HomeMy WebLinkAboutAtka Feasibility and Preliminary Design 1996/ <' f\t-(lA,;, r--... 01 ..., S:· 001 <,vn 1l'f&./,/ 40(o \)J .Qr'{~ J:t{Ol MartJ C. Schultheis Administrator City of Atka 1600 A. St. #1 03 Anchorage, AK 99501 t! Tel. 272-5969 Fax 272-8726 HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY A ND PRELIMINARY DESIGN for THE CITY OF ATKA ATKA, ALASKA polarconsult alaska, inc. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • ENERGY CONSULTANTS 1503 WEST 33RD AVE.• ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 © 1996 Polarconsult P' t-{~R, ·, HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN for THE CITY OF ATKA ATKA, ALASi(A November I 996 preparedfor CITY OF ATKA P.O. Box 47070 Atka, Alaska 99547 prepared by polarconsult alaska, inc. 1503 West 33rd Avenue, Suite 310 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone: (907) 258-2420 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 2 ATKA ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 3 HYDROLOGY AND POWER ..................................................................................................................... S EXISTING DATA ................................................................................................................................................ 5 STREAMFLOW ................................................................................................................................................... 5 HYDROPOWER OUTPUT .................................................................................................................................... 9 STORAGE ........................................................................................................................................................ IO EXCESS ENERGY ............................................................................................................................................ 1 0 PLANT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 12 INTAKE ........................................................................................................................................................... l2 PENSTOCK ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 POWERIIOUSE ................................................................................................................................................. l2 TURBINE ......................................................................................................................................................... l3 GENERATOR ................................................................................................................................................... 13 GOVERNOR ..................................................................................................................................................... l3 SWITCII GEAR ................................................................................................................................................. l4 TRANSMISSION ............................................................................................................................................... 15 ALTERNATIVE HYDRO ........................................................................................................................... 15 POWER GENERATION COSTS .............................................................................................................. 16 HYDRO ........................................................................................................................................................... l6 Material Costs ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Force Account ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Labor .................................................................................................................................................... l7 DIESEL ........................................................................................................................................................... 18 Fuel Cost .............................................................................................................................................. 18 Equipment and Labor Cost .................................................................................................................. 19 ECONOMICS .............................................................................................................................................. 21 PERMITTING ............................................................................................................................................. 22 FISI I REQlJIREME'.:TS ...................................................................................................................................... 