HomeMy WebLinkAboutChignik Lake Hydroelectric Recon Feasibility Study 2-1-2010Chignik Lake Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Feasibility Study ·" . ; .... , ... Knight Hesold CONSULTING Rev. No. A Lake and Peninsula Borough Chignik Lake Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Feasibility Study Date February 1, 2010 February 1, 2010 prepared for: Lake and Peninsula Borough P.O . Box 495 King Sal mon, Alaska Telephone: (907) 246-3421 Facsimile: (907) 246-6602 prepared by: Knight Piesold and Co. 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203-1512 USA Telephone: (303) 629-8788 Facsimile: (303) 629-8789 E-mail: denver@knightpiesold.com KP Project No. DV103.00240 .01 Description Knight Piesold Issued for Review J . Dwyer Client Lamar Cotten Knight Piesold CONSULTING Lake and Peninsula Borough Chignik Lake Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Feasibility Study Executive Summary This report presents a reconnaissance-level investigation of three alternatives for the construction of a small run-of-river hydropower facility at Chignik Lake, Alaska and includes discussions of the site characteristics, hydrology and hydraulics , analysis of the alternatives , preliminary cost estimates, and an economic analysis. The report is based on a site visit in October 2009, a previous reconnaissance study by the U.S . Army Corps of Engineers (U .S . Army Corps of Engineers, 1980), and information from vendors , experience with similar projects, and published information on developing small hydropower projects. Construction of a hydropower facility at Chignik Lake presents many challenges due to its remoteness from a major urban center and the lack of existing road access to possible sites for a hydropower plant. The village is located on the Alaska Peninsula approximately 470 miles southwest of Anchorage and is accessible only by boat or by air. The local runway is a 3200-foot gravel airstrip that is suitable only for small aircraft. Water access is via the Chignik River, which is subject to tidal fluctuations, and is only navigable for boats with a shallow draft. These factors will result in a relatively high cost per installed kilowatt to construct a hydropower plant, due to the high costs of mobilization , transport of equipment and materials , and construction of penstocks and transmission lines in remote areas . Three streams in the vicinity of the village studied as potential locations for a hydropower facility were: Bear Creek (Alternative 1 ), Cucumber Creek (Alternative 2), and Landing Creek (Alternative 3). Since there is currently no streamflow data for these streams, average monthly flows were estimated using gaged data from a stream on Kodiak Island with sim ilar watershed and climatic characteristics . Before a definitive feasibility study can be completed for this project, a gage should be installed on one or more candidate streams and a minimum of one year of continuous flow data collected. This is necessary to determine the energy generation potential, the variability in stream flow, and the amount of flow required to maintain fisheries habitat. A fisheries study will also be required, since all of the candidate streams for a hydropower project include anadromous fish habitat. The current average electricity demand for the village is about 48 kilowatts, and significant growth in demand is not anticipated in the near future . In addition , there is no readily available market for any excess power that may be produced . Therefore, the concept for this study was to minimize costs by designing a facility that generally meets the current needs of the village without producing excess power. The approach was to keep the intake , penstock sizes, turbine/generator size , etc, relatively small to minimize the construction costs at this remote site . Keeping the size of the facility small should limit the need for the construction of expensive access to the diversion and powerhouse sites . The estimated average annual energy production is 788 megawatt-hours for Alternative 1 (Bear Creek), 830 megawatt-hours for Alternative 2 (Cucumber Creek) and 545 megawatt-hours for Alternative 3 (Landing Creek. Estimated costs of the three alternatives are US$3,013 ,288 for Alternative 1, US$3 ,651 ,262 for Alternative 2 , and US$2 ,043,570 for Alternative 3. An economic analysis of each alternative was conducted using the HOMER Micropower Optimization Model (U.S . Department of Energy, 2005). The HOMER model output includes several economic measures, including present worth , that show the value of the difference between the hydropower alternative and the current diesel-only system . The present worth is the difference between the net present cost of the alternative system and the diesel-only system , where the net present cost is the Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A ES-1 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING present value of all system costs incurred over the project lifetime (including capital costs, replacement costs, operation and maintenance costs, and fuel costs) minus salvage value . Present worth shows how much the alternative system saves over the project lifetime compared to the diesel-only system, and is the primary measure for comparing the economic feasibility of the two systems . The benefit/cost ratios for each alternative compared to the diesel-only system were also calculated by adding the net present cost to the present worth and then dividing by the net present cost. Each alternative was compared to the current diesel system using three assumed prices for diesel fue l: the cu rrent price of US$3.78 per gallon , a price of US$4.62 per gallon , and a price of US$5.54 per gallon . This approach gives an idea of how the economics of each alternative compares to the current system assuming different prices for diesel , which is the major determinant of the cost of energy produced by the current system . At a diesel cost of US$3.78 per gallon, the benefit/cost ratios are 1.06 for Landing Creek, 1.03 for Bear Creek , and 0.89 for Cucumber Creek. At US$4 .62 pe r gallon , the benefit/cost ratios are 1.17 for Landing Creek , 1.18 for Bear Creek, and 1.03 for Cucumber Creek. At US$5.54 per gallon , the benefit/cost ratios are 1.28 for Landing Creek , 1.34 for Bear Creek, and 1.18 for Cucumber Creek. Using the benefit/cost ratio as a criterion , Landing Cree k (Alternative 3) is the most economically feasible when diesel is US$3.78 per gallon . However, when diesel rises to US$4.62 per gallon , Land ing Creek and Bear Creek (Alternative 1) are nearly equal. When the price of diesel is US$5.54 per gallon, Bear Creek becomes the most economically attractive alternative . If Lake and Peninsula Borough decides to continue investigating a hydropower project at this site , recommendations include : • Investigate whether suitable financing is available to develop the Bear Creek or Landing Creek sites, given the economic benefits. Before the Landing Creek site is considered , determine if Chignik Lagoon Native Corporation (CLNC) will all ow the City of Chignik Lake to develop a hydropower project at this site, since Land ing Creek is located on CLNC property. • Install a stream gage at the selected site and collect a minimum of one year of streamflow data to provide a sound basis for a feasibility study . At least 5 or 6 manual measurements should be taken at a range of flow depths to develop a reliable rating curve , or an inst ream we ir should be instal led. • Perform topographic surveying between the potential diversion site and the powerhouse location to better define the site topography, the penstock alignment, and the total available head . • Conduct a geotechnical investigation along the proposed alignment of the transmission line to determine the foundation requirements for the transm iss ion line poles . • Conduct an investigation of fisheries' resources to determine the requirements for bypass flows . • Initiate discussions with state and federal agencies to identify potential environmental and permitting issues. • Conduct a definitive feasibility study after additional streamflow, fisheries , and topograph ic data is collected. -------·----·---------- Chignik Lake Reconnaissan ce Feasibility Stu dy, Rev A ES-2 Knight Pi,esold C O NSULTIN G Lake and Peninsula Borough Chignik Lake Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Feasibility Study Table of Contents Page Executive Summary ................................................................................................ ES-1 Section 1 .0 -Introduction .......................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1.1 Scope of Work ............................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 .2 Sources of Information .................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Limitations and Disclaimer ............................................................................................................ 1-1 1.3 Contributors and Contacts ............................................................................................................ 1-2 Section 2.0 -General Site Conditions ....................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Site Location ................................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Basin Description .......................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.3 Climate .......................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.4 Geology ......................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.5 Alternatives ................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.6 Permitting ...................................................................................................................................... 2-1 Section 3 .0 -Hydrology ............................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Hydrologic Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 3-1 Section 4.0 -Project Alternatives .............................................................................. 4-1 4 .1 Description of Alternatives ............................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2 Alternative 1 -Bear Creek ........................................................................................................... .4-1 4.3 Alternative 2 -Cucumber Creek .................................................................................................. .4-2 4.4 Alternative 3 -Landing Creek ...................................................................................................... .4-2 Section 5.0 -Energy Generation Potential ............................................................... 5-1 Section 6.0 -Estimated Costs ................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Basis for Construction Costs ......................................................................................................... 6-1 Section 7 .0 -Economic Evaluation ........................................................................... 7-2 7.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 7-2 7 .2 Inputs and Assumptions ................................................................................................................ 7-2 Section 8.0 -Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................. 8-1 8.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 8-1 --------------·-----------· -- Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A i --------------------------·------ Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING 8.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................................ 8-2 Section 9.0 -References ............................................................................................ 9-1 Section 10.0 -Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................... 10-1 Figures Figure 2.1 Hydroelectric Facility Alternative Locations Figure 3 .1 Mean Monthly Unit Discharges for Myrtle Creek near Kodiak, AK (1964-1986) Figure 4 .1 Typical Turbine Plan and Details Figure 5.1 Average Monthly Power Output -Alternative 1 -Bear Creek Figure 5 .2 Average Monthly Power Output -Alternative 2 -Cucumber Creek Figure 5.3 Average Monthly Power Output-Alternative 3 -Landing Creek Appendix A Cost Estimates Appendix B HOMER Model Output Appendices Appendix C Community Planning Map of Chignik Lake Appendix D Design Drawings for Existing Chignik Lake Power Plant Photos Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A ii Knight Piesold CONSULTING Lake and Peninsula Borough Chignik Lake Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Feasibility Study Section 1.0 -Introduction 1.1 BackgrQund Knight Piesold and Co. (Knight Piesold) was retained by Lake and Peninsula Borough (LPB) to investigate the potential for construction of a small run-of-river hydropower facility near the City of Chignik Lake, Alaska. 1.1 .1 Scope of Work The scope of work includes the performance of a reconnaissance study to determine the potential for a hydroelectric generation facility on a creek in the vicinity of Chignik Lake. This facility could provide lower cost energy to the local community, which currently relies on diesel generators to provide electricity. Previous studies conducted in the area (Information Insights, 2008) estimate that the cost of electricity generated by a small hydropower facility could be up to 40 percent below the projected cost of electricity from diesel generators with heat recovery. Several possible sites in the vicinity of Chignik Lake were investigated as part of the study. Following a site visit and an initial screening process , three sites were selected for a more detailed analysis, including a conceptual project layout, an estimate of power generation, a preliminary cost estimate, and an analysis of the economic feasibility . 1 .1.2 Sour~es Qf ll]fQrmation Information used during the study included GPS data obtained during the site visit; information on power and fuel consumption from the power plant maintenance personnel and the Lake and Peninsula School District; information on the design of the existing power plant from Alaska Energy and Engineering, Inc.; information on the physical setting collected by Knight Piesold staff during a site visit; hydrologic data , geologic maps and reports , and topographic maps from the United States Geological Survey (USGS); and fisheries information from the State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Habitat, Anchorage , Alaska. 1.2 Limitations and Disclaimer ----· -' --·--· ·---· ~ -------- This report titled Chignik Lake Hydroelectric Project, Reconnaissance Feasibility Study has been prepared by Knight Piesold for the exclusive use of Lake and Peninsula Borough. No other party is an intended beneficiary of this report or the information, opinions, and conclusions contained herein . Any use by any party other than Lake and Peninsula Borough of any of the information, opinions , or conclusions is the sole responsibility of said party. The use of this report shall be at the sole risk of the user regardless of any fault or negligence of Lake and Peninsula Borough or Knight Piesold . The information and analyses contained herein have been completed to a level of detail commensurate with the objectives of the assignment and in light of the information made available to Knight Piesold at the time of preparation . This report and its supporting documentation have been reviewed and/or checked for conformance with industry-accepted norms and applicable government regulations. Calculations and computer simulations have been checked and verified for reasonableness, and the content of the report has been reviewed for completeness, accuracy, and appropriateness of conclusions. ------·------------------ Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 1-1 Knight Piesold CONSULTING To the best knowledge and belief of Knight Piesold , the information presented in this report is accurate to within the limitations specified herein . This report is Knight Piesold pdf file : ChigniklakeReconnFS_RevA.pdf. Any reproductions or modifications of this report are uncontrolled and may not be the most recent revision. 1.3 Contributors and Contacts This report was prepared, reviewed and approved by the undersigned . Prepared by: Reviewed by: CZ~1.~ Senior Project Engineer Rick Damiani, Ph .D., P.E. Senior Project Manager_ ... · /, -v-/· G:\103100240.01\0 eliverables\Reparts Specs\Hydropower Report\Rev A\Executables\Text\ChigniklakeReconnFS_RevA.doc Chi gnik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 1-2 ·--------- Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING Section 2 .0 -General Site Conditions 2.1 Sit~ Loc~tjQt} The proposed hydropower project is located in the vicinity of Chignik Lake, Alaska. The intake for the facility would be located on one of three creeks, Bear Creek, Cucumber Creek, or Landing Creek. In addition to these three locations , two other possible locations on Airport Creek and Tank Creek were considered . The latter two locations were eliminated from further study due to the small size of their contributing watershed areas , which were thought to be too small to produce adequate streamflow for power generation. Figure 2.1 shows the three locations selected for detailed analysis , as well as the two locations that were eliminated from further study. 2 .2 Basin D~§giption The village of Chignik Lake is on the southern side of the Alaska Peninsula, about 470 air miles southwest of Anchorage , and is located on the southeastern shore of Chignik Lake near the head of the Chignik River. The area around the village is characterized by mountains up to 3 ,000 feet in elevation and is drained by several small streams that flow into Chignik Lake or Chignik River. The Ch ignik Lake and Chignik River are major salmon spawn ing areas, and many of the tributary streams are spawning and rearing areas. The village is accessible only by air or water. 2.3 GILmaJ~ The nearest weather station is at Chignik Bay , about 15 miles northeast of Chignik Lake. The average annual precipitation at Chignik Bay is 83 inches, with an average annual snowfall of 46 inches . The climate of Chignik Lake is typical of the Alaska Peninsula, with cool , rainy summers and moderately cold winters with precipitation occurring as rain or snow. Seasonal temperature extremes can range from 10 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) in mid-winter to as high as 65°F in the summer. Average January temperatures range from 20°F to 31°F . Average July temperatures range from 46°F to 61 °F. 2.4 G~ology The area is characterized by sedimentary bedrock (sandstone , siltstone , conglomerate , shale, and coal), with mixed unconsolidated sedimentary deposits (alluvial , colluvial , glacial , and marine) in some areas . The mountains southwest of Chignik Lake are volcanic (Detterman et al., 1981 ). 2.5 bJternanves Several possible locations for a run-of-river project were considered , and the following three selected locations are addressed in this report : Bear Creek, Cucumber Creek, and Landing Creek (see Figure 2.1 ). Bear Creek flows into the Chignik River from the north about 2 miles east of the vi ll age, and is accessible only by boat. Cucumber Creek flows into the east side of Chignik Lake about 4 miles north of the village and is also accessible only by boat. Landing Creek flows into the Chignik River from the south about 2 miles east of the village . The lower reach of Landing Creek can be accessed via the dirt road that connects the village to the boat landing about 2.5 miles east of the v ill age . 2.6 Permittlo.g Chign ik River, as well as Bear Creek, Landing Creek , and Cucumber Creek, are identified in the Anadromous Waters Atlas (Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 2008) as habitat areas for salmon. Therefore , a permit from the DFG will be required for a hydropower facility located on these creeks. An instream fisheries survey , as well as a minimum of one year of streamflow data, will be required by DFG to determine the instream flow requirements for the project. ---------------------------------- Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 2-1 Knight Piesold CONSULTING A 404 permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers will be required as well , since construction of an instream diversion will be necessary. A Declaration of Intent will need to be filed w ith FERC as a first step in acquiring a non-jurisdictional determination , which is required by the State of Alaska . A questionnaire for the Division of Coastal and Oceans Management of the Alaska DNR will also need to be completed. Chignik Lake Reconnaissan ce Feasi bility Study, Rev A 2-2 Knight Piesold CONSULTING Section 3.0 -Hydrology 3.1 Hygrolqgig /~_r)a_!y~!§ No streamflow data are currently available in the vicinity of the proposed diversion sites. The nearest stream with available streamflow data that has characteristics similar to the three creeks being considered in this report is Myrtle Creek on Kodiak Island, which is about 260 miles east of Chignik Lake . The average annual precipitation at Kodiak, Alaska (near Myrtle Creek) is 77 inches, and the temperature regime for Kodiak is similar to that at Chignik Lake. The watershed area at the Myrtle Creek gaging station is 4.74 square miles , which is similar in size to the watershed areas for the three creeks considered in this study ; the elevation of the gage is 20 feet above mean sea level (amsl), which indicates that the Myrtle Creek watershed and the watersheds of the Chignik Lake streams are relatively similar in elevation . The USGS monitored the flows at the Myrtle Creek station (No . 15297200) from May 1, 1963 through September 30, 1986. The mean monthly flows for Myrtle Creek are shown in the table below. Average month ly streamflows for the creeks at Chignik Lake were estimated by multiplying the average month ly streamflow per square mile of watershed area (unit discharge in cubic feet per second per square mile [cfs/mi2]) for Myrtle Creek times the respective watershed areas of each of the creeks at Chignik Lake . The average monthly unit discharge values in cfs/mi 2 for Myrtle Creek are shown in Figure 3.1. Myrtle Creek Station No. 15297200 near Kodiak, Alaska Mean Monthly Flow, cubic feet per second (cfs Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avg. Avg. 44 34 30 31 79 75 32 34 54 50 44 40 45.6 Max. 123 79 108 61 143 175 87 106 107 120 102 133 112.0 Min. 2 2 1 3 36 15 8 4 11 20 11 3 9.7 Avg. cfs/mi2 9.3 7 .2 6.3 6.5 16 .7 15.8 6.8 7.2 11.4 10.5 9.3 8.4 9.6 T he mean monthly flows for Bear Creek, Landing Creek, and Cucumber Creek that were estimated using this method are shown in the tables below. For each of the three alternatives, the turbine design flow is based on 40 percent of the average annual flow, adjusted to conform to a pre-designed turbine specification to avoid the additional cost of a custom-designed turbine. A value of forty percent of the estimated annual flow was used to provide a conservative estimate for the design flow, since the flows for the three creeks were synthetically generated and are not based on actua l flow data. Also, it is unknown what the instream flow requirements for fisheries habitat wil l be . An accurate estimate of streamflows for power generation will require the collection of actual streamflow data, a fisheries survey, and a determination by the Department of Fish and Game of the instream flow requirements for fisheries . Total Design Estimated Flows for Bear Creek at Proposed Diversion (1.77 square miles) Mean Monthly Flow, cfs Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avg. 16.4 12.7 11 .2 11.6 29.5 28 .0 11 .9 12.7 20.2 18 .7 16.4 14.9 17 .0 6.6 5.1 4.5 4 .6 11.8 11.2 4.8 5.1 8 .1 7.5 6.6 6 .0 6.8 ---· ------------------------ Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 3-1 Knight Piesold CONSULTING Estimated Flows for Landing Creek at Proposed Diversion (1 .09 square miles) Mean Monthly Flow, cfs Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avg. Total 10 .1 7 .8 6.9 7 .1 18 .2 17 .2 7.4 7.8 12.4 11 .5 10 .1 9.2 10 .5 Design 4.0 3 .1 2.8 2 .9 7.3 6.9 2.9 3.1 5.0 4 .6 4.0 3.7 4.2 Estimated Flows for Cucumber Creek at Proposed Diversion (1.33 square miles) Mean Monthly Flow, cfs Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aua. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avg. Total 12 .3 9 .5 8.4 8 .7 22 .2 21 .0 9.0 9.5 15 .2 14 .0 12 .3 11.2 12 .8 Design 4.9 3.8 3.4 3.5 8.9 8.4 3.6 3.8 6.1 5.6 4 .9 4 .5 5.1 Based on the available temperature and streamflow data , it is assumed that power could be generated year-round at Chign ik Lake. Chigni k Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 3-2 Knight Piesold CONSULTING Section 4 .0 -Project Alternatives Based on the site visit and other available information, three possible run-of-river alternatives were identified and evaluated for potential hydropower generation in the vicinity of Chignik Lake. 4 .1 DescriQtion_Q f Alte..r.natives Each of the three alternatives considered would be similar in concept and would consist of a low-head concrete weir across the creek , which would divert a portion of the streamflow into a penstock. The penstock would convey the flow downhill to a turbine located in a small powerhouse , consisting of a steel building on a concrete slab-on-grade foundation . The turbine would be connected to a generator, which would produce 3-phase , 60-hertz, 480-volt electricity. The 480-volt electrical output from the generator would be converted to 12.5 kilovolts (kV) by a step-up transformer and then connected to the village electrical grid by a 12 .5 kV transmission line . The hydroelectric generator would be designed to run in parallel with the existing diesel generators. The electrical demand would be primarily supplied by the hydro generator during times of sufficient streamflow. When streamflows are too low to meet the demand fully , the diesel generators would be activated to supply additional power. Currently , the heat for the community school and teacher housing at Chignik Lake is supplied via radiant hot water, powered by a heat recovery system utilizing waste heat from the diesel generators . This system is complemented by a diesel-fueled hot water boiler for those times when the waste heat from the generators is insufficient to meet the thermal demand. The hydropower system for Chignik Lake should supply (to the extent possible) the thermal load that is currently supplied by the waste heat recovery system in order to avoid the expense of operating the diesel generators solely to provide waste heat. Thus, the proposed hydropower system would include an electric hot water boiler, a supervisory control system, and a secondary load controller, which would supply the thermal load during those times when adequate streamflow is available. The locations of the three alternatives are shown on Figure 2.1. 4.2 Alternative 1 -Bear _Qre~js Bear Creek flows north into the Chignik River about 2 miles east of the village, with a watershed area above the proposed diversion point of 1.77 square miles . It is accessible from the village only by boat. The conceptual design for this alternative is preliminary and is based on information from USGS topographic maps, since the location for this alternative was not visited. The proposed diversion point is located at an elevation of 700 feet amsl. The diversion would consist of a low concrete weir, estimated to be 4 feet high , 15 feet wide, and 1 foot thick, which would divert water into a 12-inch-diameter high-density polyethylene (HOPE) penstock with a valved inlet. The penstock would be 4,400 feet long and would deliver water to the powerhouse at an elevation of 350 feet amsl, for a gross head of 350 feet and an estimated net head of 275 feet. The powerhouse would be a 20-foot by 30-foot by 10-foot insulated steel building, housing a double-nozzle , Pelton-type turbine and a 125-kilowatt (kW), 3-phase, 480-volt generator, with a combined efficiency of 70 percent. The design flow is 6.0 cfs , and the estimated power output is 97 kW. The system would include a step-up transformer to increase the generator output voltage from 480 volts to a transmission line voltage of 12.5 kV. The turbine would discharge into a short tailrace and back to the creek . A typical plan and section of the turbine and generator assembly is shown in Figure 4 .1 Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 4-1 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING Approximately 2 miles of 12.5-kV transmission line would run south from the powerhouse to the access road on the south side of the Chignik River , crossing the river via a 400-foot long underwater cable . It would then run west along the access road for 1 mile where it would connect to the eastern terminal of the existing village transmission line. If a wind turbine were located at the location of the meteorological tower erected in October 2009 , then this last mile of cable could be shared by the wind turbine and the hydropower facility. 