed study for the Dillingham and Bethel areas. Robert W. Retherford Associates has extensive experience serving the needs of utilities throughout Alaska, especially REA financed coopera- tives, but our experience is by no means limited to those areas. Listed below is a representative summary of our experience and qualifications. Planning Services -Planning comes before doing. Common sense and regulatory agencies require it. The smallest and the largest electrical associations in the state are aided by the firm's specialized capability in preparing rate studies, two-year plans, long-range plans, power cost studies, power supply studies, financial studies, and the myriad feasibility studies needed before directions can be set. We also assist numerous state and federal agencies in their fact-finding needs. Recent examples of such planning services include: • Feasibility studies for establishing an electric cooperative at lliamna 1 1976-1978. • 11 Bristol Bay Energy and Electrical Power Potential 11 study performed for the Alaska Power Administration. This report, which has just been submitted in draft form 1 is a complete study of energy sources and uses. It includes historical and projected data, and recommenda- tions for future power supply for the area. -4- APAOOS/F • 11 Waste Heat Capture Study" for State of Alaska, Department of Commerce, Division of Energy & Power Development, 1978. • 11 North Slope Natural Gas Transport Systems and Their Potential Impact on Electric Power Supply and Uses in Alaska'' for Alaska Power Administration, 1977. • 11 A Regional Electric Power System for The Lower Kuskokwim Vicinity 11 for Alaska Power Administration, 1975. • 11 Long Range Plan" for Matanuska Electric Association, Inc., 1978-1979. • "Preliminary Appraisal Report, Hydroelectric Potential for Angoon, Craig, Hoonah, Hydaburg, Kake, Kasaan 1 Klawock, Klukwan, Pelican, Yakutat" for Alaska Power Authority, 1977. • "City of Unalaska Electrification Study 11 for the City of Unalaska, supported by a grant from the State of Alaska, Department of Community & Regional Affairs, is a comprehensive analysis of power needs and possible sources in the Unalaska area. This study has just been released to the client in draft form. Diesel Power -Robert W. Retherford Associates has performed feasibility studies, environmental studies 1 planning, design 1 and construction management of diesel engine generators from small systems for bush communities up to and including Alaska's largest two diesel-electric plants at Kodiak and Glennallen. Hydroelectric Power -I nvo!vement in Alaska's hydroelectric power potential spans twenty years. Retherford Associates participated in the conception 1 design and construction supervision of the Cooper Lake -5- APA005/F Hydroelectric Project which went into operation on the Kenai Peninsula in 1959. The Firm made preliminary engineering and cost estimates under contract with the General Electric Company on a proposed de transmission system for the Snettisham Project near Juneau, and has completed several Definite Project Reports for Hydroelectric Power: One for a hydroelectric project at Terror Lake to serve Kodiak Island, and most recently, a report and application for FERC license, for the Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project near Valdez. This latter project will supply power for Copper Valley Electric from Valdez to the Glennallen area. RWRA recently completed construction documents and the project is now under construction. Preliminary estimates of hydroelectric potential have also been made for Lake Elva near Dillingham, Eagle River near Anchorage, Nenana River near Healy, the Kisaralik River near Bethel, and numerous other sites throughout the state. Following is a representative sample of Robert W. Retherford Associates• involvement in Alaska hydroelectric projects: Definite Project Reports and License Applications • Cooper Lake Project -Kenai Peninsula • Terror Lake Project -Kodiak Island • Solomon Gulch Project -Valdez • Chester Lake Project -Metlakatla • Tyee Lake Project -Petersburg & Wrangell (under preparation) Hydroelectric Project Design and Construction Supervision • Cooper Lake Project • Solomon Gulch Project (present time) Hydroelectric Appraisal Reports • Nenana River near Healy • Eagle River near Anchorage • Lake Elva near Dillingham • Kisaralik River near Bethel • Ten Villages in Southeast Alaska • Bristol Bay Region (under preparation) -6- APA005/F Hydro Project Rehabilitation Studies • Purple Lake near Metlakatla • Blind Slough near Petersburg • Salmon Creek near Juneau Unique Energy Source -In keeping with the economic and environmental benefits of utilizing all natural sources of energy, Retherford Associates has proposed an innovative scheme to derive energy from the Trans-Alaska Pipeline crude oil flow from Thompson Pass to Valdez through a pressure reducing turbine. This energy could supplement the Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project. The concept has received approval from the Alyeska management and further studies for detailed designs are underway. Challenges of the Alaskan Bush Robert W. Retherford Associates continues to emphasize work in the Alaskan bush where high transpor- tation costs for fuel, extreme temperatures and small, isolated population centers unite to challenge the basic human need for reliable, economically feasible energy. For instance, a study completed for the Alaska Power Administration would link ten villages in a forty-mile radius of Bethel with an econom- ically feasible electric power transmission system. An uncommon solution, a Single Conductor Ground Return system, (SCGR), is proposed to be built over tundra, permafrost, numerous lakes and the Kuskokwim River which requires spans up to 2,000 feet and clearances of 60 feet or more. These villages now rely on small diesel generators fueled by oil that must be delivered over water during the short summer season. Study results indicate that the SCGR system can be applied to much greater geographic areas and reach even more remote villages economically. -7- APAOOS/F Innovative Designs -Alaska's vast distances, untamed terrain and waterways, and extreme weather conditions have required uncommon solutions for uncommon problems. The engineers of Retherford Associates have met and continue to meet that challenge. Our knowledge of the state, its power systems, geography, weather, and potential have created a diversified broad-service engineering firm dedicated to helping meet Alaska's electric energy needs. Some examples include: • Prototype designs for transmission lines spanning distances of nearly a mile over the rugged terrain of Southcentral Alaska; • Tower designs adapted for muskeg and permafrost; • Solid-state controlled power systems for isolated, unattended communications sites; • Submarine cables in 365-foot deep inlet waters lashed by some of the strongest and highest tides in the world, and • Generating plants constructed on the challenging permafrost zones of Alaska. Robert W. Retherford Associates, the Arctic Division of International Engineering Company, Inc. maintains in Anchorage a staff experienced in a broad range of disciplines and intimately familiar with Alaska conditions. International Engineering Company (IECO) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc. (M-K), a world wide construction company which has worked in Alaska for nearly forty years. I ECO has an impressive record of accomplishments in the planning, design and construction management of projects in the fields of water resources 1 transportation, and industrial facilities. I ECO has engineered hydroelectric plants with a total of 37,000,000 kW 1 ranging from very small installations to some of the world's largest. -8- APAOOS/F Recently I ECO conducted a study of the feasibility of burning wood waste in conjunction with geothermal steam to produce electricity. The concept involves increasing the temperature of geothermal steam by burning wood waste. The combination of the Robert W. Retherford Associates and I ECO offices provides the client with the benefits of a local staff knowledgeable in the unique conditions of Alaska, backed up by the best technical talents of an international engineering organization. The project team has total capability to perform the required technical services and we welcome the opportunity to become involved in the project. -9- APA005/F SECTION Ill STUDY PLAN General The reconnaissance study will include economic feasibility 1 engineering feasibility 1 environmental assessment and review of alternate energy resources. The study will comply in all respects to the scope of study outlined in the RFP unless modified by mutual consent. The draft report of preliminary findings, exclusive of stream gaging information 1 will be completed by December 15, 1979, or 4 calendar months after award of contract, whichever is later. The final report will be completed within 30 days of collecting the required full~year of stream flow information. The work plan is described in the following items: A. Data Collection The study will collect known data on power requirements, existing utility systems, .and the area's energy resources. The data will include: o Utility operating and financial reports to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and internal management. o Consultants' reports. o Regional and site-specific studies prepared for the Alaska State Legislature, Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Alaska Power Administration, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Geological Survey 1 and other agencies. -10- APA005/F • Land classification and status. • Wind information. • Streamflow records compiled from existing gauges by the U.S. Geological Survey, and climatic records of the U.S. Weather Bureau. • Regional and subregional economic data prepared by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the Alaska Departments of Labor, Commerce and Economic Development, Revenue, and Community and Regional Affairs, and the University of Alaska. • Environmental data prepared by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and Environmental Conservation, U.S. Wildlife Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Forest Service, and other agencies. Many of these data are now in our library. The proposed team members have participated in many of these studies and in other studies of similar nature. 8. Site Reconnaissance & Geological Studies PhysiCal site reconnaissances will be conducted for the most promising hydroelectric or other alternate energy sources, and transmission routes. The reconnaissance will be conducted by a two-man team consisting of an engineer and a geologist. This team will spend approximately 5-6 days in each of the study areas. -11- APAOOS/F C. Power Regui rement Forecast Power requirements for the Bethel area will be forecast through 1995 1 based on the area•s recent historical population growth and economic development and expected future trends as updated from existing records and publication. Information concerning factors expected to or likely to cause future loads to depart from historical trends will be collected by examining published data and operating records 1 and application of sound engineering and economic judgment. Power requirements for the Dillingham area will be obtained from the 11 Bristol Bay Energy and Electrical Power Potential 11 study being completed by RWRA for the Alaska Power Administration. D. Evaluation of Hydroelectric Resources Review of Collected Data -Data collected on hydroelectric resources and site-specific development schemes as identified in section A above will be reviewed to determine their technical and economic usefulness in the present study. Data and project concepts determined by the engineer to have potential significance will be selected for further analysis. The intent will be to analyze data to identify any potential problem areas 1 construction materials and site suitabjlity. The analysis will determine probable strength parameters and recommendations for locations of dams 1 powerhouses and waterways. Particular attention will be addressed to potential dam seepage and stability of structures under seismic loading. In the Dillingham area 1 the study will be a follow-up to the Bristol Bay Study and will be limited to a more detailed analysis of Lakes Elva, Grant, and Tazimina unless other alternatives become obvious. -12- APA005/F Hydrologic Studies Coordinate with the USGS the placement of stream gages as required. (Funding, installation, and data collection are not included). We will collect all previous streamflow and precipitation data available at representative locations and derive a typical set of monthly flow data for each. Other water resource needs will be considered when estimating average annual output of each hydroelectric power facility. These data will be used in reservoir operation studies utilizing available computer programs. The results of these studies will be displayed graphically. Reservoirs will be sized to meet present and future loads as forecast. We propose to use probable maximum precipitation charts and synthetic triangular unit hydrographs (computer programs) to compute probable maximum floods, which data will be used to determine spillway sizes. Conceptual Layout and Design Based upon field surveys and geotechnical investigations, conceptual designs will be prepared for the most favorable sites (up to a total of 3). The type of dam selected will be the most suitable for the specific site with safety a paramount consideration. Each dam type will also be selected on the basis of economics, which in turn will depend upon availability of materials, construction considerations, etc. Appurtenant structures, including penstocks, intakes, and spillways will be sized to meet hydrological and other criteria. Hydraulic and electric machinery will be chosen for optimal operation. The types, sizes, and number of turbine/generator units will be determined based upon heads, flows, and operational requirements. The reasons behind the selections will be explained in the text. -13- APA005/F Transmission voltages will be recommended based upon economic and engineering evaluation of both near-term and long-term conditions. E. Evaluation of Thermal Generation Resources Thermal generation will be approached as follows: • Diesel only alternatives will be developed for comparison with hydro. • Use of diesel fueled supplementary generation and reserve capacity will be examined; electrical integration of utility and industrial power systems will be evaluated for this pu-rpose if applicable. • Analysis of the thermal generation alternatives will address in general terms system efficiencies which may be expected from waste heat utilization. The analysis will take into account characteristics of existing diesel plants of the study areas. F. Wind Power Potential Published wind information for the area will be examined. Available wind characteristics will be compared to requirements of state of the art wind generating equipment so that potential for wind powered generation within the area may be assessed. (For the Dillingham area a preliminary analysis has already been done in the Bristol Bay Study). -14- APA005/F G. Interconnection Potential Potential for interconnection of load centers will be examined to determine technical advantages of such interconnections. Specific attention will be addressed to possible economics of scale which might be realized by replacing several isolated power plants with one or more large plants and a transmission system. Such interconnection has been addressed in previous RWRA reports (Bristol Bay Study and Lower Kuskokwim study). The concept will be examined in greater detail in this study. H. Conservation Measures Conservation measures such as generation dispatch, waste heat utilization, etc. which allow more energy to be recovered from each gallon of diesel fuel consumed will be discussed. I. Analysis of Alternative Development Programs Program Formulation -Following determination of system power requirements, area resources, and evaluation of individual projects, alternative system development programs will be formulated. These programs will be based on one or more individual generation- transmission projects. Each of the alternative programs will be set equal in terms of its ability to satisfy system load growth through 1995. Each of the alternative programs will include only technically and economically feasible projects. This formulation of alternative programs will enable the subsequent economic analysis to identify the projects and project scheduling options which will result in least long-term cost to the system. -15- APA005/F Environmental and Safety Review -An environmental review will be made of each alternative production site and transmission route to identify major areas of environmental concern. The review will assess the environmental impact of the power project and any institutional constraints. It will identify fishery and wildlife resources which may be impacted by the proposed development and discuss possible mitigation measures and their impact on project economics. The study will identify areas where controlled release of water from hydroelectric projects can enchance existing fisheries. The review will assess the safety hazard, if any, introduced or eliminated by the development of a particular project. The hazards to health and safety due to thermal power plant development will be briefly discussed. Criteria developed for sizing spillways (See D above) will be outlined. J. Cost Estimates Cost estimates for the more promising resources will be prepared on the basis of current estimated costs for construction. In addition to construction costs, the total estimate will include such non-construction items as interest during construction, engineering, and administration costs. Separate estimates of annual costs of operation, maintenance, and other annual expenses will also be made. K. Economic Analysis Based upon the foregoing studies and estimates, the cost of power and energy for the most suitable power development will be determined. Economics will be based on interest rates of 2, 5, 7, and 9 percent over a 35 year term. The data will be presented in a form which will allow APA to determine the benefits of the power and energy to the study area. -16- APA005/F L. Final Report The final report will include, but not be limited to, the items enumerated under Section II, paragraph B Scope of Study, as contained in the Request for Proposal. It will include an outline plan for satisfying the license application requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for hydroelectric sites recommended for development. -17- APA005/F SECTION IV ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT PLAN The study will be conducted by Robert W. Retherford Associates, the Anchorage Office of International Engineering Company, Inc. The project will be directed and conducted by personnel from the Anchorage office with the exception of select specialized assistance from the San Francisco office. Following is a list of anticipated task assignments: Project Manager Hydrologic Studies Geotechnical Investigations Electrical Equipment Conceptual Design Cost Estimates Economic Analysis Environmental Report Hydraulic Equipment Energy Alternatives Wind Power Dora L. Gropp, PE (or) Frank Bettine, EIT (Anchorage) Richard Burg, EfT (Anchorage) R. M. Retherford, Geologist (C.C. Hawley Assoc., Anchorage) Allen W. Showalter, PE (Anchorage) Carl H. Steeby, PE (Anchorage) Tom Barber (San Francisco) Dale D. Steeby (Anchorage) Richard Burg, E IT (Anchorage) Delancey Smith (San Francisco) Dora L. Gropp, PE (Anchorage) Dr. Tunis Wentink, Jr. (Alaska Geophysical Institute) -18- APA005/F SECTION V KEY PERSONNEL The following list of key personnel who will be involved in the work is provided as an example of the breadth and depth we have to offer for this project: Dora L. Gropp, Electrical Engineer -Either Mrs. Gropp or Frank Bettine will serve as project manager. Mrs. Gropp has over ten years experience in all phases of the electric utility. With Siemens in Germany; and Brown & Root, Robert W. Retherford Associates, and as an independent consultant in Alaska, she has performed design, quality review, planning, and system studies for numerous clients. Mrs. Gropp has recently served as project manager for two significant studies: a long range plan for Matanuska Electric Association and a comprehensive study of ''Bristol Bay Energy and Electrical Power Potential. 