HomeMy WebLinkAboutHydro Eval for the Bristol Bay Regi Power Plan of the APA in the Tazimina River 1982BRI 009 ·es&1 y LIBRARY COPY PROPERTY OF: · ··~{i/i;.· 1\laska Power Authorit'i, . -:.::· 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 REPORT ON HYDROLOGIC EVALUATIONS FOR THE BRISTOL BAY REGIONAL POWER PLAN OF THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY IN THE TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN FOR STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION Dames&Moore Job. No. 12023-006-20 February 12, 1982 Dames & Moore l_ft HE\,;t:l 1 • .., 1 ALA~ p : R AUf "RITY 1626 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401 (303) 232-6262 TWX: 910-931-2600 Cable address: DAMEM ORE February 12, 1982 Messrs. Alan Bjornsen and Ted Critikos Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Post Office Box 5406 Denver, Colorado 80217 Subject: Hydrologic Evaluations for the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan in the Tazimina River Basin Gentlemen: We have pleasure in submitting fifteen (15) copies of this report on the hydrologic evaluations pertaining to the Tazimina River Hydro- electric Project. We thank you for your confidence in Dames & Moore and appreciate the cooperation provided by the personnel of Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation during the course of the study reported herein. We look forward to working with you on similar projects in the near future. AP:JBC:smh Enclosures Yours very truly, DAMES & MOORE ~~ t----··\# Anand Prakash, Ph.D., P.E. Chief Water Resources Engineer Brian Cundelan Staff Engineer -i- TABLE OF CCJ\iTENTS 1.0 SUMMARY 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 AUTHORIZATION 2. 2 OVERVIEW Al'ID BACKGROUND 3.0 GENERATION OF HEAN ~ONTHLY STREAMFLOWS 3.1 REVIEW OF AVAILABLE DATA Page 1 3 3 3 6 6 3.2 ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES TO GENERATE MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS 9 3.2.1 METHOD 1 9 3.2.2 METHOD 2 14 4.0 RESULTS OF STREAMFLOW ANALYSIS 20 4.1 MEA.~ MONTHLY STRW!FLOWS OF TAZIMINA RIVER 20 4. 2 DAILY STREA1'1FLOWS FOR LOW FLOW PERIOD 20 5.0 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD 5.1 BASIN CHARACTERISTICS 5.1.1 PHYSIOGRAPHY 5 .1. 2 SOILS 5.1.3 VEGETATION 5 .1. 4 CLIMATE 5.2 PROBABLE ~ffiXIMUM PRECIPITATION 5.3 UNIT HYDROGRAPH 5.3.1 TIME OF CONCENTRATION 5.3.2 OTHER PA~TERS 5.4 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD HYDROGRAPH 5.4.1 SEQUENCE OF INC~ffiNTAL PRECIPITATION 5.4.2 DIRECT RUNOFF 5. 4. 3 SNm.JMELT RUNOFF 6.0 REFERENCES 29 29 29 29 31 32 33 33 36 37 37 37 40 45 50 -ii- LIST OF TABLES Table --- 3-1 REGRESSION EQUATIONS BETI{EEN TOTAL MONTHLY FLOWS OF NEW"HALEN AND TA.:.\iAL!.AJ.'l" RIVERS 10 3-2 RESULTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION BETIVEEN PRE- CIPITATION, TEMPERATURE, A.:.'l"D STREAMFLOWS OF NEW~LEN RIVER AT ILIAMNA 11 3-3 ESTIMATED ME&~ MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER USING METHOD 1 13 3-4 REGRESSION EQUATIONS BETWEEN TOTAL MONTHLY PRECIPITATIONS AT PORT ALSWORTH AND ILIAMNA 15 3-5 REGRESSION EQUATIONS BETWEEN HEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURES AT PORT ALSWORTH AND ILIAMNA 16 3-6 RESULTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION BETwEEN TOTAL :HONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TANALIA."ii RIVER, AND TOTAL MONTHLY PRECIPITA- TION AND HEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURE AT PORT ALSWORTH 3-7 ESTIMATED MEAN HONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER USING 18 METHOD 2 19 4-1 ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY FLOi.JS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER - AVERAGE OF METHOD 1 AND METHOD 2 4-2 COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AVERAGE MONTHLY STREAMFLOWS FOR THE TAZL~INA RIVER 4-3 ESTIMATED DAILY STREA.:.~OWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER FOR THE 10-YEAR LOW FLOW PERIOD 5-l PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN, ALASKA 5-2 TIMES OF CONCENTRATION -TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN 5-3 SYNTHETIC UNIT lffDROGRAPH P.~~TERS TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN 5-4 CRITICALLY SEQUENCED PRECIPITATION INCREMENTS TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN 5-5 COMPARISON OF PMF HYDROGRAPHS USING THE GENERALIZED AND OPTIMAL SEQUENCES OF INCR&~NTAL EXCESS RAINFALL 5-6 RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER ANALYSIS BASED ON SOILS AtiD VEGETA- TION DATA -TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN 21 22 28 35 38 39 41 42 46 -iii- LIST OF FIGURES 2-1 SITE VICINITY MAP 4-1 PLOT OF MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS FOR THE MONTH OF JA~1U.~Y FOR THE TAZL~INA RIVER 4-2 PLOT OF MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS FOR THE HONTH OF FEBRUARY FOR THE TAZIMINA RIVER 4-3 PLOT OF 't<f;EAN MONTHLY FLOWS FOR THE HONTH OF MARCH FOR THE TAZIMINA RIVER 4-4 PLOT OF MEAN MONTHLY FLmiJS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL FOR THE TAZIMINA RIVER 5-1 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN 5-2 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN -DEPTH-DURATION CURVE 5-3 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN -HYDROGRAPH AND RAINFALL AUGUST 1-10, 1981 5-4 TAZL~INA RIVER BASIN -HYDROGRAPH AND RAINFALL August 11-20, 1981 5-5 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN -PROBABLE 1:-f..A.'UMUM FLOOD HYDROGRAPH 5 24 25 26 27 30 34 43 44 47 1.0 s~~Y This report documents the methods used to perform a preliminary hydrologic evaluation of the streamflows of the Tazimina River at the location of a proposed dam site for hydroelectric development in Alaska. These investigations were performed under a contract with Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. The results of this study are to be used to in- vestigate the technical and economic feasibility of the above-mentioned hydroelectric project of Alaska Power Authority. The hydrologic informa- tion generated during the course of this study consists of three sets: o Mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River at the proposed dam site for a drainage area of 327 square miles for the period 1941 to 1977; o 10-year low daily flows of the Tazimina River at the proposed dam site for the low flow months of January, February, March and April; o Probable maximum flood hydrographs for the proposed reservoir on the Tazimina River with a drainage area of 273 square miles for the PMP event alone and for the PMP event coincident with a reasonably severe snowmelt runoff. Computations for the mean monthly and 10-year low daily flows have been made for a drainage of 327 square miles which represents the catch- ment of the Tazimina River at the proposed dam site. The inflow hydro- graph has been developed at the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake where the drainage area is 273 square miles. The estimated mean monthly flows for the period 1941 to 1977 are presented in Table 4-1. The daily flows for January, February, March and April are given in Table 4-3 and the PMF hydrographs are shown in Figure 5-5. The estimated peak flows for the PMP event alone and for the PMP event coincident with snowmelt are 190,000 and 225,000 cfs, re- spectively. -2- A comparison of the mean monthly flows estimated in this study with those obtained by previous investigators (Ref. 1) is shown in Table 4-2. It is noted that the mean monthly flows estimated in this study are about 20 percent lower for the months of January, February, March, April and November but are significantly higher £or the months of May, June~ July, August, September and October than those obtained in the previous study. The flows for December are only 9 percent higher. There is very little information on recorded streamflows and cli- matolotical parameters, i.e., precipitation and temperature, for the Tazimina basin. Therefore, approximate correlations were developed using regression analyses between streamflows, precipitation, temperature and drainage areas for nearby streams. Even in these cases, the data available were not sufficient for a satisfactory statistical analysis. Therefore, the results presented herein should be treated as qualitative and approxi- mate and should be updated by refined analyses after more site-specific hydrologic and climatologic data have been collected. -3- 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 AUTHORIZATION The hydrologic analyses and results documented in this report were authorized through PR 14007-W034Y dated November 2, 1981 issued by Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Denver, Colorado to Dames & Moore. The scope of services to be provided m1der this contract included collection and review of hydrologic data, streamflow development, and determination of the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) and probable maximum flood (PMF) applicable to the Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project for the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan of the Alaska Power Authority. 