HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinancial Analysis for Scammon Bay Hydroelectric Project 1984SCA 004 .......__-.-,--' r Alaska Power Authority LIBRARY COPY Financial Analysis for SCAMMON BAY HYDROELE~TRIC PROJECT Submitted by DOWL ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE, ALASKA In Association with TUDOR ENGINEERING COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA DRYDEN & LARUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA SEPTEMBER 1984 r L-..-.-ALASiiA POWER AUTHORITY _ _____. SCA 004 DATE ISSUED TO ·, HIGHSMITH 42·225 PIINTEDINu.&A. -- TABLE OF CONTENTS SF:IEB:A01:4-C ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINANCIAL ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page SUMMARY. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ; I. INTRODUCTION............................................. I-1 A. GENERAL............................................. I-1 B. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND.......................... I-1 C. OVERVIEW............................................ I-2 D. REPORT FORMAT ••••••••••••••••••••••• -................ I-3 II. GENERAL CRITERIA......................................... II-1 A. GENERAL............................................. II-1 B. FINANCIAL CRITERIA.................................. II-1 C. ENERGY DEMAND AND SUPPLY............................ II-2 D. DIESEL COSTS........................................ II-4 E. HYDROELECTRIC COSTS................................. II-5 F. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS..................... II-6 G. CANNERY............................................. I I-7 III. FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVES A. GENERAL............................................. . I I I-1 B. BASE CASE. . • • . • • • • . • • • . • . • • • . • . • • • . • • . . • . . . . . • . • • • • . I I I -1 C. SUPPLEMENTAL DIESEL................................. III-2 0. CANNERY ••.•••••••••••••••••.••.•••••••• ~............ III-2 E. FINANCIAL PLANS..................................... III-3 1. ALTERNATIVE I-A: 100% REVENUE BONOS........... III-4 2. ALTERNATIVE I-B: 100% REVENUE BONDS WITH GRADUATED PAYMENTS........................... III-5 SF:IEB:AD1:4-TC 3. ALTERNATIVE II-A: 50% REVENUE BONDS/ 50% STATE GRANT ....••••...•••......•....•..•. II I-5 4. ALTERNATIVE II-B: 40% REVENUE BONDS/ 60% STATE GRANT ..........•................... II I-5 5. ALTERNATIVE II-C: 43.1% REVENUE BONDS/ 56.9% STATE GRANT .••.•..•.••.•...•.•..•.•...• III-6 6. ALTERNATIVE I II-A: STATE LOAN .•....•.••.••••.• III-6 7. ALTERNATIVE II I -B: STATE LOAN WITH DEFERRED PAYMENT •.......••....•.••..•...••.•• III-6 8. ALTERNATIVE IV: STATE EQUITY FINANCING ..••..•. I II-7 F. DISCUSSION OF ANALYSIS .•.••...••••••..•..•.•.••••••• II I-7 APPENDIX A: EBASCO COST ESTIMATE APPENDIX B: APA ANALYSIS PARAMETERS APPENDIX C: ECONOMIC ANALYSIS UPDATE APPENDIX D: DIESEL ANALYSES APPENDIX E: HYDROELECTRIC ANALYSES APPENDIX F: CANNERY ANALYSES APPENDIX G: FINANCIAL SUMMARIES WITHOUT REAL FUEL ESCALATION SF:IEB:AD1:4-TC SU144ARY SF:IEB:AD1:4-C SUfittARY This report presents the results of an analysis of various alternative possible methods of financing the Scammon Bay Hydroelectric Project (Project). A feasibility report for the project was prepared by the Alaska District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in March 1982. This report showed the project to be economically feasible and a recent economic analysis, updated using newer costs and energy consumption data, has indicated that the project is still economically viable. Various methods considered for financing the project include tax-exempt revenue bonds, state grants, state loans at five percent interest, and a state equity investment yielding a five percent annual return. The alternatives are addressed in detail in Section III of this report. The average cost of energy to consumers was calculated on an annual basis for each alternative. The cost of power to the users will vary depending on the type of financ- ing chosen, which could include various uses of state grants, loans, or equity financing. The actual cost of power may be slightly greater or less than the costs presented in this report. Variables that may influence the cost of power include a conservative, and therefore potentially high, cost estimate; potentially low initial energy sales; and potentially high load growth. The APA estimate of the actual cost of power is slightly less than the cost of power presented in this report. No attempt will be made here to select the best method of financing the Project, as this is a policy decision and as such is beyond the scope of this report. The intent of this report is to present data and the resu 1 ts of the various analyses so that the information is available for the policy and decision making processes. i SF:IEB:AD1:4-S PROJECT DESCRIPTION The recommended hydroelectric project would have an installed capacity of 100 kW and would be located on a small unnamed creek immediately south of the village of Scammon Bay. The project would be a run-of-the-river type consist- ing of a low diversion weir, less than 10 feet high, which would divert the stream into a 12-inch penstock. The length of the penstock would be about 3,500 feet. The powerhouse would be 488 feet lower than the diversion, and would contain a single 100 kW turbine. The diverted flows would then be returned to the creek. No significant environmental impact, including damage to fisheries, is expected. The village of Scammon Bay currently relies totally on diesel generation to meet electrical needs. This hydroelectric project would be capable of supplying approximately 86 percent of the elec- tri ca 1 needs of Scammon Bay in 1986 and 59 percent in 2005. The ba 1 ance of the village electrical needs would be supplied by supplemental diesel genera- tion. Surplus hydroelectric energy could be sold to some other purpose, such as space heating. STUDY METHODOLOGY The general methodology of the study consisted of first establishing the financial cost of the ''base-case 11 alternative for Scammon Bay and then com- paring this cost to the cost of the hydroelectric project using eight speci- fied financial alternatives. The purpose of this comparison of the base case to the financial alternatives was to demonstrate how each of the financial alternative plans studied compared with the actual avoided financial cost of the base case. STUDY ASSUMPTIONS The planning period for the project begins with January 1986 and extends 20 years, including 1986 and 2005. The hydroelectric project was assumed to be on-line by January 1986 and the overall analysis extends 50 years beyond this time (1983-2035). The years 1983 through 1985 were included in the analysis for information only. The analysis was conducted assuming a general inflation rate of 6.5 percent for all costs for the 20-year planning period i i SF:IEB:A.Ol:4-S and a zero inflation rate thereafter. Since most economists predict a long- term additional escalation in the cost of fuel above the general inflation rate, the analysis was also conducted both with and without an additional fuel escalation of 3.0 percent applied over the period 1989-2005. The proposed hydroelectric project will sometimes produce more power than Scammon Bay can use and the financial impact on the unit energy cost to Scam- mon Bay of selling this excess energy to some other use, such as space heating, at several alternative selling prices was also analyzed. FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVES As specified by the APA, four basic alternative methods of financing the project were considered. These were ( 1) 10 percent tax-exempt revenue bonds alone, (2) state grants in conjunction with 10 percent tax-exempt revenue bonds, (3) direct state financing at 5 percent interest and (4) state equity financing with a 5 percent annual return. bonds and state loans would be 35 years. The repayment peri ad of revenue Two different repayment schedules were considered for the tax-exempt revenue bonds alone, three different combinations of the state grants in conjunction with the tax-exempt revenue bonds were considered, and two different payback schemes for the direct state financing were considered. This resulted in a total of eight different alternative plans, each of which was analyzed both with three percent real fuel escalation and without real fuel escalation. The results of the analysis are shown in the summary Tables S-1 (with fuel escalation) and S-2 (without fuel escalation). A summary description of the plans is presented below. 1. Alternative I-A. Tax-exempt Revenue Bonds with a levelized repay- ment schedule. 2. A 1 ternat i ve 1-B. Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds with a graduated repay- ment schedule. This plan allows initial annual payments that result in an overall average unit energy cost equal to the base case for the first year of hydro generation and then calls for increases in annual payments at a maximum rate of 9.5 percent until a levelized payment can be made by fully amortizing the outstanding principal ; i i SF: IEB:ADl :4-S over the remainder of the 35-year financing period without exceeding the maximum rate of increase. 3. Alternative II-A. 50 percent tax-exempt revenue bonds and 50 per- cent state grant. 4. Alternative II-B. 40 percent tax-exempt revenue bonds and 60 per- cent state grant. 5. Alternative II-C. 35 percent tax-exempt revenue bonds and 65 per- cent state grant. For this plan the tax-exempt revenue bond portion was established by solving for the amount of debt service that would yield an average unit cost of energy equal to the base-case unit cost of energy in 1986. 6. Alternative III-A. State loan for 35 years at five percent. 7. Alternative III-B. State loan at five percent with principal and interest payments deferred for 10 years. Payments for the first 10 years would be O&M only, and the principal and deferred interest of the loan would be fully amortized over the remaining 25 years of the 35-year financing period. 8. Alternative IV. State equity financing with return to the state on investment equal to five percent of capital cost. The operation and maintenance expenses of the hydroelectric project would be paid from the return to the state. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Summary results of the financial analyses in terms of the unit cost of energy in cents per kilowatt hour are presented in Table S-1 (three percent real fuel escalation) and Table S-2 (no real fuel escalation). Comparison of the two base-case costs indicate the marked effect of fuel escalation on the cost of the avoided diesel system. Figure S-1 shows a general comparison of iv SF:IEB:.G.Ol:4-S the cost of two hydro financial alternatives with the base case. More details are presented in the body of the report. The most realistic basis for evaluation of the various alternatives studied to finance the Scammon Bay Hydroelectric Project is a comparison of the energy costs of the base case with the total costs system including the hydroelectric project, using the alternative financial plans studied. The use of excess hydroelectric power for space heating was also considered. A range of sales prices were considered to test the sensitivity to this sale. For use in this comparative analysis, developing the cost of the base case was given careful attention. Through cooperative efforts of local Alaska consultants and APA personnel, representative existing diesel electricity costs were estimated for the first year of analysis, 1986, and projected through the 50 year life of the hydroe 1 ectri c project extending from 1986 through 2035. Growth and price escalation were limited to the 20 year period of 1986 through 2005, after which both factors were assumed to be zero until the end of the period of study in 2035. If the summary Table S-1 of 24 possible combinations (i.e. eight basic alternatives with three space alternatives for each} is condensed to some of the most significant findings for several selected financial alternatives, the following table can be derived. Also, Figure S-1 presents the same data graphically for the base case, and hydro alternatives 1-A and III-A. As can be noted, alternatives II-A and III-A are very similar and II-A was therefore not included. With 50% Avoided Cost SQace Heating Credit II I-A: 100% State Equity I-A: 100% Tax II-A: 50-50 State Loan with 5% Base Case Exemp., Level Tax Ex./Grant @ 5% Int. , Level Return Year (¢/kWh) (¢/kWh) (¢/kWh} (¢/kWh) (¢/kWh) 1986 37 60 42 42 37 1990 49 64 47 48 42 1995 66 70 54 54 49 2005 150 114 101 102 95 v SF:IEB:AD1:4-S made: In analyzing these results, the following general observations can be 1. With 100 percent tax-exempt financing and level ized payments (I-A) it would take about 12 years before local interests would be able to take advantage of savings created by the hydro project. 2. The plan reflecting a 50/50 tax-exempt financing/state grant (II-A), and the plan with a 100 percent state loan at 5 percent interest and levelized payments (III-A) would both produce essentially the same cost of power. These plans would result in savings in electricity costs in the sixth year and increase significantly over 15 years because of the inflation-proofing provided by hydro. 3. Other apparent observations from an analysis of the summary Table S-1 indicate: a. Financial alternatives II-A, II-8, II-C, III-A and IV have very similar results. b. The graduated payment approach applied to the 100 percent tax- exempt financing (I-B) would provide only minor increases in early years followed by substantial savings after 17 years. c. There is very little difference between the 40/60 tax- exempt/State grant financing (II-B), and the financial plan that derives the 35/65 percent combination that will just equal the base case diesel costs (II-C). d. The five percent State equity plan (IV) increases the savings a small percentage over the two plans discussed in c. above. vi SF:IEB:A01:4-S e. The 10-year deferral on the State loan (III-B) produces savings of 35 percent when compared to the base case in 1986, but increases in the 11th year to about 300 percent of the starting vii SF:IEB:AD1:4-S TABL[ S-1 SCAI+tON BAY tiYDROHECTRIC PROJECT SlM4ARY Of ALL FINANCIAL PLANs!! (With Real Fuel Escalation) Combinations ot Tax-Exempt !OOJ Tax-Exempt Bonds~/ Bonds and State Grants State Loans 21 -A 1-8 I 1-A 11-B I 1-C I II-A I 11-8 Base Level Graduated 50/50~1 40/60~1 35/6sZ1 Level Deferred CaseY 31 41 Payments~/ Payments~/ Hydro Payments-Payments- Year Year ( f/KWh) iflKWh) (f/KWh) <fiKWh) <f/KWh} if/KWh) if/KWh) <f!KWh) 1986 37,26 61 ,47 37,26 42,86 39,13 37.26 43,43 24,24 5 1990 48,61 65,41 50.17 48.22 44,78 43,04 48,75 31,02 10 1995 66,42 70.84 69.19 55.26 52.15 50,57 55,74 39,68 20 2005 150,52 115,74 132.73 102,96 100,40 99,11 103,35 11 5.11 50 2035 149.69 89.35 89,35 89,35 89,35 89,35 89,3':> 89,35 1 See Table D-1, Cost ot continued existing diesel system, with real fuel escalation, 21 Costs of financial plans are the sum of supplemental diesel and hydroelectric costs, 3! See Table E-1, 4/ See Table E-2, 6/ 71 8/ 9/ See -able E-3, See Table See Table See Table See Table See Table E-4, E-5. E -6, E -7, E-8, l 1/ See Table F-1, Sf 1fB·.AD1 :4-S-1 Potential Pr1ce . 10121 State Equ1ty--Reduction from Space Heatin~l..!/~1 IV 25J 50J lOOJ Avoided Avoided Avoided Cost Cost Cost if/KWh) <f!KWh) if/KWh) (f/KWI1) 37,76 0,49 0,98 1 ,48 43,08 0,55 1,09 1,64 49,97 0,64 1,29 1 ,93 96,90 0,76 1 ,51 2,27 96,0., o. 76 1 ,51 2.27 TABLE S-2 SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUt+tARY OF All FINANCIAL PLANs.!/ (Without Real Fuel Escalation) 1001 Tax-Exempt Bonds~/ Combinations of Tax-Exempt Bonds and State Grants ~/ State Loans 2/ 1-A 1-B II-A 11-B 11-C ill-A 111-B Base Level Graduated 50/50~1 40/60~1 35/6521 Level Deterred CaseY 3/ 4/ 8/ 91 Hydro Payments-Payments-Payments-Payments- Year Year (~/KWh) (~/KWh) (~/KWh) jj/KWh) (f/KWh) (~/KWh) (f/KWh) (f/KWh) 1986 37.26 61 .41 37.26 42.86 39. J 3 37.26 4 3.43 24.24 5 1990 47.25 64.78 49.54 47.59 44.15 42.41 48.12 30.39 0 1995 59.44 67.52 65.87 51 .94 48.83 47.26 52.42 36.37 20 2005 113.71 97.21 114.20 84.43 81 .87 80.58 84.82 96.58 50 2035 112.88 70.82 70.82 70.82 70.82 70.82 70.82 70.82 !1 See Table 0-2. Cost of continued existing diesel system, without real fuel escalation. ~I Costs of financial plans are the sum of supplemental diesel and hydroelectric costs. 3/ See Table G-1. 4/ See Table G-2. 5/ See Table G-3. 6/ See Table G-4. See Table G-5. 8/ See Table G-6. 9/ See Table G-7. 10/ See Table G-8. 1/ See Table F-2. SF: IEB:A01: 4-S-2 Potential Price ' 10/2/ State Egu1ty---Reduction from Space Heat i n:1l!J~/ IV 25% 50% 100% Avoided Avoided Avoided Cost Cost-Cost (f/KWh) (f/KWh) (f/KWh) Ji!KWh) 37.76 .49 .98 1.48 42.45 .52 1.03 1. 55 46.65 .53 1.06 1.59 78.37 .47 .94 1.42 77.54 .47 .94 1.42 ,.... .r. 3: .X ' (J) 1-z w u ..._; 1- (J) 0 u >- (!! 0:: w z w 150 ;._. - 140---.. __ : 130 -. ---. -· ·--- 'j ·--l i I ·-----; i 4....-j.-----_j I ' ·.-----~ -·· ae -~-----' ! . i . 2B ;-------·-1----t--, ! j ' ' I sa-----+------; ·----!· -----..L--------, ----- 1 I ' L L ! f'a~e ts9e aeke~--2iue-2eae ______ aJ3e----J .. e YEAR 1. Costs include general inflation and real fuel escalation. 2. Hydro alternatives include cost of supplemental diesel. 3. Hydro alternatives include adjustment for energy sold to cannery. 4. Hydro Alternative I-A is 100% tax-exempt revenue bonds, 35 years @ 10%. 5. Hydro Alternative III-A is State loan, 35 years @ 5%. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT W/ FUEL ESCALATION,W/ SPACE HEATING HEATING CREDIT 8 50Y. AVOIDED COST FIGURE S-I SF:IEB:AD1:4-C SECTION I INTRODUCTION A. GENERAL SECTION I INTRODUCTION The Alaska Power Authority (APA) is considering a hydroelectric development at the village of Scammon Bay. Previous studies have shown the project to be economically feasible and the purpose of this report is to present alternative methods of financing the project. B. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Scammon Bay is a small village located in the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta region of southwestern Alaska. The proposed hydroelectric project site is on a small unnamed creek immediately south of the town. The project would include a low diversion weir, a 12-inch diameter and 3,500-foot-long penstock, and a 100 kW powerhouse which would produce 0.41 GWh of electrical energy in an average year. The tot a 1 construction cost for the project at 1985 price levels would be approximately $1,500,000. The project was studied by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and was found to be technically and economically feasible in a report dated March 1982. The economic analysis for the project was updated in June 1984, using current cost and energy consumption data. A copy of the letter describing this economic analysis is included as Appendix C. Using the standard APA economic criteria with an inflation-free discount rate of 3.5 percent, a benefit/cost ratio of 1.3 was derived. This analysis included the space heating benefits expressed in terms of savings in diesel heating fuel as a benefit to the hydro project. These benefits were assumed to be the avoided cost of the fuel oil, assuming that 28.3 kWh of electricity used for space heating is equivalent to burning one gallon of fuel oil. I-1 SF:IEB:AD1:4-I C. OVERVIEW The main objective of an economic analysis is to determine the inherent economic viability; that is, how do the economic benefits of the project compare to the economic costs. This comparison is independent of the method of financing, taxes, and any other costs that may be peculiar to the enterprise owning the project. As mentioned above, the economic analyses have indicated that this project is viable. The objective of a financial analysis, which is the subject of this report, is to determine how the costs associated with a project will be paid, and the cash flows that would result from various alternative courses of action. Interest rates, amortization payment periods, inflation, and taxes are factors that must be considered by a financial analysis that are often not considered in an economic analysis. The financial analyses for this project were conducted according to the general criteria set forth by the APA, 11 Analysis Parameters for the 1984 Fiscal Year.11 A copy of these criteria is included as Appendix B. The alternative financial plans studied are described in Section III of this report. In addition to the alternative financial analyses, a financial analysis for the base case has also been included for comparison purposes. The base case is an estimate of the configuration and costs that would occur in Scammon Bay if the existing diesel generator system continues and is expanded as necessary to meet the projected demand over the study period. The costs associated with the proposed project include both hydroelectric costs and supplemental diesel costs. Even with the hydroelectric project, it would be necessary to maintain sufficient diesel capacity at Scammon Bay to meet maximum demands because the hydroelectric project would not meet the full Scammon Bay demands. The electrical demand satisfied by the system would include the village electrical demand, and the use of excess electricity for space heating. Benefits possible from waste heat recovery were not included. This analysis describes the forecasted unit cost of power for the base case and the hydroelectric project for the various financial alternatives studied. I-2 SF:IEB:AD1:4-I In allocating excess energy, it was assumed that the village electrical needs would be met first, and, if excess hydroelectric energy remained and sufficient space heating demand existed, then the excess electricity would be sold for space heating use. The space heating energy demand that could be satisfied by the hydroelectric project was included as supplemental revenues from the sale of this power at alternative sales prices. This supplemental revenue was then be applied to decrease the cost of power for Scammon Bay. 0. REPORT FORMAT The report is presented with a summary, three chapters of text with figures and selected tables, and seven appendices. An effort has been made to make the report more readable by including only key tables with the report text and placing the majority of the tables for the diesel analyses, hydro- electric analyses, and space heating analyses in the respective appendices. Two summary tables for each alternative financial plan studied (one for with fuel escalation and one for without fuel escalation) were prepared and the eight with fuel escalation tables (considered to represent the most realistic case) were included with Section III. The eight without fuel esca- lation summaries were placed in Appendix G. Appendix A, 11 EBASCO Cost Estimate,11 Appendix 8, 11 APA Analysis Para- meters11, and Appendix C, 11 Economic Analysis Update,11 were included to provide background material and criteria. I-3 SF:IEB:A01:4-I - SF:IEB:AD1:4-C SECTION II GENERAL CRITERIA A. GENERAL SECTION II GENERAL CRITERIA The Scammon Bay Hydroelectric Project was assessed in order to determine the cost of power production for alternative energy supply systems and alter- native methods of financing. The financial alternatives studied were speci- fied by the APA and are described in Section III of this report. The alter- native energy systems considered include diesel generation alone (Base Case) and hydroelectric generation supplemented GY diesel generation (Hydroelectric Case). Both the Base Case and Hydroelectric Case were formulated to meet the same energy needs for Scammon Bay, as projected over the study period. B. FINANCIAL CRITERIA The assumptions that form the basis for this analysis are founded to as great an extent as possible on the APA standard criteria. Additional criteria utilized are described below. In accordance with APA criteria, the planning period for the project is 20 years and begins in January 1986 and extends through 2005. The hydroelec- tric project was assumed to be on-line by January 1986, and the analysis extends 50 years beyond this time through 2035. The years 1983 through 1985 are also presented for information only, resulting in a total period of eval- uation of 53 years. Assumptions for energy demand projections together with general inflation and real fuel escalation were applied over the 20 year plan- ning period and were then assumed as level over the remaining 30 years of the study period. The analyses for the study were conducted both with and without real fuel escalation. As per APA criteria, a general inflation rate of 6.5 percent was assumed for all costs. The prices of fuel oil and lubrication oil were increased at the general 6.5 percent inflation rate from January 1983 through the end of 1988. These prices were then escalated at an annual rate of II-1 SF:IEB:AD1:4-II 9.5 percent for the with real fuel escalation case from January 1989 to the end of the planning period in order to reflect a real fuel cost escalation of three percent annually. For the without real fuel escalation case the infla- tion rate used was 6.5 percent as for all other costs. All costs for both the with and without real fuel escalation cases were then assumed to remain con- stant after the last cost escalation occurs in 2005, the last year of the planning period. The costs were then held constant at the 2005 value for the remainder of the period of economic evaluation through 2035. The interest rate for bond sales and sinking funds was assumed to be 10 percent, representing an average for current market rates. The interest rate for state loans was assumed to be five percent. The economic life of the hydroelectric project facilities was assumed to be 50 years. The economic project life for diesel engines was assumed to be from 10 to 20 years, depending on the size of the machines. All costs, including operation, maintenance costs and capital costs were assigned to the year in which they would occur. Capital costs were assumed to be equa 1 to the sum of the construction costs and interest during construc- tion, financing charges, and reserve funds, as applicable. The first debt service payment was shown in the year following the capital cost. Replacement costs were handled by the use of a sinking fund and were assumed to occur over the project study period. C. ENERGY DEMAND AND SUPPLY The energy demand and supply for the village of Scammon Bay were deter- mined from AVEC records. This determination was made by the consultants in cooperation with APA. The historical generation records for January 1987 through December 1983 were used as a base period to determine the pattern of monthly demands as percentages of annua 1 demand. The annua 1 energy demands are shown on Table II-1. The village demands were escalated at 2.0 percent annually over the 20 year planning period and then assumed to remain level. II-2 The annual supply and distribution of energy over the study period to meet these demands is also shown on Table II-1, indicating the hydroelectric and diesel requirements of the village system and the amount of excess hydro- electric energy available for space heating. This data is also presented graphically on a monthly basis in Figure II-1 for 1986, the first year of hydroelectric generation and for 2005, the last year of the 20-year planning period. These figures illustrate that as the village demand increases over time, less excess energy is available for space heating and that the need for supplemental diesel increases D. DIESEL COSTS The costs of diesel generation were taken from the AVEC records and were estimated in cooperation with APA. The costs of diesel generation were assumed to include debt service, various operating costs, and fuel oil. The cost of the existing system was based on AVEC records and was assumed to be the sum of depreciation and interest on the existing debt. Interest was assumed as two percent annually on the outstanding principal of a 35 year loan. The outstanding principal for 1984 was $270,738. Depreciation was assumed as six percent of the original plant cost of $301,252 annually. This information was furnished in a letter from APA to OOWL dated May 15, 1984. The cost and schedule of diesel replacements was also supplied by APA. A 175 kW unit would be installed in 1986, followed by another 175 kW unit in 1988. These units would be replaced every 10 years in perpetuity. A 300 kW unit would be installed in 1998 and replaced every 15 years in perpetuity. The existing units would all be retired by 1992. The 175 kW units would cost $60,000, and the 300 kW unit would cost $100,000, both at 1984 price levels. Fuel tanks would be added in 1986 at a cost of $50,000 and 1998 at a cost of $150,000, again at 1984 price levels. Additions and replacements were assumed to be financed by tax-exempt revenue bonds bearing an interest rate of 10 per- cent. The existing system at Scammon Bay consists of one 75 kW, one 110 kW, and one 105 kW units yielding a firm capacity of 180 kW. An additional 175 kW unit would be installed in 1986, followed by a 175 kW unit in 1988 and a II-3 SF:IEB:A01:4-II 300 kW unit in 1998. The 175 kW units would be replaced every 10 years in perpetuity and the 300 kW unit would be replaced every 15 years in perpe--= tuity. The existing units would all be retired by 1992. No added life was assumed for the diesel engines for the hydroelectric case. The machines would operate for significantly less time under the with hydro case and should have longer lives; however, because of the uncertainty associated with the availability of parts and maintenance, this credit was not considered. The variable operating cost was assumed to be 8.5 cents/kWh for 1984. This is the AVEC system average variable operating cost and includes the costs of lubrication oil, operation, miscellaneous consumables, ordinary maintenance and extraordinary maintenance. The cost of oil was supplied by APA and was $1.56/gallon for 1984. The rate of consumption was assumed as 9.6 kWh of generated electricity per gallon of fuel oil. The cost of fuel oil was escalated at 6.5 percent annually through 1988 and then at 9.5 percent through 2005 for the with fuel escalation case and at 6.5 percent for the without fuel escalation case. E. HYDROELECTRIC COSTS The total construction cost of the hydroelectric project was supplied by APA in a letter to OOWL dated May 15, 1984. The total construction cost includes construction, engineering, construction management, and legal and administrative costs. The total project cost at January 1985 price levels is $1,500,000. This cost is based on a cost estimate prepared EBASCO Services Inc. dated June 23, 1982. The cost were carried forward to January 1985 without escalation as indicated by the APA letter. The EBASCO estimate is included as Appendix A. Two replacement costs were considered for the hydroelectric project: the cost of replacing the turbine runner after 25 years of operation, and the cost of replacing the transmission line that would tie the plant to the village distribution system every 30 years. The 30-year economic life of the trans- II-4 SF:IEB:AD1:4-II mission lines is based on observation of existing lines. The cost of replacing the runner was estimated as $26,000 at January 1983 price levels,_..,. and the cost of replacing the lines was estimated as $62,000 at January 1983 price levels. F. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS The operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for the existing diesel system was assumed as 8.5 cents/kWh for 1984. The value represents the average O&M cost for the entire AVEC system and includes the costs of lubrication oil, operation, miscellaneous consumables, ordinary plant maintenance, and extra- ordinary plant maintenance. The operation of the hydroelectric facilities would be conducted by the same personnel as the diesel plant. An additional $5,000 per year was allowed for extra expenses attributable to the hydroelectric project. The O&M costs for both the base case and hydroelectric project case were allowed to inflate at 6.5 percent per year over the planning period of 1986 through 2005. G. SPACE HEATING The proposed hydroelectric project will produce significantly more elec- trical energy than can be used in the village. This energy ~auld be sold for use by electrical space heaters and the revenue could be used to offset the cost of energy to the village. This space heating cost reduction was con- sidered for a range of prices and for both the cases of with real fuel escala- tion and without real fuel escalation. II-5 SF:IEB:A01:4-II YEAR 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2035 TABLE II-1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ANNUAL ENERGY SUPPLY AND DE~AND JUNE 1984 TOTAL VILLAGE ELECTRICAL DEMAND (MWh> (1) 449.88 458.88 468.06 477.42 486.97 496.71 506.64 516.78 527. 11 537.65 548.41 559.38 570.56 581.97 593.61 605.49 617.60 629.95 642.55 655.40 668.51 681.88 695.51 695.51 TOTAL HYDRO SUPPLY <MWh> (2) 0.00 0.00 0.00 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408,90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 408.90 VILLAGE ELECTRICAL DEMAND MET BY HYDRO (MWh) (3) 0.00 0.00 0.00 258.55 262.88 267.29 271.79 276.37 281.05 285.83 290.69 294.97 299.12 303.34 307.65 312.05 316.53 321. 11 325.78 330.53 335.39 340.34 345.39 345.39 VILLAGE ELECTRICAL DE~AND MET BY DIESEL <Miolh) (4) 449.88 458.88 468.06 218.87 224.09 229.42 234.86 240.40 246.06 251.83 257.71 264.40 271.45 278.63 285.96 293.44 301.06 308.84 316.77 324.86 333.12 341.53 350. 12 350.12 HYDRO SUPPLY AVAILABLE FOR SPACE HEATING <MWh> (5) 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.35 146.02 141.61 137. 11 132.53 127.85 123.07 118.21 113.93 109.78 105.56 1 e 1. 25 96.85 92.37 87.79 83.12 78.37 73.51 68.56 63.51 63.51 <1>Energy consumption for 1983=449.840 MWh from APA letter dated May 15,1984. Escalated at 2.0~ annually through 2005 according to APA letter to DOWL dated May 15,1984 (2)Hydro energy production from Corps of Engineers Feasibility Report. (3)Annual village electrical demand met by hydro. (4)Annua1 village electrical demand met by supplemental diesel (5)Excess hydro generation available for use for space heating. >-...J a. a. ::l Ul t:l z a: t:l z a: ~ w t:l >-(!) ~ w z w 2a I I ter--r~+-~--~--~~--+--+--4---~~~ I I I I e~~==~~~~~L_-L--~~--~--Li_L__J J'RN F'EB l'tAR APR HAY J'UN Jl.L RUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH 1. Village demand includes residential, commercial, and school demands for 1986. 2. Supplemental diesel is portion of village demand in excess of availalbe hydro generation. 3. Values shown are for 1986. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENERGY DEMAND AND SUPPLY FOR 1986 FIGURE II-1 >- _J c.. c.. ::J U) 1=1 z a: 0 z a: l: w 0 >- CI 0:: w z w 108 ~---T---~-r·-~---T--/-v~LAG/n~~ -r ;----l saL;---~--f---j--~---~-~----~---;-\---~ sa ~--~-~R~-s~~~~; .. --; --·' . -r-, ·./~·- 1 I _j_ I I \ 72 r----~ __y/:~~~ >-1--~.::-, . -_._ --' ! // . -~ ~ /' ;1'._: \. . \ I I I ' I \I / i I 1 \, _/-.. I sa~-'v-'--~ __ r. . . _ --r--· ·;;r, --~ .... • I \ <\ ~ /' , I \ y· ,-\ I , , , .--·r ----_,\_ ·;. ,/· . ·\ -·--·--- 1 v " ' \ I "-~ "" L-------· · ~-··· -1 ---i --~ II , 1\ I HYDRO TO SPACE HERTING 30 ~-~-r ---f· ---· · • ____ : · .. : ·---· -~ ·--\ ~ ._..~..:..l;_SUPPLEM[N'!RL DIESEL \ ' I ! /. • ' I 20 -. -·T--: · ·t: -· -•---r---.. -----.. --".-·· --. . -+-.. I ' I I I ' I ~ i I I I ;II : I ' , ' 52~-· --1 I I : I ' I ··rr +rcr I --, -i r . -y : -~ e · _L -· L .. -L .. .l __ L __ _l __ l . ___ I_J-_j JAN F"EB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH 1. Village demand includes residential, commercial, and school demands for 2005. 2. Supplemental diesel is portion of village demand in excess of available hydro generation. 3. Values shown are for 2005. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENERGY DEMAND AND SUPPLY FOR 2005 FIGURE II-2 SF:IEB:AD1:4-C SECTION III FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVES .-..- A. GENERAL SECTION III FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVES The financial alternatives analyzed for the the Scammon Bay Hydroelectric Project include revenue bonds, state loans~ state equity financing, and combi- nations of revenue bonds and state grants. These alternatives apply only to the financing of the hydroelectric facilities and not to the supplemental diesel. The financing of the supplemental diesel and the base case costs was considered separately, considering both the current cost of power and the APA recommended analysis parameters for 1984. In addition to the various schemes for financing the hydroelectric project, a base case alternative was consid- ered to provide a comparison to the existing situation. The base case, supplemental diesel, and hydroelectric financial alternatives and analysis results are presented below. B. BASE CASE The base case analysis assumes that the hydroelectric project would not be built and that the existing diesel system, expanded for future demand as necessary, would continue to serve as the sole source of electrical energy. The existing system consists of one 75 kW, one 100 kW, and one 105 kW units. All these units would be retired by 1992. A 175 kW unit would be added in 1986 and another 175 kW unit would be added in 1988. A 300 kW unit would be added in 1998, resulting in a final firm capacity of 350 kW (firm capacity is the system capacity with the 1 argest unit not operable). The schedu 1 e of investments for the diesel system is presented as Table III-11. The current debt service on the existing diesel system at Scammon Bay is the sum of two percent annual interest and six percent annual depreciation. The 175 kW units wouJd be replaced every ten years and financed at 10 percent, and the 300 kW unit would be replaced every 15 years and financed at 10 per- cent. The low rate assumed for the cost of existing debt service was based on data supplied by APA. II 1-1 The base case analysis is presented in Tables 0-1 and 0-2 of Appendix 0 for the cases of with and without real fuel escalation respectively and is-= presented in summary form on Tables III-1 through III-8. The cost for 1986 is 37.26¢/KWh for either the with or without fuel escalation case and increases to 150.52¢/KWh for the with real fuel escalation by the end of the planning period in 2005. The corresponding unit value for 2005 without fuel escalation is 113.71¢/KWh. C. SUPPLEMENTAL DIESEL The supplemental diesel costs were assumed to be the same as the base case diesel costs except that the energy demand and associated variable fuel oi 1 and maintenance costs would apply only to the portion of village energy demand not met by the hydroelectric project. These diesel costs were discussed in Section II of this report. The detailed supplemental diesel analysis, which is the same to all finan- cial plans, is presented in Appendix D as Tables 0-3 and 0-4 for the cases of with and without fuel escalation, respectively. The summarized cost is then presented in Tables III-1 through III-8 for each of the individual financial alternatives studied. The unit cost of supplemental diesel for 1986, averaged over the annual village demand and assuming real fuel escalation, would be 22.05¢/kWh; this cast escalates to 86.12¢/kWh by 2005. If the effects of fuel escalation are neglected, the cost of power for 1986 would be 22.05¢/kWh, escalating to 67 .59¢/kWh by 2005. The cost of supplemental diesel is the component of the total cost not included in the hydroelectric financing. D. SPACE HEATING At some times of the year, the proposed hydroelectric project would pro- duce electrical demand. This electricity could be used for space heating or could be sold to any other use that might exit. For purposes of this analy- sis, the value of this electricity was assumed to be a percentage of the avoided cost of fuel oil that it could replace. This analysis is