HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlacier Ablation on Snettisham Hydro Project 1986J(tN-·T DD<3 EFFECT OF GLACIER ABLATION UN THE SNETTISHAM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LONG LAKE AND CRATER LAKE BASINS, ALASKA with a section on STREAMFLOW RECORDS . Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS , ALASKA DlSTRICI' UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTFRIOF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY EFFECT OF GLACIER ABLATION ON THE SNETTISHAM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT, LONG LAKE AND CRATER LAKE BASINS, ALASKA By Charles E. Sloan, Philip A. Emery, and Diana Fair wHh a section on STREAMFLOW RECORDS By Robert D. Lamke Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4315 Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, ALASKA DISTRICT Anchora~e. Alaska 1986 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DONALD PAUL HODEL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director For additional information write to: District Chief U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division 4230 University Drive, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99508-4664 ii Copies of this report can be purchased from: Open-FiJe Services Section Western Distribution Branch Box 25425, Federal Center Denver, Colorado 80225 Telephone (303) 236-7476 CONTENTS Abstract .......................................................... . Introduction ....................................................... . Description and location of study area •.••.••...••..•••.•.•.••• Purpose of the study ......•...•..••••.•....•..••..•...••. ; •••.. Study methods ...................................................... . Glacier activity .................................................... . Effects of glacier ablation on runoff .••..•..•••..•••.•••.••..••.••. Streamflow records ................................................. . Introduction .................................................. . History ....................................................... . Streamflow analysis ........................................... . Results ....................................................... . Conclusions ............................................................ . References cited ................................................... . Plate Figure ILLUSTRATIONS I. Map showing areas of perennial snow and ice in Crater Lake and Long Lake basins, Alaska 1. Map of location of the study area and gaging Page 1 ] 1 3 3 4 10 12 12 13 13 15 22 22 stations.............................................. 2 2-6. 2. 3. Photographs of: "New" lake neRr the upper end of Long Lake and its tributary glaciers, August 23, 1984 ...•••••.•..•••.... "Sideways" glacier in tributary valley to Long River, 5 August 23, 1984....................................... 6 4. Valley glacier at head of Crater Creek, August 23, 1984 .•••....••.....•.......•........•...••.... " . It • • • • • 7 5. Snow conditions on "Bench" glacier tributary to "New" lake, August, 23, 1984.......................... 8 6, Late summer snow line approximating extent of glacier cover in Long Lake basin, August 23, 1984............. 9 TABLES Table 1. Available aerial photography.............................. 3 2. Area in square miles measured on maps compilerl from aerial photographs........................................ 10 3. Summary of streamflow data in the Daily Values File of 4-9. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. WATSTORE. . • • . • • • • . . • • . . . . . . . • . • . • • . • • . . • • • . . • • . . . . . • . . . . . . 12 Data for gaging stations "near Juneau": Sweetheart Creek (15030000) ••..•••.••••••.•••..•.....•..• Long Lake Outlet (15032000) ......•••.•••.••...•...••...•. Long River ( 1503<'!000) ...•..•.•.....••..••...•.........•.. Speel River (15036000) ••....•••..•••.•••..•.••••..•.•..•. Crater Creek (15038000) ••..•.•..••...•...•.•..•..•....... Dorothy Creek (15040000) ..•.•...•..•••.•...••..••..•..... iii 16 17 18 19 20 21 CONVERSION TABLE Hultiply to obtain inch (in.) 25.40 millimeter (mm) foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m) mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer (km) square foot (ft 2 ) 0.09294 square meter (m2) square mile (mi 2 ) 7..590 square kilometer (km 2 ) acre-foot (acre-ft) 1,7.33 cubic meter (m3) cubic foot per second 0.02832 cubic meter per second (ft 3 /s) (m 3 /s) degree Fahrenheit (oF) °C=5/9 ( °F-32) degree Celsius (oC) iv EFFECT OF GLACIER ABLATION ON THE SNETTISHAM FYDROELECTRIC PROJECT, LONG LAKE AND CRATER LAKE BASINS, ALASKA By Charles E. Sloan, Philip A. Emery, and Diana Fair ABSTRACT Long Lake basin in the Snettisham Project Area southeast of Juneau, Alaska, yields water used for the production of hydroelectric power. Development of adjacent Crater Lake is planned to increase the Project's generating capacity. Estimates of the hydroelectric potential of the lakes are basec on streamflow records which are influenced by glaciers that cover 25 percent of the combined basins. Analysis of strenmflow records shows that the quality and extent of records in the area are sufficient to predict flow from the Crater Creek basin with a fairly high degree of confidence. Comparison of aerial photographs indicates that glacier ablation and recession have been continuous since at least 1929. Estimates of ice-volume change from photogrammetric measurements indicate that less than 2. 5 percent of the average runoff from the basins of Long and Crater Lakes ha.s been from reduction in glacier-ice storage. INTRODUCTION Description and Location of Studv Area Long Lake and Crater Lake basins (fig. 1) are located about 30 mi southeast of Juneau, Alaska in the Tongass National Forest. Long Lake supplies water by means of a lake tap through a tunnel to the Snettisham hydroelectric power plant. The Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, pJans to construct an additional lake tap and tunnel from Crater Lake in the near future to ado to the capacity of Snettisham in order to meet the growing demand for electridty in the Juneau area. Long Lake and Crater Lake occupy deep glacially scoured troughs surrounded by steep glacier-clad mountains. The lakes are in the maritime zone characterized by a wet, cool, and cloudy climate. The high div1des of their respective basins form a barrier to storms from the North Pacific Ocean, providing an orographic effect and causing unusually high precipitation. Aver;:~ge annual precipitation is about 140 in/yr at the SnetU sham power plant at sea 1 evel, and is estimated to be 230 in/yr in the Crater Lake drainage basin, only a mile away. Average monthly temperatures range from 25 °F in January to 55 °F in July at Snettisham (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1979, map No. 30). ALASKA 133030' JUNEAU EXPLANATION A. Gaging station Drainage basin boundary Glacier 0 5 MILES 0 5 KILOMETERS Figure 1.