HomeMy WebLinkAboutFall Creek Draft Environmental Assessment 2001PRELIMINARY DRAFT APPLICANT -PREPARED
(Initial Review Draft)
Falls Creek (Kahtaheena River) Hydroelectric Project
FERC No. 11659
Submitted for preliminary review to
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Washington, D. C.
and the
The U.S. Department of the Interior
Anchorage, Alaska
Icy Strait Environmental Services
Gustavus Electric Company
Gustavus, Alaska
March 1, 2001
Note: Electronis Versions are Available upon Request.
(Initial Review Draft)
Falls Creek (Kahtaheena River) Hydroelectric Project
FERC No. 11659
Submitted for preliminary review to
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Washington, D. C.
and the
The U.S. Department of the Interior
Anchorage, Alaska
Prepared by:
Gustavus Electric Company
Gustavus, Alaska
March 1, 2001
Table of Contents
A. Alternative 1: Proposal by Gustavus Electric Company
B. Alternative 2: Socio-environmentally optimal Falls Creek
III. NO ACTION (Status Quo Diesel Generation)
A. Description of Study and Project Areas
B. Proposed Action and Action Alternatives
C. Cumulative Impacts
D. Analysis of No Action Alternative
A. Application
B. Purpose of the Action
C. Need for the Project
A. Alternative 1: proposal by Gustavus Electric
1. Relationship to Public Lands
2. Access
3. Development Plan
4. Construction
5. Operation
B. Alternative 2: Socio-environmentally optimal Falls Creek Hydro
1. Relationship to Public Lands
2. Access
3. Development Plan
4. Construction
5. Operation
III. NO ACTION (Status Quo Diesel Generation)
A. Physical Plant
B. Service Area
C. Present and Future Power Needs
A. Powerhouse at Base of Excursion Ridge between Allotments
1. Access route
2. Water return
B. Powerhouse in Falls Creek Canyon per GEC Proposal
1. Access route
2. Access type
3. Intake design
4. Powerhouse design
5. Penstock route I Intake location
c. Other Hydropower Options
D. Solar Power Option
E. Wind Power Option
F. Tidal Power Option
G. Fuel Cell Power Option
H. Coal
I. Microturbine
J. Biomass
K. Power Intertie
A. List of Consulted Agencies & Other Parties
B. Applicant Prepared EA Process; Iterative Consultation
C. Coastal Zone Consistency Determination
D. Compliance with Corps of Engineers Wetland Permitting
E. Compliance with Endangered Species Act
F. Compliance with NPS & ADF&G permitting
G. Compliance with Section 401 of the Clean Water Act
A. Description of Study and Project Areas
1. Gustavus Flats
2. Excursion Ridge
B. Proposed Action and Action Alternatives
I. Geology and Soils
a. Affected Environment
b. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
1. Slope and soil stability
Construction-related Effects
Long-tenn Effects
Erosion and Sediment control Plan
11. Bedload throughput
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
iii. Earthquakes
2. Aquatic Resources
a. Affected Environment
b. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
i. Instream Flows and Resident Fish, Bypass Reaches
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
ii. lnstream Flows and Anadromous Fish, Reach I
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
111. Invertebrates
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
iv. Water Quality
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
v. Other Streams of the Study Area
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
3. Terrestrial Resources
a. Affected Environment
b. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
1. Raptorial Birds
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
11. Aquatic Birds
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
111. Marbled Murrelets
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
iv. Bears
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
v. Riparian Mammals
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
4. Plants and Wetlands
a. Affected Environment
b. Corps of Engineers Compliance
c. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
1. Rare and Sensitive Species
Construction-related and Long-term Effects
11. Wetlands
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
111. Rich Forests
Construction-related and Long-term Effects
v. Introduction of Exotic Species
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
5. Threatened & Endangered Species
a. Affected Environment
6. Archaeological and Cultural/Historical Resources
a. Affected Environment
b. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
i. Archaeological Resources
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
11. Cultural/Historical Resources
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
iii. Use of Mills Cabin
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
7. Aesthetic, Recreational and Wilderness Resources
a. Affected Environment
b. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
i. Aesthetic Resources and Recreational Resources
Construction-related Effects
Long-term Effects
ii. Wilderness Resources
8. Socio-economic factors
a. Affected Environment
b. Impacts and Recommendations
i. Construction-related Effects
11. Long-term Effects
C. Cumulative Impacts
I. Geographic and Temporal Scope
2. Related Projects and Trends
a. Gustavus Growth and Economy
b. NPS Facilities Expansion
c. Native Allotments
d. Power generation for the park
3. Effects on Remaining Park Lands
a. Wetlands
b. Wildlife
c. Fish
d. Human Visitation to Park
4. Effects on Icy Strait Region
a. Murrelets
D. Analysis of No Action Alternative
I. Fuel consumption
2. Fuel storage and transportation
3. Air Quality
4. Effects on Falls Creek project area
A. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
B. Traditional Cultural Properties Analysis
C. Technical Specifications
D. USF&WS and NMFS Letters on Threatened and Endangered Species
E. Enabling Legislation
F. Participant List
A. Application
The unincorporated community of Gustavus, with a population of I ,000 in the summer
and 400 in the winter, is located 45 miles west of Juneau in Southeast Alaska. The land
area is approximately 22 square miles.
It is bounded by Glacier Bay National Park (GBNP) on the west, north, and east and by
Icy Passage on the south. The headquarters for GBNP is located approximately eight
miles by road from Gustavus. The lands proposed to be developed for hydroelectric
purposes are presently located within GBNP, all no further than two miles east from the
National Park Service/Gustavus boundary.
Legislation was introduced in Congress to allow the study of this hydroelectric project
and to allow the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to process a license
application for the project. Should the project be determined to be feasible by FERC and
a license is granted to Gustavus Electric Co. (GEC), the Dept. of Interior and the State of
Alaska will consummate a land trade and the State of Alaska will take title to land
necessary to build the hydroelectric facility. Part of this study process will be to
determine the minimum amount of land necessary to do this. Over a period of four years,
hearings were held by the House Resources Committee, the House Commerce Committee
and the Senate energy and Natural Resources Committee. The House of Representatives
passes this legislation on September 16, 1998 and the Senate followed on October 3,
1998. GEC has three years from that date to submit a hydropower license to the FERC.
A copy ofthis legislation is part of Applicant Prepared Environmental Analysis (APEA).
The applicant will not seek renewable resource benefits under the Public Utilities
Regulatory Policy Act. Financing for the project has not been determined yet, but must
be in place before a license is issued. Rates for electricity produced by this project will
be regulated by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission.
An Initial Consultation Document for the project was issued on December I, 1998. First
stage consultation meetings including a site visit, were held on January 19 and 20, 1999
in Gustavus and Juneau. A Memorandum of Understanding was executed between the
FERC and the Dept. of Interior (DOl) to address concerns regarding the role of the DOl
as a joint lead agency in the NEPA process. By letter of January 13, 2000, the FERC
approved GEC's request to use the alternative licensing process, by which GEC would
prepare an APEA in lieu of an Exhibit E, the environmental Report, which is traditionally
filed with an Application for License.
Scoping Document I was issued in March of 1999. Scoping meetings, including a site
visit, were held in Gustavus and Juneau on May 6 and 7, 1999 and July 2, 1999. A
"Walkabout" site visit of the footprint of the project was conducted on July 27 through
July 30 for all interested participants. All researchers and engineers involved were in
attendance. Scoping Document 2 was issued in November of 2000. Drafts of the
Application for License and Preliminary Draft Environmental Analysis (PDEA) will be
distributed for comment in May 2001 and the Application for License will be filed in
October 200 I.
B. Purpose of Action
The Commissions must decide whether of not to issue a hydropower license to GEC for
the project, and what conditions should be placed on any license issued. Issuing a license
would allow GEC to generate electricity at the project for the term of the license. The
State of Alaska must decide what license conditions are necessary for the adequate
protection of National Forest System lands, and whether to issue a special use
The environmental and economic effects of construction and operation of the project, as
proposed by GEC are assessed in this PDEA. The effects ofthe no-action alternative are
also considered.
C. Need for Power
The project would be located in the service area ofGEC. GEC provides electrical service
to all of the Gustavus community. GEC is an isolated electrical network with no
interconnection to any other utility, electric generation system or transmission system
outside their service territory. National Park Service (NPS) facilities at Bartlett Cove are
served by a NPS owned and operated generating and distributing system at Bartlett Cove.
This system is approximately 4-1/2 miles from the end of GEC's distribution system. It
is expected that the NPS will want to intertie with the GEC distribution system once
hydroelectric power is available, although they have not committed to this yet.
Generation Resources of GEC and the NPS consist of all diesel electric generators. G EC
has 1.1 MW of diesel generation capacity and the NPS has 500 kW of diesel generation
capacity. Diesel fuel is purchased in bulk and barged to tank farms near the Gustavus
dock and the dock at Bartlett Cove. In the case of GEC, the fuel is then trucked two
miles to holding tanks at the generator building. Since all energy is currently being
generated using diesel fuel fired generators, a clean need for the project power output to
offset this fuel generation does exist at this time.
GEC's historical loads grew from 43,000 kWhr per year in 1985 to 174,000 kWhr per
year in 1998. A load growth forecast prepared by Southeast Strategies (see the power
output study) projects the future load growth. Studies to determine the instream flow
requirements for habitat purposes are still in progress. Until these studies are completed
and instream flow negotiations finalized, we will not know how many kWhr will be
available from the project. The project can provide up to 94% of the areas electricity
needs, but instream flow requirements will lower that to an unknown figure. Final costs
for the project will also not be known until the instream flow negotiations are complete.
At this time we do not know the location or type of intake structure or details of the
powerhouse. Finalizing instream flow requirements and the project design will be
accomplished in communication and collaboration with all interested agencies and
Power from the proposed Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project would be useful in meeting a
large percentage of the Gustavus area's power needs. The project would displace diesel-
fueled electric power generation and, thereby, conserve nonrenewable fossil fuels and
reduce the emission of noxious byproducts caused by combustion of fossil fuels.
Displacing fossil fuels would also reduce production of "greenhouse'' gases and reduce
risk of oil spills associated with the handling and storage of these fuels. This is
particularly important in the pristine environment of southeast Alaska and Glacier Bay
where the project would be located. If the project license is denied, the power needs of
the area would probably have to continue to be diesel generation.
The project area is located in northern Southeast Alaska, along Icy Strait and east of
Glacier Bay (Figure I -see end pages). All place names used in this document are
displayed on Figure 2 (end pages).
A. Alternative 1: Gustavus Electric Proposal
I. Relationship to public lands
a. lands transferred to state ownership
The act of Congress allowing GEC to submit an application for hydropower permit to
FERC also designated a pool of Federal park lands in the Falls Creek area from which
"the minimum amount of land necessary for the construction and operation of a hydro-
electric project" could be selected by the State of Alaska. These lands, shown on Figure
3 (end pages) are:
T.6S., R. 12E., partially surveyed, Sec. 5, lots I, 2and 3, NEI/4, SI/4NWI/4, and
SI/2. Containing 617.68 acres, as shown on the plat ofthe survey accepted June 9, 1922.
T.6S., R. liE., partially surveyed, Sec. II, lots I and 2, NEI/4, SWI/2NWI/4,
SWI/4, and NI/2SEI/4; Sec. 12; Sec. 14, lots I and 2, NWI/4NWI/4. Containing 836.66
acres, as shown on the plat ofthe survey accepted June 9, 1922.
T.6 S., R. 12E., partially surveyed, Sec. 2, NW I /4NE I /4 and NW I /4. Containing
200.00 acres, as shown on the plat ofthe survey accepted June 9, 1922.
T. 6S,. R. 12E., partially surveyed, Sec. 6 lots I through 10, El/2SWI/4 and
SEI/4. Containing approximately 529.94 acres, as shown on the plat of survey accepted
June 9, 1922.
GEC's proposal is to convey all these lands to the state, with the exception of all lands E
of the E lip of the Falls Creek Canyon (Figure 3). Not including accreted lands this
amounts to about 1300 acres.
The effect of this proposal is to:
• remove from the park all lands down-gradient from the project, and
those lands surrounding the Native allotments;
• establish a new park boundary that is easily described; and
• provide both the state and the park with reasonable management units.
b. Powerline across airport property
GEC will request a permit from the State of Alaska Department of Transportation for
emplacement of a buried powerline and unimproved Off-Road Vehicle(ORV) access trail
from theSE corner of the main Gustavus airport runway access road thence NE to the NE
corner of Sec. 9 (Figure 4 -end pages).
2. Access
GEC proposes to access the project area as follows (Figure 4):
• In Gustavus, use the existing Rink Creek road to its terminus, thence construct a new
one-lane extension N & E through private property to the park boundary at a point
above the lower flats.
• Serve all portions of the hydro development within the (present) park via one lane
gravel road, consisting of these segments:
-An access road that angles WNW across-slope to a point just W ofthe strip fen
- A service road that begins at the intake site; thence follows a grade S along the W
wall of Falls Creek canyon (road segment a, see Figure 5) through the horseshoe area
and to the head of the strip fen, at which point the Falls creek watershed is exited;
thence SW along the brow of riser #3, through the old clearcut; thence back within
the Falls Creek watershed roughly parallel with E boundary of Mills allotment to a
point approximately opposite the lower falls; thence via a steep grade along the
canyon wall to the powerhouse (road segment b, see Figure 6).
This road will generally have a 14' drivable surface with a drainage ditch on its uphill
side and cross drains at frequent intervals as appropriate to maintain present drainage
patterns (Figure 7). The base will be constructed with woody debris and gravel or
shot rock; the surface will be shot rock. Where the road runs within the Falls Creek
canyon, it will be constructed in a full cut blasted into bedrock. Total cleared width
will vary from 45' to 91 ',depending on the steepness ofthe slope to be traversed.
• Acquire gravel or shot rock from private or state lands in Gustavus for the lower end
of the access road (prior to riser #2); place an approximately 0.7 acre borrow pit at the
base of riser # 2 (Figure 4) along access road for shot rock; plan for optional
additional small pits in the horseshoe and old clearcut vicinities (but these are not
expected to be needed, given the volume of shot rock expected to be produced in
making full rock cuts along the road).
• Salvage all saw logs from road and facilities clearing. A void side-casting along all
portions of roads inside the Falls Creek canyon (segments a & b), and on other slopes
considered slide-prone; back-haul all waste material from these segments to a 0.5
acre disposal site (Figure 4) in poor forest S of the strip fen. On other road segments,
dispose of all waste materials in roadbed construction or by side-casting.
Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project
(Figure 5) .:
Alternative 1 -Road Segment A
Fall6 Creek Hydroelectric Project
(Figure 6)
Alternative 1 ~ Road Segment B
200 0 200 400
"Full bench'' bedrock cut
Ditch width 3.5'
Ditch depth 2'
Buried penstock
Typical clearing
road e;ection Variable clearing limit
~-------45' min. --------
14' Roadbed width
,·· ' .
Typical through cut e;ection
Back haul overburden
and ue;e as cru hed rock source
Minimum 24" of shot
rock over debris
suitable excavation excess.
Fails Creek Hydroelectric Project
(Figure 7)
Typical Road Profiles
Theee road proflles are based on the US Forest
Service Standards and Guidelines. See text for
complete descriptions.
The /:1aclcground /r;; an aerial/mage from 1999.
~. ,. . ~~ ··~ ..... ....-
0 1000
Project Area
Access Road
Service Road
and Penstock
. . . . · . Buried Power Line . .. ~ /\/ ~ / ,
/ ' / N
Falls Creek N
Other Creek
Survey Line
Section Line
Borrow Pit site
Disposal site
• Restrict vehicular access to that necessary to construct, operate and maintain the
hydro project; except, after construction, allow public vehicles up to a parking lot at
the top of riser #2 (Figure 4). Seek a lease agreement with the Alaska Department of
Natural Resources that restricts public access to the sorts described above.
3. Development plan (See Figure 4, and Appendix D for further design
• Select a penstock intake site just below the islands, with an impoundment that would
flood the islands.
• Use an intake structure that employs an impoundment a maximum of 12 feet deep; a
fish screen capable of excluding Dolly Varden fry from the penstock intake; and an
automatically operated "bladder valve" arrangement to allow throughput of bedload
during high flows.
• Conduct water to the powerhouse site in a high density polyethylene pipe varying in
nominal diameter from 30" at the intake to 20" at the powerhouse, with an automatic
pressure activated check-valve at its upper end to interrupt the flow in the event of a
pipe rupture.
• Run the penstock from the intake to the powerhouse site generally following the
service road route, except in places where the road will follow a grade inappropriate
for the penstock; these include: a) at final approach to the powerhouse, b) down
through the old clearcut, and c) just N of the strip fen. Bury the penstock in a 30 foot
wide clearing away from the road; along the road, bury the penstock at edge of
roadbed in areas where windthrow or rockfall might damage it, or where it crosses
major mammal trails.
• Construct the powerhouse on the toe of a stabilized colluvial lobe creekside 75' NE of
Mills allotment boundary & three hundred yards downstream from lower falls;
construct house as a two-story structure on pilings sunk to bedrock; build a vehicle
turnaround pad partially atop pilings and partially incised into the colluvial lobe.
• Pipe the tailrace into Falls Creek just below powerhouse; employ a structure that
slows velocity to that of the ambient creek, reduces attraction to spawning fish, and
precludes entry of juvenile fish.
• Run the main powerline underground along an undeveloped ORV trail from the SE
tip of the Gustavus runway to the NE corner of Sec. 9, thence along the south
boundaries of Sees 3&4, crossing under Rink Creek, thence to Rink Creek road;
thence buried in the access road and service road to the powerhouse. Fill in ruts in
ORV trail as they develop to avoid any drainage alteration. Run a secondary power
line in the road from the powerhouse to the intake site to operate equipment there.
3. Construction
• Construct the project over a 24 to 36 month period. Stagger construction projects to
keep the labor demand at any one time within the capacities of the local Gustavus
labor force and existing housing opportunities. Maintain a labor force on the order of
15 persons.
• The project avoids the shore area from the park boundary to Falls Creek during spring
bear grazing on sedges (late April-early June).
• Avoid earth work in the anadromous reach of Falls Creek during salmon runs ( late
July early October).
• Avoid felling live trees and snags during murrelet and passerine nesting season (June-
august), and large diameter snags during the owl nesting season as well (March
• Road construction: a) minimize root disturbance of adjacent trees in areas of
moderate gradient by building roadbed atop intact root mat; b) minimize potential for
slope failure in steep areas by employing full-rock roadcuts, cutting some ofthe trees
along roadsides to reduce loading on the soil mat; and minimizing siltation potential
where the road lies above Falls Creek by avoiding all sidecasting of spoil material
• Salvage topsoil and vegetation as construction proceeds and use immediately for
revegetation of road cuts and sidecasting slopes. Supplement with native grass seed as
necessary to ensure quick establishment of a complete ground cover.
• A void roading through wetlands to extent possible; where not possible, minimize
changes in wetland hydrology by frequent cross drains.
• Minimize cutting of large trees with high murrelet nesting potential, and removal of
large snags and large woody debris.
• During construction, have biologists in field with construction crew to suggest minor
route and construction alterations to optimize tradeoffs between such environmental
variables as wetlands, murrelet trees, snags, large woody debris, and animal trails.
• During construction, notify nearby residents and users of schedule for machinery
operation and blasting to minimize conflict with other uses and values.
4. Operation
• Service the intake and powerhouse sites approximately weekly via road vehicle, or
snowmachine during deep snow times. Roads will not be plowed.
• Use road vehicles for access to all installations other than the powerline during
summer, and snowmachines during snow periods.
• Use ORV's for powerline surveillance inside Gustavus.
• Disallow the discharge of firearms along the service road, powerhouse and intake
• Retain status quo diesel as backup (see no action alternative for elaboration).
• lnstream flow placeholder (instream flow constraints on project?)
• Monitor these aspects of Falls Creek:
Water quality (at powerhouse, yearly)
Streamflow (continuous from gauging station at powerhouse)
Bedload throughput a) past intake structure, b) to delta
Bottom sediment composition in a) bypass reach and b) upper portion of
anadromous reach (frequency?)
