HomeMy WebLinkAboutHydroelectric Power and Related Purposes for Valdez, Alaska 1978~~~ SOUTHCENTRAL RAILBELT AREA, .S/' .. ALASKA STAGE II CHECKPOINT REPORT HYDROELECTRIC ·POWER·:&_ RELATED PURPOSES for VALDEZ, ALASKA 2.182 LB PY ~ ALLISON LAKE Prepared by the Alaska District, Corps of Engineers Department of the Army April 1978 VAL 005 DATE ISSUED TO r I I I i I ! f- I HIGHSMITH 4Z·ZZZ ,-~ SOUTHCENTRAL RAILBELT AREA, ALASKA STAGE II CHECKPOINT REPORT HYDROELECTRIC POWER AND RELATED PURPOSES FOR VALDEZ, ALASKA TABLE OF CONTENTS Item THE STUDY AND REPORT Purpose and Authority ......___Scope of the Study Study Participants and Coordination The Report Prior Studies and Reports Study Area RESOURCES OF THE STUDY AREA General Human Resources NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE STUDY AREA Introduction Climate Topography and Hydrology Wildlife-Fisheries Wildlife -Birds Wildlife-Mammals Agriculture and Range Forestry t-1i nera 1 s and Energy PROJECTED ENERGY NEEDS Introduction Existing System and Demand Projected Demand PROBLEMS AND NEEDS Local Existing Facilities Page 1 1 1 2 2 3 6 8 8 3 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont) Item PLAN FORMULATION Study Objectives Possible Solutions Alternative Sources of Power Alternatives Selected for Further Study Evaluation of Alternatives THE SELECTED PLANS Solomon Gulch A 11 i son Creek ECONOMICS OF THE SELECTED PLAN Cost Benefits .Justification SUMMARY APPENDIX I Section ---- A B c 0 E 1: G H Number 1 2 3 A-1 Item Hydrology Project Description and Cost Estimates Power Studies and Economics Analysis of Area Economy Regional Geology Environmental Assessment Transmission Analysis Power Market Analysis List of Figures Title Location and Vicinity Map Solomon Gulch Al1 ison Creek Location and Vicinity Map 19 19 20 21 26 26 32 32 32 34 34 34 35 36 25 33 33 A-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont) List of·Tables Number Title Page A-1 Lowe River and Solomon Gulch Streamflows A-15 A-2 Power Creek Streamflows A-16 A-3 Solomon and Lowe Correlation Equations A-17 A-4 Solomon Gulch Extended Streamflows A-18 A-5 Allison Creek Estimated Streamflows A-19 B-1 Solomon Gulch -Cost Estimate B-12 B-2 Allison Creek -Cost Estimate B-14 C-1 Anchorage Oil Prices C-14 C-2 FPC Table 8-1. Solomon Gulch C-23 List of Gra2hs Number Title Page A-1 Solomon Gulch Frequency Curve A-20 A-2 Lowe River Frequency Curve A-21 A-3 Power Creek Frequency Curve A-22 C-1 Projected Valdez Energy Demand C-21 C-2 Projected Total Valdez and Glennallen Energy Demand C-22 List of Plates Number Title Page 1 Solomon Gulch -Plan View B-16 2 Solomon Gulch -Dam B-17 3 Solomon Gulch -Penstock Profile B-18 4 Allison Creek-Lake Tap B-19 5 Allison Creek -Plan View B-20 THE STUDY AND REPORT PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY Due to the continuing rapid population growth in the southcentral · · railbelt area of Alaska and because of the increasing national concern over the need to conserve the nation's nonrenewable energy resources~ the Committee on Public Works of the United States Senate adopted a resolution on 18 January 1972 requesting a review of the feasibility of providing hydropower to the southcentral railbelt area. The resolu- tion is quoted as follows: "That the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors created under the provisions of Section 3 of the River and Harbor Act approved June 13, 1902~ be, and is hereby requested to review the reports of the Chief of Engineers on: Cook Inlet and Tributaries, Alaska, published as House Document Number 34, Eighty-fifth Congress; Copper River and Gulf Coast, Alaska, pub- lished as House Document Number 182, Eighty-third Congress; Tanana River Basin. Alaska, published as House Document Number 137, Eighty-fourth Congress; Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Alaska, published as House Document Number 218, Eighty-eighth Congress; and other pertinent reports with a view to determining whether any modifications of the recommendations con- tained therein are advisable at the present time, with particular reference to the Susitna River hydro- electric power development system, including the Devil Canyon Project and any competitive alternatives thereto, for the provision of power to the Southcentral Railbelt area of Alaska." The study of the Valdez area resulted from a city request in 1976 and a determination that this area could be considered within the general southcentral railbelt authority. Plan formulation will be based on existing national policy and will give full consideration to the economic, social, and environmental con- cerns of the public, in order that any recommended plan will insure the maximum sustained public benefit from the use of water resources of the region. SCOPE OF THE STUDY This report is the Stage II Checkpoint Report. The study is a systematic examination of the economic, social, and environmental conditions of the Valdez study area as they relate to electrical energy needs and hydroelectric and related water resource potential. It embodies the concepts of multiobjective planning in accordance with the directives and guidance provided by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), Section 122 of the River and Harbor and Flood Control Act of 1970, and the Principles and Standards for Plan- ning Water and Related Land Resources, promulgated by the Water Resource Council in 1973. The preliminary findings are summarized and an evaluation of possible electric power generation alternatives is presented along with two marginally feasible plans for the Valdez study area. Investigations and coordination relative to this study were made in sufficient detail to permit the identification of public needs, an assessment of existing and probable future conditions and resource capabilities, the establishment of specific planning objec- tives, and the formulation of plans which represents the best possible response to the study authority and planning objectives. STUDY PARTICIPANTS AND COORDINATION The Corps of Engineers has primary responsibility for conducting the study, consolidating information from other agencies, formulating the plans, and preparing the report. The Alaska Power Administration will have the responsibility of preparing analyses on the marketability of power in the railbelt. Other Federal, State, and local agencies providing advice and information include, but were not limited to: Federal Power Commission, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, Environmental Protection Agency, National Marine Fisheries Service, Soil Conservation Service, Alaska State Clearinghouse, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Depart- ment of Community and Regional Affairs, U.S. Geological Survey, National Weather Service, Alaska Conservation Society, Chugach Natives and Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA). THE REPORT The Plan of Study (POS) has outlined the overall study and provided a useful management tool. The Stage II Checkpoint Report on the Valdez hydropower study will continue with the four planning tasks; problem identification, formulation of alternatives, impact assessment, and evaluation. The study is an examination of the technical, economic, social, and environmental conditions of the Valdez, Alaska electric power market area as related to electrical energy needs and resources. This main report will summarize the technical appendix and indicate whether there is a feasible project within the study area. 2 PRIOR STUDIES AND REPORTS Corps of Engineers Reports: 1. Cook Inlet and Tributaries, Alaska, HD 34, 85th Congress The Chief of Engineers recommended construction of sma.ll boat basins at Seldovia; at the end of Homer Spit; and at Ninilchik; improvement of the harbor at Anchorage; and the stabilization of about 1,500 feet of riverbank by rock revetment along the Talkeetna River to protect the town of Talkeetna from flood damage. 2. Cooper River and Gulf Coast, Alaska, HD 182 83d Congress The Chief of Engineers recommended improved protection for small boat harbors at Seward and Valdez. The Secretary of the Interior in his report stated that no market was available for use of potential power development. 3. Tanana River Basin, Alaska, HD 137, 84th Congress The Chief of Engineers recommended the improvement of Chena and Tanana Rivers, to provide for a diversion dam and control structure across Chena River, a diversion channel from Chena River to Tanana River, a levee, and necessary drainage facilities. 4. Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Alaska, HD 218 88th Congress The Chief of Engineers recommended that no project be adopted at this time for improvement of the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers for navi- gation and flood control. He recommended further that the report of the District Engineer be adopted as a guide for further investigations of water resource developments in the Yukon and Kuskokwim River basins as economic conditions warrant. 5. Review of Interim Report No. 2, Cook Inlet and Tributaries, Part No. 1, Hydroelectric Power, Bradley Lake, HD 455, 87th Congress, 2d Session. The Chief of Engineers recommended the construction of a dam and reservoir at Bradley Lake, with a power-generating plant on Kachemak Bay and appurtenant power facilities. 6. Mineral Creek Townsite, City of Valdez, Alaska To: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District by Shannon & Wilson Inc., 28 August 1964 3 The conclusions indicated that the site for the new town would have an adequate foundation which would be stable under normal con- dions and earthquake situations. 7. Rampart Canyon Project, Volumes I and II, 1971 The Alaska District Engineer recommended that a project for hydro- electric power generation at the Rampart Canyon site on the Yukon River not be undertaken at this time because of marginal feasibility and of environmental and ecological problems. The Alaska District Engineer recommended construction of the Susitna River project consisting of a combination of two dams and reservoirs designated as Watana and Devil Canyon on the upper Susitna River, Alaska. 9. Flood Plain Information, Mineral Creek, Valdez, Alaska, Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, July 1976 The report is an informative document which delineates the 100 and 500 year flood plains and alerts the general public to the flood hazard potential. Department of the Interior Reports: 1. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, A Reconnaissance Report on the Potential Development of Water Resources in the Territory of Alaska, December 1948 This report described the resources of the Territory of Alaska and indicated potential for power development at 72 sites. The territory was divided into five regions and potential hydropower sites were studied, of which five were in the Susitna River basin. 2. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, A ReGort on Potential Develo~ment of Water Resources in the Susitna Riverasin of Alaska, August952 This report described the resources and potentialities of the Susitna River basin. An ultimate plan of development of hydropower resources for the basin were described, and included 12 major dams. In the ultimate plan, the total powerplant capacity will be 1.249 million kilowatts, and will provide firm annual energy of 6.18 billion kilowatts- hours. Total reservoir capacity will be 22.69 million acre-feet. 4 3. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Devil Canyon Project, Alaska, March 1961 The Commissioner of Reclamation recommended the proposed Devil Canyon project, which consisted of two major dams and reservoirs on the upper Susitna River, a powerplant, and transmission lines and appurtenant facilities to deliver power and energy to Fairbanks and Anchorage. The largest structure would be the Devil Canyon Dam which would possess many advantages for development of hydroelectric power; however, storage capacity was not adequate. Therefore, a second dam at the Denali site was proposed, where a larger reservoir could be created with a low earthfill dam. Based on the hydrologic data avail- able at the time of the report, the estimated energy potential of the system which consisted ultimately of four dams with first-stage develop- ment of Devil Canyon and Denali were 7.0 and 2.9 billion kilowatt-hours, respectively. 4. Alaska Power Administration, Devil Canyon Status Report, May 1974 This report was a partial update of the t·1arch 1961 report of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation on the Devil Canyon project. This report included updating the designs for the project features, preparation of new cost estimates, and brief analysis of power market, environmental, and economic aspects. 5. Alaska Power Administration, 1974 Alaska Power Survey, pre- pared for the Federal Power Commission in rive volumes The report included information and data on resources and electric power generation, economic analysis, load projections, environmental considerations, and consumer affairs. Private Enter~rise: 1. A Reassessment Report on Upper Susitna River Hydroelectric Development ror the State of Alaska, September 1974, by the Henry J. Kaiser Company. The company was considering the development of a large aluminum plant within the railbelt area contingent upon availability of large quantities of inexpensive energy. To meet this demand, Kaiser suggested a first-stage upper Susitna River development consisting of a single high dam (termed 11 Devil Canyon High 11 and/or "Susitna r· in this report) 5 miles upstream from the USBR Devil Canyon damsite. Subsequent development would include power projects both up and downstream for the high dam. 2. Solomon Gulch H droelectric Pro'ect, FPC Project No. 2742, by Copper Valley E ectr1c ssoc1at1on, nc., prepared by Robert W. Retherford & Associates, March 1975, revised February 1976, updated November 1976. 5 Other: Solomon Gulch Project, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Federal Power Commission, July 1977. STUDY AREA As indicated by the directive of Congress, the study area encom- passes the entire southcentral railbelt which is comprised of three subregions: Cook Inlet subregion, Gulf of Alaska subregion, and the Tanana subregion. These areas contain Alaska's largest concentration of population and economic activity. The Gulf of Alaska subregion encompasses the Valdez area and the communities of Glennallen and Cordova. The community of Valdez was established in 1890 as a debarkation point for men seeking a route to Interior Alaska and the Klondike gold fields. A post office was established in the community in 1899, and Valdez soon became a supply center for gold and copper mining in the immediate area. The city is in a setting of natural beauty situated in mountainous terrain at the head of Port Valdez. It is the farthest north ice-free seaport in Alaska and serves as southern terminus of both the Trans- Alaska Oil Pipeline and the Richardson Highway. Unlike the other port communities of Anchorage, Seward, and Whittier, Valdez is not served by the Alaska Railroad, and is only linked to the interior by road and air. Although served by air, road, and sea, Valdez is relatively isolated from other population centers in southcentral Alaska. Anchorage is located 115 miles to the west, but physical barriers increase the dis- tance by highway to 306 miles. Old Valdez was destroyed by the 1964 Alaska Earthquake and result- ant siesmic wave. The new relocated townsite near Mineral Creek has been growing rapidly, especially with the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Terminal being located in Port Valdez. The population in Valdez was 1,823 in 1975 and 8,253 in 1977. According to the Valdez Comprehensive Develop- ment Plan, (Bomhoff, Collie & Klotz, 1971) the 1991 population projec- tion for Valdez is 15,000. Port Valdez is the northeastern most extension of Prince William Sound and is surrounded by steep walls of the Chugach Mountains. It is a 3 mile wide, steep walled, glaciated fiord that extends east-west about 14 miles. At its western end the fiord bends to the southwest and necks down to a mile in width at Valdez Narrows before it opens out into the Valdez Arm of Prince William Sound. The steep mountain slopes 6 extend beneath the water forming a steep-sided, flat bottomed trough 400 to 800 feet deep. The shore of Port Valdez is steep and rocky except where river deltas and glacial moraines have intruded into the fiord. Valdez is called the "Switzerland of Alaska" and has a busy tourist trade. Fishing, canning, and the pipeline terminal also contribute substantially to the local economy and indicate a bright economic future for Valdez. The cities of Cordova and Glennallen may also be considered within the study area if a transmission line could be economically justified. Cordova is a rural Alaskan community located on Orca Inlet and only has sea and air transporation. The lack of a road interconnected with the State of Alaska road system could be attributed to the variable terrain in that area. Glennallen is another rural Alaskan community which is located about 110 miles from Valdez adjacent to the Glenn Highway. 7 RESOURCES OF THE STUDY AREA GENERAL The economy of the Valdez area is based upon its human and natural resources. The decision to make Valdez the ocean terminal for the Trans- Alaska Oil Pipeline transformed a quiet little village into a beehive of activity as the area became a key base of operations for the .Alyeska construction crews, the oil storage yard, and eventually the tanker loading terminal. For many years fishing, mining, and freighting were the major indus- tries of the area with long range plans to connect the cities of Valdez and Cordova by the Copper River highway. The earthquake of 1964 and the accompanying siesmic waves caused sufficient damage to the old city and water front facilities to bring about a move to the present town site. The development of the present water front facilities, capable of handling 120 fishing boats, freighters, and ferry boats were com- pleted during 1975 and 1976. The completion of the pipeline and port facilities will mean one more adjustment for Valdez as they go from a crash construction program to normal operation of the oil terminal. HUMAN RESOURCES In 1975 the population of Valdez was just under 2,000. The move to the new city site was well underway and major adjustments were being made to meet the impact of pipeline development. In 1976 the population was 6,670 and the peak of construction activity in late 1976 and early 1977 would see 8,253 people living, working, and looking for work in a town that had been less than 2,000 a few years before. The following table shows the population and employment picture of Valdez through the peak periods of pipeline construction and the adjustment period as of January 1978. It must be kept in mind that current total population estimates are probably on the high side and that many people previously in the labor force are still making preparations to leave or may be waiting to see what the proposed gasline may offer. 8 Category Ag. Fishing Construction Local Pipeline Trades Prof. Fin, Ins, Acct. Gov. Mining Manufacturing Services Trades Trans & Comm. Total Emp. Total Unemp. Total Labor Other Population VALDEZ POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT 1976 Number % 10 -less than 150 - 2,730 - 280 - 100 - 340 - 5 - 75 - 130 - 90 - 130 - 3.71 67.60 7.0 2.46 8.42 less than 1 1.86 3.22 2.23 3.22 4,040 -100.00 760 -16 4,800 - 1,870 6,670 1977 Number % 12 -less than 186 3,380 350 123 421 8 - 93 - 161 - 112 - 161 - 3.7 67.60 7.0 2.5 8.40 less than 1 1.86 3.22 2.23 3.22 5,000 -100.00 952 16 5,952 2,300 8,253 January 1978 Number % 30 150 120 205 45 444 35 130 140 150 1 ,449 458 1 ,907 5,576 7,483 2.07 10.35 8.28 14.15 3.11 30.64 2.42 8.97 9.66 10.35 100.00 24 (est) (est) Long range (1990) population estimates for Valdez vary from 10 to 14,000 depending on such things as future pipeline routes and use of the State's royalty gas and oil. One thing is certain, the Valdez economy is now an oil-based economy and will continue to be through the fore- seeable future. 9 NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE STUDY AREA INTRODUCTION The southcentral railbelt area as indicated previously is comprised of the Cook Inlet, Gulf of Alaska, and Tanana subregions. The following discussions of the Gulf of Alaska subregion and its economy is designed to provide information on which to base judgements as to the water resource development needs and impacts of any proposed solutions in that area. (Most of the information in this section of the report has been taken from Resources of Alaska compiled in July 1974 by the Resource Planning Team of the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska. It is the most comprehensive and up-to-date compendium of resource information for the study area.) CLIMATE Inland of the Chugach Mountains is an area characterized by a semi- arid climate with relatively clear skies and extreme temperatures. The mean annual temperature is generally about 29° F. The southern flank of these mountains is somewhat warmer. The first freeze in the fall occurs about 14 September, and the last freeze in the spring usually occurs about 24 May, giving an annual average of about 110 frost-free days. Precipitation varies widely, as demonstrated by annual averages of 60 inches at Valdez, and 80 inches at Cordova, with 100 to 300 per- cent more precipitation in the mountains than in the lowlands. Earth tremors are common, especially along the southern portion of this sub- region. TOPOGRAPHY AND HYDROLOGY This subregion includes parts of the Alaska Range, the Wrangell and Chugach-Kenai Mountains, and the Copper River lowland. Massive moun- tains, rising in altitude to more than 16,000 feet in the Wrangells support the largest ice fields and glaciers in North America. Principal water shed of the subregion is the Copper River system with a 24,400-square-mile drainage area. It drains the south slopes of the Alaska Range, south and west slopes of the Wrangell Mountains, most of the Chugach Mountains, the Copper River Basin, and a small section of the Talkeetna Mountains. The land surface is largely rough and mountainous, with a narrow coastal plain along the gulf and broad lake basin in the Gulkana area between the mountain systems. The coastal portion of the subregion is generally free of perma- frost, while the interior portion is underlain by discontinuous perma- frost. Glaciers cover most of the higher peaks in the Wrangell Mountains and nearly all of the crest of the Kenai-Chugach Mountains, which separate the coastal area from the interior. 10 r~ost of the larger communities in this subregion are accessible by road. A notable exception is Cordova. Whittier is linked to Portage by rail and to Valdez by ferry. WILDLIFE -FISHERIES Since much of this subregion is mountainous, the fisheries habitat is characterized by many short, steep coastal streams and the rather large drainage of the Copper River. The entire mountainous area is heavily glaciated, and many of the streams carry a high load of glacial sediment. There is a paucity of lakes, for such a large area. Pink and chum salmon utilize the short coastal streams. Silver salmon spawn and their fry develop in somewhat larger streams where the young can survive for at least 1 year. Red salmon are found primarily in drainages that contain a lake or lakes, such as the many lakes of the Copper drainage. King salmon spawn in the upper reaches of the Copper River drainage. Dolly Varden are present throughout the coastal stream system. Arctic grayling are confined to the clearwater systems in the upper portion of the Copper River drainage and have been successfully introduced in the Cordova area. Rainbow trout are present, as well as lake trout, whitefish, and burbot. Important marine fish and shellfish are herring, halibut, red snapper, black cod, king crab, tanner and Dungeness crab, shrimp, scallops, and razor clams. The most sought after sport fish are the five species of Pacific salmon, Dolly Varden, rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, lake trout, and burbot. WILDLIFE -BIRDS Prince vJilliam Sound is an important migration route for many species of waterfowl. The Copper River Delta and the Bering Glacier outwash plain contain about 15 to 18 townships of exceptional value to waterfowl. This region is the principal nesting area for the world's population of dusky Canada geese, and may produce more ducks per square mile than any other known area in Alaska except Yukon Flats. Trumpeter swans reach their greatest densities here. In spite of its unique nesting population, the delta is probably most important as a staging and feeding area for migratory fowl bound to and from the arctic and subarctic nesting areas to the north. At the confluence of the Bremner and Copper Rivers, 40 miles from the mouth of the latter, are several townships of trumpeter swan habitat second only to the Copper River delta in importance. 