HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Report Review of Icing Studies Contract No.15800.12-36 1987"RECORD COPY" RETURN TO BRADLEY O&M FILES FINAL REPORT REVIEW OF ICING STUDIES CONTRACT N0.15800.12-36 RECORU \.iOP¥ FilE. NO ~ fN" I -~ '.l :r.(.£ v BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Prepared for STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ANCHORAGE, ALASKA JUNE 1987 NORTEC A DIVISION OF £liT NORTEC A DIVISION OF ERT 750 WEST SECOND AVENUE , SUITE 100, ANCHORAGE , AK 99501 , (907) 276-4302 environmental and engineering excellence June 29, 1987 Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Bradley Lake Project Office 800 A Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Mr. Norm Bishop Subject: Final Report Gentlemen: Review of Icing Studies Contract No. 15800.12-36 Enclosed i s our final report for the subject contract. Comments received for the interim report have been reviewed and appropriate changes have been incorporated. If you should have any additional comments or questions, please don't hesitate to call. Yours very truly, NORTEC, A Division of ERT i:wf~d Robert P. Britch, P.E. Manager of Engineering Enclosure RPB/mlb E822 ALASKA • CALIFORNIA • COLORADO • ILLINOIS • MASSACHUSETTS • NEW JERSEY • PENNSYLVANIA • TEXAS • WASHINGTON FINAL REPORT REVIEW OF ICING STUDIES CONTRACT N0.15800.12-36 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Prepared for STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Prepared by NORTEC, A DIVISION OF EAT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA JUNE 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Section Title Page 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1-1 1.1 BACKOROUND 1-1 1.2 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 1-2 2.0 SUMMARY OF TECHNICAL DATA 2-1 2. 1 GENERAL SETTING 2-1 2.2 CLIMATE AND METEOROLOGY 2-1 2. 2. 1 General 2-1 2.2.2 Air Temperatures 2-2 2.2.3 Winds 2-2 2.2.4 Precipitation 2-3 2.3 HYDROLOGY 2-4 2. 3. 1 General 2-4 2.3.2 Streamflow Data 2-4 2.3.3 Water Temperatures 2-5 2.4 OCEANOGRAPHY 2-5 2. 4. 1 General 2-5 2.4.2 Bathymetry 2-6 2.4.3 Tides 2-6 2.4.4 Currents and Circulation 2-7 2.4.5 Waves 2-8 2.4.6 Salinity and Temperature Distributions 2-8 3.0 LOCAL INTERVIEWS 3-1 3. 1 INTRODUCTION 3-1 3.2 RESULTS OF INTERVIEWS 3-2 3. 2. 1 General 3-2 3.2.2 Types of Ice 3-2 Sea Ice 3-2 Beach Ice 3-3 Stamukhi 3-3 Estuary Ice 3-4 Drift Ice 3-4 3.2.3 Factors Affecting Ice Formation 3-5 3.2.4 Ice Occurrence and Distribution 3-6 General 3-6 Mild Winter Ice Events 3-6 Moderate Winter Ice Events 3-7 Extreme Ice Events 3-7 4.0 COLLABORATION AND DISCUSSION OF LOCAL INTERVIEWS 4-1 4. 1 GENERAL 4-1 4.2 ICE TYPES 4-1 4.3 FACTORS AFFECTING ICE FORMATION 4-2 4. 3. 1 General 4-2 4.3.2 Air Temperatures 4-2 4.3.3 Tides and Currents 4-3 4.3.4 Freshwater Inflows 4-4 1-1544-JW i Section 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 5. 1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6. 1 6.2 6.2. 1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.3 6. 3. 1 6.3.2 6.3.3 7. 1 7. 1 . 1 7. 1 • 2 7. 1.3 7. 1. 4 7. 1.5 7.2 7. 2. 1 1.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.3 8. 1 8.2 8.2. 1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.3 8. 3. 1 8.3.2 1-1544-JW TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued} Section Title REVIEW OF PREVIOUS PROJECT REPORTS 5-1 BACKGROUND 5-1 BURBANK CIRCULATION STUDY 5-1 COLONELL CIRCULATION AND DISPERSION STUDY 5-2 GATTO STUDIES 5-3 GOSINK AND OSTERCAMP STUDIES 5-4 DALY REPORT 5-6 EXISTING HYDROPOWER PROJECT CASE HISTORIES 6-1 BACKGROUND 6-1 INFORMATION SOURCES 6-1 General 6-1 Literature Review 6-1 Individual Contacts 6-2 CASE HISTORIES 6-2 General 6-2 Inland Hydropower Projects 6-3 Coastal Hydropower Projects 6-4 Norwegian Facilities 6-5 Canadian Facilities 6-6 Alaskan Facilities 6-9 REVIEW OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS 7-1 BACKGROUND 7-1 General 7-1 Conceptual Tailrace Configuration 7-1 Preliminary Tailrace Configuration 7-2 Alternate Tailrace Configuration 7-2 Present Tailrace Configuration 7-2 FACTORS PERTINENT TO THE REVIEW 7-3 General 7-3 Discharges 7-3 Oceanographic Conditions and Ice Formation 7-3 Themodynamic Considerations 7-4 POTENTIAL PROJECT MODIFICATIONS 7-6 BASELINE DATA COLLECTION AND ADDITIONAL STUDIES 8-1 GENERAL 8-1 PHASE I -NEARFIELD ICE FORMATION MODELING 8-2 Purpose 8-2 Methods 8-2 Timing 8-3 PHASE II -BASELINE DATA COLLECTION 8-3 General 8-3 Meteorological Data Collection 8-4 Purpose 8-4 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Section Section Title Methods Timing Other Considerations 8.3.3 Oceanographic Data Collection Purpose Methods Timing 8.3.4 Ice Sampling Purpose Methods Timing 8.4 PHASE III -FARFIELD ICE TRANSPORT MODELING 8. 4. 1 Purpose 8.4.2 Methods 8.4.3 Timing 8.5 SUMMARY 9.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX A -NOTES OF LOCAL INTERVIEWS APPENDIX B -REVIEW COMMENTS 1-1544-JW iii Page 8-4 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-7 8-7 8-7 8-8 8-8 8-8 8-8 8-9 8-9 9-1 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-~ 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 3-1 3-2 3-3 6-1 6-2 6-3 1-15~~-JW LIST OF TABLES SUBJECT Mean monthly air temperature at the Homer WSO Number of days when the air temperature fell below 32° F at the Homer WSO Number of da~s when the air temperature fell below 0 F at the Homer WSO Summary of wind data from the Homer WSO Summary of precipitation data from the Homer WSO Mean monthly streamflows for the Bradley River at the outlet of Bradley Lake Analysis of daily variations in winter flows from the Bradley River at the outlet of Bradley Lake Summary of predicted pre-project mean monthly flows Summary of water temperature data for the Bradley River at the outlet of Bradley Lake Summary of tidal datum for Kachemak Bay Summary of physical characteristics of Kachemak Bay List of local residents contacted or interviewed Classification of ice in Kachemak Bay Summary of extreme ice events in Kachemak Bay List of reports and publications obtained during the literature review Individuals contacted as part of the review List of hydropower projects identified as a result of the literature review and individual contacts iv PAGE 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-1~ 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-21 3-8 3-9 3-10 6-10 6-12 6-13 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 3-2 3-3 4-1 4-2 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 8-1 8-2 8-2 1-1544-JW LIST OF FIGURES SUBJECT Location map of the study area Mean monthly air temperatures at the Homer wso Generalized surface circulation patterns in Kachemak Bay Typical extent of ice during a mild winter Typical extent of ice during a moderate winter Reported extent of ice during February 1947 Annual number of days when the air temperature at the Homer WSO dropped below 32° F Annual number of days when the air temperature at the Homer WSO dropped below 0° F Conceptual tailrace configurations Preliminary engineering tailrace configurations Alternate tailrace configuration Present design tailrace configuration Configuration of the present tailrace and discharge canal Approach to additional studies Station locations for salinity and temperature measurements Locations of ice sampling stations v PAGE 2-22 2-23 2-24 3-11 3-12 3-13 4-6 4-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 8-10 8-11 8-12 SECTION 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 • 1 BACKGROUND There has been recent concern expressed by residents of the Kachemak Bay area regarding the thoroughness and conclusions of the Corps of Engineers' ice studies conducted for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Local residents indicated the following points concerning the previous ice studies: 1. The studies do not reflect the solicitation of "local knowledge" from local fisherman and area residents. 2. Given the terminology used in the studies, it is difficult for the layman to understand and interpret the studies. 3. The reports do not address "anchor" ice as termed by the local fisherman and area residents. As a result, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC), the project design contractor for the Alaska Power Authority, contracted with Northern Technical Services, Inc. (currently NORTEC, a Division of ERT) to conduct a number of specific tasks in response to local resident concerns. These tasks are as follows: 1. Solicit local knowledge from local fisherman and area residents regarding the types of ice problems, extent, duration and other observations noted. Special attention is required to identify and differentiate between the local definitions of the types of ice observed including "anchor ice". The existing studies' terminology of the past ice reports may need to be clarified and/or correlated to local definitions. 2. Review and critique the previous studies including the adequacies, background data, other known data, assumptions, considerations, analyses, and conclusions of the studies. 2-1544-RW 1-1 3. Research and identify any existing hydroprojects of comparable climatic and geographic conditions which may provide useful case history to aid in the predictions of ice formation due to the Bradley Lake Project tailrace. 4. Review the proposed project operating plan for the winter months and the tailrace design and provide comments regarding ice formations which may result from powerhouse discharge. 5. Prepare a suggested scope of work for the collection of baseline and post-project ice data and suggested plan for post-project analysis. 6. Identify additional ice studies or further reviews, if any, which would be beneficial in substantiating the probable icing effects of project operations. 7. Participate in committee meetings of local Kachemak Bay residents who will be involved in the review of this work effort. 8. Prepare a report summarizing the efforts on the above tasks. The following section briefly summarizes the findings and results of these tasks. 1.2 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Local residents provided personal observations and historical information on ice formation and distribution in Kachemak Bay. This information is presented in Section 3.0 and discussed in Section 4.0. Key findings and conclusions from this effort are summarized as follows: 1. Ice formation is a relatively common occurrence in the inner Kachemak Bay at various times during the months of November 2-1544-RW 1-2 through April; however, ice conditions for the past 10 years have been relatively mild. 2. Ice typically forms every year along the beaches at the head of and along the northern shore of the inner bay. Northeasterly winds, which prevail in the winter, tend to accumulate it against the Homer Spit where it can impede boat operations. 3. Tides and currents also play important roles in both ice formation and in redistribution of ice within the inner bay .. 4. Ice cover can be quite extensive during periods with consecutive days of cold, clear and calm weather. As an extreme case, ice covered the entire inner bay during February, 1947 (see Section 3.0, Figure 3-3). 5. There are a number of types of ice which occur in the inner bay. Predominant forms include beach ice and drift ice. Stamukhi (chunk or cake ice), sea ice and estuary ice also occur, but are generally less abundant except during extreme cold weather. A review of the previous project reports is presented in Section 5.0. In general, most data reports, including those by Burbank (1977) and Gatto (1981), provide useful background information on circulation and/or ice conditions within Kachemak Bay. Studies by Colonell (1980) on circulation and dispersion hypothesized that the mixing of Bradley River fresh water with the bay's marine waters is fairly rapid, with nearly complete mixing occurring within 3 to 4 tidal cycles. Gosink and Ostercamp (1981) modeled the potential for ice effects from additional winter dischargers. Based on a review of information available since the Gosink and Ostercamp study, we would conclude that additional factors should be considered when modeling the potential for ice formation in the bay. A literature review and individual contacts were conducted to identify any existing hydropower projects of comparable climatic and geographic 2-1544-RW 1-3 conditions similar to the Bradley Lake Project. The results of this effort are discussed in Section 6.0. Based on this review, 16 hydropower projects were identified which discharge flows to tidal estuaries. Three were located in Norway, 11 in Canada and two in Alaska. While the details of climatic and oceanographic conditions are not sufficiently known to determine whether they are directly comparable to the Bradley Lake Project, the type of problem which may occur has been determined and is pertinent to this review. Of the three Norwegian projects, two had, been constructed and sheet ice formation resulted in previously ice free fjords. Of the 11 Canadian facilities, six reported ice problems; four reported beach ice and two reported estuary ice. Both Alaskan projects reported natural ice conditions may have been slightly reduced by additional tailrace discharges. Based on a comparison of the Bradley Lake Project site conditions with other hydropower projects, it is believed that there is some potential for formation of beach ice and perhaps, to a lesser degree, the potential for formation of estuary ice as a result of the Bradley Lake Project. Based on a review of the Bradley Lake Project designs, modifications made to tailrace design to date are believed to have lessened the potential for ice formation. Although specific effects have not been quantified as part of this study, preliminary thermodynamic calculations suggest ice formation could occur slightly earlier (e.g. at less severe winter temperatures) and could persist for a slightly longer duration. Effects, if they occurred, would depend on the degree of mixing of the tailrace discharge with bay waters and would likely be defined in terms of either hours or days. While measurable effects may occur locally at the head of the bay, it will be difficult to quantify effects at Homer, some 20 miles from the tailrace. In order to quantify potential effects of winter discharges, a three phased study approach is recommended. Phase I would be conducted in 1987 and include an assessment and modeling ice formation processes at the head of the inner bay where problems, if they occur, would be most evident. This nearfield assessment would include a numerical modeling effort to examine both beach and estuary ice formation. 2-1544-RW 1-4 Phase II efforts would include baseline data collection programs conducted during the 1987-88 winter. Three individual studies are envisioned: 1. Collection of meteorological data at the tailrace site to verify temperature differences between the site and Homer. 2. Collection of additional oceanographic data to stratification and mixing at the head of the inner bay. define 3. Documenting and sampling the various types of ice to confirm mechanisms for ice formation. Phase II I would include a far field ice transport modeling effort to predict effects over the entire inner bay, including Homer. This numerical model should include both an ice formation model and an ice transport model. In this recommended phased approach, the need for additional studies would be reevaluated at the end of each phase. Post-project monitoring, if required, would be similar to those as outlined for Phase II. Requir-ements for mitigation measures should be reassessed at the completion of each of the study phases. Options for mitigating ice problems, should they be needed, appear to be fairly straight forward. An obvious non-structural solution would include reducing the tailrace discharge during extreme cold weather when ice formation is most likely to occur. The only structural modification which appears to provide some benefits includes containing the tailrace discharge to insure that it is discharged to deeper water to insure a more rapid mixing with the marine waters. These options are discussed in Section 7.0. 2-1544-RW 1-5 SECTION 2.0 SUMMARY OF TECHNICAL DATA 2.0 SUMMARY OF TECHNICAL DATA 2.1 GENERAL SETTING Kachemak Bay is a 35 mile long embayment located on the eastern side of lower Cook Inlet. The bay is naturally divided into the inner and outer bays by the 4 mile long Homer Spit (see Figure 2-1). The north shore of Kachemak Bay is bordered by mud flats with scattered rocks and boulders; these are backed by coastal bluffs and rolling hills. The south shore of the bay is fairly irregular with numerous deeper embayments, islands and a predominance of gravel or rocky beaches backed by the Kenai Mountains. The head of Kachemak Bay has extensive tidal flats and are backed by a 3 to 4 mile wide glaciated valley. 2.2 CLIMATE AND METEOROLOGY 2 . 2. 1 General The climate at Kachemak Bay is classified as marine but with precipita- tion amounts modified by the Kenai Mountains. The annual precipitation is reduced when air being lifted over the mountains leaves most of its moisture on the windward (southern) side. For this reason, the normal Gulf Coast precipitation of near 60 inches is reduced to less than half of that amount at Homer. The relatively low annual snowfall is a reflection of the mild winter temperatures. Often precipitation will begin as snow but turn to rain shortly afterwards. The occurrence of the heaviest monthly precipitation during the fall and winter months is the result of the increased frequency of storms in the Gulf of Alaska during those months. Temperatures experienced in the area are more representative of a marine climate than is precipitation. Winters are mild and tempera- tures seldom get below 0°F; summers are cool with the maximum tempera- tures seldom going above 70°F. The range between the average maximum and minimum temperatures does not exceed 16°F during any of the 12 months. 2-1544-RW 2-1 Surface winds at Horner are seldom strong, even in winter. However, over outer Kachemak Bay and to the west over Cook Inlet, wind speeds requiring warnings to small craft are fairly common in winter and summer. The occurrence of thunderstorms are rare. Heavy fog is infrequent and of short duration, but patchy ground fog is common in spring and fall. Meteorological data have been collected at the Homer Weather Service Office (WSO) since 1932 and are the primary source of data discussed in this section. Additional shorter periods of record are also available for the project site and other locations around the bay. These data are also discussed or summarized in the following sections. 2.2.2 Air Temperatures Air temperature data for the Homer WSO are summarized on Table 2-1 and Figure 2-2. Data gaps occur in this record during the years 1932, 1934-1939, 1966 and 1973. Mean monthly temperatures for the period of record range from about 22°F in January to 53°F in July and August. Extreme mean monthly temperatures ranged from 9°F (January, 194 7) to 58°F (July, 1936). Daily extremes at the Homer WSO for the period of record ranged from -21° (April, 1971) to 80°F (June, 1953). Ice formation is dependent to a large extent on the occurrence and persistence of colder air temperatures. Table 2-2 and 2-3 present the number of days per month when air temperatures fell below 32°F and 0°F, respectively. On the average, there are 188 days annually with air temperatures less than 32°F and 13 days annually with temperatures less than o°F. Extremes of record included 219 days less than 32°F (1956-57 winter) and 35 days less than 0°F {1946-47 winter). The average and extreme number of days did not necessarily occur consecutively. 2.2.3 Winds Wind data are available from the Homer WSO for the years 1963 to 1985. These data are summarized on Table 2-4. 2-1544-RW 2-2 Mean monthly wind speeds at the Homer WSO vary from 5.9 mph in August to 8.0 mph in January and February with a mean annual wind speed of 7.3 mph. Prevailing directions are from the southwest and west-southwest during May through August and from the northeast for the remainder of the year. The extreme wind of record for the station was reported at 44 mph in November, 1983. Other extreme events include winds typically from the east or west and are presumably channelled to some extent by the local topographic features {namely the east-west orientation of the Kenai Mountains). ARCTEC { 1985) conducted an extreme wind analysis and compared the longer term wind record for Homer with shorter data sets from both the Homer Spit (1965-1973) and from Sheep Point at the head of the Bay {November 1980 to September 1981). Based on their analysis, they determined that for winds greater than 10 mph, the wind at the Homer Spit was 1.4 times that at the Homer WSO and winds at Sheep Point were 2.1 times that at the Homer WSO. The ARCTEC report also provided a discussion of wind conditions in the vicinity of Sheep Point. They concluded that the geography in the area dominates the wind regime. Due to the restricted nature of the bay near Sheep Point, there is little opportunity for winds to blow from any direction but along the major axis of the bay. An exception is downslope winds from the mountains immediately behind Sheep Point (most frequently down Battle Creek). ARCTEC further indicate that this effect is probably diurnal in nature {e.g., it occurs only at certain times of the day). 2.2.4 Precipitation Precipitation data, both as total water equivalent and as snowfall, are reported for the Homer WSO for the period of 1943 to 1985. Statistical summaries of these data are provided on Table 2-5. Precipitation is normally lowest in the summer and greatest in the fall and early winter months. Mean monthly vary from 1.05 inches in June to 3.28 inches in October. Extremes of record ranged from 0.00 inches 2-1544-RW 2-3 (December, 1933) to 8.72 inches (November, 1983). The greatest 24-hour precipitation on record of 3.20 inches occurred in November, 1983 (NCC, 1986). Snowfall may occur during the months of September through June, although the greatest snowfall normally occurs during December through March. December has both the greatest mean monthly snowfall ( 12.9 inches) and the highest snowfall of record (54.7 inches in 1979). The maximum recorded snowfall in 24 hours was 24.5 inches in November, 1945 ( NCC, 1986) . 2.3 HYDROLOGY 2.3. 1 General Runoff characteristics of the larger streams draining into Kachemak Bay from the southern Kenai Mountains reflect the influence of the Gulf of Alaska maritime climate and the effects of glaciers which occupy higher elevations of these basins. Bradley River, which is typical of these basins, discharge approximately 90 percent of their total flow during the period of May through October ( COE, 1982). The highest flows typically occur in the late summer when glacier meltings is great and precipitation is high. 2.3.2 Streamflow Data Freshwater inflows into upper Kachemak Bay is primarily from the Fox River, Sheep Creek, Bradley River, Battle Creek and Martin River. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has maintained a gaging station at the outlet of the Bradley River since October, 1957. In October 1979, the USGS also began obtaining data for the Middle Fork of the Bradley River and from the Bradley River below Nuka Glacier. Spot measurements have also been made at the mouths of Fox River, Sheep Creek, Battle Creek, Martin River and on the lower Bradley River. Table 2-6 provides a listing of mean monthly flows for Bradley River at the lake outlet. These data suggest a large variation in winter flows, which are of primary interest for this report. As an example, during 2-1544-RW 2-4 March, which has the lowest mean monthly discharge, flows varied by a factor of over 9 (minimum of 19 cfs, maximum of 178 cfs). Table 2-7, which was provided by SWEC, gives a statistical summary of flows based on daily discharge values for the months of December through April. As indicated by the standard deviations, daily variations generally decrease as the winter progresses, reaching a minimum variation in March. Ott Water ( 1981) used regression techniques to provide mean monthly flows for the other major drainages entering the head of Kachemak Bay. These are summarized on Table 2-8. Mean monthly flows vary from a low of 302 cfs in March to a high flow of 5,681 cfs in July. During the winter months of November through April, the average discharge into the head of the bay is 610 cfs. 2.3.3 Water Temperatures The USGS has monitored water temperatures for the Bradley River at the lake outlet intermittently since October, 1979. Mean monthly values are summarized on Table 2-9. Water temperatures ranged from a minimum of 0.0°C (32°F) in winter (November through April) to 12.0°C (54°F) in late summer (August). Woodward Clyde et al. (1985) provided some limited data for the period December, 1984 to April, 1985 for areas at lower elevations on the Bradley River (Tree Bar Reach). On the average minimum monthly values reported by Woodward Clyde were 0.1°C (0.2°F) lower (standard deviation of .:!:_0.2°C) than the USGS data, and maximum monthly values were 0.8°C ( 1.4°F) higher (standard deviation of .:!:_0.8°C). Additional data are also available during 1986 (Stone & Webster, 1987). These data are in a raw form and have not been statistically summarized. 2.4 OCEANOGRAPHY 2.4.1 General Kachemak Bay is a tidal estuary and currents and circulation are primarily driven by the rise and fall of the tides. Bathymetric features also have a significant effect on currents and the movement of 2-1544-RW 2-5 water masses within the bay. Inflows of freshwater, particularily at the head of the bay, have a local effect on the circulation patterns and water stratification. 2.4.2 Bathymetry The bathymetry of Kachemak Bay varies within the inner and outer bay. In the inner bay, water depths are fairly shallow with maximum depths typically 150 to 250 feet near the center and along the southern margins of the inner bay. Water depths along the northern third to half of the inner bay are fairly shallow and seldom exceed 60 feet. The outer bay is slightly deeper with water depths of 200 to 300 feet common throughout most of that area. Some deep water (up to 550 foot depths) occurs south of the Homer Spit near the line separating the inner and outer bays. 2.4.3 Tides Kachemak Bay tides are classified as mixed, and as such are characterized by two unequal high and low waters occurring over the period of approximately one day. NOAA provides daily predictions for tidal fluctuations for Seldovia as well as provides corrections for predicting tides at Homer. NOAA (formerly the U.S Coast and Geodetic Survey) also provides tidal bench mark reports which summarize tidal datum for various locations within Kachemak Bay including Seldovia, Homer, Halibut Cove, and Bear Cove. These data are summarized on Table 2-10. Based on these data, the mean tidal range varies from 15.4 feet at Seldovia (near the mouth) to 16.0 feet at Bear Cove (near the head of the Bay). Diurnal tides range from a mean of 17.8 feet at Seldovia to 18.5 feet at Bear Cove. Extreme high and low tides for the bay are estimated at 25.0 feet, MLLW and -6.0 feet, MLLW. Knull (1975) provides a discussion of various physical characteristics of the bay related to the tides; these are summarized on Table 2-11. Of particular relevance to this study is the intertidal area indicated on Table 2-11. The inner bay has an intertidal area of approximately 2-1544-RW 2-6 33 mi 2 and the outer bay has about 6 mi 2 of intertidal area. Based on a review of topographic maps, approximately 35 percent of the inter- tidal area within the inner bay is located at the head of the bay where the major streams for the area presently discharge their flow. Approximately 40 percent of the intertidal area for the inner bay is located on the north shore and the remaining 25 percent is located along the south shore. 2.4.4 Currents and Circulation Currents and circulation in Kachemak Bay are driven primarily by the tides. Other factors which also are important include the net circu- lation patterns in Lower Cook Inlet, winds, and effects of freshwater discharges. The National Ocean Survey measured currents during May of 1974 at a location midway between the tip of the Homer Spit and the south shore. Although currents were typically weak (less than 0.5 knots) and extremely variable, flood directions were generally towards the north or northeast and ebb currents typically towards the west or southwest. Circulation patterns in Kachemak Bay have been documented by several previous investigations, notably those by Burbank (1977) and Gatto (1981). Burbank (1977) conducted drogue studies to define currents and circulation patterns within the bay; these data are summarized on Figure 2-3. Generalized circulation patterns are based on actual drogue measurements obtained during a number of individual efforts in May, June, July, August, September and November of 1975 and in March, April and May of 1976. While it is likely that there may be some bias in these patterns towards the spring and summer conditions, the general patterns indicated on Figure 2-3 are expected to be present to some extent for the entire year. Burbank indicated that dominant features within the outer bay are two gyres (one clockwise and the other counter-clockwise). Flow of rela- tively clean oceanic waters is generally into the bay along the south- side of the outer bay and out of the bay along the north shore. 2-1544-RW 2-7 Circulation patterns within the inner bay are generally counter clock- wise with inflows along the deeper southern side of the bay and outflows along the northern side. Freshwater from the head of the inner bay generally flows southwesterly along the northern shore. Gatto (1981) used suspended sediment patterns as observed on satellite imagery to infer generalized winter circulation patterns in the Kachemak Bay. While the gyres in the outer bay were not observed (probably because sediment concentrations were too low in the winter to act as a reliable tracer), the circulation patterns as summarized by Burbank (1977) were generally confirmed. 2.4.5 Waves Wave data for Kachemak Bay are somewhat limited. The Corps of Engineers (1984) measured deepwater waves at several locations in the outer bay in July, 1984. Significant wave heights (average of the highest 1/3 waves) were typically foot or less. The largest significant wave height measured was about 2 feet. ARCTEC (1985) conducted an analysis for extreme deepwater waves at the center of the inner bay. They estimated significant wave heights of 7. 0 feet for a 1-year return period, 9. 0 feet for a 25-year return period, and 10.0 feet for a 100-year return period. 2.4.6 Salinity and Temperature Distributions Information on salinity and temperature distributions within Kachemak Bay have been reported by Knull (1975), Colonel! (1980), and Ott Water ( 1981). Knull (1975) reports of three surveys conducted in water depths gener- ally greater than 60 feet during April, July and October of 1969. During the April survey, the bay was well mixed top to bottom with no noticeable gradients except with temperature. The temperature varied from 2.8°C (37°F) to 3.8°C (39°F) with the cooler water located at the surface. Salinities varied from 31.6 to 32.1 ppt (parts per thousand) during this survey. During the July survey, Knull (1977) reported a 2-1544-RW 2-8 strong thermocline was present at depths of 15 to 30 feet in the inner bay and descending to 30 to 60 feet in the outer bay. Temperatures ranged from 6°C (43°F) at the bottom to 12°C (54°F) at the surface, and salinities from 28 ppt at the surface of the inner bay to 31.7 ppt at depth in the outer bay. By October the water had cooled to 8°C (46°F) at the surface and 9°C (48°F) at the bottom. Mixing had again destroyed any noticeable gradients in salinity. Colonell (1980) reports salinity and temperature data for the head of the bay in for two periods in October, 1980. Some stratification was noted about 0.5 mile southwest of the mouth of the Bradley River. At this point, salinities varied from 0 ppt at the surface to 16.5 ppt at depth with the strongest gradient noted at depths of 2 to 4 feet; large gradients in temperatures were not noted. Observations of salinity and temperature to a depth of 10 to 12 feet in the vicinity of Chugachik and Bear Islands indicated surface temperatures of 7.5 to 8.5°C (46° to 47°F) and bottom temperatures of 9.0°C (48°F); corresponding salinities ranged from 19 ppt at the surface to 29.5 ppt at depth. Ott Water (1981) report various measurements obtained from the mouth of Bradley River to Bear Island obtained during August, 1979 and March and August of 1980. Although observations in August, 1979 were generally limited to within 15 feet of the surface, they do indicate a horizontal surface gradient extending from the mouth of Bradley River. Within 1 mile of the mouth, salinities of 0.3 to 0.5 ppt and temperatures of 1.2 to 10.3°C (45° to 51°F) were observed. In the vicinity of Chugachik Island surface salinities ranged from 2.5 to 23.4 ppt and temperatures from 9.8 to 13.8°C (50° to 57°F); variations in this area were likely attributed to the effects of tidal flows. Some stratification was noted in the upper 5 feet of the water column during the August, 1979 survey. Observations in March, 1980 suggested that the water column was fairly well mixed, at least in the upper 10 to 15 feet. Horizontal gradients were however observed with temperatures of 0.3°C (32.5°F) and salinities of 1.6 to 20 ppt measured at the river mouth. These levels 2-1544-RW 2-9 increased to values on the order of 30 to 34 ppt and temperatures of 1.5 to 3.0°C (35° to 37°F) measured in the vicinity of Chugachik Island. Observations in August, 1980 were generally limited to 10 feet or less; however, some observations were obtained to a maximum depth of 21 feet. Although some vertical stratification was observed in the upper 3 feet, the water masses appeared to be fairly well mixed vertically. Horizontal gradients were, however, again observed during the August 1980 surveys. At the river mouth, temperatures of 7 to 10°C (45° to 50°F) and salinities generally less than 1 ppt were observed. These values increased to temperatures generally in the range of 10 to 15°C (50° to 59°F) and salinities up to 30 ppt in the vicinity of Chugachik Island. 2-1544-RW 2-10 Table 2-1. Mean monthly air temperature (°F) at the Homer WSO (AEIDC, 1986). YEAR JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 1932/33 47.2 41.8 23.0 27.6 14.6 25.6 28.0 36.5 42.8 48.4 1933/34 54.2 51.4 45.8 34. 1 32.2 15.0 14.8 34.7 30.4 37.6 42.8 48.2 1934/35 52.9 1935/36 31.4 24.2 30.2 25.4 27.4 37.5 43.8 56. 1 1936/37 58.0 57.0 48.1 44.8 34.8 21.5 31.6 20.2 29.9 36.8 43.0 50.6 1937/38 53.3 1938/39 31.4 26.0 34.6 41.0 48.7 1939/40 52.2 51.2 45.2 34.8 27.8 27.6 31.1 33.0 29.5 41.6 44.4 49.3 1940/41 53.8 53.8 48.4 39.2 31.4 30.8 23.9 33.2 35.4 40.2 43.1 50.6 1941/42 53.0 54.4 47.3 38.9 25.9 27.6 33.3 36.4 29.7 38.6 47.7 50.9 1942/43 53.9 54.7 52.4 41.5 26.4 11.2 16. 1 26.2 29.8 36.4 42.2 49.4 1943/44 52.4 51.4 45.6 40.1 33.4 29.9 25.3 34.4 28.4 34.8 44.4 50.9 1944/45 54.2 55.5 47.4 39.6 30.8 27.9 33.2 29.9 27.6 33. 1 41.6 49.8 1945/46 53.5 53.0 46.4 37.6 20.8 22.9 24.7 24.2 21.1 33.6 42.0 47.4 1946/47 51.7 50.8 46.0 39.8 26.2 12.9 9.4 26.4 31.1 36.2 42.3 47.4 1947/48 51.7 50.8 45.8 37.4 32.8 28.2 25. 1 21.0 25.2 31.9 42.2 48. 1 1948/49 50.4 49.4 44.0 38.2 21.5 17.7 20. 1 16.0 32.0 32.0 39.2 46.9 1949/50 50.4 51.4 47.6 37.5 32.5 17.9 20.1 16.0 32.8 34.9 40.2 47.2 1950/51 50.6 52.8 47.2 36.2 20.7 20.4 16.4 23. 1 18.5 36.4 41.7 48.2 1951/52 52.2 52.8 47.5 35.3 30.1 21.3 14.4 26.5 27.0 33.2 38.6 45.3 1952/53 52.0 52.5 46.8 39.9 35.2 25.6 19.0 26.4 26.5 37.1 42. 1 52.2 1953/54 53.9 53.3 47.2 35.8 29.2 27.5 18.3 14. 1 26.5 32.7 43.6 49.2 1954/55 52.8 52.4 48.5 41.1 32.9 14.6 27.8 23.5 29.6 32.0 41.5 46.5 1955/56 51.5 51.6 46.2 35.0 22.3 15.0 14. 1 17.4 22.8 34.1 41.4 46.7 1956/57 51.5 51.5 44.9 32.3 23.6 14.7 24.0 20.5 32.5 36.7 43. 1 50.6 1957/58 52.9 53.6 48.6 41.4 37.5 18.7 26.7 29. 1 33.2 38.4 44.4 50.5 1958/59 53.6 52.7 45.4 34.0 26.7 24.9 19.6 29. 1 17.7 33.8 42.9 49.5 1959/60 52.0 52.4 46.5 37.7 31.9 23.5 25.3 30.5 26.3 33.7 45.1 47.9 1960/61 53.2 50.8 45.9 38.0 27.5 32.6 27.5 23.0 20.3 35.3 42.9 49.5 1961/62 52.7 52.1 47.6 33.6 25.0 14.3 22.0 26.8 24.9 36.3 41.2 48.7 1962/63 53.0 52.9 43. 1 38.8 29.5 23.8 27.3 27.1 28.7 33.2 43.2 47. 1 1963/64 53.8 53.7 49.7 38.5 20.0 32.3 24.3 25.6 24.0 34. 1 39.0 50. 1 1964/65 51.8 52.7 48.7 38. 1 28.6 12.2 19.4 18.9 35.7 36.0 40.4 45.9 1965/66 51.1 51.1 50.4 33.0 27.0 18.6 22.6 23.1 19. 1 35.6 39.6 49.4 1966/67 52.5 52.2 48.5 34.7 27.4 20.6 18.2 23.4 36.7 44.3 50.2 1967!68 55.2 48.3 37.5 22.7 18.7 27.4 30.4 34.2 43.8 49.6 1968/69 53.4 54.3 45.3 35.3 31.3 15.2 13.2 22.3 31.4 38.3 43.8 50.9 1969170 53.3 50.7 47. 1 42. 1 27.3 33.4 16.3 33.3 35.3 35.0 43.6 48.9 1970171 51.3 51.3. 45. 1 34.3 32.9 19.7 9.7 24.4 18.2 32.9 38.4 46.6 1971172 51.6 53.2 45.9 36.8 25.9 23.0 15.2 19., 16.0 27.1 40.0 46.6 1972173 52.1 53.4 46.5 37.7 30.0 21.7 11.8 21.8 29.6 41.5 48.2 1973174 52.4 51.3 45.8 35.9 22.9 24.6 14. 1 19.5 26.0 36.5 42.7 49.4 1974175 52.9 53.9 49.7 38.4 29.7 24. 1 18.6 18.7 26.0 32.7 42. 1 47.9 1975176 52.9 52.3 47.9 36.9 22.2 19. 1 22.2 20.9 26.6 35.0 41.7 48.0 1976177 53.8 52.7 46.7 36.6 35.5 31.4 37. 1 35.6 27.0 35.1 41.8 51.2 1977178 54.3 55.9 48.5 38.6 21.1 17.2 29.4 30.6 31.9 38. 1 44.3 49.0 1978179 53.0 54.8 47.4 40.2 32.0 29.7 30.7 15.6 32.9 38.4 43.8 48.7 1979/80 55.0 54.6 50.7 42.5 36.0 18.6 18.8 31.5 32. 1 39.2 44.2 50.0 1980/81 53. 1 51.3 48.0 39.8 32.0 12.5 35.5 28.9 36.2 37.3 46.9 49.3 1981/82 54.5 53.7 47.5 39.4 30.2 25.2 21.2 21.0 30.6 33.4 41.9 49.0 1982/83 52.7 52.6 48.2 32.8 32.4 32.3 23.3 30.3 36.2 38.4 46.1 51.8 1983/84 54.6 54. 1 46.8 38.8 34.6 29.2 26.5 22.6 38.0 36.5 43.9 52.3 1984/85 54.6 54.9 49. 1 39.6 30.3 30.7 AVG 52.9 52.8 47.2 37.8 28.8 22.8 22.1 25.2 28.2 35.5 42.6 49. 1 MIN 50.4 49.4 43. 1 32.3 20.0 11.2 9.4 14. 1 16.0 27.1 38.4 45.3 MAX 58.0 57.0 52.4 44.8 37.5 33.4 37. 1 36.4 38.0 41.6 47.7 56. 1 2-11 Table 2-2. Number of days when the air temperature fell below 32°F at the Homer WSO (AEIDC, 1986). J YEAR JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN YEARLY 1932/33 0 0 2 10 30 22 31 25 29 19 1 3 178 1933/34 0 0 5 25 23 31 31 19 26 19 3 0 182 1934/35 0 0 1935/36 0 0 23 26 22 29 31 24 2 0 1936/37 0 0 5 3 22 31 26 28 29 28 8 0 180 1937/38 0 0 1938/39 0 0 25 25 28 25 14 1 1939/40 0 0 8 25 29 28 26 27 28 10 12 2 195 1940/41 0 0 3 18 24 23 31 23 24 12 10 0 168 1941/42 0 0 2 17 29 23 18 15 31 13 2 0 150 1942/43 0 0 0 8 27 31 30 20 28 24 12 0 180 1943/44 0 0 5 13 23 26 31 25 26 22 4 0 175 1944/45 0 0 5 16 28 27 24 22 30 26 12 2 192 1945/46 0 0 5 17 29 29 29 27 29 25 9 2 201 1946/47 0 0 11 16 30 31 31 18 27 19 11 3 197 1947/48 0 0 2 19 24 28 27 28 30 29 11 0 198 1948/49 0 0 9 17 28 31 30 28 29 28 16 2 218 1949/50 0 0 3 21 23 31 31 28 . 29 26 18 1 211 1950/51 0 0 2 23 30 30 30 28 30 17 14 2 206 1951/52 0 0 4 21 26 29 31 28 30 24 17 4 214 1952/53 0 0 3 12 19 27 29 25 31 18 15 0 197 1953/54 0 0 3 18 28 28 31 28 31 26 5 0 198 1954/55 0 0 3 12 25 31 28 27 27 30 12 1 196 1955/56 0 1 6 24 30 31 31 28 28 28 9 1 217 1956/57 0 0 9 27 27 30 30 28 28 25 15 0 219 1957/58 0 0 4 18 15 29 30 25 25 26 7 0 179 1958/59 0 0 5 24 27 31 29 27 31 26 9 0 209 1959/60 0 0 6 22 24 31 27 26 31 25 7 1 200 1960/61 0 1 5 24 27 23 26 28 30 22 15 1 202 1961/62 0 0 4 25 28 29 30 26 29 25 14 2 212 1962/63 0 0 0 16 . 25 27 26 26 27 24 10 0 181 1963/64 0 0 1 18 30 23 28 22 31 22 19 0 194 1964/65 0 0 0 18 25 31 27 28 17 25 15 0 186 1965/66 0 0 1 22 29 30 28 28 31 22 18 0 209 1966/67 0 0 2 17 26 31 30 28 27 26 11 0 198 1967/68 0 0 1 20 16 27 29 22 25 24 6 0 170 1968/69 0 0 10 21 22 31 31 25 27 16 10 0 193 1969170 0 0 3 9 25 20 30 20 19 17 9 0 152 1970171 0 0 9 21 21 28 29 24 31 26 15 1 205 . 1971172 0 0 4 20 30 30 30 29 31 30 14 0 218 1972173 0 0 5 21 30 30 30 26 11 1 1973174 0 0 7 21 30 29 31 26 28 23 15 0 210 1974175 0 0 3 14 24 31 24 27 30 23 7 1 184 1975176 0 0 0 18 26 28 30 25 29 27 11 0 194 1976177 0 0 3 19 18 27 17 15 31 21 11 0 162 1977178 0 0 3 14 30 31 25 16 27 19 1 1 167 1978179 0 0 6 10 23 22 27 27 26 17 3 0 161 1979/80 0 0 0 9 19 31 30 25 19 11 1 0 145 1980/81 0 0 3 12 27 30 17 20 22 26 1 0 158 1981/82 0 0 3 12 20 27 29 22 26 26 5 0 170 1982/83 0 0 2 25 21 17 27 21 18 12 0 0 143 1983/84 0 0 3 15 20 26 26 29 18 21 2 0 160 1984/85 0 0 0 13 26 23 AVG 0.0 0.0 3.8 17.6 25.2 27.9 28.0 24.8 27.4 22.4 9.7 0.6 188 MIN 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 15.0 17.0 17.0 15.0 17.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 143 MAX 0.0 1.0 11.0 27.0 30.0 31.0 31.0 29.0 31.0 30.0 19.0 4.0 219 2-12 Table 2-3. Number of days when the air temperature fell below 0°F at the Homer WSO (AEIDC, 1986). YEAR JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN YEARLY 1932/33 0 0 1 0 9 3 0 0 0 0 13 1933/34 0 0 0 0 0 5 15 0 0 0 0 0 20 1934/35 0 1935/36 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 1936/37 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 1937/38 0 1938/39 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1939/40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1940/41 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1941/42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1942/43 0 0 0 0 1 13 10 1 0 0 0 0 31 1943/44 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 0 0 8 1944/45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 22 1945/46 ' 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 1946/47 0 0 0 0 0 13 17 5 0 0 0 0 35 1947/48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1948/49 0 0 0 0 4 4 6 9 0 0 0 0 23 1949/50 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 9 1950/51 0 0 0 0 0 4 12 2 9 0 0 0 27 1951/52 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 0 0 0 0 0 13 1952/53 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 10 1953/54 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 13 0 0 0 0 17 1954/55 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 10 1955/56 0 0 0 0 0 6 9 8 9 0 0 0 32 1956/57 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 13 1957/58 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1958/59 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 8 0 0 0 13 1959/60 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 1960/61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 1961/62 0 0 0 0 0 11 4 2 1 0 0 0 18 1962/63 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 5 1963/64 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 2 3 0 0 0 10 1964/65 0 0 0 0 0 13 7 4 0 0 0 0 24 1965/66 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 2 8 0 0 0 23 1966/67 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 7 1967/68 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 5 0 0 0 0 11 1968/69 0 0 0 0 0 7 .; ,. 3 0 0 0 0 21 1969170 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 7 1970171 0 0 0 0 0 7 15 3 7 0 0 0 32 1971172 0 0 0 0 1 1 12· 4 10 0 0 0 28 1972173 0 0 0 0 0 o-13 2 0 0 0 0 15 1973174 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 2 6 0 0 0 15 1974175 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 4 2 0 0 0 17 1975176 0 0 0 0 0 11 2 0 0 0 0 0 13 1976177 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1977178 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1978179 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 1979/80 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 1980/81 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1981/82 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 0 0 0 0 9 1982/83 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 1983/84 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1984/85 0 0 0 0 0 0 AVG 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 3.3 4.8 2.8 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 12 MIN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 MAX 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 13.0 17.0 22.0 10.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 35 2-13 Table 2-4. Summary of wind data from the Homer WSO.* Mean Maximum Maximum Maximum Speed Prevailing Speed Speed Speed Month (Mph) Direction (mph) Direction Year January 8.0 NE 36 90 1980 February 8.0 NE 35 220 1981 March 7.6 NE 35 220 1975 April 7.6 NE 30 290 1985 May 7.9 sw 40 110 1975 June 7.3 WSW 31 130 1972 July 6.8 WSW 25 250 1982 August 5.9 WSW 32 280 1984 September 6.3 NE 36 90 1978· October 6.9 NE 35 80 1978 November 7.6 NE 44 80 1983 December 7.4 NE 32 150 1982 Year 7.3 NE 44 80 1983 *Based on NCC, 1977, 1986 2-14 Table 2-5. Summary of precipitation data from the Homer WSO. Mean Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Precipitation* Precipitation* Precipitation* Snowfall Snowfall Snowfall Month (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches} (Inches) January 1.65 0.39 6.68 10.2 T 33.8 February 1.93 0. 12 5.62 12.~ T ~6.0 March 1.28 0.21 6.02 10.0 T 38. 1 April 1.31 0.01 3.~9 3.8 T 11.4 May 1.07 0.08 2.28 0.5 T 6.6 June 1.05 0.09 3.37 T 0.0 T July 1.47 0. 16 3.79 0.0 0.0 0.0 August 2.36 0.47 5.56 0.0 0.0 0.0 September 2.86 0.83 5.30 T 0.0 0.5 October 3.28 0.91 8.55 2.5 0.0 21.9 November 2.91 0. 12 8.72 7.3 T 37.4 N December 2.58 0.00 8.01 12.9 0.~ 5~.7 I t-' 1..11 Year 23.75 0.00 8.72 59.7 0.0 5~.7 • Water Equivalent Table 2-6. Mean monthly streamflows* for the Bradley River at outlet of Bradley Lake (USGS, 1958-1985). WATER MEAN YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1958 726 543 111 79 42 32 74 389 1260 1280 1550 405 541 1959 252 102 60 33 25 22 33 308 927 910 897 358 338 1960 174 94 60 39 35 24 33 593 812 1040 980 515 369 1961 232 141.! 179 199 107 1.!2 30 1.!36 850 1220 101.!0 1150 1.!71 1962 324 116 71 55 31 22 39 177 763 977 772 1.!58 319 1963 250 317 127 113 87 67 1.!5 237 705 1360 1330 1110 1.!82 1964 524 91.! 108 75 63 40 33 87 71.!7 1100 11.!1.!0 1040 1.!49 1965 1.!45 11.!0 85 61.! 50 55 75 131 593 1030 1100 1600 1.!1.!9 1966 555 165 70 39 32 31 1.!1 150 867 1020 1890 1670 51.!7 1967 1.!90 61.! 1.!3 35 31 29 36 253 811 1100 11.!00 1650 1.!97 1968 215 221.! 136 99 91 105 62 307 651.! 1010 111.!0 1.!62 378 1969 259 13 1.!1 35 35 31.! 1.!3 310 1520 1390 953 650 1.!47 I\) 1970 1720 211 239 118 116 109 103 331 803 1190 1270 675 579 I 1-' 1971 197 382 76 1.!5 36 31 31 115 61.!1 1391.! 1262 507 396 0\ 1972 376 108 55 32 20 17 17 11.!1 517 1172 1378 1019 1.!06 1973 1.!13 123 56 31.! 26 21.! 28 128 600 918 870 908 346 1974 575 173 50 32 23 19 23 227 551 860 1000 1501 1.!21 1975 31.!6 221.! 112 55 1.!3 34 30 355 1035 1068 861.! 850 1.!20 1976 424 118 52 39 32 26 1.!1 206 813 1107 1153 1293 1143 1977 1120 1.!111 312 326 306 178 119 351.! 995 1653 20119 6116 652 1978 1.!07 10 37 31.! 110 112 56 291 755 1081 1182 959 1115 1979 572 161 101.! 1.!3 30 27 31 290 712 1004 1883 1357 521 1980 1173 1.! 11 85 67 81 71.! 58 326 936 1332 13011 897 561.! 1981 779 150 110 233 160 170 310 788 908 11.!90 1643 885 640 1982 298 251 98 52 73 115 37 158 677 1107 901.! 1780 1157 1983 256 117 11.!6 123 68 47 48 337 777 892 130 1102 331 19811 310 305 192 77 58 1111 13 2511 683 861 1013 567 379 1985 416 92 911 181.! 93 31.! 31 190 614 977 796 651 350 Mean 469 192 101.! 811 65 54 56 280 805 1127 1207 927 1.!29 Minimum 174 70 37 32 20 19 17 87 517 860 730 1.!02 319 Maximum 1720 543 312 325 306 178 310 788 1520 1653 20119 1780 652 * All flows in cfs. Table 2-7. Analysis of daily variations in winter flows from the Bradley River at the outlet of Bradley Lake (SWEC, 1986). Flow Range Number of Days, 1957 to 1985 (CFS) DEC JAN FEB MAR APR 0 -100 576 703 701 755 763 100 -200 228 91 51 8B 6~ 200 -300 3B ~7 2~ 25 0 300 -~00 15 20 13 1 ~00 -500 3 6 2 ~ 500 -600 ~ 1 ~ 600 -700 1 ~ 700 -BOO 1 BOO -900 0 900 -1000 2 1000 -1100 1100 -1200 1200 -1300 1300 -1~00 1~00 -1500 Count (Day) B6B B6B 791 B6B B~O Average Flow (CFS) 10~ B~.2 65.0 5~.