Benthic invertebrates (every 5 years, in bypass and anadromous reaches)
Anadromous fish escapement (each July-October)
Resident Dolly Varden population index (bypass reach compared to upstream of
intake site, yearly)
• Develop a termination plan in cooperation with state and federal agencies and the
community of Gustavus for the disposition of lands and facilities should the
hydroelectric facility cease to operate or fail to be re-permitted.
B. Alternative 2: Minimal socio-environmental impact hydro alternative (with
diesel backup)
1. Relationship to public lands
a. lands transferred to state ownership
At variance with the GEC proposal, exclude from park an area comprising
approximately 200 acres, defined as follows (Figure 8):
• A corridor extending 250' (two tree lengths) on either side of the access and service
road centerline, widened as necessary to include the penstock where it deviates from
the road route;
• An area of the Falls Creek canyon extending from the crest of one wall to the other,
extending downstream 250' beyond the penstock intake structure and upstream 250'
beyond the upper limit of the impoundment;
• An area extending 250' in all directions from a point centered on the borrow pit at the
base of riser #2.
• Areas extending 250' in all directions from the center of all soil/woody debris
disposal sites.
. .
" . . " . . .. ~ /V ~
.. · /' v /.
Project Area
Acce55 Road
Service Road
and Pen5tock
Buried Power Line
Fall5 Creek
Other Creek
Survey Line
Section Line
Wetland5 Border
Parle Land
Private Land
State/GEC Land
• An area extending 250" in all directions from a point centered on the powerhouse
b. Powerline across airport property
• Per the GEC proposal: request a permit from the State of Alaska Department of
Transportation for emplacement of a buried powerline and unimproved Off-road
vehicle access trail from the SE corner of the main Gustavus airport runway access
road thence NE to the NE corner of Sec. 9.
2. Access (Figure 9)
• Per the GEC proposal, in Gustavus, use the existing Rink Creek road to its terminus,
thence construct a new one-lane extension N & E through private property to the park
boundary at a point above lower flats.
• Per the GEC proposal, serve most of the hydro development within the (present) park
via one lane gravel road, consisting of these segments:
An access road that angles WNW across-slope to a point just W of the strip fen;
A service road that follows a grade through the horseshoe area and to the head of the
strip fen; thence proceeds along the brow of riser #3, through the old clearcut; thence
roughly parallel with E boundary of Mills allotment to a point at the canyon lip
directly above the powerhouse. This road will generally have a 14' drivable surface
with a drainage ditch on its uphill side and cross drains at frequent intervals as
appropriate to maintain present drainage patterns. The base will be constructed with
woody debris and gravel or shot rock; the surface will be shot rock.
At variance with the GEC proposal, place all portions of the service road
outside the Falls Creek canyon. This would be accomplished, first of all, by routing
the initial portion of the service road [segment a]from the intake structure along a
relatively gentle grade following a curved route to a holding tank on the canyon lip
above the intake site, thence proceeding S through poor forest along the bog edge,
crossing the culverted Greg Creek ravine to join the GEC proposed route at the
horseshoe. This would be accomplished, secondly, by constructing a tunnel from the
canyon lip directly down to an excavated cavern housing generators I 0' above creek
level in lieu of that road segment [segment b].
• Per the GEC proposal, establish a borrow pit in base of riser# 2 along the access road
for shot rock.
At variance with the GEC proposal, acquire gravel only from the already-
established state borrow pit in Gustavus for the lower end of the access road (prior to
riser #2); if more material is needed, obtain from the above-mentioned pit or from
state & private land.
Falls Crt:t:k Hydrot:ft:ctric Projt:ct ..
(Figurt: 9)
Altt:rnativt: 2 Projt:ct Layout
Project Area
Acce66 Road
Service Road
and Pen6tock
Buried Power Line
Fall6 Creek
Other Creek
Survey Line
Section Line
Wetland6 Border
Borrow Pit site
Disposal site
• Per GEC proposal, salvage all sawlogs.
At variance with the GEC proposal, road segments a & b are eliminated;
thus, almost all waste materials will be disposed of in the roadbed or by side-casting.
The few remaining road segments located on steep terrain (access road up riser #2,
service road ascending riser #3 S of strip fen) require much less back-haul of rock,
soil and woody debris than does the GEC proposal, and thus requires a much smaller
disposal siteS ofthe strip fen.
• At variance with the GEC proposal, restrict vehicular access to that necessary to
construct, operate and maintain the hydro project; allow no public vehicles onto
project area either during or after construction.
3. Development plan (See Figures 4, 9 and Appendix D for comparison
between alternatives 1 & 2)
• At variance with the GEC proposal, emplace the penstock intake about 400'
downstream and 12' lower in elevation than the proposed site, with an impoundment
that would not flood the islands.
• Per the GEC proposal, use an intake structure that employs an impoundment 8 to 12
feet deep; a fish screen capable of excluding Dolly Varden fry from the penstock
intake; and an automatically operated "bladder valve" arrangement to allow
throughput of bedload during high flows (Appendix D)
At variance with the GEC proposal, construct a fish ladder to facilitate
passage of Dolly Varden movement past the intake structure.
• Per the GEC proposal, conduct water to the powerhouse site in a high density
polyethylene pipe varying in nominal diameter from 30" at the intake to 20" at the
powerhouse, with an automatic pressure activated check-valve at its upper end to
interrupt the flow in the event of a pipe rupture.
• Per the GEC proposal, generally run the penstock from the intake to the powerhouse
site along route as described on Figure 4.
At variance with the GEC Proposal, pump water from the intake structure
straight up to a holding tank at the canyon lip, (Figure 1 0) from whence a penstock would
be routed along an alternative road route (see description under "access", above) that
avoids construction along the wall of the Falls Creek canyon.
• At variance with the GEC proposal, construct the control building on bedrock at the
canyon lip (Figure 11) overlooking the lower falls, from which a tunnel would extend to a
cavern near creek level where the generator would be located.
• Per the GEC proposal, employ a tailrace design that slows the returned water velocity
to that of ambient creek, reduces attraction to spawning fish, and precludes entry of
juvenile fish.
Fall6 Creek Hydroelectric Project
(Figure 10)
Alternative 2 .... Road Segment A
Fall!!; Creek Hydroelectric Project
(Figure 11)
Alternative 2---Road Segment B
200 0 Feet 200 400
At variance with the GEC proposal, pipe the tailrace into the plunge pool
at the base of the lower falls, above the uppermost spawning bed for anadromous fish
(Appendix D).
• Per the GEC proposal, run the main powerline underground along an undeveloped
ORV trail from the SE tip of the Gustavus runway to the NE corner of Sec. 9, thence
along the south boundaries of sections 3&4, crossing under Rink Creek, thence to
Rink Creek road; thence buried in the access road and service road to the
powerhouse. Run a secondary line in the road from the powerhouse to the intake site
to operate equipment there.
4. Construction
• Per the GEC proposal, construct the project over a 24 to 36 month period. Stagger
construction projects to keep the labor demand at any one time within the capacities
of the local Gustavus labor force and existing housing opportunities. Maintain a labor
force on the order of 15 persons.
• Per the GEC proposal, avoid the shore area from the park boundary to Falls Creek
during spring bear grazing on sedges (late April-early June); avoid felling live trees
and snags during murrelet and passerine nesting season (June-august), and large
diameter snags during the owl nesting season as well (March-April).
At variance with the GEC proposal, avoid Falls Creek mouth entirely
during salmon runs (late July-early October).
• Per the GEC proposal regarding road construction: a) minimize root disturbance of
adjacent trees in areas of moderate gradient by building roadbed atop intact root mat;
b) minimize potential for slope failure in steep areas by employing full-rock roadcuts,
cutting some of the trees along roadsides to reduce loading on the soil mat.
At variance with the GEC proposal, further minimize the potential for
siltation of Falls Creek by routing the service road entirely outside the canyon.
• Per the GEC proposal, salvage topsoil and vegetation as construction proceeds and
use immediately for revegetation of roadcuts and side-casting slopes. Supplement
with native grass seed as necessary to ensure quick establishment of a complete
ground cover. A void roading through wetlands to extent possible; where not
possible, minimize changes in wetland hydrology by frequent cross drains.
• More strictly than the GEC proposal, avoid rather than minimize cutting of large trees
with high murrelet nesting potential, and avoid removal of large snags and large
woody debris on all development sites and routes other than those of the above-
ground portions of the penstock. In the case of the penstock, a grade must be held
that precludes jogs to avoid specific spots, and above-ground portions thereof must be
protected from falling trees.
• Per the GEC proposal, during construction, have biologists in field with the
construction crew to suggest minor route and construction alterations to optimize
tradeoffs between such environmental variables as wetlands, murrelet trees, snags,
large woody debris, and animal trails.
• Per the GEC proposal, during construction, notify nearby residents and users of
schedule for machinery operation and blasting to minimize conflict with other uses
and values.
5. Operation
• Per the GEC proposal, service the intake and powerhouse sites approximately weekly.
Transport by road vehicle or snowmachine. Road will not be plowed.
• Per the GEC proposal, use road vehicles or ORV's for access to all installations
except the powerhouse during summer, and snowmachines during snow periods.
At variance with the GEC proposal, use tunnel to access the generator site.
• Per the GEC proposal, disallow the discharge of firearms along the service road or in
the powerhouse and intake vicinities.
• Per GEC proposal, retain status quo diesel backup (see no action alternative for
elaboration). However, upgrade storage and handling facilities to decrease the
likelihood of spills.
• lnstream flow placeholder
• Per GEC proposal, monitor these aspects of Falls Creek, per se:
Water quality (at powerhouse, yearly)
Streamflow (continuous from gauging station at powerhouse)
Bedload throughput a) past intake structure, b) to delta (at intake, frequency?)
Bottom sediment composition in a) bypass reach and b) upper portion of
anadromous reach (frequency?)
Benthic invertebrates (yearly, in bypass and anadromous reaches)
Anadromous fish escapement (each July-October)
Resident Dolly Varden population index (bypass reach compared to upstream of
intake site, yearly)
At variance with the GEC proposal, add this monitoring of subjects
potentially indirectly affected by the project:
Human visitation to the project area
Black bear spring usage of the shore fringe
• Per the GEC proposal, develop a termination plan in cooperation with the state and
the community of Gustavus for the disposition of lands and facilities should the
hydroelectric facility cease to operate or fail to be re-permitted. GEC removes all
facilities, and advocates that roads be reduced by natural revegetation to hiking trails,
and that a land use designation compatible with adjacent park lands be adopted by the
HI. NO ACTION (Status Quo Diesel Generation)
A. Physical Plant
The GEC installation is the only public power facility in Gustavus. Present power
generation is via a diesel power installation situated near the Gustavus airport in
buildings fonnerly housing generating facilities operated by the State of Alaska, and
before that, by the Civil Aeronautics Administration. Prior to the GEC purchase in 1983,
these facilities powered the airport complex and did not serve the community at large.
Power is generated by one_Caterpillar & one Cummins unit with peak capacities of 300 &
250KW respectively. Fuel for these plants is received approximately 6 times/year by
barge from Seattle, transferred ashore through a steel line attached to the Gustavus dock,
and stored in two 20,000 gallon tanks in an above-ground tank farm near the dock. From
there it is trucked to two 1500 gallon tanks at the generator facility. Fuel spill protective
measures include:
a retaining buffer around the tank farm & generator tanks
response vehicle with retaining boom, and absorbent materials
a complete facility response plan, filed with the US Coast Guard, Environmental
Protection Agency and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.
GEC has replaced all former suspended powerlines, and now installs only buried lines.
The present grid consists of 30 miles of main trunk and 15 miles of secondary lines.
B. Service Area
Power service now extends to all portions of Gustavus. Approximately four permanent
residences are off the GEC power grid. About 430 businesses and private parties are
presently served by GEC. Glacier Bay National Park has its own power installation at
Bartlett Cove. The NPS grid, separated from that of GEC by about 5 miles, could be
linked via the Gustavus-Bartlett Cove road.
C. Present and Future Power Needs and Costs
Power sales during 2000 averaged 5078 KW/day. Peak loads of280KW occurred during
summer and winter. Peak power demands were least during spring and fall (about
220KW). Average cost to the consumer is $0.16/KWH up to 500KWH per month for
residences. The state Power Cost Equalization program subsidizes the remaining cost of
electricity for residential use.
Power generation by GEC from (Table I) show a regular increase from about 42,000
KWH/Yr in 1985 to about 174,000 KWH/Yr in 1998. Despite a slight decline since then,
power needs for the Gustavus area are projected to increase by about 45% over the next
Decade (Coupe 2000a). National Park Service power generation has shown no clear
trend, varying from 729,00 KWH/Yr to 865,000 KWH/Yr in 1999, and averaging about
halfofthat ofGEC in recent years.
TABLE I Kilowatt Hours/Year generated by Gustavus Electric (Gustavus)
and NPS (Glacier Bay National Park headquarters & Glacier Bay Lodge)
Gustavus Electric National Park Service
lli!~ 437,000 No data
502,000 No data
1987 589,000 No data
1988 687,000 No data
1989 734,000 No data
1990 892,000 No data
1991 I ,090,000 No data
1992 1,124,000 No data
1993 I, 188,000 730,000
1994 I ,457,000 825,000
1995 1,414,000 857,000
1996 1,625,000 854,000
1997 1,677,000 818,000
1998 1,734,000 756,000
1999 1, 713,000 865,000
2000 I ,694,000 No data
A. Powerhouse at Base of Excursion Ridge Between Allotments (Greg)
Early in planning for the project, a design was considered that positioned the powerhouse
at the base of the Excursion ridge between the two Native allotments. This first set of
alternatives relates to that early plan.
I. Access routes (Figure 12-end pages)
a. Run the access road from the end of Rink Creek road SE across
the flats to park boundary, thence E to the powerhouse; run the penstock and service road
as straight as possible uphill from the powerhouse to the intake site. Run the powerline
across the flats from SE end of the airport, thence ENE to Rink Creek behind the beach
margin {S of the preferred route), thence NE to right-of-way between sections 3 & 10
(joining the preferred route just E of Rink Creek), thence across the flats to powerhouse.
(Alt. A in Scoping Doc #I).
This option was abandoned when the decision was made to move the proposed
powerhouse to Falls Creek. That decision allowed rerouting of access to totally avoid the
Gustavus flats with their environmental, aesthetic and engineering problems. It also
allowed tailrace water to be returned directly to Falls Creek (see 2.a., below)
b. Route the access road along an old logging road route starting
behind Beartrack Inn and proceeding along the base of the Excursion Ridge to the
powerhouse (a partial permutation of A It A, above).
This option would allow reuse of a route disturbed in the early 1970' --one that with
minimal clearing and roadbed construction would take one right to the formerly
considered powerhouse site. This option became moot with the repositioning of the
proposed powerhouse at Falls Creek. It had the further disadvantage of requiring the
permission of owners of both allotments, some of whom do not favor the project.
2. Water return (Figure 12)
a. Run the tailrace water to a slough which enters Falls Creek
in lower intertidal zone, bypassing anadromous reach.
The earliest conception of the Falls Creek project involved return of tailrace water to
Falls Creek via a slough that entered the creek low in the intertidal zone. This had the
grave disadvantages of:
potentially dewatering the anadromous portion of the creek during low flows, and
confusing returning fish with Falls Creek water that could divert them into an
unsuitable spawning channel.
These problems and those accruing to access (see I.a., above) caused the reevaluation
that resulted in the preferred alternative.
B. Powerhouse in Falls Creek canyon, per GEC proposal
Under this heading are grouped various ideas considered after the decision was made by
GEC to place the powerhouse at Falls Creek.
I. Access route (Figure 12)
a. Run the access road from the SE end of the airport along the
preferred powerline route to the park boundary, thence E across the flats then angling up
the Excursion ridge to join the preferred service road about y; mile uphill from the
powerhouse (portion of Alt. B in Scoping Doc # 1 ).
This routing would result in the shortest and most direct access road. It was rejected
early in planning because of:
the large amount of wetlands it would traverse;
the aesthetic detractions of crossing the open flats in the viewshed of Beartrack
Inn, the Mills cabin, and the most-used hiker route along the beach;
the access it would provide through important spring bear foraging habitat, water
bird migratory habitat, and across a major mammal thoroughfare route;
the engineering problems posed by the deep silts of the Gustavus shore.
It was also predicated on reaching an agreement with Native allotment owners, which
was not attempted.
b. Reroute the segment of the preferred access road route
from Rink Creek road to the park boundary so that it runs across E across the flats.
This route crossing a portion of the Gustavus flats has most of the flaws mentioned under
"a", above. It was considered as an option by GEC because it utilizes only existing right-
of-ways, and therefore became a last resort option the event that it became impossible to
negotiate the preferred route with upland landowners.
c. Run the powerline independent of road routes across the
Gustavus flats from the park boundary, thence angling up the Excursion ridge to join the
preferred service road about Y2 mile uphill from the powerhouse (portion of Alt. D in
Scoping Doc # 1 ).
This alternative would allow the shortest and most direct routing of the powerline, and
therefore was considered early in planning. It was rejected because, unless the road
followed the same route (per "a", above), it would require pioneering a separate route,
with the attendant impacts and costs that would entail.
2. Access type
a. Use a cable tram instead of access and service roads in all
portions ofthe project E of the park boundary.
Economic analysis showed this option to be far more expensive than a road based access
b. Service the powerhouse with a short rail tram from the lip of
the Falls Creek canyon in lieu of a road segment.
This option was considered (Appendix D) as an alternative to a road and its potentials for
landscape disturbance in this geomorphically and biologically sensitive locality. It was
rejected when analysis showed that a tram would be much more costly than a road, and
would still require a significant amount of landscape disturbance.
3. Intake design
a. Employ an intake structure with a mechanical sluice-gate that
allows bedload throughput only when opened by operator.
An intake structure design was considered (Appendix D) that employed a simpler
mechanically operated sluice gate. This avoids the added complexity of the
automatically operated bladder gate and the need for an electrical power line to the intake
site. It does not, however, allow a substantially natural throughput of bedload, and was
rejected for that reason.
4. Powerhouse design
a. Run the tailrace from the preferred powerhouse site upstream
to a position above all significant anadromous fish spawning areas.
This would remove nearly all potential effects of the project on water flow to anadromous
spawning and incubation portions of lower Falls Creek, and thus is an environmentally
attractive option. It was rejected because of the difticulty and cost of routing the tailrace
through this portion of the canyon, and the potential for causing further slope
destabilization there.
5. Penstock route /Intake location
a. Place intake just above horseshoe. Run penstock through tunnel
to vicinity of strip fen, whence the penstock would continue per GEC's proposal.
This routing would remove a problematic stretch of the planned penstock route. It was
rejected for economic reasons, and because the resulting relatively low-elevation intake
location would result in lost head.
C. Other Hydropower Options
To be reported in the next draft.
D. Solar Power Option
To be reported in the next draft.
E. Wind Power Option
To be reported in the next draft.
F. Tidal Power Option
To be reported in the next draft.
G. Fuel Cell Power Option
To be reported in the next draft.
H. Coal
To be reported in the next draft.
I. Microturbine
To be reported in the next draft.
J. Biomass
To be reported in the next drafi.
K. Intertie
A bill was recently passed by the U.S. Congress to authorize (but not fund) electrically
connecting various load and generation centers in Southeast Alaska. It has been
suggested that, as an alternative to developing Falls Creek and perhaps present diesel
generation as well, Gustavus could be added to the intertie network.
This alternative was considered, but rejected for the following reasons:
1) Gustavus is not currently a part ofthe Southeast Alaska lntertie Plan.
2) The intertie is to be constructed over a thirty year period. Construction will begin in
southern Southeast Alaska and is not scheduled for the northern portion until the last
decade of this period. Thus, even if Gustavus were added to the plan, it would
receive electric power from the intertie no sooner than 2021.
3) No funding has been appropriated for the intertie, and there is no guarantee that
funding will be appropriated.
4) Conservation groups including the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council and the
Sierra Club oppose the intertie.