presented as Tables F-1 and F-2 in Appendix F for the cases of with and without fuel esca- lation, respectively. The potential savings is the indicated percentage of II I-2 the avoided cost of fuel distributed over the entire village demand. The existence of heating demand and the cost of distributing and metering this-=- power were not considered; this data is presented to indicate a very conserva- tive, low value for this power if a use for the power can be established. The potential savings at 50 percent of the avoided cost of fuel oi 1 would be 0.98¢/kWh in 1986 and would escalate to 1.51¢/kWh by 2005 for the with fuel escalation case and 0.94¢/kWh for the without fuel escalation case. E. FINANCIAL PLANS Using the criteria and assumptions previously presented, alternative financial plans were analyzed. A description and results of the analysis for each alternative studied are presented below. Complete analyses are presented in this report for each alternative with and without real fuel escalation. In addition, the results of each of these analyses may be modified for the inclusion of excess energy sales to space heating at selling prices of 25%, 50%, and 75% of avoided cost. A total of six separate results for each of the eight financial alternatives studied then results. To simplify the following discussion of results, the with real fuel esca- lation and without space heating conditions are used for discussion examples since this combination is considered to be the most probable future scena- rio. This is because most economists foresee long term real fuel escalation occurring in excess of general inflation. Nevertheless, data is presented in the various tables for the without real fuel escalation case and the potential space heating credit if results for these alternatives are desired. Financial summaries for each of the alternatives studied are included at the end of this section as Table III-1 through III-8 (v4ith real fuel esca- lation) and in Appendix G as Tables G-1 through G-9 (without real fuel escala- tion). All alternatives are summarized in Table III-9 (with real fuel escalation) and Table III 10 (without real fuel escalation}. Both Table III-9 and Table III 10 also include potential space heating savings. I II-3 1. ALTERNATIVE I-A: 100% REVENUE BONOS Under this alternative, the entire hydroelectric cost would be paid from the sale of tax-exempt revenue bonds bearing an interest rate of 10 percent for 35 years~ The total bond sale would include the direct construction costs, an allowance of 10 percent for interest during construction, an allow- ance of 3.75 percent for financing fees, and a reserve fund equal to 110 per- cent of one year's debt service. The resu 1 t i ng tot a 1 bond size wou 1 d be $1,925,900. Table III-1 shows the total annual unit cost of this alternative, including both supplemental diesel and hydroelectric costs. As shown in Table 111-1, the unit energy cost of Alternative 1-A for 1986 would be 61.47¢/kWh and would escalate to 115.74¢/kWh by the year 2005. Space heating credits at 50% avoided cost would decrease these prices to 60.49¢/kWh and 114.23¢/kWh respectively. The cost of power for Alternative I-A would be greater than the cost of Base Case power until 1997. 2. ALTERNATIVE I-8: 100% REVENUE BONDS WITH GRADUATED PAYMENTS Under this alternative, the project would be funded 100% by revenue bonds, as for Alternative I-A; however, the debt service payments would be made on a graduated basis. The debt service for 1986 would be reduced to a level that would make the unit cost of energy for that year the same for the base case and the hydroelectric plus supplemental diesel case. The debt service would then be increased at a maximum rate of 9.5 percent (the same rate of increase of fuel with inflation and escalation), until a uniform payment could be made for the remainder of the 35 years without exceeding the 9.5 percent increase. This alternative is shown on Table III-2. The total cost of energy for 1986 wou 1 d be 37 .26¢/kWh ( equa 1 to the base case cost) with or without fuel escalation, but consideration of the space heating credit at 50% avoided cost would decrease this figure by 0.98¢/kWh to 36.28¢/kWh. 3. ALTERNATIVE II-A: 50% REVENUE BONDS/50% STATE GRANT This alternative is similar to Alternative I-A, but only 50 percent of the direct construction cost would be borne by the power users. The results of the analyses of this Alternative are presented as Table III-3. The remaining III-4 r r _ T rn ~ tt n 1 .. ,1 r T T 50 percent of the project cost would be paid by State assistance. The cost of power for this alternative in 1986 would be 42.86¢/kWh or 41.88¢/kWh with the .r space heating credit at 50% of avoided cost. The cost would increase to 102.96¢/kWh or 101.45/kWh with the space heating credit at 50% of avoided cost by 2005. 4. ALTERNATIVE II-8: 40% REVENUE BONDS/60% STATE GRANT The project would be financed using tax-exempt revenue bonds for 40 percent of the construction cost and a state grant for the remaining 60 percent. The results of this analysis are shown in Tables III-4. The 1986 cost of power for this alternative would be 39.13¢/kWh or 38.15¢/kWh with space heating credits at 50% avoided cost, increasing in 2005 to 100.40¢/kWh or 98.89¢/kWh space heating credits at 50 percent avoided cost. 5. ALTERNATIVE II-C: 34.96% REVENUE BONOS/65.04% STATE GRANT The project would be financed using a combination of tax-exempt revenue bonds and a state grant. The bond sale would be sized in such a manner that the unit cost of power in 1986 would be the same for the base case and the hydroelectric plus supplemental diesel case, assuming fuel escalation. The remainder of the capital cost (not included in the bond sale) would be paid by a state grant. The results of this analysis are shown in Table III-5. The unit cost of power for 1986 would be 37.26¢/kWh increasing to 99.11¢/kWh in 2005. 6. ALTERNATIVE III-A: STATE LOAN Under this alternative, the project would be financed by a state loan bearing an interest rate of five percent for 35 years. struction and a reserve fund would not be considered The results of this analysis are shown on Table III-6. for this alternative ~auld be 43.43¢/kWh, increasing to I II -5 Interest during con- for this alternative. The 1986 cost of power 103.35¢/kWh in 2005. 7. ALTERNATIVE III-8: STATE LOAN WITH DEFERRED PAYMENT The project would be financed by a state loan at an interest rate of five percent as above; however, principal and interest payments would be deferred on the debt for 10 years, follows by 25 years of fully amortized debt serv- ice. This alternative is shown in Table III-7. The 1986 unit cost of power for this alternative would be 24.24¢/KWh increasing to 39.68¢/KWh in 1995 and almost doubling to 73.73¢/kWh in the following year, 1996, when the 10-year deferral period ends. 8. ALTERNATIVE IV: STATE EQUITY FINANCING The state would pay the entire capital cost of the project and would receive an annual payment equal to five percent of the capital cost. The costs of operation, maintenance, and replacement would be paid from this five percent payment and the remainder of the five percent would be the return on investment to the state. The cash flow for this situation is shown in Table III-8. The 1986 unit cost of energy, including fuel escalation, would be 37.96¢/kWh increasing in 2005 to 96.90¢/kWh. I II-6 "'t·-«; TABLE II I-1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE I-A WITH REAL FUEL ESCALATIOH JUNE 1984 -YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh> (c/kWh) < c /kWh> 25~ 50~ 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) --------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 39.42 61.47 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 38.75 61.48 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 38.09 64.45 • 51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.93 27.40 37.46 64.86 .53 1. 05 1. 58 1990 48.61 28.57 36.84 65.41 .55 1. 09 1. 64 1991 51.55 29.87 36.24 66. 12 .56 1. 13 1. 69 1992 54.78 31.32 35.66 66.98 .58 1. 17 1. 75 1993 58.31 32.93 35.09 68.02 .60 1. 20 1. 80 1994 62. 18 34.77 34.55 69.31 .62 1. 24 1. 87 1995 66.42 36.82 34.01 70.84 .64 1. 29 1. 93 1996 72.94 40.99 33.50 74.49 .66 1. 33 1. 99 1997 77.97 43.46 33.00 76.46 .68 1. 37 2.05 1998 98.45 61. 17 32.52 93.69 .70 1. 41 2. 11 1999 102.22 61.94 32.05 93.99 .72 1. 44 2. 16 2000 108.54 65.01 31.61 96.61 .73 1. 47 2.20 2001 115.47 68.42 31. 18 99.59 .75 1. 49 2.24 2002 123.08 72.20 30.76 102.96 .76 1. 51 2.27 2003 131.41 76.38 30.36 106.74 .76 1. 52 2.28 2004 140.53 81.01 29.98 110.99 .76 1. 52 2.28 2005 150.52 86.12 29.62 115.74 .76 1. 51 2.27 2006 151.99 87.59 29.62 117.21 .76 1. 51 2.27 2007 151.96 87.56 29.62 117.18 .76 1. 51 2.27 2008 154.07 89.66 . 29. 62 119.28 • 76 1. 51 2.27 2009 154.04 89.64 29.62 119.25 .76 1. 51 2.27 2010 154.01 89.61 29.62 119.23 .76 1. 51 2.27 2011 153.98 89.58 29.62 119.20 . 76 1. 51 2.27 2012 153.95 89.55 29.62 119.17 .76 1. 51 2.27 2018 149.69 85.28 29.62 114.90 .76 1. 51 2.27 2019 149.69 85.28 15.41 100.69 . 76 1. 51 2.27 2020 149.69 85.28 15.41 100.69 • 76 1. 51 2.27 2021 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 2035 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 • 76 1. 51 2.27 (1)Se:e Tab 1 e D-1 <2>Se:e: Table: D-3 <3>Se:e: Table: E-1 (4)Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. <5>Potential space he.at i ng credit at 25~~ avoided cosi.See Table: F-1. <6>Potentia1 space: heating credit at 50~ avoided cosi.Se:e Table F-1. <?>Potential space heating credit at 75% avoided co:si.Se:e Table F-1. TABLE III-2 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE I-II WITH REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 -YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh> < c /kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh) (c/kWh) 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ------------------------------------------------------ --------- 1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 15.20 37.26 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22,74 16.65 39.38 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 18. 19 44.54 • 51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.93 27.40 19.84 47.24 .53 1.05 1.58 1990 48.61 28.57 21.60 50.17 .55 1. 09 1. 64 1991 51.55 29.87 23.47 53.35 .56 1. 13 1. 69 1992 54.78 31.32 25.48 56.80 .58 1. 17 1. 75 1993 58.31 32.93 27.62 60.55 .60 1. 20 1. 80 1994 62.18 34.77 29.92 64.68 .62 1. 24 1. 87 1995 66.42 36.82 32.37 69.19 .64 1. 29 1. 93 1996 72.94 40.99 35.00 75.98 .66 1. 33 1. 99 1997 77.97 43.46 37.80 81.26 .68 1. 37 2.05 1998 98.45 61. 17 40.81 101. 98 .70 1. 41 2. 11 1999 102.22 61.94 44.02 105.96 .72 1. 44 2. 16 2000 108.54 65.01 47.47 112.48 .73 1. 47 2.20 2001 115.47 68.42 49.57 117.98 .75 1. 49 2.24 2002 123.08 72.20 48.79 120.99 .76 1. 51 2.27 2003 131.41 76.38 48.04 124.42 .76 1. 52 2.28 2004 140.53 81.01 47.31 128.32 .76 1. 52 2.28 2005 150.52 86.12 46.61 132.73 .76 1. 51 2.27 2006 151.99 87.59 46.61 134.20 .76 1. 51 2.27 2007 151.96 87.56 46.61 134. 1 7 .76 1. 51 2.27 2008 154.07 89.66 46.61 136.28 .76 1. 51 2.27 2009 154.04 89.64 46.61 136.25 .76 1. 51 2.27 2010 154.01 89.61 46.61 136.22 .76 1. 51 2.27 2011 153.98 89.58 46.61 136. 19 .76 1. 51 2.27 2012 153.95 89.55 46.61 136.16 .76 1. 51 2.27 2018 149.69 85.28 38.19 123.47 .76 1. 51 2.27 2019 149.69 85.28 38.19 123.47 .76 1. 51 2.27 2020 149.69 85.28 38.19 123.47 .76 1. 51 2.27 2021 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 2035 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 <1>See Table D-1 (2)See Table D-3 <3>See Table E-2 <4>Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. (5)Potential space heating credit at 25% avoided cost.See Table F-1. (6)Potent i al space heating credit at 50% avoided cost.See Table F-1. (?)Potential space heating credit at 75% avoided cost.See Table F-1. TABLE III-3 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE II-A WITH REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 -YEAR BASE SUP PL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) < c /kWh) (c/kWh) 25% 50% 7S% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) --------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 28.60 28.60 e.ee 28.60 0.80 e.ea e.ee 1984 29.98 29.98 a.ea 29.98 0.80 a.0a a.e0 1985 31.46 31.46 a.e0 31.46 0.80 a.0e 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 20.80 42.86 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 20.50 43.23 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 20.20 46.55 .51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.93 27.40 19.92 47.32 .53 1. 05 1. 58 1990 48.61 28.57 19.65 48.22 .55 1. 09 1. 64 1991 51.55 29.87 19.38 49.26 .56 1. 13 1. 69 1992 54.78 31.32 19. 13 50.45 .58 1. 17 1. 75 1993 58.31 32.93 18.89 51.82 .6a 1.20 1. 80 1994 62. 18 34.77 18.66 53.42 • 62 1. 24 1. 87 1995 66.42 36.82 18.44 55.26 .64 1. 29 1. 93 1996 72.94 40.99 18.23 59.22 .66 1. 33 1. 99 1997 77.97 43.46 18.03 61.49 .68 1. 37 2.05 1998 98.45 61. 17 17.84 79.02 .70 1. 41 2. 11 1999 102.22 61.94 17.67 79.61 .72 1. 44 2.16 2000 108.54 65.01 17.50 82.51 .73 1. 47 2.20 2001 115.47 68.42 17.35 85.76 .75 1. 49 2.24 2002 123.08 72.20 17.20 89.40 .76 1. 51 2.27 2003 131.41 76.38 17.07 93.45 .76 1. 52 2.28 2004 140.53 81.01 16.95 97.96 .76 1. 52 2.28 2005 150.52 86.12 16.84 102.96 .76 1. 51 2.27 2006 151.99 87.59 16.84 104.43 .76 1. 51 2.27 2007 151.96 87.56 16.84 104.40 .76 1. 51 2.27 2008 154.07 89.66 16.84 106.51 .76 1. 51 2.27 2009 154.04 89.64 16.84 106.48 .76 1. 51 2.27 2010 154.01 89.61 16.84 106.45 .76 1. 51 2.27 2011 153.98 89.58 16.84 106.42 .76 1. 51 2.27 2012 153.95 89.55 16.84 106.39 . 76 1. 51 2.27 2018 149.69 85.28 16.84 102. 12 .76 1. 51 2.27 2019 149.69 85.28 9.74 95.02 .76 1. 51 2.27 2020 149.69 85.28 9.74 95.02 .76 1. 51 2.27 2021 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 2035 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 (l)See Table D-1 (2)See Table D-3 (3)See Table E-3 (4)Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. (5)Potent i al space heating credit at 25% avoided cost.See Table F-1. <6)Potential space heating credit at 50% avoided cost.See Table F-1. <?)Potential space heating credit at 75% avoided cost.See Table F-1. TABLE III-4 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE I I-B WITH REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 -YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh> <c:/kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh) (c/kWh> 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ------------------ --------- ------------------------------------ 1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.80 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0,00 29.98 0.80 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.80 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 17.08 39.13 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 16.85 39.58 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 16.63 42.98 • 51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.93 27.40 16.41 43.81 .53 1. 05 1. 58 1990 48.61 28.57 16.21 44.78 • 55 1. 09 1. 64 1991 51.55 29.87 16.01 45.89 .56 1. 13 1. 69 1992 54.78 31.32 15.83 47.15 .58 1. 17 1. 75 1993 58.31 32.93 15.65 48.58 .60 1. 20 1. 80 1994 62. 18 34.77 15.48 50.25 .62 1. 24 1. 87 1995 66.42 36.82 15.32 52.15 .64 1. 29 1. 93 1996 72.94 40.99 15. 18 56.16 • 66 1. 33 1.99 1997 77.97 43.46 15.04 58.49 .68 1. 37 2.05 1998 98.45 61. 17 14.91 76.08 .70 1. 41 2. 11 1999 102.22 61.94 14.79 76.73 .72 1. 44 2. 16 2000 108.54 65.01 14.68 79.69 .73 1. 47 2.20 2001 115.47 68.42 14.58 83.00 .75 1. 49 2.24 2002 123.08 72.20 14.49 86.69 .76 1. 51 2.27 2003 131.41 76.38 14.41 90.79 • 76 1. 52 2.28 2004 140.53 81.01 14.34 95.35 .76 1. 52 2.28 2005 150.52 86.12 14.29 100.40 .76 1. 51 2.27 2006 151. 99 87.59 14.29 101.88 .76 1. 51 2.27 2007 151.96 87.56 14.29 101. 85 .76 1.51 2.27 2008 154.07 89.66 14.29 103.95 .76 1. 51 2.27 2009 154.04 89.64 14.29 103.92 .76 1. 51 2.27 2010 154.01 89.61 14.29 103.89 .76 1. 51 2.27 2011 153.98 89.58 14.29 103.86 .76 1. 51 2.27 2012 153.95 89.55 14.29 103.83 .76 1. 51 2.27 2018 149,69 85.28 14.29 99.57 .76 1. 51 2.27 2019 149.69 85.28 8.60 93.88 .76 1. 51 2.27 2020 149.69 85.28 8.60 93.88 .76 1. 51 2.27 2021 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 • 76 1. 51 2.27 2035 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 <1>See Table D-1 <2>See Table D-3 <3>See Table E-4 (4)Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. <5>Potential spac: e heating credit at 25% avoided cost.See Table F-1. < 6) Potent i a 1 space heating credit at 50% avoided cost.See Table F-1. <?>Potential space heating credit at 75% avoided cost.See Table F-1. TABLE III-5 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE I I-C WITH REAL FUEL ESCALATIOH JUNE 1984 -YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) --------------------------- ------------------------------------ 1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 15.20 37.26 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 15.01 37.74 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 14.82 41. 17 .51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.93 27.40 14.64 42.04 .53 1. 05 1. 58 1990 48.61 28.57 14.47 43.04 .55 1. 09 1. 64 1991 51.55 29.87 14.31 44.19 .56 1. 13 1. 69 1992 54.78 31.32 14. 16 45.48 .58 1. 17 1. 75 1993 58.31 32.93 14.01 46.94 .60 1. 20 1. 80 1994 62. 18 34.77 13.88 48.64 .62 1. 24 1. 87 1995 66.42 36.82 13.75 50.57 .64 1. 29 1. 93 1996 72.94 40.99 13.63 54.62 .66 1. 33 1. 99 1997 77.97 43.46 13.53 56.98 .68 1. 37 2.05 1998 98.45 61. 17 13.43 74.60 .70 1. 41 2. 11 1999 102.22 61.94 13.34 75.28 .72 1. 44 2. 16 2000 108.54 65.01 13.26 78.26 .73 1. 47 2.20 2001 115.47 68.42 13. 18 81.60 .75 1. 49 2.24 2002 123.08 72.20 13. 12 85.32 .76 1. 51 2.27 2003 131.41 76.38 13.07 89.45 .76 1. 52 2.28 2004 140.53 81.01 13.03 94.04 .76 1. 52 2.28 2005 150.52 86.12 13.00 99. 11 .76 1. 51 2.27 2006 151.99 87.59 13.00 100.59 .76 1. 51 2.27 2007 151.96 87.56 13.00 100.56 • 76 1. 51 2.27 2008 154.07 89.66 13.00 102.66 .76 1. 51 2.27 2009 154.04 89.64 13.00 102.63 .76 1. 51 2.27 2010 154.01 89.61 13.00 102.60 .76 1. 51 2.27 2011 153.98 89.58 13.00 102.57 .76 1. 51 2.27 2012 153.95 89.55 13.00 102.54 .76 1. 51 2.27 2018 149.69 85.28 13.00 98.28 .76 1. 51 2.27 2019 149.69 85.28 8.03 93.31 .76 1. 51 2.27 2020 149.69 85.28 8.03 93.31 .76 1. 51 2.27 2021 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 2035 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 (l)See Table D-1 <2)See Table D-3 (3)See Table E-5 (4)Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. (5)Potent i al space heating credit at 25% avoided cost.See Table F-1. (6)Potent i al space heating credit at 50% avoided cost.See Table F-1. (7)Potentia1 space heating credit at 75% avoided cost.See Table F-l. TABLE III-6 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE III-A WITH REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1994 ...-: YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh> 25% 50% 75% ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) --------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.80 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.99 0.00 29.98 0.80 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.80 0.00 0.00 1986. 37.26 22.05 21.38 43.43 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 21.06 43.80 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 20.76 4 7. 11 .51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.93 27.40 20.46 47.86 .53 1. 05 1.58 1990 48.61 28.57 20.18 48.75 .55 1. 09 1. 64 1991 51.55 29.87 19.90 49.78 .56 1. 13 1. 69 1992 54.78 31.32 19.64 50.96 .58 1. 17 1. 75 1993 58.31 32.93 19,39 52.32 .60 1. 20 1. 80 1994 62. 18 34.77 19. 15 53.91 .62 1. 24 1. 87 1995 66.42 36.82 18.92 55.74 .64 1. 29 1. 93 1996 72.94 40.99 18.70 59.69 .66 1. 33 1. 99 1997 77.97 43.46 18.49 61.95 .68 1. 37 2.05 1998 98.45 61. 17 18.30 79.47 .70 1. 41 2. 11 1999 102.22 61.94 18. 11 80.05 .72 1. 