11 The entire coastal area is habitat for seabirds of various species. At least 48 major seabird colonies have been identified in this sub- region, and undoubtedly many more exist. The nearly 200 square miles of tidal flats in Orca Inlet and the Copper River Delta probably support one of the greatest remaining con- centrations of birdlife in existence. Resident game birds of forest, treeless, and other habitates are spruce, ruffled, and sharp-tatled grouse; willow, rock, and white-tailed ptarmigan. WILDLIFE -MM1MALS Black bears live throughout the subregion. Population varies from relatively high levels along the coastal areas to moderate levels in the interior areas. Brown/grizzly beast are found throughout the subregion; the bears are less common on the west side of Prince William Sound than on the east. They are more numerous in the interior than along the coast. Wolves are relatively abundant in the interior portions of the sub- region, but quite scarce along the Prince William Sound coast. The interior population numbers about 300. Wolverines are abundant in the interior, but not as common along the coast. Sitka black-tailed deer are primarily confined to islands of Prince William Sound, but some occur on the mainland in the Cordova area. Barren ground caribou inhabit the interior portion of the subregion, which contains a sizable amount of the Nelchina caribou herd's winter range. Two disti~ct bison herds, the Chitina and Copper River, exist in the subregion. Some of the most important Dall sheep range in the State is contained in this subregion. Moose occur in greatest concentrations in the interior portions of the subregion, but have suffered a severe decline in recent years. Mountain goats are abundant in the mountains of Prince William Sound, but present only in low numbers in the Wrangell Mountains and interior portions of the Chugach Mountains. 12 After being nearly wiped out in the 19th century, sea otters have made an amazing recovery. There are now about 6,000 in the Gulf of Alaska. Harbor seal, Steller sea lion, and various whales are in the Gulf. Other smaller mammals present include lynx, red fox, land otter, mink, marten, short-tailed weasel, beaver, muskrat, and snowshoe hare. AGRICULTURE AND RANGE Potential agricultural and range resouces of the subregion are mainly along the Copper and Chitina River valleys. Narrow coastal strips and stream deltas along the coast might be grazed during the summers, with removal of the animals imperative for the balance of the year. Climate of the interior is continental in nature with warm summers and cold winters. Elevation is generally 1,000 feet or more. The area lies in the 11 rain shadow 11 of high coastal mountains, and summer precipi- tation is typically below 10 inches. The proximity of very high moun- tains and downward flows of cold air combines to render the area suscep- tible to summer frosts and limits reliable agricultural production to gardens and forage crops. In its natural forested state, the lower land has relatively little range forage value. FORESTRY The interior forest of three different forest systems covers a total of 4,998,000 acres. The bottom land spruce-poplar forest ecosystem, 303,000 acres, it located primarily in the Copper and Chitina River valleys and can be considered essentially commercial forest land. The upland spruce-harwood forest covers 2,211,000 acres and has local stand of commercial spruce and hardwoods. Most of the forest stand in this ecosystem are noncommercial because of their slow growth due to poor site conditions. The lowland spruce- hardwood ecosystem covers 2,484,000 acres and is noncommercial throughout. The best timber production land is in Native village withdrawals and Native regional deficiency areas. The major acreage of forested land lies in Federal control. Two forest inventories were conducted in the subregion; an extensive inventory covering the entire basin, and a relatively intensive inven- tory covering the better bottom land forests. The following data are taken from the basin-wide inventory which lists 4,431,000 acres of total 13 forest land for the Copper River basin which 1,178,000 acrea are commer- cial and subcommerical timber and 3,253,000 acreas are noncommerical. Of the 2,064,000 acres of coastal forest, about 901,000 acres are con- side red commercia 1 and subcommerci·a 1. Total standing volume in the interior forests is 1.5 billion board feet (International 1/4 inch rule) consisting of 1.4 billion board feet of spruce and 52.5 million board feet of hardwoods, half of which is birch. Average volume per acre is 1,240 board feet and total annual volume growth is 28.5 million board feet. This volume can be considered the potential sustained yield for the entire Copper River basin. The total volume of the coastal forests is about 19.8 billion board feet (International 1/4 inch rule), 67 percent of which is Sitka spruce and 28 percent is western hemlock. The potential annual harvest on the Chugach National Forest lands is 103 million board feet (International l/4 inch rule) plus an additional 20 million board feet from other lands. Regeneration in both coastal and interior forest systems appears to be adequate but could be improved with higher stocking density. Rotation ages for the interior forests are about 100 to 120 years and 70 to 210 years in the coastal type. Several sawmills operate in the subregion, some sporadically and others, like the mills at Seward and Whittier, on a full-time basis. The mills produce a variety of products for local markets and cants for export to Japan. MINERALS AND ENERGY High oil and gas potential exists in the coastal section within the Gulf of Alaska province. The many oil and gas seeps and petroliferous beds in sedimentary rocks, which exceed 25,000 feet in thickness, have attracted intensive exploration by industry. Interest has now shifted to the Outer Continental Shelf where the presence of many folds, the possibility of reservoir rocks, and lack of intense deformation indicate high possibilities of petroleum deposits. The Copper River lowlands have low to moderate oil potential. Coal-bearing rocks have been mapped over 50 square miles near the Bering and Kushtaka Lakes in the Bering River coal field. Similar rocks appear in the Robinson Mountains east of Bering Glacier. The coal ranges upward from low volatile bituminous in the southwestern part. The beds are a few feet to 60 feet thick. The coal in part of the field has coking properties. Geothermal energy potential is high. The Wrangell Mountains are the site of recent volcanic activity and provide a favorable environ- ment for heat reservoirs. 14 Some potential for cement may exist in the limestone beds exposed near McCarthy. The beds are several hundred feet thick and quite extensive. Sand and gravel deposits of economic significance occur in the Copper River lowlands, the Chitina Valley, and adjacent tributaries. Metallic minerals occur in several districts. Lodes in many parts of the Copper River region contain copper, gold, silver, molybdenum, antimony, nickel, iron, lead, and zinc, but only gold, copper, and byproduct silver were mined commercially. The Kennicott mines near McCarthy, and mines in the southweastern and northeastern parts of Prince William Sound, accounted for most of the 690,000 short tons of copper produced in Alaska. Two or three million dollars worth of gold and silver were produced from lodes and as byproducts of copper mining in the Prince William Sound district. Gold placer deposits produced 35,000 ounces of gold and a few ounces of platinum from the Chistochina, Slana, and Nizina districts. Gold and copper lodes are in the Seward district and eastern part of the Kenai Peninsula. Copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum lodes are between the Chitina River and the crest of the Wrangell Mountains. Other mineralized sites occur throughout the subregion. 15 PROJECTED ENERGY NEEDS INTRODUCTION The feasibility study wi11 be a more comprehensive analysis in which the Alaska Power Administration will develop the projected energy needs of the study area. Previous reports have been utilized to obtain an estimate of the future energy needs in this report. The only producer of electrical power for the public in the Valdez area is Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA). CVEA is a distribu- tion type Rural Electric Association (REA} which generates all of its power requirement for Valdez from diesel units and a gas turbine. The Valdez system came into existence following the 27 March 1964 earthquake, which demolished the town. Studies following the quake determined that the townsite should be abandoned. A new Valdez was built at a location approximately 5 miles west of the original townsite. EXISTING SYSTEM AND DEMAND The Valdez system presently serves approximately 1,400 consumer units over about 25 miles of distribution lines. The system serves the new city of Valdez, the old Valdez area and consumers from old Valdez to the airport area, and 10 miles east of old Valdez along the Richardson Highway. The energy produced from 1973 to 1976 is shown below. Years ~ H 1973 6,470 1974 9,460 1975 18,250 1976 26,000 The monthly distribution of energy is shown in the Appendix, Section C, Power Studies and Economics, along with other pertinent data. PROJECTED DEMAND The most recent estimate of utility loads is in the study prepared for CVEA. 1/ The impact of the pipeline in the area has continued to increase the demand for additional energy. The following is the pro- jection from the study mentioned above. l/ Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. 15 Year Power Cost Study, Robert W. Retherford Associates, November 1976 16 Demand KW Energy MWH 1980 5,800 27,900 .1985 8,600 41,400 1990 12,800 61,400 The current trend in demand indicates a rapid rate of growth even after the majority of the pipeline construction was finished. It seems that the projected figure for 1980 of 27,900 MWH of energy may be attained earlier than projected. The subsequent figures would also probably be reached earlier which only reinforces the need for additional energy in the Valdez area. 17 PROBLEMS AND NEEDS LOCAL NEEDS The local public initiated the study because they felt there might not be enough power to supply the Valdez area in the near future. The impact of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline has stimulated growth in the study area and its impact will continue to be felt for some years. The past, present, and future developments encouraged the local officials to approach their Congressional officials to have the Valdez power potential evaluated. They also expressed an interest in the possible development of additional municipal water storage. At the present time the city of Valdez has three wells which comprise the municipal water supply. The resource management needs are the problems posed by the local community along with the problems that are traditionally addressed. Therefore, in addition to studying needs for electrical power and munici- pal water supply, the Corps will also evaluate other purposes such as flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife enhancement. Some of the alternatives may be able to utilize these purposes and others may not, depending upon location and other factors. In consonance with any new development in the community, it is their desire to preserve and maintain the 11 Alaskan way-of-life.11 Besides the local needs, there is national policy to conserve nonrenewable resources which will aid in achieving energy independence from foreign sources. EXISTING FACILITIES The only public electric utility in Valdez is Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA). At present, CVEA has a total installed capacity of 10,113 kilowatts (kW), and their projected energy demand for 1977 is 27,000 megawatt hours {MWH). Most of this energy is produced by diesel fired generators along with a gas turbine, thus utilizing a nonrenewable resource. Copper Valley Electric Association has a permit pending with the Federal Power Commission {FPC) to develop the Solomon Gulch Hydro- electric Project. The only other existing source of energy in the Valdez area is at the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Terminal, which has its own gener- ating facilities with a total of 37.5 MW of installed capacity. None of this energy or capacity is available to the local community. 18 PLAN FORMULATION Plan formulation involves a systematic process of.analyzing needs and problems, establishing study objectives, and developing and evalu- ating alternative plans for resource management. Plan formulation is guided by Corps of Engineers policy on multiobjective planning, in accordance with legislative and executive authorittes provided by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Public Law 91-190, 1 January 1970; Section 122, Rivet and Harbor and Flood Control Act of 1970, Public Law 91-611, 31 December 1970; Principles and Standards for Planning Water and Related Land Resources, Water Resources Council, 38 FR 24778-24869, 10 September 1973; and various other statutes. Under these guidelines, the basic water resource planning objectives are, coequally, National Economic Development (NED) and Environmental Quality (EQ), with consideration being given to social well-being and regional development. STUDY OBJECTIVES The study objectives are derived from the problems and needs that are specific to the study area and can be reasonably addressed within the framework of the study authority and purpose. The objectives selected for this study are: 1. Identify the present and future need for power in the Valdez area. 2. Assess the possibilities of providing additional energy for the Glennallen and Cordova areas via an overland transmission line. 3. Assess the feasibility of different energy alternatives in the study area. 4. Evaluate the alternative hydropower sites utilizing them as multi- purpose projects taking into account the possible purposes of power generation, flood control, recreation, and other types of usage such as water supply where applicable. 5. Identify the various social, economic, and environmental impacts that could be caused by the different types of development in the Valdez area. 6. Minimize the effects of the impacts, mitigate damages where possible and attempt to enhance the environmental quality of the area. 7. To conserve nonrenewable resources of the nation and to contrib- ute toward national energy independence. · 19 To preserve the Alaskan lifestyle by halting growth of all forms at the present level is beyond the authority of the Corps of Engineers and is thus not a study objective. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS The following alternative methods of satisfying the primary study objective, the provision of electric power for the Valdez area, were considered as possible solutions: Alternative Sources of Power No growth Coal Natural gas and oil Nuclear Geothermal Solar Wind and tide Wood lntertie with sources elsewhere Solid waste Hydroelectric Hydroelectric Alternatives Solomon Gulch Allison Creek Mineral Creek Unnamed Creek Lowe River These alternatives were screened on the basis of preliminary estimates of response to the basic water resource planning objectives of NED (economic viability) and EQ (contributions to environmental quality). Within the NED considerations, in addition to the purely economic factors, such items as technical feasibility (can it be done with existing tech- nology?) and scale (does it do too little or too much?) were considered important. Within the EQ considerations, in addition to positive con- tributions to environmental factors, a lack of adverse effects was con- sidered significant. The intent and effect of this brief screening was to rule out impracticable and marginal alternatives leaving a small number of the better possible solutions to be studied and evaluated in detail. The following discussions summarize the preliminary evaluation. 20 ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF POWER No Grm'/th: Restricting the growth in power demand and altering energy pr1c1ng policies are political decisions that cannot be addressed in this report with any authority. However, any adopted policy significantly reducing industrial consumption of energy would have to consider the living standard which to a large extent depends on energy consumption. It would also be necessary for a policy to restrict population growth and to apply to all forms of energy to be effective. This alternative would achieve the maximum possible conservation of nonrenewable resources and have minimal adverse environmental impacts. However, in the presence of the projected trends in population and energy consumption growth and in the absence of little indication of the required social and political atmosphere, the alternative is not considered realistic at this time. Eventually, a national as well as world policy to balance energy con- sumption with energy supplied from renewable resources will have to be made. This eventuality will probably result in a social as well as an economic change, but if it is approached in a planned and orderly manner, the quality of life might indeed improve. Integral to any plan to limit load growth would be a program of energy education which would make people aware of the necessity for and the economics appreciated from a reduction in energy waste and improved efficiency of electrical energy usage. The Alaska Power Administration recognizes conservation measures in their load projections, assuming substantial demand savings through conservation programs and increased efficiency in use of energy. Coal: Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the nation; however, there are no known sizable coal deposits in the area surrounding Valdez. A major obstacle to coal usage is meeting air quality standards when the coal is burned. Other problems include environmental impacts associated with strip mining, such as surface disturbance, waste material disposal, chemically active water discharge, post-mining restoration, and trans- portation of the coal. The coal alternative could be available on about the same time frame as other major new power sources such as hydropower and, possibly, nuclear power. Due to the relatively small energy demand of the Valdez area, a large coal-fired plant could not be economically utilized unless a large intertie network was developed. Natural Gas and Oil: Alaska power systems now depend on oil and gas for about 60 percent of total energy production, and by 1980 about 90 percent of the State's electric energy will come from these fuels. Estimated 1972 fuel use for Alaska's power systems included 1.4 million barrels of oil and 16 21 billion cubic feet of natural gas. The use would increase to about 26 million barrels of oil and 134 billion cubic feet of natural gas (if available) annually by the year 2000 in meeting the midrange consumption level estimates. Although natural gas, and to a lesser extent oil, has provided low cost power benefits for many portions of Alaska, the national and inter- national energy crisis has and will in all probability, result in larger increased prices for the future. There is the increasing pressure of the national policy to conserve our nonrenewable resources so that we may be independent of foreign sources. A national effort to develop alternatives for power generation such as coal, hydro, solar, wind tides, and eventually nuclear power could result in substantial reduction in demand for oil and natural gas. However, the lead times and large investments required to develop alternatives reinforce the point that oil and natural gas must supply near future requirements. As indicated previously, the present electrical system in the Valdez area is powered by diesel generation. The projected cost of fuel oil in the Valdez area for January 1978 was $0.385/gallon. This price will most likely increase in the future, but it is providing the required energy for the Valdez area now. Nuclear Power: The use of nuclear power as a commercial electrical energy source for the nation is expected to increase by the year 1985. Adverse envi- ronmental impacts are associated with surface and subsurface mining of uranium, changes in land use, disposal of waste heat, risk of accidents, and safe disposal of highly radioactive wastes. In spite of these fac- tors, more than 50 percent of the electrical power of the nation is expected to be generated by nuclear power by the year 2000. By that time, breeder plants, which produce additional fuel while they produce power, will hopefully be available to take over a larger share of the production of electricity. Possibly at some time in the next century, nuclear fission plants and proposed nuclear breeder plants will be replaced by nuclear fusion reactors and by central generating stations running on solar power. Nuclear power could be a likely long range source of power for the Valdez area, but it is considered a very distant option because of the relatively small power markets, cost and environ- mental factors and the availability of more favorable alternatives. The foreseeable future for nuclear power generation in the Valdez area could become favorable only if there is a breakthrough in cost and technology of small-sized plants. At this time further study of this alternative is not deemed justified for this report. 22 Geotherma 1 : Geothermal resources may eventually provide significant power gen- eration in Alaska; the southcentral railbelt area has substantial geo- thermal potential. Some of the possible problems associated with the generation of electrical power from geothermal resources include siting of facilities, brine disposal, and corrosion. This resource could also provide usable side products such as heat, water, and chemicals. This source of energy is not considered a reasonable short-term alternative to other more proven types of power generation because of the relatively primitive level of present technological development and high costs. Further study of this alternative is not deemed justified for this report. Solar: The radiant heat of the sun is another renewable source of energy that has considerable potential for generating power in the nation and the world. Use of solar energy to produce electrical power on a large scale is not presently feasible for the lack of the technology to gen- erate and to store large amounts of electricity produced by the sun 1 s radiation. A major disadvantage wherever such a development is pursued will be the large land area required for the reflector installed to provide usable amounts of power and thus the large environmental dis- turbances inherent in such a change in land use. Another disadvantage~ especially in Alaska, will be that during the winter, when demand for electrical power is greatest, the sun is either absent from or at best a brief visitor to local skies. Further study of this alternative is not deemed justified for this report. l~ind and Tidal: Research and development proposals for wind generators should improve future capabilities of wind-powered electrical generating systems. With increased diesel fuel costs, wind-generated electrical power is a pos- sible alternative power source for remote areas with small loads. Wind as an energy resource, however, is very difficult to adapt to present energy demands because it is very unpredictable and unsteady. To effectively utilize wind energy, winds must be of high speed and long duration to provide firm energy. In order for wind power to be economically competitive with other energy resources it would require a firming source of energy, such as pumped storage at a considerable cost and some technical difficulty. The Port of Valdez might be developed for tidal energy. The mean lower low water elevation is 0.00 feet and the mean higher high water is 12.00 feet, which would provide a total gross head of 12 feet. However, 23 such an installation would require a low dam spanning the width of the Valdez Narrows, a massive cost item in itself, as well a deep draft lock system to allow super tankers into the Port of Valdez. The dam would change the entire flow regime of the Port of Valdez with a sig- nificant potential for extensive adverse efforts on major ecosystems. Further study of either of these alternatives is not deemed justified for this report. Wood: There are large forest reserves that could be utilized in southeast Alaska, but are not available in the study area. These same trees have higher and better uses in wood, paper, and other industries. In addition, the esthetic, ecological, and environmental impacts of the large harvests necessary to allow production of large amounts of energy would be massive. Further study of this alternative is not deemed justified for the report. Intertie: A study by the Alaska Power Administration will determine the feasi- bility of an intertie system between any one of the two cities of Glenn- allen and Cordova with Valdez. An intertie would increase the load in the area and increase the marketability of the energy produced. Side benefits which could be realized could include enhancement of total system reliability, added flexibility in scheduling facilities mainten- ance, and at least the capability to eliminate or minimize unnecessary duplication of staff facilities. However, because of the mountainous terrain and accompanying winds, any long distance transmission system would be subject to severe physical pressures and consequently its reli- ability may be questionable. Intertie via submarine cable would require excessively large lines at restrictive cost. Solid Waste: There does not appear to be an adequate supply of waste products in the load center to produce enough energy to meet anticipated load growth. This alternative is not considered feasible to meet the full energy needs of the load centers; however, it might serve as a source of supplemental energy and should be pursued further at the local level. Hydroelectric Alternatives: Preliminary analysis indicates that the high cost of long transmission lines or high dams along with the small storage capacity of some of the sites has ruled them out as feasible projects. Gold Creek, Sheep Creek, Wortmann Creek, and Silver Lake have been eliminated. These sites are shown in Figure 1. 