--Location of the study area and gaging stations. - Purpose of the Study Design of the Snettlsham Project is based, in part, on estimates of water yield from the drainage basins of Long and Crater Lakes. Owing to the absence of adequate precipitation data in the area, these estimates of water yield are based on gaging-station records for Crater Creek and Long River and by correlation with other nearby gaging stations. An analysis of the streamflow records to verify their accuracy and validity is described in a section of this report titled Streamflow Records. Glacier ablation in the basins of Long and Crater Lakes has provided a previously unquantified component of the streamflow. Estimates of the contribution to the flow of Crater Creek and Long River by ice-volume reduction from glacit~l recession were required to see if this is a significant component. The purpose of this study was to estimate the magnitude of this component of runoff from the area. If ice melt is a large effect, then changes in long-term glacier dynamics aDd balance would be important to basin yield. This report presents an analysis of glacier activity in the basins of Long and Crater Lakes and estimates of the contribution to stream£] mJ from change in ice storage. STUDY METHODS The changes in ~lacier-ice vo~ ume within Long and Crater Lake has ins were estimated by analyzing aerial photography (table 1). Table 1.--Avai]<tble aerial photography Type Approximate scale Date Black and white trimetragon 1:19,000 Summer 1929 Black and white vertical 1:40,000 August 1948 Black and white vertical 1:16,000 July 1962 Black and white vertical 1:30,000 August 196l. Color vertical 1:16,000 August 1977 Color infrared vertical 1:60,000 August 1979 Black and white vertical 1:120,000 August 1979 Color verU.cal 1:24,000 September 1984 Seasonal snow masked the boundaries of perennial snow and ice in some of the aerial photography. This effect was most pronounced in 1964, when Crater Lake was still ice covered at the time of the photography in August and there was extensive J seasonal snow cover throughout the basin. The masking effects of seasonal snow cover were least in the tri.r:1etragon photography of 1929, the black and white vertical photography of 1948, and the color photography of September 1984. Areas of perennial snow and ice and basin boundaries were delineated on the 1948, 1979 color-infrared, and 1984 aerial photographs. A base map (plate I) for compilation of the delineations was prepared by en] arging a portion of the Taku River A-6 quadrangle from a scale of 1:63,360 to 1:31,680. Attempts to transfer information from the photographs to the base map using a B.:msch and Lomb ZT-3 Zoom Transfer Scope were unsuccessful because of the extreme distortion in the photographs caused by the high vertical relief in the area. The photogrammetry laboratory of the U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Division, in Denver, Colorado used a high resolution, PG-2 precision plotting instrument to do the necessary plotting and measurements. As an initial test of the methodology, delineated areas of snow and ice were transferred from the 1948 and 1979 photography to the base map. Nine selected glacier cross sections (plate I) also were measured on these photographs to determine change in ice thickness. The method used was efficient and practical in its application. A map of snow and ice was prepared from the September 1984 photography to show glad er conditions as they currently exist. Because> the 1984 photography haa less snow masking than the 1979 photography, the pedod 1948 to 1984 was selected to quantify the change :In ice volume. The snow and ice shown on the 1929 trimetragon photography was also plotted in selected areas using a stereoscope for comparison of snow and ice extent earlier in time. A reconnaissance field trip of the aren Has made in August 1984 to field check snow and ice conditions. Photofraphs of selected lers and glacial features (f • 2-6) were taken on the ground and from a helicopter at the tjme. GLACIER ACTIVITY Accumulation to the valley glaciers in the Long and Crater Lake basins is ma:Lnly by snow and ice avalanches clown the steep valley sides from the adjacent r Glacier retreat is well exhibiterl at "New" lake (fig. 2), which was the site of a large continuous glacier in 1929 (see plate I). In 1948 "New" lake was about two-thirds occupied by a glacier that was cut off from its western tributary, "Bench" glacier (fig. 5). "Sideways" glader (fig. 3) another example of glacier activfty, is being supplled asymmetrically along its length by avalanches from the valley side and its movement is controlled by melt along the north side of the valley so that it is flowing at rjght angles to the axis of the valley. ("Sideways" and "Bench" glaciers, and "New" lake are informal names used in this report to identify unnamed features.) The termtnus of "Bench" glacier is jn about the same position in 1984 as it was in 1948 because it rests at the brink of a very steep slope that causes ice-fa]l avalanches to the lower valley. Snow and ice boundartes in the accumulation areas alon~ the high ridges nlso have the same approx:Lmate positions now as they have had since 1929 because the over-steepened valley walls cause the ice and snow to avalanche from the ridges. 4 Figure 2.--"New" lake near the upper end of Long Lake, and it:; tributary glaciers, August 23, 1984. 5 Figure 3.--"Sideways" glacier in tributary valley to Long River, August 23, 1984. 6 I I I I I I I .~·~-.. . Figure 4.--A valley glacier at head of Crat~r Creek, August 23, 1984. 7 I I Figure 5.--Snow conditions on "Bench" glacier tributary to "New" lake, August 23, 1984. 8 I ~-· Figure 6.--Late summer snow line approximating extent of glacier cover in Long Lake basin, August 23, 1984. 