~ 56.4 Maximum Flow (CFS) 99~ 517 440 300 662 Minimum Flow (CFS) 30 24 1B 16 16 Standard Deviation Flow (CFS) B6.9 79.8 61.5 49.0 67.2 2-17 Table 2-8. Summary of predicted pre-project mean monthly flows* (Ott Water, 1981). Mean OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP Annual Bradley River at Mouth 594 247 127 86 79 64 105 355 1,025 1 '337 1 1390 1,085 546 Flow to Upper Estuary (Bradley River & Sheep Creek) 2' 131 881 471 247 251 204 395 1' 161 3,003 3,896 3,626 3,267 1 '621 Fox River near Mouth 709 293 159 74.4 79.4 64.5 134 372 913 1' 181 1 ,032 1 ,007 496 Sheep Creek near Mouth 1 '537 634 344 161 172 140 290 806 1 '978 2,559 2,236 21 182 1 ,075 Battle Creek at Mouth 152 62.5 33.9 15.9 17.0 13.8 28.6 79.5 195 252 221 215 106 1\) Martin River at Mouth 212 87.3 47.4 22.2 23.7 19.2 40.0 111 272 352 308 300 148 I 1-1 co Total Flow into Upper Kachemak Bay 3,204 1 '324 711 359 371 302 598 1,724 4,383 5,681 5' 187 4,789 2,371 * All Flows in CFS. Totals and Means may not be exact due to rounding. Table 2-9. Summary of water temperature (in °C) data for Bradley River at the outlet of Bradley Lake (USGS, 1980-85). WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT A. Minimum Temperature 1980 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 5.5 6.5 1981 5.0 1.0 1982 4.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.5 3.0 1983 1984 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 5.5 1985 0.0 0.0 4.5 8.0 8.0 Mean 4.8 2.5 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 4.9 5.5 1.2 N B. Maximum Temperature I I-' "" 1980 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 3.0 3.0 9.0 1.0 1981 6.5 8.0 1982 1.0 4.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 5.5 12.0 1983 1984 1.5 0.5 0.5 7.5 11.0 1985 0.0 0.0 4.5 11.5 11.0 9.5 Mean 6.2 4.5 1.5 0.8 0.3 0.0 0.5 5.0 7.8 10.7 8.2 Table 2-10. Summary of tidal datum for Kachemak Bay. Seldovia Homer Halibut Cove Datum* (feet 1 MLLW) (feet 1 MLLW) (feet 1 MLLW) Highest Tide (Estimated) 23.0 24.8** 24.0 Mean Higher High Water 17.8 18. 1 18.2 Mean High Water 17.0 17.3 17.5 Mean Tide Level 9.3 9.5 9.6 Mean Low Water 1.6 1.6 1.6 Mean Lower Low Water 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lowest Tide (Estimated) -5.5 -5.6** -6.0 * Referenced to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Datum except as noted. 1951a, 19516, 1967, 1968; APA (no date). N ~ ** Measured. 0 Bear Cove ProJect Site (feet 1 MLLW) (feet 1 MLLW) (feet 1 Project Datum) 25.0 25.0 11.37 18.5 18.4 4.78 17.6 17.6 3.97 9.6 9.6 -4.02 1.6 1.6 -12.02 0.0 0.0 -13.63 -6.0 -6.0 -19.63 Data sources are U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Table 2-11. Summary of physical characteristics of Kachemak Bay (Knull, 1975). Characteristic Inner Bay Outer Bay Entire Bay Surface Area at High Water (m~2 ) 127 290 418 Surface Area at Low Water (mi ) 94 284 378 Intertidal Area (mi 2 )* 33 6 40 Mean Depth (feet) 92 129 118 Mean Tidal Range (feet) Volume at High Water (ft3) 3.28x1o 11 1.05x10 12 15.9 1.37x1o 12 *Calculated from data by Knull (1975). 2-21 .. " ,, N I N N I"J, ·" •J-,'4 . -~ ·~ •• " ,, l .. •e I I" ,,.. ,, ''• ,, '" ', 6 .... .... ., '' -j : I I :I I "· I I I ., ., 1 .. I ,_· .. .. I , ,;, ,, ,. , . : I "I I I• ,. II II ,, O'UT¥R" ~A·~ j~ ~r "' " •• v ., .. Figure ,. 2-1. '· Location map of study ' ' \ \ \ \ \ ) (,• ·!.•(,: I' ' '. ·v~ '; > ' ( I 't, ' \' l, \ \ ' I I Scale in Nautical Miles area. '~ ,, ' 'I' .... ,. tv I tv w ,...... 80~---------------------------------------------------------------------- MINIMUM MAXIMUM ~ 40+--~~~~~~~~~~~-+--------------4-------------~~~~~~~--~ e_.. ~ ~ ffi3o+---~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~-4~-+~~--~~~~~~~~~~~ Q.. ~ ~20+-~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::::E JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN MONTHS JANUARY 21, 1987 : SWEC Figure 2-2. Mean monthly air temperatures at the Homer WSO (from AEIDC, 1986). ,I' ''I ...... ' I \ \ \ \ \' I ·- 0 5 10 Scale in Nautical Miles Figure 2-3. Generalized surface circulation patterns in Kachemak Bay (after Burbank, 1977). SECTION 3.0 LOCAL INTERVIEWS 3.0 LOCAL INTERVIEWS 3.1 INTRODUCTION Local interviews were conducted in Homer during the period of December 11-14, 1986, primarily to obtain information on ice and other oceano- graphic/meteorologic conditions pertinent to the review of previous investigations. During this period, a total of 16 individuals or organizations were contacted; these are as listed on Table 3-1. Questions asked by the interviewer were intended to determine as much information as possible on the following specific points. 1. Description of the various types of ice and local terminolo- gy, 2. Conditions under which the various types of ice form, 3. Locations where ice forms and occurs, 4. Movement of ice under varying meteorological and oceanographic conditions, 5. Normal timing and distribution of ice, 6. Extreme ice events, and 1. Problems encountered by boats operating in ice conditions. Additional information, such as the interviewee's occupation and length of local residency, was also noted where appropriate. Records documenting individuals discussions are provided in Appendix A of this report. The following section describes the general and specific findings and conclusions with regards to the local interviews. 2-1544-RW 3-1 3.2 RESULTS OF INTERVIEWS 3.2.1 General Local residents provided significant personal observations and histor- ical information related to normal and extreme ice conditions in Kachemak Bay. Although there were some minor differences in some specific items and especially in terminology from person to person, it was felt that the general findings were consistent. 3.2.2 Types of Ice Ice in Cook Inlet usually falls into four classifications: ( 1) sea ice, (2) beach ice, (3) stamukhi, and (4) estuary or river ice. Based on conversations with local residents, a fifth classification -drift ice -may be appropriate for Kachemak Bay. Table 3-2 describes each of these classifications. Since there appears to be no common local nomenclature for types of ice occurring in Kachemak Bay, the classifi- cations as outlined in Table 3-2 will be used throughout this report. Additionally this terminology will also be consistent with most other published literature. Various project personnel also indicate that glacial ice has been observed in and off the mouths of glacial fed streams. The appearance of glacial ice is generally associated with periods of high river flow during the summer and fall months and is probably a result of erosion and calving along the toe of glaciers. The occurrence of glacial ice in Kachemak Bay is not considered to be a significant winter problem, nor one potentially associated with the Bradley Lake Project. As such, it is not addressed further in this report. Sea Ice Most literature on Cook Inlet ice (including Hutcheon, 1972; LaBelle et al., 1983) suggests that sea ice is the predominant type of ice in the inlet. However, local residents suggest that sea ice is a much less common form of ice in Kachemak Bay. With relatively warmer oceanic waters in the bay, the surface water temperatures cannot be sufficiently depressed, in most cases, to permit formation of 2-1544-RW 3-2 sea ice. As an exception, local residents describe sea ice forming in shallower or relatively quiescent areas such as Mud Bay, the Homer small boat harbor, or the numerous smaller bays and coves located along the southern side of Kachemak Bay. While sea ice may reach thicknesses of up to 6 feet in upper Cook Inlet, it is believed that sea ice in Kachemak Bay seldom exceeds 1 foot in thickness (Moss, pers. comm.). Typical thicknesses of sea ice in Kachemak Bay are probably 6 inches or less (Bury, pers. comm. ; Anderson, pers. comm. ; Zawistowski, pers. comm.; Strutz, pers. comm.). Beach Ice Based on the local interviews, it is believed that most ice observed in Kachemak Bay initially formed as beach ice. Sheppard (pers. comm.) suggests that beach ice may account for as much as 90 to 95 percent of the ice generated. Most persons interviewed indicated that beach ice forms either at the head of Kachemak Bay or in Mud Bay near the Homer Spit. Typically, beach ice forms in layers up to 2 to 3 inches thick per tide (Kilcher, pers. comm.; Zawistowski, pers. comm.) and can grow to thicknesses of 2 to 3 feet (Moss, pers. comm.; Tillion, pers. comm.; Sink, pers. comm.; Strutz, pers. comm.). Moss (pers. comm.) indicates that this ice can be extremely hard, which may suggest that it could be formed from either brackish water or freshwater. Stamukhi Although local residents do not use the term stamukhi, it is apparent that this form of ice commonly occurs in Kachernak Bay. Starnukhi are believed to be most commonly formed when one piece of beach ice is deposited on top of another piece of beach ice. Commonly, this ice is 4 to 5 feet thick (Kilcher, pers. comm.; Choate, pers. comm.; Anderson, pers. comm.; Moss, pers. comm.) and can achieve thicknesses up to 10 feet in extreme cases (Kilcher, pers. comm.). Anderson (pers. comrn.) indicated individual blocks can be 20 to 30 feet across. 2-1544-RW 3-3 Estuary Ice The terms estuary ice and river ice are often used interchangeably. For the purposes of this discussion, estuary ice is defined as that ice forming below the highest tidal elevation. At river mouths, estuary ice may be fresh while in adjacent areas it may be brackish. River ice is defined as that ice forming above the highest tidal elevations and, as such, it will always be freshwater ice. Although estuary ice probably occurs in Kachemak Bay, it is unclear as to its extent and it is probably difficult to differentiate it from other forms of ice present. Notable exceptions likely occur in the smaller bays and coves along the southern margin of Kachemak Bay. Sheppard (pers. comm.} reported that freshwater (estuary) ice can form very rapidly to 1/2 inch or 1 inch thickness with cold, clear and calm weather. He has heard of this type of ice forming 5 times since 1971 and has personally observed it twice along the south side of Kachemak Bay. Sheppard's description of freshwater (estuary) ice matches well with that of Zubov (1943) in that it is transparent and brittle. Drift Ice Drift ice is perhaps the most common ice encountered by vessel opera- tors in Kachemak Bay. Based on descriptions by local residents, it is believed to be a combination of all other forms of ice previously mentioned. During periods of warm weather and high tides, ice may be lifted off the beach and moved to deeper water. Most persons inter- viewed indicated that northeast winds (which prevail during the winter) carry the drift ice along the northern shore of the inner Kachemak Bay where it tends to accumulate along the eastern side of the Homer Spit. Drift ice will continue to build along the spit until it finally starts to spill out into the outer Kachemak Bay and Cook Inlet where it eventually melts. If colder weather occurs while drift ice is present, it is possible for the ice to aggregate and freeze together as a solid sheet. Winds with westerly components, however, tend to disperse the drift ice (Bury, pers. comm.; Blanchard, pers. comm.). 2-1544-RW 3-4 3.2.3 Factors Affecting Ice Formation Based on conversations with local residents, factors which appear to influence ice include: temperatures, winds, snow, tides and freshwater inflows. Nearly all resiJents interviewed associated ice formation with cold temperatures and the northeast winds. Tillion (pers. comm.) suggests that in the winter, colder air from Alaska's interior is funnelled into the head of the bay. Kilcher (pers. comm.) and Tillion (pers. comm.) both indicated that in the winter, temperatures are much colder at the head of the bay, perhaps by 10°F or more, than at Homer. While northeast winds normally accompany the movement of cold air masses from Alaska's interior to Kachemak Bay, air temperatures appear to be a more dominant factor in ice formation. It is normal for ice to form any time air temperatures drop below 20°F (Bury, pers. comm.; Choate, pers. comm.; Blanchard, pers. comm.). When temperatures drop to 0°F, ice can be a problem, at least in the small boat harbor (Bury, pers. comm.). During these colder periods when ice becomes a problem, winds are typically calm (Moss, pers. comm.; Tillion, pers. comm.). Sheppard (pers. comm.) indicated that the duration of cold weather is important to the ice formation process. The occurrence of snow also appears to influence the formation of ice through a number of mechanisms. Anderson (pers. comm.) noted that when you get "a lot" of snow, you also can get "a lot" of slush ice formed in the open water. Snow on the beach will also form slush ice as the tide comes in (Moss, pers. comm.; Anderson, pers. comm.). Additionally, if snow is deposited on top of floating ice, it can be depressed by the weight of the snow, flooded, and subsequently add to the ice thickness as it refreezes (Anderson, pers. comm.). Tides affect ice formation in several ways. With lower tidal ranges, currents are normally lower and mixing of the water column may also be reduced. This condition could allow more time for ice formation. Additionally, higher tidal ranges can result in the breakage, removal and/or movement of beach ice to higher locations on the beach (Choate, pers. comm.; Zawistowski, pers. comm.; Tillion, pers. comm.). 2-1544-RW 3-5 Freshwater inflows probably influence ice formation at the head of Kachemak Bay. Kilcher (pers. comm.), Sheppard (pers. comm.) and Moss (pers. comm.) all indicated that freshwater ice (estuary ice) forms in a number of the bays and coves along the southern side of inner Kachemak Bay. Kilcher (pers. comm.) indicated that Halibut and Bear Coves will freeze over occasionally, but that with more freshwater, these coves froze over in less cold weather. Sink ( pers. comm.), a helicopter pilot, indicated that he first notices ice around intertidal channels at freshwater sources. 3.2.4 Ice Occurrence and Distribution General Ice conditions in Kachemak Bay, being dependent to a large extent on weather, vary considerably from year to year. As such, it is somewhat difficult to characterize "normal" ice conditions. Nevertheless, some generalizations have been attempted. Normally, ice can occur in Kachemak Bay any time during the months of November through April. Strutz (pers. comm.) indicated that in some years ice appeared and disappeared 3 or 4 times during these months. Worst ice conditions occur during January through March (Anderson, pers. comm.; Moss, pers. comm.; Blanchard, pers. comm.). Based on local interviews, the past 10 years have been relatively mild winters with limited ice conditions (Anderson, pers. comm.; Moss, pers. comm.; Herring, pers. comm.; Tillion, pers. comm.; Strutz, pers. comm.; Cunningham, pers. comm.). By comparison, the moderately cold winters in the early 1970's caused moderate to large amounts of ice. Mild Winter Ice Events Figure 3-1 provides a representation of what is considered to be the maximum extent of ice during mild winters (notable past 10 years). In these conditions beach and drift ice forms first at the head of the Kachemak Bay and in Coal and Mud Bays. Beach ice predominates at the 2-1544-RW 3-6 head of Kachemak Bay and can extend along the entire northern shore of the inner Kachemak Bay to the Homer Spit. Drift ice predominates east of the spit under the mild winter ice event. Ice can form within a several week period and disappear nearly as rapidly given the right temperatures and winds. In some confined areas with restricted circu- lation, such as in the Horner small boat harbor, drift ice may pack in and persist for longer periods of time. Moderate Winter Ice Events Figure 3-2 depicts the extent of ice for moderately cold winters (early 1970's). The ice edge extends further south along the entire inner bay from the ice 1 irni ts shown for a mild winter. In a moderately cold winter, ice may freeze together to form a relatively solid sheet. This would be particularly evident in Coal and Mud Bays. During these conditions, the small boat harbor would be frozen solid (a combination of drift ice and sea ice) and most boats would have difficulties in maneuvering into and out of the harbor. Extreme Ice Events Local residents indicate 8 or 9 times when ice conditions were consid- ered to be particularly bad or extreme. These events are indicated on Table 3-3. By far, the worst event recalled by most long term resi- dents was that of February, 1947 (Kilcher, pers. comm.; Zawistowski, pers. comm.; Tillion, pers. comm.). During this event, ice was report- ed (Zawistowski, pers. comm.) to cover the entire inner bay east of a line extending from the tip of the Homer Spit south (see Figure 3-3). Zawistowski (pers. comm.) indicated that there was no ice movement between the tip of the Horner Spit and Gull Island for a 2 week period. Kilcher (pers. comm.) who also observed this event, indicated a slightly lesser extent of ice cover, however, agreed with Zawistowski that the ice generally occurred as a solid sheet of ice. The exact extent of ice during other extreme events is not well known. Zawistowski (pers. comm.), however, indicated that old timers indicated to him that the only other time the bay completely froze over was in 1919. 2-1544-RW 3-7 Table 3-1. List of local residents contacted or interviewed. INDIVIDUAL(S) Joel Gay John Bury Larry Smith Yule Kilcher Mike Sheppard Bill Choate Virgo & Fred Anderson Joel Moss Gar land Blanchard- Steve Zawistowski Homer Museum Bob Herring* Clem Tillion* Jim Sink Louie Strutz John Cunningham * Conducted by telephone COMMENTS Homer Weekly News Harbor Office, Resident since 1978 Steering Committee Member, Resident since 1968 Homesteader, Politics, Resident since 1944 Commercial Fishing, Resident since 1971 Commercial Fishing, Resident since 1947 Commercial Fishing, Residents since 1924 Commercial Fishing, Resident since 1946 Commercial Fishing, Resident since 1980 Fox Farm and Trapping, Resident since 1930 Photographic Documentation Ship Pilot, Resident since 1971 Marine Operations, Resident since 1947 Helicopter Pilot, Resident since 1983 Resident since 1954 Resident since 1970 3-8 Table 3-2. Classification of ice in Kachemak Bay (modified from LaBelle et al., 1983). CLASSIFICATION Sea Ice Beach Ice Stamukhi Estuary and River Ice Drift Ice DESCRIPTION This type forms in seawater, first developing a thin crust on the surface and growing through additions of ice to the bottom surface. Some local residents also refer to this type of ice as sheet ice. Large tidal fluctuations in the inlet account for the sudden appearance of a considerable amount of ice on intertidal areas, particularly mudflats, in winter. The ebbing tide exposes the mud to cold air, freezing the upper layer of mud and water or slush ice which may remain in the intertidal area. Elsewhere in the inlet, growth may be as much as an inch or more a day. Generally, however, a thickness no greater than about 1.5 to 2.0 ft is reached before the ice is floated free of the mud. Some local residents also refer to this type of ice as shore ice or anchor ice. Stamukhi result from beach ice which has broken free and has been redeposited in the intertidal soils or on other beach ice. This process can be repeated many times and is limited only by the height of the tides and the strength with which the underlying ice is frozen to the beach. In upper Cook Inlet, observers have seen stamukhi as thick as 20 ft. Local residents normally refer to this type of ice as chuck ice or cake ice. (Note: no locals used the term stamukhi). These are both types of freshwater ice which form in the estuaries and rivers around Cook Inlet. Estuary ice grows in the same manner as sea ice but is generally much harder. River ice is unaffected by tidal action and normally remains in the rivers until spring breakup. At that time, considerable quantities of river ice may be discharged into the inlet. Some local residents refer to this type of ice as either freshwater ice or sheet ice. This ice is a combination of all the above types of ice. During relatively warmer periods, drift ice may be loosely consolidated and move up and down Kachemak Bay until either it melts or moves out of the bay. During colder periods and under some wind conditions, it can consolidate and even freeze together as a solid mass. Local residents refer to this type of ice as pan ice, floe ice, pancake ice or chunk ice. w I !-' 0 Table 3-3. Summary of extreme ice events in Kachemak Bay. TIME 1919 1932 About 1940* 1943 February 1947 March 1956 January 1971 1971/72 winter 1972/73 winter COMMENTS Entire inner bay froze over Bad ice year Dock destroyed by ice Bad ice year Entire inner bay froze over and dock destroyed by ice Dock destroyed by ice Bad ice year Bad ice year Bad ice year * May have been 1943 event SOURCE(S) Related by oldtimers to Zawistowski (pers. comm.) Zawistowski (pers. comm.) Anderson (pers. comm.) Zawistowski (pers. comm.) Kilcher (pers. comm.), Zawistowski (pers. comm.) Anderson (pers. comm.) Moss (pers. comm.) Choate (pers. comm.) Choate (pers. comm.), Tillion (pers. comm.) .. ~· l ' # i.J.: /11 .'·~ " ,, 0 5 10 Scale in Nautical Miles WJ Extent of Ice ,, . .. •: ""' " "'""""''•'·· ...... , '~'"""'' .. b " " " I "' 'A ..... ,.,,. .;; .. " f{ \ ·,·.· ' \ \ I I ' .iJ. \ \ . .. " ' .. \ Figure 3-1. Typical extent of ice during a mild winter (past 10 years). w I ..... 1\J 0 5 Scale in Nautical Miles ~ Extent of Ice ,. ,, .. ,, "'···-,.,,,. ·'" ···•"""''"" .• 'j "" . , '.. y. \ \ ', I", \• ,, \,. \I . \. : i \ Figure 3-2. Typical extent of ice during a moderate winter (early 1970's). •. , ...• w I w .. 0 5 Scale in Nautical ~%;] Extent of Ice " " ,~ .. l I t . . ~ \ \ ' "'\ ' " ,\ \ \' .. •••o Figure 3-3. Reported extent of ice during February 194 7. ·, 'I' SECTION 4.0 COLLABORATION AND DISCUSSION OF LOCAL INTERVIEWS 4.0 COLLABORATION AND DISCUSSION OF LOCAL INTERVIEWS 4.1 GENERAL Information collected during the local interviews added significantly to the existing published data ~n ice types, ice formation processes, and the winter extent of ice in Kachemak Bay. This section discusses the information collected and relates it to the existing data base. 4.2 ICE TYPES As previously indicated, sea ice is the predominant type of ice which occurs in the upper and central Cook Inlet (Hutcheon, 1972; LaBelle et al., 1983). Based on the local interviews, sea ice is not a predominant form of ice in Kachemak Bay. Water temperatures in upper Cook Inlet are typically at or slightly above freezing for much of the winter; as such, sea ice can readily form even when the air tempera- tures drop slightly below freezing. By comparison, Kachemak Bay receives a significant inflow of warmer oceanic waters on a continuing basis even during the winter, and circulation patterns are fairly effective in mixing these waters throughout the bay. As a result, water temperatures are generally much warmer in Kachemak Bay than in the upper inlet. In order for sea ice to form in Kachemak Bay, the bay waters must first be cooled. As a result, colder weather must persist for a much longer time before sea ice can form in Kachemak Bay. Ice types which are more prevalent in Kachemak Bay are characteristic of a coastal environment which is subject to cyclical events of above and below freezing weather. In this case ice forms in areas which respond most rapidly to the temperature fluctuations. These include the tidal flats (beach ice) and in and adjacent to river mouths (estuary ice). Tides, currents, and/or warming weather may move this ice to open water (drift ice) or deposit it elsewhere on the beach (stamukhi). 1-1544-JW 4-1 4.3 FACTORS AFFECTING ICE FORMATION 4.3.1 General Based on local interviews, air temperatures are the primary factor influencing Kachemak Bay ice conditions. Other factors include winds, tides, circulation patterns, snow and fresh water inflows. These are discussed in the following sections. 