22 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION (FERC) ................................................................................ 22 0TI IER PERMITS A'.:D CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................................................................... 22 CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 23 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 24 NOVEi\113ER 27. 1996 PA<il I POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN TABLE OFT ABLES TABLE I-PROJECT SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... I TABLE 2-WORKER WAGE RATES ................................................................................................................. 17 TABLE 3-ADDITIONAL WORKER EXPENSES .................................................................................................. 18 TABLE OF FIGURES FIGURE I -ATKA AVERAGE PO\\'ER CONSUMPTION ( 1982-1986) .................................................................... 3 FIGURE 2-DAILY POWER DEMA:\D FLUCTUATIONS ........................................................................................ 4 FIGURE 3-MONTHLY AVERAGE STREAMFLOW ............................................................................................... 6 FIGURE 4-DAILY STREAMFLOW. POLARCONSULT 1995 ................................................................................. 7 FIGURE 5-POLARCONSULT ACTl':\L AND ADJUSTED DEPTH V ALUES ............................................................. 8 FIGURE 6-STREAMFLOW DATA USED FOR ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 9 FIGURE 7-CUMULATIVE HYDRO POWER OUTPUT.. ....................................................................................... I 0 FIGURE 8-HISTORICAL CRUDE OIL PRICES ................................................................................................... 19 TABLE OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A-COST AND ECONOMICS HYDROPLANT COST ESTIMATE YEARLY FORECAST ECONOMIC SUMMARY APPENDIX B-SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OVERVIEW PR<J.JITT ('()NSTRliCTI<lN ('OSTS FREEZER PLANT LOADS FUEL COST APPENDIX C-PHOTO PIIOTO I -A RIAL PIIOTO WIT! I PROJECT OVERLAY PIIOTOS #A I -#A 18 APPENDIX D-ORA WINGS Fl(iURE I -VICINITY AREA AND PROJECT LOCATION MAPS FIG liRE 2 -PROJECT PLAN AND CRITK SECTION FIGURE 3 -PROFILE OF PENSTOCK .\ND DAM PLAN VIEW FI<ilJRF 4 -DAM SECTIONS FI<ilJRE 5 -DAM AND TRESTLE SECTIONS FIGURE 6 -TRESTLE PROFILE :\1\D DETAILS FI<ilJRE 7 -POWERIIOliSE PLAN :\:\D SECTION FIGURE 8-POWERIIOliSE ELEVATION AND ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICS fl(ilJRE 9 -PIPELINE DETAILS APPENDIX E-STREAM GAGING DATA APPENDIX F-PUBLIC MEETING SUMMARY, NOVEMBER 1, 1996 ~ 0 V E \113 E R 2 7. I 9 96 PMiF II POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study was performed to determine the feasibility of a source of hydroelectric power for Atka, which would be significantly more economical than the current diesel-generated electricity. The results of the analysis conclude that hydroelectric power can reduce the cost of power generation. This feasibility study discusses in detail the data and the analyses used to form this conclusion. Information derived from this work is summarized as follows: • Estimated cost for design, acquisition of permits, and construction 1s $765,747. • Present cost of generating power with the hydro for 30 years is $1,161,000. • Projected cost of continuing to generate power with diesels for the same period is $1,489,000. • Net capacity of the plant is approximately 271 kW. • Estimated average power generation for the hydro plant, based upon analysis, is 1.757,412 kWh per year. • Community power consumption, for the analysis, is estimated at 260,144 kWh per year. • Using the hydro plant. average yearly savings is $17,713. The recommended plant will consist of the following: small impoundment dam: 1,060 feet of High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE); 271 kW turbine and generator.: powerhouse: 7.2/12.4 kV electrical cable connecting to the existing system. The plant can be constructed using primarily local labor. For system plans and project details, sec drawings included in Appendix D. Basic characteristics of the recommended project are provided below: NOVEI\1BER 27. !996 Table 1 -Project Summary General Data: Installed Capacity Type of Turbine Hydro Average Annual Energy Atka's Energy Consumption Estimated Hydro Available Energy Design Flow Static Head Penstock Inside Diameter Penstock Length Dam Height Economic Data (0 to 30 yrs.): Project Construction Cost Average Savings per year Total Savings. present worth Total Excess Energy, present worth 271 kW Cross-flow 1,757,412 kWh 260,144 kWh 260,144 kWh 36 cfs 116 feet 28.2 inches 1,060 feet 13 feet $765.747 $17.713 $328,000 $4.388,000 PVil l POLARCONS!JLT