HomeMy WebLinkAboutCordova Reconnaissance Study 1979ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Ll BRARY COPY DO NOT REMOVE FROM OFFICE RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF HYDROPOWER SITES NEAR CORDOVA, ALASKA for Department of the Army Alaska District, Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 7 002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 by CH2M HILL Engineering of Alaska, Inc. 310 K Street, Suite 602 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Contract No. DACW85-79-J-0019 Kl2927.CO l11 • • • .. •• •• SUMMARY This reconnaissance study was conducted to determine if hydropower development can replace all or portions of the diesel-generated power for the city of Cordova and the surrounding area. Cordova is located on the south-central coast of Alaska, approximately 160 miles southeast of Anchorage. The city is situated on Orca Inlet near the eastern entrance to Prince William Sound, east from Hawkins Island. The extent of the settlement is confined by Mt. Eyak to the north, the abrupt foothills of the Heney Range to the south, Eyak Lake to the east, and Orca Inlet to the west. Most of the city's develop- ment occurs on a low divide between the waters of Orca Inlet and Eyak Lake, on the foothills of Mt. Eyak, and along both the north and south shores of Eyak Lake. Fishing and fish processing have continued to be the primary economic activities in the city. All small hydropower sites identified in the scope of work have been studied without the aid of actual site visits, which were prevented by poor weather conditions and time constraints. In addition to a study of these small hydro- power sites, an analysis and review was carried out on previously studied alternatives on Power Creek prepared by A&L Engineering, Harstad-Galliett, and Marks Engineering. Energy requirements were projected for the city of Cordova for the period from 1979 to 2030. The present worth of the diesel generation to meet these requirements was calculated by assuming that diesel fuel would escalate 0 percent, 2 percent, and 5 percent faster than the general inflation rate. Reconnaissance-level cost estimates were prepared for seven potential small hydropower sites by use of cost curves and other criteria, as shown in appendix B. All development concepts with the exception of Crater Lake were considered as run-of-the-river type projects. The cost for previously studied small hydropower sites on Power Creek was updated to October 1979 prices. Of the four alternatives proposed for Power Creek, two were run-of-the-river type and two were storage development concepts. A comparison was made between the present worth of both the small hydropower sites and Power Creek alternatives and the present worth of the community's diesel needs for the next 50 years. Because of the large present worth of diesel generation to meet the community's future requirements and relative small present worth of hydropower, all sites passed iii the first screening effort. The next step was to compare the present worth of hydropower sites to the amounts of diesel that they would be expected to replace, again using a 50-year time frame and diesel fuel escalation costs of 0 percent, 2 percent, and 5 percent. This analysis revealed that only two small hydropower sites out of seven were feasible. All three alternatives proposed for Power Creek appeared to be feasible. The conclusions of this reconnaissance-level investigation are that ~orne hydropower develQpJ!l~Il._!: _j.n __ t}l~_ immediate area of Cordova lS a feasible alterrr~tive to diesel generation. Because of the size of the watersheds and hydrologlc cycles, which are typical of south-central Alaska, other types of power, such as diesel generation, would have to be used to take care of the remainder of the community's needs. On the basis of the screening process developed in chapter 5, it is recommended that a detailed feasibil~study, with the benefit of a site visit, be made on the small hydropower sites on Humpback Creek and Crater Lake. The most desirable alternative on Power Creek, in light of geotechnical obstacles and other unknowns related to con- trolling seepage in earth filled dams, is the proposed 5-MW run-of-the-river power plant at mile 3.2 with provisions for staged development. It is recommended that additional geotechnic_~l_, __ _h_yQ_~ologis:_L q.ng_ environme-ntal stud-ies,-rncTUOin~a--mo-re _prec~f>_~ _cost estimate, be carried-out-onthemost de-sirable Power creek deve_!opment conc~p·c-------------d---------------------------------- Concurrently, a storage development concept upstream from mile 3. 2 should be investlgatea--to--produce additiorfal generation nexibij'ity. ----------- iv ... .. .. .. CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Summary Introduction Power Needs for Cordova Existing Power Requirements and Generating Facilities Review of Economic Conditions and Population Growth Future Energy Requirements Present Worth of Diesel Generation Assessment of Small Hydropower Sites Field Methods Hydrology Environmental Concerns Development Concept Community Hydropower Sites Power Creek Evaluation Previous Studies Power Demands Potential Hydropower Generation Feasibility Evaluation Conclusions Comparison of Community Power Needs and Hydropower Potential iii 1 5 5 6 9 10 13 13 13 14 15 17 23 23 26 26 28 28 33 Small Hydropower Site Screening Process 33 Power Creek Sites Screening Process 37 Bibliography 41 Appendixes A B c Physical Setting and History of Cordova Cost Estimates Operation and Maintenance Costs for Diesel Generation v A-1 B-1 C-1 TABLES 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Small Hydropower Sites Near Cordova Peak Demand and Annual Energy Projections for Cordova Present Worth of 50 Years of Diesel Generation at Cordova Small Hydropower Site Summary Power Creek Sites Summary Power Creek Project Demands and Potential Generation Present-Worth Comparison of Small Hydropower Sites and Diesel-Generating Alternative Present-Worth Comparison of Power Creek Hydro- power Sites and Community's Total Diesel Needs Present-Worth Comparison of Power Creek Hydro- power Sites and Diesel-Generation Alternative FIGURES 1. 2. 3. 4. Map of Cordova Area Humpback Creek and Crater Lake Sites Heney Creek, Hartney Creek, and Unnamed Falls Hydropower Sites Power Creek Hydropower Sites vii 3 10 11 18 25 27 36 39 39 2 19 21 33 •• Chapter 1 •• INTRODUCTION This report presents an evaluation of six drainage basins with potential hydropower sites in the Cordova, Alaska, area. The intent of the study was to identify the current and expected future power needs of the Cordova area and to evaluate potential hydropower sites. The evaluation was based on the ability of each site to meet the community's needs or at least to displace a portion of the increasingly more costly diesel fuel that is currently used for generation. The study covered the immediate Cordova area, as shown in figure 1. Because of the mountainous terrain and the high levels of precipitation and runoff, the region surrounding Cordova has a high hydropower development potential. The population of the region is small and the distance to most hydropower sites is great. Large hydropower projects are not feasible, since the cost of transmission interties to nearby communities--such as Valdez, for example, 55 miles to the north--is prohibitive. Cordova and other communities on Prince William Sound have developed their own means of generating electricity. Two groups of hydropower sites were studied. The first group includes seven sites in five separate drainage basins that were selected for reconnaissance-level investigations. All seven sites were identified in the scope of the study. No attempt to look for other nearby sites was made because that preliminary screening was accomplished by the Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. The intent of these reconnais- sance-level investigations is to identify which of the seven sites show enough promise to warrant more detailed feasibility studies. The second group of hydropower sites studied includes those on Power Creek which were the subject of previous engineering reports. These reports were written between 1949 and 1977 and reflect various alternatives in different reaches of Power Creek. The intent of this study is to update the cost estimates contained in these reports to 1979 levels and to compare the feasibility of each development concept. Approx- imate site distances to the city of Cordova are shown in table 1. 1 GULF OF ALASKA 5 r== Scale in 10 ==y Miles 15 20 I •• .. , FIGURE 1 MAP OF CORDOVA AREA 2 Table 1. SMALL HYDROPOWER SITES NEAR CORDOVA Number of Sites 1 2 2 1 1 3 Drainage Basins Humpback Creek Heney Creek Hartney Creek Crater Lake Unnamed Fa 11 s Power Creek Distance from Cordova 6 miles northwest 1-3/4 miles south 3 miles southwest 2-3/4 miles northeast 7 miles southwest 8 miles northeast Detailed information on Cordova, its electric utility, and its power needs is presented in chapter 2. Chapter 3 contains information on the proposed small hydroelectric sites that were studied at the reconnaissance level. Chapter 4 contains the review and analysis of the Power Creek hydropower sites. Chapter 5 is a comparison of the power needs and hydropower resources available from the small hydropower sites and Power Creek. Appendix A covers the physical setting of Cordova and gives a brief history of the area; appendix B presents cost data; and appendix C contains operation and maintenance costs for diesel generation. 