44 2. 16 2000 108.54 65.01 17.94 82.94 .73 1. 47 2.20 2001 115.47 68.42 17.77 86. 19 .75 1. 49 2.24 2002 123.08 72.20 17.62 89.82 • 76 1. 51 2.27 2003 131.41 76.38 17.48 93.86 .76 1. 52 2.28 2004 140.53 81.01 17.35 98.36 .76 1. 52 2.28 2005 150.52 86.12 17.24 103.35 • 76 1. 51 2.27 2006 151. 99 87.59 17.24 104.82 .76 1. 51 2.27 2007 151.96 87.56 17.24 104.80 .76 1. 51 2.27 2008 154.07 89.66 17.24 106.90 .76 1.51 2.27 2009 154.04 89.64 17.24 106.87 .76 1. 51 2.27 2010 154.01 89.61 17.24 106.84 . 76 1. 51 2.27 2011 153.98 89.58 17.24 106.81 .76 1. 51 2.27 2012 153.95 89.55 17.24 106.78 • 76 1. 51 2.27 2018 149.69 85.28 17.24 102.52 .76 1. 51 2.27 2019 149.69 85. 28, 17.24 102.52 .76 1. 51 2.27 2020 149.69 85.281 17.24 102.52 .76 1. 51 2.27 2021 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 2035 149.69 .. as. 28 'I 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 <1>See Table D-1 <2>See Table D-3 <3>See Table E-6 (4)Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. (5)Potent i al space heating credit at 25% avoided cos1..See Tab 1 e F-1. (6)Potent i al space heating credit at 50% avoided C0$1..See Table F-1. <?>Potential space heating credit at 75% avoided cost.See Table F-1. TABLE III-7 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE I II-B WITH REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 ~ YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT < c /kWh) (c/kWh> (c/kWh) (c/kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh) (c/kWh) 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) --------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 2. 19 24.24 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 2.25 24.99 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 2.31 28.66 • 51 1.01 1. 52 1989 45.93 27.40 2.38 29.78 .53 1. 05 1. 58 1990 48.61 28.57 2.45 31.02 .55 1. 09 1. 64 1991 51.55 29.87 2.53 32.40 .56 1. 13 1. 69 1992 54.78 31.32 2.60 33.93 .58 1. 17 1. 75 1993 58.31 32.93 2.69 35.61 .60 1. 20 1. 80 1994 62.18 34.77 2.77 37.54 .62 1. 24 1. 87 1995 66.42 36.82 2.86 39.68 .64 1. 29 1. 93 1996 72.94 40.99 32.75 73.73 .66 1. 33 1. 99 1997 77.97 43.46 32.26 75.72 .68 1. 37 2.05 1998 98.45 61. 17 31.80 92.97 .70 1. 41 2. 11 1999 102.22 61.94 31.35 93.29 .72 1. 44 2. 16 2000 108.54 65.01 30.91 95.92 .73 1. 47 2.20 2001 115.47 68.42 30.50 98.91 .75 1. 49 2.24 2002 123.08 72.20 30.09 102.29 .76 1. 51 2.27 2003 131.41 76.38 29.71 106.09 .76 1. 52 2.28 2004 140.53 81.01 29.34 110.35 .76 1. 52 2.28 2005 150.52 86.12 28.99 115.11 .76 1. 51 2.27 2006 151.99 87.59 28.99 116.58 .76 1. 51 2.27 2007 151.96 87.56 28.99 116.55 .76 1. 51 2.27 2008 154.07 89.66 28.99 118. 65 .76 1. 51 2.27 2009 154.04 89.64 28.99 118.63 .76 1. 51 2.27 2010 154.01 89.61 28.99 118.60 .76 1. 51 2.27 2011 153.98 89.58 28.99 118.57 .76 1.51 2.27 2012 153.95 89.55 28.99 118.54 .76 1. 51 2.27 2018 149.69 85.28 28.99 114.27 .76 1. 51 2.27 2019 149.69 85.28 28.99 114. 27 .76 1. 51 2.27 2020 149.69 85.28 28.99 114. 27 .76 1. 51 2.27 2021 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 2035 149.69 85.28 4.07 89.35 .76 1. 51 2.27 <1>See Table D-1 <2>See Table D-3 <3>See Table E-7 <4>Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. <5>Potent i al space heating credit at 25% avoided cosi.See Table F-1. (6)Potentia1 space heating credit at 50% avoided cos.I.See Table F-1. <7>Potent i al space heating credit at 75% avoided cos.J.See Table F-1. TABLE I II-8 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC AL TERNATI YE IV WITH REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 -YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh> (c/kWh) (c/kWh) < c/k Wh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) 25% 50% 75% ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) --------- --------- --------- ------------------------------------ 1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.80 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.80 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.80 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 15.71 37.76 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 15.40 38.14 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26,35 15. 10 41.45 .51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.93 27.40 14.80 42.20 .53 1. 05 1. 58 1990 48.61 28.57 14.51 43.08 .55 1. 09 1. 64 1991 51.55 29.87 14.23 44.10 .56 1. 13 1. 69 1992 54.78 31.32 13.95 45.27 .58 1. 17 1. 75 1993 58.31 32.93 13.68 46.60 .60 1. 20 1. 80 1994 62.18 34.77 13.41 48.17 .62 1. 24 1. 87 1995 66.42 36.82 13. 14 49.97 .64 1. 29 1. 93 1996 72.94 40.99 12.89 53.87 .66 1. 33 1. 99 1997 77.97 43.46 12.63 56.09 .68 1. 37 2.05 1998 98.45 61.17 12.39 73.56 . 70 1. 41 2. 11 1999 102.22 61.94 12. 14 74.08 .72 1. 44 2.16 2000 108.54 65.01 11.91 76.91 .73 1. 47 2.20 2001 115.47 68.42 11.67 80.09 .75 1. 49 2.24 2002 123.08 72.20 11.44 83.64 .76 1. 51 2.27 2003 131.41 76.38 11.22 87.60 .76 1. 52 2.28 2004 140.53 81.01 11.00 92.01 .76 1. 52 2.28 2005 150.52 86. 12 10.78 96.90 .76 1. 51 2.27 2006 151.99 87.59 10.78 98.37 .76 1. 51 2.27 2007 151. 96 87.56 10.78 98.34 .76 1. 51 2.27 2008 154.07 89.66 10.78 100.45 .76 1. 51 2.27 2009 154.04 89.64 10.78 100.42 .76 1. 51 2.27 2010 154.01 89.61 10.78 100.39 .76 1. 51 2.27 2011 153.98 89.58 10.78 100.36 .76 1. 51 2.27 2012 153.95 89.55 10.78 100.33 .76 1.51 2.27 2018 149.69 85.28 10.78 96.07 .76 1. 51 2.27 2019 149.69 85.28 10.78 96.07 .76 1. 51 2.27 2020 149.69 85.28 10.78 96.07 • 76 1. 51 2.27 2021 149.69 85.28 10.78 96.07 .76 1. 51 2.27 2035 149.69 85.28 10.78 96.07 .76 1. 51 2.27 (l)See Tab 1e D-1 <2>See Table D-3 (3)See Table E-8 (4)Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. (5)Potent i al space heating credit at 25% avoided cos1..See Table F-1. <6>Potent i al space heating credit at 50% avoided cos1..See Tab 1 e F-1. <7>Potent i al space heating credit at 75% avoided cos1..See Table F-1. TABLE 111-9 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FlHAHClAL AHALYSIS SUMMARY FOR SCAMMOH BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT UHlT COSTS OF EHERGY: W/ REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUHE 1984 1 80~; REVEHUE REVEHUE BOHDS AHD STATE LOANS STATE BOHDS ~~~~~-:~~~~~--------------------------~~~~~:-~~=~i~G;OF=~=C~H~=~~IHG ------------------------------YEAR IBASE 1-A J-B II-A Il-B 11-C III-A IIIl-11 IV 25% 1!58% 17!5% CASE 188% 188% :58%/!58% 48~V68% 3!5lv6:5% (C /kWh> (t.FkWh> (t.FkWh> <cJkWh> (C.FkWh> (c:.FkWh> (C/kWh) ( CJkWh) (C/kWh) <C•ntt./kWh> <C•ntt./kWh> <C•ntt./kWh> (1) <2> (3) (4) <:5> (6) (7) (8) <9> <18> ( 11> <12> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 28.68 28.60 28.68 28.68 28.68 28.60 28.60 28.60 28.60 8.8e 8.ee 8.ee 1984 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 e.e8 8.88 8.8e 198:5 31.46 31.46 31.46 31.46 31.46 31.46 31.46 31.46 31.46 8.88 8.88 8.88 1986 37.26 61.47 37.26 42.86 39.13 37.26 43.43 24.24 37.76 .49 .98 1.48 1987 38.88 61.48 39.38 43.23 39.!58 37.74 43.80 24,99 38. 14 .!58 1. 88 1. !58 1988 43.48 64.45 44.:54 46.:55 42.98 41.17 47.11 28.66 41. 4:5 .!51 1. 81 1. !52 1989 4!5.93 64.86 47.24 47.32 43.81 42.84 47.86 29.78 42.20 .!53 1. es 1. !58 1998 48.61 6:5.41 :58.17 48.22 44.78 43.84 48.75 31.82 43.08 .:5!5 1,89 1. 64 1991 51.!55 66. 12 :53.3:5 49.26 4:5.89 44.19 49.78 32.40 44. 10 .56 1.13 1.69 1992 :54.78 66.98 :56.88 58.45 47.1:5 45.48 !58.96 33.93 45.27 • 58 t. 17 1. 7!5 1993 !58.31 68.82 68.:55 !51.82 48.!58 46.94 52.32 3!5.61 46.60 .68 t. 28 1, 88 I a 1994 62.18 69.31 64.68 !53.42 :58.2!5 48.64 !53.91 37.:54 48.17 .62 1.24 1.87 199!5 66.42 78.84 69. 19 !55.26 52. 15 !58.!57 :5:5.74 39.68 49.97 ,64 1. 29 1. 93 1996 72.94 74.49 7:5.98 :59.22 :56.16 54.62 :59.69 73.73 !53.87 ·" 1. 33 1.99 1997 71.91 76.46 81.26 61.49 !58.49 56.98 61.95 7:5.72 !56.09 .68 1. 37 2.8!5 1998 98.4!5 93.69 181.98 79.82 76.88 74.68 79.47 92.97 73.:56 .78 1.41 2.11 1999 182.22 93.99 18:5.96 79.61 76.73 7!5.28 ee.es 93.29 74.08 .72 1. 44 2.16 2888 188.!54 96.61 112.48 82.!51 79.69 78.26 82.94 9!5. 92 76.91 .73 1. 47 2.28 2001 11:5.47 99.59 117.98 8!5.76 83.80 81.60 86.19 98,91 8&.0~ .7!5 t. 49 2.24 2882 123.88 182.96 128.99 89.48 86.69 8:5.32 89.82 182.29 83.64 .76 1. !51 2.27 2883 131.41 186.74 124.42 93.4:5 98.79 89.45 93.86 106.89 87.t:>0 .76 1.152 2.28 2804 148.:53 118.99 128.32 97.96 9!5.35 94.84 98.36 110.35 92.01 .76 1.!52 2.28 2e8!5 1!5e.S2 11!5.74 132.73 182.96 188.4e 99.11 183.315 115. 11 96.90 • 76 1 .151 2.27 2806 1:51.99 117.21 134.28 184.43 181. sa tee." 184.82 116.58 98.37 • 76 1.151 2.27 2887 1!51.96 117.18 134. 17 184.48 181.8:5 18e.S6 184.8e 116.55 98.34 • 76 1.151 2.27 2888 154.87 119.28 136.28 186." 1e3.95 182.66 186.98 118.6S 100.45 .76 1." 2.27 2889 1!54.84 119.25 136.25 186.48 183.92 182.63 186.87 118.63 100.42 .76 1. !51 2.27 2818 1!54.81 119.23 136.22 186.4!5 183.89 182.68 186.84 118.60 100.39 .76 1. !51 2.27 2811 1!53.98 119. 2e 136.19 186.42 183.86 182.!57 186.81 116.:57 100.36 .76 1. 51 2.27 2812 1!53.9!5 119.17 136. 16 186.39 183.83 182.!54 186.78 116.!54 100.33 .76 1.!51 2.27 2813 1 "· 79 122.8e 139.80 189.23 186.67 18!5.38 189.62 121.37 103.17 .76 1. 51 2.27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. 2818 149.69 114.98 123.47 182.12 99.!57 98.28 182. 52 114.27 96.87 • 76 1. 51 2.27 2819 149.69 188.69 123.47 95.82 93.88 93.31 182.!52 114.27 9t:>.07 .76 1.51 2.27 2828 149.69 188.69 123.47 9!5.82 93.88 93.31 182.!52 114.27 96.67 .76 1 • !51 2.27 2821 149.69 89.35 89.3:5 89.3!5 89.3!5 89.3!5 89.35 89.3S 96.07 .76 1. 51 2.27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. 2e3S 149.69 89.3!5 89.3!5 89.35 89.35 89.3!5 89.3:5 89.35 96.07 .761 1. Sll 2.27 <t>Su Tabl• D-1 <2>S•• Tabl• J)-3 and E-l.Su• of hydro and r.uppl•••ntal diltt.el cot.tt.. <3>S•• Tabl• J)-3 and E-2.Su• of hydro and r.uppl•••ntal diltt.ltl cot.tt.. <4>S•• Tabl• D-3 and E-3.SuM of hydro and t.uppl•••ntal diltt.ltl cot.tt.. <5>S•• Tabl• J)-3 and E-4.SuM of hydro and t.uppl•••ntal d1•t.•1 cot.tt.. h <6>S•• Tabl• J)-3 and E-5.SuM of hydro and t.uppl••ental dfet.el c:ot.tt.. <7>S•• Tabllt J)-3 and E-6.Su• of hydro and t.uppl•••ntal diet.•l cot.tt.. <8>S•• Tabl• J)-3 and E-7.Su• of hydro and r.uppl•••ntal dl•t.•l cot.tt.. <9>S•• Tabl• D-3 and E-8.Su• of hydro and t.uppl•••ntal di•t.•l c:ot.tt.. <18>Pot•ntial t.avingt. fro• spac• hltating • 2!5% avoid•d cor.t.S•• Tabl• F-1. <11)Pot•ntia1 saving& fro• r.pac• hlt&ting I 58% avoidltd cor.t.S•• Tabl• F-1. (12>Potential r.avingt. fro• t.pac:• h•ating I 75% avotd•d cot.t.S•• Tabl• F-1. TABLE 111-tS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ANALYSIS SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT UNIT COSTS OF ENERGY:W/0 REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE t984 tee% REVENUE REVENUE BONDS AND STATE LOANS STATE BONDS STATE GRANTS EQUITY SAYINGS FROM ENERGY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------SALES TO SPACE HEATING YEAR I BASE 1-A 1-B II-A 11-B 11-C lil-A 111-B IY 2:5% :59% 17:5% CASE tee:.: tee:.: :59)1/:59% 49%/69% 3:5V65% ·---- <c /kWh> <c/kWh> (C/kWh> (C/kWh) (c/kWh> <c/kWh> (C/kWh) <c/kWh> (C/kWh) <C•nta/kWh> <C•nta/kWh> <C•nta/kWh> < t) <2> (3) (4) <5> <6) <7> (8) (9) <19> < 11) <12> ---------------------------- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 28.69 28.69 28.69 28.69 28.69 28.69 28.69 28.69 28.69 e.ee e.ee e.ee t984 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 e.ee e.ee e.ee t985 31.46 3t. 46 3t.46 31.46 3t.46 3t.46 31.46 3t.46 31.46 e.ee e.ee e.ee 1986 37.26 6t.47 37.26 42.86 39.t3 37.26 43.43 24.24 37.76 .49 • 98 1.48 1987 38.88 61.48 39.38 43.23 39.58 37.74 43.89 24.99 38. t4 .59 1.ee 1.59 1988 43.48 64.45 44.54 46.55 42.98 41. t7 47. tt 28.66 41.45 .51 1. 91 1. 52 1989 45.39 64.57 46.95 47.93 43.52 4t. 75 47.57 29.49 41. 9t .51 1.92 1.53 t999 47.25 64.78 49.54 47.59 44.15 42.41 48. t2 39.39 42.45 ,52 1.93 1.55 1991 49.36 65.99 52.32 48.23 44.86 43. 16 48.75 3t.37 43.98 .52 1.94 1.56 1992 51.62 65.59 55.32 48.97 45.67 44.99 49.48 32.44 43.79 .52 1. 94 1.57 1993 54.94 66.92 58.55 49.81 46.57 44.93 59.3t 33.6t 44.69 ,52 1.95 1, 571 I t994 56.65 66.79 62.97 59.81 47.63 46.93 51.30 34.92 45.56 .53 1.9:5 1.58 1995 59.44 67.52 65.87 51.94 48.83 47.26 52.42 36.37 46.65 ,53 1.96 1.59 1996 64.33 79.36 7t.86 55.99 52.94 59.59 55.56 69.6t 49.75 .:53 1.96 1.69 1997 67.50 71.42 76.22 56.45 53.45 51.94 56.9t 70.68 5t.05 .53 1. 97 1.69 1998 85.89 87.69 95.89 72.93 69.99 68.51 73.38 86.88 67.47 .53 1. 96 1.69 1999 87.28 86.71 98.68 72.32 69.45 67.99 72.77 86.et 66.80 ,53 1. 96 1.59 2900 99.93 87.98 t93.84 73.87 71.95 69.63 74.3t 87.29 68.28 .53 1.95 1.58 200t 94.86 89.43 t07.82 75.69 72.83 71.44 76.02 88.75 69.92 ,52 1.94 1.56 2902 99.98 9t.e6 199.99 77.59 74.79 73.42 77.92 99.40 7t.74 .51 1.92 1.54 2993 193.62 92.90 119.57 79.69 76.94 75.60 8e.et 92.24 73.75 .59 1.ee 1.59 2994 198.49 94.94 tt2.27 81. 9t 79.30 77.99 82.31 94.30 75.96 .49 ,98 1. 46 2995 113.7t 97.2t 114.29 84.43 8t.87 89.58 84.82 96.58 78.37 .47 .94 1.42 2996 115.t8 98.68 115.67 85.90 83.35 82.96 86.30 98.95 79.84 .47 • 94 1.42 2997 115.16 98.65 115.64 85.87 83.32 82.93 86.27 98.92 79.82 .47 .94 1.42 2908 tt7.26 199.75 117.75 87.98 85.42 84.13 88.37 199.13 81.92 .47 • 94 1.42 2909 tt7.23 199.73 117.72 87.95 85.39 84.19 88.34 190.t0 8t.89 .47 • 94 1. 42 20te 117.29 tee.7e tt7.69 87.92 85.36 84.97 88.3t 199.97 81.86 .47 • 94 1. 42 2911 117.17 199.67 117.66 87.89 85.33 84.94 88.28 190.04 8t.83 .47 • 94 1.42 2912 117.t4 199.64 117.63 87.86 85.39 84.91 88.25 100.91 8t.80 .47 • 94 1.42 2913 119.98 193.47 129.47 99.79 88.14 86.85 91.99 102.85 84.64 .47 • 94 1.42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . .. 2918 112.88 96.37 194.94 83.59 81.94 79.75 83.99 95.74 77.54 .47 • 94 1. 42 2919 112.88 82.16 194.94 76.49 75.35 74.78 83.99 95.74 77.54 .47 .94 1. 42 2929 112.88 82.16 194.94 76.49 75.35 74.78 83.99 95.74 77.54 .47 .94 1.42 2921 112.88 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 77.54 .47 .94 1. 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . .. 2935 112.88 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 77.54 .471 .941 1. 42 <1>Su Tabl• D-2 <2>S•• Tabl• D-4 and E-1.Sua or hydro and auppl•••nlal d1•a•1 coata. <3>S•• Tabl• D-4 and E-2.Sua or hydro and auppl•••nlal di•a•l coat a. <4>S•• Tabl• D-4 and E-3.Sua or hydro and auppl•••nlal di•a•l coata. <5>S•• Tabl• D-4 and E-4.Sua or hydro and auppl•••nlal di•a•l coata. <6>S•• Tabl• D-4 and E-5.Sua or hydro and auppl•••nlal di•a•l coata. <7>S•• Tabl• D-4 and E-6.Sua or hydro and auppl•••nlal di•a•l coata. ~ <8>S•• Tabl• D-4 and E-7.Sua or hydro and auppl•••nlal di•a•l coat~. <9>S•• Tabl• D-4 and E-8.Sua or hydro and auppl•••nlal di•a•l coat~. <19>Pot•ntia1 aavinga rroa apac• h•ating I 25% avoid•d coat.S•• Tabl• F-1. <11>Pot•ntia1 aavinga rroa apac• h•ating I 50% avoid•d coat.S•• Tabl• F-1, <12>Pot•ntia1 aavinga rroa apac• h•ating I 75% avoid•d coat.S•• Tabl• F-1. TABLE II I-ll ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS DIESEL GENERATION Cost Year Replacements Additions ($1,000) 1986 175 KW 77.2 1986 Fuel Storage 64.3 1988 175 KW 87.5 1996 175 KW 144.9 1998 Fuel Storage 410.9 1998 300 KW 273.9 1998 175 KW 164.3 2006 175 KW 255.4 2008 175 KW 255.4 2013 300 KW 425.6 2016 175 KW 255.4 2018 175 KW 255.4 2026 175 KW 255.4 2028 175 KW 255.4 2028 300 KW 425.6 SF:IEB:AD1:4-III-2 160 1:50 140 130 120 ,... .c 110 3: .::{. '\. 100 tn f-z 90 w u '"" 90 f- tn 0 u 70 >- l.7 60 a::: w z 50 w 40 30 ! I I I /A ,;t v r I I I . "' 20 10 !'sea 1990 ,....r-h I ~BASE CASE I II J ~ ~~ f r 'l '"~\ I ~ HY9~S AL TE~~ HYD ALTER ATIVE: I ATIVE I I-A -A ~ w ~?~~ g ~+~~~ ~H~~ i -J::t HYDR ALTER~ ATIVE I -c I 2000 2010 YEAR 2020 2030 l 1 I 2040 1. Costs shown include general inflation and real fuel escalation. 2. Alternative II-A is 50% tax-exempt revenue bonds and 50% state grants. 3. Alternative II-B is 40% tax-exempt revenue bonds and 60% state grant. 4. Alternative 11-C is 43.1% tax-exempt revenue bonds and 56.9% state grant. 5. Alternative III-A is State Loan at 5%. 6. Alternative IV is State Equity Financing with 5% return. 7. All hydro alternatives include cost of supplemental diesel and adjustment for energy sold to cannery.· ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT W/ FUEL ESCALATION,W/ SPACE HEATING HEATING CREDIT @ 50% AVOIDED COST FIGURE III-1 168 t----t----!----f----1------1-----1 158 t-----t---t---r~=------~~\------4--!-----+-' -~ I '\.._BASE CASE 148 j---t---t-+--t---+---+----1 I r-~ 139 r-----t----+-H II /---1---+l-+----+--~ 1291----t----h~VV __ ~--~~---+-----1 ~ ' r r'r-f -~ 118!-----l--~~+--1-----~~---+-----1 ~ 1--!.......--f----¥-J~I-tr--'---1-n-...:t:,Lll-· --+---l' ~ _.r ~~I ~ 98r----r--~rvt---r---~====~==~~l ....,. 1- (J) 0 u >-~ et:: w z w 28t-----r---r---r---r----t---~ t'sa0 1999 2010 YEAR 2020 2840 1. Costs shown include general inflation and real fuel escalation. 2. Alternative I-A is 100% tax-exempt revenue bonds. 3. Alternative I-B is 100% tax-exempt revenue bonds with graduated repayment schedule. 4. Alternative III-A is State Loan, 35 years at 5%. 5. Alternative 111-B is State Loan at 5% with payments deferred for 10 years. 6. All hydro alternatives include cost of supplemental diesel and adjustment for energy sold to space heat1ng. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT W/ FUEL ESCALATION,W/ SPACE HEATING HEATING CREDIT I 50% AVOIDED COST F"IGURE III-2 118 118 148 118 118 ..... .&: 118 X ~ ' liB UJ 1-z 18 w (.) ..... 18 1- UJ 0 78 (.) >-l7 88 a:: w z 58 w 48 88 _,...r ..r-"\ ~FlJEl.. £SC ALATION I I BASE CASE / 11 r -/ \ H/0 FlJ£1.. E j;CRLATION L /~ ~ 1/ !\ H/ FlJEL [SCALRTI Qll / v~ f-./ \_ I '("' v 1\ H/0 F"UEL ,..... ~Al..RTidN I! HYDR 0 ALTERt-RTIVE Il I-A 7£/; ,1/ p f .. 28 18 Plea 1888 2188 28UIJ YEAR 21128 2838 2848 1. Costs shown include general inflation. 2. Costs shown with and without real fuel escalation. 3. Hydro Alternative III-A is State Loan, 35 years at 5%. 4. Hydro alternative includes cost of supplemental diesel and adjustment for energy so 1 d to space heating. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT W/ AND W/0 rUEL ESCALATION HEATING CREDIT 8 50~ AVOIDED COST F"IGURE III-3 .r:. 3:: .:t. " (J) 1-z w u 1- (J) 0 u >- l:J ~ w z w 1s0r-----r-----r-----+-----+-----4-----~ 1:'!0 r---t----+--F-,..r--+n-\--..\..-l----1..-______.j' I 1 '-sAs . cAsE ,i 1 1 1 1~0r-----r-----+-~--+-----+-----4-----~ 130 r-----r----++/-+1 -+--+------! 120 r-----t--++1//----1:----+----+------l _,.-H;' SF~E HERTUG CREDIT II uer' -----r-----t-----ti/~~f-----~----~ I. / ~;_t.,/ \ I ! Y1r i \= I i 1::~· =====;===~=;~)'=::\:;====:~\:::::::::==~! 80 ~----r---~~~~~---~+-~H~...-o~~S~~AC~E~H~E~RT~~·~ING~C~R~ED~I~T~ 1 1. r 'HYDRP ALTERNfiTlVE ~~~-A · 70! / ' l serl -----r~-~~~+-----T-----4-----~----~~ ser----···~ ~~~~~---+,-----+-----+~----~----~~ 40r--T~T-/r-----+-----+-----4-----~----~· If 30 I 7 2er-----r-----+-----+-----4-----4-----~ i'se0 1990 2000 2910 YEAR I 2020 2030 2040 1. Costs shown include general inflation and real fuel escalation. 2. Hydro Alternative III-A is State Loan, 35 years at 5%. 3. Hydro alternative includes cost of supplemental diesel. 4. Hydro alternative shown with and without adjustment for energy sold to space heating. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC W/ FUEL ESCALATION W/ & W/0 HEATING CREDIT @ PROJECT FIGURE III-4 50% AVOIDED COST SF:IEB:A01:4-C APPENDIX A EBASCO COST ESTIMATE ~ ' ' . EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED 400 112th Avenue NE. Bellevue. WA 98004. (206) 451-4500 Alaska Power Authority 334 West Fifth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Remy Williams June 23, 1982 ' .... ' ' • • •. t r~ ·. • t 1~ 1 . ;w .. -'{ SUBJECT: SCAMMON BAY HYDRO PROJECT COST ESTIMATE Dear Mr. Williams: Ebasco Services Incorporated is pleased to present a second op1n1on feasi- bility level construction cost estimate (June 1982 level) for the proposed Scammon Bay Hydroelectric Project located at Scammon Bay, about 230 miles south of Nome, Alaska. This cost estimate was accomplished under the pro- posed Amendment No. 14 to our professional services agreement #081740 (dated March 10, 1981). Our scope of work also included a spot check of major cost· quantities presented by the U.S. Army Corps of ~ngineers (USCOE). Our feasibility level cost estimate (June 1982 level) for the Scammon Bay Hydro Project is $1,500,500. This second opinion estimate was based on USCOE project drawings and preliminary construction cost estimate quan- tities, USGS topographic maps of the project area, and Ebasco experience. A site trip was not performed. The 11 0vernight 11 construction cost estimate includes contingencies, but does not include professional services, owner's overhead or interest and escalation during construction. A project description, project cost summary, detailed cost estimate, and basis of cost estimate are attached to provide details of how Ebasco's cost estimate was developed. If you have any questions, please contact me at (206) 451-4593. Very truly yours, ~~~ Project Manager RAZ:dd Enclosures: As noted ,------------· ... 