ALASKA, INC. INTRODUCTION ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII11LITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN This report was funded by a grant from the US Department of Energy, under FY 1995 Title XXVI -Indian Energy Resource Development. The Grantee is the Native Village of Atka. The report analyzes the feasibility of hydroelectric power production from Chuniisax Creek. The project location is approximately 0.6 miles southwest of Atka. The community has a population of about 90 people, and is located 1,100 miles southwest of Anchorage. Previous reports on Chuniisax Creek have been compiled by Nortec, the Alaska Energy Authority, the Department ofNatural Resources, and Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. The Nortec report is a comprehensive analysis of potential for hydropower from Chuniisax Creek. Nortec identified this creek as having the best potential for hydroelectric development. This location is used in the analysis for this report. For the general layout of the proposed plant, see Appendix D-Figure 2. The intake is at an elevation of about 174 feet above sea level. The creek will be dammed and the water raised ten feet. Water will t1ow from the dam to the powerhouse through 1,060 teet of 30"' HOPE pipe. The pmn~rhouse is located at an elevation of about 68 feet. Access to the plant will be via four-wheeler trail. A 2.625-foot electrical transmission route will tie the plant to Atka· s existing electrical system. NoVJ\tlliR ?.7, 1996 p.\(il 2 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA. INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN ATKA ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS The following chart shows the average monthly power consumption for Atka. Figure 1 -Atka Average Power Consumption (1982-1986) 30,000 25,000 .s: 20.000 .... c.. E 15.000 10,000 5.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Ju1 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month Generally, the amount of electricity used by a community is a function of the number of inhabitants. income of the users, and cost of electricity. For this study, electrical-use data is taken from State of Alaska Power Cost Equalization Program Statistics. Monthly average power can be adjusted to ret1ect normal daily cycles of peak demand and off-peak demand. This analysis evaluates the times when the hydro plant provides sufficient pov.:er to meet average demand but is incapable of meeting daily peak demand. By making these calculations, the report's feasibility analysis results in ntlues that closely approximate actual operating conditions. A daily demand curve used to adjust monthly data is sho\vn in Figure This figure uses data taken from Polarconsulfs 1992 Waste Heat Report for Nine Villages (Alaska Energy Authority). NOVEMBER 27. 1996 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN Figure 2-Daily Power Demand Fluctuations 1.10 1.05 1.00 ,_ £ 0.95 ..... ~ '- 0.90 0.85 0.80 f") •n M Uj r--0\ f") <"'l I"' I Hour fn addition to the existing community load, Appendix B includes economic results for the project when a freezer plant load is added. NOVEMBER 27. 1996 PAGf -t POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII31LITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN HYDROLOGYANDPOWER Streamflow measurements of Chuniisax Creek were performed for use in this study as well as for two previous studies. A summary of the information obtained and the analysis used in determining the streamflows are outlined in the following sections. EXISTING DATA The following sources of streamflow data were obtained for Chuniisax Creek: • Data collected by Nortec in 1983 for its 1984 report: • Data collected by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and included in its February 10, 1992 preliminary report; • Data collected in 1995 by Polarconsult for presentation in this report. Nortec performed a feasibility study for hydropower at Atka for the Alaska Power Authority. Stream-gauging consisted of installing a recorder and doing numerous in- stream measurements to develop a rating curve. The rating curve was used with the level measurements to develop a hydro-graph for the stream. Measured data extends from May 1983 through November 1983. Data is missing during the months of December 1982 through April 1983. Nortec estimated the streamflow for this period. The DNR installed a level recorder in September 1989. It was removed two years later. Data is missing or invalid from January 22. 1991 to June 10, 1991, due to a flood that washed ~l\vay the pressure transducer. This data has a noticeable trend over time. Currently. Polarconsult has a level recorder installed in the same location that was used by Nortec. The recorder was installed on May 25. 1995. Two instream !low measurements were taken: one on November 15, 1995 and the other on November 4. 