HomeMy WebLinkAboutHaines-Skagway Phase II Geotechnical Investigation 1982L Converse Consultants PHASE II GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION WEST CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ..... HAINES~~~AY REGIONAL STUDIES .,/ ,. \. /)' "\ .. '\ :' '~ . . ~- p ,r. iff. •; ' ~-. < • Converse Consultants Geotechnical Engineering and Applied Sciences PHASE II GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION WEST CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT -· .,-.' ·' HAINES3 SKAG¥/AY REGIONAL STUDIES ,;-~ ,:-; . ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY .ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Prepared for: R. W. Beck and Associates 200 Tower Building Seattle, Wsahington 98101 Converse Project No. 81-5165 ~1arch 1982 Converse Consultants, Inc. 300 Elliott Avenue We.st Suite 150 Seattle, Washington 98119 Telephone 206 285-5200 March 5, 1982 R. W. Beck and Associates 200 Tower Building Seventh Avenue at Olive Way Seattle, Washington 98101 Attention: Mr. James V. Williamson Gentlemen: Converse Consultants Geotechnical Engineering and Applied Sciences 81-5165-01 Pursuant to our agreement, herewith is transmitted -~r draft report en- titled 11 Phase II Geotechnical Investigation, We~C-reek Hydroelectric Project, Haines-Skagway Regional Studies 11 • <~- The purpose of this investigation was to._,{Jfuduce, c~mp~:l~ and interpret geol?gical, ~eophysical and g.eotechnical"'.J:!ata .{or deta:~l''d feasibility stud1es pert1nent to the des1gn of __ the proposed West vt'eek Hydroelec- tric Project. {,. ·-.. ' t~r. William s. Bliton, Principal Engtneerihg'. Geologist served as project geologist for ;xlr' .. studies. He,was assisted by numerous professionals in our fi.rm intluding: Dr;-··Ronald E. Bucknam, Managing Vice President, Mr. Dea.n £. Ryden, ·r,.rincipal Engineer; Mr. David A. Yonemitsu and MJ; . .-"'Carl E. Benson, Sfaff Engineering Geologists. The investigation .r_wa~··. performed .UQ~r the overall supervision of the undersigned. '\_ ·. ·, ':..)· . ' ~ We believe the lev-e~ of .effort applied to this geotechnical investiga- tion was adequate f()r,.,..tfiis phase of study. Analysis of data from this investigation indicates that the West Creek Hydroelectric Project is geotechnically feasible. The assistance and support received from personnel of R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. during this investigation was invaluable. We appreci- ate the opportunity to serve as your geotechnical consultant on this project. Very truly yours, CONVERSE CONSULTANTS, INC. Alan L. 0' Neill Vice President WSB/ALO/dmh Converse Consultants, Inc. 300 Elliott Avenue West Suite 150 Seattle, Washington 98119 Telephone 206 285-5200 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Purpose of Investigation 2.2 Authorization 2.3 Project Description 2.4 Scope of Work 2.5 Field Investigation 2.5.1 Geologic Mapping 2.5.2 Drilling 2.5.3 Seismic Refraction ;/'"'. 2.6 Laboratory Testing <:t" '* 2.6.1 Construction Materials\~ _,t""'. ~.: 2.6.2 Rock Testing '{ , '''· 2.7 Limitations ,.-·~"' / '~ <..: ,-· . 3. REGIONAL GEOLOGit SETTING 3.1 Re " ";\ t-. \,; "'--:·~ ' 4. FAULTING Ar•m s'EIS~ICITY \ .• ,f_ 4.1 Regiona\,jf~~lts 4.1.1 Queen Charlotte Fault 4.1. 2 Fairweather Fault 4.1.3 Denali Fault System 4.1.4 Chatham Strait-Lynn Canal 4.1.5 Chinakof-Baranof Fault 4.1. 6 Peri 1 Strait Fault 4 .1. 7 Other Faults 4.2 Regional Lineaments 4.2.1 Coast Range Megalineament 4.2.2 Glacier Bay Lineament Fault Page No. 1 5 5 5 5 6 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 12 13 15 15 16 16 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 Table of Contents (continued) 4.3 Regional Seismicity 4.4 Project Faults and Lineaments 5. PROJECT GEOLOGY 5.1 Bedrock 5.2 Overburden 5.2.1 Glacial Drift 5.2.2 Terrace Deposits 5.2.3 Glacial Moraines 5.2.4 Alluvium 5.2.5 Talus Deposits 5.3 Dam Site 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.~.1 Geology /' _ Sp1ll way \ :'" ·. . . ·~·-''. \-:_ ~) 5.4.1 Left""Abutrnent SpilJway v 5.4.2 -e-0~t Abutment, sp\~ay West Cre'~k 'Diversion ·--.._./' ~:, ;~~~ -.~ . --·,~ 5.5.1 Geol'Qgy.) ) ' / Power Tunnel'\,~ 5.6.1 Geology-Alternatives 1 through 3 5.6.2 Geology -Alernative 4 Intake 5.7.1 Geology Surge Tank 5.8.1 Geology Powerhouse 5.9.1 Powerhouse Alternative 1 5.9.2 Powerhouse Alternatives 2-1 and 2-2 5.9.3 Powerhouse Alternative 3 5.10 Reservoir 5.10.1 Geology Page No. 23 26 28 29 30 31 31 31 32 32 33 33 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 43 44 45 45 Table of Contents (continued) 6. ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 Dam Foundation 6.1.1 Bedrock Properties 6.1.2 Foundation Excavation 6.1.3 Foundation Treatment 6.1.4 Foundation Drainage 6. 2 Spillway 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.2.1 Foundation Excavation Diversion 6.3.1 Channel Diversion 6.3.2 Cofferdams ,,1'•-"·\, 6.3.3 Diversion Tunnel ( ' ' Power Tunnel ~ 6.4.1 Excava~~Ch~ract~ristJ.c~), 6.4.2 Excavafipn Stabilizatio{l and 6.4.~in~ . . , ::. "' Intake\·\;·.., \,_ :~~~~ T:~~n Excavation 6.6.1 Excavation Characteristics Powerhouse 6.7.1 Foundation Excavation 6. 8 Reservoir 6.9 Construction Materials 6.9.1 Concrete Aggregate 6.9.2 Embankment Materials 6.10 Seismic Design BIBLIOGRAPHY Support Page No. 47 47 47 49 50 51 51 52 52 52 53 53 54 55 56 58 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 Table of Contents (continued) FIGURES 5-1 Explanation of Upper Hemisphere Polar Joint Plot 5-2 Joint Rosette -Right and Left Abutment Composite 5-3 Joint Rosette -Power Tunnel 5-4 Joint Rosette -Powerhouse TABLES 4-1 Modified Mercali Intensity Scale of 1931 _.,"", rf"w,.. \ 6-1 Rock Test Summary <' '::~ :l' 6-2 Summary of Rock Test Data DRAWINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Project Location~ /'· Regional Geology Proj ec~.S'Efology Proj ec\.L~fnea~nts Damsite '~ol_pgy"­ Damsite C;~~~~e~tion \,,,. .. ~ Powerhouse Geology Reservoir Geology Reservoir Geology Earthquake Epicenter and Fault Map APPENDIX A -Drilling Equipment and Procedures APPENDIX B -Borrow Exploration APPENDIX C -Rock Testing APPENDIX D-Construction Mat~rials Testing APPENDIX E -Seismic Refraction Survey ·.', -~ \' '').. '-:-\}:-·.,~ \ \ '-;~,._.· Page No. ff 33 ff 33 ff 38 ff 42 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed West Creek Regional Hydroelectric Project for the Haines- Skagway Regional Study is located in southeastern Alaska approximately seven miles northwest of Skagway, Alaska. The project will consist of a 120-to 150-foot high embankment dam with a concrete face, or a roller- compacted concrete (gravity) dam. This phase I I study was for the pur- pose of providing preliminary geotechnical data for use in detailed feasibility design studies. The exploratory work included: 12 borings with an aggregate footage of 1,647.3 feet; 5,740 lineal feet of seis- mic refraction profiling; geologic mapping of the project area; in- situ water testing in eight borings; bu 1 k samp 1 i ng of potentia 1 borrow sources; laboratory testing of rock and borrow ijlate.,rials; and a review of available data regarding the seismicity of l:h~,a~~a. A ,. ···, ) ./ '\ ·\ 1\. ~ . ' ( ,, Ana 1 ys is of data from these i nvest..,i gat i &r;,~,;:.tnd,i cates~).t the West Creek Project is feasible from a geot~c~hi,cal v1·ewp~nt. . '~-~~ . ., ~~ \./ DAM SITE \I/ 0 The dam fo~aTio~s will ,CQ_n~,t,st of sound granite. ""'-··, .. '·\,:/.,., \ ·. '·• '\ .. , \. ·., ~ ··. ' "\.-? o Recommended f-quhpati'on excavation consists of the removal of all over- burden materia~~eath the dam and the upper five to eight feet of bedrock in the toe slab area. For the roller-compacted concrete dam, recommended foundation excavation consists of the removal of all over- burden and upper five to eight feet of bedrock beneath the dam. o Overburden on the proposed abutments is relatively thin, ranging from zero to approximately ten feet and averaging approximately eight feet in thickness. o Alluvial deposits in the creek channel are estimated on the order of 20 feet in thickness. o A highly fractured and/or altered bedrock zone may be present beneath the creek channel. -2- o A single-line grout curtain along with consolidation grouting is rec- ommended, especially for the roller-compacted concrete dam. DIVERSION o Diversion of West Creek appears likely by constructing a cofferdam and a diversion tunnel, or possibly by channeling through blocks. o Geotechnically, it is feasible to construct a diversion tunnel beneath either abutment; topography and geologic conditions may result in bet- -" ter portal conditions and more rock cover over t~e<tunnel in the right abutment. SPILLWAY \ ', '.a. ·:.'~ \\ l ·'\ ~~ ., -... ~ o The major portion of t~pillway excav.at:·;,on will be in bedrock. Ex- ' !· • .·~ ,..:; cavated slopes in bedrock can be P.l~11ned at l/3H:lV (horizontal to r'\ r.-"';L,). ....... ~ vertical). <<·,. · "" '..t>). \, POWER TUNNEL \\. ":. \ ' . '~ :. . : \'' " ,· ~~ \.,.r"'"' o Depending upon the selected powerhouse alternative, the tunnel will be driven entirely or almost entirely in bedrock. 0 The power tunnel will cross at least one fault zone and numerous line- aments anticipated to be zones of highly fractured and/or sheared rock. o It is judged the tunnel can be driven either by conventional methods or by tunnel boring machine. o It is judged the approximately 50 percent of the tunnel will require rock stabilization if driven by convent1onal methods and approximately 25 percent if driven by tunnel boring mac~ine. -3- SURGE TANK o The surge tank excavation will be completed in bedrock. o Several highly fractured, sheared and/or weathered zones will be en- countered and will require rock stabilization if driven by convention- al methods. A raised bore may require little or no stabilization. POWERHOUSE o Bedrock powerhouse sites are available. ~-/>;\ \~),_-,;' '\ __ "-\._, o Excavation slopes in bedrock can be plan~at l/3H'':·\~\~hile temporary slopes in overburden can be planned at lH:lV·,~nd petm~nt slopes at 1.5H:lV. o A powerhcJUse location )J&rlain by cHl~t~ium will require pile support 'i"-' '-. \-:-· , -,_ ,-~t> and c. sect ion of soft ground tunnel \fOJ tne power tunnel. ----~,e::r":.~._, 'ty RESERVOIR <t-'<- \ ,. "' ,. " ·~---, '\:/} o The major portion of the reservoir perimeter is located in bedrock or talus. There are no indications of potential landslides. o Snow avalanches will occur in the reservoir during the winter, but are not anticipated to be of the size so as to endanger the project. o The two glaciers which are present in the upper reaches of the drain- age are retreating and should not represent a danger. o Some ice falls and small landslides will probably occur in the talus deposits. They are anticipated to be limited in size and would not create waves of a magnitude to endanger the facility. -4- CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS o Potential sand and gravel borrow for use as fi 11 and concrete aggre- gate were identified and sampled. o No sources of impervious borrow were located in the vicinity of the project. o Rock produced from bedrock excavations is judged suitable for use in the embankment fill. SEISMIC DESIGN ..if"·, d o The project is located in a seismicall0t·ive-~~·~;~,_and the seismic design should consider a major -~·~thqu~i\.:,\.Gn:~ the n~~)' fault during the useful 1 i fe of the project.( <. \,_ \ \. \ ' >, '':" ·-~ /.''.. ~ .. : '\.,. \.;: .. t> o A fault, considered('flot active, \trends ·vorthwest through the project ··. . ·, ·v·"' a rea and woul g --be encountered~ in thypower tunne 1. (''' . '· . \ ·.);:.. o It is recomm~)Jded>::_thQt a \\~ektrock acceleration of 0.4g be considered in • \ .,_ ··r. ··-~ des1gn. \ · .. --/1 \..,./ -5- 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION The purpose of this investigation was to produce~ compile and inter- pret geological, geophysical and other geotechnical data relative to a detailed feasibility study of the West Creek dam site for the Haines- Skagway Regional Hydroelectric Studies. 2.2 AUTHORIZATION ""'" /< <' Authorization for the detailed feasibility swdy was provided by 1 etter from R. w. Beck and Associates, Inc. daJ.e9 AJgusf'~, 1981, in accord- ance with Converse Ward Davis Dixon, <f'n~,·'/·~preserrt~:> Converse Consul- tants, Inc.) proposal dated June_A.O, 1981 .. /:i;~ ~ <: ., '\~. ';-\ '•:,,;> 2.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION /~ ( < The proposed w~.~J_ Creek Hyd'roelectr~ Project is located on West Creek, a tributary'(f;,.the Taiya Rt\t~p. approximately seven miles northwest of Skagway, Ala~~a·, <ts' ~how~'~ Drawing 1. The proposed project includes \ ' > •• a 120-to 150-f. o(Jhi h embankment dam with a concrete face or a dam oller-compacted concrete method. The dam would be located at the upstream portion of a bedrock constriction on West Creek, approximately 2-1/2 miles upstream of the point where the creek empties into the Taiya River. A surface powerhouse is proposed approximately two miles downstream of the dam. The dam and powerhouse wi 11 be con- nected by an unlined rock tunnel. An underground surge tank is proposed at a point approximately three-quarters of the distance to the power- house. Access to the project site will be provided by an extension of West Creek Road which presently terminates approximately one-half mile from the dam site. Access to proposed powerhouse areas is generally good. -6- 2.4 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work for the detailed feasibility study was determined in consultation with R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. The principal objectives of the detailed feasibility study at West Creek included evaluation of: 1. Geological, geophysical, boring and field testing data at the dam site, power tunnel alignment, and powerhouse locations to determine preliminary foundation conditions. 2. Potential construction borrow sources. ~· 3. _,~. Geologic hazards in the reservoir a~a-•. '-··. ~':;. }> .4-;:·,.,"'..'.., ~ \ General seismic conditions 'Which prevail in, the project area. 4. To fulfill the abgy,~ objectives, the.,.-<fetailed feasibility study en- /~ . ta i 1 ed: \ 1. Planning ancf\;_che':1ling administrative and field programs and subcontracting'\;f:.d'r field support services. 2. Compilation and field checking of existing geologic data. 3. Performing field investigations as follows: A. General 1) Preliminary geologic mapping of the general project area between the Taiya River and the upper reaches of West Creek drainage. 2) Examination of aerial photographs to determine faults and lineaments in the project area. -7- B. Dam Site c. D. E. 1) Preliminary geologic mapping in the vicinity of the dam site and spillway areas. 2) Geophysical surveys in the area of the dam axis and spi 11 way. 3) Drilling and sampling a total of 779.7 1 i neal feet in seven borings. Power Tunnel 1) Preliminary geologic mapping along the general power tunnel alignment. .Af~., / .<.:· <(., ':, Surge Tank .,.,.,.\ ··~ 1) Preliminary geologic rna~ 2" th·~..t\)l'Cinity of the surge tank. ~ "~'"'·\ . ""'" '"'\ ,of' 2) Drilling and sa~tn§~a tot~ ~f 502.2 lineal feet in \~. ··-·~ ·,~ '~~ '\ boring DH 108. '; ·~... 1 ~ ...... ...,. ~ /' ~£-, _ .. ~~.. .'], ~ y~t ~~} , __ , Power~ouse.\"' . ..,\ \~ 1~C-~~~1'£.gic ·-~~!}.Ri·~,.~}in the vicinity of the powerhouse ·,~ alteril,at i ve~~. \ . .. ,. \ 't ''l;, '~ 2) b\i~rjn~ and sampling a total of 365.4 lineal feet in fo~rings at two alternative sites. 3) Geophysical surveys in the vicinity of the powerhouse alternatives. F. Reservoir 1) Geologic mapping of the reserovir area from aerial photographs, reconnaissance level mapping of poten- tial borrow areas, and field checking of aerial photo interpretation. 4. Performing a laboratory testing program on potential con- struction borrow materials and bedrock cores. 5. Preparing all field logs, geologic maps, and cross sections as necessary; reducing field geophysical data. -8- 6. Perfonning a geologic and engineering analysis and preparing a report on the results of this detailed feasibility report. 7. Preparation and presentation of data for project meetings. 8. Consultation with the staff of R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. and finalization of a geotechnical feasibility report. 2.5 FIELD INVESTIGATION /"";, The field investigation included surface geologic m~ng~ stereographic ·..;:-i~ ~' aerial photograph interpretation, drilling a~~n-s'itu\~er testing, and seismic refraction surveys and was supp~~t~p by a~·•.re'\iew of the ";".' 'f~r 1-., ~ .,~ existing geologic data. //"'>'-,. ·-\.~. (~ ~ ~', "'-"-. -~., '1:.' '•\ 2.5.1 Geologic Mapping 2.5.2 Drilling ~, \. . "'> '\ ': ''t .:J. ,, v detailed description of with boring data and plotted on topographic A total of 12 borings consisting of 1,647.3 lineal feet of drilling was completed during the investigation. Borings were distributed among pro- ject features as follows: -9- Boring No. Feature Depth of Hole, feet DH 101 Spillway 100.5 DH 102 Left Dam Abutment 99.8 DH 103 Left Dam Abutment 100.9 DH 104 Left Dam Abutment and Stream Channel 201.5 DH 105 Right Dam Abutment 100.8 DH 106 Right Dam Abutment 75.2 DH 107 Right Dam Abutment 101.0 DH 108 Surge Tank 502.2 DH 109 Powerhouse Alternative No. 2 141.4 DH 110 Powerhouse Alternative No. 2 ' 98.0 DH 111 Powerhouse Alternative No. 1 ·~ 50.5 DH 112 Powerhouse Alternative~l '· \..\"\ 75.5 \ '•.:;,;''\ ~~) The 1 ocat ions of the above bori n~~~e: show~~: p~(prawi ngs 3, 4 and 7. ', .-, ··:":., ) ··~ '• . ·v- Continuous logs of the ~r.face c~nd.jti._otJp as encountered in the bor- ings were recorded at the ·time of the,j);ill"i ng and are presente~ on each boring log in ~~a\h A.·~. A. co~Rlete description of the equipment and •' .·'' .. ,. . ''\2 procedures used\,to(;dril,ling·.\ji.'given in Appendix A. \, ' Water pressure te~~e completed on bor1ngs DH 101 through DH 108. Water pressure test results are presented along with borings logs in Appendix A. 2.5.3 Seismic Refraction A total of 5,750 lineal feet of seismic refraction profiling was com- pleted in the project area. The profiling was completed along 12 sepa- rate lines ranging in length between 275 to 625 feet. The purpose of the seismic profiling was to determine the depth of various velocity layers, primarily bedrock, and to aid in assessing the quality of rock. Seismic 1 i nes were distributed among the various project features as follows: Line No. SL-1 SL-2 SL-3 SL-4 SL-5 SL-6 SL-7 SL-8 SL-9 SL-10 SL-11 SL-12 -10- Project Feature Powerhouse Alternative No. 2 Powerhouse Alternative No. 2 Powerhouse Alternative No. 2 Powerhouse Alternative No. 1 Spillway Left Dam Abutment Right Dam Abutment and Intake Area Left Dam Abutment Right Dam Abutment Right Dam Abutment Powerhouse Alternative No. 3 Powerhouse Alternative No. 1 - p"!l. ..,~-.W'' ~> ~~ The locations of the 1 ines are shown on''\p?a~ngs ~.. \•, ¢ results of the seismic refractio'( ~l~">~.eys a~ :~own ·,, . ''· \,,~ 2.6 LABORATORY TESTI~'':··, \w. ''.; \_ ';: ·· .. ~;~,---, . \, 2.6 .1 Constr\~&,~.on\~ateri als.·\.,) Length, feet 625 525 550 500 275 550 540 530 280 550 275 550 3~~and 7 and the in Appendix E. v \,. '"...'t,' \ ·\~ Several potentia\~)'r~ areas were identified and sampled during this study. A limited ~atory testing program was completed to determine the characteristics of the material for potential use as concrete aggre- gate and embankment materials. These included numerous physical tests and petrologic analysis. The results of these tests are presented in Appendix D. 2.6.2 Rock Testing Selected rock core specimens were subjected to a series of tests to det~rmine their engineering properties. Tests were compiled to deter- mine dry unit weight, specific gravity, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio. In addition, petrographic analyses were conducted for identification of the rock type. The results of the rock testing and petrographic analyses are presented in Appendix C. -11- 2.7 LIMITATIONS The purpose of this study was to provide geotechnical information to be utilized in determining the feasibility of the project and to aid in preliminary design and cost estimates relative to the proposed dam, pow- erhouse and appurtenant structures. The amount of exploration has been held to a level commensurate with the stage of feasibility design. The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they existed at the time of these inves- tigations, and further assume that the exploratory-·. borings, etc. are .,·· ' representative of subsurface conditions throughe-tft the site, i.e., the subsurface conditions everywhere are not .. .i4~nif\ca~tl( different from those disclosed by the exp 1 orations. ( ( ,.;, '\ \\. \ ,',pY '"' .... A·" -~ '' .. ~ v ('" \~ ~~' \( The professional services were perfo~e~, fi~i~~s obtained, and recom- mendations prepared in a.c~>Qrdance~\w{t,h~g~nerMy accepted engineering ""' . .. ,. .. and geologic principle<"~nd p'ractic~~-~;"'T~ warranty is in lieu of all other warranties v·e-ithe~"-expres'sed or'~pl i ed. <"'' ,, . .. '. (\\.) \ ·~ ': .. \ •· "".., V" '\ ·:.. '• \v -12- 3. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING The West Creek Hydroelectric Project and the Haines-Skagway Regional study area and the West Creek dam site are 1 ocated in southeastern Alaska, as shown in Drawing 1, and lie within the Coast Range Batholith Complex of the Pacific Coast Range. The topography of this region is characterized by glacier-covered, high relief mountains (up to 7,500 feet in elevation), steep-walled glacial modified valleys and fiords. The present topography is a result of the last major orogeny in late Mesozoic to Tertiary time, with further modifications by continental glaciation during the Pliestocene Epoch and by pp~ent-day alpine gla- A-r~ ,:;,. ,.,.,. >r ( .;"; ·,~; ., ~ ciation. ,.,.,·"~>·~·. "-: \ The drainages in the Pacific Coast Rang( g·~~e_ra lly f\D~t>i nto many of the ' ... ;. \,.Po steep fiords and inlets, which g,r._e ind1C.:aft.v~ of solJtheastern Alaska. ; \~ \.\ '·· These drainages are generally s1lor.t''in len1~th~» and were formed by ero-. . ·. ·~ sion by glacial ice and flowing water:··'-.Glacl.a'f meltwater is the source for most of the str~rfiC~·hich ge'Q~rall.,y..J>carry substantial amounts of suspended fine-grained''·sedimehts and/~ rock flour. '~,:fr"· -... ~ ' ·('' . . •. .\)~ The Coast Rang·~ Batbol•5,th C~lex of the Pacific Coast Range 1 ies within a region which ~~ ... ~·'be, geologically active since the Paleozoic Era. This region is bo~ on the west by the Wrangell-Revillagigedo f'4eta- morphic Belt, and on the east by the Intermontane Belt of the Canadian Cordillera. The Wrangell-Revillagigedo Belt consists primarily of Tri- assic to Jurassic Age metamorphic rocks while the Intermontane Belt con- sists primarily of Trias sic through Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The general boundary area between the Wrangell-Revi ll agi gedo Belt and the Coast Range Batholith Complex is characterized by several fault systems and lineaments (Brew, i~orrell, 1980, Lathram 1964). The geologic system of this region is related to interaction of plate tec- tonics, collision and subduction of oceanic and continental plates. (At.water 1970). This tectonic belt has been active since at least the late Paleozoic and the last major deformation occurred during the late t~esozoic and Tertiary with some minor activity continuing into the Qua- ternary. -13- 3.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY This portion of the Pacific Coast Range has had a complex history of sedimentation, deformation, igneous intrusion, glaciation and erosion. The bedrock which underlies the major portion of the region consists primarily of granitic crystalline intrusive rocks, ranging in age from Tertiary to Cretaceous in age, approximately 40 to 140 million years before the present. These intrusive rocks were emplaced into the Wrangell-Revillagigedo Metamorphic Belt rocks, ranging from Paleozoic to Mezosoic in age. The rocks of the 'rJrangell-Revillagigedo Belt were deposited in the Juneau Synclinorium, as marine ~tltstone, shale, gray- "' """ :~ wacke, limestone, and quartz sandstones, inte~edded with volcanic units (Buddi ngton and Chapin 1929). Si nee ~e . ..,.. i.t i6n ·,t;h·~·~~ .sequen~e of rocks has undergone several eye 1 es of teet mG, deformatqoi\'.\ Th1 s defonna-., ..... \. •;, " tion has produced an intermed~ to n)'Lgh:..g.tade mefemorphic suite, of schist, quartzite, marbles an\g,~·~'i-ss with,,. A.~ regional northwest trend (Lemke, Yehle 1972). · -, / During the ea~.\crGa.o~.~. throu:0 m~le Tertiary, these rocks were 1 ntruded by /~a{ge, mul tJ-sta.~.$> bathol1 th known as the Coast Range Pl u- toni c Comp 1 e~,~co~pri s,ed chj,efly of diorite, quartz monzonite and gra no- v ·1: '. ... diorite (Brew, "~~or,r.el) 1980). Along the northwest periphery of this intrusion a ultr;~{~ body was emplaced during the late Cretaceous time as a 1 aye red comprised of duni te proxenite, hornb 1 eni te and gabbro (Brew, Morrell 1980). Tectonic deformation of the regional rocks has produced two distinct structural trends, northwest-southeast and northeast-southwest. These structural trends, in the form of joints and/or shear zones, have pro- duced strong lineaments which are evident as topographic lows on the ground surface and in aerial photographs. Many dikes of mafic origin have been intruded into the regional rocks (Barker 1952). Numerous numbers of these dikes have been emplaced along the structural trends described above. -14- The present topography of most of this region is largely the result of continental and alpine glaciation during the Pleistocene Epoch, approx- imately 13,000 years before present. During the last glacial period, an average of 5,000 feet of glacial ice covered most of this region (Lemke, Yehle 1972). The weight of glacier significantly depressed the land. Upon retreat of the glaciers, many valleys which had been formerly occu- pied by ice were inundated by the sea. Ongoing isostatic rebound has resulted in the slow emergence of several areas of land in this region to be above the present sea level. This rebound has caused marine and beach deposits to be elevated well above sea level in coastal areas of Haines and Skagway (Lemke, Yhele 1972). Hanging valleys, elongated and deepened lakes, U-shaped valleys, and deepely scoured embayments, inlets and passages, reflect the effects of regional g}).,Fiation. Locally, small and large alpine glaciers still occupy ~-<it the steep-walled 'lq'"'·'. ··. valleys and higher mountain sides. Landf~.o . , sucl1\~a'\lateral and ter- minal moraines, are presently being modi~:d:''an_~/or f'b(~\~. ,. ..:'> 'V' /'\, \ ., .... ~.''·,· ':>' ,, ... ,::.~~-5-"""p. \.? -15- 4. FAULTING AND SEISMICITY The study of seismicity of any project area must of necessity begin with a knowledge of geologic forces affecting the entire region. Earthquakes occur when masses of rock rupture in response to tectonic stresses with- in the earth. The force developing these stresses is associated with the slow movement of large, rigid plates of the earth's crust. As these lithospheric plates collide, diverge, or grind past each other, the stresses created are relieved by such geologic processes as faulting with associated earthquakes, mountain building, and/or volcanism. 4.1 REGIONAL FAULTS The present seismicity of southeast Alaska and~~est British Colum- ""'·~··: ... , ~~ bia appears to be largely controlled ~he riiov~m~t of the Pacific plate as it abuts the North American pl,~e~:" .,:n soJt .. ~~~t Alaska, geo- logic processes are controlled b~.the il'\teraction a~deformation of <"' \, '. ·, several faults related to and t~oligh't'"possib~Je\,to be directly connected with these plate bound·~.ar: ovements< _In .. so~'t-fi~rn British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest( the Pacific ;:and' ~h American plates ar-e separ- ated by the smp-H ind~pendent Juan·~ Fuca plate system. In this area the Juan de ~a<.p,J ate is -~ei:;rtg,)tri ven south-eastward and thrust beneath the North Amer;\an 'pl~te. ~.~southeast Alaska and northwestern British Columbia the Ju;~ d~1 E~ca plate is not present. The Pacific plate is being driven nort~ward, and abuts the North American plate with an inferred right lateral movement. Two major fault systems are present along the west coast of Alaska and British Columbia. One of the systems is the Denali fault system which is located inland and roughly parallels the coast. It extends from the northern port ion of southeast Alaska, westward for 1,600 miles. The eastern portion of the Denali system includes the Lynn Canal-Chatham Strait fault, Chilkat River fault, and the Shakwak Valley fault. The other system is the Queen Charlotte- Fairweather fault system which is located offshore and extends from near Vancouver Island northward to the northern portion of southeast Alaska. The Queen Charlotte fault, offshore of British Columbia and southeast Alaska, and the Fairweather fault, in the northern portion of southeast Alaska, are presently thought to represent the active boundary between -16- the Pacific and North American Plates. This zone which includes the Queen Charlotte, Chinakof-Baranof, Sandspit and Fairweather faults is a vertical to steeply dipping group of right lateral strike-slip transform faults. To the north, adjoined zones are thrust faults: the Transition fault and the Chugach-St. Alias fault. These thrust faults mark the zone where the Pacific Plate is subducted beneath the North American Plate. The relationship of these faults relative to the West Creek Hydroelectric Project is shown on Drawing 8. The individual faults are discussed below. 4.1.1 Queen Charlotte Fault ;-<'~~., ... ~ ~ .. The trace of the active Queen Charlotte faulC is marked by a narrow but highly active zone of seismicity as ~'1;1 on o'r~w\{!g 8. Fault plane solutions for events thought to be ce~,~~~d\along\~~trace show almost pure strike-slip motion (Mil~-~ othe\ .. 1~78). H~ver, analysis of geophysical data near the Qu~en .. Ch~tlotfe }slands indicates that the azimuth of th~ rightA' .. ateral st.:tke,~,s·l,i,p w~s N26°vJ _whereas topographic fault express1on wa~:, N'35°W;. , Th1s. WJU'W'( suggest a m1nor amount of under thrusting is,...,..a'ssociated with. the'"''fault zone, at least in this area / . ·.. . ··. .. (Milne and'>qthe·r 1978).\. 1'n}~ ... .fotal horizontal offset along the fault is unknown but t\~ .. t·~?j.l~~~t t~{e considerable (Yehle 1978). A recent study on the adjoini'~rrweather fault indicates horizontal movement may have begun as little as 100,000 years ago (Plafker and other 1978). If the two faults are continuous, then there would be a similar age for commencement of right-lateral movement. A major disadvantage with this assumption is the relatively minor amount of horizontal offset, only five to six kilometers, mapped on the Fairweather fault. 4.1.2 Fairweather Fault The Fairweather fault is generally considered a part of a long zone of rou~hly adjoined faults including the northern extension of the Queen Charlotte fault comprising the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates ( Pl afker and others, 1975). The onshore trace of the -17- Fairweather fault is a northwest trending depression which can be traced from Icy Point to the upper Seward Glacier. In the vicinity of Lituya Bay, the depression is nearly one kilometer in width. Early work sug~ gested that the northern end of the Fairweather fault continued to the northwest, crossing the St. Elias Mountains to join the Denali fault zone. Subsequent work indicates that sufficient offset does not exist along the Denali fault to accomodate offset known to have occurred along the Fairweather (Plafker and others 1978). Instead it probably merges with the Chugach-St. Elias fault system between Yakutat Bay and Icy Bay. To the south, the Fairweather trends offshore southeast of L ituya Bay where it is thought to join the Queen Charlotte Fault Zone. The onshore length of the Fairweather fault is ab9ut 125 miles. Along """' \ most of its length it juxtaposes late Mesozoic~tys~, melange and Ceno- zoic plutons to the southwest against the J~~etainb"'Phi:<:: and plutonic rock to the northeast ( Pl afker and others ~~) ·, The~;\~~~heast b 1 ock has been uplifted more than three mil,es. Movement along 1i:ff'e fault may have / "· ; started in the Middle Eocene (Y"~hle''~978). ·· Presently the Fairweat~.""fault is a -tra,ttsition fault zone with a dip- ..... \ ~ slip component.,......~Radi'o~arbon datin~~f Holocene features offset by the /' •, fault indica~·!:\ minimum avera,g~~:.displacement of 4.8 cm/yr to 5.8 em/ yr for the last 'in.~l-le~ni\Jm, w~j~h~_.,.corresponds well to the world-wide plate ''0 ·: . -. tectonic data fb.[ "the }'acific-North American plate boundary of 5.4 em/ yr. At this high'~ of movement the Fairweather would have changed to a ri ght-1 ateral fault only 100,000 years ago to accommodate the sug- gested 5.5 km of right lateral offset (Plafker and others 1978). Although a number of large events have been attributed to the Fair- weather fault, the most recent to be studied in detail as to its sur- ficial effects was the 7.9 magnitude earthquake of July 10, 1958. Dis- placements of 6.5 meters lateral and one meter dip-slip (6:1-7:1) were measured near Crillon Lake (Plafker and others 1978). The closest ap- proach of the Fairweather Fault to the project location is approximately 95 miles in the vicinity of Lituya Bay. -18- 4.1.3 Denali Fault System The Denali Fault System includes the Denali Fault in western and central Alaska, the Shakwak Fault in the Yukon, the Chilkat Fault in northern- most southeast Alaska and its southern continuation, the Chatham Strait- Lynn Canal Fault. Although mapped as separate segments of the Denali fault system, specific information regarding the Shakwak and Chil kat Rivers faults is sparse. The Denali fault system is observed as linear topographic depressions such as fiords and valleys. Movement along the fault is primarily right lateral strike slip and some of the faulting probably started before the Miocene and locally into the Holocene (Yehle l972l.--·,..· ... tn central Alaska, faulting includes normal, reverse and thrust c'pqn~n,ts (Brew, 1966). The total length of the Denali fault syst~1rlcl udin~\.t~\ Chatham Strait and Lynn Canal faults is 1300 mile;. Th'e,._ actv;.al De~;a~) fault is 870 miles in length. Recent displaceltf€irt\along 'tile<Denali fault system is 3 . . ... \ mm/yr compared to 3 cm/yr during the ·Holo~ene C~~J'g 1972). Displacement ,...,,.. . . ·' ··'.· in Quaternary deposits .,6tf"e obs.erved along th,e r~cKinley strand. Pleisto-, . \• .. .-> cene deposits s h~~--5 to' 7 km disp l ac~,nf: Holocene deposits show 200 meters displac~er\: ~Some vertic'a) scarps are 6 to 15 meters high (Berg 1972). \, •. . '';,_\ . ..., \,. :, \ ~ " ,, . :\ The Chilkat River'·\~ is interpreted as a continuation of a major strand of the Chatham Strait fault (Brew and others, 1966). The fault underlies and parallels the Chilkat River Valley and continues north- westward into Canada where it is assumed to connect with the Shakwak fault and ultimately with the Denali fault. The fault has a strong topographic expression and juxtaposing terranes with distinctive geo- logical and structural styles (MacKevett and others, 1974). There are suggestions that the fault dips steeply and the dominant displacement, at last during the later stages, was vertical. Information relative to the_time and amount of movement along the fault is sparse. It is thought faulting is Tertiary in age and may be as young as Miocene. No large earthquake epicenters have been located near the fault, however, a high microseismicity has been documented along the fault near Haines. -19- The closest approach of the Denali fault system is approximately 20 miles near Haines where the Chatham Strait-Lynn Canal fault joins the Chilkat extension of the Denali. 4.1.4 Chatham Strait-Lynn Canal Fault The Chatham Strait fault is interpreted as a possible continuation of the Denali fault system. Trending N7°W, the fault runs approximately 250 miles up the Chatham Strait and Lynn Canal to the northern border of southeast A 1 ask a where it joins other structures which comprise the Denali fault zone, a 1000-mile long plate boundary feature. It has been suggested that at least 123 miles of displacement has occurred along the Chatham Strait-Lynn Canal fault, but its age ~present activity are subject to debate. Recent studies indicate t~9-:t,, fb,e fault has been ac- tive si nee Miocene, while older studi e~~e pl-ac~ti"' -~{ert i ary or Creta- ceous date for the commencement of act'i~it,.Y\~Yehle \~'\,), and Twenhofel and Sainsbury 1958). Recent st).J<ft~s suggest that the only indication of ~ -. .. .. possible Holocene movement is along'the sou.th~rn end of Chatham Strait '. ''¢'"' west of Coronation Islptt. At this poin,t some deformation and faulted sediments were inter~:eted from seismjc~ofiles (Rogers 1976)~ A seis- mic monitori n~ . .rSystem ·.installed irl/~he general region in the fall of 1977 has ob~itle~ no dat~ -~~4ndicate activity along Chatham Strait (Milne l980).~ow~veY., re2/nt seismic hazard studies completed in the area have inter~~~~~~hese features as active. The closest approach of this fault to the ~ject site is about 20 miles south southwest. 4.1.5 Chinakof-Baranof Fault The Chinakof-Baranof fault is interpreted as a south-southeasterly splay of the Fairweather fault system at approximate latitude 58°20'. Numer- ous epicenters located along its inferred trace indicates it is present- ly an active seismic zone. Since it is so closely related to the Fair- weather fault system and no divergent fault place solutions were found on the east side of that fault zone, it is reasonable to assume it is also a transform fault (Milne and others 1978). The closest approach of this fault to the project site is approximately 100 miles to the south- west in the vicinity of Cross Sound where the Peril Strait, Fairweather and Chinakof-Baranof fault approximately merge. -20- 4.1.6 Peril Strait Fault The Peril Strait fault is interpreted as a splay of the Fairweather fault system (Platter and others, 1967). Trending northwesterly, the Peril Strait fault joins the Fairweather fault in the vicinity of Cross Sound. Movement along the fault is right laterial and is interpreted to be a part of the Pacific North American plate boundary zone. Dis- placement along the fault is approximately ll kilometers since the late Cretaceous. The closest approach of this fault to the project site is approximately 100 miles. 4.1.7 Other Faults The Chaix Hills, Coal Glacier and the Chugah-St.?,,.,Jlias faults are lo-_.,...,. .,. cated west of the project site on the order ~-" 20Q miles. As shown on Drawing 10, the area is characterized_)~\? 1~~9·, ~mber of earthquake epicenters. They have been i nterprete~:~as·,· t~[ust f~~~ t}s associ a ted with the Fairweather fault system (P}Eff..,ker 19.82).,/''' V ( :, ·.· ,, ; . ~~, \~~ \_ The Boundry fault i s,.,...a"ho cons.jde,.r~d >.a ~';~ off of the Fairweather 4-·, • ..-, ..., fault. The fault i§, presently ihte'fpr".e(ed as ancient. No movement was noted along t.fl'e'."faul t a~ a res.ult ·~Yt the 1899 earthquake \'/hose epicenter ./' . . ., ; is near the\faltlt (Plafk~_r'{~· "'-, ·~ ,, '·' -~.,.. \ \ ~-\ The King Salmo\ 'lng}Nahl in faults are located east of the project in Canada. The Nah~fault has been traced almost continuously for a dis- tance of 250 miles. A minimum vertical displacement of 20,000 feet has been speculated as taking place since middle Jurassic. The King Salmon fault trends west-northwesterly, almost parallel and south of the Nahlin fault. The King Salmon fault is interpreted as an old thrust fault and not presently active. An intrusion interpreted as being approximately 140 million years old cross cuts the fault and exhibits no faulting or shearing (Souther, 1972). The Hubart fault (Art Lewis fault) is located north of Yakutat Bay. The fault is considered an old suture zone. The fault has been annealled by an intrusive which is interpreted as being 140 million years old (Dodds, 1982). -21- The Gastineau fault trends northwest through Gastineau channel near Juneau to Berners Bay and into Lynn Canal. ~1ost investigators connect the Lynn Canal and the Gastineau faults. In the Juneau area careful inspection of Pleistocene sediments has resulted in the conclusion that no post-Pleistocene movement has taken place in that vicinity (Miller, 1972). 4.2 REGIONAL LINEAMENTS Throughout southeast Alaska there are numerous 1 inear features repre- sented by aligned topographic features such as valleys, drainage chan- nels, fiords and straits. A larger number of these features are repre- sented by water courses. A plot of epicenter i..Pfoi;nation and feature <:' .· location generally show little or no correlation .. ~,T~ major lineaments within the region of the project are dis~d bela~~<::\\. '((· ' _,.. '.,. . ... ·' ..•• "' > p /'\ ' ') ·l·' 4.2.1 Coast Range Megalineament(, ·-.,_ " .. \ ,··, \. } 4f~; "" ' ~: . v The Coast Range megal -k(e~ents orgi,,nat.es,~proximately 50 miles south of the West Creek ... P.l::{lject··~ite at. Poiru~herman. The megalineanient is a major structri:(~l::·and to'pograR& feature which roughly parallels the western edge of,th,e,Co.p.st ~e batholithic complex. From its junction with the Chatha~~~-~{t~~i~-Lynn Canal fault at Point Sherman, it trends in ~ 1 a southeasterly di,\e(tion for 370 miles across southeast Alaska to Work Canal and Chatham Sound-Grenville Canal in British Columbia (Twenhofel and Sainsbury 1958, and Brew and Ford 1978). Although there are areas of limited lateral and vertical separation along the lineament, it does not appear to be a major fault structure but a zone of closely spaced joints, foliation, compositional layering and small faults which has been accentuated by fluvial and glacial erosion (Brew and Ford 1978). This zone varies from a few meters to six miles in width, and more than one major strand of the megalineament has been recognized in several areas. The most notable occurrence is the bifurcation of the main strand just north of Endicott Arm. The more northerly splay trends southeast- erly along the arm rejoining the more southerly strand near Thomas Bay. In 1929 the southern strand was mapped as a thrust fault (Twenhofel and -22- Sainsbury 1958). More recently a five to 15 meter wide gouge zone has been mapped between quartzite units within a granet-biotite schist just south of this strand (Brew and Ford 1978). A six-mile right-lateral offset has been suggested based on the separation of zones of equa 1 grades of metamorphism, however, these zones are nearly vertical and poorly controlled in the area. At Burroughs Bay near the north end of Revillagigedo Island, a 0.5-mile gouge zone coincides with the entrance of the lineament into Behm Canal. Holocene allvial deposits overlying portions of this zone show no evidence of recent movement (Berg 1980). South of Rudyard Bay where the 1 i neament comes onshore, field evidence indicates it is not a fault. Canadian investigations have classified the southern extension of the lineament into the Work Canal area of British Columbia as a fault. _....!.#1'/!'f"~:,., t'-~. \. As a surficial feature the Coast Range li~'t is cd'Rs,~red late Ple- istocene. Although no post-Pl ei s~cene '\Ni'ij.e~e ex~~~~ to indicate faulting was a major cont ri but or (o Jne format ~n of the 1 i neament, it \:. . . ... . . ~-~ . ··\. may have occurred (Brew and Ford 19?81~ \;r:here'\~~)no strong evidence to indicate that the line~;1s acticv:e.:}n.,,.~~as where it is mapped as a fault. \ '\~ ... (=>\ ·. ·\,·~ Recent i nterpreta,t i'oh,s 'as td\~-l'le origin of the 1 i neament suggest that the Coast Range l''i~~amejt is an upward projection of the deep-seated boundary between rel~ely thin predominately metamorphic crustal rocks and the thicker, more granitic crust to the east (Brew and Ford 1978). 4.2.2 Glacier Bay Lineament The Glacier Bay lineament trends northwesterly from Chatham Strait through Icy Strait and Glacier Bay. The basis for the linament is ap- parently the semi-linear trend of the waterways. Geophysical profiling completed in the vicinity of the lineament has exhibited no evidence of faulting or at least surface rupture (Plafker, 1982). -23- 4.3 REGIONAL SEISMICITY Southeast Alaska lies within a seismically active zone which is located within or adjacent to the west coast of Canada and Alaska. In the re- gion of the West Creek Hydroelectric project the major earthquakes occur to the south and west towards the Pacific Ocean. A regional plot of earthquake epicenters, known faults, and lineaments are shown on Drawing 10. The concentration of earthquakes epicenters generally occur west- ward from general location of the Chilkat fault offshore to the general vicinity of the Fairweather fault system. The Fairweather fault is 1 ocated offshore approximately 95 miles from the project site. The Chilkat and Chatham Strait-Lynn Canal faults are located approximately 20 miles from the project site. /.""-:·~~'. <'. ·-· The earthquake epicenters shown on Draw~.10 were ~tai ned from 1 i st- ings by National Geophysics and Solar 'er~.~strial o\t}:.Center of NOAA, ., 5. ;, '::V" and from the Pacific Geoscience Ce,.r;~;tre, E~rtht~hysics Branch, Department ./ ', ·, \ of Energy Mines and Resources It Sidney, B':\; .. ;'~Canada. information is for the period start in·;<. 1899 '{;;d going for the Canadian listipg~nnd 1980 fo; ~he_.,·#OAA listing. •;, ' \,/}' The earthquake up through 1978 The earthquak~.tf~~~ivity is.a~,t,ts}Pated to be actually higher than that noted. It is a.-~sunied 'that n\~ earthquakes were not detected because of the 1 ack of stai~~;,~';·a~ sparse population. Seismograph stations are widely spaced. Th~~ka, Alaska station has been in operation since 1904. A station was installed at Whitehorse and at Kluane Lake in the Yukon in 1975 (Lahr, 1982). Within a 100-mile radius of the project site, there have been a total of approximately 128 seismic events recorded between 1899 and 1980. This figure does not include 12 additional events which have been interpreted as representing duplications. Of the 128 seismic events, 55 were magni- tudes 2.5 and 3.4, 50 events between 3.5 and 4.4, 23 events between 4.5 and 5.4, 8 events between 6.5 and 7.4, and one event greater than 7.5. ~/ithin a 20-mile radius of the project site only four seismic events -24- have been recorded. These four events consist of two between the magni- tudes of 2.5 and 3.4, and one event each in the ranges of 3.5 to 4.4, and 4.5 and 5.4. In addition, a single event with a magnitude range of 5.5 to 6.4 was recorded just beyond the 20 mile radius. In recorded history there have been numerous seismic events which have been felt in the Skagway area (Yehle, Lemke 1972). A brief description of the major events are listed below: 1899 In September of 1899, five earthquakes were felt in the Skag- way area. The first occurred on September 4 and was located near Icy Bay, approximately 240 miles we$ot'"-pf the project site. An estimated intensity of VII ha(b~e-~\given at Skag- way and is reported to have caus<1:evere ~'ne.k\ng. On Sep- tember 10, two earthquakes were rei{prt,.eql~ felt ~~i ng cracked chimneys and only two b~~:.~.gs ~~p~o'\ted escaping damage. The epicenters for these\ e~\:h~.uake\)Pve been located a short distance ~.q{ Yaku;at>.J_,~~~~· approximately 170 mi 1 es west Of the pr~:~tt,./ Sl t,~. Qr-v.:~etftember 16th, an earthquake occurr~~h apparently~ resulted in submarine sliding and damage\~~:~~, ?Ra.~wa~'>.,~ojb ... >This was follm·Jed by another quake on Septeml?e'r,.'''Ft:~. ): Seatt 1 e paper reported an earthquake occurring \-Qri'''~ o.Jober 4th which resulted in the shifting of several buil~g foundations in Skagway. 1900 On October 9, 1900 on earthquake occurred near Icy Bay and very near the September 4, 1899 epicenter. An assigned in- tensity of VI to VI I was given at Skagway. The earthquake was located approximately 240 miles west of the project site. 1903 On July 26, 1903, an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.2 oc- curred with an epicenter location approximately 200 miles west southwest of the project. Information does not indicate any record that this earthquake was felt in Skagway. -25- 1909 On May 6, 1909 an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 occurred with an epicenter near the Alaska coast and a short distance south of Yakutat Bay. The epicenter has been located approx- imately 148 miles west of the project site. There is no re- cord that this earthquake was felt in Skagway. 1927 On October 24, 1927 an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 occurred off the coast of Alaska along the Fairweather fault zone. Its epicenter is approximately 155 miles south southwest of the project site and offshore of Baranof Island. There is a questionable account of this event being felt in the vicinity of Skagway. ----~·~·(~ .. \~ 1944 On February 3, 1944 an earthquake of ~gnitude 6.5 occurred along the Chilkat fault of the~ali fault'~. system. This event was 1 ocated in the Yukon a)~rh~i~ate ly'-"'~~~ . miles north- west of the project sit~;,T,~,ere i'sa ~q'uestion&l5 e account of this event being felt in~'Skagway (Yeh)e\ 1972). ~· " '·. '~ 1958 On July 10, 19'58~'-an earthquak~. &f)magnitude 7.9 occurred east of L~~'-Bay approx im.at.ely~if5 miles southwest of the project site.'