4.3 Alt~rn_ajiy_~ ~ -Cucumber Creek Cucumber Creek flows into the east side of Chignik Lake about 4 miles north of the village and is also accessible only by boat. It has a watershed area above the diversion point of 1.33 square miles . The conceptual design for this alternative is based on information from USGS topographic maps, since this location was not visited. The proposed diversion point is located at an elevation of 700 feet amsl. The diversion would consist of a low concrete weir , estimated to be 4 feet high, 15 feet wide , and 1 foot thick, which would divert water into a 12-inch-diameter HOPE penstock with a valved inlet. Th e penstock would be 3, 100 feet long and would deliver water to the powerhouse at an elevation of 300 feet amsl, for a gross head of 400 feet and an estimated net head of 362 feet. The powerhouse would be a 20-foot by 30-foot by 10-foot insulated steel bu ilding, housing a double-nozzle, Pelton-type turbine and a 143-kW, 3-phase, 480-volt generator, with a combined efficiency of 70 percent. The design flow is 5.3 cfs, and the estimated power output is 113 kW. A step-up transformer would be used to increase the generator output voltage from 480 volts to 12 .5 kV . The turbine would discharge i nto a short tailrace and back to the creek. Approximately 4.3 miles of 12.5-kV transmission line would run southeast from the powerhouse, crossing the river via a 400-foot long underwater cable and then connecting to the eastern terminal of the existing village transmission line located on the access road . 4.4 Alterrr_atjy_e 3 -L9odin_g_ Qr~~k Landing Creek flows north into the Chignik River about 2 miles east of the village, and has a watershed area above the proposed diversion of 1.09 square miles . The lower reach of Landing Creek can be accessed via the dirt road that connects the village to the boat landing on the Chignik River about 2.5 miles east of the village . This location was vis ited during the site trip, and the conceptual design is based on this visit and information from topo maps. The proposed diversion point is located at an elevation of 500 feet amsl. The diversion would consist of a low concrete weir , similar to the weir for Alternatives 1 and 2, which would divert water into a 12-inch-diameter HOPE penstock with a valved inlet. The penstock would be 3 ,000 feet long and would deliver water to the powerhouse at an elevation of 200 feet amsl , for a gross head of 300 feet and an estimated net head of 255 feet. The powerhouse would be a 20-foot by 30-foot by 10-foot insulated steel building, housing a double-nozzle, Pelton-type turbine and a 110-kW, 3-phase, 480-volt generator, with a combined efficiency of 70 percent. The design flow is 5.5 cfs , and the estimated power output is 83 kW . The powerhouse would include a step-up transformer to increase the generator output voltage from 480 volts to 12.5 kV. A 12.5-kV transmission line would run northwest from the powerhouse for 0.6 miles to the existing access road and then west for 1 mile along the road to the eastern terminal of the existing village transmission line. The proposed diversion point, penstock, powerhouse , and a portion of the transmission line for this alternative are located on property owned by Chignik Lagoon Native Corporation (CLNC), according to the Community Planning Map for Chignik Lake . This would require an easement or other arrangement with CLNC if the City of Chignik Lake wants to construct a hydropower facility at th is location . Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 4-2 Knight Piesold CONSULTING Section 5.0 -Energy Generation Potential The concept for each hydropower facility alternative includes a powerhouse containing a double-nozzle Pelton-type turbine with the following characteristics : • A stainless steel Pelton wheel on a 4140 chromolly shaft • Spherical roller pillow block bearings • Non-wearing labyrinth seal assemblies • Epoxy-coated welded steel housing • Hydraulically actuated need le nozzles • Hydraulic-open/we ight-close jet deflector • Hydraulic power supply un it for nozzles and deflector The generator for each a lternative is a synchronous generator w ith a gear drive speed increaser, couplings, and drive guards . The turbine will operate alone or in parallel with the diesel generators, based on the load and on available flow . Each alternative includes a custom switchgear/controls/governing package to parallel the generator with the diesel generators and to provide protective relays . The controls panel includes the ability to adjust flow across the turbine using a level sensor installed at the pensto ck forebay . Flow to the turbine will also be controlled based on demand loads . The monthly power production was estimated for each alternative based on synthetically generated streamflow data (see Section 3.0) and the design flow values listed below , and is shown in Figures 5.1, 5.2 , and 5.3 . The annual energy generation for each alternative was also calculated and is summarized in the table below. Alternative Bear Creek Cucumber Creek Landing Creek Chignik Lake Hydropower Study Annual Energy Genera ~on Summary Net Head (feet) 275 362 255 Design Flow (cfs) 6 .0 5.3 5.5 Installed Capacity (kW) 97 113 83 Annual Energy Production (MWhr) 788 830 545 Notes: 1) The assumed annual energy production period is 365 days. Estimated energy production is based on synthetically generated monthly flow values. 2) Transformer efficiency is assumed to be 99 .5 percent. 3) Availability is assumed to be 97 percent. A more accurate estimate of potential power productio n will require a more refined estima te of ava ilable streamflows based on actual stream gagi ng data and a determination the instream flow requirements for fi sheries. Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 5-1 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING Section 6.0 -Estimated Costs 6 .1 G.~n~rn1 An opinion of probable project costs for the three alternatives was developed based on November 2009 dollars. The opinion of probable project costs includes construction costs, contingency, engineering, permitting , and legal fees . Estimated project costs are discussed below and presented in Appendix A. 6 .2 ~~$iS foJ QQ.ri~tq..1ctiQD G_0$1S Construction costs were estimated for each of the project components using cost data from available guidelines, manuals , previous projects , and pre liminary quotes from vendors. Where ne cessary, estimated costs were escalated to the third quarter of 2009 using escalation rates published by the Corps of Engineers (U .S . Army Corps of Engineers. 2009). Estimated construction costs were developed for each of the following project components: • Mobilization and demobilization • Access tracks and site clearing • Intake works • Penstock and accessories • Powerhouse and accessories • Power generation package (turbine, generator, controls, switchgear, transformer) • Transmission line The costs for mobilization and demobili zation were est imated as a percentage of the total construction costs . Costs for the intake works, penstock , and powerhouse were based on a conce ptua l design using available guide lin es and data from previous projects , w ith d im ensions and site conditions estimated from reconnaissance-level topograph ic and geotechnical information . Costs for the turbine s, gen e rators , controls, and switchgear are based on a pre li min ary quote from Canyon Hydro of Deming , Washington . Transmission line and step-up transformer costs were based on available guidelines and data from previous p rojects . The total estimated construction cost was calculated by adding 5 percent for indeterminates and 25 percent for contingency. The indeterminates allowance covers the cost of unexpected and unlisted items that would normally be included in a more detailed estimate. The contingency allows for possible price increases due to unforeseen circumstances. Overall project cost was established by adding engineering, permitting, and legal fees . Engineering costs include the feasibility study, preliminary and final design , procurement, construction management, and administration . Permitting costs include one stream gage installation, one year of streamflow data collection, and a fisheries survey . The estimated construction cost and the total project cost for each alternative are shown in Append ix A . The total project cost estimate is US$2 ,0 43 ,570 for the Landing Creek alternative, US$3 ,013,288 for the Bear Creek alternative , and US$3 ,651 ,262 for the Cucumber Creek alternative . These cost estimates should be considered accurate to with in plus or minus 30 percent. Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 6-1 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING Section 7 .0 -Economic Evaluation 7.1 G~n~rn.I An economic evaluation was conducted for each alternative using HOMER, a software program for the economic analysis and optimization of alternative energy systems (U .S . Department of Energy , 2005). The HOMER model output includes several economic measures that show the value of the difference between the hydropower alternative under consideration and the current diesel-only system. Each of the three hydropower alternatives was compared to the current system, which utilizes up to four diesel generators to produce electricity for the school and the community. The current system includes a heat recovery system, which recovers waste heat from the generators that is then used to heat the community school and the teacher housing via radiant hot wate r . A diesel-fueled boiler is used to supplement the waste heat recovery system during the winter months. It was assumed that each hydropower alternative would be combined with the present diesel system, which would supply power when demand exceeds the capacity of the hydropower system alone. When the hydropower system output exceeds the electricity demand , the excess output would be routed to an electric boiler to satisfy the thermal load if required . 7.2 !D_guts .§.nd Assum12tions Inputs to the HOMER model included capital costs ; costs for equipment replacement, operation and maintenance, and fuel ; and salvage value . A project lifetime of 30 years was assumed for the hydropower system alternatives . A nominal interest rate of 5 percent and an inflation rate of 2 percent were assumed, resulting in a real interest rate (discount rate) of 2 .9 percent. The replacement cost for the hydropower system is assumed to be US$180,000 . The turbines are assumed to have an efficiency of 70 percent. A system operation and maintenance (0 and M) cost of US$22,875 per year was used for both the combined hydropower/diesel system and the present system. This assumes that the 0 and M for the diesel generators in the combined system will be less due to reduced diesel usage, and that the amount of this reduced 0 and M will equal the additional O and M required for the hydropower component. The current 0 and M cost is based on information provided by Lake and Peninsula School District (LPSD). Daily meter readings for Chignik Lake for the years 2006 to 2009 (obtained from LPSD) were used to estimate the daily electric load for the community. The statistics for monthly electrical power consumption in kilowatts, including the monthly maximum, average daily high, daily mean, average daily low, and monthly minimum values are shown in the graph below. §" 90 ' i 60 - ..J 30 12 o ~~~~~~~~~~,~~~-Se_a_s_o_n _al_P_ro_f_il_e ~~~~~~~~~~~~ tl~. ~ ::II' ~ l!:. iii ·' . '._ -j . : ~ i I iii : 1' I , , ,t-r-,~,;f-,:•i f, o..,_~-+-~---T~~~~~.,...;=-.-,...~~~,-,--+--,..---+--=-~i--=,-,.-~~~~~-~"---1 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ann ' max daily high mean daily l ow min The average electrical load is 47.9 kW, or 1150 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day, with peaks up to 112 kW during the winter months . Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 7-2 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING The average dai ly thermal load data for Chignik Lake was estimated using data from Port Heiden , which is another community on the Alaska Peninsula with a population and climate similar to Chignik Lake. The average thermal load is estimated to be 1, 195 kWh per day. Statistics for the estimated monthly thermal power consumption in kW at Chignik Lake , including the monthly maximum, average dai ly high, da ily mean, average daily low, and monthly minimum values are shown in the following graph . 12o ..---~~~~~~~~~,~~~,~Se_a_s_o_n _al_P_ro_f_il_e --,.-~~~~~~~~~~-----, ,\,lf:,,;I.: : ! :~:+I f' [ ~ 90 ~ 60 "C "' .3 3 0 ·, I T +l +i + 'I', ' o .,.._.,---T--=--:-+-:-:~....-,,----.-,...,--.-T--:-~r--:-;---r--:----+-1 ~----,~,....,.-....-;:-;--~-=:---r--:----/ Jan Feb Mar Apr May J un Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov De c Ann ' ma x daily hi g h mean daily low m i n The average fuel consumption for the diesel generators is currently about 35,000 gallons per year according to LPSD, and the boiler is estimated to use about 7,600 ga llons of diesel fuel per year (Information Insights , 2008). The cost of diesel fuel delivered to Chignik Lake in 2008 was US$3.78 per gallon. Two possible future costs for diesel fuel were assumed for the economic analysis: US$4.62 per gallon , which is the estimated price of diesel when the price of crude oil is US$110 per barrel (Information Insights, 2008), and US$5.54 per gallon, which represents a 20 percent increase ove r US$4 .62 per gallon. A hydropower system for Chignik Lake must serve the electrical load as well as the thermal load that is currently supplied by the waste heat recovery system, in order to avoid the expense of operating the diesel generators solely to provide waste heat. This requires adding an e lectric boiler and control system that can be operated by the electrical output of the hydropower system . The HOMER analysis produces several economic measures that show the value of the difference between the hydropower/diesel alternative under consideration and the current diesel-only system , taking into account the 30-year life cycle costs of both systems. Defin itions of the economic measures shown in the tables are as follows : • The present worth is the difference between the net present cost of the alternative system and the diesel-only system, where the net present cost is the present value of all system costs incurred over the project lifetime (including capital costs, replacement costs, 0 and M costs and fuel costs) minus salvage value . Present worth shows how much the alternative system saves over the project lifetime compared to the diesel-only system , and is the primary measure for comparing the economic feasibi lity of the two systems. The present worth represents the avoided cost over the life of the project when operating the alternative system rather than the current system. • The discounted payback period is how long it would take to recover the initia l investment in the alternative system using the assumed rates for interest (5 percent) and inflation (2 percent). • The annual worth is the present worth multiplied by the capital recovery facto r, which is a ratio used to calculate the present value of a series of equal annual cash flows . • The Internal Rate of Return is the discount rate that makes the present value of the difference of the two cash flow sequences equa l to zero. • The levelized cost of energy (COE) is the average cost per kWh of useful electrica l energy produced by the system. This is ca lculated by dividing the annualized cost of producing electricity (the total annualized cost minus the cost of serving the thermal load) by the total annual electric energy production . The following three tables show the economic measures for each of the three hydropower/diesel alternatives , assuming diesel costs of US$3.78 (current cost), US$4 .62 (22 percent greater than the -. -... ~ Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 7-3 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING current cost). and US$5 .54 per gallon (a 20 percent increase over US$4 .62). The benefiUcost ratios for each alternative compared to the d iesel-only system were calcu lated by adding the net present cost to the present worth and then d ividing by the net present cost, and are also shown . Ch i gnik Lake Hydro power Study Comparison to Present System if Diesel Price is US$3.78/gal *Present Discounted Annual Internal Levelized Alternative Worth Payback Worth Rate of Cost of BenefiUCost (US$) Period (US$) Return Energy Ratio (years) (percent) (US$/kWh) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A $0.35 N/A Land ing Creek $217,920 25.7 $10,975 3.70 $0 .324 1.06 Bear Creek $98 ,283 28.7 $4,950 3.15 $0 .338 1.03 Cucumber Creek -$485 ,376 >30 -$24,444 1.85 $0 .408 0.89 Chignik Lake Hydropower Study Comparison to Present System if Diesel Price is US$4.62/gal *Present Discounted Annual Internal Levelized Alternative Worth Payback Worth Rate of Cost of BenefiUCost (US$) Period (US$) Return Energy Ratio (years) (percent) (US$/kWh) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A $0.408 N/A Landing Creek $674 ,906 20 .0 $33 ,990 5.25 $0 .327 1.17 Bear Creek $712 ,776 22 .1 $35 ,897 4 .61 $0 .322 1.18 Cucumber Creek $140 ,380 28.4 $7,070 3 .19 $0 .391 1.03 Chignik Lake Hydropower Study Comparison to Present System if Diesel Price is US$5.54/gal *Present Discounted Annual t Internal Levelized Alternative Worth Payback Worth Rate of Cost of Benefit/Cost (US$) Period (US$) Return Energy Ratio (years) (percent) (US$/kWh) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A $0.470 N/A Landing Cr. $1,173,428 15.9 $59,096 6 .83 $0 .330 1.28 Bear Cr. $1,383,120 17 .6 $69,657 6 .09 $0 .304 1.34 Cucumber Cr. $823 ,012 22.4 $41,449 4 .54 $0 .372 1.18 *Represents the avoided cost over the life of the proj ect when operating the alternat ive system rather than the diesel system. The relative values of the benefit/cost ratio for the three alternatives vary significantly with the cost of d iesel. At a diesel cost of US$3.78 per gallon , the benefit/cost ratios are 1.06 for Landing Creek, 1 .03 for Bear Creek, and 0.89 for Cucumber Creek . At US$4.62 per ga ll on , the benefit/cost ratios are 1.17 for Land i ng Creek, 1.18 for Bear Creek , and 1.03 for Cucumber Creek. At US$5 .54 per gallon , the benefit/cost ratios are 1.28 for Landing Creek , 1.34 for Bear Cree k, and 1.18 for Cucumber C reek. --------- Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 7-4 Knight Piesold CONSULTING Us ing the benefit/cost ratio as a criterion , Landing Creek (Alternative 3) is the most economically feasible when diesel is US$3 .78 per gallon . However, when diesel rises to US$4.62 per gallon , Landing Creek and Bear Creek (Alternative 1) are nearly equal. When diesel is US$5.54 per gallon, Bear Creek is the most economically feasible . The Landing Creek alternative offers a more convenient location in terms of operation and maintenance since it is on the same side of the river as the village and is reasonably close to the existing access road. However, this alternative also produces the lowest amount of energy. If the cost of diesel rises above US$4 .62 per gallon, the Bear Creek alternative becomes more economically attractive compared to Landing Creek. However, the initial capital cost for Bear Creek is US$3,013,288, while the initial capital cost for Landing Creek is US$2,043,570. Thus, the choice should consider the long -term benefits versus the current availability of financing for construction. Summary reports of the HOMER output for the three alternatives are given in Append ix B . Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 7.5 Knight Piesold CONSULTING Section 8.0 -Conclusions and Recommendations 8.1 gpnclusipos The high cost of electricity generation using diesel fuel at Chignik Lake is a strong i ncentive to examine alternative means of generating electricity , such as hydropower or wind. However, additional work will be required to determine if alternative energy generation is economically feasible . The following conclusions are based on the reconnaissance level study for hydropower described in this report: • Estimated average annual energy production is 788 megawatt-hours for Alternative 1 (Bear Creek), 830 megawatt-hours for Alternative 2 (Cucumber Creek) and 545 megawatt-hours for Alternative 3 (Landing Creek . • Estimated project costs are US$3 ,013 ,288 for Alternative 1, US$3,651 ,262 for Alternative 2 , and US$2 ,043,570 for Alternative 3. These cost estimates should be considered accurate to within plus or minus 30 percent. • When d iesel is US$3. 78 per gallon, A lternative 3 (Landing Creek) is the most economically feasible alternative based on the benefiVcost ratio . When diesel is US$4.62 per gallon , Alternatives 1 (Bear Creek) and 3 (Landing Creek) are about equally feasible. When diesel is US$5.54 per gallon, Alternative 1 is the most economically feasible . • Alternative 3 (Landing Creek) is the most conveniently located alternative for operation and maintenance . However, the Landing Creek site is located on CLNC property, and therefore an easement or other arrangement between CLNC and the City of Chignik Lake will be required . • The design flows and available streamflows used for this study are based on synthetically generated data, and therefore the econom ic analysis presented here is prelim inary . A minimum of one year of daily streamflow data at the prospective diversion site(s) is needed to complete a definitive feasibility study. • For all the alternatives , costs for a hydropower project will be high due to the physical setting. Material transport and construction costs will be high , since the contractors capable of performing the work are located in Anchorage . • Construction materials for all three alternatives can only be shipped as far as Ch ignik Bay , wh ich is about 16 miles east of Chignik Lake. From Chignik Bay, materials would need to be transported by landing craft to the boat landing about 2.5 miles east of Chignik Lake for the Land ing Creek alternative, or to other possible (and more distant) landing sites for the Bear Creek and Cucumber Creek alternatives. Transport from the landing sites to the project locations would be by helicopter, or access would need to be constructed for overland transport. • The powerhouse locations for the potential alternatives are at the base of the mountain front , wh ich is typically two to five miles from the village . The powerhouse and diversion locations for the Landing Creek alternative are 0.5 or more miles from the existing road . The required equipment and construction materials would need to be transported by helicopter or by all-terrain vehicles from the road to the project site. • For all alternatives , 2 to 4 miles of transmission line will need to be constructed from the powerhouse to the point of connection with the existing distribution line. If wetlands are present along the transm iss ion line route , mitigation measures will be requ ired to minim ize the impacts. • Dense alder brush is predominant at the proj ect locations, while low-lying areas are often boggy. These conditions make access for collecting streamflow, fisheries , and topographic survey data t ime-consum ing and expensive . Brushy areas will requ ire clearing for equipment access and construction of the diversion, penstocks, powerhouse , and transmission lin es, whi le boggy areas will require wetland permitting and mitigation. • The small size of the job will drive up construction costs, because only a limited number of contractors are lik~.ly to ~u_!?mit bi ~~:_____ _ ________ ·-- Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 8 -1 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING • A minimum of one year of streamflow data will be required by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to determine instream flow requirements for salmon habitat. • Onsite surveying will be required along the penstock alignment to allow a more precise estimate of ava ilable net head for power generation. • Geotechnical investigations will be required along the penstock and transmission line alignments to determine support and foundation requirements . 8 .2 Recommeng9tions If LPB decides to continue investigating a hydropower project at this site , recommendations include: • Investigate whether su itable financing is available to develop the Bear Creek or Landing Creek sites , g iven the economic benefits. Befo re the Land ing Creek site is considered , determine if CLNC w ill all ow the City of Chign ik Lake to deve lop a hydropower project at this site . • Install a stream gage at the selected site and collect a minimum of one year of streamflow data to provide a sound basis for a feas ibility study. At least five or six manual measurements should be taken at a range of flow depths to develop a reliable rating curve , or an instream weir should be installed. • Perform topographic surveying between the potential diversion site and the powerhouse location to better define the site topography, the penstock alignment, and the total available he ad. • Conduct a geotechnical investigation along the proposed alignment of the transmission line to determine the foundation requirements for the transmission line poles. • Conduct an investigation of fisheries' resources to determine the requirements for bypass flows . • Initiate discussions with state and federal agencies to identify potential environmental and permitting issues. • Conduct a definitive feasibi lity study after additional streamflow, fisheries , and topographic data is collected . ----------------------- Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 8-2 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING Section 9 .0 -References Alaska Department of Fish and Game , 2008 , Anadromous Waters Atlas, Chignik A-3 and 8-3 Quads, Anchorage, A laska, www .sf.adfg .sta te .ak.us/SARR/AWC. American Society of Civil Engineers , 1989, Civil Engineering Guidelines for Planning and Designing Hydroelectric Developments, Volume 4, Smalt Scale Hydro . Detterman, R.L., T.P . Miller, M.E . Yount, and F.H. Wilson, 1981, Geologic Map of the Chignik and Sutwik Island Quadrangles, Alaska, Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map 1-1229, U.S. Geological Survey, Fairbanks Alaska. Information Insights , 2008, The Lake and Peninsula Borough Regional Energy Plan, Anchorage , Alaska . U.S. Department of Energy, 2005 , HOMER Version 2.1, Micropower Optimization Software Model, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden , Colorado. U.S . Department of Interior, 1980, Reconnaissance Evaluation of Smalt, Low-Head Hydroelectric Installations, Water and Power Resources Service , Engineering and Research Center, Denver Colorado. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1980 , Regional Inventory and Reconnaissance Study For Small Hydropower Projects, Aleutian Islands, Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, Alaska, Alaska District, Corps of Eng ineers , Department of the Army. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , 2009, Civil Works Construction Cost Index System (CWCCIS), EM 1110-2-1304 . Corps of Engineers , Department of the Army. Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feasibility Study, Rev A 9-1 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING OF ams I cfs cfs/miL CLNC COE DFG HOPE Knight Piesold kV kW LPB LPSD 0 and M Section 10.0 -Acronyms and Abbreviations degrees Fahrenheit above mean sea level cubic feet per second cubic feet per second per square mi le Chignik Lagoon Native Corporation cost of energy Alaska Department of Fish and Game high-density polyethylene Knight Piesold and Co. kilovolts kilowatts Lake and Peninsula Borough Lake and Pe ninsu la School District operation and maintenance Chignik Lake Reconnaissance Feas i bility Study, Rev A 10-1 Knight ffesold CONSULTING Figures 1l;,~~-':j:~:;:;c\: ··". i.:•· l ........ · .. ... -... -..... ! LAST S..VEO BY' JOWYER C:\103\00240.01\CAO\CAO De pl\Figures\Figure 2.1.dwg . (, I " I' f .~. I r' ; ~· ...... _,--- .; .,,; ' I 4 i...-· -...... .\ \ . -~: •\ \ ... ' \ " i "·'""'::::-- ! i \_j .... --:-·, . -, \ ' ) I l ' l . i· I \ ChigniJC , 33 • 2000 ' l '! :--., ... _ / .1 -- _, ~ .4 .... "I ....... . _,,,. :.··· .. . <. c:::.~i \.---... .. _:_ .... • i:.. \.. .. "<~·,, DIESEL POWERHOUSE · \ I ( '. I Ir··--' ·-\'-~ > \, ~·~.O I Lake 34 ) • I ~ , I ) ' '.;: ( 2000 .cooo rca ·~ I I \ .· :.~ .- '. ~ <>·,:~ .. ··/ _,., ..... ..,. -.. I ); CU£HT PROJECT TITLE LEGEND --PROPOSED POWERLINE ·····•··••· EXISTING POWERLINE --PROPOSED PENSTOCK --EXISTI NG ROAD STREAM --WATERSHED BOUNDARY AB OVE DIVERS ION LAKE AND PENINSULA BOROUGH CHIGNIK LAKE RECONNAISSANCE HYDROELECTR IC STU DY HYDROELECTRIC FACI LITY ALTERNAT IVE LO CAT IONS OCSIGHED 8Y JRO LOCATION PROJECT NUUBE R f'ICU RE NUMBER DRAWN 8Y JRO DV 103 00240.0 1 2 1 i '" REVISION A Knight Pi.e sold CONSULTING 18.0 16.0 .......__ _________ ___, 14.0 -1--------------1 -N ·e 12.0 -~ 10.0 (.) i 8.0 0 LL 6.0 4 .0 2.0 0.0 +--'L-....J'--r-'---'----r--'--'-r-'---'--.--'--'-...----'L-....J'--,--'----.--'--'-r-'--'--r--'--'-...--'--'--r-'--'-, JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Figure 3.1 -Mean Monthly Unit Discharge for Myrtle Creek near Kod iak, AK (1964-1986) CD 113.88" 0 0 0 ---- 0 0 0 NOTE S : 1. SCALE BAR MEASURES 3" ON A FULL SIZE PLOT (ANSI-OJ AN O 1.5" ON A 1-W.F SIZE PLOT (ANSl-B). LAST SAVED BY: JOWYER G:\103\002•0.01\CAO\CAO O.pt\Aguru\f"'19ure -4.1.dwg 0 TURBINE PLAN NTS 77.so· .0 0 .t:> 0 .o • G ·1 () L .o TURBINE SECTION CHIGNIK LAKE 1.((!J:.nyon ~ Hydro 5500 Blue Heron Lane Deming, Washington 98244 (360) 592-5552 the water power d ivision of Canyon Industries, Inc NTS CUEHT PROJECT mu LAKE AND PEN INS ULA BOR OUGH CHIGN IK LA KE RECO NN AISS ANCE HYDROELECTR IC STUDY TYP ICAL TURB INE PLAN AND DETAI LS Knigl/;( fi!~l!l4 DESIGNED BY JRO LOCATION PROJECT NUMBER F1CU RE MUM9Eft DRAWN BY DV 103 00240.0 1 4 1 REVISION A Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING 100.0 -- 95.0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -U) = ca 3: 90 .0 >--,___ I--I--1--~ 0 -~ -~ --85 .0 ::s 1--1--I---I--1--1--1--~ a. --::s 0 - ""' 80 .0 C1> 3: 0 a.. 75.0 -~ 1--1---1----1--1--1--1---- 11 I I--,____ ,_____ 1--,____ ,____ 1--1--~ 1--1--1--µ, ' l o I J 70.0 I I I ' ' I I ' I I I I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Figure 5.1 -Average Monthly Power Output-Alternative 1 -Bear Creek Notes: 1) Based on estimated mea n monthly flows , minu s 60 percent for fisheries requirem en ts. 2) Transformer efficiency is assumed to be 99.5 percent. 3) Unscheduled outages are assumed to be 3 percent. Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING 100.0 -(fl --ctS ~ 80.0 0 -·-~ --60.0 ::::J Q. -::::J 0 '-40.0 G) ~ 0 a. 20.0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Figure 5.2 -Average Monthly Power Output -Alternative 2 -Cucumber Creek Notes: 1) Based on estimated mean monthly flows, minus 60 percent for fisheries requirements. 2) Transformer efficiency is assumed to be 99.5 percent. 3) Unscheduled outages are assumed to be 3 percent. Kni ght Pi,esold CONSULTING 90.0 80 .0 (j) 70.0 --ca ~ 60.0 0 -S2 -50 .0 -:l c. :; 40.0 0 ~ 30.0 ~ 0 a.. 20 .0 10.0 0.0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Figure 5 .3 -Average Monthly Power Output -Alternative 3 -Landing Creek Notes: 1) Based on estimated mean month ly flows, minus 60 pe rcen t for fi sheri es requirem en ts . 2) Tran sformer efficiency is ass umed to be 99.5 percent. 3) Unscheduled outages are assumed to be 3 pe rc ent. Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING Appendix A Cost Estimates Appendi x A -1 RECONNAISSANCE LEVEL OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS Chignik Lake Hydroelectric Proj ect Altern ative 1-Bea r Cr eek ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT RATE ($) PRELIMINARY & GENERAL Mobilization and Demobilization (6% of Constr. Costs) L.S. 1 $111 ,000 SITE DEVELOPMENT C lear Brush and Chip or Burn Residue acres 3.5 $10,000 Site Access T racks mi 3.00 $20,000 DIVERSION WEIR AND INT AKE WORKS Diversion and Care of Water L.S. 1 $5,000 Excavation for weir c.y. 25 $200 Weir and va lve L.S. 1 $30,000 I ntake Screen L.S. 1 $5,000 PENSTOCK AND ACCESSORIES HO P E P ipe SOR 32.5, 12-inch Nomi nal Diameter I.I 475 $13 HOPE P ipe SOR 21 , 12-inch Nominal Diameter l.f 641 $19 HOPE P ipe SOR 1 1, 14-inch Nominal Diamete r I.I. 3 ,269 $42 Penstock Restraints (20-ft intervals) ea. 180 $20 Electro-couplings (50-ft i ntervals) each 88 $10 Helicopte r Transport from Chignik Bay to site L.S. 1 $35,000 Insta llation I.I. 4 ,385 $30 POWERHOUSE and A NCILLARY S ERVICE S Fou ndation Treatment (2% of Civil Works) L.S. 1 $1 ,000 Civil Works and Steel Building (20' x 20' x 10') L.S. 1 $50,000 Concrete c.y. 8 $1 ,000 T ai l race L.S. 1 $4,000 POWER GE NE RATION (Water to Wire Pac kage) Double-nozzle 97 kW Pelton turbine and 125 kW generator L.S. 1 $177,000 C ommunications syslem L.S. 1 $25,000 Transport f rom Seattle to Chignik Bay L.S. 1 $5,000 HelicopterTra nsport from Chign ik Bay to Site L.S. 1 $15,000 Installation & commissioning L.S. 1 $50,000 STEP-UP T RANSFORME R , T RAN SMISSION LINE Step-Up Tran sformer L.S. 1 $30,000 Transmission Line (12.5 KV), no existing access' mile 2 .06 $300,000 Transmission Line (12.5 KV) along existing road mile 1.03 $200,000 Submarine Cable mile 0 .08 $500,000 Switchgear L.S. 1 $10,000 ELECTRIC BOILER AND CONTROL SYSTEM Ele ctric Boiler" L.S. 1 $15,000 Supervisory Controlle r L.S. 1 $100,000 Secondary Load Controller L.S. 1 $35,000 CONSTRUCTION COST SUBT OTAL A LLOWANCE FOR INDET ERM INATES (5% of Constr. Cost) % 5 CONTINGENCY 125% of Construction Cost) % 25 !TOTAL EST IMAT ED CONSTRUCTION COST Engi neering, Administration & Construction Management % 10 Permitting a nd Environ menta l Studies" L.S. 1 Legal Fees L.S. 1 Subtotal Other Costs !TOTAL PROJECT COST Rev 0 -Fina l Notes: 1. Assu mes that wetland areas would be avoided 2. Assumes the existing hot water tank could be used P rint 1/27/10 16 :30 AMOUNT ($) $111,000 $35,000 $60,0 00 $5,000 $5,000 $30,000 $5,000 $6,033 $12,339 $137,886 $3,600 $880 $35,000 $131,55( $1,000 $50,00C $8,00C $4,000 $177,000 $25,000 $5,000 $15,000 $50,000 $30,000 $618 ,00C $206,000 $40,000 $10,000 $15,000 $100,000 $35,000 $1,967,288 $98,000 $492,000 $2,557,28B $2 56,000 $140,000 $60,000 $456,00C $3,0 13,288 3 . Includes one stream gage installation , one year of streamflow data collectio n, and a fisheries survey Appendix A ·2 RECONNAISSANCE LEVEL OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS Chignik L ake Hydroelectric Project Alternative 2-Cucumber Creek ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT RATE ($) PRELIMINARY & GEN ERAL Mobi lization and Demobilization (7% of Constr. Costs) L.S. 1 $158,000 SITE DEVELOPMENT Clear Brush and Chip or Burn Residue acres 5.9 $10,000 Site Access Tracks mi 3.10 $20,000 DIVERSION WEIR AND INTAKE WORKS Diversion and Care of Water L.S . 1 $2,000 Excavation for weir c.y. 25 $200 Weir and valve L.S. 1 $30,000 Intake Screen L.S. 1 $5,0 00 PENSTOCK AND ACCESSORIES HOPE Pipe SOR 32.5, 12-inch Nomina l Diameter I.I 1,072 $13 HOPE Pipe SOR 21 , 12-inch Nominal Diameter I.I 232 $19 HOPE Pipe SOR 11 , 14-inch Nominal Diameter I.I. 1,783 $42 Penstock Restraints (20-ft interva ls) ea. 154 $20 Electro-coup lings (50-ft intervals) each 61 $10 Helicopter T ransport from C hignik Bay to site L.S. 1 $38,500 I nstallation I.I. 3,087 $30 POWERHOUSE and ANCI LLARY SERVICES Foundation Treatment (2% of Civil Works) L.S . 1 $1,000 Ci vil Works and Steel Building (20' x 20' x 10') L.S . 1 $50,000 Concrete c.y. 8 $1 ,000 Tai l ra ce L.S. 1 $4,000 POWER GENERATI ON (Water to Wire Package) Double-nozzle 113 kW Pelton turbine and 143 kW generate; L.S . 1 $178,675 Communications system L.S. 1 $25,000 Transport from Seattle to Chignik Bay L.S. 1 $5,000 HelicopterTransport from Chignik Bay to Site L.S. 1 $16,500 I nstalla tion & commissioning L S. 1 $50,000 STEP-UP TRANSFORMER, TRANSMISSION LINE Step-Up Transformer L.S. 1 $30,000 Tran smission Line (12.5 KV), no existing access' mile 4.32 $300,000 Transmission Line (12.5 KV) along existing road mile $200,000 Submarine Cable mile 0.08 $500,000 Switchgear LS. 1 $10,000 ELECTRIC BOILER AND CONTROL SYSTEM Electric Boiler' L S. 1 $15,000 Supervisory Controll er L.S. 1 $100 ,000 Secondary Load Controller L.S. 1 $35,000 CO NSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL ~LLOWANCE FOR INDETERMI NATES (5% of Constr. Cost) 5 CONTINGENCY (25% of Construction Cost\ % 25 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Engi neering, Administration & Construction Management % 10 Per mitting and Environmental Studies' L.S. 1 Lega l Fees L.S. 1 Subtotal Other Costs TOTAL PROJECT COST Rev 0-Final Notes: 1. Assumes that wetland areas would be avoided 2. Assumes the existing hot water tank could be used 3. Includes one streamage installation , one year o f streamflow data collection , and a fisheries survey Print 1/27110 16:31 AMOUNT ($) $158,000 $59,000 $62,000 $2,000 $5,000 $30,000 $5,000 $13,6 14 $4,466 $75,207 $3,080 $610 $38,500 $92,610 $1,000 $50,000 $8,000 $4,000 $178,675 $25,000 $5,000 $16,500 $50,000 $30,000 $1,296,00C $40,000 $1 0,00C $15,00C $100,000 $35,000 $2 ,4 13 ,262 $121,000 $603,000 $3,1 37,262 $3 14 ,000 $140,000 $60,00C $514 ,000 $3,651 ,262 Appendix A -3 RECONNAISSANCE LEVEL OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTR UCTION COSTS Chignik Lake Hydroelectric Project Alternative 3-Landing Creek ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT RATE ($) PRELIMINARY & GENERAL Mobilization and Demobilization (6% of Constr. Costs) L S. 1 $73,000 SITE DEVELOPMENT Clear Brush and Chip or Burn Residue acres 1.5 $1 0,000 Site Access T racks mi 1.23 $20,000 DIVERSION WEIR ANO INTAKE WORKS D iversion and Care of Water LS. 1 $5,000 Excavation for weir c.y. 25 $200 Weir and valve LS. 1 $30,000 Intake Screen LS. 1 $5,000 PENSTOCK ANO ACCESSORIES HOPE Pipe SOR 32.5, 12-inch Nominal Diameter l.f 1,161 $13 HOPE Pipe SOR 21 , 12-inch Nominal Diameter l.f 435 $19 HOPE Pipe SOR 11, 14-inch Nominal Diameter l .f. 1,377 $42 Penstock Restraints (20-ft interva ls) ea. 149 $20 Electro-couplings (50-ft intervals) each 60 $10 Helicopter Transport from Chignik Bay to site L S. 1 $35,00 0 Installation l .f. 2,973 $30 POWERHOUSE a nd ANCILLARY SERVICES Foundation T reatment (2% of Civil Works) LS. 1 $1 ,000 Civil Works and Steel Building (20' x 20' x 10') LS. 1 $50,000 Concrete c.y. 8 $1,000 Tailrace LS. 1 $4 ,000 POWER GENERATION (Water to Wire Package) Double-nozzle 83 kW Pelton turbine and 1 10 kW generator LS. 1 $177,000 Communications system LS. 1 $25,000 Transport from Seattle to Chignik Bay LS. 1 $5,000 Helicopter Transport from Chignik Bay to S ite LS. 1 $15,000 Installation & commissioning LS. 1 $50.000 STEP-UP TRANSFORMER, TRANSMISSION LINE Step-Up Transformer L S. 1 $30,000 Transmission Line (12.5 KV), no existing access' mile 0.64 $300,000 Transmission Line (12.5 KV) along existing road mile 1.03 $200,000 Submarine Cable mile $500,000 Switchgear LS. 1 $10,000 ELECT RIC BOI LER AND CONTROL SYSTEM Electric Boiler LS. 1 $15 ,000 Supervisory Controller LS. 1 $1 00,000 Secondary Load Controller LS. 1 $35,000 CONST RUCTION COST SUBTOTAL !ALLOWANCE FOR INOETERMINATES (5% of Constr. Cost) % 5 CONTINGENCY (25% of Construction Cost\ % 25 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Engineering, Administration & Construction Management % 10 Permitting and Environmental Studies' LS. 1 Legal Fees LS. 1 Subtotal Other Costs TOTAL PROJECT COST Rev 0 -Final Notes: 1. Assumes that wetland areas would be avoided 2. Assumes the existing hot water tank could be used Prin t 1127110 16:32 AMOUNT ($) $73,000 $15,000 $24,600 $5,000 $5,000 $30,00C $5,000 $14,745 $8,374 $58,082 $2,980 $600 $35,00 0 $89,190 $1,000 $50,000 $8,000 $4,000 $1 77,000 $25,000 $5,000 $15,000 $50,000 $30,000 $192,000 $206,00C $10,000 $15,00C $100,000 $35,000 $1 ,289,570 $64,000 $322,000 $1 ,675,570 $168,000 $140,000 $60,00C $368,00C $2,043,570 3. Includes one stream gage installation, one year of streamflow data collectio n, a nd a fi she ries survey Knight Piesold CONSULTING Appendix B HOMER Model Output B-1 Alternative 1 at $3.78/gallon Diesel B-2 Alternative 1 at $4 .62/gallon Diesel B-3 Alternative 1 at $5 .54/gallon Diesel B-4 Alternative 2 at $3. 78/gallon Diesel B-5 Alternative 2 at $4 .62/gallon Diesel B-6 Alternative 2 at $5.54/gallon Diesel B-7 Alternative 3 at $3 .78/gallon Diesel B-8 Alternative 3 at $4 .62/gallon Diesel B-9 Alternative 3 at $5 .54/gallon Diesel Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING Appendix B-1 Alternative 1 at $3. 78/gallon Diesel System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hm r System Report -A lternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr Sensitivity case CL_town Scaled Average: 1 , 150 kWh/d Thermal Load 1 Scaled Average: 1, 195 kWh/d Diesel Price: 1 $/L Entegrity EW50 Hu b Height: 30 m Generato r 4 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 3 O&M Cost Multipl ier: 1.5 Generator 2 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 1 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 System architecture f Hydro -· · ·125 kwl ! Generator 4 45 .8 k~j Generator 3 81 .9 kWI [ Generator 2 113 kW Generator 1 135 kW - - Cost summary I .Tota l net present cost l $ 3,854 ,639 l. • -· • : Leveli~ed cost ~f energy 1 $ 0.338/kWh Operating cost $ 42 ,387/yr ' ---- Cash Flow Summa 4,000,000 ...-----------'--"------"--'--"'"'~....__----------._Hy dro -Generato r 4 -Generator 3 3,000,000 --------------------1-Generator 2 -~ 11 8 2,000,000 j 1,000,000 15 :z: 0 -1,000,000--------------------------' Capital Replacement Operating Fuel Salvage Net Present Costs -Generator 1 -Boiler other r. i Capital --R~place~;nt 1 :· O&M T F(u$·.e)·I· -__ -j Sal(v$a)ge L,-_T o($t);_i-_1 ' Component · · ($)·--· ··· --($) ----· ($) 'f ~ -1 [---· ------·-1- 1 Hydro , 3,013,000 o . o o I o 3,0 13,000 ·~:n~~a~o~ 4 ~ 0 :=-~-= ~. i--18,288 i 69 ,735 J_ -7 ,70 1 !-80.~3-~ ! Generator3 0 0 . 238 : 1,485 -13,097 : -1 1,374 ~::::::: ~ r~~-~-~ =-: _-_ ~ :~-~ . --~ : : ::::: : : : ::::: Boiler 1~ 0 O 0 350,367 0 350,367 [ '?th:r _ -_·-- 1 ----0 [~----__ _ 0 454,211 0 [ 0 454,211 I System I ~'..013,000 : ______ . O: 472 ,737 ; 421 ,586 -52 ,68 5 I 3,854,639 Annualized Costs Capital Replacement Component · • ' ($/yr) I ($/yr) I I Hydro j 151,741 [ 0 O&M j Fuel ($/yr) ($/yr) 0 0 Salvage Total ($/yr) 1 ($/yr) 0 151 ,741 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 1of6 1128 /2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr I Generator4 . 0 I 0 J_~~~--'. ___ 3 ,5~! -~ -388 ! 4,045 f G~~rat~r 3 ---. ---0-..... ~==---_-__ -0 ; ____ 1.~ i. -.. 75 i _ ~~60 ·----573 . ~~~:~tor_2 'r--_ _ o 11 ______ o o J __ o !_._ -818 ·--818 1 Generator 1 O O O ' O -787 -787 --1---·-- Boothileerr __ f _ _ o 0 I -______ 0 0 17,645 0 17,645 • 0 t 22 ,875 0 ·---0 i 22 ,875 System · 151 ,741 0 '. 23 ,808 : 21,232 ; --2 ,653 -194,127 1 -..I. ----- Cash flows 1,000,000-----------==c.;..;;.;;;..;.;..;:;.._ _________ ~_ Capital -Replacement Salvage O ~___.___._...._____. ...... .__ ___ _..._...___. ...... .._ ____ ....., ____ ,___...._. ___ ,__ ______ ._.i;;i.._1 -Operating i Cl ~-1000000 -1-9------------------------1 i .. GI (.) 1-2,000,000 -~ Cl =-3,000,000 +-------------------------1 -4 .ooo,ooo 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Year Humber Electrical · Production Fraction Component , I' Hydro turbine ; Generator 4 Generator 3 Generator 2 (kW~/yr) j_ 788,940 8,465 ' 1-·-· 225 I -o I -- ----·-~---· -- 99%: 1% ~ 0% ! 0% Generator 1 0 0% i Total : 797,630 [~ 100% l 100 ~ 80 ,,,, 60 ~ 40 0 a.. 20 0 Monthtv Avera e Electric Production -Generator 4 ~ -Generator3 -Generator 2 1--Generator 1 ..... -Hydro Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ----Ci:;~su~pti~n .. -Fra~tion ~ ' + , l--(kWh/yr) )_ J AC primary load j 419,749 100% Total j 419 ,749 _· __ 100_:;~ [--Quantity -~ l Value \ Units I I Excess electric ity 377,846 1 kWh/yr ' Unmet· l~ad -, 0.00 1 kWh/yr I . C;p~~i.ty-shortage ( 0.00 f kWh/yr I I Renewable fraction 0.830 Thermal I ----, I -Fuel file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 2of6 1/28 /2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr Producti on Fr acti on I Component (kWh/yr) ! - Generator 4 5,740 ! Generator 3 I . ~ Boiler Excess electricity Tota l _J_ 112 147,584 377,846 531 ,2 83 1% 0% 28% 71%. 100% 80 Monthlv Averaae Thermal Production --.. I -1----I 1 ~ ~ ~ 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec f --.• -··-. Consumption Fraction Load (kWh/yr) Therma l load 436 ,174 100% , ---·----f"·•·- Tota l __ J _ _ 436 ,1!4 . _ 100% r--Quantity ---·: value Units I I I Excess thermal energy 95 , 109 I kWh /yr . . Hydro I Quantity I Value Units Nominal capacity 125 kW , Mean output -l 90.1 kW I Capa~ity _!~ctor ! ~~.1 % J i Total production 788,940 j kWh/yr l <luanttty --Value 1 Units I ~~~i~i f ~:p~i -+-~: ~ 1 t:--~1 ' Hydro pen~tr~tion 1 · 188 :--;;lo. - . H-~u~; ~f-oper~~?n .: 8:!~-~ i-~rtyr [ Level ized cost __ J O~ 1?2 , $/kW~ 24 >.18 ro 0 0 12 ~ ::c 6 -Generator 4 -Generator3 -Generator2 -Generator 1 -Boiler -Ex cess Electricity 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Generator 4 I Quantity : Value ' Units I Hours of operation ·--• 614 . hr/yr . Number of starts 410 1 starts/yr • ' Operational life ~!·7 '. yr _ -1 Capacity factor 2.11 I % 1 kW 1 99.0 94.2 89.4 84.6 79 .8 75 .0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 3of6 1/28/2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr l£ixed g_eneration cost j -~·39 1 $/hr J I Marginal generation c~ 0 .309 : $/kWhyr ---. "-·-----. -r-Qu~n~ity ·-~f ~~~~ ~~it.s I t Electrical prod_ucti?n ~ _8_:~65 T kW~/~r Mean electrical output 13.8 I kW ---• 1-- Min. electrical output ~ 13.7 kW Max. elec!_r~~I output j ~~ ... ~-, kW_ Thermal production I 5,740 f wh/j r , Mean th_ermal output ·f ~:35 ! kW _ . Min . thermal output 9.33 kW · Max. thermal output 12 .6 ; kW -__ J.. - I ·-· -Quantity --'i Val~~·. Units Fue l consumption . 3,512 j L/yr Specifi~ fuel consump!ion ~ _ O.~ 15 l L/kWh , Fuel energy input 34,558 kWh/yr I , Mean electrical ef!icie:±cy . 24.5 · % , Mean total efficiency 41 .1 I % -~ ·----l --~ 24 >.18 IV Cl 15 12 :; 0 :x: 6 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Generator 3 I Qua~tity ----~ Value-T--units l f Hours of operation --t 8 1 h r/yr·-·1 ; ~~:r~:~~:~~~~-; ~~=-~~06 ~-;!~rts/~~~1 l Capacity fa~t~~-~-~--] 0 .0313 ~ % ~~­ [ Fixed generation ~ost ! 3.53 1 $~h!_ _ Marginal _gen~~~tion cost 1 . ~.:.~~-~-!/.kWhyr . r -· _ ·auan~ity . ---1.~~~~eTU ni~~-J • Electrical ?.roduction !. ~~~ ~-kll'!~/yr : t ~ean electrical ~ut~~t-l _ . ~~: 1 ; kW ~ Min. electrical output 24.6 i kW Max. electrical output J5.5 ! kW - i Thermal p~oduction 112 kWh/yr Mean thermal output . 14.1 [kW j Min . thermal output 12.7 '. kW ~ -.. . 1 Max . thermal output . _ 16.9 I kW r·· --Quantity -- --·Value i Units Fuel consumpti?n [ 74.8 · L/yr Specific fuel consumption I 0.333 L/kWh -. i Fu el ener~y input j_ 736 1 kWh/yr Mean electrical efficiency I 30.5 % J 1 r --r -l kW 1 24 .0 19 .2 14.4 9.6 4 .8 0 .0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 4of6 1/28 /2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr ~-M _ea_n _to_ta_1:._ffi_1c_ie_n_c_y __ .__4_5_._8 ~!-~_o __ 24 >.18 fU Cl Ci 12 :J 0 I 6 0 Generator 2 i Qua~tity --J Value ! Units ] Ho ur;~f op~ratl;;n -.--r_-0 ;/y~--1 Number of starts f 0 starts/yr Operational llfe - ------1 ,000 y~ I Capacity fa ctor ] 0.00 . % ---, ! Fixed generat!on cost t 11.5 ; $/hr I · Marginal generation cost 0.212 1 $/kWhyr I-Quantity Value Units ] Electrical production I 0.00 kWh/yr . . ., f Mean electrical output ; 0 .00 I kW _ -1 Min. electrical output 0.00 kW ' Max. electrical output 0.00 kW I d . 0 00 kWh/ Thermal pro uct1on yr t ~ea~ therma~.output o:oo ; kW -J Min . thermal output 0 .00 1 kW l ~-ax. thermal output 0.00 1 kW ~ - ,---Quantity ---ji Value Units Fuel consumption 0 ' L/yr I . . I I ~~~cific fu~I consumption 0.000 : L/kWh Fuel energy input l O kWh/yr · Me~n -~i~ctri?-~i :ff~ci:ncy ~ 0 .0 j % _ J I Mean total eff~i:_ncy __ J 0 .0 1 % =:_] 24 >.18 ~ Ci 12 :J 0 I 6 0 Generator 1 I Quantity ____ yalue Units I Hours of operat ion ~ 0 hr/yr 1 i ~~:!:~~:::~=· _ ~-:~ -_ ~.~o~: ;:"rts/y'I. Capacity factor 1 0 .00 i % 1. ~~x~~-generation cost 9.29 '. $/hr • Marginal generation cost , 0.254 $/kWhyr -I . i - kW 1 36.0 28 .8 21.6 14.4 7.2 0 .0 kW 1 1.0 0.8 0 .6 0 .4 0.2 0.0 file ://C:\Documents and S ettings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 5 of 6 1/28/2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr I _~-ant~~ _ _ J Val~e -~ U~it~_J I Electrical produ?~ion I _ ?:~_o I kWh/yr ~ Mean electrical output __ ?·O_O . kW ~ Min. electrical output 0 .00 ! kW : Max. ~l ectrical o~tput -0.00 I kW - 1 Thermal producti~n--0~00 · kWh/yrj 1 Mean thermal output 0 .00 I kW ---. I - Min . thermal output 0.00 1 kW Max. thermal output_ O .~O , kW _ I ---· Quantity ---Value Units 1 F~el _:onsum~ti~n ---_ -i 0 [ L!y< I Specific fuel consumption . 0.000 UkWh Fuel energy input L_ 0 kWh /yr Meaoelectncal.effioieo:~+ 0.0 [ % ·=] Mean total efficiency 0 .0 · % --- -- 24 >.18 ro 0 0 12 5 0 :i:: 6 0 Emissions Pollutant --· 1 Emissions (kg/yr) t -•·· ---~-I I Car_?on dioxide -t= 5~_: ~-3~ , Carbon monoxide 23.3 . -·---------- ' Unburned hydocarbons : 2 .58 -. ------. • Pa~~culate ma~er -~-1.76 I Sulfur dioxide _ _ _ _ _____ 114 Nitrogen oxides 208 . ----------- k W 1 1.0 0 .8 0.6 0.4 0 .2 0.0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 6of6 1/28 /2010 Knight Piesold CONSULTING Appendix 8-2 Alternative 1 at $4.62/gallon Diesel System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr Sensitivity case CL_town Scaled Average: 1, 150 kWh/d Thermal Load 1 Scaled Average: 1, 195 kWh/d Diesel Price: 1.22 $/L Entegrity EW50 Hub Height: 30 m Generator 4 O&M Cost Multipl ier: 1.5 Generator 3 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 2 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 1 O&M Cost Multiplier : 1 .5 System architecture Hydro --1-25 kW I Generator 4 45 .8 kW Generator 3 81.9 kW Generator 2 113 kW Generator 1 135 kW Cost summary Total net present cost l $ 3,947 ,388 Levelized cost of energy $ 0 .322/kWh Operating cost _ l $ 47,058 /yr Cash Flow Summa 4,000,000---------"-=~~~~---'-'~-----------. -Hydro -Generator 4 -Generator 3 3,000,000 --------------------1-Generator 2 • 8 2,000,000 j 1,000,000 1S z 0 -Generator 1 -Boiler other -1,000,000---------~---------~-----1 Capital Replacement Operating Fuel Salvage Net Present Costs r-. ., I -·--1· ·C apital . ; Re~lace~ent ! O&M 1-Fuel I Component r. . -I • Salvage 1_ Total -~ , : ($) I ($) I ($) ($) I ($) I ($) 1-- 'i-iyd;O I 3,013,000 ---- -- i Generator 4 0 Generator 3 0 -o· l Generator 2 , Gener~tor 1 ~-__ .. Boiler o ! 1-------0 ! ' . ----. ----- Other 0 , System -i 3,013,000 '.. Annualized Costs Capital Replacement Component · . ($/yr) ($/yr ) Hydro -_J 151 ,741 -0 0 0 0 18,288 ; I 0 238 : 0 0 0 1 0 0 , 0 o I 454 ,211 0 472 ,737 0 85,077 1,812 0 0 427,447 0 514 ,335 0 3 ,013,000 -7,7 01 95,663 -13,097 -11 ,047 -16,252 -16,252 -15,635 -15 ,635 0 I 427,447 t • 0 : 454 ,211 -52,685 3,947,388 O&M l Fuel 1 Salvage Total 1 ($/yr) ($/yr) I ($/yr) : ($/yr) 0 0 0 151,741 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 1of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr i Generator 3 0 i 0 12 911 -660 · : Generc:_tor 4 0 I 0 -r=' 92~ l 4 ,285 I -388 I Generator 2 0 ;·· --0 --0 --0 1--818 I Boiler 0 !' ---0 1---0 ! 21,52i f-0 4,818 -556 -818 -787 21 ,52 7 ' I G_~ne rator 1 j·--_-_-0 :--·----0 i ---0 ---O i--787 :· i -----I ---- --~ t i-----· Other 0 , 0 , 22,875 : 0 I O 22,875 System : 151,741 ~~ --O l 23 ,808 ! 25 ,90~ r -2,653 198 ,798 Cash Flows 1,000 ,000.....--------------'~'-'--'-~""------------~-Capital -Replacement n Salvage 0 Tm-----------------------,__~_.....--__, ....... ,__ ______ .._.___. ... 1-Operating J Q ~-1 000000 -t9------------------------I ii ' ' Cl u ~ -2,000,000 -t9------------------------I 'E Q :z:_3 ,ooo,ooo~------------------------1 -4,000,000-~-----------------~----__, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Electrical Component Hydro turbine G enerator 4 Generator 3 Generator 2 Generator 1 Total 100 ~ 80 .:>< 60 j qo 20 0 Production Fraction . (kWh/yr) [ _ 788,94 0 I I -8,465 . 225 1-·-- 1 -o ! ~ -- 0 I - 99% I 1% 0% 0% 1 0% 797,630 100% I Veer Number Monthlv Avereoe Electric Production - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov De c [ -------r---· --------, I Consumption Fraction 1 Load • · I (kWh/yr) I [AC primary load ~ 419,749 ·-100% 1 !otal _ _ _ _l___ 4:9.749 _ 100% r-Quantity . -r Value I Units. I Excess electricity 377,846 kWh/yr 1 U nmet load ~ 0 .00 ; kWh/yr I Capacity shortage 1 -0 .00 • .kWh /yr : j Renewabl e fraction 0 .830 _ -· ] Thermal I -Generator 4 -Generator3 -Generator2 -Generator 1 -Hy dro -Fuel file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 2of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr I Production ' Fraction Component · -· ·-i -G~~e·r~t~r 4 =·~kW_h~~;~O -~- Generator 3 112 Boiler 147,584 --. -- Excess electrici ty 377 ,846 I Total _____ L 531,283 1% 0% l 28?o j 71% I 100% 80 Monthtv Avera11e Thermal Production ---I ---;:-- I 1 ~ .... ~ 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec i------Consu~ption . Fraction I Load · ~ I_ (kWh/yr) ! I 1 Therma l load 436, 17 4 100% . rot~I ___ f= 435~·14 -~ 100% I-Quantity ---i Value ; Units . Excess th~rma l energy j 95 , 109 : kWh/yr Hydro I Quantity j Value I Un its 1i ' I 1 Nominal capacity 125 : kW I Me~n output r· -90.1 '. kW - . Capacity fa ctor t-72 .1 I % - . Total production 788,940 l kWh/yr Q~a~tit~ V~I~~: Unit;: nimum output t 75.1 kW 1 . -. : Maximum output 98 .2 kW ' Hydro. penetration 188 : % - l Hou·r~ ~ ~P.:~!lon i. 8 ~!60 l ~rty_r _ I Lev_elized cost _ 0~2 l ~kWh J 24 >.18 111 0 0 12 :s 0 :r 6 -Gene rator 4 -Gene rator 3 -Generator2 -Generator 1 -B oi ler -EKcess Electri city 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Generator 4 ~ Quantity --, Value Units l ~Hours of operation ~~·. 614 • hr/yr . Number of starts 410 : starts/yr 97.7 yr 2.11 % ~ Operatio na l life -·--.. . -----· - Capacity factor r - kW 1 99.0 94.2 89.4 84.6 79 .8 75.0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 3of6 1/28/2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr • Fixed generation cost J __ ~.72 : $/hr I 'M;~ln al g:~er~ti?-n c~s~TI:_37? ; $/kWhy;: [-·Quantity --_.-val~~-.j un_its J Electrical production 8,465 '. kWh/yr I · · -I -- Mean electrical output 13.8 : kW i --. l Min . electrical output L 13.7 : kW I Max . electrical output r 21 .0 : k"." - ; ::::t~:~:~::~pnut 1· 5::~ : ::/y~~ ! Min. thermal output 9.33 : kW 1 Max. thermal output _ 12.6 '. kW _ [ Quantity -_-_ ~1 Value Units ! Fuel consumption 3,512 L/yr Specific fuel consumption 0.415 L/kWh , Fuel energy in put ~34,558 : kWh/~r Mean electrical efficie ncy 24.5 ! % --~ Mean total efficiency 41 .1 • % ---'--c ·-- 24 >.18 IV Cl 0 12 :; 0 :I: 6 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Generator 3 I Quantity -----: Value r Units J Hours of operation :.-1--8 hr/y~ l Operational life 7,500 yr ~ ---- Number of starts ___ 8 : starts/yr 1 Capacity factor . 0.0313 % l Fix~d g·e-neration cost . -1 3.87 -$/hr -- 1 Mar~in_?I gen~:a!i~~ cos~ ..... ~341 J $/kWhyr , c--___ .Qu~tity --=-· 1 vaiu~l_~~its Electrical production 225 l kWh/yr · M~an ele~tri~al output . . 28.1 ! kW I Min . electrical output . 