HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Chenega Village Hydroelectric Retrofit Proposal 1987NEW 003 Alaska laergy Authority LDUU COPY New Chenega Village Hydroelectric Retrofit Pro osal DATE - tml 003 NEW CHENEGA Vlu.AGE HYDROELECTRIC RETROFIT PROPOSAL NEW 003 ISSUED TO HIGHSMITH 42 ·222 -= ' ... \• I .. I ; I ~/ ... : ( .I • • •. f:vans P! I ,\ I " ~ ,' I I s I'· I I I j Mountain Energy, Inc. New Chenega Village Hydroelectric Retrofit Proposal: October 1987 The following report will detail a proposal to retrofit a hydroelectric generating facility to the existing water supply system presently servicing New Chenega Village, Evans Island, Alaska. This proposal is based on observations made during a visit to the site September 9 and 10, 1987 and follow-up studies based on data received from various sources which deal with available water, the engineering of the present diversion dam and other topics (see appendix). It is the conclusion of Mt. Energy, Inc. that there exists sufficient energy potential in Anderson Creek coupled with the existence of a good diversion in place to warrant a retrofit with hydroelectric equipment and that the energy derived from such a system will provide substantial relief for the Village from expensive and potentially unreliable diesel power. This proposal is divided into five decision to retrofit the present water generating equipment: 1) field data, economic analysis, 4) construction, topics will be discussed in the body of topics which impact the system with hydroelectric 2) design and cost, 3) 5) agency issues. These this proposal. Three assumptions were made prior to developing this report: 1) the head available to the project will be the differential between the present diversion and the water treatment facility, 2) that the environmental concerns which may impact agency approval vis a vis the project reach will not b~ an impediment to proceeding with the job, and 3) that the hydro system will operate as the backbone of electrical production for the Village with additional power supplied, as needed, by auxiliary diesel power plants. -2- Field Data The following discussion will focus on aspects of the project already in place and water data already in hand. The present diversion is located approximately 250 ft. above sea level and 180 ft. above a water treatment facility adjacent to which the powerhouse would be located. The diversion is accessed by a serviceable road, the probable penstock route, which has held up very well over the years. The concrete and steel diversion is approximately 20 ft. wide by 6 ft. tall by one foot thick and is well situated between and embedded into rock walls on both sides of the relatively narrow creek channel. After a few years of service, it appears the dam is holding very well (see Inspection and Safety Report on Crab Bay Dam No. 4, Evans Island, by Shannon & Wilson et al (1966), engineers). A discussion was held with the engineer of the present diversion, Mr. Crum of the Alaska Public Health Service, to determine his views on the possible retrofit as well as any potential impacts a hydro system may have on New Chenega's water supply system. It is fair to say that he saw no issues of concern vis a vis a hydro retrofit as long as neither the integrity of the dam nor its primary function, the intake of water for the village, was negatively impacted. Proper concern for these issues will be made and pose no problem for the proposed project. Mr. Crum suggested several issues which should be of concern in designing the retrofit which will be discussed under Design and Construction sections of this proposal. The diversion is presently fitted with a 12" steel sluice pipe designed to help clean the small reservoir of debris and provide added high water relief for the diversion. This pipe can be adapted to accommodate a penstock for the hydro retrofit. The present pipeline, used for water delivery, is located on the opposite side of the creek from where the hydro penstock would be located and will pose no problem vis a vis locating another pipe. All in all, the present system is extremely well suited for its present application and is certainly "stout'' enough to warrant adaptation for hydroelectric purposes. Evans Island receives approximately 160 inches of annual rainfall, a relatively large amount. Much of the rainfall is distributed over the traditional heavy flow months for the area, May through December, but significant rainfall occurs in all months. While no systematic hydrological study has been commissioned to precisely determine average daily flows, there are two currently available sources of hydrological data which can be used to estimate potential energy production; a Public -3- Health Service hydrograph estimating water flows at the mouth of Anderson Creek (see Annual Hydrograph at Mouth of Anderson Creek in appendix), and estimated annual average flows over the existing diversion developed by the engineering firm of Shannon & Wilson et al (see appendix). Since the needs of the Village for potable water are very modest (.02 cfs) and can be expected to remain so, withdrawal for hydro will be the primary demand on creek flows. Current design of the retrofit will require preferential withdrawal for the Village water system. The issue vis a vis detailed hydrological data is not whether a hydro system will be productive or economical, since there is more than enough data to support development of a system, but rather exactly what size to design it. Sizing will be discussed under Design. Design and Cost The design of the system at issue is fairly well determined by the facts of the present water system installation. The diversion is in, the road and probable penstock route is in, and the location of the powerhouse seems apparent, next to the water treatment facility which is also the terminus of the present electrical distribution line and hence the best place to interface the old and new generation equipment. Primary issues involved in design are the modifications necessary at the diversion to accommodate water withdrawals into the hydro system, sizing and type of penstock, sizing and type of generation equipment and controls, interface with present distribution system, load management, and interface with diesel equipment. The present diversion is equipped with a 12~ high water release and sluice pipe. This can be readily adapted to accommodate water withdrawals into the hydro system. A covered stilling chamber will be built on the down stream side of the present diversion. This chamber will be fitted with an intake structure for the hydro penstock and will be fed by the present 12" sluice pipe. The sluice function of the system will be maintained by creating a "y" on the sluice pipe which will allow removal of silt or small debris as the situation requires. The charging chamber will be located so as to not block the present overflow notch in the diversion, although stop boards will be fitted into the notch to provide additional control of reservoir levels. This design will have the benefit of not compromising the primary function of the diversion, delivery of water to the village, in any way. That function will be completed prtor to any waters being diverted to hydro applications. The stilling chamber will be fitted with a sensor which will -4- measure water levels in the chamber and report these levels to the control module in the powerhouse thereby allowing for modulation of flow at the turbine by means of a needle valve such that water levels in the stilling chamber will not drop below the level which guarantees proper intake into the system. This sensor will be calibrated such that the head necessary over the intake for the village water system will always be maintained at optimum levels. Waters not necessary to either the water or hydro systems will overflow the stilling chamber and return to the creek channel. A 10" steel pipe will carry water from the stilling chamber and into the hydroelectric system. As soon as the penstock route carries the pipe out of the creek area the penstock will change to 10" PVC pipe which will be buried in the center or to one side of the present access road and continue down to its terminus at the powerhouse located next to the water treatment facility. The pressure rating of the pipe will be graduated to accommodate increased water pressures as the penstock goes down the hill. Water will pass through the turbine system and continue back to the stream area via buried culvert. At the point where penstock waters are rejoined with those of the creek suitable anti-erosion structures will be constructed to prevent any erosion of the existing creek channel. The hydrology available suggests that a withdrawal of 2-3 cfs would be reasonable. At this level of withdrawal, the Village could expect 22.5kw to 33.75kw. Assuming this level of production, most of the Village's electrical requirements would be served most of the time. In lieu of concise daily flow measurements, it makes sense to size the plant to the larger size and be prepared to "nozzle down'' as appropriate. This approach would fit into the demand cycle of the Village which indicates at least a 25% increase in electrical demand during Winter. The type of turbine suitable for this project, impulse or more commonly referred to as Pelton, has a very wide range of highly efficient production over an enormous range of flows, consequently cutting flow would not affect efficiency at lower flows. overall efficiency at the turbine can be expected to be in the lower 80's of the percentile range and will perform at that level from about .5cfs to 3.5cfs. Turbine design at the larger size will not materially affect project cost. The control ''theory" which is employed in this system is that the best use of stream flows diverted to electrical production is to absolutely maximize the use of electrical power. That is, rather than tailor production to need, i.e. reduce flows to the turbine thereby cutting production as demand decreases or vice versa, the system will run at the maximum output possible for any given flow at any given time. The flow will be modulated only to guarantee proper function in the penstock, not to control production. Excess power, that which is not necessary to supply demand, will -5- be routed to heating facilities, an ice plant or whatever electrically operated equipment that the Village would want and which can be used on a standby basis. By using this type of system maximum use will be derived from the equipment and it will last longer. Controls necessary for the system will require a primary control package which will monitor aspects of electrical output and provide relief should output parameters be exceeded, i.e. over voltage etc., a flow control capability to bring the system in balance with available water flows at the diversion, a minimum of load management for the general "system to provide for use of excess power during low demand situations, a variety of warning devices to alert personnel if necessary, minimal load management controls fitted to each building which will maximize hydro usage and minimize diesel power requirements greatly, and synchronization equipment necessary to "mix" hydro and diesel generation equipment. Interface of hydro generation with the present distribution system will take place at the powerhouse located adjacent to the water treatment facility. The interface will amount to switching devices which allow disconnecting hydroelectric power in favor of diesel should that become necessary for maintenance, repair or low water. There will be two load management systems required for the system. The primary system will, in the most general of terms, make a decision, at any given time, whether there is excess power available, system-wide, to meet demand. Should excess power be available, it will be directed to low priority, interruptible loads. At times when demand increases, low