2.2 OVERVIEW AND BACKGROL~ID The Phase I report on Bristol Bay Energy and Electric Power Potential (Ref. 2) identified Lake Tazimina as a potential site for t~lopment of hydroelectric power with an available head of approximate!/ 300 ~et and an average flow of 1,440 cfs. A conceptual report on the Taz~River Hydro- electric Project was prepared in January, 1980. This included the construc- tion of a storage reservoir with a 45-foot-high dam at the mouth of the Lower Tazimina Lake. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, with Dames & Moore as the Environmental Consultant, is currently evaluating the environmental and technical feasibility of this project. This report provides information on the probable maximum flood hydrograph to be used in sizing and designing the spillway capacity for the proposed reservoir and simulated mean monthly streamflows to perform reservoir operation studies to determine the power generation potential of the project. The Tazimina River has its headwaters on the western slopes of the Alaska Range north of Lake Iliamna. It flows westerly through two large lakes, the Upper Tazimina Lake with its mouth at river mile 32.2 and the Lower Tazimina Lake with its mouth at river mile 18. From the Lower Tazimina Lake, it flows through four small lakes up to river mile 9.5 and then joins -4- the Newhalen River near the mouth of Lake Clark. The proposed dam site is located at river mile 10.44. The drainage area of the Tazimina River at the USGS gaging staLion near the proposed dam site is 327 square miles. The drainage area at the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake is 273 square miles (Fig. 2-1.). Hydrologic characteristics of the drainage basin and development of the PMF hydrograph are described in Section 5.0. For a feasibility-level evaluation, simulation of the mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River for a period of approximately 36 years is con- sidered adequate. Simulation of daily streamflows for 50 years or more would be desirable for a detailed reservoir operation study. ~1ethods used to develop sequential mean monthly flows for the Tazimina River at the pro- posed dam site are described in Section 3.0 and the corresponding results are presented in Section 4.0. Mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River have been independently estimated by R. W. Rutherford & Associates and E. Woody Trihey of AEIDC (Ref. 1) using different approaches. Both these estimates were based on the ratio of the drainage areas of the Newhalen and Tazimina rivers coupled with appropriate refinements by judgement. The drainage area of the Newhalen River at the water-stage recording station of the U.S. Geological Survey, approximately 8 miles north of Iliamna, is 3,300 square miles. Because of the large difference in the drainage areas of the two rivers, this variable is not considered sufficient to define the streamflows of the two rivers. Therefore, two prominent climatic variables, i.e., temperature and precipi- tation, were also used in the correlations developed in this study in ad- dition to the size of the drainage area. A detailed description of these correlations is presented in Section 3.0. -5- I + ft 0 T r iangle_l /. 7 ' <;] \" • Seal Is ':J I \ "'! .., . FIGURE 2-1 TAZ IM I N A RIVER BAS IN SITE VICINITY MAP -6- 3. 0 GENERATION OF HEAN MONTHLY STRE..<\MFJ' ... OWS 3.1 REVIEW OF AVAILABLE DATA Review of available hydrologic and climatic data indicated that suf- ficient information is not available to develop and calibrate a deterministic streamflow model or to develop a stochastic model. Also, such sophisticated models are not considered necessary for a feasibility-level evaluation. Therefore, available information was assembled to perform appropriate cor- relation and regression analyses to generate a sequence of monthly stream- flows. Pertinent available climatological data include: (i) Monthly average temperature at Iliamna for the period 1941- 1977 (Ref. 3); (ii) Total monthly precipitation at Iliamna for the period 1941- 1977 (Ref. 3); The location of Iliamna is shown on Figure 2-1. The climato·- logical station at Ilia~•a is still operative. Because of its location in the drainage basin cf the Newhalen River, the records at this station are assumed to be representative of that basin. However, the available record is not complete and has approxi- mately 14 percent of the total number of months of temperature and precipitation records missing. Also, the station is located near the dcW11stream edge of the drainage area cf the Newhalen River, and so may not accurately reflect the climatology of the upper part of the basin. (iii) Monthly average temperature at Fort Alsworth for the period 1960-1977 (Ref. 3); (iv) Total monthly precipitation at Port Alsworth for the period 1960-1977 (Ref. 3); The location of Port Alsworth is also shown on Figure. 2-1. This climatologic st~tion is still operative. It is located -7- in the Tanalian River basin which is approximately 200 square miles in areal extent and lies directly north of the Tazimina basin. The clima·cological records at this station are fairly complete with only 2 percent of the total number of months with missing data. Pertinent available hydrologic data include: (i) Daily streamflows of the Newhalen River near Iliamna for the period October, 1956 to September, 1967 (Ref. 4); The drainage area of the newhalen River at this station is ap- proximately 3,300 square miles. This station has a water-stage recorder located 8 miles north of Iliamna. At this station, gage heights cannot generally be recorded during the low stream- flow months of January, February, March, April and the first half of May. The streamflows for such periods are estimated and reported by the USGS on the basis of a few actual discharge measurements, weather records, records for a stream-gaging station on the Tanalian River near Port Alsworth, and records of streamflows for other nearby streams. (ii) Daily streamflows of the Tanalian River near Port Alsworth for the period October, 1951 to September, 1956 (Ref. 14); The drainage area of the Tanalian River at this station is approximately 200 square miles. This station has a water-stage recorder located 2 1/2 miles southeast of Port Alsworth and 3 miles east of Tanalian Point. At this station also, gage-heights cannot be recorded during the low streamflow periods generally including the first half of December, January, February, March, April, and the first half of May. The streamflows for such periods are estimated and reported by the USGS on the basis of a few actual dis~~arge measurements, recorded ranges in stages, weather records, records for the Newhalen River near Iliamna, and records for other stations on nearby streams. -8- There is a large glacier in the headwaters of the Tanalian River which is believed to act as a reservoir and tends to moderate its flows. Meltwater flow from the glacier increases as the summer advances and declines gradually with the approach of fall and winter. The Tanalian basin is reported to be heavily forested with spruce, birch and cottonwood (Ref. 1). (iii) Daily streamflows of the Tazimina River for the period June 19, 1981 to September 9, 1981 (Ref. 14); These records were supplied by the USGS and are provisional and subject to revision. This stream-gaging station is located near Nondalton and is designated as USGS Station Number 15200099. It is to be recognized that the period for which streamflow data for the Tazimina River are available is too small to be used for a reservoir operation study. Therefore, two alternative approximate methods were in- vestigated to develop regression equations between temperatur~, precipitation and monthly streamflows of the Newhalen and Tanalian rivers. TI1e conputed monthly flows of the Tanalian River were adjusted in the ratio of the drain- age areas to estimate the monthly flows of the Tazimina River. A description of these two methods .is presented in Section 3.2. Dames & Moore -9- 3. 