HomeMy WebLinkAboutDesign of Low Cost, Ultra Low Head Hydropower 1981• • • ENG 018 Alaska Power Authority liBRARY COPY DESIGN OF LOW COST, ULTRA-LOW HEAD HYDROPOWER PACKAGE BASED ON MARINE THRUSTERS Energy Research & Applications, Incorporated Santa Monica, California August 1981 DE82 004813 RECEIVE!) MA '; , 7 1984 AlASKA POWER AliTHORIT't • .\ '"\ .. (·. 1 \ \ . I \_:J.·- :·.¥ . q j J 10G058 DOE/ID/12201-T1 (DE82004813) DESIGN OF LOW COST, ULTRA-LOW HEAD HYDROPOWER PACKAGE BASED ON MARINE THRUSTERS Final Report August 1981 Work Performed Under Contract ~Jo. FC07-SOIDJ'2:01 Energy Research & Applications, Inc. Santa :\lonica, California 'lf!'ltQOUC!O 8Y NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE U.S. I)[!'~Rnlfl!l OF COM.fRCE Sl'lli!GHHO. VA 22161 .. DOE/ID/12201-Tl ( D E82004813) Distribution Category UC-97e DESIGN OF LOW COST, ULTRA-LOW HEAD HYDROPOWER PACKAGE BASED ON MARINE THRUSTERS FINAL REPORT August 1981 Accomplished under Coop. Agreement DE-FC07-80ID12201 between Energy Research & Applications, Inc. and U.S. Dept. of Energy Idaho Operations Office DOE Program Officer: Charles E. Gilmore, Chief, Advanced Technology Branch ER&A Project Manager: John J. Huetter, Jr. ;· ,, _, ........... : ',,_,~;--. ,...;L.;:Iv"""'A'lYI=I\ ',i.'Ork spons::.•rt:d by ar. dgency of the l'mted G~-, :.:::--.::·.::;-. ·~ ;-.,e1!h.:: :.h:: L ni:eC 5 wtes Goverr.mer. i. no: any a~ncy the reo:, nor an: . :'7'.:j::~ ::r,:.' \;'~r:a:.:y e\.;-:::~s o: 1:nplied. o: asscmes any kgal h::.bi.liry or :·::.-; ::::.: ~.: ... ·:...:::~c·y, ~·ur:1p~·:~~ness. o: use:\:inen ar:y in.forma!.lc!1, appa;:nus. :c-;:::"5-:::1!~ :h::.: its use wou]j not in:rL"1ge privateir 0'~'>11eC .--._,:-;. ::.;.J:'::1:.....:i .. r::.::--.c!'<.:.:::to..:.:t;, r.::: ~'t:.--.::r~Ai&.::, dues n•.:;t necessariJy cons.tit'.,j~t or imp!y iu t~:-.-::.-_ ;SZ'::-:::::-::. r;;.;c,:nr:;-;?rH.!.a.~ior.. v: (~vo~ig by the l'r.itt=d StJt~s Governmer.t or a.1·1y a gene;: ;.·:::·:-:. :r~:: \~-:::-..~ r'pinion:o c-~ ;:.;_.:[;or~ e~press.ed hereir: dv not ne..:es:.;;.rily state o: th:::~...-of tf:(' L'r.i!e:: St:He-' G(':ve;-nment or any a~er:cy thereof." di:-ectiy fron: the bes: a\'aiJable copy. :,;_,,,, :·,:>.: T:-:hr.ic:!l i:;fenn~tio:1 Service, C. S. Department of Commerce. ,_;~.::-...: :c:· r-:":::.~~..: --. .. -·~~.n. . .~_ . .), Tht· cod~ i~ ciete::::U:1ej b~,-the number of pa~es u:. tb::: !r,forr:::li·-':: ?er~~L'1ing to ti,e pricing codes can be found in the current issues of the followmg pu'c~ic21i0:1s. wf'Jch are ge~e;ally available in n1ost libraries: Energy Research Ab£tracts, (ER-4.); Go;·enm:c,:r Reparrs Announceme~:rs ar.d Index (GR4 and I); Scientific and Technical Abstract Reports 'ST.iR,. 2:1c :"TIS.PR·360 a,·:riJable from (NTIS) at the above address. • TABLE OF co;--.."''E\1'5 FINAL REPORT ON DESIGN OF LOW COST, lJLTRA-W'l HEAD HYDROPO.~'ER PACKAGE BASED ON MARH,JE T'rlRUSTERS. SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 SECTION 7 SECTION 8 APPENDIX I APPENDIX II APPTh'DIX III EXEQJTIVE SIJ!vMARY INTROIXJCTION EQUIPMENT RESEARCH ULTRA-LOW HEAD HYDROPOWER PACKAGE ENGINEERING DESIGN ULTRA-LOW HEAD HYDROPCWER PACKAGE C(};!PONENT COST ANALYSIS ULTRA-LOW HEAD SITE APPLICATIONS IN THE UN!TED STATES B>.'VIRON'-1ENTAL EFFECTS OF ULHH PACKAGE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION ECONOMIC ANALYSIS TECliNOLCXN TRANSFER FINAL ENGI:l\'EERING DESIGNS ( 4 DRAWINGS) SUPPORTING DATA AND CALa.JI.ATIONS SITE SPECIFIC ECON(};ITC A~YSES PAGE i 1 13 35 58 73 102 107 115 119 120 142 NOTICE T HI S D 0 C tT )I! E NT H A S B E E ~ R E P R 0 D tT C E::) FRO~! THE BEST COPY FUR)riSHED tTS B~t THE SPONSORING AGENCY. ALTEOGGE IT IS RECOG)fiZED THAT CERTAI~ PORT:O~S A R. E I L L E G I 3 L E , I T I S B E I )r G R E L E .l. S E D IN TS:E I~TEREST OF MAKI)rG AVA!LAB:..E A S M U C H I ~ F 0 R )I! A T I 0 .:l' .'\ S P 0 S S I B L E . • ~ ' . · . . . ·. EXEC1JTD/E Sllv1MA.RY The development of potential hydroelectric power at sites with low heads has traditionally been so expensive in relation to their power output that such sites have not been cost-effective for either public or private development. This condition is magnified at sites with ultra-low heads (defined by the Depart- ment of Energy as 3 meters or less) which have generally not been found economically feasible. Significant reduction in development costs, especially hardware, would permit additional thousands of potential very low head hydropower sites to qualify economically as renewable resource- based power sources. Energy Research & ,;\pplications, Inc. proposed to address this problem through a Research & Development Project to determine if marine thrusters could be engineered into a hydropower package at ultra-low heads and, if technically feasible, at what cost. This was accomplished within the context of the U.S. Department of Energy's Ultra-low Head Hydropower Cost Reduction Program. Marine thrusters are prD~arily used in large ships, such as tankers, for propulsion and maneuvering. In this application, they ftmction somewhat like axial flow pumps. However, the tunnel enclosure around the impeller blade provides significant thrust augmentation. ER&A was successful in characterizing the performance of two lines of thrusters h'hich moved a vollmle of water at pressures equivalent to two-three meter heads. Concurrent with t.~is analysis was a search for anpropriate low cost transmission and generation equipment available as "off-the-shelf" catalog items and which matched the predicted power characteristics of the thrusters operating as turbines. The result of this effort was the selection of induction motors to be operated as 6enerators and industrial belt drives linking the thruster output shaft to the motor-generator's drive shaft. A modular elbow do'.,T'.stremn section was configured in corrosion- resistant Cor-Ten Steel and designed for attachment to the thruster. The function of a conventional draft tube is accom- plished by a cast i:1 pl2..ce concrete form that mates to the steel trJUster outlet sectjon, providing transition from circular to expandi:lg rectangular cross-section. Eleven distinctly 'Si:ed applications were ultimately developed and costed. Package costs, less civil works and installation, ranged from approxima"Cely $25,000 to slightly over $120,000. The corresponding range of predicted power outputs at three i meters (!?.84 ft) heac is 40 Kl\ to 630 Kl\' per package. Average cost of the ER&A-designed !JT..J1H package is about $260/Kl~ at three meters. Each unit was further characterized for ooeration between 6 ~~d 15 feet of head. · Comparative concept designs at the feasibility study level of detail, involving retrofit of the thruster packages or conven- tional hydropower equipment at three sites resulted in installed cost savings of 50-60%. The en\~ronmental effects of operating a thruster-based hydro- power site are generally similar to a conventional plant operated in the same mode (run of the river or time of day release). The low cost of the ULHH package does permit cost-effective power development at sites which intrinsically have less negative en- vironmental effect than high head sites. Reduced cost also per- rni ts flexibility in operation to maintain streamflow levels while satisfying econowic criteria for power production. Based on the engineering results of the project and promise for significant cost-reduction, ER&A proposes to fabricate, install and test a full-scale unit at an appropriate site. ~ c I ;-I i D -- ii I T E !_L I D I __ .___._j_ FINAL REPORT on Cooperative Agreement #DE-FC07-80ID12201: DESIGN OF LOW-COST ULTRA-LOW HEAD HYDROPOWER PACKAGE BASED ON MARINE THRUSTERS Executed Under PRDA ·nE-RA07-80ID 12087 U.S. Dept. of Energy, Idaho Operations Office and Energy Research & Applications, Inc. 1.0 Introduction The development of hydroelectric power sites with effective head of three meters (9.8 ft) or less has been severely limited. There are significant numbers of these sites, even though impoundments wit~ heads of less than ten feet are often excluded from survey lists. Nor is there an absolute lack of power generating equipment for the under three meter range; admittedly, the selection is rather limited at these ultra-low l:eads. The negative envirornnental effects some- times associated >vith hydropower development are not prohibitive to ultra-low head site development. Rather, it the same hurdle that has blocked so many other,vise promising renewable energy resources: they were not cost-effective to develop for electric power produc- tion compared to existing power plant designs. Energy Research & Applications, Inc. proposed to address this problem by determining if T..arine thrusters could be engineered into a hydro- power package ~:d, i£ technically possible, at what cost. The U.S. Department of Energy determined it appropriate to fund, on a cost-shared basis, a Research and Design activity whose goal was to lower the cost of ultra-low head hydropower development. The following sub-sections describe the methodology and results of the project resulting fror.\ Cooperative Agreement DE-FC07-80ID12201 be~,veen the Department of E.;1ergy and Energy Research & Applications, Inc. 1.1 The Equipment Marine thrusters are priTarily used for the propulsion and ~aneuvering -1- of large ships-such as tankers, or other off-shore applications: oil rig support is a typical example. They are variously referred to as ~Jnnel w\rJsters, bow thrusters, and maneuvering thrusters and are ~~~ufac~red in several configurations by about half a dozen comp~~ies for an international market. (See Figure 1.1, for example.) The initial task and as it developed, most time-consuming, was the identification of suitable thrusters, determination of their practi- cality as turbines, and characterization of their performance as turbines. The task was complicated by a staggering lack of data on the performance rr~rine thrusters in their general mode of use. These units have been in widespread use for only about fifteen years, coinciding with the advent of the supertankers, and their application and hydrod:~ic performance are more often observed than predicted or engineered. (This is primarily due to the effects of other vectors on the sr~p in which the tP~ter is installed but removal of the multi-directional effects still didn't provide us much useful data on their performance.) Still, there were manv apparent advantages to pursuing the marine thruster for the blade section in an ultra-low head package. The units are manufac~Jred with a variety of drive configurations includ- ing right angle: "L" type, and double right angle: "Z" type, as well as straightline drives. The gearboxes are an integral part of the unit; similar to a bulb turbine in t...'lis respect. Mditionally, thrusters are built for variable speeds in hostile salt water, dirty harbor, flotsam and jetsa~-cluttered operating environments so they should prove extremely reliable in a constant-flow, fresh water application. Finally, the t...~~sters are available literally as off-the-shelf units with·6-10 weeks delivery time. They were also inex-pensive. What that meant in terms of a $/KW number when, and if, they could be integrated into a package that would produce electric power from hydraulic energy was the core question of this project. After several false starts and delays in manufacturers' data, it was decided to get the project on track with a straightforward calcula- tic~ reactive tru-ust as determined by input power to the thruster (co;.Nerted to torque) and active blade swept area, which data were available from some of t.'-le manufacturers . Characterization of each unit of every manufacturer from which even minimal data was forthcoming resulted in the discovery of two lines of equipment for wnich the calculated effective heads, in pressure equivalents, matched the under-three meter regime we were contracted to investigate. These were Schottel and Harbormaster. There was some over-lap in the model lines, \\i th Schottel ma."lufactur- ing some ~~ller size thrJsters and Harborr.~ster, larger ones. 2- • • • .. . ... .. . . _ ... ~ ..... -' ~ . ~···~-' ·, ... ~~~~:··-.f.~gutt;t: ·~~·.l· . ' ··.·· .,; -3-... . ' , ... i"l' ER~A identified a range of thrusters which moved a flow of water at pressures equivalent to two to three meter heads. Concurrent with this research was the search for t.'le appropriate low-cost trans- mission and generation devices. The result in this case was the selection of electric induction motors for use as generators in the package for a grid interface application. Because of the variety of drive configurations in the thrusters, the generator can be located some distance away from the blade section, if that simplifies installation. Initial research for a suitable low-cost transmission did not pro- duce any conclusive results. The thruster gearboxes themselves provided a reduction ratio that ranged from approximately 2:1 to 4:1. Induction motors are commonly available ~~th operating RPM of 720, 900, 1200 and 1800. We proceeded to define the RPM of the thn.tsters operating in a power-producing mode at three meters head, as well as determining how the thrusters would perform as turbines overall. The design of appropriate inlet and outlet structures, configurations, and their cost, also had to be developed. 1. 3 Method of Analvsis After considerable basic research by the assigned engineers, includ- ing review of the texts by Spannhake and Stepanoff on pump vs. turbine design, we determined to apply the four-quadrant curves developed by W. A. Swanson as part of his Cal Tech thesis: "Complete Character- istic Circle Diagrams for Turbomachinery". His work compared the perfonnance of an axial-flow pump, "water driven" as a turbine, with its perfonnance 11wa ter -driving" as a pump. It was our best engineering judgment that the thrusters so far characterized could be treated as axial flmv pumps for perfonnance derivation. This was later confirmed by a technical note prepared by P. K. Dewhurst in 1971 that Harbormaster thrusters might ~urk as pumps but only with- in very low head ranges. (Peter Dewhurst is today Executive Vice Pre ·ident and Chief of Engineering for Harbormaster' s parent company.) Swanson's thesis included a large-scale diagram of the + 100% HEAD and + 100% TORQUE relationships, plotted on axes rep':"esenting percentage of flow and percentage of rotational speed. We replotted the turbine region on a larger scale and calculated curves for fractions both above and below the 100% HEAD and TORQUE values. (See Figure 1. 2 for curve reference.) There were some aberrations in the curve behavior, including dual inter- cepts and non-intercept points. These were resolved when it could be demonstrated that the tangential intercept points lay on a constant radial line from the axis origin in the turbine quadrant and, further, -4- lOO 'll j'--4---+--~--+---~~~~~~~~~~ ~--+---~---+----+--~----r---+---~---r--0~ V' ~--~--~--~-+--~--~~--~--+--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~71 n ,. Figure 1.2. Four Quadrant Diagram -5- gave performance data that looked reasonable compared to our estimates. Flows and RP''1' s for the various sized units, ranging from 80 to 1000 HP input, could then be calculated by a computer program and subse- quently were. This program was later expanded to provide for calcula- tion of necessary design inlet and outlet areas and runaway speed of the tth~ster acting as a turbine. We further explored the results of thruster operation as turbines over a range of heads, stepping down through the series of computerized performance equations for each of eleven thruster ur~ts at 90%, 80%, 70%, and 50% of the baseline three meter head. Predicted power output at a head of 1.5 M drons to about one third of the maximum calculated three meter head value: The package design parameters now emerging included flows, predicted ~1 of the blade and runaway speed, cone diameters as a function of th~ter diameter and the overall fact that only the tunnel thrusters, of all the types surveyed, met our "'"--3 M head equivalent pressure. This fact further dictated package design. Also, the 1000 HP (input) unit emerged as an upper size limit due to the diameter of that unit's blade. At nearly 80 inches across, it began to approach our maximum head of 117 inches, and anything larger would be clearly impractical due to physical size restrictions. 1.4 Value Engineering Since the purpose of the project was cost reduction, we went through a value engineering exercise as part of the design activity for the hydropower package. Basic to tr~s approach, well-established through aerospace industry experience, is an objective definition of the design function. The follov.ring categories of questions are then posed, usually in an itera- tive fashion: 1) What is the design function? 2) r.na. t does it accomplish? ., :;) What does it cost? 4) Wnat else will accomplish the function? S) r.na. t does that cost? This process applies until the minimum cost for a specified function is achieved, while maintaining the performance parameters required for that function. The value engineering approach not only was at the foundation of t1is design research project but applied in the engineering of specific package components, including draft tube, head and frequency control, transmission method, and selection of rr~terials as will be further described in the engineering design. -6- 1.5 Ultra-Low Head Hydropower Package Engineering Desi~ ER&A began the final engineering exercise through defining the expected upper and lower boundaries of the perfonnance envelope. We completed a horizontal configuration design based on the BT200 and BTlOOO model thrusters. The downside of the perfonnance band was later extended as Schottel-based designs were developed . . , The basic·design data derived from the analysis phase were further re- fined into the necessary dimensions and physical characteristics that resulted in three basic package configurations: horizontal, vertical with two sub-variations, and a siphon. Exemplary layouts are shown in the Engineering Design Section. A key design feature which translates into cost reduction at several points, from manufacture through site installation, is the modular elbow which can apply to inlet and outlet structures for each unit configuration. Similarly, the convergent and divergent cones are identical for each size unit. The cones and elbows are manufactured with flanges for assembly with gaskets and structural bolts. With the very low pressure encountered in this L.. 3 M head regime, even conventional 0.5 inch bolts and industrial-rubber gaskets exceed design requirements. Similarly, wall thicknesses of only 0.011 inch could withstand the pressures but are too fragile for welding and handling. The rna..xi1ITlllll pressure differential expected will not exceed two at:mospheres-[29.4 psi) which is handled by a 0.188 inch wall thickness for the largest diameter package. Cor-Ten steel is specified for the non-thruster hydraulic portion of the packagr-due to· a favorable tradeoff benveen corrosion resistance, structural strength and cost compared to a number of other materials considered, including some non-metallic candidates. Two alternatives were developed for the transmission. V-belts and sheaves proved adequate for RPM and torque of units predicted to produce from 40 to about 250 KW net output. Additionally, we iden- tified a fiberglass toothed cog belt similar to an overhead cam timing belt in an automobile engine that accommodated higher torque loads, higher speeds, and longer operational life at somewhat greater cost. The manufacturer's experience in operating conditions indicate that this type of transmission can provide an efficiency of over 98%, though 96% is probably more common over a varying range of conditions and loads. ~et thruster efficiency calculations, for operation as turbines, ranged from a low of 58% to a rjgh of 72%. An efficiency of over 65% was computed for all except r~o of the units characterized. Reasonably conservative calculations indicate that power output will range from 40 I<Jif in the smallest unit to up to 5.37 KW for th.e largest unit within our physical size restrictions. Applications of the hydropower packages based on the larger units will be limited. We estimate most applica- tions will be found for units pro<h.lcing between 130 KW and .200 K'rl, -7- :,;, ... .... !~ ·~ ··~ ' ....... ~·: ~ ', I . '. ·• .. • . . . , ... -· .. • Figure 1. 3 '!Ypical Ins~llation of Ultra-Low Head Hydropower Package Based on Manne Thruster. · -8- ' . possibly in mltiple installations to realize the site's full power potential as a function of available flows. There are four packages designed in that range of power output. 1.6 Site Applications ER&A anticipated that an ultra-low head hydropower package meeting cost-acceptance criteria would have applications at existing dams, tvastewater treatment plants, irrigation canal drops, industrial cooling water outfalls, and, we discovered in the course of the project, fish ladders, where some of the otherwise lost flows can be economically recovered. The actual site numbers by ultra-low head category were not that easy to extract for a variety of reasons, but we identified the following potential, qualified as noted below. DAMS (U.S.): Department of Energy Inventory -784 Positively located by ER&A 153 TREA'IMENT PL\NI'S (U.S.): 62 with adequate flow IRRIGATION CANAlS (California only): 75 FISH LADDERS (U.S.): Approximately 100 INDUSTRIAL COOLING OOTFAIJ..S: 601 with adequate flow (Power plants only -U.S.) Those numbers can be summarized to reach different totals based on their source and reliability. We come up with a probable market size of between 800 and 1600 sites with heads ~ 3 meters. However, it should be noted that a detailed reconnaissance by the Iowa Natural Resources Cou.""lcil identified 62 dams in that state suitable for retrofit with our hydropower package design having a calculated power potential of slightly over 35 megawatts. 1.7 Cost and Economics Assembled cost of the complete ultra-low head hydrop<Mer package, defined as the turbine ass~hly, transmission, support structure, and generator set ranges from $190 to $300/KW at three meters head with the exception of the 40 K\'1 unit which casted out at $590/KW. Average cost of the entire line is $258/KW at three meters. This cost buildup is based on manufacturers' quotes for their components, bid costs from three sources for fabrication and assembly, and an allowance for preparation of manufacturing drawings and specifica- tions. J:hese costs were generally consistent. with the cost buildups -9- done in house by our production engineer. Figure 1. 4 compares thruster package costs v;i th conventional turbine package costs. Tne tur0ine costs were extracted from feasibility studies for UI1-! sites and infla- ted to 1981 levels. We further developed the cost by completing installation designs for three sites at which feasibility studies including costing had been done. The sites were representative: a Tennessee wastewater treat- ment plant, a California· irrigation canal and a low-head dam in Texas. The first site had already beert fotmd economically feasible, the latter two were not. Civ~l works requirements and costs were not affected as dramatically as we had anticipated but still were reduced by about half in both substance and cost with retrofit of the ER&:\ package design. Using consistent allowances in each case for engineering (22.5% of total, or actual cost where known) and contingencies (20%), exemplary hydropower development economics are in the follmd.ng tables. All values are expressed in inflation-adjusted 1981 dollars. Wastewater Plant Irrigation Canal Low Head Dam CONVEI'-.'TIONAL RE1ROFIT $1908/.KW* $3735/.KW $2939/:f.-IV *installed capacity ER&:\ l.JU-lH PACKAGE RETROFIT $1215/.KW $1523/KW $1434/k'W Applying Return on Investment criteria in the economic analysis, the various project ROTs changed as follows: CONY~~ONAL RETROFIT ER&A l.JU-lH PACKAGE RE1ROFIT Wastewater Plant 63% 110.% Irrigation Canal 32% 80% Low Head Dam 8% 56% Furt: errrt:lre, all of the sites retrofit with the thruster-based ULHH package exhibited a positive cash flow to ti1e investor by year three of the project and always had a positive present net worth applying a 20% discount rate. 1. 8 Em~ronmental Effects wr,i1e hydropower retrofits of ultra-low head dams and man-made water systems avoid most traditional environmental problems, there are still some concerns at these sites. At sites where disturbance from construction is an issue, thruster-based equipment packages and their -10- I ~I 4000. 3000 2000 $/KW 1000 ...IQ 0 ~~~:.~ --V .. 0 Figure 1.4 Comparative Equipment Costs and Power Output 8 ALLIS OIAIMERS HORIZONTAL lUBE b BOFORS NOHAB VERTICAL G LEFFEL SAMPSON VERTICAL "U ER&A IKJRIZONTAL llffiUSTER-'IURinNE A A ,. I ' I I I I I I I ·-t------+----t---+--t --t---r--r---r--t--+---+--r---1--+--._-+--t---t--+--t- 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 KW OUTPUT/UNIT simplified civil works requirements offer an advantage over tradi- tional, m:::rre elaborate installations. Tne environmental effects of operating a thn1ster-based hydropower station will not differ signi- ficantly from operating a conventional plant in the same mode. A low-cost U'.~...~"Y pac:.i;:age does pennit the production of power from sites which intrinsically have less environmental consequence than high head sites \ihile permitting flexibility in operation to maintain stream- flow levels in a cost-effective wanner. 1.9 Conclusions Tne results of this research and design project indicate ~1at an ultra-low head hydropower package based on marine thrusters can be produced at a cost from one-third to one-tenth the price of more conventional hydropm.;er equipment. The basic hardware cost reduction stems from the initial low cost of the thruster blade section, right angle drive, and gearbox, supported by value engineering of a package permitting cost reductions w~thin the wider latitude pennitted by the low head, low pressure regime. Translated to actual site applications, consistent levels of engi- neering design and economic analysis indicate an installed cost re- duction of S0-60%. This level of ccst reduction is sufficient to convert potential sites ~1at were previously economically infeasible into feasible projects, which should satisfy the joint goals of the project. A next logical step is the full-scale demonstration of an ER&A- designed u111H package at an appropriate site to verify costs, ascer- tain actual power values realizable and collect performance data over a range of real-world conditions. The U.S. Department of Energy identified the project as a likely candidate for such demon- stration funding. Sponsors for this next phase of the activity are currently being sought in order to validate this low-cost, ul tra-lo\.; head design. -12- . •, -. '- 2.0 Equipment Research: This section describes the research into the necessary equipment components of the uun1 package. The results are presented in terms of the particular units or t}~e of components selected according to criteria of function, record of performance, and cost. 2.1 Equipment Research: Thrusters Thruster manufacturers were contacted during the proposal effort, and their responses indicated interest in the additional potential market for their products. Schottel was visited in Miami, in mid-Cctober, 1980, and agreed to provide thruster-as-turbine performance calcula-· ·, tions from their computer facility in the Netherlands. Elliott also offered a similar study from their home office. Harbormaster reported that they had no tests or perfonrun1ce data for their thrusters oper- ated in a turbine mode. We then started looking for other data sources to use as a check on the expected data from thruster manufacturers. We had a paper from Acres American on pumps as turbines and had started to run down the Kittredge textual reference which led to the Swanson reference. We also conducted a comprehensive computerized literature search which produced data on aerospace thrusters for spacecraft maneuvering, but nothing on marine thrusters as turbines, and little useful data on thruster perfor;nance prediction. We also had Allis-ChaL11ers litera- t'Llre that described model testing of turbines and pumps and perfor- mance curves from those tests. We also had the regular brochures of tJrbine manufacturers, planr~ng to compare thruster data to that of propeller-t}~e a.xial flow tt1rbines. None of the turbine data went below a head of three meters excent Allis-Chalmers units extended to ti.Jo meters, and ti.JO and a hal{ meters for Ta1npella (botb. were axial flow tube turbines \vhich was sunnortive of our research on axial flow thrusters). ·• We reviewed textbcoks on pump and turbine design by both Spannhake and Stepanoff. We also investigated aircraft methcds of estimating propeller performance but they were dependent on coefficients from airfoil tests. We continued the literature search for formulae on turbine blade speed ~1d found equations on Bell turbines and in Spannhake's book. Harbormaster had supplied drawings, thrust, and budgetary costs of some of their units that we thought would fit the ultra-low head region. Both Schottel and Elliott had failed to respond to our repeated requests for typical costs on a few selected models. On 5 January 1981, Ho\.Jard Bach of Elliott called to say their home office had declined to do the computer analysis on turbine perfor- w.ance of t.'lrusters because they were too busy now. Anot.l'ler call to Schottel also verified t..1.a t they were busy and we w-ould not get the long-delayed computer study on t..'rrus ten as turbines. We had _learned earlier that all three thruster manufacturers .regularly C'.istotn design t.1.e propellers to go wi t:.'