HomeMy WebLinkAboutKinetic Hydro Enegery Conversion Study 1983KINETIC HYDRO ENERGY CONVERSION STUDY (KHECS) For the New York State Resource Phase 1 -Final Report March, 1983 /. I\ ' . KINETIC HYDRO ENERGY CONVERSION STUDY (KHECS) FOR THE NEH YORK STATE RESOURCEt Gabriel Miller* Dean Corren** Joseph Francheschi*** PHASE I -FINAL REPORT MARCH 1983 NYU/DAS 82-08 tResearch sponsored by the Power Authority of the State of New York (PASNY) Contract I NY0.-82-33 (NYU-5-259-868) * Associate Professor and Principal Investigator ** Assistant Research Scientist ***Consu 1 tant NEW YORK UNIVERSITY FACUL TV OF ARTS AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED SCIENCE •I ... , . NYU/OAS 82=08 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge Mr. Gerald Stillman. Hs. Connie Tan and Dr. Harvey Brudner of the Power lathor1ty of the State of New York (PASNY) for their help and direcUon during the course of the study. I i -1- \ . ' I : NYU/OAS 82-08 ABSTRACT This report describes the Phase I research performed by New York University for the Power Authority of the State of New York to de- termine the use of mechanical devices to extract energy from free flowing water resources. The preliminary evaluation of the New York State resource was per- formed and found to be encouraging. A general survey and analysis of potential kinetic hydro energy con- version systems (KHECS) was performed and a propeller turbine system was found to hold the greatest potential as a practical cost effec- tive system (at least in the near term) for sites ~th reasonable depths. . t Further work is being performed in Phase II, to develop: a more detailed conceptual design; to perform a cost estimate for the production of KHECS; and to fabricate a test model. A favorable result of the economic study and model test program should lead to a prototype test program. -11- TABLE OF CONTENTS Pac~ -Acknowledgements i Abs tr·ac t i i Table of Contents iii list of Nomenclature iv I. Introduction 1 II. Resource Assessment 4 11-1. Introduction and Methodology 4 II-2. Region. and .. Resource Classification 6 II-3. Resource Characteristics 10 II-4. Selection Criteria 12 II-5. Preliminary.Site Selection 13 II-6. Statewide Power Estimate 21 II-7. Final Site Selection 26 III. Device Evaluation 28 III-I. Generic Advantages of KHECS 28 III-2. Generic Disadvantages of KHECS 30 III-3. Device Descriptions 32 III-4. Evaluation Methodology 39 III-5. Device Evaluations and Comparisons 41 IV. Conclusions 49 v. References 50 V-I. Resource Assessment 50 I ' V-II. KHECS Devices 51 iii r Uco v v X p T liST OF NOMENCLATURE Projected frontal area of a KHECS (m 2 ) Power coefficient based on frontal area (dimensionless) Orag Coefficient Diameter (m) Drag Force. (N) length (m) Power (kW) Power avaf I able from a fluid flow (k~J) Power output from proper·ly loaded IOIECS (k~l) Radius (m) Freestream velocity (m/s) Volume (m3) Velocity (m/s) .Weight (kg) Tip speed ratio (wr1'Uco) Density (kg/m 3) Angular velocity (s-1) Torque (N·m) iv I . NYU/DAS 82-08 I. INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of the first phase of a study of hydro energy convertors which utilize only the kinetic energy in flowing water resources. The available resources \'Jere first assessed for New York State by type, and then a variety of devices that could be utilized in these resources were examined. Broadly, harnessing hydro resource may be compared as fundamentally simi- lar to harnessing the \'lind resource for which the technology is more devel- oped. Because of the difference in resour·ces, capturing the kinetic water resource· may hav~ certain distinct advantages. The key difference beb1een the two types of freestreams as t·egards power· production is the 850-fold advantage in the density of .water over air. This must be contrasted to the fact that streams of interest have 1/5 to l/3 that of most wind energy conversion systems (WECS) site velocities. According to P = Cp l/2 pAV 3 and assuming comparable Cp's, the two opposing factors yield an advantage in power per unit area for kinetic hydro energy conversion systems (KHECS) of between 7 and 30, which corresponds to a diameter reduction per un1t power of between 2.6 and 5.5. ~ With respect to forces on the device, which can be expressed. as F = Co: 1/2 pAV 1 , the density term dominates the square of the velocity difference and thus structures for the hydrodevice may be required to withstand forces from 34 to 95 times higher per unit area than the wind device. However, to insure that the structure can withstand extreme wind speeds, WECS must be designed to accommodate speeds in excess of ten times average speeds, or three to four times maximum design operating speed. KHECS will utilize resources with over- -1- . . NYU/DAS £12-08 speed capabilities ranging froo1 1.5 the design point for river sites, down to virtually no overspeed beyond design point for tidal system. A further consideration is that besides the area reduction, there would typically be a linear dimension reduction in the supporting structure (e.g. tower) for a KHECS as compared with a WECS, pursuant to the rotor (or active part) area reduction and the fact that the KHECS \·iill be submerged in a flO'il as opposed to a WECS (which must pierce a boundary layer or flow shear). Such a reduction by a factor of two or more will serve to favor the KHECS structural economics. ~1hi1e such a compar-ison is extremely crude and does not deal with such important effects as ice, mounting and other site specific considerations, the KHECS and WECS systems \olill probably yield comparable costs per unit area under many conditions. Combining the structural comparison with the diameter reduction (for a given power setting) which is given twice the economic weight for rotating machinery, our comparison yields a considerable advantage for the KHECS sys- tem based on the usual construction economics. This, of course, makes no allo\'t·· ance for other differences between the two types of devices, e.g., cavitation and control complexity and to site specifics such as interconnect costs. From the above," on an a priori basis of analogy with WECS, the KHECS con- cept shows potential cost-effectiveness warranting the present review of the kinetic hydro resource and a variety of potential conversion devices. In l . addition, this cursory observation leads one to believe that the cost per kilowatt installed for the KHECS could be an order of magnitude less than an equivalent WECS.sited in typical good New Yor~ State wind regimes. New York's kinetic hydro resources include inland rivers and streams, and tidal rivers and coastal. estu~ries. The resource potential for k1netic hydro -2- l . NYU/OAS 82-08 convertors is assessed in Section II. Devices, potentially usable v!it;. the resour·ces ·identified are analyzed and compared in Section III. -3- \' ' NYU/DAS 82-08 The development of a methodology for resource estimation, site selection and device application is essential to identify regional natural energy sources that could possibly support •(inetic Hydro Energy Conversion SystRms (KHECS). The site assessment methodology was developed to assure adequate broad investigation and uniform coverage of the state regions and resource types. This methodology provided the process by which specific sites were identified and recorded, categorized to facilitate data storage and accumulated to develop the statewide resource potential. It will also assist in the selection of potential sites for further detailed study, possibly .for the development of .a prototype system at a selected site. l An outlin• of this methodology is shown in Figure II-1. It should be emphasized that this methodology did net account for insitutional, legal or environmental impediments which would hinder the appl tcation c.f KHECS. The approach here ~'las to· secure an overview of whether or not there is any potential for the application of KHECS in New York State. -4- NVU/OAS 82-08 \: . ! ' ; I .. -5- (l,.. 0 -~A . - ~ '>-1 = (.!' w 0 § .....1 ~ ·o LL. 0 0 :c ...... w ~ (/) CIJ >-...J <( .Z <C ' . NYU/DAB 82-08 The analysis involved d1vidlng the State into regions to be studied and investigating those regions ior resource types. Tha resource types to be classified are those natural forms of energy which have the capacity to support KHECS power production. The- follo~·Jing sectior.s ~·•ill discuss each block of the methodology outline in some detail in the sequence shown. The energy regions in N~w York State which ~re suitable for KHECS power production were sub-divided to provide for their cummulative power potentials to comprise the Statewide po\..,er estimate. The regions under investigation, shown in-Figure II-2, are as follows: As discussed below, the Lower Hudson Basin was investigated, while the following basins power potentials were estimated from basin runoff: St. Lawrence Lake Champlain Lake Ontario Bl.ack River Upper Hudson Erie-Niagara Genesee Oswego -Mohawk Allegheny Susquehanna -Delaware -6- .... I ...., I -- " . . AREA OF INVESTIGATION .J BASIN STATl' .01' NEW 'YORK PRINCIPAL IJRAINA6E BASINS ,_1 • NEW YORK HARBOR *LO%-Ier· Hudson Basin r.evJewed and data extrapolated to other drainage basins FIGURE II ·-2 •. 0 )> Vl 00 N ' 0 00 ', . NYU/DAS 82-08 constitute a major portion of the Statewide power potential an~ comprise the largest land area for investigation. Since the allocation of KHECS is site specific the analysis became labor intensive du~ to thG magnitudo of indiv1dual maps w~tich must be . reviewed for tnis regions site selection. Because of this, the Lower nudson Basin was first determined by using USGS Quadrangle Maps and Discharge Data. Once this is established, a propotionality factor can be developed to estimate the Principal River Basin's power potential. This factor is based on their individual basin runoff value referenced to the Lower Hudson. Each basin•s factor multiplied by the Lower Hudson power potential became the power potential for that basin. Although this method i may over-or underestimate the power potential for different basins, i.e. underestimation of the Erie-Niagara basin due to the Niagara River•s large power potential the degree of precision was considered appropriate for the set objective of securing an . overview ol the state's power potential. ·The natural energy resource category in this region is ~~yig~Ql~ -8- NYU/OAS 82-08 ~a~-~Qn=n•~lg•~l€_8iY~C§_~ntl_§t~~~m~ <NRS>. It was observed th0t unnavigated potions of navigable rivers were shallow which were usually inappropriate for KHECS allocation and therefore provided only a minor portion of the regions power potential. 2> Since the major portion of the ~Y~!90-Bi~§~ is tidal driven flow, its powar potential is assessed sepwrately. The boundaries on this region is the Hudson River proper from Albany <north> to Yonkers <south> and any tributary entering the Hudson to the first upstream topographic line crossing that tributary. The analysis used NOAA Depth and Current Ch3rts to invesligata this region. The natural energy resource category in this region is !12il Bi~§C <TR>, much different than the principal river basin perspective "'hen viewed as tidal driven. During the analysis it was observed that towards the northern section of the river approaching Albany, the river depth and tidal flow effect are reduced providing a lesser contribution to the regions power potential. 3,4> With the major power production in the ~~-X;ck-~!CQ~ (NYH> and ~gog_l§lADd (Ll) regions also coming from tidal flow, the two regions possess similar resource categories and were subdivided only for geographical reasons. The NV Harbor region extends from the Narrows to the northern tip of Manhattan Island and the Long Island region includes the south shore from Coney -9- . ' . NYU/DAS 82-08 I : Island to Montauk Point, Long Island's north shore was not included due to the low tidal velocities existing in LI sound. The analysis method utilized NOAA Depth and Current Charts to investigate these waters. IB:a for their natural energy resource categories. The tidal rivers prevalent in the NYH region have a greater potential than the TR's in the Long Island region. Also, the TCE's of Eastern Long Island are shallow and contain minimal daily displacement volumes. These TCE"s aslo lack n~rrow conEtrictions appropriate for KHECS allocation and do not contribute significantly to the regions power potential. investigated in the New York State regions are: Type 1) Navigable and Non-navigable Portions of Rivers and Streams 2) Tidal Rivers 3) Tidal Consticted Estuaries Symbol NRS TR TCE Overall resource type characteristics were determined to integrate with and support preliminary KHECS devi.ce type design decisions. These overall resource characteristics are listed below. -10- NYU/DAS 82-08 1> 8t~@~a-2Q2_§~~@em~-Site location is concentrated on the principal river o~ the river basin and the lower portions of it's major tributaries. Downward slopes were preferred over flatlands because high density turbine packing arrangements are possible due to faster velocity head recovery. · ~2~ig~el@_Bi~~ca_~n2-~1c~~m~ -Deep and Swift 3-7 m in depth 1-3 m/sec velocity -Turbine Placement to Riverbed Substucture -.6 Plant Factor or Greatar ~gn=nmyig~glg_8iygc§_~ng_§1c~~m~ -Shallow and Swift 1-3 m in depth 1-2 m/sec velocity -Turbine Placement to Riverbed Substucture -.6 Plant Factor or Grearter Yon~~ig~1~g_fec1ieoa_ec_~~~i9EQ1~-B~§ -Shallow and Slow 1-3 m in depth .5-1.5 m/sec velocity -Turbine Placement to Riverbed Substructure -.6 Plant Factor or Greater 2> !ig~l-B!~gc§-Sites mostly concentrated along lower river areas or parallel flow constrictions where depths and velocities are greatest. Ii.Qe!.J!~I!r:.a -Shallow or Deep -Slow or swift -Bi-directional Flow 3-25 m in depth .5-2 m/sec -Turbine Placement Moored or Bridge Secured -.6 Plant Factor or Greater =11- ·, . I!.Q.~!.-~QO.§L.t:.!.~~~Q-~§t~2t:.i.€§-Sites concentrated mostly ~·J!.ere tuary encompasses large daily water volume displacements with and deep inlet/outlet. !l9.2!.-~QO.a~!.~~@Q._s~~~~t:.!.€~ -Shallow or DeeP, 1-20 m in depth -Slow or Swift .S-1.5 m/sec velocity -Bi-directional Flow -Turbine Placement Moored or Bridge Secured -.s Plant Factor or Greater e selection criteria developed for the resource types fell "''ithin ree distinct groups: 1) Geologic 2> Hydrologic 3> Power Capacity though these groups were identical for allresource categories, specific data set developed to characterize this .iteria was different. The data set for TCEPs and TR"s was the data set far the NRS's except for minor ; fferences discussed below. These are due t9 the different analysis ls (Table II-1) available for the resource types. 1> Geologic Survey Map -the name of the USGS New York State Quadrangle Map, 7.5-Minute Series, -12- .. · NYU/DAS 82-08 is recorded for the selected site. 2> Site Identification -recorded for each selected site a coded lable to identify that site on the Geologic Survey Map. 3> Resource Type -For TCE' s and TR' s the res·ource type is identified on the data form because both resource types are present in the regions for which the form was utilized (NyH, LI and HR>. This was not necessary for NRS's because this is the only resource type in the PRB region and therefore a specific NRS form was utilized. For TCE's and TR's For NRS's 1> Mean Velocity -the velocity obtained from NOAA Tidal Current Charts in the closest proximity to the site identified from the Geologic Survey Map. 2> Mean Depth -the depth obtained from NOAA Sounding Charts in the closest proximity to the site identified from the Geologic Survey Map. 3> Turbine Fastening -as part of the analysis a preliminary determination of placement stategy was evaluated and recorded. 1) Site Width -at a selected site the waterway width was scaled off the Geologic Survey Map . and recorded. 2) Site Depth -developed from a plot of the gauge stations discharge versus depth data where the depth is chosen at the Q25 flow point (see Figure II-4) 3) Site Area -was calculated using the Catenary equation 8Bs8 = dw -aaa2 sinhCw/2a) + aw/2 where d = river depth calculated at gauge -13- NYU/DAS 82-08 station w = river width at site a = value relating d/w obtained from table 4> Site Velocity -was obtained by first plotting the monthly flow duration curves for several months of gauge station data and then calaulating the average of the 25% values off these curves to establish the Q25 flow point. The site's velocity is then obtained using: ' ~~bQGliY = Q25/AREA The power obtained from this point will be considered the sites installed capacity. (see Figure II-5) 1) Turbine Area -calculated as follows IYB~!~§_eBse = 3.14 x <Turbine Diameter/2>**2 (Horizontal) IYB~!~&-8Bs8 = Mean Depth x Turbine Diameter (Vertical> 2) Turbine Power -calculated using !UBBl~i-fQ~EB • K x Ap x ng x nt x At x Vtl3 CK\oJ> where K =-RHO I 2g Ap .. .9 plant availability no = .!5 generation efficiency nt = .59 theoretical efficiency At = Turbine Area V = Site Velocity 4) Power Per Site -obtained from -14- .. NYU/DAS 82-08 For NRS"s §l!~_EQ~~B-= Turbine Power x Number of Units <KvJ) 6> Generated Power -calculated from §£I:Jt86Is!LEQkl5B = Ps >: G7 6o :·: PF <Kwh/yr> where P~ = Site Power PF = Plant Factor 1> Site Power Available -evaluated from fi1.Is_E:Q~J;B_f!~66!6~bs = K X Cp :·: AREA X VELOCITY**3 < Kl•J > where K = RHO I 2g Cp = .3S 2> Site power Usable -this considers that SOX of the sites available power is useable §l!s_eQ~sB_Y§se~bs = .s x Psa <SO 4 Fill Factor) where Psa = Site Power Available . 3> Number of Units -total possible number of turbines at .each site based on a packing density related to turbine placement every 10 site depths within the sites identified turbine placement area. 4) Plant Factor -obtained from Section 11 resource characteristic listing 5> Site Total Power -obtained from IQIBb_EQ~sB = Psu x Number of Units <KW> where -15· . ' NYU/DAS 82-08 Psu = Site PovJf.::~-Useable 6) Generated Power -calculated from m~t:~5!38Is~LEQ!&~8 = Pt )( 8760 X PF where Pt = Total Power PF = Plant Factor These data sets were tabularized into forms so that data from identified sites could be collected for review, power compilation and decision making. A~ discussed above the decision which prompted the development of the two separate forms was pr1nctpa11y based on the type of dat~ contained in the analysis tools which was available for the different resource types. By using the various analysis tools established in Table II-1, ' selected sita information was recorded on the Resource Forms.The process of identifying sites and gathering the required data to establish the power potential will be described below: The process began by investigating U.S. Geological Survey '-16- TABLE II · 1 ANAI.'fS [ S TOOLS U.S. GEOLOGIC SURVEY MAPS location of sftes • U.S. GEOLOGIC SURVEY WATER RESOURCE DATA (gage station data} River & Stream Discharge (cfs) River & Stream Velocity Distribution (ft/sec) Max./Min. Water Level (ft) • NOAA TIDE TABLES Thlal Constl'icted Estuaries & Tida 1 River Max./Min. Water Level • NOAA TIDAL CURRENT CHARTS & DIAGRAMS Tidal Constricted Estuaries & Tidal River Velocity (knots) • NOAA SOUNDING CHARTS Tidal Constricted Estuaries, Tidal River I River Depths (ft) -17- NYU/PAS 82-08 Quadrangle Maps in the following r~gions; 1> Hudson River 2> New York Harbor 3) Long Island and identifying tha TCE's and TR's. Then, comparing the USGS maps with NOAA Depth and Current charts, sites having favorable depth and current relationships were selected in these regions. For the Hudson River consultation with the USGS was required to establish river velocties due to the non-availability of current data south of Albany and North of Yonkers. At this point, the site ID, geologic survey, resource type, mean velocity and mean depth was recorded. Based on the site~s depth, max/min water levels and surrounding geologic composition; the turbine fastening, diameter and the turbine density <units/site> were determined and entered into the data form. The remaining site power capacity identifiers to be developed were calculated values described above. The process far thisresource type begins the same as for TR•s and TCE•s by utilizing USGS 7.5 Minute QuAdrangle Maps to identify suitable rivers to investigate. The rivers that were chosen for review in the Lower Hudson Basin because of their discharge characteristics are: -18- NYU/DAS 82-08 -W~lkill River -Rondout Creek -Esopus River -Wappinger Creek -Fishkill Creek -Shawangunk Creek -Roeliff Jansen Creek Claverack Creek -Kaaterskill -Normans Kill -Croton River Once the rivers were chosen their discharge data was obtained from the USGS and used to develop the velocity, area and depth of the waterway. Simultaneous to this task these rivers were investigated to identify suitable sites and their Geologic Survey Map and site IO was recorded. Typical composition of these sites followed the pattern of constricted channels created by various geologic structures. Concentrating on locating constricted portions of the waterway, sites were selected and their geologic survey map name and site number was recorded on the NRS data form shown in Figure II-3. Impoundments encountered during the site search were,passed • over and new site selection commenced again at the first upstream topograplc lin• to cross the waterway. The site•s width was then scaled off and recorded. For each site the depth was determined and the area and velocity were calculated as described by the methods in section II-3. Based on the site velocity and area the values of available and useable -19- fJ .) .u !: ~ - ,-": i .. ---·. --·--.....J.-.. ":r' -...... ' a'-~ C'i 1.1) I"'(. I--t I"'( 0 "1 -I. r-'\t N"\ ,..... r-'\ \..., CP Ct.l l,n ~ g ~i ~ ~· ~ '"'l "': ~1 """ -! -. c I.,· -· ...... ~.--. ···-·-~---.. ----· .. --~.-·------·---· 0 I""(' (}:) ---·-· I w c . ~:.:' •IIC: I _ ___, _ _...._...;... _______ . . . .. •· I ,..., ,..., t: 3:i I 0 I '~I "-!. ......, ....., --s' '-.3 ~ " '-5 ""' " -..$ . __: __ :. -· ... -. ____ ·-.. _, __ ··- ~-0 o' 0 l..1i ~ '-1 ° f"t I"'( I 1"1 ' ' r"\ .. --··-·-------···· ·------~--...... ·-.... l..) - l.. . I • ~-__,.!. .• ---·-·------- I . . • ! rl). -lt) .. -·--------·---- o: -~·. 1"1 \.1,.' 1.!, . -1.1. :: !. ' :. ' :: : :! :. =· FRANCESCHI ENERGY SYSTEMS, l TO. R.O. 2 Route 312 Joo N'Ju. I PASN"'i kHe<:.> Sllci!T HO. F l GIJ R E.. 3I.-'t 0 , ------ NYU/OAS 82-08 BREWSTER, N.Y. 10509 CALCULATED BY-------OATE---.--- CltfCl<fO BY--------O~'tE----- FRANCESCHI ENERGY SYSTEMS, l TO. JOB N 't ":;) ~A!.~ =-F-SE_~ OF SHEEr No.E l {.;\};i£ IL ------ HU/OAS 82-08 R.D. 2 Route 312 BREWSTER, N.Y. 10509 CALCU\.ATED BY------DATE----- CHECICIOBY'-------0At1----- --~~--II · I ' · J I _ _j j __ .: . . I' I j1 I I I ! I 1,' . 1. 1--1----i---!-~· LQQI"l ' ~ ..... .S-+~+11 ol~~~·. -J'c;;;:"-F:.t~~-f--+-+--t--i-t--1 I I 1 1-I I J. .l 1 ! -~ I I H-' ! I ~~ ~-1-·· I -,. I lt"1f . rt I ,-r-r--r-· ---~-h-t . ·,· ' ! ,. -----r--r---I ! NttrF~ ~ I I' .I I I L. l ' I 1 i I . \ s~so '~isl ! · I ' l ! l . I · l 1 I~L I \ ~ _ t~ F:-1\~ . r--- , \ r-. \ \ ~-I ! ' ~ ' r \ \ \ \ : i NYU/DAS 82-08 site power can be calculated. With the depth kno~m, the number of units per site can be determined. This is done by scaling off the USGS map the l~ngtl1 o river available for turbine placement at the selected site and dividing this value by 10 times the depth. Finally, the total power and generated power are calculated using the appropriate equations. The State•s resource potential is compiled by a summation of the resource available in each energy region identified, namely Principal River Basins Hudson River NeN York Harbor Lang Island • I We underscore the point that there can be very real differences betweenresource~ potential and power available, due to the questions of economics, environmental impact and legal and political barriers at any given site. The Principal River Basins <PRB> contr~bution to the Statewide estimate is developed using the resource estimate for the selected NRS in the Lower Hudson,Basin to establish the PRB total NYU/DAS 82-08 potential. This is accomplished by calculating a nondimensioal propotionality factor for· each basin from run,lff data shown in Figure II-6, referenced to the Lower Hudson runoff. Each basins factor is multiplied by the Lower Hudson power potential to give the power potential for that basin. Summation of each basin produces the power potential in the PRB region. The runoff data for the 1 arger Hudson-t'lohti\wk Basin shown in figure II-4 was found from USGS data to be composed of Upper· Hudson Mohawk Lower Hudson 7.44 billion gal/day 3.09 billion gal/day 5.40 billion gal/day The resource estimate developed for the selected rivers in the Lower Hudson Basin is compiled below: RIVER Walkill RandCJUt Esopus Wappinger Fishkill Shawangunk Roeliff Jansen Claverack Kaaterskill/Catskill Croton IQI8b -24-. RESOURCE (I<W> 13,547 5,226 5,216 1,122 214 3,174 607 420 611 1,569 31,706 GENERATION <Kwh/yrx10**6> 27.4 ;27.5 7t. 2 5.9 1.1 16.6 3.2 2.2 3.3 8.3 166.7 I N U'l I . . . ..,_v ·• muiJKua AVIlA~ J.'UIIOJF (UlUCNi. o.f &dlo:t• por &a,-) .. ·aA.!!N .. · ta.e . DASIN RIVER BAS.IN RUNOFF CORREI~·A TION .. P nrr: n _ r :z -< c: ......... ~ V'l 00 N I 0 00 / NYU/DAS 82-08 The PRB"s proportionality factors and resource potential are calculated and become: FACTOR BASIN St. Lawrence 1.20 Lake Champlain .46 Lake Ontario .60 Blac:k River .46 Upper Hudson 1.38 Erie-Niagara .39 Genesee _.., • ..:>._) Os~·Jt•go • 76 Moh.a~·Jk .57 Lower Hudson 1.00 Allegheny .33 Susquehanna .87 Delaware .50 !QI8b RESOURCE (MW> 39.0 14.a 19.0 14.6 43 .. 7 12.4 10.5 24.1 18. 1 31.7 10.5 27.6 15.9 ----- 280.7 GENERATION (Kwh /yrx 1 (lt '* 6) 200.0 76.7 100.0 76.7 230.0 65.0 55.0 126.7 95.0 166.7 55.0 145.0 83.4 ------- 1475.2 power potentials o~ the Hudson River, NYH and Long Island regions -26- NYU/DAS 82-08 Therefore, the Statewide Potential becom0s: STATEWIDE POWER POTENTIAL REGION Principal River Basins 280.7 Hudson River 19.8 New York Harbor 10.4 Long I sl e-md 2.4 ----- 313.3 -27-. GENERATION 0~~·•1"./yr:: lOt:it.~ 1475.2 106.0 46.4 10.6 ------- 1638.2 NYU/DAS 82-08 III. DEVICE EVALUATION Devices capable of capturing the kinetic energy in water flow are varied in their design and operation, but due to their common task and situation with respect to the resource, there are a number of general characteristics of K~IECS. Sections III-1 and III-2 describe these generic characteristics which form the basis for the factors by which the various device types are compared. The KHECS candidate types and the evaluation methodology are described in Sections III-3 and III-4, and the devices are evaluated and compared in Sections III-5 and III-6. III-1. GENERIC ADVANTAGES OF KINETIC HYDROENERGY CONVERTORS Kinetic conver·tor·s as considered here have several inherent technical and practica 1 advantages over conventional ~otential-head energy hydro installations. Advantages include: • Minimum civil structure: there is no impoundment or channeling which requires dams, penstocks or draft structures. Site-specific civil work required by kinetic devices may include mounting provisions and/ or dredging or other stream-bed modification. Minimizing civil struc- tures and custom work can contain costs effectively. • Minfmua environmental impact: lack of impoundment or gross stream modifications sharply reduces potential impacts on fish and oth~r ; aquatic life both at the site and downstream. Mitigating equipment such as fish ladders are unnecessary. Minimum flow rates are easily maintained and the raising of upstream levels is slight. Thus costs and regulatory difficulties may be less. Furthermore, most typas of kinetic devices, by having relatively large water passages will be far less damaging to aquatic life passing through them and/or can utilize coarser mesh protective screens than potential-head systems. ., NYU/DAS 82-08 • • Maximum production economy: Hithou t extensive c ivi1 structures, th~ bulk of installation cost is in the device hard\'iare itself which utilizes medium scale industrial manufacturi hg. Device capacities in the tens to hundreds of kilowatts would be suscepti.ble to mass production cost efficiencies. Mininun land use: Since no massive civil structure or any impound- ment area is entailed, the ~dro kinetic convertor devices can use as little land as the machine itself requires, with the additional need only of installation and electrical transmission access. Certain type::; may even be able to be installed entirely from the water (e.g. barge) trn-:t~ · certain circumstances. Permanent, continuous removal of land from other uses could in some cases be non existent, e.g., when the device is sullnerged in a river. Ultimately, thedE'vicesconsidered are more portable and more easily removed than civil structure-type installa- tions. The relatively small land requirements wi11 result in minimized land acquisition and related costs. -29- NYU/OAS 82-08 I II-2. GENERIC DISt\OVANTAGES OF KINETIC HYDRO ENERGY CONVERTORS In addition to advantages, KHECS are subject to a few drawbacks inherent in the fact that they utilize no direct potential head or static pressure difference contribution to energy conversion as opposed to conventional hydro- power systems. Such disadvantages include the foll~1ing. • Relatively large machine size per unit of po\•ter: As compared \'lith conventional, potential-head hydropower systems which convert stored potentia 1 energy to kinetic energy at high speed at or innedi ately prior to rotating machinery, KHECS must use the relatively slow naturally-occurring kinetic flow, thus rcquir·ing larger rotating macn11.· ery and greater gear ratios for practical electrical generation. • Relatively small device capacity: Due to the nature of the kinetic resource and practical engineering considerations, typical KHECS device capacity will be on the order of tens of kilowatts per unit as opposed to megawatts for potential-head installations. This is not directly a disadvantage, especially since it may permit mass-production economies, but it tends to lead to less cost-effective control. and conditioning systems of higher sophistication and cost. • Greater complexity and reduced accessibility: basically, whereas i witb.a potential-heat device, the device contains and controls the flow, with a KHECS, the flow contains the device, and therefore, rotating machinery is more exposed to the underwater enviro1111ent. This, in many cases necessitates the use of sealed structures and components would tend to reduce reliability while the economics of servicing such equipment in-place or removing it for servicing re- quires high reliability. -30- NYU/DAS 82-08 • Interconnect conside~ations: Hhereas each individual unit will be rated in the tens of killO'r'/att range, a cluster of such units in a given region must be installed so that charges due to interconnect • can be distributed. Thus interconnect Ylill not overwhelm any favorable economics. • Environmental consideration: Installing such devices directly in rivers and streams leads to a set of problems associated with 1oca1 recreational activities such as bathing and swimming. In a m1xed use area protective measures such as mat·ker buoys may be appropriate. -31- NYU/DAS 82-08 III-3 DEVICE DESCRIPTIONS. KHECS can be categorized by several alternative methods focusing on any of their characteristics or on their stage of development. The most LISL·· ful method':is to categorize them .prima.r.ily :by· rotation ax. is orientat ion,which tends to predetermine many otherimportant characteristics (such as the speed/ torque relationship). Examined here are devices with rotational.axes in all three orthogonal planes relative to the water flow: axia 1-flow, crossflo\•1 and vertical axis (vertax). (See Figure III-1). Other major design cons1det·· ations include rotor submersion (the degree to which the rotor is submerged in the flow), augmentation structure, and the mounting of the device. Table III-l lists these four basic design parameters. ····-..... ---···.. . . ... ---. -·· Design Parameters Rotational axis orientation Rotor Submersion Augmentation structure Mounting Table III-1 Options Axial-flow Cross flow Vertical axis Full Partial Non-augmented Shrouded Ducted Bottom fixed Bottaa tensile Floating fixed Floating tensile Bridge suspended Rotor submersion refers to the portion of the entire rotor which is immersed in the water at a given time. This would normally be either 100~ or somewhat less than 50%. (See device drawings, e.g. Figures III-2 through I!I-4.) Some devices include a structure which channels or accelerates the freestream flow. A shroud is -an example of the former and a duct ts an example of the latter. Some device types using submerged rotors require I • j . NYU/DAS 82-08 Figure 111-1. KHECS Device Rotational axis Orientations -33- N 't U/ DAS 82-08 ~ flow isometric a. free rotor d. Wells rotor Figure III-2. Axial flow KHECS elevation ,r----screen I blade I I I b. free rotor I 1 nacelle c. I \ \ \ ducted rotor -34- ' ' \ \ ' mast \ ' "----- duct nacelle isometric ~' flow a. water1'/heel elevation _...:,.__~(:::::=::::._--H. W. ----r--+-~---L. w. b. submerged waterwheel base -H.W. · -L.W. Figure III-3. Cross Flow KHECS Devices -35-1 NYU/ DAS 82-08 screen plan view --... .. a. sa von ius -----·.' type b. Darrieus type Figure III-4. Vertical Axis KHECS devices '-36- elevation shroud blade base generator shaft blade shrouds to function. Figure UI-4 is an example of a shrouded device and Figure III~2 shows a ducted device. There are many possible variations of mountings for KHECS. A bottom fixed mounting entails sinking pilings or pinning the structure to underlying rock. Such a mounting would be applicable to any resource where the bottom is appropriate and cost and accessibility for installation is reasonable. A bottom tensile mounting uses anchors or moorings to which the KHECS is cabled. The. anchor points may be on shore or underwater, and the KHE~S is maintained at th~ proper depth and altitude by buoyant and/or i hydrodynamic forces. This type of mounting is suitable in general only for relatively constant unidirectional flO\'IS as found in certain rivers. A floating fixed mounting has the KHECS attached to a barge which is anchored or moored from several directions. It would be usable with any resource, unlike floating tensile n~unting, which, like the bottom tensile mounting, is only usablP. with .unidirectional flows. Finally, if available, a KHECS can be supported by an existing structure such as a low bridge span from above; or a bridge pier from the side. The gamut of mounting possibilities can be subsumed by the above general categories. Some particular embodiments of the potential KHECS designs are illustrated in Figures 111-2 through III-4. This study was 11•tted to examining devices suitable for capturi~g energy from the resource of constantly flowing rivers and streams and reversing tidal estuaries. Devices considered include only those which entail little or no civil structure or rechanneling of water flow. Also, custom-type devices for capturing energy fro• the flows in specific situations such as waterfalls, existing conduits, etc. were not considered. Figure 111-2 shows three of the many possible configurations for axial -31- .. NYU/OAS 82-08 flow KHECS. These are similar to horizontal axis WECS. Those shown have tr:o bladed, upstream rotors with fixed bottom mounting, but practical devices could also have one to six blades,, downstream r·otors 'and any of the roounting arr·angc- ments. Another version shown is the diffuscr-augmentor turbine which utilizes a flared hydrofoil duct to augment -flow through the rotor which :then can be . smaller (vlhen compa_red with a non-a.ugmented system of similar po~t1er output). Also shown is a hypothetical Wells turbine (Reference 8) which would be able .to operate bidirectionally without the mechanical additions necessary for the · ordinary propeller turbine to do this. Axial flow turbines of all types arc desct•ibed in U.S. patents dating back at least to 1907. As examples McLaughlin (Reference 6) patented a dO\·mstream, screw-type rotor unit \'lith tensile mounting, while Corbin (Reference 3) 1n 1915 designed a similar unit, but with upstream rotor and conical aug~entor. Such patents demonstrate that the concept o"f kinetic hydro-conversion is not ne1·1. Figure 111-3 shows two types of cross-flow KHECS, an undershot waterwheel and a submerged waterwheel. The former has a rotor submersion of up to 50% and the latter has lOGS with the addition of a significant augmenting shroud. Both kHECS shown are undershot, but an overshot version of the submerged waterwheel can also be considered, with equally involved shrouding. This figure also shows both of these waterWheels with top~unted generators, with only dri~e train com- ponents subjected to the water •. In addition to these 1s a hybrid crossflow device called the Schneider Lift Translator (Refs.l2&13) which uses a multitude of hor-. 