HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlacier Bay Commercial Fishing Work Group and Maps 1998" , -==-V ' / " , Mt . Qcioper t;. 2 ,011m " 6,780~ ~ -.t. CO\ ~ • Mt. Abbe ~ 2,6671A 11.75011 Mt. Bertha 3 ,04llm • 10.00011 . Mt. Crillon 3,878m 12.72611 BRADY ICEFIELD Perouse 728,,Areas Designated Wilderness under ANILCA TIDAL INLET MulrQt.cler_. w .. hereln11N ~ ._ S.MARa.E T ISLAitD .L ISLAND I C y / c< "' G'<v. , / ().«! # 'SO , ~ /c (,~ <:! , ~f? <o~ I V ~OPKINS(':i • t;. Mt .~ ~ 2.018m ?-6,780~ ~ 'X CO\ ~ Mt. Abb~t ~ • :r.cse7,. 1 .7501t Mt. Benha 3.04Bm • tO.OOOft BRADY Tanner Crab Pot Fishery C\ ~ -e ~. ICEFIELD ~~ ~t . ~se Dungeness Crab Pot F1i he ry U'I'Om 10,72/111 King Crab Fishery t/ ID ~ 0 -<. Shrimp Pot Fis~ry ~ ~ • ~ • • t.ll• 'Sedwton () ... ~ Muir Oleoler - waa hera In 1• Mltif Point MI. Wright k.: I C y ISLAND Glacier Bay Commercial Fishing Work Group Allied Fishermen/SEACC Closed-Waters Proposal February 5, 1998 Allied fishermen SEACC Proposal (West Arm: John Hopkins, Tarr, Reid) (East Arm: Above 58 50 line-Adams) 'Wi lderness waters -atready closed to commercial use Commercial Salmon Seine Fisheries * None in G. Bay proper t% Excursion Inlet * Fall chum salmon * Season: mid- August to early . October (August in 7 of last 9 yrs) * Inseason run strength assessment to achieve adequate escapement Hours Fished and Number of Openings in the Excursion Inlet Purse Seine Salmon Fishery 100 ,------------------------,-6 90 ~-----------~-~------~ t6 5 80 1-------,-.,r, --f 1---------l ''· I ~ (/) u:: ~ ::J 0 40 I Year 0 ~ E ::J z f • 1 400,000 350,000 300,000 ..c U) ·-250,000 u. "-0 L.. 200,000 QJ .0 E ::J 150,000 z 100,000 50,000 Excursion Inlet Salmon: Effort and Harvest Purse Seine Harvests Season: Mid-August-Early October 1------==-------------------l' -Chinook ,.-------1 Coho t---------1 -Sockeye f------1 -Pink Chum -Permits 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 Year • t • r 160 140 120 ll ·-E 100 L.. QJ a.. 80 "-0 L.. QJ 60 .c E ::J 40 z 20 0 Groundfish Fisheries in Glacier Bay Area * Pacific cod longline *Lingcod dinglebar * Sablefish (blackcod) long line *Demersal shelf rockfish (DSR) longline • Directed fishery • Bycatch in halibut long line (IPHC) . . . Pacific Cod Fishery .................. ~ Year-round season ~ Gear: Longline ~ primarily for bait ~ recent development of fall food-fish fishery . . . Pacific Cod Harvest and Effort • 8 permits in Glacier Bay in 1997 (avg. of 3 in past 10 yrs) • 47 permits in GB and adjacent waters in 1997 (avg. = 26 in past 10 yrs) 450,000 400,000 ...-. 350,000 .d 300,000 -"E 250,000 ........ I 200,000 150,000 :! 100,000 50,000 0 I 91 I• GB Proper 1• Icy Strait l D Outer Coast 92 93 94 95 96 97 YEAR 1991 and 1994 Glacier Bay Proper and 1993 and 1995 Outer Coast data confidential Lingcod and Pacific Cod Fishing Locations Lingcod ~ Directed season: May 1-Nov 30 ~ Gear: Ding Iebar Troll (a mechanical jig) Dinglebar troll gear ~ Bycatch: • Halibut and groundfish longline fisheries • Salmon power troll . ' Lingcod Harvest and Effort 1 4 0 '0 0 0 -,-··--······ .. ····-··········· .. -···-·····································-·-·----·-···--· .. ------·--····--······--"··-·---··-···--········-.. ·········-··---··--········ .. -·---···--·---··· 120,000 +---------- .-.. .d 100,000 +---------~ i 80,000 ; ~~~~r~~a_3 ---1 60,000 ~ 40,000 1---------- 20,000 1-------, 0 -+-----r-- 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 YEAR Glacier Bay Proper and 1993 Outer Coast data is confidential • Fishery moved from southern Cross Sound to outer coast in 94/95 • Directed fishery takes majority of harvest • 35 vessels in directed fishery in past 10 years • Bycatch vessels ( rvlSO in past 10 years) take mostly small harvests Sablefish (Biackcod) ____ .. *Season: Sep 1-Nov 15 ~ Gear: Long line * No harvests in Glacier Bay proper (most effort is in Chatham Strait) . . . Sablefish Harvest and Effort 50,000 ...