HomeMy WebLinkAboutMicro hydro Vol 2 1980MICRO HYDRO VOLUME2 Guidance Manual of Procedures for Assessment of Micro Hydro Potential OCTOBER 1980 Crippen Consultants 1605 Hamilton Ave. North Vancouver, B.C. V7P 2L9 MICRO HYDRO SYNOPSIS VOLUME I: A Survey of Potential Micro Hydro Developments For Use By Remote Communities in British Columbia This Volume presents the estimate of the potential for micro hydro development in remote communities in British Columbia. VOLUME 2: Guidance Manual of Procedures F"or Assessment of Micro Hydro Potential This Volume presents a step-by-step procedure for the assessment of actual sites for micro hydro development. MICRO HYDRO REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. GUIDANCE MANUAL STUDY PROCEDURE 1.1 lntroduct ion I -I 1.2 Reconnaissance Study 1-2 1.3 Prefeasibility Level Study I - 3 1.4 Study Procedures 1-4 1.5 Ongoing Studies 1-5 2. BASIC DATA COLLECTION 2.1 Sources of In format ion 2-I 2.2 Topographic Mapping 2-2 2.3 Hydrometric and Climate Data 2-2 2.4 Air Photos 2-3 2.5 Geological 2-3 2.6 Other 2-3 3. CONCEPTUAL PLANNING 3.1 Load Demand 3 -I 3.1.1 Existing Demand 3-I 3.1.2 Load Growth 3-2 3.2 Hydrology 3-4 3.2.1 Firm Flow Determination 3-4 3.2.2 Water Storage for Regu lot ion 3-5 3.2.3 Water Licence 3-6 3.3 Layout Concepts 3-6 3.3.1 Installed Capacity 3-6 3.3.2 Civi I Features 3-7 4. DETAILED PLANNING 4.1 Civi I Features 4-I 4.1.1 Diversion/Intake Structure 4-1 4.1.2 Canal 4-3 - i - TABLE OF CONTENTS -(Cont'd) Page 4. DETAILED PLANNING -(Cont'd) 4.1.3 Penstocks 4-5 4.1.4 Powerhouse and T ai I race 4-5 4.2 Mechanical Equipment 4-6 4.2.1 Introduction 4-6 4.2.2 Prime Mover 4-7 4.2.3 Selection of Speed 4-13 4.2.4 Control 4-14 4.2.5 Suppliers 4-15 4.3 Electrical Facilities 4-17 4.3.1 Generators 4-17 4.3.2 Protection and Control 4-19 4.3.3 Transmission Line 4-19 4.3.4 Equipment Suppliers 4-20 5. MICRO HYDRO COST ESTIMA TJNG 5.1 General 5 -I 5.2 Cost Estimating Method 5-2 5.3 Cost Estimating Limitation 5-3 5.4 Basic Approach to Costing Civi I Works 5-3 5.5 Basic Approach to Electrical and Mechanical Cost Estimating 5-4 5.6 Engineering and Management Fees 5-4 5.7 Contingency 5-5 5.8 Price Escalation 5-5 5.9 Interest During Construction 5-6 5.10 Step by Step Cost Estimating Method 5-6 6. FINANCIAL EVALUATION 6.1 Method 6-1 6.1.1 Introduction 6-1 6.1.2 Life Span 6-2 -ii - TABLE OF CONTENTS-(Cont'd) 6. FINANCIAL EVALUATION-(Cont'd) 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Table4-l - Table6-l - Figure 1-1 Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2 Figure 5-1 6.1.3 Treatment of Input Price Variations 6.1.4 Method of Evaluation 6.1.5 Selection of Values of Study Variables Hydro PI ant Gene rat ion Costs Alternative Generation Costs Payback Evaluation Internal Rate of Return Evaluation Sensitivity Sample Financial Evaluation TABLES Designers of Standardized Micro Hydro Turbines Cash Flows -Hydro Versus Alternative Study FIGURES Guidance Manual Study Procedures Standardized Micro Hydro Turbines-Selection of Type Standardized Micro Hydro Turbines-Selection of Speed Generating Unit Categories -Head vs Discharge -iii - Page 6-3 6-3 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-10 6-10 4-22 6-4 APPENDICES SITE INVESTIGATION ASSESSMENT II STEP BY STEP COST ESTIMATING METHOD Ill SUPPORTING INFORMATION IV MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS V HYDRO ELECTRIC CAPACITY DETERMINATION (HYDRO PLANT WITH SECONDARY ENERGY GENERATION) VI DIESEL PLANT CAPITAL COSTS DIESEL PLANT OPERATING COSTS HYDRO PLANT OPERATING COSTS VII FINANCIAL EVALUATION VIII RAPID FINANCIAL EVALUATION METHOD IX CASE STUDY -CARPENTER AND CODY CREEKS -iv- SECTION I GUIDANCE MANUAL STUDY PROCEDURE I. GUIDANCE MANUAL STUDY PROCEDURE 1.1 INTRODUCTION This manual has been written to assist in the evaluation of potential micro hydro sites. The evaluation procedure contained herein is at a prefeasibility level and when done properly should provide enough direction as to whether a feasibility level study is warranted. Although the evaluation procedure is straightforward and eliminates or minimizes the number of technical decisions to be made, it has to be stressed that the user should have basic knowledge and understanding of such hydro developments. Therefore the user should have some engineering or other relevant training, or at the very least be under the guidance of an engineer. The evaluation procedure is not intended to be used directly by a lay person. The need for such training will become readily apparent when decisions as to the hydro system component layout and interpretation of hydrol- ogic data are needed. The evaluation procedure is for micro hydro sites with potential capacities of from 10 kW to 200u kW installed capacity. The user is cautioned that cost data presented in the manual are based on January 1980 prices and project ions, and that, while the procedures are appl ic- able regardless of the year in which the study is to be done, cost data should be updated wherever possible to reflect conditions applicable at a given site. The user will probably adopt a two-stage approach to the evaluation of a site. In the first instance a reconnaissance study will probably be required, in which the input wi II likely be limited to a one man week, for the I -I purpose of establishing whether a site has even a remote chance of feasible development. Although it is desirable that a site visit be made during a reconnaissance evaluation, it is not essential provided the user can ascertain the major micro hydro components from existing hydrol- ogical, topographic and air photo data. If the reconnaissance evaluation proves that the proposed project is potentially viable, the user would then proceed to carry out a more detailed evaluation. This second stage investigation is defined as a prefeasibility study which could take up to one man month of input or less if the user is familiar with hydro study procedures, once the basic data have been obtained. This manual contains level of detail appropriate to the prefeasibility study. It is essential that the user comprehend the prefeasibility level of detail prior to undertaking a reconnaissance study. A reconnaissance study must adopt the same procedure as a prefeasibility study with the major exception that the time spent in defining major construction components and in preparing capital cost estimate is significantly lower. It is hoped that the judgment exercised by the user in arriving at an acceptable project layout and cost estimate for a reconnaissance study proves to be sufficiently accurate. Figure 1-1 shows the essential study procedures and relates the different input areas to the chapters and appendices of this volume. The reconnaissance level procedures are a "once over lightly" version of the prefeasibility procedures with rapid determination of basic energy costs facilitated by supporting data for an abbreviated financial com- parison as contained in Appendix VIII to this Volume. 1.2 RECONNAISSANCE STUDY A reconnaissance study must essentially cover all of the ground which has been described in Subsection 1.3 for a Feasibility Study, with the exception that less time is spent in the detailed selection of project I -2 design parameters and less time is spent preparing the capital cost estimate. The user is cautioned that the accuracy of the capital cost estimate in a Reconnaissance Study must be maintained at a reasonably high level if meaningful results are to be obtained. Appendix VIII contains data which will enable the user to provide a rapid financial evaluation for a reconnaissance study. 1.3 PREFEASIBILITY LEVEL STUDY A prefeasibility study must start with the assembly of basic data. As shown in Figure 1-1, Section 2 of this manual deals with the acquisition of adequate topographic maps, aerial photographs and data on climate, geology and hydrology. Appendix I provides additional information which may be useful for data collection on site visits. Section 3 describes load forecasting requirements and the determina- tion of the firm flow available at the site. Having established the firm flow, the user can determine the flow-head combinations that will produce the desired design peak load, and then move on to examine the topographic maps and establish basic design layouts. Conceptual design is described in Section 3 and Appendix Ill provides supporting informa- tion for water licencing and firm flow determination. If the site topography and the available firm flow do not yield the desired firm peaking capability then the user must consider alternative means of generation to meet the difference between peak demand and firm hydro capacity. If the need fer additional energy supply is established, the hydro plant installed capacity can be raised beyond firm capacity in order to capture secondary energy benefits. A procedure for determining an appropriate hydro installed capacity under such circumstances is given in Appendix V: it is based on a cost optimization process whereby the benefits of secondary hydro energy generation are weighed against the cost of providing the incremental hydro capacity. I - 3 Although the terms of reference for this study exclude sites within economic distance of the B.C.H.P.A.* distribution system, the user may wish to evaluate a site where connection to the grid is possible. This manual emphasizes diesel generation as the most likely alternative means of supply, but the methods of optimization and evaluation are the same regard less of the source. Having established the conceptual design and installed capacities the user can move on to determine the major project design parameters for civil, mechanical and electrical components, and to estimate the project construction costs. Sections 4 and 5 and Appendices II and IV deal with design parameter selection, quantities estimates and capital cost estimates. The user should aim to have a good appreciation of the design parameters and a competent capital cost estimate by the time he has reached the end of Sect ion 5. Section 6, together with Appendices VI and VII, provides the user with a financial evaluation technique which will enable the determination of unit energy costs, payback periods and project internal rate of return. The basis of evaluation calls for comparison between the hydro and the most attractive alternative method of generation: for remote commun- ities it is likely that diesel generation (either continuation of existing, or new plant) will be the most attractive alternative means of genera- tion. At some sites, connection to the B.C.H.P.A. power grid may be the most viable alternative. The procedure compares the additional (incremental) capital cost required for a hydro plant over a diesel (or other) supply against benefits consisting of operating, maintenance, and fuel cost savings. Upon completion of the financial evaluation the user . should have a clear idea as to project viability. *B.C.H.P .A. -British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority I -4 1.4 STUDY PROCEDURES The study procedures described in Subsection 1.2 and 1.3 are summar- ized in flow chart form in Figure 1-1. 1.5 ONGOING STUDIES After completion of the prefeasibility study outlined in this volume the user may wish to proceed with project implementation. Prior to making a final decision to proceed with the project it is recommended that additional work be carried out to firm up the development concept and cost estimates and subsequently review the financial viability of the project. At this point it would be desirable to employ the services of an individual or a consultant who has had experience in hydro-electric projects. The program for these additional studies should encompass the following points: I. Brief professional review of hydrologic data, development con- cept, cost estimate and financial evaluation. 2. T opogrophic survey of site and assessment of local construct ion materials' sources and foundation conditions. 3. Refine project layout and size major components, takeoff quan- tities, obtain equipment quotations from suppliers and prepare detailed cost estimates. 4. Refine financial evaluation. I -5 ~ Pi"+" v 0 AI ., ., m z n 0 z (/) c r- -f )> z -i (/) RECONNAISSANCE STUDY A!:.!JI'l..V'"~= F:nJJJJ\TICN t.:S I: ;c PP!:'CEIX,'RES F.:.SOU~::::J I~ S!X'!'l'.~'S 2 TI:Rll 5 'lD A!hli\1: AT ~:ICW hYDro G\fi'i:'\L CDS'~ LSTIH~1E I l~P!'~::niX VI11 ---~---- ) .~·~--~U~~:~~ ~:.ICH) HYDIU l~:c ;' 1~:1:.4:;y CC'6TS O.'!:R ric$': 12 YrAFS OF P!UJECT Lrr-L 2. DL'T~~I:!: L•I§EL Pll\NI' t-::!~ ~':T~G':' o:6'TS 0\t'ER FUSf 12 YLI.P5 OI' PROJU:T Ll!'£ 3. 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L'O:i'l' LS~·r:·~,\'"ING ESTI!·:Xffi MICID LYI'!'O Pi~'Ecr Ol' [T,~l, ca;TS USING ffiST I::iTL'lf,TD':G 11\TA Sl~'PLTI:D n; fL~Pf:IDIX II - SFLTICf.l 6 -FP.~J\~£IAL L''v?J ,t~l\~ICN CtNPAHC lll1ll<O SYS'Yl1·1 GC\'lR"!fl C'l O:JS'!S N:;A TllST C.ThTS U' G!~J~.Th\Tin-; BY ALTI-JZ'~\TIVI; t-1LASURCS f IlTJ~<D SYS'l':J'o1 HYDP0-0:.!\'"' __ _ l!lDRO & SlJI'l'!ZllXi'AJV DIE-~£L !rffif/D & SC:Prr.;;.::_:;ll'J'\RY QUD AI:!'F!~X7\TIVF5 NT~;·lll-L~i::J-,- CC::rThcE F:XlSTINS DIF'.SL:.. etnnCJGN 1~) GRID APPL'\!DIX VI I -Ct\lA_ ... c..T~\'l"IC N S! !.:_ITS ----------------- Sll~~~RY S!i!Ei'S FOR C/\LCU:l\':'10'1 OF L~IT !XT:IG~ COSTS, Pt'\\13:'\C.!·: PL'RIOOS {D~'C~.J~ /~.J1) J:.~T:H TAXr~J) ;-.. ·;n l>:'IF..~% r<.t'\':·::s or ic'l·_.:r....\1 ____ _.,. N)f-l:~DIX IV -'I'l:~"__:_i~:I·: ~-::"~.:::...The:'":?::.R !_.1~ lu'P~J:DIX V -[.:::-J1_l\..'·:r:;· .. 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P~\~.r.'-('.l·FI':'.:...L O:::ST r.s:-r·'J".,7I.:C 0.\TA DIL~FJ .. pr_..y;r r:JS hYT:PD PU"~::' CPFP)\:'I~:G r. :·'..\~~~:...".::C~ COST ~~S~I.'·~\':':2-:G [' .. -'"TA MICRO HYDRO STUDY GUIDANCE MANUAL STUDY PROCEDURES CRIPPEN CONSULTANTS -VANCOUVER, B.C. CANADA FIGURE 1-1 SECTION 2 BASIC OAT A COLLECTION 2. BASIC OAT A COLLECTION 2.1 SOURCES OF INFORMATION It is assumed that the user has identified a river or several rivers which have the potential for micro hydro power generation, and that a concerted effort will be made to obtain as much basic data as possible concerning the site. The following suggestions are made to assist the user in assembling such basic data. Topographic Map Sources a. Geodetic Survey of Canada. b. Topographic Survey of Canada. c. B.C. Surveyor General. d. Municipal or Regional District Offices. e. Former landowners may have had topographic surveys carried out. Hydrometric and Climate Data Sources a. B.C. Water Rights Branch. b. Canada and B.C. Departments of Environment. c. Local sources such as farmers, municipal utilities, etc. may have useful knowledge of the area. Air Photos a. Surveys & Mapping Branch, Ministry of the Environment, B.C. Geology a. Geological Survey Canada. b. If mining companies have been active in the area they may be a useful source of information. 2-I Other a. Department of Indian & Northern Affairs, Ottawa. b. Ministry of Fisl,eries, Ottawa and Victoria. c. Ministry of Agriculture, Ottawa and Victoria. 2.2 TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING Topographic maps ideally should be to a scale of about I: 15,000 or larger, however, it is unlikely that for most sites scales better than 1:50,000 will be available. Available mapping will be used for a reconnaissance study and, based on the findings, a decision must then be made as to whether more accurate topography is required for the prefeasibility study. 2.3 HYDROMETRIC AND CLIMATE OAT A If runoff data are not available for a specific stream or site the user should try to assemble stream flow data for similar catchment areas within an 80 to 160 km radius of the site. These data can then be used to synthesize flow data for the site in question on the basis of relative drainage areas. Stream gauging records in B.C. are published by Water Survey of Canada. Additional data may be available from local authorities, companies or persons. In British Columbia, the most important climatic consideration aside from precipitation, is temperature and its influence on operation under freezing conditions. For canal design, it must be noted that the coast mountains divide the province into the interior area (where ice cover must be anticipated) and into the coastal area (where ice-free operation is probable). This generalization must, of course, take into account the effect of site elevation. Water Survey of Canada can provide information about ice 2-2 formation at river gauging sites in the vicinity of a proposed site. This information can then be used as a guide as to the probability of ice forming at the intake or on canals. 2.4 AIR PHOTOS Stereoscopic viewing of air photos can be a valuable source of topo- graphic and geological information. Photos usually are available in scales of I :40,000 or I :20,000. If topographic mapping is of too small a scale, an alternative to doing a large scale ground survey is to obtain I :20,000 scale air photos together with some spot elevations from a ground control survey. The large scale air photos can then be analyzed using a stereoscope with a parallax bar to determine elevations at salient points in the project area. Some areas even have I: I 0,000 scale air photos available. 2.5 GEOLOGICAL Although geological mapping of a site area will likely be to a scale which is small, valuable information can be obtained from a geological air photo interpretation if done by a competent geologist. Such interpretation wi II indicate whether construction is in bedrock, alluvial or glacial deposits, the magnitude of ground slopes involved, potential landslide areas, and recommended access routes. Potential sources of construction materials such as concrete aggregates and canal lining material can be identified. Site investigation, even if sub-surface exploration is not possible at the time, is highly recommended. Excavation of test pits at the sites of major structures would provide valuable sub-surface information. 2.6 OTHER The user should establish whether environmental considerations such as fisheries and agriculture or wildlife are likely to become significant considerations in the development of the project. 2 - 3 SECTION 3 CONCEPTUAL PLANNING 3. CONCEPTUAL PLANNING 3.1 LOAD DEMAND 3.1.1 Existing Demand * ** Electrical demand can be established from records of the existing generation installation or by surveying domestic and industrial facilities at the site. In the absence of any other data, a rule of thumb is to allow an average load requirement of 1.5 kW per person or 6.75 kW per household. To arrive at the peak demand, a yearly load factor must be applied and the figure suggested is 0.75* for industrial communities and 0.5* for residential communities. Ontario Hydro in their report No. 303-2** present a generalized formula to estimate the daily peak power requirements for remote communities. "This formula assumes that the peak would occur daily, principally as a result of residential loads coincidental with 24 hour loads. The community peak power requirement is estimated to be the sum of the following: 2 kilowatts per (native) household 3 kilowatts per government resident (i.e. teachers and nurses residence) 5 kilowatts for nursing station From analysis of data reported in the Inventory of Diesel Electric Load Centres in Appendix II of Volume I, and also from information provided by B. C. Hydro. See Bibliography, Volume I 3-I 5 kilowatts per store (refrigeration and security lighting} 2 kilowatts for airport 5 kilowatts for telephone system Additional for government agencies (i.e. weather station, forestry, etc.) Summation of the above would equal the community peak power requirement." The difference in demand estimates quoted above, indicates the variation in domestic usage, whether electricity is used for lighting, cooking and appliances and even space heating or for only some of the uses listed. Usage is usually influenced by cost, and availability of electricity. 3.1.2 Load Growth The potential for load growth must be estimated and allowed for when determining the size of generating equipment to be installed. Where historical operot ing records of diesel generation plants ore available these will provide the user with a good ideo of the post load growth pattern. It is useful to determine whether the historical load growth was significantly influenced by any changes of the load components such as residential, commercial or industrial development. Load growth projections con be mode on the basis of development trends within each of the above mentioned load components. It is important to predict both the peak ioad demand growth and the annual energy demand growth; the former is required in order to size the plant capacity and the Iotter is required in order to predict future revenues and costs. If no data are available for the load centre, it may be possible to obtain relevant data for a simi lor community nearby. 3-2 If the load centre hos previously been subjected to load growth restrictions (for example funds may not hove been available to expond existing plant) then allowance must be mode for the suppressed demand: in such a system higher than normal growth rates may be experienced over the first one or two years of operation. G. B. Scheer* proposed a formula for the estimation of load growth: where log 10 G C -0.15 log 1 0 U G is annual growth rate in percentage points U is the usage per person, i.e. demand in kWh/yr C is a constant derived from: C (Rate of pop. growth x 0.02) + I .33 Population growth for U is about 2 per cent/annum c = 1.37 U = 1.5 kW x 0. 7 (load foetor) x 24 x 365 = 9198 soy, 9200 kWh/yr log 10 c = 1.37-0.15 X 3.964 = 0.775 G = 5.96 per cent/annum This formula, which has been proven over a number of years and in many c'ifferent countries, appears to bear out the 6 per cent growth rote reasonably well. In the absence of other information, a compound load growth rote of 6 per cent per annum is often used. It is preferable to extend the capacity demand projection to of least 12 years and, if possible, 24 years from the intended first year of operation of the project. *See Bibliography in Volume I. 3-3 3.2 HYDROLOGY 3.2.1 Firm Flow Determination Since the ability of a hydro plant to meet peak load demand depends on the availability of the design flow it is important that even during dry years the required flow is available to enable the plant to meet all peaks (the annual peak load may not coincide with annual low flow). An estimate of the firm flow in the river must, therefore, be made prior to proceeding with the project layout design. The definition of firm flow will depend on whether the system is capable of tolerating infrequent capacity limitations. If the community can accept demand rationing during periods of low river flow, then a suitable dependability may be achieved by defining firm flow as the minimum daily flow which is exceeded 95 per cent of the time. Such a community would then be subject to demand rationing for an average of 18 days a year. Less tolerant communities might insist on an exceedence of 98 per cent of the time or higher. The most convenient method by which the firm flow can be determined is from water survey records for the actual stream being considered. In most cases, however, flow records will not be available, and it then becomes necessary to look for gauged catchments nearby which have similar precipitation and runoff conditions. Similar catchments are those having similar altitude, size, orientation relative to the major mountain ranges, and similar prevalent weather patterns. The existence of lakes in a catchment wi II influence runoff patterns owing to the effects of natural regulation. Any such effects must be accounted for when using adjacent catchments to synthesize flow data by choosing catchments which are similar. Procedures, depending on the records available for the catchment in question, wi II differ and are detailed below. Although there are methods for using precipitation, 3-4 temperature and snow pack data to synthesize stream flow data, these are not included in this manual. It is recommended that mean monthly flow records be used for the procedures set out below. For determining firm flow the minimum mean monthly flow appropriately adjusted for the point of diversion should be adopted. This assumes a period of water shortage during approximately half of the month providing however this is considered acceptable for this stage of study. Therefore if: records are available on the stream being considered, adjust the recorded flows in the ratio of the tributary catchment areas. no records are available on the stream being considered, identify a gauged catchment with simi lor characteristics as described above. Adjust the recorded flows in the ratio of the tributary catchment areas. Extension or inti II ing of gaps in records used in the above procedures can be done by correlation with another gauged catchment if a suitable correlation can be established. The method is set out in Appendix A of "Hydrology For Engineers" by Linsley, Kholer and Paulus. If timing of the field visit can be arranged in the low flow period a spot discharge measurement should be made to check the flow computed from the gauged records and the catchment area ratio. If the results differ by more than 20 per cent, the flow generated using the catchment area ratio should be adjusted accordingly. 3.2.2 Water Storage For Regulation Storage can be utilized to regulate the flow into patterns which are more favourable to the operation of the plant. Methods for increasing 3-5 flow by storage are given in "Water Resources Development", by E. Kuiper, p. 282 and included in Appendix Ill (C) of this volume. If storage is being considered to improve firm flows, it is generally only economical if an existing lake can be regulated or significant volume can be impounded with a low dam. Depending on the volume of storage available, it may be possible to provide significant improvements to the operating characteristics of a hydro plant. The greatest benefit accrues to storage if it can be used to regulate daily flows so that daily peak loads can be met without recourse to alternative means of generation. Larger storage volumes can be utilized to increase plant output during dry season flow periods, or possibly to provide over-year storage. 3.2.3 Water Licence It is important to recognize that the ownership of and the right to use water is vested in the Crown. The water licence application process can be long and drawn out and if the project looks feasible on the first analysis a water licence application for the proposed development should be made without delay. Appendix Ill (A) -"B.C. Water Licencing", reviews the basic requirements and application procedures. 3.3 LAYOUT CONCEPTS 3.3.1 Installed Capacity Having established the load demand and the firm flow the user is in a position to proceed with project planning. The user must determine whether topographic conditions allow the development of sufficient generating capacity to meet load demand forecasts. The basic formula to be used is as follows: 3-6 P = g x z x Q x H where g = acceleration due to gravity 9.8 m/sec 2 z = overall hydraulic, mechanical and electrical efficiency (usually 0.7) Q = firm flow m 3 /sec H = net head metres p = capacity kW Figure 3-1 provides a graphical solution of the above equation for two of the three variables, P, Q and H. Topographic conditions permitting, it is preferable to select a head which will provide the required peak load demand capacity for at least 24 years of the pro.ject life. If head limitations prevent this, the head available should be maximized consistent with avoiding expensive construction techniques and a deci- sion should be made as to whether storage should be investigated as a means of firming up the project capacity or whether supplementary power is required. If load growth rates are high a staged hydro development should be considered, with the initial installed capacity to be sized for a peak demand of I. 75 to 2 times the initial year peak demand. Load growth rates of 3 per cent per annum or more will see a doubling of demand in 24 years. A single stage installation would probably be appropriate under smaller load growth conditions. It is recommended the initial capacity be based on projected demand of not less than 6 years from the study date. Single or staged development should consider demand over a period of 24 years. 3.3.2 Civi I Features The primary civil features which must be determined are as follows: 3-7 -River intake -Canal -Penstocks -Powerhouse location -Tailrace -Access roads -Transmission line Success in choosing the most economical layout depends to a great extent on the judgment exercised by the user on the selection and sizing of the main project components. Judicious use of natural site features . can play a significant part in keeping construction costs down. The intake should be located in a narrow but accessible part of the river, preferably on rock foundations. During construction it will be neces- sary to partially or fully divert the river. Canal routes should avoid excessively steep valley wall slopes and rocky locations in order to minimize cost. Penstock routes should be chosen to minimize overall length, avoid severe undulations, and yet provide reasonable foundation conditions. The powerhouse site should be accessible and situated above flood level. The intake should prevent entry of flood waters into the power canal, and penstocks should be located so as to avoid them being damaged by flood waters. Some typical layouts are shown on Figure 11-34 and sample layouts of mechanical and electrical equipment are given on Figures 11-35 to 11-40. Having decided on a layout, or possibly several alternative layouts, the user is in a position to proceed with finalization of design parameters as described in Section 4 of this manual. If firm hydro capacity is not sufficient to meet the projected load demand then it is necessary to consider alternative means of generation for the supplementary energy required. The hydro plant under these conditions is capable of generating secondary energy and a separate procedure must be under- taken to determine the optimum hydro installed capacity. This optimization procedure is outlined in Appendix V. 3-8 SECTION 4 DETAILED PLANNING 4. DETAILED PLANNING 4.1 CIVIL FEATURES 4.1.1 Diversion/Intake Stn •cture The diversion/intake structure should preferably be located in a stretch of the river where the width between river banks is a minimum. The site should, however, be wide enough to provide adequate access and also be wide enough for provision of a spillway weir to allow passage of flood flows down the river. If the structure is likely to be substantial, a gated intake will be required in order to control release of water into a canal or directly into a penstock. If a gated intake is constructed a low level outlet should be included to drain the pond area behind the structure for maintenance and inspection. The gate structure deck should be above flood level. If the structure is small, diversion can be directly into a canal provided precautions are taken to prevent ingress of silt and floating debris and the canal is designed to accept high water levels during flood stages. A simple diversion structure suitable for small streams is shown in Figure 11...,31 in Appendix II. If a gated inlet is not provided at the diversion site, a gate wi II be required at the end of the canal where ~ater enters the penstocks. Control of the large debris such as floating logs may be a problem during periods of high river flow. If the intake can be located on the inside of a natural bend in the river floating debris problems will be minimized. Otherwise a log boom or rock training berm may be needed. Control of small debris at the intake is by the use of trashracks. The gross area of the trashrack should give a design water velocity of not more than 0.6 mls so that: 4-I the rack can be readily cleaned without having to reduce the flow and power output; the head loss through the rack will not be excessive; the likelihood of vibration is reduced. The spacing of the vertical rack bars is gauged to suit the size of debris that will pass safely through the system and should be as large as possible to prevent the necessity for excessive attention to screen cleaning. The rack should be designed to withstand the load due to it being at least 50 per cent plugged either by debris or ice. F razil ice is a very real problem in many areas where low temperatures occur. It may be advantageous to remove the rack when frazil ice is present but care should be taken to prevent problems of blockage further downstream in the system. The trashrack should be designed to be removable for repair and maintenance. Where debris is a severe problem, relatively simple automatic or semi-automatic mechanical rakes may be installed. Trash racks are usually custom designed and bui It. The type of gate or valve used for intake closure will depend on the gate's or valve's size and location. The device must be capable of operating with maximum potential flow through the system. This maximum flow must consider the possibility of ruptured penstocks when they are part of the system or at least the full load flow through the generating unit. If the gate or valve is located at the head of the penstocks the arrangement must include provision for the release of air during penstock fi II ing and its admission when emptying. 4-2 4.1.2 Gates may be either custom designed and built timber and steel structures or a purchased "off the shelf" design from a supplier such as Armco. Valves are usually ')f the butterfly type and in the smaller sizes (less than 600 mm) are available from many sources. Canal If a canal is to be employed, construction should be in overburden where possible rather than in rock. Well graded and compacted impermeable overburden materials provide the cheapest canal construction. Sandy or gravel foundations will require that the canal be lined with an imper- meable membrane of either soil, asphalt or concrete. In this manual, concrete is considered to be used as the lining material. Where lining is required consideration should be given to the use of corrugated metal half round flumes such as are manufactured by Armco. For smaller canals in ice-free conditions metal flumes are likely to be more economical. If the project site is west of the coast mountains, or at an elevation greater than 500 m, ice conditions will likely prevail during winter operation. Water Survey of Canada experience may, however, indicate ice-free conditions within the above areas and consequently a check should be made of their records prior to proceeding with design. Ice thickness of up to one metre can be expected in many areas and must be allowed for in the design. It is good practice in canal design to provide a side spillway at an elevation below the crest of the embankment in order to prevent overtopping of the canal berms and consequent failure by erosion. Water discharged at the canal spillway will be returned to the river. Typical canal freeboard requirements are 0. 