HomeMy WebLinkAboutHoonah Hydroelectric Project Management Plan 20100 I. 0 ~ H:UIYIN J:Jdl .. ,. -.. I .. L • "' .. • "' "' , , Contents Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Project Description ...................................................................................................................... 2 Land Ownership .......................................................................................................................... 3 Cost Estimate .............................................................................................................................. 3 Licensing and Permitting ............................................................................................................ 4 Environmental Studies ................................................................................................................ 4 Geologic and Soils .................................................................................................................. 4 Water Quantity and Quality .................................................................................................... 5 Aquatic Resources .................................................................................................................. 5 Terrestrial Resources ............................................................................. : ................................ 5 Threatened and Endangered Species ...................................................................................... 5 Recreation Resources and Land Use ....................................................................................... 5 Aesthetic Resources ................................................................................................................ 5 Cultural Resources .................................................................................................................. 6 Socioeconomics ................................... : .................................................................................. 6 Developmental Resources ........................................................................................ ~ .............. 6 Schedule ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Management Structure .................................................................................................................... 8 Organizational Chart ................................................................................................................... 8 Responsibilities ......................................................................................................................... 10 Progress Reporting .................................................................................................................... 10 Grant Administration ... : ................................................................................................................ 11 Point of Contact ........................................................................................................................ 11 Source and Use of Funds .......................................................................................................... 11 Tracking .................................................................................................................................... 13 Reimbursement Procedures ...................................................................................................... 13 Page 1 ""' ~- .... ~ ... ~· •. ,. ~- Summary Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan The Department of Energy has notified IPEC (Inside Passage Electric Cooperative) that approximately $450,000 is available from the Juneau to Hoonah Intertie Project-Grant DE- FG07-061Dl479l. IPEC desires to reprogram these funds to help support Phase III (design and licensing) development of a small "run-of-river" hydroelectric project on Gartina Creek near Hoonah, Alaska. The hydroelectric project has the potential to displace up to 211 ,000 gallons of diesel generation each year and reduce the energy rates in the community of Hoonah. Additional hydroelectric generation will displace heating oil consumption in the community. Introduction The proposed Hoonah Hydroelectric Project site is located on the northern side of Chichagof Island in southeast Alaska, approximately 2.5 miles southeast of the community of Hoonah. The proposed project will have an installed capacity of 1.3 MW. The estimated annual energy from the project is 4,344,000 kWh. Energy produced from the project will offset diesel powered generation in Hoonah. The project will operate in a "run-of-river" mode and the intakes are located above the anadromous fish barrier. The powerhouse will return water to the base ofGartina Falls which forms the anadromous fish barrier. As such, the project's impacts to the anadromous fish populations downstream should be negligible. The project will utilize water from Gartina Creek and a tributary to Gartina Creek commonly referred to as Water Supply Creek. Each creek will have a separate diversion structure and water conveyance system that will deliver water to a common powerhouse housing two separate turbine/generator units. Project Description The Gartina Creek diversion will be located at the head of Gartina Falls at approximately elevation 275 feet and will be approximately 15-feet high and constructed with concrete and rock fill. Adjacent to the diversion will be a concrete intake structure and sluiceway. The intake will be designed to divert up to 140 cfs. A 48-inch diameter steel penstock will convey water approximately 200 feet to the powerhouse located near the base of the falls. The Water Supply Creek diversion will be located at approximately elevation 800 feet on the creek. The diversion will be approximately 8-feet high and constructed with concrete and rock fill. Adjacent to the diversion will be a concrete intake structure and sluiceway. The intake will be designed to divert up to 20 cfs. A 20-24 inch diameter penstock will convey water approximately 8,700 feet to the powerhouse located near the base of the falls. Near the end of the penstock route a small tap will be made to supply water to the water treatment plant. The powerhouse would be approximately 40' x 25' x 25' tall reinforced concrete structure. The powerhouse would contain 2 generating units. Unit l would use water from Gartina Creek and would have a rated capacity of 500 kW. Unit 2 would use water from Water Supply Creek and would have a rated capacity of 800 kW. Each unit would have a three-phase