9 EFFECTS OF GLACIER ABLATION ON RUNOFF The presence of glaciers in a watershed has several effects on runoff. First, glaciers usually have a moderating effect on runoff extremes. Glacier runoff tends to be greatest during sunny weather, whereas nonglacial runoff tends to be greatest during cloudy weather with rainfall. Ras1ns with a mixture of glacier and nonglacier areas such as Long Lake and Crater Lake basins have lower variability of streamflow because of these opposite trends. Also, glaciers occupy are<ts with relatively high precipitation and thus are sources of higher runoff. Mayo (1984) estimates that runoff from glacier basins in the maritime regions of Alaska is about twice that of nonglac:fCll basins. Finally, as glaciers grow or shrink, storage changes within the glaciers will affect runoff. The magnitude of the effect is a function of the volume of storage change over the period of time in which the change occurs. The glaciers within Long and Crater Lake basins have undergone recession and reduction in ice volume since they were first photographed from the air in 1929, and probably since the latter part of the 19th century if their behavior was similar to that of most glaciers in southeastern Alaska. Glacier ice and perennial snow covered about 25 percent of the combined area of Crater Lake and Long Lake basins in September 1984, compared to 30 percent in August 1948 (tab] e 2). This represents <'l. reduction of snow and ice area of 2.19 mi 2 over a span of 36 years. Much of the reduction in area of snow and ice occur- red at lower altitudes. The greatest change in ice thickness also occurred at altitudes below 2,500 ft. Above an altitude of about 2,500 ft, there have been comparatively small changes in area and thickness of snow and ice. Table 2.--Area in square miles measured on maps compiled from aerial photographs Basin and area Crater Lake Drainage area Snow and ice Long Lake Drainage area Snow and ice Total snow and ice August 1948 11.27 3.19 30.11 9.38 12.57 September 1984 11.28 2.81 30.13 7.57 10.38 The total area covered by perennial snow and ice in the two basins decreased from 12.57 mi 2 in 1948 to 10.38 mi 2 in 1984. Ice-thickness reduction at the cross sections (plate I) across the ice tongues and valley glaciers ~veragerl about 140 ft during the same time span. Applying a thickness reduction of 140 ft to the area of permanent ice and snow below and altitude of 2,500 ft in 1948 (2.61 mi 2 ) results in ice loss from 1948 to 1984 equal to 1.12 x 10 10 ft 3 • The recluction in ice volume above 2,500 ft is estimated to be equal to that below 2,500 ft --a lesser thick- 10 ness change, but the area of higher altitude glaciers is about four times as great as that of lower valley glaciers. The loss of this much ice, 2.04 x 10 10 ft 3 , would contribute an average of 16 ft 3 /s to streamflow over the 36-year period (1948-84). This amounts to an average annua] yield of about 11,700 acre-ft of water, or a total yield for the period of record, 1948 to 1984, of about 421,000 acre-ft. The combined average discharge from the two basins is about 650 ft 3 / s (see tables 6 and 8 later in the text). The estimated runoff contributed by glacier recession is about 2.5 percent of the total runoff. This estimate is subject to an unquantified error in photogrammetric measurement that is probably small with regard to area, but may be large with regard to thickness. A larger factor of uncertainty rests in the judgment of how accurately the thickness reduction applies to the glacier area. Stereoscopic examination indicates that little thickness change has occurred in the higher altitude glaciers along the divides. The estimate of 2.5 percent of the avera?,e flow seems reasonable, and is probably on the Jarge side, but should be considered only a "ballpark" figure. Even if twice the estimated amount of ice was lost, glacial melt would amount to only 5 percent of the average·annual flow. 1 1 STREAMFLOW RECORDS by Robert D. Lamke Introduction Streamflow data were collected at U.S. Geological Survey station 15038000, Crater Creek near Juneau, from February 1913 to December 1932 (records are fragmentary from January 1921 to June 1927). Streamflow data were collected also at five nearby stream-ga~ing stations at various times within the 1913-32 period (table 3). Data are also available for some of the sites after 1932. Analysis of the quality of the data collected in the 1913-32 period was made and the discharge records were entered in the U.S. Geological Survey's WATSTORE Daily Values File. These records can be used to estimate discharges to fill in the fragmentary record of Crater Creek during 1913-32 and to extend the Crater Creek record during the 1933-68 period. Table 3.--Gaging stations and periods of record in the Daily Values File of HATSTORE Station number 15030000 15032000 15034000 15036000 15038000 15040000 Station name Period of record in WATSTORE [Water years, or partial (f) water years] Sweetheart Creek near Juneau 1 915 f , 1 916 , 191 7 f , 1918 f , and 1919-27 LonR Lake 0utlet near Jupeau Long River near Juneau Speel River near Juneau Crater Creek near Juneau Dorothy Creek near Juneau 12 1913f' 1914-15' 1916f 1916-24, 1927f, 1928-32, 1933f, 1951-73 1916f, 1917-18, 1960f, and 1961-75 1913f, 1914-20, 1921£, 1923f, 1924f, 1927f, 1928-32, 1933f 1930-41, 1942f, 1943, 1944f, 1945-67, 1968f History Gaging stations were established in January 1913 at the outlets of Long and Crater Lakes by FPC (Federal Power Commission) applicants. These stations were operated until 1921 by the Speel River Project, in cooperation wfth the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Forest Service. Station 15032000, Long Lake outlet, was moved downstream on November 10, 1915 ancl established as Station 15034000, Long River. During water years 1914-33, discharge data were sporadically collected at three other sites in the vicinity of Long and Crater Lakes. The USGS established Station 15030000, Sweetheart Creek, in August 1915. Station 15036000, Speel River, was operated from July 1916 to September 1918 by the Speel River Project. The Geological Survey discontinued its participation in the operation of these stations in April 1921. The Forest Service continued to operate these stations at a reduced level of effort for the FPC until 1927. In 1927, another FPC applicant, George T. Cameron, applied for a power license on Crater and Long Lakes, and the stations on Crater Creek and Long River were operateil in conjunction with the Forest Service until 1933. During this same period, Mr. Cameron applied for a