-1 their standard gear drives, t" .. mnel housing 13- dimensions, and particular ship characteristics. Figures 2.1 through 2.-+ shm-; w~e principal thruster lines whose performance was characteri:ed by ER&A. We t.l1e:1 began dimensional analysis of P.arbonnaster' s thruster line to de:fine the equivalent pressure heads and design flows of all w~eir standard ~~ts. We converted the rated horsepower to torque, which permitted calculation of the flow velocity. Combined 'lo."ith the net propeller swept area, this value permitted definition of maximum rated £1ov.-. The equivalent pressure heads ranged from 7. 56 feet to 9. 54 feet, which qualified these units for the ultra -low head region of three meters or less as a design point for net head in turbine mode. IVe rated the calculated thruster head equivalent to the three meter head design point and calculated resulting velo- cities and flows. The specific speed equation was used to arrive at a predicted turbine blade RPM. The Stepanoff book has presented Swanson's work on "Complete Charac- teristic Circle Diagrams for l'u:rbomachinery". We made the assumption that thruster behavior ,.;as analogous to axial-flow pump performance and applied this "four-quadrant" method of analysis as it correlates the performa.'1ce of a.'1 axial pump, ''water-driven" as a turbine, with the "best efficient point" of the pump "v:a ter-dri ving": defined as 100% of head and torque for a range of flows. We were concerned by some of the bulges in the turbine region of the curves, not being really sure v:hy they were irregul?.r. This was later attributed to plotting of empirically-derived data, rather than the smoot..lJ. curves a theoretical calcula"tion would yield. We adapted this publication, which is the original data source from Swanson's pump tests. Raw test data and notes -were not obtainable. W .A. Swanson's thesis had a large scale diagram of the : 100% head and ~ 100% torque, plotted on axes of ! percent of flow and ! percent of rotational speed. We replotted the turbine region on a larger scale and calcJlated curves for fractions, both above and below 100% of head and torque. The torque curve looped across the head curve making two intercepts. We picked the more conservative (higher flow required) intercept for calculating relationships. A ratio of the turbine head to the thruster head was calculated for entry into the Swanson cuYVe and a flow/head product ratio for the torque ratio entry to the curves. Since these ratios produced odd fractions, we calc1lated a new set of curves for each thruster. Much to our sur- prise, all of the cJrves did not cross and our intercept selection did not appear justified. One tluuster 'lo.as characterized by per- fonnance cuYVes which were ta.TJ.gential at one point, and this looked like a logical description of performance. This contact point plotted out as a constant radial line from the origin and could therefore be calculated without manual and visual interpretation. This also per- mitted the characteristic calculation to be exPressed as a series of equations susceptible to computer solution. See Appendix II for these equations and Lhe resulting values for the smallest and largest Harbormaster thrusters evaluated. We applied the ze:-o torque line to calculate rJnaway speed from the curves. -14- • Fixed Pitch Tunnel Thrusters Tunnels, rolled of heavy corrosion resistant steel, incorporate heavy "Chill" Rings to minimize distortion during installation. All models incorporate three point support to insure a high degree of structural stiffness. All models may be installed with the input shaft center line set at any point in an arc 90° on either side of the vertical. Input flanges are provided to accommodate either standard flange type coupling halves or Spicer type flexible shaft flanges. Low hub to tunnel diameter ratios and well streamlined pod assemblies combine to produce higher thrusts than usually expected from thrusters of equal diameter. RANGE OF UNITS CHAAACTERIZED IN R&D .... MODEL BT·ZOO BT·Z50 BT ·3411 I BT-4110 I BT 450 BT·550 i BT·i50 BT·&50 !NPUT 130C· ~ 800· 1200· 1 ; ~6 ~. I :200· 1200 1 1800 900 RPM 2100 2100 1~00 ' 1· · •oo H p 150~ 2CO· 300· i 350-400· sao-1 600· 800· RANGE 200 250 350 I "00 •eo ; 550 650 850 A DIM 13 5 14 00 1s a ! . s 5 20 0 1~ 25 I 27 5 28 Q ' I •2 :: I I B DIM .. I 36 7 39 75 .!9 54 88 51 59 25 n 75 ! 2, • 9 I I C :JIM 26 5 2738 31 1 9 JS 00 29 75 i 27 75 41 13 0 :)IM ' 33 25 33 GO 39 81 J 39 81 I 39 81 54.25 l 57 25 5725 EOIM I 42 63 41 75 50 81 I :c :) ~ ! 64 50 76.63 1 79 83 39 63 BT-1000 BT·1200 !IT-1500 900 850 850 a~o-1000· I 1200-•,ooo I 1200 ~51)0 28 31 ! 33 5 79,25 86 25 90 25 41 13 5225 ?2 25 I I 57 25 94 5 9J : 89C3 1 1e 119 Figure 2.1 Harbormaster Fixed Pitch Tunnel Thrusters -15- BT-1900 925 1500· 1900 44 104 5 69 38 :oa :28.5 BT·lOOO m 2500· 3000 49.5 '23.9 !4 5 138 167 5 l I I I I I I en MODEL S-IOL S-51 L ~ Q Q. 0 0:: 0.. I i I MAX A.P. M. 15 00 1200 : I f--E -,-.--D -1 I F-t+ I ---,---~-G l r-------c-----~ RED INPUT H. P. PROP. F'T. LBS. {)I A. 1.13 200 85 19.0 /.53 514 12 0 29.5 Figure 2.2 Schottel Type L Bow1±rrusters ·16- A 19.5 28.75 • • 501 i 1211 ;I 1411 I~! 1611 ~~· i 12Cl! ! 124H 2000 56 1714 76 1500 100 1200 155 1000 222 750 389 600 601 460 925 2000 110 1714 150 1500 195 1200 304 1060 487 1400 635 2210 1003 3220 14fi1 591~ 2631 9500 4310 15370 5974 1120 503 1550 703 2060 935 3260 1488 4770 21154 Shipping Dil'l'lef1sions (Upper !nches-Lo_, Mlllim<~tersl Space Net We•ght lb./Kg. Cu. Fl. Cu. Mrrs. A e c 0 e F H J L Nod. Alum. Iron Allo 25 0 70 37 u 52 1.5 1()4 3.0 156 4.4 375 10.6 700 20 1250 35.1 23 0. 79 42 1 2 60 1. 7 119 3.4 160 s. r 65 51'; 23/1 9 19t, 14 2li 1551 1299 587 229 502 356 70 33Jt. 16~, 1~ 857 410 273 563 276 258 125 73 ·., sa~; 211, 1867 1 -+89 705 83 ., 64:. 30', 21co 7632 781 21'·' ss2' 24'\ 622 171, 3:;, ~5 89 20 508 4 102 105"-34'-, .16% 15 32'2 25 2686 2149 930 3S1 826 535 5 127 122:, 97', 43:;, 18 36 27'cl SY, 31CS 2477 IICS -+57 914 708 140 '43 116.·, 56~ 24 49 40. 8~ 3632 2968 1438 6C9 1245 1016 213 i 7'"6 :41 '': 66'~• JC'1 60 50 22 .:474 3594 1686 775 1524 1270 :i59 ns · rs·t 80'," 38 5715 4-4 '52 2C46 965 74 62"; 13', 1880 '588 342 39 18'•1 1 Hi 991 470 292 832 378 44'', 21 v, :3 25',; 1266 1133 543 330 654 57.! 54 '1. 26 17'> 3:1'' 2360 13713 Otiv 451 ss7 toeo 63J] :)()', 19'-; 38 3680 1613 775 502 965 1670 63 4\i 26 5, 78-10 1600 1245 560 1295 3550 81 60 32 52 16240 2058 1524 813 1320 ;4CO 105 74 40 76 298C<J 2665 1880 1016 1931 '3500 467 2'2 7•% 52" 23'~ 9 19¥. 15 3 33"1 16', 10"'. 30 659 320 1595 '584 587 229 502 381 76 857 410 273 762 299 145 94·, 27»; 10', 2H: 17:4 3'1, 39 18'1 1 33': 970 545 2·.i6 · 705 267 552 us a9 991 470 a51 440 248 ~1 m· j~s ~~i ~8 io2 ft?3 ~~ ~jo ~~~: ~~~0 1:?; ,; '0; 36'-, 15 32 ·, 25 5 54·,, 1 i'; :JCJ2 2~65 930 387 S26 635 127 1378 451 1~0" · :5"', 4J:·, 18 36 27:, 5'> 63' :lO' · 19'-, oo·, ~S6J 3569 ?<;..;tC 1 I•JS 4S7 914 706 '40 1613 775 502 1429 2':7 ·) 1010 645 458 293 1520 690 29"1C 1275 .1300 1950 8960 4060 ,87:<i 8500 343CC 15550 838 500 381 227 1180 755 505 J.J3 1780 807 3400 1540 5350 2430 Figure 2. 3a Elliott Hori :on tal Shaft Nhi te Gill Bmv/Ster:l Thrusters -17- Staooara tQHltiOI"' I only "''OM•1fi!f"''d3td fOf.lt!~M O~"ly l Non·,tand.trd 1 rotiUIO!"' only { ~ .... B c M ililhNIM!)-.. T~§§§§~§§§§~~f .... ,.. Ti' l£1YEL : !_j__ j_~, =~ ===t:=~ WAT'£A INI..£7 --4--tli"'oll-+-- t'!Ull PUntoG 1 0 _j_ .. , .. ,._ ___ F 10..: ----!1· !+-----------A.-----------..-1 '! I Static DimensiOnS (U-lnc::he:$-L.o...., Millimeters)~ ModeiiA.P.M. H.P. Thrusl Weight 1 I (AbSorbed) lb./Kg A 8 C 0 E F G H lb./KQ. I 3Z20 75o/. 60 57 14 21 31 30 26 4480 !1000 222 1461 1924 1524 1448 356 533 787 762 660 2030 i I !480 389 601 525 5910 101 721} 69;; 17 26 40}> 40 34 8960 2681 2{>65 1842 1759 432 660 1029 1016 884 4060 9500 124 85\<, Blo/. 22 32 51 50 45 15680 4370 $150 2755 2076 559 813 1295 1270 1143 7110 15370 154 1C4 1003·)27\, 40 63 62'1, 80 31360 6974 391? 2842 2553 700 1('16 1600 1588 1524 74230 Standard 1'0\&hOJ'\ only No,....tanoard rotallon of'\ly Standard rotahon on1y Staf\t:Sard rotat10!"' on1~ Figure 2.3.b Elliot Vertical Shaft White Gill BowlStem Thrusters -18- SI,AIH'T.liiti.S ~'rl.iTAABO.&.AQ l '1\A,;t.;$ I '1<10"1"!3oeot Qi~~ cUPJ:e' 'r>ehes·Lv-'otiilimetersJ I -R?M "1P Th"-'StA B C 0 E;j Fjj O¢ lb.! Kg 7:270 57:~ ::14 :la"'t 77"-1 •6:> •l 32 ·~1 +60 JJC() 1470 B6S 375 r;o.5 n;o ~C:43 11080 75 35'\ -18 :a .~ 525 ;:~ ::;oo t9CS ;co t220 1475 ~ .,-, 36'; l<::! "-3 72 .,_.,~ ,SC •.:o , 1 ~ 7 2:324 :l:J5 ~ !24 2UO '9:;!0 t5JC i 27430 11 '., 3S'~ 72 15i': '.S'-\ 06 77 '-30 ~ 1 i :~..:.a '.:.:..:c 284!J ~lJ tBJO 385(• 251(: 21.35 ' ~oil:; ... ,~~ I -19- .... 0 ! F·- !!'ltai<e 'let Sh•coin; Ale.a Wetqht Space FE 'l 11:)./ Kg A:' "" m" '4 a.:l'O '!91 1 JO J77'J 5.4 22 12?80 :.32 (.:]3 :a~o 94 35 !;72 320 1/j,J •S J21 '-0 ~2 ~ ~j 1•570 JS.4 OMf'iiTHRUSTERT~ ?V SERIES ... lOWEST-COST OMNITHRUSTER Maneuvering and Positioning Systems ----~) -···· \ . \' PV SYSTEMS KEY ADV A:"''T AGES ... More Thrust Unde~ay Tnrusts While Pitching No Re~.ersing Impeller to Change Direction Minimum Buo!,:anq Loss Smaller Hull Penetration Fuel Sa\'ings • • ' p ' 1"'7'- !he OMNTTHRUSTER PV S,·srems dir~t thrust continuous!!> through neutral, port or starboard ll.lithout changing direction or speec of the prime mover. Th,;; results 1n a rapid response in positioning the bov.-, stem or the vesse1 itself. Thrust is produced continuous!~· ~o~:iti: nozzles in or out of the water, 1n rough seas, in strong currents, v.ith vessel unde:wa1:, or "''hue pttching, rolling, ya\l.ing or hea•ms. UI\TJQUE FEATURES INCLUDE ... • No rotating p;ms to be sto;l::>ed or started. Prod ... ces thrust port and starboa~c v.1:hout reversing motor • Mechanicaliy st~ple, long se:-.tce life. • Easil,· mat:-.:amed. can be servicec:! tn the ~,~.·ater • Co!'\trol syste~ "'~th prcprieta:-; single level OMNl· THHUSit.R pne:.::natic logi;: ~.·alve anc standard actuator q;l:nder~ and pij:Jins !ech:-:>ques for simpktt)• and reliability • · Sma!! jet openings -less than 2()", of area of the hull pene· tration of conventional thrusters resubng in fuel s.al.ings. htgher huli speed. reduced passage time. " No protrusions no change in hull shape • Desig:"lecl to use s:endard sh:pyerd consnvc:ion technique~ for s;:>eedier installation, minirruzing l<~bor . . seeing :1me anc:i dollars. LOW ll'c'\/LTME.""'T ... LOW rNSTALL~TION COSTS! THE PV SYSTEMS UTIUZE TifE BASIC OMNITHRUSTER DESIGNS MAKING IT POSSlBLE TO RETROFIT OTHER OMNITHRUSTER FEATURES. A~'!'~! OX KEn IOI'P'EU.DI NOZZU: MAX """ox 0\'UAU !ItA .. UN£ 5>VJ"T THRWST THIII:ST NOm.! II/EIGHT HtiGHT WIDTH LENGTH MOOU.S H.P .,. .. L.8! L.8! DV,. l!'oCHfS L.8! INCHtS P,CHU INCH!:S PV300 so 1.750 1.200 1.000 14 1,400 58.0 ~ 37 P\.'350 75 l.700 1,4:?S 1.275 14 1.400 58.0 ~ 41 PVSOO 1S<l 1.200 3.200 2,500 18 2.200 120 78 47 P\.1600 200 90C 4.000 3.500 24 4,440 83.0 102 47 PV?OO 3SO 'lOJ i,OOO 6,000 24 5,500 'XlO 103 48 PVSOC. 600 soo 11.500 10.500 32 10.500 137.0 ~~ f:l:; Figure 2.4 Omnithr~ster PV Series Thrusters -20- Figure 2. 5 • \. Drive Gear System of the Thrusters c3l for Harbormaster Tunnel Thrusters S·:hottel L-Type Bow Thrusters) -21- is and data reduc:tion :f:"om a large variety of turbine manufac- tu:::-ers' performance charts revealed t."'la t a constant of 12 m4/ sec was consistent with 100 KW of power production, regardless of head or flow conditions. Since we had a pre-established design point for head at 3 meters, we needed to be focused on determination of flow quantity (m3) and flov; velocitY ( m/sec) in the characterization of the thruster units. This constai"lt proved more useful in our analysis than -::he classic YQhe expression since velocity is not incorporated and head will always fall out when set at 3 meters and the only thruster performance data we had \.;as velocity and input horsepower. The efficiency inherent in the con- stant used is the a\·erage efficiencies of tube-type turbines from a range of rr.anufacturers. Resulting flows and the flow velocities of the thruster units were then used to determine necessary inlet area to provide for proper flow to the thruster operating as a turbine. The section of the thruster con- taining the gearbox and propeller hub became a venturi throat in achieving necessary velocities. The reduced flow area expands into a dow~tream conical section ahead of the outlet sections. TI1e modular design and fabrication outlet of sections could be held at constant diameter to help in the cost reduction effort. Final expansion of flow, to avoid energy dissipation, is accomplished by a cast in place concrete form to which the outlet section is bolted. We conducted detailed analysis of the performance of Elliott and Schottel thrusters as well as Harbonnaster units by the above method. Harbormaster thrusters were selected as the basic thruster for ULHH package design because: 1) The m.anufacturer cooperated in supplying the most complete data and drawings of their thruster units, though it was not totally sufficient. 2) The equivalent pressure needs calculated for the units fell into the < 3 M regime of our research. (Some Schottel units also met this parameter, but similar data was not available.) The method of analysis and exemplary calculations are presented in detail in Section 3, Engineering and Basic Design Data. 2. 2 Equipment Research: Transmission Drive This ~~ea of equipment research focused on identification and develop- ment oi a low-cost method of transmitting the torque from thruster blade rotation to the input shaft of an electrical generator. The two main components of the blade section-to-generator transmission drive are described in the following subsections. 2.2.1 Thruster Gearbox Drive There are manv different drive cor£igurations for the gearboxes of marine thrusters, as seen in Section 2.1. These include straight- line drive (both vertical and horizontal), right aP.gle dcive (called "L" type by thrtt.ster manufacturers) and double right andle drive ( c;;.lled "Z" tyne). -22- • • ., • • · .. .Peter Jacobs, Executive Vice President of Schottel, displays the SlOL unit. Note right-angle drive gearboxes on shelf at rear . ,: .. ~' : -....... . ' 23 , .. =:~· •••• '• . . .. ~-, !' • : . -..... ;.: ... •••.•. '!'•: ~ • ·.·~~ ~~--~. I : • ' .·1 I ... ; I ... . ~. · ..... '~ : .. ': ..... ... ·--,. ... , .. I ~ ..... -t-"' . . A BT340 Thruster Unit on the Production Line at Ha.rbonua.s ter' s Quincy, Mass. facility. No_!e three-point stanchions in this design. Input (output in t:urbine mode) drive shafts of Harbormas"ter rnrus'ter~. Note heavy-duty bevel ~ear and roller bearings. 24 . .... , ..... .• ,t ,:. . ' • •• :. • ~. t .. ..;: ::-,'f , ...... ~ ••• I;' • • -,. ,··: . . ·~·- ......... • • ... ·:·· Schottel thruster ready for mounting of blade whose design is always specific to customer conditions and inclUded in unit price. 25 "; ('!... ..... • • f ~ •••• "; t .. •: :~,.~ \ ".~" . ' ... ~ ,;···:. . :"Y • ··~ "':'; if; .• · ..... ;, •·•••• ,,.:,.. :: ·~ .. ;' f">.<~· .:·· t. ~ ... : .. . ~.~:!·~j::,i .. #·H:·~7·'~·••: ~ .. ·• ·. ·.• The conr1gurations reflect the ship space and f~~ction requirements o£ the thrusters in their normal, marine application when a prime mover, operating through a properly ratioed gearbox, spins the thruster blade for maneuvering power. All of the thruster units selected and characterized by ER&A as appropriate to the ultra-low head regime have a right angle drive gearbox incorporated into their design and manufacture. The gear- boxes are sealed against salt water intrusion and, though referred to as '~ressure-lubricated" by manufacturers, are in fact fed lubricant by gravity from a remote recirculating tank. The basic internal comoonents of drive directional translation are two bevel gears in all. cases. Thrust bearings and all rotational or load- bearing areas are extremely rugged, finely-machined parts meeting or exceeding marine specifications. The gearboxes are designed for bi-directional operation and are subject to very rapid changes in direction of rotation during their marine use. The upper gearbox seal was the only standard maintenance item iden- tified by the manufacturers. They recommend inspection and replace- ment of the seal every 10,000 hours of their normal, ship-mounted operation. For an ultra-low head hydropower application, the manu- facturers recommended inspection for leakage and wear of the seal at 10,000 hours but predicted that it could last much longer in the relatively benign small hydropower application; possibly 20,000 hours. Replacement is a one-day operation. ~bile the gearbox and drive shaft components are built for very rugged use in a hostile environment with 1i ttle or no maintenance, they are normally on intermittent duty cycles. Their longevity in continuous duty at near-consta."lt RPM is not really known with any degree of certainty. Very few data points are available. The specific model thrusters characterized for this project have been in marine use for 10-15 years of intermittent operation. One thruster has been in continuous duty for 5 years, as a positioning device on an off-shore barge moored in a river mouth. The right angle gearbox drive ratios of the standard units range from 1.13 for the smallest SlOL unit to 5.90 for the BT650 unit. Most of the thrusters incorporate gearbox ratios in the range of 2.5:1 to 3.5:1. (See Table 2.1) The estimated output shaft RPM of the thrusters ope1ating as turbines is also shown in Table 2.1. The next required component is the interface between the thruster gear- box output shaft and the generator shaft. 2.2.2 Generator Final Drive Gearboxes were known to be expensive and also restricted the possible configurations for installation of a thruster-based UL~ package. Equipment research effort therefore focused on two drive possibilities: 1) chains and sprockets, and 2) V-belt and sheaves. -26- ' t..) '-.J ' - SIOL -5?/L-- --------· --~~- BTZoo ----~-~----- 2 5"""0 --------- 3!>0 ------- 4-00 45"0 55>0 --~?o- ------es-o 8-r/ooo --- ,Rit:ji/T AIVt:i-L£ Esr. 71/RBIN£ -. -q.....-~-. --,-·~-........... _,., .. -,~,-·1 •• --,.-.. --. ~ .. f:,/.7 7/.3-7 /./3 /032- 15" 1------------- !IS .3 ~ II -:-c) ___ /.{;3 CJ3b.Z ~------------------------ 17(,.5"" 373.4-3 . ..:}~77 12.94-.7 -------2-dJ~?----------------------~----- 385". I 3-'2-~~ /Z-57.~ ----- 2'37. 7 330.0 2-~4-a3e.+ 3ZCj.t;. 312.6 Z.-94~ (390./ 3C/4.4-27/.~ 3.os-828.£" !i'24-7 3/13. 2-2-53 805'.7 "za.o 220.4--s. 90 J3oo.3 k> ~'3.4-zo~.s-.2.<J5 bO~. Z ------37.5 /88-6 2-9S S57.1 . ·---- Table 2.1 Right Angle ("L" Type) Drive Gearbox Ratios " FbreN-ri'AL cr= N£1{'~7V~ ---. /2-00 /800 ;zoo I 'J 00 I ,-20~1 /800 ------- /ZOD I 8 oo 9oo 1200 !'OO /200 900 I :Z. oo --9C>D /2.00 /ZOO /900 -- 900 I zoo 7ZO 900 We contacted local equipment suppliers for sizes, costs, applica- tions ex-perience, and perfonnance. King Bearing Hawthorne, California took ~~ active interest in our project and offered one of L~eir industrial consultants to look at our drive requirements. They bel :s over chains for t.~e following reasons: 1) 3) 4) higher load capacity no lubrication problem no (or less) stretch problem because of tensile fiberglass cords in the belt transnlission efficiency of 94-96% in actual use. The above adv~11tages are derived from use of the T.B. Wood's Sons Co. high-speed timing-type belts which feature a cogged tooth inner surface. They further recorrnnended using V-be 1t and standard catalog sheaves for the initial packages until actual drive RPM is established, then specifying load and RPH requirements (driving and driven) for the Wood's Sons' HTil "Sure-Grip" drive belts and sprockets. The largest standard belt is 170 rrnn (6. 7 in) wide and each can transmit 294 HP at 1400 RPM on the small sprocket. Multiple belts can be used. Costs were obtained for the necessary number of belts and sheaves appropriate to the horsepower rating of each thTilS ter. The costs in Table 2.2 include an estimate for the fabricated cost of a protective belt cover. Cost for a single HID "Sure-Grip" belt is roughly similar for applicatioP~ up to and including the BT340 unit. Belt and sheave size selected represent those necessary to provide the appropriate ratio for the lowest cost combination of generator unit (as a function of RR--1) and transmission drive components. 2.3 E~uiPment Research: Electrical The intent of project research was to define two general applications for a low-cost ultra-low head hydropower package: c.) Grid interface application with direct connection to the utility's power lines and, b) stand-alone application. A number of options for each system configuration based on available components were investigated. The grid interface application's hardware package is based on an induc- tion generator connected to the utility power lines. Figure 2.6 shows a simplified schematic of the electrical interface components. Cc:rnponent selection and con.figurati'm for a stand-alone svstem, serving -28- s /0 '- .SS'IL BT 2.00 250 340 400 4SO S'SO 65"0 eso .... Bl 1000 I 1z 74e. "" 10.3 2.. ~2.. I 1200 I I 1 aao 2.09 o. I 9.3~ I IS" i 900 ~2.63. I /:ZOO 423 S". I I 1 goo 31 ~a. I 12"1S' ' 177 /ZOO b9~7. 1€300 I 4-!30~ ! ! I 12-57 210 I !ZOO ~'7" 7. ' I i ISOO 4-~.::::>S: I - I ! 83B z3e 900 1!,810. /ZOO 7'4-<::J z. I'!B oo "zz~ I 890 I 3:30 900 I 97.:34. I /200 i970Z. I I I ' ! ez.a 394-9 oo I J,f:,3 7. I 2. 0 0 /0,4£ I. l e.os ! 525"" 5!00 I 3,4 70. I ;ZOO 10811. 1300 I .az.a I 1200 I 2..;-fl{... 9 . I 1800 12.,100. i ! '-0'9 '-97 ' 72 0 2.31 0"-3. ' l 9<!lO ;e, eZS". SS7 838 7 :z.o 2"f; 882., 900 20 ~ 82... (zoo :1 . · 15--z.Z.'1.oo Table 2.2 Generator and Drive Costs -29- 1118'95" '2,11 s- 1,;,.32 2,(.:,00 2,914- ~2"0 i ~55'0 I j I ~9"0 4;.335' -4'9~0 I 5:95!.3 . . dedicated load '>'.i th a synchronous genera tor proved to be a more complex problem since L~e grid frequency could not be relied on for generator excitation \\ith power production controlled to 60 Hz. Of the possibilities researched, two are presented as being both in- novative, offering potential for cost reduction, and presenting little risk in actual operation. One option is based on a snych- ronous parallel generation system design offered by Certified Electro }vlfg. Co. of Seattle. The other approach to maintaining constant frequency output is a mechanical solution, using a constant upstrea:n level gate to maintain head, hence turbine RFN, constant. Both are discussed in L~e following subsections along with the primary grid-interface application. *SWITCHGEAR -REVERSE POWER RELAY -GROUND FAULT RELAY GEh'ERATOR -VOLTAGE RELAY -FREQUENCY RELAY -LOCKOUT RELAY -CURRENT BALANCE *METER BOXES AND DISCONNECT *Requirements vary by utility/power company. I UTILITY PO R LINE I Figure 2.10 Schematic of Electrical Interface: Grid-connected 2.3.1 Generators For the most common predicted application, involving interface to utility power lines, an induction motor (Louis Allis) was selected. As described previously, the L-type drive system of the thrusters increases the turbine mode output RPM through internal standard gear ratios ranging from 1.3:1 up to 5.9:1. The belt-drive system is selected to match the shaft RPM to the standard RPM of induction motors operating as generators. We selected "off-the-shelf" standard units, based on cost tradeoff bet\\'een RPM for a given power input and transmission costs. Custom design of generators w~s completely avoided in this package. Sever~l generator, alternator, and electrical motor manufacturers were contacted in order to define the most suitable electrical equipment for each of the proposed ULHH packages. Among those electrical equipment suppliers contacted were: Certified Electro Mfg. Co. General. Electric KAro l'-1a.'1ufacturing Company Louis Allis Comoanv Brov.n, Boveri and Co. Ideal Electric and Manufacturing Co. ASEA -30- • .. In this same time fr~~e, we contacted turbine manufacturers and hydroelectric mad:.i ~ry suppliers to learn more from their ex- perience about gene· ·tors found suitable for hydropower generating systems. Analyzing the performance characteristics, availability, delivery time, cost and applicability to hydropower generating requirements (continuous duty, etc.) the Louis-Allis induction units provided the uesired cost and performance advantages, for the grid-connected UlliH package application. These generators are in- cluded as package components generically; not excluding other equipment that may be more appropriate for use in accordance with site characteristics (such as voltage in the main power line, special purpose polver requirements, etc. ) . The units are chosen to provide 3-phase, 240V power. Package cost buildups are based on these units, as well. A theory of operation for the induction system was developed by Certified Electro M£g. Co. for their controls package at ER&A's request. Theorv of Ooeration: Induction Generation This system is designed to give the induction system owner maximum protection for his system, plus meeting all utility and NEMA standards. 1. When bringing the induction generator on lL~e, a tachometer is used to read ~1 of the turbine. The induction generator should be brought on line 1t a null speed (this is a speed at which power is not being generated or consumed) to minimize line disturbance. 2. When the turbine is running at null speed a by-pass switch is used to close ~~e main contactor. At this time a fault is being indicated by a fault light because the power output is null or below a pre-set low watt output level. 3. Ttn-bine s-oeed is ;-;ow increased by increasing water flow to ,,..alk into load. Now producing watt output, the fault light will go out. Turbine sneed is increased by increasing water flow until a desired le>el is read on the aMp meter. 4. The induction ge;:·-ntor is now running as desired and can be left unattended with the assurance that the system is protected agaL~st all forseen proble~s. S. If utilitv PO\•ie.t :-e.:eives a single phase condition the current balance r~lav v.ill trio the lock out relay and the main contactor off the line'. 6. If the turbine should turn faster and produce more power or voltage increases to exceed the KVA rating of L~e generator, the over power relay will trip. The generator is selected for 100% overspeed con- di.tion. Turbine is shut down by signal to the elec:romechanical inlet gate. -31- 7 * I: turDlne -~·~:er supply Sho~ld tape:-0::1: ctue to plugged SCT!;·ens the under power relay will trip, preventing the generator frcrn cor.sum.ing power. If a problem should occur in the drive system :o cause the moto-: to lose the reverse power relay \d.ll trip :-ather than allow the sys tern to consume power. 8. If a fa~t should occur on L~e utility line the over/under Yol tage or the oYer/under freo.uency would trip. 2.3.2 Stand-alone .~Dlicatior.s St~"'1d-alone applications of L~e L'LYH package design as initially proposed were not reali:ed due to factors occuring subsequent to the time the project ~>·as proposed, funded, ~"'ld initiated. Sweinhart Electric Co., who had agreed to help us to put together a solid state, mechar~cal feed-back speed controller to ER&A design declined to continue the work because the solid state circuitboard in the device was no longer being provided as an "off-the-shelf'' catalogue it~ by the supplier. Existing speed controllers can handle only up to 60 KW, according to Sweinhart' s experience. However, the stand-alone application can be implemented in alternate ways, in- cluding existing methods such as: a) A S}Tichronous generator operating at a constant head and load condition achieved by a \'ariable inactive load bank. b) c) Throttled floK to match load requirements. A si.'T!ple, lov.--cos t concept discovered in the course of this project and thought worthy of further research and demon- stration is using the Alv!IL constant upstream Level Gate to hold head, hence ~1, constant at a site. (See figure 2.11) This gate is claimed to ~i~tai:: a constant upstream headwater eleva- tion automaticall v. ~eve::-z.:. ir.s-:::1::..lations have been made. If upstrea.'ll elevation is cor.stant, then the effective head and flow to the turbine hill be constant. Since rotational speed of the turbine propeller is a of head and load variation, if head is constant at a constant load, R.P:-1 -....ill also be constant and a 60 Hz frequencv is maintainable at a st~"'ld-alone site. ' The unresolved component in this "constant head" approach the varia- tion 0~ generator RPM as a function of load. This may be resolved by incorrora:ing an automatic relay rheostat to a resistance load in order to keep the effective load on the generator constant. (See Fig. 2.12 for schematic.) The constant load system is preferred where continouos flow of water is desired (irrigation canals, outfalls, etc.) and the throttled flow system is preferred where water conservation is desired or flow varia- tion occurs. Both systems require speed control, which has tradi- tionally been provided by mechanical governors, but speed ca."'l be more economcally controlled today by electronics. The line voltage is con~rolled by the degree of excitation (which also affects lead). -32- .r,;.