HomeMy WebLinkAboutIsatkoak Safety Inspection Report 1984R 3 ISATKOAK DAM (-~~~fPJ. ·-. l~ _. ~-· PERIODIC SAFETY INSPECTION REPORT Number 1 Alaska Dam Safety Program Department of Natural Resources Division of Land and Water Management December 12, 1984 Dames&Moore RECEIVED JAN 1 5 1985 AJJ$KA POWER AUTHORITY. PR07ERTY OF: Anchorctge, Alaska 99501 ISATKOAK DAM PERIODIC SAFETY INSPECTION REPORT Number 1 Alaska Dam Safety Program Department of Natural Resources Division of Land and Water Management December 12, 1984 Dames&Moore BOO Cordova Street, Suite 101, Anchorage, AK 99501 8514-092-20 Title Sheet REPORT ISATKOAK DAM AK00051 Alaska, Longitude 156°45' and Latitude 71°16', Isatkoak Creek Owned by the City of Barrow Size Classification: Intermediate Hazard Potential Classification: Significant Inspectors: Review team: Thomas G. Krzewinski, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer William D. Webb, P.E. Dam Design Engineer Anand Prakash Hydrologist/Hydraulics Engineer Approved by: .:;:;r-~ ~ ~ ' Dames &: Moore Kyle Cherry, P.E. Dam Safety Engineer Ken Hunt Dam Safety Engineer Carol Larson Hydrologist Approved by: 'A~l~a~s~ka~D~e-p_a_r~t-m--e-n~t-o-f~N~a~t-u_r_a~l~Re_s_o_u_r--ces General Assessment The Isatkoak Dam was inspected on September 12, 1984 by an interdis- ciplinary team of engineers from Dames & Moore. The purpose of the in- spection was to assess the general condition of the dam with respect to safety in order to determine if, in the opinion of the inspection team, the dam poses recognizable hazards to human life or property. Based on the Corps of Engineers guidelines, the dam is in the signifi- cant hazard potential classification, which means that some loss of life and appreciable property loss could occur in the event of failure of the dam. The Isatkoak Dam is in the intermediate size classification since it has a storage impoundment of less than 50,000 acre-feet and greater than 1,000 acre-feet. The inspection and evaluation indicate that, due to uncontrolled flow of water from the reservoir to Isatkoak Lagoon and from Isatkoak Lagoon to Tasigarook Lagoon, the Stevenson Street Embankment could be overtopped and breached during a high flow event. Erosion of the embankment slopes has also taken place on the Isatkoak Dam, the Lower Dam and the Stevenson Street embankment. A substantial seepage area was observed on the downstream slope of the Isatkoak Dam and continued seepage could cause differential settlement due to thawing of permafrost soils. Remedial work is recommended to correct these deficiencies. Other deficiencies noted during the inspection included a lack of operational and design records, a lack of thermal records for the Istakoak Dam section, a lack of topographic information, a lack of detailed flood routing analysis, and minor erosion of concrete appurtenances. It is recom- mended that action be taken in the near future to correct or control the deficiencies described. i TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL ASSESSMENT • TABLE OF CONTENTS. LOCATION MAP • PROJECT DATA . 1.0 INTRODUCTION •• 2.0 3.0 4.0 PROJECT INFORMATION • 2.1 Site Information • 2. 1 • 1 2. 1 • 2 2. 1. 3 2. 1 • 4 2. 1 • 5 Geologic Condit ions • • • • . Seismicity .••••••••• Surface Conditions. . ••• Subsurface Conditions . Climate .••••....•. 2.2 Description of Structures •••. 2.3 Design, Construction and Operating History • 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 Design. • • • Construction. Operating History • FIELD INSPECTION. EVALUATION ..••••.•.•••. 4.1 Structural and Geotechnical. 4. 1 • 1 4. 1 • 2 4. 1 • 3 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Embankment/Foundation Condition .••• Stability.... • ••.•••••• 4.2 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Evaluation. 4.2.1 Spillway Adequacy •••• 4.2.2 Effects of Overtopping •• 4.3 Operation and Maintenance •• 5.0 CONCLUSIONS •. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS . 7.0 REFERENCES .•• APPENDIX A -Visual Inspection Checklists APPENDIX B -Photos APPENDIX C -Hydrologic Calculations ii i ii iii iv 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 7 7 10 11 11 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 25 25 25 26 27 I -~- 1 • • BARROW • iii 0 SCAL E 5 10 ~---~ FEET LOCATION MAP ADAPTED FROM USGS BARROW, ALASKA, 1959, MINOR REVISIONS 1968 • General Name Location Year Built Purpose Inventory of Dam I.D. Number Hazard Potential Classification Size Classification Owner Dam Type Crest Length Crest Width Crest Elevation Height Spillway Type Location Size Number Length Upstream Invert Elevation Downstream Invert Elevation Discharge Capacity at 1.5 feet Below Dam Crest PROJECT DATA Isatkoak Dam Barrow, Alaska 1976-1978 Water Supply AK00051 Significant Intermediate City of Barrow P. 0. Box 69 Barrow, AK 99723 Mr. Roy Nageak (907)852-2611 Earth fill 2000 feet 30 feet 14 feet 16 feet Corrugated metal pipe-arch culverts South abutment 27 inch by 43 inch 11 77.5 feet 9.5 to 10 feet 4.1 to 5 feet 374 cfs iv Intake Structure Type Location Pumps Inlet Pipe Outlet Pipe Reservoir Normal Maximum Water Surface Elevation Water Surface Elevation at Dam Crest Storage Volume at Spill Crest Surface Area at Spillway Crest Hydrologic Data Drainage Area Average Annual Precipitation Average Annual Discharge Flood of Record Project Design Flood Probable Maximum Flood PROJECT DATA (continued) Pump house on a fill berm 250 feet south of north abutment 110 feet upstream from dam 3 submersible pumps 6 inch diameter 4 inch diameter 10 feet 14 feet 1,140 acre-feet 128 acres 2.5 square-miles 4.25 inches Unknown Unknown 583 cfs 1166 cfs v 1.0 INTRODUCTION The inspection of the Isatkoak Darn in Barrow, Alaska was performed in accordance with State of Alaska Professional Services Contract 83-03-003, Contract Type 6201, Encumbance Reference No. CC10-0026, and Contract Authority No. 84-0485. The guidlines recommended for the investigation were the "Recommended Guidelines for Safety Inspection of Dams" established by the Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army Corps of Enqineers. The purpose of the Isatkoak inspection was to evaluate the risk of failure. Specifically, our scope of work included developing a report which: o describes the assessed condition of the dam and recommends a hazard classification o provides conclusions as to which particular condition could cause failure o makes recommendations on remedial measures believed necessary o makes recommendations on whether and what type of future investi- gation should be conducted 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 Site Information The Isatkoak Dam is located at longitude 156°45' and Latitude 71°16' on Isatkoak Creek approximately one-half mile east of Barrow, Alaska (See Location Map). Two lagoons are present downstream of the dam as shown on Figure 1. The Tasigarook Lagoon is separated from the Chukchi Sea by the Stevenson Street berm. The Isatkoak Lagoon is contained by an old dam labeled "lower dam" on Figure 1. The Isatkoak Dam creates the resevoir for the City of Barrow's water supply. -1- • wZ (!)0 <0 ~(!) w< C;)-1 • IJJ ..J ..J -> tC IJJ 3: 0 tC tO • 3: 0 tC tC < rn w a:,_ ::::>z 1-w ~~ u..~ og <w , w> a:w <O • , I • • • • .. 