priority loads will be dropped in favor of the primary load: serving the needs of the Village. This load management equipment will be located at the powerhouse or any building where the low priority load(s) will be used. The second level of load management will be individual devices, similar to the primary load management device discussed above, located at each building where electricity is used. This "manager" will have high and low priority loads wired such that when the overall system approaches overload, as determined by measuring current frequency, the low priority loads at each station will be temporarily dropped. These ''drops" will continue randomly throughout the Village as needed until overall demand decreases, thereby reinstating power to the low priority loads, or alarms will trigger the need for auxiliary diesel power. All the decisions by all the controllers are being continuously made. In most cases, changes in load distribution will never be apparent to end users of electricity. This secondary level of load management will be the key to minimizing diesel generation, especially during high demand or low production. -6- The following budget was prepared based on estimates from suppliers and previous hydroelectric installations. While this is an estimated budget, Mt. Energy believes it represents a very accurate picture of project costs and has a very high degree of reliability. Estimated Retrofit Budget Item Follow-up field observations and survey Agency interface and permit preparation * Engineering/design & supervision Mobilization, equipment selection, and purchasing Equipment transportation Excavation & area preparation: Powerhouse, penstock, diversion Stilling chamber construction Intake structure Penstock, unit cost Penstock installation Valves, vacuum release, PVC to Steel, pressure relief system Water level sensor Powerhouse: foundation, thrust wall, 12'xl5' steel building Overhead crane Turbine/Generator with flow control module Hydraulic system (flow control) Equipment installation Powerhouse control panel Transformers Load management system (powerhouse and 25 end-user units) Diesel Interface (transfer switch, "mixing" system) Electrical installation (system-wide) Construction Management-personnel transportation Contingency (20%) Contracting (15%) Total Cost $4,000 1,000 6,000 1,500 4,500 2,000 2,300 750 11,528 1,500 1,350 3,000 6,000 2,500 25,400 1,350 1, 750 7,300 2,400 14,650 1,250 1,750 9,500 22,655 20,390 $156,323 '*This assumes 5 days office and field time with no particular agency problems This budget does not include provisions for us~ of excess electricity at times when demand is less than production. It does include the management system to allow for this possibility as -7- well as the ability to simply plug in whatever type of use may be developed for interruptible power. i.e. an ice plant. The control panel proposed is adaptable to automatic operation of auxiliary diesel power should that be desired at a later time. It is not recommended that automatic operation of auxiliary diesel power be installed initially. Economic Analysis At present, diesel generated electricity is costing New Chenega Village approximately $.50 per kilowatt hour (KWH) according to Corps of Engineer estimates (1982). The development of a hydroelectric facility as proposed above will allow the Village to replace diesel generated electricity with hydroelectric which will cost $.0153 per kwh assuming a 45% plant factor, 10% financing at 20 years. If grants are utilized to fund the project, per-kwh costs will be reduced to a ridiculously low level. Obviously considerable savings will accrue by utilizing a hydroelectric alternative to diesel. On a typical full production day (24 hours at 30kw) the cost of generating electricity will be approximately $11.00 at the hydro plant as opposed to $360.00 with diesel, using the Corps of Engineers data. Typically, maintenance of hydroelectric facilities is very low. A 1% of installed cost per year maintenance budget should be sufficient. If the maintenance budget were raised to 3% and excess funds placed in a sinking fund for equipment replacement, potential expenses long term would be properly managed. The general economic life of facilities such as that proposed is 35-50 years, as far as lending institutions are concerned. However, with proper maintenance the project can easily last as long as anyone cares to operate it, certainly twice the life lending institutions are allowed to consider. Construction Since the major civil works necessary to the proposed system are already in place, minimal construction difficulties can be anticipated. Evans Island, while remote, is near major transportation routes and facilities along the southern coastal area of Alaska. While weather will not pose a particular difficulty in retrofitting the present structures, it would be -8- prudent to construct the instream structures as close to seasonal low water times as possible. With the sluice pipe in place it will be possible to re-route most water flows temporarily so forms and other requirements necessary to construct the concrete additions to the present diversion can be installed. This reality allows for considerable flexibility in construction timing. It is anticipated that the entire hydro system will be assembled at Mt. Energy facilities and shipped at one time to New Chenega Village by barge. A crew of required technicians will be sent to the Village a short time before the barge is to arrive and will prepare whatever civil works are necessary for installation of the system. Other than the penstock, hydro equipment will be off- loaded from the barge into the powerhouse and be immediately installed. Separate crews will install the hardware, the pipeline and modifications to the present distribution system concurrently. Other than technical personnel brought by Mt. Energy, it is anticipated that labor necessary for the project will be hired from the Village. Estimated construction time, on site, for the project is 4-5 weeks. Agency Issues The proposed retrofit described above will require permitting by agencies of the State of Alaska, most importantly the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for water rights and the Department of Fish and Game (DF&G) for certification that environmental issues have been addressed. Since there are already two dams located on Anderson Creek, the various agencies involved in permitting the proposed retrofit will find it much easier to approve the project. There are no guarantees in the permitting process especially when anadromous fish are involved, as in this case. The major issue which will be raised by the agencies is what effect additional water withdrawals in the project reach will have on anadromous fish spawning areas and rearing ponds. After visiting the site, it is the opinion of Mt. Energy that those areas necessary to anadromous fish will not be affected by retrofitting the present water system. Sufficient water will be maintained in the project reach to support aquatic life there, but due to the gradient of the creek there is little chance that spawning fish move far enough upstream to enter the project reach. Considering these facts, permits for constructing the project should be forthcoming. If controversial issues arise, which is not anticipated, this process will undoubtedly be the primary impediment to a timely construction of the project. -9- There will be no Federal permits necessary for the project. The electrical system fed by the project has no interstate impact, is not on Federal lands and will not be connected to an existing Utility grid. This proposal is not intended to answer all questions and concerns which may arise in considering whether to retrofit or not. It is apparent, however, that considerable economic benefit will be gained by New Chenega Village as a result of pursuing the project. Mt. Energy has been very pleased to participate in developing this proposal and is ready to move ahead towards permitting and constructing the facility. It is not that often that projects appear as reasonable and beneficial as this one does. APPENDIX 1. Annual hydrograph -Anderson Creek 2. New Chenega hydroelectric assesment-Corps of Engineers Report 3. Crab Bay Dam No. 4, Evans Island -Safety Inspection Report 4. Turbine description and cost estimate . o.oz. 9 Sl ~ -. } } i.Z ~ 7 .( b s ' 't 3 2 r.ss- ~-,-·~ r·· I 0 l - 5 " 7 10 II 1"2. Month Annual Hxdrofjro.pb at M~urh o~ Anderson Creek Tht::. .shoded oreo represent" 'the port'/on t:J of! r.r .. l .f.JoCA.J wh•'<:.k ,·s r~" ,·,.,_J .fer 1" Jt e Che"'e~o B •)" &.Vto~ Te r $up!' I,Y ( o. 0 Z c f.~) .. l: ,._' I 1.1. 'f 'I..._ " ec ·:::. \ .J (> c ' --..;;> Co~i~t•J .:' .... I'~~~~ nr:.M #: 1 6.0 NEW CHENEGA 6.1 COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION New Chenega would be a new community (now in the planning stage) located on Evans Island in the Prince William Sound. The village, to be built by the Chugach Native Corporation, is intended to replace the original Chenega Village located on Chenega Island, which was destroyed in the 1964 earthquake. Many of the prospective residents are second generation Chenega survivors relocating primarily from Anchorage and Valdez. Plans for the community include 21 families by the fall of 1982, an elementary school, village store, floating dock to accomodate 300 boats, and community hall. The houses would be provided by HUD and wood stoves are incorporated into the home plans. The population is expected to grow and plans exist for 10 additional lots. Families will support themselves economically from fishing, a fuel depot that would be constructed on the floating dock, and the existing fish hatchery, which will employ approximately three persons. There are three abandoned canneries but there are no plans to revitalize them by the New Chenega IRA Villge Council due to limited funds. The Village Council is interested in developing a reliable source of electrical energy, preferably a renewable resource. The Council is planning to purchase 2 -75 kW diesel generators but intends to use them for backup power. The San Juan Aquaculture Corporation has a 60 kW nydropower facility behind the hatchery. The plant is operating at full capacity, however, and would not be able to meet the community needs except, possibly, at irregular intervals of time. A study of future energy requirements of New Chenega was conducted through the Alternative Energy Technical Assistance Program (AETAP)ll. PO\'Ier projections were made based on a review of existing data sources and original calculations by AETAP. Total electrical energy requirements were projected to be 154,075 kWh/year for the·residentfal, commercial, and institutional sectors, and~ __ kWh/year to include the additional requirements from the community center, which would contain a laundromat. These calculations correspond with Ebasco•s electrical energy projections for years 1983-1986. _ r· . • , ' <'!' \\" ..,. ' i ~. Cl 'v ' 6.2 SITE SELECTION Several potential nydro development sites appear to be located close to the proposed New Chenega village on Evans Island. The four most likely sites a 11 possess small headwater 1 akes and were all overflown during the field inspection. Site 04, located a quarter mile west of and some 200 feet above the San Juan Aquaculture facilities appears, however, to be already fully developed, judging both from conversations with personnel and from field observations. 1/ New Chenega Alternative Energy Plan, undated. 