HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrater Lake Tunnel Repairs 1997-ALASKA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY (907) 780-2222 FAX (907) 463-3304 5601 Tonsgord Court, Juneau. AK 99801-7201 AEL&P Power Generation Dept. Snettisham Power Generation Engineer: Scott Willis Engineering Assistant: Eric Eriksen Snettisham Operators: Ron Doty, Tom Osborn Mechanic: Rob Darrington Welder: Sherman Johnson (ACME Welding) Carpenter: Bill Bosse, Karl Vandor (Consak Const.) Consultations: Dennis Lachel & Assoc. -Geological stability Master Builders-Grouting material Okinite -Cable integrity CONTENTS Part Description Pa~:es I Project Profile 1-3 II Daily Journals 4-6 III Plans and Material List 7-10 IV Filed Photographs 11-14 v Accounting Report 15-21 Project Profile Background The Crater Lake tunnel plug has leaked since its construction (1989). The first substantial leaks developed shortly after construction in cracks and seams at the plug's downstream interface. APA hired a contractor to drill several arrays ofholes in the plug and grout it with cement grout. This procedure stopped most of the leaks. In 1994, a small leak developed from under the sill of the tunnel plug bulkhead door. This leak gradually worsened until it was spraying water up against the ceiling of the plug access. AP A tried to make minor repairs, but were not successful in stopping the leak. Flow from this leak was estimated at around 60 gpm. In 1995, a leak appeared from the 5 inch conduit carrying the two 4160 volt power cables through the plug. This conduit travels approximately 200 feet up the plug to a stainless steel pull box. The box is filled with and asphaltic filler compound and encased in unreinforced concrete. This leak worsened in 1996, when pieces of asphalt were ejected out the end of the conduit. Flow from this leak increased until it was spraying 20 feet from the end of the conduit at an estimated 300 gpm. Repair Revisions to the original repair plans were made when the sill plate and pull box were accessible after dewatering. The final plan is described below and is shown in the enclosed drawings. Access to the plug was minimal because water flowing from the leaks had washed away large quantities of gravel from the tunnel floor. The project required the mobilization of several pieces of equipment to the tunnel plug. So, the invert of the access adit had to be filled and graded prior to the repair work. At the door sill, five 3 inch holes were cut into the top of the sill plate with a Y2 inch vent hole upstream and downstream of each 3 inch hole. A fairly large void (up to 6 inches deep and 8 inches long) was found under each 3 inch hole. All silt, debris, and loose concrete was removed from each void, and threaded 3 inch couplers were tack welded on the holes. The grouting operation consisted of screwing a 3 foot PVC standpipe to each hole and pouring in the grout. The grout was allowed to set before the couplers were removed and steel plate was welded over the holes. The grout used was Master Builders Ceilcote 648 Plus. This is a two-part epoxy with a fine aggregate added. It flows into small cracks better than concrete, adheres to steel and concrete (and everything else), does not shrink like concrete, and has compressive strengths of approximately 15,000 psi. The original plan was to cut the lid off the pull box, repair the suspected damaged communication cable and fill the box full of the same grout used in the sill plate. However, after dewatering, the integrity of the pull box was found to be a lot worse than suspected. The concrete cover had been broken, the box completely crushed, the communications cable severed in two places, and both power cables damaged. This necessitated a new plan. The power cables showed damaged to the outside plastic sheath, and a deformation and cracking of the copper armor. A megger test and de hi-pot test were performed to determine that the conductors and insulation were intact. The power cables were then wrapped with high-voltage tape. The communication cable was spliced with two 3M Scotchcast splice kits. These kits were selected because they embed the splice in a two- part protective epoxy. · Both splices in the communication cable, as well as the damaged area of the