1zontal vanes moving vertically between upper and lower sprocket sets. Figure 111-4 shows a turbine under development by Nova Energy Ltd:, the Darrieus. Shown 1s a cantilever top mounting as would be supplied by a suitable bridge structure or fixed, floating barge. A bottom mounting would also be theoretically possible. For clarity, the necessary protective screen is not shown in the figure, nor a possible d~ct. NYU/DAS 82-08 III-4. EVALUATION METHODOLOGY Possible devices for· kinetic hydr·o energy conversion \'Jere evaluated and compared according to the several operating characteristics listed here. These design parameters relate to the hydrodynamic and energy theoretical prop.erties inherent in the particular design under study as well as practical operational considerations. The parameters exam~ned ~re: . • Fill factor: As used here, this is a qualitative judgement of the poten- .. tial for the device to fill the cross-sectional area of the appropriate resource type, particularly for small streams. Quantitatively a fill factor of .5 would indicate that turbines are filling 1/2 the cross-sec- tion area. Fill factor for cross flow machines relates the amount of activ~; structure in the water at any time to the cross-section. • Power coefficient: The predicted power output of a device based on a stan- dard flow and expressed per unit frontal_ area of the device •. • Power per unit volume: A figure, expressed in kW/m 3 which r~tios the power output of a practicable embotlir.1ent of a device with fts total active (or swept} volume. Relatively high values indicate lower bulk volume per unit power delivered. · \ • Per unit weight: A figure, expressed in kW/kg which ratios the power output of a device with an estimate of its weight (or mass). This relatesiunit transp~rtat1on and installation costs. Relativ~ly high values indicate lower weight per unit power delivered. \ • Speed to torque ratio: A figure, expressed in (·kN·m· s)'"1 W.ich ratios a typical angular velocity with the accompanying torque (~t). This gives a test of the suitability of a device to a load. For generating electricity, a high value of w/t is desirable so that speed increaser costs and inefficiencies are minimized. -39- NYU/DAS 82-08 • Reliability: This is a judgement as to the realistic potential for a device to operate at high capacity factor (limited by resource only) with minimum preventive or downtime maintenance. Reliability is judged to be enhanced by design simplicity and inherent ruggedness. Simplicity requires minimizing linkages, seals, and all other components with limited service lives or requiring periodic servicing. Designs must also lend themselves to the use of high reliability components. Rugged- ness includes defensibility from hydrodynamic forces, aquatic life, debris and ice. • Serviceability: This factor refers to the elementsinherent in a design which affect the access and ease of services. This is directly effected by the type of mounting used an~ the complexity of the design. • Directionality: This term is an indication of the potential of a given design to be used for unidirectional or bidirectional resources. Some designs are inherently omnidirectional, and some designs require extensive modification to be used bidirectionally. • Power control: Thfs term assesses the potential for a device to be susceptible to overspeed or overpower under high flowrate conditions. Some designs can be self-limiting and others will require governing, ;.clutching, braking, or feathering systems to prevent damage. ' -.. .... . ... .. ... ---•--··· .. . ·• ·---, .... ,. ··~ . .. •.. .. ... -~·· ., ... __ . ·-r-·-·-· • Aspect Ratio: The aspect ratio is the ratio of the height to width of a machine cross-section. For axial flow turbines the aspect ratio is always.l. For vertical axial machines such as the Darrieus, the aspect ratio can either be unity or values greater than or less than one. This ability to vary the aspect ratio of the vertical axis machine can impact on the fill factor, particularly in shallo~r resources. . ' I II-5. DEVICE EVALUAT.IONS AND COMPARISON~ In this section several d~vices which are feasible as KHECS are discussed. Because of the basic design and inherent operating condition differences between the types of potentia 1 KHECS examined, an issue was the convnen- surability of the data derived. The most useful analysis method for com- parison is to examine a practical version of each type with common values for aspect ratio, frontal area, and of course, current velocity. The following discussions are based on particul~r systems for analysis as des- cribed, and the results are listed in Table III-3 for the standard conditions . . taken (aspect ratio = 1.0, AF = 28.3m 2, and U:o = l.Sm/s). A. Axial-flow propeller This type of machine, as shown in Figure III-2 and described in Section 111-3, is the one studied in more depth for use as.a KHECS by Aerovironment. Inc. (Ref. 9). The design is inherently simple and rugged, especially as con- ceived for unidirectian·al;flbw. It also has a high speea to· torque ratio which is relatively well suited to electrical generation. Since it would be impractical to operate the rotor other than fully submerged, a rotating seal will be required to protect bearings,gearbox and the gener- ator. the system:examined has a three-bladed rotor with a diameter of 6m with moderate solidity gfv1ng a tfp speed ratio ,x·; at P max of 4.5. A horizontal axis propeller rotor automatically has an aspect ratio of 1.0 which gives a relatively poor fill factor for shallow resources. However, a poor fill factor simply means that to extract a major por- tion of the energy available in a flow requires the use of an array of KHECS. This is desirable anyway in the case of a resource crossection larger than the economically optimum size machine. -41- NYU/OAS 82-08 Relatively high values of P/V and P/~1 indicate relatively 10\'1 bulk and weight per unit power· delivered, making the device efficient from the material requirement and handling perspectives. At Pmax the speed to torque. ratio. is ;relatively high,which 1s good for electrical generation. For· the analysis model, w at P is 2."25 rad/s max or 21.5 rpm. By using a simple, fixed-blade rotor with a reasonable strength safety ratio, and locating the rotor below the floating ice region at the water surface, good reliability should be able to be obtained. This also assumes proper specification of the shaft seal, drive tra_in COilllOnents and generator. Ultimately, a hydraulic drive option with remote (land-based) generator could ,be examined; this configuration possibly giving enhanced reliability, serviceability, and capacity factor (rotor and generator speeds can be decoupled) • . Serviceability for this submerged rotor, if its design is kept simple, will .probably not be a severe economic drawback .. Cleaning and general inspec- tion could be performed in the submerged position. Internal maintenance or seal replacement would require lifting of the turbine either by uncapsizing a mounting barge or lifting a bottom-mounted unit by crane. Obviously, a key design parameter is to minimize the lifetime CCl!lllitinent ·for such raisings. The propeller turbine can be designed for any directionality. Var.ious • schemes include articulated blades and bidirectional generator drives,which are considered impractical from cost and reliability perspectives. More practical is to give the turbine freedom in the yaw direction (rotation about a vertical axis). This would make the turbine omnidirectional, but since the tidal resource only requires bidirectionality, .rotation can be limited to about 180° so that slip rings for electric power or hydraulic connections ·can be eliminated (since ~he machine would only be allowed to turn through half a circle). ..42- • i : Power shaft (kW) I C a Pmax P/V b (kW/m 3) P/W b {kW/kg) wl T ( kNms) -1 Fill Factor Reliability Servi ceabi 1 i ty d · Directionality Power Control NOTES: TABLE II I -2 KHECS DEVICE COMPAIUSON CHART UQJ = l. 5m/ s AF = 28. 3ri ASPECT RATIO = 1.0 Propeller Waterwheel 19.1 . . 6. 7 0.4 0.14 3.1 c 0.06 0.035 0.001 0.26 0.012 Poor-Good Good Good Good Fair Good Any Uni ,bi Stall or External, furl or clutch brake Darrjeus 14.3 0.3 0.12 0.025 0.36 Poor-Good Fair Fair Onni Brake, possibly stall a. cp based on rotor only, does not include other component losses. max b. Hot including muntfng, drive train, or generat~r. c. If given yaw rotation so as to be omnidirectional like the Darrieus, P/V for the propeller would decrease to about 0.15. d. Depends 1 arge ly on mounting -43- .. Another propeller device for bidrectionality is the Wells rotor as shown in Figure III-2. This would use a large hub and short synmetrical foil blades at its periphery, and \'JOuld rotate in the same direction with flows from either direction. It is a theoretical possibility which would require further empirical testing. Power control of the propeller turbine can be made inherent to the design and thus not require any external governor system. This can be done bY. ·using a directly connected induction generator operating sychronously with the power grid. In its power generation range, the rotor speed would be fixed, and as the current speed rises above the design point, blade stall occurs, sharply reducing efficiency and 1 imiting power output to a value roughly equal to Pmax. ·Power ts thus automatically 1 imited and useful power is still generated at above design point current speeds as opposed to a braked or furled system which would supply no power at high current speeds. Furling and braking would also be possible with appropriate sensing and control systems~ and furling may be appropriate for.small units. A key background advantage to the propeller turbine as compared to the other proposed KHECS is its lowest relative technical risk and highest con- fidence in ultimate performance,due to vast experience with significantly similar systems. B. Waterwheel The waterwheel kHECS (see Figure III-3) is a cross-flow device fi'rmly mounted to the banks of a strea. or on a convenient existing structure. It is conceived of as a low-technology device which would have dimensions appropriate to the particualr stream cross-section. It is a low efficiency device in terms of frontal area, volume, and height, and would be limited to shallow resources and small power outputs. Therefore, along with the fully submerged rotor version which can be expected to be even less efficient -44- • NYU/ i:JAS 82-08 and more complex, the waterwheel KHECS would be more suitable for an indi- vidual with a stream than for utility applications. For analysis, the corrmensurable water~r1heel examined has a diameter and length both equal to 5.32m. This gives a total frontal area aspect ratio of 1.0 and an in-the-water aspect of 0.5. This, or a lowe~ aspect can give a good fill factor on a small stream. As shown in Table III-3, the rotor CP based on total frontal area is at best quite low, as are va,ues for P/V and P/W. Because w/T is also extremely low, this device would be better suited to a mechanical load rather than paying the great further efficiency loss for the speed-up to generate electricity. Although crude and bulky, the waterwheel could have relatively access- ible shaft bearings and other machinery, and th:Js both good re1 iabil ity and serviceability. Also, the inherent ruggedness of the rotor and insen- sitivity to small rotor damage enhances reliability. Screening would likely only have to prevent large debris from entering the rotor, as small debris would not cause damage, and fish could pass through largely unharmed. While the rotor cou~d be used bidirectionally with straight blades, it would be somewhat less efficient, and the resource envisioned for this device is only unidirectional anyway. Since the blades cannot practically be stalled or furled, power control must be external if the resource used has a large ratio of peak to design current flow. Either a hefty brake along with blad~s st~ng enough to resi-st the high torque from being locked in ~n overspeed current, or a shroud which lowers, shielding the rotor from the flow could be used. Most likely, the above would dictate that an external system operating a clutch releasing the load from the rotor would be most practical, allowing the rotor to spin freely with no torque • The Savoni~s-type vertical axis device (see Figure III-4) is similar in performance to the submerged waterwheel. Its efficiency is very low, and relative material requirernents are high. Unless it could be suspended by an appropriate existing structure, it requires an involved mounting struc- ture unwarranted by the low power capacity limitation per device. C. Darrieus This wind turbine design, either straight-sided or egg-beater shaped, has also been suggested for use in water. The straight-sided version (see Figure III-4) with -two to four blades is a moderately high speed medium efficiency machine. However, it is not self-starting and requires a starting system. This can be a current sensing and starting motor circuit or a small, ratcheted savonius turbine on the axis, or by using an indue- tor motor as both starting motor and generator(with appropriate switching circuitt·y) A related design Which can achieve higher efficiencies and is self-starting is the cyclogiro (also known as the giromill). This is a low w, high effic- iency design. Its two to four vertical, symnetrical airfoil blades are pivoted and require a modulation control system which adjusts their angle of attack during the course of a revolution. The complexity of these articulated joints at the exposed ends of the rotor, which must carry hydrodynamic and centrifugal forces, are considered a severe drawback to reliability. Indeed, the basic geometry of both the Darrieus and cyclogiro with sizeable blades entfr~ly at ; r (the circ&aference), supported by rotor anns, is considered significantly less 0 rugged than a p~opeller roto~: In ~dditi~m .th~ rotor could be susceptibl~ to strong vibrations,s1nce tne blades are at large distances from the axis of rotat1on. The particular model analyzed is a three-bladed Darrfeus device with both a height and diameter of 5.32m, giving as aspect ratio of 1.0. Smaller aspects to give better fill factors for single-device installations would be possible, but would have lower w/T values, thus lowering efficiency. -46- \ ' J j '· ' NYU/OAS 82-08 Most of the factors shown in Table III-2 approach those for the propeller turbine, except those for P/V and reliability which are related to the blades being located at the peripher·y of rotation on arms as discussed above. Also, the relatively more sensitive blades will require finer screening. It can be seen that w/T for the Darrieus is actually better than that for the propeller, but this is due to the fact t~t the reduced efficiency of the Oarrieus is manifested almost entirely in reduced torque (since power is the .. product of wand T and the rotation rates are comparable). Serviceability as with the prope 11 er, wi 11 be dependent upon ;o1hether the cantilever shaft is supported from a structure above (floating or fixed) or below. The operating requirements for the shaft bearings will be more severe than for the other KHECS candid~tes. Cleaning would be slightly more involved than for the propeller turbine KHECS. The Darrieus is inherently omnidirectional, and thus could be used for both uni-and bidirectional resources. Power control for currently overspeed conditions may be available through careful rotor design, .to rely on blade stall, using a synchronized generator. More likely would be to use a brake driven by an external sensing and control system, since the torque would then be very low. D. Other devices· .• Two other devices which warrant discussion are the diffuser-augmentor propeller tunJ1ne and the Schneider Lift Translator. The propeller turbine with a flow augmenting duct was the subject of a detailed theoretical and experimental study by Aerovironment, Inc. (Ref. 9 ). While it has been shown that a carefully designed duct can augment flow through the rotor, more research would be required to establish whether the augmentation can be raised to a value sufficient to make the ducted version more cost-effective than the free rotor turbine. -47- Meanwhile~ the increased complexity of duct, mountings, and control sys- tem,increase technical and economic risk and cause one to view against using· the ducted propeller at this stage. The Schnieder Lift Translator has been conceived as a low-head rather than kinetic hydroengine. Although it could undoubtedly be used in such a manner, it would be more difficult. For example, the sprocket shaft bearings and linkage to the gearbox would have to be submerged, thus requiring at least three more seals than a turbine device. Extensive model tests of a freestream application of the lift·translator concept would have to be performed. Although its blades have the advantage of not being twisted, and thus are potentially extrudable at moderate cost, with increasing width, they need be fortified, as well as their end attachments (which must take the total blade load)• Also, they must be relatively stiff to prevent hydrodynamic inter- ference between blades and oscillation. The sheer number of blades, perhaps forty or more, and the complexity of the chain and sprocket drive do not bode well for ultimate reliability. Indeed, the device is inherently susceptible to damage by foreign bodies entering into the blade area. Inspection and cleaning may also cause significant problems. Finally,. from the standpoint of economics {$/kW installed). the most importa:-rt figures are the CP and the total installed structural cost. The ratio:(~/T) is a figure·of merit concerning.cost of rotating machinery. nigher (w/T) values indicate lo\~r rotating machinery costs per unit power; however, rotating machinery usually represents less than lOS of the total machine cost. Thus, comparingthc propeller device and the Darrieus in Table III-2, one ~rust give stronger weight to the significantly h1gi1er CP for the propeller than the ili gher (w/-r) for the Darrieus. One is led to the conc.lusion that the propeller de- ~ice should be more attractive from an economic analysis, even though this -analysis is more qualitative than quantitative. ~48- ' . NYU/DAS 82-08 IV. CONCLUSIONS Kinetic hydro energy .resource warranting the develofiTlent of devices to utilize it has been found to exist in New York State. This resource con- sists of river flow (unidirectional) sites and tidal flow (bidirectional} sites, both of ~1hich have substantial power production potential. The various possible types of KHECS yield a number of device types and versions which can be practical. Based on the criteria considered important to cost-effectiveness, the axial flow propeller machine applicable to rivers of reasonable depth is cons1dered to be better than the others. This type h?~ the greatest potentia 1 for economic viability and is adaptable to both uni- directional and bidirectional resources. In the next phase a conceptual engineering design for uni.-and bidirec- tional propeller turbine KHECS will be developed. Costing and performance predictions for actua 1 uni-ts at actual sites will be performed and a cost-effectiveness assessment generated. A model testing will be conducted to verify the system:efficiency and determine operating parameters. If high efficiency is obtained prototype testing is indicated (if the economics . 1.! also ..... ora~le).,. '~~-·~. -49- 'i V. REFERENCES V-I. RESOURCE ASSESSt~ENT REFERENCES 1.) USGS Topographic Quadrangle Maps, 7.5 Minute Series, United States Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior-. 2.) Water Resources Data for New York, Volume 1, 2 & 3, U.S. Geological Survey Water Data Report NY-80-1, 2 & 3, USGS/WRO/HD-81/030, 1981. 3.) NOAA Nautical Charts, East Coast and Great lakes, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Survey, 1982. 4.) NOAA Tidal Current Charts, New York Harbor & long Island Sound, Nationa 1 Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Seventh & Eigth Edition, 1979. 5.) NOAA Tide Tables, East Coast of North America, National Oceanic · and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Survey, 1982. 6.) NOAA Tidal Current Diagrams, long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1982. -50- f V-II KHECS DEVICES l. Ah;ard> RonJ et al, Nicr·o-Hydro Power·. Reviewing of an Old Concept, DOE/ET/01752-1, U.S. Cepar·tment of Energy, Washington, D.C., January, 1979. 2. Brulle, Robert V. and Larsen, Harold C., "Girom111(Cyc1ogiro Windmill) Investigation for Generation of Electrical Power" in Proceedings atthe Second Workshop on Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Washington, D.C., June 9-11~ 1975. 3. Chappell, John R. and Mclatchy, Michael J., 11 DOE Small Hydropm•~er Engineering Development Activities," in Water Power '81 Conference Proceedings, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C., 1981. pgs. 334-347. 4. Corbin, Elbert A., "Power Conversion Plant: U.S. Patent, No.-1123491, 1915. 5. Cros, Pierre, "System fm• Converting the Randomly Variable Energy of a Natural Fluid," U.S. Patent, No. 4149092, 1979. 6. Mouton, William J., Jr., and Thompson, David F., "River Turbine," U.S. Patent, No. 3986787, 1976. 7. Mclaughlin, Robert, ••Means for Obtaining Power from Flowing Water," u.s. Patent, No. 868798, 1907. 8. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, "New Energy-Saving Tech- nologies Use Induction Generators," Technical Support Package, MFS-25513, NASA Tech Briefs, Vol. 6, No. 1, f.larshall Space Flight Center·, 1981. 9.· Radkey, Robert L., and Hibbs, Bart D., Definition of Cost Effective River Turbine Designs, final Report, AV-FR-81/595 (DE82010972}, U.S. Department of Energy, washington, D.C., 1981. 10. Raghvnathan, S., Tan, C.P., Wells, N.A.J., "Theory and Perfonnance of a Wells Turbine.~ in, Journal of Energn5, Vol. 6 number 2, March-April, 1982, American Institute of Aeronautics a Astronautics, New York. 11. Renewable Energy News, Ottawa, Canada, Spring, 1982. 12. Schneider; Daniel J. and Damstrom, fmory K. , "World's First C0tm1ere;ia 1 Lift Translator Hydro EngineTM lnstalled.at Richvale, California," in WaterpaNer •a1, op. cit., pgs~ 1262-1276. 13. Schneider Lift Translator Corporation, A Technological Breakthrough in low-head, Standardized Hydroelectric Powr Generation, Justin, Texas. 14. Smith, Nonnan, •the Origins of the Water Turbine,• in Scientific American, January 1980, pgs. 138-148. 15. Souczek, Ernst, "Stream Turbine," U.S. Patent, No. 2501696, 1950. 16. Struble, Arthur D., Jr., "Underwater Generator,• U.S. Patent, No. 3209156, 1965. -51- KINETIC HYDRO ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS AND THE NEW YORK STATE RESOURCE Phase II -Final Report August, 1983 NYU/DAS 83-108 ~ ~ I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors wish to acknowledge Mr. John F. Franceschi for his help in field investigations and photography; Helen Jones for her typing and/Connie Tan of the New York Power Authority (NYPA) for her helpful suggestions during the course of the program. The test model was fabricated by the General Applied Science Laboratory of Westbury, N.Y. -ii- NYU/DAS 83-108 Figure No. II-1 II-2 II-3 II 1-1 IV-1 IV-2a IV-2b IV-3 IV-4 IV-5 IV-6 IV-7 IV-8 IV-9 V-1 V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 v-7 v-8 V-9 V-10 V-11 VI-1 VI-2 VI-3 VI-4 VI-5 VI-6 VI-7 VI-8 V I-9 VI-10 VI-11 VI-1?. VI-13 LIST OF FIGURES Standard Submerged KHECS Turbine Unit KHECS Turbine Nacelle Internals Standard KHECS Site Lift Coefficient and Angle of Attack Distributions - NACA 4412-4424 KHECS Water Channel Test Model KHECS test model brake assembly during installa- tion in nacelle KHECS test model brake assembly mounted on rear end-head, showing shaft coupling, tachometer. Sensor wiring and coolant hoses. KHECS test model shaft housing assembly (view from forward nacelle end-head and rear shaft bearing carrier) KHECS test model mounting components Assembled KHECS test model without fairings Complete KHECS test model mounted to pylon with fairings attached KHECS test model (83X4 Rotor) KHECS test model data acquisition and control system (DACS) Final checkout and calibration of KHECS test model and the data acquisition and control system Circulating Water Channel ewe test section work area KHECS test model during rotor change ewe current speed calibration chart ewe reference pitot tube manometer KHECS post model mounted in submerged test position in ewe KHECS test model under test B2X5 under test (side view) B2XS under test (side view) S2X5 under test(bottom view) B2X5 under test (bottom view) Rotor B2X4 --Torque vs angular velocity Rotor 83X4 --Torque vs angular velocity Rotor 82X5 --Torque vs angular velocity Rotor B3X5 (Damaged) Torque data Rotor B2X4 --Power vs angular velocity Rotor 83X4 --Power vs angular velocity Rotor B2X5 --Power vs angular velocity Rotor B3X5 (damaged) Power data Ideal Rotor Performance Rotor 83X4 --Power vs angular velocity Power coefficient vs free stream velocity Rotors after testinq: catastrophic failure of rotor 83X5 and slight damage to B3X4 and B2X5 Slight damage of rotor B3X4 i i i Page No. II-6 II-7 II-8 III-3 IV-4 1 v-5 IV-5 IV-6 IV-6 IV-8 IV-8 IV-10 IV-11 IV-11 v-3 v-4 v-4 V-5 v-5 V-6 v-6 V-7 v-7 V-d V-8 : V!-5 VI-6 VI-7 VI-8 VI-9 VI-10 VI-11 VI-12 VI-13 VI -14 VI-15 VI-16 VI -16 NYU/DAS 83-108 List of Figures (Cont'd) VII-1 VII-2 VII-3 VII-4 VII-5 VII-6 VII-7 VII-8 VII-9 VII-10 VII-11 VII-12 VII-13 VII -14 VI 1-15 VII-16 VII-17 Proposed site for KHECS Enlargement of Roosevelt Island NOAA Tidal current data 1983 (Hell Gate) View of lower Niagara River, looking north. Area given priority during the on site investi- gations is situated on the U.S. bank of the Nia- gara (topographical view) ... Prior investigation area outlining navigational depths The proposed site and strata along the Niagara Gorge. Hydrologic conditions at proposed site The New York State River Basins (as defined in the Phase I report) constitute the major portion of the KHECS power resource. Sketch of an idealized fluvial system Relation between width/depth ratio and percentage of silt and clay in channel perimeter for stable alluvial streams (after Schumm, 1960). Examples of channel patterns. P is sinuosity (ratio of channel to valley length) (From S.A. Schumm, 1963, Sinuosity of alluvial rivers on the Great Plains: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., V74, pp 1089-1100). Variability of sinuous channel patterns. Maps showing channel (A) before and (B) after in- troduction of suspended sediment load. Meandering-thalweg channels. Relation between channel sinuosity and flume slope {From Schumm 1973). Relation between sinuosity and ~tream power. (Data from Khan, 1971). -iv- Page Number VII-3 VII-4 VII-S VII-9 VII-10 VII-11 VII-12 VII -13 VII-15 VII -16 VII-16 VII-21 VII-21 VII-23 VII-24 VII-25 VII-25 NYU/OAS 83-112 r p p Q u X LIST OF SYMBOLS 2 rotor frontal area = ~r t number of blades 2 section lift coefficient = L/; pU A CD 2 pressure coefficient = (p-p )/ ;p U CD CD 3 power coefficient = ~/;p UCDA Lift force turbine radius radial distance from the axis of the turbine pressure power volumetric flowrate through rotor = AU stream velocity tip speed ratio = wr/U GREEK SYMBOLS a. section angle of attack n 3 efficiency of rotor = Power delivered/t P UCD A p density of water w rotational. speed SUBSCRIPTS max maximum co free stream value 1 upstream 4 downstream 15 I. INTRODUCTION The possibility of installing turbines directly in waterways has been studied by a number of investigators 1 •2•3 recently. In the New York Power Authority Phase I study, conducted at New York University, a number of conclusions were reached with respect to the New York State resource, and with respect to the types of kinetic hydro energy conversion systems which could be utilized to exploit it. This study established the following: 0 0 0 0 A kinetic hydro energy resource (estimated to be on the order of approximately 300 MW) warranting the development of devices to exploit it has been found to exist in the State of New York. Significant resource potentials exist for both river (unidirectional) and tidal (bidirectional) flows. Whereas rated power for wind energy conversion systems is usually at a power setting significantly above the average power point {sometimes an order-of-magnitude greater), this effect is usually not true for hydro energy conversion systems (whose velocity distribution curve shows con- siderably less variability). Such an effect is important in determin- ing cost effectiveness. A technology ass~ssment yielded a number of devices, and versions of devices, which could be practical. However, criteria relating to engineering simplicity, cost effectiveness, and near-term commercializa- tion show a benefit for axial flow propeller type machines in both tidal flows and rivers of reasonable depth. These favorable results led to the Phase II program described herein. An engineering and economic analysis has been carried out to determine the approximate cost per kilowatt installed of representative KHECS units. I-1 NYJ/DAS The economic analysis was developed for a series of moderate sized (approxi- mately 4m rotor diameter) units suitable for an established baseline con- dition described below. The reason for the consideration of such units is that while sites of exceptional depth, span, and flow rate are available in the State (for example, the Niagara River downstream of the Lewiston Power Plant, and the East River downstate), a more conservative analysis of cost effectiveness should consider less advantageous situations. We thus established a baseline situation, which is a river of moderate depth (greater than Sm), span (greater than 20m), and flow rate (2m/s exceeded 25% of the time) for our cost effectiveness analysis. This analysis is presented in Section II. A test model was built and tested to quantify the effectivness of the KHECS system envisioned. A test program was designed and 4 model blades were tested during the week of 9 May 1983, at the David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center (DTNSROC) in Bethesda, Md. The blade design calculations,based on Glauert airfoil theory, are des- scribed inSection III. The water channel tests carried out at DTNSRDC are described in Section V, which follows the description of the engineering design and fabrication of the test model (Section IV). Presentation and analysis of the data gathered during the water channel tests conducted appears in Section VI. In conjunction with these efforts, preliminary site specific investigations were also carried out both upstate and downstate to .identify suitable sites for prototype and demonstration-scale testing. These investigations centered on the geologicayhydrological, legal, and environmental factors influencing kinetic hydro develop1nent at the sites. The results of these investigations are presented in Section VII. I-2 NYU/DAS 83-;:.=. II. ENGINEERING AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF GENERIC SYSTEM In order to develop a mature cost estimate for a generic KHECS, it was necessary to examine the New York State resource in detail. This analysis let to the conclusion that while significant depths exist at Niagara and the East River {see Section VII), most of the other good sites have depths on the order of 5-6 meters. In addition, a velocity of 2 m/s which is exceeded 25% of the time is a representative value for an average good site {a much higher speed is available at Niagara). Based on these conditions, clusters of 4.3 m diameter turbines were examined. Peak power is assumed at a velocity of 2 m/s {the design point). Based on an assumed overall efficiency of 33.5% {including losses due to screen, gear, generator and transmission) generic units rated at 20 kW are established. Note that if rotor efficiencies in excess of the value utilized are avail- able {through, for example, augmentation),the unit rating can increase significantly. Another important factor considered for the generic system was that since such sites have 5 m depths, ice loading onto the top section of the units must be considered in unit design. The KHECS units described below are intended to withstand 611 thick ice. A. Engineering Analysis In order to establish the likely benefits and costs of the favored KHECS in mature design and deployment, a standardized design and site were postulated (as stated above). The "standard design" is shown in Figs. 11.1 and 11.2, and is described below. The "standard site" assumes the utilization of ten turbines of 4.3 m diameter in a stream with a mean I I-1 NYU/DAS 83-108 width in excess of 20m as shown in Fi~. II.3. It is based on a streamwise separation between turbines of ten diameters to reduce wake effects. Ten such sites would be rated at 2 MW. As presently conceived, the standard axial turbine KHECS has a two- or three-bladed 4.3 m diameter turbine. Its supporting and protective structure can withstand 6" (0.15 m) thick ice and is integrated and tied to a 70 ton (63,640 kg) reinforced concrete base. A description of the "standard" KHECS subsystems follows: Blades There are several candidate materials for the blades for the "standard" KHECS which has three blades and a 4.3 m diameter rotor. With a nacelle diameter of .1m the individual blade length is 1.75 m ex- clusive of the blade root. Several materials, such as fiberglass reinforced expoxy, cast iron, fabricated steel, cast aluminum, and fiberglass reinforced nylon, were examined. Epoxy-fiberglass blades were utilized in what follows because of strength, durability, and ease of fabrication. The low current speeds and high density of moving water result in low rotation rate and high torque requirements for the rotor. Possible ingestion of submerged debris smaller than the minimum screen apertures also requires local impact resistance and blade root impact torque resistance. The blade design takes these factors into account. Structure and Screen For the standard KHECS designed to withstand 6" thick ice of any lateral dimension, the screen requires a massive steel spine which then also serves as the pylon supporting the turbine. Thus the II-2 NYU/DAS 83-108 turbine can be considered to have a downstream rotor. (If augmentation effects are important a redesign would be necessary.) Once the KHECS assembly is in place, the turbine can be removed from the supporting structure if necessary. The spine is hot-rolled steel stock 2" by 12 11 with back supports of 8" diameter pipe. Grid bars for the screen are horizontal 3/8" by 3" stock running from the spine aft to the back supports. Intermediate supports stiffen the grid bars as necessary. The strength and sharpness of the spine allows it to cut through ice and deflect any large branches, while the base is of sufficient weight to prevent overturning. Shedding of debris is encouraged by the horizontally aftward slope of the screen assembly. Nacelle The nacelle cover, a pipe section of approximately 0.7 m diameter, must accommodate the rotating machinery including the shaft bearings and seal, gearbox, brake, and generator. Assembly and disassembly with reasonable access must be provided for with adequate strength, rigidity, and watertightness. Machinery is supported by an internal heavy backbone so that it may be assembled, tested, and serviced with the nacelle cover removed. End covers seal to the nacelle shell by 0-rings. The forward end cover is integral to the nacelle back- bone and spine mounting tang. Fairing bodies minimize flow distur-. bance. The aft end cover includes the shaft seal. Base The KHECS base is reinforced concrete in a flat triangular slab. Its weight is sufficient to prevent overturning of the turbine assembly. The slab incorporates steel 1-beams and rebar tying together stud II-3 NY~/UAS e3-108 pads for the spine and back supports. The slab has a height of ; 2 0.75 m, a weight of 63,640 kg, and a footpring area of 37.7 m . The base has three corner feet for stability. The construction of the base will depend on the accessibility of the particular site. For sites accessible by a 100 ton barge crane, the KHECS base can be cast in one piece dockside and transported to the site. For a site where such loads cannot be handled from the water, a base caisson, including cast in structural steel can be preformed, trucked to the site, floated into place, sunk, and filled with concrete underr1ater by tremie. Rotating Machinery For simplicity, ruggedness, and low cost, the generator is an induction machine. Its excitation is supplied by the grid and it cannot generate when the grid is down. Control equipment is the same as that for an induction motor and no costly synchronizing equipment is required. A totally enclosed, fan-cooled unit is specified in light of the marine environment. It is rated at 20 kW. The low-speed shaft is sealed at the aft nacelle end plate and supported by a pair of packed, sealed ball bearings. The gearbox is a concentric speed increaser having a ratio of approximately 35:1 with adequate ratings for the maximum power and twice the rated torque. It is connected to the low-speed shaft by a flexible coupling and directly to the generator via the high-speed shaft. Elements of the nacelle internals are depicted in Fig. 11.2. II-4 Transmission A submarine cable brings power from each of 10 turbines in the standard interconnect site to the shore and generator control box. The individual boxes are connected by cable to a common 13.2 kv power transformer. B. Capital Cost Analysis The capital cost analysis is presented here. All equipment has been broken down by component, based on 100 units. The per turbine costs are presented in the last column. It is assumed that 10 turbines are installed at each site. Costs of equipment utilized in the units are based on quotes received from manufacturers. Estimates were made for the mature cost associated with the installation of 10 units per site of 10 sites. Material costs are based on local suppliers' quotations, and other material and labor costs are based on the values cited in the 1982 R.S. Means Construction Cost Handbook. The plug and mold setup is necessary to produce the blades for 100 units. The capital cost analysis does not include trans- mission costs from the land near the site to the nearest available power line. If only one site was developed we would estimate an approximate 20% increase in the cost analysis developed below (and blades would be manufactured without a mold). but mature economics should be based on the 20MW rated system described here. II-5 .NYU/DAS 83-108 Q) f.'l :0 '"..0 .... ~ . } •• Q) ~---: ... :> I -. -· . Oo; • -tV -r-ro· ' • 'M I . Vl r •• --L. t 1. •. • •. 0 • I • . Q) o • 0 ,.. 0 ··-~·--------. -~-----.. --~-:-~~ -~ 0-.-a:-:::~;-~ . I :-: : 0 C.l • •• t 0 0 -~: ... I • 0 ° .. I .I -__ [ __ ~~--· ---1-i-· : ----~~-:-----~--~: .. .------. ----·- -I . • • • I 0 • • •••• 0 • • • • • • • • It , • . -+J 0~ 0 0 0 -1-1. 041 I . 0 0+-:--0 o I r o ' ' -I / -~-0-::o:i ~--:--~:c:-: . ! • r:1 I ! 0~- .. \ 0~ -l ~ . •·M· . l :> . FIGURE II-1. Standard submerged KHECS Turbine Unit .I I -6 -..... • " seal gearbox brake ---------------____ __. shell bedplate blade J_ FIGURE 11.2. KHECS Turbine Nacelle Internals \ ':.: ::.• \ ~~ I~ \ .._. \ 'J \ ,, :;z -<: c: ........ §;! Vl ()) w • ..... 0 ()) NYU/DAS 83-108 t L A_0=~~ & & __ _ L------- River Bed Submarine ca'!Jle 2 cables 4 cables 2 cables Common switch gear 13kV 200kt. \Two generator centro~ boxes per pole . : . FIGURE 11.3. Standard KHECS Site II -8 NYU/DAS 83-108 COSTS FOR EQUIPMEiiT AND COI·tPONENTS FOR THE KINETIC HYDRO Et~ERGY CONVERSION SYSTEr~ (KHECS} PRICE BASE PER NO. UtliTS TURBHIE (1) (100) a. ROTATING EQUIPMENT 1. ROTOR la. Blades (Epoxy Fiberglass) Plug and Mold Set-Up $40K 400 Blade Production, $350/Blade + 1050 50% additional reinforcement 525 Blades Total 1975 lb. Hub Material 250 lbs Steel @ 50¢/lb 125 Fabrication 1500 Bushing, Bronze 150 Hub Total 1775 1243 1243 ROTOR TOTAL 3218 2. GENERATOR 1200 rpm, 480v, 30, TEFC, Induction Std. 1222 1074 Premium Efficiency 1464 1318 1318 3. GEARBOX 35:1 Concentric, Low Maintenance 4218 3569 3569 . ; 4. BRAKE Failsafe, Electric Release 526 315 315 Electric Control 132 79 ..11. BRAKE TOTAL 394 5. LOW SPEED SHAFT 4-~" x 3' Stainless Steel Rod 498 332 332 Machining 200 100 100 SHAFT TOTAL 432 II-9 ·. NYU/DAS 83-108 PRICE BASE PER UNITS TURB I fiE (1) ( 100) 6. BEARINGS (2) @ $200/ea. Double Row Spherical Sealed 4~" I. D. 400 280 280 7. COUPLING 150 TOTAL ROTATING EQUIPf·1EiH 9362 b. NACELLE 1. SHELL 24" Pipe X 5' 40¢/lb 200 200 Machining, Welding 500 350 350 Shell Total 550 2. FORI~ARD END HEAD (MTG. END) Cast Grey Iron $1.50/lb 300 300 Mac hi ni ng 500 350 350 3. AFT END HEAD (SHAFT END) 650 Cast or Fabricated 1500 1000 1000 4. BEDPLATE 400 280 280 5. AIR BAFFLE 50 6. SHAFT SEAL 4}z" I. D. 300 7. CAST ZINC FAIRINGS 200 ; 200 TOTAL NACELLE 3030 c. STRUCTURE/SCREEN 1. SPINE 2" x 12" Steel (1) 40¢/l b (100} 35¢/l_b 800 700 700 2. BACK SUPPORTS (2) 8" Pipe (1) 45¢/lb (100) 40¢/ln 454 403 403 3. SCREU! GRID L:~RS 3/8" X 311 40<t/1b 1850 1•H.:J l1lJU II-10 NYU/OAS 83-108 PRICE 8/\SE p 1:1{ #UN ITS TUR!l IrlE ( 1 ) (100) c. STRUCTURE/SCREEN (Cont'd) 4. TOP PLATE 2" Thick 490 429 429 Cutting 50 40 40 4159 5. FABRICATION 3500 2800 2800 6. COATING Zinc Primer 200 Asphaltic Epoxy Paint 300 500 TOTAL STRUCTURE/SCREEN 6352 --d. BASE 1. INTERNAL SKELETON (2) I Beams 10" x 30' 442 394 394 Rebar and Mesh, 500 lbs 200 175 175 Fabrication 642 449 449 Internal Skeleton Total 1018 2. CONCRETE 37yd 3 25% caisson $60/yd 3 555 75% fill later $75/yd 3 2081 Total Concr·ete 2635 3. FORMS 4000 40 TOTAL BASE 3694 e. ELECTRICS Based on site of 10 turbines (Ten sites) 1. Po\'1er Cab 1 e 48 m per turbine #8 (4 cond. $1.15/ft. 181 2. Submerged Power Cable 40 m per turbine $1. 