-<\"'th,i·~ ·;: thtt~_,s?recent earthquake to cause damage in the Ska\yict:Xf-re,a. -~haking was in a north-south direction and caused s~crete foundations to crack and many landslides occurred along the valley sides. Two abnormal sea waves reached Skagway although no damage occurred to the harbor facilities. However, submarine landslides caused submarine communication cables to break. This earthquake broke the surface in the vicinity of :he epicenter and accounted for 21-1/2 feet of right lateral movement and 3-1/2 feet of ver- tical slip along the Fairweather fault. 1973 On July 1, 1973 an earthquake of magnitude 6. 7 occurred off the coast of Alaska near the north end of Baranof Island ap- proximately 140 miles southv1est of the project site. There is no account of it being felt in Skagway. The event has been associated with movement along the Fairweather fault zone. -26- 4.4 PROJECT FAULTS AND LINEAMENTS During this phase II investigation for the West Creek Hydroelectric Pro- ject and regional geologic studies completed by others, no faults have been defined which have offset either Pleistocene or Holocene age sedi- ments (Yehle,. Lemke 1972). There are numerous 1 inear features which have been identified in the general project area. Many of these areas are reflected in linear waterways, inlets or river valleys. Some of these lineaments have been designed as inferred faults. If they are proven to be faults, it is thought that they would be no older than middle Tertiary and no younger than the 1 ast major Quaternary period of gl aci at ion. The 1 arger of the features consist of the inferred Chilkoot Inlet(:"aU'l'~, Ferebee River lineament, Taiya River lineament, Skagway RiX Hneamettt. and the Kat- zehin River Delta-Upper Dewey Lake lineama~.··t(''~T.~ese ,~~\res generally are int.erpreted to be northern e~,ions\.~f·~t)e Lynn'\~nal-Chilkoot Inlet 11 neaments. ' -~ '·· \, -~ ·~. -:.· ... ·., \~) The inferred Chilkoot fi\~~ends n'c>..rt.hw~ard, parallel and beneath the Chilkoot Rive~J,all~)~ ln'~·~ddit~ to the linear nature of the valley, large b(cfr.o~.k·Jandslides. ti'jve been reported which may suggest ., '., . . .., -:,;'" faulting (Yehle ~.821 ··Hpweve~recent mapping in the area indicates no \: . ' offset in geologic\tJrittsJacross the valley. In addition, geophysical profiling in the Chif~ and Lutak Inlets have produced no evidence of faulting (Plafker 1982). The inferred Ferebee and Taiya River faults are based solely on the evidence of linearity. No direct evidence is available at this time which indicates a fault. Like the inferred Chilkoot fault, the geology is reported to be continuous across the Ferebee and Taiya valleys. In addition, geophysical profiling in the Taiya and Chilkoot Inlets reveal no .evidence of faulting (Plafker 1982). The inferred Skagway River fault parallels and lies beneath the Skagway Valley. As with the other inferred faults, the evidence is indirect and -27- is primarily based on the linearity of the valley. North in Canada, the feature merges with other structures which have been mapped as faults (Yehle, Lemke 1972). The Katzehin River Delta-Uppe~ Dewey Lake lineament is represented by a very prominent north-trending lineament. The feature can be traced for approximately 35 miles from the Katzehin River Delta on the Chilkoot Inlet, northward and parallel with the Taiya Inlet through Upper Dewey Lake, Goat Lake and northward into Canada. The trend of this feature approximates the genera 1 trend of region a 1 joint sets ( Yeh 1 e, Lemke 1972). /"\ '· c -28- 5. PROJECT GEOLOGY The West Creek drainage has been investigated by the United States Geo- logical Survey in 1962 as a potential hydroelectric site. The investi- gation consisted of a reconnaissance-level geologic examination of a possible dam site, reservoir area, and the area of appurtenant struc- tures. The 1962 study identified a dam site which is approximately similar to that investigated during this phase II investigation. The results of the Geological Survey investigation indicate a generally favorable conclusion from a geotechnical standpoint for hydroelectric development of the drainage (Callahan, Wayland 1965) • .r" _..,-.~ -·l The West Creek Hydroelectric Project would be }6ca1;.~d in the West Creek .:. •' drainage near its confluence with the ~ya 'River~·"' The West Creek draina:e is. approximatel.y ten miles i~en~t.~ and\.'(~l~s easterly into the Ta1ya R1ver. Approx1mately three m1le~ doWfistream~f the confluence of West Creek, the Taiya River ~h~~ into;·T;t¥.a Inlet. Taiya Inlet is a long, narrow fiord-like extension ~f·,:~hilk'~ Inlet and Lynn Canal. The West Creek Valley p;rcates in. i~s )~per reaches and glaciers oc- cupy each of the valle}s.. In. t~e ar~$-J'of the dam site, a bedrock ridge trends diagonaV~across the vall>Y generally dividing the drainage into two distinct g~o~orphk areas·.~;''""setween the upper reaches of the drain-.... · .. \ ·,._/ age and the becfl:'ock :ri'dge, the valley is steep-walled with a valley ,, ., ~" I floor characterized\ a .. ...t:.eing relatively broad, poorly-drained and with 't.;>"yu very little relief. This flatter portion of the valley has an elevation change of approximately 125 feet in a distance of about three miles. The gradient is somewhat steeper further upstream. Downstream of the dam site, West Creek is generally located in a bedrock channel with an elevation change of about 590 feet in approximately 2-1/2 river miles. The project location is underlain by granodiorite bedrock belonging to the multi-phase batholith complex of Cretaceous age which intruded Paleozoic to Mesozoic age metamorphic rock units (Brew,. Morrell 1980). These metamorphic units are now only preserved as roof pendants and thin layers within the intrusive complex. The last major orogeny, which began during the early Tertiary time, has caused uplift, folding and faulting, thus has resulted locally in a complex structural configura- tion. -29- Glacial action in the West Creek drainage has resulted in the general scouring of the landform, including the removal or modification of any pre-glacial soil mantle. In addition, it is probable that near-surface y--lfl' . zones of weak, weathered and/or fractured rock .was' removed by scour and plucking. The most obvious effect of the glacial action has been the overdeepening of the upper West Creek drainage. Based on a projection of the valley walls, it is anticipated that the thickness of sediments in the upper valley caul d be well in excess of 200 feet. After the retreat of the glacier, the ridge near the dam site formed a barrier resulting in the formation of a lake. Eventually, the water spilled over the ridge, subsequently channelized in its/pf'~sent location. Gla- cial debris and alluvium slowly filled the (~ke basin to its present level. The level of infilling was cont~'l.ed by \~~{reek channel ele- vat ion near the dam site. ( ···. , \. ) :\ ··,!.( 5.1 BEDROCK ~-, .., Bedrock is generally /X posed around ·"t·w)' perimeter of the reservoir, within the area of th~~-.d,am sit-e, pow.efhouse and along the major portion r···•, .•. of the viest Creel channel downstb:!am of the dam site. \. .. . ·. ' .. ~ "\:. . ·~ ;.~J, ·.~,, The predominant .. ',r,otk __ 't1es within the project is granitic crystalline rocks, primarily -...,~diorite, previous investigation observed small exposures of diorite. Diorite was identified by petrologic examination of core recovered from boring DH 104. Several fine-grained mafic dikes which intrude the granodiorite have been observed in borings and outcrop exposures. They have been observed as ranging in size from one to five feet in thickness. Physically, the granodiorite is light gray, medium-grained, slightly weathered to unweathered with widely-spaced fractures. hard, Some of these fractures have been hydrothermally altered and/or weathered pro- ducing a gray-green or orange col or in the granodiorite. The mafic dikes are of andesite composition, gray green in color, fine-grained, slightly weathered to unweathered and hard with medium to closely spaced -30- fractures. The general trend of these dikes is N5°E to N50°E and dip- ping 60° to 80°S. The age of these dikes are thought to be Quaternary age (Barker 1952). Three joints sets have been identified. The primary joint set trends between N65°E and N80°E and dips between 60° and 85° to the south. A secondary joint set strikes between N30°E and N35°E and dips between 60° and 85° to the south. Another secondary joint set trends between N35°W and N45°W and dips approximately 80° either side of vertical. In the powerhouse area, another joint set was identified trending approximately north-south and dipping between 55° and 70° to the east. In addition to these tectonic joints, it is anticipated that relief or sheeting joints will be present. These joints generally are parallel or subparallel to rock surface and are the result of exfoliation or st~ss relief. ,_.?" ) c· ,: 'l· ·'"· '*t Detail examination of the surface exposu~~d rock\cb\e exhibits frac- ture spacing ranging from very widely tt> ex~r.~mely ~~~e-spaced. Ex- , ,. ' " ;; tremely close-spaced fra:tured prel\,was g-ener:a'lly en6e'Untered beneath areas marked by surface lineament's. These zo·oe~ are anticipated to vary '!. ' ., 't· .~;.. in width from a few fe~""ff'\approximately )00 f"eet. ~. ,:·:, ' ' :' . ....---='"' 5.2 OVERBUR~· . ' ~~ +~ ·\;> "*;__ z \ ,, ), , . .,. .. In general, the\~e'ct'~pc~ is ~ant led with varying thicknesses of overbur- den materials. T~~rburden thickness is generally less on the valley walls and downstream from the dam site to the powerhouse sites. Thin deposits, on the order of a few feet, generally mantled most of the area which is indicated a bedrock on the geologic maps. The thicker overbur- den deposits are located in the proposed reservoir area and along West Creek approximately midway between the dam and powerhouse sites and in the Taiya River Valley. These overburden materials include terrace deposits, glacial moraines, recent alluvium and talus deposits. A very limited exposure of glacial drift was observed near the dam site. -31- 5.2.1 Glacial Drift The oldest exposed overburden unit observed at the project site is a glacial drift. A small exposure of glacial drift was observed in the vicinity of the right dam abutment. It is thought to be a relic of a more extensive deposit which was subsequently eroded by West Creek. Glacial drift is very dense, unstratified mixture of silt, sand and gravel with some cobbles and was deposited directly beneath the glacier. Subsequent overriding by glacial ice resulted in overconsolidation of these sediments. 5.2.2 Terrace Deposits Terrace deposits are present in the vicinity ~--t'tl~\ bend in the river approximately one-half mile downstream of the da!Jl si~ and in the vicin- ity of alternative powerhouse 3. The ~:its ne~t~t¥ river bend are poorly exposed and are not anticipated.·to:be\of gr~\!)thickness. The deposits near alternative powe~se.3 are::mo;t prono~nced with moder- u.tely well-defined terr~~-. levels at ·ap.prox~'~ elevations of 300, 200 and 100 feet. These ('deposits are':: w·eil.:-e~osed in roadcuts of· the West ,. ·.' v Creek access r:q.a-d. I:n these. expo,.~es, the terrace deposits consist primarily of<t)f~.R's.e sand, sil_t~.)nd and gravel. Based on the projection of the bedroc~\su.(fac~, th~ deposits may range upwards on the order of ' .' .... 100 to 150 feet'~~kness. 5.2.3 Glacial Moraines Lateral and end moraine deposits are present in the upper West Creek drainage and are actively being deposited by glaciers. The deposits consist of a homogeneous mixture of clay, silt, sand and gravel with numerous boulders. An overburden deposit in the vicinity of alternative powerhouse 2 has been tentatively identified as a morainal deposit. Based on the results of borings DH 109 and DH 110 and limited surface exposures, the deposit consists of subangular to subrounded boulders up to three feet in diam- eter with c. matrix of silt, sand and gravel. The deposit forms a bulge -32- on the west side of the Taiya Valley at the mouth of West Creek. With the exception of this deposit, the west wall of the Taiya Valley is relatively uniform. Based on the results of the drilling and a seismic refraction study, the deposit ranges upwards on the order of 100 feet in thickness. A thickness of 117 feet was encountered in boring DH 109. Low compressional wave velocities determined during the seismic refrac- tion study indicate that the material is relatively loose and probably of 1 ow density. Severa 1 we 11-deve 1 oped terrace 1 eve 1 s were observed at approximate elevations of 250 feet, 175 feet and 45 feet indicating the deposit has been modified by flowing water. 5. 2. 4 A 11 uv i urn /\ Recent alluvium is present in the West Creek..)..rainage upstream of the proposed dam site and in limited amounts indhe,existi~~,.~·~, ek channel. ' \ In addition, there are some small ex~ures a,short dista downstream from the dam site. In addition, th( T~tya Rive~, 'V-alley is underlain by recent alluvium. Exposuresy.tthe recent.alluvhu~are limited. How- ever, based on these expos:¢res, 'the a 11 uvium d>ns i sts of bedded deposits ' . '<li" of sand, gravel and .c,o.bbles with varying\.,.afhounts of silt. In the upper West Creek draina.{;·"jill .. d '·upstre.am.ot_)ile dam site, it is anticipated that the coarser sand 'a.nd' 'grav,e 1 w~~-is exposed at the surface wi 11 be --.. ~ \:;. \. . ·, underlain at depth fY_x"" 'fJny-grained lacustrine deposits. An electrical resistivity survey was~pleted as part of the borrow exploration in- dicates that the boundary between the coarse-and fine-grained sediments may be on the order of 25 feet below the ground surface. 5.2.5 Talus Deposits Upstream of the dam site and in the proposed reservoir area, the lower valley sides are mantled with cone-shaped deposits of talus. Talus de- posits primarily consist of rock fragments ranging from sand size to several feet in size. There is generally a matrix of loose soil between the rock fragments. The surf4ce of the deposits is generally steep with slopes near their natural angle of repose. The source of the rock frag- ments is the bedrock exposures higher up on the valley sides. The rock -33- fragments become detached by the freezing and thawing of water which has penetrated the fractures of the bedrock. It is anticipated that these deposits may reach a maximum thickness of several tens of feet. 5.3 DAM SITE Geologic conditions at the dam site were explored by surficial mapping, air photo interpretation and six borings, DH-102 through DH-107. In ad- dition, five seismic refraction traverses, SL-6 through SL-10 were com- pleted in the damsite area. The location of the explorations and dam site geology is shown on Drawing 5. The location~~orientation of the borings were selected to explore specific f~ur~~ such as surface lineaments and conditions beneath the Wes~~ek ch~ho,~\~\ ., . 't,'\,-¥~ 5. 3.1 Geology !~. -~ ;/' Bedrock is interpreted as<""'-@eing at or very near the ground surface in / . ' the general vicinity of<the dam site. Gene·Fally, there is a thin mantle < ,-, ,. ,;_) of overburden in ,..t.he form of talus,•""alluvium and/or organic debris. ,4' ., ~ . ~ Bedrock outcrop:~ are generally restricted to steeper slopes and· the area immediately adja'cent to '.the ~t Creek channel. The predominant rock \ ' ' ' type at the dam !;,its' g..f-ea is granodiorite. A. thin, approximately ~ .., four-foot wide andesi1t€" dike was encountered in boring DH 102. The major structural property of the bedrock is the joint sets. Three joint sets were identified in the area of the dam site and are summar- ized in a joint rosette on Figure 5-2. The joint rosette is an upper hemisphere polar joint plot and its derivation is shown on Figure 5-L The primary joint set strikes approximately N70°E and dips between 70° and 80° toward the south. Two less prominent joint sets were also observed. These less prominent joint sets strike approximately N30°E and N35°W and dip 70° to 75° to the south and near-vertical, respective- ly. The presence of a low angle joint was occasionally observed. This is not interpreted as a true tectonic joint, but a parting in the bed- rock which is caused by exfoliation and/or a stress relief. These joints or fractures are anticipated to be a near-surface characteristic and to roughly parallel the bedrock surface. c 0 '" u :0 ;;;J c. 2 "0 CD > 0 c. c. < ., ... ..... "' ,., D 0 z ::f rr 0 1/.. Reference Sphere The attitudes of joint planes are represented by a reference sphere used to define dips and strike of joint pl ane'Siil space in Figure 1. The shaded edge portion of this plane is known as the great circle, which uniquely defines the dip and strike of the joint plane in space. Since the same infor- mation is given on both upper and 1 ower parts of the sphere, only one of these need be used and, in engi- neering applications, the upper hemisphere is used shown in Fi- gure 2. Great Circle In addition to the great circle, the in- clination and orien-~· tation of the join~?~ ·. plane can also be deC · , fined by the ~ of, the joint pl_.pJt€ •. The pole is ti).e~· point at which the\ surface .of the sphere '-is pierced by the radi>Rl · .1 ine '."' which is nonna'hto t.~e j joint plane. ~ · ~ --;,._ ,)~ "t.,_.._: In order to commlfni- cate the infonnation given by the great circle and the posi- tion of the joint pole on the surface of the upper hemisphere, a two-dimensional repre- sentation is obtained by projecting the in- formation onto the horizontal reference plane known as polar egual-area stereonet shown in Figure 3. Figure 1 Figure 3 Pole Projection of Joint Pole Vertical Projection Line EXPLANATION OF UPPER HEMISPHERE POLAR JOINT PLOT HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates Inc. @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants Project No. 81-5165 Figure No. 5-1 c -~ co u :0 ::> 0. w LEGEND UPPER HEMISPHERE POLAR PLOT ./'. <z •C: .. N •. .. \ " \yi?' --v:·} s ---1.0-% of joint poles within contour Total Population: 499 joint attitudes E JOINT ROSETTE-RIGHT & LEFT ABUTMENT COMPOSITE HAlilcS-SKAG,JAY REGIO,lAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~ Skagway, klaska ~ for R,~J. t3ed: and 1-\ssociates, Inc. D i ~ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants 0 .. Project No. 81-5165 FigurP No. 5-2 -34- The left abutment area was explored by three borings, DH 102 through DH 104, and by seismic refraction traverses SL-6 and SL-8. Boring DH 104 was inclined beneath the West Creek channel. Bedrock is exposed at the surface or was encountered at shallow depths. The bedrock is generally unweathered below a depth of five feet and widely-spaced fractures and occasional zones of closely-spaced fractures. A gray-green, medium fractured, andesite dike was encountered between approximate depths of 40 to 45 feet in boring DH 102. The right abutment was explored by three borings, DH 105 through DH 107, and seismic refraction traverses SL-7, SL-9 an~lO. Similar to the 1 eft abutment, bedrock is exposed at the surf~1 \o:(~was encountered at a shallow depth. The bedrock is genera~unwea\he~d below five feet with widely-spaced fractures and occ~iQfal zon;~\2\extremely close fractures with some being slick(Qn ided ahd infilled w~ clay. In addi- tion, there are zones of medi m ~h'ard rock. which have been hydrother- .~., ' ~~ mally altered. Borings DH 105 ar)d DH, 107 wer~"'oriented to intersect the subsurface ex tens i ons~urface 1 ,i neam~.r~ts. The 1 i neaments are inter- preted as the surface ·~xpres si on of·._J.8ck having a lower quality. Boring DH 107 enco~d .. zones of .~·~JY close fractured and/or sheared rock beneath the g\[le'ral areas bf_.,,surface 1 i neaments. Some of the very close '\. '\.: ,__ :\ ~ fracture zones ·~h i,b:ited s 1 i ckens i ded fractures with gouge and c 1 ay in- ·~· .... / f i 11 • "\:../', ... Geologic conditions beneath the West Creek channel were explored by bor- ing DH 104. This boring was located on the left abutment and inclined beneath the creek channel. An extremely close fractured and/or shear zone was encountered of approximately 140 feet and 155 feet along the drill hole. This zone is located beneath the active creek channel and along with the linearity of the West Creek channel suggests that the creek may be structurally controlled. Based on interpretation of the boring data, the estimated depth to sound rock below the rock surface measured at right angles ranges between zero and five feet on the right abutment and five to ten feet on the 1 eft abutment. An approximate sound rock line is shown on the damsite sec- tion, Drawing 6. -35- As previously indicated, there is generally a thin mantle of overburden over the bedrock. Immediately upstream of the dam site, the thickness of overburden increases. Based on the results of seismic refraction traverse SL-6, bedrock dips steeply downward in an upstream direction. The seismic information indicates that the overburden thickness is on the order of 85 feet near the end of the traverse. Based on 1 imited exposures, this alluvium is anticipated to consist primarily of sand and gravel with possibly silt and clay at depth. A relatively small area of alluvium was mapped downstream of the dam site between an approximate distance of 500 and 1,400 feet. Alluvium is also present in the active stream channel. The results of boring DH 104 near the dam site indicate that a deep erosi anal channel does not exist in tj;t"'""~'irea. It is judged that the thickness of river alluvium in the dam\J-t~\.·~ea may be on the order of 20 feet. /~ '\, "\ ~. ·( " \. '<\:, :, .-',\ '\~ 5.4 SPILLWAY ··. .;~ ';) Two potential spillway s~ave b~eri: identjfied. The initial site is lJcated in a topographic<..loti"o~' the left,.atJGtment, north of the proposed -,, , ~--~,~ .. ··' . dam axis. Th~~···'· ··n~tive, .. sp.i.l,~w.~y _s'ite is located on a topographic bench on the r1 t ~~pb~tm.ent a sh~·ll'( d1 stance south of the proposed dam. ": . " ··~, -.....:._~~-· .. \ . '':. ·. 5.4.1 Left Abutment',~pi\hay . -~· \~ ... ,.. The left abutment spillway was explored by geologic mapping, boring DH 101, and seismic refraction traverse SL-5. Boring DH 101 was oriented so as to cross the primary joint set at approximately a right angle and to explore at depth a potential surface lineament. Bedrock is well exposed along the margins of the topographic low on the steeper slopes. The bedrock, 1 ike elsewhere, consists of a granodio- rite, slightly weathered and hard with generally widely-spaced frac- tures. The results of the seismic refraction traverse and boring DH 101 indicate that where overburden exists, it is relatively thin and only a few feet in thickness. The presence of occasional potholes in the bedrock surface suggests that this topographic low was probably a high level outlet for a preglacial lake prior to the establishment of West Creek in its present channel. -36- 5.4.2 Right Abutment Spillway The alternative right abutment spillway site was explored by geologic mapping, borings DH 105 through DH 107, and by seismic refraction tra- verses SL-7, SL-9 and SL-10. Borings DH 105 and DH 106 were oriented so as to cross the primary joint sets and to explore at depth a surface 1 i neament. Bedrock is exposed only on a few steep slopes. In other areas, bedrock is mantled with a thin layer of overburden. At the boring locations, the thickness of overburden ranges from approximately two to ten feet. Based on the interpretation of the seismic refr~c;~on traverses, the overburden thickness generally ranges between f~~a~d ten feet. At the ...... 1--.~ •. boring locations, the overburden consiste~{ a ~u~a~ layer of forest duff underlain by medium dense silty sa~ ·()[ ~andy ~\Jt\ Boring DH 107 encountered a hydrothermally al te~:.nd. e)-t;e'~·~y to v~>(y c 1 ose ly frac- tured zone between a depth of ap~{~,1~~ely 3~ ~:~d 41 feet, and between 49 and 58 feet. It is ~ught fhat ·these alt"ered and fractured rock zones may reflect concJt{i.?Q~',for ~;he. to'pg.gtaphic 1 i neament observed at ~. the ground surface. '\ , ·._./~ ~~. . ' 5. 5 WEST CREEK\I(IV~R~IQ~ ·: ,,.,.)'·-.,,/ ·~~ '· \, \.,) It appears 1 ikely t~~""West Creek could be diverted by either a diver- sion tunnel or possibly by channeling through the dam structure. Topo- graphically and physically, it appears that a diversion tunnel could be driven in either abutment. No exploration other than the damsite borings, seismic refraction surveys and geologic mapping was completed relative to the diversion structure. 5.5.1 Geology Bedrock is exposed intermittently throughout the genera 1 damsite area. The exception to the thin overburden is upstream of the dam axis on the left abutment where seismic refraction traverse SL-6 indicates that the bedrock surface dips steeply downward in an upstream direction with -37- overburden thickness ranging upwards on the order of 85 feet. On the right abutment, the results of boring DH 107 and seismic refraction traverse SL-7 indicate that bedrock is covered by a generally thin mantle of overburden, on the order of five to ten feet. Bedrock in the area of the diversion structure is anticipated to be the same as that described for the dam site. The rock will be granodio- rite, slightly weathered to unweathered, hard, with widely-spaced fractures. Zones of closely or extremely closely fractured rock are anticipated along with occasional andesite dikes. "' .... ~,,..,..-\ _,:!' ... <' 5.6 POWER TUNNEL Four potential power tunnel alternativ~~e being 1/hfsidered. Alterna- tives 1, 2 and 3 are located south of ;West Creek wh,ii\ alternative 4 is 1 ocated north of West Creek. ah. alte~nati ~e sche,~ include a surge ill .' ·...... \ tank or shaft near t~o_werho1.;~e ~rid_ of tQ_.;)tunnel. Alternatives 1, 2 and 3 consist of t~s~me ·9-lignm~nt b~tween the dam site and surge tank. "-'.· .. . ' ... ,P~ The vari at~~urs \~ownstr~am ovhe surge tank where the al i_gnment is governed b\_ t~e srl ect~d p:~house scheme. Power tunnel alignments 1 and 2 connec\ to\po*l,lerh~~ sites on the south side of Fa 11 s Creek while power tunnel -~nt 3 swings northward crossing beneath West Creek connecting to a powerhouse site on the north side of West Creek. Power tunnel alternative 4 is located north of West Creek and connects to the powerhouse site on the north side of West Creek. At the time of the field investigations, only the alternatives on the south side of West Creek had been identified. Thus, the field investi- gation program was directed to these alignments. 5.6.1 Geology-Alternatives 1 through 3 Exploration in the vicinity of the proposed power tunnel alignments 1 through 3 consisted of explorations at the dam site and the powerhouse sites, boring DH 108 at the surge tank, aerial photographic interpreta- tion, and a reconnaissance level geologic traverse along the general alignment. -38- Between the dam site and the surge tank, bedrock is exposed intermit- tently at the ground surface. In general, the overburden is anticipated to consist of a surface layer of forest duff underlain by colluvial soil. Talus deposits were observed in some areas and their thickness is anticipated to range up to several tens of feet. Based on the informa- tion presently available, it is judged that the tunnel alignment between the dam site and surge tank will be entirely within bedrock. The bed- rock will be granodiorite with numerous dikes crossing the alignment. Rock quality is anticipated to be highly variable ranging from widely- spaced to extremely closely-spaced fractures. A joint rosette summariz- ing joint attitudes observed along the general alignment is shown on Figure 5-3. The joint attitudes correspond closely with those obtained in the vicinity of the dam site and powerhouses. ,.. The primary joint system strikes approximately N65°E and N45°W an9_,-ai'~~."60° to 85° to the south and 80° to vertical to the north, J;eSpectively. As previously J(f.:': ' '\. mentioned, a less prominent joint or parting in the rock.~. is anticipated to parallel the rock surface as a.,.v{!lief joint.· This,J.ofnt is a result ..-··· of exfoliation probably due to ·removal of overlying rock rather than tectonic in nature. T~~,tunnel al.; gnment wi.1 f cross beneath severa 1 lineaments which have(been identified bgth in aerial photographs and during the geolq,g;i-e field reconnaissa,nee. In the field, the lineaments /'~' \ appear a line(r topographic low.~;;. Generally, bedrock is exposed on the " ' .\ '' ~?,. <#'" steeper slopes ',of the l,ow, ·~·seldom if ever in the bottom of the low. Most of the line~'ment::S)re parallel or subparallel to the primary joint set and may repreMt zones of closer-spaced joints and/or shearing. The anticipated lower quality of rock probably has made these areas more susceptible to erosion and ultimately resulted in the surface formation of the lineament. In several areas, andesite dikes were noted as paral- leling the joint sets. It is possible that at least some of the linea- ments may represent zones where dikes or dike swarms are present and differential weathering and erosion has resulted in the creation of the surface lineaments. In addition, a lineament identified both on aerial photographs and in geologic mapping crosses the tunnel alignment at an approximate right angle approximately 2,000 feet downstream of the dam site. This lineament or series of parallel lineaments, as viewed in high altitude aerial photographs, can be traced for approximately 12 c 0 iO u :0 :l Q. ~ "0 Cl> > 2 Q. Q. <( .. ... .... c "' D 0 z :2 cr 0 "- UPPER HEMISPHERE POLAR PLOT N w ... ) ' .... '<,,..til'·,?)~ s LEGEND --3.0-% of joint poles within contours Total Population: 133 joint attitudes JOINT ROSETTE--POWER TUNNEL HALJES-SKAG1JAY REGIO,~AL HYuRuELEC 1 RIC PROJECT Skayv;ay, Alaska for R.~. Beck and Associates, Inc • ~ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants N45W / 80°-90°N E Project No. 31-Sl6S F1gure No. 5-3 -39- miles. At least one of the lineaments is interpreted as paralleling West Creek in the area where the course of the creek makes a sharp bend. This correlation strongly suggets that this portion of West Creek may be structurally controlled. Several exposures of highly fractured~ sheared and/or altered bedrock were observed along the creek channel in this area. An extension of this lineament was inspected on the hillside north of West Creek. At this location, it has a trend of approximately N5°E and dipping approximately 85° to the west. The zone is approxi- mately 100 to 150 feet in width and consists of medi urn hard to soft, hydrothermally altered granodiorite with extremely close fractures, some of which exhibited slickensides with infillings of mylonite and clay gouge. Based on present information, this feature has been classified ~·'"" as a fault. The previous investigation by the Un~ .States Geological Survey described the feature as an i nferre~_lt. ·. . \ \. ' \\:. \ As previously indicated, the powe~t1nel alignments di\·~e downstream ~' ··.·.. \ ' of the surge tank, depe~ upon:,which powe(,hd1,1se alternative is con- sidered. Power tunnel\al:fernative \1 \::gnriects ·to,~ alternative powerhouse -~ \.;.:·:·,· /~ ~-<·.· \:1 .,.,) 1 approximat -t;,Th~O fe;r,sou\h of\,st"'VCreek as shown on Drawings 2, 4 and 7. Bed ·c~"·is 1:·~xpo~ed\t~~)rmittently along this alignment. Over- burden is anticl.p~t;k.d ~o ~elatively shallow and consist of a surface ~ \'.--~ c mantle of forest\p~;underlain by either colluvium and/or talus depos- its. This tunnel alignment will be parallel to near parallel to the primary joint set and to the trend of the lineaments mentioned above. The downstream portal area of power tunnel alternative 1 was explored by seismic traverse SL-4 and SL-12, and by borings OH 111 and OH 112. Power tunnel alternative 2 connects with a powerhouse alternatives 2-1 and 2-2 adjacent to and on the south side of West Creek. Similar geo- logic conditions are anticipated along most of the alignment with the exception of the extreme downstream portion. Geologic mapping, seismic refraction traverses SL-1 through SL-3 and borings DH 109 and OH 110 confirm presence of a thick overburden deposit which has been tentative- ly interpreted as a glacial moraine. These are only very poor exposures of this deposit. Borings OH 109 and OH llO indicate that the deposit consists of gravel and boulders with a sand and silt matrix. Low com- pressional wave velocities determined during the seismic refraction -40- studies suggest that the material is loose or has a low density. Bor- ings DH 109 and DH 110 encountered approximately 90 and 120 feet of overburden overlying bedrock. The deposit has severa 1 terrace 1 evel s which indicates modification by flow water. Both borings DH 109 and DH 110 encountered primary andesite rock with minor amounts of gra nodi a- rite. The limited amount of granodiorite may mean that the borings were drilled along dikes or that a substantial amount of andesite or a swarm of andesite dikes underlie the area. The tunnel alignment in this area will be parallel to subparallel to the primary joint set. Power tunnel alternative 3 trends northeastward..,-~ the surge tank lo- cation, crossing beneath the West Creek chann~. to powerhouse a 1 terna- tive 3 on the north side of the creek. ~loration~, .. ai\ong this alignment consisted of geologic mapping and the-: completion "Qf ~ single seismic refraction traverse, SL-11, in~~·,~icinity·?t the p~osed powerhouse. ,~ \• . . ~ Bedrock is anticipated to be at.Or near the. g,r;ound surface in the area south of West Creek~a,lluvia,l ·-.ter'~ac:e ~(ntles the major portion of the area on the north\ side o~ the, cr~ek""''~ith the exception of the imme- r:·""~ •' . ·~/ di ate area {' ,.t~e proposed pewerho.use. The overburden, where exposed, consists pri~;i· .. JX .. 'h~ i n~~d sand and grc:vel. The thickness of the alluvium is no~~~~n} However, it is anticipated that bedrock would be encountered at ~a posed tunnel 1 evel. Rock is exposed at the ex- treme downstream end of the alignment and in this exposure, the rock is slightly weathered and hard with widely spaced joints or fractures. 5.6.2 Geology -Alternative 4 Power tunnel alternative 4 was not identified until after the field portion of the investigation had been completed. Thus, the exploration for this alignment consists primarily of interpretation of aerial photo- graphs and geologic mapping relative to the dam site and alternative powerhouse 3. Although some talus deposits are present in the area, it is anticipated that a tunnel along the proposed alignment would probably be located -41- entirely in bedrock. In addition, it is likely that bedrock conditions will be similar to those along the southern alignment. The upstream portion of the alignment will be parallel to the secondary joint set. 5. 7 INTAKE An intake structure will be located upstream of the dam site and on either the north or south side of West Creek depending upon which of the power tunnel alignments is selected. 5.7.1 Geology /...."'\.!. The proposed intake in the right abutment was explo~d by geologic map- ping, boring DH 107, and seismic refr~n trav~r;~~\SL-7. Based on th:s information, subsurface con~':ions ace ... a".tic:pat.;d')to consist.of.a th1n mantle of overburden overlfing ''bedrock •. Bonng D'lf 107 and se1sm1c t . \ \ travers~ SL-7 indicat~t the 1 ,overburden:~~~ range in thickness be- tween f1 ve and ten ~et.:· There are no J.Xposures of the overburden or bedrock at }~irr:t;ake locatio)1. Q~e.rbu,rden in boring DH 107 consisted of medium-de\~~,;~d't,{ san;d~ ;,~rock encountered in the boring consisted of generally"+. 'll,hwe~ther'M"; hard granodiorite with widely-spaced \ '1\.; .. fractures. The·~g did encounter some sheared and extremely close fractured zones which have been hydrothermally altered. Geologic map- ping indicates the presence of alluvium on the west side of a small stream near the west end of the intake area. The proposed intake for tunnel alternative 4 is located along the north side of West Creek and upstream of the dam site approximately 800 feet. Exploration at the site consisted of geologic mapping. Bedrock is ex- posed in the vicinity of the back portion of the proposed intake and consists of a slightly weathered, hard, granodiorite with widely-spaced fractures. The ground surface in the southwestern portion of the pro- posed intake area is relativ.ely flat-lying and underlain by alluvium. The bedrock surface is anticipated to slope steeply downward in a west- erly direction. The near-surface portion of this alluvium is antici- pated to consist of sand and gravel with the possibility of underlying by finer-grained silts and clays. -42- 5.8 SURGE SHAFT A surge shaft is planned approximately three-quarters of the way along the tunnel alignment and near the powerhouse. Present design indicates that the shaft will be vertical, approximately six feet in diameter·, and will extend from the tunnel to near the ground surface. 5.8.1 Geology Exploration of the surge shaft area consisted of geologic mapping and boring DH 108. As previously indicated, the northern tunnel alignment, alternative 4, and its surge tank were not ident)J<~ until after com- pletion of the field investigation phase. ~ ··. /'-_. \ f""'" . ' '\ There are no exposures of bedrock or overburde.n in th~ '\mmedi ate vici n- ity of the surge tank location.(·1f3\cil:!ver,t_he·.terrain~~gests that the overburden is relatively thin. 'Th .. e closest b~drock outcrop observed is ,.$' approximately 300 fee~ the ~·~aft locpti~·~: Boring DH 108 encoun- .. ~. " ·. •, -·~ .. ~- tered approximately 17'--.fe.et of overburdefl consisting of angular cobbles ~f,-y,:"::-·• :,\ ~-' •. Jf;:)· and boulders.:W<th sqme sando_mat'r\ix. ···rt is possible that the actual bed- rock surface\ '\s~~.e~:~at 's:~f?wer and portions of that cl assi fi ed as cobbles and bou"'-{e~~b mjy be highly fractured bedrock. The bedrock en- countered in the~;.(i hole consisted primarily of unweathered, hard, granodiorite. Generally, the rock exhibited widely-spaced fractures with approximately one-half of the drill core being recovered as intact 10-foot sections. However, several zones of medium to closely fractured and weathered rock were encountered. The major zones were between depths 66.5 feet and 79.5 feet, 103.3 feet and 128.0 feet, and 373.0 feet and 414.0 feet. It is possible that at least some of these more fractured rock zones may reflect the subsurface intersection of linea- ments which have been identified on the surface. Little information is known about the geology at the surge tank location on the north side of the viest Creek. An interpretation of the aerial photograph suggests that bedrock is probably at or near the ground surface. c .2 <:: u ., ... .... "' ,., 0 0 z l a: 0 ... w LEGEND --1.9--- UPPER HEMISPHERE POLAR PLOT N I s N80E 60°-85°8 % of joint poles within contour Total Population: 104 joint attitudes JOINT ROSETTE-POWERHOUSE HAI,~ES-Sr~AG~~AY REGILliML. HYuf:Jl::i..i::CTRI C PROJECT SkagvJay, Alaska for R.d, Bee~~ and Associa·~es, Inc. @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants E Project No. 81-516:5 Figure No. 5-4 -43- 5. 9 POWERHOJSE Four alternative powerhouse locations have been defined. Alternatives 1, 2-1 and 2-2 are located on the south side of West Creek while alter- native 3 is located north of West Creek. Powerhouse alternative 1 is f ,Z.ert:? located approximately ~feet south of West Creek and along the west wall of the Taiya River Valley. Powerhou~e alternative 2-1 is located a ..,...,\.\..~- short distance south of West Creek .:i-00-~a+--t~e--eoftf..l-uence of West Creek ~ Taiya River Valley~. Powerhouse alternative 2-2 is located in the same general vicinity and approximately 100 feet further east. Power- house alternative 3 is located a short distance north of West Cree~ a-~~ \~ .iY~-t~~,__-. ,r-f A\~'..-....s L.~l /0 -z-2 . 5.9.1 Powerhouse Alternative 1 (-c ,; ~· ·;, ·, "' \ ;..;:., Exploration at the powerhouse a~rative,1 :Si.~e con~1s)ed of geologic mapping, borings DH 111 and DH,112;· and s.~fsmic ref~ction traverses SL-4 and SL-12. ~-~ r . '\ /~·· ·. :. Bedr~ck is \XP~~ed'::in t~he ;g~n~ral \v.ilcinity of t~e :owerhouse.site and cons 1 sts of ~ 1 g·h't,ly, to (lnw~~red, hard granod10r1 te. Overburden on ,, ... , '\ " ,.) the valley wal\~6o~syts 1\fimarily of talus with a thin surface mantle of forest duff. ~rock encountered in boring DH 111 was relatively unweathered while the upper 22 feet of boring DH 112 was more fractured. The upper portion of seismic refraction traverse SL-12 indicates a intermediate velocity layer which is interpreted as representing the more fractured zone. The Taiya River floodplain lies immediately adjacent to the proposed powerhouse location. Based on the results of the seismic refraction lines, the bedrock surface slopes downward be- neath the Taiya River floodplain at approximately the same slope as on the valley wall. The floodplain sediments are anticipated to consist primarily of sand, sand and gravel, and interbedded sand and silt. 5.9.2 Powerhouse Alternatives 2-1 and 2-2 Exploration at powerhouse alternatives 2-1 and 2-2 consisted of geologic mapping, borings DH 109 and DH 110, and seismic refraction traverses SL-1 through SL-3. -44- Powerhouse alternative 2-1 is located in an area of overburden which has been tentatively classified as a glacial moraine deposit. The deposit is generally covered by a mantle of forest duff and exposures are poor. Numerous rounded boulders and cobbles are present on the surface and the slopes are moderately steep and in most areas very uniform. Borings OH 109 and OH 110 indicate that the deposit is coarse grained consisting of cobbles and boulders with a sand and silt matrix with some sand layers. Compressional velocities obtained from the seismic refraction survey are low indicating a generally loose nature for the deposit. The boring results indicate that the deposit reaches a maximum thickness in excess of 100 feet. ""/\ ~ .. · '\:J ~ ·' The closest outcrop of bedrock is along~,southern edge of West Creek and upslope near the end of seismic ref~-cti'~n, travers·~~;SL-1. The bed- rock exposures consist of a sli~·Y.-;:-weather~'granodi~te with moder- ately close to closel~ced fract_ures. Be'ctrock encountered in the borings consisted prflParily'of andesite svgge~ng the probable presence ~-· of dike swar~·beneath this area. , -~ ... -i'\ \r c, \ \ •'. .· .,,, ~ ,,, " " "' 1,, .._..,- Powerhouse al t-err:tat fv..e 2-'t...fs 1 ocated a short distance east of a lterna- "· '\ !' tive 2-1. floodplain It '~ated beyond the area of explorations and on the of West Creek and the Taiya River. The floodplain deposits are anticipated to consist primarily of sand and gravel. Based on a projection of the subsurface information at the alternative 2-1 site, the bedrock surface is anticipated to continue to slope do\'mward in an easterly direction. Thus, it is anticipated that the thickness of over- burden increases toward the alternative 2-2 site. 5.9.3 Powerhouse Alternative 3 Exploration at powerhouse alternative 3 consisted of geologic mapping and seismic refraction traverse SL-11. Bedrock consisting of a slightly-weathered, hard granodiorite with widely-spaced fractures is exposed in the im:ned~ate vicinity of the powerhouse site. Seismic refract ion traverse SL-11 indicates that the -45- bedrock surface dips downward toward the east beneath the Taiya River Valley. The overburden in the Taiya River Valley is anticipated to be similar to that present in the vicinity of the other powerhouse sites. 5.10 RESERVOIR Construct ion of the West Creek Hydroelectric Project will result in the inundation of the upper West Creek Valley. A reservoir with maximum normal water surface elevation of 700 feet would create a lake approxi- mately two miles in length. 5.10.1 Geology ~~~ Geology in the area of the proposed rese~. was"''e'val\Jated by the in- terpretation of aeri a 1 ~hotograph(>:';,ow 1 ~.~f'r'r onna {S,:'&.ce by he 1 i cop- ter, and by f1eld check1ng. ', · \ '·~. ·.~ 1 ' /,-...,., ··:. ;. \ (. .. ... . ··v The proposed we,.~t,.~reek. reser~~ir -Is loc;,~jfd within a glacially modified drainage bas~ ~,nerallyc~a~a~:eri~ by steep valley walls a~d a flat valley floor.\ ~h.rtvg th~ ·q:>~rstocene Epoch, glacial ice scoured and \ '); '" \ "-> ..,;;, deepened the b~fP;_.;}t<j an e"Tevation well below the present valley level. During this periWany pre-glacial soil and incompetent zones of bed- rock were removed. After the retreat of glacial ice, a preglacial lake was formed behind a rock ridge near the proposed dam site area. Subse- quently, the lake water topped the natural dam and began erosion of water channels through the ridge. Evidence observed within the various swales along the ridge suggest that in past times the impounded water flov1ed through var-ious channels at different lake levels. A thick se- quence of glacially derived sediments were deposited in the lake and judged from a projection of the valley walls, a thickness of at least 250 to 300 feet of sediments is likely (Callahan, Wayland 1964). It is anticipated these sediments will consist of bedded silt, sand, rockflour and clay interbedded with coarser sands and gravels. Alluvium exposed in the active stream channel and stream cuts in lov1 terraces consists primarily of sand, and sand and gravel with some silt. -46- The interpretation of electrical resistivity soundings completed in the potential borrow area suggests the coarser-grained surface material may be on the order of 25 feet in thickness. Glacial materials presently being deposited by alpine glaciers in the upper valley area consist primarily of heterogeneous deposits of silt, sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders. Bedrock is generally exposed on the steep slopes within the reservoir area and is assumed to consist primarily of granodiorite. Numerous cone-shaped deposits of talus mark the lower portion of the valley walls. These deposits consist primarily of rock,,fragments ranging in / } size from sand up to blocks several feet in siz~ ~ /""''\ ( ·.· .. \,, ' "'' \\Y{.,.:...- Project Foature Loft Abuhront Left t\butment L8ft Abutment Left Abutloont Left Abutment Loft Abutment L<>f t Abutrmnt L,~ft Abutment Loft Abuhoont Left AbutrTJ-•nt I oft Abutmrnt Loft Abutloont Left Abutrront Right Abutment RIght Abutment Right Abutrrent Intake Structure I ntCJke Structure Right Abutroont Rl ght Abutrrent Surge Timk Boring tt>. 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 103 104 101 10<1 104 104 105 105 105 106 l<X> 107 107 108 Specimen tt>. 102-1 102-2 102-3 PET-102 PET-103 103-1 103-2 103-3 104-1 101-3 10<1-4 PET-101-1 PET-104-2 105-1 105-2 105-3 106-1 10fr3 107-1 PET-107 Pl:l-108 Depth (foot) 11.0-11.5 20.1 -20.5 41.0-41.45 41.45-41.5 7.5-7.6 7.6-8.0 8.0 -0.4 14.3-14.7 21.3 -21.7 25.3-25.7 34,7-35.1 35.5 -35.6 140.0 -140.5 12.7-13.1 20.5-20.9 20.9-21.25 5.7-6.0 14.35-14.6 48,6 -48.9 48.9 -49.1 373.0 -373. 1 Fol low lng d<Jta curp letod by The Robbins Cof!TJ<Jny Surge Tank Surge T<Jnk Surgo Tank Surge Tank Surge Tank Surge Tank Surge Tank Surge Tank Surge Tank Surge Tank Surge Tank Surge Tank Surge Tank 108 100 108 100 108 100 108 100 108 100 108 100 108 36~ 3659 3660 ?.660 3660 3661 3661 3661 3661 3662 3662 3662 3662 63.0 -64.2 63.0 -64,2 AJ9.2 -210.0 209.2 -210.0 AJ9.2 -210.0 375.0 -376.2 375.0 -376.2 375.0 -376.2 375.0 -376.2 486.5 -487.7 486.5 -487.7 486.5 -487.7 486.5 -487.7 TABLE 6-1 ROCK TEST SUMMARY Rock< 1l Test<2l ~ ~ CD UC CD DEN 00 DEN At-0 PET m PEJ~_ CD . .Pffi '\_ CD -~ UC.· \ m ....... :· tt: ··. •l -~""'" _. -:·'· \ CD-t . ,, , UC m\:'· ' DEN"' CD ::UC Am ~,.· PET f>LD PET m DEN CD •"Tr:: ~ m \v::: m DEN m m,., · fffi uc. Am PET fffi PET ,. \t; m m m m Am fffi Am fffi m m m m uc uc uc uc uc uc uc uc uc uc uc uc uc Density <pcfl 166.1 167.4 161.4 166.4 167.6 168.1 167.1 167.2 ft67.7 :1~3 161:4 167.1 165.8 167.1 166.0 'i~~ \ '\..' (llRock Type: GJ =granodiorite; AGJ =altered grancxllorlte; At-V =andesite dike, Specific Q-avlty 2.62 2.63 2.53 2. 59 2.62 2.63 2.62 2.62 2.63 2.61 2.62 2.62 2.61 Ultimate Strength 16,210 :3),320 4,899(6) 16,350 15,920 19,920 12,430 ·0t~ 10,090 20,800 :;.:'· ":·'2~ 10, 190 2~6{ \ 12,730 '2.67"-8,910 2~67 14,010 2.67 '(·'\ 8,910 2.4 . ·{!,275 2.4 , ... <f" 8 275 .... ,. . , 2 M' _,. ·-}f640 .... r -7. • (~:~f.... ~:~6 "2.68 12,730 2.68 12,730 2.68 15,280 Young's rJodulus psi x 106 Tangent<3l 5.02 5.80 5.52 5.90 7.22 6,14 2.23 7.83 Secant<4l 4.21 3.98 4.30 5.98 4.98 6.06 2.56 6.93 <2 >Test Type: UC = uniaxial unconfined compression test; DEN= density and specific gravity tests; PET= petrology-petrographic analysis D>Tang-:mt ~1odulus basod on most linear portion of stress-strain curve at 40 percont of the ultlllli'lte axial stress. <4 >Secant Modulus from zero stress to 40 percent of ultimate axial stress. (5lpofsson 1 s Ratio calculated from tangent portion of axial and radial stress-strain curves. <6>uttloote strength low due to failure along pre-existing fracture, no Ya.mg's M:xlulus or Poisson's Ratio calculated. Polsson's(5) Ratio 0.24 0.20 0.25 0.12 0.27 0.28 0.17 0.22 -47- 6. ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS The purpose of this investigation has been to acquire. compile and in- terpret preliminary data for use in feasibility design study of the West Creek Hydroelectric Project for the Haines-Skagway Regional Studies. The subsurface exploration including number, attitude and depth of bor- ings, amount of seismic refraction surveys and locations and features to be investigated were determined in consultation with personnel of R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. Conclusions and recommendations develo~'r.om ~hi~~tJ.ase II investiga- tion are presented in the fol\O,l·w··~g sect,i6. ns\:; ConC}~)ions and recom- mendations are made with respe t tO.,.information provi'aed by R. w. Beck . ~-. ' and A.ssoci ates,. Inc. '~\;he t1me of,inves~j_gat ion regarding proposed locat1on of proJeCt ~atures. -':._ ..... .,..> 6.1 DAM FO(~~:~~ION, -~ v~ ( ',>._ ',\ ~ ·...._¢"' ;~~ ··~. ·:. The area of th~ .pfoJosed dam site was explored by six borings, OH 102 through DH 107, ~~~seismic refraction traverses SL-6 through SL-10. In addition, geologic mapping was completed in the general vicinity. All of the explorations completed during this phase II investigation indicate that the granodiorite bedrock will provide an adequate foundation for either an embankment dam or a roller-compacted concrete (gravity) dam. 6.1.1 Bedrock Properties Limited laboratory tests have been completed to determine the physical characteri sties of the granodiorite bedrock. The results of the rock tests are shown on Table 6-1. A summary of the computed strength values are shown on Table 6-2. Rock testing results are presented in Appendix c. Laboratory tests indicate that the rock has good co;-::tJressi ve strength ranging between 10,090 and 20,800 pounds per squa~"e inch {psi) and averaging 16,505 psi. That range/average i gnofeS one uncharacteristic low value. -48- As noted in Table 6-2, the average elastic modulus of the core tested was 4.9 million psi with an average value of 5.2 million psi for samples from the right abutment and 4.6 million psi for the left abutment. The rock quality designation (RQD), as noted on the boring logs, was review- ed to provide a guide as to the degree of natural jointing and fractur- ing of the rock. See Figure A-1, Appendix A, for the explanation of rock quality designation. The RQD values ranged between 25 and 100 per- cent. However, the low values are somewhat deceiving. A total of 70 percent of the core recovered had an RQD value of 90 percent or higher. TABLE 6-2 r'~~',·;~ •.. SUMMARY OF ROC~J DATA\ '\ .... ·. ; '\. Range of Compressiv~ • E"' . Strength (ps1) \ ··· (""'~·"'"""'',: .. Average CotQp~~S,sive Strength ( p'!i;5 }\ ·' ·, \, \. ;t. '\ \)./~ ~ Range of Se~ah.t 4 ""/ Modulus (ps1) \,_,/ (elastic modulus) Average Secant Modulus (psi) (elastic modulus) Range RQD *Standard deviation .,16:. 505 *5 ···~ 3 834 ~· . ~· , ~ ... :: 2.6 X 106 to 6.9 X 106 4.9 X 106 S = 1.4 X 106 25% -100% ":· ').. .. '\ ·Right Abutmoot ~..,10 ,090 to 20,800 15,810 *S = 5,352 2.6 X 106 to 6.9 X 106 5.2 X 106 S = 1.9 X 106 25% -100% Left Abutment 15,920 to 20 '320 17,200 *S ~ 2,088 4.0 X 106 to 6.0 X 106 4.6 X 106 S = 0.9 X 106 31% -100% Additional rock property values include an overall mean average of 167.0 pcf (pounds per cubic foot) for granodiorite and 161.4 pcf for a single andesite sample. iorite and 2.53 Ratio is 0.22. The mean average specific gravity is 2.62 for granod- for the andesite sample. The mean average Poisson's -49- 6.1.2 Foundation Excavation Bedrock in the damsite area is exposed on the steeper slopes and gen- erally along the margins of the creek channel. Based on the explora- tions completed during this phase, overburden thickness on the abutments range from zero up to about ten feet. In the creek bed, bedrock is overlain by recent alluvium. The thickness of the alluvium is not known, however, it is estimated to have a maximum depth on the order of 20 feet. The bedrock is a slightly weathered to unwea~;~ hard granodiorite with widely-spaced fractures. The bori ,.~''\enc)u·rtt~~'te~ rock zones which were closely to extremely closely frac~r~~ with so~e·\,hydrothermal al- teration. In addition, zones ~ractured rock whic~:t,r~xhibited slick- ensides and/or alternation was ~ncabntered.:i·n borings inclined beneath surface lineaments •. T t~h· ,_,included··~orin.~ DH'"J:04 vvhich was inclined be- neath the ~/est Creek 6anoe 1. Three joint sets were observed. The pri- mary joint se~tri k~~ N70°E and d,tp·s between 70° to 80° to the south. Two secondar( j.~nt: sets had· ~,tFikes of N30°E and N35°W and dip 70° to 75° to the so~~th\.and~~pprc»;,~ately vertical, respectively. In the bor- ings, sound bed~ko~k~ w:e.s encountered below the bedrock surface between '~ L depths of zero aniJ.. five feet in the right abutment and five to ten feet in the left abutment. In the area of the left abutment, there may be numerous large detacted blocks of bedrock which have been formed by intersecting joint sets and the low angle exfoliation or relief joints which are approximately parallel to the ground surface. Foundation excavation requirements will vary depending upon the type of proposed dam. It is our understanding that either an embankment dam with a concrete face or a roller-compacted concrete (gravity) dam are being considered. In the case of an embankment dam, foundation excava- tion should consist of the removal of all overburden beneath the dam and the excavation of all weathered rock in the toe slab area so that the slab will be founded on sound rock. The shell portion of the embankment can be founded on the exposed bedrock surface after overburden removal. Some shaping of the bedrock surface may be required. -50- In the case of a roller-compacted concrete (gravity) dam, foundation ex- cavation should consist of the removal of all overburden and bedrock down to the sound rock level. The required rock excavation is antici- pated to average approximately five feet on the right abutment and approximately eight feet on the left abutment. Excavation slopes in overburden should be no steeper than 1. 5H: 1 V for temporary slopes. Overburden slopes which will be subsequently located below reservoir level should be cut no steeper than 2 1/2H:1V. Excava- tion slopes in rock will be primarily controlled by joints and permanent rock slopes should be no steeper than 1/3H:1V. Ste_pper slopes could un- /---~ dercut the joint planes and may result in uns~9-Qle slopes or the re-,_ . qui rement for rock bolt reinforcement. ~~ra ry sl~Pf\~ in bedrock can be cut at 0.1H:1V for heights of ten feet''·or less. BTast.ing will be re- quired for rock excavation and ~{i cati-ons ~houl d ~·~q~i re controlled l, ·.. . ·. . ' ' blasting to avoid excessive breakbge·arid loo~ening of foundation rock. ~~--" \_,,r 6 .1. 3 Found at iJ,~~>.Jre~i:m~nt' .· , ' ,..("~ ., t-.~><'"'' \ \. ;. ·. ,) Water pressure\test,s\compl~ted' during the subsurface exploration indi-·:1 i;;, \ ~. .,J-- cate that seepa~. t~ropgh joints and fractures can occur. For estimat- ing purposes, cu~~ grouting should be considered and should be planned to be a single line with holes on ten-foot centers. The maximum depth of the grout holes would be 75 feet, using the formula H/2 to re- duce the depth until a minimum depth of 25 feet is reached. For esti- mating purposes, a grout take of about 0.5 sacks per lineal foot of hole can be used. In the case of an embankment dam with a concrete face, estimates should include consolidation grouting in the area of the toe slab. It is our understanding that the toe slab will be approximately 12 feet in width. Considering the curtain grouting, consolidation grouting would consist of an additional single line of consolidation holes. These holes would be staggered with the curtain grout holes to form a triangular pattern on 10-foot spacing. The consolidation holes should be planned for a 20-foot depth. -51- In the case of the roller-compacted concrete (gravity) dam, plans should include consolidation grouting in the highly fractured and/or sheared rock areas. For planning purposes assume that 50 percent of the foun- dation area will require consolidation grouting. A triangular pattern of 20-foot deep holes on a ten-foot spacing, split to five or closer where necessary, should be adequate. For estimating purposes, assume a take of 0.5 sacks per lineal foot of hole. Although sound rock was judged to occur within five to ten feet of the top of rock in the cores, it is likely that differential weathering and/or erosion has occurred along may require dental excavation. should assume that 10 percent of additional five feet of excavation. joints, shear o~_,.ft{ tered zones, and For estimati~ purposes, estimates the f~.tion a~,ea.,may require an ' \>. \ • ,·'ti" 6.1.4 Foundation Drainage ~ •r.,)> ~ \ .... :., ····! . ,, ., It is recommended.,.,that \fou~dati on dra i (lag('' be considered in the case of the roller-c~p~.~d. coricrete.\:.§rav\t;) dam. Foundation grouting is anticipa:ed to\\d~fr,ea~e the )irrtO~nt of seepage through rock fractures. \ ~ ' ~ ,/ However, some s~page ;is expected to pass through or around the grout curtain and could\~ uplift pressure beneath the dam. It is doubtful that a drainage system would be required for the embankment dam. A seepage analysis should be performed to determine if a drainage system is necessary. 6.2 SPILLWAY Two potential spillway sites have been identified. The .;nitial site is located in a topographic low on the left abutment and was explored by boring DH 101 and seismic refraction traverse SL-5. The alternative site is located on a topographic bench in the right abutment and was explored by borings DH 105 through 107 and by seismic refraction tra- verses SL-7, SL-9 and SL-10. · -52- 6.2.1 Foundation Excavation Bedrock underlies both of the spillway sites at relatively shallow depths. At the left abutment spillway site, overburden thicknesses are anticipated to be relatively thin~ on the order of a few feet. At the right abutment spillway site, overburden thicknesses are anticipated to range between five and ten feet. Bedrock conditions are anticipated to be very similar to that in the damsite area. The excavation slopes will be primart.l-J,...cpntrolled by the / ' joint system. In the left abutment site, the spillway alignment will parallel the secondary joint set which s~s· appr~~i~a,~ely N30°E and -.~ f ·, .), ciips 70° to 75° to the south. T~ relatcionsh1P resu~t~ in the left wall being the most critical. B~sed''on the· pn~sent information, rock slopes should be cut no ..s.t,eeper ~than 1/3H:1~_. .. )on the left wall and 1/4H:1V on the right wa(r··Th·e same rock slopes. are recommended for the ,_. ·-. ,.Y right abutmen~e;· ... whe·r~ again the,)eft wall will be most critical. For cuts in e\ce~s .. : of approxi.0.~ely 20 feet, an approximate 18-inch offset will be r~.qi.Iin~,ed'.to t'ae'll it ate drilling. \~ ~\-.. ~-~ ) ,,,_ ,./, Overburden slopes ~''~c(uld be cut no steeper than 1 1/2H:1V. It is recom- mended that a bench be constructed at the overburden-bedrock boundary. A bench with a width of 20 feet will allovt construction equipment to remove sloughing overburden material as necessary. 6.3 DIVERSION There are two likely schemes for dewatering and diversion of West Creek. One scheme involves diverting the flows through conduits in the channel while the other scheme involves a cofferdam with diversion through a tunnel. 6.3.1 Channel Diversion The diversion of West Creek through the channel would likely consist of diverting flows around the channel during the lm'l'-flow period and -53- placing a conduit(s) in the channel bottom. It is anticipated the flows are relatively low during the winter months. After construction of the dam, the conduit(s) would be plugged. 6.3.2 Cofferdams An upstream cofferdam will be required for diversion. No subsurface exploration was completed in this area. A 11 uvi urn in the creek channel at the dam site is judged to be on the order of 20 feet in thickness. Depending on the location of an upstream coff~, the thickness of alluvium may be greater. The alluvium, based~ surface exposures, will \_, . consist primarily of sand, gravel and ~s •. ~Thj~S\~aterial is likely to be highly permeable. ~ · \ . ) \r;.:r"" _...-"'"'·'., ~ . . Two methods of construction ar~ considered f~asible. One method would ..,. be the driving of a s~·-'Pi 1 e wa 11. The other method would be the con- struction of an emba~kment with an imperVlous cutoff. Embankment mater- o(~::--s;_.. ,. . : ;.:, ials could ~f1sis~. of material from road construction, tunnel muck or sand and gr:\~!=i·<'1.o~:a:;ted a:, shp·rt.'distance upstream in the proposed reser- \., \ ~\. ·.\._ '·;~ ...... )-.) voir. A suit~le,sou,rce of fine-grained material has not been locat- ed. Alternati-,,~j.rA~r a impervious cutoff include a manufactured membrane, slurry trench, or a sheet pile wall. 6.3.3 Diversion Tunnel Geologically, it appears that a tunnel could be driven in either abut- ment. Geologic conditions are not expected to differ appreciably from one abutment to another. However, based on topography, a tunnel in the right abutment appears more favorab 1 e. The steeper topography on the right abutment would likely result in better portal conditions, more cover over the tunnel, and possibly a shorter tunnel. A tunnel driven in the right abutment in the vicinity of seismic re- fraction traverse SL-7 is anticipated to be primarily in bedrock. A tunnel located in the left abutment and along the general alignment of seismic refraction traverse SL-6 will encounter a substantial amount of -54- overburden along the upstream approximate 200 feet of the alignment. Downstream from this point overburden is anticipated to be shallow. However, the amount of rock cover over a tunnel is anticipated to be relatively thin. A tunnel heading located 200 to 300 feet further up- stream will encounter much less overburden, have a better portal area, and more rock cover. However, this location will result in a longer tunnel alignment. Tunneling conditions in rock are expected to be generally good. The general tunnel alignment will cross the two secondary joint sets at an oblique angle and be parallel to subparallel to t.~h.e .·rimary joint set. For planning purposes, it should be assumed tha("::ocl< support will be required along 20 percent of the tunn~ngth: ·.\T~\i s support waul d con~ist_of 50 feet of light to m~mweight st~els at.~ch portal. For est1mat1ng purposes the steel ~ool~d be 8" x 6 1/2 11 \~~ 24 pounds per ·,:~ ' foot sets installed ~-foot centers. Th~, remainder of the tunnel ~ t;::."' I ~,,.· could be re~·nf ~d w\th. bolt:s. These ~?.1ts should be 10 feet in length on 5-foot c nt~~s ~nd installed as necessary. In areas where rock cover ';. \ . v is less than \~~~'-·,tu~nel ?i·~~_t:ers, additional support will be required. This support s'touJ-;d i:;onsi<~t of steel sets, as noted above, inst-alled on \ . j three-to four},J~~ centers. In addition, crown bars should be in- stalled and grouted ahead of the tunnel face. In the portal areas, overburden slopes should be planned no steeper than 1-1/2H:1V and rock slopes at 1/3H:1V. For safety purposes, it would be prudent to p 1 an rock bolts and mesh pinned to rock above the working portal entrance. 6.4 POWER TUNNEL Four potential power alternatives are presently being considered. These consist of alternatives 1, 2 and 3 located south of West Creek and al- ternative 4 located north of West Creek. The major portion of the field effort was directed towards the southern alternatives. Alterna- tives 1, 2 and 3 follov1 the same alignment between the intake and the surge tank. Between the surge tank and the powerhouse, the alignment varies depending upon the powerhouse alternative. -55- Other than boring DH 108 dri 11 ed at the surge tank 1 ocat ion, no other subsurface exploration, aside from a reconnaissance level geologic tra- verse, was completed. Recommendations relative to tunneling have been developed with consideration of boring DH 108, but are also influenced by the geologic mapping and inspection of aerial photographs. The power tunnels are anticipated to be driven almost entirely through bedrock. The exception is the approximate downstream 200 feet of tunnel alternative 2 which connects to alternative powerhouse 2-2 and will be located in overburden. This overburden is anticipated to consist of relatively loose sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders,.-~drock is antici- pated to consist primarily of granodiorit~ with oc~:asional andesite dikes. <"·· \ ~ For the most part, the rock is aC;"pated to b~·, relaticrefy massive with widely-spaced joints.~e'\tunner will 'generaiJ;Y be subparallel to the joint sets. Howver,·'at least a portion,._Jlf each alignment will be par- allel or nea -pa(ai··lel to one j,pint·~~t. The major portion of the tun- \ '1;-, '\ \ '· ' < ~· nel alignment\ \:~1\\be ·s,~~a.rsa'1lel to a series of strong lineaments which appear t(\.t>~.:r~flected in the joint sets. For a tunnel driven from the upstrea\Art(rtal these features would be first en:ountered in the right wall and arch, and would remain in the tunnel until they pass beyond the left wall. The tunnel alignments will cross at least one inferred fault zone at approximately right angles. This fault zone is anticipated to be on the order of 100 to 150 feet in width. 6.4.1 Excavation Characteristics It is anticipated that the power tunnel could be driven eithe~"' by the drill and shot method, or by a tunnel boring machine (TBM). The gran- odiorite bedrock is anticipated to be relatively uniform with the excep- tion of the lineations. The strength characteristics obtained to date are summarized in Table 6-2. The subparallel lineations could result in a mixed face condition in the tunnel. In addition, it is anticipated that the tunnels would encounter numerous andesite dikes. The presence of the fractured and/or sheared zones could effectively reduce the high -56- progress rate anticipated with a tunnel boring machine. Based on exist- ; ng data, there is no evidence of broad zones of soft ground or c 1 ay gouge which would cause squeezing in the tunnel. There is no inter- granular permeability in the granodiorite. However, groundwater may be encountered in highly fractured and/or sheared zones or faults. In conventional drill and blast method, the rock would not be expected to present any drilling problems, and an acceptable fragmentation can probably be achieved. The amount of support necessary will depend on the method and care in driving. The drill and shot method will depend on the quality of blasting around the periphery of the tunnel. Thus the ........ ~,\ specifications will require a controlled drill~'f ahd blasting tech- ni:ues. Because of les~ distur~ance. to t~surrt5u'n~in~ r~ck, a tunnel dnven by a tunnel bonng mach1ne 1s arfficipated to· r~qu1re much less ' ., t. stabilization and support. (" .. ,, , · '\,.,} 6.4.2 Excavation Sta~tion and Support \·j- As previousl~·d·i~'ated, it is ~ntic4"r5~ted that the major portion of the alignment wil~\_be driven in b~'Gr~ck. The exception to this is the down- ··... -· ) \ , _.,fr stream few hunch;-e.d .. 'fe'~t of-alternative 2 which connects to powerhouse "-,'>-!·, :.' alternative 2-2. \\.~ portion of the tunne 1 will be driven in over- burden materials and will require soft ground excavation techniques. The overburden portion of the tunnel will require the installation of steel sets capable of supporting the full overburden load. It is anticipated that the driving of spiling ahead of the tunnel face will be required to facilitate the installation of the steel sets. It is recommended that the steel sets be installed on two-foot centers. Driving of spiling may be difficult because of the presence of cobbles and numerous large boul- ders. Excavation through the overburden can be expected to be tedious and progress will be slow. The bedrock portion of the tunnels will cross several lineaments. These lineaments are interpreted to be the surface erosional reflection of highly fractured and/or sheared rock zones. At least one zone has been tentatively identified as a fault. In the event of construction by the -57- drill and shot method, it is judged that approximately 1,000 feet of primarily the highly fractured, sheared, and/or fault zones will require support. This support would be in the form of light-weight steel sets. For estimating purposes, a five-inch !-beam weighing 10 pounds per foot and installed on five-foot centers would be adequate. In addition, planning should include 50 feet of the same size steel supports in- stalled on four-foot centers at each portal. In the remaining approxi- mate 9,000 feet of tunnel, it is judged that one-half of this length (4,500) will require reinforcement in the form of rock bolts installed across the crown. For an eight-foot diameter tunnel, the bolts should be estimated at six feet in length, fully encapsulated~ installed on three-foot centers across the crown. If the tun~, i~s driven by a tunnel boring machine (TBM), less disturban~~l be ~?·~fi. to the sur- rounding rock and the requirement f~~c.k sLip,Port. ;., and rk.~:-n,~rcement is judged to be less than that descr1be9 ·above for the dr·rn and shot ~ ·'.~. : . \. method. In lieu of the ~ed 1,000'feet ot' $teel-supported tunnel, ·~ .• <~· . .·.. ·.- it is judged that rock 0.or1trol could be acbieved with bolts and mesh ~-. '*'' installed on a (frq~~.a'r:, patt~rn .'as\prevj.ot.Jsly indicated for bolted sec- tions of the tu~_e'l.' ·+n ad.?it~iQ~rock bolts should be planned for an ..... \. -\ ' .· ';) additional 1,000 f~et',of'tunn~fto be installed as required. - ~ ,, • '1 \ ·"""' v ... Estimates should include shotcrete for sealing areas where spalling is a problem. It would also be prudent to have provisions for shotcreting and sealing highly fractured and/or sheared zones to prevent or reduce erosion and plucking of weaker rock by flowing water which could result in ultimate collapse in the tunnel. As previously indicated, the tunnel schemes incorporate a surge ta_nk , ~ 1shaftf. In the area of the intersection of the tunnel and surge shaft, rock support and reinforcement should be provided. It is judged that this support should be in the fonn of six-foot long fully encapsulated rock bolts installed on three-foot centers and medium weight steel sets installed for a distance of 30 feet. For estimating pur~oses assume the set to be 6-inch by 6-inch H-beam, 20 pounds/foot and installed on four-foot centers. -58- 6.4.3 Lining Concrete linings should be provided in the soft ground portion of the power tunnel for powerhouse alternative 2-2 and in areas where the rock cover, in feet, is less than 0.5 times the head in feet. In addition, those sections of the tunnel with steel support will require concrete lining or shotcrete to protect the supports from the flowing water. A steel-lined section should be provided at the downstream portal and in areas where rock cover will be less than 50-feet in thickness. 6.5 INTAKE ~·· '· .. ·\ An intake structure will be located a\sffo.rt distan~~, upstream of the proposed dam site, either no¢fl~r south of West G:r:~ek depending on which power tunnel alternative~\ i; selected. ' There are two alternative in~ake designs, one~' free-s'tanding ·:;ow&r)'·with a connecting bridge wh1le the other woula'~"b~ construct,ed. ag-a'lnst a rock slope. 6.5.1 Foun~:\'i<ca:atioy /' \•:\.. ' ' '. ·~. ."'t.Y~'' ·~ ~ <· J' The intake towe;\"",.~a bridge supports, if appropriate, should be founded on rock. At the northside site, bedrock is anticipated to slope steeply downward and the flatter portion of the site is anticipated to be underlain by a thick sequence of overburden sediments. Overburden at the southside site is anticipated to be relatively shallow and underlain by bedrock. Excavation slopes in overburden material which will be below the reser- voir level should be planned no steeper than 2.5H:lV. In addition, it would be prudent to allow for riprap or concrete lining along the sub- merged overburden slopes. Overburden slopes which will be above the reservoir level should be cut no steeper than l-l/2H:lV. Excavation slopes in bedrock will be primarily controlled by joint sets. For the northside site, the left slope is most critical and should be cut no steeper than l/3H:lV. The right side and back slope are less critical -59- and should be cut no steeper than 1/4H:1V. For the southside site, it should be planned to cut all rock slopes no steeper than 1/4H:lV. In areas ~vhere steeper rock slopes are required, reinforcement by rock bolts should be planned. Rock bolts 15-foot in length, fully encapsul- ated and installed on rectangular eight-foot centers should be a basic pattern. Intersecting joints may require a locally closer spacing. Careful drilling and blasting will be essential to achieve satisfactory slopes in rock. 6.6 SURGE TANK t<"'''~\ ,.,../ ,,..~· ~ As the present time, a six-foot diameter su~ tan~ (shMt) is planned at a point approximately three-quarters of ~he-distance ·a l,bJ.lg the power ~ ' " tunnel. The subsurface conditio~t~ the site >were exp1ored by the 500-foot long boring, DH108. Based' on .the drilling information and interpretation of aeri al~ographs ~ the shaft '"'may penetrate severa 1 fractured, sheared, and/or ·weathered .. zones. ·· Some of these zones are thought to be re~ed as nearby topographic surface 1 i neament s. <;, ·-: ·, ~- 6.6.1 Excavation hnaracte:risttc~ ": .I ··--,f'.;<·· It is anticipated that the surge shaft could either be excavated as a raise by conventional drill and shoot methods or by drilling methods. If the shaft is excavated by drill and shoot methods, it is anticipated that some rock reinforcement will be required in the fractured, sheared, and/or weathered rock zones. Reinforcement consisting of fully encap- sulated five-foot long rock bolts installed on three-foot centers should be adequate. In addition, shotcrete and mesh may be required in areas where spalling is a problem. For planning purposes, it should be assumed that 15 percent of the excavation will require rock bolts and would include an approximate 50-foot section of the shaft at the area of int.ersection with the povter tunnel. If the shaft is excavated by drilling the raised bore method, it is anticipated that little or no reinforcement will be required. However, it would be prudent to plan for rock bolting of the shaft at the intersection with the power tunnel. -60- 6.7 POWERHOUSE Four alternative powerhouse sites have been defined and consist of Alternatives 1, 2-1, and 2-2 on the south side of West Creek, and Alternative 3 on the north side of West Creek. Alternative 1 is located approximately 1,000 feet south and along the west wall of the Taiya River. The other alternatives are located adjacent to West Creek. Foundation conditions will vary greatly depending upon the alternative. Alternatives 1 and 3 will be founded on bedrock. Alternative 2-1 is anticipated to be founded on bedrock, however, extensive overburden excavations are planned. Alternative 2-2 is located on the West Creek-Taiya River flood plain and will likely require-,·fo~nding in piles (' driven to bedrock. 6.7.1 Foundations Excavation \ '•' " ~ .. , . '" Suitable bedrock is antic~d at the foundatiQJ:t,.~levels for alterna- tives 1, 2-1 and 3. Ba<e"d "on completed expJora~ions, granodiorite is \:, ., ·.o.·' anticipated at al~ative sites 1 and ·J,)Iand granodiorite with. andesite dikes is antici~ted:. at .alterna~i~~· site 2-1. No subsurface explora- tions were complet~ \jhthe iwd'iate area of alternative site 2-2. \ ·:. } "· .;"'''' Excavations in bedrocY will be controlled primarily by joint sets and rock quality. Excavation slopes in bedrock should be planned no steeper than 1/3H:lV. Permanent slopes in overburden should be planned no steeper than l-l/2H: 1 V. Temporary s 1 opes in overburden should be planned no steeper than 1H:1V. In addition these temporary slopes will require ve:y close monitoring by the contractor. Excavations located partially or wholly within overburden soils below the West Creek-Taiya River flood plain surface may require dewater- ing. In the case of alternative site 2-2, a steel penstock-power conduit will be requirec between the power tunnel and powerhouse. It is recommended that the penstock be placed on a concrete slab to minimize differential settlement. The design should take into account the seismic conditions of the area.. -61- 6.8 RESERVOIR Geologic conditions in the reservoir area were determined by geologic mapping, aerial overflights and interpretation of aerial photographs. The flatter portions of the reservoir are underlain by recent alluvium with bedrock exposed in the steeper portions of the valley walls. De- posits at the base of most of the steep drainages of talus are accumu- lating. No significant areas of landsliding were identified on the aerial photo- graphs or visually during overflights. However, b~ool},.s"e of the steep valley slopes, some slides are likely. Based on a~ailable data, it is doubtful that the slides waul d be of the si ~, endange~ t~e project. '\. . . ·.. ·;. ~ . ·.! .:~ .\' ~~-~ Avalanches may occur in the project(a~e·a\and spec'tfically 'in the reser- , .. ' '• voir area. These are an~ated to occur durin:~ winter and spring months when the reservoi r{Su.rfa~e may. be ·fro~,~n. ,.It is anticipated that the presence of t~-{rozen surface wi 1 .. ~--minimize the impact of these ava 1 anches. \'(~, ', ,_' _ ~ \ .. '· Based on available i~form~~ion, reservoir leakage should not be a prob- \ ·;?-*" lem as long as the prb-Ject is properly constructed. The rock ridge on which the dam site is located will act as a suitable barrier to see- page. 6.9 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS An alluvial terrace deposit within the proposed reservoir area was ex- plored as a potential source of granular construction material. This terrace area, as shown on Drawing 8, is approximately 1,600 to 4,008 feet upstream of the dam site on the right river bank. Explorations consisted of test pit excavations, and observation and sampling of exi.sting cut banks along the river. The terrace materials were predominantly sand with about 30 to 40 per- cent gravel and occasional cobbles to a maximum size of four to eight -62- inches. The deposit was relatively clean and particles were rounded. Overburden to be removed to expose the surface of the terrace deposits was observed to range from approximately 1/2 to 1-1/2 feet. 6.9.1 Concrete Aggregate Laboratory test results for samples of potential concrete aggregate are presented in Appendix D and summarized in Table D-1. The major compo- nents of all the samples tested were granitic rocks and quartz. The constituents were innocuous and free from coatings/0\ silt, clay, and precipitated mineral matter. The particles ar~·""cons'idered dense and generally sound as indicated by 1 ow absorp~~ specifi6\gravity greater than 2, and low losses in the soundness test-s •. The losses in the L.A. Abrasion tests were relatively hif1~?§reatef thari 40 perc~·~t. t ' . , Based on these prel imi ~x.ami nations a·nd> tes{;. results, granular soi 1 from the upstream terrate deposi.ts appe9rs:··lo be satisfactory for use as concrete aggr~:\q, permanent ~onsfr~ct ion. Additional samples are currently bein~ fested for'•abr~'ion resistance to verify the high re- sults obtai ned e}t:.l'i·~r. \ . _ _, ... · 6.9.2 Embankment Materials The same terrace materials explored for concrete aggregate appear to be suitable granular fill materials for the dam embankment. Particles are sound, rounded, and well graded. Based on the triaxial compression test and sieve results on scaled specimens as described in Appendix C, the following soil properties are recorn:nended for preliminary embankment design assuming the material is compacted to at least 95 percent of its maximum dry density as defined by ASTi~ test designation 0 2049: Dry Unit Weight 125 pcf t~oi st Unit Weight 136 pcf Saturated Unit Weight 142 pcf Effective Angle of Internal Friction 41° (for confining pressures less than 12 ksf) Effective Cohesion 0 Coefficient of Permeability 0.02 to 10 em/sec -63- Based on present construction concepts, it is anticipated that a con- siderable portion of an embankment dam will be constructed utilizing shot rock. This shot rock is likely to be obtained from required spillway and other excavations. As previously described, the bedrock exposed at the surface and encountered in borings consisted primarily of a slightly-weathered to unweathered granodiorite. Generally, the rock exhibites widely-spaced joints or fractures but does have some zones of very closely to closely-spaced fra,ctures. The rock ... ,;-... '' \ is relatively isotropic and is anticipated with proper blasting techni- ques to produce approximately equal dimen~J block~.\ Based on the information available to date, it is judged~-that ... the rci~k'\obtained from the planned excavations will prod~-suita.ble ,c{ual ity ·\.J'k for use in \ ··,, .t-.. the embankment portion ~\~am. ,, \c)' 6.10 SEISMIC ~-· . 0 \. \ '\ > \. ~,. ·:'\-, '•. ·~ I' ".._.•· Preliminary seis~ic~~-:~es~gn p.,atameters for the Vlest Creek project have been developed af1\~r'-a~evievJ of available tectonic and seismic informa- '~. ~ tion. As shown on TI'rawing 10, the project lies within an area consid- ered to be moderately seismicly active. Within a 100-mile radius of the project site, 128 seismic events with magnitudes ranging up to 8.2. Within a 20-mile radius of the project site, four seismic events have been recorded with magnitudes ranging between 2.5 and 5.4. Because of the distance of prior and existing seismograph stations from the project area, the seismicity in the vicinity of the project is anti- cipated to be higher than that presented on Drawing 10. Numerous lineaments have been identified in the field and in litera- ture for the project area. The lineaments which were field-inspected suggested that they vJere the result of differential erosion caused by varying rock quality. A n?rth-trending lineament which crosses the proposed tunnel has been identified tentatively as a fault. No jeomor- phic features have been observed which would indicate post-Pleistocene movement. -64- The ATC-3-06 (NSF 78-8) publication indicates the effective peak accel- eration in the project area is suggested to be approximately 0.35g with a 10 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years. The project is located in seismic zone 2 in the Uniform Building Code and is classified as a zone where moderate damage could occur. It is recommended that a peak bedrock acceleration of 0.4g be considered for preliminary design. A subsequent detailed study of seismicity may identify the need to use a higher value of acceleration. APPENDIX A DRILLING EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES A.l GENERAL The phase II geotechnical investigation which included drilling, test pits, seismic refraction traverses, and resistivity soundings was per- formed between late summer and early winter of 1981 at the proposed West Creek dam site and appurtenant areas. Tab 1 e A-3 1 i sts all borings including location, feature investigated, and length. The major portion of the explorations were completea· in late summer and early fall. A total of ten borings, DH !":rough DH 1>~0, were com- pleted by Wyman Construction CompanyA: Kettb·i·k.an:~ Alasko\)etween Sep- tember 23 and October 22, 1981. ~s .. e ·.ten ba-~?.1 ri:~s represent an aggre- gate of 1, 521.3 1 i neal feet....¢... .. ~ rill i!19· .. >·WQ_;,k d\:~). ran~ed. from ei gh~ to twelve hours, seven day<a-.week. To. e~p.e~d_:;..e the dnll 1 ng opera~ 1 ons two 12 hour shif!Y'J'e-r day we~e employ'~),in''~the latter part of October. Temsco Hel icopt~r,s·'lnc'• of Ket~h-~}~n, Alaska was contracted to provide ·.. \ \·· "" ~,,:j· helicopter support.to,~o~ men::...a'lld equipment. A Bell 204 helcopter was used to move the d'~ii·l~·-~uipment, and a Hughes 500 D Model Helicopter was used to transpo~·.,;drill crews and geologist as required. These borings were drilled utilizing a skid mounted Longyear Model 38 diamond drill utilizing dual Bean Royal pumps for water supply system. A small exploration program was completed in early w;nter and consis~ed primarily of the drilling of two borings, DH 111 and DH 112, at the alternative 1 powerhouse site. This phase of drilling was con~leted by Alaskan Enterprises of Juneau, Alaska, between December 2 and 12, 1981. A total of 126.0 1 inear feet was drilled during this period. Due to col·d weather and short daylight hours, work days consisted of six-to ten-hour shifts, seven days a week. Livingston Helicopter Services of Juneau, Alaska was contracted to provide helicopt-:=r support to move drill equipment. An Allouette II helicopter v;as utilized in moving t10DIFIED CORE RECOVERY CORE RECOVERY .....----""! (Pieces in excess of 4" in length) 10" 2" 2" 3" 4" 5" 3" 4" 6" -;. ,. 21' \. 5" 50" Core Recov. Core Ru:1 60" 10" 4" 6" 5" -.4_11 .). RQD = 5'J/60 ::: 33% = 34/60 = 57% ILLUSTRATIO~ OF CORE RECOVERY & RQD HAINES-SKAGWAY IONAL HYDROEL 1 IC PROJECT Skagv1ay, A 1 as ka for P W Beck a~d Acsoriates Jrr ~ Converse Consultants Geotechnical e.ngineerin 9 ~ and Applied Science$ ProJeC! No 81-5165 Ftgure r-...o A-1 TABLE A-1 KEY TO SOIL SYMBOLS AND TERMS TERMS US£0 IR THIS REPORT fOR D£SCRIII•G SOilS ACCORO!IIG TO T"EIR TElTURE OR 'lAI• SllE OISTRIBUTIOWS AH GENERAlLT IM ACCORDANCE WITH TME U.,lfiED SOIL CLASSifiCATION SfSTEII. MAJOR DIYISIO•s TfP I tAL UIIES TE~ DESCRIBlhG Cl»>DITIOH. COISISTEIICY MD HAR1»1ESS "' 0 ., . = ~ n . .. ., .. _., .. ~ -'!' --.. ., .. --.. " ., . ...... . ., .. .. :. ,.. -.. .. " .. .. .. .. 0 . c . .. .. . .. .. ., .. .. ... .. " ,.. .. .. 0 ... . ... .. -.... ~ ~ --.. ., -.. _,. ~. .. .. . .. .. 0 --... ., .. :r .. " . .. .. 0 0 M • c .. - 2 0 ., -· .. .. ~ "'"' ... ., " ~"' , .. ·-..... "' zo., ....... c n • .... .. .. .... -.. .. c ·:: .... _,.. H~ ·--c " .. 0 ., ... • .... _,.. -· ~::0 :: n ; . .. !: " ... " ., 0 .. .. ... . -"' .. . .. ,.., ... ., .., .. ., c .. .. ~~ ;: .... ;-~ ~ :. ; -· . ... c -~ = .. .. r--.. .. "" ;;;: .. c " ., .. " .. '" GC SW Wtll·gradtd tr•••ls, gra••l· 11n4 a1xture5. l1ttle or no flnt> Poorly·gradt4 gr&•tls, graYel·llnd a1xtures • little or no fines Silty t••••ls, t••••l·sand· slIt •~>t••u Clayey gra•ols, gr•••l·sand· clay •txtvr.,s Wtll-gradtd sands, gra•elly sonds, llttlt or no fines COAlS£ 'IAIMED SOILS (•ajor portloo rettlaed on Mo. tOO slowol: Includes (T) cl11n grawels, (2} silty or clayey t••••ls, aad l) silty, clayey or trowelly •••••· tooslstoocy Is ratod accordta1 to rolatlvo dtnslty, as dttor•loed by laborttory tosts • Dncrlrthe Tor• Vtry loose lOOSt Dncrl ptht Tor• Yery soft 5oft Rolttl•t Deosltl o to lSI IS to 401 40 to 701 10 to an IS to 1001 $hotr Streogtk ltsfl len tlotn O.U 0.25 to o.so ,.. ~­,.._ 10 ':II SP P'oorl{-traded sands • 1 5 : l _________ '_r_•_•_• __ l_y __ •_•_a_d_'_· __ l_l_tt_l_• ______ 1 ..... ,. .. ... .. .... 0 " ....... 0 .. .... ., .... ~ or no flotl ... " ., ... ;:• ..... . ., .. :: -.. .. _ •o _, M .. .. . .. ... ... ., ... .. ! _.,. .. .. -:r :. " _ .. . " 0 • li .. .. .. ,. ... :: " .. .. .. : .. " "' .. - ... -~ • .. " ., .. .. .. " ... " .. '! ..... ~ ;;: sc I!L CL OL MH CM OH Silty sands, sand-sllt •1 xtures Orvanlc silt• and ortanlc silty clay• of low plasticity lft~rtaft1C s11t1, atcac•ous or dlato•acoo~• floe saod7 or silty •ol1s, elastic slits Inorganic cloys of hlgh plasticity, fat clays Orvonlc clar• of ••dl•• to h!th plntlclty, organic silts Peat ••d ot~er hlthly orgulc ulh Soft Moderately lotrd Hard Ytry ll&rd tan bt dut by loaod aai cr.sloed ~>r. ft•t••• Friable, ctn 1>1 vov,.d itoply wltk talfe aod will cr1111~h readily vader 11tH 111-r blows lnlfe scratclo l••••• ivst troce, will wttlostaa' & f .. h-r lll0t1a lldora llr .. tlat Scratclood wltlo tolfo wltlo difficulty, itfftcult to brut wiU1 ~o~-r blow& SOil IIDISTUR£ Fro• low to kith tho soil •olsturt Is tadtcatoi loy: Dnl!!ftltloo. Tract Llttlt And GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTIOK Dry Sl1tktly .oht lloht Very .oht lilet SIZE PUORT lotS '•rce~t by welsht 0 to 10 10 to 10 20 to lS 35 to so I -CI.AY--+-----SILT---•ro~--1-.. -:_-:_-:_~-;_SAN_~ -·~JN«-GRA...,..""'I~-l....,-=-:1 SIIW! Sllf .._, 1'10 100 liC Jill II: te :tr II II" ll' J• ll!' r r I ~-----~~~~~jii----~~--~-~._~O~I_. __ _. __ ~t~l~~l~t----------~~~.G--~Ir.oG~------~~-~~__. ,.Atn'IC.L.E OtAW£TI['fll IN lltiU..tWI:T£Jit'S HARDNESS TABLE A-2 EXPLANATION OF BEDROCK TERMS AND SYMBOLS SOFT MODERATELY HARD HARD VERY HARD -Can be dug by hand and crushed by fingers -Friable, can be gouged deeply with knife and will crumble readily under light hammer blows -Knife scratch leaves dust trace, will with- stand a few hammer blows before breaking -Scratched with knife with difficulty, dif- ficult to break with hammer blows THINLY LAMINATED LAMINATED -less than l/10" STRATI FICA TI ON VERY THINLY BEDDED -1/2" to 2,1!/""'"\ (:' THINLY BEDDED THICKLY BEDDE~'~", INTENS~ FRACTURED . c/ VERY F'RACTURED -less than 1" spacing ~ .... "~'" FRACTURING ~"., · .. ___;_;_--=--.;;__;:_....:._•:{~ ·< 'MOD ERA TEL Y FRACTUR(D /' -1 11 to 6" spacing \ ' ' -6" to 12" spacing \ ·-, ·~ -::.:..r;t·"" < SUGHTL Y. .FRACTURED ~ --~· -12" to 36" spacing WEATHERING JOINT ATTITUDE \,.~Y WEATHERED MODERATELY WEATHERED SLIGHTLY WEATHERED FRESH N20W • • 50N -Abundant fractures coated with oxides, car- bonates, sulphates, mud, etc., through discoloration, rock disintegration, mineral decomposition -Some fracture coating, moderate or local- ized discoloration, little to no affect on cementation, slight mineral decomposition -A fev: stained fractures, slight discoloration, little to no affect on cementation, no mineral decomposition -Unaffected by weathering agents, no appre- ciable change with depth Strike (in degrees) Dip (in degrees) Vertical Joint A-2 dri 11 equipment for boring DH 112. Dri 11 i ng equipment for this program consisted of a Hydro Wink portaole diamond drill, supported by two Bean Royal pumps for water supply system. Soil and overburden materials were continuously logged and classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System in accordance with terms presented in Table A-1 and bedrock materials were described in accordance with terms presented in Table A-2. Location and eleva- tions of the borings DH 101 through DH 108 was estab 1 i shed by Tryck, Nyman a Hayes of Anchorage, Alaska. The locations and elevations for borings DH 109 through DH 112 were approximated in the field by compass bearing, tape measure and hand level surveys to known survey points. A.2 SAMPLING ~ Overburden samp 1 i ng was restricted ~teri'~ l.s\ ~~covered by the core barrel and by wash cuttings in the wat,er r:~turn •. ~attempts were made to sample overburden materi ~due to ·"~he 1 imited ;;,t,W;ckness and/or the coarseness. c ·, \ Bedrock ~,.,~>sa~pled by continuop_~.!'cdt:· drilling using a ten-foot long NX 2-15/16-1 \ c\~~~ .u~. ( f·} ~~~.idch I: D. ) double barre 1, wire line core samp 1 e in bori ngs\DH,-·10l thrfJtlgh DH 108 and DH 110. Boring DH 109 utili zed a ~~ ";__--;·' I ten-foot lo~~~2-5/8-inch 0.0. (1-7/16-inch I.O.) double barrel, wire- line core sampler. Borings OH 111 and DH 112 utilized a five-foot long NX 2-15/16-inch O.D. (1-7/8-inch I.D.) double barrel, wireline core samp 1 er. Core samples were placed in five-foot long wooden core boxes, photo- graphed, and placed in storage at the sewage treatment facility in Skag- way, Alaska. A.3 WATER PRESSURE TESTS AND PROCEDURES Water pressure tests were performed in borings DH 101 through DH 107 at the dam site and boring OH 108 at the surge tank location to determine the approximate permeability of the bedrock. Longyear wireline single TABLE A-3 SUMMARY OF EXPLORATION Boring No. Feature Depth of Hole, feet DH 101 Spillway 100.5 DH 102 Left Dam Abutment 99.8 DH 103 Left Dam Abutment 100.9 DH 104 Left Dam Abutment and .zor:5'\ Stream Channel \· DH 105 Right Dam Abutment r· 100.8 j;.~ \ DH 106 Right Dam Abutment \. . 75.2 ,, Dam Abutme~'-•\ } DH 107 Right 101.0. " .) 1!-y DH 108 Surg~· 502.2 DH 109 Powethouse Alternative No. 2 141.4 DH 110 ~"~bwerho.use A 1 terna~1~e rra: 2 98.0 DH 111 ?< ·. . ' . •' No. 1 50.5 \ •\Powerhou~e Alt.~rnative \' '.' \ ·, ... ·~ DH 112 f>owerhous'e" ·A 1 te rnat i ve No. 1 75.5 [; "\ .... ;r?'>l<_;ad'"' The locations of the above borings are shown on Drawings 3, 4 and 7. A-3 pneumatic packer system was used to test all borings. In addition, a Longyear wireline dual pneumatic packer system was used to test selected intervals in boring DH 104. A calibrated flowmeter and a watch with a second hand was used to moni- tor the rate of flovJ per unit time within each interval. Where water was not readily available, a dual pumping setup was utilized. The gen- eral test procedures are as follows: 1. The flowmeter was calibrated using a five gallon container marked in one-gallon intervals. Actual flow versus measured flow was calculated and a correction factor established. 2. 3. 4. ,..-"I: The drill hole was flushed after drilling and priaf"·t~ fnser- tion of the packer pressure testing appar~~ \. ~., ' •:\, ~~\. ·:·. ·: ~.:·--·\ "\ \)~ A single pneumatic packer unit cbnsists of a fgur-foot~:,~ng ·': '~.\ . ~ rubber se~tio~ is lo~~o~n a wirelin~'. thry~j,h. the dr~ll rods seat1ng ~e cot::e barrel and outsltt.e the d1amond blt. The dual pne~at:i,c···::vacker un~t",cons·~;;ked .... ~f 15 feet of· per- forated pipe ~parilt ing the f~oot 1 ong rubber 1 ower pack- er. A c ompres s~e \~ j r '~tank \:ra:'s used to rna i nta in a pressure of 250 to 350 psi .,~i~n the packer system to keep it firmly seated against the drill hole wall and the core barrel. The depth of the test interval for each test was established and noted. 5. The height of the rods above the ground was measured to es- tablish the total static head. Water was then pumped into the hole. Various pressure increments were used based on possible future hydrostatic load. Generally, holes were tested at pressure increments of 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 30 psi as indicated on the pressure guage. Maximum water pres- sure attained was in boring DH 108 where 150 psi water pres- sure was used. A-4 6. Water flow at each pressure was monitored using a flowmeter calibrated to 1/10 of a gall on. Constant flow was estab- lished at each pressure interval. 7. The packer was deflated and moved up to the next test inter- val. The results of the water pressure tests are summarized and presented immediately following the corresponding drill log. .,_,, > ' .-.;.:~!·;~· ' \ .. ;..:~~· \~(> .. ':. ' ~, c: .2 co u ::0 "' c. ~ ~ "0 CD > !? c. c. <( "' t• ' "' .. , 0 0 z ::;: a: 0 ... 800 780 760 1-w w u... z 740 ......, "7 6 ......, 1- c::( > w _J w 720 700 680 Ground Surface BEDROCK: Granodiorite unweathere , very widely fractured, alteration halo•s around some fractures /'1•, \f -· \ .. , ... - ·., .. wATER PRESSURE TEST 1 1.40 gprn at 60 1-JSi 2 1.26 gpm at 30 psi SUMMARY LOG DH-1 01 HAiiiES-SKAG,.JAY REGIQ,~AL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.w. Beck and Associates, Inc. @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants SPILLWAY Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. A-1 RWB·487B DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. DH 101 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature __ S~p..t..;iulu]uwu:ayy'-------Bearing bl40W 2 36 35 777 0 60 0 Coordinates -!Nu.J.8.ul...,5u.Z..:4"'-2.;..; _J.E'""2""'ll.O:..J.1~8c..;c..; _______ Ground Elevation ........:....:....:.-:.·~Angle with Horizontal __._....,_.__ __ Nx Wireline 100 5 s Type of Hole ________ Total Depth ____ • ____ tart 9/23/81 Finish 9/24/81 Water Level Depth, Elevation, Date ____ n..;.o_n_e ____________ Logged By __ ....;C~<--PL.......JBioUe...Jn....,s..uo.un~--- Drilling Co. Wyman Construction Driller Sutch Umphry Sheet 1 of 3 Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - T - - % Rec. RQD 1(]-100 X 0 ro I I I N X 0 ro - -100 -- 15- - - - - - 2&-- - - - - 30-- - 35-- Classification and Physical Condition BEDROCK (0.5 -100.5) Water Pressure Test Interval Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) drilled to NW casing to 2.4, 3.5 11 dia. hole, drilled with Nx standard core to 8.5, 3.0" dia. hole. drilled with Nx Wire- line core to 100.5, 3.0" dia. hole. Granodiorite, light gray, speckled blacl, med. grained, hard, slightly weathered to 7.5 1 grades to unweathered below; very widely fractured, with apparent dips of 45-60°, planar, v. narrow, in fillings of pyrite, iron stained with alteration halos to 0.1 1 thick. " ""10'0% water return throughout drilling. 26.5, fracture, Blanar, slightly rough, v. narrow, at 45 , infilled with calcite. 32.1-32.3, fracture, planar, slightly rough, v. narrow, at 45 , alteration halo 0.1 1 thick, clean. 33.8-34.5, zone of alteration around 0.1 1 wide around fracture, planar, slightly rough, v. narrow, at 45-50°. N 4-> VI Q) I- Note: only natural frad~ures are des- j cri t)etl, many fracture~:> are-drilling induced. Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical Consult.nts KWIJ-4M/I:S DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. _ ......... Q ..... H--J.l.._.O.,..l--- Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature ___ s;lipfJ-l.L..].L.].L.WWl;l.a)?J-'----Sheet_....,_ __ of 3 A.l:lgle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. ("") X 0 OJ - - - 45- - - - - 55- - - 60- - % He c. RQD -100 X 0 OJ -98 - 65- - - 75 - - - - - - - - Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont 1 d) 39.5-39.8, fractures, P6anar, slightly rough, v. narrow, at 45 , with an alter ation halo. 41.0, fracture, glanar, slightly rough, v. narrow, at 45 , with an alteration halo. ~· <" '. ., 74.7, fracture, Blanar, slightly rough, v. narrow, at 45 , with a .!:2 11 alteration halo. Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon Water Pressure Test Interval \ '• \ \ Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) RWB-4878 DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. _D_H_1_0_1 ___ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Projectreature ___ S.!...p_i_;_l_;_l_w_a:::...y ____ Sheet _ __:_3 __ of _.....;3 __ AJl~e Depth % .::! Water Remarks Elevation ..cer Pressure (\Vater Loss and Color, Casing & Size Hole, H.ec. o..o Classification and Physical Condition Test Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) ::':.....:~ Box No. RQD v Interval \ .... '":_I I Granodiorite (cont'd) -~~:-!_.,. . '\I\ -I' 1-J .,.~,_ .... ---, -, .... --, .... ~. _, ' -, , ..... ~I \ ......... ' 98--·.1'~/ .... -, -,'<1'.,. L.{") -~ 1 /-:::I ,, \ /\I X -100 '-~ -., ........ 0 ..;'1 ,, . I I; c:::l 10( '/ ' .... ' +> -• ' I N V) + ' ... '/~';, Q) -;,-~_, +-> f- Vl 95--,-1 ~' Q) I ,,-,·- f- I - -I 'I -.... -/1-I; ;,~, ~ 1..0 --I 1\ \' -.... X I/ ,I, 0 ,, .... -, c:::l -100 I ,.. \I h ~ 1,1-, .. ·" 100--100 ,... \ , I ' ·" (< -Bottom of boring at depth 1007, \ -~~. "· -rt/~. \ ) \.·.~,P-4; -., ., ' I -/""· .~~ -~t ~.,... .. -.. ~ .~ ... f"!''"~~~t ·~ ~~#,. ~:,.L'1' '· .~ ...... ~ -"" \, 0 -'·"'')> \ ' -' " ., '(!o,.Y \_ .. -•i ;.:_ .J' -..... ~o;:;..-<' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r'! ...... ft .... _ ... _:--1 ,... ___ ,,,. __ ,_ RWB SD-88 R. W. Beck and Associates DRILL HOLE WATER TESTING Hole No. DH 101 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Feature Sp i 11 wa"'-y.,___ _____ _ Sheet_..J.._ __ of _J__ Depth to Water Table __ d_r_,y ___ Height of Swivel above Ground see remarks Size of Hole Nx Wi reline, 3. 0" di' Test Equipment Wireline Packer Drill Foreman B. Umphreys lnspector_--=.C'---P=-B ______ _ Time Period Depth (Feet) Loss Pressure Date of Test Top of Depth Remarks Begin End (Min.) Packer of Gallons GPM (psi) Boring August 15:00 15:05 5 63.0 100.5 3.2 0.64 15 Single pneumatic 24/1981 15:07 15:12 5 4.55 0.91 30 Packer used 15:14 15:19 5 5.7 1.14 45 Top of Water Test 15:23 15:28 5 6.95 1.40 60 Swivel at 3.5 ft. above 1 15:30 15:35 5 4.0 0.80 45 ground surface 15:40 15:45 5 2.9 0.58 30 15:47 15:52 5 1.8 0.36 15 ~~ .4~.;' A ,.:; Test 16:00 16:05 5 23.0 100.5 4.6 ·~ kJ~·92 _._,:· 15 iTOp of water 2 16:06 16:11 5 6.3 1.26 30 S.wi ve 1 at 3.5 ft. above \f.~-~ o. 7o' \ 16:12 16:17 5 3.5 15 \.g.l"ound surface I .. ~--.. ' " .• -.. . .. I \:;~.)- \ '( ~-'-·. · .... ··-·· _,.:-:,~' '·.· .. ..... ' -"' : . \ ·. ~ :...~>?~ ' ,. <· '; ,_. If '\,sf'p"'" I I I I ; ' I I 00 " ' ., ., Cl 0 z :l: a: 0 IL. 1- UJ UJ l...L. 700 680 660 ~ 640 z 0 ....... 1- c::( > UJ _J UJ 620 600 580 560 Ground Surface LEFT ABUTMENT ----? BEDROCK~ Granodiorite, s ightly weathered to unweathered, medium to widely fractured, unweathered and widely fractured below 10.0•. "" --Andesite, ~'fff:rusive dike;\. unweathered, medi urn frae'tured· · \ ~7·h ,...c-'*': ·:·'-'') "':'<:. • '; ~;~~i)';:ly fractured ~--Total Oepth 99.8' WATER PRESSURE TEST 1 12.64 gpm at 60 psi 2 7.86 gpm at 30 psi SUMMARY LOG DH-1 02 HAI1~ES-SKAG~~AY REGI01ML HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc . Project No. 81-5165 @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants Drawing No. A-2 RWB-4878 DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. DH 1 02 Pr . Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Left abutment North OJect _____ ...::..__::~..:;_ _______ ,.::.._ __ Feature ____________ Bearing----- Coordinates _....:N..:.:2::.!8::..:1~4!...::6::..:3::...:7...:,.__...::E:..::2:.:::3:..:::6:...:1:.::9~1..::::5:...._ ______ Ground Elevation 66 2 . 7 60 0 Angle with Horizontal~-~-~-- Type of Hole __ N_x _w_,_· r_e.._l_,_· n_e __ Total Depth __ 9_9_._8 ____ Start 9 I 2 7 I 81 Finish 9 I 29 I 81 Water Level-Depth, Elevation, Date ___ A_t___;:g_r_o_u_n_d_s_u_r_fa_c_e ______ Logged By_--I(_....~P~B~e~n~so-~.OJ-+11+----- Drilling Co. Wyman Construction Driller Butch Umphry Angle Depth % Elevation Rec. & Size Hole, RQD Box No. - - Classification and Physical Condition Forest Duff, dark brown; wet,soft. COLLUVIAL SOIL ( 1. 0-4.6) Water Pressure Test Interval -Gravelly sand, brown, fine ~o medium, !-.-- .-I X 0 c:::J I -- N >< 0 c:::J -~--~--~l~i·~t:t~luiP~~~~~;·l~t~·~~mnd~.~~~~m~p·.d~li~tum~d~Pnl=~;p~--~ I l ,~\ 5-100 -B2123 -~1141 10- -100 --- -100 - 15- - - - 20- - -100 -100 - 25--- - - - - 30-- -100 ---.89 - 35- - -- -40 t,. I ""' ,, ~~- I.,_ -I -, ', \ , • .,._1' :::.. i'_ ,' ,, ',' 't ......... , ",;'1' ~ I v-.. '' ~ .... , ~ ,-• .,_',',I ',,_. '1 ~, ~:.· ..... "".~!.' .... \ ,_' ..., .. , ,;_~ /. , \I ' I I ~:. \'_, \ {~ ;:, J.;,, I' ..... \ \ /\,I' ''"' .1' ~ \";.,.\"':-1 \/ ,,, ,,j_; :_, ,.,,, f\;. '-I !, '\).:; '"-1 I 1-,.,.~ ~ ~ -; , ..... ' I ' I , ... , ... -, ,,_ v:'.!'' / t'r'-~\''I :_ ...... ,' i~' I,_,.,.., 'I I, :;:'\-~t r-~\L •.:-, \ ", ,--'I '"I, I ~ :. ,,,...,. .... /'.I .... ' \.,....' / ,.;,,.,,.,.... ,, -I ,_ ',_ \' ,_, -\ 1'";. \ t,-' ~~ ....... , \I ..... / '"I -, ,,.. I \I ' ,-, ,-, ... ;':.!_' \ \~;~;- 'I\- '-r,"' ' I -'-I.,..\,.. 1.:: I ...__I_, \ ,I I I .:--,, ~'- I'\ t,. t. ....... > BEDROCK (4.6-10.0) Granodiorite, gray, speckled black, mec. grained, med. hard, slightly weathered megium fractured, with apparent dip of 50 , p 1 ana r, rough, narrow, i nfi 11 ed ,..,·~ with iron oxide. ("' . ... 10.0-39.4, grades to hard, unv1~ered ·. \ wi ge ly fra5tured, with ap. pa re'f{t .p;·····:ps. o I \ 50 -90 , planar, rQJot,gh, v. narrow, \ i nfi 11 ed with iron o~de~ .. and ch·l or.it·e, J' with alteration halos' a·round some \ fractures~''· \.,_.,;..' ! N ~ 34.4, fracture, planar, slightly rough, ~ infilled with chlorite, ~~~ alteration ....... halo. 37.9-88.9, rehealed fractures, at 80-90 , infilled with chlorite. (continued) Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical Consultant• Sheet ] of 3 Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) dri 11 ed with NW casing to 7.5, 3.5" di a. ho 1 e. drilled with Nx Wire- line core without inner tube to 9.6, 3.0" dia. hole Many fractures drill- ing induced from 4.6 to 9.6 KSample 10.75-11.61 drilled with Nx wire- line core to 99.8, 3.0" dia. hole. (Sample 20.0-21.251 100% water return throughout drilling. DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. UH lUt::: Project Ha; nes-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Project Feature _ __;;;;;.L.;;;.e_;_f.;;;.t_a;:._b;;:._u:;_t;:._m:..;.;e::..:.n..:...;t:.....__ Sheet_...;;:2;___ of _....;3;;..__ ARgle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - % Rec. RQD 100 '-r--93 - 45- - - - M 55- X 0 co - 65- - - - 70- - 75- - - - - - 85 Classification and Physical Condition ANDESITE DIKE 58.1-58. 5~aled fracture, at "N?/~, infilled '-ith:·chlorite; 79.5, fracture along incipient ~eakness planar, rough, v. narrow, at 45 . Converse Ward Dav1sD1xon Geotechnical Consultants Water Pressure Test Interval I I iT I +-l (/) QJ I- Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) ~ample 40.75-41.751 DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. __ U_H_l_U_~ __ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Projec't:reature ___ L_;_e_f_;_t_a_b_u_t_m_e_n_t __ Sheet _ _:_3 __ of __ 3 __ Allgle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - - - 90- - - - - 1.!) 95.---- X -0 c::l - - - Rec. RQD 100 -- 95 100 -- 100 ~''-''~ _,,, .... ~~~~ 'I I' Classification and Physical Condition Water Pressure Test Interval Granodiorite (cont'd) 86.4, rehealed fracture at 50°, infille~ I ,~-;-._,, with chlorite. 0 ~;;~ · 87.9, rehealed fractures at 50 , infill ~d ~, .... ,~ with chlorite. 1'-_, I ~~-> ... 88.7-89.2, closely fract~red along ';'-', incipient weakness at 35. I' VI -I ' I\-I I~ I I - \ !_\I..!_ f I 1-I I ~ ,' ... .'\ ~:\~~', 94.0, fractur~d, planar, smooth, v. "~~~:~. narrow, at 45 , infilled with chlorite. -'r ,, ,,:::,-......' :,, ,. ,. \ ,, ~~,~~'-~ 97.0, fracture, glanar, slightly rough,j/'·~\ ... -... , v. narrow, at 45 , clean. 1 ·· I I \I 1\ I _J---t-'--21c.....'.._;:'-n98.2, fracturb' planar, sl. rougj.A __ ,v. narrow, at 45 , clean. (". >.·· l 100-\ \ .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___, - - 98.6-99.0, mafic zenolith · Bottom of boring at dep.oef\'\99.8 • ~\ Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon Geotechnical Con!Oullant" Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) run blocked RWB SD-88 R. W. Beck and Associates DRILL HOLE WATER TESTING Hole No. OH 1 02 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Feature Left abutment Sheet---.-.:::......... ___ of _1 __ DepthtoWaterTable @surface HeightofSwivelaboveGround see remarks SizeofHole Nx t~ireline 3.0 11 di Test Equipment Wi reline packer Drill Foreman B lJmphreys lnspector_--~,C...~=P..,~;~B---- Time Period Depth (Feet) Loss Pressure Date of Test Top of Depth Remarks Begin End I (Min.) of Gallons GPM (psi) Packer Boring I August 11:00 11:05 I 5 63.0 99.8 22.9 4.58 15 Single pneumatic 29/1981 11:06 11:11 5 36.2 7.24 30 Packer used 11:13 11:18 5 50.5 ~0 .10 45 Top of water Test 11:20 11:25 5 63.2 ~2.64 60( )Swivel at 3.5 ft. above 1 11:26 11:31 5 53.2 0.64 45 ground surface. GroundJ ~-.. '•) 5.¥J ;4",.., (.), 11:33 11:38 5 26.5 30 water level at top of 11:40 11:45 I 5 water gain ·~~ 9.40 .15-P )casing 11:46 11:51 I 5 water gain +1 ·. 3 3.26 or~ ) (_.A, .. \ ~(1) I ,:~ .:0' Leakage around pack- I . er estimated loss lgpm l ( ~· (2) A positive gpm out- I I flow from boring. ' ~t 1 "5 ., ' Test 12:00 . ,23.0 1~!:. 99 .:~f 26.8 5.36 15 Top of.water swivel 2 12:06 12:\,~\f .5 ., 39.3 7.86 30 at 3. 5 ft. above ground ' ~; 12:12 12: 1f,, !''· 5 13.2 2.64 .15 surface '·t I, I i I \ i I l I ! ' ' ' ! I I I I I i I l I I ; I I c: .2 ;;; -~ :0 ::J c. ._ .E "0 CD > ~ c. c. < ., .... ' on on 0 0 z l a: 0 1!. 680 660 640 f- UJ UJ L.L.. z ...... z 0 620 ...... f- c:( > UJ _l UJ 600 580 560 Ground Surface Overburden DH-103 GL~E~F~T~A~s31u~T~MMEENNnT~--------------~--~~-~ '?--~ BEDROCK: Granodiorite, slightly weathered to unweathered, widely fractured with zones of closely fractured rock; unweathered below 10.7 1 • C· ' closely fractured very closely fractured \.. ·. ·. ··~· _,_,.· Tota 1 De'pth 10.0. 9 1 --·"'(, . -" \:~~-... ~J WATER PRESSURE TEST 1 2.9 gpm at 60 psi 2 1.0 gpm at 30 psi SUMMARY LOG DH-1 03 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. Project No. 81-5165 @ ConverseWardDaVISDIXOn Geotechnical consultants Drawing No. A-3 RWB-4878 DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. _...J.D.LLHL-lu.OJ..;3l--- Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric ProjQCt Feature I eft ab'ltment Bearing N40E Coordinates _ _!N~25:..!8:L1.b..:4:u8,c,3.L.;94r--loE--'2 ... 3LI.6u.2_..1ul...,SL-______ Ground Elevation 658 9 Angle with Horizontal 60° Nx Wireline 100 9 Type of Hole--------Total Depth ___ • _____ Start 9/25/81 Finish 9/26/81 none Water Level -Depth, Elevation, Date-----------------Logged By Drilling Co. Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - 1-.--- 5-- - Wyman Construction Driller Butch Umphry % Rec. RQD 100 -o 100 40 100 Classification and Physical Condition Forest Duff, dark brown; wet, soft. I/'/ -,,_, ' .,.. I ' \ ... I I 1' ,,1 '-1)~ /-.., I\ '" -/ I' ,-1/ ,. ,/,- ( 2. 0-36. 7) Granodiorite, gray, speckled black, medium grained, hard, slightly weather Water Pressure Test Interval C P Benson Sheet 1 of ~ Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) drilled with NW Casins to 2. 5, 3. 5" d i a. hole. drilled with Nx Wire- line core without inner barrel to 7.3 -26 '-'1\-..,l \, -,, -;,,, ed to 10.7,grades to unweathered below· widely fractured with zones of medium /··'"; .. to very close fractures, with apparent dips of 50-80°, planar, slightl~ough very narrow, infilled with ircn oxide chlorite and clay; with alteration . ~ample 7.3-8.51 - 1G- ..... - X 90 0 --- co 78 - - 15-- l -, 2~ 1-1--~~ 80 2~ - - 3a---100 -67 N - X 0 -c:o - 35- - -100 --91 -1--1--40 -,-- ' ,t 1 I , , , .... ''~'~' I-,I ... ~ -:.'" ,..,. I' ...... ~ .... ,. :,•~ ~, .... .'~1~' \!:',-~ '_,,,. ~..! ~ J.! \ ......... -, • \I :::-, ~ ,,.,.,,,- J _, _, :1 ;-:·~ · ... "" -, ..... / I\' ' , ,_ ,. -/ , .... ,, •:1.}-, ~·~\::.\ I' I,/-_,/' / ,~, I ,I . "" / ..... , ' ' I I 1-' ' .... , ... /,, ..... ... ' /I ,, ... 'I .. -\ ,, 'J '/"" ,,I,, I ,.,.....,~ -,. I' I-, / ,-..... ',. I \ .,.... \I'~ ,~~-;:'1 .,,, \ .. , -I , -,1,. I -,. { i v 1/1" :~;(1 ~~-...... 'I /, \ '-, -' /._\~I J It-'' .... -"I \ ' I \ I ,/ .... -' lj \/ \,. 4 -,t / I,. I ~--,~ ... ' ,_,_ .:::,--. I~ \I \ I"' /, ....... :;:- I I' ha 1 os a round rehea 1 ed ... arfd v. narrow ·" fractures. ·· ·, ; <'-' 13.4-),4.2, Very c~o~e fract,ure(s inter- se~c.t4ng, at 50-70 , planaY, slightly rc\!gh~, .v:. narrow, in'tilled with quartz and\_~lay_: · <:v•-" ..,. ., . . • 0 17.2-lJ.S~ ;losely fractured at 50 , planar} .. ,.s.mboth, narrow, infilled with chlorite. 0 17.8-21.1, medium fractured at 60 , planar, smooth, v. narrow, infilled with chlorite. 0 21 0 1-23.7, closely fractured at 50-1-.-- 90 , planar and curving, slightly rough, infilled with chlorite and clay; alter- ation halos throughout. 23.7-d1.0, zone of rehealed fractures at 80 . N 33.9-~6.7, closely fractured, parallel at 70 , planar, slightly rough, narrow, ~ slickensided, infilled with clay and chlorite. V1 Q.J I- 36.7-100.9, zones rehealed fractures with alteration halos. (continued) Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consullents . \ .,/ ~ample 14.2-15.51 Poo~ recovery and low RQD due to mechanical fractures to 7.3 drilled with Nx Wire- line core to 100.9, 3. 0" d i a. ho 1 e. 100% water return throughout drilling. run blocked. DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. ---~.D~H~l~0~3-- Project Haines-Skagway Hydrae] ectd C Project Feature ---~ol~e;:..f~.-t~.--<a"'"b~u-4.t~m~t:e~n...,t~-Sheet --6,---of --.d5-- ARgle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. o/c Rec. RQD ('") X 0 co - -100 -98 - -100 50-94 - - - - 55- - -~00 - -95 - 65- - -00 7o--- : -93 0 cc - -- - 80-97 -93 - - 85 - Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont'd) 59.0-~5, vet-y closely fractu~~d~. at 45-~ ,.,planar, rough, v. na ... orow, ln- fill,_d\w'~th ch l ori \e. \.>1 \. 69.0-69.8, mafic zenolith 73.9-74.2, closely fractured at 45° along incipient planes of weakness, planar, rough, v. narrow, clean. 77.2-77.4, closely fractured at 45° along incipient planes of weakness, planar, rough, v. 'narrow, clean. (continued) Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon Geotechnical Consultants \Vater Pressure Test Interval N """' .~ .... 1'1' (,1')./ "'\ F1lJ 1- -.....-- +> Vl Q) 1- Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) run blocked. DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. OH 103 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature ___ L...:e_f_t_a_b_u_t_m_e_n_t __ Sheet_...:._ __ of __ 3 __ AR~e Depth -~ Water Remarks Elevation o/c -;.~ Pressure (Water Loss and Color, Casing & Size Hole, Rec. t":: '"; Classification and Physical Condition Test Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) Box No. RQD ,?: ..... Interval ..., ;~I~~ -'I(.,\-. Granodiorite (cont'd) I\ /'\ -, 11-'I~ I'· --/-· 88.2 ~ fracture at 60°~ planar, sl. , \~ \1 t \ ..... rough; v. narrow, infilled with -,, ....... '-"' \-9G-I ,... I chlorite. ....... I I , '-'\I/ +-' -100 -;. '.:-.I ' 1/) : ,', , ....... c Q.l --1--97 ~,:;: \--N I \ ..... \ / --_-,, ~-, +-' -\~'\I.._ 1/) -OJ I \ I i .,... I-1..£") 95--\\' ·' ..... J _ .... X ~ I 1- 0 , \ - co -./--'"1! ,,f-I """ " _ j -,,,. _ -\ ,,. .. .\ . :... ~ ~, -100 \ ,, , ....... \-I\ J-!.4 ---/'-' ~~ \ "I"-., 10Cf.-94 J \ .... J ..... ,. ~ I ' I • -'\ -End of bating at depth 1~U .,9 ~-'· . A '.:,.:..,_..1'/ -- - \.c.>"' .~ - - ~ .. :..- /,., - .. -I - -- - -- - - - - -- - -I - - - - - -j - - - - - Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon RWB SD-88 R. W. Beck and Associates DRILL HOLE WATER TESTING Hole No. DH 103 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Feature Left abutment Sheet 1 of _1 __ Depth to Water Table Dry Height of Swivel above Ground see remarks Size of Hole Nx Wire 1 i ne 3. 0 II d i c Test Equipment Wj re] j ne packer Drill Foreman B llmphreys I nspector __ __JC~.riPRB;)---- Time Period Depth (Feet) Loss Pressure Date of Test Top of Depth Remarks Begin End (Min.) Packer of Gallons GPM (psi) Boring August 15:30 15:35 5 63.0 100.9 0.50 0.10 15 Single pneumatic 26/1981 15:36 15:41 5 4.60 0.92 30 Packer used 15:44 15:49 5 8.90 1. 78 45 Top of water swivel . Test 15:50 15:55 5 14.50 2.90 60 3.5 ft. above ground 1 15:56 16:01 5 2.80 0.56 45 surface 16:02 16:07 5 1.00 0.20 30 16:08 16:13 5 0.15 0.03 15 _,..., '(;..;'..-" ,/~ \ ;_ Test 16:30 16:35 5 23.0 100.9 1. 70 ~< ; 15 Top','"-of water swivel ,, ' ' \ 2 16:36 16:41 5 ~.p 1. {)0; '30 3.5 ~t. above ground \o :30\ .. \ 16:46 16:51 5 0.06. ;15 surface .. ~ <; .,...,....,,, \-::...-~~.~~~~ ~ \ ' I\. -/ ·J ,~ ~ ·• ,:.-.T"' \ .· ~ ·, ·_,.,Pt " ' ,.;'J .y "" ~:,.~~) I I I I i ! I I i c: 0 iii u :0 "' Q. '0 1%) > e Q. Q. < "' ,... ' ., ., D 0 z l a: 0 ... DH-104 l 600 580 560 f-540 w w l.J.... z 0 ...... f-520 <C > w _J w 500 480 460 Ground Surface Medium fractured, unweathered below DAM AXIS West Creek fractured widely fractured BEDROCK: Granodiorite, slightly weathered, widely fractured to zones of extremely close fractures. Unweathered below 28.0 I, I ·, fractured \ ":\ ,, fra~,~red 8 ~- \\ ·;, \:,. ' wATER PRE§ SUREr TEST ·u:' 1 .76 gpm at 30 psi 2 .08 gpm at 45 psi 3 .24 gpm at 75 psi 4 0.0 gpm at 75 psi 5 0.0 gpm at 60 psi 6 • 34 gpm at 45 psi 7 1.5 gpm at 45 psi Tota 1 Depth 201. 5 1 8 8.54 gpm at 45 psi SUMMARY LOG DH-1 04 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. ProJeCt No. 81-5165 Drawing No. @ ConverseWardDaVISDIXOn Geotechnical consultants A-4 l".nD-"tO/D DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. DH 1 04 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature Left Abutment Bearing ___.S.._l.uO.uE __ Coordinates_...:.N..:.:2:.:8:..:1:...4:..::5.::2:..:::5~, -..::::.E:::..23::..6::..2:::..1::..6:._4:.__ ______ Ground Elevation 619.7 Angle with Horizontal _ _:4t:.5,_0 __ Type of Hole Nx Wj re) i ne Total Depth_--.!£G.\:0~1,.....,~5.__--Start_....:.9...:...1....:.3....:.0..:..1_8..;;.1 ___ Finish 1 0 I 05 I 81 none Water Level Depth, Elevation, Date ________________ Logged By_----J(..-IP~B)..I;e:+n~-::.s"-'ol+ln>------ Drilling Co. Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - - - 5- - - - - -- - - - - 3Q- - - - - 40- Wyman Construction Driller Butch Umphry Sheet 1 of 5 % R.ec. RQD Classification and Physical Condition TALUS (0.0-13.5) Angular boulders with little sand and silt, moist, loose. Water Pressure Test Interval Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) drilled with NW cas- ing to 16.1, 3.5" dia. hole. drilled with Nx Wire- line core to 201.5, 3.0 11 dia. hole. ~"/.~-\100% water recovery ·throughout drilling. occasional rounded gravel. c BEDROCK (13. 5-:,?,9<1:-.,5) .. .. Gran~8io.rite, gray spec~led,>·black, medilllq grained, med. ha td to hard, s 1 . weathe~ed. to 28.0,,ava'des to unweather- ed below, Y\ w,idely to extremely, close- 1 y fract't.!red,..,wi th apparent dips of 40- 600, and 7~90°, planar to curved, slightly rough, v. narrow to narrow, infilled with iron oxide, clay, chlorit~ and calcite, alteration halos around some fractured rock, medium hard in these altered zones. 13.5-64.90 extremely closely fractured at 80 -90 , planar, slightly rough, v. narrow, infilled with iron oxide and clay. 24.9-30.4, widely fractured 30.4-52.5, medigm to very closely frac- tured, at 40-55 and 5-15°,planar, slightly rough, v. narrow, infilled with chlorite, calcite, and clay. 30.4-34.6, closely fractured at 40° 34.6-42.0, medium· fractured at 40°. T (continued) co +-l 111 f run blocked. ~ample 21.25-22.251 ~ample 24.9-26.61 ~ample 34.6-35.7J Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical con.ultenta DRILL HOLE LOG Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Project Feature Left Abutment Allglt> Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. N X 0 c:::l - - - - % Rec. RQD -100 6o--97 X 0 c:::l - - - - - -100 -96 7Q-- - - .!:d f~ ~~~ ~ Classification and Physical Condition 46.7-51.1, closely fractHred along in- cipient weakness at 5-10 . Water Pressure Test Interval "'''\ lr/""'"''' :~ 52.5-98.5, grades to v. widely ~ure~. o ,.. I 53.3, fracture at 50 , planar, rough, ' tight, infilled with ct;tftfnte. ·· I 65.7, fracture at 35°, planar, slightly rough, v. narrow, infilled with chlorit . ..., U'l Q) I- Converse Ward DavJs D1xon Geotechnical Consull11nt" Hole No. OH 104 Sheet __ 2 ___ of _ ___;5 __ Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) run blocked. core loss. DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. __ u_n_J._u_"t __ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric ProjectFeature Left Abutment Sheet _...;.3 __ of _...;.5:___ 1 All gle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - -- - - 10o- - - 105- -100 -100 - - llQ-- - - 1.0 -100 X ~---~ 115 92 I - - - - ' 12()--100 1-f-L .v -97 X 0 ro 130 -- - - - - Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont 1 d) Water Pressure Test Interval 0 98.5-102.0, closely fractured at 60-75 , ...... +-> Vl Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) planar, smooth, v. narrow, infilled wit1 chlorite. ~ .A~·'\. ~· ·' 102.0-120.7, v. widely fract~red. , •.. ··""'"' ·· .. ·~ ', \: ·, . ·,c ··"'"~.,.-=~\ ' ') co 105.5, fractunf~t40°, pla.ha~) very '<:"'" ~ rough<f,..v:"'''harrow, clean. ~ •;''' ~ < __ ._ ~ 106.8\10~l3~ zone of rebeale~ trattures with a~teration halos~ f~fill~d with calcite~ , ·· · 117.0-118.2, mafic zenolith 1.0 +-> Vl Q) 1- .--il-- 120.8-139.4, medium fractured at 15-55° v. narrow to narrow, infilled with calcite, chlorite, or clean. 123.0, fracture a~ 40°, planar, slight- ly rough, infilled wibh chlorite. 124.8, fracture at 45 , planar, slight- ly rough, narrow, infilled with chloriU ·~ ~~9 36 6 :2 ~i~~a~~r~o~~~~e~~ ~~~~~~:e~lean ~ 1- (continued) run blocked. Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon Geotechnical Consu!lanl11. UH.lLL HOLt; LUll HC\le No. _ __;;;_v~••--=. ... .::..v..,....:._ __ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Project Feature _ _::L:.::e...:..f..:t:.._;_A:.::b..:u:..:t;;.;m..:e:.:.n:...:t:...__ Sheet __ 4:..___ of _....;5::--.._ AJI g!e Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - -100 -98 - - - - - 1-t- - - - - -00 170-66 en - X 0 ro -4-175 Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont'd) 129.9-134.8, alteration halos on re- healed fractures at ag 0 . 132.6, fracture at 55 , planar, slight- ly rough, v. narrow, clean. 139.2-145.2, shear zone, medium hard Water Pressure Test Interval -F- Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling. etc.) ~~e~a~~,6 ~=~b 0 ~lpo~~~~rt~0 c~~~~~~.fract-jr ) ~ample 142.0-142.5 slightly rough, narrow, infilled with " . clay gouge, chlorite, and calcite; .'5T"-· pervasive alteration of rock. ~k ......,. ' 139.9-140.2, soft clay gouge 0 at 4Q-9... ~oo run blocked. 145.2-155.2, fractures at 20 ,~Qsely t-:-~ to v. closely fracturedAlanar'~ sL <~', rough, v. narrow, inf-rfl~d.. with iron '1 · oxide. , · , f1i.•'~ , '\~~.. , , . I run blocked. ·., '. \ '_...,; ';) ~~ 155.t~~7~~6, medium fractured with run blocked. zones of close to axtremel~ close fractures at 45-65 and 75 , planar s 1. rough to smooth, v. narrow, i nfi 11-...,,_. ed vJith chlorite, calcite and clay, t occasional alteration halos around ~ fractures. ~ 167.0-168.8, closely fractured. 172.5-173.6, extremely infilled with clay. (continued) I closely fracture<11 l .__ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants DRILL HOLE LOG Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Projecteature Left Abutment ARgle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - I I - I - 180- - - - - 185- X ~ - - - - 190- - - r-t-- - 195- -...... ...... - X -0 t:Q - 1200---= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Rec. RQD 100 -- 97 100 40 100 100 100 -- 96 Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont'd) 173.6-186.1, medium to widely fracturec at 65°, planar, smooth to slightly rough, v. narrow, slickensided, in- filled with chlorite and calcite. 177.0, fracture slickensided at 70°. Water Pressure Test Interval 184.80186.0, medium fractured at 10-90 , planar, smooth, v. narrow, c:l slickensided, some infilled with ca6cite .... ~ 186.0-201.5, widely fractured at 65 , ¢"'~ .. ~ planar, slightly rough, v. na~~~-· .. in-\:.·' !f.- filled with chlorite and calc~~,) Alteration halos 0," t(~.," ',. ·' .. 1 ::, ...... I 1 End of boring at depth 201.5 Converse Ward Davts D1xon Geotechnical Con~mltAnh• Hole No. UH 104 Sheet _ _,5:!....__ of --"5 __ Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) core loss. run blocked. RWB SD-88 R. W. Beck and Associates DRILL HOLE WATER TESTING Hole No. DH 104 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Feature Left Abutment Depth to Water Table _ _.O .... r-i!-¥----Height of Swivel above Ground see remark-s--Size of Hole Nx vJi re 1 i ne 3. 0 11 di a Test Equipment see remarks Drill Foreman _B__Ilmph reys Inspector CAY & CPB Date Loss Time Period Depth (Feet) Pressure 1----.....----l of Test T 0 p 0 f Depth 1----......---; o f Gallons GPM (psi) Remarks Begin End (Min.) Packer Boring Sept. 15:30 15:35 5 04/1981 15:36 15:41 5 15:45 15:50 5 Test 15:55 16:00 5 1 16:03 16:08 5 16:10 16:15 5 16:16 16:21 5 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 17:30 17:35 17:40 17:45 17:46 17:51 17:55 18:05 18:11 18:21 5 5 5 18:45 18:50 5 18:52 18:57 5 18:59 19:04 19:08 19:13 19:20 19:25 19:26 19:31 19:32 19:37 5 5 5 5 5 20:00 20:05 5 20.06 20:11 5 20:15 20:21 5 20:26 20:31 i 5 20:33 20:38 1 5 20:39 20:44 5 20:45 20:50 5 183.0 201.5 0 3.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 153.0 168.0 0 138.01 153.0 I I I 0 0.70 0.50 I 1. 20 0.90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Single pneumatic 0.76 30( )packer used 0 45 Top of water swivel 0 60 4.1 ft. above ground 0 75 surface 0 60 (1) Leakage observed 0 30 around packer 0 30 around packer 0 0 15 Top of water swivel 30 3.0 above ground surfacE 0. 14 45 0.10 60 0.24 75 0.18 60 0 30 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 15 30 45 60 75 60 30 Top of water swivel 9.0 above ground surfacE RWB SD-88 R. W. Beck and Associates DRILL HOLE WATER TESTING Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Feature Left Abutment Depth to Water Table Dry Height of Swivel above Ground see remarks Test Equipment see remarks Drill Foreman B. Urn ph reys Hole No. OH 1 04 Sheet Size of Hole Inspector 2 of 2 --- Nx Wireline 3.0"dia DAY & CPB ---------------- Time Period Depth (Feet) Loss Pressure Remarks Date of Test Upper Lower (psi) Begin End (Min.) Packer Packer Gallons GPM Sept. 20:50 20:55 5 123.0 138.0 0 0 15 Top of water swivel 04/1981 21:00 21:05 5 0 0 30 3. 0 ft. above ground Test 21:06 21:11 5 0 0 45 surface 5 21:12 21:17 5 0 0 60 Test 21:22 21:27 ,.. 108.0 123.0 0 0 45 Top of water swivel 0 6 21:45 21:50 5 0 0 ~~ .. ~;, 8.3 ft. above ground 5 ~ 21:51 21; 56 0 .,.,-AO ': ~0 ' surface 21:57 22:02 5 1.~0 0.34 45 22:03 22:08 5 ~-0 0 .. 30 ·*\ ~~ '· ~..,.... ...... .,. ' Test 24:30 24:35 5 -:;: ' 91.5 106.51 0.20 O.:tlil 15 Top of water swivel ..;:<ft·-4· i \ . 7 24:40 2~5 .. ·s 1.1.·10 0.22 30 4. 5 ft. above ground "'· ,r .... r 24:46 24;~;5l ·, · .. s'· 7.50 1.50 45 surface \ .. 24:52 24:5~ ~·~ ' ..• 3.50 0.70 30 .. ';j l, . .,.-'./ -:~ Depth Top of of Packer Boring Test 15:00 15:05 5 33.0 201.5 25.40 5.08 15 Single pneumatic 8 15:08 15:13 5 34.70 6.94 30 packer used. Top of 15:15 15:20 5 42.70 8.54 45 water swivel 4.1 ft. 15:25 15:30 5 0.10 0.02 30 above ground surface I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I ' i r:: 0 r;; u :0 :::> c. ~ ~ "0 II> > 0 c. c. < "' ... '- "' ., 0 0 z ::!: a: 0 ... 1- l..LJ l..LJ LJ... :z 0 ........ 1-< > l..LJ __J l..LJ 700 680 660 640 620 600 Overburden Ground Surface below 10.9'. BEDROCK: Granodiorite, slightly weathered to unweathered, very widely fractured zones medium to very closely fractured shear zones(31.8 -33~and 39.4 -40.3) hydrothermally altef'ed Gfanodiorite, closely to very close~ctured {,+ •:: \ unalte.red Granodiorite, very widely · fractured \:..··- .r---Total Depth 100.8' WATER PRESSURE TEST 1 0.0 gpm at 45 psi 2 .54 gpm at 30 psi SUMMARY LOG DH-105 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. ProJeCt No. 81-5165 Drawmg No. @ ConverseWardDaVISDIXOn Geotechnical consultants A-5 RWB-487B Project DRILL HOLE LOG Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature Right abutment Hole No. --"D:..:.H.:.........~1u0w.5,_ __ Bearing _S_1_0_E __ N2814210 E2362140 695 9 ::no Coordinates _....!·~~r..:..:~•-_.,!,~~:..o!~'--------Ground Elevation . Angle with Horizontal_....I!J..u_.~...,._ __ Type of Hole __ N_x_l_~_i _re_l_l_· n_e __ Total Depth __ 1::..0:...0:...·:...8:..._ ___ Start_....:1:....:0...:.../....:0....::8..!..../....::8..::.1 ___ Finish 10/09/81 Le I De h El t. D t none Logged By __ C_P_B~&_D_A_Y ____ _ Water ve -pt , eva 10n, a e ----------------- Drilling Co. Wyman Construction Driller Butch Umphry Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - - - 5- - - - - - - - - - - 25 ...___ % Rec. RQD N 35 -86 X 0 co - -45 - Classification and Physical Condition Forest Duff dark brown wet soft COLLUVIAL SOIL ( 1. 0-8.9) Silt, brown, little fine sand, moist, med. dense. BEDROCK········'·\, Water Pressure Test Interval (9.8-100.8) • . Granodiorite, light g}ay,~speckled black, me'!1~ained, med.hard to hard, slightly weathered to 10.9 grades to·' un~thered below; medium frac;.tured w1'tr,t,zones closely to v. closely fract Li'red ·~ith apparent q~ps ·of 20-80°, pl'ana.r, srnooth tQ ·rc'ugh, narrow, in- filled with ir~~ oxide, clay, and cal- cite.~ wt:th zones of alteration. -,.,.~,)> 26.4-40.3, hydrothermally altered to gray green, closel~ to v. closely fractured at 20-70 , with zones of re- healed fractures, planar, sl. rough, v. narrow, infilled with chlorite, calcite and clay. 31.0-33.8, shear zone, very closely fractured, wit8 clay seam at 33.0', 8' wide, at 80 .. 35.4-38.0, zone of closed fractures with alteration halos !.4"wide, infilled with calcite 39.4-40.3, sheas zone, extremely close fractures at 70 , planar, slightly roug~, narrow, infilled with calcite, clay and Geotechnical Consultants Sheet 1 of ~ Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) dri 11 ed with Nw Casing to 9.8, 3.5'' dia. hole. drilled with Nx Wire line core to 100.8, 3.0" dia. hole. Intermittant water 1 oss up to 50% throughout boring ~Sample 12.5-13.3] Run blocked. <2ample 20.41-21.25 I Intermittant water loss 26.4 to 40.3 run blocked. Core loss 33.8-34.2 DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. _...~D~H-1-..&.JJ..J0~5~....-__ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Project Feature _ _..:.R.:....i:.....gL.h.:....t:;.._;a:;.,:b;;...;u;;;_t:;_m.:.;ce::..;n"-t.::....__ Sheet _ _!2:.___ of --=-3 __ Allgle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. o/c Rec. RQD 1-l- CV) X 0 a::l X 0 a::l I I - - -100 -83 45- - -100 --- 100 - 55- - - -100 60 ~ 100 - - 65- - - - t-~~ - -~ Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont'd) 40.3-100.8, grades to v. widely fract- ured, with gccasional medium fractured zones at 25 , planar, rough, v. narrow clean, along planes of incipient weak- ness. .~ .}' ... \ ••• ::..:;,4~"' 66.9-67.8, rehealed fractures at 80° with alteration halo~~~ to~~~ thick. (continued) Converse Ward Davts D1xon Geotechnical Consultants Water Pressure Test Interval Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) run blocked. run blocked. I KW 1)-'l!l/1:1 DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. __ U_H __ IU_:, __ _ ProJ·ect Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric ProjectFeature Right abutment Sheet 3 of 3 ----='------------'----_ __.;:; __ AJI~e Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - - - 90- - - : - ' I - L.[") 95- X 0 c:o - I - -l10o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Rec. RQD 100 98 100 100 Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont 1 d) 81.8-§4.2, closely to medium fractured at 25 , planar, smooth to slightly rough, narrow, clean. 0 97.0-97.3, fractures at 25 along incipient weakness. End of boring at depth 100.8 .. ;:::,.,· .:r:· ... ~ ...... -::. '. ''1. \. ':;;-_;$' . .... _,.;) ..> Water Pressure Test Interval +> Vl Q) 1 Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) Converse Ward Davas D1xon Geotechnical Cnn .. ult""'" RWB SD-88 R. W. Beck and Associates DRILL HOLE WATER TESTING Hole No. DH 105 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Feature Ri abutment Sheet 1 of 1 Depth to Water Table Dry Height of Swivel above Ground see remarks Size of Hole Nx Wire 1 i ne 3. 0 II d i i Test Equipment __ Wu.l.w. rL...\e-...JlLii...J..Jn ..... e_p ..... ac><Jk,..e..._.r ____ Drill Foreman __8_._ Umphreys lnspector __ ....._C'-'PB......__ ____ _ Time Period Depth (Feet) Loss Pressure Date of Test Top of Depth Remarks Begin End (Min.) Packer of Gallons GPM (psi) Borin a Sept. 13:05 13:10 5 53.0 100.8 0 0 15 Single pneumatic 09/1981 13:11 13:16 5 0 0 30 packer used. Top of Test 13:17 13:22 5 0 0 45 water swivel 3.4 ft. 1 13:25 13:30 5 0 0 15 above ground surface Test 14:00 14:05 5 23.0 100.8 1.40 0.28 15 Top of water swivel 2 14:06 14:11 5 2.70 0.54 •·"~. 3.4 ft. above ground .:' __ ..... .... 14: 15 14:20 5 0.10 P,.0.02 15 surface ·-" ~-c-- 'lf ; c 1 \ . ~~?. ·::0 \:, ' ..,_iff.,.-~-:__ .... 1 ri, ,..· -~ (;~ :.J '"."/"' >' .i--";. "I .. \ , ... J I \.~-·--T . I .\ I I ,./" i I I I I I c 0 a; -~ :0 = c. "' ... ' ., ., c 0 z l It 0 "- f-w w LL 740 720 z 700 z 0 ....... f-c:x:: > w _J w 680 660 640 Ground Surface DH-106 Overburden INTAKE STRUCTURE BEDROCK: Granodiorite, unweathered, very widely fractured t. ' \ '-':. ~\ . . .. \, \,\:0) '~~·'' 1 ---To ta 1 Depth 7 5 . 2 ' WATER PRESSURE TEST 1 4.5 gpm at 30 psi S'UMMARY LOG DH-1 06 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc . Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants A-6 RWB-4878 DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. _...JDLJJHc....._l.uO..LI6:;l..--- Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature __ I_n_t_a_k_e_S_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e ___ Bearing ____ _ Coordinates _ __:.:N:.::2~8:..:1:....!4..=2c.=1:.::5~,--=E:..!::2:.::3~6~1"-'9::....!7~9~------Ground Elevation 723 4 Angle with Horizontal_~9"-'0I.L0 __ _ Type of Hole __ N_x_W_i_r_e_l_i_n_e __ Total Depth ___ 7_5-'-. ::..2 ____ Start _....;1:..:0::.../...::0~6:.J../_::8:..:1'----Finish -~1 O!.!../~O>L..7u/~8.~-.1j,___ Water Level -Depth, Elevation, Date ____ n_o_n_e ____________ Logged By _.:..D_A_Y...;:.o.:..n...;:.e.:..m_;_i_:t...;:.s....::;u:....__ __ _ Drilling Co. Wyman Construction Driller Butch llmphry Angle Depth Elevation & SizP Hole, Box No. - % Rec. RQD Classification and Physical Condition Forest Duff, dark brown, wet, soft. -~~~~.+-------------------1 1-,r--- 10% t;\1_-- -100 5-100 -100 --- -92 ....... 10- X - 0 100 co --- -92 - 15- - - - 100 I - 20-60 -1-J--- -100 - 25 '--80 - -100 - 30-98 - N - X 0 - co - 35- - -83 ---83 1-40 - ---' -;-•; ,, ,..,...,-, -' ...!-·I-/~ ,,_ \/..._!-::: \ /1-lj ,~,;· 'f ':... \ .... ,,. ' ~I-- \/ ,., ·,,..:: - I/\ / -- .:: I I ~ -,':. ,' I •(' ·1''-_, .... / /I/..:' ,, \ ·.,, , ..... "' ' ..... , "' , ' ' ..... \ '---,,-I \1 .:·</\II / ',,1:.. .-...:-,, .... ,! '\ .... _!: 'j ~,·:-,'l ''"'\I --·-,', .... ~ ... -_! •"'\ '·~"'j \-,., ' \ ,,... ,/- --'-/' ·i ""-{ ... -' ,, 1...., ,, ; \; ,",,..:.. -' .... \ 1 /,1- ,..,,~:.:\ · ..... --\ -I I I .----\ I "I'/ ~-,_:,,; , '-,-_,._- ·-,'I~ \-'-I /-' ~~ -:::\.I/ ' I -I- ..... ,:,""' .. ~,...-_ _,.,... \ -'( ,~, ~\/ -/ \ _, ' I \ / ,-, ~ /-..:, ....... , =~~~: ,.....,1 ...... " -1 -:._,,- --1 I I ' \ ,--/ -'1,' '....-,-,. _, /-,,,., -;- 'I I \-.... ;- .,..1~-j~ BEDROCK (2.6-75.2) Granodiorite, light gray, speckled black, medium grained, with occ. mafic zenoliths, hard, unweabhered; very widely fractured at 80 to horizontal, planar, med. rough, narrow, slight iron oxide staining to 9.0 23.3-24.0, fracture at 80° slightly weathered. 0 27.4-27.6, fracture at 90 . (continued) Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical conaullanta Water Pressure Test Interval +-' Vl Q) I- Sheet 1 of 2 Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) dri 11 ed with NW casing to 4.0, 3.5" dia. hole. ~ample 5.3-6.33 I 100% water return (intermittant) drilled with Nx Wire- line core to 75.2, \3. 0" d i a. ho 1 e. ', \ ~amp 1 e 14 . 16-15 . 1 I run blocked. DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. __ u_n_.t_u_o __ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature __ I_n_t_a_k_e_S_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e_ Sheet __ 2 __ of _ __::.2 __ AAf!!e Depth .: Water Remarks Elevation % i""' Pressure (Water Loss and Color, Casing & Size Hole, Rec. r:j Classification and Physical Condition Test Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) Box No. RQD 0 Interval l .. __ ..... -~l':llt Granodiorite (cont'd) :,' / '/ -""} __ , ,,, ·,-.)"::_/ ~ -. I I_:: I -, , ......... -~!,_! ~t , I I /I 45-100 I ,t-I --!/-... ~~= -100 -1;-.r ·r:.. r ~ ... -jj. ~/' -:,';~;; I '--...:. .::\ ': -; ''~'.! 20°. I r.! i''-49.0, fracture at I so-... \ ,..,'"':, \ I ,_ \ r' -100 :-, ... .,..,; -• .. ,1~ _, ..... ,.,. .~ ' ---'I::::'-' I '!!' .. .,. ("") 99 "" I\," \ ......... \ X -. t-1;- 0 -,,, '·: .. co -'~I,- r ',..I' I !.-'\/ ' 55-, ...... ;:, .... .. \;-'/' .... ; '?J -> ' ~ ,, ~ ~ ' --I I -'\ -... I .,.,,,.. ,__9 ..... -..:> -+ -'I.; ' ~\~I: I -,. \ ~ \ "' -I .,, /. .... \ ..• 60-v . ....., .... - ~· . 1_,.. I I -. I' ..... I i 100 _, ..... '- I ---":, ~ \ '. \ ·~;,..--· :, 'I t-I .. 100 ,_, ... " --t...( 1', \ :J ~ample I I ' 63.1-64.2 ,_, I \. / --\-"'i·:'* .. \ ,, .... ! ..... , -...I ...... 65-...... ;,-/,-/ +-' 1-,,.., Vl -'-,' .... Q) -I,/ 1-,_,' t -', ,, -\ ,_, -~ ' 100 --!' f \ -,, ..... , \ --,I\ 'I'.,.. 70-100 ' ......... ' blocked. ',';I~' run ¢ -lr ... ,'; I 'I ' ' X I' i "X l 0 --,, s ..... ~I c.::l ,;,, ..... ;. --. ... l I I' / ~ ; .... , .... -I' I I, I('\'<;., -~-75-, .... -", '· -End of boring at depth 75.2 - - - - - - - - Converse Ward Davas D1xon Geolechnicaf Consultant~ RWB SD-88 R. W. Beck and Associates DRILL HOLE WATER TESTING Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Feature Intake Structu Hole No. DH 106 ------ Sheet of 1 --=-- Depth to Water Table Dry Height of Swivel above Ground see remarks Size of Hole Nx Wireline 3.0 11 dia Test Equipment Wire 1 i ne packer Drill Foreman B. Umphreys Inspector CPB Time Period Depth (Feet) Loss Pressure Date of Test Top of Depth Remarks Begin End (Min.) Packer of Gallons GPM (psi) Boring Sept. 10:55 11:00 5 11.2 75.2 0 0 15 Single pneumatic packer 07/1981 11:00 11:05 5 22.5 4.50 30 use. Top of water Test 11:05 11:10 5 3.7 0.74 15 swivel 2.0 ft. above 1 ground surface ""'"''\ /.~ ?- ,/ \ .r .... ; .\,~ < -~ ·:.., ·:~'""' / .. ' I ,c· ,,''~. ·;,,f· '·~/· 1 ,,,j ' I ,/·· _-b .... .. I ' .' .... .r'~ I tl -,/ v I I I I I I I I I i ' I ! ' I I I I I I i I i I I I I I ! I I I I : <:: .2 ;;; -~ J:J :::l c. ... .2 "0 Cl> > 0 c. c. < ., ..... ' "' .., D 0 z :1 a: 0 l1. 1- w...J w..J l...L.. z ....... z 0 ....... 1-c::c: > w _J w 720 700 680 660 640 620 DH-107 RIGHT \ ABUTMENT ' /i Ground Surface BEDROCK: Granodiorite, unweathered, widely fractured with zones of very closely fractured rock shear zone, tl¥d'rotherriialt'y altered Granodiorite very cltisely" fractured. . . '\ -· ,,,,,...'"''-. medi urn fractured. )· -~ 'shear zone, hy9rotherma·1ly altered Granodiorite, -"S y_;:y closely .. fractured ··"" ~ .. ve'ry widely fractured ~---Total Depth 101.0' WATER PRESSURE TEST 1 5.46 gpm at 45 psi 2 7.02 gpm at 60 psi SUMMARY LOG DH-1 07 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants A-7 RWB-4878 DRILL HOLE LOG Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature Right abutment Hole No. _...J.D.l..I.H.I...-lu.OLJ.?:__ __ Bearing _S_6_2_E __ Coordinates __ ~N.:.2.><8.:.1.><3.:<.9..J.4~5---'=E-"'2-"'3-"'6'""1'""'9'""'0""5'--------Ground Elevation 715.2 Angle with Horizontal _ _..7:...~.0.L.0 __ Type of Hole Nx Wire l i ne, Total Depth __ 1_0_1_._0 ___ Start 10/07/81 Finish _ _:1:...:::0J..../..:::.0.:::.8'-/ 8::::...1:..___ Water Level-Depth, Elevation, Date ______ n_o_n_e __________ Logged By __ C:_P~B:.._&:.._D_A_Y ____ _ Drilling Co. Wyman Construction Driller Butch Umphry Sheet 1 of 3 Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. % Rec. RQD Classification and Physical Condition Water Pressure Test Interval X 0 CD -i-- N X 0 co - - - - COLLUVIAL SOIL (0.0-5.1) Sand, brown, fine to medium grained, trace silt occ. cobble to 6 11 size; moist, medium dense. 5-~~~~~-------------------------~ ~00/0 >' .--' .-··' '\,\, --+-----i /I""\ 'I BEDROCK 100/0 -,:::::~ (5.0-101.0) ::.~;~'.:: Granodiorite, light gray, ?P.e'ei<led bla< k·~ /l' / . \ ,,,,~', medium grained, hard, unweathered; widE.ly\ - - 10 -100 ~~~l-~ to medi urn fracture~.~nes of very C 1 OSE ':·, '\ .• !..'~-' .... fractures and shea~ ... · zo'nes, with .ao./pare•t\.,) ,I ., 0 . .., . ·' ~~~~~..! dips of 20-90 , pla;nar:,, '!?1. rough, -_._ -91 - ,, ~ \' narrow ,,.,i't(fil Jed with 'ch i'tl.rite ~-t--Cft 1 citE ~~~~ and clay gOuge in shear· zoh~s, ~1 ter- );__·:.t .... 1. ation halos~-~~~ thick aro.ufid rehealed :1 . .:<\ and· very narrow fracturl2s. - 15-\ ~-~ ~. /'\ .... , '. -1_\/'7.:-. ~-~,, _, - - -100 20-94 - - - - 25 "--- / , ...... \ --;.~ ..... ,~ I' /\' I I:-,... '/'-I \ -......... ~:;.., I' /I ,-;:'__-..: t;,,-;:,.~ /.::/,- .... I / I' \-·-i"" ,.,.. a /-....\-'-',..:",'., ' I/ ...... ~,/,? ,' .... \.-- ~--,\·~ .... ,, I-/ .,.....,1 -100 l-7'.!. i !_).I;~ -100 '!~''.) I/ ,1 ') 30-= ~~~~~/J _, / 1----C' .... ,_ -!--:"';-.... ~~ _..' I -/, ...... , /1 "''~/~ ':--,I -100 ',,•/ ~ I~ I I' I ;· ~I -:' -69 ~l'l 35...-. , .... , '..-\ J - -·· . ..-"' ·, : 23.2, fractures at 40°, infilled with chlorite. -'.:\' •,.~ ,,,~-~ '1 ~,-'..:j 36.6-40.7, shear zone, hydrothermally -~-----~r-..:,1 ~,: altered gray green, med. hard, extrem0- -100 /-::.,.:~'-1 y to very c 1 ose 1 y fracture~ a~ 80-90. , 40 -~ ::.,~,~·i planar, sl. rough, narrOYJ, 1nf1lled wlth ,,, ~:i rlrlv (continued) N +l Vl Q) t- Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical Consultants 1 Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) dri 11 ed with NW casing to 6.0, 3.5" dia. hole. drilled with Nx Wire- line core to 101.0, 3.0 11 dia. hole. 100% water return throughout boring. run blocked. DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. ___ u_M_!_U_I __ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric ProjectFeature __ R_i...::g_h_t_a_bu_t_m_e_n_t __ Sheet __ 2.....__ of ___ 3_ All gle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. 1-t- - - - % Rec, RQD 50-100 M 48 >< - 0 c:l - ---j_ -0 1 60- 94 --- -80 I - - 65- - - - - <;j' 7o- X - 0 100 c:l - -76 - 75- - 1-f--- - -00 so--Ln 100 - X 0 c::::J - - - ' 85 Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont'd) 39.0-40.7, extremely close fractures, ~-~" soft, clay gouge. 40.7-49.0, medium fractured at 40-60°, planar, sl. rough, v. narrow, infilled with calcite and iron oxide, alteratior ha 1 os ~~~ thick a round fractures. Water Pressure Test Interval 49.0-58.2, shear zone, hydrothermally altered gray green, medium hard, med. weathered, very closely t8 extremely close fractures at 70-90 , e~ eche~on, .-"''\ planar, smooth, v. narrow, sl1ckens1de~;' "" infilled with chlorite, calcite an~ ' clay, minor iron staining. ,,-e·..,·"'· . . . . 0 58. 2-61. 2, 1 ow-"f,rac tu re at -?D-~0 , . i' stepped, sm~6tb., v. narrow, 1 nf1ll ed with calcite;;and clay. , 61~(z:76'.0, widely fractured with 0 zones of ·very close fractures at 50-70 , with J•lidely,spaceQ..r·ehealed fractures with a.lteration halos ~-2" thick. -~->'. \I)· Cl) 1-- T I I 1 I i Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon Geotechnical Cnn,.ullant" Remark~ (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) Core loss 0.6' run blocked, 76.0-101.4, all fract ures mechanical. DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. __ u_n_l_U_t __ _ Project Ha; nes-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Project Feature _.:_R:..:.i..>~.g.,;.;h-=t--=a.::.b.::.u-=tm;;.;.e.::.n:..:.t.::.__ Sheet _...;;3;........_ of _.........;3:;___ Al:l~e Depth .=: Water Remarks Elevation % ~ t;C Pressure (Water Loss and Color, Casing Rec. -" Classification and Physical Condition Test Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) & Size Hole, """ RQD ... ...:~ Box No. D Interval [' I I\ ::.I -, ... '"',.' Granodiorite {cont 1 d) ,_ .... ' ~~~:.-:.. ... -I, 'I I _ _, ' -100 ' .... , .... ..... \" ---I • I I-' 1.() -100 ,,.. ,.. ..... - -\ \/ X 90-\;I - ~ample 0 ,-,., 90.5-91.71 en r ),~ ., .. , , -1'''' -I,-.,. -.... I...._\;\ , ..... 'I --:_1~ I I ; ' ' ..... f'-1-1-N --\-\ I-1' ....-+ .;..> I-95-1 .... 't \ V1 ,_ , .... , .;.>OJ '.:.~' Vlt--;,,.. ..... -... OJ I t.O \'I" -~ 'I • ' X I,"'" I~ ; 0 1'-,\1 en -100 ,.,....,, I • ..,. I --.,.. "" /"" -100 ' 'I '· -,.. - / 100-I' t' / (Jf'<' ,/' ............ ' ~~';. t--,_ i \ _, j. ·. End of boring at dept.J:l""~lo 1. o ' ...... :···~ -~--··. " - -i /;-1-~;.'f:o,fr,, -f'"' I - -;·, ,, -' '• - -/ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon Geotechnical Consultants RWB SD-88 R. W. Beck and Associates DRILL HOLE WATER TESTING Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Feature Right abutment Depth to Water Table Dry Height of Swivel above Ground see remarks Test Equipment Wj re] j ne packer Drill Foreman M Mckelvey Hole No. DH 107 Sheet 1 of __ 1 __ Size of Hole Nx Wireline 3.0"dia I nspector __ -.<DL.IIA"'-.YI------ Time Period Depth (Feet) Loss Pressure Depth Remarks Date of Test Top of of (psi) Begin End (Min.) Gallons GPM Packer Boring Sept. 06:15 06:20 5 63.0 101.0 0 0 15 Single pneumatic packer 08/1981 06:21 06:26 5 0 0 30 used. Top of water Test 06:28 06:33 5 27.3 5.46 45 swivel 3.0 ft. above 1 06:34 06:39 5 gauge f-unning backwar Cis 30 ground surface Test 06:50 06:55 5 26.0 101.0 0 0 15 Top of water swivel 2 06:56 07:01 5 26.9 5.38 30 7.0 ft. above ground 07:02 07:07 5 29.7 5. 9~-/4~ surface 07:10 07:15 5 35 .. ~ 'f-.7. 02 60 07:20 07:25 5 gauge unning bac~ar ~s 30.. ~;, "· -~. G· ; . \,) . \ .,\ ., '.;-, '·~-",.~ ..... .,-_,..;~·) ~-,.--· ''<;, \~ ... ~"' ·~ ' .' \, -(''•v;· ': '~ .... :" ............... !/' ... \$(•' -~ -.. '+. . ., ,..;.· ':': 1.; '·¢1 '.·, \ )?> '~ ... " , ... ;. ~. ·~i \ \ \;-<. " ,. '<~. .. . .;~ ; ''t ,.!' \.,., .... I I I I I I I I I I I I >- &l I c: 0 a; .~ :c :::0 Q. .. .$2 "0 G> > 0 c.. Q. < "' ,.. ..... .., .., 0 0 z ~ 0: 0 II.. 100 940 830 820 t-w w LJ.. z ........ 12 760- t- c::::::: > w _J w 700 640 580 520 Ground Surface WATER PRESSURE TEST 1 13.08 gpm at 150 psi 2 18.2 gpm at 150 psi Overburden SURGE TANK --? BEDROCK: Granodiorite, slightly weath- ered to unweathered, medium to very -.---~~·i dely fractured with occ. zones of 1 hydrothermal alteration, unweathered e 1 ow 17.2'. medium fractured ~very widely fractured -----zone of hydrothermal alteration medium nard, medium weathered medi urn fract~red ,.,., ...... "\ /. very widely fract~ed ·'-:..,,) one of hydrothermal alteration medium hard, medium weathered, 'medium to closely fractured widely fractured Total Depth 502.2' SUMMARY LOG DH-1 08 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIO~AL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc . ProJeCt No. 81-5165 Drawing No. @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants A-8 RWB-4878 DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. _-~.D.u:Hl......Jlu.O.u;;8l---- Pr . t Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature Surge tank Bearing OJeC ------~-_..::~.::.__.___::_ _______ _:....:::....::...._:__ -----=------------=--- Coordinates ___ r~~2!::..::::.36~8~9::;.8:::t.O_,_,_.!:.E.!:.2~8_....1..::::3.!:.2.:I4..>!0 ______ Ground Elevation 1010.0 Angle with Horizontal_.L9.l./.0_0 __ _ Type of Hole _N....;x_v_J i_r_e_l_i _ne __ Total Depth _ __::5:....:0:.=2:...:.·-=2 ___ Start 10/11 I 81 Finish 10/14 I 81 Water Level -Depth, Elevation, Date ____ n_o_n_e ____________ Logged By __ JLOA!:LLY~&_.~.<.C.LP.L/.B ____ _ Drilling Co. Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - - - 5- - - - - 10- - - - - 15- - 1-.-- N - - 40 - Wyman Construction Driller Butch llmphry % Rec. RQD Classification and Physical Condition TALUS (0.0-17.2) Cobbles and Boulders, angular, little sand; moist, medium dense. ' .... . \. \ . ·.. BEDROCK"'"'"' ( 17 • 2-'$p2~ 2) \ \e,.;• Water Pressure Test Interval GranodiGri'te,Jlight gray, speckled black, ~~m grained, hard, slightly weathered to 29.6, grades to unweathered below; v. widely fractured with zones of megium to v. close fractures at 30-80 from horizontal, planar, smooth,! to slightly rough, v. narrow, infilled with chlorite, clay, calcite, K-feldspar, and iron oxide. Alteration halos aroun~ rehealed and v. narrow fractures to 6" thick. 29.6, fracture at 80°, ~-~"alteration halo, planar, smooth, v. narrow, clean. (continued) Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical Consultants Sheet 1 of 12 Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) d ri 11 ed with NW Casing to 16.0 , 4.5" dia. hole. drilled with Nx Wire- line core to 502.2, 3.0" dia. hole. ·~ \ ~\ \ ·.:···P' 100% water return throughout drilling. DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. _ _..:.U_M_l:..U:..