7 to 1.0 metres. 4-3 If the canal inlet is not controlled by a gate the embankment height must be 0. 7 to 1.0 metres higher than the highest anticipated flood level. If the canal inlet is controlled by a gate the canal embankment may be constructed to the same slope as the canal invert, and the side spi II way located at the downstream end of the canal. Such an arrangement requires frequent operator adjustment to the inlet gate and may lead to wastage of water, particularly if the power plant water demand fluctuates over a wide range throughout the day. A more satisfactory design would have the canal embankment constructed horizontally, allowing operation of the plant throughout its full range without spilling water during periods of low flow. This may not be practical if the canal is long, say more than 7.5 km. Canal side slopes should be made as steep as possible to minimize construction costs. Typical side slopes and design velocities are as follows: Side Slope Velocitt m/sec Vert:Horiz Soft Clay I :3 0.75 Silt 1:2 0.75 Till I : I I Rock Vertical 1-2 In this manual, canal side slopes of IV:I.5H are used. Canals may have to cross streams that are flowing into the main river from which water has been directed. If such streams are small they may be taken under the canal in a culvert. A good appreciation of the maximum side slopes which can be tolerated can be gained by observing natural slopes in river banks or creek banks in the area. 4-4 4.1.3 Penstocks Typical penstock diameters are given in Figure 11-22 Appendix II. Recommended discharge velocities are between 1.7 and 3 metres per second. The user may determine an appropriate diameter by entering the graph with a design flow necessary to meet the peak demand for the available head. For most installations* steel p1pe would be used because of strength requirements, construction ease, cost, and availability. For these reasons and for the sake of simplifying the costing procedure only steel penstocks are considered in this manual. As well, two types of installations are considered: above ground or buried depending on the slope and ground material. The user is referred to Appendix II for cost estimating data pertaining to penstocks. 4 .I .4 Powerhouse and T a i I race The powerhouse will be located adjacent to the river at an elevation which is sufficient to avoid damage from flood waters and to provide the correct setting for the turbines with respect to the minimum tailrace level. The powerhouse substructure must be designed to withstand the thrusts introduced by the incoming penstock, and the operating loads of the turbine. For smaller power plants slab or grade construction will most likely be employed. The powerhouse superstructure can be constructed of lumber, concrete block or prefabricated metal frames and cladding. The latter forms are recommended where vandalism may be a problem. * At an early stage of the investigation AC (asbestos cement), PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and other plastic type pipes were eliminated for these reasons. 4-5 Tailrace design within the building will depend on the type of turbine units selected. Outside of the building perimeter a simple canal section will be employed. Riprap lining may be required if either the tai I race discharge or the river flows are likely to produce scour conditions. 4.2 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 4.2 .I lntroduct ion The equipment for an isolated micro hydro electric power installation is required to perform the following functions: a. prevent the passage of harmful debris into the hydraulic system; b. provide protection against damage in the event of a penstock failure, to drain the penstock when necessary and to perform emergency shutdown of the power generation equipment; c. provide a prime mover with control to drive the electric power generator at a constant speed; d. protect the generator and to control and distribute its output. The type of gate or valve provided for intake closure will depend on its size and location. The device must be capable of operating with maximum potential flow through the system. This maximum flow must consider the possibility of ruptured penstocks when they are part of the system or at least the full load flow through the generating unit. The gate or valve arrangement must include provision for the release of air during penstock filling and its admission when emptying. Valves are usually of the butterfly type and in the smaller sizes (less than 600 mm) are available from many sources. 4-6 4.2.2 Prime Mover Selection of Type The prime mover is a water turbine selected from several basic types which are presently being produced from standard designs to suit the range of micro hydro development under consideration. The type of turbine being considered for micro hydro developments are as follows: ~ Head Output kW Pelton Over 100m 50-2000 Turgo 15-200 m 50-2000 Francis 15-200m 500 -2000 Banki 2-170m 50-1000 Propeller 2 -15m 500-2000 Typical arrangements and outline dimensions for some of the different types of units are shown in Figures 11-35 to 11-40 inclusive. A brief description of each of these types is as follows: a. Pelton Impulse Turbine The Pelton turbine is essentially a high head turbine with one or more free jets driving the runner though for outputs of I 0 kW or less it may be used under a head of 15 m. The available pressure head is transformed into velocity head at the jet(s) to allow the discharge from the wheel to fall freely into the tailrace. The turbine runner must be set well above the maximum tai I race level and the available head must be discounted by the elevation of the jet above the tai I race. 4-7 A horizontal arrangement for runners with one or two jets is suitable but for runners with three or more jets, a vertical shaft must be used. Regulation can be either by jet deflection or nozzle control (single regulation) or a combination of the two (double regulation). Jet deflection provides rapid reduction of power input without change of flow and provides satisfactory regulation under other- wise difficult hydraulic conditions. Use of jet deflection without nozzle control eliminates the advantage of the impulse turbine's relatively flat efficiency/output characteristic. Impulse turbines may be subject to cavitation both in the buckets, due to incorrect shape or surface roughness and on the back of the buckets due to impingement of the jet during its transition from one bucket to the next. Integrally cast runners are now favoured by all turbine manufac- turers of long standing owing to the expense and difficulty of achieving a connection between individual buckets and a central disc which will prevent the buckets from working loose under the operating conditions. Fatigue failure must be carefully con- sidered due to the extremely high frequency of stress oscillations which occur at the bucket connection. b. Turgo Impulse Turbines The T urgo Impulse turbine is a medium head turbine in which one ' or two jets drive the runner. The side entry arrangement for the jet allows a large jet diameter for a relatively small wheel diameter (as compared to a Pelton turbine) resulting in a very high specific speed for a single jet impulse turbine. This side entry jet arrangement of T urgo runners means however, that axial thrust must be designed for. 4-8 The 'Turgo' can be governed in a similar manner to the Pelton turbine. The number of jets has been limited to two due to the high drop-off in efficiency with three or more jets which will not allow adequate drainage of the buckets. Extra power or higher speed under low head can be achieved by installing two runners, each with single or double jets. Fig. 11-37 shows an arrangement of a small twin jet Turgo generator unit. c. Banki Turbine The Banki turbine (also referred to as a "crossflow" or Ossberger turbine after the principal manufacturer) is a low to medium head turbine which is a transition type between an impulse and a reaction turbine. The rectangular water jet enters the runner radially on one side and leaves radially at the other side after turning through about 90°. There is no axial flow and hence no axial thrust. The shaft arrangement is always horizontal. Single regulation and shutoff is provided by rectangular pivotted vanes immediately upstream of the jet. The full available head can be utilized by the installation of a draft tube. Fig. 11-38 shows a typical arrangement of a medium head Banki generator unit. d. Francis Reaction Turbine The Francis turbine is a medium head turbine in which the flow enters radially with respect to the axis of rotation and is discharged axially. Both horizontal and vertical shaft arrange- ments are possible. Provision must be made to accommodate 4-9 axial hydraul !c thrust. The water may be ducted to the guide vanes leading to the runner entry through: -an open concrete flume, - a drum as shown on Fig. 11-39 or - a spiral casing as shown on Fig. 11-40 and discharged through a draft tube allowing utilization of the full available heads. Single regulation is normally provided by a ring of adjustable guide vanes or wicket gates controlled by servo-motors. Francis turbines may be relatively small high speed units with high velocities through the runner. Care must be taken to ensure adequate margins against cavitation and subsequent damage to the runner. The mechanism of a Francis turbine is also prone to wear when the water is contaminated by chemicals or solids which could destroy the fine running clearances required for efficient perfor- mance. e. Propeller Reaction Turbine The propeller turbine is a low head turbine which may have either fixed or adjustable blades. The latter type is the 'Kaplan' turbine. The direction and the control of flow is similar to a Francis turbine except that double regulation is required for a Kaplan turbine to keep the runner blades and wicket gates in correct relationship for optimum efficiency. If the applied head varies significantly the blade/wicket gate relationship can be adjusted to maintain optimum efficiency over the operating load and head range. 4-10 Both horizontal and vertical shaft arrangements may be used. The former are called Tubular of Bulb turbines. Provision must be made to accommodate axial hydraulic thrust. Sufficient margins against cavitation must be allowed to prevent damage to the runner and its envelope which may result from excessive water velocities and low pressures an the downstream side. An outline of the range of head and flows suitable for each type of standard design of turbine is shown on Fig. 4-1 and it will be seen that for a large range of heads and outputs the choice can be one of five different types, each type having its own limitations and advantages depending on the type of operation required. If the water supply is abundant, there is no need for its efficient use as would be the case if diesel generation were required to supply make-up power. Hence turbine efficiency is less important when evaluating capital cost in the former case. In the latter case both the peak efficiency and the rate of change of efficiency with load must be considered. The smaller the physical size of the turbine the lower the efficiency which varies approximately as 1-k o-I/S where Dis the characteristic runner diameter. The Banki, Turgo and Pelton turbines all have relatively flat efficiency load curves. The extent of the flatness of a Kaplan turbine efficiency curve depends on the amount of angular move- ment of the blades towards the closing direction but the smallest angles of closure give the highest value of runaway speed which is a disadvantage. The efficiency and performance of any runner is dependent on the quality and accuracy of its manufacture. To maximize efficiency on a small runner, the surface finish must be fine. A Pelton 4-II runner efficiency is very sensitive to the fineness of the splitter edge on the buckets which should be as sharp as is practical. An approximation of full load efficiency, peak efficiency and range of efficiP.nt operation for a SOO mm runner is as follows: Minimum Full Load Peak Percentage of Efficiency% Efficiency % Full Load* Tubular Fixed Pitch Propeller 86 88 so Variable Pitch Kaplan 86 87 20 I or 2 cell Banki 80 84 10 Francis 87 90 40 Turgo 82 84 IS Pelton 86 87 IS *For operation at efficiencies greater than 70 per cent. For any given speed and runner stze the efficiency is head sensitive and if the unit has been correctly selected for an average head, an increase or decrease in head will cause a drop in operating efficiency. The Kaplan turbine is most suited to accommodate head variations while the Pelton is most sensitive and for medium head installations relatively small deviations from the optimum head can have significant influence on the turbine efficiency over the whole load range. In addition to the selection of turbine designs shown in Figures II-3S to 11-40 inclusive, consideration should also be given to the use of an axial, mixed flow or centrifugal pump running in reverse as a turbine for units with outputs up to about ISO kW. Such units will have to be equipped with external means of regulating the flow or be arranged to work at constant output by providing a 4-12 suitable variable load up to full capacity of the unit. The head and output for turbine operation for best efficiency will exceed the equivalent values for best efficiency point operation of the pump. 4.2.3 Selection of Speed Reference to Fig. 4-2 will provide an indication of the speed at which each different type may operate with a horizontal shaft arrangement to allow the turbine to be set above the level of the water being discharged from it. The optimum speed of the turbine in rpm is given by: n = where n = specific speed from Fig. 4-2 s P = turbine output (kW) from Fig. 4-1 and H net head (m) The speed of a 60 Hz generator is given by n = 3600 rpm p where p is a whole number. If the turbine and generator are direct connected, then the generator speed must be selected to either equal or be below the optimum turbine speed. The economic minimum turbine speed for direct drive will vary with the output but will generally be 600 rpm. Belt, chain or gear transmissions are suitable for increasing the input speed to the generator which may be as high as 1800 rpm for low outputs but will normally be either 900 or 1200 rpm. 4-13 4.2.4 Control If a single generating unit is to be installed, the provision of a local turbine inlet valve will not be necessary if the penstock is short and has a reliable guard valve at the intake. Where two or more units are operated from a single penstock it is desirable to be able to dismantle one unit for maintenance without interrupting the availability of the other unit(s) for power generation. The installation of turbine inlet valves will provide this facility. The type of load which the generating unit is required to supply and the availability of water determines the method and degree of precision for maintaining the speed constant for a 60 Hz output. The turbine speed must be sensed and governed either by regulating the flow through the turbine or by maintaining the load constant using an energy sink such as a resistive water-cooled load or a brake. The flow through the impulse or Banki turbine must be regulated or diverted at the input while the flow through reaction turbines and reverse running pumps may be regulated at either the inlet or outlet. Where two units are required to operate in parallel, the governing equipment should be slightly more sophisticated to provide for varying the speed droop characteristic and allow orderly load sharing between the units. The rate of control of the flow must be limited to prevent excessive pressure rise or drop in the water supply system. A too rapid rate of movement of the turbine flow control gear can cause water hammer which may lead to failure of the penstock. The balance between rate of flow control with satisfactory speed regulation and pressure rise is a function of closing and opening time, length of the penstock, velocity tn the penstock and the inertia of the machine and the system if it comprises more than a single unit. The following relationship gives an indication of the necessity for pressure rise protection: 4-14 LX v ~ t 3Fi where L = penstock length (meters) V = Velocity of flow in penstock (meters/sec) t Full stroke closing or deflecting time (sees) H = Static Head (meters) When the economics of the penstock size require that the velocity in it is maintained at a level where 't' is greater than about 3 seconds satisfactory speed control may be attained by increasing the inertia of the rotating parts of the unit by the addition of a suitable flywheel. The subject of pressure rise, pressure drop and speed regulation will not be covered in this report but should always be checked to ensure security of the system. 4.2.5 Suppliers a. Offshore The majority of manufacturers of established lines of standard micro hydro units are offshore companies. There is a growing number of small companies who provide a service to assemble micro hydro generating unit packages using established turbine designs or rehabilitated used equipment. Some European turbine builders, appreciating the need to keep equipment prices to a competitive level, have realized that mkro hydro equipment design and manufacturing costs cannot carry the high overhead structure of a plant capable of producing the largest turbines being built today. To achieve this, the following typical liaisons have been made: 4-15 Escher Wyss Bell (Switzerland) Kvaerner Brug Sorum sand (Norway) Voest-Aipine Kossler (Austria) Tampella Leffel (Finland/USA) Neyrpic Worthington (F ranee /USA) A list of the turbine manufacturers known to be marketing standard designs for micro hydro equipment is given in Table 4-1. A complete list of turbine manufacturers is given in Appendix IV together with the names of the offshore manufacturers' North American representatives. As well, Appendix IV also contains the names of some suppliers/installers of micro hydro equipment. b. Canadian There are three established turbine manufacturers in Canada: Dominion Engineering Works Ltd., Montreal, P .Q. ii Marine Industries Ltd., Sorel, P.Q. iii Barber Hydraulic Turbine Ltd., Port Colborne, Ont. Dominion Engineering Works have the capability to design and build a complete range of water turbines. They have no developed range of equipment designed specifically for micro hydro and have not suggested that they are working on such a project. Marine Industries build turbines to the designs of Neyrpic, Grenoble, France and have the capability of manufacturing a complete range of water turbines. They have not ex- pressed interest in producing the standard Right Angle Bulb turbines being developed by Neyrpic, who have recently entered into an agreement with Worthington U.S. on the marketing of this equipment in the U.S.A. 4-16 Barber Hydraulic Turbine have the capability both for designing and manufacturing micro hydro equipment and for rehabilitating older plants. This company has recently been acquired by Marsh Engineering. A newcomer to the list of Canadian manufacturers is Dominion Bridge Sulzer, Montreal, P.O. who wi II be manufacturing to Escher-Wyss designs. The extent of their involvement in micro hydro work is not known. In addition to the manufacturers there are smaller companies supplying micro hydro packages. These companies will assemble the equipment using either rehabilitated plant or procuring new equipment of established design. These companies are listed in Appendix IV. 4.3 ELECTRICAL FACILITIES 4.3.1 Generators a. Select ion of Type This report deals with the development of isolated micro hydro and is concerned only with synchronous AC generators. Direct current generators may also be used for isolated systems but normally they would be higher cost both initially and to maintain and furthermore a DC system is not as safe to use as A C. If the micro hydro unit were to be connected to a larger synchronous system an asynchronous generator should be con- sidered since it would be less costly than a synchronous unit and would be simpler to control. 4-17 Synchronous generators should be of rugged construction, mini- mum class B insulated 60°C rise and complete with a bui It-in rotating type static excitation system and automatic voltage regulator. The generator frequency should be 60 Hz so as to be compatible with normal appliances and equipment available in Canada. The selection of generator voltage will be dependent on several factors such as size, characteristics of the load and whether a transmission line is required. Up to approximately 500 kW the most economical voltage rating is 120 to 600 volts. Beyond this rating and up to 2000 kW a generator voltage rating of 2400 volts may provide a lower total cost when the distribution equipment and transmission system are considered. If the generator is close to the load the generator voltage will probably be the same as the load voltage. If the load is mainly lighting the generator voltage could be 120/208 volt, however, if mostly industrial the voltage could be 600 volt. If a transmission line is required, which also involves transformation, then the generator voltage is independent of the load voltage. The selection of power factor will be dependent on the load and the transmission line requirements. b. Selection of Speed The economics of indirect drive with a speed increaser for the generator depend on turbine speed and output; they should be investigated when the turbine speed is less than 600 rpm espec- ially for units having outputs greater than 500 kW. In general, for indirect drive, economics wi II predict that the generator speed wi II be either 1200 rpm for outputs between 500 and 1250 kW or 900 rpm for outputs in excess of 1250 kW. 4-18 When making the evaluation, it must be recognized that the inclusion of a speed increaser with the possibility of oil pumps and heat exchangers, will require additional maintenance, will in- crease the noise level and will reduce the overall unit efficiency by about I -I /2 percentage points. The generator must be capable of running for at least 2 hours at the highest overspeed capability of the turbine without excessive vibration, bearing damage or exceeding about 75 per cent of the yield strength of the material in the rotating parts. The first critical speed of the rotating elements should be at least 20 per cent above the maximum overspeed which will be of the order of 1.8 to 2 times normal synchronous speed for Francis, Banki and Impulse turbine prime movers. For propeller turbines, it may be as high as 2.8 times normal speed. 4.3.2 Protection and Control 4.3.3 Protection and control must be provided for the turbine generator unit in the form of failure and overload detection devices, relays, disconnec- ting means and shutdown facility. The functional requirements will be basically the same for all units considered, however, more sophisticated equipment may be utilized for the larger sized units. If two or more turbine generator units are to be installed provision must be made for parallel operation. Synchronizing equipment will be required and the units must be able to share the load. Transmission Line If the load is not adjacent to the power generating equipment a transmission line will be required. Basically it will consist of an overhead conductor system of sufficient capacity to deliver the load at rated voltage and within specified voltage variation from no load to full load. 4-19 Open type bare conductors on wood pole construction is normally the most economical type of line. The size of conductor and line voltage selected are dependent on the length of line and the total load requirements. Transmission line voltage for the shortest lines may be the same as the generator voltage but normally transformation wi II be required at both the generation and the load ends. For the loads and distance considered in this study the line voltage should not exceed 13,200 volts. 4.3.4 Equipment Suppliers a. Turbine Generator Units For the micro hydro developments considered the turbine manu- facturer wi II put together a standard package including the turbine and the generator complete with excitation and automatic voltage regulation. They will also include, if requested, the protection and control equipment. This report and the supplier lists included are made on this basis, however, it is also possible to purchase the prime mover, the generator and the protect ion and control separately from individual manufacturers. b. Protection and Control In order to assure that electrical equipment meets CSA standards requirements and also that it can be readily maintained and repaired it is preferable that the protection and control equip- ment be obtained from a North American manufacturer. Some representative manufacturers are included in the manufacturers' list, Table 4-1 and others may be found in Appendix IV of this volume. 4-20 c. Transmission Lines Electrical Contractors local to the area will supply and install all equipment associated with the transmission line system. Trans- formation equipment can also be supplied by the Contractor or can be obtained separately from the equipment suppliers refer- enced in Appendix IV. 4-21 1. 2. 3. 4. ,::.. 5. IV 6. IV 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. T.ABLE 4-1 DISIGJERS OP srANDA.~IZED MICRO HYOID TURBINES Manufacturer Country Allis-chal.Jrers USA fu.rber Hydraulic Turbine Ltd. Canada Eell Switzerland Eofors-Nohab SwEden Gilbert, Gilkes & Gordon England Jyoti Limited India ~r..v Sweden Kassler Austria Leroy Scrner France Neyrpic France Ossberger Gern'kmy ST\311 Hydro-electric Systems & Equ i r:rnen t USA Son.unsand-Verksted Norway Tampella Finland ~~- Types Tubular Right or Angle Banki Francis Bulb 'lubular X X X X X X* X X X X --~-. -- x Standard designs available X* Coupled to asynchronous generators (X) Standard under developuent X (X) X X X X X Turgo Pelton (X) X X X X X (X) -~~ _...._. ~ £: "-...,. ~ <;:) lt 5(} 40 30 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0. 7 ~- 0.6 0.5 04 03 0.2 : 0./ - .09- .08 ~ .07 ~ .06 .05 .04 .03 .02 I 3 STANDARDIZED MICRO HYDRO TURBINES SELECTION OF TYPE i i ! j- ! I j I --1 I I I ; ' i l 1 I -i 4 5 G 7 8910 20 30 4l] 50 70 90 1(;.,0 80 /(}(] MET HEAD (metres) (-) CRIPPEN CONSULTANTS 1 ' -~/v1 40:7 6D..J BX! !COO -..vv 6!XJ 70tJ Joo FIG. I ------------ FIG. 4-2 ~=-CRIPPEN CONSULTANTS SECTION 5 MICRO HYDRO COST ESTIMATING 5. MICRO HYDRO COST ESTIMATING 5.1 GENERAL A cost estimating method presented in Appendix II has been developed to be used for micro hydro plants with heads ranging from 5 m to over 200m, and outputs from 10 kW to 2000 kW. The objective of this cost estimating method was, given limited site information and design criteria, to arrive at realistic order of magni- tude capital cost estimates for prefeasibility studies. The cost estimating method is essentially a step by step approach which guides the user through costing each component of a considered micro hydro project to arrive at a capital cost estimate which will in turn be used as part of the prefeasibi!ity study. The following components have been considered as being standard for most micro hydro projects. Access roads Power Canal Heaworks (intake structure, retaining dyke/overflow weir) Penstock Powerhouse (including mechanical & electrical equipment) Transmission facilities Dams to provide storage for flaw regulation purposes are normally too expensive to be considered for micro hydro developments. Stream diversions to reverse the flow at the power plant are also normally too expensive for micro hydro projects. Other project costs which have been considered in order to arrive at a capital cost estimate include: 5-1 Engineering, management and construction supervision Contingencies Escalation from the base date of the cost estimating method to the base date of the user's estimate Escalation during construction Interest during construction No calculation of head loss is required for use in this manual as hydraulic efficiency is included in the overall efficiency. 5.2 COST ESTIMATING METHOD The cost estimating method is presented in Appendix II and is divided into four distinct Sections: A. General Comments. B. Step by Step Approach. This Section guides the user through the costing of each compon- ent and of other project costs (as described above) to arrive at a capital cost estimate. C. Cost Estimating Procedure and Summary. This Section contains tables which are to be filled in by the user as he follows through the step by step approach in Section Busing the graphs in Section D. D. Cost Curve Assumptions, Graphs and Sketches. Quantities and/or costs for components have been presented graphically. Graphs have been constructed for: Quantities in terms of design parameters Costs in terms of Quantity parameters (basic unit costs) 5-2 Adjustment curves for both quantities and costs whenever applicable. 5.3 COST ESTIMATING LIMITATION Even though micro hydro plant components are fairly standard, their design and scope vary widely from site to site. In order to keep the present method simple, certain assumptions had to be made which are deemed adequate for order of magnitude estimates. The accuracy to be expected from such estimates is in the order of.±. 40 per cent. The accuracy range, however, could be decreased or increased depend- ing upon the following factors: The degree of information the user has on hand at the time of preparation of his capital cost estimate. The similarity of actual site characteristics to those assumed m the cost estimating procedure. The judgment of the user in evaluating site characteristics. The user's assessment of other project costs, as described at the end of Section 5.1, which are quite important in the overall capital cost. The degree of care taken in using the cost estimating method. 5.4 BASIC APPROACH TO COSTING CIVIL WORKS Quantity take off, basic unit prices and adjustment factors have been developed to generate the graphs and data necessary for the user to prepare a capital cost estimate. The assumptions used for construction material and component sizing are set out in Appendix II Section D. 5-3 The various sketches presented in this Section form the basis for the ca leu Ia ted quantities. Basic unit cost curves have been developed by simulation of mid-range project components. Adjustments thereafter have been made to consider a lower and higher range in order to have at least three points to plot a curve. Adjustment curves have been developed to modify, whenever necessary, the basic quantities or the basic unit cost curves. They take into consideration different design parameters for quantity estimates and different lengths and widths, etc. of given components for basic unit cost estimates. The civil works cost estimate has been divided into contractor's direct and indirect costs and the total amount of contractor's direct costs is necessary to assess the cost of contractor's indirect costs. 5.5 BASIC APPROACH TO ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL COST ESTI- MATING Cost estimates for electrical and mechanical equipment have been developed from statistical data and in-house experience. They include a provision for spare parts whenever applicable. 5.6 ENGINEERI~~G AND MANAGEMENT FEES These usually vary between I 0 to IS per cent of the project cost depending upon the size of the project and the scope of engineering and management works. The user should select a fee percentage in accordance with his own judgement. 5-4 5. 7 CONTINGENCY This item is always quite difficult to assess and varies widely with the degree of information avai !able at the time of the estimate. If the characteristics of a considered micro hydro project fall reason- ably within the scope of the cost estimating method, the following contingencies should be used to arrive at a project budget cost. Civi I Works 20% Electrical & Mechanical 15% Transmission Facilities 20% Engineering & Management 10% Should it be otherwise, the user should increase or decrease contingen- cies in relation to his knowledge of the above items. 5.8 PRICE ESCALATION The costs expressed in the cost estimating method are in January 1980 Canadian dollars. Once the project cost is estimated in January 1980 Canadian dollars, it m\JSt be adjusted to reflect: the project cost for the user's base date and, the cost of escalation thereafter up to the end of the construct ion period. Proper data for price escalation updating are often difficult to obtain in a "ready to use" manner, even more so when dealing with order of magnitude estimates which, by definition, are not precise enough to isolate readily each element of the site. 5-5 It is suggested that the United States -Water and Power Resources Services* indices for construction costs, published regularly in "Engin- eering News Record", be used to estimate the rate of price escalations. Using the appropriate indices, rates of price escalations can be obtained and applied directly to individual component costs or to the total project cost. It can be assumed that the following time periods give an adequate basis to determine price escalations. Engineering study Construction period 6 months to a year 6 months to a year Indices based on current projects, to be used during the construction period should be evaluated at the time of the estimate by a person familiar with escalation trends. A rate of I 0 per cent per annum can be assumed for an approximate assessment of escalation. 