40/ft 184 3. Control Cable 4 cond. f/16 40 m/turbine $.60/ft 79 4. Poles (5) Installed 695 I I -11 NYU/ DAS 83-108 PRICE BASE II UN ITS ( 1) ( 100) 5. Turbine Connection Box {1/turbine) 5a. Box w/ Contractor Overpm~er 5b. Switch - 5c. Reverse Pm~er Re 1 ay 5d. Speed S\'li tch Total Turbine Box 6. Site Switchyard 558 50 200 300 1108 6a. S true tu re 2000 6b. Transformer 250 kva 480-13.2k V 7500 6c. Meters 1000 6d. Low Side Breakers 300 6e. Fuses 600 A 13 kV 600 Total S\~i tchyard TOTAL ELECTRICS f. NON t•IATERIAL (Production quantity 100 units) 1. Assenbly and Testing 1 person week @ $30/hr 2. Transportation 100 miles $500 + $2/mile 3. Site Assembly 4. Installation 4a. Funicular and Barge 4b. Site Labor 4c. Equipment Rental 4d. Concrete Placement Labor 5. Hook-Up 20 person-days 6. Start-up and Check-Out 11400 PER SITE (10 TURBINES) 3200 1600 850 PER TURBHIE 850 ll!Q._ 3129 1200 700 980 800 1600 500 800 3700 TOTAL NON MATERIALS 7060 II -12 NYU/ DAS 83-108 CAPITAL COST SUMMARY (PER TURBINE} a. ROTATING EQUIPMENT 9362 b. NACELLE 3030 c. STRUCTURE/SCREEN 6352 d. BASE 3694 e. ELECTRICS 3129 f. NQN .. ~TERIAL 7050 32,627 @ 20 kW or $1630/kW The per unit cost is thus on the order of $1600/kW installed. This does not include power transmission costs from the site to available power lines. Obviously, site studies must include this parameter in kinetic hydro economics. It is therefore concluded that the economics associated with such installa- tions is favorable. Indeed, the development of even a single site would yield a cost figure under $2000/kW installed. In addition, a river like Niagara with a velocity exceeded 25% of the time of 2.44 m/s could have much better economics since the rated power is proportional to the cube of the velocity. Another variable which can decrease the dollars per kW in- stalled is the power coefficient. With significant augmentation the costs per kW can be decreased appreciably if the augmenting structure cost does not raise the capital outlay significantly. III. TURBINE BLADE DESIGN The economics presented in the previous section assumes an overall system efficiency of less than 34%. The exact efficiency is a function of a number of parameters, but it is most sensitive to the power coefficient of the blades. This coefficient is defined for unaugmented systems as the power delivered to the rotating shaft to the available power, that is torque x angular velocity divided by l/2p V3 A (where p is the water density, V the stream velocity, and A the area of the rotor disc), and must be less than 59. 3%, the Betz 1 imi t. The design of the blades is thus the most critical factor affecting turbine performance. Fundamentally, the design is similar to wind turbine blades, but a number of effects unique to water turbines must be no.ted. The first is the possibility of cavitation, particularly near the blade tips. The second is the high power per unit area produced by hydro-systems (as compared to wind energy devices operating at reasonable velocities) due to the relative- ly high density of water. This effect leads to high torque loadings, since ro- tation rates for KHECS and WECS are comparable. These two factors lead to a design which must be rugged (particularly at the hub to withstand the high torque loading) and, in addition, the pressure on the suction side must yield values above the critical cavitation number, particularly near the tips. The blade shapes chosen for the test described in the following sections were the NACA 44XX series4 • It was determined that if the test results for these sections were good, such blades would be satisfactory for the generic or larger systems. These asymmetrical sections were chosen because of their high lift coefficients, availability of data for these sections for thickness between 12% and 24%, and power performance as wind turbine blades. For a good compromise between strength and performance, a linear thickness taper from 24~ at the hub to 12% at the tip was used for all rotors. II I -1 The angle of attack at each radius was chosen near the peak lift coefficient with an appropriate safety margin from stall. Figure 111-1 presents the lift coefficient (Ci) and angle of attack (a) distribution utilized for both the two-and three-bladed designs tested. For larger blades, standard geometric scaling would apply. A comment is in order with respect to augmented structures, particularly since both Refs. 1 and 2 have tested such designs for hydro-applications. For such units the power coefficient based on turbine blade area can be well above the Betz limit. The basic principle utilized is to develop a low pressure zone behind the blades so that the exhaust pressure does not return to the free-stream value downstream of the blades. This factor increases the disc loading (in the same manner in which low pressure steam turbines have higher efficiencies when exhausting into a stronger vacuum) increasing the power available. For a ducted design the power coefficient, even .based on exit duct area, can be well above the Betz limit, the theoretical maxi- mum being approximately 75%. While the power coefficients for augmented systems will be higher than for unaug- mented ones, questions of economics and overall performance were carefully considered. The low levels of augmentation shown in Refs. 1 and 2 led us to the conclusion that non-ducted blade designs would be most cost effective and practical. Thus., such designs (so-called free rotor designs) \vere adopted in this study. We have discussed augmentation here because the test program described be- low yielded an unexpected augmentation effect. This effect, based on the development of a low pressure region downstream of the rotor due to nacelle interaction, is described in detail in Section V and in Appendix I. I II -2 14 I I . I I . I • 13 12 11 ALPHA ~ (0) 10 9 8 •rHICKNESS 10 (%C) ' ' ..... ¢_ ......._ ·;ell . ......._ I , "'-...t.. ........_ I ' v 'i I I......._ . ' ! 1 I 'o : . I " ' ' . .. ··I . ' " I : ..... I .... '·-'"T I i ! ' 0 . . \.' ·-··· . . ! .... .,... . . -, ' ~ I ' -..... •\. ' ·--; --' "-' i ' i "safety; ; '-. I II I ' >o • ''-' . marg 1n; ' ' I -.. .. .... "( d> .. I '¢' I l designj alpha j I ! ---~····"' -----·-I I ' ' ~ -: ' I-. --·-.--!. ...... I I ·1- e',mpirical j ~tall alphaj a't peak cl ! I ;'," I;- ' I ... -·· ' 1 __ • -0 : ·--i .. -· -·----'F , . .. "\.. . -----· · ·· r ----------1 t ---r· ' 'i ' ,, ! o, ; " ! ' . I --t ' j ----.. --. --1 ________ ~-----\ I T~-~ !',, \ i I . , \1 I ' ; 1_______ 'I i ! i -.------·j--·· I : I ··------... --r---~· ·----- : design I I ' -·---~-----------· -----~ ··----· --.. -f--...... ~-. I f • J . ' ' ' l I · l I I I' ,--------, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 tip I I I I I I I I I I hub r/Ro 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 .s .4 .3 .2 FIGUREJII-1. Lift Cocfficient.and Angle of Attack Distributions -I~ACA 4412-4424 1.4 .L. -< ' -.. 1.3 c;..J u-) co (,.) I ..... t:) CD 1.2 1.1 cl 1.0 0.9 0.8 25 NYU/OAS B3-108 IV. TEST MODEL A KHECS test program was designed and carried out to detennine the power available from practical free-flow water turbine blades. Secondary goals of the test included testing various system design concepts for the turbine itself which are useful for the eventual full-scale implementation. Results of these goals are explained in a subsequent section. The model for water channel testing of the KHECS was designed to satisfy the test mission to collect blade performance data and to perform in such a way as to ensure efficient and extensive data collection during a one-week test period. Previous similar empirical testing by Aerovironment 1 was not adequate for free flow turbines either in terms of quantity or precision of data, or in its nature (low Reynolds number). Major components of the KHECS test model include the rotors, shaft, shaft seal, shaft housing, shaft bearings, shaft coupling, brake, tachometry transducer, torque transducer, nacelle, fairings, mounting pylon, mounting boom, and mounting brackets. (See Fig. IV-1.) Blades for four rotors were designed and fabricated according to the draw- ings in Appendix II. These designs were chosen for two and three blades (S) and tip -speed ratios at peak power (X) from 3 to 5 (where X = wr/U) in the following combinations: B 2 X 3 4 I 5 I 3 I I To maximize the power available, the design of the blades (their chord and twist distribution for each tip speed ratio and blade number) is accomplished IV-1 NYU/DAS 83-108 utilizing Glauert airfoil theory 5• The chord and twist distributions for four designs are listed in Appendix II along with the blade drawings. These were the blades tested in the water tunnel test program described below. The KHECS test model was designed to achieve aims of accuracy and repeat- ability of blade data, along with' reliability and ruggedness. These criteria necessitated maximum possible simplicity in the drive train and shaft loading device which is also the heart of the test model. For the model testing proposed, it was decided that a brake would be more effective than a generator or other type of power absorber in terms of size, i.e., it could be smaller, especially in diameter, for a given torque absorbed. A magnetic particle brake was selected to permit smooth chatter-free braking action over a wide range of speed (virtually from 0-3600 rpm). Using this device met the requirement that the loading and measurement system be direct-coupled, with no gearing which would have been a potential source for measurement inaccuracy and breakdowns. The maximum practical brake size that would permit a reasonable KHECS rotor diameter was rated at 100 lb/ft (136Nm) torque, which, according to blade performance estimates, allowed a rotor radius of 0.3428m (13.5") for the higher torque (lower tip-speed ratio) rotor versions. With water cooling, the brake could absorb a maxi- mum power of 6kW, more th~n the rotors could be expected to provide at a current speed of 3.0S m/s (6 knots). The brake is electrically actuated with a 90-volt DC supply, and its torque is proportional to the brake coil current. Figure IV-2ashows the brake assembly being placed in the nacelle. Again, for simplicity, ruggedness, and directness of measurement, a reaction torque sensor was selected. This eliminated the need for another rotating component and potentially problematic slip rings. Accordingly, a sensor unit was selected with the required range and precision, and with the IV-2 ~Y~/JAS 83-108 ability to carry the weight of the brake and coupling in cantilever without affecting the torque reading. Thus, all of the loading torque is reacted through the sensor which is mounted to the nacelle rear end-head. Figure fV-2bshows the brake mounted on the rear end-head through the torque sensor. As the brake and the watertight nacelle which houses it is of a significant diameter relative to the rotor, the rotor was placed upstream of the nacelle as far as was practical, with the original intention of minimizing the effect of the nacelle on the rotor. To achieve this, a shaft housing or sting of 0.8 m (35") length was located between the rotor and nacelle. It should be noted that this design differs significatly form that discussed in Section II, but the interest was in blade performance. At the upstream end of the shaft is the forward bearing housing which supports a spherical roller bearing with oil chambers. Also mounted in this housing, ahead of the bearing, is the shaft seal which is of the graphite/ceramic face seal type. This seal was selected to provide high performance sealing with minimum residual torque. Figure IV-3 shows the shaft housing assembly. IV-3 l ·-• . _. .. i • t--::.:. r -~~~~:.: -__ ,__ -_ ....... _. -·-•'"t--+ ·-.... . ---~----------------· -~1·. _..;..._-... :·j·• .. --. ,.,._. ___ --~ ...•.. . ~ • , ··-..•.• I . . ---_l . --·-: . ---•-·· ---__ _, -· l --~----__ ., ..... - -t:J. -+ -----:·-··--.. j-. ..) \0) c ----· ------.• --'-./!. Q,' ~-----~------~------~n-------~~---~E~ -·--· . . . . .... z i .:I ' ! . .. I ·• .; j -l ------"--·-------·----.. -.• ... .. ---------,,-...:.-------· ;-·--.... -i '-t •· .-! .. j I ·-r . ~--·-_:_ ~ .. --------'--T"'--""--.------"'·w------~ •- ----;. •. ... IV-4 -···----·------ ---·----._:r---~----- ..... 2. ::::.~ .. .-.:1. .. :l '(A. ..... , J\3 .. . - --r- t L '> v.::; l. C::::J3:· ! -___ .. 4 t;J·ec------ ,. ·----:::-:-:::--J .) < . ~ . ,, -. .. . 0 4: .LL ' ~.>...Z. ' 1-, '- I. i --·- ---···--·1-·:;:-~·-···------·-_J I .¢ i . ' -"T .. '. I I- V) w 1- ..J w :z: z: c;( ~ . 5 !. 0::: w '. 1- :i :---- V'l u w :c ~ I. r • ..... ' •.----- > ..... LU 0::: => "" ..... LJ._ <: . (Jl FIGURE IV-2a KHECS test model brake assembly during installation in nacelle. z -< c:: ........ 0 )> VI co w I 0 OJ FIGURE IV-2~ KHECS test model brake assembly mounted on rear end-head, showing shaft coupling, tachometer. Sensor wiring and coolant hoses. NYU/DAS 83-108 FIGURE IV-3. KHECS test model shaft housing assembly (view from forward nace11e end-head and rear shaft bearing carrier) FIGURE IV-4. KHECS test model mounting components. IV--6 NYU/DAS 83-108 A rear bearing housing which holds the rear shaft bearing is located on the inside of the forward nacelle end head. The model was designed so that the en- tire front end, including the shaf~, could be removed from the rest of the na- celle. To accomplish this the rear end of the shaft was a keyed slip fit into the flexible shaft coupling which was mounted to the brake shaft. Mounted by a clamp to the brake housing is an optical encoder tachometry sen- sor driven by a toothed belt from a pulley on the shaft. This unit was selecteJ for accuracy and reliability, and resolution in that it provides 600 pulses per revolution. A signal conditioning circuit provides a linear analog voltage for the data acquisition system, Figure IV-2 is a photograph showing the physi- cal arrangement of the tachometer sensor on the brake. The KHECS test model is supported approximately four feet below the water sur- face by a four-inch diameter pipe, flange-mounted to the nacelle top, held by support clamps to a short horizontal boom which is attached to a column on the facility's test carriage. The KHECS mounting components are shown in Figure IV-4. A lifting shackle at the top of the pylon is used to maneuver the model by over- head crane. Figures IV-5 and IV-6 are photographs which show the completed KHECS test model, and Fig. IV-7 is a perspective drawing of the entire model system. All non-rotating underwater seals are accomplished by the use of 0-rings, permitting disassembly and reassembly. For these to be reliable, the sealing flanges are all stainless steel. In the case of mild steel structures such as the nacelle and pylon, stainless flanges are welded to the mild steel piece. IV-7 NYU/ DAS 83-i 08 FIGURE IV-5. Assembled KHECS test model without fairings. FIGURE IV-6. Complete KHECS test model mounted to pylon with fairings attached. IV· 8 NYU/DAS 83-108 Just behind the shaft seal is a leakage drain area which is connected to the nacelle body by a surface-mounted, clear hose which permits visual inspection of the seal status, even during operation, and allows limited operation time even if a seal leak occurs. Backup moisture detectors in the nacelle are designed to alert operators of significant water in the nacelle before any components are damaged. Other instrumentation in the nacelle includes three vibration sensors mounted orthogonally to the brake mounting spider, the front end-head, and the rear bearins housing, and thermocouples measuring the temperature of the brake coolant water and the brake surface. All electrical cables and cooling water hoses pass into the nacelle through the pylon, the top end of which is well above the water surface. An ambient water temperature thermocouple mounts to the outside of the pylon, submerged in the channel flow. The brake coolant water supply hose, like the electrical cables,_ comes from the control panel, but the coolant drain hose terminates as it leaves the pylon, simply wasting into the channel. Data Acquisition and Control Signals from the torque sensor str~in guage, tacometer, thermocouples and thermistermoisturedetectors are monitored, stored, and manipulated by the data acquisition and control system (DACSl. All s.ignals are converted to analog voltages which are scanned by the data logger. In addition, the data logger is able to maRe quasi-real-time calculations of power coefficient based on instantaneous angular velocity and torque data, along with stored constants. The data logger prints a set of data at intervals of ten seconds and transmits a set via an RS232C 1 line to a IV-9 flow NYU/DAS 83-108 FIGURE IV-7. KHECS test model {B3X4 Rotor) IV-10 ....... < I .... __, • . . . • • • • • • 0 • • ·--~--IE:--:;;;;;;====::::;& b ---·---·----~ e, .. ••••no ._ ...... ,.:::::::: ~ i.l --'•• ·r:!-!IDJ I.-. . . ·;.--~ ·~ FIGURE IV-8. KHECS test model data acquisi- tion and control system (DACS) FIGURE IV~9. Final checkout and calibration of KHECS test model and the data acquisition and control system (DACS) z -. CJ J;:> Vl co w I 0 co -' ','""; '...J""' ! -"' microprocessor storage on disk. Several signals were given alarm set-points for protective purposes, e.g., moisture detectors and coolant temperature, or for operational purposes, e.g., low speed indicating rotor stall. Along with the data logger and computer, the model control station includes power supplies and circuitry for the brake, the thermistor moisture detectors, and the torque sensor strain gage. There is also a measurement and control system for the brake coolant, and an oscilloscope to monitor the vibration sensors. Figure IV-8 is a photograph which shows the model control station, and Fig. IV-9 shows the entire test system under final checkout and calibration prior to shipment. 1 v-12 V. TEST PROGRAM At the David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center (DTNSRDC) photographically clear filtered water is circulated at speeds variable from zero to five meters per second through a test region of generous cross section (width 6.7 meters and depth 2.7 ~eters), ensuring a uniform free stream velocity. At the highest velocities, air bubbles are entrained in the flow to a degree significant enough to impair visibility. Figure V-1 shows the essential arrangement. Figure V-2 shows the Circulating Water Channel(CWC) test section, and Figure V-3 shows the test model prior to submersion. Windows at various locations in the sides and bottom allow visual observation and photography, and in this case stroboscope and video camera operation also. A pitot tube mounted in the free stream, and con- nected to a calibrated •..:ater manometer, indicates the water velocity within 0.1 knot; the actual water velocity was checked and found to agree with this calibration (See Figs V-4 and V-5). An overhead travelling crane assists in moving models, and a regulated power supply is available for instrumentation. Test Procedure Appendix 3 gives the operating procedure for tne CWC. Essentially, the channel operator· brings the impeller motors up to speed, adjusts the blade pitch until the water velocity is steady at the desired value, then gives an audible signal to the model test operators. With the water circulating at the chosen rate and the rotor turning, the . . datalogger takes. an appropriate number of readings of the angular velocity and torque, from which it calculates tne power and power coefficient. V-1 ;, r-" .., .. ,-.,:; By increasing the brake current, the load is raised and a new set of readings and photographs taken. This process is repeated until the point is reached at which the loading is so high as to cause rotor stall. A new water speed is then established, and the measurements carried out again at increasing torque. Readings are checked as needed for repeatability, with angular velocity both increasing and decreasing, until it is felt that the particular rotor performance has been com- pletely quantified. Circulation is then stopped, the model raised from the water, and a new rotor installed. The procedure is repeated for the next rotor. Figures V-6 and V-7 show the KHECS test model submerged in the CWC i~ still and flowing water, respectively. Figures V-8 through V-11 are photographs of rotor B2XS under test showing the clear appearance of tip-cavitation helices. Figures V-10 and V-11 show the shaft seal drain tube which could be monitored visually during testing for indication.of leakage. V-2 o;) 0 r- 1 M o;) OAVIO W. TAYLOR NAVAl SHIP RESEARCH & OEVELOPMEST CENTEA BETHESDA. MARYLAND 200841102.) 227·1515 CIRCULATING WAT,ER CHANNEL (1944J .Enler;ement s.c:tion .. 1.Free Water Sutf.M:e 8!-gim~ Hero Adiuat~~bt. Up Viewlnv Window• . . •· -... CJ Vt~~wingWindows Towinv8ftm Detail E!pvtdon YiP!! . of Aigving Brida• UNITED STATi.:-.> lmral11' '11=.1'--.:t::EJ .J DESCAIPilON Of FACIUTV: venfe.l ple:'l•. open to the crtmDspbme test section wfth G frea 1urfac• In • cluaod recirculeting wa1et dtcui't. vari.W. speed. rectiH'Iguler cr~ONI shllp4t with ccmst~~mlnttidt width of 6.7 m (22 hl (except ot the pumpa), 9.1 m (30 ttl long..,._gement HCtio" with H •djustabl• aurfGCe c:cntrol tip t1t the u;mream en•l of 1M 'lint HCtion, 10 ..,.. viewing window~~ on eittHir •Ide of the -.t MCtlon •t dlff.,.,.. ....,..,.. & s m the bot'tl)rn, movable briclp .,..,. 'lhe t.t MCtion for .... & versatility In mountlftu II'IOihlb. rfgpg bridge is ctpabl. of taking toWing loads n any one of nun....,. ,.. up to 3G.II4 N (1(100 lbsL Ol*'h•cl traveliftiCI'IIMS for hendltnu latga & heevy mod. fHtenl koepWIIW .............,_.,ca.... TVPI 011' DRIVE SYSTEM: two 3.1 m (12.5 ft) clilmeter 1d;u.t.ble pitch two bieded t:ILII flew lmpeiter. operating 1n perollol: lmpllilar blede tnt~le 18 c:ontrolled by •n hydnlullc ewvo aystem c:tptlble of meimalnina tnt NCtio" water vslocity wi1hin ::1:0.01 knot. TOTAL MOTOR POWER: two ...:hl32 leW 118 Bitt. hpL _, ...-CO'IIS•m .,...a. pump~t i'otate In oppo.ka dlnlc:tiOM WOfiKING SICT10N MAX. VEl.OCITY: 1.1 mla (10 ~ . . .. WORKING SEcnON DIMENSIONS: length • 1~ m flO td. wktrh • 1.7 m 122 ftJ. rnu. W8t1W chtpth • 2.7 m II ttl with 1.0 m · tu td of~ abov• the frM wtter surface. it Ia ~to low..-the Wllblr ct.pth & OJNI'8'ta t1t rNucttd speedlt. PUBUSHED DESCRIPTION: • Saunders, H. E. & Hubbtrd. C. W ... Th• Circulating Watw Channel or th• David W. Taylor Model Basin. .. SNAME Trensactions Vol. 52 (19441 • • le11t, C. A. '*Th• Characteristics end Utilization of the David W. Taylor Mod•l S..s.in Circulating Water Chennl!l,' Proceedings of the Thwd Hydraulics Conference, Iowa City, Iowa (Jun 1946) FIGURE V-1. Circulating Water Channel V-3 NYU/OAS 83-108 FIGURE V-2. CWC test section work area. FIGURE V-3. KHECS test model during rotor change. V-4 < I U'1 FIGURE V-4. ewe current speed calibration chart~ FIGURE V-5. ewe reference pitot tube manometer. 0 ::t> (/) en w I 0 OJ NYU/DAS 83-108 FIGURE V-6. KHECS post model mounted in submerged test position in ewe FIGURE V-7. KHECS test model under test. V-6 NYU/DAS 83-108 FIGURE V-8. B2X5 under test (side ·view) FIGURE V-9. B2X5 under test (side view) V-7 NYU/DAS 83-108 FIGURE V-10. B2X5 under test (bottom view) FIGURE V-11. B2X5 under test (bottom view) V-8 NYU/DASP 83-108 VI. TEST RESULTS AND DATA REDUCTION During the entire testing process, data ... ,as carefullyrrarl'<er.lwith special data logger channels as to whether it was valid with regard to equilibrium conditio~s of both the water channel and the model. Transient effects were thereby elimin- ated. Still, a total of seventeen hundred valid data points were acquired for the four rotors tested. These data, for torque angular velocity, power and power coefficient, for each rotor and for each current speed, are shown plotted in Figs. VI-1 and VI-8. Errors in the measurement of rotor power include those in angular velocity and torque, and for power coefficient include the uncertainty in channel current speed. However, according to the CWC calibration record, current speed uncertainty is less than 0.1 knot from the nominal speed over the range of speeds used. This would yield a potential error of between +/-1.7% for a nominal speed of 6 knots, and +/-3.3% for a speed of 3 knots. Errors for angular velocity and torque are below +/-1% each. Thus, the total uncertainty in power is +/-2%, andin power coefficient is from +/-3.7% at high current speed to +/-5.3% at low speed. The torque versus angular velocity curves in Figures Vl-1 through VI-4 clearly show the expected linear relationship between these two parameters. The data presented here are those collected by the DACS which were already calibrated in engineering units modified only by adding to the torque values the constant, permanent dynamic torque of the shaft seal and bear- ings (those components not sensed by the reaction torque sensor) which had been measured to be 1.56Nm. Although in practice it is impossible to achieve zero loading, due to residual seal and bearing friction in both the front end and the brake, these plots allow linear curve fits which VI-l can be extrapolated back to a ''zero torque" condition. The angular velocity at this intercept is equivalent to the no-load rotation rate. The equations for the least-squares fitted curves are shown in the figures. There are no curve fits for rotor B3X5, the blade of smallest chord, which suffered rapid physical deterioration and provided no useful data due to design and construction deficiencies. Rotors B3X4 and B2XS had minor damage. In each of the data graphs it is clear that most of the variation in the test data is due to fluctuations in angular velocity, even while the torque load- ing was held steadily constant. Such rotation rate fluctuation could often be easily observed visually, especially at high loading values, and can be attributed to minor variations in blade manufacture and resultant flow field irregularities. Still~ however~ the data is eminently coherent and repeatable. Figures V-5 through VI-8 are plots of the rotor power versus angular velocity. Each figure shows, for a single rotor, the family of power curves, each curve at a different current speed. Fit by least-squares to each set of data is a curve of the theoretical parabolic shape which uses the derived no-load rotation rate and the origin as x-intercepts. In the case of rotor B2X5, Figure VI-7, the data does not extend to a high enough level of torque to support the parabolic curve fit for the ' power at maximum power. The curve fit appears unconservative which is substantiated by the fact that if the projected values for maximum CP are plotted in VI-11 (CP max vs U00 ) an unreasonably sharp slope results due to the exaggerated values at low values of current speed. Therefore, more reasonable and conservative values for Cpmax have been plotted in VI-2 ~~" U/ DAS 83-l 08 Fig. VI-7, and these values were later used for Figure VI-11. Because the blades were designed close to the maximum angle of attack (near stall) for each section, the power curve drops sharply when the rotor is loaded beyond the maximum power point. This blade design is appropriate for a uni-directional river resource with overspeed po- tential where it is desirable to have a rotor connected to a fixed-speed induction generator, thus causing the rotor to stall when current speed increases beyond the design point (tip speed ratio drops below a minimum value). A small number of data points which were clearly part of the blade stall were not used for the parabolic curve fit since they would cause errors. These points are noted on the plots, as are the equations for the derived power curves. Added to these plots are the stall point and the maximum power curve which joins the maximum power points for each current speed. The ideal load absorber would have an operating curve which matches this curve, thus permitting efficient use of the available rotor power at any current speed. Fortunately, the maximum power curve differs from the idealized maxil'lum power curve of Fig.· VI-9 in such a way that the rotor is actually better suited to an induction gener~tor, wi:th its straight-line operating curve than is the idealized rotor. The power curves for the B3X4 rotor (three blades, design tip speed ratio of four) in Fig VI-7 a·re duplicated in Fig. VI-10 along with a theoretical maxil'lum power curve and a generator operating curve. It can be seen that the experimental resul~ gave better than theoretical load matching. Over the range of current speeds tested, the load matching efficiency would be near 100% for most of the practical VI-3 NYU/ 83-108 generation range, excellent result. A general comparative overvie~ of rotor performance is provided by Fig. VI-11 which plots maximum C vs. U for three blade designs. This p 00 figure also demonstrates a high efficiency for a reasonably wide range of current speed. The slopes seen in Fig. VI-11 probably indicate a slight Reynolds number dependence. Of course, the most striking result in t~e data is the level of power coefficient obtained. To be consistent, we used values based on the rotor area, even though, with the particular geometrical configuration of the test model we achieved an augmentation effect due to flow acceleration around the nacelle. This effect, linked to a change in downstream pressure (see Appendix I) is considered in the conclusion section. VI-4 NYU/DAS 83-108 55 50 45 ~ 40 IJ.J 1- IJ.J X: 35 z 0 1-:.r UJ z 30 ~ -~ IJ.J :::::> 0 25 r ~ 20 1- 15 10 5 ROTOR B2X'l TORQUE VS RNGULRR VELOCITY +:~ ~ + 3.09 M/S \ \?.83 M\ \ z.s: ~ \ \ ··~~ .. \.31 M/5 \ . "\ \ + •• ~ ...... \, •• ~.06 M/\ ··~\ ~-. -~-. ~ + ~ -\ • .\ . ·-!.54 M/S ~ ~ + - I -...; I -: ..., -.., -: ' -I J ' ' 0 ~~~~.--~--~--~--~--~~~~~~~~~~--~~ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 l an .. v ANGULAR VELOCITY (RADIANS/SECl FIGURE VI -1 Vl-5 NYU/DAS 83-108 ROTOR B3X4 --TORQUE VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 45 j + ' ' 40 ! ...J + ...: ...; 35 ' 1 ~ .... I -: I • J ~ 30 ! • _.. i lU ..., I-' \ ....i UJ ' L l ~ 25 ........ 1. 80 MIS \•+ I-,.. :% -1 lU ' z . --: 20 ~ ._j I r ~ lU :::::> 0 a::: 0 15 I- ... 10 -·---, " 5 0 ~~~--~~~--~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~ 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 ANGULAR VELOCITY tRADIANS/SECl FIGURE VI -2 VI-o 40 35 -~ 30 l1J ..... l1J :::t: ~ 25 ..... ::z ·J !! l1J ::J 0 20 ~ 15 ..... 10 5 ROTOR 82X5 --TORQUE VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 0 ~~ .. ~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 ANGULAR VELOCITY (RADIANS/SEC) FIGURE VI-3 VI-7 -(f') 0::: UJ 1- UJ :::E: z 0 1- :3: IJ.J z _, IJ.J ;::::) C3 0::: 0 I- NYU/DAS 83-108 ROTOR 83XS --TORQUE VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 2.0 r-r-r-·r•~t~I~J~l-,J~l"l~~~ -rl-rr-rt-.1~1~'~1~'-,1~1~1-.1'.11~1~ 1.8 LS 1..4 1.2 1.0 ~ • . .. .. • • ~ • B t I .6 .4 .2 • .. • • .. -1 I ~ I !. i ....J .· j 1 . . . 1 1 i ~ Q Ll-L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LI~I_._.(~t_.l_.t~l~l~l~l~l~l~f~l~i 0 10 20 30 40 50 . 60 '10 80 90 100 110 . 120 130 ANGULAR VELOCITY (RADIANS/SEC} FIGURE VI-4. Rotor B3X5 (Damaged) Torque data V I-8 t4YU/OAS 133-108 ROTOR B2X4 --POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 4500 ~ + i -' 4000 I I ~ 3500 -! .. t l + J ++ ,.. . .. " .· .... ~ 3000 .. ,. ... -1 ,.. : .. -1 I (f) l t-J t- 2500 ~ a: j :3: ........ I 1 '"1 .J 2000 t-i a::: ....... I w j 3: + 0 a.. I 1500 l l i 1000 t 1 ...... -1 -1 -1 j 500 -1 .., 0 0 20 40 60 60 100 120 l'iO ANGULAR VELOCITY CRADIANS/SECJ FIGURE VI-5 VI-9 3000 t 2800 2600 2<100 2200 2000 (f) 1800 r- I-a: ::3: 1600 1<100 a::: w 3: 1200 0 CL 1000 .800 600 qoo 200 0 0 10 NYU/DAS 83-108 ROTOR B3X~ --POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 80 H/S + + I J j I I -l ! ! I -1 "i I l I ...., 20 30 qo so so ANGULAR VE~OCITY 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 (RAOIANS/SECl FIGURE VI-6 VI-10' ROTOR B2X5 --POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 3600 ~r-~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~----~~~~~ 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 Vi 2200 1- ~ 2000 1800 0: 1600 LU 3: a: 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 ~~~._._~._~~~~~----~----~~~~~~~~ 0 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 11 0 120 ANGULAR VELOCITY CRADIANS/SECl FIGURE VI-7 VI-11 NYU/DAS 83-108 ROTOR B3X5 --POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 200 I I I I I I-.-I t I I I I I I r I r I I I I I I ! I I L l 1ao L l l I 160 ' -~ • I i 140 I l ...., I ' j I (J') 120 • -t 1--! 1--I a: ~ • ~ -. 100 ~ I • I ~ 80 t l LL.I • 3: 0 I 0.... I .. I ~ • 1 I 60 ~ I .J ~ • I I .I 40 t-• -t i I 1 20 r ~ 0 L1 I ! -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 ANGULAR VELOCITY (RADIANS/SEC) FIGURE VI-8. Rotor B3X5 (damaged) Power data VI-12 POWER maxirr.u."!! ~~--power curve ROTATION RATE FIGURE VI-9. Idealized Rotor Performance VI-13 (f) 1-- 1--a: ~ L: w ~ a a_ 3000 t 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 NYU/DAS 83-108 ROTOR 83X4 --POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY theory normalized to maximum peak + + + experimental maximum power curve .p. / . I I ~genera tor with 10% slip 10 20 30 40 50 60 ANGULAR VE~OCITY 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 CRADIANS/SECl FIGURE VI-10. Experimental and theoretical maximum power curves compared with induction generator operating curve VI-14 .95 .90 .85 1-.so z w -u -I.L. I.L. .75 UJ 0 ~ l J ..?.: .'70 0 0- ,65 .55 ...... ... ::,.<::_ t. 8 2. 0 2. 2 2. 4 2. ~J~ 2. 8 CURRENT SPEED lMETERS/SECl FIGURE VI ... ll· .• VI-15 I ,,.., . . . . ' NYU/DAS 83-108 FIGURE VI-12. Rotors after testing catastrophic failure of rotor B3X5 and slight damage to S3X4 and B2X5 FIGURE VI-13. Slight damage of rotor B3X4. VI-16 NYU/OAS 83-108 VII. SITE SPECIFIC INVESTIGATIONS This section presents a summary of both specific and generic KHECS sites investigated in New York State. The specific sites include the East River and Niagara River which were evaluated as possible locations for the instal- lation of a prototype system. The generic site discussion will serve as a guide to identify numerous locations within the New York State River Basins for future consideration. Subsequent to these investigations and discussions, the various KHECS environmental and regulatory aspects are discussed. The topic areas to be covered for the two sites investigated, namely: East River Niagara River are the description and location of the proposed site, the geologic composition and the hydrologic characteristics of the investigated site. The topic areas to be covered for the NYS River basins will include a discussion of fluvial parameters affecting river channel morphology and the development of a site selection methodology. 1. East River Investigation The East River is part of the Inner New York Harbor which lies to the north of, and is connected with the outer harbor, or the lower bay, by the narrm·ts. The harbor consists of the Upper Bay, lower Hudson River, East River, Long Island Sound, and tributary water ways. The East River is a tidal strait about 16 miles long and 600 to 4000 feet wide connecting the Main Harbor Channel at the Battery with Long Island Sound at Throgs Neck, and separ- ating Long Island from the mainland. The portion of the East River stretch- VII-1 NYU/DAS 83-108 ing between the north end of Roosevelt {Blackwells) Island and Negro Point Bluff on Wards Island is known as Hell Gate, the confluence of the Harlem and East Rivers. The channel in the East River is of varying but navigable widths and depths from the Main Harbor Channel to the Long Island Sound. The river divides into two channels which pass around Roosevelt Island. The specific site investigated for installation of the prototype KHECS is situated on the east side of Roosevelt Island in the east channel, under the Roosevelt Island Bridge. This is a lift bridge which is perm- antly fixed in the lowered position. The East Channel has no commercial vessel traffic due to the low bridge clearance. The selected prototype site is shown in Figures VII-1 and VII-2 and topographically possesses a depth of approximately 10 m (32 feet). The geologic composition of the proposed site is underlain by bedrock at an elevation of approximately 10.7 meters (35 feet) below mean high water level or 22.9 meters (75 feet) below the span of the Roosevelt Island Bridge. The semi-diurnal current profile developed from averaged maximum current data taken from the NOAA Tidal Current Tables at Hell Gate is shown in Figure VII-3. VII-2 NYU/ OAS 83-108 VII-1. FIGURE VII-1 NYU/NYPA KHECS SITE STUDY Proposed site for KHECS. Situated on the east side of Roosevelt Island in the East channel, under the Roosevelt Bridge. (with inset) VII-3 NYU/DAS 81-108 . . .. ''. . NOTED . ; 'rh. l'ninimi.m iiJtnO'ileO nPlhl, .r CMtr IN E l3td Slnlet l.lllllel -<15 feet h Wilt lOde lind 35 feet on IN e•t side ··~llllnd. . FIGURE VII~ 2 NYU/NYPA KHECS SITE STUDY FIGURE VII-2. Enlargement of Roosevelt Island VII-4 NYU/DAS 83-108 2 ~ 1 T ' E R s 1 / s E 1 c HOAA TIDAL CURREt~T DATA 1993 <HELL GATE> U.;:.