3 •• Chapter 2 •• POWER NEEDS FOR CORDOVA This chapter presents the existing power requirements and generating facilities, the economic base that stimulates population growth in the Cordova area, and the anticipated energy requirements projected to the year 2030. The present worth of meeting those energy requirements with diesel generation is also given. EXISTING POWER REQUIREMENTS AND GENERATING FACILITIES The Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. (CEC~ supplies its customers in the city of Cordova and the surrounding area with electrical power through diesel generation. A review of 1978 records revealed a total generation of 15,307,000 kWh and a peak demand of 3,150 kW. The peak demand has histor- ically occurred in the summer months (July, August, and September) and relates to fish-processing activities in the area. While there has been a trend for annual energy distribution to become more uniform, the summer peaking characteristic of this maritime community with fish-processing activities will probably prevail through the next few years. Power consump- tions and customer classifications are recorded in the annual REA Form 7 (Financial and Statistical Report). Pertinent data from the 1978 tabulation are summarized as follows: 1978 Average Number of Customers by Class: Rural residential Town residential Small commercial (50 kVA or less) Large commercial (over 50 kVA) Total 1978 CEC generation * Peak 15-minute summer demand, August * Peak 15-minute winter demand, January * 150 535 235 8 15,307,000 kWh 3,050 kW 3,150 kW Trend in peaking has been as follows: Winter peaks are larger than preceding summer peaks. Summer peaks are larger than preceding winter peaks. Annual community load factor 55% The power needs are met through an existing generating plant made up of the following units: 5 One 600 kW Two 750 kW One 1,100 kW One 1,950 kW One 2,650 kW One 2,500 kW 10,300 kW nameplate total Under normal conditions, a diesel plant's firm capacity would be regarded as the nameplate capacity less the largest single unit. However due to the poor condition of some of the units, the firm plant capacity is estimated by CEC to be approximately only 5,000 kW. Power is distributed from the powerhouse through a 2,400-volt, 3-phase feeder to a 5-MVA 2.4/12.5-kV substation and switchyard. The distribution circuits from the switchyard include one 2,400-volt and three 7 ,200/12,740-volt lines. Modifications of the substation are underway to add an additional 5-MVA transformer to the substation and upgrade the existing 2.4-kV feeder to 12.5 kV. REVIEW OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS AND POPULATION GROWTH Economy Economic information for this study was obtained from the Cordova Comprehensive Development Plan (1976) and the review draft of the Cordova Coastal Management Program (1979), which is subject to change. The major contributors to Cordova's current economy are the 'fishing and fish-processing industry and the U.S. Coast Guard. These and other contributors to the city's economic base are briefly discussed below. Fishing and Fish Processing. Cordova is the center of fishing and fish-processing operations for Prince William Sound. The industry provides approximately one-half of the average annual full-time employment in Cordova. Local commercial catches include all five species of salmon, shrimp, herring, herring roe, halibut, razor clams, and king, Dungeness, and tanner crabs. The tanner (snow) crab fishery has been developed in the last 10 years. The fishery operates in the winter, thereby providing more year-round employment in a predominantly seasonal industry. The fishing and fish-processing industry is expected to experience steady growth in the future. The number of persons employed in the industry is projected to increase from the 1975 figure of approximatey 410 to 750 by 1990. 6 The fish-processing activity is expected to grow more than fish harvesting. Any major growth in the industry presently depends on success- ful rehabilitation of salmon runs in Prince William Sound by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the development of bottomfishing. Cordova is not expected to play a major role in future bottomfish development in Alaska. Oil and Gas Development. The northern Gulf of Alaska has long been considered by major oil companies as one of the most promising areas in the state for oil and gas develop- ment on the Outer Continental Shelf. The state has held six competitive offshore lease sales in the area since 1960. No oil has been discovered, and the last oil company exploratory platform was removed from the northern Gulf of Alaska in late 1978. Exploratory activities are expected to shift to the western Gulf of Alaska. If, however, exploratory activity resumes and is successful in the Middleton Island area, Cordova would serve as a primary support center for development. The city would serve only in a secondary support capacity for oil or gas development in the area between Cape Suckling and Icy Bay. Yakutat would be the primary support center for this area. Mining. Although mining, especially of copper, played a major role in the development of Cordova in the early 1900's, it is not expected to play an economic role in the future. Most of the copper produced in the state came from the Kennecott mines in the Chitina River valley north of Cordova between 1911 and 1938. (See appendix A.) These deposits are now believed to be largely depleted. Gold and silver are known to exist in the Cordova area, but deposits do not appear extensive enough to warrant investment in their extraction. Coal deposits also exist but are uneconomical to mine because of the complexity of the geologic formations in which they lie. Mining activities in the Cordova area are suspended at least temporarily until the Alaska D-2 land issues are settled. If these issues are not taken into consideration, new mineral exploration and mining would be inhibited by the lack of a transportation link to the potentially rich areas northeast of Cordova. Timber Harvesting and Processing. The timber industry has never played a major role in the economy of Cordova. Final settlement of the D-2 land issues and the subsequent implica- tions for timber harvesting from the Chugach National Forest 7 are therefore not expected to have a major impact on Cordova's economy. The Eyak Native Village Corporation is interested in timber harvesting and establishing a mill on lands recently conveyed to it under the Native Claims Settlement Act. This develop- ment is projected for the mid-1980's, and is expected to employ approximately 50 persons by 1990. Government. The U.S. Coast Guard maintains a search-and- rescue operation and provides navigational aid out of Cordova for the area between Seward and Yakutat. The Coast Guard has announced plans to expand its operations with the con- struction of a helicopter air station. If the station is constructed, Coast Guard employment is expected to increase from its 1975 level of approximately 80 persons to about 130 by 1990. Tourism and Recreation. Completion of the Copper River Highway and improved Alaska State Ferry System service combined with improved tourist attractions and accommoda- tions in Cordova will enhance tourism. Local promotion is also important to development of the tourist industry. Substantial improvements in both air and ferry service to Cordova are expected over the next decade. Services and Trade. The services and trade sector of the economy includes support activities such as wholesale and retail trade, banking and insurance, real estate, and personal and business services. This sector of Cordova's economy is expected to experience substantial growth in the future and is projected to employ approximately 630 persons by 1990. Population Growth Recent Trends. Cordova's population remained relatively static from the early 1900's to 1960. The population in 1960 was 1,176, only 2 percent above the 1910 census figure of 1,152. Since 1960, however, the city has experienced an accelerated rate of population growth, largely because of the following reasons: The city undertook major dock and boat harbor improvements as a result of damage to those facilities by the 1964 earth- quake. Dredge spoils from these activities were used to create a 20-acre industrial park adjacent to the city dock. Much of this park has been developed for seafood-processing activities. Also, the development of the tanner (snow) crab fishery, which operates in the winter, has resulted in an extended fish-processing season and greater year-round employment. 