power cables, were covered with schedule 40 stainless pipe. The ends of the pipe were plugged with OZ-Gedney mechanical rubber plugs. Each of the three pipes were then filled with high-voltage asphalt fill compound. The pipes were then covered with the same epoxy grout used in the sill plate, and finally, the whole installation was covered with reinforced concrete. Results Inspection after watering up the tunnel showed that the results of this grouting job were very good. There is a small trickle of water coming from the power cable conduit. It is estimated to be much less than one gallon per minute (about drinking fountain flow). It is uncertain where this flow is coming form, but with the excellent seal on the end of the conduit leads to the possibility that the conduit is cracked in another spot. A possibility is that the conduit was nicked by the drilling done in the tunnel plug shortly after the original construction. The leak at the sill plate was greatly reduced. The only leak remaining in this area is a small stream of water squirting up at fairly low pressure. The flow is estimated at one gallon per minute, and is low enough that it may be possible to tap oakum or lead wool into the leak to reduce or even stop the leak completely. Interesting effects of sealing the leak at the door sill is how other leaks have appeared in the plug. Small leaks which were sealed in the original grouting effort have started leaking again. Water pressure has pushed out the plugs of grout in at least two of the holes where a urethane grout had been placed. 2 Recommendations An attempt will be made to plug the remaining leak at the door sill by tapping in oakum or lead wool. Even if the leak is not stopped completely, slowing it down will reduce further erosion of the concrete. The rate of leakage from under the sill will be monitored to ensure stability of the area. A baseline measurement will come from timing how long it takes for the leakage to fill a five gallon bucket. Then monthly timings would follow to be able to measure any changes and determine whether additional grouting is necessary. 3 Daily Journals Wednesday, July 9, 1997 Scott Willis, Eric Eriksen, and Sherman Johnson, mobilize to Snett. The Snett crew had worked the weekend to repair the road in the access adit and station the compressor and welder there. Spent the day cutting out the crushed pull box. Were able to finish most of it. The power cable has been damaged somewhat. One cable shows a "pinch" that has penetrated the outer PVC jacket and the copper armor. We can't tell if the underlying layers are damaged. The other cable has the outer jacket worn away over an approximate 4 foot length, and the copper armor tom away for a 4 inch length. There is no visible damage to the underlying layer. Our plan is to megger the cable to see if we can detect any damage to the conductor. The communications cable is completely severed at both ends of the box. Our present plan is to add a length of cable to the junction box downstream of the tunnel plug. Make one of the splices outside the plug, and pull 6 feet of cable through so that we only have to make one splice in the tunnel itself. Thursday, July 10, 1997 the megger we rented form Neubauer arrived at the Project. Tom and Ron worked on meggering the cables. The results of this test were inconclusive. We don't think the megger was charging the full length of the cable. On the other hand we didn't detect a ground or short in the first portion of the cable either. We finished cutting out the pull box. We left the upstream and downstream ends in case we needed to weld to them. There is still a plug of asphaltic filler compound in the communications conduit. We need to remove this to pull enough cable through to make a splice. Now that we can finally see what the condition of the cables is, we can develop a plan. If the cables still have their electrical integrity, we will protect the damaged areas, encase it in steel conduit, fill it with an asphaltic compound, encase that in grout, and pour reinforced concrete over it alL At the communications cable we will us in-line splice kits, and protect them with steel conduit filled with asphalt. Eric and Sherm moved to the sill plate and began cutting holes and cleaning them