HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection and Testing of Hydroelectric Turbine-Generator set for APA 1989REPORT INSPECTION AND TESTING of • HYDROELECTRIC TURBINE-GENERATOR SET for ALASKA POWER AUTHORnY ' .. •' . -••• 4 • \ ... .: -, -·~~-.~~-·· --r;~~ ;, Contract Nolo 280015T..:: . ·- .: wdtkt. ·order'·: No~· ~ · ... ~~~=·J ~: . . ..··· . :._.,<, .. _ ... ''.";~~/ ' : ~ .;; -~· .; .... ·. . .,. .... ·Yk. 4 -~~~·' • ';~~ ... .. ).~ ,;,.. t, ·:...,. :~ ... ~·"... .. ' .. ·~ •• !" Y~rn Nl 031J.N1Yd ., -J J - ...... 7fi.1 v I 010:10SSI - } 1m~# H11~SHOIH _v I '~,.1 n ., ~, ~ :11\10 £10 mnt I ,, I I I Prepared by: Report INSPECTION AND TESTING OF HYDROELECTRIC TURBINE-GENERATOR SET FOR ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Contract No. 2800157 Work Order No. APA-RWB-001 RWB Work Order WA-1559-AAl-AA Executive Engineer, Mechanical Seung K. Kim, P.E. Principal Engineer, Electrical R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. Seattle, Washington May, 1989 INSPECTION AND TESTING OF HYDROELECTRIC TURBINE-GENERATOR SET TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction, Executive Summary and Recommendations II. Equipment Data and Inventory III. Inspection and Testing IV. Manufacturer 1 S Documentation V. Recommendations for Akutan Project VI. Storage and Shipping Provisions ATTACHMENTS Hydrowest Report Parts List Equipment Pictures I. INTRODUCTION, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Introduction This report presents the results of inspection and tests as well as recommendations for the potentia 1 use of the turbine-generator set which was originally intended for the Akutan Hydroelectric Project in 1980. The turbine generator set was manufactured by the Chungking Water Turbine Works in the Peoples Republic of China and has never been used. Because of the concern stemming from the 9-year storage in an un- heated warehouse in the Seattle area, during which the equipment could have deteriorated mechanically and electrically, the APA has requested our assis- tance in the inspection and testing of the unit. The inspection and testing service were performed on May 15-16, 1989. Executive Summary and Recommendations The turbine-qenerator set has been stored in seven wooden crates an unheated warehouse. The crates were transported to Hydrowest Group, Inc. our testing subcontractor 1 S shop and opened under our witness. Generally, internal packaging was thorough and well done, preserv- ing the contents of the crates in good factory condition. No major signs of shipping or weather damage was seen. Because of the good physical condition, no significant disassembly of parts was attempted and the vi sua 1 inspection was deemed adequate for determining the overall mechanical condition of the unit. A review of the turbine governor indicated that the governor lacks prov1s1ons for automatic or remote operation and is of an unusual design which would prove difficult to maintain. We also suspect the speed and frequency governing capabilities of this unit are not suitable for use in an isolated electrical system. · Limited electrical testing was performed on the generator. The results indicate the generator is devoid of moisture damage. The generator and exciter control cabinets were in apparent operating condition but were deemed unsuitable for application by the Alaska Power Authority (APA). Elec- trical clearances and materials in the control cabinets do not meet the National Electrical Code and other standards. Wire bundles are brittle and could easily break under normal bending. Control switch operations and indi- cations were imprecise and confusing. The exciter control cabinet has minor water stains and shows oxidation on parts. Under energization, the generator circuit breaker would pose safety problems to operating personnel because of numerous exposed live parts around it. We determined that energization of the control equipment was not necessary. Recommendations --The following recommendations are for general improve- ments and mod1fications necessary for most future applications of this turbine-generator set. Specific recommendations relating to the Akutan project are grouped separately later in the report. - 2 - 1. The turbine, flywheel, generator and inlet valve should be retained for potential use by the APA. A final decision re- garding use of this equipment or its disposal should consider the specific project on which it might be used, the cost of upgrading the equipment for reliable remote and automatic operation, and the cost of more modern, new equipment. 2. The generator and exciter control equipment should be dispos- ed of. New modern control equipment conforming to the National Electrical Code and applicable manufacturing and performance standards wi 11 be required before the turbine- generator can be put into operation. 3. The turbine governor should be disposed of. 4. Options for upgrading the equipment should consider 11 packag- ing11 the turbine generator as part of a skid-mounted equip- ment set. The set, including a new governor, unit controls and the inlet valve, could be shop assembled to reduce the cost and time required for field installation. 5. If the equipment is to be operated in a remote area, such as Akutan, then a remote monitoring capability should be provided. 6. All documentation should be preserved as future references. 7. Rotational tests should be performed in the field to confirm design and operational criteria. II. INVENTORY OF EQUIPMENT In order for the equipment to be transported from the warehouse and inspected, we contracted Hydrowest Group, Inc., a Bellevue, Washington firm specializing in turbine testing and retrofit. Under our witness, crates were opened on the morning of May 15, 1989. Crates contained the following assemblies: Crate No. Al -Turbine Crate No. A2 -Turbine Parts Crate No. A3 -Generator Crate No. A4 -Static Exciter Cabinet Crate No. A5 -Governor Crate No. A6 -Generator Control Cabinet Crate No. A7 -Valve Assembly The inventory of the materials were made by cross checking the crate contents against the materia 1 1 i sts on equi ~ment. assembly drawi n~s. This was the only means available for a comprehenslVe 1nventory as pack1ng lists were not provided with the crates. Results of this check are presented in Hydrowest's attached Inspection and Testing Report. - 3 - III. INSPECTION AND TESTING As each crate was opened, a visual inspection was made of equipment and components inside. Component disassembly, such as of bearings, was not necessary because of the near-factory condition of the equipment. The static exciter cabinet showed a moderate degree of oxidation on internal components and had water stains on the cabinet. Our observations and findings are as fo 11 ows: Turbine --The turbine crate was in good structural condition. Upon opening the crate all equipment was found to be