2 ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES TO GENERATE C.IEAN ~10NTHLY FLOWS 3.2.1 METHOD 1 This method included the following sequential steps of computation: (i) Develop regression equations correlating the total monthly flows of the Newhalen and Tanalian rivers at Iliamna and Port Alsworth, respectively, using available data for both rivers for the pericd October, 1951 to September, 1956. The results of this analysis are summarized in Table 3-1. The two types of equations given in Table 3-1 (y = AXB and y = A + BX) were selected after exam- ining the physical possibility of different mathematical re- lationships. The choice between these two equations was based on a comparison of the coefficients of determination for each case. In view of the fact that only five to six data points were available for regression, the coefficients of determination are considered reasonable except for December. For this case, the inverse relationship between the total monthly streamflows of the two rivers appeared to be spurious and was rejected. As an alternative, it was assumed that the December flows of the two rivers are proportional to their respective drainage areas. (ii) Develop regression equations correlating the total monthly ?re- cipitation and mean monthly temperature at Iliamna for the period October, 1951 to September, 1967 with the total monthly flows of the Newhalen River for the same period at the USGS stream-gaging station near Iliamna. The results of this analysis are summarized in Table 3-2. The computer analysis used for this multiple linear regression re- sulted in unrealistic correlations for January, February, April, Nay and July and was unsuccessful for the months of October and December. For these months, a graphical method for multiple linear regression was used (Ref. 5). The values of the co- efficients A, B and C for these months shown in Table 3-2 were -10- TABLE 3-1 REGRESSION EQUATIONS -BETI<l'EEN TOTAL l10NTHLY FLmlS OF NEWHALEN A..li{D TANAL IAN RIVERS Selected Coefficient of A Month Eguation Determination Coefficient January Y=AXB 0.55 0.13 February Y=A+BX 0.55 90.19 March Y=AXB 0.56 1.20 April Y=AXB 0.33 0.79 May Y=A+BX 0.48 -6677.66 June Y=A+BX 0.83 -43620.10 July Y=A+BX 0.79 -8795.19 August Y=A+BX 0.48 -68914.18 September Y=AXB 0. 77 0.16 October Y=A+BX 0.46 -23799.24 November Y=AXB 0. 71 0.03 December Y=AXB 0.14 39182.82 Y =Total monthly flows of the Tanalian River in cfs-days. X =Total monthly flow of the Newhalen River in cfs-day. B Coefficient 0.91 0.04 0.68 0. 72 0.09 0.22 0.11 0.17 0.92 0.11 1.02 -0.18* *Theoretical regression analysis resulted in a physically unrealistic relationship. Therefore, this equation was rejected and the mean monthly flows of the two rivers for December were assumed to be pro- portional to the respective drainage areas. Month A January* 12,000 February* 28,000 March 39,167.78 April* -212,228 May* -2,021,500 June -717,896.1 July* -6,450,000 August 232,734.6 September -653,968.1 October* -1,446,875 November 93,179.58 December* -23,000 TABLE 3-2 RESULTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION BETWEEN PRECIPITATION, TEMPERATURE, AND STREAMFLOWS OF NEWHALEN RIVER AT ILIAMNA Std. Error B c 41,905 1,053 7,451 1,241 4. 701.537 713.8943 13,900 27,692 7. 778 12,433 51,500 54,488.77 21,009.52 66,900 83,750 125,000 25,721.53 5,749.535 94,800 14,831.60 24,460.49 95,400 127,451 43,750 33,372.02 1,895.635 55,400 65,652 3,767 Y A + BX 1 + cx2 ; where, Y = Total Monthly Flow in cfs-days. x1 ~ Total Monthly Precipitation in lnehes. x2 ~ Uean Monthly Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. *Regression equatJ.on based on graphical method. St1l. Error B 3,457.809 16.942.91 12,366.83 9,800.163 17,178.78 Std. Error 586.5202 6,623.244 15,891.18 13,181.51 I 1-' 1-' I 2,436.528 -12- obtained from this graphical analysis. The standard errors of the dependent variable and the regression coefficients were not computed for these months. (iii) Compute the total monthly flows of Newhalen River for the period 1941 to 1977 using the regression equations of Table 3-2 and the monthly precipitation and temperature data for the same period at Iliamna. These computations resulted in negative values of streamflows for some cases, which is unrealistic. Also, climatological data were not available for some months and flows could not be computed. For such cases, the values for the preceding and following years were averaged to estimate the missing total monthly flows. (iv) Compute the total monthly flows of Tanalian River at Port Alsworth for the period 1941 to 1977 from those of the Newhalen River using the regression equations developed previously. For cases where the total monthly flows of the Newhalen River were negative or could not be computed due to non-availability of climatologic data, the regression equations of Table 3-1 were not used to compute the total monthly flows of the Tanalian River. Instead, the computed total monthly flows of the Tanalian River for the closest preceding and following years were aYeraged to estimate such missing values. (v) Compute the mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River at the pro- posed dam site (drainage area = 327 square miles) from those of the Tanalian River at Port Alsworth (drainage area = 200 square miles) using the drainage area ratio. The resulting values of the mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River for all months for the period 1941 to 1977 are given in Table 3-3. It may be noted that this method does not make use of the climatological data at Port Alsworth. TABLE 3-3 ESTIMATED MEAN MONTIII.Y FLOWS OF TilE TAZIMINA RIVER USING METIIOU 1 (cfs) !ar January" FeJ>!.'