HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineers Planners Economists Scientists Potential Accept of Selected Sites 1979r I r - ' I r r - - r r r RAJ 023 ..-;;.- ...... , .; . CH2M HILL engineers planners economists scientists 9 Jan uary 1979 Kll83 9. DO Depar tment of the Army Corps of Engineers Alask a District P. 0. Box 7002 Ancho rage, Alaska 99510 Atten tion: Captain Robert Mohn Gentl emen: Attac hed are rev1s1ons to our report "Review of Southcentral Alaska Hydro power Potential -Anchorage Area". As re quested in your letter dated 24 November 1978, the following addit ions or clarifications are made: • • He did not use the term "transmission areas 11 • ~Je did, however, refer to "transmission access 11 • This we rated as good, moderate, or severe, depending on the distance and type of terrain a road or transmission line would have to traverse between the project site and the market area. This rating has been incorporated into our "land use 11 evaluation and had been listed on the individual site sheets as an aid to arranging the list of sites within the ranking group. (New information on the national monuments has also been placed in the 11 land use 11 evaluations.) Mr. Paul Lowe with the Alaska Center for the Environment re- evaluated several of the proposed sites (see attached letters). The term "too big" was based on two things: whether the power potential exceeded the needs of the immediate areas, and the amount of given head at a site. In several instances, the head had been misinterpreted (as at Strandline Lake) or was incorrect (as at Deadman Creek). On the individual site sheets we have indicated the updated evaluations with an asterisk (*). This information, as well as that submitted by the Trustees for Alaska, has been incorporated into the "Reckoning of Evaluations 11 ; these agencies' input had been received too late to be fully incorporated into the prelim- inary report . A n c horage Office • 310 K Street. Su ite 602 Anchorage, Alas ka 99501 907/279-6491 """ ,_ . r I - - • - r V8'ft ........ - rRCt HJ.Ift8HOIH -. - i - - - -l OJ.Ginltll iU.YO -n:o IVll ,....., ' ,........ - .- - --' Department of the Army Corps of Engineers Captain Robert Mohn 9 January 1979 Kll839 .DO Page Two t Evaluations from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were received and have been incorporated into the report. We have appreciated this opportunity to work with you and look forward to assisting you again in the near future. sp ~.{U~ Ronald J. Reiland Project ~1anager de a enclosures POTENTIAL ACCEPTABILITY OF SELECTED SITES POTENTIAL ACCEPTABILITY OF SELECTED SITES ANCHORAGE AREA (Revised) LIST OF RANK GROUPS Rank Group 1 2 3 4 5 Site 6 Strandline Lake 43 Tustumena 41 Snow 2 Chakachamna 34 Hicks 35 Caribou Creek 47 Nelchina River 11 Emerald 32 Coal Creek 33 Purinton Creek 44 Sheep Creek 45 Resurrection River 31 King Mountain Conunents May affect native lands; access may be difficult. Proposed wilderness area~ difficult access. Some fisheries conflict; proposed wilderness area. Some fisheries problems; difficult access; proposed Lake Clark National Monument. Some fisheries conflict; lake size questionable. Some wildlife and fisheries conflict. Proposed wild and scenic river; some fisheries and wildlife conflict. Difficult access; wildlife conflicts. Fisheries and wildlife conflicts; on native selected lands; lake size questionable. On native selected land; fisheries and wildlife conflicts; lake size questionable. Proposed wilderness area; wildlife and fisheries conflicts. May be access problems; some fisheries conflict; on boundary of Harding Ice Fields National Monument. On native selected lands; fish and game conflicts; lake size questionable 1 Crescent Lake 6 3 Beluga Lower 4 Coffee 5 Beluga Upper 7 Lake Creek Lower 9 Talachulitna River 10 Hayes 12 Yentna 13 Talachulitna 14 Skwentna 29 Palmer 30 Moose River 36 Kenai Lower 37 Moose Horn 38 Killey River 39 Stelters Ranch 40 Kenai Lake 42 Kasilof River 46 Tazlina On proposed Lake Clark National Monument; may affect native selected land; fisheries conflict. Unacceptable sites from environmental and land use aspects. 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" ? <( ., ~~-+------~r-------+-------~-------+--------r-------4--------+------~r-----­::l ,..; p ~ H 0 :> r;it~-+------~r-------+-------~-------+------~r-------+--------+------~r----- l.n 0 ,..; :-::: ~ rx:.. ·~·· :::1 0 l.f\ 1.1'\ 0 ~~-+--------~------+-------~-------+--------r-------4--------+------~r----­·r-l t> rx:.. ·r-1 ~ , .... ~ z 0 .;' Q ~~-4--------~------4--------r-------f--------r-------;--------t------~r----- 0 -l.n G INDIVIDUAL SITE INFORMATION SHEETS Site No. 1 ------ Group Rank 5 ----- Name Crescent Lake Stream Tuxedni River Power Potential (kW) 41,000 Transmission Access Severe U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Kenai (B-8) COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 0 Comments Within Lake Clark National Monument; Crescent Lake affects lowlands --lowlands are village cor- poration selection (Crescent Lake and Tuxedni River lowlands). Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 5 Comments Some fisheries habitat problems anticipated. Crescent Lake is an important sockeye salmon producing system. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale 0 Comments Effects on anadromous fisheries --large red salmon runs up Crescent River. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 Important sockeye salmon system. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 10 None. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale *0 Comments *Distance --undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. *Access--maintenance roads, etc., would encourage new and excessive (usually motorized} access to remote areas, with attendant damage to wildlife and nonmotorized recreation values. *In Lake Clark National Monument. Site No. 2 ------ Group Rank 2 ----- Name Chakachamna Stream Chakachatna River, McArthur River Power Potential (kW) 366,000 Transmission Access Moderate U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Tyonek COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale Comments 10 State land --proposed road route. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 5 Comments Some fisheries problems anticipated. Both the Chakachatna River and McArthur River support anadromous fish runs. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 5 Some mitigable loss of fish/wildlife habitat. u.s. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 5 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 10 None. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 5 *0 Comments Distance --undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. *Access--maintenance roads, etc., would encourage new and excessive (usually motorized) access to remote areas, with attendant damage to wildlife and nonmotorized recreation values. Less problem than with #1, but potential inter- ference of lake and/or generating facilities with proposed Lake Clark National Park. *Too big given distance from market. In proposed Lake Clark National Park. Site No. 3 ------ Group Rank 6 ----- Name Beluga Lower Stream Beluga River Power Potential (kW) 15,000 Transmission Access Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Tyonek COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 5 Comments CIRI land selection --proposed road route -- existing power lines. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Major anadromous fisheries drainage; the Beluga River supports five species of salmon. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale 0 Comments Major anadromous fishery --spawning/rearing habitat; sport fishing area --big game habitat. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments None. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 10 Comment Proximity ~-project is apparently desirable because of closeness to markets for electricity or existing corridors. Reasonable Size --size of project seems more in keeping with our general views that smaller, decentralized sources of energy are desirable. Site No. 4 ------- Group Rank 6 ----- Name Coffee Stream Beluga River Power Potential (kW} 37,000 Transmission Access Good --------------- U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000} Tyonek COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale Comments 10 State land proposed road route --existing power lines. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Major anadromous fisheries drainage; the Beluga River supports five species of salmon. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale 0 Comments Major anadromous fishery --spawning/rearing habitat; sport fishing area --big game habitat. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments None. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 10 Comments Proximity --project is apparently desirable because of closeness to markets for electricity or existing corridors. Reasonable Size --size of project seems more in keeping with our general views that smaller, decentralized sources of energy are desirable. Site No. 5 ------ Group Rank 6 ---- Name Beluga Upper Stream Beluga River Power Potential {kW} Transmission Access 48,000 Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000} COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: Tyonek CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 5 Comments CIRI selected land --proposed road route -- access to existing power lines. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Major anadromous fisheries drainage; the Beluga River supports five species of salmon. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale 0 u.s. Fish Scale 0 Trustees Scale Comments Major anadrornous fishery --spawning/rearing habitat; sport fishing area --big game habitat. & Wildlife Service: Comments None. for Alaska: Comments None. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 10 Comments Proximity --project is apparently desirable because of closeness to markets for electricity or existing corridors. Reasonable Size --size of project seems more in keeping with our general views that smaller, decentralized sources of energy are desirable. Site No. 6 ------ Group Rank ___ 1 __ __ Name Strandline Lake ~~~~~~---------- Stream Beluga River Power Potential (kW} 17,000 Transmission Access Moderate U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000} Tyonek COMMENTS: 3 Development of Beluga Upper (5) would reduce by 12 x 10 kW. EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 5 Comments Strandline Lake is state selected, Beluga Lake is CIRI selected --proposed railroad route --has access to existing power lines. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 10 Comments Minimal fish and wildlife concerns; no known critical habitat involved. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale 10 Scale 10 Comments Minimal known fish and wildlife resources; no major impact foreseen. Fish & Wildlife Service: Comments None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments None. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 5 *10 Comments Distance --undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. Too Big --sheer magnitude of project causes us to question its desirability. Access--maintenance roads, etc., would encourage new and excessive (usually motorized) access to remote areas, with attendant damage to wildlife and nonmotorized recreation values. *Minimal conflict. Site No. 7 ------ Group Rank 6 ----- Name Lake Creek Lower Stream Lake Creek Power Potential (kW) 22,000 Transmission Access Severe U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Talkeetna COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale Comments 5 State lands --existing trail. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Lake Creek is a major anadromous and resident fisheries stream. It supports trophy class rainbow and Arctic grayling and provides spawning and rearing habitat for five species of Pacific salmon. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale 0 Comments Important anadromous fish drainage --sport fishing area; big game habitat. Supports 5 species of salmon and several freshwater species. u.s. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 Heavy recreational use, fisheries conflict. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 0 Comments Fish --project would or might impact "obvious" fisheries resource (usually salmon). Recreation --Adverse impact on present or po- tential recreation uses (tourism, floating rivers, rafting, canoing, kayaking, etc.). Site. No. 9 ------ Group Rank 6 ----- Name Talachulitna River Stream Talachulitna River Power Potential (kW) 28,000 Transmission Access Severe U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Tyonek COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale Comments 5 State lands --proposed road and existing trail. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Drainage provides important wildlife habitat. The Talachulitna River is a trophy fish stream for rainbow and Arctic grayling and also, a major Cook Inlet salmon producing stream. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 0 Anadromous river with important sport fishery. S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 Heavy recreational use; fisheries conflict. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 0 Comments Fish --project would or might impact 11 0bvious" fisheries resource (usually salmon). Recreation --adverse impact on present or po- tential recreation uses (rafting, canoing, kayaking). Site No. 10 Group Rank 6 Name Hayes Stream Skwentna River Power Potential (kW) 89,000 Transmission Access Severe U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Tyonek --A------------- COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale Comments 5 State lands --proposed road and existing trail. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Important big game and anadromous fish habitat involved. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 0 Major anadromous waterway --game habitat losses. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 Recreation use. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 5 Comments Distance --undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. Access--maintenance roads, etc., would encourage new and excessive (usually motorized) access to remote areas, with attendant damage to wildlife and nonmotorized recreation values. Site No. 11 ------ Group Rank 4 ----- Name Emerald Stream Skwentna River Power Potential (kW) 37,000 Transmission Access Severe U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Tyonek COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 5 Comments State lands possible long access through Skwentna River to proposed road and existing trail. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale Comments 5 Some wildlife conflicts anticipated. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale 5 u.s. Fish Scale 5 Trustees Scale 0 Comments Some loss of game habitat --possible loss of fish habitat. & Wildlife Service: Comments None. for Alaska: Comments Recreational use. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale *0 Comments *Distance --undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. *Access--maintenance roads, etc., would encourage new and excessive (usually motorized) access to remote areas, with attendant damage to wildlife and nonmotorized recreation values. Site No. 12 Group Rank 6 ----- Name Yentna Stream Yentna River Power Potential (kW} 145,000 Transmission Access Moderate U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000} Tyonek COMMENTS: Assume operation with (13) and (14) as a system. EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Comments State lands --accessible by trail and to proposed road. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Critical anadromous fish and big game habitat involved. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 0 Anadromous river with critical big game habitat. u.s. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 Recreation use. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 10 Comments Proximity --project is apparently desirable because of closeness to markets for electricity or existing corridors. Site No. 13 ------ Group Rank 6 ----- Name Talachulitna Stream Skwentna River Power Potential (kW) __ 7_5~,_0_0_0 ____ __ Transmission Access Severe U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Tyonek COMMENTS: Assumes operation with (12) and (14) as a system. EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale Comment.s 5 State lands --proposed road and existing trail. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Major migrational corridor for anadromous fish. Important big and small game habitat area. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 0 Major anadromous waterway. u.s. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale 0 Comments Heavy recreation use which will grow; fisheries conflict. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 0 Conunents Fish --project would or might impact "obvious" fisheries resource (usually salmon). Recreation --adverse impact on present or po- tential recreation uses (rafting, canoing, kayaking). Site No. 14 ------ Group Rank 6 ----- Name Skwentna Stream Skwentna River Power Potential (kW) ga,ooo Transmission Access Severe U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Tyonek COMMENTS: Assumes operation with (12) and (13) as a system. EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 5 Comments State lands --by proposed road route and existing trail. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Critical anadromous fisheries and wildlife habitat involved. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 0 Major anadromous waterway. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 Heavy recreation use. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 0 Comments Distance --undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. Access--maintenance roads, etc., would encourage new and excessive (usually motorized) access to remote areas, with attendant damage to wildlife and nonmotorized recreation values. Site No. 29 Group Rank 6 ----- Name Palmer ------------- Stream Matanuska River Power Potential (kW) 16,000 Transmission Access Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Anchorage COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Comments State lands by Palmer --existing roads and railroad. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Significant anadromous and big game habitat involved. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 0 Impact on anadromous fish and game habitat. U.S. Fish & Wildlife: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 5 None. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 10 Comments Proximity --project is apparently desirable because of closeness to markets for electricity or existing corridors. Minimal wildlife, access impacts? However, lifetime of facilities? (sedimentation); other factors being equal preference decreases with distance from Palmer --proximity. Site No. 30 ------ Group Rank 6 ----- Name Moose River Stream Matanuska River Power Potential (kW) 21,000 Transmission Access Good u.s.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Anchorage COMMENTS: Alternative to Palmer (29). EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Comments State lands near Palmer --existing roads and railroad. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Significant anadromous and big game habitat involved. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 0 Impact on anadromous fish and game habitat. u.s. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale 0 Comments Scenic drive, recreational use, commercial float trips. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 10 Comments Proximity --project is apparently desirable because of closeness to markets for electricity or existing corridors. Minimal wildlife, access impacts? However, lifetime of facilities? (sedimentation}; other factors being equal, preference decreases with distance from Palmer --proximity. Site No. 31 Group Rank 5 ----- Name King Mountain Stream Matanuska River Power Potential (kW) 44,000 Transmission Access Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Anchorage COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale Corrnnents 5 Partially selected by CIRI --existing roads. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 5 Comments Some anadromous fisheries and big game habitat would be lost. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 0 Impact on anadromous fish and game habitat. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 Important anadromous fisheries and big gam habitat. Trustees for Alaska: Scale 0 Comments Scenic drive, recreational use, commercial float trips. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 10 *5 Conunents Proximity --project is apparently desirable because of closeness to markets for electricity or existing corridors. Minimal wildlife, access impacts? However, lifetime of facilities? (sedimentation}; other factors being equal, preference decreases with distance from Palmer --proximity. *Lake very big given location. Moose habitat impacted? Site No. 32 Group Rank 4 ----- Name Coal Creek Stream Matanuska River Power Potential (kW) 64,000 Transmission Access Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Anchorage COMMENTS: Alternative to King Mountain (31). EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale Comments 5 Partially selected by CIRI --existing roads. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 5 Comments Would effect several small anadromous fish streams and some winter big game range upstream of the impoundment. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 5 Some loss of fish and wildlife habitat. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 5 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale 0 Comments Scenic drive, recreational use, commercial float trips. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 10 *0 Comments Proximity --project is apparently desirable because of closeness to markets for electricity or existing corridors. Minimal wildlife, access impacts? However, lifetime of facilities? (sedimentation}; other factors being equal, preference decreases with distance from Palmer --proximity. *Lake too big given location. Rapid sedimentation. Long transmission lines necessary {desirability decreases with distance from Palmer). Site No. 33 Group Rank 4 ----- Name Purinton Creek ---------------- Stream Matanuska River Power Potential (kW) 67,000 ----=------- Transmission Access Good --~------- U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Anchorage COMMENTS: Alternative to Hicks (34). EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale Comments 5 Selected by village corporation --existing roads. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 5 Comments Would effect several small anadromous fish streams and some winter big game range upstream from the impoundment. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 5 Some loss of fish a:r,d wildlife habitat. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 5 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale 0 Comments Scenic drive, recreational use, commercial float trips. Alaska Center for the Environment: scale 10 *0 Comments Proximity --project is apparently desirable because of closeness to markets for electricity or existing corridors. Minimal wildlife, access impacts? However, lifetime of facilities? (sedimentation}; other factors being equal, preference decreases with distance from Palmer --proximity. *Lake too big given location. Rapid sedimentation. Long transmission lines necessary (desirability decreases with distance from Palmer). Site No. 34 ------ Group Rank 3 ----- Name Hicks Site Stream Matanuska River Power Potential (kW) 59, 00_0 ___ _ Transmission Access Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Anchorage COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Alaska Scale 5 Comments State land existing road --may affect down- stream native selections. of Fish & Game: Comments No major fisheries problems anticipated; some big game habitat would be lost. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 5 Some loss of fish and wildlife habitat. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 5 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale 0 Comments Scenic drive, recreational use, commercial float trips. Alaska Center for the Environment: scale 10 *0 Comments Proximity --project is apparently desirable because of closeness to markets for electricity or existing corridors. Minimal wildlife, access impacts? However, lifetime of facilities (sedimentation}; other factors being equal, preference decreases with distance from Palmer --proximity. *Lake too big given location. Rapid sedimentation. Long transmission lines necessary (desirability decreases with distance from Palmer). Site No. 35 ------ Group Rank 3 ---- Name Caribou Creek Stream Caribou Creek Power Potential (kW) 19,000 Transmission Access Good -------------- U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Anchorage COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Comments State lands --access to existing road through narrow valley. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: scale 5 Comments No fisheries problems but some important big game habitats involved. National Marine Fisheries Services: scale Comments 5 Some fish and wildlife habitat losses. u.s. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 5 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 Recreation use, hiking, skiing, access route. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale *0 Comments Too big --sheer magnitude of project causes us to question its desirability. Recreation --adverse impact on present or poten- tial recreation uses (tourism, floating rivers, etc.) . Loss of habitat for wildlife. Distance --undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. *Too far from market. Moose/caribou habitat? Site No. 36 ------ Group Rank 6 ----- Name Kenai Lower Stream Kenai River Power Potential (kW) 55,000 Transmission Access Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Kenai (B-3) COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Comments In Kenai Moose Range (Federal) . Close to local road and existing highway with power. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments The Kenai River is the leading anadromous fisheries stream in Cook Inlet. Important big game habitat involved. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale 0 Comments Major anadromous fish drainage; important sport fishery --valuable game habitat. u.s. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 High recreation use, fisheries conflict. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 5 Comments Fish --project would or might impact "obvious" fisheries resource (usually salmon) . Recreation --adverse impact on present or poten- tial recreation uses (tourism, floating rivers, etc.) . Site No. 37 Group Rank 6 ----- Name Moose Horn Stream Kenai River Power Potential (kW) 60,000 Transmission Access Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Kenai (C-2) COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Comments On state land. Close to local road and existing highway with power, and landing area. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments The Kenai River is the leading anadromous fisheries stream in Cook Inlet. Important big game habitat involved. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale 0 Comments Major anadromous fish drainage --important sport fishery --valuable game habitat. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 High recreation use, fisheries conflict. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 5 Comments Fish --project would or might impact "obvious" fisheries resource (usually salmon) . Recreation --adverse impact on present or poten- tial recreation uses (tourism, floating rivers, etc.} . Site No. 38 ------ Group Rank 6 ----- Name Killey River Stream Killey River Power Potential (kW) 21,000 Transmission Access Moderate U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Kenai (B-2) COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale Comments 10 Kenai Moose Range. Close to trail --access possible though distant. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments An important big game habitat area, particularly for moose and bear. Some anadromous fisheries habitat would be lost. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 0 Important anadromous fish stream --game habitat. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 Proposed wilderness area. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 0 Comments Distance -~ undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. Access--maintenance roads, etc., would encourage new and excessive (usually motorized) access to remote areas, with attendant damage to wildlife and nonmotorized recreation values. Site No. 39 ------ Group Rank 6 ----- Name Stelters Ranch Stream Kenai River Power Potential (kW) 84,000 Transmission Access Good ----- U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Kenai (B-1) COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Comments Kenai Moose Range. Very accessible --next to existing highway and power line. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Miles of critical anadromous fisheries habitat upstream of the site. Some big game habitat involved. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale 0 Comments Major anadromous fish drainage --important sport fishery --valuable game habitat. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comrnents 0 High recreation use, fisheries conflict. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 0 Conunents Recreation --adverse impact on present or poten- tial recreation uses (tourism, floating rivers, etc.) . Lake --based on available information, dam would create lake of excessive size, given local con- ditions (settlement, wildlife habitat, etc.)(?) Site No. 40 Group Rank 6 ----- Name Kenai Lake Stream Kenai River Power Potential (kW) 115,000 Transmission Access Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000} Seward COMMENTS: Alternative to Stelters Ranch (39). EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Comments State land --good access to existing highway with power. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Would negatively impact anadromous fisheries production on a major system. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale 0 Con:unents Major anadromous fish drainage --important sport fishery --valuable game habitat. u.s. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 High recreation use, fisheries conflict. Alaska Center for the Environment: scale 0 Comments Lake --based on available information, dam would create lake of excessive size, given local con- ditions (settlement, wildlife habitat, etc.). Site No. 41 ------ Group Rank 2 ----- Name Snow -----'--------- Stream Snow River Power Potential (kW) 63,000 Transmission Access Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Comments Chugach Forest (Federal). Good access, good power --existing. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale Comments 5 No major fisheries or wildlife problems anticipated. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 5 Some loss of fish and wildlife habitat. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 5 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale 5 Comments May be part of trail system through Ptarmigan Lake. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale *0 Comments Too Big --sheer magnitude of project causes us to question its desirability. Recreation --adverse impact on present or poten- tial recreation uses (tourism, floating river, etc.) . Wildlife. *Wildlife habitat. Extensive recreational use (motorized and non-motorized) . Proposed wilderness area. Distance from market. Site No. 42 ------ Group Rank 6 Name Kasilof River Stream Kasilof River Power Potential (kW) 40,000 Transmission Access Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Kenai (B-4) COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Comments On state land (20% regional). Close to existing and proposed highway and power line. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 0 Comments Major anadromous fisheries and big game problems would occur. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 0 Important anadromous fishery. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 0 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 5 Heavy recreation use. Alaska Center for the Environment: 5 Comments Fish --project would or might impact "obvious" fisheries resource (usually salmon). Recreation --adverse impact on present or poten- tial recreation uses (tourism, floating rivers, etc.} . Site No. 43 ------ Group Rank 2 ----- Name Tustumena Stream Glacier Creek Power Potential (kW) 21,000 Transmission Access Moderate U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) Kenai (A-2) COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 10 Comments Kenai Moose Range. Access difficult --possible to proposed highway. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale Comments 10 No major fisheries or big game habitat involved. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 10 No major impacts --provided drainage to Kasilof River is not affected. U Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 10 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 Proposed wilderness area. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale *0 Comments *Distance --undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. *Access --maintenance roads, etc. would encourage new and excessive (usually motorized) access to remote areas, with attendant damage to wildlife and nonrnotorized recreation values. *Moose habitat? Proposed wilderness area. Site No. 44 Group Rank 4 Name Creek Stream Sheep Creek Power Potential (kW) 20,000 _ ___:. ___ __:_ ___ _ Transmission Access Moderate U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: Seldovia CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 5 Comments On line between D-1 and Kenai Moose Range. Accessible to proposed highway. {presently quite distant). Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale 5 Comments No fisheries problems. Some important goat and sheep habitat would be lost. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 5 Some fish and game habitat losses. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Scale Comments 5 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale Comments 0 Proposed wilderness area. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale *0 Comments *Distance --undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. *Access--maintenance roads, etc., would encourage new and excessive (usually motorized) access to remote areas, with attendant damage to wildlife and nonmotorized recreation values. *Impact on habitat (Fox River flats transmission lines). - Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale *10 Conunents *Proximity ~-project is apparently desirable because of closeness to markets for electricity or existing corridors. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale 0 Connnents Distance --undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. Lake --based on available information, dam would create lake of excessive size, given local con- ditions (settlement, wildlife habitat, etc.). Recreation --adverse impact on present or poten- tial recreation uses {proposed wild and scenic river). - Site No. 45 Group Rank 5 ----- Name Resurrection River Stream Resurrection River Power Potential (kW) 18,000 Transmission Access Good U.S.G.S. Topographic Map (Scale 1:250,000) ~S~e~w~a~r~d ______ _ COMMENTS: EVALUATIONS: CH2M HILL Utilizing Land Use Planning Commission Information: Scale 0 Comments Boundary of Harding Ice Fields National Monument. On proposed railroad and highway. Possible access to existing road and power. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Scale Comments 10 Little fisheries or wildlife problems anticipated. National Marine Fisheries Services: Scale Comments 5 Some fish habitat losses. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services: Scale Comments 5 None. Trustees for Alaska: Scale 0 Comments Forest Service trail; access to Harding Ice Fields National Park; Park Service headquarters. Alaska Center for the Environment: Scale *0 Comments *Distance --undesirable due to distance from markets, and length/cost of transmission fac- ilities needed. Lake --based on available information, darn would create lake of excessive size, given local con- ditions (settlement, wildlife habitat, etc.). *Recreation --adverse impact on present or poten- tial recreation uses (proposed wild and scenic river). CORRESPONDENCE REPLY TO ATTENTION Of: NPAEN-CW DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 7002 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99510 Nr. Ronald J. !Ueland CH2M Hill 310 K Street, Suite 602 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Hr. Reiland: ( (,,, . ~,I L Review of your reports entitled: "Review of Southcentral Alaska Hydropower Potential" for Fairbanks area and Anchorage area, has been accomplished on your Contract DACASS-78-C-0013, Work Orders 5 and 4, respectively. The following items need clarification or addition to the , reports: a. Clarify the term "transmission areas" and define the role it has in the evaluation. b. Some of the smaller projects, such as Strandline Lake, Caribou Creek, Deadman Creek, etc., have been termed "too big" by the ~laska Center for the Environment. Recheck your evaluation. c. Incorporate Fish and Wildlife Service input into the report. This information should be available in two weeks. d. Incorporate the additional evaluation work being accomplished by the Alaska Center for the Environment, based upon information being collected by Mr. Paul Lowe. NPAEN-CW Hr. Ronald J. Rieland Contract completion will be extended to 16 January 1979 to allm'l incorporation of above information. Sincerely, JAY K. SOPER Chief, Engineering Division 2 Alaska Center for the Environment 1069 W. Sixth Ave. Anchorage, AK, 99501 December 27, 1978 Ms. Nanette Horvilt CH2~1-Hill 310 K Street Anchorage, AK, 99501 Dear Ms. Harvil) In my October 25 letter to Corby Howell, I indicated that we would be doing a more detailed evaluation of the 61 hydroelectric sites proposed as possible alternatives to the Susitna Dam project. This eval- uation is enclosed, and is supplemental to the preliminary version we submitted two months ago. We have also reviewed CH2¥-Hill's summary of the preliminary eval- uations, and wish to make a few comments: 1.) We share the concerns expressed by Mr. Petrie of the Alaska Depart- ment of Natural Resources in his October 20 letter,·regarding the need for more data before really meaningful evaluations are possible. ~·lhile realizing that this is a "first cut" in this direction, we are particu- larly concerned that the proposals be examined in light of the intended markets for the electricity generated at each one, and specific routing of transmission lines. In some cases, the environmental impacts (on habi- tat, etc.) of the transiDission lines may far exceed those of the dams they would service~., Sheep Creek site,fr44). 