6-1 The site located one quarter mile south of Guguak Bay (on the west side of the island) was previously identified by others, but was not c~ included in this screening. It seems t~ be the least attractive of the remaining sites because the head avilable is only about 100 feet. Site 03, three miles northeast from Crab Bay, offers about 600 feet of gross head, connecting a small lake to the seashore in somewhat less than a mile. A small, triangular-shaped, 20 foot high dam with a 30 foot crest length could plug the gully, cut in sedimentary rock:. By cutting a trench through a narrow rock ledge downstream of the lake, six to eight feet of storage within the lake would be utilized by this small dam. This project also possesses an attractive site for its powerhouse, on rock ledges near the water's edge. Site 05, on "Section 22 lake .. , appears, however, to be slightly more attractive because its penstock and transmission line are one third shorter than for Site 03, while the head is the same. A 100-foot long and 15-foot high concrete dam would be seated directly on bedrock at the outlet of the lake and would raise its storage elevation by approximately five feet. This site appears to be that preferred by the Corps of Engineers on page 12 of its 1976 Trip Report. The bedrock, according to USGS Map T-1150, is greenstones and sedimentary rocks. The likelihood that a basalt.sill forms the rock barrier at the outlet of the lake could not be confirmed. 6-2 .... NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S.-SEWARD ALASKA I I: 250.000 LEGEND 'Y DAM SITE • POWERHOO!SE Q SITE NO ---·-PENSTOCK ---TRANSMISSION LINE --WATERSHED -; ···~f ~------------~------~·~ 5 0 5 E3 E3 t==i SCALE IN MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY a RECONNAISSANCE STUO't SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS SOUTHCENTRAL ALASKA HYDROPOWER SlTES IDENTIFIED IN PREUMINARY SCREENING NEW CHENEGA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS Hydropower Potential Installed Capacity Site No. {KW) 5 98 Demographic Characteristics SUt1MARY DATA SHEET DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS NEW CHENEGA, ALASKA Cost of Installed Al ternarve Cost Power_/ ( JlOOO) (mills/kWh) 2,597 466 1981 Population: 94 (by autumn of 1982) Cost of 1-{ydropower (mills/kWh) 720 1981 Nu~ber of Households: 21 (by autumn of 1982) Economic Base Fisheries (planned} ll 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. Benefit/Cost Ratio 0.65 See Appendix C (Table C-8)) for example of method of computation of cost of alternative power. j;·E() ll)rJAL I rJVErHORY & RECGrHJA I SArJCE S TUC•Y -SMALL H't [t~:Qt:·OUER f'RO JEC TS ALA5t~A iHSTRICT -CGRF'S OF ErJGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -NEW CHENEGA KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR YEAR LOW MEDIUH HIGH ArHWAL PEAt~ I•EHMW-K( LOU MEDIUM HIGH '80 .1.981 .Lv82 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1"18<'; 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 !997 1998 1999 2000 2001 20,j2 2003 2004 2005 :woo 2CJ07 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 "2013 2014 2015 1016 2017 ..:!018 2019 ~::020 !021 2022 ~023 :024 2025 -~-,,. ,;,V-.0 027 ..:..028 "'~029 --, o. 42708. 95416 • 129124. 170932. 213540. 256247. 298955. 341663. 384371. 427079. 444941. 462802. 490664. 499525. 516387. 534248. 552110. 569971. 587833. 605694. 621152. 636610. 652069. 667527. 682985. 698443. 713901. 729360. 744818. 760276. 769227. 778178. 787129. 796080. 805030. 813981. 822932. 831883 • 840834. 949785. 860626. 871466. 8B2307. 893148. 903988. 914829. 925670. 936511 • 947351. 958192. o. 42708 • 85416. 128124. 170832. 213540. 256247. 298955. 341663. 384371. 427079. 459758. 492437. 525116. 557795. 590475. 623154. 655833. 688512. 721191. 753870. 788904. 823937. 858971. 894004. 929038. 964071. 999105. 1034138. 1069172. 1104205. 1118677. 1133150. 1147622. 1162095. 1176567. 1191039. 12t)5512. 1219984. 1234456. 1248929. 1266178. 1283426. 1300675. 1317924. 1335172. 1352421. 1369669. 1386918. 1404167. 1421415. o. 42708. 85416. 128124. 170832. 213540. 256247. 298955. 341663. 384371. 427079. 474576. 522073. 56-t569. 617066. 664563. 712060. 759557. 807054. 854550. 902047. 956656. 1011265. 1065873. 1120482. 1175091. 1229700. 1284308. 1338917. 1393526. 1448135. 1468129. 1488123· 1508116. 1528110. 1548104. 1568098. 1588091. 1608085. 1628079. 1648073. 1671729. 1695386. 1719042. 1742699. 1766355. 1790011. 1iH3668. 1837324. 1860980. 1884637. I I o. 15. 29. 44. 59. 73. ea. 102. 117. 132. 146. 152. 158. 165. 171. 177. 183. 189 •. 195. 2\) 1. 207. 213. 218. 223. 22<i. 234. 239. 244. 250. 255. 26,). 263. 206. 270. 273. 276. 279. 252. 295. 286. 291. 295. 2913. 302. 306. 310. 313. 317. 32 L. 324. 328. v. 15. 29. 44. 5~. 73. ea. 102. 117. 132. 146. 157. 169. 180. 191. 202. 213. 225. 236. 247. 255. 270. 294. 306. 318. 330. 342. 354. 366. 378. 383. 388. 393. 398. 403. 4(:06. 413. 418. 423. 428. 434. 440. 445. 451. 457. 41)3. 469. 475. 461. 487. o. 15. 44. 59. 73. 6:1. 1iJ2. 117. 132. 146. 163. 179. 195. 211. 228. 244. 26l). .:276. 293. 3•)'f. 328. 346. 31)5. 384. 402. 421. 440. 459. 477. 4~6. 5,)3. 5iO. 5i.6. 523. 530. 537. 544. 551. 558. 564. 573. 551. 5119. 597. 6v5. 613. 621. 629. 637~ 645~ NEW CHENEGA SITE 5 ~ ! SIGNIFICANT DATA DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS 1. LOCATION (diversion) Stream: Unnamed (Section 22 Lake) Section 22. Township 15, Ran{e SE, Seward Meridian Community Served: Crab Bay New Chenega) Distance: 1.7 mi Direction {community to site): Northwest Map: USGS, Seward {A-3), Alaska 2. HYDROLOGY Ora i nage Area: 0.5 sq mi Estimated Mean Streamflow: 4.0 cfs Estimated Mean Annual Precipitation: 160 in 3. DIVERSION DAM Type: Large Concrete Gravity Height: . 15 ft Crest Elevation: 625 fmsl Volume: 340 cu yd 4. SPILLWAY Type: Concrete Ogee Opening Height: 2.5 ft Width: 18 ft Crest Elevation: 622.5 fmsl 5. WATERCONDUCTOR Type: Steel Penstock Diameter: 12 in .~ Length: 3300 ft 6. POWER STATION Number of Units: 1 Turbine Type: Pelton Tailwater Elevation: 10 fmsl Rated Net Head: 604 ft Installed Capacity: 98 leW Maximum Flow: 2.4 cfs Minimum Flow (single unit): 0.48 cfs 7. ACCESS Length: 0.6 mi a. TRANSMISSION LINE Vo 1 tage/ P,a se: 14.4 kY/1 phase Terrain:.! Rolling { 1. 25) 2.2 mi Total Length: 2.2 mi 9. ENERGY Plant Factor: 47 percent Average Annual Energy Production: 403 MWh Method of Energy Computation: Plant Factor Program 10. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS: Unknown Y Terrain Cost Factors Shown in Parentheses. NE/SC ALASKA SMALL HYDRO RECOfiNAISANCE STUDY PLANT FACTOR PROGRAM COMMUNITY: NEW CHENEGA SITE NUMBER: 5 NET HEAU (FT): 604. DESIGN CAPACITY {KW): 98. MINIMUM OPERATING FLOW (1 UNIT) (CFS): 0.48 LOAU SHAPE FACTORS: 0.50 0.75 1.60 2.00 HOUR FACTORS: 16.00 15.00 13.00 J.UO MONTH (#DAYS/MO.} AVERAGE POTI::NTIAL PERCENT ENEJUiY USAI:iLE MONTHLY HYOROELE CTI~ I C OF AVEHAGE DEMAND HYURO FLOW ENERGY ANNUAL ENEKGY . ENEHGY (CFS) GENERATION {KWH) {KWH) JANUAkY 1.44 43949. 10.00 55211. 28407. HBHUARY 1.10 30323. 9.50 52450. 2004!:1. MAKCH 0.95 28994. 9.00 49690. 19157. APRIL 1.30 38396. 9.00 49690. 24939. MAY 4.57 72912. 8.00 44169. 42241. JUNE 10.20 70560. 5.50 30366. 30366. JULY 8.33 72912. 5.50 30366. 30366. AUGUST 5.55 72912. 6.00 33127. 33127. SEPTEMBER 5.30 70560. 8.00 44169. 41901. OCTOBER 4.07 72912 •. 9.00 49690. 43635. NOVEMBER 3.32 70560. 10.00 55211. 42821. DECEMoER 1.94 59209. 10.50 57971. 36903. TOTAL 704200. 552109. 393905. PLANT FACTUR{l997): 0.46 PLANT FACTOR(LIFE CYCLE): 0.47 . ' HYDROPOWER COST DATA -DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS Colllllun i ty: New Chenega c- Site: 5 Stream: Unnamed (Section 22 Lake) ITEM COST 1. Dam (including intake and spillway} J 107' 000 2. Penstock $ 89.DOO 3. Powerhouse and Equipment -Turbines and Generators $ 67,000 -Misc. Mechanical and Electrical $ 149,000 -Structure J 30,000 -Valves and Bifurcations ·J 6,000 4. Switchyard J 99,000 5. Access $ 9,000 6. Transmission J 69,000 TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS $ 625,000 7. Construction Facilities and Equipment, Camp, Mobilization, and Demobilization TOTAL INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT 20 PERCENT J 125,000 SUBTOTAL $ 750,000 Geographic Factor ~ 2.2 SUBTOTAL J 1,650,000 Contingency at 25 percent J 413,000 SUBTOTAL $ 2,063,000 Engineering and Administration at 15 percent J 309.000 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST J 2,372,000 Interest During Construction at 9.5 percent J 225!000 TOTAL PROJECT COST J 2,597,000 Cost per kW Installed Capacity J 26,500 ANNUAL COSTS Annuity at 7-5/8 percent ( A/P = 0.07823) J 203,200 Operations and Maintenance Cost at 1. 5 percent J 70,000 TOTAL ANtiUAL COSTS J 273,200 Q ' Cost per kWh J 0.72 Benefit-Cost Ratio 0.65 . .. f ./ F-E•.· ( ONriL .INVENTORY ~~ F:ECONNA I:::ANCE STUDY -:::MALL t·h'DROPOt.lf:'R PRO.Jt· ( T :.; ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINE~RS DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS COST OF HYDROPOWER -B~NEFIT COST RATIO YEA~· 19:34 1'~n::t:. t·~-:::7 19!3'3"' 1'~1 90 19''i' 1 19'::1 2 1 ~~-~1 :3 1 '?.~'?.1 4 1'?.'"?./5 1996 l''i'97 1998 l''il';l•~l 2000 2001 2l)(l2 200:.:: 2004 2005 2006 2007 200:3 2009 2010 2011 2(,12 201:3 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2(l22 2l)2::: 2024 2t)25 2(12.::. 2027 2c)28 2(!29 NEW CHENEGA ~;ITE NO. 5 KWH/YEAR 170:345. 2(1'~1452. 24:~:044. 272477. 345t.09. ::;:7~·!570. :382010. :;::::7*:.18t). ::::·~::::·~(>5. 402:::51. 4(1r.:.705. 4€)':1:336·. 412'?.':.::·:;. 415854. 41:::6.21. 4212~:9. 4 2 :~::::57. 426475. 4290o;'l4. 431712. 434244. 435:343. 436442. 437542. 4::::8641. 43':1622. 4403']13. 44116.5. 441813. 442256. 442699. 443222. 443738. 444247. 444740. 4452:34. 445727. 446221. 44(:.714. 4471.::.7. CAPITAL 2()44:3:3. 2t)44::::::. 2(l44:=::?.. 204488. 2t)44:3:.::. 2044:3:?.. 21)44:3:::. 204488. 2f)44E:~3. 204488. 20448:3. :204488. 20448:3. 2044::::3. 2C•44:::e. 204488. 2044!38. 204488. 204488. 2044::::3. 2044:38. 2044:38. 204488. 204488. 204488. 204488. 2044:38. 2044:::8. 204488. 20448:3. 2()4488. 204488. 204488. 2044:38. 2()44::::::. 20448:3. 204488. 2044t3:3. 20448:3. 20448:3. 2044:38. 204488. 204488. 2044E::?.. 204488. 202:(1 447592. 2t)44::::3. AVERAGE COST 0 ~< M 70000. 70000. 7000(1. 7(1(11)(1. 70000. 70000. 70000. 70000. 71)(1(1(1. 70000. 70000 •. 70000. 70000. 70000. 70(1f)(l. 70000. 70000. 70000. 700(1(1. 70000. 70000. 70000. 70000. 70000. 7(1(H)(l. 70000. 701)€)6. 70000. 70000. 70000. 70000. 70000. 70000. 7(H)()(I. 700(10. 70000. 70000. 70€)(10. 70(100. 70000. 7(l(U)(l. 70000. 70000. 70000. 70000. 70•)(1(1. 70000. TOTAL$ 2744:::8. 2744:::8. 2744:?.8. 274488. 27 44::::::. 2744::::3. 2"744::C8. :27448:3. 2744::::3. ~7448:3. 2744:38. 274488. 2744:?.:3. 2744:38. 2744:3:::. 27448:3. 274488. 2744:::8. 274488. 274488. 27448:3. 274488. 274488. 274488. 274488. 274488. 2744E::3. 274488. 274488. 274488. 274488. 274488. 2744:38. 274438. 274488. 2744E::3. ~744:38. 2744:38. 274488. 274488. 27448:3. 274488. 2744:38. 27448:::. 27448:?.1. $/KWH $/KWH NOND I :::C D I S:C l • 611 1. 201 1. 311 0. ')08 1.12'? 0.727 1. (H)7 0. 602 o. 91 7 (1. 50'? o. :::49 (1. 4'3::: \).794 0.::::81 0.775 0.:::45 o. 759 o. :;:14 I). 7 45 0. 2:;,:"/ (1.731 0.261 (1.71';t 0.2:.::9 0.7(17 0.21f~ (1, .I:/':J7 o. 200 o. 681 0 • 1 (:. ·;:· 0.675 0.155 0.671) 0.143 0.665 (1.1:32 (l. t.t.(l 0. 122 0.656 0.112 0. t-52 l). 104 (1. 6-48 (1. (196 o. 644 0. 08':1 o. 64(1 o. 082 0.636 0.075 0.632 0.070 0.631 0.065 o. e·29 o. ot.o 0.627 0.056 o. 626· 0.624 c). 623 0.622 (1.621 0.1:.21 0.620 (1.619 0.619 0.61:3 0.617 0.617 0.616 ().615 0.614 0.,;.14 0.6-13 0.717 0.051 o. 04:3 (1.(144 0.041 (1.0:38 !) • o:::s 0. 03:3 o. o:;:o o. o:;-r:.: 0.026 0.024 0.023 0.021 0.019 0. 01 ::= 0.017 0.016 (1. 