out. On cutting in to the sill plate, we found that there is void there. The void is not quite as large as expected and there are places where it is over 6 inches deep. There is some loose material in the holes that we are cleaning out. 4 Scott spent the day showing an insurance guy around the Project. Friday, July 11,1997 In our final plans we don't need the upstream plate, so we cut it out. We covered the sill plate so that the Bobcat could run across it without dropping debris into the holes. We cleaned up in preparation to pull off for the weekend. We also mixed up the sample of grout to see how it works. The grout is relatively thick, but it does flow through small holes and cracks. We made plans to hi-pot the cables Monday. If they pass the hi-pot test, we will protect the damaged areas and seal them up. If they don't we will have to cut out the damaged portion and splice in a new section. Snett personnel will work the weekend to muck out the rock trap in the tunnel. Monday, July 14, 1997 the rock trap was mucked out this weekend. Sherm, Eric, and Scott returned to the Project. The weather was foggy, so we didn't get in until10:00 a.m. or so. Brian, from Gastineau contractors also came out to begin the work on the Long Lake road. Joe Smith, the other person from Gastineau Contractors will be flying his own plane out in the afternoon. The line crew that was supposed to come out and hi-pot the cable in the morning were weathered out of Snett that morning. Tuesday, July 15,1997 Hi-potted the cable to 15 Kv. Both cables looked good. Gastineau Contractors finished clearing the road to Long Lake. All left the project that afternoon. Friday, July 18,1997 Scott and four carpenters on site. Carpenters mobilize materials and equipment to Long Lake. All left that afternoon. Monday, July 21, 1997 Five carpenters on site. Start working on Long Lake dam. 5 Tuesday, July 22, 1997 Scott, Eric, and Sherm arrive. Cut back 4" conduit. Weld split pipe on 5" conduit. Made 4" protection sleeves for splices on communications cable. Received plugs and asphalt. Discovered that the piezometer line to surge tank had been damaged. Received unions to repair it. Repaired that evening. Carpenters continue working on Long Lake darn. Wednesday, July 23, 1997 Made splices in communications cable. Covered both splices with 4 inch schedule 40 stainless steel pipe. For the downstream splice the pipe was welded to the existing conduit. Plugged the ends with OZ Gedney conduit sealing bushings. Poured the asphaltic filler compound into each of the three conduits. Carpenters continue working on Long Lake darn. Thursday, July 24, 19970 .. Carpenters formed at the pull box area. Poured grout in sill plate and around conduits. Grouting mixing and placing went from about 3:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. In the evening, cut couplers off sill plate. Friday, July 25, 1997 Welded cover plates on sill plate. Remove forms from grout. Place rebar and forms for concrete. Mix and place concrete. Sherm, Eric, Scott, and two carpenters leave project. Saturday, July 26, 1997 Carpenters strip forms. Remove all construction equipment and debris. Close tunnel. 6 PLANS r-.. O'l O'l ---ci:i -ci:i 0 lD 0 c::n :::I <( "'0 C1J X -l -l ...... U'l -(!:) :::::> -l a.. -l LU :z :z :::::> t--t- LU :z U'l -~ -...1-- W.T[R ,_~51:\ STEEL DIIOfl ·/W/ 111.-a S£AI. TUNNEL /:auf.··:/~/·:.,.. ... ., ... ., /./ CONCR£TE,ISTEEL INTERFACE I I 1/2 • VEHT HCUS PLUG ;·.-a COCR(T[ F lYE 12" S€CTICNS TO BE FILLED WITH SIDE VIEW PROCEDURE: I} CUT FIVE 3" FILL HOLES t CUT TEN 1/2" VENT HOLES ON EACH SIDE Of FILL HOLES J REI.I)VE ALL LOOSE MATERIAL IN THE VOID 5 ASSURE DRYNESS AND A CONSTANT TEWPERA~E ABOVE 50 F s PREPARE HEAD BOX AND GfWUT 7 STARTING AT ONE END, FILL W/ GROUT UNTIL IT CAN BE SEE IN VENT HOLES a ALLOW GROUT TO SET FOR FOUR HOURS TO PROVIDE GOOD COVERAGE BEFORE SEAL I NG HOLES 9) SEAL ALL HOLES WITH WELDED 1/2" STAINLESS PLATE SAFETY /CLEAN-UP: I) BE FAMILIAR WITH MSDS SHEETS 2) WEAR GLOVES , GOGGLES, RAIN GEAR, AND BOOTS AT ALL T I MES OUR I NG THE HNI)L I NG Of THE GROUT • J~ APPLY PASTE WAX TO TOOLS, ANO HEAD BOX TO EASE IN CLEANUP 4 KEYTON£ SOLVENTS, XYLOl, OR LACQUER THII*IER MAYBE USED TO CLEAN/REMOVE GROUT SILL PLATE 0 8 7':4· J 0 8 J" FILL HOLES vvvvvvvvv •vvvvvvvvv VVVVV 7 VVV' •vvvvvvvvv olvvvvvvvvv· 'V V V V V V V V V~~REINfORa:D CCICR[l'f vvvvvvvvv •vvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvv Ol.vvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvv• •vvvvvvvvv oiVVVVVVVVV' •vvvvvvvvv VVVVVVVVV' •vvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvv· vvvvvvvvv PLAN •REFER TO MATERIAL LIST FOR DESCRIPTION AIASIA!BF 1JGHI' & c iANf .A.ICAU N( Tl TL£ CRA TOt J.N(f TI.NCl. II[PA I It$ DIY I SIGN ClQ€RA T I GN ~ -• ENQA -ctl([!) I I I • AS IUILT o ll/1/171 m: INT'S I • T '" I DIG. NO. .. .. ........ M'l& .. DATf • I ... ,...... 0'> 0'> ...... X 0 OJ 0 c:t: w :I: -(!) :::::> ....J ~ ....J w z z ::::> 1--1-w z en -~ GROUT APPLICATOR ADD I T I all PII£ISIIE /~~ ~ -=> SAFE'IY/CL~: I) BE FAMILIAR WITH WSOS SHEETS 2) WEAR QI..O'iES, GOGGLES, RAIN QEAR, AWJ IIIOOTS AT ALL TIWES OUR I Nlil THE HAWJL I NG CIF THE G1ROJT . 3) API'LY PASTE WI\X TO TOOLS, ~ HEAD BDX TO EASE IN Q.EANUP 4) ICEYTONE SOL\IENTS, XYLOL, ~ LACQUER THI~ IMYBE USED TO Cl~ GRCIUT OO L------------------------------------------ 1 ~ Al..t.!rA rur:mc UGII1i ~aJIIlMII .._.. T lll.l alA Till T11ML l'llll ~~- 1¥111111 -TICII ~ : i IWf'l -I.:-! CHD :-:MI., ; --~---___.____!~!!_ •• 11''11: i 11@7 •••• PULL BOX REPLACEMENT w 1-w 0:: (.) z 0 (.) t 3 .~· 6' \' I ~ ~ •EPOXY GROUT/CONCRETE CAPSULA T I a-4 Of APPROX. 2 ' PLAN • REFER TO MATERIAL LIST FOR DISCRIPTION RUBBER GASKET.- ~ -i f'Tl ::0 ~ r ~ .·· FI~~E:(4) a r~~·;:~E~PL:;;CMLES(2) < (b) t --------------~1 > / --------------' •5• INTERIOR PLUG~ \_ •4 • INTER I OR 11•4 • SCH40 CONDUIT PLUG r• F'ILL HOLES ! -•4 • END PLUG Ylf:LDED SEAM \ .uNION TO NEW ~· CON)UIT •SCOTCH CAST SPLICE KIT •a>-11 HIGH VOLTAGE F'l LL I NG C(M)()UNO MECHANICAL •Ca.MJN I CAT I ON CABLE OZ-GEDNEY PLUGS CSB I INTER I OR PLUG CSSE END PLUG lNG BOLTS SIZED .II.ICAU I« DIVISION ~TIOII 9!:1 - ; • AI IUILT o -.. 110 . u:F •· .,.,.,. •J•• K: \SNET\TUNNEL PLUG\PULLBOX2 Wed Aug 06 09: 18: 35 1997 :::1 :;") ....... ..0 <:r <:r :=> ..0 en ~ 8 _; TEM EPOXY GROUT ASPHALTIC SPLICE KIT NTER I OR PLUGS END PLUGS COMMUNICATiON CABLE POWER CABLE CRATER CATALOG # CEILCOTE 648CP PLUS CP-1 XX CSBI CSBE •ALL OTHER ITEMS ARE OF COMMON DESCRIPTION AS DESCRIBED ON TUNNEL REPAIR DRAWINGS A.K ELM TERIAL I SUPPLIER MASTER BUILDERS (216) 831-6910 MAC PRODUCTS (201) 344-0700 3M/SCOTCH DELTA ALASKA WHOLESALE ( 907) 789-030 DELTA ALASKA WHOLESALE (907) 789-0301 OKINITE OKINITE DE RIPTION TWO PART EPOXY WITH FINE AGGREGATE. approx 15.000 PSI COMPRESSIBILITY, CRACK AND SHRINK RESISTANT HIGH VOLTAGE FILLING COMPOUND SCOTCH CAST COMMUNICATION SPLICE KIT W/ EPOXY FILLER OZ-GEDNEY INTERIOR PLUG OPTIONS SIZE OF CONDUIT, SPLIT IN HALF. CABLE SiZE ~~D QUANTITY OZ-GEDNEY END PLUG OPTIONS: SIZE OF CONDUIT, SPLIT IN HALF, CABLE SIZE AND QUANTITY, END FLANGE. GOOD FOR approx. lOOPS OKONITE CO. PLT. 47 SPOS 6PAR 16AWG CU OKO SEAL-N-PBC-PBC 600V CU CLX 1987 OKONITE PLT 7, 3/C6 AWG CU OKOGUARD (EP)-PVC SHLD. 5KV 133% INSUL LEVEL I 15 MILS (ULLI X 6 AWG CU GRD CU CLX TYPE MV-90 OR MC SUN RES. FOR CT USE DIR. BUR ALASKA ELEC1'R1C UGHr & _fQWl!J~QJ.f!ANY JlMAU"" :n TLE I CRATtR ~E li.NtEl R£PAIRS '01VISION·---~~~ ----< ~~L.... - ,. FILED PHOTOGRAPHS • - 11 f-'o w water flow from 5kv conduit to be estimated at 300gpm pull box callapsed under pressure 14 ACCOUNTING REPORT -.-~.£ ... ,. .._ .. -... , ... r •• ·..-..a~'llub IIW"UHI'JIH~ 'i ~· ~ ;·· · · IETAIL F[Jf ~ fbmi FRIJI 189301 llRlJQI 209312 m< !R£R , ...... 1::J ~WL)~ ~ Cu:rCiJ ou..r ;117708 st£TTISHAPI ADDITIIJW. POIERPLMT I'IAINT91Af«:E TYPE: I'IAIN'T'ENNIE EXPENSES STArus: OPEN DiAR6E INTEREST: N Blu.Ail.E BUDIETED ACllJl. RaiAINitfi €RIGirR. REVISED RlR3 KlRi tllJIS $ IIBiET $ liST 1:i REPAIR CRATER LAKE 1tH£L. AllUM OVEm£AD AlliiN llYERt£AD I'IAV 1997 AlliiN OVEfi£AD J\1£ 1997 AII'IIN DVERI£AD QJSTIJIER COORIBUTION AL.ASKA PlilER AmtiNISTRATI~ 97-170 D.JS1lJER CIJfTRIBUTIO COORACT l..AilOO I'OIE NEL.DINS 061697 al1.iAK, IN: 1386 aNiAK, IN: 1405 PO£ NEL.DING 070797 ACI'E NELDING 071797 --- COORACT LABOR or ABm 43 REM, JOifi I. J.OOR 196 DARRINGTON. ROBER S.OOR · 196 DARRI~. ROBER 4.00R 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. B.OOR 192 IJSBmN, TI01AS N. S.OOR 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 5.00R 196 DARRI~. ROBER 4.00R 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. B.OOR 196 DARRIN~l'TC~f, ROBER 5.00R 193 DOTY, RONALD J. J.OOR 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. B.OOR 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 4.00R 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. B.OOR 193 DDTY, RONALD J. 2.00R 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. S.OOR 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. l.OOR 196 DARRINGTON, ROBER 2.00R 192 ~. 