power license on Dorothy Creek, a stream adjacent to the Long River drainage. Station 15040000, Dorothy Creek, "1as established in October 1929. This station was openttecl by the Forest Service until 1946 and subsequently, through December 1967 by the Geological Survey. The USGS reactivated Stations 15034000, Long River, and 15036000, Speel River, in October 1951 and May 1960, respectively. Discharge data have been published in various reports of the Geological Survey of which Bulletin 836-C, "Surface Water Supply of Southern Alaska, 1909-30" (Henshaw, 1933) and Wate-Supply Paper (WSP) 1372, "Compilation of Records of Quantity and Quality of Surface Waters of Alaska through September 1950" (U.S. Geological Survey, 195 7) are of principal interest. Additional information is included in "Report to Federal Power Commission on Water Powers of Southeastern Alaska" (Dart, 1924) and in "Water Powers Southeast Alaska" (Federal Power Commis- sion and U.S. Forest Service, 1947). Streamflow Analysis Streamflow records collectecl prior to 1946 in Alaska are summarizen as monthly mean flows in WSP 1372. Prior to publication of WSP 1372, the origtnal data and computations of discharge at all stream-gaging stations in Alaska were reviewed and some computations were revised. If the quality of the record seemed poor and if revision of the discharges was not feRsible or practj cal, the data were not included in WSP 1372. For some stations, discharges were estimated to complete the record for a month or a water year. Streamflow data for these years were published as monthly summaries in WSP 1372. The WATSTORE system (Hutchinson, 1975) of the Geological Survey will store only daily values and has no provision for entry of monthly summaries. Many daily discharges for years prior to 1946 were never entered into the Daily Values File, although the daily discharge values were available from the original worksheets and from notes made during the 1950 compilation analysis. Some discharges for the periods of missing daily record in the original computations were estimated as 13 totals for the period or the monthly totals vJere estimated. These totals were estimated by comparison with daily discharge records at nearby stations, if available. In the process of determining dnily flows for periods of missing record, least-squares regression equations for each month were computed using available daily discharge values for the station record being analyzed as a function of the actual record at a nearby station (or stations) (Lamke, 1984, p. 37-45). These equations were then used as guides in estimating daily discharges for the station of interest. If daily discharges during a period of missing record did not vary greatly or if records were not available for the nearby stations, average values for the missing record periods were entered into the WATSTORE Daily V8lues File. Daily discharge values for all the months show"TI in table 3 and in WSP 1372 are now stored in WATSTORE. Discharge values for periods of missing record at Crater Creek were estimated by comparing with records at Long River and conversely, Crater Creek records were used to estimate missing records of daily discharge at Long River. The daily discharges at these stations in adjacent basins have a cross-correlation coefficient of 0.78. For concurrent periods of missing record at Crater Creek and Long River, the record at Sweetheart Creek was used to estimate discharge~ at those stations. Crater Creek and Long River daily ci scharges have cross-correlation coefficients of 0. 55 and 0. 74, respectively, with dailf discharges at Sweetheart Creek. The Sweetheart Creek station had less Missing record than the stations at Crater Creek and Long River. A correlation coefficient is a measure of how well the data fit the linear relation between variables. The term "cross" correlation coefficient is used herein to denote that the daily discharges were transformed to remove seasonal trends before the linear relation was calculated (see Lamke, 1984, p. 52-53). The dai]y flows for each day of the year were standardized by subtracting the mean for that day of the year and dividing by the standard deviation for that day of the year. If the daily discharges were not transformed, the resultant correlation coefficient for Crater Creek and Long River js 0.96 and the resultant correlation coefficients of Crater Creek and Long River with Sweetheart Creek are 0.82 and 0.86, respectively. Seasonal flow characteristics of Sweetheart Creek differ from those of the other two streams because only one-tenth of the Sweetheart Creek basin is covered by glaciers while glacier ice covers one-fourth of the basins of Crater Creek and Long River. The percentages of lake aree1 in the three basins are comparable. Crater Creek's drainage area is about one-third that of Long River and Sweetheart Creek. Crater Creek has a more rapid runoff response to rainfall, larger values of peak runoff per unit area, and less storage to support low fJows than either Sweetheart Creek or Long River. Correlations between flows at Long River and at Crater Creek versus flows at other nearby stations were also examined. Daily discharge values at Speel River correlate poorly with values for other nearby stations, probably because the drainage area of Speel River is much lar~er than the other streams. 14 The cross-correlation coefficients of daily discharges at Crater Creek and Long River with Dorothy Creek are 0.61 and 0.68, respectively. Because of the relatively higher altitudes and the series of lakes in the Dorothy Creek drainage basin, the cross-correlation coefficient improves to 0.71 if daily discharges at Dorothy Creek are compared to the previous day's discharge at Crater Creek. Dorothy and Crater Creeks have only 3 years of concurrent record and the Dorothy Creek gage was moved upstream 0.8 rni in 1937. For these reasons, any extension of the Crater Creek record based on the Dorothy Creek record should be done with caution. Results The results of the analysis of the six stations' records are summarized in tabulations of monthly discharges for the period of record (tables 4-9). The months with record shown in these tables for the periods prior to 1950 are the same as those in WSP 1372. Discharges given in this report are generally the same as those shown in WSP 1372, except for minor differences due to rounding procedures. Significant differences in monthly averages are footnoted