<max> = avet'age of maxim1.ur, C'-~rt··ents for Jan. S. Feb. 1983 .. ' TINE<hr> 12 I I ./ / / 2 '--~ Semi-diurnal Current Profile ITacmaxl Sin wt FIGURE Vll-3 NYU/NYPA KHECS SITE STUDY VII-5 NYU/OAS 83-108 2. Niagara River The Niagara River forms the international boundary between the province of Ontario, Canada, and the State of New York as discussed in Tesmer (6). The river flows generally north approximately along the 79th meridian, has its source at the eastern end of Lake Erie at about 42 degrees 50 minutes North Latitude and its mouth at Lake Ontario at about 43 degrees 15 minutes. Internationally famous because of its spectacular waterfalls and striking gorge, the Niagara River is unique in that it serves as an outlet for four of the largest fresh-water lakes in the world. Furthermore, as rivers go, the Niagara has an exceedingly short course measuring only 50.8 km (31.6 miles) along its western channel and 57.3 km (35.6 miles) along its eastern channel. Over this short watercourse, however, there is a rela- tively large descent in elevation from 175 m (575 feet) at Buffalo-Fort Erie to 76 m (250 feet) at Fort Niagara-on-the-Lake. The total drop or relief is 99m (325 feet), of which 51 m (167 feet) occurs in the plunge from the crest of the Horseshoe Falls to the Maid-of-the-Mist pool below. Unquestionably, a conspicuous feature of the Niagara River is its trem- endous flow, about 5720 cubic meters per second (202,000 cfs). The river's width varies from its narrowest constrictjon of 76 m (250 feet) at Wintergreen Flats to about 2580 m (8500 feet) at its broadest expanses at its source at Buffalo, the sound end of Grand Island, and the downstream side of Navy Island. The river's source at Buffalo is wider. than that of its mouth at Fort Niagara (915 m; 3000 feet). VII-6 '' ... ·, e _ i ~twea:c:a is The gorge The by rian NYU/DAS 83-108 North of the Niagara Escarpment where the proposed site is situated, the prevalent strata along the Niagara River are the red shales of the Queenston Formation from the Ordovician System. These shales weather to form the sticky red clay of the Lake Ontario Plain. The strata along the Niagara Gorge and at the proposed site are shown in Figure VII-7. The hydrologic conditions at the proposed site are shown in Figure VII-8. Based on the acceptability (flow, depth and accessability) of both the Niagara and East Rivers for the prototype installation, the East River site was selected because of its proximity and existing support structure. VII-S rJYU/DAS 83-108 View of lower Niaaara River, lookin& north. Note the Niagara Gorp. power plants, and l.ewiston..Queenston Bridp toward the front oE view. In the background, the Niapra River widens and meanders as it crosses the Lab Ontario Plain, to the north of the Niapn Elcarpment. FIGURE VII~ 4 NYU/NYPA KHECS SITE STUDY VII-9 • • - - - - - - - - - - - - - NYU/DAS 83-108 : Pyi<Wl•G • .,. __ .., Mon . I Park L--------- FIGURE VII_; 5 NYU/NYPA . KHECS SITE STUDY ~-------------------------------------------------- FIGURE VII-5. Area given· priority during the on site investigations is situated on t~e U.S. bank of the Niagara (topographical view) approximately 1.2 m (40uv ft) north (dmmstream) of the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge. VII-10 NYU/DAS 83-108 l a: · ... ·; .·, ·:._ ... _ .. · ..... -·,;"··, -:;:~ ... -: ·. . ~ ·-: -.. ' . _,. ·- FIGURE VII-6 NYU/NYPA KHECS SITE STUDY FIGURE VI I -6. Prior investigation area outlining navigational depths. VI I -11 NYU/DAS 83-108 -110 lo30 ua 3JII -210 uo 10 N l.ewY*- 1 NIAGARA ESCAR'MINT I -·-'! "' ' \ 'I i "" ' ' \ :.: ' 'r, ·: •• :.; ,, .. "' ·: FIGURE VII-· 7 NYU/NYPA KHECS SITE STUDY FIGURE II-7. The proposed site and strata a long the Niagara Gorge. VII-12 ·. NYU/DAS 83-103 0 "D l ~ ri: ~(~ (~Jf.e:c..) 1.5 z.o zoo' ~ ~\lre. Lv"=-.f,s"-'8.5 1 _fu~v.,,E:,.ft~ l·lt .. --1'-+ 5 1 . bf.X)' 7o::f FIGURE VII-8 NYU/NYPA KHECS SITE STUDY FIGURE VII-8. Hydrologic conditions at proposed site. VII-13 NYU/DAS 83-103 3. New York State River Basin Generic The New York State River Basins as defined in the Phase 1 report and shown in Figure VII-9 constitute the major portion of the KHECS power resource of the state. To help facilitate future river basin sitings, this section will try to provide some insight into the complex requirements of regional KHECS allocation and attempt to provide the beginnings of a methodology to assist developers. First, this section will discuss some fundamental morphological concepts of rivers and secondly, describe a preliminary methodology to assist in actual river basin investigations. To develop a unified approach in reviewing invidual river basins it se~ts appropriate to investigate.the zones of the fluvial system, as discussed in Schumm (7) that match KHECS power production. Figure VII-10 is a sketch of an idealized fluvial system divided for convenience of discussion into three parts. These are referred to as Zones 1, 2, and 3 in a downstream direction. The uppermost is the drainage basin, watershed, or sediment- source area (Zone 1). This is the zone from which water and sediment are derived. Zone 2 is the transfer zone, where, for a stable channel, input of sediment can equal output. Zone 3 is the sediment sink or area of deposition. Zone 1 is the area of greates~ interest to watershed scientists and to hydrologists, as well as to geomorphologists involved with the evolution and growth of drainage systems. Zone 2 is of major concern to the hydrau- lic and river-control engineer and of primary interest to this river basin study. This will be considered the preferred river basin placement VII-14 NYU/DAS 83-103 ...... ,.., • '0 "" .. s ' • • n· tr 0 .... ! .... :. .... 0 .I • ·a ... ... .... "' ... s ~ :' FIGURE VII-· 9 NYU/NYPA KHECS SITE STUDY FIGURE VII-9. The New York Stat~ River Basins (as defined in the Phase report) ·constitute the major portion of the KHECS power resource. 'JII-15 ~~YU/DAS 83-108 1 Upst.r...., c.o..trol.t (eli,_•, c:lla«t~ I&...S•UM.) Elowtls«.Nal't'\ Cont.rvlrt (beselrlel, di•.t.ropli<jffl,) 1 ~ 1000 .!!! 0 IZ £ Q, c!i I II! ;; j ZONE I (produel..lon) Dr•ina9e !!sKin ZONES !deposition} • FIGURE VII-10. Sketch of an idealized fluvial system. 10 FIGURE VII-11. Relation between width/depth ratio and percentage of silt and clay in channel peri~eter for stable alluvial streams. (After Schumm, 1960). VII-16 NYU/DAS 83-108 zone for horizontal turbine KHECS allocation. Zone 3 is of primary con- cern to the geologist, the coastal engineer and to tidal KHECS allocation, and the internal structure, stratigraphy, and morphology of alluvial fans, alluvial plains, deltas, and fan deltas are of critical geologic-geomorphic concern. The variables that influence river morphology and the manner in which rivers respond will be discussed for stable rivers (no progressive channel adjustnent during past 10 years)· Although there are many variables assoc- iated with river morphology, only a limited set which influence KHECS allocation will be covered. These include 1) Discharge 2) Total Sediment Load 3) Sediment Size 4) River Gradient 5) Wetted Perimeter 6) Sinuosity If the sediment and water flow through a stream channel are the primary independent variables influencing modern channel morphology, then it should be possible to develop relations among water discharge, the;nature and quantity of sediment load, and all aspects of channel morphology, such as channel dimension, shape, gradient and pattern. Numerous empirical rela- tions, requiring river specific data, have been developed by geologists and engineers that relate channel morphology to water and sediment dis- charge, and some of these are reviewed here. VII -17 riYU/DAS 83-108 Lane (8) summarized these relations by presenting an experimental qua1i- tative relation among bed material load (Q's), mean water discharge (Q), median sediment size (dSO) and the river gradient (S) as follows: Qs * dSJ = Q * S He concluded that a channel will be maintained in steady-state equili- brium when changes in sediment load and sediment size are compensated for by changes in water discharge and river gradient. A part of the sedi- ment, bed-material load, is defined as that part of the sediment load of a stream consisting of sediment sizes that comprise a significant part of the stream bed. Another important component of the total sedi~ent load is the wash load, which is part of the total load not significantly repre- sented in the bed. It is held in suspension by surface charge or by the turbulence of the flowing water and it moves at the velocity of the flowing water. The suspended load is composed of sediment ~aller that sand (less than .06 to .07 mm)· In summary, a river in which a large portion of the sediment load is silt and clay as opposed to sand size or larger bed load will be morphologically very different. Lacey (9) concluded from analysis that the wetted perimeter of a channel is directly dependent on discharge, but that the shape of the channel re- flects the size of the sediment load. Coarse sediment produces channels of a high width/depth ratio, and fine sediment produces narrow and deep cross sections. Data indicates that gravel-bed streams at a given dis- charge will be wider and shallower than sand-bed streams. Also, sections of rivers may exhibit vastly different channel shapes depending upon down- VII-18 NYU,'DAS 83-103 stream tributary total sediment load characteristics. Tributaries intro- duce large suspended-sediment loads where the width decreases, and large bed loads or sand loads are added where width increases. From Midwest river data of the bed and bank materials {no suspended load measurement), it was determined that the shape of the channels is closely related to the percentage of silt and clay (M) in thesediments forming tre perimeter of the channel. Silt-clay was measured as the sediment smaller that .074 mm (200 mesh sieve). The width/depth ration (F) of these channels was found to be related to the percentage of silt-clay (~1) in the ~erirneter of the channel according to Figure VII-11: F = 255 * M**-1.08 (VII-1) The percentage of silt-clay, M, is an index of the type of sediment being transported through the channel, and it is also an indication of bank stab- ; l i ty. In regards to mean discharge, it has been widely accepted that the greater the quantity of water that moves through a channel, the larger is the cross- section of that channel. It has been reported that for most rivers, the water surface width {w) and depth (d) increase with mean annual discharge {Qm), in a downstream direction: w = k * Qm ** 0.5 d = k * Qm ** 0.4 The coefficients k are different for each river, and when data from a VII -19 ~¥0/J~S 83-108 number of rivers are plotted against d~scha~e. the scatter covers an entire log cycle. That is, for a given discharge there is an order-of-magni- tude range of width and depth. Therefore, other variables apparently in- fluence channel dimensions such as peak/mean discharge characteristics and sinuosity (ratio of channel to valley length)· Since it is rare to find streams that drain geologically similar areas and yet have different flood peaks, a comparison of the morphologic and hydrologic character of these rivers shows major differences in width and sinuosity. These differences appear to be the result of the great differ- ence in peak discharge characteristics (flood), although there have not been systematic studies of the influence of flood peaks or the ratio of peak to mean discharge on channel morphology. Rivers display a continuum of patterns from straight to highly sinuous (Figure VII-12). It should be emphasized that any division between straight and meandering channels is arbitrary, and that a meandering stream may be of low sinuosity, perhaps as low as 1.2, if the channel dis- plays a repeating pattern of bends. Popov (11) makes a useful distinction between several types of straight channels based on the morphology of the channel flow as briefly described in Figure VII-13. For stable alluvial rivers of the Great Plains, the degree of meandering or the sinuosity (P, ration of channel length to valley length} is related toM as follows P = 0.94 * M ** 0.25 (VII-2) VII-20 NYU/DAS 83-108 A P • 2.1 a p. 1.1 D P • 1.2 E P•1.05 Examples of channel patterns. P is sinuosity (ratio of channel lo valley length). (from S. A. Schumm, 1963, Sinuosity of alluvial rivers on the Great Plains: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 74, pp. 1069-1 100.) 13 12 Variability of ~inuous channel patterns. II I Sinuous cho~nnel, uniform width. n.11rrow point bo~rs. tz> Sinuous point·barchannel, wider at bends. Ul Point·bar braided channel. wider ill bends. (4) Island-braided channel, variable widah. (from Culbertson et al., 1967.1 FIGURE VII~ lf{ NYU/NYPA . KHECS SITE STUDY VII -21 NYU/ DAS 83-108 Hence, equations Vll-1 and VII-2 show that streams transporting little bed load are relatively narrow, deep and sinuous. However, it is true that rivers that transport small quantities of sand are not always sinuous and some rivers that appear to be transporting only very fine sediment are straight. A partial explanation of these sinuosity differences among rivers may reside in tectonic factors associated with the channe1 gradient and valley gradient changes during the past 15,000 years. To test the theory that both width/depth ration (shape) and channel sinuosity (pattern) are strongly influenced by type of sediment load, a series of ex- periments were performed and described in Schumm (7). These experiments were performed in a concrete recirculating flume that is 31m (101 feet) long, 7 m (23 feet) wide and about .9 m (3 feet) deep. The parameters of river gradient, discharge and sediment loading could be varied. The studies per- formed at constant discharge with bed load (sand) fed at the entrance revealed, that increasing bed load increased the width/depth ration and decreased depth. Also that the channel became narrower, deeper and sinuous as a result of the introduction of suspended load and a decrease in bed load. Figure VII-14 shows favorable KHECS allocation cross-sections of a channel when suspended sediment loading is introduced. The effect of gradient and sediment load were investigated at constant dis- charge by varying gradient, it was observed that at low slopes the channel remained straight until a threshold was reached that pennitted development of a meandering-thalweg channel (straigh·t channel with alternate bars, Figure VII-15)· Thalweg sinuosity increased to a maximum of 1.25 with in- VII-22 NYU/DAS 83-108 A Cross Setlion Cron Section 0 3 Scole e Ao "'=---_..,--> 8t 0 ~ ......,.._~ Scole • Maps showina channel (A) before and (8) after introduction of suspended-. sediment load. Cross sections show c:han8ft ol channel di~ and sh.iape. Slope was OAJ064. (from Schumm and Khan, 1972.) · · • • FIGURE Vll-14 NYU/NYPA KHECS SITE STUDY VII-23- ~YU/ DAS 83-108 B. Stope • 0.0059 0 3 6Feet --... Scole C. Sfope=O.Q084 Meandering-thalwes channels. Solid lines show boundaries of bank-full chan- nels. Dashed line is thalwe;. Note that. in spite of thalwq sinuo:;ily oi 1.25 for channel C, a straiiJhtliM an be dr.rwn down the center of the channel without touching either bank. (from Schumm and Khan. 1973.) FIGURE Vll-15 NYU/NYPA KHECS SITE STUDY VII-24 NYU/ O.t\S 83-1 08 ·: 16 r Relation between channel sinuosity and flume slope. (From Schumm 1973.) 1.6 1.4 ~ ~ •. z "' c 17 iii 1.0 00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 . ., .... ,. .. , ( ""' Relation b!tween sinuosity and stream poo.tier. !Data from Kha~. 1971.) FIGURE VII-16L NYU/NYPA KHECS SITE STUDY VII-25 ~YU/DAS 83-108 creased slope, and then the pattern became braided as shown in Figure VII-16. A practical observation from ~eviewing the literature is to relate river sinuosity, which is observable from Geologic Survey Maps, to stream velocity, therefore, the relationship between stream power (proportional to cube of velocity) and sinuosity was investigated. Stream power here is defined as the rate of work done by the fluid or the rate of energy loss per unit length of stream. As seen in Figure VII-17, the relation between sinuosity and stream power resembles that between sinuosity and slope. In Phase I, the velocity of the stream was developed using the catenary equation, which is appropriate for straight rivers, and from Figure Vll-17 we observe that highly sinuous rivers are 3.1 times more powerful than straight fivers, therefore, we can develop a relation between the velocity of the catenary like stream and a sinuous stream: V sinuous= (3.1 ** .33) * V catenary or the velocity of a sinuous river is 1.45 that of a straight channel. If we now postulate that it is always possible to find river widths of 80 to 100 feet for Zone 2 rivers, as discovered in the Phase 1 investigation with depths of 10 feet. Then this suggests from: Q = v * A that the Q needed for sinuous rivers will be; Q/ 1.45 to obtain matching river velocities. VII-26 NYU/DAS 83-108 As evident from the above discussion, it becomes obvious that river morpho- logy exhibits a weak multi-parameter dependency which rules out simple decision making for site allocation. This property increases the complex- ity of KHECS siting in the river basins. To organize this complexity, it seems appropriate that a procedural methodology be developed to coordinate and systematize the needed data on rivers for decision making purposes. Working with available tools (i.e., USGS Maps, river flow data, etc.) and supporting this information with field investigations and data collection, a computerized data base could structure this information in a decision support system form. Once compiled in this manner, appropriate data sorting can be performed to assist in KHECS allocation decisions. This data could be compiled by river basin/river and be available real-time to users. A preliminary procedural methodology task sequence may take the form such as: 1} Survey river basins to identify Zone 2 fluvial systems using regional survey maps. 2) Enter ciata from available tools(USGS Maps and data) into prescribed data base form. 3} Based on data correlated in Step 2, decide on field investigation and data collection program. 4} Collect and enter field data into database. 5) Sort data base in prescribed form to identify possible KHECS sites. 6} Perform in-depth investigations into selected sites. Although this seems systematic, the field of fluvial systems possesses a NYU/DAS 83-108 degree of uncertainty regarding its use for KHECS allocation that will re- quire further inquiry and knowledge development to provide a reliable decision support system for KHECS allocation. 4. Environmental Aspects Since no existing literature specific to KHECS has been found, the analysis of Environmental Issues will follow the work developed for conventional hydroelectric installations as described in Turbak (10). From the results of Turbak's analysis, the most important parameters, relating specifically to KHECS, that provide for maximum fish survival ~tier e: 1) Low Blade Speed 2) High Turbine Efficiency 3) Low Potential for Cavitation (high sigma values) Being that these conditions are inherent to the design of KHECS turbines, without further in depth testing and analysis it appears that KHECS will exhibit minor environmental impacts. Recreational safety, being another environmental factor, will surely require proper on-river identification and protection buoying in the tur- bine areas. The upstream mesh screening inherent to the KHECS de$ign should be designed for recreational class contingencies. 5. Regu 1 a tory Aspects for KHECS I nsta 11 at ions The agencies requiring notification and possible reporting would be similar for both coastal and river basin KHECS allocation. The organiza- Vll-28 NYU/JAS 83-108 tions involved in coastal/tidal KHECS allocation are: 1) f.e£.er:_al_ fn~r9.Y_R~~l~tQ_r,t_ f.o~~j__s~iQ_n: requires the issuance of a Project Exemption as per FERC Order 106. 2) f.u2_1j_c_S~~if_e_CQ_m!!!_i~sj_o!!_: notification regarding arrange- ments made with resident utility. 3} Q . .?_._Fj_sb_ !n£!. ~ildli.f.e.:_ requires clearance from State and/or City regarding environmental impacts; letter of approval be- comes part of FERC Exemption. 4) .?_t!t~ OE,0'~.i!Y_DfP.:_ requires Environmenta 1 Impact Statement issuance and approval. Approval letter required for U.S. Fish Wildlife clearance and becomes part of FERC Exemption. 5} .\:.Of_al_ ~g~nf_i~s_(£.i!Y.t.lo!!_n~ ~t£..1= secure Land and Water Rights ownership and Right-of-Ways for project construction. Proof of ownership required and becomes part of the FERC Exemption. 6} fo!P_o.f.fn~ine!f~= require notification of proposed project. 7} fo!s!a.L ~uthQ_ritie~ .lCoa~t_G_!!a!.dl: require notification in con- formance with proper harbor identification procedure to inform commercial and recreational mariners. For river basin KHECS, organization seven (7) would not apply. VII-29 NYU/ DAS 83-108 rii. CONCLUSIONS The water channel test pro·~ram demonstrated beyond expectation the significant power per unit area available from both the two and three bladed rotor designs. This was due to the fact that the downstream nacelle had a significant cross- section area almost 25% of the rotor disc area. This apparently caused a stream- line shape consistent with ducted designs, a low pressure aft zone and increasec mass flow through the disc. This large nacelle (due to the fact that it containec the 12 inch diameter brake) caused an unexpected but significant constructive interference. This effect can yield an additional significant advantage in kine- tic hydro performance and economics. For example, the best rotor in the model test produced almost 4kW maximum power at 6 knots, while it would be expected (consistent with typical free rotor performance) that slightly over 2 kW would be produced for that blade diameter at that speed. The equivalent power co- efficients(based on blade plus nacelle area) were on the order of 70% as com- pared to the 34% used in the Section II economics. The cost analysis presented in Section II for the generic design established a unit cost of slightly above $1600/kW for the system. The possibility of pro- ducing significantly more power for the same diameter unit without significant costs associated with augmentation can decrease the cost per kW installed sig- nificantly. The site specific studies 1n New York State indicated excellent resources at Niagara and in the East River.Amethodology for identifying a number of good 11 generic 11 sites throughout the state worthy of further investigation has also been developed. These sites can be found by carefully addressing among other VIII-I NYU/ DAS 83-109 factors, the sinuosity of the flows in our deeper resources and can be further refined through case studies and field tests. It shQuld be noted that this metn- odology can be applied generally, and is not restricted to New York State. The next phase of the program will address the augmentation effect in detail through further tests in the water channel. Results will be utilized in a pro- gram for the design, fabrication, installation and testing of a 4 m diameter KHECS. It will be installed at a site near Roosevelt Island in the East River channel. This site has been chosen because of its flow, depth, accessibility, proximity, and support structure for turbine installation. In addition, the bi- directional flow duration profile allows for testing through a spectrum of flow rates during a daily test. Furthermore, the site will permit testing the bidir- ectionality of the device in a future program. VII I-2 NYU/D~S 83-103 IX. REFERENCES L Radkey, R.L. and Hibbs, B.D.: 11 Definition of Cost Effective River Turbine Designs, "Aero vi ronment Report AV-FR-81/595, Pasadena, CA. 1981 2. Nova Energy Ltd.: 11 Vertical Axis Ducted Turbine Design Program, Rene~'l- able Energy News, Ottawa, Canada, Spring 1982. 3. Miller, G., Corren, D., Franceschi, J.: 11 Kinetic Hydra Energy Conversion Study {KHECS) far the New York State Resource,11 New York University Department of Applied Science Final Report -Phase I, sponsored by the Power Authority of the State of New York (PASNY) Contract No. NY0-82-33, March 1983. NYU/OAS 82-08 4. Abbott, I.H. and von Ooenhoff, A.E.: 11 Theory of Wing Sections-Including a Sununary of Airfoil Data," Dover Publications, New York, 1959. 5. Glauert, H., "Windmills and Fans," in Aerodynamic Theory, Vol. IV., Ed. by W.F. Durand, 1934, reprinted by Peter Smith Publications, 1976. 6. Tester, Irving H., et al.: 11 Colossal Cataract: the Geologic History of Niagara Falls, State University of New York Press, 1981. 7. Schurrm, Stanley A.: "The Fluvial System,11 Colorado State University, John Wiley and Sons, 1977. 8. Lane, E.W.: "The Importance of Fluvial Morphology in Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineering Proceedings, Vol. 81; No. 743, 1955. 9. Lacey, G.,: 11 Stable Channels in Alluvium," Institute of Civi 1 Engineering Proceedings., Vol. 229, 1930. 1a. Turbak, S.C., et al.: "Analysis of Envirormental Issues Related to Small- Scale Hydroelectric Development IV: Fish Mortality Resulting from Turbine Passage," Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-7512, 1981. 11. Popov, I.V. Hydromorphological prindples of the theory of channel processes and their use in hydrotechnical planning:" Sov. Hydrol., 1964; IX-1 NYU/DAS 83-108 APPENDIX I TiiEORY OF AUGMENTED KHECS/~IECS APPENDIX I THEORY OF AUGMENTED KHECS/WECS The concept of utilizing static structures to enhance the performance of wind energy conversion systems has been studied in much detail over the past ten years. The utilization of such structures in kinetic hydro development has also been investigated by both Aerovironment and Nova Energy Ltd. The basic principle is to use structural elements (for example, a downstream duct) to lower the exit pressure (P 4 in Fig. Al) so that a large ~Pis available at the turbine. The theoretical framework of such work is based on one-dimensional actuator disc theory which is presented here. It should be remembered that effects due to frictional dissipation and swirl are neglected. If Q represents the volumetric flow rate through a disc of area A (= rrrt 2 ' where rt is the turbine radius), then Q = AV where V is the axial velocity through the disc. The force F on the disc is then where p is the density, v4 is the final velocity downstream of the disc, vl is the freestream velocity and ~p =-(p3 - P2). Then by the Bernoulli equation Pt + P ~ = P2 + P v; ; P3 + 2 2 Utilizing (Al) and (A2) one can solve for the velocity at the disc v = + \\here the second term represents an augmentation effect. AI-l (Al) (A2) (A3) r-.:YU/DAS 83-108 The efficiency n is defined as where P = l/2p Qcvi by the disc. Thus p 2 -V4 ), the kinetic energy defect which has been taken (' ' :-,·· ) At this point we can nondimensonalize all velocities by dividing by v 1 and denote all non-dimensional quantities with bars. Thus utilizing (A3) in (AS) one finds n = [1 -2 - v 4 (A6) Now to find the maximum efficiency we let dn ---.-= 0 and solve for v4 • This yields dV4 4 - 6 -JJ (A7) Note that for P4 -P1 = 0, v4 = 1/3, consistent with the Betz limit analysis. AI-2 .\YU/DAS 8 3-106 Now for P 1-p 4 « 1 \'ie fir.d pV 2 1 v = 4 The maximum efficienc;y· thus is n max = ~ + 4 27 3 so that for p 1 >P 4 , the Betz limit can be exceeded, and v = Note that for pl n max = .88, v = -p4 pV2 1 (P4 -Pl) PV~ (I-V4 ) = .2 1.1 and V 4 = .43 For the case of interest here, the nacelle has caused such an effect to occur (as opposed to a duct structure). Note that the efficiency n as defined in equation (A4) utilizes the disc (or turbine blade) area as reference. For (.-\S, (AlO) augmented flows the total surface area should be utilized (for examplein ducted flows, the duct exit ·area is utilized). In the case of a ceuterbody augmen- tation, a convenient reference would be turbine plus nacelle area. If a low pressure zone of 20% is established, an 88% efficiency (based on disc area) would be available. If one redefines the area as disc plus centerbody, the equivalent efficiency can still be as high as 70% if the centerbody represents a cross section of 25% of the disc. Al-3 -j-!-!. ------------~ -t • ~-·-. ~ ' .. t • -1----__ ..... !. . ·j' • . I • . -----·-l.··:-· .. ~ • -1 .. -• I :_ •. , . : .• ---r-.. -r---·--w• .. -. L . ; . . t . -• t I . l :..~ j ... --,·-:-·--- ... ! l i -L........--t---f . t : : --~ . h ... I. . .. ! . : .. ---. J ·--· .. ·--1-.!. -. I l I _-• . -·-··· .-t . ---. ----· ---l :I. . 't . i .. ! -·----~ ·---:...-------. . - X AI-4 -r : .:. i 1../') -1 < :1::> ....... ---t ..,.,.._. __ ......,. -. ···---tl·-· -§ -------~--....... I r . ,_. i . ---· .!. ---. .. f .. -----~-----·-------l t i -:-:-·~r~ :-~~::·--. t i' .. -. ' t-. :... i_ ____ __,__ __ _ -r·· -·-.\ __ ~ :\·-----. -.. . i :... --· ! '\" --··\··· -.. ~_ ... _ "'*- ---~ -... -_ ... ~, ----I . I . i. i L.. ' ·-r.---·-·· + '···· ------r···--.. ·:-·· . ,_ -~ t ... L . . . . . . . -. ---<.n . . • . • . L ··---l -.. ~-.;t:----_-::.-: ~ :-::--.. - ----, -..... ,-F. -··-· . I . . 'V -'='! ! I . I ... --·-··-----------1--------- 1 NYU/ DAS 83-108 APPENDIX II CHORD AND TWIST DISTRIBUTIONS FOR THE FOUR (4) DESIGNS ALONG WITH BLADE DRAWINGS NYU/ DAS 83-108 B= 2.0 RO= .343 O.tGO= 4.179 UO= 2.250 XO= 4.0000 AO= .3318 CP~ll\X= .5615 PR R PHI THETl!.. THICK SIGCL c ALPHA CL .10 .0343 45.466 38.033 .0478 1.195 .1898 -7.-433 .678 .12 .0411 42.906 35.394 .0494 1.070 .1987 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 40.501 32.909 .0498 .958 .2024 7.591 .714 .16 .0548 38.254 30.583 .0491 .859 .2022 7.671 .732 ----;>.18 .0617 36.164 \,}8.41¢; .0478 .771 .1992 7.750 .750 .20 .0686 34.227 26.398 .0461 .. 693 .1943 . 7. 829 • 768 . .22 .0754 32.435 24.526 .0440 .624 .1881 .7. 909 • 786 . .24 .0823 30.779 22.792 • 0419 .563 .18H ·1. 988 .804 .26. .0891 29.251 21.184 .0397 .510 .1737 8.067 .822 .28 .0960 27.840 19.694 .0374 .463 .1662 8.146 .840 .30 .1028 26.537 18.311 .0,;353 .421 .1587 _8. 226 .858 .32 .1097 25.332 17.028 .0332 .385 .1513 8.305 .876 .34 .1166 24.218 15.834 .0312 .352 .1441 8.384 .894 • 36 .1234 23.185 14.722 .0293 .323 .1373 8.463 .912 ~-38 .1303 22·. 221 CJ3. 684-) .0276 .297 .1308 8.543 .930 .40 .1371 21.337 12.715-.0259 .274 .1245 8.622 .948 .42 .1440 20.508 11.807 .0243 :.254 .1187 ·8. 701 .966 . .44 .1508 19.736 10.956 • 0228 •235 .1131 ·8. 780 .984. .• 46 .1577 19.015 10.156 .0215 .218 .1079 8.860 1.002 .48 .1645 18.341 9.402 .0202 .203 .1029 8.939 1.020 .so .1714 17.710 8.692 .0190 -.190 .0983 .9.018 1.038 .52 .1783 17.118 8.020 .0179 .177 .0939 9.098 1.056 .54 .1851 16.562 7.385 .0168 .166 .0898 9.177 1.075 .56 .1920 16.038 6.782 .0158 .156 .0859 9.256 1.093 ~c-58 .19e8 15.545 .6:2111~ .0149 .146 .0823] 9.335 1.111 . .60 .2057 15.080 \..2.:.~~ .0141 .138 .0789 9.415 1.129 .62 .2125 14.640 5.146 .0133 .. 130 .0756 9.494 1.147 . .64 .2194 14.225 4.651 • 0125 • 123 .0726 .9.573 1.165 . .66 .2262 13.831 4.178 .0118 ,.116 .0697 .9.652 1.183 . .68 .2331 13.457 3.725 .0112 .110 .0670 9.732 1.201 .70 .2400 13.103 3.292 .0106 .104 .0644 9.811 1.219 .72 .2468 12.765 2.875 .0100--.099 .0620 .9 .. 890 1.237 .74 .2537 12.445 2.475 .0095 .094 .0600 9.970 1.247 .76 .2605 12.139 2.090 .0091 .089 .0584 10.049 1.253 .78 .2674 11.848 1.719 .0087 .085 .0569 10.128 1.259 . I ~ .80 .2742 11-.569 G-:31)2-~ • oo83 .081 .0554 10.207 :1.264 .• ·&~ .29U !h394 l; 8%7 . • 867!) .978 .051ZO 18:- .82 .2811 11.304 1.017 • 0079 ;.078 .0540 10.287 1.270 . .84 .2880 11.049 • 683 .0075 \,074 .0526 10.366 1.275 . • 86 .2948 10.806 .361 .0072 .071 .0513 10.445 1. 281 . .88 .3017 10.573 .049 .0069 .068 .0500 10.524 1.286 .90 .3085 10.349 -.254 .0066 .065 .0488 10.604 1.292 .92 .3154 10.135 -.548 .0063 . -.062 .0477 10.683 1.298 .94 .3222 9.929 -.833 .0060 .060 .0465 10.762 1.303 .96 .3291 9.731 -1.110 .0057 .058 .0455 10.841 1.309 .98 .3359 9.541 -1.380 .0055 .055 .0444 10.921 1.314 ~ 1.00 .3428 9.357 (=1:643 --~ .0052 .053 .0434 11.000 1.320 AII-1 NYU/DAS 83-108 RO= .343 QlGO= 4~179 UO= 1.8QO XO= 5.0000 AO= .3324 CPMi\X= .5704 PR R ffii THET~ THICK SIGCL ,... ALPH,; CL .... .10 .0343 42.290 34.857 .0416 1.041 .1654 7.433 .678 .12 .0411 39.357 31.845 .0419 .907 .1685 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 35.672 29.081 .0411 .792 .1672 .7.591 .714 .16 .0543 34.227 26.556 .0396 .693 &ib .7.671 .732 )'.18 .0617 32.009 ~4~'259~ .0377 .608 7.750 .750 .20 .0686 30.000 :2.171 .0356 .536 .1503 7.829 .768 • 22 .0754 28.182 20.274 .0335 .474 .1429 7.909 • 786 • 24 .0823 26.537 18.549 • 0313 --.• 421 .1355 _7. 988 .804 .26 .0891 25.046 16.979 .0292 .376 .1281 8.067 .822 .28 .0960 23.692 15.545 .0273 .337 .1210 8.146 .840 . .30 .1028 22.460 14.234 • 0254 .303 .1142 8.226 .858 .32 .1097 21.337 13.032 .0237 .274 .1078 8.305 .876 .34 • 1166 20.310 11.926 .0221 .. ~.249 .1018 .a. 384 .894 . .36 • 1234 19.370 ~ .0206 :.226 • 0962 . ·8. 463 .912 . ·~.38 .1303 18.506 .0192 .207 ~91"D ·8.543 • 930 . ..? '.40 .1371 17.710 9;088 .0179 .190 • 861 8. 622 .948 .42 .1440 16.976 8.274 .0167 .174 .0816 8.701 .966 .44 • 1508 16.296 7.515 .0156---.161 .0774 .8.780 .984 . .46 .1577 15.666 6.806 .0146 .149 .0734 8.860 1.002 .48 .1645 15.080 6.141 .0137 .138 .0698 8.939 1.020 .50 .1714 14.534 5.516 .0128 .128 .0664 9.018 1.038 .52 .1783 14.025 4.927 .0120 .119 .0632 9.098 1.056 .54 .1851 13.549 4.372 .0113 .111 .0602 9.177 1.075 .56 .1920 . 13.103 3.846 .0106 .104 .0_5~ .9. 256 1.093 .. )[•58 • 1988 12.684 /3.-348\ .0100 .098 t:OS49 ': .9. 335 1.111 . .60 • 2057 12.290 \ 2.875 ) .0094 .092 "-..0525) ·9.415 1.129 . ,.62 .2125 11.919 '2;42s .0088 .086 .0502 9.494 1.147 .64 .2194 11.569 1.996 .0083 .081 .0481 9.573 1.165 .66 .2262 11.239 1.586 .0078 .077 .0461 .9 •. 652 1.183 .68 .2331 10.926 1.195 .0074 .073 .0442 9.732 1.201 .70 .2400 10.630 .819 .0070 .069 .0425 9.811 1.219 .72 .2468 10.349 .459 .0066 .065 .0408 9.890 1.237 .74 .2537 10.083 .113 .0062 .062 .0395 9.970 1.247 .. .76 .2605 9.829 -.220 .0059 .059 • 0384 10.049 1. 253 . .78 .2674 9.588 ~ .0057 .056 .0373· 10.128 1. 259 . .. 7'-80 .2742 9.357 }") .0054 .053 · . .t0363) 10.207 1.264 . .82 .2811 9.138 .0052 .051 .0353 10.287 1:270 .84 .2880 8.928 -1.438 .0049 .048 .0344 10.366 1.275 .86 • 2948 a. 728 . -1.717 .0047 . --.046 .0335 10.445 1.281 .88 .30i7 8.536 -1.988 .0045 .044 .0326 10.524 1.286 .90 .3085 8.353 -2.251 .0043 .042 .0318 10.604 1.292 .92 .3154 8.177 -2.506 .0041 .041 .0310 10.683 1.298 .94 .3222 8.008 -2.755 .0039 .039 .0303 10.762 1.303 .96 .3291 7.846 -2.996 .0037 .037 .0296 10.841 1.309 ~ .98 .3359 1·. 690 0:231 . • 0036 .036 .0289 10.921 1.314 1.00 .3428 7.540 -3.460~ .0034 .035 ,.o2a2·, 11.ooo 1.320 AII-2 NYU/DAS 83-108 RO=· .343 CMGO= 4.179-tJo=·~ 1.500 . XO=-6.0000 AO= .3327 CPMAX= • 5759· PR R PHI THETA THICK SIGCL c ·MP.·F\ CL · .10 .0343 39.357 31.925 .0363 .907 .1441 7.433 .678 .12 .0411 36.164 28.652 .0356 • 771 .1431 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 33.313 25.722 .0341 .657 .1388 .7. 591 .714 .16 .0548 30.779 23.!09 .0322 .563 .1326 7.671 .732 )' .18 .0617 28.532 ~~D .0301 .486 C~l~56 .. -...,7. 7so .750 .20 .0686 26.537 18.708 .0280 .421 .1182 7.829 .768 .22 .0754 24.764 16.856 .0260 .368 .1109 7.909 .786 .24 .0823 23.185 15.197 .0240 .323 .1038 7.988 .804 .26 .0891 21.774 13.707 .0222 .. 285 .0972 8.067 .822 . .28 .0960 20.508 12.362 .0205 • 254 .0910 8.146 .840 .30 .1028 19.370 11.144 .0190 .226 .0852 8.226 .858 .32 .1097 18.341 10.036 .0175 .203 .0799 8.305 .876 .34 .1166 17.409 9.025 .0162 .183 .0750 8.384 .894 .36 .1234 16.562 8.098 .0151 ·.166 .0705 ·8.463 • 912. > .38 .1303 15.788 ~ .0140 .151 G]66b 8.543 .930 .40 .1371 15.080 6:4f58 .0130 .138 .062~ 8.622 .948 .42 .1440 14.430 5.728 .0121 .. .126 .0591 -8 .. 701 .966 .44 .1508 13.831 5.050 .0113 .116 .ossa 8.780 .984 .46 .1577 13.278 4.418 .0105 .107 .0528 8.860 1.002 .48 .1645 12.765 3.826 .0098 .099 .0501 8.939 1.020 • so .1714 12.290 3.272 .0092 .092 .0475 -9.018 1.038 . • 52 .1783 11.848 2.750 .0086 .. 085 .0452 .9.098 1. 056 . • 54 .1851 11.435 2.258 .0080 .079 .0430 ·9.177 1.075 . .56 .1920 11.049 1.793 .0075 .074 .0409 9. 256 1. 093 >.[·58 .1988 10.688 z:-m-) .0071 .069 ~' 9.335 1.111 . .60 • 2057 .. 10.349 ..935· .0067 .065 ~-9.415 1.129 . . .62 .2125 . 10.031 • 537 .0063 ~061 ·9.494 1.147 . .64 .2194 9.731 .158 .0059 .o5a .0341 -9.573 1.165 ' .66 . .2262 9.448 -.204 .0055 .054 .0326 9.652 1.183 .68 .2331 9.181 -.551 .0052 .051 .0313 9.732 1. 201 .70 .2400 8.928 -.883 .0049 .048 .0300 9.811 1.219 .72 .2468 8.689 -1.201 .0046 .046 .0288 9.890 1.237 . .74 .2537 8.462 -1.508 .0044 ,044 .0278 -9.970 1.247 .76 .2605 ·8.246 -1.803 .0042 .041 .0270 10.049 1. 253 . ..• 78 .2674 8.041 ~ .0040 .039 • 0262. 10.128 ; 1.259 . =;>.so .2742 7.846 .0038 .037 ~ 10.207 1.264 . .82 .28ll 7.659 -2.627 .0036 .036 • 10.287 1.270 • 84 .2880 7.482 -2.884 .0035 :.034 .0242 10.366 1. 275 . .86 .2948 7.312 -3.133 .0033 ;.033 .0235 10.445 1.281 . .88 .3017 7.150 -3.375 .0032 ~031 .0229 10.524 1.286 .90. .3085 6.994 -3.609 .0030 .030 .0223 10.604 1.292 .92 .3154 6.846 -3.837 .0029 .029 .0218 10.683 1.298 .94 .3222 6.703 -4.059 .0027 .027 .0212 10.762 1.303 .96 .3291 6.566 -4.275 .0026 .026 .0207 10.841 1.309 . .98 .3359 6.435 ~-486 .0025 .025 .0202 10.921 1.314 ---->1.00 .3428 6.308 • 692'') • 0024 .024 (~-:-0198 11.000 1. 320 . AI I-3 NYU/ OAS 83-108 B=. 3.0 RO= .343 CMGO= 4.179 UO= 3.000 I,...) XO= 3.0000 AO= .3307 CPM!\X= .5454 l PR R PHI THETA THICK SIGCL c ALPHA CL .10 .0343 48.867 41.434 .0365 1.369 .1450 7.433 .678 .12 .0411 46.801 39.289 .0389 1.262 .1562 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 44.812 37.220 .0402 1.162 .1636 7.591 .714 .16 .0548 42.906 35.235 .0408 1.070 o1679 7.671 .732 ~.18 .0617 41.087 33.337 .0407 :985 .1698 7.750 • 750 . .20 .0686 39.357 31.528 .0402 :907 .1696 '7 .829 0 768 . .22 .0754 37.717 29.808 .0393 ~836 .1680 7.909 0 786 . .24 .0823 36.164 28.176 .0382 • 771 .1652 7.988 .804 . .26 .0891 . 34.697 26.630 .0369 .711 .1615 8.067 .822 .28 .0960 33.313 25.167 .0354 • 657 .1573 8.146 .840 . .30 .1028 32.009 23.783 .0340 .608 .1526 8.226 .858 . .32 . .1097 30.779 22.475 .0324 :563 .1477 8.305 .876 .34 .1166 29.622 21.238 .0309 .523 .1427 8.384 .894 • 36 .1234 28.532 20.068 .0294 .486 .1376 8.463 .912 --7-38 .1303 27.505 18.962 .0279 .452 .1326 8.543 .930 . .40 .1371 26.537 17.915 .0265 .421 .1276 8.622 .948 .42 .1440 25.625 16.924 .0252 .393 .1228 8.701 .966 .44 .1508 24o764 15.984 .0238 ~368 .1180 ·a. 780 .• 984 . . .• 46 .1577 23.952 15.093 .0226 :344 .1135 '8.860 1.002 . .48 .1645 23.185 14.246 .0214 • 323 .1091 8.939 1.020 .so .1714 22.460 13.442 .0203 .303 .1049 9.018 1.038 .52 .1783 21.774 12.676 .0192 .285 .1008 '9.098 1. 056 . .54 .1851 21.124 11.947 • 0182 :269 .0970 9.177 1.075 . .56 . .1920 20.508 11.252 .0172 :254 .0933 9.256 1.093 ~58] .1988 19.924. [10.589) .0163 .239 [.0898] 9.335 1.111 .60 .2057 19.370 9.955 .0154 .226 .0864 9.415 1.129 .62 .2125 18.843 9.349 .0146 .214 .0832 9.494 1.147 .64 • 2194 18.341 8.768 .0138 .203 .0802 9.573 1.165 .66 .2262 17.864 8.212 .0131 .193 .0773 9.652 1.183 .68 .2331 17.409 7.678 • 0124 ~183 .0745 9.732 1.201 . .70 .2400 16.976 7.165 • 0118 ·.174 .0719 9.811 1.219 . .72 .2468 16.562 6.671 • 0112 ~166 .0694 . 9.890 1.237 . ~74 .2537 16.166 6.197 .0106 .158 .0674 9.970 1.247 .76 .2605 15.788 ~.739 .0102 .151 .0657 10.049 1.253 .78 .2674 15.426 5.298 • 0098 ~144 .0641 i0.128 1. 259 . ~.80 .2742 15.080 4.873 .0093 ~138 .0626 i0.207 1.264 . .82 . .2811 14.748 4.461 • 0089 ~132 .0611 10.287 1. 270 . .84 .2880 14.430 4.064 .0086 .126 .0597 10.366 1.275 .86 .2948 14.124 3.679 .0082 .121 .0583 10.445 1.281 .88 .3017 13.831 3.306 .0078 .116 .0570 10.524 1.286 .90 .3085 13.549 2.945 .0075 .111 .0557 10.604 1.292 .92 .3154 13.278 2.595 .0072 .107 .0544 i0.683 1.298 .94 .3222 13.017 2.254 .0069 ·.103 .0532 ~0.762 1.303 .96 .3291 12.765 1.924 .0066 .099 .0521 10.841 1.309 ~ .98 .3359 12.523 1.603 .0063 .095 .0509 10.921 1.314 . 1.00 .3428 12.290 1.290 .0060 .092 .0499 11.000 1.320 AII-4 NYU/ CAS 83-103 . RO= .343 Cl1GO= 4.179 UO= 2.250 XO= 4.0000 1\0= .3318 CR-lAX= .5615 PR. R PHI THETA THICK SIGCL c ALPHA CL .10 .0343 45.466 38.033 .0318 1.195 .1265 7.433 .678 .12 .0411 42.906 35.394 • 0330 1.070 .1325 7. 