4.3.2 Air Temperatures Numerous residents indicated that ice conditions result in the bay during extended periods of cold weather. Although persistence data are not readily available for the Homer WSO temperature data, statistical summaries previously presented in Table 2-2 (days below 32°F} and Table 2-3 (days below 0°F} are useful. Figure 4-1 provides a graphical presentation of data previously summarized on Table 2-2. If one ignores years when data are incomplete (1934-35, 1937-38, 1972 and 1984}, actual variation in the annual days below 32°F from year to year is relatively slight. It was, however, noted that the number of days annually below 32°F have been below the average of 188 days since the winter of 1975/76. This tends to support the observation that temperatures have been warmer than normal for approximately the past 10 years. Figure 4-2 provides a graphical summary of the number of days below 0°F. On the average, there are about 12 days per winter when air temperatures at Homer fall below 0°F. Extremes of record ranged from 0 days per year to 35 days per year. It is interesting to note that the extreme ice year of record (winter of 1946/47) also had the maximum reported days with temperatures below 0°F. The two other years, 1942/43 winter and 1955/56 winter, when the Homer dock was reportedly destroyed by ice (see Table 3-3) also had particularly cold winters (31 and 32 days below 0°F, respectively). The winter of 1970/71 was the only other winter having over 30 days with 0°F weather, and it also was indicated to a severe ice year (Table 3-3}. During other bad ice •' years, ( 1931/32}, 1971172, and 1972173 winters}, the number of days 1-1544-JW 4-2 below 0°F were all above normal. As with Figure 4-1, Figure 4-2 also tends to confirm that the past 10 years have had relatively mild air temperatures. Several local residents also observed that winter temperatures were colder at the head of the bay than at Homer. Although measured data are not available to confirm this observation, ARCTEC ( 1985) hypothesized that strong wintertime southwesterly winds observed at Homer are unable to penetrate far into Kachemak Bay due to persistent northeasterly flow of cold air. As a result of this condition, winds would be from opposing directions between the head of the bay and Homer, and air temperatures would be colder at the head of the bay. Possible temperature differentials between the two locations were not addressed by ARCTEC (1985). 4.3.3 Tides and Currents Tides and currents can both promote and retard ice formation. Ice growth can be promoted when the tidal flats become exposed to colder winter air temperatures. With cold temperatures, intertidal areas can be cooled to below freezing temperatures and during the subsequent rising and falling of the tide, moisture remaining on the beach can freeze. Local residents indicated several inches of ice can readily form on the beach with cold temperatures. This agrees with observations reported by LaBelle ·et al. ( 1983) which indicate that beach ice growth can be as much as an inch or more per day in upper Cook Inlet. Local residents also indicate that beach ice is typically 2 to 3 feet thick. LaBelle et al. (1983) indicates that at a thickness of 1.5 to 2.0 feet, beach ice in the upper inlet usually floats free of the mud. It is hypothesized that at this thickness, the upward buoyancy of the ice (when submerged by high tide) is sufficient to break any bonds between the bottom of the beach ice and the underlying beach soils. After beach ice breaks free it may either float to open water (drift ice) or be redeposited elsewhere in the intertidal area (stamukhi). 1-1544-JW 4-3 The rate of beach ice formation is to some degree a function of the elevation on the beach. Areas of the beach which are at lower tidal elevations are exposed to the air for shorter durations, while locations at high tidal elevations {say around MHHW elevations) may be exposed to cold air for periods of a day or more. In these areas ice may form more rapidly when again exposed to water from the tidal fluctuations. This process would tend to confirm several local resident observations that beach ice tends to be thinner at the lower intertidal elevations. Higher tides and currents are also reported by some residents to retard the formation of ice. While there is no direct data to support this conclusion, it is hypothesized that the higher tides result in higher currents which in turn increase the turbulence and mixing of the water column. The enhanced mixing would tend to disperse colder surface waters {which are exposed to the air) into the underlying warmer waters. Although it is likely that ice can eventually form given enough cold air temperatures, higher tides and currents can delay the freezing process. Most local residents interviewed indicated that drift ice normally moves from the head of the inner bay and is transported along the northern shore and accumulates east of the Homer Spit. Of the approximately 33 mi 2 of intertidal area within the inner bay, approximately 35 percent occurs along the northern shore. Assuming that most drift ice is derived from beach ice which forms in these intertidal areas, circulation patterns suggested by Burbank (1977) and Gatto (1981) both support this local observation. 4.3.4 Freshwater Inflows The role of fresh water is perhaps the least documented of factors relevant to ice formation in Kachemak Bay. Freshwater effects can be significant, particularly since freshwater will freeze at higher temperatures (32°F) than saltwater (about 29°F). While this 3°F freezing temperature differential is not really large, it is sufficient 1-1544-JW 4-4 to affect the time required to produce freezing. Given exposure to a similar air temperature, fresh water will freeze more rapidly than salt water. Within the inner bay, fresh water may be derived either from river inflows or from precipitation. During the winter months of October to April, river inflows at the head of the bay (from Table 2-8) provide an average of 1.81x10 10 rt3 of fresh water to the inner bay. Precipitation provides a corresponding volume of 4.42x1o9 ft3 of fresh water, including 1. 15x109 ft3 directly on the intertidal area. The primary effect of the fresh water input would be the dilution of the saline inner bay waters (a volume of about 3.28x10 11 ft3 at high tide). Since the mixing process cannot occur instantaneously, depressed salinities are more likely to be observed located at the river mouths and at the water's surface. Areas with depressed salinities (and elevated freezing temperatures) would typically freeze prior to areas of higher salinities. Although many residents recognize that ice forms first at the head of the bay, few indicated a specific association between winter freshwater inflows and ice formation. As previously indicated, the effects of fresh water inflows and estuary ice formation may be, to a large degree, indistinguishable from beach ice and drift ice. Several persons interviewed did however relate fresh water inflows to ice formation in a number of the smaller bays and coves along the south side of the inner bay. generally limited. In these regions, intertidal areas are Several residents indicated that when snow is present on the intertidal area, slush ice can form on the incoming tide. As the tide recedes, slush and trapped water may be left on the intertidal area where it can be exposed to freezing air temperatures. It is hypothesized that this process could help to promote initiation of beach ice formation. 1-1544-JW 4-5 ,j::o, I 0'1 m =-some data missing 2&0 22& ,.-...200 Ll- 0 ............ N ,.., 17& 3: 0 Ld 1&0 m lD Li...l 0:::: 12& ;:; ffi1oo 0... 1_!1 ~ 7& ~ 0 &0 2& m m 0 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 YEARS 1932 -1983 67 m 72 77 82 JANUARY 21, 1967 Figure 4-1. Annual number of days when the air temperature at the Homer WSO dropped below 3 2 o F ( AE I DC , 1 9 8 6 ) • .Po I -.J m =-some data missing <40 3~ ,--..,. t3o 0 :;:: g 25 w m w 0::: 20 ~ m w ~ 1~ ~ 10 0 5 m 0 m OmO.o f.1 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 YEARS 1932 -1983 67 0 72 77 82 JANUARY 21 , 1 98 Figure 4-2. Annual number of days when the air temperature at the Homer WSO dropped below 0 o F ( AE I DC, 1 9 8 6 ) • SECTION 5.0 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS PROJECT REPORTS 5.0 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS PROJECT REPORTS 5 . 1 BACKGROUND A number of studies have been undertaken which are directly related to the Bradley Lake Project. Studies which are key to this review are summarized in the following reports. 1. "Circulatiof'! Studies in Kachemak Bay and Lower Cook Inlet" by D.C. Burbank ( 1977). 2. "Circulation and Dispersion of Bradley River Water in Upper Kachemak Bay" by J. M. Colonell ( 1980) . 3. "Ice Distribution and Winter Surface Circulation Patterns, Kachemak Bay, Alaska" by L.W. Gatto (1981). 4. "A Theoretical Investigation of the Potential Modifications of Ice Formation in Kachemak Bay by the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project" by J.P. Gosink and T.E. Ostercamp (1981). 5. 11 Prediction of Ice Growth and Circulation in Kachemak Bay, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project" by S.F. Daly (1981). These five studies are considered to be the most important to discussions on potential effects of the Bradley Lake Project. Each of these reports is discussed and critiqued in the following sections. 5.2 BURBANK CIRCULATION STUDIES Burbank (1977) provides the results of a comprehensive study of surface and subsurface circulation patterns in Kachemak Bay. The methodology used in the study is generally accepted practice and the data appear to be sound. When conclusions are made, limitations are generally stated. 1-1544-JW 5-1 Although data were collected over the entire year (see discussion Section 2.4.4), the author indicates that his inferred circulation patterns are somewhat biased towards spring and summer conditions. Even with these limitations, the results of Burbank (1977) are believed to provide an accurate representation of the generalized circulation patterns in both the inner and outer Kachemak Bay for the entire year. We see this report as an excellent data source. 5.3 COLONELL CIRCULATION AND DISPERSION STUDIES Colonell ( 1980) conducted dispersion studies in August, October and November, 1980. The stated purpose of these studies was to define the circulation and dispersion of the Bradley River discharge in Kachemak Bay under both summer and winter conditions. Based on our review of the Colonell study in combination with discussions with the report author, we would conclude the following: 1 . The general study design is a valid approach for measuring the dispersion of a discharge into another body of water; and if successfully implemented, it could also be used to provide an estimate of the rate of mixing between fresh and marine waters. 2. Although the field data were limited due to logistical constraints, they did provide useful information which in combination with professional judgment could be used to form general conclusions with regards to the mixing of fresh and marine waters. 3. The conclusion of near total mixing within 3 or 4 tidal cycles appears to be based to a large degree on professional judgment; based on our understanding of conditions at the head of the bay, this rate of mixing appears to be generally reasonable. 1-1544-JW 5-2 4. Finally, we would also concur with the author that detailed mapping of the salinity and temperature structure in the area of interest may provide additional information for quantification of the mixing process. 5.4 GATTO STUDIES Gatto (1981) reports investigations to describe winter surface circulation and document ice distribution patterns in Kachemak Bay using satellite photography. As part of this study, 51 satellite images taken between November and April 30 were analyzed for each of eight winters between 1972 and 1980. From these analyses, Gatto observed the following: 1. Winter circulation in the inner bay is predominantly counter- clockwise (supporting the findings of Burbank, 1977). 2. Most of the ice in the inner bay forms at its northeast end near the mouths of the Fox, Sheep, and Bradley Rivers. 3. Some ice becomes shorefast on the tidal flats at the head of the bay, while some moves southwestward along the north shore pushed by winds and currents. 4. When drifting ice reaches Coal Bay, it accumulates between the Homer Spit and the north shore. lt1 Ls buildup extended out to the tip of the Homer Spit in February 1976 and 1979. 5. Ice was not observed along the south shore of the inner bay. 6. Surface circulation patterns could generally not be observed in the outer bay. 1. Ice was not observed in the bay on November imagery and most ice was gone by mid-April. 1-1544-JW 5-3 Gatto's observations are useful for describing the occurrence and distribution of ice in Kachemak Bay. While the satellite imagery provides an excellent means to document circulation patterns and the extent and distribution of ice at any one time, it is only representative of conditions at a single point in time. As such, some care must be used if one intends to use those data to assess ice on a statistical basis. As an example, assuming that each photo was representative of conditions on a single day, the 51 photos analyzed would only represent ice conditions for less than 4 percent of the time (6 months for 8 years}. In addition, photos were not distributed evenly throughout the winter due to either ambient light or cloud cover; no imagery was available for the month of December and only two were available for January. Given that these large gaps occur in the data base, ice could have formed and melted without being noted (based on comments by local residents). Overall, we found the Gatto report to be informative. Comments regarding the statistical evaluation of satellite imagery data discussed in the preceding paragraph are intended to limit the data's use for its intended purposes. All comments and uses of data presented in the Gatto report appear correct and appropriate. 5.5 GOSINK AND OSTERCAMP STUDIES Gosink and Ostercamp (1981) used a thermodynamic model for Kachemak Bay ice production. Their investigation assessed changes in ice conditions associated with the Bradley Lake project. Based on our review of the report and subsequent correspondence from the authors we would conclude that alternate approaches should be considered. These include: 1. Considerations for the effects of intertidal cooling and beach ice formation, 2. Consideration of a smaller control volume, and 1-1544-JW 5-4 3. Use of lower tailrace temperatures as input to the modelling effort. These items are discussed in the following sections. By design, the Gosink and Ostercamp study did not consider the effects of intertidal cooling (due to tidal fluctuations) and beach ice formation. Based on conversations with local residents and a review of other data, these mechanisms are believed to be very important for production of ice in the inner bay. Gosink and Ostercamp used the entire inner bay as a control volume for balancing heat fluxes in their equations. Most ice formation presently occurs at the head of the inner bay, presumably because oceanographic and thermodynamic conditions are different in this region than those occurring generally within the inner bay. As such, the use of a much smaller control volume with more site specific input conditions is believed to be more appropriate. The Gosink and Ostercamp report assumed a tailrace discharge temperature of 3 to 4°C (37° to 39°F), which appears to be high. Water temperatures at the tailrace should be a function of the ambient lake temperature and any heating as the water passes through the tunnel and powerhouse. Based on winter profiles of Bradley Lake ( COE, 1982) , winter temperatures at depths of 50 to 150 ft (depth of the intake) will range from about 0.6 to 3.6°C (33° to 38°F); these data were reportedly not available to the authors for their analysis. In order to provide a conservative estimate of potential impacts, the lower values of this range should be assumed. Water temperature increases in the tunnel have been calculated by SWEC personnel; based on our review of their analysis we would concur with their conclusion that an increase in the range of 0. 1 to 0. 5°C ( 0. 2° to 0. 9°F) is probably realistic. As such, we feel that discharge temperature more in the 1-1544-JW 5-5 order of 0. 7 to 1 . 0°C ( 33° to 34°F) should have been assumed for the Gosink and Ostercamp analyses instead of their assumed temperature of 3 to 4°C (37° to 39°F). Based on preliminary calculations discussed in Section 7.0, the discharge water temperature would only be important in considerations of ice formation within the tailrace. 5.6 DALY REPORT Daly ( 1981) provides a summary of the potential for ice growth and circulation in Kachemak Bay and describes how these relate to the Bradley Lake Project. Although specific references are not mentioned, it appears that this report in part provides a summary of data and analyses reported by Gatto (1981) and by Gosink and Ostercamp (1981). These studies have been discussed in some detail in the preceding sections. There were a number of conclusions provided in the Daly report which we feel are supported based on information summarized in previous sections and results of preliminary calculations discussed in Section 7.0. Specific conclusions related to existing conditions include: 1. Ice in Kachemak Bay can be a result of ice discharge from rivers and streams flowing into the bay, anchor ice (beach ice) growth in the tidal flats, sheet ice growth, and frazil ice growth. 2. Most ice in the inner bay forms at the mouths of rivers on the northeast end. Some ice becomes shorefast on the tidal flats at the head of the bay, while some moves southwestward along the north shore pushed by winds and currents. When ice reaches Coal Bay, it accurnula tes between the spit and the north shore of the inner bay. Daly also provides a number of conclusions with regards to potential ice formation from the Bradley Lake which are also believed accurate. These include: 1-1544-JW 5-6 1. Estimates of rates and accumulation of ice in Kachemak Bay are at best deductions reached from theoretical analysis. Empirical evidence to support these deductions is limited. 2. Anchor ice (beach ice) growth on the tidal flats could be increased by the operation of the project. 3. Frazil ice formation appears to be the only way in which present ice production rates could be significantly altered by a larger winter discharge. Factors which are expected to affect frazil ice formation include the dilution of salt water with freshwater, temperature of the freshwater, and degree of mixing or stratification. While frazil ice (slush ice) is probably an important mechanisms for ice formation at the head of the inner bay under existing conditions, it is believed that frazil ice occurs for only a short duration. Given the high tidal fluctuations and extensive intertidal areas at the head of the bay, it is believed that most frazil ice rapidly becomes deposited on the beaches during ebbing tides where it then accumulates as beach ice. Alternatively, frazil ice may agglomerate in open water where it forms pans or drift ice. 1-1544-JW 5-7 SECTION 6.0 EXISTING HYDROPOWER PROJECT CASE HISTORIES 6.0 EXISTING HYDROPOWER PROJECT CASE HISTORIES 6. 1 BACKGROUND A review of available data and information sources was undertaken to identify any existing hydropower projects of comparable climatic and geographic conditions to the Bradley Lake Project. The primary objective of this review was first to identify hydropower projects which discharge to arctic or subarctic coastal areas, and second to determine whether icing problems developed as a result of winter discharges from these facilities. Specific case histories are presented to summarize conditions at specific facilities. 6.2 INFORMATION SOURCES 6.2.1 General Information was obtained both from a review of existing published literature and by conversations with persons who operated or design hydropower plants in arctic or subarctic areas. Each of these are described briefly in the following sections. 6.2.2 Literature Review Available literature was obtained and/or identified from three sources as indicated below: 1. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory files (located in the Netherlands), 2. NORTEC 1 s internal references and data sources, and 3. Discussions with individuals involved with hydropower projects. The Delft Hydraulics Laboratory maintains a library of international data on coastal and riverine hydraulics and engineering. Information and specific reports may be identified and obtained utilizing the Delft Hydro Database. For this study, the Delft Hydro Database was used to identify published information, referenced to the following key words: 1-1544-JW 6-1 estuaries, hydroelectric power plants, ice control, ice cover, ice prevention, tailraces, and tidal inlets. From this search, 17 reports were identified. Based on an examination of those titles, 9 were obtained and reviewed for this study. NORTEC maintains a library of published and unpublished literature for arctic and subarctic areas. These data were also reviewed and four additional reports were obtained. Individuals contacted as part of the review process (as discussed in the following section) were asked whether reports existed to describe icing conditions at specific facilities. Additional relevant literature was not identified as a result of these conversations. A total of 13 reports or publications were obtained as part of the literature review, and these are listed in Table 6-1. Three publications were in French; these were not translated but were instead reviewed by personnel fluent in the language. 6.2.3 Individual Contacts A number of individuals were contacted by telephone to provide information on specific projects. These individuals are typically associated with either the design or operation of hydropower projects in arctic and subarctic conditions (principally in Canada). A list of individuals contacted are summarized in Table 6-2. 6.3 CASE HISTORIES 6.3.1 General A total of 41 hydropower projects were identified during the literature review and individual contacts; these are summarized in Table 6-3. Of these, 15 were located in the USSR, 3 in Norway, 21 in Canada and 2 in the United States {Alaska). 1-1544-JW 6-2 Of the projects listed, 16 were considered to be coastal facilities and the remaining projects were located on rivers inland from the coast. The inland facilities are discussed only in general terms while the 16 coastal projects are summarized in more detail. 6.3.2 Inland Hydropower Projects Information on inland hydropower projects in the USSR was obtained primarily from published literature. Gotlib et al. (1983) provide a general discussion of ice conditions downstream of hydropower plants in the USSR. A total of 15 different plants were identified, all of which occur on rivers (see Table 6-2). Although specific descriptions were not provided for each project, a number of observations of downstream ice conditions were discussed in general terms. Briefly summarized these include: 1. Ice thicknesses in reservoirs are typically thicker (by as much as 75~) than in the river downstream. 2. Open water areas were observed for distances of 2 to 225 kilometers downstream during the coldest months. 3. Freezeup was delayed by 5 to 10 days and breakup occurred 5 to 10 days earlier on rivers downstream of the hydropower projects; these effects were reported to occur up to 900 kilometers downstream. 4. Water stages caused by ice jamming were reduced for distances up to 750 kilometers downstream. Korzhavin (1983) provides additional discussions on the ice regimes in reservoirs for three of the inland projects in the USSR. Karnovich et al. ( 1983) describes some specific considerations and problems with winter operation of an inland pumped-storage power plant in the USSR; most problems were associated with ice and snow drift formation in canals when they are not in use. Skladnev and Lyapin (1983) summarize 1-1544-JW 6-3 the general status and direction of ice engineering investigations in the USSR; these investigations are broadly grouped as follows: 1. Ice covered flow hydraulics, 2. Ice and thermal conditions in reservoirs, headwaters and tailwa ters, 3. Ice damming and jamming in rivers and reservoirs, 4. Thermal conditions for hydropower pipelines, 5. Physical properties of fresh water and sea ice, 6. Ice loads on hydraulic structures, and 7. Ice protection for hydraulic structures. Information on inland Canadian hydropower projects was obtained primarily from individual contacts. Five of the Canadian projects (Churchill Falls, Deer Lake, Mactaquac, Revelstoke and Mica) reported no ice problems. Four of the projects (Kettle, Janpeg, Peace Canyon and Jim Shrum) indicated problems with frazil ice formation downstream of the facility. The Jenpeg Project cuts back flows in the fall until an ice cover develops in order to minimize frazil ice formation. The Peace Canyon and Jim Shrum facilities also regulate flow both during freezeup and breakup for frazil ice control. The Beachwood Project reports to have problems with anchor ice formation downstream as a result of peaking character is tics of the plant; this is reportedly controlled by flow regulation during breakup and freezeup. 