24 GLENNALLEN MILES Figure 1 25 Solomon Gulch Allison Creek Unnamed Creek Mineral Creek Lowe River (Keystone Canyon) ALTERNATIVES SELECTED FOR FURTHER STUDY The preliminary screening disclosed alternatives which will be evaluated to determine the economic justification, technical feasibility, and no adverse environmental effects of such obvious magnitude as to preclude plan implementation. The selected alternatives are: Oil Solomon Gulch A 11 i son Creek Mineral Creek Unnamed Creek Lowe River EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES Selection of the best plan from among the alternatives involves evaluation of their comparative performance in meeting the study objectives as measured against a set of evaluation criteria. These criteria derive from law, regulations, and policies governing water resource planning and development. The following criteria were adopted for evaluating and alternatives. Technical Criteria: The gro\'lth in electrical power demand \'lill be as projected by the Alaska Power Administration. That power generation development, from any source or sources, will proceed to satisfy the projected needs. A plan to be considered for initial development must be technically feasible. National Economic Development Criteria: The economic criteria applied in plan formulation were those speci- fied by the Water Resource Council's 11 Principles and Standards" and other applicable requirements. Basic economic criteria are: 26 1. Tangible benefits must exceed project economic costs. 2. Each separable unit of work or purpose must provide benefits at least equal to its cost. 3. The scope of the work is such as to provide the maximum net benefits. The benefits and costs are expressed in comparable quantitative economic terms to the fullest extent possible. Annual costs are based on a 100-year amortization period, an interest rate of 6-5/8 percent, and January 1978 price levels. The annual charges include interest; amortization; and operation, maintenance, and replacement costs. Power benefits are based on the costs of providing the energy output of any plan by conventional oil-fired thermal generation. Environmental Quality Criteria: The environmental quality criteria are as follows: 1. Conservation of esthetics, natural values, and other desirable environmental effects or features. 2. The use of a systematic approach to insure integration of the natural and social sciences and environmental design arts in planning and utilization. 3. The application of overall system assessment of operational effects as well as consideration of the local project area. 4. The study and development of recommended alternative courses of action to any proposal which involved conflicts concerning uses of avail- able resources. 5. Evaluation of the environmental impacts of any proposed action, including effects which cannot be avoided, alternatives to proposed actions, the relationship of local short-term uses and of long-term productivity, and a determination of any irreversible and irretrievable resource commitment. 6. Avoidance of detrimental environmental effects, but where these are unavoidable, the inclusion of practicable mitigating features. Social Well-Being and Regional Development Considerations: In addition to the basic planning criteria, consideration was given to: 27 1. The possibility of enhancing or creating recreational values for the public. 2. The effects, both locally and regionally, on such items as income, employment, population, and business. 3. The effects on educational and cultural opportunities. 4. The conservation of nonrenewable resources. The Alternatives: All alternatives were screened assuming secondary energy as saleable and setting installed (dependable) capacity at 55 percent plant factor using primary energy. Mineral Creek: Three earthfilled dams would be required in this scheme to create a reservoir in the Mineral Creek basin. The crest of the dams would be at 200 feet and the spillway would be incorporated into the westerly dam. The active layer would fluctuate 50 feet and have a storage of approxi- mately 16,000 acre-feet. The transmission line would be less than 1 mile to the load center and the access road should not be any longer. The benefits are computed using the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) power values as shown in Appendix I, Section C. The average annual energy, installed capacity and benefits for REA financing and no fuel escalation at alternative elevations are shown below: Average Average Prime Annual Installed Annual Elevation Ener}y Energy Capacity Benefits (Feet) (MWH (MWH) (KW) ($1,000) 225 6,412 10,144 1,331 536 200 3,811 6,422 791 334 185 2,663 4,689 553 241 175 1,886 3,476 392 177 The average annual cost of a dam at the 200 foot elevation would be $1,744,480. Since none of the alternatives even approximates the costs of the optimum scheme (elevation 200 feet) this alternative does not appear to be economically feasible. Unnamed Creek: This scheme would consist of one earthfilled dam with a crest eleva- tion of 975 feet and a concrete spillway incorporated into the dam. The 28 penstock would consist of two 5 foot diameter pipes about 3,170 feet long. The transmission line would follow the existing road and be approximately 15 miles long. The access road would be about 4 miles long and require a bridge across the lowe River. The active storage available would be about 33,000 acre-feet. The benefits are computed using FERC power values. The average annual energy~ installed capacity, and benefits for REA financing and no fuel escalation at alternative elevations are shown below: Elevation (Feet) 1,100 1,000 975 950 Prime Energy {MV.JH) 50,000 30,386 23,409 17,480 Average Annual Energy (MWH) 58,354 40,436 32,945 25,937 Installed Capacity {KW} 10,378 6,307 4,859 3,628 Average Annual Benefits ($1,000) 3,382 2,247 1,800 1,396 The average annual cost of the scheme at the 975 elevation would be $5,091,000. In this light it does not appear that any economically feasible project exists at this site. Lowe River: This scheme would require a small dam about 80 feet high with a crest elevation of 480 feet. The transmission line would be approximately 19 miles long and follow the existing highway. A 2.5 mile portion of the Richardson Highway would have to be relocated. The amount of active storage available would be approximately 9,000 acre-feet. Higher dams than the presented scheme were not considered because of the large environmental impacts and conflicts with the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and the Richardson Highway. The benefits are computed using FERC power values. The average annual energy, installed capacity, and benefits for REA financing and no fuel escalation at alternative elevations are shown below: Average Average Prime Annual Installed Annual Elevation Energy Energy Capacity Benefits (Feet} (MWH} {MWH) (KW) ($1,000) 480 3,400 5,673 706 296 470 2,660 4,517 552 234 460 2 '1 01 3,629 436 186 450 904 1 ,841 188 92 29 The average annual cost of this scheme would be $1,157,000. This cost makes it apparent that there is not an economically feasible project at this site along with the environmental problems that would be encoun- tered. Allison Creek: Dam: A small rockfilled dam to the 1,400 foot elevation and trench- ing down deep enough into the glacial nmraine for the penstock intake would be required to develop the necessary storage. Allison Lake is a deep lake with a gradually tapering glacial moraine at its outlet. The scheme with a small dam to the 1.400 foot elevation and trenching down to the 1,330 foot elevation for a penstock with intake would develop approximately 20,158 acre-feet of storage. A 10.5 mile long transmission line will be required between the powerhouse and Valdez. There would not be a road to the damsite which means all transportation to the dam- site would be by helicopter. The benefits are computed using FERC power values. The average annual energy, installed capacity, and benefits for REA financing and no fuel escalation at alternative elevations are shown below for a dam schemes with a drawdown to 1,330 foot elevation. Average Average Prime Annual Installed Annual Elevation Energy Energy Capacity Benefits (Feet) (t1\~H) ( MvJH) (KW) ($1,000) 1,400 34,244 36,819 7,108 2,195 1 ,390 32.461 35,951 6,737 2 '121 1,380 25,983 32,335 5,393 1 ,835 1 ,367 18,978 26,354 3,939 1 ,446 The average annual cost of the 1,400 foot elevation scheme is approxi- mately $2,433,750. This estimate was computed using a small dam with minimal foundation preparation. After the field reconnaissance it was realized that this would not be possible. As indicated in the Appendix under Section E, Regional Geology, it was felt that Allison Creek would not be a good site for a dam and, therefore, this scheme will not be considered. Lake Tap: ~ Another alternative type of development for Allison Creek would be a lake tap. This scheme would involve a lake tap and a tunnel with a penstock in it. The storage reservoir would be operated from the natural lake outlet elevation of 1,367 feet and fluctuate down to the 1,267 foot elevation with a total storage capacity of 20,678 ~ After screening both Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek it was found that a 50 percent plant factor was more representative and was utilized in the computations. 30 acre-feet. The benefits are computed using FERC power values. The average annual energy, installed capacity, and average annual benefits for REA financing and no fuel escalation in this scheme are shown below: Average Average Prime Annual Installed Annual Elevation EnerJy Energy Capacity Benefits (Feet) (MWH (MWH) (KW} ($1,000) 1 t 367 33,116 35,749 7,560 2,203 The average annual cost of this scheme is about $2,450,000 which indicates that it could possibly be an economically feasible project if fuel escalation was taken tnto account. · Solomon Gulch: ~ The scheme which was looked at for this location was a 115 foot high concrete gravity dam with three small adjacent rockfilled dams. The spillway would be included in the concrete gravity dam with a crest of 665 feet. The power pool would operate between the 685 and 631 foot elevation with a storage of 25,650 acre-feet.· The transmission line would be about 9 miles long. The benefits are computed using FERC power values. The average annual energy, installed capacity, and average annual benefits for REA financing in this scheme are shown below: Elevation (Feet) 685 Prime Energy (MWH) 28,502 Average Annual Energy (MWH) 40,780 Insta 11 ed Capacity (KW) 6,200 Average Annual Benefits ($1,000) 2,250 The average annual cost of this scheme at the 685 foot elevation is approximately $2,712,000. This indicates that there could possibly be an economically feasible project if fuel escalation was taken into account. Oi 1 : Oil is the most likely alternative for power production in the Valdez area since the majority of their power is produced by that means now. It is believed that a Delaval unit would be installed. This diesel engine-driven unit is rated at 2,625 KW wi.th a heat rate of 9,370 BTU/KWH, investment cost of $665 per KW, and a service life of 35 years. This unit was used in the derivation of the power values for the benefits which would be accrued by hydropower in lieu of diesel. 31 THE SELECTED PLANS The two sites that were selected for further evaluation in the Valdez area were Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek and are shown in Plates 1, 2, and 3 for Solomon and 4 and 5 for Alltson. Area photo- graphs are shown on Figures 2 and 3 for the sites. SOLOMON GULCH This scheme would consist of a concrete gravity dam with a gated spillway and three minor rockfilled dams to the east of the concrete gravity dam. There would be a 12 inch pipe to release water into the stream channel for fish. There also would be a 4 foot square intake chamber for power production. The reservoir would be operated between elevation 685 and 631 to generate the required power. The powerhouse would be located adjacent to the tide waters of the Port of Valdez and the road to the pipeline terminal. The transmission line would be approximately 9.0 miles long to CVEA's bus. ALLISON CREEK -LAKE TAP This scheme would involve a lake tap at the 1,250 foot elevation, a surge tank, a 6 inch pipe diversion, and a powerhouse. The lake tap would draw the lake down from its present elevation of 1,367 to 1,267 to generate power. The tunnel would be a 10 foot wide by 10 foot high horseshoe. A 3-foot diameter penstock would be run inside the tunnel and then down to the powerhouse which is located adjacent to the tide water of the Port of Valdez. There would be an underground surge tank connected into the penstock and it would rise approximately 150 feet. There would be a 6 inch diameter steel pipe which would provide enough water to the main channel for Alyeska's water supply and for fish purposes. The transmission line would be about 10.5 miles long. 32 Figure 2 Solomon Gulch Figure 3 Allison Creek 33 ECONOMICS OF THE SELECTED PLANS r/2 '!) 712 ')'jq ) ") COST As indicat~d by Appendix I, Sec~ion B, the vera e annual cQs_t ~ Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek proJects are , , and $:_96lg, • This includes ·.interest during construction an operation and maintenance cost. The total cost was amol"ti·zed ·at 6-5/8 percent interest over a projected ·economic ltfe of 100 years to yield the average .annual cost. BENEFITS The benefits were calculated using .only power benefits. The evalua- tion was made using a FERC value plus three fuel escalation factors. It was felt that full value should be given to the aver.age .annual energy as indicated in Appendix I, Section C. The tabulation below shows the benefits/cost (B/C) ratio using the information from Page C-19. BENEFIT/COST RATIO REA Financing (6.4%) Capacity & Prime Energy Solomon Gulch FERC 0.65 FERC + 1% ~ 0.72 FERC + 2% 0.80 FERC + 3% 0.91 Allison Creek FERC FERC + 1% FERC + 2% FERC + 3% 0.86 0.94 1.05 1.18 Capacity Prime & 1/2 Secondary Energy 0.74 0.82 0.92 1.04 0.88 0.97 1.08 1. 21 Capacity & Average Annual Energy 0.83 0.92 1.04 1.18 0.90 0.99 1.10 1.24 Federal Financing (6.625%) Capacity & Prime Energy 0.64 o. 71 0.79 0.89 0.84 0.92 1.02 1.16 Capacity Prime & 1/2 Secondary Energy 0.73 0.81 0. 91 1.03 0.86 0.95 1.06 1.19 Capacity & Average Annual Energy 0.81 0.90 1.02 1.16 0.88 0.97 1.09 1.23 3/ 1 percent, 2 pel"Cent,.and 3 percent refers to the fuel escalation as shown in Appendix C. 34' JUSTIFICATIONS As indicated by the B/C ratios, neither of the projects would be considered economically justified except with the fuel escalated power values. It should be noted that FERC formerly FPC produced their Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Solomon Gulch with a 3 percent escala- tion of fuel cost (see Appendix 1, Section C). Therefore, it 1s felt that the benefits associated with the 3 percent fuel escalation are valid in the evaluation of the two projects. 35 SUMMARY This report has considered the need for development of power in the Valdez area. A broad range of alternative means of accomplishing the primary study objective were examined for technical, economic, and environmental feasibility. Included were both conventional power pro- ducing systems based on coal, oil, gas, nuclear energy, and hydroelectric energy, and less conventional systems based on wind, tides, solar energy, solid wastes, wood, and geothermal energy. The oil and hydroelectric energy were both found to be feasible. An indepth evaluation of these alternatives will be made giving equal consideration to economic and environmental aspects of their performance. Each alternative was found to have a marginal economic performance and each was found to have a range of unavoidable adverse effects on the environment, mainly on fish and wildlife, and esthetic values. If CVEA develops Solomon Gulch it will most likely expand the market by an intertie with Glennallen. The additional demand, as indicated in Appendix C, would absorb all of the average annual energy from both Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek and probably require some supplemental diesel generation. The two sites, Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek, were found to be the most feasible water and related land resources development. These two plans are considered the most favorable with the maximum of net benefits, the least unavoidable adverse environmental impacts, and the greatest response to the multiple study objectives. Therefore, these two sites will be addressed in greater depth in the feasibility report. 36 -~------~·;. ~~..u.·~~···"·' ---~-1 ---------------------------------v~------------------------------18 ,, I .. ) > , 1 ·: .. ' .I ;.. .. ... ~ ,, I ;c .,. : ! l . i ' i . "' ., "' 0 .,.. m z 0 z "' m "" "' < > r-1 I C' I r.'i r:1 2! G"' "! -I ~ t.:..; ~-., r:l: ~· ,.J ..,..11 ...:.:..~ 0, ! ' ~! -<' (,')I j l ~ .;:~ ~, sl s;... CORPS OF ~NGINEERS V H L U i.: L: a'J G I L ..: :: ;~ j 1'J 0 I; P> I!> U. 5. A~·.,' --~~·--:r;:o:;,.~-'b-::,:~ ~:;.~~--qo"o :':?.;, • .~~·:;.. ·:.~.:'"·~::;~1~~?0-L • •Oo •C. '•o.g.;;~t>·.}., 9' DIVERSION CULVERTS ~~ !.-~ ~~~l[~ "\~~~f'?"' r·"'·c.·:·~:...,.. ~~~~}_{)7. a 10"3-~~.;::,u-~~@.\~' ~ (c~_}; I 1 a I I I I I I I I I DAM PROFILE -SECTION A-A SCALE IN FEET 20 0 20 40 -=---=-- ELEV. 695' ELE'I. 685' .., --~- :~c .rER POOL EL£V. 631' ··n.:..r<E 57PIJCTi...:FiE .C.c C S:M!~GE PIPE FOR FISH FLOW DAM SECTION B-B N. T.S. ,, -.. ! :~.1 S/\f'ilTY ----~------ -- \ I "' "\ ·-. \ ·~ (\'· \,\ 'I. ~# ; $ -.. ., DAM PLAN VIEW-DAM I j I I i -I .,... •=.-:. r! AL'-""A DISTRICT I c::~~:GE:C~::::: ~ ·~·~0--.~~.-----.----------------=-~~ ; t-=-.,;;; ~~---~--- -----~---~-,H.I'A.l£0: VA~::.z 1NEf;;M RC:PORT SC--~CENTRAL RAILBELT sc:.o:-.WN GULCH !=01,L l978 S..:i'U'Il~Q: AtifG•U>: , .• --------·--.~------·,, .... ~,·«·-.... --------- SCtMirTW: ·-· 1 ~~ I 0A.T1; j fj;..f ,.....,;:.i[_~,---~--! IECQ,..jo,jf..."o:liol>. ·'" N••<-o,·o ~o<[T co l P 1\. '{ S ~~-7i ____ PLA]"~ ~10._ ~~_17 ________ --:1 1 I ---- CORPS Of ENGINEERS r,l SCALE H[T r...::I~ :-r:--=~ 100 o 100 roo 6" VENT 10 40 VEAT. 40 >50 :·-:-·; ~::; 1 c 1; 1 ~ u ru ~ ~ G r .\ Y s PENSTOCK t<C"!IZ SCALE '1:()" PROFILE s ;-'\ ~= :.: "('( p 1\ y 5 "-_-1_ ()_OIL PI?EU:~E .o:::~ {\, \' ,. o·:;ERHOUSE ~ TW ELEV. I~ l~t..<"T o-- PLATE NO.3 B-18 ! il A;.~:;-r..--,rd '\ I -~~ VERT. IOOa • 0 !00 200 =='?2FILE-ALLISON CREEK SCALE IN FEET 400 0 400 800 .:..A...a.....aJ . .-=::::--.::..~ HORIZ. -;= ~ .; e',. rvl"fr.~.' Ct:cr.f'<!f<! "'"' ·-·~·':r .. -G'" ·~~1 /~1 / V71¥<' Cf,o'.be~ / t Vo!Y~ I .k Tonk ~-~JS\~ ;:;fiiJf \ --to por.er 7. -~.J ---~ ooi r:x.it tr~p -tltcct<:s.S Adit T SCAL.[ IN FEET !' 0 ~ >0 -.....:::.-~-...:..-=:...==:-...::::::::.,...,._,_,., I / · Remote O;;r;trol 1 Sp17ericat ;~:Ye 1 . Concrd<' P!r.q /-Gate Valve . '1. / .J....L ____ ... . \.J \.I ' I .,.---f- -.-----.~........_ __________ L__.._.J. ,. .. '. ,M .. _4~~~-o· v::. __ ..c_....::_.:..:_:_::.:.:::_::.. SCAL( ~~~ fHT .. 0 4 !$ 12 ---=-~ ......... :::.....::.;: ____ ,_.,...,. . •· LAKE T.t.? SECTION N.IS. '(?J;t; t..·:fs I ·~ .]6w Pens•:ck T: ..... ·.e! ··::.~··::5. .(: ALASKA DISTRICT C.ORP'S Of' £',3.1Nt:£RS ANC~ORII.Ct. At.....I<SKJ.. _,._£k.Llo' VALDEZ INfERI),I REPORT SOUTHCENTRAL R~LBCLT ALLISON CREEK APRil 1978 PLATE N0.4 8-19 ---,. t -: -... > -< ~., 'z :9 '(]I i I tx;) i I ~ ~ ~~n S,'o ~~~ i I ;.;._..:_--!_..:! Ill_ '.LI __ L l I I : I I I ' I I ' ' : I i ' , I I r, ~ Jl ~: ~ 1 '.. :; ,, .. ,) v \"? I 1 ~--~-_,......,._~~=--- I r l "' ,., ~ > r- c: r.; 0 2 2 Q SECTION C POWER STUDIES AND ECONOMICS SECTION C POWER STUDIES AND ECONOMICS Item INTRODUCTION PROJECTED ENERGY NEEDS POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Alternative Sources of Power No growth Coal Natural Gas and Oil Nuclear Geothermal Solar Wind and Tide Wood Intertie Solid Waste Hydroelectric HYDROPOWER ANALYSIS Method of Analysis Scope Glossary Methodology POWER PRODUCTION VARIABLES Free Surface Evaporation Head Loss and Tailwater Elevation Plant Factor Monthly Energy Distribution Power Values and Alternative Cost Power Values Fuel Costs HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVES IN THE VALDEZ AREA Allison Creek Solomon Gulch Benefits Conclusions C-1 C-2 C-3 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-4 C-5 C-5 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-11 C-12 C-12 C-12 C-12 C-12 C-13 C-13 C-14 C-18 C-18 C-18 C-18 C-19 INTRODUCTION lJ The only producer of electrical power for the public in the Valdez area is Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA). CVEA is a distribu- tion type Rural Electric Association (REA) which generates all of its power requirement for Valdez from diesel units and a gas turbine. The Valdez system came into existence following the 27 March 1964 earthquake, which demolished the town. Studies followed the quake determined that the townsite be abandoned. A new Valdez was built at a location approxi- mately 5 miles west of the original townsite. The Valdez Light, Power, and Telephone Company served the Valdez area prior to the earthquake. The generating and distribution facilities of this company were purchased by the Urban Renewal Agency which, in turn, sold the facilities to Copper Valley Electric Association. The old facilities were obsolete, in poor condition, and were used only until new facilities were operable. The Copper Valley Electric Association obtained a Certificate of Convenience from the State of Alaska and a franchise from the new city of Valdez to own and operate the electric system serving the new Valdez. The Certificate of Convenience covers the general area and is not con- fined to the limits of the new townsite. The Valdez system presently serves approximately 1,400 consumer units over about 25 miles of distribution lines. The system serves the new city of Valdez, the old Valdez area, consumers from old Valdez to the airport area, and 10 miles east of old Valdez along the Richardson Highway. The existing powerplant contains the following diesel and gas turbine units: 3 -600 KW, 720 rpm, Fairbanks Morse (1967) 1 -1,928 KW, 400 rpm, Enterprise (1972) 1 -965 KW, 360 rpm, Enterprise (1974) 1 -2,620 KW, 450 rmp, Enterprise (1975) 1 -2,800 KW, gas turbine (1976) Total Installed Capacity 1,800 KW 1 ,928 KW 965 KW 2,620 KW 2,800 KW 10,113 KW !J Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. 15 Year Power Cost Study, Robert W. Retherford Associates, November 1976 C-1 PROJECTED ENERGY NEEDS The most recent estimate of utility loads is a study prepared for CVEA. 1/ The impact of the pipeline in the area has continued to increase the demand for additional energy. The following is the pro- jection from the study mentioned above and also illustrated in Graph C-1. 1980 1985 1990 Demand KW 5,800 8~600 12~800 Energy M~JH 27,900 41,400 61,400 The energy produced for 1973-1976 is shm11n below: Years Energy {MWH) 1973 6,470 1974 9,460 1975 18,250 1976 26,000 This indicates a rapid rate of growth even after the majority of the pipeline construction was finished. It seems that the projected figure for 1980 of 27,900 MWH of energy may be attained earlier than projected. The subsequent figures would also probably be reached earlier which only reinforces the need for additional energy in the Valdez area. If Glennallen was tied into a system with Valdez it would increase the demand for the area. CVEA's study also gives a projection for the total demand of Valdez and Glennallen as shown in Graph C-2. Y Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. 15 Year Power Cost Study, Robert W. Retherford Associates, November 1976 C-2 POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS The following alternative methods of satisfying the primary study objective, the provision of electric power for the Valdez area, were considered as possible solutions: Alternative Sources of Power No Growth Coal Natural Gas and Oil Nuclear Geothermal Solar Hydroelectric Alternatives Solomon Gulch Allison Creek Wind and Tide Wood Intertie Solid Waste Hydroelectric These alternatives were screened on the basis of preliminary esti- mates of response to the basic water resource planning objectives of NED (economic viability) and EQ (contributions to environmental quality). Within the NED considerations, in addition to the purely economic factors, such items as technical feasibility (can it be done with existing tech- nology?) and scale (does it do too little or too much?) were considered important. Within the EQ considerations, in addition to positive con- tributions to environmental factors, a lack of adverse effects was con- sidered significant. The intent and effect of this brief screening was to rule out impracticable and marginal alternatives leaving a small number of the better possible solutions to be studied and evaluated in detail. The following discussions summarize the preliminary evaluation. ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF POWER No Growth: Restricting the growth in power demand and altering energy pr1c1ng policies are political decisions that cannot be addressed in this report with any authority. However, any adopted policy significantly reducing industrial consumption of energy would have to consider the living stan- dard which to a large extent depends on energy consumption. It would also be necessary for a policy to restrict population growth and to apply to all forms of energy to be effective. This alternative would achieve the maximum possible conservation of nonrenewable resources and have minimal adverse environmental impacts. However, in the presence of the projected trends in population and energy consumption growth and C-3 in the absence of little indication of the required social and political atmosphere~ the alternative is not considered realistic at this time. Eventually, a national as well as world policy to balance energy con- sumption with energy supplied from renewable resources will have to be made. This eventuality will probably result in a social as well as an economic change, but if it is approached in a planned and orderly manner, the quality of life might indeed improve. Integral to any plan to limit load growth would be a program of energy education which would make people aware of the necessity for and the economics appreciated from a reduction in energy waste and improved efficiency of electrical energy usage. The Alaska Power Administration recognizes conservation measures in their load projections, assuming substantial demand savings through conservation programs and increased efficiency in use of energy. Coal: Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the nation; however, there are no known sizable coal deposits in the area surrounding Valdez. A major obstacle to coal usage is meeting air quality standards when the coal is burned. Other problems include environmental impacts associated with strip mining, such as surface disturbance, waste material disposal, chemically active water discharge, post-mining restoration, and trans- portation of the coal. The coal alternative could be available on about the same time frame as other major new power sources such as hydropower and, possibly, nuclear power. Due to the relatively small energy demand of the Valdez area, a large coal-fired plant could not be economically utilized unless a large intertie network were developed. Natural Gas and Oil: Alaska power systems now depend on oil and gas for about 60 percent of total energy production, and by 1980 about 90 percent of the State 1 s electric energy will come from these fuels. Estimated 1972 fuel use for Alaska 1 S power systems included 1.4 million barrels of oil and 16 billion cubic feet of natural gas. The use would increase to about 26 million barrels of oil and 134 billion cubic feet of natural gas (if available) annually by the year 2000 in meeting the midrange consumption level estimates. Although natural gas, and to a lesser extent oil, has provided low cost power benefits for many portions of Alaska, the national and inter- national energy crisis has and will in all probability, result in larger increased prices for the future. There is the increasing pressure of the national policy to conserve our nonrenewable resources so that we may be independent of foreign sources. A national effort to develop alternatives for power generation such as coal, hydro, solar, wind tides, and eventually nuclear power could result in substantial reduction in C-4 demand for oil and natural gas. However, the lead times and large investments required to develop alternatives reinforce the point that oil and natural gas must supply near future requirements. As indicated previously, the present electrical system in the Valdez area is powered by diesel generation. The projected cost of fuel oil in the Valdez area for January 1978 was $0.0385/gallon. This price will most 1 ikely increase in the future, but it is providing the required energy for the Valdez area now. Nuclear Power: The use of nuclear power as a commercial electrical energy source for the nation is expected to increase by the year 1985. Adverse envi- ronmental impacts are associated with surface and subsurface mining of uranium, changes in land use, disposal of waste heat, risk of accidents, and safe disposal of highly radioactive wastes. In spite of these fac- tors, more than 50 percent of the electrical power of the nation is expected to be generated by nuclear power by the year 2000. By that time, breeder plants, which produce additional fuel while they produce power, will hopefully be available to take over a larger share of the production of electricity. Possibly at some time in the next century, nuclear fission plants and proposed nuclear breeder plants will be replaced by nuclear fusion reactors and by central generating stations running on solar power. Nuclear power could be a likely long range source of power for the Valdez area, but it is considered a very distant option because of the relatively small power markets, cost and environ- mental factors and the availability of more favorable alternatives. The foreseeable future for nuclear power generation in the Valdez area could become favorable only if there is a breakthrough in cost and technology of small-sized plants. At this time further study of this alternative is not deemed justified for this report. Geothermal: Geothermal resources may eventually provide significant power gener- ation in Alaska; the southcentral railbelt area has substantial geothermal potential. Some of the possible problems associated with the generation of electrical power from geothermal resources include siting of facili- ties, brine disposal, and corrosion. This resource could also provide usable side products such as heat, water, and chemicals. This source of energy is not considered a reasonable short-term alternative to other more proven types of power generation because of the relatively primi- tive level of present technological development and high costs. Further study of this alternative is not deemed justified for this report. C-5 Solar: The radiant heat of the sun is another renewable source of energy that has considerable potential for generating power in the nation and the world. Use of solar energy to produce electrical power on a large scale is not presently feasible for the lack of the technology to gen- erate and to store large amounts of electricity produced by the sun 1 s radiation. A major disadvantage wherever such a development is pursued will be the large land area required for reflector installed to provide usable amounts of power and thus the large environmental disturbances inherent in such a change in land use. Another disadvantage, especially in Alaska, will be that during the winter, when demand for electrical power is greatest, the sun is either absent from or at best a brief visitor to local skies. Further study of this alternative is not deemed justified for this report. Wind and Tidal: Research and development proposals for wind generators should improve future capabilities of wind-powered electrical generating systems. With increased diesel fuel costs, wind-generated electrical power is a pos- sible alternative power source for remote areas with small loads. Wind as an energy resource, however, is very difficult to adapt to present energy demands because it is very unpredictable and unsteady. To effectively utilize wind energy, winds must be of high speed and long duration to provide firm energy. In order for wind power to be economi- cally competitive with other energy resources it would require a firming source. The Port of Valdez might be developed for tidal energy. The mean lower low water elevation is 0.00 feet and the mean higher high water is 12.00 feet, which would provide a total gross head of 12 feet. How- ever, such an installation would require a low dam spanning the width of the Valdez Narrows, a massive cost item in itself, as well as a deep draft lock system to allow super tankers into the Port of Valdez. The dam would change the entire flow regime of Port of Valdez with a signifi- cant potential for extensive adverse effects on major ecosystems. Further study of either of these alternatives is not deemed justified for this report. Wood: There are large forest reserves that could be utilized in southeast Alaska, but are not available in the study area. These same trees have higher and better uses in wood, paper, and other industries. In addition, the esthetic, ecological, and environmental impacts of the large harvests necessary to allow production of large amounts of energy would be massive. Further study of this alternative is not deemed justified for the report. C-6 Intertie: A study by the Alaska Power Administration will determine the feasi- bility of an intertie system between any one of the two cities of Glenn- allen and Cordova with Valdez. An intertie would increase the load in the area and increase the marketability of the energy produced. Side benefits which could be realized could include enhancement of total system reliability, added flexibility in scheduling facilities mainte- nance, and at 1 east the capability to eliminate or minimize unnecessary duplication of staff facilities. However, because of the mountainous terrain and accompanying windst any long distance transmission·system would be subject to severe physical pressures and consequently its reliability may be questionable. Intertie via submarine cable would require excessively large lines at restrictive cost. Solid Waste: There does not appear to be an adequate supply of waste products in the load center to produce enough energy to meet anticipated load growth. This alternative is not considered feasible to meet the full energy needs of the load centers; however, it might serve as a source of supplemental energy and should be pursued further at the local level. Hydroelectric Alternatives: Preliminary analysis indicates that the high cost of long transmission lines, high dams and small storage capacity of some sites has ruled them out as feasible projects. The sites with these problem areas that have been eliminated are: Gold Creek, Sheep Creek, Wortmann Creek, Silver Lake, Mineral Creek, Lowe River, and Unnamed Creek. There are two others which do merit more analysis and those are: Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch. C-7 HYDROPOWER ANALYSIS METHOD OF ANALYSIS Scope: As discussed in the preceding section, Possible Solutions, several hydro projects in the Valdez area were considered worthy of further study. Simulation operation studies were made to determine the power potential of these projects. Glossary: The following terms are defined: Energy: Average Energx: The average amount of energy produced each year by a hydro proJect over a specific period of operation or study. Firm Energy: Annual electric energy which is required to be available at all times based on the most critical year and period of recorded streamflows. Prime Ener : The maximum energy expressed in average kilowatt- hours or megawatt-hours) that can be produced at a hydro project during the most critical streamflow period. Prime energy would serve to meet firm energy loads. Secondary Energy: Electric energy having limited availability. In a good water year, a hydro plant can generate energy in excess of its prime energy capability. This excess energy is classified as secondary energy because it is not available every year, and varies in magnitude in those years when it is available. Usable Energy: The amount of energy generated by the hydro system for which there is an apparent market. Capacity: Installed Ca~acity: The rating of the generators at design load and best gate avai able for the production of saleable power. Dependable Capacity: The assured peak load-carrying ability of a plant or system under adverse water conditions for the time interval and period specified when related to the characteristics of the load to be supplied, expressed in kilowatts (or megawatts). In these studies dependable and installed capacity are identical. C-8 Reserve Capacity: Capacity in excess of that required to carry peak load and which is available to meet unanticipated demands for power or to generate power in the event of scheduled or unscheduled outages. Power Values: Capacity Value: That part of the at-site or at-market value of electric power which is assigned to dependable capacity. This is based on the amortized investment costs and fixed operating costs of the most economical alternative power source. Energy Value: That part of the at-site or at-market value of electric power which is assigned to energy. This is based largely on fuel and variable operating costs for the most economical alternative power source. At-Market Value: The value of hydroelectric power at the market as measured by the cost of producing th~ equival~nt power by the most economical means and delivering this power to the market. At-Site Value: The value of power at the site of the generating station as measured by the at-market value minus the cost of transmission facilities and losses from generating station to market. Head: Critical Head: The head at which the dependable capacity can be produced at full-gate opening. Design Head: The head at which the turbine will operate to give the best overall efficiency under various operating conditions. Rated Head: The head at which a turbine will deliver maximum generator capac1ty at full gate. Reservoir Criteria: Drawdown: The distance that the water surface of a reservoir is lowered from a given elevation as the result of the withdrawal of water. Adverse Water Conditions: The most adverse sequence of flows from the standpoint of hydro system energy production. This sequence is a function of the amount of reservoir storage available and the power system load requirements and is usually determined by testing the full record of historical streamflow conditions. C-9 Operating or Power Year: For purposes of this report, a 12-month period beginning 1 October. Critical Period: The interval of time when hydro energy production is limited by adverse water conditions. The period begins with reservoir(s) full and ends with reservoir(s) empty just prior to a sequence of flows which will refill the reservoir(s). Average energy produced during the critical period is called prime energy. Critical Period Storage: The amount of water in storage which could be drafted to augment the low natural flows associated with the critical period. Storage Refill Period: The period of time required to refill reservoir following the critical period draft. Dead Stora~e: The amount of storage within the reservoir which lies below the m1nimum elevation to which the reservoir surface could be lowered. The minimum reservoir surface elevation is a function of the head range within which the turbines are designed to operate at greatest efficiency. Usable Storage: The amount of reservoir storage which lies within the elevations above the dead storage pool and below the full reservoir pool. This storage is the water which is available to augment natural streamflow during the critical period. Power Terms: P.O. Power-on-line date. Load Shape: Daily and annual load curves reduced to a percentage factor of a specified load. For example, it is common to indicate the monthly loads for both energy and capacity in percentage of annual energy and annual peak loads. Area Load Factor: The ratio of the average load over a designated period to the peak load occurring in that period, for integrated load center. Plant Factor: The ratio of average plant output to installed capacity for a given period. Load Center: A point at which a large share of the load of a given area is assumed to be concentrated. Base Load: The minimum amount of load required 24 hours a day. C-10 Peak load: The maximum instantaneous load within a specified time. Methodology: Power analysis of the study area was based on the hydrologic data available from the various stream gaging stations within the study area. The study period covered was the 28 years of record that were available at Power Creek near Cordova. The two stations of Solomon Gulch and Lowe River were extended by correlation with Power Creek. The other potential hydropower sites, Mineral Creek, Unnamed Creek, and Allison Creek had their flows derived from the Solomon Gulch streamflows and adjusted according to a ratio of their respective areas. The analysis of the power output for the differnt schemes in the study area was accomplished by utilizing a computer program developed by the Alaska District for reservoir system analysis. The projected energy load growth, the monthly energy demand shape, and annual load factor were derived from the existing data for this report. C-11 POWER PRODUCTION VARIABLES Many variables were considered prior to commencement of the power study. A brief discussion of the assumptions and variables used is presented in the following text. FREE SURFACE EVAPORATION The normal high relative humidity, high percentage of overcast days and relatively cool climate probably precludes any appreciable percent- age of water loss from evapotranspiration. Estimates of flow were based on records of existing or historical gaging stations near the project areas. These records would reflect any past evaporation and for these reasons, no corrections were made in the run-off analyses for evaporation. HEAD LOSS AND TAILWATER ELEVATION Power head losses were confined to fluctuations in the tailwater elevations and to hydraulic losses through the tailrace, turbines, pen- stocks, and power tunnels. The tailwater elevation (as shown below) was added to the head (friction) losses to obtain the net head available for power production. Project Allison Solomon Gulch PLANT FACTOR Tailwater Elevation MSL (ft) 10 15 For the purpose of this study, a 50 percent annual plant factor was used in the hydropower studies. The assumption of a 50 percent annual plant factor will insure capability to serve a proportional share of both peaking and energy requirements throughout the year, and adequate flexibility to meet changing conditions in any given year. MONTHLY ENERGY DISTRIBUTION The monthly distributions are an average of the month demand for energy in the years 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 74, and 75. The years not included had insufficient data and could not be incorporated into the averages. The monthly load distributions used in this study are pro- vided below. C-12 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Monthly Energy Percent of Annual Total 8.5 8.2 7.2 7.4 7.3 7.4 7.3 7.9 8.6 9.0 10.1 11.1 100.0 POWER VALUES AND ALTERNATIVE COST The basic power values and alternative costs for the system were developed by the San Francisco Regional Office of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Power values were divided into two com- ponents, the dependable capacity value and the energy value. Taxes and insurance costs, as applicable, are included in the power value. The method of analysis used by the FERC in developing power values is presented in Hydroelectric Power Evaluation, by the Federal Power Com- mission, dated March 1968. POWER VALUES The at-market values of dependable hydroelectric power delivered in Valdez are based on estimated costs of power from alternative diesel- engine driven generating plants. The alternative plant would consist of 2,625 KW units with a heat rate of 9,370 BTU/KWH, capital cost of $655 per kilowatt, service life of 35 years, and fuel oil cost of 38.5 cents/ gallon. Values are based on 1 January 1978 price levels and are given for Federal financing at 6-5/8 percent interest and for REA financing at 6.4 percent interest rate. Federal Financing @ 6.625% REA Financing@ 6.4% C-13 At-Market Value of Dependable Hydroelectric Power (price level -1/1/78) $/KW-yr 102.69 109.02 mi 11 s/KWH 38.57 35.57 The values include a 5 percent hydro-diesel capacity adjustment added to the at-market cost. For this preliminary study energy value adjustments were not made because of the uncertainty of some future resources and judgment dictated that this adjustment would be small. FUEL COSTS The following is an analysis of the cost escalation of fuel for the diesel alternative. Since the economy in the Valdez area has been effected so much by the installation of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, it was felt that the Anchorage area trend in fuel prices would be more representative in the long run than the values in Valdez. Table C-1 shows a 10-year record of Alaskan oil prices taken from three oil dealers in the Anchorage area. Also shown are the annual rates of growth of the fuels over varying lengths of time. The 1976 average fuel cost for the three companies is 0.39/gallon. For the 10-year period, the average annual increase in the cost of these fuels was 8.7 percent. Since 1971, however, when fuel prices started their dramatic climb, the average fuel rate increases have been on the order of 16 percent per annum. The wholesale fuel rates represent the price of fuel delivered at dock to the distributor. TABLE C-1 ANCHORAGE OIL PRICES Years Wholesale Bulk Retail Period Rate Period Rate Period Rate Year Compounded $/gal Increase $/ga 1 Increase ${gal Increase 1966 10 . 127 9.7 • 185 8.3 .205 8.2 1967 9 . 127 10.9 . 185 9.2 .210 8.9 1968 8 . 127 12.3 . 185 10.5 . 215 9.7 1969 7 . 127 14.2 . 185 12.0 .220 10.8 1970 6 • 134 15.7 . 190 13.7 .228 12.0 1971 5 . 141 17.9 . 192 16.4 .235 13.9 1972 4 . 132 24.9 . 194 20.6 .300 1 o. 7 1973 3 . 132 34.5 .200 27.0 . 401 4.0 1974 2 . 187 31.0 .320 13.2 . 410 4.9 1975 1 . 307 4.6 . 360 13.9 • 416 8.4 1976 . 321 • 410 .451 With the emphasis that is being placed on solving our energy problems at the national level, it would not be prudent to assume that our advanc- i~g technology will create an answer. Unfortunately, there is no infal- 11ble way to look into the future to determine if and when a specific C-14 energy source may become available. Since there is no assurance that an answer is forthcoming, it is necessary to analyze existing resources in the most logical manner to determine which options should be pursued. In this respect, there is reason to question the validity of the method by which we determine economic feasibility for hydropower development. While we are not legally bound to the analytical methods used by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, we seek their power analysis in order to maintain an unbiased posture. This does not assure, however, a realistic judgement of hydro feasibility. The Federal method of expressing the value of hydroelectric power is based on the lowest cost of equivalent energy and capacity as produced by the most economical alternative to the hydro project, which in the case of Valdez area, are diesel units. As mentioned earlier, these benefits are determined by FERC in the form of power values. In deriving power values for use in benefit analysis, FERC uses present day costs for construction of the alternative, which is equivalent to the Federal procedure for hydro development. However, FERC also uses present day costs for the fuel requirement of the alternative which contribute to the hydro energy benefit. This is not equitable in a period of substantial escalation of fuel costs. Whereas, a hydro development will continue to receive its annual energy from falling water without increased investment, the continuing depletion of fossil fuels and escalating extraction costs will surely result in higher future fuel costs, and thereby increase the cost of fossil fuel generated energy. It would only appear reason- able that this should be recognized in the evaluation of hydropower with resulting increased energy benefits. Furthermore, as a renewable resource that does not deplete oil supplies, hydro does not agitate the competition for petroleum. Thus there appears to be sufficient justi- fication to evaluate the feasibility of hydropower development in the Valdez area by attempting to account for the present worth of future fuel costs. The energy value provided by FERC consist of the cost of fuel an, a variable operation and maintenance cost. As mentioned earlier, the fuel component represents $0.385/gal which equates to 2,789 mills per million BTU. The formula used by FERC to compute the energy value of a fossil fuel-fired plant with a 50 percent plant factor is as follows. O&M + 90 percent x heat rate x fuel cost = energy value 0&~1 + .9 x 9370 BTU/KWH x 2,789 mills/MMBTU = 38.57 mills/KWH O&M = 15.05 mills/KWH In developing the power values which take into account the future value of fuel, the O&M value will be assumed to represent a fixed annual charge not subject to increase. Despite the fact that the economic C-15 analysis for the hydro project spans 100 years at an interest rate of 6-5/8 percent, the projected fuel cost will be based on the price that can be anticipated midway through the 30-year life of the diesel plant alternative. Thus, since it is anticipated that the Valdez projects could have power on line by 1985, the January 1978 value of the dis- tillate fuel will be based on a present worth year 2000 fuel value. The energy value will be based on the FERC fuel value of $0.385/gal pro- jected forward at a reasonable annual compound rate, and then present worthed back to the January 1978 base date at 6-5/8 percent. While it has been established that area fuel rates have witnessed a 16 percent per annum increase since 1971 the continuation of this trend is not considered realistic. The annual rate increase of 8.7 percent which has been experienced over the past 10-year period would appear more reasonable. Therefore, a real dollar value (the difference between the annual growth rate and the amortization rate) annual increase is esti- mated to be 2 percent. This results in a January 1978 value of $0.385/ gal fuel projected forward to 2000 .at 8-5/8 percent of $0.595/gal. This equates to $4.312/MMBTU, which including the cost of O&M, results in an energy value of 51.41 mills/KWH. FERC includes in the capacity value a fixed fuel component of total annual fuel consumption of 10 percent for a 50 percent plant factor. Thus, the capacity value is adjusted as follows: Adjusted capacity value = $102.69 + 0.1 x .50 x 8,760 hours x 8,200 BTU/KWH x ($4.312/MMBTU -$2.789/MMBTU). Adjusted capacity value= $108.94/KW -Federal Financing Similar calculations were done for the 1 percent and 3 percent real value increase in the cost of fuel. The following is a comparison of the Federal and Rural Electric Association (REA} financed power values to be used in the economic assessment of the recommended plans of develop- ment. Valdez Area Power Values REA Federal Dependable Usable Dependable Usable Ca~acit~ En erg~ Ca2acit~ Energy $/KW-yr Mills/KWH $/KW-yr Mi 11 s/ KWH FERC 109.02 38.57 102.69 38.57 FERC + 1% Fuel Adjustment 111.82 44.33 105.49 44.33 FERC + 2% Fue 1 Adjustment 115. 