2.) While we have not done an extensive analysis of your summary, there appear to be some inconsistencies. For instance: a.) there seems to be excessive weight given to the "CH2M-Hill using LUPC Information" evaluation in determining a site's final rating. In several cases, scores of 10 in this area effectively offset "un- acceptable" ratings for impacts on fish or wildlife habitat <!...:.!.·, sites I 8, 53, 54, 56, 58). This is of special concern in light of the fact that the Alaska Division of Lands was not able to participate in the evaluation, producing a situation where "all state lands were indicated as 'acceptable' ••• ~ Again, we realize the limitations you had to work under, but this approach could lend itself to unrealistic, if not inaccurate, evaluations of various sites. ADL's input seems to be essential to this process i b.) our understanding is that _ftite within the Morton d-2 withdrawals was put into your Group Rank 6. Teklanika (#52) falls in this cate- gory (Morton McKinley Park additions), but is rated at 4. 3.) We would have preferred to see our evaluations, and those submitted by Trustees for Alaska, used on a par with those from public agencies, rather than as a secondary prioritizing mechanism. While the public agen- cies may bring greater specific credentials to bear on this, our organi- 2. zations probably have a broader perspective. If our input is solicited, it should be used on an equal basis with others'. These comments are very definitely not directed at anyone personally, or intended as flat criticism. tole support this evaluation process, ap- preciate the opportunity to participate, and want to see it be as effec- tive and comprehensive as possible. We strongly feel that this evaluation process should produce a document as substantive in fact as in name. Again, thank you for your assistance, and for the opportunity to participate. We hope to be able to continue in this role. Paul Lowe Executive Director Enclosures: Revised hydro site evaluations, with explanatory notes cc: Brent Petrie ADL/Planning & Research " " Classification TO: CH2M-Rill Corps of Engineers Other Interested Parties FROM: Alaska Center for the Environment 1069 W. Sixth Ave. Anchorage, AK, 99501 December 27, 1978 SUBJECT: Revised evaluations of 61 proposed hydroelectric sites NOTES: 1.) These are supplemental to our earlier evaluations, dated 10/25/78. 2.) At that time, the onl~ata available to us was site location and 11h" (head?) figure, for each one. (There are apparent errors in some "h" figures, such as /128-Deadman.) Our judgements as to size of the installations and/or lake involved were based on these data. These revised evaluations were done using CH2M-Hill's summary of the initial evaluations, 1:250,000 maps showing site location and lake areas, and additional references. As a result, our initial findings have been revised in some cases. 3.) We have not re-examined those sites in Rank Group 6 of CH2~Hill's summary, on the assumption that those will be ruled out by reason of other input. If this assumption is incorrect, we would appreciate noti- fication. 4.) In light of the additional data available, we submit the attached evaluations • CH2M II HILL engineers planners economists scientists 9 January 1979 Kll839.DO/EO Mr. Paul Lowe Alaska Center for the Environment 1069 W. Sixth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Lowe: Attached is a copy of the rev1s1ons to the report "Review of Southcentral Alaska Hydropower Potential -Anchorage and Fairbanks Area 11 , which we submitted to the Corps of Engineers. l~e have carefully considered the points in your letter of 27 December 1978 and would like to make the following clarifications: 1 In view of the lack of better information, CH2M HILL chose to rate sites on state selected lands as good. We do not feel that this has adversely affected this stage of the site evaluations, since the current purpose is to eliminate the obviously poor sites. With fewer sites remaining to be considered, it will then be possible to do a more thorough study from all viewpoints, including that of land use. t The sites in D-2 withdrawals were not automatically placed in Group Rank 6. If a site was affected by D-2, CH2M HILL rated it as "unacceptable 11 in its land use evaluation. The fate of D-2 lands is too uncertain to automatically eliminate a site simply on that point. • We received the input from the Trustees of Alaska a~d the Alaska Center for the Environment too late to include it in the 11 Reckoning of Evaluations" in the preliminary report. However, these evaluations, as well as new data from other sources, have been included in the revisions. We hope this has answered any questions you have. Thank you for your cooperation in this effort. Sincerely, ' -~'t~~v·~ Nanette P. Harvill Enclosure hms Anchorage Office • 310 K Street, Suite 602 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 907 (279-6491