1lOIA5 N. 5.00R 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 1.00R 192 ~. 1lOIA5 N. 4.00R 1'16 DARRINGTON, ROBER :':I.OOR 196 DARRINGTON, ROBER J.OOR 193 DDTY, IDW..D J. 2.00R 201 ERIKSEM, ERIC E. 4.00R 196 DARRINGTON, ROBER 2.00R 193 DDTY, IUW..D J. 5.00R ISSI£D: ESTIMATED COfli..ETICJf: OOJt-ACTUAL -REtiAl IDED $ COSTS AIOJNT PERCENT 11;11 v 11 t IAIT'l..i::.ll:: 31.53 053197 199705 1776.34 0b3097 199706 1.807.87 1.808-ox OliJ097 Ol -23711.54 070797 199706 23.711.54-2J,712 Ol 070797 Ol 220.50 061697 199706 tan.oo 062997 199706 2054.00 071097 199706 2395.96 070797 199707 5608.97 071797 199707 12.151.43 12.151-ot 071797 .ox 164.58 OSJ097 199705 310.69 053097 199705 155.34 053197 199705 114.54 060'1!17 199706 JBB.42 000397 199706 71.59 060397 199706 155.34 060397 199706 114.54 060497 199706 194.18 000597 199706 148.59 000597 199706 114.54 000597 199706 'ST.'JJ 000097 199706 114.54 0609'97 199706 99.06 061097 199706 114.54 061097 199706 14.32 061197 199706 77.67 061197 199706 242.76 061197 199706 14.32 061'1!17 199706 194.21 061'1!17 199706 1'14.18 061'1!17 199706 116.51 061497 199706 99.06 061897 199706 'ST.'JJ 061897 199706 77.67 061897 199706 247.65 061997 199706 15 1011 CRIER ItRfiiATIIJI IETAIL FOO ..:IS I'Offil FRfJt 189301 1lRlJIJi 209312 me lRIER JJ77(1J !J£1TISIWI ADDITICM.. PI1ERPlJtNT l'tAINTtNAII:E TYPE: ttAINTBWa EXPEMSES STAniS: 1J'EN IS!HD: 010197 BILLAII.E DiARfE INTEREST: N ESTIMATED CIJFLETIIJt: 123197 or ~ llUD6ETED AC1lJil. REI'IAININi OOIGINil. REVISED 001'1-AC1l.W. ~ININ3 a.ET-LAST :Alau<f lllJ1S IOJIS IOJIS $ BUDl£T s COST I9ED S CIJSTS AIOJ(T PERCOO ACTIVITY aJRETE -- IIR l.ABCR -CaMIN.ED) 19lt IMUflil'm., ROllER 5.00R 194.18 061997 199706 193 DDTY. RONALD J. 1.008 63.56 062097 19'1706 196 DARRiflil'm., ROBER 5.008 249.19 062197 19'1706 196 DARRiflil'm.r ROllER 8.008 398.71 002297 199706 193 DDTYr RIMJl J. 7.008 444.93 OIJZ1!I7 199706 201 ERIK6EN, ERIC E. 3.008 79.16 062397 199706 193 DDTY, RONALD J. 8.008 508.50 062397 19'1706 196 DARRiflil'm.r ROllER 8.008 398.71 062397 19'1706 201 ERIK6EN. ERIC E. B.OOR 114.54 062397 19'1706 196 DARRiflmll, ROllER B.OOR 310.69 062497 19'1706 193 DDTY. RONALD J. .a.OOR 396.24 062497 19'1706 196 DARRiflmll, ROllER 5.508 274.11 062497 19'1706 193 DOTY; RONALD J. 7.508 476.72 062497 19'1706 201 ERIK6EN. ERIC E. B.OOR 114.54 062497 19'1706 192 [SUN, TIDIAS N. 7.508 467.31 062497 199706 201 ERIK6EN, ERIC E. B.OOR 114.54 06Z!.R1 199706 192 (SUN, TllltAS N. 1.008 62.31 06Z!.R7 199706 192 IEBf:Rt, llDtAS N. B.OOR 388.42 06'1597 19'1706 196 DARRiflmll, ROI3ER 1.008 49.84 06'1597 199706 196 DARRINiiTIJt, ROI3ER B.OOR 310.69 06'1597 19'1706 196 DARRINiiTIJt, ROBER 7.00R 271.85 062697 19'1706 196 DARRiflmll, ROllER 2.008 99.68 062697 19'1706 193 DDTY, RONALD J. 2.008 127.12 062697 19'1706 201 ERIK6EN. ERIC E. 3.008 79.16 062697 19'1706 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. B.OOR 114.54 062697 19'1706 192 t:J5BmN, llDIAS N. 7.00R 339.87 062697 19'1706 196 DARRINrnJC, ROllER 1.00R 38.84 062697 19'1706 192 IEBf:Rt, TlDtAS N. 2.008 124.62 062697 19'1706 192 t:J5B(RN, notAS N. 1.00R 48.55 062697 19'1706 196 DARRINrnJC. ROBER 6.00R 233.01 062797 199706 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. B.OOR 114.54 062797 199706 196 DARRINiiTIJt, ROBER B.OOR 310.69 062'ifrl 1W706 196 DARRINiTIJt, ROBER B.OOR 310.69 062991 199706 201 ERIKSEN. ERIC E. B.OOR 114.54 06liR1 199706 196 DARRINiTIJt, ROBER 4.00R 155.34 063097 19'1706 193 lillY. RONI1.D J. 2.008 127.12 070197 19'1707 185 .DNiflt, DiEPH A 1.00R 46.50 070197 19'1707 196 DARRIN&T't:W, ROBER B.OOR 310.69 070197 199707 196 DARRINiiTIJt, ROBER 2.008 99.68 070197 199707 192 OSIDI:N. TlDtAS N. 2.008 124.62 070197 19'1707 192 [SUN, l10IAS N. B.OOR 388.42 070197 19'1707 111 SAltS, DALE R. 1.00R 53.40 070197 1W707 