enclosed in a continuous plastic sheet covering. All unpainted parts were heavily wrapped, bagged or coated with cosmoline-type rust inhibiting coatings. All heavy com- ponents inside the crate were bolted to the crate. There was no evidence of parts movement, mechanical damage or moisture damage to the equipment. The turbine shaft could be rotated by hand approximately 30 degrees. The turbine runner had been apparently tied off to prevent rotation. The flywheel side generator bearing cap was removed and the cap interior and bearing exterior examined. No oxidation of metal surfaces was noted. Grease around the bearing appears to have thickened to a very soft waxy consistency. No separation or solidification of the lubricant was found. Limit switches and solenoid valves appeared in good condition although functional tests were not performed. Governor --Governor components were packaged in the same manner as the turbine and are also in good condition. The governor design u~es a large flyball arrangement to drive the governor main distributing va.ve direct- ly. This design results in higher governor power consumption and reduced speed control capability. All controls for speed adjustment, dashpot time, needle limit and deflector limit are manual handwheels or levers. All handwheels and levers could be operated. An automatic mechanical overspeed shutdown control and electric solenoid shutdown control are provided. Valve Assembly --The valve assembly, a 250mm (approx. 10-inch) gate-type shutoff valve with electric motor operator, was also found to be in good condition. The actuator, made by the Tianjin factory in China, has an exterior configuration very similar to actuators made by Rotork. It is assumed the actuator design is based upon a Rotork product. Electrical tests of the actuator were not performed. Flywheel --The flywheel appeared to be in good condition. As this crate contains no electrical or lubricated parts no upgrading or cleaning of these components are considered necessary. - 4 - Electrical Generator --The generator was taken to General Electric•s Apparatus and Engineering Service Operation, Kent, Washington. The generator was in good condition. There was no visual indication of moisture or corrosion damage. The rotor was free and turned easily by hand. The stator windings were subjected to insulation and polarization index tests for 10 minutes with one minute interval readings. A Megger test was applied to the rotor winding. The readings were taken using a Series 1 Biddle 500-volt motor-driven megger, calibrated November 14, 1988. Both results showed that the windings were dry and insulation was good. The test results are included in Hydrowest•s report. Generator Control Cabinet --The control cabinet was manufactured by Zigong Electrical Apparatus Work. The control cabinet has front and rear doors with no gasket. The front door is half height. The upper half of the control cabinet is occupied by indicating meters and control switch- es. Behind the front door and on a subpanel included control circuit breakers, watt hour and warhour meters, overcurrent re 1 ays and timers. The generator circuit breaker is mounted inside the control cabinet at rear and accessible through the rear door. When the operator opens the door to operate the breaker, he is subjected to live 480-volt buses and contacts around the breaker handle. The following highlights some of the features of the control cabinet. a. Generator Circuit Breaker --The generator circuit breaker, rated 380 VAC, 400A (nameplate data), is mounted on the rear panel behind the door. The 380 VAC rating is nonstandard and underrated for the generator voltage. The circuit breaker is actually an open 3-pole switch. Contacts are exposed and electrically latched with springs to maintain the contact pressure. No contact wiping action is provided. In series with the breaker is a manually operable 3-pole safety switch. The safety switch is operated by a handle from out- side the cabinet. b. Overcurrent Re 1 ays --These are the only protective re 1 ays provided with the unit. No individual product catalog is provided for the re 1 ay. The namep 1 ate does inc 1 ude a crude relay setting diagram embossed with nameplate data. The set- ting would at best be approximate. c. Control Switches --Return-to-neutral momentary switches have mechanical targets. Targets are red and white instead of conventional red and green. Targets can stop at an intermed- iate position unless the handle is fully turned to the ex- treme pas it ion. The Emergency Stop switch is a 3-position maintained type instead of a standard red pushbutton switch. -5 - d. Indicating Lights --Indicating lights are rectangular and are either red or green. Use of color is unconventional. Red and green are used interchangeably to designate the same function on different switches. Exciter Control Cabinet --The exciter control cabinet is built similarly to the generator control cabinet, but was manufactured by Chengdu Recti- fier Works, a different manufacturer. This cabinet is characterized by a 1 a rge exhaust fan mounted on top to coo 1 the SCR units. There are some water stains on the cabinet. This is the only crate which did not have an i nterna 1 p 1 ast i c sheet wrapping. Oxidation residues were found on wires and contacts. Wire bundles were varnished and appeared very brit- tle. Multipin connectors were connected via varnished wire bundles in- stead of flexible multiconductor cables. Very close clearances between bus bars and wires exist and in some cases, nearly touch each other. We judged that the workmanship was inferior to the generator control cabinet. Spare Parts --Very few electrical spare parts were supplied and obtain- ing Chinese spare parts may prove to be a significant problem in the future as no American equivalent parts are readily available. IV. MANUFACTURERS• DOCUMENTATION Documentation is provided in Chinese and English. Detailed as- sembly drawings and circuit diagrams were furnished with the equipment. The accuracy of the information on the drawings was not confirmed, except for the material lists during the inventory. V. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AKUTAN PROJECT The following recommendations are based on the assumption that the turbine-generator wou 1 d be used for the Akutan project as originally propos- ed. However, the same recommendations would be generally applicable to other projects as well. 1. Hydroelectric Design and Efficiency Evaluation of this equipments• design head, power output and effic- iency, in relation to site conditions at Akutan, should be made be- fore upgrading of the equipment is considered. More modern equip- ment may be more suitable depending upon how well matched this equipment is to the Akutan site and the extent of upgrades required. 