~.:.._ __ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Project Feature _ ___:S~u~r-=g!..::.e:__t:....:a:....:n:....:k..:._ ___ Sheet _ _:2:..___ of 12 AJigle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. N X 0 co 1-1- - - 45- - - - - - 55- - - % Rec. RQD -100 -72 65- - 1-1- - 70 _100 -49 - - - B5 Classification and Physical Condition 4B.3, fracture at B0°, planar, sl. rough, v. narrow, clean. .,. 66.5-79.5, medium fractused with closel fractured zones at 70-BO, planar, sl. rough, v. narrow, clean to infilled with K-feldspar and clay. 70.5, fracture at 40°. 72.0-72.2, closely fractured at 40-70°. 77.8, fracture at B0°, infilled oxidized clay. 79.5-103.3, widely fractured. with Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon Geotechnical Consultants Water Pressure Test Interval '--r ··~ ...... ~ .<0 1.\ N +-' lll QJ 1- Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) run blocked. run blocked. run blocked. ten foot length of in- tact core. DRILL HOLE LOG Project Haines-Skagway fiydroe 1 ectri c ProjectFeature Surge tank ARgle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - J-r-- - 90- - - - - 95- - l!"l - X 0 -c:o - 100- - - - - -r-105- - - - - llo- - - - - 115_ - - - - 1.0 120 X - 0 c:o - - - - 125_ 1-t- 130 % Rec. RQD 100 100 100 -- 99 90 -- 64 100 74 Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont'd) 93 63-95.0, long irregular fracture at 70 , partially closed. .. ,.,.-<= ... ,/ '( : Water Pressure Test Interval N '- 103.3-128.0, yellow brbwn, ~edium hard to soft, s]~'ff'y to medium weathered; clssely spAced' rehealed fractures at~ q,_o:.~;'""~fnfi 11 ed with ca 1 cite' ~ r~,nod i 0 ri tt:>' ~droth~rmally altered. . . ·· ... ·. '· .J·-· '· 115.2-116.4, rock is soft. (continued) Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon Geol-~hnical Consultant" Hole No. __ u_n_l_u_o __ _ Sheet __ 3 ___ of __ 1_2 __ Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) 1.2' core loss. UKlLL HOLE LOG Hole No. __ u_n_l_u_o ___ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri C Project Feature _ __:.S:....:u:....r_,g::.;e:...._t:....a:....:n:..:..k.:.._ ___ Sheet_4:...._ __ of ---=-1"""2- Al:lg!e Oep th % Elevation Rec. & Size Hole, RQD Box No. - - - -100 135--- I 99 - ~ - X 0 -CCl - 140- -1oo --- -100 1-f--- 145- - - - -I I 150- - 100 - 100 co - X -0 CCl 155- - - - - 160- -100 ---1-r--100 - 165- - - O'l - X 0 -CCl 170- - -100 --100 - 175 u :.;::"" ~0 ~...:l 0 I ..- ;',.~' I '-1,; -.~--\I ,_.. I'- t'~' l 'I-\ • . \ I..,.. I" f-'"'-",'i-[1 .... \ /\ '.,....:-; \' ,,.,..,~l ~~ ,-.f -, '' '">'<, ~;.!:: \ ....... ,,',.'_• \I ' \ ' . t":".i'"·l ',.,/I " ..... \ .... \ ,. . ,_ , ... , ·'"'-) _·;~;·, ~ ,P ,._. j _ .... , ' ..... ,,, ~ l / ,,::~ \ / - ,,, "' ~ .,..--.~ .... " \I, I ~';,:~ ~ /t' '-'..,.._\, I ..... _~ t-,~' \ ,''-/ ........ , rf :1_-IJ ,.-,,'--1 -,' ..... l'i \ -'~'; ;::,~~ \ .... \-I,\~'-\/ ~ ,, r-' I ' ·~·:~-1 ~~,,·' /1,.....\ "' .... 1', I ..... \-..,.. ....,\_,~:tt 1' 'I ...-j ,,';,~~~ _/, ......... 't '~ ~ ~ I' .. I _1 , I ~ "' /"''' .... '! ,-,::: I \; ... _1";, ...... '/' '-..... -, /I .. I ;,/ ~-.... <_,;~~ "" (;I' ' .. I t / ..... ' "' ... ' ,,,-' ' ,, ........ .,._, -, .... /' I ,, ...,. ~ .. ""; .... ' ', ...... .... , .... t ...... ~ _. I _\, .~ -, - \ \' ' / ,,.....,. l:;: I "' :~~-/j ''/I~\ /1;/,/ 1--.r;::. _, ,-,' 1 -.,...\I' / / ... /, ... \ .... ; ,~I/,\ ,,, '.) ..... , I ... \ ......... 1 t' \ ~ i ~ \-/ Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont'd) 128.0-502.2, v. widely fractured, occ. closely fractured zones, widely spaced altered zones, occasional mafic zenoliths 136.7-137.0, altered zone. 138.0-139.2, altered zone. 140.0-140.2, mafic zenolith 164.8-165.1, fracture at 50°, iron stained alteration halo ~~~ thick . Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon Geolechnical Consultants Water Pressure Test Interval N ...., Vl OJ I- Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) run blocked. ten foot length of intact core. ten foot length of intact core. KWIS-4ti/H DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. __ ..:::D~H~1..:::0:.:::8:.___ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature _ __:S::..:u::.:r:....;g;L.:e::__t.::.:a::..:n~k:.:._ ___ Sheet ___:5:::...._ __ of _----=.1 ... 2_ Allgle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. X 0 co X - - - - - - 195- - - - - 205- - - - 210- - ~215- 1 - ! I - - [J_220 % Rec. RQD Classification and Physical Condition Water Pressure Test Interval Granodiorite (cont'd) ,, -. •, . < 6 . 191.6, fracture at 6S, planar, ~ed. rough, v. na~row, infilled with chlorite. -C 195.2-196.1, closely, fract~red at 40-5of, p 1 anar' rQugh' v"J narrow' i nfill ed with' iron oxide, cht-cfrite, zone of rehealed frac~tures .... l'With same dip. \: .• .:.>'"'+ .. ··;~ 200.8-201.7, closely fractured at 45°, planar, smooth, v. narrow, infilled N -+-) Vl <lJ 1- with chlorite with iron stained fractur~s, planar, rough, narrow. (continued) Converse~'ardDavasDaxon ·) Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) ten foot length of intact core. ~ample 209.2-210.41 ten foot length of intact core. DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. __ D_H_1_0_8 __ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Projecteature __ S_u_r_,go!_e=---t.:....a_n_k ____ Sheet _ _;6::...__ of 12 All~e Depth % Elevation Rec. & Size Hole, Box No. RQD - -100 X 0 co -100 - - - - - - - - -100 245-- M 82 -- X 0 co - - - 255- - --r- - 260- - -~ C.;< r: "':; .. S:a- '-' Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont'd) -~ .._ __ , ...... 24L4-24L7, rehe"aled fracture at 85°, infi,led ~ith calcite. \ ~ :J-.. ~:~~'~ 245.1-245.6, altered zone. 245.6-247.7, mafic zenolith 263.1-265.5, closely fracbured, lon9 continuous fracture at 80 , planar, sl. rough, narrow, slickensided and iron stained, altered throughout. (continu_e_dl Converse Ward Davas Drxon V.' ater Pressure Test Interval N +-' Vl Q) f-- -.-- +-' Vl Q) f-- ' \ Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) ten foot length of intact core. ten foot length of intact core. RQD low due to singbe long fracture at 85 . ten foot length of intact core. RWB-4H/H DRILL HOLE LOG Hole Ko. __ ..,.D~H~lv-0~8-- Project Haines-SkagvJay Hydroelectric Projec"Feature Surge tank Sheet 7 of 12 ___ __;::._________ ---------- AAE!e Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - - - 270- - - I - o::t -->< 275-0 o::l - - - 1-r-- 280- - - - - 285_ - - L!) -->< - 0 o::l 290- l - - - - 295- - - H--- - 300- - - -1..0 -->< 0 305-~ - - - - I 310 c;c Rec. RQD 100 87 100 100 100 -- 100 100 100 -~ Classification and Physical Condition Granodiorite (cont'd) 266.7-267.7, medium hard rock. 268.4-270.4, closely fracdured, long continuous fracture at 80 , planar, s l. rough, s 1 i ckens i ded, i nfi 11 ed with chlorite. (continued) l"!.r. .... + ........... _: ......... ,...---····--·- Water Pressure Test Interval Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) N .j...) Vl ClJ I- I l I"'· ,, L I' ) I , I ·, . j '!. ~,.J ... I ten foot length of intact core. -!(Sample 293.1-294.31 ten foot 1 ength of intact core. Vl Q) I- ten foot length of intact core. 1\.UP"'"'fOID DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. ___ U_H_!_U_l) __ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Projec1f'eature Surge tank Sheet 8 of 12 ___ ___.:::...______ __:____ ---- AR gle Depth Elevation & Size Holf>, Box No. .r::.\:)t Rec. ~j RQD 0 X 0 cc - -100 --- -100 315- - - - - 320- -100 --- -100 - 325- - - - - 330- - - - - 335-100 -1---100 - - - 340- - II - -100 b -100 ~ X 345- 0 cc - - - - 350- - -00 i --- 1 100 - 355 Classification and Physical Condition 316.1, fracture weakness. 316.6, fracture weakness. 0 at 40 along incipient at 40° along incipient 323.6, fracture at 60°, planar, rough, v. narrow, clean, alteration~alo evident. ~""· · ., Converse Ward Dav1s Drxon ' Water Pressure Test Interval I I ·~~ +-' Vl I (]) ~ .. I''·\ . ·. ... ;, ) ~ Remarks (\lr'ater Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) ten foot length of intact core. Approx. ten foot leng h of intact core. ten foot length of intact C:)re. KnD-'tO/D DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. __ LJ_H---=1_0..:..8 __ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Project Feature __ S_u_r_,g'-e_t_a_n_k ____ Sheet _ _:9:___ of 12 AJI~e Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. -l-- 0'1 ,....... X 0 c:::l 0 N X 0 - - - - - 365- - - - - 370- - - - c:l 385- - - - - % Rec. RQD -100 -98 -,....... N 395- X 0 c:::l - - - - .:: .!::u c.~ C': ~ ... _ Classification and Physical Condition ~ Converse Ward Davrs Drxnn Water Pressure Test Interval l I Nl ,< -~I F.\\ ...... Vl Q) 1 Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) ~ample 375.0-376.3 I DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. _ _:U:..;_H;.__::l-=U-=CS __ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Project>eature __ _;.S_;;_u_r_.,g_;;_e_..;;.t.;;.;.an~k ___ Sheet 10 of 12 Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No, - - - 405- - ~ - N -X 0 -r::!) I 410-= l-1-- o/c Rec. RQD -100 -86 415- - - - - - 1-t--100 M N X 0 ro - -100 - 435- - - - - -100 -100 - 445 Classification and Physical Condition 404.4-408.0, medium weathered, megium hard along long fracture at 80-85 , planar, sl. rough, narrow, iron stained. 409.5, fracture at 80°, planar, rough, v. narrow, alteration halo 6 11 thick. 411.0-411.5, medium weathered, medium hard zone. 0 Water Pressure Test Interval 411.5, fracture at 80 , curved, sl. rough, v. narrow, infilled with calcite. J ~ 414.0-502.2, v. widely fractured, witj}., •·1~ ~ v. widely spaced altered zones and ·" f ~ rehea 1 ed fractures. <f!'""'r!, , 433.0 0440.8, zone of rehealed fractures at 75 , infilled with calcite, slight alteration halo ~.a" thick. .1 ,. ...., 1/) Q) 1 I I I ! I i ' .. I t ConvP.rsP.Ward Dav1s Drxon Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) ten foot length of intact core. ten foot length of intact core. DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. _ __.;U_N_l::..U.:..CS.:.._ __ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature __ S_u_r....;g:::..e_t_a_n __ k ___ Sheet--.:;;.;:_ __ of 12 ARgle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box 1\:o. - - - -I 455- - - - - - - - - % Rec. RQD -100 485--- -100 - - 491)_ .~ i~ (': ~ ,.':,Joooooo.~ ~ Classification and Physical Condition 452.7-453.0, rehealed fracture at 75° infilled with calcite. ., 0 481.2-481.6, fracture at 85 , planar, sl. rough, v. narrow, infilled with calcite, alteration halo 1-~~~ thick around fracture. Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon Geotechnical Con.:ulllonho Water Pressure Test Interval ..j..) Vl OJ 1- Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) ten foot length of intact core. ten·foot length of intact core. ten foot length of intact core. ~ample 486.3-487.71 DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. -~D ...... H.......,.l,..~,O~S....._ __ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c ProjectFeature ___ S_u_r_gc:...e __ t_a_nk ___ Sheet __ 12 __ of __ 1_2 __ All~e Depth % .:: Elevation Rec. -;::et & Size Hole, -o "' ' Box ]\;o. RQD .. ~joooooj ..., Classification and Physical Condition -End of boring at depth 502.2 - - - -.<#'>. ·•"' t;ri~ - - - - - ·" -.~ F - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Converse Ward Davts Dtxon Geotechnical Consultants Water Pressure Test Interval N -!-) Vl Q,) 1- I -!-) Vl Q,) 1- Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) RWB SD-88 R. W. Beck and Associates DRILL HOLE WATER TESTING Project Ha i nes-Skagwway Hydroelectric Feature Surge Tank Hole No. DH 108 Sheet 1 of 1 Depth to Water Table Dry Height of Swivel above Ground See remarks Size of Hole Nx Wi reline 3. O"di a. Test Equipment Wi rel i n_e____g__ack,~e"-'r ____ Drill Foreman ___.B_._Umphreys i Date Sept. 14/1981 Test 1 Test 2 Time Period Depth (Feet) Loss 1---...,------1 of Test T 0 p 0 f Depth (Min.) Packer 8 gr'ing Gallons GPM Begin End 11:00 11:06 11:13 11:20 11:30 12:45 12:55 13:01 13:08 13:15 I 11:05 11:11 11:18 11:25 11:35 12:50 13:00 13:06 13:13 13:20 5 249.0 5 5 5 5 5 50.0 5 5 5 .-.- /' '5 ..• gauge 1 502.2 12.40 2.48 24.90 4.98 46.10 9.22 65.40 13.08 +15.00 3.00 I 502. 2 7. 4_0,~ 1. 48 2f.'oo; 4.60 ~~ 1~ . --"' ~'. 55 .00''. _1,1. 00 \ ;,_ 91.00 18.20 unni ng backw<u::Q.s I Pressure (psi) 25 50 100 150 50( 25 50 I nspector __ -'-"DAo,_Y,__ ___ _ ) Remarks Single pneumatic packer used. Top of water swivel 4.0 ft. above ground surface (1) Positive gpm outflm from boring Top of water swivel 3.0 ft. above ground surface ~ .2 "0 "' > 0 0. 0. < ., .... ' ., ., 0 0 z ::l: a: 0 .... f-w w w.... z: 0 >-< f- c:t: > w -' w 180 160 140 120 100 ALTERNATIVE 2 POWERHOUSE DH-109 I I Ground Surface Overburden: Gl aci a 1 f1o.reffJ1,e deposits , cobbles-fand boulders 4 11 -10'' ~'ftn, minor sa:'r)d matrix, gray 'C•, ·.~, ,.,_;· ' \ 80\ 60 40 20 ?-- Total Depth 141.4'- --? BEDROCK: Andesite, unweathered, closely fractured WATER PRESSURE TEST No testing co~pleted SUMMARY LOG DH-1 09 HAii~ES-SKAG~~AY REGIQ,~AL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc . Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. @ ConverseWardDaVISDIXOn Geotechnical consultants A-9 RWB-487B DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. ----"'D.uH__...l_..0....~..9 __ . Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Powerhouse Project--------------------Feature ____________ Bearing----- Coordinates __ A...!p...!p_r__;o:....:x..:...·:.._____;N..:...2=-8=-1=-4..:...=-l 0=-0.:..J._, -~E;:;.2.:..3.:_7.::.1...;..4.::.6.::.0 __ Ground Elevation ! 1 7 0 . 0 Angle with Horizon tal __ ....,9!..1.<0"--0- Type of Hole see rer:narks Total Depth __ 1_4_1_. 4 ____ Start __ 1_0'-/_2-'1/'-8_1 ___ Finish -~1.::..0/~2::..:2::..!/....::8::..::1:.___ C P Benson Water Level-Depth, Elevation, Date -----l-.U..U.l..;...-----------Logged By __________ _ Drilling Co. Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - - - 5- - - - - 10- - - - - 15- J - - 20- - - - - 25- - - - - 30- - - - - 35- - - - 40 - Wyman Construction Driller Butch Umphry % Rec. RQD Classification and Physical Condition GLACIAL MORAINE DEPOSITS (0.0-117.5) Cobbles & Boulders to 10" dia. trace sand. i------------"---..--- -/ t·?·-·-.-------~- f •' • _...,.." .. ....--- i<!,, • --·- : '~. ,, ! ______ ---------- I i Gravel and Cobbles, ~ace sil!.:_ ____ _ ! I I ! i j (continued) Cot:werseWard DaVIS DIXOn G•otechnical consultants \Vater Pressure Test Interval Sheet 1 of 4 Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) dri 11 ed with HW Casing to 20.5, 4.5" dia. hole. drilled with NW Casin to 70.0, 3.5" dia. ho e. RWB-4878 DRILL HOLE LOG HolE:> No. __ U_H_l_0_9 __ _ Project Ha; nes-Skagway Hydroelectric ProjectFE:'ature ___ Po;;;_;wc;_e:;:_;r~h.:..;o;_;u,;.;;s;_;;e;__ __ Sheet --=2:..__ of __ 4 __ AJl~e Depth .!:: Water Remarks Elevation CJ"c fe.t Pressure (Water Loss and Color, Casing & Size Hole, Rec. "' 0 Classification and Physical Condition Test Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) Box No. RQD ,.';:~ Interval '-' ~-m ac1 ar Worafne UeEOSi ts \cant 'd) '---Grave1 & Cobbles to 6" di a. , little -sand, medium to coarse, with lens of -sand. - 45- - - - - 50- ------------------Sand and Gravel, trace silt. -------- - - 55- ~· \ Gravel & Cobbles to 811 di a. , little s,at d. - - - -' ·; 60----· . -,, --~" <.:' -.:.;:·¥· - ', - - 65-'· >_...v:do --)~~>* - - - 7o------------------Boulders to 14" di a. , trace brown drilled with NQ Wire--silty sand. line rods to 97.5, -3.0 11 dia. hole. - - 75- - - - - so- - - - -(continued) as DRiLL HOLE LOG Hole No. __ ~..~_,_, _•_v_., __ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature __ P_o_w_e_r_h_o_u_se ___ Sheet __ 3 __ of __ 4 __ Al:l gle J)ep th Elevation & Size Hoi<'. Box No. - - - - 90- - - - - 95- - - - 100- - - - 105- - - - - 110_ - - - - 115_ - T 120- - 130 % H.ec. RQD Classification and Physical Condition Glacial Moraine Deposits (cont'd) . Boulders to 3' dia., trace gray silty sand. 91.0-94.0, Boulder. " . '-~ \~;:j (117.2-141.4) Andesite Dike BEDROCK Water Pressure Test Interval gray green, fine grained, hard, un- weathereg; medium to closely fractured, at 40-60 from horizontal, planar, med. to slightly rough, v. narrow, infilled with calcite, some fractures ir8n stain ed, rehealed fractures at 40-60 througl- out, infilled with calcite. Converse Ward Dav1s D1xon Geotechni al C n Remarks (Water Loss and Color. Casing Record, Time of Drilling. etc.) drilled with BQ Wire- line core to 141.4, 2. 4" d i a. ho 1 e. lHULL HUL.t; LUG Hole No. ____ v 1_1_.l;::_V;:...:J:__ __ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Projecilo'eature __ P..;..ow_e..;..r_h_o;_u_s ..... e;__ ___ Sheet.......; ___ of _....;.4 __ AJlif.!e Depth .::: Water Remarks Elevation % ~e.c Pressure (Water Loss and Color, Casing & Size Hole, Rec. -o Classification and Physical Condition Test Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) f::..J Box No. RQD ,. Interval v 1-1--.......... ..,.,. (cont'd) 100/9 p ..I., ... " Andesite Dike -> "'J. .. ., .., ,.. y ..., 134.0-141.4, medium fractured. ' , . -,... ... ..1. '1 ... ~ ""' -'(' ... ,.J .,."" v 'f ,.\ L. •. ~" , v J. "" "' -v ,.. v ~ 60°, v" £..,. 134.3, fracture at planar, rough, 135-L..., > y ., ....... ,.. .,. iron stainbd. hOO/ ~ .... ., ~ J' v. narrow, r ~,. ~.-,. I -92 .... f"'? &.. 134.7, fracture at 40 , planar, rough, <. ... "' "7 N -:. "'1"' ... v . narrow, iron stainbd. ... J.lo< ... 4 "" ... X . v .. ., v 135.7, fracture at 60 , planar, medium 0 -;). ...... > co ..., ..... "'! rough, iron stained. .. :P ... ,) ... v. narrow, 140 = • ~ v " < > ,., ., "' < " ... ).,. ..1 "'-II''",. : ~ ; > -t:no or Don ng at depth 141.4 * RQD values not valid due to undersize -.. /'. core \ - 145- ~. -·"·, " -' -•, - -' ~ ··" -"· '· ., -" ; _,.,.,. -•. ' "'"•" -·, -\ - - - - - I - I - ' I - I - I - -- - - - - - - - -- Converse Ward Dav1SD1xon Geotechnical Consultants c: .2 -;; u :0 ::l Q. ~ ~ "0 Cl> > 0 0. c. < "' ... ' ., .-. CJ 0 z :I a: 0 .._ 1- w w LL. z: z: 0 I-< '> w _.J w 80 Ground Surface 60 D H-11 0 40 ALTERNATIVE 2 POWERHOUSE 20 0 -20 -40 -60 ,~ .. ~\ Overburden-:"' !. Gla.~ial "Moraine deposits, ~vel, cobble;; and boulders 'With sand matrlx. Boulders WATER PRESSURE TEs..r-··"\ . .. . '.. :... . t~ 18 11 , aver~e:.:slZe 6"-8". \(-. ~. \. \ ·, ~ .. ,v-· .... Granodiorite y ~,, .. ,-~ ... '· BEDROCK: Andesite, unweathered, very closely to medium fract- ured with zones of Granodiorite very closely fractured ---Total Depth 98.0' SUMMARY LOG DH-11 0 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIO~AL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska Prowct No. 81-5165 for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc . Drawmg No. @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants A-10 RWB-487B DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. __ u_H_l_l_u __ _ Project _.:..:H.:::a..:..i .:..:n.:e.:.s_-_:S.:..:k.:.a-=g~w.:.a.::..y_H.::..y_d_r_:o_:e_:l_:e_:c_:t:._r_i_:c_P_r_:o;..!J~· e:...;c;_t;__ Feature ___ P_o_w_e_r_h_o_u_s_e _____ Bearing ----- Coordinates_.!.!N.!:-.2~8..=.1.::!.4.:::!.3.:::!.3.:::!.0...:.7----=E-=2~3:..!.7...,.1~6:.:::3:..><...8 ------Ground Elevation 41.3 Angle with Horizontal __ go o __ Type of Hole __ s_e_e_r_em_a_r_k S __ Total Depth __ 9:....8.:......... 0;:.,._ ___ Start __ 1~0::::.../~16:::../~8~1 ___ Finish --'1~0,LJ,/-'1~7~/~8~1.___ none C P Benson Water Level-Depth, Elevation, Date-----------------Logged By __ ..::_..:..._..::.::..:..:.::..::..:.:;__ __ _ Drilling Co. Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - - - 5- - - - - 10- - - - - 15- - - - - 20- - - - - 25--- - - - - 30- - - - - 35- - - - - 4n Wyman Construction Driller B11tcb llmphry o/o Rec. RQD Classification and Physical Condition (0.0-72.7) GLACIAL MORAINE DEPOSITS Gravel, Cobbles, & Boulders, with tracE sand, boulders to 18". Sand & Gravel, fine to coarse, trace cobbles, to 6". frnnti"' ,,..,,.n Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical Consultant• Water Pressure Test Interval Sheet 1 of 3 Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) dri 11 ed with HW Casing to 25.0, 4.5" dia. hole. drilled with NW Casin~ to 75.0, 3.5" dia. hole. f\TlD-~010 DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. DH 110 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature_---'P---'o""'w....::e;_r..;...h;..::.o..;:_u_se..::........ ___ Sheet_2::;.__or 3 Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - - - 45- - - - - 50- - - - 55- - - - 60- - - - - 65- - - - - 70- - % Rec. RQD 1-r- i ! i - X 80-., ..,< l' ..1 53 '>It' .j, I,. I' , to'( .i,. 0 t:::l U..J -..1 > A ,._ ,. 4 "') < " #.A '(' -"'<-"'•.,"': t----1 "'!./.. ., .. -100 - ""I'.)"'., .J"' ... ,. ... < r.. ., Classification and Physical Condition Glacial Moraine Deposits (cont 1 d) 1-----------·-Sand & Gravel, few cobbles to 6". Water Pressure Test Interval ... ~-"''"'' f,~..-'"' SiTiysarid &Gravel, fine to <;GBfSe-- gravel, fine grained sand. ~ ........ ...,.._-: -~. ,. . ·, ., San·d. gray. fine grained. ~ ,P \ . BEDROCK (72.7-98.0) 72.7-~4.5, Andesite Dike gray green, fine grained, hard, un- weathereg; medium to very closely fractJred at 35-75 from horizontal, planar, sl. rough, v. narrow, infilled with iron oxide; occasional lenses of granodiorit~. 72.6-76.2, very closely fractured . 76.2-77.2, granodiorite lense. 77.2-79.9, medium fractured. ConverseWardDav1sDrxon Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) drilled with Nx Wire- line core to 98.0, 3.0" dia. hole . run blocked. J"-T' LT"""'t'Ul Lf DRILL HOLE LOG Hoie No. DH 110 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Projec'tFeature _ _.:._P~ow.:..:.e~rh'-!.:o:::..:u~s~e=-----Sheet _..:::3:....___ of -~3 __ Angle Depth EIE>vation & Size Hole, Box No. - % Rec. RQD Classification and Physical Condition < <'\ L 4 "l ·~:~~ Andesite Dike (cont'd) '.':;::.. 81.0-82.7, granodiorite lense. Water Pressure Test Interval 1-1--100 ) 1\ ..a .,. ,. ~:~"v 82.8-88.0, very closely fractured. ! N -88 - 90- - ~::::· 88.0-92.2, medium fractured at 60°, y,"/ .. :. planar, smooth, v. narrov1, with iron <::.. oxide i nfi 11 i ng. />. "'\.);A ., 'i ( t" 4 f.,t,..) l.,. ') ,.. ~ 4,. -,.. .. ..,.,.. -00/0 :, ~: ~~: 92.2-94.5, closely fractured. X ... "'<".,t--------------g ('{::,1..' 94.5-98.0~ Granodiorite J 95-~...: ..... \; light gray, medium grained, hard, un- _100 ~;~ weathbred; closely to v. closely fractul--ed -52 {'_:.:1' at 75 , planar, rough, v. narrow, iron )':.1 c:;t;linPrl -End of boring at depth 98.0 100- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ConverseWardDavrs Drxon Remarks f\\'ater Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) run blocked. c: -~ "' u :a ::> Q. ... ~ "0 ¢> > 0 Q. Q. < 00 ... ' .., ..., Cl 0 z ~ a: 0 II.. 1-w w l.J_ z: ...... z: 0 ...... I-< > w __l w 60 Ground Surface 40 DH-111 I 20 ALTERNATIVE 1 POWERHOUSE .,,..,/ BEDROGK:·\~ranodi ori te, unweathered, very widely fractured 0 -20 --Total Depth 50.5' WATER PRESSURE TEST No testing completed SUMMARY LOG DH-111 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc . Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. @5 ConverseWardDaVISDIXOn Geotechnical consultants A-11 RWB·487B DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. OH 111 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Feature __ P_o_w_e_,r:rh_o_u_s_e ______ Bearing----- -35.0 Coordinates Approx. N2813400, E2813560 go o Ground Elevation Angle with Horizontal_.zt._~_!__ __ Type of Hole __ N_x_W_i_r_e_l_i_n_e __ Total Depth_--=.5..:..0..:..·..:..5 ____ Start __ .:..12'::..J..../0:::..:::.3/t.....:::.8.:..1 __ Finish 12/05/81 D none Logged By _---=.D___:_:A__:.Y-=o..:..:n:.=e~m:...:.i-=t-=s-=u;__ __ _ Water Level -Depth, Elevation, ate------------------ Drilling Co. A 1 as kan Enterprises Driller Woody H1mt Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. % Rec. RQD - 1---.- - 10- -100 -100 >< - ~ 15 -lOO 1-1-- N >< 0 co -100 - 30-= 100 -90 - -lOa 35-- 90 - - 1--'-40 Classification and Physical Condition t:-' \ '· COLLUVIAL SOIL grained, ( 0 29.0, fracture at 80 , planar, smooth, v. narrow, clean. Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical Consultants Water Pressure Test Interval Sheet 1 of 2 Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) dri 11 ed with Nw Casing to 2.0, 3.5" dia. hole. drilled with Nx Hire- line core to 50.5, 3. 0" d i a. ho 1 e. run blocked. KWIS-41HB DRILL HOLE LOG Hole 'No. __ lJ_H_..:;l;...;.l..;:l __ _ Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c ProjectFeature _ ____;P;..;.o;;;_w;..;..e;;;..r __ h;..;.o.;;...;;;..us;;...e=-----Sheet ___;2;;;._ __ of 2 ARs:!e Depth % -~ Water Remarks Elevation ..!:>:.!: Pressure (Water Loss and Color, Casing & Size Hole, Rec. O..o Classification and Physical Condition Test Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) '" ' RQD ,__ Box No. ,. Interval '-' ' , l,t 1 Granodiori~ (cont'd) -/1 1 ' ..... _ ..... , -100 ... ',::_,', t)t,..--:..' -100 ,,,, . ,--· /,_, -,"':_,,,_, -,,- 45-\ -' 100 !, \ ........ ' '-1,; ----I,"" I' -100 ':r,::_ I /\/ M 'I"' I -\; ,--;_, X 100 1--,-_,I-0 -.......... , .... / co , ..... t: _L 50-100 "\ 'i...-,r ~ -End of boring at depth 50.5 - - -. .'\ 55-I __J ~ v ' - ....... ~· -:\\..,"":;,, I -,.J"' i\) ' - -» I "' -.•· .~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c .2 Oi u :0 :::> c. ~ '0 ., > 0 c. c. < "' ... ' "' "' D 0 z ~ a: 0 II. f- w w l.J.... z: ........ z: 0 ........ f- c::( > w _J w 140 120 100 80 60 40 Ground Surface __... / / / Overburden //ALTERNATIVE 1 / ~ POWERHOUSE BEDROCK: Granodiorite, slightly weatJ;.ef'~,d to unweathered: medium to widely fr'actllfed with occasion a 1 zones of extremely closE! . fractures, unweathered bel{5~ .22.0'. \ \\ '--·;, '', \. · .• ,....,...-·;''\, "'J ·.,, ...... ':. \," .:· Total Depth 75.5' WATER PRESSURE TEST No testing completed SUMMARY LOG DH-112 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants widely fractured zone medium weath- ered, closely ractured Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. A-12 RWB-4878 DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. _-.l.lDl.JH___.]J]...L.2 __ _ . __ H_a_i_n_e_s_-_s_k_a..:.g_w_a.:...y_H.:...y_d_r_o_e_l_e_c _t_r_i c_P_r_o_J_· e_c_t_ Feature Po we rho use Bearing __ S_8_5_E __ Project Coordinates Approx. 2813430, E2371400 Ground Elevation _~_1l~0Angle with Horizontai _ ___J,6 ..... 5._0 __ Type of Hole Nx Wi reline Total Depth ___ 7_5_._5 ____ Start 12/09/81 Finish 12/10/81 none D A Yonemitsu Water Level-Depth, Elevation, Date------------------Logged By ___________ _ Drilling Co. Alaskan Enterprises Driller Woody Hunt Angle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box No. - - - 5- - -....... X - 0 10-co - - - 15- - - - 20_ - 1-1-- - - 25._ - % Rec. RQD ~ 0 72 56 00 -- 88 00 -- 20 80 30 00 F,i)_ 00 -- 96 --100 !--- -96 30- - _lOO N -- X -92 0 co 35- - ---100 40 "l100 , ..... J ,' ,, .... ,. , I 'I-I .. ,, ..... , '-I .... ..,. :..-..1 ~ hfl 1-'1 1 ,~~,'Ij ' \I /~1-..,. ~:-:1 '1-\' \ -1 ',, ..,.,,, I,. \- '' ' ...._!,1 ~~ I I I .... I _,,_ -~ /"' \/ -' -, !{,-~ j ,, \ .... ~ ;-.:--' l /\ ;J ---1-j / \-\ -, ,, .... ~ I 1~./' .... L ..,I /I~ ... -,_ '--"1 \I-I 1 ,-,~ ..... ~ I ........ i' I .J \I _...1 ,j /..(\/ I .... ~ ..... ,:; 1-, ',...I , ..... ~,' ;J / \/ -~ ' ...... -'/: /I ' 1;-/,_ /r',,l /I~ ..... ,... , ..... ..,.. I ' .,... /~ ~''l ,~'~'-1 __ ,,,~ ,. .... ,- 1-I-' ' -. '-, ..... ,, I -''1 ~' .... 1-..... , .... , ..... ; ..! /~ ~.~ I ,, -1 ,_, ' ( t ,.,,,.,,,~ ,,~~1 ,~,-,.- /I .._I+ ~~'-'1 ,,,,.... -.... \\I \1 , \; , .... I' I '~ ' I - ' ,-' ..... ,: _.I, I J ' '-, ~;. '~ '.) I' I ' • \-I~ '~,-::) ., .......... I I~ 'I I\.,.. I' ' I, 1 ',' ~-(~ 'I' , -~ ,,_. -'~j \ ,_ \ ;-/',,, ~ ' _,l ,, ~' Classification and Physical Condition BEDROCK (0.0-75.5) Granodiorite, light gray, speckled black, med1um grained, medium hard to hard, slightly weathered to 22.0' Water Pressure Test Interval grades to unweathered and hard, below very closely fractured with zones of extremely close fractures at 20.0 gradEs to medium to widely fractured with apparent dips of 40-80 , planar, sl. ., · rough, v. narrow, iron stained to_;;,leai .. '' ,..,-<; . .J~ ~ "'! \ 13.0-17.0;'€-;trem'~ly clbs~ fracture~)~ .• ·,, ·' .. -. \ :. 'v,__o;.."'~....., 18. 0,-1'9 .,!)!·, extremely close fractures. \:.·---··'.,..... 22.0-57.§, unweathered, medium fractured at 40-80 , planar, sl. rough, v. narrow, clean. (continued) Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical conaultenta Sheet 1 of ? Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling, etc.) drilled with Nx Wire line core to 75.5, 3. 0" d i a. ho 1 e. 100% water return throughout drilling. run blocked. KYVD'"''tO/D DRILL HOLE LOG Hole No. ___ U_H_l_l ~--- Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Projecf'eature __ P_o_w....:e_r_h_o_u_s_e ____ Sheet _ ___;:2:..__ of __ 2 __ Allgle Depth Elevation & Size Hole, Box 1\o. % Rec. RQD 1-1- X 0 co - - -100 98 - - -100 1---'t--54 60- -100 -98 65_ - - - - - so- - - - - 85 Classification and Physical Condition Water Pressure Test Interval 0 47.0-48.0, long fracture at 80 , planar, slightly rough, v. narrow, clean. ... ~··"' ,~ • '/!. ~--•--&..-:--• "---····--·- Remarks (Water Loss and Color, Casing Record, Time of Drilling. etc.) APPENDIX B BORROW EXPLORATION 8.1 GENERAL A borrow exploration program was conducted as part of the subsurface exploration program. The program consisted of the interpretation of aerial photographs and reconnaissance field checking. In potential area subsequent work consisted of geologic mapping, excavating and sampling of test pits, and electrical resistivity soundings. The inaccessibility of the site prevented the use of power-operated equip31pt,. ~" '~ /· \,;<· .. •.;; The primary portion of the field work wa~c9mpleted.;pet.ween August 28 'I ., , • and September 8, 1981, with helico.,_pt~t; support pr;ovided.~bl Temsco Heli- copters, Inc. of Ketchikan, Alaska~ ·. ,.-· \,p) ./~~~";!' ... '":'.,.\ \... \' :''\ : ' \ '· ',, '\,) The purpose o,t:.,-th~~~xploi~ation.,,inve~ti,~-a~ was to define the type and distribution 6( pd.te.~tial\const~~cti~materials for use in construction of the Viest Cre~k\~ydt~?eletC:i&~'1roject. \t ~ .. , ~~ :: \ ,.. The location and ·~~nd surface elevations of test pits, cut banks and resistivity survey locations were approximated in the field by compass bearing, tape measurements, and topographic maps. The locations of the explorations are shown on Drawing 8. 8.2 TEST PITS A total of seven test pits, TP-1 through TP-7, were hand-excavated be- tween September 4 and 8, 1981. In addition, four natural cut banks, CB-1 through CB-4, which are located adjacent to West Creek, were exam- ; ned. Test pits and cut banks were visually logged by our field representa- tive; logs of the explorations are included in Appendix B. Representa- tive bulk samples were obtained from all excavations except for test pit B-2 TP-7, where a shallow water table made sampling impossible. Bulk samples from test pits and cut bank locations were transported to our office in Seattle, Washington for subsequent laboratory testing. The test results are presented in Appendix D. B.3 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY SOUNDINGS An electrical resistivity survey was completed as part of the borrow exploration program. The purpose of the survey was to obtain general information regarding the subsurface soil below the depth of the test pit excavations. Electrical resistivity is based on the v~1"1ation of'the conductance or •. .. resistance of passing an electr)ca~ current through 't,.he subsurface soils. Electricity is conducted. electrolyticqlly by t:fte interstitial fluids. The resistancec-·6r'conductance of a s0i14 or rock unit is largely ·: ,.. .;/#" controlled by its porosity, water conten~,and water quality. Thus, a "· granaular mat~rial, such as sanq and..g.favel, will generally exhibit much higher resistivity' than a fine~ained material, such as silt and clay. ~ \ ·-~~.,_,'.~- ·~ ..J~ A total of seven\ .. e·N~ctrical resistivity soundings, RS-1 through RS-7, were completed in the potential borrow site in conjuction with test pit explorations. The sounding stations are located immediately adjacent to the test pit. These surveys were completed on September 2 and 3, 1981. The results of the survey are summarized in profile on Drawing B-1. The i ndi vi dual resistivity sounding curves are presented on Drawings B-2 through B-8. 8.3.1 Personnel, Equipment and Field Procedures The resistivity field crew consisted of two staff geologists under the supervision of a pri nc i pa 1 geo 1 og i st/ geophysicist. The pri nc i pa 1 ge~­ logist/geophysicist supervised the field operations and the interpreta- tion of the resistivity soun.ding survey. The instrument utilized for this survey consisted of a Bison model 2350 resistivity meter. B-3 The Schlumberger electrode array was employed for this study. This array consists of four electrodes, two inner potential electrodes which are maintained at a constant spacing and two outer current electrodes which are moved outward at equal intervals as the survey progresses. At each electrode spacing, an electrical current is introduced into the ground through the two outer current electrodes and the potential volt- age drop due to electrical resistance of the earth materials is measured between the inner electrodes. The apparent resistivity values obtained from the field are plotted on double logarithmic paper. These plots are compared \'·lith a set of master curves which results in determination of apparent resistivity values for each 1 ayer and an .. 4nlerpreted thickness for each layer. ...,..,..---' . ,, Based on the interpretation of ttle, resistivity values,· tbe profile be- . .~· neath the potential b9r~-·area consists of three resistivity layers. A surface resi sqv.tty layer with valUes rq.nging.~between 1,000 ohms per ... r-' '. . ·' •' foot and 4,9\)0 iO'hms per foot is inter.preted as representing the general \ . . . ~ topsoil unit.'~ .fhe·;interme9i_g.fe resistivity layer with values ranging ~ \ ~ I.-.~. between 40,ooo\~tth}$ ~'er foof and 190,000 ohms per foot is inter.preted as representing a ','l.Q.fl"a'liular soil unit, probably sand and gravel. The deepest resistivity layer with values ranging between zero ohms per foot and 18,000 ohms per foot is interpreted as representing either a fine- grained silt and/or clay unit or a water-saturated granular unit. In general, resistivity soundings RS-5, RS-6 and RS-7 indicate relatively lower values than soundings RS-1 through RS-4. This comparison appears to be borne out by the test pit logs with a greater amount of fine- grained material being encountered in test pits TP-5 through TP-7. RWB-403 1/2 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE F•otu•• Aggregate Borrow Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project HoleN TP-1 Aroo Dulonallon Reservol r Sl te Coordinatu '""'"N2815030, EZ359500 Grounll El••olior 655±2 Depth To'UG-r-ou_n....:d...:.W_a....:t.::....r_L_e_v.-1-n:::-o=n-=-e- lhthod of hcantlon hand dug Appro•hllate Dimensions of Holt see remarks Datn of honatlon 9/4-975 Hole Logged By DAY CLA~tlr'ICATION ~YMIIOL u:ru:~ II~APHIC OL GW sw GW sw ftiMARKS! DEPTH (I'IIT) -j - - - I---- - 2- - - -- 3- - ~IZE AND TYPE OF !AMPLE TAKEN CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0.0-0.6 FOREST DUFF: We,;t.~ganics; 5% roots with !2 11 val cani c ash 1 aye~_: ..• s-oh ;:_)~a)k brown. ~..... __ ._: •. • ,_.:>' ~;' ~ ~.,: '\TERRACE DEPQ&_I TS ·-t 0.6-2.6 SAND AND GRAVEL: Mbist;~O% to 45% sand, wel graded, fine to coarse; 45% to 55t gravel, well grad- ed fine to coarse; 5%'-t.o 10% silt; occ. cobbles to 4 11 dia.; many clasts iron stained and cemented, dense red brown ..... <' . ~ t ' ,·,Y ~~ .,. \. .,:':\ 2.6-3.5 SAND: Moist; 90% to 95% sand~ well ~raded, fine to coarse, 5-10% silt; with\lens of coarse sand; medium dense; yellow brown.'<· .. ., '\ 1., \. ---~V3.5-4.4 GRAVEL: Moist; 68-70% gravel, welfgraded,""' -~ (2) Sl 4--....., -1 5-1 fine to coarse; 28% sand, well graded\· fi.oe to ' coarse; 2% cobbles up to 4 11 mi'Jx; less ttran 5% silt; medium dense; yellow brown V4 4 -7 .o · SAND ~ (continued) Test Pit Dimension: 8'L x 6'W x 7'D MAX. !Ill: + ISM WEIGHT s"-3" 3"-lt"l-ltM ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ RWB-403 2/_2 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE F•oture Aggregate Borrow ProJect Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project HoleN TP-1 (Cont) Areo Deolgnatlon Coordinate• Ground Elevalio Depth To Ground Water L•••-..;.t ____ _ Wot~od of lace .. tlon Approalmate Dimenelone of Hot Oat•• of laonotlo Hole Loggod By·-------- CLASitP'ICATION SYIII!IOL Lf:TT[PI I8PIAPHIC sw I I DP:PTH (P'UT) -::J - - - - 6 - - - - -1-7 - - - - - - -- - -- - - - PIIMAIIK!l: SIZE AND TYPE OF SAMPLE TAKEN Bag ( 2) S2 CLASSIFICATION AND DE!ICPIIPTION OF MATERIAL -""""'~ SAND:(cont'd) .• "'~-.,-\ \ Moist; 60-65% sand, (~ell,:gra·de~) fine ~o coarse; 15-20% gravel, gap g~ded, 111€tl1Um to f1ne; 10%-15% silt; with occ. 2' len"Y·of· gravel~ sand; medium dense; gray brown. ,. · :' \ \ ,:> ~ '· · • .,J ''\ ' :? MAX. !liZ( + e· WEIGHT e"-3" I 3"-t·H -It• ---'---.--~-,_.,L~ 1---l----1----1 I I _, Total Depth 7.0' • --~ Walls standing vertical · '\ No groundwater encountered / Gr_ound ·surface} 0 -L. \ Ash Layer /J';'"'~'"'''"~'"' ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,, .~ 1-1.::----------~OL . ..-.; '·~ ). \'7·'··' ,.,. GW 2-(~ ~·. -~· '1-;.v: ..,,p·---..... -. -----------. --3-l sw ---------...___ .__ ._., .__. -......--4-GW ----------. ,- 5-1----.., sw _,.. ..... t'-------_)E. ...J ) 6-GP 7-1 ____ _,., 84------------------------- GRAPHIC LOG OF WEST WALL RWB-403 1/2 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE "•ntur• Aggregate Borrow Proi•Gt Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Hole N~t.o...._T_P_-_2 ______ _ Area D••IIJM!Ion Reservolr Slte Coordinoln ---N2817600 E2358950 Groun' flentiO(I 665 ±2 OopthToGroundWahr Level none lhtl\a• of lutvetlon hand dug Approxllllate Dillll!ltlon• of Holt see remarks Dotn of hetntlon 9/4-9/5 Holt Loued By. DAY CLA1!1111'1C AT ION SYMIOL LETTP:ft ltftAPHIC OL SM SIZE AND TYPE OP:PTH OF (HIT) . SAMPLE TAKEN - - - - r - 3. ~ Bag (2) Sl - - - 4- ---1 Bag (2) _ Sl 5 CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL .. ~?""\ 0.0-0.9 FOREST DUFF: ,~e\; organics; 5% roots with ~2 11 1 ayer of vgJeanJ.cjtsh ;j soft; dark brown f\. .·.· .,... . / v '\,,~-~-~ T~[,.Q POSITS ~ 0.9-1.2 SILT: Wet; 80% silt; sand ;medium dense; brown. 1.2-4.5 SILTY SAt'fD: l~oist; 6 %-65% sand,gap graded, fine to medium ;40%~45% silt, with occasional lens of fine to coarse sa1)d; dense; brown ·"~\ I' \.,r' ·~· ·''""'\ \ '\ , ..... 1-"4.5-6.8 GRAVEL: Moist; 75%-85% ~~-~vel, well graded,"- fine to coarse; 20% sand well graded, fine to coarse; 5% cobbles up to 8 11 max; medium dense; gray brown. IUMA .. KS: (continue(f} Test Pit Dimension: 8~'L X s~·w X 7'0 MAX. SIZI + , .. WEIGHT s"-3• I 3"-•t"l -ri • RWB-403 2/2 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE Feature Aggregate Borrow PraieGt Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Hot• 111 TP-2 (Cant) Area Oewlgnnllan Coordinates Ground E:levatla Depth Ta Ground Water L•••~•----- lhlllod of l•cn.rlon Appro11111ate Di111enalona of Holt Date• of laonatlo Hole Logged By. CLA!IIII'ICATION !IYMIIOL LETT!" II,.APHIC GW OI!:PTH (I'UT) 5 6- - - !liZ£ AND TYPE: 01' SAMPLE: TAKEN GRAVEL CLASSII'ICATION AND OESCAIPTION OF MATERIAL (Continued) .. ~·<'"''\ ~/' _ ... '. ·,\ ··' ,-£.• 'l <"""''1.... } \ ., \" \,. ~· 1 'i./· .. ·•"'\ \ ' l Total Depth 6.8• » ·-\ Walls standing vertical~ ) No groundwater encountered ~round Surface 0 -4 .'-..--Ash Layer tlllllflll,l11.-r11111 ,/(, lf.~J Ill 'lllr'(,'llllf ,, . ·?\, - l ..J------,,c------OL \~ ----·---------.?" I \ , .·· -1 ~ Appro:~·mat~---~ench~CtlJ: 3 -----------· . 2 - '\ ~ 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - ............ GW "-, '\ SM ' ' .......... ...._ GRAPHIC LOG OF SOUTH WALL o;:;•--,· . -~· .. -- MAX. !liZ I: + e" W!':IGHT e"-3" I 3"-tt"l-rt• RWB-403 1/2 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE F•otur_• Aggregate Borrow ProJ•Gt Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Hole N TP-3 Aroo Oulonntlon Reservol r s 1 te Coordinotu ...... N2815800 E23SB400 Ground Eloval~ 655 ±z llhtllod of hcovetlon=:furid dug Approximate Dimenelonl of Holt____2.ee remarks Datu of l:r.c..,atlo T4-9/S CLA!IIP'ICATION !YMIOL LETTEPI IIPIAPHIC OL sw SM GW RIMARKS! DEPTH (HIT) - - - - 1- - - - - 2- - --' -- 3 !IZE AND TYPE OF SAMPLE TAKEN j Bag (2) S1 - - 4_ ----5 CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0.0-0.6 FOREST DUFF:._Wet,'\.organics; 5% roots; with \2" volcanic MJtf'"iayer; \soft; dark brown. \ ~..-<'· .,---,~·' .... i '-'~--' •' _ .. , \J~RRACE DEPOSITS 0.6-1.7 SAND: Moist; 85%-95% s~d; well graded, to coarse; 5-10% silt; medium·de'{lse; red brown. f{' \.· If fine V1.7-1.9 SILTY SAND: M~fst; 50-65% Stiind; poorly grad~ ed, fine grained; 35%-50%_ silt; medit)jp dense; brown 1.9-6.4 SANDY GRAVEL: r~&ist; ·.60..:65%--gravel, well graded, fine to coarse; 3b~35% ~and, well graded, finE to coarse; 5% silt; 5% cobbles up to 8 11 maximum, with some gravel iron stainE!a; medi_.YIJl""dEff'l,se; gray brown. . •·•· .. \ (:''. . \,.:-' ,. \·'\ "'-J......... -~\ ,.~~~~ \ ., ... _,.."' ,;.<:~: ,:.Y '\..._..;-';"':;-",.. (continued) Test Pit Dimension: 9~'L x 6'W x 6~'D MAX. Sill Depth To Ground Water Lovol none Hole Logged By DAY WEIGHT + e" e"-:s•J 3"-,·H -•t• RWB-403 2/2 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE F•atun Aggregate Borrow ProJ•Gt Haines-Skagway Hydnte.le..ctric Project Hoi• No. TP-3 (Cant) Area D•slgnallon Caordinolu Ground t:lnotlo D•ptll To Ground Wat•r L•••:..:'------ Metholl of lxnntlo" Approximate Dlm•n•lona of Hoi Oe~tu 11f l:aonatlo Hoi• Logged By _________ _ CLA!IIf'ICATION !YMIOL li!:TT!I!: JeAAPHIC DEPTH (I'UT) 5 !IZ£ AND TYPE OF SAMPLE TAKEN CLASSIFICATION AND DESCI!:IPTION OF MATERIAL .A SANDY GRAVEL ( c~~;Jnife!~1; ) \ y .•'•" f>_, ~--• :;.·:·. '. ~. ... '\·-.:-~·-· Total Depth 6.4' Walls standing vertical groundwater encounter9f \. ''\ . ..,. ., ) '·~ \ '·· MAX. SIZ[ + ~~~ WEIGHT ~~~-3"1 3q·lt"l-·t· RWB-403 1/2 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE rootur• Aggregate Borrow ProJ•ct Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Aron Dulonatlon Reservol r Sl te Coordinotn "-' N2816050 E2357900 Ground Elovatlor 665 ":2 Mot~od of lxcantlon . hand dug Approxl111at1 Di1111n1lono of Holt See remarKS ____ Datu of lacnatlon 9/8 Hole No. TP-4 Doptll To Ground Wator Lovol none Hall LoG a• d 9y,_...:D:...:A...:...:..Y ____ _ CLASIII'ICATION SYMIIOL LETTER IIRAPHIC OL sw GW AlNA,.KS! DEPTH (I'UTl - - - - 1- - - - - z- --- -I 3 SIZE AND TYPE OF I CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE TAKEN • ,.·'~ .. -· • FO~ES,J UFF 0.0-0.7 SILTY SAJ[D: .. W~t-r··· 0_" sand, poorly graded, 30-35% silt; 5% ro·qt5-; soft; dark brown. ~ tERRAe E DEPO-::$\..-T_S __________ \ 0.7-1.6 SAND: Moist! 85%-95~ sand~ well graded, fine to coarse; 5%-15% s1ltr; med1um de~e; red brown. '\ 1.6-6.0 GRAVEL: Moist; 70-75% gravel w(\ll graded, finE to coarse; 15-20% sand, wel~ graded fi-ne to coarse; 5% or less cobbles up to 8 11 maximum; less than 5% silt; medium dense~ gray brown. '"'\;_ ~ i~ '< ·~ j Bag (2) S1 :• \. ., ,') - - 4---- I ,... _"'::\_ (continued) Test Pit Dimension: 8~'L x 6'W x 6'D ...... MAX. SIZE +eM WEIGHT e"-3M 13"-lt"l-lt• RWB-403 2/2 R. W. Beck ond Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE roatu" aggregate Borrow ProJ•Gt Haines-Skagway Hydroe] ectri c Proj Hole Hq._ TP-1_,_..(-"-'C""'"o ...... n=t..._) __ _ Arott Dnlgno!lon Coordinates D•pt" To Ground Water L .. e . ...;.l ____ _ M<tthd of lxeevetlon ApprallmGtl Dimentlon• of Hoi Hall Logg•d By ________ _ r-----------··r-----,---------~~--------------------------------------------------------,------r------------------------1 CLASIII'"ICATtON SYMIIOL LI':TT!R I•RAPHIC GW OI!:PTH (I"UT) 5 - - - SIZE AND TYPE OF SAMPLE TAKEN CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GRAVEL ( cont 1 d) /"" '\ .J" " ) ~·· :.of>" MAX. SIZ[ + e" WEIGHT e"-:s" I !"-1·H-•t" --~----·---!--F.--+-------1--·----------------__:__...;_-+----------t~---t----f-----+---+---i - - - - - --- - l'tiMAfti<S: Total Depth 6.0' Walls standing vertical groundwater encountere~ "'\ , ... · -4':_\ '· RWB-403 1/2 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE F•oture Aggregate Borrow ProJ•ct Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Holt N~-5 ~-------------- Ar•a DniQnatlo~s~i a site Coordinatn ,....... N2816250 E2358000 Ground Elevation §~~ +2 Met~od of hcavotlon . nand Ug Approximate Dimensions of Halt See rema rJ<S Datu of lxcavatlon Dept~ To Ground Woter L•••l 4 3 Holt Logged By, DAY ' CLAStii'ICATION SYioiiiOL LI!:TTI!:R ltRAPHIC OL/Sf'1 St~ sw sw SM IIIMAUS! OI!:PTH (I'UT) - - - - 1- - - - - 2- SIZE AND TYPE OF SAMPLE TAKEN j Bag (2) 51 - - 3- ~2) 2 - - 4- -1 Bag (2) -53 -r:: CLASSIFICATION A~SCRIPTION OF MATERIAL .·" \ FORtS DUFF 0.0-1.1 SILTY SAND:··'Wet; -60% sand, poorly graded, fine to medium; 2'{i-30~·Sllt; J-\20% organics; soft; dark brown. · ·• '\ i' --TEin<Acr-·UEPUms---- 1.1-1.6 SILTY SAND: Moi~t; 60-70% sand, well graded, fine to coarse; 30-40% s1lt;med. dens~ red brown V1.6-2.1 SAND: Moist; 90-95% sand, well_,grade~ to coarse; 5%-10% silt; metl.ium dense; brown ·. . l/2 .1-3. (Sand: Moist; 85%-95%5af1~?'WelT9\~~ded, fine\ to coarse; 5-10% gravel, poorly sorteg, firi~ to medium; less than 5% silt; medium derise; gray. " 3.1-'1.3 SILTY SAND: Wet; 6G7{, sand, poorly· gr8ded7fim to medium; 35% silt; occasion a 1 1 ens oJ cecfrse sand; medium dense; gray \...-s· 4.3-6.0 SILT: Wet; 80-85% silt; JS-20% sand, poorly graded, fine to medium; rnedium dense; gray (continued) Test Pit Dimension: 8~1 L X 6~·w X 6 1 D MAX. SIZE + e• WEIGHT e"-3• 3"-~-H -1t" RWB-403 2/2 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE Future Aggregate Borrow ProJ• Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Hole N TP-5 (Cant) Areo Oulgnotlon Coordl11atn Ground Elevatlo Otpth To Ground Woter L•v•...:..l ___ _ lo4etllo41 of bcevetlo" Approxlmo:te Oimll'llona of Hoi Oot11 of faonotlo Hol1 Lo OO•d By, CLASIIP'ICATION SYMIIOL LETT!!' lti'IAPHIC D!PTH (I"U:T} . 5 SIZE AND TYP£ OF SAMPLE TAKEN CLASSIFICATION AND DESCI'IIPTION OF MATERIAL ,,.""\. SILT (cont'd) ""') .. ··"""',.,'!1 .-""' .-::~-"' .:,"- .<' -----+-61-----Total Depth 6.0' ~ Walls standing vertici~ Groundwater encountered\ at depth 4. 5-\ duri - - - - - - - --- - - ----I I I'IIMAI'IKS: Ground Surface~ <; ·' . ) 0 -1"* OL/ML )"/ 1 I --'~ ..,------~--/'~ SM .. ·"' \ 2 --~-----""Sw--===__.; / \ ,.,.,... ------------..,.,.. _,_.... .. ·.' sw \. " 3 -t ----------_.:;;... SM 4 ... • ----....... ,_.. ___ __._ ........-......... --- ML 5-+------------- GRAPHIC LOG OF EAST WALL excavatian MAX. SIZ£ + a" W£19HT s"-3" I!"-•t"l-r~· RWB-403 1/2 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE Feotur.L..0_ggregate Borrow ProJ•ct Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Hoi• No. TP-6 Aroo [)ulonatlo~e..s.e.rvoi r Si.te__ Coordinoto~281.445_Q__, __ L235_980_Q_ Ground Elevatlo~42 -Depth To Ground Wotor L•••l 5 9 I Mot~od of bceutiM___pand_du.g __ Appro•lrnate Dimenelone of Hol~e.._____r_emarks. Datet of laonallon 9/7 Hole Logged Br--~.Du::Al.JY'------- CL ASII"C AT ION 5Yioi .. I1L Lf:TH:" IIAAPHIC S~1/0L ML ----- SM SP ML UMA .. KI! DEPTH (I'"!ITI - - - - 1 - - - - - 2- - - - - 3- - - - - 4- - - - - 5 SIZE AND TYPE OF SAMPLE TAKEN Bag ( 2) S1 Bag ( 2) S2 CLASSifiCATION AND DESC .. IPTION OF MATERIAL .-·~ .··>'~··FORES_, bvFF 0.0-1.0 SANDY SILT: Wet;4Q.,.6D% sand, poorly graded, fine grained; 45-5Q~ ___ sjlt; 5-10% roots; soft; dark .:·,fl., ' \ -~\___ __________ , .. ~ lfRRACE DEPOSITS 1. 0-1.9 SILT: Very mo·i s:t ~ 85-95% SlTt; medium dense; red brown\"' ~~, \ \. 5-15% organics 1-----------<:;-....,.,.L I 1.9-2.7 S/\NOY SILT: Very moist; 55-65/., silt; 35-45/., sand, poorTTgraded, fine; medium dense; -~ray ' . \ .. . .•. ..· ~". \ 2.7-3.9 SAND: Moist; 95-100?:. sa~~-'~6orly,graded, fine to medlum; 5% or less silt; occasional·rfens of .. ~ fine sand and silt; medium dense; brown .. ··· ., \ .. ~-,• . ._,.;.,. 3.9-4.9 SILT: Moist; 85-95% silt; 5-10% sand, poorly graded; less than 5% gravel; medium dense; gray (Continued) Test Pit Dimension: 8'L x 4'W x 6~'D MAlC. SIZI + e" WEIGHT e"-:s" , .. _ lt"l -tt" RWB-403 2/2 R. W. Beck on d Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE Feotur• Aggregate Borrow ProJ• Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Hole N T. P. 6 Area D .. lgnatlon Coordinotu Groun11 Elevatlo Depth To Ground Water Leve . ..;.l ____ _ -.cetllod of lacavetlo11 Appro1l111att Di111enalona of Hal Datn of !aaevatlo Holt Lagged By• _______ _ CLASIII"ICATION SYMIIOL LI!TTI! A IIRAPHIC sw IUNARI<S! ,,.,.. I "" '"""' (I"UT) OF SAMPLE TAKEN 5 - - - - 6- - --- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 4.9-6.5 SAND: Moist to sand, well graded, fine to coarse; 5-l·;o si·l't; medium dense; brown to 5.5 ft; gray ' · .. ;>-f> .;- •. ~-"\ A-~. \ ,; Total Depth 6.5' \; . ·\ Walls standing vertical . · ~~) Groundwater encountered at depth 5.9~-~uring excavation ,_·: A;-J·~"'\· .