5.9 INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION This should be calculated in terms of available interest rate at the time of study and is left to the discretion of the user. 5.10 STEP BY STEP COST ESTIMATING METHOD The user should now proceed to Appendix I! to carry out a complete cost estimate of the proposed micro hydro site. Appendix IX presents an actual site investigation using the procedures outlined in this manual. *Formally U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 5-6 I r· 0 0 2 ---f-"'O~rl ~ 4:: l: (} f\. II Q. t... f ~ Q i I •. I. I . I· I ,.; ; ":;." --: I . . I j , ~ ! 1 1 .. i........L_._ __ L;_ L ___ :__: __ l. ·--~· -·--~·---. ~ i6 i I I 0 ~ I.1J 0 (.!) :;) a:: r-c:{ (/) :c 0 0 (/) a:: (1)- 0 wo ~ a:(/) ::c o> 0 (.!) wo a:: r-c:t u c:{W ::!: u:c g ..., d ·I I ! .I::. •. -r.:. I.:. ; I I I 'I I . I ·. · r .. : ·. · 1 ..• : .. I ' I ' I . I ... L. L.L_.L_:_J ____ j ---~~-.:_ --5 ..., -o t.tb.'fl·----f-.o---pr>c">H Wlilpvf.-V ·---~-----pi!?<;~~-; M07 ----- Sr::?.Jf."?fy // /:'17•~11 (i~ CRIPPEN CONSULTANTS -• to w a:: :;) (.!) IJ... \J q, ~ ""l t \1 lb t)'l t... tl ' IJ -~ Q SECTION 6 FINANCIAL EVALUATION 6. FINANCIAL EVALUATION 6.1 METHOD 6.1.1 lntroduct ion The intention of this section is to provide a method of financial evaluation which will enable the user to assess the cost of micro hydro generation and to compare the micro hydro project against alternative means of meeting load demand. While diesel generation is emphasized as the most likely alternative means of generation, the underlying principles are valid for alternatives such as connection to a power grid. The user is, therefore, at liberty to adjust the approach to suit his own particular situation. Three fundamental conditions must be met 1n order to produce a competent financial evaluation: a. The user must select an appropriate life span over which the project w iII function. b. Adequate allowance must be made for input price variations throughout the project life span. c. The costs of producing energy by hydro must be compared with the cost of producing energy by the most attractive alternative rr;eans over the common life span. Each of these fundamental conditions is examined in turn in the ensuing sub-sections. 6 -I 6.1.2 Life Span In order to effect a fair comparison between alternative means of generation it is necessary to adopt a common project life span and take into account the costs associated with production during the entire period. Whereas the life span of a hydro plant may be 30 years or longer, the life span of individual diesel generator sets meticulously maintained is not likely to exceed 20 years. External conditions may dictate the selection of a life span less than 20 years if, for example, power is required for a mining foci lity having a shorter life span. The user should determine an appropriate life span bearing in mind the above factors. For the purposes of this manual, the evaluation calculation sheets have been prepared on the basis of a 24 year life span. This life span, although it may appear to be beyond the horizon of most investors, is nevertheless consistent with the production of electricity on a continu- ous basis. It allows a reasonable life span for hydro facilities and equipment and at the same time offers convenience in computing costs an the basis of two full life cycles for diesel generator equipment. The user may, however, choose to depart from the above mentioned 24 year life span according to his own particular situation. While in practice individual diesel unit life spans could vary from the 12 year life cycle assumed in this manual, to a certain extent the effect of the variations would be self-compensating in the analysis. If a shorter life span of diesel units were anticipated, mare frequent capital replace,nent costs would be offset by lower incurred major overhaul costs. The reverse would hold true for longer life spans. If a longer overall project life span were adopted in view of the expected better performance of hydro plant, I itt le change in the outcome of the financial analysis would result owing to the prevailing high discount and interest rates. 6-2 6.1.3 Treatment of Input Price Variations 6.1.4 An acceptable method of handling different rates of inflation must be used if a fair financial evaluation of a project is to be made. In some studies, ongoing inputs such as fuel, labour and parts costs are inflated throughout the project life using different anticipated inflation rates for each project component. This method is cumbersome and potentially confusing when it comes to the comparison of costs in different years. A more widely used and acceptable method is to value ongoing inputs using dollar values appropriate to the beginning of the first year of operation of the project, and to escalate only those prices which are expected to differ from the general rate of inflation. Cost streams are then valued in monetary units of constant purchasing power and the user can relate costs in different project years without having to adjust for inflation. The input most likely to be subject to price escalation which will be different to the general level of inflation is fuel costs. Current values of the real price escalation of diesel fuel are discussed in Subsection 6.1.5. Method of Evaluation As stated in Subsection 6.1.1, the financial evaluation of a micro hydro project requires that the costs of producing energy by hydro must be compared with the costs of producing energy by the most attractive alternate means. For remote communities in B.C. the realistic alternatives are either diesel generation (by continuation of an existing plant or installation of a new plant) or connection by the B.C.H.P.A. system grid. 6 - 3 Year 0 2 3 Yy Yz The starting paint for a financial evaluation is the assembly of capital and operating cost streams for both the proposed hydro project and the alternative supply source. The difference in capital costs (incremental cost of hydro over the alternative) is then examined in relation to the anticipated operating cost savings (hydro operating costs are expected to be lower than the alternative operating costs). A simplified picture of 1he cash flows involved is given below. TABLE 6-1 CASH FLOWS -HYDRO VERSUS ALTERNATIVE STUDY 2 3 4 5 6 Capital Operating Capital Fuel and Increment Operating Cost Cost Cost Operating Capital Cost Hydro Hydro Alternate Alternate Cost Savings CH CD CH-CD OH 1 ODI oD 1-oH 1 OH 2 OD2 OD 2 -0H2 OH3 OD3 OD3 -0H3 OH CD OD -CD OD -OH y y y y y y OH OD OD -OH z z z z A hydro project would be viable if the expenditure on the incremental capital costs (Col. 5) are justified qy the operating cost savings stream {Col. 6). The evaluation recommended herein uses the above cost stream data to compute three criteria for evaluation: I. Capital and Operating Costs Streams for the hydro project (Columns I and 2) and the alternative means of supply (Columns 3 6-4 and 4) enable the computation of unit energy costs for each year of the project life. Unit energy costs so calculated can be compared. Usually, hydro unit energy costs decrease over the life of the project whereas diesel plant unit energy costs increase over the life of the project, so a direct comparison of unit energy costs alone is not sufficient for a financial evaluation. 2. Payback periods can be computed from the incremental cost streams (Columns 5 and 6). This can be done on a before tax basis or an after tax basis using current or anticipated capital cost {depreciation) allowances. Although payback criteria are widely used in industry, they do not take into account the time value of money. 3. The internal rate of return on incremental investment can be calculated from the incremental cost streams (Column 5 and 6). This method provides the user with the most valuable criterion by which to justify the additional capital expenditures required in a micro hydro project. The following Sections describe in more detail the procedure required. Since a diesel plant is likely to be the most attractive alternative means of supply in remote B.C. communities, the evaluation sheets and cost data given in this Section and in Appendices VI and VII have been prepared accordingly. The user is assumed to have calculated the capital cost of the hydro project (Column I in Table 6-1) prior to undertaking the financial evaluation. Appendix VI contains capital cost data and operating and maintenance cost data which will t;>e useful for determination of diesel plant capital costs and hydro and diesel plant operating and maintenance costs required for the evaluation (Columns 2, 3 and 4 in the above cash flow table). Appendix VII contains computation sheets to assist the user in compiling the cost data and calculating the above described three evaluation 6-5 criteria. It is recommended that the user familiarize himself with the computation sheets in Appendix VII prior to proceeding. 6.1.5 Select ion of Values of Study Variables a. Interest Rate for Calculating Unit Energy Costs In the determination of unit energy costs an appropriate interest rate must be established to calculate the annual cost equivalent of capital investment required for each alternative. In the case where capital is obtained from borrowing, the interest rate is used to determine annual debt servicing costs. Where capital is obtained from within the owner's corporate structure, the interest rate is used to determine the annual return on equity. The value to be used can be either the current long term interest rate on borrowed capital ( 1979/1980 values are around I 0-14 per cent) or if there are competing demands for capital within the owner's corporate structure, the opportunity cost of capital may be employed. b. Fuel Costs Current 1980 prices for diesel fuel at supply sources within B.C. are around 18 cents/litre. To this price should be added the cost of delivery, which for a round tanker trip of 300 kilometres would add another 2 cents/litre to the price. c. Real Price Escalation of Fuel In order to account for the fact that diesel fuel prices are currently increasing at a rate greater than the general inflation rate it is necessary to escalate fuel prices in the project evalua- tion. Currently real price escalations for diesel fuel of 5-10 per cent above the general inflation rate are being experienced; however, long term real price escalations are not expected to be 6-6 so high. Recent studies have used long term real price escalation values of around I-1/2 per cent per annum. It is recommended that a compound rate of 1-1/2 per cent per annum be used if more accurate data is unava i lab I e. d. Capital Cost Allowance The user should determine the depreciation allowance appropriate to his particular application. The computation sheets contained in Appendix VII have been prepared for two depreciation cases. Case 2 as shown in the sheets refers to the pre 1980 depreciation rules where hydro and diesel plants were depreciated at 6 per cent per annum on declining balance. Case 3 as shown in the sheets reflects the two year write-off provision for micro hydro plants which was recently enacted by the Federal Government. In Case 3, diesel plants, whether for the alternate supply or for a hydro plant with supplementary diesel, is still depreciated at 6 per cent per annum on declining balance. The user may wish to neglect Case 2 in view of its historical perspective. e. Tax Rate The user should determine the anticipated tax rate applicable to his proposed project. The computation sheets contained in Appendix VII have been prepared on the assumption of a 50 per cent tax rate. 6.2 HYDRO PLANT GENERATION COSTS The user is referred to Figure VII-I in Appendix VII for calculation of the hydro-plant Generation Costs. The computation sheet provides two alternative means of calculation -one for the case where hydro capacity alone is sufficient to meet demand, and the other where supplementary diesel energy is required. Notes covering the correct approach to computing each cost stream are provided as follows: 6-7 a. Capitol Costs-Columns 2 and 3 or 10 Capitol costs must be entered in the year in which they ore incurred, starting with plant on-line at the end of year zero. Capital costs estimates for supplementary diesel plant capacity con be obtained from Appendix VI. b. Debt Retirement Costs -Columns 4 and 5 or II Debt retirement costs (otherwise referred to as amortization costs, or capital recovery costs) are the annual cost equivalent of the capital cost. In the tables, short term debt retirement refers to diesel generators only which have a life cycle less than the assumed project life. c. Fuel and Operating and Maintenance Costs (Columns 6 and 7 or m Fuel costs in Column 6 refer to the fuel needed to provide the supplementary energy in the case where hydro alone cannot meet the demand. Operating and Maintenance Costs estimating data is contained in Appendix VI. d~ Unit Energy Costs -Columns 9 or 14 Unit energy costs are obtained by dividing total annual costs (Column 8 or Column 13) by the energy demand. 6.3 ALTERNATIVE GENERATION COSTS The user is referred to Figure Vll-2 in Appendix VII for calculation of the alternative generation costs. Although the most attractive alterna- tive means of power supply at some locations could be by connection to the B.C.H.P .A. grid, the computation sheets were prepared on the basis 6-8 of diesel generation. Notes covering the correct approach to computing each cost stream are provided as follows: a. Capital Costs -Columns IS and 16 The user is referred to Appendix VI. b. Debt Retirement Costs -Columns 17 and 18 Debt retirement costs (otherwise referred to as amortization costs or capital recovery costs) are the annual cost equivalent of capital costs. Column 17 refers to debt retirement over the assumed project life span, while Column 18 refers to debt retirement over the life cycle of the diesel-generator units. c. Fuel and Operating and Maintenance Costs -Columns 19 and 20 The user is referred to Appendix VI for fuel and operating and maintenance cost estimating data. d. Unit Energy Costs -Column 22 Unit energy costs are obtained by dividing total annual costs (Column 21) by the energy demands listed in Fig. VII-I. Unit energy costs obtained for the hydro system and for the alternative (diesel only) system may be plotted on the graph given in Fig. Vll-2 for comparison purposes. 6.4 PAYBACK EVALUATION The user is referred to Fig. Vll-3 in Appendix VII for calculation of the payback periods. The figure is self explanatory. The user should establish his own current capital cost allowance rates and tax rates for use in the tables. 6-9 6.5 INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN EVALUATION The user is referred to Fig. Vll-4 in Appendix VII for calculation of internal rates of return. The data for use in this table is obtained from Figure Vll-3. Calculation of internal rates of return is accomplished by discounting the incremental capital cost stream for different trial discount rates, and plotting a curve of present value against discount rate. Annual cost saving streams are then discounted and similarly plotted. The internal rate of return is the discount rate at which the present value of incremental capital costs is equal to the present value of the annual cost savings. 6.6 SENSITIVITY Having completed the financial evaluation for a proposed project the user should investigate the sensitivity of the outcome (unit energy costs, payback periods, internal rate of return) to variations in the major study inputs. Sensitivity calculations should be carried out for the following: a. Capital cost increase of Hydro of 25 per cent. b. Diesel fuel starting price and real price increase variations. c. Variations in the assumed energy demand project ions. d. Variations in the assessed water supply. 6.7 SAMPLE FINANCIAL EVALUATION A sample financial evaluation is presented in Appendix IX in order to demonstrate the evaluation techniqu'e. 6-10 APPENDIX I SITE INVESTIGATION ASSESSMENT A Genera I Data 8 Water Availability c Construction Materials D Site Selection E Equipment Selection Data F Power Avai !able APPENDIX I MICRO HYDRO STUDY SITE INVESTIGATION ASSESSMENT A. GENERAL DATA I . Location Latitude Longitude District Lot No. or other references 2. Elevation (m) above MSL 3. Winter Conditions-Total snowfall (m) Months of heavy snow Degree days October-March incl. (°C-days) Mean Daily Minimum Temperature (°C) 4. Population 5. Number of houses 6. Types of industry and numbers employed 7. Anticipated Load 8. Present Load Average Peak Average Peak I-I kW ---- kW ---- ____ kW ____ kW APPENDIX I 9. Access to Site (bridge capacities, underpass heights, airfields, road standard, possibility for sea or lake access). 10. Availability of labour (classification and source/town). II. Availability of contour mapping, aerial photography, geological mapping. List maps used in the study. I - 2 APPENDIX I B. WATER AVAILABILITY CATCHMENT AREA I. Period of streamflow records in catchment and Gauge No. Period of streamflow records in nearby catchment and Gauge No. 2. Period of prec ip it at ion records in catchment. 3. Period of precipitation records in nearby catchment. Data for flow durot ion Curve: Generated YES NO (Use method set out in "Water Resources Development11 by E. Kuiper, P. 30) % OF TIME EQ. OR EXCEED. 100% (Firm) 95% 50% 4. Spot measured flow. 5. 6. m 3 /sec Proposed diversion point measured flow Date of measurement -------- ------------------ Is regu lot ion to be used? YES NO Will an existing structure (dam) be used YES NO Estimate of storage m3 Firm flow (using regulation) m 3!s Eyewitness accounts: maximum flood levels Dates minimum water levels Dates ice formation, thickness and extent Dates 1-3 APPENDIX I 7. Existence and value of fish in the stream. 8. Notes from field inspection. Water quality: wastes, chemicals (is there industry dumping effluent upstream) sea water contamination sand/silt content (turbidity at time of inspection) debris air temperature (°C) I-4 APPENDIX I C. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS I. Availability of aggregate (sources). 2. Gradation and petrographic analysis results of aggregates (gravel and sand). 3. Availability of lumber (source) i) ii) green or fresh cut seasoned iii) dried 4. Availability of cement (source). 5. Is there a concrete plant (source)? Does it have a precasting yard? I - 5 APPENDIX I D. SITE SELECTION I. Diversion weir and intake: a. Length of weir b. Maximum height c. Foundation conditions soil rock d. Site description e. Access 2. Power Canal: a. Length b. Conditions soil rock c. Site Description d. Access 3. Penstock: a. Length b. Conditions soil rock c. Site description d. Access 4. Transmission Line: G. Length b. Conditions soil rock c. Site description d. Access 1-6 D. 5. 6. APPENDIX I Powerhouse: a. Foundation conditions b. Area for Switchyard c. Site Description d. Access Tailrace: a. Length b. Conditions soil rock c. Site description I - 7 soil rock APPENDIX I E. EQUIPMENT SELECTION DATA I. General Measurements: a. Tailwater elevation (above sea level) ______ m b. Headwater elevation (FSL) (above sea level) ______ m c. Gross head (vertical distance between headwater level (FSL) and tai (water level) ______ m 2. Water Level Variations: a. b. Tailwater elevation from Headwater elevation (FSL) from 3. Mode of Operation: m to ---___ m m to ---___ m Will plant operate on an isolated power grid? YES NO If no, state: Frequency Hz Tension V Type of existing system isolated Diesel-Electric isolated Hydro-Electric Capacity of existing system kW 1-8 APPENDIX I F. POWER AVAILABLE Design discharge Gross head Power (P) m 3 /s (from 8.3 or 8.5) ------- _______ m (from I) = design discharge (Q) x gross head (H) x specific weight of water x efficiency -specific weight of water = 9.8 kN/m 3 let specific weight of water x efficiency= 7 (this will assume an efficiency of 0.71 for the entire system, i.e. all losses lumped together) P = 7QH (in kW} p = 7x x --- --- = ___ kW I-9 APPENDIX II STEP BY STEP COST ESTIMATING METHOD A General B Step By Step Approach C Micro Hydro Cost Estimating Procedure and Summary D Cost Curve Assumptions FIGURES 11-1 Access Roads-Overburden Excavation -Basic Unit Cost 11-2 Access Roads-Overburden Excavation -Cost Adjustment Factor For Road Width 11-3 Access Roads -Overburden Excavation -Cost Adjustment Factor For Road Length 11-4 Access Roads -Rock Excavation -Basic Unit Cost 11-5 Access Roads-Rock Excavation-Cost Adjustment Factor For Road Width 11-6 Access Roads-Rock Excavation -Cost Adjustment Factor For Road Length 11-7 Unlined Power Canal -No Ice Cover -Basic Excavated Unit Volume 11-8 Unlined Power Canal -Ice Cover -Basic Excavated Unit Volume 11-9 Unlined Power Canal -Adjusted Excavated Volumes 11-10 Lined Power Canal -No Ice Cover-Basic Excavated Unit Volume 11-11 Lined Power Canal-lee Cover-Basic Excavated Unit Volume 11-12 Lined Power Canal-Adjusted Excavated Volumes 11-13 Lined or Unlined Power Canal -Basic Unit Excavation Cost -I - 11-14 Lined or Unlined Power Canal -Excavation Cost Adjustment Factor For Length 11-15 Lined Power Canal -No Ice Cover -Concrete Lining Volume 11-16 Lined Power Canal -lee Cover -Concrete lining Volume 11-17 Lined Power Canal -Basic Unit Concrete lining Cost 11-18 Lined Power Canal-Concrete Lining Cost-Adjustment Factor For Length 11-19 Headworks-Gabion Weir-Basic Unit Cost 11-20 Headworks-Gabion Weir -Cost Adjustment Factor For Crest Length 11-21 Headworks -Intake Structure -Installed Cost 11-22 Penstocks -Discharge vs Inside Pipe Diameter 11-23 Penstocks -Basic Unit Cost 11-24 Penstocks-Cost Adjustment Factor For Length 11-25 Penstocks-Cost Adjustment Factor For Slope 11-26 Powerhouse -Civil Works Direct Costs 11-27 Power Unit -Installed Electrical and Mechanical Costs 11-28 Transmission Line-Installed Unit Cost 11-29 Contractor's Indirect Costs -As a Percent of Direct Civil Works Cost 11-30 Access Road and Unlined Canal Sections II-31 Lined Can a I Sect ions, Penstock Trench and Excavation Sect ions 11-32 Headworks -Gabion Weir 11-33 Headworks -Intake Structure 11-34 Line Diagram of Typical Layouts 11-35 Low Head-Low/High Output Type-Tubular Turbine 11-36 Low Head-Medium Output Type-Right Angle Bulb Turbine 11-37 Low & Medium Head -Low Output Type-Two Jet Hydec Turbine 11-38 Low & Medium Head-Low & Medium Output Type-Banki Turbine 11-39 Low & Medium Head-Medium Output Type-Horizontal Francis in Drum 11-40 Medium Head-High Output Type-Horizontal Francis in Spiral -ii - APPENDIX II MICRO HYDRO STUDY STEP BY STEP COST ESTIMATING METHOD A. GENERAL Prior to going through this method, the user should be familiar with the project under consideration and be in a position to assign values to the various parameters necessary for performing the capital cost estimate. The accuracy of the capital cost estimate will depend on the accuracy of the user's input. Section B guides the user through this method and indicates the proper procedure for costing of each component of the project. Reference is made to the graphs necessary to obtain the desired information. Section C contains procedure sheets which are to be filled in by the user as he follows through the step by step approach in Section B. Also, in Section C is a cost estimating summary sheet which can be filled in by the user once the procedure sheets are completed. Section D contains assumptions, graphs and sketches used in the cost estimating procedure. This method, if carefully used, will provide an acceptable accuracy for prefeasibi lity studies. II -I APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH B.l Access Roads Basic Assumptions: Light traffic roads, gravel type. Section A in Fig. 11-30 for cut through overburden material Section B in Fig. ll-30 for cut through rock Cost includes -clearing & grubbing cut & fi II & compact gravel surfacing minimum provision for drainage ii Basic Data Required From the User: -length of road in metres -per cent of length in overburden and rock material -evaluation of average ground cross slopes for each materia I or length iii Road Requiring Overburden Excavation Basic Unit Cost: See Fig. Il-l Basis: -I 000 m long road -3m wide road -variable ground cross slope Adjust Unit Cost to Reflect Different Basis for: -road width Se~ Fi~. 11-2 -road length See Fig. 11-3 iv Road Requiring Rock Excavation Basic Unit Cost: See Fig. 11-4 Basis: -I 000 m long road -3m wide road -variable ground cross slope II - 2 APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH-(Cont'd) B. I Access Roads -(Cont'd) Adjust Unit Cost to Reflect Different Basis for: road width See Fig. 11-5 road length See Fig. 11-6 B.2 Unlined Canal Basic Assumption: Excavation through overburden material. Basic quantities and cost based on: Section C of Fig. 11-30 for canal excavation with a I: I side cut slope (a IH:5V side cut slope shown in Section D of Fig. 11-30 is treated as a quantity variation below). Cost includes: clearing & grubbing cut & fi II & compact as required excavated material considered reused as fi II or disposed of within 750 m excavation in the dry ii Basic Data Required From the User: II - 3 length of unlined canal in metres basic cross-section or Section D of Fig. 11-30 (if different from basic assumption) discharge in m 3 Is evaluation of average ground cross slope APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH-(Cont'd) B.2 Unlined Canal -(Cont'd) iii Preliminary Steps Prior to Costing iv Establish the excavated volume per linear metre of canal for a given discharge, an estimated average ground cross slope, and a side cut slope of I: I. Select appropriate graph for a case with or without ice cover. no ice cover case: ice cover case: See Fig. 11-7 See Fig. 11-8 Adjust excavated volume per metre of canal if selected canal cross-section is the same as Section D of Fig. 11-30 instead of Section C in Fig. 11-30, using Fig. 11-9. Basic Unit Cost: See Fig. 11-13 Basis: I 000 m long can a I v Adjust Unit Cost to Reflect Different Basis For: canal length See Fig. 11-4 B.3 Lined Canal Basic Assumptions: Excavation through overburden material. Concrete lined canal. Basic quantities and cost based on: Section A in Fig. 11-31 for canal excavation with a l:lside cut slope (a I H:SV side cut slope shown in Section B of Fig. 11-31 is treated as a quantity variation below). Cost is broken down into excavation and concrete lining and includes: 11-4 APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH -(Cont'd) B.3 Lined Canal -(Cont'd) Excavation Concrete Lining clearing & grubbing cut & fi II & compact as required excavated material considered reused as fill or disposed of within 750 m excavation in the dry levelling and compacting of ground interface surface I 0 em thick concrete slab waterproofing of construction joints ii Basic Data Required From the User: length of lined canal basic cross-section or Section B of Fig. 11-31 (if different from basic assumption) discharge in m3 Is evaluation of average ground cross slope. iii Preliminary Steps Prior to Costing Establish the excavated volume per linear metre of canal for a given discharge, an estimated average ground cross slope, and a side cut slope at I: I. Select appropriate graph for a case with or without ice cover. no ice cover case: ice cover case: SeeFig.ll-12 See Fig. 11-13 Adjust excavated volume per metre of canal if selected canal cross-section is the same as Section B of Fig. 11-31 instead of Section A of Fig. 11-31, using Fig. 11-12. to find out the concrete lining costs, establish required con- crete volume per metre of canal for a given discharge and select appropriate curve for a case with or without ice cover. II -5 APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH (Cont'd) 8.3 Lined Canal -(Cont'd) no ice cover case ice cover case See Fig. 11-15 See Fig. 11-16 iv Basic Unit Costs: Basis: for excavation cost See Fig. 11-13 for concrete cost See Fig. 11-17 I 000 m long can a I v Adjust Unit Costs to Reflect Different Assumption For: Canal length: for excavation for concrete lining B.4 Headwork Structure See Fig. 11-14 See Fig. 11-18 B.4.1 Retaining Dyke/Overflow (Gabion) Weir Structure Basic Assumptions: The cross-section shown in Fig. 11-32 has been selected for the purpose of cost estimating. The cost includes: foundation preparation supply and install gabions supply and place fill materials (considered to be found within 500 m) supply and install impermeable membrane with protective riprap layer supply and place protective concrete slab on the crest II - 6 APPENDIX II B.4.1 Retaining Dyke/Overflow (Gabion Weir Structure)-(Cont'd) ii Data Required From the User: iii average height of dyke average crest length of dyke Basic Unit Cost: See Fig. 11-19 Basis: crest 25 metres long iv Adjust Unit Cost to Reflect Different Assumption For: crest length See Fig. 11-20 8.4.2 Intake Structure Basic Assumptions: Referring to Fig. 11-33 the intake is designed to be a free standing structure a single intake is considered usable up to I 0 m 3!s discharge the intake is considered to have a manually controlled gate a trashrack is provided as are slots for stop logs. for safety, this intake is to be fenced in ii Data Required by the User: discharge in m 3/s. iii Installed Cost of the Complete Structure: See Fig. 11-21 II - 7 APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH-(Cont'd) B.S Penstock Basic Assumptions: steel conduits have been selected as the basis for cost estimating. They are considered butt welded and buried in a trench (see Section C of Figure 11-31) for penstocks with slopes less than 30% or installed above ground for penstocks having a slope equal or greater than 30%. In all cases, handling stresses and corrosion provisions have been the predominant factors in calculating pipe wall thick- nesses. Cost items for penstock with slope measured along the penstock of less than 30%; Excavation Steel conduit clearing, grubbing and stripping trench excavation backfill supply and install Cost items for penstock with slope measured along the penstock equal or greater than 30%; as above whenever applicable Concrete pedestals and anchoring systems for steel conduit supplied and installed. ii Basic Data Required by the User: discharge in m 3 Is length of penstock for slope less than 30% length of penstock for slope equal or greater than 30% II - 8 ' APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH-(Cont'd) B.S Penstock -(Cont'd) iii Penstock Inside Diameter: Figure 11-22 gives an approximate penstock diameter in relation to the design discharge. This curve is provided in the manual for information purposes only. iv Basic Unit Costs See Figure 11-23 Basis: I 000 m long penstock and 30% average slope v Adjust Unit Cost to Reflect Different Basis For: penstock length penstock slope(s) B.6 Powerhouse Basic Assumptions: See Figure 11-24 See Figure 11-25 Given a head and an installed power output in kW, Civil works quantities and costs are based on Fig. 11-35 to 11-40 and include: excavation works substructure works superstructure works yard and fencing Mechanical cost includes: II - 9 valves, turbine, regulation and control APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH-(Cont'd) 8.6 Powerhouse-(Cont'd) Electrical cost includes: ii Data Required From the User: gross head in metres discharge in m 3 /s generator, excitation, and AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation) generator protection and control generator cabling station service sending and receiving end trans- formers installed plant capacity in kW iii Plant Cost: Civil works Electrical and Mechanical B.7 Transmission Line Basic Assumptions: See Fig. 11-26 See Fig. 11-27 Given a distance in kilometres and total power cielivered m kilowatts, the transmission line cost includes: wooden poles (class 2, butt treated) wooden cross arms II -10 APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH -(Cont'd) B.7 Transmission Line-(Cont'd) NOTE: galvanized steel hardware insulators and ACSR (Aluminum Cable Steel Reinforced) conductors installation ii Data Required From the User: total power to be transmitted in kW total length of line in km iii Basic Unit Cost: multiply power (kW) by length (km) apply this product to Fig. 11-28, reading horizontally to select the lowest cost vs line voltage select the nearest ACSR conductor size equal to or greater than that size appearing opposite the selected cost. Use the corresponding cost figure as the Basic Unit Cost. AT THIS STAGE IT IS POSSIBLE TO SUMMARIZE ITEMS B.l TO B.7 JUST COSTED ONTO THE SUMMARY SHEETS C.2 USING INFORMA- TION FROM THE PROCEDURE SHEETS C. I. II -I I APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH -(Cont'd) B.8 Contractor's Indirect Costs (Civil Works Only) Basic Assumptions: Indirect costs comprise the following items: Site Indirect Costs site supervision and administration handling on site mobilization and demobilization cost transportation of personnel during construction. It is considered that the site would be within 50 km of a town and therefore camps would not be necessary. This item covers daily cost of transportation to the site including travelling time. bonds and insurance contractor's fixed fees, including taxes on profit cost of working capital Note: provincial and federal sales taxes are included in the unit costs whenever applicable. ii Preliminary Steps Prior to Costing: determine total direct cost of civil works by summanz1ng the cost of all civil work components (items 1.1 to 6.1 on sheet C.2}. iii Determine Contractor's Indirect Cost Percentage: See Fig. 11-29 use this percentage to calculate contractor's indirect costs (on sheet C.2}. II-12 APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH-(Cont'd) B.9 Price Escalation Price Escalation to Date: The estimate generated using the cost curves presented herein will produce a cost estimate in January 1980 Canadian dollars. Since escalation has been significant in the recent past, it is necessary to update the result given by these curves to reflect today's cost. For the purpose of order of magnitude estimates, it is suggested that price escalation be calculated using the United States Dept. of Interior, Water and Power Resources Services* (WPRS) con- struction cost index published regularly in the Engineering News Records. It is felt that even though the indices shown represent the U.S. trend, it is a reasonable representation of the Canadian market as well. The price escalation may be arrived at by using the composite index or the indices for types of works or structures within the project. Should the user choose to calculate price escalation by structures, it is suggested that the estimate be broken down into the following components listed in the USBR indices: Access Roads Canal -earthworks Dam -structures (for headworks) Stee I penstocks Power plants, hydro -buildings and equipment Transmission lines, wood poles *Formerly United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) II -13 APPENDIX II B. STEP BY STEP APPROACH-(Cont'd) B.9 Price Escalation-(Cont'd) Engineering and Management should be included in the above items proportionally. ii Price Escalation During the Construction Period It is assumed that most micro hydro projects under consideration would be constructed within a year. Therefore, half of the anticipated price escalation for that year should be applied to the project cost. Should the construction period be different, then adjust accord- ingly. II -14 APPENDIX II C. MICRO HYDRO COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE AND SUMMARY C.l COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Working Sheet Ill) BASIC DATA Micro Hydro Site Name: Available Head (m): Design Discharge (m 3 /s): Installed Power Plant Capacity (kW): Access Roads -Length (m): Width (m): Type of Material: Overburden (As % of Total Length) Rock Average Ground Cross Slope (%): In 0/B (%): In Rock Power Can a I -Total Length (m): Average Ground Cross Slope(%): Type of Materia I & % of Total Length %Lined %Unlined Ice Cover No Ice Cover Gabion Weir -Average Height (m): Crest Length (m): Penstock -Length (m): Length @ less than 30% slope Length@ more than 30% slope Transmission Line -Length (km): II -IS C. I COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Cont'd) Working Sheet 112 Item Figure Number Cost Component Desrription Number Unit Value CIVIL WORKS COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE 1.0 ACCESS ROADS I. I EXCAVATION IN OVERBURDEN a Basic Unit Cost II -I $/m b Adjustment for Width II - 2 Factor c Adjustment for Length II - 3 Factor d Adjusted Unit Cost 1.1 (a x b x c) $/m 1.2 EXCAVATION IN ROCK a Basic Unit Cost II - 4 $/m b Adjustment for Width II - 5 Factor c Adjustment for Length II - 6 Factor d Adjusted Unit Cost 1.2 (a x b x c) $/m 2.0 UNLINED CANAL a Basic Excavated Volume 11-7orll-8 m 3 /m b Adjusted Excavated Volume II - 9 3 m /m c Basic Unit Cost of Excavation II-13 $/m d Adjustment for Length II -14 Factor e Adjusted Unit Cost 2.0 (c x d) $/m 3.0 LINED CANAL a Basic Excavated Volume 11-10 or II 3 m /m b Adjusted Excavated Volume II-12 3 m /m c Basic Unit Cost of Excavation II-13 $/m d Adjustment for Length If -14 Factor e Adj. Excavation Unit Cost (c x d) $/m II-16 C. I COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Cont'd) Working Sheet 113 Item f-igure Number Cost Component Description Number Unit Value CIVIL WORKS COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (CONT'D) 3.0 LINED CANAL (Cont'd) f Concrete Lining Volume 11-15 or 16 m 3 /m g Basic Concrete Lining Cost II-17 $/m h Adjustment for Length II-18 Factor i Adjusted Lining Unit Cost (g X h) $/m j Adjusted Unit Cost 3.0 (e + i) $/m 4.0 HEAD WORKS 4.1 GABION WEIR a Basic Unit Cost II-19 $/m b Adjustment for Length II -20 Factor c Adjusted Unit Cost 4.1 (a x b) $/m 4.2 INTAKE STRUCTURE a Total Cost 4.2 II -21 LS 5.0 PENSTOCK a Required Inside Pipe Diameter II -22 mm b Basic Unit Cost II -23 $/m c Adjust for Length II -24 Factor d Adjust for Slope II -25 Factor e Adjusted Unit Cost 5.0 (b XC X d) $/m 6.0 POWERHOUSE 6.1 POWERHOUSE (CIVIL WORKS) a Total Cost 6.1 II -26 LS II -17 C.l COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (CONT'D) Working Sheet 114 Item figure Number Cost Component Description Number Unit Value CIVIL WORKS COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Cont'd) 6.0 POWERHOUSE (Cont'd) ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE 6.2 POWERHOUSE (ELECT & MECH} a T ota! Cost 6.2 II -27 LS 7.0 TRANSMISSION LINE a Total Cost 7.0 II -28 $/km II -18 C.2 COST ESTIMATING SUMMARY (User Sheets) ·Item Unit Number Cost Component Description Unit Quantity Cost Cost I .I Access Road Through Overburden m 1.2 Access Road Through Rock m 2. Unlined Canal m 3. Lined Canal m 4.1 Gabion Weir m 4.2 Intake Structure LS 5. Penstocks -Slope <30% m -Slope? 