2. Upgrades possibly Required for Automatic or Remote Operation The following upgrades to the turbine, generator, and inlet valve are considered necessary for automatic or remote operation: - 6 - a. Incorporation of a modern speed/frequency governing system capable of either needle control (water saving) or deflector control (optimum frequency control, water wasting) operating mode. Governor should also be com- patible with isolated system operation, remote start- up, synchronizing, and load adjust functions. b. Additional protective devices: (1) Bearing overtemperature RTOs - 4 (2) Vibration switches - 1 or 2 (3) Generator stator RTOs - 2 (4) Governor low oil level and pressure switches (5) Remote speed indicating transducer (6) Needle and deflector position transducers 3. Upgrades Possibly Required for Reduced Maintenance The following upgrades might be considered to reduce on-site main- tenance effort and to improve maintainability: a. Obtain a complete set of spares for electrical trans- ducers, switches, relays, fuses and controls. b. Obtain a spare inlet valve motor operator. c. Add automatic grease lubrication system for the gen- erator and turbine bearings. 4. Options for Factory Modifications and Upgrades Prior to Site Delivery Installation of this unit at a remote site would be greatly simpli- fied by combining the turbine-generator into a skid-mounted equip- ment package. Shaft alignment and electrical checkout could then be completed in a shop setting rather than in the field. The total skid-mounted package might include the turbine, flywheel, gener- ator, governor, exciter, controls and hydraulic pressure unit. This option should be considered in evaluating this equipment's suitability for use on the Akutan project. 5. Controls and Monitoring Control systems should be redesigned and newly procured to meet the expected operations scheme. Stand alone automatic operation re- quiring very little human intervention is desirable. A static ex- citer and controller based on the original control schematic and having automatic voltage regulation capability should be supplied. The generator breaker should be housed in a separate deadfront en- closure and mounted either as a part of the generator control panel or at a separate location. - 7 - 6. Supervisory Control It would be desirable to implement a simple supervisory and alarm system which can monitor the equipment functions from a remote location. This function could be implemented by a synthesized voice warning autodialer, a remote annunciator panel, or a SCADA system connected to the APA headquarters, assuming adequate commun- ications link can be installed. 7. Documentation A 11 copies of the supp 1 i ed documentation shou 1 d be preserved and used for future references. The electrical control schematic dia- grams and descriptions should be used in the design of new control systems. VI. STORAGE AND SHIPPING PROVISIONS Space heaters with thermostats have been installed in the crates to prevent accumulation of moisture during shipment to and storage in Anchorage. Details of the heater installation is included in the Hydrowest•s report. -End of Report - (3223Y) TURBINE -GENERATOR AND CONTROL EQUIPMENT INSPECTION AND TESTING REPORT 17 MAY 1989 PREPARED FOR R. W. BECK & ASSOCIATES BY HYDRO WEST GROUP, INC. 26 MAY 1989 INSPECTION REPORT The following report covers the turbine/generator/control equipment built for Contract No. 80MEAC-8400SC in 1980. The equipment has been in storage since that time. The purpose of this inspection was to determine what degradation, if any, has occurred to the equipment up to this time and to make any recommendations as to testing or maintenance that should be done to the equipment prior to making it operational. The report is broken into sections which cover the equipment by the crate in which it was shipped. During the inspection in the Hydro West Group shop, there were present Paul Carson and Seung Kim of R. W. Beck and Associates, and Roy Taylor of the Alaska Power Authority. During the testing and inspection of the generator at the General Electric Service Shop in Kent, there were present Lowell Shelton of R. W. Beck and Associates and Roy Taylor of the Alaska Power Authority. Through this report these individuals will be referred to as the customer. 2 INSPECTION REPORT CRATE RECEIVING REPORT: The crates were moved with Hydro West Group truck from storage in Seattle to Hydro West Group shop in Bellevue on 12 May 1989. CRATE LISTING: Crate No. A1 (C/N 1) -3500 Kg net, 4100 Kg gross, 99"x80"x74". Contents: Turbine -Received in good condition with only broken metal straps. Crate No. A2 (C/N 3) -512 Kg net, 625 Kg gross, 56"x56"x19". Contents: Turbine Parts -Received in good condition. Crate No. A3 (C/N 2) -2032 Kg net, 2725 Kg gross, 79"x58"x65". Contents: Generator -Received with one end damaged and exterior plank missing. Crate No. A4 (C/N 4) -1000 Kg net, 1350 Kg gross, 57"x42"x102". Contents: Exciter -Received in good condition. Crate No. AS (C/N 7) -450 Kg net, 480 Kg gross, 37"x31"x52". Contents: Governor -Received in good condition. · Crate No. A6 (C/N 5) -343 Kg net, 609 Kg gross, 47"x39"x93". Contents: Control Board -Received with one exterior plank broken. Crate No. A7 (C/N 6) -360 Kg net, 450 Kg gross, 72"x37"x35". Contents: Valve -Received in good condition. General Notes: 1. Crates stored for nine years in open building exposed to outdoor temperature changes but protected from rain and snow. 2. (C/N) refers to Contract No. 80 MEAC-8400SC crate number stenciled onto exterior of the crates. 3. Dimensions shown are length x width x height. 4. Generally the condition of the crates was good. All metal strapping and nails were rusted. The timber in the crates is very dry and brittle. 3 INSPECTION REPORT 1. CRATE NO. Al & A2 (CONTRACT CRATE NO. 1 & 3 RESP.) CONTENTS: TURBINE EQUIPMENT GENERAL TURBINE DATA: MANUFACTURER: MODEL NO: RATED SPEED: RUNAWAY SPEED: RATED OUTPUT: DESIGN HEAD: DESIGN DISCHARGE: N.O.S.: DATE: THE CHUNGKING WATER TURBINE WORKS THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA CJ22-W-60/l-G 900 RPM 1620 RPM 222 KW 185 m 0.145 8042 80.7 Crate condition was good when received. Equipment was packed and protected to prevent damage and corrosion. One end of Crate Al and the top of Crate A2 were removed for inspection. The turbine and parts inside Crate Al were found to be clean with no signs of any corrosion or oxidation. The equipment appears to be in factory condition. All components were carefully packed and there was no shipping damage. The turbine bearing cap, on the generator side of the turbine, was removed. The interior of the bearing showed no oxidation; however the lubricating grease had hardened. It will be necessary to clean and replace the grease in both turbine bearings prior to operation. The main shaft was rotated and was found to cause of the block is unknown but it is intentional shipping block. be blocked. The assumed to be an The customer was satisfied that the equipment was in condition and that further disassembly and inspection required. It was decided that the necessary maintenance done during installation. operable was not would be After an accounting of the parts the equipment will be recrated. Two space heaters, thermostat controlled, will be installed inside the turbine crate. Refer to instruction sheet attached. In order to check the loose parts shipped inside the crates, we used the material list data included in the assembly drawings. These lists are included as a separate attachment. The following list is a quick summary of the complete lists. 