HomeMy WebLinkAboutHydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980DOE/EIA~Ol71(~0) Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost · and Annual Production ~x~enses-1980 HYD 068 Alaska Energy Authority LIBKAitY COPY Energy Information Admlnlstretror,~, ·~-~-- Washington. D.C. March 1983' This p1,JPiicati9n is available--from the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Go-..emment Printing Office !GPO). Make check or money order payable to the Superirjtendent of Documents. You may send yot~r order.to the U.S. Government Printing Office or the National Energy lnfonnation Center. GPO prices artt subject to change· without advance ndtice. Nl order form is enclosed for your co,-,..enience . Stock Number: 061-003-00304-:-4 Ptice: $6. OCJ Ouestions on energy statistics and the ava(lability of other EIA publicalions and orders for EIA publicatiOns available for ~ale from the Go-..emment Printing Offic~may be directed to the National Energy Information Center. superintendent of Dotuments U.S. Ga..ernme'nt Printing Offic:e WP~D.C.~ ..... ·-----..... BYD 068 DATE ISSUED TO HIGHSMITH #42·222L PRINTED IN U.s.A. ~ Released for printing April 8, 1983 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 • rlr~~ March 1983 ""' This report was prepared by the Energy Information Administra- tion. the independent statistical and analytical agency within the Department of Energy. The in- formation contained herein should not be construed as advocating or necessarily reflea- ing any policy position of the Department of Energy or any other organization. Energy Information Administration · Office of Coal. Nuclear. Electric and Alternative Fuels · U.S. Department of Energy Washington. D.C. 20585 Property of State of Alasf(a Senate Advisory Counc.i1 DOE/EIA-0171(80) })i!/ Dist. category UC-98 OtDf> , Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses is prepared by the Electric Power Division; Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels; Energy Information Administration; Department of Energy. This report is the twenty-fourth annual supplement to the initial publication, Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses. The initial publication, covering the period 1953-1956, through the nineteenth supplement, containing data tor calendar year 1975 were published by the former Federal Power Commission. The twentieth annual supplement, containing data for the year 1976, and subsequent supplements are the responsibility of the Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy. For information regarding this report, contact: Elsie Bess (202)252-6534 Lawrence Prete (202)252-6535 ii Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration !';rr' Contents Page Preface •.... ;...................................................................................................................................................................................... v 1. 2. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... .. Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................ . 3 7 Glossary......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 07 Appendixes A. List of Plants by Utility Within State .......................................... , ...................................................................... ,............... 115 B. . Alphabetical List of Hydroelectric Plants ........................................................................................................................ 119 C. Technical Notes .................. :.............................................................................................................................................. 122 Figure 1. Electric Power Supply Areas and Regions in the United States ...................................................................................... 8 Table 1. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 .................................................................. 9 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration iii • Preface A decrease in the number of older, smaller, and generally less efficient hydroelectric plants occurred in the 1970's, during the period of relatively inexpensive fossil fuels. However, there has been a significant increase in interest concerning hydroelectric power recently due to its proven potential as a primar-Y energy source. In the face of rising costs and concern over the secure availability of fossil fuels, the Nation is looking toward the development of renewable energy sources. Hydroelectric power and biomass together are expected to constitute about one-half of the national goal to provide 20 percent of domestic energy needs in the year 2000 from solar and other renewable energy sources. The Department of Energy (DOE) is focusing much of its attention on .the near-term potential of small scale hydroelectric power generation at existing dams. The major objective of the Department's programs is to re-establish a vigorous small hydroelectric industry in the United States by . minimizing the barriers to hydroelectric development. One program to accomplish this objective is to provide loans for feasibility studies and licensing. The near-term goal of DOE is to assist in providing 1,000 megawatts of capacity on-line or under construction by 1985 through loan programs and demonstrations. Small-scale hydroelectric power demonstration projects are underway at 21 sites throughout the United States as part of the Department's small-scale hydroelectric power demonstration program scheduled for completion by that year. The addition of power capacity at presently generating power plants, the rehabilitation of old abandoned power plants, and the addition of power generating capacity to existing dams where no power had previously been generated are among the current projects. All projects are cost-shared with DOE paying 25 percent or less of the total project costs. When completed, the 21 projects will provide a total of more than 130 megawatts. Small-scale hydroelectric power plants offer several advantages: They utilize a renewable energy source, flowing water; they are small and aesthetically acceptable; moreover, the effects upon stream ecology are minor compared to the effects by larger hydroelectric facilities; life cycle costs are comparable to new coal or nuclear capacity; hundreds of vii Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Preface f continued J existing dams are potentially available for hydroelectric generation and the technology is well established with components readily available. The Feasibility Study Loan Program, established under the Public Utilities Regulations Policies Act (PURPA) of 1978 (P.L. 95-617), was initiated during 1980. The regulations implementing the program were published ln the Federal Register on January 17, 1980, and the effective date was February 19, 1980. Within the first nine months, over 200 loan applications were received and over 100 were approved. The program provides loans for feasibility studies and licensing costs associated with hydroelectric projects at dams with capacities between 100 and 30,000 kilowatts. The Department expected to award 450 loans in 1981. Experience to date indicates that about half of these loans could result in projects averaging approximately 3 megawatts. Thus, the loan-assisted projects have an estimated potential yield of 675 megawatts. Together with the demonstration projects, they should provide 815 megawatts towards the stated goal of 1 ,000 megawatts on-line or under construction by 1985. The recent streamlining and simplifying of hydroelectric power project licensing procedures by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) have encouraged the growing interest in hydroelectric power. In fiscal year 1980, the FERC issued 60 licenses for the redevelopment and construction of hydroelectric projects. During that same year, the number of preliminary permit filings to study potential projects tripled the number received during 1979. During 1980, the FERC issued 133 preliminary permits involving potential construction of several hundred megawatts of new generating capacity. The advantages of hydroelectric power are good reasons for its revitalization. The water that powers hydroelectric power plants is essentially free and is a renewable source of electricity generation. Although, on the average, the investment cost per kilowatt is substantially greater for conventional hydroelectric plants than for thermal-electric plants, hydroelectric production expenses are much lower than thermal-electric production expenses. Hydroelectric plants have long lives, rapid start-up and loading, and low outage rates. There is no air or thermal pollution, but the construction of new dams can cause ecological change affecting local plant and animal life, and water and land use. Hydroelectric plants also have associated benefits. Reservoirs are used extensively for recreation, for flood control, and some are operated to supplement natural flows during low flow periods. There is increasing use of pumped-storage hydroelectric plants throughout the United States. Pumped-storage installations are viii of two general types: (1) those that use both pumped water and natural run-off for generation, and (2) those that are exclusively pumped-storage and generate power by recirculating the water between a lower and an upper reservoir. The pumped-storage method of utilizing water power for peaking capacity is selected on the basis of low initial cost and the ability to convert low cost off-peak pumping energy to high value peaking energy. The characteristics that make pumped-storage developments attractive are the relatively low investment costs, and the increase in plant factors of the thermal units which provide pumping energy during off-peak hours. The increase in plant factors of these thermal units results in reducing their cycling and improving their efficiency and durability. Costs of development depend largely on site, topography, and geological conditions. Reservoirs, dams, waterways, pump-turbine, and motor-generator equipment are the largest cost items. These five components represent approximately 70 to 75 percent of the total cost. There were 30 major pumped-storage hydroelectric power plants in operation in the United States as of January 1, 1981 . These plants provided 12.0 million kilowatts of pumped-storage installed generator nameplate capacity. As of January 1 , 1981 , the Energy Information Administration reported th~t 16,719 megawatts of hydroelectric generating capacity were planned to be completed between 1981 and 1990, inclusive. As of January 1, 1980, the FERC estimated the Nation's developed and undeveloped conventional hydroelectric power resources at approximately 173.9 million kilowatts, capable of producing 684.2 billion kilowatthours annually. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration UO!I~npO.IIUI .. ____...__ Introduction Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses is prepared by the Electric Power Division; Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels; Energy Information Administration; Department of Energy. Using a group of reporting plants located in the United States and Puerto Rico, Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses is designed to show the investment cost of hydroelectric plants and the cost (exclu sive of annual fixed costs) to electric utilities to produce electric power, using water as the primary energy source. For a description of annual fixed costs, see Section 3.3 of the "Technical Notes," Appendix C. The publication contains data o.n installed generating capacity, net generation, net capability, cost of plant, production expenses, and hydraulic features for all such plants. The publication is composed of detailed tabular data for each plant. The table is arranged alphabetically by State, utility (operating company), and plant. Data for plants located in Puerto Rico appear last. In recognition of the growing importance of energy planning in contemporary society, this publication is intended to be useful to the varying needs of many different users. These users include consumers and personnel in the electric utility industry, other industries, educational institutions, and government. ~~ I' Sources of Data Data published in Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses are compiled mainly from Federal Power Commission (FPC) Form 1, "Annual Report of Private Electric Utilities," and Economic Regulatory Administration (ERA) Form 412, "Annual Report of Municipal Electric Utilities," submitted by respondents to the Department of Energy. Data reported on the aforementioned forms are supplemented by data reported on FPC Form 12, Annual Power System Statement. For a description of these data collection systems, refer to Sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. of the "Technical Notes," Appendix C. Coverage At year-end 1980, there were 1,142 hydroelectric plants owned and operated by electric utilities, including Federal and State agencies, in the United States. Their distribution, capacity, and inclusion in this report are as follows: Ownership Non-Federal' ........... Federal .................... Total• ....................... ·"' ~ ' . Total Plants-U.S. Covered In this Report Number MW Number 985 41,142 348 157 35,209 •30 1142 76,351 378 •Exclusive of plants in'Puerto Rico. •TVA. MW 36,952 4,827 41 ,779 3 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration lntrQduction (continued) This report presents detailed data for 1980 for 378 reporting hydroelectric plants in the contiguous United States, that have an installed capacity of 10 megawatts or greater, for which information is provided on the source collections noted above. In addition to these 378 plants, included in the coverage of this publication are 3 plants in Puerto Rico. Electric utilities are not required to report to the Department of Energy detailed data such as those contained in this publication for hydroelectric plants with an installed generator nameplate capacity less than 10 megawatts. As of year-end 1980, the installed generator nameplate capacity of Federal hydroelectric projects in the United States was 46 percent of the installed capacity of hydroelectric plants. The generation in 1980 from Federal hydroelectric projects was 48 percent of the hydroelectric generation in that year. Except for TV A, data for federally owned and operated plants are not included in this publication. Federally owned and operated plants were not required to submit a source report for 1980. As a result, approximately 96 federally owned plants and 28,900 megawatts capacity included in the 1979 and earlier years' publications are excluded from this supplement. The 381 plants for which data are included in this publication are not selected nor presented as statistically representative of all U.S. hydroelectric plants. Plants are included solely for having provided acceptable data among the source collections 4 noted above; their characteristics are provided only as self-representative. The reader is therefore cautioned against use of these data as statistically representative of any larger universe. Exclusive of plants which obtained commercial service status during the reporting period, the plants included are the same as those included in the previous year's report, where the data are available. Net generation of non-Federal plants for which data are included in this report total 132.4 billion kilowatthours, or 92 percent of the generation in 1980 by non-Federal hydroelectric plants in the United States. The installed generator nameplate capacity of the non-Federal hydroelectric plants in the contiguous U.S. for which data are included in this report total 36,952 megawatts, or 90 percent of the installed generator nameplate capacity of non-Federal hydroelectric plants, as of year-end 1980. Two indexes of plants are included on pages 113 through 121. The first lists names of plants alphabetically by State and the second lists the plants alphabetically by plant name. A map of the Federal power supply areas and regions is included on page 8. Adjustment to Collected Data No adjustments have been made to collected data. G:lossary A glossary of terms applicable to this report has been included to assist nontechnical as well as technical users in understanding the data in this publication. Technical Notes The "Technical Notes" contains along with other explanatory information, a detailed description of the data collection systems used to prepare this report. Related Publications The Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration publishes annually a companion report, Thermal Electric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses. Also published annually by the Energy Information Administration are two publications containing comprehensive financial and operating information on electric utilities. These publications are Statistics of Privately Owned Electric Utilities in the United States and Statistics of Publicly Owned Electric Utilities In the United States. A related Federal Energy Regulatory Commmission publication is Hydroelectric Power Resources of the United States, Developed and Undeveloped, and is published every four years. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production EJrpenses -1980 Energy Information Administration ~Jewwns 1 Summary A total of 1,142 hydroelectric plants owned and operated by electric utilities in the United States produced 276.0 billion kilowatthours during calendar year 1980, 1.3 percent below the hydroelectric generation in 1979. The generation in 1980 by hydroelectric plants represents 12.1 percent of the net generation of 2,286.4 billion kilowatthours by electric utilities for that year. The installed generator nameplate capacity as of the end of 1980 for these pumped-storage and conventional hydroelectric plants was 76,351 megawatts, 12.4 percent of the total installed generator nameplate capacity of 613,546 megawatts. The installed generator nameplate capacity of hydroelectric projects in 1980 increased 1.4 percent over that for 1979. Year-to-year and plant-to-plant differences in investment cost per kilowatt (kW) reflect primarily the wide variations in type, size, and location of projects; cost of land;relocation of existing roads and structures;and, to a lesser degree, changes in labor, materials, engineering, and construction costs. Several hydroelectric generating units of substantial capacity were added in 1980 to existing plants. The Georgia Power Company completed construction of its planned 321.3-megawatt Wallace Dam pumped storage project, with an investment cost of $629 per kilowatt. Unit 3 of the Appalachian Power Company's Smith Mountain pumped storage project was added, bringing the investment cost of this project to $159 per kilowatt. Plant size is a major factor affecting conventional hydroelectric power production expenses. Other factors include the type of operation, annual generation, number and size of units, operating head, and other conditions peculiar to individual plants. Operating costs are generally lower for plants equipped for automatic and remote control operation. Besides plant size and operating head, the principal factor affecting pumped-storage production expenses is the type of plant. That is, the production expenses may vary depending on whether the plant uses both pumped water and natural streamflow for generation, or whether the plant generates power only by circulating water between a lower and an upper reservoir. In addition to the usual items of production expenses, a pumped-storage hydroelectric plant incurs cost for energy used to pump water from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir .. The 1980 production expenses for the non-Federal plants included in this report averaged 1.52 mills per kilowatthour, of which operation expenses were 0.91 mills and maintenance expenses were 0.61 mills. Thus, operation expenses accounted for 60 percent of the total while maintenance expenses accounted for 40 percent. TheJ 980 average of 1.52 was an increase of 0.15 mills from the 1979 average of 1.37 mills per kilowatthour for non-Federal systems. Tennessee Valley Authority Project The Tennessee Vailey Authority (TVA), a wholesale supplier of electric power to 11 0 municipal and 50 cooperative electric systems, owns 30 hydroelectric plants in the Tennessee Valley region. These plants are operated as compone~ts of a comprehensive river basin development. Data for each of these plants are included in this report. Of the 30 plants, 21 are multiple purpose projects. As reported by TVA in its Annual Report to the Department of Energy, the installed generator nameplate capacity of its 30 plants totaled 4.8 million kW at fiscal year-end 1980. During the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, TVA hydroelectric plants generated 17.9 billion kWh. Total production expenses at these plants averaged 0.82 mills per kWh. These expenses included operating expenses averaging 0:44 mills per kWh and maintenance expenses averaging 0.38 mills per kWh. Thus, operating expenses for the TV A plants accounted for 54 percent of the total while maintenance experises accounted for 46 percent. The 1980 average of 0.82 mills per kilowatthour is an increase of 0.14 mills from the 1979 average of 0.68 mills per kilowatthour. 7 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration • 8 Electric Power Supply Areas in the United States ! li .i. ""'· ~ \"llf\ LEGEND Department of Energy Power Supply Area IJ !0: lOO Regional Grouping of Power Supply Areas Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration 1 t 980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Alabama Power Co. Name of Utility Name of Plant. .......... ._ ........................................ _. ................................. Bankhead Bouldin,• Holt Jordan _,...., ... ._.,.,,...._._ __ .,...,,. • .,.,,,, .. ,~••••••uu••••••.,. .. .,.,...,nn•n•-•• ... un•~u•••••..., .. -., .. -,..nonnnn Walter Post Office ................................................................................................. Northport,AL Wetumpka, AL Holt, AL Wetumpka, AL Tuscalloosa Tuscalloosa location of Plant (County and State) ..................................................... AL Elmore, AL Al Elmore, AL River ........................................................................................................... Black Warrior Coosa Black Warrior Coosa Region and Power Supply Area .............................................................. 111-22 111-22 111-22 111-22 Licensed Project No ................................................................................. 02165 02146 02023 00618 General Operating Characteristics ..................................................... Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ..................................................... 45.1 225.0 40.0 100.0 Pumping Energy • Pumped Storage (million kWh) .............................. Net Generation (million kWh) ........................ : ....................................... 218.9 176.9 185.6 539.9 Plant Factor Basad on Nameplate Rating (percent) .......................... 55 9 53 62 Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) .................................. 52.0 240.0 42.0 133.0 Net Plant Capability CapabiHty Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ........ 54.0 240.0• 43.0 135.8 Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW} ........... 41.0' 188.8 11 .o• 81.0 Time Connected to Load (hours) .......................................................... 8,288 2,558 8,278 8,760 Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) .......................................................... 45.1 225.0 40.0 100.0 Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ............................................................................ 30 6,090 -735 l Structures and Improvements ............................................................... 4,560 7,771 3,302 820 Reservoirs, Dams. and Waterways ....................................................... 1,241 43,845 3,297 5,915 Equipment ............................................................................................... 3,190 8,658 3,287 2.665 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................. -203 -. Total ................................................................................................... 9,021 66,567 9,886 10,135 Cost per kW of Installed capacity (dollars) ................................... 200 295 247 101 Mills/ Mills/ Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................. 20 0.09 31 0.18 17 0.09 32 0.06 Water for Power .................................................................................... 74 0.34 74 0.40 124 0.23 Hydraulic Expenses .............................................................................. 15 0.07 14 0.08 9 0.05 27 0.05 Elactric Expenses ................................................................................. 28 0.13 39 0.22 29 0.15 69 0.13 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................... 34 0.16 68 0.38 32 Oc17 130 0.24 Rents ...................................................................................................... -. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ....................................... 37 0.17 45 0.25 32 0.17 44 0.08 Maintenance of Structures .................................................................. 17 0.08 76 0.43 6 0.03 19 0.04 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ......................... 2 0.01 189 1.07 1 -16 0.03 Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................. 63 0.29 839 4.74 47 0.26 (24) - Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 7 0.03 9 0.05 15 0.08 17 0.03 Total, Exclusive of Pumping ............................................................ 297 1.36 1,309 7.40 262 1.41 454 0.84 Cost of Pumping Energy .......................................................................... T ota1 Production Expenses ..................................................................... 297 1.36 1,309 7.40 262 1.41 454 0.84 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ................................................................ 3,969 10,165 4,213 10,165 Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (a eras) ................................ 9,200 6,807 3,200 4,900 Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ............ 26,000 58,000 3,200 43,750 Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ........ 72.00 119.00 61.00 89.00 Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ................ 0.1980 0.1080 0.1510 Average Number of Employees ............................................................ 7 12 7• 17 Type of Operation ................................................................................... Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Initial Year of Operation ......................................................................... 1963 1967 1968 1928 •Head reduced by abnormal tailwater condition A~l 14, 1977 . .Plant had baen Inoperative since February 1 o, 1 75 due to break in dam. Reconstruction completed and normal operation resumed on October 8, 1980. 'Maximum net plant capability since Corps of Engineers' Jones Bluff Reservoir was filled to full pool elevation (125.0 II) January 9, 19n. 'Head reduced by abnormal tailwater condition April 13, 1979. •Yates Dam remotely controlled from Thurlow Dam and system dispatching office. Supervisors and maintenance crew included in number at Yates Dam are assigned to melntenance at both plants. 9 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses - 1 980 Energy Information Administration _......._______ ----- 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of UtHity Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characterlstk:s .................. _. ............................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant~60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering .......................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Totat Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. •Head reduced by abnormal tailwater condition April 13, 1979. 'Head reduced by abnormal tailwater condition December 16, 1969. •Head reduced by low headwater condition January 28, 1980. 10 Alabama Power Co. Lay Clanton, Al Chilton & Coosa. Al Coosa 111-22 02146 177.0 694.0 45 186.0 194.0 144.0' 8,760 177.0 7,890 1,444 17,363 10,393 37,090 209 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 30 68 56 48 148 55 25 (41) 64 15 468 468 9,087 6,000 37,400 69.00 0.04 0.10 0.08 O.Q7 0.21 0.08 0.04 0.09 0.02 0.67 0.67 14 Conventional 1967 Lewis-Smith Jasper, Al Walker& Cullmon, AL Warrior (Sipsey Fork) 111-22 02165 $1,000 25 9 27 99 26 40 14 90 45 10 386 386 157.5 380.1 28 177.0 199.9 167.9• 8,530 157.5 4,717 3,341 15,400 7,869 133 31,460 199 Mills/ kWh 0.07 0.02 O.Q7 0.26 0.07 0.11 0.04 0.24 0.12 0.03 1.02 1.02 944 21,200 600,000 232.00 0.0600 12 Conventional 1961 Logan-Martin Vincent, Al Talladega, Al Coosa 111-22 02146 128.2 453.7 40 146.0 147.8 110.0 8,760 128.3 15,945 1,227 40,005 7,918 65,755 512 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 33 0,07 49 0.11 43 0.09 33 0.07 125 0.28 1 65 0.14 27 0.06 334 0.74 58 0.13 14 0.03 782 1.72 782 1.72 7,700 152,063 142,393 61.00 0.2400 14 Conventional 1964 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Martin Dadeville, Al Elmore, Al Tallapoosa 111-22 00349 154.2 443.4 33 166.0 169.0 144.0' 8,760 154.2 3,184 2,185 8,042 4,199 17,610 114 Mills/ $1,000_ kWh 46 0.10 76 0.17 47 0.11 138 0.31 210 0.47 39 0.09 1,119 2.52 73 0.17 27 0.06 1,776 4.01 1,776 4.01 3,000 40,000 1,375,000 145.00 0.1060 17 Conventional 1926 -r l """- 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant .................................. _. .................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and Slate) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characterlatlcs .... _. ............................................. . lnslalled Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plllnt (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area {square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level {acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down {acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus T ailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load {cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Alabama Power Co. Mitchell Verbena, AL Chilton & Coosa, AL Coosa 111-22 00082 72.5 376.9 59 75.0 79.0 52.0 8,760 72.5 524 613 5,025 2,564 8,727 120 $1!000 Mills/ kWh 32 28 25 106 143 4 46 35 18 71 17 526 526 9,827 5,850 33,300 66.00 0.2240 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.28 0.38 0.01 0.12 0.09 0.05 0.19 0.05 1.39 1.39 20 Conventional 1923 Neely, Henry Chatchee, AL Calhoun, AL Coosa 111-22 02146 $1,000 30 28 97 31 112 43 11 18 88 15 472 472 72.9 214.1 34 73.0 76.6 10.01 8,760 72.9 9,973 995 13,933 6,704 31,605 433 Milia/ kWh 0.14 0.13 0.45 0.14 0.52 0.20 0.05 0.08 0.41 0.07 2.20 2.20 6,600 11,235 91,200 356.00 0.3860 14 Conventional 1966 Thurlow Tallahassee, AL Elmore,AL Tallapoosa 111·22 02408 $1,000 23 13 52 95 27 9 (11) 44 4 256 256 50.0 243.8 56 63.0 67.0 52.1 8,760 50.0 1,873 808 2,692 1,255 6,629 132 Milia/ kWh 3,300 574 0.09 0.05 0.21 0.39 0.11 0.04 0.18 0.02 1.05 1.05 90.00 0.1520 so Conventional 1930 Welaa Leesburg, AL Cherokee, AL Coosa 111-22 02146 $1,000 30 34 39 34 132 42 13 47 53 12 435 435 87.7 250.7 33 87.0 90.0 51.03 8,760 87.8 12,334 3,933 14,793 7,786 38,846 442 Milia/ kWh 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.53 0.17 0.05 0.19 0.21 0.05 1.73 1.73 5,273 30,200 212,000 43.00 0.2660 14 Conventional 1961 •Head reduced by abnormal tailwater condition April 14, 1979. •Yates Dam remotely controlled from Thurlow Dam and system dispatching oNice. Supervisors and maintenance crew included in number at Yates Dam are assigned to maintenance at both plants. •Head reduced by abnormal tailwater condition April 5, 1974. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration II 1 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Alabama Po-rCo. Name of Utility Name of Plant .......•...•.•.• ~"''"'''''''''"'"'"~··~··~--·············· ........................ . Yates Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . Tallahassee, AL Elmore, AL Tallapoosa 111-22 02407 General Operating Characterlatlca ...................... ~""'"''""'"''''''''"''"'" Installed Generating capacity (MW)..................................................... 32.0 Pumping Energy. Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh)................................................................ 154.9 Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) .......................... 55 Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW).................................. 37.0 Net Plant capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW)........ 39.0' Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW)........... 30.0 Time Connected to Load (hours).......................................................... 8,760 Planned Ultimate capacity (MW).......................................................... 32.0 Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights............................................................................ 707 Structures and Improvements............................................................... 913 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways....................................................... 2,356 Equipment............................................................................................... 1.271 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total................................................................................................... 5,247 Cost per kW of Installed capacity (dollars)................................... 163 Mills/ $1,000 kWh Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. 20 0.13 Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . 8 0.05 Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . 17 0.11 Miscellanecus Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. 99 0.64 Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. 25 0.16 Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . 21 0.13 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. 18 0.12 Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . 22 0.14 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . 7 0.05 Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. 238 1.53 Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. 238 1.53 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. 3,250 Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. 2,000 Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. 8,900 Gross Head · Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. 53.00 Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . 0.2460 Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . 17 Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Conventional Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 1928 'Head reduced by low headwater condition January 28, 1980. Tenneasee Valley Authority Guntersville Guntersville, AL Marshall, AL Tennessee 111-20 115.2' 813.8 81 127.0 120.0 25.0 8,760 115.2 4,888 8,701 13,589 117 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 38 0.05 4 166 0.20 110 0.14 35 0.04 25 0.03 3 129 0.16 6 0.01 517 0.64 517 0.64 24,450 69,100 131,700 39.00 0.3360 19 Conventional 1939 Wheeler Wheeler, AL Lauderdale, AL Tennessee 111-20 359.1 1,576.5 50 389.0 385.0 330.0 8,760 359.1 17,189 23,997 41,185 114 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 49 0.03 8 274 0.17 182 0.12 38 0.02 54 0.03 19 O.ot 170 0.11 23 0.01 817 0.52 817 0.52 29,590 67,100 328,100 48.00 0.3820 33 Conventional 1936 'Rewinding o! stators was completed January 6, 1979 and July 31, 1979 for Units 1 2, respectively, increasing the capacity of each unit by 4.5 MW. 12 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Wilson Sheffield, AL Lauderdale, AL Tennessee 111·20 630.0 3,020.8 55 644.0 647.0 520.0 8,760 630.0 17,523 34,974 52,497 83 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 47 0.02 6 386 0.13 307 0.10 48 0.02 154 0.05 14 419 0.14 102 0.03 1,484 0.49 1,484 0.49 30,750 15,930 52,000 88.00 0.1560 56 Conventional 1925 r ........_ 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utlnty Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy • Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) land and land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. SaH River Project Roosevelt Roosevelt, AZ Gila, AZ SALT Vlll-48 36.0 114.6 36 37.0 36.0 3,261 36.0 2,755 6,223 131 9,109 253 $1,000 Milia/ kWh 23 1,777 8 24 54 17 69 142 99 17 2,230 0.20 15.50 0.07 0.21 0.47 0.15 0.61 1.24 0.86 0.15 19.45 Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 2,230 19.45 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (leet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 5,760 18,300 1,381,580 226.00 0.0893 4 Conventional 1909 Arkaneaa Power A Light Co. carpenter Hot Springs,AR Ouachita V-25 00271 $1,000 31 47 1 165 35 11 20 9 67 14 401 401 56.0 64.8 13 56.0 59.0 NR 8,760 56.0 916 930 2,627 1,963 6.437 114 Mills/ kWh 0.48 0.72 0,01 2.55 0.55 0.17 0.31 0.14 1.04 0.21 6.19 6.19 1,420 7,195 119,560 95.00 0.1660 15 Conventional 1932 California Dept of Water Resources Devil Canyon San Bernardina, CA San Bernardino CA California Aqueduct Vlll-46 $1,000 136 497 5 25 23 6 4 697 697 119.7 507.1 48 119.6 123.0 115.9 8,404 119.7 2,379 9,259 25,960 5,444 3,923 46,966 392 Mills/ kWh 0.27 0.98 0-01 0.05 0.05 0,01 0,01 1.37 1.37 995 42,500 1,413.00 0.0100 9 Conventional 1972 •The Hratt and Thermalito plants make joint use of cel'lain facilities and operate essentially as one plant. An appropriate cost per kilowatt lor both plants is $325/kW. 'Costs oncluded as part of aleclric expenses. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Edward G Hyatt Oroville, CA Butt, CA Feather Vlll-46 02100 644.2 2,092.3 37 775.0 741.0 524.0 6,896 644.2 18,704 28,357 78,Q41 44,171 128 169,400 (1)' $1,000 Mills/ kWh .. 466 0.22 191 0.09 592 0.28 1,251 0.60 1,251 0.60 3,611 15,800 2,685,800 675.00 0.0211 26 Conv/Pumped Storage 1968 13 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant~ ....................................................................................... . Posf Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses California Dept of Water Resources San Luis' Central Valley Los Banos, CA Merced, CA San Luis Creek Vlll-46 424.0 1,021 424.0 1 6,729 16,810 10,440 21 61,820 145 Mills/ $1,000~'!_ Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. -• Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses................................................................................. 155 0.94 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering....................................... -' Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric PlanL........................................................... 312 1.90 2.86 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 469' Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 469 2.86 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. 12,700 1,961,321 327.00 27 Conv/Pumped Storage 1968 Thermollto Central Valley Oroville, CA Butt,CA Feather Vlff-46 02100 $1,000 ·' 167 72 4 267 510 510 115.1 305.0 30 121.0 132.3 107.7 4,889 115.1 14,612 25,852 47,470 10,122 1 98,057 NA' Mills/ kWh 3,640 330 0.55 0.23 O.D1 0.88 1.67 1.67 102,00 0.1343 17 Conv/Pumped Storage 1968 lmperlallrrlga ·tion District Drop No.2 Holtville. CA lmperiai,CA All American Canal Vlll-47 01953 10.0 54.6 62 10.2 10.0 NA 8,257 10.0 NA NA NA NA NR Mills/ $1,000 kWh NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 26.00 0.0600 -· NA NR NR NR NA NA NR NR NR NR NR NR Conventional 1953 'The San Luis Facililies were constructed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamalion (USBR) and were joinliy financed by the State of California (55%) and the USSR (45%). 'Costs included as part of electric expenses. 'Costs included as pert of maintenance cost indicated below. •State's share only. 'The Hyatt and Thermalito plants make joint use of certain facilities and operate essentially as one plant An appropriate cost per kilowatt for both plants is $325/kW. •Remotely controlled from Drop No.4. 14 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Drop No.4 Holtville, Ca Imperial, CA All American canal Vlll-47 01941 19.6 105.6 61 19.8 19.6 NA 8,251 19.6 NA NA NA NA NR Mills/ $1,000 kWh NA NR NR NR NA NR NR NR NR NR NR 51.00 0.0300 6 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Conventional 1950 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Imperial lrrtga -tlon District Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Plant-....................