HomeMy WebLinkAboutIcy Creek Power Recovery Study 1994Icy Creek Power Recovery Study prepared for: City of Unalaska prepared by: Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. April 18, 1994 polarconsult alaska, inc. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • ENERGY CONSULTANTS City of Unalaska P.O. Box 89 Unalaska, Alaska 99685 P.O. NBR 21207 Icy Creek Power Recovery Study Transmittal and Invoice Dear Mr. Sturgulewski: April 20, 1994 Enclosed are three copies, one unbound, for the study for the power recovery section of our work. You will note that the results show there are positive benefits to be obtained by using power recovery turbines. Further, if there is a large dam located near the existing intake there is the potential to derive peaking benefits and reduce some of the air quality hassles, and costs. The time line to construct these plants is in the order of one year as it takes time to get the turbines. The second item which takes time is the controls and switchgear. The amount left on our invoice is $3,475. Although this report took more time then this, this is what we committed for. Invoice #94056 amount $3,475 If there are questions or you \vish to discuss the study or the options call us. We do not charge for telephone calls. Thank-you for your patience. (!1/:urs Earle V. Ausman Attachments: Report d\network\jobsUnallaska\IR940420 1503 WEST 33RD AVENUE • SUITE 310 • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 • TELEFAX (907) 258-2419 polarconsult alaska Table of Contents 1. SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2. I NTRODUCTJON --------------------------------------------------------------------1 3. SYSTEM----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 4. WATER FLOWS ----------------------------------------------------------------------2 5. POWER GENERA TED----------------------------------------------------------------3 6. MACH IN ERY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------4 6.1 Turbines----------------------------------------------------------------------------4 6.2 Sources -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 6.3 Generator----------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 6.4 Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 7. COSTS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 8. ECONOMICS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 9. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS------------------------------------9 APPENDI}( A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Figure 1 Monthly Creek Flow and precipitation-------------------------------------------------------A Figure 2 Option 1, Real Data-----------------------------------------------------------A Figure 3 Option 1, Adjusted Data-------------------------------------------------------------------A Figure 4 Option 2, Real Data--------------------------------------------------------------------------A Figure 5 Option 2, Adjusted Data--------------------------------------------------------------------A Figure 6 Option 3, Real Data----------------------------------------------------------------A Figure 7 Option 2 Present Value as a Function of Discount Rate Using Adjusted Data--------------A AflflE:N[)I){ E3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E3 Attachments Information on Turgo, Francis, and Ossberger turbines ---------------------------------B Figure 8 Option 2 Present Value as a Function of Fuel Cost Using Adjusted Data-------------------B AflflE:N[)I){ C:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: Drawing H-1 General Specifications and Flow Diagrams----------------------------------------C Drawing H-2 Turbine Details---------------------------------------------------------------C Icy Creek Power Recovery Study polarconsult alaska 1. Summary The City's major source of water is Icy Creek. The intake reservoir is at 513 feet of elevation but the bulk of the served community is slightly above sea level. There is excess energy available from this high head source. Much of this energy is now being destroyed by pressure reduction valves. Turbines can be placed into the system that will recover this energy as electricity. These turbines would be near the new chlorine tank and would tap into the existing pipeline. There are 3 options to recover power. The first two utilize water that is excess to the system, and the third uses water flowing to the community to generate electricity. The analysis showed Option 2, using actual data will cost about $500,000 to construct and will have a present worth value of$1,770,422. Adjusting for past rainfall, the values will be $425,000 and $1,239,976 respectively. These values will be enhanced if a larger dam is built. Added capacity may be desirable for peaking. So an addition of new pipe or upgrading the old wood stave could increase capacity and perhaps replace a diesel generator or two. 2. Introduction The City ofUnalaska acquires the bulk of its water from Icy Creek, also called Pyramid Creek. This creek is located several miles south of the main portion of the community. The water is acquired from a small impoundment at elevation 513 feet. The water flows by gravity to the users. There is an opportunity to capture energy from the excess head in ·the system that is now being lost in pressure reduction valves. In addition, Icy Creek flows are in excess of those needed for water supply a substantial amount of the time. This excess water can be bypassed upstream of the chlorination plant and used to generate electricity. Costs are low when turbines are fitted to a system that is already constructed and operated for water purposes. The additions that are required are the turbine, generator, some valves, a small amount of pipe, controls and electrical gear, and a small simple building. Since intake and pipeline operation and maintenance costs are paid for by the water system the electrical generation plant is not expensive to operate. The amount of power from the system is limited by the amount of water that is practical to get through a 24 inch ductile iron pipe. If the pipeline were paralleled or the old wood stave upgraded, and the proposed larger reservoir built, the system could be larger, and would provide much more energy than is shown in these studies. The larger system can provide substantial amounts of peak power to the community. The new reservoir will store some 150 or so cfs days. The upper 10 Icy Creek Power Recovery Study Page 1 of9 polarconsult alaska feet of the reservoir except in low water conditions can be operated to provide almost a constant flow to the power recovery turbines and can be used for peaking as well. These studies are limited to the plant which is currently constructed for the water supply system at Icy Creek. A new reservoir near the old site will increase the head on the turbines and result in added power output and energy production. 