·. ....... ··-:,.• ' ·t;.~;!-; ,..,, I. • The ..,..IL GATE a~o~tomatically maintains a constant . '. . water level on the upstream side of tne &ate section. It operates .•• ,._ itllf---_"_,. ""10 2000 C1'l pel,.,..,.,,. let'V'IIflin. ,., .,., --l 01,.,.,,.,.. .. ~ • WITHOUT ANY OUTS ICE POWER OR MOTOR • FREE OF ANY MANUAL INTERVENTION • IRRESPECTIVE OF THE VOI.UME OF INCOMING FlOW • INOEP!NOENTL Y OF. THE DOWNSTREAM LEVEL The AMIL Constant Upstream level Gate is your answer for: . • • DftAINAGf. CANALS, the AMIL aate controls the water table at the desired elevation; closed durina dry weather to prevent abnormallowerins of the around water, it starts to open just as soon as there is any inflow of water to the system. • • • RlCRf.ATION LAIC.f.S, the AMIL aate maintains a constant water levet in all seasons. • • • F\.000 COHTRCX. OR WAT!R SUPPLY RESERVOIRS, the AMIL per- mits a larae im;rease in storage volume without sac:rincinc spillway capacity or eltab ility, Fiiht TtiCI'InoiOfiCIII Pollution with the amazingly uncompli~:ated A MIL·· Gate .•• IRRIGATION CANALS, the AMIL aate maintains a hiih and cons.t11nt head on turnouts, irrl$peetive of flow in the canal or th roual'l the t~Mnoul$. Used in series alona the distribution network, AMIL gates insure an aut~ malic, slfe, relia!:>le and flexible irri- &ation proaram, 11t sharply reduced la- bor costs. . • • • OIL POLLUTION CONTROL. the AMIL gate, with en ALSTHOM AT· LANTIC Oil Separator/Collector, in· sures an efficient aravity separation of oils and other li&ht pollutants from industrial wastes. ALSTHOM A'fLANTICt INC. (""-ty NIIY"~• line.] ~ 'kun (!-..t"' -a--.-.• to~,....,. ~. t4EW ~ •u. •ooao l'I~PHOHE; (2'12) ~ ·-·~ Figure Z . .ll Constant Upstream Level Gate .... · -33-,, . . ., • ·, .•. · .. ~ .. ·. ~~~'-~.;ii/ ::.:~ .:::J . .. '"; ... ;,; -~·: ~ .... , •.:· ~ . ··~ . •. ... . ~- RESISTANCE LOAD RHEOSTAT 'IURBI?--!E GENERATOR 1 .. VARIABLE I.O.A.D ---:L Figure 2.12 Schematic for output control with variable loads However, since we were not able to obtain costs for these gates at specific flows within the schedule of the project, the actual prospect for ultra-low head hvdropower cost reduction could not be verified. Use of the gate, while promising, also requires civil works con- struction for a leat or bypass channel if the installation is not on an existing man-made canal or effluent outfall. Theory of Qperation: Synchronous Generation The method of operation for stand-alone small hydro applications may very, depending upon type of load, and duty cycle. Mlile costs are anticipated to be higher than for an induction system, this mode of operation can generally be justified due to the value of power at stand-alone small and ultra-low head sites which are typically in remote locations or serving a specific customer need. 1. ') ... 3. 4. 5. Start-up is accomplished by initiating flow with low level excitation to the generator, which can be either disconnected from the load or connected to a resistive load bank. ~~en the turbine is running at the desired speed (usually slightly above synchronous speed) and the terminal voltage is at the desired level, the load is connected to the generator. The speed aTld voltage will momentarily drop, the controller hi.ll demand more flow (further opening of the gate valve) and "i.ll increase excitation to increase the voltage to achieve the nominal voltage, and frequency status. Frequency is controlled by flow regulation or load bank switching and voltage by degree of excitation. System protection is pro\~ded by sensing + predetermined limit conditions of speed, CJrrent and voltage,-with the violation of any limits tripping the circuit breakers and interrupting the flow. (The p~-otection limits are modified or bypassed during start-up.) -34- 3.0 Ultra-low Head Hvdropower Package Engineering Design 3.1 Theoretical Analysis: Development of Basic Design Data After thruster characteristics and their performance as ~Jrbines failed to be obtained from the thruster manufacturers, ER&A applied a dimensional analysis using the manufacturers' data on the thrusters available to us. The most complete data we were able to obtain was that from Harbormaster, a division of the Matthewson Corporation. The methodology of ~1ls analysis is described below. First, it was necessary to calculate the lifting head and discharge of the thrusters operating as a thruster. From installation drawings of the Harbormaster thrusters, the net blade reactive area is: A = A -A (1) net swept hub In order to be more explicit, the example for this analysis will be the BT-200 thruster. In equation (1): A net = 7.34 0.99 = 6.35 ft 2 Velocity of the water tJuu this area can be calculated by V _ Power (2 'TI'n) _ p thruster (ft/sec) (Z) -ThTUs t :-oG -ThriiSt where: P thruster = 550 x hp (lbs -ft/sec) HP = Maximum rated horsepower of ~~ruster Thrust = Rated thrust (lb), from manufacturers data. Thus, in (2) : v = 550 X 200 4500 From the equation: yZ h = Zg (ft) where: = 24.22 ft/sec h = head (colUITID cf water in ft) ") g = gravitational acceleration (32.2 ft/sec"-) then, in (3): " h = (24.2)'" 64.4 9. 24 ft -35- (3) E . 1 h d 62.4 h qunra ent pressure • ea = 144 4.00 psi. Discharge (flow) of thruster will be: Q = V x A in c-Fs net ~ (4) Therefore, for the BT-200, Q = 24.4 x 6.35 = 155 cfs. Assuming the design point for ultra-low head (9.84 ft), the velocity of water V De . = Slgn the cor ..sequent flow, Q Design = 160 cfs. application at 3 M 25.18 ft/sec, L~en It was deterr.~ned for Harbormaster and Schottel units that thruster parameters of head and flow fall within the range of desired ap- plication. The next step is to find out the parameters required for operation as a turbine. The Stepanoff book had presented W.A. Swanson's work on "Complete Characteristic Circle Diagrams for Turbomachinery" and we studied it again since it compared the performance of an axial pump, 'water driven" as a turbine, with the "Best Efficiency Point" of the pump defined as 100% of head and torque (see Fig. 3.1). We were con- cerned by irregular shape of the curves in the turbine region and went back to the Cal Tech thesis by Swanson which was the original data source derived from his pump tests. W.A. Swanson's thesis has a large scale diagram of the + 100% head and ~ 100% torque, plotted on axes of + percent of flow-and +percent of rotational speed. We replotted the-turbine region on a larger scale and calculated curves for fractions both above and below 100% of head and torque. The torque curve in the turbine quadrant looped across L~e head curve making two intercepts, so we picked the more conservative (defined as additional flow requirement) intercept as our relationar~p. We calculated a ratio of the turbine head to the thruster head for entry to the Swanson curve: Head Yatio h = design h thruster 9.84 = 9.74 or 106.4% of curve entry point; 1.064 and flow x head product CQ h) ratio for the torque ratio: Q design h design = Q thruster h thruster .,... ! d . eslgn T thruster (5) (6) Applying (6): point. 160 X 9.84 bS X 9.24 1.099 or 109.9% of the curve entry -36- /I --r- .,L---;;L._~;.._--r------------1-zc J : --1 #r --. ___ .;__i-.....J....--+--m ' i r I =~I + T . . ,. \ . ._.Hi , : r-1 -Wr -~~·-•II /) q..,..,_.V(!a· . I :r >wmo - -r,; ..--;.J..,. E +Q ---;------~ :_ 1 IT ~ :1 ~ I -~ -----~- Figure 3.1 Stepanoff' s Four Q.ladrant Diagrams. Empirical testing done on a pump with a specific speed around 13,500. Thruster specific speed of 30,000 is not predicted to distort the analysis or lead to significantly different conclusions. -37- Tnese ratios produced odd fractions and graphically were awkward to interpolate. We therefore calculated a new set of performance curves for each th-ruster. Hrnvever, all of the resulting curves did not intersect and our intercept point design did not work. The characteristic curves of w1e thrusters just touched at one point and, as a logical solution, w1ese single intercept points describe a constant radial line from axis origin in the turbine quadrant. Their value could therefore be calculated, using the following equations: % Qh = 117 . .51 y h design (7) h th..""Us ter for the head curve and % Q t 113.30 vi Q design h design Q thruster h thruster for the torque curve. Tnen, the mean % Q turbine value is: 9, Q + % Q %Q -• h t turbine - For the BT-200 thruster: % Qh from (7) = 121.03% or 1.210; % Qt from (8) = 118.43% or 1.184 % 'Q"tufrom (9) = 119.73% or 1.197; The required flow for operation as a turbine at is therefore: Qtu = 1.197 X 155 = Throat ve1oci tY is Vtt--t · uroa 185.5 cfs, from (10). = Qtu ~ v = 185.5 throat ~ 29.2 ft/sec. (8) (9) the design head (10) In order to obtain required flow (Qtu), we calculated the full open gate intake area as a turbine, which we refer to as the design intake area, "ith a resulting design intake inside diameter. A-= Qtu m.net V. design = 3 185.5 ft /sec = 7 .37 ft2 25.18 ft/sec Design intake area = A. ~ + Ah b 1n.ne, u (11) -38- * . ? Adesign 7.37 + 0.99 = 8.36 ft-, from (11) Dd . es1gr. 12 V4 ·'\iesign (12) '1T Dd . 12 V4 X 8.36 = 39.15 in. es1gn 71" Using Swanson's diagrams, we proceeded to calculate estimated propeller rotational speed (n) a.."ld nmaway speed (~). ntu = %n (nthruster) in RPM, where %n = 0.50297 (% Qtu) For the BT-200 ~~ruster in this example, %n = 0.50297 x 1.197 = 0.602 or 60.2% ntu = 0.602 X 620 = 373 RPM. Turbine runaway speed (~) is ~ % nk (h ) where K ~~ruster %~ = ng V~J1 = 184.36% or 1.8436; ~ = 1.8436 x 620 = 1143 RPM. (13) (14) To define the theoretical efficiency of ~~e thruster.as a turbine, we again applied Steoanoff's equation: e = 62.4 Q h (lS) ~~ 1thrust :;: V where Q = discharge (cfs) h head (ft) V velocity of water (ft/sec) For the BT-200: e = 62.4 X 155 X 9.24 O Sl~5 Sl% th 4500 x 24.44 = · ~ or · The above-described dimensional analyses ...,.ere performed by a specialized computer program for all nine Harbormaster thrusters wi~~ calculated equivalent heads ranging bet•een 7.56 ft and 9.54 ft. We ~~en proceeded to analyze the performance of the Elliott d.lld Schottel thrttsters. Elliott thrusters fell outside :he design parameters because of their high equivalent heads (25-35 ft). -39- Schottel thru.sters' performance places them in the ultra-lov.· head regime, but due to lack of adequate manufacturer's input data, we characterized only two smaller units to complete the lower end of the range. Onmi thruster units are "jet" type and are not applicable to our project. Harbormaster's thrusters were selected as the basic line for hydropower package design for the followi.ng reasons: 1. They were responsive with both data and costs to allow power cost calculation. 2. The calculated pressure heads of their units were appro- priate to the ultra-low head regine which makes it possible to use their standard propeller blades without change. 3. Installation drawings were available on which to base the engineering design of a hydropower package. The two small Schottel units were added to provide for smaller flows than those required for the Harbormaster units. Since the ultra-low head defir~tion is three meters, or less, we explored the results of operations at lower heads wi.th our series of computerized performance equations. The heads were stepped down at 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, and 50% of the maximum three meter net head. (See Appendix II) The SO% head causes the flow velocity to drop by the \!"':":5, or 7 0. 71% of the three meter velocity. The flow and turbine blade RPM become about 6S% of the maximum and the pre- dicted KW output drops to 32. S% because of the SO% head factor in the Qh product parameter. The above values are the result of ad- justing the water supply area to match reduced pressure caused by the lower available head (custom duct design for each available head). We thought that tJris would be the most efficient way to utilize the fixed blade propeller of the thruster. We then calcul- ated the flow ~~ power produced by using one common design, sized for the t.~ree meter head at lower heads, which should be the lowest cost turbine. However, the method results in a greater flow and KW output th~~ the custom design above because the flow now follows the vcs-factor .(70.71%) of w,e flow velocity since the area is held constant, instead of being reduced for a lower head. Figure 3. 2 show t.'le flow versus head plot of both conditions, with curves of cons~~t KW superimposed. The calculated values above do not take into account the effect on efficiency of the constant pitch of the propeller blade in different water velocity conditions, resulting fran the head variations. We believe tr.at the true impact of one standard area versus adjusted area, for head variationS, can only be detemined by actual w-ater flow testing, which can measure the propeller rotational reaction under different hydraulic conditions. Basic Design Data and Configuration By the Project Interim Review on March 15, 1981 ER&A had completed -40- I 9 8 1' ' .., " .~ .,.. ';"' Q ~. ~ .. /Co JII(W 6SD J<.W E.JOf.fA. 771~VS'r6S"Ifl/l:-'7"'J.-+'~B/Nii!CS T h. IMTWI .,_., ~w~~ _ I t I f I I I I t /tllf 2.0.0 ,oo ¥06 sr>o tl.tJl:l ?Do eoo ~oo Figure l. 2 Estimated Power fi1tput of 8T -Series Thrusters ~rating as 1\Jrhines. Based on Preliminary Computer Results a horizontal configuratic::1 package design fo-: two units based on Ha:rbormaster t.~rusters: the BT-200 and the BT-1000. Using t.~ data generated by the computerized calculations (See Figtrre 3. 2) and applying the ~ctual design of two thruster-based hydropower units, we were able to derive basic dimensional data for all eleven thrusters characterized. Figure 3. 3 shows the cor.figtrra tion and basic design data. The two hydropower unit designs based on BT-200 and BT-1000 were the basis for esti.Ir.ates of package costs. The manufacturing division of Harbonnaster' s parent company, Matthewson Corporation of Quincy, Mass. provided the cost for the manufacturing and assemblv of the component parts of the thruster-based package (Figure 3.3). Figures 3.4 to 3.7 show the horizontal, vertical and syphon configurations of ultra-low head hydropower packages based on Harbormaster marine thrusters as presented at the Interim Review. Taking into considera- tion the lXlE Project Monitor 1 s (Tan M:Laughlin) recamnenda tions re- garding draft tube effects, we re-evaluated the design of the ultra- low head package. The result was a double elbow ogee curve config- uration, using standard modules as components. Following the pro- cedtrre described both in 3.1 and above, we calculated revised basic design data for the final turbine configuration. Figure 3.8 tab- ulates this data for the horizontal configuration which, based on site analysis, is predicted to have the widest application. 3.3 Eng~neering Design of Specific ULtra-low Head Hvdronower Package From the eleven thrusters characterized as viable bases for an ultra- low head hydropower package, the Harbormaster tunnel thruster model BT-340 was selected for final engineering design. The BT-340 unit was chosen since this thruster is in the middle of the range in dimensions and calculated performance characteristics, and has one of the higher costs on a $/HP(or $/KW) basis. The JOOst conmon application for ultra-low head hydropower units is predicted to be in the horizontal configuration because of physical size restrictions (head< 3.CM). For this reason, detailed engineering design has been completed for a horizontal 1.mit. Appendix I contains engineer- ing drawings ULH-10001 to ULH-10004 sh~ing in detail the component parts of the-hydropower package and material specifications. The convergent/divergent cones attached to the ends of the tunnel thruster are specified for fabrication in highly corrosion-resistant Cor·Ten steel. Cone flanges are specified in thicker low carbon metal plate; designed to match the diameter of the thruster tunnel shroud at that end and the diameter that was ccmouted for the full gate condition operating area, at the other (See also Assy. Dwg. ULH- 10003). Assy. Dwg. ULH-10004 shows the design specification for two identical elbows that are configured into the draft tube. Construction details and layout are shown on the drawing. The elbows are fabricated in the same meterial (Cor-Ten steel) as the cone. The two cones and the two elbows are provided hith flanges (Dwg. ULH-10003 -Flange Assy.) -42- ·."'•• . ~ . . ,·. r---------·-----L ------------1 1-----G------1 Thruster E MANVFAc."TV-I('t:~ Sc.Ro~L H..;.R73t:>R. MAS' '7"E'R MOD!E.t-SlOt.. S"Sit-Br-24:; lsr-zso 3"1'0 .t,(.t;~C ./.1-:S"O sso 6S"O 8!>0 10"0 DES14-N .D 21.')) 32.58 3'1.19 'fZ¥6 'J5'.f>7 SZ7Z 5$.53 66. oz.? <f. b6 78.:.1-Z.. 8'f~o A z.zs 2-ZI. /.SI /.tAt !J.ft:. /.1'-'l /.Z~ ~-~:; !S'f /. S" I /.3'f B -ZB.b (). 77 (). 71 0. 78 ().6£:, O.{i. I (). 78 0.7/ 0-'8 o.~3 c. (+-;.s·) t?.tf-7 OJ·f7 t/Jf7 0-'r'-7 ~-'f7 O.Jf7 0.4'-7 tJ.J:I-7 ().'1·7 ().lf-7 tJ.tf 7 £ 0·'75" ~-ZS C). '25' CJ. ':25"' d.Zf' /J.'25 o.z) a. -zs tJ.zr (}.?,) o.z( Ff+.z."") /.70 /76 l7b /.7(:, /.76 j. 7~ /. 76 /76 /. 76 1-76 /.7b r;r_ '2. "Z.. 2'20 ZUJ z.zo :?.Zt> 2.7~ 2.zo 2.Zo 22-t> z.zo Z.UJ ::J" ass-() . .:$' t).S5' tJ.S!: l).S$' o.s<S" t).S$" o.s5' d.SS" o. S'~ t:J . .:ss- L l,t. 35' 6:25 S.S3 5-A.If' £'-17 S:'l4 S.'2B 5'":o~ !6.7/ :;-: S'6 s-:g7 I I NC T E:: .-tt..L Dth'IEN .SIONS A--'fE a:> l!i:FPP'/e.tl!!fAI-rS /N ,P,qt>~"'( 7"'/0N 71:> D ( /N.f"t.t::>B De.SI'tfjN .c:.""""A.ere~) Figure 3. 3 Configuration stk:r ~sic: Dime~s-ionai Desiin Da. ta (Interim Review Status) -43- I ~ .... I f:igure 3.4 lJUt Hydro)'lOwer Package Rased on Marine Thmstcr -•t.ri wntal Arrangement (Tnteri.m lteport Status) " . •· • .. ·.• ~:- ::c. ~~~ :. ~ ·:! ,. •' .. •. ,. ~. • • . , ... • .. ,~ . Figure 3.5 ULH Hydropower Package Based on Marine Thruster ·Vertical Arrangement (Interim Report Status) •; ~ . ' '• lo ' ~ ... 10 • .,. • ,• ~ •• .. ......... ·4S- , . \ • Figure 3.6 UUf Hydropower Package Based on Marine Thruster -Syphon Arrill\gement (Interim Report Status) ··• . · • ... ~ . ... ~ . . . .. .. . ...•.. . ~: . ~: ; .. • ' ~·: . • .. ·•.-., I • , .. ... • • . ·, ~.,~t;,"-!1 ' ., . --.. .. .. "' .... ,. ~ ...... I .I I I I I ' . ',;;,·: ...... Figure _3.7 Assembly View of UUi Hydropower Package Based on Marine Thruster (Interim Report Status) · • . -47-,''h' . . ' ,.. ·,.Itt for a~se:rblir:.g as sho\\n in J)i...;g. UL7-1-10001 \-.ith st.ru:tural bolts. Tnis t;rpe of a.ssernbly Kas chosen as t~e elbo;.: is designed to be a modL:2.ar t:?e to be used fo:r variou: hydropowe::-package con- fi~a:ior~, as ~ill be discussed r~rther in t:~s Final Report. wg. L'L'-:-10002 is an i!1stallation dra~ing o'E a .340 HP tunnel th::::·uster (fvbdel BT-340) provided by fiarbo:nnaster Division of Matthewson Corpora-:ion. 3. 4 Co:Lfi QU:-a :ions for UIJ1 Hv·dropm'v'er Packa2:e A:Yolications At least L1ree confi~~rations of the ULYH design can be assembled using modular parts of the package: horizontal, vertical or L~­ clined S}?hon and, by using a strait vertical cone draft tube ~o additional vertical con.figurations can be developed. Figure 3. 9 shows <L'1 isometric view of a typical UUlH package installa- tion at an Irrigation Canal Check Point. Figure 3.10 shows a hori::.ontal installation. In order to increase the recove"Y coefficient of t~e draft tube, it is necessary to construct a concrete expar.sion struc- ~Jre. Tr~s structure, which provides conversion from round to rec- tangular area could have been incorporated in L1e draft tube itself (follohing an alternative design), but ~iL~ the simplicity of the final design, as developed, we determi::-wd th:H the concrete structure built on site ~·ill acccmplish the same function ~rithout signifi- ca..'1tly increasing cost o-: installation. Overall cost of installation is low compared to that required by classical turbomachinery, consisting of any necessary excavation and a concrete foundation 1:0 support the turbine and generator assembly. Tne ~~~ine ~'1d generator are mounted on a steel support frame ~~t is a component part of t1e tr~YH package and included in the package cost. Using the s~~e elbow modules and short lengths of connecting pipe, a S}?hon co~i~Jration can be assembled as sho~~ in Figure 3.11. The syphon can be equipped for autol7'.atic startup using standard catalog item pressure relief valve for syphons. Alternatively, when grid-connected, using the induction generator as a motor c~~ initial::e operation of the s)~hon hith t~e turbine propeller work- ing as a :he same design for the concrete exp~'1Sion structure can be used as for ~e horizor.tal cor~iguration. A vertical in- stallation can be confi5~red using ei~~er ~~elbow ~it1 guide \-anes ~'1d a strait cone craft ~Jbe (See Figure 3.12a) or, as a S)?hon using mxule elbows a.."ld cone draft ~-.:be as shown in Figure 3 .12b. 3.5 EstL~ted Performance Characteristics of the Ul~a-low Head HVcropower Package Using the results of the computer-generated data (see preliminary design dzta in l9pendix II), a ma~ix has been developed showing t.~e correla:ion be-::ween head, flov; a:-td esti.J-na.ted power out;>ut -48- Jl D --.......___.._l_ J1AI'It/PAt:.7"C/I? E.R .SG/io77Ckl h'.AR,8o';t 1'11...;.STO;;';:!!? /HR(.JSI El(. hJODEL S/OL S57-L I BT· ;rt::C 8'1-ZSD 81=Jllfa er-~ '$r-<!-SO -"r-sd,6'r:~ er-BSa 'p=;aco D R T t.N. I"'·" I z !¥. J '1-.U. .ac 3<1-~0 Jr2. {)0 .,r.,B. C>C !;l,i co -z;;_ao i 6B.o<:~ 71· ()"' 79 .... I (.INNeR_ Dl~l -"1M ..::..=, .J .l') 7t'{ '8 <?!">"· ._; "/"(0.(, /0"-~ I 2./'f.t. I.J 71.6 IS'2'i'".C 1727. Z ·e.:;.s."" ;@;.Z A 2(..3 z.s'f /.b'f /..S7 ;.sa ;.se /.3'1 j.g / /. 6 '1 /.,7 /. 4t' B lib /-0( o.qz. o.es c;. -rs (),83 t/. 7f-tJ.'fO o. f!fif 0.81 o. 7.3' --c. 2-6'1 Z.6'i Z-'9 2-6., z.e., 2.l>'f :z ,, z_,, Z.i'? 2{;.7 z.~<; D (;NJ10E ~~~.) /IS' /!5 ;.O'f /.CJ'i /.0"'/ ;./0 /-0/3 I /(0 /JO /./0 I O'j £;: /.1 I /.II /.1/ /,II /II I!/ /.II I II I.! I /.II Ill .10:.11"'1,.., ... 1"'16&:> C) I] {:;!/ J/].1.(. .J8S': I J~D.O .112-tO 271.( • ..J;g.z ZZt:J.I.f-2065' [/ea.e -n..JtSI-"t. ~. /<>.)"'). ~-... ~ R~77o /.13 J.S3 3 ./.f 7 J.Z7 z.s'f ;?.gS' $.oS 2.S3 s.&Jc z ·'1 5" 'Z-95' IF'.J ,...,,..,"l1"lf'o(', ,oo...;,;e ""'"..,. J<>v-r I'<''-""') 4/S '95" 130 ;s-o /70 Z.'i-0 2'70 3'1C "160 szo bzo IES r;,..,.,.,rl't> '"'.l!i!3t-"t ·~~ ) r~~,.,..IItCN ~r.: IK zc.c Z2·3 2.82 Jl 7 J,lo.S' tte.z 5'8.8 65'./ G'.J.7 /26.9 J-18 ~ IFI"f"tMA~ t::"J..,. ii-< t;lil'<~4"""'{ z-s 'f.e G. if (,. Jj 7-9 8-'1 <1.!3 ;.:;. 5' /2. "! 17. z 2o.S' /EJ'7't"""'0 ~ 22-S" 3-'f.~ t.f&. 'I 57.1 68.6 '16-~ ;#.f /6'7./ Cc.J-r ($ K 27.1 .Jq. 6 7g{., NOIE : COS7".!' E.J'7"1M.;tf'T"E<i::J ON /1.-tii~CJ/ /#:ffJI .1-EVEi- Figure 3.8 Final Configuration and Basic Design data of ULH Hvdrooower Turbine Based on Marine Thrusters · . · ' · . " , . -49- 17 ••.••• .. · . ... .,.. . . . · . .. ~ ' .. •-' ··.···. · .. ... .. .. Figure 3.9 Typical Installation of Ultra-law Hea.a~~ronC'l~dlJII-'"-II.<ll~t: on Marine ThnJSten -so- '-0 c: 0 ..... .. .... -6 N ..... u ~ . ' ( I l I I • t ~~ ~ I ~~ ~i 1 \ I I I i I -...~ I Ql~ I I ~ : I ~~t! 0 ..... ~~~ i ... (":$ .... "(r'" ' ... ~l;jC( & '-c: 8 c: _g s:: U'l - ~ ~\ 2 .... ~ ~ ~'i ..... -,.,.; \4.L : ~ \l I ; ::'j ~ I~~ .:::::;;' ~ r~ I : '-} ~ I ( - I I - I t I I I J " ; I ~ I lil w I " HciJ/; W~'TI!'IL w.eo~.J(_ 't'#-'1 1/Yr/IKE Y~f t1 E {oP:rro/YAL) &.L 5cr~/C/rL Eeil~I.P/NF.Yr ~~M 1/k.tY,:c:-6 £J./fJow I€~NS,If/SSt"~N Ct:N~~n>~ f e.orvr.eo...s tVA-~ I< tv..f·Y =---~ T~o. "'-tre--AL. ----------------- OP..v~ .d~.c-T Tt.-.d~ Figure 3.12a Installation with lntake and Vaned Elbow -Vertical Discharge • I~ :1 I ~~ L_-_I .f\ l ~f ~ I ' ~~ "' V}Vl ~ ' ~ Q ( ~ Q.. >... VJ -54- • expected from the eleven ~1ruster-based packages characterized for their performance as turbines. (See Figure 3.13) This presenta- tion of predicted per.~ormance data includes the efficiency of each thruster canputed in t:.he mar..ner described in Section 3J.. Assuming that these efficiencies include the overall losses of thrusters operating in their normal mode, i.e., propeller design efficiency, mechanical transmission efficiency, and prime mover efficiency, the overall efficiency was recalculated after the. final design of their configuration as turbines was completed. According to the litera- ture!, for the worst case configuration of the draft tube, head losses can range up to 25% and the mininn.ml coefficient of recovery for an elbow with round, constant area cross section is 70%. The result is that effective head losses for the worst case draft tube configuration can be up to 7.5%. For a more conservative approach, we assumed that for an elbow with round constant area cross section as well as for a straight conical draft tube design tt1e efficiency will be reduced by 10% ( e d= 0. 90). Therefore, the predicted efficiency of the ULHH package, as designed, will be as follows: where: = efficiency of the thruster operating in its normal mode efficiency of the draft tube and cones. (16) The calculation used for hydroelectric power potential by the Corps of Engineers for sr.all hydropower installations is: p (KW) where: h = Gross head (actual difference between head elevation and tail water elevation) in ft; Q = (flow) of water in cfs; e = Efficier:cy of the system. (17) Using this equation \vi th specific values for e a, we recalculated the predicted p~•er output for all eleven unit~ characteri:ed at heads ranging from 6 ft. to 15 ft. Flows required for each unit at specified heads, based on a constant cross-sectional area and full gate intake ope:-.ing were computed based on th.e velocity head 1) "Principles of Hydrodynamic Calculation of Water Tt..'Tbines" by A. Y. Kolton & I.E. Etinberg. ~bSCOW·, .1958 ic'' expression: v. n Q where: = v 2 g h = V A h c h = Gross head in feet (18) (19) g Gra\'i. tional acceleration constant of 32.2 ft/sec 2 A c 1TD2 = Cross-sectional area of each unit (A= \\'here D is the design intake diameter) -4- Figure 3.13 contai:ro.s, in tabular fonnat, the predicted performance ~acteristics of the ULH hydropower packages based on the assump- t1ons and calculations described above. The efficiency of each package is sho\\n as ~ constant for various heads and flows, but, in reality, the efficiencies will vary. The actual efficiency curves can be determined by laboratory test using a scale model. The best results will be obtained through actual operation at a test site using a full scale unit. Testing should be accomplished for various con- ditio~.s and input characteristics, including head, flow, and using the f1xed pitch propeller of an alternative design to determine both actual and optimum efficiencies. The potential for cavitation, with its negative effect on energy production and equipment, has been considered in the course of this project. It is not predicted to occur. The onlv occurrence of cavitation will be in an abnonnal, or overs peed, cond.i tion 'M'lich will be corrected as part of the operational logic. Because of the very low heads for which the package is designed and consequent low propeller RPM, cavitation is virtually precluded by the physical parameters of the UlliH package design. The :~~ent of t~is project is ultra-low head hydro~ower co~t reduction through definition, design and assembly of ~ppro~r1ate eqU1pmen~ from "off the shelf" avoiding costly custom des1gns m favor of ava1lable component parts: Those were t~e engineering design criteria followed. Theoretically, ultra-low head hydrop?We~ packages, so_far_defin~d! have promising performance character1st1cs, have appl1c~t1ons s1rn2lar to traditional hydropower turbines and are.very_attrac~1ve from the cost ar~lysis v'i.ew point, as will be descr1bed m Sect1on 4. -56- • .. I Vl 'I I . A'IOD€L-"'"' {J rl lw\ 5tdL o. zr ---...-,'-. ···--· ---·- S 51 L o. 7S !--···· . i··-··- ~l-2o 0 o. 7.1; 1-. - ~f-2f.:> !J. 11 AT-3ku 0.6{ --·· -· /f;f.ltoo 1). 6u ... --1·---- l.'i·4.lv 0. 71 r----. -... ~~-J .l .J (),60 I··· . -- ~r. 6!-, o. rx ~l·jSD ~so ~~,/ooo 0.6S .. . , .. G-~oss 11 G'AJ b 1 Fr. / 6.() /.r;o /~.r) 1,3, v /.1-.o II. o 9.~~ 9. tJ J>. 0 7.0 £.8 ..l,o ~.t:J ,3, i) ,. 4 ,.. Q p Q ,. Q ~ a. p ~ po 41 fil: Q -~-. ·. ,. 78 11 76 n .. 7~ 6( ?o ld 61 .J;t. ·~ 4f fJ, tf J-.J' .... ---·--" ... , 167 17o If>.? /,l.f lrt. !39 II<> u; I-f{ /1() ls'i 1'7 IJI fl ~~~-____ T ___ 1---- .2-t~ 2:il If{! :.t(>cf ) 7.:J. 2{,.;; ,;>~;; a1 2t). 117 i:.jj ln. 111 I.,U) 2o;;. j~ ~~Db --~ 31! :us ./."'f 2'r) .4)~ l. :rz 2'/S 1?/ :C6:t 113 #ltl l.!f 237 -~ IJ6! {.<f2 3.-h ~n :s'H U3 .)2.' Z.:!.S 5J{, 20') 3<>3 /J'3 ;>& ~:fl. 27~ 1--·· -1····--. ~il 39l yJJ 3S? Hr 3~~ .Y..U 29o -f2.1 .2 i) ~OJ 2'Js;' '11~ ,,~ :J'r -----~ . -----·· --.......,.... ic>A:~ sn Oo (~~ !6.:> 1,?2 .r..;o 4-n r;., 37!' 