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Ucensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy · Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ......................................................... ~ ... .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering .......................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Fiow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Gross generation less station service less pumping-condensing. •Remote alarm to Rinaldi Receiving Station. Pilot Knob Winterhaven, CA Imperial, CA All American Canal Vlll-47 01957 33.0 181.2 63 30.6 33.0 NR 8,760 33.0 NR NR NR NR NR NR $1,000 Mills/ kWh NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 55.00 0.0025 10 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Conventional 1957 Castaic Castaic, CA Los Angeles CA CA. Aqueduc1 Vlll-47 02426 1,331.0 (54.6)' 1,211.0 1,247.0 1,009.0 640 1,331.0 68 66,428 173,359 73,485 1,430 314,770 236 $1,000 541 396 144 264 48 118 (150) 765 226 2,352 2,352 Mills/ kWh 1,380 173,000 1,018.00 0.0122 46 Conv/Pumped Storage 1972 Control Gorge Bishop, CA lnyou, CA Owens Vlll-47 37.5 197.8 60 38.0 36.0 36.0 6,990 37.5 43 2,072 9,779 2,002 319 14,216 379 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 31 0.16 11 0.06 16 0.08 46 0.23 8 0.04 15 0.08 28 0.14 23 0.11 12 0.06 62 0.32 253 1.28 253 1.28 780.00 0.0185 10 Conventional 1952 Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Foothill Sylmar, CA Los Angeles CA Aqueduct Vlll-47 11.0 69.3 72 10.0 10.0 8,491 11.0 451 828 1,145 1,742 4,166 378 Mills/ $1,000 kW_!I__ 9 0.13 1 O.Q1 4 0.06 27 0.39 3 0.04 4 0.06 3 0.04 2 0.03 24 0.34 11 0.16 87 1.26 87 1.26 0.0250 -· Conventional 1971 15 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of UtHity Name of Plant ..................................................... "" ................................. . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characterlatlca .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant • 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Stnuctures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Darns, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric E)(penses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. :. Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ....... :: ................................................................ . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Oata Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from MS)(imum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Loa Angeles Dept. of Water & Power Mlddla Gorge Bishop, CA Mono, Owens Vlll-47 37.5 201.5 61 38.0 37.0 37.0 6,950 37.5 43 2,439 6,592 1,710 319 11,103 296 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 20 0.10 11 0.06 14 0.07 35 0.18 4 0.02 1 0.01 1 22 0.11 20 0.10 3 0.02 131 0.65 131 0.65 Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Taitwater Elevation (feet)........ 795.00 Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ................ 0.0183 Average Number of Employees ............................................... ~········h·· .. 1 Type of Operation................................................................................... Conventional Initial Year of Operation......................................................................... 1952 •SupervisOry control from Control Gorge plant. 16 San San Franchlqulto 1 Franclsqulto 2 Saugus, CA Saugus, CA Los Angeles Los Angeles CA CA L.A. Aqueduct L.A. Aqueduct Vlll-47 Vlll-47 58.1 42.0 322.5 135.5 63 37 39.0 16.0 39.0 16.0 8,752 8,386 58.1 42.0 192 138 886 676 3,118 4,303 2,152 1,836 119 59 6,466 7,013 111 166 Milia/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 89 0.28 44 0.32 77 0.24 73 0.54 173 0.54 86 0.63 47 0.15 17 0.13 47 0.15 25 0.18 29 0.09 21 0.15 51 0.16 21 0.15 62 0.19 89 0.66 (21) 93 0.69 85 0.26 56 0.42 640 1.99 525 3.87 640 1.99 525 3.87 800 4 41,800 74 895.00 540.00 0.0192 0.0307 17 11 Conventional Conventional 1917 1920 • -·--""" ------··-•--,.__. --..c a--•••1 D..-4111aa.,..l~" l::vnaM••_.-tOJift Upper Gorge Bishop, CA Mono, Owens Vlll-47 37.5 187.0 57 36.0 37.0 37.0 6,855 37.5 43 2,822 15,810 1,829 319 20,824 555 MIHs/ $1,000 kWh 19 0.10 11 0.06 12 0.06 37 0.20 4 0.02 1 0.01 1 O.Q1 21 0.11 3 0.02 4 0.02 114 0.61 114 0.61 400 5,280 183,465 803.00 0.0188 -· Conventional 1953 Ill ' ' ~· ....... 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Nlme or Utility Nlme or Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . L.ocation of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million ·kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat or Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Merced Irrigation District Exchequer Snelling, CA Mariposa, CA Merced Vlll-46 80.1 467.4 69 95.0 95.0 52.0 7,447 80.1 5,563 1,476 29,776 4,832 1,347 42,994 536 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 18 52 5 75 11 1 9 58 31 261 261 1,037 7,109 855,849 464.00 0.0295 0.04 0.11 0.01 0.15 0.02 0.02 0.12 0.06 0.53 0.53 8 Conventional 1967 Orovllle·WJiandotte Irrigation let. -- Forbestown Forbestown,CA Butte,CA S.F. Feather Vlll-46 28.8 181.6 72 NR 28.8 NR 7,327 28.8 50 7,704 5,714 71 252 13,791 478 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 86 0.47 19 0.10 43 0.24 23 0.13 4 0.02 6 0.03 4 0.02 20 0.11 13 O.o? 217 1.19 217 1.19 12 184 826.00 2 Conventional 1962 Woodleaf Forbestown, CA Butte, CA S.F. Feather Vlll-46 52.2 273.8 60 NR 52.2 40.0 6,397 52.2 774 10,387 29,389 143 717 41,411 793 Mille/ __!!,000 kWh 86 0.31 . 28 0.10 72 0.26 27 0.10 4 0.02 9 0.03 17 0.06 388 1.42 15 0.06 646 2.36 646 2.36 30 142 1,958 1,495.00 2 Conventional 1962 Pacific Gas &1 Electric Co. Balch No.1 Fresno, CA Fresno, CA N.F. Kings Vlll-46 $1,000 30 21 20 26 124 3 16 29 129 53 8 458 458 31.0 212.9 78 36.0 34.0 34.0 7,117 31.0 8 1,315 5,746 971 305 8,346 Mills/ kWh 232 35 967 0.14 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.58 0.02 0.07 0.14 0.60 0.25 0.04 2,379.00 0.0064 .. Conventional 1927 •Common facilities are used extensively in the PG&E Co. system;therefore, costs per kilowatt hour and expenses per kilowatthour are not ascertainable for individual plants. 'Operated remotely from Fresno. Attended by four roving operators headquartered at Balch Camp. Hydroeledrlc Plant Construdlon Cost and Annual Produdlon Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration 17 1 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ........................................................................................ .. Post OffiCe ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Balch No.2 Fresno, CA Fresno, CA N.F. Kings Vlll-46 97.2 771.6 91 109.1 105.0 105.0 8,146 97.2 1 1,386. 3,933 5,283 10,602 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 79 8 5 44 28 13 43 3 2 103 1 327 327 232 35 967 0.10 O.o1 0.01 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.13 2,389.00 0.0058 ·' Conventional 1958 •Operated remotely from Fresno. Attended by four rOVing operators headquartered at Balch Camp. •Remotely controlled from Caribou No.1 plant. •Remotely controlled from Pit No. 5 plant •Remotely controlled from the Rock Creek plant. 18 Belden No.1 Belden, CA Plumas, CA N.F. Feather Vlll-46 $1,000 20 12 47 13 28 8 3 2 92 8 231 231 118.0 267.1 26 125.0 125.0 125.0 5,205 118.0 71 964 38,352 5,563 293 45,243 Mills/ kWh 616 42 746 0.07 0.04 0.18 0.05 0.10 0.03 O.Q1 O.Q1 0.34 0.03 770.00 0.0189 -· Conventional 1969 Black, James B. Montgomery Creek, CA Shasta,CA Pit Vlll-46 $1,000 28 64 63 27 44 11 1 52 51 8 349 349 155.0 673.3 50 172.0 172.0 172.0 8,510 155.0 3,661 1,793 52,722 5,061 1,091 64,328 MUla/ kWh 0.04 0.10 0.09 0.04 0.07 0.02 0.08 0.08 O.Q1 11 499 22,748 1,226.00 0.0117 _, Conventional 1965 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and .Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information .Administration Bucks Creek Storrie, CA Plumas, CA N.F. Feather $1,000 31 55 45 53 30 12 25 28 38 19 336 336 Vlll-46 66.0 28.1 5 59.0 58.0 58.0 8,368 66.0 235 690 8,549 2,126 75 11,674 49 Mills/ kWh 1.09 O.Q1 1.96 1.61 1.89 1.08 0.43 0.88 1.00 1.35 0.68 38 1,033 2,558.00 0.0062 -· Conventional 1928 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of UUIIty Pac:ifk: Gas & Electric Co. Name of Plant •.••• ---··········-····-····················· ........... -............................ Butt Vallay Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristk:a .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy • Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Rosds, Railroads. and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams. and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Caribou, CA Plumas, CA N.F. Feather Vlll-46 02105 36.0 107.6 34 37.0 40.0 39.0 3,609 36.0 23 1,013 4,255 3,264 48 8,603 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 20 0.19 16 0.15 56 0.52 16 0.15 9 0.09 8 0.07 3 0.02 5 0.05 30 0.28 13 0.12 177 177 503 26,243 1,024,172 358.00 0.0395 .t Conventional 1958 Caribou No. 1 Caribou, CA Plumas, CA N.F. Feather Vlll-46 02105 75.0 61.5 9 75.0 75.0 75.0 8,760 75.0 4 2,411 6,093 2,026 272 10,806 Mills/ ~000 kWh 39 0.63 10 0.17 136 2.21 72 1.16 14 0.22 16 0.25 9 0.14 8 0.13 22 0.35 23 0.37 347 347 578 1,600 32,557 1,149.00 0.0150 6 Conventional 1921 Caribou No. 2 Caribou. CA Plumas, CA N.F. Feather Vlll-46 110.0 380.5 39 120.0 120.0 120.0 7,963 110.0 17 1,765 20,35-• 6,341 1 28,475 Mills/ _!!,_000 kWh 23 0.06 10 0.03 62 0.16 14 0.04 28 0.07 9 0.02 5 0.01 6 O.Q1 24 0.06 1 183 183 578 1,600 32,557 1,150.00 0.0123 ·' Conventional 1958 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Coleman Cottonwood,CA Shasta, CA Battle Creek Vlll-46 01121 $1,000 11 37 50 14 3 4 1 51 5 5 180 180 12.1 89.8 85 13.0 13.0 5.1 8,567 12.2 39 657 3,615 5,817 42 10,171 Mills/ kWh 332 11 11 0.12 0.41 0.55 0.15 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.57 0.06 0.05 481.00 0.0300 .2 Conventional 1979 19 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Pacific Gaa & Electric Co. Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Courtright Res .................................................................................................................... Cmn Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. CA River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. Vlll-46 01988 General Operating Characterlstlcll .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . NR NR NR NR NR NR 5 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . 10,671 Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads. and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. 10,676 Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................ ... $1,000 Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 8 Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 20 Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 4 Rents...................................................................................................... 22 Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ....................................... 3 Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams. and Waterways......................... 4 Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 61 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 61 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees............................................................ NR MHis/ kWh Type of Oparation................................................................................... Conventional Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Remotely controlled from the Rock Creek plant. •Attended by fove roving aperators headquartered at Cresta. 20 Crest& Storrie, CA Butte, CA N.F. Feather Vlll-46 01962 68.0 364.4 61 74.0 70.0 88.0 8,760 68.0 1,544 1,252 14,611 3,782 116 21,306 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 25 0.07 11 0.03 70 0.19 29 0.08 19 0.05 10 0.03 11 0.03 14 0.04 26 0.07 1 215 215 1,820 95 2,208 290.00 0.0500 ·' Conventional 1949 De Sabia Magolis,CA Butte,CA Rice Butte Creek Vlll-46 18.4 144.5 90 20.1 19.0 18.0 8,714 18.5 70 588 6,891 1,138 122 8,809 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 30 0.20 74 0.51 15 0.10 15 0.10 1 O.Q1 12 0.08 5 0.03 151 1.05 9 0.06 11 0.07 322 322 108 15 188 1,530.00 0.0095 ·' Conventional 1963 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration O.Sabla Division Cmn CA Vlll-46 $1,000 4 5 192 2 2 27 3 18 254 254 NR NR NR NR NR NR 13 399 326 107 63 927 NR Mills/ kWh 1963 .. 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Drum Division Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characterlstlca .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coet of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Common Placer, CA Bear Vlll-46 NR NR NR NR NR NR 659 11 20,769 2 12 21,453 Mills/ $1,000 kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 33 Water for Power.................................................................................... 1,838 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 166 Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 94 Rents...................................................................................................... 2 Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering . ................. ..................... 29 Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 183 Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 7 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 2,353 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 2,353 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . NR Drum No.1 Alta,CA Placer, CA Bear Vlll-46 02310 49.2 191.6 44 52.0 54.0 54.0 8,760 49.2 20 613 5,410 1,384 309 7,737 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 39 0.20 51 0.26 146 0.76 33 0.17 11 0.06 25 0.13 60 0.31 44 0.23 5 0.03 413 413 194 21 97 1,372.00 0.0118 6 Conventional 1913 Drum No.2 Alta,CA Placer, CA Bear Vlll-46 01965 44.1 349.8 91 51.0 50.0 50.0 8,308 44.1 (3) 104 660 323 1 1,085 Mills/ ____.!!,000 kWh 10 0.03 6 0.02 39 0.11 5 0.01 13 0.04 8 0.02 3 0.01 6 0.02 1 89 89 195 21 97 1,369.00 0.0105 Conventional 1965 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Dutch Flat Dutch Flat, CA Placer, CA Bear Vlll-46 01943 22.0 121.4 63 23.0 22.0 23.0 8,475 22.0 20 458 2,720 880 45 4,123 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 11 0.09 5 0.04 18 0.15 16 0.13 5 0.04 8 0.06 1 O.ot 9 0.08 1 O.ot 74 74 165 643.00 0.0227 Conventional 1943 21 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ........................................................................................ .. Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most AdVerse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connecled to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering .......................................... .. Water for Power ....... : ........................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Eieclric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering .................................... ... Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost ol Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per seoond per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. ElDorado Placerville El Dorado, CA S.F. American Vlll-46 01924 20.0 151.9 87 22.0 21.0 21.0 8,347 20.0 236 554 11,305 785 247 13,127 55 199 40 58 6 22 299 27 41 748 748 217 23 210 0.36 1.31 0.26 0.38 0.04 0.14 1.97 0.18 0.27 1,910.00 0.0900 _1 Conventional 1924 •Attended by two roving operatOI's headquartered at Placerville. 'Operated remotely from Fresno. Attended by four roving operators headquartered at Balch Camp. 22 Electra Jackson, CA Amador, CA Mokelumne Vlll-46 00137 89.1 534.9 69 92.0 92.0 92.0 8,760 89.1 218 99.1 14,184 3,302 176 18,871 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 27 0.05 29 0.05 55 0.10 20 0.04 13 0.02 11 0.02 2 35 0.06 85 0.16 16 0.03 293 293 40 909 1,268.00 0.0116 2 Conventional 1948 Feather River Common CA Feather Vlll-46 02105 $1,000 9 76 91 13 8 6 10 51 264 264 NR NR NR NR NR NR 2,072 26 23,020 218 (1) 25,334 NR Mills/ kWh Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Haas Fresno, CA Fresno, CA N.F. Kings Vlll-46 01988 $1,000 103 10 7 57 41 31 56 1 9 31 46 392 392 135.0 85.7 7 146.0 144.0 125.0 7,509 135.0 9 3,635 15,178 6,791 130 25,744 Mills/ kWh 1.20 0.11 0.08 0.67 0.48 0.36 0.66 O.Q1 0.10 0.36 0.54 1,022 12,640 2,445.00 0.0057 -· Conventional 1958 _L_ 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Remotely controlled from Wise plant. •Attended by four roving operators headquartered at Burney. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Halsey Auburn, CA Placer, CA Dry Creek Vlll-46 02310 12.0 86.9 83 11.0 11.0 11.0 8,528 12.0 18 95 623 619 2 1,357 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 10 0.12 25 0.28 25 0.29 13 0.15 3 0.04 8 0.09 6 0.06 12 0.14 2 0.02 104 104 299 18 88 328.00 0.0500 ,1 Conventional 1916 Hat Creek No. 1 Cassel, CA Shasta, CA Hat Creek $1,000 13 31 25 11 2 5 24 8 5 125 125 Vlll-46 10.0 3.2 4 9.0 9.0 3.0 8,690 10.0 103 169 650 673 27 1,622 400 Milia/ kWh 4.14 9.64 7.87 3.60 0.72 1.63 0.10 7.50 2.49 1.56 213.00 0.0700 -· Conventional 1921 Hat Creek No. 2 Ford Rv Mills, CA Shasta, CA Hat Creek Vlll-46 $1,000 5 22 23 12 3 2 8 6 12 93 93 10.0 58.9 67 10.0 9.0 5.0 8,719 10.0 332 118 707 578 78 1,813 Mills/ kWh 217 23 210 0.08 0.37 0.40 0.20 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.13 0.11 0.21 1,910.00 0.0900 -· Conventional 1921 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Kerckhoff Auberry, CA Fresno, CA San Joaquin $1,000 37 84 17 16 17 14 19 5 13 50 2 274 274 Vlll-46 34.0 287.9 97 40.0 38.0 38.0 8,742 34.1 8 523 4,478 1,388 110 6,506 Mills/ kWh 1,530 160 0.13 0.29 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.05 0.17 0.01 350.00 0.0450 Conventional 1920 23 l 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant. ••••••••••• ~ ........................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteriatlcs ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant • 60 Minutes (MW} ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................ .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................ .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Pacific Gas & Elactrlc Co. Kings River Fresno, CA Fresno, CA N.F. Kings Vlll-46 44.1 339.8 88 53.0 52.0 52.0 8,077 44.1 8 692 7,101 2,723 31 10,555 MIU8/ kWh 31 0.09 10 O.Q3 5 0.02 23 0.07 6 0.02 11 0.03 17 0.05 6 0.02 18 0.05 3 O.Q1 131 131 246 7 135 798.00 0.0172 ·' Conventional 1962 •Operated remotely from Fresno. Allended by four roving operators headquartered at Balch Camp. •Storage and/or hydraulic faci!Hies common to Salt Springs. Tiger Creek, Electra, and West Point plants. 'AIIended by four roving operators headquartered at Bumey. 24 Lyons Dam Common Vlll-46 $1,000 5 2 12 1 22 22 NR NR NR NR NR NR 33 23 1,013 18 1,087 MUI8/ kWh NR Mokelumne Sya• Common CA Mokelumne Vlll-46 $1,000 12 6 72 5 6 5 92 4 201 201 NR NR NR NR NR NR 893 1 13,062 11 545 14,512 NR Mlll8/ kWh Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Pit No.1 Fall River Mills,CA Shasta, CA Pit Vlll-46 $1,000 35 18 48 74 55 14 14 20 25 47 10 361 361 56.0 320.9 65 61.3 61.0 61.0 8,760 56.0 3,079 1,012 5,004 3,146 47 12,287 Mlll81 kWh 676 222 600 0.11 0.06 0.15 0.23 0.17 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.15 0.03 454.00 0.0350 .. Conventional 1922 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pit No.3 Burney, CA Shasta, CA Pit Vlll-46 00233 80.1 476.9 68 73.0 70.0 71.0 8,760 80.2 386 806 9,024 2,353 240 12,808 $1,000 Milia/ kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 49 0.10 Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 34 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 111 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 77 Rents...................................................................................................... 13 Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ................... .................... 19 Maintenance of Structures . . . . . .. ......... .. . .. . .. ....... .. . . . . .. ....... .. . . . . . . . . .. ........ 6 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 50 Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................. 23 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............ .................... 19 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 402 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 402 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . 4,747 1,264 14,443 315.00 0.0480 Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . 6 0.07 0.23 0.16 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.10 0.05 0.04 Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Conventional 1925 •Remotely controlled from Pit No. 5 plant. Pit No.4 Montgomery Creek, CA Shasta, CA Pit Vlll-46 00233 $1,000 22 9 78 19 17 9 7 14 100 24 298 298 90.0 591.9 75 99.0 95.0 95.0· 8,760 90.0 20 1,345 19,568 5,477 517 26,927 Milia/ kWh 0.04 0.02 0.13 0.03 0.03 O.o1 O.o1 0.02 0.17 0.04 4,784 105 1,198 382.00 0.0380 Conventional 1955 Pit No.5 Montgomery Creek, CA Shasta, CA Pit Vlll-46 00233 $1,000 37 34 126 65 27 15 15 37 48 39 442 442 140.5 1,014.2 82 162.0 156.0 156.0 8,760 140.6 128 2,588 23,950 5,471 848 32,985 Milia/ kWh 0.04 0.03 0.12 0.06 0.03 0.01 O.o1 0.04 0.05 0.04 4,900 615.00 0.0250 6 Conventional 1944 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration ~~ Pit No.6 Montgomery Creek, CA Shasta, CA Pit Vlll-46 02106 $1,000 24 28 57 19 21 9 61 44 4 268 268 79.2 401.2 58 81.0 80.0 77.0 8,760 79.2 27 2,170 13,865 3,711 682 20,455 Milia/ kWh 0.06 0.07 0.14 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.15 0.11 O.o1 5,451 279 8,605 155.00 0.0860 ·' Conventional 1965 25 J '·- --- 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant. ........................................................................................ . Post Office .......•. ., ..................................................................................... . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Ucensed Project No ............................................................................... .. o-ral Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW} ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Toial .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs. Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant.. ......................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Remotely controlled from Pit No. 5 plant. •Remotely controlled from the Rock Creek plant 26 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pit No.7 Montgomery Creek, CA Shasta, CA Pit Vlll-46 02106 104.4 540.0 59 112.0 112.0 112.0 6,760 104.4 13 1,909 20,702 3,716 401 26,740 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 24 0.04 63 0.12 65 0.12 19 0.04 33 0.06 9 0.02 2 46 0.09 36 0.07 9 0.02 307 307 5,601 468 15,361 205.00 0.0726 -· Conventional 1965 Poe Rock Creek Storrie, CA Storrie, CA Butte, CA Plumas, CA N.F. Feather N.F. Feather Vlll-46 Vlll-46 02107 01962 143.0 113.4 638.9 539.5 51 54 128.0 117.0 120.0 112.0 115.0 112.0 8,760 8,760 143.0 113.4 677 1,616 1,969 2,133 28,291 31 '146 6,131 3,770 1,060 354 38,126 39,219 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 22 0.03 26 0.05 13 0.02 22 0.04 87 0.14 99 0.18 25 0.04 41 0.06 32 0.05 29 0.05 9 0.01 11 0.02 8 O.D1 11 0.02 17 0.03 34 0.06 59 0.09 46 0.08 7 0.01 9 0.02 279 331 279 331 1,950 1,760 52 115 476 2,525 477.00 535.00 0.0330 0.0262 _. 6 Conventional Conventional 1956 1950 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Salt Springs Jackson, CA Amador, CA N.F. Mokelumne Vlll-46 00137 ,. 39.0 299.1 BB 46.0 44.0 36.0 8,722 39.1 58 475 4,297 1,926 203 6,960 Milia/ $1,000_kWh 17 0.06 10 0.03 3 O.D1 12 0.04 7 0.02 7 0.02 8 0.03 13 0.04 6 0.03 10 0.03 95 95 221 1,466 274,824 2 Conventional 1931 J... 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Pacific Gas a Electric Co. Shasta DIY Common Post Office................................................................................................. Cottonwood, CA Location of Plant (County and State)..................................................... Shasta, CA River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Battle Creek Vlll-46 Ucensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ................................... , .......................................................... . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses $1,000 Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 12 Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 51 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ....................................... 8 Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .......... ...................... 11 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 83 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . 83 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. NR NR NR NR NR NR 222 148 92 160 1 624 NR Mills/ kWh Stanlslaua Angels Camp, CA Tuolumne, CA N.F. Stanislaus Vlll-46 02130 $1,000 17 287 46 12 23 28 9 37 44 28 530 530 82.0 458.7 64 92.0 91.0 90.0 8,453 82.0 264 939 7,100 3,549 584 12,436 Mills/ kWh 380 16 307 0.04 0.63 0.10 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.08 0.10 0.06 1,525.00 _, Conventional 1963 Stanislaus Spring CA Vlll-46 NR NR NR NR NR NR 5 1,800 1 1,806 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 5 30 1 3 2 43 85 85 NR Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Tiger Creek Jackson, CA Amador, CA N.F. Mokelumne Vlli-46 00137 51.0 393.7 88 58.0 58.0 58.0 8,547 51.0 14 733 8,583 1,778 10 11,118 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 48 0.12 117 0.30 216 0.55 61 0.15 10 0.02 19 0.05 30 0.08 247 0.63 47 0.12 232 0.59 1,027 1,027 262 23 42 1,219.00 0.0120 6 Conventional 1931 27 l 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Pacific Gas & Name of Utility Electric Co. Name of Plant.......................................................................................... West Point Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Ucensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Opera11ng Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy • Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars} ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water lor Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................ . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant.. .......................................................... . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Emplcyees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. •Assumes normal pond elevation. 28 Jackson, CA Amador, CA N.F. Mokelumne Vlll-46 14.0 113.7 93 15.0 15.0 13.0 8,624 14.0 92 468 3,330 1,185 37 5,112 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 10 3 3 5 3 4 40 21 5 94 94 356 69 1,007 312.00 0.0460 0.09 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.35 0.18 0.04 Conventional 1948 Wise Wishon Dam & Res Auburn, CA Fresno, CA Placer, CA Fresno, CA Auburn, Ravine Kings Vlll-46 Vlll-46 02310 12.0 NR 117.3 NR 112 14.1 NR 14.0 NR 14.2 NR 8,531 NR 12.0 74 844 137 9 4,026 17,681 294 15 24 21 4,554 18,571 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh ··--- 19 0.17 8 74 0.63 21 25 0.21 15 0.13 5 4 0.03 11 12 0.10 3 41 0.35 4 74 0.63 3 0.02 1 267 54 267 54 305 61 9 7 19 66 519.00 141.00 0.0300 0.0100 6 NR Conventional 1917 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Pacific Power & Light Co. Copco No.1 Hornbrook, CA Siskiyou, CA Klamath Vlll-46 02082 20.0 102.9 59 25.5 25.5 25.51 8,397 20.0 103 355 1,711 894 3 3,066 153 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 14 0.14 14 0.14 49 0.48 6 0.06 9 0.09 9 0.09 5 0.04 32 0.31 2 0.02 140 1.36 140 1.36 4,300 984 12,500 125.00 0.1180 2 Conventional 1918 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Pacific Power & Light Co. Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Copco No. 2 Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 1Assumes normal pond elevation. •Plant operated by Pacific Power end light Co. Hornbrook, CA Siskiyou, CA Klamath Vll-45 02082 27.0 132.0 56 29.5 29.5 25.5' 8,397 27.0 19 484 2,484 1,180 4,167 154 $1,000 Mille/ kWh 12 0.09 3 0.02 52 0.40 17 0.13 10 0.08 11 0.08 1 41 0.31 3 0.02 151 1.14 151 1.14 4,300 984 12,500 125.00 0.1050 12 Conventional 1925 Iron Gate Hornbrook, CA Siskiyou, CA Klamath Vll-45 02082 $1,000 17 157 42 16 1 9 5 3 34 9 294 294 18.0 118.5 75 19.5 19.5 19.5' 8,268 18.0 268 2,312 7,581 1,329 563 12,053 669 Mille/ kWh 0.14 1.32 0.36 0.13 O.o1 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.29 0.08 2.48 2.48 4,500 981 19,131 158.00 0.0930 2 Conventional 1962 Swift No.2' Cougar, WA Cowlitz, CA Lewis Vll-42 02213 $1,000 70.0 201.1 33 NR NR NR NR 70.0 3,460 2,671 7,767 5,105 19,002 271 Mille/ kWh NA 130.00 NR Conventional 1959 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Placer County Water Agency French Meadows Foresthill, CA Placer, CA Rubican Vlll-46 02079 15.3 92.7 69 17.0 17.0 15.0 6,223 15.3 NR NR NR NR NR NR $1,000 Mille/ kWh NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 47 1,430 123,800 654.00 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Conventional 1966 29 L -~~.~~--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Placer County Water Agency Name of Plant. .............................. "......................................................... Mkldlefork Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs. Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (teet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. Middlefork Foresthill, Ca Placer, CA N.F. American Vltl-46 02079 107.8 795.3 84 130.0 130.0 108.0 7,346 107.8 NR NR NR NR NR NR $1,000 Mills/ kWh NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 113 1,245 201,200 2.00 Conventional 1966 Ralston Foresthill, CA Placer, CA Rubican Vlll-46 02079 $1,000 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 79.2 551.0 79 86.0 86.0 35.0 7,927 79.2 NR NR NR NR NR NR Mills/ kWh NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 33 7 132 1.00 Conventional 1966 sacramento Munici- pal UtHity Dlst Camino• Upper American Rv Pollock Pines, CA El Dorado, CA Silver Creek Vlll-46 02101 $1,000 ·' 142.5 582.6 47 152.82 150.0 150.0 8,760 142.5 ·' Mills/ kWh 250 19 638 1,061.00 0.0131 -· Conventional 1963 Jaybird' Upper American Rv Pollock Pines, CA El Dorado, CA Silver Creek Vlll-46 02101 133.0 803.1 69 152.7' t39.0 139.0 8,760 133.0 5,902 28,326 123,264 26,152 5,239 188,883• 317 $1,000 293 103 339 409 345 174 154 181 480 713 324 3,515' 3,515 Milia/ kWh 0.36 0.13 0.42 0.51 0.43 0.22 0.19 0.22 0.60 0.89 0.40 4.38 4.38 227 64 2,380 1,530.00 0.0094 70' Conventional 1961 •Jaybird, Union Valley, Camino. Robbs Peak. Whne Rock, and Loon Lake plants are part of an integrated hydroelectric generation project known as the Upper American River Project •Fifteen-minute integrated demand. •Costs are included with those of the Jaybird plant •Expenses are included with those of the Jaybird plant. 'Remotely controlled and maintained by a common group of personnel working out of a central office. The total of this group is included with the Jaybird plant data. •Includes costs of Union Valley, Camino, Robbs Peak, WhHe Rock. and Loon Lake plants. •includes expenses of Union Valley, Camino, Robbs Peak, Whne Rock, and Loon Lake plants. •Personnel are common to Jaybird, Union Valley, Camino. Robbs Peak, White Rock, and Loon Lake plants. 30 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration i 1 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Sacramento Munlcl· pal Utility Dlat Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Loon Lake Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Fifteen-minute integrated demand. Upper American Rv Placerville, CA El Dorado, CA Gekle Creek Vlll-46 74.1 137.0 21 124.8' 82.0 78.0 3,394 74.1 $1,000 -' 41 -' Mills/ kWh 1,450 73,000 1,140.00 0.0120 -· Conventional 1971 Robbs Peak Upper American Rv Pollock Pines, CA El Dorado, CA Silver Creek Vlll-46 02101 $1,000 -' 23.8 60.3 29 25.6 1 22.0 22.0 5,773 23.8 80 70 ·' Mills/ kWh 360 4,000.00 0.0400 -· Conventional 1965 Union Valley Upper American Rv Pollock Pines, CA El Dorado, CA Silver Creek Vlll-46 02101 $1,000 ·' 33.3 180.5 62 39.4' 37.0 18.0 6,308 33.3 -' Mills/ kWh 167 2,860 254,000 430.00 0.0273 -· Conventional 1963 'Costs are included with those of the Jaybird plant. •Expenses are included with those of the Jaybird plant. •Remotely controlled and maintained by a common group of personnel working out of a central office. The total of this group is included with the Jaybird plant data. •Fifteen-minute integrated demand. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration ------~----- White Rock Upper American Rv Placerville, CA El Dorado, CA S.F. American Vlll-46 190.0 874.2 53 243.6• 223.0 223.0 8,760 190.0 $1,000 -· -' Mills/ kWh 493 165 16,000 854.00 0.0156 -· Conventional 1968 31 11 .... 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses San Francisco City Name of Utility Name of Plant ........................................................................................ .. Dlon Holm Moccasin Robert C Kirkwood Hatch Hetchy Hatch Hetchy Hatch Hetchy Post Office ................................................................................................ . Groveland, CA Moccasin, CA Groveland, CA Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . Tuolumne, CA Tuolumne, CA Tuolumne, CA River .......................................................................................................... . Cherry Tuolumne Tuolumne Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Vlll-46 Vlll-46 Vlll-46 Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . 135.0 90.0 67.5 Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . 912.1 541.3 656.1 Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . 77 69 111 Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . 150.0 100.0 85.0 Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . 150.0 104.0 85.0 Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . 134.0 84.0 49.0 Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . 8,760 8,760 8,760 Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . 135.0 90.0 67.5 Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . 1,924 3,400 5,858 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . 11,355 9,473 15,307 Equipment .............................................................................................. . 4,668 2,670 2,212 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . 508 13 625 Total .................................................................................................. . 18,455 15,556 24,002 Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . 136 172 355 Mills/ Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . NR NR NR NR NR NR Water for Power ................................................................................... . NR NR NR NR NR NR Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . NR NR NR NR NR NR Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . NR NR NR NR NR NR Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . NR NR NR NR NR NR Rents ..................................................................................................... . NR NR NR NR NR NR Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . NR NR NR NR NR NR Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . NR NR NR NR NR NR Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . NR NR NR NR NR NR Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . NR NR NR NR NR NR Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . NR NR NR NR NR NR Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . NR NR NR NR NR NR Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . 193 520 430 Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . 1,820 52 364,000 Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . 39,800 2,100 50,000 Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . 2,481.00 1,257.00 1,450.00 Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . 0.0617 0.0104 Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . 2 16 5 Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Conventional Conventional Conventional Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 1960 1969 1967 32 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Southern Call fornla Edison Co. Big Creek No. 1 Big Creek, CA Fresno, CA Big Creek Vlll-47 02175 70.0 " 668.3 109 80.0 81.0 76.0 8,760 70.0 3,632 3,603 2,550 39 9,825 140 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 220 43 129 164 338 17 91 246 67 109 76 1,501 1,501 0.33 O.Q7 0.19 0.25 0.51 0.03 0.14 0.37 0.10 0.16 0.11 2.25 2.25 420 1,436 89,166 2,131.00 0.0078 6 Conventional 1913 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Southern Cali- fornia Edison Co. Name of Plant.·---········· .. •••••••••••••a•••···-···""""'""'''"'""'''""""''"""""".......... Big Creek No. .. _ ..................... -............... -..................................................................... 2 Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs. Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenaea Operating Expenses Big Creek, CA Fresno, CA Big Creek Vlll-47 02175 57.8 577.7 114 68.0 68.0 66.0 8,760 57.8 1 1,328 3,606 2,817 7,752 134 Mills/ $1,000 kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 30 0.05 Water for Power .............. ,..................................................................... 38 0.07 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 47 0.08 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 23 0.04 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 55 0.10 Rents...................................................................................................... 10 0.02 Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ....................................... 39 0.07 Maintenance of Structures.................................................................. 23 0.04 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 17 0.03 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 94 0.16 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 28 0.05 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 403 0.70 Cost of Pumping Enargy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 403 0.70 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Row at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Remotely controlled from Big Creek No.8 plant. •Remotely conlrolled from Big Creek No.3 plant. 426 4 56 1,875.00 0.0089 -' Conventional 1913 Big Creek No. 2A Big Creak, CA Fresno, CA Big Creek Vlll-47 00067 80.0 609.2 87 92.0 92.0 89.0 8,760 80.0 1,043 4,663 1,727 13 7.446 93 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 20 0.03 41 O.Q7 16 0.03 21 0.03 41 0.07 2 17 0.03 1 11 0.02 30 0.05 14 0.02 215 0.35 215 0.35 474 2,184 135,283 2.418.00 0.0066 _, Conventional 1928 Big Creek No. 3 Auberry, CA Fresno, CA San Joaquin Vlll-47 00120 143.0 1,141.1 91 175.0 175.0 173.0 8,760 143.0 6 7,655 16,488 11,926 749 36,824 257 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 177 0.16 82 O.o7 143 0.13 180 0.16 173 0.15 6 0.01 146 0.13 84 0.07 eo 0.07 511 0.45 106 0.09 1,689 1.48 1,689 1.48 1,219 30 993 827.00 0.0182 8 Conventional 1923 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Big Crask No. 4 North Fork, CA Fresno, CA san Joaquin Vlll-47 02017 84.0 595.1 81 90.0 91.0 79.0 8,760 84.0 104 1,509 14,550 4,780 83 21,026 250 Mills/ _!hOOO kWh 40 0.07 49 0.08 48 0.08 49 0.08 38 0.06 12 0.02 29 0.05 5 O.o1 37 0.06 48 0.08 26 0.04 382 0.64 382 0.64 1,292 465 26,119 416.00 0.0356 .. Conventional 1951 33 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant---·--·······························---------························-····· Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................•.................................... Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant {thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity {dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Southern Cali- fornia Edison Co. Big Creek No. 8 Big Creek, CA Fresno, CA Big Creek Vlll-47 00067 58.5 455.7 89 59.0 60.0 58.0 8,760 58.5 1,788 3,117 1,969 109 6,983' $1,000 119 Mills/ kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 141 0.31 Water lor Power.................................................................................... 33 0.07 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 88 0.19 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 190 0.42 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 71 0.16 Rents...................................................................................................... 