30% m 6.1 Powerhouse Civi I Works LS Sub Total Civil Works Direct Costs Contractor's Indirect Costs* % TOTAL CIVIL WORKS COSTS 6.2 Powerhouse (Elect. and Mech.) LS 7. Transmission Line km TOTAL (ITEMS I TO 7) 8. Engineering and Management % 10 (%of Total (Items I to 7)) 9. Contingencies: Civil Works % 20 (% of Total Civi I Works Costs) Powerhouse (Elect. and Mech.) % IS (%of Item 6.2) Transmission Line % 20 (%of Item 7) Engineering and Management (%of Item 8) % 10 *Using Graph 29 II-19 C.2 COST ESTIMATING SUMMARY (Cont'd) Item Unit Number Cost Component Description Unit Quantity Cost Cost I 0. PROJECT COST IN JANUARY 1980 CANADIAN DOLLARS I l Price Escalation to Start of Construction Date Cost of Interest During Construction Price Escalation During Construction (E.D.C.) Cost of Interest on E.D.C. II. TOTAL CAPITAL COST: I I II -20 APPENDIX II D. COST CURVE ASSUMPTIONS D.l Road Cut Excavation Design The road cut excavations are shown in Figure 11-30. They are simi lor except that the exposed cut has different values, I: I to represent most types of overburden soil, and I H:5V to represent more competent overburden materials (e.g. gravel) or rock exca- vations. The cross-sections have varying values of ground cross-slope. The width of the cut B, is also considered to be the width of the road, although the road is seated on both the excavation and the fill section (as shown in the figures) to make allowance for a ditch approximately 1.0 metres wide. The road will have a gravel base 0.30 metres thick. The fill section will be compacted and the slope will be set by the natural angle of repose of the fi II material. D.2 Unlined Canal Design General Considerations designed using an average velocity for a canal cross-section. The velocity chosen was that considered to be an upper limit non-scouring velocity for erodible material and was set at V = 0.67 m/s. Canal side slopes were set at 1.5 horizontal to 2.0 vertical (i.e. 1.5: I). This is an average side slope for canals excavated in a fairly competent material. II -21 APPENDIX II -(Cont'd) D. D.2 Unlined Canal Design-(Cont'd) The minimum allowable bottom width bt was 2.0 metres to allow ease of construction using mechanized equipment. Otherwise b Sd where d is the depth of flow. The bed slope of the canal did not enter into calculations of sizing the canalt but will have to be considered in later design phases. The unlined canal excavation cross-sections are shown in Figure 11-30. The canals were considered to be excavated into the side of a hill with varying cross-slopes. Provision is made for a bench between the exposed cut and the canal. This bench is to provide drainage as well as to catch material falling from the hill above, which might otherwise accumulate in the canal. The exposed cut above the bench has two values for slope, I: I to represent most types of overburden materials (e.g. gravel) or I H:SV for material which will stand steeply such as dense till or loess. An allowance for freeboard on the canals has been provided for the various discharges. ii Ice Covered Canal (unlined) The criterion for sizing an unlined ice covered canal was to allow a maximum velocity of V 0.30 m/s. This low velo- city would prevent frazil ice from forming by minimizing turbulence, while at the same time allowing a sheet of ice to form over the canal. Once a sheet of ice had formedt (0.90 metres was chosen as a thickness to be expected in II -22 APPENDIX II D. COST CURVE ASSUMPTIONS-(Cont'd) D.2 Unlined Canal Design-(Cont'd) B.C.) the section was then checked to see that the velocity in the restricted area under the ice did not exceed the maximum allowable non-scouring velocity of V 0.67 m/s. A velocity of 0.67 m/s would also be low enough to prevent rippling of the underside of the ice surface which would result in excessive head losses. 0.3 Lined Canal Design General Considerations Designed using an average velocity of 1.0 m/s. The velocity was limited to 1.0 m/s so that head losses are not excessive. Canal side slopes were set at 1.5 horizontal to 1.0 vertical (i.e. 1.5: I), and the canal designed as the most efficient cross-section with this slope. There was no specified minimum bottom width for lined canals (as there was for unlined canals) because the extra expense for the concrete bottom slab would be more than the savings resulting from being able to excavate a canal with a wider bottom using machines. The bed slope of the canal did not enter into calculations of sizing the canal, but will have to be considered in later design phases. II -23 APPENDIX II D. COST CURVE ASSUMPTIONS-(Cont'd) D.3 Lined Canal Design -(Cont'd) The lined canal excavation cross-sections are shown in Figures 11-31. Details of these sections are similar to those for unlined canals which have already been discussed. Standard allowance for freeboard which varies with dis- charge is included. As well there was a fixed amount of freeboard of 0.30 metres between the water surface and the top of the concrete lining. The lining was assumed to be 0.10 metres thick. ii Ice Covered Canal (lined) The criterion for sizing a lined ice covered canal was the same as that for an unlined ice covered canal. A maximum ice thickness of 0.9 m was assumed. With this cover the velocity was maintained less than 1.0 m/s, so that the tee water interface is kept smooth and head loss is kept reasonably low. D.4 Intake Structure Design The intake structure is shown in Figure 11-33. The intake diameter is the same as the required penstock dia- meter to carry the same flow, at the allowable velocity. Freeboard requirements are the same as those for a canal with the same discharge. II -24 APPENDIX II D. COST CURVE ASSUMPTIONS -(Cont'd) D.4 Intake Structure De~ign -(Cont'd) A submergence depth S, of the intake is required to prevent formation of a vortex. In "Vortices at Intakes" by J.L. Gordon Water Power, April 1970, a suggested minimum submergence Sis given by s = o.54 v/D in metric units where V =velocity in intake penstock (m/s) and D = intake penstock diameter (m) The wingwalls of the intake are flared at 4: I to provide a streamlined flow transition, which wi II reduce head loss in the structure. The end floor sill is at a 4:1 slope. This sloping end sill is necessary since a drop is required between the canal bed and the inlet to the intake to maintain the submergence depth S. The intake structure has provisions for a control gate and also for stop-logs. There is allowance for working space behind the stop-logs. Positioning of the stop-log opening and control gate also minimizes the size and consequently the construction cost. The trashrack is positioned along the inclined face of the intake structure. Having the trash rack inclined allows debris to ride up it and helps maintain a free flow area. The troshrock area is such that the velocity across it is less than 0.60 m/s, which 1s considered an upper limit for a non-self cleaning troshrack. Cleaning of the trashrack is done from the walking slob/floor covering the top of the structure. As well, this floor serves the II -25 APPENDIX II D. COST CURVE ASSUMPTIONS-(Cont'd) D.4 Intake Structure De~l9.!:! -( Cont'd) purpose of providing an area from which to operate the stop-log . and control gate. In conjunction with the trashrack, the floor also effectively seals off the intake and provides a degree of safety against someone falling into the intake. The excavation for the intake structure is to a depth equal to the height of the structure. It is assumed it is overexcavated by 1.0 metres at the bottom and has I: I side slopes. D.5 Penstock Steel pipes were selected as a basis for the penstock design criteria. D.5.1 Sizing of the Steel Pipes a. Inside Diameter Inside diameter was chosen to maintain the following velocity requirements to minimize head losses: V = I. 7 m/s for Q ~ 1.0 m 3 /s V = 2.0 m/s for 1.0 m 3 /s < Q ::S 4.0 m/3 /s V = 3.0 m/s for 4.0 m3 /s < Q ~I 0.0 m 3 /s b. Pipe Wall Thickness Wall thickness was chosen to meet two criteria, one a minimum thickness for handling, the other a stress requirement with a 2.0 mm allowance for corrosion. II -26 APPENDIX II D. COST CURVE ASSUMPTIONS-(Cont'd) D.S Penstock -(Cont'd) The required handling thickness governed in the cases calculated. USBR Handling Formula handling T = D 4+0 g08 gives T in mm for D in mm Where D = ins ide diameter of the penstock. D.5.2 Installation of Penstock a. Buried Penstock Typical penstock excavation is shown in Figure 11-31. The penstock would be buried to a depth of 0.30 metres above the crown so that penstock excavation costs can be kept minimal. If this amount of cover is not enough to provide freezing protection then additional material will have to be piled over the pipe. Clearance distances B, are acceptable values which are needed to allow slinging, aligning and joining of the pipe in the trench. Side slopes of I: l are used to prevent the excavation sides from slumping. The trench will be backfilled with the excavated material. b. Above Ground Penstock It has been assumed that an above ground penstock on supports is used where the penstock slope is greater than 30%. II -27 D. D.6 D.6.1 APPENDIX II COST CURVE ASSUMPTIONS-(Cont'd) Powerhouse Powerhouse Structure The simplest powerhouse structure is found in higher head plants where Pelton wheels or similar turbines are employed. The machine is placed on a floor slab and water discharges through an opening in the floor to a well below the slab and thence to a tailrace channel. No buyoancy forces are encountered so that "light" concrete substructure design is employed. The well and tailrace wi II be formed of 175 mm concrete slabs and walls and the ground level slabs would be of similar thickness. In heavier installations a concrete thrust block may be required to resist penstock hydrau I ic loadings. In lower head plants, where reaction or propeller turbines are required, considerably more concrete is required in the substructure to accommo- date the irregular shapes of the turbine and hydraulic passages and in some cases to resist uplift forces. Powerhouses for this type of machinery require larger excavation volumes, and generally result in a more complex construct ian arrangement. For both types of powerhouse the superstructure can be of timber, concrete block or steel frame and cladding construction. An opening is required in the roof for mobile crane access to the machinery. Cost estimates presented in Figure 11-26 are based on typical machine sizes and types appropriate to the capacity and head available. II -28 D. 0.6.2 APPENDIX II COST CURVE ASSUMPTIONS -(Cont'd) Powerhouse -Turbines and Generators a. General The turbine estimating price for any specific head and output is dependent on the following variables, many of which are inter- related: Type ii Speed iii Setting of the runner relative to the tailwater level iv Governor type and system v Inertia requirements vi Manufacturers The estimating price for the asociated generator is dependent on the following: Speed ii Voltage iii Runaway speed due to the turbine iv Bearing loading due to the turbine v Manufacturer The majority of these variables are site or load specific and can entail substantial unit size variations. b. Generator Generator costs for any given output are fairly readily predictable with a parabolic relationship between cost and speed. Reducing the speed to half the optimum value can double the generator cost. II -29 APPENDIX II D. COST CURVE ASSUMPTIONS -(Cont'd) D.6 Powerhouse Considering generators running at their economic speeds, cost is approximately proportional to output. The economic generating voltage is dependent on the location of the load centre and for the lower outputs, say below 750 kW, an increase in voltage from 600 V to 4160 V can increase the cost of a generator running at economic speed by 50 per cent. This cost increase may be significantly less for generators running at speeds below their optimum speed. Cost data are based on the assumption that the generators will hove a horizontal shaft configuration and will only be suitable for indoor operation with open circuit air cooling. c. Turbine and Governor Turbine prices are based on units with horizontal shaft arrange- ments set at an elevation to give positive suction head but having a speed and size to prevent cavitation damage to the turbine runner. Prices are based on January 1980 Canadian dollars, and consider minimum supply and installation costs without provision for spare parts and without evaluation of efficiency at either full or port load ope rat ion. II -30 n y n " "'0 "'0 m z n 0 z (/) c ,... -1 l> z -1 (/) 32 31 30 v 0 0 29 ct 6 QJ 28 " .... ) ::;_ ' 27 .. '.,) ·\ ' ~ 2G ... -. .... '1 Q ?5 \j'"' ... ~ '-' 24 ?-~;l 22 0 10 20 30 -"rO 50 Ground Cro.ss Slope In 'ro GO BAStS'V/OOOrn al' R.ood 2):3.0 m Wide. roo</ J)~::o,·-,o,-c r.:: ~r..f.:n eJ.(.CWrJ fion . 4;/·t Side ctJr slope 6)Ciec;,r 5 9rut. included. MICRO HYDRO STUDY ACCESS ROADS OVERBURDEN EXCAVATION BASIC UNIT COST FIGURE n ·I A v n ;o "'CC "'CC , z n 0 z rJ) c: ,... .... l> z .... rJ) /. 7 < l /.f. 0 "" \) 0 1.\. ~ /.5. c ... £ .... /.4 .. , :::. ') ") ~ /.3 l.. vl () \j 1.2 "' .... "' ) ~ /./ a () !.C 0 ,.. " 0.3 05 2.0 ~-·--~ :3.0 4-.0 5.0 Rood Widt-h In Merres '"! I ~: MICRO HYDRO STUDY ACCESS ROADS OVERBURDEN EXCAVATION COST ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR ROAD WIDTH FIGURE !! -2 B v 0 ~ "'CC "'CC m z 0 0 z (/') c: r- -f )> z -1 (/') t Q /.04' /.02 ~ 1.00. ,:) "'- ~ cD-:lo J .,._ :?0.96 ::: ' "0-34 ,r, ') 'J ;:: 0 92 .... 0\ c: ':! 10.90 '0 0 ') .. , "0.38 0.8.;;; 0 i j i 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 ..9 10 II 12 13 14 15 Road Len9th rn X 1000 MICRO HYDRO STUDY ACCESS ROADS OVERBURDEN EXCAVATION COST ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR ROAD LENGTH FIGURE !I-3 G n ~ "'0 "'0 m z n 0 z (f) () c c r-0 -4 Q: l> z .... -1 C) (f) 1;., ~ .;._ (l.l ~ l.. \) Q ~ c: ..... ~ "' 0 u 4... ·, ':: ::J I i ' I I ' ' I i . I I ! ' ' I ; I l I i ' ......___., ___ _j_ --1-----. I ' I . ' i_j I . I I I ' . I I i · i' 1 · rT -,-:-1-~t~ 1 ~r+i!-i !-:_:_t_J _j_j : : ' ; : . I : '. • I -H~l---H·+ -f-:_4-:_l ' ~_._ ,._ I : I _-·. I ''_ I --:-n--_ I . rl -~l--t -j~:_-_-~. II +-h-·. -t-~-__ -1-J:_ ~~--+--~ I ' I I I . _ _J_:: L I i 1 ' I 1-I I . li. _1 : j . I : "I'. I ' 1 I i +r . ,-I l,.l_. ~·. -t+f-+-" ' -+--' ___J "o~TEI.1i~ ~*-1 -r-i. . -'--h-T--+-r#:-H-t~ I j_~_-L~ I · 1 ~~ 1~--i_--i~+-·_--~-~_J __ ·_--1 _ _::· __ ~-.,+_--~~ll+:_L 100 ~·--~+-f : · H--~--. ~ -r 1 Tt-'-+-t+: 1 '+ !· :~_t-~-t-·_ f~-~:-. +. _ : .. L_.L~_11 _--+ J .--~ -. 1-~-;[--:-l .-"~---t--t---_-t_! __ ,l __ i:--: ! I . . I I --I ------r-------t--+ . I . ' - . ··; 90 ~--~--' I I . I I 1 . tl . I ~---1-t------; ---:-t _; __ : . I 1 . -. -T-:-r-~r-+--, --_-----~-+---1~__::__, __ :...1 · 1· _ 1 ; -: 1--~--..L.--1---+--~ . 1 . 1 • t-· 1 : 1 . r---~--, -~ -I •. I •. !. I.,.: .---1-r-_____ j _I __ _) _____ [ , . J .I ~J. 80 r·-----+--_ J. I I I ' I · ' I · 1 . ) • 1 I -;l" ·--:---l-~! -~-i~_-1-T-~I-J-:--·'-tl-~:_ :i··:-1~~-. i ~ -_l~--:-+-~-+:-~~---l-:._t_J' ___ I ' . ; . ! I : l I ~ ---+-+-. _ ___j I j . I . . . 70~ .--1 _ __j__ I i I I . . I ' . T 1----:-_·i+---t---:··--___ c_ __ . .L • . I r--,--1 ---. --+· I ; I I I ' ' I I [ ; j__ I I . I . II I . I I ~ . r--j -r ----,...---~--t··-. t 1 -I ·-I -· ..L. I ' I I ' I . I I '--:., ;--~~-~--J---1----.l --·--~--L---·, ·:. 1 GO L-~--1-~-~-_; _ _;_ -i -: . 1 . ! .-_1,-~-~ ~r:-;·--r· -r-~+"'--- ,: ·1 I · i -i l ~-~---: -r-+-:--·-i·---l-1 ~-~_ .. _J_ i ~· • ---~ --------~ I ' I I .. ' I ' . i I . I I I ~· . ~~-. 1 --·r·-·i-----~ _ l __ f __ 1 __ 1 ' !. _1 • I . 1 -·~ ' I I . I I ' I I -I .. _J . --. I -+ f I ' 5o ; ---~--rr-:--1 ~-' ~-~~ + t: • l l----LI __ Hi~~il_=--c: __ H,~ (~:---_-. JLJ-· --~ J I • I HI J . ' --·-, . :--~---:-----r--·-r------t--I ~-_ 1 · i ·· · 1 · • , I : • ' ' ' ~I =-r I T]""' . I I . I 4-0 --~--: _~----;--t--~-~_1. I' I_· _ · 1 . · --~-~-]-~·-+-!~--~-- ; I . ' . i . ' I I I' I ' I ..... , --r------....!..-....... . I ,--. ___ , _____ ;_--I--I _,_ : . I . I . ! . I • f I ' ' I" I -~-. 30 ~-j.: 1 ~ ~ TT~r-J-:tt-r-rtr:.L.-1 1 ~..:.t __ f~J--~~r-~~-t-:-r--~~-r_-~ t• J. ~-+_.__·--~-~--~ -~~-rr· ~-~ 1 -: ; . 1 r-: t· ~ ~1 --;-+ --~--:-~-~-:-I ~-~...:... ~~-· _ t· -: ·1 ! 20 · , 1 , , · I · 1 • I • I , -· 1-' 1 . 1---1· :-r~ ,------:--: I I I -' ' ' ' . :--1 :____:___I -: 20 30 ..;o 50 rao 60 70 Ground Cross Slnpe 'Yo BASIS: I) tOOOm or Rvocl ZJ3.0m W1de ro~u::l .3) 100 Y. Overburclo:n e..-.::-A"--"'! .'; 4)1.'/ S/de cut ~lope SJ Clear &: qrub /nc.lude:cl MICRO HYDRO STUDY ACCESS ROADS -ROCK EXCAVATION BASIC UNIT COST FIGURE li-4 L\ v n :::0 ., ., m z n 0 z (f) c r- -1 :P z -; C/'1 2.4 - 2.2 l 0 ' lj ·) 2.0 1.... i.. ~ /.8 t '· ·I ~ ·_;:, I. G -~ . .... '·' 0 /.4 •.j ,. ' """ b 1.2 ~ ~ 1.0 I) cr 08 0.~ 20 1 ;_ -l -~--·------! 3.0 4.0 5.0 Rood Widt-h In Merre s I I MICRO HYDRO STUDY ACCESS ROADS· ROCK EXCAV..! TIO~ COST ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR ROAD WIDTH FIGURE II-5 Jl. w n :::0 "'C "'C m z n 0 z (/') c: r--; )> z -; (/') 1... ,.... " iJ ... " /.04 /.02. 1.00 ..... 0.98 ,, J ·;:; ";:: t. 0:9G 0 <- ') ~ ;, 0.94 CJ 'J .t:· ' ~·092 1J _, t;, 0 l) < 0.90 088 08G 0 j +· 2 3 4 5 <:;;. 7 8 .9 10 II 12 13 14 15 Roocl Lenoth rn X 1000 MfCRO HYDRO STUDY ACCESS ROADS -ROCK EXCAV~TJ:~ COST ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR ROAD LENGTH FIGURE :rr-6 A v n :;tJ ""0 ""0 m z n 0 z (/) c: r-.... :t> z .... (/) ~----, TL···~·· .,., 4' ''1_:_!-t' I ~_JJ_:_ __ ~.:___j.__~~ 100, --~ ,-r~--~' 1 _]--l-+ ----+---•---~-f 1, --~=t r------T---------;--•--:·; _ _J__ I ---+----!--;---------1.; rl --------~-----;----·-1 I 1 f.-P+ .l.....:__J__ ---__ ,.L__ . [ I-i _ L----·---~-~: :~n~:-;--~-t:=L·+··-j=L·i-~-~~--;-~1 ~~ 50: i : 1 ~t: · 1 -ljJJ_· _:~i--LL ~-H-}-· I : ' -1--:--r---:-+-I . ' I ' 1 ' . I . I I I I -I . . I ---r-1 ' I "-HI' .. j 'I : ; I' I I' I t . I I I I I ' _!_L_'--+---f-l·-ttl-- 1 ------:-:-r 1-------t-,---:-;-::--rr I _j_1--~--~::r .. ! _;_ I I ~I I:---. r---'~:-! ---! --,--! -I II j I i : I ' l' : I J /(Jl 4,,~!."'.!..:3' ......,<-A " : . : . i 1 i : Jn-~~~~~0~~ 0 r-vt<?J7 . 1 . J: . ---r----~--;,-r--r ~1 , rr--·: --r-: i I ·yy 1 i · ! · : 1 1 i 1 , 1 ·_ --k-,·-~--~------r----·--.---r-l I I -----,.-~r/' ,/ .,/ ~ . . ~ -·-1 10---L_ _____ ~---+-~--,--~· -----1 /-;I . .~-, . , ----+L.-~~ ~-:._-===--·--,--L~----~-t: __ ::~~-·-·_; y::li.-H--T" -· ' -----·----.-;--T ~__[_ _____ r--!l -'·/---./--1. r ------r;-! ..... i ~I ; : 'I !7'7: 1-V+-----1----r-~----~ ~ • ---:-:==~; ~: ~ ;-::-;:;-=~~ « ; -+11 + ! • :+-: --~:1 ~ :-~----Li Hf'F!f~ r ' :_~-tu_--:~riJ 'J --------__ :__ -----:-: t-i -tjrz: -' -----. . r 1 1 : I • : '·" . I : ' ' ' ' ' : I I I I --: I 1.. • ; --. -:-• : I ; : j I : i I D ' I I ~ . ' i i I i ' . ' : I I I I I -t ·---1 ~ • I , 1 ,_' ---• ---------·--.-r-.--~-+--------1 1 10----------------,---+--1 I · . ... -j--· -·-+-' l" i ( ' -+--~ 6 . : ~ ~:--..:. ~ ~~-1 _ : ~~ F: : ~ ::'~ ~j lrc-:---:-~-' c._--, ___ ·----:--~I .1 I • __L __ J._J---! .LI'i+----t-;g 0.5'----------~-'----l---:~~-·;-.--. -----· -: i I ; l I I I_ -~- ' ' ' I ' ~---,----r--~-,__ ·tl -----, I r-----;-----·-';j·-1 ~~.-7t' ---~[:-· i---r--i : -: I l ! i ·-I~J ~~-~ , -_t1u·rl ~ ~ fT~ r1~-frw~ ~~ ~~ 1 , ~ : /_lj i/J 1 i-1~J ---_:---J---~-i-~ 1--1 -~r -~----;----·:---1 I l i ! ; t I· + I ; I ' ! l Jjj_'. l ; .... : : : : · :l_l I · I 1 • • • • I ·1 · 1 ~ L 1 oo 5oo 0.1, 5 10 Excavated Volurne rn3/m BASts: t);:; Side cut :slo~e. 2)Cross slc;:·c cl o,..iginol 9rour;e1 :sno,·.--n on curves. MICRO HYDRO STUDY UNLINED POWER CANAL NO ICE COVER BASIC EXCAVATED UNIT VOLUME FIGURE II.-7 f\ y n :::0 ., ., I"T'1 z 0 0 z (,f) c r- -1 l> z -1 (,f) u 4J il) ~ E () {; ·:-, l iJ -c: \.) '1) CJ £xcc:rvated Volum(!ii!' rn .!3fm BASt.S·t)J:JS/.7~ cv.' '!J/ape 2)Crc:.:::; sJ::pe. .;;~ original yround cs snc•·,r; oli c(..Jrvcs MICRO HYDRO STUDY UNLINED POWER CANAL ICE COVER BASIC EXCAVATED UNIT VOLur.~E FIGURE II-8 G n ;o ., ., m z n 0 z E CJ'J ~ c: ~ r- -1 v )> Q z rJ -1 CJ'J in 4.. ) u "J ':l ·~ J) .... ' •[I v t ) ' r, "" ~ .J <-.. () , 0 v ... l..J Aaju::,ted £xcovafed Volvmes IH:5V 5/cie Cut :Slope rn 'Vm NOT/!!: 1.) Cro.s~ .stop& of' origir>o/ qround a:, shorvrJ Or1 curves. MICRO HYDRO STUDY UNLINED POWE~ CANAL ADJUSTED EXCAVATED VOLU~.~ES FIGURE li-9 J:\ \J' (") :::0 -., ., m z (") 0 z (/) c: r- ~ l> z ~ (/) B VJ '~ ~ c x ' u .:_! Cl ExcovoTc.d Volutne m·'/17> 8ASIS:I)t·t 5iae. cut-:s;cpe. C:)Cro::;5 '!:;:c,.-::::: ;;of' original grovnd c:, shown on curves MICRO HYDRO STUDY LINED POWER CANAL NO ICE COVER BASIC EXCAVATED UNIT VOLUME FIGURE n.-10 1;\ y n :::0 '"'0 '"'0 m z ("') 0 z (/) c: r- -f l> z -f (/) u v Ill ~ t 0 0 f}. c ' 'J 4:: u ·' Cl E.xcovore::t. VoiL.Jnle. rn3/tn BASIS 1) 1:1 St::ie. cut .slope 2) Cro~-;;, slope of or:gina/ 9round as :shown en cur .res. MICRO HYDRO STUDY LINED POWER CANAL-ICE COVER BASIC EXCAVATED UNIT VOLU~.:E FIGURE ll-11 n \:1 n ::0 "'0 "'0 m z n 0 z Cfl c r- ~ l> z -t Cfl 1000, ,-,,-n.-·,--r---:---•~r·-r•l;_+~-=I_:_r~·T-·-•· l'j 'j I'ITTT'-'IT--+-------::2 ~~-_ ~--E:_~t-~;=r~~i:r-__ _j_~~t-~~~'i:-~~::~~~=tE:~E~-~ +---~-==~ ~-+-~--~~-:--c+--i~;--+--; _, -~:.. t'-~-t-+----: -:-i+t--· -· -+-i 500: . -. ' : I ~ • 1 1 1 . . _:_ ___ '----,-----+-~ • I , · : i ________. . I I I ':! .. l '. I . I I II 'I' ' :2 I I •• 1 •. ~-'I' t-------7--r---t . ~-------· ' ! I i-T I : · ·_-:t•··~~Ju! ~r '~t:t t1 :~:_w~~1::-1 t . ' . ' ' I I I I I ' . ' I I I : '. /1 ' I ' ' I ' I ' • ' I 1 I 1 ;-;;. r :··:--:-: Av!iri:.~i' 'cor/ei:J(on Cur~e' i ,.( / ·•I -·1 r . 1 1 Jcc. Co,er (;no Ice Cover · /.' ' : . ' I I : ' : : I ' ' . . : I ' ; ' : i. i ! ··~ I ! • / ' : : : I : ' ' -------~-----T-iTiTT17-/ ---r---r ,-i -! ,. ~..,I -----r----, ."' \. I I I I ,., • I I ! -~ I ' :: '/' / ' I I ~ : ! / / I I I! ' l ':~~=~ >j,~Xc~·~~z=!••••~ ••• r:~1 •ti.~J••~ ~~~ •; ~~-~ l.j ·-//---·--:' !---·--1 I i'! It:,-· ·i. I ----/ / /-----1---~--: !1----~ ---t-··-T---~--·-, ·ti tr"'~, -r-:--j ·LZ/, ~ :!:: ~---f--++i -~~~~~~,-------i~ :-~ ' / 'i I ' L ' 'I' l I ·--r·------~ ----· --1 -~-r ··--< /.: : ; i ! i! j' I I I I I, 'I I' • . ' ' ' I ' ' I I ' --·----:------·----•----1---1. I. •-~-•-----·• I -I ~~~~11 -r·-_]- I I ' I I ' ' I ' I I I I I . I ' I I I ' • I ' I I ' I ; I I I I l I ' ' I' I I I I 'j ' ' I ! I I I -., ... I • I ' ' I I I JJ ' I I ·--'-___.L__j____L ~--....____L_-l_L-.J__ -----' I 5 10 50 100 200 Adjusted E;<co•/ofed Vo/urnes /H:5V Side Cut Slope rn 3/rn NOTE: 1.) Cro.ss slope or or/g/na/ qroun cl os :5hown on curveS- C.J Corroct;on to So:c f,on or Section 8 A F;gii-3/ MICRO HYDRO STUDY LINED POWER CANAL ADJUSTED EXCAVATED VOLUMES FIGURE n-12 £\ v n A:) , , m z n 0 z (/) c: ,... -f ::t> z -f (/) ~ '1'): ..... ... , <3 t ·~ "'- 'l :::. <'I 0 ~ ~ r.:: \; {J l 'J ~ \) Q.. ! ;oo -~-·-- i 1- 100 -~. 8A:SIS"I)IOO)m LC"Yn9 canol 2)!0U%0>'"erburcten excavo1iM 7!)1:/ s,cJe cut slcpe 4)C~ecr !'S grub inc/vde.d MICRO HYDRO STUDY LINED OR UNLINED POWER CA~i-"L BASIC UNIT EXCAVATION COST FIGURE .I!-I 3 .A v n ::c "'0 "'0 rT'I z n 0 z (/') c r- -f l> z -f (/') tO::J o!::Jo i 50 ooo . 10 "l GJ I.. ...... ~ ~ ..(: ..._ 1) ~ -.... ' \l c: ?') f.j ... CJ t <;) Q tOO so -t--. . I ·-~-· .. j, f-o,ver Cono I Exccvor ;on Cos 1" Adjvs trnenr Foe-tor MICRO HYDRO STUDY LINED OR UNLINED POWER CANt.L EXCAVATION COST ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR LENGTH FIGURE I!-! 4 A ·o n ::tl -"0 ., m z (') 0 z (J) c: ,.... ti ...; l> ~ ¥) z ~ ...; (J) t 0 r., ~ ~ ..... \j II) ·, (J !5 -<-- 1.0 1 I ----------·· Concrete Linin9 Volurne rn 3/rn BASJ.S:0./0 m Th1ck lining MICRO HYDRO STUDY LINED POWER CANAL NO ICE COVER CONCRETE LINING VOLUME FIGURE .It-15 I} y n ::0 , , ,.,., z n 0 z (/) c ~ )> z -f (/) I <.IV \) '.; ~~r 0 ·' .... (; 10 'J ?" ... () ,. \) .1) Q 5 :-------'--------;----- l ~ -' ' ~---··~--~ ~ ! .---___ ,.. ~·. >-----._ .. ~ ------·· i j '-'' i I i ~-=,-;::-------..-,.~;:------, 2:f --/.?fo----~~75 Concre.Te Lint'nq Volume I ' --~--<-- ' -' .I ' '' ~-· --z:oo·----z:2_5 ___ 2:'5o rn]/m BAS/S.'0./0 rn Tnic.k tmln9 MICRO HYDRO STUDY LINED POWER CANAL -ICE COVER CONCRETE LINING VOLUI.:E FIGURE ::l-!6 1\ v n :;a ., ., m z n 0 z C/) c r- ~ l> z ~ C/) 300 230 280 270 . --- 2t:;O c5D :: 240 ):..:.?30 "' ... 220 --- II) 0-0 ',J ..:' /. ?• .?OD ~ ~ 19() ..._J \) 160 < <), 170 ~ 'J ;-:!GO (j \)150 ..... 0140 c: 0 U/.30 120 /10 100 90 80 . --·- 0 0/ '>····-·· -L r I -I I I -!·· ------------.. ..:. ----~- 0.2 0'3 04 05 OG 0.7 0.0 0.~ Ccnol Concrete J..,"n/ng I j ' ' ·! 1 .. ' -.L ' /.0 I./ /. 2 /. 3 1.4 /.5 /.6 /. 7 Volume rn -1,.-~'n? BAS/5."/000 1?1 Lonr:; cone. I MICRO HYDRO STUDY LINED POWER CANAL BASIC UNIT CONCRETE LINING COST FIGURE n -17 A v 0 :::0 -., ., m z n 0 z (/) c: r- -f l> z -f (/) I"""' J V~J\.11 SO CIOO 10 000 -=±====--=:-=t~ II) t 1... .... (J .... <. ..c -~ \: 'iJ ..J ...... .j c: ~ \) l ~ ;.:: & Focror MICRO HYDRO STUDY LINED POWER CANAL CONCRETE LINING COST ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR LENGit- FIGURE II-18 n v n ~ "'0 "'0 m z n 0 z (f) c: r- -! l> z -! (f) BOO 700 '"'\ -t ..... \!' t::: '() ....... " 600 ~ 't~ '- ...... '/) \) l,j l 500 QJ ~ r::: () .() (l I() 400 300 :woo 1.0 ! ! L --~·t·--:.. _L .... - j ! ' --l ' ' -.; --------+- 2.0 .. , I I ! .. ! !-leiqhl P oF Gab/on _; 'I 3.0 Weir (m) : 4.0 MICRO HYDRO STUDY HEADWORKS-GABION WEIR BASIC UNIT COST FIGURE :::!.-19 G n :0 ""0 ""0 m z n 0 z (/') c: r- -( l> z r.. 0 ..... -( (/') IJ /) . ..__ .... ,.. ~ /./ ' ' .... "' ) !.0 " 1: ..... 0~ l•1 G v \.. 'J 0.8 ~ ~ '-() 0.7 ~ () lj :--· _j ·t -l- ·r· I -i . l ; -.) ! --· I i l I . . ~---~~-__ j ____ ~---- 0 10 20 30 -40 50 '0 70 ~0 .90 100 1/0 120 130 140 150 /60 170 Crest-Lengt-h of Goo.:on We;r (m) MICRO HYDRO STUDY HEADWORKS-GAB ION y,'EIR COST ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR CREST LENGTH FIGURE n-20 0 n ::0 "tt "tt m z n 0 z U'l c: r- -4 l> z -i (/) 5 'J v ~ 0.5 ~ ~ ' " ' ' u .; (J 0.1 0.0~ .i ' ·--j. 11?1-::.l<.e Structure /I?Sia!lec:l Cosf x MICRO HYDRO STUDY HEADWORKS -INTAKE STRUCTURE INSTALLED COST FIGURE JI-21 1:\ Y' n ~ ., ., m z n 0 z Cfl c r- -4 l> z -i C/l IJ '<! ·-1 "" "l :::: ()- ~) :-;-, ' ·' J ---\.) I) (j 5 1.0. 0.5- C. I 0.05· 0.01 100 : I r-____ J __ _ I ~--~[ -~.] -j j I -I .. I ' I j 1-~--·-i· -~-··j-·i--t-+~-:---·· -·---~-~ -:--, I . i . 1 , t 1' ' • I · 1--·l I I ' ' • I ' I ! I ~ I ! /; i ~: ~-i rr· ---~-~t-TI~-~-L~~T- 1 1 I 1 I 1 I J i l ' ' -'--1--r--~ i--j--r-r'l· ~-~-·r r-: 1 . -1 I -1-l ~ ' '-f -: -_j -I --I -~ I I I I I I : : ' I I il. I I ! i I I l I i I -------~-----·t -~ ---------·---" .. " -r -------------1 ,.1 ~••: :--1::~r:-1r~ '. -~ 1 ,II. -r----~ --<-_J I ---r --:- ;· I 1 i ' I I ; I ; -. I I -·~·--· ! ·-· 1 I I I -r- -~-~--rj·-~-T-1 1"'---j--~~ --·--t-~; --r---~-~f-~+---~---~-- -1 ·--~-; _J __ L ~ _; ___ j _ _j __ lJ ___ 11 _j_ ' ' I : I ' I 1 I I I I ' i ! ·-. : --: -. J.__ . , _ _, _, ; __ L_ ----_ L-j __ , __ I I I I ,. I I . i I' '· : . I • ' · · · 1 I t ·; · i -r ~ -~ l __ tJ -~-LL-~-! .. ,_l __ , __ :_ L-~-L---i I I I : I : I I I I I I : i i I +: i l i : i-! I I i I I ! ! I : " f_j , : i . j -~L~ ;t! :1 1: ··~~··~····:•. !·~·.-,·~~··•·t"l ' I ' ' 1 I i I I I I I 1 ' , I , ·c-·:-·:·-"-T :_:_r_, __ l I;---: ~--l--~ :~~:~r'·-;--__j-~-- ---l. -~ i I I i ·-j , ' ' I I ~ I I I ' i I ' ' I I . . --! .. -I_ . ---!-_j ~-·-! -· I -j----· ----·---,---1-,--j--,--: 'T • I I I i I I I I ' ' ! ! ; I I )1 I j : ' I • -; I I I' . I ' j-1 I_ ; I .. I :. 1 -,_--I I I-+·-,--.---; -~ ---, I ' I~ I I I I j I I I ; I . I J I I I ' I ' I : I I I I : ___:___I --' I ___ . --~-' ------------------~---~-----1-----f--··t-----+_--.--r---~ t-1 ]----+ r--T"'1 I r • I I ' I ' I I ' F I I I I ! I I . : ' l I ! I ! ! J_[ I-: ! .: ··-... ; . Jj_J_-)_11_[_1---L-~J- 1 ' I I . . I I I I I I I I I. I I 500 I I I ! !. i . ' I ! I I I I I ! : I i I ' I I I : I I I I I L ~ i L I j l_ L_l__J Ll I I I I I I I I I : 1000 1500 ~--- Ins/de Pipe D/ameter mm NOT~: Sol,-ct line qives .suqqesled values Dashed line qlves mcoo'urn and m/ninurn values MICRO HYDRO STUDY PENSTOCKS DISCHARGE VS INSIDE PIPE DIA~~ETER FIGURE li-22 A 0 n ::a ~ ~ m z n 0 z c.n c: r- -1 l> z -1 U'l 10.0 ... L .... ·t-.; . . +·---j-·--r--··: ----r· ~---t ··-· ··: ·:· ---~----: , .. . --7---~----· . t~ ---:----r--- ::~ ~~~~~~~-~:-~---~~:-; _t! U : ~1--:_·_-: -~J: ~-=c:~-~-rL~=~--~L-~-~ ! j I' I . I ., I t I i.: .• j . i i ; :: .. ! J : I : 1 : i . ! j 3 ·0 :-· --.----;---. --:----:-·-;-··:-t·trr---,---;--·-;--;---r··j--r-;-r----1 ----r ~ (\) -~ !:' 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.4 -~ 0.3 ~ ()) l 0.2 ~ -t \) ,, cS 0.1 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 . I : t --: l . j : l i ~ j ! ; : ~ f : I ! i I l : I ' ~---------~~------·--------~ ------·--->.. ·r------... ----------.,---• --T ' 0 ' 1 ! j · • <! I I ! I : i I l ' I ... .... -------------------:-----+--------r: -. I ., ----! I I I ' .. 1-: -;. ~ ~-= J I "1 .. ' --I ! I 0 I ' _., ... 1 ..... -1 l....-.....:._ ----~ ' ! . --+----~ : 11. 1 I (' f I j I I 'I I .. , ' ---1 i :--j I ! I I • I 0.01. ·-----------. ' . ···-·. ---·~~ --· -~--I i I 1 ; I I , ... __ ~..l_.,.__j_~---------= ~-· 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300 400 1000 Unit cost in $per rnefr? of' penstock BASIS -1000 rn of' penstock -30% average penslock :slope MICRO HYDRO STUDY PENSTOCKS BASIC UNIT COST FIGURE n-23 ~) CRIPPEN CONSULTANTS 0 2 a: 0 ..... 0 ct Lt.. >-..... 0 ::::> z ..... w (/) :E 0 1---::c (/) ..... a: (I)::;C> 0 >-:x:oz ::t: Octi.IJ 0 ...J 0 ~ ..... a: :Z(I)O:: 0 ~ woo Q.OI.t.. (. t~-~··----1 2 .P \) ~ i.. tO ~ E ..(., l/) J . ._, 'tJ "{ '!... VI I) \J c: -0 .\:: 0 ~ 0 '!... II> <11 d .S' --d 0 'f N I r:-:1 w cr: :J '-!) ii: n v n :0 "'C "'C m z n 0 z C/'l c: ~ l> z ~ C/'l ~ () ..... \j 10.0 ~50 ! t 4.0 -.. 'v ~ :!1.0 ··-· ..... ~ c \j 1.0 ~ - ..... ;:-' 0 5. ~ 04 0.:!1 0.2 0 I ·-·--------·--·- -·i· 2 :!> 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100 Average penstock slope /n 7. MICRO HYDRO STUDY PENSTOCKS COST ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR SLOPE FIG:JRE II-2.5 G n ~ "tt "tt m z n 0 z (/) c: r- ~ )> z ~ (/) 2'J:l0 te:;o l£00 ! ~ i4C:. -... " ~ !2~J ( j --:coo --~ -.