synchronous Page 2 Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan generator. Water would return to Gartina Creek via a short tailrace. The powerhouse would also contain programmable automatic paralleling switchgear with remote control and unattended operation capability. Outside and adjacent to the powerhouse would be a pad-mount disconnect switch and step-up transformer. An approximate four mile long 12.5kV three-phase overhead transmission line would connect the powerhouse to an interconnection point near the Hoonah airport. Access to the project sites would be from a network of existing logging roads in the area. Approximately 0.3 miles of new road would have to be constructed to access the powerhouse site and Gartina Creek intake structure. Approximately 0.25 miles of new road would need to be constructed to access the Water Supply Creek diversion site. Land Ownership The lands to be occupied by the project are owned by Sealaska Corporation, the regional native corporation as formed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). Cost Estimate The total cost of the project is estimated at $9.1M as shown below. Access Roads $ 172,000 Diversion Structures $956,000 Power Conduit $ 1,636,000 Powerhouse $ 2,027,000 Transmission Line $409,000 Subtotal $5,200,000 Contingency 25% $1,300,000 ====== Subtotal $6,500,000 Design, Surveying, Geotechnical 10% $650,000 Licensing/Permitting 10% $650,000 Construction Management 5% $325,000 === Total Project Cost (2009) $8,125,000 Escalation (2009 to 2013) 3% $1,020,000 = Total Project Cost (20 13) $9,145,000 Page 3 Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan Licensing and Permitting Typically hydroelectric project are regulated under Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (PERC) guidelines. The jurisdiction granted to PERC to issue licenses and exemptions was established by Section 23(b) ofthe Federal Power Act of(1976) 1, which: " ... requires that waterpower projects be licensed if they are located on navigable waters of the United States, occupy any part of the public lands or reservations of the United States, use surplus water or waterpower from a Federal Government dam, or, if constructed after August 26, 1935 are located on any part of a non-navigable water subject to Congress' Jurisdiction under the Commerce Clause and affect the interests of the interstate or foreign commerce.·· On January 28, 2010 the PERC ruled (DI09-7-000) that a license would be required for the project. ' The Hoonah hydroelectric project will also go through the State of Alaska permitting process, and the following permits are assumed to be required for the proposed project: • Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Division of Habitat Title 16 Fish Habitat Permit • US Army Corps of Engineers Section '404 permit • Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Section 401 Water Quality Certification in support of Section 404 permits • Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) Division of Coastal and Ocean Management (DCOM) Coastal Consistency Determination • ADNR Water Rights Permit Environmental Studies To date, no environmental studies have been completed related to the proposed project. However, an Environmental Assessment (EA) will be completed as part of the PERC licensing process. Issues related to resources likely to be identified in scoping and addressed in the EA are presented below. Geologic and Soils • Effect of geology and soils on project construction and operations. • Effects of project construction and operation on existing mineral claims and mining areas. • Effects of geology and soil resources on transmission line construction. 1 Section 23(b ), 16 USC subpart 817. Page 4 Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan Water Quantity and Quality • Effects of project construction on erosion, sedimentation, and turbidity levels of Gartina Creek and Water Supply Creek. • Effects of accidental releases of fuels, lubricants, and other wastes from construction equipment and machinery on Gartina Creek and Water Supply Creek water quality. Aquatic Resources • Effects of project construction and operation (e.g., sedimentation, disturbance, modification) on physical habitat ofGartina Creek and Water Supply Creek. • Effects of project operation on fish species and habitats in Gartina Creek and Water Supply Creek. • Effects of project operation, including alterations to existing flow regime on fish species and aquatic habitats of Gartina Creek and Water Supply Creek. Terrestrial Resources • Effects of human access, blasting, excavation and other construction activities on wildlife. • Effects of habitat loss and alteration from construction of diversions, penstocks, powerhouse, switchyard, transmission line, access roads, and appurtenant facilities on wildlife and plant species. • Effects of noise, improved access from project access roads, and increased human presence on wildlife. • Effects of project construction and operation on the control and spread of noxious weeds. • Effects of new substations and transmission line on the potential for raptor electrocutions and collisions. Threatened and Endangered Species • Effects of project construction and operation on federally listed threatened species. Recreation Resources and Land Use • Any need for recreation facilities and public access within the project boundary to meet current or future (over the term of a license) recreation demand, including barrier-free access and the need for and benefit of interpretive opportunities (such as interpretive signs) at the project. • The effect of construction and operation of a transmission line and future transportation corridor issues. Aesthetic Resources • The effect of project construction, facilities, and operation on the aesthetic values of the project area. • Effects of construction noise to residence and visitors within the project area. Page 5 Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan Cultural Resources • Effects of project construction and operation on historic and archeological resources that are listed or considered eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Properties. • Effects of project construction and operation on properties of traditional religious and cultural importance to an Indian tribe. • Effects of project construction and operation on subsistence resources (hunting, fishing, and gathering) and associated areas. Socioeconomics • Effects of project construction and operation on local, tribal, and regional economies. Developmental Resources • Effects of any recommended environmental measures on