8 Reducing the seasonality of this crab industry has allowed more workers to make Cordova their full-time place of residence. Projections. The city of Cordova is expected to continue to experience steady increases in population. Projections for the city for the next 10 years indicate an estimated 2,800 persons in 1980, 3,400 by 1985, and 4,000 by 1990. The projections reflect the "most probable" growth scenario described in the review draft of the Cordova Coastal Manage- ment Program. FUTURE ENERGY REQUIREMENTS Future power requirements and associated costs have been projected by Marks Engineering in their study entitled "Power Cost Study, 1978-1992" (July 1977). Recommendations from the study, quoted directly, are as follows: I. CPU* should purchase and install a refurbished and warranted 2,650-kW diesel generator as soon as practicable with REA financing 60% of the estimated cost of $1,000,000 at 2% interest and CPU financing 40% with revenue bonds. *During this study, the Cordova Electric Cooperative (CEC) was part of the Cordova Public Utilities (CPU). II. CPU should initiate immediate steps to develop a 5,000-kW hydroelectric plant at Power Creek by 1982. Item I of the recommendations has already been implemented 'with the installation of a 2.6-MW electromotive diesel unit producing a system efficiency of 13 kWh per gallon. No further evaluations have been carried out since the publica- tion of the 1977 report with the exception of a limited in- house study by the Cordova Electric Cooperative to update the consultant's findings. A comparison of REA Form 7 (Financial and Statistical Report) for 1978 and the previous 2 years' figures revealed a load growth rate in Cordova of about 8 percent per annum. Esti- mated projections by the CEC over the next 4 years would be in the neighborhood of 10 percent, attributed to the expansion of fish-processing facilities and residential development in the Whitshed area. On a long-term basis, however, it is anticipated that an annual growth rate of 5 percent, as experienced in the 1960's and 1970's for Alaskan communities, will prevail. From the expected 5-percent long-term growth rate and a projected annual load factor of 55 percent, the peak demands and annual energy requirements have been provided 9 to the year 2030. These projections are summarized in table 2. Table 2. PEAK DEMAND AND ANNUAL ENERGY PROJECTIONS FOR CORDOVA Year 197 8 (record) 197 9 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 MW Peak Demand 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.7 4.9 5.2 5.4 5.7 9.3 15.2 24.7 40.0 PRESENT WORTH OF DIESEL GENERATION Million kWh Annual Energy 15.3 16.1 16.9 17.7 18.6 19.5 20.5 21.5 22.6 23.7 24.9 26.2 27.5 44.8 7 2. 9 118 .8 192.7 Fuel cost in Cordova during peak demand in August 1979 is reported by CEC at $0.71 per gallon, which yields a fuel cost of 5.5¢ per kWh. The present worth of continuing 'diesel generation for the next 50 years is summarized in table 3; the following assumptions were used in preparation of the data: Load growth rate at 5 perc~nt 1979 fuel cost at 5.5¢/kWh * Capital cost ($485/kW) at*0.9¢/kWh O&M unit cost at 1.1¢/kWh Discount rate at 6.875 Projection period at 50 years * As discussed in appendix C. 10 I' .. .. .. Table 3. PRESENT WORTH OF 50 YEARS OF DIESEL GENERATION AT CORDOVA Present Worth of Diesel Generation (millions of dollars) Electric Energy Growth Rate 5% Escalations of: 0% 2% 41.6 60.1 The calculation of the present worth of Cordova's total 5% 124.3 diesel generation needs for the next 50 years was prescribed in the scope of work for this study. The intent was to get a rough estimate of the cost of continuing to use diesel generation for that period. A feasibility-level investigation of any specific energy alternative would normally only consider a 20-or 30-year period, which is the general financial life of such projects. 1 1 •• Chapter 3 •• ASSESSMENT OF SMALL HYDROPOWER SITES Before a specific discussion of the seven hydropower sites identified in the scope of work, a general discussion of the methods used for this study is presented. These methods are considered adequate for a reconnaissance-level screening of hydropower sites. FIELD METHODS The project team consisted of an electrical engineer, a civil engineer, and a representative from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The primary reason for a field visit was to conduct on-site investigations of the hydropower sites and to gather pertinent data through discussions with residents, local officials, and state and federal agency personnel. Poor weather conditions prevented the project team from visiting the sites. Because of the tight project schedule and the level of effort for this study, the decision was made by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to omit the field investigation. Field reports prepared by the Corps of Engineers on two of the sites during an earlier reconnaissance effort were reviewed and discussed. U.S. Geological Survey 1 inch = 1 mile quad sheets were used to locate potential sites, penstocks, powerhouse, transmission corridors, and access roads. All other information was obtained through telephone conversations related to power requirements, environmental concerns, economic base, and historical data on hydropower development. HYDROLOGY The maritime climate of the Cordova area is typical of the southeastern and southern coastal areas of Alaska. This climate is characterized by cool summers, mild winters, and heavy and frequent precipitation throughout the year. Frequent storms are generated in the Gulf of Alaska and move to the Cordova area. The orographic features of the Cordova area cause mean annual precipitation amounts to vary consider- ably. Mean annual precipitation at the Cordova airport is approximately 90 inches per year. Mean annual precipitation at the city of Cordova is approximately 120 inches per year. These two areas are only 10 miles apart. Daily streamflows and annual runoff are influenced by such factors as basin elevation, melt from glaciers, natural storage of lakes along a stream, forest cover, basin orienta- tion, and relationship to the Gulf of Alaska. On a regional basis, mean annual runoff in the Prince William Sound area 13 is about 10 cubic feet per second per square mile. Low flows usually occur in late winter when most precipitation is stored as snow and the incoming radiation is minimal. The low mean monthly runoff in this area is generally less than 1 cubic foot per second per square mile. All of the streams studied for small hydropower sites with the exception of Humpback Creek and Power Creek are ungaged and required other means to compute streamflows. A water resources atlas was prepared by OTT Water Engineers in April 1979 for the U.S. Forest Service, encompassing both the Tongass and Chugach National Forests. This atlas has 21 regression equations to calculate the following streamflow parameters: mean annual flow, mean monthly flow; 7-day, 2-year recurrence low flow, both summer and winter; five points on the daily flow duration curve; and peak flow, 100-year recurrence interval. These parameters were determined for all potential hydropower sites and formed the basis for estimating the potential capacity and energy at each site. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS The feasibility of developing a small-scale project is in many instances dependent on the environmental impacts the project might create, the mitigative measures that could be incorporated in the project, and the acceptability of the project as a whole. A method of screening was developed to evaluate certain reaches of streams. This approach allowed a subjective evaluation of constraints to the development of small hydropower generating plants. Primary consideration was given to land use restrictions, wildlife considerations, and anadromous fish concerns. Land use restrictions included the following: • Wild and scenic river designation • Wilderness areas • National or state park or monument • National recreational area • Wildlife refuge • Historic and archaeological site designations Available maps and photographs were used to evaluate the potential sites. Fish and wildlife distribution maps prepared in 1978 by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game were also used. Conclusions were drawn from this background information supplemented by discussions with federal and state officials. Wildlife preservation also played an important part in the selection of sites. Although the effects on wildlife will be minimal, special attention was given to the large concen- trations of trumpeter swans near Cordova. Clearing and grubbing operations will be given special attention to avoid 14 destruction of existing nesting grounds and excessive distur- bance to others. An attempt was also made to identify areas of threatened or endangered species. Because of the economic importance of anadromous fish species, freshwater streams and their estuaries are fully protected to promote natural propagation. Fish distribution maps prepared by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in 1978 were used to identify major and minor streams for anadromous fish. Principal factors limiting migratory fish production, such as impassable cascades, falls, log jams, existing dams, and steep gradients, were identified and used in the initial site selection process where possible. At new dam locations where anadromous fish are present, a fish ladder and fish screens will be included as mitigative measures. The ladder is envisioned as being a modified aluminum steeppass, similar to those used throughout coastal Alaska. To ensure sufficient flow in the stream below the diversion of water through a tunnel and/or penstock, a flow equal to twice that of the 7-day, 2-year low flow will be allowed to pass all dams at all times. Project schedule constraints did not allow for a preliminary evaluation by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The department will only comment on site-specific proposals. General fisheries resource information on most of the streams and lakes investigated in this study was provided by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the u.s. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and Chugach National Forest. Access road construction could damage spawning areas and lower fish-producing capabilities by causing siltation and allowing the discharge of toxic substances. To minimize ,these potential impacts, an effort was made during the reconnaissance to locate existing roads and discuss construc- tion of new, or extension of old, roads. The potential environmental concerns for each hydroelectric site are summarized in table 4 of this chapter, following the Community Hydropower Sites section. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT The development concept for each site was prepared from available data. Approximate locations of the seven sites were identified by the Corps of Engineers in their scope of work and verified by the study contractor. Except for Crater Lake, only run-of-the-river hydroelectric plants were considered. This was done to minimize the size of stream barriers, thereby reducing the adverse environmental impacts. Conceptual designs were sized to operate 24 hours a day, since the capacity of each hydrosite is much less 1 5 than the community•s energy requirements. In every case, only one turbine was considered, although multiple turbines would improve annual energy production. Overall generation efficiency for the turbine, generator, and transmission was assumed to be 85 percent. In general, hydroelectric generation occurs from May through October. Low flows and ice problems limit generation potential for the remainder of the year. For this study, for which small run-of-the-river hydroelectric sites have been assumed, there will be no winter power generation. The average annual energy was calculated for each site from the net head and flow capacity of each site. Fish flows, where required, were assumed to be twice the 2-year, 7-day low flow calculated for summer conditions (May through October). Specific minimum fish flows were unavailable from the state fisheries agency. The hydropower plants would be operated to provide that minimum flow at all times. Several available sources were used to construct reconnais- sance-level cost estimates. The major estimating reference was "Manual for the Determination of the Feasibility of Adding Small Hydroelectric Power to an Existing Facility," now in draft form and soon to be released by the u.s. Army Corps of Engineers. This manual is sponsored by the u.s. Department of Energy through the Corps of Engineers Institute for Water Research. The manual has many rule-of-thumb existing charts, which are based on July 1978 costs. A 14 percent inflation factor was used to update these costs to October 1979. The cost curves presented in the manual were further escalated by a 1.6 factor to reflect Cordova construction costs over those in the Pacific Northwest. Careful consideration was given to "factoring" labor cost to Alaska conditions. Equipment cost, for instance, should not be escalated by a 1.6 factor. However, installation cost should be greater than 1.6 because of the remoteness of all sites. The 1.6 factor is for metropolitan areas of south- central Alaska. The net result, with labor mobilization, equipment shipping cost, and other factors considered, is an increase in cost of 60 percent. A lump-sum mobilization cost was included for each site to cover delivery of equipment, supplies, and construction materials to the site from Cordova. Access road construction was estimated for each site. Where site access or construction problems were expected to be more difficult than the norm, a site difficulty factor was added to the total construction cost. Electrical distribution costs are based on recent experience in southeast Alaska, with an incremental cost of 10 percent 16 to reflect south-central Alaska. The total cost includes all materials and construction cost, including clearing cost. Operation and maintenance costs were estimated for each site. These costs were difficult to estimate because of lack of data for extremely small hydroelectric plants. The estimates include labor and material cost as well as interim replacement cost. Since most of these facilities are very small, no estimate was made for administrative cost. All cost estimating curves and tables are presented in appendix B. The methods of estimating costs are consistent with common practice for reconnaissance studies. COMMUNITY HYDROPOWER SITES A total of seven small hydroelectric sites to potentially serve Cordova and the cannery at Orca were investigated. The development concept for each site is presented in table 4. Following this table are two blowups (figures 2 and 3) of the u.s. Geological Survey 1 inch = 1 mile quad map, covering potential sites north and south of Cordova. Diversion dams, flumes, penstocks, powerhouses, access roads, and transmission lines for each development concept are shown in the figures. Where access roads have common alignment with flumes, pen- stocks, and transmission lines, they are not shown. 1 7 ...... 00 Table 4. SMALL HYDROPOWER SITE SUMMARY v/ Heney Creek Heney Creek Hartney Creek Hartney Creek Latitude Longitude Drainage Area ( sq mi) Mean Annual Flow (cfs) 2-'lr, 7-Day Low Flow (cfs) Net Effective Head ( ft) Full Gate Flow {cfs) Fated Capan ty (kW) Avg. Annual Energy (MWh) Dam: Type Size ( ft) F'lurne: Length ( ft) Diameter {in.) Penstock Length ( ft) Diameter (in.) •rransmission Line: Length (mi) Voltage {kVo) Cost: 6 capital ($xlg ) Annual ($x~O ) unit ($xl0 /kW) Land ownership EnvJ.-ronmcntal O.:mcerns Humpback Creek 1 60° 36 I 35 11 145° 38 '25" 2.6 25 1.4 350 40 1,010 3, 296 Concrete Diversion 5x30 6,625 30 700 3~ 5.9 (<-1.2)* lS 3. 0 38.0 3. 0 The upper reaches of the creek are in the Chugah National Forest; the lower part to the mouth runs through Eyak Native Land. Creek supports pink sdlmon to old railroad li t.tle sport fishing. (Upper) (Lower) 2l\ 28 60°31'15" 60°31'25" 145°44 '50'* 145°46 1 00" 1.4 1.8 12 15 0.6 0.9 240 100 15 18 260 130 805 419 Concrete Diversion Concrete Diversion 5x50 5x50 6,600 3, 200 18 18 1.9 1.9 5 1 2.0 1.6 11.0 10.0 7.6 12.5 Heney Creek west of the west 1/2 of Section 33 flows through private land, either in individual or state owner- ship. The upper reaches of the creek are currently within the Chugach National Forest, although the Mt. Eccles State selection includes the entire lenqth. Creek supports pink and silver salmon and some Cutthroat trout; spawninq at mouth of creek. NOTF.: 1\ssume Dolly Varden in all lakes and strea.rns. ;.. {+1.2) length of new underbuilts on existing poles. 'I (Upper) (Lower) 3A ___ 3_B ____ 60° 30 '15*' 60° 30 '15" 145°46'50" 145°47.5511 2.0 3. 0 l7 26 1.1 1.7 170 100 25 30 306 216 896 743 Concrete Diversion Concrete Diversion 5x50 5x50 9, 500 6, 600 24 27 4.0 4.0 15 15 3.1 2. 7 11.5 11.0 10.2 12.7 Beginning at its mouth, Hartney Creek passes through Eyak Native lands in controversy with the Hartney Bay State sclectJ.on 1 then passes through the Chugach National Forest and into noncontToversial Eyak Native Lands. The upper reaches and the source of the creek lie within the Mt. Eccles State selection. Creek supp:,rts pink ( 2000-30iJO) , Chum (201)-300), and silver (200-300) salmon in addition to cutthroat trout; lower port1ons stream used for spawning; active sport f~shing down- stream of bridge. " "' / Crater Lake 4 60° 34 f 15" 145°41'45" 0. 3 0. 3 1, 350 389 1,435 Concrete Diversion 5x15 4,800 18 2.3 (+1.2)* 2.0 14.7 5.0 Approxlrna tel y 1/4 of the lake (NE quarter} belongs to the Eyak Native Corp. The remain- dcr of the 1 and and the land in a direct north- lies witlnn state- owned 1 and with- drawn to the City of Cordova. Stocked with rainbow trout; no natural au tlet. Unnamed Falls 5 60° 27 '20" 145 4 50 '40 .. 0.65 o. 3 440 6 190 712 Concrete Diversion 5x40 t,970 tB 9 15 2.8 10.0 14.5 'l'hi s site and its stream (Sections 24 & 25} are Wl th- in the Chugach National Forest. Creek supports small number of pink salmon dt mouth; also cutthroat trout. " I J ' •••••••• DAM @ FLUME PENSTOCK TRANSMISSION LINE 0 4000 • POWERHOUSE ACCESS ROAD Scale in Feet 19 ,, I , I . ! ? 18 ---------· ·-------···--········~~--+-----\ -.,J ··,' -... I . 24 EYAK FIGURE 2 HUMPBACK CREEK AND CRATER LAKE HYDROPOWER SITES "' . • ... .. .. .. r ··· . ..... ·· .... ~ \:> .. ... ~. , .. ·· ·· .... ...:l · ... z - ·· .. ' ·-, . / .-•.· • 8 0 'it 0 II : •II II .