1996. An average of these two values was used to linearly scale depth values from Lhe recorder to obtain t1ow values. This data can be found in Appendix E. STREAMFLOW Due to the short period during which streamflows were measured. it is possible that f1o\vs may differ substantially from the long term average for the stream. Because records of precipitation over an 18-year period exist. the measured data can be compared with the precipitation record by converting rainfall to streamflow based on basin size. This will indicate \vhether the measured data needs to be adjusted. The size of the basin has not been accurately determined. Nortec estimated the basin size to be 9 square miles. The Department of Natural Resources estimated the basin size to be 5.0 square miles. For this study, an average of 7 square miles is used. Four sets of monthly average flows were developed using four different data sources: 1. Flow based on rainfall. 2. Flow from Polarconsult stream gauging 3. Flow from Nortec. 1983 4. Data selected from DNR stream gauging NOVI\llliR 27. 1996 p .\(jJ 5 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN The following chart shows the values obtained from these data sets. -X , > / [J '' 10 -~ c{ 5 ' ' A , 0 c ..c ~ CIJ -. t.L. Figure 3 -Monthly Average Streamflow \ \ I t:. / //~ -[] IJ.. X ... c. -< ~ I I I I f c '. I I liil I ' / I \I /1 \ \ I \\ 1-d ' I i .. IJ.. IJ..- Flow based on rainfall Estimated flow from Polarconsult stream gaging Flow from Nortec, 1983 DNR stream gauging, partial data set c ::::1 -. Month c. CIJ (/) -u 0 ~ / \ > 0 z \ I u CIJ 0 As can be seen, the recent stream-gauging performed by Polarconsult closely matches the monthly average flow based on rainfall. For a run-of-the-river design, "the use of monthly average flows, to compute the hydro plant's energy production, results in an over-statement. There are significant storm events that raise the flow considerably for a short period of time. This flow is usually higher than the hydro plant can use. See the following chart for the daily values recorded by Polarconsult's gauge. The monthly average flow is also plotted on the chart. NOVEMBER 2 7 , 1996 P AGE 6 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN Figure 4-Daily Streamflow, Polarconsult 1995 160 ---- 140 .... -Adjusted daily flow 120 --Monthly average 100 60 40 20 0 I j "' "' "' "' "' •n .,... "' "' "' "' \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 0'1 ~ 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'1 ~ 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'1 ~ 0'1 ~ 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'1 ~ 0'1 0'1 0'1 ~ 0'1 ----------------------------------------"' "' \0 1"-1"-1"-QO 0'1 0'1 0 :::: N "<t ~ "' \0 \0 1"-00 00 0'1 0'1 0 N ---N ---~ ---I"'\ N -N -N ---N ---N --I"'\ ----1"-----0'1 --------N ----"<t ----\0 ----00 --------"' \0 1"-00 0'1 0 N N I"'\ "<t "' \0 1"-00 0'1 0 0 Date The monthly average is above the maximum flow for the plant during several months, while the daily flow drops significantly below the plant's maximum flow . This has the effect of overstating the hydro plant's usable power. This problem can be dealt with by using daily flow values in calculations, or by using a monthly average of only those daily flow values equal to or less than the hydro plant's maximum capacity. There are three sets of daily flow values. Since the numbers from the Nortec report appear to be much lower than the rainfall flow numbers, this data set will not be used. The Department of Natural Resources' daily flow values have an unusual trend ove r time: thus this data .set will not be used to calculate the hydro plant's output. Therefore, the Polarconsult data set will be used in the analysis. Polarconsult's level recorder was placed in an existing culvert installed during a previous study. Unfortunately, the bottom of the culvert is higher than the water level in the stream during low flows. This shows up when the depth on the level recorder is constant over a period of time. There were three periods when this occurred. In order to adjust the data, a logarithmic decline in streamflow was used. The following chart shows actual depth and adjusted depth. N O V E MO E R 27, 1996 P AGE 7 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. ATKA HY D ROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN Figure 5 -Polarconsult Actual and Adjusted Depth Values 1.60 1.40 -Actual depth 1.20 1.00 .:::: .z: 0.80 -c. ~ Q 0.60 0.40 --Adjusted depth ~ II r 'I~ Non Contiguous ~ -4 J .;'~i 1 Dates -· .1,; ,... I• I \ I ~------'t = : iit, / P' -, ' f ... !I r 0.20 0.00 Date Stream-flow measurements were recorded for over a year. The daily data used in this analysis was obtained from 11/3/95 through 11/2/96. This daily flow data was scaled according to the following formula: Monthly average produced by rainfall ___ ..:.