HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Water Quality Monitoring Report 1996ALAsKA ENERGY AuTHORITY FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT BRADLEY LAKE HYDROLECTRIC PROJECT FERC LICENSE NUMBER 8221 ARTICLE33 July, 1996 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT SUMMARY Results of pre-and post-project water quality monitoring programs for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, as required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) License Article 33, indicate the following: • Pre-project sampling detected low concentrations of mercury, cadmium and hydrogen sulfide in a few samples (12 of 36 samples having one or more of these substances present at levels above the minimum level of detection but, in the case of cadmium and mercury, at or below EPA's Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) for drinking water). • One sample out of a total of 5 taken during the post-project monitoring detected cadmium (at an order of magnitude below EPA's MCL for drinking water), and no mercury or hydrogen sulfide was detected in any post-project samples. • As expected, post-project turbidity in the Bradley River is generally lower than was previously the case. However, no direct evidence has been seen either for benefits or harmful effects to fish, due to changes in turbidity. • Surface water and intragravel temperatures in the lower Bradley River area important to salmon spawning and rearing have changed slightly, most significantly in autumn when reduced discharge (less thermal inertia) results in the river being more rapidly influenced by declines in air temperature and water temperatures tend to be cooler. • Stream temperatures during other portions of the open water season also fluctuate more rapidly in response to changes in air temperature, with a resultant increase in the rate of warming in the spring and a wider range of temperature fluctuations in the summer. • Winter {under ice) temperatures are essentially unchanged, remaining near zero degrees centigrade ( 0 C) under both pre-and post-project conditions. • Despite a theoretical potential for some impact on salmon production, associated with extreme climatic changes in the fall, no evidence has been seen to date of any deleterious effects on the fish in the lower Bradley River, and it is probable that the beneficial effects of post-project flow regulation will outweigh any negative effects of decreased autumn water temperatures. BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 4 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................... 4 Project Description .......................................................................................................... 4 Water Quality Issues ....................................................................................................... 4 The Monitoring Program ................................................................................................. 5 The Scope of This Report ............................................................................................... 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................................. 6 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................. 7 HYDROGEN SULFIDE AND METALS ........................................................................................ 7 WATER TEMPERATURE ............................................................................................................ 7 General Characteristics of Lower Bradley River Temperatures ..................................... 8 Quantitative Difference Between Surface and lntragravel Temperature ........................ 9 Maximum, Minimum, and Mean Temperature in the Lower Bradley River ..................... 9 Temperature of Water Released from the Dam .............................................................. 10 Relationship of Stream Temperature to Air Temperature ............................................... 10 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 12 OPEN WATER PERIOD .............................................................................................................. 12 WINTER ICE COVER CONDITIONS .......................................................................................... 12 SIGNIFICANCE TO FISH ............................................................................................................ 12 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 14 TABLES • Table 1. Mercury, Cadmium and Hydrogen Sulfide Leveis in the Bradley Lake Reservoir and Bradley River. • Table 2. Turbidity Measurements (NTU) at Tree Bar Reach, Lower Bradley River, for Pre-and Post- Project Conditions. • Table 3. Monthly maximum and minimum surface water temperatures (0 C) at the AEA Riffle Reach Recording Station. • Table 4. Monthly mean surface water temperature (0 C) at Tree Bar Reach, Bradley River (USGS Records). August 8, 1996 Page 2 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT • Table 5. Surface water temperature (0 C) in the Upper Bradley River below the dam site (USGS records). FIGURES • Figure 1. Project Plan -Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project • Figure 2. Project Area Drainage Relationships and Gaging Stations (From USGS). • Figure 3. Tree Bar Reach -1995, Surface & lntragravel Water Temperature • Figure 4. Surface & lntragravel Water Temperature. Riffle Reach: Bradley River 1989-1990 • Figure 5. Tree Bar Reach-June, 1994, Surface & lntragravel Water Temperature • Figure 6. Surface & lntragravel Water Temperature, Tree Bar Reach: Bradley River 1988 • Figure 7. Riffle Reach-September, 1994, Surface & lntragravel Water Temperature • Figure 8. Tree Bar Reach-1994, Stream Water Temperature vs. Homer Air Temperature • Figure 9. Stream Temperature vs. Air Temperature-Tree Bar, April through October, 1994 • Figure 10. Riffle Reach -1986, Stream Water Temperature vs. Homer Air Temperature • Figure 11. Stream Temperature vs. Air Temperature-Riffle Reach, April-October, 1986 ATTACHMENT A August 8, 1996 Page 3 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Project Description Bradley Lake is a natural lake located some 21 miles to the west-northwest of Homer, Alaska, at the upper end of Kachemak Bay. The Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project (FERC License Number 8221), licensed in 1985 and put into commercial operation in 1991, consists of: • a 125 foot high, concrete faced rockfill dam which raises the elevation of the natural lake by about 100 feet (to normal maximum pool at EL 1, 180), and, • some 19,000 feet of vertical shaft, tunnel and penstock connecting the lake to a powerhouse, equipped with two 63 ft0/A Pelton turbines, located near tidewater (EL 13.6). At normal maximum pool EL 1, 180, the Bradley Lake Reservoir is some 130 deep at the face of the dam. Figure 1 shows the overall project facility. As discussed in the final fisheries monitoring report (AEA, 1996), minimum flows are required at the USGS gage in the lower Bradley River, in order to protect populations of salmon which utilize that section of river. The minimum flow requirements stipulated in the License are as follows: May 12-Sept. 14 Sept. 15-23 Sept. 24-Oct. 31 Nov. 1 Nov. 2-Apr. 30 May 1 -11 Flow Requirement 100 cfs Decrease flow by 5 cfs per day to 50 cfs 50 cfs Decrease flow by 5 cfs per day to 40 cfs 40 cfs Increase flow by 5 cfs per day to 100 cfs These flows are maintained, in part, by releases from the dam through a fishwater bypass system. In addition, flows from below the point at which the Middle Fork Bradley River is diverted into the reservoir and flows from the North Fork Bradley River contribute to the total flow at the Lower Bradley River gage site. Figure 2 shows the gage sites and drainage relationships for the Project. Water Quality Issues During licensing studies, it was recognized that flows in the lower Bradley River would be significantly modified as a result of the Project, creating concern for the effects of associated changes to both instream flow patterns and water temperature in the downstream river, specifically in the lower 4.5 miles of river known to support spawning and rearing of salmon. The fishwater bypass system at the dam takes reservoir water from EL 1 ,070, some 110 feet below normal maximum pool elevation, for release into the Bradley River below the dam and for much of the year is the main source of flow in the lower river. The volume, temperature and chemical composition of these releases were of concern. The license application recognized the possibility that project induced changes in the thermal regime of the Lower Bradley River could have an effect on spawning, egg incubation and rearing of salmon, independent of any instream flow related effects. August 8, 1996 Page 4 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT Additionally, the perimeter of Bradley Lake was not cleared when the lake level was increased and the vegetation and inorganic and organic soils along this area were inundated. Concerns were expressed for possible water quality effects associated with the decomposition of organic material and/or the possible leaching of toxic metals from the soils in this band of newly inundated material. Finally, it was recognized that decreasing the flows from Bradley Lake would effect turbidity levels in the lower river, as lower volumes of glacial flow laden water would be present. The Monitoring Program To address the above concerns, Article 33 of the FERC License required the Alaska Power Authority, now the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), to consult with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Environmental Protection Agency and to prepare plans for pre-and post-project programs to monitor the water quality of Bradley Lake outflows and the surface water and intragravel temperatures in the lower Bradley River. Based on this consultation process, a water quality monitoring plan was developed for the Project, as detailed in the project mitigation plan (APA, 1985). Provisions were included for pre-and post-operational monitoring for hydrogen sulfide and heavy metals, particularly mercury and cadmium, both in the reservoir and in the river downstream of the dam, as well as for surface water and intragravel temperature monitoring in the section of river known to support salmon spawning and rearing. Grab samples of water collected from the reservoir were tested for hydrogen sulfide and heavy metals on four occasions during the pre-project phase of the project (three times in 1988, once in 1989). Twice during post-project monitoring, in 1993 and in 1996, samples were taken from the river immediately below the dam site and in the lower river salmon spawning habitat. The 1996 sampling included water taken at the face of the dam at a depth of five meters. Surface water and intragravel temperature data were collected by the Alaska Energy Authority at three locations in the lower Bradley drainage (Riffle Reach of the Lower Bradley River, Tree Bar Reach of the Lower Bradley River and the North Fork of the Bradley River). These data were obtained using temperature probes and digitally recording data pods, as described in the annual reports submitted to FERC and the resource agencies since 1985. The References Section of this report provides a complete list of the annual reports produced, and details of the data pod placement and servicing are contained therein. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) also collected surface water and intragravel temperatures at their lower river gage site and at their gage located immediately downstream of the lake outlet/dam site. Turbidity readings were collected in conjunction with the fisheries monitoring program and thus are generally available for the July -August period, when spawning pink salmon are present in the river. The Scope of This Report As indicated, annual reports summarizing the results of the temperature monitoring have been prepared and submitted to FERC and the resource agencies from 1985 through 1995. No detailed methodology section is included in this report as the License Application Exhibit E (APA, 1988), project mitigation plan (APA, 1985) and annual water quality monitoring reports (see Attachment A) provide detail on the site selection and sampling methods employed. The extensive data presented in those reports are not reproduced herein. Rather, this report summarizes the results of these studies, using selected portions of August 8, 1996 Page 5 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT that data base, combined with other sources of information (USGS temperature data, Homer airport temperature records) to best demonstrate the effects of the Project on water and intragravel temperatures. As might be expected, given the remote conditions and severe icing/tidal action at the sample sites, significant gaps and inconsistencies exist in the data collected over the ten year monitoring period, due to instrument failure and ice and flood damage to the probes. Consequently, the summary analysis presented below was developed from a selected subset of the available data, representing the information that appeared, based on professional judgment, to be reasonably accurate and internally consistent. Complete results for the grab samples taken for hydrogen sulfide and heavy metals are presented in Attachment A. Results for mercury, cadmium and hydrogen sulfide, substances identified as being of special concern during the licensing studies, are summarized and discussed in the main body of this report. As in the case of the temperature data, discussion of the methods utilized and selection of sample sites/frequencies is not presented in this report, as both the Project mitigation plan (APA, 1985) and License Application Exhibit E (APA, 1988) provide background on the water quality program undertaken for this Project. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The analysis of temperature effects presented herein has been prepared by Mr. John Morsel! of Northern Ecological Services, who has been involved with both the water temperature program and with the fisheries programs conducted for this Project for most of the ten year monitoring period. August 8, 1996 PageS ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT RESULTS HYDROGEN SULFIDE AND METALS Table 1. summarizes the results of the pre-and post-project monitoring done for hydrogen sulfide (H2S), mercury and cadmium, three substances of special concern identified during the pre-licensing consultation process. Attachment A presents the complete results of tl1e sampling done for hydrogen sulfide and metals, both in the reservoir (pre-project) and in the reservoir and river below the dam (post-project). For the most part, during the pre-project sampling program heavy metals were at or below the limits for detection for the methods employed and in no case were levels found to be at high enough concentrations to cause concern for the downstream biota. Five of 36 samples taken had detectable levels of mercury and eight of 36 had levels of cadmium above the minimum level for detection. In all cases, the levels reported were essentially at or below EPA's and Alaska's MCL's for drinking water supplies (40 cfr. § 141; 18 AAC 080.0070). As seen in Table 1 and Attachment A, neither mercury nor hydrogen sulfide were detected in the samples taken during the post-project period and cadmium was found in only one of five samples, at a level that is an order of magnitude below the above referenced MCL's. Based on these results, it does not appear that inundation of the soils and vegetation along the perimeter of Bradley Lake resulted in any measurable increase in the levels of metals or hydrogen sulfide, either in the reservoir or the river below the dam. TURBIDITY Table 2 presents the results of turbidity sampling in the lower Bradley River (Tree Bar Reach) for both pre- and post-project conditions. As seen, turbidity levels, although a variable from year to year. were higher before the Project became operational. Comparing mean turbidity for all pre-project data with combined post-project data shows a decrease on the order of one-third. These results are consistent with a reduction in the amount of glacial flour laden flows in the Bradley River following Project completion. However, as shown by the variability of minimum and maximum values from year to year, turbidity will continue to fluctuate over time, in relation to the amount of Bradley Lake water being released vis-a-vis total flow in the lower river. Theoretically, decreased turbidity might have a number of effects on the lower river. Increased penetration of the water by sunlight could increase primary productivity an/or increase daytime water temperatures. Decreased amount of coarser, suspended material could reduce the risk of mechanical (abrasion) injury to fish, particularly young fish rearing in the area and decreased turbidity might reduce the cover value of turbid water areas for fish. However, no direct evidence for any such effects exists and the continued health of the salmon populations in the lower river is the best indirect evidence that changes in turbidity are either neutral or slightly beneficial. WATER TEMPERATURE As stated, results of the surface water and intragravel temperature monitoring programs conducted from 1985 through 1995 have been presented in annual reports previously provided to FERC and the resource August 8, 1996 Page7 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT agencies for review and comment. Because all these data have been previously presented, and because of the extent of data entailed, this final report provides selected summary information only, intended to best illustrate the pre-and post-project temperature regimes in the lower Bradley River salmon spawning areas. General Characteristics of Lower Bradley River Temperatures Figure 3 provides an example of the typical annual water temperature regime, based on plotting daily mean temperatures (both surface and intragravel) in the Bradley River during the post-project period. Figure 4 provides the same information for the pre-project period (disregard the missing and/or erroneous segment from December through March). These graphs illustrate the following general trends: 1. During the late November to late March period, both surface and intragravel temperatures are near 0.0 degrees centigrade (°C). Unseasonably warm air temperatures during the winter period can cause temporary surface water temperature increases of 1-2 °C. 2. Breakup of stream ice cover occurs in late March or early April, followed by a period of rapidly warming stream temperature through July or August. 3. During the spring warming period, intragravel temperature mirrors surface water temperature except that the intragravel temperature is about 1 °C cooler and day-to-day fluctuations in the gravel are less extreme. 4. In early September stream temperature begins to cool. The cooling trend continues until the stream begins to freeze in November. 5. During the fall cooling period, intragravel temperatures tend to be slightly warmer than surface water temperatures, until freezing temperatures are reached. 6. Stream water temperatures are clearly closely correlated with air temperatures. Figures 5 and 6 show typical monthly water temperature variation (surface and intragravel) during the spring and summer period for both the pre-and post-project years. These graphs illustrate the following general trends: 1. A diurnal variation in surface water temperature is clearly shown, with differences of as much as 4 °C between early morning and late afternoon. 2. lntragravel temperatures also exhibit diurnal variation but the range is much less and the changes lag behind the surface temperatures by a few hours, suggesting some ground water influence. 3. Mean intragravel temperatures appear, by inspection, to be 0.5-1.0 °C cooler than mean surface temperatures during the spring and summer. 4. Stream water temperatures in the Lower Bradley River respond quickly to changes in air temperature (hour by hour) as indicated by the diurnal patterns evident in both the pre-and post-project graphs. Figure 7 presents the monthly temperature regime for September 1994 and illustrates the period of cooling. As shown, mean intragravel temperature was about the same as surface water temperature at the beginning of the month. As cooling progressed, surface water became significantly cooler than intragravel, again indicating some ground water influence. August 8, 1996 Page 8 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT Quantitative Difference Between Surface and lntragravel Temperature Quantitative comparisons between surface and intragravel water temperatures at the same location and during the same time period are difficult because most differences were less than one degree, which is within the error range of the instrumentation. Furthermore, the accuracy of intragravel probes could not be checked with hand thermometers because the probes were buried in the gravel. Surface and intragravel temperatures collected by USGS at Tree Bar Reach were reviewed and representative data sets were compared. Mean surface and intragravel temperatures for the months May through October, 1989 were 6.7 and 7.0°C, respectively. For the same period in 1992 the mean surface water temperatures were 5.6 and 6.0 °C. These data suggest that, on the average, intragravel temperatures during the open water season are slightly warmer than surface water temperatures. This contradicts the general conclusions drawn from AEA's annual temperature graphs which suggest that surface water is somewhat warmer than intragravel during the spring and summer. Regardless, differences between surface and intragravel water temperatures were small and probably were dependent on station location and depth of the in trag ravel probe. Maximum, Minimum, and Mean Temperature in the Lower Bradley River Monthly maximum and minimum surface water temperatures at the AEA Riffle Reach recording station, as interpreted from annual report graphs, are presented in Table 3. The operational flow regime began in October 1990 at the start of reservoir filling, consequently the years 1986 through 1990 can be considered pre-operational, and the years 1991 through 1995 post-operational. Although there is question about the quality of some of these data, there do appear to be some real differences between pre-and post-project temperature extremes as shown in Table 3. 1. During the open water period (April to November), post-operational temperatures generally show a greater range between maxima and minima than was the case for the pre-operational period. 2. In 1991-1995 the river warmed more quickly in the spring, cooled more quickly in the fall, and responded more quickly to summer air temperature variations than was the case during the pre- project period. 3. Monthly temperature variation was greater during the post-project period as was the average annual maximum temperature. 4. The above suggested differences make sense in light of the significantly reduced post-project flow during the open water period, as the smaller volume of water would have less thermal momentum, allowing stream temperatures to more rapidly equilibrate to air temperature. Monthly mean surface water temperature at Tree Bar Reach, as collected by USGS, for the 1986 through 1995 period are presented in Table 4. Considering the range of climatic variation, data gaps, and instrumentation error, few conclusions can be drawn from these data. However, the following general statements may be made: 1. Monthly and annual means appear to be similar during the pre-and post-project years. 2. There is some indication that summer water temperatures might be slightly warmer under the post- project regime and that fall water temperatures might have been higher under the pre-project regime. August 8, 1996 Page 9 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT Temperature of Water Released from the Dam During the initial environmental assessment for the Bradley. Lake Hydroelectric Project it was suggested that the post-project temperature regime of the upper Bradley River would differ from the pre-project regime due to thermal stratification in the reservoir and the depth of the fishwater bypass intake. Table 4 presents maximum, minimum, and mean temperatures for the pre-project years, 1986-1990, and post- project years, 1991-1995. The data are from the USGS monitoring station located immediately below the dam (or below the lake outlet during the pre-project years). Because of gaps and inconsistencies, the data were examined and questionable data were discarded. The data for April, May, and June for at least two of the four post-project years appear to be especially suspect. None of the data are corrected for air temperature. General conclusions that can be drawn from Table 5 are as follows: 1. Pre-and post-project temperatures in the upper Bradley River are essentially similar, although there is some suggestion that summer and early fall temperatures are slightly warmer in the post-project years. This information contradicts the expectation that a deep water intake would provide cooler water in the summer than a surface source. 2. It might also be anticipated that post-project winter temperatures would be higher because winter stratification under ice cover usually causes water at lower lake levels to be 3-4 °C. However, in the case of Bradley Lake, the fishwater bypass water is cooler than would be expected (between 0 and 1 °C), making it only slightly warmer than the pre-impoundment lake outlet water. Relationship of Stream Temperature to Air Temperature Post-project Flow Regime The relatively complete 1994 Tree Bar Reach data set was chosen as representative of post-project conditions and is compared to Homer airport 1994 air temperatures (Figure 8). It should be noted that the stream temperatures are daily means whereas the airport air temperatures are daily medians. During winter the temperature of water is obviously limited by ice formation and, therefore, remained near 0 °C. During the open water season water temperatures varied in direct response to air temperature except that the daily amplitude of water temperature changes was less than the amplitude of air temperature changes. Figure 9 plots air temperature vs. stream water temperature (April through October), providing an indication of the strength of the relationship between air and water temperature during the open water season. The graph suggests that the relationship is strong and nearly linear. Regression analysis yielded a regression coefficient of 0.767, confirming a strong and highly significant relationship. Pre-project Flow Regime The 1986 Riffle Reach temperature data set was chosen to represent the pre-project regime because of its completeness and the availability of raw data for this year. Figure 10 compares air and water temperatures for 1986. This graph is similar to that observed for the post-project data, except that the amplitude of daily temperature variation in 1986 was substantially less than seen for 1994, especially during October and November. Figure 11 plots the relationship between air temperature and stream water temperature for these same data during the open water season. As shown, the relationship between air and water temperature is less pronounced than was the case for the post-project data set. The "tail" of anomalous data points extending to the left near the top of the graph were nearly all data from the late fall period, when high precipitation and high flow tended to overcame the effects of cooler air temperatures. Regression analysis on this data August 8, 1996 Page 10 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT set yielded a regression coefficient of 0.445. indicating a substantially weaker relationship between air and water temperature than observed for post-project conditions. August 8, 1996 Page 11 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CONCLUSIONS OPEN WATER PERIOD The significantly lower flow volume that characterizes the post-project regime, as compared to pre-project flows, has resulted in the following changes to the stream temperature regime during the open water period: 1. Stream temperatures respond more rapidly to air temperature changes, resulting in higher maximum temperatures and greater range in daily and monthly temperatures. 2. This more rapid response also results in more rapid warming in the spring and more rapid cooling in the fall. 3. In spite of the wider post-project temperature range, it appears that annual and monthly mean temperatures are similar for pre-and post-project years. 4. There is some indication that post-project summer temperature means are somewhat higher than pre- project, whereas pre-project fall means were somewhat higher than post-project. Under pre-project conditions, high precipitation, normally occurring in September and October, would raise the Bradley Lake level, causing lake overflow and a high discharge of moderate temperature water in the Bradley River. Under post-project conditions this moderation of fall water temperature does not occur. Because of lower Project flow releases at this time, rapid cooling of the water in the river below the dam takes place, in response to cooling air temperatures. 