in the tables for months for which there were arithmetical errors in the original records or an incorrect value was inadvertently shown in WSP 1372. The tables contain statements about the estimated accuracy of the daily discharge records. "Excellent" means that about 95 percent of the daily discharge values are estimated to be within 5 percent of the true discharge, "good" within 10 percent, and "fair" within 15 percent. "Poor" means that daily discharges have less than "fair" a.ccuracy. Footnotes are shown in the tables for periods of estimated record. The mean discharges for any month have been designated as "estimated" if data are available for fewer than 6 days during the month, and "partly estimated" if data are available for 6 to 25 days. No footnote is used if fewer than 6 days of record are missing. The accuracy of streamflo¥r records depends on the stability of the stage-discharge relation, on the accuracy (and frequency) of stage observation and measurements of flow, and on the interpretation of those data. 15 YEAR 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 AVERAGE PERCENT • b OCT a412 621 376 489 349 598 a346 b495 c458 304 489 448 11.1 Table 4.--Sweetheart Creek near Juneau (15030000) (Formerly published as Sweetheart Falls Creek near Juneau and Sweetheart Falla Creek at Port Snettisham) LOCATION: (REVISED) .--Lat 57"56'35", long 133"40'55", in NEINWI sec. 25, T.45S., R.73E., City and Borough of Juneau, Hydrologic Unit 19060000, in Tongass National Forest, 300 ft upstream from mouth, 2.0 mi downstream from Lower Sweetheart Lake, and 37 mi southeast of Juneau. DRAINAGE AREA.--36.8 mi 2 , revised. PERIOD OF RECORD.--August 1915 to March 1917 and June 1918 to September 1927. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 50 ft, from topographic map. AVERAGE DISCRARGE.--10 yeara (water years 1916, 1919-27), 335 ft'/s, 125 in/yr, 242,700 acre-feet/yr. COOPERATION.--Records subsequent to 1920 furnished by U,S. Forest Service. REHARKS.--Stage-discharge relation permanent, but occasionally affected by ice. Records considered excellent except those for periods of missing record or when discharges are greater than 1,300 ft 3 /a, which are fair. CORRECTIONS.--Minor differences in monthly discharges between those shown herein and those published in WSP 1372 occur because of changes in rounding. However, other monthly and annual discharges have been corrected because of arithmetical errors in the original recorda; the corrected valuea are footnoted in the following table. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PF.R SECOND, BY \lATER YEAR NOV DEC JAN FEB MARCH APRIL HAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT * * a501 a524 al68 101 38.3 38.1 a43.0 al56 368 787 a501 a582 636 194 87.7 56.5 12 7 a49.5 753 623 666 619 393 193 256 53.9 42.2 147 342 535 613 577 604 154 136 a227 93.4 a39.3 50.9 237 622 568 640 418 275 53.0 a63.0 a95.0 a64.0 115 395 630 a479 428 425 al63 292 91.0 b30.0 b25.0 b1!5 419 677 574 552 b525 403 116 57.9 a93.6 133 230 475 626 483 362 710 a488 203 a67.3 b40.0 b74.4 all5 586 829 774 585 821 287 al63 b38.5 b30.0 44.8 84.1 a477 692 637 372 423 353 491 a574 144 263.0 422 363 451 344 301 238 b313 a223 blOB b37 .3 77.3 97.3 396 767 481 342 592 290 187 143 71.0 77.7 153 406 670 552 492 545 7. 2 4.6 3.5 1.8 1.9 3.8 10.1 16.6 13.7 12.2 13.5 No data for part or all of the month. No data for part of the year. Partly estimated . Estimated Corrected. 16 YEAR 319 346 308 282 341 336 424 311 355 328 335 100 YEAR 1913 1914 1915 1916 AVERAGE PERCENT • a Table 5.--Long Lake Outlet near Juneau (15032000) (Formerly published as Long Lake Outlet at Port Snettisham) LOCATION.--Lat 58"10'00", long 133"43'30", in II!SE! sec.!, T.43S., R.71E., City and Borough of Juneau, Hydrologic Unit 19060000, in Tongass National Forest, 30 ft upstream from outlet of Long Lake, 1.3 mi upstream from Indian Lake, 5 mi upstream from mouth, and 26 mi southeast of Juneau. DRAINAGE AREA.--30.2 mi 2 • PERIOD OF RECORD.--February 1913 to October 1916. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is BOO ft, from topographic map. No gage prior to January 1914. COOPERATION.--Current-meter and float measurements obtained by Kennedy and Lass, a Federal Power Commission applicant during 1913. Recorda for 1913-15 furnished by Speel River Project. REMARKS.--Stage-discharge relation permanent and unaffected by ice. Records for calendar year 1913 are poor and are fair thereafter (except for periods of missing record. Records for 1913 were computed from current-meter and float measurements and short periods were estimated. Minor differences in monthly discharges between those ahown herein and those published in WSP 1372 occur because of changes in rounding. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, BY WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MARCH APRIL HAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT • • • 120 143 131 449 1125 1895 1761 1267 1155 375 163 50.0 67.8 83.3 Ill 338 724 1207 1063 629 554 273 121 a96.0 a46.0 sl25 202 529 841 1097 1256 1002 507 • • 739 324 142 73.0 78.0 117 148 439 897 1400 1360 966 11.1 4.8 2.1 1.1 1.2 1.7 2.2 6.6 13.4 20.9 20.4 14.5 No data for part or all of the month. No data for part of the year. Estimated. 17 YEAR 501 515 508 100 YEAR 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 !922 1923 1924 1927 19n 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 195 7 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 196 7 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Table 6.--Long River near Juneau (15034000) (Formerly published as Long River below Second Lake, at Port Snettiaham) LOCATION.--Lat 58°10'00", long !3)0 41'50", in W!SF.I aec.6, T.43S., R.72E., City and Borough of Juneau, HydrologicUnit 19060000, in Tongass National Forest, on right bank 0.4 mi upstream from Indian Lake, 1 mi down-stream from Long Lak•, and 27 mi southeast of Juneau. DRAINAGE AREA.--32.5 mi 2 • PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1915 to September 1924, October to December 1926, June 1927 to Hay 1933, and October 1951 to September 1973. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 183 ft, from topographic map. Prior to Oct. I 1929, at site 600 ft upstream. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--)! years (water yeara 1916-24, 1928-32, 1952-68), 464 ft'/s, 192 in/yr, 335,900 acre-ft/yr, prior to regulation at Long Lake and diversion for Snettisham Power Project. Discharges for water years 1969-73 are not included in the figure above. COOPERATION.