'r¥'1 3-:J/J : ' f;e;. ~"I .YS, r---~·· . .,._...,. 17,3 ~uj 73<; .U3 lilt foJ' b.i? .;s-'} .:6/ 4o3 03 3f~ .Wt:. ~~~ .s-n. . .... itJ<ll-'7 •fJ bf] m ?<8 114'!" .1'4~-f?.rilbY f.Jl T-'"J J~ 11! '7+'0 (IJ1 7J l '12• 66'< ID?J J ?+JJ f n '"J .. L __ "',. 9), ~I C'J.r r-~ .t'z i/112. ruz.:~t;t>YI''&>:y,o k/36 !J/ 3 107.1 721 (of" 4 Jf ~ ('3; I ll ~~---ak.e.l //·a -V.ei11U7c.4t.. t41>NGtr14W -~-z.t:>NniL. ---I SYI"IMN AIHlt.k.Sitt77JAIV ,... & ,.. (J p !J. F Q p Q p Q p 33 J'.f}2.P f';,t.. 2-:J {1.1 lr ~" ~~ 3? IO J"' ,;; • .r --.... ... 7~ 113 ot::~ 110 ~, /0~ J1 .,3 .Jo J-f Z.l 72. I~ .--~..., '/(" 17,/ 7~ /~[" 6~ l.fo 47 I 1/j /'I..; I .. I I . 12.¥ ~7J /0) .20"} .r'.J' /f.J 7o /7, .r.s I r-~ I 13(, 2::..Y JI,Y .?4~ "'13. 2:1~ 7~ I I ''7 3~i-ILto !24. II" 29,/ I 'fo I ~·. -,.._ -- ~2~ 101 I ;?+-.S ;:!,~ 31) I ..---- 2bt r.t~-.., ,;(J") I I ,...-~ .. 3.2 I I I ,~,~. I -r' I- I ; I I r I I ' Q -E.Sn.l'rUi 'TieD r.t-oW ('i::.F.s) p -e:sTJA1A77:b CJVTJ'>trr PoWelfl.. f.k.JV) h. -t!;--'i!D~ #e~.D c~J €. -E&n Afll 7l':f! l!J I!J!i P,I/S'/C..UJ::NC. Y figure 3.13 Estimated Perfo1111ance Characteristics of UU-1 Hydropower Packages 4.0 u1.9H Package Co~onent Cost Analysis T'ne ''l.JI.RH package" is defined, for cost comparison, as a ftm.ctional equivalent group of components including a turbine, transmission or speed increaser, generator and controls and, in some cases, special support structure. Conventional turbine costs have been taken from a group of recent feasibility studies with adjustment for inflation at 10% per year. The new designs for the ER&A t.llruster-based package (adapter cones and the draft tube elbows) have been estimated from conceptual dravdngs of three thruster sizes t.i.at ranged from 200 HP to 1000 HP. Costs for. three-phase induction motors (to be operated as generators) were taken from the louis-Allis catalogue and adjusted for inflation. Belt drive costs were obtained from King Bearing Company after con- sultation on our speed and horsepower range. 4 .1 Draft Tube Costing Method The draft tube design presented at the Interim Program Review of 25 March 81 featured one 300 elbow with a conical flared discharge section. Manufacturing quotations were obtained from Harbormaster on tubes to fit the BT200·and BT1000 thrusters. Since the totals, received by telephone, were much higher than our expectations, based on an internal estimate of material, flame cutting, and welding, we got a "quickie" bid on the BT200 tube (labor only) from Barber Welding (a Los Angeles area shop). The Barber bid was more in line with our expectations. The confirmation letter from Harbormaster showed that their quoted cost included the cost of the thruster, which brought the draft tube cost down drastically, although it was still bgher than the local bid from the same design drawing. Harbormaster' s quotation for 10 units showed a 10% cost reduction for the BT200 draft tube and a 5% cost reduction for the larger BTlOOO draft ~Jbe. The day after the program review, our continuing layout studies re- sulted in a new design that used two 45° elbows (Figure 3.10). Controlled discharge is accomplished by an expanding rectangular cross-section concrete form cast into place downstream from the outle elbow. The aoproach resulted in a draft tube substitute at reduced cost. We then develooed a much more complete material estimate on the draft tubes for BT200, BT340 and BTlOOO thrusters. These estimates supplied the baseline data needed to ratio the costs for the full ER&A ULHH package line. A reasonably accurate estimate of the manufacturing cost of a product can only be made by an estimator who is well-acquainted with the caoabilities of the manufacturing facilitv and the specific tooling that may be used. Since our internal estimates are not tailored for a soecific facility, we took ratios from our internal cost estimates of the 45° elbow design ~1d took total costs -58- from the Harbormaster estimates of the original 300 elbow design. This method is believed to be a conservative approach and is being used for dollars per kilowatt of electric power generation costing of the ULHH thruster-turbine package. 4.2 Turbine Package Cost Comoarisons Figures 4.1 through 4.3 have costs designated as dollars per kilo- watt of electric power generated, by a specific turbine unit, located at a specific site. Dollars per kilowatt is a commonly used cost parameter, but it can be very misleading if it is applied to a different head and flow combination at a different site. The costs of conventional turbines have been obtained from a group of feasibility studies, with quotations obtained from 1978 to 1981. Few-studies were provided by ow-OOE Program Office, another was obtained by ER&A, and yet another was executed by ER&A for the Tennessee Valley Authority. These costs have been inflated at 10% per year to make a 1981 cost comparison more accurate. The head and flow to produce the rated K\'1 output were also extracted from these Final Reports. Figure 4.1 combines the dollars per kilowatt for these studies with equivalent estimated data for ER&A's ultra-low head thruster- turbines. Because of the mixture of available heads in the group of studies, the ordinate scatter is large and the trend curves show chiefly the effect of scale. They also show that horizontal tube turbines cost more than conventional vertical turbines, while our thruster-turbines cost less than either of the above, in spite of the penalty created by the head region of three meters or less. Figure 4.2a is more meaningful and gives dollars per kilowatt of different size turbines operated at a constant head. The total turbine package cost is that of the horizontal tube turbines taken from the feasibility studies. The Kl'/ output was based on the S¢rumsand Verksted diagram for determination of turbine size, and the frequently used parameter of 12 M4/s to produce 100 IO'I. Since our largest horizontal thrJSter-turbine is less than half the cost of the conventional horizontal tube tw-bines used in the studies (although the propeller sizes overlapped) these $/KW lines of con- stant head fall below those of conventional turbines. An enlarge- ment of the ULH thruster-turbine costs are shown in Figure 4.2b. The $/KW li.mi tations caused by head are not peculiar to t'.Jrbine costs. The cost of electric motors or generators, per horsepower, is a function of the RPM. Dollars per pound of a manufactured product are dependent upon similarity of design and production quantity for its validity. The $/lb of the P..a:rbot:master units is . fairly consistent due to design similarity. · Figure 4.3 shows the package cost of small size conventional ver- -59- tical tur~ines taken from the feasibility studies when used L~ low head regions. Figures 4.4 and 4.5 show the same type of costs for t."te ER8A design th.-ruster-turbines used in the ultra-low head region. Cost camoariso~ of conventional turbines installed at low and ultra-low head ~~~1 modular implementation of UL~ package units was also developed. wnereas one {or, sometimes, two) conventional unit, often of an open flume type, would normally be specified, multiple UU{~ packages could be more cost-effectively installed to better utilize flow duration; hence, increasing annual energy output of a site. ~~package costs were determined on a $/KW basis for power output at 3·meters only. Cost per KW of other installations were calculated at their ac~ual installed heads, which were generally in the 3 to 7 meter range. In all cases, costs of ULHH packages to achie\'e equivalent power were substantially lower. 4.3 Transmission and Drive This section discusses the transw~ssion components, their function and selection. Both those components integral to the thruster, as purchased, and added into the package by ER&A are covered. 4.3.1 Right Angle Gear Drive Both the Harbormaster and the Schottel thrusters that have been characterized as sui table for the < 3 .M regime have an integral bevel gear speed reduction system.-rSee Figure 4.8) The gear ratios range from 1.13:1 in the Schottel SlOL to 5.90:1 in the Barbormaster BT650. These bevel gears perform a part of the rotational speed increase from that of the water driven turbine blade to that of a standard high speed electric motor-generator. The integral right angle drive has a unique advantage in optional locations for horizontal generators. The thruster can be rotated 1800 around its horizontal axis to permit a tangential belt or chain drive to a generator. This bevel gear system has it's own pre~"urized oil lubrication system and the marine experience has sho~~ that the chief maintenance item is yearly replacement of the output shaft seals. The thruster gear system is ruggedly designed to withstand rapid changes in direction of rotation in normal marine service. One unit has been in continuous 24 hour service, w"i th no down time and no maintenance, for over five years. The only right angle drive available in conventional turbines has a cost of $230,000 (turbine only) in a 1000 mm runner size to drive a 150 KW generator. This cost is over 13 times the cost of a BT340 thruster which, when properly integrated into the ULHH package, has a pre- dicted output of 155 .KW at 3 .M head. -60- • .. ...... "' 4.3.2 Belt Drive Components The estiTJJated thruster-turbine drive shaft speeds vart greatly, due to the thruster size and gear ratio, as well as the head variation down to sot of three meters. The BTZOO output shaft is estimated to rotate frcm 843 RPM to 1295 RPM, while the BTIOOO goes fran 363 RPM to 537 RPM. Standard generator speeds normally are 3600 RPM, 1800, 1200, 900, and 720 RPM, with the sl!3wer speed units having higher costs. King Bearings, Inc. supplied drive sizes and costs on four of our, eleven thruster-turbine packages. The costs for the remaining units were interpolated on a horsepower basis. The nmning horse- power varies fran 62 HP to 838 HP and will be satisfied by standard Dodge Dyna-V belts, and multiple groove sheaves that use four to ten belts. A premitml type of timing belt such as the Wood's Sure- Grip HTD drive was considered and may be used after the speed ratio is confirmed by field tests of the Ull1H package. This approach was favored over other possibilities eval~ted due to a lack of lub- rication requirements and a claim of no stretch problem with the Woods' belt as it is fabricated of fiberglass tensile cords. The largest stock belt is 6.69 in. (170 mm) wide and rated for 294 HP at 1400 RPM on the smaller drive sprocket. Total costs for these components range from $1895 for the 62 HP thruster unit to $5993 for the 838 HP unit. (See also Table 2.2) A simple welded sheet metal cover will be provided for the drive belt to insure safety. The cover is also intended to give some weather protection, but it will not be sealed so that heat may be dissipated. 4.4 Comeonent Value Engineering Before Finalizing the ULHH Package DesJ.gns Value engineering (VE) is most effective when it is employed in the design layout stage. Manufacturing producibili ty is sane times con- fused with VE. wr distinction is that producibili ty accepts a configuration and tailors its features, and limits, to achieve the lowest manufacturing cost that is consistent with the production quality. Applied value engineering investigates the design function required, and starts by asking the following questions : What is the design function? What does it do? What does it cost? What else will accomplish the function? What does that cost? This procedure may follow the original concept design through several iterations until a reasonable, simple, design is defined. VE, .like all design, is a series of compromises, and it takes some practice -61- aDd cooperation to ac..tueve the minimum cost for a specified function while maintaining the perfonr.ance parameters reouired for tJJ.at function. The draft tube design for the horizontal package configuration illu- strates a typical design sequence. The first configuration went from the round thruster shroud to a traditional rectangular controlled expansion area that continued to flatten and ~~den until it reached the discharge point under the tailwater. This configuration, when applied to the BTlOOO thrJster, resulted in large rectangular panels (96" x 111") that required a 0. 37 5" plate thickness, with 6" tee stiffeners, notwi thstand.ing low internal pressure ( ~ 5 psi) . After an ex-pert structural consultant had confirmed our rectangular pressure vessel problems, we started to look at alternatives. The siphon con- figuration involved round tubes and cones throughout so we looked at a pipe bend made by butt-welding mitered segments of special pipe. The internal pressure stress could now be contained with a wall thic...lcness of only 0.011" for a low carbon steel pipe seven feet in diameter. A structure that thin would be too fragile and d.ifficul t to weld and handle, so we are using a 0.188" wall for the 21-inch diameter tube. The 0.188" wall is expected to withstand the design pressure differential on the siphon application, ~ith a two-fold safety margin. Another signific~~t cost reduction has been accomplished in the flow control method. The siphon system operates without flow control valves and ~~e designed discharge end of the draft tube has been sized to control the flow for the horizontal turbine to the calcul- ated design flow. Shutdo•m valves may be used if there is no other water control on the channel . We also evaluated the material to be used for the draft tube and intake cone, both of wtdch will be welded to the stainless steel shroud around the propeller. Current pricing from steel seT\~ce centers is approxiw~tely as follo~~: SS 304 !:!" Plate: $1.35 to $2.90/lb Corten !:!" Plate: . 4665 to .4865/lb Ex-Ten SO 1/8" Plate: .4265 to .4465/lb .435 L.C. 10 a~: .304 to .306/lb. Corten and Ex-Ten both have 50,000 psi yield stress and therefore provide more margin of safety; alternatively, you can buy fewer , pounds of steel. Cor-Ten is conservatively rated as having four- times the resistance to atmospheric corrosion of carbon steelS:-It ~een used architecturally on building exteriors where it oxidizes to a bronze-like patina without scaling. An engineer normally expects a design standard, such as for a pipe flaiJ.ge, to be the least expensive way to go. H01·:ever, in reviewing the American Water Works .A..ssocia. ~ion's design manual, and codes, we found that the flange for a seven foot pipe was two inches thick, -62- .. • • 7 7/8" wide, and used 64 bolts of l.S-2.0 inch diameter. Investi- gation revealed that part of the reason was the pressure classifica- tion of the pipe at 86 psi and 175. psi. Since our predicted internal pressure is only 4. 383 psi (based on the 3 M head limit), we can make significant cost reductions in flange and hardware specifications . The package design includes a support structure for both the thruster- turbine and the generator. By using a common base beam, we can assemble the turbine, the transmission, and the generator in the manufacturing facility at less cost than for on-site assembly. It also simplifies the concrete work at the site and provides (in smaller sizes) a convenient shipping unit. This design approach also gives much closer tolerance control between the turbine and generator for the transmission-drive installation. Another design feature is expected to reduce costs in production runs. The flanges on the cones at both ends of the thruster are a functional requirement for prime mover maintenance. The other bolted flange enables the 450 elbow module and the discharge module to be the same and have multiple uses in different ULHH package con- figurations (vertical, horizontal and siphon). This multiple use should increase the number of identical structural modules and position their costs further down the learning curve. -63- . " . <1000 ~ 3000 I ()'\ ~ I 2000 $/KW I I 10(10 -\0 1 0 0 Pi gure h. 1 C"""" rat i ve f'lui vwent Costs and Power ~>W't 8 /\LL1 S C\\f\H1l~ILS 1\0HHONT/\L ·runE /!:> BOFORS t-0 \J\1.\ VERT I C/\L 8 tEHEL SAMVSJN vr.RTlfJ\L "V f:\H~/\ \f'ln 7.0NT/\L 1111UISTr.H-nWJ~INE a Q ....___ c::> 0 ~ 0 A .;r~ ., r \7'--s' _,__,--~-·r > · · • ·~ _..--t -t-·· • · -• f • · 1· __....-t-500 1000 1500 2~ 2500 3000 OJ11'UT /UNIT IN KW {J ' • Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ Vl ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~~~ .$1 ... ... V) ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ... ~ Vl ~ 8 \.) .0 T ... N ~ . l ~ ..,. w ~ '"' & S) Cl) ~ ~ ~ -":1 Vl .... " ... ffi ~ Vl 0 CJJ u Cl) ~ .... -e ~ ~ ~ N ..,. Cl) ""~ <.J ... ~ """'·~· . ~ ,'\l .... '{\ >.:.. ~~ ?:J',c_s " ~ ~ 0 -o 0 .0 " Q 1'.1 0 Q 0 0 'o::l ~ Q .0 "' !'.. "\) .. '<:) <:l ~ ~ \J ~ Q I ' t;j.' ' -o' ("\ '0 ':l <;) 1 ' "\) '0 <::)' ' 1). ,.., !."I ft\ ~ ~ ' ~ !'I ('v ' I). -.3 '\} !'I'. '-.. ......... -,, $ .J-.50..? .35 t7').(:: {7' d ...? /VI ~d;'/1 / . ,.-·.--' -65- ~ oc co ~ ~ &. ,.,. s "g tn ~ .:::::. ' r.. ~ ..., Ill ... .... .... .::: t- " "'"" Q ... 0 <::) z ' "g ::l ffi ~ "" ..... ~ ;a ..... Ill 8 ~ ..... co .... ~ § ..... ~ ..... ~-<'j ...... ~ -o :..:: ~ '""' .... :..:: '"' ~ c. ..., til 0 u ..Q N . .... (I) ~ ..... ..... ~ " t;.. ~ 0\ ' ~ "" 1'1\ 1-<1 \)I {ril " l'$l " ' ~ ~ ' r "' !!'\ ,g ~ -3 !'\ ~ l'l'l :.[!~ " \) <::>' ;-3' I ' 1'.'1'1\' il\' II'' ,, {'<\ 10 ()' ~' ~ "\) ~ " ~ '(I '>:J. ~~ N N " ' #' ..£50.? .i? ~ {7'),/.;J~d :7NIG'b'!?.L -#"...:?.£ 51JJ/#L v; d:/3 -66- .. .. OUTPUT 2:5 KW 54 KW 126 KW 300 KW TURBINE PACKAGE COSTS (ALL LEFFEL VERTICAL) TOTAL COST s 25,590 • 30,940 s 89,700 $ 232,925 S/KW AT NOTED HEADS S 1024 I KW AT 20 FT. HEAD S 573 I KW AT 20 FT. HEAD S 712 I KW AT 13 FT. HEAD $ 776 I KW AT 13 FT. HEAD ----------------------------------~------------------------------------- FIGURE 4.3 -67- THRUSTER UNIT 2 CONES TO THRUSTER 2 ELBOWS THRUSTER PACKAGE COMPONENT COST BUILD-UP BT 200 $ 12, 100 s 2, 052 3,022 PLANNING, TOOLS &c PACKING 2,440 HARDWARE 100 ·----- DRAFT TUBE SUB-TOTAL • 7,614 CONTINGENCY &c FEE 1,599 ------ TURBINE TOTAL $ 21,313 BT 340 BT 1000 $ 17,700 $ 57,400 $ 2,451 s 3,954 3,497 9,789 2,620 4,970 150 500 ------------ $ 8,718 $ 21,213 1, 831 4,455 ------------ $ 28,244 $ 83,568 ----------------------------------~------··-------------------------------- SUPPORT STRUCTURES $ 1' 892 $ 1 f 980 $ 2,668 DRAFT TUBE DOWNSTREAM 307 307 400 CONTINGENCY &c FEE 462 480 644 ---------------·--• 2,661 $ 2,767 $ 3,712 GENERATOR $ 4,805 $ 7,492 $ 15,227 ( 1800 RPM> < 1200 RPM> ( 1200 RPM> 6,967 11,810 24,882 < 1200 RPM) (900 RPM> t720 RPM> BELT DRlVE COVER 500 600 1,000 ------------------ ALL PRICES F.O.B. MANUFACTURER $ 31,441* $ 43,421* $ 109,120* -------------------------------------------------------------------------A * TOTAL PRICES REFLECT GENERATOR SELECTIONS PROVIDING OPTIMIZED THRUSTER TO GENERATOR RPM MATCH FIGURE 4,4 -68- .. ULH THRUSTER PACKAGE COSTS 9.84 FT ------- PACKAGE DRAFT SUPPORT 5< PACKAGE OUTP\JT THRUSTER GENERATOR TUBE TRANSMISSION COST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- S10L 40 KW • 8,650 • 2,090 • 8,500 • 4,445 $ 23,685 (361) ( 91) (361l ( 191) S51L 86 KW • 9,500 • 3t 188 $ 1 o, 180 • 4,905 • 27,773 (34'1.1 ( 11 '1.) (37'1.) (18'1.) BT 200 130 KW • 12, 100 • 4,805 • 13,858 • 5,093 • 35,856 (34'1.) ( 13'1.) (39'1.) (14'1.) BT 250 146 KW • 13,500 • 6,226 • 14,941 • 5,870 • 40,537 {33'1.) ( 15'1.> {37'1.) (15'1.) BT 340 155 KW • 17,215 $ 6,226 • 16,045 • 5,833 $ 45,319 (38'1.) (14'1.) (351.) ( 13'1.) BT 400 191 KW $ 20,500 $ 10,481 • 18,225 $ 6,885 $ 56,091 (37ll (171> (32'1.) <12'1.) BT 450 278 KW $ 25,000 $ 10,481 $ 20,503 • 7,385 $ 63,369 (39'1.) ( 18'1.) (32'1.) ( 11'1.) BT 550 298 KW $ 27,700 $ 12,968 $ 22,961 $ 8,025 $ 71' 654 (39'1.) (18'1.) (32'1.) ( 11'1.) BT 650 370 KW $ 35,600 $ 13,085 $ 26,239 $ 8,690 $ 83,614 (43'1.) (16'1.) ( 3U.) (10'1.) BT 850 391 KW $ 54,000 $ 18,825 $ 27,432 $ 9,420 $ 109,677 (491) (17'1.) (25'1.) ( 9'1.) 11 FT BT 1000 634 KW $ 57,900 $ 22.544 $ 30,678 $ 9,250 $ 120,372 (48'1.) ( 191.1 (251) ( 81) ----------------------------------------------------·----------------------· • ')\<_· • . . FIGURE 4. 5 ~69~ ' ... ULH THRUSTER PACKAGE COST AND OUTPUT PROPELLER PACKAGE HEAD OUTPUT MODEL SIZE COST 5.0 FT 7.0 FT 9.8 FT 12.0 FT <IN l ( s) (I<Wl ----·----·------------------------------------------------------------- SlOL 19.0 23,685 14 23 40 52 S51L 24.8 27,773 30 49 86 110 BT 200 36.0 35,856 47 78 130 172 DT 250 39.0 40,537 53 88 146 197 BT 350 42.0 45,319 93 155 209 BT 400 48.0 56,091 114 191 257 BT 450 54.0 63,360 167 279 375 BT 550 60.0 71,654 298 403 BT 650 68.0 83,614 370 498 BT 850 71 t 0 109,677 391 527 BT 1000 78.0 120,372 634 723 ----------·------------------------------------------------------------ FIGURE 4,6 -70-• ~ ~ " • \• .. ~ ~ \;\ !~ ~~ a l "'' \.. ~<t ~ t.u " C(' a~ s ~ ~ l ~ i) Q :t 4< ~ I to • I II) 0 ~ ~ II\ 4 0 & ~ 0 "': ~ ..,. ~ Q> ~ Q. ~ ~ ~ ..... p., ~ ~ 1 ~ ll ~ <\ ''-- t( ~ IU l'f\ ~ () !'& ~ ~- ' '· _ ... \ . • .·.:·.· Figure 4.8 L-Drive Showing Integral Bevel Gear Reduction System .. • -72- 5.0 _Ultra-low Head Site Applications in the United States The purpose of this task was to determine what size market exists for hydropower equipment packages based on marine thrusters designed specifically for sites with ultra ·low heads. OO.ring preliminary engineering analysis it was determined that the minimum feasible package output, based on equipment limitations and econo- mics, is about 100 KW. In order to produce a minimum of 100 KW at a head which is considered ultra-low (10 feet or less), a flow of 140 cubic feet per second (cfs) or greater is needed: p and Q where For P e • ~ 8 • {11.8)P fie p "' power (KW) Q = flow (cfs) h = head (ft) e = efficiency (%). • 100 KW, h = 10 feet or less, and = 85%: Q = (11.8) flOO) (10) .85) ,. 138.82 cfs. 5.1 Hydropower Site categories There were initially five basic categories of hydropower sites which were thought to satisfy the head and flow criteria: dams, wastewater treatment outfalls, canal systems, industrial cooling outfalls, and fish ladders. For each category of application a broad search was undertaken which encompassed multiple sources of data. In some cases the scope of the retrofit category was narrowed to eliminate sites which did not qualify and by the same token in other cases sites which were not originally considered in the search, but were later determined promising, were added. For example, in the industrial cooling outfalls category three cate· gories of industries were origL~lly judged promising candidates for thruster hydropower packages. However, after preliminary in- vestigation it was determined that for only one of the three industries, thermal power plants, was there sufficient data on discharges of water to make hydropower retrofit analysis possible. -73- This ca tego:::-y •;as :.hen narrowed and refocused accordingly. At the other end o:f t..'le snectnnn, ERM had not ini tiallv considered the possible application of this type of thruster package to fish ladders. .A.s it tl.lTJ'..S out, this could be a very good application which increases potential market si:e. Since this category v.·as a recent adCition to the search, it v.ill be discussed in less detail than the ot..~er four categories. In some application categories, data were not available in the form needed. It was therefore necessary, in such cases, to calculate appropriate values using a set of reasonable assumptions. In discussions of these site categories, the set of assumptions is given along Y-ith the methodology for calculations, prior to the ~~lysis for each case. S .1. 1 DaJTI.s In the dam category, 153 sites were positively identified as being suitable candidates for retrofit "'ith the marine thruster package. The methodology for this survey and the pertinent references are described below. ER~~ first restricted the number of dam sites with a potential for thruster package retrofit, by adhering to ~1e aforementioned cri- teria (flow of 140 cfs and head of 3 meters (9.84 feet or less). The reported tabulation is based upon data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' National Hvdropower Study, 1981; Regions I-VI, and the Un.ited States Water and Power Resource Service's (formerly the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation) Assessment of Small Hydroelectric Development at Existing Facilities, 1981. This study was cor£ined to exlStlng power generat1on s1tes Wlth a capacity of one megawatt or more. While the tabulation of these studies did yield many potential sites for tr~ter package retrofit, ER~~ believes more sites exist v.nich were elilPinated by the screening methods of both groups. ER&A is av.·are, ~or example, of several dams in Tennessee which have ultra- low heads and appear good candidates for generating 100-500 KW. Other states no doubt contain similar sites not appearing on the Corps of S~gineer's lists. Further confirming this h;~othesis, ERE;.\ received a list of d.arr..s v.nich fit ultra-low head criteria, screened from the DOE listing through our EG&G/Idaho Technical llini tor. This sttrvey show:; an additional 784 dan>..s with 10 feet or less of head which are candidates for trJUster package retrofit. A list of these is also included in Table 5~1. The Water and Power Service has also published data which is aimed at larger dams, using the same criteria as the Corps. In addition, this agency published another volume ;..~ich addressed diversion dams. This type of dam tends typically to be less tr~ one megaw~tt, and about ten feet in height. Both of ilie above sources were consul ted in ER&A' s tally of ultra-low head dams. Tne state locations of the d.a.'T!S cited can be found in Table 5-l. -74- It should be noted that some of the installed capacity estimates for the Corps of Engineers Study are quite liberal. For the sites with unknown flows but known reservoir storage capacities, flows were computed assuming the engire content of the reservoir could turn over in 24 hours. This assumption produced higher flows, in most cases, than would have been provided by stream gauge data. 5.1.2 Wastewater Treatment Plants Wastewater treatment plants discharge large quantities of treated effluent from outfalls with low heads relative to receiving waters. ER&A's experience with engineering retrofits for recovering energy fran treatment plant outfalls was the starting point of the in- vestigation of suitable sites of this category for thruster package application. The search }'ielded 62 probable locations by methods described below. ER&A' s investigation focused on finding plants with a "flow'' of 140 cfs. From past engineering experience, net available heads were assumed to be 10 feet or less. Wastewater treatment plants are calibrated in million gallons per day (mgd), and 140 cfs running 24 hours per day yields 90 million gallons per day. A 90 mgd waste- water treatment plant turns out to be a large facility, which would be located in a heavily populated or industry-intensive urban area. Any plant with an outfall head less than 10 feet will require an even higher flow to attain 100 ~~ capacity. From a l~st of metropolitan areas and corresponding sewage treat- ment capacity, ER&A determined the population size which generates a 90 mgd minimum. A list of U.S. cities which met the population mininn:ml. was then comoiled. There are two sources of error in this method. Because the· initial list gave only flows for cities and not individual plants, there may be cities which have more than one plant, where the combined flow is 90 mgd or greater, but the indi- vidual plant's flows are not. This is balanced by cases like New York City, where there may be 4-5 plants which meet flow require- ments, but only one plant is tallied. The search brought 62. possible ~~ruster package retrofit sites to ER&A's attention. The cities and ~~eir locations can be found in Table 5-Z. ER&A believes that ~~is analysis results in an accurate projection of market size. Though not precise in detail, it con- firms ~~t a healthy market exists in this site category. 5.1.3 California Irrigation Canals While a great variety of water delivery systems wi~~ ultra-low heads may prove feasible for ~~ruster package retrofit, ER&A restricted its market analysis to irrigation canals. Canals are a fairly ~~form category of structures and are widespread in the Western U.S. Because of the effort involved in collecting appropriate data about canals from multiple agencies and jurisdictions and the· cooperativeness of the California Department of Water Resources and local irrigation -75- C.istricts, t:-:e ca.'Ul investigation v;as restricted to CaEfornia. Tnis fo~JS is ~r~he" s~~ported by the State's legislative and regulatory support -Eo" low-head hydropower development and at- tracti\"e, PUC-mandated electricity buy-back rates. Table 5-3 contains a listing of miscellaneous other water delivery systems Ui'1Covered in the ER&A investigation. After mu~h preliwinary research, the search for canal sites ~as defined as a search for checks along canals. A check is a dam used to regulate the cana2. v.