5) A number of studies have found that under certain assumptions there may be some
economic benefits to interconnect the larger load centers in Southeast Alaska (Coupe
2000a). However, small utilities such as GEC do not warrant the large capital
investments required for
transmission line; interconnection would be cost-effective only if the primary line
was relatively close by. Though all aspects of the intertie remain speculative, a
reasonable very preliminary estimate for a Hoonah Gustavus intertie is $15 million.
For the above reasons, this alternative would not achieve the purpose and need that
the GEC proposal is designed to address.
A. List of Consulted Agencies & Other Parties
To be provided in the next draft.
B. Applicant Prepared EA Process; Iterative Consultation
To be supplied with the next draft.
C. Coastal Zone Consistency Determination
The consistency determination process is underway, and will be reported upon fully in
the next draft.
D. Compliance with Corps of Engineers Wetland Permitting
The permitting process is undenvay, and will be reported upon fully in the next drqfi.
E. Compliance with Endangered Species Act
On February 14, 1999, Icy Strait Environmental Services wrote the National Marine
Fisheries Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service, Juneau Alaska, requesting
information regarding species protected under the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C.
1531 et seq.), and subject to Section 7 consultation (50 CFR 402 et seq.).
NMFS responded on March 18, 1999, (Appendix E) that two listed species, the Steller
sea lion and the humpback whale, occur in the general vicinity of the project. It was
determined by GEC that since the project has no marine component, no significant
impact could accrue directly or indirectly to these species as a result of the proposed
UDF&WS responded on March I, 1999, (Appendix E) that one listed species, the
American peregrine falcon, occurs in the general vicinity of the project. However,
subsequent to that time, the American Peregrine falcon has been delisted, and therefore is
no longer of concern in the context of the Endangered Species Act.
F. Compliance with NPS and ADF&G permitting
Icy Strait Environmental Services (ISES) obtained annual permits from the National Park
Service for research on the various disciplines for which it was responsible during the
years 1998-2000. The 1999 permit also allowed an exception from NPS regulations on
helicopter landings for the purpose of establishing and dismantling a field camp at the
500' level to support upland studies in the project area. Additional permits were received
on 6/6&7/00, respectively, to remove wood and shell samples from the study area for
radiocarbon dating, and to operate motorized drilling machinery for assaying gravel
deposits. The latter permit was not used.
Aquatic sciences, Inc. received a NPS permit for 2000 to pursue fish and invertebrate
R2 Consultants, Inc. has received research permits for instream flow studies for 1999 and
The US Geological Survey received a NPS permit to install a stream gauge at the 600'
foot level along Falls Creek, and to service it by helicopter during 1999 and 2000.
GEC received a permit in 1999 for cutting of brush and trees of diameter less than 6" in
the process of surveying.
Aquatic Sciences and ISES received permits from ADF&G for the collecting of fish
during 1999 and 2000.
G. Compliance with Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (Dick)
A confirmatory letter from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation has
been requested.
A. Description of the Study Area
An area encompassing the likely effects of the project has been chosen for study in
consultation with overseeing agencies and here termed the "Study Area" (Figure 13).
Studies have been focused principally on a subset of the study area termed the "Project
Area". The project area encompasses national park territory plus the adjacent portion of
state and private lands in Gustavus between the airport and the park boundary (Figure
14). Figure 2 locates features named in the following description.
The approximately 18 mi 2 study area lies within the wilderness boundaries of Glacier
Bay National Park, except for two 160 acre native allotments that exist as inholdings
within the park, and a 3 mi 2 portion of private and state land that extends from the
Gustavus airport to the park boundary. This area encompasses portions of two very
different landscapes, the easternmost margin of the Gustavus flats, and portions of the
Excursion Ridge (Figure 13).
1. Gustavus Flats
The Gustavus flats are a nearly level plain comprised of sandy glacial outwash sediments
related to the most recent advance of ice in Glacier Bay that culminated about 250 years
ago. These glacial outwash sediments were built into a former marine embayment,
whose wave-etched edge today forms the western margin of the Excursion Ridge. The
sands interfinger with a wedge of glacio-marine silts deposited by higher sea levels
during the glacial maximum as nearby ice depressed the land. Rebound from these
higher sea levels is ongoing, progressively baring the silts to colonization by terrestrial
plant communities. These silts underlie supratidal portions of the project area from the
mouth of airport slough, past lower Rink & Homesteader Creeks, to the mouth of Falls
Creek. At low tide, they can be seen to extend as a huge mudflat I Y2 miles S of Falls
Creek's mouth. The proposed powerline route is underlain by sand except along the Rink
Creek estuary.
The water table is often at or near the surface during wet months, except for the
immediate vicinities of creeks and sloughs, which are progressively entrenching
themselves in response to post-glacial uplift. An existing man-made ditch cutting across
the flats along the proposed powerline route has somewhat lowered the water table in that
locality, and intercepts surface flows during the wettest times.
LEGEND N ElcGur!Jion ~ area
Gue~e Fl~ area
N Faile Creek
N. Road and Ponetock
New Road
~nk Crllllt Ji:oad
Fa/1!5 Creek Hydroelectric Project
(Figure 13)
Study Area, Project Area, and Propo!5ed
Hydro-Project Layout
.25 0
2,500 0 --2!)00 5,000
.. •'
! • '• ... ., .. ,
~ ... j -
.... .... : "" ,
. ~ . r . • . ···:
: : .; •• _.. .. .. ... 0 •. ' .. ·-..... . .
,; ..... . ..
1, ••• -6 . ,• . ' ~ . . -. ... ~
•• -... !.• . ' . . ... ~ ... . .
• • " ~ • 0 • -.. -.... • : --•• ~ ·-....
"· :·. ;·_.... .. . .....
•J • • ' ~ ' •
I .. •• I • ~ I • --~ :.: : _:. .-
-· ..
, ..
.. •• 0. -, . '
: . .
. \
-. ·' .. ·" -. ·"'·~.::. ' .....
'. ..
·. . ;_.· .'-;.
... :: ··: ·~ ·.'··' ·,.
0 • ..._ -• • .. ·---.~~-;,.,. . '. ..-\ .. :·
-"' .. 0 • ,, ...
Falls Creek Hydro Project
(Figure 14)
Land Status Map
Thi5 map 15 l:la5~ on work dont: l;ly HDR Ala5ka, Inc.,
tht: Ala5ka Mt:ntal Ht:alth Tru5t and G. Strevt:lt:r for
Gu5tavu5 Electric.
The l:lackeround 15 from a USGS 1:63,360
topo map
Project Location
0.25 0
0.25 0.5
~1 1 0: Project area
Creeks N
~Faile; Creek
~ Un-named Creek
~ Homee;teader Creek
~Rink Creek
"'./'\:/ Airport Slough
Land Statue;
(State )Airport
Mental Health Land True;t
Native Allotment
Other Private
Plant communities on the Gustavus flats are in a state of rapid successional change.
Their boundaries are in flux as they respond to marine regression and changing water
tables. Soils are uniformly thin, generally poorly drained, and immature. The best
drained sites along Rink and Homesteader Creeks are occupied by first-generation spruce
forest that varies from a few decades old near the marine shore to about I 00 years old at
the study area's northern boundary. Ditching near the airport has allowed the
development of open cottonwood/spruce forest nearby. Elsewhere, the flats are occupied
almost entirely by open fen and willow/sweetgale shrubland communities which are
generally poor in upland localities but more luxuriant toward the shore. Above high tide,
these communities interfinger with a mosaic of generally lush meadows that vary from
sparse sandy barrens on a few dry bars, through lush umbel/lupine meadows on mesic
sites, to grass/sedge/iris marshes on the wettest ones. These communities merge into
sedge meadows or open flats below high tide.
The most open wetlands are generally poor wildlife habitat. Mammal sign within them is
sparse except on years of high vole abundance, when marten, weasel and coyote use can
be substantial. Geese and, occasionally, cranes may stop over in the open areas during
migration, but little nesting occurs in them. Certain places host significant crops of
strawberries and nagoon berries on certain years, at which time black bears may frequent
By contrast, shrub and lush herb communities within liz mile of the shore host
considerable concentrations of wildlife, notably black bears and moose. Black bears are
extremely abundant along the shore between Falls Creek and Rink Creek during spring,
grazing on sedges and umbels arrayed in close proximity to excellent cover provided by
the immediately adjacent Excursion Ridge. Black bears disperse to a degree through
summer and fall, but remain common throughout shore communities. Moderate use is
made of the summer/fall salmon resource in the creek and slough mouths.
Moose now occur in significant numbers throughout Gustavus. Luxuriant willow
thickets near the shore have become critical winter habitat during the last several years;
very high densities can occur within them during peak snow times. A portion of the
proposed powerline route east of Rink creek traverses this habitat type.
Wolves, coyotes and brown bears are of occasional occurrence, mostly as transient
individuals along the shore. Wolf predation on moose is extremely light. Marten can be
common in the forests and forest margins; squirrels are generally abundant there. Otter
family groups have occurred along the shore in past years, but only single individuals
have been noted recently.
Tidelands are heavily used by ducks, geese, brant, and shorebirds during migration. The
low tide margin, the mouth of Falls Creek and the algae-carpeted flats behind the Falls
Creek bar are especially heavily used. Resident Canada geese frequent the mouth of
Rink and Homesteader Creeks, and graze the seaward margin of the sedge meadow along
its entire length.
The settlement of Gustavus is spread diffusely across the outwash plain and uplifted tidal
sediments, its eastern fringe extending into the study area. On the order of two dozen
residences and summer cabins exist along and near lower Rink Creek road, which
terminates at the only commercial facility in the project area, Beartrack Inn.
Intensive human use of the portion of the flats within the project area began with
homesteaders in the 1950's. No archaeological remains are known. Recreational
opportunities are restricted by the brushy wetland terrain, but are most substantial along
the shore.
2. Excursion Ridge
By contrast to the Gustavus Flats, the Excursion Ridge portion of the study area is a
relatively old landscape whose major features were last subject to alteration during the
late Wisconsin ice age that ended approximately 14,000 years ago. Also unlike the
alluvial flats, the Excursion Ridge is bedrock-controlled, being composed of late Silurian-
early Devonian calcareous mudstone, moderately folded and locally mildly
metamorphosed to slate and phyllite. Fold structures and related jointing appear to
control gross topographic features, including the location and morphology of
watercourses. All bedrock features have been abraded by intense glacial erosion, and in
most cases stripped of unconsolidated sediment. Much of the topography within the
project area has been sculpted into a series of gently rolling terraces delimited to seaward
by steep risers, the lowermost of which has been incised by wave action into cliffs
partially buried today by the recent construction of the Gustavus flats.
Within the project area, Falls Creek flows mainly over bedrock and its course is
structurally controlled. The creek follows the axis of a syncline in the reach that includes
potential penstock inlet sites; below there, the creek jogs abruptly across the bedrock's
structural grain and then occupies a deep canyon probably eroded along a fault-weakened
crest of a bedrock anticline. Prior to the log jam, the creek once again abruptly turns
across-grain and descends through the lower falls to the reach encompassing the potential
powerhouse and penstock outlet sites. Sediments within the present creek canyon
suggest that to some degree it was cut before the Wisconsin stage.
Little unconsolidated sediment is present in the Falls Creek valley and gorge. Though
erosion of the friable mudstone is rapid and coarse sediment transport by the creek
consequently considerable, only a few places along the upper creek have accumulated
significant deposits. Small but biologically important accumulations of sediment occur at
places along upper Falls Creek, notably at the log jam, near the islands and within the big
woods. By far the most voluminous accumulations are near the stream mouth. The
uppermost of these is a weathered gravel deposit of possible pre-Holocene age in the
vicinity of the log jam. Remnants of a large early post-glacial deltaic structure exist
seaward of the lower falls. Still further seaward, the modern wave-modified delta is built
over Neoglacial intertidal silts. Beginning about at the proposed powerhouse site, the
stream flows through gravels which thin progressively until in the present upper intertidal
zone, they form a veneer over the silts before lensing out altogether at about the 14' tidal
level. Continued bedload throughput is probably critical to maintaining a spawning gravel
carpet in the intertidal creek bottom.
Small-scale karst features, lime-rich resurgences, and high levels of bicarbonate in Falls
Creek water all attest to the pervasiveness of calcium carbonate in the watershed.
Consequently, Falls Creek water is highly buffered against the considerable acidic input
from the peats and podzols in its watershed. Turbidity is low, even during high water
stages. Water quality indices are high. There is no indication of human influence on the
water quality of Falls Creek at present.
Flow rates vary from 4 to 1500 cubic feet per second, the normal range being between I 0
and 100 cfs.
The invertebrate and algal biota of Falls Creek are not abundant, perhaps due to the
mobility of the bedload. A small number of Dolly Varden char occupy the creek from
above the lower falls to an elevation of at least 900 ft, being concentrated in the
occasional low-gradient, sediment-rich reaches. Work to date suggests that the reaches
potentially affected by the project may host two or more small, self-sustaining
The reaches of Falls Creek seaward of the lower falls maintain dense spawning
aggregations of pink salmon, plus smaller numbers of spawning chum salmon, coho
salmon, cutthroat trout and Dolly Varden Char. The best spawning habitat for the pinks
is in the intertidal reach. Spawning habitat above the proposed powerhouse site contains
areas important for chum and especially coho salmon. Coastrange sculpins are resident.
Rearing trout, char and especially cohos are present, but rearing habitat has been judged
scarce and mostly restricted to the reach below the proposed powerhouse site.
Soils are far deeper and better developed than on the Gustavus flats. The most prevalent
soil-forming processes are organic accumulation and podzolization. Most soils are
wetland types except on the steepest slopes, and peat accumulations can be in excess of
six feet. The mudstone bedrock weathers readily to clay. This, in combination with the
deep organics and steeply-dipping, thinly-bedded bedrock, makes mass movement a
major concern for road building and facilities construction.
Below the alpine/subalpine meadow and shrub communities, the study area is cloaked in
hemlock/spruce forest wherever drainage is sufficient and mass wasting is not too severe.
Forests on the relatively steep slopes of terrace risers, canyon sides and riparian alluvium
tend to be the most luxuriant, dominant trees attaining maximum girths of 4-7 feet.
These forests also tend to have the greatest percentage of spruce, though hardly ever does
that species predominate. Mortality possibly related to spruce bark beetle attack over the
last two decades has resulted in the considerable reduction of large spruces in many
Luxuriant forests tend to have a rich but patchy understory of blueberries, menziesia,
devil's club, other shrubs and forbs. Windthrown trees are common, mostly as broken-
off rather than uprooted individuals. Thus the root mat is seldom disrupted, which
probably explains the apparent stability of slope soils despite their potential lability due
to the underlying clay layer.
Less luxuriant hemlock forests are prevalent on the more moderate slopes at the brows
and feet of risers, and may form extensive mosaics with fens (less often bogs) at their
margins. These forests are comprised of smaller, generally more widely spaced trees less
subject to windthrow. Some occur on well-drained soils, but generally are forested
wetlands. The trees are typically surrounded by a dense and lush substratum of shrubs,
often interlaced with skunk cabbage swales and fens rich in crabapple and alder. Berry
crops, especially blueberries, can be abundant.
Fens are common in gently sloping localities where groundwater wells up, typically in a
mosaic with poor forests and bogs. They are the study area's most aesthetically pleasing
community, comprised of a wide variety of trees and shrubs with diverse physiognomies
scattered through a grass/sedge understory rich in flowering forbs. Fens contains more
species of floristic interest than other communities in the project area. Berries such as
highbush cranberry and nagoon berry can be abundant, and herbs such as sedge, deer
cabbage and buckbean may be used extensively by grazers. Loose, deep fen peats are
extremely susceptible to damage and drainage alteration by foot or vehicular traffic.
Bogs occur on sites most remote from sources of groundwater in contact with bedrock.
Thus they tend to be found on the centers of terraces remote from runoffthrough shallow
soils, and are extensive only on the third and largest terrace. There are two phases: one
dominated by a turf of moss and heath family subshrubs; the other by wiry sedges and
clubrush. In both phases, trees and shrubs are widely spaced and typically stunted. Pine
is the predominant tree. Compared to fens, bogs are unproductive of berries or
herbaceous forage, but crops of crowberry, bog blueberry, cloudberry and buckbean in
the moss/heath phase are used on occasion by the local fauna. Bog peats are typically
deep, and in the case of the sedge/clubrush phase, extremely fragile.
Excursion Ridge habitats maintain a wide variety of larger mammals, the most abundant
of which are black bears and moose. Black bears range through all plant communities.
Their sign is most frequently encountered in fens and along forested riparian and shore
margins, but can be frequent in upland forest margins during the berry season. They
have established a network of well-used trails in a pattern often dictated by the
topography These trails are used in part to move through upland habitats to access shore
and lowland riparian communities. Only a few individuals appear to regularly exploit the
spawning salmon resource.
Moose have become common in Excursion Ridge plant communities in the last couple of
years, and now range widely. The most concentrated use of the area is by cows with
calves during early summer in riparian corridors. A wide variety of forage species is
utilized. Marten sign is abundant in forests and fen margins. Mink and otter occur along
lower Falls Creek, but appear to be scarce or absent in the uplands. Brown bears, wolves
and coyotes occur as occasional transient individuals. Porcupines are locally common,
especially along watercourses. Squirrels are surprisingly uncommon at present, as are
Among resident birds, the most significant may be marbled murrelets, which nest in
similar forests in other parts of southeast Alaska. Ravens are scarce. Homed owls and
red-tailed hawks apparently nest in the project area on some years. Mergansers and
dippers raise young along Falls Creek's middle elevations, but there is no evidence that
harlequin ducks do. Kingfishers nest along the lowest reach. Paired Canada geese
visited upland sites during early summer, and one old nest was found in luxuriant forest,
but no nesting was noted this year.
Present human use of the Excursion Ridge portion of the study area is minimal, being
mostly restricted to occasional hikers visiting the shore and the lower falls. The only
structure is an occasionally occupied cabin at the mouth of Falls Creek. Past use of the
area includes two episodes of logging. The first of these, from about 191 0-14, resulted in
several dozen acres of horse-assisted clear-cutting at far point. The second, from about
1969-73, resulted in clear-cutting of more than 50 acres on the lower terrace in the two
native allotments. The latter episode of logging resulted in a primitive (now abandoned)
road linked to the Gustavus road system.
The only identified indication of pre-Caucasian use of the area is several culturally
modified hemlock trees in the vicinity of the proposed powerhouse site. Recreational use
of the area consists mostly of beach hiking and occasional visits to the lower Falls Creek
falls. Visits to the uplands are rare; hiking opportunities there are substantial, but made
difficult by intervening brush in the lowlands.
B. Proposed Action and Action Alternatives
I. Geology and Soils
a. Affected Environment
Elements are not in place for evaluation of the seismic hazard for the general region;
however, these things can be said (Homer 1988):
• An area of intense seismicity is associated with the Fairweather fault system 50 miles
to the west;
• One moderate earthquake (magnitude >6) had its epicenter 30 miles SW from the
project area during the last century.
• The east Glacier Bay -Lynn Canal region, including the study area, shows relatively
low seismicity compared to the region to westward.
Gustavus flats in the project area, a sand/silt plain sloping gently seaward, has little or no
potential for destabilization by minor construction activities (Mann and Streveler 1999),
except perhaps along the banks of entrenched streams like Rink Creek.
Excursion ridge bedrock weathers to clay under study area soils, forming a layer along
which slope failure can occur (Mann and Streveler 1999). The predominant histosol soils
contain generally moderate to deep organic horizons, except on the steepest slopes (Mann
and Streveler 1999) such as those along the walls of the Falls Creek canyon (Mann 2000).
Soils are underlain in places by unconsolidated sediments ranging from clayey tills to
sandy alluvial gravels. The potential instability of sediments and soils is counteracted on
most slopes by a continuous fabric of living tree roots (Mann 2000). This fabric has
seldom been interrupted under existing natural conditions in the study area: windthrows
generally involve trunk breakage rather than uprooting. However, windthrow has been
more extensive along the margins of recently clearcut areas on the Mills native allotment.
Bedrock fabric dips steeply into the slope along Falls Creek canyon at and downstream
from the proposed intake structure, making it a relatively stable roadcut host in this area
(Mann 2000). However, five mass movement deposits have been identified in
unconsolidated materials along the portion of the canyon slope likely to be traversed by
the proposed service road and penstock. One of these deposits has failed in the last 2-5
years (Mann 2000), illustrating the labile nature of unconsolidated deposits and soils atop
the bedrock here.