24.6 i kW - ; Max. electrical output 35 .5. , kW I -J . I Therma l ~reduction 11 ~ ~ klJlfh/yr Mean thermal output 14.1 kW Min . thermal output 12 .7 kW Max. thermal output 16 .9 1 k'N_ ;--Quantity . --r V~lu~ i Units I Fuel consumption Specific fuel consumption Fuel energy input L Mean electrical efficiency : r 74.8 I L/yr 0.333 ! L/kWh ::.: ! ~Whlyr j kW I"" 19 .2 14.4 9 .6 4 .8 0.0 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 4of6 1128 /2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr L ~ean total efficiency 24 >.18 .gi 0 12 5 0 :c 6 0 45 .s l:~ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Generator 2 1.. ·-~u~ntiti __ . Val~e ~ ~nits 1 I Hours of opera!i_on ( 0 • hr/yr , Numb~r-of starts ___ J 0 starts/yr 1 t Operational life ; 1,000 yr '. Capa~i ty f~-clo r l _ 0.00 j 0~o - 1 1 ' Fi x ed generation cost 1 13.6 i $/hr I -·-•• • •-.. -· -f - , Ma rginal generation cost 0.258 ! $/kWhyr . r-Quantity ----Value Units I . ---. _ .. I Electrical production ! 0 .00 • kWh /yr Mean electrical output : 0.00 i kW Min . electrical output 0 .00 I kW Max. electrical output 0.00 1 kW Thermal production Mean thermal output I Min . th~r~al output I Max. thermal output ! --Quantity - Fuel consumption ~ .. -----·- . 0.00 kWh/yr , 0.00 ' kif! --1 0 .00 kW 0 .00 : kW J -·- Value J Units t· 0 I L/yr Specific fuel consumption 0 .000 : UkWh j Fuel ~nergy in~ut l _ 0 ~ k'N_hly_r _: ~ M_:~~-electr!cal effic i en~y . ri _. ~-~ 1. _ _'.':'o -j Mean total efficiency 0 .0 % 24 >.18 ,,, Cl 0 12 5 0 :c 6 0 ---.. . -- Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Generator 1 Quantity --Value r Units I Hours _of_ op_~ration - . -f _ 0 : hr/yr . Number of starts _ O t starts/yr I Operational life 1,000 l yr ____ j Capac ity factor I 0 .00 % I' I Fixed generation cost . 10.9 ! ~/hr , Marginal. ~eneration cost 0 .310 [ $/kWhyr Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec kW 1 36 .0 28 .8 21.6 14.4 7 .2 0 .0 kW 1 1.0 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0.0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\j dwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 5of6 1/28 /2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr [~ o~~n!i~-~-~~v~1 ~_;f -u~~s-1 f ~~:_~:ricaly_~o~u~tion _ 0 .0~ : kW~/yr I I-~-e_a_n _el~ctrical ou_tput __ O.?O .j kW ~ .!.1~~ :ie~ical output 0.00 I kW ~ Max .. _el~c!~:~I ~~~ut 0.00 1 kW ' Thermal production 0 .00 · kWh/yr -~e~~ t~:rmal output 0 .00 kW j Min. thermal output 0 .00 · kW Max. th~rn:i~!. ~~put . 0.00 kW [---~ua~-ti-ty. =: Value Units Fue l consumption I O L/y r I Spe~ific ~uel c~nsumptio~ ~1. 0.000 ~ U-kWh I ~~el .:_nerg~. i~~ut . _ 0 I kW h/y r . r ~ean electrica l efficiency : -0.0 ; % -1 'Mean total effici ency __ _L: 0.0 % _l 24 » 18 IV Cl 0 12 3 0 ::c 6 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Emissions I Po11 ~t ;~ -=r ~m.i_~.:'.i?"~ 1k~!!'2 , Carbon dioxide I 56 , 13~ . Carbon monoxide 23.3 ~ Unburn-ed hydocarb;~s C-____ 2.~8 I Partic ulate matter ~1----~ .. 7~ 1 Sulfur dioxide __ _ _ __ .• _ 114 Nitrogen oxides 208 --------- kW 1 1.0 0 .8 0 .6 0.4 0 .2 0 .0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 6of6 1128/2010 Knight Piesold CONSULTING Appendix B-3 Alternative 1 at $5.54/gallon Diesel System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr Sensitivity case CL_ town Scaled Average: 1,150 kWh/d Thermal Load 1 Scaled Average: 1, 195 kWh/d Diesel Price : 1.46 $/L Entegrity EW50 Hub Height: 30 m Generator 4 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 3 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 2 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 1 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 System architecture '!Hydro -125"kw l Generator 4 45.8 kW1 ! Generator 3 81 .9 kW I Generator 2 113 kW I Generator 1 135 kW L J Cost summary Total net present cost -1 $ 4,048,569 i Levelized cost of energy $ 0 .304/kWh I Operating cost . . ____ l $ 52 , 153/yr Cash Flow Summa 4,000,000~---------"-==~~~~'-'-=......._-------~-Hydro -Generator 4 -Generator 3 3,000,000 --------------------•-Generator 2 .-. ~ 1S 8 2,000,000 j 1,000,000 ll z 0 -1,000,000----~--------------~------- Capital Replacement Operating Fuel Salvage Net Present Costs -Generator 1 -Boiler other r·c~-mp:~.-n; L_ca~;1a1 t ~l•l;:ment i ~t~ r·I~:' l~·~~~·-· 1 ~ T~7' ~ I Hydro --; 3,013,000 O , O ' O l O 3,013,000 ! G~nerator4 l---__ 0 [____ 0 f 18,288 ' 101,813 i --7.'.~~~-i. ~12 ,399 Generator 3 0 I 1 Generator 2 0 I Generator 1 -l' ~ ~--_. Boiler o ' o I ·--- 0 I Other System r 3,013 ,000 i Annualized Costs '. Capital Replacement I Component , . 1 . ($/yr) ($/yr) Hydro 151,741 1 0 0 O · t o · 0 238 0 , ,. 0 2,168 -13,097 0 ; -16 ,252 0 ~ -15 ,635 ! 0 511,535 0 · -1 0,690 -16,252 -15 ,635 0 454 ,211 I 0 , ' I • 0 511 ,535 454,211 0 : 472 ,737 615,516 ! -52 ,685 . 4 ,048 ,568 O&M Fuel ($/yr) ($/yr) 0 : 0 Salvage Total I 1 ($/yr) i ($/yr) I 0 151,741 file://C:\Documents and Settings~dwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 1 of 6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr J Gen_era~o_r_4__,_ ___ o.....,: _____ o , 921 i 5,128 I -388 1 Generator 3 O ' ·a ~12 ! 109 -, --660 5,661 -538 . t ' Generator 2 0 Generator 1 0 t ------ Boiler 0 ·------- Other 0 -, . System __ I 151 ,741 0 0 , __ _ o , o · 0 0 0 0 . 25 ,762 0 '22,875 0 0 23 ,808 30 ,999 -818 -818 -787 -787 0 25 ,762 0 22 ,875 -2 ,653 203 ,894 Cash flows 1,000,000----------_;;;_;;~...;..;;.;:;..;..:.;:;__ _________ ~_ Capital -Replacement n Salvage O +-------------------,_..____. ...... ..._ ______________________ _...._1-Operating ~ 0 ~-1000000 +.------------------------I i ' ' Clll u ~ -2,000,000 ·~ 0 :z: -3,000,000 -+-------------------------1 -4,000,000-..0-1--~~-----~~---------~~--' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Electrical I • Production Fraction I Component i I J_ (kWh/yr) _ t- i Hydro turbine 788,940 99% I . ~--I 1 Generator 4 1 Generator 3 Generator 2 1 Generator 1 8,465 1% ·----. 225 . 0%' l-o . 0%; 0 0%' Total __ 797,630 _ 100%_ J Vear Number 100 Monthly Average Electric Production 80 ~ ~ 60 ~ 40 0 a.. - ~ -Generator 4 -Generator 3 -Generator 2 ,_ -Generator 1 -Hydro 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Load . Co~;u~~t_i~-Fr~~~i~~-1 -I ___ (kWh/y~) ___ [_ I AC primary load 419 ,749 100% Total 419,749 100% I -Quantity l Value l U~it~ I Excess electricity : 377,846 ' kWh/yr 1 Unmet load -L 0.00 . kWh/yr 1 t Capacity shortage I.. o:oo r kWh/yr • Renewable fraction 0 .830 L ___ I Thermal i ·-r-------I -Fuel file ://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 2of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr I ! Production Fraction 1 Component · -· ---i ~ (kWh/yr) I J I Genera~or4 . .__. ·--· 5,740 ·--= 1°~o-J Generator 3 112 0% 1 Boiler ··---147,584 28 % .. t·-· Excess electricity Total 377 ,846 ! 71% 531,283 --100% l 80 Monthlv Averaue Thermal Production ---• --=- 0 I I Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1--------1 c~~sumption . Fraction I Load · ---I (kWh/yr) ' J Thermal load 436, 17 4 100% t --r-----____ , I Tota l -··-_ l ___ 436 , 17 4 100% l.--Quantity Value U_nits ; Excess thermal energy 95, 109 kWh/yr Hydro ! Quantity ~ . I Value J Units Nominal capacity ; 125 i kW : M~an output l 90.1 j kW l Capacity fa ~tor __ l ~ 72 .1 ' % Tota l production , 788 ,940 i kWh /y r t:,~t;"::,, i---";~~~ 1 :its ; Maxim~~ ~i:rt"put-. 98.2 kW l [ ~ydro_?.:~e~t~n ,-. 188 1 % ... ~ '. H ?~~s of op~!~~on ; 8,760 hr/yr . Levelized cost 0 .1 ~ i $/kWh 24 )>, 18 to Cl 0 12 ~ :c 6 0 -Generator 4 -Generator 3 -Generator 2 -Generator 1 -Boiler -Ex cess Electricity Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Generator 4 Quantity Hours of operation t Number of sta.rts Operationa l life 1 Capa city factor r Value i Units I I . ~ 614 hr/yr J 410 I starts/yr ! 1 97.7 yr _ 1 2.11 % I kW 1 99.0 94.2 89 .4 84.6 79.8 75.0 file ://C :\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 3of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr ; Fixed generation cost ~~-~~l~_r -~ Mar~in~I generatio_~ co~!._@~1 l $!_k~~yr ~ [ _ _ Quantit~----~ .. Val~~-: LI-nits ] ~t ric~l ~-roductio~ ... ~-~~~~~-1-kvyh'Jr -1 L.~ean el:_ctrical outp~~---~-~J1 ~~ ~ · Min. electrical output 13.7 kW . . . . .. --·------. - Max. electrica l output 21 .0 · kW ---------·-i -· ~-I . Thermal production _j 5,740 ! kWh/yr ~ I Mean thermal output i 9.35 · kW j I Min. thermal -output . -9~33-~ kW -- Max. thermal output 12.6 f kW L • • • • L •.•• r--Quantity --~ Value Units ~ : Fuel consumpt~on ---=-~--·-3.5_1.2 J L/y r --j Specific fuel consumptio_n__ O.~ 15 J L~k~h I Fuel energy input . 34,558 : kWh/yr Mean electrical efficiency. : 24.5 : ofo---i Mean total efficiency i -~~--~ 0~o _ ---~ 24 >.18 ro 0 0 12 ~ :c 6 0 Generator 3 I Qu~~i;iy --f alue l un;ts l Hours of operation _ _ ~~ B : hr/~~ .. J Number of starts 8 starts/yr I ~~::~~·.:!~ -=-:1 01ci!~~ ! ~ ---1 Fixed generation cost -1 4.-23 -$/hr --1 l. ~arginal ~:~e!.~!'._~n. co:t f. 0-407 [ $/kWhyr 1 I -Q~~nUfy --; V~lu e j units rE1e~tric~~-~r_o~~c~i_o~ __ i:---~25 : kWh/yr t M_:_an ~le ~tri~al output ' 28.1 kW Min. electrical output 24.6 kW .. -. -t Max. electrical output 35.5 I kW ~ ··• • •• --• I 1 Thermal production 112 kWh/yr 1 r M~an -therm ~! output -~~-1 l kW _ -] Min. thermal output 12 .7 I kW j ~~x . thern~al output 16.9 'kW ~- ,---Qu~ntity ----;Value Units 1 Fuel consumption j 74.8 ; L/yr [ Specific fuel consumption . 0 .333 L/kWh Fuel energy input j 736 kWh/yr I Mean electrical efficiency -30 .5 r % I I f I . l kW 1 24.0 19.2 14.4 9.6 4.8 0.0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 4of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr ~~an total efficiency 24 :>.18 fV Cl 0 12 :; 0 I 6 0 45.8 1 %__j Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Generator 2 Quantity -! Value ~· Units ,__ __ Hours of operation t-0 · hr/yr Number of starts _____ 0 starts/yr ! ; --·--- Operational life 1 000 yr Capacity factor ----~1 ~-00 \ % --- Fixed generation cost 1 15.8 ! $/hr Margi~-.;;lg~n~ration cost ! 0.309 i $/kWhyr r -Quantity ---! Value ; Units l . Electric~i pr~d~ction -·.-0.00 j kWh/yr , j Mean electrical output -~-_ ?·~?.J kW --~ Min. electrical output 0 .00 : kW .. -----~·-·-- Max. electrical output 0.00 '. kW f -' -I Thermal production 0.00 ~kWh/yr r ~e~~. ther~a~ output o:oc) ~ ~"!"-3 f _Min. thermal output 0.00 ; kW __ Max. thermal output 0.00 i kW -.... l._ -· r ··--= .~~~~t_i!~ -~--1 Value l U~·its ·j I Fuel consumption I 0 , Uyr ·_Specific. fuei -~o-n~umption l. 0.909 j__~~~h I Fuel ener~!.'_ input __ _ O Lk"!"_~Jyr ~ ~ ~':'.~~ :~~~.!_r.ic~I-efficiency . 0 .0 I % _J ~e~~ Iota~ effi?iency _ _[ 0.0 I % ·-_J 24 :>.18 fV Cl 0 12 :; 0 I 6 0 Generator 1 ' Quantity Hours of operation -·-- Number of starts -----i Va~u~ 1 h~;rits i -1-O I starts/yr ~ · Operational life 1 t : : 1,000 yr Capacity factor ---1 0.00 ! % 1 Fixed generation cost 12.6 : $/hr ' 1 ..• Mar~inal ~eneration cost ! 0.371 $/kWhyr kW 1 36.0 28 .8 21.6 14.4 7.2 0 .0 kW 1 1.0 0.8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 D.D file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 5of6 1128 /2010 System Report -Alternative 1--Bear Cr.hmr Quantity Value 1 Units --------1 tric~~ pr~d~ction -j 0.-00 J kWh/yr 1 ~ Mean electrical output I 0.00 j kW _ J Min. electrical output 0.00 I kW l 1 Max. electrical output f Mean thermal output l Thermal production I Min. therma l output [ ~':x. ~he_rmal output _ r ----Quanti.ty - 0.00 kW 0.00 kWh /yr 0.00 kW 1 --1 0.00 i kW 0.00 1 kW Value . 1 --J Units Fuel consumption 0 L/yr Specific fuel consumption 0.000 ' UkWh Fuel energy input I '- 1-- Mean electrical efficiency Mean total efficiency I ---'- 24 ;., 18 ro Cl '15 12 5 0 :I: 6 0 I 0 i kWh/yr I 0.0 I % j 0.0 % Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Emissions f Poliutant E~issions (kg/yr) k , Carbon dioxide _ -~-tt _ _ __ ·--_ 56 , 132 Carbon monoxide 23.3 Unburned hydocarbons 2.58 Partic ulate matter I Sulfur dioxide Nitrogen oxides ·t·------- 1 .76 114 208 kW 1 1.0 0.8 0.6 0 .4 0 .2 0 .0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 1--Bear Cr.htm Page 6of6 1128/2010 Knight Piesold CONSULTING Append ix B-4 Alternative 2 at $3. 78/gallon Diesel System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr Sensitivity case CL_town Scaled Average: 1 , 150 kWh/d Thermal Load 1 Scaled Average: 1 , 195 kWh/d Diese l Price: 1 $/L Generator 4 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 3 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 2 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 1 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 System arch itecture . -·1 Hydro 126 kW Generator 4 45.8 kW ' ! Generator 3 81.9 kWI Generator 2 113 kW [Generator 1 135 kW Cost summary --r Total net present cost 1 $ 4,438 ,298 i Levelized cost of energy $ 0.408/kWh t·Operating cost _____ ] $ 39 ,650/yr Cash Flow Summa 4,000,000---------------~-------~-Hydro -Generator 4 -Generator 3 3,000,000 --------------------•-Generator 2 11 8 2,000,000 J 1,000,000 1S z 0 -1,000,000-----,------~---------~-,------- Capital Replacement Operating Fuel Salvage Net Present Costs -Generator 1 -Boiler other r ~o~~~nent l c~:;tal t~~pla(~~m~n~ t -~~~; _ t~~(~' __ ~l sa:~~ge ·(--7$f ~ __ , 3,651,000 0 I 0 : 0 , 0 3,651,000 I f 0 : 15,667 59 ,744 , -8,190 I 67 ,220 0 208 ' 1,261 1--13 ,103 ! -11 ,633 I -. ~ l 0 J__ --0 . -16,252 1--16,252 0 0 0 i -15,635 ; -15,635 I 0 0 I 309,386 . 0 309,386 : t t 0 1 454,211 I 0 0 I 454 ,211 I · t· o · 4 70,086 370 ,391 I -53, 180 4.438,299 Hydro Generator 4 ~--·--0 ~ i Generator 3 0 ' [ Generator 2 1 O , I ~:;;::··0:_' 1~-~--~-~ r_----- Other 0 I System 1 3,651,000 I Annualized Costs '. i Capital ! Replacem-e~t-l "o&M r Fuel . Salvage . Total I I Component . ($/y;) j .. . ($/yr) j ($/yr) ' ($/yr) i-($tyr). I ($/yr) I ~ydro_ -· -1 183 ,872 1--· ---0 i . ---~ r -0 ,----. _o : 183 ,872 I file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 1 of 6 1/28/2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr ~erat~_i:_~ ! o _•t==' -~L7~9 1 _3,009 ~-4~2 ~~:~~~-J Ge~er~to~~ ._ __ 0 ____ 0 1 1~ ~ 64 -66~ l_ -5~6 . Generator 2 1 O 0 0 , 0 -818 -818 -. . .. l---. ----.,_ lo-• ·--J G~0et~·n1:e~rat_o_r_.-1-t -·-_-__ 0 O o o -787 -78 7 1 or------o o 15,581 :--o 15,581 I •-----I ? r--_ 0 22,875 0 ? I 22 ,875 System __ : 183 ,872 ·----_ 0 : 23,674 18,654 -2 ,678 l 223,522 Cash Flows 1,000,000 ...------------'--''-'-'---------------._Capital -Replacement 0 Salvage O ..-~-------~--------------~~---------1 -Operating i 0 ~-1000000 ---------------------------1 i ' ' (II u 1-2,000,000 ---------------------------1 0 :z:-3,000,000 Tm------------------------1 -4,000,000-~--~~-~---~~------~-----o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Year Number Electrical ' Production 1 Fraction Component ' · ; (kWh/yr) I Hydro .turbine j 848,997 r -99% I • ---·--· f Generator4 t _ '.·~~3 I __ 1% I [ Generator_~ _ _ _ 1~? f--?0/o 1 I Generator 2 0 0% Generator 1 -----0 -. --0% I , Total ___ 1 . 856,439 l:=. 100% 1 120 ~ __ _;;.:.M=o~nt=h=•lv~A~ve=r~a~o·e-=--=El=e~ct=r=ic~P~r=o=du=ct~io~n'"'"-_-~ ~ 60 0 a.. 30 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Load I (kWh/yr) [ I Consumption : Fra~Uon I AC primary load ·-· 419 :Y49 --100% 1 [ 1=_ota~---l-=-~9.!49 .--1 ~0% J ,-Quantity --l Value f Units I Excess electricity _ : 436 ,6~7 j kWh/yr 1 Unmet load L 0.00 , kWh /yr -c~paci.ty ;hortage [_-ci:oo 1 kWh /yr : ' Renewable fraction --0.856 ; _ _ _ I Thermal I -Generator 4 -Generator3 -Generator 2 -Generator 1 -Hydro -Fuel file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 2of6 1128/2010 Sys tem Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr Component I Ge n era~or ~-= I Generator 3 t Bo iler Production ! Fraction l (kW-h/yr0 ---·. . 4,91a r 1%. ·--_ __. ~ 96 . 0% ··-~- 130,322 i 23% Excess electricity Total ____ L 436 ,687 1-·· -76o/o I 572,022 : 100% 80 Monthlv Avera~ e Thermal Production ~40 .... QJ ~20 0 I ~ -- - I 1 ~ ,_ I- Jan Feb M a r Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec l -·-I Consumpti~n !Fractio n 1· j Load l (kWh/yr) t ~· .. . . , Thermal load 436,174 100% 1 Total . __ . 1 4 36~174-:=-100% ; r-. . . Quantity . 1 Value l Units I Excess therm~·j energy 1 135,848 [ k'!!hlyr J Hydro [ Quantity [ Value [ .~nit~ [Nominal capacity _ . 126 t ~w .. Mean output ' 97 I kW Capacity factor f 77.1 · % -. ;. I Total production . 848,997 I kWh/yr I Q·~a-ntlty---·V;l~e . U-;,its j . . ·' l ·- Minimum output i 76 ! kW [ Maxi!Y'~~~output 1-114 '. ·;;.0--_ Hydro penetration 1 202 j % . H~urs of operation 1 8,760 i hr/yr- 1 . • -;.--· .. l Level iz=~ ~ost 0.217 L $/k~ 24 ~18 0 12 :; 0 :z: 6 0 -Generator 4 -Generator3 -Generator 2 -Generator 1 -Boiler -Ex cess Electricity Jan Feb Mar Apr M ay Jun Jul A ug Sep Oct Nov Dec Generator 4 Quantity r Hours of operation I Number of starts Operational life r , Capac ity factor I -~ Value ! Units 1 526 hr/yr 3S5 ! starts /yr ,'~{~~ ~-1 kW 1 116 108 100 g2 84 76 file ://C :\Documents and Settings\j dwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--C ucumber Cr.htm Page 3of6 1/28 /2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr ~ixed gener~_t!on cost -~-~_:_~9 ; ~ -~ I Margina~ ~~ne_ration cos~ ! ?·3?9 I $/kWhyr I~_ -Q-u~~!~ty-~~'. V~lue ·-Un~!_~_ I r-~~ectrical production_ , 7,253 . k~_h/yr f -Mean electri:_al o_u!put [_ 13.8 t kW -l Min. electrical output L 13.7 · kW l. ~ax. electrica~~utpu~ l 20.1 kV'.'. __ 1 I Thermal production i 4,918 : kWh/yr [ Mean ther~~l _o~tput Min . thermal output 9.35 kW 9.33 kW I • Max. therma~.?-~~!!_t 12.2 i _k~- 1 ~ua ~t~~y --=--- . -Value i Units I Fuel con_~u~pUo~ l 3,009 ~ L/yr Specific fuel consumption 0.415 . L/kWh . --· •·· ~ Fuel energ~ in_r:~t _ , 29,607 [ ~Wh/yr I Mean ele~t ~~al _efficiency : 24.5 i % --· 1 I Mean to~al efficiency _ _j_ _ 4 ~ ~ _ _:_ 0/~ ___ : 24 >.18 ,,, 0 0 12 .... :;) 0 I 6 0 Generator 3 I Quantity --: Value f Units J ' Hours of -~p~;atio~ -. -1 7 +hr/yr \ r Nu~be~ of ;!~rts ---~----7 i starts/yr j Operational life 8,571 yr i Cap~cit~ f~jt~r __ -----~-'. 0.0264 l % -I Fixed generation cost I 3.53 ! $/hr I : Ma~ginal_~~~~~~ation cost ! 0.279 ; $/kWhyr I (----~-.. §~~~~i~y ----~-~~~e I Units j I Electrical pr~duction [. 190 '. kWh/yr ' ; Mean electrical output . 27 .1 , kW ~ . .. -f Min. electrical output 24.6 • kW f Max. electrical output 34.5 kW ' -I I Thermal production_ 95.8 kWh/yr Mean thermal output 13.7 . kW -1 Min. thermal output 12.7 1 kW i Max. thermal output -1 16.5 '. kW ~- I --Quantity Value 1 Units I Fuel consumption I 63.5 L/yr f Specific fuel consumption 0.335 1 L/kWh , Fuel energy i~put I 625 kWh/yr I Mean electrical efficiency . 30.3 • % I I -. i I --l Aug Sep kW 1 21.0 16.8 12.6 8.4 4.2 0.0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 4of6 1/28/2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr Mean total efficiency 45 .7 '% 24 :-, 18 ~ 0 12 5 0 ::i: 6 0 ·-~~_._~~~~~- Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Generator 2 Quantity -----, Value , Units J H-~~-~~f operation ·-. -0 ~hr/yr I Number of starts 0 . starts/yr 1· I t ·-- Operational life 1 ,000 : yr -. --- Capacity factor 0.00 % Fixed generation cost 11 .5 $/hr ' Marginal generation cost l 0.212 I $/kWhyr r·· Quantity -·--·Value I U~its l Electrical production I 0 .00 ! kWh/yr I 1· I Mean electrical output 1 0 .00 : kW I Min. electrical output 0.00 kW i Max. electrical output 0 .00 i kW I ! Thermal productio ~ _ _?.OO kWh/yj Mean thermal output 0 .00 kW . --·t Min. thermal output 0.00 , kW ' t ·- I Max . thermal output _ ~.00 . kW _ I ---Quantity ---1· Value -Units f Fuel consu;;;ptlon ----0 ) Llyr- 1 •. --• - . Specific fu_el consumptio_n_ 1. 0.000 . L/kWh 1 Fuel enecgy input ~ . 0 [ kWh/ye J I Mean electri_~~I efficiency ' -o~~ '_ :~. I Mean t~tal ef!i_9iency __ [ 0 .0 j % --· 24 :o-18 ro 0 0 12 5 0 ::c 6 0 Generator 1 Quantity ····-=-=j Value ·. Units l I Hours of operc:~~on ·-+·-0 l hr/yr l ' Number of starts 0 starts/yr I ~::::~~:nf:lc~:: -~ -~ ~ -~·f. 1 ~~~ i ~ __ _ l Fixed generation cost . 9.29 ~ $/hr ' Margi nal generation cost i 0 .254 $/kWhyr •1' I I kW 1 36.0 28 .8 21.6 14.4 7 .2 0 .0 kW 1 1.0 0 .8 0 .6 0.4 0.2 0 .0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 5of6 1/28 /2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr [ ~~~ntity ~--: V~~u~: Units j I Electrical pro~uction I 0.00 1 kWh/yr i Mean el_ectrical o~tput 1 ?.DO_~ ~W -1 Min . electrical output ~ 0.00 . kW __ Max. electrical output 0.00 kW [Thermal production f 0.00 J kWh/yr 1 J Mean ther~al o~~put t 0.00 · kW ·j [ Min. thermal output . 0.00 kW Max. thermal output 0.00 kW I _ I f-·-· -Quantity -· --1· Value Units Fuel consumption --0 ' L/yr I · ··--· t • Specific fuel consumption 0.000 · L/kWh Fuel energy input I 0 1 kWh/yr ' ..--j , Mean elec_~rical efficiency t-O.? , ?o . __ · Mean total efficiency 0 .0 % l -. 24 >.18 ro 0 0 12 5 0 J: 6 0 Emissions [ P~~lutant _ ~i ~~s~!~ns (kg/yr) 1 Carbon dioxide 49,317 Carbon monoxide 20 r ------·-·· ·,----·-! Unburned hydocarbons L-_ 2 .21 Particulate matter -_--t __ ---. _ _ ... _ 1.51 Sulfur dioxide 101 I Nitrogen oxides 178 kW 1 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 .0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 6of6 1128 /2010 Knight Pi,esold CONSULT ING Appendix B-5 Alternative 2 at $4.62/gallon Diesel System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr Sensitivity case CL_ town Scaled Average: 1, 150 kWh /d Thermal Load 1 Scaled Average: 1, 195 kWh/d Diesel Price: 1.22 $/L Generator 4 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 3 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 2 O&M Cost Multipl ier: 1.5 Generator 1 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 System architecture !Hydro 126k'W I !Generator 4 45 .8 kW I !Generator 3 81.9 kW Generator 2113 kW 1Generator 1 1 ~5 kyY J Cost summary 1 Total net present cost 1 $ 4,519 ,784 Levelized cost of energy , $ 0 .391/kWh J Operating cost I $ 43.754/yr Cash Flow Summa 4,000,000...---------------~---------,-Hydro -Generator 4 -Generator 3 3,000,000 --------------------1-Generator 2 15 8 2,000,000 j 1,000,000 1S z 0 -1,000,000-----~---~---------~-----Capital Replacement Operating Fuel Salvage Net Present Costs -Generator 1 -Boiler other 'Compo ~:•;_ Ciiital t •'•l;fm_~nt ; __ ol:~ l ~~i'.-t ~·!(:~•• f-T~;:' ~I I Hydro 1 3,651,000 l 0 l 0 0 0 3,651 ,000 . Generator 4 i-_ -·. 0 I 0 15,667 72,887 , . -8, 190 80,364 Generator3 · 0 0 208 . 1,539 i -13,103 l -11 ,356 I Generator 2 ~-_ __ O . _ -·---O ! ~--O J_-___ 0 -16,252 -16,252 I Generator 1-1--0 0 : 0 · 0 , -15 ,635 -15 ,635 Boiler . ___ ---· 0 L _.__ _ __ 0 0 , 377,451 i O l 377,451 Other 0 0 , 454,211 ' 0 0 454 ,211 , System 3,651,000 ·---~-~~= 0 ] 470,086 1 451 ,877 -53,180 4 ,519,783 Annualized Costs ,-.• C~pital 1~ Replacement ~ O&M I Component ---------i · I -t ($/Xr) , ($/yr) l ($/yr) Hydro : 183 ,872 0 . 0 I --·1 r-· I Fuel Salvage .. Total _I ($/yr) I ($/yr) i ($/yr) I ; o . 0 183,872 r---i file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 1of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr .. Gen_:r~~~+--~~1 Generator 3 . 0 I>--··---;--------- Generator 2 ; 0 . -·-~-----· ----- • G~~~rator 11 ----~ 1 ____ . __ · Boiler 0 ,___ ---. -!--·- other 0 I --.. --··--. -- •System _ 183 ,872 , __ _ 0 I 789 I 3,671 ! -412 ! 4 ,047 I or-16 .. --· 78 i---660 ~--=5721 ~ ! --~ ~ :~---~ 1= ~~:~ := -~~:~: •• -I 1-. l 0 0 i 19,009 • 0 19,009 : 0 22,875 0 .. ---0 ' 22 ,875 1 -· t ·-· · I I 0 23,674 I 22,757 -2 ,678 ; 227,625 . I -I • Cash Flows 1,000,000----------....;:;.;="-~~"------------. -Capital ..-. ~ ~ 0------...----.-------..... ------....... -------.------~ -----l:J = ~-1000000 -1-9------------------------1 ii .. c:l ~ -2,000,000 ·~ = =-3,000,000 -1-9------------------------1 -4.ooo,ooo 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Year Number Electrical ; Production ' Fraction Component [ (kWh/yr) I __ I Hydro turbine I ~48,9_~7 t • 99% , Generator 4 7,253 1 % Generator 3 ___ _ 1_90 L . . 0% I G~~er~~~2 ______ o i.. __ 0% 1 • Generator 1 . Total 0 856,439 0%. 100% J 12o...----..,--....;..;.M~o~nt~h~1lv~A~ve~r~·ao21e=-=:El~ectc=..:.:.rFic~P~r~o=du~ct~io~n;.,.-___,,.--, ~ 60 0 Q. 30 0 -Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -----~·------·----·---1 Consumption Fraction I Load j (kWh/yr) I I AC primary load 419,749 100% I Total 419,749 100% ---~-----~---r--Quantity -T Value I Units I 1 Excess electricity 436,687 . kWh/yr I Unmet load J 0.00 kWh/yr · Capacity shortage 1-0.00 j kWh/yr Renewable fraction :~-0.856 1 _ j Thermal I ·T- -Generator 4 -Generator3 -Generator 2 -Generator 1 -Hydro -Replacement Salvage -Operating -Fuel file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 2of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr [ Production I Fraction I Componenft · Wh i yr) L J 1 Gener~tor4 ~~918 ~--1% I Generator 3 96 0% ·- : Boiler 130,322 23% ----·-------.. ---- • Excess electricity . 436,687 · 76% ; Total L 572,022 ; __ 100% j 80 Monthlv Averaae Thermal Production ~40 Qj ~20 0 I -~ ~ - .... I I Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Load Consumption Fraction (kWh/yr) 1 , Thermal load 436, 17 4 100% ~Total ___ l ~-~ 43S,174 ~ 100% I ·-Quantity --1 Value 1 Units . -. ----. Excess thermal energy : 135,848 I kWh/yr 1 -1.---l Hydro J Quantity .j Value 1 Units Nominal capacity 126 . kW 1--1 Mean output + 97 kW Capacity factor 77 .1 % I Total production i 848,997 j kWh/yr l aua~tity •. Value J Units Minimum output Maximum output ~-76 '.kW 114 kW . I-· Hydro penetration I Hours of operation Levelized cost 24 >.18 fV 0 15 12 3 0 I 6 0 Generator 4 _I 202 I % 8 ,760 j hr/yr 0 .217 ; $/kWh I Quanti ty ·--, Value ! Units J ~ Hours ~f ~p~ration . =-·. s26 • hr/yr j Number of starts 355 I starts/yr Operational life 114 ! yr I Capacity factor 1 .81 % -Gene rator 4 -Ge nerator 3 -Generator 2 -Generator 1 -Boiler -Ex cess Electricity kW 1 116 108 100 92 84 76 file://C :\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 3of6 1/28/2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hrnr ~~~::d ~::~~~tio~ <::'st _ l 3 .72 ~-I ; Ma rginal genera tion cost 0 .377 $/kWhy;-1 ' -·-----r Quantity ·Value Units I ·t Electrical production 7 ,253 kWh/yr , ' Mean electrical output 13.8 kW . Min . electrical output f 13.7 kW Max . electrical output 20.1 Thermal product io n 4,918 Mean thermal output j Min . thermal output Max. thermal output .l ,-----Quantity Fu el consumption Specific fuel consumption Fuel energy input 9.35 kW 9.33 kW 12 .2 kW Value Units t 3,009 1 Uyr I 0.415 ; L/kWh ' . 29,607 ' kWh/yr ' Mean electrical efficien cy 24.5 % 1 I--! Mean total effi~iency I 41 .1 % ---'- 24 )>, 18 IV 0 0 12 ~ 0 :c 6 0 Generator 3 I - Quantity Hours of operation I Number of starts Operational life __ 1-: Valu~ ~ h~;its J ---! l 71 starts/yr 8,511 yr I I -~ Capacity factor _ 0.0264 l % _ j Fixed generation cost I 3.87 $/hr [ Margin-~! ~:_n~~~tion cost ~ 0.341 ~ $/kWhyr ! r . Qu~·~Uty -- --. Value i Units I rE1~ct~}~~! prod~cti~n --, -· 1_9o_t 1 'kwhtyr . ' Mean electrical output · 27 .1 kW . Min. electrical output 24.6 j kW - Max . electrica l output I 1 Thermal production I '. Mean thermal output '. Min . thermal outpu t Max . thermal output ,--Quantity 1 Fuel consumption Specific fuel consumption t 34.5 'kW 95.8 kWh /yr i 13.7 : kW 1 12.7 I kW I 16.5 : kW Value Units Fuel energy input I 63.5 I L/yr 0 .335 ! L/kWh 625 kWh/yr 30.3 % Mean electrical efficiency I kW 1 21.0 16 .8 12 .6 8 .4 4.2 0.0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 4of6 1128/2 010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr I Mean total efficiency 24 >.18 .,, 0 0 12 :; 0 :z: 6 0 Generator 2 45 .7 . % [._ Quantity -~__l_ Value Units j : Hours of operation J 0 hr/yr I 1 ~-~m~er_:i~~arts __ O _ _:;~~~/~r . Operational life 1,000 yr I Capacity f~cto;----l 0.00 °i ·-~1 t Fi xed generation cost r 13.6 · $/hr - I I ! Margina l generation cost 0 .258 : $/kWhyr ,-Qu~~~!~---. Value ; ·U~its I Electrical production I 0.00 1 kWh/yr -.. ·- Mean electrical output 0.00 kW j Min. electrical output 0 .00 kW 1 I . . Max. electncal output 0.00 • kW [ Thermal production 0.00 1 kWh/yr 1 \ Mean the~mal ?utput 0.00 1 kW J Min. thermal output 0.00 kW Max. thermal output 0.00 kW r· -·-. f Quantity Value Units ! Fuel c~n~~mptl~n--i 0 t. Uyr . . Specific fuel c~n~umption 1 : 0 .000 · UkWh Fuel energy in put O ' kWh/yr I Mean ~!e~:i;;~I :~ic~e~cy ~ . o :~ l % -j l Mean tota~ efficien:y __ l 0 .0 ~-% . 24 >.18 .,, 0 0 12 :; 0 ::c 6 0 Generator 1 Quantity ' Value ' Units I --I Hours of operation ~ 0 ! hr/yr · Number of starts ~ 0 starts/yr 1 Operational life -. ~ . 1 ,000 j yr . _ l Capacity factor 1 0.00 : % Fixed generation _~ost 1 10.9 , $/h r I j Marginal generation cost : 0.310 ! $/kWhyr kW 1 36 .0 28.8 21.6 14.4 7 .2 0.0 kW 1 1.0 0 .8 0 .6 0.4 0 .2 0.0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 5of6 1128 /2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr C ~uantity ·-.