3. System The water system is currently comprised of a small dam and intake structure which is tapped by a 24 inch ductile iron pipe. Icy Creek currently does not make use of its other fork. A previous study has shown it is technically possible to divert water from this fork to the Icy Creek reservoir. Downstream of the dam about 2, 1 00 feet or so is a drain, or blowoffvalve in the low point ofthe pipeline. This is a potential site for locating a turbine to use excess water. In this study this is called Option 1. Downstream of the blowoff is a large tank which will be used to chlorinate water to enable the city to meet the surface water treatment act regulations. In this area a turbine can be located whose sole function is to replace the pressure reduction valves, PRV, upstream of the tank. This turbine which at present would have a capacity of about 100 kW is called Option 3. Near the tank, a pipeline can be connected to the 24 inch line and run to a power house on the banks of Icy Creek just before it enters the rock canyon. This will gain extra head which will result in increased power output. The disadvantage of the location is that unlike the previous options the construction will be more difficult as a fairly steep slope will have to be dealt with. While at the location some ground water was observed and this may require a drainage interceptor. Schematics are provided in the report, entitled H-1 and H-2 which show the basic parameters of the selected systems. Option 3 can be combined with either Option 1 or Option 2 or utilized by itself. If conditions are different than those shown in this analysis, most new answers can be factored. For example, the amount of power produce is a direct function of the head. For a given machine the power output is related to the 1.5 power of the head, and the turbine speed, rpms, is related to the square root of the head. The power generated, hence the income earned, is a direct function of the change of head and the change of flow of water through the turbine. 4. Water flows The ability to make long term projections of water flow, hence power is limited because of the shortness of the record. Further, even rainfall data is not sufficient as there are so Icy Creek Power Recovery Study Page 2 of9 polarconsult alaska many threshold conditions which can change the out come with very small variations in their values. It has been recommended and believed implemented that recording stream gages be installed at the project. In time these will yield the desired data which will increase projection accuracy. Updated data for 1993 provides nearly two years of consistent data for icy creek streamflows. Unfortunately this is not enough to correlate yearly average stream flows with the total yearly precipitation. As mentioned in a previous report, monthly data is difficult to correlate. Referring to the Figure 1, one can see that there is some correlation between the two data sets. However, the spring runoff and winter snow accumulation cause there to be no mathematical correlation between the two sets of data. Hindered by a lack of data, two separate analysis where performed for estimating power output from each of the three turbine options. The first analysis used all existing data. The second analysis used 1993 data as a base data set for obtaining 11 years of record. The data was adjusted by dividing the rainfall for the base year (1993) and then multiplying by the rainfall for each of the years 1983 through 1993. This linear scaling of the streamflow data may be somewhat conservative since it scales the base flow and the peaks equally. In reality, a dry year would reduce the spring runoff peak and may not effect the base flow to any great degree. The results for each option show the optimum turbine size for each data set used. Option 3 uses water that is consumed by the town and therefore is unaffected by rainfall. It only depends on the city usage. 5. Power generated The power generated was calculated based on using the water flow, calculating the head loss, and multiplying times a representative turbine generator curve. The maximum flow through the pipe ranged from 36 to 39 cfs which was based on a maximum of 15 percent head loss. The turbine was limited to a tum down of 30 percent gate as it was assumed that all units would be of the Francis type. The reason for this is at partial gates this type of turbine can cavitate which will reduce its life. If the unit for Option 2 is a Turgo, or a Cross Flow then these lower flows can be utilized. See figures 2 through 6 which plot kWh generated versus turbine capacity. Machine efficiency was assumed to be 92% for the generator and about 86% for the turbine. No losses were added for transmission or for the transformers. Since this Icy Creek Power Recovery Study Page 3 of9 polarconsult alaska generation is located at the far end of the City's system there should be some help created by backing out the amps in the system hence reducing system losses. 6. Machinery 6. 