.!!!!Y March April ~ June July August October November December 141 688 3,154 3,607 1,589 1,917 1,727 381 571 42 206 184 113 216 1,316 **3,,236 **3,193 2,450 1,908 483 353 * 933 43 60 146 109 122 625 3,321 2, 778 2,571 1,535 3,297 509 1,295 44 207 179 LOS 76 666 2,603 3,888 2,940 1,627 1,693 402 561 1,5 238 157 107 60 * 441 1,871 3,081 2,597 1,645 2,466 303 210 46 243 126 110 128 441 3,133 3,182 2,637 1,687 5,815 335 620 47 178 11,2 114 109 216 1,817 3,340 1,711 1,594 *3,151 1,12 669 48 169 118 107 94 479 2,362 2,567 2,156 1,430 486 301 638 1,9 337 111 115 12 * 286 1,51,9 1,896 2,584 1,713 1,635 443 193 JSO 126 73 110 140 93 3,643 2,494 2,788 1,687 1,027 262 183 51 118 144 98 111 388 2,769 3,186 2,151, 1 '722 755 320 189 52 107 79 77 92 143 1,668 3,279 2,891 1,212 1,638 610 441 I I-' 53 280 11,7 168 232 765 3,873 3,561 3,205 1,879 755 320 224 w 54 141, 106 90 101 517 1, 749 2,100 2,508 1,880 863 561, 292 I 55 288 148 132 121 217 1,576 3,957 2,634 1,477 473 237 160 56 98 83 82 96 268 1,694 3,143 2,376 1,607 298 21,0 310 57 154 105 88 105 171 3,321 2,831, 1,133 1,900 1,006 675 625 58 328 201 127 126 516 1,,319 3,485 2,298 1,252 374 250 244 59 175 120 88 90 84 2,048 2,611 1,807 1,964 386 320 345 960 223 155 107 80 444 2,917 2,804 2,311 1,490 871 505 537 61 243 159 101 85 204 2,646 3,418 3,035 2,203 2,275 545 334 62 178 155 120 145 287 3,118 3,580 1,395 1,1,56 101 287 322 63 209 178 127 108 491 2,171 3,666 3,397 2,034 1,151 352 326 64 161 105 88 85 8 4,627 3,1,11 1,244 1,382 419 370 389 65 230 172 131 140 207 1,371 2,486 1,884 1,841 1,704 505 498 66 243 152 101 94 60 2,072 2,828 2,543 1,513 1,128 550 561 67 278 181 119 123 560 3,935 3,857 4,570 1,806 * 955 640 699 68 158 133 uo 103 1,059 2,603 3,568 1,825 1,496 782 328 189 69 85 131 115 126 485 3,291 4,511 2,159 1,685 4,473 399 516 970 68 178 126 120 ** 306 **2, 714 **3,750 **2,162 **1.832 **4,092 **367 ** 433 71 **113 **152 **120 **125 ** 306 **2, 714 **3,750 **2,162 **1,832 **4,092 **367 ** 433 72 **113 **152 **120 **125 ** 306 **2, 714 **3,750 **2,162 **1,832 **4,092 335 ** 433 73 158 126 113 **125 ** 306 **2, 714 **3,750 2,165 **1,832 3,712 '•03 ** 433 74 **157 **116 **110 **125 ** 306 **2,7It, **3,750 **1,953 **1,832 2,379 *332 ** 433 75 *"<157 **116 110 **12'} ** 306 **2, 711, 2,990 1,740 1,978 1,046 261 351 76 156 106 107 131 127 2,137 3,445 1,860 1,646 *1,317 526 ** 259 77 211 191 108 121 229 3,669 3,953 2,164 1,827 1,588 266 168 *The estimated value was negati~re. The value given is the average of the pr~ceding and following "non-averaged" years. *The cllmatologlcal data were not sufficient to develop an estimated flow. TI1e value given is the average of the preceding and following "non-averaged" years. -14- 3.2.2 METHOD 2 This method included the following sequential steps of computation: (i) Develop regression equations correlating the total monthly pre- cipitations and mean monthly temperatures at Port Alsworth to those at Iliamna for the period 1961 to 1977. After examining the physical possibility of different mathemati- cal relationships, tvo physically viable equations, i.e., y = ~ and y = A + BX, were selected for the aforementioned regression analyses. Between these two equations, the one re- sulting in a higher coefficient of determination was adopted. For cases where the coefficients of determination were found to be equal, the simpler relationship, y = A+ BX, was selected. The results of these regression analyses for precipitation and temperature are summarized in tables 3-4 and 3-5, respectively. Except for the months of February, April, June and December, the coefficients of determination in Table 3-4 are reasonably high and indicate fair correlations. The coefficients of de·- termination in Table 3-5 indicate even better correlations except for the month of July. (ii) Compute the total monthly precipitation and mean monthly temperature at Port Alsworth for the period 1941 to 1977 from those at Iliamna using the regression equations of tables 3-4 and 3-5, respectively. (iii) Develop regression equations between the total monthly flows of Tanalian River near Port Alsworth and the total monthly precipitation and mean monthly temperature at Port Alsworth for the period 1951 to 1956. There being only five to six data points, the compu~er program for multiple linear regression could not be used. The regression was performed using a graphical method for multiple linear re- gression (Ref. 5). The results of this regression analysis -15- TABLE 3-4 REGRESSION EQUATIONS BETWEEN TOTAL MONTHLY PRECIPITATIONS AT PORT ALSWORTH AND ILIAMNA Coefficient of A B Month Equation Determination Coefficient Coefficient January Y=A+BX 0.72 0.04 February Y=AXB 0.31 0.45 March Y=AXB 0.83 0.47 April Y=A+BX 0.39 0.01 May Y=A+BX 0.49 -0.12 June Y=A+BX 0.28 o. 71 July Y=A+BX 0.51 0.89 August Y=AXB 0.54 0.47 September Y=A+BX 0.80 -1.07 October Y=AXB 0.57 0.86 November Y=AXB 0.79 0.76 December Y=AXB 0.37 0.60 Y = Total Monthly Precipitation at Port Alsworth in inches. X = Total Monthly Precipitation at Iliamna in inches. 0.78 0.93 1.07 0.58 0.66 0.50 0.41 1.15 0.84 0.66 0.85 0.64 -16- TABLE 3-5 REGRESSION EQUATIONS BETWEEN MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURES AT PORT ALSWORTH AND ILIAMNA Selected Coefficient of A B Month Equation Determination Coefficient Coefficient January Y=A+BX 0.98 -7.26 1.24 February Y=AXB 0.95 0.43 1.27 March Y=A+BX 0.96 -3.24 1.13 April Y=AXB 0.74 0.93 1.04 May Y=A+BX 0.94 -0.32 1.03 June Y=AXB 0.50 3.69 0.67 July Y=AXB 0.21 4.84 0.61 August Y=A+BX 0.79 1. 75 0.96 September Y=A+BX 0.88 -4.73 1.08 October Y=AXB 0.73 1.26 0.93 November Y=AXB 0.94 0.57 1.16 December Y=A+BX 0.97 -5.33 1.21 Y = Mean Monthly Temperature at Port Alsworth in Degrees Fahrenheit. X = Mean Monthly Temperature at Iliamna in Degrees Fahrenheit. -17- are summarized in Table 3-6. (iv) Compute the total monthly flows of Tanalian River at Port Alsworth using the previously estimated total monthly pre- cipitation and mean monthly temperature data at Port Alsworth for the period 1941 to 1977 and the regression equations of Table 3-6. These computations resulted in negative values of streamflows for some cases, which is unrealistic. Also, climatological data were not available for some months and flows could not be computed. For such cases, the values for the closest preceding or following year were averaged to estimate the missing values. (v) Compute the mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River at the proposed dam site (drainage area = 327 square miles) from those of the Tanalian River at Port Alsworth (drainage area = 200 square miles) using the drainage area ratio. The resulting values of the mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River for all months for the period 1941 to 1977 are given in Table 3-7. This method does not make use of the streamflow data for the Newhalen River. -18- TABLE 3-6 RESULTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION BETWEEN TOTAL HONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TANALIAN RIVER, ~~m TOTAL MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AND MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURE AT PORT ALSWORTH Month A B c January 1,860 1,237 84 February 950 989 9.6 March 1,125 1,171 13.3 April 1,475 327 6.7 May -150,800 27,000 3,600 June -132,000 55,556 2,000 July -682,000 10,851 13,000 August -27,404 5,441 1,194 September -163,400 7,571 3,900 October -75,800 14,500 2,000 November -6,600 4,133 259 December 1,650 3,088 41 y = A + BX 1 + cx 2 y = Total Monthly Flow in cfs-days. x1 = Total Monthly Precipitation in inches. x2 = Mean Monthly Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Year January February March 1941 42 290 101 115 43 100 93 97 44 227 105 106 45 312 93 99 46 253 87 161 47 113 85 135 48 151 72 100 49 284 83 111 1950 174 55 80 51 135 101 96 52 107 79 77 53 280 14 7 168 54 144 106 90 55 288 148 132 56 98 83 82 57 315 79 95 58 260 83 114 59 148 105 62 1960 326 81 72 61 301 87 73 62 192 98 83 63 305 74 235 64 214 111 128 65 11,8 83 182 66 168 135 90 67 155 68 140 68 182 88 78 69 113 87 106 1970 104 87 128 71 69 135 119 72 189 85 100 73 136 79 170 74 11·8 66 156 75 199 70 97 76 191 76 124 77 336 88 124 TABLE 3-7 ESTIMATED MFAN MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER USING METHOD 2 {ds) ~H ~ June July August Se[!tember 2,399 2,700 3,534 2,213 2,552 86 2,627 **2,917 **3,301 2,849 2,403 101 652 3,134 3,069 2,911 1,440 91 2,766 2,071 3,668 3,275 1,847 95 1,070 1,212 3,282 2,948 2,190 108 1 ,814 3,930 3,265 2,961 1,864 94 1,377 1,631 3,310 2,235 1,833 97 513 2,309 2,846 2,528 1,079 93 81 1,713 2,650 2,924 1, 734 107 141 6,073 2,935 3,164 1,912 96 244 3,804 3, 387 2,571 2,350 92 143 1,668 3,279 2,891 1,212 232 765 3,873 3,561 3,205 1,932 101 517 1,749 2,100 2,508 1,880 121 217 1,576 3,957 2,634 1,477 96 268 1,694 3,143 2,376 1,607 99 996 1,044 3,549 2,511 1,857 100 1,619 3,319 2,918 2,583 1,248 103 1,117 1,043 1,783 3,140 **1,505 100 2,334 3,033 4,536 2,706 1,763 105 1,066 5,785 2,964 2,523 5,055 96 2,069 5,100 5,003 2,789 962 111 894 7,205 6,296 3,624 2,474 99 1,916 6,401 2,218 2,811 2,058 111 *1,556 1,511 2,291 2,813 4,415 102 