Bedrock fabric dips in the direction of the slope along the steep canyon wall along
proposed road segment b (Figure 2 of Mann 2000) where the proposed service road
descends to the powerhouse, making this bedrock segment conducive to instability (Mann
2000). Several debris lobes in the proposed powerhouse vicinity, directly adjacent to the
anadromous reach of Falls Creek, attest to past instability but presently appear inactive
(Mann 2000). Other segments of the proposed service and access roads traverse steep
faces of risers # 2&3. Bedrock fabric is unknown there, but soils and underlying
unconsolidated materials are subject to the constraints discussed above (Mann and
Streveler 1999).
Bedload throughput in Falls Creek appears to be considerable (Mann and Streveler 1999).
This may be crucial in replenishing aquatic habitats (Flory 2001 ). Copious input may be
critical to the delta, where the tendency of the creek to cut into silts is apparently
counteracted by input of coarser materials from upstream. It is not yet clear what
proportion of materials reaching the delta originate from as far upstream as the proposed
intake structure (Mann 2000). However, a large source of gravel occurs above the I Okm
falls, where avalanches have removed surface vegetation and pushed underlying material
into the stream (Flory 200 I). Smaller gravel sources exist both above and below the
proposed intake site.
The stream gradient through the bypass reach ·is relatively steep with a substrate
composed primarily of cobble/boulder and bedrock. This reach is probably "supply
limited" for sediment sizes up to and including coarse gravel. Thus, the ability of the
bypass reach to convey sediment appears to exceed the quantity of sediment supplied at
the upstream end of the reach (Beck 200 I).
In contrast to these conditions, Falls Creek has a milder gradient averaging 0.7% for the
2.5 miles upstream from the proposed bypass reach, and is more substantially gravel
bedded. The substrate characteristics within this reach are likely more indicative of the
characteristics of the sediment actually transported through the bypass reach. Within this
reach with the milder gradient, there will likely be a portion that is "transport limited"
where the quantity of sediment supplied matches or exceeds the ability of the reach to
convey the sediment (Beck 200 I).
b. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
i. Slope and soil stability
Construction-related Effects
Buried powerline construction across the Gustavus flats will have no destabilizing effect
on soils, nor will the ORV trail associated with it.
Road construction on steep slopes of the Excursion ridge, especially segments on the
preferred route a) traversing the canyon wall down-gradient from the intake site and b)
descending to the powerhouse, will expose fines (gravel, sand, silt and clay) in the
subsoil to mass wasting and runoff. Probabilities are high in the cases of the segments a
and b that some of the fines will enter Falls Creek, especially before revegetation
stabilizes open soils. Movement of fines would be greatest during storms, and could be
catastrophic if major mass wasting events are triggered. An earthquake occurring at a
time of heavy precipitation could exacerbate this potential.
Mitigations: see the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
Alternative 2 avoids construction of road segments a and b, the only segments within the
Falls Creek canyon, thus greatly lowering the risk that the project would negatively
impact Falls Creek.
Construction associated with the intake structure will cause minor soil disturbance, which
could lead to some input of fines to the creek, especially if high-water events coincide
with construction.
Mitigations: see the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
Construction associated with the proposed powerhouse on pilings should not destabilize
the colluvial lobe on which it is situated, so long as the root mat is not disturbed, but the
vehicle tum-around will be deeply incised and may destabilize the uphill portions of the
Mitigations: see the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
All impacts to this site would be avoided by Alternative 2, which places a control
building on bedrock at the canyon lip and connects to a creekside generator via tunnel.
Long-term Effects
No problems are anticipated on the Gustavus flats.
On road segment "a", the bedrock structure is conducive to stability, but at least five
bodies of overlying sediment have failed at various past and recent times. The present
continuous tree root carpet will be cut by road construction. Any rock, sediment, soil or
woody debris mobilized on this steep slope is very likely to end up in the creek. A
second impact potential arises from the possibility of penstock rupture. The penstock
routed as proposed by GEC could, if ruptured, cause a large rush of water downslope
with considerable erosive effect. Materials entrained by this water could drain into Falls
Creek if the rupture occurred either at the Greg Creek crossing or at the crossing of the
unnamed ravine just downslope of the old clearcut.
Mitigations: Felling certain trees within 45-91 feet of the right-of-way centerline and
leaving their root masses intact is expected to lessen but not eliminate the potential of
road-building for mass wasting. This mitigative tool must be balanced against the
competing imperative to leave as many high-potential murrelet nesting trees as possible
(see IV.B.3.b.iii.) and maximizing the wind-firmness of forest openings (see
IV.B.4.c.iii.). A check valve installed at the upper end of the penstock will restrict the
potential volume of any spill to the amount of water contained by the pipe up-gradient
from the rupture.
Along road segment b and associated vehicle turnaround, bedrock bedding planes are not
conducive to stability, and several lobes of unconsolidated debris on the footslope above
the creek indicate former episodes mass wasting (Mann 2000). Felling trees along the
right-of-way margins to reduce loading on the slopes is not feasible at the road segment
terminus or turnaround due to murrelet nesting considerations. The risk that the proposed
roadcut & turnaround will destabilize the slope they transect is therefore considerable.
Any rock, sediment, soil or woody debris mobilized on this steep slope is very likely to
end up in the anadromous reach ofFalls Creek.
Mitigation: The vehicle turnaround pad will be placed partially on pilings or fill to
minimize the size of the incision into the slope.
The proposed powerhouse itself is not expected to have major destabilizing effects.
Minor soil disturbance associated with the intake structure is not expected to be long-
term. No stability problems will be associated with the borrow pit.
Tree root mats on the site chosen for soil and woody debris disposal would not be
interrupted by disposal activities, nor is this site's moderate slope conducive to failure.
Thus, no increase in slope stability is anticipated from either the GEC proposal or
alternative 2.
Access routes and modes in Alternative 2 avoid construction of the two most problematic
road segments and thus greatly diminish the likelihood of slope failure or sedimentation
into Falls Creek as a consequence of the project.
Erosion and Sediment control Plan
Plan under preparation; will be included in next draft.
11. Bedload throughput (Figure 15)
Construction-related Effects
Alternative 1
Impoundment site
Fall5 Creek Hydroelectric Project
(Figure 15)
Alternative 1 and 2 Impoundment
Pond Footprint5
D Spawn lne eravel
D Cobb lee; and Bouldere;
112] Bedrock
fill GraveiBar
Q Flooding Zone
The Islands
Alternative 2
Impoundment site
200 400
Under either alternative, bedload could be interrupted for a month during construction,
which should have minimal effect on throughput, given that construction would occur
during summer when bedload transport is generally minimal.
Long-term Effects
The intake design for both alternatives would be programmed to automatically allow
unimpeded bedload throughput at all flows predicted to naturally entrain bedload
materials. However, the proposed diversion dam intake structure might impact the
transport of sediment through the bypass reach in the following two ways:
I. Temporary disruption of sediment supply to the bypass reach caused by
deposition upstream from the diversion dam intake structure.
2. Potential reduction of transport capacity through the bypass reach caused by
partial diversion of flow to the powerhouse.
These two effects may temporarily halt or slow down the supply of sediment through the
bypass reach and to the anadromous reach downstream from the Lower Falls and may
impact the quality of spawning habitat.
Mitigation: GEC proposes to mitigate for the first effect by supplementing the bypass
reach with gravels similar in quantity and grain size composition to those trapped
upstream from the diversion dam intake structure. The second effect is considered to be
insignificant because GEC proposes to divert little or no flow around the bypass reach
when flood conditions prevail on Falls Creek. A sediment monitoring and management
plan is in place to monitor the volume and grain size characteristics of sediment trapped
upstream from the diversion dam intake structure and to supplement the bypass reach
with gravels similar in grain size composition and quantity to those trapped upstream.
Key elements of this plan include a Pre-Construction Survey, followed by Post-
Construction Monitoring and Gravel Supplementation (Beck 200 I).
iii. Earthquakes
Given the amount of debris along the Falls Creek canyon at or near the maximum angle
of repose, any major earthquake is likely to mobilize sediment into the creek. Steep areas
along road segments a & b are likely to be among those prone to slide under these
Mitigation: All side-casting will be avoided along these road segments and trees will be
cleared out to a width of up to 90 feet to minimize loading and consequent destabilization
of the steep slopes these segments traverse.
2. Aquatic Resources
This crucial section is incomplete at this time pending finalization of the instreamjlow
a. Affected environment
Falls Creek water quality data from various seasons and flow stages at the approximate
locations of the proposed intake and powerhouse sites depict a stream in pristine
condition(Streveler 200 I). Of 23 measured parameters including hydrocarbons, heavy
metals, suspended & dissolved solids, nutrients and physical properties, only two --pH
and total nitrogen --showed noteworthy values. The pH range of 6.8 to 8.2 reflects the
pervasive carbonate-bearing rocks of the watershed and suggests relatively minor
influence of acidic soils on the creek's water chemistry. Total nitrogen was considerably
higher during high flow than at other stages, suggesting greater influence of runoff
through soils at that time.
During 2000, water temperatures recorded at the upper and lower stream gauges operated
by the USGS were very similar (Table 2):
Table 2
upper gauge
lower gauge
USGS data (Oct 1999-Jan 2001)
highest mean= I O.OC Lowest mean= 0.1 C Highest max = ll.l C Lowest min= OC
9.7 O.OC 10.7 OC
Resident Dolly Varden, the only fish species above the lower falls of Falls Creek, may
comprise two or more discrete populations. Genetic analyses based on four loci suggest
that fish sampled at the big woods (well upstream of either alternative intake site) and the
log jam (in the bypassed portion of the creek) may be genetically differentiated, and
therefore that two reproductively distinct resident populations may exist (Leder 2001 ).
Since resident Dolly Varden habitat is segmented into four pieces by barriers (above the
Lower Falls) presumably impassible to upstream fish movement (Figure 3 of Flory
2001 ), the possibility that more than two distinct resident populations exist cannot be
excluded. The considerable variation in average growth rates, condition indices and body
proportions from reach to reach (Flory 2001) may thus in part be genotypic.
The proposed intake sites are bracketed by the 2m falls and the upper falls. The best fish
habitat in this segment lies within the impoundment area of the proposed intake site and
upstream of the alternate intake site; below either site in that segment, trap results
indicate far sparser fish concentrations (Flory 2001 ). Above the 2m falls, there are no
barriers in 6km of stream up to the 1 Okm falls, which apparently sets the upstream limit
of fish in Falls Creek.
Resident Dolly Varden are distinguished by their slow growth rate, short lives (up to
about 8 years) and small adult size (up to about 20cm total length). Genetic analysis
indicates that Falls Creek resident fish are reproductively distinct from two sampled
anadromous stocks from nearby streams at Gustavus and Sitka respectively(Leder 2001 ).
Successful reproduction requires the availability of suitable spawning habitat. Spawning
substrate for the small-bodied Dolly Varden in Falls Creek is thought to consist of I to 4
em gravel. No observations of spawning or redds have been made in Falls Creek, but
individuals were observed in spawning colors on October 3-4 and 25-26, 2000. The
probable time of spawning is late October to mid-November. This concurs with timing
of spawning observed for resident Dolly Varden on Admiralty Island, southeast Alaska
(Blackett 1968). Little is known about the preferred spawning depths and velocities of
resident Dolly Varden. Sixteen female Dolly Varden of similar body size to Falls Creek
residents were observed spawning in a Japanese stream, largely where water depths were
5 to 15cm (2 to 6 inches) and velocities were 10 to 20cm/s (0.33 to 0.66ft/s) (Kitano &
Shimazaki 1995). Although this provides an example of the conditions under which
spawning is possible for small-bodied individuals, other conditions should not be ruled
out as being unsuitable or less preferable. Appropriate spawning habitat appears to be
mostly confined to deeper pools or behind obstructions. Given the potential for siltation
atop these gravels on the one hand and their apparent lability on the other, relatively few
patches may allow successful incubation and fry emergence. The proportion of substrate
suitable for spawning varied from around 2% in Reach 3 to around 15% in Reach 4 and
30% in Reach 7. Periodic high flows may be critical for flushing silts from these deposits
to allow sufficient oxygenation of eggs and to ease fry emergence (Flory 2001 ).
Resident fry have rarely been observed in Falls Creek, but two individuals observed in
2000 were each located at the stream margins at depths of around two inches and velocity
of zero. Fry are protected from predation by older fish in these areas since there is
insufficient depth for larger fish to enter. Rainbow trout fry have been found to prefer
shallow, sheltered areas (Bray 1996). Payne & Lapointe (1997) noted that shallow, low-
velocity edge areas, prevalent at the inner sides of stream bends, were preferred by brown
trout fry.
Habitat utilization by juvenile and adult resident Dolly Varden (ages 2-7) was examined
in Falls Creek at low and high stream flow. Day and night observations were made of
depths and velocities occupied by fish. The small-bodied residents were found to occupy
lower velocities than has been reported for larger Dolly Varden in other streams (R2
Resource Consultants 2000). Pool habitats are well buffered against low flow events;
riffle environments that dominate the bypass reaches will be most affected by water
extraction, especially if accompanied by winter ice.
Access to habitats is just as important as the presence of suitable habitat within a system.
Some over-wintering areas may become inaccessible due to freezing of connecting
riffles, requiring fish to migrate to suitable areas prior to the onset of winter low flows.
High flows in spring and fall may be necessary for migration between spawning, over-
wintering and rearing grounds. However, recapture of marked fish at the point of original
capture and the continuous range of size classes noted during winter trapping suggests
that little large-scale seasonal movement occurs (Flory 2001 ).
Low temperatures reduce the swimming ability and critical holding velocity for fish,
which affect their ability to avoid predators and adverse physical conditions of ice, low
oxygen, winter freshets and dewatering of stream sections. Energy expenditure is
minimized at low temperatures in winter by selection of positions in low-flow
microhabitats with suitable cover from adverse conditions (Cunjak 1996). Resident Dolly
Varden in Falls Creek were captured in minnow traps placed in deep pools with large
woody debris in February 2000. Other salmonids (brown trout, brook trout, cutthroats
and rainbows) have been found sheltering amongst boulders sometimes 15-30cm below
substrate surface, and beneath undercut banks and shelf ice (Cunjak 1996).
Low winter flows and ice accumulation can reduce the area of suitable habitat. Frazil ice
may partially fill pools and leave the remainder of the pool unsuitable by concentrating
the water flow. Limited winter habitat space together with more restricted habitat
requirements of fish may result in severe competition among fish in winter. Winter
conditions may therefore, ultimately limit fish population size. A combination of very
low discharge and high ice accumulation was found to contribute significantly to
substantial mortality of juvenile Atlantic salmon in eastern Canada (Cunjak & Randall
lvfore to come on resident fish instream flow analysis here soon.
Fish of Falls Creek's anadromous reach below the lower falls include coho, pink and
chum salmon, cutthroat trout, Dolly Varden char and coastrange sculpins (Armstrong and
Streveler 1998). Pink salmon, the most abundant salmonid species, spawn from late July
to late September. Escapement estimates for the last two years range from over 8000
( 1999) to about 900 (2000). During 1999, they were observed along the entire reach up
to the falls; during 2000, 89% of pink salmon were counted below the old log bridge in
the intertidal zone (Flory 2001 ), where previous research showed a very high density of
eggs to exist (Cantillon 1969).
Chum salmon spawn from mid-July to mid-August in much lower numbers than pinks,
varying from about 100 in 1999 to about 700 in 2000. In 2000, 34% of chum salmon
were observed below the log bridge and 36% were observed upstream of the proposed
powerhouse site. A run of cohos, estimated to be less than 100 individuals, spawn from
mid-September to early November; 76% were observed above the powerhouse site in
2000. Of all the salmon spawning habitat between the old log bridge and the lower falls,
40% upstream of the proposed powerhouse site (Figure 1 Ob of Flory 2001 ).
Adult Dolly Varden and cutthroat trout have been observed in Falls Creek during salmon
spawning. apparently foraging on salmon eggs. Spawning has not been observed (Flory
Salmon eggs overwinter in the substrate. Fry hatch in early spring with pink and chum
leaving the stream before summer. Juvenile cohos, Dolly Varden and cutthroats, and
sculpins, are known to occupy the entirety of reach 1 during summer. Limited trapping
during winter has demonstrated the presence of juvenile cohos and sculpins only.
Falls Creek is connected at low tide to Rink & Homesteader Creeks, as are several small
sloughs that meander across the flats then head on slopes of the Excursion ridge. All are
crossed by the proposed access road. Species occupying these streams are shown in
Table 3. Rink Creek salmonid escapement has not been enumerated, but small numbers
of coho, pink, and chum have been observed. Cutthroat trout and coastrange sculpin
were found in minnow traps near the road crossing point in July 1999 (Flory 2001).
TABLE 3 Species Presence in Potentially Impacted Streams
Dolly Varden
P =presence confinned by observation; L =presence likely; I intennittent use likely
------···---·--· ----~·---------------
Homesteader Creek has a high density of adult coho, pink and chum salmon during the
spawning season, but escapement has not been monitored. Minnow trapping in July
1999, confirmed the presence of Dolly Varden, cutthroat trout, coastrange sculpin and
juvenile coho. The sloughs are short (< lf:z km), narrow (< 2m), winding streams that
branch off from the two larger creeks or drain the first riser west of Falls Creek. Depth
varies by more than I m during the tidal cycle, and substrate varies from fine, silty mud to
3cm gravel. Sculpin have frequently been observed in all sloughs, while coho were
observed attempting to spawn in the slough nearest to Falls Creek in 1999.
Synopsis of anadromous fish instream flow studies here.
Benthic invertebrates are sensitive indicators of stream productivity, water quality and
habitat characteristics. Rapid bioassessment techniques have been applied to the benthic
invertebrate fauna of Falls Creek at four sites, below and above the proposed intake and
powerhouse sites, respectively (Flory 2001 ). Samples collected in 1999 and 2000 will
allow determination of individual species densities and total biomass or biovolume per
unit area. Gross examination determined the prevalence of mayfly and stone fly larvae.
b. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
i. lnstream flows and Resident Fish, Bypass Reach
The extraction of water to Generate hydropower per the GEC proposal would place 2875
m of resident fish habitat (above the Lower Falls) in the "bypass reach". By comparison,
alternative 2 reduces this figure to 2775 m. However, the I 00 m left out of the bypass
reach in this way contains some of the most productive fish habitat in the system (the
More instream flow discussion to come here soon.
Construction-related Effects
Road building and tree removal produce fine material that can accumulate in the bed
substrate and reduce spawning success (Flory 200 I). Effects of road construction at Falls
Creek could lead to transport of fines into the stream. However, input of fine material
does not necessarily lead to significant fines enrichment of gravel if there are sufficient
hydraulic forces (high flows) to transport fine material away. High flows in Fall may
remove some or all fines introduced into the stream during summer. Construction should
be avoided after the fall high flow period and during incubation of embryos (October to
Mitigation: See Sediment and Erosion Control Plan
Long-term Effects
Assessment of the impacts on the fish populations residing in the bypass reach entails
evaluation of the different requirements of the fish at different life stages and at different
times of the year. Table 4 summarizes the potential impacts to each life stage or state of
resident Dolly Varden.
Conditions appropriate for spawning of these small-bodied fish are probably tightly
constrained by the size of substrate they can move and the scarcity of sites where such
sediments are both stable and not subject to siltation. The project and Alternative 2 both
have potential for altering conditions under which these types of substrate can occur.
Mitigation: Considerable latitude for protection of other possible spawning conditions
has been built into the PHABSIM instream flow model as applied to Falls Creek.
Successful completion of recruitment requires maintenance of suitable conditions
throughout the incubation period. The inundation of spawning gravels with fine
sediments can occur when flow is greatly reduced leading to limited oxygen availability
for developing embryos and reduced survival to emergence (Chapman I988). The
emergence of salmon fry from the gravel bed can also be mechanically blocked if gravel
substrate is not sufficiently coarse (Payne & Lapointe I997). Sufficient interflow of
water through gravel with near saturated oxygen levels is necessary throughout
incubation (Imhof et al I996). The greatest concern in this regard is siltation.