-l N •• Chapter 4 •• POWER CREEK EVALUATION PREVIOUS STUDIES Power Creek has been considered for potential hydroelectric development many times during the past 70 years. Proposed projects have ranged from small run-of-the-river diversions to multistage darn, reservoir, and powerplant developments. Recent projects that have reached the serious consideration stage include the following: • A&L Engineering 1966 Project -50-foot-high darn at mile 2.9 with tunnel, pipeline, and penstock to 1.8-MW powerplant which could be enlarged to 2.7 MW. Geologic studies in 1967 indicated seep- age from reservoir could be excessive. • Harstad-Galliett 1975 Project -140-foot-high darn at mile 3.2 with a second stage 160-foot-high darn at mile 6.8. Alternative of 165-foot-high darn at mile 4.6 if mile 3.2 site not feasible. One or two powerplants up to 15 MW. • Marks Engineering 1977 Project -low diversion darn at mile 3.2 with tunnel pipeline and penstock to first-stage 5-r~ run-of-the-river powerplant with second stage increase to 10 MW. • Galliett 1977 Project -first-stage 5-MW project per Marks with second-stage 165-foot darn at mile 5.2. Second-stage powerplants totaling about 10 MW would be installed at the darn or at the first stage powerhouse. Four sites have been evaluated since 1966, including seven development concepts. Of the seven development concepts, three may not be technically feasible for the following reasons: 23 Development Concept Run-of-the-river (50-foot-high) Run-of-the-river (50-foot-high) Site Creek Mile 2.9 Creek Mile 2.9 Capacity (MW) 1.8 (first stage) 2.7 (second stage) Comments Unknowns related to sealing portions of reservoir Unable to meet future energy requirements Unknowns related to sealing portions of reservoir Unable to meet future energy requirements Storage (140-foot-high) Creek Mile 3.2 10 Technical feasibility questionable because of fault line through r site, potential for massive avalanches into reservoir, and unknowns related to sealing more than 4,000 feet along the right abutment The 1966 A&L Engineering Project was apparently eliminated 'by Harstad-Galliett during evaluations that resulted in the 1975 development plan. In 1977, Galliett raised serious questions about storage at mile 3.2 and indicated a high dam at that site is not technically feasible. Additional details of the 1975-1977 reports by Harstad- Galliett and Marks Engineering are included in table 5. For comparison purposes only, the storage development concept at mile 3.2 has been included. Conditions along Power Creek are such that any dam and reservoir project will require extensive geologic explora- tions to determine the technical feasibility of proposed sites along the creek. Values given in table 5 are based on data presented in previous Power Creek reports. Costs included are reconnaissance-level and are based on quanti- ties identified in previous reports and general estimating tables and charts presented in appendix B. Estimates for the large dams and spillways are based on estimating data 24 .. N U1 Table 5. POWER CREEK SITES SUMMARY Latitude Longitude Development Concept Drainage Area (sq m1) Reservoir Storage (acre-feet) Mean Annual Flow (cfs) Net Effective Head (ft) Rated Capacity (MW) Average Annual Energy (MWh) Dam Type Height (ft) Pipeline Length ( ft) Diameter ( ft) Penstock Length ( ft) Diameter ( ft) Transmission Line Length (mi) Voltage ( kV} Cost Capital ($xl~6 ) Annual ( $x~O ) Unit ($xl0 ) /kW) Creek Mile 3. 2 60°36'N 145°34'W 1 Run-of-the-river 19.5 0 208 360 5 30,000 Concrete diversion 10 5,500 8.0 1,500 2 -4.0 7.0 15 14 160 2.8 Creek Mile 3.2 60°36'N 145° 34 'W 2 Run-of-the-river 19.5 0 208 360 10 45,000 Concrete diversion 10 5,500 8.0 1,500 2 -4.0 7.0 15 19 320 1.9 Land Ownership Chugach National Forest Creek Mile 3. 2 Creek Mile 4.6 Creek Mile 5. 2 60°36'N 60°37'N 60°38'N 145°34'W 145°33'W 145°33'W Storage Storage Storage 18.9 16.7 15.2 63,000 40,000 39,000 208 162 160 450 500 500 12.3 10.63 10.5 59,000 3 51,000 50,000 3 Earth-rock fill Earth-rock fill Earth-rock fill 140 165 165 5,500 15,000 18,000 8.0 8.0 8.0 1,500 1,500 1,500 2 -4.0 2 -4.0 2 -4.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 15 15 15 52 63 65 394 339 336 4.2 5.9 6.2 Environmental Concerns Creek supports sockeye up to Ohman Falls, mile 2.6; natural barrier prevents further migration upstream; also substantial runs of red, silver, and pink salmon. Spawning takes place along shoreline of Eyak Lake and partly upstream from the mouth of Power Creek. 1 Cost estimates include provisions to add a second 5-MW turbine generator to existing diversion structure. ~ Cost estimate for installation of 10-MW plant initially. 55-percent load factor. included in the Bureau of Reclamation instruction series 150 section entitled "Estimating," latest edition. Resulting estimates have been "factored" to Alaska conditions by adding 60 percent for the small run-of-the-river project and 40 percent for the large earth-rock fill dam projects. The reconnaissance-level estimates are adequate for use in comparison of alternatives and to identify the current feasibility of developing a Power Creek hydroproject. POWER DEMANDS Peak generation demands in the Cordova electrical system have been projected to rise from 3. 5 MW in 198 0 to~~ MW in 2030. 4\-@.S Current and projected energy demands are fairly uniform throughout the year, ranging from 8 percent of annual each month during the November-through-June period to 9 percent of annual each month during the July-through-October period. Energy usage is currently at a 55 percent annual load factor and is projected to remain at that level. Monthly and annual projected energy demands for 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010 are given in table 6. POTENTIAL HYDROPOWER GENERATION Hydrologic records are available for Power Creek from August 1947 to the present. Average annual flow is about 240 cfs, with minimum flows in March of about 20 cfs and maximum flows in September ranging up to about 5,000 cfs. Annual discharges average about 170,000 acre-feet. Water year 1974-75, with a mean flow of 260 cfs, is considered an average year; recorded flows for that year have been used in 'the power-generation calculations. Because of the similar- ities of potential energy production, capital costs, and installed capacity from sites at miles 4.6 and 5.2, only one storage-type project will be discussed for the remainder of this chapter. Low flows during the winter-spring period limit the amount of usable energy that can be provided by a run-of-the-river hydroproject. Estimates of usable energy that could be generated by 5-MW and 10-r~ run-of-the-river hydroplants (mile 3.2 project) are given in table 6. An estimate of usable energy generated by a 10-MW plant assuming 40,000 acre-feet of storage (miles 4.6 or 5.2 projects} is also given in table 6. values given in table 6 are based on use of the entire 1974-75 recorded flow and rough calculations to determine approximate monthly values. Detailed operation studies would probably result in lower values than those shown, since the recorded flows are downstream of the proposed diversion points. Also, some minimum flow may need to be 26 N --..1 Table 6. POWER CREEK PROJECT DEMANDS AND POTENTIAL GENERATION Mile 3. 2 Mile 3. 2 Mile 4.6 or 5.2 __EE~cted Ener~~ Demands Usable Energy From 5-MW l Run-of-the-river HydroElant Usable Energy From 10-MW 1 Run-of-the-river H~droE1ant Usable Energy From 10-~2 H~droE1ant With Stora~e & 1980 1990 2000 2010 1980 1990 2000 2010 1980 & 1990 2000 2010 1980 1990 2000 2010 --In million kilowatt ho~ Jan 1. 35 2.20 3.58 5.86 LOS 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 2.20 3.58 3.58 Feb 1. 35 2.20 3.58 5.86 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 )..< 2.20 3.58 3.58 OJ March 1. 35 2.20 3.58 5.86 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 :> 2.20 3.58 3.58 ·ri April 1. 35 2.20 3.58 5.86 o. 75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Same As 0.75 0.75 .... 2.20 3.58 3.58 I May 1. 35 2.20 3.58 5.86 1.35 2.20 3.34 3.34 5-MW 3.34 3.34 Q.l 2.20 3.58 3.58 ..c:: June 1. 35 2.20 3.58 5.86 1. 35 2.20 3.58 3.60 Plant 3.58 5.86 -i-l 2.20 3.58 3.58 I July 1.52 2.47 4.03 6.59 1. 52 2.47 3.60 3.60 4.03 6.59 4-l 2.47 4.03 5.05 0 Aug 1. 52 2.47 4.03 6.59 1. 52 2.47 3.60 3.60 4.03 6.59 I 2.47 4.03 5.05 !=: Sept 1.52 2.47 4.03 6.59 1.52 2.47 3.60 3.60 4.03 6.59 :J 2.47 4.03 5.05 )..< Oct 1.52 2.47 4.03 6.59 1.52 2.47 3.60 3.60 4.03 6.59 0 2.47 4.03 5.05 3:00 Nov 1. 35 2.20 3.58 5.86 1.35 2.20 3.58 3.60 3.58 4.74 ::E:<:J'\ 2.20 3.58 3.58 1.--1 Dec 2.20 3.58 1. 35 1.57 1.57 1.57 l1) 2.20 3.58 3.58 .... <!) 0 "'""' Annual 16.88 27.48 44.76 73.23 14.57 21.14 29.56 29.60 31.28 44.96 :J 27.48 44.76 48.84 til til !<!! Percent of Annual Demand by Hydro 86 77 66 40 70 61 100 100 67 Thirty-Year Average Annual Usable Energy ------------24.53-----------------27.10--------------35.02-------- 1 Based on stream flow records for water year 1974-1975, gaging station No. 15216000, 1 mile upstream from Eyak Lake. 2 Assuming a usable storage capacity of 40,000 acre-feet. maintained within the streambed. Comparison of the table 5 values indicates a 10-MW run-of-the-river hydroplant would not produce any more usable energy than a 5-MW plant until the year 2000 and probably would not be justified unless storage is available. With storage, the Power Creek project could essentially meet Cordova demands through the year 2000. By the year 2010, only about two-thirds of the demand could be met by Power Creek. FEASIBILITY EVALUATION To compare the three alternative projects, capital costs have been annualized, utilizing repayment factors for 7 percent 30-year funds. Resulting costs per kilowatt-hour for the 30-year average annual usable energy generated are as follows: Annual Usable Cost Project Cost Generation Eer kWh 5-MW run-of-the-river $1,290,000 24.53 GWh 5.3¢ 10-MW run-of-the-river $1,850,000 27 .10 GWh 6.8¢ 10-MW storage $5,574,000 35.02 GWh 15.9¢ If the cost comparison is on an incremental project basis (assuming 5-MW run-of-the-river base project with added 5-MW run-of-the-river and storage contributing only the incremental increase in usable generation), the following comparison results: Project 5-MW run-of-the-river (base project) Addition of 5-MW run-of-the-river Addition of storage CONCLUSIONS Incremental Annual t $1,290,000 $ 560,000 $3,724,000 Incremental Usable Generation 24.53 GWh 2. 