0 0 2 • • E II Q 2.1.1 Geologic Conditions Barrow is located on the Arctic Coastal Plain, a geologic province bounded on the north by the Beaufort Sea, on the south by the foothills of the Brooks Range, and on the west by the Chukchi Sea (see Figure 1). Several sea-level fluctuations have occurred along the Arctic Coastal Plain over its geologic history. These advances and retreats of the shore- line have alternately flooded and exposed significant portions of the North Slope. The Arctic Coastal Plain is mantled by unconsolidated deposits of the Gubik Formation consisting of lenses and mixtures of sand, gravel, silt, and clay. Though mainly of marine origin, the formation has also been modified by alluvial, lacustrine, eolian, and frost processes. A thin layer of surface peat mantles most of the area and supports a wide variety of tundra vegetation. Wind-blown silts often form a thin mantle mixed with or underlying the peat layers. Beneath the tundra vege- tation, soils in the Barrow area consist of fine sandy silts, silty clays, silts, and coarse to medium silty sands. Permafrost underlies the entire Arctic Coastal Plain. The bottom of the permafrost zone in the Barrow area lies 1,000 to 1,300 feet below the sur- face. The active layer is typically 1.5 to 2 feet in the undisturbed tundra. Seasonal variations in air temperature affect permafrost temperatures to a depth of approximately 100 feet. However, variations significant to development occur in only about the upper 40 feet. 2.1.2 Seismicity The Isatkoak Dam is in seismic zone 1 (TM 5-809-10/NAVFAC P-355/AFM 88-3, Chapter13; April 1973) with only minor damage potential and an analysis coefficient of .025 (horizontal acceleration for pseudo-static analysis). Seismic events are small and infrequent in the Barrow area. The Brooks Range is the source for those events recorded in the area and Barrow is approxi- mately 180 miles north of the Brooks range. -3- 2.1.3 Surface Conditions The Barrow-Browerville area is gently undulating tundra with elevations less than about 25 feet mean sea level (MSL) and abundant shallow lakes and lagoons. The natural topography has been modified by manmade improvements such as roads, borrow pits, and building pads and by erosion. Surface drainage is relatively poor, percolation into the soil is nil, and water forms ponds in ditches and depressions during the brief summer season. The dam site itself was a narrow portion of the lagoon formed originally by natural damming of the outlet of Isatkoak Creek. The damming was caused by gravel/sand build ups from wave action and shore migration. The lagoon basin has grown through the years by natural bank erosion and subsidence caused thawing ice rich permafrost soil. The water depths along the dam axis prior to construction were 5 to 8 feet with the maximum depth near the present location of the water intake structure. The dam raised water ele- vations on the resevoir side by approximately 5 feet. 2.1.4 Subsurface Conditions The original foundation work carried out by Shannon & Wilson (1974) for dam design was ·found during data research for this inspection. Also, a report ( CH2M Hill/ Harding-Lawson Associates, February 1979) for the Barrow utilities plan contains borings from near the north and south abutments of the Isatkoak Dam and several boring on the lower dam alignment. The borings indicate that sandy silt is the predominant foundation material for both the Isatkoak Dam and the lower dam. With depth, the material generally grades to a silty sand. Dredging operations confirm this is the surficial soil throughout the lagoon areas. The borings in the lower dam indicate that permafrost has aggraded into the dam embankment. This is likely to be true in the Isatkoak Dam as well. The ground temperatures in the Barrow area are approximately 15 °F with seasonal fluctuations in the upper 40 feet. Excess ice was noted in the upper 15 feet of natural gr.ound in many of the nearby borings. -4- 2.1.5 Climate Barrow has long, cold winters; short, cool summers; and very little annual precipitation. The mean annual temperature of Barrow is approximately 10°F. The normal annual precipitation is 4.25 inches with the maximum monthly accumulation of .09 inches in August. The average annual snow accumulation is 28 inches. 2.2 Description of Structures (See Project Data sheet) Isatkoak Dam is located on Isatkoak Creek near the City of Barrow in northern Alaska (See Figure 1) and has a storage capacity of approximately 1,140 acre-feet at the normal pool elevation of 10 feet. It is a 2,000-foot long earth embankment with a maximum structural height of about 16 feet. the crest of the dam is at Elevation 14.0 feet. The dam stores runoff from a drainage area of approximate! y 2.5 square miles to provide water supply for the City of Barrow. Excess water from this impoundment is released to a lagoon immediately doltKlstream of the main dam through eleven ungated, cor- rugated metal pipe-arch culverts. The sizes and invert elevations of these culverts are sholtKl in Table 2.1. The Isatkoak Lagoon on the doltKlstream side is formed by another earthen embankment made up of dredged material laid on a series of oil drums filled with pea gravel. No design or construction drawings and hydrologic or hydraulic information are available for this lagoon. It has a concrete overchute spillway with a broad crest and a walkway bridge above it. The width of this spillway is about 80 feet and the crest is about 2 feet below the top of the dam. The water stored in the Isatkoak lagoon is of poor quality with fairly high salinity. Excess water released from this lagoon enters a wastewater impoundment (Tasigarook Lagoon) formed by the Stevenson Street berm separating it from the Arctic Ocean. This impoundment stores storm runoff from the communities on the south (left) and north (right) and wastewater released from a hospital located on the left side (looking downstream) through a number of inlet pipes. Stevenson Street which forms this impoundment provides access between the two communities of the City of Barrow located on the left and right sides of the three bodies, viz. water reservoir, the Isatkoak lagoon, the wastewater impoundment -5- ( Tasigarook Lagoon). Excess water from the wastewater impoundment is re- leased into the Arctic Ocean through two steel pipe culverts provided through the road. No information is available on the design of the road embankment. Approximate diameters at the inlet and exit ends of the two pipe culverts are 5' 4" and 4' 9" for the culvert on the right (north), and 6' 2" and 5' 4" for the culvert on the left (south). In the absence of adequate topographic information, the drainage areas and storage capacities of the lagoon and wastewater impoundment dowstream of the Isatkoak Dam cannot be accurately determined. The pumping plant is located on a fill section, extending approximately 110 feet upstream into the reservoir from the main embankment at Station 15+70, about 250 feet from the north (right) abutment. Three submersible pumps draw water from the reservoir and, after being heated by gas-fired boilers in the pump house, this water is transported to the treatment plant through a 4-inch diameter transmission line. From the reservoir, water is withdrawn through a 6-inch-diameter cast iron pipe extending about 80 feet into the reservoir at Elevation 3.0+ feet. The spillway pipe-arches are located between 22+50 and 23+90 approxi- mately 100 feet from the south (left) abutment. There are eleven 27" X 43" galvanized and bitumen-coated, pipe-arch culverts. At the downstream end, these culverts discharge on eleven individual, precast, reinforced concrete slabs placed on natural ground. The upstream and downstream invert eleva- tions, sizes, and lengths of these pipe-arch culverts are shown in Table 2.1. The culvert inverts are shaped to conform to the upstream slope of the dam and are set in concrete with rounded entrances. -6- TABLE 2.1 -DETAILS OF PIPE-ARCH CULVERTS ON ISATKOAK DAM Culvert No. Upstream Invert Downstream Invert (from left to right Elevation Elevation Size* Length looking downstream) ( ft) ( ft) (in) (Ft) 1 9.86 4.33 43 X 27 77.5 2 9.75 4.28 43 X 27 77.5 3 9.52 4.13 43 X 27 77.5 4 9.44 4.30 43 X 27 77.5 5 9.65 4.26 43 X 27 77.5 6 9.96 4.36 43 X 27 77.5 7 9.69 4.33 43 X 27 77.5 8 9.64 4.40 43 X 27 77.5 9 9.65 4.38 43 X 27 77.5 10 9.98 4.61 43 X 27 77.5 11 10.01 4.97 43 X 27 77.5 *Corrugated metal pipe-arch culverts. Source: U.S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Public Health Service, Sheet 4 of 30, Barrow Dam Plan View, Project No. AN74-624 dated 6/75 (Figure 2). 