5. This rapid fall cooling associated with low air temperatures is probably the most significant temperature change that has occurred as a result of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. WINTER ICE COVER CONDITIONS No significant differences in winter stream temperatures occur as a result of the project. Flows are low in the winter under both pre-and post-project conditions and water temperatures are near 0 °C. SIGNIFICANCE TO FISH The rate of development of salmon eggs incubating in stream gravel is determined in large part by water temperature. as measured by cumulative temperature units or degree days over a period of several months. Consequently, relatively small changes in temperature can have a significant impact on the time of emergence of salmon fry in the spring. Emergence time may be critical to the survival of salmon fry, depending on the food supply available at the time of emergence. Bradley River pink salmon (the key evaluation species) spawn in mid-August and fry probably emerge from the gravel in April or early May. Since pre-and post-project stream temperatures are essentially the same during ice cover (November through March), the critical period for assessing project temperature impacts on pink salmon is from August through October. Under pre-project conditions, fall water temperature was related to both air temperature and to the amount of precipitation and overflow from Bradley Lake. As a result, moderate temperatures were maintained into late fall, especially in years of high flow. Under post-project conditions, with lower releases from the dam, fall water temperature is more August 8, 1996 Page 12 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT directly related to air temperature and, therefore, likely will vary more from year to year than previously was the case. It is possible that under the post-project regime, climatic extremes might affect the development rate and, thus, the survival of salmon in some years. However, salmon escapement studies done before and after project operation indicate that pink salmon (and most other species) likely are benefiting from the moderated post-project flows (AEA, 1996), and, to date, no evidence of temperature changes severe enough to have a measurable impact on fish has been observed. Consequently, temperature changes, if any, have not had any demonstrable detrimental effect on the salmon populations in the river. Over the long term, it is likely that the benefits of a regulated, stable flow regime will overcome potential negative impacts due to altered stream temperature. August 8, 1996 Page 13 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT REFERENCES General References Alaska Energy Authority. 1996. Final Fisheries Monitoring Report, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. FERC Project Number 8221. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Power Authority. 1988. Application for License for a Major Unconstructed Project, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Exhibit E. Vol. 1-3. Alaska Power Authority. 1985. Mitigation Plan, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. FERC Project Number 8221. Anchorage, Alaska. List of Water Quality Monitoring Reports Alaska Energy Authority. 1995. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, 1995 Bradley River Water Quality Report. Prepared with Assistance from Northern Ecological Services. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Energy Authority. 1994. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, 1994 Bradley River Water Quality Report. Prepared with Assistance from Northern Ecological Services. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Energy Authority. 1993. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, 1993 Bradley River Water Quality Report. Prepared with Assistance from Northern Ecological Services. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Energy Authority. 1992. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, 1992 Bradley River Water Quality Report. Prepared with Assistance from Northern Ecological Services. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Energy Authority. 1991. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, 1991 Bradley River Water Quality Report. Prepared with Assistance from Northern Ecological Services. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Energy Authority. 1990. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. 1990 Bradley River Water Quality Report. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Energy Authority. 1989. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, 1989 Bradley River Water Quality Report. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Power Authority. 1988. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, 1988 Bradley River Water Quality Report. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Power Authority. 1987. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. 1987 Bradley River Water Quality Report. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Power Authority. 1987. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project 1986 Bradley River Water Quality Report. Prepared by Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Power Authority. 1985. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. 1985 Bradley River Water Quality Report. Prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Entrix. Inc. and Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation. Anchorage, Alaska. August 8, 1996 Page 14 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY TABLE I. Mercury, Cadmium and Hydrogen Sulfide Levels in the Bradley Lake Reservoir and Bradley River. • ':1 .. •• .. ~ JUNE .. . . 30 ,. , . 1988 . ; ., · ' ::'' '. : • .1. Site 8L 1 S 8L1 M 8L1 8 8L2 S 8L2 M 8L2 8 8L3 S BL3 M 8L3B H2S u u u u u u u u u MERCURY u u u u u 0.0002mg/l u u 0.0002mg/l CADMIUM u u u u u u u u u . . ,., . . . · SEPT, .,,,;, 29?.,:, 0.,: >'• :1988 .. · ·' ' ,,. ''"'· ""' ··~r ·: . '· ·.' 1-Site 8L 1S 8L1 M 8L1 8 8L2 S BL2 M BL2 8 8L3 S 8L3 M z w H2S u u u u u u u u :! 0 MERCURY u u u u 0 .0002 mg/1 u u 0.0002 mg/1 z CADMIUM 0.0053 mg/1 0 .0048 mg/1 0.0043 mg/1 0.0048 mg/1 0.0047 mg/1 0.0050 mg/1 ::J u u 0 DEC •...... :&.:2Q '\':f•'':>,. 1988 _,._· _.··· . .·._·· .' ·.,' ), 0. . :! Site 8L1S 8L1 M 8L1 8 8L2 S BL2 M 8L2 8 BL3 S 8L3 M ' H2S * w u u u u u u u n:: MERCURY u u u u u u * u 0. CADMIUM u u 0.0002 mg/1 u u 0.0005 mg/1 * u .. ' ·MARCH . ,;:,>13 :"-•.,:.;,\i:. 1989 . :. :·, ,: ' ... ,-::-.-;\\ Site BL 1S 8L1 M 8L1 8 8L2 S BL2 M BL2 8 8L3 S 8L3 M H2S u u u u u u u u MERCURY u u u u u u u u CADMIUM u u u u u u u u . ,, .. ,.· ,,; -' .. ,·•<'.-.·.-,,·, '-'·' JAN.·;;,v•i;;7r·~i~.~·~'F•~:j;;;ri;,(:1993 r'/• ; •. :·•'·:•.c.·. ,}:,..;...,:.:'' .··•; .• 1-z Site 8L1S BL1 M 8L1 8 8L2 S BL2 M 8L2 8 BL3 S 8L3 M w :! H2S * * * * * * * * 0 MERCURY * * * * * * * * z ::J CADMIUM * * * * * * * * 0 0. '' ..... · .. -.. _. ,··. ., , JUNE; .. :)·'~.19 ,;i.+ct'.::.:.;: .. ,1996 . ,,_,., · .... '._, .,... ', :! -Site 8L1S BL1 M 8L1 8 BL2 S 8L2 M BL2 8 8L3 S 8L3 M ' 1-H2S u * * * * * * * en 0 MERCURY u * * * * * * * 0. CADMIUM * * * * * * * u '----------------------- BL = Reservoir, BLO = Reservoir Outlet, 8RR = Bradley River/Riffle Reach S,M,B =Surface, Mid-water and Bottom 1 =Near Dam 2 = Mid Reservoir 3 = Near Head Waters 11 = not detected ·-=no sample BL38 u 0 .0003 mg/1 u , . 8L3B u u u -~ ... : ....... ' I'-. " ' ' 8L3B u u u BL38 * * * ., BL38 * * * - 8LO 8RR * * * * * * 8LO BRR * * * * * * 8LO BRR * * * * * * . . • f:4 ... ' MOO 0 BLO BRR * * * * * * . .. ' .. c .. '' •!t:"', 8LO BR R I u u I u u u u ' BLO 8RR u u u u 0.0 0035mgll u TABLE 2. Turbidity Measurements (NTU) at Tree Bar Reach, Lower Bradley River, for Pre-and Post-Project Conditions. I 1986 min max mean n ~Jan . 1 Feb . Mar Apr May Jun ... Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 282 776 564 5 Dec 750 750 750 1 I 1 9 91 . min max mean n ·Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 26 41 34 6 Aug · 21 47 36 8 Sep 25 35 30 2 Oct Nov Dec min.= minimum value measured max.:::: maximum value measured min 246 224 45 108 190 155 190 min 16 10 73 mean :::: mean of all values for the period 1987 ; c· _C'. max mean n 246 246 1 224 224 1 52 49 2 588 268 4 192 191 2 240 185 4 190 190 1 1 9 9 2 max mean n 34 23 8 62 40 12 84 76 5 n = total number of samples taken for the period ~· . __ , ,, • 1 9 ;8 8 ( ::,-;·. _L, = _1 9 8 9 . ._.: 1 9 9 o· min max mean n min max mean n min max mean n 84 84 84 1 124 151 138 2 40 98 70 10 23 32 27 7 116 186 137 11 25 105 57 15 26 57 56 14 142 220 155 7 90 200 128 3 38 41 40 5 Total Pre-project n mean 95 132 . ;. '. 19 9 3 .; . 1 9 9 4 ,,ll:;,c '1 9 .9 5 •·' min max mean n min max mean n min max mean n 14 39 28 6 38 70 47 8 24 40 31 4 31 54 43 9 50 82 70 14 6 46 31 15 38 54 44 3 81 92 87 4 26 40 33 3 Total Post-project n mean 107 43 ~~ ------- I 1986 1987 . 1988 1989 1990 " 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 TABLE 3. Monthly maximum and minimum surface water temperatures (o C) at the AEA Riffle Reach Recording Station. PRE-PROJECT JAN FEB MAR APR · MAY · " JUN .~UL .· Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max · Min ·· Max Min . 1.3 -0.2 1.8 -0 .2 0.9 -0 .2 2.2 -0.3 3.9 0.7 6.4 2.5 8 .2 5.3 1.4 0 .2 1.3 0.4 1.4 0 .1 2.8 0.8 3.0 1.7 4.1 2.4 7.6 4.1 2.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 2.4 1.1 3.3 1.4 3.9 2.2 4.8 2.6 8.6 4.6 1.7 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.6 1.2 3.8 1.3 5.1 2.7 7.2 3.3 9.8 6 .9 1.7 (0 .0) 1.7 1.3 2.3 1.2 3 .5 0.5 4.9 1.0 9.7 3.5 12.5 6 .6 POST-PROJECT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY ·, JUN ... · JUL · Max Min Max Min , Max Min Max Min Max Min · Max Min , Max,, Min .. 0.3 0.1 0.3 0 .1 0 .6 0.0 2.8 0 .2 5 .0 1.3 9.4 3.2 10 .0 7.0 0.9 0.2 1.2 0 .2 --2.8* 0.7* 5.0* 2.8* 7.6* 5.1* 10.0 7.7* 0.7 0 .1 1.6 0.0 2.3 0 .0 7.5 0 .0 8.0 3.6 10.2 3.4 14.0 6.4 --1.3 -0.1 2.4 1.0 5.2 1.4 7.7 1.3 11 .6 3.2 12.4 6.2 1.3 0 .8 2.4 0 .8 _1.2 _ _Q_.@_ 5.2 1.0 7.0 2.6 10.9 3.8 14.8 7.0 * intragravel temperature substituted for surface water temperature ( ) -possible data inaccuracy AUG SEP · · .. · OCT '" NOV ' DEC Max Min Max Min Max •• Min Max Min , Max 8.5 6.9 8.0 5.9 7.0 4 .7 5.1 2 .1 2.1 10.5 7.1 9.0 6.5 6.7 3.3 4 .6 1.9 2 .0 8.7 -7.7 6.2 7.0 4 .2 4 .6 1.3 2.4 10.3 8.7 9.6 8.3 8.3 4.7 5.7 2.1 2 .9 9.8 7.6 9.0 6 .6 6.7 2.2 3.3 0.4 0.5 AUG • .. SEP OCT NOV DEC Max . Min . Max Min Max Min Max Min Max 10.7 7.4 9.1 5.8 6 .9 ---0 .5 9.8* 5.8* --6.5 0.6 2 .8 0 .2 1.7 13.5 5.2 8.5 5.0 8.4 0.9 4 .1 0.3 - 12.8 7.0 9.4 (0.5) 4.7 ---0.2* 12.1 6.7 10.5 6.7 8.2 3.0 5.6 0.9* - ANNUAL Min Max Min 0.5 8.5 -0.3 1.1 10.5 0 .1 1.1 8.7 1.0 0.2 10.3 0 .2 I 0.2 12.5 0 .2 1 ANNUAL Min Max Min 0.2 10.7 0.0 0 .1 10.0 0.1 -14 .0 0.0 i 0.1* 12 .8 0.1 1 -14 .8 o.8 1 1986 ' ·, 1987 . 1988 1989 - 1990 ·,MEAN 1991 1992 1993 ·1994 . . 1995 ·- MEAN ------------~- TABLE 4. Monthly mean surface water temperature (o C) at Tree Bar Reach, Bradley River (USGS Records). JAN FEB MAR APR tMAY ---2.3 4 .7 -0.6 0.9 1.9 3.3 0.7 0.8 0.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 5.5 0 .0 0.0 0.1 2.5 5.9 0.2 0.4 0.4 2.3 4.5 JAN .FEB MAR APR .MAY 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.0 2.7 ----2.0 0.0 0.5 0.6 2.0 - 0.4 0.3 0.3 2.0 4 .0 0.2 0.3 0.1 1.6 3.0 0.2 0.3 0.3 1.7 ____1:__9 ----- PRE-PROJECT ,JUN 1 >JUL AUG SEP 4.7 7.4 -- 3.3 6.5 9.1 8.0 3.0 6.3 7.8 6.8 5.5 9.1 9.5 8.3 5.9 9.4 8.8 8.0 4 .5 7.7 8.8 7 .8 POST-PROJECT .JUN ·JUL .AUG 'SEP 5.8 8.7 8.9 7.6 4 .8 8.5 9.7 5.9 6 .5 9.5 10 .2 7.4 7.0 9.0 10.7 - 5.7 --- 6.0 8.9 9.9 7 .0 - OCT _NOV -- 5.9 2.4 4.6 1.4 5.1 1.1 4.6 0.2 5.1 1.3 OCT .NOV 3 .7 2.0 2 .8 1.2 3.8 1.4 - - -- 3.4 1.5 DEC - 0.2 0.3 0.9 O.Oj 0.41 DEC -i -! 0.7 0.3 - 0.5 Annual Mean = 3.34 Annual Mean = 3.55 JAN· '-FEB ;MAR ···· APR ·····_ -MAY JUN -•. ~Ul -AUG .SEP · ".·NOV •·- ·OCT · ,. DEC ·. TABLE 5. Surface water temperature {oC) in the Upper Bradley River below the dam site {USGS records). PRE-PROJECT (1986-1990) .MAX • ·MIN - 0.5 -0 .1 0.0 -0 .1 0 .5 -0 .5 3 .0 -0.4 3.5 0.0 8.5 0.0 12.5 3 .0 12.2 6 .1 8.7 5.0 8.0 3.5 4 .5 0.0 1.0 -0.2 ANNUAL MEAN= 3.0 MEAN 0 JAN 0 FEB 0 MAR 1.2 APR- 1.4 MAY ··r.: 3.5 JUN 6 .8 _,JUL -~- 7 .8 -AUG ,:_ 7.0 'CSEP .. ·r 6.0 _•~>NOV .. ) .. 2.0 ,,iOCT·•:;_, 0.2 ,~:DEC _'1_ POST-PROJECT (1991-1995) MAX .. MIN MEAN 1.5 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.5 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5 12 .5 5.0 15.5 4.5 11.5 4.5 9.0 4 .0 5.5 0.0 3.0 0.0 ANNUAL MEAN = 3.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 1.2 3.6 4 .5 7.6 9 .1 8 .3 5.6 3.2 0.9 --, .~ cy ;;:•; E ;< I L _..--oo:EO C>?"-~L- \ -\ TL;:--'A'E,.. ,'\ \0~/\ \ ;_l() \~ \ . D . ~ l, l ~J) ' . \ "UKA ' ) P•·~: --~ , .• C'Eil I .. '''KA ~--G~A t I ~.~ ' -1 ~::liKE \if ~· "·'" DIKE-·( 6] ~~ _,.,.· ,\\Ill, ~ -4.!. ,~1 NUKA DIVERSiON NTS KACHEMAK BAY BARGE DOCK--, -·"-1 I ./ _,...---._ '7: _;_--· ----. II _II I I \ _.....-"'\~ ~,, ,..., ........--.------\ I .... I / POWERHOUSE '\~ I -,~v-./ ../ I ' \ / TO LOWER CAMP ACCESS ROAD - ~~" ~ <jOO_J MUD " / ~1~ FLAT .-c:::;TnR r..;:- c ABANDONED TEMPORARY LANDING STRIP 7 MARTIN RIVER I ACCESS ROAD (REMOVED) ~ ~ 8 "' I (\ /'\ _, \ 'b \(? ((v~ ~~ ~ ou i{? MAIN DAM \ \ Alll="~~ Rn.c.n ~ II I I I I I \ \ I I II I / ,_D~ ~ ----) ' I I / r-... I " I I I I II I I \ I I \ I I w z ::; 'M;J'<MOT CFOE::;K 1.7,;:; I I BRADLEY NORM~L " . <'5o Elt -0 rJ 0 ~~ ~ r u/-- ~ MiDDLE FORK INTAKE------. -.......::.:.::-. -----.. ---..._ LAKE '''-- / ' -.;.coo _;->~ ~o ·s-ea ~ " I --......----\ ~ \ ( ( ~)) \\ \\ ~,1~· ./\ \ I I INSET )~~~~~~ ,/0 / ~" J~O ~ )~)))) E>' -.._, '> I~ ~ .f) 0 w "---~,....,, .. ~~ lUi __/ 1000' .,./" 1. ~i;6~~~~~~~T~swN ARE B.:.s~J ON ~iu~ S~~~~E~E~2D~~JM: Pi>CJECi 0 10C<J' 200C! 3CCC 4{)(XI SC,.\,LE 1N ::"EET I Project Plan. \ S70""'E l WEBSTER _,& ENG!NE?:'O:.G CORPORATION I EXHIBIT F I PLATE 1 BAY 0 0 AEA Middle Fori< 5 Mll...ES I 5 K!LOivtETERS EXPLANATION A USGS Stream-gaging station 4 AEA Strea1'1'1-93ging station -Dam '--~ /""----) ~ ..... _, '-..... (.--~ ......... '-' ' '_, FIGURE 2. Project Area Drainage Relationships and Gaging Stations (From USGS). 0 en w w a: C) w 0 I w a: ::> ~ w a. ~ w f- FIGURE 3: TREE BAR REACH -1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 12~------------------------------------------------------------~ 1 0 1···-·········-·····-···-·····-····-·····-··········-·····-···-···-·····-··········-·················-····-······················-····-·····-···································-·····l·\·····:··f--·····\:.-·.f···-···-\!.71··W·~·"··························· lli\.,/!1 ~~ \ t I H V:i :1 I' r·.: ! .. l l~v I I J 1: I r,. f \ 81--·-·-·--............................................................................... :. .................................. -.... ·-····--··-··--·--··--·--· ......................... ; .. i .......... ;. ..•. ,.~ ........... -...................... -........ \~·-·---··--·--·--··-·---------···----····----· ......... . .~! l l. I i \:~-.: : i ' \ I I' 1 ' :';} 61····-·-·-····---... -............................................................ -.......... -........................................................... _ ...... l--tl·----:.tt'l ....................................................................... : ........ l\ .................................................... . A~~ I" ' ~· f /If i 'f 41···-·---····---···----·-·--··-.............................................................. -................................................... i:. .. :·tv·iJ .............................................................................................................. \······ ................................... . i l ' . I I -1 i ~ . r:,i r •r 21·--···-····-·· .. ·-······ ................................... _ ....................................................... J.i'.Vp.,!.f/_~:. .... ~ .......................................................................................................................................... ~l... \. .................... . fl·-'\# '-., l f I ,~ \ r) ~ -I d \ 0 / " 2 I I -UU Ill DIIIIIIIIUIIBIID ID liD IIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIVIIRIIIIIDIIIIIIDIIIIIIIII UIIIIIDI UIIIIIIIIIIIU 01111 DIIDIIIIIlllllllld Ill lb BIIIIDIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIID Dll UU Ill 11111111118 IDDIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIUIID II UIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIUIID ID Ul 01111 DIIUIIII!m lUI II DIIIR 11111111 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DECEMBER, 1994 THROUGH NOVEMBER, 1995 [_:_-_-SURFACE TEMPERATURE·---------INTRAGRAVEL TEMP. ] u C) w 0 ltJ 0:: ::> ~ 0:: w [L ~ w 1- -· ""' FIGURE 4 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER T MPERATUR 13r 12 I II 11 -i I I I \ ' 1\\ I l 10 -i I I IJ I \ \ II I \ ~~ I\ I \ :r II I I \ .,.._ I ~ \ ,. ..... ' I f I I ..,. I I I I I I I I y I 6 ~I I II 5 II II II 4 II ~ 3 2 1 0 'II -1 -i -2 -1 I I Dec Jon Feb RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1989 -1990 ' ,_, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I It I I 1 I I I I I I I I Uor Apr I I I , / I I I May DATE I /' r .,,1 I Jun / I Jul I Aug SURFACE TEMP INTRAGRAVEL TEMP I Sep I oct· \ ' ' '-. ...., -··----' I I Nov t ' 0 (f) w w a: (!) w 0 I w a: :::::> ~ w a.. ~ w 1- FIGURE 5: TREE BAR REACH-JUNE, 1994 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 12~------------------------------------------------------------~ 11 -<······································································································································································································································································································································ 1 0-<•ooo•o••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••oO••o•ooooooo••••••••••••••o•oo•o••••••••o•ooo•o••••••••o•ooO••ooooOooooo••••••••ooooooooooooooooooooo-ooooooo••U•••ooooooooooooooooo••o•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••oo•o•ooooooooooooooooooOoooooo•ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo•••••••O••••••••••·Ooooooooo<· 9 -f•o•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••u•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••oooOo••OO•OO••••••••••o•o•••••••••••••ooooooooooooooo~o(•oooooo.lo(oooooool••'-•••ooooooooooooooo.J.o\ooooooo~ l-oooooo•••••••o•••••oooooooooooooooooooooof-.tooOOOOOoooooo .. oOooUoOoo•OOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo&OoooooooooooooOoof•o4•o•o••l•• 8-l······························· ·········· ····ll--··-·--·····················•···•······•···•····· ................. ·•······ ....... ···-........ ··················•·"" ·················•···•·······•· .... ······-·················· ..................................................... . 7 6-l H······l···t···-~ I ··~ r ··+ !-+··!-·· .... ..... ' ! \ { I /··l···--+~-·-···1 I 1 I \ ! ; : v v ~ ····r··+···+···f····l···f . ! '· ! ; _.-; i : I \ ..... l .. j .... !.. · i j . I I I \ / I r. ,.-. • 5-1·1 ' i \·r1~·-:: ... U .! u/,_f \, 1\ ;;J n : ......... ··: ... -... -V-i ; ' i' v I .. .r·· "----~··--·=-\ I ' l . \ i \ I 3-imlJillllliillilllllllllllllllillillllilliilllillillllllll 1 5 I liilllllilillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllililiiillillllllllliliilllllllllllllililiiliiilllillllllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllillillllllllllllllllllllilllllllllliillllllllllllllilliilillllllllllllllliilllillllllllllllllllllillllllllillllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiillliiilliill 10 15 20 25 30 JUNE-1994 I-=: SURFACE TEMPERATURE~-~---····· INTRAciR-AVEL TEMP. -] 0 (_? w 0 IJ.J a::: ::J ~ a::: w a_ ::::! w 1- FIGURE 6 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE TREE BAR REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 4.0 ~-~--;--~=--=~~~~~~~~-----~ 3.8 _..: 3.6 - 3.4- 3.2 - 3.0 -1 2.8 --4 2.6 .....J 2.4 _..: 2.2 - 1.4 1.2 .....: 1.0 __, 0.8- 0.6 01-May u 1 06-May SURFACE TEMP r 11-May I 16-Mai DATE T 21-May INTRAGRAVEL TEMP I 26-May 1 31-May FIGURE 7: RIFFLE REACH-SEPTEMBER, 1994 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 11~------------------------------------------------------------~ 9 8 0 (/) 7- w w 0:: C} 6 w 0 I w 5- 0:: ::> ~ 4 w 0... ::lE 3 w ~ 2 -.f·~~~·~·••ooo'oooooonodoOO~u•o•u~ooouooooOooo-uooooOOOo+OO"*'"" ,._,. .. ,.,.._. ..... ,..__. • ._UOH•-'•••••••••••••••••••••n••••••••HUoOoooooOooooo.ou••••••••••••ohO•••••••••H••o••••••n•ooOnoH-UU«•••••••••••••••••••••o.o.oo"oo•uo-••n••••••••••uuoooou uuuuuooooooooo•ooood••l•<>•ohloo"'"""" + 00 ,.,,0~noano•o• .. 00 1-1······················································ .. ······························· .. ······························································ .. ······························ .. ····················································································································~·················-+ 10 15 20 25 30 SEPTEMBER-1994 -SURFACE TEMPERATURE··········· INTRAGRAVEL 0 (/) w w 0: CD w 0 w 0: ::J ~ w a.. ~ FIGURE 8< TREE BAR REACH -1994 STHEAM WATER TEMP. VS. HOMER AIR TEMP. 20~-------------------------------------------------------------, 15 10 5 w -10 1- -15 20 I I -lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DECEMBER, 1993 THROUGH NOVEMBER, 1994 ~--=-~:REAM TEMPERATURE .............. HOMER-AIR TEMP. I FIGURE 9: STREAM TEMP. VS. AIR TEMP TREE BAR, APRIL THROUGH OCTOBER,1994 12~-T~~~--~-------- 1 + * 0 10 -············---·---··· ---··--+----------··-+I -r ffi I ------..P, ± + ± ..p-+ ffi I + ~*:T~-~ - ill 8 _ I + r-+-f!--1-l;u_ -fl::l.. 0 --·+-----· +_p-~=tt. + +'""+ * ~ I . -·-··---~ ·-+;:~·-:--~-±~ -······---························· :::J i + =¢+ + r : + <( 6 ·············································· i + + +.+' + I ---·-r -=-----~:2+~------------- w ! + ++ -P-+. + r 4 ·········· ....... .. ··--· ... . J + + + ~ i ----. -..j±:+!!!.r ::':::_ -± w l + +++-f:i--it * ....................................................................................... . 0: i +."F. + ..................... . ' 1-I +++ ~4J+ CJ) I + -1+ 2 ···················----·········· .... ,.... i +. +++ + ···························+··---'++ * _._ -H+_a_d-~ ..................................... ± --.::r-+ + :f: -t.. + ...... +~*···"]·+················································································································ + ..... ..,.. +~ + + '···················--····--····· + ~~10;-------~~--~~~~==~~--~--------~~--------~----------5 0 5 10 AIR TEMPERATURE-HOMER AIRPORT (C) 15 + + + 20 0 (/) w w a: CJ w 0 w a: :::> ~ w 0... ~ FIGlJRE 10,: RIFFLE REACH -1986 STHEAM WATER TEMP. VS. HOMER AIR TEMP. 20~--------------------------------------------------------------~ ---------r·.-.. r,jr;; r\ ----- 15-l " . . • .. ., . • . . . . . . ' ' ! l ................. . 10 0 ll/ 'i w -10 1- -15-l \{ ----------- - -- -20 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JANUARY, 1986 THROUGH DECEMBER, 1986 t-~-~ ~~·STREAM TEMPERATURE .............. HOMER AIR TEMP. I FIGURE 11: STREAM TEMP. VS. AIR TEMP. RIFFLE REACH, APRIL-OCTOBER, 1986 9 i I 8-l···························································································· ............................................... t···· .. ··"''"''""''"''''''''"'''"'"''"''''''''"''''"'"''''"'""'""'"''''. .... ...... . ........................................................... .. I *=tj:! > 7 -l············ ............................................................................................................................... t ................................................................... :f: .. ~+++ .......... +~ .......................................................... . i -t-t ..p-+ ~ + 0 ! + ;~:!-+ + + ffi 6 ........................................................................................................................................... t ........... ~*··+¥··· .. +·± ....... :{··········±'-t.t:t: ................................................................. .. ~ l=t=+ + +++ (!) 5 ............................................................................................................... + ................... t .................. ~ ...................................................... ± ....... + ....................................................................................... . gs I +\+r + + I I ~ 4 ........................................................................................................................................... l ............................................................................... =tft: ..................... ± .................................................................... . :J ! + + ~ j cE. 3 ............................................................................................................................................ t ................................................................ *!*'""'::;!-'"''''""'''"''"""'"'···· .................................................... . w ! +ft; + -q_+ + ~ 2 ""m mmmmm mm mm " 0 0" moooom-jm 0 ·;iJ~ mmm mmm-mm •••Ommo mm mm f-i ..p--A=+ 1 ......................................................................................................................................... + ...... + .. :q.. ......................... ± ................................................................................................................................. . i +-q.. ++i+ + 0-J· .......................................................................................................................................... J. ... + ............ .:f: ............................................................................................................................................................. . + + + i ' i -1 I -15 -1 0 -5 0 5 1 0 15 20 AIR TEMPERATURE-HOMER AIRPORT (C) ATTACHMENT A ii ~ WI I ~ 111 lrl &II II • CH£i\-JJCAL & GEOLOGICAL L4.BORATORJ£S OF ALASKA, INC. IKA;o; ~~ 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 ' FEDERAL TAX lD It 92·0040440 1MAt!SIS R!POR! BY SAKPtE for Work Order t 7602 Data Report Printed: JUL 14 88 ! 15:31 Client Sample ID:SI!t It PWSID : Collected t hu. Race1Ted JUK 30 88 t 15:00 hrs. Pre•erTed with :AS REQUIRED Ana1yata Comp1etad :JUL 12 88 Laboratory Supe:f~-~PHEM C. ED! &eleasad By:~--<:::... ~ Client Name : AX POWER AO!HORI!T Client Acct : 1lPWRAP P.O.t DAVE !RODGEM Raq I Ordered By : !OM !RMINSXI • D!V! TRUDGEN Send &epor ts to: l)!X POWER AO!HORI!! 2) ·-··--···············-············--··········-·-····························-····-·········-·--·········--···················-····~ Spacial BRADtE! LAKE !IUtruct: Chamlab Ref I: 1625 _Lab Smpl ID: l Param.tar !aated ICP-25 !L!M!Ml SCAJ AL O'MI K1JlC ARS!!HC BARIUM BORON CALCIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM COPPER IRON LEAD MAGlfESIUM MANG!M!SE MlRCUR.I MICIEL PHOSPHOR01JS POTASSIUM SELEMIUX SILICON SIL VEB. SODIUM S!ROII!HJM !IM VAliADilJM ZiliC ZIRCOHIUX Matrix: Water Ruult/Un1ts nla n/a 1.8 mg/1 !ID(O.OS) mg/1 !ID(0.05) mg/1 !ID(O.OS) aq/1 8.9 aq/1 !ID(O.Ol) ~~g/1 !ID(0.05) aq/1 0.055 aq/1 3.5 mg/1 !ID(0.05) Dq/1 1. 8 ~~g/1 0.089 ~~g/1 liD(0.05) aq/1 !ID(O.OS) ~~g/1 0.066 ~~g/1 0.40 ~~g/1 liD(O.OS) ~~g/1 3.1~~g/1 !ID(0.05) ~~g/1 1.3 Dq/1 0.038 ~~g/1 KD(0.05) :.q/1 ND(0.05) ~~g/1 0.30 ~~g/1 !ID(O.OS) :~g/1 Method ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP IC? IC? ICP ICP IC? ICP ICP IC? ICP IC? IC? IC? ICP IC? ICP IC? IC? IC? IC? U1ovabla Limita i I I I I I l I I i I n n n ,~, ,~C'"'_.,o;:_7 >:- =CH=£M=JCAL=:====::&==:=:===G::=:=£::=0=:=L=.:O==:GJ:=:=C=:=A.L:==[AB=====O==RAI:::::=::::O::=RJ::=:====£S===:==O==:=:F====:ALAS====K=4.=,=J=N="C. fl~~ 1 _ , \~ ;£EE~~ 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 )(~~ -::: · FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 ~~ ~;t: ~-- !M!L!SIS REPORT 8! SAMPLE for Work Order l 7602 Data Report Printed: JUL 14 88 @ 15:33 Client Sample ID:SI!E 12 P'iGID : Collected t lu:s. Received JUH 30 88@ 15:00 lu:s. Preserved with :!S REQUIRED !nalylil Completed :JUL 12 88 Laboratory Supet~TE~HEM C. EDE l\alaaud By : ~ C. Gee-- Client Name : A~ POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : AIPWR!P P.O.I D!VE TRUDGEN Req I Ordarad By : IOM !RMIHS~I • O!VE TRUDGEN Send Report& to: l)AI POWER !U!HORIY! 2) ~ _, " ···----···············-··-·······------···-············-------······································---······················-····· Spacial BRADLEY L!KZ li1Jittuct: Chamlab 1\a£ 1: 1625 PatlllHtat Tasted ICP-25 ELEMEMT SCAN ALUM! MUM ARS!MIC BA.Rlmt BOB. ON CALCIUM CADMIUM CRROM.Imt COPPER IROM LUD MAGlllSIOM MANGAlllS! M!RCU!I NIC!EL PHOSPHOROUS POTASSIUM SELEHIOM SILICON SILVER. SODIIJ1( S!ROMTIUM IIH VAN!DIIJ1( ZINC ZIRCOliiOM Lab Smpl ID: 2 Mattix: Watu Rnult/Unita n/a nla 1.8 ~/1 KD(O .OS) 1111/1 KD(O. 05) 1111/1 tro(O.OS) ~/1 8.4 ~/1 ND(0.01) !J11/1 KD(O.OS) 1111/l 0.050 rr;/1 3.0 rr;/1 KD(O.OS) rr;/1 l. 7 rr;/1 0.072 ~/1 KD(O.OS) !J11/1 KD(0.05) rr;/1 KD(O.OS) rr;/1 0.21 rr;/1 NO(O.OS) ~/1 3.0 !111/1 tro(O.OS) 1111/l l. 4 rr;/1 0.086 ~~q/1 ND(O.OS) rr;/1 KD(O.OS) 111111 0.085 ~~q/1 KD(O.OS) rr;/1 Method ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP IC? IC? ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP IC? ICP IC? ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP IC? Allowable Limits n I 1 l l I I I ~ I I I I I I !I CHEiHICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF A.L4.SKA, l1VC. !NALISIS REPORT 8! SAMPLE for Work Order t 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 t 15:34 Client Sample ID:SI!E t2 PWSID : Collected h.ts. Rece1Ted JUM 30 88 t 15:00 h.t1. PreserTed with :AS REQUIRED !nalyais Completed :JUL 12 88 Laboratory Sup~Y~~PH&M C. !DE &elaaud 8y : ~-~. ~ Cllent Na~ : A~ POwlR !O!HORI!i Client !cct : !KP~P P.O.t DAVE TRUDGEN Raq • Ordered 8y : !OM ARMINS~I ' DAVE TRUDGEN Send Rtpottl to: 1)!~ POWER !U!HORl!! :/.) ······-~---········-···--······-··············································--···················································· Special BR!DLEI LAIZ Ina true~: Chtmlab Ref t: 16:/.S Sa.mple Remarks: PuaJ:MUt Tuted Lab ,Smpl ID: 2 Matrix: Watet Ruult/Unita Method Allowable Li:Lita ······························----------·····--·--·······~········--·-···--···-··········-···················· 26 Tests Performed MD· None Detected MA· Not Analr=ad ' Sea Spec1al InJt:uct1ons Above '' See Sample Remarks !boTe t:•tess !han, G:-~reater !han Ul·On.ani.labli - .. CHEL'iti/CAL & GEOLOGIC4L LABORAIORJES OF ALASKA, 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92·0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BT SAMPLE for Work Order t 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 t 15:34 ~ Client Sample ID:SITE t) PWSID : Client Mama : AA POWER AU!HORI!I Client Acct : AKPWRAP Collected hrs. 'IIi Raceind JUM 30 88 t 15:00 hrs. J PreserTad v1th :AS REQUIRED Analysis Completed :Jut 12 88 Laboratory Supe}J~EPHIM C. ED! Released By : ,., T -C:. · ~ P.O.t DAVE TRUDGEN Req l Ordered Ry : !OM ARMINSXI ' DAV! !RUDGtM S•nd Reports to: 1)AA POWER AUTHORI!I 2) J ·············-·······-······················-···········-·······-·························-··········--············--··············· J J I J J J J J J J I Special BRADLEY LA~E Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 1625 Lab Smpl ID: hraJHter 'hatad ICP-25 ELEM!N! SCAN l L Ulli MID( ARSENIC BARIUM SCROll CALCIUM CADMIUM COR.OM!UX COPPEll. !ROM LEAD Ml.CxESIUl( MAliCA!IESE JaR CUB.! lHC!IL PHOSPHOROUS POUSSIIDi SELENIUM SILICON' SIL Vi:R SODIUX S!RON!lmt !Ili VA!UDitJ)I ZINC Z!li.COliiU)( Matra: Wetlir B.uult/Unita nl« n/a 1. 