11 Frank J. Bettine, Electrical Engineer -Mr. Bettine has conducted engineering design and investigations for several electrical utilities in Alaska. · His most recent assignments have been project manager for an electrification study for the City of Unalaska, and economic analysis of a single-conductor transmission line near Bettles. C. H. Steeby, Hydroelectric Engineer -Mr. Steeby has over 25 years of experience in the investigation, planning, design and construction management of major projects, including hydroelectric installation, dams, tunnels, penstocks, surge tanks, spillways, transmission lines, distribution lines, and sewage treatment plants. -19- APA005/F A. W. Showalter, Electrical Engineer Mr. Showalter has an extensive background in all phases of the electric utility industry. His experience covers thermal, hydro, and diesel generators, contract administration, project supervision, technical and manage- ment advisor to small and large utilities, and transmission, distri- bution and substation design. Richard Burg, Civil Engineer -Mr. Burg has considerable experience in the fields of hydrologic and environmental assessment. His most recent responsibilities were the preparation of probable maximum flood and spillway flood design for the Solomon Gulch project near Valdez and the environmental report, Exhibit W for the Terror Lake project on Kodiak Island. His current assignment is to provide the hydrologic studies and environmental report for the Tyee Lake project in Southeast Alaska. R. M. Retherford, Geologist -Mr. Retherford has a Masters Degree in Geology and has done geologic field work in Alaska exclusively since 1972. His hydroelectric experience includes geologic inves- tigations at Solomon Gulch, Terror Lake, and Chester Lake and Tyee projects near Valdez, Kodiak, Metlakatla, and Wrangell respectively. Dale Steeby, Mathematician -will perform the economic analysis of each project to be studied. He has had considerable experience in preparing power cost studies for REA cooperatives. His most recent power cost studies have been for the Copper Valley Electric Association, the Kodiak Electric Association, and the Naknek Electric Association. -20- APA005/F Tom Barber, Estimator -has many years of engineering and construction experience with I ECO and M-K 1 including extensive dam and hydroelectric work. He will be able to call upon the M-K organization for up-to-date information on construction technology and costs. M-K is presently involved in several projects in Alaska and maintains a permanent office in Anchorage. DeLancey Smith, Turbines -will provide technical expertise for recommendations of turbines and associated equipment. Mr. Smith's experience since 1942 includes the design 1 field installation, laboratory and field testing of hydraulic turbines and associated equipment. Dr. Tunis Wentink, Jr. -Dr. Wentink is with the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. He will provide advice and assistance in cataloguing and analyzing the potential for wind-power generation within the area. -21- APAOOS/F SECTION VI BUDGET The budget estimate for the project is summarized below. The total project budget will be spent in Alaska except for approximately 80 man-hours of engineering support from the San Francisco office. Item BETHEL AREA Personnel Costs Professional Staff Support Staff Consultants Robert M. Retherford, Geology Dr. Tunis Wentink, Wind Other Direct Costs Travel, Per diem, Printing, etc. Subtotal DILLINGHAM AREA Personnel Costs Professional Staff Support Staff Consultants Robert M. Retherford, Geology Other Direct Costs Travel, Per diem, Printing, etc. Subtotal TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET -22- Man-Hours 490 200 120 60 540 320 240 Rate $50 33 44 55 50 33 44 Cost $24,500 6,600 5,280 3,300 5,000 $44,680 27,000 10,560 10,560 6,500 $54,620 $99,300 APAOOS/H APPENDIX COMPANY BROCHURES YOU ARE WARMLY INVITED to become acquainted with our organization. On these pages we present our capabilities, resources and highlights of twenty years of work in Alaska. ======================================================== INSIDE A BRIEF OVERVIEW: ELECTRIFYING ALASKA SCOPE OF SERVICES OFFICES, PEOPLE AND EQUIPMENT STAFF PROJECTS ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES t CONSULTING ENGINEERS ========~=============================================== 6917-6927 OLD SEWARD HIGHWAY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 t P.O. BOX 6410 (907) 344-2585 A DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. A BRIEF OVERVIEW ELECTRIFYING The service and growth in Alaska of Robert W. Retherford Associates coin- cides with the development and expansion of rural and urban electrification in the state. Robert Retherford began working in Alaska in 1950 for Chugach Electric Association, and established his own firm of consulting engineers in 1954. It was during these early years that communities such as Kotzebue, Glennallen t Naknek and Dillingham were organizing their first community-wide electrifica- tion programs; and others, such as the Matanuska Valley and the Kenai Peninsula were outgrowing their original systems and needed professional help in expanding. Small, individually owned generators meeting one-family or one-business needs were common. Often these owners found themselves supplying power to nearby homes and businesses. In the more populated areas of Southcentral and Southeast Alaska a few small, privately owned power companies served entire communities, but seldom reached out more than one or two miles. Electricity in the smaller villages was sporadic. Having a light bulb in one's house was more often a symbol of pride than of sufficient and reliable illumin- ation. In these isolated villages residents sometimes obtained power by running primitive lines to privately-owned diesel generators -usually a part of the general store. Depending on legal restrictions government agencies sometimes could or could not share their power facilities with the communities. As communities outgrew their original systems and needed engineering help to expand or combine existing facilities, many turned to Chugach Electric Asso- ciation for help. Chugach was a new utility having just incorporated as a cooperative of REA in 1949. As Chugach's Chief Engineer, Robert Retherford found that the engineering needs of the communities were urgent and endless. Finally, in 1954, he opened his own firm and gave his full attention to rural electrification in Alaska. Over the succeeding twenty five years Retherford Associates has served the needs of electric utilities from their first power studies through years of growth and expansion. The resulting knowledge gained of the state, its power systems, geography, weather and potential created a diversified broad-service engineering firm dedicated to helping meet Alaska's electrical energy needs. In 1979, our 25th anniversary year, Robert W. Retherford Associates was acquired by, and became a Division of, International Engineering Company, Inc., San Francisco, California. Diversity Marks Activities Some highlights of the firm's activities are described below .. Planning Services -Planning comes before doing. Common sense and regula- tory agencies require it. The smallest and the largest electrical associations in the state are aided by the firm's specialized capability in preparing rate studies, two-year plans, long-range plans, power cost studies, power supply studies, financial studies, and the myriad feasibility studies needed before directions can be set. State and federal agencies are also assisted in their fact-finding needs. On-Site Energy System -An advanced on-site energy system using small gas turbines was recently completed for the University of Alaska -Anchorage. It supplies light, power and climate control and is designed to maximize energy conservation by interconnecting and coordinating with the local electric utility. Diesel Power -Alaska's two largest diesel power plants, at Kodiak and Glenn- allen, were completed in 1977. Retherford Associates provided the power cost studies, ·environmental reports, plant designs and construction management for these multi-million dollar power plants. Hydroelectric Power -Involvement in Alaska's hydroelectric power potential spans twenty four years. Retherford Associates participated in the conception, design and construction supervision of the Cooper Lake Hydroelectric Project which went into operation on the Kenai Peninsula in 1960. The Firm made preliminary engineering and cost estimates under contract with the General Electric Company on a proposed D.C. transmission system for the Snettisham Project near Juneau, and has completed Definite Project Reports and Applica- tions for License to construct three other projects; Terror Lake to serve Kodiak Electric Association Consumers, Solomon Gulch Project for Copper Valley Electric Association, inc. and the Chester Lake Project to serve the Metlakatla Indian Community. The Solomon Gulch Project is now (1979) under construction and scheduled to be on-line in early 1981 to serve the service area from Valdez to Glennallen and beyond. A Definite Project Report and Application for License to Construct the Tyee Lake Hydroelectric Project for Petersburg-Wrangell is now in progress. We have prepared recom- mendation studies for rehabilitation of the Salmon Creek Hydroelectric Project near Juneau and the Purple Lake Hydroelectric Project near Metlakatla. Reth- erford Associates performe d design and construction supervision for the dam and penstock repair and spillway enlargement for the Blind Slough Project for the City of Petersburg and preliminary estimates of hydroelectric potential for Lake Elva near Dillingham, Eagle River near Anchorage, Nenana River near Healy and the Kisaralik River near Bethel, as well as numerous smaller projects in southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island. Unique Energy Source -In keeping with the economic and environmental benefits of utilizing all natural sources of energy, Retherford Associates has proposed an innovative scheme to derive energy from the Trans-Alaska Pipe- line crude oil flow from Thompson Pass to Valdez through a pressure reducing turbine. This energy could supplement the Solomon · Gulch Hydroelectric Project. The concept has received approval from the Alyeska management and further studies for detailed designs are underway. Challenges of the Alaskan Bush -Retherford Associates continues to empha- size work in the Alaskan bush where high transportation costs for fuel, extreme temperatures and small, isolated population centers unite to challenge the basic human need for reliable, economically feasible energy. For instance, a study conducted for the Alaska Power Administration would link ten villages in a forty-mile radius of Bethel with an economically feasible electric power transmission system. An uncommon solution, a Single Con- ductor Ground Return system, (SCGR), is proposed to be built over tundra, permafrost, numerous lakes and the Kuskokwim River which requires spans up to 2,000 feet and clearances of 60 feet or more.· These villages now rely on small diesel generators fueled by oil that must be delivered over water during the short summer season. Study results indicate that the SCGR system can be applied to much greater geographic areas and reach even more remote villages economically. Innovative Designs -Alaska1s vast distances, untamed terrain and waterways, and extreme weather conditions have required uncommon solutions for un- common problems. Innovative approaches to Alaska 1s electrical needs mark Robert W. Retherford Associates• more than twenty years in Alaska. The engineers of Retherford Associates have provided Alaska reliable service with: Prototypal designs for transmission lines spanning distances of nearly a mile over the rugged terrain of South Central Alaska; Tower designs adapted for muskeg and permafrost; Solid-state controlled power systems for isolated, unattended communica- tions sites; Submarine cables in 365-foot deep inlet waters lashed by some of the strongest and highest tides in the world, and Generating plants constructed on the challenging permafrost zones of Alaska. R. W. Retherford Associates is an electrical engineering firm offering complete engineering services from initial feasibility studies to final design and con- struction management. The Firm specializes in: Transmission and distribution system planning Generation planning Power, load, system protection and voltage regulation studies Rate studies and feasibility analyses It provides preliminary and final design and supervises construction for: Diesel electric and gas turbine generating plants Hydroelectric generating plants Transmission lines Submarine cable systems Distribution systems Substations Building electric systems Control and telemetering systems In addition, the firm has related mechanical, civil and geological engineering capabilities in: Gas transmission and distribution systems Compressor stations, regulating stations and storage facilities Power plant fuel systems Mechanical control systems Feasibility studies of pipelines and other energy transport Multiple-use energy applications such as on-site energy systems Sewage systems and sewage treatment Foundations and structures Hydraulics Dams Subterrene excavation Geology and hydrology OFFICES I PEOPLE AND Robert W. Retherford Associates has practiced in Alaska as a professional engineering firm since 1954. The firm•s offices are located in two one-story buildings at 6917-6927 Old Seward Highway, Anchorage, Alaska. It has a full-service staff of electrical 1 civil, mechanical and construction engineers; field crews for surveys and construction management; a drafting department and general office staff. Equipment for work in the field includes: highway and four-wheel drive ve- hicles; off-highway vehicles; marine transport (120 h. p. 24-foot fiberglass survey boat); electrical test gear for field measurements including electronic survey equipment; and shop test work. Office equipment includes a Wang 720C computer with input-output writer, flatbed plotter and marksense card reader, and a Datapoint 5500 Computer for data management. In addition, a number of large computer programs are in the files of Alaska Data Systems for use on their IBM 360-40 computer system. STAFF =================================~===============·===============~ ROBERT W. RETHERFORD Registered Alaska Professional Engineer: Texas Arkansas No. 309E No. 31181 No. 3691 Idaho North Dakota Kansas No. 643 No. 1468 . No. 6402 University of Idaho, B.S.E.E. 1941 Affiliations: Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers Alaska Society of Professional Engineers National Society of Professional Engineers Robert Retherford establishes policy and provides overall technical direction to the firm's activities. He is also actively concerned with quality assurance for all job-projects of the firm. His comprehensive experience in the power industry includes design, con- struction, operations, economics and rate analysis as primarily applied to power studies, transmission and distribution systems, diesel, small gas tur- bine and hydroelectric power plants. Robert Retherford specializes in studies involving design, construction and economic feasibility; rate analysis; complete electrical engineering systems; and environmental impact statements. He serves as expert witness for elec- trical associations and municipalities appearing before the Alaska Public Util- ities Commission, and as advisor to other state agencies. His highly creative design capability is geared towards finding uncommon solutions for establishing reliable and economically feasible power under Alas- kan weather and geographic conditions. Innovative designs include a guyed and hinged portal-type transmission tower for permafrost and muskeg condi- tions, gravity stabilized transmission structures for three phase conventional and single wire ground return transmission lines, special foundations for transmission structures exposed to 35-foot tides, tidal bores, and heavy ice blocks driven by 12 knot currents, and a shielded low-profile substation design for improved appearance, sophisticated relaying and reduced costs. Robert Retherford 1s work for Rural Electrical Cooperatives spans thirty-nine years, including seventeen years in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. As a partner in the firm of Howard Zenier and Associates, Vancouver, Washington, 1944 to 1950 he participated in numerous transmission and distribution proj- ects throughout the Northwest. As Systems Engineer for Chugach Electric Association, Anchorage, he partici- pated in the accomplishment of the diesel electric and steam electric generat- ing facilities, transmission lines and distribution systems of this rapidly growing suburban utility. In 1954 Robert Retherford established the present firm. Special Recognitions 1960-1968 -Member of the Board of Engineers and Architects Examiners for the State of Alaska. 1974 -Mason Lazelle Award for 11 0utstanding Contribution to the Electrifica- tion of Alaska. 