-, ~ -OJ'~ €:x> 4CO ~:x> 0 20 f 121 (j --(j ~I~~ ::t -~ -1 - I -; -; _____ t -·--;----;--: -·-·--I I I --! --1- ! I l ··-· r- ! ----~- ~ ~ ~ ro I ' I i 1-- --1- l---··· I !-- ··:-· L ··-~--i--· I l. .L -r- 70 Powerhouse C/v/1 Works Dir~cl Cosl:s X It 1000 80 MICRO HYDRO STUDY POWERHOUSE CIVIL WORKS DIRECT COSTS FIGURE n-26 n \J' n Cl :::0 -"0 C; , ::) m .... -"': z ~ n "' '-0 "l ·~ z 'J (f) c: ...... r-·:) \j ~ ., l> z ~ -! \j (f) :.:..} -----' -~ ...... ·~ .·~ .... ~ ~ "t1 ~J r~ ..... . , -S :"-,-: ::s 1000 ·------,-~-~~---r-1 500 . ---·--r-----~-- 1 ---------t---------. -------1- . -------l 100 ---- 50-·-·------ i i --i -_, I I I I i -;. i I I i • I I I ----~ _L I I -------------.--·j I I 1 · i 1--I ; i ' ' ' I I- II I ; : I 1 I I! I i. • ;. I I I I I I i i i 10----------~~-~-_L ___ l _'" ___ L_ ___ ~I _______ , __ ~ ___ t_j __ ---~-!-~ ____ ------~] I 5 10 50 100 I I I t·-__ J __ · I ' I -~-. ..__ I ' -! . i !-lead-Metres ' 1 -~- 1 i ! ; .\J ' ' -,. -~ ~ ! I I 1 •. i : i ----' . I __ ,__ I ' I I I ; : I Hi i _li 1 l I I I I I • J____j_ ~-: • 500 1000 Nor£. Where nydro fo hydro or hydro to diesel units ore to be ~ync.hron/r.ed add fiJe Fol/c-,\'-tfi') costs: a) When Z 1.mlfs odd I 300.0 b) For CC/CfJ ,,JfitJc.·,,,: onif above two odd .; 2000 MICRO HYDRO STUDY UNIT INSTALLED ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL COSTS FIGURE n-27 A v n ::0 "'0 "'0 m z n 0 z (f) c r- -1 )> z -1 (f) .. j '..! ..:.: s IJ "--'< "': " '-.,. .j t ~ :-:::- ·< ~C% 100:':. 50:: iOCO 5'-~~ 10: 50 10 -- 15 I 1. I . ---j ----~ -: . : r --_J . I , . -j ____ ,_ ' I I • I -- ! l ! • I ·I J • j ---; . -·-c----1---;-:-,·'-:-j I ' -·--··1 ; __ I J : : I ., . ; 2 110 210 310 4/u 26G.8 336 477 636 795 L___l___ L__L ' __ !_________j___ _____ t I A luminu!Tl Coote Steel IZ:.:inForced ( AC5R) Conductor Size --! I -. . ' ' . I _L ____ , _ _j__~j__~_L_ __ ~I --I 20 25 30 35 lnsfa/led Transmission Line Cost .$ x 1000 per kilometre BASIS: Includes poles, insulators. conductors, and hardware installed . A5sumes 5"' losses MICRO HYDRO STUDY TRANSMISSION LINE INSTALLED UNIT COST FIGURE Ir-28 ea. v n ::a , , m z n 0 z en c: r- -f )> z -i (/} ""' ~ '- ..... I') i3 ...... tJ -~ cS VJ l. ';:) ..... \j t ..... S 000 0()() r"'---'--' --o _ _;_:_ I 000 000 t 500000 () \J ' ' -! - ----------. --·--· - . ; I . -~-----~ ""~ ' '. ' 100 OOO,.f;,.--~ "TG____ "18 ts-o----------.. ~.----- Controc.tor's lndire.c.t I , I I .I .. ·-~ 1----·---. ..,. ______ _ MICRO HYDRO STUDY CONTRACTOR'S INDIRECT COSTS AS A FUNCTION OF DIRECT CIVIL WORKS COST FIGURE li-29 n \8 n ~ "'0 "'C m z n 0 z (/) c r- -4 l> z -4 (/) fJ_E,><covafecl area. ;:-........_ -~ I .. ...,.J~ I~ I ........... Grovel bose .. Dlfc r---''~-+-~ ~5 (Approx. I 0.-n) I I. I B .I Embonf<.ment (of nof'ura I angle of repose} =B Ori9/nol 9r-ound surPoce SeCTION A ROAD CUT EX'CAVATION WITH 1:1 SID£ CUT SLOP£ ' =B Embankment (ot natural angle of repose) Orig/nol 9rounc1 ,5urf'oce SECTION B ROAD CUT e:.XCA.VATION WITH IH'5V SID£ CUT SLOP£ I £xcovored oreQ o bo ve co no I. r ----..._ -·~ -,1-;,-------LSpoil E.om.! ~+ .::=:::.::::::::....,_ , -Wof'~r or tee surl"oce 't) Canal excavated area. SECTION C CANAL EXCAVATION (UNLINED) WITH 1:1 SIDE CUT SLOPE ~ E.xcovated oreo above canol. SECTION D Conal exco.,.of'ed area. CANAL EXCAVATION (UNLINED) WITH IH·'5V SIDE CUT SLOPE MICRO HYDRO STUDY ACCESS ROAD AND UNLINED CANAL SECTIONS FIGURE n-30 0 n ~ '"'C ., m z n 0 z (/') c: r- -1 l> z -1 (/') Excavated area above. canol. SE:CT/ON A CANAL EXCAVATION (L/N£'D) WITH 1:1 SID£ CUT SLOP£ Original 9round surf"oce. Canol excavated area. Concrete area (Concrete lining thicf.<ness tr 0.10 m) Orl9inal ground surf"oce. Conal excavated oreo. Concrete area. (Concrete /:n/n9 1-hicimess f:20.!0rn) SECTION 8 CANAL £XCAVATION(L!N£DJ WITH fH:5v SIDE CUT SL.OP£ I~ I 0 E>, D E>, I 5E:.CTION C / ~ ("') C) / ...... .., t Cl " V/T !3,=0.23 r B =10.::?0 I r D~.:::J.~I rn r O.~I!E-O~C 3/n- 8,=0.313 m For D>0.9t m PENSTOCK TRENCH EXCAVATION (See Nole 2) NOT£5 /. Only f"/xed dimensions assumed /n the calculalion or lhe 'Jlh:A'nhhes ~re shown. 2. Penstock. shown in trench adopted ror .:5/opes less than 30 f/, fOr sk·~per slopes penstock. abOve ground on .supports h<:>s been adopled. MICRO HYDRO STUDY LINED CANAL SECTIONS, PENSTOCK TRENCH AND EXCAVATION SECTIONS FIGURE n-31 £?\ ~ ("') AI '"0 '"0 m z ("') 0 z (/) c: r- -i l> z -i U'l Flow .... 2.!5 p R/prop prorectt'on over impermeable. membrane 3.0rn For road cn::>sstn9 me...n?brone SECT/ON Q roilworer Downsrreo,.. .;.. Gob/on blonket'J ;;:rn:fl!IT?E , MICRO HYDRO STUDY HEADWORKS-GABION WEIR FIGURE II-32 A 'g n :::0 "tl ., m z n 0 z til c: r- -4 )> z -4 (/) l AI t -rnJJ..-r:-T!L p.,....----(.'!~--{ -, I I 1·-·rvr-!.).1 +v I I r-_ill rt>B r Lf> B -----_ Flow ~ftt' -::.-s:T ~R;prop SECTION A Ft:nce. Control go>'e slot Srop lo9 slot PLAN 2.0 m .1 o~ pen.sfock. Bockr/11 to original ground SIJrl'ace. SE:.CTION B MICRO HYDRO STUDY HEADWORKS -INTAKE STRUCTURE FIGURE Jr-33 G 0 :::0 "'0 "'0 rn 2 0 0 2 (/') c: ,... .... l> 2 .... (/') Conrrol strvcrure Conlrol structure Weir lnrok.e. w~ir lntoke. River Pen-stocA River Penstock R/ver Pensfe>ck R./ver Pensroc.K. Powerhov:Je. 1..z::.an.:smission 1/ne Po~erhovse \:[::ansmlssion 1/ne Powerhouse 1..:[:-c::uu::r miss t'tPn line Powerhouse '{-ansmis:slon 1/ne Toilrc:u;;e. Toilroce MICRO HYDRO STUDY LINE DIAGRAM OF TYPICAL LAYOUTS FIGURE li-34 A 0 n :::0 i:'l i:'l rn z n 0 z (/') c: r--c l> z -i (/') Sp«e.d ir>er.eas.u· Locar/on cl' 'l'"(y#'lll>~.et II' l"c-qut'rt:d =-,1,7~-;~ TYPICAl. DIMt:IVSIOA.I:J /""OR. ::$00 kW UIVIT l~L I "'] ~ ~ ~®J' H'!J m. 5 - 6 1'00 - 12 PLAN lnt'okc gat• and cpe.rofor A B c !II· ...::J Mif1. T.W.L I!) 1.. ·~: . . . .. SECTION MICRO HYDRO STUDY LOW HEAD-LOW I HIGH OUTPUT TYPE • TUBULAR TURBINE FIGURE 11·35 \. R!qhf on9,~ tn::m!!;m;ss;on\ {:>p.::ecl tncrc-os::r lr i"lii:<fUtrt!C{) PLAA..I ,'c SeCTION ----- 1 --I -----..L MICRO HYDRO STUDY LOW HEAD -MEDIUM OU'7P:.JT TYPE-RIGHT ANGLE BULB TURS:::E FIGURE !! -3 5 n y (') ::0 "'C "'C m z (') 0 z (/') c r- ~ l> z ~ (/') ~E· Ftorv ;tl I_ -~ ·-· ·i_ ! !-~-~- 1400 ,--------l (____!____ ,_ ... ~-r-_ ~ --, ~~~~-. I I [__ ___ ~ SlOE ELEVATIOA.I ----, ()lr:: a ·- !OJ ~ () (IJ 10 () ~ TYPICAL O!MeAJStONS FOR 25/tOOkN UNtr H~od lOvtpvfl "'· ;,.v I 10 25 i 20 ~0 .50 !00 G~en:>~r I I t MICRO HYDRO STUDY '----------LOW a MED. HEAD -LOW OUTPUT TYPE-TWO JET HYDEC TURBINE EA.ID ELEVATION· FIGURE I I-37 fii._ v (') :::0 , , m z (') 0 z (/) c ~ l> z -i VI Ill 5pc<:d in<:.rtll!~Gr PLAN L~ SECTION ; .. · -:.; ... •t> .4' H$ max. MICRO HYDRO STUDY LOW a MED. HEAD· LOW a MED. OUTPUT TYPE· BANKI TURBINE FIGURE I I • 38 £\ v n ::0 "'0 "'0 m z n 0 z (/') c: I"'" -4 l> z -4 (/') locahon of" f'lywh.rc/ a,cf sp•ecl ,nc~.:!T•,. II' nequJr<!C/. -+~~--~-1- PLAN A a, SIDe eLEVATION I ' 82. I I ,_L_ I I I I I ~ -±· -,: I. 1.:__ -- 1 I .,.. L ____ _ TYPICAL DIMEA.JStOA.IS FOR 250 I< VII UA.Itr H«KK A B, 82 c m. 12 1800 1500 2.500 1200 20 1750 1200 1800 900 --4!:> 1700 1000 1.500 600 c--· 60 1700 900 /100 500 l END ELeVATION D E F G ~,. s,....., MOA r.p.l'n <'000 .?X>O 1.200 1000 5=oc ~00 1600 /GOO IDOO 750 ~co::; 514 1100 1100 800 =o5CCO 9:/0 1000 1000 700 4=F 900 MICRO HYDRO STUDY LOW S. MED. HEAD -MEO. OUTPUT TYPE-HORIZONTAL FRANCIS IN DRUM FIGURE 1 I-39 ~ ~ n ::u ""0 ""0 m z n 0 z (J') c r -1 l> z -1 (J') l .i .. Gc.nc,..,:r _.,~ 8 t -- ' n ' l i -1-- r------"' SIDE ELt:VATION ,, - I(' I -I I Q Oral"f l'r.tl>lll bend ~I ,Jr-T II /1 I I\ 1 I u r 1--+ , I I \ T ~II j : I_J,..,~ :: t t=~-~--:] L------ TYPICAL DIME/1../.SIOJVS FOR !OOOkW W.J!T ~ XC! 720 MICRO HYDRO STUDY MED. HEAD -HIGH OUTPUT TY?E-HORIZONTAL FRANCIS IN SPIRAL C:ND ELEVATION FIGURE II-40 APPENDIX Ill SUPPORTING INFORMATION A B.C. Water Licencing Information B Flow Duration Curve Calculation C Storage Requirement Using Mass Curve Analysis APPEND I X Ill SUPPORTING INFORMATION A. B.C. WATER LICENCING INFORMATION In general, the ownership of water in B.C. and the right to use water is vested in the Crown in the right of the Province. No right to divert or use water can be acquired by prescription. Thus any person who uses water without a licence has no rights to that water and the water could be taken away from him without recourse if a I icence for its use is issued to another party. A licence entitles the holder to beneficially use water for the purpose for which the licence is issued and in accord with the conditions of the licence. The holder is also entitled to construct, maintain and operate works which makes the use of the water possible. A water licence may be issued to any owner of land, owner of a mine, holder of a certificate of public convenience and necessity, municipality, improvement district, Minister of the Crown, or any board, corporation or person having charge of administration of any land. Where there is more than one licence holder on a stream, the precedence for use is in accord with the respective priorities of dates of issue. In other words, the earliest issued licence has first right of use if water is in short supply. A water licence is made appurtenant to the land or mine where it is used and shall pass with any conveyance of the land or mine just as if it was part of that property. The B.C. Water Act is administered by the Comptroller of Water Rights of the Ministry of the Environment. Annual water licence rental fees are nominal and are based on the capacity of the hydroelectric plant and on the energy produced. If Ill (A)-I storage is developed in conjunction with the plant an additional fee is charged based on the quantity of water stored and used. Attached are the following sample forms: I. Information Regarding Applications for Water Licences 2. Application Forms for a Water Licence 3. Form of Conditional Water Licence 4. Form of Final Water Licence Initially, a conditional water licence is issued stating the conditions that have to be met with regard to the use of the water. In theory, a final licence is issued when all conditions have been met, but because of the very large backlog of licence applications, a final licence may not be issued for many years. This backlog of applications presents a problem as far as getting even a conditional licence in a short time is concerned unless a priority for processing the application can be established. Applications can also suffer long delays if there are serious objections to the proposed project that makes it necessary to carry out further studies or if hearings require to be held. However, this latter concern should not be a problem in most cases as far as micro hydro is concerned. If a micro hydro project is developed by a small, unorganized commun- ity there should be some organization formed for financing it and to be responsible for its operation and maintenance. This organization could be an Improvement District, which can be formed under the Water Act. It would have elected trustees to take care of any day to day affairs. The purposes for which it is formed are required to be set out in Letters Patent. Thus once established the Improvement District is a legal entity which can borrow money and set rates for the sale of power. Ill (A) - 2 MINISTRY OF TilE ENVIRONMENT Water Right~ Branch, l'arli~ment Buildings, Victoria, B.C. V8V IX5 INFOHJ\IATJON HEGAHDING Al•PLJCATIONS FOR WATEH LICENCES In order to help you fill in a water application correctly, a few suggestions are set out below: .Application forlllj' must be complrtcd in full. It is particularly important that the quaruity of waur rcquirt'd is shown. Domestic purpose: "Means the use of water for household requirements, sanitation, and fire prevention, the watering of domestic animals and poultry, and the irrigation of a garden not exceeding one quarter of ao acrt adjoining and occupied with any dwelling-house." The normal requirement for one household, including the irrigation of a small garden, is 500 gallons a day. However, if the watcrine of poultry and domestic animals other than pets is included, water requirements may be 1,000 gallons a day. Irrigation purpose: "Means the bcnefJcial use of water on cultivated land and hay meadows for nourishing crops." The quantity needed should be stJted in acre-feet per annum. An acre-foot of water is the quantity which will cover I acre, I foot in depth. As quantities required for irrigation vary depending on local climate and conditions, the following general guide should be used: Climate Quantity ltl!'quirW Wet or roo] ___ , .. ~-~--------------------acre-foot per acre Semidry or worm .. -·-~-----·----------------2-3 acre-feet per acre Dry or hoL__ ..... ---·---~----·---.. 3-4 ·acre-feet per acre Thus, if you live in a dry or hot area and wish to irrigate 10 acres you should apply for 40 acre-feet. Any advice you need regarding water applications can be obtained from the Water Rights Branch offices in the Provincial Government Buildings, at Victoria, Kaml>~ops, Nelson, and at 1905 Kent Road, Kelowna, B.C.; 313 Sixth Street, New Westminster, B.C.; and 1488 Fourth Avenue, Prince George, B.C. Advice may also be obtained from any of the Water Recorders listed below. Tdephone Alberni.___ 4515 Eliz.ab<cth Strtet, Port Alb<crni V9Y 6U ----723-3501 Ashcroft .Box 70, C'inton VOK 1 KQ _____ _ -----453-2412 Allin_. __________ !lox 100, At! in VOW lAO----·-·--371 Cariboo _________ 540 Hnrland S<reet. Williams Lake V2G IR8 .... --------392-6261 CranbrooL ______ 100-lltb Avenue Sou:h. Cranbrook VIC2P2.._ .. _____ 426·8431 Fernie_____ llo> 340, Fernie VOB t MO ....... ___ 423-6845 ·Golden_ .. ________ Rox 39, Golden VOl\ 1110 ............. -----------·-.. --344-6817 Grond Forls_ .... _____ lle>< 850. Grnnd For•< VOH 1110... ... _ 442-8642 Hazelton __________ .. Bo< 340, Smithers VOJ 2NO. 847-4411 Kamloops __________ 7 West &;ymour Street. Kamloops V2C JES .......... _ .... _ 372·5233 Kaslo_.. Box 580, Kaslo VOG l~lO ..... _ ........ _........... .. 353-2338 Liard_____ 1201-103 "'venue, Dowson Creek V!G 412 ....... -------786.5721 Nanaimo .Courthouse, Nanaimo V9R SJ L ................... ________ 754-2111 Ncl><>n ·--------.. ____ .... Bnx 730. Nchon VIL SRS ............ -----------·--352-2211 New Westminster ___ ...... 10(}-.403 Si>tb Street, New Westminster V3L 3B L....... 525-037 5 Nicola Dox 339, Merrill VOK 2BO ..................... ------.. -·--378-9944 Peace Riv<'--·---· .. .120!-103 "'venue, Dawson Creek VIG 412_.... 786-5721 Pcnticlon .... Courthouse, Pcntic!On V21\ 51\5 ...... -----·-·---·--·---.... 492·2782 Prince George _____ .. ___ 1600 Third "'venue, Prince Gcor~e V2L 3G6____ 562-2111 Prince Ru~rl-------Courth•>Ust, Prince R11pert V8J 1!17 ........ _________ 624-2121 Princeton.......__. ___ ........... Box 9. Princeton VOX 1 WO. . .......... ----------295·6151 Quesnd ________ , __ I02-)50 Barlow "'''<nHc, Quesnel V2J 2CJ.. ______ , ___ 992·5591 Rcvebtokc_. _________ Dox :180. Rcvchtokc \'OE :so ........ ---------------·--937-3122 Vancou,·cr ...... ,_._, ____ 635 Burrard Street, Vancouv<r V6C 2L4-..... ---------684-9111 Vernon ....... -......... ______ courthou..:, Vtrnon VIT 4\1/S.-... -------------545·2387 Victoria_. _________ Parlbmcnt Buildings, Victoria VSV IX5 .... -.. ---------387-)41) Rt!aion:al Enginrcr Victoria Kamloops Prince Georte Kamloops Nelson Nelson Nelson Kt'Iowna Prince George Kamloops Nelson Prince George Victoria Nelson New We!.lmin~..ter Kamloops Prince George Kdowna Prince Gcor~e Prinu: George Kelowna Prin<:<: George Kclowna New We.otmimter Kclowna Victoria If your application is not correctly completed you may be required to make out a oew application at a later date. W.l\8,1-o Ill (A) -3 Application for a W atcr Licence WATER ACT (Section 8) (f\lll n.amc ar no.rnM. it l~ond owned joint:y .} JOR WAll.R. RI£0RUl H. ~lAl..H' of ·--··-····--······ ·······-······-··········--·······-·······-···-······-·· ........................... ··············--··-····-·················· CMailini addrns} hereby apply to the Comptroller of Water Rights for a licence to ~divert and usc lf water out of l store ----···----------··········-····-···---················ ............. which flows . ············-············ (Name of ucck, We. or •prior.} (Direction of ftow.) aod discharges into . ·····-·····------··--·----·--·-·····and give notice of my application to all persons afiectcd. ~~;:;~~eo~ a: version} will be located at·--·· ·-·((;;~~·.;;;;~~;;·~~:;.;;,;;;;~~;~·~;;,-,:;;;;~·;~-~;~;.;·~;k:",;~~ pmnr.) The quantity of water to be diverted or stored is. ·-·-····-··· . (CubK: tnt per IU:cond, , .. uons per diY, or 4liCfc-fect pn annum.) The purpose for which the water will be used is . The land or mine on which the water will be used is Lot A copy of this application was posted on the (Day,) (Month.) ... , 19 .... at the proposed point of diversion or site of the dam and on the land or mine where the water is to be used and two copies will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder aL ..... --------------------------- British Columbia. Objections to this application may oc filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. V8V I X5, wah in thirty days of the serving of a signed copy o( the application. Applicant. By·----····--···· --------·-····----·--·····------------- Ag~nl. A gtn(s addrtll. IMPORTAST Every applicant mu't do the following: (1) Post 1hr opp};'(·mion on rl1c ~:ruund; that is, in conspicuous places at or ntar the proposed point of diversion. site o( the dam (if any), and ptoce o[ use. (2) Fill' two copirs k·ith tire W4ifn Rrcordrr in whose dhlrict the point o{ diversion Will be-. within~ days of th~ po$tinc on the (:round. (3) \\'lthin nindv tL•)·s of the JX1Jting of the :lpplic:nion on the r:round, strve ~lgncJ copic~ on all owner-s of JanJ or mining property thJt "ill be alkch:d phy!-.ical!)' hy the propo'\cd wod .. s or by the opera! ion or uttl•zation the-reof. and on 01!1 hccn~cc!t or prior appliCants whose po1nts of (IJvcr::.ion are at or below 1he Jpphcant's prupo~J point of diversion. All ropie, must ht slf:ntJ and compk!C'd by filling in the bbnl'{, in the above form, and, in adJition, the two cop1es fikd with the" \Vater Rcc.:o1 ~!a mu'>l cont•tin a sl..ctch ~ho\.\ in~ the applic.lnt's l:1nJ, the locatwn •A !he potnt of ~.hvcnion and the dam (if any). and alt l.wJ touched or cro~'-<'d hy 1he worl~. and the adJit~onal informatiun indicated on the other siJc of thi' form. Both !'oiJes of the lwo copin filed with the Wilttr Recorder must be fully and correctly complcteJ or the application may have to bC' returned, It iii ih.l¥i~ott>k to f.l~,· the ;lpf'llK.1ti~m 'lll'ith the W.tter Ke<:ordt'"r M ~n a'\ f"N.l'\ih!e ahcr fl'tlll!ng it on the ground bt't:JUM" the d.1tc of fi11ng \.\ill, in ntO'>il-;t"''· J~.:ternunc the pram!y ot 1hc hccn\.'c lh.tt nLl'f he tHucJ. Ill (A) - 4 Non.-TI•is 5hcl'l need only be completed on the two copies of the application filed with the Water Recorder. 1'o the Comptroller of Water Rights: In support of my ;~pplication for a water licence I submit the following information:- (J) My title to the place of use is ~-------~~-··------···------·--·---··-···----------·-··-····------------··--·---·-·-·-··---·-·- (Wh«Lhc:t ttJislned owou. a&rnment holder. pu-cmptor, ~Cc.) (2) The proposed works will be ............ ----------------------------------... «--------------------------------------·------·-··-· {Giw JftU:ral devtiption--pump. pipt~ d1tch, etc.) (3) The dam to be constructed will be -------------------------------------·-----·-------------·-------·-·------•u~'"• and will be ________________________ feet in height, and ____________________ Ject in length. (4) The maximum area of the reservoir will bc~--------------·-···-----acres. (5) The depth of storage at the dam, from boHom of sluice-pipe to crest of the spillway, will be -----~·--·-----.feet. (6) The head of wotcr to be used will be .. _____ ---···---------------~-------------feet. (For J>O'lllet and hydraulic .aii.n.lna ob.ly.) (7) The area of land to be irrigated will be .. ~~~~-·---------·------------acres. (8) (a) The works will be entirely on my own property, or (b) The works will a!Icct physically the property of the following owners:- Name or Owna. Uaal Ductiption of l.and lndudi.n.& Che Crown Au.a R.t:Quircd tor Works L<nath Brudlh Sketch, showing applicant's land and all other land touched by the works or flooded, also the location of the point of diversion and other works, including buildings to be served with water, if applicable, and the lengths of all dit.::hes, flumes, and pipes. -···-·--·-·-··-----·-<.-H••·--------Applicanl, W.IUI. <I-0 Ill (A) - 5 J.ANP AND WATf."k MANACFMFNT WATEk kJGIITS hHANCJI ------·-------l J.11NI~TH.Y OF THt', LNVIHONMY-NT TilE PROVJ:-.ICE OF flRlTlSJI COLU~IBIA-WATER ACT CONDITIONAL \VATER LICENCE is/arc hcr~by authorized to water as follows:- (a) The source(s) of the water-supply is/arc (b) The point(s) of is/are located as shown on the attached plan. (c) The date from which this licence shall h:~vc precedence is (d) The purpose for which the w:~ter is to be used is (e) The maximum qu:~ntity of w:~tcr which may be and such additional quantity as the Engineer may from time to time determine should be allowed for losses .. (f) The period of the year during which the water may be (g) The land upon which the water is to be used and to which this licence is appurtenant is (h) The works authorized to be constructed are which shall be located approximately as shown on the attached plan. (i) The construction of the said works Comprrollu of Waur Rights. File No. Date issued: Conditional Licence No. 0 III(A)-6 (){ t"Akl Mf Nl Of LNVIM.UN~H P.. T THE PROVJNCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-WATER ACf FINAL \VATER LICENCE is/arc hereby authorized to water as follows:-. (a) The sourcc(s) of the water-supply is/are (b) The point(s) of is/are located as shown on the attached plan. (c) The date from which this licence shall have precedence is (d) The purpose for which the water is to be used is (e) The maximum quantity o! water which may be and such additional quantity as the Engineer may from time to time determine should be allowed for losses. (/) The period of the year during which the water may be (g) The land upon which the water is to be used and to which this licence is appurtenant is (h) The works authorized hereunder are located as shown on the attached plan. (i) This licence is issued in substitution of Conditional Water Licence No. Comptroller of Water Rights. File No. Date issued: Final Licence No. 0 Ill (A) -7 B. APPENDIX Ill FLOW DURATION CURVE CALCULATION* A rough appraisal of a stream flow record can be obtained by listing the minimum, the average, and the maximum flow. However, for detailed studies, it should be known more precisely how often low flows or high flows occurred during the period of record. This can be accomplished by preparing a duration curve in which magnitude of discharge is plotted against the percentage of time that discharge is exceeded. A duration curve can be prepared for any period of time. One can prepare a duration curve of daily flows, mean monthly flows, or mean annual flows. One way to prepare a duration curve is as follows. The total range of discharge, say from 0-! 00,000 cusec, is divided into 20 compartments of 5,000 cusec. One starts scanning through the selected period of record, day by day for a duration curve of daily flows (which is a tremendous amount of work), or month by month (for a duration curve of mean monthly flows). For this micro hydro study, a monthly basis is recommended. For every item in the record, a mark is made in the appropriate compartment. When all items are entered, one could plot the results as shown in Figure III(B)-1 (a), which shows the so-called frequency distribution of the sample. The compartment with the largest number of items is called the mode of the sample. When the frequency curve of Figure III(B)-1 (a) is accumulated, com- partment by compartment, starting with the low value, the total frequency curve, or duration of Figure III(B)-1 (b), is obtained. The vertical ordinate still shows the discharge, the horizontal ordinate represents the total number of items, or, more conveniently, the per cent of the time. In plotting the points of the duration curve, one must *Reference -Water Resource Development by E. Kuiper. Ill (B) -I realize that the total number of items in, say, the first four compart- ments (0-20,000 cusec) must be plotted right on the 20,000 cusec value. After all 20 points are plotted, a smooth line can be drawn through the points. With this duration curve we can now select any discharge and find the per cent of time this discharge is exceeded. The stream flow value that is exceeded 50 per cent of the time is called the median flow. The average value of all items is called the mean flow. Since nearly all natural stream flows have an asymmetrical distribution (the high values deviate much more from the average than the low values) it follows that the median flow and the mean flow are usually not the same, as may be seen in Figure III(B)-1 (b). The median flow can be read directly from the curve. The mean flow can be found by drawing a horizontal line, such that the two shaded areas are equal in size, or by computing the arithmetic average of the sample. Ill (B) -2 B.) F.LOW DURATION CURVE CALCULATION. (Cont.) 0 ., "' ' ... E 1.1 01 ... 0 .r:;; 0 "' 0 100 80 60 40 20 u C) "' 80 ;;-60 E 1.1 01 ... 0 .r:;; 40 u "' ·-0 80 Number of items (a) FREQUENCY CURVE Percent of time exceeded 60 40 20 0 I I I ' I I I I I I I 0~------------------------------------~ (b) DURATION CURVE FIGURE m (B) -I c. APPENDIX Ill STORAGE REQUIREMENT USING MASS CURVES ANALYSIS The mass curve is a graphical tool, to review long-term trends in the river f!ow. It is also a convenient device to estimate storage requirements that are needed to produce a certain dependable flow from a reservoir. To illustrate the technique of doing this, a hydro- graph of river flow is shown in Figure I (a). It is assumed that the recorded flows show the two years 1930 and 1931 as the lowest cumulative flow period on record. The problem is to find the storage capacity required to increase the minimum natural flow of 2 m 3 Is to a dependable flow of 20 m 3 Is. In this simple example, this problem can easily be solved without resorting to a mass curve. All we have to do, is to draw a horizontal line at the ordinate of 20 m 3 Is in Figure I (a), planimeter the shaded area, apply a conversion and find the required storage capacity. Let us now solve the same problem by using the mass curve shown in Figure I (a). The mass curve is the summation of the hydrograph. The abscissae are in the same units of time as the hydrograph. The ordinates represent the total volume of water that has passed from zero time up to that point. The slope of the mass curve at any point represents change of volume per change of time; in other words the rate of flow at that moment. Hence the mass curve is steep when the river flow is large, and flat when the flow is low. A small key diagram showing the value of slope in terms of cubic meters per sec0nd is convenient in appraising a mass curve. The slope of a line joining any two points of the curve represents the uniform rate of discharge that would have yielded the same total incremental volume in the same period. For instance, in Figure I (b), going from A to C along the mass curve, represents the same volume of water as going from A to C along the straight line. This feature of the mass curve enables ready determination of the amount of required storage capacity. Assume that adequate, but yet unknown, storage capacity is avai !able at Point A (where the 20 m 3 Is Ill (C)-I slope is tangent to the mass curve). From that moment on the release from the reservoir is 20 m 3 Is, but the inflow into the reservoir is less and therefore the reservoir level goes down. At any time between A and C, the length of the ordinate intercepted between the straight line AC and the mass curve measures directly the total amount by which the reservoir capacity has been reduced. The maximum ordinate is reached at point B, and measures 90,000 m 3 on the vertical scale. In other words, if the reservoir capacity had been 90,000 m 3 to start with, a flow of 20 m 3 Is could have been maintained from A to B. After B, the inflow to the reservoir is greater than 20 m3 1s. If we would still release no more than 20 m 3 Is, the reservoir would gradually be fi lied and would be full again at C. It is interesting to note the corresponding features in Figures I (a) and I (b). . Cl.> ~ 0 .s::; u "' .~ 0 '0 - >< '0 "' Cl.> E u Cl.> ~ 80 "' E 60 ~1,0 ~ 1 20 u (a) ~ o~~~-L~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 J F M A M I J A S 0 N 0 IfF M A M I I A S 0 N 0 1930 I I 11931 : 500 1,00 300 : Required : : storage 1 1 I capac1ty c I I 0 200 ::J E ::J u u <l: 100 (b) OL-~~~-L~~~~~~-L~~~ IFMAMIIASONDJFMAMIIASONO 1930 1331 FIGURE Ill (C)-2 If the energy that can be generated by a hydro plant from a steady stream flow equals the average weekly load demand, one may think that the plant will have no difficulty in meeting the load. However, the stream flow provides a steady supply of energy, whereas the system load is continuously fluctuating. The only possibility to let the steady supply meet the fluctuating demand is to store water in the reservoir above the plant whenever there is less demand than supply. If a hydro plant is able to do this over weekly periods, it is said to have sufficient pondage capacity. The fluctuation of the pondage reservoir may look G.> "0 "0 nl I I .3 I M 'T w T • : i SFull ouppl-IMI F 5 FIGURE 2. PONDAGE OPERATION s somewhat as shown m Figure 2. It may be seen from this figure that due to the pondage operation, the average reservoir level is less than the full supply level. This is a disadvantage since it means that the plant operates at a less than maximum head and therefore produces less energy than possible. For preliminary estimates for small B.C. communities with small amounts of industrial load and where the available streamflow is only just equal to that required to meet the average load, 25 per cent of average daily energy consumption is required from pondage. This figure should be used if local information is unavai !able. Ill (C)-3 APPENDIX IV MANUFACTURERS Af\JD SUPPLIERS A Off Shore B United States of America C Canada A. APPENDIX IV MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS OFF SHORE Ateliers des Charmilles SA, (1, 3) I 09 Rue De Lyon CH-1211 Geneva 13 Switzerland (022 458821) Ateliers de Constructions Mecanique (I ,3) de Vevey CH-1800 Vevey Switzerland Bell Maschinen F abrik A. G. (I ,3) 6010 Kriens Lucerne Switzerland A.B. Bofors-Nohab (I, 3) S-46101 T rollhattan Sweden Boving & Company Ltd. (I) Villiers House 41-47 Strand London WC2N5LB England Electro GmbH (I) St. Gallerstrasse 27 Winterthur Switzerland IV-I NORTH AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVES Charmilles Euro-USA Company 779 Barbara Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075 U.S.A. None Same as Escher-Wyss Ltd. None None None Escher-Wyss, Ltd. (I, 3) Hardstrasse 319 CH8023 Zurich Switzerland (01246 2211) Fuji Electric Ca. Ltd.