project generation and economics. • Effects of project construction, operation, and maintenance on the project's economics. Schedule The project is being developed in four phases as defined below. Phase I: Investigation and Field Work (100% complete). Phase II: Hydro Assessment and Feasibility (100% complete) The following studies have been made as part ofthe Phase I and II efforts: • Gartina Creek Project Reconnaissance Report, Harza Engineering, 1979 • Concept Review Report, Gartina Creek Hydroelectric Project, HDR, 1998 • Reconnaissance of Three Potential Hydroelectric Sites Near Hoonah Alaska, Hydro West Group, LLC, 2002 • Gartina Creek Hydrology & Power spreadsheet, AP&T, 2002 • Comprehensive Renewable Energy Feasibility Study for Sealaska Corporation, Springtyme Company, LLC, 2005 • Hoonah Hydroelectric Study Review, HDR, 2007 • Supplement to the June 2002 Hoonah Hydroelectric Study, AP&T, 2009 • Concept Design Report and Construction Cost Estimate for Energy Projects in the Community of" Hoonah, Alaska Energy and Engineering, Inc., 2009 Phase III addresses the pre-construction activities of design and licensing. The following is the estimated schedule for Phase III. Page6 r ~ ~ ~ t: ~ = I;; .. • .. .. "' . ... .. .. ;: --I I I ., ill I i I r I ,[ J I f I ill ·~ 1!: " ~ f I r f. i t ~ f J • I ~ lr !" i §' l • I • • l I I f I I I • I I ~ i ~ 21" I ( i, @' r i i I I t g-... .. ~ , 1-• 1-,. ,-:-1-: ,._.. • 1-1-~ I~ ~ ~ ·; -• '-> !-,_ "' 0 z u .. " > -< I ~ ~ ::: ~ ::: . .. . , .. .... n .. ~ ,_ • .. 0 Iii .. .. s;: ~ ue1d tuamaSeuew t:.>a(o.Jd . tuamdofaAaa pa(o.Jd :.>J.Il:.>afaO.JPAH qeuoou II • .. • • • • • • • • • • "' • • • • .. • • • ;, .., .., .., .. .. .. .. .. .. Ill) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan Phase IV is the actual construction ofthe project that will begin upon issuance of the FERC license. Total construction time is estimated at 18-24 months . Management Structure IPEC has selected the consulting firm of HDR Alaska, Inc. (HDR) to lead the Phase III efforts . HDR was chosen based on their known hydro expertise and their past investigative work on the proposed Project. HDR provides unmatched in-depth expertise and real-world experience in the full range of hydropower-related disciplines . • Hydrologic and basin modeling experts for the development of stream flow models, energy generation projections, and basin operation/unit dispatch models . • Design engineers and specialists with proven track records in project design, construction management, and project startup . • Current expertise in the licensing, relicensing, and regulatory processes of the FERC and other agencies . • Current expertise in NEP A environmental assessments, reports, and impacts statements, including Applicant-Prepared Environmental Assessments . • Effective and cooperative working relationships with federal, state and local agencies, tribes, and native corporations nationwide . • Proven performance leading licensing and design teams on major new hydroelectric projects and plant upgrades . • Complete in-house civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical design engineers; along with environmental, licensing, regulatory, and permitting specialists HDR will work for IPEC under a master services agreement with task orders for specific elements of work. For each task order, a sco e, bud et and list of deliverables will be developed ~bef~~~~~~~£§.2!!-.!b~~~~§li: Wor will be billed monthly on a time ana matenatS15asts . HDR's master services agreement and authorized task orders are contained in Appendix A . Organizational Chart Figure 1 below shows the general organization of the proposed workforce . Page 8 ... ?":!Itt"' :t: :W75 -21''0' 4 - ~ Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan IPEC Grant Fund Manager Peter Bibb HDR Project Manager Paul Berkshire, P.E. Quality Control Duane Hippe, P.E. Civil Engineering Paul Berkshire, P.E. Bob Butera, P.E. Electromechanical William Holveck, P.E. FigureJ-Project Team Page9 Permitting/Environmental Coordination Mark Dalton Fisheries Erin Cunningham -1 Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan Responsibilities IPEC is the point of contact for all Grant funds, contractual and administrative responsibilities to U.S. Department of Energy. HDR will provide all interface design, permitting, system integration, and construction management. IPEC-Grant Fund Manager • Responsible for overall use of Grant funds HDR-Project Manager • Overall project management • Engineering oversight • Permitting oversight and compliance • Management of contracts and field construction • Acquisition of materials and equipment • Overall project results HDR Staff • Hydrologic and basin modeling for project development • Project design, construction management, and project start-up • Facilitate and administer permitting with all agencies • Perform the NEPA environmental assessment and reporting • Communications with federal, state, and local agencies, tribes, and native corporations Other Contractors (TBD) • Land Surveyor • Geotechnical • Local Hoonah labor Progress Reporting The HDR Project Manager will provide the Grant fund manager with a written progress report each month. The progress report will include activities performed during the month and the status of the overall work effort. The Grant Manager will also be informed whenever new information of importance is available. The Grant Fund Manager (IPEC) will provide progress and financial reporting to the U.S. DOE as required. Page 10 ~ ~ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. ... ... ... .. .. .. ... ... ... :1 Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan Grant Administration Point of Contact The point of contact for all issues related to this grant shall be: Peter Bibb Operations Manager Inside Passage Electric Cooperative PO Box 210149 Auke Bay, AK 99821 907-789-3196 ext 30 907-321-0461 (cell) 907-790-851 7 (FAX) 1-800-4 78-3198 pbibb@ak. net Source and Use of Funds Phase III will be funded by a combination ofD.O.E. grant funds and a grant from the State of Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Grant Program. The Alaska Energy Authority estimates the Round III ~rant funds will be available in the 4th quarter of 2010. Due to the need to begin field work in 2n quarter of2010, this financial plan assumes D.O.E. funds will be used to complete the first part of Phase III work and State of Alaska grant funds will be used to complete the Phase III work . Task 1-funded by $450.000 D.O.E. Funds • Secure grant funding • Initiate FERC Licensing process\!' • Initiate NEPA Project Level