1 Turbines The machinery selected for the system is discussed in this section. The size of the machines selected were obtained from data shown on Figures 2 to 6. The size that was selected achieves near maximum kWh with a minimum machine size. For Option 1 a turbine which discharges to the atmosphere can used. The types that can be used are Francis, Cross Flow and potentially a Turgo impulse turbine. The Francis or Cross Flow would be the best machines. The Francis is more efficient and turns at a higher speed. Further, it can be fitted with a draft tube which recovers exhaust energy and allows the machine to be sited at a higher elevation. Its disadvantage is that it has a partial flow cut off and requires accurate mill work and sturdy foundations. The Cross Flow has good efficiency over a broad range of flows, it is easy to maintain, easy to erect, but requires a speed increaser to drive the generator at a reasonable rpm. The Cross Flow can be fitted with a draft tube but more likely will not be for your project. See miscellaneous equipment information in the appendix. · Option 2 with about 300 feet of gross head has the most choices. The turbine can be Francis, Cross Flow or Turgo. The first two turbines have been previously discussed. The Turgo is an impulse turbine with excellent efficiency and partial flow characteristics. This wheels inventor and major manufacturer is Gilkes in England. Gilkes is the only manufacturer that this machine should be purchased from. A Turgo is extremely reliable and will last a long time. However, it is expensive, about $400,000. For Option 3 there are only two choices, a Francis turbine with variable flow or pumps. The restriction on this system are a variable back pressure will be imposed on the turbine which depends on the depth of water in the tank. Further restricting the machine is the variation in head from head losses and reservoir elevation. A simple pump could be used as a low cost turbine but its efficiency would not be high. It could be arranged to turn on whenever needed and could be provided with almost a constant flow: A pump can perform better if a large reservoir is constructed as flow rates will be more uniform to the tank. 6.2 Sources Sources for turbines are Gilkes in England who can supply Francis or Turgo impulse wheels. Francis turbines can be obtained from China. The safe source of supply for the Cross Flow is Ossberger in Germany. Although the Chinese turbines are not as pretty Icy Creek Power Recovery Study Page 4 of9 polarconsult alaska they are rugged and conservatively constructed. The Chinese are difficult to communicate with but their turbines are about 5 times less costly. The reason is the Chinese believe in small dispersed power and construct 1 ,OOOs of standard units per year. For this study we priced Chinese Francis turbines. 6.3 Generator The generators for the system is assumed to be of the induction type. They are also assumed to be 3 phase machines, and they are for all intents identical with a similar capacity induction motor. Generators of this type tum above synchronous speed. The amount above this speed depends on slip. One of Polarconsult' s generators turned at 1210 rpm, synchronous speed is 1,200 rpm, which is unusual. Generally the slip will be greater. The induction generator also draws reactive power off of the line. In most cases this means that to keep reactive amperage down capacitors are added to the system. The induction generator has the advantage that it will not generate power if it is not connected to the line. This is an advantage as linemen will not have to isolate this source. It is a disadvantage if standby power is important If that is the case a synchronous generator can be used. However this type of machine requires some form of governing. The two major types are the mechanical flow control governor or an electronic load governor which adds load to the system. The induction generator will usually be equipped with capacitors to decrease reactive power. Generally the power factor is held to 90 percent or less to prevent the possibility of self excitation if the generator looses its load. An induction generator is a very robust machine; it can withstand over speed and it has no controls, brushes or voltage regulator. This would be the machine to choose provided the plant it is not intended to be used for peaking and standby power for this end of the community. 6.4 Controls The controls used for an induction generator are simple. An induction generator can be put on line manually by opening the gate and when the turbine nears synchronous speed close the breaker or the contactor. The contactor and or breaker can be wired to drop off line if there is a loss of power or some type of condition occurs which is outside of preset parameters. These parameters could include, over and under, speed, voltage, or over current. At this time an automatic valve would close or there would be a closure of the turbine gates or nozzles. This same sequence could also be provided by a PLC, programmable logic controller, or computer. In this system a speed device provides information to a computer or relay that closes a contactor when the generator approaches synchronous speed. The generator then develops the amount of slip, as required to ley Creek Power Recovery Study Page 5 of9 polarconsult alaska overcome the turbine torque. Company's that make this type of gear can provide all of the essential functions in one small master computer. A synchronous machine is more critical. To synchronize, the turbine speed has to have a close match to the system speed and the electrical phases aligned prior to connection . With smaller machines this can be easily accomplished by reducing the excitation and bringing the machine through synchronous speed. As the proper speed is approached, the machine is connected and then the excitation raised. This will result in the generator pulling the turbine into the proper speed. The controls to accomplish this are similar but more complicated than those for an induction machine, and as a result will be more costly. In addition to electrical and governing controls, controls will be needed to determine what water flows are appropriate for the system. For Option 1 and 2 a head level control can be used at the reservoir which will open the turbine gates the amount required to hold the water level just below the spillway. This system can be programmed to take advantage of some of the reservoir capacity. When the large reservoir is constructed it is reasonable to make calculations and develop ruling curves to determine how the operations of the hydro and the water supply can best be integrated to achieve the maximum electrical production with the optimum protection of the water supply. This work is generally done with computer studies. The algorithms can be programmed into a PLC, computer, or control setpoints and values can be dispatched from Public Works as is most desirable. 