HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoils-Foundation Investigation for Poer Lion Hydroelectric Project 1980KOD-P 005 Alaska Po we r Authority LIBRARY COPY SOILS-FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PORT LIONS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED FOR KODIAK ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION} INC. AND ROLAND A. JONES -CONSULTING ENGINEER PREPARED BY HOWARD GREY & ASSOCIATES} INC. GEOLOGISTS & ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE} ALASKA OcTOBER} 1980 ---------------~---- ·-- 0 ... c w P-t IJ) I !!! t=l ll"' 0 0 ::.:::o w ... ~ ·, - SOILS-FOUNDATION INVESTIGATI FOR PORT LI HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED FOR KODIAK ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION) INC. JU~D ROLAND A. JONES -CONSULTING ENGHlEER PREPARED Bv HOWARD GREY & ASSOCIATES) INC. GEOLOGISTS & ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE) ALASKA OcTOBER) 1930 INTRODUCTION ~-~---- Field examinations were conducted during the summer months of 1980 in the vicinity of Port Lions, Alaska to ther geologic information pertinent to the design and construction of the proposed hydroelectric project. Port Lions is located in the northern portion of Kodiak Island, about 30 miles west of the City of Kodiak. The hydroelectric facility will consist of a storage reservoir, located about 3 miles west of the city and the main facility damming the Port Lions River adjacent to the townsite. Water, with a head of some 90 feet, will be delivered to the power generation station via penstock. The on-site investigation examined both surficial and bedrock deposits to determine their applicability to the project. The contents of this report contain the results of the examinations at both sites. Also included is an evaluation of building materials within close proximity to the selected sites. Locations at both damsites are depicted on the vicinity map. (Figure A) FIELD ITETHODS The field work at Kodiak \vas performed in three phases. An ini 1 reconnaissance trip was conducted to obtain general information on both sites. This luded identi ing general surface features, mapping bedrock exposures and hand excavation of test pits. The second phase consisted of drill a series of holes along the dam axis. The drilling machine was a Mobil-}1inute Man drill equiped with ~·' solid flight augers combined wi a 2" split spoon sampler and a 70 pound hammer. The split spoon equipment was used to obtain samples and penetration resistance values of the underlying material. A total of 15 holes at 6 separate locations were drilled Along the Cresent Lake dam axis. In all cases, the holes were abandoned due to refusal on lar8e rocks. Generally, the holes were drilled to about 7 feet, but in no case did any of the bor s reach bedrock. Due to the dense nature of the subsurface materials, the drilling machinery was not transported to the Forebay darn site. A series of four hand du~ test pits were excavated along the axis of lower dam. Two of ese holes did reach bedrock, while the two holes thest from the river did not. - 2 - Percolation tests \•Jere also performed at both the upper and loHer sites. The f 1 phase of this investigat utilized a Bison Model 1570 C, s 1 enhancement seismograph, to determine the approx- te thickness of the surficial deposits and the depth to bedrock. Seismic lines were located along both dam sites as illustrated in Figures No.l-1 and 2-1. Seismic velocities and strata depths were determined and are graphically displayed in Figures No.l-2 and 2-2. As noted on these illustrations, the seismic velocities of similar horizons vary. This is due to topographic variations, the thick accumulation of volcanic ash and to an irregular bedrock surface. Logs of all test ho s and borings as well as percolation results are included with the report. In general, both sites exhibit the same basic atures: a surface layer of organics, organ silt and volcanic ash over a gravelly- till material of various den and graywacke bedrock surface. which covers an irregular slate - 3 - LAB ANALYSIS Samples of the dense glacial materials recovered during field work were returned to Anchorage for laboratory analysis. The analysis included particle size distribution, moisture contents and Atterberg Limits. Results of these tests indicate that the till material overlying bedrock at both the upper and lower sites is a silty-sandy- gravel. A lateral moraine which sub parallels the Port Lions River along the north side the vicinity of the Forebay Dam was also analyzed. This material is a clayey-gravelly-sand. Results of all laboratory analysis are included with this report. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The present surface topography of the subject area is a result of Pleistocene glaciation, being modified by present erosional forces. Evidence of this is characterized by the glacially sculptured ridges and cirques of the surrounding mountains. Glaciers apparently occuppied the wide valley west of Port Lions, originating in the higher mountains and flowing toward the sea. - 4 - As the glaciers advanced they scoured the bedrock and upon re- treat deposited various amounts of glacial till on the vall floors. The till is a dense accumulation of unsorted silt, sand and rock particles up to boulder size. The particles are generally sub-rounded to sub-angular and consist of slates, gray\·mckes and granites. The present hummocky surface with numerous ponds and small lakes is a typical product of glacial activity. Cresent Lake is the result of glacial scour and pending behind moraines. Since the last glacial retreat, an organic silt of about 2 feet or less in thickness developed over the glacial drift. In June, 1912, the erruption of Mt. Novarupta blanketed the area with volcanic ash. The ash grades from a fine angular sand to a silt. The present ash accumulation varies between ridges and intervening valleys but is generally about l~ feet thick. Drainage in the area is poorly integrated, with numerous streams draining small areas. t.Ja ter from Cresent Lake flows for some 3 miles to the East, through lakes and marshes and meandering streams before joining with two southward flowing streams to form the Port Lions River. The topography of the area between Cresent Lake and the village - 5 - of Port Lions, which is characterized by nurrerous nonds and marshes, is typical of terrain developed on a slacial ~~round moraine. GEOLOGY Geologically, Kodiak Island is an extension of the Kenai mountains. Bedrock throu8h this portion of Kodiak Island is composed of Cretaceous slates, graywackes and argillites. Kodiak Island is separated by two major fault systems, into three areas characterized by different types of sedimentary rocks. The eastern portion of the island contains Tertiary marine and continental sediments. The western part is characterized by late Triassic to early Jurassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Sediments of the central section, which cover the majo ty of the Island, including the subject study area, are described as pre- dominently Cretaceous slates, graywackes and argillites. (Hoare, 1967) Some minor amounts of conglomerate and tuff are associated with these rocks, but none was evident at any of the outcroppings stud d. The rocks are extensively folded and faulted. The general geologic structure of Kodiak Island and vicinity is illustrated on Figure B. Bedrock in the Port Lions vicinity is a thin to moderately thick bedded, brittle, dark gray to black slate. At the lower site it trends north 35° -45° east, with a westerly dip of 15° -20°. -6 - Strata at the upper site trends northwest with a 20° -27° dJp to the east. The slates weather into platey sheets and generally no soft or high ~~eathered rock was observed. The bedrock contains tight folds and is fractured, with no apparent pattern. Structure Two major faults, both of which trend to the northeast, extend across Kodiak Island. As previously mentioned, these faults separate the major rock groups of the Island. (Figure B) A normal fault displaces rocks on the eastern side of the Island, while a thrust fault extends along the western coast. Numerous other faults representing local stress adjustments have been mapped in the central portion of the Island. (Moore, 1967) Quaternary Deposits Quaternary deposits consist of unconsolidated silt, sand and gravel deposited as a ground moraine during Pleistocene and Recent geologic time. This material covers extensive areas be- tween mountain ridges, to depths from a few feet to 40 feet and more. A generalized map (Figure B) illustrates the surficial geology of the study areas. - 7 - SI DESCRIPTION Forebay Damsite The lower facility, the Forebay Dam, will be constructed on the Port Lions River, immediately south of the townsite. The stream draining Cresent Lake together with two creeks flowing from the mountains to the north, form the Port Lions River. West of the damsite the stream is some 30 et wide and flows on a gravel stream bed. At roughly the Forebay Dam site, the stream is incised into the slate bedrock with steep, near vertical banks. Downstream these walls approach 50 feet in height at some locations. Bedrock is well exposed along the lower portion of the Port Lions River. The rock is a thin to medium thick bedded, dark gray slate. It is well indurated and contains extensive tight lds and fractures. The rock separates along bedding planes when struck. Generally, the exposed rock showed little deterioration due to weathering. The strata trend N35° -40°E and dip to the west from 17° to 25°. A plan view of the area is illustrated in Figure No.l-1. Figure No. 1-2 represents a cross section along the dam axis based on our test hole notes and geophysical surveys. - 8 - The surface bedrock apparently rises to the sou dips and peaks. with frequent Overlying the basal slate unit is a till material similar to that encountered in the Cresent Lake area. The 11 varies in thickness from 0 to 30 et, and is composed of an unstratified mixture of gravel, sand and silt. Analysis of this silty-gravelly sand is included in the appendix. Covering the till is an old organic silt overlain by volcanic ash and a recently developed organic silt. The depth of material covering the till varies, but is generally under 4 feet. Seventy-five et north of the Port Lions River and running some 500 feet to the west, is a moraine deposit of clayey-gravelly-sand. Results of analysis of this material are presented in the appendix. The material is very dense and a percolation test indicated an infiltration of 80 mintues per inch. About 300 feet west of the damsite a large abandoned river meander, covering some 5 