___--=:.___:.-----=-----x Daily Flow Value Monthly average based on measurements The following chart shows this daily average streamflow used in this analysis. NOV E MB E R 27, 1996 PAGE 8 POLARCONS!JLT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN Figure 6-Streamflow Data Used for Analysis 100 90 80 70 ,-.. "' "'"' "" 60 -- == 0 50 c: e ~ 40 "" ,_ -rJl 30 20 10 0 'C) 'C) 'C) ..::;; 'C) 'C) 'C) 'C) 'C) 'C) 'C) e' <:::1' ~ -~~ C') -- <:::1' ::7' <:::1' e' <:::1' 0' <:::1' 0' 0' ------0 0 --00 --(:I ----<:::1' 00 ~ M C') I' I l'l I' I C') -::r I(') --------0 I(') 'C) t-00 <:::1' Date HYDROPOWER OUTPUT Given the amount of \Vater that can flmv through the penstock at a specified head (Pressure differential due to the change in elevation of the confined water). one can calculate the maximum amount of power that can be produced. For this plant the value is 337 kilowatts (kW). Due to the net efficiency of the turbine. generator. and transmission losses (80%).the maximum usable power available is 271 kW. The following chart shows expected cumulative power output by the hydro plant. This chart shows the percent of time that output from the plant meets or exceeds a given power level. NOVF\IBER 17, 1996 P.\(i! 9 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII31LITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN Figure 7 -Cumulative Hydro Power Output 300 250 :s 200 ..:.:: .... ::::1 = 150 ::::1 0 ... QJ :: 0 100 Q.. 50 0 0% I 0% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% I 00% Percent of Total Number of Values As demonstrated, approximately I 00 percent of the time there is more power available than Atka's maximum peak of 70 kW. This means that there will not be any need for supplementing the hydro's output with diesel power. STORAGE A ten-foot-high dam will store \Vater in sufficient quantity to run the plant at 270kW for an entire day without inflow. This means a community with twice Atka's power demand would not have to run diesels at any time. In addition, the added water makes it feasible to handle peaks created from starting motors at the fish-processing plant. The reservoir will have a surface area of approximately 12.5 acres. Incorporated in this area will be an existing 6.3 acre lake. The total storage will be about 69 acre-feet. Additional storage can be added by deepening the channel between the lake and the creek to 4 feet throughout. Because the divide is at about lake surface elevation, during normal flows it may be necessary to construct a dam of \vooden sheet piles, about 2 feet in height, to prevent bypassing during flood-stage. EXCESS ENERGY Energy in excess of the community's traditional needs will be produced by the hydro plant. This energy is wasted unless a use for it is found. No economic credit is given for use of excess energy. Even though it is difficult to quantify, its value should not be ignored when comparing alternate designs. NOVE:\111FR 27. 1996 PACiE10 POLARCONSULT ALASKA. INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII3ILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN The equivalent amount of fuel that can be displaced by the excess hydropower will be dependent on water-flows and the ways in which the excess power is used by Atka. It is estimated that the equivalent of 176,149 gallons of oil is available on average each year if all of the energy is used. A realistic assumption is that one quarter of the energy can be readily put to useful purpose. The basis for this estimate is founded on previous work with district heating systems. One way to use excess energy is to employ an inexpensive computer equipped with a load-management device that can determine, by changes in electrical frequency, when there is surplus energy. When surplus electricity is sensed, a relay is closed, sending the excess to an electric resistance load. Such a resistance load can be hot water heaters for the school, community center, or electric hot air or water heaters for buildings. These loads can be arranged to turn otT and on, on a priority bases as programmed into the computer. The cost estimate includes load-management devices for using excess energy. NoVEl\llll R 27. 