0 ~ ... ( ,-.-.· -.. • : 1 • ': ' . '·{ f<· . ' . I -~ . . .t l. .; .. '. . :.. ..._' t .. ---$. ... --- 1':\LI'\.)IV'\ rUWC.l\ "UiflUI\~ II SCAMMON BAY HED 100 leW PROJECT DESCRIPTION Genera 1 .:. ; ·~, ,Ibe ]J:Oposed plan. for hydropower development at Scamnon Bay, loca~d in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region of southwestern··AlaSka {230 mi 1 es stuth of Nome), is a run-of-the-river diversion project which has a capacity of 100 kW. The project consists of a 50-foot-wide rockfilled gabion dam with its crest at 600 feet elevation, 3,500 feet of 12-inch buried steel pen~ stock, and a 10 x 11 foot powerhouse with one 100-kW rated impulse turb~ne unit. ~ This system would provide most of Scammon Bay's current energy needs for approximately 7 months of the year. In late fall it would be necessary to supplement it with diesel. For approximately 5 month of the year it would be shut down due to inadequate streamflow. The system could generate an average of approximately 409,000 kWh of an electricity annually. Basin Description The three-quarter-square-mile drainage basin varies in elevation from 600 feet at the damsite to almost 1,300 feet at·the highest point. Upstream of the damsite, the basin is covered with wet, spongy tundra, which has a tendency to retain water and release it over a period of time. Dam, Spillway, and Intake The dam will be constructed of rockfilled gabions arranged around a cutoff wall that extends into bedrock. This cutoff wall will be constructed of sackcrete and extend approximately 9 feet below the existing ground sur- face and about 4 feet below the gabions. The dam will have a crest length of 50 feet and a maximum height from bedrock of 15 feet. The height above existing ground will be approximately 7 to 8 feet. The nonoverflow section of this gravity structure will have a top elevation of 600 feet. The ungated weir overflow section will have a total length of 13.5 feet at elevation 598 and overflow from the weir will enter the existing streambed. The dam will consist of one row of standard manufactured galvanized steel gabions on the upstream side of the cutoff wall and two rows on the downstream side. These will be set down into the existing streambed, then filled with rocks taken from the reser- voir excavation and the nearby area. The intake structure will be a square, metal dropbox set vertically on the right bank. A French drain system will run from the left side of the intake to the left abutment. The French drain will consist of clean gravel which will allow flows to enter a perforated pipe in the drain and be carried through the dam via a metal pipe. A blind flange will be mounted on the drain pipe inside the intake structure to allow access for maintenance and entrance of low flows to supplement power production. A gate valve will be mounted on the drain pipe inside the intake structure to allow regulation of flow through the dam. A 2 X 2.5-foot trashrack will be mounted in the side of the intake structure below the elevation of -2- the overflow section. A movable bulkhead will be mounted above the trash- rack intake. This will be lowered to dewater the intake or to shutoff the intake during winter shutdown. The grating of the trashrack will be ~ coated with a hydrophobic fluorocarbon to reduce icing. A USGS-style~ gage house will be placed on top of the intake structure to keep it frt ~ --~saow~nd~to_.llo~ccess during periods of deep-snow. A ladde~_wil ___._ be installed inside the structure to allow access to the valves and in~ ru- mentation that will be located inside the structure. Flushing System The intake structure will not have a flushing system because of its small size. The reservoir bottom will be sloped away from the intake toward the center of the small excavated reservoir to prevent rocks and other debris from accumulating around the intake. If excessive material does build up in the channel, the reservoir could be drawn down and the material removed by hand or with a small tractor. Penstock The penstock will be buried throughout its length. It will run within the confines of the ravine through which the stream flows. The streambed is generally a composition of gravel, cobbles, and boulders that varies from 6 to 20 feed in depth with some outcrops of:bedrock. The goundline along the stream bottom has an average slope of 13.5 percent. The penstock will cross from the right bank to the left bank of the stream about 550 feet downstream of the dam. The vegetation cover in the streambed is minimal. The penstock will be a 12-inch inside diameter steel pipe extending 3,500 feet from the intake invert at El. 589 (11 feet below the top of the dam) to the powerhouse at El. 110 feet. The project gross head is 488 feet. A 12-inch diameter manually operated gate valve in the intake struc- ture will allow the penstock to be drained during winter low-flow condi- tions and during maintenance. A 1-7/8-inch diameter air vent will extend from the penstock immediately downstream of the gate valve up through the gatehouse to open atmosphere. A screen will cover the upstream end of the gate valve to insure that no small objects are drawn into the penstock. The penstock will be designed for a minimum working pressure of 440 psi with a minimum wall thickness of 0.172 inches. The penstock will be completely encased in select bedding material to insure against point loading that could develop with boulders and bedrock. In periods of cold weather when frazil ice begins to form in the stream, the downstream valve at the powerhouse will remain open until the penstock was completely drained. Penstock drainage will be accomplished by closing the upstream valve to the penstock and allowing the water to drain by deflecting the water away from the buckets of the impuls~ turbine. This was determined to be the safest and most cost effective method to avoid penstock freezing. Insulation of the penstock was considered, but would on1y delay the freeze-up for a few hours at a significantly greater cost. I ~ : -3- Powerhouse The 100-kW unit will have all equipment housed in a 10 x 11 foot~ prefabricated, insulated, weather tight, steel structure, built on a 1 '- !---..,_...,._.._..,...JZ,-..:iw;b ;:oo.crete slab. The. RQwerhouse will...be located at_.ilevation l.lct the finished floor elevation would be at-reast !"feet above the-maxfmum' tailwater level. An open channel tailrace will be excavated below the powerhouse. Ventilation will be provided by a wall mounted fan. Two fire '·.r extinguishers will provide fire protection to the building. A weather · tight, roll-up door will allow access for equipment installation. A 5-ton underhung crane· will be installed for equipment handling. Turbine, Generator, and Electrical Equipment The hydroelectric power generation equipment will be procured as a package unit. It will consist of one impulse turbine, a synchronous generator. governor system, voltage regulator, and protective and control devices. Units of this type are available from industry, either as pre-engineered standard or custom designs, covering a wide range of heads and flows, connected loads, and operating conditions. In addition to being economical and simplifying installation, package unit procurement reduces the number of supply con~racts from three or four to only one. The 100-kW turbine will be a "standardized" horizontal axis impulse or Turgo impulse turbine with one or two adjustable nozzles. The nozzles will be actuated by servomotors controlled by the governor. Jet deflectors will be used for diversion of water from the runner for rapid load change, load rejection, or penstock draining. A cylinder actuated butterfly valve in the penstock will be provided for shutoff of the water. The unit will be specified to produce power over a range of 15 to 100 kW when operating at 430 feet net head. The expected discharge from the turbine at maximum power is estimated to be 3.4 cfs, and 0.63 cfs at minimum power (15 kW). A flywheel will be provided, if necessary, to limit speed excursions during load changes. The turbine will drive a generator through V-belts and a parallel shaft gearbox, or through a direct connection to the generator. The choice of the operating speed and power transmission system will be left to the manufacturer. The governor system will be furnished as an integral part of the turbine-generator package unit. The governor system will be composed of electronic speed sensitive elements (frequency transducer, controller. and amplifier). a servo system consisting of either electric motor and gears or hydraulic pump and electric motor, and the necessary controls. Respond- ing to fluctuations in power demand, the governor will actuate the needle valve in the water supply line, control the amount of water supplied to the turbine and regulate the speed of the unit. The governor size and character- istics (capacity ~nd speed regulation) will be determined 0y the manufacturer, based on head, WR , speed, and power of the un1t. . I ... ::- -4- The synchronous generator will be provided as part of the package unit. The generator, which should be provided with special bearing and lubricants suitable for peration in extended low temperatures, will be ~ rated single phase, 60Hz. 100 kW (125 kVA@ 0.8 pf), 120/240 volts wfth full Class F thermal capacity (Class 8 temperature rise) and be capabl~ of == ··~~ou~~Ktion at 110 percent overload and + &-pereent· of-rated~lt­ age. The generator will be equipped with a brushless, full wave rotating rectifier excitation system and a saturable transformer type automatic · voltage regulator with a response time of 200 milliseconds, capable of· regulation of one percent from no-load to full-load. The generator wil) also be furnished with a control and protection equipment group. This con- sists of a circuit breaker (with shunt-coil type, under-and-over voltage relays, overcur.rent relay, stator thermal relay, instantaneous ground relay, reclosing relay, and lockout device), an ammeter, watt-hour meter, watt-meter, volt-meter, frequency meters, and indicator lights for manual synchroniza- tion. In order to prevent moisture build-up, it may be necessary to partially energize the system during winter shut-down. The generator bus will be tapped between the generator circuit breaker and the step-up transformer to provide three-wire, single phase 120/240 volts to a lighting distribution panel for service station lighting, con- venience outlets, a ventilating fan, and other miscellaneous loads. The main power transformer will be single phase, 120/240 volt primary, 12,470/7200 volt secondary, 15 kV class, dry type, and ventilated. It will be floor mounted in the powerhouse. · The generator, excitation, breaker, and turbine controls will be mounted on the governor equipment cabinet. Controls will be included to manually synchronize the excited unit to the line. Metering will be pro- vided for volts, amps, vars and watts. The generators will be provided with voltage restraint overcurrent and overvoltage relays. Underfrequency and overfrequency protection of customer equipment will be provided with speed switches and some form of automatic time error control will be considered. Transmission System The electrical connection to the existing distribution system will be by 15 kV, No. 2 AWG aluminum conductor on wood poles from the wall-mounted weatherhead fitting at the powerhouse to the existing 7.2 kV primary cable in the surfact-mounted duct bank. Rigid steel conduit will be used to run the cable from the terminal pole to a pad mounted terminal cabinet installed in the duct bank. . I -· EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED ESTIMATE OF COST 2 SHEETS NO. 1 --- PREPARED TBU/CYH SCAMMON BAY PLACE LYNDHURST CHECKED -=..JVM.;..::..:.. ___ _ PROJECT 100 KW DATE JUNE, 1982~ ' ~r•n••-~-~~~~~~-~~~~-~~~~,-~~~S~O~P~O~W~R~A~~~~O~RI~TY~-~N0,~17~-~-~ CLIENT COMPANY 1" DESCRIPTION Mop & Prep Work Lands & Damages Administrative Costs Lands Dam, Sill & Reservior Excavation Sackcrete Reinforcement Gab ion Rock Backfill Drain pipe 1r' 0 French Drain Subtotal UNIT LS LS LS CY CY LB EA CY CY LF CY QUANTITY 1 1 1 230J/ 54J/ 2, 70oJi 216 144 18 90 28.i/ UNIT COST 21.30 1,774.07 2.52 35.65 189.58 38.89 26.67 185.71 10.21 TOTAL 1,000* 5,000* 4,900 95,800 6,800 7,700 27,300 700 2,400 5,200 150,800 • Intake Structure Steel Intake Bulkhead Gate Trashrack Transducer Manometer LB LS LB 1, 224' 12,500 10,100 1,200 1,200 600 ,_ ,. Sluice Gate 12" 0 Insulated Structure Subtotal Penstock Steel (12" 0 0. 17 2" thick) Ring Stiffeners Expansion Anchors, Anchor Supports Concrete Anchor and Thrust Blocks Excavation Backfill Subtotal Powerhouse Structure Turbines & Generators Auxiliary Systems Switchyard & Distribution System Connection Subtotal Allow Allow EA EA LB LB LS CY CY CY LS LS LS LS 100 2 1 J.l 80.820 4,900 12.00 2,950.00 6,400.00 4.02 • 92 2,296.67 20.52 36.15 * COE Estimated Amount J/ Quantities increased by Ebasco 5,900 6,400 37,900 324,900 4,500 30,200 68,900 43,100 72,300 543,900 44,300 173,000 51,500 62,200 331,000 ' .. • PREPARED TBU/CYll APPROVED V AM Tailrace Excavation Riprap Subtotal Subtotal DESCRIPTION !.BASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED · ESTIMATE OF COST SCAMMON BAY PROJECT 100 KW ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY UNIT QUANTITY CY CY 45 15 20 Percent Contingencies Contract Cost __ .:.2-~SBEETS N0 •. _2;;;...__ PLACE LYNDHURST DATE JUNE, 1982 ·. EST NO. APA 1727 UNIT COST 22.22 53.33 ~ TOTAL 1,000 800 1,800 1.250,400 250,100 1,500,500 \ • I • \ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HED 100 KW . ,. BASIS OF ESTIMATE ~ l ......... ~ ~,-.__.._., • ...--liC ..._,...., PIJ& ... J '-~ l """"""'• E I -~ a w ... J General This feasibility level Preliminary Project Estimate, prepared in the same format as used by the Corps Engineers in section T-11 of the Technical , Analysis Report is based on the following: X (a) The follow,,ing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers drawings 1Pxl7 11 were used as pricing reference documents: FIGURE NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 DESCRIPTION Location and Vicinity Map General Plan Dam and Intake Structure Plan, Evaluation & Detail Dam and Intake Structural Sections Powerhouse Transverse Section & Plan (b) Pricing Level of June, 1982 with no allowance to reflect construction milestone dates. (c) Section T-Technical Analysis of the Scammon Bay Hydro Project feasibility study prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (d) Wage rates applicable to Anchorage Union Agreements south of 63° latitude, including costs for Workmen's Compensation and Public Lia- bility and Property Damage insurance rates. (e) Preliminary quantities of dam excavationsackcrete.penstock pipe, penstock excavation, dam rockfill and dam backfill as submitted to Ebasco in the Corp's format in section T-11 of the Technical Analysis have been checked and revised as necessary. (f) All construction labor to be performed on a Contract Basis. (g) Insufficient craftsmen available locally to meet project requirements, therefore construction crews are estimated as being housed in a labor camp. (h) Professional Services including Engineering, Design and Construction Management are not included. (i) Client costs, except for land and land rights not included. Admini- strative and land costs as estimated by the USCOE were,used. (j) (k) (1) Interest during construction not included~ Contingency included at the rate of 20% based on the preliminary status of drawings and other project requirements. Unit costs are shown but due to the magnitude of the quantities entailed, quantity changes may not be priced using the unit prices shown. . . . ~. .. .BASIS OF ESTIMATE -2-6/23/82 (m) For construction of the dam and intake structure no access road is required. Construction materials will be transported by Crawler mounted Backhoe along the penstock alignment. . . . ~ .Freight costs are based on Foss Alaska line for Scheduled Barge f~m ~~~--------!~!~~~~"le-.,~wA-to Bethel, AK and via United Tran~~of ietbel~r -t- Charter Barge from Bethel to Scammon Bay. · (n) Civil No rock excavation is assumed. Concrete is priced as pre-mixed in bags. Pipe quotes were obtained from USS, BBL Co., and Foster. Pipe coupling prices were quoted by Dresser. Powerhouse building and USGS gage house prices were quoted by HAP Dealers for Soule Building, Anchorage, AK. Gabions prices were quoted by Terra AQUA Conservation of Reno, Nevada. Mechanical Two preliminary quotes for the turbine-generator were obtained, one from G.E. Turbine Division, Portland, Oregon and the other from Leffey Hydro Energy, Springfield, Ohio. Other mechanical equipment, instruments and controls are included as a conceptual allowance. Electrical An Auxiliary System lump sum allowance was based on a 125 KVA, single phase Transformer 120/240 V primary -12,470/7200 Vsecondary,Ory Type. It will be installed inside the powerhouse. A Switchyard and Distribution System Connection allowance was based on 40 1 H Wood Pole, REA type with a span of 150 feet. The overhead conductor cable used is No. 2 AWG, ACSR. Indirects The cost of the required construction camp and other indirects are included in the individual work items. • •• SF:IEB:AD1:4-C APPENDIX B ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANALYSIS PARAMETERS SUMMARY OF RECO~~ENDATIONS Analysis Parameters for the 1984 Fiscal Year Economic Analysis Inflation Rate -0~ Real Discount-Rate -3.5~ Real Oil Distillate Escalation Rate 2.5~ -First 20 years 0~ -Thereafter Cost of Power Analysis Inflation Rate -6.5~ Project Debt to Equity Ratio -1:0 Cost of Debt.-10~ Economic life and Term of Financing Gasification Equipment Waste Heat Recapture Equipment · Under 5 MW Over 5 MW Solar, Wind Turbines, Geothermal and Organic Rankine Cycle Turbines Diesel Generation* Units under 300 KW! "'l e> Units over 300 KW Gas Turbines Combined Cycle Turbines Steam Turbines (Including Coal and Wood-fired Boilers) Under 10 MW Over 10 MW Hydroelectric Projects Economic life Term of Financing Transmission Systems Transmission Lines w/ Wood Poles Transmission Lines w/ Steel Towers Submarine Cables Oi 1 Filled Solid Dielectric 10 years 10 years 20 years 15 years 1t"10 years 20 years 20 years 30 years 20 years 30 years 50 years 35 years 30 years 40 years 30 years 20 years *Diesel Reserve Units will have longer life depending on use. Also this economic life is by unit and not total plant capacity. 9204/020 SF:IEB:AD1:4-C APPENDIX C ECONOMIC ANALYSIS UPDATE :• TABLE C-1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ECONOMIC ANALYSIS SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:IASE CASE JUNE 1984 YEAR FIRM VILLAGE FIXED VARIABLE FUEL OIL FUEL OIL TOTAL PRESENT CAPACITY ENERGY COST COST UNIT COST COST COST WORTH DEMAND < k W) <MWh> ($) ($) ($/GAU ($) ($) ($) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ------------------------ ----------------------------------------- 1983 180 449.88 24100 38240 1. 56 73106 135447 0 1984 180 458.88 23980 39005 1. 56 74568 137553 0 1985 180 468.06 23857 39785 1. 56 76060 139702 0 1986 180 477.42 95618 40581 1. 