1,196 *4,580 2, 717 2,816 1,971 109 615 7,649 5,755 3,794 2,061 100 2,678 1,988 3,320 2,526 739 92 555 1,249 3, ll4 2,415 1,171 111 894 3,162 1,581 2,658 616 94 * 717 2,455 1,430 4,727 1,563 93 541 833 3,136 2,384 2,446 91 206 7,009 1,688 3,258 1,079 105 889 632 3,081 2,553 2,488 101 1,080 6,259 3,489 2,108 3,054 95 290 262 4,087 2,094 2,279 141 3,156 651 3,108 2,486 3,206 October 1,063 563 1,675 1,058 1,346 2,523 212 558 1,048 802 755 1,638 755 863 473 441 1,425 893 539 1,354 1,755 1,248 600 2,240 *1,635 1,031 * 584 138 2,554 473 2,417 1,428 211 507 757 344 236 *The estimated value was negative. The value given ls the average of the preceding and following "non-averaged" years. **The climatological data were not sufficient to develop an estimated flow. The value given is the average of the prededing and "non-averagedu years4 November December 159 272 95 107 43 408 242 268 * 156 171 69 282 312 295 * 3:11 288 350 174 * 335 168 320 189 610 441 320 224 I 564 292 1-' IJ:l 237 160 I 1 135 547 221 132 231 251 230 205 245 241 371 196 210 189 453 182 222 164 203 545 154 1,01\9 44 98 165 82 197 506 445 207 760 197 181 25 325 348 221 * 457 196 565 285 * 457 196 following II II II -20- 4.0 RESULTS OF STREAMFLOW ANALYSIS 4.1 MEAN MONTHLY STREAMFLOWS OF TAZIMINA RIVER Mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River for the period 1941 to 1977 at the proposed dam site computed by the two methods described previously are given in tables 3-3 and 3-7, respectively. As stated previously, the first method does not utilize the climatological data at Port Alsworth, and the second method does not utilize the streamflow data f or the Newhalen River at Iliamna. To reflect both these sets of information in the final result, the averages of the mean monthly streamflows obtained from the two methods were computed. These values of mean monthly streamflows are pre- sented in Table 4-1. In view of the discussions provided in the previous sections, the in- formation given in Table 4-1 is considered to be a reasonable estimate of the mean monthly sequential streamflows of the Tazimina River at the pro- posed dam site. A comparison of the mean monthly flows estimated in this study with those obtained in a previous study (Ref. 1) is shown in Table 4-2. It is noted that the mean monthly flows estimated in this study are about 20 percent lower than those obtained in the previous study for the months of January, February, March, April and November, but are significantly higher for the months of May, June, July, August, September and October. The flows for December are only 9 percent higher. 4.2 DAILY STREAMFLOWS FOR LOW FLOW PERIOD The mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River presented in Table 4-1 indicate that January, February, March and April are the months of critical low flows. To determine the storage capacity of the proposed reservoir and the corresponding firm power, information on the daily flows of the stream during these critical low flow months is required. To generate a sequence of daily low flows for these months, the following computational steps were used: Dames & Moore Year Januarz 1941 42 248 143 43 80 120 44 217 142 45 275 125 46 248 107 47 146 114 48 160 95 49 3.11 97 1950 150 64 51 127 123 52 107 79 53 280 147 54 144 106 55 288 148 56 98 83 57 265 92 58 294 142 59 162 113 1960 275 118 61 272 123 62 185 127 63 257 126 6l. 188 108 65 189 128 66 206 144 67 217 125 68 170 111 69 99 109 1970 86 133 71 91 1114 72 151 119 73 147 103 74 153 91 75 178 93 76 174 91 77 304 140 TABLE 4-1 ESTUIATED MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER -AVJ<:RAGE OF METHOD I AND METHOD 2 (cfs) Mat"ch April ~ June July ~ugust September October -~-~- 1,544 2,927 3,571 1,901 2,335 1,395 114 151 1,972 3,077 3,247 2,650 2,156 523 103 112 639 3,228 2,923 2,741 1,488 2,486 107 84 1, 716 2,337 3, 778 3,108 1,737 1,376 103 78 756 1,542 3,182 2, 773 1,918 1,906 136 u8 1,128 3,532 3,224 2,799 1,786 4,169 125 102 797 . 1, 724 3,325 1,973 1, 714 1,682 104 96 496 2,336 2,707 2,342 1,255 522 113 53 184 1.631 2,273 2,754 1, 724 1,342 95 124 117 4,858 2, 715 2,976 1,800 915 97 104 316 3,287 3,287 2,363 2,036 755 77 92 143 1,668 3,279 2,891 1,212 1,638 168 232 765 3,873 3,561 3,205 1,906 755 90 101 517 1,749 2,100 2,508 1,880 863 132 121 217 1,576 3,957 2,634 1,477 473 82 96 268 1,694 3,143 2,376 1,607 370 92 102 584 2,163 3,21,2 1,822 1.879 1,216 121 113 1,068 3,819 3,202 2,441 1,250 634 75 97 601 1,546 2,197 2,474 1,735 463 90 90 1,389 2,975 3,670 2,509 1,627 1,113 87 95 635 4,216 3,191 2, 779 3,629 2,015 102 121 118 4,109 4,292 2,092 1,209 675 181 llO 693 4,688 4,981 3,511 2,254 876 108 92 962 5,514 2,815 2,028 1, 720 1,330 157 126 882 1,441 2,389 2,349 3,128 1,670 96 98 628 3,326 2, 773 2,680 1,742 1,080 130 116 588 5,792 4,806 4,182 1,934 770 94 102 1,869 2,296 3,444 2,176 1,118 460 111 109 520 2,270 3,813 2,287 1,428 3,514 127 116 600 2,938 2,666 2,410 1,224 2,283 120 110 512 2,585 2,590 3,445 1,698 3,255 110 109 424 1, 774 3,443 2,273 2,139 2,760 142 LOS 256 4,862 2,719 2,712 1,456 1,962 133 115 598 1,673 3,416 2,253 2,160 1,443 104 113 693 4,487 3,240 1,924 2,516 902 116 113 209 1,200 3,766 1,977 1,963 831 116 131 1,693 2,160 3,531 2,325 2,517 912 November 270 422 226 520 276 852 322 415 230 191 202 451 362 482 316 463 397 181! 299 176 320 189 610 441' 320 224 I 564 292 N ...... 237 160 I 121 223 611 423 191 238 286 288 355 391 393 353 242 266 271 390 276 306 335 351 548 358 855 372 213 177 241 357 437 439 287 597 266 307 214 379 340 327 359 274 546 272 362 182 COM PAR l SON Of' ESTU1ATED Janu'!!}'. February March Apdl May AEIDC Study 240 190 170 1.70 420 This Study 197 115 113 110 76] TABLE 4-2 AVERAGE HONTIILY STREAM!' LOWS (cfs) June July August 1,260 1,890 1,980 2,889 3,254 2,560 FOR THE 1'!\ZIMINA RIVER September October 1,620 990 1,844 1,388 November 570 350 December 320 350 I N N I -23- (i) Rank the mean monthly flows for the months of January, February, March and April for the period 1941 to 1977 in an ascending order of magnitude. (ii) Plot the four sets of data on norF~l probability paper using Weibull's plotting position (Ref. 6). These plots are shown on figures 4-1, 4-2, 4-·3 and 4-4. (iii) From the probability plots of figures 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4, obtain the 10-year low flow for each month. These 10-year low flows for each month are indicated on figures 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4. (iv) From the recorded daily flows of the Tanalian River for the months of January, February, March and April for 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955 and 1956, obtain the 5-year average daily flows for each month. This gives an array of 5-year average daily values for each month. (v) For each of these months ot low streamflows, compute the frac- tion of the total monthly flow attributed to each day in that month. (vi) Use the above fractions to compute the daily flows for each month from the 10-year low total monthly flows for these four months computed previously. The resulting daily flows for the 10-year low flows for January, February, March and April are shown in Table 4-3. 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J)BAB._ ••. 1x 2 L .... ~ ~ KEUF .. lL & i;:.:S,5Efl co MII.Vl IN u:,... • -- Ki),.__...I-..L-l.-'-"-L!..ll.. 001 0.05 0.1 02 0.5 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1 ~ 46 8040 ( '• ( ' gq 95 98 99 998 99.9 99.99 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I N " I fl., n I'' ( ,, ;, .. ... .... -28- TABLE 4-3 ESTIMATED DAILY STREAMFLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER FOR THE 10-YEAR LOW FLOW PERIOD (for the critical months of January, February, March and April) Streamflows (cfs) Day January February March April 1 107 94 86 80 2 107 94 86 80 3 107 94 86 80 4 107 94 86 80 5 107 94 86 80 6 107 94 86 80 7 107 94 86 80 8 107 94 86 80 9 107 94 86 80 10 107 94 86 80 11 107 94 86 83 12 107 94 86 83 13 107 94 86 83 14 107 94 86 83 15 107 94 86 83 16 99 93 85 99 17 99 93 85 99 18 99 93 85 99 19 99 93 85 99 20 99 93 85 99 21 99 93 86 101 22 99 93 86 101 23 99 93 86 101 24 99 93 86 101 25 99 93 86 101 26 84 93 86 101 27 84 93 86 101 28 84 93 86 101 29 84 86 101 30 84 86 101 31 84 86 -29- 5.0 PROBABLE MAXIML~ FLOOD 5.1 BASIN CHARACTERISTICS Basin characteristics for the Tazimina River watershed at the mouth of Lower Tazimina Lake are presented and discussed in the following sec- tions. These characteristics are general in nature and represent physi- ography, soils, vegetation, and climate. Subsequent sections of this report utilize these characteristics in estirnating the probable maximum flood (PMF). 