200 BIIN3, EWlN 1.00R 31.06 070197 1W707 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. B.OOR 114.54 070197 199707 167 BYRER, BRAIUY JO 1.00R 46.50 070197 1W707 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 6.00R 85.91 070757 19'1707 196 DARRINrnlt• ROBER B. OM 310.69 070'1!17 199707 • 93 lillY. RlJR.D J. 2.008 127.12 010'1!11 1W707 193 lillY' IIHl.D J. B.OOR 396.24 070'1!17 19'1707 16 01 rRER UfllfltATtlll EETAIL Flit IllS tomi FRllt 189301 1lRl.IGi 209312 IR( lED ::s7708 9£TTI9M ADDITilNIL POElPlANT MINTENAN:E TYPE: MINTElWI:E EXPENSES STAn.JS: IJIEN DIAl&: INTEREST: N BILLAIILE ICTT "'l BlDE'ED AC1lR. RafAININi tD.RS toe! toe! IIR LABm _ UDTIN.EDI 194._ DARRitfil'IJI, ROBER 2.008 192 ~. notAS N. 2.008 193 IXJTY, IUW..D J. 2.008 196 DARRitfil'IJI, ROBER 5.000 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 4.000 193 IXJTY, IUW..D J. 8.000 192 ~. notAS N. 2.008 193 IXJTY, RIJW.D J. 10.008 192 OSI!I:fiN, TIDfAS N. 2.008 192 ~. notAS N. 3.008 193 OOTY I RDtW.D J. u. 008 192 DSllRf, THIJIAS N. 4. 008 193 oorv. llltW.D J. 12.oo8 192 OS!DlN, TIDfAS N. 2.008 193 oorv. RtJW.D J. 10.008 196 MRRitfil'IJI, ROBER 2.008 196 DARRitfil'IJI, ROBER 8.000 193 IXJTY, RONI1..D J. 5.000 192 OS!DlN, notAS N. 2.008 193 oorv. ROrW..D J. 2.008 196 DARRIJ~il'a., ROBER 2.008 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 2. 008 193 IXJTY, RONALD J. 2.008 196 DARRIJ~il'a., ROBER 8.00R 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 8.00R 192 ~. Tlii1AS N. 2.008 192 DSllRf, notAS N. B.OOR 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 2. 008 192 DSllRf, TIOIAS N. 8.000 192 ~. TIOIAS N. 2.008 196 DARRitli'lllf, ROBER 8.000 196 DARRitfil'IJI, ROBER 1.008 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 8.00R 193 DOTY, RONALD J. 1. 008 196 DMRINiil"'JJ, ROBER 6.00R 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 8.00R 192 IJSJimN, TIDfAS N. 2.008 192 ~. notAS N. 8.008 196 DMRiflillW, ROBER B.OOR 192 DSllRf, llOtAS N. 10.008 196 DARRitfil'IJI, ROBER 2.008 193 oorv. RONALD J. 2.008 193 DOTY, 1DR.D J. 2. 008 196 I:MRitlil'IJI, ROBER 2.00R 192 1J31BN, TIOIAS N. 6.008 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 8.000 192 OSBJlN, 1lii1A5 N. 3. 008 t93 IXJTY, RONAL.D J. 2.008 192 DSllRf, 1lii1A5 N. 3.508 liUGitA.. REVISED • BUOOET • am ISSI.ED: 010197 ESTIMATED CIJFLETIIJI: 123197 OOJI-ACTUil. ~INirli BUIJ:iET- IERED $ COSTS AIIIJNT PERCENT 99.68 124.62 127.12 194.18 'S1.27 396.24 124.62 635.62 124.62 186.93 699.18 249.23 762.74 124.62 635.62 99.68 310.69 247.65 124.62 127.12 99.68 52.n 127.12 310.69 114.54 124.62 388.42 52.n 388.42 124.62 310.69 49.84 114.54 63.56 233.01 114.54 124.62 498.47 310.69 623.09 99.68 127.12 127.12 n.67 373.85 114.54 186.93 127.12 218.08 LAST ACTIVITY CIJfll.ET£ 070297 070297 070397 070397 070397 070397 070397 070497 070497 070597 070597 070697 070697 070197 070197 070897 070897 070897 070897 070897 070997 070997 070997 070997 070997 070997 070997 071097 071097 071097 071097 071097 071097 071097 071197 071197 071197 071197 071'197 071297 071'197 071'197 071397 071397 071397 071497 071497 071497 071497 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 1W707 199707 199707 199707 199707 1W707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 17 liB IllER Ihf'IJRMTilJI IETAIL Fm IllS tOn'H fR(Jt 199J01 TlfOJGi 209312 :R IllER B7708 fJ£TTISM ADDITIOW. PIJERPlANT MINTENAta TYPE: MINTewa EXPElflES STATl.S: IPEN IS!iED: 010197 BIUAII.£ QiAREE INTEREST: N ESTIHATED CIIFLETilJI: 123197 CTl\' liUDI£TED ACnR. REMINitf) IJUSINil. REVISED 0011-ACTUtL -flEJtAININ3 llJOOET-LAST ATEIJ.Ir\t 10.16 JIIRi JIIRi $ llJOOET $COOT BERED $ lllSTS AIOJfT PERCENT ACTIVITY CIJfl.ETE -- IR I.ABIJl _ CClJITitlED) 201_ERIKSCN, ERIC E. 2.008 52.77 071497 19'1707 111 SAltS, DALE R. 8.~ 407.89 071497 19'1707 196 DARRINiml', ROBER 2.~ 77.67 071497 19'1707 200 E14IN6, EWIN l.:iOB 69.'1!1 .071497 1'11707 200 EWIN3, EWIN 8.~ 248.47 071497 19'1707 111 SMS, DAI.E R. 1.508 98.15 071497 19'1707 196 DARRitfi'Tm., ROBER 6.~ 233.01 071597 1'11707 111 SMS, DAI.E R. J.OOB 196.'1!1 071597 19'1707 192 [SDN, 1ID1AS N. 8.~ 388.42 071597 1'11707 111 SMS, DAI.E R. a.~ 407.89 071597 1'11707 200 EWIN6. EWIN 3.008 138.58 071597 19'1707 201 ERIKseN, ERIC E. 8.~ 114.54 071597 19'1707 200 EWIN3, EWIN 8.