27 51.41 108.94 51 . 41 FERC + 3% Fuel Adjustment 119. 50 60.11 113.17 60.11 C-16 This analysis is constdered to be conservative since the Federal Power Corrmission {FPC) now FERC, completed a Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the Solomon Gulch Project, July 1977, {See Table C-2) which used an analysis displacing the cost of diesel generation esca- lated at 3 percent per year. In consonance with this analysis the 15 year power study, November 1976 done by Robert Retherford Associates uses 7 percent per year to escalate the cost of fuel. It is readily appare~nt that in both a private firm and the Federal agency which pro- vides the Corps with power values, there is a discrepancy in the manner they are derived. Therefore, we will continue to be conservative and assume that the 3 percent cost escalation will be used to derive the benefits. C-17 HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVES IN THE VALDEZ AREA ALLISON CREEK Lake Tap: This scheme would involve a lake tap and a tunnel with a penstock in it. The storage reservoir would be operated from the natural lake outlet elevation of 1,367 feet and fluctuate down to the 1,267 foot elevation with a total storage capacity of 20,678 acre-feet. The prime energy, average annual energy, installed capacity, and annual cost for this scheme are shown below. Average Prime Annual Installed Annual Elevation EnerJy Energy Capacity Cost (Feet) (MWH (MWH) (KW) ($1,000) 1,367 33,116 35,749 7,560 2,712 SOLOMON GULCH The scheme which was looked at for this location was a 115 foot high concrete gravity dam with three small adjacent rockfilled dams. The spillway would be included in the concrete gravity dam with a crest of 665 feet. The power pool would operate between the 685 and 631 foot elevation with a storage of 25,650 acre-feet. The transmission line would be about 9 miles long. The prime energy, average annual energy, installed capacity, and annual cost for this scheme are shown below. Average Prime Annual Insta 11 ed Annual Elevation Energy Energy Capacity Cost {Feet} (MWH) (MWH) (KW} ($1,000) 685 28,502 40,780 6,200 2,450 BENEFITS The benefits claimed for the two projects of Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek (Lake Tap) are solely based on the revenue derived by the sale of hy~ropower. The following is a tabulation of the dependable capacity, pr1me energy, and average annual energy for both Allison and Solomon Gulch. C-18 Solomon Gulch Allison Creek-Lake Tap Dependable Capacity (KW) 6,200 7,560 Prime Energy (MWH) 28,502 33,116 Average Annual Energy (MWH) 40,780 35,749 The one FERC value and three fuel adjusted power values for both REA financing and Federal financing were used to analyze the benefits for each project. In both projects the benefits for firm energy and the full benefits for average annual energy were analyzed. The tabulation below shows the benefits for dependable capacity + prime, dependable capacity + prime + one-half value for secondary and dependable capacity + full value for average annual energy. ANNUAL BENEFITS ;_ < Solomon Gulch REA Financing (6.4%) (Annual Cost $2,712,399} FERC FERC + 1% FERC + 2% FERC + 3% Allison Capacity & Prime Energy ($1000) 1 '776 1 '956 2' 181 2,455 Capacity Prime & 1/2 Secondary Energy ($1000) 2,013 2,230 2,496 2,824 (Annual Cost $2,450,285} FERC 2 '1 02 2' 152 FERC + 1% 2' 314 2,372 FERC + 2% 2,574 2,642 FERC + 3% 2,894 2,973 CONCLUSIONS Capacity & Average Annual Energy ($1000) 2,250 2,502 2,812 3,193 2,203 2,430 2,709 3,052 Federal Financing (6.625%) Capacity & Prime Energy ($1000) 1,737 1 '918 2 '141 2,416 2,054 2,266 2,526 2,846 Capacity Prime & 1/2 Secondary Energy ($1000) Capacity & Average Annual Energy ($1000) 1,973 2,210 2,190 2,463 2,457 2,773 2,785 3,154 2,105 2,155 2,324 2,382 2,594 2,662 2,925 3,005 As was indicated before that the 3 percent escalation values would be conservative and we will use those to analyze the two projects. Utilizing the REA financing, 3 percent fuel escalation and full value for the average annual energy the average annual benefits for Solomon C-19 Gulch and Allison Creek are $3,193,000 and $3,052,000 respectively. It seems valid to take full value for the average annual energy since in all likelihood the 2,800 KW mobile gas turbine in Valdez presently would be moved to Glennallen and the projected need in Valdez would be about 41,400 MWH in 1985 (the projected power~on-1ine date). The maximum average annual energy (35,749 MWH) which would be produced by Allison Creek would leave 5,651 MWH to be produced by the existing diesel units. Since Allison Creek has a higher percentage of its average annual energy as firm energy and it also has a larger quantity (33,116 MWH as compared to Solomons 28,502 r1WH), it would seem that Allison Creek would be the slightly better project. If CVEA develops Solomon Gulch it would provide a large portion of the energy required by Valdez with some supplemental diesel generation. Within the CVEA plan there are provisions to include an intertie with Glennallen. This intertie would open up a new market and increase the required energy required by the system as indicated by Graph C-2. It is apparent that without private development there would be a definite need for energy in the immediate Valdez area. If there is private development it also appears that the expanded market {including Glennallen) would have a large enough demand {99 x 106 KWH in 1985} to absorb all the energy generated by both Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek. C-20 n I N ..... "' ""'$ OJ "0 :::::; n I PROJECTED VALDEZ ENERGY DEMAND 0::: :J: !\:: ::::s:::: z 0 :::i -1 -~ > C!J 0:: w z w YEAR DEVELOPED BY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES NOV. 1976 1 -en en - 0 en en - en 00 en -c:a 00 """' 00 en en -.... ::a C) ""' z: 00 en .... en .... ..,_ U) ell: -00 u en .... C) en en ell: 11'1 00 ca en .... a: C) .... "" a: 00 a: .... en :z: -c:c ..,_ .... ..... a: M >-a: 00 en -..,_ a: N .... m 00 C) en a: .... >-.... m 00' en ca -.... a. C) 0 .... 00 .... en =--.... Cl en ""' en - 00 ""' en - ""' ""' en .... HHM>I NOillll A9HiNi C-22 Graph C-2 .ll 1J l.!!J l'.1!>le S-1 £coi".Otni-: Co'J'!yd.!:'i.llon of Solono:>n C·..:l..:h 1:to:,eet. anL Rc.:tso:o.abla Alt.::m.:.:Ci•:;~!\1 Ite:n I lli ?:-.:--.. "":t Transmi>1sior. ,.,inc I ~evelov~e~;,t . <-~e "..'alCti!z _c·wer..?.l:.~~ ' i Ir.!l't~l\•d C'lpAtlty (<;.:) I 12' ~00 12,000 27,000 I ' c~~ltd Costs ( $1. coo. 000) l I I -i l ,) Gtnt!r&ti!1~ Plr.nt ll. 50' t3. 503 I 6;..496 ' I I ~~ Su?sta~io~s l. 00 Lon s.co ! : c: tr•!'l~,;d.s.:ion Lint• 15. 6J 31,)42 ! Capital Cost.s C;oo'!rating ...L _[ Pl•nt only (~/<.•) 1087 .H 1087. 7J 2277. 63 .. ! ~ J ... ~ Esti':':'.att!d Av.n:2.;::: A:-.:w.ll " -+-" lJ 8 t , i C•~·•rt.t1M (1r.f.o) 52.680 u 54,565 llot,606 c I F lx~cl a-.. ,r ... u "' 0 ::: -; (perce;>t} ........ I ::: ~· ::-; -· I '"I G<'ft4U'b& PlAnt 6. 54 6.,. 6,54 ., II lv»iltaUol'l I 7.JU 7. HZ 7.J22 .. .., .... ~ e trau~:~iul<·ft Ur.u 7.182 g ll "' ~ I 7.182 ""' ~ .. u u Annu•l O&.'i +A&G ($1,000) < ... < -I .. e) Cenero~otlng Plant 205. 33 205.13 ... "' I 250.10 ::. I , I t,'1 SIJ'>st:~ti·~nl' 49.02 16.34 134.00 ;.. c:) Tctr.st'llsslon Line• 50.11 72.27 I Tntol Annu.t Co•t(Sl,OOO,r. 3) 2.4S5 1. 151 7. 106 Tor.l Cnot (!-11 H ,./;.' • .,) 46.60 I J lq16 21.10 50.18 45. 1 .;1. 7 19~0-1010 .1\'•t•·~' Fu•l &11-plllt'"!:ft,.itt (Drrrr~la/y~u 96,900 94,000 217,614 D•t• ot Fu1l Hyrlro l/t11inti>n 19EO 1983 1991 50 yr. :'.~. t."~veii1.~d I I A.."til\:tt l':-v1t"ct C::-st ($/}'<;.<) 2,570,600 1,)56,300 7,))),800 ~0 yr. P.W. Lev•lir.~i!d l Volut of Dh1>h<ed 5,048,80' 1 Oh .. t C•n.rotion ($/yur} l, )44 ,700 9,738,600 5J yr. P.ll. l.•v•Hnd At>nuol leneflt ($/~ur) 2,478, 200 t,9es,4oo 2,405,000 I J Capital costa are mid· 1976 level and include interest during construction, 5.424~ annual rate. n The proposed project AVerage annual generation available ia approximately 2,000 MWh lese than the no-transmission alternative because that amount of energy will be used to heat the tranamiaeion line in Thompson Pasa to prevent ice build up. Jl Fixed charges: (in percent) ltelll Coat of money Depreciation Interim replacement& Fed. Kiac. Tax Insurance Total Hydro S.424 .416 .40 .10 ~ 6.540 ];ransmisaion S.424 1.398 .10 .10 _.J.L 7.182 S!,!batation .5.424 1.398 .35 .10 -:1L 7 • .522 ~ 06M +A~ are operation, maintenance, administration and general expense• baa~d on national averages aa of mid-1976. JJ Total annual project coat (1976 level} divided by the eatimated average annual generation. JU Average amount of fuel which would be offset in the period 1980-2030 by hydro-energy that can ba produced and used in Applicant'• ayatem, ~ The year when the projected loada would utilize all of the avernge annual anergy produced by the project or alternatives. JJ Includee 061'1 and A~ coats escalated at 6~ per year. JJ The levelized value of diesel generation to be displaced by the hydro project baaed on predicted anergy need growth on Applicant' a ayatem and the coat of diesel generation escalated at 31 per year, \2) Thia h the difference between .aJ and j.J and represent• the dollar savinga to be realized by uain& hydro generation rather than continued dieael generation. C-23 Table C-2 SECTION D ANALYSIS OF THE AREA ECONOf~Y SECTION 0 ANALYSIS OF THE AREA ECONOMY TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM GENERAL Fisheries Recreation & Tourism Transportation Conclusions PAGE D-1 D-1 0-1 0-1 D-1 ANALYSIS OF THE AREA ECONOMY GENERAL At present the Valdez area is undergoing a major adjustment as they make the transition from a crash construction period to a new norm that will be described by the operation, maintenance, and supervision of the oil terminal. Oil first entered the pipeline on June 20 at Pump Station 1. The first tanker load of oil departed Valdez terminals August 1, 1977 and a total of 158 tankers carrying just over 100 million barrels of oil had departed by December 31, 1977. While the oil industry with its normal support activity will pro- vide the base for the area economy, the development of existing natural resources will continue and no doubt be enhanced by the addition of new techniques, new people, and new financial resources. Fisheries: With the development of a new boat harbor and additional people, there will be a renewed interest in both commercial and sports fishing. The State's salmon hatchery program designed to support and increase the salmon harvest, the establishment of the 200 mile management zone, and the expanded sports fisheries activity of Prince William Sound all amount to increased activity in the local fishing industry. Recreation & Tourism: The newly established ferry terminal at Valdez has been the focal point for workers and vacationers who make the trip by auto from Anchorage to Valdez by road and return by ferry via Whittier. With the addition of the Pipeline Terminal and the influx of new people, there will be a steady growth in the Valdez tourist trade. Transportation: With increasing activity and development of interior Alaska, there is a very real possibility that truck and van traffic will be developed from containerized storage yards in Valdez. This traffic to date has amounted to fuel oil and pipeline equipment and limited general freight but depending on future interior development, could develop into a route for general freight to interior Alaska. Conclusion: In general the basic elements of the area econo!llY, i.e., transpor- tation, resource development, construction, recreation, and services should experience a steady growth pattern through the economic life of the proposed project. D-1 SECTION E REGIONAL GEOLOGY Item INTRODUCTION SOLOMON GULCH DAt1SITE Geology Surficial Deposits Seismicity Construction Materials ALLISON CREEK DAMSITE Geology Surficial Deposits ALLISON CREEK -LAKE TAP Seismicity CONCLUSION SECTION E REGIONAL GEOLOGY TABLE OF CONTENTS Page E-1 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-3 E-3 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-5 E-5 E-6 INTRODUCTION The only sites that appeared to be economically feasible during the initial screening were Allison Creek and Solomon Qulch. Since these were the only sites which seem viable, it was only reasonable to make onsite visits of the two which seemed feasible. E-1 SOLOMON GULCH DAMSITE Solomon Lake, is located in a high-level valley near the head of Valdez Fiord. The valley is a glacially modified feature with a gentle gradient from it's head to a point approximately 3,700 feet from tide- water. At this point, a natural rock barrier runs transversely across the valley; beyond this barrier, the valley floor drops precipituously some 625 feet to tidewater. The rock barrier in the form of a group of rock hills forms a natural dam for the lake. In past geologic history, Solomon Creek appears to have crossed this dam at several locations, but it is presently entrenched in a V-shaped notch adjacent to the west side of the valley floor. Within this incised canyon, an old low con- crete dam maintains the present level of the lake. Below the dam, the stream descends in a series of cascades, waterfalls, and rapids to tidewater. Bedrock at the damsite is a dark grey argillite which has been sub- jected to silicification. Because of this silicious content, and the resulting resistance of the rock to erosion, a rock ridge has remained running transversely across the valley as the less resistant rock on either side has eroded away. Quartz stringers have filled the joint openings in the rock making it relatively impervious. Very light wea- thering is evident on the surface of the ridge and no major imperfections were observed. It is felt that the rock ridge will provide a highly suitable foundation for a dam. GEOLOGY The surrounding country rock is part of the regional greywacke complex. The rock which forms the ridge at the lake outlet is an argil- lite facies of the regional rock, The rock in the vicinity of Solomon Gulch has well developed bedding striking east-west and dipping steeply to the north. Major joints oriented perpendicular to the bedding are visible along the south valley wall of Valdez Fiord. This bedding and jointing controls the gradient and location of Solomon Creek below the lake. SURFICIAL DEPOSITS Surficial deposits in the valley above Solomon Lake consist primarily of alluvial and glacial deposits. Materials are silts, sands, and gravels with gradations varying from the coarser materials at the head of the valley to a broad silty sandy delta at the upper end of the lake. Indications are that these deposits extend to a considerable depth. Below the lake, surficial deposits consist of a rather thin mantle of unconsolidated sediments with local deeper deposits including some talus and gravel phases. E-2 SEISMICITY The Valdez area is an active seismic area and Solomon Gulch is some 72 kilometers east of the epicenter of the 1964 Earthquake. Seismic studies will be an important part of predesign investigations and the design parameters will necessarily include the effects of high inten- sity shaking. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Construction materials for an earthfill dam can be obtained from the alluvial and glacial deposits in the valley on the upstream side of Solomon lake. A haul road around the lake, approximately 1-l/2 to 2 miles long, would be required to reach the coarser gravels for the embankment shells. The finer materials for the embankment core can be obtained from the delta immediately above the lake. Filter materials can be processed from the upstream deposits. It is also highly prob- able that these deposits could be utilized to provide concrete aggregates, although the absence of deleterious materials would have to be verified. Riprap and rockfill materials can likewise be obtained close at hand. A quarry can be developed in one of two locations, both of which are convenient to the site. The recommended site is on the right canyon wall downstream of the transverse ridge which would support the dams. The alternate quarry site is located on the downhill side of the trans- verse ridge between the two sections of the dam. Field studies and core drilling will be necessary to verify the ability of these sites to produce stone of the sizes required but no problems are anticipated related to either stone size or quality. E-3 ALLISON CREEK DAMSITE Allison Lake, is located in a glacial valley along the south shore of Valdez Fiord approximately 2-1/2 miles west of Solomon Gulch. The outlet creek flows into the harbor area at the entrance to the Alyeska tank farm. The lake is at elevation 1,367 feet and is the result of ponding behind a terminal moraine deposit of large boulders and various finer deposits. Through this moraine, the outlet creek has eroded the present channel. Soundings taken on the lake were moderately shallow except in one area towards the head of the lake where a depth of over 160 feet was recorded. Surficial evidence suggests that as the glacier receeded, it no longer carried sufficient rock debris on its surface to fill the valley. Thus, the moraine 11 feathered out 11 from the main deposit near the valley mouth down to the bedrock valley floor where the deep soundings were taken. This concept would indicate that the moraine deposits empounding the lake are probable very deep at least in the order of several tens of feet. GEOLOGY Geology of the Allison Lake area has been described under a similar heading for Solomon Creek. SURFICIAL DEPOSITS The valley in which Allison Creek is located is much shorter than the one at Solomon Creek. As a result, there is a distinct absence of the abundant deposits of gravels and silt which characterized the valley above Solomon Lake. Below Allison Lake, the terminal moraine extends across the valley floor in two distinct ridges. The main ridges are several hundred feet wide. The entire moraine is a mixture of materials varying from fine grained silty materials to huge boulders as large as a small room. A low dam has been considered for Allison Lake, to be constructed across the valley in the area now covered with the morainal deposits. As previously mentioned, these deposits are probably several tens of feet in thickness and may be very porous in areas where boulders are the dominant material. It is highly improbable that this morainal material could be used as a dam foundation. Even after an expensive and extensive exploration program, the risk of porous zones and the expense of providing a cut-off wall would suggest complete removal of the moraine to bedrock as the only viable alternative. Even if the morainal deposits could be left in place, an overflow spillway and out- let feature would have to be cut into the bedrock of the valley wall at considerable expense. In general, Allison Lake is not considered to be a suitable damsite due to the obvious expense which would be entailed in the construction of a dam at this site. E-4 ALLISON CREEK -LAKE TAP Although a dam is not considered feasible at Allison Creek, a lake tap is considered a viable alternative. Bedrock in this area is, as previously noted, a graywarke complex which has been subjected to sili- fication to some degree. The lake tap planned would be approximately 100 feet deep with a tunnel 8,100 feet long. From information known to date (1978) there is no adverse geologic features that would make the tunnel unfeasible to construct. The lake tap will require an area of shallow sediment and sound bedrock reason- ably free of fractures. Highly specialized and exacting explorations are required for locating a tap area. Also, some four or five holes will be required to explore along the tunnel alinement. SEISMICITY Seismicity of the area has been discussed under "Solomon Lake Dam" heading. One additional feature relating to Allison Creek is noted. The proximity of the Alyeska tank farm to the outlet to Allison Lake would probably result in the need for extremely conservative design criteria and added construction costs. E-5 CONCLUSION The study will require drilling holes at the Allison Lake tap site, which will begin in Stage II and be included in the feasibility report. The geology of Allison Creek and the conservative design criteria may increase the cost to the point where the project may not be economically feasible. E-6 SECTION F ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SECTION F ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSr1ENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Item INTRODUCTION EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING Physical Setting General Description Geology and Topography Climate Water and Air Quality Esthetics Biological Setting Vegetation Mammals Birds Fish Threatened or Endangered Species Social, Economic, and Cultural Setting Archeological and Historic Resources Economy of the Area Land Use Plans Description of the Alternatives Solomon Gulch Allison Creek Diesel No Action PROBABLE IMPACTS Solomon Gulch Physical Impacts Water and Air Quality Esthetics Biological Impacts Vegetation Mammals Birds Fish Threatened or Endangered Species Page F-1 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-3 F-3 F-4 F-4 F-4 F-4 F-5 F-5 F-6 F-6 F-6 F-6 F-7 F-7 F-7 F-7 F-8 F-a F-9 F-10 F-10 F-10 F-10 F-10 F-10 F-10 F-10 F-11 F-11 F-11 Item TABLE OF CONTENTS (cant) Social, Economic, and Cultural Impacts Archeological and Historic Resources EconomY of the Area Allison Creek Physical Impacts Water and Air Quality Esthetics Biological Impacts Vegetation t1amma 1 s Birds Fish Threatened or Endangered Species Social, Economic, and Cultural Impacts Archeological and Historic Resources Economy of the Area Diesel General Impacts No Action General Impacts COORDINATION t~ITH FISH AND \~ILDLIFE SERVICE Page F-11 F-11 F-11 F-11 F-11 F-11 F-11 F-12 F-12 F-12 F-12 F-12 F-12 F-12 F-12 F-12 F-13 F-13 F-13 F-13 F-14 INTRODUCTION This environmental assessment for the Valdez, Alaska Stage II Checkpoint Report provides a description of the existing environmental setting of the project area, and a discussion of the probable environ- mental impacts associated with the major alternatives. Because this report is in such an early stage much detailed information is lacking. If the proposed project is authorized for further study more detailed information will be gathered. F-1 EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING PHYSICAL SETTING General Description: Port Valdez, located in the extreme northwest part of Prince William Sound, is about 14 miles long and 3 miles wide. Its steep bedrock shore- lines are broken occasionally by streams descending the steep slopes. The Lowe River flows into Port Valdez through a delta which extends completely across the east end of the bay. It was in the center of this delta that the old town of Valdez was located prior to being largely destroyed by the 1964 Earthquake. A new town of Valdez has been con- structed on the delta of Mineral Creek on the north side of the bay. The west end of the bay is connected to Prince William Sound by the Valdez Narrows which serves the super tanker traffic for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Terminus and by the Valdez Arm of the sound. Port Valdez is the northern most ice-free seaport in Alaska and provides the most direct route between the sea and interior Alaska. Both Solomon Lake and Allison Lake are located within the Chugach Mountain Range near the southern edge of Port Valdez, and are typical of the glacially carved high, hanging valleys of the area. The valleys feeding these glacial lakes have gentle gradients and lie in a north- south trend. Mountains, which are snow capped in winter and glaciated in summer tower above the east and west sides of the valleys. Creeks descend steeply to sea level where they enter Port Valdez. Solomon Lake (elevation 625 feet) is located in the Solomon Gulch drainage and is about 5.5 miles south of Valdez. The lake is a 100 acre glacier fed reservoir impounded by a small concrete dam. Solomon Lake is boardered on the east by Sugarloaf Mountain (elevation 3,484 feet) and by an unnamed mountain (elevation 3,786 feet) on the west. This site was previously used for hydropower production from about 1907 to 1950. Parts of the penstock can still be seen as well as the aban- doned turbine and generator. Allison Lake is a natural, glacial lake located about 2 miles south of the Alyeska Oil Pipeline terminal and Port