512 • 696 .14 .0480 40.501 32.909 .0332 .958 .1349 7.591 .714 .16 .0548 38.254 30.583 .0327 .859 .1348 7.671 .732 7.18 .0617 36.164 diC4f'.L .0319 .771 --:·1328 : 7.750 .750 ~----.20 .0686 34.227 26.398 .0307 .693 .1295 7.829 .768 .22 .0754 32.435 24.526 .0294 .624 .1254 7.909 .786 .24 .0823 30.779 22.792 .0279 -563 • .1207 7.989 • 804 • 26 .0891 29.251 21.184 .0264 • 510 .1158 8.067 .822 .28. .0960 27.840 19.694 .0250 .463 .1108 8.146 .840 • 30 .1028 26.537 18.311 .0235 .421 .1058 8.226 .858 .32 .1097 25.332 17.028 .0221 .385 .1009 8.305 .876 .34 .1166 24.218 15.834 .0208 .352 .0961 8.384 .894 .36 .1234 23.185 14.722 .0196 • 323 .0915 8.463 .912 -/.38 .1303 22.221 G3_~_984.'\ .0184 .297 .;..::oan -\8.543 .930 .40 .1371 21.337 12.715 .0173 .274 .0830 8.622 .948 .42 .1440 20.508 11.807 .0162 .254 .0791 8.701 .966 .44 .1508 19.736 10.956 .0152 .235 .0754 8.780 .984 .46 .1577 19.015 10.156 .0143 .218 .0719 8.860 1.002 .48 .1645 18.341 9.402 .0135 .203 .0686 8.939 1.020 .so .1714 17.710 8.692 .0127 .190 .0655 9.018 1.038 .52 .1783 17.118 8.020 .0119 .177 .0626 9.098 1.056 .54 .1851 16.562 7.385 .0112 .166 .0599 9.177 1.075 .56 .1920 16.038 6.782 .0106 .156 .0573 9.256 1.093 r-581 .1988 15.545 (6~210 .0100 .146 .0549] 9.335 1.111 ___, .60 .2057 15.080 ~6~-.0094 .138 .0526 1 9.415 1.129 .62 .2125 14.640 T6 .0089 .130 .0504 9.494 1.147 .64 .2194 14.225 4.651 .0084 .123 .0484 9.573 1.165 .66 .2262 13.831 4.178 .0079 .116 .0465 9.652 1.183 .68 .2331 13.457 3.725 .0074 .110 .0447 9. 732 1.201 .70 .2400 13.103 3.292 .0070 .104 .0429 9.811 1.219 .72 .2468 12.765 2.875 .0067 .099 .0413 9.890 1.237 .74 .2537 12.445 2.475 .0063 .094 .0400 9.970 1.247 .76 .2605 12.139 2.090 .0060 .089 .0389 10.049 1.253 .78 .2674 11.848 1. 719 .0058 .085 .0379 10.128 1.259 __, .80 .2742 11.569 :...:.J-:36~:> .0055 .081 :~. 0369 . 10.207 ~.264 .82 .2811 11.304 1.017 .0053 .078 .0360 10.287 1.270 .84 .2880 11.049 .683 .0050 .074 .0351 10.366 1.275 .86 .2948 10.806 .361 .0048 .071 .0342 10.445 1.281 .88 .3017 10.573 .049 .0046 .068 .0334 10.524 1.286 .90 .3085 10.349 -.254 .0044 .065 .0325 10.604 1.292 .92 .3154 10.135 -.548 .0042 .062 .0318 . 10.683 1.298 .94 .3222 9.929 -.833 .0040 •• 060 .0310 10.762 1.303 .96 .3291 9.731 -1.110 .0038 .058 .0303 10.841 1.309 .98 .3359 9.541 -1.380 .0036 .055 • 0296 . 10.921 1.314 --7 1.00 .3428 9.357 -1.643 .0035 .053 .0290 ·, 11.000 1.320 AII-5 NYu;o;..s 83-108 RO= .343 0'1GO-= 4.179 UO= 1.800 XO= 5.0000 ~0= .3324 CPMAX= .5704 PR R PHI THETA THICK SIGCL c ALPt-IA CL .10 .0343 42.290 34.857 .0278 1.041 .1103 7.433 .678 .12 .0411 39.357 31.845 .0279 .907 .1123 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 36.672 29.081 .0274 .792 .1115 7.591 .714 .16 .0548 34.227 . 26. 556--.'l • 0264 .693 .1087 7.671 .732 '?' .18 .0617 32.009 . 24.259_ .0251 .608 .1048 7.750 .750 .20 .0686 30.000 ~Z:Tn .0238 .536 .1002 7.829 .768 .22 .0754 28.182 20.274 .0223 .474 .0953 7.909 .786 .24 .0823 26.537 18.549 .0209 .421 .0903 7.988 .804 .26 .0891 25.046 16.979 .0195 .376 .0854 8.067 .822 • 28 .0960 23.692 15.545 .0182 .337 .0807 8.146 .840 .30 .1028 22.460 14.234 .0169 .303 .0762 8.226 .858 .32 .1097 21.337 13.032 .0158 .274 .0719 8.305 • 876 .34 .1166 20.310 11.926 .0147 .249 .0679 8.384 .894 .36 .1234 19.370 10.906-.0137 .226 .0641 8.463 .912 "> .38 .1303 18.506 q:3~.0128 • 201 < .. -~ o6o7S 8.543 .930 .40 .1371 17.710 8 .0119 .190 .0574 8.622 .948 .42 .1440 16.976 8.274 .0111 .174 .0544 8.701 .966 .44 .1508 16.296 7.515 .0104 . .161 .0516 8.780 .984 .46 .1577 15.666 6.806 .0097 .149 .0490 8.860 1.002 .48 .1645 15.080 6.141 .0091 .138 .0465 8.939 1.020 .so .1714 14.534 5.516 .0085 .128 .0443 9.018 1.038 .52 .1783 14.025 4.927 .0080 .119 .0421 9.098 1.056 .54' .1851 13.549 4.372 .0075 .111 .0402 9.177 1.075 .56 .1920 13.103 3.846 .0071 .104 .0383 9.256 1.093 >[·58 .1988 12.684 [3.34r.l .0066 • 098 : .0366l 9.335 1.111 -.2057 . 12.290 2.875 .0062 9.415 1.129 . .60 .092 ;_ .0350- .62 .2125 11.919 2.425 .0059 .086 .0335 9.494 1.147 .64 .2194 11.569 1.996 .0055 .081 .0321 9.573 1.165 / .66 .2262 11.239 1.586 .0052 .077 .0307 9.652 1.183 .68 .2331 10.926 1.195 .0049 .073 .0295 9.732 1.201 .• 70 .2400 10.630 .819 .0046 .069 .0283 9.811 1.219 .72 .2468 10.349 .459 -·.0044 .065 .0272 9.890 1.237 ~ • 74 .2537 . 10.083 .113 .0042 .062 .0263 9.970 1.247 ........ 76 .2605 9.829 -.220 .0040 .059 .0256 10.049 1~253 .78 .2674 9.588 -.540 .0038 .056 .0249 10.128 1.259 -----;l > .80 .2742 9.357 ( -.850_ .0036 .053 .0242 10.207 1.264 .82 .2811 9.138 -1-.-149 • 0034 .051 .0235 10.287 1.270 .84 .2880 8.928 -1.438 .0033 .048 .0229 10.366 1.275 .86 .2948 8.728 -1.717 .0031 .046 .0223 10.445 1.281 0 .88 .3017 8.536 -1.988 .0030 1'044 .0218 10.524 1.286 .90 .3085 8.353 -2.251 .0029 .042 .0212 10.604 1.292 .92 .3154 8.177 -2.506 .0027 .041 .0207 10.683 1.298 .94 .3222 8.008 -2.755 .0026 .039 .0202 10.762 1.303 .• 96 .3291 7.846 -2.996 .0025 .037 .0197 10.841 1.309 .98 .3359 7.690 -3.231 .0024 .036 .0193 10.921 1.314 . ----;>1.00 .3428 7.540 ............ .035 .0188 11.000 1.320 ' -3.460 · ..• 0023 AII -6 '-II~ :li \ < ' \ \ "-., \ ,, -~ :\ .j '( .} j- I .; . . ·.J' •• ~ ' I (".t .... { - "' .. ; .. " r< >I ... J . -_, ~' •"'"" I ,t)yw.ll <" . <!:.. AII-7 "' .. ·' . ....... : ~ ~~~A~ i ... j ; . " ' ) "--.. ' -------~"· I -- -~1 j -------1 NYU/ DAS 83-108 ~ ='-~; . ., .. \ .. ; \ --~ ~ ' ·., ·-"' .'\I I -8 'i ... ' :t ( .:\ / / / ~iYU/ DAS :::. "') , "8 ,. ,)-l u <I ; ; '<P"' I ,.. . ~· \)~I .,, I----- .I ! "' • .; ~ ;-.. !:' ~ ..'5 l •' il -~ ~ ). <II) ..:~: JUI-9 \,)~·~-·~-~~-:!--- "'· ..: '-' 1(/ I' ,. i· I ri ! ..., ~--~ . -\ i ...a: I r--'\ 1.) --. l, ) ,, 11 .J ,1 ( I •-'-· '' ~~vu; o.~~s sJ-loa i _I .-- ·, \ . ""i .· :!.) ~ ~' . .. ··J < ,. ~ _,:·...) _, z 7 .:: _·, ~ ~ .. i -~~~~ ~ .-'-Jl ., ..: "' 01 "": _ _, ;; ::I ! ,, ~~ ·' .1 -~-· ~/ ~ -~ .. I ,- i. _, ··' C' .,_. ,_. " l\I I-lJ " f ~ ~ -r- ~~ .. c, ) .J .. , _) -" ~ ~ ~ .;, " ~ , :· >' / --·-----· -------+1 ..... ' ~-,, ... - ~.:,:.._ .... ~·e> ::: :5 " " 5 . .. ~: " _, ~ l liYU/DAS 83-103 •. .. . ~ 0 -. '- .· '·' .... .!. All-11 . ... f ' ~ = " I' ;:x:l~ . ::£. ,._ i---<1:: ~ ~.;t . ' r \ NYU/O.~S 83-108 APPENDIX III CIRCULATING WATER CHANNEL OPERATING AND INSTRUCTION MANUAL HYU/ DAS 83-108 .; APPENDIX III CIRCULATING WATER CHANNEL OPERATING AND INSTRUCTION MANUAL NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER :-.'. Central Instrumentation Department Control Systems Division Prepared by L. Shuman March 1965 Revised September 1972 I. INTRODUCTION CIRCULATING WATER CHANNEL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1.01 The Circulating Water Channel is a basic research facility of the Naval Research and Development Center in which the model under going teeting is held stationary in e moving water stream of regulated velocity. 1.02 The Channel is powered by two 1,000 hp synchro- nous motors mounted on top of the Channel structure. These motors drive impellers through vertical shafts with the hydraulic tnrusts acting against gravity forces on the rotors and counterbalancing the weight of the rotating ele- ments. Although it is usually operated with both motors running, the controls are such that the Channel can be run with only one motor. A longitudinal section of the Channel is shown in Figure 1. II. OPERATING CAPABILITIES 2.01 The synchronous motor speed is 80 rpm for the 90 pole, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 2,300 volt impeller motors. 2.02 Since the impeller speed is fixed, water speed is· adjusted by varying the impeller blade angle. This is done by admission of oil under pressure to the upper or lower side of a piston mounted in a hydraulic cylinder at the upper end of the drive shaft. The bbade ang6e is controlled remotely and gan be varied from +3.0 to +42 with an accu- racy of 1/100 • Blade angle can be adjusted either independ- ently or simultaneously on both motors. 2.02.01 The clearance on the impeller blades is not close to any fixed value. At the time or construction assembly there was 1nterterenee between some of the blades and the throat ring. The condition was remedied by hand grinding the blades where necessary. The clearances may be said to range between 0.070 and 0.125-inch. 2.03 Each main motor is rated at 1,000 hp, 40°C rise, r; _ · _: continuous duty. They will deliver l.a..250 h'O tor 2 hours -f,f:.-l ·':-·~ .. With a 55 0 C rise and develop 1, 750 hp for 8 minutes, also 1., ~·f.'. with a 55 Crise. ---···--· ,/'·-· ,.; 2.04 The approximate speed limit for the Channel is 10 knots for 20 minutes with a 0.6 knot minimum. With the Alii -1 NYU/DAS 83-108 (DTNS~OC) 2 hour elevated duty cycle a maximum water velocity of 9.5 knots results, while the 8 minute elevated condition will· give a top speed of 10.5 knots. 2.05 The best operating range 1s between 1 to 6 knots where water speed can be held constant to within 1/10 of a knot. 2.06 Water speed can be changed at any time during a test, but 3 minutes must be allowed for water to resettle and assume uniform flow after a change has been made. 2.07 A maximum thrust for the 8 minute duty cycle rate per motor:has been calculated at 40,200 pounds force. 2.08 The efficiency of the pumps at rated load has been estimated at 81~. 2.09 Tow points can be located above, at or below the water surface, at the centerline or near one side of the Channel test section, a 22 foot wide by 60 foot long area. There are also miscellaneous mounting holes located on the bottom of the Channel. Water depth can be adJusted up to a maximum of 9' in this section. 2.09.01 The towing beam is constructed from a 'iF 14 11 x 10 11 x 61 lb. beam 26-feet long. The beam is at- tached at each end to a pipe st~nchion which allows conttn- uous adjustment between the bottom of the beam and the E- foot waterline from 5-3/4 inches to 33-3/4 inches when the beam is attached to the stanchion at a point below the bridge clamp. When the beam is att~ched to the stan~hion so that it is above the bridge clamp the continuous ad.1us t- ment between the bottom of the beam and the 6-foot w~ter11ne ranges from 4'-3 1/8" to 6'-10 1/2". The model is attached to the bottom~lange of the towing beam by any of the stand- ard towing struts used on Carriages 1 and 2. Drawings for the bridge structure which supports the towing beam over the Channel are A-8484 to A-8hg~ inclusive. The towing beam drawings are E-1659-1 through E-1659-5. 2.09.02 The design loads for the towing beam are as follows: TOWING BEAM LOADS .. Steady state drag(truss wheels blocked) Side force (at 6 ft. waterline, "mid-beam-span) Yaw force Maximum model weight 3,000 lb. 3,000lb. 10,000 lb.-ft. 10,000 lb. Alii-2 \YU/DAS 83-108 (DTNSROC) odels up to 27-feet long may be tested in water depth that an be adjusted up to a maximum of 9-feet. Models 30-feet ong may be tested in water to a maximum of 6-feet deep. · 2.10 Electrical services available at the Channel in- lude 125 VAC, single phase: 220 VAC, three phase delta: 6 'AC, single phase, 125 VDC; and 15-400 VDC. (See section ·, Electrical Services and Figure 2) . 2.11 A three ton crane is available for local moving llong the Channel but a 6-foot clearance over the Channel rall limits its use. Also available, but primarily intend- td for lifting the pump motors, is a 20 ton crane with very •estricted travel in the east-west direction. - 2.12 There are 48 dye tubes available that can be con- 1ected to a test model and will admit dye under variable )ressure from 0 to 45 psi. 2.13 The Cha.nnel has 29 windows for viewing tests, 10 ~ach on the north end south w~lls and 9 underneath the test 3ection. The 7 upper windows on each side have 2' x 4' jpenings while the lower 3 end ell windows underneath h~ve 1-1/2' x 4' openings. 2.14 Banks of 44 floodlights are located on both the north and south walls end each bank is controlleJ by a variac and safety switch located on the north center of the test section, second floor. Meters ~top the variac show the ac voltage applied to the lights. 2.15 The Channel is equipped with a system of three filters and the necessary pumps to permit the 670,000 gallons of water in the Channel to pass through in little more than 24 hours. See Figure 13. This figure also shows the air removal tank and associated eQuipment which removes the air from the upper east elbow hump. This system depends on the filtering and water circulating system in order to function, as is readily seen in the figure. 2.16 A lip exists og the east end of the test section that is adjusted from -1 to +2 in order to smooth out water flow at the various speeds. See Figure 1. :r. START UP PROCEDURE 3.01 Start up M-G aet, 200 hp synchronous motor M3 and 60 KW de generator, Gl in switch-gear room in sequenr.e listed below. This generator supplies the 125 V exciter bus which energizes the fields of the 1,000 hp synchronous motors, Ml and M2. AIII-3 ·~· 3.01.01 Throw switch on panel No. 6 to close oil circuit breaker that applies voltage to M-G set. See Figure 3· 3.01.02 . Check two reset handles on panel 2 to ~ . make sure they haven 1 t tripped and reset t f -necessary. ..- 3.01.03 Check overcurrent and overload relays 1 on panels No. 1, 3, and 6 to certtfy they have not trtpped./~vvtj 3. 02 Turn on 125 VDC regula tor. ;'2_t;·t ;tt,..,;f .L'" C!. .,_ t · 3.02.01 Make sure regulator swttch on panel 10 ts on regulat.ed, "R~G". Figure ; , i tern b. !Y'ft 3.02.02 Turn regulator AC supply switch to "ON" position. Figure 3, item 5. Start up oil pumping system on second floor, west. 3.03.01 Check diagr~m on wall and Figure 4, for location of control devices. 3.03.02 Turn on lights over pumping system. 3.03.03 Turn on pump control switches Sl, S2, and 53. Place transfer switch on either North or South position {alternate each day). 3.03.04 Open by-pass valve Vl to relieve pressure uhtil pump starts. 3.03.05 When pump starts, close valve Vl. 3.03.06 Check oil level tn sight glass of accumu- ;lator tank. Level should be between tank plug to ten inches above plug. 3.03.07 If level is too high it must be blown · :jown and then accumulator recharged with Air. This is done oy opening pump control switches Sl, S2, and .... s:tnd reopen- ing valve Vl. Lower oil level to pipe plug in accumulator tank. Then start air compressor l':y closing swi tchs Sll.. .f -53· ! ~en valve VlO and let system pump to 225 psi (read on pres- ,·,sure gage, PGl). Open SLl to stop compressor, close VlO and ·restart pump again according to steps 3.03.03 through 5 .03.06) •. . . 3.04 Energize motorized valve and Channel utility ~eceptacles by closing circuit breakers 29-35 , 37, 39, and Alii-4 .....,.... -· ~"' _,_~A!SOJ=_,__sa\!::aa:::.ww..,a """'·•>-•..,...• ....... ,..,... ------------.::.. . .,. 41 in 120 VAC panel,-11ghting panel ~A", on the North wall, third floor. 3.05 Bleed oil system of main pumps to remove air fro:r. ·blade changing mechanism. 3.05.01 This must be done by two men, one st~­ tioned at the control desk to operate blade angle controls, and the other at the 1,000 hp pump motors. 3.05.02 Remove wing screws and plate to obtain access to lower vent. See Figure 5. 3.05.03 Attach vent hose to top vent . .- 3.05.04 Have man at c~ntrol desk operate blade angle control, and turn on (open) electric solenoid v~lve, SVl. Figure f, 1 terns 2 and 4 •· 3.05.05 Open two lower vents for approximately 5 seconds, then close and secure. Figure ~. item 2. 3.05.06 Open top vent and bleed for at least two blade angle cycles. Close vent when indicator shows that blade is almost "zero". Figure 5, item 1. 3.05.07 If air appears in top vent, rebleed the top vent again. 3.05.08 Wipe up any oil that h~s spilled out, replace wing screws and plate, and remove top vent hose. 3.05.09 Repeat procedure for second motor. 3.05.10 Note: Scale on top of pumps will g1·e an approximate reading of channel speed in knots. Pressure gages on pumps were installed for calibration purposes, but never used. Their readings should be ignored. 3.06 Flush and level manometer. 3.06.01 Turn on air inJector pump (switch located at control desk). See Figure 6, 1 tern l:Z. 3.06.02 Open two top valves, 1 and 2, located eaat or operator. This puts a auction on system flushing out·manometer and pitot tubes. Flush tubes for 15 minutes . 3.06.03 Close north valve, 1, and open bottom valve. 3. This will let air into manometer and lowers the water level so that instrument can be read •.. .. -.· .......... .... _ ' ,..-; .. Ail-? 3.06.04 When level is at an appropriate height on scale for test speed. close south valve 2 and bottom valve 3· 3.06.05 Turn off air in.)ector pump. 3.01 Install model to suit teet. 3.08 Connect necessary power and rpm counter leads to model. See Section V. 3.09 Start main motors, Ml and M2 . . 3.09.01 Unlock motor circuit lock located on lower south corner of control desk. See Figure 6, item 1. 3.09.02 Check blade controls, North and South controls next to lock to see that they are closed (near zero angle). FignrP. 6, item?. 3.09.03 Set motor selector switch in position "1-2". This will start both motors. If Channel is to be run with only one motor, place switch in either "1" or "2" position. Selector is located above North and South blade controls. Figure 6, ttem ?4. 3.09.04 Turn on low oil pressure warning bell on top of control desk. 3.09.05 Turn on blade angle indicator switch, upper center of desk. Figure f, ttem 17. 3.09.06 Check solenoid valve switch to make sure switch is on and valve SVl is open. Ft gurP. f., t tem ll. 3.09.07 Close main motor switch, the red handle above loek. Figure 6, item 25. 3.09.08 After main motor starts ~nd locks in~ open blades by operating blade angle controls. Fi~re c, item 2 3.09.09 Read water speed on manometer by using specially constructed seale and conversion charts. This CJin be done quite accurately. (See Figures 7, 8, .and 9). 3.09.10 Apply necessary voltage from generqtor 02 to model motor by closing two breakers and switch on north side of desk. The first breaker will close circuit and the second will allow operator to raise voltage to de·· sired level. Voltage is read on meter above switches, while current is indicated on ad.1acent ammeter. AIII-6 • NYU/ o,;s 83-108 RO= .343 O'tGO= 4.179" UO= 1.800 XO= 5.0000 ~0= .3324 CPMAX= .5704 PR R PHI THETA THICK SIGCL c ALPHA CL .10 .0343 42.290 34.857 .0278 1.041 .1103 7.433 .678 .12 .0411 39.357 31.845 .0279 .907 .1123 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 36.672 29.081 .0274 .792 .1115 7.591 .714 .16 .0548 34.227 . 26.556,"1 .0264 .693 .1087 7.671 • 732 '?' .18 .0617 32.009 -24.259_ .0251 .608 .1048 7.750 .750 .20 .0686 30.000 ~z:-171 . 0238 .536 .1002 7.829 .768 .22 .0754 28.182 20.274 .0223 .474 .0953 7.909 .786 .24 .0823 26.537 18.549 .0209 .421 .0903 7.988 .804 .26 .0891 25.046 16.979 .0195 .376 .0854 8.067 .822 • 28 .0960 23.692 15.545 .0182 .337 .0807 8.146 .840 .30 .1028 22.460 14.234 .0169 .303 .0762 8.226 .858 .32 .1097 21.337 13.032 .0158 .274 .0719 8.305 .876 .34 .1166 20.310 11.926 .0147 .249 .0679 8.384 .894 .36 .1234 19.370 10.906-.0137 .226 .0641 8.463 .912 ~ .38 .1303 18.506 ~p-0128 • 207 (.:_ ~ 0_607~\ 8.543 .930 .40 .1371 17.710 .0119 .190 .0574 8.622 .948 .42 .1440 16.976 8.274 .0111 .174 .0544 8.701 .966 .44 .1508 16.296 7.515 .0104 .161 .0516 8.780 .984 .46 .1577 15.666 6.806 .0097 .149 .0490 8.860 1.002 .48 .1645 15.080 6.141 .0091 .138 .0465 8.939 1.020 .so .1714 14.534 5.516 .0085 .128 .0443 9.018 1.038 .52 .1783 14.025 4.927 .0080 .119 .0421 9.098 1.056 .54-.1851 13.549 4.372 .0075 .111 .0402 9.177 1.075 .56 .1920 13.103 3.846 .0071 .104 .0383 9.256 1.093 ---7'-r-58 .1988 12.684 [3.34~ .0066 • 098 r .03661 9.335 1.111 .60 .2057 12.290 2.875 .0062 .092 \... .0350-9.415 1.129 .62 .2125 11.919 2.425 .0059 .086 .0335 9.494 1.147 .64 .2194 11.569 1.996 .0055 .081 .0321 9.573 1.165 / .66 .2262 11.239 1.586 .0052 .077 .0307 9.652 1.183 .68 .2331 10.926 1.195 .0049 .073 .0295 9.732 1.201 -. 70 .2400 10.630 .819 .0046 .069 .0283 9.811 1.219 .72 .2468 10.349 • 459 -·.0044 .065 .0272 9.890 1.237 ~ .74 .2537-10.083 .113 .0042 .062 .0263 9.970 1.247 .......... 76 .2605 9.829 -.220 .0040 .059 .0256 10.049 1~253 .78 .2674 9.588 -.540 .0038 .056 .0249 10.128 1.259 ) .8o .2742 9.357 t~c?\ .0036 .053 .0242 10.207 1.264 \ -.82 .2811 9.138 -1-.-149 • 0034 .051 .0235 10.287 1.270 .84 .2880 8.928 -1.438 .0033 .048 .0229 10.366 1.275 .86 .2948 8.728 -1.717 .0031 .046 .0223 10.445 1.291 0 .88 .3017 8.536 -1.988 .0030 !'044 .0218 10.524 1.286 .90 .3085 8.353 -2.251 .0029 .042 .0212 10.604 1.292 .92 .3154 8.177 -2.506 .0027 .041 .0207 10.683 1.298 .94 .3222 8.008 -2.755 .0026 .039 .0202 10.762 1.303 -.96 .3291 7.846 -2.996 .0025 .037 .0197 10.841 1.309 .98 .3359 7.690 -3.231 • 0024 .036 .0193 10.921 1. 314 . ----..;> 1. 0 0 .3428 7. 540 ---........_ .035 .0188 11.000 1. 320 ' -3.460 ----.0023 Ali -6 3.09.11 Read model rpm on counter. rv. STOP PRECEDURE 4.01 Stop main motors 4.01.01 Close blades by operating blade angle control until blades are near "zero". 4.01.02 Turn orr voltage to model motors. 4.01.03 Open main motor switch (red handle). 4.01.04 Lock circuit lock and return key to proper place. 4.01.05 Turn orr blade angle indicator switch .. 4.01.06 Turn orr low oil pressure w~rning bell. 4.01.07 Turn orr solenoid valve. 4.02 Remove model if test is completed. 4.03 Secure switches 26-35, 37, 39, and 41 on circuit breaker panel "A", north WAll third floor. 4.04 Secure oil pumps. 4.04.01 Turn off pump control switches Sl, S2, end S3 and north-south transfer switch. 4.04.02 Turn orr lights over pump. 4.05 Secure M-G set in switch gear room. 4.05.01 Turn orr regulator control switches on Panel 10. 4.05.02 Open oil circuit breaker on Panel 6. V. MODEL POWER SUPPLIES AND AUXILARY ELECTRICAL S~VICES 5.01 The diversity of tests conducted in the Channel is such that no one set procedure for electrical model power connections exists. Available power sup~lies exist- ing around the channel include: {See Figure 2) AIII-7 NYU/DAS 83-108 (DTNSROC) 5.01.01 220 VAC, 3 phase, delta from the mei~ circuit breaker Panel "P" on the west wall third floor. An often more convenient source for 220 VAC is ~t ::1 3 PhasE· 100 amp safety switch on the north wall of the channel, east side. This switch is fed from Panel "P" Vi'-t the no~~h welding receptacles. It should be noted that this is three phase delta and thus no neutral wire exists for obtRtning 120 VAC. When planning to use 220 VAC, the test enginee~ should make certain th•t a delta connected line is accept- able. 5.01.02 120 VAC duplex receptacles, fed from lighting Panel "A", north wall, are situated in two gro·..:pe of eight units each on the north wall of the ch~nnel. There are also two duplex utility outlets on the east wo~k bench. 5.01.03 6 VAC from nominal 10 amp sources 1s provided in one loc~tion on the north side and another oh the south. It is located in the same receptacle but on different pins as 125 VDC. In addition 6 VAC is in one north wall location in two Jones plug arrangements with both 125 VDC and 400 VDC. 5.01.04 440 VAC, 3-ohase, 15 amp from a base~eGt panel and used as a power sour~e for the drill press, i~ available on the e~~t wall of the facility, 5.01.05 0-400 VDC from the 60 KW generator G2 is located around the channel. Four circuits totaling ~0 amps are provided in single outlets, one on both the nor~h and south walls. These circuits are for model motor power and are controlled by four rheostats. These rheostats serve as voltage dividers in a configuration similar to that found on Carriage I and in the west end fitting room. They are mounted west of the operator's desk. 400 VDC is also available in two receptacles on the north side in combination with 125 VDC and 6 VAC. In addition a 100 ~mp circuit is located in a north side junction box ~nd con- trolled by.a safety switch in front of the operator's console. 5.01.06 125 VDC from the ~ KW generator G3 cP.n 'be obtained from a receptacle on both the north and south walls that also contain 6 VAC (separate pins), or from the Jones plugs on the north wall with 400 vnc and € VAC. 5.01.07 220 VAC 3 phase welding receptacles are provided on both north and south walls, second and .. ,;lu;un.;:, Oj-.J.Ub tUIN)KUC) third floors. It is also possible to use the 220 VAC, 3 phase switch on.the north side of the channel when weld- ing. 5.02 It should be noted that a model which has been connected to a test carriage may have to have its power connectors altered before it can be electrically connected in the channel due to some discrepancies in receptacles between the facilities. VI. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 6.01 Mechanical 6.01.01 A sample copy of the mechanical inspec- tion report is found in Figure 12. Daily, semimonthly and semiannual servicing and inspections are listed in Figure 12. These procedures are to be carried out continuously. 6.02 Electrical 6.02.01 A detailed description of the operating and maintenance instructions for the switch-gear is given i~ Westinghouse Instruction Manual 5321-308. Copies of this are located in the Electric Shop and at Circulating Water Channel. 6.02.02 Pages 10 through 14 list the applicable electrical drawings and where they are located for the major parts of the Circulating Water Channel. 6.02.03 See Figure 10 and Figure 11 for examples of the electrical maintenance report forms NDW-NSRDC 4730/25 PRNC-TMB 567. ~ VII. START-UP PRECAUTION 7.01 Because of the danger of damaging the 1000 HP impeller motors by overheating their damper windings allow one-half hour minimum between starts, with a maximum of sixteen (16) starts in a twenty-four (24) hour period. AIII-9 ·-~· .i.·~ ,, ~·". -.i-· •It ·I Ji!:' t~~~f~ ~,)I tit'• 1 .. ; ' I . t ,,..,. .. 1-•..;: .. .. . f1' ;• , ·' ... r ,. );:'> ..... -..... I ·I t-1 0 f • r ~ ,, 'l I Print No. 14-A-3680 14-A-3870 14-A-8104 8-B-5984 SK-A-840361 14-A-7392 14-A-9364 14-A-9365 15-A-1260 V -Code 225 -Vault E -Electric Shop MANUFACTURER'S ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR C.W.C. Print Title Location Company Micro· ·Film Dwg. No. 1000 HP PumE Motors AC Vertical Pump Outline v Westinghouse and Section AC Motor-Type HR Vertical v Westinghouse A-4770 Outline Rev. 5 HR Motor-Vert. Fr. No. 90-128-1/2-11 Gen. Ass'y. v Westinghouse HR Motor-Vert. Fr. No. 90-128-1/2-11 Stator Winding v Westinghouse A-4772 L.P. Metal Clad Swgr. v Westinghouse A-4779 Switch-Gear v Westinghouse A-4776 V,E Westinghouse v Westinghouse A-4768 V,E Westinghouse A-ll773 and g u1ag A-11788 I I lj II l I . ; ! ~ ,: I. ! I 'I I! I' I' I I ' I I ] ! )> ..... ..... ..... I t-' t-' Print N 15-·A-16 15-A-·16 15-A-116 9-B-263 9-B-585 9-B-585 73-B-37 8-D-577 ll·D-B5 ) . )2 . >3 )5 ) ) L ~ ~ l V-Code 225 -Vault E-Electric Shop - Print Title Location Company Micro Film I.Mg. No. Metal Clad Swgr. -Wiring Diagram Units 1 - 4 I V,E westinghouse A-4781 Metal Clad Swgr. -\'ilr1ng V,E Westinghouse A-4782 Diagram Units 5 -7 Metal Clad Swgr. -Schematic V,E Westinghouse A-4787 and 1 line Diagram Exciter M-G Set 8BRO. - 4 Machines M-0 Set v Westinghouse A-4769 Outline Metal Clad Swgr. -Schematic v Westinghouse -.. -Diagram Metal Clad Swgr. -Single v. Westinghouse -·- line Diagram Voltage Reg. Type DT-5 v Westinghouse A-4774 \Hring Diagram Miscellaneous Draw1nrs Wiring Diagram -Motor v \olestinghouse Operated Rheostat Cont. Wir~ng Diagram -220A. v Westinghouse A-4762 60-Step Field Rheo. ? ' ~l t•'j• 'r. ~i : ,,, I~ ;~~ ,, ~~r;! I,; 1 .. •I d d '. :I l ' I I I I: I; I I I. i I' II i ' II I· > "'""' -..... I .... N Print No. Print Title - 2052-El 2')52-E2 2052-E3 El E2 E3 . V -Code 225 -Vault E -Electric Shop Inter.c.C?nn.~~_t_ion Drawings Entrance Cable Details Interconnection Diagrams Interconnection Diagrams Pull Box Detail Location v v v v v v Company W.P. Liscombe Elec. Const. Co. Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse I Micro Film Dwg. No. A-4783 A-4784 A-4785 ( ( ) L ( (. I ... ( l ~ c u :A c ' ~ NYU/DAS 83-108 (DTNSRDC) DTMB ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR C.W.C. Print No. A-10216 A-10217-1,-2,-3 E-1341-1,-2,-3, .4,-5,-12 Print Title Remote Control Panel CWC Remote Control Panel Elec. Conduit CWC Remote Control Panel Wire Diagram Electrical Services Underwater Lighting Loc a tic:-. V,E V,E V,E E-1638-1,-2,-3,-4, 20 Amp -125 Volt And 60 A~p -V,E -5,-6,-7 0 -400 Volt DC Power Services V -Code 225 -Vault E -Electric Shop Ali I-13 ill y ' . iJ '· r, ' . : ' i'i I! 1: I: I I I ::r.. .- I ...... ~ ... . : ., I 14f!-~ 9%- :Z:I! ?1~0_~---------------------r----· :5~to· •j• rlo-'·rr r£crtoH 11'210. -.' I• rruWolerSurronor,i ... ,tl~ AdjoSioble lip V-ingWindo•t. -----• l r --=-:-1 _r::--z--( ~ fl''l• r=Woht~:-... h. [lev.ISS.S ~.::=!J'-~~-:-----t.:=:~-· .... _._....,...-"---J II--·~ t ---cJ·· ~ --.. -•·o·---- ~ c ----•a'o-:.. __ _ ~ .. ;;_.c:v. ..... t.t&.?·: .. w•.• .. s•. ~··•'! •· •-•·• •· ~,'-:--r.-;-:r•t """"':~ .. ~·**.-\· .. :~ .~ t..._ .•· ':'., _.f lower Return Dud LOJJG/TUDIYAL S'L:.CTIOAI LOOKING SOUTH J.torz. .. AlL P,fRrf e>r CJII.AIAIEL l(~l!-?;t!O lVID.t:... FTctiHE 1 : .. ~- Jf > ---I .... U'1 1N --~ D Q P••<c";;' l!G.KTI .. Go ---~LOow~ D Wo~ Stt~o&<:.H Rcc.~: PT. 2.~0VA.C P-.ttn"P" ·-. __ _./ \000 HP Mo"fo~·i J -Jl DutoLt.'A. ~C't.P'l -~ \25 VOC (,Vf..C 125~400VOC I ' 8 OuPLn REc.EPT-5.-~ fLOOO\.IGo~T JuNCTION Bo'1. ---· II fl----~---- '\00 VOC, 100 to. ~I'TCH -~·-·-~--------. ---·--y \.Jtl. OIN& REC.E'PT. J~L. bn RLC.EPT'S CO V.&..t, 1~5 V DC W~oo.1ER. F"L.OW / oVA.C, \as voc v-· 0-400VOC -·--· ~~gg~~-w-.·r----l 4 RttEOii>TI.Tii> •rt=tCONTR.OL foR. 0. <400 \I DC DEi:.\'\ -. -~ .. . . ·-------· ·----~~~ C,RCuLt..IING \.J"TER (\.-IA.t--tNt.L-AW..ILk'BLE t::LECIRIC.A.L Po\.IE.R PJGURE 2 r i L 0 l. ... ( 0 l. v ;.t_ c. C' FIGu"RE 7 ' ·- v. 00 ,01 .02 .0) .Oil .0'} .06 01 O" ,1 ,005 .006 .ooa .oo; .010 .012 ,0114 .015 I ,017 .2 .021 .02) .026 .02 .0)1 .0)) .0,6 :gn .OIIZ ·' ,01.18 .051 .055 .osa .062 .065 .069 Oi7 ·" .oe5 .0'90 .091+ .1'199 0.10 0,11 0.11 0.12 0.12 :1 0,1) 0.1" o. 1" 0.15 0,16 0.16 0,17 0.17 O.lti 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.22 o.n 0.2) 0.24 0.25 :~ . 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.23 0,)0 0,)1 0.)2 0.}2 o. '" 0.)5 0,)6 o.,z 0.) 0.), 0.)9 0,110 0.111 .9 0.14) 0.1416 0.45 0,11 0.47 0,4 0.49 0.50 0.51 1.0 o.u o.il4 o.as o.u o.ia 0.59 0.60 0.61 0.62 1 .1 o·. o. 5 o. 7 o. q. 9 o. 70 0.72 0,7) 0.7'< v. 00 .01 .02 .0) .04 .a, .06 .01 .oe 1,2 o. 77 0.78 o. 77 0.81 0.82 0.8) 0.85 0.86 I 0.87 I 1.) 0.90 0.91 0.9) 0.94 0.96 0.91 0.9~ 1.00 1.01 1.4 1,04 1.06 1 .07 1.09 1.10. 1.12 1.1 1.15 1.17 1., 1.20 1 .21 1.2) 1.25 1.26 1.28 1.)0 I 1. )1 I l.}} 1. 1.)6 1.)8 1,140 1.41 1.14) 1.145 1.47 1.48 1.50 1.7 1. 5" 1.56 1.59 1.59 1.61 1,6) 1.65 1.67 Lo9 1.8 1,7) 1.7:& 1, 76 1. 76 1.80 1.82 1.e~o 1.86 ! 1.85 I 1.9 1.92 1.~ 1.90 1.98 2.00 2.Q2 2.04 2.0! I 2.C9 2.0 2.1) 2.15 2.17 2.19 2.22 2.24 2.26 2.2 2.}0 2.1 2.'a I 2.)7 2.)9 2.41 2.104 2.46 v .. a 2.51 I 2.5} I 2.2 2.~ 2.60 2.~2 2.65 2.67 2.69 2.72 2. jli 2.77 I 2.) •· 2.c2 2.64 2.66 2.89 2. 91 2.94 2.97 " 2.99 ).01 2.4 I ).07 ).09 ),11 '. 14 ).17 ).20 ).22 ).25 I ).27 2.i '·" ).~5 ).)S ).~1 ).4) ).46 ).161j ).')2 ,.,It 2. ).6-J ).o) . >.c5 ,.~a ).71 ).711 '· i7 ).QO }.~} t~ II :s.ae I ).91 ).94 ).97 4.00 11,0} 4.05 4.08 I ~. 11 ) ~-11 4.20 4,2}. 11.2~ 1.1.29 4.)2 4.35 4. ~s 11,1:1 2.9 i 4.11~ I; .51 4.54 4.57 4.60 4.6} :...66 ". 70 ~.;} ; v. I 00 .01 I ,02 .0} .04 .05 .06 I .o; j .03 ! ).0 4. ?9 4.82 4.8i 4.tJ9 11.92 4.9l 4.913 5.02 I 5 .o, I ).1 5.11 5.14 5.1 5.21 5.24 5.Z 5. '1 '·"' 5. );, l ).2 5.45 5.48 5.52 5.55 5.59 5.62 5.~6 5.69 ' 5. ?! '·' f!O ,.9) ,.87 &·9" i·9l ,.97 o.oo I 6.~ 6.01 l '·" .15 ,19 .22 .26 .}0 o.}) 6.)7 6.41 £ '·'· ·-· ).5 6.52 '·'' 6.60 6.6) 6.67 6. 71 6.7li 6.?a 6.52 ).6 i 6.90 6.94 6.9a 7.01 r.os ~:gJ ?.1) ? .17 I 7.21 I '·l 1:~ 7.)) 7.)7 7.1&1 7." . 7.52 7.56 ., ,, i a-~ }. 7.n ;.77 7.81 7.65 7.89 7.9) 7.97 i ,Oi ).9 8.09 8.14 8.18 8.22 8.26 8.)0 a.,, &.~ I 6 ... , l 4.0 8.51 8.56 8.60 8.64 8.69 8.71 8.(7 8. I 8.5~ lt,l 8.95 tl.9~ 9.0) 9.00 9.12 9.1 9.21 9·25 9.}0 '·' '·a% 9.4) 9.118 9.52 9.57 9.61 9.60 9.1\J 9.75 1&.:: 9.S9 Z·'' 9.~9 10.02 10.07 10.l2 10.1& 10.21 .... ,X: :so 10.]5 1 .110 10. ,. 10.4~ 10.54 10.59 10.6) IO.eS ... 1 1o.ra 10.8) 10.81 10.~2 10.~1 • 11.02 ll.H 11.11 11. lei '· 11.26 "·i' 11.D 11. I 11. 11.51 11. 11,61 11.66 '·1 11.76 11, 1 11. 11 .91 11.96 12.01 12. 6 12.11 12.1 r) TABLI Ol VELOCITY BEADS IN INCHES ·01' WATER FOR VELOCITIES from O.l0to.4.79 Knots by .01-Knot Intervals h • .5~217 v• · FIGURE 8 All I-17 oq .019 l ·~~5 0 1 0.1' o. ~~ 0.2 o., 0.112 0.52 0.6) o. 75 .09 0.69 1,0) 1.1 s 1. )5 ! . ~~ • ~ I ' 1 .90 2.11 2.)2 2.55 2.79 ),Vlo ).}0 '·r }. s 4,111 1.;,1::., 1<.76 I .c; 5.07 I 5.11: 5.76 c. 11 6.Lo~ 6.85 7.25 ., ., c·o ~.o; !) ,,..., ..., ... I 8.90 9. }It 9.7i 10.2o 1o.n 11 • 21 11 .7i 12.21 v. ... 8 16,g 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.) ,,16 5·i 5. 5·1 5· 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.) 6.4 6,5 V. 6.6 6.~ 6. 6.9 7.0 I 7.1 I 7.2 7.) 7.4 7.~ II 7. 7.7 7.8 ~ $·9 .0 8.1 8.2 8.) v. II 8.4 8.2 8. 8.~ 8. 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9·l 9· 9·5 9.6 9·1 9. 9·9 10.0 00 .01 .02 .c, I ~ .... .05 .06 .07 .ca 12.26 12.i1 12.~il 12.1o2 l 12.'•7 12.52 12.57 12.62 12.67 12.78 12. ) 12. a 12.9) 12.99 1).04 1) .09 1 ).1~ 1).20 1).)0 1 '.)6 ,,,:., 1' ,lo 7 1).52 1).57 1).6) 1).6 1).7) , ) .84 1) .,0 1).95 ... 01 I 1-..96 114.11 lij,17 1~.2§ 114.~8 14.)9 14. 5 14 .5() 1~<.56 111 .61 1~.67 14.72 14.7 14.84 116.95 15.01 15.06 , 5.12 15.18 15.2) 15.29 15.)5 15,40 1~.52 1~.58 '2·6' 1,.~2 I 12.75 15.~1 1,.87 1,.92 '&·98 1 • 10 , . , 6 1 .22 1o.2o 1 .)) 1b.)9 1 .45 , .51 1 .57 16.69 16.75 16.81 16.S7 16.9) 16.99 17.05 17.11 17.17 17.29 17.)5 1~ ,Ill I '1·14 1 I 1A.5' ~~-59 1~.6~ ,A. 12 1~.78 1&.90 1&.97 , .02 1o.09 I ~a:ii 1 .21 1 .27 1 ,)4 1 .40 1 .52 , .59 18.65 16.71 18.84 18.90 18.97 19.0) 19.16 ,. 19.22 19.29 19.)5 I 19.~<2 19.48 19.54 I 19.61 19.68 19.80 19.87 19.9) 20.CO i 2:1.06 20.,) 20. ,z 20.26 20.)) 20.46 20.52 20.59 20.ES 20.72 20.79 20.8 20.92 20.99 21.12 21.19 21.26 21 .'52 I 21 .)9 21 .46 21 .5) 21 .60 I 21 .66 I 21.80 21.87 21.~ 22.0:1 22.07 . 22. , .. 22.21 22.28 22.)'-22.48 22.55 22. 2 u .c9 22.7o 22.8) 22.90 22.97 2).04 00 I .01 I .02 I .0'5 i c·· .0'5 I .06 .07 I .c8 I . .. I 2). 18 I 2}.2~ I 2).)2 2).~9 I 2).106 I 2).5) I 2).60 I 2).68 I 2).7, I 2).89 2).~ 2;..cJ 2:0.10 I 2 ... 13 24.25 211.)2 24.)9 24.4o I 24.61 24. 8 214.75 2~<.ZJ I 2:..89 21+.97 25.C~ 25.12 25.19 I 2,.)4 I 2~ ·'", I 2,.~oa I 2~.55 i 2,.6~ 2&. !1 2,.78 I 2~.e5 j 2~.~~ I 2o.08 2 . , 5 2~.2~ i . '0 I 2:1.) 2 .:.; 2o.5~ 2 .50 2 .o 26.8) 26.90 I 2o.9 i7.:5 27.,) 27.21 27.2 27 .)6 i 27 ,i;:.O 2~.5~ I 2~.66 I 27. 7" J 2I .S2 I ~AJo I 2~.97 2~.05 I 2~.,, I 2:3.20 I 2 .)0 2 .1>4 28.52 2c.;J 29.'-I 2 ·~ 28.8) 28.91 I 28.9~ 29.14 29.22 29.,0 29.) I 29 .. 29.62 ·29.70 I 29.7 29.9) )O.Oi l )0. iO '0 • ~ ! )0.25 )0.)) )0."2 1 )C.50 )0. 55 : J •• o i )0.7'-)0.82 )0.90 1J ~;l )1 .06 ) , . 111 )1 .2) i ) 1. )1 ' . Z" i ! ~ . 39 : ,, .55 )1 . 6:. }1. 72 3i .:0 31 .sa ,, .96 )2.05 )2. 1) I )2.21 I )2.)8 I )2 ... 6 I )2. s:! )2.6) I }2.71 I )2.l9 )2.88 I )2.~5 I )) .05 I )).21 )3. 30· )'5.)8 )).:07 )) .55 )). ) )).72 )). 0 I )).89 )~.06 }10. 15 ):0.2) 34. )2 )19.100 }11.49 }11.57 ;11.66 i ~4.75 )4.92 ,5.00 I J5.0l I )~. 18 I J2.2S I '&·'5 '2·:04 )~.,2 I '& .61 I '&·18 '&·87 '&·2 ' .05 3~.1) J .22 ' .)1 )o. ·o ' ... 9 I ) .o6 ) .75 ) .04 )6.;} }7 .02 )7 .10 )7 .19 )7.2d }7.}7 I I I I ! I I I .0'; .cj I 00 .01 .02 .CJ .010 .07 I .09 'a·a 5 I '&·64 I 'rP I }7.52 I '~T I J5.:N )8.09 I ,a. •a I )~.27 I ' .. , ' .z4 ' . ) J8.12 3 . , J8.~ 38.99 )9.07 }9. 13 J9.3o )9. 5 39. 5" J9.c .. J9.n J9. 2 :39.91 40.00 '-0. ~0 40.28 40.)7 lt0.47 i40.56 I :.o.6; I 40.l'" 40.84 I 40.~} I ltl .0) I 41 .21 It 1 . }1 ~~ .110 111 ... ~ .. ~.59 41. a It, • 78 41. ; I Ill .97 162.15 162.25 102. )It 42. 1.4 1>2.5) ; 42.6) &.2.72 &.2.62 ! 1.2.92 103.11 43.20 .. ,.,0 .. , . ~i i<3.11~ .. ;.;~ -~.w.l ~>'S.7o ' "'a·--~ I 44.07 44.17 44.26 4i; .}:. :. ... 40 lo4 .;o 1.4.65 ~1;.7; I 4' 05 45.01' 45.14 45.24 "5· '" 45.44 45.5) 45.6) 45.n 45:5} 46.0) 46. ,, I ~>6.2) 1t6.)) :06.1t2 I 46.;2 ! 46.62 I ~t6.72 I 46.Ez ~.02 ~.12 41.22 4!·'2 "1·"2 .. &.52 4~.62 16~.12 .. ~.e2 .03 • 1) .. .2) ... )) 4o.4J ... 510 I 4 .64 " . 711 , " .e:o 49.oa. lt9·'a 49.2i '-9·'i I '-9.1+~ 49.5o '"9·~0 :.9.':. I '-9.37 50.07 50.1 50.2 50.) 50.49 50.29 5C.69 5o.ao I 50.;0 51.11 51.22 51.)2 51.42 51.5) 51. 3 51.710 51.64 51.95 52.16 52.26 52.)7 52.~~ 5l.&: 52.~? ~:A! 52.90 5).01 53.22 "·" "·"' 5).510 5J. 5J.75 5).97 ;4.07 TABLE OF VELOCITY HEADS IN INCHES OF WATER FOR VELOCITIES From 4.80 to 10.09 Knots by .01-Knot Intervals . h a .53217 v~ AI II -18 FIGURE 9 . c; I ,z.n I 1).25 I 1).79 1:0.~4 111. ' 15.46 1~.04 16.6) , 7.23 le;. 1 .46 19.10 19.74 20.39 21 .c6 21.73 ! 22.42 I 2).11 I .C9 z; .32 l 214 c:. 2;:2: 26.c~ I '' ~. f .0. I J ! 27.51 I 28.29 ! 29.06 I n.as i 30.o5 I 3, ,:;.7 ' )? . !0 ' 3}. 1' i }) .~7 )4.o3 ,~. 10 I ' -57 }7 ,IOC I I .O:j J8.)o I }9.27 I &.o. ~9 I &.1 .12 1 102.C6 ii}.Ol 16).)7 ! 44.95 45.93 I 4:.92 I "J-92 14~.9 .. 1t9.97 ' 51.01 I 52.05 I 5}., 1 511.18 FLOW RATERS fOR SMOKE BOTT\..E.S TO FLOW FAC.I~. DOUBLE 5UC. CENT. pUMP To FLOW fAC.IL. ·~ AIR R~MOVAl NO"TH WAI-~ C:WC. WAU (sou .... ) C.UfCULATING WATER CH.I\N~EL TANK .. ·. 4 •.. . '. ~·.· Air Remov 1 end Filtering System FIGURE 13 L FRCM FIL..n=:..!.. PLAI'i--:" D;G~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~-~AI 11-19 ~ ..•. '.~. ~ -~ jj_~_;;·.~~ -:~·i~·.:t~·;:.'...:~?J ... =:;;;'-~ ~ ... ~=:·~;:"0~:""":_~·:~ .... 5 ... -:-... :-..... -. -~~-/?:·.::,~_:.:1,~ !...: .,._~-~-~:::~.r .. --.... -·-- KINETIC HYDRO ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM PHASE II AND Ill MODEL TESTING FINAL REPORT December, 1984 ~YU/DAS 84-127 KINETIC HYDRO ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM Phase II and III Model Testing Final Report NYU/DAS 84-127 December, 1984 Gabriel Miller* Dean Corren** Peter Armstrong** This project was perforaed under contract to the New York Power Authority (Contract No. NY0-82-33), New York State Energy Research and Developaent Authority, and Consolidated Edison Co•pany of New York, Inc. *Principal Inveatiaator **Research Scientists NYU/DAS 84-127 Table of Contents l INTRODUCTION 2 ROTOR BLADE DESIGN 2. 