57 GWh 7.92 GWh Cost per kWh The numbers above indicate the 5-HW run-of-the-river hydro- project is probably feasible strictly on a fuel-replacement- cost basis and that the second 5-MW run-of-the-river plant will probably be feasible in the near future, especially if the value of capacity is taken into account. Costs shown are for the development project only and do not include any CHZ."1 1-l't~c... tr J(.~Tvti!c.v;-1\/t:; r~nr S'-3f/./t'W;'.., ,::,c,.v~ Fo.c.. ~6-A./ftrtv/rY ra ~-~e~D~v~4L-------- 28 rehabilitation costs to the existing powerhouse and distribu- tion system. Storage, however, does not appear feasible now and may not be in the future unless a lower cost reservoir site can be found. Even if the mile 3.2 site were found to be technically feasible, the cost of incremental usable energy would be about 30 cents per kilowatt-hour. Results of the preliminary evaluation of Power Creek indi- cate more detailed field investigations should proceed on the proposed run-of-the-river project. The following detailed description of the facilities required for that project is quoted directly from the Marks Engineering Report dated 1977; it covers the run-of-the-river project at mile 3.2. MILE 3.2 1. Construct 2-1/2 miles of single-lane, gravel-surfaced road with 10 percent maximum grade, from the vicinity of the north end of Eyak Lake, to the diversion dam site. Build close above pipeline bench where possible, to permit crane reach out over pipeline bench and for protection of pipeline bench from erosion, falling rock, etc. Establish cut slopes for long-term sta- bility. Remove and dispose of excavated material, or build fill slopes as permitted by the U.S. Forest Service. 2. Construct about 6,000 feet of pipeline bench, from the surge tank location 1,500 feet northeast of the USGS Gauging Station, to the tunnel entry near Ohman Falls. Establish cut and fill slopes for long-term stability. Remove and dispose of excavated material, or build fill slopes below bench as permitted by the u.s. Forest Service. 3. Divert and channel flow of Power Creek along southeast side of valley from Mile 4.8 to Mile 3.2, to promote settling of bedload of sand and gravel in natural depression in southeast side of valley. 4. Construct about 1,500 feet of tramroad up hillside along penstock route from powerhouse site to surge tank location. 5. Construct about 700 feet of 7' X 8', horseshoe-section, fully-lined, low-pressure tunnel in loose rock by conventional tunnelling methods -such as drilling, blasting, muck removal and placing tunnel sets, spiling, rock bolts, mesh, gunite and concrete lining. 6. Construct about 800 feet of desilting channel from tunnel entrance to headworks of diversion dam, via Scout Lake. 29 7. Construct about 5,500' of 8-foot diameter, low-pressure steel pipeline, from the surge tank location, along the pipeline bench, to the tunnel exit. Fabricate pipe locally from 1/4 inch steel plate by rolling and auto- matic submerged arc welding of seams. Each pipe shall be cleaned, lined, coated and provided with hydraul- ically-formed bell and spigot end, which shall be sealed by mechanical and hydraulic compression of a rubber ring gasket. Pipe shall be supported above- ground on concrete bunks to permit inspection and maintenance. 8. Construct low diversion dam consisting of the following features: a. Overflow weir with standard crest and upstream face inclined 45° to pass ice b. Sluiceway c. Headworks d. Steel sheet pile cutoff walls e. Stilling basins for overflow weir and sluiceway f. Concrete upstream and downstream aprons g. Stoplog slots, stoplogs and stoplog hoists at sluiceway headworks h. Radial gates in headworks and sluiceway, with deicing equipment for winter operation i. Trashrack, trashrake, and trashrake hoist at head works j. Reverse filters beneath overflow weir and riprap k. Riprap from nearby slide 1. Sand and gravel from valley floor m. Left and right closure dikes consisting of riprap upstream face, sand-gravel embankment, clay-aggregate impervious element and gravel downstream face n. Avalanche diversion mound 9. Construct steel standpipe differential surge tank. 10. Furnish and install 2, about 1,500 foot long, 4-foot diameter steel penstocks to each turbine using surplus high-pressure line pipe from trans-Alaska pipeline project. 11. Furnish and install 2 -7,500 horsepower vertical Francis turbines with welded-steel scroll cases and 2 - 5,000 kilowatt, 12,500 -15,000 volt generators. 12. Furnish and install remote control and alarm equipment, protective devices and switchgear for generators. 13. Construct reinforced-concrete powerhouse founded on solid rock, with draft tubes discharging into Power Creek. 30 14. Furnish and install 12,500 feet of 15,000-volt sub- aqueous power cable. Install in trench along Power Creek Road to north end of Eyak Lake with splices in distribution manholes on northwest shore of lake. Cable to extend from powerhouse to existing lakeside power plant and switchyard. Figure 4 shows the mile 3.2, 4.6, and 5.2 site locations and appropriate project components of the most feasible alternative. 31 . ,-- ·_!I 28 27 l \ --"'---. -~--/ ___ .. ,.; )-'"'~ '\ t I . :t "\ 16 \ •., ; ·-:--_.,__ 1 i . ('.,."\ \ / .\~~· I \ i_/) "-. \_ -// •" { :< \, \ \ .( _ _ .,. / v:M -. · . •, ~ ..... ,.,,,./ I ~·~ ~~~rirt~l . "' tf. -~.r /~2CJ', \ , ( . I. .,"Q : JV '\ \ , • ---· • :e~ \ " .}t ,· ... ··r-~t1:~~:·· foes :t4 ·. · .Cat) ' QO ; · /..& .~ \ -.) , .~,"" i --!._ j . · .. ( '---, .... · : '\ ; : "· J -'. '· ~ 1 • • ·r'' -~·"•' " "-·---. -~.,-:.~ ,.--;-/--lA·: ~----' ·-------......;j-· ·---~. --'\-·-·-~-·ft~·---... ---'\"--~ '\ :l' ' H-i _,,,,,,,;;n :{~ . J ~-.-:'}}!"/ ,-/ ,;'',_' ,,· .{ /, 0 o;:-:··.,___J·----/( y" f/ .; : ----~ ---i \ \ -...:;, · ~-l } , .' 1 , . • •• ) / -·--., ._i ', \-1 : ~;:., J \ _; ; ! • . / I \(, r-\. DAM •••••••• FLUME PENSTOCK •....•....• TRANSMISSION LINE • POWERHOUSE ACCESS ROAD -.._ --I ) I \ ~\ .. \ ·' ( '~J / /' t,fo 1'--,..,_ • . . , _, \ , . . ... ,, --ct( · •. v'--1' I \0 ,.•·' \ :"' ,_ -· // I ~ v __ ! ,,,, .,2 / ,/1 ,/ {i!·-.:.!. ______ ...... -~--_ ...... -,: 1 ,., •. ---e;. -.-· / !_ .. ..-"" ~3 : .. ,·/i9:oi-:.c..--~--c. ~-:hhJ · 1· .-/.. / . ; 1--..... ~ i . · \I ... '., . . .. . ; I ' ' -...... / ! ,. ,. $. -t ~ ( '\ "D 'i: ~ j· . ,-1 ( I ;· ' 1' . /~I... ' ' ---. . . • ' "' . / ;\: -~ j / i / . . . ~_g;..( -' -·.. . ,~ ~\...!'{..:. -~--~ill -' u .«•"'C? I I "-( . ~----__/ "' o \ I , .\j"--,J___: / {_ oo J : /' ,_ ,~ ~-~:i-' I -~v3-9.~~r"~·h::k ~~-,.·~,-~ ~---~. i~ ~~-m-~~----~~ ·)-·:.i ·--~~-!=~~~---:~;:J~-;c::~~7~~~~L ,.~~~'--f @ 0 4000 Scale in Feet // \ ' ~-<·""'-.:.~"'! / ~ . -;r 2 7 -j , -~,.,..r 26 r ._.~ ' 3 3 ) ~ FIGURE 4 POWER CREEK HYDROPOWER SITES •• Chapter 5 •• COMPARISON OF COMMUNITY POWER NEEDS AND HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL SMALL HYDROPOWER SITE SCREENING PROCESS An initial screening of hydropower sites can be made by comparing the present worth of each hydropower site to the present worth of the community's total diesel requirements for the next 50 years. The present worth of diesel for this comparison is the present worth of all the diesel generation needed to meet the projected community needs for the next 50 years. The present worth of the hydropower is the present worth of the particular hydrosite development, which may or may not meet the community's need. If the ratio of diesel power present worth to hydropower present worth is greater than 1.0, the sites in question pass the initial screening. Since the present worth of all hydrosites is much less than the present worth of the diesel requirements for Cordova, a ratio of greater than 1.0 occurs in all cases. All sites for Cordova therefore pass the initial screening process. For example, the highest present worth of a hydropower site was found to be $3.55 million in comparison to the present worth of the next 50 years of diesel generation in Cordova at 5 percent escalation or $124.3 million. A diesel/hydro present worth ratio of 35.0 is the result. The remaining sites produce a ratio of greater than 35.0. The second screening effort involves the calculation of the present worth of the diesel alternative. The diesel alterna- tive is defined as the amount of diesel-generated energy that is equivalent to the energy produced at a particular hydropower site. This is commonly called the fuel replace- ment analysis; but this analysis includes the capital equip- ment and operation and maintenance costs for the diesel alternative as well. Table 7, which is based on a-percent, 2-percent, and 5-percent fuel escalation above inflation, shows the present worth of the hydropower sites and the present worth of the diesel- generation alternative. The ratio of the present worth of the diesel to the present worth of the hydropower site is also presented. Conclusions The screening of the potential small hydropower sites for Cordova resulted in the following general observations. The cost of a hydropower site development is directly linked to 35 Table 7. PRESENT-WORTH COMPARISON OF SMALL HYDROPOWER SITES AND DIESEL-GENERATION ALTERNATIVE Diesel/Hydro Present Present Worth Hydropower Present Worth of 6 Worth of Diesel Ratio for Fuel Sites HydroEower ($x10 ) Alternative ($xl0 6 ) Cost Escalation of 0% 2% 5% 0% 2% 5% Humpback Creek No. 1 3.55 3. 