-ater level upstream of the structure and control dovmstream Hm·; and tencis to be 5 to 10 feet in height. One list of major (high flow) canals in California was obtained from the U.S. Deuartment of the Interior Water and Power Resources Sen-i. ce . A second list of various water deli very systems from the California Department of Water Resources, increased the number of canals for analysis. Preliminary data indicated, an::l the operators of the People's Ditch Company and Fresno Irrigation District con- curred, ~1at the major canals compiled averaged 30 checks along their length. Of these, about 5 checks will have a head of 7-10 feet and regulate flows of 140 cfs or greater. ER&A located 15 maier canal svstems in California. These canals are listed in Table 5-3. With an average of five eligible sites for ttL~uster package retrofit per canal, there are a total of 75 possible candidates for UL~ thruster package retrofit. The number of thruster package applications on Califonua irrigation canals is high due to the aridity of the terrain in the South and the need to transport v.-a t~r to it from the north. Additionally, smaller canals net included 1n the investigation may raise the number of applica- tions in this category. "1\hlle this m.assive system of canals for water deli very is typical of arid western states, it is not typical of states east of the Mississippi River. 5.1.4 Industrial Cooling Outfalls Orig~ndJy this category was to include these industries; PulJ?- paper, Steel, and Electric Power because all are known to req~re huge qwu~tities of water .. ~ter initial investigation it was de- teYITined that pulp-paper and steel mill did not pro\~de the con- tinuoQs 140 cis rripJnrurr, requirement for thruster package application anc tha~ ~~ere was little data on specific plant flows. The scope c:f w'ris categor,• Y.'as then narrowed and refocused on the power in- dustry .. tl,gain (as v.i.th wastewater treatment plant outfalls) it was assumed heads were in the desirable range. It ~~s dete~ined that the water requirement for steam generated electricity· is 80 gal per kilowatt hour. To determine the minimum plant si:e required (in KW of output): -76- • 140 cfs = 90 mgd 90 mgd = 1,125,000 KWH at SOyl day KWH 1,125,000 KWH day 24 hours day = 46,875 KW (47 MW) Thermal power plants with a minimum 47000 Kl'i capacity were then reviewed. From the 1975 Electrical World-Directory of Electric Utili ties, 601 plants with steam tuiinne generators m the Urii ted States were cited which met possible thruster package retrofit applications. The breakdown by state can be seen in Table S-4. The sites are fairly evenly distributed by state with the excep- tion of California, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas, all of which have many more sites than average. 5. 2 Summa.rv Beginning with dams and moving through the five categories pre- viously discussed, the following facts emerge: Dams: ER&A has tallied 153 sites in this category. This figure compounded ;rith the 784 figure which was received from EG&G Project Office in Idaho, brings ~~e grand total to 937 dams ~ith good potential for retrofit for ultra-low head with marine thrusters. The Geographical bias is toward the Northeast. Wastewater Treatment Plants: ER&A located 62 potential sites with a goOd possibility for thruster package retrofit. There is an even geographical breakdown on this category, with the only bias being toward heavily populated or industry intensive areas. Canals: Tr~s category shows 75 sites in California alone. The blas 1s toward the arid Western states, with water transportation systems. There may be the same level of retrofit potential in other states such as Utah, Nevada, Washington and Arizona. Industrial Cooling Cutfalls: Originally in this category w"ere were an estimated 601 possible retrofit sites. However, due to the problems in getting a con:finnation on the number of downhill outfalls, ER&A believes tb.at this figure tends to be high. If the number of sites could be confirmed, this category could be poten- tially the best because of the universality of application. Fish Ladders: Estimates by w~e New England River Basin Cammission 1ndicate that there are about 164 economically feasible sites \<j"i th -77- potential fo-:-development. wt of this number about 25-50 could potentially be designated by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for use of fish ladders, and the use of the thruster package for energy recovery in attraction flow within the ladder. If thruster packages were to be installed for this purpose, it would greatly improve the economics of fish ladder installations. Currently this technology would only apply to fish ladders which have not yet been constructed. 5.2.1 Conclusions The combined total of possible applications from ER&A's five cate- gories is 1547. Out of that ncmber, about half are predicted to qualify as physically good candidate sites, with about 350-400 meeting all criteria for hydropower development. Taking this number into consideration, it appears that there is a good market for ultra- low head retrofit since ~~y sites require multiple units. Conver- sations with thruster manufacturers have indicated that ten additional units sold per year in the domestic market would be more than suffi- cient to interest them in providing units for an ER&A-designed package. At a rate of ten per year, they would be manufacturing units for the package for at least 20 years, at the conservative end of the spectrum. In view of this, a move to make this potential market into an actual market is most definitely indicated. Add to this the rising prices and short supply of fossil fuel, and the need to find env~ronmentallv sound alternatives. It is in- creasingly apparent that it is appropriate to move toward actual development of a marine tbJU$ter package for ultra-low head hydro- power. 5.3 Feasibilitv Studies for Particular Site Applications Conceptual designs and economic analyses were done for three ultra- low head sites to compare thruster-based packages with conventional installations. The t~ree sites selected were a Texas dam, a Calif. irrigation canal and a Tennessee waste~~ter treatment plant outfall. The sites were chosen because they fell within the required head range ~~d had pre\~ously had feasibility studies completed for con- ven ional equipment installations. They represent three of the five site types that have been identified as potential application areas. Concept design comparing conventional hydroturbine and thruster package installations are sho~n in Figures 5.1 through 5.6, The project costs for the comparative concept engineering designs for each type of application are shown in Tables S.a through S.d. Thruster installation costs reflect those costs that would be similar or identical to the conventional installation such as electrical interface. The civil costs varied according to the design of the installation and the equipment varied with the type a.~d number of u.li ts. A summary of the power potential and cost -78- • data are shown in Table 5;·5. These costs are compared with more rigor and detail in the econanic analysis, Section 7. -79- '.•. ".' ..., ~ . 1 I ~ t--4--lr--..r -., ,_ ~- I .l "\ l II t \-+-) 'l ( + )-;-1-' +) ..... 1, '-·"" tl \ r i llifli IIi II li I Jl ill ~n ~~ l ~ -o-~ ~ I - t 1 '$ g IJ.. t:::::-~ LnJ n ~ ; :: ~ H i~ W""'.::X 1.. .JL. .A. .JLIL. "?' ='~;:) ...L 'i~S .......-"--. ~ ' \ -80- I 00 ...... I .. • ~o'+~ 9 5 1-9-. HEADWATER ~~~-~"\~) ~ATER v r-s•.o• ~~I : ---~--. ::::a, •• , .... <."& .. '. :. :--·0· ' ~~ ._ .. , .. ,, .. ~':·b>-=---·· ....... . SECTION • A-A A A L _j PLAN 1'..:so'-e-'' Figure 5.2 FRESH 0 HEADWORKS CHECKDAI.I- ER&A ULH HYDROPOWER TURBINES BASED ON MARINE THRUSTERS I 'foe .. /,37B 1,3/3 1300 I Z-00 /14'2 -----... '''J I /00 I- ;o3Z /03Z J03Z. ll I O()O \) \:, qtJo i-{4-S'-) (.l.fSb) ('I-Sh) i"' 8'1 <:J l<t--1 K.W KW 850 ~ f3PO !-774 77.1/-771/- ~ 700 61){) !"' (3'fz> {3Jfz) (Y-!2) 1-kW KW Kv../ I 00 N 5oo I i- LJOO 300 1- NOI t>PE ~AT /1\/Cj-- 3(:,!> .. Z58 J 1- 7..00 . (I 14-) I- I~ 2.. /'fS"' kw /()O i- 3'Z 30 I 2. I PCT. ;vov. DEC. :TAN FGB MAR. /ff'l?lt-MAY :fi/NE Jl/t.'l 4Vtr. SePT. AVEI{AcrE frlo;V ..,-H Figure 5.3 FRESNO HEADW.ORKS CHECKDAI.I -E.R.IrA. ULH HYDROfo£NERATING UNITS BASED ON MARINE T H R us T E R s . M A X. F L 0 w I u N IT = 2 5 8 c f ,. ~ • • fA EX/26 250 KW YDRO UNIT c!.o 11~-m ~rfl ~,.A.,--... /Br .. II II f exiSTING .PIERS ~ ~._ t. STOP 1..0' SLATS ~ -I TAIL RACE SLAB ~-PROPOS EO '~ £XIS TINlA.CKS _A-A T R A. 5 H $. f C T IQ N__ --- ~ .. ,C! ~ fl .!~ scolt fu t £ LfCTRICA L £QUIP. ROOAJ I TURBIN££ DRAFT TUB£ I Figure 5.4 CITY OF S £G UIN-UA X S TAIICK E PARK DA IJ .. H Y DROEL ECTIIIC FEASIBILITY CONCEPTUAL DESI~N USIN& E. R.lrA. ULH HYDRO &ENERA. TING UNITS • ·' 1 00 -""" • --------~l (A)-• f (J(hfMSf f t.,. Sl«• 0 mtllf# Tim~ f.llitf/nf ~~, N<1d (TIIfltl N~j!fi~wfl:nm lllll Irrn~;~ "'-'""' ,.,.,.,/ ftc_,,, trypJ st.., t."# .-.:~.----=-:.. -_--. -SltJI{T}JJJ -1t:s:!o~. --$~~F~'--. ~' , , ' , , ' , , ' , I , ,' -'\. , , "'\ ,' r ' \ ,' ,.., ',. ~ II ' r ___ ±---::=-:_---~-'. ---u (!) -J-c,,.,,,.,. 2~ ,.II' Hrdr .. tltril I I ".j I I 'J-·r--F«• llf L 1 1 o.,cl_, tn.;, ,.... ,.. '\ _,________ --~--- --ClliiiNtfJ ,.,_,. ll'ltll 1J.AN_ ,__.,.,. __ _ 11/,Jr""' If's . ._: ~- )J:df--U-,_., *--" ~Sit~lll s..,_,rutfmtl '·, '-i // ,.,-.tll .. n ~(I§OKWilm _--e_,_,. II 4~tJ-' · -J~ Prtp~~ltl z.tt):,.., r1 ~-;: · [LOW_.._ w Sl..,l<1f61. .,,\ 11 Normfll filii-'"' ~ . . ll fVtX'I::J ' 1 · ; : •• r ,·T_ , • j • ·• -:-: • • --~:::(~ l~-:1. ~:1·~~1.~1., r-;~rJ !~'!"~ 'd:l • l • .. I --• . /_/' fl. 'ff"-·' rJ$1 .• · • V<~t'd • '. , • MlwContJrllftl} .-¥l. ~"--· --~~J-. riiO!I-....... ClOd of llntlt TWo#~ !iEC~_6_-A_ llY f'OWfR Pli\NT PU\N 8 SI::CliON I ... I I 1'1 Aft f Figure 5.4a CoNVENTIONAL DAM SITE INSTALLATION .. 1200 1000 800 {/) c.. (.) 600 z ~ 0 ...J t.. 400 200 0 • ~ I I i;" r~,L I I !~. 1'. I' I ~ I . :'\ ~I 1\ I I 1),. I •l I 'I I , I !~ \)... I I f' I~ I I ! I• I ~~-_; I I )1. I~-lA" This curve is be sed on I ~ I :'\_! I v I Historical Flows 1 I :-A lie red eurve to I i}-.JI durin~ 196~-1977 p.r~od. I reflect rtQulation ' 1 I I' I I I I I l_l 1 1 I I I I "" from upstream reserv~ir: ! I 1!1~ ' ~~I I I i I I I I I i I I I I I I -~ i_} I i i ! I I I I I ! I l . ' ' I I I :I I I : I i I ...... I., ' I ! I , I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I I ! ! I I I i ! I I • i I I I :No., ;·~ I I I I i I I i i I : I ! I I i i. I I I I I I I I I I II~ ~-~ .. 1 I ! i ! I I I I I I I I I : I I I . I I I ! I I I AI "*I ~.J.. I I I I I : I I I ' ! I I I I I I I I : This eurve adjusted' I ! I tx1'\... i I I I I ! I I i I I i I ' down to reflect ~otal I I I i i ': ~ ~ I I i ! i l I '• i period of record. I ll I I I ~...:! I I '· I I I I • I I ! I I I I i J I I I I I I I I I I I i'\ !il I ! I l I I I I I : i I I ! I i I I : I i I ! I I I ! ! I N\1 I I II I I I I I I I ' ! I i I i I I I I I I I ! I ! I I I ~~~ I I ! ! I : I i I I I I I ! I I I I i I I I i :\ I I I ' I i ! I : I I . . I ! I I I ! I ! ~ ; I I i I I I i ; I I I I ' I I ! ! I I I I i I 1 i l ! i ! I i . ; I I I i I I I I I ' I U_! I I ! I I I i I I I l I I I J I i I I I ' 0 10 20 30 ~0 50 60 70 eo 90 100 ,.o of Time Flow Exceeds Figure S.S ~ss- FLOW DURATION CURVES FOR GUADALUPE RIVER OEC./978 PLAT£ 2 POWERJ HOUSE PROPOSED SYPHON TURBINE PROPOSED UPTAKE WEIR 7 ---:b. FP.Oirl NEW --+-!..._---++-' C H L ORI HATi'tH TANKS PROPOSED UPTAKE CHAMBER NEW EXISTING 84" OUTFALL SYPHON Figure 5.6 Hydropower Installation at Central M>.rrP, Nashville, Tenn. Using ER&A ULH Hydropower Unit Based on Marine Thrusters. Syphon Configuration ·86- .... : 'L l ~ () -J.,.. "'t :.. lu .,J L!..l .390 J _180 .. " EXI STt NG 84" OUTFALl. r E TUJtS I ltE I N~ ..l.KC: !T~.JCT~E I \ '---------------__ , __ ......... .._~ EXIHfMG OUTF'Alt. CHAASEP. AAX. WATER EL.EV. 399.0 ~ SECTtGI A-A SCALE p• • 10 I I PRCPOS£0 TURB.INE EFF'I.UEHT Figure 5,7 ' E 410 . t: . .. 4rOO z 0 -... c > .... -'"" 390 380 PROPOSED HYDROPOWER INSTALLATION AT Cs:HTRAL WWTP -NASHVILLE, TE..NN, UsING •SAMSON• TuRBINE <THE JAMES LeFFEl & Co.·) -TVA/NASHVILLE ENERGY RECOVERY PROJECT -E.R&A, JULY 30~ 1980 -37- TABLE 5.a SUf.fviAHY OF POWER AND Q)ST nATA FOR SITE APPLICATIONS Ci\LIH'lRNI A IlffiiCJ\.TlON SEGUIN, 1TiXAS DAM SITE I Tf:NNESSEE WWTP SITE I CANJ\1 srm r..onvent ional 'I1uuster I Conventional Thruster I Conventional 'I11n1stcr PCli/ER DATA llcad (ft) 9.5 9.5 13 13 I 6.7 8 II of Units 2 3 1 1 I 3 4 Type of Units l.effel-250 BT-250 Samson S51L I I.effel-74 BT-340 Flow (cfs/tmit) 400 247 145 147 I 318 258 Installed I 00 Capacity (KW) 500 384 I 126.8 121.4 I 390 456 00 Energy OJtputl I (KWII/yr) 1,700,000 1, 547,000 1,014,000 971,200 I 1,705,200 1,755,600 COSTS DATA Construction ($) 1,349,500 558,700 207,700 114 '000 I 1,234,400 567:120 Project Management and Engineering ($) 120,000 125,700 34,260 34' 260 222,600 127,600 -- Total ($) 1,469,500 Q84,400 I 241,960 148,260 1,457,000 694.720 Cost per Kilowatt of Installed Capacity $2939/KW $1782/KW I $1908/KW $1215/KW I $3735/KW $1523/KW 1. See Tables S.b.l, S.c and 5.d for power potput detennination " TABLE 5.b ORD~ OF MAGNin.JDE COSTS COmENTIONAL INSTALlATION DAM APPUCA.TION Item Estimated Costs Dec. 1978 Construction Civil Works Excavation and care of Water. Concrete Structure •• Steel Superstructure .•...• Machinery Turbine and Governor. . . . . Speed Increaser and Gt,.erator Miscellaneous Equipment Electrical . • • Subtotal Contingencies @ 20% $ 70,000 150;000 70,000 410,000 160,000 22,000 55,000 $ 937,000 186,000 Subtotal $1,123,000 Engineering. . . . . . . . . . •. FERC License Application . . • . . *Expenses by City Before Operation 100,000 10,000 87,000 Installed Cost Totals $1,320,000 *Includes loss of revenues when existing hydro plant will not operate during construction, bond sale cost, legal services, and interest on money during construction and before start of operation. -89- Adjusted to July 1981 $ 84 ,ooo· · 180,000 84,000 492,000 192,000 26,500 66 10u0 $1,124,500 225 2 000 $1,349,500 120,000 12,000 104!500 $1,586,000 TABLE 5.b.l EJ-..'ERGY P~'TIAL AXID SrnEDULE SEGUIN, TEXAS ULTRA-LCW HEAD DAM H "' 9. 5 ft. BT-250 -3 Units Flow/Unit = 247 cfs Number of Units 3 1 Power Potential 384 kW @ 741 cfs 128 KW @ 247 cfs Energy Potential % of Time Operation 34 % 36 % Total -70 % 34 % 36 % 2978 HRS @ 512 KW = 1,143,552 KWHR 3153 HRS @ 256 KW 403,584 KWHR 1,547,136 KWHR/YR @ $ .038/KWHR $ 58, 791/YR REVENUE -90- • .. ' TABLE S.c ENERGY POTENTIAL AND SCHEJlJLE CALIFORNIA IRRIGATION CANAL GiECK D.AM H = 6.7 ft (Approx. 2 meters) BT-340 -4 Units Flow/Unit = 258 cfs Est. Power/Unit = 114 KW Annual En.ergy Operating 700 hrs/month, 7 months ·1 Month @ 114 KW = 3 Months @ 342 KW = 3 Months @ 456 KW = 79,800 KWH 718,200 KWH 900,000 KWH TOTAL = 1,755,600 KWHR(YEAR @ $.065/KMffi. $114,144/YEAR IN REVENUE -91- . . " TABLE S.d ENERGY POTDtfiAL AND SCHEDULE ~"'ESSEE WASTB\'ATER TREATMENT PLANT OUTFAll H = 13 ft Flow 137 cfs S51L -1 Unit Est. Power = 121.4 KW .A.nnua1 Energy Production Operating 8000 hrs/yr 12 Months @ 121.4 KW = 971,200 KWHR/'{R (8000 hrs) @ $0.035/KW'HR $ 33,992/YR AVOIDED wST -92- .. TABLE 5-l ULTRA-I..JJ'/ HEAD DftM SITES The following is a breakdown by state of possible ultra-low head dam sites. Unless noted otherwise the sites are listed by the dam name. In some cases however, the dam names were not given, and then the sites are listed by river name and numerical designation. Flows are 140 cubic feet per second and greater. Head (ft) ARIZONA Laguna 10 Fire Mountain 10 CALIFOR.~A Camp Creek 9 Laguna 10 Putah 10 COLORAOO Last Canal 8 Frenchman 7 Loutzenhizer 8 9 Montrose 8 Selig 10 South Platte 5 Leon Creek 10 Park Creek 8 North Padie 6 Gunnison 8 Ht.mter 10 IDAHO Cross Cut 10 IU.INOIS Marseilles 1.3 Rock River 9 Peoria 9 Sears 11 Sylvan Slough 9 Coiro 9 Lyndon 10 Above Lyndon 10 Sinissippi Bayou 10 Latham Park 11 For ban 9 -93- E\DL~ \l.;\ Perkins\"ille Killbuck Shoals Parker City Layfa;ette K~h!SAS Glen Eden M""INE Farmington -~~drooscoggin #1 West Branch Stilh;ater Penobscot #1 Penobscot #2 Saco River lt1 Saco River It 2 Aroostook River Saco River # 3 Sabassticook River Androoscoggin #2 Machias Ossipee Baskahegan MASSAOOSETTS Baskahegan Miller MICHIGA.."l' Ceresco Dam Lvons Dam Bryce Morrow Escanaba Upper Menominee Lower Menominee Thompson NEBRASKA Franchman Dulap Bostwich Arcadia KE\'TIJC1.'Y Kentucky River # 1 O~~o River Lock #11 Ken tuchy River # 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 7 5 5 5 4 10 6.5 4 9 4 5 7 9 9 10 11 9 11 11 11 12 11 7 6 8 8 8 10.5 12 -94· • MJNTANA. Yellowstone 8 Beaverhead 10 Ft. Snow 9 Willow Creek s NEW HAMPSHIRE Blackstone 8 Contoocook ltl 8 Contoocook If 2 11 Winnepesauk IH 10 Winnepesauk #2 10 Pequawkt 10 Contoocook #4 10 Upper Amo 11 Winnepesauk lf3 11 NEW YORK East Creek 9 Black River itl 8 Seneca River 8 Black River It 2 10 Raquette River 10 St. Regis River 10 Requette River lf2 9 Black River #3 9 NEW MEXICO Vennejo 5 Leasburg 7 Messina 10 Percha 8 Angostura 5 Isleta 5 San Acacia 8 OHIO Island Park Dam 7 Dayton Park Dam 5 Piqua Falls ¥1 8 Piqua Falls #2 8 OREGON Cottonwood 11 Miller 5 PENNSYL VA.1\IIA Allegheny River #1 11 • Allegheny River !f2 13 Allegheny River lf3 10 -95- PEN."'iSYLVM1A (continued) r.1onongahe la # 1 8 f.1onongahe la t! 2 10 Ohio River 10 Allegheny #4 11 Allegheny if 5 12 Allegheny #6 10 RHODE I SLA.ND Blackstone 11 Cornoton Lower Dam 10 Breystone 7 Fruit of Loom 10 TEXAS Riverside 8 UTAH Duchesne 6 Indian Creek 5 Slatenrille 8 Stoddard 8 VERM0!'-.1' Missisquoi #1 11 Missisquoi #2 10 Otter Creek 10 Conn. River 8 Winooski 8 WASIIT:NGTON Prosser 7 Sunnyside 6 l't'ISCONSIN West Depere 7 Clam Lake #1 6 Clam Lake #2 6 Lynni.lle 5 Mendota Locks 8 Horicon 9 Hustiford 7 Saint 7 Rice T<m!ahawk 10 Spitit River 10 Willow River 11 Appleton 7 Appleton 9 Ra.pide Croche 10 Lime Kiln 9 -96- .. WISCONSIN (continued) Hi.rr:ray 7 Jobes 7 M:>oselake 10 .. Glenda 7 Neenah 8 WYOO~ Little Sandy 9 tbrse Creek 6 • • -97- TABLE 5-2 CITIES Willi WASTEi~ATER TREA'IME..\'T PLA.\'TS SUITABLE FOR UL TR.t\.-LOW HEAD RETROFIT l .. L.ti.B.A.. \1. !1. HARYLA.ND Columbus Bimingham Baltim::>re Toledo M?bile M>\SSACHUSETIS OKLAHCMA.. ARIZOKA Boston Oklahcma City Phoenix MIOUGAN Tulsa .AR.T(Al\'SAS Detroit PENNSYLVM'IA Little Rock Flint Philadelphia CALIFOR..\i1A Grand Rapids Pittsburgh Los .1-\ngeles Lansing RHODE ISlAND Sacramento MINNESOTA Providence San Diego fuluth SOUTH DAKOTA San Jose l'<fi.nneapo lis Rapid City FLORIDA MISSOORI TE!\.TNESSEE Jacksonville Springfield Knoxville St. Petersburg St. Louis Memphis Tampa NEBRASKA TEXAS GEORGIA Onaha />us tin Atlanta NEW MEXICO Dallas ILLINOIS Albuquerque Ft. Worth Chicago NEW YORK WASHINGTON INDIANA Albany Seattle/Tacoma Indianapolis Buffalo Spokane IOWA Rochester UTAH Des MJines Syracuse Salt Lake City KANSAS ]'.()RTH CAROLINA VIRGINIA Ka..11S as City Charlotte Norfolk Wichita Winston-Salem Richmond KEN'IUCKY NORlli DAKOTA Louisville Fargo LCUISIANA OHIO Baton Rouge Cincinatti New Orleans Cleveland -98- • • • • TABLE 5-3 CALIFORNIA IRRIGATION CANAlS SUITABLE FOR RETROFIT WITH trr..'I'RA-I.OW HEAD PACKAGE CANAL FLOW (CFS) Tehama Colusa 2300-1700 Delta Mendota 3200-4600 Friant Kern 15000-5000 Madera 625-1000 Corning 88-500 Putah South 3500 Folsom South 180-956 Coalinga 435-1140 Contra Costa 32-330 San Luis 8350-13100 Fresno Main Canal 900 Cottonwood I 1700 Cottonwood I 1300 People's Weir Canal 3000 Beardsley Diversion Canal 1500 -99- TABLE 5-4 POWER Pl.A.l\7 DIS'IRIBUTION BY STATE FOR ULTR.Z..-1~· HEAD RETROFIT ALA..BA\1.-\ "1 MOl'; "!ANA I .A.LA.SKA 0 N'EBRASKA ARIZON.A. 12 NEVADA C.A.LIFORNIA 35 NEW HAMPSHIRE COLORW 7 NEW JERSEY CONNECT! CUT 9 NEW MEXICO DElAWARE 5 NEW YORK WASHINGTON D.C. 6 NJRTH CAROLIN.A. FLORID.>\ 12 NORTH D.A.KOTA GEORGIA 6 OHIO HAWA.II 3 OKLAHCMA. IDAID 1 OREGON IlLINOIS 8 PENNSYLVANIA INDIANA 19 RHODE ISLAND IOWA 19 SOU1H CAROLINA KANSAS 7 SCXJTH DAKOTA ID'1UC1.'Y 8 TENNESSEE LCUISIANA 10 TEXAS MAINE 3 UTAH MARYLA...ND 13 \TER]'.I)f'.,l'f MASSACHUSETIS 15 VIRGINIA MIGITGAN 18 WASHINGTON t--111\:'\TESOTA 13 WEST VIRGI:t\r:IA MISSISSIPPI 9 l't1SCONSIN MISSOORI 3 WYCMING -100- 3 5 4 3 20 6 31 14 2 31 11 2 44 2 11 11 13 66 5 0 6 3 6 16 0 • TABLE 5.5 MISCEllANEOUS WATER DELIVERY SYSTEMS IN CALIFORNL<\ KW HEAD CFS GLENDAlE, CITY OF GLENDALE DISI'RIBUTION SYSTEM (PIPELINE) LOS ANGELES 400 200 28 IRVINE R.ANCH WATER DIST. IRVINE LAKE PIPELINE (RATILESNAKE RESERVOIR) ORA.1..!'GE 500 220 30 LOS ANGELES, CITY OF FRANKLIN INLET (PIPELI!'-i'E) 800 100 110 LOS ANG""'cl.ES DIST. SYSTEM PIPELINE -LOCATION 2 270 130 29 METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICf OF SCUTHERN CA SAN DIMAS PIPELINE -LOS ANGELES 9,900 400 300 SAN BER'I\!ARDINO VALLEY MUNICIP.t\1 WATER DISTRICf LYTLE CREEK TIJR\'OUT (PIPELINE) SA!'I BERi'-l'ARDINO 1,300 330 55 SA!'I DIEGO, CITY OF ALVARADO TREATMENT PLl.J'<'T (PIPELINE) -SA!'I DIEGO 1,700 160 150 POINf LCMA WASTEWATER TREATNFNT PL\Nf (PIPELI~) 1,200 76 220 SM'TA r.-K:lNICA, CITY OF l'<ONT OLIVETTE (PIPELDiE) • LOS A'IGELES 150 200 14 CALEGUAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICf CONEJO PUMP STATION (PIPELINE) VE.1ID.JRA 600 170 50 EL SEGUNOO, CITY OF EL SECUNDa DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (PIPELINE) 500 U.S. WATER & POi'fER RESOURCES SERVICE ;\LL AMERICAN CA.."iAL DROP ;;o. 1 4,700 11 600 • -101- 6.0 E~\~ron~ental Effects of Ultra-low Head Hydropower Package Installation and 0Derat1on This sect:..on briefly reviews some classical environmental concerns about hydropower, followed by discussion of issues which are releva..~t to ultra -low head sites. 'While hydropower retrofits of lf.i.J-1 dams and particularly man-made ~~ter use systems avoid most traditional env~ron~ental problems, some topics are still sensitive at these sites. Finally, brief discussions of the environmental effects of development at the three exemplary thruster-package installation sites (ref. section 5) are presented. Cases where the thruster- based facility is predicted to have environmental effects different from the conventionally designed installation are noted. 6.1 Classical Environmental Problems The construction and operation of high-head, "classical" hydro- power installations cause serious environmental problems. Of major concern are: 1) blocking fish passage 2) fish mortality from turbines 3) reseT\~ir level fluctuations 4) downstream water level fluctuations 5) release of deep, deoxygenated water from reservoirs 6) release of reservoir water greatly different in temperature from downstream receiving waters 7) reseT\~ir dredging 8) reseT\•oir siltation T.~ese problerr~ are compounded when endangered or threatened species are involved. Because many of the ultra-low head sites identified during this in- vestigatio:~. are man-made waterways, environmental issues surrounding retrofit for hydropower are trivial. On natural streams , many of the above classical problems are reduced as a direct function of head. · 6. 2 En".rironrnental Issues at ULH Sites At all four types of ULH sites determined suitable for thruster- package retrofit (dams, w~stewater treatment plants, irrigation -102- • • canals, power plant cooling outfalls). but especially at the three non-dam categories, the greatest concern regarding operation of a hydropower station is not interfering with the primary ftmction of the sites. Other possibly significant environmental issues are discussed below. 6.2.1 Fish Passage An ultra-low head hydropower installation at a dam on a natural watercourse presents a physical barrier to fish traveling upstream. Fish moving downstream which are too small to be screened out by an intake trash rack are faced with injury or destruction if they involtmtarily ride through the turbine. However, problems of fish moving either direction are reduced at ULH installations. A three meter or lower barrier can be negotiated more easily by an anadro- mus fish than a high head dam, but nevertheless may require a fish ladder or lift. Slower rotational speeds of turbcmachinery at ultra-low heads may reduce injuries inflicted upon fish passing through. At any ULH dam it is fair to attribute blocking fish passage to hydroelectric facilities only if the dam allowed free passage prior to power development. 6 . 2. 2 Dredging Dredging impotmdments behind ultra-low head dams may be necessary to increase storage and operational flexibility for hydropower. There are two main problems associated with dredging. First, im· poundment organisms can be stressed and even killed by turbidity created through dredging action. Turbidity blocks light and reduces primary productivity, decreases visibility for visual hunters, clogs gills, and circulates possibly toxic bottom sediments through an impotmdment. Second, dredged material requires disposal, which is an. especially serious problem when sediments are known to be toxic. (Reservoir bottoms accumulate contaminants contained in runoff from surrotmding areas . ) 6.2.3 Water Quality Differences Above and Below Installations Ultra-low head dams L~ound shallow bodies of water which do not experience the thennal and chemical stratification seasonally typical of large, deep reservoirs. Consequently, the quality of water released from ULH installations poses little threat to downstream organisms . Water quality is also a sensitive issue at wastewater treatment plant and industrial cooling outfalls. Sewage plants are required by law to deliver water with particular concentrations of dissolved oxygen to receivi.t1.g bodies. Because hydropower intakes !liLI.$t deliver pre- ssurized flows to turbines, capturing head at wastewater treatment plant outfalls may require enclosing in pipe formerly free-falling -103- \\'a ter. Thus, oxygen other...'i se taken up during the drop no longer contributes to the final Oz concentration. Oxygen uptake is a function of: 1) contact time, 2) existing concentrations of Oz, 3) ,.,ater temperature, and 4) contact surface area. Because an ultra-low head drop takes half a second or less, very little o2 uptake is lost by eliminating the free fall, and none is lost frc:m ,.,ater already saturated ,..i th Oz. Power plant cooling outfalls deliver warm water to generally cool bodies of \\ater. While capturing the energy wasted in falling water will not '=hange the character of the water, it should be noted t~t power plant operators l'oill be sensitive about any activity which involves cooling outfalls. Numerous studies have been conducted to determine what ecological changes are caused by the warm effluent streams. Generally, results indicate warmer water species move in to exploit new habitat, and former colder water residents are displaced. 6.2.4 Fluctuating Release Schedules Non-dam ultra-low head hydropower installations will most likely be operated using flows routinely associated with activities at the site. Thus, any fluctuations in the \\ater release schedules of waste-water treatment plant, irrigation canal, and industrial cooling outfall ULH hydropower stations will be a function of changes in water use for non-hydropower purposes. At ULH dams, run-of-river operation is expected except where huge volume.s of water are impounded. Generally, storage behind dams \\ith less than 3 meters of head is inadequate to allow daily or seasonal peaking. llill pri...me movers are too large, relative to head, to tolerate significant variation in upstream water leveL Thus operation of ULH installations at most dams should not cause fluc:uations in reservoir or downstream water levels which might affect human water users or upset resident ecological communities. 6. 2. 5 Endam:ered Soecies, Wild Rivers, and Historic Sites Spe~ies on federal ~~d state endangered and threatened lists are a p:..cblem only at ultra-low head sites on natural streams. Piny action resulting from construction or operation of the hydropower facility wr~ch directly ha~s or alters the habitat of these rare plants and animals is not permitted. At ULH dam sites it is likely that endangered and threatened species will pose a problem only when an aquatic organism with S'uch status is present on the parti- cular stretch of stream. On federally and state designated \\'ild and scenic rivers, it is UDlikely that any development would be contemplated, since they are by definition free of dams and impoundments. Only uses of these rivers which do not affect their value as recreational and . aesthetic resources are allowed by law. Same Ulli dams deemed -104- • • • ... suitable for hydropower retrofit will be old mills or other sites with historical value. Development at such sites should be inte· grated with the preservation of the mills and other aesthetically valuable attributes of the locations . 6.2.6 Construction Disturbance At different categories of UIR sites, there are different forms of potential disturbance from construction of hydropower facilities. On natural streams and in irrigation canals, erosion and siltation resulting from grading powerhouse sites are of concern. Dry or off-season construction and care on the part of the contractor minimize these disturbances. At sewage plants and industrial cooling outfalls, the primary consideration would be avoiding interference with plant operation during installation. 