~ 248.47 071597 19'1707 196 DARRitmlJI, ROBER J.~ 116.51 071697 19'1707 193 OOTY, 111NA1..D J. 4.~ 198.12 071697 19'1707 201 ERIKseN, ERIC E. 4.~ 57.27 071697 19'1707 193 IXJTY. IUA.D J. 5.~ 247.65 071797 1'11707 193 IXJTY. I'OiLD J. 4.008 254.25 071'117 19'1707 193 IXJTY I fOW.D Jo 5.008 317.81 072097 1'11707 196 DARRitmlJI, ROBER 2.008 99.68 on197 19'1707 193 IXJTY' fOW.D J. 1.008 63.56 on197 1'11707 '96 DARRitmlJI, ROBER 1.508 74.76 on197 19'1707 .l01 ERIKseN, ERIC E. 4.~ 57.27 on197 19'1707 193 1XJTY. ruw.D J. 2.508 158.91 OTJ1!17 19'1707 196 DARRitmlJI, ROBER 2.508 124.60 072'i!17 19'1707 192 IJii!IB, 1ID1AS N. 2.508 155.77 On'i!11 19'1707 196 DARRIN&Ttlh ROBER J.~ 116.51 OTJ1!17 1'11707 193 IXJTY. IUA.D J. 4.~ 198.12 OTJ1!17 19'1707 201 ERIKseN, ERIC E. a.~ 114.54 OTJ1!17 19'1707 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 3.008 79.16 072'i!17 19'1707 196 DARRitfi'Tm., ROBER 8.~ 310.69 onJ97 19'1707 201 ERIKseN, ERIC E. 2.508 65.96 072397 1'11707 196 DARRitmlJI, ROBER 2.508 124.60 072397 1'11707 192 CJS~~Rf, 1tiJtAS N. 2.508 155.77 072397 19'1707 201 ERIKseN, ERIC E. 8.~ 114.54 072397 19'1707 193 IXJTY. I'UW.D J. 2.008 127.12 072397 19'1707 192 CSII(Rt, 1ID1AS N. a.~ 388.42 OTZJ97 19'1707 201 ERIKseN, ERIC E. a.~ 114.54 072497 19'1707 192 QSIIN, TJOIAS N. 4.~ 194.21 on497 19'1707 196 DARRitmlJI, RDBER J.~ 116.:51 on497 19'1707 201 ERIKseN. ERIC E. 5.008 131.93 on497 19'1707 201 ERIKseN, ERIC E. 2.008 52.77 072597 19'1707 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 8.~ 114.54 on:m 19'1707 193 IXJTY. IIINAI..D J. 1.008 63.56 on:m 19'1707 196 DARRJtmlJI,. ROBER 1.~ 38.84 On6V7 19'1707 196 DARRJtmlJI, ROBER 1.508 74.76 onm 1'11707 196 DARRitmlJI, ROBER J.~ 116.51 onm 19'1707 93 IXJTY. IIINAI..D J. 0.508 31.78 onm 19'1707 L 93 IXJTY' IDW.D J. 2.008 127.12 072897 19'1707 18 till IJUER Irt=OINTI~ IETAIL Fm lt:JS l'llfTH FRtM 189301 llflJ.JGi 209312 IR( IJUER l17708 stETTISHII'I ADDITICIW. PmERPIJtNT I'IAINTENAfa TYPE: I'IAINTBWIE EXPEJE STArus: !FEN BIUAIU QIIR(:E INTEREST: N ICTJ BtDETED ACTlR. REMININi (JUSINAL REVISED :ATEbu<Y tiUS JGJm ID.ItS t IDlET • am HR I.AI!(R -(COO'ItiElU 194. DAIIU~. RIJBER 2.000 196 DMRit«iTTJi, RIJBER 2. 008 201 ERIISEN, ERIC E. 4.000 196 DMRI~. RIJBER B.OOR 192 t:ISBI:Rf, 11DIAS N. B.OOR 193 IXJTY, RIJW..D J. 0.508 192 11511£R1, 111M N. 0.508 196 DMRI~. ROBER 0.508 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 2.00R 193 IXJTY, RIJW..D J. 3.000 196 DMRitfilm, RIJBER B.OOR 196 DMRIN~i'J'm, lllBER 5.508 192 1.'151Um, notAS N. 5.50B 193 OOTY, RfHl.D J. J. 008 196 DMRI~. lllBER J.OOR 43 RfM, Jlllfi I. J.OOR 193 JXJTY, RfHl.D J. 6.008 192 llSil!R, 1lDIAS N. 6.008 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. J.OOR 140 tllJ'I, EDWARD N. J.OOR 193 IXJTY, IOR.D J. 3.00R 196 DMRI flmlf, ROBER J. OOR 193 JXJTY, RONIUJ J. 5.008 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 4.00R 196 DMRIN&TIJt, ROBER -B.OOR 192 ~. TtDtAS N. 2.00B 196 DMRI~. ROBER -5.508 193 JXJTY, RlltW.D J. 1.008 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. 2.008 201 ERIKSEN, ERIC E. B.OOR IIR~ IIR Pt.KHASES J5B4 II'IART VAU.EY WilER VAU.EY WilER IEl TA WEStERN IXJt ABEL 3584 II'IART IELTA ALASKA ..a.ESrU CMERr:r. PUIIBIN6 AND a.ACIER I'IARit£ TR11NSP1Jrr QM.ES MATTS aJFANY QM.ES MATTS CIJftNY PERSERVEJWa ti.A$ CMERr:r. PUIIBING AND 3S84 KI'IART "(' S PllltBUii H563495 103427 103410 3'm88 98743 H166049 119067 2ZIJ7 71240226 203857 20JB58 31cm 22563 H166050 167'167 00.1'1- BERED ISSlED: 010197 ESTII'IITED Coo.ETIIJt: 123197 ACTUtL ;.;etAINitfi II.IOOET- $COSTS AlllJf1' PERCENT 77.67 99.60 57.27 310.69 388.42 31.78 31.15 24.92 28.64 148.59 310.69 274.11 342.70 190.69 116.51 164.58 381.37 373.85 42.95 139.51 148.59 116.51 317.81 57.27 -310.69 124.62 -274.11 63.56 52.77 114.54 36.473.40 36.473-ot 25.16 138.40 553.60 67.57 180.93 44.06 695.21 106.77 749.80 6299.50 800.00 588.00 97.69 31.45 74.76 LAST ACTIVITY flltJl.ETt: 072'J97 199707 072'J97 199707 072'J97 199707 0Tm7 199707 07m7 199707 07m7 199707 0Tm1 199707 07m1 199707 07JfJ97 199707 073097 199707 073097 199707 OT3097 199707 073097 199707 OT!1111 199707 073197 199707 073197 199707 073197 199707 073197 199707 073197 199707 073197 199707 073197 199707 080197 199708 080197 199708 080197 199708 000197 199708 080197 199708 080197 199708 080397 199708 080497 199708 080497 199708 080497 01 000697 199706 000697 199706 000697 199706 -'0607'f7 199706 061097 199706 061097 199706 061197 199706 061297 199706 061297 199706 061297 199706 061297 199706 061397 199706 061397 199706 061697 199706 061897 199706 19 NR tR£R UFORMTII:t4 IETAIL Fm IllS PIJffif ~ 189301 1'lfO.