--Records for 1921-33 furnished by U.S. Forest Service. REMARKS.--Stage-diacharge relation is permanent; generally affected by ice during vinter months, December to April. Recorda for 1916-22 and 1928-33 are good except those for periods of missing record which are fair. Records for 1923-27 are fair. Recorda good for 1951-73 except thoae for winter periods and periods of misaing record, which are poor. Flow has been regulated at Long Lake since July 16, 1969. CORRECTIONS.--Hinor differences in monthly discharges in WSP 1372 occur becauae of changes in rounding. have been corrected because of arithmetical errors are footnoted in the following table. bet~een thoae shown herein and those published However, other monthly and annual dischargea in the original recorda; the corrected values OCT b527 605 652 SOJ aS26 )81 688 476 b563 a495 347 S2S 1079 548 689 c669 a310 all24 909 466 J3B J74 587 748 566 818 959 592 a751 692 924 710 398 401 dl017 cl899 d435 d615 MONTilLY A:liD ANNUAL DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1\Y wATER YEAR NOV a!J6 145 660 34J s!92 262 a208 a523 521 ac)J3 al26 364 486 560 181 122 129 445 143 470 212 435 449 254 274 336 205 406 a127 272 155 228 362 178 d200 d293 dl57 dl50 DEC a98.2 86.4 a94.6 181 bl28 b60.0 278 bl04 b221 a280 b49.8 315 al44 329.0 a84.4 a73.6 a90.9 121 139 366 b55 a34 7 al19 bl43 201 292 SS.7 301 b218 a204 112 55.0 122 92.5 d21. 9 d38 .I ad66 d63. 9 JAN a49.9 87.5 a97.5 a209 bl80 b68.0 b91.0 b62.0 b78.0 a186 al97 b20.0 ! 52 a55.0 45.0 bJB.O n57.8 a70.9 a88.7 b30.0 al22 b!93 b70.0 a91. I 130 183 145 hl25 b226 aS2.2 a50.9 59 .I 26.4 d5.$5 d59.5 bdl7.0 d49.l FEB b49.4 alJO b4l.O b55.0 94.7 b95.0 b30.0 b85.0 bSO.O al37 42,8 b45.0 265 b55.0 40.0 b3B.O a6 7.2 a275 55.0 bJO.O b45 .0 b70.0 b70.0 b54.6 127 78.2 2!5 biOS bll9 b45.2 b55.4 134 b24.7 d3 .9 d42 .0 bdlO.O bd59.3 !".ARCH b50.0 51.8 b26.0 bSO.O a45.6 b69.0 b25.0 bl17 b90.0 APRIL 129 a66.5 b 71. l bl25 b52.0 al!O •cl20 ac240 bl35 al21 219 105 83.1 b60.0 nl37 a51.6 b60.0 41.2 b49. 7 a48.3 h59.7 60.0 b40.0 b35.0 bSO.O b60.0 7!.8 100 91.6 109 a69.5 bl25 b6 5. 2 b45.S 221 bS5.7 d8.4 •124 a108 301 alSO a84.8 b50.0 67. I b70.0 87. I •ISO a99.3 147 202 85.1 al\5 156 bl09 o\30 b47.8 110 112 dl8.8 d26.3 d68.1 bdl9.5 hdl2.8 hd43.9 hd88.5 MAY 253 335 a300 aJ09 a235 388 a40S 436 575 554 348 317 a489 a357 539 439 572 a321 286 489 472 549 427 472 507 305 b388 312 b250 383 ~386 434 490 d980 d282 od96.9 d348 JtrSE 864 695 744 aS45 580 715 704 724 910 893 815 826 712 961 a7S7 • 733 943 754 670 591 801 1043 905 705 1017 797 740 992 b691 799 1159 654 1165 d1791 JULY 855 995 1065 b864 918 851 913 929 1169 960 1076 884 900 955 821 1043 a919 816 1036 1021 830 979 •1210 1044 1358 901 945 1201 n868 929 865 902 dll97 d920 d724 d990 d57.3 d31.6 d616 d884 AUG I 069 1293 1219 bl050 1198 857 ! 046 a973 al053 91.5 a8~7 hc841 1079 1093 877 9 58 !018 631 1145 1353 807 989 8895 973 1482 833 757 852 b877 1056 1099 b673 dl849 d934 dll95 d603 d! 1 I 7 SEPT 1043 923 1062 b!OOO 641 c702 829 hcl132 bl080 960 a831 a754 820 821 9 75 1103 881 909 ~· 5 668 1024 530 583 9 79 7!9 1!03 1237 489 5P8 1113 132 2 bl278 dl9ll d706 d840 d76Q d676 YEAR 428 454 50S 439 401 381 448 485 538 447 44J 486 530 419 425 527 424 466 410 450 478 458 466 595 469 497 452 421 483 504 446 d628 d513 d458 dl90 d)95 AVERAGE PERCENT 622 11.2 305 5.5 166 3.0 103 1.9 87.5 1.6 70.8 l. 3 121 2.2 401 795 970 997 904 464 * No data for part or all of th• month. -No data for part of the year. Does not include water ye•r• 1969-73. 8 Partly estimated. b Estimated. Corrected. d Flow regulated aince July 16, !969. 7.2 14.3 17.5 18.0 16.3 100 18 YEAR 1916 1917 1918 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 AVERAGE PERCENT 8 b Table 7.--Speel River near Juneau (15036000) (Formerly published as Speel River at Port Snettisham) LOCATION.--Lat 58"12'10", long 133"36'40", in SEINE! sec. 27, T.42S., R.72E., City and Borough of Juneau, Hydrologic Unit 19060000. on right bank 0.8 mi downstream from Long River, 8 mi upstream from mouth at Speel Arm of Port Snettisham, and 30 mi southeast of Juneau. DRAINAGE AREA.--226 mi'. PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 1916 to September 1918, May 1960 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. at site 0.2 mi upstream. Altitude of gage ia 140 ft, from topographic map. May 25 to Sept. 28, 1960, nonrecording gage. Prior to September 1918, AVERAGE DISCHARGE.-17 years (water years 1917-18, 1961-75), 2,585 ft 5 /s, 155 in/yr, 1,873,000 acre-ft/yr; average not corrected for Long Lake diversion. REHARKS.--Records generally fair (and occasionally good) for entire period except those for periods of no gage-height record and for winter periods, which are poor. Monthly and annual flows not corrected for regulation at Long Lake, since July 16, 1969, and for subsequent diversion from Long River. CORRECTIONS.--Minor differences in monthly discharges between those shown herein and those published in WSP 1372 occur because of changes in rounding. However, other monthly and annual discharges have been corrected because of arithmetical errors in the original records; the corrected values are footnoted in the following table. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, BY WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT YEAR * * * * * a5423 7047 a6220 a2890 7.60 b420 b356 b500 a170 ac347 1697 a3572 a5671 b8500 ac5449 2544 a4226 a3548 b500 a378 cl75 acl38 357 1570 b3963 a6281 a7420 b7152 2990 * * * * * * 4062 6320 6306 5596 b4 Jl7 a!599 1294 551 554 375 891 3477 6576 8488 9951 5271 3620 4565 859 a324 bl002 b511 b430 b418 bl525 4283 5931 5611 6070 2642 3065 1867 1152 b657 b936 b479 b492 bl710 4630 6242 5371 6773 2789 3786 a605 bll04 b669 b6!9 a419 a772 bl644 b5867 b7103 b5281 b2520 2544 3282 1347 a987 b908 a356 430 568 sl470 b4583 5901 5780 3770 2464 4100 769 441 bill bl54 27 5 680 1408 3901 b4990 a5475 b5767 2358 b3890 b!003 b214 b207 b201 al75 310 2034 6455 5248 6717 a6825 2785 al996 bl468 a420 208 582 960 482 2779 3812 5659 a3965 b5717 2341 1309 b514 b286 b68.9 b45.9 al25 530 3114 7006 6645 7173 4876 2656 2813 2204 669 159 368 338 458 2612 5622 5607 6060 5300 2695 a2727 bll43 bl48 b237 b259 91.7 279 1659 5034 6337 6441 3990 2377 2089 683 239 105 100 263 183 1902 3709 5775 6596 b3938 2143 a3289 bl020 b351 b261 b323 b227 b439 bl706 b3330 b4887 a6233 4088 2194 2050 317 97.4 71.0 79.8 93.5 310 1925 3856 a5004 a5600 5343 2074 5736 2063 734 264 103 63.4 283 1780 4026 7220 4586 5587 2722 3290 1281 552 369 345 297 459 2001 4683 6039 6322 5276 2585 10.6 4.1 1.8 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.5 6.5 15 .I 19.5 20.5 I 7 .I 100 No data for all or part of the month. No data for part of the year. Partly estimated. Eatimated. Corrected. 