<· \ ,, ·* ·;:--· ~ ...... \ '·· .... +_ .... >;.' ... \ !' <,.,· MAX. SIZ! + s" WEIGHT 8"-3"1 3"-lt"l-lt• RWB-403 1/1 R. W. Beck ond Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE F•ature Aggregate Borrow ProJeGt Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Hole No. TP-7 Area Dulona!lo~ervoi r Site___ Coordlnotn Approx' N 2814200,_ E 2360000 Ground Elevalioo±640 Depth To.,_G_r-ou_n_d_W_a_te_r_L_e_ve-t---r2'.'9"'l Met~ad of hcav;~~~hand dug Appro•lmate Dimenalona of Halt see remarKS Datu of hcavatlon 9/7-9/8 Hole Logged By, DAY CLASSIP'ICATION SYMIIOL LETTI!I'I IIRAPHIC ML/OL SM ---- GW IUNAIIKS: DEPTH (P'IIT) -1 -1 - __, 1-- 2- - 3- -- 4- - SIZE AND TYPE OF SAMPLE TAKEN CLASSIFICATION AND DESCI'IIPTION OF MATERIAL ...... -"' "' , "'~)FrmEST DUFF /BOG 0.0-1.9 SILT;·Wet;·so.:.85f·s-ilt; 5-10% sand, poorly graded, fine 9rained; 5% roots and branches; soft; dark brown -"'\ I ' ''\ \ ~) TERBACI __ QEPOS IT~~ 1.9-2.5 SILTY SAND: Wet; 60-70'/o sand, P(\Orly graded, t'--fine to medium; 30-40% sil!;_rne,qium den_~~; dark brow~ 2.5-3.5 GRAVELLY SAND: Moist~,-_60-70% sand, well gradeq, fine to coarse; 30-40% gravel~ iron staine~~nd cemented; very dense; red brown ~ '\ ~ i .. '."i" / Total Depth 3.5• '-·" Walls standing vertical Groundwater encountered at depth 2.9 1 during excavati~n Test Pit Dimension: 8 1 L X s~·w X 3~1 0 I- MAX. SIZI + ~~~ WEIGHT e"-3~ I 3"-1!"l -1t• RWB-403 ----- R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE F•oture Aggregate Borrow Pro)•Gt Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Hole No. Cut Bank 1 Areo Dulgnotlon Reservoir sit.~--coordinotu N2816000S E2359100 Ground El•vattor 640 ±5 Depth To Ground Water L•v•l tohtho" of llcantlo11 none Appro•l111ate Di111enelon1 of Holt see rem_a_rkS Oat .. of lhcnatlo'l 9L8L8.L___ Hole Loooed By DAY CLASIII"ICATION SIZE AND TYPE CLASSIFIC:~~,~~_..,~ESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL WEIGHT SYM"OL D!PTH OF MAX. (I"UT) Sill: 3"-I l" -•t• I L!TT!PI IRAPHIC SAMPLE TAKEN + s-8"-3 .. -,.<''"' J.f~.RA'CE,):JEPOS ITS 0.0-1.0 SILTY ·S{\Nt:L: W~t·(60-70% sand, fine grained SM -30-35% s j] t; 5% :Q,r,;ga-rflcs · t1184'1"\.. dense· ar;w -1.0-3.5 SANDY GRAVEL: Moj-st;.~)60~s gr·avel, well -graded, fine to coarse;"30-'3S% .·and, well graded, finE 2-to coarse; 5% or less silt; med1um dense; gray. Bag ( 2) ·~. •· -Sl GW \r ''\ - - ------Total Depth 3.5' \ ... / 4- ; "''"' ,/ ,.;(/". \ -. ',.;-·: -~ .-(J !'J' E f<-....,. rc f'1' tv· r-. ,,. ·'-' ,. · ,~ \r<: ::_;._.,;;·:.;.·:~:;;:'--11;;:/C:( \.' f; \ -. -\ -~ ------lJ,,.r,·-nl\) -::~'.J"i--'"t ·_t..r_,-!. d..-""'· '(~""\ .) '/ .•. " _.r ~.:• -{ ... /y -1 ~ \..;· . -? r' ,,.. .-1, -' 1r -~ \1 ---C Ul. e>Mil'~ ·-:·l<ETC-+\ - - - IIIMARt<S: Sampling and logging were completed on existing creek bank. All slopewash was removed; locations of sample and contacts are relative to top of lower terrace. I RWB-403 1/2 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE F•otur• Aggregate Borrow ProJ•Gt Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Hoi• No. Cut Bank 2 Area Oulgnctlon Reservo1r Slte coordinotu ~ N2815500 E2359400 Ground Elevallo~B ±2 O•pth ToGrounciWot•r L•v•:-::'---- Metllol of lxcontlon--,.-IlQ.n.e_ Approlhftate Oimentlont or HotL..S.e_e remi} rks____ Dotes or hoovatlo~/81 Hot• Loued B~ _ __..O..._A.I..JV'------- CLASIII'ICATION I SIZE ANO TYPE SYMIIOL DEPTH OF (HIT) LI!TTrl'l tRAPHtC SAMPL!. TAKEN - ...... 5~1 I I --- r -- - - 4- - - =i Gag {2) Sl 6 - --- s--_, - - - I I ~0 IIIMAIIKI! 0.0-3.0 fine to with ';t brown. CLA~~:;~~ OESCIIIPTION OF MATERIAL -·-•'' .. •'' ~ 'l\ i ·iE,&JMttE DEPOSITS SILTY "~AtJJl.':'' Moist~, .0-65%. sand, poorly graded medium; 30-40%_st t, 5% or less organics; layer of vq,lcanic~·as ; medium dense; gray ·. ...~ ··""'\ 1.0.:;4.8 SAND: Moist; 8.5-95% sand, ))oorly g·raded, f1ne to medium; 5% silt; oC::casiorial lens of gravelly sand; medium dense; brown. , .... ·· ' ··---·~,,:-<'· ~~+· :\ - 4.8-12.5 SANDY GRAVEL: Moi s'\;. 6o'-'.SjS% grave 1 we 11 graded, fine to coarse; 30-4'0·;~ sand, wet_-r~:aded, finE to coarse; 5% or less silt; occasional ¢bb\le 8" maximum; medium dense; gray br.ow~. V (continued} tUl(. Sill + ,~ WEIGHT e"-3" I 3"-r}·l-ti" RWB-403 2/2 R. W. Beck on d Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE Footur• Aggregate Borrow ProJ•Gt Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Project Hole N Cut Bank 2 Aroo Doolona!lon Coordinotoa Ground Etovatlo Depth To Ground Water Lovo . ..;.l ____ _ Notllo• of t:•cnatlon Approxl111ate Oi111enelone of Hoi Oatil of lacnatloiL_ Hole Logged BY·-------- CLA:!!I"ICATION I ~IZE AND TYPE !IY~80L D!PTH OF (I"![ IT) LI!:TTI!:,. OPU.rHIC SAMPLE TAKEN 10 - - - - 12-- - - - - - - - - - - - - CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ........ SANDY GRAVEL ""'"~ \ (~o~.ti-rrued)1 ) Total Depth 12.5' T<"'' 0r· ·;..· 'A T-: ""-.,..,..! -~ ~ f I~ Ff. 1?5 /11. ~ ;-,..:'t' .. --~ ·, ) ·-\ •"-... ji>-' /~\- -·-•c,vnur\1.) -:_"",•n·''H r-=. ·\,..,.~-·" ~.._,.;.~" v ~. \ 1l_ \ \,_ ~~ .... --CUT BANK SKeTC.\.1 -- -- - REMARKS: Sampling and logging were completed on existing creek bank. All slopewash was removed; locations of samples and contacts are relative to top of terrace. MAX. Silt: + e- WEIGHT e"-3" 3"-ll"l -~·- RWB-403 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE reoturo Aggregate Borrow ProJ•ct Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Hoi• N Cut Bank 3 __ _ Area Dulgnatlon ReserVOl r s 1 te Coordinalu,... N2814550 E2359650 Groun~ Ellvallor Dlplh To Ground Water Level "'•!hod of hcantlon___J!_Qne Approximate Dimenllanl af Holt see remarks Datu of hcnatlon 9/8/81 __ Hale Logged By DAM----- CLASIII'ICATION 'SIZE ANO TYPE SYMIIOL OEPTH OF (I' UTI LETTER tRAPHIC SAMPLE TAKEN - - ___, ___, 2- - - - - r j Bag(2) Sl - - 6- ---- 0 - -- - _111. CLASSIFICATION AND DESCPIIPTION OF MATERIAL <'f:, 0.0-0.6 FOREST DUFF: Mo1st; 100% organics; with !2 11 volcanic ash 1 ay.,e.r; softJ_da.r .. k . ...b.ro.wu...... _______ --f 0.6-8.0 SAND ANI) GRAVEL: Mdist; 50-55% gravel, well graded, fine t<0foarse; 45-50% sand, well graded fine to coarse; less than·5% silt-;~ccasional cobble to 8 11 max; medium dense; gray bro~. 7 Total Deoth 8.0' \. """\, "'\'\ ,./'./-' ___ rc:.t_.. c:;.r~ -rr.:: ... :O."P'.A.r. ~ . ..----- -cA -~~~D'~ ~ ·• .•\JP:I"t-t.l== Clrf P,l\tW r-,KF:TC\~ \ \~ \. \~ .. · ~, ,.. ;;:,.· AIMARKs: Sampling and-Togging were completed on existing creek bank. All slopewash was removed; locations of samples and contacts are relative to top of terrace. lUX. !Ill( + e· WEIGHT e·-3•1 3"-ll"l-li• RWB-403 R. W. Beck and Associates LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE Aggreqato Rnv-v-n .. , . --·---... u~' ' ~... Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ec t ric Project Arta Dttlgnatlon reservol r s 1 te Coordinotn ""N2814200' E2360300 Ground Elevation 630 ±2 ahtllod of hcavatlon -Appro•lmatl Oimtnllon• of Holt see remarks Datu of [UOYatlon 9 I 8/81 CLA!IIP'ICATION !YMI!IOL LETTER IIRAPHIC ~1L GW DEPTH {!'UTI - - - - 2- - - - - 4- - - SIZE AND TYPE OF !AMPLE TAKEN ~ Bag (2) Sl CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ,.....-:.4, '\ . ..r------TERRACE DEPOSITS 0.0-2.~-'SANDY,,..SlLT-f Moist; 60-65% silt; 30-35% sand, poorly ~raded, fi'he g __ rained; 5% or less organics; wit J2" volcah.i..c-ash layer,; medium dense;gray . ' c \ V2.5-6.4 GRA,L: ~·1oist; ·~5-70% gravel, well graded fine to coar;t; .25-35'% sand well graded, fine to coarse; 5% or less silt; m~dium dense; red brown to brown. \ \.\ \..,-. ---·~ ~-... ;; -, \,,d·'~'". _ ...... \,. ·:., . --~ \. "' \ \ . ~--~----~ ~-~--',' . \ 3 ~-10. 0 SAND: flo1 s t; 85-95% sartd, \"¢ 11 graded, f1 ne to coarse; 5% or less grav~l, Ane":g~jlined; 5% or 6- -less silt; medium dense;\)~~,¥/ -..,.,. \, .... , -TOf' OF 1~"'-I'<AL€. sw s- - fi., T~~ GIZOI,,NP SUI(FAC.E: \?. J Bag(2) 1----'--....._] 0 ~ Total depth 10.0' CUT BANK ?KEIU-1 IIIMAIIK!! Sampling and logging were completed on existing reek bank. All slopewash was removed, exact locations of samples and contacts are relative to top of terrace. MAX. !Ill[ Hole No. Cut Bank 4 Depth To Ground Waltr LtYI:.:,I ____ _ Hale Looo•d Br. DAY WEIGHT + e• e"-3at 3"-~·H -~i· ~I 0 0 z E 0 ... z 660 0 t-< > w uj 650 w t- < ::E X 0 640 a: c.. c.. < 630 z 0 -t- < > w ...J w w t- < ::E -X 0 a: c.. c.. < TP-2 I TP-3 I TP-4 TP-5 I 1 ,430 OHM S /F T I 3 ,200 O HM S /F _,_,,_L__ I I I 3 , 7 00 OHMS/FT 4,900 OH M S /F T TP-1 --~----------------------___________ ___..,...__.__.----------- 4 600 Q!-IMSifT - - - - -.-----------74 ,000 OHMS/FT 190,000 OHMS/FT 0 OHMS/FT -------------------. -....-, ------------. -----__. ----. ----------.. ...___ 18,000 OHMS /F T 650 TP .-6 TP .-7 1 ,000 OHMS/FT ------~1 ,500 OHMS/FT 640 55,000 OHMS/FT 40,000 OHMS/FT 630 0 OHMS/FT ------.-----------,__. --- 1,000 OHMS/FT 620 2 ,100 O HM S /F T 94,000 OHMS /FT 58 ,000 O HMS/FT ----- 0 OHMS/FT ,,.,. 1{ .. -l ---~ ., ,, -,\ . ~ \. ~;) \~"' '\) -~>--------0 OHM S /F T EARTH RESISTIVITY SOUNDING PROFI L ES HAINES-SKAGWAY REG I 0 N A L H Y 0 R 0 E L EC TR IC P R 0 J E C T scal e _N 0 T E 0 Project No. 81-5165 0818 FE8 1982 S k agw ay, Alaska f 0 r R . w. 8 e c k and Ass 0 cia t e s, Inc. P repared by 8 H Drawing No ~ Checkedby CP 8 8 _1 ~ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnic al cons ultants Approved by W 8 8 c: -~ ~ u :0 ::0 Q. £ "0 0 > !::: c. Q. <: 0 z ::; c: c 1:. ., -. . . . . . , .. --. .....:..c-.:.+-;.;_:.;.:_-.-..: , .. ·r····• i .. ::~ ::·;:_:;:: : ::-:~·:~----~--· --·-. --~-:....· .'-..'--'-'."-.:.....:...:...;:.;... -~~--~~~~:....··:....··~·:....·~·.:....··:....:!~~-·~--~~··:....-~··~··:....··~·~--~~--;::·:!:.~:~~~~~ Jj.,.: .. t"·kY··~:::: .. ··p:r:::i:THTT:': !JFY . ~0-;:::.:t<:::::: .. • . , .. ' ·!····: -··· ...••.. --+-·--1 --+-----·-------+-····-··-.............-·----·--· ..• •·t ····•· i' 1 ' ' ..... ~ '. . ' .. _J.-----t-__ ;,.~.:---·.f----+-- ' . ; ·' .. 1 ; . -~ .. .......... ···T·· ... ,., .. , .. , '-l:.,...--"-.:....... ;:;.~ :. )~~~~ -~ . . . . ~ . --..,.--~-------·t .. ,_,.-- •J ' j . _ __; _____ , 0 0 0 0 0 ,..... 0 0 0 0 ,..... RESISTIVITY SOUNDING 1 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. @ ConverseWardDav1sD1xon Geotechnical Consultants 0 0 0 ,..... 0 0 LO 0 0 ,..... 0 ,..... 0 1-w w u.. Project No. 81-5165 Dra·mng No. 8-2 c .!2 ;;; u :0 :::> Q. ~ "t) Cl> > 0 0. Q. < "' ... ' "' ... 0 z . 0: c "' ... ' .• , . . . . . i ---. • • I· • • , -· .. , , • · t • ~ l • • • • · .. ·-f. _· ~~~-~=~i~~~-~: :._-:_!_:-=-~ ~-~ .; •-+ ••• -•.•• ' ·--· .; --· ····--·~,..,._ __ ....._ ____ .,._.__ 0 0 0 0 0 ·i. i' ---· -~~----,--. --,-;~~. ~. ,-_ .,.-.--_ -'-. ""----'---'-'---' -~----·-' -----------··.....:...~ . ......:...:c__ ___ ~---~ __;:___.;__: r .. . . . , . j --·-:if--,-,---...,.,-,-~-~------t"'·~·--~1, ~_;__..,....;,..r....,.~· ~, ,-,-~ : ~ < i ~,t~~+; ; " ---, I _.:.c.:.cL;_,_; _____ c.__ ______ _; ___ , ___ ; ____ ; ____ ~---~-~, : : ••.• :. : .. :: :. ·:· .· :: ·.. I 0 0 0 0 ~ : • • : : •. t 1 : : : • ~ : . : . : : • : • • • t ··--:-....... :·-~ :-:::-t·----..... : --~ .. ' .. " ..... . ;: . .·:t:: .. I ... ·\_:·:n·:.: • • l.-••. -• . . ·• . ·: ....... . ------. ~-~ .. . ' . -· i 0 0 0 RESISTIVITY SOUNDING 2 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants 0 0 ~ 0 t-w w LL Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. 8-3 "' .... ' ., ... c. c z l a: 0 IL. ·-~ -~ -· --. - ' . . ......... . ·~------. -. ------. -. --.-:--. ""t -~--~-'-~;;;:··:::::: .. i .:; ·· ~--~-~ -L_ ····.:::··.:::--:.;·_;_:_:__;_;_.:_:_.:_:_~_:_~_J -·--~~-: ... . .. .... ! . . . : 1 . : • ; . • .•• ' . ~ • ' --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~ • ·-···-'!: -· '·:;.~·-.::. l ' ~~-'-~-~~~-----. . i. I 0 0 I!) 0 0 t-w w u.. --~--'-0 0 0 0 0 0 ·-· -· ~ ---~ _.:_.,:: _:,_ _____________________ . __; --~~-' ---~--'-~~-_j . ""--' _:_:_;__;__---1 ". •:ltHSi~-1 • • t• •.•. -~~---···---. ----- ::)::: .•.... L~-t:·-···--.•.. • . ·-·-·------. :\ ----------"' ----:· -~. __ j, IJH·: -:·:.~:_-_:-~. ' ....... : ' j ••• t .. I t • " : 1_, :: I ; __ L_~;__ ____ , ______ __; . t --_ ............. ____ "1: ·-+---'---..-----------; . -... ~.r:: ~ L. : . . : .. -. ······-t ; ! -i· ----------------~- 0 0 0 0 RESISTIVITY SOUNDING 3 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skag\.;ay, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc . 0 0 0 @ ConverseWardDavasDaxon Geotechnical Consultants 0 Project No. 81-5165 Drawi~g No. 8-4 ~ .12 "0 (!) > 0 a. c. < "' ,... ' ., ., 0 0 z ::!: cr c II.. 0 0 I{) T ·I -~---:-··-· ·t···-: ·-:. j' 0 1--••• , ·····- ~~~~c-'-----i-'-'---'--'--~~~'-----'----i-: • · _...:__;,....;.· -·---+--'r:+Hl--f ' . :1 ' • : · · ' I ~ --l • ' ; • < : ; ; : ;. : ; • • ; • ::.: • ~ .... ' •• : • • : • • : : • • -~ ·c--~,..,.......c.,--~'--~-'----'-'--'-'-'--'~--"-. ·=:: ; ~ : j; : !:~ ; ;:~72~;~-'1 ! · ·:: · · r<· · ~ . ~ 1 > ----t --+-------· --------:-1r--:.,..--;---:---,--:--+--,----~-:--7-:--"-~--·-,..,t--'...,. .... ::-~-: !::> 1-... i::: ! : : : . I ;-,-'-:--:-.:.:,'--'--'--T---,.,-,--.:_...;.__:-,...;----'-"-~----~-c:::.--'-i--,_;_;___;_~:.....:'..:..r:___:_:: :~: .. ·--'-"]:'-' :..;__;T_;__l _ : P . , -. : j -~ ___ .:: __ :_ :::_:____;_~:~~ ;___;__; ~:~I -'----;----·----C---~-~----'--t----___ ;_. -c : q; ; j q ! t •• ·I ---·--·-.L: ... ::.: ---~·-·---. i ..... w w u.. --------------___________ _j_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,.... 0 0 0 0 ,.... RESISTIVITY SOUNDING 4 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc . @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants 0 0 0 ,.... ProJeCt No. 81-5165 Drawing No. B-5 "' ... ' ... ... c 0 z l Q: 0 II. JT:··::: ::-~::_-~~-. ~~~r~~~~~-;--'"'--~~o----~7=~-' .. .. -, ..... ~~-~ .. ~··~-·~~-+~·~-~· : : . :''"'.:-: ...... :-, :.;...;-.-.;: : ; .-·. _ .. -; -.. : '~ ~_:_.;_;_..;_;. _ ___;..:....;__:...;___.., ' . 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'.) i .. . ~L~.--: :__: ___ ~--...:~-~--·~~~l _______ ; ~:___.~: ·.J· _·_:_· ~---~--t ~::: .. , ... ,.. .I -i· ' -., :; j. : i !·. . f· :t· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESISTIVITY SOUNDING 5 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SkagvJay, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc . @ ConverseWardDavrsD1xon Geotechnical Consultants ---·--1 ' 0 0 0 ,... 0 0 1.0 0 0 ..... 0 0 t-w w u. Protect No. 81-5165 DraN1ng No. 8-6 "' ... ' "' <l D 0 z l a: 0 II. I . f~~l~~-t~-fj~f---:l~;~+f~,:-·_ •• _-_ .• _._:t;.I~-~~.--~.••_:_~_.-.• _] 1 • __ -_-_-___ l __ -_._·.~~- t:J~-:~:~1~=-L::~~---:J~~:~:=:r-=·~: ~::-=-:-:.~~~: ~ :" ~~~ -~::~~.:~~:~ ~~=-~ _ ~ ---~--= -· _ ~~ ___ ~ 7 -=---~ _ .,. ...... ......... ., l I .,. !"''''; ••• \ •••. I• . .. . . . .. -·----~.:....:-'-'---+..:....-'-"-';.;...;.;.._;.:..:~-;.;.....:..:~--- ; .. ;.::; ·:·: .. ,, >< • 1-: j' .. ! ··+·· ......._ .. ; :.:t.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... ··f---·t· .. ---.. t 0 ,_ ··'~· ~-~· ~';.'~ -~ .. ·~···-'-:-=' :.;.;..,"'c---:-''4'l.,c:.~..:..i.._-'-._l ~ .. ·:, __ ~_:_ ~t:;:~t;:~-~i~<;·~-i ·------------0 0 0 0 RESISTIVITY SOUNDING 6 1-w w u.. HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SkagvJay, Alaska Project No. 81-5165 for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. @ ConverseWardDavtsD1xon Geotechnical Consultants 8-7 Drawing No. c .!0' a; -~ :0 ::0 0. ~ "0 ~ > 0 Ci. c.. < "' .... ' ., ... 0 0 z ~ 0: 0 1<. ·f .. '. t .• ~-~ ••• ' ~-. •t· .. !----~ . -~ . ~-- t ... ··+· 'l" ·l---.:. . _:: ~::-: 1.: . : : : . r:::::·: 1 :-~~--:~:~:: :j.:, ;.: .. . .. . . . . . .. -. -. .. :_ : J ; , . . I' ~ .. ::;·:::r~:~::.:~::·:~ :~~::::~~ :j-·····-~--.... , ... _. •. t:·_:;--~1:::1---:r-::t:-:-~:::·:::·--~!----j .. :::~:1 ~~:: +:-, ...... , ........... -·-... . . ---... 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I 1 ! r l:::r -----~---·: ( ; . : ; : :J ·.:;: ~:!·. • • ~ I • • • • ·-• ' ··j· "'!" .f.. t ! ·;·-~-i· .. ::··-·! ~------1----··1--·-; 0 0 0 0 0 ____ L 0 0 0 0 RESISTIVITY SOUNDING 7 HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIO~ • .:,L HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagv:c:y, Alaska for R.W. Beck a~d ~ssociates, Inc . 0 0 0 @ ConverseWardDav1sD1xon Geotechnical Consultants 0 PrOJeCt No. 81-5165 Drawing No. 8-8 APPENDIX C ROCK TESTING C.1 GENERAL A laboratory testing program was performed on selected rock core samples obtained during the phase II geotechnical investigation of the West Creek Hydroelectric Project. The purposes of this testing program were twofold: and to identify the rock types and to establish the engineer- ing properties of the principal rock. Tests to determine engineering properties consisted of density, specific gravity_.and uniaxial uncon- -) fined compression. Petrographic analyses on selected rock core samples .r"· were conducted for ident ifi cat ion purp~s~s; procedures and results are presented in this Appendix. ~ .,_ •\ \ ·~\ ·¥.\~ ~~ '"-, . ·~ :;.._,/.· C.2 ENGINEERING PROEE~i'1ES ( . \ f~-- Engineerin~ properties were :dete~i!l-~lned for selected rock core samples \ obtained from borings at ':ttui.:<·dam site. A total of 15 specimens were ' .· "_~:;; selected for tests from "borings DH 102 through DH 107. Each specimen ~} was prepared by,,..cr.itting and surface grinding so that the specimen ends were flat to within a 0.004-inch tolerance. All specimens were weighed and measured to determine unit density and specific gravity by ASTM C-97 !~ethod. Nine specimens were selected for uniaxial unconfined compression tests. Foil grind resistance strain gauges were cemented to each specimen to measure radial and axial strain during loading. Axial loading of spec- imens was continued until ultimate failure occurred with continuous mon- itoring of axial and radial strain measurements. Testing and data re- duc_tion for strength, Young's Modulus (tangent and secant) and Poisson's Ratio, were conducted in acc~rdance with ASTM 31484-79. The rock tests were conducted at the University of Washington Civil Engineering struc- tural testing laboratory in Seattle, Washington on January 18, 1982. C-2 The equipment utilized for the tests included a Baldwin 350,000-pound load frame, a BLH Model 1200 B digital strain indicator,and a BLH l~odel 1225 switching and balancing unit. The results of the individual test are shown on Drawing Nos. C-1 through C-9; a summary of the test results are presented in Table C-1. In addition, 13 specimens from boring DH 108 were tested for unconfined strength and specific gravity by The Robbins Company of Kent, Washing- ton. The results are summarized on Table C-1. ~- The uniaxial compressive strength tests wh~.were completed by Converse Consultants indicate higher ul~imate stre{gths than uniax_ial compressive strength tests completed by the ;tob'bins Company. Visual·:. inspection or rock specimens tested by-~the R~b\~s .. Company indicated good failures planes developed. The.Aec,{)lens ~hich the Robbin Company tested were taken from NX W..i,re_l in~~·. c~re l~88 'i~ch diameter) and were recorded to a one-inch dia~ter. SpecimenS, '*,ere cui to a 2 to 1 height to diameter .. , ratio and the' ends were sur:face-ground flat. A Riehle 200,000 pound load frame was ~tilize,q to p~oduce axial load to failure. It is of our opinion the lower compressive strengths indicated by the Robbins tests are due to the following: 1. The smaller diameter of the rock core specimen (ASTM Method 03148-79 states a diameter of not less than NX wireline core size should be used). 2. The grain-size of the rock type, (AST~ Method 03148-79 indi- cates that it is desirable that the diameter of rock compres- sions be at least ten times the diameter of the largest min- eral grain.) The values given by the Robbins Company should be considered to be very conservative f2r ultimate strengths. C-3 C.2 PETROGRAPHY Petrographic analyses were performed on selected rock core samples ob- tai ned from borings number DH 103, DH 104, DH 107 and DH 108. Petro- graphic descriptions of the thin sections examined are enclosed as Draw- ings C-10 through C-15. The specific objectives of the petrographic analyses were as follows: 1. To verify and supplement field identification of lithologies and rock affinities. ...-:-<"'"':\ 2. To provide additional data on the mintf~alogical and micro- structural characteristics of se~d rock samples recovered from drill cores. ~· ; ·· . ~ \_ ·.l .. ~ Thin sections were pfepared by Pa~ifj,c Petrographic Thin Section i:f, '. tory, Spokan,e~~shington. Rock 'sa,mples were slabbed, trimmed (R ·"'" l ..:~ resulting r~k 'chip was mount¢£1 on standard 27 by 46 mm glass_ ........ La bora- and the slides • The mounted rock chip was .tKen ground to a uniform thickness of 0.03 mm, polished and cO-ver~.d~-with a thin cover glass. The thin sections were _, routinely stained· with sodium cobaltnitrate to aid in the identifica- tion of potash feldspar. A petrographic polarizing microscope was utilized to examine the petro- graphic sections. The petrographic microscope is essentially a common compound microscope modified for observation of the optical properties of non-opaque anisotropic minerals. It includes a rotating stage, an upper polarizer (commonly known as the analyzer) and a lower polarizer. Other accessories include an Amici-Bertrand lens, a condenser, and several varieties of compensating plates used in making optical deter- minations. Systematic petrographic descriptions attached to this appendix include rock name, approximate percentage of mineral constituents (visually estimated), texture, grain size, structural features and a brief de- scription or characterization of the rock. Specialized petrographic C-4 nomenclature is used to describe various features useful in distinguish- ing rock types. Detailed treatment of this subject may be obtained from any of numerous reference texts (Williams, et al. 1954). G\: ~. " ' ..... \ ' '.I Projoct r(\1ture loft Abulll1'lrrt lf'f t 1\but!TI)nt lr-I t Abut!l1'lrrt left 1\butm~'nt lf' f t 1\blitll'Orrt loft l\bu1m.•nt L" f I /\but OPrrt l•l I t Abutmont toft Al:llrt-mr"tnt Left 1\bt.rhrrmt I n I t /\hut nPnt loft Abunl'l1nt loft A1:'1!1t~1nt Rl gh t 1\butmont R I ~t Abutm:mt Rlgnt 1\butrront Intake Structure lnte1ko Structure Rl !Jht 1\butm:mt Hight /lbu1tront Sur~JO T nn k Boring !h. 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 103 104 101 104 104 104 105 105 105 106 100 107 107 100 Spocl~n lh. 102-1 102-2 102-3 PET-102 PET-103 103-1 103-2 103-3 1011-1 101-3 104-4 PET-101-1 PET-104-2 105--1 105-2 105-3 106-1 106-3 107-1 PET-107 PET-lOB Depth (foot) 11.0-11.5 a:>. I -20.5 41.0-41.45 41.45--11.5 7.5 -7.6 7.6-B.O a.o -o.4 14.3 -14.7 21.3 -21.7 25.3-25.7 34.7 -35.1 35.5 -35.6 140.0 -140.5 12.7-13.1 a>.5 -20.9 a>.9 -21.25 5.7-6.0 14.35-14.6 48.6 -48.9 48.9 -49.1 .373. 0 -37.3. 1 Follow dnta ~~lotod by Tho Robbins Company Sur~ Tank Surgo Tnnk Surgo Tnnk Surgo Took Sur·go Tank Surge Tank Surgo Tank Surge Tank Surgo Tank Surge Tank Surgo Tank Surge Tank Surge Tonk 100 100 108 100 108 100 108 100 100 100 108 100 108 ?61;1 ?659 ?600 )500 ?600 )561 )561 !661 ?661 )562 ?662 ?662 ?662 65.0-64.2 65.0-64.2 209.2 -210.0 200.2 -210.0 209.2 -210.0 375.0 -Y76.2 375.0 -Y76.2 375.0 -Y76.2 375.0 -Y76.2 486. 5 -487.7 486.5 -487.7 486.5 -487.7 486.5 -487.7 Rock( I) ~ m m /II{) IINJ m m CD ro ID ro CD AGJ J!G) m CD ro ID m J!G) N.1J J!G) m m ro m N.1J J!G) N.1J fG) ro m ro m TABLE~ c.-\ ROCK TEST SUt1MARY Test(2) ~ li: DEN DEN PET PET ::.'rf". fWN ·<, u;::. "'\ LC t li: ,} DEN· li: PET PET DEN u:: .U:: ,DEN '.:;lC lC PET PE'f'' li: lC li: u:: lC lC u:: u:: ~ u:: u:: u:: ~ ··t'• Donslty Cpcf) 166.1 167.4 161.4 166.4 167.6 169.1 167.1 167.2 '\ 167.7 \ )66.3 67.4 167.1 165.6 167.1 \66.0''\ ~ Specific Q-avl!Y 2.62 2.63 2.53 2.59 2.62 2.63 2.62 2.62 2.63 2.61 2.62 2.62 2.61 2.62 2.61 . \ .!' ··" ,.."1 \2.67 ~.67 .~67 2.67 2.67 2,.4"1 2:4 \ 2.4 2.4 .• . 2.66';.Cc 2.66 2.66 2.66 CI>Rock Type: 00 "'granodlorlt"'; 1\00 =altered granodiorite; Am"' andesite dike. Ultlm.:rte Stroo~ 16,210 20,320 (6) 4,899 16,350 15,920 19,920 12,430 10,090 20,000 10,190 12,730 8,910 14,010 6,910 8,275 8,275 7,640 6,365 7,640 12,730 12,730 15,200 Young's M:dJius psi X 106 TengontC3) SecantC4) 5.02 5.00 5.52 5.90 7.22 6.14 2.23 7.83 4.21 ~.98 4.30 5.98 4.96 6.06 2.56 6.93 C2lTost Typo: U:: "'unlax1t~l uncooflnoo ronprossloo test; DEN .. density t~nd specific grnvlty tests; PET= patrology-patrog-aphlc ent~lysls OlTilngnnt McdJius b.."'S'ld oo 110st llnoar portloo of stress-strain OJrvo at t10 percorrt of tho ultii!Bto axial stress. C4>Secant M:>dulus from zero stress to 40 percerrt of ulthmte axial stress. (5lpofssoo's Ratio calculated from toogcnt portlcn of t~xlal and redial stress-strain curves. (6lultii!Bto strength low due to failure along p~xlstlng frnciuro, no Young's Mxtulus or Polssoo's Ratio calcull'!lted. Polssco's(5) ~ 0.24 0.7.0 0.25 0.12 0.27 0.28 0.17 0.22 STRESS -STRAIN CURVES RADIAL STRAIN AXIAL STRAIN -1000 -1500 -2000 -2500 -3000 -3500 20. l l ' ' l ; ! I . : • ~ ; i I . ; f ! ! l : t t -~ 1 ·1 t I t ~ . --~ f' •· ,, 181-+-+-}1 ... : ;_ :. ·i .. 1 1_: f :: 1 r-1~ -1~--1~ · i 1 ' :1 1 i ·r;,-~,! :~11 T 11 1 1 ; 1 1. 1' 1 ; r l : I ' • t ·· t . : I ~ 1 • t ! t 1 1 . , ! i I I .l '' l ' I • ' ' i I Ll--L~-.. L .. Lf.l~. LL,.L l ~-··f i .. •-t ... J-1~ . .:. ...... , ' I t' ' l ; . I I I l I , I I . I L.' I I I I l·l' I I ' I I .I I I • ! I ' i I ! l ' ·! I t i ! : , 1 11 1 · ., 1 -II' 1· i 1 II f i I 1 1 1 , , ~ 1 I . 1 I . . , ~ : I 1 I I I I ! I i I l I ; I 1 I I I I I I I i I ll j I · ++l I ·;;; LL • 1 I 0. jj ! I ! ~--· . I -! i CJ') 12 ' I CJ') w 0: ~ 10 w 1 1 ~ I ~ 6 l · + l ! : . AVERAGE AVERAGE AIR DRY UNIT SPECIFIC . j I 1 ' DIAMETER~.) LENGTH (IN.) WT. (p.c.l.) GRAVITY L88 '~ 4.43 166.1 2.62 4 •"7--:._~--: TEST RESULTS _,.~ r .... . . ' , II 1 ' i • . I i j I 1000 500 Sample No. 102-1 ULTIMATE YOUNG•s MODULUS. COMPRESSIVE p.s.l. X 1 oS STRENGTH(p.sJJ TANGENT SECANT POISSON•s RATIO l 16,210 5.02 4.21 ·~--~~ .. ~--~~~ .. ------~~· 0.24 0 -500 -1000 -1500 AVERAGE STRAIN, Inches/inch X 1 o-6 RE~ARKS: Partial upper and lower end con§ developed. Conjugate shear planes at 70 . Minor lateral tensile solits observed. ROCK CORE UNCONFINED COMPRE-SSION TEST HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. -------- (!) ConverseWardDaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. C-1 STRESS -STRAIN CURVES zSi RADIAL s:RAIN , AXI~t STRAI~ -1ooo , . -150o . -2ooo -2soo -3~oo . -35oo . r1 .... ~ ll'ffi . : l I j 1 j i: I I. iIi: I: 1 I I'll 'j ! ; Ji 1; : ! I l I: I ; j, jl l I I T II: v t·. 1.1.'1 It ~;: :. •lj··· \! ll 1;.-. :_: ;, :1 'f ! 'If 1 . ~.~l){G._' j I l .. t • I ' . . . ! I • I j ' I ·j J ! ' I I I I l ; I I I 1 ' I I I : I ! I ' I I I ! ! 1' l j ' I I : I i 1 I 1 I ' <o ' · i-~ ~ : i • f 1 ~ ' • l • j ;. t i J ~ l I ; 18Im·_: ~--N': :I l 1 : jl j ...J. •• ~;-;-.~J .. ~~-l+U-_. 1-,_L, __ L !-~-~-_ 4-L ! ; ~-l l.L 1 . t-U:Y ·1 ;--_ · ·j . ,r • 1 II [ f I • • ! • 1 • • j[ I I ·_ .. ' . I : . J 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 j l 1 1 , ! -t l L 1 -' ! f I i i ' ' l : 1 + $ ~ ! ' ~ l I l J I i l ' : ~ ; • · t : . i . ! ' , ; , I : : , , ! , ' ! · , , . , : · ! I , 1 1 • · • r • • • 1 f l I . . . 1 • 1 • • 1 , : 1 I 1 , 1 , • 16t.illl r : !. l I I '. i . i : ; I : ' : •. ' I I :_ I l i I :_ : __ : !_ f l ' . . i I I i I_ I ; ! lil' Jlu ~v ! l.L ~LJ_i I j ! l l > i j • 1 < ' I , j ; ! ; ' ' l i ! ' ' ' . . :\'II t 1 1.1 l,t• !ll.! ; 1~1· :::1 i: :, l I! I: !:_IM· I . I I I . I I • I . I ' ~I l I I l:.Ll' . . . I I • I I I I • . . I I I ! I •. I l I I . . . I I . • . • ' "" . • I • • ; I I : I ' I i I ·-: 1 !,1 ~~. ll :tl '1 '; t··~ . / !l! i ~ 1.' 1; 1:. I,: jj!, !! ,, ;, (I) 14 .L~ __ ;_~_-· -1 •.• . m~1l_;__:_ r;. ·r· I i .: ,.1 I;·.: I ; .• 1 -f-_t ?. -·.· .• :.. T .. :.. ; . : ! I . ~ l UJ1f· Ll ·-·-·l ··j "-.L. . I j 1 : t ; I ~ : 1 l : i ! I l : I I·. ' j : . ; : I : . : ; : : : I : i j I I : • • ; : Q. I ! ' I I I t l . I . : ' t ' I I ~ : . . ! t··· ;_I I • ' : I ' ' I I I • ; : I I I j • • I I I .. --~ i , I t • ~~ t l -,. ~ . I ! : , : i ,. ; : : .. lt I : i • ; , l . : . i i . J' t i , . I v· ! . i l l , I • I . (/) II :• , ,•f , 1. iJ, 1,.1 '•;', • ;! _I • >• • li 1 j,, 1!1 • i• 12 • • ' I I • • I ' 1 ! ' I . . 1 1 . •· -"" • ' ! 1 ' . • j ' r-·"'-+·- 0 ~~.-. ~. 1 .:._-~_.~.'._:·. ! , 1 ~-~. f ,._ .:"~'' _' :.; r_·K: •. j·' ,, j'' :;l % . IJ 1 1 : : . 1 W l I ' I ' ' .. ' . '' l . ' . . ' I • L •• • t I ~ ! ~ I ' ; t ' i r ~ • : i • ' : ' ; I l ! ~ ! . ; ' ;; ! ' ; . ; j r : j > ' [ 0: , . , I I ! .ill· ! • • I i i • . • 1 , ~ I • • • f-t-· . . . . n I , I l l . . . t-l : I : I i I ·t . :~ . I r ~-~-: I : r·+ :: J l' 'I : i j • ~;. ; . i ; : : t I l t' ! .. ; #ll't. 10 ~-=· I --J Ll I' ; :. . ·'··"·---~ -r-. 1--r l i '.' .i...L r·~ y ;. I ! .-·---~-~- VI -. ~ : . 1--I I f . I ! ; : i · .•. I ~ : . i i ; I I ~ • ' • : v ' . I j • I W -·; ... ~.. . 1 t ; ! : : ; ' . . _, ~ 1 ~ ~ : ; • j ~ ' • l • l • ~ I • i : ; i-ll ; l ! l i ! I I • l ' ! : ; l j ; i ; I_ i : I t.A-,; ! 1 : ; l ~ I : ! ; . ! I . --~ r • . t-t _,_ ~ • 1 I .. J i ; l j ~ • • 1 t • ~ 1 , ~ i 8 i ' +-t . I ' . I i . I ' ! • • i ' ' ' • I 1\: I J),1 ! ' i i . I ;· . ' • . .. ffi : ; ~.It I I' ; ; j t ! :I: ; l' i ji j i ; : ; I i ~ .... ·:: f·:t L-jJf~ v. I I ~AMPLE D~S~·RI~~~I~N ~~- > . ' I '. i; I I I I • I~ • I I I i I ' \ I ~-,-< () • • • • f j • I • I • • , 1 t/ I , ! ~v I .I ' . . ' l I I . I . ! . . I I i II ' ;...-. . i ! ! : I l i: ; : ; ; : ' ! : . : l I j ; I .! ; i • ¥ J~ 88 J 4. 4 7 16 7. 6 2. 62 41 . I . I I I I ' I ' . . . I . • ,. • ' : t I I l r' 1 l I • ! l ~ l : ; ' ; ! j j i ! i : I ! _..v: I I I L . TEST RESULTS l ' i I . ! I I I I I ~~ : . : : I i I Jl ! I I ; J)·• 1 I <'\ 21 i i i·t I I t i • i I ! j l j;i ll' .. : ~ ULTIMAt,f: YOUNG'S MODULUS, POISSON'S :-·-~ f I 1-; ! 1 . l L~. T;.p"' 1 1-! COUP~tESSIVE , .•••. X 108 l ! j I • l Ill' ! l i -1 f ! I 1 I STRENOTiflp.s.Q TANGENT SECANT RATIO I 0 • i 1 -I i 1 l i ~ ..JjJ ~ l I T l I l I • ·· 20,320 5. so 3. 98 o. 20 • 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 REMARKS: Upper end 0 cone developed. conJugate AVERAGE STRAIN, Inches/inch X 10-s ~~~!~v~~~nes at 75 . Lateral tensile splits Sample No. 103-2 ROCK CORE UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. 'i Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. C-2 STRESS -STRAIN CURVES 6 RADIAL STRAIN AXIAL STRAIN -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tr~Tr~~~~~~--~~~--~-.~ I I I ' -~ ill i en 3 -1 t. , ~-4-'--~--l--+-++-+-+-.L...:--W-4-+-t--t-~--·-··--~ • -.. ·--l l. • 0. i;. . ! l ; : . . . ~ 2~~~~~~~-~~~~~-'-~-"~~~~-,~~~~~-t++~-~~-~~~+-~~~-~~++++4-+~t~4~~-~~++~~~~~~-~-~ w a: l-en w 0 < a: w > < AVERAGE AIR DRY UNIT SPECIFIC LENGTH (IN.) WT. (p.c.f.) GRAVITY 4.40 168.1 2.63 TEST RESULTS POISSON'S ___ _ RATIO 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 AVERAGE STRAIN, Inches/inch X 1 o-6 REMARKS: Low ultimate s treng5h contro 11 ed by closed calcite fracture at 65 . Radial gauge sheared at 900 psi. Sample No. 103-3 *Youngs Modulus and Poisson's Ratio not calculated due to nature of curve. ROCK CORE UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates. Inc. @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. C-3 ·---------------------....J------------------------------------------·0[ www. iiOQ¥ ;;wa .C ; $L.S¥Wi,. STRESS -STRAIN CURVES RADIAL STRAIN AXIAL STRAIN -1000 -1500 -2000 -2500 -3000 -3500 20r-; 1' -~ : l I i . ; ' : ! j ' I i l; iTi i j . l ; : i -n i ;-!T' ~ ~Ti lT I I 1. j j ! ; ! ; mi li l ! ! l j i. l ~~ : l ~~. ~ l i 1 i l ~~ l i I ; i! ! ~ ~~: t ~· j 1 : 't ! L ~ t ' J ~ J I l I ; l I ~ I i 1 I l ' ' l J l! I j : I 1 181 'l--~---;-~ :_,-+--_·_ -I ! ,. --~1: 1_--~~·. l !-; I' . -~-:-1. .. _J :.l I . ·-+-11 +-.. -.. -~ I ;-:· ; -· .. j ·j ~. : : 1.! ; ill I '... .. -1-' I ! I i : i l I I ! I l I f I ! I : I i I I ' l : l I : I : i ; ! ! ! I I ! ' I I • I 'I jl 'I' I 1 ' I I! I • I '-. . I I l. I ' I. I ' ! . '1 l I 'I' .. I, . 1 .. I •. 16J II'i I I i i ! j I j f i I i f f i ' i ~ i t ; j . II ,.i,1.i ! t ; ; : J ! i . : i : ! j I I I i ! I :, ~ i ~-r~~-,~~~~~~~~rr-L~~~~rr~~~r+++~~~~~T+--~·~~~~~~--~ ~~-1 · --~~~-lli~lJ I'.· 1 I ~~~~ 1 .11 :.~ ti:. j.: ~~-~·. it. 1~1 1: . 'lit 1~., I l. ~.1 1 ~~1: i· .. l J''J I : i ; : ,. I Iii I_ I : !' l 1 ll :_ ' I : .• • ... -ctt. -.I ll 11, ,l : • :): I I '1, ! . I ; l l i ; l ·.· ; : j : VI ; {!I l ii ! l ll : : ; II ' j 1 ' 11 I ' I . : i : i ' I I : i I ~ ! I I ~-l I i : ~ ' ' ! I . ' I I i ; . I J ! I o I ; f : ' ; : ; \ L' l l ; : ' lj : : ':\ l r ' : ~~~ ', • 11 I I : ; ~ l ll ; t t j 1 ~ i ! ' ' : ' I I o O? 14 .1.-h:IK\~' : ; 1 , : .L1~ -·~, -: •. - 1 · +-: ~-~ l i ~ · ; : : ·· -. 1~ :--·-:-· -:----~-! :-~ ·. :.·--·.~ : : 1 : ; .~ ; : ·_: ktf··· ~.' : , r 1 -;-:r~_~-r-~-~~-~-I I • Q. 1-l~-~~~--~ tt-i~ .); !ill •·: !, !~. !'~[ .. ·•~'":1lt. :;!; tj'l 1;;. ·' .:j !i:: ~·. ltl I . ; i ' ' ll . ' ! I j I I ' J ' . I ' I I ['., 1 . : : : . I l I I . ! : I I I ; t ' I I . ' ' ' t ·• '·' • ' + t·'. -·•-! . • ' ' I ·. ' ' . • ' ' . ! I ' I' ' ' . ' . . ' . I '. •. ! ' ! ' I ' ! I ' 1 I ' ' ' ' : ' • l ' I I ' ) : ' ! I i ; I : I . : ' I I I ' ' I I I I ' • ! i I j I i ' I j : I I . i Cl) 12 ' ~ ! . ; . . i-: ~ t ~ • j i I ; ' •• ; • ' ; ~ I • • • ' .i ~ . . .. ' I ~ ; ' I ' / ..... 1 : l : 1 ~ I ! • ' ~ I t ! ~ : ' : Cl) !. ~ I ' L ' I -. I ' j •'! ; ' Vi ' ' ' ' I ' ' I I i i I l I ---------l ' • I • • • ' • ' I I I • ~ 1-• • • ""' • ~ • • I • ' • l j I t I I l ! ' i ' ' I W . , I lj ' I' I 1 ~ \·1 II , I • i! . a: I : . ' I\., J ' • ~ I : i : . : ; : ; I l ~ • • • ~ I . i I I 0 • t l !.JII . l : ,: ~ 1 I ; : l I II 1 I ; ; l ; ~ I ' t • ' • I • I • 1 ' • l . . t I . . • • I I • ~ ! ' ! j ( ' I -i i i I j ' i I t-l : • , ! 1 ~,~· I • , • : ~ , : : : , , 1 f : "r . , . : 1 .• Ll , : 1 ~ • '/. I 1 ~1 1 1 , 1 ·1 ·1 ; : ~-i 1 1 1; ! : : 10 j ' ' _l I h i ! ! ; t .. i I ; ' Ll LL i I ! l ' I v I l : I ! I 1 I I i l ! ' I ~ Cl) L ·. · l 1 ~-1 · .--;-· ,-·-:--_· · ··: ' · : -, :-.. · 1 --L --~ · ,-t ~ ~. · I --. --· · I • i ·. r· ~-~-" l~'-'-"-· -t-r-•1.--'--;--+·-.· 4 • • • t 't : ~ • • . : , j ! :-· : • • ! + • t • j . . . . I t • f'\. . I • • : j. I : : , 1 ! i I . l r . t ; . • ; L:. -.•... ;.1 .. ,.,., .• I ..• , .,;. it•'fl>(:'·'·· ., I •• ,,, ••.•. ; ,li: II w i • : • • f ~ [_._i-t : 1 • T t ! · ! 1 ~ 1 r ! ~ : ~ i i 1 t . i ; ~ 1 i 1 t ~ t r:~: : ' ! i t l J t t t · 1 ! I : I ; : : ~ CJ 8 ' . : . t ! 1 ... l .. 1 ; ~: , .• ' I • t , : : ; : . i ., : 1 1 : t ; . vi ; ' . ; l i : . . : : : t t i ' , ' • I . < . ! . . : ~ .. \ '. '';!I; I l l' I j i: :: ; I l 'I ~--t'' ':' l a: I I . ' . . ' • ' . i i ' ; ' : i ' I . I I ' ' ' ' I . I j .kr' : w i ' ! l' . : ; : ' I : : ; ' : ~ ' I : ' I ' ; I ' ": ;/ ~I ' ' ' .,¢'!. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION > . : . . f . j I ' : l . . ! : ·J I ttt ' UJf:l I. ' ' ' I , .... -6 : .. ., i ~. t t_:.-j_ .• ·-~.· H .. l : L~ +-... _). ,-l.-·. . L . . . I j · •. -~~ . AV_.~OE AVERAGE AIR DRY UNIT SPECIFIC -I.'! • ' • I '.:I ' ... j I! • ' 'I j 'f'l .··. ;_ : . ! ; l j ;_· : : ; j 1 ; i ! ; ! l l : : ?_ ; . j 1 \,: :. ; _;,_~i fliAM£ R(IN.) LENGTH (IN.) WT. (p.c.f.) GRAVITY : ' . ! ' I i I ' ; I I I ,' I ' I j I : i ; : I . : 1 I \• . . 1. 88 4. 66 167. 1 2. 62 4 ~:-r1i I 1 :I; ! j 1jt : : . ' ! ; i l 11 j; I j ~~ li_ ll_ ~~~[: i ~_: :_. ! TEST RESULTS l ! ; ; l ~ l 1 l ! l l I\ 1 , T • ;J·J1 f l):}V;i; : I j ; i ! 1 I I ; f ui. T.IIIAT_E' YOUNG's MODULUS, POISSON'S : 21--r_: ;-~ -+-i·T +h~-t-~T\ i . .lktt;: ~, j ~ l; i · ·tTt-;---1 q-·t;-;-t~! ~C).IIPhESSIVE p.s.l. X 108 RATIO l : r~J l ; ' f ; ;_: t I f :; : : l • ·. i r I t t l : r·.' ; ! ! j l·j i i j !: :J STRENGTH(p.sJJ TANGENT SECANT l I j l 1 J: t" !· llli ~ ! i ~ j : "i t ··Ill ~ : . . I l ! I i ! ~ i .j--1 jf t,!! ~-f'Ti iii i 1 it' ;;Jf Jij 16,350 5.52 4.30 0.25 18oo 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 REMARKS: Upper end cone and part1a lower end 0 Sample No. 104-1 AVERAGE STRAIN 1 h 1. h X 10-6 cone devel op~d. Co~jugate shear planes at 85 . , nc es me Lateral tens1le spl1ts observed. ROCK CORE UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. @ ConverseWardDaVISDIXOn Geotechnical consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. C-4 STRESS -STRAIN CURVES RADIAL STRAIN AXIAL STRAIN -800 -1000 -1200 -1400 -1600 -1800 -2000 -2200 -2400 -2600 -2800 -3000 201 . j I . ' ' l I • ' ' ' I : ,. ' I I J . I ! j . ' ' ' ' ' I ll I j I . . ' ' I' ' I '. t I ' t 1 • '_ •• '! ., j • : '· • ! I .•• I ' • ' ' I I i i j I I ' •. I' : ' . ' l l ' I • ' I ' I l I ' ' ' I I ' 1 ' ' . , r • I • : ! , t t ~ • ; ' I l ' ! • , • I I ' I ' i t ~ i ; J l : •I :,:f ·tl .).jl ~~_J'Illt_-·_1 ~:ii 1_1_-l_ t'jl '! 'rjt! ,ji.L'i'!J ! 1).~ Ji.J) ' __ '_li . . ; ; : I l I I I • I : ; ; I l l . . ' ! I ! I . ' . I ' I I I ! : I I : 181 1 i , 1 , r ' _J __ ,_LJ_ . , . .;__~ __ L ..JJ _1 , 1 i , i L~.L.i---_:._______ _J __ , : : 1 : , , . · i 1 .. I i t 1~ ~ , 1 1 ~ , 1 I : . ~-~-1 1 1 ,_ 1 i 1 I 1 , 1 , , . t ~ ~ I i , ... I ,_ I 1 I _ •+---·1 t-t r-r--~_--:_.-1 ri_ : I • I : '!'j i I t I t t •. t t j . ' l j: l I i ' I I ! I I I ' ' ! I : ' . I I I ' . . 1 I I . ' ' i l I ' I j I . . I j I ' ' I . I I . . ' .. I .l l t ' T { ! ;... ~" ~ ~ l + ~ ~ ~ f ! . ; ~ ; t • l ! t J j l ! l ' ~ I 161 i • 1 i I , 1 1 1 1 1 I . 1 r ~ ! 1 i , 1 i 1 , l 1 , 1 i i 1 1 t j , 1 1 1 1 ' ! : i i 1 i 1 j : ~ 1 : . I 1 , , . I w I , , , , il I . , , • , • r·· }'~· I .•. , , j TT .. T . . I . . 1 . . . -~ ._J_~ J • ., , • • I 1 , . _ 1 • , . 1-. •• , • _. _. . . ,_ .. _ '• [ ~ .. _ ,_ , ~ ~· ,_ t , I I ll , 1 '. , . . , __ .. I l . ' ' I I l ' ' ' . ' ,.. l ' I . ' ' ' . . ; ' . . 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' ) I i : ; I ' i ! : "' I I : : ' . i ; I ; ... i . : ' ; . en 1· 1. 1 :; , ... 1: ,, , 1 , • !·· 11 ... 1 ... ,; .:l, 1 ,, , 1, 1 !"··· 12 ' -+-I I . . : . ' • . • . I ; •'~. I • ' • . ' I ; I ' I j i ! ' en j , , ... li<'-• , j , . · ~ ._ ,. , . 1 ' . , ·i t 1_ : • _ 1 , • • : 1 • J..--..... 1 : j , 1 1 1 :_ 1 : .. : • , , = ; , r , 1 · : :J • 1 · r ..........; 1 1 1 1 r • W l • t t f t · ! i l • ~ : ~ • • ._; ; ! :_ • .-u • I ! • • 1 , ~ • l • : ·~ . , , ! ! 1 I' I ! ~-: , . , 0: ~i .. ~. t! · t ~~ · ; ~ :·.,. 1~:~1i ·· ~l· 'i:; .. ifYli: : ~~~ ,)lj !.J l t-I' .... I, I I . : . I . II. • • I • j'.. . . . ' .. II ; . ' I. I I I. 'I I '' ... en lc-r-r--+~ I' 8 ! I . -+-T··-· t· ~-;; l ..... -~-,___._~-·----~f __ ;_l__ ;-··-·, v... . t-'--" -1..!-l._J__.__.;.__~-t --'---l-.. I I . L I i ! I . I I ; . ' . I I I ' i ! i ! ' t I :::;:1'!\l:; ;;:;::·j ··, :j::f·l::;;,,'<.J<J.·. ·I; . :; !t'Jil!:'·~·· ;, ' I ' : ! ' I I ' ' ' I 1 '\ I ! I i . ~ i ~ I I • • I w I:·.. . . I I ! : j' ~-_. ·_ ·_·! I·_:. I.. I. l •• '' • 'l. ·, ' • I' . J l I I I i': l ' . ·_· ~ ._ 11 1: :_u_'l\'1 1: ~.:_~:: •1 _._ :: ·;:' •• __ ) -~.} ·, ·· :J ~-~' :, j__ rii; L~f-~~- '·;. \ J .• 'I''' ,: ; . · ... IV:: ' II '. I ffi ! ; . : I · . t ; ; : : : [ ; : : : ; j ; i . i i I ! , • : > '. -~ .i''~v ; i . · .' SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ] c( E -•. ' : I . j l t t I : • i i : . ;-; ! . i ! l t I d~ 1: ¥t: : . AVERAGE AVERAGE I > ; . ~ i . • . l ~ : l ! : I i i I . ' l ' i I . ·f· : ; : I .:r-· . . ' I I • • • I I ' I ... ' . ' • I ' i"t" I : ] y ' ' ! I t . I . ·. ' ~ I : : . i I : i . i ; i ~ II ' . I I . ! ! l : : . : i . : v~ : :. : 1'1' -~ :-J'f\1 ~AMETER(IN.) LENGTH (IN.) WT. (p.c.f.) I GRAVITY . f,' I I ' ' I.. ! :_;.---... ' I' .. ' 1 41~~--: :-·,j I 0 ::.~ '!I·: .. ::I ·y.-~ :,;' j_iJ.Y •tt _j , .• 88 4.47 167.7 2.63 • ; • I ' I . ; • ; ' ' ! : i .• ' I ' • ! i •. I ' ' ! ' I I ·~ UL TS ' • : ' ' t I . . ; ! . 1 ·• . : . I ' . l . _Hfr' v i . ' • ! ; . l ''\ TEST RES • , ~ t J 1 j l ~ • I j ~ · : r < • ~ ··i l ! i i i. 1 l ~ r : .• I i . • . i : ! . I : .. : : : l • I l j : 1 : ' : l j ULTIIIATE YOUNG·s MODUl 4 _, __ ' 1 ~ : ; · 4 : • • ~~ • • ·._ ---·_ -~-I : .Kf .....,...,---;-:_ · i l . · I ~ : Cti-SSIVE p.s.t. X 1 oO ... ,. ··xi._. 'I'· .-. • I .. , • I , . . ••. 1,.-A. , l . . : , . , r _, . RATao l . ': j j 1 lffi< · · i ~ ' · ' ' i J ~ ,. smENGTHfp.sJJ TANGENT sECANT 1 I . I I . . I ' . . I • ' ' I . ! I . _ _Lfl_ !• !: !!::It' ! f, :! 15,920 5.98 I 5.98 I 0.12 8g0 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000 -1200 REMARKS: Failure along vertical partially Sample No. 104-4 AVERAGE STRAIN Inches/inch X 10-6 altered fracture. . Parti a 1 upper a~d 1 ower end ' cone developed. M1nor lateral spl1ts observed. *Radial strain gauge failure ROCK CORE UNCONFINED COMPR-=-Es~s=-1~0..,....--,:-N-T_E __ S_T __ _ HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. ~ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. C-5 STRESS STRAIN CURVES RADIAL STRAIN AXIAL STRAIN -1000 -1500 -2000 -2500 -3000 -3500 20 . ! -~ J II . • ' l ,-...._ • f . : I ' I ' l t i 18 )I ! I · I ' I > , [ I , ! l I l ; ! I ; : . ..: ~J~ LL ' -+-+-·--. 14 I l : i t I : Of) I I ' I : I ' ' a • l , ~ I J ~ i ' 1 i Q. ! j , f I ' I j -i il 1\ : -~--~ 12 , , c'l 1 -I 1 : J w , I . ! ! .• 0: i I : ' 1: ; ; . i 1 ' : I l L .•. ~ 10 -H-t-~1· ; ti~~ . · ~~ · i rr -~~-, ~ . : : : I j : i • : I 1 • t ~ l i I l 1 I UJ . I ! I I I; I!: t I ! i I ' l I I i I ' ' I ' '" I ·. . ! . I t ! l ' . . ' _L_ ____ -·· -~ ~. ~ \• I ' T----:' ' 8 ~.~' ~--~-r~--·-~~~-:1 < I' ' 0: I I • W I: . ., > i L +·: L~. l ~-~ L , l · ~ .. 4VIIIAGE AVERAGE AIR DRY UNIT < 6 ~-~-+ ·: :~~ . 1 i l l i 1 OIAa~TER(IN.) LENGTH (IN.) WT. (p.c.f.) • • ' ; I I l l; .;,; 1.88·-. 4.32 167.4 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SPECIFIC GRAVITY 2.62 4~~~ . , 1 I ; • ·~ ·. TEST RESULTS . . . . . ' . ' ' '1-_;;_ _ ___;;.,--.---::-:-"::":':':~~-==-=::-::-::----r------. i t! ! l j uLTIMATE' vouNo·s 11ooutl"us. POISSON"s Sample No. 105-2 ~~ t~JT~J C91fPRESSIVE p.s.l. X 10 RATIO l i : l t 1 I ! ·STRENGTH(p.s.J.) TANGENT SECANT :! t jj 11 I I 19920 .7~22 ~·~8 0.27 . -6 developed. Conjugate shear planes at 80 . AVERAGE STRAIN, lnches/mch X 10 Lateral tensile splits observed. ROCK CORE UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. @ ConverseWardDaVISDIXOn Geotechnical consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. C-6 STRESS -STRAIN CURVES RADIAL STRAIN AXIAL STRAIN -800 -1000 -1200 -1400 -1600 -1800 -2000 -2200 -2400 -2600 -2800 -3000 20 I l j I l ·. '• . 1 1 I l l l l • •. ~. I ! I ! I l ! l : . ; ·. ! • ll : I . i l I l l I ! ll . ' : f ! f. j i l I ! I' . I I . ' . 1 t I ' . . . . I ' I • I I I r • 1 t • I t . + ) . 1 • : ' · • ' l l : l j 1 l l i ·!;·;: t i i ;'i iii 1 'i '; . ~-t' l ' 1 1 f 1 181·+-tU ' I • ,. . ! • f f~ f--+ --'--,_ ' H--H-1 ' .. . . ...(.__ -+---~-* • ~ • ~ • j I j ! I : ; : : . j l I i • : I 1 . l ' ' : : I I ; I ; : • ' I l i l ! • ' t l -l . * ' • ~ • t i • t t L + I ' i t ' t ! . ! : 1 ... , L : ; ; • • ' • I · ! l l I l : ! l , ' 161 I i I ' ! ! l ; ! . I ' l ! i t j l : f? l ! j : I ; l 1 ! j l ! ' ! i \ l I f I i l i . ll I ' I 'I . I l ! .,. !. I. l l •J l !' I • '. I ·. I . •. ···t ~1" "'!\! . . ,. . . i i • i . I •. . I ' 1 l' ; ll ' . l • I. ' I ' ' I I I . I ! I . . • I •.: ' . I I ! I : I ' I I : ' . I t ' ' · ·· ·-f · t : • : • l . · · ' • · · I • --. . . I , 1 1 1 !11: wl~ 1 , •. 1 1 , ~~~-~ • :~.~ -·t-,'.)·· I il I ~·· ll ~1 , I 1:: • .:. I I i ~ l. ; I ' ! l . ! 1 ' ' I ~ ~.;· , .: '. /J • l : : . l I J ! I !' l l I I • j ; • j I J j ; • i ' ! \ I ! ! i ' I-: • : ,, i ' I ' ' ! ! ' : -14 -L . ·. -l..-.,.... ·-~-..1-+.LI ~.-,__, __ . j ........ ~L.J. ..... :t"'·.----·~-··t· ~--1·-; _;.___ ;-• •. •.· ·+-.--LJ..f--t--•--.--l-.-,__. '.·· .-L. .•• .L • -f ' . . . : : ' ! ' ' r ' ; -+-, , . ' ' ·;'\< I t' ..... . . ' • ' I ; \ . . ' ' ' .. ..; . . • .;. • ~·--f r-t .l. .. -t ..... • !.,~, i • · 1 ' t 1 t ·· • --~ l ~ ; t i • ~ ~ · t I i j I ! t i · ! f • I . I ' ' ' I I ' ' ' I ' . I ' ' i • ' t ! I ; . ' Q. t I • ~ : t . f . t .. ; I • I ! ! ' : ' I I . l I I ' J. I '. ' l ~"' ' : : ' ' I I I • ; j : I I : l : t I ' . ; I I l .. I -' j r : -!-t ; l I I : I l : ; 1 : i ' I )r t ( i j -~ ~ '·'N . i : : ! I i i ' : i' i ~· l . l I I i ; : . : ,,. I : ... ' I • .• ' 1 ; •• ' • ' ' : I I . j • • ; -' ' !· • l •• l ' I ; ' I ' : ! I ' I ' ! : . . . ' V# 12 • ; ' ' 4 ' ' . ' • ' : I • ' ' ' . I • I ' ' : ' . ' • : ' I I ' ' tJ) 1 ; , • : '\ 1 ~ '. J i ' : • . . '. . , • • • . 1 ; . l., , ' -1). . J l · • ; , 1 ... ....-r r 1 ! i ; 1 ; . 1 w ' 1 • t : ? I 1 ' t ! • : : ! ; ' ~ ~ . I t l • i . ! I I t i a: l ' I l ' • . .).: . . ' • .. ; . . j . I ' l • j ;, ~ l l i f-; :.f; if·t l ': J·, . ' ; .... : . ,··· .·J..-1-' 'tll l'j 10 -+J---t-,--~-.... . ·r·-'--'-·--· .; .... ,_ . q 'Jl . I. ~,... ... , : i i .w..J.,...:_, ·• '" : i • \b' ' : · 1 · • ' ' ' ' i ·, ' ' I ' J ./' ' ' . Vrl : ~,; ~ l: I; : : ·: • : .. ·. ' · • i :' .. "; · i: i • • ~ • ; ••• ~ -: . • •• t ~ ; • ; : • • • l ,; i ; . . . : ' .. ; : • ,/' ! 't • ..... . ·I! ,j, .!.. ·I· . ! ·j' . '; . . . :! . • / . . I .. ' ' CJ 8 . . ' l ! \,; ; : I : : ' :. -~.:-~ : . . . . : : I i ; ; . ' : ' l ! : / : .. ~ I : : ; . I . : I : .. : I ! ! t i Jl . ·-~-+-~~-· <C.'( •.. !' '\' ; :! .. i:'' ' i ; ' . : . f-l :· l' :-:J~ . ' . W I ; • f · ! ;. : 1 • ; • :)·--~ : i ' : i • -~"":"",/ · : d'~r!'\\ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION > i • t I ·I I ' /: l;)i'"! ! 0: · ·• i\'···tfl, ···· ,,. ' ••·I~ c( 6 ; , i 1 : ~ -j J J ~+-j l :· · ~ 1 [ l ; ! . ~··· [ : j ] l ;·' -·-.~ """'~YBlA,pe AVERAGE AIR DRY UNIT SPECIFIC ; .. 1 ! ! ; 1 ! , ; ~ ; ' : I : , ; ! ll. ;;rrr ; ; i ! : t, ', : I)IA~TER(IN.I LEIIOTH (IN.) WT. (p.c.t.) GRAVITY • ' t : j ! . . \ . i . . i ' i ' ' I l ' ;/ ' I ! . i : I . . 1. 88 ... \ 4. 29 16 7. 1 2. 62 41 . * '-~ • l --1 • , t • i • ~ t ; • ; . . ! t < ~ ,, ' : • • : ' : • • • • : 1 1 • 1 1 i 1 1 111 ; ' uLTIMATE vouNG·s 11oou' .. 1 . 1 : 1 ' " ihll .. . .. I _! *. 1 ~ .?'• :. · : : 1 :. • 1 : ·. . '<_ TEST RESULTS 21 · ~1. • · ·· J -j;ff-, T :.. , . , 1 ~+ --1-L_-~ COI!If.RESSIVE p.s.l. x 1 o8 . . " . . I ' . l . . ' I . I ' 'lL ' . y -· ' I ' J : ' ~ • l • ' .. ! J .. : • I ; . ; i . I STREHGTH(p..s.U TANGENT SECANT 0, :: ::: :. 1!1~·/ii li ii ·ii:, :1 1 · ll I,,; i 12,430 6.14 6.06 1 o.zs 1 200 0 -200 -400 -600 -SOO -1000 ~1200 REMARKS: Parti a 1 upper and 1 ower end coge POISSON•s RATIO 600 400 AVERAGE STRAIN Inches/inch X 10 -6 developed. ~onjuga~e shear planes at 75 . • Lateral tens1le spl1ts observed. NOTE: Readings above 7200 psi not recorded due to failure of foil strain gauge. ROCK CORE UNCONFINED COMPRESSION-TEST-- Sample No. 105-3 INES-SKAGWAY REGI C PROJECT Project No. Skagway, Alaska 81-5165 for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. Drawing No. @ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants C-7 ,..,.._.. WIMN2! Q AMIW . ·- STRESS -STRAIN CURVES RADIAL STRAIN AXIAL STRAIN --1000 -1500 -2000 -2500 -3000 -3500 10 . j I . ' ; tJ + i '·. ' l .. ! •. •. l ! l l .~ .... '·!· i; i ! l ! i . i ; i ! I 11. ! :. i·. I'· y: :~.1 • 1 1 1 v· •. . , . 1 , .J . • 1 I • l , , 1 t • • 11 . t • • • 1 ' 1 i r , . l r 1 j! I I ! ' ; i : ·.' . ' I j!! I l ! I i I It ! j: V:l: I I I ' i ! ' I : i ~ • i I ' J ' ~ v t I 1 , +H. ; ~ : l L. v, i . • • ~ ·-··· )-Lrl ~ ! I -~-r-+1·--L J .. ..1 Lt-t ·j ~.· ···+t- ill l.l 1 .. iv 1 • 1 j 1 1 1 • jij ::': I ! j h 1 ~1. 1:·• 1 1 , 1 j 1 , • 1 ! ! 1 : 1 1 , 1 L 1 vf-' I ' 1 • r ! i l Ill . I l y I ' •. j. i j ! t I r r !' 1. I j ! i t. •• ;. f I. ! '. l . : 1.--~ j j : ll ; : I .j ij ! 'I VI I i. fii l i i II '·! ljl l I I 1?1' Jj, 9 8 1 \itl. Fi' ll'1 ili! It ,lit 1 1 L:iili. 11. ilktV I' JJJJ ·T ll4 .J i . ! 4 . . : : f±J.i"'.· ~ ' : ! l LLL 1:~ I :. ! ! : i l: I ' • l y ; . + !--1-+ ___ : 1-~-i ~ ' t 1 : !J tf1 l! K; : .. . : ~ , , ·r, ·· · ~ ; : : I • ~· . • 1 ~An t I 1 1 1 1 . I ; ; . : ,; 7 . 0. en CJ) 6 w a: ·-CJ) w (!J <C 4 a: Ul > <C 3 • ~ l !. -j ; 0 l !;.f j/ ! , I • ' I ' ~ • I • • 1 n : r 1 : 1; r , : (\ · : -t! . , _l J · ; 1 .1 , , 1 ~ Y ! 1 1 u . .l J •--·J :' i : ' ' ! '' ·~ . ' j i i . ' '.' ' \ i l ' i );)Y. l i ! [l i i • ' ' ' i : . i ' i A l . ··. : ~+-U_ r l :. ·. t~; i p : : ' c ·. r~L+" ; LL iLr·t·L If'! j.. -~-~ r·: I 1 , , ! " J , ! t , , . i : i + , : . : ,/-! . : , , .· l l .... .. l t: : . f , , r 1 • ' ! . i . V.. : · : ; : t' . . . : I jl ! •. ' ! v i ' ' I ' : ' ' I ; : i ; : i j 1 i j . ; l. ; ! : ! l ! i I"+ I I : ] l J 1l L 1 : l : : i i j i i l ' .J Ll .. L~~---~ . ! ! i\ i --·-! ' ' j . ; i ! ' i ' :·.. ..r ! . i ' ' ' 1 • · . i . i ! j 1 t ~ t ~ • ! l : j i i ' 4 -· I •'"1 : 1 ' , • _:... 2 j j ; :: ! j l! :1 ·I 'f~!J ·· l!\1 ~ t; . SAMPLE DESCRIPTION l ·~ J ·t f ' ' 1 . ·'-.-.li_ t--·· :.-.~'l_ ~kt-' ! 1 ~'~.J· . AVERAGE AVERAGE AIR DRY UNIT SPECIFIC 1 :; , ' : , , 1 •. : • , , : I : ~~.1. 1\f ; :,;;,.(~~_,!-_.~ 1 DIAMETERCIN.) LENGTH (IN.) WT. (p.c.r.t GRAVITY I ) ~-.' ; j l ': ' ~~-. : i I f VI• .I 11 i ,:t"'~~J ~ ... ·.L. . 1.88 4.28 167.1 2.61 • 1 ' ~ .! / ; , ·; i : / ; I U{ 1 ' 1 1' r !"'l f\! ' : • TEST RESULTS . It i ' II ! I i : ' ' ' :j{ i ! i I U.LTIIIATE YOUNG'S NODU~US, POISSON'S l li!. j +-h~~-~-lL .·,rll 1 1 ., , C~PRESSIVE p.s.I.X10 RATIO . . j j ~ ! I 1 -{ • I i -i STRENGTH(p.....U TANGENT SECANT ~ 1 j . , 1 ~ 1 ! 1 I iJ-,, . I 1 ~. i ~ + : ~ , r ~ . l 10,090 2. 23 2. 56 o. 17 I ;. I ! . f'r : ! ; I ; ! l ! I\ I ' 0 1000 500 Sample No. 106-3 0 -500 -1000 -1500 AVERAGE STRAIN, Inches/inch X 1 o-6 REMARKS: Partial upper and lower end cone developed. Conjugate shear planes at 65° Lateral tensile splits observed. *Radial strain gauge failure ----=-R o-=-=-c K=-=---=c:--::o=-=R:-=::E:--:-U-:::-::-N--::--::C:::--::0::--:-N-:-=F:::--I N-=-=E::-=--0 ·-COM PR-=:=-E s-=-s~I-=-O~N· TEST HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. ----------------@ Converse Ward DaVIS DIXOn Geotechnical consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. C-8 STRESS -STRAIN CURVES f~ADIAL STRAIN AXIAL STRAIN -800 -1000 -1200 -1400 -1600 -1800 -2000 -2200 -2400 /', -2800 201 . ''I t• . ' i : 'I I ' i ' ' I I I' I I I I t : j j I . I ' : l I • l ' I I ' U1 ' II ' I ' . • ~ i t ' ' ~ •. •. ' ~ • . • • : ' t· •. •• ' •. l ' ' !. ~ ', I • • •• I t • j I I l . . , , I , ; , I ·~ I . l ; • t 'r I I , • ~~ , . t • j , : t I • • • , ! I I I I ... l . '!I' ' ''1' I· '' . ,, ' j ' ' ' j :' ' . I I ' I 18 • i I 11-: 1 I ' : . _L .l 1 • : i , : _'_JJJ, L l · ' ' J_Llj_ __ L.