1 First Test Set 2.2 Second Test Set 3 TEST MODEL 3.1 First Test Set 3.1.1 Test Model Design 3.1.2 Data Acquisition and Control 3.2 Second Test Set 3.2.1 Test Model Design 3.2.2 Data Acquisition and Control 4 TEST PROGRAM 4.1 First Model Test Set 4.1.1 Test Procedure 4.2 Second Test Set 5 MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS 5.1 First Teat Set 5.2 Second Model Teat Set 5.2.1 Load aatching 6 CONCLUSIONS 7 RIFIRINCIS 1 APPBNDIX. NACA Blade Shape Generation 2 APPINDIX. Glauert Blade Deai&n Theory 3 APPENDIX. Firat Teat Set Rotbr Blades 4 APPENDIX. Second Test Set Rotor Blades 5 APPENDIX. Circulating Water Channel 4 8 8 14 21 21 21 26 33 33 34 36 36 37 45 57 57 70 72 99 101 102 103 104 105 106 NY(j/DAS 84-127 A B L r R p p Q u X X LIST OF SYMBOLS Rotor frontal area = rrr 2 t Number of blades Section lift coefficient = L/(.5)pAU 2 Power coefficient = P/(.5)pAU3 L1ft force Turbine radius Radial distance from the axis of the turbine Blade tip radius Pressure Power Volumetric flowrate through rotor = AU Stream velocity Local speed ratio = wr/U Tip speed ratio = QR/U GREBK SYMBOLS a. Section angle of attack p Density of water ADgular Velocity SUBSCRIPTS max Maximum o no-load ~ Free stream value NYC/DAS 84-127 The possibility of installing turbines directly in waterways has been studied by a number of investigators recently (Refs. 1,2). In the New York University Phase I study, conducted for the New York Power Authority, a number of conclusions were reached with respect to the New York State resource, and with respect to the types of kinetic hydro energy conversion systems {KHECS) which could be utilized to exploit it (Ref. 3). This study established the following: A kinetic hydro energy resource (estimated to be on the order of approximately 300 MW) warranting the development of devices to exploit it has been found to exist in the State of New York. Significant resource potentials exist for both river (unidirectional) and tidal (bidirectional) flows. Whereas rated power for wind energy conversion systems is usually at a power settiDI significantly above the average power point (sometimes an order-of-•agnitude greater), this effect is usually not true for hydro energy conversion -4- ,. NYC 1 DAS 84-127 Sec. 1. INTRODUCTIO\ systems (whose velocity distribution curve shows considerably less variability). Such an effect is important in determining cost-effectiveness. A technology assessment yielded a nuaber of devices, and versions of devices, which could be practical. However, criteria relating to engineering siaplicity, cost effectiveness, and near-term commercialization show a benefit for axial flow propeller type aachines in both tidal flows and rivers of reasonable depth. These favorable results led to a Phase II program (Ref. 4). An engineering and economic analysis has been carried out to determine the approximate cost per kilowatt installed of representative KHECS units. The econoaic analysis was developed for a series of moderate sized {approxiaately 4• rotor diameter) units suitable for an established baseline condition, which is a river of moderate depth {greater than 5a), span (greater than 20m), and flow rate (2 m/s exceeded 25' of the tiae). A teat aodel was built and tested to quantify the effectiveness of the KHBCS aystea enviaioned. A teat program was designed and 4 •odel blades were tested during the week of 9 May 1983, at the David Taylor Naval Ship Reaearch and Development Cecter (DTNSRDC) in Bethesda, Md. In conjunction with these efforts, preliainary site specific -5- NYC/DAS 84-127 Sec. 1. INTRODUCTION investigations were also carried out both upstate and downstate to identify suitable sites for prototype and demonstration-scale testing. These investigations centered on the geological, hydrological, legal, and environmental factors influencing kinetic hydro development at the sites. The results of the Phase II study were reported in the KHECS Phase II Final Report (NYU/DAS 83-103, August, 1983). That work was followed and extended in a Phase III study which included expanded rotor model tests. This report is specific to the model rotor testing component of the ongoing KHECS study at NYU. It augments and supercedes sections IV and V of the Phase II Final Report. This report includes the second set of aodel tests performed at the David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center (DTNSRDC) in Bethesda, Maryland. This second set of tests (DT2) took place fro• December 12 to 23, 1983, and was a significant iaproveaent upon the first teat set (DTl) in teras of both the quantity and quality of the data. Additionally, this report presents again the reaults of the first test set which were subsequently found to have erroneous rotor angular velocity readings. These data were corrected using a function derived from repeating the B2X4 rotor tests in the -6- NYU/DAS 84 127 Sec. 1. INTRODUCTION second set. All of the test parameters have been reconciled so thut all of the model test results could be plotted together. The rotor blade design calculations, based on Glauert airfoil theory, are described in Section 2. The water channel tests carried out at DTNSRDC are described in Section 4, which follows the description of the engineering design and fabrication of the test model in Section 3. Presentation and analysis of the data gathered during the water channel tests conducted appears in Section 5. -7- NYU/DAS 84-127 2.1 First Test Set The efficiency of the KHBCS is a function of a number of n /(;:. t-· r .. • ·"· .. . b. . parameters, j)wt ~t ie •e• t · ae11s it i•ef l-e the power coefficient of the rotor. This coefficient is defined for unaugmented systems as the power delivered to the rotating shaft to the available power, that is torque times angular velocity, divided by (l/2)PAU 3 (where p is the water density, U the stream velocity, and A the area of the rotor disc), and must be less than the Betz limit of 59.3*· The design of the rotor blades is thus the ao•t critical factor affecting turbine perforaance. rundaaentally, the design is siailar to wind turbi~e blades, but a nuaber of effects unique to water turbines aust be noted. The fir•~ is the possibility of f;' k· i; r) cavitation, particularly near the blad~1tiP•· The •econd is the high power per unit area produced by hydro energy systems (as compared to wind energy devices operating at reasonable velocities) due to the relatively high density of water. This -8- l C..\' r· . r c. '· r . I I I \ • \;' \.' I· '· . fl (t ' Sec. 2. ROTOR BLADE DES:G\ effect leads to high torque loadings, since rotation rates for KHECS and WECS are comparable. These two factors lead to a design which must be rugged (particularly at the hub to withstand the high torque loading) and. in addition, the pressure on the suction side must yield values above the critical cavitation number; particularly near the tips. {·. ( The blade shapes chosen for the •odel tests were the NACA 44XX series (Ref. 5). Figure 2-1 shows a NACA 4420 profile and the generation of these shapes is explained in Appendix 1. It ~as . determined that if the test results for these sections were good, such blades would be satisfactory for the generic or larger systems. These asymmetrical sections were chosen because of their high lift coefficients, availability of data for these sections for thickness between 12% and 24%, and power performance as wind turbine blades. They are not so cambered so as to have any concave profiles. For a good co•pro•ise between strength and performance, a linear thickness taper fro• 24' at the hub to 12% at the tip was used for all rotors. The angle of attack at each "' ,~'~;~radius was chosen near the peak lift coefficient with an "' \: r' '' ,1. ,z, appropriate "safety margin" fro• stall. Fi1ure 2-2 presents the ,-...r ~: ~ ~ /1 lift coefficient cc 1 ) and angle of attack {a) distribution ...... utilized for both the two-and three-blade desicns tested. The nominal rotor radius was chosen to be 0.343• based on test model design constraints as discussed in Section 3. \:-. \ NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 2. ROTOR BLADE DESIGN A comment is in order with respect to augmented structures, particularly since both Refs. 1 and 2 have tested such designs for hydro energy applications. For such units the power coefficient based on turbine blade area can be well above the Betz limit. The basic principle utilized is to develop a low pressure zone behind the blades so that the exhaust pressure does not return to the free-stream value downstreaa of the blades. This factor increases the disc loading, increasing the power available. For a ducted design the power coefficient, even based on exit duct area, can be well above the Betz limit, the theoretical maximum being approximately 75%. While the power coefficients for augmented systems will be higher than for unaugmented ones, questions of economics and overall performance were carefully considered. The low levels of aug•entation shown in Refs. 1 and 2 led us to the conclusion that complex ducted blade designs would not be cost effective or practical. Thus, non-ducted blade designs (free rotor designs) were adopted in this study. '' · 1• ,..;. :.. <!' __ _ !)~..., To aaxiaize the power available, the design of the blades (their chord and twist distribution for each tip speed ratio and blade nuaber) is accomplished utilizing Glauert airfoil theory. A description of this theory is contained in Appendix 2. The chord and twist distributions for four designs are listed in Appendix 3 along with the blade drawings below. Blades for four -10- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 2. ROTOR BLADE DESIGS rotors were designed and fabricated for testing. These designs were chosen for two and three blades (B) and tip speed ratios at peak power (X) from 3 to'S (where X= OR/U). The following combinations of blades were tested: X 3 4 5 8 r~ 2 + + _/ ·""· 3 + + Since X tends to be inversely proportional to the number of blades, a lower blade number permits the desirable higher values of X for practical blades. Unfortunately, the size of the test model did not permit testing a one-bladed rotor (due to lack of room in the hub for counterbalancing the blade). For convenience, the rotors and specific blade designs for each rotor were referred to by the blade and tip speed ratio nu•bers as follows: B2X4 B2X5 B3X3 B3X4 -11- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 2. ROTOR BLADE DESIGS FIGURE 2-1. SACA 4412 Airfoil -12- I NYU/DAS 84-127 0 Sec. 2. ROTOR BLACE DESIGN c::: 0 r----------t-----------r·----------t----------4·----------~--------~------~ ("'.; / ~ .. --· ----~-...... -·~--~·-···--·· -... -..... -. ,. ·~---? -· <::"" 1--------·--....... I / / :/ / / / / : / . ·/· ----y --··- ·/ /i . / I 0 0 ' / ' / N ~ I N ! I N ~N I l~ I N I ---·--... ···--·--· -·--------------;--__:_/_ ______ .. _ : ' / , I 0 ·-----··--"'•--~ N : I ~ I // ~ / ~ 1// ....... ····r:: -·· ---· ........ ·---. ---···e-o···----··-------- 0'1 / -~ ~/ (!.1 / ~ . I 0 /. ---~. -·-· ---... -. ·-/~I ------· .. ~ /'/ / ' 0 0 /' I 1------+---·-f ---·: >.. ""c:: ···-·-···· ~ •.-i ;.1.....!.~----~ ~ --....;;...., r--11111:1 Ill E : , I I (TI --' ~ ' ' I , I l : ' ... -·--· .. ·-·--·---·----·-a: c 0'1 ·ri en C.l "C .. -·····-+·-... ,~ i _r-- ~ ' . _ _;_ 1.0 ~ _. !..""\ t.-1 I ! __ .""' ir-1 -~""'~ ·~ ' ' ' l . I ---·-.. ·---L·--------· .. -·-·-"·---N --... _ ..... _~----·-·· I I I ! i . .-! ; I I I r------------------~--:---------~~--~----~--------~:---------------~~ ~-0 0\ FIGURE 2-2. c.. 0 .... ~- Lift Coefficient and Angle of Attack Distributions for NACA 4412-4424 Airfoils -13- 1 I - ~YU/DAS 04-127 Sec. 2. ROTOR BLADE DESIG~ 2.2 Second Test Set Although the ordinary Glauert theory design provides effective blades for kinetic hydro axial-flow turbine blades, we believed that this design could be i•proved upon. When used for kinetic hydro blades, it can be seen that unlike windmill blades, the hydro blades develop chords with lengths which are on the order of their radial distance. This is due to the differences between the air and water resource in density and fluid speed. In water the density is about 850 times greater and the speed is normally 2 to 10 times less. This results in a •uch higher portion of the rotor power being extracted from the flow as torque rather than as rotation rate. Also, the design chord lengths becoae relatively large at saall radial distances, i.e. near the hub. These chords are further increased by the structural require•ents of the blades which handle •uch higher energy densities than windaill blades. Since for strength the airfoil thickness aust increase towards the hub, the lift coefficient is lowered, which, under the Glauert theory yields a longer chord. The relatively large ratio of chord length to radius results in non-optimum shapes for the blades if the sections (or ribs) are set up flat and tangent to t~~ blade axis, since a point on NY~!DAS 84 127 Sec. -· ROTOR BLADE DESIGN the blade must describe an arc as the blade turns through the water. With flat tangent sections a blade will have a noticeable flow discontinuity where the innermost hub section leaves contact from the hub. Flow in the area near the hub will be disturbed and will not fully contribute to the power of the blade. Therefore, an improvement has been developed which is to create blade shapes by (physically or mathematically) curving each section (or rib) to follow the surface of a cylinder which has as its axis the rotor axis and a radius equal to that of the given s~ction. Since each section must be set at a particular twist . i angle as determined by the Glauert theory, the chord of each blade section finally describes a portion of a helix. This construction, termed "conformal" is illustrated in Figure 2-2. The possible improvement in the water flow pattern near the hub from conformal construction is shown in Figure 2-3. For the second set of model tests five new rotors were prepared, all of which were conforaal. These blade designs are shown in Appendix 4. A conforaal version was aade of 82X4, a rotor which had been previously tested, so that the effect of the coaforaal design could be directly assessed. The rest of the new rotors were •ade with a longer blade length (0.413m nominal radius) in order to increase the scale, Reynolds nuaber, and power towards full-scale conditions. The -15- ' . i NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 2. ROTOR BLADE DESIGN maximum Reynolds numbers based on apparent velocity and section chord l~ngth were about 400,000 (independent of radial position) for these model rotors which is about one-fifth to one-third of the maximum values for a full-scale KHECS. These blades also incorporated slightly lower values for lift coeffecients for the thinner airfoils which correspond to lower angles of attack and results in longer chords for a given blade section. These values were considered to be more conservative, and were expected to make the blades more resistant to stall at high loadings. Because of the structural failures encountered in the first set of fabricated blades, it was decided to make the new blades out of solid cast metal, which for convenience was stainless steel. Blade patterns were made by hand in a manner similar to the previous blades with the nxception that the ribs had to be set up for brazing in a jig with individual curved mandrels to create the conformal shape. The patterns were used to sand cast two or three steel blades depending on the blade auaber of a given rotor design. These blades were designed with integral flanges which were bolted to a solid steel bub. After casting, the blades had to be smoothed and the aounting aurfaces aachined before •••eably. Once •••••bled, the entire rotor• were dynamically balanced. The resulting rotors were extremely strong, though quite heavy (20 to 40 lbs). -16- NYU/DAS 84-127 The new rotors constructed were: B2X4C B2X4CL B2X6CL B3X4CL B3X5CL Sec. 2. ROTOR BL!<.DE DESIGN where "C" refers to conformal and "L" refers to the longer radius. -17- 1 TIP.......;...._.. I I I I I ' I \ I I LEADING EDGE I I \TRAILING EDGE / I I \ I \ ~r· \ ' ' . ' I I \ \ FLAT SECTION ~ '= c . 2 . R 0 T 0 R B L A D E D E S I G ~; I I , -. 1 FLOW I \ 1\ i CONFORMAL FIGURE 2-3. Conformal Glauert Blade Scbeaatic -18- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 2. ROTOR BLADE DESIGN FLAT SECTION FLOW NEAR HUB CONFORMAL I • FIGURE 2-4. Flow Around Simple and Conformal Blades -19- NYU/01\S 84-127 Sec. 2. ROTOR BLADE DESIGN .. -.. . I .. FIGURE 2-5. Secon~ Test Set Rotors, Two-Bladed L-2.: ::.2X4(from DTl), S2X4C, B2X4CL, B2X6CL ·. ~ -· .;... : -.. _.,;;,;. .. ; .. ' ~ . .. ·~ .7·:: ·. . _ .. -~ .. :,.. r , • , - . . ~ ::_J-~ .·. ~ . :.:1 /-=-~2~ . ·.. .. . ;.. -_.. . I , .. FIGURE 2-6. Seco~c Test Set Rotors, Three-Bladed l-3: 33X4CL, B3X5CL :o~e blade removed) -20- ~YlJ/IJAS 84 127 Sec. 3. TEST MOD.r::. 3.1 First Test Set A KHECS test program was designed and carried out to determine the power available from practical free-flow water turbine blades. Secondary goals of the test included testing various system design concepts for the turbine itself which are useful for the eventuAl full-scale implementation. 3.1.1 Test Model Design The model for water channel testing of the KHBCS was designed to satisfy the test mission to collect blade performaoce data and to perform in such a way as to ensure efficient and extensive data collection during (initially) a one-week test period. Previous similar e•pirical testing by Aerovironment (Ref. 1) was not adequate for free flow turbines either in terms of quantity or precision of data, or in its nature (low Reynolds nu11ber). -21- NYC!DAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TEST MODEL Major components of the KHECS test model include the rotors, shaft, shaft seal, shaft housing, shaft bearings, shaft coupling, brake, tachometry transducer, torque transducer, nacelle, fairings, mounting pylon, mounting boom, and aounting brackets. (See Figure 3-1.) The KHECS test node! was designed to achieve aims of accuracy and repeatability of blade data , along with reliability and ruggedness. Tbese criteria necessitated maximum possible simplicity in the drive train and shaft loading device which is also the heart of the tes~ model. For the aodel testing proposed, it was decided that a brake would be more effective than a generator or other type of power absorber in terms of size, i.e., it could be smaller, especially in diameter, for a given torque absorbed. A magnetic particle brake was selected to permit smooth chatter-free braking action over a wide range of speed (virtually fron 0 to 3600 rpm). Using this device met the requirement that the loading and aeasureaent system be direct-coupled, with no gearing which would have been a potential aource for aeasuremeat inaccuracy, breakdowns, and a ainiaum torque limitation. The maximum practical brake size that would permit a reasonable KHECS teat rotor diaaeter was rated at 100 lb-ft (136N-m) torque, which, according to blade performance estimates, allowed a cominal rotor radius of 0.343m (13.5") for the higher torque (lo"er tip-speed ratio) rotor versions. With -22- . ' f ~ NYC/DAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TEST MODEL water cooling, the brake could absorb a maximum power of 6kW, more than the rotors could be expected to provide at a current speed of 3.05 m/s (6 knots). The brake is electrically actuated with a 90-volt DC supply, and its torque is proportional to the brake coil current. Figure 3-3 shows the brake assembly being placed in the nacelle. Again, for simplicity, ruggedness, and directness of measurement, a reaction torque sensor was selected. This eliminated the need for another rotating component and potentially problematic slip rings. Accordingly, a sensor unit was selected with the required range and precision, and with the ability to carry the weight of the brake and coupling in cantilever without affecting the torque reading. Thus, all of the loading torque is reacted through the sensor which is mounted on the rear end-head through the torque sensor. As the brake and the watertight nacelle which houses it is ./~) •· L of a significant diameter relative to the rotor, the rotor was -------· ---. ..._. __ placed upstream of the nacelle as far as was practical, with the original intention of minimizing the effect of the nacelle in the rotor. To achieve this, a shaft housing or sting of 0.8m (35") length was located between the rotor and nacelle. At the upstream end of the shaft is the forward bearing housing which supports a spherical roller bearing with oil chaabers. Also mounted in this houstng, ahead of the bearing, is the shaft seal -23- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TEST MOO::L which is of the graphite/ceramic face seal type. :his seal was selected to provide high performande sealing with ainimum residual torque. Figure 3-4 shows the shaft housi~g assembly. A rear bearing housing which holds the rear s~aft bearing is located on the inside of the forward nacelle end head. The model was designed so that the entire front end, includicg the shaft, could be removed from the rest of the nacelle. To accomplish this the rear end of the shaft was a keyed slip fi: into the flexible shaft coupling which was mounted to the b~ake shaft. Mounted by a clamp to the brake housing is an optical encoder tachometry sensor driven by a toothed belt from a pulley on the shaft. This unit was selected for accuracy and reliability, and resolution in that it provides 600 pulses per revolution. A signal conditioning circuit pro~ides a linear analog voltage for the data acquisition system. Figure 3-3 is a photograph showing the physical arraogeaent of the tachometer sensor between the brake and the shaft coupling (at the top of the photograph)·. The KHECS teat model is supported approxiaately four feet below the water surface by a pylon consisting of a four-inch diameter pipe, flange-aounted to the nacelle top, ~eld by support clamps to a abort horizontal boom which is attachec to a column on the facility's test carriage. The KHECS souoti~g components are shown in Figure 3-5. A lifting shackle at the !op of the -24- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TEST MODEL pylon is used to maneuver the model by overhead crane. Figures 3-6 and 3-7 are photographs which show the completed KHECS test model, and Figure 3-7 is a perspective drawing of the entire model system. All non-rotating underwater seals are accomplished by the use of 0-rings, permitting diaaaseably and reassembly. For these to be reliable, the sealing flanges are all stainless steel. In the case of mild steel structures such as the nacelle and pylon, stainless flanges ere welded to the mild steel piece. Just behind the shaft seal is a leakage drain area which is connected to the nacelle body by a surface-mounted, clear bose which permits visual inspection of the seal status, even during operation, end allows limited operation time even if a seal leak occurs. Backup moisture detectors in the nacelle are designed to alert operators of significant water in the nacelle before any components are damaged. Other instrumentation in the nacelle includes three vibration sensors aounted orthogonally to the brake aountiag spider, the front end-head, and the rear bearing housing, and theraocouples aeaauring the teaperature of the brake coolant water and the brake surface. All electrical cables and cool~ng water hoses pass into the nacelle through the pylon, the top end of which is well above the water surface. An ambient water temperature thermocouple mounts -25- NYU/OAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TES':' MCDEL to the outside of the pylon, submerged in the channel flow. The brake coolant water supply hose, like the electrical cables, comes from the control panel, but the coolant drain bose terminates as it leaves the pylon, simply wasting into the channel. 3.1.2 Data Acquisition and Control Signals form the torque sensor strain gauge, tachometer, thermocouples and thermistermoisture detectors are monitored, stored, and manipulated by the data acquisition and control system (DACS). All signals are converted to analog voltages which are scanned by the data logger. In addition, the data logger is able to make quasi-real-time calculations of power coefficient based on instantaneous angular velocity and torque data, along with stored constants. The data logger prints a set of data at intervals of ten seconds and transmits a set through an RS232C data link to a microcomputer for etorage on aagnetic disc. Several signals were given alarm set-points for protective purposee, e.g., aoisture detectors and coolant te•perature, or for operational purposes, e.g., low speed indicating rotor stall. Along with the data logger and computer, the test model control station includes power supplies and circuitry for the -26- NYU/DAS 84 127 Sec. 3. TEST MODEL brake, the termistor ~oisture detectors, and the torque sensor strain gage. There is also a measurement and control system for the brake coolant, and an oscilloscope to monitor the vibration sensors. Figure 3-8 is a photograph which shows the entire test system under final checkout and calibration prior to shipment to the water channel. -27- NYIJ/DAS 84-l2i ROTOR SCREEN SHAFT SEAL FORWARD BEARING j AFT BEARING Sec. 3. TEST MODEL PYLON TACHOMETER MAGNETIC PARTICLE BRAKE FIGURB 3-1. KRECS Water Channel Rotor Teat Model Schematic -28- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TEST MODEL FIGURE 3-2. Test Model Brake Asee•bly FIGURE 3-3. Test Model Macelle Aaae•bly -29- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TEST MOJEL FIGURE 3-4. KHECS Teat Model Shaft Housing Assembly FIGURE 3-5. KHBCS Test Model Mounting Coaponents -30- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TEST MODEL FIGURE 3-6. Assembled IHECS Test Model Without Fairings FIGURB 3-7. Complete KHBCS Teat Model Mounted To Pylon With Fairiaa• Attached -31- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TBST MODEL rotor fairing flow FIGURE 3-8. KHBCS Test Model Isometric Drawing (With Rotor B3X4) -32- ~YU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TEST MODEL 3.2 Second Test Set 3.2.1 Test Model Design For DT2, new larger and heavier rotors were used which gave increased power, but still within the constraints of the torque and power limitations of the magnetic particle brake. The initial rugged and conservative design of the test aodel itself permitted the increased stress and power levels without any major changes. For this set of tests a screen was constructed in scale to simulate the effect of a full-scale protective screen. Its design was the same as that anticipated for a full-scale KHECS, i.e. the "pluab-bow" screen which has a single, vertical leading edge connected by horizontal bars to a hoop around the rotor disk (see Figure 3-9). It was supported by four araa bolted to the sting and steadied by a vertical cable froa its forward edge to the support carriage above the water. The aounting peraitted it to be moved in the axial direction to teat the relative effect of its position on rotor perforaance. A larger set of fairings was constructed to cover the -33- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TEST MODEL nacelle as a check o~ its influence on or interference with rotor performance. 3.2.2 Data Acquisition and Control For DT2, the test model iostruaentation remained unchanged except for the additional use of two extra tachometers for calibration, one magnetic and one photoelectric. The increased operating experience and increased testing period permitted a drastic increase in the volume of data which could be collected. This was accomodated by the use of a portable 16-bit computer which was able to receive data from the data logger via a serial link and store the data to floppy disk, all at the top rate the data logger. After the test period, the computer was connected to the NYU mainframe computer as a terminal so that t~~ data could be transferred at high speed for post-processing and plotting. This unit can be aeen in the •onitoring and control atatioo photograph, Figure 3-9. NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 3. TEST MODEL FIGURE 3-9. KHECS Test Model Screen ~--........ "'::-::--. .. "' . . . . . .. . . FIGURE 3-10. Second Test Set Data Acquisition and Control -35- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM 4.1 First Model Test Set KHECS model rotor testing took place at the Circulating Water Channel (CWC) facility of the David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center (DTNSRDC). Figure 4-1 shows the essential arrangement. Photographically clear filtered water is circulated at speeds variable from zero to five meters per second through a test region of generous cross section (width 6.7 meters and depth 2.7 meters), ensuring a uniform free stream velocity. At the highest velocities (greater than 6 knots), air bubbles are entrained in the flow to a degree significant enough to i•pair visibility. Figure 4-2 shows the CWC test section, and Figure 4-3 shows the test model prior to aub•ersion. Windows at various locations in the sides and botto• allow visual observation and photography, and in this case stroboscope and video camera operation also. A pitot tube •ounted in the free stream, and connected to a calibrated water manometer, indicates the water velocity within 0.1 knot; the actual water velocity was checked and found to agree with this calibraton (see Figures 4-4 and -36- NYU/DAS 84 127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM 4-5). The ewe facility includes an overhead traveling crane assists in moving models and a regulated power supply is available for instrumentation. 4.1.1 Test Procedure Appendix 5 gives the operating procedure for the CWC. Essentially, the channel operator brings the impeller motors up to speed, adjusts the blade pitch until the water velocity is steady at the desired value, then gives an audible signal to the model test operators. With the water circulating at the chosen rate and the rotor turning, the datalogger takes an appropriate number of readings of the angular velocity and torque, from which it calculates the power and power coefficient. By increasing the brake current, the load is raised and a new set of readings and photographs taken. This process is repeated until the point is reached at which the loading ia so high as to cause rotor stall. A new water speed is then established. and the aeasurements carried out again at increasing torque. Readings are checked as needed for repeatability, with angular velocity both increasing and decreasing until it is felt that the particular rotor performance has been completely quantified. -37- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRA~ Circulation is tben stopped, the model raised from the water. and a new rotor installed. The procedure is repeated for the next rotor. Figures 4-6 and 4-7 show the KHBCS test model submerged in the ewe in still and flowing water, respectively. Figures 4-8 through 4-11 are photographs of rotor B2X5 under test showing the clear appearance of tip-cavitation helices. Figures 4-10 and 4-11 also show the shaft seal drain tube which could be monitored visually during testing for indication of J ' leakage. -38- I I I' NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM DAVIOW. TAYLORNAW.lSHIPRESE.ARCHftOEVELOPMENTCENTER BETHESDA. MARYLAND 200&112Q2J 221·1515 CIRCULAnNG WATER CHANNEL C1M4J Gwiclt Vanec UNITED STATtS •.. . .. ': ·· · · ~<r . .;:;;;;:t;;:;,""~;u;;,&:;!;;ii;;c;;:;_;;w~IF··~ a· ::iiF.ii\ili~.ni~x;x .,ii(;:;::~~;;.:;;;fj,••,: ::: .. :1 1----4Umne.etd '. Approx. ~th o! wctw cir::;vlt rMftUnld ataund tbG Clllftteflinea • t9 m (125 ftJ I ·. CJ 'CJ .,_---Uml~ ftl--- CJ c::J Pmlt (t.v•~fllim of Ri19inp g! Dtt:iCFisrTION OF FACIUTY:. vertlalplll:te. open to 'lhocrt~noapt.. i.t •ctlon wtlh • .._ ...._. ... c c:lolotld Mcin:ule1ing wewr circuit. variable aPMd. ,........, cro~~~~41011tiOMisMpe with eo,..nt IMide wlltth of 1.7 m f22 fll tua.pt ot tho pumpal, 1.1 m 130 tU long enlafgelftlnt IIIIC1ion with 11ft .... .,....._ eurface controllp et tM u:-ctream en.l cf 1tla tes1 •ctlon. 10 largo vt.wing w!ndOWII on eh:har .acto of the tiiSt Mction ld dlffenmt elentionl & S tn the botton,, ftlO'IIablo bride• apona 1M teat Mction for eno It ve••*r In ~ modda. rf811ft81Hideo Ia ea;:.abk o'l taking towfng loads ct •ny en. of "'--IIMrous pofma up to J1.114 N CIIOO Ibid. ...,...,d 1niVellng ....,... for hilNilfuag lergQ £~ tt.a¥y modtlls. filbtnl koep Miter phcrtO'IfSpftlcdr ... TYPE Of DFIIVE SYSTEM: two 3.1 m t12.S ftJ dill,...., lid~ pltl:h two....._ ulal flow lmpehra oparEtlng In perollcl, Impeller blltde anglo Ia controlled by an .,.._. MrVO ....-n upeble of llllllintaiaing t11et INICdon watw wSocity within :tG.Ot knot. · , TOTAL MOTOR POWER: two •ch I3Z kW na lrtt. i'PLIO rpm eot-nt ~~peed. pumpe rotntlft .,..tl• dltec:'tiOM WORKtNG SECTION MAX. VELOCrrY: 1.1 m/a no k_, . . WORIC.ING SECTION DIMENSIONS: lentth • 11.3 m (10 td. width • 1.7 m az N. milL wetet ..,., • 2.7 m CS f1l with 1.0 m &1.3 N of ft .. bOIIrd above tho fleo water aurtace, it 1t1 pouiblo to lower tho water depth & openat• at Nd~ 1pee<!s. FIGURE 4-1. DTNSRDC Circulating Water Channel -39- ~Yl/DAS 8~-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRA~ FIGURE 4-2. CWC Test Sectioa FIGURE 4-3. Test ~odel Prepared for Submersion -40- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRA~ I FIGURE 4-4. CWC Current Speed Calibratioa Chart FIGURE 4-5. CWC Reference Pitot Tube Maoo•eter -41- ~YU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM FIGURE 4-6. Test Model Mounted in Subaerged Test Position FIGURE 4-7. Test Model Duriug Teat -42- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM FIGURE 4-8. Rotor B2X5 Under Test (Side View) FIGURB 4-9. Rotor B2X5 Under Test -43- /I;YC~DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM FIGURE 4-10. Rotor B2X5 Under Test (Botto• View) FIGURE 4-11. Rotor B2X5 Under Test -44- \ NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM 4.2 Second Test Set Testing procedures during DT2 were substantially the same as in DTl. Figure 4-12 shows the test aodel tachoaetry being calibrated in between test runs. Figures 4-13 and 4-14 show the test model with rotor B2X4C installed, the latter including the protective screen. Rotor B2X4C is viewed under test at light loading in Figure 4-15, and at heavy loading in Figure 4-16. As before, the tip cavitation helices are clearly visible, with no indication of face cavitation. Figures 4-17 through 4-26 are a selection of testing photographs which show various configurations and effects. In particular, the degree of loading can be clearly seen from the axial spacing of tip cavitation helices. Also, in DT2 it was found that the now longer and thinner •ections of the high tip speed rotors developed significant face cavitation when operated at low loadings, i.e. above de•ign values of X. This can be seen in Figure 4-21 in which rotor B3X4CL is not loaded and has face cavitation. In Figure 4-22, the rotor is near optimal loading and the cavitation is gone, with only the tip helices visible. Interference due to the .large fairings (Figures 4-23 and 4-24) and the screen (Figures 4-25 and 4-26) looks aaall in terms -45- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRA~ of the disturbance to the helices. The reduced data later proved this to be the case. -46- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM FIGURE 4-12. Test Model Taehoaetry Calibration NYU/DAS 84-12i Sec. 4. TEST PROGRA~ . l I ., ~ FIGURB 4-13. Test Model With Rotor B2X4C Installed -48- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM FIGURE 4-14. Test Model With Rotor B2X4C and Screen Installed -49- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRA~ FIGURE 4-15. Rotor B2X4C at Moderate Current Speed, Low Loadicg r -so-. s NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM ... :.;..-., l 1 FIGURE 4-16. Rotor B2X4C at Moderate Current Speed, Optimal Loading -51- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM FIGURE 4-17. Rotor B2X4CL at Moderate Current Speed, Optimal Loadin ' FIGURE 4-18. Rotor B2X4CL at High Current Speed, Optimal Loading -52- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM FIGURE 4-19. Rotor B3X4CL at Low Current Speed, Optimal Loading FIGURE 4-20. Rotor F3X4CL Viewed Froa Below NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM j FIGURE 4-21. Rotor B3X4CL, Moderate Current Speed, Low Loading ' '· FIGURE 4-22. Rotor B3X4CL, Moderate Current Speed, Optimal Loading I -54- J f . 1 NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRAM FIGURE 4-23. Rotor B2X4C, Large Fairings, Moderate Current Speed ' FIGURB 4-24. Rotor B2X4C, Large F.airiacs, Hich Current Speed -55- ' ' • . . NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 4. TEST PROGRA~ FIGURE 4-25. Rotor B2X4CL with Screen, Low Current Speed FIGURE 4-26. Rotor B2X4CL with Screen, Moderate Current Speed -56- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS 5.1 First Test Set Throughout the week of testing, after an initial problem with assembling the shaft seal, the teat •odel performed flawlessly. Visual inspection of the seal status during operation was very effective, and showed absolutely no detectable leakage during the entire week. During the testing process, data was carefully marked with special data logger channels as to whether it was valid with regard to equilibrium conditions of both the water channel and the model. Transient effects were thereby eli•inated. Still, a total of 1700 valid data points were acquired for the four rotors tested. Random errors in the •easure•ent of rotor power include those in angular velocity and torque, and for power coefficient include the uncertainty in channel current speed. However, according to the ewe calibration record, current speed uncertainty is less than 0.1 knot from the nominal speed over the -57- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS range of speeds used. This would yield a potential error of between +/-1.7~ for a nocinel speed of 6 knots, and +/-3.3% for a speed of 3 knots. Errors for angular velocity and torque are below +/-1% each. Thus, the total uncertainty in power is +/-2%, and in power coefficient is from +/-3.7~ at high current speed to +/~5.3~ at low speed. After the first test set results had been reported, it was discovered during the preparation for the second set of tests that a systematic error had existed in the angular velocity measurements for the first test set data. This was true even though the calibration had been checked during checkout prior to shipment and rechecked several times during the tests with another instru~ent. By repeating the tests on rotor B2X4 in DT2, the suspicions regarding the original tachometry were comfirmed. Therefore, the DTl data were corrected using a function derived from comparing the B2X4 rotor tests between DTl and DT2. Presented here are the corrected DTl data. Torque versus angular velocity curves are shown for each of the four rotors in Figures 5-l, 5-3, 5-5, and 5-7. These curves _../..,;-!fh ~,.. ~ ~ ~-r clearly show the ~ted fi~ar relationship-between these two parameters. The data presented here are those collected by the DACS which were already calibrated in engineering units modified only by adding to the torque values the constant, peraanent dynamic torque of the shaft seal and bearings (those components -58- NYU/DAS 8~-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESC~7S not sensed by the reaction torque sensor) which had been measured to be 1.56 N-m. Although in practice it is impossible to achieve zero loading, due to residual seal and bearing friction in both the front end and the brake, these plots allow linear curve fits which can be extrapolated back to a "zero torque" condition. The angular velocity at this intercept is equivalent to the no-load rotation rate, w . 