11 Presented by the Alaska Rural Electric Cooperative Associa- tion (ARECA). 1972 -Named 11 Engineer of the Year 11 by the Alaskan Chapters of six major engineering associations. 1959 -Milton Hunt McGuire Engineering Achievement Award Presented by the Northwest Public Power Association in Recognition of 11 ••• Outstanding engi- neering achievements and his valuable contributions in advancing the public interest by furthering rural electrification in Alaska. 11 DWANE L. LEGG, P.E. -Director of Engineering Management Registered Professional Engineer: Alaska New Mexico Colorado No. 3974E No. 4396 No. 11488 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, B.S.E.E. 1961 Twenty-four credits completed towards Master of Science in Engineering Management. Affiliations: National Society of Professional Engineers Alaska Society of Professional Engineers American Management Associations Dwane Legg has extensive experience in design, operation, and management of electrical utilities. As Director of Engineering Management at Retherford Associates, he is responsible for manpower scheduling, contract preparation, budget administration, and select areas of quality control. He applies his engineering and management background to the preparation of long range plans, two year work plans, financial forecasts, power cost studies and power feasibility studies for various clients, and training of junior staff members. As Associate Engineer for Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Department he directed a staff of seven in planning, engineering and scheduling of distribution and transmission design. He reviewed municipal subdivision platting activity, prepared subdivision agreements and handled service area questions before the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. He also participated in long-range system planning and in preparations for rate hearings before the APUC. As General Manager for the Raton Public Service Company, New Mexico, he held administrative, financial, purchasing and engineering responsibility for this electric utility with 12 MW coal fired generating capacity serving 3400 consumers with 30,000,000 kWh net annual generation. He instituted a con- struction work order system, improved the purchasing and accounting sys- tems, updated personnel policies, and negotiated purchase of REA facilities to eliminate overlapping service areas. He participated in rate and distribution system studies performed by consultants and then implemented the recommen- dations. As principal Test Engineer for ARF Products, Inc., Raton, New Mexico, he designed test fixtures, devised and wrote production test plans and super- vised testing procedures for production line testing of VHF two-way communi- cation systems and analytical laboratory instruments. Earlier work experience includes Flight Test Engineer for the Apollo Project 1 North American Aviation 1 White Sands 1 New Mexicoi and Engineer-in-charge- of various rocket and satellite tracking facilities at White Sands Missile Range, Elmendorf A. F. B., American Samoa and sites in Australia. Mr. Legg is a licensed private pilot 1 amateur radio operator, and holds an FCC 2nd class radio telephone license. BERTA M. MARSHALL -General Manager Berta Marshall, as General Manager is responsible for financial matters, accounting, contracts and general office administration. She maintains close liaison with clients to assure that the record-keeping and cost accounting performed for them contains the accurate allocation of costs so vital for their use with property records and regulatory matters. Berta Marshall has managed offices for Borden Foods Division of Borden, Inc., and Timpte, Division of Ohio Brass, both in Phoenix, Arizona. She has extensive experience in job cost accounting, accounts receivable billing and collections, accounts payable, payroll and personnel supervision. DORA GROPP -Director of Quality Control Registered Professional Engineer: Alaska No. 4029-E Ansbach, Germany No. Ill 12-2056 and P15 Siemens Technical lnstitute1 Germany 1 B.S.E.E.1 1965 Dora Gropp has experience in design, estimating and contract administration in both Germany and in the United States. Her experience with RWRA includes design and design review, specification writing and review 1 project scheduling for substations 1 generating plants 1 electric systems and transmission lines 1 and system planning studies. As Director of Quality Control, she has overall responsibility for the Quality Control Program. She assigns quality control procedures and assigns specific personnel to review each engineering task to insure that all engineering and technical output is of the highest quality and accuracy. In 1975-76 she was the electrical engineer and acting project engineer for a 4 MW diesel generating plant for Copper Valley Electric Association in Glen- nallen1 Alaska. This project included design and construction management for the installation of a power house addition with two diesel engine generators 1 switchgear, station service and auxiliary equipment. Parallel to this project she was the electrical design engineer for a 13 MW diesel generating plant for Kodiak Electric Association in Kodiak, Alaska. As Project Engineer for Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany 1 she had major res- ponsibilities in design 1 estimating and contract administration for electrical substations and switchgear up to 220 kV 1 including all equipment, structures 1 buildings, supervisory control and auxiliary power. While assigned to the division 11 medium voltage 3-30 kV 11 , she worked mostly with metalclad switchgear for generating plants and distribution. This in- cluded engineering and design of generator-switchgear and protection for domestic and foreign application. During this time she designed the switch- gear and protection for a heat/power plant for the Municipal Power Association in Munich, a waste incineration power plant for the Municipal Power Association in Frankfurt/Main, and for a power plant for the Municipal Power Association in Quito/Peru. While assigned to the division 11 Energy Distribution 11 1 her major responsibility was engineering and design of high voltage substations and switchgear, 220/110/10 kV for various domestic utilities and the Electrical Supply Board of Ireland. She also conducted studies and prepared plan's for a 220/110/10 kV electrical transmission and distribution system for a major municipal power company. Mrs. Gropp came to the United States in 1969 and resumed her engineering career in 1973 as Senior Planning and Scheduling Engineer in Anchorage for Brown & Root, Inc. Her responsibilities included determination, establishment and monitoring of field progress, scheduling policy, and reporting, used in the construction of a 40 MW electrical power generation and transmission system at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. During 1976/77 Mrs. Gropp determined requirements and conducted a geophysical survey of the Alaskan Arctic Plain for Alaskan Arctic Gas. As a consulting engineer, she also prepared feasability studies for snow-and ice-aggregate road construction for AAG, power cost studies for commercial clients and electrical design for commercial buildings. Mrs. Gropp is fluent in German and has a working knowledge of the French language. CARL H. STEEBY -Civil Engineer Registered Professional Engineer: Alaska No. 456E Arkansas No. 1936 Missouri No. E-11468 University of Kansas, B.S.C.E. 1952 Affiliations: American Society of Civil Engineers National Society of Professional Engineers Alaska Society of Professional Engineers Water Pollution Control Federation U.S. Committee on Large Dams Carl Steeby specializes in civil engineering design related to hydroelectric power; transmission and distribution line design; and sewage systems and sewage treatment plants. His current hydroelectric assignments include: * Project Engineer for the design and construction of the Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Plant near Valdez, Alaska for the Copper Valley Electric Association 1 Inc. The salient features of the project are: * * 115 foot high asphaltic faced rockfill dam. 450 foot wide agee type concrete spillway. Two 48-inch diameter by 3800 feet long power penstocks. Powerhouse containing two 6 MW vertical Francis type turbine- generator units. Project Engineer on preparation of Definite Project Report and a FERC License Application on the Tyee Lake site near Wrangell, Alaska for the Thomas Bay Power Commission. Participating as a principal engineer in a Bristol Bay, Alaska power sur- vey; responsible for the hydroelectric potential appraisal of the region for the Alaska Power Administration. Recent Hydroelectric Assignments: * * Enlarging the spillway and repairing the penstock and rockfilled dam at Crystal Lake in Southeast Alaska for the City of Petersburg. To meet special environmental requirements these repairs made innovative use of aluminum plate facing as an impervious membrane to replace the existing concrete face. Preparing a definite project report and REA loan application for construc- tion of a sixty-foot rockfill dam at Metlakatla. * * * * * Making a preliminary appraisal of hydroelectric sources for ten villages in Southeast Alaska. Participating as a principal engineer in a major update and reevaluation of the hydroelectric potential at Terror Lake on Kodiak I stand. Preliminary appraisal of the hydroelectric potential of Tyee Lake for the Thomas Bay Power Commission of Petersburg-Wrangell, Alaska. Rehabilitation study of the Salmon Creek Hydroelectric Project near Juneau for Alaska Electric Light and Power Company. Preparation of a "Definite Project Report and Application for License 11 to the Federal Power Commission to construct the Solomon Gulch hydroelec- tric project near Valdez. This report includes a power cost study, meteorological and hydrological study, field surveys, geology and founda- tion investigation, preliminary design of the dam, penstock, powerhouse, pressure reducing turbine in the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline transmission system and an environmental impact analysis. This project is currently under construction. Other Hydroelectric Experience Other hydroelectric experience in Alaska includes highway relocation 1 five- mile tunnel, intake structure, penstock, and surge tank construction super- vision for the Eklutna, Alaska hydroelectric project as an engineer for the Bureau of Reclamation; project engineer for the contractor on the construction and installation of equipment for the Eklutna powerhouse; hydroelectric power survey of Kodiak I stand; preliminary evaluation of the Terror Lake hydro- electric potential on Kodiak Island; preliminary estimates of hydroelectric potential of Lake Elva near Dillingham, Eagle River near Anchorage, Nenana River near Healy and the Kisarali k River near Bethel; a hydroelectric poten- tial survey of Annette Island and construction supervision of the Cooper Lake hydroelectric project as resident engineer for Retherford Associates. Other Experience During his employment with Retherford Associates from 1955 to 1963 as a staff engineer, Mr. Steeby designed and supervised construction of distribution lines, transmission lines, substations, and diesel power plants for several REA cooperatives in Alaska. He was also the project engineer on the master plans for two U.S. Air Force Bases in Alaska. As facilities engineer for the University of Arkansas he was in charge of campus streets 1 storm drainage 1 potable water, sewerage and electrical facil- ities. During this one year of employment he was responsible for the conver- sion of 2400 volt overhead electrical system to 13000 volt underground and the installation of a major storm drainage sewer network. He became Superintendent of Sewage Treatment for Kansas City, Missouri, as the city was inaugurating a new treatment program and the construction of three treatment plants. He formed a school for sewage treatment plant opera- tors which provided trained personnel for each plant as it was completed. In this position he supervised the operation of the treatment plants, reviewed plans and specifications, prepared budgets, and was in charge of the flood control works (pumping stations, etc.) along the Missouri and Blue Rivers within the City of Kansas City, Mo. When he left, Kansas City sewage treat- ment costs were among the lowest in the nation. On his return to Retherford Associates in 1973, Carl Steeby was assigned to create a civil engineering division with special emphasis on hydroelectric projects. He also has extensive experience in surveying, welding, foundations, geol- ogy, scuba diving, and personnel administration. ALLEN W. SHOWALTER -Electrical Engineer Registered Professional Engineer: Alaska No. 3614E Washington No. 11702 Washington State University, B.S.E.E. 1960 Affiliations: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers NSPE ASPE Allen Showalter's work with electrical utilities in both the United States and foreign countries provides him with an extensive background in all phases of the utility industry. His experience includes design, installation and maintenance of thermal, hydro, and diesel generators; contract administration; project supervision; technical and management advisor to small and large utilities; transmission, distribution and substation design, and rehabilitation of distribution systems. Among Mr. Showalter•s projects for R. W. Retherford Associates are: Design of a major 138 kV switching station including 138 kV, future provisions for 230 kV, 45 MVA substation, and 138/230 kV transmission lines. This assignment also included upgrade of design of an aluminum tower for increasing the voltage from 138 kV to 230 kV. Assisted in design and supervised the construction, testing and commis- sioning of a 965 kW unit and 2620 kW unit addition to diesel-electric generating facilities in Valdez for Copper Valley Electric Association. Upon completion of construction he supervised testing and commissioning of two 2620 kW units in Copper Valley Electric Association•s Glennallen plant expansion. Assisted in design, and supervised testing and commissioning of a three- unit 13,000 kW addition to the Kodiak Electric Association diesel power plant. Design, construction, superv1s1on, and start-up of two 900 kW peaking turbines for Kotzebue Electric Association. Presently completing the electrical design portion of a 12 MW hydro- electric plant for Copper Valley Electric Association at Valdez, Alaska. Other experience includes: Technical advisor to the Alaska Public Utilities Commission as Utilities Engineer. Electrical Engineer for the construction contractor of the Thane Sub- station, Juneau. This is the receiving station for the Snettisham Hydro- electric Project. Contract Managing Engineer in Vietnam for a USA I D pilot rural electrifi- cation project, pole treatment plant, a national power survey and a construction contract for a two-unit 120 MW thermal power plant. Also advisor to the Vietnam Power Company. Service Engineer for Westinghouse in the Large Rotating Apparatus Group where he was involved with installation and service, including generator rewind, for Westinghouse clients. MICHAEL D. HALL -Civil Engineer Registered Professional Engineer: Alaska No. 3006-E Registered Professional Land Surveyor: Alaska No. 3336-S University of Alaska, B.S.C.E. 1967 18 Credits of post-graduate engineering study Affiliations: American Society of Civil Engineers Michael Hall has eleven years of comprehensive civil engineering design and construction experience throughout Alaska. His work with the State Depart- ment of Highways, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Manage- ment, and the Engineering Division, National Weather Service has developed broad experience with the most remote areas and extreme climate conditions of the state. With R. W. Retherford he is involved in civil engineering design and construc- tion supervision for various projects, including electrical transmission lines, roads, and hydroelectric facilities. He recently completed duties as project engineer on a 60 mile long 138 kV transmission line in interior Alaska. He is presently involved in all civil engineering phases of the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project. As Chief of the Facilities Design Section, Alaska Region, National Weather Service, Mr. Hall was responsible for engineering design related to installa- tion, construction, and rehabilitation of weather service facilities throughout Alaska. As civil engineer with the Alaska State Office, Bureau of Land Management, his principal duties were design, planning, and contract administration. With the Alaska District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, he worked as a civil engineer for both the design and construction branches on civil and military projects. His work with the Alaska Department of Highways included construction surveying and road and highway design. FRANK J. BETTINE -Electrical Engineer E.l. T. Oklahoma, 1970 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, B.S.E.E., 1970 University of Oklahoma, Norman, M.S. E. E., 1978 Mr. Bettine performs engineering calculations, assists project engineers in various capacities. tion, and the subject of his Master's Thesis, is Emphasis on Grounding in Arctic Conditions. ground system analyses, and One of his areas of specializa- Power System Grounding, with Additional engineering related job experience includes employment as an electrician while attending Oklahoma State University, and a Graduate Assis- tant Teaching Position while attending the University of Oklahoma. During a 6-year tour of duty with the U.S.A.F., Mr. Bettine served as a Weapons-System Officer in the Phantom F-4E aircraft, and logged over 1500 hours which includes 185 combat missions in South East Asia. RICHARD W. BURG, JR. -Civil Engineer E.I.T. Washington/ 1977 University of Washington 1 B.S.C.E.1 1977 Richard Burg assists with structural and foundation design; dam 1 road 1 and penstock design; environmental impact statements; and construction inspec- tion. As a Staff Engineer for R and M Consultants 1 Inc. 1 he assisted in geotech- nical engineering/ surveying 1 environmental/sanitation engineering 1 structural engineering and engineering property determination. Additional Alaska experience includes the following summer employment during his college studies: With Tippetts-Abbott-McCarthy and Stratton he worked on expansion of the Port of Anchorage. With Arctic Environmental Engineers he assisted in the design and construction supervision of water treatment facilities throughout Alaska. With R and M Consultants 1 Inc. he assisted in measuring and outlining drainage basins along the Alcan Highway and in general highway work. Education - Affiliations - DAV! D W. ROZOF -Engineering Technician Three years Electrical Engineering, Michigan State University Senior Level Engineering Courses, Colorado State University Past Vice Chairman Rocky Mountain Electric League Underground Committee Mr. Rozof has 12 years experience with various municipal and public electric utilities. This includes 1\ years as Electrical Engineer for the City of Westerville, Ohio, 4 years as Assistant Electrical Superintendent for the City of Loveland, Colorado, and 4~ years as Electrical Engineer and Division Land Agent for Montana -Dakota Utilities Company. His experience has included underground and overhead distribution design, roadway lighting and signalization design, specification writing, bid evalua- tion, and plan review. He has been responsible for engineering planning, load forecasting and filing required state and federal reports. Mr. Rozof performs distribution 1 metering 1 and relaying designs i voltage drop calculations and component selection for various clients; and provides various support roles for registered engineers. DALE STEEBY University of Alaska, B.S., Mathematics, 1974 Alaska Secondary Teaching Certificate Numerous Datapoint Schools Computer Services Dale Steeby has overall responsibility for Computer Services. This includes in-house computer support to the accounting and engineering departments, as well as sale and lease of hardware and software to other clients within Alaska. He assists in the preparation of engineering studies and performs as resident inspector of transmission line, distribution line and substation construction. He has six years experience in steel fabrication and welding as a welder and supervisor for Cardwell Manufacturing Company, Kansas, and welder for Automatic Welding Company of Anchorage. Education - Affiliations - ALBERT L. SWANK -Senior Designer E .I. T. and Civil P. E. Examination Application Approval 3/79 Colleges Credit (2 years) - California State Polytechnic College University of Alaska Colleges Non-Credit (R&D) San Jose City College University of Chicago Stanford University of California Berkeley University of California Santa Barbara American Concrete Institute Albert Swank has seven years of comprehensive research and development experience in the pure sciences combined with the preparation of publications and issuance of publication rights. He has 3 years of general drafting experience and 7 years of comprehensive civil and mechanical design experience throughout Alaska. He has been responsible for the design of specialized soil testing apparatus and established the design criteria for the private development of roads and drainage projects in the Anchorage bowl. As design engineer for consultants and agencies, has conducted the general design of roads, storm drains, water utilities, sewer utilities, airports, sewage treatment plants, H & V systems, buildings, waste heat recovery, water treatment plants and general instrumentation and control systems. Mr. Swank has had extensive management experience from construction through engineering office management combined with proposal presentation and project cost estimation. With R. W. Retherford Associates he is involved in civil engineering design and mechanical design of hydroelectric facilities and diesel generation facilities. CRAIG J. THOMPSON -Electrical Engineer E. I. T. Alaska, 1977 University of Alaska, B.S.E.E., 1976 Craig Thompson served as a field engineer for a comprehensive cost of ser- vice study of forty-seven Alaskan villagesi designs overhead and under- ground electrical distribution systemsi and performs engineering calculations for various engineering projects. His Alaskan experience, while in college, included summer work as a field construction supervisor for Alaska Village Electric Cooperative. While work- ing for AVEC, in numerous Alaskan villages, he supervised tank farm instal- lations, generator installations, and distribution line construction. STEPHEN C. DREW -Consulting Associate . Electrical Engineer Registered Professional Engineer: Alaska No. 3924-E University of Alaska, B.S.E.E. 1968 Cold weather construction and operations in remote places have been a way of life for Stephen Drew, a twenty-five year Alaskan resident. R. W. Rether- ford Associates calls upon this extensive experience for field engineering and construction management services. His work with the firm includes participating in developing and installing fuel storage spill prevention systems, locating faulted underground cables, and designing a heating system to thaw permafrost under controlled conditions at a proposed pipeline pumping station. He has also conducted voltage drop studies, short circuit studies and systems mapping, and prepared REA loan applications, and an on-site survey of the existing and future power needs of 47 small villages in Alaska serviced by AVEC. Some of his recent work has been with medium-sized diesel generation plants. As Resident Engineer for a major expansion of the Kotzebue plant and instal- lation of a 1000 kW unit at Dillingham, he worked with plant personnel and local hires supervising all phases of material procurement, construction, troubleshooting and final acceptance. The overall efficiency of both plants was increased by applying all available methods for waste heat recovery. Stephen Drew has seen construction from both sides of the fence. As a construction electrician with a commercial wiring contractor in Fairbanks, he has over 2000 hours working in the trade. His three-year Navy tour found him a junior officer in charge of several construction projects done by the Sea Bees. During the summer Antarctic construction year of 1971 he was in charge of the electricians and utilities group for all new construction at McMurdo Station. Following the Antarctic assignment, he spent ten months in· construction and public works as a shops engineer for Naval Forces, Viet Nam. He worked closely with scattered Navy groups, providing men and materials for new construction and base camp maintenance. Stephen Drew is an accomplished pilot and aircraft owner. He holds a com- mercial pilot's certificate with an instrument rating, a certified flight instruc- tor's rating for instrument flight and a single engine seaplane rating. He has more than 700 hours of flying experience; all but fifty hours have been dealing with Alaska weather, navigation, fuel logistics and bush air strips. EDWIN N. FISHER -Consulting Associate 1 Mechanical Engineer Registered Professional Engineer: Alaska No. 1432E University of Nebraska, B.S.M.E. 1959 M.S. (Heat Transfer 1 Metallurgy) 1964 University of Alaska, M.S. (Engineering Management) 1969 Affiliations: American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society of Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Pi Tau Sigma Sigma Tau Sigma Xi Edwin Fisher provides special project and consulting services in mechanical engineering and management to R. W. Retherford Associates. His responsibilities with Retherford Associates in the past five years include: Mechanical design, including waste heat recovery and ambient air cooled foundation systems for $650 1 000 power plant addition 1 Kotzebue Electric Asso- ciation. Mechanical design for $5,200,000 power plant addition, Copper Valley Electric Association. Mechanical design, including fuel storage and transfer line, for $450,000 power plant addition, Nushagak Electric Cooperative. Project Coordinator for University of Alaska -Anchorage Engineering Data Book, which provides data about the greater Anchorage area needed in long- range planning and design for the Anchorage campus. On-Site Power Generation Study for the University of Alaska -Anchorage campus. This study is the basis for construction of $1,500,000 self-contained heating-cooling-electricity system interconnected with the local electric utility. Study to determine feasibility of a LPG pipeline from the North Slope to interior Alaska. Design of oil spill containment systems constructed at Port Lyons and Kodiak, Alaska. Feasibility study of a pressure reducing turbine to recover energy from the Trans-Alaska pipeline crude oil flow from Thompson Pass to Valdez. Establishment of a Department of Gas Pipeline Safety for administering the Federal Gas Pipeline Safety Standards for the Alaska Public Utilities Com- mission. As a consultant to Alyeska Pipeline Service Company he was the principal investigator for a "Heat Balance Investigation Report, Alyeska Fairbanks Hot Pipe Test Section,11 and served as consultant for snow and ice work pad design 1 fuel gas pipeline design, and the 11 Final Report of Cold Pipeline Performance in Permafrost at Barrow, Alaska. 11 As principal investigator for the Alaska Public Utilities Commission he in- spected and made recommendations for upgrading the Barrow gas distribution system. Edwin Fisher•s extensive experience in natural gas distribution and trans- mission includes design 1 construction, operation 1 policy development, rate analysis and marketing. As Vice-President of Development and Assistant to the President and Secre- tary of Alaska Pipeline Company 1 parent company of Anchorage Natural Gas Corporation, his responsibilities included conducting studies in such areas as renewable and nonrenewable resources, Alaska-wide markets, transportation and other service industries to help determine long-range planning for pos- sible ventures in Alaska. As Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alaska, he conducted courses in civil and mechanical engineering, participated in the design construction and operation of a low temperature laboratory, and in the design and administration of research projects. Edwin Fisher•s early experience includes the design, service and installation of heating 1 ventilating and air-conditioning control systems throughout Alaska for Honeywell Company. Patents: United States Patent No. 3,868,694, 11 Deployable System for Containing Oil Spills 11 • United States Patent Pending 1 11 1mproved Heat Accumulating and Exchange Device 11 • Canadian Patent 11 Notice of Allowance,H 11 Deployable System for Containing Oil Spills". Canadian Patent 11 Notice of Allowance, 11 11 Heat Accumulating and Exchange Device for Apparatus Cooled by Liquid Coolant 11 • Professional Articles: 11 Engine Preheating With Saved Heat: Something for Nothing?11 , The Northern Engineer, Vol. 5, No. 3, Fall, 1973. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. CONRAD R. HILPERT -Consulting Associate Mechanical Engineer Registered Professional Alaska Illinois Oklahoma Pennsylvania Engineer No. ME4565 No. 18072 No. 21139E No. 8714 Pennsylvania State College, B . S.M. E . 1942 M . S. M . E . 1948 M. E. 1953 Oklahoma State University, Ph. 0. 1972 Affiliations: National Society of Professional Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Institute of Industrial Engineers Sigma Xi Society for Experimental Stress Analysis Society of Automotive Engineers Conrad Hilpert•s 35 years of professional experience provides a rich back- ground in developing innovative designs for mechanical systems, and testing and implementing these designs for everyday performance. He has extensive experience in engineering machine and mobile equipment systems, and mechanical, hydrokinetic, hydrostatic, power transmission and control systems for transport, basic and manufacturing industries. Some of his work included basic research on arctic mobility of vehicles over arctic terrain, cold weather starting, cold weather maintenance. Also he did re- search on permafrost cutting, ripping, excavating, snow and ice mechanics and construction. Much of U.S. heavy equipment uses Hilpert1s patents and designs. His work with R. W. Retherford includes: The solution of oil consumption and contamination problems in multi- megawatt diesel generators; Cooling problems, failure analysis and control systems; Energy conversion and conservation, heat recovery, and power gener- ation efficiency improvement; Failure analysis, prevention and design improvement in large machinery, structures and prime movers. His industrial engineering background includes extensive organization manage- ment and implementation of incentive, compensation and reward policies. Dr. Hilpert has served as principal of his own consulting engineering firm; Chief Engineer for Research and Development, Twin Disc, Inc., Rockford, Illinois; Engineer in Charge of Hodgkins Proving Grounds for International Harvester Company; and Project Engineer, Engineer Research and Develop- ment Laboratories, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. For two years he was Visiting Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie- Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He currently is and has been for many years a faculty member at the annual Creative Problem Solving Institute of the New York State University at Buffalo. Patents: Granted more than 30 U.S. patents, primarily on control systems and vehicle and machinery drive. The latest (1977) is a variable capacity hydrokinetic torque converter of high efficiency and great simplicity (assigned to a large excavator builder). Special Awards: Recipient of Archibald T. Colwell Merit Award of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Registered Land Surveyor: Alaska 451S Oregon 571 Idaho 867 JACK LUNDEN -Consulting Associate, Land Surveyor, Field Engineer Jack Lunden provides Retherford Associates. Alaska in 1954. survey and field engineering services to R. W. He has been associated with the Firm since coming to His responsibilities with the Firm have taken him by helicopter, track vehicle, snowshoes and rubber boat to near inaccessible areas of Alaska. He has conducted preliminary survey work for hydroelectric projects; served as resident engineer for survey, staking and construction of distribution and transmission lines in the Interior, Southeast and Southcentral Alaska, and developed numerous inventory and pole numbering systems for up to 800 miles of line. Jack Lunden is a licensed helicopter pilot and frequently utilizes this skill to save time and more efficiently cover his projects. Before coming to Alaska, he served as party chief or resident engineer on distribution and transmission line projects involving more than 2200 miles of line in the Northwest United States. ROBERT M. RETHERFORD -Consulting Associate Geologist University of Colorado, B.A. (Geology) 1970 M.S. (Geology) 1972 Affiliations: Alaska Geological Society, Trans-Alaska Section Committee Robert M. Retherford provides comprehensive 11 in-house 11 geological services and coordinates the work of geological consulting firms. His activities have included coordinating the work of renowned consulting geologist Fred Jones for the initial geologic investigation of the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric site near Valdez. He also established the fly-in camp, super- vised diamond core drilling operations and seismic and soil studies and assisted Fred Jones in writing the final geologic report. As a geologist with R & M Consultants Robert Retherford participated in studies for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline including basic geology and soils, thermal erosion (permafrost), hydrology erosion, and soil classification sta- bility. He supervised and logged drilling operations on preliminary soil investigations on the North Slope and was responsible for foundation investi- gations in remote areas of the state including a small earth-fill dam site near Dillingham. He has experience in the use and limitations of soil sampling using truck, track, heliportable and man powered drills with split spoons, Shelby Tubes and refrigerated diamond coring. Experience in sanitation problems includes methods of coping with on-site sewage systems in shaHow or impermeable soil. He has conducted soil investi- gations and recommended a sanitary system for a forty-acre subdivision in the Anchorge hillside area. Robert Retherford's experience with C. C. Hawley and Associates, Economic Geologists, includes acting as camp manager, chief claim staker and field geologist for reconnaisance explorations for base metals in the Southern Brooks Range; co-managing the geophysics program for the same exploration using Radem, shootback, scintillometers, magnetometers and self-potential units; and mapping coal resources in the Beluga area. His electrical field engineering experience includes all positions on crews surveying transmission lines, hydroelectric projects, submarine cables and substations, clearing right-of-ways, and inspecting towers. The projects reported below indicate the breadth and scope of the firm's work in Alaska. The list is not inclusive. The firm is built on a program which emphasizes special attention to engineering problems that are typically Alaskan. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION LINES AND SUBSTATIONS Chugach Electric Association Twenty-six miles 138 kV trans- mission line, one 138 kV switching station, one 45 MVA 138 kV to 38.5 kV sub-station (1974-1976). Design of miscellaneous sub- stations, system wide (1970). 52 mile 138 kV transmission line. Required designing new type guyed aluminum trans- mission tower for use over muskeg and permafrost terrain (1968). 115 kV and 34.5 kV transmis- sion lines and 16 ~WA substa- tion addition(l965). 80 mile 115 kV transmission line, Kenai to Anchorage, and two 15,000 kVA substations (1962). Forty mile 14.4/24.9 kV dis- tribution system, Rabbit Creek to Portage (1958). 34.5-7.2/12 kV 3750 kVA sub- station, Sand Lake (1958). 300 kVA substation addition (1954) Design X X X X X X X Canst. Supv. X X X X X X Project Cost $ 3,750,000 $ 140,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 810,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 400,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 Matanuska Electric Association Twenty-four mile 115 kV trans- mission line from Teeland to Willow (1978). Replacement of existing 17 mile 34 kV transmission line with a 115 kV transmission line from Herning to Teeland (1976-77). Relocation of existing electri- cal facilities along Eagle River Road to accommodate highway widening (1976). Relocation of existing electri- cal facilities, Peters Creek to Eklutna, to accommodate highway widening (1976). Twenty-four mile 14.4 kV trans- mission line, eight mile 34.5 kV line, .25 mile 115 kV line, and four substations rated at 10,000 kVA, 3750 kVA, 1550 kVA and 500 kVA (1975). 10 ~NA low profile 115-7.2/12.5 kV substation using shielded high voltage cable, submersible circuit reclosers and switching equipment, all housed in small fiberglass enclosures to provide minimum visual impact and ground level operation conditions (1974). 