~· ~ .. Jl.L_·. : . U{f: : j J. J+-1 t-' -.L~~-4 _j. ~! '·'. J ' ., I ,_' ,, I I . ,:, ., I It :' I •• : I'H''I'' I ! i ! I ! I i I I ' . ' t . ' ' : : : I 1 I I ' r , I I , l j , I ' , I I. , : , , ~-I I ' , I . . I I I , : . . . l 1.• • 1 , . 1 1 1 1 ' , j' . , 1 ' 1 , • 1 , I 1 1 • 1 , • 'r 1 , 1 1 , , • t t f -I : • f I t t I 1 t . t : ~ i ; I : • '11 i t l ~ • • ' t l I 1 I : t • t ' 1 I i ' . I I I . ' ' ' I' I ' ' ' I ' I ' ' ' I ' I I I I i ' I ' ' I . ' ' ' I ' I ' ' ' I I : . ' ' I I ' ' I I I I ; I I IK I ' . tj II I I i 1 i I ' i f I I i II I I 1: i I ! I! I }( I ' i II II I It I: }i_L_ I t 1 i 1-t"-~ ( J I I i j. • t I 1 I • 1 • I I • 161 ll1 i i i l :.~ l I i II !; i !' Ill I j l j : ; ; :_ .• ;'·· 1 "'~1t: I ! I i ! j I! i I ;. I j ! J I j. '. ~~ l l : ., ! l j II ! i ; : : I • ' ' l . • . ! j . i • ' 1 I r i + -r r-· t. : l ~ ' •. . ; J t ~ l I I, I I : • I I 1 . , , , . 1 . I l 1 I • 1 , • 1 . . ll 1 _L . U{(l I , 1 . r . . I . I I ·-: I I I ' ! I l I J ! i I ; I ! I ! ' '; ' . '~ : : ! . 1 : i ' i I I I I I I I I : . ' ' . (1) 14 lw. l-....L.---• I . 1 1 _ L ,_; __ t-;_1_ ~-·~ -~ .• .l · 1' J 1\l. . _ .1 J-f--l__ L ; : • • . L : ; __ , _ -~-·-·-_.:.. L .. 1 ·-~-. .1' ' 'I t--1---I I i I ~ , !I 1 1 .!, · '•' ·' • I j j . ! ; ! I 1\ I ; I i t ' I f .. : j : l ! ~. y' I. '. ' I I t : :. ~ I i i ' I '.1 ! i W{' : i I . I . l t I I I i I I tl ! ; : . i I : a. l I ' • I t • I I ! I II I I j' : ' . ' I ' :·:, I I ' • J I I ' ·.. I I I . I I ' I ' • • I ; I j I I ' I I ' : I i : . li 1,1'' ,: I 1 1 ·l'i ,. iii;.,!::. Iii J:~; :1 I I' I ,I :JI. !'I; 1 1 1 'I I 1 : .. 1 1 .. ' • I I I ' i ~ ' : i I ' • : ' ' -~ ! I • I 't-~ l ! I . I ' I l I I ' I ,,.. l • . 1 • , • ~ l . · • j j , · ; I , • ;J.__' : l! · · I r •, • ··~.· ' I I ! ' 1 :.A 1 • • I ' 1 l) I I • 't ~~ J J I • l • . " V.l 12 I ' 1\.: ! ' ; : j ' I . I : : ''hi. ' I ' /. , I LL.J.._ I • t L j ' I I . . ,,.. r . l . . . ~-:--. I • : ~ •• -:--:--:---! ....... : . . UJI' -~-+-. ~ -~....1-f--:-I ! . "-+-'-·-r.;_:--__ ----·---· V.l I . . ' ' I t •. : I ' ' · .. ' . . ' . . . . . . .. ':~. I ' ' I . . : " J ! I ' I I I I I I I ' : ' • •. W I ' f . l'' ' . ., I I ' '' . '" I ' I '' II I 'I· I ' II I , . ' • • • t I • I I • l I • . ; I I ' : I I .• II I I I . ' . I . I ' I I I i • ! ' .. ' I I I ' I I I ' ' I ' , • ' . I ' i . I I ' ' I I I I ' I I I . a: ' . ~ I • : • • I • ! t • • t I ! ,4 1 l L • 1 • • I • I ! • I I • I I • I ,· : j I ' . ' • ' . I . . I ' •:t I . ! I I I I I I I . ' . I I-! ' I : t j f ' \ ! : : : I ~ : : t I I ~ i I ! 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' , , j : I , 1 . r' w ' I ' ! . ' : : i ! : : : . ; ! . i I i . I I J : ! I : -~ . . . "'· SAMPLE DESCRIPTION > 1 . 1, • 1 i 1. 1. 1 ' . 11 . . 1 •1 1 1 1 • ' I -6 : : 1 I I ' I ! i ! ! t I . j ' ! I ; ; j. H 1 ! I ; ' .! 1 l I ' " "~' ERAGE AVERAGE AIR DRY UNIT SPECIFIC .... -.... I ' I ! • ' I I I ' • j • ' • I I ~ I I I 1 . I I l : ; :. : ! : : : ! ! ! I . · 1 l ~ : ! : : j ! ; lJYfi : i ; I : : . j .) 1 . 1 I·; DIA ETER(IN.) LENGTH (IN.) WT. (p.c.f.) GRAVITY . : ' . ' ' L ' : . . I I •• i I • ' • I i I I • • . ' I 1 :' I : ' 1. 80 4. 36 166.0 2. 6~ 1 I ' . ' ' I • ' ' I ' ' ' . • • , .1 II -~-"--~--· '-L.o.-...-~-1--'--' r--r· ., T . . . --1-'-l....f-' .1 .. ;, i !;!; :1 .. ' .. jiwtfll I, 1 I'!;!,. , I . : I ! I : .. , I : . i • I " I I : I ' I l : : ' ! i ! • ·• TEST RESULTS I ' I I I I : . ' j I J I I I • I I ' ' ' ! I : j l : I' : I i 0' ' I H-: ! I jl : I I ' ULTIIIA'JE YOUNG"S MODULUS, POISSON"S 21 •-•--' L, •·· ---• ; : · · ---·· ' .L 1 ~ --'-f-+---. ' '-! -• · COMPRESSIVE p.s.l. X 108 . j I I t . ' I I • ' I I I ' ' ! I I ' I I I I . ' RATIO , r • ; i . : ; f I i I : i ~ , : J ! j ! : , ! ! , . : ! , 1 j I . : SmENGnt(p.sJJ TANGENT SECANT o• I Jjif ;::; )ii:l/,· l.l: i!,: i'; .1~: ilf 1: i 20,800 7.83 6.93 1 0.22 1 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000 -1200 REMARKS: Sample partially altered laterally, Sample No. 10 7-1 . -6 Upper end cage developed. Conjugate shear AVERAGE STRAIN, lnches/mch X 10 planes at 70. Lateral tensile splits observed. ROCK CORE UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. -----·----· ------________ , _________ __:_. ________ _ Project No. 81-5165 @ ConverseWardDaVISDIXOn Geotechnical consultants oCi:g· PETROGRAPHIC REPORT SHEET _1_ OF _1_ Project Name: Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Job No.: 81-5165-16 Date Sampled: _____ 1Analysis By: S.M. Testa Date: March 1, 1982 Sample No.: Pet-DH 102 Source: Bor~ng 102 at a depth of 41.5 feet. Location: Left Abutment Me gas cop i c CIa s sif i cation: _A __ N __ D..:...E S..;,...:I:...T..:...E_B_A..:...S.....:AL:...T ____________ _ PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS: ROCK NAME: ANDESITE BASALT MINERAL CONSTITUENTS: Primary Minerals Feldspar Plagioclc:se Potash Feldsp~ Quartz ( Opaque Minerals\ DESCRIPTION: ~ ,p~fi">, < .. ~·· ', Secondary Minerals Calcite se·r; cite Chlorite m tr tr Massive microcristallioe rock characterized by holocrystalline intersertal texture. Plagioclase~ forms a network of randomly oriented 1 aths and has an anorthite content of about An44, that falling within the range of andesine. Interstices are filled with a combination of potassium feldspar and opaque minerals, and secondary minerals which include calcite and chlorite. Opaque minerals occur as randomly dispersed equant grains and include in part pyrite. Sericitization and chloritization is noninal. A thin irregular veinlet apparent on a portion of the section is filled chiefly with calcite and subordinate chlorite, potash feldspar and plagioclase. note: m =minor constituent less than 5.0 percent in total volume. tr =trace constituent less than 1.0 percent in total volume. @ Converse Consultants Geotechnical Engineering and Applied Sciences C-10 PETROGRAPHIC REPORT SHEET_1_ OF_1_ Project Name: Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Job No.: 81-5165-16 Date Sampled: _____ 1 Analysis By: S.M. Testa Date: March 1, 1982 Sample No.: Pet-DH 103 Source: Boring 103 at a depth of 7.6 feet. Location: Left Abutment Meg as cop i c CIa s s if i cation: ~GR~A..:..:.:N:.:::.O~D :.::I O:.:..:R...!..IT.!...:E=---------------- PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS: ROCK NAME: GRANODIORITE MINERAL CONSTITUENTS: /"''" r '·· Feldspar \ . Plagioclase /""'\. 40 "\ Potash Feldspar,~ , \. 1~5 ~. Quartz J'-0 Biotite /'",~ _")~\ .. Hornblen~ -·:..1\, _;, ,. "';,·\ ~ ... DESCRIPTION: • :: Opaq[!.e Minerals Apc.t'he ,:..Chlorite ,... Sericite m tr tr tr Massive, fresh, coarse grlined rock characterized by holocrystalline, hypidio- morphic-granular texture. Feldspar and quartz are roughly of equal dimension. Plagioclase occurs as euhedral to subhedral crystals. Lath-like plagioclase typically exhibits combined Albite-Carlsbad twinning and has an anorthite content of about An4o, that falling within the compositional range of andesine. Potash feldspar is predominately orthoclase, completely anhedral and interstitial to plagioclase. Quartz is anhedral, commonly exhibits strained wandering extinction and also occurs as a myrmekitic intergrowth; that being characterized by finger- like bodies of quartz enclosed in plagioclase. Serici:ization of the feldspars is nominal. Biotite forms independent flakes with ragged edges. Both biotite and hornblende commonly show partial alteration to chlorite. note: m = minor constituent less than 5.0 percent in total volume. tr = trace constituent less than 1.C percent in total volume. @ Converse Consultants G~ot~chnlcel Engin~~rlng and Appli~d Sct~nc~s C-11 PETROGRAPHIC REPORT SHEET_1_0F_1 Project Name: Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Job No.: 81-5165-16 Date Sampled: Analysis By: S.M. Testa Date: March 1 2 1982 Sample No.: Pet-8H 104-1 Source: Boring 104 at a de~th of 35.6 feet. Location: Left Abutment Megascopic Classification: ALTERED DIORITE . ,, PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS: ' ' .:''·' ' ROCK NAME: ALTERED DIORITE ,..,~., ~-:'(~A \ · •. . , ~1INERAL CONSTITUENTS: ..;;~'~"'\) '.\ ,:--\ ·..; "' · .. ,. 7 ">. Fe l d s par ,,,./"'·' •:t~ Opaque Minerals tr .. Plagiocla'Se : 45. .,. Apatite tr V· ;'. Quarr~ ,20 Sericite 20 8\tl-ti+e \ tr:c Calcite 10 .\ . ,lo,,, •. f~ Hor\pb·1~ende Chlorite tr . .-;;,.-'-' ' .•. \. ' ~~~ ·' DESCRIPTION: Massive, moderately altered, coarse grained rock characterized by holocrystal- line, hypidiomorphic-granular texture. Plagioclase and quartz are roughly of equal dimension. Plagioclase occurs as euhedral to subhedral crystals. Due to considerable alteration of plagioclase to sericite, anorthite content was inde- terminable. Quartz commonly exhibits strained wandering extinction. Both bio- tite and hornblende are partially altered to chlorite. A thin irregular calcite- filled fracture 2.0 mm in width transects the section. note: m = minor constituent less than 5.0 percent in total volume. --tr = trace constituent less than 1.0 percent in total volume. @ Converse Consultants G~ot~chnical Engin~~ring and Applied Sci~nc~s C-12 PETROGRAPHIC REPORT SHEET_1 OF_1 Project Name: Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Job No.: 81-5165-16 Date Sampled: Analysis By: S.M. Testa Date: March 1, 1982 Sample No.: Pet-DH 104-2 Source: Boring 104 at a depth of 140.5 feet. Location: Left Abutment Meg as c opi c CIa s s if i cation: _.:..:A:::..L T:..::.E:.:..:R:.=.E::...D _::D:..:.I~OR:.:.;I:....:.T..:E ____________ _ PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS: ROCK NAME: ALTERED DIORITE MINERAL CONSTITUENTS: r'~~ Feldspar (·" .... \. P 1 a g i_p.eta·s e Quart{' . '· \ . Opaque 'Minerals Zircon Apatite DESCRIPTION: ···' ' 45 \20 ~ '{:r -'''f r tr \· ' 'l;; Biotite Sericite Calcite Ch 1 ori te tr 20 10 m Massive, moderately altered, coarse grained rock characterized by holocrystal- 1 i ne, hypi diomorphic-granul ar texture. Plagioclase and quartz are roughly of equal dimension. Plagioclase occurs as euhedral to subhedral crystals. Due to considerable alteration of plagioclase to sericite, an'Orthite content was inde- terminable. Quartz is anhedral and exhibits 5trained wandering extinction. note: m =minor constituent less than 5.0 percent in total volume. tr = trace constituent less than 1.0 percent in total volu~e. @ Converse Consultants Geotechnical Engineering and Applied Sciences C-13 PETROGRAPHIC REPORT SHEET_1_ OF_1_ Project Name: Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Job No.: 81-5165-16 Date Sampled: Analysis By: S.M. Testa Date: March 1, 1982 Sample No.: Pet-DH 107 Source: Boring 107 at a deeth of 49 .1 feet. Location: Right Abu:ment Megascopic Classification: ALTERED GRANODIORITE $ PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS: .~ ROCK NAME: ALTERED GRANODIORITE ' ' MINERAL CONSTITUENTS: -~~"-' \ ';I . Fe l d s p a r ,,~~ .... '· Opaque Minerals -~ '· tr Plagioc1ase ~ . 45\ '•-.,_ Chlorite m i Potash Fel dsp((lr 15\ Sericite tr Quart i..., ........ ~s"'\ 25 \ ,. Bi oti~ 7 Hornblende 'in Apatite ' tr DESCRIPTION: ;~ Massive, slightly altered, coarse grained rock characterized by holocrystalline, hypidiomorphic-granular texture. Feldspar and quartz are roughly of equal dimen- sion. Feldspar occurs as euhedral to subhedral crystals. Lath-like plagioclase typically exhibits combined Albite-Carlsbad twinning and has an anorthite content of about An4o, that falling within the compositional range of andesine. Potash feldspar is predominately orthoclase, completely anhedral and interstitial to plagioclase. Quartz commonly exhibits undulose extinction. Sericitization of the feldspars is nominal. Biotite forms independent flakes with ragged edges. Both biotite and hornblende show partial alteration to chlorite. note: r.. = minor constituent 1 ess than 5.0 percent in total volume. --tr = trace constituent less than 1.0 percent in total volume. @ Converse Consultants Geotechnical Engineering and Applied Sciences C-14 PETROGRAPHIC REPORT SHEET_1 _ OF_1_ Project Name: Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Project Job No.: 81-5165-16 Date Sampled: Analysis By: S.M. Testa Date: March 1, 1982 Sample No.: Pet-DH 108 Source: Boring 108 at a deeth of 373.1 feet. Location: Surge Tank Megascopic Classification: ALTERED GRANODIORITE ~ .. ·~~. ~ .. PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS: fl '.;': .. ~·(.,.. ~' "{i."':tf.-• :;.. ROCK NAME: ALTERED GRANODIORITE ~ ' .. .. .. . /~, \ . MINERAL CONSTITUENTS: ·~. . . ... ~\ l .. ·, Feldspar /"'' Opaque Minerals m Plagioclase 50 ..• Sericite m Potash Feldspa~ 15 .. Chlorite tr Quartz ./-... -20 " >~"ft' · •. 7 B i at i te:; , · Hornb le?rde , ·-rr ' i DESCRIPTION: ·' ... Massive, slightly altered, coarse grained rock characterized by holocrystalline, hypidiomorphic-granular texture. Feldspar and quartz are roughly of equal dimen- sian. Feldspar occurs as euhedral to subhedral crystals. Lath-like plagioclase typically exhibits combined Albite-Carlsbad twinning and has an anorthite content of about An42, that falling within the compositional range of andesine. Potash feldspar is predominately orthoclase, completely anhedral and interstitial to plagioclase. Quartz commonly exhibits strained wandering extinction. Sericitiza- tion of the feldspars is nominc:l. Biotite shows partial alteration to chlorite. note: m = minor constituent less than 5.0 percent in total volume. --tr = trace constituent less than 1.0 percent in total volume. ® Converse Consultants Ge-ote-chnical Engineering •nd Applied Scitonce-s C-15 APPENDIX D CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING D.l GENERAL A limited laboratory testing program was completed on samples of poten- tial construction materials (fine and coarse concrete aggregate and gravel embankment fill). A potential concrete aggregate and embankment borrow site was identified within the reservoir site near the vicinity of proposed dam site on West Creek. An elevated alluvium terrace was explore.o ·t5y\ the excavation of ~· seven test pits and the observation of four existing cut banks, as shown /'""" . on Drawing 8. 'I \ \ ~·v••'\, ;. Test pits were logged by our f\el~\epresentative; logs of these test pits are included i~endix B\ \._'~/g:Q~een\,9Jilk samples were obtained ·-~ ~ of representative materials that ·~,e~~"'cdRsidered to have potential use f(ot:'f"""'""'::' '!'· •: ..,.:~'~ in constru<l'ff().n. '-;,Approximately ~0 pounds of these materials were shipped to s1?it,le,Qffi ce. l~&~tory of Converse Consultants. '· \ -~~;)' '\ ,! '':', # Laboratory test\Q.9·..,·"bn aggregate and embankment materials included 16 grain size analyses, which were the basis for selecting representative samples to be subjected to other aggregate quality tests. Grain size distribution curves are shown on Drawings No. D-1 through D-48. Tabulated below are the type of aggregate quality tests and the numbers of each performed. All tests were performed in accordance with AST~·1 standard test designations. D-2 ASTM Test Number of Type of Test Designation Tests Performed Specific Gravity Cl27/128 5 Absorption Cl27/128 5 Sodium Sulfate Soundness C88 5 L.A. Abrasion Cl31 3 Bulk Dry Density C29 5 Maximum Dry Density D2049 5 Potential Rectivity C289 5 Petrologic Examination C295 5 Aggregate quality test results are summarized on Table D-1 and individ- ual reports by Northwest Laboratories are included ,.as 'pa.ges D-9 through D-18. A description of the petrologic e~rfi1nations and results are ,. presented in Section 0.2 of this qP~.dix. \~. :\, . -~ £-~>"""'"'>("'tiT..... .' '-..;;.; .,.. . § ,• Five consolidated dra'jned triaxial, C,Oinptessi't~.n tests were completed on selected samR~.e? to determine prel i'w;i~r..{)tre.~h properties f.or poten- tial embankmen.t tSGil:s. The results~ these tests are shown on Drawings 0-1 through D-~.\ Th¢ bul!s. ... ~s,~les as returned from the field were too coarse for our \ri.,,a..A al test apparatus. Therefore, in accordance with \,.,... the methods suggested by Marachi, et al. (1971) and Lowe (1964), test specimens were fabricated such that the maximum particle diameter was one-sixth of the sample diameter (maximum particle size about 0.4 inches) and the gradation curve for the test specimen was parallel to that of the bulk sample. These gradation curves are enclosed as Draw- ings 0-6 through D-49. All test specimens were remolded to 95 per- cent of the maximum dry density as defined by ASTM 2049 at water con- tents of 8 to 9 percent. D.2 PETROLOGIC EXAMINATION OF FINE AGGREGATE Five samples of fine aggregate proposed for use in Portland-cement con- crete were examined by stereoscopic methods. The samples are identified as test pits TP-1 (SA-2), TP-2 (SA-2), TP-3 (SA-l), and TP-5 (SA-l), and cut bank CB-2 (SA-l). D-3 The five samples were examined in accordance with ASTM C 295, Standard Recommended Practice for Petrographic Examination of Aggregate for Con- crete. Seven size fractions of the sand were separated by sieving and each fraction examined and analyzed in accordance with ASTM C 295. The natural sand was separated into size fractions as follows: Retained on U.S. Sieve No. 200, No. 100, No. 50, No. 30, No. 16, No. 8 and No. 4. No quantitative analyses of the fraction passing the No. 200 sieve was at- tempted. Tile various canst i tuents were c 1 assifi ed with regard to their sui ta- fi ne aggregate for Portland cement. Physi ca 1 either satisfactory, fair or poor; chemical designated by either innocuous or deleterious. bi 1 ity as ingredients of condition is defined as stability in concrete is Satisfactory particles are classified as hard to/firm'' and relatively ~--\. free from fractures, capillary absorptionr_:'1s v.ery small or absent, and ', ' the surface texture is relativel,x .. -n.~gh. Particles clas.sified as fair exhibit one or two of the followin9''2tualities: firm to fhable, moder- ,.r·'"···· 'I ' at ely fractured, capi l!a~y absorp~,i on··: small to !)lOde rate, surface rel a-. . "· __ , tively smootjkilffd'\impermeable and 'yery lgy1 compressibility. Particles \ ·. ·, ' ' i •' classified as, poor exhibit one ort~ore of the following qualities: ~~ .· ~ friable to pulverulent, s2g,kE!~·"'when r1etted or dried, highly fractured, deeply weathere'd, c_9;pi 11 ary absorption high and marked volume change .. >-·' with wetting and·'drying. Innocuous particles are those which will not dissolve or react chemically to a significant extent with constituents of the hydrating Portland cement, atmosphere or water under ordinary conditions. Particles which are known to either react chemically under conditions ordinarily prevailing in Portland-cement concrete or mortar in such a matter as to produce significant volume change, interfere with the normal course of hydration of Portland cement, or supply substances that might produce harmful effects upon mortar or concrete are classi- fied as deleterious. 0.2.1 Description Test Pit TP-1, Sample SA-2 The sample consisted of 6.0 kg. of fine, dry sand. The sand is rather simple in lithologic composition consisting predominately of subrounded D-4 to round, fine to medium-grained granitic rocks and sub-angular to an- g u 1 a r q u a rt z , w i t h m i no r s c h i s t , a n de s i t e , amp h i b o 1 e , m i c a , f e 1 d s par , epidote and opaque minerals. Percentage of individual constituents in each size fraction have been tabulated and are presented on Table 1. Only minor proportions of the sample are retained on the U.S. No. 4 sieve, consisting primarily of subrounded to round, fine to medium- grained granitic rocks with minor basalt, notably andesite. The sand retained in the No. 8 to 200 fractions consist primarily of granitic rocks and quartz with minor amphibole. Particles of granitic rocks progressively decrease in abundance with a decrease in grain size, being absent in fractions sma 11 er than the No. 16 sieve. On the other hand, quartz makes up only 11.0 percent of the No. 8 fraction~ bQt remains es- • • ,J sentially constant in amounts between 73.0 to 8~3 percent in the No. 16 ~·pr· ' to 200 fractions. These particles are innoc~ou!(and free Jrom coatings ,,._:-:-·":", -~i-l. - of precipitated mineral matter, silf'''a.r'\~lay. '' '-i· ', ~. ~ '. '-i;., -;<.-~..l~,;. r, -··"'4,,~· -. .< '\ ~\ ' " Particles that gr.e-··-moder·ately weathered;~ p6,rous ·~internally fractured are classified\~;~~.·?~1~ fair. in physi~~~ity or constituents of ag- gregate for condfe\e .. ', Such_ P.~ r~ 1 es constitute 2. 0 to 9. 7 percent of seven fractions,\ a:yerc\:ging~.8 percent. Particles that are deeply weathered or soft~¥,..'S"u~h as the micas, are classified as poor in phys- ical quality as constituents of aggregate for concrete. Particles so classified constitute nil to 3.9 percent of the various fractions exam- ined, or an average of 1.8 percent. Such particles are present in the No. 16 to 200 fractions, being most abundant (3.9 percent) in the No. 200 fraction. The sample includes a small proportion of andesite. Intermediate to acidic volcanic rocks, such as andesite, are similar in composition to rock types known elsewhere to be potentially subject to a deleterious degree of the alkali-silica reaction if used in concrete in combination with Portland cement of high alkali content. HO\'Iever, such particles constitute nil to 13.3 percent of the seven size fractions examined, or an average of 2.2 percent, and are present in significant proportions in only the fraction retained on the No. 4 sieve, which is negligible in ar.1e>unt. D-5 Test Pit TP-2, Sample SA-2 The sample consisted of 8.6 kg of fine, dry sand. The sand is generally lithologically similar to sample TP-1 (SA-2) consisting of subrounded to round, fine to medium-grained granitic rocks predominating in the No. 4 and 8 fractions, and subangular to angular quartz predominating in the No. 16 to 200 fractions. Minor constituents include schist, andesite, amphibole, mica, feldspar, epidote and opaque minerals. Percentages of individual constituents in each size fraction have been tabulated and are presented on Table 2. Granitic rocks in the No.4 and 8 fractions constitute 95.7 and 87.0 percent of the fractions, respectively. ~1inor andesite and quartz average 4.0 and 2.0 percent, respectively, in the two size fractions. Quartz is relatively constant in abundance in the N.o. 16 through 200 ,;,"';~.~ fraction ranging from 82.7 to 89.3 percent, av~agin~ 86.7 percent in the five fractions examined. These pa~es are f onocuous and free t. .of-1'1/ ' from coatings of precipitated mi_n~-~.~1 mat~·~~_.,,..?~ilt orcl\y. \ \. ~ ··~f'/'1"·9-~ ~. ,, ~ o' Particles classified a~'O'nly fair in. ~'Rhysi~l\~uality constitute 2.3 to 4.4 percent of~ ... .!.~~e s"en size fractiio~\.xami~, averaging 3.1 .percent. Particles ~:•""-~r't de~ply weather~o'Yson are classified as poor in quality and '\oh~'tit~te nil ty.4 percent of the seven fractions exam- ~ ~'. <; -, \ .·~ i ned, or an a~ra_~~ -~f 0.8-percent. \\ .,... ~J I. ~·,# v-"" Andesite, similar to rock types elsewhere knovm to be potentially sub- ject to alkali-silica reaction in concrete if combined with a high- alkali Portland cement constitute 0.3 to 6.0 percent in the No. 4 to 30 fractions, averaging 2.2 percent. The No. 8 fraction contains the high- est abundance of andesite, constituting 6.0 percent of the fraction. Test Pit TP-3, Sample SA-l The sample consisted of 8.3 kg of fine, dry sand. Lithogically similar to JP-1 (SA-2) and TP-2 (SA-2), the sand consists predominately of sub- rounded to round, fine to medium-grained granitic rocks and subangul ar to angular quartz, with minor andesite, amphibole, mica, feldspar and opaque minerals. Percentages of individual constituents in each size fraction have been tabulated and are presented on Table 3. D-6 Rounded to subrounded granitic rocks predominate in the No. 4 and 8 fractions in amounts of 95.7 and 89.3 percent, respectively, and ande- site occurs in amounts of 2.0 and 4.3 percent, respectively. The sand retained in the No. 16 to No. 200 fractions consist predominately of quartz which is relatively constant in abundance ranging from 83.4 to 89.8 percent, averaging 85.8 percent. These particles are innocuous and free from coatings of precipitated mineral matter, silt or clay. Particles classified as only fair in physical quality constitute 2.3 to 3.7 percent of the seven fractions examined, averaging 3.1 percent. Particles classified as poor in quality constitute 0.3 to 4.7 percent, averaging 2.3 percent, in the No. 16 to 200 fraction, and are absent in the No. 4 and 8 fractions. The greater abund~e~pf these constituents ~· .. are in the No. 100 and 200 fractions, 4.7 an 1d 3.0 percent, respective- ly. '\~~~.' • \ Andesite, similar to rock types elsewhe\(~~nown to''be potentially sub- . ' ject to alkali-si1Jea····reaction in '~oncr~~ if combined with a high- <-,: '·: alkali Portland cement, constitute 0~3.)to 4.3 percent in the No.4 to 16 ~ '<'' fraction~~~~{a"S.\ing 2.2 percent._--"fhe No. 8 fraction contains the high- est abunda~ce '9f'·cndesite, constituting 4.3 percent of the fraction. \;_ I' : •I \.,-t!. \ "\ .,. ··~-· . I Test Pit TP-5\ Sarfipl e SA-l The sample consisted of 7.2 kg of fine, dry sand, lithologically similar to the previously described samples, the sand consist predominately of subrounded to round, fine to medium-grained granitic rocks and sub- angular to angular quartz, with minor andesite, amphibole, mica and opaque minerals. Percentage of individual constituents in each size fraction examined have been tabulated and are presented on Table 4. Rounded to subrounded granitic rocks predominate in the No. 4 and 8 fractions in amounts of 93.0 and 85.3 percent, respectively, with nil in the No. 16 to 200 fractions. Sand retained in the No. 16 to 200 fractions consist predominately of subangular to angular quartz which is relatively constant in abundance ranging from 84.7 to 89.1 percent, averaging 87.2 percent. These particles are innocuous and free from coatings of precipitated ~ineral matter, silt or clay. D-7 Particles classified as only fair in physical quality constitute 2.3 to 5.7 percent of the seven fractions examined, averaging 4.2 percent. Particles classified as poor in quality constitute 1.7 to 4.3 percent of the No. 16 to 200 fractions, averaging 2.9 percent. The greater abun- dance of these constituents are in the No. 50 fractions, being comprised predominately of mica. Andesite, similar to rock types elsewhere known to be potentially sub- ject to alkali-silica reaction in concrete if combined with high-alkali Portland cement, constitute 1.3 and 8.0 percent of the No. 4 and 8 frac- tions, respectively. Cut Bank CB-2, Sample SA-l .-( .... The sample consisted of 8.0 kg of fine, dry sand_../Lithogically similar to the previously described samples, the ,$;a'fld consist predominately of t"'"' .') ' ... subrounded to round, fine to medium-gr'ct~~·d. granitic· .. rocks and sub- angular to angular quartz, with·-·minor '~,ndesHe amp~i_hole, mica and opaque minerals. Percen_t?ges of i ndi yi dua'l constituents in each size ~ ~ ' . fraction examined ha.1·e been tabulated ···and a-t"e' presented on Table 5. \ >'• \. Rounded to s~P.'I"mtpded granitic rocks. "p..r€domi nate in the No. A and 8 ~ .. ~ fractions in\amounts of 92.7 and 88:0 percent, respectively, with nil in \ . . the No. 16 to"·"200· fracti6~~· "'Sand retained in the No. 16 to 200 frac- tions consist 'pn~domi·nate ly of sub-angular to angular quartz which is ,,.,., relatively constant in abundance ranging from 83.0 to 89.1 percent, averaging 87.1 percent. These particles are innocuous and free from coatings of precipitated mineral matter, silt or clay. Particles classified as only fair in physical quality constitute 1.7 to 4.6 percent of the seven fractions examined, averaging 6.1 percent. Particles classified as poor in quality constitute 0.3 to 5.3 percent of the No. 16 to 200 fractions, averaging 3. 7 percent. The greater abun- dance of these constituents are in the No. 30 to 200 fractions being comprised predominately of mica. Andesite, similar to rock types elsewhere known to be potentially sub- ject to alkali-silica reaction in concrete if combined with high-alkali Portland cement, constitute 1.7, 3.0 and 0.7 percent of the No. 4, 8 and 16 fractions, respectively. D-8 0.2.2 Conclusions The five natural sand samples examined are satisfactory for use as fine aggregate in Portland-cement concrete for permanent construction. All five samples are similar in lithologic composition consisting primarily of granitic rocks and quartz, with minor andesite, amphibole, mica and opaque minerals, and trace amounts of schist, feldspar and epidote. Rounded to subrounded granitic rocks predominate in the No.4 and 8 fractions ranging from 80.0 to 95.7 percent, averaging 89.1 percent in the five samples examined. Angular to subangular quartz predominate in the No. 16 to 200 fractions ranging from 73.0 to 89.8 percent, averag- ing 85.8 percent in the five samples examined. These constituents are innocuous and free from coatings of precipitated mineral matter, silt or clay. Particles classified as fair for fine~~~regate in Portland-cement concrete consist of weathered type.~ whic'h. tn.,-the five '~amples examined .f'-<1' '., \} ", ·~ range in abundance from 3.1 to 5~~ percent,-averag.ing 3.9 percent. Particles classified as, .... 'P'Qor range f~Qm o.·B to 2.6 percent, averaging """" . ., ' 1.7 percent, in the ~ve samples exam"in~·a. . ~ . $ ,· ~'~ ., ~. :···· '( ,.~ .. '\', \ .-' •' The samples ~nt.luded small amo.unts of andesite which is classified as " deleterious ahp potential-lY subject to the alkali-silica reaction in ... concrete. Alkali-:-s._tl ica reactivity occurs as concrete is setting and hardening. Hydration of the cement takes place and alkalies are releas- ed which in turn react with all silicates and silica-minerals. In the five samples examined, andesite constitutes from 1.3 to 13.3 percent, averaging 4.4 percent in abundance, in the No. 4 and 8 fractions. The greater preponderance of andesite occurs in the No. 4 fraction in sample TP-1 (SA-2), and in the No. 8 fraction of sample TP-5 (SA-l) at 13.3 and 8.0 percent, respectively. It should be noted that significant propor- tions of andesite occur in only the fraction retained on the No. 4 sieve in sample TP-1 (SA-2), which is neglible in amount. Considering all seven fractions examined, andesite constitutes only 0.8 to 2.2 percent, averaging 1.3 percent. ASTM DESIGNATION D 422 Sample Location Soil Type Gradation and Number (USCS) Sample 1 sw X TP-1 22-4.5'_ --·-f-- Sample 2 SW-SM X 5.o-6.0' Sample 1 SM X 3.o-3.5' TP-2 1--'---·---·----- Sample 2 GP X 4.5-5.0' Sample 1 TP-3 GW X 3.o-3.5' !------·---- TP-4 Sample 1 GW X 3.o-3.5' Sample 1 sw X 2 5' t---=-·---------- TP-5 Sample 2 SM ~ 3.51 1---·----Sample 3 ML \. x'\ ', 4.5' \ ·. ··•. Sample 1 SP X 2.7-3.5' I--TP-6 t---·--- Sample 2 '-• 3.9-4.9' ML X Cut Sample I GW X Bank 2.o-3.0' 1 Cut Sample 1 Bank GW X 2 5.o-6.0' Cut Sample 1 Bank sw X 3 4.o-5.0' Cut Sample 1 GW X Bank 5.o-6.0' 4 -'--------- Sample 2 SP X 8.2-10.0' c 295 Petrographic Analysis --- X 1--'---- X X !---- Table D-1 LABOR A TORY TEST SUMMARY Potential Concrete Aggregate c 127 C128 c 88 Bulk Absorption Specific Gravity Absorption Sodium Sui fate Sped fi c Gravity (%) (Sot. Surface Dry) (%) Soundness (Sot. Surface Dry) Coarse Grain Fine Groin Fine Grain (% I ss) Coarse Grain coarse [fine ----·-r-·--1---------!-----1---r--- 2.63 1.6 2.49 4.8 0.8 4.4 . -------.. :...._ ~------1------1--- 2.66 ..,.,~, 0.7 ., 2.64 2.0 0.8 2.7 .} . >; '(~ ;· 2;.3 ~.;... ,'._~ 2.59 \ ''~> 2.60 1.8 1.1 4.1 ~ r --... ,;:..___ -,, ·; ----·-~--~-------f---1--\ ·· ... ·• \·;.. ... \ ~~, ' ? !i\. 2. 0.6 2.61 1.4 1.2 5.1 ~~ It:: ' ,_.__ ---I---f----'\;-V ~~ iC __ ~------------ ~-i,~ t----1------------1--'---- • c . '· ~ I ; ~-r-------r-----1--------,_.._ ___ 1--1--- X 2.66 0.7 2.64 0.9 1.4 6.4 ----·-~------r-------!------------1-----,__ c 131 c 29 D 2049 c 289 L.A. Abrasion Dry Bulk Maximum Potential Reactivity Triaxial 500 Revs Density Dry (millimole~iter) Test (% loss) (ocO Density dissolved reduction in loose compact (pcf) Silica Alkalinitv coarse [tinE coarse I fine -----1------r------t-t---,__ -- 105 110 127 11 10 108 115 X ~-----f-----1--'----1---f--1--'----1---~1 51.7 129 140 135 11 9 138 155 X 45.5 117 123 131 9 9 83 118 X -----1-----i---1----1----,_.__ f--- I 113 115 128 9 6 75 100 X -----1---i-----·---t--t----r---,_.. __ - 1-----t-----·-t--t-I---I------ I i I 1-------,_._ -1--'--t----t---t--r---r---- - 48.4 121 133 135 9 9 90 140 X f-------i--------r---1----1----·- Converse Consultants NORTHWEST LABORATORIES of Seaulc. in corpora ted Technical Services for: Industry, Commerce, Legal Profession & Insurance lndustrv 1530 FIRST AVENUE SOUTH • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98134 • Telephone: (206) 622·0680 Report to: Converse Consultants Date: March 2, 1 982 Report on: Aggregate Lab. No. E 24424-1 IDENTIFICATION: Pit Run Aggregate samples submitted Haines-Skagway Hydro (#81-5165-16) Sample TP-1, S-2 (52.4 lbs.) LOS ANGELES ABRASION TEST -ASTM Cl31 Coarse Aggregate; Grading Wear After 500 Revolution$~% /' ,A t SOUNDNESS TEST -.,-ASTM C88 "" ~~ ;, ) . 'Q:{ .·'\ ,~~ ... :::~, ..t'" ~ ' ,' I ~sufficient Samp,le to cpnduct tests. Coarse Aggreg~e( 1). \ Ori.gi na h..,,,;Wei ght of Test Grading Fraction Before .~ Test, gms % Passing Finer Sieve After Test Actual % Loss Passing 1 ~-;:I' " 3/4 11 3/8 11 #4 Totals Retained". 3/4 11 ' 3/8 11 #4 ',, ... 47 33 17 3 100 1 ,520 1 '01 0 300 2,830 0.66 0.84 l. 00 l. 00 Major loss due to crumbling and flaking -no splitting occurred Fine Aggregate: #100 #50 #30 #16 28 r;4 3/8 11 Tota 1 s ±100 r;50 := 30 ::16 :=8 ;=4 3.7 8.5 18. 1 100 5.0 18.4 100 2.0 22.3 100 9.0 24.7 100 4.0 4.3 4.0 100.0 400 Weighted Aggregate Corrected Percent Loss 0.31 0.28 0.17 0.03 0.79 0.91 0.36 2. 01 0.99 0. 17 4.44 NORTHWEST LABORATORIES Converse Consultants E 24424-1 Page 2 of Seattle, Incorporated POTENTIAL REACTIVITY OF AGGREGATE: ASTM C289 Sample Reduction of Alkalinity, Rc* Dissolved Silica, Sc* *Millimoles per liter Coarse 108 11 Fine 115 10 t~.-,<-~-·~/.~\ Reference Figure 2 ASTM C 289, the Aggreg&<tes·~·fall well within the area considered innocuous. \ · ,. ,, ..... r .,.-r~,......;. ~.; ~~ .. \.,,, !.~-.=-) "\ ':. . -~:.: -~.._. ~~(~ 't ~· -'\. \\j._.) '. __ ;-~'i,\ \f:; ~·") ~ORTHWEST LABORATORIES lb NORTHWEST LABORATORIES of Seattle, Incorporated Technical Services for: Industry, Commerce, Legal Profession & Insurance Industry 1530 FIRST AVENUE SOUTH • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98134 • Telephone: (206) 622-0680 Report to: Converse Consultants Report on: Aggregate IDENTI FICATIOr;: Pit Run Aggregate samples submitted Haines-Skagway Hydro (#81-5165-16) Sample TP-2, S-2 (81.5 lbs.) LOS ANGELES ABRASION TEST -ASTM Cl3l Coarse Aggregate; Grading Wear After 500 Revolution~-~ ,.~-r.$ ~- ·,, SOUNDNESS TEST,.¢~~"'A~4"J~ C88 't. ~':.'' v Coarse Aggrega"t\e :· .. ~"' ,,r ·5,_1 • 7 \'. ~-Original-·Weight of Test Gr~ding Fraction Before Retained\ .. ·/% Test, gms Passing l l II ':2 3/4" 3/8" #4 Totals ~~ajar lass 3/4" 3/8 11 #4 due to Fine Aggregate: #100 #50 #100 #30 #50 #16 #30 #8 #16 #4 #8 3/8 11 #4 Totals 47 33 17 3 100 crumbling 3. 7 8.5 18. l 18.4 22.3 24.7 4.3 100.0 and Nature of Solution-Saturated l '514 l ,000 300 2,814 flaking 100 100 100 100 400 Sodium Sulfate Date: March 2, 1982 Lab. No. E 24424-2 % Passing Finer Sieve After Test Actual % Loss 3.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 0.93 0.80 0.67 0.67 2.0 Weighted Aggregate Corrected Percent . Loss 0.44 0.26 0.11 0.02 0.83 0.54 0.74 0.89 0.49 0.09 2.75 NORTHWEST LABORATORIES of Seattle. Incorporated Converse Consultants E 24424-2 Page 2 POTENTIAL REACTIVITY OF AGGREGATE: ASTM C289 Sample Reduction of Alkalinity, Rc* Dissolved Silica, Sc* *Millimoles per liter Coarse 138 11 Fine 155 9 /<> Reference Figure 2 ASTM C 289, the Aggre~d~i· fall well"within the area considered innocuous. '~ 't lb .. / ...... \:.,. -:"" NORTHWEST LABORATORIES ~/i ~ ~~({)[~ ALBERT 0. WAHTO NORTHWEST LABORATORIES of Seattle, In corpora red Technical Services for: Industry, Commerce, Legat Profession & Insurance lndustrv 1530 FIRST AVENUE SOUTH • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98134 • Telephone: (206) 622·0680 Report to: Converse Consultants Report on: Aggregate I DENTI FI CATION: Pit Run Aggregate samples submitted Haines-Skagway Hydro (#81-5165-16) Sample TP-3, S-1 (87.25 lbs.) LOS ANGELES ABRASION TEST -ASTM Cl3l Coarse Aggregate; Grading /"" Wear After 500 Revolutions, %11 SOUNDNESS TEST -AS6. ~--; -~f!... ;:~i5 Coarse Aggregpiif:"!~·~·'\, "<A. ··:· .... Original Weight of Test \ ' ·.. ·.Grading ...... Fraction Before Passing Retat:ned · Test, oms 1~11 3/4 11 . 47 1 ,520 3/4 11 3/8 11 33 l '01 0 3/8 11 #4 17 300 #4 3 Totals 100 2,830 Major loss due to crumbling and flaking Fine Aggregate: #100 3.7 #50 #100 8.5 #30 #50 18. 1 100 #16 #30 18.4 100 #8 #16 22.3 100 #4 #8 24.7 100 3/8 11 #4 4.3 Totals 100.0 400 Nature of Solution-Saturated Sodium Sulfate Date: March 2, 1982 Lab. No. E 24424-3 % Passing Finer Weighted Aggregate Sieve After Test Corrected Percent Actual % Loss Loss 5.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 l. 32 0.99 0.67 0.67 0.62 0.33 0.11 0.02 1.08 0.91 0.74 l. 34 0.99 0.17 4.15 NORTHWEST LABORATORIES of Seattle. Incorporated Converse Consultants E 24424-3 Page 2 POTENTIAL REACTIVITY OF AGGREGATE: ASTM C289 Sample Coarse Reduction of Alkalinity, Rc* 83 Dissolved Silica, Sc* 9 *Millimoles per liter ~"''" ... ~), ·,>) .... \ ,:,; Reference Figure 2 ASTM C 289, ,the Agg'r~g~'e? fa 11 area considered innocuous. ,,,r' ·::\ "'· ~--·· \\~ <"' ; \ \ ~ Fine 118 9 welJ within the NORTHWEST LABORATORIES '.:- \~ lb \ ~·~ ~ac~ ALBERT 0. WAHTO NORTHWEST LABORATORIES of Seattle. incorporated Technical Services for: Industry, Commerce, Legal Profession & Insurance Industry 1530 FIRST AVENUE SOUTH • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98134 • Telephone: (206) 622-0680 Report to: Converse Consultants Date: March 2, 1982 Report on: Aggregate Lab. No. E 24424-4 IDENTIFICATION: Pit Run Aggregate samples submitted Haines-Skagway Hydro (#81-5165-16) TP-5, S-l ( 46.8 l bs. ) LOS ANGELES ABRASION TEST -ASTM Cl3l ,- /~.t;!\ Coarse Aggregate; (.,. '> Grading (hsuff:icient Sample to"'·:Conduct Test·' Wear After 500 Revo l uti O)J.S, 7~ ,.,,..,.,.. SOUNDNESS TEST -AST~ C88 .~-. Coarse Agg~~e: · "'· ' \ ' Original Weight of Test ·Grading · Fraction Before Passing Retai~ed % Test, gms ~' p II "2 3/4" 47 l ,520 3/4" 3/8" 33 l '015 3/8" #4 17 300 #4 3 Totals l 00 2,835 t•1ajor loss due to crumbling and flaking Fine Aggregate: #100 3. 7 #50 #100 8.5 #30 #50 18. l l 00 #16 #30 18.4 100 #8 #16 22.3 l 00 #4 #8 24.7 100 3/8" #4 4.3 Totals 100.0 400 r~a t ure of Solution -Saturated Sodium Sulfate % Passing Finer Sieve After Test Actual % Loss 1. 15 0.99 1. 33 1. 33 8.0 5.0 5.5 5.0 5.0 Weighted Aggregate Corrected Percent Loss 0.54 0.33 0.26 0.04 l. 17 1.45 0.92 l. 23 l. 24 0.22 5.06 NORTHWEST LJ~BORATORIES of Seattle, Incorporated Converse Consultants E 24424-4 Page 2 POTENTIAL REACTIVITY OF AGGREGATE: ASTM C289 Sample Reduction of Alkalinity, Rc* Dissolved Silica, Sc* *Millimoles per liter Reference Figure 2 ASTM C 289, area considered innocuous. "> lb Coarse 75 9 Fine 100 6 NORTHWEST LABORATORIES ~~a~ ALBERT 0. WAHTO CONfiOl,.,TIAL R~,.o-.:T • PUIII.ICATIOtrol •tCHTS •l.t.l•\'1:0 ,.INOt,..C w•tTTI[frrll Av'THO"tlATIOH. NORTHWEST LABORATORIES of Seaule, Incorporated Technical Services for: Industry, Commerce, Legat Profession & Insurance Industry 1530 FIRST AVENUE SOUTH • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98134 • Telephone: (206) 622-0680 Report to: Converse Consultants Report on: Aggregate IDENTIFICATION: Pit Run Aggregate samples submitted Haines-Skagway Hydro (#81-5165-16) CB-2, S-1 ( 70. 1 1 bs. ) LOS ANGELES ABRASION TEST -ASTM Cl3l Coarse Aggregate; Grading Wear After 500 Revolutions, % / SOUNDNESS TEST -ASTM C88 ... r•· / / ' ;. Date: Lab. No. March 2, 1 982 E 24424-5 Coarse Aggregate: c; ,,,P'"'·· (tpined. Original Grading Weigbt -~f Test % Passing Finer Weighted Aggregate Fraction Before Sieve After Test Corrected Percent Passing l l II ~ 3/4" 3/8" #4 Totals ~-' ' . 3\4'1 . 3/~: l~ajor 1 oss due to Fine Aggregate: #100 #50 #100 #30 #50 #16 #30 #8 #16 #4 #8 3/8" #4 Total:: Ol --'l_o -./ 100 crumbling and 3. 7 8.5 18. 1 18.4 22.3 24.7 4.3 100.0 Nature of Solution -Saturated Test, gms Actual % Loss Loss 1 '538 1 '015 300 2,853 flaking 100 100 100 100 400 Sodium Sulfate l. 17 l. 48 2.00 2.00 10.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 0.55 0.48 0.34 0.06 1.43 l. 81 l. 10 l. 78 1.48 0.26 6.43 ::-_'-o'FiClr~TI;:..L Pfr>r:•h'-.-PlJELir/~110t~ PIG~TS P[S:C.P\![L (_T~.Dit·•C. ~·;PITTEN AUTHCRIZATI0~-1 NORTHWEST LABORATORIES of Seattle, Incorporated Converse Consultants E 24424-5 Page 2 POTENTIAL REACTIVITY OF AGGREGATE: ASTM C289 Sample Reduction of Alkalinity, Rc* Dissolved Silica, Sc* *Millimoles per liter Coarse 90 9 Fine 140 9 Reference Figure 2 ASTM C 289, the Agg\,e,gaJ)s fall'l:we\1 within the a rea considered innocuous. · " \ \.:. lb '\:~~\.. "1> .\ <'.' .~ \ \ "\>' .AtORTHWEST LABORATORIES ~~/!~. ~gL.'-C~---r- ALBERT 0. WAHTO TABLE 1 PETIWGRAPHI C ANALYSIS OF F 1 NE AGGREGATE TEST PIT TP-1, SAMPLE SA-2 Amount as Number of Particles (percent)1 Retained on Sieve Fractions Shown Below Canst i tuents Granite Weathered Granite Andesite Schist Quartz Weathered Quartz Deeply Weathered Quartz Amphibole Mica Feldspar Epidote Opaque t1 i nera 1 s No. 42 ,, .. / 80. lJ.~ 6. 7 ·,,"' 13.3 ,. \. ~ ........ No·. 'B. No. 16 85.3 13.7 0.7 .·'\\ 1.0 1.7 \ '\ 0. 3 -- -- ./'' t~,O 73.~ ·'\ 1.~~ --\~ .. ~<,.· . ,,"f;· ,;" ·'ll 3 ( ~ . \' 0.3, \ " ·~-· No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0.3 --0.3 77.4 83.4 88.3 80.0 9.0 2.7 4.0 5.0 0.7 --0.8 1.6 ./, 11.0 ' 12.7 5.3 9.7 ' .,\_1 .o 0.6 1.3 2.3 0.7 0.3 0.3 ' 0.3 0.3 0.7 '. 1Based on examination and identification of a minimum of 300 particles in each of the size fractions shown unless otherwise noted. 2Based on examination and identification of 15 particles. The various constituents are classified as follows with regard to their suitability as ingredients of fine ayyre- gate for Port 1 and-cement concrete: Sat is factory: Fair: Poor: granite, andesite, schist, quartz, a1ophibole, feldspar, epidote, and opaques. weathered types. deeply weathered quartz and micas. TABLE 2 PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF FINE AGGREGATE TEST PIT TP-2, SAMPLE SA-2 Amount as Number of Parti~les (percent)1 Retained on Sieve Fractions Shown Below Constituents Granite Weathered Granite Andesite Schist Quartz Weathered Quartz Deeply Weathered Amphibole Mica Feldspar Epidote Opaque Minerals Quartz No. 4 ,.,...., N~,.~ \ No. 16 <. , • .-~ ,~-' ,, " } No. 30 94.7 \ :8r~·o .~ 0.3 3.7 3.0 2.0 0.3 \ ' '•' J:o 6.0 4•,0 -,, //"'{). 3 \ o\3 \, ' :. _ ... -- 0.3 89.0 86.7 4. 0 -," 2. 3 o.a '"' ~·~ -41-"'..;./ .>t'lt' _,;.· 6.7 <!';·.:· ~?~r~P'\'\-- .. · <\ \ '\'-'0.3 ___ ,_. ,-... -;.,~ ·~ "\ ' · .. ·.~ No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 1.0 85.6 89.3 82.6 2.7 2.3 4.3 0.3 0.7 7.7 5.7 10.0 0.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.3 1Based on examination and identification of a 1ninimum of 300 pari~cles in each of the size fractions shown. The various constituer~s are classified as follows with regard to their suitability as ingredients of fine aggre- gate for Portland-cement concrete: Satisfactory: granite, andesite, schist, quartz, amphibole, feldspar, epidote, and opaques. Fair: weathered types. Poor: deeply weathered quartz and micas. TABLE 3 PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 0~ FINE AGGREGATE TEST PIT TP-3, SAMPLE SA-l Amount as Number of Particles (percent)1 Retained on Sieve Fractions Shown Below Constituents Granite Weathered Granite Andesite Quartz Weathered Quartz Deeply Weathered Quartz Amphibole Mica Feldspar Opaque Mi nera 1 s No. 4 No. 8 95.7 89.3 2.3 2.7 2.0 4.3 3.7 ·'jl'~ ~-~·ro , No. 30 If,.~> · ' ··~j \ 9 .. ;- \. 0.7 0.3 __ ,\ __ -- J 85.7 S5.3 ~ 2. 7 3.7 --~>"'~ ,-'<U~;.;t>'!"">"· 11 ~ _,-«··~ • -~-~. <~ .. :;#-• •j ·'I~-.)>" o. 3 ~· · . ("''a. 7 0=},~ •.. ,.... .. \ l.Oc' ) ' : _p, \ No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 89.8 83.4 85.0 3.3 3.3 3.7 0.3 0.7 4.0 8.0 7.3 2.0 4.0 3.0 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.3 1Based on examination and identification of a minimum of 300 particles in ea~;\Of the size fractions shown. The various constituents are classified as follows with regard to tht!fr suitability as ingredients of fine aggre- gate for Portland-cement concrete: Satisfactory: granite, andesite, quartz, amphibole, feldspar, and opaques. Fair: weathered types. Poor: deeply weathered quartz and micas. TABLE 4 PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF FINE AGGREGATE TEST PIT TP-5, SAMPLE SA-l Amount as Number of Parti~les (percent)1 Retained on Sieve Fractions Shown Below Constituents Granite Weathered Granite Andesite Quartz Weathered Quartz Deeply Weathered Quartz Amphibole Mica Opaque Minerals No. 4 93.0 5.7 1.3 No. 8A No. 16 .,.., . .,.. \ ' ,, \ -85.3~·_; ~ . ·.• .. .A' 3. 7 .> 8.0 3.0 --\,. .'A\ \ 85.! ·5.7 No. 30 84.7 5.3 1. 0 .f" ··"'7 3 '\ ,; -~·· • ·: -·<~; _.> \. {· .. _x· <" 7.0 3.0 · .. ,.·. a··-7 .r ' ' .. ' ... :-?~' _,_ ··')A\ '"' .. ) .. ·~-· No. 50 89.1 3.3 3.0 4.3 0.3 No. 100 89.0 4.0 0.7 3.7 2.6 No. 200 88.1 2.3 7.3 2.3 1Based on examination and identification of a minimum of 300\pa~ticles in each of the size fractions shown. The various constituents are classified as follm'ls with regard to their_ suitability as ingredients of fine aggre- gate for Port 1 and-cement cone rete: ... . · ·~ ........ Satisfactory: granite, andesite, quartz, amphibole, and opaques. Fair: weathered types. Poor: deeply weathered quartz and micas. TABLE 5 PETROG~APHIC ANALYSIS OF FINE AGGREGATE CUT BANK CB-2, SAMPLE SA-l Amount as Number of Particles (percent)1 Retained on Sieve Fractions Shown Below Constituents Granite Weathered Granite Andesite Quartz Weathered Quartz Deeply Weathered Quartz Amphibole Mica Opaque Minerals No. 4 No. 8 92.7 88.0 4.3 1. 7· 1.7 3.0 1.0 ].3 0.3 \i:~- __ -//' No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0\7 ., 88.0 83.0 88.7 89.1 86.7 '4.3 4.0 3.0 2.3 2.7 --~t 0.7 --0.3 i~~ ,, •'1i' 7 --~~ '· 8.7 3.7 4.3 5.0 "' ·:!"'" . /"" ci'' 3 " . / ... ;::··~ 3.6 4.3 4.0 5.3 .. , 0.3 0.3 .... -' .. ~ --.·:'· ...,-.;..._ 1Based on examination and identification of a minimum of 300 particies in each of the size fractions shown. The various constituents are classified as follows with regard to their suitability as ingredients of fine aggre- gate for Portland-cement concrete: .•.. "'' Satisfactory: granite, andesite, quartz, amphibole, and opaques. Fair: weathered types. Poor: deeply weathered quartz and nncas. t:: ., ~ ¢ cr. ... c::: 1-"' c 0 I c::: ... 0 0 1- < > 10.1 0 0 1- < a: C'l.) C'l.) w a: ..., .... o C'l.l' .... _,•o < ' o.' (,) z -a: 0. z c a: 1- C'I.) ~ 0 C::> ............. W> ~<J ::::> -I 0 > ..,, . ...,.,--. .,....,..,..,.... ---· --;·~·'•· --· 5 lQ 15 50 40 30 ~· • ----+ ;· ~~;!_. ~~ : . --. . -. . -:-:::-===+=r; t-:;:::::r-1 ___ -{·_~ . ~~+---~~-:_L-; ~ •. : = --J . ..: 20 10 0 :···-........ . 7.00_ ---.. _ ~ ~-·. -. '"-~·•: ;;·· ... ,-\...,. 7 " 1 1' 1 ·r ,n 11 . : -·u--. li ~ ~ ~ '1 I I I I I I i _J • _J <1:0 0 _z 6.00 m x._ :::!; ::!en >-cc:w 5.00 (f) t-1- 4.00 • 1 3.00 • 2 ~.00 • 3 1 .. 00 ·-=--~~ ---=-· --~-~-,---. ~n~--f·---~-· ..... ~>"~~-~-~;-~ .• Lf--~:=!TE l! "~~+±J +1.00l=~~~~~~~~~~~F3±E~~~~~~~HltH~~~ 0.00 NOTES: (1) (2) -,_00 (3) -2. 00 -1--~~- -3.00 ----~----~~-"~~-t -4.00-+---·-~ 1-.LL.--'-~+ ; -'~ ~ ~31~1 ~ 5 00 =.:. .. ---·-. .. -. . :--=------· . -T, ·1 :-::.-:::t:;=iJ.:..:.l.+ . .;.~-~ ·--~ '~iJfliJU ... -• ...... ·---: ' . ---I ~---~-...;__ J ~~-' +· .L . :±J. . : A)(IAL STRAIN (Ill) ..... u. 0 ~ ..... a: c w J: 0 .. i. ¢1 == 41.5° NORMAL 1-;:: INITIAL FINAL ( 1 )TEST VALUES AT FAILURE D.. w 1.1.. _J ~ fvOLUME 1-a_ J: DRY WAT DRY WAT APPL DEV EFF EFF 0 :::!' 1-LAT STRESS ~HANGE LAT w <{. a_ DENS CONT DENS CONT VERT (f) w (PCF) (%) PRESS t:,V PRESS STRESS ... 0 (PCF) (%) ( KSF) (KSF) (2) (KSF) (KSF) 1 2 5-6' 120.6 9 14.4 25.0 +0.1 5.8 30.8 1 2 120.6 9 14.4 33.8 +0.4 8.6 42.4 1 2 120.6 9 14.4 43,9 ~0.8 11.5 55.4 FAILURE DEFINED BY MAXIMUM DEVIATOR STREaS VOLUME INCREASE IS POSITIVE; VOLUME DECREASE IS NEGATIVE. Samples remolded to 95% of maximum dry density (ASTM D2049). INITIAL BACK PRESS DESCRIPTION USED (KSF) 8,6 SP 5.8 2.9 CONSOLIDATED DRAINED TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway. Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. @ Converse Consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. D-1 ~~--"-.......;.,. ---··-~···---~ '""--- llllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllilll-llllllllllllllll ______________________________________ llllliilliiiilililll!iilllliiioillllilllllllllllfllllilliilillllllliiiiilllliRIIIIIIiililiil ..... _,;;;;g:~~aiiiiiiZIIZ-i!BIC!IIII!l=IIIL::':.!!SIII!!ililli~III:::Jii~IE::IIil!!!ll::I!IIIIIII;E:=I,..I:IIIII:!~~~~~,:;-·~;""P"'-:-·--.. ~ .. ~-.::;::::?V,·""""5'ii""-w-'" ~"-:··~----:-. :ZZ.._iii" A;C'::::;ift-., .w~~;::;;:~:c;t:"l£t>.:-l_.:;.:p.~ 1!: oJ) ~ fJ) fJ) w a: "' ... 