(!, 2, 3) 12-1 Yurakucho 1-Chow Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, I 00 Japan Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd. (1, 4) Kendal Cumbria LA9 7BZ England Hitachi Ltd. (I, 2, 3) New Maru Bui !ding Maranouchi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, Japan Hydroart S.p.A. (I, 3) 20144 Milan Via Standhal 34 Italy (479104) Jyoti Ltd. (I, 3, 4) lnterr.ational Division Bombay Shopping Centre R.C. Dutt Road Vadodara 390 005 India AB Karlstads Mekaniska Werkstad S-681-01 Kristenehamn I Sweden (46) 550 152 00 Kassler Ges. m.b.H Maschinenfabrik A-3151 St. Po !ten St. Georgen Austria IV-2 Sulzer Bros. Canada Ltd. Nissho-lwai Canada Ltd. Electric Power Equipment Ltd. 1285 Homer Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2Z2 (604) 682-4221 C. ltoh & Co. (Canada) Ltd. None None Axel-Johnson Corp. I Market Plaza San Francisco, Co 941 05 U.S.A. Same as Voest-Aipine AG Kvaerner Brug A/S (I, 3) Box 3610, Kvaernerveien I 0 Oslo, I Norway Maschinenfabrik B. Maier 4812 Brackwede Brockhagner Strasse 14/20 Postfach 320 West Germany Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (I ,2,3) 5-1 Maranouchi, 2-Chome Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100 Japan Neyrpic Department Turbines (1, 3, 4) Rue General Mangin 38100 Grenoble France (7 6) 96.48.30 Ossberger T urbinenfabrik D-8832 Weissenburg in Bayern P.O. Box 425 Weissenburg, Germany (0 91 41) 4091 Sorumsand Verksted A/S (I, 3) N-1920 Sorumsand Norway OY T ampella AB (I, 4) P.O. Box 267 SF -33 I 0 I T ampere I 0 Finland (931-32400) Titovi Zavodi Litostroj (I) 61000 Ljubljana Djakoviceva 36 P.O. Box 308-VI Yugoslavia IV-3 Kvaerner-Moss Inc. 31st Floor 800 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10022 U.S.A. None Mitsubishi Canada Ltd. Marine lndustrie Limitee Division Hydroelectrique Sorel (Tracy) Quebec J3P SPS Canada (514) 743-3351 F. W .E. Stapenhorst Inc. 285 Labrosse Avenue Point Claire, Quebec H9RIA3 Canada (514) 695-2044 Madden Paper & Paper Board Service Corp 9 Rockefeller Plaza New York N.Y. 10020 U.S.A. None None Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co. Ltd. (1,2,3) <Toshiba) Producer Goods Export Division 1-Chome, Ushisaiwaicho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 Japan Voest-Aipine AG (I, 3) Muldenstrasse 5, P.O. Box 2 A-4010 Linz Austria (0732 585 8083) J. M. Voith, G.m.b.H (I, 3) Postfach I 940 D-7920 Heidenheim West Germany (0 73 21) 32 21 Westward Mouldings Limited Green hi II Works Delaware Road Gunnislake, Cornwall England B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Alaska Wind and Water Power Box G Chugiak, Alaska 99566 Allis-Chalmers (I) Hydro-Turbine Division East Berlin Road Box 712 York, PA 17405 (717) 792-3511 American Ligurian Company IS Ralsey Road South P .0. Box I 005 Stamford, CT 06902 IV-4 None Industrial Process Heat Engineering Ltd. 680 Raymur Street Vancouver, B.C. V6A 2RI Canada (604) 254-0461 None None Arbanas lndustr ies 24 Hi II Street Xenia, OH 45385 (513) 372-1884 Border Electric Company Route I Blaine, WA 98230 (206) 332-5545 Cascade Patterns 1309 Glenwood Drive Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (206) 856-6608 Davis Constructors and Engineers, Inc. P. 0. Box 4-2360 Anchorage, AK 99509 Electric Machinery Manufacturing Co. (2) A Division of T urbodyne Corp. 800 Central Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 General Electric Company (2) One River Road Schenectady, NY 12345 (518) 385-5444 Hannon Electric Company 1605 Waynesburg Drive S.E. Canton, OH 44707 (216) 456-4728 Hydrotool Corporation 2640 Industry Way Lynwood, CA 90262 (213) 639-4402 Kato Engineering (2) P.O. Box 47 Mankato Minnesota 5600 I (507) 625-40 II IV-5 The James Leffel Company (I) 426 East Street Springfield, OH 4550 I Lima Electric Company (2) 200 E. Chapman Road Box 918 Lima, OH 45802 (419) 227-7327 National Tank & Pipe Company P.O. Box 7 I 0037 S.E. Mather Road Clackamas, OR 97105 Attention: Steve Mclaughlin, Sales (503) 656-1991 Pumps, Pipe and Power Kingston Village Autin, Nevada 89310 Short Stoppers Electric Route 4 Box 247 Coos Bay, OR 97420 (503) 267-3559 Small Hydroelectric Systems (I, 4) and Equipment Box 124 Custer, W A 98240 (206) 366-7 696 Westinghouse Electric Corp. (2) 700 Braddock Avenue East Pittsburgh, PA 15112 Wind and Water Power P.O. Box 49 Harrisville, NH 03450 (603) 827-3367 Woodward Governor Company (3) 500 I North Second Street Rockford, Illinois 61101 (815) 877-7441 IV-6 C. CANADA Barber Hydraulic Turbine, Ltd. (1, 4) Barber Point, Box 340 Port Colborne, Ontario (416) 363-4929 Brown Boveri Canada Limited (2) 160 St. Joseph Blvd. Lachine, Quebec H8S 2L5 (514) 637-5531 Dependable Turbines Ltd. (4) 1244 Boundary Road Vancouver, B.C. V5K 4T6 (604) 299-2626 Dominion Bridge-Sulzer Inc. (I) 295 Hymus Blvd. Point Claire, Quebec H9R 4N9 Ingersoll-Rand Canada Inc. (5) 1695 Main Street Vancouver, B.C. Leroy-Somer Company of Canada Ltd. (I ,2,4) 337 Deslauriers Montreal, Quebec H4NIW2 (514) 332-1880 Marine lndustrie Limitee Division Hydroelectrique Sorel (Tracy) Quebec J3P 5P5 (514) 743-3351 National Energy Systems Ltd. (4) 7759 Edmonds Street Burnaby, B.C. V3N 189 (604) 524-0817 IV-7 Niagara Water Wheels Ltd. (5) 706 East Main Street We II and, Ontario L3B 3Y4 Small Hydro-Eiectrics Canada Ltd. (4) Box 54 Silverton, B.C. (604) 358-2406 Thomson and Howe Energy Systems Box 2 Kimberly, B.C. VIA 2Y3 Water Wheels Canada (5) 8555 Cornish Street Vancouver, B. C. V6P SB7 Water Wheel Erectors Limited (4) P.O. Box 487 Port Colborne, Ontario L3K SX7 (416) 835-5402 Suffices: (I) Turbine designers and manufacturers (2) Generator designers and manufacturers (3) Governor designers and manufacturers (4) Package Units (5) Supplier and/or installer of electrical or mechanical equipment IV-8 APPENDIX V HYDRO-ELECTRIC CAPACITY DETERMINATION (Hydro Plant With Secondary Energy Generation} A. lntroduct ion B. Method I. Flow Duration Relationship 2. Load Duration 3. Diesel Fuel Cost Calculation 4. Incremental Benefit/Cost Analysis 5. Final Step FIGURES V-I Hydro Capacity Determination With Secondary Energy V -2 Hydro-Electric Capacity Determination - Benefit Comparison -Sheet I V-3 Hydro-Electric Capacity Determination- Benefit Comparison -Sheet 2 APPENDIX V HYDRO-ELECTRIC CAPACITY DETERMINATION (Hydro Plant With Secondary Energy Generation) A. INTRODUCTION B. The method set out uses an economic analysis to determine the optimum hydro capacity in a situation where hydro is installed to provide primary and secondary energy with diesel standby to operate in times of water shortage. METHOD The method uses flow and load duration curves to estimate the amount of energy that must be provided by diesel standby. From this the cost of fuel is computed. The capital cost of at least three alternative hydro installations with increasing capacities must be estimated. Guidelines are given on Fig. V-I for the choice of hydro capacity of the alternatives, however, experience will enable a user to use judgment in this choice. The capital cost of the diesel standby is also estimated. Hence three alternatives are casted using standard costing procedures as set out in the main section of this manual. The details of the method are set out below. B.l Flow Duration In run of the river projects minimum flows are considered for the supply of firm power. There is the potential in these projects to generate secondary energy, particularly if the proposed scheme will displace an existing diesel plant which can be maintained as standby. V-1 For analysis of schemes utilizing higher than firm flow, a duration curve is required. The method is set out in "Water Resources Development" by Kuiper, page 30, copied in Appendix Ill B. For this study the curve should be constructed from mean monthly flow records adjusted for the proposed diversion point in the ratio of the tributary catchment areas. The site capacity duration curve is derived from the flow duration curve by multiplying the flow ordinates by 7 x H where H is the gross head available at the site. 8.2 Load Duration The demand for power is represented by the load growth curve and the load duration curve. Annual load duration is considered since the analysis is done on an annual basis. The load duration curve is developed as set out on Figure V-I, if data are unavai !able for the site being studied. Annual load duration curves move up the vertical axis as the load grows (assuming the load factor remains constant). The Oth, 12th and 24th year load duration curves are used to determine the growth in energy demand during the project I if e. 8.3 Diesel Fuel Cost Calculation Diesel fuel costs are computed from the annual energy provided by the standby. This cost is computed by superLnposing the load duration and capacity duration curves, and measuring the area, under the load duration curve and above the site capacity curve. This is done for the Oth, 12th and 24th years. The annual energy is then computed graphically as shown on Figure V-1. Diesel fuel costs are computed using the conversion factor and are entered in Figure V -2. Superposition of load and capacity duration curves is possible as load is essentially a daily fluctuation and flow has a much longer time base. V-2 B.4 Incremental Benefit/Cost Analysis Operating and maintenance costs are calculated using the cost curves in the main section of the manual and are entered in Figure V-2. Incremental capital costs and depreciation allowance (at the approp- riate rate) are entered on Figure V -3. B.S Final Step The present value of the incremental cost and aftertax savings streams and incremental benefit cost ratios are calculated on Figure V-3. The alternative with the highest hydro capacity and an incremental benefit cost ratio greater than unity is adopted for comparison with an all diesel alternative as outlined on Figure VI-I. If the highest capacity considered has a B/C ratio much greater than unity, a two-unit alternative with higher capacity should be analyzed. V-3 fl ·u n ::0 "0 "0 m z n 0 z (/) c r--; l> z -; (/) ~~-~."! OV"!"t :C,.. J;. '"..K ~:t:QC. (/'MWit :;J ........... :.'\J"Jt~ , .... :~.~s::. ?-i~.r.m c. .. r..-..r_. .:..>........:':'Y .,;,., C.,>"-;:k"!'C 5 ;..c;J~~ ~.-"""":;,...:~:~l!).~ .. !Jio'UUU'ft >II>C'C."-"'.;;a.;:J~1)~..., ......., ~._-~-"""' ~ r.•,uc "'"l 1 r?....l l E"'~:Y::« AIH.\0. ;,.'£ ;:.l.~,. a..A'\C. .0. ;:r:-.-""': ... :;:t..I•:':'TT .uu....~-~ e,p,c .. l.oQIIIO,)~I:'..III".d 1.f"'!<o&~ ... :a .. "'<'">.27:o::::n.~ llll:'.,LO..::;-:;~.-..~,.___"C::':...::riUI>:::S #J't).4-£.::;.'..:.J>,:.:UVO"'":'li0MC:~ CL-J<ol'':";lll~T;! OIIIC~~t:Dift ~~l)t""'i:l!rl~V..#. • :r-;""':-. ~ ~ '",.,, ... L ~ M';J;II'It .. ). l ;;..;_,_ .. _,._....,.;..,.,_ I-• e·..-c;,·-~<7'-~C..I_.. ~> r-:.,, ,._1_ c::.L. ~-...c:; ~J. a.~~..L~::,~ r-:t~·.-1 :... /IIC ;¢. , l .o;toU<~ t.a::l•c;rL ...., r;g.M" .,...,_ca.. 11....0 U~ Ill: ~!~~?~E~~~~-.. - ...,;:~o_:;~~t.t>._-=-:: ... WT':"'IIr.'.JC"!'~~. ! ~-~~ :-.~~ ;'.~ .J ~~~;:~~::::;.:.·~;arm ! .. r w Th ,.. "' tvi:~K.L.Y LO.AD Ct.ll~ve 'Y· ,, liMfl CAP;t~CIT'Y' OLIR.ATIOAI C.4"'"'•u:l f"ram f"lo., - "' 10() !X> % cr ,,.,.,., Y£AR" 0 ' 0 I()(J .!SO 0 % t;~f" !;.-, ,,~··cl•d WEEKLY I.O.AO /)I,JR .. TICN Cl.lliZVI! IC/) 60 ,....,. cr '''"* YCAR f/Z dvrMI.i>r' Cr,J""'• ~~ ...... .-<;,.,.,....-,_..,..., '''-'"" ....,.,..-....... ~--"""'"" ' ~ ._..., v "'-" ....,.., .. ~· r ... @ Tolol Afll'lw_,! ® AM\tO; Hydro (j) S~.<.;t;!;l•m•hiOfJ ® S. .. ppltno.ar!OrJ' Y•o~ $1./J•Utl.lAY CQ9IIC4t~ C• ("''{If (Ar•o wt~dtr Lo•4 O;;tofH:tlli C10tvtl [nu~J ( &110 .,.,us., $lt. CopQCl1J t:l'l4 !..oolll Dwtelioft CVIf'lta) o, .... j fn•fQ-J t(]) -® • Stu:adt4 cno for copoCtiJ' C•J C11Utl fvtl ( Enu~u· 11 Con•cuiol'\ mrulkW!I) ! !L0 i c~ ~ . " fil y •• ,. c,. ;/4 0 0 c, 100 !JC () "-' a'" ~~ ''u:.,..;.~ .AI'VNU.AL. DUI<.ATfON 100 50 "7-,, li#f/Jtlfll YJ!";Aitl Z:4 , ............ ' ~ _....,,..,....,,"-"'" .......... .-..-.... C> '' •2 Ct I c I c, c, t:, ;:·•;;;~:o·;;;~:7 } ~ 1 /J.().d ,.,..,.,.. '/"::P"~111C:....-...'~....;.-L ;.. tCO 7'YPrCAL ANNUAL /...CAD DVR.A'TION Ci.JRI.r,!" v .... IM·~ ~~Jil.:>'o• ;;·· ot~r .,.,., U/'ltef...,.!.,b"-'f'c,.. :!I'""'•" .a c ••tl,.,_#,.f6 c. !L --r -_-_-_-__ ]_-_-_~::_-..:-.: tl----- 1 1-...-M~A---,,..,. "'.-II_.., D••••' •-,.-•· f.Y ~, -l-t::'"-,,-,.. ---1""'--<>--- () '.? y,.,,. LOAD GROA'T"' ,. C• c, '' I FIGURE ::!Z.- A y (") " "'0 "'0 m z n 0 z (/'l c: r -1 )> z -1 (/'l ENO OF YEAR COL I 0 I 2 3 4 ~ 6 7 & 9 10 II 12 ll 14 I~ 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 I TOTAL ENERGY 6 kWh 1 10 COL, 2 -········-~·- PROJECT NAME RIVER/STREAM LOCATION DATE CAPITAL a OPERATING COSTS -HYDRO/DIESEL SYSTEM HYDRO CAPACITY c, HYDRO CAPACITY CAP:TAL OBM FUEL ANNUAL CAPITAL I 0 & .. FUEL COST HYDRO S OPERATING COST HYDRO & DIESEL & DltSE\.. COSTS DIESEL 6 Qif.SEL HYDRO $/YR, $/YR $/YR, HYDRO $/YR, COL,~ ca. 4 I COL. ~ I COL, 6 CO,, 7 COL. 8 I COl, 9 I l I COL.4 ... COL~ I c2 HYDRO CAPACITY CJ ' ANNUAL CAPITAL O&M fUEL ~ A..,•wA:. OPERATING COST H'f8AO & I CP(q,r;~(. COSTS $/YR, COc DIESEL&. 01£ SEL C.'>lS I HYORO $/YR f/YR *-yq 10 COL, II COL 12 j COL I) c c~ 1• I I I I I I I I I I • foL 12 + CJL ' MICRO HYDRO STUDY HYDROELECTRIC CAPACITY DETERMINA Tl ON BENEFIT COMPARISON SHEET I FIGURE 12:-2 ft u ("') ;o "0 "'0 m z ("') 0 z {.f) c r- -i l> z -i {.f) £NO OF YEAR 0 I 2 3 " 5 6 1 8 9 IC " 12 ll 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 22 2l 24 PR:£ SC ~T v:. .... :...E DIESEL-HYDRO/DIESEL INCREMENTAL BENEFIT COMPARISON $xl000 PROJECT NAME RIVER/STREAM LOCATION DATE INCREMENTAL CAPITAL COSTS S ANNUAL SAVINGS AFTER DEPRECIATION ALLOWANCE S TAXES HYDRO CAPAC! TY c 2 WITH S TANOBY OVER HYDRO CAPACITY C1 WITH STANDBY INCREMENTAL CCPR I ANNJAL AFTER TAX ALLC'\<IJ't..!'"iCE St.\/ lNG ANNUAL COST COST * TAX SAVING CCL. 7 COL.l CCL 10-COL 6 COL 15 COL. 16 ! COL 17 CCL. 18 PV COST SA.V~_IN--~:_:5:_ ____ _ PV 1NCREMUoTkL CAPITAL COSlS PV COL. 18 ~ * Jl'{Jffi CA?IT"L CDS!' c:a-ll'CM."i'l' IS DE?Rl'X:LI\Trn OVER 2 '!L.l-.'<5, 50 l P'"c:R YEAR. SL??:Z.:I~:rhm.' DLSS£0.. CAPIT!\.L COST o::Mi'CN".::m' IS Dr:Pr:.:x:~::D 0\!'i':R ProJECT LIFE AT 6\ PEl\ YEAR 00 D!X::L.I.K!:n:; !'J\IR~. INCREMENTAl. HYDRO CAPACITY C3 WITH STANDBY OVER HYDRO CAPACITY C 2 WITH STANDBY INCREMENTAL OEPR .4NNUAL AFTER TAX CAPITAL ALLOWANCE St<V!NG ANNUAL COST COST * COL. ll-COL. 7 COL 19 COL 20 PV COST SAVIN OS PV INCREMENTAL CAPITAL COSTS TAX SAVtNG COL 14-CCL 10 COL 20+COL.21 COL. 21 COL PV COL 22 PV COL. I~ -c=-1 2 z 2 NOTE I. USE 10% DISCOUNT RATE UNLESS BETTER INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR CALCULATING PRESENT VALUE. 2. USE CURRENT DEPRECIATION ALLOW.l.NC! RULES IF DIFFERENT FROM ASSUMPTIONS OF COLUMNS 16 8 20. MICRO HYDRO STUDY HYDROELECTRIC CAPACITY DETERMINATION BENEFIT COMPARISON SHEET 2 FIGURE 'lr-3 APPENDIX VI DIESEL PLANT CAPITAL COSTS DIESEL PLANT OPERATING COSTS HYDRO PLANT OPERATING COSTS A. Introduction B. Grid Supply Alternative to Diesel Supply C. New Diesel Plant D. Continuation of Existing Diesel Plant E. Hydro Operating and Maintenance Costs F. Price Escalation I. Diesel Plant Construction Cost Escalation 2. Diesel and Hydro Plant Operating and Maintenance Cost Escalation FIGURES VI-I Diesel Plant Capital Cost Data Vl-2 Diesel Plant Operating Cost Data -Hydro Plant Operating Cost Data APPENDIX VI DIESEL PLANT CAPITAL COSTS DIESEL PLANT OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS HYDRO PLANT OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS A. INTRODUCTION The financial evaluation of a micro hydro site requires that the costs of generating electricity from the micro hydro source be compared with the costs of generation by the least expensive alternative. The user must determine the least expensive alternative method of generation and develop generation costs for use in the evaluation. The three most likely alternative means of generation in British Columbia are as follows: I. Connection to B.C.H.P.A. grid. 2. If the existing diesel plant is obsolete, or if the load centre has not previously been supplied with power, then a new diesel plant must be considered as a potential alternative means of gene rat ion. 3. If an existing diesel plant provides power to the load centre, then continuation of operation of the existing plant (including replace- ment of motor/generator sets as they wear out) must be consid- ered as a potential alternative 'means of supply. For a particular site it should be readily apparent which of the above three alternatives will be the best "challenger" of a micro hydro site. As described in Section 6, the capital costs, and the operating and maintenance costs of the best alternative means of supply must be estimated for use in the evaluation computation sheets in Appendix VII. VI-I B. The following cost data are presented to assist the user in assembling capital and operating costs if more accurate estimates are not avail- able. GRID SUPPLY ALTERNATIVE TO DIESEL SUPPLY I. Capital Costs It is recommended that the user approach B.C.H.P.A. to obtain a capital cost estimate for extension of the power grid to the project load centre. 2. Operating Costs Regional rates for demand and unit energy tariffs are available from B.C.H.P .A. C. NEW DIESEL PLANT I. Capital Costs -Diesel Plant Figure VI-I contains a three-step procedure for estimating the cost of a diesel plant. Step I consists of determining the total installed capacity needed throughout an assumed 24 year project evaluation period in order to meet the peak load demand. The curves show plant capacity increasing in two stages over the 24 year evaluation period. If high load growth rates are anticipated some modification to the staged approach may be desirable. Three or possibly four stages of capacity growth may be considered. The procedure for higher growth rates will, however, remain unchanged. Step 2 consists of choosing appropriate motor/generator unit configurations which wi II be satisfactory for the first and latter half of the project evaluation period. At the end of Step 2 the VI-2 user should have a clear picture of the number and type of units and the total installed capacity which would be required of a diesel plant to allow satisfactory operation over the 24 year project evaluation period. Step 3 consists of selecting plant costs from cost curves. Plant costs have been broken down into two parts shown in Figure VI-I. Curve A reflects the cost of the diesel generator units, and includes radiator cooling system, breakers, alarm shutdown, and controls. Curve B reflects all plant costs except the costs shown in Curve A. If an existing plant is capable of accommodating the required additional diesel generator units, only an estimated portion of cost B should be considered. The cost curve A has been based on typical unit configuration described in Figure Vl-l Step 2. It is now necessary to bring the diesel alternative plant cost to the same base date as that of the micro hydro pI ant cost. Therefore, using information in Section F of this Appendix, the appropriate escalation factors should be applied to Figure VI-I. Having obtained the capital costs for an alternative diesel plant, the user should enter the data into the computation sheets given in Appendix VII Figure Vll-2. 2. Operating Costs -Diesel Plant Operating costs for the alternative diesel plant must be esti- mated, to include fuel supplies and non-fuel components such as labour, transportation, lubricating oils, overheads and administra VI-3 tion. Computation procedures and cost curves are given in Figure Vl-2. D. CONTINUATION OF EXISTING DIESEL PLANT E. F. If an existing plant is capable of being maintained in service for the 24 year project evaluation period, then capital and operating costs asso- ciated with this alternate means of supply must be obtained for comparison with hydro generation costs. Capital costs may be esti- mated using the procedures outlined in Section C of Appendix VI and Figure Vl-1, taking into account the age and condition of existing facilities and equipment. Capital costs should be entered in the financial computation sheet in Appendix VII appropriate to the years in which capital expenditures are anticipated. Operating costs can likewise be estimated using Figure Vl-2 and entered in the appropriate Appendix VII computation sheet. HYDRO OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Figure Vl-2 contains an estimate of hydro plant operating costs. The cost curve was estimated on the basis of labour, transportation, lubricating oils, maintenance costs and overhead and administration. PRICE ESCALATION I. Diesel Plant Construction Cost Escalation Price Escalation to Beginning of Year 0 The estimate generated via the cost curves presented in Figure VI-I and Vl-2 will produce a cost estimate in January 1980 Canadian dollars. Since escalation has been significant over the past, it is necessary to update the result given by these curves to obtain the actual cost when the plant is constructed. VI-4 For the purpose of order of magnitude estimates, it is suggested that price esc a lot ion be co leu fated using the Water and Power Resources Services (WPRS) construct ion cost index published regularly in the Engineering News Records. It is felt that even though the indices shown represent the U.S. trend, it is a reasonable representation of the Canadian market as well. The price escalation may be arrived at by using the Pumping Plants section within the USBR cost indexes for construc- tion work. For the costs derived from Curve B use the "Structure and Improvement" component and for Curve A the "Equipment" component. ii Price Escalation During the Construction Period (EDC) It is assumed that a diesel plant installation would require a construction period of one year. Therefore, half of the anticipated price escalation for that year would be applied to the project cost. Should the construction period be different, then adjust accordingly. 2. Diesel and Hydro Plant Operating and Maintenance Cost Escalation Price Escalation to End of Year 0 The source of escalation ·indices to be used for operating and maintenance cost estimates is left to the discretion of the user. For the hydro plant the cost breakdown for 0 and M is estimated to be as follows: VI-5 Labour Construct ion Equipment Construct ion Materials 70 per cent 5 per cent 25 per cent For the diesel plant the cost breakdown for 0 and M (excluding the cost of fuel) is estimated to be: Labour Spare Parts and Materials Lubricating Oi Is 64 per cent 25 per cent II per cent The above breakdowns of 0 and M inputs should be utilized to arrive at overall escalation factors for diesel and hydro plants. VI-6 A v n :::0 -"0 "0 ,., z n 0 z (f) c: r- -4 l> z -4 (f) CAPir/•t. CO!:T E:STII<IAT£-Dif.SF:L ~TERNATI! :STV I St ... ~CT Wli'T'All~.O CAPACITY STAGE$ ,APPROPRJATI! TO PRCVECTLD ~~~ GROWTH ! ~ ~ ~ ~ " . C~t• TotQI mtnimt.1m ,.,.,~d t:ap«;:Jty~IZ .,.~ .. Y-~~1: ~Pnd CM• Tctol mmlrrw'" h'ti~IJed Copcu:;Jty !:l,.<>r' 24 •J.J" ~or 24 d•'"IIHNI ~ . .. ,, ,. Z< CNt:> C'>F YEAII!f !ITCPZ· $.!'J..E.C":' CI£$/!L. G£hi£RATOR UNIT CONFIGt.IRATIOAI$• TI"'Pie;.t. MOTCR/G£N£RAT:JR UNIT CCNJI-"IGVRATION3 FIA~£. CF tf\6i.ALL.t:D !NITI.AJ. IN5TALL.ATI()N REP.i-AC.EM£NT AT CAPACITY fGOCD f'l.) CN:;) Y£,1.R IZ' ~ND YEAR 12 bQH Wt"'lf ,....,..,,,~ cap9CIIy • C12 ,,,.,,,. c.o,pt>c;Jt11•cz4 »-Jao.-W .'d'(Jir"dt:lsl urut I "'"lf.;;O~>tKJfy •OZ. $ Ct,f - .:X.u ~~" l' "n'"'""'-'"•• j-•c,z I ""''J C~ITf11-t:2ttl-7' .Jc.o~J<XXJ•tll Ptcq/lr ''"' j ;.......,t,c.o.;~:g..:t¥ • f Jf C11 - "o,. 1o~llll' t VI'II1'S~~~u;,.::d¥ &~h t,;:l :.:;;::c,,ll} •cZA-E~!L ~z:xx:;,.,, vnd-j-JI C1<1; ,.::W,oA' l.ln•f lunlf,£:.c;z.oordy•j «Ctz - o,~~:~~ 9'l""';I"Q''on i.N''''~- """•"~~~•d (.f:.p.DC.•':J o/" .,_,.,f'# t:tl' Jn,f-al lrt'Jiallof/On~------AW I:'J!Ir~I'Cd C4:J;:>.X.tftf o;' 4'"ld:J qf r•PI«•I'P'>41'>f y!t<::t,. /Z -~-·---A 'Ill • It' •.n•''~"'~l pl•nt #'I .$1/'W., 1'/'Nvt ~vv•! ,..plac~m•,' ~nf~l~ 1'0 •4ul' r4n'N~ktt.,_, td•"Arllrt ~ •111af>,"'!i "'"0,.... ~rtfii"'QI'pr urt1"- ~ ~ ~ .. ... 8 ... ~ 0: ~ 'MV...:t-;;:1 !0\AI.lt, RIVtR /STR[AIA I..O~ATION DATE ~T~P !': oa-:AJN COSY' ()~ DIC$£L PLANT FROM GR,~~>,Pff V.'I-1 AND E.SCA:...A rE C0$'T$. ACD IN7'Cl~£:sr C ... :"f"•"""':S CON5TRVC'r'ION TO ,ARRIVE. ,AT CJir.PIT,~i>,L COST CNt:J OF Yt:.a.~ 0 .._-,~,,. ol /"l'fef'"'l'!3f .:~..,r/"'9 c..on~tru<:t•D-"1 CvRvE IJ $1TE D/!.Vt::LOP!r.#l::l\7 ICU~II~ A 1 /Nif/.I<L IN$TALJ.....ATIO/\I $ENE.RJ.fCR UIYrTS Cl./l?vE A lt<:':P-A..;O,.,~,._~,A..."".,..':'",~ ::;e_,.,t::;A'!'.:;:~ _.-.::rs ~~----+------------r----------~------------ lnfc'"C'li"Crl t!:OC Tctol capdol co:sf •R~of•~ncl-Apj>~~nd•Jt '1.!7 S•.::flon Jll 8:::0 1000 TOTAL c.-P,ACffY kW ,zoo "'DO s: COST ·o, O'E~El p·_., EXCLU~;~G CCSt CF" CUR>E A '""" '""" ;;no MICRO HYDRO STUDY DIESEL PLANT CAPITAL COST DATA FIGURE "!ZZ-1 fi u () ::0 -o -o m z () 0 z I,Jl c r- -i l> z -; I,Jl ALTERNATIVE DIESEL PLANT PROJECT NAME RIVER/STREAM LOCATION DATE . .. FlJEL COSTS= kWh/YEAR x CONSUMPTION FACTOR x FUEL PRICE YEAR 01 REAL PRICE ESCALATION FACTOR (NO OF YEAR >W~/YEAR • 106 CONS>JM!'TION FACTOR 1 ftJEL Pfi!C£ ESCALATED ~ "" -... V> w c:: t: --·- ..J 0 tr 0 .... '-' 0 <! .... z 0 I- C.. ::; :;;, ., 5 026 u - CE~TS/L!TRE --···---- fi=t FOR CAPACJTY>500 kW ---USE 0. 3 LIT RES/ kWh . 100 ;:~o 300 4CO 500 6(X) 700 INSTALLED CAPACITY kW • ':"':(?,.:~ 20 cr-r:'S~ ~ P?.:':E ~7:CN y; .• .':-:t)R !S THE ~'tl Ph'!i: IN 1oim(lj Dll'SEL Ftn. CX'.'8l'S >..-.:tS ~ :V E::::<.::LE:) ~ 11.1~ AA7'E OF tNF"..A....-:ICN. ';7 ~-:.3i FJ.....-:cF: • R ~ rt:...l:l. FRIO: ~ • IN:fU'COO Ml"J +R~ T<?:O.:. taG 1UK = ~ ~ M'Z l!,\ P.A. L.\5 CiF J1>.N l9SO), ANNUAL FUEL COST $ •1000 Cleael only O:.te.rn.at.!.vo ~' OPERATING S MAINTENANCE COSTS EXCLUDING FUEL(JAN. 1980 CAN.$) z <! .3 I- "' 0 u ..J <! :;;, z z ..: DIESEL PLANT HYDRO PLANT 200 400 600 BOO IOC') !200 1400 IWO 1800 20C() INSTALLED CAPACITY kW St.M-?.R'i ~ 0 ' H COS":'S o:ESt;.;-CA;•;,.:r;y ""' .As 1960 O':iti ll"i:A!:A':'5 c:iS': I (SYL K~ 4! l YR. 0-12 YR. 12·24 ~~ 0-12 YR. !'r-14 ¥?.. C:~~ 11! 1 :::. l..e-:• 'hi. e:~ .,-_r~. !J ... .,(J IM'.JO CV/ICl':'i l6< I 1<>1 kl< )6; 1<>1 )0; )0; l. OJS7'S HClL'DE -l.AOCL'R, ::tWl!?r\JR""...A':ICl-l, tL'BRICA..."'"'!:l't; OILS, M!~t)R N::l w.....:;c,R ~rlJJ'...S. O.'t'R{L'..O kl,D ~"!S:Ww""'!~ 2. FCR DI~ P!A'"I' LS!:.n TO F'fO/l:".E St ... "P?U~·':'A~ f:>."EJG\' PRJ-U~ 'IUE a:sT OlJ'TI.,'"'rt::~ ~'tn< K'.iDRJ: 1 O::m;:. ~ ':'0 ':'l:S I•:-c:•Jl{'l'l(!Z CF A.~-...:..\L :c;:-_.:g s·..;p;:>:..::r.:J BY £.\...jJ, l. I..A.:':l':X,'il c:.s:'S f'C~ ~~ p:;;.:rr .\SS:.M: PAIC' 'i:'~ C?SiioA........,..Jl. IS ;..·.~ }.S ~. •· m=:cr APP=IX vr =-::::m T • MICRO HYDRO STUDY DIESEL PLANT OPERATING COST DATA HYDRO PLANT OPERATING COST DATA FIGURE "lZZ-2 APPENDIX VII FINANCIAL EVALUATION FIGURES VII-I Financial Evaluation Computation Sheet - Hydro With/Without Supplementary Diesel Vll-2 Financial Evaluation Computation Sheet - Alternative (Diesel Only) System Vll-3 Financial Evaluation Computation Sheet - Payback Computations Vll-4 Financial Evaluation Computation Sheet - Internal Rate of Return A "fJ n ::0 "'0 "'0 m z n 0 z IJ) c r- -1 l> z -i IJ) COMPUTATION OF TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS AND UNIT ENERGY COSTS $xl000 (HYDRO ONLY SYSTEM OR HYDRO SYSTEM WITH SUPPLEMENTARY DIESEL) PROJECT NAME RIVER/ STREAM LOCATION DATE USE THIS TABLE WHEN HYDRO FIRM CAPACITY < PEAK DEMAND USE THIS TABLE WHEN HYDRO FlRM CAPACITY >PEAK DEIAAND I r.,:J TOTAL ' •.Jf 'ENER\;V I YEt.R COL. I LCNG TER .. SI-1CRT TERM LO'G TER .. SHORT TER" fUEL 08 .. I TOTAL VNIT CAPITAL CAPITAL CEOT OE BT COMBINED ANNUAL ENER3Y EXP'EN~!Tt.:RE · £xpr•;:::HTURE PETIREMENT RETIREMENT HYORO/DI!:SQ. COSTS COST CENTS/kW" COL 2 COL. 3 COL. 4 COL. ~ COL 6 COL 7 COL. 8 COL. 9 0 I 2 3 • I ~ 6 7 8 9 10 II IZ 13 14 I~ 16 17 18 19 n Z1 22 23 -':.; I ---··- llYDOO SY~ F~'RAL DATA Sl..li-MAm' ~-~ ~2-~ ~:::.H 1 c;__- =::_:·.~! ~:.::.:::J y-~ 1 :..;:_·.:; ;: . ...:::--:::·2::1. kW kWh :-.:__:_-_-:::..::; ~:.-.:::-.. -:;~ R.;':E __ % PER AN.~UM :0.-~~:.:::_"f :::.S~L FL'E:L (IF RLQ'D) :::_ . .: _: ..:_-..-~ .::::J. (.--.::~,_,.--<.. ls:.. '.:..-:.=-_'0.. C::J.5:..2·:?':l:CN ls:. ·:..-=..;_-, ?"_-~ ?lt:CL 1s: ::::..:.« r~:::.. c::6T ,;s.:;..~·::.:l = R:AL PRia: E.SCALATirn LITRES(K\m LI':K:S C::':'S(LITRE $ X 1000 % PI:R A. '~·.'UM CAPITAL COST DATA r..::t;G ':I:P: 1 CAPITAL COSTS -HYDRO PIA'<"!' DU:Sl.L SI1E DEVIL. (IF REQ'D) SriORT Till'l GJ'ITAL COS§ -DIESEL l-'NITS (IF REQ'D) Th'TCRI"ST M'FC Gl CAPITliL DEB'i' ICI'IJ1Y:r. IT FN:'IORS @ Th'I'EREST u:m; 'I'ER.'l CAP. cosr x SllORT TEFH CAP. COST X 12% 0.129 0.161 % CAPITAL COST COL, 10 $ X 1000 $ X 1000 $ X 1000 % DEBT 0&1.1 TOTAL RETIREMENT ANNUAL COSTS COL. II COL. 12 COL 13 MICRO HYDRO STUDY FINANCIAL EVALUATION COMPUTATION SHEET HYDRO WITH/ WITHOUT SUPPLEMENTARY DIESEL U~IT E ... .::RGY CCST CUHS/kWII C 0 L 14 FIGURE im-1 L\ v n ::tJ "0 "'0 m z n 0 z (/') c: r- -i l> z -i (/') l::IT!:l:. SYSTI:1 FliC'ItiAL t:M\'::1'. SW'!oMI.RY tr;.:J s,.·\TA l-.5 ?':."'l. FIG. \'II;-1 Dr:S~~ P~TL DA~~ CO -~-~·?'riai Fl..croR lst. ·IL\R ca~st:~·?:'ICN lst lU:..t~ FL"EL rRia.: 1st YL~·.R ?.... TI .. cx:s:' ;.:._s_--:.:=J Rc\':"E P.i.;I. PRICE ESC.AI.AT!CN G:?I":l!-CC6':' C.\':'A L(l;G ':::R·l Ch?ITAL COS'i'S -SI'l'E DEVEI.(I'MENI' LITFES/kWh LITFES CD.'TS/LrrnE $ X 1000 % Pr:R A.\lirJM SEC:<~ =-~ C..P?'u,l. CXlSTS -D:::ESI:L CE-'ERATOR u:li'IS YEAR 0 YEAR 12 :L.-:scsr RAT: Cll CAPITAL car.' m:: I r::::·'E:r.' FACTORS @ Th'IEREST RA 'IE OF 12% LOiG 'r!:.R-1 CAPITAL COST X 0.129 SEORI' TI:R-1 CN' ITAL ca; T X 0. 161 UNIT ENERGY COST COMPARISON .c. ~ ~ 1-:z ..J u @IIIII $ X 1000 $ X 1000 $ X 1000 % % ~ Vl 0 u )- '-' C<: '-' z I I I I .I I I i . __ :::q I I 1 PLOT VALUES fROM COL. 22 AND I FIGURE 'Z:!-1 COL. 9 OR 14 HERE 1-z ;;J I i I 4 I 1 I I I I I I I 8 12 16 20 24 YEAR END OF YEAR 0 I 2 3 4 ~ 6 1 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 I~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PROJECT NAME RIVER/STREAM LOCATION DATE COMPUTATION OF TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS AND UNIT ENERGY COSTS $ X 1000 (DIESEL ONLY SYSTEM) LONG TER'-1 SHORT TERI.I LONG TER!ol SHORT TER'-1 CAPITAL CAPITAL CEBT DEBT EXPENDITLRE EXPENDITURE RETIRE'-IENT RETIREMENT COL. I~ COL. 16 COL. 17 COL. IS -· FUEL o a 11 TOTAL UNIT A~\'JAL ENE~VY COSTS CCS!S CE'-'7S/II'tll'h COL. 19 COL 20 COL 21 I c ~l 2 2 MICRO HYDRO STUDY FINANCIAL EVALUATION COMPUTATION SHEET ALTERNATIVE (DIESEL ONLY) SYSTEM FIGURE 1m-2 j I I l I I fi \.1 ("') :0 "'0 "'0 m z n 0 z (f) c: r- -f l> z -f (/'1 PAYBACK COMPUTATIONS $xl000 PROJECT N AV.E RIVER/STREAM LOCATION E~O o• YEAR 0 I 2 3 • ~ 6 1 e 9 10 II 12 13 I< ·~ 16 11 18 11) 20 21 22 23 2• CASE I BEFORE TAXES TOTAL CAP"A~ TOTAL CAPITAL INCREMEN1'AL COS'S j COSTS CAPITAL COST H"'':)tfQ SYST! C'ESEL SYSTE!f. HYORO·OIESEL CCL 23 COL 2 4 COL 2~ COL 2 +COL.3 OR COL t5+COLI6 COL 23-COL24 COL 10 !D!'E: BEFORE TAX INCREMENTAL ANNUAL COST COST "'"US SAVINGS ACCUMULATED SAVINGS COL. 26 COL 21 COL!9+COL20 -COL 25 MINUS + 1COL.26 El !HER COL 12 1aR(CCX-6+COL l. PAY&'\0< PER!CO • YEAR IN 'nl!IOl ~;J., CXlST MINUS 1\0:::tMJI.ATID &wm::;s 2. lSE 2 YE.'IR lo!'!UTD:lFF FOR HYDR:l AT 50% PER YE.'IR. t::'E 6\ Ds::!..IKING !l.'J..I\:'l:E FOR SUPPLE:·~"':ARY DIESEL r:y .. ::r~~,Pf .. DATE ---- CASE 3 CASE 2 AFTER TAXES FORMER Of.:PRECIATION RULES AFTER TAXES ACCELERATED HYOR:J DEPRECIATION RULES INCREMENTAL ~I AFTER TAX INCREMENTAL CAP' I TAL COST ,C,~*a:AL COST COST Mlf.JUS ALLOWANCE 6Ji SAVINGS ACCUMULATEC CECL. eAtA~~£~ S!'.Vi!'I!GS HYDRO CAPITAL COST ALLOWAr-<CE. COL 28 I COL.29 I COL. 30 COL. 31 6% OECL. -COL 25 SH NOTE 2 ON +ICOL.29 BASED ON COL. 25 COL 23 SLWJ\RY: 1. PAYBACK BO'OR£ TAXES -CASE l -----'YEARS 2. PAYBACK AFTI:R TJ\XES -CASE 2 ____ YEARS 3. PAYBt\CK AFTER TAXES -CASE 3 ____ Y>'..ARS DiESEL :ttCPE 'IA~'tT:.L C0ST CC.S"" v ~ •• <; t.c.:~'lA.l.;::: CECl B•u".C( SA. \~S COL .12 COL 33 I CCL 34 C S: L :!5 6 %D~Cl.. !!AL. COL 26 .. COL~J-~Cl...l!l ON coL 31-cou~ 2 < CCC~34 COL 24 MICRO HYDRO STUDY FINANCIAL EVALUATION COMPUTATION SHEET PAYBACK COMPUTATIONS FIGURE 1m-3 6 v n ;o ., ., m z n 0 z (.f) c r- -1 l> z -1 (.f) I j T~.~L ~ c s:.c..,xr lUTES EO() vF YEAR 0 4 ~ • 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 ~ 16 17 l8 19 20 ~I 22 23 ~· CASE I CASE 2 CASE~ INC"E"ENTAL BEFORE TAX AFTER TAX AfTER TAX Ct.PIUL COST t.NNUAL COST ANNUAL COST ANNUAL COST HYO~O-OiESEL SAVINGS SAVINGS SAVINGS (COL.25) {COL. 26) (COL.29) {COL. 34) $'lOCO $. 1000 $. 1000 $• lOCO PRESENT VALUES DODD 0 0 2 "' ..... ..... ;:l .J <( > ,_ z "' "' .... 0:: a. SUM-lt\R'l: P.'lOJECT NAME RIVER/STREAM LOCATION DATE CASE l IRR Ci\SE 2 IRR CI\SE 3 IRR • DISCOUNT RATE \ \ \ !UI'E: lm'ER:-l,'IL M'IE OF RS"Jt:R>l IS DISCU.''::IT MTE AT 1-.'HIQI PRt-:s:E:\'I' VAUJE OF rn:Rl~2>'TAL CAPITAL CXSTS IS meAL 'ID PRJ:Sl:';T \'ALL'E Ci' !'JN;"lJAL a:6T SA VD:GS. MICRO HYDRO STUDY FINANCIAL EVALUATION COMPUTATION SHEET INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN FIGURE lZ!I-4 APPENDIX VIII RAPID FINANCIAL EVALUATION METHOD A Introduction B Method TABLES VIII-I Hydro and Diesel Generation Unit Energy Cost Comparison FIGURES VIII-I Hydro Plant Unit Energy Cost Data- Interest I 0% Vlll-2 Vill-3 Vlll-4 Diesel Plant Unit Energy Cost Data - Fuel 20 Cents/Litre -Interest I 0% Diesel Plant Unit Energy Cost Data - Fuel 30 Cents/Litre -Interest I 0% Capital Cost vs Installed Capacity APPENDIX VIII RAPID FINANCIAL EVALUATION METHOD A. INTRODUCTION This Appendix has been prepared in order to assist the user in providing a rapid financial evaluation of a hydro project consistent with the level of accuracy which would be expected of a reconnaissance level study. The user should bear in mind the limitations of the method presented in this Appendix since certain basic assumptions have had to be made in order to simplify the evaluation. The method does, however, give the user an "order of magnitude" evaluation procedure which will be useful in screening projects for ongoing investigation. B. METHOD B.l User Inputs It is assumed that the user has compiled the following basic information pi'ior to proceeding: I. Peak load and the energy demand forecast for as many years as desired. 2. The installed capacity and capi'tal cost of the hydro project. 3. The installed capacity of the first stage of an alternate diesel generation plant. 4. The price of diesel fuel at the beginning of the first year of operation, and the real price escalation rate for diesel fuel (that VIII -I is, actual long term fuel price escalation rate minus the average nationwide inflation rate). 5. An appropriate cost escalation factor covering the period from January, 1980 to the beginning of the first year of operation. B.2 Description Figures VIII-I, 2, 3 and 4 and Table VIll-I have been prepared to assist the user in the rapid determination of unit energy costs from the proposed hydro project and from an alternative new diesel generating plant. It allows the user to decide whether the cost of energy generation in the initial years of the project by a hydro or by a diesel generating plant is going to be competitive. The assumptions made m preparing the cost curves in the figures are as follows: I. Construction costs are financed at an interest rate of 14% p.a. 2. Long term debt retirement is over a period of 24 years. Short term debt retirement of diesel equipment is over a period of I 2 years. 3. No allowance is made for staged development. 4. The capital cost of the diesel installation, and the hydro and diesel plant operation and maintenance are based on January 1980 cost estimates which are included in Appendix VI. 5. The capital cost of the hydro installation is based on site investigations of this study as well as studies carried out in Newfoundland and Labrador*. *Study of Small Scale hydro for Newfoundland and Labrador. VIII -2 6. Part-time plant operators for smaller installations and full-time operators for larger installations are available at the site. The procedure consists of determining the unit energy costs for the hydro and diesel generating plants during the first 12 years of the project, and comparing the values so obtained. No account is made of capital and operating costs or salvage values which will be incurred beyond the 12-year period; the user is referred to Section 6 for detailed financial evaluation procedures which include such costs. Figure VIll-I is used to determine the unit energy costs of the hydro plant. The cost curves include debt retirement payments as well as annual operation and maintenance costs. The hydro unit energy cost so obtained must be adjusted for operation and maintenance cost escala- tion between January, 1980 and the beginning of the first year of operation. The user is referred to Table VIll-I which shows the required adjust- ment. Typical 1980 fuel cost components for diesel generation are shown on the graphs in Figure VIll-I to indicate the level at which a hydro plant can be justified on the basis of diesel fuel displacement alone. Figures Vlll-2 and 3 are used to determine the unit energy cost of a diese I pI ant. Although, in fact, only one of these curves is necessary for a rapid evaluation, Figure Vlll-3 has been included to show the sensitivity of diesel generation costs to the price of fuel. The cost curves include debt retirement payments as well as annual operation, maintenance and fuel costs. Diesel generation unit energy costs so obtained must be adjusted for price escalations between January, 1980 and the beginning of the first year of operation, and account must be made for continued real escalation of fuel costs during the first twelve years of operation. The user is referred to Table VIll-I for the adjustment calculations. VIII - 3 Figure Vlll-4 is used for an "order of magnitude" estimate of the hydro plant capital cost based on an assumed installed capacity. This graph is presented mainly for the novice who has had no experience in estima- ting hydro electric costs. The user is cautioned that the use of this graph should only be for the purpose of obtaining a range of capital costs (based on the upper and lower limits) in order to compare with the diesel costs as presented in this quick evaluation method. 