6.2.7 Flooding Risk In the event that an ultra-low head dam retrofitted for hydropower has the prime mission of flood control, at times power generation llllSt be forsaken in the interest of public safety. Most of the l..llR dams identified in the ER&A inventory are not currently operated as flood control structures. Flooding of a different type is a concern at wastewater treatment plants. Plants serving cities with combined s tormwa ter and sanitary sewage collection are overloaded during periods of heavy rain. Most plants cannot handle the increased volume of influent and basically pass both sewage and stonn loads through the system tmtreated. At such. a plant, tmder the stated conditions, effluent could be routed to bypass any hydropower generating station and escape to receiving waters as quickly as possible. 6.2.8 N::>ise At all four categories of ULH sites, noise from a hydropower in- stallation may be of concern. At large-scale sites, hydroturbine generating units create quite a roar. At small sites, such as those with ultra-low heads, the !"..tshing sound of tailwater discharge should muffle machine noises. at le Thruster-Based d:o- The following paragraphs briefly cover environmental considerations sterrming from the retrofit of three sites for which thruster and conventional hydropower retrofits have been engineered and cos ted • . •'"'. ~ ' . · .. ~ , . -lOS- '' ,": 6.3.1 Nash·ville Central Wastewater Treatment Plant The thruster package LI.Stallation Y.i.ll be much simpler than a previous design based on an open flume turbine. (See Section S, Figures 5.6 and 5.7) Reduced ci\~1 works.requirements lessen site disturb~'1ce during construction. The only area of possible environ- mental concern at this site is the potential loss of Oz uptake due to enclosing flows for hydropower. Tneoretical calculations in- dicated any loss of Oz would be too small to measure; this result would hold for either conventional or thruster package installation. 6.3.2 Seguin Dam Also, at the Seguin, Texas dam site (See Section 5, Figure 3) the thruster-based package can be installed with much less civil con- struction than the open flume unit designated during the 1978 feasibility study. Othe~i.se, the difference between designs is minor. In general, the original analysis noted that 1) diverting water to turbines would el~inate some aesthetically pleasing free- fall of water over the dam, 2) the new hydroelectric facility would add to ambient noise levels at the site, ~~ 3) water level fluctua- tions under the existing operating scheme would be damped. The study anticipated no environmental impact assessment would be necessary. 6.3.3 Fresno Irrigation District At Fresno (See Section 5, Figure 2), as at the other sites, the thruster-based package design involves simpler civil works than the original design and thus less construction disturbance. At this site the primary concern is operation of the hydropower system compatibly >dth the irrigation system. -106- .. • 7.0 Economic Analysis This section describes the method of economic ~~lysis, further development of a computer model to permit detailed comparison of sites and exemplary application of the model to the three UUlH sites selected for cost analysis, comparing standard and thruster- based hydropower retrofits. 7.1 ER&A Proprietarr Model ER&A has expanded its proprietary econanic analysis model which calculates internal rate of return (IRR) on investments in hydro- power facilities. For this UlliH project the existing model would utilize the following inputs : Price of Electricity ($/KWH) Elec. Inflation Rate (Decimal) Annual O&M Expenses ($) O&M Inflation Rate (Decimal) Period of Analysis (yrs.) Energy Produced (KWH/yr) Amount of Loan ($) Cash Down by Investor ($) Period of Amortization (yrs.) Interest Rate on Loan (Decimal) To produce the following outputs; Annual Loan Payment Electricity Benefit Barrels of Oil Saved Rate of Return ( $) ($/yr.) (bbl/yr) (%) This model permits alternative hydroelectric investments to be compared to one another using rate of return as a measure of investment merit. Samples of this model's output are set forth in Append:b: III. This model, although valuable for comparing- alternative investments, provides only limited i~J:ormation . In order to more realistically evaluate the econanic and financial merit of an UIHH project it was determined that the model should be expanded to include greater realism in providing the informa- tion required by investment decision-makers, including: providing -107-,.,-. pro forma cash flows, allowing for multiple loans v.i. th independent 8uortl:ation schedules, staggered effective date.s for each com- ponent of the investment, provision for non-linear irJ1ation rates, and other factors. A list of inputs to L~e model is presented in·Table 7.1 Since the sites being evaluated are municipal, the model does not provide tax analysis, or the impact of taxation in this economic evaluation. The model's out:put is divided into 6 sections, each of which is described below. 7.1.1 Capital Costs This section describes, by major catetory, the Capital Cost Components of the Project. PRE-OPERATIONAL CAPITAL COSTS Land and Water Rights in Year $ Feasibility Study in Year $ Design and Development in Year __ -$ Constru.ction in Year $ 7.1.2 AIL~ual Costs and Revenues This information is presented in the following format: YEAR 0 1 N O&.}vf COSTS X X X REVENUE FRCM ENERGY SAVED X X X REVENUES FRCM ENERGY SOLD X X X 0&~' Costs include the necessary labor and materials for ongoing ope .. :a tion as well as an allowance for replacements, during the life of the project. Revenue from energy saved sets forth the internal avoided cost of energy which ,.,ill be S'...Ipplied by the facility in replacement of purchased energy. Actual purchased energy rates/costs are used in calculating this value. Revenue from energy sold to an external consumer (e.g. , power company) is based on actual published purchase rates. Inflation factors are applicable to the base year rates to account for anticipated cost changes. Different and distinct inflation -108- • • " rates may be applied to each category and year. 7.1.3 Loan Amortization Schedule Since each of the major capital cost component categories may be separately financed, under different rates and payment schedules, separate loan amortization schedules are provided for each ap- plicable category of loan used to finance the project. SEPARATE LOA..\/ S01EDULE FOR (LAND AND WATER RIGHTS, FEASIBILITI, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT, CONSTRUCTION) AT % PAYMENTS INTEREST PRINCIPAL BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 7 .1.4 Cash Flow The net annual cash flow (cash in minus cash out) due to operation is presented for any selected period of time, from year zero to year "n" of the pro j ec t. PROJECT CASH FLOW YEAR Cl.SH FLCW 7.1.5 Present Worth and ROI .~alysis PRESENT WORTH .AND R. 0. I. Al\/AL YSIS AT DISCOONI' RATE OF % AND A SALES VALUE OF $ YEAR 1 2 n PRESENT WORTH EQUIVALENT .A.!'lNUAL WORTH INI'ER:.\/AL RATE OF REIUR..\1 = % The discount rate is specified in the inputs. The sales value at the end of the period is calculated by capitalizing the cash flow in year "n" at the input discount rate. -109- .. .. Present worth and equivalent annual worth are calculated using the follo"~ng formulae: E.A.Y.' = PW lP (I + D) TJ Lei + D)T -1 Equivalent A:r!.J.ual Worth = (Present Worth for Time Period T) (Discount Rate) (I + D) T~e Period CI + Dtime) _1 PW = NR Present Worth = (Net Revenue in Time Period I) (1 + Discount Rate/Time Period) (T~e Perlod I) The ROI (Internal Rate of Return) is then determined by finding a discount rate which produces a present worth of zero. The model will calculate these results for a range of discount rates speci:':ied in the input. An explanation of Rate of Return evaluations is included in Appendix III. i.1.6 Surnmarv of Analvsis For each of the discount rate spedfied as an input, the model provides a summary of the significant parameters in Year 20 • .sm.MARY OF ANALYSIS AT TIME OF SALE PRESENT WOR'IH YEAR 20 EQUIVALENT ANNUALWOR'IH PAYOUT PERIOD I.R.R. --------------~------------------------------------------- The payout period is determined by the number of years when the cumulative Equivalent Annual Worth is equal to zero. -llO- 7.2 Inputs used for Economic Analysis of Site Applications The actual inputs used in operating the economic :model for each of the three sites are set forth in Table 7 .1. These inputs are derived from two sources: Engineering analysis done d:tn-ing the course of this project, and assumptions made to pennit consistent analyses of different equipment retrofits at different sites. In making the thruster-based package and conventional hydropower economic comparisons, some assumptions were made with regard to certain of the inputs. These are: 1) The planning periods and sale of assets were projected to be 20 years . 2) The year of operation was delayed one year for each step that had yet to occur (For example, if the feasibility study, design and development and construction steps all remained to be done, the operations began in year three.) 3) The energy produced was based on the power generating equipment for each specific site installation and was derived from the feasibility study for the particular site which had already been done. 4) Since all of the cases are municipalities, land and water rights have already been obtained and therefore no acquisition cost was included. 5) The feasibility study, design, and development and con- struction costs are site and installation specific and the values used are set forth in Section 5. 2. 6) The annual inflation rates for these costs were consis- tent. The actual values used are set forth in Table 7 .1. 7) The operation and maintenance costs were based on 1% of the installed equipment costs. These costs include re- placement items. O&M was inflated at a consistent 9% for the 20 years. 8) 9) The cost of energy purchases avoided or the price of electricity sold to the local utility reflect the actual rates applicable to each site. The feasibility study, design and development and con- struction loans were all assumed to be 90% financed. The interest rates on these loans would be dependent on the type of bonds or financing these government agencies could find, Typically, these rates would be tmder 15%. The interest rates actually used reflect local financing options for each site. -111- .. 10) In order to ac~ount for the residual value of the installation at the end of the 20 year planning per)od., a "sale value" was calculated using the following formula: Sale Value of _ Revenue in the 20th Year the Project -ASsumed Discount Rate 7.3 Results of Economic Model Runs A brief examination of the summaries of the model's output (Table i.2) shows that for each site the thruster provides ~ie follOhing econowic benefits: 1) Initial capital cost no greater than 61% of conventional turbine retrofit. 2) cash flm'ls which are substantially higher, and which become positive earlier in the project life. 3) More favorable payout periods and IRR's for each site application. The full output results of each economic analysis run are provided in Appendix iII. • " .. • TABLE 7.1 INPUTS FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF SITE APPLICATIONS J, Pf..-4AINHVtr ,1'1/iililiDI:> {Y4i1-4A.S) Z. ~NITNf"-~>'tTl: ~ S,.L.C ;:!1. Y6A-1: t:>l"' oPE£1ff.ATU::>N <¥. ENd~ Ci-Y f'Col> In::.~&> { KWN/VIt.) S ENEAti-Y VJE/> (K'wN/y.c.) CQJT 61" J..AIVI> # "-""re<. AIAWI'S '· )'£"'"'-Ol" 001.-!N PAY101SIVT 7-CCJ.JT IN Tol>A~'.J pot...L"'JI:f:S ._ INI"t.ATI<>N A.Aras C CUr """ l"'ii:A.TI#IILJTY J'Ttd.l 7' 9. )'£4-t. 01" t:>C>k/"1 PAY,...Ii!N-r 10. cosr ltV 1Z>A-'IYU DoLLAifi.S I/. h"U"f.JI7'1t:>N R.ATlliS ca:;r oF t,es...,.,..;. DEifi!f:l.I>I'"'ENr 12. yeA-< """ Dor..-JN p,qy,.,e ... rr J~. ee>Jr IN 71>l>-'IY ·s Oo'"L"''.t<S 1'(-. IN !"'LA T1t>N RATeS Ci!JIJT OP CoN.f"rRVc770N 1$". )I~ DF i:x:::n.vl'l ?AY MENT II.. Ce>JT IN n>A-'j Y'J DOL-L-Ali/if' /7.pvFl-477oN IZ<!TE=S ltfl. OJ/I"l £)/(f'GNS,;i 1.,./NRA iii>IV A.ATS.f .j'O_COJT ..,... EN~<rf ~;....;,_ Z/. /NRATtt>N R.t~re.s ZZ. R-tr<li' R>"{ 61L-.TR.t<:tT'f U.JNRATtt>N RATer LO-'W t : u..v£> J w-'1~ tl?t<itftl Z."/:. FIR•'ICf•~ oP U>.ltN ,.,.,-C">S"f 2.$-Af'-'mB.t:!.q_ oF PAYn.?eNTS :U.. JNTE~es-r ~TE LOAN Z.: Pl!ii "l.S181._1ry Jrvt:>Y V.~,RM..710J.i 1>~ LDNV ¥ CA-JH Z.. -'tvt>oiJ.tii.li! t>l"' _,AYmGN-rr. :21<1. ;N7.£i"l;EUr ,;2A Tl5: L04N 3 'pes~ AH1> bE.vfELl>P. .3CVi('AI.:1?.,.., ~ ~ -'IS <YUH Jl.JVV/h#i!J€"( -i"'AYI'MENTS :r.il,{N76"f_li?~7' l<i.ATE J-.0./t"' 'I t CONJ TteVCTICJN ;u . .I'"~ ,C. T'OAJ OF' £.0-'!.AI .t4S CA-!:H 3'f.NI/h7M8( o,;:;; PAY/>lliN<.rr.> .iS: /NT/!!I'{EJ7 AATEi U· TIO: o<"'S V"-TR"-LDW J-1 -0 .O .... M Sl _,.IIi CONVIINTINV.Ii"- ZC> Z.o 3 1; 7<:>01 ooo 11 70D1 DOO ...,._. -- I I zo1 ooo ./s- 2 / /Zo1 ooo .IS 3 .:/1 3 -r.,, 000 .10 I /~ZOCJ .,, #.o3e ./Z -e- -6- ...s- -e- .10 10. .077!.- .10 20 :,, ·10 20 -II WA.VJ'TE~ zo z.o .iii t,. ;t' ... 7, ooo. /J $"~71 QOO ¢ -- I zo,ooo .t£ 2 13'1-1 eoo ./!:" 3 55o,ooo .10 s;ooo .o., 1.038 • I 2.. - e-..,_ e- ./0 10 .077S' ./0 20 ./I ./0 20 .II -ri/iiN..; 1111 S .C .. .., W<oo.T T5' """' T .. "t T~/li,.il\"rM~T" P4....4HT Ct:JNy~T>IN"t-t... ~"!'E.~ ZC> 2.0 2.c> :z.o .iii 3 ~~~~0 9~-0 /1 ot-11 oe>O 'f7t1 z.oo -----a------.9- -e- 3¥,Zi>O - I 2.07; 700 .10 i, 730 .O"J J'.031+ ./2 -e>- -& ...,.. ..e>- -10 -e- .,9-- .10 2o .O'f!J ./C> ;zo .095' ------o-..... d- --..i'~Z'-0 9 I /1-ljooa . ./0 "'zo .09 #.o3N .I z. e- d- e- e- ./0 t;- & .tO 20 -0"1~- ./0 20 .09S' C"""<.I ... <>ANI .... C.4JV.4£- 2.0 Z.c> 3 'J<>NhL 'l 70S/ 2 .. 4dl -a- -Q ---e- I :z.o,.,ooo .;.5" 2. 2.'2z,.;;oo 3' ~2.3'1',000 .10 B,-'r-<1'-D .o., --e- ,J.oo37 .1'2. ---6---- -10 20 O.OB -~0 2.0 .oe ... o 2.0 .oe ~'J':!$1:-rm•.J :Z.P :z.o 3 '/7-fl/ ... 0 ..&----6---- I zo1 ooo .I.> z ,..,.~700 3 S6.71 tzo ..ro :z.,'-IZO .0"/ ....... /.06:17 ./2.. -6-- ..e- ..a-- ./0 zo Cl.OB ./0 ;zo -08 ./0 2.-D .os TABLE 7.2 SUMMARY RESULTS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSES n::)<' /1 s v '-H LVIM srr e: 7/;;'NN IE S .> E': E tv/..JTP SITS CAL.IFO/IGNI,IJ IRRI<i". C-4 N-1'-Sl"7l'i ~Vi¥NT(.QfY/tl-:Z::IIRJtm}-£0NVI6"(T/ON'!_k_~ 77-/,<?US(F.~I CON~77<VV/)<.._____:zzf_,/f?(ISlfi6 /O'TAt-C4PITAC-COSTS' ll't '7771 ee.s· 9181 eoaj uz, 73o C4slf PLoW IN YE"A"'\ : I -2.3oo s -{2~373 /0 -lf9,f!lb z. 2.0 33"1/l.!fJ{ J? 0 .T: ""'tNAL..YS/S AT A 20"'7., DISCDVNT ,R,.qre; /INl::> ~ 20 YIS~~ ANAL.YS/S : PReSENT wo-e.rH VN D~ cQ<II VA{J!!!AIT ;iJNNV"'t-Wt:>ttl.Tr/ P-4You( PEt«.N:>E> (ov Y~RS) /NTEt«.N ""'-A'"'TJ;"; OF lii!'lintl~ (o/.,) -2t;:3,..iZO -S""f, 074 zo YRS. q '7o -2.3'00 b,fJ7S 67; 8(:,1 4-3C,1 /h2. ./3C,/4-53 Z~O:Z./ ILl- 3lo/o -Z(;,I.3.Yt:, Z<;,1 G. IB 6 7, 'lbl :z. 7o1 t:,.o~ 19z,.t,.tz3 3'91 S"IS" .tf ~3?, I s-91 (, t:, D -JLI-zt:, 36;02.2 7(4; Z31 2.72, 70€\ Z3~ct.':> Y81 l".B3 .3 l/0 ?. <j "f{,.D1 .< 7 S" Z3oo -/2.-C..D /.]7, b7<J !3zD1 7B'} 27'8;07S""" 57; Jo!> 13 3:Z '? .. 937/170 -2.300 /O':tj!"'"S" 2 sz., 3'!6 "?7S; '1''11 6 T3,; /I/ 136'1 ZZ9 s- 6o'?o L---------· --- .. " .. 8.0 Technology Transfer As originally proposed, transfer of the ultra-low head hydropower tedmology from the R&D arena to the conmercial marketplace was tQ be accomplished primarily through licensing agreements with thruster equipment suppliers. This effort was to have been supported by presentation of project results at technical conferences and the publication of articles in selected trade journals. These latter activities were to provide visibility of the ULHH technology to potential users and stimulate interest in site developers and small utilities. This plan for technology transfer was based on our perception of the benefits stream flowing from a successful low-cost UlliH tech- no logy, heavily influenced by our pre-proposal discussions with the thruster manufacttn-ers. Also, there was at that time, poten- tial for DOE funding of selected cost-reduction projects based on the most promising R&D results. By the completion of this project, however, it has been determined that the proposed approach is t.mWorkable. The current plan for validation, development, and conmercialization of the low-cost UlliH technology is outlined in the following sections. 8.1 Elements of the Technology Transfer Plan Basic to the change in the proposed plan is the lack of interest expressed by thruster manufacturers in fabricating the ER&A design for UlHH packages. Both Harbormaster and Schottel, whose units have been characterized for the 3 M design point, were contacted to build the complete package. Both declined, primarily because it was not in their line of business to fabricate, market, and engineer small hydropower installations. They were unfamiliar with this area and not especially prone to diversification, away from their primary marine market. We determined in the process of costing and value engineering the packages that local metal shops were competent to fabricate ULHH units to our design and more cost-competitive than was apparent in the Harbormaster cost quotes, which were used as a baseline. It also became clear that no site developer was willing to invest in an UlliH design wi t.l-:lout one or more successful installations of a full-scale operating unit. ER&A agreed that it was reasonable to know, from experience, whether the thruster-based package would actually work as a hydroturbine, the actual power generated, ar.d the actual cost to fabricate and install packages based on tl1e developed designs. It was st.mned up by one of the technical staff, in internal dis- -llS- cussions as how to accomplish t..ns task: '"1\fi thout a successful dem:mstra:ion, there won't be any ted1nolog;,· transfer." Tnere v:as no ma.TJ.agemen~ argument that one successful test is worth more than dozens of technical papers, "expert" opinions, and articles. It also follows tr~t a test validation of the design would generate much better data for any professional publication or tec~Jilcal presentation. The technology transfer pl~, therefore resolved itself into two main elements and one supporting element: 1) ER~~ would assume prime responsibility for engineering, fabrication ~~d marketing of the ULHH package, either independently or in joint venture with a capital partner. 2) We would attempt to find sponsorship ~,d sites suitable for test and evaluation of the equipment as the next logical step in the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation cycle, in order to validate the design. 3) The second element of the pl~' would be supported by presentation of the technology and its applications at technical conferences and by direct proposals to potential funding organizations and individuals. 8.1.1 ERSA Prime Contractor Status ER&A has taken the following steps to provide for the fabrication and ir.stallation of ULHH packages, should they prove as cost- effec~ive as engineering research indicates: 1) Licensed our senior engineer in CaliforrJ.a and Tennessee, where numbers of ultra-low head sites adeauate to support a market have already been identified. · 2) Renewed a California Contractor's License. 3) Begun negotiations with Harbormaster and Schottel on marketing agreements for use of their thrusters in the hydropower application. (They have accepted this proposal in principle. Details are still being negoti- ated.) 4) Initiated a patent search through patent counsel as a first step in determining patentability of the applica- tion design. 5) Verified fabrication, assembly, and component costs through quotes on detail designs. -116- .. • .. 6) Initiated the contingency plan for staff skills and personnel necessary for turnkey projects. 8.1.2 Test and Validation Proposals for the test, evaluation, and performance enhancement of a thruster-based ULHH package were presented to a select grou~ of organizations with sponsorship potential as well as to owners of suitable sites. The proposal is for a lZ-month project to prepare final engineering and manufacturing drawings for a specific unit size and site in- stallation; then, fabricate, deliver, install, operate, and monitor the unit to verify envirornnental effects; costs, and document its performance. Total project cost was estimated to be on the order of magnitude of $300,000, using a BT340 thruster-based hydropower package. ER&A was not initially overwhelmed with positive responses from funding sources, though there was understandably a good deal of interest by site owners/operators in the cost reduction potential of the technology. At the time of submittal of t.lris Final Report, it now appears that both funding and one or more sites suitable for a full-scale test will be forthcoming, thereby effectively accomplishing this element of the technology transfer plan. Sequence of events and projec- tion for commercialization are described in Section 8.2. 8.1.3 Technical Data Dissemination A paper describing the ULHH cost-reduction project and results of Tasks 1-7 was written by ER&A staff and management. It was subse- quently accepted for presentation at ''Waterpower '81.", the bi- annual international conference on hydropower, scheduled for 22-25 June 1981 in Washington, D.C. There was an expression of interest in the technology by about a dozen site owners, agency officials, and developers. Among them was Lee DeLano, Sr. Civil Engineer for the Modesto Irrigation District. Technical information, generally in the fonn of the "Waterpower '81" paper, was provided to all those requesting it. Site-specific proposals were generated for the ~Westo Irrigation District and twu others, based on follow-up conversations. 8.2 Plan Imolementation and Commercialization Subsequent to the "Waterpower 81" conference, the Department of Energy Program Office responsible for this project offered to make some matching funds available for field test of a full-scale ULYH package based on the ER&A design. There was, however, not enough -117- .. ~. . . . ;,. ·.,. : ... funding available . to cover ccmplete · cost of the .test project. · ER&A ~sequently identified a list · of sites ~ose physicai· para- meters were wi. thin the range of UUiH package performance so far characterized. We then arranged to provide for the rna tching project .funds at these sites and got agreements fran site owners/- developers for installation, test and evaluation at their site. A proposal for Field Test at one or more sites of varying character (irrigation canal, low-head dam) was presented to DCE 30 July 1981 with rna tching . funds for two sites assured by the respective owners . Funding for tha.tamol.mt above OOE's contribution at other sites is to be ER&A's responsibility. A successful field test and execution of marketing agreements with the thruster manufacturers will provide the framework for camner- cialization of the technology directly through ER&A. We do not now maintain that eventual patentability is a necessary condition for us to invest in this activity, though it would be useful protec- tion for a small business enterprise. ER&A believes the market size is adequate and specific customers· for the technology and associated project services have been· identified. We have also beeri approached by frur other parties interested in a joint venture for product developnent and marketing on a "capital for equity'1 basis. Discussions with .at least two of these companies are proceeding based on their interest in· different applieations or geographic regions. It does not appear to be an insurmotmtable problem to secure funding for ;.~ full-scale conmer- cial market penetration if the· technology's function and ·costs can be reasonably validated. Figure 8.1 One of Sites Proposed for ULHH Field Test: Stone Drop, 1-Dd.esto Irrigation District -118- · . . .. ; .:. 11 • .. • , APPENDIX I FINAL ENGINEERING DESIGNS ULH PACKAGE -119- .. .... 1-----:! _____ ......... ~----------+-------~ l • I I ) I I ' ... ·_L ..f ...... -.-.::::::·.:;. :.:-····-.::~ l <i .. ~ " .. .. ~ ----e ~ Ji'1-C • I ' I ~ 1 ! .. APPENDIX II SUPPORTING DATA AND CALCULATIONS • /'l-0 . -·--------· ----:- ---·--· •-~ ... -~~-w----- --. --·----------·- • ·_,...._ ;·• -~ :t~T=JIO -: ··- '. f' 't' ... :. .,-' t -...,..,__.,.·~~;~L~~-----~-==-= . ·-'-;.--·---,.--------~ -----~----.. ---w--~---,--· -·-.----•·-·-...;.··----~ • --.~--~ ---·-----... ----------------... ------------ : ::--~iENT OF lliRf.isifi-~i~.--~ ~STEP.~'S FOOR QUA1)RAN!_E~t -121· ----,.--:; -----~-, -~-·-r METHJD OF G-!ARA.crERIZ.ATION OF THRUSTER PERFORMA..".JCE AS A 1URBINE ~et OR AREAthroat TORQUEth FLCW VELOCITI V th PRESSURE PSith DESIGN FLOW DESIGN HEAD HEAD RATIO TORQUE RA..TIO = AREA.shroud id. -ARPAmm 550 (THRUSTER H.P ·max or rated) = = = = v 2 th yg 62.4 h 144 = Vth Anet v 2 = th 0"4':'4 = V 2&h design OR V variable Qtu = V var Anet = hvar FOR 4 QUAD CURVE ENI'RY ~ = Qvar ~r Qth hth THRUSTER EFFICIENCY e = 62 •4 QthH tth vth ~-- = 117.51 V tr -122- • 11 • 'mROAT VELOCITY V throat = ~ net t n nJRBINE (BLADE) RPM INI'AI<E AREA DESIGN AREA. DESIGN INTAKE DIA. • A. + A. . 1nt. net · 1llJb = 12 V4 \nt des 1T nJRBINE RLlNAJ'fAY SPEED (TORQUE = 0) = % nr = 179. 0 J hth nJRB INE RUNAWAY RPM = Qth hth = KW 13.95 . ~ ' ·, •' ~ ' .. . ... . CCJ-fPUTER IlA.TA FOR TrlEORETICAL AIXA.LYSIS OF BASIC DES1Gl\ DATA MODEL NUMBER SHROUD I. D. THRUSTER SPEED NET THROAT AREA THRUSTER VEL. NET HEAD NET PRESSURE THRUSTER FLOW THRUSTEF EFF. HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I, D. INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE S?EED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIG~ !NTAKE AREA INTAKE. I.:>. INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD BT200 36.7 IN, 620 RPM 6.35 SQ. FT. 24.44 FT/SEC. 9.28 FT. 4.02 PSI 155.27 CFS 81.73 ~ 9.8425 FT. 1. 06 1. 09 373.36 RPM 25.18 FT/SEC. 185.91 CFS 29.27 FT/SEC. 8.38 SQ. FT. 39, 19; IN. 2,49 IN, 143.93 KW 1143,04 RPM 8.85825 FT. .95 .93 349.65 23.88 174. 1 27.41 8.28 38.97 RPM FT/SEC. CFS FT/SEC, SQ. FT. IN. 2. 27 IN. 121.81 KW 1084.88 RPM 7,874 FT. HEAD INC. RATIO .85 POWER INC. RATIO .78 -124- • • • TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA r.~"UW.-E.-t-;t;?.T-- INTAKE DIA, INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I. D. INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I,D, INTAKE DIA, INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD 324.98 2:2.5:2 16 1 • 8:2 2~.47 8' 18 RPM FT/SEC. CFS FT/SEC. SQ. FT. '2-S .... 73--t ~L ~ 2.03 IN, 100.22 KW 1022.36 RPM 6.88975 FT. .74 .64 299.2 21.06 148.98 23.45 8.07 38.46 RPM FT/SEC. CFS FT/SEC. SQ, FT. IN. 1.76 IN, 80.74 KW 956.33 RPM 5.9055 FT. .64 • 51 272.06 RPM 19.5 FT/SEC. 135.46 CFS 21.33 FT/SEC. 7,94 SQ. FT. 38, 16 IN, 1, 46 IN, 62.93 KW 885.39 RPM 4.92125 FT. HEAD INC, RATIO ,53 POWER INC. RATIO .39 TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D, INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RU!\IAWA '( POM 243.23 RPM 17.8 FT/SEC. 121.11 CFS 19.07 FT/SEC. 7.8 SQ, FT. 37.81 IN. 1.11 IN, 46.88 KW 130~.~"5 °?"'1 -125- MODEL NUMBER SHROUD I,D, THRUSTER SPEED NET THROAT AREA THRUSTER VEL. NET HEAD NET PRESSURE THRUSTER FLOW THRUST~R EFF. HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO ?OWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I,D, INTAKE DIA. !NCR, ESTIMATED ?OWER RUNAWAY R?M HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO ?OWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D, INTAKE DIA. !NCR. ESTIMfiTED ?OWER RUNAW~Y RPM HEAD BT250 39,75 IN. 643 RPM 7.55 SQ. FT. 24.55 FT/SEC. 9.36 FT. 4.05 PSI 185.35 CFS 78.75 ~ 9.8425 FT. 1. 05 1. 08 385.07 25. 18 220.69 29.23 9.83 42.46 R?M FT/SEC. CFS FT/SEC, SQ. FT. IN. 2.71 IN. !:70.86 KW 1180. 17 RPM 8.85825 FT. .95 .92 360.62 23.88 206.68 27.38 9.72 42.22 R?M FT/SEC. CFS FT/SEC. SQ. FT. IN. 2.47 IN. 144. 0 1 I<W 1119. 61 R?M 7.874 FT. HEAD INC. RATIO .84 POWER INC. RATIO ,77 TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. 335. 18 R?M 22.52 FT/SEC. 192. 1 CFS 25.45 FT/SEC. 9.6 SQ, FT. 41,95 IN. -126- • INTAKE DIA. INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOC lTY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I, D. INTAKE DIA, INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D, INTAKE DIA. INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD 2.2 IN. 118.98 KW 1055.58 RPM 6.88975 FT. .74 .63 308.59 RPM 21.06 FT/SEC. 176.86 CFS 23.43 FT/SEC. 9,47 SQ, FT. 41.66 IN. 1.91 IN. 95.85 KW 987,4 RPM 5.9055 FT. .63 .5 280.61 RPM 19.5 FT/SEC. 160.82 CFS 21.3 FT/SEC, 9.32 SQ, FT, 41,33 IN, 1. 58 IN, 74,7 KW 914.16 RPM 4.92125 FT. HEAD INC. RATIO .53 POWER INC, RATIO .38 TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOC lTY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DIA, INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM 250.88 RPM 17.8 FT/SEC, 143.79 CFS 19.05 FT/SEC, 9, 15 SQ, FT, 40.95 IN. 1. 2 IN. 55.66 KW 834.51 RPM ·127- MODEL NUMBER SHROUD I. D. THRUSTER SPEED NET THROAT AREA THRUSTER VEL. NET HEAD NET PRESSURE THRUSTER FLOW THRUSTER EFF. HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I, D. INTAKE DIA. !NCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I. D. INTAKE DIA. INCR. ES'~"lMATED POWER Rur...;WAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN F'-OW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I, D. BT340 42,75 IN. 551 RPM 9.74 SQ. FT, 24.55 FTISEC, 9.36 FT. 4.06 PSI 214.61 CFS 75.13 9.9425 FT. 1.05 1, OS 329.97 RPM 25 , 19 FT I SEC , 255.53 CFS 29.23 FT/SEC, 11 , 39, SQ, FT, 45.6~ IN. 2.92 IN, 197.83 KW 1011.31 RPM 9.95925 FT. .95 .92 309.02 RPM 23.99 FT/SEC, 239.3 CFS 27.39 FT/SEC, 11.25 SQ, FT. 45, 41 IN. 2.66 IN. 166.74 KW 959.42 RPM 7.974 FT, .94 .77 297.23 RPM 22.52 FT/SEC. 222.43 CFS 25.45 FT/SEC, 11 • 1 SQ, FT. 45. 