acres, contains a substantial amount of clean gravel with little soil cover. (Figure C) No test pits were dug at this site due to lack of access, but a minimum 5 "foot layer of gravel apparently is present. The gravel, mostly derived from slate, graywacke and granite is well-graded with about 10% greater than 3 inches. An estimated 40,000 cubic yards could be removed. Other meanders with gravel deposits exist further upstream. All are at greater depths and contain more fine material. - 9 - Cresenl Lake Damsite Cresent Lake is located approximately 3 miles west of the village of Port Lions. The lake is about l mile long and %mile wide. The lake is at an elevation of about 300 feet and lies in a large broad east-west trending valley, flanked by 1000 to 2000 foot mountain ridges. The proposed dam will raise the water level of the lake about 12 feet. A plan map a~d cross section of the dam axis are illustrated in Figures No.2-l and 2-2. There are three bedrock exposures within the immediate damsite areas. (Figure No. C) Two are located along the north edge of Cresent Lake, on each side of the discharge stream at water level. Bedrock at these outcropings trends northwest and dips .to the east. About 500 feet east of the Cresent Lake shoreline, another outcrop is exposed at a bend in the stream. Here similar rock strikes to the northeast and dips to the east. The difference in trends could be due to faulting, folding or the exposure may be a dis- placed block which has shifted from its original position. Another bedrock exposure is visible on a small, whale back shaped island, east of Cresent Lake. No data was collected from this island since there was no access. -10 - The bedrock is a thin to moderately thick dded dark gray slate. The slates are well indurated and separated along bedding planes when struck. They are only slightly weathered and exhibit ti~ht folding and fracturine . Figure . 2-1 is a plan view of the Cresent Lake area, all locations of test holes, borings and seismic lines. Figure No. 2-2 depicts the subsurface depths along the dam axis as established by test holes and geophysical methods. As shown, the uppermost layer is composed of oreanics, volcanic ash and organic silt. This layer grades to a till comprised of silt and silty-sandy-gravel., containing numerous large boulders. The contactshown between the uppermost soils and the till material is actually at depths corresponding to the boulder layer. Bedrock depth across the axis varies between 15 and 40 feet. The surface slopes upward at both the north and south ends. A pro- nounced depression in the rock surface at point 25+00 along the survey line may be an ancient stream cut. Although no change in materials was noted, alluvial gravels might be present in the lower portions of this deoression. It is assumed that the Cresent Lake da~ will be of earth fill construction. The till will be used for 11, compacted and keyed into similar gravelly-material. The till analyzed is a silty- -11 - Eravelly-sand containing gravel 43%, sand 4 and silt 12%. Percolation testing in the upper 2 feet of the till showed in ltration rates of between 20 and 26.7 minutes per inch. RECOMMENDATIONS General Foundation conditions at both damsites include glacial till over bedrock. At both sites, in some areas, the till has been eroded away and rock is exposed at the surface. Blanketing both sites are organic silts, volcanic ash and organics. At the Forebay site, construction materials for an embankment dam include sands and gravels from an abandoned river channel, and a clayey-gravelly-sand, morainal deposit. At the Cresent Lake site, silty-gravelly-sand and a glacial till is available for dam construction. The surficial ash and organic rich soils would not be suitable for dam construction or foundation materials. Site Preparation Due to the potentially unstable and compressible nature of the surficial organics, volcanic ash and organic silts, these rna terials should be removed from the foundation area. l.fuere the dam will be founded on the hard slate bedrock, a keyway should be cut into the rock surface. Such a key should slope downward, going upstream. In addition, dependine upon the width of the embankment, a slot at least ten feet wide may need to be cut into -12 - rock, to form a cutoff tren Once a configuration has been tentatively selected, we should be allowed to evaluate s potential and dam stability to provide for foundation sloping, cutoff and embankment stability. Where the dams are supported by the glacial till, a keyway may still be required. It , however, not to extend to rock. Filling Earthfill darns should be constructed with compacted structural fill. Typically, such fill is compacted to at least 90% or 95% density based on AASHTO Standard: T-99. On Kodiak Island, due to the generally rainy weather, the silty-soils available for dam construction will probably become moistioned during grading. Once they are moistined even slightly and become wetter than optimum, they will become difficult or impossible to compact to the de- sired degree. Thus, it may be necessary to design the dams with less dense fill. This would, however, call for relatively flatter sideslopes. Another option for design may be to improve fill strength and stability through the use of soil-cement. This approach has the advantage of eliminating the need for