5 0.01 Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................... ................. 19 0.04 Maintenance of Structures.................................................................. 21 0.05 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 14 0.03 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 29 0.06 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant................................ 26 0.06 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 639 1.40 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................... , .............................. .. Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 639 1.40 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. 500 3 47 713.00 0.0193 8 Conventional 1921 Big Creek Wtr Fac CA Big Creek Vlll-47 $1,000 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,975 736 73,004 20 93 76,828 NA Mills/ kWh •Does not include plant costs of Big Creek Water Collecting Facilities which are common to six Big Creek plants. 34 Kern River No. 1 Bakersfield, CA Kern, CA Kern Vlll-47 01930 24.8 206.8 95 24.8 24.8 6.0 8,760 32.0 120 335 2,333 1,202 55 4,045 163 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 33 0.16 29 0.14 8 0.04 40 0.19 26 0.13 1 25 0.12 13 0.06 8 0.04 27 0.13 32 0.16 242 1.17 242 1.17 2,273 877.00 0.0162 1 Conventional 1907 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Kern River No. 3 Kernville, CA Kern, CA Kern Vlll-47 02290 .. 32.0 249.6 89 36.0 36.0 NR 8,760 32.0 266 1,041 8,397 1,151 121 10,977 343 Mills/ _!1.,!)00 kWh 69 0.28 7 0.03 22 0.09 139 0.56 24 0.10 2 0.01 33 0.13 23 0.09 14 0.06 86 0.34 31 0.12 450 1.80 450 1.80 852 821.00 0.0167 5 Conventional 1921 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Southern Cali- fornia Edison Co. Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Mammoth Pool Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Ucensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. COst of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost, of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head-Pond Elevation MinusTailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. Auberry, CA Fresno, CA San Joaquin Vlll-47 02085 129.4 750.9 66 164.0 164.0 123.0 8,760 129.4 161 1,626 17,863 6,479 520 26,650 205 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 18 0.02 71 0.09 24 0.03 17 0.02 41 0.05 14 0.02 95 0.13 9 O.Q1 91 0.12 834 1.11 83 0.11 1,297 1.73 1,297 1.73 1,022 1,095 119,940 0.0123 -' Conventional 1960 Turlock Irrigation District Don Pedro" Mudesto, CA La Grange, CA Tuolumne Vlll-46 136.5 1,079.6 90 164.8 $1,000 84 21 83 36 8 5 88 4 329 329 164.8 41.1 8,760 136.5 6,413 5,106 13,505 4,720 664 30,409 222 Mills/ kWh 0.08 0.02 0.08 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.30 0.30 1,553 12,960 1,721,040 529.00 0.0270 4. Conventional 1971 Yuba County Water Agency Colgate Dobbins, CA Yuba, CA N.F. Yuba Vlll-46 $1,000 74 142 35 2 70 32 3 357 357 316.0 1,978.6 71 334.0 340.0 NR 8,723 316.0 35 1,621 19,244 5,318 303 26,521 83 Mills/ kWh 1,350 0.04 0.07 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 960,000 726,080 1,390.00 0.1041 12 Conventional 1969 Narrows Smartsvilte, CA Yuba, CA N.F. Yuba Vlll-46 55.0 363.7 75 55.0 55.0 12.0 8,675 55.0 20 1,263 1,167 1,960 583 4,992 90 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 1 21 2 100 4 1 130 130 1,110 0.06 O.Q1 0.27 0.01 0.04 0.04 45,000 4,450 236.00 O.Ot61 (20) Conventionai 1969 •Remotely controlled from Big Creek No.6 plant. •Jointly owned by Turlock and Modesto Irrigation Districts at 66.46% and 31.54%, respectively. Plant investment and produc~on expenses represent total costs for both irrigation districts. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration 35 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Yuba County Water Agency Yuba Co. CommonFac. CA Yuba Vlll-46 NR NR NR NR NR NR 2,787 56 142,989 23 9,002 154,856 $1,000 NR Mills/ kWh Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 1 06 Rents...................................................................................................... 1 Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant. .......................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 6 Total, Exclusive of Pumping ..... ........................................ .... . .. ..... ... 11 3 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 113 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Row at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . NR Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 'Net capability for the two units is 268,000 kW; however, one unit is down for extended maintenance. Public Service Co. of Colorado Boulder Canyon Boulder, CO Middle Boulder 20.0 20.0 11 19.0 20.0 5.0 2,628 20.0 194 137 3,986 773 8 5,098 254 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 28 1.42 10 0.52 11 0.54 64 3.22 15 0.76 24 1.19 10 0.52 13 0.63 6 0.28 4 0.18 185 9.25 185 9.25 38 12 160 1,828.00 0.0910 7 Conventional 1911 Cabin Creek Georgetown, CO Clear Creek co So. Clear Creek Vl-32 02351 $1,000 116 7 167 47 2 156 3 4 59 6 -' -· 300.0 312.1 157.7 6 167.0 3,131 300.0 1 6,949 18,150 8,696 509 34,304 114 53 Mlllal kWh 0.73 0.05 1.06 0.30 0.01 0.99 0.02 0.02 0.37 0.04 1,713 1,226.00 16 Conv/Pumped Storage 1967 Shoshone Glenwood Springs, CO Garfield, CO Colorado 14.4 103.4 82 16.0 15.0 12.5 8,760 14.4 844 261 3,044 617 9 4,775 331 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 31 0.30 81 0.78 108 1.05 28 0.28 6 0.06 20 0.20 20 0.19 15 0.15 35 0.33 14 0.14 359 3.48 359 3.48 4,250 100 650 171.00 0.0888 16 Conventional 1909 •Nearly all of the energy for pumping at the Cabin Creek Storage plant is supplied from the Company's fossil steam stations. Average production cost for these plants is 17.36 mills/ kWh. 36 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration ....... 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Connecticut light & Power Co. Name of Ptant .......................................................................... ._............. Rocky River Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ............. ~ ..................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant • 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Gapecity (MW) ....................................................... ... Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................ ... Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . New Milford, CT Litchfield, CT Housatonic 1-2 31.0 6.4 10.4 4 30.0 NR 445 31.0 1,464 766 3,606 646 7 6,690 215 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 16 5 124 67 9 4 14 100 31 393 393 40 1.75 0.51 11.92 6.35 0.90 0.34 1.36 9.62 3.00 37.77 37.77 5,600 142,562 230.00 0.0631 21 Conv/Pumped Storage 1926 Shepaug Stevenson Southbury, CT Stevenson, CT New Haven, CT Fairfield, CT Housatonic Housatonic 1·2 1-2 37.2 30.5 77.6 63.5 24 24 48.0 30.9 47.0 26.7 47.0 26.7 2,439 4,143 37.2 30.5 2,236 642 1,692 1,135 9,912 4,476 3,996 1,345 466 17,639 6,266 479 271 Mills/ MiHs/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 147 1.90 99 1.56 10 0.13 4 0.07 55 0.71 149 2.35 19 0.25 62 0.97 15 0.19 26 0.41 5 0.06 16 0.26 11 0.14 29 0.45 54 0.70 40 0.62 11 0.14 141 2.23 328 4.23 566 6.92 326 4.23 566 6.92 1,390 1,542 1,670 1,063 41,000 5,036 97.00 69.00 0.1420 0.2100 NA 13 Conventional Conventional 1955 1919 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Georgia Power Co Bartl etta Ferry Salem, AL Harris, GA Chattahoochee ltl-23 00485 65.0 421.7 74 82.0 75.0 75.0 6,760 65.0 1,033 1,230 6,066 2,637 24 11,013 169 Mille/ __1!.000 kWh 124 0.30 56 0.14 106 0.26 33 0.08 47 0.11 27 0.06 132 0.31 4 O.ot 533 1.26 533 1.26 4,260 5,850 57,000 115.00 0.1330 49 Conventional 1926 37 , 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name or utility Name or Plant ......................... ._ ............................................................. . Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ........... ._ ...................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy • Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost or Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Georgia Power Co GoatRoc:k Fortson, GA Harris, GA Chattahoochee 111-23 02177 26.0 173.2 76 30.0 28.0 28.0 8,760 26.0 19 165 1,950 1,603 35 3,772 $1,000 145 Mills/ kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 4 0.02 0.30 0.10 0.23 0.12 Water for Power.................................................................................... 53 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 18 Electric Expenses ........ .................................. ........ .... . . . ........................ 39 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 21 Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures .................................................................. 22 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 14 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 81 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 1 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 253 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 253 Hydraulic: Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. 4,535 1,400 5,000 89.00 0.2600 0.13 0.08 0.47 0.01 1.46 1.46 Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 1 Conventional 1912 38 Lloyd Shoals Jackson, GA Jasper, GA Ocmulgee $1,000 12 48 91 36 1 9 13 48 2 260 260 111-23 02336 14.4 68.3 54 23.0 21.0 18.3 8,760 14.4 347 135 1,798 770 49 3,099 215 Milia/ kWh 0.17 0.70 1.34 0.52 0.01 0.13 0.20 0.71 0.04 3.80 3.80 1,300 4,750 43,500 102.00 0.1510 5 Conventional 1911 Mathis Terrors Tallulah Falls, GA Rabun, GA Tallulah 111-23 02354 16.0 56.5 40 17.0 17.4 17.4 8,760 16.0 102 360 2,973 626 34 4,095 255 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 13 0.23 22 0.38 7 0.13 10 0.17 22 0.38 36 0.64 2 0.04 112 2.17 112 2.17 151 834 3,900 190.00 0.0760 1 Conventional 1925 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration North Highlands Columbus, GA Muscogee, GA Chattahoochee 111-23 29.6 156.4 60 39.0 36.2 36.2 8,760 29.6 29 1,937 1,304 3,967 38 7,274 245 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 1 0,01 47 0.30 1 0.01 23 0.15 13 0.08 19 0.12 24 0.15 46 0.29 1 O.Q1 176 1.13 176 1.13 4,670 131 510 35.00 0.3610 1 Conventional 1963 ........ 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name or Plant ........................................................................................ . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characterlatlca ................................................... .. lnslalled Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ........ ... Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs. Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenaes Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Georgia Po-rCo Oliver Columbus, GA Muscogee, GA Chattahoochee 111-23 60.0 260.1 49 60.0 60.0 60.0 8,760 60.0 877 1,768 6,558 4,409 150 13,763 229 Mills/ $1,000 kWh Water for Power.................................................................................... 78 0.30 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 9 0.03 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 24 0.09 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 16 0.06 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures .. ................................................................ 30 0.11 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 49 0.19 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 77 0.29 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant................................ 1 0.01 Total, Exclusive of Pumping ............................................................ 283 1.09 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 283 1.09 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 4,670 2,150 6,000 65.00 0.2170 1 Conventional 1959 Sinclair Milledgeville, GA Baldwin, GA Oconee 111-23 45.0 132.6 34 43.0 45.0 38.0 8,712 45.0 1,831 924 8,845 2,157 42 13,798 306 Mills/ $11000 kWh 3 0.02 71 0.54 31 0.23 46 0.35 2 O.Q1 15 0.11 11 0.08 64 0.48 1 0.01 243 1.83 243 1.83 2,910 15,330 111,000 88.00 0.1630 1 Conventional 1953 ·----~~----·---~ Tallulah Falls Tugalo Tallulah Tallulah Falls, GA Falls, GA Habersham. GA Habersham, GA Tallulah Tugalo 111-23 111-23 02354 ~~----.. ------ 72.0 45.0 187.9 118.4 30 30 75.0 56.0 72.0 45.0 72.0 45.0 8,760 8,760 72.0 45.0 409 197 1,556 710 3,158 2,867 1,345 1,701 6,468 5,474 89 121 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh _!!,_000 kWh 3 0.02 4 0.03 47 0.25 6 0.05 275 1.47 25 0.21 15 0.08 12 0.10 25 0.13 30 0.25 17 0.09 132 1.12 70 0.37 12 0.10 14 0.08 7 0.06 467 2.49 227 1.92 467 2.49 227 1.92 186 464 63 597 330 3,490 603.00 144.00 0.0244 0.0970 12 45 Conventional Conventional 1913 1923 39 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration 1 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Ucensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characterlstlce .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Pliant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenees Operating Expanses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance ol Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head· Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Remotely controlled from Ocoee No.2 Plant. 40 Georgia Power Co Eatonton, GA Hancock-Putnam GA Oconee 321.3 345.9 12 349.0 113.4 105.8 8,760 321.3 19,880 28,628 85,993 67,066 554 202,121 629 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 19 188 97 122 12 12 23 76 33 583 583 19,050 27.687 97.00 0.0640 0.05 0.54 0.28 0.35 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.22 0.10 1.69 1.69 40 Gonv/Pumped Storage 1979 Yonah Taccoa, GA Stephens, GA Tugalo 111-23 02354 $1,000 5 25 14 17 6 14 3 84 84 22.5 60.1 30 27.0 25.0 25.0 8,760 22.5 41 704 1,993 1,027 3,765 167 Milia/ kWh 0.08 0.41 0.24 0.29 0.10 0.24 0.05 1.41 1.41 470 325 625 76.00 0.2030 1 Conventional 1925 Tennessee Valley AuthorHy Blue Ridge Blue Ridge, GA Fannin, GA Taccoa 111·20 20.0 54.9 31 18.0 19.0 NR 8,760 20.0 1,003 264 3,069 780 47 5,163 258 MUla/ $1,000 kWh 8 0.15 33 0.61 39 0.72 21 0.38 3 0.05 5 0.09 58 1.05 4 0.08 172 3.13 172 3.13 232 3,290 183,000 147.00 0.1230 ·' Conventional 1931 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Nottely Hiwassee Dam, NC Union, GA Nottely 111-20 ,, 15.0 47.9 36 18.0 19.0 6.0 8,760 15.0 607 1,550 2,157 143 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 6 0.13 25 0.52 13 0.27 3 0.07 4 0.08 35 0.73 11 0.22 2 0.04 99 2.07 99 2.07 214 4,180 167,000 167.00 0.1110 Conventional 1956 ......... 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Idaho Power Co Name of Utility Name of Plant.......................................................................................... American Falla Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . American Falls, ID Power, ID Snake Vll-41 01971 92.3 379.4 47 92.3 92.3 NR 7,357 92.3 561 15,224 758 30,111 46,654 505 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 133 0.35 2,116 5.58 2 0.01 133 0.35 28 0.07 5 0.01 17 0.05 14 0.04 63 0.17 10 0.03 2,521 6.65 2,521 6.65 Average Number of Employees............................................................ 7 Type of Operation................................................................................... Conventional Initial Year of Operation......................................................................... 1978 81188 Brownlee Bliss, ID Cambridge, ID Gooding, ID Washington, ID Snake Snake Vll-41 Vll-41 01975 01971 75.0 585.4 410.6 2,768.6 62 54 80.0 675.0 80.0 675.0 75.0 486.6 8,760 8,760 75.0 585.4 93 11,671 379 21,902 7,181 52,628 3,836 44,820 30 11,519 131,021 153 223 Milia/ Milia/ $1,000 kWh ___!!.,000 kWh 9 0.02 21 0.01 75 0.18 6 0.01 31 0.01 86 0.21 241 0.09 23 0.06 30 0.01 2 57 0.02 3 0.01 8 36 0.09 30 0.01 2 0.01 33 0.01 24 0.06 92 0.03 1 17 0.01 268 0.65 559 0.20 268 0.65 559 0.20 34,000 72,800 254 15,000 1,200 984,482 70.00 277.00 0.1800 0.0470 4 12 Conventional Conventional 1949 1958 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Lower Salmon Falla Hagerman, ID Gooding, ID Snake Vll-41 02061 60.0 282.9 54 70.0 70.0 68.0 8,760 60.0 132 409 5,423 3,915 9,879 164 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 12 0.04 6 0.02 186 0.66 22 0.08 1 4 0.01 25 0.09 1 59 0.21 7 0.03 323 1.14 323 1.14 32,280 845 3,600 59.00 0.2300 14 Conventional 1949 41 . :. 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Idaho Power Co Name of Utility Name of Plant ................................... ._ ................................................... . Malad Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Hagerman, ID Gooding, ID Malad Vll-41 Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. 20.7 186.7 103 24.0 24.0 20.2 8,760 20.7 152 793 3,229 1,234 5,409 261 $1,000 Mills/ kWh Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Enginearing............................................. 10 Water for Power.................................................................................... 193 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 6 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 51 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 8 Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Enginearing ....................................... 3 Maintenance of Structures ... ............................ ............... .......... ... .. ..... 28 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams. and Waterways......................... 20 Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................... .... .............................. 18 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 6 Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........ .... .. ......... .................. .... ... .. ... .. .... . 344 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 344 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feat) .......... .. Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feat) ...... .. Row at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. 162.00 0.0860 0.06 1.03 0.03 0.28 0.04 0.02 0.15 0.11 0.10 0.03 1.84 1.84 Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 1 Conventional 1948 •FaCilities common to Brownlee, Oxbow, and Hells Canyon plants. 42 Shoshone Falls Jerome, ID Twin Falls, ID Snake Vll·41 12.4 95.2 88 12.5 12.5 12.5 8,703 12.4 268 433 473 542 30 1,746 140 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 5 0.05 1 O.D1 50 0.52 31 0.32 3 0.03 16 0.17 1 O.D1 42 0.44 5 0.05 153 1.60 153 1.60 19,500 120 750 207.00 0.0730 3 Conventional 1921 Snake River• Cmn Fac $1,000 23 424 4 6 64 520 520 ID Snake Vll-41 01971 NR NR NR NR NR NR 9,921 2,305 1,329 101 101 13,756 NR 18 Mills/ kWh 1958 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Strike, C.J. Grandview, ID Owyhee,ID Snake Vll-41 02055 $1,000 9 11 97 18 31 11 39 78 82 18 394 394 82.8 501.7 69 89.0 89.0 88.0 8,760 82.8 1,759 2,061 9,707 4,205 187 17,919 216 Mills/ kWh 0.02 0.02 0.19 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.08 0.16 0.16 0.04 0.79 0.79 41,900 7,500 35,000 88.00 0.1590 6 Conventional 1952 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Idaho Power Co Name of Utility Name of P1ant ....... .-•• ri ........... " ................................ " ....................... ".... Swan Falla Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Charactartatlcs .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant. 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads. and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Ada, ID Kuna, ID Snake Vll-41 10.3 86.2 96 12.0 12.0 6.6 8,760 10.3 15 246 735 688 13 1,697 164 MHis/ $1,000 kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 12 0.14 Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 2 0.03 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 172 2.00 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 27 0.31 Rents...................................................................................................... 1 0.01 Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering....................................... 2 0.02 Maintenance of Structures.................................................................. 8 0.09 Maintenance ol Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 3 0.04 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 16 0.18 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 13 0.15 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 255 2.96 Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 255 2.96 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 41,900 1,525 2,275 24.00 0.0700 10 Conventional 1945 Twin Falla Kimberly, ID Twin Falls. ID Snake Vll·41 00018 8.4 65.0 88 10.0 10.0 9.8 8,760 13.5 19 354 297 305 23 998 118 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 4 0.06 16 0.25 33 0.51 22 0.34 2 0.03 12 0.18 5 0.08 14 0.21 18 0.27 126 1.95 126 1.95 28,000 94 750 147.00 0.0970 3 Conventional 1935 Upper Salmon Falla Hagerman, ID Twin Falls, ID Snake Vll-41 34.5 280.5 93 37.0 39.0 29.0 8,760 34.5 52 768 3,173 1,879 5,872 170 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 12 0.04 22 0.08 188 0.60 18 0.06 3 O.Q1 16 0.06 39 0.14 4 O.D1 282 1.01 282 1.01 32,200 600 1,200 46.00 0.3450 9 Conventional 1937 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Utah Power a UghtCo. Grace Grace,ID Caribou, ID Bear Vll-41 33.0 211.2 73 33.0 33.0 33.0 8,760 33.0 49 746 5,841 1,277 11 7,923 240 Milia/ ..-!!tOGO kWh 11 0.05 1 33 0.16 114 0.54 116 0.55 16 0.07 20 0.10 63 0.30 21 0.10 91 0.43 15 0.07 502 2.38 502 2.38 3,840 33 250 524.00 0.0330 16 Conventional 1908 43 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Utah Power It Name or Utility Light Co. Name or Plant.......................................................................................... Oneida Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of lnstallad Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electrtc Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Oats Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 44 Preston,ID Franklin, ID Bear Vll-41 00472 30.0 92.2 35 28.0 29.9 28.0 5,606 30.0 37 471 1,755 916 236 3,415 113 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 22 0.24 a 0.08 79 0.86 43 0.47 3 0.04 22 0.23 26 0.28 1 0.02 308 3.35 32 0.35 545 5.91 545 5.91 4,130 480 11,500 145.00 0.1050 11 Conventional 1915 Washln~ton Water & Power o. Soda Cabinet Gorge Cabinet Gorge, Alexander, ID ID Cartbou, ID Bonner, ID Bear Clark Fork Vll-41 Vll-42 00020 02058 14.0 200.0 44.6 1,026.8 36 59 8.0 230.0 13.9 230.0 7.0 190.0 7,462 8,760 14.0 200.0 525 7,519 344 7,541 1,910 16,206 580 12,659 821 3,359 44,745 239 223 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 16 0.35 27 0.03 6 0.14 12 O.Q1 78 1.74 262 0.26 20 0.44 42 0.04 1 0.03 10 0.22 3 18 0.40 15 O.Q1 1 0.02 1 (94) 58 0.06 5 0.12 11 O.G1 61 1.36 431 0.42 61 1.36 431 0.42 3,840 21,840 1,070 3,203 11,800 42,780 79.00 97.00 0.1920 0.1530 6 13 Conventional Conventional 1924 1952 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Post Falls Post Falls, ID Kootenai, ID Spokane Vll-42 14.8 80.6 62 20.0 19.0 4.1 8,760 14.8 1,080 279 1,001 2,329 4,690 316 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 17 0.21 37 0.46 26 0.33 21 0.26 2 0.02 4 0.05 2 0.03 19 0.24 128 1.59 128 1.59 3,840 48,000 225,000 56.00 0.2900 2 Conventional 1906 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Northern Indiana Name of Utility Public Service Co Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Oakdale Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No .................................................... : ........................... . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Monticello, IN White, IN Tippecanoe 11-12 11.0 26.1 27 NA 9.6 0.5 NA 11.0 405 82 1,803 283 2,573 233 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 5 0.19 10 0.40 11 0.40 3 0.11 5 0.20 2 0.08 (137)1 61 2.32 0.01 (40)1 3.76 (40)1 3.76 2,000 200 45.00 0.0300 Conventional 1925 •Reflects correction of-$137,800 for 1979 expenses for dam resurfacing and repair. 'Based on average water conditions, output capability is 55,000 kW. 'Includes $58,794 of non project property. Public Service Co. Union Electric Co. of Indiana Markland Keokuk Markland, IN Keokuk, lA Switzerland IN Lee, lA Ohio Mississippi 11-12 IV-15 02211 81.0 124.8 377.8 927.2 53 85 80.0 183.0 81.0' 126.0 NR 40.0 8,154 8,760 81.0 124.8 8,660 2,391 1,703 11,267 7,077 6,279 7,918 29 19,937 25,387 246 203 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 90 0.10 57 0.15 75 0.20 88 0.09 23 0.06 763 0.82 9 0.02 271 0.29 53 0.14 24 0.06 113 0.12 17 0.04 111 0.12 39 0.10 134 0.14 127 0.34 219 0.24 7 0.02 101 0.11 430 1.14 1,891 2.04 430 1.14 1,891 2.04 119,000 16,600 32,000 16,600 123,000 32.00 37.00 0.5100 0.4390 84 Conventional Conventional 1967 1913 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Louisville Gas & Electric Co. Ohio Falls Louisville, KY Jefferson, KY Ohio 11-12 00289 80.0 414.7 59 79.0 80.0 8,088 80.0 4,472 157 3,119 175 7,9233 99 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 36 0.09 12 0.03 252 0.61 64 0.15 95 0.23 34 0.08. 12 0.03 8 0.02 76 0.18 78 0.19 666 1.61 666 1.61 91,200 37.00 0.4100 23 Conventional 1927 45 l Energy Information Administration J 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Tennessee Valley Name of Utility Authority Name of Plant·-·········-···· ........................................... _ ... ._ ...... -.. -..-.... Kentucky Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics .. -......................................... ___ _ Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. Gilbertsville, KY Marshall, KY Tennessee 111-20 175.0 1,134.1 74 193.0 200.0 NR 8,760 175.0 7,875 12,162 20,037 114 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 40 170 139 44 49 4 238 103 786 786 40,200 158,300 721,000 50.00 0.2710 0.03 0.15 0.12 0.04 0.04 0.21 0.09 0.69 0.69 20 Conventional 1944 Central Maine Power co. Gulf Island Lewiston, ME Androscoggin ME Androscoggin 1·1 19.2 102.4 61 22.6 21.7 8,240 19.2 1,602 351 2,264 566 45 4,828 251 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 4 0.04 3 0.03 159 1.55 13 0.13 6 0.06 8 0.08 65 0.63 7 0.06 1 0.01 265 2.59 265 2.59 2,860 1,263 5,050 55.00 0.2500 10 Conventional 1926 •Excludes 1,400 kW auxiliary generating unit. Cost par kW of installed capacity is calculated excluding the auxiliary unit. •Main1enance personnel at Wyman plant also do maintenance work at Harris and Williams Stations. Indian Pond - Harris Kennebec, ME Somerset, ME Kennebec 1-1 02142 75.0' 138.4 21 88.5 88.5 8,760 75.0 738 2,628 7,189 4,766 371 15,693 209 MHia/ $1,000 kWh 5 0.04 1 O.o1 118 0.86 32 0.23 6 0.05 11 0.08 3 0.02 46 0.33 7 0.05 230 1.66 230 1.66 1,350 3,650 16,070 149.00 0.0883 7' Conventional 1954 46 Hydroelectlic Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Skelton Hollins Center, ME York, ME Sa co 1-1 02517 __ ,_,_ 16.8 80.8 55 21.0 21.0 5,980 16.8 1,266 606 4,669 1,004 7,545 449 Mills/ __ $1,000 m kWh 5 0.06 4 0.04 84 1.04 15 0.18 20 0.25 4 0.05 1 0.02 37 0.46 1 0.01 171 2.11 171 2.11 1,640 659 3,628 74.00 0.1822 5 Conventional 1948 ........ 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Central Maine Power Co. Name of Plant.--···········-···············---· .............. -.................................. Weston Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characterlatlce ........... _ ........... ___ , .................... - lnstalled Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant capability capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Skowhegan, ME Somerset, ME Kennebec 1-1 02325 12.0 69.5 66 13.6 13.2 8,760 13.0 540 488 909 730 2,667 222 Mills/ $1,000 kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 4 0.05 Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 17 0.24 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 98 1.41 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 14 0.21 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ............. .......................... 5 0.07 Maintenance of Structures.................................................................. 2 0.03 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 39 0.57 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 17 0.25 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 1 0.02 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 198 2.85 Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................... ................................................. 198 2.85 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Fiow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 3,950 930 2,550 32.00 0.4700 5 Conventional 1921 'Maintenance personnel at Wyman plant also do maintenance work at Harris and WiiMams Stations. Williams Embden, ME Somerset, ME Kennebec 1-1 02335 13.0 72.4 64 14.8 14.3 8,760 13.0 898 415 1,149 898 20 3,380 260 Mills/ $1,000 kWh_ 4 0.06 7 0.09 39 0.53 12 0.17 4 0.06 4 0.06 40 0.55 31 0.43 142 1.97 142 1.97 2,720 333 2,411 42.00 0.3600 1' Conventional 1939 Wyman Moscow, ME Somerset, ME Kennebec 1·1 02329 72.0 217.2 34 81.0 80.0 8,760 72.0 1,406 781 10,405 1,532 14,124 196 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 8 0.04 7 0.03 109 0.50 23 0.10 6 0.03 28 0.13 35 0.16 74 0.34 1 290 1.34 290 1.34 2,600 2,900 66,700 138.00 0.1100 9 Conventional 1930 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration ---------· Pennsylvania Electric Co. Deep Creek Oakland, MD Garrett, MD Youghiogheny 11-7 02370 19.2 30.2 18 21.0 19.0 18.0 1,984 19.2 1,806 256 2,677 535 17 5,290 275 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 15 0.49 25 0.83 14 0.47 103 3.42 10 0.34 7 0.22 31 1.03 50 1.65 24 0.79 278 9.22 278 9.22 65 3,900 92,900 437.00 4 Conventional 1924 47 1 ~ 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy. Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peek Demand on Plant. 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Cepability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousend dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams. and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head· Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 'Includes data from Turner Falls Station. N-England Po-rCo. Fife Brook Florida, MA Berkshire, MA Deerfield 1-2 02669 11.2 23.7 24 12.0 12.0 5.0 4,155 11.3 2,459 1,402 3,218 334 7,413 661 $11000 Mills/ kWh 5 0.23 5 0.21 8 0.33 3 0.11 5 0.20 0.02 2 0.10 31 1.31 3 0.14 63 2.66 63 2.66 120.00 0.1350 NR Conventional 1974 Westem Ma888Chu· aetta Electric Co Cabot Montague, MA Franklin, MA Connecticut 1-2 51.0 213.7 48 53.0 NR NR 7,752 51.0 1,579 645 27,276 2,224 1 31,7251 622 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 63 28 164 89 78 54 25 87 86 17 6921 0.29 0.13 0.77 0.41 0.37 0.25 0.12 0.41 0.40 0.08 3.24 692 3.24 7,163 1,920 8,650 62.00 0.2560 30 Conventional 1916 •Jointly owned by Connecticut Lt and Pwr. (53%), Hart1ord Electric Lt. (28%), and Western Mass Electric (19%). Cobble Mountain Granville, MA Hampden, MA West littlefield 1-2 $1,000 32 14 96 7 319 2 5 27 32 1 536 536 33.0 23.0 a 33.0 NR NR 1,360 33.0 13 13 Mills/ kWh 1.38 0.62 4.16 0.32 13.89 0.11 0.22 1.18 1.39 0.03 23.31 23.31 455 1,155 64,500 456.00 0.0370 4 Conventional 1930 Hydroelectric .Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Northfield' Mountain Erving, Ma Franklin, MA Connecticut T-2 02485 846.0 1 '179.6 845.8 11 1,000.0 NR 2,431 846.0 1,321 20,594 49,993 46,094 4,812 122,814 145 $1,000 90 727 282 255 2,492 94 91 33 746 156 4,966 4,966 Mills/ kWh 0.11 0.86 0.33 0.30 2.95 0.11 0.11 0.04 0.88 0.18 5.87 5.87 270 12,800 825.00 0.0150 39 Conventional 1973 49 , ...J 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Consumers Power Co Name of Utility Name of Plant ...................... '" ....................................... '"....................... C.W. Tippy Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) L.and and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. Wellston, Ml Manistee, Ml Manistee 11·11 02580 20.0 51.7 30 18.3 21.0 21.0 8,760 20.0 56 126 1,434 766 13 2,395 119 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 13 2 6 28 24 13 15 47 19 25 192 192 1,451 1,510 56.00 0.2400 0.26 0.04 0.13 0.53 0.46 0.25 0.30 0.90 0.36 0.49 3.71 3.71 8 Conventional 1918 'Jointly owned by the Detroit Edison Company (49%) and Consumers Power Company (51%). 50 Hardy Hodenpyl Newaygo, Ml Messick, Ml Newaygo, Ml Wexford, Ml Muskegon Manistee 11·11 11·11 02452 02599 30.0 18.0 79.8 36.5 30 23 29.8 18.5 32.4 18.4 32.4 18.4 3,114 8,545 30.0 18.0 333 124 214 99 3,630 1,990 1,125 749 5,302 2,962 176 164 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh _ $1,000_~ kWh .. 10 0.13 13 0.36 1 0.02 2 0.05 3 0.03 7 0.18 16 0.20 27 0.75 9 0.11 14 0.37 10 0.13 13 0.35 9 0.12 5 0.15 11 0.13 35 0.97 12 0.15 14 0.38 2 0.02 5 0.13 83 1.03 135 3.70 83 1.03 135 3.70 1,851 1,018 3,971 2,025 100.00 68.00 0.1400 0.2000 1 Conventional Conventional 1931 1925 Hydroelectrk Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Ludington' Ludington, Ml Mason, Ml Lake Michigan 11-11 02680 1,979.0 3,187.6 2,273.1 13 1,808.0 1,872.0 2,131 1,979.0 5,148 34,701 205,746 59,562 3,398 308,556 155 $1,000 151 124 208 239 9 135 53 394 1,327 45 2.687 38,932 41,619 Mills/ kWh 0.07 0.05 0.09 0.11 0.06 0.02 0.17 0.58 0.02 1.18 18.31 842 54 361.00 0.2091 35 Pumped Storage 1973 I ... 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Big Quinnesec .................................................................................................................... Falls Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Ucensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. 'Limited by high water during flood flow(generally in April and May). Iron Mountain, Ml Dickinson, Ml Menominee IV-13 01980 19.5 112.4 66 20.2 20.6 8.1 8,760 19.5 105 562 1,367 883 64 2,981 152 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 14 14 75 13 14 3 8 72 18 231 231 2,475 257 642 61.00 0.1530 0.13 0.13 0.66 0.11 0.13 0.03 0.07 0.64 0.16 2.05 2.05 2 Conventional 1914 Peavy Falls Randville, Ml Iron, Ml Michigamme IV-13 01759 12.0 69.7 66 15.7 16.0 13.0 7,025 12.0 72 174 935 479 25 1,684 140 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 8 0.12 3 0.05 28 0.41 13 0.18 8 0.12 4 0.05 2 0.03 16 0.23 12 0.17 94 1.35 94 1.35 715 3,160 34,000 95.00 0.1460 1 Conventional 1943 Minnesota Power & Light Co. Blanchard Royalton, MN Morrison, MN Mississippi IV-16 00346 12.0 72.8 69 12.0 11.8 11.8 8,760 12.0 206 325 1,500 760 2,792 232 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 21 0.29 16 0.22 104 1.43 17 0.24 5 0.07 7 0.09 2 0.03 23 0.31 1 0.01 196 2.70 196 2.70 11,425 1,150 2,290 45.00 0.3300 4 Conventional 1925 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Fond DuLac Duluth, MN Carlton, MN St. Louis IV-16 12.0 50.9 48 13.9 11.8 5.7' 7,333 12.0 903 418 1,726 862 17 3,926 327 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 8 0.15 27 0.53 7 0.13 5 0.10 6 0.12 12 0.23 245 4.80 24 0.48 1 0.03 335 6.58 335 6.58 3,600 166 1,280 78.00 0.2000 2 Conventional 1924 51 , r 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Minnesota Power Name of Utility & Ught Co. Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Thomson Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characterlatlca .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Umijed by high water during Hood flow(generally in April and May). 52 Thomson, MN Carlton, MN St. Louis IV-16 02360 70.8 261.6 42 70.9 70.0 69.0' 3,433 70.9 682 1,063 5,799 5,189 3 12,736 179 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 95 99 300 68 54 239 50 38 6 950 950 3,560 365 3,040 374.00 0.0400 0.36 0.38 1.15 0.26 0.21 0.91 0.19 0.15 0.02 3.63 3.63 27 Conventional 1907 Northern States Power Hennepin Island Minneapolis, Mn Hennepin, MN Mississippi IV-16 $1,000 12 34 27 19 18 11 7 59 38 2 227 227 12.4 88.5 81 NR 12.4 2.0 8,588 12.4 1,434 184 1,749 1,128 4,495 362 Milia/ kWh 0.14 0.38 0.31 0.22 0.20 0.13 0.08 0.66 0.43 0.02 2.56 2.56 19,680 354 49.00 Conventional 1955 Empire District Electric Co. Ozark Beach Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Union Electric Co. Osage 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Union Electric Co. Name of UtHity Name of Plant ............ ._........................................................................... Taum Sauk Post Office................................................................................................. Annapolis, MO Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability · Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Reynolds, MO E.F. Black IV-15 02277 408.0 64.5 28.9 1 214.0 300.0' 236 408.0 152 4,716 23,734 17,215 37 45,855 $1,000 112 Mills/ kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 44 1.54 Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 40 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 14 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 69 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ........... .............. ... ... ........ 65 Maintenance of Structures ............................................................. ..... 13 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 137 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 183 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 97 Total, Exclusive of Pumping ................. ................ .... ................. .... .. 663 Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 663 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . 55 1.37 0.50 2.40 2.26 0.45 4.72 6.32 3.36 .22.91 22.91 Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 10 Pumped Storage 1963 •Could cany 445,000 kW for short time with full reservoir. <Contains daHy storage or poodage only. Montana Power CO. Bleck Eagle Cochrane Great Falls. Great Falls. MT MT Cascade, MT Cascade, MT Missouri• Missouri Vll-30 Vll-30 02188 02188 16.8 48.0 137.3 311.1 93 74 20.0 56.0 18.0 50.0 15.0 30.0 8,419 8,760 16.8 48.0 373 59 335 1,006 867 5,379 584 4,002 12 82 2,171 10,528 129 219 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 37 0.27 16 0.05 25 0.18 41 0.13 29 0.21 13 0.04 133 0.97 36 0.12 8 0.06 8 0.03 8 0.06 6 0.02 3 0.02 4 0,01 25 0.18 1 27 0.19 16 0.05 7 0.05 5 0.01 302 2.20 146 0.47 302 2.20 146 0.47 19,485 19,500 350 244 1,700 4,500 52.00 76.00 0.2780 0.1810 5 NR Conventional Conventional 1927 1958 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Hauser Lake Helena, MT lewis & Clark MT Missouri Vll-30 02166 $1,000 9 26 5 29 22 6 2 26 3 27 4 160 160 17.0 132.4 89 NR 16.5 11.0 8,760 17.0 241 308 4,621 558 4 5,733 337 Mills/ kWh 0.07 0.19 0.04 0.22 0.17 0.04 0.01 0.20 0.02 0.21 0.03 1.21 1.21 16,625 4,900 62,000 67.00 0.2900 3 Conventional 1907 53 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Montana Power Co. Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Holter Post Office................................................................................................. Woll Creek, MT Location of Plant (COunty and State) ................................................... .. Lewis & Clark MT River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Ucensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Missouri Vll-30 02188 Installed Generating Capacity (MW)..................................................... 38.4 Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh)................................................................ 310.8 Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) .......................... 92 Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) .................................. NR Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating COnditions (MW)........ 49.0 Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW)........... 35.0 Time Connected to Load (hours).......................................................... 8,760 Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW).......................................................... 38.4 Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land end Land Rights............................................................................ 223 Structures and Improvements............................................................... 475 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways....................................................... 3,835 Equipment............................................................................................... 1,242 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges............................................................. 6 Total................................................................................................... 5,780 Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................... 