10 MVA Pippel substation, modifi- cations to other substations, transmission and distribution lines (1970). Golden Valley Electric Association Sixty mile 138 kV transmission line, Johnson Road to Delta Junction (1976-1978). Twelve mile 138 kV transmission line, North Pole to Fairbanks (1976). X X X X X X X X X Cohst. Supv. X X X X X X X X X Project Cost $ 2,000,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 250,000 $ 450,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 200,000 $ 340,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 1,200,000 Relaying protection design for 138 kV and 69 kV transmission system (1972). Fifteen mile 69 kV transmission line, Fairbanks to Eielsen (1972). Plant substation (1954). Kodiak Electric Association Underground cable laid jointly with city water supply line to Monashka Bay (1972). Four mile 69 kV transmission line, 5 MVA substation and 10 ~NA substation (1966). Homer Electric Association Addition of 30 MVA 69 kV/115 kV transformer, and increase to 115 kV switching and intertie equipment, Soldotna substation (1977-78). Two 115 kV transmission circuits, 4.5 miles each to Soldotna sub- station (1978). 7.5 MVA dual voltage substation (1970). 25 kV distribution Circuits (1969). 5 MVA substation, 6000 amp., 480 volts bus (1969). Sixty mile 69 kV transmission line and 5 MVA substation (1968). Sixty-five mile 69 kV transmis- sion line, Kenai to Kasilof (1960). One hundred twenty mile 14.4/25 kV distribution system, Homer to Clam Gulch, Soldotna and Sterling (1956-1958). Design X X X X X X X X X X X Const. Supv. X X X X X X X X X X X· Project Cost (report) $ 300,000 $ 70,000 $ 150,000 $ 275,000 $ 600,000 $ 800,000 $ 290,000 $ 110,000 $ 87,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 705,000 Nushagak Electric Association Twenty-five mile 7.2 kV distri- bution line, Dillingham to Aleknagik (1961). Naknek Electric Association Twenty-five mile 7.2/12.5 kV distribution system (1960). Copper Valley Electric Association Forty mile 14.4/25 kV distribu- tion system (1959). Kotzebue Electric Association Three mile 2.4/4.16 kV distri- bution system (1956). Design X X X X Con st. Supv. X X X X SUBMARINE CABLE SYSTEMS Homer Electric Association $ $ $ $ Project Cost 241,000 236,000 300,000 100,000 Design, supervise construction of 22,000 foot 25 kV sub-marine cable across Kachemak Bay in water to depths of 365 feet (1974-1975). Value of project: $450,000 Kodiak Electric Association Locate, supervise repair of damaged submarine cable -Kodiak to Woody Island (1972). Design and supervise installation of 6700 foot, 15 kV submarine cable in water depths to 125 feet from Kodiak to Woody Island (1970). Chugach Electric Association Locate faults in major oil filled high voltage cable in Cook Inlet (1972) (1973) (1975). Design and supervise 22,000 foot submarine cable route across Knik Arm. In- cluded marine survey, selection of high voltage submarine cable, supervision of cable laying, embedment, termination and testing. Circuits consisted of four single conductor, 138 kV solid dielectric, copper wired armored cables jet ploughed to 12 foot depths below the bottom of the 90 foot deep inlet (1968). Dl ESEL ELECTRIC GENERATION Copper Valley Electric Association Major addition to Glennallen Power Plant. Includes 6000 square feet addition to diesel generator building, traveling bridge crane, two 2624 kW diesel generating units, 40,000 gallon fuel storage addition, 7,500 kVA step-up substation, 16 miles of 24.9 kV line, 55 miles of single to three phase line conversion, and six sub- stations to serve Alyeska Pipe- line loads (1974-1977). One 965 kW and one 2620 kW diesel generating units, 1800 sq. ft. building additions and 40,000 gal. fuel storage at Valdez (1974-1975). 1928 kW diesel generator, 3000 kVA substation and 3000 sq. ft. building added to existing Valdez plant (1973). Two-unit 640 kW diesel genera- tion plant at Glennallen (1959). Kodiak Electric Association Turn key responsibility for 20,000 kW diesel generation plant expansion. Includes power cost study, site selec- tion, environmental reports and appearances at public hearings, major equipment specifications, purchase of pre-cast concrete building and supervision of instruction program (1974 - 1977). 2050 kW and 2665 kW package type diesel units with control and switchgear added to the system (1969). Design X X X X X X ConsL Supv. X X X X X Project Cost $ 5,200,000 $ 1,090,000 $ 650,000 $ 250,000 $ 6,700,000 $ 7,000,000 Two 2050 kW package type diesel units added to the system (1966). Two unit 1600 kW diesel genera- tors added to power plant (1958). North Slope Borough Design and supervise construc- tion of 2500 kW gas turbine generator in a four month period to relieve serious power short- age. Turbine will tie into plans for new facilities to maximize use of waste heat to heat nearby public facilities. Modular hous- ing unit for generator pre-fab- ricated in Anchorage and air- lifted to Barrow. Eighteen square foot piling supported deck constructed to house gen- erator in housing unit (1976). Design and supervise construc- tion of a new generation and distribution system for Anaktuvik Pass. New facilities are to maximize utilization of existing equipment and will be accomplished using local man- power of the community (1976 -77). Kotzebue Electric Association Addition of power plant build- ing, 1000 kW diesel unit with switchgear and exhaust heat recovery equipment, and heat transfer exchangers to add heat to the community central water system. Special foundation treatment stabilized permafrost condition by providing a heat sink utilizing minimum energy expenditure in a high fuel cost area. Construction management techniques utilized local man- power, skills and equipment (1974-1975). X X X X X Con st. Supv. X X X X X $ $ Project Cost 690,000 500,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 100,000 $ 650,000 1000 kW diesel unit added to existing plant (1960). Two unit generation plant and three mile 2.4/4.16 kV distri- bution system (1956). Nushagak Electric Cooperative Addition of 1000 kW generator, expansion of existing generat- ing plant, rebuilding of main distribution substation, con- version of the city's distribu- tion system to a higher, more efficient voltage, construction of a headquarters building with parts storage and vehicle repair facilities. A waste heat system will heat the new headquarters building (1976 -77). Addition of 750 kW diesel unit with switchgear. Included re- moval of old fuel storage tanks, installation of 1/4 mile oil pipeline and new fuel storage with modern spill prevention equipment. Upgraded old power plant with cooling system mani- fold and building heating system using excess heat from engines. Construction management techni- ques fully utilized local man- power, skills and equipment (1973). 850 kW diesel generation expan- sion (1961). Homer Electric Association 600 kW diesel electric genera- tion plant expansion (1970). Two unit 1200 kW diesel genera- tion plant expansion (1958). 9olden Valley Electric Association Two 2750 kW diesel package type units with switchgear substation Design X X X X X X X X Const. X X X X X X X X $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Project Cost 375,000 300,000 950,000 450,000 280,000 650,000 400,000 600,000 Const. Project Design SUJ2V. Cost and control installed at the University of Alaska power plant site (1969). Naknek Electric Association Addition of three 440 kW and X X $ 1,430,000 one 1000 kW diesel units to existing plant, 2000 kVA trans- former to existing substation, and a 500,000 gallon fuel stor- age tank (1977). 500 kW diesel generation expan-X X $ 120,000 sion (1965) . Three unit 1050 kW diesel gen-X X $ 426,000 erator plant (1960). Nome Light and Power Utilities 2100 kW diesel generation expan-X X $ 500,000 sion (1963). HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS Petersburg Municipal Power and Light Design and supervise repair of rock-filled dam and penstock on Crystal Lake and enlarge spillway to meet PFC safety requirement. Includes use of aluminum plate facing as an impervious membrane to avoid use of solvents that could contaminate potable water and endanger fish hatchery downstream (1977). Value of Project: $339,000. Metlakatla Indian Community Prepare Definite Project Report and loan application to REA for constructing and financing 60-foot high rock filled dam with single. unit 2500 kW installed capacity (1977-1979). Value of Project: $3,000,000 Alaska Power Authority Preliminary appraisal of hydroelectric sources for 10 villages in Southeast Alaska: Klukwan, Yakutat, Hoonah, Pelican, Angoon, Kake, Klawock, Kasaan, Craig and Hydaburg. Study includes data collection, evaluation of existing systems, power requirement forecast, hydro sources, and feasibility (1977). Value of Study: $40,000. Co_pper Valley Electric Association Prepare project report and application for license to the Federal Power Com- mission to construct 20,000 kW hydroelectric project and related facilities at Solomon Gulch, near Valdez. Includes hydrology and geology studies; prelim- inary design of dams, penstocks, powerhouse and transmission systems; and environmental report (1974-1976). Value of project: $20,000,000. Above project has resulted in related proposal to supplement the hydroelectric energy with energy derived from the Trans-Alaska Pipeline crude oil through a pressure reducing turbine in the crude oil line in the drop between Thompson Pass and the Valdez terminal. Kodiak Electric Association Terror Lake 30,000 kW Hydroelectric Project to supply Kodiak Island. Original report and application for license submitted to Federal Power Commission in 1966. Update and re-evaluation of original report to be completed in 1977-1978. Value of project: $36,000,000. General Electric Company Preliminary engineering and cost estimates for D.C. overhead transmission lines for Snettisham Hydroelectric Project, Juneau. (1969) Chugach Electric Association Design and supervise construction of 15,000 kW Cooper Lake Hydroelectric Project (as partner with North Pacific Consultants)(l962). Value of Project: $8,000,000. ON-SITE ENERGY SYSTEMS University of Alaska Design on-site generation system with waste heat recovery. Project includes two 11 Energy tlodules", each consisting of an 800 kW gas turbine generator, waste heat boiler, gas fired standby boiler, steam absorption chiller, hot and chilled water circulation system, switchgear and controls. Project resulted from an extensive study of the University's energy needs. (1975 -76). Value of project: $1,500,000. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSES Alaska Power Administration Review and estimate impact on Alaska Electric systems of the proposed alter- nate routes for the natural gas transport system from the North Slope of Alaska to the continental U.S. Report is part of environmental impact state- ment being prepared by the Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior, with the Alaska Power Administration. (1975-76). Chugach Electric Association Review impact of forty-two mile transmission line from Point MacKenzie to Reed Substation around Knik Arm (1974). Copper Valley Electric Associatio~ Review impact of Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project near Valdez and trans- mission line from Valdez to Glennallen (1974). ENGINEERING STUDIES (The studies below are listed as an example of scope and variety of services offered.) Two-Year Work Plan. (Numerous clients) Long-Range Plan and Economic Forecast. (Numerous clients) Financial Forecast and Loan Applications. (Numerous clients) Power Cost Study. (Numerous clients) Power Supply Study. (Numerous clients) Rate Study. (Numerous clients) Sectionalizing Study. (Numerous clients) Feasibility Study for a Submarine Cable. (Numerous clients) Feasibility Study for an On-Site Energy System. (Numerous clients) Comprehensive Cost of Service Study For Forty-seven Villages in Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative. (Alaska Public Utilities Commission, 1977) Feasibility of Interconnecting Ten Small Villages Within a Forty Mile Radius of Bethel. (Alaska Power Administration, 1975) Feasibility of North Slope Transmission System. (British Petroleum, 1975) Standby Diesel Power Alternatives. 1975) (Glacier Highway Electric Association, Automation Feasibility Study, Generation Plant. (Kotzebue Electric Associa- tion, 1971) Waste Heat Capture Study (State of Alaska, Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Energy and Power Development, 1978) MANUALS Alaska Public Utilities Commission Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Inspection Manual University of Alaska-Anchora~ Prepare and coordinate data collection and cataloging for an Engineering Data Book. Sixth Revision -February, 1979 .NAL~ j ['( W Jl SERVING ALASKA FOR ~VER TWENTY YEARS lJ f:l \J ROBERT W. RETH ERFORO ASSOCIATES / . . t.A .. OW \ ffL L' I"" / .,. . ' I. l ' . ....-tl'l)iLQWRLs•rc '~-·-? OJ \__;., L.J ,....._ / 6 ·'POINT-;OPE \ J-,_~r.;;;.~A~TOVLK l'z...r" If . " '\·....-...{>, ~ .. ~ . " :, ~ ~ ~ /: r:NAKTUVUK PASS .~, \ ~-~., _,,. l .. · ·._ .. '\.... ..... (t -\..." ··-. '\'- ELECTRICAL-CIVIL-MECHANICAL • . -.,:-KOTZEBUE 10· · .. · .. . ~~ \, ~· ~ :t" , ../. I' 0-~ . . .. ' '-,, v' 1 .. -, I I i l CONSULTING ENGINEERS \' . ~......,_J ,r;OME Pi r . ~ ·r ·· '~~)(OYOKUK;~' .• ~c.u~ . "'· . I GALENA j .I n ~).. -·. 1..~, i c> ! • """'-, ~l \ I ~{ l.r· •.:~AIRBANKS \ ? ·~--·-I 11 I PLANNING-DESIGN -CONSTR. MGT~ l ~ ,---... -' .. lr. ' . . ....-..... . . ) • ; BE.TitEL r:~·S;OK;IM -· [../~ K_OLA.I I' ~i )0 ~~ \ ;~~:NNALLEN . )I Jl"""' q \_ \· , -( ~ ~ _.. VILLAGES ~ j-' PALMER ,..:., "J , .-"' ~)_ --~~NCH~~E .t VALDfz \ ... ... .• ~ ( \ ~'? ~ .. .. -• .·; .it1:"1'1.~ ,.,, / , { ./ ' '• .. ·• ..... ~ ... I . -.t' ··~~-. -":''.._. I '"' I 1 · • <"' _.I J c;N; >' · n:~~O<):~-· "j1.. . I"; ' .' (,... ' J ' ;, . .\. · "" -~ ' \ I '-LJW•••• • --~· .' r · · ~·~· . ,r..~.E,~ •· ~ '. J r ....-t_t .. ,.{ ) . \<. ···I"" _ 1, ,,. ·_ DILUNG~~~ -.:> _..} <1 , f )'fi' • V-..~~ \_ l '.JUNEAU . -·-rr J . ---·-• , ~ ,. .... ',.. . .. t ~-~. -. . I . ' . ·, . " -' .. ' . N'AKNEK...-r:ING SA~~N· . -. • -.~..-x;'f"{~ \, ' ~• &. . PELICAN l : ~-\' . ,t .. •' .. / ..... .4" ·.;; . . _,y ~l:' ANUOOtt; r:. ,.... ',; .~f.''! . . ·.. I ....... ,~PETERSBURG 9 '-'' •' 'KODIAK , t ~-, , .. , v ... ' ' "' ,r • • ··-. KAKE'•. • ; , "' , ·• •., L ,., • ., ~ KLAWOCK df' " 'M,· , \ 1 -:rt;ET~K AT ~ -l::J ~ ......... ~I KA I... r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IECO is ... . . . one of the leading engineering-design organizations in the United States. Established in 1945, International Engineering Company, Inc., also known as IECO, functions as an independent consulting engineering organization, providing a broad range of services to governmental and private-sector clients throughout the world . . . . a MORRISON-KNUDSEN COMPANY, a worldwide group of engineering, construction, and development companies. Among the scores of subsidiaries and affiliated companies are Morrison-Knudsen International Company, Inc.-worldwide contractors and engi- neers-and The H. K. Ferguson Company-engineers and builders for industry. The M-K companies work together, and also independently provide their own specialized services. They constitute a complete planning-engineering-construction-management team that has the resources, as well as the experience and capability to design and build almost any type of project, almost anywhere. ~ INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. ~ Worldwide Design and Consulting Engineers ~ THE H. K. FERGUSON COMPANY ~ Engineers/Builders f or Industry ~ MORRISON-KNUDSEN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY, INC. ~ Worldwide Contractors and Eng i neers and other Morrison-Knudsen Companies ECO has ... . . . been responsible for some 350 major engineering projects in 50 countries throughout the world. The project inventory comprises 57 dams; power plants producing over 40,000 MW of electrical energy; 18,400 km of transm ission lines; 10,000 km of irrigation systems serving 14.5 million hectares of farmland; 27,500 km of highways; 7,700 km of railroads and railroad el ectrification systems ; 45 major tunnels; material handling systems capable of moving over 100 million tons per year; marine terminals and port installations for large bulk carriers; and airports ranging from secondary and regional to major international facilities. Add to that a host of mines and mineral processing plants, townsites, urban development programs, and detailed environmental studies, and IECO can be summed up in a single phrase: world-wide professional engineering. 2 We are ... . . . some 500 highly trained professionals: • engineers in the basic disciplines of civil, structural, electrical, mechanical, and mining, • plus the more specialized fields of hydroelectric power development, high-voltage ac and de transmission, railroad electrification, marine structures, airport design, geo- technology, traffic engineering, and quality assurance, together with agronomists, geologists, hydrogeologists, economists, computer pro- grammers, and others. By combining our varied fields of training and experience, we provide consulting and design services for a broad range of projects . . . . located in our San Francisco headquarters; design offices in Boise, Denver, Phoenix, Houston, and New London; and a score of project and affiliated offices throughout the world. 3 IECO provides a broad range of SERVICES in any combination up to complete project management 4 Conceptual Development • Master Planning • Feasibility Studies • Cost and Benefit Analyses • Environmental Studies Financial Planning • Computerized Cash Flow Analyses • Risk and Sensitivity Analyses • Development of Financing Programs • Coordination with Financing Institutions • Preparation of Financing Prospectuses Field Investigations • Land Surveys • Topographic Mapping • Engineering Geology and Soils Investigations • Geophysics and Rock Mechanics These services are provided in any combination de- sired up to complete project management. By joining with other M-K companies, a full range of construc- tion services also can be provided, thus making it possible to offer a turnkey combination of services from conceptual development through all phases of engineering, procurement, and construction to proj- ect startup. Our desire is to provide each client with the best combination of services to meet the needs of his particular project. • Ground-water Studies • Slope Stability Analyses • Site and Route Selection Engineering • Preliminary Engineering • Detail Design • Specifications • Cost Estimates Project Implementation • Bid Invitation and Evaluation • Procurement • Quality Assurance • Construction Management • Operation and Maintenance Manuals • Personnel Training Programs • Testing and Startup IECO's engineering is reinforced by a complete range of support capabilities. Quality assurance ser- vices are provided on all projects to assure technical coordination · and code compliance, promote produc- tion efficiency, and prepare quality documentation. A broad range of advanced computer programs has been developed to support design engineering and project implementation. IECO's computer system serves both as a facility to utilize these programs and to prepare data, specifications, reports, and graphics. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 for PROJECTS in the fields of I I I I I I I I I I I I Water Resources • Dams, including earthfill, rockfill, concrete gravity, arch, and buttress • Irrigation headworks and distri bution systems. • Drainage systems • Pipelines and pumping plants • Agricultural development Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution • Hydroelectric power plants • Geothermal plants • Pumped-storage facilities • High-voltage and extra-high-voltage ac and de transmission lines • Substations and distribution systems • National and regional power systems Railroad Design and Electrification • Line selection and relocation • Power supply systems • Electrification • Signaling and communications • Terminals, yards, and maintenance facilities • Bridges, tunnels, and appurtenant structures Marine Facilities • Piers, docks, and breakwaters • Harbors and ports • Terminals • Bulk handling facilities Airports • Commercial and general aviation airports • Hangars, terminals, and air cargo facilities • Runways, taxiways, and lighting systems • Parking garages and access roads Highways • Highways, ranging from roads to freeways • Bridges, overpasses, and interchanges • Tunnels and appurtenant structures • Traffic engineering Mineral Resources • Mineral processing facilities • Util ities and auxiliary structures • Transportation facilities • Materials handling installations • Tailings disposal systems • Slurry handling systems Geotechnical Services • Soils and foundation engineering • Rock mechanics • Engineering geology • Engineering geophysics • Ground-water geology and hydrology • Dam safety analyses Municipal Projects • Housing and residential development • Urban planning • Streets and parking facilities • Utilities and water systems • Wastewater treatment facilities Specialized Services • Baseline environmental studies • Environmental analyses • Financial planning • Procurement of equipment and materials • Construction planning • Project management 5 Project Locations ABU DHABI Highways AFGHANISTAN Dams Power Plants Tunnels Transmission &. Distribution Systems Irrigation &. Drainage Systems Highways &. Bridges Industrial Facilities Townsite Developments Agricultural Development Flood Control Facilities ALGERIA Irrigation &. Drainage Systems Agricultural Development AUSTRALIA Port Developments Railroads BANGLADESH Dams Power Plants Navigation Locks Tunnels Irrigation & Drainage Systems Flood Control Projects Reclamation Projects Irrigation Pumping Developments Water and Power Master Plans Ground Water Developments Water Transfer Facilities Transmission & Distribution Systems Fish Culture BOLIVIA Irrigation & Drainage Systems Power Systems BRAZIL Dams Power Plants Irrigation &. Drainage Systems Port Facilities Tunnels Railroads Mining Operations Industrial Facilities Thermal Plants Transmission &. Distribution Systems Tailings Disposal Facilities Hi~hways Locomotive Repair Facilities CANADA Dams Power Plants Transmission Lines Tunnels Railroads CHILE Highways &. Bridges Tunnels Tailings Disposal Facilities Dams CHINA Harbors Highways Railroads Bridges 6 COSTA RICA Dams Power Plants ECUADOR Hydroelectric Development Transmission Systems Airports EGYPT Industrial EL SALVADOR Highways ENGLAND-FRANCE Underwater Tunnels ETHIOPIA Highways FRANCE Tailings Disposal Facilities GUATEMALA Dams Power Plants Port & Harbor Facilities Townsite Developments GUYANA Highways HAITI Irrigation &. Drainage Systems HONDURAS Irrigation & Drainage Systems Dams Power Plants INDIA Dams Power Plants Tunnels Navigation Locks INDON1!SIA Industrial Plants Marine Facilities Water Supply Systems Agricultural Developments IRAN Irrigation & Drainage Systems Basin Developments Highways & Bridges ITALY Dams • IVORY COAST Railroads LEBANON Airports MAURITIUS Rural Development Training MEXICO Power Plants Water Supply Systems Irrigation Pipelines NICARAGUA Hydropower Studies Sewage Facilities Malecons I I I I I • PANAMA Hydroelectric Developments Irrigation & Drainage Systems Ground-Water Developments Cadastral Surveys PARAGUAY Dams Power Plants PERU Dams Tunnels Irrigation & Drainage Systems Water Supply Systems Basin Developments Ground Water Developments Tailings Disposal Facilities PHILIPPINES Fisheries Power Systems PORTUGAL Highways & Viaducts SANTO DOMINGO Computer Studies SAUDI ARABIA SINGAPORE Airports SOUTH AFRICA Railroad Electrification SOUTH KOREA Dams Power Plants Transmission Lines Basin Surveys Irrigation & Drainage Systems Railroads SPAIN Tailings Disposal Facilities Flood Control Facilities SRI LANKA Dams & Power Plants Flood Control Facilities Reclamation Developments SUDAN Power Systems SWITZERLAND Dams TAIWAN Highways Water Supply Dams & Power Plants THAILAND Highways TUNISIA Dams Irrigation & Drainage Systems Water Supply & Treatment Facilities Ground Water Developments TURKEY Dams Power Plants Transmission Lines Tunnels Irrigation & Drainage Systems Basin Developments Ground Water Developments UNITED STATES Dams Power Plants Tunnels Pumping Plants Railroads Railroad Electrification Streets & Highways Airport Facilities Marine Facilities Water Resources Developments Water Supply Systems Sewage & Solid Waste Facilities Irrigation & Drainage Systems Underground Storage Tanks Transmission & Distribution Systems Tailings Disposal Facilities Geothermal Developments Diesel Locomotive Repair Facilities Metropolitan Transportation Facilities Parking Facilities Bridges Recreational Developments Land Development VENEZUELA Vehicular Tunnels Expressways ZAIRE Transmission & Distribution Systems Bridges Buildings Sanitary Facilities 7 Water Resources For three decades, IECO has been a leader in the planning and design of water resources projects tor power generation; irrigation, drainage, and flood control; water storage; and other uses. These projects have been the cornerstone tor agricultural, industrial, urban, and general economic development in many areas of the world. Application of the latest engineering concepts and designs for dams of all types-earthfill, rock- fill, concrete gravity, arch, and buttress-is a tradition with IECO. Many of these dams have been designed for multiple purposes, while others have one paramount purpose such as the generation of hydroelectric power. Multipurpose projects include the Yuba River Development in California which comprises three concrete dams, 16 km of tunnels, and two power plants to provide hydro- electric power, flood control , and water for irrigation and recreation. The principal feature is the 197-meter-high New Bullards Bar Dam, one of the highest double-curvature arch dams in the United States, and winner of the 1970 Grand 8 Principal feature of the Yuba River Development in California Is the 197-meter-high New Bullards Bar Dam. The 140-meter-long diversion dam for the Abadla Irrigation Project in Algeria provides irrigation water for agricultural crops on the fringes of the Sahara Desert. I I I I Conceptor Award of the Consulting Engineers Council of the United States. Entire river basins also have been studied and developed for multipurpose water utilization. Not long after it was founded, IECO began studies of soil and water resources in the Helmand River Basin, an arid region in southern Afghanistan. These studies led to the design of the Boghra Diversion Dam to regulate river flow into a 288-km- long canal system, and then to the design of the rock-earthfill Arghandab Dam. The key project in the program was the Kajakai Dam, a 98-meter-high rockfill dam with an ultimate storage capacity of 2.7 billion cubic meters of water for irrigation and AT LEFT -Second largest pumping plant on the California Aqueduct is the 315,000-hp, nine-unit Wind Gap Pumping Plant. BELOW-Taming the Helmand River for agricultural purposes and power- production in Afghanistan is the 98-meter-high Kajakai Dam and its new three-unit 50-MW powerhouse and transmission system. hydroelectric power generation. Other projects designed over the years included diversion dams and canal systems that have increased the total land area for irrigated agriculture to more than 500,000 hectares. On the fringe of the Sahara Desert in southwest- ern Algeria, the IECO-designed Abadla Irrigation Project provides water to previously barren lands. The project encompasses a concrete diversion dam, 180 km of irrigation canals and pipelines, 110 km of drainage canals, and some 4,000 structures that include regulators, gates, and siphons. In addition to complete engineering design, soil conditions were investigated, drainage and crop 9 The 215-meter-long concrete spillway for the Karnafuli Dam in Bangladesh has 16 steel gates to permit the passage of up to 17,000 ems of water. Other aspects of the project are a 120 MW-powerhouse and a 1,500-km power distribution network. capabilities were studied, and farmers were trained in appropriate agricultural techniques. A master plan was prepared for virtually the entire delta area of Bangladesh. Involving some 10 million hectares, the master plan identified irrigation, drainage, flood control, and power projects, and provided cost estimates and development priorities. Later a comprehensive irrigation, drainage, and flood control plan for southeastern Bangladesh was prepared. Feasibility studies and preliminary designs were completed for three high-priority projects that will provide dry-season irrigation water for 90,400 hectares, improve drainage, and control flooding. The largest of these projects-the Muhuri Irrigation Project- includes a sea dike with a large regulator across the estuary of the Feni River to eliminate salt water intrusion and store river water for irrigation. In Indonesia, technical advisory services are being provided for a nationwide irrigation, reclamation, and land development program designed to increase rice production by more than 50%. The project involves some 160,000 hectares on the major islands of the country. For the project, IECO is providing a team of agricultural specialists and engineers. Providing water to meet the growing needs of populated areas in the western United States has been the objective of numerous engineering projects. One such project will augment supplies for several Colorado cities by transporting water from the western to the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Comprising a diversion dam, a 10 27,700-hp pumping plant and a 12-km long pipeline, the Windy Gap Project will divert some 72 million cubic meters of spring and early summer runoff from the Colorado River into an existing water system for transfer through the mountains. Another water transfer system in the western United States is the California Water Project which conveys surplus water from northern California, where most of the rainfall occurs, to southern California, a distance of some 1,100 km. For the project, IECO provided detailed design of the 315,000-hp, nine-unit Wind Gap pumping plant, which has a maximum capacity of 125 ems at 158 meter head. The utilization of the heat from hot geothermal well water for a Total Energy Recovery System for Agribusiness was the objective of a study for the Federal Energy Research and Development Administration. I I I I I I I I I I I I I Water Resources Projects I I Area Estimated Served Cost Purposes• LOCATION AND PROJECT (Hectares) ($Million) I AFGHANISTAN Arghandab Basin (2 Projects) 80,000 27.1 I,D Boghra 14,000 18.0 I,P Chakhansur Basin 284,000 18.3 I,FC,P Darweshan 18,000 N/A I,D Kajakai Dam Gates 61,000 4.6 I, FC, P I Marja and Shamalan 30,000 N/A I,D Sera) 20,000 N/A I,D Tarnak 26,000 N/A I Upper Helmand Valley 46,000 45.0 I ALGERIA Abadla 10,000 41.0 I,FC,WS Setlf 22,000 144.0 I BANGLADESH Brahmaputra Flood Embankment 240,000 9.3 D. FC Coastal Embankment 1,336,000 143.2 D,FC, LR Dacca-Narayanganj-Demra 8 ,300 3.2 I,D,FC Halda 41,000 38.0 I,D,FC lchamati 8,000 10.0 I,D, FC Khulna 465,000 N/A I,D Little Feni-Noakhali-Regulator 129,000 3.8 D,FC,LR Master Plan-National 8,800,000 2,069.9 I,D,FC,P Meghna-Muhuri Water Transfer 486,000 206.0 FC Muhuri 48,000 45.0 I,D,FC Northwestern Districts 186,000 N/A I,D Sangu 50,000 N/A I,D Southern Rajshahi 67,000 NIA I,D,FC BOLIVIA Mairana 3,200 2.4 I,D GUATEMALA Xaya-Pixcaya N/A 15.0 WS HAm Artibonite 12,000 4.3 I,FC HONDURAS Choluteca 16,000 32.8 I,P INDONESIA Sederhana 160,000 20.0 I, LR PERU Chira-Piura 120,000 52.7 I Chira Valley 41,000 54.2 I lcaValley 56,000 170.4 I,D Linda Chara (Peru & Ecuador) 31,000 74.0 I, p Pisco Valley 32,000 143.7 I, D, FC, P PiuraValley 44,000 61.0 I,D, FC San Lorenzo Draina~ 8.500 1.6 D San Lorenzo-Rio Ouoroz 45,000 23.5 I TUNISIA I El Haouaria 1,500 2.5 I,D Oued Nebaana 5,700 38.0 I Upper Medjerda Basin (3 Projects) 5,500 38.0 I,D TURKEY Amik Lake 122,000 84.3 FC I Devall Basin (2 Projects) 64,000 45.2 I, D, P Kon~a-Cumra Basin 205,000 247.0 I,P Cey an Basin (28 Projects) 401 ,000 285.6 I, FC, P Sakarya Basin 26,000 N/A I,D Seyhan Basin (8 Projects) 156,000 348.9 I, p UNITED STATES I California Yuba Basin 63,000 143.0 I, FC, P Wind Gap Pumping Plant N/A 28.0 WS Colorado Windy Gap N/A 25.0 ws I Nevada Duck Valley 10,000 5.0 I, 0, LA "' -Irrigation LR -Land Reclamation D -{)rainage WS -Water Supply I FC-Fiood ontrol P -Power I 11 Electrical Power Generation ... Transmission ... and Distribution IECO continues to build upon its many years of experience in electrical power generation, trans- mission, and distribution. Current and recent work includes the world's largest hydroelectric project and the longest extra-high-voltage direct- current transmission system. Pioneering in the development of new engineer- ing concepts and designs for power generation and transmission projects is a tradition with IECO. In British Columbia, Canada, the Nechako-Kitimat Project reversed the flow of a river and delivered water to the Kemano Power Plant, the largest underground hydroelectric station at the time of its construction. Located in a 216-meter long, 36-meter high excavation, the power plant has an installed capacity of 896 MW from eight gen- erators. Other major aspects of the project were the earth-rockfill Kenney Dam, two 16-km water tunnels, and a 287-kV transmission line over rugged terrain. For the Yuba River Development in California, the New Colgate Power Plant incorporated a num- ber of unique features, including the world's largest impulse turbines ... each having a 5.4-meter diameter runner and a capacity of 225,000 horsepower. For many years, IECO has played a major role in the development of the hydroelectric potential of the Rio Grande Basin, one of the principal sources of power for the major urban centers of Brazil. The work has included four hydro projects with a com- bined capacity of more than 2,500 MW. Largest of these is Furnas, a rockfill dam with an eight-unit powerhouse capable of producing 1,200 MW. Because of the magnitude of its capacity and its central location, the Furnas Project was the focal point for interconnecting isolated power systems in this region. This entailed some 2,600 km of 345- kV transmission lines, nine new substations, and the expansion of several existing substations. Engineering services also were provided for new and expanded electrical distribution systems in four of the country's largest cities. Design has commenced on the world's largest hydroelectric power development, the $5 billion ltaipu Project on the Parana River between Brazil and Paraguay. Its Francis turbines will turn 18 generators, each producing 700 MW for a total output of 12,600 MW, which is equivalent to the total generating capabilities of both Brazil and Paraguay (at the outset of the project). ltaipu will encompass a concrete hollow-gravity dam, 176 meters high and 2.25 km long, together with rock- fill wing dams, 4.28 km in length, and a spillway 12 The eight unit, 896-MW Kemano Power plant in British Columbia, Canada, was the largest underground hydro station at the time of its construction . capable of discharging water at a rate of 58,000 ems. Among other projects is South America's highest concrete arch dam, the 170-meter-high Amaluza Dam on the Paute River in Ecuador. The Paute Project will comprise three dams and three power- houses, with a combined potential of 1,260 MW. Other aspects of the work include some 850 km of 138 and 230 kVtransmission lines, six sub- stations, and an overall communication system. As the demand for electrical power grows, hydroelectric plants are being modernized and expanded, and new power plants added to dams basically intended for irrigation and flood control. An example is the Pine Flat Dam on the Kings River in California, where a powerhouse com- prising three 55-MW generators is to be added. I I I I I I I I . . Sl ching 1,700 km across central Africa, the lnga-Shaba E -High-Voltage, Direct-Current Transmission System in Z e includes advanced thyristor conversion and inversion stations: At lnga to transform from alternating to direct c'nt, and at the Shaba terminus to change back to a/ nating current. I I The expansion of the Brownlee Powerhouse in Idaho requires the addition of one 225-MW generating unit to the existing four 90-MW units. One of the three proposed low-head power plants at Idaho Falls that will utilize bulb turbine technology. In Idaho, the powerhouse of the Brownlee Dam, originally designed for four 90-MW generators with provisions for two additional generators of like capacity, is being expanded by the installation of one 225-MW generator of the latest design. Changing economics of power production have aroused interest in the generation of power at" existing low-head dams and dam sites through the utilization of contemporary turbine technology .. At Idaho Falls, feasibility studies have been com- pleted for the installation of three 7.2-MW bulb turbine/ generators that will replace six old vertical-shaft Kaplan turbines. In many instances, hydro power development sites are some distance from the center of power consumption. Such is the case in Zaire, where the world's longest extra-high-voltage, direct-current transmission system has been designed to transmit power from the lnga hydro power development on the lower Zaire (formerly Congo) River to copper producing plants in Shaba, some 1700 km distant. Highly advanced in design, the lnga-Shaba 13 system's double mono-polar lines will operate at -+-500 kV and transmit 520 MW in the first stage and 1,120 MW in the final stage. National and regional engineering and economic studies are being undertaken to determine the op- timum means of producing vitally needed electrical power in many areas of the world. An example is a comprehensive plan for the long-term development of the electrcal power system for Luzon, the larg- est island of the Philippines. Geothermal, hydro- electric, pumped storage, nuclear, fossil fuel, and other systems were examined, and an optimum plan developed for power generation and transmis- sion that would integrate the several existing sys- tems on the island. Another study was completed for Nicaragua: identifying power resources throughout the country, evaluating their develop- ment from a technical and economic as well as an environmental basis, and recommending an overall power development program. Consideration was given to the hydroelectric development of several rivers, a pumped storage site near the capital, and electrical interties with neighboring countries. 