7. Costs The costs for the various options are provided in this section. These costs are based on the City hiring the workers and avoiding title 36 wages which are required for contract work. These costs are based on using Chinese turbines, and the balance North American equipment. The pipe is all steel with welded joints, the buildings are metal or wood on a concrete foundation. The building cost is assumed to be $100 per square foot, the concrete $800 per in place cy. Labor rates were assumed to be $40 per hour for welding and pipe fitting, and $35 per hour for skilled labor. In addition, an experienced mill wright was factored for two days working time to align the units. Materials are the most significant cost for this type of project. To the construction costs are added engineering near 10%, local administration near 15%, local supervision for 2 months and a risk factor of20%. Icy Creek Power Recovery Study Page 6 of9 polarconsult alaska Item Description Option 1 Option 2 ·Option3 Pipe, valves and Welding $YJ2000 . ' $40,000 $28,000 Building $32,0oo $ 32,000 $.32,000 Turbine $40,000 $40,000 $20,000 Generator s4t),ooo $40,000 $13,000 Transformer $il5,000 $21,000 $6,000 Switchgear $'2,4,000 $24,000 $16,000 Balance freight, labor, etc. ${51,000. $79,000 ··s 28,ooo Subtotal $t214,0()() $ 276,000 $143,000 Local Supervision $~!13.; (}()() .• $ 13,000 $>13,000 Engineering $ .. 25,000 $30,000 $20,000 Local Administration $36,000 $45,000 $27,000 Contingencies $50,000 $61,000 $40,000 Total $.338,000 $425,000 $243,000 What is not included in the cost estimate are the costs of any extension of the 3 phase power system to the plant. Three phase is strongly advised for the system and power lines have to be extended in any event to the chlorination plant. This amount should be added to the cost of the plant which will reduce the present worth of the plant after payoff. The City knows the cost of line extensions so this figure can readily be determined. Polarconsult owns its own hydro plant. The plant consists of 4,200 feet o 12" pipeline, intake and desanding box, power house built off of a cliff, all equipment similar to Option 3 but with a more expensive 1 phase generator, 4,600 feet of direct buried power cable, a telemetered metering system, 8,600 feet of access trail and pipeline bench, and 8,600 feet of buried 2 pair telephone cable. This plant was constructed near Palmer for less than $210,000. The majority of the cost and labor was in the pipeline and intake which will not be needed for this plant. 8. Economics The economic analysis is based on the present value of the project upon payoff. The present value simply means what the money is worth today. For example, the present value of the loan to build the hydro project would be the amount of the loan. The present value of the income from the hydro project is the amount that the future income is worth today. The discount rate is the interest rate that is used to move money through time. It is also used as the loan interest rate. Typically, the discount rate is the potential interest that money can earn minus the inflation rate. For this project, we have chosen a discount rate of 5%. This is based on the assumption that tax free bonds or a mixture of tax free bonds and grants can be used. See Figure 7 for Option 2 Adjusted Data Case where the discount rate varies. Icy Creek Power Recovery Study Page 7 of9 polarconsult alaska Income will increase when the price of electricity increases. These increases will be caused by inflation of equipment, labor and fuel and by the absolute increase in fuel prices over time. As an example, the hydro will put out the same amount of power each month on average. If the cost of that power remains the same, then the income from the hydro will be constant. If the cost of power increases, then the income from the hydro also increases. For this analysis, we have estimated an increase of 1.5% per year in the cost of electricity. This means that if the price of electricity is now 7 cents per kWh then in 30 years the price of electricity will be 11 cents per kWh. See Figure 8 for Option 2, Adjusted Data Case where the future price of electricity varies. The factors that determine whether this project is profitable (having a positive present value) are the loan amount, the loan payback period, the discount rate, the price of electricity, the increase in the price of electricity, the amount of power produced by the hydro, the amount of power produced by the hydro that is utilized (or sold), and the maintenance cost of the hydro. For this analysis, it is assumed that all of the power produced by the hydro is utilized and that the maintenance costs are 10% of the initial hydro income. The values used for the this analysis are as follows: Initial hydro cost (loan amount)----------------------Varies with option Hydro loan payback time (yr.)------------------------------30 years Discount rate (annual) -------------------------------------------5. 