150 Mills/ Production Expenaea Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water lor Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. COst of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles} .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet par second par kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. •Contains daily storage or pondage only. 54 $1,000 kWh 10 52 15 20 22 4 2 7 37 25 3 195 195 16,900 4,800 82,000 109.00 0.1370 0.03 0.17 0.05 0.07 0.07 O.Q1 O.o1 0.02 0.12 0.08 O.Q1 0.63 0.63 3 Conventional 1918 Kerr Polson, MT Lake, MT Flathead Vll-30 00005 197.0 910.3 53 NR 180.0 175.0 8,760 197.0 846 3,007 6,719 6,398 213 17,183 87 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 15 0.02 146 0.16 15 0.02 30 0.03 14 0.02 3,957 4.35 11 O.Q1 56 0.06 3 65 0.07 24 0.03 4,336 4.77 4,336 4.77 7,000 126,109 1,217,000 187.00 4 Conventional 1939 Morony Great Falls, MT Cascade, MT Missouri• Vll-30 02188 45.0 318.6 81 48.0 47.0 28.0 8,760 45.0 228 424 2,223 1,346 4 4,225 93 Mills/ _$!.Ql!Q_ kWh 17 0.05 42 0.13 11 0.03 40 0.12 12 0.04 9 0.03 3 0.01 1 86 0.27 14 0.04 234 0.73 234 0.73 19,000 300 7,900 83.00 0.1670 NR Convenional 1930 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Mystic Lake Columbus. MT Stillwater, MT West Rosebud' Vll-30 02301 10.0 53.4 61 10.0 11.5 11.5 8,760 10.0 43 938 5,570 1,465 257 8,273 827 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 17 0.33 8 0.15 47 0.88 45 0.84 5 0.09 2 0.04 2 0.03 18 0.34 36 0.68 5 0.10 186 3.49 186 3.49 55 430 20,700 1,128.00 0.0147 3 Conventional 1925 11111111111 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Montana Power Co. Name of Utility Name of Plant •.••••••••••.••••••••.•••.••••••••.••.••.••••••••••••••.••••••••••.••.•.••.••••••••••••.•. Rainbow Post Office ................................................................................................ . location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Great Falls, MT Cascade, MT Missouri Vll-30 licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics •••••.•••.••••••••••..•..•••••••••••••••••••.•..••••• Installed Generating Capacity (MW)..................................................... 35.6 Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh)................................................................ 260.4 Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) .......................... 84 Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW).................................. 37.0 Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW)........ 35.0 Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW)........... 35.0 Time Connected to Load (hours).......................................................... 8,760 Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) .................................................. ........ 35.6 Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights............................................................................ 790 Structures and Improvements............................................................... 630 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways....................................................... 2,631 Equipment ............................................................... ................. ............... 863 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........ ..................................................... 3 Total................................................................................................... 4,917 Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................... 138 Mills/ Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . $1,000 kWh 37 47 23 56 45 21 19 111 57 12 428 428 19,495 125 1,000 112.00 0.1540 0.14 0.18 0.09 0.22 0.17 0.08 0.07 0.43 0.22 0.04 1.64 1.64 25 Conventional 1910 Ryan Great Falls, MT Cascade, MT Missouri Vll-30 48.0 469.6 112 61.0 60.0 50.0 8,760 48.0 1,191 679 2,617 1,598 12 6,097 127 Mills/ $1!000 kWh 30 0.06 70 0.15 20 0.04 41 0.09 32 0.07 14 0.03 6 0.01 8 0.02 41 0.09 14 0.03 276 0.59 276 0.59 19,510 180 2,800 151.00 0.0955 6 Conventional 1915 Thompson Falls Thompson Falls, MT Sanders, MT Clarks Fork Vll-30 30.0 278.1 106 41.0 40.0 22.0 8,760 30.0 647 608 1,528 1,565 7 4,355 145 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 44 0.16 22 0.08 22 0.08 126 0.45 12 0.04 1 18 0.07 2 0.01 16 0.06 161 0.58 3 0.01 427 1.53 427 1.53 20,940 1,450 15,000 60.00 0.2780 8 Conventional 1915 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Washlnton Water & Power o. Noxon Rapids Noxon, MT Sanders, MT Clarks Fork Vll-42 396.9 1,716.7 49 554.0 542.0 374.7 8,760 396.9 31,108 8,980 28,837 34,573 89 103,586 260 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 44 0.03 1 243 0.14 41 0.02 14 0.01 3 24 0.01 14 0.01 152 0.09 15 0.01 553 0.32 553 0.32 21,800 8,530 334,000 152.00 0.0910 12 Conventional 1959 55 l lj 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Central Nebraska Public Power Name of Plant ............. ._.......................................................................... Jeffery Canyon Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW} ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW} ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under MoSt Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dOllars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive o! Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . >Operates through Remote Computer Control Center. Brady, NE Lincoln, NE Diversion Fr. Platte Vl-28 01417 18.0 17.8 19.0 NR 8,760 18.0 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 117.00 1940 'Data lor this plant include generation. costs, and expenses of Johnson No. 2. 'Generation, costs, and expenses data lor this plant included with those of Johnson No. 1. 'Expenses combined lor Columbus and Monroe plants. 56 Johnson No.1' Johnson No. 2• Lexington, Ne Lexington, Ne Gosper, NE Gosper. NE Diversion Fr. Diversion Fr. Platte Platte Vl-28 Vl-28 01417 01417 18.0 18.0 288.4 183 17.8 17.8 19.0 19.0 NR NR 8,760 8,760 18.0 18.0 7,044 1,108 25,662 2,907 78 36,799 681 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 14 0.05 1,252 4.34 776 2.69 2,042 7.08 2,042 7.08 118.00 146.00 1' 1' 1940 1940 Hydroelectric: Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy lnfonn~lon Administration Loup River Public Power District Columbus Columbus, NE Platte, NE Loup Vl-28 01256 39.9 90.1 26 43.0 43.0 NR 8,760 39.9 733 727 3,361 963 207 5,990 150 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 110 1.22 14 0.16 148 1.64 152 1.69 11 0.12 59 0.66 5 0.06 193 2.14 60 0.67 35 0.39 788• 8.75 788 8.75 14,800 950 2,000 116.00 0.1170 11 Conventional 1936 I 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Nebraska Publk: Name of Utility Power District Name of Plant.......................................................................................... North Platte Post Office ................................................................................................ . location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Gapability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expanses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. COst of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feel) ........... . Gross Head · Pond Elevation Minus Tallwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . North Platte, NE Lincoln, NE Platte Vl-28 01835 29.0 132.1 52 25.0 NR NR 8,743 29.0 12,187 420 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 38 0,28 9 0.07 128 0.97 57 0.43 15 0.11 72 0.55 17 0.13 100 0.76 25 0.19 55 0.41 516 3.91 516 3.91 37,000 90 598 218.00 NR Conventional 1936 N-Engtand Po-rCo. Comerford East Garnet, VT Grafton, NH COnnecticut 1-2 02077 $1,000 37 39 14 146 86 3 47 32 10 47 30 491 491 140.4 237.1 19 167.0 165.0 127.0 7,601 140.4 1,887 1,213 9,605 2,710 371 15,786 112 Mills/ kWh 0.15 0.16 0.06 0.62 0.36 0.01 0.20 0.13 0.04 0.20 0.13 2.07 2.07 1,635 1,093 29,356 179.00 0.0740 39 Conventional 1930 Moore Littleton, NH Grafton, NH Connecticut 1-2 02277 140.4 211.1 17 200.0 200.0 136.0 7,430 140.4 2,488 3,037 16,590 8,052 30,167 214 Mlll8f $1,000 kWh 28 0.13 34 0.16 18 0.09 29 0.14 51 0.24 3 0.02 39 0.18 14 0.07 13 0.06 55 0.26 13 0.06 298 1.41 298 1.41 1,600 3,490 114,176 159.00 0.0845 NR Conventional 1957 IIL.L Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy lnform.atlon Administration Public Service Co. of N-Hampehlre Amoskeag Manchester, NH Millsborough NH Merrimack 1-2 01893 16.0 63.4 45 16.9 16.0 10.0 6,773 16.0 377 135 1,336 766 1 2,614 163 Mills/ __!!..000 kWh 9 0.14 18 0.29 20 0.32 4 0.06 19 0.30 3 0.04 12 0.20 13 0.21 21 0.33 32 0.51 13 0.21 165 2.60 165 2.60 2,854 478 2,000 46.00 0.3050 6 Conventional 1922 57 .... 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant.-....................................... -......... ._._ .............................. . Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. PrOduction Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams. and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Public service Co. of New Hampshire Smith Berlin, NH Coos, NH Androscoggin 1-2 15.0 82.6 63 16.5 15.0 9.0 8,493 15.0 432 643 2,262 838 37 4,213 280 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 8 0.09 47 0.56 8 0.09 17 0.20 11 0.13 2 0.02 8 0.10 2 0.03 16 0.19 10 0.12 46 0.56 175 2.11 175 2.11 1,365 6 87.00 0.1720 6 Conventional 1948 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Neversink Grahamsville, NY Sullivan, NY Neversink 1-3 25.0 64.5 29 27.0 27.0 21.0 4,022 25.0 785 975 412 1,287 3,459 138 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 3 0.05 1,193 18.49 27 0.42 10 0.16 3 0.05 23 0.35 12 0.18 6 0.10 1,278 19.81 1,278 19.81 93 1,490 109,000 551.00 0.0287 ·' Conventional 1953 Sturgeon Pool Rifton, NY Ulster, NY Walkill 1-3 14.4 32.4 26 16.0 16.0 15.0 3,311 14.4 369 186 4,228 545 5,328 370 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 4 0.13 1 0.03 36 1.11 52 1.60 4 0.13 20 0.62 31 0.97 43 1.33 8 0.24 200 6.17 200 6.17 785 200 2,000 113.00 0.1350 ·' Conventional 1924 New York State Electric & Gas High Falls Moffitsville, NY Clinton, NY Saranac 1·3 $1,000 12 8 3 2 9 20 1 56 56 14.1 81.3 66 15.6 NA NR 8,760 14.1 387 317 1,435 731 10 2,881 NR Mills/ kWh 0.15 0,01 0.10 0.04 0.03 0.10 0.24 0.01 0.69 0.69 495 55 550 272.00 Conventional 1948 •No employees are specifically assigned to these stations. An average of 18 employees is assigned as required to the gas turbine stations and the hydroelectric stations. 58 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Niagara Mohawk Power Co. Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Beardslee · Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ••.•.••.••.•••••••••••••..•.••••••••••••.•..•..•.•.•. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy • Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Little Falls, NY Herkimer, NY East Canada Creek 1-3 20.0 33.2 19 16.0 16.0 13.1 NR 20.0 158 528 2,655 418 54 3,813 190 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 2 0.07 37 1.12 11 0.33 5 0.15 8 0.24 3 0.09 24 0.71 105 3.18 1 0.04 197 5.93 197 5.93 288 198 1,200 157.00 0.0860 Conventional 1924 Bennetts Blake Bridge Parishville, Orwell, NY NY St. Lawrence Oswego, NY NY South Salmon Raquette 1·3 1-3 02084 26.7 14.4 71.2 56.3 30 45 25.0 15.0 24.3 14.0 21.5 14.0 NR NR 26.8 14.4 754 917 271 704 2,769 2,723 1,104 1,410 24 4,898 5,778 183 401 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 2 0.03 9 0.12 16 0.28 54 0.76 10 0.17 21 0.29 13 0.24 2 0.04 3 0.05 4 0.07 36 0.50 14 0.24 23 0.33 16 0.28 13 0.18 2 0.03 158 2.23 78 1.39 158 2.23 78 1.39 191 908 3,550 661 53,500 3,857 284.00 68.00 0.0580 0.2130 Conventional Conventional 1914 1957 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Browns Falla Oswegatchie, NY St. Lawrence NY Oswegatchie 1-3 15.0 51.8 39 17.0 16.6 15.8 NR 15.0 433 163 4,114 375 5,085 339 Mills/ __!!,000 kWh 2 0.04 9 0.18 13 0.25 20 0.39 9 0.17 2 0.05 5 0.10 9 0.17 23 0.45 3 0.06 96 1.85 96 1.85 178 171 2,220 270.00 Conventional 1923 59 , 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Niagara Mohawk Power Co. Name of Plant. ......................... -············-······-··-························· .......... . Colton Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Colton, NY St. Lawrence NY Raquette 1-3 Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics-.................................... _ ........... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW)..................................................... :30.0 Pumping Energy Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh)................................................................ 208.4 Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) .......................... 79 Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW).................................. 29.0 Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW)..... ... 28.5 Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW)........... 266.0 Time Connected to Load (hours).......................................................... NR Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW).......................................................... :30.0 Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights............................................................................ 81 Structures and Improvements............................................................... 374 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways....................................................... 4,571 Equipment............................................................................................... 753 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges............................................................. 31 Total................................................................................................... 5,810 Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................... 193 Mills/ $1,000 __ kWh_ Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. , Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ............................................ , ........................... . 60 4 9 9:3 11 5 6 67 67 20 281 281 979 152 620 285.00 0.0580 0.02 0.04 0.45 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.32 0.:32 0.10 1.35 1.35 Conventional 1918 Deferiet Deferiet, NY Jefferson, NY Black 1-:3 10.8 49.3 52 10.5 11.0 5.8 NR 10.8 :316 161 2,055 320 7 2,859 264 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 1 0.03 3 0.06 26 0.53 10 0.21 8 0.15 2 0.0:3 3 0.05 12 0.24 28 0.58 2 0.04 95 1.93 95 1.9:3 1,817 70 405 47.00 0.2890 Conventional 1925 E.J. West Hadley, NY Saratoga, NY Sacandago 1-:3 02318 20.0 45.6 26 20.0 15.0 11.0 NR 20.0 3:39 268 471 621 92 1,790 89 Mills/ _$1,000_~kWh 2 0,05 329 7.21 :3 0.07 21 0.46 7 0.16 3 0.07 4 0.08 20 0.4:3 61 1.34 3 0.07 453 9.95 453 9.95 1,044 63.00 0.2500 Conventional 1930 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Five Falls South Colton, NY St. Lawrence NY Raquette 1-:3 22.5 75.3 :38 25.0 2:3.6 22.7 NR 22.5 252 669 2,536 1,477 13 4,946 219 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 3 0.04 6 0.08 10 0.1:3 8 0.11 3 0.05 3 0.04 29 0.38 126 1.67 2 0.02 190 2.52 190 2.52 932 120 64:3 104.00 0.1350 Conventional 1955 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Niagara Mohawk Power Co. Prospect Russia, NY Oneida, NY West Canada Creek 1-3 17.3 60.4 40 190.0 18.5 16.8 NR 17.3 520 808 3,120 1,239 106 5,793 334 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 2 0.04 9 0.15 4 0.07 21 0.35 3 0.05 8 0.12 42 0.70 21 0.35 2 0.03 112 1.86 112 1.86 375 804 138.00 0.1020 Conventional 1959 Rainbow Falls Parishville, NY St. Lawrence NY Raquette 1-3 22.5 89.6 45 24.0 23.5 22.5 NR 22.5 771 678 3,828 1,368 12 6,657 295 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 3 0.03 6 0.07 11 0.12 7 0.08 3 0.04 4 0.04 13 0.14 51 0.57 1 0.02 99 1.10 99 1.10 929 710 9,871 102.00 0.1390 Conventional 1956 School Street Cahoes, NY Albany, NY Mohawk 1-3 02539 38.8 111.4 33 240.0 32.7 19.8 NR 38.8 257 378 1,660 1,823 4,118 106 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 5 0.04 30 0.27 11 0.10 28 0.25 6 0.05 45 0.41 16 0.14 374 3.36 12 0.10 527 4.73 527 4.73 3,455 80 240 95.00 0.1480 Conventional 1915 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Sherman Island Glen Falls, NY Warren, NY Hudson 1-3 02482 28.8 130.4 52 27.8 29.0 28.5 NR 28.8 1,277 1,060 5,178 1,391 28 8,935 310 Mills/ _!!,000 kWh 4 0.03 86 0.66 16 0.13 36 0.27 7 0.05 4 0.03 29 0.23 44 0.34 104 0.80 10 0.07 340 2.60 340 2.60 2,785 300 1,700 69.00 0.2300 Conventional 1923 61 , I ~ 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ................ m•·-······-·················································--··-·· Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses ................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head· Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 62 Niagara Mohawk Power Co. Soft Maple Belfort,NY Lewis, NY Beaver 1-3 15.0 34.3 26 15.0 15.4 . 14.6 NR 15.0 425 309 1,914 353 91 3,091 206 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 2 6 10 12 9 2 3 7 24 6 62 62 246 326 2,675 126.00 0.1160 0.05 0.16 0.29 0.36 0.27 0.07 0.06 0.20 0.71 0.17 2.38 2.38 Conventional 1925 South Colton South Colton, NY St. Lawrence NY Raquette 1-3 02064 $1,000 2 5 11 7 3 2 21 13 1 67 67 19.3 76.0 45 21.0 20.0 20.0 NR 19.4 337 637 1,633 1,397 4 4,207 217 Mills/ kWh 0.03 0.07 0.14 0.09 0.04 0.03 0.28 0.17 0.02 0.86 0.86 942 225 1,492 65.00 0.1740 Conventional 1954 Spier Falls Corinth, NY Saratoga, NY Hudson 1-3 02462 44.4 173.3 45 46.0 47.6 46.0 NR 44.4 1,735 1,295 4,417 1,769 9,216 207 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 5 0.03 109 0.63 24 0.14 26 0.15 19 0.11 7 0.04 13 0.07 26 0.16 57 0.33 12 0.07 300 1.73 300 1.73 2,779 410 3,300 63.00 0.1790 Conventional 1924 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Stark Colton, NY St. Lawrence NY Raquette 1-3 02064 22.5 63.8 42 24.0 23.6 17.0 NR 22.5 1,044 791 3,141 1,476 11 6,463 267 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 3 0.03 7 0.09 10 0.13 6 0.09 3 0.04 4 0.04 21 0.25 46 0.56 2 0.02 107 1.27 107 1.27 877 566 11,430 105.00 0.1330 Conventional 1957 r ....... 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ............................ ._ .... _. .................................................. .. Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characterlstlca .................................................... . Installed Generating capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Lend and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Cspacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Niagara Mohawk Power Co. Stewarts Bridge Hadley, NY Sarate<ga, NY Sacandago 1-3 02047 30.0 93.6 36 35.7 36.0 34.4 NR 30.0 2,042 679 4,733 1,808 155 9,417 $1,000 313 MRia/ kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 4 0.04 1.23 0.12 0.20 0.09 Water for Power.................................................................................... 115 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 11 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 19 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 9 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ................... .................... 5 Maintenance of Structures .................................................................. 4 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 12 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 49 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 8 Total, Exclusive of Pumping ................................ ............................ 235 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 235 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . 4,062 480 3,100 100.00 0.1480 0.05 0.04 0.12 0.53 0.08 2.51 2.51 Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Conventional 1952 •Out of service since October 19, 1979 due to collapse of penstock. Trenton Falla Trenton Falls, NY Oneida, NY West Canada Creek 1-3 23.6 104.0 50 29.0 27.7 23.0 NR 23.6 194 488 1,467 888 3,037 128 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 3 0.03 8 0.08 10 0.10 38 0.36 4 0.04 4 0.04 36 0.34 110 1.06 6 0.05 218 2.10 218 2.10 376 156 268.00 0.0576 Conventional 1901 Orange & Rockland Utilities, Inc. Grahamavllle Grahamsville, NY Sullivan, NY NY City Water Suply 1-3 18.0 112.4 71 18.0 18.0 15.5 7,807 18.0 511 785 1,216 1,563 21 4,095 227 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 5 0.05 1,856 16.51 4 0.03 26 0.23 56 0.50 20 0.18 3 0.03 8 0.07 77 0.68 1 0.01 2,056 18.30 2,056 18.30 372 5,600 316,805 440.00 0.0441 1 Conventional 1956 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration RIO' Monticello, NY Sullivan, NY Mohgaup 1-3 $1,000 37 2 18 31 9 73 6 10 186 186 10.0 313 1,465 98 1,875 Mills/ kWh 118 2,899 706 185.00 0.0899 Conventional 1927 63 1 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. •Component costs not reported. Power Authority of the State of N. 'I'. Blenheim· Gilboa Scholarie, NY Scholarie Creek 1·3 1,000.0 (843.5) 1,027.0 1,148.0 1,026.0 8,760 1,000.0 $1,000 104 87 390 219 233 88 43 373 105 1,642 1,642 _, Mills/ kWh 1,085.00 94 Pumped Storage 1973 Robert Moses• Niagara Falls, NY Niagara, NY Niagara 1-3 02216 912.0 7,215.0 90 919.0 912.0 800.0 8,760 2,190.0 223,7401 245 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 84 0.01 28 408 0.06 451 0.06 388 0.05 172 0.02 142 0.02 674 0.09 153 0.02 2,500 0.35 2,500 0.35 260,400 310.00 0.0423 216 Conventional 1961 Robert Moses Massena, NY ST. Lawrence NY St. Lawrence 1-3 02000 2,190.0 16,657.7 87 2,538.0 2,615.0 2,400.0 8,760 2,190.0 445,5181 203 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 152 0.01 574 0.03 505 0.03 488 0.03 645 0.04 168 O.D1 85 O.Q1 2,554 0.15 741 0.04 5,912 0.36 5,912 0.36 300,000 30,000 81.00 0.1770 254 Conventional 1958 •Lewiston Pumped Storage Plant and Robert Moses Plant at Niagara operate as one plant. Therefore, data shown include those related to Lewiston. 64 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Carolina Power & Light Co. Blewett Lilesville, NC 111-21 02206 $1,000 18 24 6 120 59 17 95 537 145 21 1,042 1,042 24.6 131.7 61 29.0 27.0 25.0 8,760 24.6 501 493 2,053 916 3,963 161 Mills/ kWh 0.14 0.18 0.05 0.91 0.44 0.13 0.72 4.07 1.10 0.16 7.91 7.91 6,600 2,250 32,000 50.00 0.3410 17 Conventional 1911 L.... ~- 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ........................................................................................ .. Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . l.icensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Carolina Power r. Ught Co. Tillery Mt.Gilead, NC Montgomery, NC Yadkin 111·21 02206 Installed Generating Capacity (MW}..................................................... 84.0 Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh)................................................................ 222.2 Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) .......................... 30 Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW).................................. 87.0 Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating COnditions (MW)........ 88.0 Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW)........... 86.0 Time COnnected to Load (hours).......................................................... 8,498 Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) .......................................................... 84.0 Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights............................................................................ 1,059 Structures and Improvements............................................................... 1,021 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways....................................................... 3,732 Equipment............................................................................................... 3,810 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total................................................................................................... 9,622 Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................... 114 Production Expenses Operating Expenses Milia/ $1,000 kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 29 0.13 WaterforPower.................................................................................... 38 0.17 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 3 0.01 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 29 0.13 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 71 0.32 Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering....................................... 29 0.13 Maintenance of Structures.................................................................. 23 0.10 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 41 0.18 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 96 0.43 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant................................ 5 0.02 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 364 1.64 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 364 1.64 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (squsre miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Emptoyees .......................................................... .. Type of Operaticn .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 4,600 5,000 88,000 72.00 0.2040 11 COnventional 1928 Walters Waterville, NC Haywood,NC Pigeon 111-21 00432 108.0 311.5 33 108.0 108.0 96.5 4,536 108.0 575 804 10,137 1,595 8 13,118 121 Milia I $11000 kWh 43 0.14 34 0.11 105 0.34 65 0.21 47 0.15 45 0.14 3,688 11.84 92 0.29 29 0.09 4,148 13.31 4,148 13.31 470 340 20,250 861.00 0.0204 19 COnventional 1929 Duke Power Co. Bridgewater Morgantown. NC Burke; NC Catawba 111·21 02232 20.0 53.0 30 22.0 18.6 18.6 4,482 20.0 902 145 4,895 405 10 6,357 317 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 15 0.29 155 2.92 50 0.94 1 0.01 1 0.02 185 3.48 314 5.93 2 0.04 722 13.63 722 13.63 380 6,510 288,839 137.00 0.1260 11 Conventional 1919 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Cowans Ford Mt. Holly, NC Lincoln, NC Catawba 111-21 02232 350.0 182.2 6 368.0 360.0 360.0 1,970 350.0 11,520 8,079 16,860 16,448 682 53,589 153 Mills/ ____!!,000 kWh 2 O.o1 81 0.45 169 0.93 2 0.01 10 0.05 3 0.01 60 0.33 16 0.09 341 1.87 341 1.87 1,770 32,510 617,800 111.00 0.1230 15 Conventional 1963 65 .. , 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Duke Power Co. Name of Utility Name of Plant.~"""·········· .................................. ._.................................. Lookout Shoals Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Oemsnd on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Catawba, NC Iredell, NC Catawba 111-21 02232 18.7 100.6 61 25.0 21.5 21.5 5,026 18.7 82 75 1,130 284 1,571 84 Mills/ $1,000 kWh Electric Expenses................................................................................. 165 1.64 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 22 0.22 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ....................................... ........................... 1 0.01 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 18 0.18 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 23 0.23 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ........................... ..... 4 0.04 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 235 2.33 Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 235 2.33 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. 66 1,410 1,270 77.00 0.1890 9 Co11ventional 1915 Mountain Island Mt. Holly, NC Gaston, NC Catawba 111-21 02232 60.0 130.5 25 59.0 55.0 55.0 3,317 60.0 641 289 2,925 825 4,680 78 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 1 134 1.03 19 0.15 1 0.01 1 0.01 1 18 0.14 175 1.34 175 1.34 1,800 3,235 25,987 76.00 0.1810 8 Conventiol181 1923 Oxford Conover, NC Catawba. NC Catawba 111-21 02232 36.0 116.2 37 40.0 37.4 37.4 4,962 36.0 1,209 140 2,135 481 3,964 110 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 2 0.01 158 1.36 15 0.13 1 0.01 6 0.05 24 0.20 2 0.02 206 1.78 206 1.78 1,250 4,110 52,291 90.00 0.1630 10 Conventional 1928 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Rhodhiss Rhodhiss, NC Caldwell, NC Catawba 111-21 02232 25.5 70.1 31 31.0 27.3 27.3 4,082 25.5 523 164 1,222 583 2,492 97 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 150 2.14 18 0.26 O.Q1 3 0.04 257 3.67 4 0.06 434 6.19 434 6.19 1,050 3,515 39,417 59.00 0.2280 9 Conve111ional 1925 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ............................ .__. ...................................................... .. Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .............................................................................. ····· ................ ········ Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Nantahala Power & Light Co. Nantahala Nantahala, NC Macon, NC Nantahala 111-21 lnslalled Generating Capacity (MW)..................................................... 43.2 Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh)................................................................ 235.9 Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) .......................... 62 Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW).................................. 48.0 Net Plant Capability Gapability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW)........ 46.0 Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW)........... 37.0 Time Connected to Load (hours).......................................................... 5,792 Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW).......................................................... 43.2 Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights............................................................................ 398 Structures and Improvements............................................................... 430 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways....................................................... 6,244 Equipment............................................................................................... 692 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges............................................................. 177 Total................................................................................................... 9,941 Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................... 230 Mills/ Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . HydrauHc Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Fuii·Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Subsidiary of Aluminum Company of America. 'Supervisory control labor furnished from Cheoah plant as needed. $1,000 kWh 25 63 163 9 13 14 18 56 3 364 364 0.11 0.27 0.69 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.24 O.Q1 1.54 1.54 108 1,605 126,002 1,006.00 0.0137 15 Conventional 1942 Thorpe Glenville, NC Jackson, NC W.F. 111-21 21.6 90.3 48 23.0 23.2 21.6 4,184 21.6 352 649 4,665 562 31 6,479 299 Mills/ $1~kWh 21 0.23 39 0.43 114 1.26 12 0.13 13 0.14 15 0.16 28 0.31 20 0.22 3 0.04 264 2.92 264 2.92 37 1,462 67,096 1,207.00 0.0118 14 Conventional 1941 Tapoco Inc.• Cheoah Robbinsville, NC Graham, NC Little Tennessee 111·21 02169 110.0 550.0 57 114.0 114.0 114.0 6,477 110.0 60 1,362 5,054 2,467 66 9,049 62 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 56 0.10 13 0.02 228 0.42 105 0.19 14 0.02 120 0.22 17 0.03 122 0.22 31 0.06 706 1.28 706 1.28 1,606 595 1,765 189.00 0.0704 38 Conventional 1919 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Santeetlah Robbinsville, NC Graham, NC Cheoah 111-21 02169 ·- 45.0 181.0 46 42.0 40.0 22.8 5,223 45.0 413 217 7,443 663 20 6,756 194 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 6 0.05 22 0.12 29 0.16 47 0.26 12 0.07 21 0.11 76 0.42 75 0.41 9 0.05 299 1.65 299 1.65 176 2,663 133,292 663.00 0.0224 .. Conventional 1928 67 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ........................................................................................ . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Supervisory control from Roanoke Rapids plant. 68 Tennessee Valley Authority Chatuge Haynesville, NC Clay, NC Hiwassee 111-20 10.0 41.4 47 12.0 12.0 4.0 8,760 10.0 510 1,332 1,842 184 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 8 24 15 4 2 15 18 1 86 86 189 6,950 222,200 123.00 0.1280 0.19 0.57 0.37 0.09 0.05 0.35 0.42 0.03 2.07 2.07 Conventional 1954 Fontana Fontana, NC Swain, NC Little Tennessee 111-20 $1,000 14 100 71 19 12 38 49 9 314 314 238.5 1,196.2 57 291.0 240.0 125.0 8,760 238.5 5,680 8,380 14,060 58 Mills/ kWh 0.01 0.08 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.26 0.26 1,571 10,670 1,136,200 430.00 0.0340 7 Conventional 1945 Hiwassee Hiwassee Dam, NC Cherokee, NC Hiwassee 111-20 117.1 391.4 38 145.0 135.0 60.0 8,760 117.1 2,574 6,422 8,996 76 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 32 0.08 77 0.20 84 0.21 9 0.02 9 0.02 45 0.11 65 0.17 15 0.04 337 0.86 337 0.86 968 6,120 352,500 246.00 0.0600 23 Conv/Pumped Storage 1940 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Virginia Electric & Power Co. Gaston Roanoke Rapids, NC Halifax, NC Roanoke 111-18 02009 177.9 305.3 20 226.0 230.0 225.0 2,969 177.9 7,731 1,804 24,253 9,901 53 43,741 245 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 125 0.41 690 2.26 78 0.26 92 0.30 63 0.21 86 0.28 12 0.04 5 0.02 61 0.20 17 0.05 1,230 4.03 1,230 4.03 8,339 20,300 95,000 68.00 0.1940 _, Conventional 1963 ....._ 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Virginia Electric & Power Co. Name of Plant ••••••••••• ~............................................................................. Roanoke Rapids Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location ol Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Ucensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Cflaracterlstlcs .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Roanoke Rapids, NC Halifax, NC Roanoke 111-21 02009 100.1 293.0 33 100.0 104.0 100.0 8,760 100.1 1,483 1,967 20,602 6,516 68 30,617 305 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 113 109 10 89 52 100 32 26 546 50 1,127 0.38 0.37 0.03 0.30 0.18 0.34 0.11 0.09 1.86 0.17 3.84 Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 1,127 3.84 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head· Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Unattended 8,395 4,900 25,100 76.00 0.1700 28 Conventional 1955 Yadkin Inc. High Rock Lexington, NC Davidson, NC Yadkin 111-21 02197 $1,000 6 113 226 16 65 35 9 59 528 528 33.0 150.9 52 35.7 37.0 12.0 6,157 33.0 3,034 97 2,068 1,123 6 6,328 191 Mills/ kWh 0.04 0.75 1.50 0.11 0.43 0.23 0.06 0.39 3.50 3.50 3,980 15,180 234,866 61.00 0.2540 10 Conventional 1927 Tuckertown Badin, NC Stanley, NC Yadkin 111-21 02197 42.0 101.9 28 39.9 42.0 38.0 6,156 42.0 2,693 255 5,023 3,618 29 11,617 276 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 11 0.11 12 0.12 65 0.63 37 0.36 11 0.11 27 0.26 162 1.00 162 1.00 4,080 2,560 6,744 55.00 0.2473 _, Conventional 1962 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production E.~tpenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Vadkln Falls Troy, NC Stanley, NC Yadkin 111-21 02197 29.5 145.7 56 30.5 30.3 22.0 6,189 29.5 14 133 1,337 2,160 1 3,646 123 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 8 0.05 13 0.09 64 0.44 36 0.25 50 0.35 25 0.17 197 1.35 197 1.35 4,190 204 1,824 54.00 0.2750 ·' Conventional 1919 69 I 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Yadkln Inc. Name of Utility Name of Plant. •.•.•.•••••••••.•.....••..•••••••.•.•..•.••.••••• ---··-··············· ... •••·•••••••• Yadkln Narrows Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characterlatlcs ..................................... ---.. --.. - lnstalled Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ , Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ...................................................................... .. •unattended 70 Albemarle, NC Montgomery, NC Yadkin 111-21 02197 96.5 519.2 61 109.0 105.0 78.0 6,182 96.5 1,032 289 5,499 3,753 111 10,682 110 Mills/ $1,000 _ _.::k:..::W:..::hc.. 6 O.Q1 31 0.06 16 O.Q3 64 0.12 eo 0.15 13 0.03 39 0.08 248 0.48 248 0.48 4,180 5,355 128,937 177.00 0.0790 _1 Conventional 1917 Grand River Dam Authority Kerr (Markham) Locust Grove, OK Mayes, OK Grand (Neosho) V-23 02183 $1,000 37 37 155 30 10 23 12 82 22 407 407 120.0 96.9 9 121.0 113.9 113.9 1,025 120.0 9,238 3,006 7,717 5,799 173 25,933 216 Mills/ kWh 0.39 0.38 1.60 0.31 0.11 0.23 0.12 0.84 0.23 4.20 4.20 11,660 10,000 50.00 0.0270 19 Conventional 1964 Pensacola langley, OK Mayes, OK Grand (Neosho) V-33 01494 $1,000 7 131 212 77 13 40 67 98 25 671 671 86.9 198.2 26 100.0 84.5 84.5 2,234 86.9 3,181 565 6,156 2,750 111 12,764 146 Milia/ kWh 0.04 0.66 1.07 0.39 0.07 0.20 0.34 0.50 0.13 3.39 3.39 10,298 46,295 1,191,000 120.00 0.1180 23 Conventional 1952 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Salina Arm ol l. Hudson, OK Mayes, OK V-33 02524 259.2 204.5 9 275.0 260.0 260.0 911 259.2 189 2,921 12,145 13,498 1,128 29,880 115 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 4 0.02 6,210 30.36 3 0.02 31 0.15 32 0.16 6 0.03 19 0.09 2 O.Q1 151 0.74 21 0.10 6,478 31.67 6,478 31.67 731 11,700 246.00 0.0017 11 Conventional 1971 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of utiUty Eugene Water 6 Electric Name of Plant ........ ""............................................................................... Carmen-Smith Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ..........•................•......................•.. River ................................................................•.......................................... Region and Power Supply Area ............................•................................. Mckenzie Bridge, OR Linn, OR Mckenzie Vll-45 Ucensed Project No .........•................•...............................•..................•... General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ......................•......................................... Ptant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes {MW) .•................................ Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions {MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges .........................................................•... Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. 02242 80.0 194.9 28 101.6 101.6 101.6 5,032 80.0 284 2,548 23,133 6,053 345 32.363 404 $11000 Mills/ kWh Production Expenaaa Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 42 Water for Power.................................................................................... 124 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 19 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 85 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 22 Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering....................................... 10 Maintenance of Structures . ................... ......... .... ........... ..... . .. ........... ... 30 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 34 Maintenance of Electric Plant ............. :............................................... 137 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 60 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 564' Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . 564 161 170 12,000 527.00 0.0270 0.21 0.64 0.10 0.44 0.12 0.05 0.15 0.18 0.70 0.31 2.40 2.40 Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. 5 Conventional 1963 'Expenses of Trail Bridge plant are included with the various expenses of this plant •Expenses are included with the various expenses of Carmen-Smith plant Leaburg Eugene, OR Linn, OR Mckenzie Vll-45 02242 $1,000 15 23 87 70 11 7 10 32 25 48 327 327 13.5 100.4 85 12.4 14.8 14.4 7,544 13.5 175 298 2,057 684 3,214 238 Mills/ kWh 1,000 0.15 0.22 0.87 0.70 0.11 0.07 0.10 0.32 0.25 0.48 3.26 3.26 90.00 0.1610 8 Conventional 1929 Trail Bridge Mckem~ie Bridge, OR Linn, OR Mckenzie Vll-45 $1,000 .. 02242 10.0 39.5 45 5.1 12.0 5.1 8,752 10.0 Mille/ kWh 184 73 2,113 78.00 0.1930 Conventional 1963 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Productlo'n Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Idaho Power Co Hells Canyon Homestead, OR Wallowa, OR Snake Vll-41 01971 391.5 2,280.4 $1,000 12 57 72 49 27 5 13 4 84 10 333 333 66 440.0 450.0 168.3 8,760 391.5 1,136 2,267 51,508 10,917 65,827 168 Mills/ kWh O.ot 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.15 0.15 73,300 2,430 11,800 210.00 0.0640 6 Conventional 1967 71 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ........................................................................... : .. Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. 