14 ABOVE-This 500-kV, 170 km line will provide power to Rio de Janeiro . AT LEFT -The 12,600-MW ltaipu Hydroelectric Project on the Parana River between Brazil and Paraguay will produce as much power as the total output of both countries at the outset of the project. \ I I \ Dams & Hydro Projects Transmission and Distribution Systems 16 LOCATION AND PROJECT TRANSMISSION AFGHANISTAN Helmand Basin Kaja_k _ai ___ ~. BANGLADESH Provincial Network BRAZIL Boa Esperance System Central Furnas System Furnas System Expansion Parana Power SysleiTI Weatem Parana Power System CANADA Kemano-Kitlmat Newfoundland .~L;::ab:.:r=ad:.:Oo:.'--­ ECUADOR Paule PANAMA Bayano TUNISIA Oued Nebaana TURKEY Sati)'8t' ----- ZAIRE tng&-Shabo UNITED STATES Arizona. Big Riwer C&tllomia, Oroviii&-TIIeflh8ilto Bus Lilla DISTRIBUTION AFGHANISTAN BANGLADESH BRAZIL Belo Hortzonte. Curtllba. Porto Alegre, Rio de Janetro & Saq Paulo GUATEMALA Santo Tomas UNITED STATES Atizona, Big RiYil California. McC1allan Air Force 8aee HawaY. Prl~vllle Reeort AFGHANISTAN Helmand Basin SUBSTAnONS _ Laallkargah Kandahar BANGLADESH Karnalull Provincial NeiWOI'k BRAZIL Boa Eeperanca Central FumiiS System llullnga ___ P_•_~_n_a_S)'st __ e~m _____ _ CANADA __ _:K.::ema=n:.::o ·-------- ECUADOR Paule PANAMA Beyano SRI LANKA Gal O)'a & Wala:.. ___ G:_a_n.::ga:.:._ __ ~- ZAIRE tnga-Shaba UNITED STATES Arizona, Big Rtv., Calilomia, Big Creek Tri-O am W!odGap Yuba Idaho, Snake River Voltage (kV) 44 t15 132 69 to 230 138 to 230 345 345 66 to 220 33 to 132 287 ±600 de 138 230 161 l!O 161 ±500 de 69 230 Voltage, (kV) 44 115 154 66-132 __ _ 69-230 138-230 345 138 66-132-220 287 138 230 161 46 230 ac ±500 de 69 230 115 230 6()-230 230 - Length (km) 40 200 t•30 1.380 240 1,900 740 1,770 1,800 77 1 740 870 700 94 31 435 1700 42 35 Number 5 2 l 4-S 4-4 f-3 8 1 4-3-4 8 8 2 2 4 3 1 3 1 t.-1 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Transportation Whatever the mode of transportation, IE CO has the worldwide experience and capability to Study, Plan, Design, and Manage projects for all types of facilities. 17 I I I RAILROAD PROJECTS BASIC IECO SERVICES LENGTH ESTIMATED I Fe as. Study I PROJECT LOCATION Reconn. Constr. COST Study/ Preliminary Final Super- Planning Design Design vision (kilometers) ($million) I AUSTRALIA Cooke Point Terminal Facilltlea • • N/A 12 BRAZIL Aguas Claras • • • 18 4.2 I Pico-Congonhas • : 47 12 Aguas Claras-lblrlte • 23 5.5 Fabrlca-Congonhas • : • • 15 2 Vilo ria Port Te rminal • • 40 N/A Fabrlca-Aiegria • • 95 18 Jangada Spur Llna • : • 11 2.8 I Tubarao Port Tarmlnal and Connection Line • • • 15 5.8 EFVM Electrification • • 550 180 Locomotive Repair Shop Complex • • N/A 10 Teresa Cristina Electrification • • 150 40 National Electrification Voltage Study • N/A N/A Rolling Stock Maintenance Study • • N/A N/A I CANADA Elk River • • 73 20 ENGLAND-FRANCE Channel Tunnel • • 51 235 I IVORY COAST Iron Ore Haul Railroad • 375 57 SAUDI ARABIA Riyadh-Jeddah • • 1,600 135 I SOUTH AFRI CA Sishen-Saidanha Railroad Electrification • • • 860 50 SOUTH KOREA Railroad Survey • 160 18 I ZAIRE Matadi Bridge • • N/A N/A UNITED STATES Arizona I Black Mesa & Lake Powell • • • • 125 50 SAP Coronado Station R.R . • • 80 30 California Norden Tunnel Ventilation • • 2 0.2 Western Pacific Re location : • 45 20 Eel River Bridges Rehabilitation • • • N/A 4 Eel River Line Relocation • : 140 140 I Metro Railway Shop and Terminal • • N/A 15 Port of Oakland • N/A 0.5 Colorado Fountain Craek Bridge • • • N/A 0.2 Chacra-Gienwood Relocation • • • 13 1.4 DOT Test Track Electrification • • 30 N/A I W.R. Grace Railway • • • 35 18 Idaho • • Huntington Bridge & Relocation • N/A 2 Ballard Mine • • • 8 N/A Idaho-Washington • Camas Prairie Relocation 21 14 I I ndiana Tunnel Enlargement • • • 1.5 3 Kansas to California • • Railroad Electrification 2,700 200 Montana Libby Una Change • • 143 60 Nebraska I Diesel Locomotive Repair Facilities • • N/A 11 New Mexico Con-Paso Railroad • • 176 83 Oregon John Day Relocation • • 4 Tennessee I Tunnel Enlargement • • • 3 Utah Great Salt Lake Crossing • • • • 20 45 D&RGW Tunnel • • 2 6 Washington • Cascade Tunnel Ventilation • • • 13 0.4 Rocky Reach Line Change • • 71 10 I Wyoming • 18 Crow Lease Spur • 29 TOTAL over owr 7,730 Km . $1,500 million 18 I I I I I Railroad Design and Electrification IECO's railroad design capabilities are based on experience that is older than the organization itseff. Building upon M-K's many years of railroad work throughout the world, IE CO has developed broad and specialized design capabilities in such fields as railroad electrification, signaling, and communications. Professional staff members experienced in all phases of railroad design, operation, and economics provide services for projects that include traffic studies, new trackage, relocation, electrification, power supply systems, tractive power systems, signaling and com- munications, terminals and yards, shop facilities, bridges, tunnels, and appurtenant structures. Completely new railroad systems have been designed, some of them to provide specialized bulk-handling service for new mines or power gen- erating facilities. Among them is a 300-km railroad for moving some 10 million tons of coal per year to a power plant site in the central Rocky Mountain area. At a number of other locations in the western United States, railroad branch lines are being de- signed to provide service to new coal mining operations. In this same region, railroad relocation projects have involved several hundred kilometers of track together with bridges, tunnels, and other structures. The relocation of only 13-km of mainline track in Colorado required the design of a 154-meter-long plate girder bridge, two smaller steel-and-concrete bridges, and a prestressed concrete overpass. IECO's experience in railroad electrification and in electrical power systems is extensive. Among re- cent projects is the design of the first 50-kV electri- fied railroad, twice the voltage of any previous traction system. A completely new railroad, the Black Mesa & Lake Powell, was designed to deliver 30,000 tons of coal per day to a new power plant at Page, Arizona. It incorporates many unique fea- The world's longest 50-kV electrified railroad, the 860-km iron-ore railroad of the South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corp., Ltd.-ISCOR. tures, including new concepts in catenary design. Traction power is supplied by a single substation located at one end of the 125-km line. Engineering is being provided to other railroads for the introduction of modern high-voltage alternat- ing-current electrification. A 50-kV system is being designed for an 860-km line that will link iron mines with a deep-water port at Saldanha Bay on South Africa's west coast. In Brazil, a study has been completed for electrification of a 540-km Ore trains cross this 1.8-km access bridge to reach one of Brazil's newest iron-ore ports, Sepetiba Bay. 19 Railroads cvminued At North Platte, Nebraska, Union Paci fic's eleven-track running-repair facility for diesel locomotives. double-track railroad that is being upgraded to handle 100 million tons of iron ore per year. Else- where i n Brazil, a study has been conducted for a coal-haul railroad that will serve as a pilot project for the country's National Railway Network. Electri- fication studies also have been undertaken for sev- eral major railroads in the United States. Other railroad projects include maintenance and repair shops, car loading and unloading stations, terminals, yards, and appurtenant structures of all types. An eleven-track facility capable of repairing 400 diesel locomotives per month and servicing another 300 per day was designed for Union Pacific Railroad . Comparable repair and maintenance facilities have been designed in a number of over- seas countries. Railroad car loading and unloading and terminal facilities have been designed for major iron-ore ports in Brazil. Engineering also has been provided for urban transit systems such as the San Francisco Municipal Railway , where a 1 00,000-square meter maintenance, storage, and terminal facility has been designed for a new fleet of rail vehicles. MARINE PROJECTS Location Au .. ralla PortHedland Bangladeah Brazil Poi .,IUbu Rio de Janeiro =~Bay Viloria EOJPI Alexandria Project Cooke Point Iron Ore Port Dredger Management Contract ~~~e~~~ng;~a~!,~~~dl~na~i~~i~ities and Port Duas lrmas Port and Bra-Handling Facilities Port and Ore-Hand ling Facilities Port and Ore-Handling Fac ilities Bulk Handling Facilities and Port Estimated Cost ($Million) 12.0 3.0 200.0 8.0 26.0 40.0 35.0 NJA ---------------------------------------------------------- 20 Guatemala Santo Tomas Harbor, Port and Community ----------------------------India Hlrakud Rihand River lndonMia Gf81ik PalembMg Nicaragua Managua Navi gation Locks Traffic Transfer Fa cilities Port and Fueling Facilities Urea Plant Port Waterfront Improvements 5 .0 80.0 0.165 18.0 38.0 11 .0 --------------------~-------------------United State• Califomla . Oakland San Francisco San Francleco Oregon Portland Port Ore-Handling Facilities Bay Area Development LASH Facilities Ash Grove Barge Unloading Facilities ---------------~------------------- .2..4 NIA 1.3 0.2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Marine Facilities Expanding seaborne trade, coupled with the development of larger and different types of vessels, has created a need for new and enlarged marine facilities. IECO, active in engineering ma- rine facilities throughout its history, has responded to this growing demand with advanced designs for ports and harbors, shoreside facilities and deep- water terminals, bulk handling systems, and other installations. Marine facilities, coupled with railroad terminal and materials-handling installations, have been designed for many of the world's leading exporters of ores and mineral products. At Port Hedland in western Australia, a deep-water port and railroad terminal were designed for Mount Newman Iron Ore Company to provide for the export of 10 million tons of iron ore per year. Another marine project is a 6-million-ton-per-year shipping terminal at Rio de Janeiro; it comprises separate ore and coal handling facilities, together with railroad-car load- ing and unloading installations. For Brazil's growing exports of iron ore, engineer- ing services have been provided for a number of port installations. Among them is a deepwater port in Sepetiba Bay on an island that has been con- nected to the mainland by a 1.8-km railroad bridge. With an initial shipping capacity of 10 million tons of ore per year in vessels up to 300,000 dwt, it comprises railroad-car unloading, stockpile, reclaim, and shiploading facilities. A detailed engineering study for the expansion of the port of Vitoria to 20 million tons of ore per year led to an investigation of an alternative site at Tubarao, AT RIGHT-Port facilities being constructed for the Samarco project In Brazil will have an initial capability of handling 7 million tons of iron concentrate and pellets. BELOW-At the LASH (lighter-aboard-ship) terminal in San Francisco, these 30-ton cranes can be used to load containers aboard LASH vessels and container ships. which has become one of the world's largest iron ore ports. Initial work included a breakwater and two finger piers, as well as railroad terminal facili- ties, ore and also coal handling installations, a powerhouse, and substations. Plans were devel- oped for expanding Tubarao's capability to handle greater tonnages and also produce iron ore pellets for export. A recent port project is that at Point Ubu for handling iron ore concentrate and pellets of the Samarco project at an initial rate of 7 million tons per year. The installation, which comprises an 845-meter-long causeway, breakwater, and steel pier, is designed to accomodate 150,000 dwt vessels iritially and up to 250,000-ton ships at a later phase. On the receiving end of the worldwide seaborne ore trade, new and expanded marine facilities are being designed. Among them is an installation to receive raw material and ship the product of a large iron-ore reduction, or sponge iron, plant being planned for Alexandria, Egypt. It would consist of a causeway, trestle, and a pier capable of berthing ore carriers up to 160,000 dwt. Other engineering projects have included port facilities for Indonesia's leading cement producer and for a major fertilizer plant, mixed cargo ports in Guatemala and elsewhere, and LASH (lighter- aboard-ship) and container port facilities for San Francisco. 21 .Airports Based on more than 25 years of project experience, IECO is planning and designing airports to meet present and future needs through a full range of services in engineering as well as economics, including air transport economic studies, plans and forecasts, and air route market studies. Recent and current projects in the western United States have ranged in size and complexity from municipal airport master planning and de- signing related support facilities to regional airport stUdies , site selection, and statewide airport systems plans. International projects have included preliminary design and engineering studies for the international airport at Beirut, Lebanon ; airport terminal design concept for Santiago, Chile; and airports in Ecuador and Singapore. In recent years, the development of major petroleum reserves in Ecuador and the consequent economic growth have placed heavy demands upon existing airport facilities. Since the expansion of the country's two international airports, one at the port city of Guayaquil and the other at the 2,700- meter-high capital city of Quito, is restricted by geography and urban encroachment, the govern- ment has authorized the preparation of an airport development program that includes existing , as well as new, sites. When carried out, the plan will pro- vide the two cities with domestic and international 22 ABOVE-Airport runways continue to be extended to handle larger aircraft and greater volumes of · traffic at international airports and smaller municipal airports throughout the West. AT RIGHT-Planning and design services have been provided for expansion of Boise Municipal Airport in 33 contracts since 1948. AT RIGHT-sky Harbor International Airporl Phoenix, Arizona, where /EGO Is providing engineering services for runway and taxijw extensions and access road relocations, study the feasibility of relocating a taxiwa accommodate larger aircraft, and preparing environmental impact statement for the relocation of a residential area bordering these facilitll air transport services for the balance of the century. In order to permit Singapore International Air- port to keep pace with growing air travel and accomodate new wide-bodied aircraft, a group of companies, with IECO as the engineering subcon- tractor, was retained for an expansion and modern- ization program. Included was a new hangar with a clear span of 136 by 113 meters and a contiguous six-story administration building. In the United States, planning and design ser- vices have been provided for several expansions of the Boise Air Terminal in 33 contracts since 1948. Engineering, as well as an environmental impact assessment, has been p rov i ded f or an expansion of the Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. In addition, a long-range study was completed for an intercontinental-type regional airport and multimodal transportation corridor between Phoenix and Tucson. As a result of the study, an area of 200 sq km was set aside for the future airport. In another study, a state airport system plan was developed for Arizona. Through- out California and in other western states, plann i ng and design services have been provided for new and expanded municipal, county, and regional air- ports. Also, preliminary designs and plans have been made for V/STOL (vertical/short take-off and landing) facilities at central locations in Los An- geles and San Francisco. I I I I I I I I I I I AIRPORT PROJECTS Location Airport Project Esti mated Cost ($Million) Cfllte Santiago Pudahuel International Terminal Design Competition 20.0 Ecuador Quito/Guayaquil Mariscal Sucre/Simon Bolivar Site Selection and Master Plan 500.0 Lebanon Beirut Bei rut International Preliminary Airport Design NIA Sino a .,ore Paya Lebar International Facility Design and Engineering 25.0 Unhecf States Arizona Bagdad Bagdad Munici pal Environmental Assessment and Design 1.0 Coolidge Coolidge Munici pal Master Plan N/A Phoenix Sky Harbor International Runway E xtension and Facilities 3.7 Phoenix Sky Harbor International Environmental Impact Statement NJA Phoenix/ International Jetport Study Site Selection and Land Bank Study NIA Tucson Area Queen Creek Queen Creek Special Air Cargo Faci lity 0.8 State Statewide Plan Airport Systems Plan NIA California Hollister Hollister Municipal Special Air Cargo Facility 3.6 Los Angeles Metroport DesiQn Concept N/A Modesto Modesto Airport Facility Design 0.2 Oceano Oceano County Master Plan 0.2 Paso Robles Paso Robles County Master Plan , Design and 3.5 Construction Supervisi on I Sacramento McClellan AFB Facility Design and Engineering 2.0 Salinas Salinas Munici pal Facility Design 0.3 San Francisco Pier 42 Omniport Design Concept 50.0 San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo County Master Plan 0.9 Idaho Boise Boise Air Termi nal Master Plan , Design and 6.5 Constr uction Supervision (33 contracts) Lewiston Lewiston-Nez Perce County Master Pian and Design 1.8 Southern Region Regional Site Se lection Airport Site Selec1ion Study NJA I 23 Highways IECO's experience in highway and highway-related projects is extensive and broad, ranging from urban streets to divided multi-lane freeways, and including bridges, overpasses, interchanges, tunnels, and related structures. Planning, traffic studies, route locations, economic studies, and environmental impact reports, as well as a full range of engineering services are provided. In Colorado, engineering work, largely in difficult mountainous terrain, comprises some 230 km of highways, 60 bridges, and countless appurtenant structures. Many of these projects are for the Colorado Department of Highways, to which the Denver Area Office has been under contract continuously for over 15 years. Among the more significant recent projects is a 30-km segment of four-lane divided highway over the 3,000-meter- high Vail Pass. In order to protect the fragile alpine terrain and facilitate construction during short seasons, this spectacular route required the design of precast, post-tensioned segmental concrete box-girder bridges with precast concrete piers. Another feature is the first use of the multi-tiered precast concrete panel-and-tie-back retaining wall system developed by the Denver Area Office. To the west of Vail Pass, design was completed on two segments of interstate highway along the Colorado Across the Snake River in Idaho, the Walters Ferry Bridge, a 209 -meter-long prestressed concrete and steel girder structure with 20.7-meter spans. 