1:3:3 BENEFIT-COST RATIO C5% FUEL COST ESCALATION>: 0.65 -· DAM PENSTOCK TRANSMISSION UNE DRAINAGE BASIN REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECOHHAJSSANCE STUDY SMAU HYDROPOWER PROJEClS SOUTHCENTRAL ALASKA NEW CHENEGA SITE OS CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT SECTION 22 LAKE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ~~~~A -~s:r~·~r: ___ _ !. ; CONSULTANTS William L Shannon, P.E. Stanley 0. Wilson, P.E. 5111 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Geotechnical Consultants 5621 Arctic Blvd., Suite B • Anchorage, Alaska 99518 • Tele~hone (90n 561-2120 April 1, 1986 State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Land and Water Management 555 COrdova Street: Box 7-005 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Attention& Mr. Kyle J. Cherry, P.E. RE: PERIODIC SAFETY INSPECTION REPORT, CRAB BAY DAM NO. 4 CHENEGA VILLAGE, EVANS ISLAND, ALASKA Gentlemen: A-216 We are pleased to submit herewith our final inspection report for Crab Bay Dam No. 4. This is generally a new dam that was discovered during our inspection visit to Crab Bay Dam No. 3. Based on our conver- sations, it was mutually decided to prepare a Phase I report on this dam instead of the older dam because of the new dams greater importance to the village. This dam is classified by the Department of Natural Resources as non-jurisdictional. Mr. Fred Brown of our office and Mr. Craig Freas from Tryck Nyman 5 Bayes visited the above referenced site on September 23, 1985, and performed the periodic inspection. In additional to this report, video cassette recordings were taken at the dam in VHS format and were later edited and narrated. These recordings are attached as additional support information for this dam. We have appreciated the opportunity to be of service to you. Sincerely, SHANNON & WILSON, INC. ay, :t~ .dzty,_, Fred R. Brown, P.E. Senior Associate FRB/slt Fllld R. Brown, Jr., P. E. Manager .. Title Sheet CRAB BAY DAM NO. 4 Non-Jurisdictional Dam A-216 Alaska, Longitude 148°l'W and Latitude 60°4.2'N, Unnamed Creek Owned by the Chenega Native Association Size Classification: Hazard Classification: Small Low Inspectors: Fred R. Brown, P.E. Approved By: Geotechnical Engineer Craig Freas, P.E. Civil/Structural Engineer i~R,~ Fred R. Brown, P.E. Shannon 5 Wilson, Inc. Anchorage Manager Review Board: Kyle J. Cherry, P. E. Approved By: State Dam Safety Engineer Kenneth B. Hunt Dam Safety Engineer carol Larson HYdrologist Alaska Department of Natural Resource& A-216 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On December 2, 1977, President Carter initiated a National Dam Safety Program by directing the Corps of Engineers to administer a program of inspection of all dams claasified aa high hazard potential by reason of their location. The National Dam Safety Program waa completed in 1982. It waa intended that each state would thereafter accept reaponaibility for non-federal dams located within their jurisdiction. In July 1966, Governor William Egan aigned Alaska Statute AS 46.15 "Water Use Act• under which the Alaaka State Dam Safety Program has been initiated. under AS 46.15, Crab Bay Dam No. 4 waa inapected for the firat time on September 23, 1985, by Shannon & Wilaon under contract to the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Reaourcea, Division of Land and Water Management. The dam, conatructed in 1984, ia an 8-foot high 12-inch wide reinforced concrete wall embedded within a rock foundation. Wood plank insert& in the center of the dam form the apillway and provide for reservoir level adjuatmenta. The dam ia deaigned for overtopping, however, under extreme flood condition& it ia possible that the plank cat-walk, ataira or water a~ply piping may be d--.ged and could require replacement or repair. The reservoir volume and the height of the dam claasify it aa a ama.ll size dam. Because of the small reaervoir, dam failure would poae no aafety or economic hazard& other than temporary loaa of water a~ply. Although thia latter condition may create an inconvenience to the villager&, it ia not considered aerioua as there ia typically year around water flow in the creek. No major induatry activity ia occuring in the village at thia time. The dam ia therefore claaaified aa having a low hazard potential. The dam appears to be well maintained and no critical deficienciea were found. No remedial treat- ment or suggested change& appear warranted. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS CRAB BAY DAM NO. 4 PRJJECT DATA 1. 2. 3. INTk>DUCTION 1.1 Authority 1.2 Purpose and Scope 1. 3 Inspection Team PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Location 2.2 Size and Hazard Potential Classification 2.3 Purpose of Dam 2.4 construction History 2.5 Geology, Seismicity and Climate 2.6 Basin Description 2.7 Description of Project 2.8 Operation and Maintenance FIELD INSPECTION 3.1 Reservoir Area 3.2 Daa 3.3 Abutments 3.4 OUtlet Works 3.5 Spillway 3.6 Downstream Channel 3.7 Instrumentation 4. HYDROLOGY 5. 4.1 Spillway Design Flood (SDF) 4.2 Methodology HYDBAULICS 5.1 Methodolgy 5.2 Spillway capacity 5.3 OUtlet C&f3City 5.4 Results ll i ii iv v 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 A-216 A-216 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont' d) Page 6. STRUCTURAL STABILITY 16 7. PRIOR REPORTS 16 a. CONCLUSIONS 16 8.1 Conclusions 16 8.2 Recommendations 17 REFERENCES 18 LIST OF FIGURES Fiqure Number 1 LOcation 5 Vicinity Map 2 Aerial Photo 3 Dam Plan Elevation 5 Section 4 E,picenter Map 5 Geologic Setting 6 Seismicity Map APPENDICES APPENDIX A Photographs taken September 23, 1985 APPENDIX B OOr:pa of Engineers Forms 5 Visual Inspection Checklist APPENDIX C Hydraulic Analyses Computer Output Ill CRAB BAY DAM NO. 4 aHANNON • WILaON. INC. G•••••n•••• c .......... .. A-216 PROJECT DATA CRAB BAY DAM NO. 4 A. GENERAL B. c. Name •• IDeation . . . . . . . . . . . • . Year Built • • • • • • • • • Purpose •• I. D. N\DJ\ber • • • • • • • • • • Hazard Classification. • • • • Size Classification. • • • Crab Bay Dam No. 4 Evans Island, Alaska 1984 Water Supply None (non-jurisdictional) Low Small Owner. • . • • • . . • • • • Chenega Native Association Evans Island, Alaska DAM 'I'ype • • • • • • • • . . . . Crest Length • Crest Width. • . . . . . . . Crest Elevation. • • • • • • Height • • • • • • • • • • SPILLWAY Type •• Location • • • • • Side Slopes •• Crest Elevation. • Bottom Width • • . . . . . X.nqth • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . Discharge Capacity at Dam Crest. • stop Timbers in • • . • • • • • Stop Timbers at El. 248 1 (normal) Stop Timbers out • • • • • • • • Gail Evanoff (907)573-5114 Chuck Totenosf • 573-5111 Reinforced Concrete Wall 19 ft. 1 ft. 252 ft. 7.5 ft. Ungated OVerflow Chute w/ Timber Inserts Center of Dam Vertical Dam Walls Variable w/Timber (max. 4'4" below crest) 1 ft. 4 ft. 0 cfs 110 cfs 135 cfs D. OU'l'LE'l' WORKS Type • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Location •• Invert Elevation • Size • • • • . . . . . . X.nqth • • • • • • • • • • Outlet Type ••••• Discharge capacity at Dam Crest •• v Steel Pipe w/ shear gate Below edge of spillway 245.5 ft. 12 in. 3 ft. 12" pipe free discharge 15 cfs E. RESERVOIR F. Normal Maximum Water Surface Elevation Water Surface Elevation at Dam Crest • Maximum Storage Volume at Dam crest •• Maximum Storage Area at Dam Crest. • • Storage Volume at Spillway crest • • • Surface Area at Spillway Crest •••• HYDROLOGIC DATA Drainage Area • • • • • • Average Annual Discharge • • • • Flood of Record • • • • • • . . . Projected Design Flow • Return Period • • • • • • . . . . . . vi Approx. 250 ft. 252 ft. <1-acre-ft. <1 acre <1-acr~-ft. 600 ft 0.37 mi 2 3.2 cfs None recorded 385 cfs 100 years A-216 1.1 Authority CRAB BAY DAM NO. 4 EVANS ISLAND, ALASKA 1. ·INTRODUCTION A-216 Inspection authority is Alaska Statute AS 46.15 "Water Use Act" signed by Governor William Egan on July 1, 1966. Inspection procedures and criteria for a Phase I Inspection are set forth in the "Recommended Guidelines for Safety Inspection of Dams" Appendix D, Volume I, u.s. Army Corps of Engineers report to the u.s. Congress on National Program of Inspection of oams, dated May 1975, and published under Title 33CFR Part 222. 1.2 PuEP?se and Scope The purpose of the Alaska Dam Safety Program, Periodic Dam Safety Inspections is to assemble information and records on existing non-federal dams located within the State of Alaska and to insure continued public confidence in the integrity and safety of these ~r­ tant structures. 'l'be scope of the report is to coqj)ile results of a visual in- spection of Crab Bay Daa No. 4 and an examination of currently available information relating to design, construction and performance history of the project. Potential risk to upstream and downstream residents is evaluated and preliminary spillway adequacy and structural assessments are made. Finally, adequacy of existing records and documents relating to the project are discussed and recommendations for additional studies and/or remedial actions are made. A-216 1.3 Inspection Team The inspection of Crab Bay Dam No. 4 was conducted on September 23, 1985, by Fred R. Brown, P.E. of Shannon & Wilson, Inc., and craig Freas, P.E. of Tryck Nyman & Hayes. Mr. Fred Brown is a 20 year employee of Sba.nnon ' Wilson and the Anchorage office manager. He served as the project manager with a strong background in geotechnical engineering. Mr. Craig Freas is a 5 year eDlployee of Tryck Nyman & Hayes and a partner in the firm. He accompanied Mr. Brown on the dam inspections and provided the civil/structural input on this dam. Mr. Tony Leonard, P.E. hydraulics engineer with Tryck Nyman ' Hayes, provided the hydrau- lics input on this project. The inspection team traveled to Evans Island by float plane charter and landed at Crab Bay. They walked through the village and up the hill to the d&lll site for the inspection. Mr. Jim CrUIIl of the Public Heal tb Service was subsequently vbited in Anchorage. He is a representative of the dam's designer and provided "as-built" drawings of the dam, a plan map of the village and stream flow calculations used to desi9D the dam. Permission to visit the dam was obtained by telephone from Mr. Chuck Totenosf (573-5111) and Ms. Gail Evanoff (573-5114), both residents of Chenega. The courtesies extended by Mr. Crum and the people of Chenega are gratefully acknowledged. 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Location Crab Bay D&ll No. 4 is located on an unnamed creek, approximately 2500 feet north of the new Chenega Village and an equal distance west of crab Bay on Evans Island in Prince William Sound. Ml:lr, specifically, the daa bas coordinates of longitude 148°1 • W and latitude 60° 4. 2 • N. Aa shown in Fi9Ure 1, the dam and watershed area are situated about 250 feet (MSL) directly upslope of the new village. The creek below the dam flows in a narrow rock gorge for about 600 feet where grade change is rapid with steep running water and several local water falls approaching 2 A-216 10 feet or more. Change in elevation in this area is estimated to be in the order of 100 feet or more. The creek shown in Figure 2, then bends to the south, flows over the old 10 foot high cannery dam (Crab Bay Dam No. 3) and gradually flows north of the new village and into Sawmill Bay. Access to the daJD is by way of a newly constructed unpaved road which leads up the hill and ends at the dam's right abutment. The dam was designed by the u.s. Public Health Service and is now owned and operated by the Chenega Native Association. It has been defined as a non-jurisdictional dam by the Department of Natural Resources. 2.2 Size and Hazard Potential Classification 2. 2.1 Size Classification -The height of crab Bay DaJD is about 7. 5 or 8 feet on the downstream side and the reservoir has a maximum storage capacity of less than a half acre foot. The size classification is determined by the height of the dam or the maximum storage capacity, which ever gives the larger size category. A small size dam is from 25 to 40 feet in height or from 50 to 1000 acre feet of maximum storage capacity. Even through Crab Bay Dam No. 4 is smaller than the minimum criteria above, it. will be considered in the saall size category, the minimw. defined size category. 