4 Referring to those details we found that for: A. B. Inlet Pipe Assembly: Dwg. No. D6003/l-00. accounted for and are located in Crate Al. All parts were Nozzle Assembly: Dwg. No. D6003/2-00. The nozzle is assembled and installed into the turbine case. It is assumed that the assembly is complete. C. Control Part: Dwg. No. D6003/3-00. All parts were accounted for and are located in Crate Al. D. Rotating Part: Dwg. No. D6003/5-00. The main shaft and associated parts are assembled in the turbine. The parts associated with the flywheel and coupling are shipped loose and are accounted for. The flywheel and its assembly hardware are in Crate A2. E. Floor Plate Assembly: Dwg. No. D6003/6-00. Most parts were located such that complete crate (Al) disassembly would have been required for an accounting. However, it appears all parts and hardware are present. F. Bearing Assembly: Dwg. No. D3709/7-00. Both turbine bearings were assembled and appear to be complete. Again, it is noted that prior to operation the lubricating grease should be replaced. The one loose eyebolt was accounted for. G. Twin Filters: Dwg. No. SL-00/025X40. The filter assembly was complete except for the external piping and valves. The loose pieces were accounted for. There appears to be a part change from the part list on the drawing and the parts shipped. The two valves (Item 15) are called out as Type JllH on the drawing, but the parts shipped are marked J13H. H. Hydraulic Operating Valve: Dwg. No. SF-OOA/032X40. This valve was assembled into the turbine case. It appears complete. The external copper tubing is included; it is tarnished but usable. I. Centrifugal Switch: Dwg. No. K4900. Switch assembly is installed on the turbine main shaft and appears complete. The external 12mm and 18mm diameter tubing is not included and the drawing indicates that it would be customer supplied. J. Spare Parts: All spare parts are accounted for according to the included list. Most are located in the wooden box inside Crate Al with the manuals for the turbine and generator. The large bags of rubber rings for the coupler are on the floor of Crate Al. K. Special Tools: accounted for. with the spare in Crate Al. The five spanner wrenches listed are The four smaller tools are located in the box parts. The large wrench (Item 5) is located 5 0'\ POLARIZATION INDEX TEST Megger at 500 VDC ELAPSED TIME 30 Seconds 1 Minute 2 Minutes 3 Minutes 4 Minutes 5 Minutes 6 Minutes 7 Minutes 8 Minutes 9 Minutes 10 Minutes READING IN MEGOHMS 18~0 "Z.Sao '3Boa St>oo S5_oo l.e 2 00 7000 7 (,oo 8100 aeoo q200 D ..-..... ~ Winding TemP. 7 ~ r Wet Bulb Dry Bulb Relative Humiditr % Insulation Resistance 1. 0 Min. 2$00 Megohms 10.0 Min. 92.00 Megohms Polarization Index 3. G, Time Interval /~ , £, /-rJ II!.. -::: 4'./ tJCJ 111ft G2 ..:5 -rJ o II D C. Test Performed By: <3,_/}: \1~ r----1: · Date: S"'-/h-ftj. General Electric Apparatus & Engineering Service Operation 1031 Fourth Avenue North Kent, Washington 98032 . ,. INSPECTION REPORT 2. CRATE NO. A3 (CONTRACT CRATE NO. 2) CONTENTS: GENERATOR GENERAL GENERATOR DATA: MANUFACTURER: TYPE: MODEL: SERIAL NO. RATED CAPACITY: RATED CURRENT: RATED FREQUENCY: RATED SPEED: RATED OVERSPEED: STATOR CONNECTION: EXCITATION VOLTAGE: EXCITATION CURRENT: WEIGHT: DATE: THE CHUNGKING WATER TURBINE WORKS THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA 200 KW HYDRAULIC GENERATOR SFW74/32-8 El235 250KVA (200KW) 315A 60 HZ 900RPM, ROTATION: CW, O.D.E. 1620 RPM ~E 32V 133.3A 2032 Kg 80.3 The crate was damaged on one end and a timber plank was missing. The crate was completely removed for inspection and testing. The generator was well packed and protected and there was no evidence of oxidation or damage. The shaft was rotated and found to turn freely by hand. A run- out check was done at the end of the shaft with a reading of 0.002 T.I.R. There was no visual indication of moisture anywhere in the unit. Moisture content will be determined by electrical testing. The gene~ator was taken to the General Electric Service Shop, in Kent, to perform the electrical tests required. The tests were done to G.E. standards and the results were compared to the test data supplied from the manufacturer. It was determined that there had been no moisture damage to either the stator or the rotor. Refer to test result sheet attached. The stator windings were tested using the polarization index test with the megger at 500 VDC. The test was done over a ten-minute period and readings were taken every minute. Ten minutes allows for winding saturation. The index is determined by taking the reading at ten minutes (9200 megaohms) and dividing it by the reading at one minute (2500 megaohms). This value is then 3.6. General Electric standards, which are conservative, would show the possibility of moisture problems if the index value was below 3 . 0 . 7 The rotor was megger tested at 500 VDC and the reading was 400 megaohm. This compares with the figure of 20 megaohm stated in the factory test report. This discrepancy may be accounted for by the test methods used at the factory compared to the methods at G. E. A Hi Pot test was considered but after the meggar tests were done and the possibility of moisture problems removed, it was decided it was not required. The generator end cover was removed and the collector/brush assembly inspected. The collector rings are tarnished and it is recommended that they be cleaned and polished prior to use. The generator bearings are grease packed. This old grease should be removed, the bearings cleaned, and then regreased prior to operation. Two thermostatically controlled heaters will be installed in the generator crate. Loose parts included with the generator were checked against the shipping order and all parts are included and are in good condition. These parts include: A. Anchor bolts, nuts and washers (4 sets). B. Pins, 160 x 110mm (2). C. Spare parts including: a. Slope wedge, E1235/2-5 (1) b. Slot wedge, E1235/1-3 (2) c. Constant pressure brush holder, 45041A/25x32 (1) d. Carbon brush, 25x32x65 (6) e. Ball bearing, 322 (1) f. Ball bearing, 2322 (1) 8 INSPECTION REPPORT 3. CRATE NO. A4 (CONTRACT CRATE NO. 4) CONTENTS: EXCITER CABINET GENERAL EXCITER DATA: MANUFACTURER: TYPE: SERIAL NO. MODEL