2.3 Design, Construction and Operating History 2.3.1 Design The design information for the Isatkoak Dam has apparent! y been lost during transfer from owner to owner (Indian Health Service to the City of Barrow) and agency to agency (Corps of Engineers to the ADNR). The files at the Indian Health Service contained a single dam Plan View (sheet 4 of 30) which is reproduced as Figure 2 and a series of hand calculations and sketches. A previous dam inspection report (U.S. COE, 1978) presented a plan and profile (sheet 5 of 30) from the same map series. This is reproduced as Figure 3. -7- .... Ul ~ \, .... .. .. I .J ·~ I // 1,1 I -...... --. ,.-........ __ _ I ' .' I .. I I . I : 'I I / I t ~ • ( ..... I . \ u ~. " ' ' '\ • \j ~ tl ,, ~ ) • ' .. / .. I I I 1 I I I .I ,. I / . ·' :' \/ I I ' . :· I ', \ ~ .. ' '-. 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' '!' 1: ::, 1,,[:1" ' ·:'1': ~ d L 'i I Ll The dam was designed as a central core of sandy gravel to gravelly sand with a 30 foot top width for a road, 2.5:1 to 3.0:1 side slopes, a length of 2000 feet and a maximum height of 16 feet. The design called for stabiliza- tion of the upstream bank with interlocking bags of a sand/cement mix from elevation 6.0 to 14.0 feet (reservoir full at a water level elevation of 10.0 feet). The slope design and stabilization technique were the same for the embankment extending west perpendicular from the dam for the water intake structure. Although the design drawings do not indicate a bank flattening and beach building with dredged material, the rough design notes indicate that it was intended to apply dredged material to both the upstream and downstream faces of the dam to achieve slopes of 7 to 10:1. No design consider at ions or analyses were found for embankment stability, foundation treatment, or settlement. Design information for the lower dam and the Stevenson Street embankment was not found. 2.3.2 Construction No construction records were obtained for the Isatkoak Dam, the lower dam or Stevenson Street. However, a composite conversation with several Barrow residents and a consultant to the City of Barrow (Mr. Michael Westen), indicates that the dam was constructed by dumping sandy gravel through the ice to achieve a central core with a 30-foot top width and 3:1 side slopes. The lagoon bottom was not excavated prior to filling. The sand bags were placed as designed. To seal the dam, dredged material (fine sandy silt) was placed on the upstream and then the downstream side to an ultimate slope of 10 to 14:1 except at the intake structure where only 7:1 slopes were achieved. The dredging operation took 3 years. -10- 2.3.3 Operating History The Isatkoak Dam is a relatively new dam and, therefore, it's operating history is brief. The dam was still under construction when inspected in 1978 by the Corps of Engineers (USCOE, 1978). They reported it as 75~~ complete. However, the dam was operational at the time of their inspection (July, 1978). The only deficiency called out during the 1978 inspection was an erosion problem on the downstream side of the dam due to wave action. The dam has apparently been functional since 1978. Discussion with City personnel indicated no definitive operations or maintenance plans exist. Maintenance has chiefly involved regrading activities on the roadway and minor repairs in the pump house. From an operational standpoint, plywood is placed over the spillway intakes (See Photo f/4) to prevent snow and ice buildup and also to slow flows during high runoff periods to prevent flooding of Stevenson Street. The lower dam and Stevenson Street were not researched from an opera- tional standpoint. Obviously, the middle lagoon (Isatkoak) could be used as a backup water supply if something happened to Isatkoak Dam. Maintenance for these structures is limited to additional fill placement and regrading. The lower dams upstream face was being flattened, stabilized and sealed with fine grained dredge material at the time of our inspection (See Photo #7). 3.0 FIELD INSPECTION The Isatkoak Dam was inspected on September 12, 1984. The "Visual Inspection Checklist" is included as Appendix A to this report. The fol- lowing is a brief summary of observed conditions. Crest: The dam crest was recently regraded and it was reported that 2 feet of fill was added. The road across the crest was level and well maintained. -11- Upstream Slope (Photos /11 and 112): The upstream slope has exper- ienced some minor differential settlement (< 1 foot) and bulging. The sand/ cement filled bags installed for bank protection have been slightly damaged in some places by ice action. This is shown on Photo 116. Downstream Slope (Photos //3 and /15): The downstream slope has experienced some localized erosion and slope over steepening around the pile supports for the utility pipes. Minor differential settlement (< 1 foot) and bulging were also evident on the downstream face. Two areas of seepage were also noted. The first was minor and located at approx- imately the dam middle. The seep in this area was about 14 inches above the Isatkoak Lagoon elevation. The second seepage area was directly downstream of the intake structure. Flows in this area were estimated at 100 to 200 gallons per minute and the zone of saturated material is approximate! y 200 feet long and 20 feet wide. This area is shown in Photo 115. Boils were also noted in this area. Intake Structure (Photo //1): The intake facility was in very good shape. Everything looked new and well maintained. The slope around the berm supporting the structure looked steeper than the upstream face of the dam. The shore building dredge operations at this location were obviously not as extensive. The water level around the intake was in contact with sand/cement bags rather than a dredqe material beach. Conduit (Photos /13 and //5): The pipe system looked like it was in excellent shape. No horizontal or vertical distortion was obvious. However, the City of Barrow was repairing a leak at the "T" junction of the pipe from the intake and the supply pipe running across the dam. This leak was contributing to the seep noted on the downstream slope, but could not have been responsible for all the flow. Spillway (Photos #3 and 114): The concrete surrounding the upstream inlet to the spillway has been eroded by ice action at the southern end (Photo 114). The concrete has also experienced minor spalling and -12- cracking. The plywood shown in Photo 1/4 serves as relatively uncontrol- led flow control and also prevents snow and ice buildup at the inlet. The flow control is needed in the spring to prevent flooding of Stevenson Street. On the downstream side the concrete slabs at the spillway outlet have settled and cracked. The release of water has caused a minor amount of eroding and backcut ting. The concrete sur- rounding the outlets (See Photo 1/3) has spalled slightly exposing reinforcement in some places. Instrumentation: The only indication of possible instrumentation was a vertically installed 3/4-inch PVC located on the downstream side of the dam near the seepage area shown in Photo #5. The PVC appeared to be empty. Lower Dam (Photos 117, liB, and /19): The lower dam was also in- spected. The darn was B to 10 feet high on the downstream side. The upstream side was being flattened, stabilized and sealed with fine- grained dredge material at the time of the inspection (See Photo /17). The downstream side was badly eroded with gravel-filled barrels exposed and rusting (See Photo fiB). No obvious seeps were observed. The spillway (Photo #9) is in good shape with some minor cracking, spalling and separation at the slab joints. Stevenson Street (Photos /110, /111, and /112): Stevenson Street is approximate! y 6 feet higher than the Tasigarook Lagoon water elevation (at the time of inspection). Stevenson Street is apparently flooded periodically by spring runoff and blockage of the two culverts draining the lagoon. At the culvert locations, the upstream and downstream embankments were badly eroded exposing gravel-filled barrels which were deteriorating due to rust action (Photo /111). The surface of Stevenson Street is well maintained with no obvious settlement or cracking. -13- 4.0 EVALUATION 4.1 Structural and Geotechnical 4.1.1 General The Isatkoak Dam was constructed in accordance with the Public Health Service's 1975 design. The records obtained were meager for design, con- struction and operations. However, the dam represents a good application of small dam design and a good utility for supplying water to Barrow. The dam and appurtenances are relatively new and, as such, very little maintenance has been required. 