Mitigation: See Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
In Falls Creek, spawning habitat is mostly confined to deeper pools where the likelihood
of redd stranding is minimal, but reduction in velocities, while perhaps not discouraging
spawning activity, could lead to increased deposition of fine material. In a western
Colorado river, high flows were required at least every 3 years to remove undesirable
accumulations of sediment in gravels and maintain suitable spawning habitat (Milhous
I998). Given that water extraction at Falls Creek will have a proportionately small
impact on high flows, since the amount of water deflected will represent a smaller
percentage of the total flow, then it is conceivable that there will still be sufficient
hydraulic power at high flow to keep spawning grounds free from fine material.
Mitigation: Monitoring of sediment distribution and abundance is part of the sediment
monitoring and management plan.
TABLE 4 Potential Impacts of Instream Flow Reductions on Resident Dolly Varden
(Flory 2001)
Life Stage or State Requirements/Preferences Potential Impacts
Reproduction: Substrate l-4cm, low % fines Reduced velocity at low flow may
Spawning, incubation, Sufficient depth, velocity to spawn cause deposition of fine material in
emergence. (depth> 2in, velocity 0.3-0.7ft/s) gravel leading to low oxygen for
Interflow of water through gravel, eggs, but high flows may provide
high 0 2 cone. Throughout incubation. sufficient hydraulic power to scour
gravel; abandonment of sites behind
impoundment due to low flow.
Fry rearing/ Nursery Very low velocities, shallow areas: Possible loss of edge habitat at low
1-2 inches; protection from predation flow, but expansion of edge habitat
by older fish. Edge habitat. at high flows.
Juvenile rearing Pool, riffle combination, complex Velocities may drop below preferred
habitat structure, L WD. Velocities up range; dewatering of usable habitat;
to 2.7 ftls, deep pools for cover. High flows needed for channel and
habitat formation not affected.
Adult holding/shelter Stable depths, low velocity for As above. Increase in rearing/shelter
shelter, L WD for cover, possible use and over-wintering habitat behind
of velocities > 2.7 ft!s if available impoundment by creation of large
during high temperatures + abundant pool.
food supply.
Over-wintering Stable, low velocities; deep pools; Habitat already limited by low
Structural complexity of habitat, winter flow and ice formation may
LWD. be lost through water extraction.
Extraction at high flows could
increase amount of winter habitat.
Migration High flows may be required at Access to different habitats may be
specific times for movement between prevented by reduction in flow at
spawning, over-wintering, rearing critical times. Impact minimal due
habitats. to high flows typically present at
times of migration.
If very shallow-water habitat is required by Dolly Varden fry, then the impacts of water
extraction on stream edge habitats need to be considered. At low flow, shallow, edge
habitats could be dewatered in reaches where the channel is deeply incised. At high
flows, however, suitable fry habitat could be expanded through reduction in depths and
velocities on stream edges.
Mitigation: Evaluation of PHABSIM data for Falls Creek may provide more detailed
information on impacts to edge habitat.
Care should be taken in evaluating habitat preferences from utilization data, as the two
are not necessarily equivalent (Rabeni & Sowa 1996). Collection of Falls Creek
utilization data at low flow coincided with relatively high water temperatures (up to
9.8°C), whereas the high flow sampling coincided with water temperatures of only
around 4-5°C. Fish are likely to be more active at temperatures over 8°C and thus more
likely to use higher velocities, but the range of velocities available during data collection
was restricted by low flow. When high velocities were available, the low temperatures
likely diminished fish activity (Cunjak 1996). Low flow and low temperatures could
each result in utilization of a lower range of velocities being utilized than might be
occupied under conditions of simultaneous high flow and high temperature. However,
examination of daily discharge and temperature data for Falls Creek shows that periods
of sustained high discharge seldom coincide with high temperatures. High flows in April
and May from snowmelt and in Fall from high rainfall, coincide with water temperatures
below 6°C. In summer, maximum temperatures reach only 11 °C and high flows are brief,
dependent on more sporadic summer rainfall. Indeed, flows are often so high that shelter
from high velocities would seem the more likely behavior offish. The small body size of
the resident fish in Falls Creek would also concur with their utilization of lower velocities
than those used by their larger-bodied counterparts elsewhere. However, in evaluating
impacts of water extraction, some margin should be allowed for the use of higher
velocities than those recorded to account for periods of active feeding at moderately high
Mitigation: Considerable latitude for protection of rearing conditions has been built into
the PHABSIM instream flow model as applied to Falls Creek.
Responses of fish to altered hydrology depend on the structure of the reach in question.
The resilience of Atlantic salmon and brown trout in a regulated Norwegian river towards
reduced water flows was found to be much greater in pool-dominated reaches than in
riffle areas (Heggenes et al 1996). In Falls Creek, fish inhabiting the large, deep pools of
Reach 3 may experience less change in hydraulic habitat than those in the lower end of
Reach 4. This is important considering that Reach 3 occupies the greater part of the
extraction zone of the creek.
Although fish may exhibit avoidance of the highest velocities present in the short-term,
high flows may be essential for channel formation or habitat maintenance in the long-
term through the scouring of pools and undercut banks and otherwise promoting habitat
diversity (Rabeni and Sowa 1996).
Mitigation: Such flows should not be impacted noticeably since water extraction at high
flow will divert only a small proportion of water relative to that remaining in the stream
channel. Extraction may in fact increase the duration of usable velocities and decrease
the time spent avoiding excessive velocities.
The need to minimize energy expenditure at low temperatures in winter is accomplished
by selection of positions in low-flow microhabitats with suitable cover from adverse
conditions. Low winter flows and ice accumulation can reduce the area of suitable
habitat. Frazil ice may partially fill pools and leave the remainder of the pool unsuitable
by concentrating the water flow. Winter conditions may ultimately limit fish population
size. The potential for habitat loss through water extraction may be greater in winter than
at any other time of year and any loss may have a severe impact. There are likely to be
periods in winter at Falls Creek where there is no margin for the extraction of water for
hydropower if fish populations are to be protected.
Mitigation: The PHABSIM model is a relatively poor predictor of critical conditions
during winter low flows with ice.
GEC expects to cease water extraction at such times, per the outcome of PHABSIM
In Falls Creek, spawning, over-wintering and rearing habitat can be found at the same
location, for example, at the islands and at the log jam. Individuals in such areas have no
need to migrate seasonally. Marking experiments found fish remained at the islands and
log jam from summer to winter. In other reaches, typical high flows in spring and fall
may be sufficient for migration needs even after water extraction, but consideration
should be given to this requirement.
Mitigation: Per alternative 2, a fish ladder associated with the impoundment would
facilitate movement of fish past the impoundment structure.
Impoundment Effects
An 8-12 foot high impoundment structure proposed by GEC for Reach 4 would have
major local impacts on the stream. The back-up of flow behind the impoundment will
lead to complete inundation ofthe Islands area by the pond and sediments deposited into
it (Beck 2001 ). The reduced velocities and greatly increased depths here will likely
render spawning gravels unsuitable, either by discouraging spawning activity or by
reducing survival of eggs through siltation. On the other hand, the creation of a large
pool behind the impoundment will offer extensive rearing and over-wintering habitat.
However, the value of this must be weighed against the loss of spawning habitat and the
physical barrier imposed by the impoundment structure. Fish downstream of the
impoundment would be prevented from accessing the area, while the limited spawning
habitat remaining upstream of the inundated zone would probably be insufficient to
maintain current population levels (Figure 15). The Islands currently represent a
structurally complex habitat offering spawning, rearing and over-wintering space within a
horizontal distance of 300m. Careful consideration should be given to the protection of
the area from inundation.
Location of the impoundment structure approximately 85m downstream at a narrow,
bedrock-controlled cataract (per alternative 2) would prevent inundation of the islands.
Rearing and over-wintering habitat would be extended downstream of the islands. The
cataract may already act as a barrier to fish migration, particularly in winter when ice
increases barrier height and low flow impedes access. However, any potential benefits to
fish of this reach would not accrue to the population within the park remainder, as they
are almost certainly separated by the barrier of 2m falls.
The impoundment may also have impacts further downstream. The creation of a large
pool provides a large surface area that is prone to warming. Increased stream
temperature could have impacts on growth and production both locally and in
downstream reaches. However, the impoundment pool may not be large enough to
produce any appreciable change in water temperature. The damming effect of the
impoundment may buffer high and low flows to some extent, but the highest, channel-
forming flows should not be interrupted.
ii. lnstream Flows and Anadromous Fish
Construction-related Effects
Significant effects of construction seem restricted to the possibility of sediment discharge
from road cuts and development sites.
Mitigation: See Sediment and Erosion Control Plan.
Long-term Effects
Add ins/ream flow stuff here
Impact potentials for anadromous fish in the lower reach of Falls Creek are summarized
in Table 5.
Water extracted for hydropower will be returned to the stream approximately 300m
below the Lower Falls. Water velocities and wetted area of the channel downstream of
the return site should therefore not be affected by water extraction. Salmon spawning
habitat in this reach could be impacted if the transport of gravel from areas upstream is
interrupted. The impoundment structure could interrupt the passage of bedload from
areas upstream ofthe Islands.
Mitigation: See section on bedload (VI.b.1.b.ii.)
Above the powerhouse return site, there is the potential for impacts on spawning, rearing
and over-wintering habitat. Reduced flow here in winter might lead to deposition of fines
in the spawning gravel and entombment of alevins, resulting in substantial reduction in
egg to fry survival (Scrivener & Brownlee 1989). Regular high flows are typically
required to maintain healthy spawning habitat (Payne & Lapointe 1997). Stream flows
are typically high in fall when cohos migrate to spawning grounds. There is a danger that
extraction of water could discourage cohos from entering this reach, but high flows seem
common at this time, and should permit both coho migration and water extraction.
Consideration should be made ofthe need salmon may have for higher flows at this time.
Higher flows in spring (April/May) may be also desirable to aid migration of emerging
pink and chum fry to ocean rearing areas.
Mitigation: At high flows, diversions for the project will constitute a very small fraction
of total flows. At all flows modeled to be involved with sediment mobilization, the sluice
gate on the diversion structure will be open to allow unimpeded bedload throughput.
Prior to infilling of the pond, any sediment deficit will be made up by supplementation.
See section on bedload (VI.b.l.b.ii.)
TABLE 5 Impact Potentials on Anadromous Fish, Falls Creek
Life Sta~e or State Requirements/Preferences Potential Impacts
Reproduction: Medium to coarse gravel, Depth <3in Reduced velocity above powerhouse
Spawning, incubation, Chum, velocity 0.5-2.7ft/s, would affect coho most. 76% of
emergence. coho velocity 0.5-2.5ft/s, cohos and 36% chum spawn above
pink, velocity 0.4-2.75ft/s (R2 HSls) powerhouse. Pinks utilize this reach
lnterflow of water through gravel, in high years.
high 0 2 cone. throughout incubation.
Fry rearing/ Nursery Cohos: Velocities <I ft/s, shallow Possible loss of edge habitat at low
edge habitat. flow above powerhouse.
Juvenile rearing Cohos remain in stream 1-2 years. Above powerhouse: lowered
Pool, riffle combination, complex velocities may increase habitat
habitat structure, L WD. Velocities up suitability; High flows needed for
to 2ft/s, deep pools for cover. channel and habitat formation not
Over-wintering Juvenile cohos over-winter; stable, Habitat already limited by low
low velocities; deep pools; Structural winter flow and ice formation may
complexity ofhabitat, LWD. be altered above powerhouse
through water extraction. Extraction
at high flows could increase amount
of winter habitat.
Migration Minimum flow required for access to Access may be prevented by
spawning areas and for migration of reduction in flow at critical times.
fry/juveniles to ocean. Impact minimal due to high flows
typically present at times of
Daily temperature data for 1999-2000 at the upper and lower stream gauges show some
small differences in temperature regimes between sites (Table 2, Flory 2001). The lower
site exhibited slightly greater variability in daily temperature with higher maximum
temperatures and lower minimum temperatures than the upper site. Diversion of water
from the upper site could result in reduction of the highest mean daily temperature at the
lower site by 0.3°C, with maximum summer temperature reduced by 0.4°C, and minimum
winter temperature raised by 0.1 °C. Thermal effects of transit through the penstock per
either alternative are expected to be minimal. Any increase in temperature in winter
should be positive, however, as it would combat the formation of ice in the anadromous
reach during winter low flows. Summer creek temperatures at present are very unlikely
to approach critical levels for fish in this well-shaded stream. Nonetheless, water
temperatures should continue to be monitored, as they are critical to fish growth rates in
summer and the rate of salmon embryo development over winter.
A breach in the pipe during low flow might significantly reduce total flows to the 300m
of anadromous reach upstream of the tailrace per the GEC proposal. The result could be
problematic for fish above the proposed tailrace, especially if instream flow predictions
are too optimistic during winter low flow icing conditions. Alternative 2 diminishes
impact potentials of this sort, as the tailrace is above all anadromous habitat.
Mitigation: A check valve will be installed at the intake to immediately shunt flows to
the creek until pipe repairs are effected.
111. Invertebrates, Falls Creek
Construction-related Effects
Temporary changes in the composition and abundance of bottom invertebrates of Falls
Creek may occur as a consequence of silt influx due to construction-related soil
disturbance of the GEC proposal, notably along road segments a & b, to a secondary
degree at the powerhouse, and conceivably at the intake.
Mitigations: All these potential impacts are mitigated by the Sedimentation and Erosion
Control Plan.
Alternative 2 would eliminate these road segments and greatly lessen the potential effects
of powerhouse construction. It may, however, slightly increase the potentials associated
with the intake site, as the service road would trend down-slope more or less directly to it,
and drainage of that road segment might run silt into the creek during construction.
Long-term Effects
Chronic input of silt from disturbed areas could prolong the above-mentioned effects, but
these are expected to attenuate as revegetation is completed. However, periodically
severe impacts could occur ifthe project-related mass wasting events occur in association
with road segments a) orb), or with destabilization of the powerhouse site.
Mitigation: Since stream invertebrates are sensitive indices of stream habitat and water
quality, GEC has instituted a program to monitor their abundance and species
composition in locations bracketing these sites.
Alternative 2, by moving most disturbance either out of the Falls Creek canyon or (in the
case of the powerhouse) employ a design and location that nearly avoids slope
disturbance, would greatly diminish these potential impacts.
IV. Water Quality
Construction-related Effects
An environmental review by a panel of experts consulted by the US Forest Service
concluded that in logging areas of the Tongass National Forest, "the greatest risk to the
fish resource is from roads'" due to "increased sediment yields, including yields from
roads during construction"' (USFS 1997, p. 3-64). Failure to completely intercept
mobilized fines during construction and completion of revegetation of proposed roads
facilities could result in raised turbidity levels in Falls Creek. This potential is far more
substantial in the GEC proposal than in alternative 2, due to the former's routing of the
service road & penstock through the upper Falls Creek canyon between the intake site
and the horseshoe.
Mitigation: see the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (Vl.B.I.b.i.).
Concentrations of nutrients and suspended/dissolved organics may also be temporarily
elevated in Falls Creek due to input of Jeachates from open soil profiles along roads and
facilities. Similar effects are expected in wetlands down-gradient from soil/woody debris
disposal sites a), b) and c).
Mitigation: Water quality will be monitored repetitively during the life of the project.
See also the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (VI.B.J.b.i.) for further discussion of
erosion mitigations.
Long-term Effects
To the extent that the project results in increased mass wasting along the Falls Creek
canyon, the effects mentioned above could be prolonged into the future.
v. Other Streams ofthe Study Area
Construction-related Effects
Homesteader and Rink Creeks and small sloughs to the west of Falls Creek will be
crossed by the access road under either alternative. Assuming road construction will not
impede fish passage, potential impacts are restricted to reaches downstream of crossing
points. There is some risk of spawning gravels becoming filled with fine material
dislodged by the removal of vegetation cover. The powerline crossing of Rink Creek
would involve minimal disturbance to the channel or banks. Bridge construction across
Homesteader Creek for the access road will upgrade a crossing previously permitted by
ADF&G after minimal temporary disturbance of creek banks. No significant effects on
water quality or fish habitat are anticipated from either crossing. Since spawning is
known to occur in these streams, construction of road crossings should be avoided during
incubation periods (October to April).
Mitigations: The impact of additional silt input is expected to be slight, for three reasons.
First, Homesteader Creek is already bridged where the access road would cross it.
Second, the fish-bearing reaches of the sloughs are already extensively carpeted by silt
due to their entrenchment into old mudflats. And third, construction would occur after
fry emergence in spring and before return of spawning adults in fall.
Long-term Effects
No significant long-term impact potentials have been identified.
3. Terrestrial Resources
a. Affected Environment
Concentrations of shorebirds and ducks ranging into the thousands, and hundreds of
geese and gulls occasionally occur on the intertidal portion of the Gustavus flats,
especially during migration (Streveler 1998, Lentfer and Streveler 1999b, Streveler et al.
1999). Attractants appear to be intertidal invertebrates and plants (spring and fall),
salmonid smolt outmigrants (spring), and salmonid carcasses (late summer/fall), and
general remoteness. Water bird use of upland portions ofthe Gustavus flats is sparse.
One to several pairs of dippers, kingfishers and spotted sandpipers rear along the
anadromous reach of Falls Creek; the former two species and red-breasted mergansers
rear along the upper creek as well in small numbers (Lentfer and Streveler 1999b, Lentfer
2000). The mergansers and kingfishers probably forage on resident Dolly Varden in the
proposed bypass reach. Several pairs of yellowlegs nest in the bog (yellowlegs savanna)
paralleling the intake site locality and the portion of the bypass reach immediately
downstream thereof.
Eagles are scarce in the study area; a pair nested SE of Falls Creek some years ago but
apparently not recently. One or more pairs of red-tailed hawks occur during some years
on the Gustavus flats and on the Excursion ridge, respectively, but nest sites have not
been found. Goshawks are uncommon transients along the shore. Sonic surveys have
detected no evidence of goshawk nesting. Peregrine falcons have been occasionally
observed along project area shores, but have never been noted in potential breeding
habitat (along the Falls Creek canyon), nor has this species' characteristic territorial
behavior ever been elicited. A pair of horned owls fledge young on some years. (Lentfer
and Streveler 1999b, Lentfer 2000)
The Icy Strait -Glacier Bay region (Figure 1) contains one of the three largest
concentrations of marbled murrelets in Alaska (DeGange 1996); Alaska in turn is home
to an estimated 67 to 90% of this species' worldwide population (Piatt and Ford 1993).
Nesting habitat along the eastern half of Icy Strait is being reduced by intensive logging
and pathogen-induced mortality of large spruces (Lentfer and Streveler 1999b ); in the
study area, several hundred acres were clearcut in logging episodes during the 1910's and
1960-70's (Brake! 2001 ). An apparent ongoing bark beetle infestation has resulted in an
estimated 10% mortality of large spruces (high potential nesting trees) along the proposed
road route, and even higher mortality in some riparian margins (Lentfer and Streveler
Marbled murrelets occur widely in the study area. They showed apparent nesting
behavior at all six listening stations established during 1999 and 2000. Potential nest trees
occur in many localities along the proposed road route. Concentrations of high potential
nesting trees occur on steep slopes of the study area. Along the proposed development,
particular concentrations are found where the access route climbs riser #2 and especially
in the powerhouse vicinity. (Lentfer and Streveler 1999b, Lentfer 2000)
Project area upper intertidal and supratidal habitats of the Gustavus flats provide
thoroughfare and foraging opportunities for a number of large mammal species, notably
black & brow bears, wolves, coyotes, river otters and moose (Streveler 1997, 1998;
Lentfer and Streveler 1999a). Willow shrublands fringing the Gustavus shore are
excellent winter moose habitat (Streveler et al. 1999), and upland localities near the SE
end of the airport have a good berry crop for bears on some years; otherwise, large
mammal usage of the Gustavus portion of the study area is generally sparse (Lentfer and
Streveler 1999a).