Environmental Review./ • Install stream flow gages and begin collecting data/ • Perform site surveying and topographic mapping/ • Perform geotechnical investigations,} • Prepare Basis of Design Report • Verify land ownership/ • Prepare Draft FERC Exhibit F design drawings • Update construction cost estimate • Produce summary report of findings / Page 11 J ., "' "' , "' Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan Task 2-funded by State o(A/aska Grant-$850.000 • Environmental field studies • Complete NEPA Review ./ • Submit FERC License Application • Project design/ • Update economic analysis/develop business plan / Detailed task descriptions are contained in Appendix A. Figure 2 below presents the anticipated cash flow needs and the application of funds for the project. $160,000 $140,000 3: $120,000 0 u::: $100,000 ~ Ill Ill u $80,000 > :c 1: $60,000 0 :::E $40,000 $20,000 $- loo"'" ~ / -- Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Phase Ill Development /' ~ -state of A K RE Grant ~ -US DO E Grant ~ ~ • I I I I - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ,.(~ ~~ ~~ .6!~ (:[~ _,:.. .>!~ _,;~ ~~ y(~ ~~ ~~ ,.(~ ~~ ~.., .6!~ .sJ~ _,:~ ~~ _,;~ ~ tfil ~.,. ,.;s ,.;s ,..-cfi 0" ~o-0" ,.,. .._v ~ tfil ~.,. ,.;s ,.;s ,..-<f'' 0" ~o-0" Figure 2 -Phase III Development Phase IV: Construction & Start-up ($7 ,845,000) $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $- • State of Alaska Grant funds and other sources to be determined after receipt of FERC license. Page 12 ... Ill 0 u "ii 0 1- Tracking Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development Project Management Plan IPEC will setup a Work Order to track and account for Project expenses and reporting. IPEC's accounting system will track the expenses and the Grant Fund Manager will produce the necessary spreadsheets to compare against budget. Reimbursement Procedures IPEC will apply to DOE for payment of allocated Federal funds on a milestone basis. The established "milestone" schedule is as follows: Milestone# Milestone Descri~tion Amount 1 Submit FERC Preliminary Permit Application $50,000 2 Install stream flow gage and complete $50,000 survey and topographic mapping 3 Distribution of Pre-Application Document $100,000 4 Distribution of First Stage Consultation Document $100,000 5 Final Basis of Design Report $125,000 and Draft FERC Exhibit F Drawings 6 Submit DOE Summary Report $25,000 Page 13 .... .. .. .. Hoonah Hydroelectric Project Development .. Project Management Plan .. .. .. .. .. .. Appendix A .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , rill Page 14 ,. .. • • AGREEMENT BETWEEN INSIDE PASSAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE AND HDR ALASKA, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this 26th day of February, 2010, between Inside Passage Electric Cooperative ("OWNER"), with principal offices at 12480 Mendehall Loop Road, Juneau, Alaska 99821 and HDR Alaska, Inc., ("ENGINEER") an Alaska corporation, with principal offices at 2525 C Street, Suite 305, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, for services in connection with the project known as the Hoonah Hydroelectric Project ("Project"); WHEREAS, OWNER desires to retain ENGINEER, a professional engineering firm, to provide professional engineering, regulatory consulting and related services ("Services") on one or more projects in which the OWNER is involved; and WHEREAS, ENGINEER desires to provide such services on such projects as may be agreed, from time to time, by the parties; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: SECTION I. PROJECT TASK ORDER 1.1 1.2 L3 This Agreement shall apply to as many projects as OWNER and ENGINEER agree will be perlormed under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Each project ENGINEER perlorms for OWNER hereunder shall be designated by a "Task Order." A sample Task Order is attached to this Agreement and marked as Exhibit "A". No Task Order shall be binding or enforceable unless and until it has been properly executed by both OWNER and ENGINEER. Each properly executed Task Order shall become a separate supplemental agreement to this Agreement. In resolving potential conflicts between this Agreement and the Task Order pertaining to a specific project, the terms of the Task Order shall control. ENGINEER will provide the Scope of Services as set forth in Part 2 of each Task Order. SECTION II. RESPONSffiiLITIES OF OWNER In addition to the responsibilities described in paragraph 6 of the attached "HDR Engineering, Inc. Terms and Conditions for Professional Services," OWNER shall have the responsibilities described in Part 3 of each Task Order. Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 2-2010 ill ,. ' ' .. .... .. TASK ORDER I This Task Order pertains to an Agreement by and between Inside Passage Electric Cooperative ("OWNER''), and HDR Alaska, Inc. ("ENGINEER"), dated February 25th, 2010, ("the Agreement"). Engineer shall perform services on the project described below as provided herein and in the Agreement. This Task Order shall not be binding until it has been properly signed by both parties. Upon execution, this Task Order shall supplement the Agreement as it pertains to the project described below. TASK ORDER NUMBER: I PROJECT NAME: USDOE Grant Assistance PART 1.0 PART 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Assisting IPEC secure grant funds from the USDOE. SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY ENGINEER ON THE PROJECT: Task Ja: Preparation of Draft Fund Procurement/Project Management Plan HDR will draft a Fund Procurement/Project Management Plan designed to meet the submittal needs ofthe U.S. Department ofEnergy (USDOE) to secure grant funds available from the Juneau to Hoonah Intertie Project-Grant DE-FG07-06ID14791. As part of this task, HDR will: o Meet with IPEC to review and establish plan objectives. o Contact the USDOE to discuss plan requirements. o Prepare draft documents for IPEC's use. Task lb: Grant Funding Support After preparation of the Draft Fund Procurement/Project Management Plan, HDR will support IPEC with additional information requests, meetings, and conference calls that may be required by USDOE to finalize the fund procurement process. PART 3.0 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES: PART 4.0 PERIOD OF SERVICE: This Task will begin on the execution date of this Task Order and will continue for a period of six (6) months unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties. PART 5.0 PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER: Payments to HDR will be on a per diem basis for actual labor and expenses incurred and billed monthly. The fee for this task is estimated to be $16,400 and includes eight (8) hours oflabor as part of Task lb. PART6.0 OTHER: --. I .,, 'ttt Mdttti"O!Wtt' I ''1 t 1 ... "" -· <#'' """'' ..,.