2.2.2 Hazard Potential Classification The hazard potential classification of the dam is determined based on loss of life consid- erations and the resulting economic impacts in the event of a dam failure. Because of the small size of the reservoir and the configura- tion of the downstream channel, a dam failure would likely not cause flooding of the village and loss of life. Further, it is unlikely that the flood wave would leave the stream channel and therefore downstream damage would be negligible. The only economic loss would be a temporary loss of the village water supply. Since there is currently no industry in the village that would be seriously ilnpacted by the loss of water, only a small impact other than costs associated with reconstructing or repairing the dam would occur if the dam failed. The impact would 3 A-216 mainly be a temporary inconvenience to the residents. Additionally, some health problems may result if the dam is out of service for an extended period of time. With an average of 140 inches of annual precipitation in this area, it is likely that the village will not lack for water for domestic pur.poaes. Using this rational, the dam is judged to have a low hazard potential. 2. 3 Purpose of Dam Crab Bay Dam No. 4 was designed by the u.s. Public Health Service and constructed in 1984 as a part of a co~lete new water supply system for the new Chenega Village. The entire water supply system, shown in Piqure 2 included the dam, an access road, a 50,000 gallon tank, a treatment plant, and associated arctic water supply pipeline from the daa to the village. 2.4 construction History An as built plan, elevation and section for Crab Bay Dam No. 4 was prepared by the u.s. Department of Health ' H\UII.&n Services and is attached as Piqure 3. Dates on this sheet and on Piqure 2 suggest that the daa and water supply system was designed in the fall and winter of 1983 and 84 and construction was carried out and completed in late September and October of 1984. The original villaqe was destroyed in 1964 from a tidal wave that followed the Great Alaska Earthquake. Many of the residents were killed after which the remaining villagers scattered throughout southern Alaska. In about 1982, state funding was obtained to reconstruct the village to allow the natives to return to a village environment and their former way of life. Prom this funding, a complete new village includinq approximately 21 new homes was desiqned and constructed along with support systems such as the water supply system described above. With the exception of a few older homes, moat of the facilities are less than two years old. The dam's facilities as well as moat of the villaqe A-216 therefore are new and in good condition. Little maintenance bas been required. 2.5 Geology. Seismicity and Climate 2.5.1 Regional Geology Evans Island is located in Prince William Sound approximately lOS miles southeast of Anchorage. Crab Bay Dam sits above Chenega Village on the western coast of Evans Island and is underlain by interbedded alate and graywacke, or metamorphosed silts and silty sands. Moffit (1954) described these rocks as slightly metamorphosed aedimentary deposita probably of late Mesozoic age and mapped the geology of the area as shown in Figure 4. The rocks to the west of the dam, within the watershed area, consist of pillow lavas which are typically volcanic flows which are extruded along the ocean floor. The island is located within the Kenai ft)untaina Fore Arc Ridge which is composed of slabs of ocean floor deposita overlying oceanic crust that have been intendttently sheared off when topographical irregularitiea entered the fore arc trench. This setting is shown in Figure 5. As the Pacific plate moves northwestward, sediment is accumulated on the ocean floor froa eroding continental margins such as along the west coast of southeast Alaska. The Pacific plate acta as a conveyor belt delivering these sediments to the fore arc trench where the deposita are either carried into the subduction zone or are stripped off and beCOIIIe accreted to the fore arc ridge (Plafker and others, 1976). The compressive forces involved in the convergence of an ocean-continental margin have deformed the rocks resulting in complex faulting and folding with northeast trenches parallel to the major faults in the region (Condon & caas, 1958). uplift within the area baa exposed the sediments as well as the underlying basaltic crust to considerable erosion by streams and glacial scouring with only minor deposition occurring. 5 A-216 2. 5. 2 Site Geology -The dam is located in a narrow stream cut. rock 90r9e at an elevation of about 250 feet above Sawmill Bay to the south. At the dam site, the gor9e slopes formin9 the rock abutments are steep and drop abruptly about 30 to 40 feet across an 80 to 100-foot wide section. Bedrock exposed at the dam and in the stream channel immediately downstream consists of thinly bedded slate or shale. This shale is typically 9ray in color, moderately hard, and brittle and has steeply dipped foliation at 50 degrees or more to the east with beddin9 planes parallel to the creek. From exposed road cuts, it appears that the rock is soft enou9h that it can probably be ripped in part because of its brittle and hi9h an9le thin beddin9 characteristics. The surface soils in the hills on either side of the dam and reservoir are mostly peats and muske9s overlyin9 the bedrock. This or9anic mat was likely created as a result of poor local draina9e of the bedrock and hi9h annual precipitation. The peats are probably up to 4 feet thick locally in the watershed area and are known to be at least 9 feet thick locally within the villa9e proper. The islands shape, as shown in Figure l, is irregular and is due to structural features, faults, folds, and differential erosion. Althou9h not observed at the dam site, 9lacially derived soils consistin9 of sands and gravel are probably locally smeared over parts of the bedrock and lie below the or9anic surface mat. We understand that the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities identified one granular source for local road construction in the villa9e. The quantity, however, was insufficient. for this work and crushed rock had to be used over part of the area. 2.5.3 Seismicity -Prince William Sound is located in the Aleutian Arc seismic zone which extends westward from the COpper Valley, north- east of Valdez, Alaska approximately 2500 miles along the Aleutian Islands. The zone maintains a width of nearly 200 miles. The Depart- ment of COmmerce publication (1966) describes the Aleutian Seismic zone 6 A-216 as one of the ~st active in the world with nine recorded earthquakes of Richter Magnitude, 8.0 or greater from 1899 to the present. A seis- micity map of past earthquakes is presented as Figure 6. Evans Island, in the southwestern portion of the sound is clas- sified in Seismic zone 4. The primary cause of earthquakes in south- central Alaska is the stress imposed on the region by the relative ~vements of the Pacific and the North American lithospheric plates at their common boundary as shown in Figure S. In the Prince William Sound area, this boundary appears as a large underthrust fault, or subduction zone, called the Benioff Zone. This zone passes beneath the Evans Island area at a depth of about 8 miles and is the source of ~st of the seismic activity in the area. Although no known earthquake epicenters have been recorded on the island since 1899 over 15 earthquakes with magnitudes of 6 or better have been recorded within a 100 mile radius of the island. No major faults are known to exist on the narrow islandJ however, traces of probable faults or shear zones have been interpreted from linear features (USGS, 1958). 2.5.4 Climate -The climate of Prince William Sound and particu- larly Evans Island is maritime in nature. As shown in Table 1, mean annual precipitation is about 160 inches and does not vary significantly on a month-to-month basis. It generally peaks in September and remains fairly high into December. It is generally lowest in June and the spring ~nths, generally about half of what it is in the fall. 0 Mean annual temperature is about 40 • A climatological station (precipitation and temperature) was established at crab Bay in 1975. A summary of average conditions by months is attached as Table 1. 2.6 Basin Description The drainage basin, shown in Figure 1, is about 0.37 square miles and has a southeast exposure. The basin is remote and lies directly upslope of Chenega Village. The fan shaped watershed topography is steep and rises from elevation 250 feet at the dam site to a surrounding 7 I; A-216 ridge which has a maximum peak elevation of about 1700 feet. The steep slopes within the upper reaches of the basin approach 1 on 1. Because the basin and ridges are largely comprised of bedrock the slopes are generally stable and are not likely a potential landslide hazard. As indicated previously the slopes are wet and covered with a heavy growth of trees. There are also open areas on the slopes which have a muskeg environment in part because of the generally poor drainage of peats and the underlying bedrock. The creek upstream of the &mall reservoir is confined and the water has a relatively high velocity. The combined high velocities and thick vegetation causes organic debris (leaves and branches) to be washed down the creek into the reservoir where it settles out and accumulates in the reservoir bottom. This debris will need to be cleaned out periodically. We understand that the 12• sluice gate is opened periodically to drain the reservoir and flush out this debris. There are no known developments in this remote ~aterahed area. Below the daa, the water in the creek passes through a steeply cut rock gorge. It then flows over a 10-foot high log crib dam, passes through the village and empties into Saw.ill BAY approximately 0.6 miles below the dam. The drop in elevation from the daa to the bay is about 250 feet. Homes lie on the east aide of the creek but are elevated about 5 to 10 feet (or more) higher than the creek. 2.1 Description of Project The daa is a reinforced concrete vertical wall structure approxi- mately 7.5 feet high and 19 feet long across the crest. D~mensions and locations of the key features of this dam are depicted in Figure 3. The wall is keyed into bedrock along the foundation and in both abutments. The abutment rock along the upstreaa face has been grouted. An 8" iron channel covers the dam crest providing increased erosion protection during overtopping and support for the cat walk. 8 ! .1 A-216 The spillway is an ungated overflow notch cut in the center of the concrete dam. It baa a steel lined opening 4 feet wide by 4. 