0 There are no curve fits for rotor B3X5, the blade of smallest chord, which suffered rapid physical deterioration and provided no useful data due to construction deficiencies. Rotors B3X4 and B2X5 had minor damage which probably lowered their performance slightly. In each of the data graphs it is clear that most of the variation in the test data is due to fluctuations in angular velocity, even while the torque loading was held steadily constant. Such rotation rate fluctuation could often be easily observed visually, e•pecially at high loading values, and can be attributed to ainor variations in blade aanufacture and resultant flow field irregularities. Still, however, the data is eminently coherent and repeatable. Figures 5-2, 5-4, 5-6, and 5-8 are plots of the rotor power ver•us angular velocity. Bach figure •bows, for a •ingle rotor, the family of power curves, each curve at a differernt current speed. Fit by least-squares to each set of data ia a curve of the theoretical parabolic shape which uses the derived no-load -59- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS rotation rate and the origin as x-intercepts. In the case of rotor B2X5, Figure 5-6, the data does not extend to a high enough level of torque (or power) to support the parabolic curve fit for the power at maximum power. Because the blades were designed close to the aaxiaum angle of attack (near stall) for each section, the power curve drops sharply when the rotor is loaded beyond the aaximum power point. This blade design is appropriate for a unidirectional river resource with overspeed potential where it is desirable to have a rotor connected to a fixed-speed induction generator, thus causing the rotor to stall when current speed increases beyond the design point (tip speed ratio drops below a minimum value). A small number of data points which were clearly part of the blade stall were not used for the parabolic curve fit since they would cause errors. For B2X5, stall occurred before the power output peaked. .., ' . .. . ' I ' -60- NYU/DAS 84 127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR B2X~-TORQUE vs ANGULAR VELOCITY 70 \ -; I 3.09H/S ! I 60 ....; ·: ' ~-! . I \ i ....i 2.83H/S \ soL \ ~ ·~ \ .. U1 * 0::: UJ \ c , ... .. , . 1-2.57M/S .... ~. UJ \ I ~ 40 ~ i i ( z .. ;~ \ -0 1- ~ I . ·~ UJ ' 2.31M/S \~. • • J. • + z I ....; \ ~·~ 30 r-2.06M/S \ ' + + \ -\ ' I l I UJ I ~\\ .. ::::l 0 r ·· .. ~ 0::: . ........ -, 0 •• ..&... 1-I i I ' 20 ~ \ l I . . "" ' r \ .... \ i I 10 1.54M/S ~ i 0 ~~--~~--~~~~~--._~--~~--~~--~~--~~--- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ANGULAR VELOCITY lRADIANS/SECl FIGURE 5-l. Rotor B2X4 Torque Vs. Angular Velocity -61- NYU/DAS 84 127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR 82Xq-PQWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 2600 2400 I 3.09 H/S . . .. 2200 # 2000 . • 1800 ~ ,.. 1600 l-en 1- 1400 ~ 1-+ a: :X 1200 !- et::: UJ :X 0 1000 c... M/S 800 600 400 200 .. 0 0 10 20 30 40 so 6J 70 80 9[ ANGULAR VELOCITY lRAD ~Rr~/S::Cl ' FIGURE 5-2. Rotor B2X4 Power Vs. Aogular Velocity -62- (,/") a::: i.J..J 1- LU l: z 0 1- 3: UJ z :.u ;::J 0 a::: 0 1- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESCLTS ROTOR B3X~-TORQUE VS ANGULAR VE~CCI~Y 45 -I 40 L L ! ·-' ' ~ .... 35 ~ ~ r-r-30 :- -I I I- 25 '- 1- I r ..... ~ 20 ;..... I ;-,.. 15 l- ~ 10 E ~ 5 1. 8J M/S 2.57 M/S 2.31 M/S 2.06 M/S \ T-~---~---~--,- \ .. ' \ \ \ \ ' ' ... \ 0 .___...___.__ __ .___.~....__..___"'--_ _J_ -·-. j 0 10 20 30 40 s: RNGULRR VELOCITY fRROIRNS.'SECl \ FIGURB 5-3. Rotor B3X4 Torque Vs. Angular Velocity -63- ' \ 60 70 NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTC~ :3X~-POWER VS RNGULRR VELOCITY • 2. 57 HIS 1200 1000 t-.t (.(') I + 2.'31 M/S t-I t-a: r ++ 3: I BOO t Ck: ~ .2. 06 M/S w 3: I .. 0 I \ a.. 600 I- 400 \ \ 200 \_ I 0 ~--~--._--~--~---._--~--~--~--~~_.---~~~~~--~ 0 10 2a 30 40 so 60 -I A~.~U:..RR VELOCITY lRADIANS SECl FIGURE 5-4. Rotor B3X4 Power Vs. Ang~lar Velocity -64- (/) 0::: UJ ~ UJ ~ z a ~ 3: UJ z UJ ::J (3 0::: a ~ NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS 55 I... t- so t :t tiS !-r-.... f- tiD r ~ ~ .... I'"" 35 - ' ~ L 30 ..... -:... 25 ..... -20 -,.. ~ .... .... 15 -,.. -i-.... 10 ~ r t: .. 5 t- ~ -!- 0 t 0 ROTOR BZXS-TORQUE VS ANGULAR VE~OCITY 10 \ 3. 09 M/5 \ \ \ 2. 83 M/5 ~. \ -.ol\ ~ -.~. .+ .. " .. \ ~ ~. ~. \ ..., .... -\ :;.:+ 2. 31 M/5 \~ '.._, <~~ 2.31 M/5 \.". (OFF-AXIS~'\., ~. '. \ \ \ ··~ ... ....w ' . \ +.......,. \' \ ~ ' \ ....... oft.. ~ \ .... \ \:· ·' \. ~ \ 20 30 ANGULRR VELOCIT~ ·t ~ ,\ so 40 (RAOHINS/SEC l FIGURE 5-5. Rotor B2X~ Torque Vs. Angular Velocity ........ ' 60 .... I ' I -.. \ ' -: \- \· \- \j 72 NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TBST RESVLTS ROTOR BZXS-POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 2200 t 3.09 M/5 2000 1800 2.83 MIS 1600 ' -1400 r (/") 1- 1-c: 1200 ~ ::z ' ~ 2.31 M/5 2.31 M/S \ • \ et: 1000 1- I I I.I.J ::z ,... a I Cl.. 800 I-.. ~. I \ ~ \ 600 \ _; \ - I 400 \ \ ' ; \ ...: 200 \ \ 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7C ANGULAR VELOCITY lRADIANS/SECl fiGURE 5-6. Rotor B2X5 Power Ya. Angular Velocity -66- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR 83XS --TORQUE VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 2.0 f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I 1.8 1.6 -1.4 (/) a:: u.J ...... UJ :&: 1. 2 z 0 ...... 3 UJ z 1.0 u.J • 8 :::J a a:: 0 t- .6 .4 .2 ' _j ! .J ' I I l ' l ! l l 1 I J 0 ~._._~~~~~~~~~--~~~._~~~~-L~~~~~~ 0 10 20 "30 40 so 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 ANGULAR VELOCITY (RADIANS/SEC) FIGURB 5-7. Rotor B3X5 (Damaged) Torque Y£. Angular Velocity -67- ~YU/DAS 84 127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR B3X5 --POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 200 ..., ! 180 ~ i I I 160 J • ~ 140 J I I -120 i en • • ....., t-J ..... a: :z I • J 100 • J 0::: ! UJ • :3: eo • 0 -0... ""' I • • ~ so • 40 • 20 0 ~~._._._~~~--~--~_.~~~--~~~~~._._._~~ 0 10 20 30 40 so 60 70 80 so 100 110 120 130 RNGULRR VELOCITY (ftROIANS/SECl FIGURE 5-8. Rotor B3X5 {Damaged) Power Ys. Angular Yelocity -68- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS FIGURE 5-9. First Test Set Rotor• After !eating FIGURE 5-10. Rotor B3X4 (Slightly Damaged) -69- NYU/OAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESCLTS 5.2 Second Model Test Set The increased number of variables and time available in DT2 resulted in an increased number of runs. This set produced almost 6500 valid data points. The runs accomplished were assigned names which begin with the rotor used and are suffixed with any special conditions, as follows in Table 5-l: E!:!n £b~r~£1!r!!!i£.!! f.!t!!r~ ~2~.:. 82X4 Repeated test of same DTl rotor 5-ll, 12 82X4C Conformal version of B2X4 5-13, 14 B2X4CL Conformal, long, version of 82X4 5-15, 16 B2X4CM Conformal, large fairings 5-17, 18 82X4CSA Screen installed aft 5-19, 20 B2X4CSF Screen installed forward 5-21, 22 B3X4CL Conformal, long 5-23, 24 B3X5CL Conformal, long 5-25, 26 B2X6CL Conformal, long 5-27, 28 B2X6CLM Conformal, long, large fairings 5-29, 30 TABLE 5-l. Second Test Rotor Data .. As before, all of the torque versu• angular velocity ~ . I ' relationships clo•e to linear, and the angular •, are power ver•u• i velocity data are well fit by parabolas. A general comparative overview of rotor performance is provided by Figure 5-31 which plots maximum Cp against U for all rotors tested (except 82X6CL which had very poor performaoce). -70- • ' \'tCtL:AS 8..; 127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESlLTS Figure 5-3le shows the exact dRta. and for ease of distinguishing each rotor, smoothed curves are shown in Figure 5-3lb. This figure should be interpreted with caution, and the curves must not be extrapolated. In the cases in which stall occurred prior to the power curve peak, so that no data exists to support the curve fit, the highest Cp data actually achieved for a given current speed was used for this graph. For example, the parabolic power curve fit ""7 for B2X5 (Figure 5-6) is unconservative as substantiated by the --------fact that if the projected values for maximum Cp are plotted in Figure 5-31 tCp vs u~), an unreasonably sharp slope results --max due to the exaggerated Cpmax at low values of current speed. Therefore, the more conservative values of actual Cp data have been plotted in Figure 5-31 . . ---- This figure demonstrates a high efficiency for rotor B3X4CL over a relatively wide range of current speed. Rotors with tip speed ratios both higher and lower ahowed poorer performance. Also, a comparison of the B2X4 aerie• indicates the relative effects of conformality, length, and the installation and positioning of the screen. Based on a comparison of 82X4 and B2X4C, conforaality resulted in an average absolute perforaance improveaent of about .03 in Cp or a relative improvement of about 9*. This result max indicates an extremely valuable contribution from this design -71- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESCL7S modification. Comparing B2X4C with B2X4CL showed a slight (about 2.5~) increase in the average Cp for the larger rotor, probably d~e max to its relatively reduced hub losses since the larger diameter rotors still had the same hub diameter as the smaller rotors . . Bven though the full-scale turbine would have a similar relative hub area, the improvement with increased rotor diameter is welcome considering the further scale-up required for a -------~- full-scale machine. There may also be a slight Reynolds Number effect which improves performance with increasing size. The effect of the protective screen can be seen by comparing B2X4C with the B2X4CS curves. The average relative performance reduction was about 10%. Comparing B2X4CSF (forward position) with B2X4CSA (aft position), there is, as expected, a slightly higher average Cp for the forward screen position since the increased distance between screen and rotor permits better flow recovery. 5.2.1 Load aatching The ideal IHBCS load absorber would have an operating curve which matches the operating curve of the rotor, thus permitting efficient use of the available rotor power at any current apeed. -72- KYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS Poor load matching (along with poor efficiency) was a fatal problem with prior kinetic hydro efforts. This is a problem with a constant-speed load like an electrical generator when a turbine is used to extract power from a variable-speed resource like water or wind. It is impractical to use variable-pitch blades to ac~omplish the load matching with these small underwater turbines which must be simple so as to be reliable for long periods without servicing. Figure 5-32 is an idealized operating curve for a rotor which at each speed has a Cpmax strictly proportional to u 3 • Such a curve would not coincide well with the nearly straight line operating curve of an electrical generator. Fortunately, the maximum power curve of the rotors tested differ from the idealized maximum power curve of Figure 5-32 in such a way that the rotor is actually better suited to a generator, with its straight-line operating curve than is the idealized rotor. Furthermore, the use of an induction generator slightly improves matters since ita operating curve is tilted in proportion to its slip. The power curves for the B3X4CL rotor in Figure 5-20 are duplicated in Figure 5-33 along with a theoretical maximum power curve and a generator operating curve. It can be seen that the experimental result gave better than theoretical load matching. Over the range of current speeds tested, the load matching -73- t-;YU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS efficiency would be near 100% for most of the practical generation range, an excellent result. '- -74- I I J • 70 60 -en 0:: UJ 1-so ~ 6 1-.x ~ 40 - UJ 5 30 f5 1- 20 10 NYU/D . .A.S 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESCLTS ROTOR B2X4,TORQUE VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 3.02 MIS 2. 5'1 M/5 '\.. • ~~· 2. 26 MIS "" • + : +.: .. ~ 1. 76 MIS 1. 53 M/S ·"" ' ~ .. . ~. 0 uu~~uu~~~~uw~~wu~~~~uu~~~~uu~~~ 0 5 1 0 15 20 25 30 35 . 40 45 so 55 60 ANGULAR VELOCITY . lRAOIRNS/SECl FIGURE 5-11. Roto~ 82X4 Torque Ys. Angular Velocity -75- NYC;DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR 82X4,POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 2400 2200 2000 • • • • • • • • . 1800 1600 -Cl) 1400 , .... .... a: .% 1200 0:: LU 1000 :3: 0 0- 800 ..... I I 600 I - 400 j J zoo I 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 so 55 6C ANGULAR VELOCITY lRADIRNS/SECl FIGURE 5-12. Rotor B2X4 Power Vs. Angular Velocity -76- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESC~T~ ROTOR 82X4C,TORQUE VS ANGULRR VELOCITY 60 50 tn a::: LU 1- LU %: z 40 0 1- 3: LU z 30 LU .:::> a a::: 0 1- 20 10 ..... 10 20 30 40 sa 60 7( ANGULAR VELOCITY IRAOlANS/SECl FIGURE 5-13. Rotor B2X4C Torque Vs. Angular Velocity . "'!7- NYU/DAS 84 i27 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESCLTS ROTOR 82X4C,POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 3..03.11/S • 2000 . lBOO· 1600 1400 -en .... .... I !f 1200 - a:: 1000 LIJ e G.. BOO 600 400 200 0 ----------------------------------------------_.--~-----0 10 20 30 so 60 70 ANGULAR VELOCITY lRADIANS/SECl FIGURE 5-14. Rotor B2X4C Power Va. Angular Velocity -78- -en 0:: w ..... w !C z 0 ..... :1: w z w :::J a 0:: 0 ..... NYL/DAS g.;-121 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTO~ 82X~CL,TORQUE VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 2.54 H/S 60 so 2. O:S tVS 40 30 1.54 MIS 20 10 -I J l ! ' J I l I J j J 0 ~~~~~--~~~~~--~------~--~~ .. ~~~~~~~ a 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 AN~RR VELOCITY (RROlANS/SECl FIGURE 5-15. Ro:or B2X4CL Torque Vs. Angular Velocity -79- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST R~Sl~TS ROTOR B2X4CL,POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 2000 1800: • , • •• ,. . . . . ' . • 1600 • I • • .. "" .,. • • I 1400 -(/) 1- 1-a: 1200 % - 0:: 1000 LIJ :z 0 Q.. BOO 600 400 200 0 ~----~~~----~~~------~------~~--~------~--~ 0 s 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 sc ANGULAR VELOCITY (RAOIANS/SECl FIGURB 5-16. Rotor B2X4CL Power Ya. Angular Velocity -80- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR B2X4C,LG FAIRINGS,TORQUE V ANG VEL 40 2.54 M/5 35 .-- tn 30 ~ UJ ._ LU ~ z + Cl 25 ._ % UJ z 20 UJ ~ 0 ~ Cl 15 ._ 10 5 0 uu~uu~uu~uu~uu~~~~~uu~uu~~~~~uu~~~ a 5 10 15 20 2s 30 ss •a 45 so ss 6o 65 RNGULRR VELOCITY lRRDIRNS/SECl FIGURE 5-17. Rotor 82X4CM Torque Ve. Angular Velocity -81- SY~ DAS 8~ 127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST E~SC:Ts ROTOR B2X4C,LG FAIRINGS,POWER VS ANG VE~ 1200 I 1100 1000 900 + + + BOO -Cl) ,_ 700 ..... .. a: i :::r: 600 .2.02 H/S 0:::: I.LJ 500 a D.. 400 300 1, 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 e:l 65 RNGULRR VELOCITY lRADlANS/SECl FIGURB 5-18. Rotor B2X4CM Power Va. Angular Velocity -82- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR B2X~C.SCREEN AFT.TORQUE VS ANG VEL 60 so -en a:: w 1-w ~ ~ 40 1-+ :X UJ z -+ 30 w ::I a ~ 1- 20 10 0 ~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--4---4-~L---L-~~~ 0 10 20 30 40 so 60 10 ANGULAR VELOCITY lftADIANS/SECl FIGURB 5-19. Rotor B2X4CSA Torque Ya. Angular Velocity -83- ' I ' . NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR B2X4C.SCREEN AFT,POWER VS ANG VEL 2000 600 400 200 0 L-~~~~~--~--~--~---L---4---L--~--~--~*-._~ 0 10 20 30 40 so 60 10 ANGULAR VELOCITY lftADIRNS/SECl FIGURE 5-20. Rotor B2X4CSA Power Vs. Angular Velocity -84- NYC/DAS 84 127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR B2X~C,SCREEN FWO,TORQUE VS ANG VEL 60 so -en et::: LU ~ LU ~ z 40 0 ~ :% LU z 30 LU ;:::, 0 a:: 0 ~ 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 '70 ANGULAR VELOCITY IRAOIRNS/SECl FIGURE 5-21. Rotor 82X4CSF torque Ys. Angular Velocity -85- -(f) 1- 1-ex .:3: - 0:: UJ a a.. .· NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. HODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS 2000 1600 1600 1400 1200 1000 BOO 600 200 ROTOR B2X4C~SCREEN FWO,POWER VS ANG VEL 10 3.04 MIS • l • . . . 1 •• • I .. . . , • .. .. . • 20 30 ANGULAR VELOCITY . • •• ~ . .,.. • • • •• • 40 (RADlANS/SECl 60 FIGURE 5-22. Rotor B2X4CSF Power Va. Angular Velocity -86- 70 NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR B3X~CL-TORQUE VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 120 110 100 • • 90 -U) eo a:: w 2. 53 H/S ~ -i! 70 ~ z 0 ~ so [ .z w z I ~ so f 2.02 HIS w •, .::::> r-l a a:: 0 40 ~ -1 ~ ~ 1.53 MIS 30 ' l 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 tO tS 50 55 60 ANGULAR VELOCITY lftADIANS/SECl FIGURE 5-23. Rotor B3X4CL Torque Ys. Angular Velocity -87- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS FIGURE 5-24. Rotor B3X4CL Power Vs. Angular Velocity -88- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS 80 iO -~ 60 UJ 1- ~ a 5o 1-:r ~ 40 ~ a:: c 30 1- 20 10 ROTOR B3XSCL,TORQUE VS ANGULAR VELOCITY . 3. 01 HIS :. 2.52 HIS 2.03 HIS • •• 0 ~~~~uu~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 so 55 60 ANGULAR VELOCITY (RADIRNSISECl FIGURE 5-25. Rotor B3X5CL Torque Va. Angular Velocity -89- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR 83XSCL,POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 3000 2800 2600 J ~ I 2400 I ....; I 2200 J I 2000 l ....., I -1800 .J U") ..... I ..... j j 1600 -~ 1400 a::: J UJ ~ 1200 c.. 1000 800 •• •• • soc 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 AN~~-RR VELOCITY fRADIANS/SECl FIGURE 5-26. Rotor B3X5CL Power Vs. Angular Velocity -90- NYU/DAS 84 127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS ROTOR B2X6C~-iORQUE VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 28 26 ' 3.01 1 24 l \:· ! 22 l l 2.76 M/S .. , . ·. 20 _. I (I') \. 1 Q:: ...... ··, I i UJ 18 \ -1-i UJ ::E: l I z 16 J 0 1- :% i UJ 14 -1 z -J • I ' 12 -I UJ I ::,:) 0 10 a::: I p i .... ,_ J 8 6 4 z 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ANGUL~~ VELOCITY lRROlRNS/SECl FIGURE 5-27. Rotor 82X6CL Torque Ya. Angular Velocity -91- NYu/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESCLTS ROTOR B2X6CL-POWER VS ANGULAR VELOCITY 900 ! ""' i I 800 I I ~ I 700 _j J I I 600 _J en l 1- 1-sao a: 3: l ..... I a::. 400 l LIJ 3: 0 0.. I I 300 I 200 100 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ANGULAR VELOC11l lRRDlRNS/SECl FIGURE 5-28. Rotor 82X6CL Power Vs. Angular Velocity -92- ' l NYU/DAS 8~-l27 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RES~LIS 28 26 24! 22 -:Q 20 UJ t-w 18 ~ z 0 t-16 .z LU z -14 LU 12 :;) CJ a:: 0 10 t- 8 6 4 2 0 0 ROTOR B2X6CL,LG FAlRING,TORQUE V ANG VEL ljiiiiJIIIIIIr j 3.02 tvS • • 2. 76 tvS •• • s 10 15 20 25 '30 35 ANGULAft VELOCITY fftADlANS/SECl FIGURE 5-29. Rotor 82X6CLM Torque Va. AD(Ular Velocity -93- J ~ j J ~ .., ~ i - 40 NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS 800 700 600 -en 1- ~ 500 :z - a:: 400 UJ a 0.. 300 200 100 ROTOR B2X6CL.LG FAIR!NGS,POWER V ANG VEL 3.02 HIS 2.76 HIS • 10 15 ANGULAR VELOClTY • • . •. 30 fftADJANS/SECl • .. FIGURE 5-30. Rotor 82X6CLM Power Vs. Angular Velocity -94- ' ' " ' NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. ~ODEL ROTOR TEST RESCL7S / POWER COEFFICIENT VS CURRENT SPEED .46 .44 .42 .40 ~ Ll.l -~ .38 u.. u.. ~ u a:: • 36 Ll.l a 0.. .34 .32 .30 .28 .26~~_. ____ ~_.--~~_.--~.__.~~.__.~~.__.~--~~ 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 CURftENT SPEED lt£TERS/SECl FIGURE 5-3la. P.otor Performance Summary, Cp Ys. Currect Speed -95- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RES~LTS POWER COEFF1CIENT VS CURRENT SPEED .46 . B3X4CL .42 .40 t-z I.LJ -u .38 -Lr... 1.1... I.LJ 0 u .36 a:: I.LJ 6 0.. .34 .32 .30 .28 ~26 ~~~~--~~~~--._~~--~~_.~~~~----~~-- 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.~ CJ.ftRENl SPEED lHElERS/SECJ FIGURE 5-3lb. Rotor Performance Su•aary, (Smoothed) -96- • t-:YU/DAS 84 127 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS POWER .42PO .t25Po .25Wo MAXIMUM , ___ POWER CURVE .swo ANGULAR VELOCITY .75WO FIGURE 5-32. Idealized Maxiaum Power Curve {or Rotor With P Proportional to U -97- Wo NY{j!DAS 84-127 200 Sec. 5. MODEL ROTOR TEST RESULTS 2.02 M/5 1.53 M/S I Q ~~~LWUU~~LW~~LWI~~~UU~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 AN~~LP.R VELOCITY (RROIANS/SECl FIGURE 5-33. B3X4CL Experimental And Theoretical Maximum Power Curves Coapared With Induction Generator Operating Curve -98- NYU/DAS 84-127 Sec. G. CONCLUSIONS From a total of three,weeka of •odel testa of rotors for axial-flow KHECS turbines it is possible to draw the following conclusions: 1. Glauert theory-designed rotor blades. otm be ~ff~~v-e--and au. f ic ient ly eff ic i eo t -f'o"i-coaaercial HtCS-lffilft J '-1 ,.v -~, · ~ · ..,.. ~ ~ ,.. ~ I • ,..-..it"',._/ • • ...,. -, :,. ' . • •I ...,.t (Ultimate commercializability will depend on balance-of-system considerations.) ,. ...... 2. ,~he conformal design ae4ifieation •• •he blades produces a ... . . significant f.about 9~) iaproveaent .i.n f.ree-exi-el-flow- / 3. Since a reasonable portion of the Betz liait was obtained (about 78') with the B314CLrotor, this design woul4 ee ' ' ..... . "_; C-.~--,..-----·. f.. ~prppriate for use in a full-scale prototype teat. 4. Full-scale IBICS rotor perforaance can be expected to be at least slightly better due to a higher Reynold'• Nuaber and better relative blade-shape tolerance. r., 5. It is feasible to use fixed-blade rotors with induction generators, provided the gearbox ratio is &elected -QQ- SYU/DAS 84--127 Sec. 6. COSCL~SIONS carefully. 6. Cavitation is not likely to be a problem in full-scale rotors which are cot operated at high current speeds ~bile in an unloaded condition. -100- 1'\Yl!/DAS 84-:21 Sec. 6. CONCLCSICSS 1. Redkey, R.L and Hibbs, B.D., "Definition of Cost Effective River Turbine Designs," Aeroviroament Report AV-FR_81/595, Pasadena, CA., 1981. 2. Nova Energy, Ltd., "Vertical Axia Ducted Turbine Design Program," Renewable Energy News, Ottowa, Canada, Spring 1982. 3. Miller, G., Correa, D., and Franchesci, ~ •• "Kinetic Hydro Energy Conversion Study for the New York State Resource," New York University Dept. of Applied Science Final Report - Phase I, No. NYU/DAS 82-08, for The Power Authority of the State of New York, Contract No. NY0-82-33, 1982. 4. Miller, G., Corren, D., Franchesci, J., and Peter Armstrong, "Kinetic Hydro Energy Conversion System Study for the Kew York State Resource," New York University Dept. of Applied Science Final Report -Phase II, No. NYU/DAS 83-108, for The Power Authority of the State of New York, Contract No. NY0-82-33, March 1983. 5. Abbott, I.H. and Von Doenhoff, A.B., "Theory of Wing Sections Including a Suaaary of Airfoil Data," Dover Publications, New York, 1959. 6. Glauert, H., "Windaills and fans," in Aerodyna•ic Theory, Vol. IY., W.F. Durand, ld., 1934, reprinted by Peter S•itb Publicationa, 1976. -101- NYl;DA.S 84-127 ' (After Ref. 5, Chap. 6) The NACA blade section numbering scheme is: "apt" where: m = maximum mean-line ordinate, as a fraction of the chord p = chordwise position of aaxiaum ordinate (aaximum camber/ expressed as tenths of the chord length t = saximum thickness, expressed as a percentage of the chord length For example, a NACA 4415 section has a 4% caaber at 0.4 of the chord from the leading edge, and has a aaxiaua thickness of 15%. A section is developed as follows: 1. A mean line is constructed, consisting of two parabolic arcs tangent at the maximum aean-line ordinate :see Figure 1), according to: Yc 1 = a/p 2 (2px-x 2 ) Yc 2 : m/(l-p)2 [(1-2p)+2px-x 2 ] 2. A thickness distribution, perpendicular to the mean line and syametrical above and below it (see Figure 2), is calculated according to: .5 2 3 4 ±yt = (t/0.20)(0.2969x -0.126x-0.3516x +0.2843x -O.l0l5x) (This equation has been •odified slightly froa Ref. 5 to go to zero at x=O and x=l.) 3. The coordinates of a point on the upper •urface (•ee Figure 3) are liven by: xu = x-ytsin8 Yu = yc+ytcos8 and for the lower surface: x 1 = x+ytsin8 y 1 = yc-ytcos8 where tan8 is the slope of the •ean line. - 1 - m 0 X p Fig. 1. Mean line I Fig. 2. Thickness Distribution Fig. 3. Surface Coordinates t\Yu;DAS 84-127 1. Actuator Disk Theory Wind turbine theory was developed about 50 years ago as part of the P general theories of airfoils and airscrews needed to make progress in the new industry of aviation. A good general reference is the section by Glauert (1934) on airplane propellers in the 1934 compendi~ Avr..odyrr.am.i..c. Tkeolf.Y edited by to:.F. Durand. · . . ...... · .. ·:· .·."!"' .:;_;:· -~. The following development is based on much of this early material which is surpr1sin;ly applicable to the contemporary horizontal- axis wind turbine. In actuator disk theory, the ~urtine blades are replaced by a hypothetical disk which rotates at angular velocity n in a uniform freestream of velocity U normal to the disk surface. Because m~~;~tum is extractec from the stre~~ the flow dece11er- ates from U to some velocity u at the disk and finally to a still lower wake velocity "w· The flo..,·is assumed to start fro:n a freestrear: pressure P. gradually increasing to p+ •• in front of the disk in acc~rdance with Bernoulli's equation as the flow decellerates. At the disk, there is a discontinous pressure drop Ap • p+-p- corresponding to work done by the environment on the disk which bri~gs the loca1 pres~ure below ambient. This is fJllowed by a rise back to ambient pressure in the wake, again described by the Sernoulli equation. As the flow decellerate>, the cross-sectional area of the strar~ube containing the disk expands · in accord with a constant massflow m = pAo'J = :ArJ. = p~. · Consider a ring of differential area dAr • 2w~ passing a massflow dm • pudAr· Applying conservation of axial monentum to a stre~tube control volume bounded by the capture and wake areas 9ives ~he differential axial force on this disk at radius Jt as dFn = (U -"w)diit • Pt:.!U-~,)dAr= 2'll'l'..pu.(U-~)dJt. Applying Bernoulli's · equation to the flow upw1nd and d~wnwinCJ of the turbine gives APr • ltP(U 2 -U,1 ,2 ). S!nce the.axial velocity is const!nt across the constant-area turbine ring~ tne . G1fferent1al axial force can alsc be written dFn • 6~ • ;p(u2 -~2 )dAr. Equat1ng the two expressions for dFn and solving for the wake velocity gives ~ • 2U -u. Eliminating ~gives the following differential equation for the axial force, dFn -• 4•Jtpu.(U-uJ • 4w~tpU2(1-ct)4 {1) dJt . where 4 5 .l· .... ~a/U. fs the o.xJ...a.l b~oeJLUlu 6cetoJt. ·If. in addition to extraction of axial momentum from the stre~we allow that the rotation of the disk imparts an c:-;ular velocity ~ ·tc) the fluid as it passes dovm- wind, we can derive an expressior. for the Torque per unit radius of the form (Glauert, 1934, p. 326; S~rensen, 1979, p. 420) Prepared by Prof. Martin I. h:7fert, NYU/DAS (2) where a' = w/2n is the tang~ inte4ae4ence 6aeto~. In practice, a and a' can both vary along the radius of the disk. But sup~ose for the moment that we ignore the effect of the induced rota:ion w and take a equal to a constant average value independent of radius. The tot!1 power expended by the wind on the turbine disk is uFn• or from (1) R. P = uf (dFn/dlt)dlt = 2nR 2pU 3{1-a)2a. 0 The value of a that maximizes the power output may be found ty setting aP ---= 2nR2pU3(Ja 2 -2a + 1) = 0 a a ( 3) The quadratic has two roots. Discarding 4 • 4/3 as nonphysic!l since it implies an acceleration, rathar than a decelleration,. fre~ the capture area A0 to the disk leaves a= 1/3. at peak power. Accord.ingly, Pmu = (8/27)pU3-r:~2 .. =..11d the dimensionless power coefficient corresponding to this so-called Lancheht~-Betz limit of an ideal wind turbine is ~ Pmax 16 c = = --= 0.593 p,max ltPU 3nR 2 27 The corresponding peak pressure drop across the turbine is ~Pr ~. ~(u2 -Uw2) = 2pu(U -u) = 2pU~(l -4)« ~n-= {4/9)pU2. • 1 ,max (4) (5) Consider now the effect of imparting an angular velocity w o~positelyoodirected to the disk rotation o on the power output*. A basic asstDpticn, •·hich can be justified by airfoil theory,is that the turbine •sees• an effective angular velocity~ • o(l+«'). The power expended by the fluid on the turbine can be related either to the product of angular velocity and torque on the fluid or the product of axial velocity and axial force dP dT dfn --• (1+4')o--• (l-4}U~ dJr. . dJr. . . dlt ( 6) *rn propellers and fans the induced angular ve~ocity has the~ rotational sense as D behind the disk; also the streamtube contracts as it ap~-oac~es the actuator disk the flow accelerates,. and the disk imparts a pressure rise ~ather than a • • pressure drop. -2- Substituting (1) and (2) into equation (6) gives an expression r~lating a tc a' and the dir.ensionless ~;~ along· the rotating disk x: rvt/U: ~~~~~~;~I v~l~~~~ a'{l + a')x2 = (1-a)a. (7} It is helpful also to define a dimensionless ratio of the turbir;e tipspeed to t~e freestream veocity OR X : -(8) u In addition to ufn used in equation (3), the turbine power output rnust also eq~~l nr, in which case R R P = nf (aT/a~)~= 4~pun2f (1 -a)a•~3~ 0 0 Allowing that a and a' are functions of x in general gives the power coefficier.: as a function of the tipspeed ratio in the form (9) There are severa1 possibilities for evaluating this integral. One is to use airfoil theory for a· specific turbine blade design to evaluate the axial and tangential interference factors along the blade (see below). Another, is to derive an expression which maximizes the power output of an (ideal} rotating turbine as follows. The power output from (9) at any x will pe ~maximum when the integrand peaks, or when a[{l-a)a'J/aa = (1-a)aa'/aa-a' • o. We will also need equation (7). Differentiating (7) with respect to a gives (1 + 2a' )x2 aa' /oa • 1 -:.2a. . . Now, we can first eliminatP. 34'/34 between these expressions to get (1 + 2~')a'~2 • (1 -a)(1 -2a). Using (7) again. this time to eliminate x2. gives a relation beteen the tangential and axial interference factors at peak ~~r · 1 -34 4'. --. (10) 44-1 The integral in (9) can now be evaluated for the ideal (peak power) turbine sir.~e a and a' are related to x through (7). A useful expression is derivable here by writing from {10) 1 + a' = 4/(44 -1) which is substituted in (7) to yield a'x2 = {1 -a)(4a-1) (11) If, for example, we choose a value of a, the corresponding values of a' and x a~e readily calculable from (10) and (11). From our earlier work on the Lanchester-Setz limit. we know a has the P.eak value of 1/3 at large rotation rates where the -3- the tangential interference factor becomes negligible. If, at high rotation ra:~s, a approaches a constant 1/3 over the entire disk, we can write (1 -a)a'x2 = (1 -a)2 (4a -1) • 4/27, in which case the power coefficient at high tip speed ratios is 8 4 X 16 C = -· -· f xdx = -p,max x2 27 0 27 which is the same result obtained in equation (4). The table,at·right, from Glauert (1934) -I may be helpful in the numerical integration • ., I •'r % of equation (9) for C~ as a function of X. O.Jt IJIOO I 0.0116 0.073 Note that for each va ue of X which is the 0.11 !.171 0.01* 0.157 upper limit of inte{ration, one should eval-D.2S U33 I O.OSM 0.255 0.2~ O.IJJ 0.1131 0.374 uate the integrand 1 -a)a'x 3 from 0 to 0.30 o.JOO i 0.1400 0..529 X and evaluate the area under the curve. 0.31 0.292 I 0.1156 0.753 Glauert actually suggests, in his pre-0.32 0.143 I 0.110' 1.15 computer age, that graphical integration 0.33 0.011 I 0.11-M 2.63 .I would be appropriate.* 2. Airfoil Theory The actual interference factors a(x) and a'(x) which can be realized in a given wind turbine design depend on the aerodynamic forces on the blades which in turn depend on the blade shape, blade number, airfoil geometry and the pitch angles of the blade sections. These factors can be incorporated into the theory with the help of airfoil theory. There is a well-developed theory of wing sections including the influence of both inviscid potential flow around the blades and boundary layer theory which describes the skin friction. In addition, The National Advisory Commitee on Aeronautics (NACA, the predescesor to the present NASA) conducted extensive wind-tunnel tests on· various airfoil sections sunmarized in the excellent volume by Abbott and von Doenhoff (1959). For an airfoil section of chord e and span b in an airflow of velocity i at angle of attack o, the lift and drag forces are represented by the di.ensionless lift and drag coefficients and (12} The variation of el and eJ with a for a given airfoil section can be found from model force measurements ln a wind tunnel (Pope and Harper. 1966). For a symmetrical section about the zero-lift line c1 (0) • 0 and· ~tO) • ed • •. • · Also, it 1s useful sometimes to plot ed versus cl, rather '~ a directly. Figure 1, X *In numerical of graphical solutions for CP(X) = (8/X2)f 6(x)dx, remember to evaluate 6(x) • {1 -a)a'x3 between x •0, 0 where a= 1/4 and a•·~ •, and x + • where 4 = 1/3 and 4' • 0. Well, x + • isn't necessary or possible in the graph; just use a big enough value to see you are approaching the right limit. -4- • U'l • ;p ~ :~ "«:J "«:J Ql 3 .f ~ ~ V) I . ' (4) s r (per cen' c) (per eea& c) (b), 0 0 0.1 ..... .. . .,. 1.21 l.ltM 2.5 2.GII 6.0 3.1165 '· • ~ .. ~ .a ·c ;::; 7.6 4.200 .. JO UiS3 15 5.345 I 20 r..737 2(, r •. CHI I :tel n.oo2 I -Ill 6.K03 r.n A.:.!OI M 4.1103 l 70 3.GCH r -r--............ .. r--------~ ~-··-- • -\ --IIIAC'A OOIZ -- - - "" v--'-- I. (\i)' 1.61•1 1.1 ~ 0.1. 1 ~ 0 .I 't l RO 2.4\23 ! IJ(J. 1.4·1R I em O,Hfl7 : ICJ(J 0.1211 I ~ .I •• (.(} ·" ------• aft: ·• • (). 9·0 • :±C~ .~·.:. ll . <llr4 1 tM"t o • ,, 'I ·~ •·· j ,_.,..,- I ~ ~ .. ±:ttJ .. 'I ! ·I+ rn llnn J.: 1-4+ Ot,O • '"' , I ~~ ~ : i ' ,., ' 1 ' " DIO . ' ' lo.D20 •: -·r ·. :,;:...,. _ .. ' 1 ' ' · ,. ?: .r,- 6 , •• a,. . 'J~ ·I. rrr . • . t , ~ ':" ... . • • ·• . .. -1~ H ' I . -.1: ~.. . 1- 0.011 l"t. 11 . . . .. . ; . . . ~ . li' . . c... '"' -: ~, j_ . '.· ,... I" "L· ~· ~ ~ I . .. .J!!I',. .' ,._. .•• -. • . _.... .. • ., o 011 H o:: • ' "' -1. .:Y "'-· ,.... • l··r J.~ ~!!' N • r:r:: t:i• r r· , .. I 'I ~ :r.<' .. I ; . l. .-:-. ·1-... 1" !':: ~ [" • . . . • ~ l'j· ..i . . ltll •t~•· ~=-I • 0 ! 0 001 4 .. " .... ; . J.. I . . .. ' i ·• • • . ;--r'" . t . . t ,. ' ,..... t . r--~·~: ·1' . . 'l ,:,. TIJ' . ; j . ·I ! . ..f. + r-"fl i· .J.. -t--, I · .. ,. ;o.ONI+HI;~~~utrrdl~[!~!~'l' I I " -1.1 .. -1.2 -o.~ -o.• o o.« 0.1 1.2 t.l I d .. ... a ·o s I ... I J "" (~) F\q,l t ..... -o.t -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -24 -10 10 Sect.loa anal• or attae., «o, dc:r. MACA 0011 Wil11 BoaUoD . . jdJ.. Section fift ~~~?~I ---··-. DATA ON NACA 0012 AIRFOIL FROM ABBOT & von OOENHOFF (1959): (a) Coordinates; {b) Sketch of shape; (c) section drag versus lift coefficients; (d) Lift coefftcient versus angle-of-attack. R is the Reynolds number; airfoils are aerodynamically smooth except as noted; unflapped airfoil used in wind turbine is symmetrical about zero angle of attack in both lift and drag. 24 l ' ' for example, shows data taken on the symmetric NAf.A 0012 section which has a pee~ thickness some 12% of the chord about 30% of the chord back from the lEading ec!: The blade geometry and surface velocity distribution at zero lift are shown in pa~els (a) and (b). The profile drag coefficient ed = ed(et) is plotted in (c) at various Reynolds numbers, R = pWe/p,for laminar ooundary layer flow over smooth su~faces. Also shown is the curve for standard surface roughness which increases the drag. The lift curve el(a) plotted in (d) is ont.isynmetric about the zero lift line at a = 0, and roughly linear for lal < 100, after which the lift begins to drop off. Ultimately, at an angle of attack of about 16°, the section ••stalls" and further increases in angle of attack will only make matters worse, from the standpoint of lift. In the linear range, the lift curve slope is given by potential flow thin airfoil theory as 2w per radian, or 2w radian 4w 2 -= x ----= -• 0.11 deg-1 aa radian 360 deg 360 --a fairly good approximation to the experimental data for the 0012 foil when laJ < 10 deg. · AXIS OF ROTATION I I ... FIG. 2 WINDMILL BLADE GEOMETRY AND AERODYNk"!IC FORCES df" • .,W2c.dlt( C..tt!D-'• -4c,t6ht+) ciF .t • vWZc.dltC c..t """+ + c..cfD"• > -·· - Illustrated:above;in-Fjg~t 1~ a~ air.fotl s~tton incorporated into a propeller- type wind turbine. The blade is moving to the right, and the force and velocity vectors are those seen by the blade in its MOving coordinate system. The ge~etric pitch angle e(Jt) is a function of radius in general •. partfcularly for efficient designs incorporating aerodynamic twist. The section pitch is the distance it would advance forward in one complete revolution around the axis of rotation at.· a= 0, assuming zero slip between it and the fluid, l.e., 2w~e(~). This is basically the same ~efinition as that used for a machine screw or threaded rod. If. however, we want the entire blade to have a single (constant) pitch. then the geometric pitch angle is given by -6- ta.t.'? (Jt) = (R/Jt)..tane(R). (13) This means a decreases progressivly from a hypothetical axis pitch angle of 90c to some value e(R) at the blade tip. We wll show later that the blade tip pitc~ angle defines the tubine rotation rate under zero load conditions in a wind of speed U. Referring ag&in to Figure 2, notice that the blade at radius ~ sees the relative wind vector W wit~ axial and tangential· components U(1-a) and n(1 +a'}~. Its magnitude squared is therefore w2 = U2(1 -a)2 + n2~2(1 + a')2. It follows also from the geometry of Figure 2 that the relative wind of each section is at an angle to the plane of rotation equal to -[ l(l -a) l ' = e + a = tan-1 • m.(1+a') ' {14) Using (14) and the trigonometric id:ntities 1 + eot2+ • (~in2 ;)·1 and ~1¢ + cct9 = (4in~co4+)-l yields the alternate forms of the relative windspeed squared, W2 =:U2(1 -a)2J~in2; (lSa) w2 =:U~(1-4){1 + 4')/(~in9coJ;) (lSb) Now consider an actual wind turbine with B identical blades of chord distribution c(~) under load in general. Res~lution of the·lift and drag forces acting nonma1 to and along the relative wind vector into components fn the turbine axial and tangential directions :gives ... ~e differential axial force and differential torque acting over a differential radius (Cf •. Fig. 2), d ~ Be.pU 2 et(l -a)2 eo.r.+ -= ltBcPw2(eteo~+ -e ..&hr.+) • , dlt 4-24.iJt2. (16) (17) • To get the approximations on the f~r·r.h.s.•s we used (lSa.b).and neglected the influence of the profile drag teres on grounds that ~/eL << 1 over most of the usable angle-of·attack range. This is not striCtly speaklng true at zero angle of attack, of course, but frictionless conditions ~ be assumed there any- way .• which recovers the condition of no slip between the rotating blade ~~d fiuid at zero load conditions. Comparison of (16) and (17) with the e!rlier actuator dis~ ~xpressions of (1) and.