0% Price of electricity ($/kWh)-------------------------------------0.07 Fuel cost increase rate -------------------------------------------1.5% Yearly average power produced (kWh)-------------Varies with option Amount of power produced that is sold---------------------100% Hydro O&M cost (per month)----------------------10% of hydro income Given those assumptions, the analysis of the different options yields the following results. Option 1 Option li . . Option 2 Option 2 Option3 Data set used .real data adjusted data: <Treal:data adjusted data real data Initial hydro cost (loan amount) $400,000 $330,000 ·ssoo~i>oo $425,000 $243,000 Hydro monthly payments $2,138 $1,764' ·. :$2,'6:73 $2,272. . $1,299 Average monthly income from hydro $7,992 $5,192' · .. $h375 $8,342 $2,211 <.c·,, •.:'· Hydro O&M cost (per month) $799 $519' $1;138 $834 $221 Present worth of hydro after loan $1,195,117 $706,244· $1;770,422 $1,239,976 $198,277 payback The results of the economic analysis show that all of the options are profitable based on the assumptions made. Icy Creek Power Recovery Study Page 8 of9 polarconsult alaska 9. Conclusions and Recommendations It is concluded that a power recovery plant located near the chlorination tank has positive financial benefits. Even based on factored water flows, the present worth values of Option 1 yields $706,244 and Option 2 yields $1,239,976. To these amounts can be added Option 3 at $193,000. What is not incorporated into these calculations is the new darn which will result in an increase of head and enable the flows to be smoothed so there will be a greater power output. The value of the head increase for a dam with a surface elevation of 560 feet will result in an increase in revenue of22% for Option I, and 16% for Option 2 and about 26% for Option 3. Also what is not incorporated is a possibility of using the system to shave peaks and the advantage that will accrue to Unalaska in helping meet the new stringent air quality requirements. These values would be the subject of a more detailed analysis. Costs are always a factor in the construction of a system such as this. It is very easy on a small job to load it up with overhead and wasted effort. The assumption is the work is done efficiently and professionally, and the overhead is kept to a minimum and the crew starts and completes the work in a short period of time during the summer. The City should consider if this system provides them with a rate of return commensurate with the risks. If this is the case, the design and construction of this plant will take about one year. The major time requirement is to purchase and deliver the turbine. If the City believes it desirable to consider expanding the facility to incorporate peaking turbines with a new dam it is likely a parallel pipeline will have to be built to provide the most effective system. If the City does not wish to take the risk they can allow private enterprise to build the plant with a purchase option at a latter date or a percentage of the gross revenue generated by power sales. Icy Creek Power Recovery Study Page 9 of9 polarconsult alaska Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Appendix A Monthly Creek Flow and precipitation Option 1, Real Data Option 1, Adjusted Data Option 2, Real Data Option 2, Adjusted Data Option 3, Real Data Option 2 Present Value as a Function of Discount Rate Using Adjusted Data FIGURE 1 Monthly Creek Flow and Precipitation 80 T 12 70 + l I \ I __:;_ Flow ( cfs) --11-Precip (in) 1 +10 -60 ~ I -u = '-' .... ._, ~ 8 = 0 0 -50 ·-~ -e:: ~ -.... (1;1 c. f:: ·-u u (1;1 40 6 ""' (1;1 ~ bJ) » eo; -""' -= (1;1 -~ 30 = 0 ...Q 4 2; -= --1\ e:: = -0 1\ 0 2; 20 E--4 2 I .. I ' I \. ~ ---I I 10 0 ··-···-+--0 12/28/91 416192 7/15/92 10/23/92 1/31/93 5/11/93 8119/93 11/27/93 317194 Date 1,400,000 -~ 1,380,000 - 1,360,000 ~---- -.c 31: 1,340,000 .111: -'a <ll u 1,320,000 ::l t--~ 'a 0 .. a. 1,300,000 .. t---- <ll 31: 0 a. 1 ,280,000 .1!:-.. Ia <ll 1,260,000 >----- <ll C) Ia .. <ll 1,240,000 > --- < 1,220,000 1,200,000 1,180,000 300 I I~ I 1/ - ----- ---- FIGURE 2 Option 1, Real Data ~~~, .. ~------~ ~ ----vn ·---/ v --- --- -r / ... f--- --- -- - h / ~ -- " 1\ ------\-= ' -- ' ' -- 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Turbine Size (kw) 2,000,000 1,950,000 -..c: ~ ~1,900,000 c 0 :;::; (.) :I 'C 0 0:1 ,850,000 ... Gl ~ a. >-;: :g1,800,000 > 1,750,000 1,700,000 ,~--- ----- --- 450 500 - FIGURE 4 Option 2, Real Data --- //\ v ~ ~' ~-~~ / ----------- I ·~ J \ I --------·--- I ------------·---------- --~·----·········------------' 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 Turbine Size (kw) 1,440,000 1,420,000 :c !1,400,000 c 0 :;::l 0 ::s "C 0 a: 1 ,380,000 ... ~ D.. >--.: m1.36o.ooo >- 1,340,000 1,320,000 FIGURE 5 Option 2, Adjusted Data --t----~-7---·-.Y.. --~---+-----·-----·----+ \ ~ • ~ ·-···!--·-· --+-----+---· ---+-----; 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 BOO Turbine Size (kw) 390,000 380,000 :2 370,000 3: =-c 0 :;:: 360,000 C.) ::s '0 0 ... D. ... cu 3: 350,000 0 D. >--.::: cu cu >-340,000 330,000 320,000 --·~··"-'-·--;--------- FIGURE 6 Option 3 --- - / ~-~""- e--I ~ ---- / r----~-- [\ v I f----v ---------; I r-------.1- 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 Turbine Size (kw) --~ - -- 135 145 polarconsult alaska Appendix 8 Attachments Information on Turgo, Francis, and Ossberger turbines Figure 8 Option 2 Present Value as a Function of Fuel Cost Using Adjusted Data Icy Creek Power Recovery Study What is a Turgo Impulse Turbine? The concept behind the Turgo Impulse design was to provide a simple Impulse type machine having a considerably higher specific speed than the single Jet Pelton. The design allows a larger jet of water to be directed at an angle onto a runner of small diameter, hence an average specific speed of151mperial units- 65 metric units is available. · The first Gilkes Turgo Impulse Turbine was installed in Scotland in 1919. Since then, turbines of this exclusive Gilkes design have been operating in over 60 countries, many of them repeat orders and most ofthe 1720 units manufactured are still operating The fact that the machine can operate at heads from 50 feet (15M) to 1000 feet (300M) indicates the universal application, allowing installations of Impulse turbines in what was previously exclusive Francis turbine territory. Gilkes, with their inhouse Research and Development Department and test facilities have continuously improved and uprated the original design. We have a design team exclusively engaged to ensure that we maintain this position as a market leader. Like all equipment of outstanding performance or design, attempts have been made to copy the Gilkes Turgo Impulse turbine but only Gilkes can back the design with 60 years of manufacturing, installation and servicing experience. PELTON TURGO ... ·):~";!'