NO. RATED EXCITATION CURRENT: RATED EXCITATION VOLTAGE: AC INPUT: DATE: SICHUAN PROVINCE POWER STATION CHENGDU RECTIFIER WORKS EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING CORPORATION CHINA SCR EXCITATION SET 001 KGLF 32 160A 40V 3 PHASE, 460V, 18A 80.7 Crate condition was good; it was completely taken apart for equipment inspection. It was found that the cabinet had been exposed to water (ocean spray, rain, condensation?). The interior of the crate did not offer any uniform waterproof protection and water collected on all exposed surfaces inside and outside the cabinet. Devices appeared in good condition but contacts, assembly hardware, bus bar, mounting supports and w1r1ng are corroded. Where metal parts were protected with paint, the water just left spotting. After review by Hydro West Group and the customer, it was decided that the equipment would most likely not be utilized. A thermostatically controlled heater will be installed and the cabinet re-crated. Loose parts included inside this crate wre two wooden boxes containing spare parts and manuals listed as follows: A. (6) Manuals (one copy removed by customer). B. (1) Testing Certificate. C. (1) Power Unit. D. (1) Silicon Rectifier Power Unit. E. (2) Current Transformer. F. (4) Fuse lOA G. (2) Fuse lSA H. (1) Fuse 20A I. ( 1) Fuse 30A J. (1) Silicon Rectifier Element ZPSO. K. (2) Cabinet Keys. L. (8) Plug-In Elements: RXl-10/lOth. 9 INSPECTION REPORT 4. CRATE NO. AS (CONTRACT CRATE NO. 7) CONTENTS: GOVERNOR GENERAL GOVERNOR DATA: MANUFACTURER: MODEL: PUMP SPEED: OIL PRESS.: SERIAL NO.: DATE: TIANJIN HYDROELECTRIC CONTROLLING EQUIPMENT FACTORY THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA TT-75 750 RPM 18Kg/cm 8010 80.7 Crate was in good condition, the top and one side were removed for inspection. Governor damage. was in good condition with no signs of All exterior apparatus are operational. The equipment was recrated. oxidation or The loose parts inside the crate were all accounted for by checking against the packing list and include: A. (2) Set Drawing and Documentation. B. (1) Testing Certificate. C. (1) Sheave Cover Assembly. D. (1) Lever Assembly. E. (3) Wrenches. F. (1) Bag Spare 0-Rings and Washers. G. (1) Pressure Gauge. H. (4) Anchor Bolts and Nuts. 10 INSPECTION REPORT 5. CRATE NO. A6 (CONTRACT CRATE NO. 5) CONTENTS: CONTROL BOARD GENERAL CONTROL BOARD DATA: MANUFACTURER: EQUIPMENT NAME: TYPE: GENERATOR NO: PHASE: POWER: POWER FACTOR: FREQUENCY: VOLTAGE: SERIAL NO. WEIGHT: DATE: ZIGONG ELECTRICAL APPARATUS WORKS SICHUAN PROVINCE POWER STATION EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING CORPORATION THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA ZIDIAN BKF-200/460 A3 3 200 KW 0.8 60 HZ 460 v 80001 343.5 kg 80.7 Crate condition was generally good; however, one outside plant was broken and the lower portion missing. The front and rear sides of the crate were removed to inspect the equipment. Internal packaging was in good condition. Control board is in good condition. It shows no signs of oxidation or damage. All devices appear operational and show no signs of vibration or shock damage. The equipment was reviewed by Hydro West Group and the customer and it was decided, that as it is supplied, the equipment would not meet minimum code requirements for operation. A thermostatically controlled strip heater will be installed and the equipment recrated. The only loose parts shipped in this crate were three manuals, of which the customer took one copy, and two small isolation barriers. 11 INSPECTION REPORT 6. CRATE NO. A7 (CONTRACT CRATE NO. 6) CONTENTS: VALVE GENERAL VALVE DATA: MANUFACTURER: SHENYANG HIGH AND MEDIUM PRESSURE VALVE FACTORY THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA TYPE: EXPLOSION-PROOF ELECTRIC ACTUATOR OPERATED GATE VALVE MODEL NO: DIAMETER: PRESSURE: TEMPERATURE: Z9B 41Y-25, DG250 250rrun 25 Kg/em 300 DEGREES C GENERAL ACTUATOR DATA: MANUFACTURER: THE SECOND GENERAL PURPOSE MACHINERY FACTORY, TIANJIN -THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA MODEL: OUTPUT SPEED: T230-24/80 TORQUE: 30 Kgm FULL STROKE TIME: VOLTAGE: POWER: 240 RPM 1. 82 Sec 460V 1.1 KW The crate condition was good. inspection. The top was removed for Valve and actuator are in good condition. oxidation or damage incurred after manufacturer. There are no signs of shipment from the The grease in the mechanism is old and should be removed by thorough cleaning and replaced prior to use. The valve was recrated. Loose parts included with the valve include the following: A. (1) Set Manual and Documentation B. (1) Set Test Data C. (2) "T" Handle Wrenches 12 INSPECTION REPORT Conclusion: In general, with the exception of the exciter, the equipment was found to be in excellent condition and is ready for installation and service with only minor maintenance. The exciter could be in serviceable condition; however, it should be tested thoroughly before being put into use. In discussion with the customer, it was decided that no other testing would be required prior to tests after installation. It was decided to recrate the equipment and make it ready for shipment. The customer requested that thermostatically controlled strip heaters be installed in the turbine crate (2 heaters), the generator crate (2 heaters), and the control panel, valve and exciter crates (1 heater each). For information on the heater installation, refer to instruction sheet attached. The bagged dessicant shipped in the crates was unbagged and dried out in an oven. The dessicant was then rebagged and replaced in the crates. The crates will be reassembled and rebuilt as required. All equipment in the crates will be covered with plastic to protect it from the weather. 13 INSPECTION REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS: The turbine/generator equipment appears to be in operable condition. During the meeting with the R. W. Beck engineers and the A.P.A. engineer, the end use (installation) of the equipment was discussed. The preliminary decision was that the turbine, generator and the stop valve would be utilized in the project and that the other equipment, the governor, exciter and control board be replaced with new equipment. The arguments for replacing the equipment were that the governor, as it is, would not operate the turbine automatically and would consume too much power in its operation. In the case of the electrical equipment supplied, the considerations were that it would not meet local and national codes required for that type of equipment and that the parts might be very difficult to replace if they should fail during service. In the case of the electrical equipment, it is recommended that the exciter and control equipment be replaced with modern, domestic counterparts. This change would insure satisfaction of code requirements and would eliminate the problems of having to replace difficult to find parts. The design of this new equipment could be done such that its operation and construction would closely match the existing. This could be done easily using the data and the existing equipment itself as blueprints. For completely automatic function of the turbine/generator equipment, the control equipment could be designed with the necessary systems added. For example: 1. Automatic black start ability. 