riprap. However, earthwork may be appreciably more difficult, especially since large rocks would need to be removed from the fill. Also, soil-cement construction reauires the use of extra machinery, v7hich would,~eed to be transported to the remote sites. Finally, soil-cement construction should be performed by a contractor -13 - familiar with the technique. Outlet Works Conduits which penetrate through the dans or their abutments can be sources of leakage. In order to control such leakge, cutoff collars or diaphrams around the lines will be necessary. S?ill- ways and low level discharges should be aligned with the stream channels, so that bank erosion does not become a problem. Spillways will probably need soroe form of lining to control erosion. Depending upon discharge ouantities and velocit s, spillways may be lined with sod, gravel riprap or concrete. Slopes Commonly, embankment dams are designed with the sideslopes of 3H:IV to 5H:IV. Depending upon foundation conditions and em- bankment materials, slopes as flat as lOH:IV may also be necessary. Thus, once an embankment material type is selected and a 11 density is established. specific embankment slope angles can be evaluated. The face of the embankment exposed to the reserve should be protected from wave erosion. This may be accomplished with rip- rap, soil-cement or durable facing. The appropriate form of bank protection should be based upon wave heieht, frequency and embankment slope angles. Monitoring Prior to construction, permanent, groundwater elevation monitoring -14 - points should be installed downstream of the Cresent Lake damsite. A minimum of one piezo~eter should be located in the swale about 150 feet southeast of the stream draining Cresent Lake. This well should be located within 50 feet of the downstream toe of the dam. It would also be prudent to install a second groundwater monitoring well, in the swale about 200 feet south of the bend in the dam axis. This well should be set on the order of 10 to 30 feet from the toe of the dam. These monitoring wells should be installed as soon as practical. They should be read on a regular basis, prior to construction of the dam, to establsih background data, against which operational changes may be compared. These wells shn11Jd be monitored continuously during the initial pool filling and thereafter until any changes in the groundwater regime are established and under- stood. If during or shortly after pool filling, water levels begin to rise appreciably, it may be necessary to install a network of relief wells, construct a toe berm or improve dam stability or to blanket portions of the reservoir with impervious materials, to prevent a potential failure. We appreciate having the opportunity to provide these initial design recommendations. As plans develop, please do not hesitate -15 - to contact us for additional geotechnical data. Respectfully submitted, HmvARD GREY & ASSOCIATES, INC. 'b'' . ' .. ,, --OF AL \\ --'~ ...•.•.. :cfs '' .,:''\.~·· *"·1-. ~-:' c.,... _. ·.y ,, :J*;49TH . ".*f. ~...... ' ..... ·~ Howard J. Gr~ ,,..Erfglneering Geologist ~-. ••• • . •••••• ~ ~~-. No. 1783-E -~~: / /// I~·. ~ Q :~~, t:_: ~/ I/ ? 11?i?:C?!,s,~~Y:<f·0~ df:<-_.; /(/-\ ~--\\\\'ONAL ~~-- -. \ ~""'"-"'-'"' Alvin R. Zeman, P.E. \ I : / \~ (/) < <..!,j G >< _J -c:::. ~ :z: :z: w -0... 0::::: a.... 0 < t:Q LOG OF BORING NO. DH-1!1 DATE June 2 7 1980 . ' PROUECT Port Lions Hydroelectric TYPE BORING Hand Dug Test Pit LOCATION Cresent Lake, North of Stream SURFACE ELEVATION COMPLETION DEPTH 3 Ft. ....,: .....Ji5 z lL. 0 1-::~ w .. (f) N I 0 1-0 La... a:: n... w (f) La... w La... (f) 0 ;z~ ~u lr~ / SOIL DESCRIPTION Vegetation: high grasses and hrush. 0-4". organics and organic silt, dark brown, very -soft, moist. (PT-OL) (F-4) 4"-14" volcanic ash, tan sandy-silt overlying a white silty-sand, soft, moist. 14"-22" organic silt, dark brown, ~ (/) wo w 0::1- .....J :::> ;z Q. 1--W ~ V>t- <{ oz (/) ~0 u t .. I 1- Q. w 0 sand and gravels, some roots, IDHiljS. 7, I I-- I-- t-!5- t-- t-- t-- .,..___ ~ l 22"-36" sandy-silty gravel, dark brown, contains cobbles and boulders, gravel and pebbles are angular to sub-angular , cobbles and boulders are mostly sub-rounded, particles primarily slate, but does contain minor amounts of graywacke and granites, moist, dense to very dense. Glacial till. (GM) (F-1) 36" further depth prevented by presence of large boulders J ~ s- ... o 10 HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. LOG OF BORING NO. DH4f2 PROUECT Port Lions Hydroelectric DATE June 27, 1980 TYPE BORING Hand Dug Test Pit SURFACE ELEVATION LOCATION Cresent Lake, South Side of StrecQ>MPLETJON DEPTH 4% Ft. z ..,_.: ...J 0 z LL. 0 t:i w .. (.(),, N J: ::.::; 0 1-0 LL. 0: a.. w (/) LL. w -en SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 LL. <:( z...J =>u / Vegetation: high grasses. 0-4" organics and organic silt, dark brovm, very soft, moist. (ML-SM) (F-4) J 4"-10" volcanic ash, sandy-silt, tan to light . brown, soft, moist. (ML-SM) (F-4) ~m 5 ~ ~ 1-- f-- 1--- 1-- 1-- 1-- --- 10"-30" organic silt, dark brown, contains some sand and gravel at base, roots, moist, firm. f\. (OL-SM) (F-4) 30"-54" sandy-silty-gravel, brown to gray with depth, angular to sub-rounded gravels, sub- round€d cobbles and boulders, mostly slate with graywacke and granite, moist, dense to very dense. Glacial till. (GM) (F-1) 54" digging stopped due to boulders covering majority of hole. J 0 ..,_.: (/) w Ci' IJ... w 0:1-.. ...J =>z J: a.. 1--W 1-~ (/)I-a.. <:( oz w (/) ~0 0 IDH 4f2 u .....