-:,Yalu~-~· -~~i_t~ J Electrical production 0.00 . kWh/yr : . . --··-• -I t -- 0 .00 kW --· .. i f . ~-ean electrical output , Min. electrical output _?..00 _1 1 k~ ~ ' Max . electrical output O.?~ ~ .~"'!. . Thermal production 0.00 . kWh /yr I Min. thermal output 0.00 i kW Mean thermal output . O.?_O_ ~ ~'!! ~ r Max. _the~~al output ?.o~ I ~~-= r ----Quantity -~-' vaiue : u~·it;- ~ F~el consumption ____ _ J 0 1 Uyr Specific fue l consumption 0.000 UkWh . -. . .. ~ F"_el _eneoJY ;np"t _____ J_ __ o_I k\'Vh/yCj 1 Mean electrical e~ic '.e.-~:~ _ 0 .0 1 % . Mean total effici en_::y __J_ ~O : ~o _ 24 >.18 IV D 0 12 ~ 0 :r 6 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Emissions Pollutant Emissions (kg/yr) --·-----l ' ! Carbon dioxide __ . [ ____ 49 ,3 17 . ~~rbon monoxide l 20 .J I Unburned hydocarbons 1 ___ ·--_ 2.21 , 1 Particulat_e matte~ ± _ 1.51 . · Sulfur dioxide 101 . --·------ 1 Nitrogen oxides 178 . --------. ----. Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec kW 1 1.0 0.8 0.6 0 .4 0 .2 0.0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2 --Cucumber Cr.htm Page 6of6 1128 /2010 Knight Piesold CONSULTING Appendix B-6 Alternative 2 at $5.54/gallon Diesel System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr Sensitivity case CL_town Scaled Average: 1, 150 kWh/d Thermal Load 1 Scaled Average: 1, 195 kWh/d Diesel Price: 1.46 $/L Generator 4 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 3 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 2 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 1 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 System architecture Hydro 126 kW Generator 4 45.8 kW1 Generator 3 81.9 kW Generator 2 113 kW Generator 1 135 kW Cost summary -1 1 Total net present cost 1 $ 4,608 ,678 I ... -~. . I Lev_elize? c~s_t of energy . $ 0.372~kWh ' Operating cos~ --· ___ l $ 48 ,231/yr Cash Flow Summa 4,000,000----------=="'-'-'-~~==.c..--------~ _Hydro -Generator 4 -Generator 3 3,000,000 --------------------•-Generator 2 u 8 2,000,000 J 1,000,000 1S :z: 0 -1,000,000~-------------~----~---__, Cap ital Replacement Operating Fuel Salvage Net Present Costs -Generator 1 -Boiler Other ' Capital -r R;pl;~ement .-O&-M r-Fuel Salvage . Total ! Component t -($)·--·---($) ___ ··.; --·($) -r ··($) .. • ($_)_ r··-($)--1 · ---f L _ --· l-· -· ---1---· -----· . Hydro ; 3,651,000 i .. _ 0 1 0 1 0 0 , 3,651,000 1 Generator4 i--·-__ 0 ]_ ______ 0 : 15,667 [ 87,226 -8 ,190 ··-94,702 I Generator 3 1 0 1 0 208 1 ,842 i -13 , 103 • -11,053 ~--I ·-i I . Gen:rator2 l . _ .. 0 ... ------·-_ 0 1 . __ 0 0 -16,252 -16,252 f Generator 1±--. __ O J-------O 0 O 1 -15,635 t -15 ,635 I Boiler -· _ -· 0 ! ________ 0 0 451,704 , 0 J_ 451,704 Other ___ \_ O ·-------O i 454,211 0 0 454,211 System _ 3 ,651,000 L ___ -·-· 0 470,086 ! 540,771 i -53,180 4,608,678 Annualized Costs . I Capital J Replac~~ent i O&M t Fuel Salvage :· Total ~ Component -• -1 --I __ 1 ($/yr) ! ($/yr) I ($/yr) ($/yr) i ($/yr) I ($/yr) Hydro ----t 183,872 t--0 1 ____ 0 · 0 i---_ 0 j 183,872 l file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 1of6 1/28 /2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr 1 ~oerato' 4 t-~ I 0 I 7~~ !_:~~j __ -412_ ~-4~ 7~~-l , Generator3 O ·---___ 0 _ 10_1·----9~---_-660 ._ .. -5~7 ! ~_G_en_er~t~r _2 0 I --·--___ ?. ~--0 _ 0 1 ._ -818 . -· -818 . l ~en~!~tor 1 ~---o i O 0 i 0 -787 -787 I i :~::----t --~ r---::_ fl 22.87~ : 22 ·7 ·~,= -~ ~~:~~: : l ~:yst:_m -~J 183 ,872 ... ~-=-Ji ! ~3,674 ! 27 ,234 ·--2,678 232 ,102 Cash Flows 1,000,000-----------"-'~-~"-------------,-Capital -Replacement 0 Salvage 0 -t9 _ __._..._._.......,...._ ___ __. ___ .....___........, ________ ,__ ____________ , _ Operating 3: c ~-1000000 +.------------------------· i ' . 1111 u '! -2,000,000 ·~ c =-3,ooo,ooo ~------------------------• -4 .ooo,ooo 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Vear Number Electrical I : Production ; Fraction Component i I , , (kWh/yr) . .• . 1- 1 ~ydro turbine ,. _ 848,~9?_ 1 _ 99% , t Generator 4 l __ 7 ,253 : . __ 1 % Generator 3 1. 190 _____ 0% I Generator 2 1 0 · 0% t 1 _ ~enerator 1 ~-_ o 1-0% I , Total 856,439 . 100% l - -- 120 ~ __ -=..:.M~o~nt~h~•lv~A~ve~r~a~n'e=-=El~e~ct=r~ic~P~r=o=du=ct~io~n:..,-__ ~ ~ 90 ~ 60 0 c.. 30 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -----------·-I (kWh/yr) I I Load l Consumption [ Fra~~on ; AC primary load -419 ,749 -··1ooo/~ J . T~tal r· -_ ~~?..749 ;-100% 1.-· -Quantity · --I Value ! u~it~ 1 [ Excess el:c~~icity _ 436 ,687 ! kWh/yr l Unmet load L 0.00 kWh/yr r Capacity shortage I -0.00 I kW.-h/yr j' , Renewable fraction 1 0.856 Thermal I -Generator4 -Generator 3 -Generator 2 -Generator 1 -Hydro -Fuel file://C :\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 2of6 1/28/2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr I j Production Frac tion I . Co mpone:__ ·--J~Whiyr·)-[ __ _ 1 . Generator4 _ -t __ 4,9 18 : __ 1% ! · Geoeraloc 3 -t 96 0% I r.~i~er ----r=-~1:30 ,322 . 2 ~~0 -· l Excess electricity ; 436,687 '. 76% I Total _____ J_ _5?~.:.02~ _ 100% 80 M onthlv Auera e The rmal Production I ~ ~ --I I - 0 Jan F eb Mar Apr M ay Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec I c~~s~mption . Fraction . ' I (kWh/yr) I Thermal load 436 , 17 4 100% ; ----· --.. -- Total ___ J__ __ ~36, 17 4 _ 100% r ·--Quantity -·1 ·Value I units I Exc~s. tt~_e_rm~I energy ; 135,848 kWh /Y'.: Hydro f Quantity I Value I Units Nominal capacity ' 126 i kW f Mean outp~t-. ~·-. 97 • kW L ~ap_a_city factor l -7_7 .1 ~ % I Total production 848,997 1 kWh/yr I I Quantity I Valu~ r Units 1 . -~ -. l Minimum output t 76 kW l -~a~i'."'lum output -114 f ~W -_ Hydro pene tra tion 202 : % t Hours of op~rati~~-2 .~.!~o : hr/yr l Le~elized cos t -~ ~.217 J ~~~h 24 ;>, 18 Ill Cl 0 12 L.. :::J 0 :I: 6 0 Generator 4 r Quantity I Hou rs of op ~r~tion =~ Number of starts Operational life Value • Units 1 526 hr/yr -355 starts/yr I Capacity factor 114 ; yr -1· 1.81 % 1 -Generator 4 -Generator 3 -Generator 2 -Gene rato r 1 -Boi l er -Ex cess Electricity kW 1 116 108 100 92 84 76 fil e ://C :\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 3of6 1/28/2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr Fixed generation cost ~ : $/hr I Marginal generation co~t I.o.451 _1 $/kWhyr r--Quantity ---I v-;;l~e-~ Un.it~ I : ~::"~~~:,~~:::~:) , ;2:m:h'Y':i , Min . electrical output L ~.:!.J.k~ __ Max. electrical output [ 20 .1 j kW Thermal production 4,918 kWh/yr t Mean thermal output ·t-9 :~~ >w . j Min. thermal output 9.33 kW . j 1 Max . thermal output 12.2 kW I ---~ r. -. .. Quantity -· -1 Vaiue : Units Fuel consumption .( _ 3,009 ;.u~r Specific fuel consumption 1 0 .415 UkWh · Fu el energy in put 1 29 ~607 . kWh/yr I . Mean electrical efficiency ~ 24.5 % 1 _[_ t ···1 Mean total efficiency _ ~ 1.1 ; % __; 24 >. 18 ,,, 0 0 12 5 0 :I: 6 0 Generator 3 Quantity __ 1 ; Value 7 l'-hur/ynrits ·1 Hours of operation 1 Number of starts ·-7 starts/yr 1 Operational life __ 8,571 , yr ~ • Capacity factor -~ 0 .0264 ) % _ I Fixed generation cost I 4.23 . $/hr , Marginal generation cost · 0.407 $/kWhyr , • ..J.. .• --l [ -Quantity -f vaiu~ 1 u~it~ l 1 Electri c~!-production ··-[ ~T kWhfyr . .. .... Mean electrical output . 27 .1 kW I Min . electrical output 24.6 i kW Max. electrical output Thermal production Mean thermal output Min . thermal output Max. thermal output Quantity I 34.5 kW 95.8 kWh/yr 13.7 j kW 1 ~::~: ~: . Value Units . . Fuel consumption I 63.5 I Uyr Specific fuel consumption 0.335 UkWh Fuel energy input J. 625 . kWh/yr Mean electrical efficiency 30.3 ' % t I I kW 1 21.0 16 .8 12.6 8.4 4 .2 0.0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 4of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr Mean total efficiency ~- 24 >.18 ftl 0 0 12 5 0 :I: 6 0 J an Generator 2 45.7 ! % I . Q~;;~ity -j--1 Value Units ] j H ~rs of operati ~n-_ _ ~. hr/y;--1 1 Number of starts 0 starts/yr r?p~ra!i~~~~l~f= • -_ --: 1 ,000 ;·yr . -- I Capacity factor 1 0 .00 j % Fixed gen~ration cost t 15.8 I $/hr Marg ina l generation cost 0.309 · $/kWhyr [-Q~~ntity --! Value ! Units l . Electri~a lproduction -1 0 .00 kWh/yr Mean electrical output , 0.00 kW l Min . ele ctrica~ output I Max. electrical output I Th erm a l pr?~u~tion [ Mean thermal output Min . thermal output 0 .00 kW 0 .00 1 kW '. 0 .00 I kWh/yr --t 0 .00 kW 0 .00 kW Max. thermal output 0.00 . kW ,--Quantity ----, Value I Units r ~uel c~~~u;,,ption ---1 0 . Uyr ! Spe ci fic fuel cons um ption '. 0 .000 ! UkWh ' Fue l energy input I 0 ~ kWh /yr ! . ~ean electri_cal efficiency ~-0.0 • o/o ~ ] I Mean total efficiency ____ _[ 0.0 • % __ l 24 >.18 ftl 0 0 12 L.. :::J 0 :I: 6 0 Generator 1 Quant ity _r'. vai ueo r hru/ynrits 1 Hours of operation I Number of starts O starts/yr ' Operational life 1,000 ! yr I Capacity fa ctor 0.00 % I l Fixed g~neration cost 12.6 $/hr ! Marginal generation cost ' 0.371 i $/kWhyr A ug Sep Dec kW 1 36 .0 28 .8 21 .6 14.4 7 .2 0.0 kW 1 1.0 0 .8 0.6 0.4 0 .2 0 .0 file://C :\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 5 of 6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 2--Cucumber Cr.hmr j-Q-~a.ntity --, Value!Units ~ I Ele~t~i~~I-PrOdu ~ii~n -·-0.00 t kWhf y;, . ~:·:~:~~~;~_:;:~~· ,_ ~6~ ·,. ~:--~ Max. electrical output 0.00 kW --1 I Thermal produ ~tion --0 .00 1 kWh/yr ' 1 Mean thermal output 0.00 kW ~ I Min. the ~~;i~utput 0 .00 , kW · Max . ther~~~-~utp_~!_-0.00 j kW - 1--Qu~-;,t~y----[ Value · Units ; Fue l c~ns_~~.~i-?~ ---1 0 j L/~r __ _ Specific fuel consumption 0.000 I L/kWh ----f • Fuel en~rgy input _ . L 0 '. kWh /yr I : Mean e~:_~t:!ca ~:~~cienc1' 00 , % I Mean total efficiency 0.0 , % • -------J 24 >. 18 fU 0 '15 12 5 0 :r 6 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Emissions r -Pollutant Emissions (kg/yr) Or ---~----• •• Carbon ~io!ide ___ -----+-----49 ,317 . I Carbon monoxide ~--~ f-20 1 -Unburn ;d hyd-;;ca;bon~ 2.21 : P~rt~~~at~-~;tt±r . 1.51 ' f Sulfur dioxide --·-_ ______ 101 Nitrogen oxides 178 - ------·------- kW 1 1.0 0.8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 .0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 2--Cucumber Cr.htm Page 6of6 1/28/2010 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING Appendix B-7 Alternative 3 at $3. 78/gallon Diesel System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr Sensitivity case CL_town Scaled Average: 1, 150 kWh/d Thermal Load 1 Scaled Average: 1, 195 kWh/d Diesel Price: $/L Entegrity EW50 Hub Height: 30 m Generator 4 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 3 O&M Cost Multip li er: 1.5 Generator 2 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 1 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 System architecture Hydro 98 kW 1 Generator 4 45.8 kW Generator 3 81.9 kW Generator 2 113 kW Generator 1135 kW j Cost summary Total net present cost -1 $ 3,735 ,002 . -· --· ---· .. . - 't Levelized cost of energy • $ o._324/kWh Operat~n~ cost _____ l $ 85 , 162/yr Cash Flow Summa 2,500,000 ..-----------""""""'"'"'--"-'.....__.....,........,.~-----------._Hydro -Generator 4 2,000,000 --------------------1-Generator 3 -Generator 2 ;;; -Generator 1 ;1 ,500,000 Q --------------------1-Boiler u 11,000,000 ~ 1S 500,000 :z: Net Present Costs l ~~~~onent1-.. c!~!t~~~:1 Re~lace~ent :~o&M ;-el 'Salv;ge r-·To-· -; :r . ___ 1 J_$) r-($) _ • . ; ($) __ ~L . ($) ~y_--·-(!-) 1 Hydro ' 2,044,000 l 0 I 0 ; 0 0 , 2,044,000 Generator4 • . 0 ·--16,397 1 10, 427,554 i ... -18 I 551,073 [-C3~~er~t~~3 --. -·--·o··------o .. ·11:245 ·· 114.286 ---:343 i-122.188 Ge~e;;tor2 r·---of-0 . 119 r 1,811 I 16,721 -14,791 1 Generato.r 1 f ~-== O l. -~~-~ -O ;-~~--6 1 .• -0 · ~ 1 s,635 1~--15,635 . Boiler 0 0 , 0 593,9 ~ 0 593,954 --------·-. --- 1 ?.th~~ ---I ?T --0 454,211 0 I 0 . 454 ,2~ 1 L System _ J 2,044,000 l _ _ 16,397 580,586 · 1, 1 ~.606 ~ -43 ,588 l 3,735 ,002 Annualized Costs I Capital ! Replacement 1 Component t • i ; _ .j ($/yr) j _ _ ($/yr) Hydro _ .. '. 102,940 I_ _ 0 uel ($/yr) 0 Salvage Total J I ($/yr) i ($/yr) 1 0 i 102,940 other file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\ ocal Settings\Temp\Alternative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 1of6 1128 /2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr . Generato~ 4 ~ 0 826 '. 5,490_,.. 21 ,5~~ _ -9~ ---27 .~'.Ll Generator 3 · 0 0 '. 868 5,756 -471 6, 154 6 0 91 I o: 0 . 29 ,913 -842 -787 0 -745 -787 29,913 · Gene ~ato r 2 t-0 ~--=---= O ::i~::ator ~ . _ ~ ~ i-=--=~ ~ Other 0 : 0 ' 22 ,875 0 1 0 22,875 System • 102,940 t~---_-_ 826 T 29 .239 . 57,292 !--2 ,195 188,102 Cash Flows 500,000 ....---------------------------,-Capital -Replacement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ • II • • • • • • • • • • • • .i Salvage € -Operating 0 i -~ .E -500,000 +m------------------------1 ~ l-1,000,000 ~------------------------1 (.) a; ·~ -1,500,ooo ~------------------------1 0 z -2,000,000 +m------------------------1 -2,500,000---------------~---------' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Electrical Compo nent Hydro turbine Generator 4 [ Generator 3 ; Generator 2 1 Generator 1 ; Tota l 100 80 ~ =-60 ~ 40 0 0... 20 0 Productio n , Fractio n I I (kWh/yr) I ! 522,646 88% 52,395 9% 17,479 3% 254 . 0% 0 0% ... j 592 ,774 100% Year Humber Monthlv Averaoe Electf'ic Production ~ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Cons_~~~~io~Fr~~tlon ·1 I (kWh/yr) I I [ Load -1 AC primary load 419 ,749 100% Total 419 ,749 100% I ~x~e:u:l:~:~ci~ -l V~~~ l Units I 173,029 kWh/yr ·r 1 Unmet load 0 .000206 kWh/yr I I Capacity shortage [ 0.00 j kWh/yr ~ Renewab le fraction , 0 .589 t Thermal I -Generator4 -Generator3 -Generator 2 -Generator 1 -Hydro file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 2of6 1128 /2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr Component Generator 4 I Generat~r 3 Generator 2 Boiler : Productio~ Fra~!~~~ I (kWh/yr) I i 35,088 8% 1 8,614 2% 142 250,190 54% ' Excess electricity ; 173,029 37% Tot~! ··--_·_ 1~ 467,063 ---100% ~ 80 Monthlv Avera Je Thermal Production ~60 • -I I -" 0 Ir'! ~ -Generator 4 -Generator 3 t---Generator 2 -Generator 1 --Boiler -Ex cess Electricity - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec •I Consumption Fraction Load (kWh/yr) I Thermal load -·-436,174 I Total __ L 436,174 100% 100% r-· --Quantity Value Units l Excess thermal energy 30,889 . kWh/yr Hydro [ Quantity ' Nominal capacity Mean output Capacity factor Value I Units I 98.0 : kW 59 .7 ·kW 60.9 % Tota l productio n 522,646 kWh/yr r--Quantity Value Units f M-inim_u_m ~trtput -i· 42.6 kW Maximum output 83.3 1 kW 1 Hydro pen;~~tion • 125 l % Hours of operation · 8,760 ! hr/yr · Lev.elized -c~~ -~I 0:197 1 $/kWh- 24 » 18 ro Cl 'ti 12 5 0 :i:: 6 0 Generator 4 Quantity Hours of operation Number of starts I • l _ . Value 1 Units 3,660 ! hr/yr I 1,254 starts/yr I l Operational life -··-t 16.4 I yr I Sep Oct kW 1 85.0 76.0 67 .0 58 .0 40 .0 40.0 file ://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 3of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr I Capacity factor ~13 .1 I ~ I ~ix~ _g_en~_rati on-;;ost 3.39J~--l I Marg inal generation cost 0 .309 I $/kWhyr . I . --·-----__ ..... _____ 1 I -Qu~tity ---, -vai~;-:-Unitsl ! ~::~~:~::t~':;j~, -~2;:}1 t:"'~ : Mi~. ~l ectric~l ~utput _ __ ~~~~ I kW _ Max. electrical ou tput • 2 1.4 l kW Therma l production ' 35,088 . kWh/yr . -· --. -· . .. . -.. ~ Min . thermal ou tput 9 .33 · kW Mean therm~! output ± 9.59 kW ~ 1 Max. th~rm~~--~~ip-;:rt _ 12.8 !-kW ~- ,-Q ~a~t~ty -~--=-~ Value j Units j Fue l consu~_P~i-~~---l 2~:~~3 + ~~~ _ 1 Specific fuel cons umpt ion i 0.411 L/kWh : Fue l energy input --f 21 1-,880-'. kWh l yr ] • J I Mean electrical efficiency : 2 4 .7 i % . Mean tot;l-efficie ncy __ r· 4 1:~l 01~---=-~ .1 24 )>, 18 ro 0 0 12 3 0 :I: 6 0 Generator 3 I --Quantity ! Val~e :-Unit; J 1 Hou rs of -;-p;;;ti~~ ---S79 ; hr/yr -l : Nu~~er of -;tarts ·--397 1 starts/yr Operational life 104 : yr I C~p~cityfu:~to ~ -_--2.44 ·; -0io --- 1 Fixed generation cost 3.53 $/hr ' Marginal generatio_n co~! [ 0 .279 _$/kWhyr , 1·:· -Qu~ntity ~-Valu~ I Units J I El ectrical pro?uction l ~! '.4!._9 _: kW_h/~r Mean electr~cal o_i:!~~t [_ ~0.2 .. -~"!! -~ 1 Min . ele ct ri cal output _ 24:_.6 l· kW _ 1 Max . electrica l o~tput ?9.2 k~ _ . i The rma l product ion 8,614 kWh/yr • - - ---· • .• l • Mean therma l output 14.9 1 k"'!._ j Min . t hermal out~ut _ 12 .7 i kW . l Max. thermal output 26 .0 ' kW = I Quantity I Value Units Fuel consumption ----j S,7S6 ;· L/yr l Specific fuel consu mption 0.329 ; L/kWh I : Fuel energy input , 56,636 kWh/yr I ----1 j ! kW 1 24 .0 19 .2 14.4 9 .6 4 .8 0.0 file ://C :\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 4of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr ! ~':a_~lectr~~! ~~iciency : -~0.9 ; 0~-j 1 Mea~ total_e~icien~y ~ 46.1 -~ ~~--=i 24 >.18 ,,, c 0 12 :; 0 :c 6 0 Jan Generator 2 QuanHly l Value -Unit• l Hours of operation ~ _ 4 ~ hr/yr Number of starts 4 · starts/yr : Operationa l life 15,000 ~ ~r 1 , Capacity factor 0 .0257 : Yo . - , Fixed generation cost 11 .5 ' $/hr ' ~~g i n~:~~a~on cost _03! ~ __ !0_~hyr J I -Quantity Value : Units I _ j . Electrical production I 254 kWh/yr • Mean electrical output i 63.5 kW Min . electrical output 60.9 kW . ' Max. electrical output 67 .9 j kW I --I Thermal production 142 i kWh/yr i Min . thermal output 34 .8 kW Mean thermal output 35.4 kW ~ 1 Max. ther!11al output ~6.S ; kW ~- ,--Quantity --Value Units Fuel consumption ----, 91 .2 j Uyr . Specific fuel consumption ; 0.359 , UkWh ---I I Fuel energy input l 898 • kWh/yr Mean electrical efficiencyl 28.3 % _ _j Me_an !otal effic ienc~ _ _ 4~.1 l % _=._] 24 >.18 ,,, c 0 12 :; 0 :c 6 0 Generator 1 Quantity ___ -~Value , Units J I Hours of ?peration 0 f hr/yr l Number of starts 0 starts/yr Operational life , 1,000 yr J f Capacity factor I_ 0.00 i % _ Fixed generation cost J 9 .29 $/hr ·-_ Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec kW I: 36 24 12 0 kW 1 70 56 42 28 14 0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 5of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr ~rginal generation cost I 0.254 1 $/kWhyr_; I -~u!~ti ty _ J yalue Units I • Electrical p:oduction ~-0.00 kWh/yr ' Mean electrical output 1 0.00 kW --1 Min. electrical output 0.00 kW -- Max. electrical output 0.00 kW I Thermal production - - Mean thermal output Min . thermal output 0 .00 kWh/yr I 0 .00 kW 0 .00 kW I I Max. therma l output 0.00 kW .. j I-----Q~~ntity ---Value ] .Units : Fuel consumption ---·-I 0 l L/yr : Specific f~~T?onsumption 0.000 I L/kWh 1 Fuel energy input L_ 0 j kWh/yr Mean electrical efficiency 0.0 ! % j' Mean total efficiency _ [ 0.0 j % 24 >. 18 fl) 0 0 12 5 0 :i: 6 0 Emissions . P~ll~tant ___ I Emissions (kg/yr) Carbon dioxide _J ____ ~51~44 , Ca rbon monoxide I 178 I ·----. I Unburn:d hydocarbons _______ 19 .7 Parti~~lat: matter ---+ ____ 13.4 1 Sulfur d ioxide 307 ! Nitrogen oxides -~-= --==-~~-1.5a8 kW 1 1.0 0.8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0.0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 6of6 1128 /2010 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING Appendix B-8 Alternative 3 at $4.62/gallon Diesel System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr System Report -Alternative 3--L anding Cr.hmr Sensitivity case CL_town Scaled Average : 1, 150 kWh/d Therma l Load 1 Scaled Average: 1, 195 kWh/d Diesel Price : 1.22 $/L Entegrity EW50 Hub He ight: 30 m Generator 4 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 3 O&M Cost Multi plier: 1.5 Generator 2 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 1 O&M Cos t Multiplier: 1.5 System architecture 11-fyciro -98 kW I jGenerator 445 .8 kW Generator 3 81 .9 kW Generator 2 113 kW Generator 1 135 kW Cost summary Total net present cost -l $ 3,985,259 Levelized cost of energy $ 0 .327/kWh Operating cost ___ . L $ 97,766/yr Cash Flow Summa 2,500 ,000-----------"...=.=..~="-';....;:;_;="'-=:.L--------~ _Hydro -Generato r 4 2,000,000 ~-------------------!-G ene rator 3 -Generator 2 ~ -Generator 1 ;1 ,500,000 C) --------------------1-Boiler u other 1 1,000,000 a. 1S 500,0 00 z 0 -500,000 --------------------------J Capital Replacement Operating Fuel Salvage Net Present Costs I Component : ---F ~ ~~~~:ge t-· ] Capital Replacement O&M Fuel Total .. ~----- ($) I ($) I ($) ($) ($) r. ·---------1---i-t Hydro 2 ,044,000 0 0 o · 0 ; 2 ,044,000 t l-- Generator 4 O · 16,385 i 108,832 520,444 -1 ,923 . 643 ,738 .. .. l .. I Generator 3 0 , Q I 17,424 140 ,645 -9,303 148,766 ' ·- Generator 2 0 : 0 119 2,210 -16,72 1 -14,392 ~~nerato r 1 ~ O ' 0 o : 0 -15,635 -15 ,635 0 l I t Boiler __ t 0 O · 724,569 : 0 724,569 j Other 1 0 0 454,2 11 0 l 0 454,211 1 System . 2,044 ,000 16,385 580,586 1,387,868 -43,582 3 ,985,257 Annualized Costs ($/yr) . O&M l Fuel '. Salvage Total : ($/yr) ($/yr) I ($/yr) I ($/yr) i Capita l Component · I , ($/yr) Replacement I I Hydro 102,940 1 O O O O 102,940 . file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 1of6 1128 /2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr r Gen:~ato ~i--__ o 1 825 Geo~oc3 ~-0 ____ 0 1 Generator 2 _ 0 !·---0 1 Generator 1 0 0 -, __ - Boiler 0 1 0 Other --------0 :--- 0 i--- System ; 102,940 ; 825 --•-----· 5,481 877 6 0 0 22,875 29,239 26,211 -97 32,420 -··-.. - 7,083 -469 7,492 . 111 0 36,491 -842 -787 0 -725 -787 36,491 ' 0 0 22,875 69,896 I -2 ,195 200,705 500,000 Cash Flows 0 € ~ -500,000 ..2 LI.. i «I -1,000,000 u ;;; c: 'E-1,500 ,000 0 z: -2,000,000 -2,500,000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Vear Number Electrical · Production I Fraction Component ; . _ 1 (kWh/yr) j _ I j Hydro turb ine ·-522,646 i 88% Generator 4 52 ,267 : 9% t --• ! Generator 3 17,626 l 3% 1 Gen_erator 2 254 0% Generator 1 Total 0 592,793 0% 100% 100 Monthlv Averaoe Electric Production 80 3 =-60 - ~ 0 Cl.. 40 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Load Consumption Fraction (kWh/yr) AC primary load Total r--Quantity Excess electricity I Unmet load Capacity shortage Renewable fraction Thermal 419,749 419,749 100% 100% l Valu~ l Units I r 173,048 kWh/yr I I 0.000206 kWh/yr I 0.00 . kWh/yr 0.589 I I --I -Generator4 -Generator3 -Generator 2 -Generator 1 -Hydro -capital -Replacement Salvage -Operating -Fuel file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 2of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr I Component I I. Generator 4 Gene rator 3 i Generat~~ 2 t Bo ller Excess electricity Production 1 Fraction ! (kWh/yr) T----1 _ 3s.o'.~t' =-7j(1 8,691 . 2% ! 142!-0%: 250,171 r-54 %.1 173,048 37% Total -·-·-J__ 467,063 100% ;_ 80 Monthlv Averaoe Thermal Production ~40 .... QI ~20 0 • ~ I I ~ ~ - ,_ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ·----·1 --. ·- Consumption Fraction Load 1 I (kWh /yr) I I Thermal load 436~17 4 -100% I .. 1 Total . __ L 436,174 100%' r---· Q~an_tity Value Units ] [ Excess ther112a1 energy i 30,889 l kWh/yr l Hydro I Quantity --1 Value l urilis ' -1 Nominal capacity 98.0 1 kW ! Mean output t 59 .7 1 kW ·- Capacity factor 60 .9 . % Total production I 522 ,646 1 kWh/yr r---Quantity ---Value --u~it~ I . --1--·---· . Minimum output . ~ 42.6 1 kW 1 Maximum output 83.3 kW ; Hydro penetration ·t 125 r % • Hours of oper.ati~n ; 8.!~9·1+-~ji_ , Leve lized cost ! 0.197 $/kWh J '-----_J__ -----·-- 24 >.18 nJ c 0 12 :; 0 :i:: 6 0 Generator 4 Quantity -·---· Value 1 Units J Hours of operation --j 3,654 1 hr/yr l 1 Number of starts l 1,257 1 starts/yr " Oper~tional life + 1 s.4 l yr . 1 -Generator4 -Generator 3 -Generator2 -Generator 1 -Boiler -Ex cess Electricity kW 1 85.0 76 .0 67 .0 58 .0 40 .0 40.0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 3of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr ~ Capa ~i tY._f~_::~----t-~3 .0 '_::i_ I Fixed generation cost 3.72 $/hr J t • ·--. - ----• .. • t . Marginal generation cost : 0.377 . $/kWhyr . . J Quanti~ _--_ -_. _Y.alue ~_~~~ts ] Electrical production 52,267 ' kWh/yr .. ' . -- Mean electrical output 14.3 i kW ~ ~-Min. electrical o~tp~t L 13: 7 t k'!"~ --_- . Max. electrical output f 21 .3 . kW . I Thermal production · 35,011 . kWh/yr ' . • t I Mean therm~I output I 9.58 I kW I , Min . thermal output r 9.33 l kW j ; M~x . thermal outp~t _t 12 .7 j kW -! f ---Quantity -----f Value 1 Units F~el consumption -21,484 f Uyr '. Specific fuel consumption 0.411 t L/kWh ! Fuel energy input 211,403 i kWh/yr ' '. Mean electrical efficiency 24.7 ; % I I Mean tota l efficiency r-41.3 • % J 24 )>, 18 ro 0 '15 12 5 0 :x: 6 0 Generator 3 l -. -------' Quantity Value · Units Hours of operation -· -5S5 ~ hr/yr ! Number of starts 400 starts/yr I Operational life 103 yr f ! Capacity factor 2.46 I % -I Fixed generation cost 3.8~ I $!~~ _ L ~!~na~~~rati?n cost 0.3~1 _I .$/k~_h_Yr l Quantity 1 v 7 a 06 1 u 2 e 6 -T_kuW .. n -hit 1 sy_r __ I Electrical production ---··-- 1 Mean electrical outp ut 30.1 kW ' Min . electrical output Max. electrical output Thermal production I Me an th ermal o.utput , Min . therm~I o ~tput Max. thermal output 24.6 i kW -59.2 l kW - 8 ,691 . kWh/yr . _ 14.9 . kW _ l 12.7 kW 26 .0 i kW _ j I --Quantity Value Units , Fuel consumption -----1 5,806 i Uyr t Specific fuel ~onsumption 0.329 '. L/kWh 1 Fuel energy input j 57,130 kWh/yr I --i I kW 1 24.0 19 .2 14.4 9.6 4.8 0 .0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 4of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr ~~~~n e~~tr_ic_a_I e_ffi_1c.!_e_n_c_y -+-_3_0_.9_~Yo 1 Mean total efficiency 46.1 % -.. 24 ;., 18 ~ 0 12 5 0 J:: 6 0 Generator 2 I Quantity -..... Va l ~ U ~itsl Hours of oper~!i~~ . -·1 .. ~ l ~~/y~-. . Number of starts -r--4 starts/yr Operational life ~ ~~--~1 15 ,000 ~ y~ __ -1 Capac ity factor 0.0257 % Fixed generation cost [ 13.6 $/hr ~ar~na l _generation :_ost ~.258 L~/k~hyr . r---Quantity -~ Valu~ I u~·its ·1 Electrical produ ction I 254 : kWh/yr Mean electrical output 63.5 kW f ·- Min. electrical output t 60.9 kW Max. electrical output 67.9 : kW . Thermal prod~~tion_ _14~ i ~~h/~r Mean thermal output t 35.4 1 kW - -t - I Min . thermal output 34 .8 . kW , Max . thermal output 36.5 kW ---------- , --Quantity =: V~lue J Un~ts Fuel consumption I 91 .2 : Uyr Spe?ifi? f~~I ~~~su_m~tio~1 o .~~~ _ ~kWh_ : Fuel energy input 898 I kWh/yr M.ean electric~! efficiency ! 28~3 t % _ Mean total efficiency J 44.1 % ' . ··-----__ ..... ___ _ 24 >.18 Al 0 '5 12 ~ ::i:: 6 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Generator 1 Quantity ---. Value I-Units J I Hours of operation ----r· -0 1 hr/yr l Number of starts 0 · starts/yr , Operationa l life --- 1 1,000 I yr J f Capaci~y fact~r 0.00 , % Fix ed generation cost ~ 10.9 '. $thr _ ·. - kW I: 36 24 12 0 kW 1 70 56 42 28 14 0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 5of6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr . ~~r~~~~e neratio~-cost ! 0.310l !J~Wh~- I ·-Quantity Value I Units I : ~lectri~al ~i~~~~tio n I 0.00.1. kw_~/yr . ~e~~-:ie~ical o~1!>':t ! . -~-~~-, ~~ _ ~ , Min. electrical output L 0.00 kW 1 i ~~~·~ctrl~~!-o~t-put L. 0.00 : kW -1 ~ T~:rmal pr~duction t ~.~O ~Wh/yr , I Mean thermal output 0.00 kW I . I Min . ~~~:mal ou_tput _ O.~O • kw_ _ I Ma x. thermal output 0.00 kW ~--Q~;~tity ·------valu~: Units I Fuel co~;~~ptlon ---] 0 ; Uyr . . . ; Specific fue l consump tion 0.000 UkWh --. ··-. 1 F~:I ~~:~Y-in?.ut .L 0 kWh/yr • I Mean electrical efficiency ' Mean total efficiency _ J~ 0.0 % . ___ J o.o l % I 24 >.18 ~ 0 12 5 0 ::c 6 0 Emissions Pollutant Carbon dioxide ~---· ---·-- . _ j Emissions (kg/yr) __ L ____ 151 .243 r 178 I Car~?n _ ~onoxide I Unburned hydocarbons I Particul~te matter ___ -_-i _____ -_-_-_- 19.7 13 .4 307 Sulfur dioxide _. _ Nitrogen oxides 1,588 kW 1 1.0 0 .8 0 .6 0.4 0 .2 0.0 file://C :\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 6of6 1128/2010 Knight Piesold CONSULT IN G Appendix B-9 Alternative 3 at $5.54/gallon Diesel System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr Sensitivity case CL_town Scaled Average: 1 ,150 kWh/d Thermal Load 1 Scaled Average : 1, 195 kWh/d Diesel Price: 1.46 $/L Entegrity EW50 Hub Height: 30 m Generator 4 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1 .5 Generator 3 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 2 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 Generator 1 O&M Cost Multiplier: 1.5 System architecture IH.ydro 98 kW I 1Gene rator 4 45.8 kW !Generator 3 81.9 kW Generator 2 113 kW [Generator 1135 ~W 1 Cost summary Total net present cost I $ 4,258,262 Levelized cost of energy · $ 0.330/kWh Operating cost ! $ 111,515/yr Cash Flow Summa 2,500,000-r----------------~---------. _Hydro 2,000,000 -Generator 4 ____________________ 1 -Generator 3 -Generator 2 ;;; -Generator 1 ;1 ,500,000 Q ------1-Boiler u 11,000,000 Cl. 1S 500,000 z 0 -500,000---------~--------------- Capital Replacement Operating Fuel Salvage Net Present Costs J r . C~pital J Rep~a~:_m~~~ ~. O&M T_= Fi~I __ Salvage I_,--Tot_al _ Component ·--·· -l I ~~ ---l--j!1 ___ I__ (_$) -($) -($) I_ --~J Hydro l 2,044 ,000 1 _ __ O • 0 t-O 0 f 2,044,000 f Generator 4 [_____ 0 i 16,383 ; 108,802 I-62~:390 , -1,928 , 745,646 ' Generator 3 0 0 17,632 170,588 ! -9 ,2 57 178 ,963 ' Generator 2 0 0 30 688 · -16,746 -16,028 Generator 1 , Boiler l Other System 0 ~ --0 1 ·--o ~ 2 ,044,000 Annualized Costs 0 0 0 16,383 ' Capital Replacement I ' Component · ! 