Valdez and about 2 miles west of Solomon Gulch. This deep lake, impounded behind a boulder strewn moraine has a surface elevation of 1,367 feet. The outlet stream traverses a gentle gradient for approximately 0.6 mile before descending steeply to sea level about 3.7 miles from Valdez. F-2 Geology and Topography: The Chugach Mountain Range is located along the north coast of the Gulf of Alaska forming a rugged barrier to the interior. Bedrock for- mations in the Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek areas are of the geologic series termed the Valdez Group which cons.ists primarily of interbedded slates and graywackies, argillite and arkosic sandstones with some igneous intrusions and volcanoes. Rocks of the area are intensely folded. Foliation strikes east-west and dips steeply to the north. They are strongly jointed, the most prominent set being oriented perpendicular to the foliation. Most of the immediate area's terrain reflects this jointing. The streams on the southern side of Port Valdez generally parallel Solomon Creek and Allison Creek, following the major joints in north-south trends. Re- peated intense glaciation has occurred, resulting in unconsolidated superficial deposits overlying bedrock formations. The areas studied lie within one of the worlds most active seismic zones. Approximately 70 earthquakes of estimated or recorded magnitudes of 5 or greater on the Richter scale have been reported from Valdez since 1898. Between the years of 1899 and 1965, seven earthquakes have equalled or exceeded a magnitude of 8 on the Richter scale. There is no evidence of significant ground displacements in the damsite area since late Eocene or Oligocene time 25 to 40 million years ago. There is no record of direct earthquake damage to any structure located on bedrock in the Prince William Sound area. Seismic sea waves and local waves caused by submarine slides of deltic deposits have caused extensive damage around the Port of Valdez. Local waves near the mouths of Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek have reached heights of 30-40 feet. Although these waves would have no effect on the lakes, they would affect powerhouses located at the base of the cliffs for both locations. Climate: The terrain surrounding Valdez exerts a pronounced influence on practically all aspects of the local weather and climate. The shel- tering effects of surrounding mountains funnel local winds into two distinct channels. From October through March or April prevailing winds are from the northeast; the rest of the year prevailing winds are from the southwest. Maximum sustained winds at 58 mph and gusts of 115 mph have been recorded at Valdez. The average annual temperature at sea level in the Valdez area ranges from 39° F to 43° F, with a recorded maximum of 87° F and a minimum of minus 28° F. The average annual pre- cipitation is 59.31 inches including 244 inches of snow. F-3 Water and Air Quality: Because of limited human activity in the Solomon Gulch and Allison Lake areas, the quality of water and air resources is relatively high. Typical of most glacial streams Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek have a milky color and during periods of high flows carry a heavy silt load. There are no air quality monitoring sites within or near either of these areas. Esthetics: Scenic value and natural beauty abound in the largely undeveloped project area. The project area ranks high in all elements of esthetic quality including: vividness, visual intactness, unity, and visual uniqueness. The Solomon Lake area shows some evidence of man's past activities, but the upper drainage area retains much of its pristine character. The lake itself is manmade, and parts of the old hydropower facilities remain. Some mining activity occurred near Solomon Gulch above the lake and remnants of aerial tram supports, other mine structures, and tailings are still evident. The valley walls surrounding Solomon Lake rise abruptly, ascending to Sugarloaf Mountain (3,484 feet) on the east. Solomon Gulch extends about 7 miles upstream from the lake to its glacial headwaters. Below the lake the creek cascades to Port Valdez in less than 1 mile. Towards its lower end, the creek is crossed by the access road which follows the buried oil pipeline and by the Dayville road adjacent to Port Valdez. There is virtually no sign of human activity in the Allison Lake area. The valley walls rise steeply above the lake and upper Allison Creek to a height of about 3,500 to 4,000 feet. Below the lake, Allison Creek descends rapidly to Port Valdez, about 2-l/2 stream miles distant. At its lower end the creek enters Alyeska Pipeline Service Company lands associated with the pipeline terminus. The pipeline is buried under the creek in this area. Near its mouth the creek is crossed by Dayville road. BIOLOGICAL SETTING Vegetation: The coastal region surrounding the proposed project area is typified by dense, coniferous forests of Sitka spruce and western hemlock with an understory of alder and other shrubs. The steep slopes surrounding the lakes support tall shrub thickets consisting primarily of alder. Also present are salmonberry, blueberry, and devils club. The alluvial plains above the lakes support willow and a few cottonwoods. At higher elevations the shrub thickets give way to alpine tundra. F-4 Detailed information concerning wetlands in the area is lacking, however, wetlands occur at the head of Solomon Lake and in the Lowe River delta. DraftER 1105-2-XXX, l Oct 77 directs that 11 Since much ~f the wet~and_analyses depends on the final selection of a plan and 1ts a~thor1zat1on by Congress, and t~e identification of specific locat1ons of plan features, the Sect1on 404 evaluation cannot be com- pleted until the advance engineering and design stage is underway or completed." Mammals: Species of wildlife known to occur in the proposed project area include the brown/grizzly bear, black bear, mountain goat, wolf, wol- verine, martin, porcupine, snowshoe hare, and others, however the densities of the respective populations is unknown. There is little information on small mammals present in the project area although lists of species are available for the Valdez area. A small population of brown/grizzly bears occurs within Solomon Gulch. The scarcity of the tundra and open grassland habitats favored by the species, could account for their small numbers. Relatively good black bear habitat occurs in strips of land from the alpine zone to the tidal region. These areas support fruit-bearing shrubs, herbs, and grasses that comprise the bears diet. In addition, the estuarine areas of Solomon Gulch provide a seasonal supply of salmon for the black bear. The low growing alpine vegetation on the mountian slopes rising above Solomon Lake provides habitat for mountain goats. ADF&G has found this habitat to be 11 marginal 11 and goat numbers limited by winter snow depth. Wolves are known to inhabit coastal regions of the State, however, popu- lations are subject to significant local fluctuations in r~sponse to prey availability, historic preditor control, and hunting pressures. Birds: Waterfowl use of the project area is probably quite limited. The lakes may occasionally be used for resting, and feeding may occur in the shallow, upper parts and along the braided stream channels. Exten- sive waterfowl use is made of the intertidal area around upper Port Valdez and the Lowe River delta. Waterfowl present year round include seaters, goldeneyes, eiders, mergansers, mallards, and Canada geese. Birds seasonally present include pintails, teals, widgeons, and shovelers. Sea birds inhabiting the area include gulls, Arctic terns, kittiewakes, murres, murrelets, auklets, pelagic cormorants, and guillemots. Upland game birds which inhabit the area include willow, rock and white-tailed ptarmigans, and the spruce grouse. F-5 Northern bald eagles are co~non in the Valdez area and several active nests are present near the Dayville Road at the upper end of Port Valdez in the Lowe River delta. The eagles congregate at the mouths of the Lowe River and other streams which flow into Port Valdez to feed on fish. Other raptors found in the general Valdez area include the osprey, red-tailed hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, goshawk, and peregrine falcon. Fish: Approximately the lower one-quarter of Allison Creek below the lake is suitable fish habitat. An estimated 500 pink salmon and 700 chum salmon spawn in this area. Above this they are blocked by the steep- ening stream gradient. Dolly Varden and sculpin also occur in the lower stream reach. No fish are known to occur in Allison Lake. The transmission line would cross the delta of the Lowe River. This river supports Dolly Varden and runs of chum, pink, sockeye, and coho salmon. An estimated 100 to 200 pink salmon and a small number of chum salmon spawn in the extreme lower portion of Solomon Gulch within the intertidal area. Additionally, a few Dolly Varden and sculpin are present. Fish passage is blocked about 100 yards upstream from the mouth by a waterfall. No fish are known to occur further upstream nor in Solomon Lake. Threatened or Endangered Species: Peregrine falcons have been observed in the general project area during migration, however, no peregrine eyries are presently known. Peregrines commonly nest in cliff sites, but occasionally nest on slopes and river cut banks, mounds, flat bogs, and plains. Such sites occur near the proposed project along with sources of the peregrine's prin- ciple food items such passerine birds, waterfowl, and shorebirds. Several species of wildlife considered threatened or endangered in the lower 48 states have populations within the project area. These include the American bald eagle, wolf, and brown/grizzly bear. No threatened or endangered species of plants have been recorded in the project area. SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND CULTURAL SETTING Archeological and Historic Resources: The Port of Valdez was named in 1790 by its Spanish discoverer Don Salvador Fidalgo in honor or Antonio Valdez Basan a celebrated 18th Century Spanish Naval Officer. With the advent of the gold rush of F-6 1897, the town of Valdez was established as a port of entry to the Copper River Valley and the Alaskan interior. Copper was first discovered in the early 19oo•s within the upper reaches of Solomon Gulch. Mining of this copper ore by Midas Mine began in 1915 and was accomplished with the use of a 5-mile aerial tramway which transported ore from the mine to a bunker located on the shore of Port Valdez. From there the ore was taken by ship to a smelter at Anyex, British Columbia. In 1920, the unavailability of ships to carry the ore south forced the mine to close. It was never reopened. Remnants of the aerial tramway still remain. Potential use of Solomon Gulch as a hydropower site was realized and the existing concrete dam and a small powerhouse near the tidewater were built in 1907. A few years later an additional powerhouse was built on the right bank of the creek a short distance below the dam which remained operational until 1943. The tidewater powerhouse ceased operation in 1950. The dam and remnants of the powerhouses are evident. The rugged terrain surrounding Allison Lake combined with the lack of vegetation around the lake provide little encouragement for human habitation past or present. For this reason archeological potential is low in this area. There are no known archeological or historic sites within the pro- posed project area presently included in the National Register, however, the Midas Mine is of historical interest. Economy of the Area: For a complete discussion of the area economy see Appendix I, Section D, .. Analysis of Area Economy. 11 Land Use Plans: The majority of the lands in the proposed project area are publicly owned, and are administered by either the State of Alaska, the U.S. Bureau of Land Mangement, or the U.S. Forest Service. The Solomon Gulch and Allison Lake sites have been withdrawn for future hydropower develop- ment. DESCRIPTION OF THE ALTERNATIVES Solomon Gulch: Solomon Lake is located about 3/4 mile south of Port Valdez at an elevation of 625 feet. Currently a small concrete dam impounds a 100 acre glacial fed reservoir which was utilized for hydropower production until 1950. F-7 The proposed project would include a 115-foot high concrete gravity dam located at the existing damsite. An auxiliary dike would also be constructed across a low area approximately 1,250 feet southeast of the main dam. Construction of this dam and dike would inundate approximately 760 acres during maximum flood stages. Water from the lake would be conveyed from the intake structure at the dam to the powerhouse near the shore of Port Valdez, a distance of 3,645 feet, by a penstock mounted above ground. In addition, approximately 4 cfs of water will be released from the dam to maintain water flow within Solomon Gulch below the dam. Transmission lines would follow existing roads for about 9 miles to Valdez. No permanent facilities to house personnel will be constructed on site. Allison Creek: Allison Creek is located approximately 2 miles west of Solomon Gulch. The glacial formed lake has a surface elevation of 1,367 feet and is impounded behind a glacial moraine. Because the moraine is not suit- able for dam construction, a lake tap at the 1,250 foot level is pro- posed for hydropower development. This will involve the construction of a 8,100-foot long tunnel to facilitate a 36-inch penstock which will convey water from the lake to the powerhouse near the shore of the Port of Valdez, a distance of approximately 2 miles. There would be no increase in lake size but Allison Lake would be subject to drawdown up to 100 feet during operation in the winter. A 6-inch outlet works approximately 200 feet upstream from the powerhouse would divert a 4 cfs water flow into the natural channel of the lower reaches of Allison Creek. Transmission lines would follow existing roads for about 10.5 miles to Valdez. No permanent facilities to house personnel will be constructed on site. Diesel : The present power system in the Valdez area utilizes diesel gener- ators. At the current rate of growth increased demands of electrical consumption will soon surpass present generating capacity. Diesel generation could be added in a number of ways including piecemeal installation of units at numerous locations. Power costs to the consumer would be increasingly dependent upon diesel oil prices and the relatively higher maintenance costs of diesel units. Although oil has provided low cost power benefits for the Valdez area, the national and international energy crisis has and will in all probability result in increased prices in the future for this nonrenewable resource. F-8 No Action: Under this alternative no hydropower facilities would be constructed. Because Valdez is expected to grow, increased power generating capacity will be needed in the future. for this reason, the no action alterna- tive is in reality not a true 11 no action" plan because some type of power generation will be required. Because of the long-time periods associated with planning, financing, and construction of power gener- ating facilities it is essential to achieve increased power capacity long before it is actually needed. F-9 PROBABLE IMPACTS SOLOMON GULCH Physical Impacts: Water and Air Quality: Selection of this alternative will result in the temporary, minor degradation of local water and air quality. Suspended solids, turbidity levels, and stream siltation are expected to increase as a result of construction related activities. Dissolved oxygen and dissolved nitrogen levels are also expected to increase although not significantly. Air quality will decrease as a result of construction related activities. It is expected that any water or air quality degradation will only be temporary and that it will return to normal following project construction. Esthetics: The esthetic quality of the Solomon Gulch area will be locally degraded if this alternative is selected. Although some of the area shows signs of mans presence much of the area retains its pristine character. All aspects of the project will be visible from the air, however, in light of existing development in the area the esthetic quality is not expected to be drastically degraded. Biological Impacts: Vegetation: Inundation as a result of dam construction will result in the loss of about 710 acres of vegetation consisting of dense alder and some willow and cottonwoods. Some wetlands will also be lost by inundation. In addition, approximately 184 acres of vegetation will be altered or destroyed as a result of transmission line and access road construction. To the extent practical the transmission lines will follow existing transmission line or road corridors. The total amount of 11 new 11 corridor that would need to be constructed is presently unknown, however, it is anticipated that new corridor would be less than 1 mile in length. Cleared vegetation will be disposed of in an environmentally sound manner and will be kept out of streams and water courses. Mammals: In addition to direct habitat loss, wildlife populations will be disrupted during the construction phase of the project. Con- struction of the penstock following the ground contours may disrupt pathways of large mammals unless provisions are made in the design to allow for passage. The entire project would affect approximately 850 acres of existing habitat, however, the effects on wildlife are expected to be of a temporary nature and minimal in comparison to the surrounding available habitat. F-10 Birds: Construction of the hydropower generating facilities are not expected to significantly impact waterfowl or other birds because their use of the proposed project site is limited. Construction of the trans- mission lines, however, has the potential for adversely impacting water- fowl and bald eagles in the Lowe River delta area. The transmission lines may pose a hazard to flying birds and could also disturb nesting eagles. This risk will be minimized to the greatest possible extent by locating the transmission line so as to avoid interference with known nesting sites and timing the construction activities so as to avoid nesting periods. Fish: Spawning and migration of an estimated 100 to 200 pink salmon and a small number of chum salmon may be adversely impacted by alteration of the natural streamflow regimen in the extreme lower portion of Solomon Gulch. The few Dolly Varden and sculpin which are also present may be impacted as well. No fish are known to occur upstream of the waterfall or in Solomon Lake. In addition, transmission line construction may adversely impact Dolly Varden, and chum, pink, and sockeye salmon runs in the Lowe River. Threatened or Endangered Species: No threatened or endangered species will be affected by the proposed project. Social, Economic, and Cultural Impacts: Archeological and Historic Resources: Although there are no archeological or historic resources in the project area which are included in the National Register, the Midas Mine may be eligible for inclusion. Portions of the aerial tramway and the mine itself may be inundated by rising pool levels. Economy of the Area: The basic elements of the area economy (i.e., fisheries, recreation, tourism, and resource development) will continue to experience a steady growth pattern. These elements will not be adversely impacted by the proposed project but will benefit from it in that low-cost, clean power will be made available. ALLISON CREEK Physical Impacts: Water and Air Quality: The water and air quality impacts for this alternative are essentially the same as for the Solomon Gulch alterna- tive. Esthetics: The esthetic quality of the Allison Creek area will be locally degraded if this alternati~e is selected .. All a~pects o~ ~he project will be visible from the a1r and some port1ons w1ll be v1s1ble from Port Valdez. Even though the Allison Creek site is virtually F-11 undisturbed by man the esthetic degradation, when viewed in the context of the surrounding development and the degree of proposed development, will be minor in nature. Biological Impacts: Vegetation: Some minor losses of vegetation will occur as a result of this proposal. Vegetation will be destroyed or altered due to con- struction of a powerhouse (1/2 acre), transmission lines (165 acres), and access roads (1/4 mile long, 1.4 acres). There will be no vegeta- tive loss from inundation of lands becaus~ a dam will not be built. These losses of vegetation are considered to be minimal in light of the undisturbed surrounding areas. Mammals: Temporary disturbances of mammal populations will occur as a result of the construction activities related to this proposal. In addition, there will be some limited permanent habitat loss. These impacts are considered to be of an insignificant nature. Birds: Since use of the Allison Creek area by waterfowl and other birds is limited, impacts resulting from the selection of this proposal will be minimized. Waterfowl and bald eagle populations may be adversely impacted by the transmission lines. Construction activities may disturb nesting and collisions with the power lines may also occur. Construction activities will be planned so that any impacts on bald eagle populations can be minimized. Fish: Selection of this alternative may result in significant adverse impacts on the spawning and migration of the estimated 500 pink salmon and 700 chum salmon which spawn in the lower one-quarter of Allison Creek. Dolly Varden and sculpin also occur here and may be impacted. No fish are known to occur in Allison Lake. The transmission lines may adversely impact the Dolly Varden and chum, pink, and sockeye salmon runs in the Lowe River. Threatened or Endangered Soecies: No species currently listed as threatened or endangered will be affected by the proposed project. Social, Economic, and Cultural Impacts: Archeological and Historic Resources: There are presently no known archeological or historic resources present in the proposed project area. Econo~ of the Area: Economic impacts resulting from this proposal are essent1ally the same as those resulting from the Solomon Gulch alternative. F-12 DIESEL General Impacts: At the present time an assessment of the environmental impacts associated with the diesel alternative is not possible because specifics concerning the proposal are lacking. Major air quality degradation can be expected as a result of combustion byproducts as well as some local esthetic degradation as a result of plant construction. Biological impacts are not expected and the social, economic, and cultural impacts will be much the same as the hydropower alternatives. NO ACTION General Impacts: Probable impacts under this alternative would be the same as those under the diesel alternative because in reality there is no true "no action" alternative. Valdez is a growing community needing increased power capacity in the future. In the absence of hydropower development some other energy source would be needed. Because technology for energy sources such as solar power or wind power is limited, diesel generation would most likely be implemented in the absence of hydropower develop- ment. F-13 COORDINATION WITH FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE The draft U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (fWS) Coordination Act report is scheduled for submission in November 1978, and their fin a 1 report is due in April 1979. In the interim, a planning aid letter received in February 1978 contains an extensive listing of mitigation proposals which FWS would like to see incorporated into the final project plan. Most of these recommendations appear to be reasonable measures to prevent unnecessary adverse enviornmental impacts. The feasibility of some of the measures is dependent upon the extent to which they are compatible with the final design and function of the project. It is too early in the planning process to specifically identify mitigation requirements. Every consideration will be given to FWS concerns as the study progresses. F-14 SECTION G TRANSMISSION SYSTEM TRANSMISSION SYSTEM GENERAL The transmission s,ystem will be approximately 9 miles long with a 50 foot right-of-way. The corridor would follow adjacent to the exist- ing road and terminate at the load center of Valdez. The terrain is of a moderate rolling mountainous type close to the tidewaters of the Port of Valdez. The transmission system will be comprised of single wood poles with six metal towers. The meta.l towers will be utilized to cross the Lowe River and the maY'sh area next to Valdez. The transmission system will be analyzed 1n much greater depth in the feasibility report and pl"ovide a more comprehensive scheme. The present proposal was only used to provide general guidelines to approxi- mate a reasonable cost of the system which would be incorporated in the cost estimate. G-1 SECTION H MARKETABILITY ANALYSIS MARKETABILITY ANALYSIS GENERAL The marketability analysis will be conducted by the Alaska Power Administration (APA) for the feasibility r·eport. The initial contact has been made with APA and they will provide their portion of the report as scheduled. H-1 APPENDIX I Section A B c D E F G H APPENDIX I Item HYDROLOGY PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND COST ESTIMATES POWER STUDIES AND ECONOMICS ANALYSIS OF THE AREA ECONOMY REGIONAL GEOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT TRANSMISSION SYSTEM MARKETABILITY ANALYSIS SECTION A HYDROLOGY SECTION A HYDROLOGY TABLE OF CONTENTS Item GENERAL Basin Description Streamflows CLIMATE OF THE AREA General Description Temperature Precipitation Snow Wind Storms STREAMFLOW RECORDS Extension of Streamflow Records Estimated Damsite Streamflows Sedimentation Evaporation STREAMFLOW CHARACTERISTICS Low Flow Analysis Flood Characteristics Past Floods Flood Frequencies Probable Maximum Flood Page A-1 A-1 A-1 A-4 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-9 A-10 A-10 A-12 A-13 A-13 A-13 A-13 A-13 A-14 GENERAL BASIN DESCRIPTION The study area is within the area of maritime influence which pre- vails over the coastal areas of southcentral Alaska and is in the path of most cyclonic storms that cross the Gulf of Alaska. Consequently, the area has little sunshine, generally moderate temperatures, and abundant precipitation. In contrast with the characteristic lack of sunshine, there are intervals of several days' duration, during which clear skies prevail. The rugged Chugach Mountains exerts a fundamental influence upon local temperatures and distribution of precipitation, creating considerable variations in both weather elements within rela- tively short distances. The sites listed below are shown on the basin location map. (Figure A-1) Solomon Creek Allison Creek Unnamed Creek Mineral Creek lowe River (Keystone Canyon) STREAMFLOWS Runoff characteristics of streams in the study area are subject to maritime influence. This influence greatly increases the runoff per square mile and also changes the timing of high flood flows from those experienced in central or interior Alaska. While flood peaks do occur in ~1ay and June, due to snowmelt runoff, the yearly maximum peaks gen- erally center around the month of September. Normally about 94 percent of the annual runoff occurs during the 6-month period from May through October. In general, there is very little soil over the underlying rock in the area; hence, the facilities for groundwater storage are exceed- ingly limited and the major components of runoff are mainly surface flow coupled with some subsurface or interflow. Therefore, short-duration dry spells have the effect of generating extremely low streamflow. Streamflow records were available for Solomon Gulch and lowe River in the immediate vicinity of the study basin. Another stream, Power Creek near Cordova, has a much longer record. The streamflows at Power Creek were correlated with those at both Solomon Gulch and Lowe River to extend the records. The extended streamflow distributions of Solomon Gulch and Lowe River along with Power Creek streamflows are shown below. A-1 STREAMFLOW DISTRIBUTION MONTH RUNOFF Lowe Solomon Power Month River Avera e Gulch Average Creek Average % Annual cf's mo % Annual· cfs/mo % Annual cfs/mo Oct 2.6 413 7.0 118 l 0. 