Shore habitats in proximity to the Excursion ridge are densely utilized by black bears,
especially during May and early June; a minimum of 9-16 bears were noted during three
years of study. Black bears use all portions of the Excursion ridge uplands, but are in
smaller concentrations than along the shore. Fens and margins of shrubby forests appear
to be most utilized upland habitats. High bear (and other mammal) use occurs along
several major trails, including ones that cross the proposed access and service road
routes, as well as on minor trails and diffusely through the country. (Streveler 1997,
1 998; Lentfer and Streveler 1999a).
Bear sign is especially abundant in the proposed powerhouse vicinity and some fishing
for salmon by bears occurs there, but scat analysis suggests that most foraging in that
vicinity and along lower Falls Creek is generally for berries and vegetation (Lentfer and
Streveler 1999a). Several brown bears passed through the study area during the last
several years; one frequented lower Falls Creek late last summer and fall (Lentfer 2000).
Otter sign is common (Lentfer and Streveler 1999a, Lentfer 2000) but not associated with
dens. Otter den concentrations near the creek mouth, occupied in the early 1990's
(Streveler et al. 1994), show no recent occupation .
Large mammal sign in riparian areas of Falls Creek above the limit of salmon spawning
is notably less common than along the anadromous reach and about as common as in
upland habitats generally. Within the proposed bypass reach, bear sign was noted
occasionally. Riparian mustelid records in this reach were limited to one set of otter
tracks, and tracks & sighting of a mink near the proposed intake. During two consecutive
summers, a moose cow & calf frequented the islands area. Porcupine sign was common
along heavily forested parts of the canyon (Lentfer and Streveler 1999a, Lentfer 2000).
No instances of mammal foraging on resident Dolly Varden have been found, but the
transient mink and otter are likely to do so.
b. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
i. Raptorial birds
Construction-related Effects
No known nesting or foraging sites for large raptors occur along the proposed road routes
or development sites, so impacts of construction are expected to be minimal.
Long-term Effects
No long term impact potentials to raptors have been identified.
11. Aquatic/riparian birds
Construction-related Effects
Construction acttvtty at the intake site and along the service road from there to the
horseshoe under either alternative could displace one family of mergansers and one or
more pairs of dippers for that rearing season. A pair of dippers could also be temporarily
displaced from the powerhouse site. Road rerouting from he holding tank to the
horseshoe under alternative 2 could result in temporary displacement of nesting
yellowlegs from the bog whose edge would be traversed by this road segment.
On the Gustavus flats, construction of the Rink Creek powerline crossing may
temporarily displace the few mallards and geese that occasionally feed along its banks
during summer.
Mitigation: All proposed construction activity has been kept away from Falls Creek
riparian habitat except at the intake and powerhouse sites and road segments leading
to/from them. All proposed construction related to the project on the Gustavus flats is
routed away from intertidal, supratidal and estuarine habitats except for a short segment
of the buried powerline route where it crosses Rink Creek.
Construction under alternative 2 would interface with riparian habitat only at the
generator and intake sites, which would reduce the already small potential for
displacement of riparian birds under the preferred alternative.
Long-term Effects
Long-term impacts to aquatic birds are expected to be minimal. It is possible that some
minor reduction in habitat quality or quantity might occur in the bypass reach during low
flows as a result of water withdrawal by the project. During winter low flows, such
impacts would accrue only to dippers. The impoundment associated with the intake
structure may provide additional positive foraging opportunities for piscivorous species.
iii. Marbled Murrelets
Construction-related Effects
Some displacement of murre lets may occur along road routes and at building sites during
construction. The effects of blasting and heavy equipment operation during road
construction are unknown.
Mitigation: No felling oftrees is proposed during the June-August nesting season.
Long-term Effects
The GEC proposal would result in loss of potential murre let nesting trees along nearly all
of the access and service road routes (Figure I of Lentfer 2000). High potential nesting
trees are concentrated where the access route ascends riser #2; where it traverses the head
of a ravine prior to its junction with the service road; along the access route just before
the old clearcut; and especially in the powerhouse vicinity. More trees would very likely
be lost over time as windthrow and slope failures increase along forest openings created
by the project. The eventual total of lost potential nesting trees cannot be estimated, but
is very likely to be in the hundreds. Though this is a very small proportion of the
hundreds of thousands of such trees in the Icy Strait region, it is additive to ongoing
losses of nesting habitat due to logging and pathogen attack of large spruces (see
cumulative impacts section). The high potential nesting trees are generally several
centuries old and cannot be replaced quickly.
Mitigation: Road routes have been designed to avoid concentrations of potential murre let
trees, except in the powerhouse vicinity where this could not be avoided. Some of
additional trees can be avoided by fine-tuning the road route during final layout, but
other imperatives (maintaining a continuous penstock grade, avoiding wetlands, cutting
trees to reduce mass wasting potential) will limit this.
Alternative 2 will reduce the potential for murrelet habitat loss by shifting road segment
a) away from murre let nesting habitat, and by replacing segment b) with a tunnel that
would result in little or no loss of murre let trees.
Few potential murrelet nesting trees would be lost as a result of soil/woody debris
disposal in the chosen poor forest site, as trees there are generally too small to be hosts
for murrelet nests.
The marbled murrelet's reproductive strategy appears to include minimizing predation on
eggs and nestlings by dispersed nesting in large forest tracts (DeGange 1996). Linear
clearings opened into the forest by the project is likely to encourage use of these "edges"
by predaceous birds like ravens and Steller's jays, which are now scarce in the
undeveloped portions of the study area. Murrelet sensitivity to human disturbance is
unclear. It is possible that human use of the road will result in long-term displacement of
some birds.
iv. Bears
Construction-related Effects
Construction acttvtty, including blasting, is likely to temporarily displace some bears
from the vicinities of the road corridors and development sites under either the GEC
proposal or alternative 2.
Long-term Effects
The ORV trail along the proposed powerline route would traverse lands near the airport
that harbor good berry crops and therefore good bear foraging ori some years; public use
of this trail may displace bears to some degree.
Mitigation: Both alternatives would avoid all direct impacts to the principal identified
value of the study area to black bears: spring foraging areas along the shore.
Proposed road routes under either alternative on the Excursion ridge lie across the path of
bears diffusing altitudinally through the study area, and transect paths of concentrated
movement in two places, N of the strip fen and opposite the horseshoe (Figure 2 of
Lentfer 2000). Occasional project-related vehicular traffic and public pedestrian & dog
presence have the potential for seasonal alteration of bear use patterns. Should GEC fail
to obtain permission from the state to prohibit public vehicular traffic in the project area
and discharge of firearms near project facilities, the potential for displacement of bears
becomes much greater.
Mitigation: Burying the pipe along much of its length including where it intersects major
trails would eliminate it as a physical barrier.
The powerhouse and access to it (road segment b) in the GEC proposal lie within a
concentration of perennial bear sign (Figure 16), associated in part with fishing the Falls
Creek salmon run. The landscape modification, increased pedestrian/dog access, and
maintenance of the facility would likely diminish this use by bears.
Proposed soil and woody debris disposal in poor forest habitat would bury approximately
0.5 acres of an excellent blueberry patch used by bears, but this sort of habitat is
widespread in the study area.
Mitigation: Revegetation is expected to be rapid and should provide a renewed, perhaps
even greater, berry crop for up to 25 years after disturbance. However, by analogy with
clearcut areas, forest closure after that time should greatly reduce the wildlife habitat
value of this area for at least one century thereafter (AI aback, 1982). Alternative 2 would
displace the impact to sites within present park lands to already-disturbed private lands
near the base of the access road.
Since no refuse or food will be stored or disposed of onsite under either alternative,
habituation is not expected to be a significant problem.
Bear hunting would probably be allowed on at least some project area lands once they
were transferred to state ownership. (See section C.3.: "Effects on Remaining Park
Lands" for discussion)
v. Riparian Mammals
Construction-related Effects
Under either alternative, construction at the intake and powerhouse sites would probably
displace the small number of moose with new calves during early summer.
Bear Trail Use Level N
Long-term Effects
Continuing human presence at the proposed intake and powerhouse sites may continue to
displace moose with young calves. The power generation site under alternative 2 is not
in moose habitat.
The few transient otter and mink along upper Falls Creek are not likely to be affected by
the project during operation; if anything, the pond associated with the intake structure
may provide additional fishing opportunities for these species. No concentration of mink
and otter sign have been found near the proposed powerhouse site or the generation site
of Alternative 2.
4. Plants and Wetlands
a. Affected Environment
The Gustavus flats in the project area are comprised of thin-soiled, young plant
communities either persistently below high tide or raised above the tide over the last
century by post-glacial rebound (Bosworth and Streveler 1999). Intertidal communities
(Figure I of Bosworth 200 I) are largely dominated by Lyngbeyae sedge and goosetongue
(extremely important bear and waterfowl forage plants). Along wetter parts of the shore,
sedge meadow merges into a variety of fen communities; rich grass/umbel meadow
occupies the drier sites. Localities well above the tide are carpeted by a mosaic of plant
communities responsive to small differences in hydrology: young spruce forest,
spruce/pine/cottonwood parkland, willow shrubland and poor fen, in order of increasing
wetness. Drainage variations are related to incised streams, man-made ditches and lateral
changes in distribution of surficial sand vs. silt. Gustavus flats wetland vegetation (Figure
2 of Bosworth 200 I) is thus very susceptible to drainage alteration.
Vegetation of the Excursion ridge portion of the project area is closely linked to its stair-
stepped topography, with the steep risers being almost completely forested and the
intervening flatter areas being dominated by bog, fen and forested wetlands. Fens, bogs
and forested wetlands have poor drainage, deep organic soils and obligate wetland
species. These communities are vulnerable to mechanical disturbance and drainage
alteration. Fens are the most susceptible to change because groundwater flow, which
controls community structure, is near the surface. (Bosworth and Streveler 1999,
Bosworth 200 I)
Wetlands, about 56% of the total project area acreage, interface directly with the
proposed project design along much of the powerline route, and along portions of the
access and service roads. (Figure 2 of Bosworth 200 I).
Rich forests on the risers and other steep sites are dominated by tall trees particularly
susceptible to windthrow. However, under present natural conditions most recent
windthrown patches are small, generally involving one to several trees, and windthrown
individuals are normally broken off, leaving the root mat intact. To the extent that
construction activities interrupt this root mat, they have the potential to initiate
windthrow events involving tearing of the rootmass out of ground, which could then lead
to sequential or catastrophic "unraveling" of the forest to windward over substantial
acreages (Bosworth and Streveler 1999). Susceptibility to windthrow is very site-specific
and difficult to predict, being dependent on such factors as forest type and condition,
slope, aspect, elevation soils and prevailing winds (Harris 1989). However, very
significant amounts of windthrow that have occurred along the margins of the recent and
old clearcuts in the project area illustrate that the consideration is real.
The integrity of the forest root mat appears to be instrumental in maintammg slope
stability (Mann and Streveler 1999, Mann 2000). As a consequence, project area slopes
have experienced little recent mass wasting except for the very steepest, incompletely
forested walls of Falls Creek canyon.
Two plants listed as rare (by the Alaska Natural Heritage Program)or sensitive (by the
U.S. Forest Service) have been found in the project area. Carex bebbii occurs in a
Gustavus flats fen community near Homesteader Creek not far above high tide. This
community lies well away from any proposed construction. Eriophorum viridecarinatum
was found along bog pond edges at 700-800' elevations, above all areas potentially
altered by the project. (Bosworth and Streveler 1999) However, an additional
occurrence of E. viridecarinatum was found in fens along an alternate access road route E
of Rink Creek to the park boundary along the N margin of section 10 (Bosworth 2001 ).
(see IV.B.l.).
No non-native species have been noted in Excursion ridge plant communities of the
project area (Bosworth and Streveler 1999). A few non-natives have been found on the
Gustavus flats portion of the study area, in association with roads and trails, but only one
has been noted in undisturbed areas: timothy grass (Phleum commutatum) a presumed
escapee from hayfields, has been found in Gustavus supratidal fens but shows no
indication of aggressive expansion. A pernicious new arrival to the region, Japanese
knotweed (Polygonum saxalinense), has not been recorded in the project area or its
b. Corps of Engineers Compliance
The pennitting process required for the project by the U.S. Corps of Engineers is m
c. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
t. Rare and Sensitive Species
Construction-related and Long-term Effects
Neither of two rare and sensitive species documented from the project area ( C arex bebbii
and Eriophorum viridecarinatum) have been found near the proposed road routes or
development sites.
11. Wetlands
Construction-related Effects
The buried powerline under either the proposed action or alternative 2 would be laid by a
"ditch witch" tractor that leaves no open trench or berm behind, and thus has no
significant potential to alter drainage.
Ditching and construction of the access and service roads would mobilize clay, silt, and
organic materials from disturbed soils during high runoff periods, especially before
revegetation is complete. Some of these mobilized materials will probably be broadcast
into fens and forested wetlands down-gradient of cross-drains in the road, which will add
nutrients to these systems and, if sufficiently voluminous to carpet the ambient
vegetation, provide colonization sites for pioneer species not normally found in these
plant communities. The same effect is expected down-gradient from soil/woody debris
disposal sites until they are completely revegatated.
Mitigation: see the erosion and sediment control plan (VI.B.I.b.i.).
Long-term Effects
The estimated amounts of wetland acreage that would be directly disturbed by the project
are as follows:
a) powerline route (no effect)
b) access road ( 0.3 acres of fen; 0.4 acres of forested wetland)
c) service road (0.05 acres of fen; 0.2 acres of forested wetland)
d) intake and powerhouse sites (no effect)
e) waste disposal site (0.5 acres of forested wetland)
a) The ORV service trail along the powerline will be an unimproved track next to
the buried power line, running at approximately 45 degrees to the direction of water table
flow. Experience shows that such trails in time become entrenched. However, a shallow
ditch already exists along this route.
Mitigation: The plan is to fill in ruts as they develop so as to avoid additional drainage.
b) The access road cuts obliquely across approximately five ravines, all of which
will be culverted. Likewise, it transects several narrow stringers of fen [an aggregate
distance on the order of 500 feet] which extend down-drainage in swales through the
forest. Ground water from these will be collected in a ditch up-gradient from the road,
conducted through one or more culverts, and then rebroadcast onto the fen on the other
side of the road into rip rap that will keep it from entrenching a channel. Since the water
will be initially confined by the culvert(s) it may result in very local dewatering of the fen
immediately adjacent to the road. A small bog adjacent to the road has no surface flow
source from across the proposed road route. Since bogs normally are fed predominantly
by direct rainwater, this one is not likely to be affected by the proposed road.
Mitigation: Surface and groundwater flows will be collected from forested wetlands
along the road route by an up-gradient ditch and conducted across the road by cross
drains placed sufficiently frequently to preserve ambient flow patterns. It is anticipated
that an approximately normal throughput of ground water will result.
c) The service road would cross the strip fen at its head and is thus likely to have a
very minor effect on its hydrology. The road would cross forested wetland on a bench
just before entering the canyon at the powerhouse site.
Mitigation: The proposed service roads would avoid all bogs. Surface and groundwater
flows in forested wetlands will be dealt with by an up-gradient ditch and conducted
across the road by cross-drains as necessary. It is anticipated that an approximately
normal throughput of ground water will result. The alternative service road route
between the intake and the horseshoe per alternative 2 will result in additional forested
wetland being transected by the road, but a similar amount will be saved from roading
near the powerhouse.
e) The waste disposal site will cover approximately .5 acre of forested wetland with a
prism of debris averaging 10 feet in depth. (Table 3)This is anticipated to rapidly
revegetate into a shrubland, which will give rise over several centuries to a well-drained
luxuriant forest.
• Backhaul on all road segments traversing slopes >30%
• Overburden/refuse on average sums to a layer 2' deep
• Based on contour map, the proposed disposal site has a slope of~ 15%.
• Refuse will be laid in a prism averaging I 0 ft deep.
• About 54 cu.ft. of material generated/lineal foot of roadbed
• A total of 4100 ft of road require back-haul:
service road, intake to horseshoe: 1600 ft
service road, canyon lip to powerhouse: I500 ft
access road up riser# 2: I 000 ft
Dimensions of Disposal site S of strip fen
[216,000 cu.ft./44,000 sq.ftlacre] I 10'deep = .49 acre of area needed for disposal.
iii. Rich Forests
Construction-related and Long-term Effects
To the extent that construction activities interrupt the root mat on steep slopes, they have
the potential to initiate windthrow events involving tearing of the rootmass out of ground,
which could then lead to sequential or catastrophic "unraveling" of the forest to
windward over acreages which, worst case, could become considerable. Susceptibility to
windthrow is very site-specific and difficult to predict, but presently on riser #3 there are
patches of recent wind throw on the order of an acre. (see IV .B. I. for further discussion)
tv. Introduction of Exotic Species
Construction-related and Long-term Effects
Although only native seed or plants will be used in revegetation, some inadvertent
introduction of non-native roadside plant species is expected. However, these species are
not likely to spread into natural communities, with the possible exception of timothy
grass. A careful watch should be kept for giant knotweed (Polygonum sachalinense),
which appears to have the potential to spread aggressively into native shrublands. Reed
canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) can aggressively spread into fens. It can be a
component of grass seed mixes used for revegetation.
Mitigation: A seed mix free of red canary grass will be used for revegetation. Use of
native plants stockpiled during construction will be maximized during revegetation to
minimize the chance of successful invasion by exotics.
5. Threatened & Endangered Species
a. Affected Environment
According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Appendix E), species listed under terms
of the Endangered Species Act as of 1999 as either threatened or endangered for the
region including the study area include the American peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus
anatum). However, since then the peregrine has been delisted. Thus, no species listed
under USF&WS jurisdiction are of concern for the project.
According to National marine Fisheries Service (Appendix E), species listed under terms
of the Endangered Species Act as either threatened or endangered for the region
including the study area include the humpback whale (Megastar novae-Ang/ia) and the
Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubata). Neither of these species is of possible concern, as
the project has no marine component.
The Glacier Bay water shrew, a poorly known taxon provisionally given species rank
(Sorex alascanus ) by some authors but very closely related to the common water shrew
(S. palustris), has no official status under the Endangered Species Act, but is considered
of potential concern by the USF&WS (Enriquez 1999). Water shrews are known from
nearby Point Gustavus and Bartlett Cove. No attempt to trap this elusive species was
made in the project area. A study in Montana found the species to be associated with
"cold, fast mountain streams banks which offer favorable cover. Such banks were
composed of large stones, boulders and tree roots forming many crevices and
overhanging ledges"' (Conaway 1952). Gould (200 I) found water shrews frequently
associated with vegetated stream banks in Montana and central Canada. In interior
Alaska, Demboski (1999) found them most often associated with vegetated cut-banks.
Considering all of the above, the rocky generally unvegetated banks of the Falls Creek
bypass reaches may host a population of water shrews, but they are likely to find it
optimum habitat.
b. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
Water shrews are most commonly trapped within inches of the water's edge (Conaway
1952, Demboski 1999, Kinsella 200 I) and therefore could, if present, be affected by
water draw-down during low flow periods.
Mitigation: This species is difficult to trap, and negative results of a trapping program
would not be considered good evidence of absence. Therefore, no trapping was
attempted. It is assumed that if conditions suitable for resident Dolly Varden are
maintained in the bypass reach, any water shrews present will be protected as well.
6. Archaeological and Cultural/Historical Resources
a. Affected Environment
An investigation of the history of the project area was undertaken to determine whether
all or portions of these areas constitute a Traditional Cultural Property (TCP) eligible for
listing in the National Register of Historic Places (Brake) 2001, Brake) and Yarborough
200 I). Primary focus was on the Tlingit campsite on and near the Mills Native allotment
(Figure I of Brake I 200 I) near where the Falls Creek stream reaches the beach meadows,
a site for which the Tlingit name Kathlaheena (slightly different from the project name
and report title) was provisionally accepted. Additional aspects of the area's history were
investigated: early 201h century timber harvests, the remains of a commercial fish trap,
agricultural homesteads on the eastern Gustavus plain, changes in Glacier Bay National
Park boundaries in the area, and World War II military facilities in the area. No historic
structures were identified in the near vicinity of the proposed hydro development.
However, a group of culturally modified trees occur on the wall of the Falls Creek
canyon just upstream of the proposed powerhouse site (Yarborough 1999), along or very
near the route of proposed road segment b) descending to that site.