-o'·• .. The Advantages of the GILKES Turgo Impulse Turbine · When considering a hydro-electric installation, even very competent engineers tend to overlook the considerable difference between water turbines and other types of motive power units. The quality engineered water turbine, should be good for at least 50 years of operation, with the minimum of down time and spares requirement In addition to this, the costs of the mechanical components (turbine- generator -governor) are generally only a very small proportion of the total hydro plant installation , when one considers the water storage facility, pipelines, powerhouse, switch gear and transmission lines. It is, therefore, vital that the correct priorities are recognised. The water turbine must be of a proven design, from a well established manufacturer: capable of producing its rated output have a high efficiency serviced with the minimum of downtime must be the right type of turbine for the prevailing heaa, flow rates and other site conditions. The Gilkes Turgo Impulse turbine has the following major advantages relative to other Impulse and Reaction turbines over a very wide range of head conditions. 1) Being of the Impulse pattern, no fine clearances are involved which means that the turbine can operate on silt laden water over long periods with the minimum of wear. When this does occur, wear at the spear tip and nozzle can be easily repaired and after longer periodsthe runner can be repaired by welding if required. Turgo Impulse turbines are very popular at mining power plants, being able to provide a long life when operating on mining tailings. The overall efficiency is unaffected by normal wear. 2) All working parts, including the governing deflector are easily accessible through the detachabl e top cover or throu gh the tailrace pit M anholes are provid ed for routin e inspection. 3) Speed-load control is usually carried out by jet deflector, governor operated. This method of governing ensures that there are no pipeline shock loads even on full load rejection. Where water economy is of paramount importance, the deflector governing can be augmented by follow-up closure of the spear, the rate of closure being designed to be compatible with the pipeline design rating. This gives the Turgo Impulse a very considerable advantage over medium to high head Francis turbine installations which require uprated pipelines, surge faci lities or relief. valves. 4) There is no danger of cavitation damage to the runner or casing. 5) The performance curve is extremely flat giving high efficiency over wide flow and load variations. This is particularly important where the turbines are used on sites subject to seasonal flow changes or in conjunction with municipal water supply or irrigation schemes. The twin jet version available in the high capacity range provides for even wider flow variations whilst maintaining high efficiencies. 6) . The large jet diameter relative to runner mean effective diameter provides a machine capab le of passing large quantities of water when the turbines are be ing used as a flow regulating device in addition to a power generation machine. . 7) The high spedfic speed characteristic generally means that a more compact and cheaper generator can be used even when compared with multi jet Peltons. 8) These features all indicate that the Gilkes Turgo Impulse turbine must be seriously considered where one is looking for a medium to high head machine of proven efficiency, reliability and simple maintenance. · ASK US TO PUT YOU IN TOUCH WITH SATISFIED USERS. The OSSBERGER"''Turbine The OSSBERGER Cross-Flow Turbine is protected by US and Foreign Patent Documents and its innovative design makes it superior in performance, operation and reliability, compared to other similar turbine types. Range of Application : Heads 4 to 650ft (1 to 200m) Waterflows 1 to 530 cfs (.03 to 15 mo/s) Outputs 1 to 1500 kW per unit Figure 1: Horizontal Admission Principle and Flow Pattern The OSSBERGER turbine is a radial impulse-type turbine with partial admission. Its specific speed . makes it a low-speed turbine. The jet of wat er wh1ch is given a rectangular cross-section by the gUide-vane system , flows through the ring of blades on the barrel- shaped rotor , first from outside to inside and then , after crossing the interior of the runner, from inside to outside again . In practice , this flow pattern has the additional advan- tage that leaves , grass and melting snow , which are forced between the blades of the rotor as the water enters , are washed out again after half a revolution of the rotor by the outgoing water , assisted by the centrifugal forces . The self-clean ing rotor therefore never becomes blocked. If the nature of the water-cours e should require it, OSSBERGER turbines can be built in multi-section configuration , the normal section ratio being 1 :2. The sm all guide vane section is used with low water supplies , the large section with medium f~ow~.and both sections together for full flow. By th1s diviSion into se ction s , any w ater supply in the rang_e .from 1/6 to 1/1 full flow is handled with optimum efhc1ency . This explains why OSSBERGER turbines are espe- cially suitabl e for the efficient utiliz ation of water flows subj ect to wide fluctuations . Casing . . The all -steel casing of OSSBERGER turbmes !S extr emely robust , yet lighter th an cast-Iron ca s1ngs, shock and frost resistant, with the sidewalls made m steel casting. Rotor The heart of the turbine , the rotor , is fitted with blad e s wh ic h ar e made of preci sion drawn se ctional steel by a prov en method and ar e fitted and we ld ed at both ends int o end dis cs. Depend in g on 1t s s1ze. th e rot o r is fitted with up to 37 such blades . The blades , wh ich are curved only in radial di rection , produce no axial thrust , thereby obviating the need for thrust bearings or labyrinth bearings with all their inherent disadvan- tages. In long ro tors the blades are suppo rt ed by several intermediate discs . Although the use of precision drawn blade sections e nsures almost perfect balancing, the rotors are carefully balanced before f inal assembly. Bearings The main bearings in OSSBERGER turbines are equipped with standard self-alig