8.3 Evaluation Having obtained the unit energy costs for years l, 6 and 12 of the proposed project using the figures and Table VIII-!, the user can determine whether his hydro project is competitive with a new diesel plant installation. If the cost of generating energy by hydro exceeds that of diesel by less than 50%, it is recommended the user proceed with a full financial evaluation in accordance with Section 6 of this manual. Although hydro may appear to be uneconomic on the basis of this abbreviated analysis, the long term benefits of hydro could be substantial enough to reverse the outcome. VIII - 4 TABLE VIll-I HYDRO AND DIESEL GENERATION UNIT ENERGY COST COMPARISON Installed Capacity kW ------ Cost Escalation Factor (Jan 1980 to Year I) --- (Cost Index beginning Year I) (Cost Index Jan 1980) Price of Diesel Fuel at Beginning of Year I cents/litre ---- Real Price Escalation ofF uel % per Annum ---- Hydro Installation Capital Cost Upper Limit $ ----- Energy Demand kWh X I o6 Diesel Generation Unit Energy Cost I. Jan 1980 Unit Energy Cost (Fuel @ 20¢/1) (No real escalation assumed) 2. Fuel only cost component (Fuel @ 20¢/1) 3. Difference = Capital & 0 & M Cost Component (Line I -line 2) 4. Escalated value of Capital & 0 & M Component Jan 1980 to Year I (Line 3 x escalation factor) 5. Fuel only cost component Year (Pro-rate line 2 -without fuel escalation) 6. Fuel only cost component, subsequent years (Escalate according to real fuel price escalation) 7. Unit Energy Cost, (Beginning year !-dollars) (Line 4 + line 5 or 6) VIII-5 Lower Limit$ ----- YEAR 6 12 Hydro Generation Unit Energy Cost 8. Jan 1980 Unit Energy Cost (Fig VIll-I) 9. Add 0 & M Escalation Component = 4.2 x I 0 6 x (Cost Escal. factor -I) Annua I Energy I 0. Unit Energy Costs, (Beginning year I - dollars) (Line 8 + Line 9) Upper Compare Diesel Energy Costs (Line 7) with Hydro Unit Energy Costs (Line I 0) VIII - 6 Limits Lower ~ 0 w -5 () -10 ::0 -'"'0 '"'0 /JC m z () 9~ 0 z (fJ .... c ;: 80 r-~ ---1 " l> .:::: z ~ 70 ---1 \J (fJ .._ ·.; :--g ~-~·--t or•---;---· ----,--·---·, ----~-,-~-~--r KWH/YEAR .•. ___;,;;;;; I I I i J f j I .f)"!.~ /:,;;:r~ / ~01'-Unil enerqy co.sf reduct/on r;_.,,-small capacity Hydro ins lolled /ons I GRAPH B] ( 8a5cr/ on lower operolt'ng co sf} NOTE: For :smo/1 capacify hydro insfalkdlons a,~-ply reduc:f/ons io these curves as per above Hydro plant copito/ cos! ~X 1000 D/e•sel 9.-::nerat-/on /·uel cost af 30 cc·nts/ldre 20 cPnls/ 1/fre ·:~. !;J t:){) '--c-L-:--'----c-'·-c--·'----c·"·",.---'--...J.c-·-L--~:=---'---,-J-o--'-~~----J 6 /. 6 ~ ~ '0 {' ~ \J ' ~ --r-:·-, -.--,-..,: ---r~------ I (;f:iAPW X I NOT£ : For Hydro plan! capila/1 coJ:f <: $I mill/on u::e c;raph 8 J I -- -· 1 1 Hy.c/ro pl.2rr L l cc.rp!/7/c:;~s;L 1 ! _! x . .:_oo:J 1 l ..--::-·---• I D/esef generar,or: I I rue/ cos! al I 30cenl:;/h"tre . . 2o'~~" \ "\ ,~/Iii'~ I l t%?~~~'. ,·vee••. •• ., ,•·. ~;::' IOf= ._, , ry_,__.,.,. ._. /.'-'"""·--,·"-.... -. , ~·"_.:._:_: ;;~~ ~;:;:·~~~~c~~ ~::~ ;~;:=·:':-~~ ..... ·~ ~~~~ 0 ~//c I ~-U(.,~-'-~--'-l.....~.-J......i--t-.J.~I-.J.,..---~----,! o 1 ::: 3 4 !i o 7 e Annual e-~rwrgy generated KW!t /YE/.R" ;ot> N!JTc: Ur?fl eru::>r;~y cosl Ji.•,_:/u~...l::::s :;;(_.J,u/t.:...J/ cusf r:i/ /:./ c; rt)(;/r;/,·: . .:-tJc:.;/;C'!!:: cosfs MICRO HYDRO STUDY HYDRO PLANT UNIT ENERGY COST DATA INTEREST 10% FIGURE 1llll:-1 n v n " -, , m z n 0 z (./) c ,.... ..... l> z ..... (./) 100 90~ t r --, 80, r 70!-- ~ I "( 60r--, I ~ I r:: l ~ ' \.) 50;- 1 ' I ~ \.; -'10 ,_ ~· i :::-, ' ~; ' IC: l :, .!:?~- ? 'J ~ I .:.0-:-l ' ' t- 10 L ' [•/ /. / / [GRAPH Aj '....,_ ___ . !' --- ~--r·· .i.". I •. ;· NOT£:ror smaller pkmr capacl//(';;>s us~ qre?Ph 8 lJ /esc=! plan!' inslal/cd 2000 kW ·>>:··.<~<~< ',·-. ~<< ~<·>:·>>:<<->>>>>~ 4 Annual ener9y 91Jinera/'ect xWh/ycar"' 10 5 , 100 90 ~ 70l ·.~ 601 I~ ..... .. '~50~ I ...__ I ~ ll ~40 -~:;, l. QJ ~ : I . ~ 30l. • 2ol. . JGRAPJ.I Bl c::sl -. '/0 . · · · L · "'" ' f -'r • • t ' '-' v '' ' ' • .,_' .; . ' • , '·;. • ' ' ' . "' • . '-"'-' ' ' ' • '· ' ' ' , . • . . ' . . . . r . ""-'-''-,_•., v"-\.~~'~ "~"'·"""-""·"·'---"'-,._·,.,.'~·~·. "·~~·'• • ·'"'..,'~'-.. '· .. ·.·.,_.·,".,-.".~.· .'.', •. 'I . . •. -.l..-....1 .. ___!__ .. J. _ _j_---..L__.!. .. ---L.-.....L...-· ·--' -·-· .. ---" 0./ 0.2 0-3 0.4 05 0.6 0.7 o.s 0.910 1./ 121.31415 !6 Annual energy generated AWh/yr::ar J< !0 6 NCTt:.: Vni! energy costs inc/vcte copfla! cosT(new plant) 0 6: M cos!s c:NJd lve/ costs f Ja/7 1930 prices) MICRO HYDRO STUDY -· DIESEL PLANT UNIT ENERGY COST DATA FUEL 20 CENTS/LITRE INTEREST 10.% FIGURE .'JZ!ll-2 ~~ r~o v . L 90 () :::u -""0 ""0 reo m z () 0 70 z (f) c ~ r-60 '""" l> :< z ~ '""" ::: ,_,-50 (f) \.!. ~ ;-:. ·} \). 40 ~ ,·' >- :::: 3? \ J .'--- ' r--· ~- f 20 I '-10 / ·" NoTe :For smaller plonT capac/lies u:;e '2raph B Diesel p/or,T 1175/ol/ec/ copoc/ly 6 7 . A nnua/ energy q~I?C:'raf~d k. Wh/yeor >r 10 6 ,V:JTC.· Cln;/ c..r;\?rqy costs /nc/vcte ca,or:-:.:-1 cosf(new plant) 0 c. M CCI5/:s and l'u-5'/ cosJ:-c; I Jan 1!.730 pr/ces) "-.. tj (1 ::,.. ~40 s ~ i':: 30 '-S 20 10 .. Ra179e of rue:/ only co~t C1'> 30 Ccn!s/L/Ire. ' :,') ~ ,'/ 'YJ!ikYI :~~~~~=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o.; o.z o.s ().4 0-5 o.6 o.7 o.r:, o.g 1.0 u 12 1.:; 1.4 1.5 IG Annualenerqy generated kWh/yE>Qr >< 10 15 --j_ MICRO HYDRO STUDY DIESEL PLANT UNIT ENERGY COST DATA FUEL 30 CENTS /LITRE : .INTEREST .. lO% .. _ FIGURE 1m!-3 fi v (") ;:c "'C "'C m z ("") 0 z {/) c: r- -i l> z -i {/) .0,000---- ,...._, ~.v.:.ro_ ?:: ::£. "CP:>O-~-·-~- "-' ~ ].Q,.JOO+-- (f) f-· 2'0,D'X.i_l (f) 0 u _J <t !0'):.0_. 1- J')I)O ~i c.. l,lJC~-<t 1,':.Y.:l .. l u 6,:.0;).) ___ ~,OJV~ <IQ-)0- LOW{',- ! •poo-! r ··---------__._.., K) lO 40 50 r "' " 8 HYDRO INSTALLED CAPACITY (KW) NOT£ Do not use as a 91.11de {or economic f"e-c;sib!!ily . LEGEND 6 ---Lobrad.:;'!r Study 0 ---N(:wfouna~'and Study 0---Brih:Sh Colurnb/a Study MICRO HYDRO STUDY CAPITAL COSTS PER KW vs HYDRO INSTALLED CAPACITY FIGURE 11[-4 APPENDIX IX CASE STUDY CARPENTER AND CODY CREEKS APPENDIX IX SITE INVESTIGATION -CARPENTER AND CODY CREEKS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page A. GENERAL LOCATION IX-I B. SITE DESCRIPTION IX-I c. HYDROLOGY D. POWER DEMAND AND SUPPLY IX-3 D. I Present Power Demand IX-3 D.2 Expected Power Demand and Supply IX-3 E. STRUCTURES IX-4 E. I Access IX-4 E.2 Intake IX-4 E.3 Penstock IX-5 E.4 Powerhouse IX-5 E.S Turbine/Generator IX-5 E.6 Transmission Line IX-6 F. ECONOMICS F.l Rapid Financial Evaluation IX-6 F.2 Financial Evaluation Study IX-7 F.3 Summary IX-7 G. CONCLUSION IX-8 IX-i ADDENDUM I ADDENDUM II - TABLE IX-I TABLE VIll-I LIST OF ADDENDA SITE INVESTIGATION ASSESSMENT COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE AND SUMMARY (ALTERNATIVES C I' c2 , and C3) LIST OF TABLES FLOW DURATION DATA HYDRO AND DIESEL GENERATION, UNIT ENERGY COST COMPARISON IX -ii Figure 9-1 Figure 9-2 Figure 9-3 Figure 9-4 Figure 9-4 Figure V-I Figure V -2 Figure V-3 Figure VI-I Figure Vl-2 Figure VII-I Figure Vll-2 Figure Vll-3 Figure Vll-4 Figure VIII-I Figure Vlll-2 - Figure Vlll-4 - LIST OF FIGURES Location Map Carpenter Creek Flow Duration Curve Cody Creek Flow Duration Curve Combined Flow Duration Curve Superposition of Load Duration Curves On Site Capacity Duration Curves Hydro Capacity Determination With Secondary Energy Hydro-electric Capacity Determination, Benefit Comparison Sheet I Hydro-electric Benefit Comparison Sheet 2 Diesel Plant Capital Cost Data Diesel Plant Operating Cost Data and Hydro Plant Operating Cost Data Financial Evaluation Computation Sheet Hydro With/Without Supplementary Diesel Financial Evaluation Computation Sheet Alternative (Diesel Only) System Financial Evaluation Computation Sheet Payback Computations Financial Evaluation Computation Sheet Internal Rate of Return Hydro Plant Unit Energy Cost Data -Interest I 0% Diesel Plant Unit Energy Cost Data Fuel 20 cents/litre, Interest I 0% Capital Cost per kW vs Hydro Installed Capacity IX-iii APPENDIX IX SITE INVESTIGATION -CARPENTER AND CODY CREEKS A. GENERAL LOCATION The proposed micro hydro development is at Sandon, British Columbia which is approximately IS kilometres from New Denver in the South Central port of the province. There ore several streams within a 3 kilometre radius of Sandon which have potential for micro hydro development. An existing small hydro station which utilizes flow from Carpenter and Cody Creeks is pres- ently supplying some of the power required by the Silvana Mine operation in Sandon. The existing plant equipment is very old and has reached the end of its useful life. This study will look at the possibility of using the combined flows from Carpenter and Cody Creeks to develop a new micro hydro plant to supply electricity to the Silvana Mine operation in Sandon. B. SITE DESCRIPTION Carpenter and Cody Creeks are located in the Kootenay range of the Selkirk Mountains. The town of Sandon is at an elevation of approxi- mately II 00 metres above sea level as is the powerhouse located near Sandon. The intake structures on both Carpenter and Cody Creeks would be at an approximate elevation of 1400 metres above sea level and located near the existing intake structures. Cody Creek joins Carpenter Creek at an approximate elevation of 1220 metres. The creek bed is filled with boulders and gravel is exposed on both banks of the two creeks. Access is good to both intake sites by existing roods. IX-I The proposed location of the powerhouse would be near the existing powerhouse at Sandon. The penstock would be located on or near the right-of-way of the existing penstock. C. HYDROLOGY Generation of streamflow data was necessary to produce flow duration curves for creeks in the Sandon area. This is because there is no streamflow data for Sandon Creek and only partial records for both Carpenter Creek and Cody Creek. Data to produce flow duration curves was generated using streamflow data for Redfish Creek at Gauging Station 08NJ061. Redfish Creek is located south of Sandon and has a small drainage area similar in size to the drainage areas for Carpenter, Cody and Sandon Creeks. This similarity of drainage area size is a necessary characteristic to obtain reliable generated streamflow data. Correlation of known streamflow data for Red fish Creek to that generated for Carpenter, Cody and Sandon Creeks was based on using their respective drainage area ratios. The drainage area for Carpenter Creek at a point just upstream from the confluence of Cody Creek was found to be 19.0 square kilometres. The drainage area for Cody Creek just upstream from its confluence with Carpenter Creek was 16.4 square kilometres. Sandon Creek has a drainage area of 4.1 square kilometres at a point just upstream from the confluence of White Creek. The accompanying flow duration curves and Table IX-I indicate that the finn flow for Carpenter Creek is 0.060 m 3 Is, for Cody Creek, 0.051 m 3 Is, and for Sandon Creek, 0.0 13 m 3 Is. IX-2 D. POWER DEMAND AND SUPPLY D. I Present Power Demand Presently the Silvana Mine at Sandon is serviced by diesel-electric generator sets with an installed capacity of approximately 800 kilo- watts. The installed capacity represents a peak load at the mine. Presently the mine operates on a 16 hour basis with an average load requirement of 450 kilowatts. The combined firm flow of Carpenter and Cody Creeks is 0.11 m 3/s. With an available head of 152 metres, firm power of I 18 kW can be produced. Combined firm flow from Carpenter, Cody and Sandon Creek of 0.12 m 3/s will make 130 kW of firm power available. This small additional gain in power makes development of Sandon Creek imprac- tical, since for any time of the year flow from Sandon Creek will only increase the total power by I 0 per cent. D.2 Expected Power Demand and Supply Silvana Mines has indicated that the initial future peak load for the mine will be 1200 kilowatts when the compressors used in the mining operation are converted to using hydro-electric power. Therefore, an electrical supply system should be developed considering an initial peak load requirement of 1200 kilowatts with a load factor of 0.6. A load growth rate of 1.5 per cent per annum has been assumed to account for increased mining production over the years. Because the power demand is more than can be provided by firm flow alone, it is necessary to use supplementary diesel power generation. Hydro can only provide 118 kW of firm capacity yet the load peak demands will vary from 1200 kW in year 0 up to 1715 kW in year 24. Three arbitrary hydro capacities were selected for use in the prelim- inary optimization of plant capacity as outlined in Appendix V. Figures IX-3 V-I, V -2 and V -3 show that the larger hy.dro capacity should be viable and hence the hydro system is evaluated on the basis of a hydro installed capacity of 1463 kW together with supplementary diesel capacity sufficient to meet the difference between hydro firm capacity and peak demands. The system demands and capacities are summarized as follows: Year 0 Year 12 Year 24 Demand kW 1200 1435 1715 Minimum Capacity ( 1.1 x Demand) 1320 1579 1887 Firm Hydro kW 118 118 118 Net Supplementary Diesel kW 1460 1769 In view of the fact that supplementary diesel supplies only a minor portion of the total energy for the selected hydro installation, it is not necessary to replace the diesel units in Year 12. Therefore 3 units will be installed in Year I to last 24 years: one 486 kW unit and two 640 kW units. E. STRUCTURES E.l Access The access to the micro hydro site would be by existing logging road to the intake areas and also to the powerhouse. The road from the powerhouse to the intake areas would probably have to be upgraded for access of construction equipment. The excavation for the access road would be in granular material. E.2 Intake The proposed intake structure foundations do not appear to be a problem as they will be on dense granular material. As stated in the previous paragraph, access to this site would require some improvement of the existing roads. The locations of the two intake structures (on IX-4 Carpenter and Cody Creeks) are at the locations on the creeks stated in Section C for which the drainage areas were calculated. E.3 Penstock A penstock approximately 2000 metres long will be required to run from the Carpenter Creek intake to a point approximately 350 metres up the hill from the powerhouse location. The penstock from Cody Creek intake to a junction with the Carpenter Creek penstock would be approximately 200 metres long. A high pressure penstock approxi- mately 350 metres long will be required for the last section leading down to the powerhouse, giving a total of 2550 metres of penstock. If flow from Sandon Creek was to be used, an additional 700 metres of penstock would have been required to connect to the intake on Sandon Creek. As already stated, development of Sandon Creek would not be practical, mainly because of this great length of additional penstock required. E.4 Powerhouse The powerhouse will be located near the site of the present powerhouse. This site has good foundation conditions and will only require minimal clearing of trees. E.5 Turbine/Generator As determined from Figure V -3, the installed capacity of the hydro portion of the hydro-diesel system is 1463 kW. This will operate under a head of 152 metres (net head of 144 m) with a discharge of 1.38 m 3 /s. From Figure 4-1 of Volume 2 it is apparent that a Francis, Turgo or Pelton turbine would be suitable. Based on Section 5 and Figure 4-2 of Volume 2, the following specifics have been tabulated: IX-5 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Turbine Type Francis Turgo Turgo Pelton Pelton Pelton No. of Jets 2 4 2 I Specific Speed 100 60 45 55 40 28 RPM 1200 750 550 675 490 340 Of these alternatives, the 2 jet Turgo or 4 jet Pelton would most likely be the best choices since they can be directly coupled to the generator and also provide better efficiency as a result of the multiple jets. E.6 Transmission Line The location of the transmission line has been shown on Fig. 9.1. Approximately one kilometre of transmission line would be required to the lower adit while an additional 0.6 kilometres of transmission line would be required to the upper adit of the mine. F. ECONOMICS F.l Rapid Financial Evaluation A rapid financial evaluation was done according to the procedure in Appendix VIII, Volume 2 of this study. As shown in the accompanying Table VIll-I, the unit energy costs for both the upper and lower limit hydro capital costs are very favorable when compared to the unit energy costs for the diesel alternative. A prefeasibility level study should be done to compare hydro costs to diesel alternative costs. IX-6 F .2 Financial Evaluation Study As discussed in Section D.2 the hydro installation will require supple- mentary diesel capacity to meet the load demand. The optimization procedure used to determine the hydro installed capacity resulted in the selection of a 1463 kW hydro capacity. The capital costs of the optimized hydro/diesel plant ore summarized in Addendum 11-C. Oper- ating costs are obtained from Figure Vl-2. The Hydro/Supplementary diesel system capital and operation and maintenance costs are entered into the financia I evaluation sheet, Figure VII-I. The mixed Hydro/Diesel system costs must be compared with an alternative Diesel Only system in the financial analysis. The Diesel Only system capital and operation and maintenance costs are calculated using Figures VI-I and Vl-2. The results are entered into financial evaluation sheet, Figure Vll-2. Unit energy costs are evaluated in Figures VII-I and Vll-2. Payback periods are evaluated in Figure Vll-3. Internal rates of return are evaluated in Figure Vll-4. F.3 Summary I. TOTAL CAPITAL COST ($xI 000) 2. UNIT ENERGY COST: Year I (¢/kWh) Year 24 IX-7 Hydro 2823.6 9.34 8.86 Diesel 1378 10.60 12.07 3. PAYBACK PERIODS (YEARS) a. b. c. Before Taxes (Case I) After Taxes (Case 2) After Taxes (Case 3) 4. INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN (IRR) a. b. c. G. CONCLUSION Before Taxes (Case I) After Taxes (Case 2) After Taxes (Case 3) 6 9 6 24.5% 14.0% 22.0% The preceding summary data indicates that Carpenter and Cody Creeks are viable sites for micro hydro development. A feasibility level investigation is warranted. IX-8 Redfish Creek near Harrop Stn. No. 08NJ061 Stn. No. 08NJ021 DA = 26.16 km ....... Q (m 3 /s) X 0.082 (Feb) 1.0 0.161 (Jan) 0.167 (Mar) 0.218 (Dec) 0.289 (Nov) 0.306 (Oct) 0.326 (Sep) 0.385 (Apr) 0.411 (Aug) 1.838 (Jul) 2.246 (May) 4.231 (Jun) TABLE IX-I MICRO HYDRO STUDY -CARPENTER, CODY AND SANDON CREEKS FLOW DURATION DATA Carpenter Creek Cody Creek Sandon Creek near Confluence near Confluence of near Confluence of Cody Cree~ DA:: 19.0km Carpenter Cr1ek DA = 16.4 km of White Crezk DA = 4.1 km Q (m 3 /s) Q (m 3 /s) Q (m 3 /s) 0.060 0.051 0.013 0.117 0.10 I 0.025 0.121 0.105 0.026 0.158 0.137 0.034 0.210 0.181 0.045 0.222 0.192 0.048 0.237 0.204 0.051 0.280 0.241 0.060 0.299 0.258 0.064 1.335 1.152 0.288 1.631 1.408 0.352 3.073 2.652 0.663 %of Time Equal or Exceeded 100 91.67 83.33 75.00 66.67 58.33 50.00 41.67 33.33 25.00 16.67 8.33 ADDENDUM I MICRO HYDRO STUDY SITE INVESTIGATION ASSESSMENT A. GENERALDATA I. Latitude 49° 59' tl ' Longitude Ill ll Location District Lot No. or other references 2. Elevation (m) above MSL 1100 3. Winter Conditions -Total snowfall (m) 4.1 Months of heavy snow NOV. MP.f' .. 4. Population N /A 5. Number of houses N /A Degree days October-March incl. (°C-days) Mean Daily Minimum Temperature (°C) 6. Types of industry and numbers employed rv'i!NI~&) UNKNOvJN 7. Anticipated Load Average 120 kW 1 lNI11 P)L LY Peak kW ' 1200 j 8. Present Load Average 450 kW Peak ~JJO kW II 9. Access to Site (bridge capacities, underpass heights, airfields, road standard, possibility for sea or lake access). L066-1N6-ROAD FROM FROM NEW DENVER, B.C. 10. Availability of labour (classification and source/town). UJNSIRUCTIOI'I-NELS01\l 1 B.G. OPERfr\ ION t MA!NTENtiiCE. -AT flllt--IE II. Availability of contour mapping, aerial photography, geological mapping. List maps used in the study. j·.SO,COO SCf\Lc TOP06RAPH!CAL SURVEY B. WATER AVAILABILITY CATCHMENT AREA 1. Period of streamflow records in catchment and Gauge No. M 11-J W]/1 L Period of streamflow records in nearby catchment and Gauge No. 12@ Ot N :r Dfo I 2. Period of precipitation records in catchment. 30 YEARS Period of precipitation records in nearby catchment. UNKNOWN 3. Data for flow duration Curve: Generated YES ____1_ NO (Use method set out in "Water Resources Development" by E. Kuiper, P. 30) % OF TIME EQ. OR EXCEED. 100% (Firm) 95% 50% FLOW (m3 /sec) Q. II I (1\ p ;, E } R + 0.22 \COD'{ (F[E:.KS 0.44 j COME.:/11[ D 4. Spot measured flow. ~!ONE Proposed diversion point measured flow Date of measurement ------------------ 5. Is regulation to be used? YES --- Wi II an existing structure (dam) be used 3 ____ m Estimate of storage Firm flow (using regulation) 6. Eyewitness accounts: NOHE. maximum flood levels NONE· NO~l E • minimum water levels ice formation, thickness and extent NO __ _ YES __ Dates Dates Dates NO --- 7. Existence and value of fish in the stream. UNKNOWN 8. Notes from field inspection. Water quality: NOtiE • NONE • LOW NONE.. wastes, chemicals (is there industry dumping effluent upstream) sea water contamination sand/silt content (turbidity at time of inspection) debris air temperature (°C) C. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS I. Availability of aggregate (sources). NEW DENVER, 13.(, Of< ON SlTE 2. Gradation and petrographic analysis results of aggregates (grave I and sand). NOI 1\YAILAE,LE 3. Availability of lumber (source) i) green or fresh cut ii) seasoned iii) dried 4. Availability of cement (source). HAS TC 8t rr''i'JijHl JJ'.J (NELSOt·l .3.G.) 5. Is there a concrete plant (source)? NE-LSON. f3 .(, Does it have a precasting yard? UNK}!QWN ON SITE NE-W DEU 11Sf?)3.G. NFW C t~ ~i\ir<:; S.( D. SITE SELECTION I. Diversion weir and intake: 2. a. Length of weir _.:::l:...:::O~Y'f\.!....:,_ _____________ _ b. Maximum height __ .... .=:..~..!.:.O~m~------------- c. Foundation conditions soil rock X COAPSE-GR/\YEk ------------------ d. Site description e. Access &RAVE k POADS UP TO /5/1 : G-RADE Power Canal: a. Length N/A b. Conditions soil rock c. Site Description d. Access 3. Penstock: 4. a. b. c. Length Conditions Site description d. Access T ransm iss ion Line: a. Length b. Conditions c. Site description d. Access 2550 '11 soil X CO/'IPCE (,pf'.'/EL rock DEN' E UtJDERBPIJC·H flt,fQ Jl!~~ ::_p soil f.. GPJ\VEL rock D. 5. Powerhouse: a. Foundation conditions soil X G-RAVEL NEAR 5l2RFACE rock b. Area for Switchyard AD5A( ENT To PI H c. Site Description OE:NS'-,:. I hiDF r; t'J'I)S\1 /1 ~!0 Tlf'/\BER d. Access G-oOD E yy~:---n : ! (y P ('f) D 6. Tailrace: a. Length MINI Mill- b. Conditions soil X G-Pf\V EL- rock c. Site description E. EQUIPMENT SELECTION DATA I. General Measurements: a. Tailwater elevation (above sea level) Headwater elevation (FSL) (above sea level) _ _:_11-'--o_o __ m b. -----'--=1 2=-5:=::.~ =2.=---_m c. Gross head (vertical distance between headwater level (FSL) and tailwater level) ______ m 2. Water Level Variations: a. Tailwater elevation from m to ---___ m b. Headwater elevation (FSL) from m to ---___ m 3. Mode of Operation: Will plant operate on an isolated power grid? YES_t_ NO If no, state: Frequency Hz Tension Type of existing system v ----- isolated Diesel-Electric isolated Hydro-Electric Capacity of existing system COOO kW X F. POWER AVAILABLE Design discharge Gross head Power (P) -----'1~......· ~..;;.__::::.tQ __ m 3!s (from 8.3 or 8.5) 152 (from E. I) design discharge {Q) x gross head {H) x specific weight of water x efficiency -specific weight of water = 9.8 kN/m 3 let specific weight of water x efficiency = 7 {this will assume an efficiency of 0. 71 for the entire system, i.e. all losses lumped together) P = 7QH On kW) p = 7 X • 3<0 X 152. = l4b3 kW ADDENDUM II-A C. MICRO HYDRO COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE AND SUMMARY C.l COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Working Sheet Ill) BASIC DATA Micro Hydro Site Name: (!lRPe.rn:R. AND COD'{ CREEKS (51LV!HJA MINES) Available Head (m): I --~=-----------3 ( 0.12m 3 /s CARF~Nit:RO<. Design Discharge (m /s): Q.23ALT. C) 0.11 ~"~'.3/S [OD'{ CK. Installed Power Plant Capacity (kW): 245 --~~---------- Access Roads -Length (m): USE: EX!S11"'1G= FiJCS Width (m): Type of Material: Overburden (As % of Total Length) Rock Average Ground Cross Slope (%): In 0/B (%): In Rock Power Canal -Total Length (m): NIA Average Ground Cross Slope(%): Type of Material & %of Total Length %Lined %Unlined Ice Cover No Ice Cover Gabion Weir -Average Height (m): __ 2 . ..:...5 __ _ CrestLength (m): '0+!0=15 (2WEIRS) Penstock-Length (m): 2-C 0 (O ·II vr)fs) ZOOO (0.12 rr)/?) 350 ( Q. 2 3»• :/S) Length @ less than 30% slope Length@ more than 30% slope 2550@ bO?o Transmission Line -Length (km): _.:....l....;;:.b __ _ C. I COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Cont'd) Working Sheet 112 Item Figure Number Cost Component Description Number Unit Value CIVIL WORKS COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE 1.0 ACCESS ROADS I .I EXCAVATION IN OVERBURDEN a Basic Unit Cost II -I $1m b Adjustment for Width I II - 2 Factor NIA I c Adjustment for Length II - 3 Factor d Adjusted Unit Cost 1.1 (a X b X c) $/m 1.2 EXCAVATION IN ROCK a Basic Unit Cost II - 4 $/m I b Adjustment for Width II - 5 Factor I N/A I c Adjustment for Length II - 6 Factor i d Adjusted Unit Cost 1.2 (a x b x c) $/m : i 2.0 UNLINED CANAL a Basic Excavated Volume 11-7 OR 11-8 3 m /m b Adjusted Excavated Volume II - 9 m 3 /m N/A c Basic Unit Cost of Excavation II-13 $/m d Adjustment for Length II -14 Factor e Adjusted Unit Cost 2.0 (c x d) $/m 3.0 LINED CANAL a Basic Excavated Volume 11-IOORII m3!m b Adjusted Excavated Volume II-12 3 m /m N/A c Basic Unit Cost of Excavation II-13 $1m d Adjustment for Length II -14 Factor e Adjusted Excavn. Unit Cost (c x d) $/m C. I COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Cont'd) Working Sheet 113 Item Figure Number Cost Component Description Number Unit Value CIVIL WORKS COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (CONT'D) 3.0 LINED CANAL (Cont'd) f Concrete Lining Volume 11-15 OR 16 m 3/m g Basic Concrete Lining Cost II-17 $/m N /A h Adjustment for Length II -18 Factor i Adjusted Lining Unit Cost (g X h) $/m j Adjusted Unit Cost 3.0 (e + i) $/m 4.0 HEAD WORKS 4.1 GABION WEIR i Basic Unit Cost II-19 $/m GIO.O I a I I I b Adjustment for Length II -20 Factor 1. 0 c Adjusted Unit Cost 4.1 (a x b) $/m biO.O 4.2 INTAKE STRUCTURE I l I a Total Cost 4.2 II -21 LS 14000. I (for-2.) 5.0 PENSTOCK 2.00 m Z.OOOm ~50rr. a Required Inside Pipe Diameter I II -22 mm 2..05. 300. 420. b Basic Unit Cost II -23 $/m ~4 bb. C03. c Adjust for Length II -24 Factor ; 0 co_ . '-v d Adjust for Slope II -25 Factor 1.50 i e Adjusted Unit Cost 5.0 (b X C X d) $1m "J 0. 0 (ME.l 6.0 POWERHOUSE 6.1 POWERHOUSE (CIVIL WORKS) a Total Cost 6.1 II -26 LS 3 2000. C. I COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (CONT'D) Working Sheet 114 Item Figure Number Cost Component Description Number Unit Value CIVIL WORKS COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Cont'd) 6.0 POWERHOUSE (Cont'd) ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE 6.2 POWERHOUSE (ELECT & MECH) J l a Total Cost 6.2 II -27 LS 1~0000 7.0 TRANSMISSION LINE l a Total Cost 7.0 II -28 $/km !lbOO I C.2 COST ESTIMATING SUMMARY (User Sheets) Item Unit I Number Cost Component Description Unit Quantity Cost Cost ' i l • I Access Road Through Overburden m -I - 1.2 Access Road Through Rock m I - 2. Unlined Canal m --I - 3. Lined Canal m --I 4.1 Gabion Weir m tra biD. 109'60 4.2 Intake Structure LS -14000 5. Penstocks -Slope< 30% m -- -Slope~ 30% m 2550 90. 2l<::J500 6.1 Powerhouse Civil Works i LS -~2 coo Sub Total Civi I Works Direct Costs I 2f(J.Sol 2£Cb 460 Contractor's Indirect Costs* I % , 5b 160430 ! I TOTAL CIVIL WORKS COSTS ! I 11 4b'J 10 I i I I 6.2 Powerhouse (Elect and Mech) LS -I 100 ooo I I 2_9 1 b() 7. Transmission Line km 1.6 llbOO I I ! i (s5'5 07 0 TOTAL (ITEMS I TO 7) j t I --I 8. Engineering and Management % ' 10 ~5 52.06, I":::-c:: I I .... ~ _./ ._/ ! (% of Total (Items I to 7)) I I 9. Contingencies: ' Civil Works % I 20 44(:,910 COS'360 I (%of Total Civil Works Costs) ! ! Powerhouse Elect. & Mech. % i 15 100000 Z-1000 (% of Item 6.2) Transmission Line % 20 2<Qlb0 h'(o' ! _..) :-.) (%of Item 7) l Engineering and Management (%of Item 8) % i 10 hsscc G;s s-o *Using Graph 29 C.2 COST ESTIMATING SUMMARY (Cont'd) Item Unit Number Cost Component Description Unit Quantity Cost Cost PROJECT COST IN JANUARY 1980 CANADIAN DOLLARS I <D49 I 30 I Price Escalation to Start of Construction Date 0 Cost of Interest During Construction: o.s-x 14 -:::.l% 5<34 00 Price Escalation During Construction (E.D.C.) 5% .q j_Ll 00 Cost of Interest on E.D.C. Q. 5 'i I~ -_o 1 °/o 3000d TOTAL CAPITAL COST: [ <Jr:;L'. ocol SLJPPLfrv'IEf.JTARY DiESEL /NSTALLI1TION COSTS LONG TERM CAP· COSTS (YR 0-24) -DIESEL PLANT (CURVES) FIG-YI-1) llh9 kvJ -SING--LE \.)~J\t L'Jt)t> KW SHORT TERH CAP. COS\S (YR 0-12-) -IV-IO VN liS 2-'f.-. ~Sb KvJ S~OR\ TE-RM CAP. COSTS lYR 12-24) -TwO UN 11S 2-X b40 k\t.J HYoP-O -surPL. DlESEL sYsiEM cosTs I 'JAN 19'00 ~ E<SCA L. · .$ ~ ,ood $ X/OOO I -'* 21S" I z__c;-2 .<3 : l~l 167·6-'*, ~34 4--:,o i i i 40~ ,2_ 1 LONG-\E-RM CfiP. COStS (YR 0-llJ)::: CJ54-+ 252.5--t SHORl TCK'M (f1P. CoSlS (YR 0-12) SHOR1 TERM (.f\P. COSTS ('{R 12 -2LJ)· l0T G = 139LJ.4 = 315.2.. ::::. 40:S.2 TOTAL OPERAllON 4 Mfi!NlENANCt (YR 0-12) -1/2.5 (DIESEL ENr R6 Y /T01 ALENE R G-Y::: Q.lO) 0 PER All 0 J-J t M p, 1 NT EN /1 N C E ( '( R \2-2 LJ) =--I '2 b. 3 (DIESEL ENER61' /TOTAL ENERCrY:: 0.15) COS\ -=2152.B *~ (ESU1L.I2~.6) :** ( ESU1L. t3B .9) ~ ESCALAlED IHE SAME AS FOR HYDRO ~DR110N OF sYSTEM (~EE ABOYE) ~ * ESCALf\lED lOYo ( OffvJ IS Pf~ORATED /lLSO) ADDENDUM II-B C. MICRO HYDRO COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE AND SUMMARY C. I COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Working Sheet Ill) BASIC DATA Micro Hydro Site Name: (1\F'PENTER ANJ) CODY CPEE KS ( 'SILV!lNA ~1lii\!FS) Available Head (m): 152 Design Discharge (m 3/s): () 30 vn~/S (APP'E:NTfR (K. 0.55 (ALT CzJ 0·25vn'-/5 DY U\ Installed Power Plant Capacity (kW): _.-:5_...8"-'S"'-------- Access Roads -Length (m): Width (m): Type of Material: Overburden (As % of Total Length) Rock Average Ground Cross Slope (%): In 0/B (%): In Rock Power Canal -Total Length (m): N/A Average Ground Cross Slope(%): Type of Material & % Jf Total Length %Lined %Unlined Ice Cover No Ice Cover Gabion Weir -Average Height (m): 2.5 Crest Length (m): '6+ I 0::: 10 ( 2 VI t w::) Penstock -Length (m): 200 (0.25 m 3/S) ZOOC (o .-:Cr• 3/~) 350 ( Q. 55 vr,3 I~) Length @ less than 30% slope Length@ more than 30% slope T ransm iss ion Line -Length (km): ).b C. I COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Cont'd) Working Sheet t/2 Item Figure Number Cost Component Description Number Unit Value CIVIL WORKS COST EST!MA TING PROCEDURE 1.0 ACCESS ROADS 1.1 EXCAVATION IN OVERBURDEN a Basic Unit Cost II -I $/m b Adjustment for Width 11-2 Factor N/A c Adjustment for Length II - 3 Factor ' I d Adjusted Unit Cost 1.1 (a X b X c) $/m I 1.2 EXCAVATION IN ROCK a Basic Unit Cost II - 4 $/m b Adjustment for Width II - 5 Factor N !A c Adjustment for Length II - 6 Factor d Adjusted Unit Cost 1.2 (a x b x c) $/m 2.0 UNLINED CANAL I a Basic Excavated Volume 11-7 OR 11-8 m 3 /m I b Adjusted Excavated Volume II - 9 m 3 /m N/A I c Basic Unit Cost of Excavation II -13 $/m d Adjustment for Length II -14 Factor e Adjusted Unit Cost 2.0 (c x d) $/m I 3.0 LINED CANAL I a Basic Excavated Volume 11-10 OR II m 3/m I b Adjusted Excavated Volume II -12 3 m /m N/A c Basic Unit Cost of Excavation II -13 $/m d Adjustment for Length II -14 Factor e Adjusted Excavn. Unit Cost {c x d) $/m C. I COST ESTIMATif\JG PROCEDURE (Cont'd) Working Sheet 113 Item Figure Number Cost Component Description Number Unit Value CIVIL WORKS COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (CONT'D) 3.0 LINED CANAL (Cont'd) f Concrete Lining Volume 11-15 OR 16 m 3 /m g Basic Concrete Lining Cost II -17 $/m N/A h Adjustment for Length II -18 Factor I Adjusted Lining Unit Cost (g X h) $/m j Adjusted Unit Cost 3.0 (e + i) $/m 4.0 HEADWORK$ 4.1 GABION WEIR I a Basic Unit Cost II-19 $/m ~1o.o I . l-0 i b Adjustment for Length II -20 Factor ! ' (a x b) $/m I (o!O·O c Adjusted Unit Cost 4.1 ; I ' 4.2 INTAKE STRUCTURE I ! I a Total Cost 4.2 II -21 LS I 15900 (forz.) 1 I 5.0 PENSTOCK 200w. 2000m 350 a Required Inside Pipe Diameter II -22 mm 435 4lS bli5 b Basic Unit Cost II -23 $/m ' 05. '?2.. lib. c Adjust for Length II -24 Factor o.0o d Adjust for Slope II -25 Factor !.SO I l15.0(AYE.) Adjusted Unit Cost 5.0 (b X C X d) $/m I e I I I 6.0 POWERHOUSE I 6.1 POWERHOUSE (CIVIL WORKS) I I a Total Cost 6.1 II -26 LS L __ ~.'1_~ o o _____ - C. I COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (CONT'D) Working Sheet 114 Item Figure Number Cost Component Description Number Unit Value I CIVIL WORKS COST ESTIMATING I I PROCEDURE (Cont'd) i i I 6.0 POWERHOUSE (Cont'd) ' I ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE 6.2 POWERHOUSE (ELECT & MECH) a Total Cost 6.2 II -27 LS I 2.. l2000 I I 7.0 TRANSMISSION LINE I I a Total Cost 7.0 II -28 $/km I llGOO I C.2 COST ESTIMATING SUMMARY (User Sheets) Item Unit Number Cost Component Oeser ipt ion Unit Quantity Cost Cost 1.1 Access Road Through Overburden m - 1.2 Access Road Through Rock m - 2. Unlined Canal m - 3. Lined Canal m - 4.1 Gabion Weir m 1<0 ~10. 10960 4.2 Intake Structure LS --15000 I 5. Penstocks -Slope .