12 IN. .. -128- • INTAkE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAkE AREA INTAkE I.D. INTAkE DIA, INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESICN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAkE AREA INTAkE I.D. INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD 2.37 IN. 137.76 xw 904.!5!5 RPM 6.8897!5 FT. .74 .63 '264.44 RPM 21.06 FT/SEC. 204.78 CFS 23.43 FT/SEC. 10.9!5 SQ, FT. 44.8 IN. 2.05 IN. 110.98 xw 846.13 RPM !5.90!5!5 FT. .63 ,!,5 240.46 RPM 19.!5 FT/SEC. 186.21 CFS 21.3 FT/SEC. 10.78 SQ, FT. 44,4!5 IN. 1. 7 IN, 86.!5 KW 783.36 RPM 4.9212!5 FT. HEAD INC. RATIO .!53 POWER INC. RATIO .38 TURBINE SPEED DESICN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D, INTAKE DIA, INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM 214.99 RPM 17.8 FT/SEC. 166.49 CFS 19.0!5 FT/SEC. 10.!58 SQ. FT. 44.04 IN. 1, 29 IN. 64,4!5 KW 71 !5, 11 RPM ' . -129- MODEL NUMBER SHROUD I, D, THRUSTER SPEED NET THROAT AREA THRUSTER VEL. NET HEAD NET PRESSURE THRUSTER FLOW THRUSTER EFF, HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I,D, INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAl) HEAD INC, RATI 0 POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I. D. INTAKE DIA. INCR. EST!MATED POWER RUNA1AY RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE LD. 400 49 IN, 492 RPM 11.-79 SQ, FT .• 23.4 FT/SEC. 6.51 FT. 3.69 PSI 275.62 CFS 6_6 ....§.4 --::· 9.8425 FT. 1' 16 1. 24 312.61 RPM 25. 18 FT/SEC, 346.66 CFS 29,59 FT/SEC, 15, 16 SQ, FT, 52.72 IN, 3.72 IN, 25g..,..93 KW 947, 37 RPf'l 8.85625 FT. 1· 04 1. 06 292.9 RPM 23.88 FT/SEC, 326.47 CFS 27.7 FT/SEC, 14,98 SQ. FT. 52.41 IN, 3, 41 IN, 227.46 KW 898.75 RPM 7.874 FT. .93 • 89 272.2 RPM 22.52 FT/SEC, 303.39 CFS 25.74 FT/SEC. 14.78 SQ, FT, 52.06 IN, .. -130- . ' • INTAKE DIA. !NCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD 3.06 IN, 187, 91 l<W 847.35 RPM r;.,S8975 FT. HEAD INC. RATIO .31 POWER INC. RATIO ,73 TURBINE SPEED 250.56 RPM DESIGN VELOCITY 21.06 FT/SEC. DESIGN FLOW 279.27 CFS THROAT VELOCITY 23.7 FT/SEC. DESIGN INTAKE AREA 14.57 SQ, FT. INTAKE I.D, 51.68 IN, INTAKE DIA. INCR. 2.68 IN. ESTIMATED POWER 151.35 KW RUNAWAY RPM 792.63 RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D, INTAKE DIA, !NCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD 5.9055 FT. .69 .58 227,78 RPM 19.5 FT/SEC. 253.88 CFS 21.54 FT/SEC, 14.33 SQ, FT. 51.26 IN. 2. 26 IN. 117.93 KW 733.83 RPM 4.92125 FT. HEAD INC, RATIO .58 POWER INC. RATIO .44 TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DIA. !NCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM 203,6 RPM 17.8 FT/SEC. 226.93 CFS 19.26 FT/SEC. 14, 06 SQ, FT, 50.77 IN. 1. 77 IN. 87.84 I<W 669.89 RPM ·131- MODEL NUMBER 450 SHROUD I.D. THRUSTER SPEED NET THROAT AREA THRUSTER VEL. NET HEAD NET PRESSURE THRUSTER FLOW THRUS1'ER EFF. HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEErl DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I. D. INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUN.' '.JJA Y RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA 54,88 IN, 45S RPM 14.25 SQ, FT. 24.79 FT/SEC, 9,54 FT. 4, 13 PSI 353.12 CFS 79.64 '1. 9.8425 FT. 1. 03 1, OS 271.63 RPM 25.18 FT/SEC. 415.48 CFS 29.17 FT/SEC, 18.68 SQ, FT. 58.53 IN. 3.65 IN, 321,66 KW 834.46 RPM 8.85825 FT. .93 • 89 254.39 RPM 23.88 FT/SEC. 389.11 CFS 27.31 FT/SEC. 18,47 SQ, FT. 58.2 IN. 3.32 IN, 271. 12 KW 791.64 RPM 7.874 FT. .83 .75 236.46 RPM 22.52 FTISEC. 361.68 CFS 25.39 FT/SEC. 18.24 SQ. FT. • ·132- • • • rNT~lf\1:. 1 • lJ • INTA~E DIA. INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I. D. INTAKE: DIA, INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I. D. INTAKE DIA. lNCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD ::>71 e~;,;; 1Nt 2.95 IN. 224.01 KW 746.37 RPM 6.88975 FT. .7'2 • 61 217.71 RPM 21.06 FT/SEC, 333 CFS 23.38 FT/SEC, 17, 99 SQ, FT, 37,43 IN, 2. 55 IN. 180.46 'KW 698.16 RPM 5.9055 FT. .62 .49 197.97 RPM 19.5 FT/SEC. 302.81 CFS 21.26 FT/SEC, 17.71 SQ, FT. 56.98 IN. 2, 1 IN. 140,66 KW 646.37 RPM 4.92125 FT. HEAD INC, RATIO .52 POWER INC, RATIO ,37 TURBINE ?PEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DlA, !NCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM 177.01 RPM 17.8 FT/SEC. 270.75 CFS 19 , 0 1 FT /SEC , 17.39 SQ. FT. 56,47 IN, 1.59 IN • 104,81 K'W 590 .os RPM '· -133- MODEL NUMBER SHROUD I, D. THRUSTER SPEED NET THROAT AREA THRUSTER VEL. NET HEAD NET PRESSURE THRUSTER FLOW THRUSTER EFF. HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DIA. !NCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DIA. !NCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUN> '..JAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I, D, BT550 61 IN. 474 RPM 18.48 SQ. FT. 22.41 FT/SEC, 7,8 FT. 3.38 PSI 414.05 CFS 66.59 1. 9,8425 FT. 318.24 RPM 25. 18 FTISEC, 552,7 CFS 29.91 FT/SEC, 23.77 SQ, FT. 66.02 IN. 5.02 IN. 427.9 I<W 953.31 RPM 8.85825 FT. 1. 14 1. 21 297.94 RPM 23.88 FT/SEC. 517.45 CFS 28 FT/SEC. 23.48 SQ, FT. 65.61 IN. 4.61 IN. 360.54 KW 904,39 RPM 7.874 FT. 1 I 01 1. 01 276.84 RPM 22.52 FT/SEC. 480.79 CFS 26.02 FT/SEC, 23. 17 SQ. FT. 65. 17 IN, .. " • -134- " INTAKE DIA, INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I, D, INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DIA, !NCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD 4, 17 IN, 297,78 KW 832.67 RPM 6.88975 FT. .as .sa 254.78 RPM 21.06 FT/SEC, 442.48 CFS 23.95 FTISEC. 22.82 SQ, 64.69 IN, 3.69 IN, 239.8 797.6 .76 .66 KW RPM FT. 231.57 RPM 19.3 FT/SEC. 402. 18 CFS 21.76 FT/SEC, 22.44 SQ. FT. 64.14 IN. 3, 14 IN, 186.82 KW 738.43 RPM 4.92125 FT. HEAD INC, RATIO .63 POWER INC. RATIO .5 TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM 206.93 RPM 17.8 FT/SEC. 359,39 CFS 19.45 FT/SEC. 22 SQ, FT. 63.52 IN, 2.52 IN, 139. 12 KW 674.09 RPM -135- MODEL NUMBER SHROUD I.D. THRUSTER SPEED NET THROAT AREA THRUSTER VEL. NET HEAD NET PRESSURE THRUSTER FLOW THRUSTER EFF. HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D, INTAKE DIA. INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC. RATIO BT650 69,25 lN. 322 RPM -:i2 ~-03': SQ , FT , 22.07 FT/SEC. 7.56 FT. 3.28 PSI 486, 18 CFS 64. 17 ~ 9.8425 FT. 1. 3 1. 48 220.36 RPM 25,18 FT/SEC. 661, 51 CFS 30.03 FT/SEC, 30,4 SQ, FT. 74.66 IN. 5.41 IN. 51:2.-:14 KW 657,57 RPM 8.85825 FT. 1. 17 1. 27 TURBINE SPEED 206.3 RPM DESIGN VELOCITY 23.88 FT/SEC. DESIGN FLOW 619.29 CFS THROAT VELOCITY 28.11 FT/SEC. DESIGN INTAKE AREA 30-;05--SQ-, Fp INTAKE I.D, 74.23 f~ INTAKE DIA. INCR, 4.98 IN, EST.MATED POWER 431.51 KW RUNAWAY RPM 623.83 RPM HEAD 7.874 FT. HEAD INC, RATIO 1. 04 POWER INC, RATIO 1. 06 TURBINE SPEED 191. 67 RPM DESIGN VELOCiTY 22.52 FT/SEC. DESIGN FLOW 575.39 CFS THROAT VELOCITY 26. 12 FT/SEC. DESIGN INTAKE AREA 29.68 SQ, FT. INTAKE I. D. 73.76 IN. • .. -136- • • INTAKE DIA. INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD 4,51 IN, 356.37 l<W 588.15 RPM 6.88975 FT. HEAD INC. RATIO .91 POWER INC, RATIO .87 TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DIA, INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD 176.39 21.06 529.51 24.03 29.26 73.25 4 IN, 286.96 550. 16 5.9055 .78 .69 RPM FT/SEC. CFS FT/SEC. SQ, FT. IN. KW RPM FT. 160,31 RPM 19.5 FT/SEC. 481.24 CFS 21.84 FT/SEC. 28.8 SQ, FT. 72. 67 IN. 3.42 IN. 223.54 KW 509.35 RPM 4.92125 FT. HEAD INC. RATIO .65 POWER INC, RATIO .52 TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I, D, INTAKE DIA, INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM 143.24 RPM 17, 8 FT I SEC , 430 CFS 19.52 FT/SEC, 28,28 SQ, FT. 72, 01 IN, 2.76 IN. 1.66.45 KW 464.97 RPM MODEL NUMBER SHROUD I.D, THRUSTER SPEED NET THROAT AREA THRUSTER VEL, NET HEAD NET PRESSURE THRUSTER FLOW THRUSTER EFF. HEAD BT850 72,75 IN. 305 RPM 24.59 SQ. FT. 22.26 FT/SEC, 7,7 FT. 3,33 PSI 547.43 CFS i ~6. 23'"" ~ 9.8425 FT. HEAD INC, RATIO 1.28 POWER INC, RATIO 1.45 TURBINE SPEED 206.45 RPM DESIGN VELOCITY 25. 18 FT/SEC, DESIGN FLOW 736.73 CFS- THROAT VELOCITY 29.96 FT/SEC, DESIGN INTAKE AREA 33.54 SQ, FT. INTAKE I, D, 78.42 lN. INTAKE DlA. !NCR. 5.67 IN, ESTIMATED POWER 570.37 i<W RUNAWAY RPM 617.43 RPM HEAD 8.85825 FT. HEAD INC, RATIO 1. 15 POWER INC. RATIO 1. 23 TURBINE SPEED 193.28 RPM DESIGN VELOCITY 23.88 FT/SEC, DESIGN FLOW 689.72 CFS THROAT VELOCITY 28.05 FT/SEC, DESIGN INTAKE AREA 33. 15 SQ. FT. INTAKE I. D. 77.97 IN. INTAKE DIA. INCR, 5.22 IN. ESTII ;..TED POWER 480.58 KW RUNAWAY RPM 585.74 RPM HEAD 7.874 FT. HEAD INC, RATIO 1. 02 POWER INC, RATIO 1. 03 TURBINE SPEED 179.58 RPM DESIGN VELOCITY 22.52 FT/SEC. DESIGN FLOW 640.85 CFS THROAT VELOCITY 26.06 FT/SEC, DESIGN INTAKE AREA 32.73 SQ, FT. INTAKE I, D. 77.47 IN. • • -138- • . '· INTAKE DIA. INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAO INC. RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESICN VELOCITY DESICN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESICN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DIA. INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESICN VELOCITY DESICN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESICN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D, INTAKE DIA, INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD 4.72 IN. 396.91 KW 552.24 RPM 6.88975 FT. • 9 .85 165.27 RPM 21.06 FT/SEC, 589.77 CFS 23.98 FT/SEC. 32;27 SQ, FT. 76.92 IN. 4, 17 IN, 319.62 I<W 516.58 RPM 5.9055 FT. .77 .67 150.21 RPM 19.5 FT/SEC. 536.03 CFS 21.8 FT/SEC, 31.76 SQ, FT. 76.31 IN, 3.56 IN. 248.99 I<W 478.26 RPM 4.92125 FT. HEAD INC, RATIO .64 POWER INC, RATIO .51 TURBINE SPEED DESICN VELOCITY DESICN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESICN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I. D. INTAKE DIA, INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM 134.23 RPM 17,8 FTISEC. 478.98 CFS 19.48 FT/SEC. 3 1 , 1 8 SQ, FT, 75,61 IN, 2. 86 IN. 185 •. 41 l<W 436,59 RPM -139- MODEL NUMBER SHROUD I. D. THRUSTER SPEED NET THROAT AREA THRUSTER VEL. NET HEAD NET PRESSURE THRUSTER FLOW THRUSTER EFF. HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO ?OWER INC, RATIC TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I, D. INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED ?OWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO ?OWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D. INTAKE DIA. !NCR. ESTIMATED ?OWER RUNAw;;y RPM HEAD HEAD INC. RATIO ?OWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA TNTt:.ll:'l=' T • T'l . BT1000 79. 25 IN, 305 RPM 29.98 SQ, FT. 23.91 FT/SEC, 8.88 FT. 3.85 PSI 716.89 CFS 72.22 ~ 9.8425 FT. 1 • 11 1. 17 188.78 RPM 25. 18 FT/SEC. 882.19 CFS 29.43 FT/SEC. 39.32 SQ, FT. 84.9 IN, 5.65 IN. 6 S-2:"-r 9 9 K W 574,8 RPM 8.85825 FT. 1 1 176.78 RPM 23.88 FT/SEC, 826.1 CFS 27.56 FT/SEC. 38.86 SQ, FT. 84.41 IN, 5. 16 IN. 575.61 KW 545,3 RPM 7.874 FT. • 89 .84 164.29 RPM 22.52 FT/SEC. 767.76 CFS 25.61 FT/SEC. 38.37 SQ. FT, ,Q ':;j. J:l.t:! Tl\1. .. " -140- • . ',:· INTAKE DIA, INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPE.ED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I, D. INTAKE DIA, !NCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC. RATIO TURBINE SPE.ED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I.D, INTAKE DIA, INCR, ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM HEAD HEAD INC, RATIO POWER INC, RATIO TURBINE SPEED DESIGN VELOCITY DESIGN FLOW THROAT VELOCITY DESIGN INTAKE AREA INTAKE I, D. INTAKE DIA. INCR. ESTIMATED POWER RUNAWAY RPM 4.63 IN. 47'5.52 KW 514.11 RPM 6.88975 FT. .78 .68 151. 24 RPM 21.06 FTISEC. 706.78 CFS 23.58 FT/SEC, 37.83 SQ. 83.28 IN. 4,03 IN. 383.03 KW 480.91 RPM 5.9055 FT. .67 .s..; FT. 137.51 RPM 19.5 FT/SEC. 642.6 CFS 21.43 FT /SEC, 37.23 SQ, FT. 82 .• 62 IN, 3,37 IN. 298.5 KW 445.23 RPM 4.92125 FT. .55 . 41 122.92 RPM 17,8 FT/SEC, 574.45 CFS 19.16 FT/SEC. 36.54 SQ. FT. 81, 85 IN, 2.6 IN, 222.37 KW 406.44 RPM -141- • ' APPENDIX III SITE-SPECIFIC EcoNoMIC ANALYsEs ·14-2- • ...• . . '>. ··~ How to Calculate the Rate of Return on a Real Estate Investment by Donald J. Valac~l The use of "Internal Rate of Return" to evaluate real estate investments is growing rapidly, as accountants have come to recognize the advantages of discounted cash flow techniques in this area. This article demonstrates, through a step.by-step example, how this method can be used. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method for evaluatin; · real estate inv·estments overcomes many of the short- comings of. the more conventional measures of real estate return. The IRR--the interest rate which equates the present value of the expected cash inftow.s to the initial cash ·outlay,_ has gained wide acceptance in recent years' as a measure of return on real estate investments, particularly among institu- tional investors. 2 This article will illustrate, throu&h the use of a prac:ticai example,just how the IRR would be calculated for a proposed real estate investment. · ... 62 A. PRACTICAL EXAMPLE Let us assume that an individual investor (a cash basis taxpayer filing a joint return) is con· sidering the purchase of an existing furnished apartment building. The total purchase price is $500,000 with a down payment of S 100,000. For purposes of evaluating this investment, we make the following assumptions: 11 Tbe purchase will be financed with a first mon- gag~ loan of$400,000 at 9-112'1'C interest for 30 years, amortized monthly on a level payment basis (the an- nual payments totaling $40,361) In ad.dition, the in· vestor will be required to pay three loan points (or $12,000) to obtain the loan. 21 Legal fees, escrow fees, title fees, and other di· rect costs of acquiring the property will be $6,000. These costs will be allocated to the land, building, and furnishings according to their respective val- ues.3 3/ The total purchase price of the property (includ- ing the capitalized acquisition costs of $6,000) of $506,000 will be allocated 20% to the land, ($1 0!,200), 60% to the building {$303,600), and 20% to the furnishings ($I 0 1,200). This allocation is based on an ''arm's length"' agreement between the buyer and the seller.· 4/ The building, with a depreciable basis of $303,600, has an estimated useful life of 25 years, and will be depreciated using the 125% declining· balance method. The furnishings with a depreciable basis of $101,200, have an estimated useful life of six years. and will be depreciated using the 150% declining-balance method. 51 The gross income for the first year is estimated to be $8.5,000 and it is anticipated that the gross in- come will increase 5% a year. Vacancy and collec· tion losses are estimated to be 5o/c of gross income. Operating expenses are projected to be 40% of the effective gross income (gross income after vacancy and collection losses). 61 The investor will sell the property after five years and the property will appreciate at 5% a year (com· pour -led). 7/ The investor's marginal effective tax rate for or· dinary income will be 50l/t over the five-year period of ownership. Capital gains. upon disposition, will be taxed at 20% (i.e., 40'7c of the taxpayer's marginal rate of 50%). For simplicity, the minimum tax on preference items has been ignored. &' Selling costs will be 7% of the selling price. The DONALD J. VALACHI, D.B.A., CPA, is an Associate Profes- sor of Real E.state at California State University, Long Beach. -144- prepayment penalty on the mortgage loan will be 3% of the amount by which the prepayment exceeds 20% of the original principal amount of the loan. 91 The purchase transaction will close on January 1 of the coming year and the sale transaction will close on December 31, five years later. lti' The periodic cash flows are received at the end of each year (this is the conventional assumption). PREPARING THE SCHEDULES The calculation of the lRR requires that costs and benefits be considered over the full "in- vestment cycle," i.e., acquisition. operations. and termination. Therefore, given the assump- tions of our hypothetical investment proposal. we prepare the appropriate schedules for each phase of the cycle. Acquisition We start our analysis by determining the ini- tial cash outlay is to be $118,000 as follows: Down payment $100,000 Legal fees, escrow fees, etc. 6,000 Loan points 12,000 Initial cash outlay S 118,000 Of course, none of these payments are im· mediately tax deductible. Operations Before annual cash flows from operations can be projected. we must prepare (I) an amor- tization schedule for the loan points, (2) an amortization schedule for the first mortgage loan, (3) a depreciation schedule for the build- ing, and (4) a depreciation schedule for the fur· nishings. We prepare the amortization schedule for the Joan points as follows: Amortization Unamortized Year Deduction• Loan Points 0 SI2,000 I $4()() 11,600 2 400 11,200 3 400 10,800 4 400 10,400 5 400 IO,OOOl We next prepare an amortization schedule for the fir~! mortgage loan. Although payments on the loan are made monthly, they ar~ shown JULJ.t.U(Of79 • • • .. Exhibit 1/ Schedule of Projected Annual Cash Flows 1m..l ~ Year 3 !.!!r.J :!!!!2 Gross lneome $85,000 $89,250 $93,713 $98,398 $103,318 Less: Vacancy and Collection Losses (4,250) (4,463) (4,686) (4,920) (5,166) Effective Gross I ncot!le $80,750 $84,787 $89,027 $93,478 $98,152 less: Operating Expenses (32,300) (33,915) (35.611) (37.391) (39,261) Net Operating Income $48,450 $50,872 $53,416 $56,087 $58,891 Less: Amortization of Loan Points (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) Interest Expense (37,894) (37,650) (37.380) (37,085) (36,759) Depreciation Expense: Building (15,180) (14,421) (13,700) (13,015) (12,364) Furnishings (28,300) (18,225) (13,668) (13,669) (13,669) Taxable lneome (LOS$) ($33,324) ($19,824) ($11,732) ($8,082) ($4,301) Net Operating Income (from above) $48,450 $50,872 $53,416 $56,087 $58,891 Less: Total Loan Payment (40,361) (40,361) (40,361) (40,361) (40,361.) Cash Flow Before Tax $8,089 $10,511 $13,055 $15,726 $18,530 Tax Effect (50% o! Taxable Loss)• 16,662 9,912 5,866 4,041 2,150 Cash Flow (After Tax) $24,751 $20,423 $18,921 $19,767 $20,680 •Note tn.at tile P<Opo<t)< -a tu lou for !!Kh year of the fi,..·yur hoidint periexl. The~· ..,in~t l)l't)Ciuc:ed by tile lo!Ms "'" apptoxim.tted by •Pt)ly•nt tile in ... stor's moilf111n•l •flec:ttu rate of 50% to :no amount of tnt losses. (Th<S usumH, of course, thll the <l1'111$1or n.as tual>lt onccme from ott>e< soun:u in order to ytolize the tu los.s.eo llt:nerate<J by tho! pn:operty.) ,~ annual p<.~y·ments by convention. Accord- 1gly, our schedule will appear as follows-: Unpaid Annual Interest Principal Prin~;ipal Year Payment Expense Payment Balance 0 S400,000 I $40,361 $37,894 $2,467 397.533 2 40,361 37,650 2.71! 394,822 3 40,361 37,380 2,981 391,84! 4 40,361 37,085 3,276 388,565 5 40,361 36,759 3,602 3&4,963 The depreciation schedule for the building ... ou!d be as follows: Year 0 l 2 3 4 5 Total Depreciation Expense Sl5,!80 14,421 13,700 13,015 12.364 $68,680 U ndepreciated Balance $303,600 288,420 273,999 260,299 247,284 234,920 The final schedule preliminary to preparing the projected ca~h flow schedule is the depreci- ation schedule for the furnishings. Using bonus depreciation and a switch to straight-line at the beginning of the fourth year (so as to achieve maximum depreciation) our schedule would be as follows: Year 0 I 2 3 4 5 Total Depreciation Expense S28,300" 18,225 13,668 13.669 7 13,669 $87,531 U ndepreciated Balance $101,200 7:,900 5·Ul75 41,007 27.338 13.669 Now we are ready to determine the project- ed annual cash flows generated by the property over the five-year holding period. This sched· ule is shown in Exhibit I (above) . Termination The assumption was made that the invest· ment will be terminated at the end of the fifth -HS- 63 Exhibit 2/ Cash Proceeds From Sale Calculalion of Tax Due: Gross Sales Price Less: Selling Expenses (7%) .Net Sales Price Less: Adjusted Basis: Original Basis Depreciation (Yrs.. 1-SJ Adjusted Basis Gain on Sale Depreciation Recapture Capital Gain Tax on Recapture (50% of $7 .960) Tax on Capital Gain (20% of $235,591) Total Tax Due Cash Proceeds from Sale: Gross Sales Price · Less: Selling Expenses Total iax Due Unpaid Mortgage Principal Prepayment Penalty on Mortgage Loan ($9,149)' Less Tax Savmgs (4,5 75)d Add: Tax Savings from Deduction of Unamortized Loan Points Cash Proceeds from Sale Total $638,000' (44,660) $593,340 $506,000 (156,211) $349,789 ---- $243,551 {7,960) $235.591 $ 3,980 47.118 $51,098 $638.000 (44.660) (51,098) (384,963) (4,574) $5,000" $157.705 •· T~ Hl!on0 pr•e• of!~ property ... , alfoca~.,a t><ttween land. buil61ng, and furn!\htngs based on an arm's length agrttt'hent bt- ~er. tnt Miler 1m1 buytr, b. The depreciation r..eapture (i.e., 1~ dtptOC11t10n 1!1owed .. r-uch exct"t:Q.:d tl\lt 'fll'tuc:h wou)d n.~ been allow•blt vnder the str••ih\·ilne mdhod) on the build•ne •• determ•~ as touo..s, ltU Deprlic•ation that .-ould haY!! been allowat>le u!'!Oer the stra•iht·lint mtth:l<l (auumonJ • l:llfl> wlval" value I Md<hQNII i)ept"'Ciat!On $68.680 !50.7201 s 7,960 Th\1$, $7.950 olltlt pin on tile sale of the build in& ts r..eapture<l, •.e., ....:oen•led A CW'tiir.vy lnc:ot'ne. fthole tne remo•ni~ S235.5SI of the lot& I '"'" is lona·ta<m capital eain. e. TM prep.llyrnt!nt per.arty is •• fot;o.s (~ auumplon 8): -146- Land Building $127,600 $~95,703 (8,932) {34,700) $118.&68 $461,003 $101,200 $303,600 -0· {68,680) $101,200 $234,920 $ $ 17.468 $226,083 -0· (7 ,960)" 17,468 $218,123 Amcvnt pte03•d. LHS: 20% x orJg1n11 prtncrpal of $400.000 Prtp.llymenl on excess .of 20% of (X'lliMI pnnclpal Prep.11yment penalty pereentaee f'n!p.llyment penalty Furnishings $14,697 (1,028) $13,559 $101.200 (87.531) $13,669 ·0- -0· -0· $384.963 180.0001 30.:.963 .03 $9.149 d. Althouwn the il'vestor ..,m pay .i prepayment penalty of $9, 14 9. tl>i• will be Ooductiblt in the yur the loon •• pal(! off. Since the ii'YHtor's rnarfinaJ e!!ecti .. l.ll• ratt woll 1>t 50'll.. ~ will hlvt tox ""vines of $4,575. Hence. the aner-tu c:o<t ot tne prep.11yment Pt!"•lty will be only $4,574. The ul\omo<lited PO'loon of the loan points ($10,000) will be a la>-doductlblt npenH if\ tne ,.., the loan •• Pll•d ol'f. Applying tht investor's marg.nal e!fect"-t to• rate of !>0% to tile l"'ount of the doduetlon •ill mull •n tax savinp of $5.000. .. ,. • 't.• "IRR overcomes many shortcomings of the conventional measures of return." year. Given a .5% annual (compounded) appre- ciation rate, the property will be sold for ap- proximately $638,000, which is allocated among land, building, and furnishings on an as- sumed arm's length basis. • The cash proceeds from the sale will be $1.57,70.5, as calculated in Exhibit 2 (on page 64). CALCUlATING INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN We now turn our attention to calculating the expected rate of return on the investment. As you recall, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the interest rate that equates the present value of the expected ..:ash inflows (including the sale proceeds) to the initial outlay of $118,000-and it is this interest rate we are seeking. This inter- est rate-the IRR-is found by trial and error. Using an arbitrarily selected rate, we calculate the present value of the expected ·cash inflows from the investment. 9 The present value so ob· tained is then compared with the initial cash outlay. lf the present value exceeds the cash outlay. the procedure is repeated using a his;ll· cr intcre:-1 mte. Conversely, if the present val- ue is less than the cash outlay, the procedure is repeateJ using a /own interest rate. Once we h::~ve two interest rates which straddle the I RR, i.e., one interest rate results in a higher present value and the other a lower present value than the initial cash outlay, we can determine the approximate IRR by "eyeballing" the dif- ferences or by interpolating them. This calcu- lation is shown in Exhibit 3 (opposite). The first two columns in Exhibit 3 show the years and the corresponding cash flows for those years. The third column shows the dis- ~:ount factors for an arbitrarily determined 20% interest rate, for years 1 through 5, obtained from a present value table. The factors are then multiplied by the cash flows for the corre- sponding years, resulting in the present value of each year's cash flow, as shown in the fourth column. The resulting present values are now added to determine the present value of the in· vestment. Since the present value ($ 126,985) exceeds the cash outlay ($118,000), we try a i><£ P'IIACTICAL 4CCOUNT.UCT higher rate (viz., 2.5%), and repea( the proce- dure. At an interest rate of 2.5%, the present value ($109, 174) is less than the cash outlay. Thus, the required IRR is straddled, i.e., we know that it falls between 20% and 2.5%. We can look at the two differences ($8,985 and $8,826), called net present value, and thus Exhibit 3/ Calculation of the Internal Rate of Return Trial and Error Computations: Present Present Value F'resent Value Interest Value of Interest Cash Factor Cash Flows Factor Year Flow (20%) (2) X (3) (25%) 1 $24,751 .833 $20,618 .800 2 20.423 .694 14,174 .640 3 18.921 .579 10,955 .512 4 19,767 .482 9,528 .410 5 20,680 .402 8,313 .328 5 157.705* .402 63,397 .328 Present Value of Investment 126,985 less: Initial Cash Outlay (118,000) Difference (Net Present Value) $8985 Approximating the IRR by lnterp<Jialion: 1. Present Value oil nvestment at 20% less: Present Value ollnvestment.)!t IRR (Equal to Initial Cash Outlay) Oil'ference !Dl> 2. Present Value of Investment at 20% Less, Present Value of Investment at 25% Difference (D2l Present Value of Cash Flows (2) X (5) $19,801 13,071 9,688 8,104 6,783 51,727 109,174 (118,000) ($8,826) $126,985 (118,000} $8.985 $126,985 (109,174) $17,811 IRR • Smaller Interest Rate ..;-01ti'erence in Interest Rates X (01 + 02) IRR • 20% + 5% ($8,985/17,811) IRR • 20% + 2.52% IRR • 22.52% •Tne $15 7, 705 represents the cash proceeds from the sale. -l4i- "eyeball" the IRR a.s being approximately midwav between 20 and 2Y;C, i.e., 22.5%, 'Y'hich may be close enough for OUI purposes. However, if we want to '-alculate it more precisely, we can interpolate these two dif- ferences. To calculate the interpolated IRR, we apply a fraction to the 5'/c difference between the two assumed intet·est rates (25%-2Ql1c). The numer· ator of this fraction is $8,985, i.e., the difference between (l) ..present value at 20'/c ($126,985) and (2) the ptesent value at the still undeter· mined IRR, whi'-h by definition is equal to the initial cash outlay ($118,000). The denominator is $I 7,81 I, the difference betwe:en the present values at 20"/c and 25% ($126,985-$109,!74). We apply this fraction (8,985 ..:. 17 ,811) to the 5% difference in assumed interest rates, and get 2.52% or .02520. Adding this .0252 to our lower assumed intere-st rate of 2Wc gives us an IRR of 2:?..52%.10 A FEW WORDS OF CAUTION Since the futu1 e produc.tivity of in,ome·pro· ducing real estate cannot be projected with a high degree of accuracy, a single I RR calcu· lation c.aunot be U6ed with a high degrt:e of cvn- 1 E.opec!&lly from the time a dts<:ussion of it appared '" flu f'roctit:al A.c,:oumo,t ln l9~r1 Sec A<ms.tro"nJ, .. How to £v.Juate a Rc.:.a.i t:sta1c ),... Vt!Umen\:· Tht ProcJu:tJl ACC'l:#l~thOM (Ju ... Au.-, t;-it}. pp .41-46. 2. Wiley ... Rul .t.su•t~ ln\'cStmen: ArWyiis. An Empinca.l Study ... Tht Appro/Sa! Journal I(Xtober l'fl6l. pp $U-$92. l fhe IX'• lion or th• >Cquisnion eusu alh.oc.ated to the land will, of eour><, nvt b< d~uctible while tht port tons ai!OG.ated to the buildllli and furnssh.lnr' will be depreclait:e: Q\'er thci1 respective bves. 4 Scc:tlof! 46 1\J) requires: that lo.an points be Oe:duc:tcd ra.tabl)c ovc:r the l&rm of the'"""· HcntO<. ~00 !Stl,QOO.')O yeanl will be oeductoc annuaJ. ly. 5 Ut><:>" >&lc of the prc>penr and the payrn.nt of tho unpaid pnrw:i'pal baJIIJ\ce of th< loo.l' ax tho end of the fifth year, th< enti"' una.moniud P<'l'!io" or k>&r. pomts (S!O,I)Oill will b< ocducted. 6 -,. additional "bonus' dcprooi&tion in the first year is 20'1< or the ¢qSt of t.anl;ibl• pe""'nal proptrty whoch has a useful life of "' lust llix yean., applied ID propeny <:<>•tina up to $20.000 ion a JOint "'turn). Thut the dcprcc•U•on doduetiotl for the first Y""' is e.lculatcd u lollowt: Bonus dcpn.::iallOII (20'Jii • $20,000) ~.!1100 R.c1ular depreciatiOn: O.p=iablo buit tAts: "bonus" dc!"""ci&tion Balance •ubject to n:Jut&r depreciation ~~ )I' W'llllht·iinc ...... of lt.-2!.!'11. O.proeiation UpeHW: for 'I'CAJ l $!01.200 . ..!"·~~ 9'1.200 7. Switched to tt.t straillht .11,.. ""''hod or dcp=ialion at the bqinninc of Year~. """" otnul!ht·lin• dcpnoeiation (as•umina. .c.cr.. w.._,c value) -148- fidence. Therefore, the IRR should be calcu- lated under varying sets of assumptions regard· ing gross income, operating expenses, property appr~iation, etc. The availab11lty of comput· ers simplifies the tedium of the calculations re· quired to undertake this "sensitivity analy- sis.'' 11 The IRR overcomes many of tht: short- comings of the more conventional measures of real estate return.11 However, the IRR should not be relied on as the exclusive criterion of investment desirability, since it does not take: into account risk and various non-financial considerations. 