9 Illq/1 liD(O.OS) lllq/1 liD(O.OS) Illq/1 liD(O.OS) rag/1 8.1 Illq/1 liD(0.01) Illq/1 liD(O.OS) Illq/1 0.097 Illq/1 2.8 Clq/1 liD(O.OS) Illq/1 1. 8 Illq/1 0.067 lllq/1 liD(O.OS) Illq/1 liD(O.OS) Illq/1 liD(0.05) lllq/1 liD(LO) ~~q/1 liD(O.OS) Illq/1 3.2 Illq/1 IID(O.OS) Illq/1 1. 6 rag/1 0.082 Illq/1 liD(O.OS) rag/1 lil)(O.OS) Illq/1 0.10 Illq/1 liD(O.OS) 111J/l Method ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP IC? ICP ICP IC? ICP IC? IC? IC? IC? ICP IC? IC? ICP IC? ICP IC? IC? !C? IC? lllo11abh Lillitr I n n n I 1 n r1 n n n r1 CHE~WICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 It 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BT SAMPLE for Work Order l 7602 Data Report Prlntad: JUL 14 88@ 15:35 Client Sanpla ID:SI!E 13 Plf.5ID : Collected his. Raca1Tad JUH 30 88 15:00 his. Preserved vith :AS REQUIRED Analysis Completed :JUL 12 88 Laboratory Supervisor :STEPHEN C. EDE Released By : r C · ~ Client MaBe : A~ POWER AU!RORI!T Client Acct : A!PWRAP P.O.I DAVE TRUDGEN Raq I Ordered By : !OM lRMIMS~I ' DAVE TRUDGEN Sand Reports to: l)AI POWER AU!HORIT! 2) ······························-········-·-······················-·········································-························· Spacial BRADLEY Ll~E Instruct: Chamlab Ref I: 1625 SaQPla Ran~arks: Parameter !sated Lab Smpl ID: 3 Matri::: Water Rasul t/Uni ts Method Allovabla Lim.i ts ····························································································-················· 26 !eats Performed MD-Mona Detected MA· llot An.sl:rzad ' Saa Spacial In.st:uct:on.s Above '' Sea Sanpla Ra~rks AbaTe L:-~ass !han, GT·Graatar ~han UA·On.svailabla I I I I I I I I ! I I 1 CHEA-'JICAL & GEOLOGIC4L LABORATORIES OF ALASK4, l1VC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELE?~ONE (907) 562-2343 FcDEi1Al TAX iD ~ 92-0040440 AH!L!SIS REPORT BT SAMPtE for Work Order t 7602 Date Report Pr1nted: JUL l4 88 I 15:36 Client Sample ID:SITE 11-SURF!CE PWSID : Collected t hrs. Reca1Tad JUH 30 88 t 15:00 hrs. PreaerTed with :!S REQUIRED Analysis Co~pleted :Jut 11 88 Laboratory Sup~EPB!N C. &DE Relaand By:. _1 <:. ~ Client K~ : !I POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : !~WRAP P.O.t DAVE TRUDGEH Req t Ordered Ry : TOM !RMIKSKI ' DAVE !RUDGZN Send Reports to: l)AI POWER AO!HORI!! 2) ··------···········---------------······-··························----------------------------------·---------·················--- Special BRADLEY LAEI Instruct: Chemlab Ref l: 1625 Sample Parameter Te1ted CADMIUM MERCURI Sot FIDE Rematlt!: Lab S11pl ID: 4 Matrix: Water Ruul t/Uni t1 lfD(O .002) ~~q/1 ND(0.0002) ~~q/1 ND(0.003) ~~q/1 Method cr ll !llowabla L1111 t1 ······-·····-----············-····················----------------------·-······-·---------------------····-·· 3 !&sts PatfJt36d KD· Mone Detec~ed NA· Not Anal y-:ed ' See Sp•c1al In!tructions Abova •• See Sanple Remarks !boTe L!•Le!a Than. G!·Gtaatar Than ........... __________________________ _ 1 I 1 D I I I \ I I I 1 I CHE1~fiCAL & GEOLOGIC4L LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, I1VC. AMAL!SIS REPORI B! SAMPLE for Work Order t 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 @ 15:37 Client Sample ID:SIIE l1-MID COLUMN PWSID : Collected @ hrs. Received JUN 30 88 t 15:00 hra. Preserved with :!S R!QOIR!D Analy1is CoMpleted :JUL 11 88 t•b"""' '"'~"'"'};-!DE_./ Relauad By : · C.. ~ Client Mane : !K POWER !UIHORII! Client Acct : AKPWRAP P.O.l DAVE TRUDGEN Req l Ordered By : !OM ARMINS!I ' DAVE TRUDGEN Send Report• to: l)AK POWER AO!HORIIT 2) ·················-············--··························-·············································-···-····················· Spacial BR!DL!! LA!! Instruct: Chemlab Ref t: 1625 ParaiMter ·Intad CADMIUM laRCURI SULFIDE Sampla Ramrks: Lab S1191 ID: 5 Matr1::.:: Water Ruult/Un1tl lfD(0.002) ~~q/1 lfD(0.0002) ~~q/1 lfD(0.003) ~~q/1 Method GF .u. U1owable Lilli ts ·······-···················-········-······--··················································--············· 3 Iests Perfor~d lfD· None Detec~ed HA· Not Analy-;:sd ' Su Special Irut:uctioru !bon •• See Sample Remarks Above L:-Less !han, GI·Graatar Ihan OA·O!'.availabla 1 '1 1 1 I I I t I I I I I J I 1 1 CHEiHICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, l1VC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 F=iJERAL TAX 10 II 92-0040440 ANALYSIS R!PORI BT SAMPLE for Work Order J 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88@ 15:37 Client Sample ID:S!TE 11-BO!IOM PWSID : Collected t his. Received JUK 30 88 I 15:00 his. PreserTed with :!S REQUIRED Analysil Completed :JUL 11 88 Laboratory SuperT1sor :STEPHEN C. !D! Releaaed By : ~£.. ~ Client Naae : A~ POWER AUTHOR!!! Client Acct : A~PWRAP P.O.I D!VE TRUDGEN Raq I Ordered By : !OM ARMINS~I ' DAVE TRUDGEN Send Reports to: 1)A~ POWER AUTHORITY 2) ············---------·····-···-·············--·········-·······-··-·········-----·················································- Special BRADLEY LA~ lnatruct: Chamlab Ref t: 1625 Lab .Smpl ID: 6 MatriX: Water Parameter Taattd CAD)(HJM M!B.CUB.! SOL !'IDE 3 Ieata Perfor~d MD· Nona Detected NA· Not Analyzed Result/Units lfD(O. 002) ~~g/1 lf0(0.0002) ~~g/1 lfD(0.003) ~~g/1 ' See Special Instructions !bon '' See Sample Remarks !boTe L!·Lesa !han. G!-Gcaater !han Method Gl !! UA•iJr.ua1lable Allowable Lillits 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ! I 1 , AKALISIS REPORT B! SAMPLE for Work Otdar t 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 f 15:38 Client Sa~ple ID:SI!t t2-SURFACE PWSID : Collected t h.rs. RecalTtd JUK 30 88 t 15:00 h.rs. PreaarTad v1th :AS REQUIRED Analya11 Co~leted :JUL 11 88 Laboratory SuperTlsot :S!EPBIH ~~ED!~ Relauad By : ~C,... ~ Client Kane : A~ POWER AUTRORI7! Client Acct : !lP~~AP P.O.I DAVE !RUDG&K Raq I Ordered By : !OX ARMIHSK! ' DAVE !RUDGE~ Send Raporta to: 1)!& POWER AU!RORITI 2) ·····-·--··-·············-·····-·······-··-··-··--·-··--·--------·········------·······--·······-································· Special BRADt!! LAKE Instruct: Chamlab Ref I: 1625 Lab S~l ID: 7 Paraaetat Tested CADMIUM MERCURI SULFIDE Matrix: Water Ruult/Un1t• · IID(0.002) mg/1 liD(0.0002) mg/1 liD(0.003) mg/1 Method cr ll !llovabh Lllli. t I =I Sample Reraarka: • • 3 !eat! Perfor~d MD· Mona Detected HA· Not Ar~lrzad • See Spacial Instructions lboTa •• Sea Sample Raraarks !boTe L!-~ass !han, G!·Greater !han Ul.•Unava1labla I I . I J) CHEiW.ICAL & GEOLOGICAL L4BORAIORJES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907} 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92·0040440 !MAL!SIS REPORt BY SAMPLE for Work Order t 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 @ 15:39 Client Sample ID:SitE 12-MID COLUMN PWSID : Collected I hrs . Received JUX 30 88 I 15:00 hrs. Pre•arTad with :AS REQUIRED lnaly111 Co~lated :JUL 11 88 Laboratory Sup~PH!N C. !DE Released By: 7 C..~ Client Mana : !! POWER !O!HORI!T Client Acct : AEPWRAP P.O.t Dlvt tRUDGEN Req I Ordered By : TOM !RMIMSII • DAVE !ROOGEM Sand Reports to: 1)1! POWER AUTHORitT 2) ··-···········-···························--···········································-·-········································· Spacial 81\!0L!! LA!! In~truct: Chamlab Ref l: 1625 Parameter !asted CADKI1JX IC!P.CU! I SUI. riDE Lab S11pl ID: 8 Matrix: Water Ruult/Un1ta HD( a . 002) ~~q/1 HD(0.0002) ~~q/1 HD(0.003) ~~q/1 Method Gl ll Allowable Lillits ·····-········--·-·····-··-·····-···················-··················--·--········-··-·--··--··-··-·--·--··- 1 Ie1t1 Per!or~d HD-Mona Detected MA· Mot Anal y-.:ed ' Set Special Inst:uc~!ons !boTe •• See S4Dple Remarks Above LI•Lea1 Than, GI-Greater than CHE~W.ICAL & GEOLOGICAL IABORA.TORIES OF ALASKA, 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT B! SlMPLK for Wor~ Order t 7602 Oats Report Printed: JUL 14 88 t 15:39 Client Sample ID:SI!E t2-80!TOM PWSID : Collected t hrs. bed nd JUK 30 88 t 15:00 lu:s. Precerved with :AS REQUIRED Analytis Completed :Jut 11 88 Labon.tory Supery~s:!P!iEll j. ·,ED£ ~ Releand By : Af -C... ~ Client Kame : A! POWER AUTHORIIT Client lcet : AIPWR!P P . 0. I O!'n: IRUDGKll Req t Ordered By : !OM ARH!liS~I ' DAVE IRUDGEll Send Reports to: l)A! POWER AUTHORITY 2) ·-············-········-········-··············-····-············-·······················-·················-····················- Spacial BRADLEl ~AtE Instruct: Chemlab Ref t: 1625 Parameter !eated CADMIUM M!RCTJB.! SUI. riDE ~le Remar~s: Lab S!lpl ID: 9 Matrix: Water Ruult/Onits 110(0.002) lll,j/1 0.0002 llg/1 lm(0.002) llg/1 Method Gf ll Allowable Lilli ts ---·-·····-·············-·······················-·······-···········-······-·····-····-·········-··········-·· 3 Ier~s Par!ormed MD• None Detected NA· Mot Ar~lr:ed • See Special Inst:uct1ons !boTe •• See Saaple Remarks !bore L!·La!a Ir~n. C!•Greater !han OA·Unarallable Lll Jl• 1 • i • ~ ' ; • . ' • • 1)1 .. • J ·- CHEMIC4L & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STRE!:T ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92·0040440 AMALISIS REPORT BI SAMPLE for Motk Otdat l 7602 Date Rapott Printed: JUL 14 88 t 15:40 Client Sample ID:Sl!E 13-SURfACE PWSlD : Collected t hu. ReceiTed JUM 30 88 e 15:00 hrs. PrasetTed vith :AS !!QUlRED Analyaia Completed :JUL 11 88 Laboratory Sup~EPHEX C. EDE P.ehued By : _ T'T C.~ Client Mama : 1! POWER AUTHOR!!! Client Acct : AXPWR!P P.O.I DAVE !RUDGZM Req I Ordered By : !OM A!MIMS!l ' OA~t IRODGEM Send Reports to: 1)11 POWER AUTHORI!! 2) --········-·····-························································--·-···························-······-················ Special !RADLE! LAKE In.struct: Chtmlah Ref I: 1625 Parameter 1aated CADMI'Ol( M!RCUB.! SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 10 Matrix: Mater P. .. ult/Units liD(0.002) ~~g/1 liD(0.0002) ~~g/1 l!D(0.002) ~~g/l Method cr u U1ovabla Lilli t1 --------------------------·-·······------·······-··········---------------······-·······-·····----------·-···· 3 Tests Perfora.d MD· Mona Detected MA• Not Analyzed • See Special Instructions AboTe •• See Saaple Renarks !boTe LI•Less !han, GI·Greattr !han , , , , 1 1 , 1 1 , , ' ' I II CHE1W.ICAL & GEOLOGICAL L4BORA.TORIES OF ALASKA, LVC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE {907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID II 92-0040440 AMALISIS REPORT BI SAMPLE for Work Order I 7602 D~te Report Pt1nt•d: JUL 14 88 ! 15:41 Client Sample ID:SITE 13-KID COLUMN PWSID : Collected t hu. Racaived JrrN 30 88 t 15:00 hra. Prtaarved vith :AS REQUIRED lnalysia Completed :]UL 11 88 Laboratory Supe~;~:;IEPH!ll >· ED! Ral•~••d Sy : ~~ -C:. ~ Client Mama : AX POWER .\UIHORI!r Client Acct : AXPWRAP P.O.t DAVE TRUDGEN Req t Ordered By : TOM ARKIMS!I ' DAVE !RITDGEM Send Reports to: l)A! POWER AU!HORITI 2) ·········--··········--·······--·--···········-------······-------··············-········-·--······-----·············-···-········ Spacial BR1DLE! LA!l Instruct: Chemlab Rat I: 1625 Par~ter Iaated C.\DiliUX M!B.CUP.I SULliD! 3 Tasta Par!or~ed iD• Mona Datactad ll.!.· Mot Analyzad Lao ,!impl ID: 11 Matrix: w~ter Ruult/On1ta IID(0.002) mq/1 IID(0.0002) mq/1 IID(0.002) mq/1 • Sea Special Inat:uct1ona Above •• Sea Sample Remark• Above L!•Less Than, GI·Greater Than Method Gl ll UA-ur,.,n1laola .Ulov~bh Lilli t I .................... __________________ _ I I I I I l ~~ _,/~'-. CHEiWICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, I1VC. ilo:. .,.,_~ 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 :\\;· '": ,;.... .§{' FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92·0040440 ~ ... , . _.' ... :~,f- -~ AM!LTSIS REPORT B! SAMPLE for Work Orde: I 7602 Date &aport Printed: JUt 14 88 t 15:42 Client Sample ID:SirE 13-BOT!OM P'lfSID : Collected l hu. Raca1vad JUli 30 88 l 15:00 hu. PreaerTed vith :AS R!QOIRZD !nalys1• Completed :JUL 11 88 Laboratory SuperTilot :S!EPH!M C. ZOE &ehued By: .A:J~C,, C<::L-- Cl1ent Name : A! POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : !KPWRAP P.O.l D!V! TRODG!M Raq t Ordered By : TOM ARMINSII • DAVE IRUDGEN Sand Reports to: 1)!! POWER !D!HORI!I 2) ···························-···-····-························-···---···-··········-················--------············-··········-· Special SRADLET LAKE Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 1625 Paraa.ter Tatted CADMIUM M!RC1lll SULFIDE Lab S~~pl ID: 12 Matrix: iiatat !.uult/Un1tl · tro(0.002) ~~q/1 0.0002 ~~q/1 IID(0.002) liiJ/1 Method cr u il1ovabla Lilli ta ·-··············--·············-·-·······-······················--········-···········-·········--····-······· 3 TiltS PttfOtDed KD· Hone Detected MA• Mot Analy-:ed • See Spec1al Inatructlons !boTe •• See Saaple Re~tkl AboTe LT•Less !han, C!·Greatar Than U!·IJr.an1hble .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I - .• :',J CHEi\1IC4L & GEOLOGIC4L. L4.BORAIORJES OF ALASK4., 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FC:DERAL TAX !0 I# 92·0040440 ANALTSIS REPORT 8! S~~L! fot Wotk Order I 9573 ~· Datt Ripott Punted: OC! 12 SS f 17:00 Cl1tnt ~le !D:SI!Z ll !OP P'!fSID :UA Collaeted 3!? 29 88 t hu. !.tcdnd SZ? 30 88 l 09:00 hrs. PttlttTed ~1~h :!S !!QOIR!D Aoalys1i Co2pleted :OC! ll SS Labot4toty Sup•tT1tot :S!tPSIY C. tO! lhlee.nd By : yJ4i:._ L ";b.--- / Cl.ttnt !faJM : U POW!! AO!OO!U!T Client Acct : AI?~~p P.O.t 099331 !.aq t Otdtttd !y : !OM ~JSII/011! !R~vG~~ 3•nd Report• to: l)U POW!! lO!RO!III 2f ··-·-···-~----·-·······························································------······-·············--·······--·---·····-····· Sp•c1al Sa!DLE! L![Z In.ttuct: ClOWliD( li!B.CUB.I SULFIDE tab St~pl ID: 1 !ample SAKPL! CO~ttC!!D BI D. !lUDGtM !tllllik:l: htul-t/Un1ts 0.0053 aq/1 . lf0(0.0002) aq/1 lfD( 0. 002) aq/1 ,· Method cr u All onblt Llllita ······-·-·-················--··-----········-····-···-···········-·-··-···-·-·········----·-··-········-······ 3 !tst• ?trfot~d MD· Ho~ ~•tec!ad lU· llot 1:-..al;.ed • 3u Sptc1al Iat:I.:.C!1ona lbon •• Su S4.mplt iltlliii..:U .lbon L!•Ltst !~An, G!~rt4ttt !han , , ! , , ' ~ , I 1 ' ' I I I I I I II j ' ./ CHEL¥1IC4L & GEOLOGIC4L LABORATORIES OF ALASK4., 5633 B STRE::T ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 !HlL!SI3 R!POR! !T SL~LK for Work Otdtr I 1573 Date Rapott ?:1~ttd: CC! 12 as ~ 17:00 Client ~1• ID:SII! ll MID COLUWX P'li'SIO :01 Colltettd S!l' 29 sa f hrr. l•e•1Ttd SEP 30 sa • 09:00 bra. PrtrarTed vitb :lS REQO!R!D lnalyait Completed :OC! 11 as Laboratory Sup•;~ :3!!PHIM ~ID! hltaud By : .X../~ C ~ I Client H~ l! ?OWIR lU!HORI!! Client !ect !I:~~p P.O.t 099331 hq. Ordered By : !0~ lRMIHSII/DlV! !~ot~l~ Sand Repotts to: 1)1! POWER !U!HORI!! 2)' ·········-······················-·········-·················-·-····-·····-·····-··--············-··-··---·-······················· Spec1al BRiDLE! L![& lll.ltruet: C!.Il)(!ID( M!Rctll! sutnm: '· .. Lab S;~pl 1!): 2 ~l• S!W?L~ COLL!C!ED B! D. ta~Z5 l•ae.xlts: Watrlx: k1.!!1 hru1t/On.l ts 0.0048 mg/1 liD(0.0002) cr;/1 li1l(0.002) ~:q/1 }let hod Gl ll Ulo11abh ----·--··-----··-··-------·--·······-············-·-···-············································--·--·--·- 3 tuts Pedot:Md liD• llon. O.t ..::ted Vl• Vot ln&lr:•d ' Su 3ptchl lnst:~t!ons !l:loTI • • s .. ~le bliUu loon L:•tesa !han, C!