3 • high. Redwood tongue and groove boards inserted in the spillway bottom allow for heiqht control of the reservoir. A steel plate splash guard pro- tects the adjacent water supply intake pipe and valve from the spilling water. This detail is shown in Fiqure 3. The overflowing water hits a splash pad consistinq of large rocks. The outlet structures are a horizontal intake screen and gate valve for the water supply system and a qate valve and pipe for draininq or flushing the reservoir. The locations of these facilities are shown in Fiqure 3. The water supply intake consists of a 5-foot long, 8-inch diameter stainless steel screen connected to piping to carry water through the dam, past a 4-inch qate valve and into a 4-inch arctic pipe to carry the water to the treatment building. The downslope alignment of the arctic pipe is shown in Fiqure 2. The other outlet is a 12-inch diameter shear qate at the upstream face of the dam connected to a 12-inch steel pipe Which discharges water directly into the downstream channel. An 18 to 20-foot hiqh stairway is needed to reach the dam within the narrow steep aided qorge. These steps approach the daa from the upstream right abutment and provide direct access to the daa crest and the cat walk and hand railinq which pass over the dam. 2.8 gperation and Maintenance Because the daa is relatively new, little if any maintenance appears to have been carried out or has been needed. From our in- spection, we observed that the upstream creek flows rapidly into the small reservoir, and causes organic debris to collect in ~he reservoir bottom. Mr. Jim erua of the Public Health Service indicated that this was recognized by the desiqners. Periodic opening of the 12-inch gate valve quicklY drains the reservoir and partially flushes out this debris. A-216 Except for normal maintenance, little long term maintenance to keep the dam and water supply system in good working condition is foreseen. The dam is designed to accommodate periodic overtopping. Under extreme flooding conditions, it is possible that the cat walk, the stairs or the downstream arctic pipe may be damaged by moving debris, excessive water flows or local rock erosion. If such conditions occur they will need to be repaired. Based on the generally sound appearance of the dam, it is likely that such repairs will be rare. 3. FIELD INSPECTION The field inspection of Crab Bay Dam No. 4 was conducted on Sep- tember 23, 1985, by Messrs. Fred Brown and Craig Freas. The two team :members landed at the Chenega Bay dock via charter plane from Anchorage and then walked through the village up the access road leading to the .dam. They inspected the dam and reservoir area for signs of defi- ciencies. As a part of this effort, the standard visual inspection checklist was completed. The dam and reservoir were then photographed from different locations as well as documented on a video cassette tecorder. Select color photographs are incor;porated in Appendix A. The video cassette tapes were later edited, narrated and are submitted as a ;part of the inspection effort. Following a visit to the site, Mr. Jim crum, representative for the u.s. Public Health Service in Anchorage, was contacted. Mr. crum, one ··:lf the designers of the dam, provided •as built• drawings of the dam and answered uny questions. 3.1 Reservoir Area The reservoir is small and is within a narrow section of the rock gorge where the slopes are steep and covered with a thick veneer of muskeg, grass, moss and other wet organics. Even with the steep slopes, the moss cover suggests little signa o:.: instability or slope failure. If the slopes should fail, material movement would be small, consisting of local m:uskeg. Additionally, the dam is designed to accoiDIIIOdate 10 A-216 routine overtopping. Therefore the reservoir slopes and their stability .ue n~t judged to have an adverse impact that would influence the long 't:.erm performance of the dam. The steep slopes and high hydraulic gradients in the basin, how- •ner, will cause rapid runoff and peak flows which will carry greater ·t:.han normal organic debris to the reservoir. The condition is not •:onsidered a safety hazard but rather a maintenance problem requiring J?eriodic flushing of the reservoir to maintain the reservoir• s storage ':apacity. Large debris in the form of logs or stUDips could, however, 'Berve as a ram possibly damaging the weaker elements in the dam requiring repair in unusual cases. Crab Bay Dam No. 4 is located across a narrow section of a steep :stream cut rock gorge. The dam is small, new and retains only a small ·~uantity of water (less than 1/2-acre-feet). The concrete dam, shown in the introductory photograph, ~pears to be structurally sound and well :keyed into the unweathered slate or shale rock foundation materials. No ,aeepage that would suggest adverse performance was observed in or around ·the abutments or below the foundation rock. Because of the dam's newness, the pipes, valves, gates, spillway, ,cat walk and other features are in excellent condition. The splash pad ,,f large rocks below the spillway was intact. Evidence of erosion of the foundation or the abutments that would endanger the stability of the ,aam was not observed. In summary the concrete dam appears to be sound and in good condi- tion as there are no signa of distress cOIIIDOnly associated with dama that are marginally stable or unstable. No evidence of settlement, differential movement, seepage, concrete crackin9 or &palling or other structural distress could be found. 11 A-216 3.3 Abutments Both abutments as well as the foundation for the dam consist of bedrock. The dam appears to be keyed and grouted within the rock foundation. As indicated previously, leakage at the rock/concrete interface or through the rock abutments was not observed. Abutment deterioration from normal weathering effects, primarily freezing and thawing, was not apparent. 3.4 Outlet Works Crab Bay Dam No. 4 has two manually operated gates or valves for control of water flow through the dam. Both appear to be in excellent condition. To keep these valves operational, it would be prudent as a part of routine maintenance to open and close them periodically (at least annually). 3.5 Spillway At the time of the inspection, water was flowing over timber plank stops keeping the reservoir level roughly 18 inches to 2 feet below the crest. This condition is shown in Photographs l and 2 in Appendix A. The water was striking the rock splash pad roughly two feet behind the toe of the dam. There is no evidence of excessive erosion or under- mining of the foundation in this area. Also the downstream water supply conduit is protected from the splashing water with a steel splash wall. The tongue and groove wood planks appear tight allowing little, if any, seepage between the planks. The planks can be removed for reser- voir level adjustments either by direct removal or by opening the sheer gate, drawing down the level in the reservoir and then .removing them under dry conditions. The latter procedure is easily accomplished, because of the reservoir's saall size. 12 A-216 3. 6 Downstream Channel The discharge from the spillway runs down the deep gorge for about 600 to 800 feet. It then bends 90 degrees, flows over an old crib dam and down a less confined but large channel until it reaches Chenega Village and finally Sawmill Bay. The drainage path is shown in Figure 2. Because of the basin•s steep rock slopes, rapid runoff, high flows and dam overtopping are probably a common occurrence during periods of heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt. Surface features do not suggest that downstream bank overflows and terrain flooding are co111110n. 'l'he bends should attenuate flood waves and dam failure will not greatly influence the flood surge as the storage capacity of the dam is so small. For these reasons, the water is not likely to overtop the banks of the channel under floor or dam failure conditions. The dam therefore is assigned a low hazard classification. 3.7 Instrumentation Monitoring instrumentation has not been installed at Crab Bay Dam No. 4. 4. HYDROLOGY 4.1 Spillway Oesiqn Flood (SDF) The SDF for a dam with a size classification of •small• and a hazard classification of •1ow• is recommended to have a frequency of 50-100 years. 'l'he SDF for Crab Bay Dam No. 4 was generated for a 100- year storm which had a duration of 24 hours. 4.2 Methodology 'l'he inflow hydrograph was dete~ined by applying the 100 year storm to a synthetic unit hydroqraph. A Snyder unitqraph was developed. Basin laq time was estimated to be 1.0 bourJ the peaking coefficient was A-216 0. 4. Time distribution of rainfall was per EM 1110-2-1411 criteria (Corps of Engineers, 1985). An area adjustment was not made. The most severe storms in this area typically occur from September through November (USWB, TP47). CU.matological data is limited, but average daily temperatures in October normally are in the mid to high 30's' snow cover averages 12-18 inches. The storm was assumed to occur when the ground is covered with snow. Snowmelt runoff will go into depression storage. Initial abstractions attributed to the vegetation cover were taken to be 0.5 inches. uniform losses where estimated to be 0.1 inches-per-hour. A regression equation developed with a Log Pearson Type III analy- sis which predicts the peak flow for the 100 year flood for this stream ~as used to assess the results of the synthetic unit hydrograph approach (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service -Region 10). With this 1aquation, the peak plus 100 year flow at the 90 percent confidence level ·~as estimated to be 290 cfs. The unit hydrograph approach yielded a ;!?eak ordinate on the inflow hydrograph of 385 cfa. For the hydraulic .lnalysis of the spillway, the higher value (385 cfs) was used. 5. HYDRAULIC EVALUATION ::> .1 Metbodoloqy The hydraulic analysis of this dam was accomplished with the Daa :Safety Analysis Program provided in the u.s. Army Corps of Engineers JtiEC-1 Flood Hydrograph package. Reservoir routing was by the Modified JPuls routing technique wherein the flood hydrograph is routed through lake storage. Since the lake is small, travel time of the 'flood wave to ·t.he outlet was assumed to be negligible • ... A-216 5.2 Spillway Capacity Spillway capacity was computed by considerinq the spillway as a sharp-crested weir. The equation Q-CLH 1 • 5 was used. L-spillway lenqth • 4 feet. H • height of water above the spillway crest • 4 feet with the planks in the normal position. The weir coefficient c-3.47. Using these terms, the discharge capacity of the spi~lway before over- topping beqins is 110 cfs. 5.3 Outlet Capacity The analysis was performed with the 12 inch diameter outlet closed. If this outlet was open and flowing freely, it would have a discharge capacity of approximately 15 cfa when the water level is at the dam crest. 5.4 Results The storm was assumed to begin when the lake level was at the crest of the dam. Overtopping would occur for a flood with a magnitude of approximatelY 25 percent of the SDF. Maximum depth over the dam would be approximately 2. 5 feet for 100 percent of the SDF. COpies of the input data and output results are attached at the end of Appendix c. Downstream effects were analyzed where the channel enters Sawmill Bay. A channel with a 10-foot wide bottom, 1:1 side slopes, average slope of 8 percent and a Manning's •n• of 0. 05 was examined. At 100 percent of the SDF, the water level in the channel would rise by less than 3 feet. The results of this analysis indicate that bank ov,rtopping would not occur. However, Crab Bay Dam No. 3 (AJC 00168), the old crib dam less than 1,000 feet from Crab Bay Dam No. 4, would be inundated and may fail under the conditions of the SDF. Failure of this crib dam would introduce an abnormal amount of large debris into the stream. This debris could block the channel and cause local downstream flooding. IS A-216 6. STRUCTURAL STABILITY The dam appears to be well built, structurally sound and, based on the high assumed ~esign stream flows is designed to withstand overtopping. Structural deficiencies or signs of distress that would indicate marginal or adverse long term stability were not observed. 7. PRIOR REPORTS The u.s. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Services were the designers of this new dam. Mr. Jim Crum of the Public Health Service, Anchorage, Alaska provided the following information, a large part of which has been used in co~leting this inspection report. 1. Stream Flow Calculataions of Chenega Bay Stream Flow using the "Water Resources Atlas•, USDA Forest Service Region 10, April 1979. 2. Figures 2 and 3 in this report. Other documents were not available regarding the design or con- struction of this dam. More detailed historical information is, however, in the Public Health Service's files. 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECX>MMENDATIONS Proa this inspection and evaluation of Crab Bay Dam No. 4, the inspection team presents the following conclusions and recommendations. B.l Conclusions 1. The dam was constructed in 1984 and appears to be well de- signed, structurallY sound and in excellent condition. No deficiencies were found that would impair the safe operation of the dam. 16 A-216 2. Because the reservoir is small, dam failure would not cause loss of life nor significant economic loss. It therefore is assigned a. low hazard classification. 