5.1.1 PHYSIOGP~HY Located within the Bristol Bay region of southwestern Alaska, the drainage basin of the Tazimina River at the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake encompasses an area of approximately 273 square miles (figures 2-1 and 5-l). Bounded on the north, east and south by mountainous terrain, the basin has a maximum elevation of approximately 6,000 feet (MSL) and a minimum eleva- tion of approximately 660 feet (MSL). The mean elevation is approximately 2,500 feet (MSL). The drainage basin (Figure 5-l) is elongated in shape with a length of approximately 32 miles and an average width of approximately 8.5 miles. Two large lakes, Upper Tazimina Lake and Lower Tazimina Lake, account for approximately 4 percent of the basin area. Average gradients for the Tazimina River range from approximately 171 feet per mile near the head- waters to 9.5 feet per mile for the reach between Upper and Lower Tazimina lakes. The total length of the river including both lakes is approximately 36 miles with an overall average channel slope of 65 feet per mile. 5.1.2 SOILS Geologically, soils within the basin are classified as humic cryorthods FIGURE 5-1 T AZIMINA RIVER BASIN I w 0 I -31- and rough mountainous lands. The humic cryorthod association occupies the foot slopes of the mountains and moraine hills, while the rough mountainous lands with thin and stony soils over the bedrock make up the steep, rocky slopes (Ref. 7). Within the mountain foot slope areas, silty volcanic ash, 10 to 24 inches thick, is underlain by very gravelly glacial fill. Valleys and depressions consist of very poorly drained fibrous peat with shallow perma- frost. Ridgetop soils are well crained, shallow over bedrock and consist of silty volcanic ash containing rock fragments. Conversation with Mr. Louis Fletcher of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) in Anchorage indicated that the soils in this area could be placed in the B or C hydrologic soil classification. 5.1.3 VEGETATION Vegetation within the basin consists of both wetland and upland types. In the nuskeg wetland a=eas, which commonly occur within depressions and vall~y bottoms, the vegetation is predominately sedges and mosses. Upland vegetation includes forest ranges, woodland and shrubs. Forests of white spruce and paper birch are dominant on steeper slopes while black spruce is dominant on more gentle slopes. On high ridgetops and slopes above treeline, the vegetation is dominated by dwarf birch, low shrubs, willow, alder, grasses and mosses (Ref. 7). Ground cover within the forested areas consists chiefly of a thick moss carpet or dense lichen. Estimates of the percentages of this ground cover range from 5 percent to 80 percent depending upon the type of forest. Humus depths vary from 2 to 6 inches. 'Based on USGS topographic maps, the forested area including muskegs was determined to be approximately 129 square miles or 47 percent of the entire basin. -32- 5.1.4 CLIMATE The climatic characteristics of this region are influenced by both maritime and continental characteristics and, as such, the region is generally placed within the transitional zone. Though open to the ocean, the waters of the Bering Sea are cooler than those of the North Pacific. This, combined with the lack of major orographic barriers,precludes any sharp boundary between maritime influences along the coast and continental characteristics of the interior. The region loses much of its maritime influence during the winter due to ice cover over a large part of the Bering Sea. Low-pressure systems moving northeastward across the Bering Sea are primarily associated with heavy daily precipitation in the region. The monthly distribution of large daily precipitation amounts indicates the heaviest precipitation occurs during the months of July through October (Ref. 8). Currently, no weather recording stations are located within the Tazimina River basin. However, two weather stations, one at Iliamna and one at Port Alsworth, are located within the region. Both these stations are located adjacent to large lakes. Lake Iliamna and Lake Clark, re- spectively. As such, the climatic records of these two stations may be somewhat affected by the lakes. However, because of the reasons stated below, the climatologic records at Port Alsworth are assumed to be more representative of the Tazimina River basin than Iliamna: o Closer proximity of the station to the Tazimina basin compared to the Iliamna station. o Lake Clark being much smaller than Iliamna Lake, its influence on the climatologic records at Port Alsworth is expected to be less dominant. o Port Alsworth is located in a basin which exhibits physiographic characteristics similar to the Tazimina River Basin. -33- 5.2 PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION As input to the development of the PMF hydrograph, estimates of the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) were made for the basin. Isohyetal maps and procedures presented in the United States Weather Bureau, Tech- nical Paper Number 47 (T.P. 47), "Probable Maximum Precipitation and Rainfall Frequency Data for Alaska" (Ref. 8), were utilized. Precipitation depths (point values) for 6-hour and 24-hour durations were estimated from the isohyetal maus and plotted on a depth-duration diagram obtained from T.P. 47 (Ref. 8). Using this diagram, precipitation depths for intermediate durations between 6 and 24 hours were determined. An additional depth-duration diagram from T.P. 47 was further utilized to determine depths for durations less than 6 hours. All of these values were then adjusted for the drainage area and a site-specific depth-duration curve constructed. This curve is shown on Figure 5-2 and a tabulation of precipitation depths for various durations is presented in Table 5-l. 5.3 UNIT HYDROGRAPH Because of a lack of streamflow data for the Tazimina River, synthetic unit hydrograph methods were utilized to develop the PMF hydrograph. A synthetic unit hydrograph was developed to represent streamflow conditions at the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake. In developing the synthetic unit hydrograph, it is assumed that the precipitation event occurs within a specified unit of time and is 'Jniformly spread over the contributing drainage basin. Procedures developed by the SCS as described in the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) publication "Design of Small Dams" (Ref. 9), and the SCS "National Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydrology" (Ref. 10) were used to develop the unit hydrograph for the basin. -35- TABLE 5-1 PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION TAZI!HNA RIVER BASIN, ALASKA Duration Precipitation Duration Precipitation (hours) (inches) (hours (inches) 1 1.9 13 10.9 2 3.7 14 11.3 3 4.8 15 11.6 4 5.9 16 12.1 5 6.8 17 12.3 6 7.5 18 12.5 7 8.0 19 12.7 8 8.5 20 13.0 9 9.2 21 13.2 10 9.8 22 13.4 ll 10.2 23 13.6 12 10.5 24 13.8 -36- 5.3.1 TIME OF CONC&~TfuiTION Initial input to the hydrograph development consisted of determining the time of concentration or travel time for the basin. Because of the presence of the two large lakes, the basin was divided into four separate reaches and individual times of concentration were calculated and summed to obtain the total time of concentration. The first reach consisted