4.1.2 Embankment/Foundation Condition The foundation soils beneath the Isatkoak dam are frozen sandy silts with excess ice likely in the upper 10 to 15 feet. The potential exists for significant settlement of the dam and abutment areas if these soils thaw. There is no evidence that thaw is occurring and, with the climate of Barrow and the size of the embankment in place, the trend should be towards aggrad- ing permafrost into the embankment rather than thawing foundation soils. The borings drilled in 1979 (CH2M Hill/Harding-Lawson & Associates, 1979) in the lower dam verify the trend towards aggrading permafrost under similar cir- cumstances. Instrumentation that verifies aggrading permafrost and/or alerts the City of Barrow to a warming condition that could damage the dam should be installed. The embankment itself is constructed with a core of sandy gravel and sealed with fine-grained dredged material. The seepage noted on the down- stream slope of the dam is the most serious deficiency noted during our inspection. The flows in the area downstream of the intake structure were high. With a permafrost foundation, high flows through the dam could cause localized thawing and subsequent differential settlement. Since the flow is apparently passing through the berm for the intake structure, this structure and pipes entering or exiting the structure could be damaged by differential -14- settlement. The flows could also contribute to erosion of the downstream slope. With the low head differential ( 5 feet) and the coarse nature of the dam core, a piping or blowout type failure of the dam embankment is unlikely. The lower dam and the Stevenson Street embankment were also given a cursory inspection. The lower dam has eroded on the downstream side and the barrel reinforcement has been exposed and is deteriorating. The barrel reinforcement is also exposed along Stevenson Street at the inlets and outlets of the culverts. The lower dam and the Stevenson Street embankment both have permafrost cores and this core can be sustained by maintaining the embankment slopes. Both areas are in need of additional fill to replace that removed by years of erosion. 4.1.3 Stability The Isatkoak Dam is wide on top to accommodate a road and pipeway and the side slopes have been flattened by application of dredged material to no less than 7:1. The resulting mass of the embankment is more than adequate to counter the combined hydrostatic, hydrodynamic and earthquake loading that can be expected. The size of the dam is also conducive to aggrading perma- frost into the embankment. With a permafrost core, stability is not an issue. The lower dam and Stevenson Street are thinner sections but borings drilled in 1979 (CH2M Hill/Harding-Lawson & Associates, 1979) indicate permafrost has aggraded into both embankments. If the permafrost can be sustained in these areas, the embankments will remain stable. 4.2 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Evaluation 4.2.1 Spillway Adequacy Evaluation of the hazard potential and safety of Isatkoak Dam is closely related to the impact of the release of excess water from this dam on the -15- integrity of the lower dam downstream of the lagoon and the access road downstream of the wastewater impoundment. The failure of the main dam will result in loss of water supply to the City of Barrow, damage to water supply and wastewater lines running along the downstream edge of the crest of the dam, and release of wastewater from the pipelines into the environment. The potential for loss of life is judged to be low. The failure and/or release of excess water from this dam may result in the failure, overtopping, and/ or release of excess water from the lower dam downstream of the lagoon. This, in turn, may result in a breach in the access road forming the wastewater impoundment. This will disrupt the access and communication between the two communities and may cause considerable property damage. Due to the inter- mixing of fresh water from the main dam with the saline water of the lagoon and wastewater in the lowermost impoundment, there may be significant adverse impact on the surface water environment in the area. Based on the storage capacity of 1,140 acre-feet, the size classifica- tion of Isatkoak Dam is intermediate. In view of the findings stated pre- viously, the hazard potential of the dam is judged to be significant. Therefore, the recommended spillway design flood is 1/2-PMF (Probable Maximum Flood). On the basis of height of impoundment, the size classification of the dam would be low and the storage capacity of 1,140 acre-feet is very close to the upper limit for low and lower limit for intermediate dams, which is 1,000 acre-feet. Therefore, a spillway design flood of 1/2-PMF is judged to be adequate for this evaluation (USACE, 1976). The Isatkoak Dam is located at longitude 156° 45 1 and latitude 71° 16 1 on Isatkoak Creek approximately 0.5 mile east of Barrow, Alaska. The PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation) for various durations for the drainage area of Isatkoak Dam is estimated to be as shown in Table 4.1 (USWB, 1963). -16- TABLE 4.1 -PROBABLY MAXIMUM PRECIPATION Duration 5-min 15-min 30-min 60-min 2-hr 3-hr 6-hr 12-hr 18-hr 24-hr 48-hr* 96-hr* *Extrapolated PMP (inches) 0.29 0.57 0.79 1.00 1.65 2.10 3.00 4.00 4.70 5.00 5.50 5.80 The months of maximum precipitation in northern Alaska are June, July, and August (USWB, 1963) when there is less snow on the ground but the soil is likely to be wet with melted snow and ice. The vegetative cover in the watershed of Isatkoak Creek is limited to a thin mantle of low-growing lichens and other fraqile plant life which has adapted to severe ~>tinds and extremely cold winters. For such soils, the weighted average Soil Conser- vation Service Curve Number ( CN) is estimated to be 78.5 for Antecedent Moisture Condition-I1 (AMC-11) and 91 for AMC-111 (USBR, 1977). The average topographic relief in the watershed is 55 feet over a hydraulic length of about 3. 7 miles. For this condition, the time of con- centration and lag time are estimated to be 2 and 1.2 hours, respectively. Using this information, an inflow hydrograph has been developed for the Isatkaok Dam using the HEC-1 computer program (USACE, 1981). The or- dinates of this inflow hydrograph are taken to be 50 percent of those for the Probable ~1aximum Flood hydrograph for the basin. The resulting hydrograph is shown on Figure 4.4. The volume of runoff for this hydrograph for a 96-hour -17- storm is estimated to be 316 acre-feet. This gives a runoff coefficient of 0.82. As stated subsequently, this volume of runoff can be safely accom- modated within the existing reservoir. Therefore, the peak of the inflow hydrograph is not a major concern for this dam. A second inflow hydrograph was developed using the Snyder's method with Tp ::: 5.0 hours, Cp ::: 0.50, and a uniform loss rate of 0.1-inch per hour (USACE, 1981). This resulted in a runoff volume of 185 acre-feet for 1/2-PI~F with a peak flow of 189 cfs. The corresponding runoff coefficient is 0.48. to be conservative, the values obtained by the Soil Conservation Service method are used in the evaluation. There are no low-level outlets to permit reservoir drawdown in an emergency. If draining is required, then water will have to be pumped through the intake pipe at a rate which will depend on the capacity of the three submersible pumps. Hydraulic computations were performed to develop approximate rating curves for the pipe-arch culvert spillway for the main dam, chute spillway for the lagoon, and the pipe culverts through the access road. The same are shown in Figures 4.1(a) and (b), 4.2, and 4.3, respectively. The rating curve of Figure 4.1 (a) for the pipe-arch culvert spillway assumes inlet control with mitered entrance conforming to the upstream slope of the dam, and an entrance loss coefficient, ke, of 0.7 (AISI, 1971). The rating curve of Figure 4.1(b) assumes outlet control with Mannings's n ::: 0.024, ke 0.7, and culvert length ::: 77.5 feet (AISI, 1971). The rating curve for the chute spillway (Figure 4.2) for the lagoon is based on the following equation for flow over a broad-crested weir, Q ::: 3.0 (L -0.1 n H) X H1.5 where Q ::: flow in cubic feet per second L ::: width of the spillwayl'\.80 feet n ::: number of end contractions A.. 2 H = head over the crest of the spillway in feet. -18- 14t / EL (ft) DISCHARGE (cfs) 10 0 11 131 12 304 12.5 374 13 -f. / 13 444 14 541 12 11 10~~--------+---------~~---------+----------~----------r----------+----------- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 FLOW (cfs) FIGURE 4. 