47 4.35 6.8 9 0.98 1.23 1.94 Heney Creek No. 2A 2.14 0.8 5 1. 06 1.68 0.40 0.50 0. 7 9 No. 2B 1. 77 0.44 0.55 0.88 0.25 0.31 0.50 Hartney Creek No. 3A 3.29 0.94 1.18 1.87 0.29 0.34 0.57 No. 3B 2.90 0.78 0.98 1. 55 0. 27 0.34 0.53 Crater Lake No. 4 2.18 1. 51 1.89 3.00 0.69 0.87 1. 38 Unnamed w Falls No. 5 2.8 9 0. 7 5 0.94 1.49 0.26 0.33 0.52 0'1 11 • 'f ' , " ' 1 ' ! 1 the installed capacity at the site. The benefit of a site is directly linked to the energy produced. For the run-of-the-river projects considered in this study, lack of wintertime streamflows gives an average 35-percent capacity factor for all seven sites studied. Hydropower sites with such low capacity factors cannot be expected to be economically feasible unless they are ideally suited to local power needs. Since the produced energy from the sites is so small compared to the community's energy demand, all plants would operate 24 hours a day during 6 months of the year. As a result of this seasonal operation, other types of power, such as diesel generation, would have to be used to take care of the remainder of the community's needs. Storage-type developments at the same sites would cost more than run-of-the-river types because of the physical facilities required, the safety issues associated with dams, and the mitigative measures to minimize environmental impacts. However, diurnal flow fluctuations lagging peak demand periods might require some daily storage-type development and should be considered in further studies. The second screening indicates that two sites are feasible, and these should be studied in more detail. Humpback Creek and Crater Lake are situated north of the City of Cordova. POWER CREEK SITES SCREENING PROCESS The same screening process as discussed for the small hydro- power sites was utilized in evaluating development concepts shown in previous reports on Power Creek prepared during the period 1966-1977. The four alternatives considered are listed in table 8, which shows the present-worth comparison and the ratio of diesel present worth to hydropower present ~~ worth. The ratio for the four alternatives ranged from 1.8 to 7.7. All sites on Power Creek therefore pass the initial screening. The second screening process includes the present-worth calculation of the diesel alternative, as discussed previously for the small hydropower sites. Table 9 shows the present worth of Power Creek hydropower sites and the present worth of the diesel-generation alternative at a-percent, 2-percent, and 5-percent fuel escalation. The ratio of the present worth of the diesel to the present worth of the hydropower site is also presented. 37 Conclusions All of the proposed Power Creek development concepts can meet a substantial portion of Cordova's future power needs. Low flows during the winter and early spring produce annual capacity factors of 68 and 51 percent for the 5-MW and 10-MW run-of-the-river alternatives and 55 percent for the storage alternatives at miles 4.6 and 5.2. The most desirable alternative in table 9 is the 5-MW run-of-the-river project with a diesel/hydro present worth ratio of 3.6, followed by the 10-MW run-of-the-river project at mile 3.2 and the storage project at mile 5.2 with a ratio of 1.1. It is therefore recommended that the initial 5-MW run-of-the-river alternative:-with provisions for staged development, be ~lven further CQ!l~~-Storage capac-rry upstream of mile 3.2 on Power Creek would produce additional generation flexibility. The detailed feasibility of this type of development concept should be studied concurrently with the run-of-the-river project. 38 .. w \.0 Table 8. PRESENT-WORTH COMPARISON OF POWER CREEK HYDRO- POWER SITES AND COMMUNITY'S TOTAL DIESEL NEEDS Development Concepts Run-of-the-river Run-of-the-river Storage Storage Hydropower Sites Mile 3. 2 (5 MW) Mile 3. 2 (10 MW) Mile 4. 6 Mile 5.2 Present Worth of Hydro gite ($ X 10 ) 16.2 23.5 67.8 69.1 Present Worth of Dies61* ($ X 10 ) 124.3 124.3 124.3 124.3 * Present worth of community's total generating facility and fuel needs with fuel escalated at 5 percent annually. Diesel/Hydro Present Worth Ratio 7.7 5.3 1.8 1.8 1.., Table 9. PRESENT-WORTH COMPARISON OF POWER CREEK HYDROPOWER SITES AND DIESEL-GENERATION ALTERNATIVE Development Concepts Run-of-the- river Run-of-the- river Storage Storage Hydropower Sites Mile 3.2 ( 5 MW) Mile 3.2 ( 10 MW) Mile 4.6 Mile 5. 2 Present Wor6h Hydro ($x10 ) 16.2 23.5 67.8 69.1 Present Worth of Diesel Alternative for Fuel C~st Escalation of: ($x10 ) 0% 2% 5% 27.3 35.1 57.9 32.3 42.9 74.6 33.9 45.5 54.6 33.4 44.7 78.9 Diesel/Hydro Present Worth Ratio for Fuel Cost Escalation of: 0% 2% 5% -- 3:9 (1;7 2.2 1.4 1.8 3.2 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.6 1.1 •• •• BIBLIOGRAPHY Galliett, Harold, H., Jr., Power Creek Project, Cordova, Alaska, 12 pp letter report, 1977 Johnson, Arthur, Preliminary Report on Water-Power Resources of Power Creek Near Cordova, Alaska, u.s. Geological Survey open-file report, 37 pp 1949 Miller, D. J., Geology at the Site of a Proposed Dam and Reservoir on Power Creek Near Cordova, Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Circ. 136, 8 pp, 1951 Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Alaska's Wildlife and Habitat, Volume II, 1978 Alaska's Fisheries Atlas, Volumes I and II, 1978 A&L Engineering, Engineering Report on Cordova Power Project for Cordova Public Utilities, 19 pp, 1966 Bureau of Reclamation, Instruction Series 150, Estimating Section Cordova Comprehensive Development Plan, 1976 Harstad-Galliett Engineers-Planners, Power Creek Hydroelectric Project, EPC No. 2760, Progress Report, 31 pp, 1976 Juneau, Alaska, Water Resources Atlas, prepared by OTT Water Engineers, Redding, California, April 1979 ~arks Engineering, Power Cost Study, 1978-1992, 241 pp, 1977 Marks Engineering, 1977 Power Cost Study Supplement A, Hydroelectric Run of River Alternatives, Power Creek, 59 pp, 1977 North Pacific Consultants, Preliminary Engineering Review of Water Supply and Electrical Generation for Cordova Public Utilities, 20 pp, 1959 Review Draft of Cordova Coastal Management Program, 1979 (subject to change) University of Alaska, Arctic Environment Information and Data Center, Alaska Regional Profiles, Southcentral Alaska (No date) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Region 10, Benefit/Cost, Salmon Habitat Improvement, February 1969 41 U.S. Geological Survey; quadrangle sheets for appropriate areas (1:63,000) u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, Reconnaissance Studies for Small Hydropower Additions, Davis, California, July 1979 42 • •• Appendix A •• PHYSICAL SETTING AND HISTORY OF CORDOVA COMMUNITY LOCATION Cordova is located on the south-central coast of Alaska, 160 miles southeast of Anchorage and 25 miles west of the Copper River delta. The city is situated on Orca Inlet near the eastern entrance to Prince William Sound, east from Hawkins Island. The extent of the settlement is confined by Mt. Eyak to the north, the abrupt foothills of the Heney Range to the south, Eyak Lake to the east, and Orca Inlet to the west. Most of the city's development occurs on a low divide between the waters of Orca Inlet and Eyak Lake, on the foothills of Mt. Eyak, and along both the north and south shores of Eyak Lake. Cordova's physical setting is characteristic of the entire Prince William Sound area, ringed by the Kenai-Chugach Mountains and the Chugach National Forest, and defined by a deeply indented coastline formed by glacial activity. The mountains, rising abruptly to elevations of 3,000 to 6,000 feet, present a formidable barrier to transportation routes from the interior. Of the three cities on the sound, only Cordova is not serviced by overland transportation. Whittier has railroad access from Portage on the Seward Highway, and Valdez is linked by the Richardson Highway. Cordova is presently accessible only by air or water. The city has daily jet service to Anchorage and Juneau, as well as a number of smaller aircraft operating on an air taxi or charter basis. Cordova is also served by the Alaska State Ferry System. The Kenai-Chugach Mountains act as buffers against major wind and storm fronts in the area of Cordova. Although the city enjoys a relatively mild year-round climate for its northerly location, the annual average precipitation is 120 inches. Approximately one-half the precipitation is in the form of heavy wet snow, resulting in the most strin- gent snow-load