56 77581 213779 206550 1987 180 486.97 95490 41392 1. 56 79133 216015 201652 1988 280 496.71 133261 42220 1. 56 80715 256197 231075 1989 280 506.64 133128 43065 1. 61 84799 260992 227440 1990 280 516.78 132992 43926 1.66 89090 266009 223972 1991 280 527. 11 132854 44805 1.70 93598 271257 220668 1992 175 537.65 132713 45701 1. 76 98334 276748 217521 1993 175 548.41 132569 46615 1. 81 103310 282493 214529 1994 175 559.38 132422 47547 1. 86 108538 288506 211686 1995 175 570.56 132272 48498 1. 92 114030 294799 208989 1996 175 581.97 132119 49468 1. 98 119799 301386 206433 1997 175 593.61 131963 50457 2.04 125861 308282 204016 1998 350 605.49 289586 51466 2. 10 132230 473282 302619 1999 350 617.60 277374 52496 2.16 138921 468790 289610 2000 350 629.95 277208 53546 2.22 145950 476704 284540 2001 350 642.55 277040 54616 2.29 153335 484991 279697 2002 350 655.40 276867 55709 2.36 161094 493670 275075 2003 350 668.51 276692 56823 2.43 169245 502760 270667 2004 350 681.88 276513 57959 2.50 177809 512281 266466 2005 350 695.51 276330 59119 2.58 186806 522255 262468 2006 350 695.51 242159 59119 2.58 186806 488084 ·236999 2007 350 695.51 241969 59119 2.58 186806 487894 228896 2008 350 695.51 241775 59119 2.58 186806 487700 221068 2009 350 695.51 241578 59119 2.58 186806 487503 213505 2010 350 695.51 241376 59119 2.58 186806 487301 206200 2011 350 695.51 241170 59119 2.58 186806 487095 199143 2012 350 695.51 240960 59119 2.58 186806 486885 192326 2013 350 695.51 240746 59119 2.58 186806 486671 185740 2014 350 695.51 240528 59119 2.58 186806 486453 179379 2015 350 695.51 240306 59119 2.58 186806 486230 173233 2016 350 695.51 240078 59119 2.58 186806 486003 167297 2017 350 695.51 239847 59119 2.58 186806 485772 161563 2018 350 695.51 137657 59119 2.58 186806 383582 123261 2031 350 695.51 137657 59119 2.58 186806 383582 7881"4 2032 350 695.51 137657 59119 2.58 186806 383582 76149 2033 350 695.51 137657 59119 2.58 186806 383582 73573 2034 350 695.51 137657 59119 2.58 186806 383582 71085 2035 350 695.51 137657 59119 2.58 186806 383582 68682 TOTAL 8,853,698, !. TABLE C-2 t ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ECONOMIC ANALYSIS SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:SUPPLEMENTAL DIESEL JUNE 1984 YEAR FIRM VILLAGE FIXED VARIABLE FUEL OIL FUEL OIL TOTAL PRESENT CAPACITY ENERGY COST COST UNIT COST COST COST WORTH DEMAND <kW> <MWh) ($) ($) ($/GAL) ($) ($) ($) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ----------------__ , ______ ------------------------- ---------------- 1983 18121 449.88 24100 38240 1. 56 7311216 135447 0 1984 180 458.88 23980 39005 1. 56 74568 137553 0 1985 180 468.06 23857 39785 1. 56 76060 13971212 0 1986 180 477.42 95618 18604 1. 56 35566 149787 144722 1987 18121 486.97 95490 19048 1. 56 36415 15121952 140916 1988 280 496.71 133261 19501 1. 56 37281 190043 171408 1989 280 506.64 133128 19963 1. 61 39309 192400 167666 1990 280 516.78 132992 20434 1. 66 41445 194871 164076 1991 280 527. 11 132854 20915 1. 70 43692 197461 160635 1992 175 537.65 132713 2141215 1. 76 46058 20121176 157337 1993 175 548.41 132569 21906 1.81 48549 203023 154178 1994 175 559.38 132422 22474 1. 86 51303 206199 151295 1995 175 570.56 132272 23073 1. 92 5425121 21219595 148586 1996 175 581.97 132119 23684 1. 98 57357 213159 146003 1997 175 593.61 131963 24307 2.1214 60631 21691211 143541 1998 350 605.49 289586 24942 2. 1121 6412183 378611 242085 1999 350 617.60 277374 25590 2.16 67720 370684 22901212 21211210 35121 629.95 27721218 26251 2.22 71554 37512113 223842 201211 35121 642.55 277040 26926 2.29 75593 379558 218894 201212 350 655.40 276867 27613 2.36 79850 384331 21415121 212103 35121 668.51 276692 28315 2.43 84335 389342 21219606 2004 35121 681.88 276513 29030 2.50 89060 394603 205255 212105 35121 695.51 276330 29760 2.58 9412138 400129 201091 2006 35121 695.51 242159 29760 2.58 94038 365958 177698 2007 350 695.51 241969 2976121 2.58 94038 365768 171600 201218 35121 695.51 241775 29760 2.58 94038 365574 165709 21211219 350 695.51 241578 29760 2.58 94038 365376 16121019 2010 350 695.51 241376 29760 2.58 94038 365174 154522 2011 350 695.51 241170 29760 2.58 94038 364969 149213 2012 350 695.51 240960 29760 2.58 94038 364759 144084 2013 35121 695.51 24121746 29760 2.58 94038 364545 139130 2014 350 695.51 24121528 29760 2.58 94038 364327 134345 2015 350 695.51 240306 29760 2.58 94038 364104 129722 2016 350 695.51 240078 29760 2.58 94038 363877 125257 2017 350 695.51 239847 29760 2.58 9412138 363645 12121945 2018 350 695.51 137657 29760 2.58 94038 261455 8412117 2031 350 695.51 137657 29760 2.58 94038 261455 5372'1 2032 35121 695.51 137657 29760 2.58 94038 261455 51904 2033 350 695.51 137657 2976121 2.58 94038 261455 50149 2034 350 695.51 137657 29760 2.58 94038 261455 48453 2035 350 695.51 137657 29760 2.58 94038 261455 46814 TOTAL 6,513,473, ... -..> TAflLE C-3 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ECONOMIC ANALYSIS SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:HYDROELECTRIC COSTS JUNE 1984 YEAR CAPITAL DEBT OS.M REPLACE. REPLACE. ANNUAL PRESENT COSTS SERVICE SCHEDULE SINKING COST WORTH FUND ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ------------------------------------ ------------------ --------- 1983 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1985 1500000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1986 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 62590 1987 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 60473 1988 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 58428 1989 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 56452 1990 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 54543 1991 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 52699 1992 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 50917 1993 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 49195 1994 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 47531 1995 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 45924 1996 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 44371 1997 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 42870 1998 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 41421 1999 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 40020 2000 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 38667 2001 0 63951 ! 6000 0 1872 71823 37359 2002 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 36096 2003 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 34875 2004 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 33696 2005 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 32556 2010 0 63951 6000 55000 1872 71823 27412 2015 0 63951 6000 632500 1872 71823 23080 2035 0 63951 6000 0 1872 71823 11599 TOTAL PRESENT WORTH: 1,519,460 TABLE C-4 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POTENTIAL SPACE HEATING CREDIT:ECONOMlC ANALYSIS JUNE 1984 YEAR TOTAL ELECTRICAL DEMAND HYDRO AVAILABLE FOR SPACE HEATING EQUIVALENT GALLONS OF FUEL OIL FUEL OIL UNIT COST POTENT! AL SA'r'INGS AT 100~ AVOIDED COST PRESENT WORTH 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2035 (kWh) (1) 449.88 458.88 468.06 477.42 486.97 496.71 506.64 516.78 527. 11 537.65 548.41 559.38 570.56 581.97 593.61 605.49 617.60 629.95 642.55 655.40 668.51 681.88 695.51 695.51 (kWh) (2) 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.35 146.02 141.61 137. 11 132.53 127.85 123.07 118.21 113.93 109.78 105.56 101. 25 96.85 92.37 87.79 83. 12 78.37 73.51 68.56 63.51 63.51 <GAU (3) 0 0 0 5313 5160 5004 4845 4683 4518 4349 4177 4026 3879 3730 3578 3422 3264 3102 2937 2769 2598 2423 2244 2244 ($/GAU (4) 1. 56 1. 56 1. 56 1. 56 1. 56 1. 56 1. 61 1. 66 1. 70 1. 76 1. 81 1. 86 1. 92 1. 98 2.04 2. 10 2. 16 2.22 2.29 2.36 2.43 2.50 2.58 2.58 ($) (5~ (!)Total village electrical demand from Table 11-1. 0 0 0 8288 8049 7806 7785 7750 7701 7636 7554 7499 7443 7371 7282 7175 7048 6900 6729 6534 6313 6065 5786 ($) (6) 5786 TOT'AL 0 0 0 8007 7514 7041 6784 6526 6265 6002 5736 5502 5276 5049 4819 4588 4354 4118 3881 3641 3399 3154 2908 1036 158047 (2)Surplus hydro generation in excess of village electrical demand. <3>Equivalent gallons of fuel oil for space heating based on 28.3 kWh/gal. (4)1984 fuel oil cost=$1.56/gal.Constant at 6.5% through 1988,then at 3.5% annually through 2005 according to APA letter to DOWL dated May 15,1984. (5)Potential savings to total village electrical cos1s from sale of surplus hydro at 100% of avoided cost of fuel oil used for space heating. (6)Present worth January 1985 at 3%. TABLE C-5 PRESENT WORTH AND B/C SUMMARY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT A. BASE CASE (Benefits) Present Worth Base Case B. RECOMMENDED HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT (Costs) Present Worth Hydroelectric Costs Present Worth Supplemental Diesel Costs Total Cost w/o Space Heating Present Worth Space Heating Credit Total Net Cost w/ Space Heating C. BENEFIT/COST RATIO 1. B/C w/o Space Heating Credit B/c 8,853,700 1 10 = 8,033,000 = • 2. B/C w/ Space Heating Credit B/C = 8,853,700 = 1•12 7,875,000 SF:IEB:AD1:4-C-5 $8,853,700 1,519,500 6, 513' 500 8,033,000 158,000 $7,875,000 SF:IEB:AD1:4-C APPENDIX D DIESEl ANALYSES TABLE D-1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:COST OF POWER SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:BASE CASE W/FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR FIRM VILLAGE FIXED 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 . 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 CAPACITY ENERGY COST DEMAND <kW> <MWh> (f) (1) (2) (3) 180 180 180 180 180 280 280 280 280 175 175 175 175 175 175 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 449.88 458.88 468.06 477.42 486.97 496.71 506.64 516.78 527. 11 537.65 548.41 559.38 570.56 581.97 593.61 605.49 617.60 629.95 642.55 655.40 668.51 681.88 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 24100 23980 23857 43849 43721 57838 57705 57570 57431 57290 57146 56999 56849 67715 67559 158142 145930 145764 145595 145423 145248 145069 144886 155126 154936 169559 169361 169160 168954 168744 188480 188261 188039 187812 187580 139085 VARIABLE FUEL OIL FUEL OIL TOTAL COST UNIT COST COST COST ($) (4) 35906 39005 42371 46028 50000 54315 59002 64094 69626 75634 82162 89252 96954 105322 114411 124285 135010 146662 159319 173068 188004 204228 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 ($/GAL) (5) 1. 46 1. 56 1. 66 1. 77 1. 88 2.01 2.20 2.41 2.63 2.89 3. 16 3.46 3.79 4. 15 4.54 4.97 5.45 5.96 6.53 7. 15 7.83 8.57 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 ($) (6) 68645 74569 81004 87995 95589 103838 115977 129535 144677 161590 180480 201578 225143 251462 280858 313690 350360 391318 437063 488155 545220 608957 680144 680144 680144 680144 680144 680144 680144 680144 680144 680144 680144 680144 680144 680144 ($) 128651 137554 147232 177871 189310 215992 232685 251199 271734 294514 319788 347829 378946 424498 462828 596116 631300 683743 741977 806646 878472 958254 1046883 1057123 1056933 1071556 1071358 1071157 1070951 1070741 1090477 1090258 1090036 1089809 1089577 1041082 2031 350 695.51 139085 221853 9.39 680144 1041082 2032 350 695.51 139085 221853 9.39 680144 1041082 2033 350 695.51 139085 221853 9.39 680144 1041082 2034 350 695.51 139085 221853 9.39 680144 1041082 2035 350 695.51 139085 221853 9.39 680144 1041082 UNIT COST (C/kWh) 28.60 29.98 31.46 37.26 38.88 43.48 45.93 48.61 51.55 54.78 58.31 62. 18 66.42 72.94 77.97 98.45 102.22 108.54 115.47 123.08 131.41 140.53 150.52 151.99 151.96 154.07 154.04 154.01 153.98 153.95 156.79 156.76 156.72 156.69 156.66 149.69 149.69 149.69 149.69 149.69 149.69 <!>Existing system is 1-75 kW,1-110 kW,and 1-105 kW.Add 175 kW units in 1986 and 1988.Add 300 kW unit in 1998.Replace units in perpetuity.Add fuel storage facilities in 1986 and 1998. (2)1983 energy use from APA letter.Escalates at 2.5% annually. <3>Debt service on existing and future loans. (4)8.5 cents/kWh for 1984.Includes lube oil,operations,miscellaneous consumables,maintenance,and insurance.AVEC system average. <5>1984 fuel cost=$1.56/gal.Inflated at 6.5% through 1988,then at 9.5% annually through 2005 according to APA letter to JOWL dated May 15,1984. <6>Fuel oil consumption rate=9.6 kWh/gallon. TABLE D-2 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:COST OF POWER SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:BASE CASE W/0 FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR FIRM VILLAGE FIXED CAPACITY ENERGY COST DEMAND VARIABLE FUEL OIL FUEL OIL TOTAL COST UNIT COST COST COST UNIT COST 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 . 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (kW) <MWh> ($) (1) (2) (3) 180 180 180 180 180 280 280 280 280 175 175 175 175 175 175 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 449.88 458.88 468.06 477.42 486.97 496.71 506.64 516.78 527.11 537.65 548.41 559.38 570.56 581.97 593.61 605.49 617.60 629.95 642.55 655.40 668.51 681.88 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.'51 24100 23980 23857 43849 43721 57838 57705 57570 57431 57290 57146 56999 56849 67715 67559 158142 145930 145764 145595 145423 145248 145069 144886 155126 154936 169559 169361 169160 168954 168744 188480 188261 188039 187812 187580 139085 ($) (4) 35906 39005 42371 46028 50000 54315 59002 64094 69626 75634 82162 89252 96954 105322 114411 124285 135010 146662 159319 173068 188004 204228 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 221853 ($/GAU (5) 1. 46 1. 56 1. 66 1. 77 1. 88 2.01 2. 14 2.28 2.42 2.58 2.75 2.93 3.12 3.32 3.54 3.77 4.01 4.27 4.55 4.85 5. 16 5.50 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 ($) (6) 68645 74569 81004 87995 95589 103838 112800 122534 133109 144596 157075 170630 185356 201352 218729 237605 258110 280385 304582 330868 359422 390440 424135 424135 424135 424135 424135 424135 424135 424135 424135 424135 424135 424135 424135 424135 ($) 128651 137554 147232 177871 189310 215992 229507 244198 260166 277520 296382 316882 339160 374389 400699 520031 539050 572811 609497 649359 692673 739737 790874 801114 800924 815547 815350 815148 814942 814732 834468 834250 834027 833800 833568 785073 2031 350 695.51 139085 221853 5.85 424135 785073 2032 350 695.51 139085 221853 5.85 424135 785073 2033 350 695.51 139085 221853 5.85 424135 785073 2034 350 695.51 139085 221853 5.85 424135 785073 2035 350 695.51 139085 221853 5.85 424135 785073 (!)Existing system is 75 kW,110 kW,and 105 kW.Add 175 kW units in 1986 28.60 29.98 31.46 37.26 38.88 43.48 45.30 47.25 49.36 51.62 54.04 56.65 59.44 64.33 67.50 85.89 87.28 90.93 94.86 99.08 103.62 108.49 113.71 115.18 115.16 117.26 117.23 117.20 117.17 117.14 119. 98 119.95 119.92 119.88 119.85 112.88 112.88 112.88 112.88 112.88 112.88 and 1988.Add 300 kW unit in 1998.Replace units in perpetuity.Add fuel storage facilities in 1986 and 1988. <2>1983 energy use from APA letter.Escalates at 2.5% annually. (3)Debt service on existing and future loans. (4)8.5 cents/kWh for 1984.Includes lube oil,operations,miscellaneous consumables,maintenance,and insurance.AVEC system average. (5)1984 fuel oil cost=$1.56/gal.Inflated at 6.5% annually through 2005 according to APA letter to DOWL dated May 15,1984. <6>Fuel oil consumpton rate=9.6 kWh/gallon. 'f.ABLE D-3 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:COST OF POWER SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:SUPPLEMENTAL D(ESEL W/FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR FIRM VILLAGE FIXED CAPACITY ENERGY COST DEMAND <kW) <MWh> ($) (1) (2) (3) VARIABLE FUEL OIL FUEL OIL TOTAL COST UNIT COST COST COST ($) (4) ($/GAL> (5) ($) (I!)) ($) UNIT COST (C/kWh> -------- ---------------- --------------------------------- -------- 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 19~2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 180 180 180 180 180 280 280 280 280 175 175 175 175 175 175 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 449.88 458.88 468.06 477.42 486.97 496.71 506.64 516.78 527.11 537.65 548.41 559.38 570.56 581.97 593.61 605.49 617.60 629.95 642.55 655.40 668.51 681.88 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 24100 23980 23857 43849 43721 57838 57705 57570 57431 57290 57146 56999 56849 67715 67559 158142 145930 145764 145595 145423 145248 145069 144886 155126 154936 169559 169361 169160 168954 168744 188480 188261 188039 187812 187580 139085 35906 39005 42371 21101 23009 25087 27351 29817 32502 35426 38610 42187 46126 50425 55115 60232 65814 71902 78543 85785 93682 102293 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 1. 46 1. 56 1. 66 1. 77 1. 88 2.01 2.20 2.41 2.63 2.89 3. 16 3.46 3.79 4. 15 4.54 4.97 5.45 5.96 6.53 7. 15 7.83 8.57 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 68645 74569 81004 40340 43988 47961 53762 60259 67536 75686 84813 95281 107113 120393 135297 152023 170791 191847 215469 241965 271683 305011 342384 342384 342384 342384 342384 342384 342384 342384 342384 342384 342384 342384 342384 342384 128651 137554 147232 105289 110717 130887 138818 147645 157469 168402 180569 194468 210088 238533 257972 370397 382535 409514 439607 473173 510613 552372 598951 609191 609001 623624 623426 623224 623019 622809 642544 642326 642103 641876 641645 593150 2031 350 695.51 139085 111681 9.39 342384 593150 2032 350 695.51 139085 111681 9.39 342384 593150 2033 350 695.51 139085 111681 9.39 342384 593150 2034 350 695.51 139085 111681 9.39 342384 593150 2035 350 695.51 139085 111681 9.39 342384 593150 (!)Existing system is 75 kW,110 kW,and 105 kW.Add 175 kW units in 1986 and 1988.Add 300 kW unit in 1998.Replace units in perpetuity.Add fuel storage facilities in 1986 and 1998. <2>1983 energy use from APA letter.Escalates at 2.5% annually. (3)Debt service on existing and future loans. 28.60 29.98 31.46 22.05 22.74 26.35 27.40 28.57 29.87 31.32 32.93 34.77 36.82 40.99 43.46 61. 17 61.94 65.01 68.42 72.20 76.38 81.01 86.12 87.59 87.56 89.66 89.64 89.61 89.58 89.55 92.38 92.35 92.32 92.29 92.25 85.28 85.28 85.28 85.28 85.28 85.28 (4)8.5 cents/kWh for 1984.Includes lube oil,operations,miscellaneous consumables,maintenance,and insurance.AVEC system average. (5)1984 fuel cost=$1.56/gal.Inflated at 6.5~ through 1988,then at 9.5% annually through 2005 according to APA letter to DOWL dated May 15,1984. (6)Fuel oil consumption rate=9.6 kWh/gallon. T.ABLE D-4 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:COST OF POWER SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:SUPPLEMENTAL DIESEL W/0 FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR FIRM VILLAGE FIXED CAPACITY ENERGY COST DEMAND VARIABLE FUEL OIL FUEL OIL TOTAL COST UNIT COST COST COST UNIT COST 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199.2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 <kW) <MWh> ($) (1) (2) (3) ($) (4) ($/GAL> (5) ($) (6) -------- --------------------------------- 180 180 180 180 180 280 280 280 280 175 175 175 175 175 175 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 449.88 458.88 468.06 477.42 486.97 496.71 506.64 516.78 527. 11 537.65 548.41 559.38 570.56 581.97 593.61 605.49 617.60 629.95 642.55 655.40 668.51 681.88 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 695.51 24100 23980 23857 43849 43721 57838 57705 57570 57431 57290 57146 56999 56849 67715 67559 158142 145930 145764 145595 145423 145248 145069 144886 155126 154936 169559 169361 169160 168954 168744 188480 188261 188039 187812 187580 139085 35906 39005 42371 21101 23009 25087 27351 29817 32502 35426 38610 42187 46126 50425 55115 60232 65814 71902 78543 85785 93682 102293 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 111681 1. 46 1. 56 1. 66 1. 77 1. 88 2.01 2. 14 2.28 2.42 2.58 2.75 2.93 3. 12 3.32 3.54 3.77 4.01 4.27 4.55 4.85 5. 