ni ng roller-beari ng inserts . Roll e r bearings in water tu rbines have indisputable advantages if the ingress of leakage water o r condensation is prevented by the design o f the bearing housing , as outboard bearings . This is, in fact , the outstanding feature of the patented OSSBERGER turbine bearing design. At the same time, the rotor is positivel y centered in re lation to th e turbine casing. Sealing components which require no maintenance complete this ingenious technical solution. Apart from a change of grease about once a year, the bearings require virtually no maintenance. Guide Vanes In divided OSSBERGER turbines, water admission is controlled by two balanced guide-vanes. These divide the stream of water and direct it so as to enter the rotor smoothly, irrespective of the guide-vane aperture. Since the two variable-pitch guide-vanes are precision mounted in the turbine casing they eliminate the need for shut off valves between pen- stock pipe and turbine, at heads up to 150 feet. The two guide-vanes can be adjusted individually by control levers linked with the automatic or manual control system. These control levers or guide-vane arms are equipped with dead weights for failsafe turbine shut-down, if used in conjuction with the OSSBERGER hydraulic regulator. The OSSBERGER· Cross-Flow Turbine compared to other Turbine types Figure 4: Specific Speed Draft Tube . As already mentioned, OSSBERG~R turbmes are basically impulse turbines. In med1um and low head ranges, however, a draft tube is essent1al m order to utilize the full head, !rom headwater _level to ta1lwater level. Impulse turbines, equipped w1th draft tubes, require regulation of the suction head and the water column in the draft tube, especially if they need to operate efficiently over a flow range from 15 to 1 00% of full flow. A simple, frictionless, air inlet valve for controlling the vacuum in the turbine casing solves this problem in the OSSBERGER turbine, so that even intake heads of as little as 4 feet can be used. In this case, an elbow draft tube can be designed, to further reduce the civil structural costs. The air intake into the turbine housing creates an air-water mixture in the draft tube, providing a beneficial side effect to the environment by increasing the oxygen content of the outflowing water in the tailrace. Depending on the ratio of the suction head (draft tube length) to the total head, the turbine efficiency may reduce by approxi- mately 3% in comparison with Figure 6. Operating Characteristics Due to their inherent design features, OSSBERGER turbines are not affected by cavitation, provided the suction head (draft tube length) is not extended "beyond" the vapor pressure of water, irrespective of the head under which they work. A turbine setting below tailwater level wit~ associated high civil structural costs, as mandated w1th other turbine types, is not required with OSSBERGER turbines. The runaway speed of OSSBERGER turbines at rated head is approximately 1.8 times the nominal speed which allows the use of standard generators. Efficiency Figure 6: Efficiency Curve of an OSSBERGER Turbine with divided guide vanes (Ratio 1 :2), without draft tube. OSSBERGER Turbine Efficiency: Water Flow: 15 30 60 90 100 % Efficiency: 86 87 87 87 87 % Figure 6 clearly illustrates the superiority of the OSSBERGER turbine in the partial load range. Small rivers and water courses often have a reduced water flow for several months of the year. Whether or not power can be gene~at~d during tha~ time dep~nds on efficiency charactenst1cs of t~e. particular turbme. . Turbines with a high peak effiCiency but a poor P?rtlal load behavior produce less annual power output 1n run-of-river power stations with a fluctuating water supply than turbines with a flat efficiency curve, such as the OSSBERGER. Even with extensive head fluctuations, e.g. down- stream of storage reservoirs, the efficiencies of OSSBERGER turbines are inherently better than those of high-speed turbines. The mean overall efficiency of very small turbines (up to 400 series) and at low head sites is guaranteed over the whole admission range at a lower rate as shown in Figure 6. Turbine Regulation An unco icated simple power producer such as the OSSBE ER turbine needs an equally reliable regulation system. On their search for such a system, the OSSBERGER engineers found that a proportional control valve was too sensitive and once more, new, but well-proven technologies were investigated. It was discovered that the Askania jet-tube system was best adapted for this duty. One of its outstanding features were the requirement standards on the quality and cleanliness of the hydraulic oil which was about ten times less likely to cause problems than with the usual proportional valves. The OSSBERGER regulator/governor basically consists of the following mostly standardized compo- nents: -hydraulic power unit (HPU) with jet-tube assembly, oil pump supply system, hot wired solenoid valves for failsafe turbine shut-down and input signal conversion into hydraulic pressure deflection. -turbine control panel (TCP) for wall mounting with indicators and operational devices. -servo motor (hydraulic cylinder) for each guide vane. -tache-generator directly mounted on turbine or generator shaft for speed indication. -level sensor with galvanized support stand for installation at intake. -guide vane position feed-back signal with position potentiometers. The OSSBERGER regulators are used for automatic control of the sub-divided OSSBERGER turbine according to the flow rate (respectively water level), generator speed, or intake pressure. The guide vane position of the turbine is regulated by the hydraulic oil flow either directed into the opening or closing ports of the hydraulic servo cylinders. Water flow through the turbine is therefore continuously regulated according to the input signal. The A-regulator is used in connection with induction generators for asynchronous operation, whereby the run-of-the-river concept mandates the guide vane opening, maximizing generation by using the water level signal at the intake to control the turbine open- ing. The A-regulator