__ 9. g~· 5· f-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- J-10 10. HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. LOG OF BORING NO. B-11 PROJECT Port Lions Hydroelectric DATE July 16, 1980 TYPE BORING Hand Dug Test Pit LOCATION Forebay, Dam, 11+55' On Survey SURFACE ELEVATION About 7 3 Ft. .,_:: _J ~ lL 01-::5 .. f.l) :c 1-0 LL. 0.. lLJ- lLJ -~ 0 ~:3 =>o ~{A El . . . . . ~ . 2) . . . . . ·::·:·.·::· . . . . . ' .... · . . ': .·.· ... . .. .. . . . . . . . . ·, ·, ;). r=ro 1--- -- ... 5. I-- LineCOMPLETION DEPTH 3 l/3 Ft. z lJJ N 0 0:: IJ... -/ SOIL DESCRIPTION Vegetation: thick forest and moss covered ground. 0-2". organics and organic silt, composed of.moss and thin covering of residual soil . (PT-OL) (F-4) 2' -30" volcanic ash, sandy-silt .to silty-sand, tan silt overlying white sand, some roots, moist, soft . (ML-SM) (F-4) 30"-40" organic silt, dark brown, contains some sand and gravel, roots, moist, firm. ~ (OL-SM) (F-4) 40" bedrock, slate, black, fractured, easily shattered, weathered, approximate strike - N 30° E, southerly slope, water at bedrock surface. 0 t ,; LLJ~ O::t--:::::>z :I: t;w t- _f-a.. oz lLJ f.l) ~0 0 -u _/ / ...5 . .... o 10 HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. LOG OF BORING NO. B-12 PROUECT Port Lions Hydroelectric DATE July 17, 1980 TYPE BORING Hand Dug Test Pit SURFACE ELEVATION About 82 Ft LOCATION Forebay Dam, 12+70' On Survey LineCOMPLETION DEPTH 4~ Ft. t _Jfj 0~5 ... (j) :I: .,._ Ola... o.. w-w -~ 0 ~~ =>u t-5· 1-- 1-- .,.____ f-- I-- 1--- .,.____ 1--- z w N 0 a: IJ.... / SOIL DESCRIPTION Vegetation: thick forests and moss covered ground. 0-4" organic and organic silt, moss and decaying - (j) w _J 0... ':E <l CJ) 0 .,_: w~ IJ.... 0:1-.. =>z J: t;w t _f-oz w ~s 0 vegetation on thinly developed residual soil. I I I 1· Soft, moist. (PT-OL) (F-4) . 4"-12" volcanic ash, sandy-silt to silty-sand, tan silt overlying white sand, soft, moist. 1 1 1 1 (ML-SM) (F-4) 12"-24" organic silt, dark brown, with some sandv and gravel, roots, moist, firm. (OL-SH) (F-4) 24"-54" Sandy-silty-gravel; brown to gray with depth, contains angular gravels, eontains about 5% rounded to sub-rounded cobbles and boulders, mostly slate with some graywacke and granite, moist, dense to very dense. Glacial till. (GM) (F-1) 54" bedrock, slate, black, fractured, flat lying, hard, difficult to shatter, no visible weathering, no strike or dip obtained. B-U "'5· 10 10 HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. LOG OF BORING NO. B-13 PROUECT Port Lions Hydroelectric TYPE BORING Hand Dug Test Pit LOCATION Forebay Dam, 13+30' On Survey DATE July 18, 1980 SURFACE ELEVATION About 88 LineCOMPLETION DEPTH 5~ Ft. w~ 0::1- a-: _, ~ lL. 0 '--t1 .. (/) :r: 1-OLL. o.. w-~I SOIL DESCRIPTION li :::>z 1-W w -~ 0 ~~ =>u SOl-oz (/) ~0 / . u ·rriX t .. :r: 1- Q. w 0 Vegetation: thick forests and moss covered ground. 0-4"' organics and organic silt, moss and decaying vegetation over thinly developed residual soil, 1 1 1 I soft, moist. (PT-OL) (F-4) ~ 1-- J--- I-- - 4"-12" volcanic ash, sandy-silt to silty-sand, · ' tan silt overlying white sand, moist, soft. (ML-SM) (F-4) 12"-30" organic silt, dark brown to gray, with sand and rocks to cobble size, sub-angular to rounded, moist, firm. (OL-SM) (F-4) 30"-60" sandy-silty gravel, gray, contains angular to sub-rounded gravel, pebbles, sub-rounded to rounded cobbles and boulders, mostly slate with some graywacke and granites, moist, dense to very dense. Glacial till. (GM) (F-1) No bedrock encountered. !5· 10 I I I I '10 HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. PROJECT Port Lions TYPE BORING Hand LOCATION Forebay __.8 ott (/)!,.;! OlL w-_(/') LLV'l -<t z.....~ :::>u z LLI N 0 a::: lL -/ LOG OF BORING NO. B-14 Hydroelectric Dug Test Pit ·DATE July 27, 1980 SURFACE ELEVATION 85 Dam, 10+90' On Survey Lin&OMPLETION DEPTH 6 Ft. (/') w* w O:::f- SOIL DESCRIPTION _J =>Z a.. t:;w ~ _f-<t oz CJ) ~s - Vegetation: thick forest with moss covered ground. 0-3" organics and organic silt, moss covering thinly developed residual soil. Soft, moist. (PT-OL) (F-4) t .. :c f-a.. LLI 0 I I I ·,,·(· 3"-10" volcanic ash, sandy-silt, tan, sand and 1----f:'P.Y. silt mixture, roots, moist, soft. 0 /- 0 (OL-SM) (F-4) -o· . ~-/.~ .... ~ .. ~/o%' •• 0 ·/.·I 0 . l--l,·<~i /' .I ~:·{:;/: "· . . 0 tl 0 ~----~·;.;:) . , .. • • 0 ... 5 _j ::t:. ?' ,e/.• /. !'/. l--l,o/c,· , •• 'I' .. ·/·. f-- 1--- 10"-18" organic silt, dark brown, contains minor amounts of sand and gravel, thin gray silt lense at about 12" from surface, roots, very firm, moist. (OL-SM) (F-4) J 18"-72" clayey-gravelly-sand, zray, angular gravel and pebbles, rounded and sub-rounded cobbles and boulders, mostly slate with some graywacke granite, very dense, moist. Glacial moraine deposit . (GM) (F-1) 5· lB-H 1--- "'I() I()· HOWARD GREY 8 ASSOC. INC. LOG OF BORING NO. B-21 PROVECT Port Lions Hydroelectric DATE July 18, 1980 TYPE BORING 4" Auger SURFACE ELEVATION LOCATION Cresent Lake, 2'+10' On Survey Lin~OMPLETION DEPTH 6% Ft. t ..J~ z ot:t w .. (f) !..2 ~ :X: aLL 0: 6: w (/') lJ... w lJ... (/') a ~dl / SOIL DESCRIPTION Vegetation: low brush and grasses. Organics and organic silt, dark brown, very soft, moist. (PT-OL) (F-4) Volcanic