19 YEAR 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1923 1924 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Table B.--Crater Creek near Juneau (15038000) (Formerly published ss Crater Lake Outlet at Port Snettisham) LOCATION.--Lat 58"08'15", long 133"46'15", in SEISEI sec. IS, T.43S., R.71E., City and Borough of Juneau Hydrologic Unit 19060000, in Tongass National Forest, 100 ft upstream from outlet of Crater Lake, 1 mi upstream from mouth, and 26 mi southeast of Juneau. DRAINAGE AREA.--11.4 mi 2 • PERIOD OF RECORD.--February 1913 to December 1920, June to August 1921, October to December 1922, June to September 1923, June to September 1924, and June 1927 to December 1932. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 1,010 ft, from topographic map. No gage prior to January 1914. Prior to March 1929, staff gages at the beach at various sites ~ere generally read at frequencies ranging from once a day to once weekly during the ~inter. Supplemental ~ater-stage recorder at the beach, March 1929 until Hay 1932, operated during winter periods. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--12 years (water years 1914-20, 1928-32) 193 ft'/a, 230 in/yr, 139,800 acre-ft/yr. COOPERATION.--Current-meter and float measurements obtained by Kennedy and Lass, a Federal Power Commission applicant, during 1913. Records for 1913-15 furnished by Speel River Project and recorda for 1921-33 furnished by U.S. Forest Service. REMARKS.--The stage-discharge relation at the lake outlet ia permanent. The recorda that were computed using this relationship for ~ater y~ars 1916-20, and 1928-32, are good to excellent and those for other periods are fair to good. Records are poor for periods of missing record and calendar year 1913. Because of inaccessible locatinn and deep ana~, the gage at the lake could not be operated during the ~inter. The recorda for several ~inter periods were computed using stage-discharge ratings for various sites on the beach. The record obtained at the beach is fair. Prior to December 1929, discharges at the beach ~ere not adjusted for the extra square mile of lo~-altitude drainage area bet~een the bench ond the outlet. Baaed on the corrections used in ~ater years 1930-32, the annual discharge values for the other years when the gages at the beach ~ere used to compute ~inter records should be reduced by about 2 percent. This reduction vould only lo~er the average discharge for the period of record from 193 to 190 ft 3 /s. No further attempt has been made to adjust the individual monthly means prior to December 1930. The months during ~hich gages at the beach ~ere used are shown in the accompanying table. CORRECTIONS.--Minor differences in monthly discharges in WSP 1372 occur because of changes in rounding. have been corrected because of arithmetical errors footnoted in the follo~ing table. bet~een those shown herein and those published However. other monthly and annual discharges in original records; corrected values are MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN Cl'BIC FEET PER SECOND, RY WATER YEAP OCT NOV DF.C JAN ITB MARCH APRIL MAY Jl'NF. JULY AUG * 47.0 48.3 57.3 203 531 RB30 858 260 al08 38.2 d20.9 d45.0 d36. 7 d52.8 144 272 51 7 409 313 104 d23.9 d36.1 dl7.2 d44.6 d74.0 2 35 414 497 469 185 44.9 b33.0 bl8.0 b!B.O b19.0 b44.0 b90.0 b370 370 464 2 70 a51.2 ad 32. 7 d34.9 d44.5 d22.5 d23.8 d142 305 441 539 251 b250 b35.0 ad33.2 cdl6.4 dl2.7 d20.7 Rdi29 c359 4R2 591 202 133 65.4 68.4 a14.6 b12 .o b4 7 .o •118 217 417 •511 a209 a66.R b45.0 b100.0 b35.0 b16.0 b20.0 a53.3 177 406 5)2 bl40 a91.8 a24.7 * b305 399 a360 202 158.0 a40.7 297 452 483 a400 5R4 566 a350 377 357 bl35 b48.0 b25.0 d88.7 d30.7 d40.0 d42.3 d193 a381 528 •377 194 113 81.9 ad76.0 adl9 .I d49.4 d29.3 •91 .9 382 419 404 463 222 ae60.2 b4.9 h9.0 b14.7 ae34.4 el04 30R 420 484 22 5 25 7 el46 e68. 2 ael02 e22.3 e4 5. 3 e211 402 417 4 74 3 34 ae72.7 e27.5 b20.0 b20.0 blS.O e32.9 ••105 a2R4 362 366 c307 42.2 26.5 AVERAGE PERCENT 246 10.3 117 4.9 4 7 .I 2.0 47.4 2.0 32.2 1.4 27.2 1.1 40.3 1.7 140 5.9 338 14.2 466 19.5 485 20.4 No data for pArt or all of the month. No data for part of the year. a Partly estimated. b Fstimated. Corrected, d Record obtained at beAch for part or all of th~ month. Record obtained at beach for part or all of the month. Cnrr~ction used to account for differPnce in drainage areas at the beach and at outl~t of Crater T.ake. 20 SEPT 491 266 389 b470 a361 a411 b420 26 2 a502 581 R352 343 34 7 359 c35 7 429 396 16.6 YEAR 182 719 I ?A 190 c217 187 161 187 185 208 228 173 193 100 .. Table 9.--Dorothy Creek near Juneau (15040000) (Formerly published as Dorothy Creek at Taku Inlet) LOCATIOli.--Lat 58"13'40", long 134"02'25", in NWlSIIl sec. 18, T.42S., R.70E., City and Borough of Juneau, Hydrologic Unit 19060000, in Tongass National Forest, on left bank 0,7 mi do~stream from Lake Bart, 0.8 mi upstream from mouth at Taku Inlett 3 mi downstream from Lake Dorothy, and 14 mi southeast of Juneau. DRAINAGE AREA.--15.2 mi•. PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1929 to October 1941, September 1942 to December 1943, and June 1944 to December 1967. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 350 ft, from topographic map. Prior to Sept. 14, 1937, at site 100 ft upstream from mouth. AVERAGE DISCRARGE,--36 years (water years 1930-41, 1943, and 1945-67), 143 ft 5 /s, 128 in/yr, 103,600 acre-ft/yr. COOPERATIOli,--Records prior to water year 1946 furnished by U.S. Forest Service and George T. Cameron, a Federal Power Commission applicant. REMARKS.--The stage-discharge relation is permanent for all practical purposes. Stage-discharge relation affected by ice only in extremely cold weather at the most recent location; however_ It ~as difficult to obtain winter records at the former site4 Records good to excellent except those for periods of no gage-height record and winter periods, ~hich are poor to fair. CORRECTIOliS.