6 304 Nov 1.1 190 3.4 59 5.9 173 Dec 0.6 99 1.8 31 2.8 80 Jan 0.4 69 0.9 16 2.0 57 Feb 0.3 59 0.7 14 1.6 51 Mar 0.3 52 0.6 11 1.5 42 Apr 0.3 44 0.8 16 1.6 48 May 3.8 617 8.2 137 6.5 186 Jun 19.6 3,238 21.0 364 14.7 432 Jul 31.7 5,062 24.0 403 19.3 551 Aug 24.3 3,887 17.5 293 17. 1 487 Sep 15.0 2,486 14. 1 246 16.4 481 A-2 MILES I GLENNALLEN LOCATION AND VICINITY MAP SOUTHCCNTRAL RAILBELT STuDY VALDEZ INTEHIM U.S. ARMY ENGINEER OISTHIC\ ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS JULY 1977 A-3 Figure A-1 CLlMATE OF THE AREA GENERAL DESCRIPTION The study area experiences the same general climate throughout the south coast region in the Gulf of Alaska. Exposure and topography are largely accountable for the high precipitation and the mild temperatures reflect the maritime influences. Valdez is located on a well sheltered extension of Prince William Sound. Snow capped mountains containing extensive glacier areas, surrounding Valdez on three sides, with rugged but unglaciated moun- tains to the south and southwest. Active glaciers extend to within 5 to 10 miles of old Valdez to the north and reach down to the level of the glacial plain on which old Valdez is located. This level glacial plain is a well forested area except for the tidal marshes southwest and the glacial drainage area to the east. The terrain surrounding Valdez exerts a pronounced influence on practically all aspects of the local weather and climate. The sheltering effects of surrounding moun- tains channel local winds into two distinct channels. From October through April prevailing winds are from the northeast; from May through September prevailing winds are from the southwest. Precipitation is abundant the year round, but builds up noticeably during the late summer and fall. The heaviest precipitation usually occurs in September and October, and almost 25 percent of the total annual rainfall occurs in these 2 months. Snowfall during the winter months is very heavy. There is considerable cloudiness during the entire year, but slightly less than is realized at Alaskan points farther southeast. About 1 day in 6 can be classified as clear. Although the high mountain ridges to the north provide considerable barrier to the flow of cold continental air from the interior during the winter months, there is a definite off setting factor in the downslope drainage from the high snowfields and glacier areas on the southern slopes of these mountains. The lowest temperatures recorded at Valdez appear to be due to this downslope flow of cold air, since the lowest temperatures on record have occurred during periods with little or no wind, providing ideal conditions for the cold air to flow down onto the flat glacial plain. The nearby snow and ice fields combine with the ocean areas to provide a moderating effect on summertime high temperatures which seldom reach the middle 80's. The surrounding mountains tend to produce considerable variations in practically all weather elements within relatively short distances. The nearest climatological station with reliable data is located in Valdez and monitored by the National Weather Service. However, location and exposure would indicate that the climate in the study area A-4 would have a somewhat higher total precipitation, less temperature extremes, and higher total snowfall than the Valdez weather station. All of the streams in the study are glacially fed and, therefore, con- tain some glacial sedi.ment. While the climatic data from the Valdez weather station is fairly representative of the sea level conditions in the study area, lower temperatures and greater precipitation will occur over most of the higher drainage basins. Based on 7 years of streamflow records, which typify the amount of preci'pi'tation in the areas being studied, the Solomon Gulch gage recorded an average annual discharge of 104,300 acre-feet for a 19 square mile drainage basin, yeilding a basin average of 103"inches precipitation per year. TEMPERATURE The four climatological stations in the area are located at Copper Center, Glennallen, Valdez, and Cordova. The records for Glennallen and Copper Center are incomplete and not presented in this analysis. A summary of the average monthly temperatures for Valdez and Cordova are presented below. AVERAGE MONTHLY TEMPERATURES (OF) Valdez Cordova Jan 17.8 23.0 Feb 22.4 26.7 Mar 26.8 29.2 Apr 35.6 36.0 May 43.8 43.7 Jun 51.2 50.4 Jul 53.3 53.4 Aug 52.0 53.0 Sep 46.5 48.0 Oct 37.5 39.6 Nov 26. 1 30.6 Dec 19.5 24.6 The Valdez data is recorded by the National Weather Services at an elevation of 87 feet mean sea level (MSL). The Cordova data is recorded by Federal Aviation Agency at an elevation of 41 feet MSL. The temp- eratures range between 42° F and 60° F during the summer and between 11° F and 43° F during the winter for Valdez with the extremes being -28° F and 87° F. The temperatures range between 44° F and 61° F during the summer and between 21° F and 39° F during the winter for Cordova with the extremes being -23° F and 81° F. A-5 Both locations averages a growing season of about 4 months. Normally, the first freeze occurs early in September and the last freeze occurs in mid-May. Summertime temperature gradients follow the traditional pattern of decreasing temperatures with increasing altitude. During periods of extreme winter cold, however, a strong temperature inversion may exist in the lower layers of the atmosphere as a result of radiation cooling and cold air drainage for the surrounding mountains. Under these con- ditions, the temperature gradient will be reversed. PRECIPITATION Precipitation over the basin varies from moderate amounts in the low elevations to heavy in the mountains. The orographic effect of the Chugach Mountains insure heavy precipitation in the upper elevations of the basin and lower amounts in the lower basin. Storms are generally light in intensity, with few convective-type storms of cloudburst magnitude. The only climatological stations in the study area with reasonably complete precipitation data are located in Valdez and Cordova. Average monthly precipitation for these communities is presented below. AVERAGE MONTHLY PRECIPITATION (inches) Valdez Cordova Jan 5.06 6. 14 Feb 5. 30 6.42 Mar 4.33 5.89 Apr 3.06 5.44 ~1ay 3.20 5.99 Jun 2.70 4. 67 Jul 4. 31 7.08 Aug 5.80 8.94 Sep 7.74 13. 53 Oct 6.75 12.32 Nov 5.67 8. 37 Dec 5.39 7.45 ANNUAL 59.31 92.26 This data was collected by the National Weather Service and the Federal Aviation Agency for Valdez and Cordova respectively. A-6 SNO~J Snowfall records are not available in the immediate vicinity of the streams. The recorders in the study basin give an approximate amount of average snowfall. Snowfall is generally confined to October through April and comprises approximately 27 percent of the mean annual precipi- tation. Snow course data for four stations within the basin are presented in the following tabulation. Years of Elevation Average Water Snow Course Record (ft) MSL Content Per Month (inches) March April May Tsaina River 5 1,500 12. 1 12.9 12.5 Worthington Glacier 19 2,400 15.5 22.2 20.8 Lowe River 4 550 14.0 14.0 11.9 Valdez 4 50 16.0 16.0 13.3 The water content of the May snow mass provides a good index of expected spring runoff. WIND The wind records available are scarce. The National Weather Service monitors the station in Valdez which has about 3 years of data. Obser- vations there indicate that the highest winds occur between October and April. The winds tend to follow the contours of the terrain and, thus, adjacent areas can have average winds of opposite direction. The follow- ing is the average fastest 1 minute wind speed for the period of record. AVERAGE WIND SPEED (MPH) Jan 23 Feb 25 Mar 25 Apr 25 May 20 Jun 18 Jul 18 Aug 19 Sep 19 Oct 26 Nov 26 Dec 27 A-7 STORMS Because of the dominating maritime influence, thunder and hail storms rarely occur in the study area; however, the area is subject to fall and winter storms of heavy precipitation intensities. These storms are cyclonic in nature and are generated by the semipermanent, Aleutian low pressure system. This cyclogenesis takes place as a result of the cold flow of southeasterly air from Asia, which generates a wave or the polar front. These storms move eastward from their point of origin into the Gulf of Alaskat where they cause high winds and low ceilings for a period of 2 to 3 days. Storms of this nature usually cause copious amounts of precipitation to fall on the coastal mountain ranges. A-8 STREAMFLOW RECORDS There are two stream gages in the immediate vicinity of Valdez which have been ga~ed by the U.S. Geological Survey. There is discharge data for each stat1on and some measurements for chemical constituents and water temperature. The recorded monthly runoff for Lowe River and Solomon Gulch are shown on Table A-1. The gage at Solomon Gulch was on the right bank at the tidewater, 1/2 mile downstream from a small lake and about 3 miles south of Valdez. The records that are available are July to December 1948 and October 1949 to September 1956. The average annual runoff is 104,300 acre-feet per year or 144 cfs. The maximum discharge of record is 2,420 cfs on 4 September 1951. The gage on the Lowe River is located on the left bank 500 feet south of the south entrance to Richardson Highway tunnel in Keystone Canyon. The records that are available are October 1974 to the current year. The average annual runoff is about 1 ,216 cfs. The maximum dis- charge of record is 12,600 cfs on 11 September 1975. EXTENSION OF STREAMFLOW RECORDS Extension of the streamflow records for Solomon Gulch and Lowe River were performed by linear correlation with the long term records of Power Creek near Cordova. In an attempt to observe visual relations between the stations, the respective monthly streamflows for the two stations were plotted against the correlative Power Creek monthly streamflows, as shown in Table A-2. Depending on the shapes of the relationships observed, the data were split into time groups ranging from 1 month to 3 months. After transformation, a linear regression analysis was per- formed for each data group and, based on the correlation coefficients and standard errors of estimate, a relationship for each group of data was adopted for streamflow extension. In general, there was good correlation for the months of April through December. The winter months of January, February, and ~1arch were grouped together and still had a low correlation coefficient. It may be explained by the low flow characteristics of Power Creek which did not describe the same low flow on the other two gages. The equation on the Lowe River for August was adjusted since it was not consistent with the slope of the two adjacent months of July and September, therefore, no correlation coefficient was derived. The relationships derived for the two stations are shown in Table A-3. The monthly streamflows for the other possible alternatives of Mineral Creek, Allison Creek, and Unnamed Creek were not correlated with A-9 Power Creek since there were no records available for them. Since Solomon Gulch's drainage area of 19.5 square miles approximates the same size as these possible alternatives~ its streamflow values were used to derive streamflow values for the alternatives rather than the Lowe River streamflows with a drainage area of 222 square miles. The following table lists the pertinent characteristics of each of these basins. Area Mean Elevation 5~ Area Creek (Mi2) (Feet) in Glaciers Allison 5.68 2,800 24 Mineral 45.3 3,480 30 Power 20.8 2,140 25 Solomon Gulch 19.5 2,300 21 Unnamed 25.2 3, 310 52 The monthly streamflow values for Power Creek were used to extend the period of record for Solomon Gulch, and this extended period of record is shown in Table A-4. These values in turn were used along with a basin area relationship to determine streamflows for those basins without data. Allison Creek estimated streamflows were derived in this manner and are shown in Table A-5. ESTIMATED DAMSITE STREAMFLOWS It has been assumed that the streamflows determined through the previous analysis would be the estimated damsite streamflows. The gage on the Lowe River in Keystone Canyon is approximately where the dam would be built. No reduction in the streamflow is necessary. The stream gage on Solomon Gulch is located about 1/2 mile downstream of the pro- posed damsite and there are no large contributing streams or large addition of drainage area which would change the streamflows significantly. Since the streamflows that were computed through the linear correlation for Solomon Gulch approximated the damsite discharges, the other basins which utilized the Solomon Gulch streamflows, and the proper ratios will not be reduced for their damsite streamflows. SEDIMENTATION Sediment data for Solomon Gulch or Lowe River was not available at this time. Since it is a well known fact that both of these rivers do have a substantial sediment load, it was felt that some means should be implemented to approximate the load. Two different, but somewhat similar analysis were used to approxi- mate the sediment load. The first analysis was taken from "Southcentral Railbelt Area Alaska, Upper Susitna River Basin, Interim Feasibility Report," Appendix I, Part I, p. A-19. The equation was derived from the A-10 four stations, Maclaren near Paxson, Susitna near Denali, Susitna near Cantwell. and the Susitna at Gold Creek. The relationship derived shows that a direct estimate of yearly sediment, measured in tons, can be obtained by the simple relati'onship of: s = 89,144 X H X Ab Where -0.129 S = Sediment in tons per year 1. 129 H = Average Basin height in miles Ab = Basin area (square miles) Ag = Glacial area within the basin (square miles) V1 =Volume of sediment for the life of the project (acre-feet) The second analysis was taken from Gary L. Guymon, 11 Regional Sediment Yield Analysis of Alaska Streams," Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Volume 100, HY 1, January 1974. This analysis uses a variety of streams throughout Alaska. including all of the above mentioned stations with the exception of the Susitna near Cantwell. The article derived a gen- eralized equation with a length parameter instead of a height parameter as indicated by the first analysis. The following is the equation as derived by Mr. Guymon: Qs = 33,000 Ag Where 0.563 -0.702 -0.135 Qs = Mean annual sediment yield per square mile of basin area At = Total drainage area (square miles) Ag = The glacial drainage area (square miles) L = Length of stream below glacier (miles) V~ = Volume of sediment for life of project (acre-feet) Assuming that the project have a 100-year life the average reduction in storage volume would be equivalent to having the reservoir volume reduced over its 100-year life by the volume of sediment which would be deposited over a 50-year time interval. It was also assumed that 20 percent of the sediment would be distributed in the upper elevations of the power pool while 80 percent would be distributed in the dead storage such that the intake works would be above the sediment. Based on the previous assumptions the volume of sediment for the two analysis for Solomon Gulch are V1 = 2,000 acre-feet and V2 = 4,000 acre-feet. Similarily the volume of sediment for the two analysis for Allison Lake taking into account the assumptions are V1 = 780 acre-feet A-ll and v2 = 1 ,670 acre-feet. Since both analysis were an approximation of a phenomenon for which there is no data, it was decided to be conserva- tive and use the 4,000 acre-feet value for Solomon and 1,670 acre-feet for Allison. The reduction in storage was applied only to Solomon Gulch, since it is shallow and would lose storage. The storage for Allison Lake was not reduced since it is very deep and the loss of active storage would be mtnimal. EVAPORATION The normal high relative humidity, high percentage of overcast days, and cool climate preclude any appreciable loss from evaporation. Estimates of flow were based on records of existing or historical gaging stations near the project areas, and include evaporation from the stream surface. Due to the northern latitude and prevailing maritime climate additional evaporation from the reservoir surface would be insignificant. A-12 STREAMFLOW CHARACTERISTICS LOW FLOW ANALYSIS Power studies utilizing the 28 years of rec6nstituted data for Solomon Gulch indicate that 1951 was the critical water year. The USGS records are available for this critical period which extends from September 1950 to May 1951, a period of 9 months. FLOOD CHARACTERISTICS Snowmelt type floods are dependent upon two conditions: {1) the amount of accumulated snow; and (2) the temperature sequence during the spring melt period. A large snowpack over the basin will give a large volume of runoff during the spring, however, if the temperatures increase gradually, causing slower snowmelt, the flood peak will be just slightly above normal. If the early spring is colder than normal and then the temperatures rise rapidly for a prolonged period, the flood peak will be extremely high with the duration of flooding dependent upon the total snowpack. Rainfloods produce the highest flows, and these occur in the fall, generally between late August and October. The flood peaks are quite sharp due to the fast runoff, which is caused by the steepness of the terrain and the low infiltration losses into the underlying rock. PAST FLOODS The maximum instantaneous recorded discharge for the three recording stations utilized in the study are: Lowe River Power Creek Solomon Gulch FLOOD FREQUENCIES Date 9/11/75 9/25/49 9/04/51 Peak (cfs) 12,600 5,540 2,420 Graphs A-1 through A-3 show the peak flow frequency for the three gages utilized in the study. The following is a tabulation of the peak discharges for the various recurrence intervals: A-13 Peak Discharges -cfs Recurrence Lowe Power Solomon Interval River Creek Gulch (years) 5 11,900 3,750 2,200 10 14,900 4,650 2,600 25 18,800 5,750 3,200 50 23,000 6,900 3,750 100 27,500 8,000 4,300 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD This section describes the derivation of the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for the two sites, Allison and Solomon Gulch. Design floods were used for spillway sizing and estimates of downstream inpact. Flood hydrographs were computed by applying the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP), as derived by the National 11eather Service (NWS} into the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method for computing an inflow hydrograph. Once on inflow hydrograph was established this inflow was routed through the reservoir to assure the adequacy of the spillway. The PMP for the 6, 12, and 24 hour precipitations are 14.0 inches, 20.7 inches, and 27.5 inches respectively. These precipitation were utilized along with the SCS method as outlined in the "Design of Small Dams," Bureau of Reclamation to derive the inflow hydrograph for the two above mentioned basins. The PMF was utilized to size the spillway at Solomon Gulch, but was not used for the Allison site since there is a natural outlet. A-14 ):> I __. U"l -1 Ql 0" __. I'D ):> I __. LOWE RIVER STREAMFLOW -CFS ---------------------------··· --------------------------------- YF~P __ nrT • Nnv f)F~------'-~IH' H=•1 ri./IIJ fiPI> 1-'I.Y ______ :I_I_!'i ··--·.:.'_!.!1 ..... ·-·· A}!!!.. .... ';fl' /1\IFf.'_llf;r -----------·-------------------~---"----~-----·---·------------ ----------------------------------- I'll?. ----, 'l7 1. 1 Q 7'·. 1<ns. ,, ( '~ . . r;pt;, • ?? l. ld-.,f... I/ " . t n 1 • 7l • 7/4. l( l. '"' ,, . -~" .~.--'~ 7. (,( • :·Ill (1. J /(, ., • ( "; (, ";. '., ;. .. , • l 4 -~ 7 • 4'' • 1 •; • •,/ • ------,,,., l • 1 'I :10. ·.j)(:(·: ----.. 7'? :J;;---QH 'I • ~. I • l,l{. S1., 4q• ~~. 4'i. f-.74. ?197. 41~7. ~771. ~3~7. l??H. A7; ·-,,.(·:------4'1. 4(:j• 7ff. 7">"14. 'i]'l4o ?".f-.'1 0 7':iH1 0 )?1'>. ~--· ·--------·-·- ~--.~----------------------------------------------------- SOLOMON GULCH STREAMFLOW -CFS YEAR OI.T NOV OF'C JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JllN JUl AUG SEP AVERAGE ----~---------;.-~--------~·-·-······ ----~-------------------~----·~~----· IIIJ5l. Jll. "14. lQ5?.. 75. 74. 21. 14. 11. 10. 9. 45. 366. 7<;3. 29?.. 219,. 157 .. 1.-.-,~. ...}", . ..,.. l.JJ.. ,;:)\·· .l.O• 1.£• .LJ.• lR. ll'+. 544. 40t<C. 34~~-Zfi4. 1':1~. 1954. 143. 35. 17. 11. 12. A. 11. 164. 357. 277. 356. 245. 136. l'f5~. 1""• tCf. IZ. tz. tt. LO. h. 31. 320e 5lq-;-.'Shl• --T7.h. T3~. 148. l 956. 5~>. 27. 17. 21. 12. A. 14. 90. 371. 507. 442. 212. ------·------------------- -----·---------·-· -------·--------------·---.. ----------------------·-------------·-------------------------------· ---~----~---~ -~ --------------~--· ---------------· --------------------------------- J 7' ---·------------------ );:. I ........ m -1 OJ (t) );:. I N 'I' fAR ~IJCT~-----NOII OEC ·---------·-----------------1q48, ;!8;:1.-3"7. 10~. 1949, 36'5. 199, 60, --! <;l '\() .. ------48.7-.---31 8 73. 19'51. 123. ''i3. 37, 1952 •. 250, ___ 232. so. 19"i3, '59'-1, 21->7, 85, 19511 .. 3113. 102, 59, 19'55, 387, 290, 53. --195b. 1Sl.-60~----311. ! 9'5 7. !3ll, 246, 100, !9'58. uoo,_ ---334, 69, 19'59, 3811, 1 1 2. 1:\3. !960. 328·------I hS. 7A. 1 96 I. 21'l. 1 0 1 • to a. 1'i62 .?.91-..--1 1 Or---~--61 0 , %3, ?all, 1119 • 121\, 1964. 255. h5, Ill 0. 1'165. ?58, 196, ! 1 1 • -~ !96b, --326,... ___ AO, 5ll. !967. 360. 177. liA. -1968, ___ !7~ 2'>9..---102, 19"9· 184, ! 09. 59, !970. 1141----203. 190. l 9 71 • 259, 162, 711, !972 •. 2tl1. fl1 • 39, 1973. 3'10, 90, b' • 1974, --· -.155, ____ %. Ill\, 1975, II no. 2'5£1, 8ll. o. 3 0 u.. ---173. ao. ---~--------~--- JAN --·-·-- FH, llY, 'lb, 25. 35, 5\J, 50 ... 60. 3~. L! q. 1 n. ll 3. 11'-1, 1::><4, 8 l • 'l2. h3. 43. B. 3h, "i£>. ?7, 10 0. c;b. ?':>, 34. 3b, "ih, 'S I • POWER CREEK STREAMFLOW -CFS FER ~1A R APR MAY JUN .JUL.---AUG .. __ S.EJ~----· A.li£RA1iL_ -------____ ..., __ -------------------------·----·-··-----------··-- '511, ;:> 8 • 24. 218. 561'>, 667. ll53. .478. ___ _2l_tt_... ',(), 113, 3 '5 • 1112. ~7~. 11'511, 113'5. 749. ?Ill>, i'?. ?.':>, 2'5. llJ 1 • 571. 1100. 112ll ____ ____b.3.2..__ 2c3, ,>O. ~3. 3ll, Po. ~55. 539, 397, 10?4, ?3 t. 2". ? 0. ;>O. 911, '-127. 8CJ7 • '-185. .. 31'l8 ·--____ ..2 q ~~___ 3' • ~?. so. 2c;9, c;qc:;, 511;:>, f>20. ll"i1, ?98, 4 7. ?B. 30. 1 '19. ll12. 451. 61?. ~-_46 L~ ...... __ 23.2...,_ lj' • ?'1. 21l. 102. 37 2. b71. 6u3. 294, 244. 2'. I b. 2?. . ---17 7. . ~56. _b12 H6.~ __ 4.25 • 2l<l. ;n ::>3, 2ll. til 0. ll2?. llS7. 484. 973. ?60, 41-,, II S, 65. 297. S'lA, 925. 673. 256 L. --~~U3...__ ·~ li • ;:>4. 57, 2~6. 1164. S'l2. 331. 2b5. ?17. :,o. 'Ill. 3'1. ?71. IH)"i., 6?8. 536. 4 71. ______ 26.3~ 1-, ••• 42. "i9. 308, 420, SOb, '51!7, 4116. ?57. u t.:.. 