16 5.50 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 68645 74569 81004 40340 43988 47961 52289 57003 62136 67727 73814 80653 88184 96402 105368 115150 125822 137462 150157 164002 179100 195561 213509 213509 213509 213509 213509 213509 213509 213509 213509 213509 213509 21:3509 213509 213509 ($) 128651 137554 147232 105289 110717 130887 137345 144389 152069 160442 169570 179839 191159 214541 228042 333524 337565 355128 374296 395211 418030 442923 470076 480316 480126 494749 494551 494350 494144 493934 513670 513451 513229 513002 512770 464275 2031 350 695.51 139085 111681 5.85 213509 464275 2032 350 695.51 139085 111681 5.85 213509 464275 2033 350 695.51 139085 111681 5.85 213509 464275 2034 350 695.51 139085 111681 5.85 213509 464275 2035 350 695.51 139085 111681 5.85 213509 464275 (!)Existing system is 75 kW,110 kW,and 105 kW.Add 175 kW units in 1986 and 1988.Add 300 kW unit in 1998.Replace units in perpetuity.Add fuel storage facilities in 1986 and 1998. (2)1983 energy use from APA letter.Escalates at 2.5% annually. (3)Debt service on existing and future loans. (4)8.5 cents/kWh for 1984.Includes lube oil,operations,miscellaneous consumables,maintenance,and insurance.AVEC system average. (5)1984 fuel cost=$1.56/gal.Inflated at 6.5% through 2005 according to APA letter to DOWL dated May 15,1984. <6>Fue1 oil consumption rate=9.6 kWh/gallon. 28.60 29.98 31.46 22.05 22.74 26.35 27. 11 27.94 28.85 29.84 30.92 32. 15 33.50 36.86 38.42 55.08 54.66 56.37 58.25 60.30 62.53 64.96 67.59 69.06 69.03 71. 13 71. 11 71.08 71.05 71.02 73.85 73.82 73.79 73.76 73.73 66.75 66.75 66.75 66.75 66.75 66.75 SF:IEB:AD1:4-C APPENDIX E HYDROELECTRIC ANALYSES .. --~ TABLE E-1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVE I-A:100% REVENUE BONDS WITH LEVEL PAYMENTS SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:HYDROELECTRIC COSTS JUNE 1984 YEAR CAPITAL DEBT 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2010 2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2035 COST SERVICE ($) ($) (1) (2) 0 0 1925920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 199698 0 199698 0 0 0 0 0 199698 199698 199698 0 0 O&M ($) (3) 0 0 0 7719 8221 8755 9324 9930 10575 11263 11995 12775 13605 14489 15431 16434 17502 18640 19852 21142 25538 REPLAC. SCHED. ($) (4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 404357 25538 2620231 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 0 0 0 0 0 REPLAC. SINKING FUND ($) (5) 0 0 0 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 RESERVE FUND ($) (6) 0 0 0 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 2735 219668 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 219668 109834 109834 0 0 INT. ON RESERVE ($) (7) 0 0 0 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 TOTAL COST ($) (8) 0 0 0 188185 188687 189221 189790 190396 191041 191729 192461 193241 194071 194955 195897 196900 197968 199106 200318 201608 206004 21967 206004 21967 10983 10983 0 0 206004 107154 107154 28273 28273 UNIT COST (C/kWh) (9) 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.42 38.75 38.09 37.46 36.84 36.24 35.66 35.09 34.55 34.01 33.50 33.00 32.52 32.05 31.61 31. 18 30.76 29.62 29.62 29.62 15.41 15.41 4.07 4.07 (!)Capital cost including 10% interest during construction,3.75% financing charge,and reserve equal to 110% of one years deb1 service. <2>Debt sservice for 35 years at 10%. (3)$5,000 for 1983. <4>Replace runner every 25 years.Replace transmission lines every 30 years. <5>Sinking funds superimposed. (6)110% of annual debt service. (7)10% annual interest on reserve fund. (8)Total annual cost of hydro. <9>Annua1 unit ~ost of hydro. TABLE E-2 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVE I-B:100~ REVENUE BONDS WITH GRADUATED PAYMENTS MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE RATE OF INCREASE IN ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE:9.5~ SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:HYDROELECTRIC COSTS YEAR CAPITAL DEBT 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2010 2015 2035 COST SERVICE ($) ($) (1) (2) 0 0 1925920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 84095 92084 100832 110411 120900 132386 144962 158734 173813 190326 208407 228205 249885 273624 299618 317881 317881 317881 317881 317881 317881 317881 317881 317881 0 317881 0 317881 0 0 OS.M ($) (3) 0 0 0 7719 8221 8755 9324 9930 10575 11263 11995 12775 13605 14489 15431 16434 17502 18640 19852 21142 22516 23980 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 REPLAC. SCHED. ($) (4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 234101 25538 2692164 25538 0 JUNE 1984 REPLAC. SINKING FUND ($) (5) 0 0 0 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 RESERVE FUND ($) (6) 0 0 0 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 219668 73223 73223 73223 0 219668 2735 219668 2735 INT. ON RESERVE ($) (7) 0 0 0 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 21967 7322 7322 7322 0 21967 TOTAL COST ($) (8) 0 0 0 72582 81072 90355 100503 111598 123729 136993 151496 167356 184698 203664 224404 247087 271894 299026 318501 319791 321165 322629 324188 324188 265609 265609 265609 28273 324188 21967 324188 0 28273 UNIT COST (c/kWh> (9) 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.20 16.65 18. 19 19.84 21.60 23.47 25.48 27.62 29.92 32.37 35;00 37.80 40.81 44.02 47.47 49.57 48.79 48.04 47.31 46.61 46.61 38. 19 38.19 38.19 4.07 46.61 46.61 4.07 <l>Capital cost including 10~ interest during construction,3.75~ financing charge,and reserve equal to 110~ of one years debl service. <2>Debt service required to make 1986 unit energy cost the same as base case. Maximum allowable annual rate of incease in energy cost=9.5~.Capital costs fully amortized over remainder of 35 year financing period when amortization exceeds maximum allowable payment. (3)$5,000 for 1983.Escalates at 6.5~ annually. (4)Replace runner every 25 years.Replace transmission lines every 30 years. (5)Sinking funds are superimposed. (6)110~ of annual debt service. (7)10~ annual interest earned on reserve. (8)Total annual cost of hydro. (9)Annual unit cost of hydro. TABLE E-3 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIHAHCIAL ALTERNATIVE II-A:50% REVEHUE BOHDS ~ 50% STATE GRAHT SCAMMOH BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:HYDROELECTRIC COSTS JUHE 1984 YEAR CAPITAL DEBT O&M COST SERVICE REPLAC. SCHED. REPLAC. SIHKIHG FUHD ($) RESERVE FUHD IHT. OH RESERVE ( $) TOTAL COST UHIT COST 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2010 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2035 ($) ($) ( 1) (2) 0 0 962960 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 99849 0 0 ($) (3) 0 0 0 7719 8221 8755 9324 9930 10575 11263 11995 12775 13605 14489 15431 16434 17502 18640 19852 21142 22516 23980 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 ($) (4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 263896 264747 0 0 0 0 0 0 (5) 0 0 0 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 ($) (6) 0 0 0 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 109834 54917 54917 0 0 (7) 0 0 0 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 10983 5492 5492 0 0 ($) (8) 0 0 0 99319 99821 100355 100924 101530 102176 102863 103595 104375 105205 106090 107031 108034 109103 110240 111452 112742 114116 115580 117139 117139 117139 117139 117139 67713 67713 28273 28273 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.80 20.50 20.20 19.92 19.65 19.38 19. 13 18.89 18.66 18.44 18.23 18~03 17.84 17.67 17.50 17.35 17.20 17.07 16.95 16.84 16.84 16.84 16.84 16.84 9.74 9.74 4.07 4.07 (!)Capital cost for 50% of construction cost.Includes interest during construction,financing fee,and reserve fund.Balance of construction paid · by state grant (2) 10% for 35 years. (3)$5,000 for 1983, esca1ated at 6.5% annually. (4)Replace runner every 25 years.Replace transmission lines every 30 years. (5)Sinking funds are superimposed. (6)110% of annual debt sevice. <7)10% annual interest earned on reserve. <8>Total annual cost of hydro. <9>Annua1 unit cost of hydro. TABLE E-4 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVE II-B:40% REVENUE BONDS ~ 60% STATE GRANT SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:HYDROELECTRIC COSTS JUNE 1984 YEAR CAPITAL DEBT 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2010 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2035 COST SERVICE ($) ($) (1) (2) 0 0 770370 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 79879 0 O~M ($) (3) REPLAC. SCHED. ($) (4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 7719 0 8221 0 8755 0 9324 0 9930 0 10575 0 11263 0 11995 0 12775 0 13605 0 14489 0 15431 0 16434 0 17502 0 18640 0 19852 0 21142 0 22516 0 23980 0 25538 0 25538 110666 25538 264747 25538 0 25538 0 25538 0 25538 0 25538 0 25538 0 REPLAC. RESERVE SINKING FUND FUND ($) ($) (5) (6) 0 0 0 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 0 0 0 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 87867 43934 43934 0 0 INT. ON RESERVE ($) (7) 0 0 0 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 8787 4393 4393 0 TOTAL COST ($) (8) 0 0 0 81546 82048 82582 83151 83757 84403 85090 85822 86602 87432 88317 89258 90261 91330 92467 93679 94969 96344 97807 99366 99366 99366 99366 99366 59825 59825 28273 28273 UNIT COST (O'kWh> (9) 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.08 16.85 16.63 16.41 16.21 16.01 15.83 15.65 15.48 15.32 15. 18 15.04 14.91 14.79 14.68 14.58 14.49 14.41 14.34 14.29 14.29 14.29 14.29 14.29 8.60 8.60 4.07 4.07 (!)Capital cost for 40% of construction cost.Includes interest during construction,financing fee,and reserve fund.Balance of construction paid · by state grant (2) 10% for 35 years. (3)$5,000 for 1983, escalated at 6.5% annually. (4)Replace runn•r every 25 years.Replace transmission lines every 30 years. (5)Sinking funds are superimposed. (6)110% of annual debt sevice. <7>10% annual interest earned on reserve. (8)Total annual cost of hydro, (9)Annual unit cost of hydro. TABLE E-5 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVE II-C:34.96% REVENUE BOHDS & 65.04% STATE GRANT SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:HYDROELECTRIC COSTS YEAR CAPITAL DEBT 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2010 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2035 COST SERVICE ($) ($) (1) (2) 0 0 673200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 69804 0 O&M ($) (3) REPLAC. SCHED. ($) (4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 7719 0 8221 0 8755 0 9324 0 9930 0 10575 0 11263 0 11995 0 12775 0 13605 0 14489 0 15431 0 16434 0 17502 0 18640 0 19852 0 21142 0 22516 0 23980 0 25538 0 25538 110666 25538 264747 25538 0 25538 0 25538 0 25538 0 25538 0 25538 0 JUHE 1984 REPLAC. RESERVE SIHKIHG FUHD FUHD ($) ($) (5) (6) 0 0 0 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 0 0 0 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 76784 38392 38392 0 IHT. OH RESERVE ($) (7) 0 0 0 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 7678 3839 3839 0 0 TOTAL COST ($) (8) 0 0 0 72579 73081 73615 74184 74790 75436 76123 76855 77635 78465 79349 80291 81294 82362 83500 84712 86002 87376 88840 90399 90399 90399 90399 90399 55846 55846 28273 28273 UNIT COST (c/kWh) (9) 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.20 15.01 14.82 14.64 14.47 14.31 14. 16 14.01 13.88 13.75 13.63 13.53 13.43 13.34 13.26 13. 18 13. 12 13.07 13.03 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 8.03 8.03 4.07 4.0? (!)Capital cost for 34.96% of construction cost.Includes interest during construction,financing fee,and reserve fund.Balance of construction paid by state grant (2) 10% for 35 years. (3)$5,000 for 1983, escalated at 6.5% annually. (4)Replace runner every 25 years.Replace transmission lines every 30 years. (5)Sinking funds are superimposed. (6)110% of annual debt sevice. (7)10% annual interest earned on reserve. <8>Tota1 annual cost of hydro. <9>Annua1 unit cost of hydro. TABLE E-6 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVE III-A:STATE LOAN WITH 35 YEAR PAYBACK SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:HYDROELECTRIC COSTS JUNE 1~84 YEAR CAPITAL DEBT OS.M REPLAC. SCHED. REPLAC. RESERVE SINKING FUND FUND INT. TOTAL COST 1~83 1~84 1~85 1986 1987 1988 1~8~ 1990 1991 1~92 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2010 2010 2020 2021 2035 COST SERVICE ($) ($) ( 1) (2) 0 0 1500000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91608 91608 91608 ~1608 91608 91608 91608 91608 91608 91608 ~1608 91608 91608 91608 91608 91608 ~1608 91608 91608 91608 91608 91608 91608 0 ($) (3) 0 0 0 7719 8221 8755 9324 9930 10575 11263 11995 12775 13605 14489 15431 16434 17502 18640 19852 21142 22516 23980 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 ($) (4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110666 110666 0 0 ($) ($) (5) (6) 0 0 0 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ON RESERVE ($) (7) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ($) (8) 0 0 0 102061 102563 103097 103666 104272 104918 105605 106337 107117 107947 108832 109773 110776 111845 112982 114194 115484 116858 118322 119881 119881 119881 119881 28273 28273 UNIT COST (c/kWh) (9) 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.38 21.06 20.76 20.46 20.18 19.90 19.64 19.39 19. 15 18.92 18.70 18.49 18.30 18. 11 17.94 17.77 17.62 17.48 17.35 17.24 17.24 17.24 17.24 4.07 4.07 (!)Capital cost with no allowance for interest during construction,finance fees or reserve fund. <2>Debt service for 35 years at 5%. (3)$5,000 for 1983,escalate at 6.5% annually. (4)Replace runner every 25 years.Replace transmission lines every 30 years. (5)Sinking funds superimposed. (6)No reserve required. (7)No reserve required. <8>Annual total hydro cost. (9)Annual unit hydro cost. TABLE E-7 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVE III-B:STATE LOAN WITH DEFERRED PAYMENT SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:HYDROELECTRIC COSTS JUNE 1984 YEAR CAPITAL DEBT O&M REPLAC. SCHED. REPLAC. SINKING FUND ($) RESERVE INT. TOTAL COST 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2010 2015 2020 2021 2035 COST SERVICE ($) ($) (1) (2) 0 0 1500000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 173361 173361 173361 173361 173361 173361 173361 173361 173361 173361 173361 173361 173361 0 ($) (3) 0 0 0 7719 8221 8755 9324 9930 10575 11263 11995 12775 13605 14489 15431 16434 17502 18640 19852 21142 22516 23980 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 25538 ($) (4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 110666 264747 0 0 (5) 0 0 0 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 FUND ON RESERVE ($) ($) (6) (7) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ($) (8) 0 0 0 10454 10955 11490 12059 12665 13310 13998 14730 15509 16340 190585 191527 192530 193598 194736 195947 197238 198612 200075 201634 201634 201634 201634 28273 28273 UNIT COST (c/kWh) (9) 0.00 0.00 0.00 2. 19 2.25 2.31 2.38 2.45 2.53 2.60 2.69 2.77 2.86 32.75 32.26 31.80 31.35 30.91 30.50 30.09 29.71 29.34 28.99 28.99 28.99 28.99 4.07 4.07 (!)Capital cost without interest during construction 1 finance charge,or reserve. <2>Payment deferred for 10 years then amortized over 25 years at 5%. (3)$5,000 for 1983.Escalates at 6.5% annually. (4)Replace runner every 25 years.Replace transmission lines every 30 years. <5>Sinking funds superimposed. (6)No reserve fund required. (7)No reserve fund required. <8>Annual hydro cost. <8>Annual hydro unit cost. ,..._ TABLE E-8 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVE IV:STATE EQUITY INVESTMENT SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT:HYDROELECTRIC COSTS JUNE 1984 YEAR CAPITAL COST TOTAL ANNUAL COST ($) (2) O&M REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENT ($) REPLACEMENT SINKING FUND RETURN ON UNIT INVESTMENT COST 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2010 2015 2035 ($) ( 1) 0 0 1500000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 ($) (3) 0 0 0 7719 8221 8755 9324 9930 10575 11263 11995 12775 13605 14489 15431 16434 17502 18640 19852 21142 22516 23980 25538 21142 21142 21142 (4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110666 264747 ($) (5) 0 0 0 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735 ($) (6) 0 0 0 64546 64045 63510 62941 62335 61690 61002 60270 59491 58660 57776 56834 55831 54763 53625 52414 51123 49749 48286 46727 51123 51123 51123 (c/kWh) (7) 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.71 15.40 15.10 14.80 14.51 14.23 13.95 13.68 13.41 13. 14 12.89 12.63 12.39 12. 14 11.91 11.67 11.44 11.22 11.00 10.78 10.78 10.78 10.78 (!)Capital cost without interest during construction,finance charge,or reserve. (2) 5% of project capital cost return to state annually. (3) $5000 for 1983.escalated at 6.5% annually. (4)Rep1ace runner every 25 years.Replace transmission lines every 30 years. (5)Sinking funds superimposed. (6)Net return to state after paying O&M and sinking fund. <7>Unit cost to consumers. SF:1EB:AD1:4-C APPENDIX F SPACE HEATING ANALYSES YEAR TOTAL ELECTRICAL DEMAND tABLE F-1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POTENTIAL SPACE HEATING CREDIT W/FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 HYDRO AVAILABLE FOR SPACE HEATING EQUIVALENT GALLONS OF FUEL OIL FUEL OIL UNIT COST POTENTIAL SAVINGS POTENTIAL SAVINGS AT 50% AVOIDED COST POTENTIAL SAVINGS AT 75% AVOIDED COST <kWh) (1) <kWh) (2) <GAL) (3) ($/GAL> (4) AT 25% AVOIDED COST <Cents/kWh) (5) <Cents/kWh) <Cents/kWh) 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2035 449.88 458.88 468.06 477.42 486.97 496.71 506.64 516.78 527.11 537.65 548.41 559.38 570.56 581.97 593.61 605.49 617.60 629.95 642.55 655.40 668.51 681.88 695.51 695.51 0,00 0.00 0.00 150.35 146.02 141.61 137. 11 132.53 127.85 123.07 118.21 113.93 109.78 105.56 101.25 96.85 92.37 87.79 83.12 78.37 73.51 68.56 63.51 63.51 0 0 0 5313 5160 5004 4845 4683 4518 4349 4177 4026 3879 3730 3578 3422 3264 3102 2937 2769 2598 2423 2244 2244 1. 46 1. 56 1.66 1. 77 1. 88 2.01 2.20 2.41 2.63 2.89 3.16 3.46 3.79 4. 15 4.54 4.97 5.45 5.96 6.53 7. 15 7.83 8.57 9.39 9.39 (!)Total village electrical demand from Table II-1. 0.00 8.00 0.00 .4~ .50 • 51 .53 .55 • 56 .58 .60 .62 .64 .66 .68 .70 .72 .73 .75 .76 • 76 .76 .76 .76 (6) (7) 0.00 0.00 0.00 .98 1. 00 1. a 1 1. 05 1. 09 1. 13 1. 17 1. 20 1. 24 1. 29 1. 33 1. 37 1. 41 1. 44 1. 47 1. 49 1. 51 1. 52 1. 52 1. 51 1. 51 <2>Surplus hydro generation in excess of village electrical demand. (3)Equivalent gallons of fuel oil for space heating based on 28.3 kWh/gal. <4>1984 fuel oil cost=$1.56/gal.Inflated at 6.5% through 1988,then at 9.5% annually through 2005 according to APA letter to DOWL dated May 15,1984. (5)Potential savings to total village electrical costs from sale of surplus hydro at 25% of avoided cost of fuel oil used for space heating. <6>Potentia1 savings to total village electrical costs from sale of surplus hydro at 50% of avoided cost of fuel oil used for space heating. <?>Potential savings to total village electrical costs from sale of surplus hydro at 75% of avoided cost of fuel oil used for space heating. 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. 48 1. 50 1. 52 1. 58 1. 64 1. 69 1. 75 1. 80 1. 87 1. 93 1. 99 2.05 2.11 2. 16 2.20 2.24 2.27 2.28 2.28 2.27 2.27 T.ABLE F-2 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POTENTIAL SPACE HEATING CREDIT W/0 FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR TOTAL HYDRO EQUIVALENT FUEL POTENTIAL POTENTIAL POTENTIAL ELECTRICAL AVAILABLE GALLONS OF OIL SAVINGS SAVINGS SAVINGS DEMAND FOR SPACE FUEL OIL UNIT AT 25% AT 50% AT 75% HEATING COST AVOIDED AVOIDED AVOIDED COST COST COST <kWh) <kWh) <GAL> ($/GAU <Cents/kWh> <Cents/kWh) <Cents/kWh) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 449.88 0.00 0 1. 46 il.00 0.00 1984 458.88 0.00 0 1. 56 Q.00 0.00 1985 468.06 0.00 0 1. 66 Q.00 0.00 1986 477.42 150.35 5313 1. 77 .49 .98 1987 486.97 146.02 5160 1. 88 .50 1. 00 1988 496.71 141.61 5004 2.01 .51 1. 01 1989 506.64 137. 11 4845 2. 14 . 51 1. 02 199.0 516.78 132.53 4683 2.28 .52 1. 03 1991 527.11 127.85 4518 2.42 .52 1. 04 1992 537.65 123.07 4349 2.58 .52 1. 04 1993 548.41 118.21 4177 2.75 .52 1. 05 1994 559.38 113.93 4026 2.93 .53 1. 05 1995 570.56 109.78 3879 3. 12 .53 1. 06 1996 581.97 105.56 3730 3.32 .53 1. 06 1997 593.61 101.25 3578 3.54 .53 1. 07 1998 605.49 96.85 3422 3.77 .53 1. 06 1999 617.60 92.37 3264 4.01 .53 1. 