Based on the results of the investigation, the Tlingit campsite at Kathlaheena is not
recommended for inclusion in the National Register because it does not fulfill the criteria
set out in 36 CFR 60.4 (Brake I and Yarborough 200 I). It is a typical subsistence site that
is not associated with any rare or unusual subsistence resources. No important events or
people in Tlingit history and no stories, songs or crest designs are associated with the site.
-it appears to be a Tlingit property whose integrity has been largely maintained,
- a cabin is periodically used by descendents of the original Mills allottee, and
-use of many other similar sites in the Icy Strait region have been removed from the
subsistence use of the Tlingit people by various causes over the previous century.
b. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
i. Archaeological Resources
Construction-related and long-term Effects
No archaeological resources have been identified (Yarborough 1999, Brake) and
Yarborough 200 I). However, the culturally modified tree site would be partially
obliterated by the proposed road segment b.
ii. Cultural/Historical Resources
Construction-related Effects
Segment b) of the proposed access road will directly remove some culturally modified
trees in the vicinity of the powerhouse. Others may then be destroyed by wind-throw or
slope failure as a result of the road. Siting of the powerhouse and serving it by tram per
alternative 2 would avoid all impact to the area of culturally modified trees.
No historical structures are in question. However, a co-owner of the Mills Native
allotment has stated that the peace, tranquility and undisturbed wildlife of the cabin site at
the mouth of Falls Creek is important to him. Helicopter-based servicing of the lower
stream gauge has already been a disturbance.
Mitigation: The project has been planned to keep considerably away from the creek
mouth; however, machinery noise and blasting of proposed construction would detract
from peace and tranquility at the cabin site during the 24-26 month construction period.
Long-term Effects
Operation of the project should result in little or no disturbance to the creek mouth area.
Once the service road is built to the powerhouse, there will be no need for access from
the Mills cabin vicinity.
7. Aesthetic, Recreational and Wilderness Resources
a. Affected Environment
The landscape of the project area can be divided for the purposes of aesthetic description
into the nearly level, generally open Gustavus flats and the stair-stepped, densely forested
Excursion ridge (Baker in prep.). For many observers, Gustavus flats' aesthetic values
derive primarily from the mosaic of fens, meadows, shrub lands and young forests, nearly
all of which are pleasant to walk or ski through and provide long vistas to surrounding
mountains. Aesthetic values are easily compromised: sound travels readily across the
flats and vegetation tends not to screen human activity, though the flatness of the terrain
assists in attenuating both visual and auditory intrusions. Development has substantially
preempted solitude in the Rink Creek vicinity by airport activity. The open flats between
Rink Creek and the airport are ditched along the right-of-way that the powerline route
would follow.
The stair-stepped, canyoned topography and generally dense vegetation of the Excursion
ridge provides more opportunity for obscuring visual & auditory impacts of
developments (except from aircraft) than does Gustavus. Except for the Miils cabin at
the mouth of Falls Creek, there are no man made structures. Clearcuts of two ages in the
study area are the major human intrusion on the ridge. They are now sufficiently
revegetated to obscure visual effects of logging. The younger ones on Native allotments
are still in a stage of near-impassibility, while the old one on public lands is now very
traversable. An old logging road along the shore is largely obscured, and a major
preexisting wildlife trail is reestablished on it. Proposed access and service road routes
and facilities would not be visible from the shore.
Recreational values of the study area are primarily related to the shore and the lower falls
of Falls Creek (Baker in prep.). Recreational use appears to be principally by locals,
though visitors to the Beartrack Inn visit the Excursion ridge shore as well (about 25 this
year). An interviewed sample of residents suggests that a majority of residents have
visited the study area. Attractions include easy hiking in a remote setting, wildlife and
spawning salmon, the falls, the old fish trap, beachcombing, and fishing. The highest
frequency of use appears to be in spring. About 1.3 persons/day were estimated to walk
the Falls Creek shore during late April-late May, 1997 & 1998 (Streveler, 1998). By
contrast, few people choose to bush-whack up the ridge to access the beautiful fens, bogs,
occasional open forests, and canyons of the ridge. Many respondents opined that a road
into the uplands would considerably expand use there (Baker in prep.). Construction of
the proposed roads and facilities would leave scars for a few years, especially along road
segments that involve side-casting of waste materials, and on slopes where trees are
felled to enhance slope stability.
Adjustment of national park Wilderness boundaries to exclude the project area has
ramifications from the local to the national level (Baker in prep.). Locally, about half of
interviewees considered the project area to be of wilderness quality, but less than half
considered the formal Wilderness status of the area to be highly important. Five
interviewed Beartrack Inn guests all expressed some degree of reservation about
removing the project area's Wilderness status. The local conservation group (Friends of
Glacier Bay) has assumed a "wait and see" attitude pending outcome of the
Environmental Assessment process. Local National Park Service management has
declined to take a position. National conservation groups express strong concern,
particularly as regards the precedent of tampering with wilderness boundaries; they have
varying opinions on the relative potential value of the project compared to loss of
Wilderness status.
b. Environmental Impacts and Recommendations
i. Aesthetic and Recreational Resources
Construction-related Effects
Emplacement of the powerline, a brief and small-scale operation, may disrupt an
occasional hiker or berry-picker walking the line route. Construction of facilities on the
Excursion ridge would have a greater potential impact. Heavy equipment and blasting
noise related to road and facilities construction over a 2-3 year period will be audible and
disruptive of solitude for users of the project area, easternmost Gustavus and the
surrounding park lands for the construction period. Construction at the powerhouse site
will directly interfere with visitors to the lower falls during spring and early summer.
Noise associated with tree felling in winter may interfere with the few people who ski the
shore and uplands; if the Beartrack Inn succeeds in inaugurating winter operations, their
guests may be impacted as well.
Mitigation: construction activities at the powerhouse site would be suspended during the
salmon spawning season for wildlife protection reasons, which would allow a respite for
recreational visitors. Construction schedules would be posted in Gustavus public places.
Blasting would be clumped into short periods, and nearby locals & visitors will be
Long-term Effects
Infrequent ORV-supported surveillance of the powerline crossing Gustavus would add
slightly to ongoing vehicular use along this already-established vehicle route. On the
Excursion ridge, motorized public access to the second riser per the GEC proposal would
extend vehicular noise into an otherwise motorless area, while at the same time
facilitating access to other large, pristine areas (such as the yellowlegs savanna and the
upper Falls Creek canyon), now very little visited. Visitation would be greater per the
GEC proposal, which allows public vehicular traffic up to riser #2, than per alternative 2,
which would preclude all public vehicular traffic. Approximately weekly maintenance
visits to the intake and powerhouse sites would periodically and briefly extend this
vehicular intrusion into the heart of the project area.
45-91 foot swaths of cleared forest along road rights-of-way would detract aesthetically
from an otherwise visually pristine area. Access, intake and powerhouse facilities (plus in
the case of alternative 2, the holding tank) will intrude into what is now a visually pristine
area. Over time, windthrow and mass wasting associated with new clearings may create
unattractive visual disruptions.
Mitigation: GEC's proposal has been greatly modified over time to eliminate all visual
intrusion in the shore zone except the short access road segment from Rink Creek to the
park boundary. Other portions of the roads would be routed almost entirely through
forested country where their at-a-distance visual impact would be nil (except from the
air). Clearing sizes would be held to the minimum consistent with good road
construction practices. Waste woody materials would be employed in roadbed
construction to the degree possible, minimizing the size and visual intrusiveness of the
waste disposal site. Within a decade, planned revegetation and rapid rates of vegetative
growth are expected to heal roadsides and facilities sites, restoring them to visual
attractiveness. Intake and powerhouse structures per either alternative would be down in
the canyon, designed and painted to be minimally visible, and thus not evident to anyone
more than a few yards away. Except for the pond and containment structure associated
with the intake, they would be nearly invisible from the air as well.
ii. Wilderness Resources
Wilderness, defined non-formally as the opportunity for solitude and the experience of
pristine ecosystems, would be diminished by construction of the project per either
alternative. Impacts on solitude and would be as described specifically above (VI.
B.7.b.i.). Even if the facilities are avoided by wilderness seekers, the knowledge that the
area is now roaded and bent to a technological purpose will reduce the feeling of solitude
for some.
Wilderness as formally designated by the Wilderness Act is a legal concept that, in the
minds of many, provides the final inviolable refuge for the human spirit from the
pervasive works of modern mankind. Correspondingly, established boundaries are
sacred; adjustments to them, especially to accommodate the very works they were
designed to exclude, is to dilute not only that place's meaning, but the meaning of all
other formally designated Wilderness areas. In this respect, the project under either the
GEC proposal or alternative 2 has major and irreducible impacts.
Mitigation: The NPS has selected lands of presumably equivalent park value for receipt
from the state in return for lands to be excluded from the park under the GEC proposal,
and they have agreed to place other non-wilderness lands within the boundaries of
Glacier Bay National Park into Wilderness status. It thus can be argued that, save for the
precedent of the transaction itself, the result of the transaction would be no net loss of
wilderness value to the National Park System.
8. Socio-economic factors
a. Affected Environment
Gustavus is a small, isolated community with an estimated 377 year-round residents as of
1999 (AK Dep't of Labor statistics). Due to the seasonal nature of the economy, the
summer population is considerably higher. Glacier Bay National Park, one of Alaska's
most-visited attractions, has its headquarters near Gustavus, and the National park
Service is the largest single employer in the community. The Park Service, many small
recreational and tourism businesses, and commercial fishing ventures are the main
economic activities in Gustavus, and lend the community its seasonal nature. In addition,
many residents are retired persons who live the summer months in Gustavus and head to
warmer (and drier) climates in the winter.
The annual population growth rate for Southeast Alaska is expected to slow dramatically
over the next five years. However, Gustavus is one of the few communities in the Icy
Strait region that has had continuous strong population growth in the recent past, even as
other communities have experienced no or negative growth. Reasons for this growth
little reliance on the timber and mining industries and only secondary reliance on
commercial fisheries, which are causes for slower growth in the region, and
a large presence of the recreation and tourism industry which support visitors to
Glacier Bay National Park.
In addition, Gustavus has a large portion of flat land available for development a
rarity in Southeast Alaska and the promise of a rural lifestyle, which draws many
people to the area.
These conditions are expected to lead to positive population and economic growth in
Gustavus' future.
b. Impacts and Recommendations
Construction-related Effects
During the 24 to 36 month construction period, additional traffic would be generated on
the Gustavus road system (Snow 1999). This will be especially problematic on the
Wilson/Rink Creek road from which the project's road system continues, because this
gravel road is maintained at residents' expense and often is in bad condition already.
Heavy truck traffic from the state gravel pits to the project area would be especially
problematic in that regard.
Mitigation: GEC will contribute to the maintenance fund for these roads during the
construction period.
No local business establishments would displaced; to the contrary, GEC's policy would
be to maximize local hire and purchase from local vendors. The estimated 15 or fewer
construction workers needed at any given time should be drawn about half from the local
labor force. Because of some specific skills needed, an estimated half of the workers
would be out of town; they should be within the capacity of local rental units, B&B's and
inns to house. (Snow 1999)
Mitigation: No workers or their families are expected to relocate permanently to
Gustavus as a consequence of the project. Short-term benefits to the local economy
would include reducing unemployment, generating local spending at retail and service
establishments, and purchase of supplies & materials from local suppliers.
Long-term Effects
The personnel who currently operate the diesel generation facility will be trained to
operate the hydro plant. Capacity will be increased from the current 650 KW to a peak
capacity of 800 K W. Though backup diesel will by required during low water flows in
Falls Creek, for most of the year, diesel noise and air pollution will cease.
Mitigation: Costs for producing power from the hydro facility are anticipated to be lower
than the current diesel generation costs. Rates will continue to be regulated by Alaska
Public Utilities Commission. The price of electricity will depend on the cost
effectiveness of project, but will be less than it would be, given diesel generation. Part of
the savings will be realized by the state of Alaska, in the form of a lessened Power Cost
Equalization burden; if present state energy subsidization policies continue, part of the
savings will accrue to customers whose consumption levels exceed the amount
subsidized by PCE. If the NPS opts to utilize Falls Creek power, they will realize cheaper
rates as well.
C. Cumulative Impacts
According to the Council of Environmental Quality's regulations for implementing
NEPA (1508.7), an action may cause cumulative impacts on the environment if its
impacts overlap in space and/or time with the impacts of other past, present and
reasonably foreseeable future actions, regardless of what agency or person undertakes
such actions.
I. Geographic and Temporal Scope
The geographic scope of the analysis will include the study area, portions of Glacier Bay
National Park on the Excursion ridge contiguous with the study area, Gustavus (here
defined as all lands lying in the I 955 Gustavus exclusion from the park), and the Bartlett
Cove developed area within Glacier Bay National Park. For marbled murrelets, the scope
will include the entire Icy Strait region (Figure I).
The temporal Scope will encompass:
-The period from 1909 (the date of applications for native allotments and prior to
Caucasian settlement of Gustavus) to present (for the historical retrospective); and
-1980 (onset of Corps of Engineers interest in Falls Creek hydro) to 2050 (5 decades
from now) for impacts analysis.
2. Related Projects and Trends
Though many phenomena could arguably be included in a cumulative impacts analysis of
the Falls Creek hydro project, we choose to focus on three closely intermeshed with the
a. Gustavus Growth and Economy
Being the "gateway to Glacier Bay", Gustavus is already expected to grow steadily (see
IV.b.8. above). The project would add impetus to this expectation, for reasons explained
in the above-cited section.
Two additional factors need elaboration in the present context. First, about 1300 acres of
park lands formerly under wilderness status and transferred to the state would be added to
Gustavus per the GEC proposal. Several hundred acres of these lands lie outside the
direct vicinity of the project. Though it is GEC's intent that these lands remain
undeveloped, the state of Alaska will probably make the final determination. The
question of project lands disposition becomes even more open should the hydro project
be built and then cease to operate in the future for some unforeseen reason. If some or all
these lands become open for development, they would very significantly add to
Gustavus' land base, and thus to its growth potential. It is difficult to anticipate what
forms this growth could take, but land disposal, borrow pit development and logging are
among the possibilities.
Being beyond the present eastern extremity of Gustavus, this addition of developable
land will have the effect of erasing the "end of the road" character of the Rink Creek
neighborhood, with particular impact on the Beartrack Inn.
A second effect would be to increase the amount of electrical power, and perhaps,
decrease its price to the consumer. The scarcity and cost of power is frequently cited as a
key impediment to growth of Southeast Alaskan economies, and is a major rationale
behind the power intertie recently authorized by Congress (see IV. H.).
b. NPS Facilities Upgrades and Expansions
The National Park Service first began development at Bartlett Cove in the 1950's.
Development accelerated in the early 60's with construction of a major lodge and
associated facilities. A major pulse of facilities upgrade and expansion began in the mid
90's and continues.
Recent activities include:
a major dock expansion
replacement and elaboration of fuel storage and transfer facilities
additional park housing
improvements to the sewage treatment facilities
relocation and elaboration of refuse treatment, storage and disposal facilities
These steps are in various stages of planning:
widening and paving the access road from Gustavus to Bartlett Cove
rerouting of portions ofthe Bartlett Cove road system
construction of a visitor center complex
construction of a Tlingit heritage center
Despite disclaimers in various environmental documents associated with these actions
(e.g. NPS 1998, p.54) recent and planned NPS projects in sum have significant
cumulative effect on the rate of development in the area. GEC's proposed development
will add to that development impetus.
c. Native Allotments
The George and Mills native allotments (Figure 2 ) lying within the project area are now
remote and undeveloped except for former logging and one extant cabin. They were
conveyed to messrs. George and Mills in the first place based on their subsistence value
(Brake) 2000). The numerous heirs to these properties have divergent aspirations for
them. Allottees who uses the Mills cabin values the property for its remote, undeveloped
nature and opposes the project. Others support the project and would welcome the
impetus it brings for development. Residential and commercial development, borrow pits
and logging are among the possibilities.
Though the project has been designed to stay away from the lowlands, it will certainly
reduce the degree of solitude afforded Mills cabin occupants, especially during
construction. On the other hand, there is a possibility that the proposed access road,
which comes very close to the George allotment, may eventually link these properties to
Gustavus, despite their being no present provision to allow that in the GEC proposal.
This would add another 264 acres to the developable land base of eastern Gustavus.
Effects of the project on the biota of the allottments are not well known, as researchers
associated with the project did not have permission to enter these lands.
d. Power Generation for the Park
At present, the Bartlett Cove development of Glacier Bay National Park is powered by its
own diesel plant and related fuel facilities. Underground tanks associated with this
facility in the past have failed and contaminated a large volume of soil, resulting in a
costly cleanup and long-term potential for seepage into park waters. The NPS has the
option to link up with the Gustavus power grid, once the project is on-line. This could
remove the necessity for the NPS power plant and with it some potential for local
3. Effects on Remaining Park Lands
a. Wetlands and Surface Flows
Land re-designations according to the GEC proposal would remove all park lands down-
gradient from development. Therefore, no impacts to park wetland hydrology are
anticipated. By the same token, no stream would reenter the park after transiting the
project area or adjacent native allotments.
Alternative 2 could have a greater potential effect. Portions of forested wetlands, fens,
and ravines tributary to Homesteader Creek sandwiched between proposed developments
and the Native allotments would remain in the park (Figure 8). Being down-gradient from
the access road, borrow pit, and soil/woody debris disposal sites, their hydrology or
nutrient input could be affected. Such effects are anticipated to be minor (see
A few small ravines cross the corridors as envisioned in Alternative 2 and reenter the
park before eventually flowing out onto the Gustavus flats in what are now or probably
will become native allotment lands. The effects of the projects on the waters conducted
by these ravines is anticipated to be very small.
b. Wildlife
The project and any additional development it catalyzes in the immediate vicinity would
drive a wedge of development and increased human use into what is now a complete
altitudinal transect extending from the alpine to an especially rich mosaic of shore
habitats. The native allottments, especially as they are expected to eventually be
expanded down to present mean high tide, contain a very large proportion of shore and
lowland habitats. Otherwise, this transect is presently encompassed within Glacier Bay
National Park boundaries.
Effects of the project are potentially significant for black bears. Elements ofthis potential
include interruption of movements, direct mortality, and loss of habitat. While none of
these potentials are thought to be major in themselves, they could be significant in
concert and in the long run:
Interruption of movement: Major bear trails transit the project area (Figure 2 of
Lentfer 2000), two of which cross the proposed roads. Trails also transit the allottments,
and bears generally diffuse through upland habitats. It is unclear what amount of
disturbance of these traditional movement patterns bears will tolerate.
Direct mortality: Hunting may be allowed on project area lands transferred to the
state. Eventual residential development would lead to bear habituation and subsequent
"defense of life and property" kills. Increased mortality in this relatively small area is
unlikely to reduce the overall population of the Gustavus-Excursion ridge area. However,
temporary local depletion could occur, which could draw individual bears in from
adjoining park lands.
Loss of habitat: The project is unlikely to directly preempt a significant amount of
bear habitat. However, eventual development of the coastal zone in the project area, if
catalyzed by the project, could preempt a very heavily used bear foraging area. This may
have a negative effect on the population of black bears, most of whose remaining habitat
will be in the park.
If development of the shore occurs as an indirect effect of the project, it will almost
certainly diminish or end coastwise thoroughfare by such sensitive species as wolves,
brown bears and coyotes, all of which would have the majority of their remaining range
in the park.
If trapping is allowed on state lands, it would result in mortality to furbearers and some
incidentally caught animals that range out of the park, as happens at present in Gustavus.
This would add to the ongoing effect of trapping in Gustavus, which has a long joint
boundary with the park. There is no reason at present to suspect that trapping has a
significant impact on park mammals, nor is it likely that trapping, a declining industry,
will increase in the near future.
The smaller, "spaghetti" exclusion of lands from the park envisioned in alternative 2
(Figure 8) would leave considerably more acreage in a highly protected status. This
alternative minimizes the potential effects of development that might occur on state lands
in the long-term future by, for instance, providing a mosaic of refugia for birds and
mammals. This scenario has the grave disadvantage, however, of establishing poor
management units: too small to contain anything approaching populations, and likely to
experience almost total faunal interchange between state and federal jurisdictions.
c. Fish
Three fish populations would remain in the park after the land transfer, as envisioned
either by the GEC proposal or alternative 2.