( 30% m -' ! -Slope~ 30% m 50 \25. '?oltl50 6.1 Powerhouse Civi I Works LS --3ll500 Sub Total Civi I Works Direct Costs 300 l30 Contractor's Indirect Costs* % 56 3001?.0 2l26l0 TOTAL CIVIL WORKS COSTS 5'3~000 1 6.2 Powerhouse (Elect and Mech) LS 2l'L000 {. Transmission Line km l.b 17&.00 2') JbD TOTAL (ITEMS I TO 7) 'o'-J ~ cc I 8. Engineering and Management % 10 • f " :.,£.V (% of Total (Items I to 7)) I 9. Contingencies: Civil Works % 20 5':33000 110000 (%of Total Civil Works Costs) Powerhouse Elect. & Mech. % IS ~0000 (% of Item 6.2) Transmission Line % 20 2.0!b0 5G30 (%of Item 7) Engineering and Management (%of Item 8) % 10 C(;;':730 *Using Graph 29 C.2 COST ESTIMATING SUMMARY (Cont'd) Item Unit Number Cost Component Description Unit Quantity Cost Cost PROJECT COST IN JANUARY 1980 CANADIAN DOLLARS Price Escalation to Start of Construction Date jl15bt:flto I 0 51000 51~00 4100 Cost of Interest During Construction: 0.5'i-14-7% Price Escalation During Construction (E.D.C.) 5"/tJ Cost of Interest on E.D.C. 0. 5 'I-. f 4 7 '/o TOTAL CAPITAL COST: SUPPLEfVIEfJTARY OlESEL INSTAlLATION COSTS LONG TERM CAp. COSTS (YR 0-24) DIESEL PLANT (CURVE B) F16YJ-I) )7(;9 kvJ -THREE Ut--JtiS Ll36 KW 1 bLIO KW SHORT TERri\ GAP. COSIS LYR 0 12-) -NO VNIIS St1oKT TERM CAP. COSTS LVR 11-24) -NO VNI1S I J?,OOCOQ I JAN 1900 I E'SCA L. I .$"~-roo $X/DOD "* 215" 2C?2 .£ 597 6lO.n "* 0 0 0 0 8VOR0 -SUPPL. DIESEL 5\'SIEM COSTS L0"-1&-IERttl (f,p, COSIS (YR 0-2LJ) SHOR'llCRM CAP. (OSlS (YR 0-!2) SHOR11ERM U\P. COSTS (YR 12 2LJ)· 1300-r l52.~r bl().t;) = 2223.6 = 0 -0 TOTAL (OS\ -=2'2.23.b OPERAliON 4 MfiiN1ENANCE (YR 0-12) ~ 01.£) (DIESEL ENERGY /TOl/\Lf-NERCrY:::: 0-4L!) OPE RAllO~ t Mf\ 1 N NANCE (YR 12 2lJ)-102.1 (D!E<:~EL ENER0Y /TOTAL ENERuY-0.53) ** (ESC/I L. 9b.6) :%* (ESU1L. 1!3.0) -if ESCALA1E.D THE Sflti\E AS FOf~ HYDRO PORliDN Of sYSTEM (SEE f\EOYE) 7 * E5CP.LAlED 10% ( Otfvl IS Pf~ORATED f\LSO) ADDENDUM II-C C. MICRO HYDRO COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE AND SUMMARY C. I COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Working Sheet ill) BASIC DATA Micro Hydro Site Name: Available Head (m): CARPE-NIE& f)ND CCDY (REEKS (51LVAMA ~J11UES) 152 Design Discharge (m3 /s): Installed Power Plant Capacity (kW): _ _._I4,_L.;. {:_:::::..,., 3::;__ ____ _ Access Roads -Length (m): Width (m): Type of Material: Overburden (As % of Total Length) Rock Average Ground Cross Slope (%): In 0/B (%): In Rock Power Canal -Total Length (m): N /A Average Ground Cross Slope(%}: Type of Material & % 'Jf Total Length %Lined %Unlined Ice Cover No Ice Cover Gabion Weir -Average Height (m): Crest Length (m): B i I C :-j ( 1/.': ! ? ~,) Penstock -Length(m): 2-oo(O(r,~'""·:;<J) 20ro (o15h:b) ~,50(1. 'rT~/~) Length @ less than 30% slope Length@ more than 30% slope Transmission Line-Length (km): j.b C. I COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (Cont'd) Working Sheet 112 Item Figure Number Cost Component Description Number Unit Value CIVIL WORKS COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE 1.0 ACCESS ROADS I. I EXCAVATION IN OVERBURDEN a Basic Unit Cost I I II -I $/m b Adjustment for Width ' II -2 Factor NIA I c Adjustment for Length ! II -3 Factor d Adjusted Unit Cost 1.1 I (a x b x c) $/m I 1.2 EXCAVATION IN ROCK I a Basic Unit Cost I II -4 $/m b Adjustment for Width I II - 5 Factor NIA Adjustment for Length i II - 6 Factor c I d Adjusted Unit Cost 1.2 I (ax b x c) $/m I i I ! I ' : 2.0 UNLINED CANAL ' 3 ' I i a Basic Excavated Volume i 11-7 OR 11-8 m /m I I 3 b Adjusted Excavated Volume I II - 9 m /m N/A I c Basic Unit Cost of Excavation I II-13 $/m I I d Adjustment for Length ' II -14 Factor I I e AdJusted Un1t Cost 2.0 i (c x d) I $/m 3.0 LINED CANAL a Basic Excavated Volume 11-10 OR II 3 m /m b Adjusted Excavated Volume II-12 m 3/m N/A c Basic Unit Cost of Excavation II-13 $/m d Adjustment for Length II -14 Factor e Adjusted Excavn. Unit Cost (c x d) $/m C. I COST ESTIMATING PHOCEDURE (Cont'd) Working Sheet 113 Item Figure Number Cost Component Description Number Unit Value CIVIL WORKS COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (CONT'D) 3.0 LINED CAhJAL (Cont'd) f Concrete Lining Volume 11-15 OR 16 3 m /m g Basic Concrete Lining Cost II-17 $/m NIA h Adjustment for Length II -18 Factor i Adjusted Lining Unit Cost (g X h) $/m J Adjusted Unit Cost 3.0 (e + i) $/m 4.0 HEADWORKS 4.1 GABION WEIR a Basic Unit Cost II-19 $/m biO.O b Adjustment for Length II -20 Factor !.C c Adjusted Unit Cost 4.1 (a x b) $/m (:/C. 0 I 4.2 INTAKE STRUCTURE I a Total Cost 4.2 II -21 LS 5.0 PENSTOCK 200r. L-CCC't'• ·; ,,1 a Required Inside Pipe Diameter II -22 mm f l50 c;;LO I b Basic Unit Cost II -23 $/m /l2A. ) ~;3. ll c Adjust for Length II -24 Factor l 0/?:S d Ad just for Slope II -25 Factor j.')O I 102.0 (A'I::.) e Adjusted Unit Cost 5.0 (b X C X d) $/m ! i I 6.0 POWERHOUSE I j 6.1 POWERHOUSE (CIVIL WORKS) a Total Cost 6.1 II -26 LS 7 go,OO _, ' ~_.. C. I COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE (CONT'D) Working Sheet tJ4 Item Figure Number Cost Component Description Number Unit Value CIVIL WORKS COST !MATING PROCEDURE (Cont'd) 6.0 POWERHOUSE (Cont'd) ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE 6.2 POWERHOUSE (ELECT & MECH) a Total Cost 6.2 II -27 LS 450000 7.0 TRANSMISSION LINE I I I i a Total Cost 7.0 II -28 $/km I 11600 C.2 COST ESTIMA Tlt'-JG SUMMARY (User Sheets) Item Unit Number Cost Component Description Unit Quantity Cost Cost I. I Access Road Through Overburden m ---- 1.2 Access Road Through Rock m --- 2. Unlined Canal m ---- 3. Lined Canal m --~---- 4.1 Gabion Weir m I~ biO. \0900 4.2 Intake Structure LS --2C1(00 5. Penstocks -Slope <30% m ---- -Slope~ 30% m 2550 \<OZ. f}(;L: \00 6.1 Powerhouse Civi I Works LS --?>CJ<:?OO Sub Total Civi I Works Direct Costs --S'35(o<20 I Contractor's Indirect Costs* % 55 535Grt0 2"/6~?.0 ' TOTAL CIVIL WORKS COSTS <(':'").,o >,no _) • ,_I 6.2 Powerhouse (Elect and Mech) LS 450 000 ! 7. Transmission Line km 1-b llGOO 2£1GC i ' TOTAL (ITEMS I TO 7) I j 01(\L: 60 8. Engineering and Management % 10 \:, 00SO (% of Total (Items I to 7)) 9. Contingencies: Civil Works % 20 030?JO l(o(JOGO I (%of Total Civi I Works Costs) Powerhouse Elect. & Mech. % IS Gl500 (%of Item 6.2) Transmission Line % 20 201b0 5( /~0 (%of Item 7) Engineering and Management (%of Item 8) % 10 1~0'30 *Using Graph 29 C.2 COST ESTIMATING SUMMARY (Cont'd) Item Unit Number Cost Component Description Unit Quantity Cost PROJECT COST 11'-l JANUARY 1980 CAt'-lADIAN DOLLARS Price Escalation to Start of Construction Date Cost of Interest During Construction: 0. 5 'Z 14-:::: I% Price Escalation During Construction (E.D.C.) 5% Cost of Interest on E. D. C. 0 5 'I-14-=--('Ia TOTAL CAPITAL COST: SUPPU':f-"lEIJTilRY DIESEL INSTALLATION COSTS LONG-TERM CAp. COSTS (YR 0-24) -DIESEL PLANT (CURVE B) f\6':ll-1) llb9 kW -TI-H\EE l>~tiS 4t\GKW) 2'/-C:JLJOKW SHORT TERM CAP. (06\S LYR 0-!Z-) -NO VNrTS SHoRt TE-RM CAP. COSTS LYR 11-24) -NO VN!1S -::fAN 1900 .$ "!000 216 597 0 0 Cost I I (')Sl 590 I 0 li9LJIO 2Ll560 4130 f-lt_"::?_oo oon J j E<SC.f\ L. I $ '1../000 I "* Z-62 .'3 6lO.~-'* 0 0 HYDRO -SUPPL. DIESEL SYSTEM COSTS LONG-TE-RM C/IP.COSTS (YR0-2"1)-\Soot ~HOf?TlU~fVI Ci1P. LOSlS (Yf~ 0-12) SHOR11ERM (f\P. Co s (\"R 12 2/J) .'(li (Jl0.0 = 2C023.b ::: 0 ToTAL COS1 OPERAltON-+ MAINlENf\NCt (YR 0 12) -13. b (DIESEL ENERGY /101ALENERG-Y-0.29) 0 PERin 10}-.,1 + Mf\ l N TE NANCE ( YR 12 -1LJ):: CC33.5' (DIEC..,EL ENER6Y /10TAL ENERCrY-0.35) (ESCAL. 1()0 :'!¥* (fSUlL. 9l.CO) -if ESCALA1ED IHE SAME AS FOR HYDRO P0R110N OF sYSTEM (SEE f\E~OYE) ~, * ESCALAIED IO% ( 0ffvj IS PRORATED /\LSO) TABLE VIII-I HYDRO AND DIESEL GENERATION UNIT ENERGY COST COMPARISON Installed Capacity l4-b3 kW Cost Escalation Factor (Jan 1980 to Year I) ). ; + (Cost Index beginning Year I) (Cost Index Jan 1980) Price of Diesel Fuel at Beginning of Year I --=2=0"'---cents/litre Real Price Escalation of Fuel 1. 5 % per Annum/ Hydro Installation Capital Cost Upper Limit $ ).g IJ'i)LLI/I~Lower Limit$ 15 {'111LLIQ~{ YEAR 6 12 Energy Demand kWh x I 0 6 (~W LOA 0 GRO 'NTH ~ CO~l01DERSD 1 L.F-:::.-O.lO 8.9ll 9. 9l/ o.~~-u Diesel Generation Unit Energz Cost I • Jan 1980 Unit Energy Cost (Fuel @ 20¢/1) (No real escalation assumed) 9.5 9.5 9.5 2. Fuel only cost component (Fuel@ 20¢/1) ~.o (,.() b.O 3. Difference = Capital & 0 & M Cost Component (Line I -line 2) 3.s-'3.:) 3.5 4. Escalated value of Capital & 0 & M Component Jan 1980 to Year I 4·0 LL.o 4.0 (line 3 x escalation factor) 5. Fuel only cost component Year I b.o (Pro-rate line 2)(without fuel escalation) b.O b.o 6. Fuel only cost component, subsequent years (escalate according to real b,O (c;c 1.) fuel price escalation) •,) 7. Unit Energy Cost, (beginning year I dollars) ID. o (Line 4 + line 5 or 6) 10·5 II ·I Hz:dro Generation Unit Energz: Cost U1212er 8. 9. I 0. Jan 1980 Unit Energy Cost (Fig VIll-I) b.O Add 0 & M Escalation Component = 4.2 x 10 6 x (Cost Escal. factor -I) 0.07 Annual Energy Unit Energy Costs, (beginning year l 0, l dollars) (Line 8 + Line 9) Compare Diesel Energy Costs (Line 7) with Hydro Unit Energy Costs (Line I 0) Limits Lower 0 ()7 5.[ fl. v n ;:lj "'0 "'0 m z n 0 z (J') c I -l l> z -l (J') N 1 .J•L ~~:- ' 6 (S -o ..of:.....::: ~.<z...o~ .... \ c:::>C> ~.,-s -::."--. ('>_.. \...... --------- "" ~'\ ~ \\ \\ Upperm/ne oO'// r Carpt?n7er Creek. ln!ok..e !Present and proposed) I (!~Present Intake /onk.S 1' -~lnraA:e \ (Presentcmd prop:;osed) \ 0 c "Q LEGEND ----,.<;ccess Roads -----Penstock ----" ---Transmission Line MICRO HYDRO STUDY CARPENTER AND CODY CREEKS DEVELOPMENT LOCATION MAP FIGURE 9-1 ~ ·v (") :::l:i "'C "'C m z (") 0 z IJ) c: r ....; l> z ....; IJ) 2.0 18 !----1-'---'--' -.-+---r-----t--+- 1.6 -,-t--,.- ~ \) 1.2 ~ (j -l::: \l -~ () 100 90 130 70 60 50 40 30 PercenT or time eqva//ec:t or exceeded MICRO HYDRO STUDY CARPENTER CREEK FLOW DURATION CURVE FIGURE 9-2 fl 'f.1 n ::0 2.2 -"'0 "'0 m z 2.0 n 0 z /.!3 IJI c r-_, /.G l> (J z ~ _, ~ /.4 IJI .., t \J /. 2 ~ t -..1::: \j /.0 -~ G 0.8 0.6 0-4 0-2 T --r~-~f=-~ .r-;~T-F=:1:=-~r··:~r :i~~F---P=T~'--;---:~-EfJ l '-I '-I' ·1 ·_·•cl·i·l, L;··-1 --l_-r·'. I: 1_ 1 • ·: 1-,-1 .·1 H=--:--.. j : :--'--f-l-l : I , . : : • ; I 1 , : I I ;~J-· l··· i. : i .. .. : I ~--1--+--;-h-+-i . J .. J i )-,----r-1--:t -j~ j .. j.:.~(_ ;.L:--.J _ _:_~-~-1--~---11 I I ' ' : ' ' I . I ' ; I . 1 -' : '" r • 1 1 - 1 ; + -· I I · ! i 1 ~ : -· · 1 • -: -: i--·-: : --! --l f-.---'-~-+~-~---------r------L~-r r-~--·~---+--~ ·: ---;---·-----~-----~ U =f~-1 -~=t-~ 1.~-l _:j ~=L~~- 1 I I j t I I I -1 I I . -1 ·j I : . j . ~ l ' I 1 1 i ' . i I -----r-+--+----:--~ '--\-"--------4-~ ~--~· --~-~~ ---r-1 ---! -r --1 ·-1 --1 • l··J ---J.-. 1-' : --1---: -' .1 --L--t -1-- bjl _ 1 _ 1 . i . 1-H. . 1 : __ 1 _ 1 !~ __ :--r=·-~--:-~~H _ : . _. __ 1 ----+----r--:--r~ ---+-'_.).1 ---\--Y--1--f -tl -----j-~;---~ --1 ~ -j-J ---t: .•. I -; I . I . j . . ' I . I i I : u ' I . I . I .. I If~ H-__ ·r-~r--1-:1 -~-~-11~_,-::-T·--~~-! ··!--+~~~~ I I I I ' I ' I I I I ' ' ~----;--l---~-t--;-, ~--;---1-,--~--~-----~---_J __ i t I 1 • • • I --1 u l . I ---j 1 -. • I . • ·--1 -·-I -I l~ I I I I I I I t I -I I I ' ·-·-1-I I ' I I I I l . I I ' -r-' ' I I I ! ' I I .; . ' ' u • •• i i u I 1 u i j • u 1 u i .. I f---r........,.--~ I . .l-·-----r--·-;--+-:-·+-~~--,--'----L---i ··-,._ ;-~--·-~ ~ . I . I ; l . • 1 1 I . I : ! ; . i . I . ! . • l . J. . I . . I ~-i I I ' i ~ 1 --'i I I . ~1~-. ---~~-~-_L_ ________ ~--c·+ 7 1-1 : 1 -~ -· ~ I . J _:__ i : ~ . 1-·-:-~ i : : .. : . i :-i --· ;.............;-~--;.· --'-~---------___ , ---T----'----'-·--·--1 1 ---t·· :_II···: ll.; l ·;-h ~I ~--! .. Jl i-i ' i . l . j : I .. ; . 1 . i : j .. : . i --. : ; . : I ~~~-~--~~-~~-;~~. --+-------r-~~--+-~~ r.l-r ! , ~ u. ~ ;_ .. L "-) -~-. -l ~--j . :._· . I ._ ~--._ ; _ .. _ i. _ .• : . I .. i _____ i ···--_- 1 >---:-. : -~-r~--l---f---1-~· -. 1 . , 1 • 1 1 1 : ---·----·--,-.-, :· . ~ . ! ... t ; I C j -r I d-. l --I ·-1 . ~ ·-; . 1 I .. ! . + . j ; . l . ' . 1 L.....~: -,-~~-~-:··~---~-~~-;--:----r--1 -:·--+-1···:----r-1 • u : i ·-I ! -· ! : i -I u: I "I . ! . i i : . ! i . ! . I ! i -~ :-:--; --l --i --~--ki~_t_l ~l ~j ..::_L~.L :~ -1~ --~r-~J~j ; 1 I I I : ! I : 1 • I , . . . I L : ++' : : -;-[·rf _1_· -~ -~J=~t~:i_~~-;~:.J~~-,..i ~~ l I . l I ' i I l . ' I i ! ! ' i : ! : j . I . ! I i L:_~-1 · r ~j-~_::L~~~~---J_'_,~~_-1 1 .. , -c-+ · 1 -~ --1 MICRO HYDRO STUDY CODY CREEK FLOW DURATION CURVE IO.:J 30 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Percent o;f !/me e9u.:?//ect or exceeded FIGURE 9-3 17\i u ("') ::0 "'0 "'0 m z ("') 0 z (/') c r--; l> z -1 (/') Ill i:' tl " v ·'2 (;) Percenf of time equalled or e-xceeded MICRO HYDRO STUDY CARPENTER AND CODY CREEKS COMBINED FLOW DURATION CUR\IE FIGURE 9-4 fi u ("') ::a -"0 "0 m z ("') 0 z (f) c r- -1 l> z -1 (f) .. J '"' ~ e' l:l -.(: u .'_2 Cl Percenf of' lime. equalled or exceeded ' .. ~-6 ~ -x c ).. ..._ ., 1.> 851.2 l:l Q. l:l '-.1 ...__,,,~ ...... I l ,_ ,_ ... ,-,~-~.'.:JI/~_;;;'/,::::·.~::;_':~ LoQd 0% Lood ~6 Fnd of Peak = 1200kW Fnd of year 12: P:;:a k d:2rnor.d = 143 5 k ;~· End of' Yt'ar 24: Peak demand= 1715 kli I em Z 466032 A Wh MICRO HYDRO STUDY CARPENTER AND CODY CREEKS COMBir\ED FLOW DURATION OJRVE FIGURE S-4 ~ ·o ("') ::0 '"0 '"0 m z ("') 0 z (/1 c r- -i l> z -i (/1 -~-,-.--~-w--:~-E~=~~-----------, nJr.!rl. o_,..,,~.,.,,.....JIILi'C:J:Sr.::. ln'Y!WII f.'.N'l7...._ uz.-n .., I'C"ovuo a ~ 111'1'".JIIt.-l'N:,"t:J.;ULOIII'fi(T'Y"l.. J:l,.!S-rc...t~ a-re-.:.:..ov-~._, a-.-.. 1 ~ ("''W;J Ul(.l'1'l 1 IJol:'lll.."t~~CU;.,._c;£:",,• ir""":ft~_;!;'..t.;._y-{m:-.»C.'l:-~,)lm:. ,.,....:"l,.:"<..o• ""'). a:J,. ~ ~ '' Doc-~"'~w...,.,:;,.-... .o.......o..!.......c1 r~..r:"'" I, 01. a ~ ;Ki. :1 ~--"'1-01<-"""·-~>C::, LV:-!.>' p,;R' V.\. ('tl... lJ ...:l l.l ~ __ •.::;;,-""-•I t • I" CL= "''l· :,..~.:~ N':"'.ll 'Dol.. .... 'J". ····: ,..--,_~ 1'1.J.T.:' ;.. =~ ,,_~L:~ Jo.o.;•-: .o,_,;"'!M-'\~.....,. a~ M-""':::> I'"~ tt.·_IC_-.,.,..R, o.I-IOC'Tf'L 'tl*>~-::1~ rn r WEl.KlY LOAD CURVl:. ,.. Qr ,,,..,., Y£,AR 0 "'" = 0 .,, .:.">f 1.~ rzc•lt'dcd WLE"Kl. Y LOAD DURATION .C.:UR\1£ ~ ~ 100 "0 % cr ,,,_. Y£AGl IZ (..AP.ACITY 0/...IRA(ION D~.-,.,1!'0 ;,;p,...., rJ.t>w <c*'-'(-''<;11"7 \ .~, ~_;'::!; ~!~";;!::!'!. r '<2"! __ !::?.:__. SUioiMARY (ncr~y (Arec vrtdf'r lccd Du•OhOI"' C,.,,.,) [r>trtjy{A.•eo u•Hitr Stt<' Copcc•l:t ond lt>O~ Dutot.of'l Cur•••) D•tltl [l'"t9l" tG) -® • Shod•.:! 01•!! for coyat•'J Cs.) r.,d I (f'lt:HJJ a Cnn"lf's'o"' h1tt:t/kWn) _,--~-- ~~ ····· .. -1l-~£,/ ~-~ 7/ ~~:~·--·--tz~· ----~-~ ___ _ ..... 1R l_~ NXJ ..• . ""-"" ~.."'r ~-~ Lo,.ao CUI'....'vE ""'/ ... Pr f1,.,. Y~,AR ;?<II Co"' s fr'v<: I L·.• ·""£~' I ~r~ co ..!!t> .. .,t,..:;r ...,.~:.-, ,.., ..... }, or !,1'1"J;e fl!'~<.:ll'rd•d LOAD v~ f"'fa'C fOr'" ;:,.,..,-,..,.// p. c :!.1('1/.~-,,.~ "f J ----·--- ---- ~ :----r ------ \; ...--M,n ~ trtll #-f •QI 3\_j-~a-~~~~~:-<-'f a 12 YII!IIPI' LCAD GROWTH C~~~I !:2::___E-'::~ ~1' !!2.~~--C_I_J_~y_~ _ __J MICRO HYDRO STUDY HYDRO CAPACITY DETERMINATION WITH SECONDARY ENERGY ,, 'Jca.s b .~46 3 l '.i FIGURE .,.. fl \:1 n :::0 "'C "'C m z ("') 0 z (f) c ;- -l ~ z -l (f) END OF "''EAR COL I ~ 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 t. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1S. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. L---- TOTAL ENERGY 5 II.WI'\ I 10 COL. 2 6. 402 6.498 6.595 6.694 6.795 6.897 7. 000 7. 105 7. 212 7. 320 7.430 7. 541 7. 654 ?. 769 7.335 3. 004 s. 124 3.246 S.369 -S. 4?5 8. 622 8. 752 3. 833 9. 016 PROJECT N A~E _Sjt,_V~J..il\~"llN.ES __ _ RIVER ISTRE A'-4 _(.8RJ'£J'D E.fl_(QQI ..CREEKS LOCATION _.q'l•5_::t___II.J~L- DATE _1'!1AK_CJ:ij_9a_g __ _ CAPITAL a OPERATING COSTS -HYDRO/DIESEL SYSTEM HYDRO CAPACITY cl HYDRO CAPACITY Cz HYDRO CAPACITY cl CAPITAL 0 s .. FUEL ANNUAL CAP1TAL 0 s .. F U(L -ANNUAL CAPITAL 0 " .. FUEL AN,..UAL COST HYDRO 6 OPERATING COST HYDRO ~ OPERATING COST HYDRO a. OPERATING DIESEL llo DIESEL COSTS DIESEL e. OIESE L HYDRO $/YR. $/YR. $/YR. HYDRO $/YR. f----· COL. 3 CQ. o4 COL~ COL. 5 COL.7 cOL. a COL.' 1769. 60 222j. 60 tz3:so 259:--34 383:"!4 96:""60 15"()."01 123.80 269.50 393.30 96. 60 158.53 123.80 279. 90 403. 70 96. 60 167.27 123.80 2'30. 56 ;j 14. 36 96.60 176.23 123.80 301. 4 7 425.· 27 96.60 1S5 .. 43 123.80 312. 65 436.45 96:60 194 .. 87 123. 80 324. 0'3 447.89 '36. 60 2C~.54 123.801335.81 459. 61 96.60 214. 4 7 123.80 347.80 4 71. 60 '36. 60 2 2 ·\. 6·1 12'3. 81]' 360.03 483.88 96. 60 2:C5.07 123. 80 372.65 ·1%. 45 96. 60 245.77 483.20 123. so 385. 51 509. 31 o.oo 96. 60 226.73 13:3. 30 -100. 15 539.05 113. 00 2E3. 43 1 :n. 9o ~ 15. 13 554. 03 113. 00 2t2.45 138. 90 430. 42-569.38 113. 00 2':5.31 13:3. 90 446. 19 535.09 113.00 3( 9. 50 138. S'O 462.27 601. 17 113. co 323.53 138. 90 478.74 617. 64 113. 00 3:07 •. 92 138. 90 495.60 634.50 113. 00 3~2.67 138. 90 512. 86 65 t. 76 113. 00 3f?. 78 138. 'JO 5.30.52 663.42 113. 00 383.26 13:3. 90 54:3. 5'3 687.49 113. 00 3':C"'J. 13 138. '30 567.09 705. 99 113. 00 415. 3'3 138. 90 586. 03 724.93 113. 00 432.05 *FOR .ALTE:.R.r·H111VE:S C'-(1-{D C.3 , INI\i11L SUPPLE.ME.NIAR'{ DIESE.L 1NSTI1LL£D (.MAC.I11E:S ARE. SUFFIC.IEtJI FOR LOADS 10 YEAR 24 NO PEPLACEME.N\ I'S ~E:EDED IN ~Et'IR \2 SlfH.E. DIESEL LOf\0 IS A SMALL PROP0\?1101-j Or 1"0\AL LOAD COSTS 01[ SEL ~ DIESEL COSTS $/YR. HYDRO $/YR $/YR. $/YR. COL. 10 COL. II COL. 12 COL. 13 COL I 4 ~8.Z3. 6C '24"b. b"t eo: ··.HJ !C"4:24 I ES: 14 225. 13 80.'90 103.43 190. 33 263.8? E0.90 114. 76 1 '05. 66 272. 83 E0.90 1ZJ. 22 2G l. 12 282.03 60.90 1£:5.82 2C s. 72 2':1.4? 60.90 13!. 56 212. 46 301. 14 £0.90 1:; 7. 4 :s 21 s. 35 311. 07 EO.. 30 14 3. 49 22 4. 38 321. 24 E0.90 14'1. 66 2::0 .. 56 331. 6 7 50.90 155. '39 2:2 6. 89 342. 37 50.90 1 E 2. 49 24 ). 39 3~3. 33 o.oo E0.90 169. 14 2~0. 04 3:02. 43 91. 80 1 ;:..;.-13 26 9. 9 3 3C:::J.45 5'1. 80 157. 36 273. 16 4('3.81 91. 30 1 ':?"i. 82 2E 3. 62 422.50 91.80 2(6. 52 2SS. 32 426. 53 S I. 30 216. 4 7 3C 3. 27 4~0.92 s I. 80 226.63 313. 48 4 f 5. 6 7 S I. 80 2:; ?. 14 32:3. 94 480. 78 91. so 247.8S 3::9. 66 4':'6. 26 <:1.80 2~'3.85 3:C0.65 51.?.13 91 •. so 271). 12 3E 1. 92 5£::3 .. 39 S' !. so 281.66,373.46 545.05 91.80 2'=3.49 3E5.29 MICRO HYDRO STUDY HYDROELECTRIC CAPACITY DETERMINATION BENEFIT COMPARISON SHEET I ·- 2 .. COLI~ --------' FIGURE "'2:-2 a ·-r WI n :2J "0 "0 m z n 0 z (/') c ,... -1 l> z -1 (/') [NO OF YEAR 0. !. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1!. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. PRESENT VALUE. PROJECT NAME 5tL'UI~8_/1.1Nf:.!> __ _ RIVER/STREAM _CAS ~~.It..R.. C.OD'L CREEK';> LOCATION _49~5-:L _jfl~L--DIESEL-HYDRO/DIESEL INCREMENTAL BENEFIT COMPARISON $"I 000 r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~OATE ~~KUct ~~BQ __ _ INCREMENTAL CAPITAL COSTS B ANNUAL SAVINGS APTER DEPRECIATION ALLOWANCE B TAXES INCREtrr.o1fNT A L CAPITAL COST COL 7-COL.3 COL. I~ 4:54.00 -4E3.20 3:53. 71 HYDRO CAPACITY c 2 WITH STANDBY OVER HYDRO CAPACITY C1 WITH STANDBY INCHE ... ENTAL DEPR.l ANNUAL COST AFTER TAX ALLOw'ANC( SAYING BEFOHE ANNUAL COST • TAX SAYING COL 16 • COL.I7 COL 10-COL 6 -------2 COL. 16 COL. 17 COL I 8 17'9.43 136.53 158. OL 179. 09 128. I? 1:58.63 :5.73 139. 84 72. 7':1 :5.38 141.53 73.46 5.06 143. 24 74. IS 4. 76 144. 98 74.8? 4.47 146.75 75. 61 4.20 148.54 76. 37 3.95 1 :o. 36 77. !6 J. 71 1:2. 21 77.96 3. 4'1 154. 08 78.79 3. 28 1 :s. 99 79.64 -25. 91 1:6. 62 65.36 -2 4. 35 1:3.58 67 0 12 -22. 90 IE 0. 57 E8. 84 -2 [. 52 162. 59 70. 54 -2 0. 23 164. 6.J. 72. 21 -19. 02 1£6. 72 73. 8:5 -!? 0 87 lt 8. 83 75.48 -16. 80 170. 93 77. 09 -1 s. 79 173. !5 78. 68 -14. 84 175. 36 80.26 -13. '36 17?. 61 81. 33 -13. 12 179.88. 63. 38 738. 16 PV COST SAVINGS. PV COL. 16 I I ~[~ENTAL CAPITAL COSfS ::::: -p--y(oll5 = z 'Q'j • HYDI<l CAPITAL CDS!' cx:MPCNENf IS Dt:PR!'.X:IATED CNER 2 YEARS, 50% Prn YEAR. SUPPU~J-NTARY DIESEL CAPITAL Cl:'6T CXMPCNlNf IS D£P HEX:I.ATlll ()V} R P fDJ E:CT LIFE Nf 6% PEH Y !:'.P.R Cl'l DI:JJ.H/ltJ:.; BAIP.tU. INCREMENTAL CAPITAL COST COL 11-COL 7 COL 19 6CO.OO: 0.00 6CO. OG HYDRO CAPACITY C:5 WITH STANDBY OVER HYDRO CAPACITY c 2 WITH STANDBY INCRE~ENTAL DEPR. ALLOWANCE * COL 20 300.00 300.00 o.oo o. 00 o.oo 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 o. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 o. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ANNUAL COST S AIJI N G BEFORE TA< COL.I4-COL 10 COL 21 t>r:'47 64.79 68.21 71. 71 75.31 79. 01 62.80 £6.69 5-0. 68 '34. 78 5-8.98 1C3.29 112. 50 11 E,. 30 !:CO. 19 124. 17 1 ":' 0 ") ~ L..W•Lb 132. 44 1:06.73 141.12' 14 5. 61 1 :so. 21 1::-L 93 1:5 9. 75 AFTER TAX ANNUAL COST SAVING COL 20 "+COL 21 2 COL 2 2 180.74 182.40 34. 11 35.86 37.66 39. 51 4 t'. 40 43.35 45. 34 47.39 49. 49 51. 65 56.25 58. 15 60. 10 62.09 64. 13 66.22 68.37 70.56 72.81 75. 11 77. 4 7 79.83 612.45 NOTe: In 1Hi? Si AGE. H'<0RO SYSTEM (.':> WAS CHOSEN AU0~01iJCr lo !HE. STiPULf\TIOf.JS ON FiGURE. 'I-1 NOTE I. USE 10% DISCOUNT RATE UNLESS BETTER INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR CALCULATING PRESENT VALUE. 2. USE CURRENT DEPRECIATION ALLOWANC! RULES IF DIFFERENT FROM ASSUMPTIONS OF COLUMNS 16 a 20. PV COST. SAVINGS =~COL. 2_~ =I 0 I PV INCREME.NTAL CAPITAL COSTS PV COL. I 9 1. 2_ MICRO HYDRO STUDY HYDROELECTRIC CAPACITY DETERMINATION BENEFIT COMPARISON SHEET 2 FIGURE 1l-3 ff\ v (") ;:o "'0 "'0 m z (") 0 z (/) c r- -1 l> z -1 (/) CAPITAL CO'ST ~!STIMATI!:-DII!:Sa -"LTERNJ'.TE 5Tl!.P 1. 'SL'L£CT INS'Y.ALL£0 CAP,.CITY ST.AG£3 A.PP;;fOPRJA.1'~ TO PROJt.CTED LOAD GROWTH Crz• 1'otcl l"nlnirnurtt uutatl•d CO~tfy !Ji,e.a,.. FZ •U•~or,q d<=a- • _j:;._1;;;>_ --- C;u"' 70 tel tnd">!!Tiu,... In i ra/l~d Co;:><:Kd!.f ytror 24 ~or l. 4 d<t,...,and ___ l'0£37 :JT~PZ" :5EL!:CT cn:SeL Gt::N£RATOR UNIT CONFtCJ'URA.TIONS• TYPIC.A.t. !-#OTO!it/6ENEF<IA.T0.q i,.,'Nii CONF•6URAT'K'>N.S -~---·-----,--.. ~---- "'T CAPACITY 50-.JOO /tiW ~·IO<-"'XJ•w ~~.} ;:;;:;cdy} '"C~-~2. ;ooo-UXX>.t: w or~~u yencrar;oi"Y .,.,,,,- 1519 .... J.n•l'olf«d CC;;>OC.•'!J" oF Vnt!;,. 6, lnd~/ Jn~toll!::,r',on ln~f.ollt:d CO~ II !I ol' '-'nd;j oY r«t::>-'?tr<l/""~nf !I>'"' or f1' __ ttC~J-*"" • ff' ~""•'"~~ p/•nf o' :s'nr. ~r.n oJ.;'-••~' r"<<t:,;;>·~C~-,.~~nr ,ntr./-.-ui:J to .5....,11' ~117-'""'.) llrtt5AD'"" o/ .-~.,."1,...,9 IT'>Or<:;:::>r' g•nttrarvr ur>1f$ ~ t ~ ~ .... § " ~ 0: ~ IT OJECT NAYE rvE'liSTREAU OCATION ATE ..-------------------------------~-----~---·--- :!JT~P ~,' OOT~!N CO$T OF DlrSt::L PLANT FPC;.411 GRAPH "il::r-1 AND ESC,io,LAT£ CO$TS • .AOD tNTC.R;t.:JT [)U~:IV(; CCJNSTRUCTION TV "'Rf?f'¥1: .i4.T CAPITAl.. COST CND OF YI!!:AR 0 TOTAL C.~JP:f..CITY .\W MICRO HYDRO STUDY DIESEL PLANT CAPITAL COST DATA FIGURE llJ-l fi u (') ~ "'0 "'0 m z (') 0 z (/') c r- -1 l> z -1 (/') ALTERNATIVE DIESEL PLANT PROJECT NAME RIVER/STREAM LOCATION DATE ,-· _ _j ---- 11 ElS CJi _L<;;'2'{2 .. FUEL COSTS= kWh/YEAR • CONSUMPTION FACTOR x FUEL PRICE YEAR 0 x REAL PRICE ESCALATION FACTOR ~ ...,. "' w "' t: .J z 0 >- 0.. ::;, :::> "' ~ (.) [NO OF' YEAR kWh/YEAR • 106 CONSJf.F'T ION FACTOR Fl£L PRICE ESCALATED I (, -'102-o.-~o I t v ll 1541 ' J { I y ZA 901& '---···-·-----·- 100 200 300 400 ~00 €00 700 INS TAL LED CAPACITY kW Ttl' IOI.U.:r 20 Clm'S/Lrrn!: y CENTS/LITRE u;.oo I ~ 135b I I ~ 1'Q.fl CAPACITY> 500 kW 0. 3 LITRES/ kWh ~ f'RlCE ~TlGI FN..~ 1..S TH:£ CJ.:l-'J:u.H:> AAtt 9'Y "*illf CJn'SEt.. nlEL OlSl'S AM: ~ ro ~ 7'H£ A\/DV..::L AA!'e cr INnA'TlCii~ IT ~a.l f'JrrCI'OR • R ~ !U:l. PRIO::: n~ • mnA.."'""ftl'l 'PA...,~ +Jl. TYPIDJ.. l..CtG ~ """'-'l...J:S f"<.:R RAn:. l&,\ PA~ ().5 Cl? .:r>tH l!:'BO). ANNUAl. FUf:l COST $ 11000 -~04.11 I { 532 .9l I v 161169 tm"!:~: OPERATING 8 MAINTENANCE COSTS EXCLUDING FUEL(JAN. 1980 CAN_ $1 " ~I 0 ., "' z <1: -, 1- (J) 0 (.) .J <1: ::> 2 z <1: S<._H~'"'trt (lf' 0 ' H a.:STS HYtro r;;;;.-;.;c;v-;;;:;---;c;"''~--;,,."--~ ... ..-."·~---,~ \4b3Jo< jll(:,3"" llbb lo< l-Ib(, "' 13 G --15-l9~ 1%1 ):>< 141.0 PLANT ffiS .;>ra \ .. / ~' --"' <:: ~ .~ 15~-0 l. a:xJ1"S lN:::!lJ'CE-I.AEO.JR, ":'RA.tGT~TI.c!'l, lL"RRIC'A..""'JN'.; OTIS, ¥.1~ l'nJ ~ OJE:?.!WJl.S. ~i.'D\0 NoD ~},"'.S'TRA.."'"1Ctl l~ 1'U\ or:r:;;r:r.. Pl.A.vr U::.:::o ro P~oc SL"PI:"l...!~..AR:t n.:::::R..~ );>FO-AAI'£ TH£ ca;r o~_::cr ~ HY'DR:) " o~ ~ ro 'fHE P!UGC"~ (F ~JIJ... L~ SU'F"....!E!) BY EJ'Oi. 3.. IAl.'C:UR OJS":'S fOR~ PT..JI...."l!' ~ PAJC" ~ ('F~~ IS AV"'-rv.Il!.E 1-.5 N:EI:f$.:~ .. .c. ~ A.."""P'E:'~I.X VI S..~Qi 1'. MICRO HYDRO STUDY DIESEL PLANT OPERATING COST DATA HYDRO PLANT OPERATING COST DATA FIGURE 1Z!-2 A u n ::0 "'0 "'0 m z n 0 z (/') c r- -f l> z -f (f) _ ' ... '1. l-f'-1 \Jo.-/ '--.._,. COMPUTATION OF TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS AND UNIT ENERGY COSTS $xl000 PROJECT NAME RIVER/ STREAM LOCATION SU .. i'flsP~ /o':sE .,-.,B- -_cM<.rcc.,,l<,._ 0 (I''\' ("~"~r'', _t-3'.5'7_ 117'17'_ .. Etl:> GF YEAR lOT .:.L ENERGY (HYDRO ONLY SYSTEM OR HYDRO SYSTEM WITH SUPPLEMENTARY DIESEL) USE THIS TABLE WHEN HYDRO FIRM CAPACITY< PEAK DEMAND LONG TERM CAPITAL EX ?EN~ITUA E Sr<ORT T[RM ILC~~G TERM CAPI~AL DEBT (XPU<~•ITURE Rf_ r IREM [NT ShORT TERM CE BT RETIRE~ENT FUEL 0 8 M COVBI~EO HYDRO/O.[SQ TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS UNIT ENERGY COST DATE ___ f\Vi\(r/ l9Zu ___ • USE THIS TABLE WHEN HYDRO FIRM CAPACITY >PEAK DEMAN:) --------- CAPITAL DEBT o a" TCTAL LJf-.I.T COST RET 1REMC:NT t.r. •, .. .'AL ( •, ~ R ;::.y C031S CC'~ T CENTS/kWh C~~TS/.Yit. COL. I COL 2 ·=1. .:::.::_: :::. c.1:1 .. ~ C• ':. o. '='• c. ..;, '· . ~ ·'· ':. '=·· '=·· ...... ',-,:::: :1. ~: ..... ': ~ :: :S ! ~. :. ~ ·:·. .. : .. ·=· ·:. -. ::-::• 2!. :·. r_ ..:...:.. ~~ :· ·=· ..:.. , . .:, ·~· 1 6 COL. 3 I COL. 4 0. C:1:1 o.oo "t ~ ~; • ~ i I ~ 1 ~·. ! '~I -1 ;. ~;. 1•=1 ~ 1 ~:. 1•:1 ...l 1 ~. . i I= I ~ ~ ~· • ' .-! _-,. ~ (I ~ l ~ . i =i .__; l : , ~ 1:! "t. -'-' ~ 1 1 .:1 1 4 1 . 1 11=1 ~ 1 ~·. i ._: 4: .. : ,:, ...; : ~:. l•=l 4 ~ j ,-, ~ ·-· ~: ~:. l ::I .., : ~ •=I .., --'• t::l COL 5 r: .. ,_:,_r C1. ·=1. ·=I=· i=i. 1_•,_ 1=1. 1=·=1 u. ·=·1=1 o. (1. 1=1· 1=1. c~. ·=· ._: o. c~:: 1=1. C•. ·=I ·=I 1=1. 1=1·=1 C1. e:·:1 ci. c:.:l 1:1. C =f c1. c~~=~ ·=1. i::::l I=·· (1,=1 o. i=ll=l 1=1. 1=10 ·='· (1 .~1 COL. 6 ~c. ·t. ~- 1·_ .... ...., 1 ~ ...; ' ':: : :..o . • -.c ,-,- : ~: ~ . : -''. '-t-' 1":. ~: ~ ~·. ·=-.... -· -t-:. .. '-~, . ~ 1' =·· i 1 ~ t .. :..· 1~1 ~-. ._lO: .._:.- .~: .. 1"' ::.r::- 2~'1=1. .:: :: 1' ",:. ~-_:,, ~ '? COL 1 '-'· ·:.·- ·: C1. :::::1. ·~ ,-1 .:;. •:r • ~ •:• ·:..,-r ·::r=•. ·:.,- ·:.•:1, :• _: • : ~I ~-1 . OJ. :-1. •0 1 ' -~ ~ ·~ 1. ::.:1 :.1. :::1_, ·~ ~ • ::, :=! 1. 1. 1. COL 8 c, ~· • ...:.' ~ _:., ~ ~. i= ·::. '' ',. -:. 1 0. := •. -= I:""~· r:: ;, ._,::- ~-'-I o -• t .: ~-. '::· - '-• 1=:=· '=' -=·. -1 ? ':.· ~--1 .:. t~ __ ., I __ , ~ ~-. ::._· ;'r:· 1. ~~ l:. 42 ~ .c 1. _1. I ... ...:_, c ·, ,, ~ _,..:_, ':• ~' o I _I 1_,._:-_ ~,._: --. ~~ ::! COL. 9 --~ --=. ~ 1 :: ?. 12 ·~ ,-1 ...... •:•. ·=· ·=· ·:.1 =-:-1 :-. :: . .:_ .• ·-=· ·:·t::· .--c •:•, ,-I ·:-. ·:':• HY:)fD SYSTI:M FACI'JRAL or,y,'\ Sc:·•·:tRf LQ.':..:J [.;'J.., rz-:::~-u ~--~ '!''"£~":.>. c:c::=>.:;y := ~:-;:.J \TA'< 1 u:....~-.:J C ;.,:_~. r:__?.. l.SS~--: -:.:._~ G?.J..~::~ R-~-.TE llJ3. kW _l.;_'-_2 kWh >106 !.L0 .L'i_ % PER ACJ.'IUM 5'.~;:;.:: ::·.:-;-;"-o-i rJ:~_cc:L FC'EL (IF fSQ' D) CJ: . .:::~:<:,"=-~J, ? .. :...::_"~....::-\ ls~ ;::;._'-. m::::·_-:-·:7'7ICI~ lst Y"":-.:.:_~ !"""l.-.:::., J_l?JC::: ls~ Y:: .. -..?, r...,:-~ c:::s:- ASs ... ::·=:J K.;.ti: FS;L PiUCZ E.SC.AI..rU'::!:CN 0 ?.0 LIT~S/ki'J1 T ~>]J LITilES _2Q_ G:'(TS/LITRE tf-.5,::_4 $ X 1000 __!3_ c;, Pc.R h.~•'L':ol CIIPI'~l\L COST fV1'r.'l iliTG 'J1...:K·l C:.l\Jll1~\:C COSTS -lil'Bffi PLrii:l' nn:sLL sr·1 r ur:vc:r... (IF EDJ'D) SHORT TlR~~ CAPITAL COS?S-D:ESEL Lr.~I'lS (IF REXJ 1 D) n-nLf€.57 R<"" .. Tr: a~ CAr./IT.-"U... Dr:::H":' R.:;l'I~-::__;:r FA.:_....-lDR.S @ D-:'fi.R::.ST W ~G T,_:_j\.:~ CJ-.2. CDS'I' X S! iO:-G 'l'l_:.F\.'1 CI..P. CDST X 12% 0.129 0.161 -~% 0./Ll., _D.,j]] I ---COL. 10 COL. II COL. 12 CCL 13 COL 14 I DEBT RETIREMENT FACTOR: (CAPllAL RECOVeRy) WHERE ISoo s x 1ooo ~ 13.6 $ X 1000 - $ X 1000 -).:.. % A ;(;.,;)n p= (/,<i)n-1 A:: ANNUAL PAYMENT P = PRESENT SVI,.f OF MCNEY (CAPITAL COST) n, NUMBER OF YEARS i • INTEREST RATE (AS A DECIMAL) LJ MICRO HYDRO STUDY FINANCIAL EVALUATION COMPUTATIO~ SHE:ET HYDF\0 WITH I WITH OUT SUPPLEMENTARY DIESEL FIGURE llll-1 fi v ("') ::0 "'0 "'0 m z ("') 0 z (j') c r- -1 l> z -1 (j') DIESEL SYSTIJ-1 FJ\C'illAL na.TJI. S1J!-Mr\RY IDI-!:J DATA ;s ?ER FIG_ VII=l DEC,c:L f'~l::L DATA --------- a_]..._S:_Y~~IQJ FACTOR lst. ¥t:~R CU~S.::·:?Tia.l ls'::. YL-".......q Fl.:EL ?RICE 1st YL\R FLLL =r ASS<.::-:F.IJ RA7E REAL PRICE ESCAlATICN GPITAL o:sT DATA 0 "'.0 LITRES/kl-.'h I 'J2! Lr:'P.F..S Y.!Ob 2. 'J _ CD. ":'5/LITRE '3011 $x1000 __1_2_ % Prn ,'\:;;;t,'M IJllG T!::P.'-1 G\PlT.;.L C:O:,'"TS SITE DEVEIL'P~'DIT S!iCF~r T"JZ'I CAPl'rAL COSTS -DIEST'.L ~!COR WITS YEAR 0 4!A.O $ X 1000 4C4.4-$ x 1000 YEAR 12 5 G9 b_ $ x 1000 ~.~=r RY!L CN CAPITAL DEBT RE.'IIRL'l!Xf FAcrcRS @ INfEREST RATE OF 12% LCNG TElM CAPITAL CDST X 0.129 SHORT TElM CAPITAL CDST X 0.161 UNIT ENERGY COST COMPARISON 13,----T ---,----T .c ~ ~ ;;, ~ z w II u ~% 14 % _Q./_1.6_ _QJlL ~ V) PLOT VALUES FROM COL. 22 AND 0 u FIGURE llll-I ,.. ,_., 0: w z w ~ z ::0 B 12 16 20 24 YEAR PROJECT NAME RIVER/STREAM LOCATION DATE _? .!_LYANJL 1'1lNE. s_ __ _CPRPENTEI<, COO'( CREE:KS _A·z:.s.'7'_JIJ·n· _ --~ __!llflR(,H_ .1 3 '130_ ---- COMPUTATION OF TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS AND UNIT ENERGY COSTS $ X 1000 (DIESEL ONLY SYSTEM} E~O I LONG TERM I SHORT TERM I LO~G TERM I SHORT TER'-4 OF CAPITAL CAPITAL DEBT DEBT YEAR EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE RETIREMENT RETIREMENT ~ ~ .J. 1-: :~! 1 .! ·=; 4 • ..: ::1 ~ 1. 45 -;-' lo 45 :---1. 45 ;-'1. 45 ;-'1. 45 ; 1 • ..15 71. 45 ..., 1. 45 -. -~ 5 :---~ . -! c-, :--:. 45 so:-. ~.o :'1 . ..:s =.-, '=! ~: i=J. ~J. :=· .:: ·::.i=J. 3 ·~ :=1. ~(IT ::,1-1 -, :-''_i, :. 1~1 • ~I~' o ~ :_). :..-, FUEL ---19 ': 4. 1 ~: ·~ ': 41=17'. :3 4~1=10 (t . -,-, .... ~·..:. 0 ., '.c ~ .......... _,, 4:: "· c; 4 ;-::. - -!:;". _ .. _..:._. '=· c::. ~ -;'. ~ -'-~· ':-!. C ,.. 5o -' ~ ....:. . ~.I=:_,, 0 ~· ~ ·:: 0 ..\ ':•_. ~0 ~ ~ T , -:-·~· ..\ ':·:-'':· '' .. ~ --:.:. " 0 8 .. COL 20 1~ 15 : 15 1 ., 1 ! _, 1~ 1 15 1 1S : 1:. l ., 1 ·= 1 1 =o:. l • c:_-c-1 1,-,- 1<. ' = lo:. ! ~ ::: 1 c =. 1 c =. TOTAL AN~UAL COSTS .: ~ ::. ':4 ~. ~·=1 • 1 5 _•...:. •.. l ~' . . . ......... _. I ....:. o ~ ....:. ~: ~I: ~ ~~: ~~-. :.:. ·---=·· c::. ·=:1:. ;--;- : .=::---. ~I=! =,=] : ':-< : • ~ ~ -.. :----. =· : :. -J -' 1 : .. c 5 ~ ":: I 1 ·=:. ~.-) 1 :=:. - ~ ~-, l I= ~ I =I t·=·· 1 .::. 0' 1:. -1-.l ll ...... : ~ =· 1:. -~ ' ~ . ~ ' .:_-. . .. .. . ... '-~. "::· : l. : :=) j =: .~; ~ ~ : ·~-~: ':"::. ~'S 12. ·= ·=1 : ::·. : ·=, : .=.. +=' ~ <. ~:u· !~: :.~ c-; , ·--'-L_____ MICRO HYDRO STUDY FINANCIAL EVALUATION COMPUTATION SHEET ALTERNATIVE (DIESEL ONLY) SYSTEM FIGURE 'W-2 ~ '\1 0 ::0 "'0 "'0 m z (') 0 z (/) c r- -1 l> z -! (/) PAYBACK COMPUTATIONS $ xiOOO PROJECT NAME RIVER/STREAM LOCATION [NO ()I' YEAR o. I. 2. 3. 4. "' -'· &. 7. 8. 9. 1 o. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ........... .::.~. 24. CASE 1 BEFORE TAXES TOTAL CAPITAj TOTAL CAPITAj INCREMENYAL I BEfORE TAX !INCREMENTAL tOSTS COSTS CAPITAL COST I ANNUAt. COST COST MINUS ~YORO SYS1'E DfESEL SYSTE HYDRO-DllS(L SA\/l~CS ACCUMULAT(D 2823 .. 60 0. 00 COL2+COL.3 OR COL 10 CCL Z 4 COL. 2 ~ 8 f.8. 40 I 1 509. 60 I -509. GO CCL I!>+COL16I CCL.Z3-COL24 COL 26 54.07 t:.o. 48 t,?. 12 3,.3.~S 1. 07 41 3 . oo 4 • f:5 4 . cq 4 C•7 ,. -·' 4 "o:. 4 • [14 4 • 45 4:.:4 .. 82 41S?.46 470. 37 4 7~:. :~e. 4~:;-, 06 4 " -· "' c: '"• • ....).::.""!. .534. ;"' 544.89 SAV lNG S ~87:.:.:. 53 -4'?'j. 55 11 [:. 48 2r:.9. '?3 f~.s. 93 or:.9. 713 4:::1. 75 9(12. 12 ::nt. 1 ;· lt,'?:.?D ~~~ -.-~~.::. oLb 418 .08 464 .54 5 11 . <q 5~9 .47 607 6:;75. 7(1 o. 6 7~1 4. s t: 1 9. I 8t.53. :;:::: 9198.__?? COL 19+COL20 -C;;-;.~25 MtNUS +I COL 26 COL 12 & t COL N:JI'E: 1. PA Yl3AC1C PERl CD = YEAR IN W!U 0! IN:RlrlENTAL CJ:l'>'T MINUS J\CClM:JlA TED SI\VIN-iS 2. USE 2 Y.E7\.R W!UTI:DFF FOR HYDRO AT 50% Pl'J' YEAR. lEE 6\ DfD-.INING BI\.LI\l'I:E FOR SUPI'LL"'J:)"n::ARY DIESEL EJ;)UlPMINT. CASE 2 AFTER TAXES fORMER DEPRECIATION RULES 6°/o DECL ON COL 25 Stl!-r-11\HY: INCREMENTAL COL ~0 1 ?. 5 -l 4 ~ ! -l ~: ~ 7 4 1 ::;. o::: ~;;~: ~g --3 o. '<: -1 .. 02 (1. 7 2 4. 51 0 .. 6:::: ·~-::~ 4 1 : .• .:::o 1 4 .. 5 ~:: 2 e .. ':4r:· 2 .?. 64 2 1. 7f: :: -+ .. 57 31 :.t. .21 3 .. :;:·? ::;: .~ .• DO 3 <· .. 15 4 0 .. 13 4 ·~:. So? DATE MAf\Ctl l%0 __ _ CASE 3 AFT[R TAXES ACCELERATED HYDRO DEPRECIATION RULES -----.---------.---- -COL 2 5 St::E NOTE 216 °/0 0tCL 8AL. BASfO ON ON COL 23 COl 24 COL31-COL-37 COL 34 1. PAYBIIC:K llEF'CRE 'l'AXES -CASE 1 __ 6__YEARS MICRO HYDRO STUDY FINANCIAL EVALUATION COMPUTATION SHEET PAYBACK COMPUTATIONS 2. P AYBliCK AF'I'ER 'J'AXF.S CASE 2 9 Y'.::ARS 3. PAYEI\CK JI.F'l'ER TAXES -CASE 3 FIGURE 1ITI-3 A \I 0 :::0 "'0 "'0 m z 0 0 z (/') c r- """i J> z """i (/') TRfAL DISCOUNT RATES EI'O OF YEA<! 2 .. ..; ... " ... ·5 .. ·::. ·::.. 1 'J. 1 1. 12 .. .:. ,: ... '' . ~. ' . 1 ·:·. i. ·~- ~. CASE I CASE 2 CASE :3 PRESENT VALUES "' '") _J <! > >-z w t/) w <r 0. SL'M'.AHY: PROJECT NAME RIVER/STREAM LOCATION DATE CASE 1 !RR t.1'liE'5_ _c.t\~ PfN1ER,_(lDU:.J\EEKS _4~ 59' __ m~n' _ _M __ ,Af:C.JL t'?OO. __ ZA5% CI\EiE 2 IRR = i4.0% c-.sE 3 IRR = L2.Dt N:JI'E: It:TI.J·~~\L Rt{;'E OF l"'.U~; IS DISCO:.,~rr RAT£ AT h1!ICH !?HES:.::·.''T \'ful:£ OF TI,X:R.L:'-~lf.l\L C)\PITAL l\:f)T'S IS L.()C:\L TO F?l:.SI::Z::'r VALL'E OF ;..,;~:t:.!\.L CC!)T S/\\.'I~:r.::s. MICRO HYDRO STUDY FINANCIAL EVALUATION COMPUTATION SHEET INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN FIGURE lZ!I-4 ~ ·u (") " '"'0 '"'0 m z (") 0 z (}') c r- -{ l> z -{ (J) CARPENTER AND (COY CREEK~ ~ ' CAP. CO~T:: 3.'0 X IG", lilliT ENEI/6-Y CC5T-::. (U?PER LlMi1') (1\f>. C. OS 1 ·=.·!-!. 5 '( UI..!IT E;\!ERCrY C.OST L ").0¢'/kT<.'',., L~'~\E~ L-:;~r:) 8. \.1 (") ::0 -o -o m z (") 0 z (,f) c I -1 l> z -1 (,f) -----"""' -~ -:-::. CARFtN1E~ A~D CCDY LkEEKS 140":. 'KVJ IUS\ALLE:D CMA(rf'{ 13 91l J:10 6 Kwh /YR \01AL. Utm Sr-!E:RG-'< (OS\ = 9-5¢-/kWh LoST (OMPO!\Jf.'\lr ~ (;,. 0 ~ ;~' '--,-.- Jri!l'' -! 0.7 ().3' (4_!.5 /6_ t.~ HY DF:O STUDY 2 17\ ·u n :::lj "'C "'C m z n 0 z (/) c r- -i l> z -i Cfl AND (OD'{ 140'3> KW INSTAL.LED i01f\l.-UN\1 ENER(r'{ (OS\:: FiJEl.-ONt.. Y COST CDM?Cl\i:Xt:: I .e:. /V .... COST DATA' A lZJ n ::tT ""0 ""0 m z n 0 z {/) c: r- -1 l> z -1 {/) lO'iiSR. ..J <!: 1- a_ .:::: (.) HYDRO INSTALLED CAPACITY (KW) UPPER LiMiT C/li'iTI1L (OS1-.:: 'zu:-ofi\W x Jll;J3 kv! •'~ Ill 10,'! LOWER LIM\1 U\P:1AL (OS\::. .II 30/"'W ~ it.(-'3 /..\': [o"] LL!J.~ J NOT£ Do not use os a guide ror economic reosib/lity . LEGEND 8 ---L.obrad::;r Sludy 0 ---N~wf'ound/ond Study [J---Bril/sh Columb/o Study MICRO HYDRO STUDY CAPITAL COSTS PER KW VS HYDRO INSTALLED CAPACITY FIGURE :Z:::-4