-. ~-· - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Order as of the day and year written below. Inside Passage Electric Cooperative "OWNER" BY: :f':Alikl~ c I NAME: TITLE: ~ 6 0 +-lf?IU1M )J1J;JO,r¢t/ ADDRESS: 12480 Mendenhall Loop Rd. PtJ KE. BAY 1 99821 & dtt 15" :u> t c) ' ~ DATE: HDR Alaska, Inc. "ENGINEER" BY: NAME: Mark R. Dalton TITLE: Senior Vice President ADDRESS: 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchora_&e. AK 99503 DATE: 2-26-10 --------------------- I • • t ~ t ' ' J J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , EXHIBIT A TASK ORDER This Task Order pertains to an Agreement by and between Inside Passage Electric Cooperative ("OWNER"), and HDR Alaska, Inc. ("ENGINEER"), dated February 26, 2010, ("the Agreement"). Engineer shall perform services on the project described below as provided herein and in the Agreement. This Task Order shall not be binding until it has been properly signed by both parties. Upon execution, this Task Order shall supplement the Agreement as it pertains to the project described below . TASK ORDER NUMBER: 2 PROJECT NAME: Field Reconnaissance PART 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Field investigation for a hydroelectric project on Gartina Creek near the community of Hoonah. PART 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY ENGINEER ON THE PROJECT: Task 2a: Data Collection and Review HDR will collect and review the following background information for the proposed site: o Concept Design Report and Construction Cost Estimate (CDR) for Energy Projects in the Community of Hoonah, prepared for the Alaska Energy dated May 29, 2009. o Elevation data collected by AE&E in 2009. o USGS streamflow data for nearby creeks. o Water use records from water treatment plant (WTP). o Record drawings for the existing water supply intake, pipeline, and water treatment plant. o Alaska Department of Natural Resource (ADNR) water rights data. o Alaska Department ofFish and Game Fish Distribution Database. Task 2b: Site Visit. This site visit will be a reconnaissance of the proposed project location. The site visit will be done as soon as possible once the general project area is snow free. This site visit will accomplish the following objectives: o A staff gage and continuous data recorder will be set up at the existing water supply intake weir on Water Supply Creek. o A staff gage and continuous data recorder will be established for stream flow measurement on Gartina Creek. o Determine intake locations, pipeline routes, and powerhouse locations for both Water Supply Creek and Gartina Creek. Document sites and routes with GPS. Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 2-2010 o Evaluate fisheries aspects of the project. Sample Water Supply and Gartina Creeks for fish species presence using minnow traps, a backpack electrofisher, and/or visual observations. As part of this work we will obtain an Alaska Department ofFish and Game Fish Resource Permit. o Review existing Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and determine relationship of water supply pipeline to hydroelectric penstock. o Talk with WTP operator to obtain flow records and determine domestic water requirements. o Review route for transmission line and interconnection location. The field reconnaissance will be done by two project engineers and a fishery biologist. Task 2c: Streamflow Data Collection The Water Supply Creek gage will be established at an existing wier and after establishment in task 2b, will only require removal and downloading. For the Gartina Creek gage, a rating curve will need to be established. This will require a minimum of 4 streamflow measurements at varied flows. The recorded hourly streamflow data will be converted to estimated mean daily flows for the period of record and an annual flow duration curve. A review of regional weather data will be done to determine if precipitation for this period of record was high, low, or average. We will not attempt to extend the Waterfall Creek flow record based on other gaging stations as there are no operating gages with similar basin characteristics that would provide for an accurate correlation. Task 2d: Trip Report We will present the work of this task in a technical memorandum for review by IPEC. Included in the technical memorandum will be a trip report and an initial assessment of potential engineering, environmental, and permitting issues. We will prepare a site plan on a USGS map or aerial photo base map showing the location of major project components including access roads, dam or intake structure, pipeline, powerhouse, tailrace, and transmission line. PART3.0 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES: Scope of work assumes that IPEC will provide local transportation. PART 4.0 PERIOD OF SERVICE: This Task will begin on the execution date of this Task Order and will continue for a period of six (6) months unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties. PART5.0 PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER: Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 2 2-2010 Payments to HDR will be on a per diem basis for actual labor and expenses incurred and billed monthly. The fee for this task is estimated to be $85,000. PART 6.0 OTHER: This Task Order is executed this day Inside Passage Electric Cooperative "'OWNER" BY: NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: 12480 Mendenhall Loop Rd. Juneau, AK 99821 Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 3 -----,20 HDR ALASKA, INC. "'ENGINEER" BY: NAME: Mark R. Dalton TITLE: Senior Vice President ADDRESS: 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503 2-2010 EXHIBIT A TASK ORDER This Task Order pertains to an Agreement by and between Inside Passage Electric Cooperative ("OWNER"), and HDR Alaska, Inc. ("ENGINEER"), dated February 26, 2010, ("the Agreement"). Engineer shall perform services on the project described below as provided herein and in the Agreement. This Task Order shall not be binding until it has been properly signed by both parties. Upon execution, this Task Order shall supplement the Agreement as it pertains to the project described below. TASK ORDER NUMBER: 3 PROJECT NAME: Conceptual Design PART l.O PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Conceptual design of project of suitable level to meet the requirements of the FERC licensing process. PART 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY ENGINEER ON THE PROJECT: Task 3a: Base Mapping As part of the field visit, HDR will identity and flag the proposed location of the intake, access roads and penstock alignments. A subcontractor will be used to perform a ground survey of these features in order to get specific topographical information for which to base the design. A base map will be set up in AutoCAD to form a basis for all site plans, layouts, and pipeline drawings and FERC exhibit drawings. 