-Grt~t•: Ihan .... I J I I I ! Q I ' I ' I \ _j ) CHE,\<fiCAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF AlASKA, 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGe, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDEF!AL TAX ID It 92-0040440 ANAL!SI3 R!PO&T Bt SlMPL! for Work Order t 9573 Data !•port P:int•d: OC! 12 88 c 17:01 Clitnt ~1• ID:SI!Z 11 !O!!OX PWSID :01 Colle<::t•d SXP 29 88 t hr1. !tet1Ted 3ZP 30 88 f 09:00 hra. C!llltTtd W1th :l3 l!QOI!!D lnaly•1• Completad :OC! 11 88 L.horatoty 3uperT1Jor :S:EPHEH C. !DE ltleaud By : J!.#--t: ~..L<--- 1 Client Mam. : 1I POW!! Autaoar:r Clitnt leet l!PWRAP P.O.t 099331 hq. Ordaud By : !OM !100llSII/1JlV1 'n.ODG!li 3tnd Report• to: 1)1I FOW!i llJ!HOU!T 2). ····························----------------·-················-·····--·-·-··················································-····· Ssac!al SUDL!! LU! Inrttuet: Ch•~ab !tf t: 2841 Lab S~pl ID: 3 ltatti:c: W!:I!! ClDifilllf li!B.CU!! sut!IDi ':::"- lnuh/Oni tl . 0.0043 ~:~q/1 HD(0.0002) ~:~q/1 HD(0.002) :kJ/1 34apl• 3lM?L~ COLL~C!XD &I D. IlODG~~ !!.tM.tb: 3 !tlti rtt!or,.d XD-Mon. utttettd H!· Not A~~r:•d • Sn Sp•c:ial IllJittuetiGnJ lbon '' Sn 54.:aplt !!.n•n:U lboTt L:•Less !han, G~·Gttdttr !han Gl ll Allowd.bh L1r11 ts M rl n M , il I1 \ / ) CHEA1ICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORAIORIES OF AL4SKA, !H!L!SIS ~E?OR! B! SiMPLZ for Work Order * 957; D4te ~epor: P:lnt&d: OC! 12 SS t 17:02 Cllant Sam9le ID:SI!! f2 !OP PloiSID :0! Collected SEP 29 88 t hts. Rect1Ttd SZP 30 SS t 09:00 htt. Pre•erTed v1th :lS l!QOI!!D ln4lytia Completed :OC! ll 88 L4boratoty Suptt)1'o~_:S!!PBI~ ;;. !Dt Relaued !y : ~ C ~ I Client Ham. : AI PO~lR lU!EOai!! Client Aeet : A!P~~ P.O.I 099331 hq I Otd•r•d !y : tOM ~\MINS~!/DAVl IRo-vGZ~ Send Report• to: 1)1! po·~a !U!Eoarrr z)" ···-····-·······--········-···········································----···--·····-----·········------------····-----·······--·~· Special Ba!DL!! L!rE rn.st:::uc~: Chomlab S.a£ *= 2S4l CADMIUM MIS.CUAI sur. nor: ""' ~~·:'". -~.... " ... ·-- L4b Smpl ID: 4 . ·. c--·- ~1• S!XPLI COLLIC!!D i! D. I!DDGE~ RtRila: Jolatrlx: WAil:. P.uul.t/Oni U 0. 0048 r.q/l lfD(0.0002) r.q/1 ll0(0.002) r.q/1 Method cr il !llovabla L.:.:u ts ···-·-----·········--·······-·----···-····-···-·-······-···-····-··-····---····--········----·-····--·-······· 3 !eats Pet!ct~d JD-lone o.ue t e.d il• Hot !n4lr:..:l • S•• Special Ir~ttuctiona Above •• See Sample !e~rks AboTt t!·t••• Ih4n, CI•Gtt4te: IrAn 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1J • • I I • ' _) J AM!LISIS k!PORI o! SkMPL£ for ~o:k Otdtr t 9573 Datt kepott Prlntod: OC! 12 as e 17:03 Client ~lt ID:SITZ 12 MID COLUMN PWSID :0! Colltcted 3ZP 29 ea • h.rr. !eceiT.d StP 30 88 4 09:00 hrr. PreattTtd •lth :&S RZQOIRED loalyair Completed :OCT 1! 88 L&botataty Su~rT11at :STEPHIN C. !Dt !talland a:r: ~ C £L-<---- / Cliaot Mama : lX POWER lUTHORII! Client Acct : Air~ P.O.I 099331 1\lq. Ot:!ertd 3; : !OW L:UUMSII/ll.l.'i'! tacrtc?:!l Send !tpoitr to: 1)!! POW!! !O!RORII! 2). ··-························~··················-···················-·················-------·······-·············--················ Special U!DLU LiD: Inattuct: Chemlab kef I: 2841 CADKIUM la!Cl!B.I SUU'ID! Lab S111pl ID: 5 ',--~ s~r.pl~ ~L~ CO~LZC!RD ar D. IirrDGEM !lUIIItk:a: Matr1X: wnn Ruult/Uni t r 0.0047 mg/1 0.0002 mg/l liD(0.002) JJq/1 Method cr ll .Ulowable Llz:uts ··························-··-·······-·····---·······-·····················-························-····-·-·· 3 t••tr Parfor~d JD. Yon. O.tecttd lU. • lfo t lc.a.l y-:: ed • See Sptci&l In.t:uctlon. !boTe '• Sn S.urplt iuaaik.J !bon L:-Le•• !h4n, G!-Gttatar !}An , , , ,. , , , ' ' • • \ j CHEiHICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABOR4.TORJES OF ALASKA., 5633 8 STRE:T ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELE?HONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX ID It 92-0040440 ANAL!S!S R!POR! 8I SlMPLZ for Worx Order t 9SiJ D~tt !•part P:lnted: OCT 12 88 f 17:03 Client ~lt ID:SITE 12 BOTTOM Pli'SID :UA Colltctad S!? 29 88 t ht1. Rece1Ttd S!P 30 88 I 09:00 htr. PttlttTed Wlth :!S R!QUI!!D !nalyt11 Coapltttd :OC! 11 88 Lahotatoty SupttT~'otL-:st!PB!M c. ED! Raleutd !y : ./!,z;;:z:-C. ~ / Clltnt Xam. : li rO~iR !UIHOR!I! Cl1ent !cct : ![r~!P P.O.I 0'.193'31 bq' Otdt:td By : !OM !RMIXS~I/D!7E i~UDGEN Send !hporta to: l)!I POWER !U!HO!!II 2). ······---------------···········-···············------·······---·---··------·-····--············-··········----------------··--···· Pau•ur· festtd ClOMIUM xtacuu SUT.!'IDE .. ..........:-__, Lab Sapl ID: 6 :. \ <:;~--- ~1• SlMPtZ CO~~!C!EO !! D. !lUDG&~ Rt!IAilu: !uult/Un1tl liD( 0. 002) rrJ/1 ll0(0.0002) llfJ/1 li0(0.002) ~~g/1 Mtthod GF .u !llovabh Ll!U.ts ····-··-···········-···-··---------·······························-······------··-----------·-·····---------·- 3 !9stJ Ptt!ot~d liD• liona D•c..:ttd liA• Not li'Alr:td • S9t Sptclal Instruc:lons !boTe • • Su ~~~1• B.tll!l!k.l lbon L~·Lass !rAn. G~·Gr•ater Ihan • • I [tl • • • ' ) _) CHEi\1/CAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASK4, lH!LISIS R!POR! !! SAKPL! fot Wotk Otdet t 9Si3 0dtt !tpott Printed: OC! 12 sa e 17:~4 Client 34mplt ID:SIT! 13 !OP PWSID :Ul Colltct ld 3!P 29 88 t hu . !acalTed SE? 30 88 f 09:00 hxa. PrtattTed v1th :AS R!QUIA!D lnal1111 Cat~plttad :OCT 11 88 t&botatoty 3uperT11ot :3T!PBIM C. IDE !tltutd By : ~ c. u~ Clhnt )14J:)e Client lcct ?.O.l 0993Ji Req ; U POwtB lU!OO&II! lhl'ii'P..A? OtdQttd Sy : !OM A~~S~I/DlV! !BUDGZH Seod B.•pottJ to: l)A~ POWZB. lUTHORI~I 2Y ···············-·····--·······-················--··············-----························--···········-··········-------- Sptch.l. BUDLX! till Inttruet: cn.mlab lef 1: 2841 Cl.l»fill}( ID.CCIB.I sutliDZ Lab Slllpl lD: 7 '~· S.uplt SWL.i: COLLECTED 8i 0. I!ODG&ll !t-.r:b: B.uuh/Un1 t! 0.0050 mg/1 lrn(0.0002) aq/1 liD(0.002) mq/1 GF u !llovabh Lt:u u ------·····-··--------··----·-············-----······--·····-·········-····-·-·······-········-··-·····---···· 3 !ests Pet!ot~ JD. Mor~ Dettctad ll!· llot lnalr-w • See Sp.cial Instructions lboT• •• ~~~ ~lt aematkJ !bOTI L!·L••• !hAn. C!·Gt•atet !han I • • Q • • II • ) j kNAL!3I3 &!PORI 3! S!MPL! for Work Order * 9571 Client Sample ID:SI!E 13 MID COLUMN PWSID :01 Collected S!P 29 as t hrs. bctiTed SEP 30 88 I 09:00 hrL Pr•••rYad v1th :1S azQorazo lnalJ11S Com9latad :OC! 11 88 Data Report Prlnttd: OC! 12 66 @ 17:05 Laboratory Super~~!~PH!) s~zpz ltluud !y : ..C-¥--~ · 1d<.---' / Cl1ant Na~ : a! POw!R !U!30RI!! Cl1ant lcct : !Kl"~P P.O.t 099331 ihq I Ordered By : !CM ARMINSXI/DAVZ !lODe!~ Send Reports to: l)!X PC~!R AU!30RI!! 2) . -~·················-·-········-··········-········-···-·····-··-············-···-··········-·---······-··--······-·--··-····-···--·· 3pecl&l !RADLEY Llr£ Inauuc:: h.uJHter !nttd C.l.DKIUil !o!!!ClJ!.Y SUlfiDE Lab Ss.pl ID: 8 ~1• SlXPLI COL~ZCilD !I D. !RUDC!H blllltkl: llattlx: 'iu.:z:. !uu1t/Un1u . lf0(0.002) mg/1 0.0002 c.;/1 lfO(O.OOl) 111q/l lllovable )(at~od ................................... 4····------·················--··-················---·~---···-----·-··-···-- 3 IettJ Per!or~d JD.. llor.t Det..:ted lU • llo t !ll41 y-:ad • 3n 3p..:ial Inat:uctiona lbcu •• 3ee ~1· !•aatkJ !bOfl L!·L••• r:~n. G!-Graat~r !han n I .,..- CHEi\1/C4L & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, l1VC. 5633 8 STRE::T ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 N 92-0040440 &HAL!SIS 4EPORI ~! SAMPLt fot Wotk Ordec t 9573 D~ta Report P:1ntad: ocr 12 88 f 17:05 ~ Cl1t~t Sampl• ID:SI!! t3 BO!!OW PliSID :UA Client ~~ !I Powta lU!BO&I!! Client lc:! l!PWR!P I .I 1 I I I I ·a 0 1 11 11 u • Collected S!P 29 U I b.u. Rectlr•d SEP 30 88 I 09:00 hrs. Pre•ttTtd vtth :!S REQUIRED Analysis Com9lttad :OC! 11 sa Labocatoz:y 3upe,r.!f""t: SUP?. 9r ).DE Rtlt&ud By : Xh' · :;.<.L--- P.O.t 0993JL hq t Otd•ttd By : IOM lRMI~Sli/DAVE !lODG!Y S.nd B.epotts to: 1)!! ?OW!! !U!HOB.I!! 2). ············-···················--··--------········-············--·-·······························--·-··-························ Sp.eta.l BllDLZ! LUt Irut:u::: Clliii!l:'li 'lllli.CU!! SOT.F!D! L~b Smpl !0: '1 S&Dplt SAXPL! COLL!C!!D &t u. I!ODG!M ?.au.rlt.t: Matta: WAIE! ND(O.OG2) lllJ/1 0.0003 ~/1 liD(iL002) 'l'llq/1 Method Gl ll .I. !lovable LHII1 tJ ······························-····--·-·---·-····-·····--·-····--·-·····--·············-··-·--·--·---····--··- 3 Ierts Ptrfot~d KD· Hone Detacted NA-Mot Analy~•d • Sae 3pec1al Inat:uetiona lboT• • • ~ .. ~h B.e111tlt.t !bon t:·~••• !h4n, G!•Gtaatar Than :1 ) I ] I I I \ I J I I I ~\o.,,.ot•r...,~~~~-\ )~g(CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. {t(C~~~~ .. ~: .... E ..... '.!_. -· _ .. _~·-,_~_0=.-,.}-.•• ·:· 5633 6 STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 "! :_ . ? FEDERAL TAX 10 I# 92-0040440 ~ ANALYSIS REPOR! aT SAKPtE for Work Order t 11007 Date Report Printed: JAN 5 89 @ 17:46 Cllant Sample ID:SITE fl !OP PWSIO :UA Collected DEC 20 88 @ hrs. Rec e1 ved DEC 20 88 @ 16: 00 hr s Preserved with :ZINC ACE!AIE/ACID Analysis Completed :DEC 28 88 Laboratory Sup~IEPHEN~i .ED£~ Released By: .....,,-C.-~ Cllent Name : AK POWER AU!H Client Acct : AKPWRAP P.O.f NONE R~c·o Req f Ordered By : Send Reports to: 1)H POWER AU!H 2) ··-············································-················-····················-················-············-·····----······ Speclal !RADLE! LAKE. lt'.St:uc~: Chemlab Ref f: 3780 Parameter Tested MERCURY CADMIUM HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Sropl ID: 1 Sample SAMPLE COLLECTED BT D. !RUDG!N. Remarks: Matrix: WATER Result/Units 110(0.0002) l'lllg/l 110(0.002) Qg/l ND(0.002) Qg/1 Method AA GF Allowable Lir:u ts ·-·--··-·····················-·-····~~--·······································-····················-------··· 3 Tests Per!ormed MD· None Detected HA· Kot Anaiy~ed • Sn Special Ina~:•.!C~lons Above • • See Sample Raroar:~s Abon tr·Less !han. Gi·Cr~ater !han UA·Onava1lable u ! u u u .U 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 552·2343 FEDERAL TAX ID If 92·0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT 3! SAMPtE for Woe~ Order t 11007 Date Report P:1nted: JAN 5 89 ~ 17:47 Cllent Sample ID:Si!E t1 MID COLUMN pwsrD :UA Collected DEC 20 88@ hrs. Rece1ved DEC 20 88! 16:00 hrs. ?:esacved ~1th :ZINC ACE!A!E/ACID Analys1s Completed :DEC 28 SS Laboratory Sup~E?HEll C. EDE Released By : ,7 C. ~ Cl1~nt Name : A~ POWER AU!H Cl1ent Acct : A~P~~AP ? . 0. & NONE REc' D Req & Ordered 5y : Sand Reports to: l)AK POWER AU!H 2) ············-······················································································································· Spec1al BRADLEY LAKE. Instruct: Chemlab Ref t: 3780 Parametu Iested KERCURI CADMIUM HYDROGEN SU'LFIDE Lab ~mpl ID: 2 Matrix: WA!ER Ruult/Uru.ts ND(0.0002) ~~~g/1 l!D(0.002) ~~~g/1 l!D(0.002) ~~~g/1 Sat:!ple Remarks: SAMPLE COLLECTED B! D. !RUDG!ll. 3 !ests ?eri~:~ed ND· None Detac;ed liA• Not Ana:y~ed • Se9 Spec~al Inst:uct1ons Above •• See Sample ~ernarks Above LT·Less Than. G:·Greate: T~an Method A! GF Allo~able Limits :rl [.( rl ii il 11 n n r1 M CHE.~IIC4L & GEOLOGICAL L4BORATORIES OF ALASKA, l1VC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92·0040440 ANAL!SIS RE?OR! BY SAMPLE far Work Order I 11007 Date Report P:lnted: JAN 5 89 @ 17:~8 Cl1ent Sample ID:SI!! 11 BO!!OM ?WSID :UA Collected DEC 20 88@ his. Rece1ved DEC 20 88 I 16:00 hrs. ?reserved ~1th :ZINC ACE!A!E/ACID Analysls Completed :DEC 28 88 Laboratory Sup~EPHEN C. EDE Released By : ~-C _ ~ Client Name : A~ POweR AU!R Cl1ent Acct : AKPWRAP P. 0. t NONE REC D Req t Ordered By : Send Reports to: 1)H ?OWER AtrrH 2) ··························································································································-········- Spec1al BRADLEY LA~E. I:lstruct;: Checlab Ref t: 3780 Parameter !ested MERCURY CAD!(!UM HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 3 Matux: iiA!ER Resul t/Uru t s 0.0002 mg/1 ND(0.002) mg/1 MD(0.002) mg/1 Sample SAMPLE COLL!C!ED BY D. !RUDGE~. Remarks: 3 Tests ?e::cr~ed NO• None De~ec:ed NA· Not Ana:y:eci o See Spec1al Instr~c:1ons Above oo See Sample Remarks AbaTe L:-Less !han. G!·Greater !r~n Method u Gr UA·Una Vallable !llo~abla Limits • • CHE1\1./C4L & GEOLOGIC4.L L4.BORAIOR1ES OF ALASKA, 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX ID II 92-0040440 ANALYSIS RE?OR! B! SAMPLE for Work Order ~ 11007 Date Report Ptlnted: JAN S o9 ! 17:48 Client Sample ID:SITE ~2 !OP PWSID :UA Collected DEC 20 88 @ his. Rece1ved DEC 20 88@ 16:00 his. Preserved Wlth :ZINC ACE!A!E/ACID Analysls Completed :DEC 28 88 Laboratory Supe~PHEH C. EDE Released By: ~-L. U---- Cllent Name : AK POWER AU!H Cllent Ac:t : AK?WRAP P.O.l NONE REc· 0 Raq t Ordered By : Send Repor:s to: 1 )Ali PO!oit?. .I.U!H 2) ···········-································································-···········································-··········· Spec:al BRADLEY LAK!. Ins~:'Jc~: Chemlab Ref I: 3780 Parameter !ested MERC1JR! CADMIUM HYDli.OCEN SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 4 Sample SAMPLE COL:!C!ED B! D. !RUDCEH. Reroarks: Matrix: WATER Result/Units 111)(0.0002) mq/1 111)(0.002) mq/1 ND(0.002) mq/1 Method AA GF Allo11able Limits ·········································-~········--··············································--·-······· 3 !esrs Per:o:~ed ~D· Hone Detec~ed NA· !lot Analy::ec ' See Spec1al Ins:ruc~•ons Above •• See Sample Remarks Above L!·Less !han. G!•Greate: !han U.I.•\Jnava:lable . , ~ I ~ ! ' .. I ., ' ' .. ') .. . ,. .. CHE1W.ICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORAIORIES OF ALASKA, l1VC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE {907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92-0040440 ANAL!SIS RE?OR! BY SAMPLg for Work Order t 11007 Date Report Prlnted: JAN S 89 @ 17:49 Client Sample ID:SITE 12 MID COLUMN P'iiSID :UA Collected DEC 20 88 @ h.ts. Rece1ved DEC 20 88 I 16:00 hrs. Preserved w1th :ZINC ACETATE/ACID Analysis Completed :DEC 28 88 Lob''''''Y S"P1'~:)''1HEM C. EDE Released By : J4.., C. ~ Client Na~e AK ?OWER 1.U!R Client Ace: AKP~~A? P.O.t NOHE aEc· D Req * Ordered By : Send Reports to: l)AK ?O'W'!R AU!H 2) ···-······-···························-·································································-·············-~·-······- Special BRADLEY LAKE Inst:uc~: Chemlab Ref I: 3780 Lab Smpl ID: S Parameter Tested MERCURI CADMIUM H!DROGEN SULFIDE Sample SAMPLE COLLECTED 8! D. TRUDGEN. Remarks: Resu1t/Uni. ts ND(0.0002) ~I~g/1 ND(0.002) ~I~g/1 ND(0.002) mq/1 Method AA GF Allowable LiiUlts ··~···································-······················-~······························--···-··········· 3 Tests Pe:fot~ed HD· None Detected NA· Not Analyzed ' Sea Spec1al Inst:uctlons Above '' See Sample Remarks Above L!•Less !han. G!·Greater !han 'JA·Ur.a ·1a1lable n Ll1 Lll! Llll I Lllj _.1 _., I .l lll! ~- CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL L4.BORATORJES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 AN!LTSIS REPOR! 