'Assumes normal pond elevation. •Includes employees from all project 1927 plants. 72 Idaho Power Co Oxbow Homestead, OR Baker, OR Snake Vll-41 01971 190.0 1,106.1 66 220.0 220.0 220.0 8,760 190.0 198 7,391 29,797 10,818 10 48,213 253 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 15 33 168 47 9 7 62 7 39 27 415 415 72,800 1,150 5,000 120.00 0.1300 0.01 0.03 0.15 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.38 0.38 6 Conventional 1961 Pacific Power & Light Co. Clearwater No. Clearwater No. 1 2 Toketee Falls, Toketee Falls, OR OR Douglas, OR Douglas, OR Clearwater Clearwater Vll-45 Vll-45 01927 01927 15.0 26.0 53.9 50.0 41 22 12.0 21.0 12.0 26.0 12.0' 26.0 8,664 7,522 15.0 26.0 -' 476 643 3,194 5,570 834 1,069 130 4,504 7,411 300 285 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 3 0.06 3 0.05 4 0.07 7 0.13 8 0.16 11 0.22 2 0.04 2 0.04 20 0.36 14 0.29 1 0.03 1 0.03 2 0.03 7 0.15 2 0.04 2 0.03 109 2.19 7 0.14 19 0.38 2 0.03 52 0.96 176 3.51 52 0.96 176 3.51 42 55 17 9 154 96 651.00 760.00 0.0200 0.0180 40' Conventional Conventional 1953 1953 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Fish Creek Toketee Falls, OR Douglas, OR Fish Creek Vll-45 01927 ... 11.0 66.6 69 12.0 12.0 12.0 7,298 11.0 445 3,017 547 219 4,227 384 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 3 0.04 3 0.04 13 0.19 5 0.07 7 0.11 1 0.02 2 0.03 25 0.38 5 0.08 2 0.03 66 1.00 66 1.00 65 9 75 1,032.00 0.0126 Conventional 1952 1 lilllllllll. 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Pacific Power & Light Co. Name of Plant.......................................................................................... John C Boyle Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Ucensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Covers all Project 1927 plants as they are operated as a group. •Assumes normal pond elevation. •Includes all prospect plants as they are operated as a group. Keno, OR Klamath, OR Klamath Vll-45 02082 80.0 312.7 45 82.0 82.0 82.0 6,791 80.0 29 953 7,699 3,041 378 12,099 151 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 30 20 12 156 17 2 16 1 20 26 27 327 327 3,920 450 2,000 463.00 0.0300 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.50 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.09 1.05 1.05 6 Conventional 1958 Lemolo No.1 Lemolo No.2 Toketee Falls, Medford, OR OR Douglas, OR Douglas, OR North Umpqua North Umpqua Vll-45 Vll-45 01927 01927 29.0 33.0 136.1 176.8 54 61 28.0 35.0 28.0 35.0 28.0 35.0 8,298 6,807 29.0 33.0 624 579 6,980 9,841 1,683 1,525 376 678 9,663 12,622 333 382 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 6 0.05 5 0.03 7 0.05 B 0.05 22 0.16 26 0.15 24 0.18 3 0.02 6 0.05 17 0.09 5 0.04 4 0.02 2 0.02 7 0.04 2 0.02 1 0.01 5 0.04 225 1.28 23 0.17 12 0.07 2 O.o1 7 0.04 106 0.78 315 1.78 106 0.78 315 1.78 179 258 415 23 12,520 235 756.00 728.00 0.0180 O.o1B5 -' Conventional Conventional 1955 1956 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Prospect No. 2 Prospect, OR Jackson, OR North Fork Rogue Vll-45 32.0 250.3 89 36.0 36.0 36.0• 8,738 32.0 99 426 2,772 673 77 4,048 126 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 39 0.16 9 0.04 32 0.13 181 0.72 10 0.04 20 0.08 13 0.05 48 0.19 48 0.19 11 0.04 411 1.64 411 1.64 SOB 20 100 607.00 0.0235 10• Conventional 1928 73 -"-;:::~-__ , J 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Pacific Power & Name of Utility Light Co. Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant {County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . Toketee Falls, OR Douglas, OR North Umpqua Vll-45 01927 General Operating Cherecterlatlcs ••••• _ .. ,_, ............... -•. ·-·····-.......... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW)..................................................... 18.0 Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh)................................................................ 92.3 Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) .......................... 59 Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW).................................. 17.0 Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW)........ 17.0 Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW)........... 17.0 nme Connected to Load (hours).......................................................... 8,676 Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) .......................................................... 18.0 Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements............................................................... 403 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways....................................................... 3,522 Equipment............................................................................................... 778 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................. 4 Total................................................................................................... 4, 706 Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................... 261 Mlll8/ Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ......................................................... ... Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feat) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . >Covers all Project 1927 plants as they are operated as a group. 74 $1,000 kWh 2 5 7 11 3 1 6 1 36 36 337 102 1,420 179.00 0.0633 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.12 0.03 O.ot O.ot 0.07 O.ot 0.39 0.39 Conventional 1951 Soda Sprfnga Toketee Falls, OR Douglas, OR North Umpqua Vll-45 01927 11.0 65.2 68 11.5 11.5 11.5 8,651 11.0 712 2,987 748 4,447 404 MIHal $1,000 kWh 3 0.04 3 0.04 7 0.11 14 0.22 3 0.04 2 0.02 0.02 2 0.03 9 0.14 44 0.67 44 0.67 420 22 710 114.00 0.1320 Conventional 1952 Toketee Toketee Falls, OR Douglas, OR North Umpqua Vll-45 01927 42.5 214.7 58 42.0 42.0 42.0 8,760 42.5 591 5,198 1,651 58 7,497 176 MUla/ $1,000 kWh 3 0.01 11 0.05 4 0.02 8 0.04 18 0.08 3 0.01 2 0.01 2 O.ot 27 0.12 77 0.36 77 0.36 337 102 1,420 446.00 0.0325 ,1 Conventional 1950 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Portland General Electric Co. Bull Run Sandy, OR Clackamas, OR Bull Run Vll-44 21.0 101.9 55 20.0 22.0 21.0 8,067 21.0 25 794 3,575 700 178 5,273 251 MIHal $1,000 kWh 21 0.21 114 1.12 98 0.96 238 2.33 37 0.35 42 0.42 7 0.07 131 1.29 83 0.81 25 0.25 796 7.81 796 7.81 285 160 970 326.00 0.0510 21 Conventional 1912 1 I j 1 j i 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ........•.......•......................................................................... Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ..•.................................................. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Portland General Electric Co. Faraday Estacada, OR Clackamas, OR Clackamas Vll-44 02195 34.5 167.3 55 44.0 44.0 38.7 8,760 34.5 40 1,293 8,039 2,765 374 12,512 362 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 7 12 40 159 36 8 8 110 96 20 497 497 665 70 550 130.00 0.1200 0.04 0.07 0.24 0.95 0.21 0.05 0.05 0.66 0.58 0.12 2.97 2.97 30 Conventional 1907 North Fork Estacada, OR Clackamas, OR Clackamas Vll-44 02195 $1,000 7 12 294 75 9 1 19 1 1 18 38 474 474 38.4 189.0 56 54.0 54.0 43.0 8,760 38.4 377 1,631 14,147 2,973 99 19,227 500 Mills/ kWh 0.04 0.07 1.56 0.39 0.05 0.01 0.10 0.09 0.20 2.51 2.51 665 375 5,994 132.00 0.1050 -· Conventional 1958 Oak Grove Three Links, OR Clackamas, OR Clackamas Vll-44 00135 $1,000 22 17 116 245 36 2 50 25 4 23 33 573 573 51.0 223.1 50 43.0 49.0 49.0 8,757 51.0 9 1,381 10,783 1,295 2,455 15,923 312 Mills/ kWh 131 22 130 0.10 0.08 0.52 1.10 0.16 0.01 0.22 0.11 0.02 0.10 0.15 2.57 2.57 878.00 0.0160 20 Conventional 1924 Pelton Madras, OR Jefferson, OR Deschutes Vll-44 02030 $1,000 12 29 194 172 54 412 21 8 1 51 79 1,031 1,031 108.0 421.3 45 120.0 124.0 108.0 7,909 108.0 231 2,809 11,868 5,304 648 20,860 193 Mills/ kWh 0.03 0.07 0.46 0.41 0.13 0.98 0.05 0.02 0.12 0.19 2.45 2.45 7,800 542 4,100 151.00 0.0960 29 Conventional 1957 'The River Mill, Sullivan, and North Fork plants are supervised from Faraday. The Round Butte plant is designed to be supervised at Pelton, and employees are shifted between plants as necessary. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production EJlpenses-1980 Energy Information Administration 75 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ............................ ._ •• ._ .................................................... .. Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics._ ................................................. . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Darns, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year ol Operation ........................................................................ . Portland General Electric Co. River Mill (Sta. M) Estacada, OR Clackamas, OR Clackamas Vll-44 02195 19.0 97.7 59 23.0 23.0 20.0 8,760 19.0 18 624 3,251 1,038 28 4,958 260 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 3 7 48 120 6 4 12 41 24 5 271 271 677 100 770 32.00 0.2000 0.04 0.08 0.49 1.23 0.07 0.04 0.12 0.42 0.25 0.06 2.77 2.77 Conventional 1911 Round Butte Madras, OR Jefferson, OR Deschutes Vll-44 02030 $1,000 12 74 51 163 47 1,445 24 19 3 78 47 1,961 1,961 247.0 967.6 45 300.0 330.0 210.0 8,005 247.1 3,349 5,187 38,670 9,077 912 57,195 231 Mills/ kWh O.D1 0.08 0.05 0.17 0.05 1.49 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.05 2.03 2.03 7,600 3,997 274,225 369.00 0.0440 ·' Conventional 1964 T.W. Sullivan• West Linn, OR Clackamas, OR Williamette Vll-44 02233 $1,000 3 20 82 23 4 6 22 50 5 217 217 15.4 102.9 76 16.0 15.0 9.0 7,297 15.4 631 766 2,988 2,235 6,621 429 Mills/ kWh 0.03 0.19 0.79 0.22 0.04 0.06 0.22 0.49 0.05 2.10 2.10 10,100 2,304 40.00 0.3630 .1 Conventional 1924 Pennsylvania Electric Co. Piney Clarion, PA Clarion, PA Clarion 1-5 00309 36 28 262 184 10 15 5 33 31 603 603 28.8 71.7 28 30.0 28.8 27.0 2,831 28.8 663 1,184 2,932 1,064 43 5,886 204 8.41 980 690 12,950 83.00 0.2080 ~~,. 1: ·;;:~~Mill, Sullivan, and North Fork plants are supervised from Faraday. The Round Butte plant is designed to be supervised at Pelton, and employees are shifted between plants as ! ... ··'··.· •Jointly licensed with Crow Zellerbach Corporation and Publishers Paper Company. : 76 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration il '1' 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Pennsylvania Name of UtiHty Electric Co. Name of Plant ................................. ._...................................................... Seneca• Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating CharacterlsUcs ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peek Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenees Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and WateJways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Kinzua, PA Warren, PA Allegheny 11·7 02280 422.4 820.2 576.9 16 447.0 381.0 3,678 422.4 7,502 31,627 16,129 6,199 65,456 154 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 64 259 198 125 76 4 52 16 261 542 11 1,609 0.11 0.45 0.34 0.22 0.13 0.01 0.09 0.03 0.45 0.94 0.02 2.79 Cost of Pumping Energy .......................................................................... 21 ,340• Total Production Expenses ..................................................................... 22,949 39.78 HydrauHc Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . lnttial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 110 6,394 813.00 0.7350 -· Conv/Pumped Storage 1970 Pennsylvania Power & UghtCo. Holtwood Wallen paupack Hawley, PA Holtwood, PA Pike, PA Susquehanna Wallenpaupack River Creek 1-5 1·5 01661 00487 108.2 40.0 470.5 63.0 50 18 106.0 45.0 102.0 44.0 102.0 44.0 5,664 1,625 108.2 40.0 2,091 2,533 2,005 1,776 7,409 6,773 7,580 1,933 92 174 19,176 15,191 177 379 Mils/ Mila/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 216 0.46 22 0.36 7 0.02 2 0.03 286 0.61 163 2.58 440 0.94 21 0.34 354 0.75 30 0.47 2 30 0.06 177 0.36 16 0.25 444 0.94 134 2.13 276 0.59 54 0.66 226 0.48 132 2.09 2,461 5.23 574 9.12 2,461 5.23 574 9.12 26,794 227 2,500 5,800 19,000 157,600 51.00 370.00 0.3250 0.0430 Conventional 1910 1926 •Jointly owned by the Cleveland Eleclric Illuminating Company (80%) and Pennsylvania Electric Company (20%). The data shown are for 100 percent of the plant. 'Pumping expenses represent hourly product o1 pumping energy and the marginal or incremental costs of PJM Interconnection for supplying such energy. •included in Warren station. •Unattended plant designed to be operated by remota control by supervisory personnel of Conowingo Hydro plant. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Philadelphia Electric Co. Muddy Run Drumers, PA Lancaster, PA Susquehanna 1·5 02355 600.0 1,525.7 1,049.6 15 694.0 880.0 2,646 600.0 1,421 14,.288 34,279 31,016 998 62,001 102 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 195 0.19 156 0.15 563 0.54 131 0.13 154 0.15 82 0.06 101 0.10 73 0.07 1,149 1.09 109 0.10 2,715 2.59 36,035 38,750 36.92 8,563 70,737 361.00 0.3280 -· Pumped Storage 1967 77 l 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Safe Harbor Water Name of Utility Power Corp. Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Safe Harbor Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head· Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. •Leased from Greenwood County, S.C. 78 Safe Harbor, PA Lancaster, PA Susquehanna 1-5 01025 230.0 654.1 32 236.0 231.0 150.0 8,760 230.0 3,276 9,226 8,773 10,736 156 32,168 139 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 175 0.27 223 0.34 383 0.59 725 1.11 93 0.14 325 0.50 366 0.56 244 0.37 78 0.12 2,612 3.99 2,612 3.99 55.00 102 Conventional 1931 Duke Power Co. Buzzard Roost Chappels, SC 111-21 $1,000 42 61 89 47 250 25 8 10 76 27 635 635 15.0 52.9 40 18.0 13.2 13.2 4,099 15.0 .I Mills/ kWh 0.79 1.16 1.69 0.88 4.73 0.46 0.15 0.19 1.44 0.52 12.01 12.01 1,150 11,400 174,000 55.00 0.2380 14 Conventional 1971 Cedar Creek Heath Springs, sc Lancaster, SC Catawba 111-21 $1,000 5 149 15 1 11 17 3 200 200 45.0 150.0 38 43.0 39.5 39.5 5,160 45.0 251 1,084 776 2,111 46 Mills/ kWh 0.03 0.99 0.10 0.07 0.11 0.02 1.33 4,470 BOO 1.33 57.00 0.2500 9 Conventional 1926 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Dearborn Great Falls, sc Chester, SC Catawba 111-21 $1,000 22 149 18 20 35 7 250 250 45.0 162.7 41 49.0 35.6 35.6 5,419 45.0 150 807 534 1,491 33 Mills/ kWh 4,185 450 0.13 0.92 0.11 0.12 0.21 0.05 1.54 1.54 69.00 0.1950 8 Conventional 1923 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Duke Power Co. Name of Utility Name of Plant.·-···········-···········---··· .. ····----······ .. •• .. ·--···················-· Ashing Creek Post OffiCe .•..••..........•••............•..............•............••..•...................••..........•. Location of Plant (COunty and State) .................................................... . R~ ...........•.•.......................•...•..........•.•..................•................•...•............ Region and Power Supply Area ...•............•............•............................•... Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coel of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Great Falls, sc Chester, SC Catawba 111-21 02232 36.7 178.4 56 50.0 42.2 42.2 5,846 36.7 270 200 1,962 648 3,081 $1!000 83 Milia/ kWh Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 4 0.02 0.88 0.12 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 1 58 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 21 Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures.................................................................. 2 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams. and Waterways......................... 53 Maintenance of Electric Plant .. ... ................... ............. ... .... ................. 23 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant................................ 17 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 278 Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .............. ................. .................. .................... 278 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . 3,885 3,370 37.422 58.00 0.2510 Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. 9 0.01 0.30 0.13 0.09 1.56 1.56 Type ol Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . Conventional 1916 Great Falla Great Falls, sc Chester, SC Catawba 111-21 02232 $1,000 11 60 15 4 6 193 6 296 296 24.0 43.2 21 22.0 24.8 24.8 3,542 24.0 5 288 886 604 1,784 74 Mills/ kWh 4,185 450 0.26 1.40 0.34 0.09 0.14 4.48 0.15 6.86 6.86 71.00 0.2200 5 Conventional 1907 Jocaaeee Salem, SC Pickens, SC Keowee 111·21 02503 610.0 896.3 743.8 14 847.0 NR 2,926 610.0 4,749 14,872 49,077 34,330 416 103,444 169 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 46 0.06 3 169 0.23 236 0.32 4 28 0.04 89 0.12 415 0.56 16 0.02 1,007 1.35 1,007 1.35 310 16 Conv/Pumped Storage 1973 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Keowee Pickens, SC Pickens, SC Keowee 111-21 02503 140.0 95.8 a 183.0 140.0 140.0 942 140.0 21,240 6.456 16,916 11,177 55,789 398 Milia/ ___!!.000 kWh 21 0.22 40 0.42 10 0.10 4 0.04 1 0.01 5 0.05 36 0.38 78 0.81 14 0.15 209 2.18 209 2.18 439 18,372 391,679 128.00 0.1088 12 Conventional 1971 79 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Duke Power Co. Name or Utility Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Rocky Creek Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location or Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characterlatics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ................... : .................................... .. =~dPI~:(~~~:fn~cZ.I~r:r ........................................................ .. Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Heath Springs, sc Fairfield, SC Catawba 111-21 02232 28.0 33.3 14 27.0 27.0 27.0 2,197 28.0 29 276 843 1,092 2,240 80 Mills/ $1,000 kWh Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 16 0.49 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 62 1.87 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 18 0.54 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures .. ......... .... .. ..... ................ ............................ 4 0.1 3 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 19 0.58 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 11 0.33 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 9 0.26 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 140 4.20 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 140 4.20 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full· Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. 80 4,360 800 66.00 0.2630 4 Conventional 1909 Wateree Ridgeway, SC Kershaw, SC Catawba 111·21 02232 56.0 266.9 54 84.0 71.5 71.5 5,255 66.0 472 438 2,601 1,127 4,639 82 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 13 0.05 174 0.65 34 0:13 1 1 61 0.23 36 0.13 6 0.02 326 1.22 326 1.22 5,000 13,710 175,060 77.00 0.1910 11 Conventional 1919 Wylie Fort Mills, SC York, SC Catawba 111-21 02232 60.0 165.1 31 61.0 54.0 54.0 8,748 60.0 2,291 395 3,382 97.7 7,045 117 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 34 0.21 205 1.24 35 0.21 151 0.92 31 0.19 49 0.30 9 0.06 515 3.12 515 3.12 3,080 12,455 150,195 68.00 0.2250 13 Conventional 1925 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration 991alanda Blacksburg, SC Cherokee, SC Broad 111-21 02231 18.0 69.6 44 20.0 19.0 9.8 8,760 18.0 142 97 1,665 482 2,286 127 Milts/ $1,000 kWh 22 0.32 170 2.44 31 0.44 5 0.07 5 0.07 46 0.66 3 0.04 281 4.04 281 4.04 1,550 885 4,127 682.00 0.2880 12 Conventional 1910 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of UtRity Nama of Plant ............................... '" ...................................................... .. Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. Genaral Operating Characterlatlce ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW} .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected 1o Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways. .................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenaas Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance ExPenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondege from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feat) ........... . Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feat per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. Lockhart Electric Power & Gaa Co. Lockhart Lockhart, SC Union,SC Broad 111-21 12.3 85.2 79 15.1 NR NR 8,760 12.3 327 73 1,753 711 6 2,869 233 $1,000 Milia/ kWh 20 0.24 17 0.21 111 1.31 13 0.15 . 13 0.15 6 0.07 36 0.42 35 0.42 4 0.05 255 3.00 255 3.00 21 Conventional 1921 South Carolina Electric & Qaa Co Columbia Columbia, SC Richland, SC Broad 111-21 01895 $1!000 18 19 93 19 12 4 23 58 7 252 252 10.8 50.6 54 9.0 NR NR 8,653 10.6 63 103 969 558 1,713 161 Milia/ kWh 5,230 265 0.36 0.37 1.83 0.38 0.25 0.09 0.45 1.12 0.14 4.98 4.98 32.00 0.5500 9 Conventional 1953 Fairfield Parr Shoals, sc Fairfield, sc Broad 111-21 01894 511.2 (636.6) 595.9 13 519.0 NR 3,887 511.2 24,044 34,578 82,178 57,793 1,312 199,906 391 $1!000 95 299 191 93 100 21 163 514 40 1,515 1,515 Mills/ kWh 0.16 0.50 0.32 0.16 0.17 0.04 0.27 0.86 O.o7 2.54 2.54 169.00 28 Pumped Storage 1978 ...J1 Hydroelectric Plane Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy InformaCion Administration Parr Parr, SC 111-21 01894 -- 14.8 91.1 70 17.0 NR NR 8,542 14.9 526 1,216 1,538 709 22 4,011 271 Milia/ $11000 kWh 19 0.21 . 11 0.12 65 0.72 18 0.20 12 0.13 3 0.03 20 0.22 52 0.58 4 0.04 205 2.24 205 2.24 4,550 2,925 35.00 0.4200 3 Conventional 1914 81 l 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses South Carolina Name of Utlllty Electric & Gas Co Name of Plant ................................................................................. _....... Saluda Post Office ................................................................................................ . Irma, SC Location of Plant (County and State)..................................................... Lexington, SC River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characterlatlca .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Gapability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. 82 Saluda 111·21 00516 197.5 252.4 15 211.0 NR NR 6,018 197.5 5,126 3,071 14,773 5,820 153 28,943 146 $1,000 Mills/ kWh Stevena Creek Martinez, GA Edgefield, SC Savannah 111-21 02535 18.9 85.8 52 17.0 NR NR 8,760 18.9 456 251 1,393 1,035 3,136 165 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 19 0.22 75 0.87 78 0.91 46 0.54 11 0.13 15 0.18 2 0.02 10 0.12 78 0.91 8 0.09 343 4.00 343 4.00 7,260 4,300 29.00 0.5600 11 Conventional 1913 South Carolina Public Serv Auth Jeffries Moncks Corner sc Santee Cooper River 111-21 00199 132.6 813.8 70 131.0 NR NR 8,760 132.6 8,523 3,779 39,934 16,304 57 68,596 517 Mills/ ___!h_I!()O kWh 92 0.11 503 0.62 205 0.25 20 0.02 367 0.45 105 0.13 448 0.55 76 0.09 89 0.11 1,904 2.34 1,904 2.34 15,000 60,000 650,000 70.00 0.0021 3 Conventional 1942 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Tapoco Inc. CalderwOOd Calderwood, TN Blount, TN Little Tennessee 111·20 121.5 635.6 60 118.0 121.0 116.0 6,387 121.5 55 956 5,292 1,832 46 8,182 67 Mills/ _$1,000 kWh 67 0.11 9 0.01 198 0,31 72 0.11 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utllty Nama or Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plsnt (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ............................................................................... .. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents. .................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data 1 j Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . I I , Area of Pond at Normal Fuii·P~md Level (acres) ............................... . . Storage or Pondage from Max1mum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus T ailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . I. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . ~=I ~e~~~~~~:~~ii;;~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: •Labor lurnished from Calderwood plant. I Tapoco Inc, Chllowee Tallahassee, TN Blount, TN Little Tennessee 111-20 50.0 193.4 44 53.0 55.0 55.0 8,760 .50.0 2,234 418 5,336 3,578 33 11,599 231 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 16 0.08 7 0.04 52 0.27 30 0.15 20 0.10 3 0.01 9 0.05 67 0.35 7 0.04 210 1.09 210 1.09 1,977 1,747 6,805 62.00 0.2190 .1 Conventional 1957 Tennessee Valley Authority Apalachla Farmer, TN Polk, TN Miwasee 111·20 83.0 618.4 85 78.0 80.0 70.0 8,760 83.0 847 1,312 17,149 3,198 372 22,878 275 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 32 0.05 1 72 0.12 28 0.05 7 0.01 9 0.01 4 0.01 47 0.08 6 0.01 206 0.33 206 0.33 1,018 1,123 35,800 440.00 0.0360 1 Conventional 1943 Boone Elizabethtown, TN Sullivan, TN S.F. Holston 111-20 75.0 192.7 29 109.0 90.0 42.0 8,760 75.0 3,583 6,460 10,043 133 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 8 0.04 142 0.73 89 0.46 17 0.09 17 0.09 4 0.02 75 0.39 7 0.03 358 1.86 358 1.86 1,840 4,520 136,900 119.00 0.2100 7 Conventional 1953 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Cherokee Jefferson City, TN Granger, TN Holston 111·20 135.1 422.7 36 157.0 144.0 12.0 8,760 135.2 3,178 7,020 10,197 75 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 23 0.06 144 0.34 128 0.30 14 0.03 43 0.10 58 0.14 93 0.22 14 0.03 516 1.22 516 1.22 3,428 30,200 1,411,700 147.00 0.1180 22 Conventional 1942 83 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Tennessee Valley Authority Name of Plant •••.••••••• -----·-··-··-··--··-············-·---··--------·······... Chickamauga Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Ucensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characterlatica ... -...... --··--------................. .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy • Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutas (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating .Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimata Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generaticn Expenses .................. .. Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Chattanooga, TN Hamilton, TN Tennessee 111·20 120.01 834.2 79 136.0 120.0 40.0 8,760 120.0 4,828 9,852 14,680 122 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 20 170 134 24 22 5 722 29 1,126 0.02 0.20 0.16 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.87 0.03 1.35 Total Production Expenses ..................................................................... 1,126 1.35 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 20,790 34,500 220,900 45.00 0.2830 24 Conventional 1940 •Rewinding ol stator W8ll completed, increasing the capacity of Unit 4 by 3.000 kW March 1, 1980. 84 Douglas sevierville, TN Seiver, TN French Broad 111-20 120.6 514.8 49 148.0 136.0 15.0 8,760 120,6 4,734 7,110 11,844 98 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 22 0.04 138 0.27 65 0.13 20 0.04 23 0.04 11 0.02 141 0.27 21 0.04 442 0.86 442 0.86 4,541 30,600 1,357,600 125.00 0.1400 12 Conventional 1943 Fort Loudoun Lenoir City, TN Loudoun, TN Tennessee 111-20 139.1 893.7 73 168.0 140.0 125.0 8,760 139.1 4,626 8,477 13,103 94 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 12 0.01 137 0.15 124 0.14 18 0.02 46 0.05 1 169 0.19 16 0.02 524 0.59 524 0.59 9,550 14,600 79,300 70.00 0.1850 28 Conventional 1943 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Productloh Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Ft Patrick Henry Elizabethtown, TN Sullivan, TN S.F. Holston 111-20 36.0 124.0 39 40.0 40.0 40.0 8,760 36.0 1,335 1,902 4,565 3,801 20 11,623 322 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 7 0.06 5 0.04 59 0.47 157 1.27 13 0.11 8 0.06 31 0.25 23 0.19 7 0.06 310 2.50 310 2.50 1,903 893 4,300 67.00 0.2080 1 Conventional 1953 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Tennesaee Valley Authority Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Great Falls Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) .............................................. , .......... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Rock Island, TN Warren, TN Caney Fork 111-20 32.0 169.5 60 34.0 32.0 12.5 8,760 32.0 918 6,198 2,386 1,276 22 10,801 $1,000 337 Mills/ kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 25 0.15 Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 19 0.11 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 246 1.45 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 41 0.24 Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering....................................... 28 0.16 Maintenance of Structures.................................................................. 7 0.04 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 10 0.06 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 44 0.26 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................... ............. 13 0.08 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 432 2.55 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 432 2.55 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Remotely controlled from Fort Loudoun plant. 1,675 2,270 49,600 148.00 0.1170 14 Conventional 1916 Melton Hill Lenoir City, TN Loudon, TN Clinch 111-20 $1,000 7 78 38 13 4 44 3 188 188 72.0 174.5 28 74.0 80.0 50.0 8,760 72.0 5,155 2,139 8,036 15,330 212 Mills/ kWh 0.04 0.45 0.22 0.07 0.02 0.25 0.02 1.08 1.08 3,343 5,720 26,000 51.00 0.2460 _, Conventional 1964 Nlckajack South Pittsburg, TN Marion, TN Tennessee 111-20 100.3 726.3 83 112.0 108.0 28.0 8,760 100.3 11,279 14,887 26,165 260 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 13 0.02 112 0.15 56 0.08 14 0.02 8 O.Q1 2 80 0.11 10 O.Q1 295 0.41 295 0.41 21,870 10,900 21,200 35.00 0.3880 6 Conventional 1968 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Norris Norris, TN Campbell, TN Clinch 111-20 101.0 490.2 55 123.0 116.0 40.0 8,760 101.0 2,222 2,855 5,077 50 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 26 0.05 129 0.26 45 0.09 15 0.03 6 0.01 88 0.18 49 0.10 3 0.01 359 0.73 359 0.73 2,912 34,200 1,761,000 193.00 0.0850 9 Conventional 1936 85 ~ ....til 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of UtHity Tennessee Valley Authority Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Ocoee No. 1 Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Ucensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-teet) ........... . Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... . •Plant not operated this year because of work being done on flume. •Remotely controlled from Ocoee No.2 Plant. 86 Benton, TN Polk, TN Ocoee 111-20 18.0 91.7 58 20.0 19.0 19.0 8,760 18.0 262 253 7,991 612 7 9,125 506 Mills/ _!1.~.()Q.::::O::.____,k,_,.W:.:h.__ 23 0.26 3 0.03 227 2.47 85 0.93 13 0.14 17 0.18 7 0.08 336 3.66 6 0.06 717 7.82 717 7.82 595 1,900 33,100 116.00 0.1460 18 Conventional 1912 Ocoee No.2' Ocoee No.3 Benton, TN Benton, TN Polk, TN Polk, TN Ocoee Ocoee 111-20 111·20 21.0 29.0 (0.3) 197.0 78 29.0 16.0 29.0 16.0 29.0 8,760 8,760 21.0 29.0 20 266 202 674 1,812 5,592 681 1,424 13 377 2,728 8,333 129 287 Mills/ Milia/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 16 12 0.06 1 5 0.02 91 42 0.22 61 29 0.15 20 12 0.06 83 52 0.26 55 97 0.49 6 46 0.24 11 7 0.03 344 303 1.54 344 303 1.54 516 496 576 4,740 245.00 308.00 0.0610 0.0450 18 -· Conventional Conventional 1913 1943 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses - 1 980 Energy Information Administration Pickwick Pickwick Dam, TN Hardin, TN Tennessee 111-20 220.0 1,397.9 73 245.0 260.0 25.0 8,760 220.0 8,894 14,023 22,917 104 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 39 0.03 4 199 0.14 145 0.10 32 0.02 44 0.03 259 0.19 37 0.03 759 0.54 759 0.54 32,820 42,800 239,200 46.00 0.3290 24 Conventional 1938 J 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Tennessee Valley Authority Raccoon' Mountain Chattanooga, TN Marion, TN Tennessee 111-20 1,530.0 1,657.8 1,298.1 10 1,273.0 NR 8,760 1,530.0 4,540 66,839 118,899 83,459 5,603 279,340 182 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 99 342 644 52 24 51 398 42 1,654 0.08 0.26 0.50 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.31 0.03 1.27 Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 1,654 1.27 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Remotely controlled from the Chickamauga plant. •Remotely controlled from Watauga plant. •Remotely controlled from Chickamauga plant. 538 35,068 1,040.00 28 Pumped Storage 1979 •Rewinding of stator was completed, increasing the capacity of Unit 2 by 3,800 kW July 1, 1980. South Holston Tlms Ford Briston, TN Winchester, TN Sullivan, TN Franklin, TN S.F. Holston Elk 111-20 111-20 35.0 45.0 163.1 76.2 53 19 41.0 55.0 40.0 50.0 23.0 35.0 8,760 8,760 35.0 45.0 972 2,776 2,974 2,491 5,037 5,267 8,983 150 199 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 10 0.06 3 0.05 59 0.36 73 0.95 26 0.16 29 0.38 9 0.06 5 0.06 23 0.14 3 0.04 4 0.02 0.01 34 0.21 173 2.27 5 0.03 1 0.02 168 1.03 287 3.77 168 1.03 287 3.77 703 529 7,580 10,600 519,500 239,980 253.00 1,330.00 0.0660 0.1130 1' 3• Conventional Conventional 1951 1971 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Watauge Elizabethtown, TN Carter, TN Watauga 111-20 57.6• 178.4 35 62.0 60.0 27.5 8,760 57.6 4,922 3,743 8,666 150 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 9 0.05 137 0.76 93 0.52 15 0.08 28 0.16 12 0.07 44 0.25 23 0.13 360 2.02 360 2.02 468 6,430 518,200 325.00 0.0470 29 Conventional 1949 87 l J l 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Ucensed Project No ................................................................................ . Genaral Operating Characterlatlca .............. -................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Tote! .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Productton Expenses Operating Expenses Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar, TN Watts Bar Dam 111-20 166.5 1,066.8 73 195.0 175.0 135.0 8,760 166.5 4,348 9,389 13,737 82 Milia/ $1,000 kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 22 0.02 Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses................................................................................. 214 0.20 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 121 0.11 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering....................................... 29 0.03 Maintenance of Structures.................................................................. 43 0.04 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 7 0.01 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 240 0.22 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 46 0.04 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 721 0.68 Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 721 0.68 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Heed • Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . A ow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 88 17,310 38,600 214,100 55.00 0.2190 18 Conventional 1942 Wilbur Watauga, TN Carter, TN Watauga 111-20 11.0 30.7 32 12.0 11.0 10.0 8,760 11.0 36 402 962 937 2 2,339 212 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 5 0.15 4 0.12 22 0.72 22 0.72 8 0.28 1 0.02 3 0.09 20 0.64 1 0.04 85 2.78 85 2.78 471 72 327 65.00 0.2330 Conventional 1912 Brazos Electric Power COop. Morris Sheppard Mineral Wells, TX Palo Pinto, TX Brazos Vl-37 01490 22.5 21.6 11 25.0 NR NR 8,760 22.5 1,724 679 7,427 1,049 10,879 483 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 144 6.64 107 4.94 250 11.58 250 11.58 13,310 20,640 580,000 126.00 0.1140 17 Conventional 1941 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Lower Colorado River Authority Austin Austin, TX Travis, TX Colorado V-38 13.5 29.8 25 16.0 16.0 12.0 2,223 13.5 157 2,634 701 6 3,498 259 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 12 0.39 124 4.18 3 0.09 20 0.67 7 0.24 1 0.03 3 0.09 26 0.88 1 0.03 197 6.61 197 6.61 1,800 5 9,000 62.00 0.2400 8 Conventional 1940 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Lower Colorado Name of Utility River Authority Name of Plant ......................... -.............................................................. Buchamm Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. o-ral Operating Charact8l'latlca-............................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy • Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minules (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capecity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways. .................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Buchanan Dam, TX Llano. TX Colorado V-38 33.8 28.1 9 36.0 12.5 10.0 1,261 33.8 1,370 762 6,267 2,129 23 10,552 312 Mills/ $1,000 kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 15 0.54 Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................ .. Electric Expenses................................................................................. 80 2.86 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 8 0.29 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenenoe Supervision and Engineering....................................... 10 0.35 Maintenanoe of Structures .................................................................. 18 0.63 Maintenanoe of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 15 0.54 Maintenance of Electric Plant ............. ......................................... ....... 50 1. 79 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant................................ 4 0.15 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 201 7.15 Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 201 7.15 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus T ailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. •Remotely controlled from Buchanan plant. •Remotely controlled from Gran~e Shoals. 19,400 23,205 770,000 132.00 0.1070 18 Conv/Pumped Storage 1938 Granite Shoals Inks MarbiEIFalls, Buchanan Dam, TX TX Bumet, TX Burnet, TX Coforado Colorado V-38 V-38 45.0 12.5 27.1 13.8 7 13 54.0 12.0 57.0 12.5 40.0 10.0 1,520 1,357 45.0 12.5 1,100 48 295 98 7,566 1,438 2,598 518 22 16 11,579 2,119 257 169 Mills/ Mills/ $1,000 kWh $1l()QC) kWh 18 0.68 10 0.75 0.01 67 2.47 27 1.92 5 0.19 2 0.13 9 0.32 8 0.60 8 0.30 3 0.21 11 0.42 0.03 29 1.06 19 1.34 4 0.13 2 0.13 152 5.59 71 5.12 152 5.59 71 5.12 36,600 19,400 6,200 800 136,000 2,400 87.00 61.00 0.1600 17 ·' Conventional Conventional 1951 1938 Hydroelectrk Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy lnfonnatlon Administration Marble Falls Marble Falls, TX Burnet, TX Colorado V-38 30.0 14.7 6 33.0 37.0 NR 1,516 30.0 264 276 4,013 2,165 113 6,832 227 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 13 0.86 0.02 23 1.59 4 0.26 8 0.54 16 1.10 44 3.02 49 3.35 9 0.59 167 11.32 167 11.32 36,600 620 28,500 57.00 0.2500 .. Conventional 1951 89 ....4 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. Genwal Operating Chllraotert!atlcl ............ "''''""""""--""""''""" Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Genersllon (mHIIon kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant· eo Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Concltions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . ~""Jdp~~~~~~~~~c:t~f:r ......................................................... . Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expen ... Operating Expenses Loww Colorado RIYw Authority Austin, TX Travts, TX Cotoredo V·38 67.5 92.4 16 75.0 39.0 30.0 2,364 67.5 2,Q98 333 23,394 1,875 78 27,778 411 Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 11 0.12 Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses................................................................................. 101 1.09 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 3 0.03 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ....................................... 8 0.08 Maintenance of Structures .................................................................. 1 0.01 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams. and Waterways......................... 137 1.49 Maintenance of Electric Plant .................................... ......... ................ 1 08 1.17 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant................................ 5 0.06 Total. Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 374 4.05 Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 374 4.05 Hydraulc Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Oraw·Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Heed· Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. 