3b-Create Long Term Synthetic Flow Record Using existing USGS data from the surrounding area, HDR will attempt to create a synthetic long-term flow record for the project site. This flow record will form the basis for energy modeling and describing the pre-and post-project impacts of the project. 3c-Energy Model HDR will develop a project specific energy model to simulate the energy generation for the project. This model will be used to determine the optimal project. Model inputs include: • Daily flows • Water conveyance characteristics • Equipment efficiency data • Tailwater rating curves • Minimum instream flow requirements • Loss/downtime assumptions Model outputs include: Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 2-2010 • Average monthly generation • Firm energy • Post project flow regimes Task 3d: Conceptual Design HDR will develop a conceptual design of all of the pertinent project features for the optimized project. The conceptual design will provide PERC license application level detail for all of the major project features. These engineering drawings will be used as the beginning of the project design plan set. Along with these figures, HDR will create an informational document that packages the entire project into one detailed description that can be used in the licensing process. This document will include a refined project description, operational description and cost estimate. Initially a summary will be prepared to be used in the early consultation process. Deliverables: Exhibit A project description and Exhibit F & G drawings Schedule: Project Summary - I 0 weeks of given notice to proceed. Draft Exhibits A, F & G 6 months of given notice to proceed. PART 3.0 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES: PART 4.0 PERIOD OF SERVICE: This Task will begin on the execution date of this Task Order and will continue for a period of six ( 6) months unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties. PART 5.0 PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER: Payments to HDR will be on a per diem basis for actual labor and expenses incurred and billed monthly. The fee for this task is estimated to be $165,000.00. PART6.0 OTHER: Engineer will not initiate this task until given a written notice to proceed. Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 2 2-2010 m 51 mtt=''St'·nu trr t This Task Order is executed this day Inside Passage Electric Cooperative "OWNER" BY: NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: 12480 Mendenhall Loop Rd. Juneau, AK 99821 Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 3 -----.,20 HDR ALASKA, INC. "ENGINEER" BY: NAME: Mark R. Dalton TITLE: Senior Vice President ADDRESS: 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503 2-2010 •-------------------- ~· .. EXHIBIT A TASK ORDER This Task Order pertains to an Agreement by and between Inside Passage Electric Cooperative ("OWNER"), and HDR Alaska, Inc. ("ENGINEER"), dated February 26, 2010, ("the Agreement"). Engineer shall perform services on the project described below as provided herein and in the Agreement. This Task Order shall not be binding until it has been properly signed by both parties. Upon execution, this Task Order shall supplement the Agreement as it pertains to the project described below. TASK ORDER NUMBER: 4 PROJECT NAME: FERC Licensing PART 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This task will address the various efforts associated with the FERC licensing process. PART 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY ENGINEER ON THE PROJECT: Task 4a: Preliminary Permit Application ENGINEER will prepare and, on behalf of OWNER, file an Application for Preliminary Permit to ensure that the project site will be secured from competing applications. This subtask will also include preparation and submittal of periodic status reports as required by the preliminary permit. Task 4b -Filing of Notice of Intent ENGINEER will prepare and, on behalf of OWNER, file a Notice of Intent (NO I) with the FERC as required in 18 CFR 4.38(a) and 5.5. Ta.vk 4c-Pre-application Document ENGINEER will prepare and, on behalf of OWNER, will prepare and distribute the Pre- Application Document (PAD). The requirements of the PAD are set forth in 18 CFR 5.6. The PAD provides the Commission; federal, state, and interstate resource agencies; Indian tribes; local governments; and members of the public with existing information relevant to the project proposal that is in the Applicant's possession or that the Applicant can obtain with the exercise of due diligence. The PAD provides existing, relevant, and reasonably available information to these entities to enable them to identify issues and related information needs, develop study requests and study plans, and prepare documents analyzing any license application that is filed. The minimum information that must be addressed in the PAD includes characterization of the following: • Process plan and schedule • Project location, facilities, and operations • Description of existing environment and resource impacts Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 2-2010 ·wrtt" n lWI!trer u·vr· • Preliminary issues and studies list • Summary of contacts with federal, state, and interstate resource agencies, Indian tribes, non-governmental organizations, or other members of the public made in connection with the preparation of the PAD Task 4d: First Stage Consultation As required by 18 CFR 4.38(b )(3), IPEC must conduct a joint meeting and site visit for resource agencies and tribes. The meeting is held not earlier than 30 days, but not later than 60 days from the date of transmittal of the PAD. The public may attend and participate in the joint meeting. Written comments are due from the resource agencies, tribes, and the public 60 days after the joint meeting. ENGINEER will complete all preparations for and conduct the joint meeting and site visit. The First Stage of Consultation ends after comments have been received from all participating agencies and tribes, or 60 days after the joint meeting. A Final