ash, sandy-silt to silty-sand, grades downward from a tan silt to a white sand, soft; · (/') w~ w 0:1-1cr ::>z tf)W :!E -1-<{ oz (f) :!E8 1-= LL .. :X: ti: w a moist. (ML-SM) F-4 1----1 ~ ~0- 1--- I--- !15 Organic silt, dark brown, contains some sands and ~ 5 gravel toward base, firm, moist to wet. - (OL-SM) (F-4) Sandy-silty-r,ravel, light brown to gray with ~ depth, cobbles and boulders, sub-angular to sub-J rounded, gravels, mostly slate with some granites, moist, dense .to very dense. Glacial till. (GM) ( F-4) Standard Penetration Test 1.4 split spoon and 70 lb. drop hammer Depth Blow Count 3 I -3Jz I 3Jz 1 -3 3/4' 5% I -6 I 6 I -6% I 52 50 55 60 !'10· 115· ~OI I I I I 1~(). HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. LOG OF BORING NO. B-22 PROJECT Port Lions Hydroelectric TYPE BORING 4" Auger DATE July 18, 1980 SURFACE ELEVATION Lin~OMPLETION DEPTH LOCATION Cresent Lake, 22+52' On Survey fj ~ @~ i.I: 0!:!:: a: w Vl w lL~ o z..J ::::>0 z w ~ 0:: lL. L- SOIL DESCRIPTION Vegetation: low brush and grasses. Organics and organic silt, dark brown, very soft,. moist. (PT-OL) (F-4) Volcanic ash, sandy-silt to silty-sand, tan silt overlying white sand, soft, moist. (ML-SM) (.F-4) 9% Ft. Vl w~ t w 0:::1-.. _J ::>z :z:: a.. t;;w 1-::E -1-a.. <[ oz w fJ) :?!8 0 Organic silt, dark brown, contains some sand 1 1 ~ 5 _ and gravel -mostly at base, firm, moist. ~0- I-- f-- I-- I-- ~5 f- ..,___ (OL-SM) (F-4) Sandy-silty gravel, light brown to gray with ~1f depth, cobbles and boulders, angular to sub- rounded gravels, mostly slate with some granites, may contain random silt lenses, moist, dense to very dense. Glacial till. (GM) (F-1) S d d . . • /10· tan ar Penetratlon Test 1.4 split spoon and 70 lb. drop hammers Depth Blow Count 6 I -6% I 6%1 -7 I 55 65 ~5- ~QI I I I I 1~0 HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. LOG OF BORING NO. B-23 PROVECT Port Lions Hydroelectric TYPE BORING 4" Auger LOCATION Cresent Lake, 16+50' On Survey _DATE July 19, 1980 SURFACE ELEVAT~N Lin~OMPLETION DEPTH 7%_ Ft. r-: .J ~ lL. 0~5 .. (J) :I: fi: OLL. w ~m a ~s z l&J N ~ lL. I ~ w~ 0::1- =>Z SOIL DESCRIPTION t;;w -1-oz (/) =>u / ..-rv<'\ 1-5 Vegetation: low brush and grasses. Organics and organic silt, dark brown, very soft.. (PT-OL) (F-4) Volcanic ash, sandy-silt to silty-sand, tan silt overlying white sand, soft, moist. (ML-SM Organic silt, dark brown, contains some sand and gravel, firm, moist to wet. (OL-SM) (F-4) I ·j ::ES t .. I 1-a.. w 0 !!(). Sandy-silty-gravel, light brown to gray with depth, cobbles and boulders, angular to sub- rounded gravels, mostly slate but with some granites, moist to wet, dense to very dense. Glacial till. (GM) (F-1) Standard Penetration Test 1.4 split spoon and 70 lb. drop hammer J, I '~o. q5 Depth Blow Count 6 I -6% I 6~' -7' 55 65 1-15· 201 I I I I 1!20 HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. LOG OF BORING NO. B-24 PROUECT Port Lions Hydroelectric DATE July 19 & 20, TYPE BORING 4" Auger SURFACE ELEVATION LOCATION Cresent Lake, 13+00' On Survey Lin€0MPLETION DEPTH ~ .....1~ z 1.1.. 0~53 w .. V> N ::r: 0 I-0 lL.. 0:: 0... w (f) lL w lL (f) o z::)l ~u / SOIL DESCRIPTION Vegetation: high bush Organics and organic silt, 1980 6 Ft. (/) w~ t w a:t-.. __J ::JZ: :r: a_ 1-W 1-~ V>f-a.. <( oz w (/) ~0 0 u moist. 1 1 1 1--- 1--- 10- ~ I-- I-- ~ !'J 5· Volcanic ash, sandy-silt to tan ~ilt overlying white sand, soft, 1 1 1 silt, dark brown, contains some sands firm, moist. (OL-SM) (F-4) Sandy -silty-gravel, gray, contains angular to ~ sub-rounded gravels, cobbles and boulders, mostly J slate with some granites, moist, dense to very dense. Glacial till. (GM) (F-1) 1-5- !10 15· ~0 I I I I I 1!20 HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. LOG OF BORING NO. B-25 PROJECT Port Lions Hydroelectric _DATE July 20, 1980 TYPE BORING 4" Auger SURFACE ELEVATION LOCATION Cresene Lake, 50' North Of StreamCOMPLETION DEPTH 7 Ft. t _.~ ... 0 t:t ::r: (/) !..? fi: Ol.L w ~~ 0 ~:3 =>u _A_i z UJ N ~ lL / I~ w~ 0::1-::::>z SOIL DESCRIPTION t;;w _.._ oz (/) ~0 u Vegetation: high bush a-: IJ.... ... ::r: li: w 0 and organic silt, 1 1 1 1 {.~·.::·. . -. ~~: ... : .; .. V:~ ... I-- !'10- 45 Volcanic ash, sandy-silt to silty-sand, tan si~t. 1 1 1 1 overlying white sand, soft, moist. (ML-SM) (.F-4) silt,dark brown, contains some sand and moist, firm. (OL-SM) (F-4) Sandy-silty-gravel, gray, contains angular to sub-rounded gravel particles, some cobbles and ~boulders, mostly slate with some granites, mo. 1· .s .. t. J to wet, dense to very dense. Glacial till. . · (GM) (F-1) ., 5- y :'10· !'15· ~0 I I I I I 12()- HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. LOG OF BORING NO. B-26 PROUECT Port Lions Hydroelectric DATE July 20, 1980 TYPE BORING 4" Auger SURFACE ELEVATION LOCATION Cr~sent Lake, 15+00 On Survey LineCOMPLETION DEPTH 5 Ft. ,....: _J ~ lL. 0~ 1-:: .. lf) I 1-OLL a. w-w -~ a ~::3 :::>u f-.- f-- !J().. f-- 45· z w N ft LL /__- \ \ 0 r: (/) wi>' LL w 0::1-... _J :::::>z I SOIL DESCRIPTION a. t;;w t ~ -1-<{ oz w (/) :ES a Vegetation: low brush and grasses. organic silt, 1 1 1 Volcanic ash, sandy-silt to silty-sand, tan silt 1 1 1 overlying white sand, soft, moist. · ' (ML-SM) (F-4) Organic silt, dark brown to gray, contains some sand and gravel, moist, firm. (OL-SM) (F-4) Sandy-silty-gravel, light brown, angular to sub-rounded gravel, contains cobbles and boulders, moist, dense to very dense, drilling difficult, refusal on boulder or bedrock. Glacial till. (GM) (F-1) } I I I 5 · ~0- .. 