2. Level/flow control. 3. Machine monitoring and protection. 4. Generator monitoring and protection. 5. Remote annunciation. 6. Remote control. Depending on the application, any or all of these system could be included. The governor control is manual. After starting the machine, the governor operates the needle to maintain correct machine speed and it can automatically shut the machine down in case of overspeed conditions. However, if the equpment is to be located remotely and will not have an operator at hand, it will be necessary to provide either a modification to the existing governor or a new governor for automatic control. In order to use the existing governor it would have to be modified to include electro mechanical or hydraulic actuators to restart the equipment after shutdown. If the electro mechanical actuator is opted for, it would need to have a battery and 14 charging system. If the hydraulic system was used, a power unit and accumulators would be needed. Using either system or providing a different governor would also require the addition of some type of control system. This could be done using a programmable controller with analog capabilities. Since the existing governor is in good condition and can operate the machine after it is running, it seems practical to modify it for automatic start abilities. However, it would be necessary to analyze the costs of the different alternatives for the most feasible choice. In regard to the other equipment, the turbine, generator and the shutoff valve are in operable condition. It will be necessary prior to operation to disassemble all bearing and gear boxes to clean away the old hardened grease and oil. After thorough cleaning the lubricant can be replaced and the units reassembled. While the upper turbine housing cover is off, examine the installation of the runner. Determine the cause of the rotation block and correct. If it is decided to add a more sophisticated control scheme to the turbine operation, it may be necessary to add control devices. These could be speed sensors, position transducers, limit switches, etc. This work should be carried out by the control designers/manufacturers in order to get the best system coordination. In the past when Hydro West Group has provided equipment of this size, it has tried to do as much factory assembly and interconnection as possible. In this case, in order to minimize the on-site installation time and expertise required, we would recommend assembling the equipment onto a common skid in a manufacturer's shop and including the turbine, genrator, governor, exciter and control equipment all assembled and interconnected. This would allow the manufacturer to run the system and operational tests prior to field installation, thereby eliminating most, if not all, of the debug time required during the start-up of new equipment. It would also reduce the time required by the installer. This installation approach has to be weighed against the site location and accessibility and equipment weight restrictions for shipment. For the convenience of the operators, it is recomm~nded that all of the operation and maintenance manual information be rewritten. This should be done in order to eliminate the confusion that could develop from the manuals provided. These manuals are accurate, but the translation is somewhat misleading in some areas and to an operator/owner with little experience they may be of little use. If new equipment is to be interfaced with this equipment, this manual requirement will partially be taken care of. 15 The drawings supplied are generally very legible and should not need to be redrawn. The turbine, generator and valve are ruggedly constructed and should provide many years of trouble-free service. When the time comes for rebuilding any of these items, in many cases direct domestic replacement of parts would be possible; i.e., turbine bearings, valve operator, valve, generator bearings, generator brushes, etc. In the event that it would be required to replace the larger parts, i.e., the runner, shaft, etc., any turbine manufacturer would be able to design, specify and have fabricated a replacement. The costs involved for such a fabrication would have to be measured against procuring the part directly from the original manufacturer. In the case of the generator, in time it may be necessary to rebuild the unit. This work could be done by any of several domestic electrical service shops. 16 SPACE HEATER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS REQUIRED IN CRATES: A1: Turbine Equipment -2 heaters A3: Generator -2 heaters A4: Exciter - 1 heater A6: Control Board - 1 heater A7: Valve - 1 heater HEATER REQUIREMENT: Inside each crate install one or two, 40-100 watt element to operate at 110VAC, provide a thermostat to prevent overtemperature and provide a 110VAC, 2-wire plug with a six-foot cord. INSTALLATION: Place heaters such combustible surface. the thermostat such heater element. that they will be well away from any Install heaters securely. Wire heaters to that the wiring will be protected from the Thermostat will be mounted such that it will be accessible after crate is assembled. It will have a capillary tube/bulb which will be routed inside the crate and located under the equipment's plastic covering. A power cord will be installed in the thermostat enclosure. 17 r~ r . i' t' II' ·' .~. ··----~ I ·---i ·-i .---Iy---. Jy--·--·· I --.... ------.J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 i6oo% -~o -~ i J -£ -_ _ _ ___ I_ flo~ Pl!_te _Asse"!_bly _ Dl'7~~-~ _f' itt'--~-!_J Beari'!l Asse~----------~ .06811~-110__ _ _ .. fi f i_ _ _ _ __ I I ll«otin, Port 5. D6oov;,_00-fiJj ~i~-1l /:,.11~ .z Pa~t-Mq--AJoTIAJiL.uPEI':) 4 . NOO*~oo -If~-~ fjf I I ,. c;niro/ Part :;-JJ6oO%~-~-~~-~ . I 2 -St. ;;.iJf4K.~ 11. ;t * f: f 1 i-IJMiou:_IJII-. f * f ~ fe --' I lfl~A~~~OOtfi.Jt:~#tf Th• Cltu,gking Wcrter Turbine Works THE PEOPLE-s REPUBliC OF CHINA ·----~ Name C122-w-6%x6 *iii~*~~~~ m Allton Type Water Turbint Main Assembly I> ~ . ~ J ~ 1 i ''"~ """!jt: ~~ 'u ut: we1ut · . ~ ! With the penstock It is « _ -~~--soo 200 I . ----~-------------------------,connected to the upstreo r-.-----------____ ..-:.._ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __ / 0 Of!__ _________ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ I . side flange of the inlet ~ _ ~ ________ IJ!l!:_~_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ j _________________ ---+B§"__j 101Ji&h is Mt i/lustrflfetl he '-·----~ ~ • I ~/a ALL-PAIZ'rS 1-0CA'TEO IN CRATE A1 . , f t t ' t I ~ f 1 ~ f I} <P~%.71 Y j Pocki~ t/J~2/-71 /h f.fl M~Ox 120 12 Bolt MJOX/20 Jlj( !