3. Under infrequent flood conditions, the dam is designed to a.ccolll'llOdate overtopping. Under these conditions damage to some support facilities could occur from flood forces and or moving debris. \ 4. The reservoir can be cleaned of debris by periodically opening the 12-inch shear gate and flushing the debris downstream. El. 2 Recommendations 1. The dam is in excellent condition and no corrective measures are considered necessary. 2. A minimal monitoring and maintenance program is recommended to document the long term performance of the dam and confirm the parameters used to design the dam. Dates with the following events should be recorded as a. part of the long term files: a) Noxmal flows (monthly) -water depth in spillway b) Da.ll. overtopping ' height of overtopping c) Reservoir flushing d) Valve or gate exercising (at least annually) e) Other repairs, maintenance, or observations that may be an indicator of changing performance (i.e. cracks, spalling, displacements, erosion, seepage, etc.) 3. Logs, stumps or other large loose debris should not be allowed to collect against the upstream dam face. 17 A-216 REFERENCES Eleikma.n, H.M., 1974, "Preliminary Geologic Map of the Southeast Quadrant of Alaska". u.s.G.s. Misc. Field Studies, Map MF 616, Scale 1:1,000,000. !~eikman H.M., Holloway, c.D., and MacKevett, E.M., Jr., 1977, "Generalized Geologic Map of The Eastern Part of Southern Alaska:" u.s.G.s. Open-File Report 77-169, scale 1:1,000,000 Condon, W.H., and Cass, J .T., "1958 Map of A Part of the Prince William SOund Area, Alaska", showing linear geologic features as shown on aerial photographs: u.s.G.S. Map I-273, scale 1:125,000. l~spinosa, A.F., 1984, "Seismicity of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands", 1960-1983: u.s.G.s. Open-File Report 84-376, scale 1:12,500,000. I..eet, D.L., Judson, s., and Kauffman, M.E. 1978, "Seismicity of Alaska and Aleutian Islands: in Physical Geolo91": Prentice-Hall, Inc., p. 147-153. )~yers, H., 1976, A historical summary of earthquake epicenters in and near Alaska: NOAA Tech. Memo., EDS, NGSDC-1, p. 32-42. ~~ffit, F.H., 1954, "Geology of the Prince William Sound Region, Alaska," u.s.G.s. Bulletin 989-E. J>lafker, G., Jones, D.L., and Pessaqno, E.A., Jr., 1976, "A Cretaceous Accretionary Flysch and Melange Terrain along the Gulf of Alaska Margin": U.S.G.S. Circular 751-B, P. 41-43. t~dike, R.G., Dearborn, L.L., Ulery, C.A., and Weir, J.L., 1984, "Guide to the Engineering Geology of the Anchorage Area"• Alaska Geological Society. IJ.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, "HTC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package" Users Manual. u.s. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Region 10, Juneau, Alaska "Water Resources Atlas," 1979. u.s. Department of Colllll8rce, Environmental Science Services Administration. "The Prince Williaa Sound, Alaska, Earthquake of 1964 and Aftershocks. • Vol. 1, u.s. Government Printing Office, Washington, o.c., 1966. u.s. Department of CoDIDerce, Weather Bureau, 1963, "Probable Maximwn Precipitation and Rainfall-Frequency Data forAlaska": TP No. 47. 18 TABLE 1 ALASKA CLIMATE CENTER ARCTIC ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION A~D DATA CENTER. UHJYERSITY Of ALASKA ta~AlVBfiE t21 ;~w MEANs AN~L~~~1WR~1•fah ~~=~auv 1975-1979 CRAB BAY ELEVATION 10 FEET --···-----------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------------------------------------· I T E M P E A A T U A E CO E G -FJ I P A E C J P J T A T J 0 N T 0 T A L S Cl H C H E St : ·---------·-----·---------------------·---------------·------·-----·--·-----·--·--·------------------------·-·----------~· MO : MEANS I EXTREMES I MEAN NUMBER : MEAN &6AEAT:YRJGREAT&YR:DAI SNOWt SLEET IHEAN f OAYS: : I : Of L)AYS : :MONTH: IDAILYI I J I : ;·or;·:·oc;;·"a·:-ii~iviiovi-i£cii"~;;--"ii--;--"i"--; I I I I 1 i-MEANi-Mii-ivR;6R£iiiviioi;:io::;o:i:o: I ~AX : MIN: I hi : l : LOWI I •···••••••••••·•• : I I I I : JHONTH& :OEPTH: : : • ; • : • 1 : : : I I : : I I ll0+13Z•Il2•l 0-: I I : I I I I : I : : : I : : ---··-----··-~-·----·----·--·--··---·--·--·---·---·---·---·------·-----·--·-----·--·--·-----·----··--·-----·--·--·---·---·---· JAN I 35.3 21.1 11.21 44• ll Z5-0 75 011 0 1 ZZ 01 16•0• Z9e55 ll 3.31 ll 04; Z6.1 51e0 79 60.0 79 JO; 16 1Z 7: I I : I I : 1 FE~ I 35eZ Z4.0 29.61 46 ll 04. 9• 79 101 0 I 24 .01 15.Z6 Z6.12 7l Je10 ll 011 40e6 116.0 75 60.0 79 Zl: 16 10 51 I I I I I I I MAR : 31.1 25.7 31.11 51 75 Zl. 10 75 ZZI 0 Z Z6 01 U.Z6 ll.J4 ll 2.65 ll Ul 40.7 6).0 77 llaO 16 31: 11 11 4: I I I : : I 1 APR I 43.5 Z9.0 36.31 5•• 76 29 10 76 061 0 0 23 01 10el9 16el7 76 2al6 16 Z61 17aZ lleO 75 74•0 76 05: 14 1 4: ; . I I I I • • MAl I •1.1 34.9 41.1: 67 ll Zl ZS• 11 111 0 0 9 o: 1Z.71 16.75 ll 2.6Z ll Oll 60e0 75 Oli 11 9 5i I I I I I : I JUN I 5lal 42a0 49a61 73• 11 JO JZ ll 011 0 0 0 01 3.72 4al5 ll 1a16 ll 111 : 9 J O: I I I : I ; 1 JUL I 6Z.l 47.3 55.01 11 75 01 41 76 061 5 0 0 · 01 1.63 6a74 11 Oal5 ll 211 1 1 l 01 AU~ J 6J.z 47.7 5s.si 79• 11 zt 11• 11 11l 1 o 1 ol 1.67 11.11 76 2.65 11 oel i az 6 41 l I I I I I 1 SE~ I 57.1 43.1 50.11 61• ll OZ 31 76 291 0 0 0 01 11.11 l1.4Z 76 1.70 ll 141 •• • 11 lZ 1: I I I I I I ~l I 46.6 35.0 40 •• 1 51• ~l 05 ll• 76 Zll 0 1 11 01 26el4 16.14 ll 5.57 ll 01 la6 11a0 16 11.0 76 JOi 23 14 101 I ; I I I • 1 ~ov 1 11.1 Zl.3 32.51 504 76 1J 15• ll 251 o 3 25 o: 16.61 42.11 76 5.73 76 301 11.5 4o.o 75 zz.o 75 lti 16 10 1 1 II : I I I ; 1 DEt ; Jle4 Z4.1 Zlell 41• l6 25 5 75 061 0 10 27 01 15.52 2le56 ll 1.95 76 111 44.0 56•0 75 llaO ll Zll 22 9 41 I I I I I ; 1 ·---·--·-·----·-----·-·------·---~--------·--··-----------·---------------------------·--------------------------·-----------· • JUl JAN HOY NOV FEB APR YEAR 46.6 l4e0 40.)1 ll ~5 01 0 75 011 I J1 161 Oll60e46 42e11 l6 S.lJ 76 l61l96a5 ll6e0 15 74.0 76 051111 105 51 - • SEWARD(A-3) QUADRANGLE ., 0 t se--......-- SCALE-ULE8 I a .. .. - " ~-31 Crab Bay Dam No. ~ Evans Island, Alaska LOCA TJC:>N & VICNTY MAP April, 1986 A-216 IHANNON a WILSON. INC. ,.. __ . _ _..._. __ . ~"---,.··----FIG. 1 II u. s. o.,.a-... of Hea~~t~ a l+.llnOR Suvic11 l'l.!blic ...... s.r.ica lndiaa Heallll Senic• CHENEGA BAY. ALASKA --Te "**C LAW ... 121 I'ICUKT I'IIO•Cl NO. -v·f•• -...-M II "'•lt:llt#•ll• ..... , ..... -I ,..,.., •tiON hoCNfln CONii'IUC"'IIN M.......OO IIMIIOIIMIIfi'.IL llll:.t&.I'M lltMICH ........,.,..._ ....._.. ..... t .. IG.2 u.s. o.,o-... of.._.... a ... ...,... s.nca Ntlic .._.... SeMca lndiaft .._.... SeMca CHENEGA BAY, ALASKA __ ,. I'IIIUC u.w ... ,. 1'110.0 --D4 -' ............. ~· ~ •n•oo•- OOUkl r • 1 CYIEWm FROM DOWN STREAM fACE) 114• ttii.L 101 -- ~LIO r Uri 'fM.WI OL&ca L&aaa •ocu-- -IPLUM PAD o-r fLAWIC- IIICM,8J , •• r --------~ 4• I I• PLAN VIEW -- ~..aca -qy CDICIIn'l liTO CIIDJI -. ,._.. .. u .. -ro _ .... _ ._....__ __ IJIR c:MA-~L lfYPI , .. ... \ r 1r r • ,,_. .u...a .-: IIM.•WG.IInl-· ', ... • &M ...__-'I'D ,. c:&•uxa ' .... ''"~' ""'-lt-D I'IUL 1'1'1 .-r-.....aca IGI.tll SECTION ~ ..... CAT WALK FOUNDATION ---=====-=========-=~~ .,. --- ------------- . ....... _ IM• I&&. 'f. l'tN ----......... ... CAT WALK • Tt CHENEGA BAY. ALASKA :1o1M • "'--IL&VA\'ICII .... -TIIIIIII "'**C U.W ... 121 NOac'l' --C•:t -- • II --~ FIG. 3 ~$ ..... ··oanaw 1 •. a 0 I 10 ------aca-.•a..· , l.: .. 1 ..... •.. Pt Ba.til. How & j l GJ --...... ~­:::.:--;;:-::· ....... '>¥, ......... ---.,._. --- lEJ .. . EJ ___ ..... __ __ ........... .._..... • ---- Crab Bay Dam No. ~ Evans Island, Alaska GEOLOGIC MAP ji i ! II a w ~ ti It u • }~ e !a~ '"Oc . -Ill ... .. . u April, 1986 A-216-- IHANNON • WILSON. INC. FIG. 4 Geotechnlcel ContiUita._::n:_:t:_l --lL..-----'-_. _ "' C) ::r; ., . ,. ,o z ;z "0 C) iz :·. m 0 ~~ r .-0 llf" ~~ Ci) 0 =z ..: •• ll -(/) :z m r -4 -4 z ., Ci) C5 ~ • 01 ~ I "' mn < ., a. a. :J 0" "' CD -a. "'"' a. 0 :J a. 0.9 .. z >0 -. a. Ul./1:!" 11:' a. , t t f • • • • t t I -. Generalized block diagram illustrating the geologic characteristics of the sudduction. zone beneath southern Alaska CD --CJ) __..._-::-----~ .:V·o· 0 .J. Crab· Bay Dam No. It E~ans Island, Alaska SEISMICITY MAP 1986 SHANNON • WILSON, INC. G•ot•chnlcal Con•h•nU . . en r. .... 0 w Appendix A Photographs of Dam Taken September 23, 1985 1. UPSTREAM FACE 2. DOWNSTREAM FACE ~ '. . l ' " .. .,. 3. DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL AND WATER SUPPLY LINE SHANNON • WILSON. INC. A-2 4. RESERVOIR I SHANNON • WILSON, INC. A ..,. \ .Appendix 8 'Corps of Engineers Inventory Forms & Visual Inspection Checklist UATIUIC~ PA.RT I -INVENTORY OF DAMS IN THE UNITED STATES lhH (PURSlJilNT TO PUBt.IC L.AW 92-3671 .s .. , • .,., •• aid. lor U.attuct.lona. 111 Ill 1•1 lSI l'l (71 l&l (lSI (161 ! a ... "' • 't 2.1 MAMI lUI (171 RIVI!II OR STREAM Ill I liE MARIS 1111 FOIIM A,I'PROVEO OMI NO. 41-110411 RfOUIIIfMENTS CONTROL IIYMIOL OAEM-C:II£-17 \ (10) LATITUDE (Norii•J ..... LOHCITUOt (N'ntj (191 Ill ... IOUHIH ... .. HU .. Bfll ... .. I jl ll•l'i•l• AjK I 1 I I (121 R£POIH OAT( 1201 I I I llllllllllllllllll · :r.TATISTICS MI$C. DATA (Conliftvedl MISC. DATA (C..IiftVed) REJU.RK$ hH 1»1 lJOI Ill) Ill] N .. a: PART II -INVENTORY OF DAMS IH THE UNITED STATES IP'ILLWAT (46) (,.UIUIJAitT 10 I'IJIUC LAir U-l67J s .. ,..... .. llitH 1M ieatrv~liana. ISJ) IJ.t) VOLUMI OP DAM -tel') IMSP'ICTIOM IT lstJ I:UJ (l6) 117) (ll) (J9) 141) 1St) IS4J (40) Ill .. fa-N'f'IIOV£D 1-IDtMTITY '"' MUM. II DIIIINO • .........at 1-... aEOUI1181ENTI CONTIIOI.ITIIIOl. •_p •J-t•I•J' DAEN~f-17 I I Ill (41) (41) (43) (44) 1451 NAVIGATION LOCICS / 141) COHSTIUCTIOH .T 151) ISS) I ~ Inventory No. N/A Sheet _J___ of ~ VISUAL INSPECTION CHECXLIST 1. Name of Dam: Crab Bay Dam #q 2. Inventory No.: Non-Jurisdictional ). Hazard Category: Low 4. Size Clasaification:Small S. Owner: Chenega Native Association Evans Island. Alaska Gail Evanoff (907)573-5114 Chuck Totenosf (907)573-5111 6. Date Inspected: 9-23-85 7. Pool Elevation: 252 Feet 8. Tailvater Elevation: 250 Feet (a~ 9. Purpose of Dam: Water Supply 10. Weather:cool & Cloudy, 550F Directions: Mark an ·x· in the "YEs-or "No· column. If item does not apply, vrite •NjA• tn -aEHARKs· column. Use •other Comments• space to amplify -aEHARXS· • I • ITEM YES NO REMARKS ._. ~=RE~S~E~R~V~o=m?===========================~==~====~========================~ 3. Shoreline Slide Potential? t~~~~IMinor rock soallina 4. Sta-ntficant Sedimentation? ~~,~~ Somf! lt'!av .. ~ t.. nr;tnrh ... c: f II ~~S~·~A~n~v~T~r~a~s~h_B~o~om~?~-----------------------~-~~~~-~~:,~~-~~-~-~~xL-~-------------------------------~ ... 6. Anv Ice Boom! ~*-;;;.~t~ Y 7. OoeratinR Procedure ChanRes? r~·Ji&! · e. Nev De'lelopment 1 X ~~~e.~ Bu i It in coni unr t inn w i t h ti.-=tm l.ll~~~~~~~~--------------------------~---i----~~Njo-ne--------------------------1 -r- ~~~~~------------------------~~;-----------------------------~ ~~~~~~------------1~r-r---------------------~ ~~~~~~------------~B-1----------------------~ !tl .. .. -~ .. A r,l ~ rl rl ~ \ • • ITEM CONCRETE DAMS 1. CREST •• Any Settlement? b. Any Misalignment 1 e. Any Craektng? d. Any Deterioration 1 e. Exposed Reinforcement? t. Adeqwate Freeboardt 2 .. UPSTR.EAM PACE ... Spa lUna? b. Crac:kln__g? c. Erosion? d. De terioratioa? e. Exposed Reinforcement 1 t. Di splacnents? •• Loss of Joint Fillers? h. Silt Depodt Upstream? ). DOWNSTREAM FACE a. Soalltna" b. CrackinJr? ~. Erosion' d. Deterioration? • ExDOsed Reinfo• .. ·-~nt? f Tn11oeetfon CallerY? • FoundAtion Drains" h Foundation Dr'alns Plovintr! f. c:,.,.nJur• from Jotnt.!l' .. S••oatre from r.t l r: 1.1 ne•" . ' A RlJ1'ME]Il1' I. IATJOif COH"" .. - • P.rno!U!~.d ~l!d'l"f"lt"k' h P''l"ft.cf ,.,.,., /!" Vi ••hl,. nf an,., ,,. •" d S•~~""~"''• frl'l'fll Cont11et." "" Bnfls ar Snrfn•• Dnvnlltream' Other Comm.,.lc Dam is in exce 11 en t cond i t ion ··-·"'*··-.•r•-s• --·•••••ntr lltdcWL ShHt __ 2 __ of 5 YES NO REMARKS TYPE: Butt n~s s ]q• lana 1 1 widP-.. ., ... f"'~ ·;.~f-"": *""-~!-·• ..:]!:~*!' •_;, .'11~ ~~- ;·i~ .. ·-' Feteh: Az: ')."'