6.3.3 Coastal Hydropower Projects A total of 16 hydropower projects were identified to be located at or near the coast. Three were located in Norway, 11 in Canada and two in Alaska. Each of these are summarized in the following paragraphs. 1-1544-JW 6-4 Norwegian Facilities The Vangen Power Station was a hydropower facility proposed to be constructed in the Aurland Fjord. Water from the facility was to be discharged through two outlets, 10 to 12 feet in diameter, at a depth of approximately 60 feet. Saegrov (1978) used scaled hydraulic models and analytical methods to hypothesize effects for the then proposed facility. Primary concerns were to define operational limits necessary to prevent ice formation in winter months. Saegrov (1978) found that higher velocities provided more intense mixing of the freshwater and saltwater; as such, flows were increased for decreasing air tempera- tures. Reported operational flows for the facility during cold temperatures ranged from about 1,300 cfs at -1°C (30°F) to 2,650 cfs at -10°C (14°F). Because of the method of discharge, this facility would probably not be comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. The Rana Project is a hydropower facility on the Rana River at the head of the Rana Fjord. Winter discharges as a result of the facility were 2 to 3 times the normal inflow; experience in an adjacent arm of the fjord suggested that ice would form unless the river water was mixed with the saline fjord water. Carstens (1971) describes the air bubbler system which was designed to force rapid mixing of freshwater and salt water. In the actual operation, two perforated parallel pipes about 1,300 ft long were suspended at a depth of 50 ft across the mouth of the Rana River through which compressed air was pumped. Fresh water normally flows into the fjord as a surface jet at velocities up to 1.25 knots at the falling tide, and salinities less than 10 ppt for a design discharge of approximately 7,100 cfs. The intent of the bubbler system was to increase the average surface salinity to about 25 ppt which would reduce the vertical stability to allow mixing by natural processes to prevent freezing. Carstens ( 1971) indicated that three seasons of successful operation have suggested that forced mixing with the air bubbler system is somewhat effective under some oceanographic conditions. Sufficient information (particularly on the fjord configuration) is not provided in the available literature to ascertain whether this facility would be comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. 1-1544-JW 6-5 The Loen Power Station is a hydropower facility located in Nordfjord. Although details of this facility are not available, Carstens and Rye ( 1979) reported that upon construction, the formerly ice-free fjord developed an ice cover. Carstens and Rye (1979) also reviewed various means of controlling impacts of changes in fjords as a result of increased fresh water discharges in winter hydropower development. They concluded that the primary objective in any solution to the problem is to dilute the water as rapidly as possible. Three options were considered to meet this objective: 1. Discharge the freshwater as a submerged jet, 2. Mixing of a surface jet using an air bubbler system, or 3. Induced mixing with propellers to drive vertical jets Sufficient information is not provided in the available literature to determine whether discharge conditions for this project would be comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. Canadian Facilities The Tidewater Plant is a 6 MW hydropower facility located on the coast of Nova Scotia. Winter discharges are approximately 1,400 cfs. Some shore ice is reported to occur, but anchor ice and frazil ice have not been noted. Turbulent flow in the tailrace mixes the freshwater and saltwater. The seawater does not freeze in the area. Reports for this facility are not available. Since the seawater does not freeze in the area, climatic and oceanographic conditions are probably not comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. The Weymouth Plant is a 18 MW hydropower facility located on the coast near Weymouth, Nova Scotia. Winter discharges are approximately 3,500 cfs. Some shore ice is reported to occur, but anchor. ice and frazil ice have not been noted. Turbulent flow in the tailrace mixes the fresh water and salt water. The seawater does not freeze in the area. 1-1544-JW 6-6 Reports for this facility are not available. Since the seawater does not freeze in the area, climatic and oceanographic conditions are probably not comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. The Leqville Plant is a 10 MW hydropower facility located on the coast of Nova Scotia. Winter discharges are approximately 400 cfs. The tailrace never freezes and there are no reported ice problems. Reports for this facility are not available. Climatic and oceanographic conditions at this site are believed to be not comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. The Tusket Plant is a 2.7 MW hydropower facility located on the coast near Tusket, Nova Scotia. Winter discharges are approximately 700 cfs. Ice problems have not been reported at this facility. Reported for this facility are not available. Climatic and oceanographic conditions at this site are not believed to be comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. The Ruth Falls Plant is 7.5 MW hydropower facility located on the coast near Annapolis, Nova Scotia. Winter discharges are approximately 1,400 cfs. There are no reported ice problems downstream of the plant. Reports for this facility are not available. Climatic and oceanographic conditions at this site are not believed to be comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. The Annapolis Plant is a 20 MW tidal power facility located on the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. Winter discharges are approximately 106,000 cfs. There is continuous mixing of freshwater and saltwater and no ice problems are reported on the sea side. Any shore ice which may form is broken up by tides. Reports are not available for this facility. Because of the nature of this facility, it is not believed to be comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. The Outardes Plant No. 2 is a 400 MW hydropower facility located at the Outardes River Delta in Quebec. Winter discharges are approximately 40,000 cfs. Some problems have been reported with anchor ice due to 1-1544-JW 6-7 daily fluctuations in discharge, and a study is currently underway to address this problem. Climatic and oceanographic conditions at this site are not believed to be comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. The Marric River Plant No. 1 is a 2,020 MW hydropower facility located on the Marric River near the coast of Quebec. Winter discharges are approximately 35,000 cfs. There is some open water during winter but an ice cover on the salt water. Frazil and anchor ice problems are not reported. No reports are available for the facility. Climatic and oceanographic conditions at this site are not believed to be comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. The Bay D'Espoir Plant is a 600 MW hydropower facility located at the head of a 10 mile long bay in Newfoundland. Winter discharges are approximately 12,000 cfs. The 1.5 mile long discharge channel reportedly stayed open during winter; but the bay freezes over completely in winter. Winter air temperatures at the site are typically 10 to 20°F, and the coldest temperatures are about 0°F. The salinity of the bay is believed to have dropped considerably. No reports are available for this facility. Although the tailrace discharge is considerably greater than anticipated for the Bradley Lake Project, there may be some merit to a closer examination of this facility. The Cat Arm Plant is a 128 MW hydropower facility located on the coast of Newfoundland. Winter discharges are approximately 1,200 cfs. There are no reports of ice problems downstream due to the high exit velocities in the tailrace. Reports are not available for this facility. In many respects, this project appears to be fairly comparable to the Bradley Lake Project. However, since ice doesn't appear to have been a problem prior to the project construction, there may be some differences in climatic or oceanographic conditions between the sites. The Alcan Project is a 800 MW hydropower facility located near Kemano, British Columbia. Winter discharges are approximately 4,000 cfs and flow into the Kemano River at least several miles up from the river 1-1544-JW 6-8 mouth. Normal winter temperatures range from 25 to 32°F with an extreme low temperature of -13°F. No ice problems have been reported. Reports are not available for this facility. This facility is not believed to be similar to the Bradley Lake Project because of the discharge rates and conditions. Alaskan Facilities The Snettisham Project is a hydropower facility located at the head of Speel Arm in southeastern Alaska. The project has a designed capacity of 47 MW. Discharges in the winter range from about 250 cfs at night to 500 or 550 cfs during the day. The tailrace discharges to Crater Cove which is mostly intertidal and adjacent to the mouth of the Speel River. Ice never forms in the tailrace but occasionally shore ice and estuary ice (up to a maximum of 3 or 4 inches) can form in Crater Cove during cold weather (average of 3 to 4 days per winter). By comparison, conditions. flow from the Speel River can cause more serious ice The less severe ice conditions in Crater Cove are attributed to the warmer water temperatures (1.5 to 3°C) in the tailrace. Although the tailrace flows are lower and the climate is likely to be slightly warmer than at the Bradley Lake Project, the tailrace discharges to an intertidal area which is similar to the Bradley Lake Project. The Eklutna Project is a hydropower facility located near the mouth of the Knik River and head of Knik Arm in Cook Inlet. The project has a capacity of 32 MW and during winter, discharges typical range up to 500 or 550 cfs. Water temperatures normally range from about 3°C in the winter to 6°C in the summer. Water from the facility flows through a canal to a channel of the Knik River; during winter months the Knik River channel commonly only has water discharged from the power plant. The canal never freezes up and the Knik River channel usually has open water all the way to Knik Arm. Because of the differences in the tailrace location and configuration, this project is not believed to be similar to the Bradley Lake Project. 1-1544-JW 6-9 0\ I 1-' 0 TABLE 6-1. List of reports and publications obtained during the literature review.* Author(s) Carstens Carstens and Rye Foulds Gotlib et al. Haynes et al. Karnovich et al. Korzhavin Marcotte Pekhovitch and Catalina Pruden et al. Saegrov 2-1544-KB Date 1971 1979 1981 1983 1981 1983 1983 1981 1970 1954 1979 Title Prevention of ice information by forced mixing. Controlling impact of changes in fjord hydrology Peaking hydro generating stations in winter Change of river thermal regime in relation to construction of hydroelectric plants under severe climatic conditions. Performance of a point source bubbler under thick ice Winter operation of pumped storage power plant basins and canals The effect of hydroconstruction on the ice regime of some Siberian rivers Thermal regime and ice regime in rivers (in French) Control of frazil ice formation downstream from power plants situated at river months (in French) A study of wintertime heat losses from a water surface and of heat conservation and heat addition to combat ice formation in the St. Lawrence River Prevention of freezing in fjords Source NORTEC Delft Delft Delft Delft Delft Delft Delft NORTEC NORTEC Delft 0'\ I 1-' 1-' Table 6-1. List of reports and publications obtained during the literature review.• (Continued) Author(s) Skladnev and Lyapin Votruba and Matousek Date 1983 1970 Title Ice engineering investigations in the USSR -Present state of the art L'assurance de !'alimentation ininterrompue par l'amenee d'eau ouverte en hiver (in French) • Complete citations provided in Section 9.0 Bibliography. 2-1544-KB Source Delft NORTEC Table 6-2. Individuals contacted as part of the review. INDIVIDUAL Mr. Doug Hayward Mr. Horton Mr. John Hallam Mr. Tom Wigle Mr. F. Fonseca Mr. Rick Carson Mr. Roy Smith Mr. Robert Keyes Mr. Adrian Chandler Mr. J. Farina Mr. L. Parmley Mr. R. Rayban Mr. Larry Gerard Mr. Tom Spicher Mr. Stan Sieczkowski 2-1544-KB AFFILIATION New Brunswick Hydro Nova Scotia Power Corp. Newfoundland Hydro Ontario Hydro Hydro Quebec Acres Engineering Saskatchewan Power Corp. Trans Alta Utilities Crippen Consultants Alcan British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Manatoba Hydro University of Alberta Alaska Power Administration Alaska Power Administration 6-12 LOCATION Fredericton, New Brunswick Halifax, Nova Scotia St. John's, Newfoundland Toronto, Ontario Montreal, Queberr Winnipeg, Manitoba Regina, Saskatchewan Calgary, Alberta Vancouver, British Columbia Kitimat, British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia Winnipeg, Manatoba Calgary, Alberta Juneau, Alaska Palmer, Alaska Table 6-3. List of hydropower projects identified as a result of the literature review and individual contacts. Project Novosibirks Hydropower Plant Bratsk Hydropower Plant Ust-Ilim Hydropower Plant Irkutsk Hydropower Plant Boguchan Hydropower Plant Zeya Hydropower Plant Krasnoyarsk Hydropower Plant ~ Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydropower w Plant Mainskaya Hydropower Plant Ust-Kamenogorsk Hydropower Plant Bukhtarma Hydropower Plant Vilyui Hydropower Plant Gorky Hydropower Plant Nizhne-Burejskaya Hydropower Plant Kegum Hydropower Plant 2-1544-KB Location Ob River, Siberia Angara River Angara River Angara River Angara River Zeya River Yenisei River Yenisei River Yenisei River Irtish River, Siberia Irtish River, Siberia Vilyui River Bureya River Daugawa River Country USSR USSR USSR USSR USSR USSR USSR USSR USSR USSR USSR USSR USSR USSR USSR Reference(s) Gotlib et al. (1983); Korzhavin (1983) Got lib et al. (1983) Gotlib et al. (1983) Got lib et al. (1983) Gotlib et al. (1983) Gotlib et al, (1983) Got lib et al. (1983) Got lib et al. (1983) Gotlib et al. (1983) Gotlib et al. (1983); Korzhavin (1983) Gotlib et al. (1983); Korzhavin (1983) Got lib et al. (1983) Gotlib et al. (1983) Gotlib et al. ( 1983) Gotlib et al. (1983) Table 6-3. List of hydropower projects identified as a result of the literature review and individual contacts. (Continued) Project Location Country Reference(s} Vangen Power Station* Aurland Fjord Norway Saegrov (1978) Rana Hydropower Project* Rana River/Fjord Norway Carstens ( 1971) Loen Power Station* Nordfjord Norway Carstens and Rye (1979) Tidewater Hydropower Plant* Coast of Nova Canada Horton (pers. comm.) Scotia Weymouth Hydropower Plant* Coast of Nova Canada Horton (pers. comm.) Scotia Leqvllle Hydropower Plant* Coast of Nova Canada Horton (pers. comm.} Scotia Tusket Hydropower Plant* Nova Scotia Canada Horton (pers. comm.} Ruth Falls Hydropower Plant* Coast of Nova Canada Horton (pers. comm.} Scotia Annapolis Tidal Plant* Bay of Fundy, Canada Horton (pers. comm.) Nova Scotia Beachwood Hydropower Plant St. Johns River, Canada Hayward (pers. comm.) New Brunswick Mactaquac Hydropower Plant St. Johns River, Canada Hayward (pers. comm.) New Brunswick Outardes Power Plant No. 2* Outardes River Canada Fonseca (pers. comm.) Delta, Quebec Marric River Plant No. 1* Marric River at Canada Fonseca (pers. comm.) Coast, Quebec 2-1544-KB Table 6-3. List of hydropower projects identified as a result of the literature review and individual contacts. (Continued) Project Churchill Falls Hydropower Plant Deer Lake Hydropower Plant Bay D'Espoir Hydropower Plant* Cat Arm Hydropower Plant* Alcan Hydropower Plant* Revelstoke Hydropower Plant Mica Hydropower Plant Jim Shrum Hydropower Plant Peace Canyon Hydropower Plant Jenpeg Generating Station Kettle Power Station Snettisham Hydropower Project* Eklutna Power Project* Location Churchill River, Laborador Inland Newfoundland 1 . 5 Mi. Inland, Newfoundland Coast of Newfound- land Kemano, British Columbia Columbia River, British Columbia Columbia River, British Columbia Peace River, British Columbia Peace River, British Columbia Nelson River, Manitoba Nelson River, Manitoba Southeast Alaska Southcentral Alaska * Coastal projects; case histories provided. 2-1544-KB Country Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada USA USA Reference(s) Hallam (pers. comm.) Hallam (pers. comm.) Hallam (pers. comm.) Hallam (pers. comm.) Chautler (pers. comm.); Farina (pers. comm.) Parmley (pers. comm.) Parmley (pers. comm.) Parmley (pers. comm.) Parmley (pers. comm.) Rayban (pers. comm.) Carson (pers. comm.) Spicher (pers. comm.) Sieczkowski (pers. comm.) SECTION 7.0 REVIEW OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS 7.0 REVIEW Or PROPOSED OPERATIONS 1. 1 BACKGROUND 7.1.1 General The primary concern and focus of this specific task is to review the design of the tailrace and planned discharges to determine modifi- cations which could minimize potential icing problems should they occur. These modifications may either be non-structural, such as modification of flows; structural, such as modifications to the tailrace design; or a combination of both. Based on conversations with SWEC personnel (Bishop, pers. comm.; risk, pers. comm.) a number of configurations have been considered for the Bradley Lake tailrace. These include: 1. Conceptual tailrace configuration, 2. Preliminary engineering tailrace configuration, 3. Alternate tailrace configuration, and 4. Present design tailrace configuration The evolution to the present design has been a fairly long and involved process including considerations for ice formation, improved hydraulic performance, and to address unique foundation conditions and environmental effects. These are briefly summarized in the following sections. 7.1.2 Conceptual Tailrace Configuration The conceptual design for the tailrace is depicted on rigure 7-1. This design basically included a basin 90 feet wide and 200 feet long at an elevation of -6 feet BLPD (Bradley Lake Project Datum) with an fan extending some 300 feet into the tidal flats at an elevation of 5 feet BLPD. This conceptual design was configured to reduce turbulence from the powerhouse discharge and spread the flow over a large area of the tidal flats in order to minimize erosion. 1-1544-JW 7-1 The primary advantage of this design was that it minimized downslope disturbance of the tidal flats in the vicinity of the powerhouse. The primary concern with this design was that ·it would deposit water directly at the top of the tidal flats in a thin layer where it could be subject to freezing. 7.1.3 Preliminary Engineering Tailrace Configuration The tailrace design developed during preliminary engineering is depicted on Figure 7-2. This design was similar to· the conceptual design except that a 800 foot long channel, 50 feet wide and at an elevation of 2 feet BLPD was added to divert flows to a tidal slough. While this design appeared to offer definite advantages for hydraulic performance and icing control, it required a considerable disturbance of the tidal flats. 7. 1.4 Alternate Tailrace Configuration An alternate to the preliminary engineering tailrace configuration which was considered is indicated on Figure 7-3. Under this alternative design, the fan was eliminated and the powerhouse outlet reduced in size to 150 feet in length. This alternate design considerably reduced the disturbance to the tidal flats. Both the preliminary engineering design and the alternate design were eliminated based on geotechnical considerations. Soils investigations along the tailrace indicated that the bedrock surface present at the powerhouse extended at depth of approximately 20 to 35 feet below the tidal flats. Groundwater perched on top of the bedrock surface was reported to produce an artesian water pressure which caused sands to flow when drilled through. Based on conversations with SWEC personnel, excavations to 2 feet BLPD could result in instability in the tailrace channel bottom and side slopes. 7.1.5 Present Design Tailrace Configuration The present design for the tailrace is depicted on Figure 7-4. Under this design, the powerhouse outlet includes a ramp 90 feet wide at the powerhouse, 210 feet long, and widening to 176 at the start of the 1-1544-JW 7-2 tailrace canal. A canal, approximately 900 feet long and at an elevation of 3.5 feet BLPD, delivers the flow to the tidal slough. This design requires a .greater disturbance of the tidal flats than the other alternatives, but it also avoids the problems with soil stability in the narrower and deeper canals. 7.2 FACTORS PERTINENT TO THE REVIEW 7.2.1 General In the project review it should be noted that information required to make a complete evaluation of the va~ious alternatives is not available. As an example, it is not known specifically what the tailrace discharges will be. Additionally, some of the mechanisms pertinent to a defensible assessment for ice information are still somewhat unclear. The following paragraphs describe what basic assumptions were made in assessing modifications to the proposed operations. 7.2.2 Discharges Based on discussions with SWEC personnel (Bishop, pers. comm.), once the reservoir has achieved its operational capacity, it is planned to operate year round but to have a full reservoir of 284, 150 acre-feet (1.23x1o 10 ft3) available for winter discharge by the first of November. This water would then be released through the winter months until about mid-May when reservoir levels would again be r1s1ng (e.g., inflows to the reservoir would be greater than the outflows). Although discharge of this volume of water would result in an average winter flow of 735 cfs at the tailrace, actual flows may be as great as 1,500 cfs for short periods of time. These latter values have been assumed for purposes of discussion. 7.2.3 Oceanographic Conditions and Ice Formation The review of other hydropower projects suggests estuary and/or beach ice can develop as a result of increased winter discharges. The primary concern in Norwegian projects is estuary ice formation. In these projects it was believed that ice formation could be minimized by dilution of the freshwater discharge with the ambient seawater; 1-1544-JW 7-3 Carstens (1977) suggested that in achieving a salinity of about 25 ppt, most ice formation could be controlled. At Canadian facilities, beach .ice formation appeared to be the primary problem; although no solutions were suggested for its control. Based on local resident interviews, beach ice is a common form of ice in Kachemak Bay. Given the large tidal fluctuations, the proximity of extensive tidal flats to the proposed tailrace discharges, and the general circulation patterns; the potential for beach ice formation exis~s. During extremely cold periods (characterized by below 0°F temperatures, clear. skies and calm winds) it is assumed that estuary ice may possibly form. 7.2.4 Thermodynamic Considerations A number of preliminary calculations were made to obtain a rough appreciation of the relative importance of various parameters on the systems thermodynamics. This technique is often referred to as a parametric analysis. This analysis included: 1. Preliminary calculations of volumes of fresh water and salt water invloved in nearfield mixing to determine a mixed water salinity and temperature. 