~~fi~-~'! ~''~-----~--------, l-Pent. - ,~ _ f!ff __ tfJf!_ ___ !2_ Nut ,tfSO ~--~ ''/i. __ _!~--f/j!¥t~I07 . 2 1 Pocklflg fJSP,,oz ,?. -----~-Jt--~27%,-1 2_~-_!__ -~Q_£ki~~27~~12 ___ ~------·--~f!-M161l40 8 __ 2.tud M16X40 1/o/ >Sf 46XJO _!_ Packing Ring 45¥~0 ==1 r# -----_tl~--~!~----·-!4 Nut M16 ~ -----~ f.f_ MIOx2 ____ -~-~~Screw MSOX2 ~~~ ___ f1 __ !27SA,J40 __ 2 PacJcing t1127ftn40 ~-------di H24x~oo ____ 4 FoundationBolt M2Ax40D_ ~-~ _____ ll:_~--!1_~! ____ 16 Nut /1127 ;$.if M24 4 Nut /1124 .; ~ f ft M27~t 100 24 Bolt Mn11100 ---------- ---r------f---------· f.fi M27xi80 12 Bolt /1127xJ80 . .~ I~ D6°0¥!-or J\ ~ I Flange -------------------------~ ---[AJ D6DOU -12 ~ ' I Bent ~ D6001,/;-02 r f I Pipe I# •.tt M16 x 45 16 Stud N/6¥45 ' ~ IJ600SJ,-o1 ~~ f -----------. -~ -Pipe '121 o ~ f M ~ 11ox6.l-. 2-----0-ring ISGA5·1 -j//, ---~A--~~%~7 ----2 Packing ttn~Sl ~ ~:=~~~~-~-~~-------.-~ ~:; ~ ~=~ =:: --t:;~5:0 :~ a;: ::A50 ~ -=~ -~ _ _q /!~#11 :J?~~B_·~---/_ __ g_::!i;g __ ~~~XB-6 __ ---=-____ If~ If ~ -! --------# ll Name 'l~ D600'l1-09 JP. n -----__ !_ Grip fling * 1p A It Jt ~ m i ~ * ft .rL r C122-w-6 £0 X 6 tit! Hl6 I 1 ~Bolt /tl/6 The ChunsJcing ffater Turbine Wt~rk.r If' W ~ * ~ ~ V~ D60DI'/J-os $f f ~ --,--Split /iing ---THE PEOPLE's REPUBLIC OF CHINA t! ;i( f ~ f . . !fly_ D600 o/,-07 .I I Jli I Connectin 11 Rin11 II tt U~t$ Jj, u. • I I: -~ / ----':1 ':1 f f ~ ~~ ~. 7 JQ ~ ., rt.< D600¥/-o6 if!t f I Inlet Pipe -~--;.T ----~7 .. • J .. , ~. a.. '1· • ! I ])6{)()1/ • ~ D6ooyi-05" ~ ~ I Bent it .t ~(#s..d~J;/1 /i-00 Pelton Type Water Turbir. Inlet Pipe Assemhly · ! -, -~ ! ! ' i . . i I I J 3'6 D600%-16 Jit;.lj'f I Oil 0f1Jin Tube -··--------~-... ----··~-~ ~-----·----. --t------- ?:5 tn t:/118/.¥9 I Packing "'£}~!}_ ---·----~--~ . ------- 34 I4~H-40 • Jl: ~ D9 ::: {lt/5' I 'loire D9~tl!_~~ '---~- --·----- 31 f4il M/2 4 Nut Hl2 ··--------------$2 4t£ Hl2r80 4 Stud M12XSO --f----1--·----------------- Jl I I /OX46 2 f Pin 10 X4S --1--t---· -· . ·---· - 30 o ~ .\1 it II 28oJ(o. 1 I 1 O-rin9. 280X5.7 -->------------------ 29 ~600%_10 ifll'l I 1 Oil Tube -' 28 466'~·~ ·~ flfi 2 Oil Tube Union ]Six tot 27 IJ600jf_,4 ~~ 2 Bush -------------26 D6 00f2-r¥ 1 I if.#f* I DeflectDf' Shoft 2S D61111%-,~T u. -----s-r Tlwttling Shttr<e 24 D6 00 J2-II '!Ut ~ I Needle 2I ___ -= ____ o ~.mtttl 9Dx6.1 2 I 0-ring 90X5.7 22 D6°DYz_10 ~'ll I Nozzle ---~-------- 21 •n /"fJ;lK22 12 Bolt /1112 x22 ---------------- 20 ~· 12 I~ Washer 12 ----...•.. ---f------19 0 ~$#II IIOX~./ I D-ring I/OX8.1 ·-"""'"=----::=..... 18 D60'%. 1~1 I Nozzle Cor~er 2-09 --·-11 tllf 1127 12 Nut MIT . .-... - 16 -f1 /127x70 12 Stud /ti27X70 · .. , .. AL.L PA~rs As6EMS<EO ANO /Nf7r'Au..AiE0 IAI 7tii?/.31WE HOU::SIAK::t "~j.D600~-os ! -.11 tg I Nozzle Bot!!_ -tJ 1120 I Eye Bolt H2o ~4 J~.D6D'%:-o 7 l:*tf.j] _-I Joint Sctew ------------. __ 12 D600%-06 ~ ~ tl if; _ I Spherical Union 1 , 1t JJ600?fz-oo ~ 11 __ __ 2 Washer : 10 D600%-o1: 1' if. f. 1 Throttle Plug 1 J._ 9 IJ600f2_ 0 .; .. _ I ~ Pin____ --t 'B f~flt$ 102 2 Boll B~aring I 02 ~ 7 IJJ6 00%-o2! it it f I 1 I Ttonsmitti"9_ Arm :6 I l Jl ~ ! .ft Ml i I' i j Round Plastic oil Leveller J I IOJII X25 ~5 2 Pin IOJaX2S -~~$ 200 Ball Bearing . 200 \4 2 !3' o ~ m ~t • 6(ixz., I 0-ring 65'X'S.I ' 21 ll60°_%-o 1 I i · 1/ I Cover ' iff! MBx22 I Threaded Pin 11sx22 Jfflm ;1~ ~ltf ~ fAKJt~o Witt*-~~r ' Th• Chunsking Wat•r Turbi11t1 Work• '! THE PEOPLE$ REPUBLIC OF CHINA ~: :1 itr~.7.~ Jti fl. I : I i! _: I ilt.~;;g Jf t D600;1-oo Nome CJ22-W-o/!x6 lf'Jt(1j(~m. f '11 l IG Pelton Type Jl&ter Turhine Nozzle Assembly · ~7 ' ~ff 10 1 I Grease Nipple /0 ~ D600%--15 #Itt" I I Push-pul Rod 25 . • if H/6 I 4 Nut 1416 Z4 _________ f.lf __ !'fl6x6"6' ----+! 4 1 Bolt Hl6t:JS ________ _ 25 D600%-14 I'A Rock Arm ------t--t-----------------------# tf /8x9o ' I Key 18X90 ~ D6°0%-11 : ·-------, I Rock Arm r!tf DOooo/1-12-iW~ ~-i 1 Regulating Sh<lft ------------- ~----------~------------~--+-~------------------~ ~ tf /8X80 l 2 K'Y J8X80 --~--+-~------------------~ ~ ~ D600Y.J-II I J I I Rode Arm 4-l~ croo.yHMx2 ~ 'f. • JG ---~: 2-f-:-t---F.-Ork_l_o,-.,t-As_s_em_b_ly--------1 ~ D600%-1o fi tt tf ! I Push-pull Rod 15 ;Jr~ B-t2 ,,-+--01-I-Cu-,p..._B_--12 ______ --t 14 fl n M 10 x 18 : 2 Threaa«< Pin JiT&60!Jf1-o9 l«#t It Cam Shaft ·---- 12 . _ tf C/01( 6"0 _ j_ 2 Key C/0~50 11 _ D6 00¥._-:r-o8 I fi f 1 f I Indicating Plate 1 10 ~JOo/5--01 I ~' ~--! 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Pi..'! 1/8~1~---_ _ Th• Chw11gking Wot•r Turbin• W~:r Jf j ~ 1t ft. ft 11 1J600!-5 _ ~ , _JU J.li _ _ __ ~ _ _ ' ~?-j--~llter TbrtJwifiL!iiJf. _ t! T~ PEOPt.E:f REPfJ/JI./C OF CHINA ~ jj ,., 1$/ 10 1#10%~(1! Jjl ~-I j ~in ~$_haft----·····___________ • -f JtJ fC 1: z.ti Pelton Type Hfrter TUrb~· 9 ·-:--c.-. .,......--. _;f c 72_1(160 j' 1 K_ey_~ C~2x~'!!!_J_~_!'_I.JAFr * • JIJ f 1J6oorL Rotatino Port 1~ I I Fly Wheel • • 76'·-nn :o [D6i»~ _::ji- 19 D600J1_, ~-- 18 16 /1 I JIUUU:I/,. ~· "..J' ~· ( 41 Countersunk Head Scrert H8X20 tf if MIS 5 Nut /tl/8 ~--·--+ ------+------4--------------1 ])600¥6 -2~ f tt I __;_S_.;.Jup-L.p..::....or __ ti_nJl.....-PJ._ate ____ . _ ])60°11,-22 i. I 1 Floor Plate ---·--i----- ])600$/6-21 I f! I Floor Plate D60D% -I'! fit Floot Plate D600¥1,_12 ft I I SuPJ11rli'IIJ Plate ___ ·--___ --·--- 1 -I Db00%_11 -~~-----. 1 1 _ S'!J!JNirl~ Plo!_e _ . D6~%: ~. t _ f_ ~ . 1 l ~uppmi'!J Plate D600fi_09 ~ ~ 1 : _ §!!ppor.£ __ __ _ __ _ . ~ D60o~-~8 : 1-.;. · --! 1 ! Floor _Plate__ _ __ __ _ I JJ6°0%-01 It I 1 Floor Plate I I . l D6o~~ -:~6 r ~ i!~ ~ ! ; _51Jf1P.~~ Pli!_e -__ ----~~~ - . , ~ --· ~ tf.ij_ __ M_Bxl4 ~-4/l Counter_~unlc Head Scrert /ltStl~-- 1 6 l JJ600% -o~ ~ ~ -t _!.__~ SuPP!Jrt __ _ _ --,1 i-t'-o6oo%-o4l ~*---. . ~. __ l l_5_upport ______ . ___ __ _ _~1 ~r-~--. -~pt.n ___ f!'~~'.9~ l ,_5, &It ,.,,2il8 __ __ _ J J Db00%-o~ _ ~_!; __ . . !1 i _§uppfJ_r~ .. __ .. --__ _ ii6i:uiTA,.~o2 ii! ___ .. _____ I '-! FIO!Jt: __ Pj~~----____________ _ 1J6oo%:_0 ,· f~ 1 ~pporting PiaU_ _____________ _ ; ~ -~~ --~ ~ . ~ It I N11,. ~ t..oo&e ~ Ito.) C'..12'\E ~"\ .. 7'---O'rHEJ2. ~S t~ •• )E:>iAl..LED au 1Uf.2.6lt..)e . C122-W-6%6 Jl'ili~*~.flt i« ~ * ~~ Pe/tfJII Type Wate Talbine F/IJIJI" Plate Assembl : j . 'i .. I! J ' I • i /3017-1 SeA,I/.1~& A66EM/!k.EO AJ.j() I~U:..ED ON THE 77.//Z/I!!IIAIE 1-/D~AJ<::, • 15 • /SXBO z CtJnicfll Pin IS x so 14 Nt~ B-lfJIJ . I o;/ wp lOO ~ Z11708,4-oa ff'ff.tr I Eye &It 12 lffJfeK.trtllfltlllm I liiJllii -;~ '":'ftl!l•' Si*I'ICikl II Dnoy.,_06 it1f\ 2 C/omping Ring 10 1J611JfM-oo tt•j 2 End Ciwer 9 ~· 160 I loclin.!J Wosb.