1 (a) APPROXIMATE SPILLWAY RATING CURVE ISATKOAK DAM Damee & Moore z 0 0 0 < -' "" a: 0 > a: w rn w a: z -' w w 0 < Ll. a: => rn a: w 1- < 3: z w 0 z w a: w Ll. Ll. 0 6.0 HEAD (ft) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 4.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.6 4.0 3.0 4.5 6.0 2.0 1.0 0 ~-=~------~---------r----------~---------r----------~---------r----------+ 0 100 200 300 DISCHARGE (cfs) 400 FIGURE 4.1 (b) 500 600 700 APPROXIMATE SPILLWAY RATING CURVE ISOTKOAK DAM (OUTLET CONTROL) (cfs) 0 204 286 352 407 462 495 539 572 605 649 Dames a Moore APPROXIMATE TOP OF DAM 2.0 .... ---- .... 1.5 ... -..... J: I ~ H3/2 1-Q= 3.0 (L-0.2H) c. llJ 0 I ./' L= 80ft a: llJ 1.0 ... .;( 3: H (ft) Q(cfs 0 0.5 85 <( w 1.0 239 :I: 1.5 439 0.6 2.0 675 0 100 200 300 400 500 800 700 DISCHARGE (cfs)- FIGURE 4.2 APPROXIMATE RATING CURVE FOR SPILLWAY ON THE LOWER· DAM Dames & Moore ..... --...... a: w 1- < ~ 0 < w :I: 6 5 4 HEADWATER (ft) a (cfs) 0 0 3 3 112 3.6 160 4 187 4.5 221 6 260 2 5.6 300 6 345 1 O-+----------r---------4----------+----------r---------+---------~---------4----------+ 0 40 60 120 180 200 240 FLOW (cfs) FIGURE 4.3 APPROXIMATE SPILLWAY RATING CURVE FOR WASTE WATER IMPOUNDMENT (INLET CONTROL) 280 320 Dames & Moore 600 500 400 -.. ';:; 300 3: 0 ..J ... 200 100 PEAK FLOW "' 683cfa VOLUME OF RUNOFF• 316 FT 0+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------~----- 0 160 320 480 640 800 TIME (mlnutea) FIGURE 4.4 1/2-PMF HY.DROGRAPH 1160 1120 1280 1440 Dames I Moore The rating curve for the pipe culverts on the wastewater impoundment assumes inlet control for projecting pipes of 5' 4" and 6' 2" diameters with their inverts at the same elevation. During field inspection, it was noticed that the inverts of these two pipes are not exactly the same. Therefore, the rating curve of Figure 4.3 should be treated as very approximate. Accurate information on the invert elevations of these pipes will be required to develop a more realistic rating curve. Also, it was observed that the water surface elevation in the sea was farther away from the exit ends of these pipes. Therefore, the downstream water sur face elevation will normal! y not affect the rates of flow through these pipe culverts and computation of a rating curve based on outlet control is not considered necessary. A perusal of the rating curves indicates that, with a minimum freeboard of 1.5 feet below the top of the dam (i.e., at E1. 12.5 ft), the eleven culverts on the main dam will discharge at an apprximate rate of 374 cfs. However, with a freeboard of 1. 5 feet below the second dam, the chute spill- way can discharge only 85 cfs. This will result in extra storage of water in the lagoon and reduction in the available freeboard on the second dam below 1. 5 feet. This may result in an unsafe situation for the lower dam forming the lagoon. At present, the lower dam is proposed to be raised by about 1.5 feet. After this raise, the chute spillway may discharge at a rate of 675 cfs with a freeboard of 1.5 feet below the top of the raised dam. The lower dam (lagoon) does not have sufficient capacity to store the entire volume of water that may be released from the main dam. Therefore, there is a possi- bility that the volume of inflow into the wastewater impoundment, minus the volume discharged by the two pipe culverts, exceeds the storage capacity available below the top of the access road embankment. This may result in an unsafe situation for the access road. Detailed topographic information should be collected to develop elevation-area-storage capacity curves for the three storage units. Flood routing for the 1/2-PMF hydrograph for the catchments of the three storage units should then be performed to determine the minimum freeboard for wave setup and runup that will be available in each storage unit. -24- 4.2.2 Effects of Overtopping The estimated runoff volume for the design flood (1.2-PMF) is 316 acre-feet. At the normal operating elevation of 10.0 feet, the surface area of Isatkoak Reservoir is approximate! y 128 acres. Therefore, the runoff volume of 316 acre-feet can be accommodated in the reservoir below an elevation of 12.5 feet leaving a freeboard of 1.5 feet below the top of the dam. Besides, a portion of the runoff volume will flow into the lagoon through the ungated culvert spillway. Therefore, the possibility of over- topping the main dam is very remote. However, as stated previously, the access road forming the wastewater impoundment may get overtopped and/or breached due to uncontrolled release of water from the main dam into the lagoon and from the lagoon into the wastewater impoundment. This may result in severe adverse environmental impacts, significant loss of property, and some loss of life. 4.3 Operation and Maintenance The Isatkoak Dam is relative! y new and, to date, required maintenance has been minimal. It is unlike! y that written operations and maintenance plans exist. The equipment involved in producing a water supply for Barrow is well maintained and operating well. The dam itself is regraded and the road surface periodically leveled. The City of Barrow employs a dredge consultant and carrys out a dredging operation every summer. The summer of 1984 project was applying dredge material to the upstream slope of the lower dam. The City of Barrow is maintaining the dams and the Stevenson Street embankment and the equipment necesary to maintain these structures is on site in a working condition. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Due to uncontrolled flow of water form the main ( Isatkoak) dam into the lagoon and from the lagoon into the wastewater impoundment, there is a risk of Stevenson Street being overtopped and breached. This road downstream -25- of the wastewater impounding area and connects the two communities on the left and right sides of the lagoon. The seepage noted on the downstream side of the Isatkoak Dam could, if it continues, cause localized differential settlement due to thawing of ice-rich permafrost soils. This settlement could affect the intake structure and associated pipes. There is a risk of wave erosion on the upstream and downstream faces of the main dam, the lower dam forming the lagoon, and the access road embank- ment forming the wastewater impoundment. This erosion may result in an unsafe condition when a severe flood event coincides with high-wind wave activity. There has been some erosion on the downstream side of the pipe-arch culverts resulting in the formation of localized depressions. Some of the concrete slabs at this location have cracked. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS To ensure the safety of the three embankments, the following actions are recommended: o A detailed topographic survey should be conducted to develop elevation-area-storage capacity curves for the Isatkoak Dam, lagoon and the wastewater impoundment. The invert elevations at the inlet and outlet ends of the pipe and pipe-arch culverts along with their sizes and lengths should be determined. The crest elevation and width of the broad-crested spillway should also be determined. In addition, cross-sections of the three embankments (i.e., the main dam, the dam forming the lagoon, and the access road embankment should be developed at various locations along their lengths. -26- o A detailed flood routing analysis should be conducted including inflm.Js, out flows, and storages in all the three storage units using the information developed after detailed topographic surveys men- tioned previously. Wave run up computations should be made for each unit and the potential for overtopping should be evaluated for the main dam, the dam forming the lagoon, and the access road. o The seepage through the dam should be stopped by application of additional dredged fine-grained material on the upstream slope of the Isatkoak Dam and the intake structure berm. o Riprap or other type of erosion protection should be provided on the slopes of the three embankments and downstream of the exit ends of the pipe-arch culverts, concrete spillway, and the pipe culverts. o The pipe-arch culverts on the main dam and the ungated concrete spillway on the lagoon should be provided with control gates so that the quantity of water entering the wastewater impoundment may be controlled in the event of severe floods. o The three spillways need maintenance repairs l'klich should be per- formed immediate! y. The pipe-arch culverts need painting, some concrete repair, and riprap on the downstream side. The concrete in the chute spillway has cracked and needs repairs. The pipe culverts on the access road need painting and erosion protection. o A series of thermistors should be installed in the Isatkoak dam to monitor permafrost agradation and/ or degradation in the dam core. The foundation conditions could also be verified by logging the holes drilled for installation of instrumentation. 7.0 REFERENCES American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), 1971, Handbook of Steel Drainage & Highway Construction Products. -27- CH2M Hill/Harding-Lawson & Associates, 1979, Geotechnical Investigations, Utilities for Barrow, Alaska. Shannon & Wilson, 1974, Foundation Investigation, Water Storage Dam, Barrow, Alaska, for the Alaska Area Native Health Service, USDHEW. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 1976, Recommended Guidelines for Safety Inspection of Dams. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 1978, Phse I Inspection Report, National Dam Safety Program, Isatkoak Dam, Barrow, Alaska. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 1981, Flood Hydrograph Package, HEC-1, Users Manual. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), 1977, Design of Small Dams. U.S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Public Health Service, Sheet 4 of 30, Barrow Dam Plan View, Project No. AN74-624 dated 6/75. U.S. Weather Bureau (USWB), 1963, Probable Maximum Precipitation and Rainfall-Frequency Data for Alaska, Technical Paper No. 47. -28- s 3 :> a N 3 d d v APPENDIX A VISUAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST APPENDIX A VISUAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~~E OF 0&~: ISATKOAK STATE: ALASKA COUNTY: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH INVENTORY NO.: 51 HAZARD CATEGORY: SIGNIFICANT TYPE OF DAM: EARTHFILL OWNER: CITY OF BARROW DATE INSPECTED: 9/12/84 WEATHER: OVERCAST TEMPERATURE: 250F POOL ELEVATION: 10 FEET TAILWATER ELEVATION: 5 FEET Directions: Mark au "X" in the YES or NO column. If an item does not apply, write "NA" in the REMARKS column. ITEM YES NO REMARKS 1-------------------------~ 1. CREST. a. Any visual settlements? b. Misalignment? c. Crackin~? 2. UPSTREAM SLOPE. a. Adequate ~rass cover? b. Any erosion? X Ice & Wave c. Are trees growniug on slope? d. Lon~~:itudinal cracks? e. Transverse cracks? Differential settlement "'-' l' 3. DOWNSTREAM SLOPE. a. Adequate grass cover? None f. Visual depressions or bulges? X g. Visual settlec:1ents? h. Is the toe drain dry? 1. Are the relief wells flowing? X None j. Are boils present at the toe? X ~,,,,,,, Some -Area directl)' down k. Is seepa~~:e Present? X ~mHnn \from the intake structure 4. ABUTMENT CONTACTS. /approximately 150' -2UU a. Any erosion? b. Visual differential movement? H li f~Channelinq flows lOU -zuu c. Anv cracks noted? ll qallons per minute d. Is seepage present? 5. INTAKE STRUCTURE. a. Do concrete surfaces show: ( 1) Spallin>!? ( 2) Cracking·? (3) Erosion? (4) Scalin~! (5) Exoosed reinforcement? (6) Other? Comment: Note to 3J and 3k -At 14" up from tne lagoon level saturated sands ITEM YES NO REMARKS ----------------------------~---~-~--------------------~ b. Do the joints show: (l) Displacement or offs~t ?_ (2 Loss of joiut material? ( 3) Leakage? c. Metal appurtenances. Intake buildiD_g_ looks 1) Corrosion present? ill.lli_li!_ orettv. new -~ see oioe 2) Breakage present? llli.lt~.il 1oto laaoon (3> Anchor system secure? 6. CONJUIT. a. Is the conduit concrete? X b. Do concrete surfaces s_l!Q_"'_: ( 1 Spalling? (2) Cracking? (3 Erosion? ( 4 Scaling? 5) Exposed reinforcement? 6 Other? c. Do the joints show: 1) Displacement or of_ft;_et? :2 Loss of joint material? ( 3) Leak;~ uP.? d. Is the conduit metal? X * .-CC'J!Jse Qf seeps : 1) Corrosion present? tm~m: Leak at ioirli .l!_Q_ross 2 Protective coatings adeq_ua,_t_ei . 3 Is the conduit misaligned? 7. STlt...LING BASIN. a. I:l.:l concrete surfaces show: (l Spalliug? X :l~ Minor. in _concreb~ (2 Cracking? :J Erosion? (4 Scaling? :5 Other? 6) Exposed reinforce~t? b. Do the joints show: 1 Displa~.-"'"""'' tt: or offset? 2 Loss of joint material? 3 Leakage? c. Do the energy dissipator!l show: ll Signs of deterioration? 2) Are they covered _TN_!__;h_~b_ris? 3) Other? d. Is the Channel: ( 1 Er_odiug_ or backcu~ting? (2 Sloughing? ( 3 Obstructed? e. Is released water: (l) Undercutting the outlet? :2 Eroding the embankment 1 B. SPILLWAY. a. Does spillway concrete show_:_ ( l Spalling? (2 Cracking? X ~ :~ M_inor (3 Erosion? X t~ Town~ eroded by 1ce forces Comment: ITEM YES NO REMARKS ( 4) Scaling 1 (5) Other? X lnHm Uncontrolled-ol vwood sheets (6) Exposed reinforcement? X g~~mm1') fnr f1 ood control b. Do the joints show: X fJ Tn stillina bAsin slRbs ( 1) Displacement or offset? X ;jg Differential settlement ( 2) Loss of 1oint material? ll; alona downslope (3) Leaka~e 1 (~~i Concrete oad "'-" 1' wfrr::~rks c. Do the euer~y dissipaters show: (1) SiRns of deterioration? (2) Are they covered with debris? (3) Other? d. Is the spillway earth cut? (1) Are slooes eroding? (2) Are slopes sloughins;r? (3) Other? e. Is the channel: X (1) Erodins;r or backcutting? X ?i§iH1H' Same as downslooP (2) Obstructed? f. Has released water: (1) Eroded the embankment? (2) Undercut the outlet? (3) Other? g. Is weir in s;rood condition? h. Is control at the weir? 9. GATES. a. Are the flood gates: ( 1) Broken or bent? Win~;; ---~:......;~::=..:.:~:.....:::..:::.:~---::-:------+---·~~~~--------------! (2) Corroded or rusted? ~HU:;fl (3) Periodically maintained? ~mmrmi (4) Operational? {5) Date lst ooerated. b. Is there a low level gate? c. Is the low-level gate operational? WHmm 10. RESERVOIR CONTROL. a. Recent upstream development? b. Slides in reservoir area? c. Chau~e in reservoir ooeration? X d. Lan~e impoundment upstream? 11. INSTRUMENTATION. Fmnt\J ~/6." ~ 1" PVC nn a. List type{s) of instrumentation. rlnwnstream side ::~rrnss from b. In good condition? c. Read periodically? d. Is data available? Other Comments: 2' of fill added this year -guard rails being replaced The dam was inspected by: Thomas G. Krzewinski William D. Webb Anand Prakash APPENDIX A VISUAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST M.'iE OF DA.'i: (LOWER DAM) OWNER: STATE: DATE INSPECTED: COUNTY: WEATHER: INVENTORY NO. : TEMPERATURE: HAZARD CATEGORY: POOL ELEVATION: TYPE OF DAM: TAILWATER ELEVATION: Directions: Mark an "X" in the YES or NO column. If an item does not apply, write "NA" in the REMARKS column. ITEM YES NO REMARKS --------------------------------~---~~----------------------------~ 1. CREST. a. Ally visual settlements? b. Misalignment? c. Cracking? 