42. 43. 17 3. "199 1.17.2-___ 3_55 3b.i. 201!. . , 5". qll. 1 0 ll. ?,llQ, 3R;>, ')93, 43?. 326. ?49, 6a, II 7 • 44. 100. 1196. 610. ll'lO,. --····· 291. _ ____22.2..,_ 3q. 1!7, 96, 1117, ll211, ll33. 436. 5'16, ?36. "'· ?2. 3<1, 1116, 3/:ll. U30, 56 5. --__ 713 ... 23!l..- t~ (.l • '\9. 8Q, 1 R 0, 451l, t!ll6, 11911, 736. ?611. 1 B. 1 3 4. 53. --273, .1101. 52, 336._-3!0 222. ~ h • <l3, 'lll, ??1\, liSA, 3Q8, 25?. ? 1 7. 1 8 0. 14?. 11 4. 1 l) 3. 172. IJ27, 526. 6t!O, ____ . _J66. _____ 2_8b_._ 4~. ?7, 47. 1 1 6. llbf,, 681. "i5<J, 3 Pl. ? 31l. 1 0 • 1 6. 1 h. 101, 32A. Sft5, sus. _5112 ______ 2-lQ..__ ~ (1 • ::> 1 • 37. 1119, ~51 • 11119. ll7A, 234. 193, (J n .. 1 y. ull. 1116. 3Slj. ---352 340·---~dl. 17.9_ l1 '( • ?h, 40, t7'1. 3tl?, n~?. ~~~~~-6011. ?h?. '> 1 • I! 2, tP1, 1R6, 43?, SSt. 11/H • qat. 2lll- ---~·------~----------------- Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TABLE A-3 SOLOMON GULCH NEAR VALDEZ Correlation Equation Correl!~ion Coefficient R 0.414 0.414 0.414 0.738 0.950 0.759 0.950 0.979 0.960 0.810 0.830 0.810 LOWE RIVER IN KEYSTONE CANYON NEAR VALDEZ January February March April May June July August September October November December QL = 0.420Qp+ 44.95 QL = 0.420Qp+ 37.55 QL = 0.420Qp+ 34.06 QL =-0.682Qp+ 77.08 QL = 2.748Qp+ 107.20 QL =14.85 Qp-3182.44 QL 7.068Qp+ 1169.28 QL = 7.076Qp+ 406.69 Ql = 6.9000p-830.42 OL = 0.898QP+ 140.17 QL = 0.862Qp+ 40.86 QL = 0.700Qp+ 42.44 Op = Power Creek monthly streamflow Os = Solomon Gulch monthly streamflow QL = Lowe River in Keystone Canyon monthly streamflow A-17 0.468 0.468 0.468 -0.998 0. 716 0.894 0.664 0.905 0.747 0.862 0.966 SOLOMON GULCH ------~ ---· EXTENDED STREAMFLOWS -CFS- YE,\R OCT WlV nu Hr~ 'E"l MAll APR MAY JUf\1 JilL AU(.; SF,P AVERAGE ·----·-------· _.., _____ --·------------------___ .. ___ ·--.. ---___ ..., ___ ------· -------·--------------........... 1 91J8 •.. az...--103. 4 1 • ?. I • 1 (I. 'l. Q, 1 7 4. ll51. 5?1. ?7ll, i!ll4, ···-164, 1949, 154. li7. 2?. 1 (I • 1 (l. 1 c. 1?. Afl, 1i ?.7 • 301>. ?611, 396, 139, 19"iO. 87, Fill, 3h. 1 h. 1?. '1. 7. 09, "'ibA, 277, ?5ll, 2"i5. i2'i. 1951.--. liP. •.... ?2. I 0 , 1 • 4. 7 • 11\ • "ill, ?&1. 31!6. ?5Ll, 571!, 13"'i. 1952. 75. 74. 21 • 1 4 • 1 1 • 1 (). 9, ll'), 3bh, 7'13. ?4?. 21 9. 1 '57. 1953, 30/J, 11i 1 • 30. 1 H, 1 ;> • I 1 , 1 A. 2?1l, c; Qll. t!OI\, 1i4h. ?h4, 19?. 19"ill, 143 •. 35. 1 7 • l l • P. 1\ • I 1 • 1 114. 3':>7. 277. 'i')h, 245. ·-··· 1 36 •.. 19'i5, 1 3 A. 74, 1?. 1 2. I 1 • 1 () • A • 37. 1i20. 51 4. 1i 6, • 1 ?h. !3"i. ! 9%. 56. ?7. 17. ;> 1 • l?. Fl. I 4. 90. 3 7 ! • "107, ll4?. .'12. I 4 A, 1957. -52~. 110. 39. lll. Q, 8. 9, 1 :" l • 357. 309, ?9?. 5?2. IS?. 19'i8. 1 b I. 10 4. ?h, ?5, l 1i • 1 2. 21 • 211:5. 117?. 7111. "'i9P, PO. ?00, J:> 1959. !51>. 42. 9. 13. 1 1 • i:l. 13. 1 <Hi , 3 81~. 41l5. ?Oh, t?'i. 131i. I 1960. 131. 57, 30. 20, 1 'i. 1 (l. 13. 2'13, 385. Q81. 'i? 1 • 2 tl I • 1 b 1 • --' co 19€-1. Bb. 1i9, b 7 • ?7. 1 h. ' 1 • 1 0. 275, 3?11, 3"iH, "'i49. ;>II 'I, 154. 19h2. I 16. 4 j. 2"1. ?u. J"'i. 1 l • 1 "i. l?'l. 'it;;:>. 3?tl. ;>?(l. 1110. I 1 q. 1%3. 98. I,Q, s 1 • ;> 1 • 30. ?0. ~?. 1"'1'1. '! 31 • Qllo. ?b">:. 1'1'1. 143. 1'lb4. I 01. ?9. "'7 . I 7 • 1 h • 1 2. l <;. It() 0 I!Q"i, llh3. ;>q<;, Jll 0. 13?. 196':>. 10?. no. 4/l • I 4. 1?. 1 2. 30. t-.:9. 361 • ;?At;, ?6'i. 21\8, I 3"i. 1%6. 130. 'B. 1 a • 1 2. CJ • /j, I lt • "'2. 3 31 • 2A 1 • "1:37. .576. 137.' 196 7. 1411. h 1 • 17. I 2. 11i. 1 4. 21'1. l 1i 1 • -, 7 p, • 33K, ?97, 31''-. 1'5?. !9htl, bA, 113. lHl, 1 b. 3"i, •6. 11\ • ?36, 1i44, 304. ?oa. l <; 0. 1 27. 1 96 9 ~···--· --. .7 2 • Ill. 2?. 11. 11 • ?0. 29. lAS. 381. 2119. 16?. 'HI, 107.-- 1970, lllO. h8, HI, ?3. 21'1. ?,5_ 3?. 1?2. 360, 378. 37(), til?.. 1'Sil. PHI. 103, lib. 2R, 1 6. 11i • "'· 16. 'i8. 3tsh, 51i5. 334. 1 c; 5. 111?. 1972. 114. 3il, I 3. 11. A, 7 • 7. ll 1 • 296. 41 8. 30l1. 2"0. 121'1. 1973, 136, 36, 2?. I 3. 1 0 • R, 1 3. 1111. 31 1 • 30 l • i?fiP., 10~. 1 1 h. I 97 4 • 60, ?7. 17. 12. 1 n. 8, t h. 137. ~1'. 203. ? 11 • 2 71l, 107. 1975. --11:! '5. A2. 3?. 1 b. !?. 9. 1ll. 1?9. 331. l185, ?38. 315. . ... 1')4, __ 0. 11 p,. 5Ci, :~ 1 • 1 b. 1 4 • 1 I • 1 6. 1"'i 7 • 3611, 403. ?•n. 24b, Ill?, -t Ill a- --' I'll ;:r::. I ~ l:> I ...... \.0 -l PJ 0"' ...... (!) l:> I (J1 ALLISON CREEK ESTIMATED STREAl1FLO:.IS -CFS- _'f_~~ ___ Q_c;T -~~~ __ __Q_E_C ____ ,JAN FE_~---·''A~ _____ li?_B "A! _____ JU!~------JlJL ____ AUJ; ______ SEP ------~-VERAGE _ __ t'l1J.8. ____ 3a_.___ __ 3s. _____ l£J. .. _______ l.. _____ s • ______ 3. ______ .3L ______ 59. ______ I '52. _____ l7o. ________ 93. ____ 83. ____ .So._ 19~9. 52. 23. 7. 5. 3. ~. ~. 30. Ill, 103. 89. 134, 47, __ _._t~Q_')() 2..'!__. ?P.. 12.. ~ 2_._ __ ____3_il~___l2..4~---·-9.lJ. _ ___86, ____ 86 42._ 1951. 16. 7. 3, o. 1, 2. 3. 18. 88, 117. 86, !9lJ, 45. ___ l'!S.?,_ ____ l'i. 5... a 3.__ 3. _____ !5. _____ 12tJ. ___ 255. _______ 9_9. ______ 7l.l, ____ 53. __ 1953. ,103. ~~. 6. ~. lJ, 6, 76. l8iJ, !38. 1!7. 89. 65, _ _j QS(J, ____ IJ8_. ______ J 2 , _____ h.., IJ_. a. 3. ~.___ __ 55 • ____ 121. ____ 9a. ____ 120 • ______ 83. ____ '!6. __ 19'55. !J7, 25. Q, IJ, 4, 3. 3. 12. 108, l7iJ, 122. '13. '16, 1 9 56. 1 9. 9. to. 1 • 4. 3. s. 3.l. 1.2.5....__ 17 t. "L't... z 2.. s_o_..__ 1957. 17. 27. 13. 5, 3. 3. 3. '1~. 121. !OIJ, 99, 176. 51. ___ L9")_B.__ _ SiJ 35 • ___ __<!_. e. 4 _(J_, ____ IL__ __ a~L--_15.9_. ___ 261J._ ____ _13'~ ·----q 1. _____ 67. __ 1959, 53. 1iJ, 11. 5. l.l, 3. IJ, 66, 130, ISO. 70. 42, l.l6, t'lov_, _______ u~._ __lc; • _____ J o_. 7 5.-3_. ~ 9_. ___ UQ. ___ _163 • ___ ! oe. _____ t\1 .. ____ 55. __ 196\. 29, 13. 23, 9, 5, 4, 6, 93, 12[1, 121, 1\R, SiJ, 52, __ J.'!2~_._ ____ 3_9_, 1 c:.. " _. a lJ iJ 1. 11 t-1 o_9. 7li l:lL .. ___ Ao._ 1963, 33. 22. 17. 7, 10. 7. 11, t7. 112. 1'51. 89, 5iJ, 48, 1%tJ ·--__ ] ·J_._ 10 • _____ [_<! ·---____ !,. '---------/:> ·--------". ---___ 5. ----___ 1 3. ___ 13 7 ··---__ 15 7,-10 0 •----_lJ 7. ---4 5.-- 1'-ic'). 35. 22. 15. 5. IJ, lJ, 10, iJ], 122. 96, 90, 97. 46, 1966. _____ -'lll, ___ ·---11, _________ ]. _____ 4_. ______ 3. ____ 7,_, ______ _5_._ _____ 31. _____ _1 12, _______ 95_, 11Ll. 127. '16, 1967, iJ9, -20. 6, 4, Q, 5. 9, ua, 1213, 11/J, 101. 131. 51, ___ t9~~. ___ 2_3_. ____ 2i'-\4, ____ _?_, Jj_, o 6_. ____ P,_O_, ____ Uh_, ___ l03, _____ _7_1, ___ 51 • ______ 43, __ 1'169. 2/J. \!;, 7. !J, IJ, 7. 10. 62. 129. 8~. ss. 35, 36. 1nn. &1. n.. 2~:>. e. 10. e. 11. u1, 122. 12>3. 128. o!. 52. ---I ;fl. 35.-------1 G.----·----9.------5.------ll, ·----·-----3.-------5 .---'ic:. -----(30. I i' 1. 11 3. '52. 48. 1 .. 72. 30, 11. ~. ~. 3. 2. 2. )1:, ---~;:, 7:~. -------4-6. --------1<' :----·e .----4. ------·---3-.---------3 .·------;_; :· ----------,, .• __ J ~r~. _______ 2·'... ________ '!_. ______ ~::~. .'!..·-------·~-·--------_3_. _________ s_. _______ 1..6. I '1 7 5 , i: 3 • 2 F-• I I • '::> • t.: • 3 • 5 • '" ·J • ,.r.. 20. 10. s._ s._ i.i, '::._ ~"· 1 u ·'. lf'':J, 1 (il-,. 1 12. 12.5. --------·------·-------------------------------------- 1 :j 3. 9B. __ }!. [. ij. '19, Q'-). !.13, 3o, 3 '1. ----·-· ·-· l:J3. ---____ 31::. l 0 i). 52, a:s. '18, :::t> I N 0 .G") -s Q> -o :::r :::t> I 10000 9000 8000 7000 maximum discharges for period ol record 6000 are plotted as described in "SLatlstical in Hydrology," by Leo R. Heard. 5000 4000 3000 ! 3. curve vas computed by correlation with other stream gaging records utilizing HEC Re;:;ional Frequency Program 723-X6-L2350. Period of Rucord extended to 28 years thus yielding an equivalent length of 19.9 years. Zero skew coefficient was used. 2000 VI r.. u :z: .... ~ ~ 1000 ... 900 BOO 700 600 500 400 300 200 Slli.U~l\Hi t:IILCII ll!'nt' VAI.LWZ Stn•.1m !:aging St.1tion 15-2260-00 D.A. 19 Sq. Hi. t\Nt-.1JAL PEM; DISCHARGE FREQUENCIES Alaska Distr ct, Corps of Engineers TOR Nov 75 II !Tiii!llli Tllifi![i,Ji[! i iiilti:til:il, · 1: iTLJdili'lll·'ll·irl I, 100 001 0,(1! Q.l 0.2 O.S I ? S 10 >O 'lll •n •o M 70 •o 90 95 98 9t iU 9U tl.tl 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 t!! u :2: .... ::J::o ~ I N ..... ~ 10,000 9,000 .. 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 en '"'S 2,000 Ql "'0 :::r ::J::o I N 1,000 1. 2. I 3. 99 9t 95 90 Annunl mttximnrn dischnrr,cf< for period of record 1971-1974 arc plated ns described in "Statisticnl McthodR in Hydroiogy," hy Leo R. Beard. Frequency curve wm1 t~ontputcd by corrclntion with other stream gnging records utilizing HEC Regional Frequency Progrnm 723-X6-L2350. Period of Rt>cord ext('nded to 28 y('nrs thus yielding an equivnlcnt length of 11.9 years. Zero skew coefficient was used. LOWE RIVER ncar VALDEZ Stream GngJng Station J~-2265-00 D, A, = 2 0 I Sq • M l • ANNUAL PEAK DISCHARGE FREQUENCIES Alaska District, Corps of Engineers TOR Nov 75 90 95 98 99 1111.8 99.9 "·" );> I N N G"l ""'S 01 "'0 ;::,- );> I w ..... 1000 9U9 90 "' 500 "" u z ..... 6 ~ ::! lol ..... so 40 30 zo 10 0.~ 0.2 0.1 0.05 O.Ql --,10 NOTES: l. 2. 3. Annual maximum discharges for period of record 1947-1974 are plotted as dt•scribed in "Statistical '!C'thods in Hydrolo;w," by l.co R. BC'ard. Frequency C'urve was comput t•d utilizing l!EC Regional Frequency Program 723-Xh-1.2150. Zero skew cor•fficlcnt was tlsed. POWER CREEK near CORDOVA USGS Stream G"ging Station 15-1260-00 D.A. • 20.5 Sq. ~i. ANNUAL PEAK D1SCHARGF: FREQUENCIES Alaska District, Corps of Engineers TOR Nov 75 90 9S 'JB 99 99.8 99.9 9HI 20,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 SECTION B PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND COST ESTIMATES SECTION B PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND COST ESTIMATES TABLE Of CONTENTS Item PERTINENT DATA SOLOMON GULCH PERTINENT DATA ALLISON CREEK GENERAL SOLOMON GULCH Dam Diversion Plan Waterways Powerplant Switchyard and Transmission System Reservoir Clearing Access Road LAKE TAP AT ALLISON LAKE General Valve Chamber Power Tunnel Surge Tank Penstock Access Adit Intake Trashrack Powerplant Switchyard and Transmission System Access COST ESTIMATES Basis of Estimates Page B-1 B-3 B-5 B-6 B-6 B-6 B-6 B-7 B-7 B-7 B-7 B-8 B-8 B-8 B-8 B-9 B-9 B-9 B-9 B-9 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-11 Reservoir PERTINENT DATA SOLOMON GULCH Maximum Elevationt feet msl Average Elevation, feet msl Minimum Elevationt feet msl Tailwater Elevation, feet msl Surface Area at maximum elevation of reservoir, acres Usable Storage, acre-feet Hydrology Drainage Area, square miles Annual runoff in acre-feet Average, cfs Maximum, cfs Minimum, cfs Dam -concrete gravity Height, feet Top Elevation, feet msl Spillway Crest Elevation, feet msl Spillway Design Flood, cfs 690 642 631 10 710 25,650 19.5 143 200 107 115 695 665 31,000 Penstock Type Diameter, feet Length, feet Shell thickness Steel -ASTM A537 Grade "A" 4 3,645 Maximum, inches Minimum, inches Support Spacing, feet Type Powerplant Number of units Type of turbine Installed Capacity, kW Plant factor, percent Net Head Maximum, feet Average, feet Minimum, feet B-1 1 1/2 30 Concrete 2 Francis 6,200 50 663 644 612 PERTINENT DATA SOLOMON GULCH (cont) Generator Rating, kvJ Power Factor, percent Voltage, kV Powerhouse Transmission Line Voltage, kV Type Length, miles System Characteristics Transmission Losses, percent Dependable Capacity, kW Primary Energy, MWH Average Annual Energy, M~JH B-2 3 '1 00 90 13.8 steel structure on concrete foundation 115 single circuit wood pole 9.0 2 6,200 28,502 40,780 Reservoir PERTINENT DATA ALLISON CREEK Maximum Elevation, feet msl Average Elevation, feet msl Minimum Elevation, feet msl Tailwater Elevation, feet msl Surface Area at elevation 1,367 feet, acres Usable Storage, acre-feet Hydrology Drainage Area, square miles Annual runoff in acre-feet Average, cfs Maximum, cfs Minimum, cfs Lake Tap Top of Lake Tap Entrance Spillway Tunnel Size, feet Length, feet 1,367 1,335 1,267 15 258 20,678 5.7 48 255 0 1 ,250 Natura 1 out fa 11 10-foot horseshoe 8,100 Penstock Type Diameter, feet Length, feet She 11 thickness Steel -ASTM A537 Grade 'W' 3 12,850 ~1aximum, inches ~1inimum, inches Support Spacing Type Powerplant Number of units Type of turbine Installed Capacity, kW Plant factor, percent Net Head Maximum, feet Average, feet Minimum, feet B-3 1-1/4 1/2 40 Concrete 2 Impulse 7,560 50 1 ,324 1,285 1 ,231 PERTINENT DATA ALLISON CREEK (cant) Generator Rating, kW Power Factor~ percent Voltage, kV Powerhouse Transmission Line Voltage, kV Type Length, miles System Characteristics Transmission Losses, percent Dependable Capacity, kW Primary Energy, MWH Average Annual Energy, MWH B-4 3,780 90 13.8 steel structure on concrete foundation 115 single circuit wood pole 1 o. 5 2 3,780 33,116 35,749 GENERAL The five alternatives, Mineral Creek, Unnamed Creek, Lowe River, Solomon Gulch, and Allison Creek were previously mentioned as alterna- tives for hydropower in the Valdez area. Of these five, only Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek appeared to be feasible and will be discussed here. Both of these projects would be located on the south side of the Port of Valdez with the only road being the pipeline road to Alyeska's tank farm which passes close to both sites. B-5 SOLOMON GULCH DAM Previous study by Robert Retherford Associates identified a earth- fill dam with a spillway and minor dikes on the east side of Solomon Gulch. Further evaluation of an earthfilled dam will be completed in the feasibility analysis, but at this time it was felt that a concrete gravity dam with a gated spillway would create less environmental impacts and return any spilled water directly to the main channel, as shown on Plate 1. It should be noted that this mapping was made avail- able through the Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) report on Solomon Gulch completed by Robert Retherford Associates. The concrete gravity dam would be about 115 feet high with the top at the 695 elevation. The spillway crest is at 665 foot elevation with two 30 foot by 30 foot tainter gates. The spillway would have a capacity of 31,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) with a maximum flood water eleva- tion of 690 feet. (See Plate 2.) For purposes of this report spillway energy dissipation will be handled by a flip bucket located at the downstream dam face. Future studies will more fully evaluate the suitability of downstream bedrock for this type structure and the downstream channel capacity to prevent backwater on the flip bucket during design flows. Releases for fish pruposes require about 4 cfs. A 12 inch steel pipe will be embedded in the dam and provided with two valves near the intake for this purpose. DIVERSION PLAN A 10-year frequency flood of 2,600 cfs was used to size the diversion facility. The existing abandoned concrete dam (Plate 2) would be modified as the diversion intake with provisions for stoplogs. Two 9-foot diameter concrete culverts approximately 255 feet long would be laid near the existing streambed and would convey streamflows downstream of the dam. Dam concrete would encase the culvert during construction. On dam completion the diversion stoplogs would be inserted and the encased culvert section through the dam plugged with concrete. Consideration will be given to plug removal through blasting for emergency drawdown capability as required in ER 1110-2-50. WATERWAYS The power intake structure will be incorporated into the concrete gravity dam. It will contain an intake chamber and a steel trashrack. B-6 Upstream closure would be controlled by a vertical lift, slide wheel gate (4 feet by 4 feet) and hoist. A bulkhead gate would be located upstream from the regulating gate. The penstock will be 4 feet in diameter and approximately 3,700 feet long. It would follow the ground surface from the dam to the powerhouse with the exception of crossing the Trans-Alaska Pipeline which will be done by a bridge. The surface portion of the penstock would be supported by concrete piers with ring stiffness. POWERPLANT The Solomon Gulch powerplant would be located adjacent to the Solomon Gulch outlet into the Port of Valdez. The powerhouse would contain two vertical Francis turbines and two 3,100 kW, 3-phase syn- chronous generators. The powerhouse structure would contain the gen- erators, turbines, a 20-ton bridge crane, and all other equipment required for operation and maintenance. The access road to the pipe- line terminal passes directly in front of the powerhouse. Additional study will be made to determine the need for a surge tank. SHITCHYARD AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEr~ The Solomon Gulch switchyard would be located adjacent to the north- eastern side of the powerplant. The transmission system would be approx- imately 9 miles long. It would consist of single wood poles with the exception of where it would cross the Lowe River and the marsh area near Valdez which would utilize steel towers. Power would be transmitted to the Copper Valley Electric Association's (CVEA) bus which would distrib- ute it to the city of Valdez. For purposes of this report a 115 kV transmission voltage is assumed since CVEA is planning a transmission line to Glennallen at that voltage. RESERVOIR CLEARING The reservoir clearing operation would remove all timber and brush to an elevation 5 feet above the maximum floodwater elevation. r.1erchant- able timber would be sold, and brush would be stacked and burned. ACCESS ROAD Permanent access to the dam for maintenance of the intake and outlet gates would require an access road from the existing oil pipeline right- of-way up to the upper reservoir which would be about 3,700 feet long. Paving of the road is not considered necessary. B-7 LAKE TAP AT ALLISON LAKE GENERAL The 1ake tap wi11 be made at approximately the 1,250 foot elevation which would provide a draw down of approximately 100 feet with the initial water surface elevation at 1,367 foot elevation. Tapping would be accomplished by driving a tunnel toward the lake from a suitable elevation downstream from the lake outlet. When a short reach, about 9 feet of rock separates the tunnel from the lake, a rock trap would be excavated a short distance downstream. After careful geological investigation to assure no adverse geologic conditions exist, the final round would be drilled and blasted. The rock trap would provide space to catch and permanently store the rock from the final plug blast. The selected scheme includes a lake tap, rock trap, and a power tunnel leading to a valve chamber which seals the power tunnel off with a concrete plug. It will then continue as a penstock in a 10 foot wide by 10 foot high horseshoe tunnel to the surge tank and then continue in the penstock tunnel until it daylights at the 1,250-foot elevation. It will then continue down to the powerhouse. Also there will be a diversion by means of a 6 inch pipe back to the streambed to provide 4 cfs flow for Alyeska's water supply and water for fish. All gates would be closed when the final plug is blasted. The power tunnel branches off from the side of the lake trap above the floor level, so the rock from the blast would not be diverted into the power tunnel itself. VALVE CHAMBER The valve chamber is an enlarged portion of the penstock tunnel which follows the power tunnel and a concrete plug as illustrated in Plate 4 The valve chamber will have two 36 inch spherical valves, one manual and one remote control. Access to the valve chamber would be via the penstock tunnel. POWER TUNNEL The partially lines power tunnel exposed to lake pressure will be approximately 300 feet long with the invert at the 1,240 foot elevation. The sediment trap would be located immediately upstream from the valve chamber. This would be an enlargement of the downstream end of the power tunnel with a floor elevation several feet below the penstock invert and is designed to collect any loose rock fragments moving down the tunnel from the lake tap explosions. SURGE TANK An underground surge tank would be connected into the penstock and rise approximately 150 feet. The surge tank would provide a compartment for water to allow rapid load pickup, rapid load rejection, and inherent stability under load changes, which would occur during operation. PENSTOCK The penstock would be a 3 foot diameter steel pipe which would be located from the valve chamber to the surge tank and then to the power- house with an overall length of 12,850 feet. There would be a diversion as shown on Plate 3 of a 6 inch pipe to provide 4 cfs for fish and enough water for Alyeska 1 s water supply system. The 3 foot penstock would bifurcate into two 2 foot diameter penstocks immediately upstream of the powerhouse valve room wall. Each penstock would connect with a spherical valve in the valve chamber at the powerhouse. ACCESS ADIT The access adit is shown on Plate 4 and is approximately 75 feet long. The access adit would make it possible to build the valve chamber and then blow out the lake tap without complications. A concrete plug would seal the access adit during permanent operation. INTAKE TRASHRACK The power tunnel entrance would be covered by a steel trashrack to prevent debris from entering the intake. The lake will have to be drawn down through the penstock during the low inflow period for trash- rack installation if underwater techniques cannot be used for installation. POWERPLANT The powerplant will be located adjacent to Allison Creek near the tide water of the Port of Valdez as indicated on Plate 3. The power- house would contain two synchronous generators with name plate ratings for each unit of 3.8 MW. Each generator would be driven by a Pelton wheel turbine. The powerhouse structure would house the generators, turbines, a 15 ton bridge crane, and all other equipment required for operation and maintenance of two units. SWITCHYARD AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM The Allison Creek switchyard would be located adjacent to the power- house on the east side. The transmission system would be approximately 10.5 miles long. It would consist of single wood poles with the excep- tion of where it would cross the Lowe River and the marsh area near B-9 Valdez, which would utilize steel towers. Power would be transmitted to the Copper Valley ectric Association bus which would distribute it to the city of Valdez. ACCESS The tunnel site is in very rugged terrain and it will be necessary to implement helicopter transportation to gain access. The road to the pipeline terminal would be adjacent to the powerhouse and be very easy to connect with a short road. 8-10 COST ESTIMATES BASIS OF ESTIMATES All estimates are based on January 1978 price levels. The con- tingency used for all alternatives was 20 percent. The cost data was obtained from bid prices on recent major power projects in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, and adjusted to reflect current price levels, Alaska labor costs, and transportation costs to the sites. The con- struction time was estimated to take 2 years and power~on-line would be 1985. B-11 Account No. 01 03 04 07 08 19 30 Feature TABLE B-1 SU~1MARY COST ESTIMATE JANUARY 1978 PRICE LEVEL SOLOMON GULCH 685-FOOT ELEVATION LANDS AND DAMAGES Federal nds (4.150,000)* Private Lands 1,785,000 Government Administrative Cost 174,700 RESERVOIR DAM Main Dam -Concrete Gravity 7,756,913 Minor Dams -East-West Center 726,100 Spillway 975,000 Intake Works 205,000 Penstock 3,940,825 Diversion Tunnel and Construction Facilities 994,706 POWERPLANT Turbines and Generators Powerhouse ] Accessory Electrical Equipment 2,250,000 Auxiliary System & Equipment Switchyard Tailrace 41,030 Transmission System 1,092,000 ROADS BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND UTILITIES MOBILIZATION Subtotal 20% Contingencies TOTAL CONTRACT COST ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 8% Feature Cost $1,959,700 2,700,000 14,598,544 3,383,030 258,865 302,000 2,300,000 25,502,139 5,100,428 $30,602,567 2,448,205 *Values not included in cost. only the administration of Federal lands. B-12 Account No. 31 TABLE B-1 (cont) Feature SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION 8% Subtotal Interest During Construction 6-5/8% TOTAL COST Average Annual Cost (Total x .06635) Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement TOTAL AVERAGE ANNUAL COST ,--------- B-13 Feature Cost $·2,448,205 35,498,977 2,351,807 $37,850,784 2,511,399 201 ,000 $ 2,712,399 Account No. 01 03 04 07 19 30 31 Feature TABLE B-2 SUt~MARY COST ESTIMATE JANUARY 1978 PRICE LEVEL ALLISON CREEK -LAKE TAP LANDS AND DAMAGES Federal Lands {5,545,000)* Private Lands 2,109,000 Government Administrative Cost 225,300 RESERVOIR DAM {NO DM·1) Lake Tap, Power Tunnel, and Penstock 13,053,040 Acces Adit and Surge Tank 885,704 Valve Control Chamber 227,643 Outlet Works 57,250 POWERPLANT Powerhouse Turbines and Generators Accessory Electrical Equipment 2,560,000 Auxiliary System Equipment Switchyard Tail race 60,350 Transmission System 1,312,500 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND UTILITIES MOBILIZATION Subtota·l 20% Contingencies TOTAL CONTRACT COST ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 8% SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION (8%) Subtota'l Feature Cost $ 2,334,000 0 14,223,637 3,932,850 350,000 2,000 ,000_ 22,840,487 4,568,097 $27,408,584 2,192,686 2,192,686 $31,793,956 *Values not included in cost, only the administration of Federal lands. B-14 Account No. TABLE B-2 (cant) Feature Interest During Construction 6-5/8% TOTAL COST Average Annual Cost (Total x .06635) Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement TOTAL AVERAGE ANNUAL COST B-15 Feature Cost $ 2,106,350 $33,900,306 2,249,285 201,000 $ 2,450,285