2. Estimates of freezing points for the mixed water masses. 3. Estimates of heat losses from the intertidal area from exposure to cold air. 4. Estimates of heat losses from the mixed water mass to the intertidal area during submergence. 5. Estimates of heat losses from the mixed water mass to the air. 6. Estimates of heat losses from the fresh water discharge to the air in the tailrace. 1-1544-JW 7-4 Based on this analysis the following were determined to be important considerations with respect to the thermodynamic analysis: 1. Fresh water discharge rates, bathymetric configuration at the head of the bay and tidal fluctuations control the rate and degree of mixing. 2. Seawater salinities, fresh water discharge rates and mixing time control the mixed water mass salinity. 3. Water temperatures of the mixed water mass and water depths control the timing for the initiation of freezing. 4. Salinities of the mixed water mass control the freezing point of the mixed water. Fresh water, which has a higher freezing point than salt water, would freeze before salt water. 5. Air temperatures, cloud cover, and wind speeds control the heat losses from the surface of the mixed water masses. 6. Air temperatures and thermal properties of the intertidal soils control the cooling of the intertidal areas. 7. Heat losses to the air and to the intertidal areas can result in ice formation. Preliminary calculations indicate that freezing can occur at the water surface (estuary ice), within the water column (frazil ice), or on the intertidal soils (beach ice} both with and without the tailrace discharges. Effects of increased tailrace discharges appear to slightly reduce the mixed water salinity and slightly increase the mixed water temperature, at least when considering the head of the bay above Chugachik Island (near field). The reduction in salinity would permit freezing to occur at higher temperatures. The increase in temperature would tend to slightly delay the timing of freezing. While the combined effect has not been calculated, trends observed in the 1-1544-JW 7-5 preliminary calculations suggest that ice formation would occur slightly earlier than would occur without the tailrace discharge and would persist for a slightly longer duration. Preliminary calculations indicate, estimate, if complete mixing occurs bay freezing effects would probably that as an order of magnitude fairly rapidly at the head of the be defined in terms of hours. If mixing were less rapid, effects would likely be defined in terms of days. 7.3 POTENTIAL PROJECT MODIFICATIONS Based on a review of the Bradley Lake Project, modifications made to the tailrace design to date are believed to have reduced the potential for ice formation. Based on a review of site conditions, local interviews, review of existing reports, and the review of other hydropower projects, it is believed that there is some potential for formation of beach ice and perhaps, to a lesser degree, the potential for estuary ice formation. Effects, if they occurred, would be greatest in the intertidal areas adjacent to the tailrace. It is not believed that ice will form directly in the tailrace. Although specific effects have not been quantified, they would likely include ice formation at less severe winter temperatures and persistence of ice for a slightly longer duration. While measurable effects may occur locally at the head of the bay, it will be difficult to quantify or document effects at Homer, some 20 miles from the tailrace. The most direct way to minimize the potential for ice formation is to reduce tailrace discharges during periods of severe cold weather. While guidelines for reducing flow cannot be established based on existing information, local residents indicate ice can be a serious problem when air temperatures drop to 0°F or less. Based on historical weather data, this can occur an average of approximately 12 days per 1-1544-JW 7-6 winter and up to 35 days for the extreme winter of record -1946/47. During these periods, tailrace discharges could either be significantly reduced, or stopped completely. Based on the preliminary calculations, the rate of mixing of the seawater and fresh water appears to have a large effect on the potential for and timing of ice formation. With more rapid and complete mixing, the potential for ice formation appears to be reduced. Although sufficient information is not available to assess specific tailrace design modifications, modifications which would provide enhanced mixing, such as discharging the fresh water in deeper water, may also reduce the potential for ice formation. It should be emphasized that it is not known if increased winter discharges will modify existing ice conditions. Based on preliminary calculations, ice formation could occur slightly earlier and persist for a slightly longer duration. Effects if they occurred would depend on the degree of mixing and would likely be defined in terms of either hours or days. Before project mitigation measures are implemented, additional studies as outlined in Section 8.0 are recommended. 1-1544-JW 7-7 0 0 0 1.[) N (Y") w ~~.J ·.~ N 2130000 c1 X 5.4 () ~~·· (~I~ ~ N : ~ '-'..JJ ~ J .· ··.~6.4 111 = 200' CONCEPTUAL TAILRACE CONFIGURATION FIGURE 7-1 0 6] ~ ~ .J [;j rl ·-~· \ ol t···~~ . (Y) ·2.);!_ ~ c;l N2130000 () ~~--,~,~ ~ (\j ·. ~ ---:. ); [;j J X 5.4 111 = 200' PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING TAILRACE CONFIGURATION FIGURE 7-2 0 0 0 L[) (\J ('f) w ~~__; -~ N 2130000 N X 5.4 ) _./ (\ ~~-(~,,~ ~ (\JI ·. . Cj j ·-.~6.4 EL2 rl ( rr=. • . • • ,zyY~~L 111 = 200' ALTERNATE TAILRACE CONFIGURATION FIGURE 7-3 0 0 0 1.[) (\J (Y) w ~~ ... J ·.~ N 2130000 \ ol t··~~ . (Y) "?)2 Cl X 5.4 () ~~· (~)~ ~ (\J : ~ '-'_,./; i:j ,j .· ··.~ X 6.4 EL 3.5 111 = 200 1 PRESENT DESIGN TAILRACE CONFIGURATION FIGURE 7-4 ... ~ l tf ... , ~/·· ' ~ r' • ~· \: \ .,;'. ' :.>y' c . r• l ' . -J: ·~ , .c ....... ~-~H- '· !!. .... "' \.. . -~·~: ~ :"~-., ~: -II ..... t' ' "< ... - "" 111 N ("") w ... v ... :J +..~ ..... .f ~ ':-t•' • ' ~ ~~!a~i~ ·• ,<! ~-\, ~ .._ ........ ..,.._I \_ .... . ' ' . ~ . ..... .,.. .. \ . ,_ .. ',"c ..... :y:t \. ... ~ • . "' ' ~ ... _, ' ;·>.· .II" - ... .l .... ··~ ,,. ; ,\.""'!. \.J.:\. >l'f'~)IS,. ... ?t: Figure 7-5. Configuration of the proposed tailrace and discharge canal. .,.) <' . (!) N ("") w ~ .., PQWERHOUSE ACCESS ROAD PLATE 20 I' N ("") w 0 500 1000 • • • I C!,..,..l..,.. in ~,..,,..+ 1-0) 1'\1 1'\1 C'1 w Figure 7-5. Configuration of the proposed tailrace and discharge canal (cont' d). pir'•' 0 500 1000 ~ • ._ I Scale in Feet SECTION 8.0 BASELINE DATA COLLECTION AND ADDITIONAL STUDIES 8.0 BASELINE DATA COLLECTION AND ADDITIONAL STUDIES 8.1 GENERAL Based on local resident interviews, it is apparent that substantial ice can form naturally within the inner bay during the winter. Ice types which appear to be common for the inner bay primarily include beach ice and drift ice, and to a lesser extent estuary ice and stamhukhi. Drift ice and stamhukhi appear to be derived to a large extent from beach ice. Previous ice formation investigations were limited primarily to estudry ice. Additional studies are necessary to assess conditions which presently promote the formation of ice (beach ice in particular) to determine if after the project begins operation, there is indeed a change in conditions. A three phased approach for assessment of the potential for ice formation is recommended (see Figure 8-1). Phase I would include an assessment of ice formation processes at the head of the inner bay in the vicinity of the proposed tailrace (nearfield). Problems, should they occur, would be most evident in this nearfield area. If there is sufficient potential for additional ice formation, Phase II should be implemented. This would include a baseline data collection program primarily to more accurately define various parameters which would be important to reassess the potential for nearfield ice formation. If there is still a significant potential effect, then a farfield ice transport model (Phase III) is recommended to predict potential effects for the entire inner bay, and specifically at the Homer Small Boat Harbor. While the scope of the Phase I studies can be established in some detail, the scope of later phases depends to a large extent on preceding efforts. As such, the specific requirements fo~ Phase II and II I as outlined in the following sections may be subject to later modification. Post-project monitoring, if required, would be similar in scope as those outlined in Phase II. 1-1544-JW 8-1 8.2 PHASE I -NEARFIELD ICE FORMATION MODELING 8.2.1 Purpose The basic purpose of the nearfield ice formation model is to refine the preliminary thermodynamic calculations discussed in Section 7.2 .4 to provide an estimate of the likely magnitude of potential effects from the additional freshwater discharges on ice formation at the head of the inner bay. Effects, if they occur, would be easiest to document in the vicinity of the discharge. 8.2.2 Methods The nearfield modeling effort should consider the thermal balance for the area of the inner bay east of Chugachik Island. Four major tasks as discussed in the following paragraphs are anticipated for this effort. As a first step various equations need to be formulated to describe the thermodynamic processes important for ice formation on the bottom, within the water column, and at the water surface. Based on the preliminary calculations these would include: 1. Heat loss from the water surface to the air, 2. Heat loss from the exposed intertidal area to the air, 3. Heat loss from the water column to the submerged intertidal areas, 4. Heat transfer between water masses if stratification occurs, and 5. Variation in freezing temperatures as a result of varying salinity. Physical conditions, such as monthly variations in tidal ranges and mixing of the fresh water and salt water are considered to be particularly important. 1-1544-JW 8-2 Once the specific equations have been developed, sensitivity tests should be conducted to determine the relative effect of varying input parameters. The sensitivity tests should result in an identification of those parameters which control ice formation processes. In addition, baseline data requirements should be clearly identified as part of this effort. Summaries of meteorological and oceanographic data presently exist to describe normal and extreme variations for most input conditions. In the modeling effort actual hourly and daily data would need to be collected as input values. Most of these data are in archives of the federal government and would require some time and effort to retrieve. Actual modelling effort should be conducted to predict effects under a variety of normal and extreme conditions with and without the discharges. To the extent possible, extreme ice events as noted by local residents should be modeled and results verified where possible. Ice events as depicted on satellite imagery may be used to calibrate the model under normal or mild ice conditions. 8.2.3 Timing Nearfield modeling efforts could be conducted in 1987 using existing data. If the baseline data collection efforts are conducted, the nearfield modeling could again be used to reassess potential effects. Results of ice surveys, as discussed in following sections could also be used to provide additional data for verification and calibration of the nearfield model. 8.3 PHASE II -BASELINE DATA COLLECTION 8.3.1 General Phase II efforts should be conducted if the results of the nearfield ice modeling suggest that significant effects could occur. In order to provide basic data for further analysis, we would recommend consideration of the following three tasks: 1-1544-JW 8-3 1. Collection of meteorological data at the tailrace site to verify temperature differences between the site and Homer. 2. Collection of additional data to define stratification and mixing at the head of the inner bay. 3. Document and sample the various types of ice to confirm mechanisms for ice formation. Each of these additional studies are discussed in some detail in the following sections. Until a problem can be clearly defined, post-project data collection cannot be justified at this time. Additionally, the specific scope of individual studies may be modified slightly depending on the results of Phase I activities. 8.3.2 Meteorological Data Collection 8 . 3 . 2 . 1 Purpose The primary purpose for collecting meteorological data at the head of the bay is to document differences in winter air temperatures between the head of the bay and the Homer WSO for which a long term record exists. A number of local residents indicate that temperatures can be significantly colder in that area, and correlations in air temperatures between the head of the bay and Homer would be used to synthesize a long term record for the head of Kachemak Bay. This in turn would be used to provide more accurate input to the nearfield ice formation model. Methods Ambient air temperature data should be collected near sea level elevations in the general vicinity of the tailrace during the winter months. As a minimum, these data should include daily records for maximum and minimum air temperatures. This may be accomplished simply by installation of a standard weather shelter and a maximum/minimum 1-1544-JW 8-4 thermometer. Daily readings could be obtained during this period by personnel available at the existing construction camp. If data could alternately be obtained remotely and continuously using a number of data acquisition systems and sensors designed for subarctic environments, the accuracy of air temperature measurements should be within~ 0.5°C (~1°F). This accuracy can be obtained using a number of commercially available systems. It is also our understanding that at least several years of meteorological data exist for Halibut Cove. These data and any other similar data for other regions of the inner bay should be reviewed in detail and correlated with the longer term records for the Homer WSO. Data collected at the meteorological station should be processed to report either hourly air temperatures or daily values for the minimum, maximum and mean air temperatures. All historical data from the Homer WSO and the Halibut Cove stations should also be obtained from the National Weather Service and reported in a similar format as data collected from the station at the head of the bay. Timing The air temperature monitoring program should be implemented as soon as possible and continue for at least one full winter. The specific period of interest extends from November 1 , 1987 through April 30, 1988. 8.3.2.~ Other Considerations It is our understanding that a meteorological station will soon be operational at Sheep Point to collect data on wind speed and direction and precipitation. This station will also collect water temperature data in the tidal slough near the barge dock. 8.3.3 Oceanographic Data Collection Purpose The degree of stratification at the head of a water mass such as Kachemak Bay can provide an indication of the degree of mixing between 1-1544-JW 8-5 the fresh and marine water masses. The degree of mixing will to a large extent describe dilution of freshwater inflows, particularly in winter. This in turn can be used to describe the potential for ice formation within the inner bay. Previous observations on winter oceanographic conditions are generally limited as such collection of additional information on water column structure and stratification is believed to be warranted. Methods Salinity and temperature profiles should be obtained to define existing stratification during two periods in the winter. During each sampling period, profiles should be obtained at 25 stations along 5 transects within the inner bay {as indicated on Figure 8-2). These transects should be obtained during both high and low stages to obtain variations in stratification over the tidal cycle. If stratification is found to extend further throughout the inner bay, then additional stations may be warranted. Within each profile, sufficient measurements of salinity and temperature should be obtained to adequately describe the structure of the entire water column. Salinity measurements should be accurate to at least 0.1 ppt and temperature to at least 0.1°C (0.2°F). A number of systems are available commercially which meet these specifications. During each survey period discharge data for the Bradley River, wind data, and tidal fluctuations should also be obtained. The U.S. Geological Survey currently operates several gaging stations on the Bradley River and these data should be obtained. Wind data shall be obtained for the survey period both from the Homer WSO and monitoring station at Sheep Point. Tidal data might be available from Homer; however, if not, provisions should be made to monitor data on at least an hourly basis during the period of survey (either at Homer at the head of the bay). Tidal data should be referenced to Mean Lower Low Water datum. 1-1544-JW 8-6 Data collected should be provided both in a tabular and graphical form. Tabular data should include listings of all data collected along with the corresponding tidal stage and discharge for the time of observation. Graphical representations of the data should include cross-sections of the bay showing salinity and temperature contours. Additionally, a map should be prepared which shows the depth to the thermocline at both the high and low tide. Timing Two surveys should be conducted during the winter of 1987/88. The first survey is to be conducted in early winter (November 1987} and the second in mid-to late winter (February to March 1988). 8.3.4 Ice Sampling 8 • 3 • 4 • 1 Purpose One of the key questions remaining to be answered is whether beach ice is formed from fresh, brackish or salt water. In actuality, it is expected that all forms can exist along the shores of the bay. Nevertheless, it is recommended that ice samples should be obtained of various types of ice found along the head and northern shore of the inner bay to provide an approximation of the various types of ice which can occur. This information should be relatively simple to obtain and can aid greatly in understanding the process of ice formation. Additionally, data collected during these surveys could be used to calibrate the nearfield ice formation model. Methods Measurements and samples of various types of ice should be obtained at appoximately 12 stations as indicated on Figure 8-3 along the shore extending from near the mouth of the Martin River to the Homer Spit. Samples should be obtained for 5 replicate locations at each station from the apparent near surface and near bottom of the ice. These samples should be described visually and then thawed for salinity measurements. If more than one type of ice occurs, then replicate 1-1544-JW 8-7 samples should be obtained for each type of ice. Each sampling site should be described and documented photographically. Ice temperatures should also be obtained if possible. Timing The ice survey is to be conducted at least once during the 1987/88 winter. It is desirable to obtain samples at a time when ice is actually forming. As such, some coordination with local residents or SWEC personnel will be required. It is also recognized that the past 10 years have been relatively mild and data may not be obtained for all areas of the shoreline of interest. Depending on the results of the initial sampling, additional sampling may be required. 8.4 PHASE III -FARFIELD ICE TRANSPORT MODELING 8.4.1 Purpose Modeling efforts in Phase I and II were intended to describe effects of ice formation at the head of the inner bay. If these modeling efforts suggest that significant effects occur in the near field, then a more extensive numerical modeling effort may be warranted to determine if effects are significant at Homer. 8.4.2 Methods The farfield ice transport model would in essence be an expanded version of the nearfield ice formation model and would cover the entire inner bay. In addition, it would be coupled with a numerical hydrodynamics model which predicts two-or three-dimensional circulation patterns in the inner bay. Selection and calibration of an appropriate hydrodynamics model would in part be dependent on the results of baseline studies. 1-1544-JW 8-8 8.4.5 Timing The farfield ice transport model requires the input from Phase II efforts. As such it could not be conducted until at least the spring of 1988. 8.5 SUMMARY As previously indicated, the scope of Phase I studies can be established in some detail. Phases II and III have been described to the extent possible at this time. As each phase is completed, each subsequent study program should be reevaluated. Also, mitigation plans would be updated and further defined. 1-1544-JW 8-9 (X) ,I I-' 0 PHASE I NE ARFIELD ICE ASSESSMENT ( 1987) PHASE II BASELINE OAT A COLLECTION AND ASSESSMENT (Winter 1987-88) PHASE Ill F ARFIELD ICE TRANSPORT MODEL ( 1988) ~ ~ Equation ,____ Formulation Reassessment of Baseline ~ Data Requirement a Equation ____.., Formulation Figure 8-1. Sensitivity Near field Are Monitor Additional Studies No 1----o~ ~ Analysis Ice Model ~ Project Operations s Input Data Mitigation - Formatting Planning Baseline Are Monlt or Data Nearfield Additional Studies No r-- Collection Ice Model ~ PrQject Operations s Mitigation Planning Sensitivity Farlleld Are Monlt or r--Additional Studies No Analysis Ice Model Required Project ? Operations Yes Mitigation Planning Approach to Additional Studies CP I ..... ..... , 19 19 "' 18 1{ 23 - 19 .(0 I" " I" - " ,. " 18 IS. 18 19 20 18 I~ 19 I~ I I 19 21 ...... 19 21) _,.-.- \\~?U-,-19 19 21 21 17 " 1J 12 1J " 18. I]' ~onq~s. ' ) " Ill ~· r 17 :r· 9; ( -12 10' (7 " •' 9 ll ~,_41j 5, "'' 8, 17 lb IG '" Jl 17 . " 15 11, " 17 ~ 11 16 I 15 ll 's ~ OJ,JTI;H ~ . ., I' •' .1 r" " " JG I h ·>:!. " ~ " JJ 38 ~ )G )Z , •• r!l, .. l!io .• tl 2 ~~ '::1411 7M 1>-d II ,, I' ,, BAY JJ J) bl ., " 5h ,, 1-f 23 . ,-.:,._··til ".;. .. 18 ... -. "" INNER'" Station Locations o· 5 10 Scale in Nautical Miles I ; Figure 8-2. Station locations for salinity and temperature measurements. .,.,. : • (/') c::: 0 -ca \) 0 ...J c::: 0 -ca -en • ~ ~ \ ~ N " " " ' "" -" \ .;; 8-12 >· ~.6;--,. '• 0 ,_ (/') (L) -·-::E ca \) -~ 1.0 ca z c::: (L) ctl \) 0 en (/') c::: 0 -ctl -(/') C'l c::: c. E ctl (/J (L) \) -0 (/J c::: 0 -ca \) 0 ...J SECTION 9.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 9.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY Alaska Power Authority, No date. Application for License for major unconstructed project, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. F.E.R.C. Project No. P-8221-000, Volume 1, Initial Statement, Exhibit A, B, C, D, F and G. Arctec Alaska, Inc., 1985. Analysis of wind, waves and sedimentation for the Bradley Lake barge basin and access channel. Prepared for R&M Consultants, Inc. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1986. Alaska climate summaries. Alaska . Climate Technical Note No. 3, University of Alaska -Fairbanks, Anchorage, AK. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1986. data sheets: Climatological listing for period University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK. Miscellaneous 1932 -1984. Bradford, J.D. and S.M. Smirle, 1970. Bibliography on northern sea ice and related subjects. Canada Ministry of Transportation and Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, 188 p. Burbank, D.C., 1977. Circulation studies in Kachemak Bay and lower Cook Inlet. Alaska Department of Fish & Game, 207 p. Carstens, T., 1971. Prevention of ice formation by forced m1x1ng. Proc. Int. Conf. of Port and Ocean Engr. under Arctic Conditions, Vol I., pp. 140-151. Carstens, T. and H. Rye, 1981. Controlling impact of changes in fjord hydrology. In Freeland, H. J. , D. M. Farmer, and C. D. Levings (eds), Conf. on Fjord Oceanography, Victoria, Canada, Vol. 4, pp. 341-346. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory {CRREL), 1979. CRREL technical publications. U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, CRREL, 702 p. Colonel!, J.M., 1980. Circulation and dispersion of Bradley River water in upper Kachemak Bay. Prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants for the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, 51 p. Foulds, D.M., 1981. Peaking hydro generating stations in winter. IAHR Int'l. Symposium on Ice, Quebec, Vol li., p. 152-159. Gatto, L.W., 1981. Ice distribution and winter surface circulation patterns, Kachemak Bay, Alaska. U.S. Army, CRREL Report 81-22. Go sink, J.P. , 1984. Length of the open-water reach below a dam or reservoir. Prepared for the Alaska Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Univ. of Alaska, Geophysical Institute, 62 p. 1-1544-JW 9-1 Gosink, J.P. and T.E. Ostercamp, 1981. A theoretical investigation of the potential modification of ice formation in Kachemak Bay by the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project. Prepared for the U.S. Army, CRREL. Gotlib, Ya.L., M.W. Gorina, A.I. Khoudyakow, and S.N. Nazarenko- Sokolovskaja, 1983. Change of river ice regime in relation to construction of hydroelectric plants under severe climatic conditions. XX Congress of Int '1. Assoc. for Hydraulic Research, Moscow, Vol. II, pp. 149-154. Haynes, F.D., G.D. Ashton, and P.R. Johnson, 1981. Performance of a point source bubbler under thick ice. IAHR Int'l. Symposium on Ice., Quebec, Vol. 1, pp. 111-121. Hutcheon, R.J., 1972. Forecasting ice in Cook Inlet, Alaska. NOAA Technical Memorandum AR5, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Admin. , National Weather Service, Alaska Region, Anchorage, 14 pp. Karnovich, V.N., I.N. Shatalina and I.N. Sokolov, 1983. Winter operation of pumped storage power plant basins and canals. XX Congress of Int'l. Assoc. for Hydraulic Res., Moscow, Vol II, pp. 173-180. Korzhhavin, K.N., 1983. The effect of hydroconstruction on the ice regime of some Siberian rivers. XX Congress Int'l. Assoc. for Hydraulic Res., Moscow, Vol. II, pp. 155-158. Knull, J.R., 1975. Oceanography of Kachemak Bay, Alaska. A summary of 1969 studies, manuscript reports, file no. 113, NMBS-NW Fisheries Conference, Nuka Bay, Alaska. LaBelle, J.C., J.L. Wise, R.P. Voelker, R.H. Schulze and G.M. Wohl, 1983. Alaska marine ice atlas. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK, 302 pp. Marcotte, N., 1981. Regime thermique et regime des glaces en riveiere etude de cas. IAHR Int'l. Symposium on Ice, Quebec, Vol 1., pp 412-422 (in French). Martin, S. and P. Kauffman, 1980. 1 A field and laboratory study of wave damping by grease ice. Submitted to Journ. of Glaciology. National Climate Center, 1977. Local climatological data, 1976, Homer, Alaska. U.S. Dept. of Commerce. National Climate Center, 1986. Local climatological data, 1985, Homer, Alaska. U.S. Department of Commerce. Ott Water Engineers, Inc., Alex Horne Assoc., and J.W. Buell, 11981. Bradley Lake water quality report. Preparted for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1-1544-JW 9-2 Pekovitch, A.I. and I.N. Chatalina, 1970. Control of frazil ice formation downstream from power plants situated in river mouths. IAHR Ice Symposium, Rykjavik, Iceland, Paper No. 4.2 1 4 p. Pruden, F.W., R.L. Wardlaw, D.C. Baxter and J.L. Orr, 1954. A study of wintertime heat losses from a water surface and of heat conservation and heat addition to combat ice formation in the St. Lawrence River. National Research Council of Canada, Report No. MD-42. R&M Consultants, Inc. , 1985. Barge access alternatives, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority and Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. R&M Consultants, Inc., 1985. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Phase I -Hydrology report, review and analysis of historic wind data. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority and Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. Saegrov, S., 1978. Prevention of freezing in fjords. In Proc. Sixteenth Coastal Engineering Conference, Hamburg, Vol. III, pp. 2958-2977. Skladnev, M.F. and V.E. Lyapin, 1983. Ice engineering investigations in the USSR -Present state of the art. XX Congress of Int 1 1. Assoc. for Hydraulic Res., Moscow, Vol. II, P. 132-139. Slaughter, C.W., literature. 1969. Snow albedo modification, a U.S. Army CRREL, Tech. Report 217, 25 p. review of Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, 1987. Bradley River Water Quality Report 1986. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982. Environmental impact statement, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Alaska. Appendixes. U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, Seldovia Bay, Cook Inlet. 1968. Tidal bench marks, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 3 p. Seldovia, U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, 1951a. Tidal bench marks, Halibut Cove, Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1 p. U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, 1951b. Tidal bench marks, Bear Cove, Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1 p. U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, 1967. Tidal bench marks, Homer, Cook Inlet. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 2 p. Votruba, L. and V. Matousek, 1970. L'assurance de !'alimentation ininterrumpue par 1' amenee 1 d' eau ouverte en hiber. IAHR Ice Symposium, Reykajvik, Iceland, Paper No. 2.7, p. 8 p. 1-1544-JW 9-3 Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Entrix, Inc., and Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, 1985. 1985 Bradley river water quality report. Prepared for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Zubov, N.N. 1943. oceanographic 492 p. 1-1544-JW Arctic ice. Translated from Russian by the U.S. Navy Office and the American Meteorological Society, 9-4 - APPENDIX A NOTES OF LOCAL INTERVIEWS 12/11/86 PM REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Joel Gay (235-7767) Occupation: Homer Weekly News Number of years living in Bomer: Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Have you seen ice in the harbor? Time {Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Time (Month, Year) Describe {Location, Type and Thickness) weather Conditions {Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe {Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions Reviewed copies of Homer News for period of Jan 1975 -June 1986 for photos and stories on ice in bay. Obtained following Feb 6, 1975 Feb 26, 1976 Mar 31, 1977 Dec 15, 1977 Feb 22, 1979 Jan 22, 1981 Jan 14, 1982 Cover photo showing pan ice around George F. Ferris Cover photo showing i~e in SBH Cover Photo showing ice in Beluga Slough Cover photo showing boats fighting ice off small boat harbor. Story on fishing on Pg. 19 Photo on page 3 showing ice in SBH Photo on page 3 showing ice in SBH Photo on page 5 showing ice in SBH REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: John Bury Occupation: Harbor Officer Number of years living in Bomer: Since 1978 (6 yrs working in harbor) Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Boats 22', no winter Have you seen ice in the harbor? Numerous occasions Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions Conditions for ice formation -Usually get ice any time temp drops to 10-15°F or less, can happen in a matt~r of days. -When temps get to 0°F, blocks in harbor freeze together so you can walk on it; hasn't happened for 3 yrs. -With NE wind, ice accumulates in Mud Bay. Currents always go south along inner spit, even on flood tide -ice bounces along inner spit and eventually moves past spit to outer bay. -Usually get ice in harbor with NE wind and flood tide. Harbor can get l/2 full before entrance jams up. -can take 1-2 months for harbor to clear out after freeze. -Winters have been warmer for a number of years. -Prevailing winds are NE in winter. -Occas. get SW wind with low pressure moving through. This will generally move ice out of inner bay. -Harbor can freeze over with skim of ice (<1/2 -1") thick Types of ice -Pans -small pans typically 1-3' and round and 3-6" thick. Can get to 20'. Sometimes get pans 100' across and are usually rounded with jumbled edges (come in from Mud Bay and head of Bay). Larger pieces may be refrozen smaller pieces. -Shore ice -formed on beaches Other -Very common to have ice on Mud Bay, would be uncommon not to have it. -On occassions Russian boats from Kachemak Sea have got caught up in ice and carried to Mud Bay. -Harbor keeps daily logs -good data source; possible to pay someone to,go through records. -Specific events About Nov 17, 1977 -piling in main dock damaged by ice. Feb 23, 1984 -Dock piling damaged and ice between floats. -Larger steel boats pretty much ignore ice -most bigger boats don't fish locally. Smaller dungie and wood boats cannot get out of harbor sometimes. Fishing schedules Tanner -Jan, Dec: deeper waters of inner and outer bay. Dungie -Year round normally less in winter; both sides of bay all the way up. Shrimp -Some pot fishing in winter. > a: ::l III -. !! ~ " __ :__ \ ;_---L_~ . . . . //I f .--" // /' ~ / / ;' -~ .--~ ~--~-:/ / l ~ ; "' \ '-~ '---~ I / ---i-4--... C't-' ;. ... : '· .. . (J) LL!...;_; oo :J stl w >C) wz o::_ u 12/12/86 AM -MEET 12/12/86 AM -TELE REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACHEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Larry Smith (235-7879, 235-7199) Occupation: Carpenter, some comm. fish., committee Number of years living in Homer: Since 1968 Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Have you seen ice in the harbor? Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures} Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Time (Month, Year} Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe {Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions -Provided copy of late summer 1973 "The Spit." -Arranged for meetings with Yule Kilcher, Bill Choate, and Mike Sheppard in his office. Also arranged meeting with Garland Blanchard. -Provided names of number of persons to interview. 12/12/86 REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Yule Kilcher (235-8713 or 235-7850; Box 353, Homer) Occupation: Homesteader, politics Number of years living in Bomer: 42 years in Homer; Traveled to Bomer for 50 years. Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Bave you seen ice in the harbor? Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Bave you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Bave you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions Types of ice Calls most ice formed by slush freezing to beach as drift ice. Some may anchor to bottom higher up. Drift ice can get to 6 or 10 feet. Pieces which typically break off are 10-30' india and 4-6' thick. 1/2 mile anchored Drift Ice -Bradley Lake water will form drift ice. Other -Halibut and Bear Cove will freeze over occasionally. With more freshwater, coves will freeze over with less cold weather. -Earthquake of 1964 dropped inlet 4-5 feet allowing more warm water into the inlet. This has resulted in a more maritime climate. -Normally get some drift ice each year. Harbor usually freezes in. -When you get cold temps and 2-3" of water on beach -will start freezing. -Weather at least 10° colder in winter at head of bay - interested in salinity and temperature profiles at head of bay to determine stratification. -Bradley river has about 1/5 of total flow to head of bay. -Worst winter was 1946/47. In early part of freeze, slush and ice dammed up at Chugachik Island at a 23' tide level creating a dam. Ice behind was at about 18' elevation. Yule rode his horse across the bay to Bear Cove. -Kilsher used the beaches extensively for travel during the winters. -No fishing when ice gets really bad. -Wants contingency funding to compensate fishermen for demon- stratable damages from ice from the project -e.g., for clearing ice our of harbor or for damage to boats. -Very critical of previous ice study. " ' ..• 16 " I 11 t<j_ " .. •9 •• .• .• ., •I ,, ,·'!?H-,, ,, .• ,, 2u ·~· •• ,,, " '" ~~]I .;!4 11 " 21 ' ., " ,, " •• iS' u (0 " ?0 19 " " ) •• " ,'] n ,, ' ,. 19 .. ,. " {I ll • 1}'#-) _J'*tJJ . 18 ,, '" II .• n ,'I ,04 \ I " ,, II " .. .ltl 'J•! II ,",IIi '" .. ~ ~ -'l• ';tl>• ~ 10 JO "' JU ,>1 Ill J', " ,, " .. ., ~/] 01 .:;,..,,1\Aiaootl!/ : 02 . 11: ·~ •: •; oo " ... 9 8; -. ~~,,,. ~;I " 6; " " " .. t . .. " " .. " ' > ~.,!' ll ' 1·.!, ':!~ ,.,'!:,~~ y 2& 11 10 " ' 2'0 .r'(l· " " ~1\)t~<lq, ll ·10 •-o:l ~ '.J.!• '-,1;' .. '! .'I 21 .''• .... •.. ,. J1 " ,o -1,)1} ~~ -" 11 .. " ,, " .. ~ " - ll ll 22 " " " ,, I B ~ \ ,. -~ •l ... l{ "' 59 .......... -61 ""'···-. .. ... '" .. '" " " " , .. 111 tl S< ~ ~ ..... "• -. .....,, .. t (-· 0\ ·~ ~ ~ '\. ~ KILCHER ... ,. g522'. <> //! /. . //;f· 9 ••. \ :///., , .. · -;//// /~·:·/,, ·f\ I ~. ' REVIEW OF IC lNG STUDIES 12/12/86 AM REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Mike Sheppard {235-7486~ Box 2229, Homer) Occupation: Comm. Fish, Pottery Number of years living in Bomer: Since 1971 Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Deck hand Bave you seen ice in the harbor? Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Bave you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Bave you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions (Winds, Tempetatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions -Need about 2 weeks of cold temps before ice becomes apparent. Starts as brash or frazil ice lapping on the beach. May freeze to flats above MHHW. Ice from flats aprobably accounts for 90-95% of ice in bay. -Thinner clear freshwater ice is more dangerous for loosing gear and causing damage. Thin ice forms with cold, clear, calm weather. It can form very rapidly -1/2 to 1 inch. You can see front move. Has heard of thin ice forming 5 times since 1971 and has personally seen it twice. Thin ice doesn't form on the north side of the bay. -Thinks the Bradley Project will be a big ice generator. Thinks large freshwater in flow followed by a cold snap will cause a major ice problem. -Has problems with ice report; doesn't see how fresh water will mix with sea water. c a: <C a. a. w ~ rn 1 t E' ~ " "' !>! ' ., N ' - "' "' ~-= " <! ~ ':i " - '" " -" ;2 " " " "' ! " ~ ~ " • -? '!! " r -, ·.-- ': " !! ;2 " " ~-"' ' ~r\~ t. l;; ~ ~ ,o, j -~ ~ ,· ~ .. ~ ""J.- ~ ~ ~ " , :f. .: .. ... ., ·~ ~ :0 "j. !l II ~- I ~ .. %, .. ::; ~ .. , -t_ -"' ... ~ " ,.....·~ ~ ~ ~\ " ;; ; • ~-:;; Ul I' I LL~ oc ~ sr-wUl >o wz 0:::_ u 12/12/86 AM REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Bill Choate (235-3925~ Box 493, Homer) Occupation: Comm. Fish., Diver Number of years living in Bomer: 39 years Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? 3 boats -salmon, halibut, and crab Have you seen ice in the harbor? Numerous times Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Numerous times Time {Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time {Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions {Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions Conditions for ice formation -Forms at head of bay and in Mud Bay, at Mud Bay ice builds more than being formed. -Normally forms when temps drop to 20°F or less and faster when windy. -Once Bay water gets down to 29°F, ice can form very rapidly. -In all small bays on south side, fresh water accumulates and freezes, winds and tides take it out. -Big tides and strong winds normally move ice out. Types of ice Floes - 1 ft to 10 acres in size, usually stays within 1 mile of shoreline near harbor. -Freshwater ice -clean, forms in coves. ~ Brash ice -slush. Other Checks boat in harbor 2-3 times a week in winter. -Bad years 1971-72 winter? 1972-73 winter? Once broke a shaft in ice outside harbor and walked on ice to shore -chunks 3-4' thick and somewhat frozen together. -Previous study doesn't make sense with regards to mixing. Can normally see plumes for some distance offshore. From diving have seen a 6" thick freshwater lens 1/2 mile offshore. w 1-<( 0 ~ 0 t~- §...g :- ...._ i-8 ........... :::: ... .,.. t,i..! ,,-:_~ ;-, ~-~'--""--' --~ IN O• "' ' 1! ': .. ': ~ < ~ T- ~ = " " I I ~ ~ ' '· " \ ''./. ::::::.-~ \,;.\~~ ... ~ ': ': ~ ': : ~ ': ~ ? .... (1)7 ': 0 ~, ..1 ~~-- ~ ;; 1': ~-N M N N "i ':: . ~ . ~ • / i) •' :-.?'' 0 Q :"-J i ~ ~-- :; '; :::; -~ ~ ~ -~ ;!' \ ;;t ~ :___~, ::! <C)% C\4 ~ ~ :!::: ~ ::"< '<"l ;; 1l! 7<: ~ -. (f) u_W oo :::::::::> sr-w(f) >(.9 wz 0:::_ u 12/12/86 PM REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Virgo and Fred Anderson (235-8725; Box 115, Homer) Occupation: Comm. Fish. (Kristian) Number of years living in Bomer: Since 1924 Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? various boats, present Kristian -58' Have you seen ice in the harbor? Numerous occasions Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Numerous occasions Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions Conditions for ice formation -varies greatly from year to year. -Dependent on how much snow and cold weather with heavy snow, get lots of slush ice. Types of ice -Slush ice -get with heavy snow -can almost cover entire inner bay except deeper areas. -Pans -up to 1 ft thick, snow weighs down pans, floods and builds ice thickness. Ridges 4-5' can form. -Anchor ice -usually comes in spring thaw in late March, can be 6-8' thick and 20-30' in dia. Source of ice -Head of bay. -Flats along north side of inner Bay. -Coal Bay. Timing -Can have ice for 2 months during period Jan thru March. -Ice normally doesn't build up to harbor until after X-mas, have most problems in Jan and Feb. Other -There was much more flow in most rivers 50 years ago, glaciers have melted back quite a bit and some glaciers are completely gone now. -Haven't had really bad ice for past 10-15 years. It was really cold in the 1920s. -Not many problems navigating with steel hulled vessels such as Kristian, wood boats can have real problems. -Ice occurs in winter with NE winds and cold weather, especially with snow on the flats. -Have seen 6" sheet in harbor (late 60s?} -formed locally. Snow got on top of ice, depressed it and flooded and formed thicker. -About 1940 -entire dock went out at spit. -Virgo and Fred were in lower 48 building a boat during the 1946/47 severe winter. z 0 (JJ a: w 0 z < l-! ........... /-t ,~:::. .... ~''! ··' .... < ... :~ " ii " . ~ • _::!r:._·· •;;_;;:,~::....':!1.'. ---I ---f I . , (}) LL~ oc sr-w!JJ >C) wz et:_ u 12/12/86 PM REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Joel Moss (235-8735) Occupation: Ex-mining engr., comm. fish. Number of years living in Bomer: Peterson Bay '46-'67, Homer '67 to present Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Have you seen ice in the harbor? Numerous times Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Numerous times Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year} Describe (Location, Type of Damage, costs} Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions -Most ice forms at head of bay. -Beach ice comes in with wind and is in layers, can easily be 4-5' thick. Will stay quite long, especially in Mud Bay. Westerly winds will disperse it offshore. -In recent years ice problems have been less with warmer winters. Fishermen are no longer use to operating/coping with ice. -Prior to mid 1970s, usually some sort of ice pr~blem by early Nov. Ice worst by end of Feb and usually gone by April. -Can get freshwater ice in Tutka Bay and Halibut Cove. Grows best with cold, calm weather. -Anchor ice forms on beaches. When it comes off the beach on high tides it moves down the north side of the bay. This ice can be extremely thick and hard. -Pan ice can be found in patches 1-2 acres or more and consists of chunks other ice, also some small smooth stretches. Most comes from head of the bay. Pan ice can get up to 2 or 3 feet thick and probably mostly form beach ice (refrozen pieces). Not sure if this is fresh or salt water ice. -Ice can form in salt water with low tides and cold weather. -Can get slush ice in open water 6" thick (est). -Worst ice in early March of 1956 (at least at Peterson Bay). Shut everything down for awhile. -Wife kept daily diary of max/min temps and general conditions. Ice was fairly normal occurrence so not always mentioned. -Has a number of photos which were reviewed: Jan '69 -Extensive ice in harbor, Mid -late Jan '71? Harbor completely frozen in and could walk anywhere; worst Joel had seen; ice est at 1 ft thick with 2-3' drifts on top. Can obtain photo on request, March 28, 1964 Photo of harbor after EQ; pieces of beach ice seen. -Joel indicates there is noticeably less ice in glaciers. -Common to get ice in harbor now and doesn't believe added water from Bradley will cause problems. -Others to see: Yule Kilcher -homesteader. Steve Zawistowski -trapper at head of bay. rn rn 0 ~ -::.,· 7 ~ --- ·~~1 1 --I ,_;y. I, ~~ "" r . ' c i ·"I ;: \ "' ~· '· £ -Clf 4) -~ ; (.) -x c 4) 0 f ;; % 00~ .f: < (J) w LL_ oo =:> sr--w(J) >u wz 0:::_ u 12/13/86 BKFT REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACHEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Garland Blanchard (235-7917) Occupation: Cornm. Fish. (Dungie/Tanner) Number of years living in Homer: 6 years Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Steel boat Have you seen ice in the harbor? Numerous times Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Numerous times Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions Ice formation -Ice forms at head of bay with 25 mph winds and 20°F temps. Prevailing direction is NNE -When temps drop to 0°F you can have major ice problems -Skim of ice first Village by Nov 1. early Nov -March 6 years. forms on marshlands up bay from Russiana This ice is usually frozen solid during or early April. Has occurred for 5 of past -Thicker pancake ice normally forms between Russian Village and Chugachik Is. throughout winter. Pancake ice is slough-off from skim ice area. Size of pancake ice: 5-50 ft dia, 6" to 3' thick. -Most ice in bay is generated in pancake ice area between Russian Village and Chugachik Is. Head of Bay MHH,W-l ~:::::----'----::--- Types of ice Russian Village Freshwater ice -harder; takes longer to melt Saltwater ice -softer; melts quicker Ice Pancake ice -looks like pancakes when it breaks up Other Chugachik Is. -Common to have ice during Nov -March/Apr uncommon not to have ice in harbor at times between Dec and Mar. -Rule of thumb by locals -if you don't get ice in the harbor by Dec 15, its going to be a non-ice year (skim of ice in entire harbor). -Wood boats normally have to wait to get out of harbor when ice is present. On ebb, ice moves against spit. On flood, ice is pushed back up bay and spreads out a bit allowing wook boats to get through. -During spring, warm weather and sunshine trigger breakup at head of bay (Froze solid area). this ice normally all moves out over a very short period -say 2-3 weeks -but sometimes it takes 1-1 1/2 months. This usually occurs around April. -Normal for ice to move along north shore, around spit and out of inner bay with NNE wind. -With 30 MPH WSW wind it will spread out over the entire bay. -Saw ice completely packed in from tip of spit to McNeil Canyon twice in past 6 years (Jan 1981? and Jan 1983?). -Heard of ice further out in 1961? from Bill Bartillio. -Garland normally fishes dungies from May -Dec fishes from inside Chugachik Is. and aloang north side of inner bay to spit. -Fishes Tanners in Jan -Feb near Chugachik Is. -Biggest concern is if a problem develops-how could it be mitigated -could you stop or reduce flow. -Get high currents around Chugachik Island at early flood tide, up to 6-8 kts on large tide. c a: < :::r:::: (J z < ..J m "'-~~,< q, ~"-( .. G) .. () 0 0 G) .:.:. as () c as a. e .1:. () ... ~\~ .. c ::I :. 