&i 209312 (R( lRER B7708 Sr£TTISHM ADDITI[JW. POE'RPl.ANT I'IAINTENAta TYPE: I'IAINTENAN:E EXPENSES STAllS: 1J3EH BILI.AII..E DMGE IM'TEREST: N CTII' ' lllDETED ACTIA. RatAINII'ti CIUGitA. REVISED :ATEt:a... t RlRS RJ.RS RlRS • lllll£T ' am IIR PlRCIWiES (QJ{Tlti.ED) · mAST~!-t£LUXfTfmi, ltc. tt::MST8H"ItRR mASTII. I£LUlPTERS, tr«:. tw: PRmJ:JS, nc. 3584 KI'IART TYLER RENTII., Itc. CAPilli. Jll1"'0S II* ABEl. II* ABEl. WUEY lliTD PARTS TYLER RENTII.. It£. IE1. TA ETERN l'l:lfAS1'ER-CM OON AlB. II* ABEl. ID4 ABEl. 3584 KtiART ERIC ERICISC* GAS'N m OWILES MATTS ClJf'ANY EUFTia. FREI£HT I ... SAFETY SIJIPL y .. SAFETY SIJIPL y .D11 &ITKIN PTI ll!IIUUCATIDNS YAUEY WilER alSTCO QWUS MATTS ClJf'ANY YfU.EY WilER TYLER RENTII.. Itc. II* A1U 3584 KtiART WUEV WilER LAB SAFETY SIJ'Pl Y DJ6l'Rli:Tia. tiACHitaY ' Ill:. tEllBAlER BISIERII'ti a:JASTII. t£LUlPTERS, It£. 6RAYBM B.ECTRIC CD., IN:. LAB SAFETY SIJIPL Y GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CD. , It«:. ~ESTERN MITD ~ESTERN MITD a:JASTII. t£LIDPTERS, IN:. 3584 KtiART QWUS MATTS ctiFANV ll.ACIER I'IARif£ TRIHiPI:m' TYLER RENT II., It«:. f" '13M EL.ECTRIC CD. , IN:. L......, A tt.ASKA IIII.EStLE 7960 7499388 7'170 200455 H165903 251'2!1 bwr7'11 10JB45 103946 5101896 55033 380226 75761Sb 104273 104757 104626 H1b5909 48323 OliJOW 101514 961 101527 101527 247 79S84 104448 48342 101514 104633 55163 107578 H165921 104623 101527 RJ04S74 12013 01111 166428242 1063167 166428449 12493 12491 01124 H166054 205010 712902129NB 25998 101549 101550 ISSLED: 0101'17 ESTIMATED CIJRETIIJf: 1231'17 001'1-AC1U4l. -REMINII'ti !liiEET- BERED f COSTS AIIU4T PERCENT 121.80 94.00 59.00 -121.80 -180.25 36.38 215.99 562.50 278.33 408.00 2265.00 11.01 33.08 15.80 20.65 39.55 34.87 78.75 22.52 1J.n 139.18 25.55 94.25 8.06 25.07 174.17 2494.50 3200.00 22.02 1on.62 32.71 51.91 250.00 13.94 99.16 204.67 7875.00 83.25 562.50 342.55 180.25 48.13 18.88 136.48 625.00 11.95 121.80 33.00 187.43 LAST ACTIVITY llJft.ETE 061997 0620'17 0620'17 062t1r1 06'lJll7 06'lJll7 06'lJll7 06'lJll7 06'lJll7 062JW 062JW 062497 0624'17 0624'17 06Z!II1 06Z!II1 0627'17 062797 063097 070'1!17 0704'17 . 070897 070897 070997 061697 063097 070'1!17 070'1!17 070397 070397 070397 070l97 070l97 070897 070897 071197 071497 071497 071497 071597 071597 071597 071697 0716'17 071797 071797 071897 072197 072197 1CJ9706 1CJ9706 1CJ9706 1CJ9706 1CJ9706 1CJ9706 1CJ9706 1CJ9706 1CJ9706 1CJ9706 1CJ9706 1CJ9706 199706 1CJ9706 199706 1CJ9706 199706 199706 199706 1CJ9706 199706 199706 199706 199706 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 19W07 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 199707 20 11R CRIER Irt=O'RMTitll IETAIL FtR IIJS IOffif FRIJI 189301 1lRI.IIil 20'9312 IIJ!K CRIER EB17tll st£TTI9M ADDITIIJA. PlJERPUWt' I'IAINTENAta 'TYPE: I'IAINTENAM:E EXPENSES STAn.JS: tHN ISSI£D: 010197 BIL1.AII..E DIARIE INTEIET: N ESTIMTED ctiFI.ETIIJ4: 123197 ACTl' BUOOETED ACttR. RSIAININI IIU61Nil. REVISED ENltl-AC1WV.. ~INitfi BUI&T-LAST CATEI:Lnt IDE IDE IDE • aJ1X£T S liST EOED • llE1'S AIDJfT PERCENT ACTIVITY CIJFt£TE DIR PlRCHASES UDfTiti.ED) IELTA JLASIA mESilE 101550 128.79 ont97 199707 &RAYBM B.ETRIC m. , It«:. 101549 -342.55 on197 199707 IELTA IUSKA mESilE 101550 254.80 on197 199707 &RAYBM B.ETRIC aJ., It«:. 101549 22.00 ontrn 199707 &RAYBM B.ETRIC aJ., It«:. 101549 -48.13 ontrn 199707 IELTA IUSKA IHl.ES4U 101550 257.58 ontrn 199707 6RAYBM ELECTRIC aJ., It«:. 101549 285.30 on 1m 199707 IESTERN M'D 13823 173.25 on197 199707 &RAYBM ELECTRIC aJ. , It«:. 101549 528.80 on197 199707 HARIU PUJIIINI &: I£ATINI 13003 157.50 on197 199707 ~ESTERN M'D 12904 68.29 . onm 199707 IESTERN M'D 14000 10.71 on497 199707 J584 KMRT H165'163 35.16 072897 199707 WUEY UI'IBER 101575 86.85 000197 199707 WUEY WilER 101575 79.00 000197 199707 DIR PlftOIASES 1.478 32.880.67 34,358--0% 000197 0'1 15 REPAIR CRATER LAK 1.478 59.601.83 61.079-0% "000497 ox IL •• CRIER TDT{LS 1.478 59.601.83 61.079-0% 080497 O'l 21