1 I , ($/yr) J ($/yr) I Hydro I 102,940 I 0 0 0 -15,635 l -15,635 ! ... o1 867 ,103 0 867,103 454,211 0 l. 0 454,211 • 580 ,676 I 1,660,769 -43,566 I 4,258,260 O&M I ($/yr) I 0 Fuel Salvage Total I ($/yr) ($/yr) ' ($/yr) 1 ' 0 i 0 102,940 i other file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Loc al Settings\T emp\Altemative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 1of6 1/28/2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.rum I Generator 4 i 825 5.4 79 31,345 -97 37 ,55~J f ~~~er~_tor ~ f-0 0 _ .. 888 : 8,591 -466 !_ 9 .~~3.J l.~enerato r 2 t, _ 0 ____ ·-. 0 , ____ 1 ; ___ 35 ~--~43 i__. ~807 : '.~~nerator 1 _ 0 0 : 0 0 -787 · -787 __ Boi le_i:_ ·-_ _ o_ ~-~~-=~· o i--o 43,669 o-t 43,669 Other 0 O : 22 ,875 0 0 22,875 1 ; Sy~t~m -, 102,940 -·-----825 ! 29,244 83,640 -2 ,194 214,454 : • -·-__j J ____ _ 0 Cash flows 500,000----------....::...:~'-'--"::...;..;;.."-----------~-capital Replacement o ...___..._....._,____, ..... ,__ ___ __,,_,____.. _______ ,____..._,__ ___ ....., .. , Salvage € -~~ ~ -~ .5! -500,000 ..-------------------------1 LI. ~-1,000,000 ..-------------------------1 ii c 'E ·1,500,000 0 :z: -2,000,000 ..-------------------------1 -2 •5oo,ooo 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Year Number Electrical Component ! Production Fraction , l (kWh/yr) I I Hydro turbine 522,646 88% Generator 4 ' Generator 3 Generator 2 t .?ener~tor 1 Total . --··· 100 BO ~ .:.:. 60 ~ 40 0 Q.. 20 0 0 ~--Oo/~ 1 592,806 100% i Monthtv Average Electric Production - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov De c I Load -1-Co~-;~~ptio~ . Fraction l • _ _ _ (kWh/yr) I_ I j AC primary load , 419,749 100% ' , 1 ~ ----' Total 419,749 100% ---~--.~-~~-~ - [---Quantity ·-r Value l Units l l ~~cess electricity _J 173,061 ; kWh/yr Unmet load · 0 .000198 : kWh/yr r - Capacity shortage I 0.00 kWh/yr Renewable fra ctio n : -0 .589 . I Thermal I -· -T ----·1 -Generator 4 -Generator3 -Ge nerator 2 -Generator 1 -Hydro file://C :\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 2of6 1128 /2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr Component Generator 4 Generator 3 Generator 2 _P_r~~-~~~ion 1 1 Frac!i~~ J (k"":h!~r} _ __ _ _ I ---34 '.9~8 f __ 7% ; 8,807 2% 36 0% Boiler 250 ,170 54% Excess electricity 173,061 37 % --+------ ·-- Total _ l _. 46~,0~ . __ 100% 80 Monthlv Averaoe Thermal Production ~40 Qi t= 20 • ,..- Ir'! I I ~ 0 Ja n Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Consumption f (kWh/yr) Load Fractio_n 1 ' Thermal load I -436, 174 100% I Total _ ___ J _ ---·-t 436, 174 100% I Quantity ' Value Units ] I Excess thermal energy [ 30 ,889 kWh /y r 1 Hydro l Quantity Value T U-nits -. Nominal capacity 98 .0 i kW . Mean output I 59 .7 t kW . Capacity factor . r-60 .9 % - t , 1 Total pr~d ~ct~n 52~~~J-~_Wh/yr _ r . Quant ity . --V~lu-eTu nits -----· . --+---·-~- Minimum output ·t 42 .~ ~ kW Maximum output 83 .3 , kW i HYdm P_•n~tra ~on • ~-,,~ r· -_-. l Ho ~rs _o!_o~:_r~tion 1 ~.760 ~r~~ I Level ized cos t , 0.197 $/kWh L ------.-1------J.-_ ... __ 24 » 18 IV 0 0 12 :; 0 :x: 6 -Generator 4 -Generator 3 -Generator 2 -Generato r 1 -B oiler -Excess Electricity 0 Jan Feb M ar Apr May Aug Sep Oct Generator 4 Quantity -! Value ! Units ·1 Hou rs of op e rat ion -2 i.6i 3 ; hr/y~ -l Number of starts : 1,25 9 · starts/yr ~ o Pe<a ti onal life _ .. :-+ '1 s:• 1 Y' _ . · I kW 1 85 .0 76 .0 67 .0 58 .0 49 .0 40 .0 file ://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Setting s\Temp\Alternative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 3 of 6 1128/2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr Capacity fa ctor -+ 13.0 I % ~ Fixed generatio~ost 4~0-7~L-$/_h_r --i ~~rg i n~I ge~:_r~t~on cost 0.451 j $/kWhyr c-. _Quantity _ --_-, Value ; ~-~its J Electrical production I 52 ,223 kWh/yr . -·--·--· . I . Mean electrical output ! 14.3 kW -------... --Mi~: ~le_ctri ca!_~utput I 13.7 _ kW __ · Max. electrical output r 21.2 kW ! Therm~I ~rod~~tion : 34,988 _ kWh/yr j I Mean the_rmal _output 9.58 kW Min . ~~e~_mal o~tput 9.33 • kW I Max. therma l output 12.7 kW 1 ·-· Quantity Value l Units Fue l consumption 21,469 · L/yr Specific fuel consumption 0.411 L/kWh ---I A Fuel energy input 211,255 kWh/yr Mean electrical efficiency 24.7 % • ----I·-· r Mean total efficiency __ l_ 41.3 I % 24 » 18 fU 0 0 12 ~ :x: 6 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Generator 3 Quantity Value Units Hours of operation 592 hr/yr ' --. Number of starts _ J _ 399 ; starts/yr Operational life ---~ 101 '~r --1 Capacity factor I 2.49 % Fixed generation cost ~.23 $/hr , Marginal generation cost I 0.407 t $/kWhyr --·-. j ·--.I. l Q~~~~~~ . --_[ -~;iue .. J Units Electrical production . 17,870 kWh/yr • Mean electrical output . 30 .2 kW -~ Min . electrical output 24.6 kW -. ... -- Max . electrical output 59 .2 kW t T~~rmal production 8,807 ; k"'!hl yr l Mea ~ thermal output 14.9 I kW , Min. therma l output 12 .7 t kW Max. therma l output j . 26 .0 kW I Quantity Value i Units Fuel consumption --j 5,884 I L/yr f Specific fuel consumption · 0.329 L/kWh I Fuel ene;gy input 1 57,902 . kWh/yr I I i kW 1 24.0 19.2 14.4 9.6 4.8 0 .0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 4of6 1/28/2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr Mean electrical efficiency _1 30.9 : % I Mean tota l ~-fficiency =r 46 .1 ; % _J 2 4 >.18 flJ c 0 12 3 0 :i: e 0 Jan Generator 2 1--Quantity Hours of operation Number of sta rts Operational life Capacity facto r Fi xed generation cost Value TUnits - l 1 1 hr/yr 1--· 1 ' starts/yr 60 ,000 yr 0 .00686 % l 15.8 ~ $/hr _ M~~§!~al~eneration :~~-L 0.309 $/kWhyr , f -Quantity : Value _ LI_n.i~s l ~lectrical p~o~~ct~~·-I 67 .9 kWh/yr I ~ea~ ~lee~~~~ ou~?~t ! 67.9 ; kW ~' Min. electrical output 67.9 ! kW - I. Max . el~ct~ic~!.~~tput 67 .9 j kW T herma l production 36.5 [ kWh/yr I J Mean thermal output 36 .5 ] kW . ·] 1 Min . thermal output 36 .5 kW Max . thermal output 36 .5 kW _ l -Qua~tity -=-=~ Valu~· r u~its I' Fuel cons umption I 23.7 1 Uyr Specific fuel co nsumption 0.350 ' UkWh I Fu el energy input \ 2~~ i ~Wh/~r : Mean electncal effici_ency t 29.1 1 . % J , Mean total efficiency __l 44 .l . ~/~ ~j 24 E1a 0 12 3 0 :i: e 0 J an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Generator 1 Quantity -~ ~1 Value r Units ] Hours of op:ration _ 0 '. hr/yr j Numb er of starts 0 starts/yr I i Operational li fe 1,000 yr ' Capacity factor _ I 0 12 .0. 6 0 l $%/h r Fixed generation cost J Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec kW I: 36 24 12 0 kW 1 70 56 42 28 14 0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Altemative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 5of 6 1/28/2010 System Report -Alternative 3--Landing Cr.hmr 1 Marginal generation cost 1 0 .371 ! $/kWhyr I \. ·-----·-'"'_....___ ____ _ [-_ Quan~ity -~=~-~.alue J Units '. Electrical production . I __ 0.00 J kWh/y!._ Mean electrical output 0 .00 : kW t --+ ··- Min . electrical output 0.00 ' kW Max. electrical output 0 .00 kW ' Thermal production 0 00 kWh/yr ' Mean thermal output 0.00 '.kW --~ l Min. therm~I output o:oo . kW - . i Max. thermal output . 0.00 kW _ :uel consumption ---0 ! L/yr- r-Quantity --i 1 Value i Units -1 1 Specific fuel consumption i 0.000 i L/kWh ; .Fuel energy input -. t _ 0 ! kw_~/yr j ' Mean electrical efficiency i 0.0 % __ --j Mean total efficiency _f _ 0.0 % 24 >.18 111 0 0 12 3 0 :r 6 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Emissions I Pollutant ____ Emissions (~g/yr~ , 'I Carbon dioxide _ -·+-·---·--15~:_~32 ., Carbon monoxide 178 - --·----- -. Unburned hydocarbonst _ _ __ _ 19 .7 Particulate matter 13.4 ---·----------~ . Sulfur dioxide 307 ----· -----·----; Nitrogen oxides . . _ __ 1,588 , kW 1 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 file://C :\Documents and Settings\jdwyer\Local Settings\Temp\Alternative 3--Landing Cr.htm Page 6of6 1128/2010 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING Appendix C Community Planning Map of Chignik Lake Legen d & Notes I ...... PROPOSF.D NFRAS1RUCTIJRf, JMPROVFMF.ITS SEC . 14 I !C Nos. 093/094-SEC. 13 -------------,---c~------------ PROPOSID COMMl.NTIY DF.VF.LOPMINT ARFAS 1 I WN1F.R GLACJA TION ..--...,--~---.'=""""-----~~~~' BIRRY PJCKTNO PFRTOmC: FLOODJNO AREAS ------~-----LC os. 093/094 (>R L SEC. 23 C HIGNIK LA K E SE@. ~7 LAK E USS NO . 11308 Lo l 5 soN_~sc.:'0~20 SEC. 3 IC No':5. 093/094 CRL SEC. 2 12(b) [C Nos. 1097 /1098 CR L I I I I I I I I I '1 srn. 24 SEC. 1 I ______ SEC. _28 _____ l~No;1%8_li084 ___ SEC. J_ ______ -•-+-___ . __ -=- SEC. 19 ME:Tli.m E GAS APPROXIMATE LO CATION TEST SITE 1 Acr-e Sit6 Easement HN 2e D TniCt l' Sbb io JTuol, DCB> Bli 52. 'l?"' l08-5Jt £EG. 30 ,. . . . . I I I I I I I I I I I /'="'~q I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I SEC. 20 SEC. 29 I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I USS 113 13 LOT 2 APlN M6316 SEC. 2 8 --~-----------K~~~W.osL ________ _ I I _ __ -f-__ if. t::IQ.s...Jlf!Y~4- I GL~C • . • • • . • • • • SEC. 6 • • ·. • I I l F r SEC. 5 I I I l .,~~~~~ \ COMMUN ITY PLANNING MAP CH IGNIK LAKE 56' 15' 15" N 153' ~8" oo· 11 (NAD 83) Approlimate Elevation: 17' f olfDt1hip 45 Sout.b, Range 60 & 8 1 Test. S.ll ., AK U.S.G.S . Quodranal• "CHIGNJIC B-3." Alosl<a AJ.EtmAll ISLANDS RBCORDING Dl!nRIC? SEE SHBET l FOR DETAILED COIOCUNllY MAP 0 800 1600 2400 Sc.Alf IN FEET SCALE: !"•BOO' Da\e of Photocraph;r; luly 31, 200 2 llognelic Deollnallon oompuled by U.9.C.S. Cecma1 Pro,i"1m 11.1i111 AK-2000.COf rnodel a of Au~ I, 2002. S!ID!'l' ~of 4 0 lil I '... ... 8 iii .. ~ Ii % ~ ~ z ~ " ~ " % 12 o Knight Piesold CONSULTING Appendix D Design Drawings for Existing Chignik Lake Power Plant -~.~•GGEo~r..:~AL;:"CCO~NIDO!TlONSjjiQ;;s"':.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:: .. ~Dt;ES;U;:;:-;Fl!E;;-L~~~NO;-;.VAL~VE;.S;-::"~(;,CO~Nll~NUi:;'~-0~}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--;::=::=::=::=::=:=::=::=::=:=:=:=:=::=::=::=::===::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:::;--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 PERFORM ALL WONK IN ACCORD»IC£ WTTH THE LATEST AOOPTro EOITlONS or THE 1NTERNAT10NAL FIRE CODE AND PRO~ECT SCOPE ·IE INTERNATIONAL BUILOING CODE INCLUDING STATE or Al)StJ, AMENDMn.1'5. COMPLY WITH ALL APl':JC\BLE f\ISIBl..E UNK VALVES -BRASS BODY. fPT ENOS, \65F FUSIBLE HEAD. FlRCMATIC 2DDF roR 1/2". STATE AND FtDE~ REGULATIONS. flROMATJC 4-00F FOR 1 ·, OR EOUIL I !);E SCl<OOL OP!:RATES I'S O'NN POWER PLANT ANO PR0"1DES POWER TO TttE COMMUNITY OURiNG T~E SOW. Y-tAR. THE I SCllOOL CENERATOflS .IRE LOCATED IN M SCl()OI_ MECIWll~ 8Uolll11'1>. THE 'llUACE <iA5 A GENERATOR tOCAILD I~ A r~E DAAWNCS ARE OIAGRAllM4TIC ANO 00 NOT NEC!SSARtl.Y SHOW ALL FtATURl:S or TM[ REOIARlO WORK. M GLYCOi. Ptl'ING, VALVES, .IND SPECW..Tt:S •• MOOO.E k'ID PRCMOES POWER TC !ME COUMUNr.Y o.JRINC 11£ SUMMER WHEN lH£ SCHOO• IS NOi IN OPERATION. !',[ PftO'/IDE Ali. EO'JIPM£NT ANO MATERIALS REQUlllED FOR A COtl.Pl!TE SYSml. 'o{RfY rxtSTING rlUO CONOITlOHS Gl.YCOI. PIP»IG (ECS, ECR, """' ~.R) -PR~~ CO!'~R PIPE •·~ WRM~ COPPER nn·~ I VlJJGE POWER 'WIT ALSO PRO\l'OES EMERC(t.'Cr BIC~\.P POWER FOR THE SCl<OOI.. D()W[il IS O!STRIBllTD rROll 90r.~ ~~ ::2 ~~~ ~-IMMmtATELY CONTACT 'HE ENGINEER FOR CWllflCATION or OVESTlONABU: EXCEPT WHERE SPECIFICALl.r 'i;oc;iro oTHER'Wfil. P~OE n£ieu: HiJS£'roR CONNECTIOtt°TO ALL ! POWER PW.'TS VIA AN OV-tRHOO £XSTRl8UT10N SYSIDA. ENGINES. PRO'llOE SMALL DIAMETER ILROOUIP HOSE WrERE 1No1CA1Eo FOR 1HSTRUMENTA1 10N ANO I ™' PURPOSE or JHs PROJECT 1s TO LPGRADE THE SCHOOL POWER PLANT 10 ErrletENTlY PRO~OE YEAR ROONO POWER <QUIPMENT ANO llATERWS SHOWN .IRE NEW um.ESS SPECIFlCALLY INDICATED AS EXISTING. WH£RE BU:ED UNES. PRO'llDE STAINU:SS STEE'. fl[)(JBU: CONNECTORS FOR CONNECT ION TO RAOIATORS (SEE ;o THE SCHOOL ANO COMMUNITY. THE Vilt.AGE POWER MOOU;.£ WI LL BE USED FOR STAN)BY S!:R\llCE. lli[ EXISTING I 1NAL OR REPlACEllENT ITTMS ARE REOUIREO, PR(M(JE U~E "EMS BY lliE SAME IWM'ACTURER TO THE DtESIEL FUEL PIPiNC SPECIRCATIONS). HYDROSTATICALlY TEST ALL PIPIHC Al \00 PSlC MINIMUM rOR I VIUAG£ 90 l(W GENERArOR WILL BE INSTAl.l.Ell IN TrtE SCHOO. POWER pw;i ANO ONE CF lliE £JUSTING SCHOOL 125 KW JM EXmlT PRACTlCAL IHSTALL ALL MATERIALS IH ACCORDANCE WITH ~.ANUfACTURERS RECOllllENDATIO~S ONE HOUR WITH NO NOTttABU: WATER LEAl<S OR PRESSlRE DROP EXCEPT AS CAUSED BY j CENERATO!lS WU BE RELOC\:ED 10 TrtE VILLAGE J,()[)\)LE. ., INSTRUCOONS, UNLESS INDICATED OTl1ERWIS£. TEMPERAMf: CIW<CE. ISClATE OIG'1'£S Al>'() RADIATORS PRIOR TO PRESSURE TESTlliC. fl.USH P!Pt;G Willi rRESH WATU! PRIOR TO Pl.AClNG 1H SERVICE. I lli[ PROJ(Cl IHCLUOCS INSTALLATlON N[ll AllTOMATIC PARAU.EIJHC NiO START/STOP SW:TCHC".», A •EW \SO K:N GEllSET, A PROTECT ALL MATif!IA!.S AND EOUIP\IENT DURlt.'C ThE ENTIRE DURATIOff or CONSTRUC110N WORK AGAINST ~EW PNJ MOUNT .If STEP UP TRN;SfORl.IER BANI<. ANO UPGRADE Of THE HEAT RECIM:l!Y SYSTEll ;o 5Ci400L FACILITIES. CONTAMINATION OR DAMAGE. REPLACE OR REPAIR TO ORiGiNA!. MAIUACTUR£0 CO•'lllllON Im :TEMS DAMAGED COPPl:R PIPE -TYPE Y OR TYP£ "l.0 AS INDICATED HARO ORAWN COPl'ER TUBE WITH WROUGHT Dt.IRING CONSTRUCTION. IMMEOIAlEl.Y REPORT TO THE ENGL~EER Im ITEMS FOUND DAMAGED PRIOR TO COPPER flll1NGS. ALL JOINTS SOLDERED Willi 95/S TIN/ANTI~ONY SOLOER OR SILVER SOlDER. COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. PR0'¥10E COPP!:R CO~PANION fl.ANCES WITH f\IU. fACE-f'BER GASKa5 FOR TRANSITlON TO STE£L PERFORll WOR!< Wl'1H SKU£D CRAFTSMEN SPEaAUZINC IN SAlO WORK. INSTALL AU. MATERIALS IN A NEAT, = ,c;;i ~~G~ALVES. Wll ALL an ENOS NiD THOROUGHLY CLEAN PIPE ENDS A~O flTTil.'CS ~~ ~/ASHION, >S REOUIREO 8Y lliESE SP!:Ofl:AllOHS A.~D COMMONLY RECOGNIZED STAHOAROS 00 NOT CUT, DRIU. OR NOTCH STRIJCTURAL MEMBERS UNl!SS SPECIF1CAU.Y APPROVED BY THE EllGINEER. ENGINE COOlAHT HOSES -SIZE AS IHD:cATED ON CAAWINGS, SAE J :527, USCG lYl'E 8-2. TliERMOID 2000 DR EQUAL ~INIMIZE PEN!:TRATIONS NiO DtSR'JPTION Of 8UILOING fEATlJRES. WHERE PR™OUSLY COMPLETED BUUliNG SUAU. HOSES -MINIMUM 2501' GLYCOi. RATEO HOS(, AEROO~!P FCJOO OR EOUAL. SIZE >S INDtCA1ED SURFACES OR OTHER FEATURES MUST SE CUT, PEN£1RA!l:D, OR OTHEJl'NISE ALTEREO, SUCH WORK SHAU BE ON ORAWINGS. PRCMll£ RE-USASlE P'.ATEO STEEL STRAICKT ANO SWMl NPT ENOS AS REQU:R£0, :1f~Y~10~ :?N:ED, NiO PATCHEO TO ORIGINAi. CONOITION. SOI. ALL ElCTERlOR fl.OOA JHJ AEROO\JIP 412-S OR EOIJAI.. BUlTERFl.Y V/.l.VE -WC STYLE DUCTI.£ IRON BOOY, Al>'Sl 150# ~E PAnERN ENOS, STAINLESS CONTACT Tli£ EHG!NUR ONE-ll'EIX PRIOR TD COMPLETlON Of ALL WORK TO SCHEDUL!' A SUBSTANIW. STEil. STEii llllli BRON2£ BUSHING, BR!).-ZE DISC, EPDll SEATS. LOCKING HANIJ!.E. GRINNEU MOOCL COMPl.ETION l'ISPECOON. THE ENGIN£ER \llU. GEMERA!l: A PUNCH UST or CORRECTIVE .ICi10N rro.ts OUR\NG lliE L0-828\ DR EQUAL INSPECTION. WORK WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETr ~ ALL CORRECTIVE ACTION ITEMS IN THE ENGINEERS PUNCH UST HIME BEEN SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED ANO PHOTOGRAPHIC OR OlliER POSmVE DOCUMENTATION hAS BALL V/.l.~ -TliREAOED OR SOLD£R END BRONZE BOOY, F\J1..L OR LARGE PORT CH'lOME P\,\TEO BEEN PRO'llOEO TO THE ENGINEfR. BRONZE OR BRASS 1W.1... ITT OR ~TOI/ PACKING ANO SEAT RING, MINIMUM 200 PSIC WOC RATING. PRO'llOE ONE S£T Of DRAWINGS CliAALY M.IRl((D UP '.mH ALL AS-!MLT lffl'ORWiJ~ TO THE ENGlllE£R WITHIN DOMESTIC ONlY, HIJIMOIID 85Q1 OR MltWAUKff, NO SUBSTnlm. TWO WEEKS or COMPlfllON. SW!NG 0£Cl( VAL~ -1l1REAOEI> OR SOLDER ENO BRONZE !IOOY, SWING CHECl< Sl'flL, MHllUM 200 •• SPCCW. CONOmONS 0 ENSURE THAT APl'ROPRIATE SAFm MEASURES ARE IMPLEMENTED AND lliAT All. WORXERS .IRE AWAAE Of THE POTENTIAi. HAZARDS FROM EU:CTR~ SHOCK, BVRN, ROTATING fANS, PULLEYS, BaTS, HOT IMHIFOLOS, NOISE, !:TC. ASSOCIATED WITH WORX~G NEAR POWER GENERA~ AND CON1ROL Ell\JIPMENT. q SUPPORTS >HJ fASTtNERS " SUPPORT PIPING Niil £0UIPMENT AS SHOWN ON 1'1.AHS US1NG SPECFIED SUPPORTS AND FASTENERS. IF NOT DETA/ILO ON PLINS. SUPPORT FROM S1R\ICTURAL MEllB!:RS Willi PIPE IWiGERS. Cl.IMPS, OR PIPE STRAPS SPEOflCALLY INTENDED toR THE APPUCATION. 00 NOT SUPPORT PIPING FROM CONN ECTIONS TO EQUIPMENT. INllEPENOENTLY SUPPORT PUii.PS MO EQUIPMENT. STRUT -COl.O FORMED MlD STEEL ~ STRUT, HOT DIPPED G.11.VANIZEll f1HISH ANll SlOT!ID BACK t.Hl!SS SPEClflCIU.Y lllOICllTEO 01H£RWISE. STAN!lARO STIRUT -\2 CA. \-5/8" x 1-5/8°, UNSlRUT P-10001 (HG) OR EOLIAI.. OOU8l£ ST1IUT -12 CA. 1-5/8° x J-\/4°, UNISTRUT P-10011 (HG) OR EOUAI.. SHALLOW ST1IUT - ,. CA. \-5/8" I 13/\6", UNISTRUT P-4100T (HG) OR EO\l\L WHERE STRUT IS waDEO TO TANKS Oft STRUCTU~ PRCMOE Pl>JN (UN-FINISHED SU.CK) SOLID BACK STR\JT -12 ~GE. \-5/8" x \-5/8·, UNISTRUJ P-\ 000 (Pl) OR EC UAL f1TTlllCS AND ACC!:SSORIES -PROYl!lE CARSON srm fITTJNCS, BRACKETS. C!WINn NUTS, AND ICCIESSORIES OCSIGNED SIPEC'flCIU.Y FOR USE WITH SPECtFID CHANNU STRUT. GALVNillEO DtR ZINC-P\,\TEO FINISH. 1 .AMPS -ZINC -PIATED CARSON STEa TWO-PIECE Pl'E CLAMP DESICNEl> TO SUPPORT PIPE TICHT TO UNISTRUT P-\ 1 If OR EOUAI.. PIPE STRAPS -ZINC-PLATED CARBON STEEL TWO-HOLE PIPE STRAP. UNISTRUT P-25~ NO SUBSTITUTtS. PiPE BRACK!:l SADDLE -GALVAN iZED CARBON STEEL TWO-P\EC( PIPE BRACl<ET OESIGNEO TO SUPPORT PIPE AND Off>ET PIPE /<i/IAY FROl.I snM. 8-1.ME 859\ SERIES PIPE l!ll.ICl(ET SADOu: AND CLAMP Oft EQUAi.. F>STENERS -ALL BOLJ'S. NUTS, ANO WASHERS GALVANIZED Oft ZINC PLATED CARBON ST!IL ALL NAILS AND LAGS HOT OIPP!:D GALVANIZED. CABU: TIES -TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL SElf-LOCKING TIES, 14° NOMINAL l.ENG'rn, PANOUIT MLT4S-CP DtR PSIC WOO RATING. DOMESTIC ONl.Y, HIJIMOND OR MllWAUXEE, NO SUBST."VJ'ES. DRAIN VIJ..VES -BRONZE SOOY, J/4" rPT BY J/4° MALE HOS( ENDS Willi CAP ANO JACK M.N. WATTS 86000CC, OR EQUAi.. ~~STALL AT ALL DRAIN NiO fll.L CONNECTIONS AND WHERE INDICATED. GMJGE COCt< -8RASS SOOY, MPT BY FPl ENDS, T-HANOLE. LEGEND V/.l.VE ITEM 101-SJI (1/41 OR ilEll 101 -5J2 (J/8"), OR EOIJAI.. !!>'STALL ON ALL Ml VENTS. PRESSUflE GAUC£S, S11>U HOSE CONN£CllONS, AND WHERE IMDICAT£D. BALANCING COCKS -SOUlER ENO BRO~ZE SOOY, 1/4• NP! METERING PORTS WITH CHECK VAL\IES ANO GASKET([) CAPS. CALIBRATED SCALE, f1ELO ADJUST.ISLE MEMORY STOP, LINE SIZE. NlMSTRONG cev, NC SUBSTITUTtS. PIU:SSURE RELIEF VALVES -THRoom ENO BROHZE BODY. NON-FERROUS INTERNAi. COMPONENTS, ASllE LABEIID, 3/4' HPT ~'S. 500 l!BH MINIMUM CN'~. SCTPOIHT AS !HlllCATED. WATTS 174" Cff [OU.IL Gt.YCOL FILTER -SCREW-ON CANNISTER STYU: fllTER lliMEtlT WITH 3/8" NPT CONNECTIONS ON HEAD. WIX 1240\9 HOO WITH 124069 ElEMElll OR EQUAL . AllHlMATIC AIR VENTS -BRASS BOOY. SElf-CLOSING FLOAT OPERATED V/.l.'o{, SCREW ON CAP, • /4° :i~C::. llAI0-0-MIST AUTO Ml V!:lll NO. 71 OR EOUAI.. PROVIDE WJT~ BALI. (CAUCE COO<) PRESSURE CIUCES -3-1/2" DIAL SIZE, CAST ALWIN\Jll CASE, PllOSPHOR BllONZE rJ8E, BRASS MOVEME:NT , SU.CK POINTER ON WHITT DIAL fM:t'. Willi BLACK GRADUATIONS, RANCE >S INDICATED. TRERICE NO. 600C OR EOUAI.. PROVIDE WlfN 8ALI. V/.l.VE ISOLATION. THffih!OMETERS -3° DIAL SIZE BlllETAL TYP£, STNNl.ESS STEEL CASE ANO STEM, 8!X1< POINTER ON WlfTE DIAL FACE WITH BlAC1( AND 81.UE GRAOUATlOHS, DUAL SCALE f AND C, IX or f\A.L SCALE Al:CIJRACY, AllJUSrABLE ANGLE, 20f TO 240f RANCE, 2-1/2" STEM U:NGTH. PRO'llDE Willi BRASS lliERMOW!l.L FOR 3/~· llP1 CONNEcn:lN, TT!ElllCE 88360205 WflK 76-m TliERMOWEU. OR EOUIJ.. •• SEQUENCE or OPERATION .. EOUAI.. AIR lllTNCE llAllPER Will. OPE:N ANY Tiil( PWIT IS IN SER'llCE {STATION SER'llCE POWER ON). EXl\l.:JST FNi MOTDtRIZED CWAPERS WU OPEN A'IY T1ME ASSOCIATED FAN OPERATES. ALL IW.IPER MOTO!IS Will. S1RUCTVRAl. STEil. -MISCEl..LANEOUS SIW'ES NfO PLATE AST\! A-J6. RfCT'-'ICULIR T\Jll1NG ASTM A-500 GRADE BE NORMALLY CLOSEO SPRIHC RETURN ANO WU. CLOSE ON l.OSS or POWER (f!!E N,\RM). B. STRUCTIJRAL PV'E ASlll A-!>! OR ASTM A-1068. WliERE lllDICATEO AS CALVANIZ£D, HOT DtP GALVNllZE IN ~ MXORtlANCE WlTH ASlll A-12J, OlliER'MSE PA.'Hi IS INOICATED. l'AUST FAl6 EF-1 AND Ef-2 Will OP!:RA!l: ON A CALL FOR COOLING THROUGH A UNE VOLTAGE \;"\ ~ERMOSTAT TO ~"1NTAIN SPACE TEl.tPERATUR(. 80F, Al)JUST.ISLE. •• PAINTING AND INSULATION •• '\ ~ HEAT RE~ ANO PlANT HEAT P\JMPS P-HRl ~ll P-lf!2 WILL O!'ERA!l: CQl,1\NUDUSLY UNDER PAINTING -PAINT ALL CARBON STEEL PIPE ANO fMlRICITIONS. Afl'ER COMPLETION OF fA8RICIT10N , SAN OBLAST MAN UAi.. CONTROL OR WIRE BRUSH TO 8>RE METAL ANO PRIME Willi UN~ RED OXI()( PRIMER. DEVOE RUSTG\!NlD 4140 OR EQUAL, COlllR REO, TO \.5 MILS Dl!I' rut TltlCl<N£SS. PAINT W!Jli 1'llO COATS Of ALJC'I!> EH.IMEL. DEV0£ ·-. EXIST\MC UllT HEATER UH-I COil WU ~.AVE CONTIWOUS FtOW. A UNE VOLTAGE THERMOSTAT WU SPEEOEMllEl 4318 DtR EQU.\L COLOR HAZE GRAY EXCEPT WHEN INDICATED OTHERWISE. \_., CYCLE THE FAN AS REOUIR[[) TO MAINTAIN SPACE TEMPERATURE. 65f, ADJUSTABLE. TOUCH UP -flHISH AU. CUT ENOS AND Jl.\MAGED SURfl.CES or GALVANIZED k'IO ZINC P\,\TED SUPPORTS Ai;[) f ASTrNERS WITH SPRAY ON COLO GALVANIZING COMPOUNO, ZRC OR EQUAL. TOUCH UP PAINT ON FAB~ICATED ITT:MS TO MATCH OAIG\NAL IHSIA.ATIOtl -INSULATE GL'l'COt. COO.ANT AND HEAT RECO'IERY SU'Pl.Y HID RITJRN llA!NS AS INDICATED. INSTALL 1' PRE-rDtRMED R'.Gll fl!IERCl.ASS PIPE INSULATlON WITll AU. SERVK:E JACl(ET, JOHNS-IWMJ..E MJCRC-LOK OR EQUAL. " DtESQ. FLU PIPING ANO VALVES " /'\\LEAD RADIATOR R-1 V.IRWllE fREOUENCY ORM: Will MODULATE FAN SPEE[) TC MAINTAIN ENG\NE '"°' ~RN TD.IPEAATURE AT lBOr, AOJUSTABU:. R-1 FAN WILL SHUT Off WHEN SPEED IS ~BELQl\IID NlJUSTAB.E, BASED UPON COOLANT TEMPERATURE. BACKUP RADIATDtR R-2 Will OPERATE • II" 0 l roR COOIJ'IC THROUGH A UNE VOlTACE lliERMOsTAT TO MAllllAIN ENGINE COOLANT RETURN l\JRE AT 1 BSF, ADJUST .ISLE. EXISTINC DAY TANK IS EOlllPPEl> Willi AUTOMATIC FU CO~TROlS WITH REOUNOll<IT HIGH NfO LOW LEVEL ALARMS AND Til.CERS. SEI DAY TNiK U?CRADE RffERIJICE DRAWINGS FOR !llfORMATION. •• SYSTEM STAAnJP •• Ol!:Sa Fun P!P:HG (FOS & fOR) -ASTM A\06B SCHEDU.£ 80 S(,IMU:SS SW:K STEn PIPE. SOCX!:l W(lJ) OR ENGINE PIPING -AFTER P!l(ss:JRE T!:sni.G ANO FLIJSHt~G. FTU SYSTEM W-:H A SOLUTIOt. CF E.XfENDED un: ETlffl.£NE GLYCOL. Sl£ll ROffiLA nc. NO Sl.9STl1\ITES, PRElllXEO TO A RATIO OF soi; [Th'Yl.[H( Ct YC0t. TO !'IJX WATER. THREADED JOMS FOR ALL PIPING SMALi.ER !HNI 2° DWl.ETER Wffil MINIMUM JOOO# FORCED STEEL mTIHCS. PERFORM PIPE llEUl1NC 'l!fTH EXPER£NCED WCl..OOl WITH CURRENT API OR [QlJIVAl.EHi CER'llflCATION FOR PIPE Wtl.DINC lff ALL POSIT10!<S. PR0\110£ SPIRAL WOUND METALUC CASKETS AHO COAT Yil!H AHll S£JZE: COMPOUND PRIOR TO ASSEMBUNG f\.ANGED JO MTS. Rf.A\I THREADED PIPE ENOS AN O THOROUClt.Y CQl.T MAU: PlPE ENDS WITH HERCULES GRIPP f>'PE JOINT COMPOUND PRIOR TO ASSEMBUNG. TEST m r0a OIL PIPING .'OINTS WllH MINIMUM SO PSIC AIR, Willi EACH JOINT 5'W<£O WTTli A r()AljlNG SOAPY WATER SOLUTION, AND 'llSlWJ..Y INSPECT EACH JO;NT FDtR WXS. FLEXIBlE CONNECTORS -TYP£ J21 ST~NU:SS STEil CORRUGllTID HOSE. TYP£ .104 STAINLESS STEEL WIRE OOIJBLE BRAIDED OUTER SH!E.0. SQi 80 MPT OR 1!'1J# Ai;SI f.Al«D EHOS (FIXED OR FLOATING AS ~OICATED) 125 PSIC MiN1MUW WORK NG PRESSURE. DIAMETER ANO lM: (HOSE) OR OVEJ!M.i. LENC7H AS IHlltCATED. PENH.EX FN 721 O!l EOIJIL FURNIS!' 'lll1H CERlflCATlOH or ll:NIMUM \25 PS1G PRESSURE -:tST. :'OSES -rur RATED HOSE, AEROQUIP rcJOO OR EOUAL SIZE >S INDICATED ON ORAWINCS. PR0\1;0[ Ir E P\,\l".O s:m STRIJGttT AND SWIV[L NPT ENDS >S REOU'.l!EO, Af:ROC \JIP 4\2-S CR EOUAL •• ..o€o 8ALl. VAL~ -CARBON STEa BODY, THilEADED ENDS, STAIH\.ESS STfil BALI. AND "RIM, PTFt SEAT, GRAPH:°[ SEJiS. l OCKAll.E HANDl£. \!'IJ PSlt MIN'.llUW WORKING PRESSURE, NACE MR0175 COlffCRMANCE, ARE SAr£ PER 11'1 &l7. PBV C-~\2-38-22.l6-ll-NC, NO S..<lS'JTUTES. THREADED C~ECK V/o!.VES -BRONZE SOOY, lliREAOED ENOS, SWING CHECK Sl'fl!:, 150 PS1G MINl~UM WOP' "IC PRESSURE. MILWAUKEE SI 0-S OR HAMMOND EOU.\I., :JOMESTIC ONLY. BL:tDtNG HU.TING PIPINC -AFTER PRESSURE TIES-NC ANO FLUSHING PIP l~G. 11£RlfY \ 2 PSIC ET-2 PRECHARGE Willi SYSTE.11 EMPTY. Fl~L -'EATING l>tPING WITH POTABIL WATER TO 12 PSIG MIN lolUU WITH S"STEM COlD. VENT AIR rROM ALL HIGH POINTS PRIOR TC STARTING CIRCULATING PUMPS. CYCLE PUMPS ON AND Off AND VENT HIGH POINTS UNTft. ALI. AIR HAS BEEN PURGW FROM PIPING. ADO AOOITlONAI. WATER AS REQUIRED TO BRING SYSTEM PRESSURE TC JO PSIC MINIMUM AT EXPANSIOH TAN~ Al NORMAL OPERAOIHG TEMP!:RATUlt {\l!OF). f\IEL Oil. PiPING -AFTER PRESSURE '£STING PR!UE ALL P-F;!IC Willi 1'.AND PRIMING PUMP PRIOR TO ST.<RilNG DlCTRIC PUW'S. AS COOWNG SYSTEU CO~ES uP TO NCR!JAL OPERATING TEMF<AAT1JRE VERIFY OPERATION Of oiERMOSTATIC Y.\1.1/E. S!:1 R-\ VARIABl.E 'REOUENCY O't'A'. TC Sf'(ClflED TEM?ERATURE ANO TEST f'uNCTlON. CONFIRM PRCP!:R OPERATION CF R-2. VERfY OPERA™G SETPOIN7S BY READING THf:Rt.'OMETERS IN PJP:HC MAINS. VE!llf'! OPERATIO~ OFF ALL f\JEI. PUMP CONTROLS INCLUO~.Z TIME~. ANG l EVEL ALARMS . CLEAN AU. SYSTEM STRAINERS AFTER FIRST 46 HOURS OR ~ORE Of OPERATION. MON ITOR SYSTEM OPERATION roR ONE WEEK MINIMUM BEFORE LEAVING SITE. CHANGE GLYCOL flLTER EL£MElmi AT TIVE or flRST Oil CHAllGE ON EACH ENGINE. SCHEDJLE OF DRAWl ~!G S Ml SPEC:FICATICNS, SCHEOll:..E S, LEGH<D, & MECHAN ICAL DEMOUTICN PLAN I M2 EQUIPMENT ;.AYOUT PLAN, SECTION S, SHEET METAL DETAILS, & FAN /DAM PER SCHEDULE M3 GLYCOL P:PING ?Ll\N, ISOMETRICS, & PIP!NG DETAILS M4 DIESEL FUEL PIPING PLAN, PIPi~<G DETAILS, HEAT EXCHANGER SJPPORT At-;D VALVE TAG SCHEnJLE MS SEC"'IONS & DE-AI LS Ei ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS & EQUIPMENT SCHEDu:..E E2 PROJECT SITE PLAN . DEMOLITION PLAN & ONE-LINE DIAGRAM MODIFICATiONS E3 GENERATION POWER & COl\TROL PLANS & DETAILS E4 BUILDING PLANS, STATION SERVICE PANEL AND FIRE ALARM RISER DIAGRAM ES VAR IABL E FREQJENCY DRIVE PANEL FOR 2 HP RADIATOR E6 THREE PHASE TERfi'NAL POLE. AND STEP-UP TRANSFORMER SECTI C~ AND ()'AGRAM REF 1-6 EXISTING DA) :ANK UPGRADE REFERENCE DRAWINGS MEC'1ANICAL EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE R-1 REMOT[ flAT-ROUNO MECKANICAL BOND \IERTICAI. CORE. COPPER flNS , BRASS TUBES. me {EXIST) RADIATOR MOTOR. 9D BTU/MIN-'F MINIMUM CAPACITY F/.CTOR, 2 HP, 208 V, J Prl~E. YOUNG l.tWC46FR02T4010/2P, NO SUBSTIMES. HX-1 li!'.AT l 316 STAINLESS ST£El f't).T[S, AU. BRAZED CONSTRUCTION, 2-1/2" NPT PORTS, 295 (EXJS11NG) RECOVERY ; MBH !llN CAPACITY. AMERIOEX Sl14DTl-ll-8D OR EQUAL lV-1 ET -I P-1 P-2 P-HR\ P-HR2 HfAT EXCHANG ER . PRlt.cARY: 70 GPM 190F EWT (50% CTH'!'LENE Gl YCOl) 3.0 i'SI MAX WPO SECONDARY: 50 GPM \81F LWT (!YATER) 2.0 PSI MAX WPO THERMOSTATIC 3• lollSI 125# flAT FACED FLANGES, FACTORY SET NON-ACJUSTABLE SElf-CONTAIN£0 V>J.Vf. ANO FElD REPlACEABlE EXPANDING W~ TH£RMOSTATIC ElEUENTS -NOMINAi. IDIPERATURE RATING 18or, CAST RON BODY, fPE fA30 1C>-180, OR EQUAL COOWIT EXP/ollSION iANK HfAV'I' GAUGE STEEL WITH GALVA-GRIP FINISH, 24 GAU.ON CAPACITY, 2" Nl':' CONNECTIO.~. \ 6 PSI PRESSURE CAP, ONE -PIECE LIQUID LM L GAUGE. GT EXHAUST SYSTEMS 68-2400 OR EQUAL BUILOCNG HfA~ CIRC. PUMP SYSTEM lUBR•CATEO CIRCULATING PUMP, 28 GPM AT 31' Tllfi. J/4 HP, 115 V/1 PH OR 208V/3PI', FLANGED ENDS. GR\JNOFOS ~ 40-160, NO SUBSTITUTES. PROv.OE \-1/2° NPT COMP/\NiON FLANGES WITH GASKETS AND BOLTS. HEAT RECOVERY c·Rc. PU MPS SYSTEM WBRICATEO C!RCUL.AT~IC PUMP, J5 GPM AT 7' TOH, 1/6 HP, 115 V, 1 PH, flANGEO ENOS. GRUNOFOS UP 50-75F, NO SUBSTITUTES. PR™DE 2" NPT COMPANION FLANGES WITH GASKETS ANO BOLTS. 1 ABBREVIATIONS • • llw.<ETER {PHASE) I A .IMPS Aff All()\/[ FINISHED FLOOR I BTU 9~·~1SH THERJ.IAL UNIT KW KILOWATT G LIOOiD TIGHT LWT LEAVING WATER 7(1/PERAT\;q[ MAX MAXIMUM OfR DIESEL FUEL RETURN \IBH THOUSAND BTU PEfi HOUR I OfS CIESEL FUEL SUPPLY EWT ENTERING WATER TEMPERATURE EXIST EXIST'~/$ I (CR [NG\NE COOi.ANT RETURN ECS E~CiNE COOLANT SUPPLY I FPT rEWALE PIPE THREAO c;;. GALGE CAl.V GALVANIZED GPU GAU.OMS ?ER Ml~~TE I GRC GALVANIZE[) RIGID CONOL!T I ,:p HORSEPOWER I ·D INSIDE DIAMETER WIN Mlt;IMUM WPT ~fil PIPE THRE'AC NC NORl.tALLY CLOSED I NO NORMA\l Y OPEN I oc ON CEN TER 00 OUTSIOE OIAMETER l'fN PRESSURE R£UEf VAi.VE PS< POUNDS/PER SOU'-qE L~CI- PSIG POUNDS/PER SO INCH GAl :;£ SCH SCHEOULE IDH !OTAL CMLOPED rifA!l TYP 1YPICAL ! [" EX:sT~I irl RAi>JATOR •I I REMOVE EXISTlNG ---..._,. EX~AUST "'..... FAN& f<:-7l !fJOD f1 j )( I f"] 11 IZ">'.'51 11 lJ IEXIS'j 11 !