3! SAMPLE for Work Order J 11007 Data Repor: P:lntad: JAN 5 89 @ 17:50 Cllant Sample ID:SI!E 12 BO!!OM PWSID :UA Collected DEC 20 aa @ hr3. Rec ei vad DEC 20 SS @ 16: 00 hr s. ?reserved Wlth :ZI~C ACE!!!E/ACID AnalyslS Completed :DEC 28 88 La~oratory Sup~17~E?9!N ~!DE ~ Reuasad oy :..ft:J/7 -?. ~ Client Name : A~ POWER AU!H Client Acct : A~PWRAP ?.0.1 NONt REC' D Req I Ordered By : Send Reports to l)H POWER AU!H 2) ··················································-···-····························-··························-················ Special BRADL!! LA~E. l:13Uuct: Cherllab Ref t: 3780 Par~eter Tasted MERCURI CADMIUM HIDROGElf SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 6 Sample SA~~! COLL!C!!D B! D. !RUDGElf. Remarks: Mattix: WATER Result/Units 0.0005 aq/1 liD(0.002) mq/1 liD(0.002) aq/l Method u cr Allowable Lillli ts ·-·········-··--··-······-----·--··-·····························-··························-······-···-·····- 3 ras:s ?atfot~ed ~D· ~o~e Detac:ed NA· lio~ .~::'.llly:ed ' See Speclal Inn:uctlons Above '' See Sample Re~rks Above Li·Less !han, G!·Gceatet !han UA·Cnavallabla ~ . - lrl ~ r ~ 11, ~­-I . Wit : I ~-I ,.( Wlj _.I LIIJ llll ~1 ~1 ~~· .. CHEiW1CAL & GEOLOGICAL lABORATORIES OF ALASK4., 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 It 92·0040440 AMALTSIS REPOR! BY S!MPL~ for Work Order I 11007 Date Report Ptlnted: JAMS 89 @ 17:51 Client Sample ID:SIIE 13 MID CCLrrMN PWSID :UA Collected DEC 20 88 I hn. Received DEC 20 88@ 16:00 hr!. P:eserved with :ZINC !CEIAIE/ACID Analysis Completed :DEC 28 88 L•b''''''' s,p~!H!N C. EDE Released !y : C... ?;Lt.------ Client Ma~e : AK POWER AU!~ Client Acct : AKPWRA? P.O.l MOM! REC'D &eq • Ordered By : Send Reports to: l)Ali. POWER AUTH 2) --~--····-························-·······························-···························································-~ Special BRADL£! LAKE. Instruct: Checlab Ref l: 3780 Lab Smpl ID: 8 Parameter Ie1ted M!RCU&T CADMIUM H!DROGEM SULFIDE ,~, ~-.. : . 4:' ~ ' :r " . :,.,. Sample Remarks: S~~tE COLLEC!ED B! D. IRUDGr~. · ll.atrix: WAtER Result/Uru ts ND(O. 0002) mq/1 ND(0.002) mq/1 li'D(0.002) mq/1 Method A! cr Allowable Li::li ts ················-··················-······-·····-··········--·······-····-·············--·----········--······ 3 !ests Petfot~ed NO-Hone Detected ~A· Not Analy;:.ad • Sea Special Instructlon~ Above •• See Sample Ramarks Above L!·La1s !han, G!·Greatet !han OA·Unava1labla 1 I I I~ I I ~· I --I dt =C=H=E=i\1=l=CAL====&=G=E=O=L==O=:==G=:=I:::=CAL=:====LAB:::::::==:=O==~====O:::=Rl:::::::===ES===O===F==ALAS======KA==, l=1V=C=. ~ .... s i.E~~~~ 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ~\'· _ __, FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 ~--;., ,-- ~~II> -· ~.-r ~ ANALISIS REPORI B! SAMPLE for Work Order l 11007 Date Report Prlnted: JAN 5 89 @ 17:52 Client Sample ID:SIIE 13 BOIIOM PWSID :OA Collected DEC 20 88@ hrs. Received DEC 20 88! 16:00 hrs. Preserved with :ZINC ACE!AIE/ACID Analysls Completed :DEC 28 88 Laboratory Supe~PHEN ~~E __ Released By : /-L. ~ Cl1ent Name : AK POWER AUtn Client Acct : AKPWRAP P.O.t NONE nEC' D Req t Ordered By : Send Reports to: l)AK POWER AutH 2) ···············································································-··········································-··----· Special BRADt!! LAKE. Inst:uc~: Chemlab Ref 1: 3780 Parameter Iested MERCURI CADMIUM HIDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 9 Mattix: WAtER Resul t/Oni ts ND(0.0002) Dq/1 MD(0.002) rrr.:;/1 MD(0.002) rrr.:;/1 Sample SAMPtE COLtEC!ED B! D. !RUDGlN. Remarlts: 3 Iests Performed MD· None Detected NA· Not ,,r.dl y-:ed • See Special Inst:uctloru Above •• See Sample Remarks Above L!·Less !han. Gt·Greater !han Method !! Gi UA·Unavailable Allowable L1lD.l ts J I I t I I ! I I, I I. I I' I RECORD COPY FILE NO. Ll\) v CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5aJJ B STRE:T ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92-0040440 AMAL!SIS REPOR! !! 3!XPLE for Work Order I 12147 Date Report Printed: MAR 22 89 t 10:17 Client Sample I0:3I!I 11, tOP PWSID :UA Collected MAR 13 89 t hr1. RecelTid M!! 14 89. 10:00 hrl. Pra•erTed with :AS REQUIRED lnaly111 Completed :MAR 20 89 ,,.,,,,,,, ···~'"''"' c. ''' B.eluud By : (., • V-/ RECEIVED MAR 2 4 1989 AJ.):)V. POWER AlJTHCM"'( Cl1ant Ma~ : A~ POWER lotH Client lcct : A~PWRAP P . 0. I MOifE R!C' D Req I Otder ed By : !OK ARXIMS~I/DUI T!tmcn Sand Report• to: 1)A! POWER lotH 2) -------------·----------·················---------------···········-·-···························-·-·····-····-···········-········- Spec14l Irutruct: Chemlab Raf I: 4519 ParaJMtat luted CADMIUM )(lRCU!U H!DROG!ll SULFIDE Lab Sllpl ID: 1 Matri:~:: WlUR B.uult/Onita 110(0.002) mg/1 KD(0.0002) mg/1 KD(0.002) mg/1 Sa~~ple Remarks: SAMPLE COLLEC!ED B! D.!. 3 !e1t1 Ptrfor~d MD· Mona Detected NA-Not Analy-:ad • Su Special In.struct1or.s AbaTe •• See Sample Remark• !boTe L!·L••• !han, G!-Creater :han Method cr lD!Cl8llCSO OA·Or . .nallable Allovabla L1ll1ta 0.0002 -l i r ! r 1 , , , , I CHEMIC4L & GEOLOGIC4L LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX ID II 92-0040440 lMALI3I3 R!PORI !I SAMPLE for Work Ordtr t 12147 Data R•port Ptinttd: XAR 22 89 t 10:17 Client Sample ID:SI!t fl. MIDDLE PWS!D :OA Collecttd MAR 13 89 f hu. Rece1vtd MAR 14 89 t 10:00 hrt. Pr•••rved v1th :AS REQUIRED !naly111 Conpleted :MAR 20 89 Laboratory Sup~PH!M C. !DE hlaaud By :/ _ C_ ~ Cl1ent Nan4 : A~ POW!R AU!H Client lcct : lKPWBAP P.o.t woKE azc·o hq t Ordered By : TOM ARMIMSXI/DAVE IRUDGtM S•nd Reporta to: 1)AI POW!P. AUIH 2) ··················-·················-··············-----·····-·············---·········-···········-·-·······----·······--····------ Spec1al lrutruct: Param.ter Tatted ClDMITJl( MERCURI HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab S11pl ID: 2 1Catr1x: W!I!R P.uult/Uni t1 lf0(0.002) ~~q/l lf0(0.0002) ~~q/1 KD(0.002) ~~q/1 S«mplt SAMPLE COLLECTED !T D.t. Re1111rka: 3 teat1 Pec!or~d lfD• None Oetecttd MA• Not Analr:•d ' Su Sptclal Irut:uctlor.a AboTt •• See !ample P.enerk• Above L!·L••• !han. C7•Grtattr !han Method Gr .lDECl8UCSO lllovabh L1lll1ts 0.0002 i l 1 I I l li I l i ~ J- 1 r i tc ~. ' ! ' ,_ I CHEMICAL & GEOWGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. ~33 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907} 5<52·2:343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92-0040440 ~M~L!SIS REPORT BY SlXPL! for Wor~ Order I 12147 Date Report P:inted: MAR 22 89 t 10:18 Client Sanple IO:SITE 11, !OTIOM PWSID :UA Collected lllR 13 89 t hu. Receind !WI. 14 89 t 10:00 hu. Pr•••r~td with :AS REQUIRED Analytil Co~ltttd :XlA 20 89 Laboratory Sup~H!ll C. !DE Rtltaud !y : _/ C..~ Client Ma~ : !~ POWER AU!H Client !cct : AEPWRAP P. 0 .I liOME R!C' 0 R•q t Ordered By : TOM ARKiliSl\I/OA V£ I!UDCZll Send Reports to: 1 ).U POWER AU!H 2) ···············-········-···-···············-·····-··········-··-··-·········-··················-······-·--·--············-········· SP-eial lnatruct: Chtmlah &ef t: 4519 Parameter Iected ClOKIUM 14!1\CUU HIDROG!ll SULfiDE Lab S~l ID: 3 l&at:rix: WATER &eault/UnJ. ta lf0(0.002) ~~q/1 lf0(0.0002) ~~q/1 lf0(0.002) nq/l Sample SAMPLE COLLECTED B! 0.!. Rnwulta: 3 !••t• Parfor~c MD· llone Detected NA· Not Analyzed • See Special Instructlo~~ Above '' Se• Sample &emsrk• A~ore L!·L••• than, G!-Grtater Than Method GF ADEClSUCSO Allowable Lilli t1 0.0002 1 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGIC4.L LABORATORIES OF AlASKA, l1VC. 5()33 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE {007) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX ID II 92-0040440 AXlL!SIS REPORT B! S!MPLZ for Work Order I 12147 Oat• Report Printad: MAR 22 89 t 10:19 ~11ent ~l• ID:SI!t 12. TOP ''!!SID : Ul Collected W 13 89 t h.u. Rectind W 14 89 t 10:00 hu. 'raaerTtd with :AS &EQOI!ED lnaly111 Compltttd :MAR 20 89 ''''''''' Su~!EP<EH C. !DE .eleaud !y : c# ~ Client Mame : A~ POWER AUTH Client Acct : UJ\iRAP P. 0 .I MOM! REC' D Rtq I Ordered By : !C~ A&MIMSII/DA7l IRUDCtM Send Reports to: 1)U POW!!\ 10!3 2) ·······························-------·-··----·--············----------··-······-···················-----------·······--·······---- Sptc1al Inatruct: Chealab Rtf I: 4519 Paramettr !tattd Lab Smpl ID: 4 Matrix: WATER !uult/Uni ta Method Allovablt Limit a I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClDMitnl. liD( 0 . 002) ~~q/1 Gl l- XERCUB.I HIDl\OGEH SULFIDE SAKPLE COLLEC~!~ 3! D.I. IID(0.0002) ~~g/1 IID(0.002) ~~g/1 ADEC18UC80 0.0002 ·································------------··-·····------·--·---------··---------···-----------------------· 3 !•ttl Perfor~d XD· Mont Dettct•d MA· Not !r~1r:•d • 3u Sptc1al lnatruct1on.a Abon •• 3et S&spl• Rtnarka Abovt L!•t••• Than, G!·Createt !han UA·OMvuhble '· CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92-0040440 AMALTSIS R!PORI !T S!XPLZ for Work Order I 12147 Date Report P:1nted: MAR 22 89 t 10:19 Client 54mpla ID:SI!E 12, MIDDLE PWSID :Ul Collected MAR 13 89 t hra. Raca1nd )(!! 14 89 4 10:00 hrs. PrtatrTtd with :AS REQUIRED !nalya11 Completed :MAR 20 89 Laboratory Sup~PH!If ~ }Dl . Reltaaed By : -r C, ~ Cliant Mane : A~ POWER AU!H Client !cct : A~PWRAP P . o. t liOM! RK D Req t Ordered !y : !OM !RMIMS!I/DAvt IRUDCZM Sand Report• to: 1)AX PO'IftR AU!H 2) -----------------------------·············································-···-···-················································- Sp~!.al Inatruct: Chamlab Ref f: 4519 Lab S!ipl ID: 5 Matu:x: WATER Allowable Par4!Mter hated Ruult/Unltl Wathod Lilllta l --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I ClDMIUX MERCURI HIDROGZ!l SULFIDE :..S:spl e :;·\•:toarlt•: SAMPLE COLLECTED BT D.I. llD(0.002) ~/1 llD(0.0002) ~~g/1 llD(0.002) ~/1 GF ADEC18UC80 0.0002 ···········-·················--------------------·········-----························--····················· .. 3 Ia1t1 Perfor:s.d MD-Mone Detected M.l.· Mot .l.r.al or::a<1 • See Spacial Inatruct!ona AbaTe •• Sea SA.ple ReR4rk• !boTe , .. ' UA •iJr.an1lable I I CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92·0040440 AXALISIS REPORT BT 3AWPL! for Work Order t 12147 Date Report Prlnt•d: MAR 22 89 t 10:20 Client Sa~le IO:SI!t 12, !OTION PW'SID :OA Colleetld MAR 13 89 t hn. RecsiTed WAR 14 89 t 10:00 hra. Pr•••rTed with :AS REQOIR!D Analya11 Complet•d :KA! 20 89 L•bot•toty So~!PHEX~ .. !D! lt.hand By : ~-~ Client K~ : AX POWER lutH Cl1•nt Acct : AXPWRAP P.O.t MOM! R!C'O l"t t Ord•red By : TOM ARMINSII/OAV£ TRUDCtM Send !•porta to: l)U POWE! AutH 2) ··-··---···································-------··········--·------·--······------------··-···---····----·-···········-······----- Specu.l In.ttruc:t: Chemlab Ref t: 4519 Parameter Tected CADM!UX MERCURI H1Dl\.OCEM SOi.FIDE Lab SIIPl ID: 6 S43pla SAMPLE COLLECTED B! 0.!. Ramarlts: Ruult/On!ts KD(0.002) mq/1 KD(0.0002) ~~q/1 110(0.002) mq/1 Method GF lD!C18A!CSO Allowable L11l1 t1 0.0002 ·············---·-----~---·-··-····-----------·······~--~--············-·-------··--·-·---~---·--~·-··-······- 3 Tosti Petfot~d KD· None D•tec:tad KA-Not Ar4lr:ed • S•• Special lnttruc!1ons AboTt •• See 54~1• Remarka AboTt ~T·L••• Than. C!·Creater T~n ,, I CHEMIC4L & GEOWGIC4L LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 50.33 8 STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 582·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92-00404.40 1XAL!3IS REPORT BT SAMPLE for Work Order I 12147 Date Rtport Printed: MAR 22 89 t 10:21 Client ~lt ID:SI!E 13, !OP PWSID :UA Collected MAR 13 89 t hra. ReetiTtd MAR 14 89 t 10:00 hrr. PttiiiTtd With :AS REQUIRED !na1yl11 Completed :MAR 20 89 Laboratory Sup•~~EPH!X C. ED! Releued By : --T e. ~ Clitnt Ha.e : 1~ POWER &~H Client !eet : l~PWRAP P.O.I HOKE REC'D Req I Ordered By : !OM ARMIHS~I/D&Y! !RITDGEH Send 1\eporta to: l)Al\ POWER !U!H 2) --·-·······--·-····--------------------·······-·-·------······--·--------------------------------·······-····--················-----Spt-c1al Inttruct: Chealab Ref I: 4519 Parameter Teated tiDXIUK MERCURI H!DROG!H SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 7 Matrix: WATER & .. ult/Uni ta liD(0.002) 'fllq/1 llll(0.0002) 'fllq/l liD(0.002) 'fllq/1 SiWPLE COLLEC!!D BT D.!. 3 Iecta Perfor~d KD· Mona Detected HA· Hot Anal14•d • Su StJeCial Instructions Above •• Sea Sample Remark• Above L~·Leca !han, G!·Greater Ihan Method G!' lD!C18UC80 UA•Onan1lablt Allowable Lilli tr 0.0002 CHEMIC4L & GEOWGIC4L LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 563:3 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92..0<)40440 liALTSIS R!PORT B! SAMPLE for Work Order I 12147 D4t• Rtport Printed: MAR 22 89 e 10:21 ~lient 3uoplt ID:SIU 13, lfiDDLE PWSID :UA "'.alhcted MAR 13 89 e hra. tCt1Ttd XlA 14 89 • 10:00 hr1. PttlltTtd Vith :AS REQUI!!D nalyt11 Co~lettd :MAR 20 89 1boratory Sup~S~EPBEX C. ED! 1\tltand By : f-C. ~ Client Mame : A~ POWER AU!H Cllant lcct : A~PWRAP P.O.t MOM! REC'D Req I Ordered !y : TOM ARMIMS~I/DAVE TRCOC!K Send hpottl to: 1 )U POW!R UITH 2) ············--·········································-······--··--·--·······---·--··-------·-····-·······--···-·················· Spec ill 'zuttuet: Chemlab Ref I: 4519 . Pat4llllht Tuttd ClDMIUM X!RCURl BTDROG!M SULFIDE Lab SfiPl ID: 8 Matrix: WATER Ruult/1Jn1ta llil(0.002) 'lllq/1 llil(0.0002) 'lllq/1 llil(0.002) 'lllq/1 4 la SAMPLE COLLECT!D BY D.T. •-rka: 3 Testa Par!otn.d MD• Mana Dttectad KA· Kot Analyztd • Su 3pac!lll !zutructioru .l.bon •• See Sa~l• Remark• Abov• L!•L••• Than, G!•Cta!lter !han Method CF AD!Cl8llC80 UA·Un.anllllble Allowable L1llita 0.0002 CHEi11IC4L & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, I.NC. 56.33 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92-0040440 lXALTSIS REPORT BT 3AXPLE for Work Order I 12147 Data Rtport Printed: WAR 22 89 t 10:22 Cl1tnt Samplt ID:SI!! 13, BOTTOM P"'"ID :UA C lectad WAR 13 89 t hu. Rtci1Ttd WAR 14 89 t 10:00 hra. PretarTed vith :AS REQUIRED A, Lysir Completed :WAR 20 89 Lobotototy s,po~HIH C. !D! p,, • •aa•d By : C..,~ Client Kame : A~ POW!R AU!H Client Acct : A~PWRAP P . 0 .I KOM'E R!C' D Req ' Ordered By : TOM ARMIKS~I/DAVE TRUDC!K Send P.eportt to: l)U POW!!\ AU!H 2) -·····-··············-············-·······--······-·········-------···-····················································-········ SMc1al ; ttuct: Chtmlab &tf I: 4519 Param.ttr !aattd C.\Dia1Jll ICE!CUP.I BJDROGEK SULFIDE Lab Sapl ID: 9 SAXPL! COLLECTED BT D.T. I Matrix: WAT!R Jluult/Unitl IID(0.002) aq/1 0.00022 aq/1 liD(0.002) aq/1 Method cr lD!C18llC80 !!lovable L1:Ut• 0.0002 i· ····-···-··················-···········--·······-··-··--···-·····--····-----····---······················· I 3 Test• Performed Hn• Kant Detected MA· Mot Analyzed • s .. Spec!lll lnstruc:t!ans Abon •• Sea Sample &e~rk1 AbaTe LT·L••• !han, G7•Graat•r Than UA·Ur.anilable ' i' :_:-.-... CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORY A DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL TESTING & ENGINEERING CO. Cha.lab le£.1 :93.03~·2 &!Pot! of 1KALYSIS Client S&.ple ID :lllDL!Y Lli! -l!S!!VOI! Katr1:z : 11!!! Client lla.M :ll llf!!Gl' 1UTHO&ITI Otdend lr :tOM l.PJUIISII Project llue : IUDL!Y Lll! 0 ' JC Proj ted MID :Ul 3.UIPLI COLL!CT!D II: T. 1.PJUIS1I. UllllliCI PUVIOOS lQIC:Oil I 93.0110. BUDL!Y LliE 0 ' X. oc Pau.aeter Buultt Qual. Unita lfi!COU 0.0002 u .;/1 Collecttd :01/07/93 t 13:30 hn. hcei'fed :01/08/93 t 15:40 hn. Dl Order :62690 leport Co~tted :02/01/93 tKimi<ol """" ~ ID! leltutd ly : ~ c::'~ ill ovUle L1mt1 l:ztract lnalyai1 Date Date !nit 02/01/93 02/01/93 IXW ··--·······----···-····-······--·················--·······----·---········--·····---·----·····--···---····-····-··---·----····--······ S.. Sptei&l I~:~~truct1cn~ lhoft • • Set ~le 1-x:b .lbon a • tJDdetec:ttd, t.porttd nlue 11 the pr.:t1ul tpdlt1f1eat1oa l1J11t. D • Seclllld.u y t1lut11Nl. Ul .. tm.rulabl• ll • lot balystd Lt. LMI n.n ;r • GfMttr n.n CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORY A DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL TESTING & ENGINEERING CO. Chemlab Ref.l :93.0110-2 R!POR! of AHALISIS Client Sample ID :RESERVOIR R!L!AS! AT Di~ B!!DLEI Ll!I Matru: : WAUR Client MI1DIB : H !li!P.GT llllHOliT! Ordered By :TOM A!MIXSKI Project li11D1B Colltctld Receind ~ Otdtt :01/07/93 t 13:30 h:r :01/08/93 t 15:40 h:s :62206 Proj ectl Report Completed :01/22/93 PWSID :01 SAMPLE COLL!CT!D &T: T. llNliSKI. Technical D1uctor :f.~ .. E;}DE L. f bluud a,. : ~2'-~ Samplt Rtud:a: !ROM HC!!DS TB! R!COIIaliD!D DP.Ilil.IJIC llt!JI. LIKIT or 0. 3 lli/L. MA!IGAH!S! !ICUDS TB! ll.ECOllmiD!D DRIXIIJIC WlT!JI. LI~T or 0. OS MG/L. QC All ovalllt btuct !nal.J111 Pa.rllllilltar !tlultl Qual. Un1t1 lilt bod L1111t1 Data Date !:.t -----------------·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ICP-25 !L!.rl! SClJ n/a n/a IP1 200.7"ICP nl• !Ltnalllllf 2.3 -:r/1 !Pl 200.7*ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 !lll AB.S!liiC 0.10 u a;/1 IP1 200.7.ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 WI UliUX 0.050 u -:r/1 !Pl 200.7*ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 llN B!liLLIUX 0.050 u -:r/1 IPl 200.7•ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 llW 80!0!1 0.10 u -:r/1 EPl 200.7"ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 llll CAO)(!lJ)( 0.050 IJ a;/1 !Pl 200.7"ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 llN CALCilJ)( 7.9 a;/1 !Pl 200.7"ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 lllf Cll! OKIUJ( 0.050 u a;/1 !Pl 200.7•ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 lllf COPPER 0.050 u -;/1 IP1 200.7"IC1' 01/21/93 Ol/22/93 !.!l IP.OM 2.9 ~/1 11'1 200. 7•1C1' 01/21/93 01/22/93 :UI! LEAD 0.10 1J a;/1 !Pl 200.7"ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 WI XAGM!3I1J'N 1.1 a;/1 IP1 200. ?•ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 !..IJI XA!IG!H!S! 0.05-t .g/1 !Pl 200.7.ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 llll MICUL 0.0:4 1J .g/1 IP1 2oo.7•1a 01/21/93 01/22/93 !.!ll PHOSPHORUS 0.21·~ a;/1 !Pl 200.7.ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 !.!• POUSSI1J'N ~.0. 1l a;/1 IP1 200.7.ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 !J.i: StU!II1J'N 0.10 IJ ~/1 !Pl 200.7.ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 !.!> SILl COM 3.1 a;/1 !Pl 200.7.ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 n• SILV!l G~a...co. u a;/1 IPl 200.7.ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 !.!~ ·;~ SODilJ)( 1.2 a;/1 ZPl 200.7"ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 u·. S!I\OJiTilJ)( 0.075 a;/1 !Pl 200.7.ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 !.!ir TIM 0.10 u ~/1 IPl 200.7.ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 !.l'o VAM!DllJ)( 0.050 1J a;/1 !Pl 200.7•ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 !.!~ ZilfC 0.050 1J a;/1 !Pl 200.7.ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 !.lir ZIJI.COIIUJ( 0.050 0 a;/1 !Pl 200.7.ICP 01/21/93 01/22/93 ll'• H!D!OGU: SULFIDE 0.10 1J ~/1 !Pl 376.2 01/1V'93 01/14/93 - ---~----··························································································································-~ See Special Inatruct1ona !boTe 01 • OnaTailable .. See Sample Remarkl !boTe Ill • Mot lnaly:ed 0 • Undetected, !aport•d Talue 11 th• practical quantification limit. LT • Leu !han D • Secondary d1lut1on. GT • Greater Than CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORY A DIVISION OF COMMERClAL TESTING & ENGINEERING CO. --------5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FAX: (907) 501·5301 Chol.ab h£.1 :93.036+-1 !!POIT of lllLTSIS Cli•nt Sa.pl1 ID :lllDLil !IVIl lltll ~ IIl!LI l!lCI W.tux : llUl Cli1nt ..._ :ll IIIIGT lOTBOIITI Ordtrtd ly :f(W l!XImi hoj~<:t ..._ :JUDI.Il UD 0' II Proj~<:tl P'WSID : '01 !WIPLI COLLICTID II: t. l!XIJSli. llrlUJCI PUVIOOS lltUO&Dil I 93.0110. 111Dtll LlD 0 ' II. oc Puueur !uulta Qual. tlnita mCOJ.t 0.0002 u wtJil IPl HS.l"ll/C'I Colhctld :Cll/07/93 t 13:00 bu. lK11Tid :01/08/93 t 1.5:40 bu. 1011 Ord•r :62690 ltport Co~lttld :02/01/93 Ttcbn.tc:al Dir~<:tor r;z~3D1 ~ ~ ltl .. •ld •r : ~· c~ lxtract 1.1:al711• Dati O.tt lnit 02/01/93 02./01/93 •• ....................................................................................................................................... :S.t 3ptc1al lDit.Iuctica lbon •• s.. S...U.• ~b l.MTI lJ • Oadtt.ct.a, leportld ft.l~:~~~ 11 tbt pnct1tal ~1!1cat1on liaU. D • S.Coad.uy clilvt1on. tu • O.ruluh D. • lot .LMl.,... n • ,, .. 1'haA et' • Gr:Mtu n.. CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORY A DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL TESTING & ENGINEERING CO. Chealab Ref.l :93.0110·1 R!PO!T of 111LISIS Client Sample ID :!BlDLIT liV!l llttl li!lLI l!lC! Mattix : MlTt! Cl!ent M... :11 llllCT 1DlBOli!! Ordered Jy :TOM &!MIJSil Ptoject 11 ... Colltettd ltee1nd liiOli 01: d II: : 01/07/93 • 13, ao h:::r. :01/08/93 • 15:+0 ~~·­ :62206 Pro]ectl Report Co.plettd :01/20/93 ~ID :01 todm1oal D1tKtO< !"~ !0!, h leltaJtd ly :~ ~ lliiPLI COLLICilD BY: T. l!MIISil. IlOI i n.JClBSI IICilD !!Ca.JDID DIIliiiJIG lfU!! LIMITS. QC .Ulowa.bl• l:rtnct ll:al.TIU Puu.tlr lllultl Qual. tln1tJ .thod L1J11ta Date Date In1~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICl-25 ILIMIIr sell rJa rJa IPl 200.7"IC1' rJa lLID(lJOI 1.9 .;/1 IPl 200. 7"Ia 01/15/93 01/11/93 m li!IJIC 0.1 0 .;/1 IPl %00.7"ICl 01/15/93 01/11/93 on. lllitll 0.05 0 .;/1 IPl 200.7"ICP 01/15/93 01/18/93 on llliLLitll 0.05 tr llf/1 Ill 200. 7"ICP 01/15/93 01/11/93 on BO!OI 0.1 0 .;/1 IPl 200.7"IC1' 01/15/93 01/11/93 'CFI. C1Difltll 0.05 u .;/1 IPl 200.7"IC1' 01/15/93 01/18/93 on CllCHDI 8.9 .;/1 IPl 200.7"Ia 01/15/93 01/11/93 OlL ClllOMitll 0.05 tr .;/1 IPl 200.7"Ia 01/15/93 01/18/93 Or!. COPPU 0.10 .;/1 IPl 200.7"Ia 01/15/93 01/11/93 OlL I!OI 2.0 .;/1 Ill 200. 7"IC1' 01/15/93 01/18/93 0': LUD 0.1 tr .;/1 u1 200. 1·ta 01/15/93 01/18/93 orr. I&GB3IiDI 1.7 11911 IP1 200.7•Ia 01/15/93 01/18/93 OFL KliC'.lll!l 0.05 tr -.11 111 200. 1•1a 01/15/93 01/U/93 l>lL liiCDL 0.05 u .;/1 u1 200. 1·ra 01/15/93 01/18/93 ~n PBOSPIDU'S 0.1 u .;/1 u1 2oo.1•ra 01/15/93 01/18/93 :llL POUSSiml s.a: • .;/1 Ul 200.7"IC1 01/15/93 01/18/93 Drt SILUitll lt.l v .Yl IPl 200.7"IC1' 01/15/93 01/18/93 :m SILICOI -t.l .;/1 EP1 200. 7• ICP 01/15/93 01/18/93 or: SILV!l G. gs.· u .;/1 n1 200. 1·1a 01/15/93 01/18/93 ~n SODiml l.l .;/1 EPl 200. 7"IC1' 01/15/93 01/ 1&/93 ::-r~ snonrux 0.017 ~/1 Ill 200. 7"ICP 01/15/93 01/18/93 :rt Till 0.1 0 .;/1 EPl 200. 7"Ia 01/15/93 01/18/93 ;r: VllllDitll 0.05 tr .;/1 IP1 2Q0.7•ta 01/15/93 01/18/93 ~r: ZIHC 0.5 u .;/1 EPl 200.7"IC1 01/15/93 01/18/93 :,: ZilCOIItll 0.05 u .;/1 lPl 200. 7"Ia 01/15/93 01/18/93 ~!: HIDIOCII 3Ul!IDI 0.10 0 .;/1 IP1 376.2 01/H/93 01/H/93 ~:! ···-····································-···············-··················-··-····························-··················-····· See 3~1&1 IllltrucUont .lbon Ul • linanJ.lablt .. 3u Suple haxltl .lbon n . Jot lMl .,.:tod 0 • Undettettd. Beporttd nlue 11 tM pnc:Ueal qwant1f1eat1on 11-.tt. LT • Leu tba.n 0 • Steonduy dilution. G! • Greater !han 1-l: 1':;. CT&E Environmental Services Inc. " .. ...l\e.~ l-~ e. eo..1-d.t.o-- CT&E Ref.tl o62455.96'.!-+5500l Client Sarnple ID 3M Depth 11ff C1mcrece Blk IHutrix Water !Surface. Eff.. Ground) S<tmpk Remarks: P:o~rem<?ter Rco;<ul t.~ cc POL Unit~ Cull\ Mert:ury by Cold Vapor 0.000500 u 0.000500 mg/L Cadmil!ITI 0.000250 u 0.000250 rog/L Hydrogen Sulfide 0.050 u 0.050 mg/L Coll&ted Dnte IIO.O·:;...J 200 W. Potter Drive Anchorage. AK 99618-1605 Tel (907) 562-2343 Fax· (907) 561-5301 G611 9196 Tt>Chnical Director: Stephen C. Ede Method E"'A 245.1 E;:>A 200.0 EPA 376.2 AllC>wsble Pt·eo Anl'lly~i~ l "\ ~ Lindt:;. 0Rte Oate 06/28/96 06/25;96 \.If~ 06/26/96 06/(.o;9o 06/20/9'.; U • Undetect'!d LT · LeS$ thar. GT · Gre~t~r than K"' ·..:r- \.iEP D • S€cC>nclary 0 i lut ion J • aelow thO! cal ibr~ti0n r~ngc @' SGS Member of th.:~ SGS Grouo \Secrete G.:ut~rata de Survelil;~r,ce) 1-1:20 CT&E Environmental Services Inc. CT&E Ref.# 962~55. 962J5500".! Client Smnple 10 100 Yd. Left & D.S. Cit. Valve.'i Matrix W:Hct (Surfa..:~.:. Eft .. Ground) Sample Remark:;: Pnr~rr~te" Result$ oc POL Urn t s Qual Mercury by Cold Vapor 0.000500 u 0.000500 m(I/L Tin Q. 100 u 0.100 mg/L Pt'tosphoru~< 0.105 0.100 mg/l 801'()1'\ 0.0500 u 0.0500 rr.g/L Metals by ICP AL\Jt!linUIII 2.41 0.0500 mg/L Antimony 0:100 u 0.100rng/L Ar~enic 0.0500 u 0.0500 mg/t. Bar i un 0.0270 0.0100 mg/1. Beryll il.111 0.00500 u 0.00500 mg/l C.:>dmium 0.0200 u 0.0200 mg/L Ca\c.ium 9.80 0.100 mg/l ChromiU'Tl 0.0250 u 0. 0250 1nq/L Cob!llt 0.0250 u 0.0250 mg/L Copoer 0.0250 u 0.025\l mg/L 1ror1 4.40 0.0250 mg/L Leod tJ.0500 u 0.0500 rnq/L M:.gnesium 2.25 0.100 mg/L Mar'lgan~se 0. 1l.3 0.0100 tr>q/L Molybden\.111 0.0250 u 0.0250 mg/L Nickel 0.0250 u 0.0250 mg/L Pot ass i un• 2.25 u 2.25 mg;L setenh•m o.o5no u 0.0500 mg/L s 1!1 con 2.88 0.250 mg/l Silver 0.0100 u 0.0100 mg/L ::odium 1.01 O.ZSO mg/l S ;.-•m t i ..rn 0.0364 0.0150 mg/L VJnadium 0.0250 u 0.0250 mgJL ;:tnc 0.0521 0.0250 mg/L Z i ~c:ni uru 0.0250 u 0.0250 rnq/l Mambar of the SGS Group Collected Date rro. c·:...: 200 W. Potter Dr1ve Anchorage, AK 99518-1605 Tel (907) 562·2343 Fax.: (907) 561 -5301 06119/96 Technical Director: St.:phen C. Ede Method Allowable Preo Analys•~ ini~ ------L imi rs _o'~_o:_e __ Date E?A 245.1 E?A 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 2')0.7 f?A 200.7 E?A 200.7 EPA 200.7 E;lA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 Ei>A 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 E::',l. 200.7 EPA 200.7 E::>A 200.7 E?,:. 200.7 E?A 20(1.7 Ef'A 200.7 E?A 2C0.7 E?A 200.7 E:;,A 200.7 EP,l. 200.7 06/28/96 06/28i9t '.;T,; 07/03/?6 07/0S/9o ~cr 07/03/96 07/08/96 GC? 07/03/96 Oi /05/96 GC>· 07/03!96 07;05;96 GCP 07/03/96 07/05;96 GCP 07/03/96 07/05/96 GCP 07/03/96 Oi ;oS;Q6 c;c~· 07103/96 07;05;96 GCP 07/03/96 Oi/05/96 ~c~ 07;03/96 07/05/06 GC? 07/03/96 07/05/?6 GCP 07/03/90 07;05!96 GCP 07/03/96 07/05/96 G~P 07;03/~6 07/05!96 GCP 07/03/9¢ 07/05/~c uCF' 07;03!96 07!05;96 GCP 07/03/?¢ 07/05/90 GCP 07/03/96 07!05/9~ GC? 07/03/96 07/0S;Q6 GC? 07/03/96 07/05/o, GC~ 07(03;96 07/U5/Q6 GCP 07/03;96 07105t9c: GC? 06/26/?6 07/10/96 ~c~ 07/03;96 07t05;G~ :cr 07/03/?6 07;05/'ie CCP 07/03/96 07!G5:Q6 GCP 07/03/9~ 07/05/'i~ GC~ 07103!96 07/0'i/'::.S GCP U • VnCete<::ed LT • Le~~ tnRn C7 • CreR~er thAn 0 SecondAry Oilut·:n J -d:ct()t.J n<teo c.:d 1(')r<3t l('r, CT&E Ref.# Client S:unple l.D Mnt!"ix Sample Remarks: CAdrniur. Hydrogen Sulf1d~ l...l:.:2C CT&E Environmental Services Inc. 96'2455. 96245500'2 100 Yu. Letc & D.S. <Jf Valve:~ Water (SurfaL·c:. Eft.. Ground) Reo;utt~ QC POL Uni u Method -----Oual ----------------- 0.000350 o.aso u 0.000250 mg/L 0.050 mg;L ef>A 2oo.o EPA 376.2 110. 0'3-! 2GO W. Poner Dri•;;; Anchort~ge, AK 99618-1605 Te! (907) 562-23:03 Fax (907) 561-530i Allcwilble Prep Ana!y:;;:; '"' 7 Dat.-Limits oace 06/26/06 06/26!96 (G• 06/2(1/G:;, "::· u • Undetected L T • l!!:>S th;,n GT • Greater than D Secondary Dilution J • Below the catlbrati~~ ~!r, ~ 51:35 Member of the SGS Group (Soc•~te Gt\nMale de St•rvedlance) ('T&E Ref.# Client Sample ID Matrix Sampk Rcmark!i: ?arC~~ter CT&E Environmental Services Inc. 962455 '96':?.45500~ D<}wnstre:un from Camp nn Bend Wacc:r (Surfac.~. Eff .. Gwuml) Results oc 0\JI!l POL Units Mercury by Cold V.:~por o.ooosvo u 0.000500 mg/L i'n 0. 1 00 \) 0. 100 mg/L Ptlosp/'lorus 0.100 u o. 100 mg/L So ron 0.0500 u 0.0500 1119/L Hetlll~ by ICP A\~J~~inum 2.13 0.0500 m<J/L Antimof'ly 0.100 u 0.100 rng/L Ar:;enic: 0.0500 u 0.0500 mg;L Bari~J~~ 0.0215 0.0100 mgll Berylliun 0.00500 u 0.00500 mg/L C-ldmilm 0.0200 u 0.0200 lllg/l C11lc:h.wn 10.6 0.100 mg/L Chromilm 0.0250 u 0.0250 mg/L ('ob,.l t 0.0250 u 0.0250 f!lg/L C:;;;pl!r 0.0250 u 0.0250 1119/L Iron 3.87 0.0250 m<:lfL L'!lad 0.0500 u o.nsoo mg/L Hagne!iiUIII 2.15 0.100mg/L P1<1n9.13ne'!-e 0.102 0.0100 mg/L Mol ybdenlm 0.0.:!50 u 0.0250 mg/L Nickel 0.0250 v 0.0250 mg/L Pot:'IS:" ;...., 2.25 u 2.25 mg/l Sc\¢nium 0.0500 u 0.0500 mg/L Silicon 3.10 0.250 mg/L Silver 0.0100 u 0.0100 mg/t Sodi~J~~ 1.31. 0.250 nl<;/L Stront1t.wn 0.0813 0.0150 mg/L Vana<li lrn 0.0250 u 0.0250 1119/L Zinc 0.0250 u 0.0250 rng/L Z1rconiU11 0.0250 u 0.02SI1 mg/~ Colleded Date 200 W. Potter Dnve Anchorage. AK 99518-1606 Tel: {907) 562-2343 Fax (907) 561-5301 06/!9/% Tt"<:hnical Director: Stephen C. Ede Method Allowable PI'<!P Analyst~ l "' ~ Limits D11te EPA 245.1 06/28/96 0612e:co) "'~ EPA 200.7 07/03/96 07108/96 GC? EPA 200.7 Oi/03/96 07/08/9~ GC~ EPA 200.7 07/03/96 07;05!96 GC? EPA 200.7 07/03/96 07!05;96 G~? EPA 200.7 07;03/96 07/05/?6 GC~ E?A 200.7 07/03/96 07!05!96 GC? EPA 200.7 07/03/96 07/0S/96 GC~ EPA 200.7 07/03/96 07/05/96 GC? EPA 200.7 07/03/96 07;05!96 GCP EPA 200.7 07 ;03/96 07/05/96 (,C>· EPA 200.7 07/03/96 07/0S/96 GCP EPA 200.7 07/03/96 07!05/96 GC~ EPA 200.7 Oi/03;96 07/05/96 GCP EPA 2C0.7 07/03/96 07;05!96 GC? E?A 200.7 07;03/96 07/05/96 ~CP EPA 200.7 07/03/96 07/0S/96 GC? EPA 200 7 Oi/03;96 07/0S/96 ccr EPA 200.7 07;03/96 07;05t9o GC? EPA 200.7 07/03/96 07'/05/90 GC? EPA ZOC.i 07103!96 07/05/0~ GC~ EPA 200.7 07/03/96 07;05;96 GC? EPA 200.7 07t03/G6 07/0S/96 GC? EPA 200.7 06/26/96 07;1U/96 GC? E"A 21JC.7 07!03/96 07105!96 G~g EPA 200.7 07/03/96 'Ji /CS/96 GCO EPA 2CC~7 07;03;96 07/05/95 GC~ E?A 21J0.7 07!03!96 rJ//IJ)jV~ t:.::~ E?,~ Z'J0.7 07;03/96 07/CS/90 G"" ~c u . LT':C~ t ec ~ ec LT . Le$S t!1An GT G:-""eRter than 0 s~cond~ry Olt~·r~C!1 J 6-:~ow the cdl ;·~r:,c 1 r:n '!!' 5(35 Member of the SGS Grouo (Soc,eta Gensr::tll! ae Surv\lillancai -~ .. .::.,; CT&E Ref.# Client Sample ID Matrix S:unple Remark:': Cadmium Hydrogen Sulti~e 1..!:.21 CT&E Environmental Services Inc. co,. ... ~\ .. g~ R: .. Ht' ""+ t=• >"-t... ... -.p 962455.962:.!55003 Dnwnstream from Camp on Bend Wa1e-r !Surf:u:c::. Eff., Ground) R~sults OC POL Unit!': 0.0002'.i0 u 0.050 u 0.000250 mg/L 0.050 MI<J/L Mechod ------ E?A 200.9 EPA 376.2 200 W Potter Dnve Anchorage, AK 99618 1 605 Tei (907) 562-2343 Fax. (907) 561·5301 Allowable Prep An~(yqis lni t D<ltC limits Of'lte 06/26/96 06/26/Q6 KGF 06/20/96 IIEP u • Ur'\de t •!c ted LT • Less than GT -Great~r th3n 0 Secondary 0 it uti on J • Below the c~libration r~n9e @ 5{35 Member of the S GS Group !Soc<,;,te Gcinerale de Survoilllancei ------·----.. .. ... .. . . .. ·---- ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES IN ALASKA, C,J,UFQRNIA. FLORIDA. IL!..INQIS. MARYL~NO. MICHIGAN. MISSOURI. NEW JEqs;:y OHIO. WEST VIP.GI~<.:.