06 2000 629.95 87.79 3102 4.27 .53 1. 05 2001 642.55 83.12 2937 4.55 .52 1. 04 2002 655.40 78.37 2769 4.85 .51 1. 02 2003 668.51 73.51 2598 5. 16 .50 1. 00 2004 681.88 68.56 2423 5.50 .49 .98 2005 695.51 63.51 2244 5.85 .47 .94 2035 695.51 63.51 2244 5.85 .47 .94 (l)Total village electrical demand from Table II-1. <2)Surplus hydro generation in excess of village electrical demand. <3>Equivalent gallons of fuel oil for space heating based on 28.3 kWh/gal. ·(4)1984 fuel oil cost=$1.56/gal.Inflated at 6.5% through 2005 annually according to APA letter to DOWL dated May 15,1984. <S>Potential savings to total village electrical costs from sale of surplus hydro at 25% of avoided cost of fuel oil used for space heating. (6)Potential savings to total village electrical costs from sale of surplus hydro at 50% of avoided cost of fuel oil used for space heating. <?>Potential savings to total village electrical costs from sale of surplus hydro at 75% of avoided cost of fuel oil used for space heating. 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. 48 1. 50 1. 52 1. 53 1. 55 1. 56 1. 57 1.57 1. 58 1. 59 1. 60 1. 60 1. 60 1. 59 1. 58 1. 56 1. 54 1. 50 1. 46 1. 42 1. 42 SF:IEB:A01:4-C APPENDIX G FINANCIAL SUMMARIES WITHOUT REAL FUEL ESCALATION -I• ... TABLE G-1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE I-A j,.l/0 REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1994 YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh) < c /kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh> 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) --------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 28.60 28.60 0,00 28.60 0.80 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 39.42 61.47 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 38.75 61.48 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 38.09 64.45 .51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.30 27. 11 37.46 64.57 .51 1. 02 1. 53 1990 47.25 27.94 36.84 64.78 .52 1. 03 1. 55 1991 49.36 28.85 36.24 65.09 .52 1. 04 1. 56 1992 51.62 29.84 35.66 65.50 .52 1. 04 1. 57 1993 54.04 30.92 35.09 66.02 .52 1. 05 1. 57 1994 56.65 32.15 34.55 66.70 .53 1.05 1. 58 1995 59.44 33.50 34.01 67.52 .53 1. 06 1. 59 1996 64.33 36.86 33.50 70.36 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1997 67.50 38.42 33.00 71.42 .53 1. 07 1. 60 1998 85.89 55.08 32.52 87.60 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1999 87.28 54.66 32.05 86.71 .53 1. 06 1. 59 2000 90.93 56.37 31.61 87.98 .53 1. 05 1. 58 2001 94.86 58.25 31. 18 89.43 .52 1. 04 1. 56 2002 99.08 60.30 30.76 91.06 • 51 1. 02 1. 54 2003 103.62 62.53 30.36 92.90 .50 1. 00 1. 50 2004 108.49 64.96 29.98 94.94 .49 .98 1. 46 2005 113.71 67.59 29.62 97.21 .47 .94 1. 42 2006 115.18 69.06 29.62 98.68 .47 .94 1. 42 2007 115.16 69.03 29.62 98.65 .47 .94 1.42 2008 117.26 71. 13 29.62 100.75 .47 .94 1. 42 2009 117.23 71. 11 29.62 100.73 .47 .94 1. 42 2010 117.20 71.08 29.62 100.70 .47 .94 1. 42 2011 117.17 71.05 29.62 100.67 .47 . 94 1. 42 2012 117.14 71.02 29.62 100.64 .47 .94 1. 42 ... 2018 112.88 66.75 29.62 96.37 .47 .94 1. 42 2019 112.88 66.75 15.41 82. 16 .47 . 94 1. 42 2020 112.88 66.75 15.41 82.16 . 47 .94 1. 42 2021 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1. 42 2035 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1. 42 <t>See Table D-2 <2>See Table D-4 <3>See Table E-1 <4>Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. (5)Potent i al space heating credit at 25% avoided cosi.See Table F-1. <6>Potent i al space heating credit at 50% avoided cos1..See Table F-1. <?>Potential space heating credit at 75% avoided cosi.See Table F-1. TABLE G-2 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE I-B W/0 REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR BASE SUP PL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh) <c /kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh> < c /kWh) (c/kWh) 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ------------------.. --------------------------------------------- 1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 15.20 37.26 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 16.65 39.38 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 18. 19 44.54 . 51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.30 27. 11 19.84 46.95 • 51 1. 02 1. 53 1990 47.25 27.94 21.60 49.54 .52 1. 03 1. 55 1991 49.36 28.85 23.47 52.32 .52 1. 04 1. 56 1992 51.62 29.84 25.48 55.32 .52 1. 04 1. 57 1993 54.04 30.92 27.62 58.55 .52 1. 05 1. 57 1994 56.65 32. 15 29.92 62.07 .53 1. 05 1. 58 1995 59.44 33.50 32.37 65.87 .53 1. 06 1. 59 1996 64.33 36.86 35.00 71.86 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1997 67.50 38.42 37.80 76.22 .53 1. 07 1. 60 1998 85.89 55.08 40.81 95.89 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1999 87.28 54.66 44.02 98.68 .53 1. 06 1. 59 2000 90.93 56.37 47.47 103.84 .53 1. 05 1. 58 2001 94.86 58.25 49.57 107.82 .52 1. 04 1. 56 2002 99.08 60.30 48.79 109.09 .51 1. 02 1. 54 2003 103.62 62.53 48.04 110.57 .50 1. 00 1. 50 2004 108,49 64.96 47.31 112.27 .49 .98 1. 46 2005 113.71 67.59 46.61 114.20 .47 .94 1. 42 2006 115.18 69.06 46.61 115.67 .47 • 94 1. 42 2007 115.16 69.03 46.61 115. 64 .47 .94 1. 42 2008 117.26 71. 13 46.61 117.75 .47 .94 1. 42 2009 117.23 71. 11 46.61 117.72 .47 .94 1. 42 2010 117.20 71.08 46.61 117.69 .47 .94 1. 42 2011 117.17 71.05 46.61 117.66 .47 .94 1. 42 2012 117.14 71.02 46.61 117.63 .47 .94 1. 42 2018 112.88 66.75 38.19 104.94 .47 .94 1. 42 2019 112.88 66.75 38.19 104.94 .47 .94 1. 42 2020 112.88 66.75 38.19 104.94 .47 .94 1. 42 2021 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1. 42 2035 112.88 66.75· 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1. 42 (1)See Tab 1 e D-2 <2)See Table D-4 <3>See Table E-2 <4>Surn of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. <5>Potentia1 space heating credit at 25% avoided cos'I..See Tab 1 e F-1. <6>Potent i al space heating credit at 50% avoided cosi.See Tab 1 e F-1. <?)Potential space heating credit at 75% avoided cos'I..See Tab 1 e F-1. TABLE G-3 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE I I -A W/0 REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) --------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.80 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.80 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.80 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 20.80 42.86 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 20.50 43.23 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 20.20 46.55 .51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.30 27. 11 19.92 47.03 . 51 1. 02 1. 53 1990 47.25 27.94 19.65 47.59 .52 1.03 1. 55 1991 49.36 28.85 19.38 48.23 . 52 1. 04 1. 56 1992 51.62 29.84 19. 13 48.97 .52 1. 04 1. 57 1993 54.04 30.92 18.89 49.81 .52 1. 05 1. 57 1994 56.65 32.15 18.66 50.81 • 53 1. 05 1. 58 1995 59.44 33.50 18.44 51.94 .53 1. 06 1. 59 1996 64.33 36.86 18.23 55.09 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1997 67.50 38.42 18.03 56.45 .53 1. 07 1. 60 1998 85.89 55.08 17.84 72.93 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1999 87.28 54.66 17.67 72.32 .53 1. 06 1. 59 2000 90.93 56.37 17.50 73.87 .53 1. 05 1. 58 2001 94.86 58.25 17.35 75.60 .52 1. 04 1. 56 2002 99.08 60.30 17.20 77.50 .51 1. 02 1. 54 2003 103.62 62.53 17.07 79.60 .50 1. 00 1. 50 2004 108.49 64.96 16.95 81.91 .49 .98 1. 46 2005 113.71 67.59 16.84 84.43 .47 .94 1. 42 2006 115.18 69.06 16.84 85.90 .47 .94 1. 42 2007 115.16 69.03 16.84 85.87 .47 .94 1. 42 2008 117.26 71. 13 16.84 87.98 .47 .94 1. 42 2009 117.23 71.11 16.84 87.95 .47 .94 1. 42 2010 117.20 71.08 16.84 87.92 .47 .94 1. 42 2011 117.17 71.05 16.84 87.89 . 47 .94 1. 42 2012 117.14 71.02 16.84 87.86 .47 .94 1. 42 ... 2018 112.88 66.75 16.84 83.59 .47 .94 1. 42 2019 112.88 66.75 9.74 76.49 .47 .94 1. 42 2020 112.88 66.75 9.74 76.49 .47 .94 1. 42 2021 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1. 42 2035 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 • 94 1. 42 (!)See Table D-2 (2)See Table D-4 <3>See Table E-3 (4)8ym of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. <5>Potent i al space heating credit at 25% avoided cosJ.See Table F-1. (6)Potential space heating credit at 50% avoided cost..See Table F-1. <?>Potential space heating credit at 75% avoided cost..See Table F-1. TABLE G-4 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE li-B W/0 REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh) < c /kWh> (c/kWh> (c/kWh) (c/kWh) ( c/k Wh) < c /kWh> 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ------------------------------------------------------ ---------1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 17.08 39.13 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 16.85 39.58 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 16.63 42.98 .51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.30 27. 11 16.41 43.52 .51 1. 02 1. 53 1990 47.25 27.94 16.21 44.15 . 52 1. 03 1. 55 1991 49.36 28.85 16.01 44.86 .52 1. 04 1. 56 1992 51.62 29.84 15.83 45.67 .52 1. 04 1. 57 1993 54.04 30.92 15.65 46.57 .52 1. 05 1. 57 1994 56.65 32. 15 15.48 47.63 .53 1. 05 1. 58 1995 59.44 33.50 15.32 48.83 .53 1. 06 1. 59 1996 64.33 36.86 15. 18 52.04 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1997 67.50 38.42 15.04 53.45 .53 1. 07 1. 60 1998 85.89 55.08 14.91 69.99 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1999 87.28 54.66 14.79 69.45 .53 1. 06 1. 59 2000 90.93 56.37 14.68 71.05 .53 1. 05 1. 58 2001 94.86 58.25 14.58 72.83 .52 1. 04 1. 56 2002 99.08 60.30 14.49 74.79 .51 1. 02 1. 54 2003 103.62 62.53 14.41 76.94 .50 1. 00 1. 50 2004 108.49 64.96 14.34 79.30 .49 .98 1. 46 2005 113.71 67.59 14.29 81.87 .47 .94 1. 42 2006 115.18 69.06 14.29 83.35 .47 .94 1. 42 2007 115.16 69.03 14.29 83.32 .47 .94 1. 42 2008 117.26 71. 13 14.29 85.42 .47 .94 1. 42 2009 117.23 71. 11 14.29 85.39 .47 . 94 1. 42 2010 117.20 71.08 14.29 85.36 • 47 • 94 1. 42 2011 117.17 71.05 14.29 85.33 .47 .94 1. 42 2012 117.14 71. 02 14.29 85.30 .47 .94 1. 42 2018 112.88 66.75 14.29 81.04 .47 .94 1. 42 2019 112.88 66.75 8.60 75.35 .47 .94 1. 42 2020 112.88 66.75 8.60 75.35 .47 .94 1. 42 2021 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 • 94 1. 42 2035 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1. 42 (1)See Table D-2 <2>See Table D-4 (3)See Table E-4 (4)Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. (5)Potent i al space heating credit at 25% avoided cosi.See Tab I e F-1. (6)Potential space heating credit at 50% avoided cost.See Table F-1. <?>Potential space heating credit at 75% avoided cost.See Table F-1. TABLE G-5 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE I I-C W/0 REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh) (c/kWh> (c/kWh) (c/kWh> (c/kWh> < c /kWh) (c/kWh) 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ---------------------------------------------- --------- --------- 1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 15.20 37.26 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 15.01 37.74 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 14.82 41. 17 • 51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.30 27. 11 14.64 41.75 . 51 1. 02 1. 53 1990 47.25 27.94 14.47 42.41 .52 1. 03 1. 55 1991 49.36 28.85 14.31 43. 16 .52 1. 04 1. 56 1992 51.62 29.84 14. 16 44.00 .52 1. 04 1. 57 1993 54.04 30.92 14.01 44.93 .52 1. 05 1. 57 1994 56.65 32.15 13.88 46.03 .53 1. 05 1. 58 1995 59.44 33.50 13.75 47.26 .53 1. 06 1. 59 1996 64.33 36.86 13.63 50.50 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1997 67.50 38.42 13.53 51.94 .53 1. 07 1. 60 1998 85.89 55.08 13.43 68.51 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1999 87.28 54.66 13.34 67.99 .53 1. 06 1. 59 2000 90.93 56.37 13.26 69.63 .53 1. 05 1. 58 2001 94.86 58.25 13. 18 71.44 .52 1. 04 1. 56 2002 99.08 60.30 13. 12 73.42 . 51 1. 02 1. 54 2003 103.62 62.53 13.07 75.60 .50 1. 00 1. 50 2004 108.49 64.96 13.03 77.99 .49 .98 1. 46 2005 113.71 67.59 13.00 80.58 .47 .94 1. 42 2006 115.18 69.06 13.00 82.06 .47 .94 1. 42 2007 115.16 69.03 13.00 82.03 .47 .94 1. 42 2008 117.26 71. 13 13.00 84.13 .47 .94 1. 42 2009 117.23 71 • 11 13.00 84.10 .47 .94 1. 42 2010 117.20 71.08 13.00 84.07 .47 .94 1. 42 2011 117.17 71.05 13.00 84.04 .47 .94 1. 42 2012 117.14 71.02 13.00 84.01 .47 .94 1. 42 2018 112.88 66.75 13.00 79.75 .47 .94 1. 42 2019 112.88 66.75 8.03 74.78 .47 .94 1. 42 2020 112.88 66.75~ 8.03 74.78 .47 .94 1. 42 2021 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1. 42 2035 112.88 .. 66.751 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1. 42 <l>Se:e Table D-2 <2)See Table D-4 (3)See: Table: E-5 <4>Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. (5)Potential space heating credit at 25% avoided cosi.See Table F-1. (6)Potent i al space heating credit at 50% avoided cosi.See Table F-1. <?)Potential space heating credit at 75% avoided cosi.See Table F-1. TABLE G-6 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE III-A W/0 REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh) (c/kWh> (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh> < c /kWh) (c/kWh) 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) --------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 21.38 43.43 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 21.06 43.80 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 20.76 4 7. 11 . 51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.30 27. 11 20.46 47.57 .51 1. 02 1. 53 1990 47.25 27.94 20.18 48.12 .52 1. 03 1. 55 1991 49.36 28.85 19.90 48.75 .52 1. 04 1. 56 1992 51.62 29.84 19.64 49.48 .52 1. 04 1. 57 1993 54.04 30.92 19.39 50.31 .52 1. 05 1. 57 1994 56.65 32.15 19. 15 51.30 .53 1. 05 1. 58 1995 59.44 33.50 18.92 52.42 .53 1. 06 1. 59 1996 64.33 36.86 18.70 55.56 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1997 67.50 38.42 18.49 56.91 .53 1. 07 1. 60 1998 85.89 55.08 18.30 73.38 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1999 87.28 54.66 18. 11 72.77 .53 1. 06 1. 59 2000 90.93 56.37 17.94 74.31 .53 1. 05 1. 58 2001 94.86 58.25 17.77 76.02 .52 1. 04 1. 56 2002 99.08 60.30 17.62 77.92 .51 1. 02 1. 54 2003 103.62 62.53 17.48 80.01 .50 1. 00 1. 50 2004 108.49 64.96 17.35 82.31 .49 .98 1. 46 2005 113.71 67.59 17.24 84.82 .47 .94 1. 42 2006 115.18 69.06, 17.24 86.30 .47 .94 1. 42 2007 115.16 69.03 17.24 86.27 .47 .94 1. 42 2008 117.26 71. 13 17.24 88.37 .47 • 94 1. 42 2009 117.23 71. 11 17.24 88.34 .47 .94 1. 42 2010 117.20 71.08 17.24 88.31 .47 .94 1. 42 2011 117.17 71.05 17.24 88.28 .47 .94 1. 42 2012 117.14 71.02 17.24 88.25 .47 .94 1. 42 2018 112.88 66.75 17.24 83.99 .47 .94 1. 42 2019 112.88 66.75 17.24 83.99 .47 .94 1. 42 2020 112.88 66.75 17.24 83.99 .47 .94 1.42 2021 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1.42 2035 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1. 42 (1)See Table D-2 <2>See Table D-4 <3>See Table E...;.6 <4>Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. <5)Potent i al space heating credit at 25% avoided cos1,.See Table F-1. (6)Potent i al space heating credit at 50% avoided cos1,.See Table F-1. (?)Potential space heating credit at 75% avoided cos1,.See Table F-1. TABLE G-7 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTIU C ALTERNATIVE II I-B W/0 REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR BASE SUP PL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (C/kWh) < c /kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (E)) (7) ---------------------------------------------------------------1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.80 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 2. 19 24.24 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 2.25 24.99 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 2.31 28.66 .51 1. 01 t. 52 1989 45.30 27. 11 2.38 29.49 .51 1. 02 1. 53 1990 47.25 27.94 2.45 30.39 .52 1. 03 1. 55 1991 49.36 28.85 2.53 31.37 .52 t. 04 t. 56 1992 51.62 29.84 2.60 32.44 .52 1. 04 1. 57 1993 54.04 30.92 2.69 33.61 .52 1. 05 1. 57 1994 56,65 32.15 2.77 34.92 .53 1. 05 t. 58 1995 59.44 33.50 2.86 36.37 .53 1. 06 1. 59 1996 64.33 36.86 32.75 69.61 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1997 67.50 38.42 32.26 70.68 .53 1. 07 1. 60 1998 85.89 55.08 31.80 86.88 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1999 87.28 54.66 31.35 86.01 .53 1. 06 1. 59 2000 90.93 56.37 30.91 87.29 .53 1. 05 1. 58 2001 94.86 58.25 30.50 88.75 .52 1. 04 1. 56 2002 99.08 60.30 30.09 90.40 • 51 1. 02 1. 54 2003 103.62 62.53 29.71 92.24 .50 1. 00 1. 50 2004 108.49 64.96 29.34 94.30 .49 .98 1. 46 2005 113.71 67.59 28.99 96.58 .47 .94 1. 42 2006 115.18 69.06 28.99 98.05 .47 .94 1. 42 2007 115.16 69.03 28.99 98.02 .47 .94 1. 42 2008 117.26 71. 13 28.99 100. 13 .47 .94 1. 42 2009 117.23 71. 11 28.99 100. 10 .47 .94 1. 42 2010 117.20 71.08 28.99 100.07 .47 .94 1. 42 2011 117.17 71.05 28.99 100.04 .47 .94 1. 42 2012 117.14 71.02 28.99 100.01 .47 .94 1. 42 2018 112.88 66.75 28.99 95.74 .47 .94 1. 42 2019 112.88 66.75 28.99 95.74 .47 .94 1. 42 2020 112.88 66.75 28.99 95.74 .47 .94 1. 42 2021 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1. 42 2035 112.88 66.75 4.07 70.82 .47 .94 1. 42 (1)S~?e Table D-2 <2>See Table D-4 (3)See Table E-7 (4)S~m of hydro and s~pplemental diesel costs. (5)Pot~?rtt i al space heating credit at 25% avoided cost.See Table F-1. (6)Potent i al space heating credit at 50% avoided cost.See Table F-1. <7)Poter.t i al space heating credit at 75% avoided cost.See Table F-1. TABLE G-8 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR SCAMMON BAY HYDROELECTRIC ALTERNATIVE IV W/0 REAL FUEL ESCALATION JUNE 1984 YEAR BASE SUPPL. HYDRO. TOTAL SPACE SPACE SPACE CASE DIESEL VILLAGE HEATING HEATING HEATING CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT (C/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) ( c /kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) (c/kWh) 25% 50% 75% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) -------------------.,. _______ --------- ---------------------------1983 28.60 28.60 0.00 28.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1984 29.98 29.98 0.00 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985 31.46 31.46 0.00 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1986 37.26 22.05 15.71 37.76 .49 .98 1. 48 1987 38.88 22.74 15.40 38.14 .50 1. 00 1. 50 1988 43.48 26.35 15. 10 41.45 . 51 1. 01 1. 52 1989 45.30 27. 11 14.80 41.91 . 51 1. 02 1. 53 199o3 47.25 27.94 14.51 42.45 .52 1. 03 1. 55 1991 49.36 28.85 14.23 43.08 .52 1. 04 1. 56 1992 51.62 29.84 13.95 43.79 .52 1. 04 1. 57 1993 54.04 30.92 13.68 44.60 .52 1. 05 1. 57 1994 56.65 32.15 13.41 45.56 .53 1. 05 1. 58 1995 59.44 33.50 13. 14 46.65 .53 1. 06 1. 59 1996 64.33 36.86 12.89 49.75 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1997 67.50 38.42 12.63 51.05 .53 1. 07 1. 60 1998 85.89 55.08 12.39 67.47 .53 1. 06 1. 60 1999 87.28 54.66 12. 14 66.80 .53 1. 06 1. 59 2000 90.93 56.37 11.91 68.28 .53 1. 05 1. 58 2001 94.86 58.25 11.67 69.92 .52 1.04! 1. 56 2002 99.08 60.30 11.44 71.74 • 51 1. ('2 1. 54 2003 103.62 62.53 11.22 73.75 .50 1. 00 1. 50 2004 108.49 64.96 11.00 75.96 .49 .98 1. 46 2005 113.71 67.59 10.78 78.37 .47 .94 1. 42 2006 115.18 69.06 10.78 79.84 .47 .94 1. 42 2007 115.16 69.03 10.78 79.82 .47 .94 1. 42 2008 117.26 71. 13 10.78 81.92 .47 .94 1. 42 2009 117.23 71. 11 10.78 81.89 .47 .94 1. 42 2010 117.20 71.08 10.78 81.86 .47 .94 1. 42 2011 117.17 71.05 10.78 81.83 .47 .94 1. 42 2012 117.14 71.02 10.78 81.80 .47 .94 1. 42 2018 112.88 66.75 10.78 77.54 .47 .94 1. 42 2019 112.88 66.75 10.78 77.54 .47 .94 1. 42 2020 112.88 66.75 10.78 77.54 .47 .94 1. 42 2021 112.88 66.75 10.78 77.54 .47 .94 1. 42 2035 112. 88 66.75 10.78 77.54 .47 .94 1. 42 <l)See Table D-2 (2)See Table D-4 <3)See Table E-8 (4)Sum of hydro and supplemental diesel costs. <5>Potent i al space heating credit at 25% avoided cos1..See Table F-1. <6>Potent i al space heating credit at 50% avoided co:s1..See Table F-1. (7)Potent i al :space heating credit at 75% avoided cos1..See Table F-1.