~I (NOTE J) 10 R~. !~J SEE •'OTE 1 ![EXIST EXP , TANI< = ~ , .... .:! EXIST EXIST HEATEXCIWiGER. t-... CENS!:l GENSET SALV.IGE fCR Tl #2 I \ ~ NOTE \ ~ r- 1 I : I\ L - REUSE, ~OTE 2 J1T-1 , \25KW '2SK\ll ~.:! LJ ~ 4 ~ REMOVE EXISTING DUSTING FUSED SWITt:H, \ EOUPMENT CONOUIT 7 METER. A'ID PANn TC I' -\ ANO CABl E, 0 SEE ELECT. REMAIN, SEE EllCTRICAL REMOVE EXiST --1 \I r --------------1 rtr.AKE HOOO & , "11 I ~~~°!~ .:_ •-.;. --.J ,_...__ R~~ PW.P J BOllER ROOM R../,[ • --: P;JiEL TO REl.tAIH, .... . _ , _ ~EX~:ci EXISTING U~T SEI EilCTlllCAL EXIST INTAK!: --'\; BO!U:R I !£ATER llli:J HOOO TO REUA'.N I /\ : TO ! ~ L -1-I REllAN 1 .VACE PUii? roR REUSE ~ ~--J EXISTING !EAllNC Q / SYSTEM EXl'Alo'SION v::::// TANK TO REMAil .... ' EXISTING HOT / WATER HEATER _ TO REMAIN ;' I \ ,~, \ I EXIS-NG HOT .o.ooo '--~WATER PUMP r~ TO REMAIN H!llIS; 1'-REMOYE EXiSllNG U~IT 13 DAYTANK \)SALVAGE EXISTING CEHERAroN EOOPllE:Nl (UN1TS I \ -13) FOR REUSE. REMOVE ALL EXl5r SWITCHGEAR, POWER & CONTROi. WIR1"'C, COOlANT PIPING, HEAT RECO'<(l!Y PIPING, ANO run DtL PIPING. 2)DRAIN COOUNC SY'.iTEM AND HEAT RECOVERY PIPINC l< SALVAGE GLYCOL rOR RE-USE. SALVAGE HEAT EJICHANGER (HX-\) f OR REUS(. SEE •/Ml. 3}REl.IO'I!: DAYTANK ANO ASSOCIAT!:I) VAL~ de PIPING FOR REllSE. SEI l/M4. fT\ MECHANICAL DEMOUT:ON PLA.'IJ \]1J t--4'-0'-l 1/4"=1' FULL SCAl£ LE GEND !><l GATE VAi.VE ®-1 PRESSURE GAUGE t:*l BALL VALVE YVVVo FLE XIBLE CONNECTOR N CHECK VN..VE -ll-F\A'ffiED JOINT IVl! BUrn:Rfl'l' VAJ..Vf. --UNION ~ eAWICING COCK 0---n.aow TURNED UP •'"'*l DAAN VAl.Vf. <>--ELBOW TURNED DOWN ~ GAUGE COCK ...L PIPING CONNECTION (TEE) 0 AUTO~.ATIC AIR VENT --CHANGE OF PIPE SIZE I ©-I T~ERl.IOl.t ETER __...... OIRECT10N Of flOW REDUCED PLOT-HA LF SC AL E PROJECT: LAKE & PENINSULA SCHOOL DI STRICT CH IGNIK LAKE POWER PLANT UPGRADE ilTLE: SPECIFICATIONS, SCH EDULE S, LEGEND PRO J ECT SCOPE & MECHAN ICAL DEMOLITION PLAN ALASKA ENERGY AND ENGINEERING , INC P.O. BOX 111 405 ANCHORAGE. AlASKA 9~51 \-\<05 PHONE (907) J<S-0100 OAAW~ l!Y: SJS OESIGN£0 B'!: S,S I SCAl.E: .~o sCALE I DATE: 9/22/rJJ u: NAii~ CLAKPPM 1 I SHEET: ,P~OF.C7to.\Jlll!ER:o3 -07-954sjM 1 Of 5 I ! GfNERATOR '--~----l l\ 1501(1( SEE NOTrs 2 BATTERIES ANO CHARG(R UlllCR EF-1 , G~~~~ ~6·-a· - --:3-CEHEP&QL . ~-----' #2 12~ --, ' ' :\EI:2 ; .. _ ... ' ' ' I : S::J : I I ' ' '-' I ® ___ , 0 [pe-1 re-2 anoo blm;, ' ' \ ~~; \ ' ' ' SEE NOltS GEN~ 50KW SEJ: NOTtS COITtR L!K£ Of GENERATOR. 1YP ·-I I 'F ' ,!. 1) GEN!Jt\TOR fl IS NEW. GENERATORS #2 !c f4 N!E EXJST~G SCliOOl CEJl!Jt\TORS. GENERATOR fJ IS AN EXISTING GENERATOR RW)CAT[l) FROM THE ..,LI.AGE POW!:R PLANl. 2) FURNISH Nf.W EXHAUST SYSTEM !c BATTERIES. F1l:lD RETROm !c PRCMDE NEW MECHANICAL !c El.[ClRI~ CONNECTIONS AS REQ\, REC. SEE ElEClRICAL. @EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN V.2 1/4"=1'-o" FLUSH WWH EOCE Of COLUl.ll; POWER PLA '.'J T -PARTIA;_ EAST ELEVATION fASTtll HOOD 10 WAU. Willi 1/4°x2" lAGS 0 12· o.c. AU. AROIJNll FASTDI MOUHllNC FIANCI: TO WALL WI™ 1/4''12 ' LACS 0 \ 2' O.C. AU. AROONO -7'-8" 36.5'1 PilOVIOE 6° HOOi:R r "8fNf. WALl P£N ---I I ------•I 1~~---------·----, /i: ~~ " ., ---'..I ==n " " TOP Of OPt:Nl!IG II " FLUSH WITH BOllOll " EOCE Of HEADER " ·-_..,. II " II ~: FA~/DAMPER SCHEDULE ! EF-1&2 DMlPER EXHAUST FANS -DIRECT DRIVE 18"• PROPillER SIDEWALL oXHAUST FAN, 2,434 CFU AT 0.25' SP, 1,160 RPM, 1/4 HP, 115 V, I PH. GREENHECK SE1 -'8-•29-84 OR EQUAL PROVIDE WITH OSHA APPROVED GUARD. 'PPOSED BLADE LOW-LEAKAGE CON1ROL DAMPER. GALV STEEL CONSTRUCTION, 304 STAINLESS STEEL BEARINGS ANO .iAMB SEAl.5, EPOV I BLAD£ SEALS . G~EENHECK VC0-23 OR EQUAL SEE F"8RICAT\ON OETA..S i FOR SIZES. INSTALL 12CV SPRING RETURN ACTUATOR, BEUllO, NO SUBSTITUTES -SEE FABR1CATIOH 0£TAILS FOR MODEL NUMBER. 1--36.25' -i ' / ' / ' " ' " x / ' / ' " ' / ' POWER PLAN T -PARTIAL WEST ELEVATION ~: 2 ! ~----~ HQlI; 1/+"=1·-0· ' I 24.0 :;..:i 1 1) FABRIC\ TE 2 IDENTICAL ASSEUBUES. --18.0" 1"x1' GALV WIR( MESH OVER O~NG. TY? BOTH SIDES 2) FABRICIT( FROM MIN 16 CMJGE SHEET llCTAL, W!l.O AU. SEAMS. 1111·-1.~1 l 0 x1· GALV WIRE M£Stl OVER OPE~INC . 1--• ---l 1YP BOTH SIDES ~DD smr 111f'll !!llru; 1\FABRICATE 1 ASSEMBLY. 2 fABRl':ATE FROM MIN 16 G.11.JCE SHEET METAL WElD ALL SfAMS. J)~;;f~· ~LlHER ON ALL INTrR10R SlJRFl.CES ABO'IE U.\'!l. 4 AIR INTAK E HOOD FABR ICATION M2 1/2"=1'-o" 36/36 ll1TH 1/2" ANGLE AU. AROUND, FABRICATE REMOVABLE FRAME FOR 4 EACH 18"•18"x 1" fU RNAC!: FllTERS, FAST!:N FRAME TO ll\JtT WfTli CMI LAO'CHES Al ~ INTAKE HOOD INSTALLATION 6 EXHAUST FAN INSTALLAT ION EXHAUST HOOD FABR IC AT ION f-36.0'-j 1/2"=1'-0" M2 11 2·=r-o· 7' LONG SECTIO~ or SlR\IT O 8' O.C., FAST[N TO WALL STUDS WITri < OCH 7/1 6"x4" lAGS, OR ·o GIRTS wr'H S!l.F TAPPING SCRO!S NOTt: 1Rlll O'T EXCESS STRUT .t l!<STAU. PVSTC C.iPS ON AU. EXPOSEC £NOS. t!Slill; 1/2"=1'-0" / ~~~~NCAACUND n--,-+., ,· ~ \_ 24/24 Cl'£ll FOR INSERTICH INTO HOOD . { ~L MIN z• 1) FABRICAlE 2 IDENTI CIL ASSEMBU(S 2) FABRICATE FROM ~IN 16 CA~CE S~EJ:T METAL, Wllil ALL SEAMS. 3) SHCP fABR;tATE COMPLETE ASSEMBLY WfTli Fl.H ANO tllMPER MOUNTED A~O S[.IU]) TO OOCT. PROl'\D( MIN 3' OA!l.PER ROO ()C1'(N5IOlj ~ RICllT HANO SIOC (V.EWED FROM FAN s«) FOR l!OlH ASSO.lllU(S, 4) 'llSTAl.l BWllO LF-120-US ACT\JATO~. ~y CLQSUl, iO EXHAUST FAN ASSEMBLY M2 1"=1'-o" PROJECT: T ' / ' " ' / ~ 'x/ .., " ' 1 " ' / ' / ' ERllllLl!Ot l!QllS; I) FABRICATE 1 fA. ASSCMBLY. C \_30/36 OPEN FOR 1"5ERT10N IHIO HOOO ___.,,_ AIR IN 36 0" -:::h=i.J=-2· Sl!2Ll1Eli 2) FABRICATE FROM MIN 16 CAUGE SH£ET METAL WELD ALL SCAMS. 3) LINE Wflll 1• SO'..Nl LINER. 4) SHOP FABRICAlE COMP1LTE ASSEMB!.Y WITH tllMPfR MOIJNTEll AHO S!'.Al!D TO DUCT. PRO\ID£ MIN J' tllMPEll ROil EXTtNSION ON RIGHT ~ SIDE Of ASSEMBLY (V£111ED FROM fl.iER SIOE). 5) INSTALL BEIAIO Af-1 20-~'S ACTUATOR, NORllAUY ClOSED. @DIVERTER ASSEMBLY M2 1/2"=1'-o" REDUCEDPLOT -HALFSCALE LAK E & PENINSULA SCH OOL DISTRICT CH IGNI K LAKE PO WER PL AN T UPGRADE EQU IPMENT LAYOUT PL AN, SECTIONS, SHEET METAL DETA ILS, & FAN/DAM PER SCHEDU LE ALASKA ENERGY AND ENGIN E ERI NG, INC P.O. BOX 11 1405 ANCHORAGE, AfASKA 99511-1405 P~O~E (907) J 49-0 \00 .\S NCll:D flLE '!AME; CLAK PPM 2 SHEET: 9/22/0J PROJECT NUMBER: 03 -07 -9548 M 2 ORAV.W 8Y: JID/SJS SCALE: O!:SICIEO ill': SJS DATE: OF 5 J!QlIS; I) .IU. COOVJIT/HEAT RECOVERY PIPING 1YP£ "L" HARO CRAWN COPPER ac SOI.DER JOINTS. 2) ,All COOVJIT PIPIHG :S J"t UNLESS SPEClflCJoU.Y INOICATED OTHEl!WISE. 3) uw.rss SP[ClflED OlHlRW!St IMKE All COHHt:CTlONS FOR lllS1RVMElllATION VENTS AND BLEED LINES WITH 3/4" TEE ORILJ. TAP ANO l/4" nrnNG ADAf'TIR (FTC.FPT). ' 5£E OCTAIL 5/Ml SlMIWl. INSTAil --iROOED BRASS BUSHINGS AS REOU'REO. 4) All FLANGB AllSI 125# PATTERN BRONZE COllPAh'lOll WITH SOUlER ENOS. 1~~ OF FABRiC>.llOll FtlJSH INTrRIOR OF PIPIJiG TO REMCM AU DEBRIS 6) INSULATE 3' COOLANT PIPING MAINS FROM GENERATOR #4 BRANCH COHHECTIOHS TO THERllOSTATIC VAL\IE ANO 2' HEAT RECO\IERY P.PING FROM HX-1 TO CONN£CT10H TO COCU/IT MAIN. AU. OTHER PIPING HOT INSll.ATEO. COOLING SYSTEM PIPING 2' WHSac/I, ROUTE _ _.._, _,...._ llElWEIH COOWfT LINES TO HlH IN BOILER ROOM 3" GENERATOR 11 -150KW GENERATOR #2 -1251<W GENERATOR 13 -90K'll ~ENGINE INS!AU.ATION TYP(4) CENERA10R f4 -50KW COOLANT HEAT RECOVERY P:P!NG PLAN J 3' CAP OH END OF MAIN, TYP(2) #5 AEROOUI? HOS£ = 1/~;;.~NE / PREHEAT, TYP(•) / I~-~ ( : I ,,. / I/ I/ I ,- ~ \c1 _,.,.....-1NS1ALL 15 P;;G PRESSJRE 0..0 REMOVED FRCM RA()ll.TOR COOi.NiT LEVEL S'CliT GAUGE~ cr .._.....r----~-----,, ~CU.• EXPIJISIOI< TA.'IK AS liJGll AS POSSIBLE LOW COOWIT ALARM S'lf.TCH, MOUNT ~ WITH SWJT~ POINT ELEVATION LEVEL I y-:-coNNECT AIR VENT LINE TO LOWER BUNG ON mo Of TANK l>-C«l WITH BOTIOM OF EXPANSION TANK ll=.J NOIUIALLY CtOSl:D 1 / 4' GAIJCE 1 /2" I COCK FOR Ml 8t[[I), TY!'(4) \ I r f I ~-~ ( ! I ,,. 1/ 2' SUCTION 2''X1" BUSHING / J/•" THROOOJ BAU V~\IE & J/4"11 /4" BUSHING, TYP(4) "'--:12· ,,. 2-1/2" OISCHAACE ffi / ~HOSE, (UMTS 142) \!!V I ~ -_j 3/8" GIJJG[ ~(6l7_j r -~Tv~~AT. r I ! ~ iYP(4) I ;"' I #5 AEROOUIP Hosr-G"' I I I WITH J/8' NPT I p ENOS, TYP(8) I ,,. I\ / l 11 !iElfflWQB.2 JD -60811 (125 KW) ~~ ~1 1 3/4' 1 IJ.h. HIGH TEMP ~ PSIG .a::.1 ' 11 I ,,. I \ / ENG'>£ WATEQ r1[] J P\,'Mf', rtl'(4) --~ 3/6' NOT Gl.YCOL ~ FllTER, TY?(4) (150 l(W) ~.:~~~\tJPRV J LTANK VOL~M E. 34 GAi.LON l wt:lt.-UClAIN e:.-976 -SW ACCEP'TANCE VOUJM E, 100 PSIG 'MJRKING h'BR: 542.6 UBH PRESSURE, 12 PS-. PRl:-CHA.~E. HYDRONIC SYSTEM PIPING -DEMOLIT ION feRASS K!NC \_2-1/2" h'IPPl.E, NOTE l MJ.IPTER (CxfPT) 2-1 /2" SOl.DfR ENO SWIN G CHECK VALVE NOTE 1: UNITS 142: LISE 2-1/2" BAASS l<V\'; NIPPLE. Ul<ITS Jl<4: USE 2" BRASS ~ING NIPP\.E IN 2-1/2"'t:J. BRASS BCSHINC EtJG iN E DISCHARGE CON 'l!ECTION NO SC.\LE NOTE: Alt PIPING ANO Of.VICES IN BOllfR ROOM SHll'li!< HAiCHEO TO BE REMOVED. REMOVE AU. INQN( COOl.JNG. l«[)RON!C ANO FUEL PIPING FROM GENERATOR R0011 2" BRASS (KING HIPP~ 3'X2' COPPER TEE l 2' ADAPTER (C><fl'.) 2· SOLDER ENO BALL VALVE (HAMMOND 631 IA) I t ENG INE SUCTION CON ti ECTiO\J NO SCALE HYDRON IC SYSTEM PIPING -NEW WORK NO SCAlI HX PIPING CONNECT iO!\ NO SCALE ~\"'-2· FLO.O.ToNG FLANGE BY 2" FPT STAINLESS STEEL mx. 1•' O'IERAU. LENGTH, TY!'(6) 2" BUTTERFlY VAl\IE l< ANSI 125f COPPER COt.IPAlllON FLANGE. TYP(6) 2" BALANCING COCK: JS GPU (SET HANDWHEEL AT • 2.5 & LOCK SET SCREW) 20F-240f', TY!'(2) 2) PIPE AU. PRV OUl\1J'S TO WITl!IN 6' OF FLOOR. ~~~ffi OF PRIMARY PIPING~ 3) PROVIOC 1/4" BALL VAL\IE ISOlAT!ON ON Al!. -'lR \IENlS 4: PRESSUR£ GAIJCES. 4) PUMPS P-1 I< P-2 TO QOERATE IN PNllJJ.EI. (BOTH R\JllNfiC) ON SPE[J) 2. REDUCED PLOT-HALF SCALE PROJECT: LAKE & PEN IN SULA SCHOO L DISTRICT CH IGN IK LAKE POWER PLAN T UPGRA DE 11Tl.E: GLYCOL PIPING PLAN, ISOMETR ICS & PIPING DETA ILS ALASKA ENERGY AND ENGINEERING, INC P.O. BOX 11 1 <05 ANCrlORAG!', A!.ASP<A 995 11-1405 PHONE {907) 349-0100 ORA.W ~ SY: BCC/SJS SCALE: >S NOITD f'ILE NAME: CLAKPP-M3 SHEET: 'PROJECT "1,'llll(R: 03-07 -9548 M 3 OES1CNEO BY: SJS o.ITE: 9/22/CJ Of 5 P~NC CONNECTION Oat.IL. TYP(4) CONNECT NEW 1 ·~ 1),1.y TANK SUPPLY TO EXIST. 1. FOS f'ROM TANK FARM, \- SEE DAY TANK REFERENCE DWCS PIPING SHOWN OFFSCT FOR ClAAITY -RACK ON UNISIRUT UNDER ENGINE COOLING~ PIPING, TYP ~ LSOCKa WElC C>P ON ™' or !Mill, TYP(J) CCNERATOR 11 -150KW CfNERATOR #2 -1251<W G£NEAATOR 13 -90KW 1• FUEL OIL RETURN (FOR) 1! CCllERATOR 14 -SOKW Ii ~ ~NOTE: All PIPING NOT SHOWN FOR CLAAITY, ffi DAY SEE PIPING OLl.CAAM FOR AOOlllONAI. DETAIL @ TANK .,. . I L ____ D I B-1 I I I ' 0 0000 0 0 CONh'£CT 1 • SOCl<E' Wll:ll TO 2" SUPP'.Y PIPING FllOM EXISTING ACTUATED BAU. VAi.VE IN TAINK fARl.I 1).1:..L PIPlllG, VALVES, & FITTINGS SHO'lm ARE 1· TliREAOEO UNLESS NOTEO Ol'liERWiSE. 2)FAS'ltN DAY TAIYK Bl.SE TO ROO R WITH 1/2" BOLTS ALL 4 CORNERS. J)All NEW PIPING l< EOUIPUENT SHOWN IN DARK SOllO UNES. All EXlST1NG PIPWG & EQIJPMENT SHOWN 1H UGH! OASH£D UNES. CJ0 DAY TANK INSTA'...LATION 3/s• SOfT COPPER CONNECOOH ~ ~ -;oo--i VALVE TAG SCHECJ!.E Vf>J.VE TAGS -J "a~· •. oa· ALUMINUM, J/16" HOLES IN Al..L F0\1l CORNERS, BlAC!< GERBER THERMl>J. 'TRANSFER f cl! PRltlTEO LETTERS ON GERllCR 220 HIGH PERf'ORMAHC£ 'l!NYL BACKGROUND, COLoq AS INDCATEO, ONE SlCE OOLY. WARMING l!iES OR (OUM.. .APPLE GRITH (DCS£l FOO.J (%j) ·~ Y OPEN, Cl.OS£ ONLY FOR EllERGEOOES l< TEJIPOR.IRY MAINTENANCE OF DAY TAINK l< ot'llCES• ~ "NORMAt.;.Y CLOSrD, OPEN ONLY FOR HANO PRIMING DAY TANK" ~NOT USED "NORMAi.LY OPEN, CLOS( ONLY FOR TEMPORARY MAINTENANCE OF (NGIN£" NOT uSED GRAY (COOUNG/aFtt.ENE GLYCOL) Ji) "NORMAU.Y O.OSEO, OP!:N ONl.Y FOR AOOING COOLl'IT -£001.£NE GLYCOL ONLY" (J2J "llORWU.Y Cl.OSW. OPEN O.~Y OH ttGI' COOIJ.'IT lE\IPERATJ RE AL\RM" l l/IOLET (HEAT RECOVERl'/WATER) I @ "NORllAL~Y CLOSED, OP!:N ONLY FOR ADDING FLUID -WATER ONLY. 1 INSTAl..LATION -SECURE EACH TAC llGllT TO VALVE, PIPE, CR OE'l!CE Wll'li STAINLESS STEEL CABLE T1ES OR I Wl:TY WIRE TliROiJGH Al..L FOUR CORNERS l/4" MPT AUTOUAOC AIR VENT (OR PRESSUfi£ GAUGE) 1/4' lHREAOEO l!Alt VALVE 1/4" NIPPl.E J/4',l/4" BUSHING J/4" FlTTlNC Allo\PTER (FTGxfPT) FlTTlNG REDUCER (FTCxC) WHERE REQUIRED TO REDUCT FllOM m UNE S1ZE PIPE TEE TYPICA L AIR VENT OR PRESSURE GAUGE [ TO BURNEil, TYP : GAi.LON DAY FLEX HOSE. TYP ~ 1 NEW 1/2• ABB FUEL OIL METER : ~~HfD~Y 1/2" CHECK VAi.VE. TYP \ r l /2xl /6 BUSHING, 'M'(l) : TAINK UPGRADE 1/2" 8A!J. VALVE, TYP ~ l.. /·-, ;r1;2·uNION,TYP :~~~EFOR ' -l~EN ~I GEN r-ll~fE2N -l~EN B-1 \ "...._.., .--'OLL PlllONG & ' -f4 II #3 r-rl fl \ .. _ _,.L/ ~~l"r~rl""<\""°...,.l Ii; "·'"':..~~~~p·:r<~ll I rn'.rai~-./ ,J : 1__ ___ _L.:___1_·f'Oll __ ..l...l-!..-1/-2"_._TYP _ _,,,,~,----L:.._~--------1.7--~---~~---'-,~) 1/2" NPl FUSl8l£ L _ ==.----c_'-------IL.Ll ___ _: ____ ~j_ ________ ,j.1 ________ __.1_~ ,. CAPS VALVE. TYP - 3 DIESEL FUE L PIPING DIAGRAM M4 NO SCALE CONNECT TO EJllSl. ros TO BOILER 1· res BOLT SliAl..LOW STRUT 10 SKIO l< CtM PIP!: TO STRUT, TYP 2 l.'.lCAllONS E~EYATION VIEW c;Es:1 FUEL PIPING CO'.'J:~EC!ON NOTE: JllrM C"' EXCESS s:;;ur & INSlAU. PLASOC CAPS o~ f>J.L o·::oosro oins. NO SCALE NOTE: All NEW PIPING & EOUIP~ENT SHOWN IN DARK SOUO LMS. All EXiSlllG PflNG le EOUPMENT SHOWN IN l..CHT DASHED UN!:S. 12" LONG RIGtiT ANGt.E BRACKCT, UNISlRUT P2945, BOLT TO VERTICAL STRUT ON WAL!. ----QF'''''\ ;,_,r,,, •.••. ~~''• ~:.···· .,.A_···.~·, f~: 9lll 111:~.-· ~ ... :. .... ... . .... ~ z . • ··l 'i;!i\\s HT .'f!5f lj~\ ··~-~~..::' '($~~·~Y ,,,,, .......... -- PROJECT: VERTICAL STRUT, ALIGN WITH HEAT "fuT\ EX~R l< BOLT Ill HORIZOllTl>J. STRUT WITH J/8' STR\IT NUl l< BOLT, TYP(2) Cw.IP HEAT EXCHANG€R 10 WALL WlTll STRUT AllO All TliRfAO 12• LONG 90' STRUT BRACKa, UNISIRUT P2945 OR EOUl>J.. INSTAl..L PlASTIC EHD CAP. / AlTIOI HORIZONTAL STTM TO 2 EACH WALL SlUOS WTTH J/8'x4" LAGS, TYP(J) NOTE: JSE S!WOW (lJ/16") 14 CA STRUT f'OR All SUPPORTS. HEAT EXCHANGER HX -2 SUPPORT DETAIL NO SCAI..£ RE DUCED PLOT-HALF SCALE LA KE & PENIN SU LA SC HOOL DISTRIC T CH IGNIK LA KE POWER PLANT UPG RAD E TITLE: DIESEL FUEL PI PI NG PLAN, PIP ING DETA IL S HEAT EX CHANGER SUPPORT AN D VALVE TAG SCH EDULE ALASKA ENERGY AND ENGINEERING , INC P.O. BOX 11 \~OS ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 995\1-1405 PHONE (907) 349-0100 JAAWH BY: SJS DES CNEO BY: SJS SCA.E: AS NOTEO DATE: 9/22/03 mr NAU[: c LA K p P-M 4 SHEET: ; PROJECT NUMilEl!: 03-07-9 54 8 M 4 OF 5 CONffECT TO EHCINE EXl'.\lJST OUTl£T Yrl!H MAHUF.IClURER SlJ'PUEO ClAlolP ~ VENTllATEO THIMBL£, INSTALi. IN WALL IN ACCOllOl.NCE WITH llAH'JFACTVRER'S IHSTRUCTIONS :) ALL EXIWJST Pl'INC SCli "° STm 'll1TH wnoco ruNGES. PROVIDE MIJfTLER, 9RACKUS, Fl.EX, 00 THll!lt..(. 2) GE~ERATORS fl .\~ #2 USE 6° Mllffi£R INLET RISER, 16.1 ° O.D. WUITLER, 6° EXHAL'ST PIPE, AND 16° O.D. lllMBt.E. J) GENERATORS #J AND #4 USE 4° MUFruR INLET RISER, 12.1" O.D. MUm£R, 4° EXHAUST PIP[. AND 14" C.D. THIMBU:. Qi) ENGINE EXHAUST INSTALLATION MS 1;2·=1·-0· .. BOll GEN£R.110R SKIO t\ 10 VIBRATION ISOl.ATOR \ BOlT VIBRAllON~ ISOlATOR TO CONCR£TE flOOR 1/2°x6° LONG PlATED STUO SET IN EPOXY, 1YP(4) (Ji) GE NERATOR VIBRATION ISOLATOR .:I • ATTACH STRUT TO WAI.I. HfAOER/TCP PLATE Willi MIN 2 £N:H 7 /16"•6". CN..V l>C 1 O' LONG SECfoON OF STRUT 24 ° LONG OOUBl.E STRUT llRAC1([T, UNISTRUT P2544 OR EOUAI., TYP(2) !fQIE; ELEVATION Y!EW 60\.T ~mER ClAJIP TO OOU!il STRllT, TYP(2) 4'± LONG SECTION OF BIO<-TO -BACK DOUBl.E STRUT. TYP(2) A1TACHMENT St«l'lr'N FOR NEW wooo FRAME Bl-:t.OING AOOOlOH. FOR MUfF\.ER SUPPORT ON O'.ISTlNG srm BUii.DiNG STRUCTUR( ATTACH STRUT TO WALL GIRTS WITH WIN J EACH 7/16"•2"t. SELF-TAPPING SCREWS. Qi) ~-:~~~ST MUFF LER SUPPORT E~ ,-1--L, I EXHAUST HOOD AND SILENCER, BEHIND SECURE RA!lTl.l.'.lR 10 ST,11.'0, rtl'(2) ANCHOR BOLT STAND TO PAO I I ··"· RADIATOR STAND F.A.BR ICATION 1/2"=1 -Q" INSTAU. METAL ROOFlllG TO MATCH 9UIUllNG PRO'/IOE SHED ROOF. ATTACH TOP EOGE TO WAI.I. ANO SUPPalT FRO!!! EDGC ON POSlS OFf Of RA!MTOR STAND V FABRICATE 8'u4'vrx2'~ RAOIATOR STANO OF TREATED OlllENSIOIW. Lll\IBER le All WfATl1£R Pl'IWOOO, INSTALi. SIDING TO MATC!i B:.ILDING 8'u4'W•6"D CONCRETE PAD 10' LONG S£Cl1Qij OF SlRl;T, TYP(2), LOCATE 9E1\l'EEN RAISEO PORTIONS Of METAL SID~C. ATTACH TO WALL TOP AND BOTTOM PlA'ES 'HITH l.IGS fO I I 4-HOl.E 90' !IAAClCET, UNISTRUT P1J81 OR EOUll SECTION A-A (PLAN VIEW) MufllER CIAMP 1) All STRUT GALVANIZEO. >U FITTINGS. BRACKETS. « FASTENERS ZINC ElECTRO-PLATED EXCEPT All LA.GS CALVANIZEO. 2) MAXE Al.I. CONN(CllOHS WITH l/2" STRUT llJTS, BOLTS, « ~OCI< WASl£RS. 7/16"1 4"L LAG, PRE-DAU TRUSS BOTTOM MEll&R, TYP(2) 2'-6° LONG SECOON Of STANDARD STRllT /1/2' ALL THREAD CU:V;S rio\NGER FOR 5° OR 6" PIPE, GRINNEU FlGURE 260 OR EQUAL TYP EXHAUST PIPE SUPPORT 1°=1 ·-o· REDUCEDPLOT-HALFSC AL E PROJECT: LAKE & PEN INSULA SCHOOL DISTR ICT CHIGNIK LAKE POWER PLANT UPGRADE SECTIONS AND DETA ILS ALASKA ENERGY AND ENGINEERING, INC P.O. BOX 11 '4-05 AA'CHO't'.GE, IUSKA 99511-14-05 PHONE (907) 349-0 100 WWN BY: Jlr./SJS ! SCALE AS H')T£l) FILE NAME: CLAKPPMS SHEET: DESIGNED SY: JlD/SJS D~iE: 9/22/03 PROJECT NUt.l&R: 03-07-9548 M 5 OF 5 " GENERAL COllDITIONS " PERFORM ALL WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH T~E LA7EST AOOPTED EDITION OF THE NA~IONAL ELECTRICAL CODE INCLUDING STATE OF AlJSKA M1ENDMEITTS. THE DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC A~J DO NOT NECESSN!ILY SHOW AlL FEATURES Of TH£ REQUIRED WORK . PROVIDE ALL EQUIPMENT ANO llAi ERIAl.S REQUIRED rDR A COMPLm SYSTEM. \'ERIFY EXISTil\'G FlElll COll()11()1,S PRlOR TO STARffiG CONSTRUCTION. IJ.MEDIATB.Y CONTN:T THE ENGINEER roR CLARIFICATION OF OUES110NABLE ITEMS OR APPARENT CONFLICTS. All EQJ·PMENT ANO MATERIALS SHOWN ARE NEW UNLESS SPECIFlCALl.Y INDICAl!O AS EXISTING. WHERE ADDITIONAL OR REPLACEME~ ITEMS ARE REQUIRED, ~VlOE LIKE !TD.IS BY THE SAME MANUFACTURER TO THE MAXIMUM EXl!ITT PRACTICAL. INST,4U AU. 1.CATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH W.ANUFACTURERS ·MME'IOATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. PROTECT ALL W.TrRIALS ANO EOUIPMENT DURllfG TH£ ENTIRE DURATION Of COHSIRUCTION WOR1< AGAINST CONTAMINATION OR O~.AGE. REPl).CE OR REPA!R TO ORIGINAL WANUFACTIJRED CONDITlON ANY ITEMS DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION. ll.ll.4EDIA1!l.Y REPORT TO THE ENGINEER mY ITEMS FOUND DAMAGED PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. PERFORM WORK WITli SKILLED CRAFTSMEN SPECIALIZING IN SAID WORK . INSTALL ALL MATERIALS IN A NEAT, ORDERLY, ANO SECURE FASHION, AS REQU IRED BY T>iESE SPECIFlCATIONS ANO COMMONLY RECOClilZED STANDARDS OF GOOD WORKMANSHIP. 00 NOT WT, DRILL, OR NOTCH STRUClURAL MEM8£RS UNUSS SPECIFlCAU.Y APP!UMO BY TliE ENGINEER. l.l lNl l.l lZE PENETRATIONS AND DISRUPTION CF BUILDING F£ATURES. WHERE PRE.VIOIJSLY COMPLETED BUILDING SURFACES OR OTHER FEATURES MUST BE CUT, PENETRAl!D, OR OTHERWISE ALTER ED, SUCH WORK SHAU. BE CAREFULLY I.AID OUT AND PERFORMED, ANO PATCHED TO ORIGINAL CONDmON. SEAL ALL EXTERIOR FLOOR ANO WAU. PENETRATICNS AS INDICATED. CONTACT TliE ENGINEER ONE-WEEK PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF All WORK TO SCHEDULE A SUBSTAJo.!Al COll.?LETION INSPECTION. TliE ENGlNEER WILL GENERAl! A PUNCH UST Of CORRECTIVE ACTION ITEMS DURI NG THE INSPECTION. WORK WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL AU. CORRECTM: ACTION ITEMS IN TliE ENGINEERS PUNCH UST HA\'E BEEN SATISFACTORILY COMPLmD ANO P'r«:lTDGRAPH.C OR OTHER POSITIVE OOCU!.IENT.O.TION HAS BEEN P~OYIOEO TO TliE ENGINEER. PRO\o1DE ONE SET OF DRAWING S Cl.EARLY MARKED UP WITH AU. AS-BUILT INFORMATION TO THE ENGINEER w:TH:~ TWO WEEKS Of' COMPLETION. " SPECIAL CONDITIONS " ENSUR< THAT APPROPRIATE SAFETY WEASURES ARE IMPLE!.IE~1EO ANO TliA~ All WORKERS ARE .O.WAAE OF TliE POTENTIAL HAZARDS FROM ELECTRICAL SHOCK, BURN, ROT.O.TING FANS, PULLEYS, BELTS, HOT MANIFOLDS, NOISE, ETC. ASSOCIATED WITH WORKING NEAR POWER GENERAT'.ON ANO CONTROL EQUIPME~T. CHANGE OVER FROM OLD SYSTEMS TO NEW SYSTEMS WILL REQUIRE SHUT OOWN or THE POWER GENERATION SYSTEM. PLAN OUT ANO COORDINATE WORK TO MINIMIZE OISRUPTION OF LOCAL POW-t.R SERViCE. SCHEDULE 0~1AGES IN >!NANCE WITH THE CITY Of'FlCE. " Ol'llCES ANO EQUIPMENT " DEVICES -USl!D FOR INIDIOEO SERVICE. lilAHUFACTURER/MOOEL IN THE EQUIPMENT SOiEOULE IS PROVIDED TO INDICATE REQUIRED FEATURES. SUBSTITIJTIONS OF EOUlVALENT ITEMS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ITEM SPECIF1CALLY INDICATED NO SUBSITTIJ!ES. INSTALL All OEVlCES SUCH THAT MINIMUM REOUIREO ACCESS CLEARANCE IS Wo1"1'AINED. CO!ffilOL PANELS -PROVIOC SHOP FABRICATED CONTROL PANELS AS REQUIRED. WHERE SPEClflCALLY INDICATED ON PANEL ORAWINCS PROVIDE LOGIC, LAYOUT, AND DEVICES AS INDICATED. ALL PANELS SHALL BE LISTED ANO lA&LEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN APPROPRIATE TlilRO PARTY INOEFENOENT STANDARD. BU/CH l!ST TO BE PERforu.tEO .O.T lttE IMNUFACTURING FACILITY PRIOR TO SHIPMENT. NAMEPLATES -LAW.COID TYPE BLACK WITH WHITE CORE, BOO.ED EDGES. PROVIDE NAMEPLATES rDR EACH DEVICE, DISCONNECT SW:TCH, AND CONTROL PANEL/OEVlCE. SPECIFICALLY LABEL BATTERY CHARGERS FOR "HE ASSOCIATED GENERATING UNIT. ATTACH NAMEPLATES WITH EPOXY ADHESIVE OR SELF TAPPING SCREWS. SUPPORT -INDEPENDENTLY SUPPORT EACH 0£\llCE FROM 8UILDING STRUCTIJRAL l.IEllBERS WITH CHANNEL STRUT OR FABRICATED BRACKETS UTILIZING '"'>'«lPRIATE FASTEN(RS. ALL FASTENERS SliAl..L BE GALVANIZED OR ZINC P!ATEO. .>NOUCTORS •• GENERAL USE CONDUCTORS -ClJSS e CONCENTRIC STRANDED, SOFi DRAWN COPPER. TYPE XHHW INSULATION, 600V AND 75C RATED. GENERATOR LEAOS, fE(DERS (480V), ANO BATTERY CABLES -TYPE VW -1, UL LISl!D HIGH TEMPERATURE. EXTRA FLEXIBLE CABLE. lOOOV, 150'C TliERMOSET EFOM INSULATION WITH T1H COATED COPP[R CONDUCTOR. COBRA WIRE ANO CABLE OR EOUAL GENERATOR CONTROL CONDUCTORS -ClJSS B CONCENTRIC STRANOEO. SOFT DRAWN COPPER. TYPE XHHW OR TliMW INSULATION, 600/ AND 75C RAl!D. CONTROL CONDUCTORS ROUTED BEl'llEEN THE TER MINAL BLOCK LOCATED IN THE GENERATOR TERMINAL HOUSING ANO THE TERMINAL BLOCKS LOCAl!D IN TliE GENERATOR COITTROL SECTION Of TliE SWITCHGEAR SHAU. BE COLOR CODED EXACTLY AS INOICAiEO ON THE DRAWINGS. THE CONDUCTORS SHALL PRE -PACKAGED INTO A SINGLE CONTROL CABLE BUNOL( ON A SINGLE SPOOL. COLOR CODING -COLOR COOING Of CONDUCTORS SHALL OC AS INDICTED ON TliE DRAWINGS. If NO COLOR CODING IS INDICATED, THE FOLLOWING COLOR COOES SHALL BE FOLLOWED: 277 /480-VOLT POWER CONDUCTORS PHASE A -BROWN PHASE B -ORANGE PHASE C -YELLOW NEUTRAL -WHITE WITH .0. YELOW Sll!IPE 120/206-VOLT POWER CONDUCTORS PHAS( A -BLACK PHASE B -RED PHASE C -BLUE NEUTRAL -WHITE FOR NO. 8 AYIG ANO SMALLER CONDUCTORS COLOR COOING SHALL BE PROVIDED BY USING CONDUCTORS WITH CONTINUOUS COLOR EMBEDDED IN THE INSULATION. FOR NO. 6 ANO LARGER CONDUCTORS SCOTCH J!i MARKING ~AP( OR EOJIVALENT M.O.Y BE US(O TO COLOR CCOE TH( CABI.£. WHERE MARKING TAPE IS USED TliE CABLE SHAU. 8( IDENTlf'CD A~ EVERY ACCESSIBLE LOCATION. PRQlllOE A MINIMUM Of 2 INCHES OF TAPE .O.T EACH LOCATION. GROUNDING -PROVIDE A SEPARATE EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR IN EACH RACEWAY. 00 NOT USE THE CONDUIT >S AN EQUIP MENT GROUN01NG CONDUCTOR. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE ClJSS B CONCENTRIC STRANDED, SOFT-DRAWN COPPER OF THE SIZES INDICATED ON TH( DRAWINGS. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS FOR THE GENERATOR LEADS SHALL BE TYPE VYl-1 AS SPECIFIED FOR GENERATOR LEADS. CONDUCTORS NOT INOICAT£D SHALL BE S!ZEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. GROUND RODS. WHERE INDICATED, SHALL BE 3/4"x10' COPP(R CLAD. .. RACEWAYS •• l~'TERIOR -All INTERIOR LOCATIONS SHALL BE ELECTqlCAL METAU.IC TUSING (EUT) EXCEPT WHERE SPECIFICALl.Y INOICATEO AS WIREWAY. W!RF:ilAY SHALL BE NEUA 1 wrrn SCREW COVER ANO MANUFACTURER PROVIOEO CONNECTORS ANO FITTINGS. EXTERIOR -ALL ()(T(R!OR LOCATIONS INClUDING BURIED ANO UNDERFLOOR SHALL BE GALVANIZED RIGID CONOIJ!l {GRC). PROYIOC LIC>J'.0 TIGHT O·c RESISTANT FLEXIBLE CONDUIT WHERE INDICATED AND AS ~£QUIRED TO ACCOMllOOATE MO\'EMENT. TFRMINATION -FINAL CONNECTIONS TO OE.VICES MAY BE WITH LIQUID TIGHT OIL RESISTANT FLEXIBLE CONOUli. CONDUITS TrRMINATING IN EXTERIOR OSURES SHALL UTILIZE A WEATliERPROOF CCSD •. , HUB. CO NDUITS TrRMINATING IN lh)OOR ENCLOSURES SHALL u7P...iZE LOCK NUTS INSKJE ANO OUT A. METALLIC CONOU!l BUSHING. HUB, OR BOX CONNECTOR INSIDE THE ENCLOSU~E. SUPPORT -SUPPORT CQN!Jt,'r. FRO!.I 8(.,t.OING STRUCTURAL MEt.IB£RS W.:H Cl'.ANNEL STR~'T .0.~0 PIPE ClAJ.IPS OR PIPE HANGERS. DO NO< SUPPORT FROM CONN£C1IONS TO EOLIPMENT. 00 NOT USE PERFOAATEO STRAPS FOR SUPPORT. All STR\,i, BRACKETS, HANGERS. ANO fASTPIERS SHAl.I. BE GALVAt. lEO OR ZINC P'u\TEO. •• FIRE ALARM PANEL 0 111E f1RE A!AAM SYSTEll SHAU COMPLY WITH REOUL'lEMOCS OF Nf"A STA.~OARD NO. 72 FOR PROTECTED PREMiSES SIGNM.JNC SYSTEllS EXCD'T /.S MODIFICO AND SUPPl.EMEHTED 8'I 11115 SPECIF1CATION. II![ S'tSTEM fl£l.D W.RING SHAU er SIJOOl'llSED EU:CTl!IC..UY. rr SHAU B£ MANUFAl:TIJRED 8'I ,;; lSC 9001 C(J!Tl(l£D COllPANY AND Mm T'iE REOU1!EllENTS or BS EN9001: ~/ASOC 09001-,\994. THE fRE .llARM CONTROL PA.~EL (fA::P) S>W.L 6E \WIUfACl'JRED 1~ 8'I A SINCl.E U.S. l<ANUFAl::uRER ANO Stw.L Mm 111E REOUIROIENTS Of UNDERV!lllTERS WlQRATOR.ES INC. AND SWE OF ~1<11 REQUIREMENTS. BASIC FERfORllANCE: IN1~TING OEVCE CIRCUTS (llC) SKAll BE WIRED CJ.SS A (NFPA Sm.E C). NOTirlCATlON APPl.JANCE CIRClt!S (WC) ~:!. BE ll'iRtD CV.SS A (Nl'PA S1Yl.E I). Sl10P DRAWINGS: INCLUDE MAN\JFAl:TIJRER'S NAME(S), MOOEL NUMBERS, RATINGS, POWER REOUlROIOITS, EOUIPMENT lAYCUT, DEVICE ARRAl/Cl:MUll, ANO COMPl.Ell W1RING POINT-TO-POM Ol.IC!W.IS. MAl.JALS: SUBlllT SIM\Jl.TAN£0USLY WITH THE SHOP DRAWINGS. COMPLDE OPERAnt.'C /.~D IWNTEllANCE 11ANU11.S LISTING THE WANUFACTUR!:R'S NAME{S) INClt~!NC TECHNICAL DATA SHEETS (WITH MODEL NUMBERS TO BE USE~ INOICAlED). CEJ!Tlf'ICATIONS: mGETHER WoTH Tl'E SHOP ORAW1!4C SUIMTTAL. SlSUIT A CERlFCATION F1lOl! 'IE llJJOR EOllPMENT IWl\OCIURER IHDICA'.ING THAT 11£ PRO!'OSED SUPUMSOR or lllSIALlATlON AND THE PROP05(0 PERfl)i!llER Of COKIRAl:T MAIHTEKANCE IS AN AUTIOllZED REPRESENTATIVE or TH£ w.m EQUIPMOO llANUF!CiURER. INCLUDE WJjES AND AD0RESSES IN !HE C(RllflCATION. CUARANlY: ALL WORK FERFORl.!ED AND ALL W.TER'.AL AND EOUIPMENT FURNISHED UNDER THIS COHTRACT SHALL er fR£E FROM om:crs ANO SHAU. REIWN so FOR A PERIOD Of AT ILAST ONE (1) YEAA FROM 1H£ CATE Of ACCEPT.INC[. BATTERl£S SIWJ. BE 5£M.£D, GU.-CELL ACID lYPE. BATTERY SHALL !<AVE SUFnCtENT CAPACrTY ro POWER THE FIRE ~ SYSTEM fOR NOT USS THAN TWENTY-f OUff l10U1IS PLUS 5 MINlllES Of lll.ARll UPON A NORMAL AC POWER fA!UJRE. THE BATTrRIES SHAl.l er COMPU:m. y ~EN.INC[ FRU. NO LIQUIDS REQUIRED. noo L£VEl. CHECKS REfl.UHG, SPlllS ANO ILW« SHALL l:OT 9E REQUIREO. "THE COl/TROL PANE• SW.U. BE HOUSED CABINEl SUTABLE f'Oft SURFACE MOUNTING. POWER SUPPLY: THE MAIN POWER SUPPl.Y FOR THE flR( AiARM CONTROi. PANU. SHAU. PR0\10£ AU. CONTROl PAN[\. A.'itl f'ERll'HERAL !IEVICE FOWER NEroS, AS WEU. AS J.O AMP£.'U:S or l~ VOC POWEii FOR EACH MAC. THE POWER SUPPLY SIW.L PR<MOE AN INTEC!W. BATTERY CHARGER FOR usr wr.lt BATTERG UP TO 17 AH. SPEClflC S'l'Slt:M OPERATIONS WIU. TEST OPERAT!Ofl~ W>LJC TEST MOOE SHAl.l 1:.ST IH ITIATI~'C 0£."llCE CIRrulS AND NOTIFICATIOH !l£\'ICE ORCUTS FROM THE F1llD WrTHOUT REl\JRNING TO Tl'E PANEL TO RESCT 'ME S'tSTEM. ~PON ACTIVATION OF AN /OC, ALL OUlPVTS NORllALLY ACT"'A!Ul 8'I "THE lE'STED ZONE S1w.L Al:TIVATE FOR FOUR SECONDS. SUSSEOOENT ACTIVATION Of DE'llCES ON i'<E SAME ZONE W1ll ACTNATE OUTPUTS FOR ONE ON SECON!l . INDUCING A TROU8LE INTO THE INITIATING CIRCU IT 51"'1 ACTIVATE THE CONTROUED OUTPUTS AND RO.WN ACTIVATED UNllL THE TROUBLE IS CILIR!:D. .llARM '1£RIF1CATION OP!:RATION WHEN AN IURM COHOOlOH IS Dmcrm ON AN llffi\TllG DE\'ICE CIRCIJ(I' WHICH HAS llffil PROCRAMll£D FOR ALAQM \'ERlflCAlllN Shill CM.SE THE PANEL TO REMOVE POWER TO THAT IDC TC RESET l WIRE DETEC!Of!S. AFTER A SHORT RESET AND RETARD miE i< THAT C1RCUIT RETURNS wtrHtl l1E CONFIRMAllllN TIME IT Will CAUSE A VERlfED A1ARM. SUPERVISORY OPERATION AN IURM ON A SUPEIMSOllY CllCUIT SHALL ACTIVATE All Fi10GRAl.lllED (MAPPED) OUTPUTS, ACTIVATE A COllllCN SUPEIMSORY LED, AND ACTIVATE 111E ZONE W.OCH IS -~ IURM. SIGN.Ii. SILENCE OPERATION All NOTiflCAllON APPLIANCE CIRCUITS OF THE SYSTEM SHALL BE CAPABLE Cf BEING PROGRAMMED TO OfACTIVATE WITH DEPRESSION Of TH( SIGNAL SIL.ENCE S'MlCH. PRE -SIGNAL OPERATION THE COH!Rot. PANEL SttALL !