2. UPSTREAM SLOPE. a. Adequate grass cover? b. Ally erosion? c. Are trees groW'l.ting on slope? d. Longitudinal cracks? e. Transverse cracks? :l f'l<>m R -1 n I hi nh downstream :j Lower Dam Spillway ?' rlRRn 80 1 vii de 1 _.....;;f..;..~Ad.:;;_e.:;;_~ q.::..u;:;..;a;:;..;t;;..;e;;....;;r..;;:i..~:.~ ;.;.;:.r.:;;_a'"-:-'p_p...,;r;;..;o;....;t;_;;e..;.c..;.t,.;;:i.;:;_o.;;.;;n..;.? ----f~...,lli..,.i'll .... !m.,ii~gls~~-----------.. _____ 1 g. Any stone de_t:;..;e;;..;r;;.,;i;;..;o;..;r;..;a;;..;t;..;i;;..;o;.::n.;..?:....:---:---+---if~~----------------l h. Visual depressions or bulges? -~..;._~~~_.;:.~~;:;..;.;..~~~~;:;..;.;..~;:;..;.;..~---~---~~~--------------------i. Visual settlements? 3. DOWNSTREAM SLOPE. a. Adequate grass cover? b. Any erosioa? ~: li Downstream eroded c. Are trees growing on slope? w/barrels exposed -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---4---~~~~~~~~~~~~--------1 d. Longitudinal cracks? _ _.:;;_..:_:=;:.:;;,;:,.;;:.::;.;:;.;:.:;.;,;..;:;.::__..::.:::.~~..:.....------4----f.*~~----------····----l e. Transverse cracks? f. Visual depressions or bulges? g. Visual settlements? h. Is the toe drain dry? i. Are the relief wells flowiu~? j. Are boils present at the toe? k. Is seeoa;e present? 4. ABUTMENT CONTACTS. a. Any erosion? b. Visual differential movement? c. Any cracks noted? d. Is seepage present? 5. INTAKE STRUCTURE. a. Do concrete surfaces show: ( 1) Spalling? (2) Cracking? (3) Erosion? ( 4) Scaling? (5) Exposed reinforcement? (6) Other? Seaside Culverts 5'4" 6'2" 4'9" 5'4" HI B I ----- ~ IOEtHITY U.nJr PART I -INVENTORY OF DAMS IN THE UNITED STATES ~ NUMBER j_OOj, (PURSUANTTOPUBLTCLAW92-367) •Jz •l•lslsl 7 ..._ _____________________ -~e reverse side for instructions. ~~~ ~C\IJ H2H fi3U ff4H UsD (6ll (7D nsn (9 D NAME IT IOU LA TITUOE (Nmth) 111 D LONGITUDE (WC!.I) mu REPORT DATE IDENTIFICATION L , ,_ 1 ,. _I _ 1 , 1 -, -~ v; 1 1 1 1...,1u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 r 1 : I 1 , •• 1 : I ,-~· 1 ;·-, 1 ·," 1 1 U13ll H14 H POPULAR NAME NAME OF IMPOUNDMENT fOE~TfFICATJOH 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 , r 1 1 _I 1 , 1 1 1 1 ' .r 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 r .r 1 1 1 r 1 t ( ·-1 (ConthHtl'd) "I .... l.,.,l..f. .. I. .. I.-I.-I.-L-I."L-1--f-.J-~1--1-.1--1 .I 1--1 ~.LJ~.I -'--'-.1 1 L 1 1._ UISD Hl6fl Hl1D LOCATION STATISTICS REMARKS ENG 1 ~~~17 4474 el i3 "' Q: 8 19 819 z ~ RIVER OR STREAM H21ll U22D [23] [24 D [25 D •oJ••J• zft3f••l•sf•slnf•e 1•912012 tjlz lz312•f25f26fnl2alz91Jof3•1•2J33p4f3sf3sJ3*eiJ9140 141 11111111111111111111111111111 (lSD 126 D D27 D U 28 D REMARKS U27AD ~uc= ..... ,...... t-....... MNMN ===:=::::~ (19 D azon U27F D 42I43J4• J45J46[ •7J4al•91 soJs ~~ Js~hs!soJs7Jse!ssJsoJst [s< ~-31s•l6s lssls 7loel6917ol7• t7217 3(7 •1751761 n 17af79lao llllllllllllllllll-TIIIIII·IIIIIIIIIII'4 STATISTICS MISC DATA MISC. DATA (Continued) MISC. DATA {Continut•d) REMARKS ENG FOAM 1 DEC 77 l:fRQ' PART II -INVENTORY OF DAMS IN THE UNITED STATES ~ (PURSUANT TO PUBLIC LAW 92-367) See reverse side for instructions. [29 B tJo] [3t J D32D [33]1 [34]1 (35] (36) (37) (38) (39) Nl CREST ~ LENGTH SPILLWAY (II) l46]1 OWNER R49 D VOLUME OF OAM (CY) [SO ]I POWER CAPACITY (47] ENGINEERING BY [SID (40] FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 49-R0421 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOl OAEN-CWE-17 fiB w 1-I IDENTITY ~ NUMBER "' ~~-[i (41) (42] (43) (44] [4SD NAVIGATION LOCKS [48]1 ··-·. CONSTRUCTION BY -;~·- (52]1 :.;:: -~------------------------~--------------------------,-------------------------~.-------------------------~· HSJD (54]1 (ss]l INSPECTION BY AUTHORITY FOR INSPECTION [s6 n 4474A APPENDIX B PHOTOS •• • • • • • • I Photo #1 -Upstream side of the Isatkoak Dam with the water intake structure (blue building). Picture taken facinq south from the north abutment . Photo #2 -Upstream side of the Isatkoak Dam. Sand/cement filled bags used for bank rrotection are shown. Picture taken facing north from the spillway . Photo /13 -Downstream side of th8 Isatkoak Dam and the spillway outlets o The insul::)ted pipeways are shown elevated at the crest of the dam (one carrying fresh water, the other carrying sewage waste water) 0 Picture taken facing north from the south abutment 0 Photo #4 -Upstream spillway inlet of the Isatkoak Oam. Plywood covers to prevent snow/ icE. buildup. • • • • • • • • • l e • Photo 115 -Active seepage area on the downstream side of Isatkoak Dam. The area is directly downstream of the water intake structure • Photo 116 -Bank protection damaqe due to ice action/ movement on the upstream side of the I sat koak Dam • • • • • • • • • • • • Photo #7 -Upstream side of the dam separating the Isatkoak Lagoon from the Tasigarook Lagoon. A dredge and recent dredging activity to build up the upstream slope are shown. The picture is taken facing east towards the Isatkoak Lagoon and Dam • Photo #8 -Downstream side of the lower dam with exposed barrel reinforcement. The barrels are filled with pea gravel and tied together with welds and steel bracing. Picture taken looking south . from the spillway • • • • • • • • • • • • Photo #9 -Concrete spillway for the dam separating the lsatkoak and Tasigarook ·Lagoons (downstream side) • Photo #10 -The Tasiqarook Laaoon and the Stevenson Street berm which separates the -·1 agoon from ·the Chukchi Sea. The t \'.0 culvert spill ways through Stevenson Street are also shown. Picture taken looking north from the lower dam spillway . • • • • • • • • • • • Photo #11 -Inlet side of one of the culverts through Stevenson Street • Photo #12 -Outlet side of one of . the culverts throuqh Stevenson Street . APPENDIX C HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS ( .., z 0 .,. > w (~:;; a: .. .. ( (~ '- ~ , .. ~ w .... <( 0 '-.! 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RI\INF,\LL PCAI\ FL.CH~ TIME <CFSl HIRl 116<'> 49 33 9-0CT-1984 14:24 Pa!Je 8 5. 79, TOTAL LOSS ~' 1 04, 10TAL EXCI-::m f1AX I MVM AVERAGE FL!l~l 6--HR 24-!lR -t;>--HH <CFSl 714. 290. l ()(,_ <INCHES> 2. 65•l 4.317 " 7•l:l (t\C-FTl :15'1 576. 6:3;~. CVMliLATIVE ARE/, "' 2. 50 SG MI 4. 75 96. 00--1:11 110. 4. '1'1:1 6:t;i, HEC. LOG; 1 flF'ERATION STATION HVDRCJGRAPH AT 9-0CT-1984 14:24 f'a_qc· 9 PEAK FLOW 1166. RUNPFI· S\INNIIRY FLOW IN CUIHC FEf-.T PE'R SE(:flND TINE IN HUUHS, /\HEll It~ SGUf•I~E MILES Tlt1E OF PEAK 49. 33 AVEFlAnE-: Fl..O!.J FOR MAXIMUM PERIOD 6-HUUH 24-·HOUH 72-HOUR i'J'l. 290. 106. 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LUG; 1 'Jt'l x i vr•ts HEC LUG• 1 ISET DEFAULT rrn~07.~~CUJ ICCIPY [1(\I~IHii,. fiAT SY~3'fOUTPVT ?--OCT-!984 15: 10 ID FtiF H)DfHJGHM'H FOH !St;11-\fJAK DAM BAilHUI~ ALASKA l T ~~0 200 lO f',~', f't1F I ffDflOGHAPH lSAl KOf;f'\ DAI1 K.11 f'MI-IIYPHOGRI\PH BA 2 5 or~ PH PH LU us 77. Z7 2 ~} 5 5 0 "29 5. 8 0. 1 50 SASSIGN HARROW. DI\T SYSSlNPUT IH!!N EPLl B. HEC 1 . 57 1.0 l. 65 2. 10 P;•!W 1 3. 0 iJ 0 !). 0 Hl:C LOG, 1 9-0CT-Fi84 15: 10 *~••**~ft~R *~****~*******'~~~~·~*~~4****** ~ * * FLOOD ll't'DHOGHl1rH PACKI1GE ( HEC··ll * * FEBRUM~Y 1981 * * REVISED 30 OCT 81 * * * " RUN !lATE 9··1JCT··G·1 TINE 15:10 07 * * * •***~·~·4·~~**~****~~··***~****~***~*~-*~** X X X X X X xxxxxxx X X X X X X I' il !I!' :< XXX XXX X XXX XX X X X X xxxx X X X X X xxxxxxx XXX XX X XX XXX X X XX X X X X XXX ~**~·*~~~~-*~~·~~**~**~*~~**~*****-**** ~· * '' !J. S ltflMY CORPS OF Et.tG WEERS 'I ·• H!E fil'L>ROLOG I C Et•'G I NEER WG CLNTER .,. * 609 SECOtm S-ifREET * * D~VIS, CALIFORNIA 95616 * * 19161 440-3285 OR CFTSI 448-3285 * * ****~1··~~~**~***~~~*******"*~*~*•**~~*** HHS PRfJGHr"'M REPLACES AU. PREVIOUS VERSIDt>!S OF HEC-1 .\NDWN AS HECl (JAN 731, HEC1GS, fiECIDB. ,MW HECtlf .. IJ 'fHE DEF J NIT IONS or: W;R IAfiLES --RTIMP-AND -RTI OR-HAVE CHAtJGED FflOM THOSE USED WITH THE 1 '7'73·-STYLE If~P!)T STRIJC T URE. THE DEFINITiot-1 OF -M1S!