offers the following features: -automatic start-up -automatic paralleling with utility grid -automatic turbine regulation -automatic shutdown at grid failure and restart The OSSBERGER S-regulator/governor is used with synchronous generators to operate either grid-parallel or independently for stand-alone units. For isolated operation, the generator speed is controlled by the PID-governor to maintain constant frequency and stable operation from zero to full load. Jf combined with water level regulation, the turbine will start on spee~ control followed by the synchronizing process at wh1ch time the main circuit breaker will connect to th.e public grid. At this point the water level regulator WI." take over since the generator is locked into the gnd ~ystem and speed regulation is not further requrred. For smaller stand-alone units an electronic load controller with load dump can be used for single and three phase generators to replace the PID-governor. The combination of an OSSBERGER turbine with its dedicated control system will ensure continued trouble-free operation, proven by many thousand installations around the world. Turbine Control I A-Regulator h _j S-Govemor ~---~~----~~-~G--~&r-~ ~~~-----n----~ I Manual Control I j Water Level Control / .... 1 _sp_e_ed_c_o_ntr_o_l _, Run·of·the-River (Maximize Generation) I .L I ....------' ........_ ___ , Grid-parallel Grid·parallel and operation only isolated operation && \7\7 I Induction Generator I r Synctlronous Generator l <;] ~--<]____j "' !.___Ut_i_lity_G_n_·d _ _,j .... l __ u_mr_ty_G_rid _ ___,l j lsolat~ Grid Grid provides excitation. No power gen- eration without grid power. Automatic shut· down and re-start Sell Excitation. Power factor improvement. Self Excitation. Stand-alone operation. Stable Operation from zero to tull load. Figure 7: OSSBERGER Regulator Types Front Cover Photographs TOP LEFT The Georgetown Divide Public Utility Water Agency m California uses their Irrigation system to generate electncity with an OSSBERGER Turbine to operate efficiently between 180 and 260 feet.. A 600 rpm induction generator is directly coupled to the turbme shaft. An automated by-pass valve is provided. to maintain the water flow at times of power outage and grid failure. TOP RIGHT To minimize construction work for a power plant rehabilitation, an OSSBERGER Turbine was placed into the existing turbine pit. The turbine with top intake operates at a head of 38 feet, to develop 700 kW. This automated station belongs to Hydro Sherbrooke in Quebec, Canada. BOTTOM LEFT Adirondack Hydro Development Corp. is the owner of the Middle Falls Hydro Station in New York. This typical run-of- the-river hydro installation, operating at a net head of 48 feet. is featuring two OSSBERGER Cross-Flow Turbines, each one equipped with divided guide vanes, to enable power generation year-round. Each turbine is coupled with a single-stage speed increaser to drive a synchronous generator at 900 rpm. The installed capacity amounts to 2.3 MW. The OSSBERGER PID· Governor incorporates speed and water level regulation. to permit tully automatic, unattended operation. BOTTOM RIGHT Another Typical run-of-the-river hydro plant, built by Adirondack Hydro Development Corp .. is rated at 34 feet and a maximum flow of 250 cfs to generate in excess of 600 kW. Pictured is the turbine with transition piece from which the cooling water for the speed increaser is diverted. The draft tube below the turbine allows full utilization of the draft head below the turbine runner. Power generation resumes year-round from full flow down to approx. 12 cis, experienced during dry summer months. <U = -c: > ..... = <U <"1.) <U I.. ~ $1,600,000 $1,500,000 $1,400,000 - $1,300,000 $1,200,000 $L100,000 ,000,000 -~ $900,000 $800,000 0.00% FIGURE 8 Option 2 Present Value as a Function of Fuel Cost Using Adjusted Data I ------~ ........- ~ ~ ----·-------~ ~ ·-----·-···-· ~--I ~ ------- -----------~-- 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% ·Fuel Cost Increase Rate -~~ ------- ----- 2.50% 3.00% polarconsult alaska Appendix C Drawing H-1 General Specifications and Flow Diagrams Drawing H-2 Turbine Details Icy Creek Power Recovery Study INTAKE ELEV 513 0' INTAKE ELEV 513 0' TOP OF TANK 330 0' HEAD CONTROLLED VALVE (EXISTING) GROSS HEAD = 214' RESERVOIR TO TURBINE TURBINE DISCHARGE BLOW-OFF SITE N T S INTAKE ELEV 513 0' TOP OF TANK 330 0' PRV HEAD CONTROLLED VALVE (EXISTING) TURBINE DISCHARGE GROSS HEAD = 300 RESERVOIR TO TURBINE DATE ~/1 5/ NO ELEV 213 0' I C Y C R E E K ICY CREEK BELOW FILTER PLANT N T S DATE REVISictlS polarconsu!t HEAD CONTROLLED VALVE (EXISTING) unc DESIGNED __ EA 1----t---t---------------! DRA\\N DJ!l 1--+----J-------------J CHECKED __ EA 1-----t---1----------------1 ENGINEERS e SURVEYORS • ENERGY CONSULTANTS PRV FILTER PLANT SITE N T S SCALE 1 =1 -() FILE UH1 1:---t--+-------------1 1503 WEST 33RD AVE SUITE 310 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 FAX (907) 258-2419 GROSS HEAD= 180' RESERVOIR TO TURBINE -----------1--- DRAWING GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND FLOW DIAGRAMS PROJECT DUTCH HARBOR/UNALASKA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA } SHEET Of N <( 12" ¢ ~ DUCTILE IRON ¢ STEEL ¢ STEEL 12 '/J 24 ¢ DUCTILE IRON HL11D-wJ-30 TURBINE P L A N 24" ¢ STEEL FLOOR 12 ¢ 12 ¢ 16" 1/J E L E V A T I 0 N 9 5/8" / TURBINE AT FILTER PLANT SITE 9 5/8" 9 5/B" 24' ¢ DUCTILE IRON 24" ¢DUCTILE IRON DATE 4M/ NO DATE REVISIONS DESIGNED __ EA t------+--+-------------1 DAA~ ~R t------+--+-------------1 ~E=D----EA ~-r-+-----------~ poialfconsult aiaska. ~t11c ENGINEERS o SURVEYORS o ENERGY CONSULTANTS SCALE 1/4 ~1 -(1 FILE UH1 l----+--+--------------1 1503 WEST 33RD AVE SUITE 310 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 FAX (907) 256-2419 \ I WATER DISCHARGE GRADE TAILRACE P L A N WATER DISCHARGE ~E T HL-110-WJ-50 I HL11D-wJ-50 TURBINE I E L E V A T I 0 N A1 Az 2 '-9 1/2' 1 '-11 5/8" A3 3'-3 3/8" HL11D-wJ-50 TURBINE A4 1 '-4 1/2" TYPiCAL TURBINE AT BLQW~OFF ANP AT ICY CREEK DRAWING TURB~NE DETAiLS I PROJECT '!DUTCH HARBOR/UNALASKA I HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT I DUTCH HARBOR, ALASKA SHEET