-1~0 8 .4 H/10•2 I Round Nvt MIJ'OX2 7 IJTTD'y.,-04 tt I COIIictll SJHye 6 til 120 -2 hit R~llf 120 5 -ft HI01t96' z Stllll /111DX95' ~ -----·· -~ 4 D11Dfh-DI t$l I Bearing Wising 3 D:J7D'y.,-IJ2 -~·41 2 Ovti Ht!tld Bolt 2 11'1/J~-D/ 8~· I Bnriii!J C.p I •• H10 4 Nut /1110 hf If t ~ # lf Nil• iff A~~*' OO:li*~IJLT CD2Z-W-6JJ1x6 Thft Chun9king Wot•r 'TUriJin• Works ~i~1l<~ I THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA fl $ ~ ~ • tt l'i-o ~ fl /..7.0.3 jfj fl I: 2 • • ). ..fM ro. 7.~~> P.ltDn Type Wllter Turbine ~ • ~ ~ 10.~~ . If t D77DJ4-oo BearinJ Assembly It .. ""k f&.. tfJII{j ' . ' 0Pae:477A..t:7 VALVE A~IVII3LEi"O .AA.ID /AI6TAL.LE'O IN rul!!.,g/A.lc ;/ac.JS/~ · ~ LJX>SE ~~ ~o ~~ .c~:re ~~ . 31 ilk II 15X8 I Oil Ring 15.X8 . 12 0 ••n• 70Jtr.l I o~ ring 70X'S./ JO -~-f--f. .I M8x I I Threaded Plug /rl8x I_____ II SF-11Jis1zx411 1'8-f I Plunger § ~ Iff 5'M Copper Tube :, 10 0 lfjffl 65'x5'.7 I 0-ring 65X5-7 ~~~ JLX/{1-411 fj§ tf * 1 Stroke limiting SwitcfC;IIJtr~ 9 46~~ ... ~ 'fl1\ 4 Pipe llnion 21 if. {I f116x40 4 Bolt N16X40 .~· 8 SF-D%zJC40 ti if I Cylinder BIXIy .26 -~ M6xiO 4 Bolt M6xJO ·i 7 -~ 14 I Woslw /~:..,__ ____ _ 25 SF-%12•40 JI i I Gland ·i 6 f.-If 1114 I Nut JtiU 24 SF-~1'2x4o • ff i 1 Stuffing Box ~ 5 SP-~21140 #1-f. 1 Bushing Ring 2! o~!fitfll46-.1.5 1 0-ring 46x'S.5' 4 Yl.f!N'-1D1tl8 1 Y-shap«/JitdRi•.t·lfJX/8 22 tf:fJ M4x8 2 Screw lf4xB 1 Altl H6xl0 4 Bolt /tl5t/O 21 iS Ill 2sx16 1 Oil Ring 25XI6 2 SF-~.40 111 -I G/Qfld zo SF -%:J2J<40 "-f I Threatlerl Plug I SP-OU:szxM if f.ff I PJu,ger RIXI . ____ _ J9 sF-'%:J21f40 f 1 Sleeve Iff fS f -' i l f Name I B SF-D%:J2x40 fr( ~ I Yalre Body tJt $ A Jt ~ ~ l'1 t ~ * ~ .tJL r l7 SF-~21(40 f I Bush The Chungking Wotet-TUrbine tYDr/cS ~ J.! tf. if tfJ 16 D ~ m jf If soxs./ I 0-ring 50X:J'.I THE PEOPlE'S REPUBliC OF CHINA I 15--sF-~x41J M~Jl' 1 Spacer Ring ·· tt # -1l"f~ · ~ fr ~ HrJroulic OfJemtin~ Ya/11e -+--__;;__.=..-=-=+----'--:"---:------lf---+-_.__---""-~--------t f .f: ·~ .. 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K4915' [jJ ft_L _______ ._ I l Cy!indrica/._.,11..;.;.in..;.__ _____ __. 22 X4914 I 1 Cover 121 K491S .ff 4f I l G-.,:fdk:; Rod 20 IU912 .J i I IJpper Corer 19 114911 *f.n 2 Bol-=-t ----------~ 18 K4910 t I Sleeve 17 4 Screw /116X20 /6 2 Screw /tfSX/0 •f:_J5-i-_;t.4_9_o_9 ---~~........:~:--~--_ ... -·-+--'-+---c_asi'!9__ _ ______ --~ 4.ft M/Ox1D 2__ Bolt NIOX!O •....-,s---+--l'f4_9_o_s __ -+-t.t~---·-1 -Ci,~;t;;w;;;:?t ______ _ 12 1 f if 10 1. 2.........__Wa_slt __ ~~-~~ ___ __ _ ____ _ •·.-,-, ~1{4-9-'07·-----1-~ * _ ---+--' -+-S_itu...l....,jp·pr......-·o""_·r-~09_ Bol~ : 10 -if MJO 2 Nut /1110 •'~'-8--t--:X;._4_9_05_-+.......;~:-:-: ,7 _____ -+-I Spring 1 1{4904 ~ :§ I Ru~rding Disk ~$A~~~OOi*t~flLf zw-02 The Chungking Water Turbine Wo,.ks THE PEOPLE'S REPVBL/C OF CHINA Centrlfugol Switch K4900 - C!GN77el FtJqA-L &wiTZ:H A~M/f3t..E'O AVID INorA£t..€.o t:JJA-1 Tt..J/2!8/IV E? Ha:I:S/A.K::,. ...,. .(" ; ~.---· :::~------------------------------ 2 Pipe .:lj. , SL 'fA25 J<40 f ~ -~ MJOx20 . Bolt MIOX20 '51 2 ' 10 ' 6JC80 I Pin 6X80 -~---- 29 SL-~11.40 f~~ I Handle Support 28 SL-J%26'11.4() ~fM I Handle -------- 27 4~ 6jC.f X28 I Pin 6p X28 -------1----- 26 ~fJ M/2X/6 8 Bolt ftii2X/6 ' 25 SL-1;4201(._ tAl I Entl Co~r 24 f.Mft M12x40 I Handle Boll /'112 x40 2~ SL-JU25'x.40 _, ' I Switching Cock . 22 o JlH! jJ' I 65xo. 1 ~ 0-ring 65¥!7 2/ SL-!f¥25x40 Mf I Bush 20 0~-~~ 80JC~./ ~ 0-ring 80XJ./ • 19 SL-~25lf40 til I End Cov~r 18 SL-~25"JC40 .lH 2 Gau~ Pole 17 SJ<-~20Jt/.6 .:.Jtttf 2 T-cock 16 !1Jl 2 Pressure Gouge JISH /:~ T'J'.I..L 40 P1f. tta1Jt1 2 Inner Threaded Val~ UA ... ,, -----·--~ SL -'Wzsx40 ' 2 Pipe -~ st. -ou~x41J ' L ~_l!jp~ -------- 12 5I--o~Z5x40 Nif I F1Jter Body ------ II SL -o%25x40 'it' 2 T~r_f!ttle Plua -------·------------ 10 Sl-0%25'1!.4:0 -~*'---2 Filtering Cylind~~ _______ ~ ---- ~ 9 o~\WMJJ no11.6.1 4 _q-~ing __ l70X5.!_ 1---------" - 8 SL-Df425x4tJ • 2 Cover ~ --- 7 st. -o71Az5 ~ tlf 2 Clamping Ring -------~ 6 SL -OJ4251CJI(. Eli* t2 Holtling Ring -- 6 f,if H/2 tJ Nut trl/2 ~ --- 4 tf.fi H/2}(~2 fJ Stud /tii2X62 --------- ~ 1 .!~eN• /4~.4 4 0-ring /4X2.4 -------- 2 -~ HID 2 Eye Bolt /t/10 ---- I Itt Hl2 I Eye Bolt /1112 --- ~ ~J If ~ .f " ttl Name rf1pAJt~#OOt.«JJ<ft~f The Chungking Woter Turbine Works "' ~ * # '-l THE PEOPLE~ REPUBLIC OF CHINA ~ I ,. J... /~ J'O. 7.-Jt fJ I : I Twin Filters I" • ,.;,.,. Ht ,. .. ,, . :t. -I ff ~ ,.,1· Sl-0~•40 ~ -_ ___. "1.. JL e.t ~~ ... • f --··. ·--------·---~ ...... --·--l ---- m ~ Drw. No. , No. :·· ~ ' ...... ' . . . -• .1/()UV.:J C122-W-61JAx6 Pelton Type Jt&ter h.rime---· . f # c • ~ ~ ~ !f Nome 9nty ~t* 2 # ~IM t70t460 4# ~tlt 2 # o ~fUI,4x24 s-¥t .. 170XS.1 8 # .. 20XI.4 16 # .. 10XJ'.S 4 # eom I 6 # 65'x5'.7 6 # "S2DX8.6 2 # ., I'JSX5.7 4 # 1Af. I ff 15iti I Pf 0 ~~it IS 65'X 1./ 2 # .. /lOIS./ 2 # • 90X5.7 4 # ., 280XS: 2 ., J8X7.S 2 ¥f .... ---- Filtering Cylinder Filtering Screen 170X460 Throttle Plug 0-Ting 14X2.4- D-ring 170t5.1 0-Ting 20X2.4 0-ring 30XY.S' 0-ring 80X"5./ D-ring 65'X'-1 0-ring 120X8.6 0-rlng 1$5".15.7 Nozzle Throttling Sleeve 0-ring 65X'S.I 0-Ting //OX~./ 0-ring 90XS.7 D-ring 280XS:1 D-ring ~sx~.S' J .J: ~ * -· .. - ,. __ _ Yft#f2od212 # ·• /OX/8 i 2 # I 20X~2; 4 # 0 ~fJj}f65"XS:7 2 # 0 ''ft~ 70X1./. 2 # I sox.J.II 2 ff I .. 4/JxY.sj 2 ~~ ! so# I E~I~A 'l-.?800 I 2 # 2oo• ~ijlt~ 1 ~ # 1/J 5261 Jt~Jfur~\~ ! I ®~#iifltlfl'flii&H! 2 # ! ------' ~ iii ::y p. 2 ~-·-------- Y-shoped Sea/ Ring 20x~2 Y-shoped Seal Ring /Ox 18 Y-shaped Seal Ring 20x'52 0-ring 6SXS.7 0-ring 70x3'./ 0-ring 5'0x1.1 0-ring 46x'$.S Rubber Ring Y-belt, A Type, L=2, 800mm · Boll Bearing • 200 Double-rofl Centripetal Spherical Roller Bearing, 111526 TIJ£.61~€? MA.t-40AL ¢, ~D~1A qeNEf<A,.-OC MA~UA.'L ~ 1E~T D~TA.. ~PA.tze~ t..!)CA'1'"!f0 IIJ W~ ~X JIJ Cfe.b.'T€ b-..~ Mbt.N~"5 IN Cu.Jr.:::e 0. l-OCA ~l? 0"-l F'-CC!r2-Dr:: c..r.z.A. Te t>..' ""' ~ ~&. -"~..,..,/IX 6 i'f I.Ji J'v A\ <Jt -ru CJn~w-11{,6 Pelton TypeWIIttr TurbiM D600S . . t Jf11A •Rill~ List tJf S ee1~/ TDols No. m ~ ~ ~ ti Drw. No. Name 9nty ftl*~f I # Hook SpQnner .. I# Hook Spannt~r ... I # Hook Sponner 1l~tit~t I# ShtJrt Handle Rin,g Spanner iiit{f I f.t Box SpDnner \Z! ,~~--.+:;-;i':' 1:14 ;btl ~ifg,-]J(,.~.-'J'JVtli m ;m IIJ'?l··.· . ,. ,,, tt ~fi.J 80.1." t>~ -~·~.\~ _'fl ~JtJ1 ~~:oc~:J~18il3. -+ Turbine Jl.ssemb 1, /Turbine Assembly + + Turbine Assembly/Valve Assembly t Valve Assembly I Governor Flywheel I Governor --·--'"-- t Generator I Exciter t Generator/Stains on Exciter Door -t --• • -• -,. • ---., --.. 1 ---IlL I -... -•• ... • HI IJ .. --,,v ..c' : Exciter Rear Internal View + Exciter Front Inter-nal View .l - --:t;;-------1 •• • • • 11 • ___ .,.. __ •a~nan - • Generator Contr ol/Generator Cor.trol ~ T Cabinet I Front Panel ~ -l . \ :-. -I . I -I - A. Instruments T Details /G enera t or Control I /R ea r Panel "'f ~ Generator Control Rear Panel .---.. ' J -f-r{ .,.,rr, , t\. ~ •l 1'1 . -~ ~")-.j'-4il . ,---....... _._.. I ~~ · · _, .. ~j~ 1 , '· r r ~Generator Control/ Crates T Rear Panel I Awaiting Inspec.