of the Tazimina River from the headwaters to Upper Tazimina Lake, the second reach consisted of the length of Upper Tazimina Lake, the third reach con- sisted of the Tazimina River between Upper and Lower Tazimina Lake, and the fourth reach consisted of the length of Lower Tazimina Lake. For the first and third reaches (river sections), the following equa- tion (Ref. 9) was used to develop the time of concentration: where {_11.9 L3)0.385 Tc =\ H Tc = time of concentration in hours, L = length of watercourse in miles, and H = elevation difference in feet. For the second and fourth reaches (lake sections), the time of con- centration was calculated by first determining the flood wave velocity through the lake and then dividing by the length of the lake. Since the depth to length ratio for both lakes is less than 0.1, they can be con- sidered as shallow and the following equation used (Ref. 11): Vw=lgDm where Vw flood wave velocity in feet per second, ') g =gravitational accelera~ion, 32.2 feet per second~, and Dm = mean water depth in feet. -37- Summation of the individual times of concentration resulted in a total time of concentration from the headwaters of Tazimina River to the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake of approximately 7.5 hours. The individual reach parameters and times of concentration are presented in Table 5-2. 5.3.2 OTHER PARAMETERS After determining the times of concentration, the remaining unit: hy- drograph parameters were calculated. A triangular-shaped unit hydrograph was assumed and the corresponding equations as presented in Reference 9 were utilized. These parameters are presented in Table 5-3. The shape of the unit hydrograph and corresponding ordinates are shown on Figure 5-5. 5.4 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD HYDROGRAPH The incremental PMP and unit hydrograph ordinates were combined to produce the probable maximum flood hydrograph. Two PMF hydrographs were developed; the first using the PMP event alone, and the second using the PMP event combined with snowmelt. Both hydrographs are shown on Figure 5-5. Discussions regarding their construction are presented in the following sections. 5.4.1 SEQUENCE OF INCREME1~AL PRECIPITATION Since the hourly sequence of a rainfall event cannot be predicted with certainty, the hourly increments of the PMP hydrograph were rearranged to produce the optimal sequence of precipitation that would produce the maximum flood peak. Two separate methods were used: Method A: Generalized sequence as proposed by the United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) (Ref. 12); Method B: Optimal sequence as proposed in the Journal of The Hydraulics Division, ASCE, December, 1978, Technical Note, "Optimal Sequence of Incremental Precipitation" (Ref. 13). Reach 1 2 3 4 -38- TABLE 5-2 TIMES OF CONCENTRATION TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN Length Description (miles) Tazimina River headwaters to 13.4 Upper Tazimina Lake Upper Tazimina Lake 8.3 Tazimina River Between Lakes 6.3 Lower Tazimina Lake 8.0 Total 36.0 Times of Concentration (hours) 2.7 0.2 4.5 0.2 7.6 -39- TABLE. 5-3 SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS TAZL~INA RIVER BASIN Parameter Duration Time of Concentration Time to Peak Time of Base Peak Discharge 1 hour 7.5 hours 5 hours 13 hours 26,500 cfs -40- The sequences of incremental precipitation resulting from both the methods are presented in Table 5-4. 'The peak of the PMF hydro graph using Method B was approximately 1 percent higher than the one produced by using Method A. As a result, the rainfall sequence utilizing Method B was used. A comparison of the flood hydrograph ordinates resulting from each method is presented in Table 5-5. 5.4.2 DIRECT RUNOFF Because of infiltration, evaporation and transpiration, some precipi- tation falling within the basin does not contribute to storm runoff. To predict the amount of direct runoff resulting from the probable maximum precipitation, the SCS "Runoff Curve Number Method" (Ref. 10) was utilized. This method is based on antecedent moisture conditions and soils, vegetation and runoff characteristics of the basin. To estimate the curve number applicable for the Tazimina River basin, the runoff characteristics and the soils and vegetation characteristics were analyzed independently. Discharge records from a USGS gaging station located on the Tazimina River were compared with rainfall records at Port Alsworth. Although con- tinuous discharge records were available only for the months of July, August and September, 1981, two prominent storm event hydrographs werz evident, August 1 to 10 and August 11 to 20. The hydrographs for each storm are shown on figures 5-3 anc. 5-4, respectively (Ref. 14). Assuming a baseflcw discharge for ea~h hydrograph, the storm runoff volume was calculated. Rainfall depths at Par~ Alsworth for the corres- ponding storm periods (figures 5-3 and 5-4) were assumed to cover the entire drainage basin upstream of the USGS gage and the volume of rainfall calculated. Using this volume and the runoff volume, the runoff coefficient and applicable curve number were calculated for each storm. The first storm -41- TlJ3LE 5-4 CRITICALLY SEQUENCED PRECIPITATION INCREMENTS TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN Generalized Optimal Time Sequence Sequence (hours) (inches) (inches) 1 0.2 0.2 2 0.2 0.2 3 0.2 0.2 4 0.2 0.3 5 0.3 0.3 6 0.4 0.4 7 0.4 0.4 8 0.5 0.5 9 0.6 0.5 10 0. 7 0.7 11 1.1 0.9 12 1.8 1.1 13 1.9 1.8 14 1.1 1 .9 15 0.9 1.1 16 0.7 0.7 17 0.5 0.6 18 0.5 0.5 19 0.4 0.4 20 0.3 0.3 21 0.3 0.2 22 0.2 0.2 23 0.2 0.2 24 0.2 0.2 -42- TABLE 5-5 COMPARISON OF PMF HYDROGRAPHS USING THE GENERALIZED AND OPTIMAL SEQUENCES OF INCREMENTAL EXCESS RAINFALL PMF H::tdrograph 6. Runoff 6. Runoff Generalized Optimal Generalized Optimal Time Rainfall Sequence Rainfall Sequence Sequence Sequence (hrs) (inches) (inches) (cfs) (cfs) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.01 0.01 53 53 2 0.10 0.10 636 636 3 0.13 0.13 1,908 1,908 4 0.16 0.24 4,028 4,452 5 0.25 0.26 7,473 8,374 6 0.36 0.37 12,740 14,171 7 0.38 0.37 19,160 21,068 8 0.48 0.48 27,004 29,389 9 0.58 0.49 36,544 38,240 10 0.69 0.69 47,588 48,509 11 1.08 0.88 61,256 60,256 12 1. 79 1.09 81,138 74,592 13 1.89 1. 79 106,904 94,283 14 1.10 1.90 133,537 119,857 15 0.89 1.09 159,276 145,596 16 0.70 0.70 179,855 167,897 17 0.50 0.60 188,198 184,785 18 0.50 0.50 183,741 189,769 19 0.40 0.40 173,124 181,735 20 0.30 0.30 157,690 167,129 21 0.30 0.20 139,407 149,144 22 0.20 0.20 119,798 128,675 23 0.20 0.20 99,228 107,244 24 0.20 0.20 79,846 86,341 25 63,809 66,463 26 51,452 50,790 27 41,016 44,662 28 31,806 30,481 29 23,192 21,867 30 22,198 15,241 31 10,934 10,272 32 6,959 6,627 33 3,977 3,977 34 1,989 1,989 35 663 663 36 0 0 u z ..... z ..... ....J ....J c:::r:: 1..1.. z - (./) 1..1.. u z: I.J..J <:..0 ex::: c:::r:: = u (./) -0 -43- o.-~---~~~~~---~--~~H .;q~: r·•·•·•··::•j 0. 5 -+--+--1--,-~ i . i ~ +,----+---4 1. 0 -+--..______,_0 0 -~----+-----! 1.5~-+-~-~;+]+-~+:~~~-~--+-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ }~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ j (./) 2.5 I.J..J = u z: ....... z: 2.0 - ....J ....J <( l.S 1..1.. z -c:::r:: e::: 1.0 0 I..L.I . 1- c:::r:: ....J 0.5 ::> ::E =:;)" u u c:::r:: 0 2. 0 -+----!---+-.~ _,__...,___----+-~ l i ' . i ..... : l 2.5._------~------_.--~--~--J 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 31 1 2 3 DATE DATE HYETOGRAPH MASS-RAINFALL 3000 2000 1000 I IV'l'.~~~-1 r-.....J 1 1 LJ ESTIMATED BASE FLOW Lli , .. ~. - I ~ I I Lf-I ! i ·• ....... -+---+1-~-T~I-ll -~ -~ I I ~~""'-~ 1 \ASSUMED BEGINNING .ESTIMATED _..-/ I I RAINFALL EXCESS RECESSION CURVE l I ' I 0 ~2~9~~3~0~3~1~~1~~2_._3~~4_._5~~6~--7~-8_._9--~10~-1-1~ JULY 1981 AUGUST 1981 HYDROGRAPH DRAINAGE AREA =327 SQUARE MILES VOLUME RAINFALL =2.07 INCHES VOLUME RUNOFF =0.72 INCHES 5-DAY ANTECEDENT RAINFALL:0.38 INCHES ESTIMATED RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER : 83 SOURCE: RAINFALL FROM PORT ALSWORTH STATION HYDROGRAPH FOR USGS RECORDS TAZIMINA RIVER, STATION AT RIVER MILE 11.6 FIGURE 5-3 T AZIMINA RIVER BASIN HYDROGRAPH AND RAINFALL AUGUST 1-10 u z z - - Vl w_ u z ,_ I..U <:.lJ 0::: < -'-u Vl ,_ Q -44- 0 . . 