15· ~o· 1 , • , •2 o- HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. ~ z -1- CCI C/) l.J.J >< 1--Q >· z 0:::: l.J.J c 0-1- 0.... c::::( c:::c 0:::: 0 CCI <l:: ........1 100 90 ..... 80 X ~ 10 LIJ ~ >-60 m a:: ~ LIJ ~ LL ..... 40 z LIJ ~ 30 LIJ a. 20 10 U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3in. 1.5in. 3/4in.3/8in 4 I 0 20 40 60 100 200 HYDROMETER I . I _1 I t' ~ "" "'" ~ ~ w ~ I~ [ ~ ffi " '\ I' ~'-ro... ...... ~'-.. -.............. 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT COARSE I FINE COARSEI MEDIUM 1 FINE Cresent Lake Damsite PROJECT Port Lions Hydroelectric WORK ORDER 80-339 Boring DHIH Sample DH#J Depth 3 Et Dust Ratio 0/o Passing 200 10. 6% Based on visual observation, an estimated 10% of this soil is greater than 3 inches. GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION HOWAFI> GREY a ASSOC. INC. 0.001 CLAY 100 90 ~ 80 :I: ~ 70 UJ ~ >-60 CD ffieo i: u. ~ 40 z UJ ~ 30 UJ 0... 20 10 U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3in I 5in 3/4in.318in 4 I 0 20 40 60 100 200 HYDROMETER i . , I I I ""' ~ " ""' "" "" ,,.,. ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ I" " fF 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT COARSE I Fl N E COARSel MEDIUM I FINE Cresent Lake Damsite PROJECT Port I.j ons Hydroelectric WORK ORDER .80,339 Boring DH{!2 Sample DH#2 Depth 4 Ft. Dust Ratio __ 0/o Passing 200 J 4 4% Based on visual observation, an estimated 10% of this soil is greater than 3 inches. GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION HOWAFD GREY a ASSOC. INC. 0.001 CLAY U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 100 3in. 1.5in. 3/4in.3/8in 4 I 0 20 40 60 100 200 HYDROMETER 'I I I 90 ~ ~ .... 80 :t: ' " ~ 10 UJ ~ >-60 CD " ,, 0:: ~ UJ i; " ~ u.. t-40 ' z UJ u 30 a:: IJJ ' " Q. 20 " ' 10 1- 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY COARSE I Fl N E COARSE! MEDIUM I FINE Forebay Damsite PROJECT Port Lions Hydroelectric WORK ORDER 80-339 Boring B-12 Sample B-12 Depth 4 Ft. Dust Ratio __ _ 0/o Passing 200 11. 8% Based on visual observation, an estimated 5% of this soil is greater than 3 inches. GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. 0.001 100 90 .... 80 X £2 70 LLJ ;t >-60 c:o 0: ~ w ~ LL .... 40 z w ~ 30 w a. 20 10 U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3in I 5in 314in 3/Sin 4 I 0 20 40 SO 100 200 HYDROMETER i 'I I I I r-... t--..... ~ ' \ ~· \ ~ \ \ \ 1\ ' ' ....._ 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT COARSE I FINE coARsEI MEDIUM I FINE Forebay Damsite PROJECT Port Lions Hydroelectric WORK ORDER 80-339 Boring B-l 4 Sample B-l 4 Depth 6 Ft · Oust Ratio 0/o Passing 200 6 · 5% Based on visual observation, an estimated.lO% of this soil is greater than 3 inches. GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION HOWARD GREY a ASSOC. INC. 0.001 CLAY PROJECT: Port Lions llydroe]ectric DATE: 1980 PLASTICITY CHART 40 CH -H p.. ->< 30 ~ Q z H >-t H H CL u 20 H H C/l < ....:l p.. MH or OH 10 CL-:t-!L ML or OL 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) ..::::r I -" 1'1"\ c...D u " I I U') l'l"'INN >< w " I -0::::: u -" " ~ ~ " C'.J ~ z (.!:) c::Q " I I w -" NNN c.. L.L.. c:c I c.. -" " c::t: -..::::r I I -N N I - ...... 1. ~ '; L• l.-~ '"7 . ~,--. j_. \r,\\~<f,;.,;, l/-v•) V'-._5 ( 4/fl -....... J \ ,, --\\. ---.__... ..... 7 ' 1 t 22 ('\ . d' \_;" ( ../ . ~.;-' \ 27 . \ /-r / .~ /' t'A ·r-. # • I! I 'Q_ ---,-:P// ' ·~ /) ,\ &TO'Oul . .. • ~ -4> Pokati -~ •. ~AMSITE a..._:.'..-~":"'«2 • ~ -.;: ::.... ~ ::: ~ ...... ~ Pestchani Pomt Q= "' ~ ~ "I'~ .'""' '-{ -c\j -~-0 \....-~ l . --- ""'' ~ .... "(J()C~ Uzko~sl<f ,:;,, • ', 7'. _./ Po1nt ~ .;b o--c.'~· ~ .J> Bird.._ •.,.,.::;. __ _,-• .j> ~ Pomt .. ~uzhn ~ e Pomt 0 ,,.,..,., RocO • Sftoc Rod<l VICINITY MAP PORT LIONS, ALASKA From U.S.G.S. Kodiak (D-3) Figure ~ J s I I u/o , , I , I I I I I , , J s Trinity Islands ? s 10 15 70 31 Scale-Miles y'k Kodiak Island ~ N " EXPLA~ATION Jurassic, volcanic and marine sedimentary rocks oz.-1 Cretaceous, slates and ~ graywackes ~ Tertiary, shales, sand- stones and conglomerates u Major fault showing ----~ 0 relative movement by: C.A. Burk Published by: The Geological Society of America, Inc., 1965 TECTONIC HAP KODIAK ISLAND f£ VICINITY Figure B \ CRESENT LAKE AREA Cresent Lake Island Lake Kk_.Q I ~q~H Recent: ~g~ Pleistocene: [~-~~~Cretaceous: PORT LIONS AREA SCALE 1 11 = 1000 I Undifferentiated alluvial gravel and sand Glacial moraine deposits, unconsolidated silt, sand, and gravel Slates and graywacke. generally highly metamorphosed and well indurated. GENERALIZED GEOLOGIC MAP CRESENT LAKE & PORT LIONS AREA ALASKA Figure C ----------------" -I· .. \ --.. ... _. ' 85 , ... - s -... ~1-2 -· .. ---{ ""f Rebar ,. "'"'""' __ ... ... ,; . ........ "'I .. ,_,--~~"' I e DII#B-14 ~-----------------I ----- \ ~+.QQ.,' _ \. __________ - - -""' ,.. -TP-4 --~,..- -.................... \ 0 ---/ \ Hub ' ----·,----------------.\---- ....... . \ \ ___ \ ________ _ ..... .,.. \ \ v sc'-Y \ Port Lions River ... ~ "" , ,.. ______ .... -, / , ----..... _____ 75 \ ~ , ,; ,; , "' ""' / / , ., 80 / / / ,. - -- " "" "" "" ,. ,; , , / / / ,; "" / ;' / , / \ / ..... , " SCALE 1" = 20' \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "" / '""\ / • I )./ ,· ,.,. \ \ / \ \ \ \ ,."' / \ \ / ' Elevation Contours II II Cross Section 1--.?