~;; jt,;~~ ~·~~~-~'~w l• ... ~;-~ • ~~~ .;,~~..;: ~-~~--Dfll!iianprf far n~ariarfir fluc;.h'nn - ~~J'.i ~~~·t ·~~.--.~,n:, .. ~l\1 [~;~ . ..... 7"'A:.'-·• y~ X !¥:;;!..'&'::!!? ·x X F;:"-~.x;· ·~~i:• '"-:i:'"Yi'fl' ,-;i ~.~.£~ £.:~11( ~~~~ ~~-.:. , • ~ .~ .f!l ~ • ~ , . n:EM SPILUlAYS 1. CREST a. AnY Settlements? b. Anv Hlsalhnmenu? c. JiDY Cra~lc.in•? d. AnY Deterioration? e ":x:nn•,.d 'R,.fn~or~ .. "'"'""" f Ero!lion" tl Silt ~noJtt t Otult:rea.m7 2 JN lKlJI. :S KUL~HIK I"::S a. Mt~~rh.~anfra1 ~auinm,.nr nn,.r,.l\1•' b Are Cate!l Mllintafned't lnweniCHy No. __ N_/_A _____ _ ShMI --~3_ol_ .... s __ YO NO REMARKS TYPE• Dire~t Overflow thrnunh Weir TYPP.: Woon olanks ~;!: ,.;,.. ... . .. f-i·.~ ;;:;-.,~ ,-~-~: ~ : ~ ~: iit ~-· ... I :(f. ~,..;~ -~ ~~ ·rJe ;,Jt\-. TYP!: F" 1 :ac:.hh.-.,. r...tJfO • ~'?Jm ~nn• ~J. • c. . Vlll Fl~tllhhn-"rd~ Trf n Ant'nmllf'f ~•t hrf X d. Are St.&n~hlon~ Trinoable' lf~'l1:'~ I!! Ar .. r.;~~~ ,..,.,. R""'"" f"el, r.nn,.rn 11 """ X • 1. CHlJTE TYPE: ~ ........ -n: r.,.,. t-nv .... ~ln .. • AnY r.rArftfnt11'9 ~~"'\~ b •. AllY. Deterioration" ~tro. ~ Ero!'lion' ,~~,:~ d. ~nn•u•d 'R,.fnforc."'m"'nt" ~~l~ "' It". ••• ~ l.f rr. J.tn .......... 1'<"lfrtf"•., ~t.'54l~ • ,. ' nr~~TP.tTnRC TYP!: None Dir:ect. discharae in ;Ill Anv n,..,.,.rfnr•rfnn" ~~~"':~ c-,:;anne J h ,. ............. ., ··~. ~ F.-lrnn,,.•d 1t,.tnrnr~•..,•nt''t r•2;~ • 'i MP'Tll A rAN~C t;IO-;;-.; .. r,. .......... f tut" ·~~-_; " 'Rr~•1ta~•• " .. • ,. c: ............. .1 ...... --........ 1-;~#V".; " n.fP'R ~PTI.H.JAT TYPE: ~nn .. .. Ad .. An• ,.,.. l!Pa •• -., ~w-.~:,;.~ " ~1.JI!.aP .& ..... ,.. .......... r'h•n"•'" ~:~~! ,. i:rnd f hl;. "" ............ r.l\"'"'"'' f 'I"J"".; .. d P'Pndf1.1a ...... 111u•f ~ .... • ~tahl• Cfda ct ... -•9 ~~~·{; "'"" ' -- I ,_t,>. ' -·-· I - I -· -I I ''''" I I _,., .. I I .. .! I ' ITEM LOU LEVEL OUTLET 1. GATES a. Mechanical Equipment Operable? b. Are Cates Remotely Controlled? C• Are Cates Maintained? 2. CONCRETE CONDUITS a. Any Crackin~t? b. Any Deterioracion? c. Erosion? d. Exoosed RelnforcinK? e. Are .Jointa Displaced? f. Are .Jo!nt:a Leakina? ]. KETAL CONDUITS •· Is Metal Corroded? b. Is Conduit Cracked" c. Are Joints Dllllola~ed" d. Are .Joints Leaking? 4 ,y DISSIPATORS a Anv Y'J@t'fl!rfnr;~~t-fan'P h •. P:rolllfon" fl". F.xnnlllfl!d Rl!!'fnfor~,.,.~nt:'P ~~= KETAl APruK tr.nANC!!S a. Corrosion" h. 1l .............. ? t" t:: ... .-.,re Anl"h..,raoo""!ll' I a .,., Commentc I Inventory No. _N~/:...:A:..:-.. _____ _ Sheet __ 4:,..__ ot _ __.,_5 __ YES NO REMARKS TYPE: Steel pipe with shear qate P.H'X..,"'t' X ~, J('._;" ·, New HLA '?=~~~t'_ ._~~J.i.•~ ir' &;.;;::..' ft"c~"'-'· ~~,..., ·~.~·.:!:: 12 11 oioe -36 11 lana ~~·.h New ~~~- :'S:Y!.'!- ~fit\'~. NonP: ~~:;r:i-.:;;;.~ ~;--'!-,• ~~-·,~.- Shear gate -Wheel has been ·~-x.·;:' removed. probablv to orevent ~. unauthorized ooeration. ~~~:~t~"· I .. ~ I I ITEM Poo INTAKES I '"~' 1. EQUIPMENT I a. Trash Racks? b. Trash Rake? '" Co Mechanical Equipment Operable? d. Intake Catea? e. Are Racks and Gates Maintained! f. Are Cate Operators Operable? I ,~, 2. CONCRETE SURFACES a. AnY Crackina? I b. Any Deterioration? I ·=.l c. Erosion? I d. Ex nosed Reinforcement? ~ e. Are Joints Displaced? ,J f. Are Joints Leakintt? I J. CONCRETE CONDUITS a. AnY Crackintr? I b. Anv Deterioration? ,_! c. Erosion? d. Exoosed ReinforcerDent? ' e. Are Joint a Disolaced? J f. Are Joints Leakind I I I 4. METAL CONDUITS I I I I I a. 1!1 Het:al rtrroded! I b. Is Conduit Cracked? ..... c. Are .Join~• Dtsolaced? d. Are Joint• ~..!akin~? I 5. METAl Arr JK.l!!.riANCES .J. a. Corrostoo9 b. Breaka~re9 I r ~il!'~ure An~horlltres9 I 6 PE a. Material O.terlorated! b .Joint:• U!&lrfn~f I ~ Sunnnrf'!l Ad•nnat:~? ··~ d Anrh .. n• 1111nrlr• Stable? I I lnwenlory No. ---UN"-/..wA _____ _ ShNt __ s...__ol 5 YES NO REMARKS w ... 11 <:,..,. .... ,.. ~ Pininn - X X ·~rft.l!'t Valves X ~~:{" NPW ~~~~-~-r-· Nnn<~> ~: i~.a:; ~~ ~~ ~- i~~;;.. ........ _~ ~~-c.< ~~ In:".&."~;, ,;;;.t_~i .:rt::~;~. ''~"i.:l+"'; Ht~•j,; '~~~!' '~!.<V :-:· J'.'¥.6-"; ,.,. ....... ~-,._,.: ",$x~ d~ ... ~'!-'1: TYPE ~TERlAL: Arctic Pioe ~~X,~' .o.:.,-l}(_. ',~' •1oXL. ~~~~fii~.~- I c-... ., Comm•nlc Dam is new (constructed In 1984) by the Public Health Service. It was constructed of concrete tied into sl~te rock abutments on both sides. Appears to be in excellent condition. I APPENDIX C HYDRAULIC ANALYSES COMPUTER OUTPUT ~AaiAAa*AA!AA&AAAA*A44AnA*AAAA*A1 D HYDIWGicAf'H PACKAGE ( HEC-1) II Ft8MUA~Y 1981 ~ ·---aEVtsEJrJt"7AM-lJ:I-· . ---~~-------.• ·---···· · - ~- AtE 9-D tlKE 14:3 A ·-··· ·-··--· ··-·· . ···-··ltc- ······················~~······~~··· ---------· X X XXXXXXX X X X -----------·-·· •· • • -•· ·-X .. ... · X • X --· · · ~ xxxxxxx xxxx X X X ... --------...... X-... -X ·X--· X X XXXXXXX .. ---..... -... -·-1 ir.I..Js.:AAA!UAAAAAM!.l!.AA'A t.AAMM.t. Al.t:..Ms ~ ~ ~t j II U.t. AkMY CUR~~ 0~ £NG1NtiEM~ A A THE HYDROLOGIC tNGINCCRfNG CCNTE~ A .. ---..... -·--·-------;--------&~-~ti:t:Httt-ti!~£~------· "'*. XX XXX X X ··X. X X . )(. .)( XXX XX • DAVl~, ~ALffO~NIA 95616 l ~ (~16) 440-~~U~ Ok C~t~) 44U-32C5 ~ . ·•·.. .. .. . " ... ·• . ...... ... -- )' ~X ~AAAAAAAAAAAAIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIAAAIIAAAIIIIAII --)I---···--------... ._ . ·--' ..... --------·-·-xxxxx )( X ---.X------·---... --··· -· XXX ' THE DEFINITIONS Of VAici~L£5 -RTlKP-AND -RtlOk-HAVE CHANGEP P~OH THOSE USED WITH !HE 1973-STYLE INPUT SIKUCTU~E. tHE-PEFIH-ItlON--OF--AttSKK~ 0~ ·RH-CARD WAS CHANGED WITH REVISLONS DAUD ·l8-·iiP··~l.· -tH5 ..V.EiSlOH RiLiAiliD-31JAH85 - CONTAINS MEW OPtiONS ON RL ANn BA RECORDS, AND ADDS THE HL iECORD. SEE JANUARY 1985 INPUT DESCRif'TIOH PO~ NEW DEPINITIONti. '. ~ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ --. ¥ -·-····· ····---· -------· ·--··· --·¥ v ~n~~-ot~ c~l~> ~o ~oc~-o•• c9t6> ' ·r ¥ ~lT !'1~6 \fT NlfO;lJ 1\f:l 'f:J f\\ffJ · ¥ j 'f ·-·· · · · -• l-1~UU~ ·llHfl1,"J··fTO' ·-· -----¥--- ¥ ~llNJJ ONJ~JlNI~NJ JI9010~~~H 3Hl ~ ¥ S~l3Nt9H~ lfl ~d~01 lWM~ ·~·n ~ . -...... ------·--··--------- ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ I ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ -¥ ·--. -· --------···-··--· v c:tt ~Wtl n-r, !1¥0 ¥ ¥ v ¥ (t-::JlH> gq NII-F-t€· ~~~~tMtlf taG t uvnliSJ:U 30\f~j\fd H4\fi~O!OlH (100 ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ . __ _........ SUKKAkY tit DAfrOVERtOPPING7JitACH ANALrSIS FOi STATION [tAI't ·1 ................ . ---·-ELl VAt tUN StOI<AliE OUTFLOW RATIO KAXll'tUK -----------OP-----RESERVOii PKF W.S.BL~V -thlle----2St. 4S..·- 0.35. 252.5& o.so 253.14 ------e;-65 -·-2~!.63 0.80 2~4.06 1.00 2~4.~~ \L.:.E.N•·• p ...... " • • • l lH l nAL VALU~ :.!41. "10 o. o. KAXlKUK · DEPTH OVER DAK ----+.00 .... 0.56 l.H ---1.63-• 2.06 :l.S9 KAXU1UK Sl'OfiAGI A C-rt . -0·. o. o. o. o. o. ~~lLLWAr Ck~~T TO~ Of ~AM ---:H~.oo · ·-·----as:a.oo . 0. 0. o. 96. "AXl"UK DURATiON tll't~ U~ tlKE OF OUTL'l.OW -· OVEft-ftlP..-·ftfiHI-tJU·.cHtJW ·--fAUUiE· C~~ HOUk~ HOUk~ HOU"S ·· -·-· 1-"1.·--··· ·-o.-&& ..;. .. -·---u,.,:;e ----~,.&-· 13S. 2.42 16.~b o.oo 1~a. ~.oJ !6.~0 v.oo ···250 ....... -ft;;2~-----1-6-rlt~ --e~ JOu. 6.J3 !6.~U 0.00 3b~. 'l.~~ 16.~0 o.oo -•.. ----· -----·--.. ··-·-· .. r • • _..,..,. p r r.r r p ~t~ ~ ~ ---·---__ .. ___ --~ -~ HEC-1 INl'UT L 11'11: 1D ••••••• 1 ••••••• ~ •••••• • ~ • • ••••• 4 ••••••• ~ ••••••• c., •••••••• , ••••••• tl ••••••• ~ •••••• 1 0 1 :J J Ill· KENAl f't:NNlN!iULA ~~79.0 Ill DAM SAFETY ANALYSIS ID ANAL\':.; l!i (It' CkAl1 IIAY _ ... -....... --·---· -----··--.. IT :5 0 0 300 ll) 5 Jk l:'l.OW .20 . ·:-.3~ .50 IJAH NO. .~;:;, ~ ~K INFLOW INFLOW TO CRAB 8~Y UAM HO. ~ 8 .. _,. ___ -IIA-l)c37- 9 BF -1.0 10 tK 12 11 · · ·LU · • 0. S 12 us 1.0 13·· ---- 14 15 1&· 1? 18 19 20 . -· -t{l( •.. KO RS . ·-· SY · SE ss · ST · KK . lti"'M 5 1 0.06 ;.!4'7.7 241:f.O 352 RCHl -.o:s 1. 0 ;,} .40 2.0 0 ... CRAB· BAY· ·DAM ELEV 24?.? o.H -0.20 ::;4! 25~ 4.0 3.0 14.5 a.o NO 66 NO. 4 . 1. s 1.5 1 ------------- .oo . 1. 0-·----------.---- ·---------------- 75 10() . -·-· ·---·--------------- .--· -----· -..... -··-----·-·. ---· --- . . . . ---· -·-----· ------- ···21--- ~2 • 1(111 .. JcfJIJTI:i OUTFLOW !'ROM RESERVOIR TO CREBt{ AT -VULIACH). ·- 23 24 25 26 R9 fCC RX RY zz 1 now -1 .o5 .os .o~ 0 ~0 40 30 l~ ~0 :.:::oo .oa UQ 25 100 30 \ --.......---....~--- ' OPERATION HYDROGRAPH AT ROUTtD TO ROUTED tO PEAK FLOW AND STAGE (END-OF-PEWIOD> SU"MARY fOR MULTIPLE PLAN-kATIO ECONOMIC COMPUTATIONS FLOWS IN CU,IC FEET PER SECUHD, AREA IN SQUARE MILES --··-----·-------TIME--TO PEAK IN HOURS ------------------------- STATION INFLOW .. --. -- DAH AREA PLAN RATIO 0.20 ---------·--------- 0.3? 1 ELllW . n. ti11E 16.~0 0.3? 1 fLUW '1'1. TIHE 16.~tl RATIO!: RATIO ... ... 0.3~ 1:l~. 1&.~l' 13::i. 1&. ~(l ---..------------------- RCH1 0.3? ~~ PEAK STAOES IN FEET A* 1 STA~~-251.45 252.56 --TIHE 16.~8 16.:S~ 1 fLOW 'l?. , ·-t tHe------16 ,;61 134. "16•61' i U PEAK STAGES IN FEET U . 1 UA~E ·15.92 16.:J'J TIHE. 16.61 16.6? APPL:lEil TO FLOWS -----·· ----- kA!IO 3 RATIO 4 RATIO :; RATIO f. o.~o o.&!J o.uo 1.00 ------ 1~0:. :.!::iO. JOU. 385. 16.5(; 16.5(; 1&.::,u 16.5F.I 1':1;.1, :.!:SO. JO:.J. 385. lb.SO H.::,I.J 16.:;,t; 16.58 .... ··-···-·----------------- ::::.3.14 16.':)0 :.:~3.63 ·16. ::itt 254.06 254.59. 16 ; 58 --· · Un S 9 192. 250. 30lJ. 385. 16--; ::i1t·---i fr:'ti1t-·--t116~.~:;Wttt---+l fr(l ~. 5!"rifl~. 16,6:':f . -16-,99--·11-.-14·---}7T46 16.:Sij 16.:S~ 1G.sa 16.58 5 IO IT ~ENAI PE~NINSULA 4679.0 DAM SA~ETY ANALYSIS ANALYSIS OF CRAB BAY DAH NO. 4 OUTPUT CONTROL VARIA~LES -··--·-tf'I<NT-· --·· ·· -· 5-PICIH! -tUNti<OL· IPLOT 0 PLOT CONTROL OSCAL 0. HYUkO~kA~H ~LOT SLALE HYDROGRAPH TI"E PATA NMIN ~ l'tlNUT~~ lN CUH~UTATlUN INT£iVAL ·---· -----IDIITE-· ·-··-·1 -·-0·-&TIII·T-IffQ ·DAt-i--· · ITIHE 0000 ~TAkliNU TIME NO 300 NUttiER OF HYDROORAPH ORDINATE~ Hlll•tfiTE 2 -0· ·· ENl• lNtt DttiTE NDTIHt 0055 .tNDINO TIMt I -·-----· ----·-·eotti"U!1tt lON-·INTUVAL -...,....-e-;-08--ttOUH-i TOtAL TIHE BASE 24.92 HOURS I· ENflL ISH-liN I-T~ . -I llRAINAijE AREA SOUARE HlLES ~~EClPITATlUN DtPTH INCHES ·--···------t;£H8!tt;-!i:EY#tt ION-··-···· FEET-----·-··---~.' . FLOW CUBIC FCET PER SECONf• STORAU£ VOLUME ACkE-FEEt --· !IUIU'A'tr: AltA IIICRE9 --· · ··· ·· TEHPEkATUkE D~Ok~E~ FAHR~NHEIT 1 JP ----i1Ul;!T,-PI:IIN··OPT!ON-----· ----· ------· .-· NPLAN l NUH~~k U~ f'L~NS JR ------·MtH.-!·1-RIIUO OPTIOH 14 t<O RATIO~ Ot RUNOFF 0.20 0.3:5 0.50 0.6~ o.eo ------------· ···---·---· ·--------------· -·····--. OUTPUT CONTROL VARIABLES I~RNT 5 · ·-·-I PLOT 0 QSCAL 0. ~RINT CONTROL PLUt·CONTROL · HYDkOUkA~H ~LOT SCALE 1.00 leU WARN ING--**""-MOHF-IED--f'YL6 ROUTING HAY -BE HU"Iiii·-ICAL&. Y · UN:iTA8LG FOR OUn'LUW~~tW5tN Yi'U. tO ~ U\li. / ·'--- THE ROUTED HYDROGRAPH SHOULD IE EXAMINED FOR OSCILLATIONS UR OUTFLOWS GREATER THAN PEAK INFLOWS. THIS CAN IE CORRECTED BY DECREASING THE Tl"E INTERVAL OR INC)EASING S10RAGE CUSE A LONGER REACH.> -------. ------------------ CANYON INDUSTRIES, INC. SPECIALIZING IN SMALL WATER WHEELS October 9, 1987 Mr. Jack Goldwausser Mountain Energy, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Cave Junction, OR 97523 Dear Jack, 5346 Mosquito Lake Rood DEMING, WASHINGTON 98244 (206) 592-5552 or (206) 592-2235 Thanks for the call on Wednesday, and for the opportunity to offer prices on equipment for your Evan's Island Project. Based on a design flow of 3 CFS at 180 feet effective head, we would recommend a double needle nozzle Pelton type turbine. With such a low head we'll need to use a belt drive s~ increaser from turbine speed of 800+ RPM to the 1800 RPM synchronous generator speed. We've included turbine, double needle nozzles, inlet bifurcation, KATO 1800 RPM generator, voltage regulator, and hydraulic system in the budget estimate of $24,700.00. If you prefer single phase generation, there will be an additional cost of $700.00 for the generator. Hope this is adequate information at this time, and I'll look forward to discussing the project with you. Sin;, Daniel A. New DAN/mm