-.... .ci 40,000 .............. tl 30,000 Q) 2: 20,000 ro I 10,000 0 Sablefish Harvest in Glacier Bay Area _ ___, • GB Proper • Icy Strait D Cross Sound 111 Outer Coast -----J.-J ----j 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 • No landings since 1991 in Glacier Bay Proper • 31 permits since 1991 in Glacier Bay area • Directed fishery prohibited on outer coast as of 1995 Demersal Shelf Rockfish Yelloweye (Sebastes ruberrimus) • Most taken as bycatch in the halibut fishery • Very little in Glacier Bay • Season: Mar 16 -Nov 15 • Directed -fishery • None in Glacier Bay • Very little on outer coast • Season: Nov 16-:Mar 15 -- Yelloweye Rockfish ( Sebastes ruberrimus) ~ • ..c ~ ......., (J') Q) 2: ro J: 1997 DSR Bycatch Harvest 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Glacier Bay and Adjacent Areas • Halibut Fishery llJ Misc. Fishery GB Proper Cross Sound Icy Strait Outer Coast King Crab • Fishing Seasons • Red: Opens Nov 1 for about 2-3 weeks • Blue: Open during red king and Tanner crab seasons (only in Holkam Bay, Port Snettisham, Taku Inlet, Lynn Canal, and Glacier Bay) ~Gear: pots King Crab Harvest and Effort • 390,000 lb. avg. (5 years) for red and blue king crab from all SE Alaska waters (84 permits) • 1,500 lb. avg. from Glacier Bay ( < 1 °/o) by 2-4 permits • 10,200 lb. from Icy Strait (3°/o) by 2-5 permits • Golden king crab: potential future fishing effort in Glacier Bay Red and Blue King Crab Harvest in Glacier Bay Area (excludes various confidential data) 80,000 -r----------~r~ ·---• G-8 -Pro-per --· --l :d 60,000 _ _ _•_l_cy Straits_ 1 --~ 40,000 t-------11-----tt-w----------1 > ... :! 20,000 1----........ ----......... _ ........ _____ ~ 0 ' ' ' 0 N "1:t CD CO i ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 N "1:t CD CO 0 N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q) ..... Cf) .., ..... ..,, ..... ..... co co co co co Q) Fishing Season Shrimp Fishing Seasons • Glacier Bay • Closed early 1980's (ESA, Humpback whales) • Adjacent waters • Pot Shrimp: Oct 1 to Feb 28 • Otter and beam trawl: Closure Effective in 1994 Pot Shrimp Harvest and Effort • 612,000 lb. avg. from all SE Alaska waters (last 10 years) * 1,700 lb. avg. from Icy Strait(< 1°/o) by 1-6 permits * 4,600 lb. avg. from outer coast (1 °/o) by 1-12 permits Pot Shrimp Harvests in Glacier Bay Area (mostly confidential data prior to 1995) 40,000 ' --~-----~ ~----~----· 35,000 • GB Proper 1 --:-30,000 • Icy Straits I II GB Outside Coast .c -~-~--------- ::::,.. 25,000 -U) 20,000 G) > 15,000 ... ca :I: 10,000 5,000 - 0 I 11 I 0 ~ ~ le Cl) i N ~ :s :8 ~ N ~ ~ ,... ,... CIO en ~ -ii'5 ~ ~ -~ ii'5 ;:::: ~ -(:5 ii'5 ... ... ,... co ,... ,... ,... CIO CIO CIO CIO en cn cn Fishing Season . . Weathervane Scallop * Season • July 1 -February 15 (statewide) or until quotas are met *Gear • Dredges * All SE regional harvests on outer coast * Maximum of 10 vessels in state * Average of 3 permits fished in . reg1on * Harvests straddle the 3 nautical mile boundary . . . .. Scallop Harvests • Regional harvests stabilized with management plan in 1993 • Plan allows 35,000 lb. quota from outside coast S. of Cape Fairweather ( < 1 °/o of statewide quota) • Average of 25°/o taken within 3 nautical mile boundary (1993-95) - 160,000 140,000 120,000 g 100,000 11 80,000 > i 60,000 :I: 40,000 20,000 0 ----------- 1-- f.l GB Outside Coast 1--, \ __ --------- ... connaem1a1 aata I I I en ~ ~ ~ ~ en ~ M ~ """' en ~ ~ ~ """' ~ """' ,_ """' ,_ """' = = = = = en ~· en en Fishing Season Scallop Stock Assessment Current: ~ Historic fishery data ~ harvest rate ~ limited size/age ~ Observer data ~ size/age ~ detailed harvest rate ~ detailed locations ~ Reference points ~ M, F0.11 F30°/o' F 40°/o Future: ~ Reference points ~ Revise with new data ~ Delury estimator ~GIS based ~ Observer data ~ Dredge impact study ~Workshop in 1998 ~ Research in 1999