0 t~ H- t~ -.......... ;:i-...,! $. ~{._ ~ ... .:: , ... ,, .... -~ ---- ~ c \ G) G) 0 ;; ~CD. ar r= ~ ~ ~ {' ·~-,;;-­ ~ / ' •. "' ·.l. ~ ~~'+_-'·~-- UJ LL:, oo =::J sr-wUJ >u wz cr:_ u 12/13/86 AM REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACHEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Steve Zawistowski (235-6539, Mile 18, East Bay Rd) Occupation: Fox farmer, Trapper, Comm. Fish, mail boat contract 1946-50 Number of years living in Homer: Since 1930 in various areas incl Martin R. (1930-33), Bear Cove ( 1930-44), Seldovia, Homer Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Have you seen ice in the harbor? Numerous times Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Numerous times Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs) weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions Ice formation -Usually with NE winds and cold temps. -Flats freeze up first, 2-3" and more with snow and higher tides. -Big tides move ice around. Types of ice -Drift ice -includes pan ice and slush, probably mixture of freshwater and saltwater ice. -Freshwater ice -forms at head of bay and is generally thin. -Shore ice -dirty, mix of fresh and salt water. Other -Bear Cove normally gets ice for about 1 month -normally Feb. Ice only at head of bay most years and usually 1 inch or less thick. -About 6 or 8 yrs ago the Russian boats froze in and later lifted off with the big tides and floated back and forth in the bay for some time. -Extreme ice in Feb 1947. Froze solid above spit and held for 2 weeks. Main ice floes were 3 1/2 -4' thick. During this period they had sunshine and 22 days where temp didn't get above 0°F. Ice finally broke up with warm weather and big tides. When it finally went it took out the city dock. -According to old timers, the bay froze up completely in 1919. -Other bad years -1932, 1943. -Last 5-6 years haven't been cold and not much ice. -Has only seen 3 winters when no real ice at all; last winter was almost like that; 1925/26 winter -rivers didn't freeze per old timers. -Doesn't have any recollection/association of ice forming after large freshwater inflows in winter. -Dock history First dock -Coal loading dock -destroyed by fire 2nd dock -Built in mid 30s -took out in 1947 3rd dock -some damage -Many of the big glaciers have receded severed miles or so. -including Sheep Ck Glacier. Not much left of Fox River Glacier any more. -Icebergs are carried into the harbor because you have a large harbor and real small entrance -this causes strong currents at the mouth which suck in ice from outside. 19 ... ~ -1/ 23 It> " o9 ·~ ·'- .. ,u_ •I o9 I --./ -le 19 " 23' :-.J!~I 16 Jl:l .~ 17 ' " !4.:4 .' '" II . i" I 17 r "' I 1.-~ ~14 "-)24 I I, !>/ol' ~~~:i?' 15. ~~-2':' i" . (:'0 18 " 16 -15 19 19 15 18 ,, IS 19 20 19 19 " ' 19 '·, " ~··_;·r-> ~ r· ,, 1 IY• },\~\0 ............ __ , fl . 15 '" 1 / 19 23 £2 ~ ~ 14 I 19 I ~-',~ 18 " 19 " "' 1!L :!t. 23 '17 ( 2'1 20 I~ " " 16. .. _Lij, " 22 21 ~()l'!q w.trt!S ' 1/ 9, ) r7 10, r-., lb . r·. 9 hj '--1."{ ~n S lp r ~noreD! ( 1 "--....._,_ 6 ~~ ', • ('i) " tJI _..-~j II ~ • 5, - I ' 6, 16 t ~~-.... ,. r ' 17 II ~-1 19 II lb 18 .. .. I~ 15 n\y· .. " " II :- ~ -~ .,~'J 5 rr .':.lu>bll fll51 I' lOs ' j Nmr m~•!a 1> 21 1 . " 18 ~·~ I I!} II tB 2'>--. ~1).. :.'4 2::.0 ~ ·.:. • \',111 ;. .:kl •~~" ,,. til _IS lt'4 t1J~n t 38 ' '·'<vv lb 'jj ~! '" ~i~~ ~\'r',JU ,. JO "' ~'J ,,, !I ~.I 21 , 11:1 ~·u 2b ... ~ ~ 41.> J? .. -'511?:, .. ~ (7, '0 " " '" 52 ·' ~. .!'J ,''1 j) 12 " " " ... " 1>. " ~ " " " 17 10 I 1,· ;.Jt• " " ,, I' OT 21 ( , • .-() l'·•lt flJ ., '" Has times \. ZAWISTOWSKI '- _/' ':' 'f~~~c REVIEW OF ICING STUDIES 12/13/86 PM REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Homer Museum Occupation: Number of years living in Bomer: Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Have you seen ice in the harbor? Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions Museum has only one photo of ice in bay. Taken by Bill Wakeland in 1947 from McNeil Canyon. Bill is now in Anchorage and he has negatives. Museum ID# 827715. Janet Klein works in museum M-T-W, Bam to Spm and is in Anchorage this weekend a: w :::! 0 J: i "' ~ " " ~ ~ J ~ : I "' 1 -:-; ~ ~ " ~ 'II ] ~ " t '!! " " " ;a ., "' ~ i . '~ 0 "' ::: ,~ ~ ~. "' ~ "' '] I! ll ;; !I "' 0 . ~' I -. ~ 12/13/86 via telephone REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Bob Herring (235-8029) Occupation: Ship Pilot Number of years living in Bomer: Since 1971 Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Have you seen ice in the harbor? Numerous times Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Numerous times Time {Month, Year) Describe {Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) ~ Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe {Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions {Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions General types -Drift ice comes down from head of bay, pans 5-20' in diameter plus brash. -Sea ice forms in Mud Bay when you get 0°F weather for a few weeks, it is laminated by successive freezing by successive tides. -Sea ice also forms in the small boat harbor with 0°F temp. Can grow to 1 ft thick. Other -Generally get some ice in the harbor every year. -Past 6-10 years have been fairly mild and have been able to cope with ice in pilot boat. -It was much colder in the early 1970s. During 1971-76 had bad ice in harbor every year and could have problems getting in and out of harbor for about a 2 week period. He recalled loosing the rudder once and having prop damage several other times. -Ice moves aqloang spit with N wind and into the small boat harbor. If you get a lot of cold weather, the ice can weld together. -Worst ice he has seen was ice within 1 mile of spit, 100% coverage. 12/13/86 PM Telephone REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACHEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Clem Tillion (296-2207, Halibut Cove) Occupation: Boat operator, etc Number of years living in Bomer: 39 yrs Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Yes Have you seen ice in the harbor? Numerous occasions Time {Month, Year) Description {Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions {Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Numerous occasions Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions -Feshwater pans form from snow, rain and runoff -Bad ice areas: Mud Bay, Bear Cove, and head of bay. Bear Cove and head of bay get much colder temps than rest of bay -comes in from interior. -Brash ice forms at head of bay -most ice form head of bay accumulates in Mud Bay. Need a number of factors to get a really bad ice year -low tidal range, calm winds and cold weather for sustained period of time. -Ice i~ Mud Bay gets 1-2 ft thick and can stack 2-3 high during cold weather. -Normally boats can have proablems getting in and out of harbor 1-3 weeks each winter. -Bad years 1946/47 -Froze over from Gull Is to spit 1956 -Froze over Bear Cove to Homer -Took out city dock, see Larry Farnen. 1973 -Took 2 hrs to get boats out of harbor using pilot boat During bad years, freshwater effects can be north of a slightly curved line between tip of spit and mouth of Fritz Creek -Past 10 years have been mild, El Nino has resulted in warmer ocean waters along coast: would need 2-3 severe winters to get water temps back down. -Thermocline 2-5 fathoms down depending on winds and waves. Below thermocline temps range from near 50°F in summer to high 30°Fs in winter. Prevailing currents fro inner bay -in on south side and out on north side -influence ice movement in winter. 12/13/86 PM REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Jim Sink (235-7771) Occupation: Helicopter Pilot Number of years living in Bomer: 3 yrs Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Helicopter save you seen ice in the harbor? Every winter Time (Month, Year} Description (Location, Type and Thickness} Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Every winter Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or floa~ plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions -Normally get patches of ice in boat harbor every year. One year (1984?) heard people were walking on it. -Ice usually worst in February. -Ice normally first appears around freshwater sources {intertidal channels). Has seen some of this shore ice 2' thick. Most ice is right along shoreline, particularly around river mouths. Has seen occasional ice throughout northern half of inner bay with some isolated floes up to 1/2 mile across. Has only seen up to 1/10 coverage max in this area. " I I" 19 JJ lli /-I" 2J· 16 11:1 ,~· 124' 11 , r, /" I u -~ r -~" 1 24 ,. 18 I~ 19 20 19 ) 119, -~\q\0 --...... ...... i'l 15 19 ,lij· " 1 _JJI $ I" 18 .• 19 19 .'b .:'5 -4b Jl ' 3f!.?_:,.,~ !.12 -41 '" . Sund~S, l o; II < 1/ 17 1 "· 19 '11 I 10 " ( .. 12 -~ 15 II >: 11 lb ll 18 .. ,. I> " IJ 05 " " nly· " .• f _!~ ll " t 19 11 ! _-....,_ -~~ I I> . I > ~ .,~' 11 u-.,.~~toi.NI fl {51 v 20/j ., • '·i· "'~'"'"'"'" ' . , 18 21 \ J-r---l'\ •• '.>2• ~.';! 'i,_.. '" ,• ..... \ I . .!I " ,,. " ~ ., 's " I) ,,, )) I) " ,. ,, ( 1,.f"(j ""It: /II 16 ,. ((II.$,! ~eo.; 51 .. 3J M 23 ~- Extent::. (iltU Solid Ulllllo!l '-" SINK REVIEW OF IC lNG STUDIES 12/14/86 AM REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: Louie Strutz (234-6211) Occupation: Boat yard in Mud Bay Number of years living in Bomer: Since 1954 Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Have you seen ice in the harbor? Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions -Has a workshop right on bluff at Mud Bay -Ice is really different from year to year. Can get ice 3 or 4 times per year as early as November. Sometimes there hasn't been ice till Jan. Last 9-10 years have been light years. -Ice first forms at the head of Mud Bay -Some sheet ice forms locally (6-7", if you have a cold period for 2 weeks it can form real fast. -Chunk ice comes in from elsewhere. This ice is big enough to haul in boulders as big as a table -he has actually seen this happen. Chunk ice can get 3-4' thick with pans up to 50' across. -Ice forms on the shore and can get up to 3' thick. Haven't seen shore ice to speak of for 9 or 10 years. -With a couple of cold days, lots of slush ice can be seen at the head of Mud Bay. -Harbor used to get ice any time in the winter with cold snap. Sometimes get 4-5" ice in the harbor and can walk from boat to boat. In these cases, smaller boats wait till the big ones leave, then follow them out. -Snow on the ground has been about 1/4 of what it used to be. It's really warmed up in Homer. -Boat damage from ice has been fairly minimal. Thick Shore Ice ..---full of cracks -Tides can move ice in fairly but it usually takes longer to move it out. NE winds bring ice in and SW winds move it out. N ..... ;:::) a: l-en '.:: :: '.:: l t! "'' ~ " ':: ·., ': " ~ "' ~· '£ ~ ., .... , c: 0 () • " "' " " ' _, T :;; ~ ~ (/) w w_ oo :=J 51-w(f) >o wz 0::_ u 12/14/86 AM REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS KACBEMAK BAY ICE FORMATION STUDY Name: John Cunningham Occupation: Lives on bluff 1/2 mile NW of spit Number of years living in Bomer: Since 1970 Do you own or operate a boat or airplane (if yes, describe)? Have you seen ice in the harbor? Time (Month, Year) Description (Location, Type and Thickness} Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever seen ice in other areas of the bay? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type and Thickness) Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Have you ever had boat, gear or float plane damage from ice? Time (Month, Year) Describe (Location, Type of Damage, Costs} Weather Conditions (Winds, Temperatures) Other Comments? Extreme Ice Conditions Types of Ice Normal and Extreme Winter Oceanographic Conditions Normal and Extreme Winter Hydrologic Conditions -Casual comments during interview with Louie Strutz. -1970-75 were bitter cold winters. Berms of ice formed on the beaches. It's been much warmer during the last 10 years. -Have seen pans go by when temps drop to 0°F. -Has never seen the bay completely iced over. APPENDIX B REVIEW COMMENTS APPENDIX B REVIEW COMMENTS Review comments for the interim report for the Review of Icing Studies dated March 5, 1987 were requested from the following individuals and/or groups: 1. Residents of Homer, Alaska 2. D.C. Burbank -Alaska Department of Fish and Game 3. J.M. Colonell-Entrix, Inc. 4. L.W. Gatto -Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory 5. J.P. Gosink and T.E. Ostercamp-University of Alaska, Fairbanks 6. S.F. Daly -Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory This appendix provides copies of written comments received as well as responses to those comments. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY COLO REGIONS RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY, CORPS OF ENGINEERS HANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03755-1290 Geological Sciences Branch Mr. David R. Eberle Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Mr. Eberle: 31 March 1987 Thanks for the opportunity to review the Interim Report. I've attached my comments and included two reports Mr. Britch may find useful. I'd like to get a copy of the final report when it becomes available. Encls. Sincerely, Lawrence W. Gatto Geologist Geological Sciences Branch •· Interim·Report, "Review of Icing Studies, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project," by Robert P. Britch Northern Technical Services, Inc. Comments by Lawrence W. Gatto USACRREL (31 March 1987) l. p. 2-6: The last sentence is incomplete. Something is missing on the bottom of p. 2-6 or the top of p. 2-7. 2. Table 2-6 should have units, cfs, shown somewhere. 3. p. 3-l: I am skeptical about the accuracy of the information obtained in response to questions #1, 2 and 6. Someone's recollection of past events and conditions can be very poor and inaccurate. 4. p. 3-1: lt3 should say ". . . where ice occurs " 5. p. 3-2 to 3-4: Much of the percentages, thicknesses and other information given on dominant ice types are just guesses. 6. p. 3-7: Disagreement on specifics is common when based on memory, i.e. two versions of ice extent during 1946-1947 from Zawistowski and Kilcher. 7. Section 4.3: Tides and currents are probably not much different on average from winter to winter. Real controlling factor is air temperature with minor effects from winds, snow and inflows. 8. Figures 4-1 and 4-2 do not agree with Tables 2-2 and 2-3, respectively. For example, in 1947, there were 22 days when the average daily air temperature fell below 0°F, not one day as shown in Figure 4-2; 1946 had 14 days not 35. Very confusing. 9. Comments in Section 5.4 regarding my report were fair and true. On reading this Interim Report, I found it satisfying that my satellite imagery observations, however limited, agree with general ground observations on ice distribution and movement. 10. I don't see how section 6.3.2 and the Vangen Power Station section (p. 6-5) contribute to the topic of this report. Why include them? 11. p. 6-ll: Shouldn't footnote read, "Complete citations provided in Section 9.0, Bibliography"? 12. p. 8-7, Section, first line: "Measurements ... " RESPONSE TO L. GATTO COMMENTS 1. Part of the sentence was omitted from the draft. This has been corrected. 2. A footnote has been added to reflect the units. 3. Many of the persons interview~d appeared to have an excellent recollection of past events and several had logs or diaries they referred to. overall, we feel that we had a very consistent story from most persons. 4. The sentence has been modified. 5. While some discrepancies were noted in specific numbers, we feel that the local observations do provide an approximate range of values to be expected. Based on our experience elsewhere in Cook Inlet, none of the numbers appeared to be totally out of line. 6. Discrepancies between these two individuals is probably a result of the timing and extent of observations. Overall, we can probably conclude that the event was likely extreme. 7. The intent of this section was to indicate that ice conditions can be different if they are going through a low range or a high range. 8. These inconsistencies have been corrected. 9. Comment noted. 10. All information obtained, regardless of its specific relevance to the project, was included in the report. 11. This has been corrected in the final report. 12. This has been corrected in the final report. Mr. David R. Eberle Project r·1anager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99519-0809 Dear ~1r. Eberle: April 1, 1987 Re: Review of Icing Studies-Interim Report Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project \~e would like to make a few brief comments regarding the above review document, referring particularly to pages 5-4 and 5-S. A detailed reevalu- ation would require assessment of data obtained since the report was comp 1 e ted. 1) He disagree with the statement that ice production on the beach is I the predominant mechanism for production of ice in the inner bay. This form of ice production is much more visible and is therefore easily 1 observed by local residents. However, the much larger water surface area and expected fresh water lens area offer considerably greater exposure for surface heat loss. 2) It is unclear whether the Corps of Engineers (COE, 1982) study of vertical temperature profiles in Bradley Lake is the same study which we cited in our report (see figures 6, 7, 8 and 9). If it is, note that water temperatures at the 50 ft. depth nearer the tailrace (stations 13 and 14) are considerably warmer than temperatures further away (station 12), typically about 3°C. We have included a table of temperature oro- files from several glacial lakes in Southcentral Alaska. Note that at the 50 ft. (15 m) depth the temperature is typically about 2°C. Our ca 1 cula ti ons for "net ice production due to entering fresh water" 2 were based on the assumption that the discharge would be taken from near the lake bottom, and therefore a temperature of 4 oc was used in our calculations on page 27. This temperature produced a net ice production decrease. Note, however, that on page 28 we a 1 so ca 1 cul a ted the net ice production for a lake intake temperature of 2°C; this predicted that net ice production would be a factor of 10 less than present production. However, the calculations are indeed sensitive to the assumed lake intake temperature; when the lake intake temperature is assumed to be 1oC the net ice production increases to 4.7 • 10 10 g/day or a factor of 2.5 higher than at present. Geophysical Institute, University ot Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-0800 PHONE: 907-474-7558 T&LEX: 35414 GEOPH INST FSK FAX: 907-4 74-7290 TELEMAIL: GEOPH.INST.FSK Mr. David R. Eberle Page Two April 1, 1987 Temperature at depth in a lake are difficult to predict. We refer you to the publication, Northern Lake Modeling, J. P. Gosink, Cold Regions Science and Technology, in press. The article should be available within one or two months, or if you prefer, we could send you a xerox copy of the draft. We most certainly recommend that the tailrace intake be located as deep as possible in the lake to obtain maximum water temperature through the ta i1 race. · l 4 3) We agree with the conclusion on page 7-7 that the rate of mixing of 1 the seawater and freshwater has a large effect on the potential for and timing of ice production, such that increased mixing decreases ice 5 production. This was also stated in our conclusions (page 32), and the effect is quantified in terms of the fresh water lens area, AL. 4) The control volume specified on page 14-15 is the entire bay, from I 6 Homer Spit to the beaches at the head of the bay. 5) Our analysis of the lens area was a conservative (large) estimate. The proportionality between Froude number and fresh water lens area (page 44) is most appropriate for a quiescent basin. If additional mixing is introduced by tidal fluctuations, we would expect that the fresh water lens area would decrease, and consequently, that the net ice production rate would decrease. Similarly, the use of bubble systems to mix fresh and salt water, as recommended by Carstens, would decrease net ice production. If further questions and additional reanalysis is required, it may be necessary to formulate an agreement of work. Please let us know the extent of reevaluation required. Sincerely, ..:_~ ·f/ :// ':V . 1 . /_---:1-C""'"""'.J-::;.. •J J. P. Gosink Associate Professor of Geophysics ;r:P~ T. E. Osterkamp Professor of Physics and Geophysics JPG/sgf Deeth (m) 0.0 0.5 1 .0 1 .5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 . 26.0 27.0 27.5 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 ~0.0 42.0 44.0 48.0 50.0 52.0 56.0 60.0 TEMPERATURE PROFILES ON APRIL 16, 1982 SELECTED GLACIAL LAKES -SOUTHCENTRAL ALASKA :,.. ·. -. ·, Kenai L. Skilak L. Tustamena L. -Eklutna 1. 4 2.0 2.1 2.1 . 2.2 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.8 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 0.8 2.3 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 ' 0.9 (@ 0.2 m) 1. 0 .• 1.6 2.0 2. 6. .. 3.3 2.0 3.4 .. 3.5 2.0 3.5 1.9 3.5 1. 9 3.6 1. 9 3.6 1. 9 3.6 1.9 3.6 1. 9 3.6 1. 9 3.6 2.0 3.6 3.6 1.9 2.0 L. RESPONSE TO COMMENTS BY J. GOSINK AND T. OSTERCAMP 1. The presence of a cold intertidal area will in effect provide another surface for heat loss to occur: and when considering local effects at the head of the inner bay, this can be a significant factor which needs to be evaluated. When considering the entire inner bay; however, this effect is perhaps less important, particularly during periods of extreme cold weather. 2. The temperature data indicated in your report appears to be inc om p 1 e t e • 0 t t W ate r ( 1 9 8 1 ) p r o v ides prof i 1 e s which indicate that near freezing ( 2° C or less) lake water temperatures can occur throughout Bradley Lake. In order to be conservative, the coldest water temperatures should be assumed. 3. We would appreciate receiving a copy of this report when it is finalized. 4. We agree. 5. Comment noted. 6. As a theoretical analysis, it would be of interest to use a control volume which includes the entire inner bay. However, based on information obtained during interviews with local residents, we expect that oceanographic and meteorological conditions at the head of the inner bay are somewhat different than those which occur as an average over the entire inner bay. As such, we feel that it is also important to consider a control volume which includes only the head of the inner bay. 7. While we feel that your analysis was conservative in some respects, it is our opinion that the effects of heat losses to the intertidal area represent a very significant factor which must be considered in an analysis which considers a much smaller control volume which includes only the head of the inner bay. 8. The merits of using a bubbler system should be assessed once the near-field (head of the bay) effects are known. -'........., -· i ... ~ u Lt U ~ ' i J ' ;:; '. ! l \.::;.. J I I I I STEVE COK'f'flt GOVERNOR DEPARTl+IENT OF FISH AND GA1+1E April 16, 1987 Mr. David R. Eberle Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Dear Hr. Eberle: 333 RASPBERRY ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518·1599 PHONE: (907) 344.0541 Subject: Review of Icing Studies -Interim Report Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Thank you for the opportunity to review the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project icing report. David Burbank, who did the circulation studies in Kachemak Bay for the Department of Fish and Game_ is sailing somewhere in the South Pacific and was not immediately available to review the aforementioned report. I will forward it to him in hopes that he will receive it and respond, because he does have a great deal of knowledge about oceanographic. processes in Kachemak Bay. Sincerely, ~a sky Regional Supervisor Region IV Habitat Division environmental and engineering excellence ANCHORAGE, ALASKA NEWBURY PARK, CALIFORNIA FORT COLLINS, COLORADO WASHINGTON, D.C. LOMBARD, ILLINOIS CONCOR~MASSACHUSETTS PITISBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA DALLAS, TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS SEATILE, WASHINGTON NORTEC A DIVISION OF ERT (907) 276-4302 (805) 499-1922 (303) 493-8878 (202) 463-6378 (312) 620-5900 (617) 369-891 0 (412) 261-2910 (214) 960-6855 (713) 520-9900 (206) 881-7700