Consultation Document (FCD) will be issued at the conclusion of the First Stage of Consultation. The FCD will be based on the PAD, contain copies of all correspondence received regarding the PAD, provide responses to all comments, and clearly describe the scope of studies to be conducted during the Second Stage of Consultation. ENGINEER will prepare and distribute the FCD. Task 4e: Second Stage Consultation During the Second Stage of Consultation, those studies that were agreed upon during the First Stage are conducted. Any refinements to the project design or operations that have been identified are incorporated into the appropriate license application exhibits. Due to the capacity of the project, the application format to be utilized is that defined by 18 CFR 4.61 (Minor Water Power Project). This sub-task covers any refinements to project design and the preparation of the Application for License. Execution of field studies is addressed in a separate Task Order. Major work efforts are described below. Draft License Application Preparation To the extent possible, existing information will be used to develop the Draft Application for License. Information developed through the field studies will be incorporated in the Draft Application. The Draft Application will be distributed for a 90-day review by the resource agencies and tribes, and a review by the FERC staff will also be requested. The Draft Application for License will contain the Initial Statement and Exhibits A, E, F, and G as set forth in PERC's regulations. It is assumed that an Applicant-Prepared Environmental Assessment (APEA) will be prepared and filed in lieu of Exhibit E, Environmental Report. Resource Agency and Tribal Meeting and Consultations Although not required by regulation, it is assumed that two meetings will be held with resource agencies and tribes about 60 days into the 90-day draft application review period in Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 2 2-2010 ~----------------·--- an effort to identify and potentially resolve any concerns that have developed before they become documented in the formal letters of comment. Final License Application Preparation The final version of the Application for License will be developed following receipt of the comments from the agencies, tribes, and the public. It is assumed that all substantive comments, if any, from the agencies and tribes will be resolved without issue. The Application for License will be adjusted accordingly and documentation of the overall consultation process included. PART 3.0 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES: PART4.0 PERIOD OF SERVICE: This Task will begin on the execution date of this Task Order and will continue for a period of twenty-four (24) months unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties. PART 5.0 PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER: Payments to HDR will be on a per diem basis for actual labor and expenses incurred and billed monthly. The fee for this task is estimated to be $345,000.00. PART6.0 OTHER: Engineer will not initiate this task until given a written notice to proceed. The scope of work and estimated fee is subject to revision based upon the progress of the licensing effort. This Task Order is executed this day Inside Passage Electric Cooperative "OWNER" BY: NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: 12480 Mendenhall Loop Rd. Juneau, AK 99821 Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 3 _____ ,20 HDR ALASKA, INC. "ENGINEER" BY: NAME: Mark R. Dalton TITLE: Senior Vice President ADDRESS: 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503 2-2010 EXHIBIT A TASK ORDER This Task Order pertains to an Agreement by and between Inside Passage Electric Cooperative ("OWNER"), and HDR Alaska, Inc. ("ENGINEER"), dated February 26, 2010, ("the Agreement"). Engineer shall perform services on the project described below as provided herein and in the Agreement. This Task Order shall not be binding until it has been properly signed by both parties. Upon execution, this Task Order shall supplement the Agreement as it pertains to the project described below. TASK ORDER NUMBER: 5 PROJECT NAME: Environmental Field Studies PART 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Base-line environmental field studies. PART 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY ENGINEER ON THE PROJECT: Task Sa: Base-line Studies Engineer will perform field studies designed to meet the information requirements of the FERC licensing process. This task order assumes the following studies will be required. The details of these studies will be refined during the scoping process. Water Use & Quality Water quality and use studies will describe existing conditions relevant to water resources in the project vicinity. The study will attempt to identifY each parameter affecting water quality and use and will include a comparison of existing conditions, possible reasons for deviating from standards, potential project impacts on existing conditions and possible mitigation alternatives. The study work will also address the Section 401 Water Quality Certification requirements. Fish Resources Fishery studies will document existing communities of resident fish and known habitat regions within the project area. Additional study work may be required based upon the outcome of the First Stage Consultation process. Wildlife Resources The wildlife resource studies will document existing densities and distributions of recreationally valuable wildlife species. This work will be performed using a survey of scientific literature and consultation with local residents and resource management agencies. Botanical Resources The vegetation communities within the Project area will be described using cover type information compiled during the study. Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 2-2010 Historical and Archeological Resources Archaeological studies will attempt to identify any potential prehistoric resource sites, their significance, project impacts on them, and measures to mitigate adverse impacts on significant sites. Recreational Resources Recreational resource studies will document existing recreational facilities and estimate existing and potential recreational use of the project area. Aesthetic Resources Aesthetic resource studies will describe the aesthetic resources in the project area. The studies will include a description of the lands and waters directly and indirectly affected by the project facilities; a description of the anticipated impacts on aesthetic resources from construction activity and related equipment and material, and the subsequent presence of the project facilities in the landscape; a description of mitigative measures; and maps, drawings, and photographs to provide an understanding of the information in this section. Land Use This study will identify existing land uses in the project area and vicinity. Recognized comprehensive plans that are relevant to the project will be identified. PART3.0 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES: PART4.0 PERIOD OF SERVICE: This Task will begin on the execution date of this Task Order and will continue for a period oftwenty four (24) months unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties. PART5.0 PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER: Payments to HDR will be on a per diem basis for actual labor and expenses incurred and billed monthly. The fee for this task is estimated to be $270,000.00 PART 6.0 OTHER: The fee for this task is estimated and is subject to revision due to changes necessitated by the FERC licensing process. Additional studies that may be required are not included in this task effort. Engineer will not initiate this task until given a written notice to proceed. Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 2 2-2010 This Task Order is executed this day of , 20_ Inside Passage Electric Cooperative "OWNER" BY: NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: 12480 Mendenhall Loop Rd. Juneau, AK 99821 Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 3 HDR ALASKA, INC. "ENGINEER" BY: NAME: Mark R. Dalton TITLE: Senior Vice President ADDRESS: 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503 2-2010 EXHIBIT A TASK ORDER This Task Order pertains to an Agreement by and between Inside Passage Electric Cooperative ("OWNER"), and HDR Alaska, Inc. ("ENGINEER"), dated February 26, 2010, ("the Agreement"). Engineer shall perform services on the project described below as provided herein and in the Agreement. This Task Order shall not be binding until it has been properly signed by both parties. Upon execution, this Task Order shall supplement the Agreement as it pertains to the project described below. TASK ORDER NUMBER: 6 PROJECT NAME: Design PART 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Final design ofthe project. PART 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY ENGINEER ON THE PROJECT: Task 6a: Design Criteria Engineer will prepare a written report defining the design criteria and approach for completing the design of the project. The report will include criteria for roads, pipelines, and all project structures, including criteria such as pipeline type, head loss, surge allowances and coatings and linings; road widths, maximum grades and drainage standards; and concrete strengths to use for design. It is anticipated that these criteria would be reviewed and approved by the Owner before design begins. The design criteria may be periodically updated and will serve as the basis for all design efforts. Task 6b: Preliminary Design Drawings This task consists of preparing preliminary design drawings and calculations to adequately define the project. It is assumed that the following drawings will be prepared: No. of Probable Drawing Descriution Sheets Scale Title sheet and location map 1 1 "=200 miles Project site plan 1 1"=500' Access road plan and profiles 4 1 "=50' H, 1 "=5' V Pipeline plan and profiles 6 1 "=50' H, 1 "=5' V Intake plan and sections 4 1"=20' Powerhouse site plan 1 1"=20' Powerhouse plan and sections 2 Yt"=l' Electrical one-line diagram 1 None Total 20 Preparing these drawings will require that preliminary design work be performed, including: pipeline type, sizing, and route selection; intake design; access road route selection; dam and Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 2-2010 Access Road plan and profiles 4 I "=50' H, I "=5' V Access Road sections and details 1 Various Pipeline plan and profiles 6 I "=50' H, 1 "=5' V Pipeline sections and details 3 None Intake plan and sections 6 I"=20' Intake reinforcement 4 1,4"= 1 I Intake details 3 1,4"=I' Powerhouse site plan 1 1"=20' Powerhouse plan and sections 2 1,4"= I' Powerhouse foundation plan and sections 4 1,4"=1 I Powerhouse reinforcement 2 1,4"= I' Powerhouse elevations l lf4"=I' Electrical one-line diagram I None Electrical control and schematics 2 None Electrical interconnection I None Miscellaneous details 2 None Total 50 Preparing these drawings will require that adequate details and sections be prepared to construct the project including: structural details, trench details, cross section details, mechanical and electrical drawings. The drawings will be produced using AutoCAD and will be plotted on 22" by 34" standard size drawing sheets to allow half-size reduction to II" by 17''. Technical specifications will be prepared in CSI format. Drawings and specifications will be submitted for Owner review at 95% design. Task 6f: Final Construction Cost Estimate The preliminary estimate will be updated based upon the final design drawings. Deliverables Electronic copies of the following deliverables in PDF will be provided to the Owner: l) 95% drawings and technical specifications 2) Final construction cost estimate PART3.0 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES: PART4.0 PERIOD OF SERVICE: This Task will begin on the execution date of this Task Order and will continue for a period of twelve (12) months unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties. Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 3 2-2010 PART 5.0 PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER: Payments to HDR will be on a per diem basis for actual labor and expenses incurred and billed monthly. The fee for this task is estimated to be $465,000.00. PART 6.0 OTHER: The fee for this task is estimated and is subject to revision due to changes necessitated by the FERC licensing process. Engineer will not initiate this task until given a written notice to proceed. Design will be completed to 95%. Specifications will not contain commercial terms. It is acknowledged that final FERC licensing conditions and terms of finance might require changes to the design drawings and specifications. This Task Order is executed this _____ day of _______ , 20_. Inside Passage Electric Cooperative "OWNER" BY: NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: 12480 Mendenhall Loop Rd. Juneau, AK 99821 Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 4 HDR ALASKA, INC. "ENGINEER" BY: NAME: Mark R. Dalton TITLE: Senior Vice President ADDRESS: 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503 2-2010