0.5 = c .,_ .,_ ..... 0 ..... --N a~4,····:,:r1 i r·····:·· .,_1.,_1.,_ ~ ~ r::;i:: . . • l • 1.0 0 0 0 o o o I o 1.5 2. 0 -t--+-----.--+----+--+----1-~ 3000 2000 1000 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 DATE HYETOGRAPH I ASSUMED BEGINNING RAINFALL EXCESS Vl 2 . 5 ..,--..,.--.,.--,.__,,___, I..U :I: u z < 0::: 1. 0 +-+--r-+--~~---i.~ Q I..U 1-< :5 0 . 5 +--t-...i-r-.i..-f----1--+---4 :::E: :::::l u u < Q..o;;;........._..__...._.__L...-J.--l.--1 .g 10 1112 13 14 15 16 DATE MASS-RAINFALL HYDROGRAPH AUGUST 1981 DRAINAGE AREA =327 SQUARE MILES VOLUME RAINFALL =1.36 INCHES VOLUME RUNOFF =0.33 INCHES 5-DAY ANTECEDENT RAINFALL=0.04 INCHES ESTIMATED RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER = 84 SOURCE: RAINFALL FROM PORT ALSWORTH STATION HYDROGRAPH FOR USGS RECORDS T.A.ZIMINA RIVER, STATION AT RIVER MILE 11.6 FIGURE 5-4 T AZIMINA RIVER BASIN HYDROGRAPH AND RAINFALL AUGUST 11-20 -45- resulted in a curve number of 83 and the second in a curve number of 84. The antecedent precipitation amounts for both storms were such that AMC II conditions could be assumed. Since the occurrence of a PMF event assumes AMC III (saturated) conditions, the curve numbers obtained were adjusted for this condition. This resulted in a curve number of 93 for the basin. As an independent check, a curve number was calculated using the available soils and vegetation data. AssuMing that 47 percent of the basin is forested, 4 percent water-covered and the remaining 49 percent mountainous, a weighted curve number of 79 was determined for AMC II con- ditions. This corresponds to a curve numbe= of 91 for AMC III conditions, slightly less than the 93 developed from the rainfall-runoff analysis. The data and assumptions used in this analysis are presented in Table S-6. To develop a conservative estimate of the probable maximum flood, the curve number was adjusted upward to 95 to reflect frozen ground and/or snow-covered conditions. Also, because of the shallow permafrost depth, it was assumed that any deep percolation would be negligible. The PMF hydrograph resulting from the PMP alone is shown on Figure 5-5 along with the corresponding rainfall hyetograph. The peak discharge is approximately 190,000 cfs and the runoff volume is approximately 12.9 inches, cr 187,800 acre-feet. This corresponds to a 24-hour rainfall depth of 13.8 inches. 5.4.3 SNOWMELT RUNOFF Since the possibility exists for a PMP event to occur at a time when the basin is covered by snowpack, a PMF hydrograph was developed combining both rainfall and sncwmelt runoff. Because snowpack and water content data are not available for the basin, a generalized equation developed by the USACE was used to estimate snowment resulting from rainfall on snow. Land Type Forest Lakes ·Mountains -46- TABLE 5-6 RUNOFF CURVE NDMBER ANALYSIS BASED ON SOILS .~ VEGETATION DATA TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN Percent of Hydrologic Curve Basin Soil Group Number 47 B 70 4 100 49 c 85 Weighted Curve Number 33 4 42 Actual Weighted Curve Number 79 V) 0 w :c u z:: 1-t 1 0 z:: 1-t- z:: 0 2 0 1-t I-c::t: I- 1-t 0... 3 0 1-t u w 0:: 0... 240 I 220 I L 200 180 V) 160 LL.. u 0 0 140 0 .-I z:: 1-t 120 w I t!J I I 0:: c::t: 100 :c u I I V) I 1-t 0 80 60 40 20 0 I t .; ,;,,. ~ ~ J l J. ' ' ~ < r -~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! L:.~~ •• «. ~ .. ... ,.,.."',..,.. ,.,.., .,., r '---7-+ ' ~------'.--:...........; .. =--1 ~ ~ ~ l:: ,......r,o) ;;----, ........... I r r I' f ·:; NOTES ,DRAINAGE AREA =273 SQUARE MILES VOLUME RAINFALL =13 8 INCHES ~-~~T~~ 1 l .... U~-RAINFALL VOLUME RAINFALL+ SNOWMELT =18 6 INCHES VOLUME RUNOFF RAINFALL = 0 2 4 6 8 ._._._,_~ _sNOWMELT I I I I 10 12 14 16 18 DURATION IN HOURS I I 20 22 24 26 12 9 INCHES 187800 ACRE-FEET VOLUME RUNOFF RAINFALL+ SNOWMELT= 17 7 INCHES 257,700 ACRE-FEET RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER = 95 ANTECEDENT MOISTURE CONDITION = III 24-HOUR SYNTHETIC STORM HYETOGRAPH 2 5,oob cFJ ~I / "' / '\ If \ I ~ 190,000 CFS~ I , i\ \ ,c I 1/ \ \ I . ~-' I \ 1\ ~PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD I I \ y FOR RA 1 INFALL EVENT (PMP) 1 I I \I \ I I ' I I I I \ ~PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD I \ FOR RAINFALL (PMP) + I I \ ~ SNOWMELT EVENT I I ~ \ .. ll. 1/ / r\ ' J 'I e 1\ ' \ / l \ \ )f I ' "., \ ~ / / ~ ~ v ./ '. \. 1 .... '\. / / ~ ~ ~/ ./ ,. ..... '" r-... ~ 7' -~ ~ . 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 DURATION IN HOURS 24-HOUR PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD HYDROGRAPH \ I V) LL.. u z 1-t w t!J 0:: c::t: :c u V) 1-t 0 16 14 V) 12 w :c u :=; 10 z:: 1-t :c 8 1- 0... ~ 6 z 1-t ~ 4 co w ~ 2 0:: w ~> c::t: 0 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 I ,___, ~ PROBABLE MAXIMUM l.,.....--' ,..,--- ~ PRECIPITATION " v ~ FROM U S WEATHER ./ r--BUREAU T P 47 / / / / ESTIMATED SNOWMELT / I I RUNOFF \ / ---__..... I _J-~ ----~ I~ ~ ~ L---L--- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 DURATION IN HOURS DEPTH-DURATION CURVE 26500 CFS ~ 1\ I I ' I \ TIME OF /; CONCENTRATION ___ I \ = 8 HOURS ~ v \ I 1\ I ' ~ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 DURATION IN HOURS UN IT HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES TIME DISCHARGE (HOURS) (CFS) 1 5300 2 10600 3 15900 4 21200 5 26500 6 23188 7 19876 8 16564 9 13252 10 9940 11 6628 12 3316 13 0 1-HOUR SYNTHETIC UNiT HYDROGRAPH FIGURE 5-5 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD HYDROGRAPH I ~ -....J I -49- The PMF hydrograph resulting from this condition is shown on Figure 5-5 along with the corresponding rainfall plus snowmelt hyetograph. The peak discharge is approximately 225,000 cfs, and the runoff volume is approxi- mately 17.7 inches, or 257,700 acre-feet. This corresponds to a 24-hour rainfall plus snowmelt depth of 18.6 inches. -50- 6.0 REFERENCES 1. Methodology for Estimating Pre-project Streamflows in the Tazimina River, Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEID), Anchorage, Alaska, January, 1982. 2. Bristol Bay Energy and Electric Power Potential, Phase I, U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration, December, 1979. 3. Climatological Data, Alaska, Volume 67, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Asheville, North Carolina, 1981. 4. Water Resources Data for Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Water- Data Reports for Different Water Years. 5. Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions, W. A. Spurr and C. P. Bonini, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewood, Illinois, Revised Edition, 1973. 6. Handbook of Applied Hydrology, V. T. Chow, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964, Sections 8 and 10. 7. Exploratory Soil Survey of Alaska, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, February, 1979. 8. Probable Maximum Precipitation and Rainfall Frequency Data for Alaska, Technical Paper (T.P.) 47, U.S. Weather Bureau, 1963. 9. Design of Small Dams, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Revised Print, 1977. 10. National Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydrology, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, August, 1972. 11. Open Channel Hydraulics, V. T. Chow, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1959. 12. Standard Project Flood Determinations, EM 1110-2-1411, Civil Engineer Bulletin No. 52-8, Department of the Army, U.S. Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C., March, 1965. 13. Optimal Sequence of Incremental Precipitation, Anand Prakash, Journal of The Hydraulics Division, ASCE, December, 1978. 14. Provisional Streamflow Records (Subject to Revision), Tazimina River near Nondalton, Station 152999000, Water Year 1981 (Personal Communi- cation).