/x~-ON RM--CI\RD WAS CH,'\NGED IHTH REVISIONS DATED 28 SEP 81. m:E SEPTEM3ER 1S'81 II~PIJT DESCRIPTION rOR NEW UEF!Nl TICJNS. HEC LOG; 1 9-0CT-1984 15: 10 f'il!ll' :l HE:C-1 lNPUT PAGE L I t~E I J) 1 .. --'. '2. . 3 ' ' . 4 .... > • ' ~) •• ' •• . 6 ... ' '7. '. ' ... 8 . 9 . . . . 10 Ill PMF HYDROGRAPH FOR lSATKOA!\ llM1 0.'-lflROl-.1 AlASKA 2 Il 2.0 200 3 lfl 4 v.v .. 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HYDfWGRAPH PLOT SCALI" MINUTES IN COt1PUTATlON INTERVAL STI\FlTJtJG DATE STARTING Tit1E NUMBER OF HYDROGRAI'H ORDINATES ENDING DATE ENDING TI t1£ COMPUTATION INTERVAL TOTAL TIME BASE 0. 33 HOUI~S 66. :!3 HOURS ENGLISH UNITS IWAINAGE AREA PREC lP!Tf,TION DEPTH LEflGTH, ELEVATION FLOW STfJfiAG£ VOL.UI1E SURFACE AREA TEI1PERATURE' SGUARE MILES INCHES FEET CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ACRE-FEET ACHES DEGREES FAHRENHEIT ~***4~4~1~*•••**~4-~W*****~l****~**~~*~4 * * ·~ IJ S I'.Rt1Y CORPS Or Et,GII~E.fRS ,,. * TH'.:: H''llHWLOG I C ENG Ir~EER WG CENTER * * 6•:/9 SECOt<O STREE f * * DAVIS, CALIFORNIA 9~616 * * 19161 440-3285 OR IFTSI 448-3285 * ~ ~***~-~~~~4*****C1»•*****~*~~~****~~*~* *"* *~~ ~~~ ·~·~ ~·~ ~~* *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *~~ *** *** *** *** *** ·~** *~* **• ~** *~~ ~** ~** ~~~ •** *** *•* *** ~** 4 KK 6 BA 7 BF ·l:t ';j {t~***-tl:**""'**~ ~ PI1F HYDHIJGfU\PH ISATI-(CJAI-< DAM ;< 'f il **·~***11 -*·~HHI-*-4 P11F HYDfWGRI\PH SUBBASltJ RUNOFF DATA SUD !lASH~ Cljf\fU\CTEH I STIC:\3 TAf~EA 2. 50 SUBBASIN AREA BASE F LOll CIINIACTER IST I CS STRTG 0 00 INITIAL FlOW OfH:<:.:tJ 0 00 HFGIN fJA:;.F Fl.Ciltl RECEfiSHJN fl'fl(lf\ .1 OuOO\l fWCESS!O!J (.i]!,ISfANr HEC LOG; 1 8 PH tO LU 11 \JE 9-0CT-1984 15: 10 PIIIJI' 5 PRECIPITATION DATA HYDR0-35 5--t1 IN 15-MJN 0.2? 0. 57 60--1·1IN 1 00 UNIFI1Rf1 LOSS RATE STRTL CtJSTL RTIMP SNYDER UN !T(~RM'H TP CP 0 00 0. 10 0 00 s. 00 0. 50 DEPTHS FOR 0-PERCEI\tr HYf'OTfiETICAL !ii0Rt1 TP-1!0 2--f;rl 1. 65 3-·fm ~!. lO 6-Hil 3. (}() SH!Rt1 IIRE1\ ~- INITIAL Ul~;s UN 1 FClf.IM LOf~S RATE PEHCENT I MPEHV I OUS AflFA LIIG PEIIKWG COEFFICIENI 1 ?.-+IH 'l.OO 2. ~}0 2'l-HR 5. (>0 SYNTHEIIC ACCUMULATED-ARE/\ VS. TH1E CUR'JE lHLl HE USED tc·Y.·l!· Vi',LUE FXCEF.or; TABLE IN LOGLOG 96. 00014 0. 01667 96. 00000 ?.-DAY 5. ~0 Tt-'-49 4 ()(,y 5 [10 7-DAY Q OQ APPROXII1•\1E CLARK COEFFICIENTS FROM GIVEN SNYDER CP AND TP ARE TC,.l5. 73 AND r<~20. 26 INTERVALS 3. 141 130. no. 4''?. 30. 18. 11. 7. ·1- :J. ., t!... 10. 151. 1 ;:'l 76 'l6_ 2B 17. 11 6. 4. 2. 1. 21. 159. 11 B. 72. 4<k 27. 16. 10. 6. 4. 2. 1. CLARK St~YDER 33. 165. 11 ~!. 69. 42. 26. 16. 10. 6. 4. 2. UNIT HYf;fHlGflAPH PARAMEl LI!S TC= 5. ~''I II[;, H' 6. 75 HR Tt-'= 5. 00 fiJI, Cf'" 0. 50 UNl T HYHIWGF<I\PH 116 END-o:---p[-}UDO ORDIN1~ IFS 47. (~. 7V. 167. 107. 65. 40. 24. 15. 9. 6. 3. 2 1. 1{>~·- 10~1. 6;>. :Ju. ;:-~~!- 1'1. 'I. ~). :I. ; __ !. I. 1 ~J'/' '11. t·,9. :~t>. t.'~-~- j :J. n. ~ J • :I_ ~~. 96. 151. 92. 56. 34. 21. 13. 8. 5. 3. 2. 113. 144. 88 54. 33 20. 12. 7_ 5. 3. 2. 1 0-DA\~ 0.00 128. 1 ~ry ~!. 8~. 51. 31. 19. 12 7 4. 3. -~ "· •n~•~~~~ 0~·:~~-·~~·~-~~*~**~*~~~*~*~a~*****·~•~***•***~*~****~**~*****~~*~****•********~~****·~x **~~~i~~~*·~~-l~~~~*~*~~*~***•***~~~~~-• ";} tt ):l -~t * ~:t '* ~ ~ .: HYDRDGRAPH r\'1 GTr\TlON ~~~·a5l!!l~~~~~-~*Sft#j~*~~-l****~»~~~****~* *•J***~**•*****~~~*~**R~**~*~·»*~ft~)~l**** ~-l§*~j-·~~~-i*4*~*~~~~******~~*******~*~** ~ Dl• I"'ON Hf<MN UR!) fM!N LU~·1S EXCESS CDMP Q -ll· DA I':<JN HRI11J ORO RAW LOSS EX•:ESS COf~P Q 0000 00:-.'0 OO·lO '-•l 00 0120 0140 (l;J()') O;.!;.:!rJ 4 3 b 7 fJ 0 00 0 00 0 00 000 000 0. 00 o no 000 0 co 0.00 000 0~ 0 co 0 00 {~.·oo 0. co 0 00 000 0 00 0 OQ 0 00 0 00 000 000 0. 0. 1.) () 0 0 lJ 0 3 3 3 3 3 ~ 0020 0040 0100 0120 0140 0~)0 0220 ()2~0 146 J47 148 149 1 50 1:'11 I ~·, Clc. '!i'] 0. 64 0 14 0. 21 <)_ 16 0 14 0 11 0. 10 0. 1. ;J 0, 03 0 03 oro 0 03 0. 03 0. 03 0~ 0. OJ 0.60 0. 10 0. 18 0. 12 0.11 O.M 0 07 0.06 80. 99 121 14'3. 172. 200 ~.!28 237. HEC. LOG; 1 o;24o 0:300 (r:];~l) 0:3'10 0400 0'!.~20 0'1'10 00>00 0:120 O:JLJO 0600 06~~() 06'10 07('0 0720 0740 0000 OB;:>Q 08•10 09{}0 09~~0 cvr:~o JOOO 1 ()~'() 1040 1100 1120 j 140 1~200 1220 1 ~Z40 1300 1:320 13110 1400 t4~:o 14•l0 1500 1 s~:o !SilO !bOO 1 6~-JO 1640 1 700 p;~o 1740 1fl00 1o;~o 1!3'10 1'700 lct;:o 1940 ;woo ~~fJ:::o ;:C\'10 ~'1 00 ~: 1 20 ~~ Jll 0 ~200 ;~:-2~~0 ;·;c40 '7 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~~: 2~ :?4 ~25 ;:6 27 .::~B 29 :10 :Jl 32 :!:J 34 35 36 37 :m 3'i' 40 41 42 43 44 '15 46 IJl 4H 49 50 ~' c~ .., ... t:;_ ~}3 54 5~} 56 ~7 ~y ~,~ 60 61 6~ 63 64 6~ 66 67 ~~ 69 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0. 1.10 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 000 0. (.)0 0. 00 () 00 0.00 0. ()() () 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0 oo 0 00 0 00 0. 00 0.00 000 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0 00 0. ()() 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0. 00 0. 00 () (j() () Q\) () 00 0. 00 0 00 0 00 0. 00 0 00 0. oo 0 00 0 00 () o no 0. Ot) o no 0 00 0 1}0 0. 1,)1) 0 00 0 ('() () CiiJ no 0. (·0 0 (,!Q 0 uo 9-0CT-1984 19:10 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 0 co 0.00 0 00 0 00 !J. 00 0. 00 r;.. 00 0.00 0. 00 () 00 0 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 I) co 0. 00 0. 00 0 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. co 0. 00 0. co 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0. 00 e. oo 0. co 0. 00 0. 00 0. C0 0. 00 0. (•0 () co 0. 00 0 00 0. 00 0. 00 l) Q 00 0 Qf) Q. 00 {-:• co (' CC' 0 co ~o e;n 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0. co 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 () 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0. OCI 0.00 0. 00 000 0 00 0 00 0. 00 000 0 00 0 O·J 0 00 0 ()() 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 0 00 (J (10 0 (l(J 0 (.)(,1 00 f) l)f~ (I (:() 00 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. () 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 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Ol 214 0. 01 0. 09 0. !)"/ 0.06 0.06 0.06 0. o.s 0.0':! 0.05 0. 05 0 0~ 0.04 0 03 0. 03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0 03 0.03 0. 03 0. 03 0.03 0. 03 0.02 0. 0~! 0. 02 0. 02 o. o:;! 0. 01 0.01 0. C•1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0. 01 0.01 0. 01 0.01 0 01 0. 01 0 01 0 01 0.01 0.01 0.01 001 0. 01 0. 01 0 01 0 01 0. 01 0. 01 0. 01 0 01 0.01 0 l)l 0 01 I) (·1 0 01 0. () l 0. O::J 0. o:] 0. 0:3 0. 0~3 o. 0:1 0.0~ 0. 03 0. 03 0. 03 0. 03 0.03 Ct. 03 0. 03 0 03 0. 03 0. 03 0.03 0. 03 0. 03 0.03 0. 03 0.03 0. 03 0. 02 0. 02 0. 02 0. 0:?. 0. 0.?. 0. 01 0. 01 0. 01 0. 01 0. 01 0. 01 0 01 0. 01 0. 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0. 01 0. 01 0.01 0. 01 0.01 0. 01 0.01 0. 00 0.00 0 00 0 Ot) 0 00 0. 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 co 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.06 0. 03 0.03 003 0. 02 0. 02 0.02 0. 0~~ 0 02 0. 01 0. co 0. co 0. co 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 0 00 0. 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' HEC: LOG; I ;;: 2 ,.., c. 2 2 ., <- 2 ~: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ,., c. 2 2 2 2 2 2 '""' c. ~~ c. 2 ., "' ;:> 2 ,., "" 2 c ,.., c ., ~-: . .., ~ c: ., c. c. .., r. r, ., c. ~300 70 2320 71 2340 72 0000 73 0020 74 0040 7~ 0100 76 0120 77 0140 78 0200 7Q 0220 80 0~40 01 0300 82 0320 83 0340 84 0400 80> 0420 86 0440 87 0500 88 0520 89 0540 90 0600 91 06~0 92 0640 93 0700 94 0720 95 0740 96 0800 97 08~0 98 0840 99 0900 100 0920 101 0?40 102 1000 103 1020 104 1040 105 1100 106 1120 107 1140 108 1200 109 1220 110 1240 111 1300 112 13~0 113 1340 114 1400 115 1420 116 11~0 117 1500 118 15~0 119 J5qo 120 1600 121 16~0 122 1640 123 1700 124 1720 ~~~ 1740 126 1800 127 18~0 l~R 18~0 1~7 1900 130 0. 00 0 00 0. 00 0. 00 0.01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0. 01 0.01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 01 0. 01 0 01 0.01 0.01 0 01 0. 01 0 01 0. 01 0. 01 0 01 0. 01 0. 01 0.01 0.01 0 01 0. 01 0.01 0. 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