0 fJ) I .... a: b 0 ... < > w 0 0 ... < a: fJ) fJ) w a: "' ... lb (I) ....... .... _,lb <" o." 0 z a: 0. z < a: ... Cl) 0 0 a::;:.. ............. W> :E<l ::::> _, 0 > 50 40 30 20 +-+-•-+ 10 0 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 ..:..1 .00 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 ' : l;-.·-. ~-. -_J -3.00-------~- 5 10 15 '' . tn+t:t• '=H+J ! I I ' ' f.-+..l.-"··•-~-1 ,., ' ' ' . --'-{-·~--• < •·+-r-;·• ' • :·i-1 I ' ' '-·j±h=·~-,.., l' ; ' '_, ' • I ; I •· ' .., 1 l""t ' , I ' -5.00 --. AXIAL STRAIN (IJ.) ... J -.J <10 0. UJ 0 _z .J m XI-... a. :::l; ::!(I) (I) ::!: r a::w w <C. (/) 1-1-(/) ... • 1 2 2 • 2 2 2 • 3 2 2 - 30~~-+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... 1.1.. Cl) ~ .... Cl) Cl) ~o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dr~~~~~~~ ... Cl) a: < w ::t: Cl) 10~-+~--~~~~~~-+~--+-~-+--~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- ~-r~ r :t.:!. 0 -·· 3 w NORMAL STRESS INITIAL FINAL ( 1 )TEST VALUES AT FAILURE INITIAL ;-: u. BACK ~ APPL jVOLUME EFF EFF :r DRY WAT DRY WAT DEV DESCRIPTION 1-DENS CONT DENS CONT LAT ~TRESS ~HANGE LAT VERT PRESS a. USED w (%) (PCF) (%) PRESS ( KSF) b.V PRESS STRESS 0 (PCF) (KSF) (KSF) (KSF) (2) (KSF) 4.5-5 133.0 8 14.4 32.7 -0.7 5.8 38.5 8.6 GP 133.0 8 14.4 43.1 -0.5 8.6 51.7 5.8 133.0 8 14.4 55.2 +0. 1 11.5 66.7 2.9 NOTES: (1) FAILURE DEFINED BY MAXIMUM DEVIATOR STRESS (2) (3) VOLUME INCREASE IS POSITIVE; VOLUME DECREASE IS NEGATIVE. Samples remolded to 95% of maximum dry density (ASTM 02049). CONSOLIDATED DRAINED TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. @ Converse Consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. D-2 --~ .. . ---·--·· ·--·--- 5 10 15 ! : • t -~ :l., ....... . "\ ;;;; ~ 0 (f) w a: 1-"' -2Cl (f) - a: ... ..... 0 1- < -> 2C) w 0 ~o 0 .r ·--:~ ~,:-:~ 0 -1-< t.O a: 0 (f) w a: .... 1-IC tn' -_.IC < ' a. 0 z a: a. z < a: 1-m 2 :::> 0::> 1--W> ::e< :::1 ..J 0 > :.o L.O ::.o :£.0 •. 0 , .0 C.O -l.O -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 . ; ; A)(IAL STRAIN ('It) -··--·~--------~-------------------... ----- ' ' . . n 1-..J . _J <ro a. w 0 _z _J m XI-1-a.. ::e ~(/) (f) ::!: >-o::w <l. (/) I-I-w (/) 1- • 3 3 1 ... 3 3 1 • 3 3 1 """""""""'""' ___ ""'_""",......,_.,.. __ :,.,., ws ,..,...tilW 12-" &1 ¢'== 3ur~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... 1.1. (f) ~ ...... (f) tf) ~2~±t~~~':t~~~=r~~~j;~~~~Jt7t~~~~~~~~?t?j~ I- tt) a: < w :::1: (f) ;:; ~ ::r: I-a.. w 0 3-3~ INITIAL DRY WAT DENS CONT (PCF) (%) 125 8 125 8 125 8 FINAL DRY WAT DENS CONT (PCF) (%) 30 NORMAL STRESS (KSF) ( 1 )TEST VALUES AT FAILURE INITIAL VOLUME BACK APPL DEV EFF EFF LAT STRESS ~HANGE LAT VERT PRESS DESCRIPTION PRESS !:N PRESS STRESS USED ( KSF) (KSF) (2) (KSF) (KSF) (KSF) I 14.4 27,7 -0.5 5.8 33,5 8,6 GW 14.4 38.7 -0,3 8,6 47.3 5.8 14.4 46.3 0.0 11.5 57.8 2,9 NOTES: ( 1) FAILURE DEFINED BY MAX I MUM DEVIATOR STRESS (2) (3) VOLUME INCREASE IS POSITIVE; VOLUME DECREASE IS NEGATIVE. Samples remolded to 95% of maximum dry density (ASTM 02049) CONSOUDATED DRAINED TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc . @ Converse Consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. D-3 ti:' V> l!! C/) C/) 1.1.1 a: .... C/) a: 0 .... c( -> 1.1.1 0 0 .... c( a: C/) rn 1.1.1 .., 0 I ... 0 a: .., ..... o rn' ... .,~•o c("\ a.' (.) z a: Q. z c( a: .... rn (.) 0 a::;::.. .... -1.1.1> :::E<l :::l ... 0 > --~---~--------------------~~----·----------·-··· -----··-- 50 40 30 20 10 0 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 200 5 10 15 . 1. 1 00 ~~.::-. ~.: :-.. :-~.: : . ;-:t:.:.~·: :-~ ·-l rt:=:;...+fW±l+ :-rrt r:=tttt+-H ' tl ~ ; , , '--' I :r~ ~-:--1--l~--r~-*·. --~~·j. +1.00 0.00~ -l 00 -2.00 -3.00 -4.00 -5.00 A)(IAL STRAIN (%) . ·:-: .... ..J . ..1 <10 Q. w 0 _:z ..1 m Xf-.... a_ ::!! :;;r.n C/) ::!: >-Q:W 1.1.1 <t. r.f) 1-1-II) .... ... 4 5 1 • 4 5 1 • 4 5 1 ..... 1.1. C/) ~ ...... <P I ::;: ... rn C/) ~2~~~~~~;h~;;~~~fh~~~~~7t~~~~~~~~~~ .... C/) a: c( 1.1.1 :z: C/) 0 d 1 b 20 30 40 50 6b NORMAL STRESS (KSF) ;:; INITIAL FINAL ( 1 )TEST VALUES AT FAILURE INITIAL '-'-BACK ~ APPL !VOLUME EFF EFF ::r: DRY WAT DRY WAT DEV DESCRIPTION 1-DENS CONT DENS CONT LAT !sTRESS ~HANGE LAT VERT PRESS a_ USED w (PCF) (%) (PCF) (%) PRESS ( KSF) !::.V PRESS STRESS 0 (KSF) (KSF) (2) (KSF) (KSF) 2.5 121.6 9 14.4 26.5 -0.8 5.8 32.3 8.6 sw 121.6 9 14.4 40.0 -0.7 8.6 48.6 5.8 121.6 9 14.4 46.6 -0.3 11.5 58.1 2.9 NOTES: ( 1) FAILURE DEFINED BY MAXIMUM DEVIATOR STRESS (2) VOLUME INCREASE IS POSITIVE; VOLUME DECREASE IS NEGATIVE. (3} Samples remolded to 95% of maximum dry density (ASTM 02049). CONSOLIDATED DRAINED TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. @ Converse Consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. D-4 c "' ~ cr cr L.. c:: 1-cr.: a: 0 1- < -> w 0 0 1- < a: Cl) Cl) w "' ':l I ... ':l a: .., t-10 Cl)' ... _,10 <' Q. () z a: Q. z < a: 1- CI) ~ 0 0::;:.. ............ W> :E<l ;:) _, 0 > 5 lO 15 50 40 30 20 .000~==~~~~~~~~~~2E~~~ 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 + l.OO lJ;~~h:;:;~~2illhfH±Sifff~~1E~~~iiii :_: ~=--~ .. -'C .•. ··-'·-+ 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 -3.00 -4.00 1-.. ·-·-. ·--·--···..l-'--'-·-1. i.:....l.d..l. ~~-~ ~ •.... +=tt.:P,! '.:fEE -5 OJ •••• ••• •• • • mn •••• :-.,-; j ~;...;._:__;_. ~-l-r+-1---Y· :?FfH::t -'-Td . . ' -' ' AXIAL STRAIN (%) ---·--. -\f: ~ ''""' ~ ;to z ...J < w 0 _z ...J co Xr-m c. ::E ~(/) ::!:: >-Q:W 1-<l:. (/) 1-1-:::'1 (/) () ... 5 2 1 • 5 2 1 • 5 2 1 rp'= .... .,. .. ~~~-. . . . ... l : ' .• · ·-·--......... -... ..._ :...~~ 3~~--~T-~~~~~~4-~~~~~~-+~~~~~ "" u. U) ~ ..... a: < w :I: U) lftF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 NORMAL STRESS INITIAL FINAL ( 1 >TEST VALUES AT FAILURE INITIAL ._; u.. ~ APPL jvOLUME BACK J: DRY WAT DRY WAT DEV EFF EFF DESCRIPTION r-DENS CONT DENS CONT LAT ~TRESS ~HANGE LAT VERT PRESS c. USED w (PCF) !%) (PCF) !%) PRESS ( KSF} !J.V PRESS STRESS 0 (KSF) (KSF) (2) (KSF) (KSF') 5-6' 127.9 8 14.4 31.5 -0.6 5.8 37.3 8.6 GW 5-6 127.9 8 14.4 42.9 0. 1 8.6 51.5 5.8 5-6 127. s 8 14.4 47.0 0.3 11.5 58.5 2.9 NOTES: ( 1) FAILURE DEFINED BY MAX I MUM DEVIATOR STRESS (2) VOLUME INCREASE IS POSITIVE; VOLUME DECREASE IS NEGATIVE. (3) Samples remolded to 95% of maximum dry density (ASTM 02049) CONSOLIDATED DRAINED TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS HAINES-SKAGWAY REGIONAL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Skagway, Alaska for R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. @ Converse Consultants Project No. 81-5165 Drawing No. D-5 -.s::; 0' ·as • >-.a .... cu ·= --c cu 0 ... cu 11.. 100 0 0 (\J # 0 0 .. 0 10 0 I'() .. ---r--· ·--~··· U> # SIEVE ANALYSIS Screen Size 00 v # ~ -·· - ---· ----··; I -00 ....... t() -~ t() ·-------~----:- ·---·-·---- -~-· --IC\.1 = /1 /I /I f· ---------·---90 -·· 80 70 - 60 -· 50 / / / I 40 / / 30 / / / / / / 20 / / / 10 / v / .....- / --.---4 ---0 '* ~ Specific Gravity ,+4_,-4 __ Remarks: / I I I I I I I I / / L l I I ·1--1-----·· I I !/ -1---- -· / -----·· L L / -L v ·---- / / /. / / / / / / I / / / / / ....... / L L -/ Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test P1t 1 I .. · Elev. or Depth Ft.,From 3.'4 To 4.5 /I / L I I J I I I I I _L I I - " :: 0 --------·------- - 10 20 30 .:E 0' ·a; • 40 >-.a .... cu ., .... 50 g 0 -c 60 cP 0 .... cu 11.. 70 80 90 100 Project Haine-Skagway Hydroelectri<: Work order-----:::=--..,.....,..:--:-:~ Drown.!!:!__ Checked DER Dote 3/5/82 Sample No. __.;;;..1 _____ ...:._ __ _ DRAWING NO. D-6 50 40 30 "2 c ·o -f -c ~ 20 .... .r 10 0 Pan ·(1) 10 0 0 d No.IOO FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION ,.._ 0 d No. 50 Size or openinCJ in inches C\1 (1) 'If" 0 rc'l ~ d - '· No. 30 Screen size d -· .~..~. No.IG ,.._ ~ 0 No.8 10 Cl) d No.4 Screen % Retained I size Individual Cumulative No.4 0 0 No. 8 t.l Ll I No. 16 22 49 No. 30 1~ 68 No. 50 1~ ~6 No. 100 10 96 Pan 4 100 Fineness modulus Percent sand {clean separation)= 30 (Screen sizes are based on square openinCJS) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work Order ---------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 1, Sample 1 Elev. or Depth ft., FromJ.:..L to --..1....:2 Drawn BH Checked~ Date 3/8/82 DRAWING NO. D-7 "0 ~ 0 -., ... -c ~ ... • D.. 50 40 30 20 ~ 10 0 No.4 COARSE AGGREGATE GRADATION .....-' 3. -ln. 8 I \ 3 -ln. 4 1l1n. 2 Screen size ,, 31n. "' \~,' 61n. Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative 6 ln. 0 0 31n. 0 0 I 1f2 in. 20 20 3/4 in. 42 62 '3/e in. 21 83 No. 4 17 100 L_Pan --' ------ Percent coarse aggregate = 70 (Screen sizes are based on square openlnQs) ProjectHa i nes-Ska gway Hydroel ec tr:i c Work Order --------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 1. Sample 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From_l...S_ to _4....5_ Drawn BH Checked~ Date 3/5/82 DRAWING NO. D-8 SIEVE ANALYSIS g O 0 Screen Size • c:\1 0 0 (.0 --# -I() !'() -(X) '¢ ~ t - I 00 I # # # # # ~ !'(') !'(') -lc:\1 !'(') ... I I I ------_/ ----·/·1----1---~ I -I --1-------;7 f--------./" ~ / __ - l ----:7-----. ----7--:;/•_= _--_-__ -_-__ t-~//:__-t-__ -_-_-__ -__ -___ +----+- / cy~--~--~---+-·-7 t 1 ---/-·-o-...:.:..~v-----------++,-----+-------t1-----i1---1 I 7 7 . ---.. I I :L 7 ·o 0 3 10 20 ~30 1: 0 ·-Q) • 90 80 70 -.s::. 7 7 L I I / / >. 40 .c .!? Q) )t 60 7 7 '->. Q) .J:) Cl) '---------1 50 0 0 '-501------ Q) .E 0 -..... c: 60 G.l 0 -c: Q) 40 '-Q) a. 70 0 ... G.l a. 7 7-r T T I I I / I I I J / ---:±= 30 / / _ , ___ L / / . I 80 1---· I// -=t 20 / / -- / ----- L / ·------------I _ I I I I // I 'S.. •. -.. ·· / ,._.:• 10 I I ---t--. -----1- 90 0 I I I I I I l I I I I ----1 IIOO Project Ha i ne-Skagway Hydroel ectri r. Work CJMer ___ ""I"'"'"'T,_-..,...,.,....~ Drown __ Sample N.o. ---'2~ ___ __;. __ _ '*' " Specific Gravity ,+4_,-4_ Remarks: Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 1 Elev. or OepJh Ft., From 5. 6 To 6. 0 DRAWING NO. D-9 FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION Size or openinQ in inches en C\1 I() 1'-ro en 1'-10 0 -~ v en ~ 0 0 0 Q d d d 0 0 0 50 I I I I :'\ 40~-------+--------~------_,--------~--------+-------~ 30r--------+--------1--------4--------~--------+-------~ I 0 f ~20~, ... .. Q. -,L----r---_. __ ~ 10 ~- 0 ~---------L----------L---------~--------~~--------~----------Pan No. 100 No. 50 No. 30 Screen size No. IS No.8 No.4 Screen I % Retained size Individual Cumulative No.4 0 0 No. 8 10 10 No. 16 17 27 No. 30 17 44 No. 50 17 61 No. 100 16 77 Pan 23 100 Fineness modulus [Percent sond_jdean separation)= 85 [ (Screen sizes ore based on square openinQS) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Work Order --------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 1. Sample 2 Elev. or Depth ft., From.i:_2_ to 6 · 0 Drawn BH Checked ~ Date 3/8/82 DRAWING NO. D-1 0 .COARSE AGGREGATE GRADATION 50 .... -..... 40 ~ 30 0 • .... -c ., 0 .... :. 20 ' 0 1 I t I I 't:t o~--~~----~----~-----L----_j 3. -1n. 3 -ln. I l-In. No.4 8 4 2 31n. 6ln. Screen size Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative 6 ln. 0 0 31n. 0 0 ~2in. 0 0 3/4 in. 9 9 ~a in. 31 40 No. 4 60 100 Pan Percent coarse aggregate = 15 (Screen sizes are based on square openings) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work Order ---------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 1, Sample 2 Elev. or Depth ft., From d.:.Q_ to 6. 0 Drawn BH Checked .QI!l_ Date ..lf.2182 DRAWINO NO. D-11 0 0 # 11 _1 0 I() # 0 f() # <D # SIEV'E ANALYSIS Screen Size 00 'l:t # # T -00 ....... ,.., -~ ,.., --1<.\1 -, -<D +---+---+----+-----+--+ --t---+--~-----i,..__----1 -+-----+-+---------I ~ --+--t--------+---~·--- 1 I I I I I _I I I r----1---t : I I I ·----"-~ t---- ~ I 0 r J =r I I I 1/ <t;: n-~ I I I I I 0 100 . ~ Specific Gravity ,+4_, -4_ Remarks: Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 2 Elev. or Depth, Ft.,From 3 0 To-1-5. Pr~ect Haines-Skagway Hydroelectri Work order _________ _ OrawnBH__ Checkedl1£.R.. Date 3/5/B2 Sample N.o. _ _._ ____ _;__ __ _ DRAWING NO. D-12 FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION Size or opening in inches ·m N 10 """ ~ 0') """ 10 0 ~ ocr m (I) 0 0 0 q d d d 0 0 0 50 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative 40 No.4 0 0 No. 8 0 0 No. 16 1 1 No. 30 2 3 No. 50 5 8 30 No. 100 23 31 \ Pan 69 100 1 Fineness modulu• '6 ... f Percent sand (clean separation}= 100 -1\ (Screen sizes ore based on square openings) c ~ 20 ... cr Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c 10 ""' \ 'C ~,..:·" Work Order Location BQrr.:Qtl 8r:ea ~ Pit No. Test Pit 2 2 SamQle 1 Elev. or Depth ft., FromJ.:.L to 3.5 0 Pan No. K>O No. 50 No. 30 No.l6 No.8 No.4 Drawn BH Checked flE.R_ Dote .1f.BL82 Screen size DRAWING NO. D-13 .'E 0 ·a; • >o .0 b c: --c: Cl) (.) al Q. Sl EVE ANALYSIS g o Screen Size _ _ (\J 0 0 0 w Q) ...,. # -It) f() -a> '11" ' ' --IC\1 --# # # # # <I rt) rt) -rt) w 100 I A . 0 I l -· . ----· f __ f--~ ·---f ----~-r---II _ -=1-~~ ------------II __ 90 , 1? 10 ---· 7 -------· -----· 1 --f------· __ I I 8 0 . . .. . 1--. --- 1 ·--# I 20 I I I --L 7 7 ° F J t [ E ;71 --~ H --"E u[ 7]7 77[ • I 130 7 so I I I I J 140 50 / ---/----~F=F--r-· 50 1------+---......-4 ---+----1--+----r--.-= ·:= --·-----f--~=-1 ----I I ~-----::-:----· _ 11 _ __ ·-·-·---·· ---j-I ---,..----- 40 I . 60 I I I ..L .L t t---+--JLE---1 =r----=r .... --~--I ;;z ~-----I I i 70 b -J--V I --t bi-Fi :41 I 1 I lao .......-' 7 I I 2 zj t :z ::rz: f I I I 19 o 7 oF :t==:r= I E I E 1--T .1: 0 'i) • ~ .0 .... Cl) en .... g (.) -c: Cl) (.) .... Cl) Q. tt • Specific Gravity ,+4_, -4 __ Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 2 Project Haines-Skagway Hydr9_~ l ectri Remarks: Elev. or DeDth. Ft.,From 4.5' To 5.0 Work order ___ _,....,..,.._---- Drown !!:!.__ Checked DER Dote 3/5/82 Sam pie N_o. ----"-----.:.__ __ DRAWING NO, D-14 '! 'i5 .... !! .... c 50 40 30 8 20 t.. l 10 0 'O'J 10 0 0 d FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION ,._ 0 d Size or opening in inches C\1 ,.,., ~ d / v C1J v 0 a . ~- \: ,. .L / l-~ v Pan No.IOO No. 50 No. 30 Screen size ---- No. IS <f' \-' .. - ,._ ~ 0 _._ <' #'_;.' 'ill" No.8 10 m a i No.4 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative No.4 0 0 No. 8 22 22 No. 16 22 44 No. 30 24 68 No. 50 19 87 No. 100 7 94 Pan 6 100 Finen_ess !l')Q_dul!J• ~-~-- Percent sand {Clean separation}= 20 (Screen sizes are based on square OPenings) P . tHai nes-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectric rOJeC Work Order --------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 2, Sample 2 Elev. or Depth ft., From..i:.L to~ Drown-~ Checked DER Date 3/8/82 DRAWING NO. D-15 ! 'i5 .... u .... -c tU u .... u 11. 50 40 30 20 10 0 No.4 COARSE AGGREGATE GRADATION 3. -m. 8 3 -ln. 4 1l in. 2 Screen size '":~ 31n. Gin. Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative 6 ln. 0 0 31n. 26 26 I 1/z in. 26 52 3/4 ln. 27 79 3/a in. 14 93 No.4 7 100 L__pan ...... ----~- Percent coarse aggregate = RO (Screen sizes are based on squart openings) ProjectHa i nes-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectr i c Work Order --------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 2. Sample 2 Elev. or Depth ft., From~ to 2.:...Q Drawn 6H Checked ..D.E.IL Date "llil_82 Lob. Sample No. -=2 ______ _ DRAWING NO. D-16 -.&:; 01 ·a; • ,.. .a '-OJ c: ;;:: -c: OJ 0 .... Q) a.. SIEVE ANALYSIS Screen Size 0 0 C\.1 # 0 0 0 I[) 0 rtl CD <D '1:2'" -<D ....... -v ....... 100 # # 1 r() 90 80 70 60 50 -----------1 ----------·-·------I 40 I I I I ---~ 'I 30 __ /_ ---~---/ ----/-20 / / ___ 10 / / / / ---~ .....-- 0 . -Specific Gravity,+4_, -4_ / / / / I' I e I - .I .h '-f. •. ·l I I I -~-- / / / / Remarks: ---------------------- ------; -----~ I ---------- -t----I I ---f-· I L ~· ;..· ._------ / / / / / . ·--/ / -- / / I --/ I v-------------+-------7 ----~- / /. / I -I I 1/ -- I ,.,. -I I I I .I I / I '-'"' Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 3 Elev. or Depth, r() / / / / / / / · Ft.,From 3 0 To 3.5 : IN . / / / I I I L /_ : = :zi 0 / / I / I I I 10 20 30 .1: at ·a; • 40 >.. .a '-Q) en '-50 0 0 0 -c: 60 OJ 0 '-Q) a.. 70 80 90 100 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Work order ---~;=-;::--___,rnr...,..,....,., Drawn 'l!:!__ Checked DER Date 3/5/82 Sample N_o. _ __, ____ ....:__ __ _ DRAWING NO. D-17 0'1 10 0 0 d 50 40 30 ] 0 -f 1: ~ 20 .... If 10 0 Pan No. K>O FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION ,.... 0 0 No. 50 Size or openino in inches N 1'0 ~ d -~ l,.,,· : e• ··-·----.-- No.30 Screen size 0'1 ~ 0 d ---··- No. IS ,.... 10 ~ (I) 0 0 No.8 No.4 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative No.4 0 0 No. 8 24 24 No. 16 28 52 No. 30 22 14 No. 50 lb YU No. 100 5 95 Pan !:> lUO Fineness modulus Percent sand (clean separation)= 43 (Screen sizes are based on square openings) Project Haines-Skagway Hyd roe 1 ectr:.i c Work Order --------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 3. Sample 1 Elev. or Depth ft., Froml.JL.. to_l.:.E. Drawn BH Checked ~Date 3/8/82 DRAWINO NO. D-18 1 0 li ... -c 1:1 (,) ... ., a.. .COARSE AGGREGATE GRADATION 50 40 30 / ~ -~ 1\ . 20 10 0 No.4 3. -tn. 8 3 -ln. 4 I 1-ln. 2 Screen size \ (' ' 31n. ' ~~· 61n. Screen % Retained : size Individual Cumulative I 6 ln. 0 0 ' 31n. 0 0 I I 112 in 26 26 I 3(4 in. 23 49 I 3/a in. {:'() II I No.4 23 lOU I Pan Percent coarse aggregate =57 (Screen sizes are based on square openings) Project Ha i nes-Skaqway Hydroe 1 ectri c Work Order --------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 3, Sample 1 Elev. or Depth ft., Frorn3...Jl_ to 3. 5 Drawn BH Checked l!IB_ Oott ~82 DRAWING NO. D-19 .1: Cl ·as • "" .a ~ cu c: ;;:: -c: cu 0 ... cu a.. 100 90 80 70 60 0 0 C\1 # t-- 0 0 .. 0 I() ·------~·- ·-- 0 f() .. CD # ----·----··-- I 7 SIEVE ANALYSIS Screen Size 00 v # -00 ....... I'() -..;t ....... I'() --IC\1 ----" ·---·--l ---1---·- I ------------- --j ----------- ~-·--------!~=-~ ---·---·-~ I --I 7 I I 7 I I II I I J I / I J 1/ t--[/ ______ -------·--- 50 ·-- I I 40 I I I I 30 --II / / / 20 7 7 / ./ r7 v _,) / ./ ./ 10 7 / ~ --~ -~ ~:.;c. 0 '* tf Specific Gravity,+4_, -4_ Remarks: / ----·---/ / 1--· / / / I ./ / / -~ 7 7 7 ··--\-.. p I I I I j£7 ----· ~~ / / v Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 4 Elev. or Depth, Ft., From 3. 0 To _3_._5, I I I I I :: = -;/-0 7/- /I // /7 10 7 /[/ I I 20 T 30 l: 01 ·;o • 40 "" .a ~ cu en ----~ ' 50 c 0 0 -c: 60 cu 0 ~ cu a.. 70 80 90 100 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Work order ________ _ Drawn Jlli_ Checked DER Date 3/5/82 Sample N.o. --'------..:.---- DRAWING NO. D-20 ·m I{) 0 0 0 50 40 30 ""C 4> c 0 -4> .... -c ~ 20 .... 4> a. 10 0 Pan No. 100 FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION 1'---0 0 No 50 Size or opening in inches (\J f(') (]') v N 0 ~ 0 0 ' (: ··t,., ~!. : ~ ~- t' '1. <. -~-/ .·· :fSf ,-;: \ ,.._.. <' No. 30 Screen size No.IG 1'-10 0'1 (I) 0 0 0 No.8 No.4 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative No. 4 0 0 No. 8 24 24 No. 16 27 51 No. 30 24 75 No. 50 13 88 No. 100 7 95 Pan 5 100 ___flneness modulus Percent sand (clean separation):: 25 (Screen sizes are based on square openings) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Work Order ---------- Location Pit No. Borrow Area Test Pit 4, Sample 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From_l:Q__to 3.5 Drawn BH Checked QI!L_ Date JJ!l.L82 DRAWING NO. D-21 COARSE AGGREGATE GRADATION 50 40 "0 30 ~ 'i5 .. ... +-c: .. u ... :. 20 - 1- ~ 1/1 ):.... 10 L 0 No.4 I 3. -m. 8 1/ ~ I 3 -ln. 4 - .- . / \ I I l-in. 2 Screen size \ l'";> \ I 3in. -, - - - --~· " Gin. Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative 6 ln. 0 0 31n. 17 17 I 112 in 33 5_Q____ 3/4 ln. 22 72 3fe in. 18 90 No.4 10 100 Pan Percent coarse aggregate = 75 (Screen sizes are based on square op-enlnc;~s) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work Order --------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 4. Sample 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From .l:Q_ to ~ Drawn BH Checked ..QI!L Dote 3/5/82 DRAWING NO. D-22 -.s:: IC' 'ii lt >. ..c ~ ·= -'E Q) u .. cu a. SIEVE ANALYSIS g 0 - (\J 0 0 0 tD ((.) ~ # -I() !() -<0 v ....._ ....._ -IC\1 -• I 00 # # # # # ~ f() f() -f() w I I I -/ -·· -· . r··---::;.7 I --~-7 ~--7~-/f--·----I l --7 . --f+ 90 I I I T 1 7 -------------? · 7 -~-----/ T T T , T / -~ I I I I ..... -~ / Screen Size 0 10 80 1 1 1 / 2 I / -····L l.L -y-I 20 30 E IC' 'Q; Jt 40 >. ..c .... Q) fl) 50 .... 0 ---~ 0 -~-·- u -60 c cu u .... Q) 70[ I E r z4 j/fe-p;: f/ -~ I i= I t r~z/_l ___ ~·-!1 7 ----f---- 60 1/ --~H-~--T---·-4-----+-----r----~ / ---41+-----+------~--~~--~-----, I iL/ ---===i-==:=--j:±---i===r===t===t===t===l 50 1 / • I :r 1 T T I ----·----·--·---·1----J ---·-------·--------·--------{-J. 4o ~----------=---+-__ -_ -_-____ .. ,. -1--L ------~---:1 ~ I T 7/ "'ij7 70 a. 80 90 -..,. ::1 l~lftr~:J-1 I I I I I IOIJE=-~f--1 I ffl*~ . I I I I I or 1 r 1 1 1 I r-1 1 1 · 1 11 o o It 111 Specific Gravity,+4_,-4_ Remarks: Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test P1t 5 Elev. or Depth, Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work order----=:-::----..,........,,....,..,.. Drown Jlli._ Checked DER Date 3/5/82 Ft., From 2. 5 To ----Sample No. _ ___._ ____ _:__ __ _ DRAWING NO. D-23 50 40 30 "'2 c ·a -f 1: ~ 20 ... If 10 0 FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION Size or openin~ in inches (7) C\1 I() ,.._ ttl (7) ,.._ 0 ~ v ~ 0 0 0 d 0 d 0 0 / ~ ,,.,._ 1\., .;· . v v -~ ---- Pon No. K>O No. 50 " (,>·· . ~~;..'i'f'i" ~. ~ k"'.·. . _· No. 30 Screen size No. IS v No.8 I() !! 0 No.4 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative No.4 0 0 No. 8 11 11 No. 16 13 24 No. 30 19 43 No. 50 26 69 No. 100 19 88 Pan 12 100 Fineness modulus -~-- Percent sand {clean separation)= 80 -----4 ( Screen sizes are based on square openin~s l Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work Order --------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 5, Sample 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From.l.:.L to--- Drawn BH Checked ~Daft 3/8/82 DRAWING NO. D-24 -.c::. Ot "ii) • >.. .a ~ c --c cu 0 a; 0.. SIEVE ANALYSIS g o 0 Screen Size (\1 0 0 <.0 -- # -10 I'I'J -a> o::t ~ :t_ --IN -- I 00 # # # # ~ # ,..., ,..., -,..., <D I I I :::>; T -~---F I F I F-+ ·lo 7 I ---~------------------ 90 1 !0 t----+---1,1_-------·----------=-~---+-·------------+-----+----1-----+-----i I --~----+-----+------+---~~----1 so ~ ro 1ol V I I f -r--: -i-I I t t I i3o I 60 I 11 I I I I I t -I I F :-r--l 40 I ::tt=TI--~~~~F~~--~--1···-·· --~~-=~:_:_1-==:1====1-~ 50 60 30 : c~ -_n _______ ·-1--t__ t-. -S =c ---1 ~ I I 170 E=~------.b=-~i -----=1--.---~ ____ J_ ______ f. t= ==t= ---- 2ol 1 ·t-· t---1------·t i e, · I t·-I I I lao t- •o ~ 1--l I I -# I L., I I I I 1 90 '"""""'" .1: Ot "G) • >.. .a ... cu en ... g 0 -c cu 0 ... cu 0.. Sp:c~if:ic~G:r~a:v~it~y~,f~4~~~~~~4~:r:::::j::::::t:::::i::::::1~~~t:::::i:::~~~~~~~~ 100 Remarks: - Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 5 Pr~ect Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work order ________ _ Elev. or Depth Ft.,From 3.S To ---- Drawn fill_ Checked..D£R. Date 3/5/82 Sample N_o. ----&----..:.__ __ _ DRAWING NO. D-2 5 70 FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION Size or openin~ in inches 0'1 C\1 I() ....... f'l') 0'1 ....... I() 0 ~ "it ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative 40 No.4 0 0 No. 8 0 u No. 16 u u No. 30 1 1 No. 50 0 I 30 No. 100 Zj jU ] \ Pan 70 Fineness modulus 0 -~ Percent sand {clean separation)= 100 . -\ ·;, ' (Screen sizes are based on square openinc;;JS) c 8 20 ... ~ : !<: ,.. .. _·, Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric 10 \ ' ' Work Order ~ V' Borrow Area ~ Location Pit No. Test Pit 5, Sample 2 Elev. or Depth ft., From.2:i.. to 0 Pan No.IOO No. 50 No. 30 No.l6 No.8 No.4 Drawn BH Checked~ Date 318182 Screen size DRAWING NO. D-26 --·········-·------~ :E at 'i&J :. ,... .a ... G) ·= --c: G) 0 ... G) Q.. 0 0 0 (\1 0 # -0 It) 0 II') 1.0 SIEVE ANALYSIS Screen Size CD '¢' -CD ....... 111 -:t 111 --IN -rt') -U) 100 L # # I -~ # ~ # # -o T I ::::::::""' 1 -t l 1 =::::.:! J l I I I I 901 .~.------~ 80 ~ ~ 10 -I I -T I -T 1 I I I ~ I I I t= ~ =t I I ~ -~----1 20 70 I I 1 I F =r I f I f F I I 130 I 60 I I I I I I I I I I I--. -~---I 140 50 40 30 I I I I I sf~~ I -1 -~-i 150 [ E--+--9-~1--~=-if=f I 1-~--1 9:: 20 L__ _ ±= ~~t __ j_ m j ____ I=~=±-~~~ I ==l j t J ~J·-7 80 I l I 0 t--1---f-f r f :gr;r~~~t·---I I I 190 .4f~·~ .. ~ --. -=::-::- -~_,..,.,:'' O I I I I I I ~ I v I I I I IJOO :E Ct ·a; !I ,... .a ... G) en ... g 0 -c: cu 0 ... G) Q.. # -Specific Gravity,+4_,-4_ Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 5 Pr~ect Haines-Skagway J~droelectri Remarks: Work order ________ _ Drawn ___ill:L Checked DER Dote 3/5/82 S amp! e N. o. -...::3::.-_____ _;__,_ __ _ Elev. or Depth 1 · Ft.,From 4.5 To ___ _ DRAWING NO. D-27 1 ·a .... f ~ 90 m 8 d FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION ,... 0 0 Size or openino in inches C\1 rO ~ 0 (J') ~ 0 0 ,... ~ 0 10 ~ d 50 r-~~---r--------r-------~------~r-------~-------, 40 I \ I I I I I I 3ot \ I I I I I I J zo I \ I I I I'· I 1 \:.~c 10~------H-------~--------~------~------~------~ ~,;:'·'' . y·,,.>·" 0 1 I I I =:t= J J Pan No. 100 No. 50 No. 30 No. 16 No. 8 No. 4 Screen size Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative No.4 0 0 No.8 0 0 No. 16 1 1 No. 30 3 4 No. 50 3 7 No. 100 3 10 Pan 90 100 Fineness modulus Percent sand {Clean separation)= 99.6 {Screen sizes art based on square openinos) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Work Order ---------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 5, Sample 3 Elev. or Depth ft., From...4....5_ to __ _ Drown BH Checked ...Qi!L Date _]JJJ}82 DRAWING NO. D-28 -.s:: "' ·a; )t >-. ..0 :0 .!: -'E (I) 0 .... Q) 0.. SIEVE ANALYSIS g o 0 Screen Size (\1 0 0 lO --# -tO f() -CD ¢ CD ¢ - I 00 # # # # l # ;;:; ;;:; -.!."' -.., , I I I I ~~t===~=~-~:~t====t=--f~-t--~I I I •o 0 90 1 I --l---····l 21-E I -·-··t 1 i~=E-I I I 10 sol E l A t=t---r=~~ F--I I I I l 20 -30 .s:: "' ·a; 701 I I / I I · ·I -t t=-t=-·I I I I • 40 >-. ..0 ... (I) ., ... 50 0 0 so[ I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I 1 50 E I II I I ~-F=f i---1 I I I I 1--------t---0 -c: 60 Q.l 0 4 0 1------t-----+ ... Q) 0.. 70 80 L . .1. 30 .. . +-----+----L _.. -._- J. f _j__ ~ -pJ==t==±==t==~=:t=::::3 20f ---~ r====-~--~~t======t======t==:=:=t======+======±===:::3 l 1 r I ,_ L ---~ =:·~~-~7-= ~=:=:=:i==:===t======1=======t=====~ 90 # ~ Specific Gravlty.+4_, -4_ Remarks: ---------------------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 6 Elev. or De~th Ft., From 2.1 To ._U Project Haines-Skagway llydroelectric Work order-----..,..,....,.,...-~......-.-........... Drown tl_H_ Checked DER Date 3757B2 Sample N.o. --'1=-----........:..--- DRAWING NO. D-29 l 0 -f -c 50 40 30 ~ 20 .... cf 10 0 Pan FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION ~ 0 0 d ,._ 0 d / I No.IOO No. 50 Size or opening in inches C\1 I() ~ d ·. ' \ ~ 0'> ~ 0 0 \~ ,._ ~ 0 ' .. \·;tr . ( b:<'' ~,,. No. 30 Screen size No. IS No.8 10 ~ 0 ·--~-• No.4 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative No.4 0 0 No.8 0 0 No. 16 1 1 No. 30 13 14 No. 50 40 54 No. 100 36 90 Pan 10 100 ~_~,.,~, mod_ylut Percent sand {clean separation)= 100 (Screen sizes are based on square openinQs) P . tHai nes-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectric ro)ec Work Order ---------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 6, Sample 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From~ to 2.:.2 Drown BH Checked ..QI!L Dote 3/8/82 DRAWING NO. D-30 SIEVE ANALYSIS = :> 0 -- 10 20 30 .1: Ot ·a; • 40 ,.,. ~ .... cu en .... 50 0 0 u -c: 60 4U u ""· .... G) a.. 70 - ~~:·; 80 I 0 I I l I t I -g-ry . I I I I I 90 "-' o I I 1 I I I I I -~-1 I I I I 1 0 0 Specific Gravity,+#4_,,!t4_ Location Borrow Area ProjectHaines-Skagway Hydroelectric Remarks: Pit No. Test Pit 6 Work order --------------~--Eiev. or Depth, Drown .JllL_ Checked DER Dote 3/5/82 · Ft., From 3. 9 To 4. 5 Sample N.o. --=2'--___ __.:_ __ _ DRAWING NO. D-3 1 50 40 30 ~ c: ·s -.. ... .... c: ~ 20 ... l. 10 0 \ \ \ \ I I Pan -6 \ \ No. 100 ...... 6 No. 50 '-' 6 No. 30 Screen size ...... 6 '• "'"': ., ,. {!' -'• . \.~··· No. IS "-': - 0 0 !'w-~ ~-·-- '"..:· . ~ .... · \~~· ... ~ .:·' ,·. . #..:.~~·· ;;r"'·· v .. ~ .. No.8 No.4 Screen 0/o Retained size Individual Cumulative No.4 0 0 No. 8 0 0 No. 16 0 0 No. 30 1 1 No. 50 l 2 No. 100 1 3 Pan 97 100 Fineness modulus - Percent sand (clean separation)= (Screen sizes are based on square openings) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work Order ---------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Test Pit 6, Sample 2 Elev. or Depth ft., From~ to~ Drawn BH Checked ~Date 3/8/8?. ORA WINO NO. D-3 2 -.c:. 0 'i) • ,... ..Q .... II) c: --c: ., 0 ... II) 0... SIEVE ANALYSIS 8 o 0 Screen Size 0 0 (0 -- (IJ -I() rt') -co o;t Q) o;t -# .u. # *' # *' ......_ ......_ -IC\J - - 100 * * ..,.~ "' "' "' <D .. 0 I I h I I P=-=F -E-tl-L~ 90 + I I 12 =t ------1 f· I // I I I' o TT 80 TT 20 7 70 30 :E 0 ·;,; • 7 I I L I / 60 40 >. .0 7 ~--I ... II) en _L ... 50 _L 50 g 0 ·--~-··---c 40 60 cu 0 7 -··r-·z 7 I I !7 ~-~ ... II) 0... 30 70 20 80 10 7 / 90 ~~r-·· / / ls-"· 7 / Ill .. · ~ ol: :::r t I I I V y· F " l I T I Specific Gravity +4 ~4 I 00 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectri Location Borrow Area Pit No. Cut Bank 1 A ' _, emarks: -Work order ___ ~:-;:;------=~= Drawn .llli__ Checked DER Date 3/5/82 Sample N_o. ______ _:_..... __ _ Elev. or Depth Ft.,From z:O To 3.0 DRAWING NO. D-33 50 40 30 "i c 0 -~ 1: ~ 20 .... ~ 10 0 FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION Size or opening in inches 0) (\J I() ,...... rq m ,...... 0 C\1 v 0) 0 0 0 0 q d 0 d 0 0 / \ y v Pan No. 100 No. 50 \ No. 30 Screen size / :\ \.· .-.. No.l6 No.8 I() co d I No.4 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative No.4 0 0 No. 8 18 18 No. 16 l3 31 No. 30 lZ 43 No. 50 C::l:1 /1 No. 100 11:$ liY Pan 11 lUU fineness modulus Percent sand \clean separatlol'l)= 28 (Screen sizes ore based on square apeningw) P . t Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric rO)tC Work Order ---------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Cut Bank 1, Sample 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From.1JLto 3.0 Drawn BH Checked OER Date JJ.J}j_82 DRAWING NO. D-34 50 40 j 30 ·c; .. .... -c: IIi 0 ... ~ 20 10 0 No.4 ·COARSE AGGREGATE GRADATION 3. -m. 8 3 -ln. 4 I l-In. 2 Screen size 3ln. '{ . . , ... :> 6ln. Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative 6 ln. 0 0 31n. 0 0 1 112 in 46 46 3/4 ln. 27 73 _3je in. 16 89 No. 4 11 100 Pan Percent coarse aggregate = 72 (Screen sizes ore based on square openings) Project Ha i nes-Skaqway Hydroe 1 ectri c Work Order --------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Cut Bank 1. Samp 1 e 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From b_Q_ to 3. 0 Drawn BH Checked .Q.fB_ Date 3/5/82 DRAWING NO. D-3 5 -..c. 01 'i) • >. ..a '-G) c ;;:: -c GJ 0 ... GJ Q.. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 0 N # 0 0 .. -- 0 ll) -- ·--- 0 fl') --------- I I / I I / I 1/ / 10 / / / / ..--4 v r---0 # ~ Specific Gravity ,+4_, -4_ Remarks: CD # I I I !/ I I / ./ / / / SIEVE ANALYSIS Screen Size Q) ~ # ~ -Q) ......... Sf') -~ ......... Sf') ------"------------~~= --~--.. ---~·-~---~-, ___ ···---------- --IN ----·· !----+--1-------i-· I I I / -L.j---I J I_ ____ ........._.,_~------I / ----~------~--·· ---/ / ~-------·---- -_____ , ___ !-;/-- ---/ / </ v / / v / / / / I / ' ',, / / L_ / / I{ Location ~orrgw ~r2a Pit No. ut an Elev. or Depth / / / / / / I / I [ I / ,/ / I I ------! !--· I I I I I I .,, ...,. / Ft., From_ To----- : : 0 -// ·-/-f / / / 10 / / / I / I 20 I -I 30 l: 01 ·a; • 40 >. ..a '-GJ fiJ ·------~---'-50 0 0 0 -c: 60 GJ 0 '-G) Q.. 70 -----80 90 100 Pr~ect Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work order ________ _ Drown ..!llL_ Checked DER Date 3/5/82 Sompl e No. --""'-1 ____ :._ DRAWINO NO. D-36 ] 0 -~ -c 50 40 30 ~ 20 .... ct 10 0 .(/) lO g a / v '. Pan No.IOO FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION 1"-o 0 0 Size or opening in inches (\j rO ~ a * 0 a ~ No. 50 ---·--··-·-·-··----- No.30 Screen size No.16 .·. ---- 1"-o (/) q 0 1\ No.8 lO Cl) 0 No.4 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative No.4 0 0 No. 8 22 22 No. 16 22 44 No. 30 24 68 No. 50 21 89 No. 100 8 97 Pan 3 100 Fineness modulus Percent sand (clean separation)= 36 (Screen sizes are based on square ooenin91) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work Order --------- Location Pit No. Borrow Area Cut Bank 2, Sample 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From§.JL_ to -2.:.Q Drown BH Checked QIL Date 3/8/82 DRAWING NO. D-3 7 COARSE AGGREGATE GRADATIOt-J 50 40 ] 30 ~ ... -c: ~ .... :. 20 /~ v 10 0 No.4 3. -m. 8 / ~ ·-~ 3 -ln. 4 I l-In. 2 Screen size ~, ~ 31n. Gin. Screen % Retained i size Individual Cumulative 6 ln. 0 0 3ln. 18 18 I IJ2 in 23 41 3/4 ln. 27 68 3fe in. 18 86 No.4 14 100 .__J;)gn -·---~·-·-·· ------- Percent coarse aggregate = 64 (Screen sizes are bated on square opening•) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work Order --------- Locaflon Borrow Area Pit No. Cut Bank 2, Sarno 1 e 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From.§.JL_ to~ Drawn BH Checked lill:L Date ..1L!J.l82 DRAWING NO. D-38 0 0 #. 0 I{) # 0 1'1') # C.D # I SIEVE ANALYSIS Screen Size .. (]) v -~ -:t # t ft} ft} --Jt\.1 I L L I 71 _L 7 f / _L -7 / 7 I I 7 7 / -T / ~ II I I / I I --rt> C.D 0 10 20 -30 .s:::. Ct Q) )r 40 >. ..0 '-Q) en '-50 0 0 () -c: 60 cu () .... Q) a.. 70 l I / I I 80 I _/ .j_ I / I / I I ·-----~-I . -7 90 ("'i> r 1 I I I I Y I I I =:=1 I I I 00 ~ :t4 Specific Gravity,+4_,-4_ Remarks: Location Borrow Area Pit No. Cut Bank 3 Pr~ect Haines-Skagway Hydroelectri Work order _______ _ Elev. or Depth Ft.,From 4.b To 5.0 Drawn ...1lli_ Checked.QEB._ Date 3/5/82 Sample No.-=! ____ __;_ __ _ DRAWING NO. D-39 50 40 30 "i .!: 0 .. ~ .. c ~ 20 ~ 10 0 (1) I() 0 0 0 v Pan No. 100 FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION Size or opening in inches N f() (1) N v 0 0 d 0 y ~ ~~ No. 50 No. 30 Screen size No. IS 1'- (1) Q 0 ~ \ No.8 I() CD 0 I I I \ No.4 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative No.4 0 0 No. 8 16 16 No. 16 22 38 No. 30 28 66 No. 50 20 86 No. 100 7 93 Pan 7 100 FinerH.IS!l mod_!.!lus Percent sond (clean separatIon~= 53 _ (Screen sizes are based on square openings) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectric Work Order --------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Cut Bank 3, Samp 1 e 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From1JL_ to 5 · 0 Drown BH Checked J1E1L Date Jj]jJl2 DRAWING NO. D-40 50 40 '0 30 ~ ~ ... -c:: ., u ... :. 20 / 10 0 No.4 .COARSE AGGREGATE GRADATION l/ / 3--m. 8 / \ 3 -in. 4 ' (, \ \ I l-In. 2 Screen size \ 31n. 61n. Screen o/o Retained size Individual Cumulative 6 ln. 0 0 31n. 0 0 I 1f2 in. 0 0 3/4 ln. 18 18 3/a in. 38 56 No. 4 27 83 Pan 17 100 Percent coarse aggregate = 4 7 (Screen sizes are based on squart openlnQs) ProjectHa i nes-Skagway Hydroe 1 ectri c Work Order ---------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Cut Bank 3, Samp 1 e 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From.!JL to 2.:..Q Drawn BH Checked QIB__ Date __lj_]}82 Lab. Sample No. -------- DRAWING NO. 0-4 1 -.c Ot 'i) Jr >. ..a ~ IU c --c IU 0 a; Cl. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 C\1 # / 0 0 .. I J I / / ___. 0 I{) I __ { I I --· I I I / / / / / -- r-- 1 I / / 0 f() .. # t( Specific Gravity,+ 4_,-4_ Remarks: <D # / / / / / ~.---- SIEVE ANALYSIS Screen Size Q) v # 1 -------/ Q) ....... !() --· -------/ ··------7----~---~-·-·-~ / ·--~-----·-----/ / / ---- -!!: !() ------· - / ---·~-·---· L / ·-·-" ... f-----···---L / / / ./ .....:-:-_.,... -I .....--4 I I -IC\1 . --~-/ / /L / I I I f I I I I I I I .1 L I -I -!-·-·· I I II / / / \ / / Location Borrow Area Pit No. Cut Bank 4 Elev. or OeJ)fh Ft., From 5. d To _Q_J2 : /1 /1 0 10 -20 30 1: c:;rt ·a; Jr 40 >. ..a ~ IU en ~ ' 50 0 0 i 0 -c 60 .., 0 .... Cl) Cl. 70 80 90 -- ·----- 100 Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work order ________ _ Drawn JllL_ Checked DER Date 3/5/82 Sample No. --'1~-----=----- DRAWING NO. D-42 'Ol I() 0 0 0 50 40 30 "'0 ., c 0 -., '--c ~ 20 '-., a. 10 0 Pan No. 100 FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION 1'-- 0 0 No. 50 Size or opening in inches C\1 !'<) C\1 0 0 No. 30 Screen size Ol v 0 0 No.l6 1'- Ol 0 0 No.8 I() CD 0 I I I No.4 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative No. 4 0 0 No. 8 14 14 No. 16 9 23 No. 30 10 33 No. 50 37 70 No. 100 20 90 Pan 10 100 _fineness modulus Percent sand (clean separation)= 32 (Screen sizes are based on square openings) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work Order ---------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Cut Bank 4, Sample 1 Elev. or Depth ft., From..2.:.Q_ to 6.0 Drawn BH Checked !2ER_ Dote .111Jj_82 DRAWING NO. D-43 ~ '5 -• ... -c ., f.) ... ., n. 50 40 30 20 v 10 0 No.4 COARSE AGGREGATE GRADATION I / 3. -tn. 8 I 1\ 3 -ln. 4 \ !\ I l-In. 2 Screen size 31n. ,.;··. . 6ln. {' .:· \;'" ' Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative 6 ln. 0 0 31n. 0 0 I IJ2 in. 22 22 3/4 ln. 1111 66 3fe ln. 21 87 No. 4 13 100 Pan Percent coarse aggregate = 68 (Screen sizes are based on squa~ OJ)!,!'!Inc;,s) P J t Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric ro ec Work Order --------- Location Borrow A rea Pit No. Cut Bank 4, Sample 1 Eltv. or Depth ft., From 2.:.Q_ to _...§..:.,Q Drown BH Checked ...QI!L Date __1L§/82 DRAWING NO. D-44 -.c Ot 'il • >. .Q .... Q) c: --c: Q) u ... cu a.. SIEVE ANALYSIS g o Screen Size _ _ C\.1 2 ~ ~ ~ (X) v ~ ~ -·· # # # # # # ~ ro ro _ rrJ w 100 / ......--. / 0 r----:_-~----~=------------------~=-~~-~~ >~:S:z;~-~ ·:-~-~~~~----~~~-= ·==~ --~-= 90 I/___ 10 -1 .. \J LL ----J~---~--- _ 77 T 8 0 ·---; ;i:_ #' I_ _ 20 .. 1---T 70 30 ,______~>--->------f 1 60 r T T i 40 II // T II ------+T-+------1---+----+----t----1 5 0 // __ ,. f-· 50 ----~---------~--!/=-=---------=---·:--·-=-I~ ----------:~-----_:=-==~ -_____ ------. -.-:Jl=-. f----··---------- 40 II I 60 ==-·()-\ { _____ ~ --/J . -. ---. ---. . -+~~--- 30 ~-----···t··· ·.. -----. .. ---------~Tf:·-------t I I I : 70 1----+··--_______ _ _____ -{--------I I +---~ 1----t-------~--: ------------------.T -- 20 .... · 1ao lj------.:_1--~· - 111 ---T ·1 T 1 -117 -----------_ I I r I /1 -l 10 7'7--90 £~-:""·' 27 \. ;;_,. .. l: Ot ·a; • >. .Q .... Q) en .... c 0 u -c: cu u .... d) a.. Sp:c:if:ic~G~r~a~vi~ly~,~+~~4-L __ -,_:~~4 ~:::::j::::::t:::::±::::::E::~~=====±~~~~~~~~~IOO Remarks: - Pr~ectHaines-Skagway Hydroelectric Location Borrow Area Pit No. Cut Bank 4 Elev. or Depth, Work order ________ _ Drown Jlli_ Checked DER Dote 3/5/82 Ft., From 8. 2 To 10. 0 Sample No. --=2:...-___ .....__:_ __ _ DRAWING NO. D-4 5 50 40 30 ~ c 0 -Cl> ..... -c ~ 20 ..... Cl> n. 10 0 FINE AGGREGATE GRADATION Size or opening in inches CTI C\J I() ,.._ r<l CTI ,.._ 10 0 -C\J v CTI (J) 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~-----~~ / ., ,. / ~ \, .. ,. .. ~/ Pan No. 100 No~ 50 No. 30 Screen size No.IG ~~ I~ No~ 8 No.4 Screen % Retained size Individual Cumulative No.4 n n No. 8 8 8 No. 16 13 21 No. 30 15 36 No. 50 Z7 63 No. 100 24 87 Pan 13 100 Fineness modulus Percent sand (clean separation)= 96 {Screen sizes are based on square openin~s) Project Haines-Skagway Hydroelectric Work Order ---------- Location Borrow Area Pit No. Cut Bank 4, Sample 2 Elev. or Depth ft., From.Jl.:L to 10.0 Drawn BH Checked ~ Date 3/8/82 DRAWING NO. D-46 APPENDIX E SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY E .1 General A seismic refraction survey was conducted as part of the subsurface exploration program. A total of 5,740 lineal feet along 12 separate lines, SL-1 through SL-12, was completed in preliminary Phase II Study. The major portion of the seismic refraction field work was completed be-, tween August 22 and September 14, 1981. An additional se1smic refraction ' traverse, line SL-12 was completed December 11 )981. "=·· ,.._u -· •: r··, ~· . ,..-" ., \;., Seismic refraction lines SL-1 througt:,J.SL-3 Ylere .c.Qmplet~d\~ the area of powerhouse alternative 2. Seismic' refra.ction Jines SL-4 and SL-12 were . ' completed in the area of pq,~.rhouse alterhgtive l':;' while SL-11 was com- pleted in the area of ·t$·~~erhouse alternative 3. Seismic refraction ' 1 ines SL-6 throu~h-Sl~10 were tompleteq,?1n the area of the proposed dam site and SL-5 was tocaled in a pr,oftosed spillway area. The locations of the various seismicreffacticin.,·1i~es are shown on Drawings 3, 5 and 7. The results of the· ~urvey) are presented on Drawings E-1 through E-3 • • , ,-,~"')'$.-+ The purpose of the seismic refraction survey was to determine the depth to various velocity layers, particularly bedrock. E.1.1 Personnel and Equipment The geophysical field crew consisted of a principal geologist/geophysi- cist and two staff geologists along with an engineer furnished by R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. The principal geologist/geophysicist super- vised and assisted in all phases of the field operations and performed interpretation of the geophysical data. E-2 The seismic receiving and recording equipment consisted of electromag- netic, induction type Mark Products, Model L-10, 8-hertz geophones spaced at intervals along the multiconductor geophone cable. This cable was coupled to a 24-channel SIE model RS44A amphlifier and a SIE model R-6B recording occillograph. This system has a separate recording camera which produced permanent photographic records. The location and ground surface elevations along the seismic lines were determined by Tryck, Nayman a Hayes Associates of Anchorage, Alaska. E.1.2 Field Procedures Seismic energy was produced by the detonation of.,·s~ll two-component ex- plosive charges. Charges were generally loc'a.tel(at the ends and mid- ~'· . . . '\ points on the line. The areas where~,..~~strock was t'Qterpreted as being relatively deep, additional shot point~: ~ere located bftyond the ends of ,ri.~ ',\ .-.) -· each line in order to detect ~d/~r, extend the deeper refracting layers. " ,·, ···., ' Explosive charges varied in wetgrrt from one-th.ird to two pounds and were buried in shallow,4~<(iug ho'les ranging in depth from two to four feet. The .~ .. los. i\~.?.··. ·~were.de. tonated using special seismic electrical blasting c;fs<!''\ 'suilaole length of shooting wire was utilized to af- ~-1~._ ·-.. ·,_ ford safety \~o', the'· !'lan detonating the charge. The energy released by the explosives. was detected by vertically oriented geophones fitted with a spike for coupling with underlying soil. E.1.3 Discussion of Results and Interpretation Compressional wave velocities and the depth to the various subsurface velocity layers under the sites were evaluated by plotting the first ar- rival times of the seismic energy with respect to the distance between the explosive charge and the various geophones. Interpretive profiles of the subsurface velocity layers for each seismic line are shown on fig1,1res E-1 through E-3. The ground surface shown on the seismic pro- files is based on elevations furnished by Trycke, Nayman a Hayes of Anchorage, Alaska. E-3 In general, the seismic interpretation indicates two or three subsurface velocity layers. The upper velocity layer ranges between 500 feet per second and 1200 feet per second and is interpreted as representing the near surface loose soil layer and forest duff. The intermediate veloc- ity layer, where present, ranges in velocity between 1700 feet per sec- ond and 6600 feet per second. This velocity layer is interpreted as representing unconsolidated overburden materials. The third and/or deepest velocity layer ranges in velocity from 6250 feet per second to 16,600 feet per second and is interpreted as representing bedrock. Seismic lines SL-1 through SL-3 were located in the area of alternative powerhouses 1-2 and 2-2. The individual lines ranged in length from 525 to 625 lineal feet and totaled 1,700 lineal feet!,··''1"he resulting seismic ~-;1.• profiles are characterized by three to four v-~lo.~fty 1 ayers. The upper ,~, layer is characterized by a velocity of:AO,O feet~;peh: second and ranges in thickness from approximately five f~t<~o~ten feet.'\ _This upper vela-"' •' ' " city layer is interpreted as ~~{)sent in9. t~e near-surface loose soil 1 ayer and forest duff materia 1\_. ',·.,'The i nter~edi ate layer is character- ; zed by vel oci ties ra~ from;· 1i0o feet per second to 1900 feet per second. The interme(a:(e,v;e~ocity layer ranges in thickness from a few feet upwards~ .. e order ot 1~0 feet. This unit is interpreted to be unconsolidat'd~~~n.d'·relativel,Y.loose unconsolidated oveburden soils. An additional i~tce~~di.ate laye.r is interpreted near the lower portion of seismic refracti'on li.nes, SL-1, SL-2 and SL-4. The velocities of this layer range from 3,000 feet per second to 4,550 feet per second. This velocities layer is interpreted as representing unconsolidated over- burden material, however, denser and/or with higher moisture content. The deepest velocity layer at the site is represented by velocities ranging between 9,500 feet per second and 12,000 feet per second and is interpreted as representing bedrock. Seismic refraction lines SL-4 and SL-12 were completed in the general area of alternative powerhouse 1. The resulting profiles indicate a two to four velocity layers. A surface velocity layer is presented along the entire length of the lines and is represented by velocities ranging between 500 feet per second and 1,000 feet per second. This velocity E-4 1 ayer is interpreted as representing the near surface 1 oose soil and forest duff layer and is a few feet in thickness. Along the entire length of seismic refraction line SL-4 and the downhill portion of SL-12, an intermediate velocity layer is present. This layer generally ranges in velocity between 3,000 feet per second and 3,300 feet per second and is interpreted as representing a somewhat denser materia 1 and/or a higher moisture content. At the downhill end of seismic re- fraction line SL-12, an underlying velocity layer of 5,500 feet per second is indicated. This layer thickens toward the Taiya River and is interpreted as presenting denser and possibly water saturated sediments. The deepest velocity layer along the two seismic lines ranges in veloc- ity from 9,785 feet per second to 11,000 and )s·")nterpreted as repre- /'.. 1-", senting bedrock. At the uphill end of seiSt:ni·c line SL-12, an inter- . -;_ ,1·\. mediate velocity layer of 6,250 feet pe;:"'S~cond c'o.rr'e,lates in boring DH 112 with more weathered and fractured ~~.cR·. ) ~~': !Y ~; . <"/~---, ··,. ·.:, Seismic refraction 1 i ne SL-5 w~C ·,_loc-ated at the 1 eft abutment al terna- tive spillway location._,Jpe seis~rc line was 275 lineal feet in length. The resulting profil ~.;1'\:'-~~·esented·. on; h gure E-1. The subsurface sei s- ~ ~ . . - mic profile at the pr<b-posed spillway location consists of two velocity ..,~.. "..· layers. The-tfPPt_r\_._)aye\· _is _·c~_aracterized by a velocity of 1,000 feet per second a~, ranges, in thickness from approximately three to seven \;. '• '· feet. This velo~ity layer is interpreted to represent the near surface ,. . . ..-· loose soil layer alld .forest duff materials. The underlying velocity lay- er ranges from 13,350 feet per second to 16,600 feet per second and is interpreted to represent bedrock. The difference in bedrock velocities may represent a change in rock quality, such as the degree of fractur- ing or joint spacing. The general area of the proposed dam site was explored by seismic lines SL-6 through SL-10. The individual lines ranged in length between 275 and 550 lineal feet and totaled 2,440 lineal feet. The resulting pro- files of these seismic lines are shown on Figures E-2 and E-3. The upper velocity layer is represented by velocities ranging between 1000 feet per second and 1200 feet per second and is interpreted as repre- senting the near surface loose soil layer and forest duff materials. The thickness of the upper velocity layer ranges from less than one foot E-5 to a maximum on the order of 15 feet. In general, im:nedi ately below the surface velocity layer is a higher velocity layer interpreted as bed- rock. This lower velocity layer is represented by velocities ranging from 11,765 feet per second to 16,600 feet per second. An intermediate layer with a velocity of 4550 feet per second was detected beneath the upstream portion of seismic refraction line SL-6. This layer is inter- preted as representing moderately dense overburden. Seismic line SL-11 was located in the vicinity of alternative powerhouse 3. The resulting profile is shown on figure E-3 and indicates three subsurface velocity layers. The upper velocity layer, ranging between 500 to 1000 feet per second is interpreted to represent the near surface loose soil and forest duff material and isc<'' 6'~)y a few feet thick. An in- ~·' ',( termed i ate layer of 6600 feet per secorfd,'\i s',, interpreted to represent ,/.,,. ·.. ' unconsolidated alluvial materials,...Which is prab~b,ly relatively dense and t\.. ':: .. ''·.. \':. water saturated this layer range thickness from,.i'ero up to approximate- ,·~·\: ly of 95 feet. The dee~t ·velocity layer, represented at 16,600 feet \., '·, ·· ... _ ' . ':, per second is interpreted tp represent bedrock. /,-•. ,;, \, (\: ·· .. '·