90 28,000 18,900 641,000 150.00 0.0870 10 Conventional 1941 Utllh Power I UghtCo. Colllneton, UT Bole Elder, UT Bear Vll-41 02420 30.0 135.9 52 29.0 29.1 29.0 5,560 30.0 1,310 772 2,143 1,278 82 5,585 188 ..... , ,1,000 kWh 24 0.18 37 0.27 83 0.81 53 0.39 9 0,07 18 0.13 25 0.18 40 0.29 16 0.12 3 0.02 307 2.28 307 2.26 6,000 6,000 15,300 127.00 0.1100 13 Conventional 1927 Orem Utah UT Provo River Vll·41 12.7 46.2 41 6.0 9.3 2.1 8,773 12.7 53 348 2,192 580 5 3,157 248 ..... , ,1,000 kWh 18 0.40 65 1.42 132 2.88 46 1.05 8 0.18 18 0.38 33 0.72 8 0.18 4 0.08 334 7.24 334 7.24 840 340.00 0.0048 13 Conventional 1904 Hydroelectric Pl•nt Construction Cost •nd Annual Production Expen ... -1980 EnertJ lnformMion AdmlnlstrMion NMYE'!IInd Power o. BeloweFalll Bellows Fila, VT Windham, VT Connecticut i·2 02210 40.8 205.6 58 49.0 49.0 42.0 8,780 40.8 3,289 971 2,443 1,112 7,815 191 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 23 0.11 16 0.08 17 0.08 127 0.62 60 0.29 NR 52 0.25 7 0.04 143 0.70 98 0.48 12 0.06 556 2.70 556 2.70 5,414 2,804 9,588 62.00 0.2200 18 Conventional 1928 ,.. jt 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility NewEn8:nd Power Appalachian P- Co. Name of Plant. ............. .__ .... -····-··---······---··-···-·---··-·· Harriman Vernon Wider Bylleeby -·•••••n""'""*""-"""""*,..,....,_.,_ .. .,.., .. _,......, .. _ ••••• ,.. __ ••n••-•-••"'"....., ... _ Post Office................................................................................................. Reedlboro, VT Vernon, VT Wilder, VT Byllesby. VA Location of Plant (County and State) ..................................................... Windham, VT Windham, VT Windsor, VT Carroll, VA River ........................................................................................................... Deerfield Connecticut Connecticut New Region and Power Supply Area .............................................................. 1-2 1-2 1·2 11-10 Licensed Project No ................................................................................. 02323 01904 01892 General Operating Characterlatlce.-.... ·-····--.. -................ _ ....... Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ..................................................... 33.6 24.4 34.2 21.6 Pumping Energy • Pumped Storage (million kWh) .............................. Net Generation (million kWh) ................................................................ 63.9 108.8 121.5 63.4 Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) .......................... 29 51 41 34 Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) .................................. Net Plant Capability 46.0 29.0 38.0 21.0 Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ........ 45.0 28.5 36.0 23.0 Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ........... 32.0 10.0 30.0 -' Time Connected to Load (hours) .......................................................... 3,223 8,760 8,760 8,780 Planned Ultimate capacity (MW) .......................................................... 33.6 24.4 34.2 21.6 Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ............................................................................ 1,749 663 3,891 170 Structures and Improvements ............................................................... 520 956 900 267 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................................................... 8,453 1,375 5,839 698 Equipment. .............................................................................................. 1,445 1,168 2,349 1,534 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................. 87 2 Total ................................................................................................... 10,234 4,163 12,978 2,669 Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................... 304 170 379 123 Mill• I Mill-' Milia/ Milia/ $1 1000 kWh $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh Production ExpeMH Operating Expenses Operation Superviaion and Engineering ............................................. 33 0.39 23 0.21 23 0.19 17 0.27 Water for Power .................................................................................... . . 9 0.09 11 0.09 1 0.02 Hydraulic Expenses .............................................................................. 19 0.23 13 0.12 17 0.14 25 0.39 Electric Expenses ................................................................................. 102 1.21 193 1.78 119 0.98 17 0.27 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenees .................... 86 0.78 43 0.39 74 0.61 19 0.29 Rants ...................................................................................................... 1 0.01 . 1 0.01 . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Superviaion and Engineering ....................................... 30 0.38 33 0.30 39 0.32 15 0.24 Maintenance of Structures .................................................................. 12 0.14 17 0.18 11 0.09 14 0.22 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dame, and Waterways ......................... 59 0.70 47 0.44 19 0.16 433 6.63 Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................. 130 1.55 189 1.74 29 0.24 18 0.25 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 23 0.28 20 0.18 10 0.09 5 0.07 Total, Exclusive of Pumping ............................................................ 475 5.68 588 5.40 353 2.90 561 8.85 Cost of Pumping Energy .......................................................................... Total Production Expenses ..................................................................... 475 5.66 588 5.40 353 2.90 561 8.85 ltydraullc Data Drainage Area (square miles) ................................................................ 184 6,268 3,375 1,310 Araa of Pond at Nonnal Full-Pond Level (acres) ................................ 2,184 2,550 3,100 280 Storage or Pondage from Maximum craw-Down (acre-feet) ............ 118,075 11,950 13,350 2,498 Grose Head· Pond Elavation Minus Tallwater Elavatlon (feet) ........ 390.00 340.00 51.00 58.00 Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ................ 0.0400 0.4700 0.2900 0.2890 Average Number of Employees ............................................................ 35 25 18 6 Type of Operation ................................................................................... Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Initial Year of Operation ......................................................................... 1924 1909 1950 1912 'Projects are operated to Itt Into ayslem load curve at or near lui! capacity. 91 Hydroelectric Pl•nt Construction Cost •nd Annu•l Production Expen~e~-1980 Energy lnfOI'IIYtlon Admlnlstr•tlon ....l 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of UtiUty Name of Plant •••••••••••• ~··········-···················-~-··-········· ........................ .. Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characterlatlca ...................................... ~ ........... .. Installed Generating capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant • 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Gapability capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Gapecity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand dollars} Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars} .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total. Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-teat) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . •Projects are operated to fit into system load curve at or,_, lull capacity. •Excludes nonPt'Oiect land coat of ssee.oo. •JnciU<Ies 123,731 mWh test pumping load. •Excludes 79,715 mWh tesl generation in computation. 92 Appalachian Power Co. Clayton Radford, VA Pulaski, VA New 11-10 00739 75.0 227.3 35 82.0 88.0 ·' 8,760 75.0 1,6121 1,115 5,275 2,289 32 10,3231 137 Mile/ $1,000 kWh 47 0.20 21 0.09 19 0.08 65 0.29 26 0.11 27 0.12 72 0.31 62 0.27 22 0.09 359 1.58 359 1.58 2,400 4,472 25,000 116.00 0.1120 9 Conventional 1939 Leeavlle Reusen Leesville, VA Lynchburg, VA campbell, VA Campbell, VA Roanoke James 11·10 11·10 02210 40.0 12.5 63.0 34.5 18 31 52.0 12.0 48.0 12.7 ·' ·' 8,760 8,760 40.0 12.5 1,783 55 2,099 134 5,809 825 3,659 601 81 13,431 1,816 335 145 Milia/ Mille/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 28 0.44 10 0.29 1 0.03 7 0.12 28 0.80 16 0.25 16 0.46 6 0.09 5 0.15 20 0.32 7 0 . .20 6 0.09 9 0.26 14 0.22 102 2.97 31 0.49 135 3.90 7 0.10 3 0.08 134 2.12 315 9.14 134 2.12 315 9.14 1,493 3,264 3,400 560 28,300 4.495 72.00 35.00 0.2105 0.4800 4 5 Conventional Conventional 1984 1931 Hydroelectric Pl•nt Construction Cost •nd AnnWII Production Expenses -1980 Enerey lnform.-tlon Admlnlstr.-tlon Smith Mountain Rocky Mount, VA Franklin, VA Roanoke 11-10 02210 547.5 724.7• 823.0 13 564.0 565.0 2,781 547.5 5,986 10,776 23,459 46,131 930 87,281 159 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 218 0.35 65 0.10 62 0.10 75 0.12 123 0.20 21 0.03 72 0.12 449 0.72 98 0.16 1,183 1.90 10,217 11,400< 18.30 20,600 157.000 192.00 25 Conv/Pumped Storage 1965 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Danville Water, Centralia, City of Chelan County Pub- Name of Utility Gaa a Electric Name of Plent-··-·····"""'"''''""" ....... """-········-.. ·--·······"""""""""" Plnnacla Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . Genaral Operating Characterlatlcl ..... --·-.. -.. ---.. --..... """'"" Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minu1es (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (110urs) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams. and Waterways. ..................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expen18a Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant .............................. .. Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expensas .................................................................... . Hydrautic Data Drainage Area (squara miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Fuii·Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head· Pond Elevation Minus Tallwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per seodnd per kW) ............... . Average Number ol Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. Kibler, VA Patrick, VA Dan 11-20 10.2 43.4 49 10.2 10.2 9.3 NA 10.3 NR NR NR . NR NR NR MHis/ $1~ kWh NR NR NA NR NA NR NR NR NR NA NA NA NA NR NR NR NA NR NR NR NA NA NA NR 701.00 9 Conventional 1938 lie Utility No 1. CentralaMun Lake Chelan Hydro Yelm,WA Wenatchee. WA Chelan& Thurston, WA Douglas, WA Chelan Vll-43 Vll-42 00943 10.0 48.0 80.2 366.7 92 88 11.4 52.0 11.4 52.0 10.1 NR 8,760 8,337 10.0 48.0 214 2,552 195 1,806 1,661 11,086 1,619 2,748 53 25 3,742 18,216 374 379 MIRa/ Milia/ $1,000 kWh $1,000 kWh 50 0.62 36 0.10 2 47 0.58 21 0.06 101 1.26 83 0.22 38 0.48 11 0.03 4 0.01 36 0.10 20 0.05 11 0.03 44 0.54 66 0.18 7 0.08 1 . 287 3.58 289 0.78 287 3.58 289 0.78 180 95 3 200,032,980 672,100 208.00 0.0700 9 2 Conventional Conventional 1930 1927 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy lnform.clon Admlnlstr.clon Rock leland Wenatchee, WA Chelan& Douglas. WA Columbia Vll-42 00943 213.3 1,317.6 71 NR 249.0 NR 8,760 213.3 1,105 16,203 19,400 18,405 4 55,117 258 Mills/ .--!!tOOO kWh 148 0.11 214 0.16 79 0.06 458 0.35 136 0.10 36 0.03 190 0.14 45 0.03 81 0.06 285 0.22 17 O.ol 1,688 1.28 1,666 1.28 95,500 3,470 4,550 49.00 29 Conventional 1931 93 I J :! .l 1 J 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Ucensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Cheractertallce ......... -.... -................. -............ .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (mUiion kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Undar Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Undar Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........ -............... , ................................ .. Planned Ultimate Cepacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Plant (thousand doHars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenaea Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power .................................................................................. .. Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dame, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Chelan County Pub- lic Utility No 1. Wenatchee, WA Chelan & Douglas. WA Columbia Vll-42 00943 410.4 1,102.6 31 NR 476.0 NR 8,760 410.4 4,942 80,724 43,513 110,958 1,486 241,624 588 $1,000 Milia/ kWh 123 130 144 371 54 13 95 101 54 312 33 1,430 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.34 0.05 0.01 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.28 0.03 1.30 Total Production Expenses ............. ............................. .................. ......... 1,430 1.30 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Aree of Pond at Normal Fuii.Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Oraw·Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus T ailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubkl feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of EmplOyees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ....................................................................... .. 94 95,500 3,470 4,550 49.00 17 Conventional 1933 Rocky Reach Zena. WA Chelan, WA Columbia Vll-42 02145 1,213.2 5,434.8 51 977.0 1,287.0 850.0 8,760 1,213.2 41,862 61,598 66,128 70,159 200 239,947 197 $1,000 252 654 431 419 497 6 253 64 48 452 67 3,144 3,144 Milia/ kWh 0.05 0.12 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.05 0.01 0,01 0.08 0.01 0.58 0.58 94,000 10,300 35,000 92.00 35 Conventional 1961 City of Seattle, Dept. of Lighting Boundary Metaline Falls, WA Pend Oreille WA Pend Orellle Vll-43 02144 634.6 3,473.8 62 648.0 655.0 655.0 8,760 634.6 578 13,527 49,481 28,244 486 92,316 145 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 11 1,183 0.34 40 O.o1 151 0.04 135 0.04 10 33 O.o1 83 0.02 376 0.11 342 0.10 38 0.01 2,401 0.69 2,401 0.69 25,200 1,668 43,000 261.00 0.0508 23 Conventional 1967 Hydroelectric Pl•nt Construction Cost •nd Annu•l Production Expenses -1980 Energy lnform•tlon Admlnlstr•tlon Cedar Falla Cedar Falls, WA King, WA Cedar Vll·43 20.0 87.2 50 30.0 30.0 28.0 8,724 20.0 1 511 5,255 981 6,747 337 Mille/ $1,000 kWh 2 0.02 14 0.18 15 0.17 34 0.39 19 0.22 16 0.19 51 0.58 45 0.52 18 0.20 214 2.45 214 2.45 79 1,920 60,000 630.00 0.0250 1 Conventional 1921 .......... 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses NIIM of Utl8ty Name of Plent .......................... ".-......................................................... . Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant {County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Cherscterllllctl .... uu. ............ u ............................ .. Installed Generating Gapactty (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Baaed on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant • 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. cr:r~rPI~::n~c:rn~clc%,1~~· ........................................................ . Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs. Dams, and Waterways. .................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Gapacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expen"e Operating Expenses Operation.Supervislon and Engineering ............................................ . Watar for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. City of Seattle, Dept. of Lighting Diablo Rockport, WA Whstcom, WA Skagit Vll-43 00553 122.4 763.1 71 175.0 159.0 159.0 8,760 122.4 34 4,518 11,175 5,519 852 22,097 180 $1~ Mill I/ kWh 58 33 20 60 233 48 335 46 154 181 1,168 0.08 0.04 0.03 0.08 0.30 0.06 0.44 0.06 0.20 0.24 1.53 Total Production Expenses ................... .............. ............. ................. ...... 1, 168 1.53 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondege from Maximum Draw·Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head· Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 1,102 910 61,000 330.00 0.0449 11 Conventional 1936 Gorge Rockport, WA Whatcom, WA Skagit Vll·43 00553 $1~ 64 39 8 85 198 53 135 19 85 153 640 640 137.7 915.4 76 177.0 175.0 175.0 8,555 137.7 113 7,111 36,732 12,006 852 56,814 412 Mllll/ kWh 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.09 0.22 0.06 0.15 0.02 0.09 0.17 0.92 0.92 1,160 241 6,545 360.00 0.0420 11 Conventional 1924 ROM Rockport, WA Whatcom, WA Skagit Vll·43 00559 $11000 56 132 48 49 219 2 46 170 39 174 157 1,092 1,092 360.0 774.9 25 427.0 450.0 211.0 6,626 360.0 44 13,113 46,220 19,347 852 79,575 221 Mllll/ kWh 0.07 0.17 0.06 0.06 0.28 0.06 0.22 0.05 0.22 0.20 1.41 1.41 978 11,878 1,022,600 395.00 0.0409 12 Conventional 1952 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Colt and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration DOI.IQIII County PUDNo.1 Weill Azwell, WA Douglas, WA Vll·43 21409 774.3 3,917.5 58 779.0 820.0 197.0 8,760 774.3 39,613 41,019 54,629 54,957 287 190,505 246 111000 136 433 872 271 395 68 45 52 289 171 2,734 2,734 Milia/ kWh 0.04 0.11 0.22 0.07 0.10 0.02 O.o1 O.Q1 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.07 85,300 9,700 70,000 67.00 0.2140 54 Conventional 1967 95 l 1980 Cons·tructlon Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ••••••••• ~~ .. ~~ ...................................................................... . Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State} .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics ............... ~ ..................... ~ ............ . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Damand on Plant • 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating ConditiOns (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Cost of Pl8nt (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses PacHic Power a Light Co. Merwin Ariel, WA Clark, WA Lewis Vll·44 00935 136.0 468.9 39 147.0 145.0 95.0 8,760 136.0 812 2,230 6,526 5,697 210 15,474 $1,000 113 Mills/ kWh OperatiOn SupervisiOn and Engineering............................................. 42 0.09 O.Q1 0.06 0.37 0.07 Water for Power.................................................................................... 3 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 29 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 175 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 31 Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering....................................... 27 Maintenance of Structures ........................ ................ ...... ........ ............ 5 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 26 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 25 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 102 Total, Exclusive of Pumping ............................................................ 466 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 466 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head • Pond ElevatiOn Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. 731 3,921 245,552 185.00 0.0746 0.06 0.01 0.06 0.05 0.22 0.99 0.99 Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of OperatiOn ........................................................................ . 26 Conventional 1931 96 Swift No.1 Cougar, WA Skamania, WA Lewis Vll-44 02111 $1,000 27 5 32 81 15 3 21 2 33 24 33 275 275 204.0 598.7 34 243.0 268.0 140.0 6,128 204.0 6,764 3,640 36,230 8,536 93 55,263 270 Mills/ kWh 0.04 0.01 0.05 0.13 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.46 0.46 481 4,621 446,995 396.00 0.0389 NR Conventional 1958 Yale Amboy, WA Clark, WA Lewis Vll·44 02071 108.0 496.8 53 137.0 132.0 99.0 8,760 108.0 1,109 3,101 25,573 5,858 190 35,831 331 Mll18/ $1,000 kWh 33 0.07 2 9 0.02 122 0.25 16 0.03 2 31 0.06 6 0.01 74 0.15 17 0.03 89 0.18 401 0.81 401 0.81 600 3,783 189,529 250.00 0.0597 NR Conventional 1953 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration PendOrellle PUD 1 Box Canyon Metaline, WA Pend Oreille WA Pend Oreille Vll-42 60.0 NR 78.0 82.8 NR 8,760 60.0 583 3,714 9,961 7,939 34 22,232 370 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 69 122 83 158 66 37 30 94 15 7 682 682 25,000 0.3460 14 Conventional 1955 1......1 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Puget Sound Power 6 Light Co. Nllme of Plant ......................................................................................... . Electron Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Electron, WA Pierce, WA Puyallup Vll-43 Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characterlatlca .......... ._ ...................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW}..................................................... 25.5 Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh)................................................................ 148.4 Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) .......................... 66 Net Peak Demand on Plant. 60 Minutes (MW).................................. 25.1 Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW}........ 26.4 Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW)........... 26.4 nme Connected to Load (hours).......................................................... 8,667 Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW).......................................................... 25.5 Coat of Plent (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights............................................................................ 78 Structures and Improvements............................................................... 364 Reservoirs, Dams. and Waterways....................................................... 4, 792 Equipment............................................................................................... 765 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges............................................................. 119 Total................................................................................................... 6,118 Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................... 239 Milia/ $1,000 kWh Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 36 0.25 Water for Power.................................................................................... 1 Hydraulic Expenses ....... ~...................................................................... 50 0.34 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 148 0.99 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 26 0.17 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering....................................... 10 0.07 Maintenance of Structures.................................................................. 19 0.13 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 294 1.98 Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................. 40 0.27 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant................................ 13 0.08 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 636 4.29 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 636 Hydraulc Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . 91 13 92 874.00 0.0167 4.29 Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 27 Conventional 1904 Lower Baker Concrete, Wa Skagit, WA Baker Vll·43 64.0 391.0 70 71.0 71.4 71.4 8,623 64.0 521 3,284 8,358 4,072 68 16,303 254 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 34 0.09 2 22 0.06 54 0.14 46 0.12 10 0.03 30 0.08 17 0.04 24 0.06 48 0.12 285 0.73 285 0.73 270 2,279 129,669 254.00 0.0570 7 Conventional 1925 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie, WA King, WA Snoqualmie Vll-43 47.0 244.2 59 42.0 44.0 44.0 8,760 47.0 31 1,155 1,077 2,152 58 4,473 95 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 41 0.17 1 29 0.12 64 0.26 38 0.16 27 0.11 27 0.11 28 0.11 261 1.07 35 0.14 553 2.26 553 2.26 400 125 390 271.00 0.0566 11 Conventional 1698 Hydroeledrlc Plant Construdlon Cost and Annual Produdlon Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Upper Baker Concrete, w~ Skagit, WA Baker Vll-43 94.4 367.6 44 101.0 103.0 103.0 8,760 94.4 1,263 3,247 35,119 5,741 602 45,972 486 Milia/ ....J:h_OOO kWh 34 0.09 2 69 0.19 53 0.14 20 0.05 . 10 0.03 15 0.04 33 0.09 28 0.08 38 0.10 303 0.82 303 0.82 211 4,985 220,600 285.00 0.0490 7 Conventional 1959 97 l ' '~ J r, I I 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses . Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) ................................................... .. Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant· 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Cenditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most AdVerse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Puget Sound Power &. UghtCo. White River Dieringer, Wa Pierce, WA White Vll-43 82.6 269.6 37 59.3 63.4 63.4 7,426 82.6 452 626 4,297 2,301 100 7,776 $1,000 94 MillS/ kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 53 0.20 Water for Power.................................................................................... 1 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 97 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 171 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 29 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ....................................... 17 Maintenance of Structures .................................................................. 34 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 104 Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................. 75 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 55 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 636 Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses ........................ ..... ............ .... .... .......... .......... 636 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. 424 2,404 41,711 488.00 0.0312 0.36 0.63 0.11 0.06 0.13 0.38 0.28 0.20 2.36 2.36 Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 25 Conventional 1912 98 Tacoma Dept. of Utilities Alder Alder, WA Pierce, WA Nisqually $1,000 43 1 9 152 34 20 8 43 30 10 349 349 Vll-43 01862 50.0 228.7 52 51.0 52.0 27.9 8,756 50.0 2,815 1,078 9,011 1,868 107 14,899 297 Mills/ kWh 0.19 0.04 0.66 0.15 0.09 0.04 0.19 0.13 0.04 1.52 1.52 287 3,065 231,400 265.00 10 Conventional 1945 Cushman No. 1 Hoodsport, WA Mason, WA N.F. Skokomish Vll-43 00460 43.2 133.3 35 45.0 47.0 15.2 6,491 43.2 522 745 3,061 1,273 55 5,655 130 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 39 0.29 10 0.07 146 1.10 25 0.19 21 0.16 14 0.11 12 0.09 44 0.33 10 0.08 322 2.41 322 2.41 94 4,000 360,000 255.00 0.0672 13 Conventional 1926 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Productloh Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Cuahmen No. 2 Potlatch, WA Mason, WA N.F. Skokomish Vll-43 00460 81.0 259.8 37 91.9 88.0 88.0 6,595 81.0 127 848 5,291 2,410 17 8,692 107 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 37 0.14 1 4 0.02 146 0.56 94 0.36 28 0.11 27 0.11 10 0.04 45 0.17 9 0.04 400 1.54 400 1.54 100 150 2,113 480.00 0.0304 13 Conventional 1930 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Tacoma Depl of Utilities Name of Plantm....................................................................................... La Grande Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River ......................................................................................................... .. Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Ucensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characterlatlca .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant • 60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ........................................................... .. Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses .................. .. Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ........................................................... .. Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses ................................................................... .. Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . La Grande, WA Pierce, WA Nisqually Vll-43 01862 64.0 346.5 62 62.9 65.0 65.0 8,760 64.0 210 1,485 6,436 1,845 38 10,013 156 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 44 0.13 1 2 0.01 152 0.44 48 0.14 21 0.06 10 0.03 52 0.15 61 0.18 9 0.03 401 1.16 401 1.16 292 45 2,700 419.00 14 Conventional 1912 Mayfield Silver Creek, WA Lewis, WA Cowlitz Vll-43 02016 $1,000 55 3 12 153 56 1 20 51 31 29 12 423 423 121.5 668.1 63 133.8 135.0 133.0 8,760 121.5 4,187 7,153 26,448 8,063 512 46,363 381 Milia/ kWh 0.08 0.02 0.23 0.08 0.03 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.63 0.63 1,400 2,200 21,378 187.00 0.0750 21 Conventional 1963 Mossyrock Mossyrock, WA Lewis, WA Cowlitz Vll-43 02016 300.0 992.3 38 340.7 384.0 151.0 7,075 300.0 25,460 27,491 53,732 8,211 200 115,094 383 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 113 0.11 6 O.Q1 1,377 1.39 148 0.15 29 0.03 1 43 0.04 21 0.02 53 0.05 34 0.03 200 0.20 2,025 2.04 2,025 2.04 1,170 11,335 1,297,390 339.00 0.0410 16 Conventional 1968 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Washington Water & Power Co. UHie Falla Ford, WA Uncoln, WA Spokane Vll-42 32.0 204.7 73 39.0 36.0 26.8 8,760 32.0 125 530 752 1,689 3,096 96 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 15 0.07 1 76 0.37 8 0.04 3 0.01 53 0.26 32 0.16 188 0.92 188 0.92 6,380 250 76.00 0.1940 3 Conventional 1910 99 l :1 ., ·~ :~ "'(, ·j ·:, l ~·-.·1 ""il ., j ,\j ' . ·-i . ' . -\ 1 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy-Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant -60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Cost of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ............................................ . Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ............... , ..................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ...................................... . Maintenance of Structures ................................................................. . Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ........................ . Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping ........................................................... . Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head -Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ....... . Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) ............... . Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 100 Washington Water a Power Co. Long Lake Reardon, WA Lincoln, WA Spokane Vll-42 70.0 448.8 73 84.0 72.5 57.1 8,760 70.0 1,232 1,070 3,522 3,639 9,462 135 $1,000 Mills/ kWh 17 0.04 1 144 0.32 18 0.04 24 0.05 23 0.05 203 0.45 45 0.10 3 0.01 478 1.07 478 1.07 5,920 5,060 105,080 171.00 0.0850 7 Conventional 1915 Nine Mile Nine Mile, WA Spokane, WA Spokane Vll-42 $1,000 25 1 1 97 17 12 10 12 175 175 12.0 107.5 102 19.0 18.0 13.9 8,760 12.0 27 303 1,027 762 2,119 176 Mills/ kWh 0.23 0.01 0.90 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.11 1.63 1.63 5,110 420 4,600 65.00 0.2700 5 Conventional 1908 Upper Falls Spokane, WA Spokane, WA Spokane Vll-42 02545 $1,000 5 8 91 6 1 6 10 128 128 10.0 79.7 91 11.0 10.2 7.0 8,721 10.0 64 354 707 528 1,652 165 Mills/ kWh 4,290 135 0.06 0.10 1.14 0.08 0.01 0.08 0.13 1.61 1.61 65.00 0.2300 Conventional 1922 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Dalrylsnd Power Coop. Flambeau Ladysmith, WI Rusk, WI Ladysmith IV-16 01960 $1,000 8 4 1 11 19 7 9 8 13 13 93 93 15.0 60.2 46 20.0 20.4 19.4 8,361 15.0 160 324 3,849 1,542 19 5,894 392 Mills/ kWh 0.13 0.07 0.02 0.19 0.31 0.11 0.14 0.13 0.22 0.22 1.55 1.55 1,910 1,945 30,125 66.00 0.2060 3 Conventional 1950 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Northern States Power Name of Plant.......................................................................................... Chippewa Faile Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) ................................................... .. River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................ .. Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ..................................................... .. Equipment ............................................................................................. .. Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenses Operating Expenses Chippewa Falls, WI Chippewa, WI Chippewa IV-16 02440 21.6 70.4 37 20.8 22.0 22.0 8,248 21.6 120 299 2,337 1,015 3,771 174 Mills/ $1,000 kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 19 0.27 Water for Power.................................................................................... 31 0.44 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 26 0.36 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 26 0.37 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 39 0.55 Rents .................................................................................................... .. Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ....................................... 19 0.26 Maintenance of Structures.................................................................. 54 0.77 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 24 0.34 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 174 2.47 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant................................ 10 0.14 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 420 5.97 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 420 5.97 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) .......... .. Gross Head • Pond Elevation Minus T ailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 5,550 230 550 30.00 0.5200 2 Conventional 1928 Com ell Cornell, WI Chippewa, WI Chippewa IV-16 30.9 83.4 31 34.1 30.9 30.9 7,893 30.9 27 2,359 9,133 3,868 15,387 497 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 30 0.36 40 0.48 7 0.08 12 0.15 24 0.28 19 0.23 7 0.08 41 0.49 eo 0.96 6 O.Q7 265 3.18 265 3.18 2 Conventional 1976 Holcombe Holcombe, WI Chippewa, WI Chippewa IV-16 01982 33.7 89.2 30 35.8 33.3 33.3 4,133 33.8 222 417 6,814 2,133 9,585 284 MIUs/ $1,000 kWh 27 0.30 43 0.48 39 0.43 26 0.30 33 0.37 24 0.27 2 0.02 a 0.09 44 0.49 10 0.11 256 2.87 256 2.87 4,700 4,270 31,700 40.00 0.3300 2 Conventional 1950 Hydroelectric: Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -I 980 Energy Information Administration Jim Falls Jim Falls, WI Chippewa, WI Chippewa IV-16 14.4 69.5 55 12.0 11.4 11.4 7,550 14.4 838 212 938 605 2,592 180 Mille/ $11000 kWh 23 0.33 55 0.79 28 0.40 26 0.38 15 0.21 15 0.22 3 0.04 6 0.08 24 0.35 2 0.03 197 2.84 197 2.84 4,891 1,000 3,500 55.00 0.3000 2 Conventional 1923 101 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name of Utility Name of Plant ......................................................................................... . Post Office ................................................................................................ . Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ................................................................................ . General Operating Characteristics .................................................... . Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy -Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) ............................................................... . Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant-60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) .......... . Time Connected to Load (hours) ........................................................ .. Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights ........................................................................... . Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . ResEitvoirs, Dams, and WateiWays ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering ........................................... .. Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and WateiWays ....................... .. Maintenance of Electric Plant ............................................................ . Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses .................................................................... . Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) .............................................................. .. Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) ............................... . Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head-Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 102 Northern States Power SLCroix Falls St. Croix Falls, WI Polk, WI St. Croix IV-16 23.2 85.8 42 24.8 22.0 22.0 8,574 23.2 183 262 602 851 1,898 81 Mills/ $1,00<1_ __ !!\'11. 33 0.38 36 0.42 48 0.55 23 0.26 26 0.30 27 0.32 66 0.76 56 0.65 11 0.13 324 3.76 324 3.76 5,950 840 3,000 59.00 0.2800 6 Conventional 1910 Wlaaota Wissota, WI Chippewa, WI Chippewa IV-16 35.2 141.4 46 37.6 36.4 36.4 5,855 35.3 383 314 3,353 1,072 5,123 145 Mills/ _ $1,00Q. ___ kWh 47 58 40 35 38 39 18 11 269 6 560 560 0.33 0.41 0.29 0.24 0.27 0.28 0.12 0.08 1.90 0.04 3.96 3.96 5,548 7,000 88,000 55.00 0.2800 6 Conventional 1917 Wisconsin Power & Light Co Prairie Du Sse Prairie Du Sac, WI Sauk, WI Wisconsin IV-13 28.5 164.6 66 31.0 30.0 29.0 8,760 28.5 811 333 2,947 1,114 5,205 182 Mills/ $1,000 kWh 11 0.07 63 0.38 3 0.02 189 1.15 31 0.19 14 0.08 91 0.55 65 0.40 69 0.42 33 0.20 569 3.46 569 3.46 9,003 9,000 36 40.00 0.4600 25 Conventional 1914 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Wisconsin Public Service Corp. Grandfather Falls Irma, WI Lincoln, WI Wisconsin IV-13 01966 17.2 102.6 68 NA 17.3 17.0 8,760 17.2 385 144 2,136 499 3,163 183 Mills/ __!l,_O<!_O _ _!Wh 2 0.02 153 1.49 9 0.06 12 0.12 13 0.13 18 0.17 4 0.04 92 0.90 16 0.15 1 0.01 320 3.12 320 3.12 2,293 200 95.00 0.1470 1 Conventional 1938 illlll..._ 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Name Of UtiHty Wleconeln River' Power co. Name of Plant-........................................................................................ Caetle Rock Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . Adams, WI Adams, WI River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................ .. Ucensed Project No ............................................................................... .. Wisconsin IV-13 01984 General Operating Characteristics ................................................... .. Installed Generating Capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................. . Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ........................ .. Net Peak Demand on Plant • 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ...... .. Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ........................................................ .. Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements .............................................................. . Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total .................................................................................................. . Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (dollars) .................................. . 15.0 113.3 86 20.0 20.0 2.8 24 15.0 1,556 271 5,605 1,454 15 8,900 593 $1,000 Mills/ kWh Production Expenses Operating Expenses Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 25 Water for Power.................................................................................... 58 Hydraulic Expenses.............................................................................. 1 0 Electric Expenses................................................................................. 109 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses.................... 9 Rents ..................................................................................................... . Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. Maintenance of Structures .............................. ................. ................. .. 2 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways......................... 28 Maintenance of Electric Plant............................................................. 26 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ................................ 1 Total, Exclusive of Pumping............................................................ 267 Cost of Pumping Energy ........................................................................ .. Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 267 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head · Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feat per second per kW) ............... . 6,800 17,000 77,000 30.00 0.4870 0.22 0.51 0.09 0.96 0.08 0.01 0.25 0.23 0.01 2.36 2.36 Average Number of Employees .......................................................... .. Type of Operation .................................................................................. . Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 6 Conventional 1951 Petenwefl Necedah, WI Adams, WI Wisconsin IV-13 01984 $1,000 25 111 12 119 17 29 29 1 343 343 20.0 118.1 67 22.4 23.0 3.8 24 20.0 1,947 282 7,064 1,447 18 10,758 537 Milia/ kWh 0.21 0.94 0.10 1.01 0.14 0.24 0.25 O.Q1 2.90 2.90 5,860 23,000 98,000 42.00 0.3300 6 Conventional 1950 Puerto Rico Water Authority Caonlllaa Utuado, PR Puerto Rico Caonillas 1·0 17.6 43.4 28 22.0 18.0 10.8 8,497 21.0 320 686 7,948 1,340 394 10,686 607 Milia/ $1,000 kWh 47 1.08 244 5.61 73 1.69 97 2.23 42 0.97 99 2.27 10 0.23 611 14.07 611 14.07 50 700 46,708 540.00 0.0308 ·' Conventional 1949 •JoinUy owned by Wisconsin Public Service Corp. (33.12%), Wisconsin Power and Light Co. (33.12%), and Consolidated Water Power & Paper Co. (33.76%). •Remo!ely controlled. •Production expenses included with those of Caonillas plant. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Doe Bocae Utuado, PR Puerto Rico Rio Grande Arecibo 1·0 18.0 37.6 24 18.0 15.0 10.8 8,687 18.0 243 568 3,400 1,052 162 5,424 301 Mille/ $1,000 kWh ·' 20 Conventional 1942 103 I I I I I 1 «:" -/; •" ~ 1980 Construction Cost and Production Expenses Puerto Rico Water Name of Utility Authority ------------------------------------------------------ Name of Plant.. ..................... _. .................. _ ................ ._....................... Yauco I Post Office ............................................................................................... .. Location of Plant (County and State) .................................................... . River .......................................................................................................... . Region and Power Supply Area ............................................................. . Licensed Project No ............................................................................... .. General Operating Characteristics ........ --......................................... . Installed Generating capacity (MW) .................................................... . Pumping Energy· Pumped Storage (million kWh) ............................ .. Net Generation (million kWh) .............................................................. .. Plant Factor Based on Nameplate Rating (percent) ......................... . Net Peak Demand on Plant • 60 Minutes (MW) ................................. . Net Plant Capability Capability Under Most Favorable Operating Conditions (MW) ....... . Capability Under Most Adverse Operating Conditions (MW) ......... .. Time Connected to Load (hours) ......................................................... . Planned Ultimate Capacity (MW) ......................................................... . Coat of Plant (thousand dollars) Land and Land Rights .......................................................................... .. Structures and Improvements ............................................................. .. Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ...................................................... . Equipment .............................................................................................. . Roads, Railroads, and Bridges ............................................................ . Total ................................................................................................. .. Cost per kW of Installed capacity (dollars) ................................. .. Production Expenaea Operating Expenses Yauco, PR Puerto Rico Yahueres 1·0 20.0 45.5 26 25.0 25.0 15.0 8,413 20.0 156 649 12,152 2,129 178 15,264 $1,000 763 Milia/ kWh Operation Supervision and Engineering............................................. 69 1.52 Water for Power ................................................................................... . Hydraulic Expenses ............................................................................. . Electric Expenses ................................................................................ . 92 2.02 Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses ................... . 12 0.27 Rents ..................................................................................................... . O.Q1 Maintenance Expenses Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ..................................... .. 44 0.97 Maintenance of Structures ................................................................ .. 20 0.44 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways ....................... .. 24 0.54 Maintenance of Electric Plant.. ......................................................... .. 270 5.92 Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant ............................... . 44 0.96 Total, Exclusive of Pumping .......................................................... .. 576 12.66 Cost of Pumping Energy ......................................................................... . Total Production Expenses..................................................................... 576 12.66 Hydraulic Data Drainage Area (square miles) ............................................................... . Area of Pond at Normal Full-Pond Level (acres) .............................. .. Storage or Pondage from Maximum Draw-Down (acre-feet) ........... . Gross Head· Pond Elevation Minus Tailwater Elevation (feet) ...... .. Flow at Full Station Load (cubic feet per second per kW) .............. .. Average Number of Employees ........................................................... . Type of Operation ................................................................................. .. Initial Year of Operation ........................................................................ . 104 37 285 15,150 800.00 0.0175 2 Conventional 1956 $1,000 Milia/ kWh $1,000 Milia/ kWh Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration $1,000 Mille/ kWh Glossary Capability (Electric Generating) The maximum load that a generating unit, generating station, or other electrical apparatus can carry under specified conditions for a given period of time, without exceeding approved limits of temperature and stress. Under Most Favorable Conditions: The maximum net load that a plant can carry with all equipment available under the most favorable operating conditions. Under Most Adverse Conditions: The maximum net load that a plant can carry with all equipment available under most unfavorable operating conditions, usually low water supply or reduced gross head. Net The capability of a generating station as demonstrated by test or as determined by actual operating experience less power generated and used for station uses. Capability may vary with the character of the load, time of year (caused by circulating water temperatures in thermal stations or availability of water in hydroelectric stations), and other characteristic causes. Capacity The load for which a generator, turbine, transformer, transmission circuit, station, or system is rated. Baseload: The capacity of the generating equipment normally operated to serve loads on a round-the-clock basis. Installed: The capacity as shown by the nameplates of electrical apparatuses, such as generating units, turbines, or other equipment in a station or system. Installed station capacity does not include auxiliary or house units. The nameplate capacity is the full-load continuous rating of a generator, prime mover, or other electrical equipment under specified conditions as designated by the manufacturer. It is usually indicated on a nameplate attached mechanically to the equipment. Peaking: Generating equipment normally operated during the hours of highest daily, weekly, or seasonal loads. Some generating equipment may be operated at certain times as peaking capacity and at other times to serve loads on a round-the--clock basis. Pumped-Storage: Hydroelectric generating capacity available for on-peak generation by water pumped into a storage reservoir during off-peak periods. Reversible: Capacity with characteristics permitting it to be used alternately as a motor/pump or turbine/generator. Cost of Plant Total cost of land and land rights, structures and improvements, and equipment; for data reported on Form FPC 1, these costs are those conforming to the accounting requirements of the Electric Plant Accounts of the FPC Uniform System of Accounts. Dam A barrier constructed across a waterway to control the flow of or raise the level of water. Demand The rate at which electric energy is delivered to or by a system, part of a system, or piece of equipment, at a given instant or averaged over any designated period of time. (Also see Load.) Drainage Basin The area drained by a river system. Drawdown The distance that the water surface of a reservoir is lowered from a given elevation as the result of the withdrawal of water. Electric Utility An enterprise engaged in the production, transmission or distribution of electricity for use by the public, including investor-owned, cooperatively owned, and government-owned (municipal systems, Federal agencies, State projects, and public power districts). Privately Owned: Class of ownership of electric utility noting one where profit and return on investment are involved. Publicly Owned: Class of ownership of electric utility that includes municipally owned electric systems, Federal and State public power projects, cooperatives, and public utility districts. 107 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Glossary (continued) Energy The capacity for doing work. Electric energy is measured in watthours (Wh) and heat energy is generally measured in British thermal units (Btu). One form of energy may be changed .to another, such as burning coal to produce steam to drive a turbine which produces electricity. Potential Hydro: The aggregate energy capable of being developed over a period by practicable use of the available streamflow and river gradient. Pumping: Energy supplied during off-peak hours to pumped-storage hydroelectric plants by baseload plants to pump water to a storage reservoir, to be released as required to provide the necessary energy. Fixed Costs Costs other than those associated with investment in plant, which do not vary or fluctuate with changes in operation or utilization of plant. Francis-Type Unit A reaction-type turbine which uses the combined action of pressure and velocity of the water to drive generating equipment. Water enters the unit radially and leaves axially. Generation (Electric) The act or process of producing electric energy from other forms of energy; also, the amount of electric energy so produced, expressed in watthours (Wh). Gross: The total amount of electric energy produced by the generating units in a generating station or stations, measured at the generator terminals. Net Gross generation less the electric energy consumed at the generating station for station use. (Energy required for pumping at pumped-storage plants is regarded as plant use and must be deducted from the gross generation). Glgawatt(GW) One billion watts. Glgawatthour(GWh) One billion watthours. 108 Hydraulic Head The elevation between the headwater surfaces above and the tailwater surface below a hydroelectric plant. Design: The head at which the turbine will operate to give the best overall efficiency under various operating conditions. Gross: The difference in elevation between the headwater surfaces above and the tailwater surface below a hydroelectric plant, under specified conditions. Low-Head: Difference in headwater and tailwater levels of 1 00 feet or less. Net The gross head less aU hydraulic losses except those chargeable to the turbine. Hydroelectric Project The complete unit of improvement or development at a hydroelectric power development, consisting of a powerhouse, all water conduits, all dams and appurtenant works and structures that are a part of the development, and all storage, diverting, or forebay reservoirs directly connected therewith. It also includes the primary lines. transmitting power from the development to the system grid and all facilities necessary and appropriate in the maintenance and operation of the development. Multiple Purpose: The development of facilities to serve more than one function, such as hydroelectric power, irrigation, water supply, water quality control, or fish and wildlife enhancement. Single Purpose: A hydroelectric project constructed for the single purpose of the generation of electricity. Incremental Energy Costs The additional cost of producing and/ or transmitting electric energy above some base cost previously determined. Joint-Use Facility A facility at a multiple-purpose hydroelectric project which serves more than one of the purposes of the project. An example is a dam, which stores water for both flood control and power purposes. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Glossary (continued) Kaplin Unit A hydraulic turbine using a propeller-type runner in which the pitch of the propeller blades is adjustable under load to achieve optimum performance in the generation of hydroelectric power. Most frequently utilized in the low-to-moderate-head range. Kilowatt (kW) One thousand watts. Kilowatthour (kWh) One thousand watthours. Load (Electric) The amount of electric power delivered or required at any specific point or points on a system. Baseload: The minimum load over a given period of time. Peak: The maximum load during a specified period of time. Megawatt (MW) One million watts. Megawatthour (MWh) One million watthours. Mill A monetary unit equal to 1/1000 of the dollar of the United States. Net Energy for System The electric energy requirements of a system, including losses, defined as net generation of the system, plus energy received from others, less energy delivered to other systems for resale. Off-Peak Periods of relatively low system demands as specified by the supplier. On-Peak Periods of relatively high system demands as specified by the supplier. Pelton Unit The hydraulic turbine wherein the energy of water is converted through nozzles into high-velocity jets of water, which drive a turbine by virtue of the forces the water jets exert on buckets attached to the turbine wheel. Also known as impulse turbines, they are generally used in high-head operations. Penstock A conduit or pipe for conducting water to a hydroelectric powerhouse. Plant (Electric) A station at which are located prime movers, electric generators, and auxiliary equipment for converting mechanical, chemical, and/or nuclear energy into electric energy. Baseload: A plant usually housing high-efficiency, steam-electric units, which operates continuously to provide the baseload of a system. Conventional Hydroelectric: A plant in which all of the power is produced from natural streamflow as regulated by available storage. Hydroelectric: A plant in which the turbine generators are driven by falling water. Peakload: A plant usually housing old, low-efficiency steam units, gas turbines, diesels, or pumped-storage hydroelectric equipment normally used during the peak-load periods. Pumped-Storage: A hydroelectric plant that usually generates electric energy during peak load periods by usually using water previously pumped into a storage reservoir during off-peak periods. Pure: A pumped-storage hydroelectric plant that produces power only from water that has previously been pumped to an upper reservoir. Combined: A pumped-storage hydroelectric plant that utilizes both pumped water and natural streamflow for the production of power. 109 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Glossary (continued) Plant (Electric) (Continued) Run-of-River. A hydroelectric plant using the flow of a stream as it occurs and having little or no reservoir capacity for storage. Storage: A hydroelectric plant associated with a reservoir having power storage. Plant Factor The ratio of the average load on the plant for the period of time considered to the aggregate capacity of all the generating equipment installed in the plant. Pondage The amount of water stored behind a hydroelectric dam of relatively small storage capacity, used for daily or weekly control of the flow of the river. Prime Mover The engine, turbine, water wheel, or similar machine that drives an electric generator. Production See Generation. Production Expenses Costs incurred for the production of electric power. For data reported on Form FPC 1, these costs are those conforming to the accounting requirements of the Operation and Maintenance Expense Accounts of the FPC Uniform System of Accounts. Reservoir A body of water collected and stored in a natural or artificial lake. Reversible Turbine A hydraulic turbine , normally installed in a pumped-storage hydroelectric plant, which can be used alternately as a pump and prime mover. 110 Runner The rotating element of a hydroelectric turbine which transforms the energy of falling water into rotating mechanical energy. Runoff The portion of the precipitation on the land that ultimately reaches streams, especially the water from rain or melted snow that flows over the surface. The amount of surface water that passes a given point in the given area in its migration to streams or rivers. Streamflow The rate at which water passes a given point in a stream, usually expressed in cubic feet per second. Average Streamflow: The average rate of flow at a given point during a specified period. Maximum Streamflow: The maximum rate of flow at a given point during a specified period. Median Streamflow: The rate of. flow at a given point for which there are equal numbers of greater and lesser flow occurrences during a specified period. Minimum Streamflow: The minimum rate of flow at a given point during a specified period. Natural Streamflow: The rate of flow at a given point of an uncontrolled stream, or regulated streamflow adjusted to eliminate the effects of reservoir storage or upstream diversions. Regulated Streamflow: The controlled rate of flow at a given point during a specified period resulting from reservoir operation. Water Conditions The status of water supply and associated water facilities of hydroelectric plants. Adverse Water Conditions: Water conditions limiting the production of hydroelectric power, either because of low water supply or reduced gross head. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Glossary (continued J Water Conditions (Continued) Average Water Conditions: Precipitation and runoff conditions that provide water for hydroelectric power development approximating the average amount and distribution available over a long period, usually the period of record. Median Water Conditions: Precipitation and runoff conditions that provide water for hydroelectric power development approximating the median amount and distribution over a long period, usually the period of record. Waterway A river, channel, canal, or other navigable body of water used for travel or transport. Watt The electrical unit of power or rate of doing work. A watt is the rate of energy transfer equivalent to 1 ampere flowing under pressure of 1 volt at unity power factor. It is analogous to horsepower or foot-pound per minute of mechanical power. One horsepower is equivalent to approximately 7 46 watts. Watthour (Wh) Equal to 1 watt of power supplied to, or taken from, an electric circuit steadily for 1 hour. Wicket Gates A series of overlapping, adjustable guide vanes placed around the circumference of a turbine to regulate the amount of water passing through a turbine and consequently controlling the output of a hydroelectric unit. II I Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration ~Appendix .. AI List of Hydroelectric Plants by Utility Within State B I Alphabetical List of Hydroelectric Plants C I Technical Notes 1.. Appendix A List of Hydroelectric Plants by Utility Within State Alabama State and Name of Utility Alabama Power Co. Bankhead ......................................................................... . Bouldin, Walter ................................................................ . Holt .................................................................................. .. Jordan .............................................................................. . Lay ................................................................................... .. Lewis-Smith .................................................................... .. Logan-Martin .................................................................. .. Martin ............................................................................... . Mitchell ............................................................................ .. Neely, Henry .................................................................... . Thurlow ............................................................................ . Weiss ................................................................................ . Yates ............................................................................... .. Tennessee Valley Authority Guntersville ...................................................................... . Wheeler ............................................................................ . Wilson ............................................................................... . Arizona Salt River Project Roosevelt ......................................................................... . Arkansas Arkansas Power & Ught Co. Carpenter ........................................................................ .. California California Dept of Water Resources Devil Canyon ................................................................... . Edward G. Hyatt .............................................................. . San Luis ............... · ............................................................ . Thermolito ....................................................................... .. Imperial Irrigation District Drop No.2 ...................................................................... .. Drop No.4 ...................................................................... .. Pilot Knob ........................................................................ . Los Angeles Dept of Water & Power Castaic ............................................................................. . Control Gorge .................................................................. . Foothill ............................................................................. .. Middle Gorge ................................................................... . San Francisquito No. 1 .................................................. .. San Francisquito No. 2 ................................................... . Upper Gorge ..................................................................... . Merced Irrigation District Exchequer ........................................................................ . Oroville-Wyandotte Irrigation District Forbestown ...................................................................... . Woodleaf ......................................................................... .. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Balch No. 1 ...................................................................... . Balch No.2 ..................................................................... .. Belden No. 1 .................................................................... . Black, James B ............................................................... . Bucks Creek ................................................................... .. Butt Valley ....................................................................... .. Caribou No. 1 .................................................................. . Caribou No. 2 ................................................................. .. Coleman .......................................................................... .. Courtright Res Cmn ........................................................ . Cresta ............................................................................... . De Sabia .......................................................................... . De Sabia Division Cmn ................................................... . Drum Division Common .................................................. . Drum No.1 ...................................................................... . Drum No.2 ..................................................................... .. Dutch Flat ........................................................................ . ElDorado ......................................................................... . Electra .............................................................................. . Feather River Common .................................................. . Page 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 -Cont. State and Name of Utility California -cont. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. -cont. Haas ................................................................................. . Halsey .............................................................................. . Hat Creek No. 1 ............................................................. .. Hat Creek No. 2 ............................................................. .. Kerckhoff .......................................................................... . Kings River ...................................................................... .. Lyons Dam Common ..................................................... .. Mokelumne Sys Common .............................................. . Pit No.1 ........................................................................... . Pit No.3 .......................................................................... .. Pit No.4 ........................................................................... . Pit No.5 ........................................................................... . Pit No.6 ........................................................................... . Pit No.7 ........................................................................... . Poe ................................................................................... . Rock Creek ...................................................................... . Salt Springs ..................................................................... . Shasta Div Common ...................................................... .. Stanislaus ......................................................................... . Stanislaus Spring ........................................................... .. Tiger Creek ..................................................................... .. West Point ....................................................................... . Wise .................................................................................. . Wishon Dam & Res ....................................................... .. Pacific Power & Light Co. Copco No.1 .................................................................... .. Copco No.2 ..................................................................... . Iron Gate ......................................................................... .. Swift No.2 ....................................................................... . Placer County Water Agency French Meadows ........................................................... .. Middle Fork ..................................................................... .. Ralston ............................................................................. . Sacramento Municipal Utility Dist. Camino ............................................................................. . Jaybird .............................................................................. . Loon Lake ........................................................................ . Robbs Peak .................................................................... .. Union Valley ..................................................................... . White Rock ..................................................................... .. San Francisco City Dion Holm ........................................................................ . Moccasin .......................................................................... . Robert C. Kirkwood ......................................................... . Southern California Edison Co. Big Creek No. 1 .............................................................. .. Big Creek No. 2 .............................................................. .. Big Creek No. 2A ............................................................ . Big Creek No.3 .............................................................. .. Big Creek No.4 .............................................................. .. Big Creek No. 8 .............................................................. .. Big Creek Wtr Fac .......................................................... .. Kern River No. 1 ............................................................. . Kern River No. 3 ............................................................ .. Mammouth Pool ............................................................. .. Turlock Irrigation District Don Pedro ........................................................................ . Yuba County Water Agency Colgate ............................................................................. . Narrows ............................................................................ . Yuba Co Common Fac ................................................... . Colorado Public Service Co. of Colorado Boulder Canyon ............................................................... . Cabin Creek .................................................................... .. Shoshone ......................................................................... . Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1 980 Energy Information Administration Page 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 liS Appendix A (continued) List of Hydroelectric Plants by Utility Within State -Cont. State and Name of Utility Connecticut Connecticut Light & Power Co. Rocky River ..................................................................... . Shepaug ........................................................................... . Stevenson ........................................................................ . Georgia Georgia Power Co. Bart letts Ferry .................................................................. . Goat Rock ........................................................................ . Lloyd Shoals .................................................................... . Mathis Terrora ................................................................. . North Highlands ............................................................. .. Oliver ............. _ ................................................................. . Sinclair ............................................................................. .. Tallulah Falls .................................................................. .. Tugalo .............................................................................. . Wallace Dam ................................................................... . Yonah ............................................................................... . Tennessee Valley Authority Blue Ridge ...................................................................... .. Nottely .............................................................................. . Idaho Idaho Power Co American Falls ................................................................ .. Bliss ................................................................................. .. Brownlee .......................................................................... . lower Salmon Falls ....................................................... .. Malad ............................................................................... .. Shoshone Falls ............................................................... . Snake River Cmn Fac ................................................... .. Strike, C.J ........................................................................ .. Swan Falls ....................................................................... . Twin Falls ......................................................................... . Upper Salmon Falls ....................................................... .. Utah Power & Light Co. Grace ................................................................................ . Oneida .............................................................................. . Soda ................................................................................. . Washington Water & Power Co. Cabinet Gorge ................................................................. . Post Falls ........................................................................ .. Indiana Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Oakdale ............................................................................ . Public service Co. of Indiana Markland .......................................................................... . Iowa Union Electric Co Keokuk ............................................................................. . Kentucky Louisville Gas & Electric Co. Ohio Falls ......................................................................... . Tennessee Valley Authority Kentucky ......................................................................... .. Maine Central Maine Power Co. Gulf Island ........................................................................ . Indian Pond-Harris ......................................................... .. Skelton ............................................................................. . Weston ............................................................................. . Williams ............................................................................ . Wyman ............................................................................. . Maryland Pennsylvania Electric Co. Deep Creek ...................................................................... . 116 Page 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 State and Name of Utility -Cont. Maryland -cont. Pennsylvania Electric Co. -Cont. Philadelphia Electric Co. Conowingo ....................................................................... . Massachusetts Holyoke Water Power Co. Hadley Falls ..................................................................... . New England Power Co. Bear Swamp ................................................................... .. Deerfield No. 5 ............................................................... .. Fife Brook ........................................................................ . Western Massachusetts Electric Co. Cabot ................................................................................ . Cobble Mountain ............................................................. . Northfield Mountain ........................................................ . Michigan Consumers Power Co. C.W. Tippy ....................................................................... . Hardy ................................................................................ . Hodenpyl .......................................................................... . Ludington ......................................................................... . Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Big Quinnesec Falls ........................................................ . Peavy Falls ...................................................................... . Minnesota Minnesota Power & Light Co. Blanchard ........................................................................ .. Fond DuLac ................................................................... .. Thomson ......................................................................... .. Northern States Power Hennepin Island ............................................................. .. Missouri Empire Dlst Electric Co. Ozark Beach .................................................................... . Union Electric Co. Osage ............................................................................... . Taum Sauk ....................................................................... . Montana Montana Power Co. Black Eagle ...................................................................... . Cochrane ......................................................................... . Hauser Lake ................................................................... .. Holter ................................................................................ . Kerr ................................................................................... . Morony ............................................................................. . Mystic Lake ...................................................................... . Rainbow .......................................................................... .. Ryan ................................................................................ .. Thompson Falls ............................................................... . Washington Water & Power Co. Noxon Rapids .................................................................. . Nebraska Central Nebraska Public Power Jeffrey Canyon ................................................................ . Johnson No. 1 ................................................................. . Johnson No. 2 ................................................................. . Loup River Public Power District Columbus ......................................................................... . Nebraska Public Power District North Platte ...................................................................... . New Hampshire New England Power Co. Comerford ........................................................................ . Moore ............................................................................... . Public Service Co. of New Hampshire Amoskeag ........................................................................ . Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Page 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 .52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 Appendix A (continued) List of Hydroelectric Plants by Utility Within State -Cont. State and Name of Utility New Hampshire -Cont. Public Service Co. of New Hampshire -Cont. Smith ................................................................................ . New York Central Hudson Gas & Electric Neversink ........................................................................ .. Sturgeon Pool .................................................................. . New York State Electric & Gas High Falls ......................................................................... . Niagara Mohawk Power Co. Beardslee ......................................................................... . Bennetts Bridge .............................................................. .. Blake ............................................................................... .. Browns Falls .................................................................... . Colton .............................................................................. .. Deferiet. ............................................................................ . E.J. West .......................................................................... . Five Falls .......................................................................... . Prospect .......................................................................... .. Rainbow Falls .................................................................. . School Street.. ................................................................. . Sherman Island ............................................................... . Soft Maple ....................................................................... . South Colton .................................................................... . Spier Falls ....................................................................... .. Stark ................................................................................ .. Stewarts Bridge .............................................................. .. Trenton Falls .................................................................. .. Orange & Rockland Utilities, Inc. Grahamsville .................................................................... . Rio ................................................................................... .. Power Authority of the State of N.Y. Blenheim-Gilboa .............................................................. . Robert Moses (Niagara) ................................................ .. Robert Moses (St. Lawrence) ........................................ . North Carolina Carolina Power & Light Co. Blewett ...................... : ...................................................... . Tillery ................................................................................ . Walters ............................................................................. . Duke Power Co. Bridgewater ...................................................................... . Cowans Ford ................................................................... . Lookout Shoals ............................................................... . Mountain Island ............................................................... . Oxford ............................................................................... . Rhodhiss ......................................................................... .. Nantahala Power & Light Co. Nantahala ......................................................................... . Thorpe .............................................................................. . Tapoco Inc. Cheoah ............................................................................ .. Santeetlah ....................................................................... .. Tennessee Valley Authority Chatuge ............................................................................ . Fontana ............................................................................ . Hiwassee .......................................................................... . Virginia Electric & Power Co. Gaston .............................................................................. . Roanoke Rapids ............................................................. .. Yadkln Inc. High Rock ....................................................................... .. Tuckertown ...................................................................... . Yadkin Falls .................................................................... .. Yadkin Narrows ............................................................... . Oklahoma Grand River Dam Authority Kerr (Markham) ................................................................... . Page 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 70 70 State and Name of Utility -Cont. Oklahoma -Cont. Pensacola ............................................................................ . Salina .................................................................................. .. Oregon Eugene Water & Electric Carmen-Smith .................................................................. . Leaburg ............................................................................ . Trail Bridge ...................................................................... .. Idaho Power Co. Hells Canyon ................................................................... . Oxbow .............................................................................. . Pacific Power & Light Co. Clearwater No. 1 ............................................................. . Clearwater No. 2 ............................................................. . Fish Creek ....................................................................... .. John C Boyle ................................................................... . Lemolo No. 1 ................................................................... . Lemolo No.2 .................................................................. .. Prospect No. 2 ............................................................... .. Slide Creek ...................................................................... . Soda Springs .................................................................. .. Toketee ............................................................................ . Portland General Electric Co. Bull Run ............................................................................ . Faraday ............................................................................ . North Fork ....................................................................... .. Oak Grove ...................................................................... .. Pelton ............................................................................... . River Mill (Sta.M) ............................................................ .. Round Butte ..................................................................... . T.W. Sullivan .................................................................... . Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Electric Co. Piney ................................................................................ .. Seneca ............................................................................. . Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Holtwood ......................................................................... .. Wallenpaupack ................................................................ . Philadelphia Electric Co. Muddy Run ....................................................................... . Safe Harbor Water Power Corp. Safe Harbor ..................................................................... . South Carolina Duke Power Co. Buzzard Roost ................................................................. . Cedar Creek .................................................................... . Dearborn ......................................................................... .. Fishing Creek ................................................................... . Great Falls ...................................................................... .. Jocassee .......................................................................... . Keowee ............................................................................ . Rocky Creek .................................................................... . Wateree ............................................................................ . Wylie ................................................................................. . 991slands ........................................................................ .. Lockhart Electric Power & Gas Co. Lockhart ........................................................................... . South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. Columbia .......................................................................... . Fairfield ............................................................................ . Parr ................................................................................... . Saluda .............................................................................. . Stevens Creek ................................................................ .. South Carolina Public Serv. Auth. Jeffries .............................................................................. . Tennessee Tapoco Inc. Calderwood ...................................................................... . Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Page 70 70 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 117 ( Appendix A (continued) State and Name of Utility -Cont. Tennessee -Cont. Tapoco Inc. -Cont. Chilowee .......................................................................... . Tennessee Valley Authority Apalachia ......................................................................... . Boone ............................................................................... . Cherokee ......................................................................... . Chickamauga ................................................................... . Douglas ............................................................................ . Fort Loudoun ................................................................... . Ft. Patrick Henry ............................................................. . Great Falls ...................................................................... .. Melton Hill ....................................................................... .. Nickajack .......................................................................... . Norris ................................................................................ . Ocoee No.1 ................................................................... .. Ocoee No.;!. .................................................................... . Ocoee No.3 .................................................................... . Pickwick .......................................................................... .. Raccoon Mountain .......................................................... . South Holston .................................................................. . Tims Ford ........................................................................ .. Watauge ........................................................................... . Watts Bar ........................................................................ .. Wilbur ............................................................................... . Texas Brazos Electric Power Coop. Morris Sheppard .............................................................. . Lower Colorado River Authority Austin .............................................................................. .. Buchanan ......................................................................... . Granite Shoals ................................................................. . Inks .................................................................................. .. Marble Falls .................................................................... .. Marshall Ford .................................................................. . Utah Utah Power & Light Co. Cutler ................................................................................ . Olmstead ......................................................................... .. Vermont New England Power Co. . Bellows Falls .................................................................. .. Harriman .......................................................................... . Vernon .............................................................................. . Wilder ............................................................................... . VIrginia Appalachian Power Co. Byllesby ............................................................................ . Clayton ............................................................................. . Leesville .......................................................................... .. Reusen ............................................................................ .. Smith Mountain .............................................................. .. Danville Water, Gas & Electric Pinnacles .......................................................................... . Washington Centralia, City of Centralia Mun Hydro ................................................... .. Chelan County Pub. Utility No. 1 Lake Chelan ..................................................................... . llB Page 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 89 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 State and Name of Utility -Cont. Washington -Cont. Rock Island ...................................................................... . Rock Island 11. ................................................................. .. Rocky Reach .................................................................. .. City of Seattle, Dept. of Lighting Boundary ......................................................................... .. Cedar Falls ...................................................................... .. Diablo ............................................................................... . Gorge .............................................................................. .. City of Seattle, Dept. of Lighting -Cont. Ross ................................................................................. . Douglas County PUD No. 1 Wells ................................................................................. . Pacific Power & Light Co. Merwin .............................................................................. . Swift No. 1 ...................................................................... .. Yale .................................................................................. . Pend Oreille PUD No. 1 Box Canyon .................................................................... .. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Electron ............................................................................ . Lower Baker ................................................................... .. Snoqualmie ..................................................................... .. Upper Baker ................................................................... .. White River ..................................................................... .. Tacoma Dept. Of Utilities • Alder ................................................................................. . Cushman No. 1 .............................................................. .. Cushman No. 2 .............................................................. .. La Grande ........................................................................ . Mayfield ............................................................................ . Mossyrock ........................................................................ . Washington Water & Power Co. Little Falls ......................................................................... . Long Lake ....................................................................... .. Nine Mile ......................................................................... .. Upper Falls .................. , .................................................. .. Wisconsin Dairyland Power Coop. Flambeau ......................................................................... . Northern States Power Chippewa Falls ................................................................ . Cornell .............................................................................. . Holcombe ......................................................................... . Jim Falls ........................................................................... . St. Croix Falls ................................................................. .. Wissota ............................................................................ . Wisconsin Power & Lighting Prairie Du Sac .................................................................. . Wisconsin Public Service Corp. Grandfather Falls ............................................................ . Wisconsin River Power Castle Rock .................................................................... .. Petenwell ......................................................................... . Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Water Authority Caonillas .......................................................................... . Dos Bocas ...................................................................... .. Yauco ! ............................................................................ .. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Page 93 94 94 94 94 95 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 100 100 100 100 101 101 101 101 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 103 104 Appendix B Alphabetical List of Hydroelectric Plants Name of Plant State Page Name of Plant State Page Alder Washington 98 Clearwater No. 2 Oregon 72 American Falls Idaho 41 Cobble Mountain Massachusetts 49 Amoskeag New Hampshire 57 Cochrane Montana 53 Apalchine Tennessee 83 Coleman California 19 Austin Texas 88 Colgate California 35 Colton New York 60 Balch No.1 California 17 Columbia South Carolina 81 Balch No.2 California 18 Columbus Nebraska 56 Bankhead Alabama 9 Comerford New Hampshire 57 Bartletts Ferry Georgia 37 Conowingo Maryland 48 Bear Swamp Massachusetts 48 Control Gorge California 15 Beardslee New York 59 Copco No.1 California 28 Belden No.1 California 18 Copco No.2 California 29 Bellows Falls Vermont 90 Cornell Wisconsin 101 Bennett's Bridge New York 59 Courtright Res Cmn California 20 Big Creek No. 1 California 32 Cowans Ford North Carolina 65 Big Creek No. 2 California 33 Cresta California 20 Big Creek No. 2A California 33 Cushman No. 1 Washington 98 Big Creek No. 3 California 33 Cushman No. 2 Washington 98 Big Creek No. 4 California 33 Cutler Utah 90 Big Creek No. 8 California 34 Big Creek Wtr Fac California 34 Dearborn South Carolina 78 Big Quinnesec Falls Michigan 51 Deep Creek Maryland 47 Black Eagle Montana 53 Deerfield No. 5 Massachusetts 48 Black, James B. California 18 Deferiet New York 60 Blake New York 59 Devil Canyon California 13 Blanchard Minnesota 51 Desabla California 20 Blenheim-Gilboa New York 64 Desabla Division Cmn California 20 Blewett North Carolina 64 Diablo Washington 95 Bliss Idaho 41 Dion Holm California 32 Blue Ridge Georgia 40 Don Pedro California 35 Boone Tennessee 83 Dos Bacos Puerto Rico 103 Boulder Canyon Colorado 36 Douglas Tennessee 84 Bouldin, Walter Alabama 9 Drop No.2 California 14 Boundary Washington 94 Drop No.4 California 14 Box Canyon Washington 96 Drum Division Common California 21 Bridgewater North Carolina 65 Drum No.1 California 21 Brownlee Idaho 41 Drum No.2 California 21 Browns Falls New York 59 Dutch Flat California 21 Buchanan Texas 89 Bucks Creek California 18 E.J. West New York 60 Bull Run Oregon 74 Edward G. Hyatt California 13 Butt Valley California 19 ElDorado California 22 Buzzard Roost South Carolina 78 Electra California 22 Byllesby Virginia 91 Electron Washington 97 Exchequer California 17 C.W. Tippy Michigan 50 Cabin Creek Colorado 36 Fairfield South Carolina 81 Cabinet Gorge Idaho 44 Faraday Oregon 75 Cabot Massachusetts 49 Feather River Common California 22 Calderwood Tennessee 82 Fife Brook Massachusetts 49 Camino California 30 Fish Creek Oregon 72 Caonillas Puerto Rico 103 Fishing Creek South Carolina 79 Caribou No. 1 California 19 Five Falls New York 60 Caribou No. 2 California 19 Flambeau Wisconsin 100 Carmen-Smith Oregon 71 Fond DuLac Minnesota 51 Carpenter Arkansas 13 Fontana North Carolina 68 Castaic California 15 Foothill California 15 Castle Rock Wisconsin 103 Forbestown California 17 Cedar Creek South Carolina 78 Fort Loudoun Tennessee 84 Cedar Falls Washington 94 French Meadows California 29 Centralia Mun Hydro Washington 93 Ft Patrick Henry Tennessee 84 Chatuge North Carolina 68 Cheoah North Carolina 67 Gaston North Carolina 68 Cherokee Tennessee 83 Goat Rock Georgia 38 Chickamauga Tennessee 84 Gorge Washington 95 Chilohowee Tennessee 83 Grace Idaho 43 Chippewa Falls Wisconsin 101 Grahamsville New York 63 Clayton Virginia 92 Grandfather Falls Wisconsin 102 Clearwater No. 1 Oregon 72 Granite Shoals Texas 89 119 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Appendix B (continued) Alphabetical List of Hydroelectric Plants Name of Plant State Page Name of Plant State Page Great Falls South Carolina 79 Markland Indiana 45 Great Falls Tennessee 85 Marshall Ford Texas 90 Gulf Island Maine 46 Martin Dam Alabama 10 Guntersvill Alabama 12 Mathis Terrora Georgia 38 Mayfield Washington 99 Haas California 22 Melton Hill Tennessee 85 Hadley Falls Massachusetts 48 Merwin Washington 96 Halsey California 23 Middle Gorge California 16 Hardy Michigan 50 Middlefork California 30 Harriman Vermont 91 Mitchell Dam Alabama 11 Hat Creek No. 1 California 23 Moccasin California 32 Hat Creek No. 2 California 23 Mokelumne Sye Common California 24- Hauser Lake Montana 53 Moore New Hampshire 57 Hells Canyon Oregon 71 Morony Montana 54 Hennepin Island Minnesota 52 Morris Shapperd Texas 88 High Falls New York 58 Mossyrock Washington 99 High Rock North Carolina 69 Mountain Island North Carolina 66 Hiwassee North Carolina 68 Muddy Run Pennsylvania 77 Hodenpyl Michigan 50 Mystic Lake Montana 54 Holcombe Wisconsin 101 Holt Alabama 9 Nantahala North Carolina 67 Holter Montana 54 Narrows California 35 Holtwood Pennsylvania 77 Neely, Henry Alabama 11 Neversink New York 58 Indian Pond-Harris Maine 46 Nickajack Tennessee 85 Inks Texas 89 Nine Mile Washington 100 Iron Gate California 29 Norris Tennessee 85 North Fork Oregon 75 Jaybird California 30 North Highlands Georgia 38 Jeffery Canyon Nebraska 56 North Platte Nebraska 57 Jefferies South Carolina 82 Northfield Mountain Massachusetts 49 Jim Falls Wisconsin 101 Nottely Georgia 40 Jocassee South Carolina 79 Noxon Rapids Montana 55 John C Boyle Oregon 73 Johnson No. 1 Nebraska 56 Oak Grove Oregon 75 Johnson No. 2 Nebraska 56 Oakdale Indiana 45 Jordan Alabama 9 Ocoee No.1 Tennessee 86 Ocoee No.2 Tennessee 86 Kentucky Kentucky 46 Ocoee No.3 Tennessee 86 Keokuk Iowa 45 Ohio Falls Kentucky 45 Keowee South Carolina 79 Oliver Georgia 39 Kerckoff California 23 Olmstead Utah 90 Kern No.1 California 34 Oneida Idaho 44 Kern No.3 California 34 Osage Missouri 52 Kerr Montana 54 Oxbow Oregon 72 Kerr (Markham) Oklahoma 70 Oxford North Carolina 66 Kings River California 24 Ozark Beach Missouri 52 La Grande Washing1on 99 Lake Chelan Washing1on 93 Parr South Carolina 81 Lay Alabama 10 Peavy Falls Michigan 51 Leaburg Oregon 71 Pelton Oregon 75 Leesville Virginioa 92 Pensacola Oklahoma 70 Lemolo No.1 Oregon 73 Petenwell Wisconsin 103 Lemolo No.2 Oregon 73 Pickwick Tennessee 86 Lewis-Smith Alabama 10 Pilot Knob California 15 Little Falls Washing1on 99 Piney Pennsylvania 76 Lloyd Shoals Georgia 38 Pinnacles Virginia 93 Lockhart South Carolina 81 Pit No.1 California 24 Logan-Martin Alabama 10 Pit No.3 California 25 Long Lake Washing1on 100 Pit No.4 California 25 Lookout Shoals NothH Carolina 66 Pit No.5 California 25 Loon Lake California 31 Pit No.6 California 25 Lower Baker Washington 97 Pit No.7 California 26 Lower Salmon Falls Idaho 41 Poe California 26 Ludington Michigan 50 Post Falls Idaho 44 Lyons Dam Common California 24 Prairie Du Sac Wisconsin 102 Prospect New York 61 Malad Idaho 42 Prospect No. 2 Oregon 73 Mammoth Pool California 35 Marble Falls Texas 89 Raccoon Mountain Tennessee 87 120 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Name of Plant Rainbow Rainbow Falls Ralston Reusen Rhodhiss Rio River Mill (Sta. M) Roanoke Rapids Robbs Peak Robert C. Kirkwood Robert Moses Robert Moses Rock Creek Rock Island Rock Island II Rocky Creek Rocky Reach Rocky River Roosevelt Ross Round Butte Ryan Safe Harbor Salina Salt Springs Saluda San Francisquito 1 San Francisquito 2 San Luis Santeelah School Street Seneca Shasta Div Common Shepaug Sherman Island Shoshone Shoshone Falls Sinclair Skelton Slide Creek Smith Smith Mountain Snake River Cmn Fac Scoqualmie Soda Soda Springs Soft Maple South Colton South Holston Spier Falls St. Croix Falls Stanislaus Stanislaus Spring Stark Stevens Creek Stevenson Stewarts Bridge Strike, C.J. Sturgeon Pool Swan Falls ..... Appendix B (continued) Alphabetical List of Hydroelectric Plants State Page Name of Plant State Montana 55 Swift No.1 Washington New York 61 Swift No.2 California California 30 Virginia 92 T.W. Sullivan Oregon North Carolina 66 Tallulah Falls Georgia New York 63 Taum Sauk Missouri Oregon 76 Thermolito California North Carolina 69 Thompson Falls Montana California 31 Thomson Minnesota california 32 Thorpe North Carolina New York 64 Thurlow Alabama New York 64 Tiger Creek California california 26 Tillery North Carolina Washington 93 Tims Ford Tennessee Washington 94 Toketee Oregon South Carolina 80 Trail Bridge Oregon Washington 94 Trenton Falls New York Connecticut 37 Tuckertown North Carolina Arizona 13 Tugalo Georgia Washington 95 Twin Falls Idaho Oregon 76 Union Valley California Montana 55 Upper Baker Washington Pennsylvania 78 Upper Falls Washington Upper Gorge california Oklahoma 70 Upper Salmon Falls Idaho California 26 South Carolina 82 Vernon Vermont California 16 California 16 Wallace Dam Georgia California 14 Wallenpaupack Pennsylvania North Carolina 67 Walters North Carolina New York 61 Watauga Tennessee Pennsylvania 77 Wateree South Carolina california 27 Watts Bar Tennessee Connecticut 37 Weiss Alabama New York 61 Wells Washington Colorado 36 West Point California Idaho 42 Weston Maine Georgia 39 Wheeler Alabama Maine 46 White River Washington Oregon 74 White Rock california New Hampshire 58 Wilbur Tennessee Virginia 92 Wilder Vermont Idaho 42 Williams Maine Washington 97 Wilson Alabama Idaho 44 Wise California Oregon 74 Wishon Dam & Res California New York 62 Wissota Wisconsin New York 62 Woodleaf california Tennessee 87 Wylie South carolina New York 62 Wyman Maine Wisconsin 102 california 27 Yadkin Falls North Carolina California 27 Yadkin Narrows North Carolina New York 62 Yale Washington South Carolina 82 Yates Alabama Connecticut 37 Yauco 1 Puerto Rico New York 63 Yonah Georgia Idaho 42 Yuba Co. Common Fac. California New York 58 Idaho 43 991slands South Carolina Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Page 96 29 76 39 53 14 55 52 67 11 27 65 87 74 71 63 69 39 43 31 97 100 16 43 91 40 77 65 87 80 88 11 95 28 47 12 98 31 88 91 47 12 28 28 102 17 80 47 69 70 96 12 104 40 36 80 121 _ _j Appendix C Technical Notes 1. Sources of Data The Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels is responsible for routine data improvement and quality assurance activities. All operations of this office are done in accordance with standards established by EIA. These standards are the measuring rod necessary for quality statistics. Data improvement efforts include follow-up on nonrespondents, verification of data-keyed input by automatic computerized methods, and editing by subject-matter specialists. Completed forms received by the Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels are sorted, screened for completeness of reported information, and keyed onto computer tapes for storage and transfer to data bases on random access storage devices for computer processing. The information coded on the computer tapes is manually spot checked against the data reported on the forms to certify accuracy of the tapes. Respondent computerized data files are checked to identify those who fail to respond to the survey. By law, nonrespondents may be fined or otherwise penalized for not filing an EIA data form as prescribed in the instructions. Before invoking the law, EIA tries to obtain the required information by encouraging cooperation of nonrespondents. A brief summary of the history of the data sources and the data used in publishing Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses is presented below. 1.1. FPC Form 1 • Annual Report of Private Electric Utilities Summary Statement of the FPC Form 1 Primary Purpose The FPC Form 1, Annual Report of Private Electric Utilities, is used annually to collect detailed accounting, financial, and operating data from privately owned electric utilities of Classes A and B in the United States and its possessions. Classes A and B electric utilities are those having annual electric operating revenues of one million dollars or more. For the year ended December 1980, there were 203 such electric utilities. Instrument and Design History The FPC Form 1 was implemented in 1935 by the Federal Power Commission. In October 1977, it became the responsibility of the Energy Information Administration when the Federal Power Commission was merged into the Department of Energy. This mandatory report is prepared in accordance with the FPC Uniform System of Accounts for Private Utilities and Licensees (Classes A and B). The legislative authority for this data collection activity is the Federal Power Act. 122 Data Processing The processing of data reported on FPC Form 1 is the responsibility of the Development, Collection, Processing and Maintenance Branch of the Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels. The completed forms are due in this office on or before May 1, after the close of the preceding calendar year. Manual editing of the reported data is completed prior to bei[lg sent for data entry. Additional edit checks of the data are performed through computer programs. The program edits include both deterministic checks, in which records are checked for the presence of data in required fields, and statistical checks, in which the data are checked against a range of values based on historical data values and for logical or mathematical consistency with data elements reported in the form. Discrepancies arising as a result of these checks are resolved either by the processing office or by a telephone call to the company concerned. Presentation Data on plant construction cost, production expenses, generating equipment characteristics, and other revelant operating data are generated in tabular form for publication. These data are published in Thermal-Electric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses , and Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses. Additional data reported on FPC 1 are published in Statistics of Privately Owned Electric Utilities in the United States. Information Collected Data reported on FPC 1 include for the reporting year, data on the following: income and earnings, taxes, depreciation and amortization, distribution of salaries and wages, electric operating revenues, electric maintenance expenses, and generating plant statistics. Planned construction data, year-end balance sheets, along with general corporate information are also included. 1.2. ERA Form 412 ·Annual Report of Municipal Electric Utilities Summary Statement of the ERA Form 412 Primary Purpose The ERA Form 412 is used annually to collect detailed accounting, financial, and operating data from municipal electric utilities in the United States and its possessions. For the year ended December 1980, there were 545 such electric utilities. Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Appendix C (continued) Instrument and Design History The FPC Form 1M was implemented as a mandatory survey by the Federal Power Commission in 1961. It became the responsibility of the Energy Information Administration in October 1977 when the Federal Power Commission was merged into the Department of Energy. Effective January 1980, the FPC Form 1M was superseded by the ERA Form 412, also a mandatory survey. Data currently reported on ERA Form 412 is the same as that previously reported on Form FPC 1M. Data Processing The processing of data reported on this form is the responsibility of the Development, Collection, Processing and Maintenance Branch of the Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels. The completed forms are due in this office on or before the last day of the third month following the close of the fiscal year. Manual editing of the reported data is completed prior to being sent for data entry. Additional edit checks of the data are performed through computer programs. The program edits include both deterministic checks, in which records are checked for the presence of data in required fields, and statistical checks, in which the data are checked against a range of values based on historical data values and for logical or mather;natical consistency when compared with other data elements on the form. Discrepancies arising as a result of these checks are resolved either by the processing office or by a telephone call to the company concerned. Presentation Data on plant construction cost, production expenses, generating equipment characteristics, and other revelant operating data are generated in tabular form for publication. These data are published in Thermal-Electric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses, and Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses. Additional data reported on ERA Form _1 412 are published in Statistics of Publicly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States. Information Collected Data reported on ERA Form 412 include for the reporting year the following: income and earnings, taxes, depreciation and amortization, distribution of salaries and wages, electric operating revenues, electric maintenance expenses, and generating plant statistics. Planned construction data, and year-end balance sheets are also included. 1.3. Form FPC 12 • Annual Power System Statement Summary Statement of the FPC Form 12 Primary Purpose The Form FPC 12 is used annually to collect data on electric power generation, energy exchanges, electric plant characteristics, sales of electric energy to ultimate consumers, system capacity, and system loads. The legislative authority is the Federal Power Act. Instrument and Design History The FPC Form 12 was implemented in 1938 by the former Federal Power Commission. In October 1977, the FPC Form 12 became the responsibility of the Energy Information Administration when the Federal Power Commission was merged into the Department of Energy. Each corporation, person, agency, authority or other legal entity or instrumentality whether public or private, which operates facilities for the generation, transmission, or distribution of electric energy and which is a Class I or Class II system is required to file FPC Form 12. A Class I electric utility system is one that generates all or part of its system requirements and whose yearly net energy for system is more than 100,000 megawatthours. A Class II electric utility system is one that generates all or part of its system requirements and whose net energy for system is 20,000 to 100,000 megawatthours. For the year ended December, 1980 there were 655 respondents. Data Processing The processing of data on FPC Form 12 is the responsibility of the Development, Collection, Processing and Maintenance Branch of the Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels. The forms are mailed to respondents the last week in December. The completed forms are due in the processing office on or before May 1, furnishing data for the preceding calendar year. The forms are manually logged in and filed. Data on this form are not computerized. The data items are edited and verified only as it becomes necessary to update primary data files. Respondents are contacted to verify and supply data that would otherwise be unavailable. The FPC Form 12 for the previous five years is filed in the receiving office. Data for years 1960 through 1975 on microfilm, and hard copies of data for 1976 through 1980 are available from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Public Information. 123 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration Appendix C (continued) Technical Notes Presentation FPC Form 12 contains the most complete reporting of electric utility operating data to the Department of Energy and is used extensively in special studies and reports. Any publishing of data reported on this form is done in conjunction with other projects. Information Collected The FPC Form 12 contains 18 schedules: Schedule 1 :Capacity and Output of System Generating Plants Schedule 2 :System Hydroelectric Data Schedule 3 :Plant Data (Small Plants) Schedule 4 :Hydroelectric Plant Data Schedule 5 :Steam-Electric Plant Data Schedule 7 :Internal Combustion Engine and Gas-Turbine Plant Data Schedule 8 :Itemized Accounting of Energy Transfers During the Year Schedule 9 :System Energy Accounting for the Year Schedule 10 :Energy Delivered to Ultimate Consumers Schedule 11 :Energy Transferred to or across a State Line or International Boundary Schedule 13 :Demand on Generating Plants, Power Received, and Power Delivered, for Resale, at the Time of System Peak Load Schedule 14 :Net Generation, Energy Received and Delivered, and System Peaks by Months Schedule 15 :System Load for Specified Weeks Schedule 16 :System Dependable and Assured Capacity Schedule 17 :Distribution of System Load in Service Area Schedule 18 :System Maps and Diagrams Schedule 18B:High Voltage Line Data Schedule 19 :Summer and Winter Peak Month and Calendar Year Load Estimates 124 2. Hydropower Responsibilities of FERC The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licenses hydroelectric generating facilities and insures the safety of dams at FERC-Iicensed projects. Under the Federal Water Power Act, the former Federal Power Commission (FPC) was given the responsibility of licensing non-Federal hydroelectric power projects in the United States. In October 1977, the FPC's responsibilities were transferred to the FERC. The Commission issues licenses for periods not exceeding 50 years to citizens, corporations, cooperatives, States, and municipalities for the purposes of construction, operation, and maintenance of water power projects located on navigable waterways, or on any streams over which Congress has jurisdiction under its authority to regulate commerce among several States, or on public lands or reservations of the United States. The Commission may also issue licenses to such non-Federal interests to utilize surplus water or water power from government dams. Hydroelectric projects constructed by the Federal government do not require license from the Commission but are authorized by the Congress of the United States. The Commission also issues preliminary permits, usually for three years. A preliminary permit reserves priority over a particular hydro site for an applicant while the applicant conducts studies to support a license application and to determine the project's economic and technical feasibility. An important provision of the Federal Power Act is the requirement that any hydroelectric power project licensed shall, in the judgement of the Commission, be best adopted to a comprehensive plan for the development and use of the water resources of the river basins for all beneficial purposes, including recreation. 3. Explanatory Notes 3.1. Conformity of Data Data reported on FPC 1 are done so in accordance with the FPC Uniform System of Accounts. Copies of the Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Electric Utilities is available from: U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D. C. 20402 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses -1980 Energy Information Administration Appendix C (continued) Technical Notes 3.2. Plant Investment Costs The summarized plant investment in terms of land, structures, and equipment is a condensation of the applicable plant accounts used in the FERC Uniform System of Accounts. These summarized investment costs are the net cumulative costs to the reporting company-that is, the initial investment in plant plus the costs of all additions, less all retirements. Thus, the total investment in a plant may include expenditures made over several years. For older plants, the expenditures may have been made over several decades. For several of the older plants, initial generating units have been replaced by larger units. Approximate expenditures for the initial installation and for generating units added in following years can be determined by referring to predecessor publications. Reported plant costs often include some embedded expenditures for future unit extensions. Unit investment costs are determined by type of project, its size and location, head and other factors. 3.3. Annual Fixed Costs The annual production expenses are reported in accordance k O.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: l983-380-903:56 with the "Operation and Maintenance Expense Accounts" of the FERC Uniform System of Accounts. Therefore, such expenses do not include costs generally referred to as the annual fixed costs or capital costs, such as interest on debt, dividend or other return charges, depreciation or amortization expenses, taxes, and in many instances, allocated "General and Administrative Expenses." Consequently, total production expenses and the derived unit costs are not the total cost of producing hydroelectric power. 3.4. Multiple Purpose Projects Except where noted, "Cost of Plant" shown for TV A multiple-purpose projects includes the cost of the specific power facilities allocated to power production. Many non-Federal projects provide benefits in addition to power production. Except where noted, the total cost of such projects has been allocated to power production. 3.5. Common Facilities Investment costs and production expenses for hydraulic facilities common to several plants have been included under a common facility heading and appropriate footnotes are shown. 125 Hydroelectric Plant Construction Cost and Annual Production Expenses-1980 Energy Information Administration \ I Need Information on Electric Povver? 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