restrictions on construction in the entire state. COMMUNITY HISTORY The present city of Cordova was settled as a direct result of coal, oil, and copper discoveries at the beginning of this century. Oil was discovered in the Katalla area south- east of Cordova in 1902, and the area subsequently became the site of Alaska's first producing oil well. A-1 About the same time, the nearby Bering River coal fields were also being developed. By 1905, the oil and coal oper- ations were in great need of good port facilities. When Katalla proved to be unsatisfactory for such facilities, Cordova was sited as the nearest location with a good deep- water harbor. Cordova soon became established as a trans- portation and support center for these operations. Development of the Bering River coal fields was halted by President Theodore Roosevelt's withdrawal of Alaska's coal lands from entry in November 1906. Plans to construct a smelter near Cordova were scrapped; and because of the collapse of the coal mining industry, a Katalla railway project was abandoned. In 1906, the Kennecott Copper Company began construction of the Copper River and Northwestern Railroad in conjunction with development of its Chitina River valley mining claims. By 1911, the railroad line extended to the Kennecott copper mines. Successful completion of the railroad and the tre- mendous copper yields made Cordova prosper in spite of the terminated coal mining operations. Town lots were sold in 1908, and Cordova was incorporated as a city during the same year. By 1910, Cordova had a popu- lation of 1,152. For the next 30 years, Cordova continued to function primarily as the transportation and service center for the Kennecott copper mining operations and the Katalla oil fields. Among industries that became established on much smaller scales during those years, timber and fishing were the most important. A significant number of the people included in the 1910 population figure left Cordova upon completion of railroad construction in 1911. By 1920, the population of the city was approximately 960 persons. The mainstays of Cordova's economy folded in the 1930's. The Katalla oil fields were closed following the burning of the refinery in 1933. The annual output of the copper mines began to decline steadily after record high extractions in 1927. The mines were finally closed in 1938, followed by the Copper River and Northwestern Railroad in 1939. By that year, Cordova had a population of 980 persons and an economy left almost entirely dependent on the fishing and fish- processing industry. Cordova made the transition in its economic base fairly smoothly. Since 1940, the city has experienced slow popu- lation growth with the exception of a slight decline between 1950 and 1960. Fishing and fish processing have continued to be the primary economic activities in the city. Salmon A-2 remains the principal species caught and processed, although the industry has become more diversified in recent years, resulting in greater year-round employment. The earthquake of 1964 altered the face and future of Cordova. The land in the Cordova area was raised by an average of 6 feet, leaving many docks useless. The city undertook major dock and boat harbor improvements to make these facil- ities usable again. Dredge spoils from these improvements were used to create a 20-acre industrial park adjacent to the city dock. A-3 •• Appendix B •• COST ESTIMATES The methods used to determine capital and operation and maintenance costs for each hydroelectric site are presented in this appendix. The site development cost estimate form shown was filled out. Estimating data were provided from the cost curves and tables that are included. B-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Location SITE DEVELOPMENT COST ESTIMATE cfs ft Site Stream Diversion flow - Diversion Elev - Total Head - Potential power - ft -delivery losses ( ____ ) = eff. head Item Diversion Dam LF ~'ish Ladder Power turnout headworks (in- cludes fish screen if proj- ect requires fish passage) Delivery system Canal Lawhead pipe --~ Penstock-~ Powerhouse kW Distribution Site Access Mobilization Mise: Bonding, insurance, diversion, and care of water SUBTOTAL kW $ 7/78 ~ Unit Unit Cost in SEA 1 1 CY LS LS LF LF LF LS mi mi LS LS 10% of items 1 through 8 Contingencies 15% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION Indirect Costs 25% TOTAL PROJECT COST ANNUAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE B-2 X 1.82 $ 10/79 SC AK • .. 300 Ill ..... Ill ,__ 200 ~~ I= 1:) (.) .. _ 1:) I" 1:J ~~ 1:0 >- 1:,) 100 "':J :J (.) 0 600 500 400 5 0 0 . 300 X ·W 200 100 0 1. Diversion Darn Costs 0 50 Diversion Length-ft NOTE: Cost of concrete= $350/CY. This includes foundation excavation and preparation, formwork, steel, concrete and all labor. 100 2. Fishladder--5' vertical lift @ 3---/vf = $15,000 3. Power Turnout Headworks (no ice control) ~Without Fishscreens 0 50 100 150 200 Penstock 0-cfs B-3 150 250 300 Q.) ~ ..... C"O Q.) (/) co !.' U! ,_ co 0 0 +.. --..... U! 0 (..) 4. Delivery System--Canal use 3/4 c'f pipe cost for same fJ o,., Low Head Pipe and Penstock 200 - 150 ' 1001 50 0 L-----------------~------~--------~------~------~ 0 ~ 100 1~ 200 2~ 300 F!ow in cfs NOTE: Dollars per foot from manual, "Reconnaissance Studies for Small Hydropower Additions," U.S. Corps of Engineers, July 1979. Powerhouse On most site we assumed an Impulse or cross-flow turbine that can operate down to 10% of its rated capacity to take advantage of low flow. Cost based on Effective Head & Rated kW Total Cost_ from "Reconnaissance Studies for Small Hydropower Additions." i3 '.' -. .. .. .. " • .. Power Features Cost -Reconnaissance (Least Cost) fJ) a:: <t _J _J 0 0 0 z <t fJ) ::> 0 :I: 1-- .... fJ) 0 (.) MOTES: 15MW IOMW (!) z 7.5MW ~ a:: a:: 0 5MW 3MW 2MW tMW I. Estimated costs are based upon a typical cr standardized turbine coupled to a generator ei (her directly or through a speed increaser, depending on the type turbine used. 2.' Cosb include turbine/generator and appurtenant equipment, station electric equipment, miscellaneous powerplant equipment, powerhouse, powerhouse excavation. switchyard civil works, an upstream_sl ide gate, and construction and installation. 3. Costs not included are transmission line, penstock, tailrace con- struction and switchyard equipment. 'L Cost base July 1978. 5. The transition zone occurs as unit types change due to increased head. 6. For a Multiple Unit powerhouse, additional station equipment costs are $20,000 + $58,000x(n-1) where n is the total number of units. 7. Data for this figure was obtained from figures and tables in Volumes V and VI. B-5 ~ a:: w z w (!) 6. Distribution Distribution Type 3-ph, 1-kV 0/H & U/G 1-ph, 5-to 15-kV concentric neutral cable with 0/H & U/G routing 1-ph, 15-kV 0/H 3-ph, 25-kV 0/H 3-ph subtransmission 0/H 1-ph, 15-kV concentric neutral cable used as Hd life submarine cable 1-ph, 25-kV submarine cable 3-ph, 25-kV submarine cable ..., I • ph phase kV = voltage 0/H = overhead U/G = underground Site Access Roads @ $100,000/mi Trails @ $10,000/mi 8. Mobilization MW Rat~ng o-0.2 0.2-0.5 0.5-2.0 2.0-5.0 5.0-10.0 0-0.5 0.5-3.0 3.0-10.0 "'!.:ox. t~'is·t Inst:alleci (mile) ..:::ost/Mile 1 $ 20,000 3 35,000 10 60,000 10 80,000 10 150,000 2 40,000 3 130,000 5 250,000 Assume all jobs will have to be mobilized from either Ketchikan or Juneau Barge wjtug@ $1,500/day Move-in Load 1 day Travel 2 days Unload 1 day Move-out Load ~ day Travel Unload 2 days ~ day 7 days @ $1,500 = $10,500 If access from barge landing to site is not a road, assume site unloading and loac'ina bv heli~"'ort<>r @ $800/hr (1,500-2,000 lb/~~t~· 2 10-hr days@ $800/:-r ~" $16,000 ,.. Assume all above costs except fo;~ distribution are :tor Seattle fc,r July 1978 (ENR 3161) Escalate to October 1979 (July 1979 ENR 3506 + 3 ate @ :i.%;'ruo Then account for difference between Seattle and SE Alaska Juneau = 1.58 Ketchikan = 1.59 Use 1.6 SEA SEA SE AK 7/78 X 1.14 7/79 X 1.6 = 7/79 Est. Est. Est. SEA 1.82 SE AK or :::; 7/78 7/79 Operation and Maintenance Costs Labor 30 days/year @ $300/day = $9,000 or $25/year/kW, whichever is largest Materials $2/year/kW Overhaul $5/year/kW B-7 3600) •• Appendix C •• OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS FOR DIESEL GENERATION The installed cost of diesel units in the 1-to 2-MW range was estimated at $350 per kW. Adding interest brought the total investment cost to $485 per kW. Equipment cost per kWh was calculated to average 1.1¢ per kWh at a 50-percent load factor and 0.9¢ per kWh at a 60-percent load factor. The units are expected to have a life of 90,000 hours with major maintenance every 30,000 hours. Each unit would, therefore, require a major overhaul twice during its life. The overhaul cost for a 2-MW unit would be about $70,000. Major maintenance would therefore total $140,000, or $70 per kW for the unit's life. Routine maintenance would average $30,000 per year, for a total $300,000 or $150 per kW for the unit life. Total O&M would, therefore, average $220 per kW. O&M cost per kWh was estimated at 0.5¢ at a 50-percent load factor. In addition, lube oil costs are estimated at 0.4¢ per kWh and miscellaneous supplies and equipment costs at 0.2¢ per kWh, bringing the total O&M costs to 1.1¢ per kWh. C-1