--Minor differences in monthly discharges between those shown herein and those published in WSP 1372 occur because of changes in rounding. However~ ocher monthly and annual discharges have been corrected because of arithmetical errors in the original recordsi the corrected values are footnoted in the following table. MONTHLY AND Al1NUAL KEAN DISCHARGES, Ill CUEIC FF.f.T PF.R SECOND, BY IIATER YEAR YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JT!NE JULY AUG SEPT YEAR 1930 342 152 64,4 10.6 13.2 20.8 48.1 75.2 197 330 373 283 160 1931 195 194 100 47.0 70.9 a22.3 a34.0 117 329 311 361 300 174 1932 209 64.1 17.0 18.4 al3.9 13.4 26.8 70.6 250 290 281 274 128 1933 214 42.6 a22.6 a19.4 15.6 cl0.2 21.8 86.7 150 251 269 184 108 1934 169 158 b)2.0 aiO.O 12.0 15.0 b20.0 b60.0 b250 277 406 250 139 1935 c2!0 82.5 53.9 c18.5 b10.0 a18.0 19.1 54.4 a164 396 •304 202 129 1936 202 57.1 a82.5 bl8.0 bl3.0 al9.0 b35. 7 109 317 299 272 357 149 1937 455 284 a113 a25.0 a!S.O 22. 7 26.1 66.5 298 b250 b300 a340 184 1938 384 85.9 48.9 ac39.4 a37.6 c68. 7 21.2 125 205 279 245 391 162 1939 232 74.7 55.0 32.2 23.8 17.4 23.4 72.8 225 342 436 258 150 1940 258 141 74.9 26.7 33.3 16.6 37.4 115 216 320 403 316 164 1941 223 70.0 31.8 17.4 23.4 b23.0 53.6 94.~ 251 323 217 148 124 1942 204 • • * * * * • * a287 1943 a252 a53.4 31.2 a37.3 b20.0 b40.0 a62.3 95.1 226 383 338 )8) 161 1944 394 158 110 * • .. AJ36 298 290 213 1945 320 140 84.2 20.2 14.3 24.8 27.1 117 a243 b330 a262 a310 159 1946 398 a47,1 bl9.6 bl5.3 b14.9 A}7.2 al9.0 b140 b282 b266 332 231 149 1947 193 130 26.0 22.9 18.2 8~.9 47.4 118 278 266 243 bJM 151 1948 b212 a89.7 62.8 36.4 19.2 16.1 13.1 134 320 a304 a273 387 156 1949 162 123 b36.7 b31.0 b15.1 18.5 28.9 116 206 271 307 277 133 1950 172 355 a36.6 bl2.9 b!O.O bll.1 13.6 72.5 216 287 250 302 145 1951 97.5 a) 1. 7 14.3 18.5 14.6 16.8 23.4 91.6 280 322 216 227 113 1952 144 45.9 22.1 a17.3 17.4 I 5.1 22.4 ao.s 180 )06 289 334 12J 1953 327 159.0 32.7 al9. I bl9.5 21.2 22.6 118 249 317 a33J 284 159 1954 236 92.5 30.5 25.8 b65.0 b25. 4 16.5 64.5 198 241 198 24! 120 1955 al35 114.0 72.4 28.4 18.6 19.4 20.3 6!.5 167 325 340 253 130 1956 118,0 53.0 21.4 11.3 10.0 14 .I 20.2 Ill 171 302 440 240 127 195 7 121 a62.9 biOI 59.3 17. 3 14.3 17.4 101 240 258 249 288 130 1958 222 170 33.8 )9.1 16.0 14.1 23.3 M10) 314 782 332 169 144 1959 183 103 37.0 a23. 3 RJ8.0 a23.4 22.7 83.0 249 375 318 160 134 1960 149 72,8 46.5 26.6 18.3 15.5 29.2 103 197 350 309 297 135 1961 259 117 65.1 49.2 33.4 25.4 42.1 120 318 419 465 238 181 1962 272 61.3 22.1 34.5 2 7 .o 18.8 22.7 55.9 241 307 288 358 143 1963 153 164 107 49.7 58.2 )7.5 22.7 96.5 204 298 251 380 152 1964 252 49.6 41.6 37.1 29.4 23.2 2 7.1 5!.8 284 359 213 142 131 1965 201 85.7 48.5 58.0 32.3 26.6 22.1 62.5 200 265 225 225 122 1966 238 94.0 31.2 a14.4 bl0.9 al6.7 25.9 96.7 236 271 327 319 141 1967 240 79.7 al5.7 13.9 16. I 15.5 13.0 83.9 290 271 334 432 lSI 1968 145 88.7 44.5 • .. • * AVERAGE 228 110 49.7 27.3 22.6 22,9 27.0 92.3 243 306 307 281 143 PERCENT 13.3 6.4 2.9 1.6 1. 3 1.3 1.6 5,4 14.1 17.9 17.9 16.3 100 • No data for part or all of th• month. -llo data for part of the y .. r. " Partly e•t1mnted. b Estimated. 21 c Corrected. CONCLUSIONS Water supply to the Snettisham hydroelectric project in southeast Alaska near Juneau is assured in spite of glacier recession in the bas~_ns of Long and Crater Lakes. Ablation of the glaciers during this century gave rise to speculation that runoff would be significantly reduced as the glaciers became smaller. Comparative studies of aerial photographs of the area spanning the p~riod 1929 to 1984 indicate that glacier recession has been relatively minor. Estimates of ice-volume change based on photogrammetric measurements indicate that less that 2. 5 percent of the average runoff in the area has been contributed by loss of glaci~r-ice storage. Analysis of streamflow records for the area shows that the quality and extent of the data are sufficient to predict flow from the Crater Creek basin with a fairly high degree of confidence. REFERENCES CITED Dort, J. C., 1924, Report to the Fecleral Power Commission on water powers of Southeastern Alaska: Washington, Government Printing Office, 172 p. Federal Power Commission and U.S. Forest Service, 194 7, Water powers Southeast Alaska: Federal Power Commission P-9, 168 p. Henshaw, F. F.~ 1933, Surface water supply of Southeastern Alaska, 1909-30: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 836-C, p. 137-218. Hutchinson, N. E., 1975, WATSTORE--National water data stora~e and retrieval system of the U.S. Geological Survey--User's guide: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-426, 791 p. Lamke, R. D., 1984, Cost-effectiveness of th~ stream-gaging program in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4096, 100 p. Hayo, Larry R., 1984, Glad.er mass balance and runoff research in the U.S.A: Geografiska Annaler, v. 66A, no. 3, p. 215-227. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1979, Water-resources atlas: Prepared by Forest Service Region 10, Juneau, Alaska, 7 p. U.S. Geological Survey, 1957, Compilat::!on of records of quantity and quality of surface waters in Alaska through September 1950: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1372, 262 p. :22 ~ 40001 I ...J :.5 3500 "' w > 0 "' <( 3000 ... w w u. z -w' 2500 0 :J ... ;:: 2000 ...J <( 0 2500 DISTANCE, iN FEET ...J w ii'; ...J <( w "' w > 0 "' <( ,_ w w 3500 e i 2000 w· 0 ~ 1500 s <( 1000 ~0-----:2:-::5'::00::-----::5-::0::".00 DISTANCE, IN FEET r' I 5000 3500 d 1-...J tt! ~ 3000 "-w Z...J -.<( ~ ~ 2500 :Jw >-> ;::o ...Ja> <( <( 2000 1500 ·-0 2500 5000 I-...J Ww w> "-w Z...J -.<( ww O<ll :Jw 1-> i=~ ;t<( DISTANCE, IN FEET c 1000 o~------~2~5'=oo~----~5ooo~ DISTANCE, IN FEET ...J w ii'; ...J :.5 "' w > 0 "' <( t;; w i 2000 w· 0 ~ 1500 ;:: ...J <( \ \ I '---..... b 1000o~---~2~5~oo~--~5~o__Joo DISTANCE, IN FEET EXPLANATION For Cross Sect1ons -1984 ---1948 133°55' f-...J Ww w> "-w Z...J -.<( ww O<ll :Jw ':: 5 2000 ~~ ;; w ...J w > 0 "' ~ 2500 w w u. z :-2000 0 :J ... ;:: 1500 ...J <( 1500 o~------,,:;;s!;o"'o---,----,5"'o::doo DISTANCE, IN FEET 0 l.,t; r', I 2000 1-...J Ww w> "-w z ...J 1500 -_<( ww o"' :Jw ~5 1000 -'"' <(<( 500 119841 119481 119291 ...J w 25001 h v ii'; ...J <( w 2000 "' w > 0 "' <( 1500 ... w 0 w u. z 2500 5000 - DISTANCE, IN FEET w' 0 :J ,_ 500-;:: 0 2500 ...J <( DISTANCE, IN FEET Areas or perennial snow and ice delineated from aerial photography obtained in the years shown. 0 1 2 MILES 1 2 KILOMETERS PLATE 1.--Areas of perennial snow and ice in Crater Lake and Long Lake basins, Alaska. -...