~1-1 ... ---1 Seismic Line ~ Test Hole y Strike & Dip I I I I I I I I I I I I I Topor,raphy Elevations & Facility Locations Taken From Damsite Survey -/ .... / ..... ,. ,.,.."' ( ~ -,. _,...---·---. --I ----75 ,,. , 0 Hub \ _.,,. I I I I I 12+25' . \ / I \ ~,"' \ 12+50.,. /. / \ / / / . / \"'"" \ --,. .... 80 "" , ~ DH:f,fB-12\ \12+75' \ \ ,.. ,.--85 . \..,"" - ..,.,. ... -.... ... .... .... -..... ' I , , "" \ I I I '-I ~. I I I I I I I I ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I '· '\. I ,, I I I I I I I I f I I r I I ,, I I { I I I I I I ' '· I' I I .... ... ,. ; ; \ \ \ \ 90·· Spillway PORT LIONS HYDROLELECTRIC FOREBAY DAHSITE P'lan View ..... ,. , / ..... - .... ..... , .... .... ' ' n Figure No.l-1 .. North sc 1-2 100' c r ..;:t 90' ....... I c:Q 80' 70' 60' sc 1-1 sc 1-3 N ....... I c:Q ....... ....... I c:Q -------------------__::._----- - ---------------------_--------- ~Surface: Moraine: Till: Bedrock: Organics, Volcanic Ash, Organic Silt Clayey-S'l 1 ty-Gravell y-Sand Silt-Gravell S y-and Slate, Graywacke Contact, Dashed Hhere Approximate sc 1-L~ ("'") ....... I c:Q ~ ::r:: P. ---------------:.--------~ --------- SCALE --- Horizontal: 1 11 = 25' Verticle: 1" = 10' Verticle Ex aggeration: 2.5x Topograph~ & Surface Taken From Dam . Elevations Sl.te Survey South C' 100' 90' 80' 70' 60' PORT LIONS L HYDROELECTRIC FOREBAY DAHSITE Cross Section Figure No.l-2 \>Jest 90 I - 80 1 - 70' 60 1 - t-Jes t East Ground Surface 75'~------------------------~~~-------------------75' vl = 850 ft/sec v2 = 9000 ft/sec 65 I-LINE SCl-1 1-65 I Topography & Elevations Taken From Damsite Survey Ground Surface vl = 825 ft/sec v2 = 3450 ft/sec v3 = 13,700 ft/sec East 90' 80' 70' LINE SCl-2 • 60 I SCALE Horizon tal: 1 '' = 10' Vertical: 1" = 10' PORT LIONS HYDROELECTRIC FOREBAY DAHSITE SEISMIC VELOCITIES Figure No. l-3 North 80' 70' 60' North 90' 80' d su-rface --------G-roun --- 1100 ft/sec v 2 = 16,ooo /sec South Ground Surface 90' 1100 /sec 80' v2 = 16,000 ft/sec 70' LINE SCl-4 Topography & Elevations ~aken From Damsite Survey South 90' 80' 70' LINE SCl-3 SCALE Horizontal: 1" = 10' Vertical: 1" = 10' PORT LIONS HYDROELECTRIC FOREBAY DAMSITE SEISMIC VELOCITIES Figure No. 1-4 )( 299.4 \ J I ,...:..._. --..... " \ r----::.··\ )( 299. 7 . .. --···\..~296.7 I I J .... 308.8~. 31..~30 8 SC2-6 "-;;I; 308.6 )(316.6 x'319.8 ------- CRESENT LAKE (]1-----[] Survey Line and Stations ft-----------1 Cross Section SC2-l Seismic Lines 0 Test Holes (Boring) Test Pits ~ Strike and Dip of Outcrop X Elevations SCALE 1" = 100' X 311.7 ')(315.2 ~ ( ~-/ '\ PORT LIONS HYDROELECTRIC CRESENT LAKE DAMSITE Plan View Figure No. 2-1 / North A0 SC2-2 340' I 320' 300' SC2-l I fps SC2-7 N ~ ::c c:l ~ ...;:t N South SC2-6 SC2-5 SC2-4 SC2-3 --..... A' 340' 320' r-1 N 300' 280' ------------------------------------ 260' West 320' 300' 280' I SC2-l East B' 320' 300' 280' ·~ Surface: Organ~s, Volcanic Ash, Organic Silt ~ Till: Silty-Gravelly-Sand ~ Bedrock: Slate, Graywacke, Irregular & \olea thered Surface SCALE Horizontal: 1" = 100' Verticle: 1" = 20' Topography & Elevations Taken From Damsite Survey PORT LIONS HYDROELECTRIC CRESENT LAKE DAMSITE Cross Section 260' Figure No. 2-2 West 315' 305' 29 5' 285' \-Jest East 300'------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 300' 290' 280' 270' ---............. ------- v1 = 1050 ft/sec v2 = 6000 ft/sec Topography & Elevations Taken From Damsite Survey vl = 950 ft/sec v2 = 2500 ft/sec v3 = 9000 ft/sec LINE SC2-2 --- ------ LIUE SC2-1 East 305' 295' 285' 290' 280' 270' SCALE Horizontal: 1" Vertical: 1" 10' 10' PORT LI0:1S HYDROELECTRIC CRESENT LAKE DAMSITE SEISlUC VELOCITIES Figure No. 2-3 North 305' 295' 285' North 300' 290' ------ 280' 270' 1050 ft/sec 6000 ft/sec ------------v3 ~ 20,000 ft/sec vl ~ v2 = v3 = 1150 ft/sec 9250 ft/sec 17,000 ft/sec Topography & Elevations Taken From Damsite survey LINE ----- South 305' 295' 285' LINE SC2-3 South 300' SCALE Horizontal: 1" = 10' 290' Vertical: l" = 10' 280' PORT LIONS HYDROELECTRIC CRESENT LAKE DAMSITE SC2-4 SEISIHC VELOCITIES 270' Figure No. 2-4 325 I • 315 I • 305' 295' 285 I • North South I"" 325' r-------------------------------------------------------------------------~ vl == 1075 ft/sec v2 = 4450 ft/sec Bedrock Depth Greater Than 40' ---------------------------------------- V3 = Estimated at 10,000 ft/sec Topography & Elevations Taken From Damsite Survey LINE SC2-5 "" 315' .... 295' 1-285' SCALE Horizontal: 1" = 10' Vertical: 1" = 10' PORT LIONS HYDROELECTRIC CRI:SENT LAKE DAHSITE SEISMIC VELOCITIES Figure No. 2-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I North 305 1 I I 295 1 I I 285 1 I -- I I South ~N:o:r~t:h--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l 305' ~ 305' vl :::; 1100 ft/sec 295 1 295' v2 :::; 5800 ft/sec 285' 285' LINE SC2-6 -------------------------- ---------------Bedrock Depth Greater Than 32 1 275 1 275' ------------ vl = 1100 ft/sec v2 = 3000 ft/sec ------ v3 = 13,000 ft/sec Topography & Elevations Taken From Damsite Survey -........ ........ LINE SC2-7 ........ ........ ........ ..... South 305 1 295' I l 285' SCALI: Horizontal: 1 11 = 10 1 Vertical: 1 11 = 10 1 PORT LIONS HYDROELECTRIC CRESENT LAKE DAi~SITE SEISMIC VELOCITII:S Figure Ho. 2-6 I ----------------