(2) yields two equations relating the toea! ~~in~ ~olidity a(~} : Be/(2w~), l1ft coefficient e1 (a) and effective pitch angle e(~,:) • 6(~) ~a in terms of the axi!l and tangent111 interference factors, 4 aelc.o~+ a.' ael {18) -= and •-• 1 -4 44in 2+ 1 + a.' 4eo~+ Using (18) to eliminate~ and c' from {14) gives tr.e fcrm x(44~n2~ + oclco4~) = 4~~(4co~¢ -acl) {19) .Since a(~) is· fjxed by the design, and e(~) is either fixec or a function of n {in a variable-pitch horizontal axis turbine such as the HASA/OOE Mod series), and since ~ and ~l are functions of a, we may regard (19) as a relation between X • aR/U and a.·' For example, under no-load conditions cf a freely spinning turbine with frictionless bearings a= 0, + = e(~), and a • n. Under these conditions (19) reduces to 0 tana(~) = (R/~)tane(R) = 1/x = U/{n~) which is just equation (13) for a constant-pitch turbine b~t with the additional piece of information that the pitch angle at the tip is related to the no-load tipspeed ratio X0 =·a 0 R/U simply by (20) Thus is fairly easy to design a propeller-type turbine that will spin freely at a given rotation rate in a given wind. The hard job is to design one that produces power outputs approximating thc~e of the ideal rotating turbine discussed earlier. In order to obtain maximum power under given conditions of operation the factors a and a' must be related by equation (10). After substituting from (18) this condition can be reduced to acl = 4(1 -co.6+) (21) and then combining with {19) above gives .&i.n+ { 2co.6 + -1) x= --------(22) (1 + 2eo.6+){1 -co.6+) This equation determines the optimum variation of the ~ngle Q along the blade of the wind turbine. and (21) determines the corresponding values of ael • This analysis does not determine the shape of the blade uniquely but only the product of the chord and lift coefficient in the form ·Benet 46.i.n.+ ( 2e.06+ -1) -• xaet • 2.U . 1 + 2co.6+ The table and figure to the right give the numer- ical values determined by these these equations. This curve represents . -' the shape of the blade if ' ' • & ' • ...,. 10 40 ., • !••D C Ti"V I. I o I 0 O.l.S ; un 0.£: i O..ti.DO 1.:.:•) ; .... (23) -- • Iff I.!:.E..c 2 :r l' L 10' l.i'l 0.418 16 2.42 (!.329 JO 3.73 0.:28 I 1.00 O.IIG the blade angles are adjusted _ . to give a constant 11ft coefficient. For a slow-running wir::::-:,111, whose blade tip is represented by x = 1, the chords should increase ou~•!rd along the blade, I -8- -t but for a fast-running windmill, whose blade tip is represented by x = 4, the chords should decrease outward along the blade except in the innermost quarter or the blade. This indeed is ~1hat modern horizontal-axis blades look like. The total blade area S of the wind turbine is also defined by (23) if the lift coefficient has a constant value along the blade {constant a). This area is R 2wU~ X Bene! S = 1 Bc.dlt = -1 -dx, 0 o2 e! 0 2wU and hence the solidity of the windmill is s : 2 X Bene! a0 = -= -J · -dx wR2 X2e! 0 2wU (24} Some numerical values for a0ei· are ·tabulated below versus X. These were obtained by assuming numerical integration of the previous equation (23) function in equation (24). If e is assumed near unity (corresponding to a constant a = 10° for the NACAt0012 airfoil of Fig. 1), these may be regarded as solidities. The solidity increases from roughly 0.2 for a fast-running windmill (X • 4) to 1.0 for a slow-running windmill (X • 1). Thus the fast running windmill should resemble an ordinary propeller with rather wide blades, while the slow-running windmill must have a large number of blades with large blade angles. Indeed, modern wind turbine.blades look very much like those of helicopter main rotors which are basically vertical propellers (If the engine fails due·to a •flameout" the helicopter has to turn into a windmill with a high axial force upward on.the disk if the machine and human occupants are to survive). X = 1 2 3 4 5 • 0.98 0.48 0.29 0.19 0.14 REFERENCES Abbott, I.H., and A.E. von Doenhoff (1959) Theory of Wing Sectfons:Including a Summary of Airfoil Data, Dover Publications, NeW York. Eldridge, F.R (1980) Wind·Machines, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Glauert, H. (1934) Windmills and fans. In Aerod~1c Theor~;.Vol. IV, Chapt. XI, Div. L., edited by W.F. Durand, repr1n y Peter ith, Glouster, Mass., 1976, pp. 324-340. Gessow, A., and G.C. Myers (1967) Aerodynam1es of the Helicopter, Fredrick Unger Publishing Co., New York •. Goulding, E.W. (1976) The Generation of Electricity by Wind Power, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Hoffert, M.I., G.l,-Matloff and B. Rugg (1978) The Lebost Wind Turbine: Laboratory Tests and Data Analysis, Journal of Energy, Vol. 2, No. 3, 175-181. -9- l Pope, A. and J.J. Harper (19E~) L:w-Speed Wind Tunnel Testing, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Scott, D. (1981} Worlds bigges: ~~nd machine is a one·armed monster. Popular Science, January 1981 •. S¢rensen, B. (1979) Renewable :ne-g¥, Academic Press, New York; particularly his section 4.3 on Conversior. o WinG Energy. -10- NYC/DAS 84 127 ~y~·/c . .:= s:-1 B= 2.0 RO= .343 CX1GO= I ., -.-"":.~I~ tJO= 2. 2.50 XO= 4.0000 AO= • 3:::.8 CP.-' .. ;x= • 5515 PR R P:-11 ·-·::u::; THICK S!GCL c ALPHA CL .10 .0343 45.466 3S.033 .0478 1.195 .1898 -7.433 .678 .12 .0411 42.906 35.394 .0494 1.070 .1987 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 40.501 32.9Q9 .0498 .958 .2024 7.591 .714 .16 .0548 38.254 30.583 .0491 .859 .2022 7.671 .732 ----;».18 .0617 36.164 )S. 41¢:' .0478 .771 .1992 7.750 .750 • 20 .0686 34.227 25.398 .0461 .693 .1943 .7. 829 • 768 . . . .22 • 0754 . 32.435 2~.526 .0440 .624 .1881 .7.909 • 786 . .24 .0823 . 30.779 22.792 .0419 .. 563 .1811 ·7.988 .804 • 26 .0891 29.251 21.184 .0397 .510 .1737 8.067 .822 : .28 .0960 27.840 19.694 .0374 .(63 .1662 8.146 .840 .30 .1028 26.537 13.311 .0353 .421 .1587 _8. 226 .858 .32 .1097 25.332 17.028 .0332 .385 .1513 8.305 .876 .34 .1166 24.218 15.634 .0312 .352 .1441 8.384 .894 • 36 .1234 23.185 1". 722 .0293 .323 .1373 8.463 .912 ..,.,.. • 38 .1303 22·. 227 :J3.6S4. ~ .0276 .297 .1308 8.543 .930 .• 40 .1371 21.337 12. 715-' .0259 .274 .1245 8.622 .948 .42 .1440 20.508 11.807 .0243 :.254 .1187 ·8. 701 .966 . .44 .1508 19.736 lJ. 956 .0228 :.235 .1131 ·8. 780 .984 . . .46 .15i7 19.015 1~.156 .0215 .218 .1079 8.860 1.002 . ' .48 .1645 18.341 9.402 .0202 .203 .1029 8.939 1.020 .so .1714 17.710 8.E92 .0190 -.190 .0983 .9.018 1.038 .52 .1763 17.118 S.020 .0179 .177 .0939 9.098 1.056 .54 .1851 16.562 7. 385 .0168 .166 .0898 9.177 1.075 .56 .1920 16.038 e.7S2 .0158 .156 .0859 9.256 1.093 ~(·58 .19C8 15.545 ~:21ll~ .0149 .146 .0823] 9.335 1.111 . .60 • 2057 15.080 ~~~ .... .0141 .138 .0789 9.415 1.129 . .62 .2125 14.640 5.H6 .0133 .130 .0756 .9.494 1.147 . .64 .2194 14.225 <4. 651 .0125 .123 .0726 .9. 573 1.165 . • 66 .2262 13.831 4.178 • 0118 .. 116 .0697 .9.652 1.183 . .68 .2331 13.457 3.725 .0112 .110 .0670 9.732 1.201 .70 .2400 13.103 3.292 .0106 .104 .0644 9.811 1.219 .72 .2468 12.765 2.875 .0100._ .099 .0620 .9.890 1.237 .74 .2537 12.445 2.475 .0095 .094 .0600 9.970 1.247 .76 .2605 12.139 2.090 .0091 .089 .0584 10.049 1.253 .78 .2674 11.848 ~19 .0087 .085 .0569 10.128 1.259 ,.80 .2742 11-.569 · .. ~-362~ .0083 .081 .0554 10.207 1.264 . .o&i .2811 llu39C :~en .ee'' a898 .0540 l:lh· .82 .2811 . 11.304 1.017 • 0079 .078 .0540 10.287 1.270 . .84 .2880 . 11.049 .683 • 0075 ~o074 .0526 10.366 1.275 . .86 .2948 10.806 .361 • 0072 ;.071 .0513 10.445 1.281 . .88 .3017 10.573 .049 .0069 .068 .osoo 10.524 1.286 .90 .3085 10.349 -.254 .0066 .065 .0488 10.604 ' 1.292 .92 .3154 10.135 -.549 .0063 . .062 .0477 10.683 1.298 .94 .3222 9.929 -.833 • 0060 .060 .0465 10 .. 762 1.303 .96 .3291 9.731 -1.110 .0057 • 05'3 .0455 10.841 1.309 .98 .3359 9.541 -l.3SO .0055 .ass .0444 10.921 1.314 ~ 1.00 .3428 9.357 '-.:r:"643 -., .0052 .053 .0434 11.000 1.320 1 t\Y',.;/J/l.S 83-108 RO= .343 01GO= 4.179 UO= 1.800 XO= 5.0000 AO= .332~ Cl?Mil.X= .·5704 PR R PHI THET~ THICK SIGCL ,.. ALPHA CL "" .10 .0343 42.290 34.857 .0416 1.041 .1654 7.433 .678 .12 .0411 39.357 31.845 .0419 .907 .1685 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 35.672 29.081 .0411 .792 .1672 ·1. 591 .714 .16 .0548 34.227 26.556 .0396 .693 ~ .7.671 .732 :;:>.18 .0617 32.009 (24.-259j .0377 .608 7.750 • 750 . .20 .0686 30.000 21:lii-.0356 .536 .1503 7.829 .768 .22 .0754 28.182 20.274 .0335 .474 .1429 7.909 .786 .24 .0823 26.537 18.549 .0313--.• 421 .1355 _7. 988 .804 .26 .0891 25.046 16.979 .0292 .376 .1281 8.067 .822 .28 .0960 23.692 15.545 .0273 .337 .1210 8.146 .840 . .30 .1028 22.460 14.234 .0254 .303 • 1142 8.226 .858 .32 .1097 21.337 13.032 .0237 .274 .1078 8.305 .876 • 34 .1166 . 20.310 11.926 .0221 .. -.249 ~1018 .a. 384 .894 . .36 .1234 19.370 ~ .0206 •226 .0962 ·8.463 .912 . :>.38 .1303 18.506 <-? .0192 .. 207 ~g~ ·8.543. .930 . .• 40 .1371 17.710 9.-088 .0179 .190 8 8.622 .948 .42 .1440 16.976 8.274 .0167 .174 .0816 8.701 .966 .44 .1508 16.296 7.515 • 0156 -. -.161 .0774 -8.780 .984 j .46 .1577 15.666 6.806 .0146 .149 .0734 8.860 1.002 .48 .1645 15.080 6.141 .0137 .138 .0698 8.939 1.020 .so .1714 14.534 5.516 .0128 .128 .0664 9.018 1.038 .52 .1783 14.025 4.927 .0120 .119 .0632 9.098 1.056 .54 .1851 13.549 4.372 .0113 .111 .0602 9.177 1.075 .56 .1920 13.103 3.846 .0106 • 104 .Q..m. -9.256 1.093 . )[•58 .1988 12.684 /-3 .. 348 \ .0100 .098 /70549.,..: .g. 335 1.111 .60 .2057 12.290 ', _2. 875_) .0094 .. 092 '--0525) ·9. 415 1.129 . .62 .2125 11.919 2:-425 .0088 .086 .0502 9.494 1.147 .64 .2194 11.569 1.996 .0083 .081 .0481 9.573 1.165 .66 .2262 11.239 1.586 .0078 .077 .0461 .9 • .652 1.183 .68 .2331 10.926 1.195 .0074 .073 .0442 9. 732 1.201 .70 .2400 10.630 .819 .0070 .069 .0425 9.811 1.219 .72 .2469 10.349 .459 .0066 .065 .0408 9.890 1.237 .74 .2537 10.083 .113 .0062 .062 .0395 9.970 1.247 • 76 . .2605 9.829 -.220 • 0059 -.059 .0384 10.049 1.253 . .78 .2674 9.588 ~ .0057 .. 056 .0373· 10.128 1.259 . -=,-.80 .2742 9.357 ') .0054 .o53 --'.0363\ 10.207 1. 264 . .82 .2811 9.138 .. 0052 .051 • 0353,; 10.287 1.270 .84 .2880 8.928 -1.438 .0049 .048 .0344 10.366 1.275 .86 .2949 8.728 -1.717 .0047 . -.• 046 .0335 10.445 1.281 .88 .3017 8.536 -1.988 .0045 .044 .0326 10.524 1.286 .90 .3085 8.353 -2.251 .0043 ~042 .0318 10.604 1.292 .92 .3154 8.177 -2.506 .0041 .041 .0310 10.683 1.298 .94 .3222 8.008 -2.755 .0039 .039 .0303 10.762 1.303 .96 .3291 7.846 -2.996 .0037 .037 .0296 10.841 1.309 ' .98 .3359 7-.690 ~31 . • 0036 .036 .0289 10.921 1.314 ri1.00 .3428 7.54o -3.46o-; .oo34 .035 ,.o282\ 11.ooo 1.320 z NYU/DAS 83-108 RO=· .343 O.tGO= -... _.. 4.179""-UO= ' 1.500 . -.. ~-- XO= 6.0000 AO= .3327 CPMAX= .5759· PR R PHI THETA THICK SIGCL c ·ALPfJ!'\ CL · .10 .0343 39.357 31.925 .0363 .907 .1441 7.433 .678 .12 .0411 36.164 28.652 .0356 .771 .1431 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 33.313 25 •. 722 .0341 .657 .1388 .7 .591 .714 .16 .0548 30.779 23.109 .0322 .563 .1326 7.671 .732 )' .18 .0617 2a. 532 ....:..... 20 :-~~D . 0301 .486 (.:J-156 .. -'-7. 750 .750 .20 .0686 26.537 18.708 .0280 .421 .1182 7.829 .768 .22 .0754 24.764 16.856 .0260 .j68 .1109 7.909 .786 .24 .0823 23.185 15.197 .0240 .323 .1038 7.988 .804 .26 .0891 21.774 13.707 .0222 .. 285 .0972 -8.067 .822 . .28 .0960 20.508 12.362 .0205 .254 • 0910 8.146 .840 .30 .1028 19.370 11.144 .0190 .226 .0852 8.226 .858 .32 .1097 18.341 10.036 .0175 .203 .0799 8.305 .876 .34 .1166 17.409 9.025 .0162 .• 183 .0750 8.384 .894 .36 .1234 16.562 8.098 .0151 ·.166 .0705 ·8. 463 .912. > .38 .1303 15.788 ~) .0140 .151 G:®6b 8.543 .930 .40 .1371 15.080 6:458 .0130 .138 .o62c 8.622 .948 .42 .1440 14.430 5.728 .0121 .• .126 .0591 -8 .. 701 .966 .44 .1508 13.831 5.050 .0113 .116 .ossa 8.780 .984 .46 .1577 13.278 4.418 .0105 .107 .0528 8.860 1.002 • .48 .1645 12.765 3.826 .0098 .099 .0501 8.939 1.020 • so .1714 12.290 3.272 .0092 .092 .0475 .9. 018 1.038 . .52 .1783 11.848 2.750 .0086 ... o8s .0452 .9.098 1.056 . .54 .1851 11.435 2.259 • 0080 "079 .0430 -9.177 1.075 . .56 .1920 11.049 1.793 • 0075 .074 .0409 9.256 1.093 >[·58 .1988 10.688 !'1:".~ .0071 .069 • 390 9.335 1.111 .• 60 • 2057 .. 10.349 '......._g,Js,.. .0067 .. 065 .0373 ·9. 415 1.129 . . .62 .2125 . 10.031 .537 • 0063 .061 ·9.494 1.147 . . .64 .2194 9.731 .158 .0059 .058 .0341 ·9.573 1.165 . .66 . .2262 9.448 -.204 .0055 • 054 .0326 9.·652 1.183 .68 .2331 9.181 -.551 .0052 .051 .0313 9.732 1.201 .70 .2400 8.928 -.883 .0049 .048 .0300 9.811 1.219 .72 .2468 8.689 -1.201 .0046 .CM6 .0288 9.890 1.237 .74 .2537 8.462 -1.508 .0044 .044 .0278 .g. 970 1.247 . .76 .2605 8.246 -1.803 .0042 .. 041 .0270 10.049 1.253 . ..• 78 .2674 8.041 ~ .0040 • 039 .01§2. 10.128 1.259 . >-80 .2742 7.846 .0038 .037 ~10.207 1.264 . .82 .28ll 7.659 -2.627 .0036 .036 • 10.287 1.270 .84 .2880 7.482 -2.884 .0035 •034 .0242 10.366 1.275 . .86 .2948 7.312 -3.133 • 0033 ~033 .0235 10.445 1.281 . .88 .3017 7.150 -3.375 .0032 ~031 • 0229 10.524 1.286 .90 . • 30'35 6.994 -3.609 .0030 .030 .0223 10.604 1.292 .92 .3154 6.846 -3.837 .0029 .029 .0218 10.683 1.298 .94 .3222 6.703 -4.059 .0027 .027 .0212 10.762 1.303 .96 .3291 6.566 -4.275 .0026 .026 .0207 10.841 1.309 . .98 .3359 6.435 <:=!.48h .0025 .025 .0202 10.921 1.314 -~1.00 .3428 6.308 .692 .0024 .024 (.019~ . 11. 000 1. 320 . 3 NYU/OkS S3-108 S=. 3.0 RO= .343 01GO= 4.179 UO= 3.000 I ..... ) XO= 3.0000 J\0= .338i CPMAX= .5454 l PR R Hi I THETA THICK SIGCL c ALPHA CL .10 .0343 48.867 41.434 .0365 1.369 .1450 7.433 .678 .12 .0411 46.801 39.289 .03a9 1.262 .1562 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 44.812 37.220 .0402 1.162 .1636 7.591 .714 .16 .054a 42.906 35.235 .040a 1.070 .1679 7.671 .732 ~.1a .0617 41.087 33.337 • 0407 :gas .1698 7.750 • 750 . .• 20 .06a6 39.357 31.528 • 0402 :907 .1696 "7 .829 • 768 . .22 .0754 37.717 29.80a .0393 :836 .1680 '7 .909 • 786 . .• 24 .Oa23 36.164 28.176 .0382 • 771 • 1652 7.9a8 .804 . .26 .0891 . 34.697 26.630 .0369 • 711 .1615 a.067 .a22 .28 .0960 33.313 25.167 • 0354 .657 .1573 a.146 .a4o . .30 .1028 32.009 23.7a3 .0340 .6oa .1526 ·a.226 .a58 .32 . .1097 30.779 22.475 .0324 :s63 .1477 a.305 .a76 .34 .1166 29.622 21.238 .0309 .523 .1427 a.3a4 .894 .36 .1234 28.532 20.068 .0294 .4a6 .1376 a.463 .912 -7-38 .1303 27.505 18.962 .0279 .452 .1326 a.543 .930 .• 40 .1371 26.537 17.915 .0265 .421 .1276 8.622 .94a .42 .1440 25.625 16.924 .0252 .393 .122a a.701 .966 .44 .1508 24.764 15. 9a4 • 023a .36a .1180 ·a. 1ao .• 9a4 . .46 .1577 23.952 15.093 .0226 :344 .1135 ·a.a6o 1. 002 . .4a .1645 23.1as 14.246 .0214 .323 .1091 8.939 1.020 .so .1714 22.460 13.442 .0203 .303 .1049 9.01a 1.03a .52 .17a3 21.774 12.676 .0192 .2a5 .1008 '9.09a 1.056 . .54 • 1851 21.124 11.947 .01a2 • 269 .0970 9.177 1.075 . .56 . .1920 20.508 11.252 .0172 .254 .0933 9.256 1.093 .sa] .1988 19.924 [10.589) .0163 .239 [.oaga] 9.335 1.111 "7.60 .2057 19.370 9.955 .0154 .226 .Oa64 9.415 1.129 .62 .2125 1a.a43 9.349 .0146 .214 .Oa32 9.494 1.147 .64 .2194 1a.341 a.76a .0138 .203 .0802 9.573 1.165 .66 .2262 17.864 8.212 .0131 .193 .0773 9.652 1.183 .6a .2331 17.409 7.678 .0124 ~183 .0745 9.732 1.201 .70 .2400 16.976 7.165 .0118 :174 • 0719 9.811 1.219 . .72 .2468 16.562 6.671 • 0112 ~166 .0694 '9.890 1.237 . ~74 .2537 16.166 6.197 .0106 .158 .0674 9.970 1.247 .76 .2605 15.788 ~.739 .0102 .151 .0657 10.049 1.253 .78 .2674 15.426 5.298 .0098 .144 • 0641 i0.128 1.259 . ....,.80 .2742 15.080 4.873 .0093 ~138 .0626 i0.207 1.264 .82 . .2811 14.748 4.461 .0089 :132 .0611 10.287 1.270 . .84 .2880 14.430 4.064 .0086 .126 .0597 10.366 1.275 .• 86 .2948 14.124 3.679 .0082 .121 .0583 10.445 -1.2a1 .88 .3017 13.831 3.306 .0078 .116 .0570 10.524 1.286 .90 .3085 13.549 2.945 .0075 .111 .0557 10.604 1.:92 . .92 .3154 13.279 2.595 .0072 .107 .0544 i0.683 1.298 .94 .3222 13.017 2.254 .0069 ·.103 .0532 ~0.762 1.303 .96 .3291 12.765 1.924 .0066 .099 .0521 lO.a41 1.309 ~ .9a .3359 12.523 1.603 .0063 .OS5 .0509 10.~21 1.314 . 1.00 .342a 12.290 1.290 .0060 ~092 .0499 ~1.000 1.320 . 4 NYU/ DAS 83-1C3 , RO= • 343 0'-~GO= 4.179 . UO= 1.800 XO= 5.0000 AO= • 332~ CPMAX= .5704 PR R mr THETA '!lUCK SIGCL c ALPHA CL .10 .0343 42.290 34.857 .0278 1.041 .1103 7.433 .678 .12 .0411 39.357 31.845 .0279 .907 .1123 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 36.672 29.081 .0274 .792 .1115 7.591 .714 .16 .0548 34.227 26.556 .0264 .693 .1087 7.671 .732 '? .18 .0617 32.009 . 24.259:1.0251 .608 .1048 7.750 .750 .20 .0686 30.000 ·-22 :1 ii . 0238 .536 .1002 7.829 .768 .22 .0754 28.182 20.274 .0223 .474 .0953 7.909 .786 :.24 .0823 26.537 18.549 .0209 .421 .0903 7.988 .804 .26 .0891 25.046 16.979 .0195 .376 .0854 8.067 .822 .28 .0960 23.692 15.545 .0182 .337 .0807 8.146 .840 .30 .1028 22.460 14.234 .0169 .303 .0762 8.226 .858 .32 .1097 21.337 13.032 .0158 .274 .0719 8.305 .876 .34 .1166 20.310 11.926 .0147 .249 .0679 8.384 .894 .36 .1234 19.370 10.906-.0137 .226 .0641 8.463 .912 ., • 38 .1303 18.506 ~3~.0128 • 201 c:~ o.6o7J 8.543 .930 .40 .1371 17.710 • S' .0119 .190 .0574 8.622 .948 .42 .1440 16.976 8.274 .0111 .174 .0544 8.701 .966 • 44 .1508 16.296 7.515 .0104 .161 .0516 8.780 .984 .46 .1577 15.666 6.806 .0097 .149 .0490 8.860 1.002 . .48 .1645 15.080 6.141 .0091 .138 .0465 8.939 1.020 ~ .so .1714 14.534 5.516 .0085 .128 .0443 9.018 1.038 \ .52 .1783 14,025 4.927 .0080 .119 .0421 9.098 1.056 .54 .1851 13.549 4.372 .0075 .111 .0402 9.177 1.075 .56 .1920 13.103 3.846 .0071 .104 .0383 9.256 1.093 >["58 .1988 12.684 r 3. 34!1 .0066 .o98 r .03661 9.335 1.111 -. .60 .2057 12.290 -2.875-.0062 .092 .... 0350.; 9.415 1.129 .62 .2125 11.919 2.425 .0059 .086 .0335 9.494 1.147 .64 .2194 11.569 1.996 .0055 .081 .0321 9.573 1.165 / .66 .2262 11.239 1.586 .0052 .077 .0307 9.652 1.183 .68 .2331 10.926 1.195 .0049 .073 .0295 9.732 1.201 ·• 70 .2400 10.630 .819 .0046 .069 .0283 9.811 1.219 .72 .2468 10.349 .459 -·.0044 .065 .0212 9.890 1.237 : .74 .2537 10.083 .113 .0042 .062 .0263 9.970 1.247 ~ ....... 76 .2605 9.829 -.220 .0040 .059 .0256 10.049 1.253 ' .78 ! .2674 9.588 -.540 .0038 .056 .0249 10.128 1.259 >.so .2742 9.357 · ~. ssO) • 0036 .053 .0242 10.207 1.264 .82 .2111 9.138 -1 ... 149 .0034 .051 .0235 10.287 1.270 .84 .2880 8.928 -1.438 .0033 .048 .0229 10.366 1.275 I • .86 .2948 8.728 -1.717 .0031 .046 .0223 10.445 '1.281 ('\ .88 .3017 8.536 -1.988 .0030 ,044 .0218 10.524 1.296 .90 .3085 8.353 -2.251 .0029 .042 .0212 10.604 1.292 .92 .3154 8.177 -2.506 .0027 .041 .0207 10.683 1.298 .94 .3222 8.008 -2.755 .0026 .039 .0202 10.762 1.303 '.96 .3291 7.846 -2.996 .0025 .037 .0197 10.841 1.309 .98 .3359 7.690 -3.231 .0024 .036 .0193 10.921 1.314 :--::;>1.00 .3428 7.540 . "' .035 .0188 11.000 1.320 -3.460 ·, .0023 6 NYU/ OAS 83-108 . RO= .343 01GO= 4.179 UO= 2.250 XO= 4.0000 ~0= .3318 CPMAX= .5615 PR. R PHI THET~ THICK SIGCL c ALPHA CL .10 .0343 45.466 38.033 .0318 1.195 .1265 7.433 .678 .12 .0411 42.906 35.394 .0330 1.070 .1325 7.512 .696 .14 .0480 40.501 32.909 .0332 .958 .1349 7.591 • 714 .16 .0548 38.254 30~83 .0327 .859 .1348 7.671 • 732 7 .18 .0617 36.164 (28 .• 4i4J .0319 .771 ~ 7.750 .750 .20 .0686 34.227 26.398 .0307 .693 . 7.829 .768 .22 .0754 32.435 24.526 .0294 .624 .1254 7.909 .786 .• 24 .0823 3!1.779 22.792 .0279 .563 .!207 7.999 .804 : .26 .0891 29.251 21.184 .0264 .510 .1158 8.067 .822 • 28 .0960 27.840 19.694 .0250 .463 .1108 8.146 .840 .30 .1028 26.537 18.311 .0235 .421 .1058 8.226 .858 .32 .1097 25.332 17.028 .0221 .385 .1009 8.305 .876 .34 .1166 24.218 15.834 .0208 .352 .0961 8.384 .894 .36 .1234 23.185 14.722 .0196 .323 .0915 8.463 .912 -;> .38 .1303 22. 227 cu_._(i84) .0184 .297 <;:Q872 -' 8. 543 .930 .40 .1371 21.337 12.715 .0173 .274 .0830 8.622 .948 .42 .1440 20.508 11.807 .0162 .254 .0791 8.701 ·.966 .44 .1508 19.736 10.956 .0152 .235 .0754 8.780 .984 • 46 .1577 19.015 10.156 .0143 .218 .0719 8.860 1.002 .48 .1645 18.341 9.402 .0135 .203 .0686 8.939 1.020 .so .1714 17.710 8.692 .0127 .190 .0655 9.018 1.038 .52 .1783 17.118 8.020 .0119 .177 .0626 9.098 1.056 .54 .1851 16.562 7.385 .0112 .166 .0599 9.177 1.075 .56 .1920 16.038 6.782 .0106 .156 .0573 9.256 1.093 r-581 .1988 15.545 (6.210 .0100 .146 .0549]' 9.335 1.111 __, .60 .2057 15.080 ~6~ .0094 .138 .0526 1 9.415 1.129 .62 .2125 14.640 • :46 .0089 .130 .0504 9.494 1.147 .64 .2194 14.225 4.651 .0084 .123 .0484 9.573 1.165 .66 .2262 13.831 4.178 .0079 .116 .0465 9.652 1.183 .68 .2331 13.457 3.725 .0074 .110 .0447 9.732 1.201 .70 .2400 13.103 3.292 .0070 .104 .0429 9.811 1.219 .72 .2468 12.765 2.875 .0067 .099 .0413 9.890 1.237 .74 .2537 12.445 2.475 .0063 .094 .0400 9.970 1.247 .76 .2605 12.139 2.090 .0060 .089 .0389 10.049 1.253 .78 .2674 11.848 1.719 .0058 .085 .0379 10.128 1.259 -'.80 .2742 11.569 ~..::1..-J~-:"} .0055 .081 (. 0369 ' 10. 207 1.264 .82 .2811 11.304 1.017 .0053 .078 .0360 10.287 1.270 .84 .2880 11.049 .683 .ooso .074 .0351 10.366 1.275 .86 .2948 10.806 .361 .0048 .071 .0342 10.445 1.281 .88 .3017 10.573 .049 .0046 .068 .0334 10.524 . 1.286 .90 .3085 10.349 -.254 .0044 .065 .0325 10.604 1.292 .92 .3154 10.135 -.548 .0042 .062 .0318 10.683 1.298 .94 .3222 9.929 -.833 .0040 .060 .0310 10.762 1.303 .96 .3291 9.731 -1.110 .0038 .058 .0303 10.841 1.309 .98 .3359 9.541 -1.380 .0036 .055 .0296. 10.921 1.314 -7 1.00 .3428 9.357 --1.643 .• 0035 .053 .. .0290 \ 11.000 1.320 5 ' :c 8.3-1J3 ;~ Yu1 ~,..-. .J __ _ ~-\ \.\ -. t-z -r: ..• ~ ;:'.,. .... (l~ Jr z, 'tl ' ..J ,._ ..-:: 2• If i !... .... ~• ,;) g - ~ . I ;:,.. \/ ..---( __ , ... , /' tO' ., ~--.?-- J ...,.. \ ; ~ ·-'•, 0 ., .: ~ . .. . -~ :S .. • . ~ ;; ~ .; , -" " "' J .. .. j < > i~~ 1 -« I ... :"' i * * ~ I-~~ / 'i~ ; l ~ ' ;-L ::> I ·- v 7 -- ............ .. i <( . ~ "" ) ---,:- '( -· 0 .• 1 l\ ... "' ~ . ""' ~ -< : ..,!-~ ~.o .... .( '.. . .a ... _,. I L-.J ::::_, .--. ........ 2:::: s " ' I '-/') 13 > .. v ~ 5 .. w "' ..;: --. 'Z -'-~ ( r ~ .,. " • z 'J -::::_ ~ ----l I --. -------- -------J < .,.. NY~· :;;..s 8 3-L3 -=-=<ll 0 ....... _ I ., I • i ... -4 ~ \ ' -~ I ';- .... { . .;. t '. ~ : i. ..... £ r .:.... ..... - ~;~ I ~,j;~ \),_,_ ... .4>· 8 .. i • .:5 0 :! ., "' l c .. .... ·--~ ~-----.. "' c. ----~ 7 J 'f ~ I '""1 , I~~~ ,l_J I;: I~ 1,; · I a f"'-" t Q_ It I i ..J! :LJ I Oi 01 2: . I ~' ' I .. "' ' ! I wJ I .. I I I II I z :II) I~ e v c:: ' oJO v .uJ ~ z .::r " <( ·~ '> ., 2 - :::: ____ _ ----"' I. I. L :l \ i ;~ !! I ~---~ cl , .• -~ .. ,~ / ' I "' i ) ~ I .... ," -·,j ,, "' 3 :· ., -· ~ .; .: .. : .:. ... ! J. ~ 1 ' \j < • ~. .. ,, ~ •' . ., "" ~ ~ , f ~ .. 0 ) I, . . ., .~ .,. "1- ~ .- 10 II. ._, ;:-r "· -~ ! c ::: .... ----- ~ ,--.. " _. '--I.) ,, C' .. .. ~ •:. ·"' ) ~ c .. ~ .. .. .. " "' .. ll . .. ~ .. .J .j '8 L b1 uJ I- :1 , • ,1 . :r • u .. ' " ,. .._ ' 0 ~ < ..... 2 - ::s:::: :;;) <( ! ~~~ ~ - ...,..-: i ' --... < ·,.. ~ I ~., \ ·~\ I\ . ~ \\ I ;;, ~~. <.)' - '' ' ;( : \ I .. ... ·- - ~ if ~ . • r; ~ ;:.:. !' 1. .. ......._ :~TI ·~ ; J! ......L ' : -L..t. /1'1-r / ' / --' --~ s " ., "' "' g "' .. .. C> <::> Q "' --5 t. :! ~ .. ... 0 '!! Q 0 Cl 0 ;. ____ _ ...... ________ Cl J 9 1 tO . ~. ~:-~ ... :}~~~ tto So :t- f-o . ,- -· .. .. ~ 0 ·-. ~-...... ·---~ .. -.-.E:'.--- "' :! c \' ~ "' . c-:; .. .... ~· •:: ... .. "' t 11 ! ~· 0 8 ... c.: I ... ... '£ c ~ ,- '')0 l:.l' --- ---- .. c 0 ., t:! ci ···~/ f/ v" ; ~ ' ..- :,0 e..' ~ a..:: if~ ~7 -.. • == 1. .. ~ ;--'it e:._ . ai wJ 0 ,.-.. "'-\ 2: ~ ,/J w_;: 1-; \...; 0 " L.J • ~ -. ., < 1.:::(. .~ ' - NYU/DAS 84 127 I L,:.-s .. ~oo - -g.. 7o& -· - BLADE 82X 4 ··~c--.. ,.,_ SEC-T I ON R . . ·. CHORD 7. 891 I~~ . . . .. . RADIUS 2··. 50 IN StALE . Fu'LI~. < • • l:\.~00 d =-•OS/ BLADE B2X4C ·-- SECTION I CHORD · 1 • 732 IN . : . . . .. RADIUS 13.64 I SCALE FULL· - IW\~T · ~ t. (;~ 1)£' --....... .oSo ~~t _j_~-b-' __..;--------··.. /0( = '3.\'ZS BLADE B2X4 --CL SECT ION R ... 8J . . . . ~., CHORD 8. 056 I·N .,_ RADIUS 2.50 -IN SCALE FULL TW\~~ 31.72· ~EG. I I I G I :::=---.. BLADE B2X'l CL SECTION J (TIP) CHORD 1.732 IN RADIUS 16.68 IN SCALE FULL 'fW \ S'f ...r l. b4-'])[' ·• ··. BLRDE TRPER SECTION CHORD RADIUS TWIST B3X4 __ CL T 21 To-·· ··1 R (HUBJ 4 a 04 IN 2 a 50 IN 30a9l DEG SHEET 1 OF 10 NYU HYDRO 11-1 KHECS TEST HODEL CORREN/ARHSiRONG/Hlt DIMENSIONS EXPANDED FOR CASTINC ONE ONLY RECUlREO StALE FULL BLADE B3X4 CLT TAPER 21 TO 12 SECTION J (TIPJ CHORD 1 I 18 IN RADIUS 16.68 IN TWIST .36 DEG SHEET 10 ·OF 10 NYU HYDRO 11-: 6-8::! Kt£CS TEST MODEl. CORREN!fW'\STRIJ\~/~: LL~ DU1ENSIOHS EXPR.~DD . FOR CASTING ONE ON.. Y ftEQUl REO SCALE FULL d. BLADE B3 · CLT SECTION A ( UBJ CHORD 3.37 IN RADIUS ·z.so IN TWIST· 26.92 DEG st£!T 1 CF 10 11YU tmltO 11-1 ICJ£CS TEST KOtEl C~RWUARHSTR~G/Ml DJJEHSIONS EXrAND.EI rmt tAS'TlNC liE ON.. Y JtSIJIR.ED sau fW. ~!' ~ 4 = -· o44 , BLROE B3X5 CLT SECTION J (TIPl CHORD .86 IN RADIUS 16.68 IN TWIST -1 • 20 DEG SfEET 10 OF 10 NYU HYDRO 11· ICtECS lEST ltDDEl I:CIMEN/AMS'TitONC/,. Dli&SlDNS EXPNQf FDR tAS11NC · liE IN. 1 REDUlltEJ Sal.! F1ll _ 4.o2.o = l. s~z I BLADE B2x6'' SECTION R (HUBJ CHORD 5.38 IN RADIUS 2.50 IN -TWIST 23.76 DEG SHE!T 1 OF 10 NYU HYDRO 9-2! II£CS TEST HODEl. aRtfNIARHSTRONG/MI~ DIMENSIONS EXPANDED FOR CASTING atE ON.. Y R!.QUJRED SCA...E FW. Gt ......, BLRDE B2X6 CL SECTION J (TIPJ CHORD .79 IN RRDIUS 16.68 IN TWIST -2.69 DEG St£ET 10 OF 10 NYU HYDRO 9· IO£CS TEST HODEL awtENIARHSTRc:wG/t DIJ£NSIDHS EXPAN.Of. Flit CASTING CIE ONLY REQUIRED saLE FULL NYU/DAS 84-127 .- "' .. ... APPENDIX III CIRCULATING WATER CHANNEL OPERATING AND INSTRUCTION MANUAL NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER Central Instrumentation Department Control Systems Division · Prepared by L. Shuman March 1965 Revised September 1972 I. INTRODUCTION CIRCULATING WATER CHANNEL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1.01 The Circulating Water Channel is a basic research facility or the Naval Research and Development Center in which the model under going testing is held stationary in a moving water stream or regulated velocity. 1.02 The Channel is powered by two 1,000 hp synchro- nous motors mounted on top or the Channel structure. These motors drive impellers through vertical shafts with the hydraulic thrusts acting against gravity forces on the rotora and counterbalancing the weight or the rotating ele- ments. Although it is usually operated with both motors running, the controls are such that the Channel can be run with only one motor. A longitudinal section or the Channel is shown in Figure 1. II. OPERATING CAPABILITIES 2.01 The synchronous motor speed is 80 rpm for the 90 pole, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 2,300 volt impeller motors. 2.02 Since the impeller speed is fixed, water speed is•. adjusted by varying the impeller blade angle. This is done by admission or oil under pressure to the upper or lower side or a piston mounted in a hydraulic cylinder at the upper end or the drive shaft. The beade angee is controlled remotely and gan be varied from +,.o to +~2 With an accu- racy of l/100 • Blade angle can be adjusted either independ- ently or simultaneously on both motors. 2.02.01 The clearance on the impeller blades 1s not close to any fixed value. At the time of construction assembly there was interference between aome or the blades and the throat ring. The condition was remedied by hand grinding the blades where neceaaary. 'l'he clearances uy be said to ranse between 0.070 and 0.125-inch. 2.0, Each main motor ia rated at 1,000 hp, I&0°C rise, r. :. .;-continu~ duty. They will deliver 1.25Q hp tgr 2 hour!.-.-t,E ~,.;·~_.:..· W1 th a 55 0 C riae and develop 1, 750 hp for 8 llinutes, also J/l --~-.~· .. :-· with a 55 C rise • ~-~;,a..:;. · .,,. · · --. 2.~ The approximate speed limit for the Channel is 10 knots for 20 minutes with a 0.6 knot minimum. With the 2 hour elevated duty cycle a maximum water velocity of 9.5 knots results, while the 8 minute elevated condition w1l~ give a top speed of 10.5 knots. 2.05 The best operating range is between 1 to 6 knots where water speed can be held constant to within 1/10 of a knOt. 2.06 Water speed can be changed at any time during a teat, but 3 minutes must be allowed for water to resettle and assume uniform flow after a change has been made. 2.07 A maximum thrust for the 8 minute duty cycle rate per motor:has been calculated at ~0,200 pounds force. 2.08 The efficiency or the pumps at rated load has been estimated at 81~. 2.09 Tow points can be located above, at or below the water surface, at the centerline or ne8r one aide of the Channel test section, a 22 foot wide by 60 foot long area. There are also miscellaneous mounting holes located on the bottom of the Channel. Water depth can be ad.juated up to a ~aximum of 9' in this section. 2.09.01 The towins beam is constructed from e ~ 14" x 10" x 61 lb. beam 26-reet long. The beam is at- tached at each end to a pipe at8nchion which allows conttn· uous adjustment between the bottom of the beam and the 6- root waterline from 5·3/4 inches to 33-3/4 inches when the beam is attached to the stanchion at a point below the bridge clamp. When the beam is att~ched to the atan~h1on eo that it is above the bridge clamp the continuous ed.1ust- ment between the bottom of the beam and the 6-foot w~terline ranges from 4'-3 1/8" to 6'-10 1/2". The model is attached to the bottom~lange or the towing beam by any or the stend- ard towing struts used on Carriages 1 and 2. Drawings for the bridge structure which supports the towing beam over the Channel are A-8484 to A-8~9~ inclusive. The towing beam drawings are E-1659-1 through E-1659-5. · 2.09.02 The design loads for the towing beBm are •• tollows: TOWING BEAM LOADS Steady state drag(truas wheels blocked) Side force (at 6 ft. waterline, mid-beam-span) Yaw force Maximum model weight 3,000 lb. ;,ooo lc. 10,000 lb.-ft. 10,000 lb. Nodela up to 27-feet long may be tested in water depth that ~an be adjusted up to a maximum or 9-!eet. Modele '0-feet long may be tested in water to a maxi~m or 6-teet deep. · 2.10 Electrical servicea available at the Channel in- .clude 125 VAC~ single phase: 220 VAC# three phase delta: 6 VAC, aingle phase, 12? VDCJ and 15-400 VDC. (See aection ·~Electrical Services and Figure 2). 2.11 A three ton crane ia availa:le tor local moving along the Channel but a 6-toot clearL~ce over the Channel uall limits its use. Also available, but primarily intend- ed for lifting the pump motors, is a 20 ton crane with very restricted travel in the east-west direction. 2.12 There are 48 dye tubes available ~hat can be con- nected to a test model and will admit dye·under variable pressure from 0 to b? psi. 2.13 The Channel has 29 windows ~or viewing tests, 10 each on the north and south walls L~~ 9 underneath the test !ection. The 7 upper windows on eacr. aide ~ave 2' x b• openings while the lower 3 and all -~~dows underneath h~ve 1-l/2' x b• openings. 2.lh Banks of hb floodlights are located on both the north and south w~lla and each bank is controlleJ by a variac and safety switch located o~ t~e north center of the test section, second tloor. Meters a:op the v~riac show the ac voltage applied to the ligh~s. 2.15 The Channel ia equipped wit~ a system or three filters and the necessary pumps to pe~it the 670,000 gallons or water in the Channel to pass through in little more than 24 hours. See Figure 1,. This figure also shows the a1r removal tank and associated eQuipme~t which removes the a1r from the upper east elbow hu~. This system depends on the filtering and water circulat~~g system in order to function# aa ia readily seen in the ~igure. 2.16 A lip exists og the eeat e~d of t~e test section that ia adjusted from -1 to +2 i~ erder to smooth out water flow at the various speeds. See Figure 1. .... g . .; \ ., ; ~ ~ ... 0 ~ .. t ~ .. "' r. u -.: t ~ ~ ... ~ ~ " 0 "" . I ... ~ l ... '"" ... · .. , ~ :i'll -... •• lol I= ~ ''"" -~ .. .. ,~ c J/1. ·= ""~ v ~ ... ( -; ' Cl :-q: ~ ~ ~i ! ~~ ~ ~~~ .. 8 " \ " ...... ~ ~ • ,.. § 'I -.1 'i .. ~ " t! ' ~ .- \.:> ~ lj C) '-l "I :1 ~ 1:5 D Woq_--. s~NC.H 1N _,~TT-· ··-;~r-- lu-.. .. ,. .. .u.. PA.MU .. ··~.. \J~:~..ou.ac;. Rt:C.I P"T, 2.tOVAt p._ .. u.•P .. / _, .,\ _________________ r·l ____ _ C u::tCULI>. ,.., N C. \J .._ T E R 400 VOC, 100" Sw1TC.H I WC.I.OINfi RE.Cl.~T • . JJ --bn nu .. ~..~.-. 'R.:u ... , ._,___.. o-400VOC, 4 C.kT"· 440V"'C, 3tt!l~---- 2eow:.~+1100A-'·• · .. fe.V"C, 1'2.5VOC W-.u:R F"Low CH~NNEL-AVAIL"~LI: ELECTR\C~L Powt:.~ 11ICURE 2 -' ·- . I . f • v. 00 .01 .02 .0) .Oil ,05 .06 .&7 .08 ,1 .005 ,006 -~ .oo, ,010 .ou :m ::n ,017 .I .021 .02) .Oio ·~~~ ·U1 :U~ .o ' :rn .) .Oil8 .051 • oss .o 8 • z • ·-I .oes ·* .0916 ·~' 0.10 0.11 o.n 0.11 o.t, :i 0,1) 0.1 .. 0.14 o. l 0.16 0,,, 0,1 o.ll 0.1 0.19 o.zo o.zo o.z o.zz o.u o.z . 0, o.z5 :I . 0,26 0.27 o.ze o.ze ··u 0.)0 0.)1 ··a o.lf 0.)1& O,)S 0.)6 0.}1 o. o.u 0,)9 o. o. 1 ·' 0.11} 0.~ o.•s o.• O.IJ7 o. o ... , 0.~ o:s1 1,0 o.u o.t ::n o.u o.u o.l' 0.60 0,61 0.62 1,1 0~ o. 5 o. o. 9 o. 0 o.n 0.7) 0.7' Y. 00 .01 .02 .0) .Oil .os .06 .0? .oe 1.2 ~ 0.77 0.78 0.77 0.81 o.12 0.8) o.tt 0.86 I 0.87 1,) 0.90 0.91 o., O,f" 0.,, f:tl o. 1.00 1.01 1,1l l,Ok 1,06 1,07 1.09 '· o. 1,1 1.15 1.17 '·i 1.20 1.21 1.2) 1.Zl 1.2~ 1.2! '·H I 1,}1 I 1.}) '. ,,,; 1.)8 1.1&0 1.11. '·'' '·'~ 1. 1 1.118 t.z; 1.7 1.~ "'' t.SS 1.S9 1.61 1.6 'l.6S 1.&7 1. 9 1.8 1,7) 1. 711. 1. 76 1. ;a '.eo 1.12 I 1 ... 1.86 1.8a '·' 1.92 1.914 L9o 1,98 2.00 2,Q2 2.01& 2.0. 2.09 2.0 2.1) 2.15 2.17 2.19 1.2% 2,21& 1.16 1.1 ~-~ 2.1 2.)1 l '·U '·U 2,1&1 z.~ z • ..o z.-a ' '·li '·ll 2.2 ,,, 2. 2. 2.65 1.67 '·" z.n 2. '· 2.) Z.cz 2.61& 2.66 2.69 2.91 '·"' 2.97 2.99 ),01 2.1& I ).07 ).09 ).11 '· 111. ),17 ).20 I ).22 ).25 ).27 2.1 '·" '·i' ).)S ),111 ),1!) ),&a6 ,,., ).~2 I '·fl 2. ).60 '· ' >.cs ,.~a ).71 ),71& '· 77 ).iiO '· ' 2.& ).88 ).91 ).91& '·'I ... co 1&,0) ... os -·~ I ... 11 z. 11,1l 1&.20 1£,2). 1£.2 4.29 "·H 1&.~1 "·' &a.lll 2.9 k,ll. 1;,,1 1.1.~ •. ,1 ll.OO .. ' :. .. 11,7\1 ~>.;) 1 I .o~ .06 i .oa V. 00 .01 .02 .0} ,011 .o; I ).0 I 11.79 ... ~~ -·~i a..o9 I ... 92 •.;, "·90 i.oz I s.o, ),1 ~·" ~.11.1 ~·1 ~.21 5.21& s.zo ~·u :l; S.)o ).% ... , ,1&8 .sz ·'' s.si s.oz '· · s.n ).) i·so 1·8' ,.87 i·'., I i·" i·'7 i·oo l 6.~ E.O'?' J,l& .15 ·u .22 .26 ,)) ,:~ 6.•n 6.11.11. '·' 6.52 6. 6.60 6.6) 6:~ '· 71 6.78 6.82 '·' j 6.90 ,,,.. 6.90 7.\ll I 7.05 l·Gf I !.1) ! ·'l I 7.21 '·l 1·11 7.)) 7.}7 7.&11 I f,lo4 i 7.52 "$\I • ,llo t:i7 I ). 7. 1.1) '!.77 7.81 T.is r.as 7.9) ~:o1 i:Z 1'09 1. , .. 1·'8 ~~22 I 1:26 l;lV I:~ l:it 8.1i) :~ :~ .60 .ill ·'' ·7J 8.66 '·' t.O) t.Oi 9.12 9.1 t.21 '·" 9.)0 '·' i'l t·~ i' .. J•;z 1l:il l·'' l" I·"~ z·rs ... , ·" . 8 1 .01. 1 =~~ ' • i6 1 ·u '"' 1 :, , :,s 1 .110 1 ,1111. 10.1l~ 10. SJ. 1~. 9 10,6) 10. '·t 10.R 10.8) 10.B 1o.1z I ~~:U . 11.02 "·H 11.11 11,16 '· n.z 11.~ 11. 11. 1 "·11 11. "·'' 11.66 11.7 11.7 "· 11. "·'' , ·'' 12. , 11. 11.11 12.16 TABLE Of VELOCITY BEADS IN INCHES .OF WAtD I'Ol VELOCrriES From O.lOto 4.79 IDota by .Ol•IDot Iatarvala h • .53217 , .. I I I I I I FIGURE 8 OQ ,019 :=~ 0,1.) 0.1~; 0.2 o.n 0.1.2 0.52 0.6J o. i5 .o; o.e; 1.oi 1.1 I.J~ 1.~2 l • I~ 1.S~ 2.11 z. '2 . '·~' 2 •• 9 ,.~ ).}J '·"'' ,.!; "· :~o 1.1.1:~ "·71$ I .:~ s.o7 , ~.lo: s.:o E.: 1 6.148 6.!S 7.2S ., ·s •• o ... c; : ..... 8:96 . j. '" 9.7: 1C.2o 10.:) , : . , ~ I 11. 7'· 12.21 V. "·' 11.9 5.0 ~.1 .2 '·' i:i i:l ·' ' 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.) 6 ... 6.5 Y. l 6.6 I 6., 6. I 6.9 7.0 7., l·2 ·' 7 ... 7.1 I 7. 7.7 ' ' 1 .a ' ,., .0 • 8., I 8.2 8.) ' v. I a:; 8.:» 8., 8. a., to .1 .z j:l ·5 t·~ :I 9·9 10.0 t ;,qz a ac:ws • a a = 00 .01 ,:2 .c, I .o-.0~ .06 .07 .08 ·-I ... , 12.26 ,2 ·r 1-' 12.'-2 I 12 .lt7 12.52 12.57 12.62 12.67 12.73 I c.~ 12.78 12. i 12. 12.9) 12.99 '·' .Oit 1).Q9 ''·U 1).20 1).2~ I 1).)0 1).) ,, .. , 1).1i7 1).52 1).57 ,,,,, 1). 1).7) 1) .79 I 1).~ ''·zo ''·'' . ... 01 I 1~.q• , ... , 11J.17 111.~ , ... ~~ 11; ·i" l 116.)9 , ... s 11t.SQ 111.56 , •• 6, n.6T 116.72 111. 111.816 , •. i '"·" 15.01 15.06 ,,, 12 ''· 18 15.2) 15.29 ,,,, 15.110 15.1i '1·52 ,,.5$ '1·'' I ,,.~2 I '1·75 ,,.~, '2·~7 12.n ~a:rz 1~.o-, • 10 , • 16 , .22 1o.2o , ,, "·" 1 .liS 1 ,,, 16.6) 16.69 16.75 16.81 ~6.!7 16.9) ~'·" 17.05 17.11 17.17 17.25 17.29 17.)~ 'i ·'' 1J.~7 I '1·" 'j·" U:~ ,,.72 ,,.7~ ,,.~ 11·'0 ,,,, 1 ... 02 1o.09 1 ~.:;a ' .21 1 .,. , .IJO , ,li6 , .,2 , .59 ~9.65 1&.71 , .ill 18.90 18.97 19.0) 17.10 19;16 . 19.22 1~.29 I ,,,, I 19.111 ,,,Iii 19.511 ,,,,, 19.68 19. 7• 19.80 19.87 ''·" 20.00 I 2~.0 20:~ ro.u 20.26 2o.n 2::L'; 20.116 20.52 z=., 20.E6 10.72 ro. 20. 20.92 20.99 21.C I 21.12 21. ,. 21.26 11.)2 I ''·'I 21 ·"' 11 ·i' 11.60 21.66 21 .n ! 21.80 21.8 21 ·t 12.0~ 22.0 . 22. , .. 12. , 12.28 zz.~ 22.'-2 I zz.-a 22.55 22. 22.69 22.7 12.8) rz.to 22.97 2). 2)., 1 I .. 00 .01 .02 I .0, j ,Cl£ .~ I .06 .07 .o8 .:o 23.18 l 2).2' 2).)2 I 2),, I 2).11~ I "·'' I 2).60 2).68 25.7l I 2).!2 I 2).89 2'·U 2 ... c, 2•. 10 I 2~. 15 2:0.25 2'1.)2 21l.)9 2i6.11 2;..5 .. I 211.61 211. z;..75 21t.e, I 21i.S9 z-..,; zs .Oit 25.12 25.19 2~.?6 ,,,,1; I 2,.111 2,.100 2i·s 6 J 2 2·'~ 2,.1, '2·78 '2·85 I&:U 2:U:~ ; Zo.08 2 .15 2D.2l 2 • 0 I .)o zo.:os 17:ii 2 .60 2o.1s I 26.8) 21i.90 2&.9 27 .cs 27. 1) 11.11 27.)6 "·""' 27.51 I 2l·'Z I 2,.,, I 2T. 7'< I 2I.C2 I 2l·H I 2,.,7 ~,.~ I ~~· ,, I 2~.20 I 2:.2: I 2 ·' 2 ·"" 2:.s2 L 2G.S~ 2 . ~ 2 . ~ 28.8) 28.,, I 28.n 2s.o6 ' I 29.111 29.22 29.,0 ~ 29.) ! 29.&.: 29.~ 29.62 ·29. 0 29· n.a~ 29.9) )0.01 I )0. ,~ ,o. ~a 1 ,o.z6 1 ,o., )0,612 3c.5o I )o.~ I ,::.~= ! )0.711 )0.82 ,~.90 ,o.ze I )1.o0 i )1 .1• )1.2) ,, .)1 )1.)9 ,, .;o7 ' )1.55 )1.01. )1.n )1. 0 )1.80 ,,,, )2.05 )2 .1) )2.21 '~ .,c )2.}8 I )2 .166 I ,2.~ I ,2.63 ~ 32.7~ I n.1~ 32.~ 32.~6 I 3).05 '~. 1' : )).21 )}.)\) ,.,a n.:q )). S )).c) )).72 )). ~ I )).69 :~.27 ! )61.o6 )lt.15 ,~.2~ ,:. • )2 '" ,,0 )16 ... , )ll. 57 }ll.oo ' ')4.75 )l..~~ )1;.92 35.00 I )5.Cl I 'i·1a I 'i·25 I ,,_,; 'i·"-'it~ I ,,.6, '" . ..,_, I ~t. , .. 'i·l8 'i·87 I 'i·:~ ' .os ' .1) )0.22 ' .)1 ' • 0 ' .119 ':::·5~ i '.&6 ' .75 ' .0:0 ,,,;, )7.02 I )7,10 )7. ,, )7.28 37 .)7 '• .•c I I 00 .01 I .02 I .C') I .010 I .05 ,C,j .07 .09 .0~ I U:Z 5 I ,,.6A6 I 'i:Z' I '1·52 I 'l·i~ I ,a.~ Je.09 )8. ;a I ,~.2l ,a.,5 . , .z .. ' . ' ' ·12 ) .c1 I )8.fO )8.99 )9.09 )9., 39.27 ' ,.,i 39. 5 )9.5• )9.c• ,.;, );.:2 )9.91 160.00 ItO. 10 1.~. ~9 i 160.28 110.)7 I 0.0,1>7 160.56 I -~.c5 I 100.7 .. '0.816 40.,) I 111.05 I 1.'. 12 ' .. 1.21 .. ,.,, .1.110 111.:z .. ~. ~; "1 .ca ll1.78 161, 7 161.97 1>2.C6 I ~az. 15 laZ.25 a;z .,.:. liZ.· 42., 112.63 lt2.72 lt2.8Z &.2.92 .. , .01 li).11 lt).ZO I .. ,.)0 I ' ' ,_ .. , ... ~ I .. )-:J'..J ;.(·~ ~s.ro "''·~ I "'I ! -... , -.,.): .... Ol ..... 17 I llll.Z& 160;.) "" .... ~H ,,:11 "·l' ...... ; lol;.~; I IJS.Oi' .,.1, 115.~ .. ,.,.. "·" .. ,. ' ''· ' "5.e~ :05.9) I I 1t6.0) .. ,.,., i ..:6.23 1t6.)) .. , ... 2 I ... H "·U "·Pz ia6.Ez :;~.9? I :l·oz :1.12 a-1.22 :1·'2 :l·lo2 aof 2 :1· :1· 2 11&.c2 1.7.92 I .0) .n I I; .2) . ·" .4) li • "' .... .74 11 .e-. ~.:.9-I ' u·M .. ,.1i I 119.21 .. ,.a 1 .. , ... ~ t·':ii r,·~ p,:~ ~>9.S7 .. ~.17 i .Ol r,·1 50.2 r,· r,··' r,· J :~ so.7o 51 .0~ 51.11 .22 51.)2 • 1.,, 1, 1.816 51.95 52.C5 52.16 sz.z6 52.)7 r,·-a I ;l.~3 I r,·ot f,:U f,·90 5).01 ;, . 11 I 5).22 ''·" ,, .. , .SA> 5).&4 ).75 ·97 . ~.07 ;•. 18 I TABLE OF VELOCITY READS IN INCH::S· OF WATER FOR VELOCITIES From 4.80 to 10.09 Knots by .01-lnot Intervals . h •• 53217 ~ AI II-18 FIGURE 9 F\..OW RATER$ P'OR SMOKE eoTTL..ES TO fLOW FACIL.. ( ~---------------------- C.llt'C UL.A TIHG WATER . :1 CKftHNEl t~~--------------~~--~~~·~·~ .. I~ • Air lemov l and riltetic& Syatem fiCUU 13 AIR ln.I10V.AL TANK ·~ :·4 .. ..• .. .. I I I r-1·~~!.- FRCM 'FH.TF.; PL.A r-. · ~ .. "· ...