24 A 34-km segment of interstate hi ghway along the Colorado River In the vicinity of Glenwood Springs includes two river crossings , 11 grade separation structures, seven Interchanges, a 300-meter long twin-bore tunnel, and related structures. The interstate highway near Yuma, Arizona, comprises 9 km of divided roadway through Telegraph Pass. I I I River in the vicinity of Glenwood Springs. Other work in the state includes several projects in the Denver area: a key express highway interchange combined with a railroad overpass, an urban seg- ment of interstate highway, and a highway reloca- tion project that included a river crossing, an interchange, and appurtenant structures. In Arizona, highway engineering projects include arterial roads and city streets in Yuma and Phoe- nix; city parking facilities; a transportation plan for Flagstaff; new and relocated state highways ; ex- tensions of three interstate highways, including 9 km through rugged Telegraph Pass near Yuma ; and a study of road needs throughout the vast Navajo Indian Reservation in northern Arizona and parts of Utah and New Mexico. Considerable design work also has been done in Idaho for primary, secondary, and interstate high- ways, including 1-90 through Spokane, Washington, and across northern Idaho. One segment will comprise an elevated four-lane divided highway structure that will thread its way through Wallace, passing over a river and two railroads. Overseas, design work has included the viaduct, approach highway, and related structures for the bridge across the Tagus River in Lisbon ; and high- ways, bridges, tunnels, and appurtenant structures in Afghanistan, Brazil, Chile, Ethiopia, Thailand, Venezuela, and Zaire. Recent IECO projects have included participation in the design of the 375-km North-South Freeway in Taiwan, engineering for a four-lane divided highway in El Salvador to link the capital city with an international airport, and In Usbon, Portugal, design was completed for the viaduct, approach highway, and appurtenant structures for the Tagus River Bridge. A "highway in harmony with its environment," is how a leading engineering magazine referred to Interstate Highway 70 over Vail Pass in Colorado. BELOW-the Bighorn Bridge, one of eight precast, segmental, post-tensioned, concrete box girder bridges totalling 1,650 meters in length that were recipients of the 1977 Award of Excellence of the American Concrete Institute, Rocky Mountain Chapter. The Vail Pass highway featured the first use of the recently developed multi-tiered, precast concrete panel-and-tie-back retaining wall system. designing segments of a six-lane divided highway that will join Iran's capital city of Tehran and the port city of Bandar-e-Shahpur. The 41Q-km Iranian Highway Project is a turnkey project in which M-K subsidi aries and a joint venture partner will design, construct, procure supplies, and turn over the completed highway to the Iranian government. 25 Mineral Resources For many years, IECO has been providing engi- neering services for mineral resources projects. Included have been the design of mineral pro- cessing installations, specialized services for mining operations, and engineering of all types of support facilities and infrastructures required for these operations. Engineering services have been provided to the iron mining industry for almost 20 years. In Brazil clients have included mining firms as well as steel- makers. At Picarrao, engineering was provided for a new iron ore beneficiation plant and ancillary facilities. Another assignment was for detail design of the 10-million-ton-per-year Aguas Claras benefi- ciation plant, including crushing, screening, and sampling, plus stockpile, reclaim, and railroad loadout facilities. The Samarco pelletizing and shipping complex at Point Ubu on the coast of Brazil is the responsibility of an IECO joint venture. Facilities will include a 5-million-ton-per-year pel- 26 The 2-million-ton-per-year iron ore benefication plant at Picarrao, Brazil includes (from left to right) a load-out station, single-boom stacker, tailings thickener, double-boom stacker, and concentrator building. I l onesia's appetite for cement continues to grow, much of it being produced by the 'sik plant in eastern Java. I I letizing plant, slurry and product storage and re- claim facilities, a lime preparation plant, and port installations. Many types of support facilities have been de- signed for these mineral projects, including elec- trical transmission lines, distribution systems, and substations; water supply and distribution systems; settling basins, slurry ponds, and tailings dams; and wastewater treatment plants. In the Middle East and elsewhere, increasing at- tention is being focused on iron-ore reduction plants based on the availability of low-cost natural gas for the removal of oxygen. These plants will transform high-grade ores and pellets into metallic sponge iron for use in steelmaking operations. In Egypt, economic and engineering studies have been made for a 1.6 million-ton-per-year sponge iron plant and port facility at Alexandria. Development of Chile's Rio Blanco copper de- posit, situated at an altitude of 3,700 meters in the avalanche-prone Andes, was made possible by housing all facilities underground in huge caverns constructed by M-K, with IECO providing special- ized engineering services. In Montana, a primary crushing plant and conveying system was engi- neered to handle ore from Anaconda's huge Berkeley open pit copper mine. Indonesia's appetite for cement continues to grow, much of it being produced by the Gresik plant in eastern Java. Engineering, procurement, and construction services were provided for the original plant and two expansion programs by IECO, H.K. Ferguson, and M-K International. An- nual capacity reached 500,000 metric tons, with design underway for a 1-million ton addition. In other overseas countries, cement, limestone, ag- gregate, and other industrial mineral projects have been undertaken. In the United States, western coal and oil shale deposits are being examined with growing .interest. IECO is active in both fields, providing engineering services, designing transportation systems, and participating with M-K on large programs that in- clude one of the oil-shale industry's first full-scale efforts. Support facilities being designed include water pipelines and treatment facilities, dams and reservoirs, powerlines, communication networks, and community facilities. For many years, I ECO has been actively engaged in designing tailings dams and ponds. Projects The Samarco pelletizing and shipping complex on the coast of Brazil will include a 5-mil/ion-ton-per-year pelletizing plant, slurry and product storage and reclaim, a lime preparation plant, and a port installation. This 4,000-ton-per-hour crushing plant processes copp.er ore from Anaconda's huge open-pit mine at Butte, Montana. in mis specialized field have been carried out in North and South America and in Europe for such clients as Kennecott Copper, Monsanto, and FMC in the United States; Penarroya in France; Austu- rienne de Mines in Spain; Disputada, Minera An- dina, and El Teniente in Chile; and CVRD in Brazil. Also designed was a solar evaporation and min- erals recovery pond complex on the shore of Great Salt Lake in Utah. 27 Geotechnical Services Indispensable to project planning and to estab- lishing design and construction criteria are geo- technical investigations performed by IECO's team of specialists. Geotechnical services are provided both as a part of a complete engineering design project and as a separate service. I ECO has a fully staffed Geotechnical Depart- ment, providing a complete range of services, in- cluding soils and foundation engineering, rock mechanics, engineering geology, geophysics, ground-water geology, hydrology, and seismology. The capabilities of this staff are augmented by the application of computerized techniques and the use of mathematical models to facilitate interpre- tation and application of data obtained from test borings, geophysical surveys, remote sensing, geological mapping, and laboratory and in-situ rock and soils testing. Current and recent projects, where geotechnical services are being provided, include five major hydroelectric projects in the United States and overseas; water supply and irrigation projects in the United States, Algeria, and Afghanistan; the lnga-Shaba extra-high-voltage, direct-current Advanced geotechnical techniques are utilized for safety investigations of dam structures. For Pacoima Arch Dam and its abutments, extensive exploratory drilling, borehole photography, seismic surveys, rock mechanics, and stereographic projection techniques were required. 28 Assessment of ground-water conditions is essential for the design of excavations and foundations as well as water development projects such as this one In Afghanistan. I I lotechnical factors are lflllly Important in the design and construction l arge underground ex- ations, such as this ern for copper ore neflcation facilities at the Rio Blanco Mine in 11/e. transmission line in Zaire; coal-haul railroads in the United States; iron ore processing plants and shipping installations in Brazil; coal mining and handling facilities in the western United States; one of America's first major oil shale developments; tailings dams in the United States and overseas ; highways in the U.S. and abroad ; and safety investigations of dams in earthquake-prone areas of California. With broad geotechnical capability and exten- sive experience in designing dams, IECO is well qualified to undertake dam safety assign- ments. New geotechnical investigation techniques ophys1cal techniques are often used to supplement other exploration rhods for rapid determination of subsurface conditions. The seismic refraction method was used to map the bedrock profile along the pro-f ed Windy Gap pipeline alignment In Colorado. I I have been adopted, computer programs for stabil- ity analysis developed, and structural and hydraulic model tests conducted for the investigation and analysis of all types of dams. Generally, several different stability and stress analysis techniques are used, as with the Ross High Dam in Washing- ton, where results obtained by the three-dimen- sional finite element method were checked with comprehensive structural model tests and trial load analyses. IECO's project for the restoration of earthquake- shaken Pacoima Arch Dam in southern California was judged the "most outstanding consulting en- gineering achievement of 1976" by the Consulting Engineers Association of California. The project comprised the investigation, analysis, and design of remedial measures and called for new and un- usual engineering techniques, including the appli- Design of cut slopes and rock bolting patterns is necessary for many projects requiring deep excavations, such as this coal storage cone for the Stansbury Coal Mine in Wyoming. Soils investi gations followed by pile loading tests are required for the design of pile structures such as those for highway bridges and marine facilities . cation of borehole photographic methods, utiliza- tion of several three-dimensional stress-analysis techniques, application of dynamic response an- alysis, abutment stability determination utilizing modern rock mechanics and recently developed stereographic projection techniques, and the de- sign of an extensive system of post-tensioned ten- dons of high-strength steel cables to stabilize the dam's abutments. Work continues on the investigation and analysis of other dam structures in earthquake-prone regions. 29 Municipal Projects On the municipal as well as the regional/eve/, IE CO provides a broad range of engineering, de- sign, and planning services including site prep- aration work; residential, commercial, and community development; urban and regional planning; and public works projects such as streets and roads, parking facilities, utilities, water supply and distribution systems, sewage lines, and wastewater treatment plants. Municipal projects, large and small, are carried out for governmental bodies and private firms throughout the western United States and abroad, much of it undertaken by IECO area offices in Boise, Denver, and Phoenix. The Hartford Corporate Center is a 57-acre development in Phoenix. 30 The wastewater treatment plant at Coolidge, Arizona, was designed to serve a population of 8,000 persons and be readily expanded to double that capacity. Streets and roads have been designed for cities throughout the western United States. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Specialized Services In addition to its broad-based engineering and de- sign services, IE CO provides a wide range of spe- cialized services, among them environmental studies, financial planning, procurement, and con- struction planning and project management. • Environmental studies are provided either as part of an overall engineering program or as an individual service for a specific project. Included are in-depth baseline environmental studies of ex- isting pre-project conditions, full environmental analyses, and statements of environmental impact for proposed projects. An example is the Upper South Platte River Environmental Study of alterna- tive development plans for a multipurpose water- supply project in Colorado. Other examples are an environmental study made for the new Interstate Highway over Vail Pass in Colorado, and studies of the impact of the huge ltaipu Reservoir on wide expanses along the Pa- rana River between Brazil and Paraguay. For the highway, baseline conditions were identified and examined, and alternative highway locations were studied and ranked on the basis of quantified envi- ronmental factors. Design concepts for embank- ments and highway structures were developed and examined with regard to environmental consider- ations . For the power project, in-depth floral and faunal investigations, as well as archeological and social factors were fully analyzed , and the project modified to minimize environmental effects. • Financial planning services range from cash flow and economic projections for determining the economic and commercial feasibility of a project, to structuring optimum financing packages and providing assistance in obtaining project financ- ing. IECO has a capable staff for directly assisting clients in negotiating with private, institutional, and government credit agencies to meet investment re- quirements, secure commitments from national and international credit institutions, and help the par- ties with loan documents. These services have been a vital factor in the success of a number of large projects. • Complete procurement services are provided under the "single-contract, single-responsibility" concept from purchasing through delivery at the project site. I ECO is prepared to assume responsi- bility for an entire procurement program that in- cludes writing specifications, providing assistance in financing, and purchasing on a worldwide basis, followed by establishing shipping routes and schedules, inspecting and expediting at the plant as well as departure and arrival ports, and main- taining continuous contact with vendors and ship- pers to ensure compliance with contract terms. Millions of dollars worth of equipment and materials for projects throughout the world have been procured under this program. • Construction planning and project management services are provided by professionals thoroughly experienced in engineering as well as construc- tion. Services are provided to the extent desired by the client, but the general practice is to establish a management team that provides the client with project continu ity and responsibility from design through construction and start-up. As they are de- veloped, plans and specifications are reviewed and coordinated for quality assurance. Construction estimates and schedules are developed from the "bottom up" by utilizing detailed, up-to-date cost and delivery commitments available from many on- going projects within the M-K organization. A con- tract strategy is established, and bids are solicited and evaluated for the client. Cost control and scheduling control procedures are established, monitored, and coordinated ; and on-site supervi- sion is provided. 31 On the preceding pages, we have described what we have done, and what services we provide. We are ready to apply these capabil- ities, based on three decades of engineering experience, to meet your requirements for your project. Our desire is to provide you with the best combination of services to meet your needs, whether they be for specialized stud- ies, or for complete project management. We are ready to serve you from any of the following locations- INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. SAN FRANCISCO HEADQUARTERS 220 Montgomery Street San Francisco, California 94104 Telephone: (415) 544-1200 Telex: 470040 (ITT); 278362 (RCA); 34376 (WUD) NORTHWEST DISTRICT OFFICE 1451 Hartman Street Boise, Idaho 83704 Telephone: (208) 375-5232 MIDWEST DISTRICT OFFICE 1777 So. Bellaire Street, Suite 100 Denver, Colorado 80222 Telephone: (303) 757-8586 SOUTHWEST DISTRICT OFFICE 2966 West Clarendon Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85017 Telephone: (602) 263-8638 GULF COAST DISTRICT OFFICE 7739 San Felipe, Suite 200 Houston, Texas 77063 Telephone: (713) 780-1404 EASTERN DISTRICT OFFICE Union Station New London, Connecticut 06320 Telephone: (203) 447-3154 And abroad in such cities as- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Kinshasa, Zaire Bangkok, Thailand Kabul, Afghanistan Dacca, Bangladesh Bechar, Algeria Guatemala City, Guatemala Quito, Ecuador Managua, Nicaragua San Salvador, El Salvador Asuncion, Paraguay 32 A MORRISON-KNUDSEN COMPANY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4M