<AVE THE CN'ABIJ!Y Of OOERATION Ill A PRE-SCIW. MOOE. INSTAl.IATION: INSTALlATION SHAlL er IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1\iE NEC. NfPA 72, LOCAL ANC STATI: coors. AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS, ANO AS RECOMMENOED BY THE MAJOR EOUIPMENT IMNUFAC!URER. AU. CONDUIT, J\JNCTICN BOXES, CONDUIT stffOR1S AND 1W<G£RS SHAU 8£ CO~CEALED IN flNISHID AREAS ANO MAY 8£ EXPOSED l~ UNflllSHID 111.E.AS. SMOKE DE!ECTORS SHAU. NOl er INSTAl.J.ED PRIOR TO 111( SYSTEM PROCRAMMt.'C AND TEST P£1000. -r CONSTRUC'ON IS O!ICOINC CllJflJMC T1flS PER100, ~.EASURES SH.<ll BE TAKEN TO PROTECT SMCKE DffiCTOf!S FROM COlllAMINATIOll ANO PHYSIC'J. DAMAGE. MANUAL PUll STA-xlNS S~.Al.L er SUITABLE FOR SURFAl:E MOUNTING ON llATC~INC BACKBOX, AND SHAU. BE INSTALLED NO! LESS THAN l2 INCl•:s OR MORE THAN <a INCK!:S ABOVE THC ml!sHEO fl.DOR. TEST: PROW)( TH£ SEJIVICE Of A COMPffiNT, FACTORY-Tl!MffD ENGINEER OR TECHNIC1AN AIJll;()RIZED BY THE llANUf.ICl\JRER Of THE f1RE AIAAM EOJIPMENT TO TECHNICALLY SJP(~S( ANC PA.~f.CIPATE DURING A:.!. Of l11( AllJUsrurms Nm iESTS FOR iHE S'tSTEM . BEFORE ENERGIZING 111E CABLES mo 'll<l RES, C~ECK FOR CORRECT CONNECTIONS I.NO 1EST FOR SHORT CIRCUITS, GROUND FAULTS, COlr.'NUrTY, ANO INSULATION. OPEN INITIAllNG D£1/lCE CIRCUITS ANO '/ERIN 111AT lliE TROUll.E SICNAL At'UATES. OPEN AND SHOR! NOTIR:ATKlN APPl..W.'CE DRCUTS ANC VERJN Tlllff 111[ TRCUB!! SICNAL olCTUAiES. GROUHO OE'llCE C!RCI. 1'S AND '-f"Rlf)' RESPONSE or Tl!OUBI.£ SICNALS. CHECK PROPER OPERATION or AU. R.Ai!M NO .. 'ICI ON OE\'ICES. CHECI< INSTALLAllON, SUPER¥1SION, J..\"J OPERATION Of SMOKE Drn:CTCRS. VERIFY THAT EJ.cH INll".i.nHC otv.cr ~. SICNA!. IS f>!lOPERLV REC'...{!) /.NO PROO:SSED BY "'lE r.RE AIJ,RM COllTROl PANEL (WAU< TESl). CONDUCT 1!S!S iO VERIFY TROU9'1: tt.'1JICAOONS FOR COMMON MOX FAILURES, S~::I-AS ALTERNATING CURR[Nl POWER FM.:. RE. ELECTRICAL EQU IPMENT SC HED ULE ITEM NO. DESCRl>TICN MAt."JFACTuRER i 0 0 MULTI-TONE ALARM WITH STROBE, 115V, NEMA JR, WEATHER RESISTAITT SURFACE MCum BELL BOX SINGLE ?HASE, Oil FlUD, PAO MOLNi TRANSFORM ER. 65'C RISE, Ci.AM SHELL STYLE MILO STEEL 7ANK ANO CABNET, OEA:l FROW W/15>'N INSERTS -7~¥.!1.0., H'I 12.47Y/7.2. l\I 480/240V LINE VOLTAGE COOLING THER MOSTAT, 120V, B.OFlA, SPOT, CLOSE ON RISE, JSF TO 95F RANGE. FlRE ALARM PN<EL lWO ZONE, 120 VOLT AC INPUT, 24 voe OPERATION. wrrH 2EA 7 AH BAmRIES. SURFACE OR CHAIN SUPPORIEO F'.OURESCENT Fl:CTURE, 2 TUBE F40WT12 LAIJ.P, ENERGY SAVING BALLAST, 120V COMP~ETE WITH WIPS. EMERGENCY FIXTURE, WALL MOUNT, 120V NICKEL-CAOl.llUIJ. BATTE.'lY, fN, SEALED BEAM HALOGEN Wt.P. SURFACE MO UNT 125V NEW. 5-20R RECEPTACLE. INSTALL !N 4"x4" ?RESSEO STEEL BOX WITH METAL COVER . IVORY. SINGt.£ ?OLE SNAP SWITCH. 120V, 20A. METAL, 1-1/2HP RATIEO, INSTALL IN 4"•4" PRESSED STEEL BOX WITH METAL COVER , IVORY. 3-POU: MANUAL DISCO NNECT SWTICH. INSTALL IN NEl.'.A 4 ENCLOSURE. SINGLE-POLE SNAP SWITCH. 120 VOLT, 20 AMP, 1-1/2 '-IP RATED. INSTALL IN WEATHERPROCF ENCLOSURE. NON-COD!:O MANUAL FIRE ALARM PLILL SiATION, DUAL ACTION. 200 I' TliERMAL HEAT DETECTOR. FlRE ALARM HORN/STROBE COllBINATION, WITH 75 CANDELLA STROBE. WEATliERPRCOF ENCLOSURE. 24 VOC. FlRE ALARM HORNf STROBE CO l.4BINAT!Ot<, W."'.li 30 CANOELlA STROBE. 2< VCC. STATION SERVlCE i RANS FORMER -NEMA 2 ENCLOSURE l"PE. 30KVA, IN •60 DELTA, LV 206Y / 120 STATION SERV'iCE LOAD CE~'TER, 3-PH>.SE WITH ALU MINUl.4 BUS, 4 WIRE, 120/20BV, 1 DOA, 24 CIRCUITS 125 v ND.IA 5-20R RECEPTACLE. MOum IN CAST FDA BOX WITH WfATHERPROOF COVER. WHEELOCK MT4-115-WH-VNS j M.o.CNETlC ELECTRIC CO., CR EOtlAL ' I I ~ONEYWELL . ; T651A2028 I NOTlflER SFP-2402 UThONIA LA240 120ES LJTh()ll;iA ElT24HD806N UT HUBBELL 53621 HUBBEll 1221-1 KILLARK XS-22C . KILLARK XS-5 1C NOTIFIER NBG-12 NOTIPER H0 -604 NOTI FIER FIRE SVSTEMS, SPECTRAl.ERT l.!OD!l P2475K, OR EQUAL NOTIFlER FlRE SYSTEMS. S"ECTRAl.ERT MODEL P2430, OR EQUAL SQUARE -D. CLASS 7400, CAT. NO. 30llH CUTLER-HAMMER HUBBEU 53621 Wl7H CROLISE HINDS WLR0-1 COVER. REDUCED PLOT-HALF SCALE PROJECT: Tilt(: LAKE & PENINSU LA SCHOOL DISTRICT CH IGNIK LAK E POWER PLANT UPGRADE ELECTR ICAL SPE CI FICAT IONS & EQU IP MENT SCHEDULE ALASKA EKERGY AND ENGINEERING, IKC P.O. BOX 11 1405 ANCHORACO, Al.ASKA 995 11-1405 PHONE (907) 3<9-0100 CRAWN BY: s. ~ I SCALE: >S NOrt:O 0ESCll[!) Bl': CIN/SF.. j ll.\TE: 9/12/03 I FILE NAME: CLAKPPE 1 : SHEET: I PQO.Jt:CT H\JMSEIC 03-07-9548 IE 1 OF 6 I EXISllNG SECO.'il!Rr TO SCHOOL \ EXISTING SCHOOl POWER PLJ.Nl/BO!LER ROOM. NOTE 4 J:fQIES; 1) CONNECT 4 '2 l£SR BETWEEN E:XISTIHC SCHOOl SDNICE l RAHSfORMER POlE ANO N£W POI.£. 2) SUPPORT EXISTING SECONllAR'I' SEW.CE FROM HEW POI.£. J) RELOCATE EXISTING SOlOOl 125 GENS£! TO '111.lAC( POWER Pl.AllT. UPGRADE/SIZE CONOIJCTORS AS REOUIREO FOil 125 KW GEJISET. 4) RO.OCATE EXISTlNG 111 \LICE 90 KW GENSET TO SCliOOI. PO'#ER PLAHT, SEE 1/EJ. 5) NEW J' STEP-UP TRANSFORMER BANK. SEE 1/EJ FOR INSTALLATION ANO J/E6 FOR CONDUCTOR SIZING. C2i) PROJECT SITE PLAN AND CCNOUli TO FAN £ EXISTNG POWER ro:D TO SHOP. REROUT ANO RECONNECT ~~ EXIS!INC llCUR ROOM PANE L REMOVE EXIST•;; OOU: .. D l JjQI[; S£E OHE-UNE O'.ACiWI FOR MOOlflCATl()!(S TO EXIS1"G ffi sw.cr EQVIPMEllT. Q!.I ~ EXISTING 40CA F\JSEO SWITCH EXISTihG METER ANO ~~~u-"~~-i..t~~~ ANO C.ISl.E, TlilS AREA. OOoo JjQJ!; 'lEMO'IE EXISTING ABANDONED PANEL REMOYE EXIS!mG MANOO. PUU. STATION ANO HORN ~ REWNt EXISTING HUT CETtCTOfl, TYP(2) I \_ C===-1 0 REMOYE EXISTING UGHT FIXTURES, TYP 0 ISOLATE EXISTING BOILER ROOM El!CTRICAI. CIRCUrr5 FROM GENERATO~ ROO~ CIRCUITS. THE EXISTlHC BOILER ROOM PANEL '111LL PROV.OE SOMCE fCR ALL El'.lllER ROOW UCW.~. RECEPTACU, ANO POWER C1RC\J1TS. T >iE GOIERATOR RODY WU BE FED FllOll TliE NEii' STATION SERW:E PAHEL 2 SCH OOL PO WER PLANT & BO IL rn ROOM DEMO LI TION E2 1/4"z1' CT ENCLOS~llE EXJSTIM; ~AIH DISTRIBl,'IDN P.IHEL (llOP) ;ll,'-~!ii~[ .Jk!SJ'i?O:.y EXlSTING BOILER ROOl.I PAHO. .liQIE.5; 4-4/0 ~-i'il CJ TO SCHOOL SEIMCE 4-4/0 XHHW J/O BAAE CU FROM EWCUlSURE TO BLOC srm t ., f\JSEO SWllCHES (NO;E SJ EXISTING ~Of' .-C-H 120/208 ~COi. : 8Slf954S 153.J I _____________________________________ J I) REMOYE !:lllSTING FUSED SWllCHES, ~ BAEN<ERS, TIWISfIR S\11TMS, .\Ml CABl.E "-'O CONDUIT ll£TWEEN GENERATORS AN O IWN OIST!liBllTION PANEL (MOP). 2 ) RELAB~E 250 Al.I P BREJ.KER -"M.IJN BREAKER FrfllER FROM DISTRIBUTION'. J ) Rru9..E \WM o!OO Al.IP BRE.IKER -"llOT IN SERVICE". 4) REMOVE ONE DOSTlNC METER. VERlfY CONNECTlON Of REMAINING ~mR SUCH TliAT " ROOS POSITIVE KWH INTO SCHOOL. S) ~~~~OG~NOA =~~N ~~~HESW= AN~RJ~ ~UllW.~~~R;g EX I STl~G SCHOOL ON E-LIN E DI AGRAM MOD IFICATIONS NO SC.Ii£ T1~LE : RED UC ED PLO T -HALF SCAL E LA KE & PEN INS ULA SC HOO L DISTR ICT CH IGNIK LAKE POWER PLA NT UPGRADE PROJE CT SITE PLA N, DEMO LI TION PLA N, & ON E-LI NE DIAGR AM MOD I FICAT IONS ALASK A ENERGY AND ENGINEERING . INC \ IJ/O BARE COPl'£1t B>JRY 2' DEEP MIH. I'll' 75 KYA. SIWW: PH.OSE PPIJ ffi WO\IHT TRAHSfORMER. lY?(J) @ ROUTE 4' WC FOR HIGH 'IOl.Ti'GE errwEEJI D.CH lRANSFllllMER Pl>ll. NOTE 2 " " •·PA:~ ,, ,, " 12"Xl 2° WIRE WAY Mm CONTROL a: Ai.ARM WIRING, SEr GENERATOR COHNECTlOH lERllllW. STTllPIJETM.@ ---~ GENERATOR /I ISO!tW ' I I NOTE S, TYP 12·.12· WIREWAY ! I ~~~!! GENERATOR f2 1251\W #J/00, BONO TO GOIERATOR F~E, TYP(4). NOTE J ; GENERAT!JI #J ! 90\<W, NOlr 5 LIQUID 11GHT F\EX OOWN TO ~ERATOR, TYP(8) I~ I \ ___ / 00;)0 . ' NOlr 4, TYP(4) OJ I i i . """-~~---'C'~·~~~~~~~~~~~____z,J ~ 1l ROUT! 4° CONDUIT FOR LOW 11'.llT.IGE UP TO Tl£ Ll.\n OF THE 1RANSfOffMER BASE:. 2 ROUTE 4° COllllUIT FOR HIGH VOLT>GE llETW£EH 'IRANSFCRMER GROUND Sl.EIVES. 5 UHOERCROLIHD CONN!I:TIONS !iiAl.l BE BY EXOlliERMIC MEANS, CIDWELD OR EOUAl. VERlfY SWITCH IS CONNECT!D TO CROUNO GRID. #J/OG UP TO MDI' GROUHO LUG Jl ISOLATE GEHERATOR NEUTRAL AT GENERATOR END NIO GROUND AT SWITCHGEAR, ONLY . 4 REWIRE GENERATORS TO WJ/277VIC. 6 INST.11.1. DROOP CT PRO\IOED BY SWT!CHCl'JJl MANUFACTURER IN GENERATOR TERllJNAl ENCl.DSURE IN llCCORD.INCE MTH THE M»IUFACTURERS INSlRUCTlONS. ROUTE 1-?flf 16 CONDUCTOR BETWEEN CT "110 swrn:HGEAR G<NERATOR SECTIOH . 7) RE'<IEW ENGlll£/GENERATOR REOUIREMENJS FOR PROPER OPERATION WITH NEW MJTOllATIC PARAl.1£1.t.'G StllltltCE.AR. MOOFY EXIS1lHG EHCINE/G04ERATORS />S RECUR!D TO PROVIC€ f1JLLY FUNCllONIHG N.ITOMATIC STA!!T/STOP ANO PAR.tLUIJNG C>l'ABIUTY. ITEMS TW.T MllY RECUIRE MOOF!CATIOH OR REP!ACtMEHT INCWOE. BUT ARE HOT UMITtD TO, SPEED SENSORS, STAATER RD.AYS. ANO OTHER ITDCS. @POWER, CONTROL, & GROUNDING PLAN TO AU'f()j,\TJC VOLTAGE REGULATOR ~:~TO ll<CITER }4/C ( +) TO ENGINE !~~ (-)BATTERIES TO f1JD. VAlvt SOlfl«llD (12 l'llC) } 6/C TO STARTER RflAY (12 VOC) #l 4 TO LOW OIL LEVEi. SW!TCll (24 voe) AWC TO LOW OIL PRESSURE S'MTCli (24 VOC) &< TO HIQ1 WATER TrMPERATURE SWITCH (24 VDC) Vii ~~: TO ENGINE IMRSPElD SWITCH (24 VOC) AWC TO 24 VOC COllMON FOR Al.ARMS (l 12AWC) BL-BK } TO C0VERN0R ICl\l.\TlJI BL-WH (2/C #12 AllC) } TO WGNETI: PCICUP (#16 AllG SHIElOOl/lWlSTEO PAIR) JWS: I) ~~nof:™C:HI:~~ ro":"~ ~AT lllE PNllilllJHC SWITCHCFM. BOHO SW!TCl<CE!R NM1W. ll1J'l TO 11£ SWITCHC£AR CROUNO BUS. INllEPEll)OO\.Y .;llOUHO £.IOI CDIERAlOR flllME TO S'li!ltHWR CROOMI llJS • P!lrMllC SUXIHO Cl!OUl«l CIRfCTLY TO l'INl1 flOOR. 2) P110W1E M f'OU.OlfN: FrJJ\JR£S OH llCROPllOCESSOR &\SD WETtllS: -.S)'sc,'b, -._N,'!iH:tN, IA, le, 'c WATTS, VARS, Pf, F, OEMANO WATTS, WATT HOURS J) PROVIDE 111£ FOU.OWINC f!).1'JRES ON GENERATOR PROTECTil'E RflAY (GPR): 25-SYNCHRONIZING £J.EM!)IT 27-UNOERVOLTAGE El.EMEHT 32-RE.'i!:RSE POWER ELEMOIT 40-LOSS OF EXJTAllON ElfMEHT 47-IMIWJ,NCE EWIEHT 59-CMJMllTIGE ElillEHT 810-0'IERf'REOUOCf EUllEHT 8\U UNOEfRUlUEHCY !UMOO 5\V-VOlJAGE RESTWl"ED OYERCURRElll El..EMOO lss-• lss-J lss-2 ss-1 :r :r :r :r JCl'S TOG4 TOCJ TOG2 T001 ~ PT PT PT PT 1,200 AMPfRE. 271 /480 VOLT BUS S!EP-UP T!WISfORM£R BIHi< <MV-12.<7/7.21(\', 60111, Jt 225 ICVA (JUS ~ EA) •t :!.'.>-:-r:JJ_C_C\lll) ___ ~ lOWATR.INSFORMER WN-2<XJ/12IJI, OOi1i, lO 10 SIA'lOH SEJMa: PANE!. 1·c. J#6, #10 G I 1/4 C. ~2. #BG SYMBOL LEGEND © DIESEL GENERATOR ~ CIRC UIT BREAJ<ER * CONTACTOR ~ CURRENT TRANSFORMER M.R. -INOICATES MULTlRAOO CT'S RATING FACTOR Rf'•2.0 -3 f-POTENTW. TRANSFORMER 'f> WYE CONNEC'TION !>. DELTA CONNECTION Q MICROPROCESSOR -BASED 0 llET!lllNC UNIT @ l-PHAS£ OIGITJ\1. VOLTl.IETER @ VOLTllETER SELECTOR SW1TCH © FREOUENCY llETER @ SYNCHRONIZING EOUI PllOO C'::\ lllCROPROCESSOR-BASEO 0 GENERATOR PROTECTIVE RELAY } TO BATTERY CtWIG€R Al.ARM (2/C # 14 AWG) I~:=~ I~~ ) ro VOLT>GE REGULATOR soom (l/C 112 AWG) @ VOLTAGE RELAY OVER/UNDER @ FREQUENCY RELAY OVER/UNDER .l::IQ1ES: 1) PROYIDE 1WO SEl'.IRAlr TERMINAL STRIPS ll<a.JJSMl.Y FOR INTERCONHECllOH MTH GO.tRATOR: ONE FOR COKlROl &< AIAAll F\JHCTlON .t ONE RJR VOLTAGE RaMATOR S£NS1HG />S SttOWN. LAY OUT " LABEL TERllNILS EXl.Cll.Y />S SHOWN. 2) PROYIOE IOEllTICAL lrRMINAL S1RIPS IN EICH GOIERATOR CONTROi. SECTION OF THE SWITCHG£AR, J) PRO/IOE TERMINAi. SlRIPS ~ D.Cli GENERATOR IOEllTlc>!. TO CORRESPONlllNG SWITCHGEAR IDlMINAl STRIP EXCEPT O!l.ETE 1ERlllHAl.S G-21 I< G-22 (6'TTERY CHAROOI AlJ.RM). 4) USE WIRE GAUGl:S .t COLOR COOE INOCATED FOR FlElD INTUlCONHECTIOH 8£lWEEN CENERATORS at S'MTCHG£Nt 5 ) GENERATOR # 1 IS NEW .k TERMINAL STRJPS ARE PRO'IKlEO BY THE MAH\JFICT\JRER. S£E MOTE 1, TYP{4 GENERATOAS #2 a: J AAE FROM THE EXlSTillG SCHOOL POWER PLANT ANO GENERATOR 14 IS AN IJ(ISllNG UNIT BEING RnOCATtD FROM THE VIUAGE POWER P\ANT, FlEl.O INST.\l.l. NEW lrRMINAl STRIPS IN THE GENERATOR fNCLOSURES TO MATCH NEW UNITS . TYPICAL GENERATOR CONNECTION TERMINALS NO SCALE ClV SWITCHGEAR ONE-LINE DIAGRAM lANlRONIXCOBOX L-~~~~-4--J.'--~~~~~~~~~~--, ORI -w> DEVICE SERVER SWITCHGEAR COMMUNICATION RISER DIAGRAM NO SCA!.£ ,. CABLE AREA BEHIND CONTROL COMPARTMENlls MASTER PLC AND CENERATOR f 1 I CENERATOR #2 1 GENERATOR fJ I COMMON DEVICES CONTROLS I C0'1TROLS I CONTRotS I I I I I I I I I ~------;+------;-+------;;~-- ,,,,,.,,,..,,,,,. I .,,,,.,,,,. I ,,,,.."" I ,,,,' I GENERATOR #41 CONTROLS I I I I ----:::"!-- ,, ... I 1 ,,.,,. I J ,,-"' I s ,,,,. I 1 ,," I io::,;.'~~~--:l ~-1<~"'~~~--lL......__.+~"~~~--''---+~"~~~---,l;---t<--~~~~~-rREMOVABl.E DISTRIBUTION I GENERATOR ft II GENERATOR f211 GENERATOR #31 GENERATOR #4 ll COVER 9 ,,." I / CONTACTOR I CONTACTOR I CONT>-CTDR I CDNTACTOR I SECTION I BREAl(ER AND BREAKER AND BREAKER AND I BREAKER AND PlATE 1, • I I I I 1 ......... 1 I I I I I ,.,. : 2/[,,.))--~~~:::;;~----,,-,,-_,-;r--~-----~:::;;).-~; ... -,,::;;,J.--~-:--~ - ..fi PROVIOE REMOVABLE BARRIERS BETWEEN PROVI DE RCMOV"8LE COVER HIGH VOLTAGE COMPARTMENTS (4 TOTAL) P..AIT EACH END (2 TOTAL) @ SWITCHGEAR ENCLOSURE LAYOUT ROUTE POWER CIBLES EilHO !W:K PAN INTO L0\19 CABllfET ROUTE CONTROL/NARM 11\RING OIRECTlY 11/ro IPPER CABINET MIN 12 LONG sECTlOO OF STRUT 0 4 0.C., ATTACH TO TRUSS BOTTOll MEMBER 'MTH MIN 2 EA. 7/16'x4 ' LAGS, PRE-DRILL PILOT HOLES MIN 18° LONG SE~ OF S1RUT 0 4' 0.C., ATTACli 10 TRUSS BOTT'Oll MEMBER ~Tli J EA. 7/16°x•' LAGS, PRE-ORILL Pll.OT HOLES I I << 12'x12' NEW. I WIRE.WAY 12"x12" NEW. 1 WIREVAY WITH REMO.'IJ!l.E CCM:R THIS WITH REMOVABLE COVER FAA SIDE, ~O UNT TO STRUT ABOVE SIOE, ~OIJNT TO STRUT IBf1IE CONTROL POWER: 1-1/2" rtP(4) 1 °LB0 WITlt CRC HIPPLE lllTO , GEN f1 : J"C, 4f4/0AWC, #2C GENERATOR ENCUlS1JRE. TYP(2) · ~IO/>S1Yf~~=·~ I • GEN #2: J"C, 4#4/0AWG, #2C • 11 I :~~~:=:~ ~~ @OVERHEAD FEEDER ~SfALlA~ON ~ E3 NO SCALE REDUCED PLOT -HALF SCALE R1:v151: WIRES ON GENERATOR lrRJ.IN.ll. CONNECTION 2/EJ 1 REVISED OETM. I EJ TIWlSfORllER CONOOO ANO EJ WIRE COLOR REV. OESCR1PTION PROJECT: LAKE & PENINSULA SCHOOL DISTRICT CHIGNIK LAKE POWER PLANT UPGRADE TITLE: GENERATION POWER & CONTROL PL.ANS & DETAILS ALASKA ENERGY AND ENGINEERING , INC P.O . BOX 11 1405 DRAWi' B'f: SJS SCALE; OESIGHED BY: CW//SJS OATE: ANCHORAGE , ALAS1<A 995 11-1405 PHONE (907) .349 -0100 AS NOTED 0/22/0.l RLE N.tMt; CLAKP PE3R1 SHEET: PROJECT NUMBER:o3-07-954B E3 BCC OllV BY or 6 12WC S.<nERIES, 13 1c I• 2#10 TO BATTERY CHAAGER ss-12 GENERATOR fl NOTE 1, TYP CENl:RATOR #2 (~RA~) TO SS-21 BAITERY fl GENERATOR #J EXISTING DAY TANK AlARM HORN, PRO"/IOE RED I.ETTER ON WHITE BACKCROUND TO 2#2/0 AWC Pl)C.IRO ·run OI~ DAY TANK ALARM" BAm.RY ,. 2#12, GEHERATOf! #4 fl2G ... ··~. ~ ~~ -~" SEE SITE llECIWllCll. SH[El I /114 2#12, f12C SS-6 EXIST1llC DAY TANK COH'ffiOL PAl(l WITH 0 fAC£ MOUNTED DISCONNECT, SE£ ATTACIEO DAY TA)ll( REFEll£NCE DRAWINGS REUSE EX!STINC CilUNUfOS UPS41l-160r PUMPS ANC MOTOR STAl!'£RS e=2 ~ r-- I I . l--r - I L -r-- I I I @STATION SERV.CE PLAN I I~ 2CO' .D <§>T'tP(J) D 200' ·-. ' ' ' 'F I 2#14, #14G TO DAY TANK -~ 0 D JA-408C FlflE EXT1NGUiSl£R 11£1.0W PW STATlON, TYP{2) 0 r INSTAil 'TIRE AIAAM" 0 P!AC.oRO NEXT TO EACH AW!M/STROBE, TY!'l •) 000• EXISTlNC 80~ER ROOU PANEl(BRP) 0 @ FIRE ALARM PLAN E4 1/•"=1·-0· GENERATOR ROOM S~ATION SEIMCE PANEL 120 VM:. 2 j 14 70 SWIT'"..HGEAR MASTER St:C~ION. PROV.DE OUTPUT ll'AT ClOSES Oii nRE AlARM TO SHUT DOWN GENER.<"ORS (}'\ FIRE ALARf..i RISER \IV NO SCALE GENERATOR ROOM (ZONE 1) 0 80~ER ROOM INSTAU. END Of UNI: RESISTOI!, 4.7K ., NOTFl[R PART NO. 7: 252 SS-18 SS-2 L---'----'--...._ _ _.__~ ( S\JRf.\C( MOIJl!T nXT\IRES TO CEWG, TYP(4) REP!J.CE ALL EXISTING PXllJRES WTTH NE.VI nXTURES. TOTAL NEW QTY(lC) ROIM ElllSllNC EMERGE'NCY rt~E. TlilS LOCATIOll 'F I ,I. I I ' BU ILD ING PLANS SYMBO L LEG END SYMBOL OESCRf'llOH ss -11 HOM( RUN TO PANEL & BREAKER(S) INDICATED. SHORT CASH { INDICATES HOT CONDUCTOR, LONG DASH INDICATES NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR, CURl!tn DASH INDICATES GROUND CONDOCTOR. If NOT SPEClnCAU.Y INOICATtO, PR!M0£ lfl2 AWC & lfll AWC CROIJNO. 0 El.ECTRICAL ITtM -SEE EOIJIPMENT SCHEDULE ON SHIT' E: £XISTING BOILER ROOM PANEl.(BR?) ,@' @ MOTOR (HORESPOWER lllDiCATED) 0 D 0 000• R£PlAC£ EXISTING EMEROENCY FlXTURE WITH NEW rlXl\JffE. AS SHOWN UTIUZE EX:srnG CONDUIT AND CIRCUIT BREAKER. OISC()l(NECT GENERATOI! ROOll LCHTING~ AHO REctPTACl.ES f"ROM BOll!R ROOY U.KTING ANO RECEPTACI! C RCUT(S). BOIUR ROOM UGll™; AHO RECEPTACl.ES SHOWN. UTl.12£ EXISTING COHOOfT ANO ..-----, CIRCUIT BREAKER . ..-----, ~;:~~~OOl.ER ~ ~--~ 0 0 I 11 MOTORIZED CAMPER -SEE MECl\INICAL ~ 125V, 2DA. DUPUll R£CCPTAC!£ CD LINE vot.T.t.CC 11£RMOSTAT $ SIW' SWITCH / SMAil YOTOA DISCONNECT T$ TMER SWITCH * ~'D FI RE SUP PR ESSION SYMBOL L tGE ND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION I PANEL I CONTROL PANEL EE] IM~UAL PULL STATION ~ INTERIOR AlARM HORN/STROBE ~wP VIEATHERPROOF EXTERIOR ALARM HORN/STROBE ()-!0)200· ~IGH lEMPERATURE (200'F) DETECTOR REDUCED PLOT-HALF SCALE PROJECT: LAKE & PENI NSULA SCHOO L DISTR ICT CHIGNIK LAKE PO WER PLANT UPGRADE 7 ilE.: BUI LDING PLA NS, STATION SER VICE PANEL AND FIRE ALARM RISE R DI AGR AM ALASKA ENERG Y AND ENG INEER ING, INC P O. BOX 111 405 ANCHORAGE. AlASKA 99511 -1•05 PHON E (907) J~9-0100 CRAWN SY: SJS SCALE: AS NOTED Fll.E NAii£: CLAKHPPE4 5"EET: OCSIGNEO II": OIN/SJS DATE: 9/22/0l PROJECT ~~MBER: 03-07-9548 E 4 OF 6 ~ .-T-~ I I ~ ·~ I I I } ' I ' I , ..... ~..J, I ,. ") \ RA.014TOR FAN. •-------------' 2HP ' 2~P 208V \, __ /"'341, 07.5Fl.A0 !£) VFD PANE L LOG IC DIAGRAM ES NO SCALE EXl'l.UST AIR EXHAUST- CRIW: - I f~T I ©.....,__Pl.OT l.IClfT, T'IP{S) PWR (YJ50) l_1l_jc2-A1 REMOTE MOIJHT IN PM'EL 000R TOii {0350) (~::~ CR-.E ~ MIKE '1 IA!R MIN 10""5 " lf'«lOW PO!. "10NEO TO IJJ.OW J w:wiNC rrMPERATURE lllSPtAY MOOULE I i .___ ____ ___Jr @ PA~EL FACE lAYO tJT FMJt.T AIAAW R2~ RAJMTOR/-v~ 81----+-<>~~l-i DAMPER ' Q iA ' ACTUATOR',~ ,1.. _ -0)--- VFD l ~sM>ll TERWIAL I Sl RIP 0000 ~~r I 00 I [][][][] I I i I I I VrwtRE WAY, 1YP I l:I:ltltl B ~ I I I I I I I I @ PANEL ltffERIOR LAYOUT B;LL OF MATER iALS (NOT E: PROVIDE 11.ATER;ALS AS S"EC:~.ED -NO SUBSTIT~T:JNS ALLOWED' I SVMBOL LEG END TAG O'"'r MAN\IF ICTURER l.IOOEL DrSCRIPTIOll c J ALLEN BRADLEY IOO-C16010 2HP, 206V, 16A, JO, MOTOR COHTACTOR WIT" 1 N.O . .IUXll.JAR f CON!AC' Cb CIRCUIT BREAJ<ER ---PANE!. 'AARIHC ·--------RELO 'AARIHC I AU£N 8RNJLEY 100-MCIOO CONiACTOR MECH.IHICAL !HTERl.00< OL I AU£N BIOOLEY 19J-:..C1 0 208'/, Jf OV£RLOAO, ADJUST"8lE SA-' QA RANCE I AU£N BRAlllT 19J-1N'M OV!:RLOAO BISE CB-RI I ALLEN BRAOLEY 1492-CBICO•O IUIL-MOUNT CIRCUIT BRfAKER, •A ® 2 POLE RELAY 0 CCNTACTOR o..:J:'o OVERLOAD CB-1!2 I AL LEN BRAOLEY 1'92-C81CO\O IUIL-MOUITT CIACUIT BR<..AKER, I A R J ALLEN-BRA!X.EY 700KAJ2At DPOT REIAY WITH 8 PIN SOCKET BASE 00. I AU.EN-BRA!X.EY 800HORH\QA AMBER L[l) PILOT UCl'T, 120Y, H£MA 4X 0 PLOT LAM? (CClOR 11\'0;CAiEO) [I] TERUIHAL BLOCK LNC J A!.LEN-BRAOL£Y BOCHORH\OC ::REEN LEO PILOT t.K;HT, \ 20Y, ~EMA 4X LNR 1 ALLEN-BRADLEY BOOHORHIOR RED LEO PllCT UCf/1, 120Y, HEM..< 4X TB !5 .IU.EN-BRJJUY 1492-W4 JOA, 60CN SCREW TERW 'WS SEQU ENCE OF OPERATION : SS-\ I AUDHIRAOLEY BOOH-HR2D1 2 POSITIOlf MANTAIHtO CONTACl SillClDR swrcH, \ N.0. SS-2 \ AU£H-BRADLEY BOOH-JR2A J POSITION MAINTAl~'EC COHTACl SELEClOi! SWITCI', 1 N.O., 1 H.C. cs 1 SQUARE O 9421-LN4 CJRCUIT BREAl<ER OPERATOR/DISCONNECT WITH THRO\JGH TH!: DOOR HANDLE W1<D1 THE CJRCUIT BREMIR IN THE Bu:tlllNC LOAD CE!ITER ANO Th E PANEL FACE OISCONHECl SWITCH/CIRCUIT BRfAl(ER ARE Cl.OSED PO'#ER IS PR0Y:0ED TO All COlllROL OE.VIC£S ANO 1liE "POWER ON" LICHT IS ON. WHEN '.1iE DRIVE IS NTIAU.Y POWERED UP THE VFD fAULT UCKT !MY lLUMINATE ANO THE ALARM HORN MAY SCvND MOMENTARILY. 1 SQUARE 0 P'.C 1 JOHNSON COHTROl.S TEMP 1 JOHNSON CQl.'TROLS TSM 1 JOHNSON CONTROlS PWR JOHNSON CONTROLS TllM I JOHl>SON CONTROLS FAl.360 15 A350PS-2 C A99BC-25C SJ50M-1C YJ:lO OJ50M-I C 1!»., JP, CIRCUIT BROKER "ROl'ORTIONAL INTEGRAL COllTROl!.£R, 90'F TO 250'F RAHC£ l!MPCRATURE SENSOR (PROl'IOOl Willi Pl CONTROLLER) TEMP£RATURE ST.ICE MODULE ClASS 2, 2<VOC POWER SUPPLY Fl)l SYSTEM J50 COMPOHEtl!S TEMPERATURE DISPLAY l.tOOU ..E, -JOT TO 250'F RANCE WHl:N THE J-POSITlOll SELECTOR S'#l!Cll IS iH M 'Off" POSITIOH. THE fAN WILL NOT OP!Jt\TE. Wl1EN THE J-•osmoN SELECTOR SWITCH IS IN THE "ll"PASS' MC>:>E, THE FAN WILL OPERATE AT f\JLL SP!:ED AN1l lME "BYPASS MOOE" UCllT WILL BE ON. TllE VFD WILL NOT BE IN SEIMC£. TSTAT 1 JOH1'SOH CONTROLS M 18ASC-1C SP01 TEMPEAATURE CONTROi. -JOf -o 212'F RANCE, 16A/~'Ni COHTAC1S WHEN THE 2-POSmON SELECTOR SWITCH IS IN THE "TESi MOO£, POWER WILL BE PROVIOEO TO TH£ Vf1l fOR PROC RAMM~C BUT THE f AH WILL HOT OPERATE UNDER CONTROi. or THE \If!). THE FAN ~~y BE OPERATED IN BYPASS MOOE Wfl..E UTIUZ~C TllE TEST FEATURE. Vf1) rr Al. 1 SQUAil£ D AM8HU29M2ZU 2 HP, 2CIW, Jf VARIABLE FRE~CY ORM: I SQU.IR!: 0 VWJA5810 1U R[t.101[ lolOUNT KEYPAD/OISPLAv 1 SQUAil£ 0 VWJl&I OJ MDUHTll(C KIT fOR REMOTE ~EYPAD 1 HAM MOM> Pf2000 fl.TER f AN (lllTAl<E AIR) WITH n LTER NIO CRtl.l£ 1 HAM MONO Pf.12000 EXIWJST AIR FlTER CR1U£ 1 INCAAll AH !1 5\8G P.INEL f ACE MOUHTID ALAR\I HORN, CRAY \ PANEL </ -o y -o <o.1 -o </ ~ <.,> 1b. <; ~ ~~ "2J-!! '\,,. ~ O,r O,r ~,,_ ~,,. ~n. '1''1< u% ~ .,.. ' "'{ ~~ J, ? ~ ~ NOTE: INSTALL ltRMIN.tl STRIP HORIZONTALLY AS ~-LOCAlt TERMINAL STRIP NJ[1off. PANC'.L DEVICES 10 ACCOMMOOATr CONOUC<OR ROllllNC FRO~ CO~OUITS CONNECTINC TO TOP Q< PANEL. IN AOOffiON 10 lliE TER MINAL STRIP SHOWN, PROVIDE J EACH J:IA SCRE\11 TERll.INAL GROUNDING BUS. @ TER MINAL STR IP LAYOUT SHOP FABR ICATION NOTES: PROVIDE COMPLETE UL L!STEO PNlEL ASSEMBLY WITH Al.L DEVICl:S INOICATEO IN LOCC OIAGRAM EXC£f'T fllfi RELO OEV1C£S. flELO or.ICES All£ INOICA1ED BY UClfl 0>.SHED LINES. flELO WIRtlG AHO flELD INSTALLED OE.VICES PROYIOEO BY 011'.ERS ARE SHO\¥M fOR INfORMATlONAL PIURPOSES ONlY AND ARE NOT PART OF THE P.INEL BIO. INSTALL IN A J6"124"1 12" NEMA 12 ENCLOSURE, MIN 14 GAUGE SlEEL CONSTRUC1ION WITH WITH 4 EACH INTEGRAL t.IOOONG LUGS AT BACK, A ~ 14 GAUGE IN!£RIOR ~ PAN EL ANO HINCEO LOCK.\81..E DOOR. PAI NT ENCLOSURE ANSI 61 CRAY A.'ID PAINT BACK PANEL WHITE. TAC tACH ENO or AU. JUMPERS WITH DEVi~ OR TERMINATION DESGNATOR or LAHOL~C Of OPPOSITE END Of JWPER (REVERSE ADDRESS). LA!!El AU. PNlEL 0£V\CES ON BASE OR BACK PANEL AllJAC£llT TO ITEll-LABEL REllOTE EQUIPMEHT CONN'..C'OONS AT 0.."1i TERMINAL BLOCK BY 1HE ITEM l:TLE AS SliOWN ON ;H( flil.C Sil( Of T1£ TERM!lW. STRIP OAAWtlC PRO\IOE BEVELEO EDGE WHITE CORE NA.llEPLATES, SW:K OR RED ;.a_ AS INOICAITO, A~O SECURE TO PANEL f ACE WITH A MINIMUM Of TWO MOUNM'G SCREWS. &NCH TEST COWPLETED UN!!. PROVIDE A SY.;NED ANO DATE1> BENCH TEST REPORT V£RlfYINC AU. F\JNCTIOl.'S. THIS OAAWIHG WIU BE PRO'lllEO IN ALITOCAD FORMAT TO iHE PANEL loWM'ACTUR ER UPON /o!llM!fJ OF ORDER. MOOFY THIS DRAWING AS REQUIRED 10 iNOICATE AS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION. PACXAGE THREE COPIES or AS -BUU ORAWIHC IN PANEL PRIOR TO SHIPPING ANO PRO'vlOE IN ALITOCAD f ORW.T TO E/ICINEER. FIELD INSTALLAT ION NOTES: FlEl.D 'ltlRING TO RADIATOR FAN MOTOR M!N f l 2 AWC. TEMPERATURE S8"SOR MIN /16A'llG SHIELO::O/TWISTED 'l'J:i!!'""rlll!:-:'"1...,,_ll$.-'.,......~1'1'i PANEL "ERMINA!. 8U)CI( TERMJNAllON MJMBERS. PERFORM ALL nELD W.RINC ·~ ACCORDANCE WITH W:CTR ICA!. SPEClnCATIOllS ON SHEET E1. AC.JUST CNERl.OH: 10 115l Of ACTUAL f AN MOTOR NAllEPiA:£ fLA RATING. WITH FIJI R\mN;tlC IN BYPASS llOOE CH~ CURREllT IN AU. Tt<R£E !'MSES AND VERIFY THAT 11011lR IS 0"£RA11NC WIT!t.~ NAllEPLATE RATil<C. '1[[0 TES! SYSTEM TO VERiFY ALL CONTROL .INC ALARM f\J NCT'ONS. SET "D PA.'!AME!£RS INDICATED IN MECHANICAL SPEClfTCATIOllS SEO\J£NCE Of OPERATION. VER1FY TEMPERATURE SETPOINlS WITH PIPING THE.RMOMETERS. I I ~ THE 3-POSITION SEl.ECTOR SlllTCH IS IN THE 'If!)" POSl'l10H. TH!: FAN WILL OPERATE UNOCR CONl1tOL OF THE '/FD AN1> 1HE 'VfD MOOE" LICHT WIU BE ON. TllE REMOTE 7EMPERATURE SENSOR WILL SENSE ENGINE COO!.AHT RETURN TEMPERATURE ANO SEN D A PROPORTION.ti. SIGNAL TO TllE ELECTRONIC PROPORTlOHAl ltl!EGRAL CONTROWJl TllE CONTROillR WILL LINEARIZE 00: OUTPLIT or THE TEMPCAATURE s•llSOR AND SEND A 0-10 VOC SIGNAi. TO 1llC 'lf1l THAT IS UNEARl.Y PROPORTIONAL TO THE TEMPE.RATUR! or 00: ENGINE COOUoNT. THC VFT> WILL llODUWE THE Fiil SPEED AS REOUIRl'D TO MAJITTA;N TElll'€RATURE IN THE ENG!NE COOWIT UllE. SETPOINT ADJUSTA8lE. If THE TEMPERATURE Of THE ENGINE COOlANT IS ABOVE: THE SETPOINT, THE '/FD WILL INCREASE THE SPEED OF Tli£ FAN . If THE TEMPERATURE or THE ENGINE COOLANT IS BELOW TllE SE!!'O!NT THE '/FD W!LL REDUC£ THE SPl'EO Of THC FAN . ONCE THE f AN SPEED REACHES A llJ N!IWM SPEED Of 251 (FED ADJUST.\8LE), THE VfD Yio:.L SliUT THE f AN Off AS THE ENCK COOlNIT IDCPEIWURE RISES THE Vl1l W .• L RESTAAT THE fNl. ~liEN THE COOLANT TEMPERATURE DROPS TO MORE THAN 1D'f (ADJUSTA81£) mow THE SETPO:NT. THE TEMPERAT\IRE Si.\CE MODULE WU OISASII THE Vlll. WHEN THE TEMPERATURE RISES TD U:SS THAN tD'f (olllJUST"8lE) BELOW THE SEll'OINT, T1£ TtlolPE!!ATURI: ST.ICE MOOU\£ WIU ENABU: THE VFD TO OPERATE. ~ ·-··--~'"'-- THE ~TOR DAMPER W1U. BE OPEN NolY 0 'iiME'lliE RADIATOR FAN RUNS (BOTH 'lf1l AND \ BYPASS MOOES). THE tlTAI([ AIR OAHPER Will BE OP£N ANY Tiii[ TH( ~TOR fAN RU!lS I AHO ANY TIME THE TEMP.ERATURE IN THE SPACE IS AB0V£ 70F (AD.'UST.\81.E), ...... __:. TE MPERATURE DISPLAY -THE TEMPER.ITU~[ OF THE ENGINE COOLAtll NlD THE SETPOINT W1U BE DISPLAYED OH THE TEMPERATURE DISPLAY MOOIJl( LOCATED lllSI>( THE PNlEL MOTOR SPEED DISPLAY -THE SPEED OF ThE f Nl MQ;OR WlU. BE D'SP\.AYED OH A REMOTE ELECTRONIC O!SPI.AY/KE"PAO MODUl.E MOUNTED OH THE fROHT DOOR Of THE PANEL REDUCED PLOT -HALF SCALE PROJECT: LAKE & PEN INS UL A SCHOOL DI STRICT CH IG NI K LAK E POWER PLANT U PGR AD E TITLE: VA RIABLE FREQ UENCY DR IVE PANE L FOR 2 HP RA DIATOR ALA SKA ENERGY AN'D ENGINEERING, INC P.O. BOX 1''405 ANCHORAGE, Al.AS!(.\ 99~ 11 -1405 PnONE (907) 349-0 100 DRAWN 3": 8CC SCALE: •s NOTED nu NAME : CLAKPPES SHEEI: OCSIG'® BY: C'll\,'OCC GAit: 9/22/0l rn..'ECT NU~9ER: 03-07-9548 E 5 OF 6 ITEM ~lY. c 2 d 4 q 2 i 4 j p 00 1 .__ .. o f 3 al a v bo 1 cu 4 _Qg_, 1 ek Uoe 3 Uqc , Uok I 3 Uhc 3 Uhd 3 48" GROUNO GRC R MATERIAL Bolt machine, 5/8" x r eaulred lenath. Woaher, snuore 2 l /4•, Cro••orrn, J 5/8" • 4 5/8" x e·-o· Bolt. COtTioge, J/8° x 4 1 /2" SCl'ow, 109 1/2" x 4• "' requir ed. Connectors, 01 requtrt d. I Nut , ow, 5/8" ! Cu t out (lood brook tvoe l. I Staples, oe reqt..1ired. : Juma ers, os recuired. Anchor, ;hack.le. ; Broce, wood. 26'" · [w 1crew, eUlntlcol or dr1ve. nook. . Locknut•. os reouked. : Su rno orrester ~ Coble ri ser shfeld. Lenqth ae r equired. l Coble termlnotlon. Coble auocorl. Crossarm mOYntfr.o bracket. II II , II I j'.I ~ J!l1JES; 1. TOTAL MlA£S!£R LOO LmG1li SIW..L BE UNO£R J'. 2. NO BO«lS P£RMITml wmtH 6' Of CA8I.£ TtRlllNAL BAS E. J . 1.U. lM: PARlS SHAU. Hl.'IE .IN 18 FOOT Cl.E,AR,\NCE A80YE r.ROUNO N'() MUST BE IHST~ A MINlllUM or 6 INCliES >ilOlf. ffiE NEl/TRH. OlNOUCTOR. l I ~ TO COllllUNfTY ~~ ~~~~ -- \8'-0' ~~Ull '/ 4 p I , POSITDI or Cl.I!' I -=h Uhd 12· L ! 1 l NEUTRA!. --~ p c-d-oo -ek Uoe v"' =' .. .....,,"' ! ! I ~ I :;__.j Ugc-· r 11r ·.:I I ..-r-· i I T ~·-=~---~ ..... ,-...,..,1] It:' ( . I \' .;:::>:;:::=-. . . .....--=>'~ I -r:-.----,------1-,. • . ---• ~.., _:--• I ---I, I\, ___ ' ~ 1 ._..-.. \ ,_\ .~ ___ . • I ~. \ ---:--\ 1 ---=-· , . --·_:...:-1" 11 .Ki -==-~1.-,-;~ ~ \_:-\ ~r +-iH~=" , -· 1i ' r-· \ ·-.. -· l 1 CROOND I * ; 4·-1·· ~ ; ± 'f ~ 4' GRC TO L_ __J lR.\HsmlMERS GD THREE PHASE CABLE TERMINAL POLE ! 75 tr:o/A TRANSFORMER L 11--------s·-o· (-'------~ f'ROltT -1 INSTl.U. l.EVEl~ I f1!ERQASS GROUND sm.VE, :--i==i--I _J_ ~~-~CATI ,.J.'-+--1-------...i..,' \ 6' I . (fi) STEP UP TRANSFORMER SECTION INSTAU BUSHNC Will PLUC ON £JClt IJNUS[O BUSlf.NC, TYP(J) XJ X2 X1 XJ 3 E6 INSTAil. #4/0 A'llG ( \50'C) JUllPtRS. TYP(J) DO NOT CONNECT OR GROUND X2 #4/D >iJIC (150'C), TYP(J) r-------------------------------------, ' ' : Cl Cl (I ! SVllTCHGEAR ~ I PHASE A I P!W>[ B I PHASE c j MAN BREAKER : : L----------------------------------------J STEP -UP TRAN SFORMER CONN ECTION DIAGRAM NO SCALE 4' LB 1-24•--j ~ ' INSTA!.l LOCK NU5 ON OOi SIDE OF SWITCHGEAR 8l(J( AN O Wl£RE Nlf'f'l£ Elm:RS BUILDING. -------+ S£Al PEllE'iRATIOH 'lllTH S1IJCON£ Xl llilli; f---~ ~iATI~C:o~~ >F1!R I ~I 4• NlPPLE 'I ' UIUS1RVT SllPPORl. VERIFY CORRECT PHASE ROTATION BETWEEN SCHOOL AND VILLAGE POWER PLAN TS RE DUCED PLOT -HALF S CALE \ REVISED DETAIL 1 E6 N<mS #Ill 2 6 Wl.U. PfNETRATION \1 5/0J RE\/. OESCRIPTION PROJECT: LA KE & PENINSULA SCHOO L DISTR ICT CH IGNIK LAKE PO WER PLANT UPG RADE THREE PHA SE TE RM INAL POLE, AND ST EP-UP TRAN SFORMER SECT ION AND DIAGRAM ALASKA ENERGY AND ENGINEERING , INC P.O. BOX 111 405 ANCHORAGE, AlASKA 9951 \-1405 PHON E (907) 349 -0 100 >S H!llED f1L£ NAME: CLAKPPE6R 1 SHEET: 9/22/03 PROJECT NlJllBER: 03-01-9548 E 6 Of' 6 Knight Pi,esold CONSULTING Photos Airport Creek South of Village Landing Creek at Access Road Crossing Looking Southeast Toward Upper Landing Creek Typical Sideslope--Landing Creek Watershed Landing Creek near Proposed Powerhouse Location