13 Moreover, there are several problems connected with the application of the JRR when comparing alternative real estate in- vestments, the nature of which we beyond the scope of this artide.14 ·In sum, while the ~..ur~~ •. epl!Jal simplicity of the lRR makes its calculation a eld.tively easy to explain, it is no panacea. It due-;,, however, overcome many of the shortcomings of the rule-of-thumb measures often employed in practi.:.e. As accountants, we should all be thoroughly familiar with the IRR computations since they can be extremely helpful in appro- priate cases. a on the S.C I ,007 llfl<lcp...,.;atood balat>tr uc-:to !~ dolcli~Un& ~ ill Y cat 4 Uld thefUI\er. I. for putpOSCJ Of our c:aieulation, it is usumed th&f the land """"" ,. ....... t.t m of the uxal nh>o, th&t the lumishilll• .... oold at • ,..... wllich. lifter O<od...:tion of £ht alloc&Mo totlhn& expense•. equals the Ul!l>- ~aated buio, IU!d th&t ttw: buildina rq>rea.cnu the b.l"""" of the Mia price. 9. In pr~~~:l.ic:•, the lRR is o!\cn dctcrmined by computer. WMn <:ak:\r latina the IRR ma.nuall) (with the aid of • c:aleulator), an analyso can. if ht bu. &1pcricn¢C ...tth simila.t propen)-tyt:~Cs.. Jid.ec:t an interest rate, t:bai .,..,....n 10 be • """"" approximatioll. JQ. Tile U.ll:'.'!-io an "''P''•inw• r&l< because our in"'rpol.ation usu"-" ....... Nlatioar.hipo wl>creu the rcl.atoonship< an, m fact. curv\linc:.v aooi ~ the .,.-uc.ru v&h.le iDI&rut factoro ,..,. rounded to C>ofy 3 dolcimt.l ...._,, I L Sec, e.,., Cooper Uld l'tlyrr, "foi"'C:Ulin& the llale• of llc:tum Oft "" Apartment Investment: A Cue Slu<:ty," 1M App.roi.uJI ),..,....,, (July tml. pp. lll-337. !1. f'or • ciioeuuion of tho shotl.c.omi""' o( oeveral of the .-e commonly -.d rule-of-thumb --oC ro.aJ aatato ,.., ...... , -koula<:, "Trutll m baS Estaao llc:poi-Una:· I(HJ EstGJt l(~v~<-w (Sprina tml. pp. 9(>.,, IJ. Wc:uMr, Schm'bcr, ...S !.yo~~, Alo..trti"f l••·rst•t~l'lll R<ol EstGJ• (~: Rca.kcn Natioft~ Mn.U.., !nii.IIUI&, 1975\, p. 46. For & cli1- -ion ot rill: Mt.lyllit -l"ybtT, "A C..mpuuor Simulalion Moclcllo ,.......,,... tho llill: in llc&l Eswe lavewncnt," """'rico• Rroi Estatt """' UrN~~ £c-• A.z....,;.o""" ;.,.,..,.., Uune Jm), pp. 4-71 14. For a ctitioruo of the pn>bOe..,. with t.br huernai Rat< of 1\.<tum u • ..,....,... ofra!U~ate ,...um.-"'""""'' IU!d Fiftd!ay, "llc&l E>~.at<: 1,_ -~ A~~: IRR \1~ Fhi.RR," Tl.t Real Estatr Appf'Oi#r Ut>ly·A"""t 1"7$), I"D· l--20 JIJUAUG17S • • 0 ,., 2 ·' .., 5 E 2 9 l c . 1 12 1 :; 14 15 15 . ..,. ' .. 18 1:3 20 TEXAS CONVENTIONAL PRE~OPERATIONAL COSTS LAND AND WATER RIGHTS IN YEAR 0 $ 0 FEASIEI~lTY STUDY IN YEAR 1 $ 23000 DESIGN ~ND DEVELOPMENT IN YEAR ~ $ 1'58700 CONSTRUCTION IN ~EAR 3 s 1796185" ANNUAL COSTS AN~ REVENUES 0 0 0 0 -15"810 -17232 -18784 -20474 -2~317 -2>4·~25 -26514 -2S9Cl -315"02 -:34337 -37427 -40796 44467 -48469 -528:32 -57587 -62769 PRCPEPT"r T~XES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q -149- co:; oF 0 0 0 0 101649 1 13847 ... 12750~ 142810 159947 175:41 200E2S 224714 251 E·SO 281 8·S2 315707 353592 3SE023 4.:.35.:.E ,JQ--..,.,., -t t I - 5563.34 6231~1 RE'v'ENL'ES FPOr-~ '="! ~'!="-·" .... -.-.-""":1 f"\ ,:_,lf_r"' . .J& .::,t ... -.j, 0 0 0 0 0 1'1 " c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,"\ 0 !"' '-c 0 0 -· .... : ....... -.. c 2 2 4 '5 E 8 9 10 < ' lEAR (' . ., "' ..; 6 .,. ' 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 . -• I 18 19 2C 0 '":""' -",..... (l .:.. :: \) ..... -sese ":· r. £:,.. ,_.\,.' --v ,.., ("_ t:!" r ·=''-·..:-;, :scs:; 305G 20'50 305C 3C5C 3050 -:.,".~~"'. -· '-'' ""'"' 0 :5E.7C l:-935 17S3E !7926 1:"'93€ ~793E. 17'?3E. 793E 17926 17936 1793E· 17936 17926 1192-6 '-c::;-:,c ... ) ""'_ ..... li9?S AT 7. 75':'. INTE:P:::ST 0 0 0 2300 1604 144E. 149: <tc='C"O ... ...., ·...1'-1 ~ .-.-1 . ~-.. 1E.7= 1~41 1809 1 1 c 1 1949 950 21 00 (C,.; 2253 e. 1: 24~8 4"=''=' 2E.27 -· ..:,, :: 2831 LOAN SCHE~ULE FOR DES! Gr; Af'~::J DE'JEI:O?MENT AT 111 INTE~EST 0 c l '57 1 1 15-467 15:95 ! 4~.93 145'59 1412-7 137;-"5 12809 12245 1 1619 10924 10152 9297 8347 ...,....,0"':· ' ..... _,_ E121 -150- ??WC I?AL 0 0 15S7C "':\'::'?C:: .... ___ _ 24ES 2741 3043 3377 3749 4161 4619 5127 SESl ,6217 7012 7783 863~ 953'? 0 2C700 192:4 ~ 7E.SE 1 E C -1. 14:2C8 1 '"7•~r~C • ..__ .._ ·...lw 10:59 70Q-I ..__.t• 54SE. .....,o·-:·1 -'-"-' .L 0 0 0 ~ .:!.C:E.G'5 .. 3~-1-'~ .,..,="::"~-... _ . ...,~ __ : :z~osr: 1 164~~ 1' :220 1 CSE-29 ~C": ~ -. ---l 92301 2·.;51 ~- """"'07Q J ·-'-.l' - • • • • YEAR 0 3 ..t 5 7 s 9 . " • 'J , . . ' lE-,.,. . ' '0 .;....,; •o ._, 20 PAYMENTS 0 0 0 17SE 1-S 203001 203001 203001 203001 203001 ~02~;=~! 203001 203CC: :·:3oo; 20-?.COi 203001 2030). 203001 203001 203001 2:'J30C1 203001 LOAN SCHErULE FOR CONSTRUCTION AT 11'.4 .INTEREST 0 0 0 0 1"':."'~0,.,.., •I I \,J.;..~ 175053 171978 1685E6 164778 :E-0573 1S590E 138.592 131~07 12:364:3 1 149 1 4 1052::::4 94469 E-9278 -151- PRINCIPAL 0 0 0 1i961e 25179 27949 31023 34436 3822..! 71494 79358 88088 9777"'7 !08~33 120472 1.'33:-"23 BALANCE 0 0 0 161656E· !591:387 1563432 1532415 1497980 1459756 !417328 1270233 1"317957 1 ..,~·:·::·-: ~ .:. ----·-J. : 124022· 1044670 956522 858805 /5027: 629801 496077 PRCJECT CAS~ FLOW YEAF. CASH FLOW • 0 c ·2300 '":) ·18920 ... '=' -200605 •. 4 -138148 5 -1273;"3 6 -l !5262 --101652 t C:• -~·6357 '-' 9 -69172 10 -49E.64 1 1 -281:-4 ·-. .:. -""59 ~ ·: :c~.:::- '·' .-573..;.:? 10:: 918~5' ·~ 15 ~30E19 17 174139 18 223003 19 277861 20 339444 ------------------------~------------------------------------------ • • -152- • ' • PRESENT WCRTH A~D R.Q. I. ANALYSIS AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 1~~ AND A SALES VALUE OF 52262959 "fEAR 0 1 2 :3 4 "" E· E 9 . ,... l. .... ~ . . . 12 1:3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 INTERNAL R.ATE PRESENT WORTH c -2000 -1630€ -148207 -22719.:0 -290520 -340351 -378566 -4CE.7SE -~:s..:.::= • 4 3S;-8':· -444241 -444983 -440658 -432554 -421255 -407306 -391124 -373105 -3535,91 -194573 OF RETUR~J -153- = EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH 0 -2:300 -100:30 -64911 -79578 -86667 -89933 -90992 -9C655 -89:37': -874~9 -849'35 -82091 -78926 -75562 -7204:3 -E.S40E -64679 -E·0836 -57045 -31085 101 YEt.R 0 3 4 s .. I 8 9 lC 1 1 12 l4 ,=: L •• 16 ·~ l. l 18 19 20 PROJECT CASH FLOW CASH FLOW 0 -2300 -18920 -200605 -138148 -1273i:?. -1 ! 5262 -101652 -8E·357' -69172 -49864 -2817"..; "'7·:! = """'~ _..,._,..-I 5724?. 91859 130E.lg 17412·9 223CC'3 !i7861 339444 -154- • • • • .. . . ·,_. PRESENT WCFTH AND R.O. [, ANALYSIS AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 20% AND A SALES VALUE OF S1697219 YEAR 0 1 ., ... 3 4 5 6 7 ~ '? 10 .. • • . ., ·-13 14 15 lE 17 f Q . ...., 19 20 PRESENT WQRTH 0 -1917 -15056 -131146 -197769 -248957 -28755~. -315927 _-:.-:·.:I*\, . ·-··--,_. 4 " -<:43--+1 7 -3~:"4;-o -361~62 -361347 -3e'8860 -354394 -348432 -34l3E7 -3335:8 -325142 -316444 -26332C INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN = 9'l -155- EQUIVALENT ANNUP..L WORTH c -2300 -9.S55 -62258 -76396 -83246 -86470 -8;-E4E _o-:-... -c .....,, .... t:· ._. -.se.ea:3 -S~265 -S3489 -81399 -79172 -76866 -74523 -72177 -69852 -E;-56E -6533-1 -5~074 ., PRESENT WJR7H AND ~.O,I, A~ALYS:S t.T A T: I5cc:,;~~7 F'ATE: OF 2'.57 A~D A SALES VALUE OF $:35777:: 0 1 .;. 3 A "' . ..; E 7 8 9 lQ 11 ,.., ·-! :';' :.::. 15 1E. 17 18 19 20 PRESENT WORTH 0 ·1840 -13949 -116659 -173244 -214981 -245197 -266515 -281003 -290287 -295641 -29806: -2SS 11 ::· -2!:E·E'5: -29.;1::3 -'?Of\ ·;·;:j-,. -"""to.'~-·-· 1 -287220 -283299 -27e2e1 -275277 -255709 INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN = 8% EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH 0 -2300 -9E,87 -59764 -73359 -79940 -83077 -84310 -84413 -83822 -82801 -81518 -80028 -78..;7"7 -7E915 -75376 -73885 ... 72456 -71 1 0 1 -69826 -64673 SUMMAPY OF ANALYSIS AT TIME OF SALE DISCOUNT RATE • 15 .2 .25 PRESEN7 WORTH -194573 -263320 -255709 YEAR 20 EQUrVALENT AI'JNUAL WORTH -31085 -54074 -64673 -156- PA''!'OUT PERIOD 20 20 20 I. R. R. 10~ 9% 8~ • • • YEAR 0 1 2 :3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • • TEXAS THRUSTER PRE-OPERATIONAL COSTS LAND AND WATER RICHTS IN YEAR 0 $ 0 FEASIBILITY STUDY IN YEAR 1 $ 2:3000 DESICN AND DEVELOPMENT IN YEAR 2 s 17827:3 CONSTRUCTION IN YEAR 3 $ 732050 ANNUAL COSTS AND REVENUES OS<M COSTS 0 0 0 0 -7058 ·7693 -8386 -9140 -9963 -10859 -11837 -12902 -14063 -15329 -16709 -18212 -19852 -216:38 -2:3586 -25708 -28022 PROPERTY TAXES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·157- COST OF ENERCY SAVED 0 0 0 0 9:2501 103601 116033 1:29957 145552 163018 182580 204490 229029 256512 287294 321769 360381 403627 452062 506310 567067 REVENUES FROM ENERC'!' SOLD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR PAYMENTS LOAN SCHEDULE FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY AT ta INTEREST PRINCIPAL BALANCE -----------------------------------------------------------------·---- 0 1 0 :2300 0 0 0 :2300 0 20700 ----------------------~----------------------------------------------- LOAN SCHEDULE fOR DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT AT 1U YEAR PAYMENTS INTEREST PRINCIPAL BALANCE ·------------------------~-------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 17827 0 17827 160446 3 :20148 17649 :2499 157947 4 20148 17374 2774 155173 5 20148 17069 3079 152094 6 20148 16730 3418 148676 7 20148 16354 3794 144882 8 20148 15937 4211 140671 9 20148 15474 4674 135997 10 20148 14960 5188 130808 1 1 20148 14389 5759 125049 12 20148 13755 6393 118657 13 20148 13052 7096 11156 1 14 20148 12272 7876 103684 15 20148 11405 8743 94942 16 20148 10444 9704 85237 17 20148 937F. 10772 74465 18 20148 6191 11957 62508 19 20148 6876 13272 49236 20 20148 5416 14732 34504 -158- .. • • .. • • . ' ''• •, YEAR PAYMENTS 0 0 1 0 2· 0 3 7320~ 4 8273~ 5 8273~ 6 82735 7 82733 a 8273~ 9 8273~ 10 8273~ 11 8273~ 12 82735 13 8273~ 14 8273~ 15 8273~ 16 8273~ 17 8273~ 18 8273~ 19 8273~ 20 8273~ LOAN SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION AT 11 ~ INTEREST 0 0 0 0 72473 71344 70091 68700 671~7 6~443 63341 61429 ~9086 56484 ~3~97 ~0392 46834 4288~ 38~01 33636 2823~ PRINCIPAL 0 0 0 7320~ 10262 11391 12644 1403~ 1~578 17292 19194 21305 23649 262~0 29138 32343 3~901 398~0 44233 49099 ~4500 BALANCE 0 0 0 658845 648~83 637192 624~49 610~14 594936 577644 5~8450 537144 ~1349~ 48724~ 4~8107 42~764 389863 350013 305780 2~6680 202180 -------------M------------------------------·--------------------------- -159-·. PROJECT CASH FLOW YEAR CASH FLOW 0 0 1 -2300 2 -17227 3 -93352 4 -17440 5 -6975 6 4765 7 17934 8 32706 9 49276 10 67861 11 88705 12 112083 13 138300 14 167702 15 200674 16 237647 17 279106 18 325594 19 377719 20 436162 • • -160- .. .. • • PRESENT WORTH AND R.O.I. ANALYSIS AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 15~ AND A SALES VALUE OF S2907747 YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 i a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 INTERNAL RATE PRESENT WORTH 0 -2000 -15480. -76861 -86833 -90300 -88240 -81498 -70807 -56799 -40025 -20959 -10 22468 46169 70831 96227 122163 148473 175013 379327 OF RETURN ,., .. -161- EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH 0 -2$00 -9522 -3$66$ -30414 -26938 -23316 -19589 -15779 -11904 -7975 -4005 -2 4024 8065 12113 16161 20202 24229 28236 60602 •3a PRESENT WORTH AND R.O.I. ANALYSIS AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 20~ AND A SALES VALUE OF $2180810 YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .19 20 INTERNAL ?RESENT WORTH 0 -1917 -14297 -68321 -76731 -79534 -77938 -72933 -65327 -55777 <•44817 -32878 -20308 -7382 5680 18705 31559 44139 56369 68192 136453 RATE OF RETURN -162- £QUI VALENT ANNUAL WORTH 0 -2300 -9358 -32433 -29640 -26595 -23437 -20233 -17025 -13837 -10690 -75=8 -4575 -1629 1232 4001 6673 9244 11714 14079 28C7.1 = 31~ • PRESENT WORTH AND R.O.I, ANALYSIS AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 2~X AND A SALES VALUE OF $1744648 YEAR 0 1 2 3 .... ~ 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 INTERNAL RATE PRESENT WORTH 0 -·1840 -13249 -61046 -68190 -7047~ -69226 -6~46~ -~9978 -53364 -46078 -38458 -30756 -23153 -15777 -8717 -2027 42~8 10123 15566 40709 OF J;~ETURN EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH 0 -2300 -9201 -31274 -28874 -26206 -23455 -20709 -iS017 -15409 -12905 -10518 -8256 -6125 -4126 -22~9 -522 1089 2577 3949 10296 = 30'1 SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS AT TIME OF SALE DISCOUNT RATE .15 .2 .25 PRESENT WORTH 379327 136453 40709 YEAR 20 EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH 60602 28021 102.96 -163- PAYOUT PERIOD 13 14 17 31X 31X 30'1 YEAP 0 2 3 4 "" "' e. 7 8 9 tC 1 ! 12 13 14 15 16 ..... • I 18 19 20 TENNESSEE CON"vENTIONAL PRE-OPERATIONAL COSTS LAND AN~ WATEP RIGHTS IN YEAR 0 $ 0 FEASIEILIT1 STUDY IN YEAR 0 s 0 DE5ICN AND DEVELOPMENT IN YEAR 0 s 34260 CONS7R~CTION !~ YEAR Ot~M COSTS c 0 -":·t"\CI:' -..,;-..; .... -2240 -Z442 -2E~·Z -290: -au;::. -8447 -3757 -409E· -4464 -48Se:. -5304 -5781 -6301 -68E!: -7487 -8161 -2·895 -9696 PF:OPER'!"Y TAXES 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 228470 COST OF ENERGY SAVED 0 0 39940 4.6!732 50100 ~6 i 12 E·284E ~0387 788~:~ oc-.c ,, \..1\,../tC..-·""f 98889 110756 124C46 t3S932 155604 174276 195189 21SE.l2 244845 274227 307l:S4 REVENUES FROr-'1 ENERCr SOLD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C' c 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 c • .. • LOAN SCHEDULE FOR DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT YEAF! PAYMENTS INTEREST PF!INCIPAL BALANCE 0 3426 0 3426 308'34 1 3499 2929 570 30264 2 3499 2875 624 29640 3 3499 2816 683 289.'57 4 3499 2751 748 28209 .. 3499 2680 819 27390 ~ 6 3499 2602 897 26493 7 3499 2517 982 25511 8 3.:199 2424 1075 24436 9 3499 .,"='..,. ---i 1178 23259 .. t· -· t.-...--~-== 2ZlC ,...,OQ ..... '-'-2196'S l 1 3499 2087 1412 20557 12 3493 1953 1546 190~1 13 3499 1806 1693 17318 14 3499 1E45 18~4 15465 15 3499 1469 2030 13435 16 3499 1276 2223 11212 17 3499 1065 2434 8779 18 3499 834 2665 61:4 19 3499 581 2918 3195 20 3499 304 3195 0 . I • ' ... -165- LOAN SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION YEAR PAYMENTS INTEREST PRINCIPAL BALANCE • c 0 0 0 0 1 22E47 0 22847 205623 ..., 23333 19534 ":)~QC -_}f -..; 20182~ 3 23::t33 19173 4150 19766~ 4 23333 18778 4555 193108 5 23333 18345 4988 188120 6 23333 17871 5462 182652 ..,. 23333 17353 5981 !76677 ' c :!2::t33 1678.; 654S 170122 '-' ~ 23333 16162 ~~..,., I ~ I .J. 16::9'57 1 0 23:3,?~· 15421 "":"OE:"-: , '.J._j·-15:1C.:! ~:=··:::33 ~ 4~·;tc:: ~==c _, . ..,t_-l..;.E::2E 1::i. 233:33 13·31 e 9415 13709(: ~3 23333 13024 10310 12E.7S: 14 23:3:';:3 12044 l 1"'0C _....,; 1 1549~ 15 23333 10972 12362 103130 16 23333 9797 1353E, 89594 17 23333 8511 14822 74772 18 23333 7103 16230 58541 19 23333 :561 1-... -'"' I l I ..:. 407E9 20 ~:.=::333 30":'-'liooJI ·~ 19460 21309 • -166- • PROJECT CASH FLOW YEAR CASH FLOW -~-------------------------------------------------------------------------· 0 -~426 1 -26346 2 11052 3 15660 4 20826 5 26618 6 33112 7 40392 s 48554 9 57704 • t' 67961 J. ._ .. 1 \ .. 79459 '~ .. ..::. q~-· •Q --·~'""!'liWO.I 13 106796 14 122990 15 141142 16 161488 17 184293 18 209852 19 238499 20 270606 II -167- _ .... - PRESENT WORTH AND R.O.I. ANALYSIS AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 151 AND A SALES VALUE OF 51804041 YEAR 0 1 ., 3 .:. C' ... € c; ;.;. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ·-L i lE 19 20 PRESENT WOPTH -3426 -26336 ... 17979 -768:::: .. ,~c: ...... ...:..,.., 174':'3 3~7-:"4 -+69~S 62831 79235 96033 1:3113 130373 147730 165113 182458 199716 216841 23379e. 250S56 377318 INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN -168- .. EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH -S426 -30286 -11059 -3365 1480 5::::08 .~.3~6 t t ~C."":!' .l. "-.1-'-'' 14002 16505 19135 21612 24051 26460 2884:: 31203 33542 358~8 8E:.l!B 40424 6028: 63,;, • , • • • • ill ~ •• • • • •• ' PRESENT WORTH AND R.O. I, ANALYSIS AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 20~ AND A SALES VALUE OF 513~3031 YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,. c. .. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 lS 19 20 INTERNAL RATE PRESENT WCRTH -3426 -2!5381 ·17706 -8644 1-'00 12C97 2318S 31~459 4~7=1 56934 67910 78605 88962 98944 108523 1176S4 t'2641S 1347:2~ 142607 150072 192423 OF RETURN -169- "' EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH -3426 -30457 -11589 -410::3 541 404'! 6972 9560 11923 t-·124 lo19S 18166 20040 21829 23538 25170 26729 28217 2=635 ~0984 ',9515 63~ PRESENT WORTH AND P.O. I. ANALYSIS AT A ~15COUN! FL~E OF 25: ANI:' A SALES VA:....UE OF $102.2425 YEA.R 0 1 2 5 4 5 E· 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1-.:. 1 ~:=t . ' -~ '"' J.- 1 E· 17 18 19 20 INTERNAL RATE PRESENT WORTH -3426 -24'503 -17430 -9412 -882 7841 16521 24992 SS13S 40883 4S18C 55005 51 :?.51 ~~"":"~-:,.: ,_ f ........ -... 72E.32 77"598 ~.::: i 4:.?. 86292-. 90072 98'511 1 091 ~ 0 OF RETURN =· EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH -3426 -30628 -12104 -4822 -373 2915 5598 7906 9954 11805 15494 15044 16470 1 ~...,.t!~*• .i. I I \J•:O ~c.:-e;-. 4 W--.;:. 20107 21131 22070 22931 ~3719 27596 63% SUMMARY OF ANALYSiS AT TIME OF SALE DISCOUNT RA7E • 15 .25 PRESENT WORTH 377318 192423 109110 YEAR 2C EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH 60281 39515 27596 -170- PAY0\...!7 PERIOD 4 4 5 • • • YEAF: 0 1 2 3 4 Cit ..., 6 ..,. ' s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 6 17 18 19 20 ) • TENNESSEE THRUSTER PRE-OPERATIONAL COSTS LAND AND WATER RIGHTS IN YEAR 0 s 0 FEASIBILITY STUDY IN YEAR 0 S 0 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT IN YEAR 0 s 34250 CONSTRUCTION IN YEAR s 12'5400 ANNUAL COSTS AND REVENUES COS7S 0 0 ·10~3 -11 s 1 -1299 -1416 -1'542 -1682 -183.2 -1998 -2178 .. 2:=74 _.,~QO -·-'-'W ·2821 -3074 -3351 -36'53 -3981 -4340 -4730 -51'56 FPOPEPTY TAXES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·171-. ENERG"l' SA\E::J 0 0 38254 42844 47986 '53744 60193 6741E 75506 84567 947l5 106081 118810 133068 149036 166920 1869'51 20938'5 234511 262652 294170 PE'-/E: JUES FR·JM ENERGY SOLD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " .. LOA~ SCHEDULE FOR DESICN AND DEVELOPMENT AT 9.5~ YEAR INTEREST PRINCIPAL 0 34!6 0 3426 1 3499 2929 570 2 34~9 2875 624 3 3499 2816 683 4 3499 2751 748 c 3499 2680 819 "' 6 3499 2602 897 .. 3499 2517 982 I 8 349~ 24!4 107"5 9 3499 2321 1178 l () "':1 ,;QQ -·""""""'""' ~2!C 1289 1 ~ 2499 2087 1412 l"' 3499 1953 1546 1 ::· 3499 i80E 1693 14 3499 1645 1854 •c lw 3499 1469 2030 16 2499 1276 2223 17 3499 106.5 2434 18 2499 834 2665 19 3499 581 2918 20 3499 304 3195 -172- BALANCE 30834 30264 29E.40 28957 28209 27390 2649:= . 25'511 2443E 23259 2!969 20S5f 190ll 17318 15465 13435 )1212 8779 6114 3195 0 I • / I I • LOAN SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCT! ON ... YEAR ?AYMEN'!"S INTEREST • ?RINCI?AL BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 1 12540 0 12540 112860 2 12807 10722 2085 110775 3 12807 10524 2283 108491 4 12807 10307 250C 105991 c: 12807 10069 2738 103253 ·.I 6 12807 980-= 299·S 100255 .,. 128a7 I QC'~1 .... ...,._..., 328:3 96973 8 12807 9":11":1 -· ... 3595 92372 s 12807 8871 3S36 8~4..:!2 . ·" l2.SJ;"' 84'::!7 431C oc: ~ ·~"':' ... •.· """'"""·~ .... 1 1 12807 8088 4719 80412 12 12807 7639 5168 75245 13 12807 7148 5659 69586 14 12807 6611 6196 63390 15 1280;:' 6022 6785 56605 16 12807 C:':>..,...,. ...J-....J t I 7430 49175 17 12807 4672 8135 41040 13 12807 3899 8908 32132 19 12807 3052 5754 22377 20 12.S07 2126 lOE.s: ~ 1696 • ~173~ "i •• .. . II FRCJECT CASH FLOW YEAR CASH FLOW • -----------------------------------~---------------------~------------------ 0 -342E· -16039 2 208~5 3 25347 4 30381 5 36022 6 42344 .,. 49~29 I 8 57367 9 66263 lC 7E231 .. 87-'C'l J. • !2 9~917 ~ =· : : :?9 4 1 14 L29E.5E 15 147263 !6 166992 17 189097 19 2138E·5 19 241616 20 272708 • -174- • • PRESENT WORTH AND R.O. I. ANAL~2:S AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 15% AND A SALES VALUE CF Sl81BOSS YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 .,. , 8 9 10 1 ' .. ~ "':'• ·-13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 INTERNAL RATE PRESENT WORTH -3426 -17373 -1604 15062 32433 30342 68S49 87231 105984 124820 143662 162~':0 18112.': 19964:3 217967 236065 253911 271483 28.~764 305741 433488 OF RETURN -liS- "' EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH -3426 -19979 -986 6597 11360 15018 19140 20967 23619 25159 28E.2S 3!039 33A.l4 357!38 38076 40371 42644 44894 47122 49327 69255 1101, PRESENT WORTH AND R.O. ;, ANALYSIS AT A C!SCOUNT RATE OF 20% AND A SALES VALUE OF $1363541 YEAR 0 1 "':' .... 3 4 5 6 ..,. I 8 e : 0 1 1 12 13 14 1'5 16 17 18 19 20 INTERt~AL RATE PRESENT WORTH -3426 -16792 -2309 12359 27010 41487 55668 69463 82804 95646 !C795~, 119721 l-',0"':'0 ;,v..,-o 141577 151675 161234 170266 178789 185822 19438'5 Z8t065 OF RETURN -176- .. EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH -3426 -20150 -1512 5857 10.434 13872 16740 19271 21580 ~·~'7,.,0 .. _. _ ...... ..,t:""':!"'IC"!"'. --" •..tf\,( 27668 :2s~e2. 31235 32897 34485 36000 37446 38823 40133 48683 11 0 "· • • 1 • • ' • PRESENT WORTH AND R.O.I. ANALYSIS AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 25~ AND A SALES VALUE OF 51090833 YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 , 6 7 s 9 10 • 1 ... 12 13 14 15 1€- 17 18 19 20 INTERNAL RATE PRESENT WORTH -3426 -162~7 ..;2910 10068 22~12 34315 45416 5~782 65406 74300 82485 89993 96859 103!23 108825 114007 118707 122965 126818 130300 146020 OF RETURN .. EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WOPTH -3426 -20321 -2021 ~1~8 9~32 12760 15388 17646 19648 21455 23102 24612 26002 27221 2S4Se. 29541 30536 31449 32286 33051 36931 11 0'1. SUMMARY OF ANALlS~S AT TIME OF SALE DISCOUNT PATE • 15 .2 .25 PPESE:'-JT :..JOPTH 433488 237065 146020 YEAR 20 EQUIVAl..ENT ANNUAL WORTH 6925~ 48'683 36931 PAYOUT PERIOD 3 3 3 . ' 11 0'4 11 0'4 1101. ~ YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 c:: "" 6 "'!' ' 2 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 1~ 16 17 18 19 20 CALIFORNIA CONVENTIONAL PPE·OPERATIONAL COSTS LAND AND WATER RIGHTS IN YEAR 0 $ 0 FEASIBILITY STUDY IN YEAR s 23000 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT IN YEAR 2 s 294389 CONSTRUCTION IN YEAR 3 $ 164298£. COSTS 0 0 0 0 ·11914 -1 :2ee~ ·141'55 -15429 -16817 -18331 -199Sl -21779 -23739 -25875 ·28204 -30743 -33509 -365:::5 ·39812 -43396 -47301 ANNlAL COSTS ANr REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COST OF ENERCY SAVED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REVENUES FROM ENERGY SOLD 0 0 0 0 170912 191.428 214:::·99 240127 268942 301215 337361 377844 423186 473968 530844 594'546 665891 745798 835294 935529 1047792 -----------------------------------------------------------------------· -178- , • ~CAN SCHEDULE FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY • AT 8'1 YEAR PAYMENTS. INTEREST PRINCIPAL BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 1 2300 0 2300 20700 2 2108 1656 452 20248 3 :2108 1620 489 197:39 4 2108 1581 528 19232 5 2108 1539 570 18662 6 2108 1493 615 18046 7 2109 1444 665 17382 (i~ e 2108 1391 71·S 166.64 9 2108 1333 ~~-I f -15889 1(1 2 ~ :j~. ,,.,""'!'J1 S:?7 15051 ,_, . • 1 2:C3 1204 '304 14!47 .. . ... . .:. 210S 1132 Q.,._ ""'I / 1317 • 13 :2108 1054 1055 12116 14 2108 969 1139 10977 15 2108 SiS 1230 9747 16 2108 780 1329 8418 17 2108 673 1435 6983 18 2108 559 1550· 5433 19 2108 4:35 1E74 3760 20 2108 301 1808 1952 . . .. , . -179-... ... "" LOAN SCHEDULE FOR r DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT AT ax YEAR FA'l'MENTS INTEREST PRINCIPAL BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 29439 0 29439 264950 3 26986 21196 5790 259160 4 26986 20733 6253 2'52.907 s 26986 20233 6753 246154 6 26986 19692 7293 238860 .., 26986 I 19109 7877 230984 8 26986 18479 8507 ~2~477 9 26986 17798 9188 2132E9 ~c 2E.98E 17063 9923 20836E 1 1 ZE.9S=· l52ES 1071£ 1;-:e.s::: . -26986 J,.;.. 15412 11574 181076 13 2E.986 l44~S 12500 168577 14 26986 13486 13500 1'55077 15 26986 12406 14'580 140498 16 26986 11240 15746 1247~2 17 26986 9980 17006 1 0774E. 18 26986 8620 18366 89380 19 26986 7150 19835 69'545 20 26986 5'564 21422 48123 • -130- LOAN SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION AT Sl. YEAR PAYMENTS INTEREST PRINCIPAL BALANCE 0 0 0 0 a 1 0 a 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 164299 0 164299 1478688 4 150608 118295 32313 1446375 5 150608 115710 34898 1411478 6 150608 112918 37689 1373788 7 150608 109903 40705 1333084 e 15060·S 106647 43961 1289123 9 150608 1 ~·'3l~':l 4.7478 1241645 . ~ !~O~iJ= 993:?: ~:~76 ! 1sc:se·~ ' . 1 ! 150608 952:;0 ~5378 1134991 12 150608 90799 ~9808 1075182 13 150608 8601'! 64593 1010589 14 150608 80847 69760 940829 15 150608 75266 75341 865488 16 1SOE.Q8 69.239 81369 784119 17 150608 62730 87878 696241 18 150608 55699 94908 601333 19 150608 48107 102501 498832 20 150608 39907 110701 388130 • -181- . ' PRCJECT CASH FLOW ' YEAR CASH FLOW 0 0 -2300 .;. -Sl54i ;: -193893 4 -20698 5 -1250 6 20543 ":" 44997 ' 8 72423 9 103188 10 !37'679 11 1753E.4 < -. ' .:. z:e;.!s 1 :? 2~,.~."?~ 1 . .:: s::.2s:::e 15 38.:! 1, 01 16 452E·80 '-529571 ! 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YEAR PAYMENTS INTEREST PRINCI?AL BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 1 2300 0 2300 20700 2 2108 l656 452 20248 3 2108 1620 489 19759 4 2108 1 ~.s 1 528 19232 5 2108 1539 570 18662 6 2108 t49:3 615 18046 7 2108 1444 665 17382 Q 21 oe. 1391 718 16E-64 .... 9 2108 1?33 --... 11-..J 15889 l 0 2108 .~~· 0":>":-1':051 J. ..:. .• i "o.J·-'J ! ~ Z!OS 120~ 904. !.:J.l47 !2 2108 l • ":;"' .... __ 9:--7 ~2!71 1.::, '}~t\Q 1 ·: r:..! " ..... ,:-: .. "": J t c: . -· .... J. ·~·~ .... ., ·--J.-"' 4;·-· ... . -"":•. (\ ~ -· .,.._. 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I 0 182862 .... 9 215E55 lC 252356 2935E.·:J ~2 329::~·s .. --;:. 2"?:350 1 •1 4.:19240 '"' 514095 .. --· 16 58E757 17 J.l 668161 18 759·::59 19 851530 20 975991 -190- -, ... PRESENT WORTH AND P.O. I. ANALYSIS AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF te% AND A SALES VALUE OF $6506609 YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 s 6 ..,. J 8 s 1 0 ' ' 12 •':"! . ·-' l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 r f,;TEP.NAL RATE '-.~ .·. PRESENT WORTH 0 -2000 -18364 -s 1155 -33502 18281 73390 131131 1909CS 252211 31~6CO ,?7~6·:.; 44112·7 504792 '568283 631462 694166 756255 817615 878151 1335340 OF RETUR~J -19'1- = EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH 0 -2300 -11296 -35544 -11735 5454 19392 31519 42544 '52857 62685 -""""" _,.. ... .:...~.o: 81391 90414 99272 107991 116584 125060 133424 141678 213336 ·90% . . PRESn~T WOR7H A~J!:). F·, 0, I.. ANAl,.. ~-sIS AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 20% ANJ A SALES VALUE OF ~4879957 YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 ~ "" e. 7 ~. s 1 c 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PRESENT WORTH 0 -1917 -16946 -72210 -3.2017 9841 ~2030 95395 13792:? l""c-•o I .,11 ......... Z204E2 25999! 2<=lB08.S 334666 369655 403023 434759 464876 493398 520365 673111 :NTERNAL RATE OF RE7URN -192- = EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH 0 -2300 -11092 -34280 -12368 3291 15796 26465 3594.! 44584 ~259C 60085 67!49 73834 80176 86199 9192-e. 97364 102531 107436 138228 ~ 0 ':4 .. PRESENT WORTH AND R,Q,I, ANALYSIS AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 25% AND A SALES VALUE OF $3903965 YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 c "" 6 ..,. I 8 9 lO ~ ~ 12 .~ 14 15 !6 17 18 19 20 :NTERNAL !'.ATE PRESENT WORTH 0 ·1840 -15691 ·645S5 -30447 3682 37098 69309 999SS 128932 15E.033 181250 :20459: ::26107 245865 263953 280469 :295514 309194 321610 377872 OF RETURN = EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH 0 ·2300 -10896 ·330S7 ·12893 1369 12569 21925 30036 37230 43701 -'9571 = -~.: ":'!·"': ·-., ~ -- 5'3815 64294 68395 7:214S 75581 78716 81578 9~570 so~ SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS AT TIME OF SALE DISCOUNT RATE • 15 .2 .25 PRESENT WORTH 1335340 673111 37787:2 EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH 213336 13S228 95570 PAYOUT PERIOD 5 5 5 I.R.R, SOl SOl 80'%. ----·--------------------------------------------------·---·-------·-- -193- 41U.S. GOVERNMeNT PRINTING OFFICE 1981·740·14S-'27&4 . ~ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technlcallnfonnatlon Service 8Ditnafleld, v •. 22111 D NTIS·65 (9·79) OFFICIAL BUSINESS POSTAGE AND FEES PAID ~ J U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE COM-211 U.S. MAIL ® 1 VALUE OF SHIPMENT DDCUIElto:iolloP:-li)Otl'rllloCTNO. PURCHASE ORDER NO. 8656791 CARD SERIAL NO. DEPOSIT ACCT. NO. ORDERED A8 THIS IS NOT A BILL. IT IS YOUR RECORD OF SHIPMENT. INVOICE WILL FOLLOW FOR SHIP A.<D BILL. FOR ANY ADJUSTMENT ON THIS ORDER. PLEASE RETURN THIS CARD WITH YOUR CORRESPONDENCE. , ·- NO. OF COPIES ~ -r _.