Lower Rink Creek: According to alternative 2, and a small portion of the
intertidal estuary of Rink Creek would remain in the park. The only interface of the
project with Rink Creek is the powerline crossing, which is anticipated to have no impact
potential on fish (Figure 4).
Homesteader Creek: According to alternative 2, a portion of the intertidal estuary
of Homesteader Creek would remain in the park. The size of this portion depends on
whether the George native allotment is expanded down to present mean high tide. Several
upland tributaries would remain in the park under either alternative. The proposed access
road would cross Homesteader Creek via a bridge at the uppermost margin of the
Gustavus flats (above the estuary); the road would also cross several small tributary
ravines in the uplands, which would be culverted. There is a negligible to very minor
potential for siltation during construction (see IV.B.2&4).
Falls Creek: The small portion ofthe anadromous reach now in the park would be
excised from the park per the GEC proposal and alternative 2. In both cases, however, all
of the creek's watershed upstream of the project would remain in the park. The 2m falls,
400 m upstream of the islands is believed to provide a barrier to upstream movement.
Therefore, fish potentially affected by the project probably cannot move upstream into
the remainder of the park, nor can fish from the park remainder, if washed downstream,
make it back to park waters even under natural conditions.
There are no additional barriers between the 2m falls and I Okm falls. The latter is
believed to be the limit of Dolly Varden distribution (Figure 3 of Flory 2001 ). Thus, a
6km stretch of occupied stream in the park remainder, including several nodes of
excellent habitat including the big woods area, will be left in pristine condition. This is
the uppermost, and therefore seminal population of resident Dolly Varden in Falls Creek.
According to the land exchange per alternative 2, the major portion of the bypass reaches
of Falls Creek would remain in the park. Genetic analyses based on four and three loci,
respectively (Leder 200 I) suggest that fish sampled at the big woods (well upstream of
either alternative intake site) and the logjam (in the bypassed portion of the creek) are
genetically differentiated, and therefore that the two resident populations may be distinct
from each other. The logjam population is almost certainly delimited upstream from the
big woods population by several barriers: falls and cataracts in the inner canyon, the
major falls just upstream of the strip fen, and probably by the 2m falls upstream of the
intake sites. Separate populations may exist between these barriers as well. Compared to
the GEC alternative, placement of the intake site downstream of the islands per
alternative 2 would remove additional important Dolly Varden habitat at the islands from
direct effects of the project. However, any potential benefits to fish of this reach (reach
4) would not accrue to the population within the park remainder. In sum, one or more
possibly distinct population of Dolly Varden in the bypass reach would exist entirely or
in part in the park, after land exchange per alternative 2. If they are distinct, impacts to
them cannot be mitigated by protection of the population upstream of the intake site. If
they are in part maintained by down-washed individuals, then persistence of upstream
fish is a mitigating factor.
d. Human Visitation to Park
The highest frequency of recreational use of the Falls Creek area appears to be in spring.
About 1.3 persons/day were estimated to walk the Falls Creek shore during late April-late
May, 1997 & 1998 (Streveler, 1998). By contrast, few people choose to access the ridge.
Access created by the project would considerably increase visitation to the project area,
and encourage visitation to adjacent areas of remaining park lands. Since Excursion
ridge plant communities for the most part are very brushy and difficult to traverse,
general dissemination is not expected from the road system. It will, however, provide
easy access to two places remaining in the park under Alternative 2: the yellowlegs
savanna (Figure 2), a vast area of easy to traverse wetlands above riser #3, and the lower
falls at the end of the road per alternative 2. Per the GEC proposal, the falls would no
longer be in the park.
Most recent recreational use occurs along the shore between the end of Rink Creek road
and thence SE to or past the mouth of Falls Creek (Baker in prep). The project intersects
the shore only at the Rink Creek crossing, outside this principal use zone, and is expected
to have a very minor effect on shore use.
4. Effects on Icy Strait Region
a. Murrelets
Loss of marbled murrelet nesting habitat related to the project may add stress to this
species, which is already declining in Icy Strait, Alaska, and throughout its range
generally (see IV.B.3.a&b.iii.). Loss of potential murrelet nesting trees is an unavoidable
consequence of the project. In part, this is due to an earlier GEC decision to avoid major
impacts of many sorts by moving all proposed development away from the shore. Once
located in the uplands, these developments meet further conflicting imperatives, notably
wetland avoidance, mitigation of potential windthrow and slope destabilization, and
avoidance of high potential murrelet nesting tree concentrations. The presently chosen
road routes are a compromise between these imperatives. All possible deference will be
given to further avoidance of murre let trees in the course of final layout and construction.
Alternative 2 goes a step farther than the GEC proposal in protecting murrelet habitat by
removing the entire powerhouse development from one of the prime pieces of murrelet
habitat in the project area to a spot with minimal potential in that regard.
D. Analysis of No Action Alternative
1. Fuel consumption
Diesel oil consumption by the present GEC power plant was 141,000 gallons in 2000,
and is projected to reach 172,000 gallons by 2005 (draft, GEC power supply study,
2. Fuel storage and transportation
Fuel now is shipped in by barge, transferred ashore by pipeline, stored in bulk tanks near
the beach, trucked from there to a tank at the generation building and then piped to the
power plants. Each step involves some risk of spill, as follows:
The fuel barge originates in Seattle and travels the entire Inside Passage to get here.
It traverses many hazards to navigation. Several vessels each year are damaged or
lost on this route as a result of bad weather or navigation mistakes.
The fuel pipe appended to an old dock. It or the dock could be easily damaged by
weather or vessel collision.
Handling by truck can result in small spills during filling or unloading.
The holding tank could be emptied onto the ground by operator error (as recently
happened in Gustavus on a similar installation) or by breaching of the fuel line.
3. Air Quality
The fuel consumption projection of 172,000 gallons by 2005 would result in gaseous
emission: 560 tons of Nitrous Oxides; 15 tons of Carbon Monoxide; 1, 730 tons of Carbon
Dioxide, all of which are "greenhouse gasses" associated with global warming.
4. Effects on Falls Creek project area
Continuation of diesel generation would obviate any need for developing the Falls Creek
area for hydroelectric power.
Dick Levitt
Greg Streveler
Bob Christensen
Brady Scott
Koren Bosworth
Hank Lentfer
Dan Mann
Gustavus Electric Co.
Icy Strait Environ. Svcs.
General direction; co-responsibility for
drafting and oversight
Co-responsibility for drafting and oversight;
principal preparer
Document assembly; figures
Research of selected items
Review of botanical and wetlands questions
Review of mammal and bird questions
Review of soils and geological questions
Kelley Baker
Judy Brake)
Review of aesthetic, recreational and wilderness questions
Liz Flory
Mike Gagner
Mike Yarborough
Aquatic Resources
R2 Consultants
Cultural Res.
Review of historical questions
Review of fish and aquatic questions
Review of instream flow questions
Review ofTraditional Cultural Properties
This will be provided in the next draft after there has been an opportunity to reflect on
the instreamflow analysis.
Ackerman, R. E. 1965 Archeological Survey, Glacier Bay National Monument, Southeastern Alaska
(Part II). Washington State University, Laboratory of Anthropology, Report of
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Alaback, P. 1982. Dynamics of Understory Biomass in Sitka Spruce Western Hemlock Forests of
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Report to Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus AK. 12p.
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Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus AK. 22p.
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DeGange, A. 1996. A Conservation Assessment for the Marbled Murrelet in Southeast Alaska. Gen.
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Demboski, J. 1999. Personal Communication. Ph.D. Candidate , Dep't of Biological Sciences,
University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
Enriquez, Richard. 1999. Personal Communication. USF&WS biologist, Juneau Alaska.
Flory, E. 1999. Fisheries Investigations of the Falls Creek Area, 1999. Icy Strait Environmental
Services Report to Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus AK. 46p.
Flory, E. 2001. In prep
Gagner, M. 1999. Final Study Plan, Falls Creek (FERC No. 11659) Instream Flow Study. R2
Resource Consultants Report to Gustavus Electric Co. Gustavus, AK. 28p.
Gagner, M. 2001. In prep
Gould, Edward. 2001. Personal Communication. Curator of Mammals, Emeritus, Smithsonian
Harris, A. 1989. Wind in the Forests of Southeast Alaska and Guides for Reducing Damage. U.S.
Forest Service, PNW Research Station. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-244.
HDR, Inc. 1999. Kahtaheena River (Falls Creek) Hydrologic Analysis. Report to GEC, September
1999. HDR Report to Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus, AK. 12p.
HDR, Inc. 2000a. Falls Creek Hydrologic Analysis. Report to GEC, February 2000. HDR Report
to Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus, AK. 29p.
HDR, Inc. 2000b. Falls Creek Hydrologic Analysis. Report to GEC, December 2000. HDR Report
to Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus, AK. 29p.
Hinton, R. and D. Schoephorster. 1966. Soils of the Gustavus area. U.S. soils Conservation Service,
Palmer, AK. 13p.
Hoch, D. M. 1991. Initial Hydrologic Analysis of Falls Creek, Gustavus, Alaska. Letter from
Peratrovitch, Nottingham & Drage, Inc., Juneau, AK, to Gustavus Electric Co. 7p.
Horner, R. 1988. Seismicity in the Glacier Bay Region of Southeast Alaska and Adjacent Areas of
British Columbia. Proceedings of the 2"d Glacier Bay Science Symposium, Sept19-22, 1988.
Glacier Bay.
Humphries, P. and P.S. Lake, 2000. Fish larvae and the management of regulated rivers. Regulated
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characterizing watershed ecosystems for fish habitat. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and
Aquatic Sciences 53 (Supplement 1): 312-326.
Kinsella, Mike. 2001. Personal Communication. Montana mammologist with experience in water
shrew ecology.
Kitano, S. 1995. Spawning Habitat and Nest Depth of Female Dolly Varden Sa/velinus malma of
Different Body Size. Fisheries Science 6(5): 776-779.
Kurtz, R. S. 1995. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Historic Resource Study. National
Park Service, Alaska System Support Office, Anchorage.
Leder, E. 2001. Genetics of Dolly Vardens, in prep
Lentfer, H., et al. 1991. Falls Creek Biological Survey-1991. National Park Service, Gustavus AK.
Lentfer, H., 2000. Birds and Mammals of the Falls Creek Area; an Addendum to the 1999 Reports
on these Subjects. Icy Strait Environmental Services report toGustavus Electric Co.,
Gustavus, AK. 6p.
Lentfer, H. and G. Streveler. 1999a. Mammals of the Falls Creek Area, Spring-Fall, 1999. Icy Strait
Environmental Services report toGustavus Electric Co., Gustavus, AK. 29p.
Lentfer, H. and G. Streveler. 1999b. Birds of the Falls Creek Study area, with Special Reference to
Marbled Murrelets, Raptors and Riparian Species: May-September, 1999. Icy Strait
Environmental Services report toGustavus Electric Co., Gustavus, AK. 12p.
Mackovjak, J. 1988. Hope and Hard Work; the Early Settlers at Gustavus. Goose Cove Press,
Berkeley, CA. 85p.
Mann, D. and G. Streveler. 1999. Reconnaissance Survey of Soils and Geology of the Falls Creek
Area. Icy Strait Environmental Services Report to Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus, AK.
Mann, D. 2000. Observations on Soils and Bedrock made in the Falls Creek Study Area in July,
2000. Icy Strait Environmental Services report to Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus, AK. 7p.
Milhous, R.T.,I998. Modeling of in stream flow needs: the link between sediment and aquatic h
abitat. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 14(1): 79-94.
National Park Service. 1998. Bartlett Cove Dock Rehabilitation Environmental Assessment. Glacier
Bay N.P. and P. Bartlett Cove, AK. 90p.
Paige, Bruce B. 2000. Personal Communication. Retired Chief Naturalist, Glacier Bay National
Park, and prominent local Natural Historian.
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Piatt, J. and G. Ford. 1993. Distribution and Abundance of Marbled Murrelets in Alaska. Condor
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R2 Resource Consultants, Inc. 2000. Summary of Hydraulic Calibration Results of the Falls Creek
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R2 Resource Consultants, Inc. 2001. Master Library of Habitat Suitability Curves. January 2001
Report to Gustavus Electric Co. R2, Redmond W A. 21 p
Sealaska Corporation. 1975. Native Cemetery & Historic Sites of Southeast Alaska. Submitted to
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Scrivener, J.C. and M.J. Brownlee, 1989. Effects of forest harvesting on spawning and incubation of
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Snow, L. 1999. Socio-Economic Impact of the Falls Creek Hydroelectric Facility at Gustavus,
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Soiseth, C. 1998. Relative Importance of Kahtaheena (Falls) Creek. Memorandum to Resource Mgt.
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Soiseth, C. 1998. Falls Creek Salmonid Diversity and Run Strength, June 1998. Report to Resource
Mgt. Supervisor. NPS. 2p.
Streveler, K. 2001. Falls Creek Water Quality. Icy Strait Environmental Services Report to
Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus, AK. 6p.
Streveler, G., et al. 1994. Potentials for Impacts on Natural Values of the Kahtaheena River (Falls
Creek) Area. Icy Strait Environmental Services Report to Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus
AK. 19p.
Streveler, G., B. Paige and K. Bosworth. 1995. Biological Inventory of Selected Portions of the
Bartlett Cove, Gustavus and Indian Point Areas, Southeast Alaska. Icy Strait Env. Svcs.
Rept to Denver Service Ctr., USNPS, Denver, CO. 47 p.
Streveler, G. 1997. Bear and Other Wildlife Usage of the Falls Creek Vicinity, Spring 1997. Icy
Strait Environmental Services Report to Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus AK. 27p.
Streveler, G. 1998. Fish Investigations of Falls Creek. Icy Strait Environmental Services Report to
Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus, AK. Sp.
Streveler, G. 1998. Bear and Other Wildlife Usage of the Falls Creek Vicinity. A Second Look
during Spring and Early Summer, 1998. Icy Strait Environmental Services Report to
Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus AK. 18 p.
Streveler, G.P., H.P. Lentfer and J.T. Brakel. 1999. Observations on Winter Mammals and Birds of
The Falls Creek/Eastern Gustavus Area. Icy Strait Environmental Services Report to
Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus, AK. 17p.
Waldman, R. 1982. Archeological Inventory, Seven Native Allotments, Glacier Bay Area, Alaska.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Anchorage. AK.
US Army Corps of Engineers. 1974. Small Scale Hydropower for Gustavus, Alaska. Letter Report,
June 1984. USCOE, Alaska District, Anchorage. 35p.
US Forest Service. 1997. Tongass Land Management Plan, Final Impact Statement, part 1. Us
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service R10-MB-338b. 250p.
US National Park Service. 1998. Bartlett Cove Dock Rehabilitation Environmental Assessment.
Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve, Alaska. 61p.
Yarborough, M. 1999. Archaeological Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey for the
Proposed Kahtaheena Hydroelectric Project Near Gustavus. Cultural Resources
Consultants' Report to Gustavus Electric Co., Gustavus, AK. 21p.
Other appendices will be supplied with the next draft.
A. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
B. Traditional Cultural Properties Analysis
C. Technical Specifications
D. USF&WS and NMFS Letters on Threatened and Endangered Species
E. Enabling Legislation
F. Participant List
Federal Agencies
Mr. David P. Boergers, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
Mr. Bob Easton
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
Mr. Vince Yearick
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
Ms. Carol Sampson
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
Pamela Bergmann
U.S. Dept. of Interior
Office of Environmental Policy &
Regional Environmental Officer
1689 C. Street, Room 119
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-5126
Ms. Teresa Woods, Field Supervisor
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Southeast Alaska Ecological Services
3000 Vintage Blvd., Suite 20 I
Juneau, AK 99801-7100
Mr. Richard Enriquez
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
3000 Vintage Blvd., Suite 201
Juneau, AK 99801-7100
Mr. Steve Cummins
Bureau of Land Management
Alaska State Office
Branch of 964 Adjudication
222 W. 7'h Ave. #13
Anchorage, AK 99513-7599
Tomie Lee, Superintendent
Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
PO Box 140
Gustavus, Alaska 99826
Chad Soiseth
Glacier Bay Nat'l. Park & Preserve
PO Box 140
Gustavus, AK 99826
Mary Kralovek
Glacier Bay Nat'l. Park & Preserve
PO Box 140
Gustavus, AK 99826
Mr. Andy Grossman, Acting Chief
U.S. Dept. of Commerce
National Marine Fisheries Service
Resource Management Division
PO Box 21668
Juneau, AK 99802-1668
Mr. John Morrell
Hydropower Assistance Team Leader
USFS Alaska Region
P.O. Box 21628
Juneau, AK 99802-1628
Mr. Randy Steen
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
Permit Processing Section
Regulatory Branch
PO Box 898
Anchorage, AK 99506-0898
Mr. Mark Jen, Environmental Scientist
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Alaskan Operations Office
222 W. Seventh Ave #19
Anchorage, AK 99513
Mr. John Bregar
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Sixth Ave.
Mail Stop EC0-088
Seattle, WA 98101
Mr. Bruce Bigelow
U.S. Geological Survey
P.O. Box 21568
Juneau, AK 99802
Mr. Robert L. Lloyd, Assistant District
Manager, Lands
U. S. Bureau of Land Management
Anchorage, District Office
6881 Abbott Loop Rd.
Anchorage, AK 99507
Faile Creek Hydroelectric Project
(Figure 1)
Northern Southeaet Alaeka
Thl5 focu5 ar.,a of thl5 map 15 north.,m 5outh.,a5t
Alaeka. ,., r~lona l c:lllln~tlon 15 not hlstcrlca l.
It 15 arbitrary forth., purp~5 ofthl5 ~port.
The uaclcgrountl w•s constructed from USFS elev.tlon models.
· Project Location
0 25 50
Yellow lcgs' SavaMGh
Fall~ Cr~~k Hydro~lectric Proj~ct
(Figur~ 2)
Plac~ Nam~~
This map le 11ae&t on field work performed durin~ the
summer of 1999. Place name o~l ne and explanations
can l1e found In the text ..
The uackground le aM aerllll llflllge from 1999.
Project Location
0.25 0 0.25 0.5
1000 0 1000 2000
I :Project Area ....... ·'
~ Falls Creek
~ Access Road
'~ v / Service Road
/ '/" (and Penstock)
~ Penstock ~
. .. . . . Buried Power
~~· · ... ·· Line ..
, ,, , , ' Survey Line , ,,
/V Section Line
Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project
(Figure 3)
Alternative 1 Land Disposition
1 Notee
Note the: red border area 16 referred In the: text a&
the: "Eaet of the: Eaet Lip" area. See fl9ure: 8 for
alternative: 2 di&P,O&Itlone. Complete explanation& of land
dlepoeltlone c:an be: found In the: text.
r---• ·---..
.. . . . . .
~ /"'"v / / / .. ,.
/ ' / N
0 0.25
0 1000
Project Area
Access Road
Service Road
and Penstock
Buried Power Line
Falls Creek N
Other Creek
Survey Line
Section Line
Park Land
Private Land
State/GEC Land
Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project
(Figure 4)
Alternative 1 Project Layout
Thl& map I& 11a&et::l on current t::le61el1 propo6al6. See flerul'l!
9 for altematlve 2 layout ant:! fig ure 12 for altematlve6
con61t::leret::l 11ut eli minated.
I I ___ ..
0 0.25
0 1000
Project Area
Access Road
Service Road
and Penstock
.. . . . . · Buried Power Line . ..
~ /V ~ /' v •
/ ' / N
Falls Creek
Other Creek
Survey Line
Section Line
Borrow Pit site
Disposal site
Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project
(Figure 12)
Alternatives Considered
But Eliminated
Plea&e eee Scop lng Document 1 for complete
de5Crlptlone of the vartoue alternatlvee.
The 17•clrground 16 •n MeriMII11111ge from 1999.
0 0.25
1000 0 1000
Project Area
Alternative A (a and b)
Alternative B (a and b)
Alternative B (c) N
Falls Creek
Other Creek
Survey Line
Section Line