1996 PAGE 11 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. PLANT DESCRIPTION INTAKE ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII31LITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN Water is forced into the intake by a small dam that raises the water I 0 feet above the stream bed . The increased water depth will create a small amount of storage that can be used during low-flow periods to supply extra energy during periods of increased demand. The reservoir will also provide a settling basin that will keep sand and rocks from entering the penstock. There are no trees on Atka. so a screen to filter out leaves and twigs is not required; however, there will be a trash-rack to prevent large objects from damaging the turbine. The dam is shown in Appendix 0-Figures 3, 4, and 5. It is constructed from Douglas Fir timbers. The intake pipe, gate, and trash-rack are located in the lo\ver section of the dam. The dam is equipped with a spillway to discharge excess water. The spillway is designed for a flood of about 500 cfs. The maximum recorded flow for Chuniisax creek is I 0 I cfs. A walkway, that is capable of supporting a four-wheeler, will be constructed across the crest of the dam to provide access for maintenance of the dam and pipeline. The walkway will be protected by a locked gate to discourage unwarranted use. PENSTOCK High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HOPE) pipe will be used for the penstock. It comes in 40-foot lengths and is joined by butt fusion. This pipe has the advantages of being flexible, having good flow characteristics, and being easy to install. It has the disadvantage of requiring a fusion machine to assemble it. The fusion machine required for this type of pipe is expensive. It rents for approximately $I 0.000 per month. An alternative to renting the fusion machine is to rent and assemble the pipe at Dutch Harbor by having the pipe and fusion machine shipped there via Sea Land. The pipe can be assembled into three sections. each over 330 feet. The pipe would be capped and launched into the harbor during the fusion process. It then will be towed by a small boat to Atka. This will save approximately $5.000. The three lengths of pipe will be dragged up the hillside to their proper positions. joined mechanically using inner steel sleeves. and then the exterior \Viii be wrapped with fiberglass. POWERHOUSE The powerhouse will contain the turbine. generator. load-governor. and switch gear. A pad-mounted transformer will be located outside the pO\verhouse. The powerhouse \viii be located so that the generator floor is above flood stage. The floor of the powerhouse will be concrete poured over a wood floor. The floor joists will rest on glulam beams that will span to column supports at the corners. The walls and roof will be wood framing. with T 1-11 on the exterior and green board on the interior. NOVE\IBER 27. 1996 PVil 12 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. TURBINE The turbine for this plant will be a cross-flow type. This turbine is highly efficient at varying power outputs and over a wide range of flows. The following pictures show the arrangement of the water-flow through the turbine and its main components. GENERATOR ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN I. Casing 2. Guide Vanes 3. Rotor 4. Main Bearing 5 . Comer Casing 6. Air Inlet Valve Draft Tube Transition Piece The proposed generator will produce a minimum of 271 kW, at a 0.92 power factor. Electrically, it will be a three-phase 480volt unit. It will have static excitation and will use a Basler (or equivalent) voltage regulator. The generator for the turbine will be manufactured in the US and will operate at 1,200 rpm. It will have ball bearings and the shaft will be connected to the turbine through a speed increaser. A speed increaser is a gear or belted transmission that increases the shaft rpm at the generator. This makes the generator less expensive and enables the turbine to be more efficient in matching the fixed rpm requirements of a generator. GOVERNOR The generator rpm must be controlled to produce sixty cycles. In earlier hydro plants, the speed of the turbine was controlled with a governor that varied the amount of water the machine received and, in turn. controlled the speed. There is another way to control the speed of the machine; it is to add or subtract electrical loads so the output remains at 60 cycles. This can now be done electronically by a device called a "load governor". There are a number of load governors operating in Alaska: For example, Burnett Inlet on Alaska Aquaculture's project, Larsen Bay, Ouzinkie, Rainbow Creek, and others. An electronic load governor can be located anywhere on the three-phase electrical distribution system. It takes power in excess of that being used by the community and shunts it to resistance heaters. Resistance heaters can be hot water heaters, hydronic heating systems, and electric air heaters that are located wherever heat is required. Loads are prioritized by the load governor. For example, the governor can be programmed to NOVEMBER 27, 1996 PAGE 13 POLi\RCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEi\SII31LITY STUDY i\ND PRELIMINARY DESIGN supply excess electricity first to the school heating system, secondly to the school hot water, and then to the green house or the city hall. In addition to the load governor, there will be an electronic head level controller that governs the turbine flow control gate based on the level of the water at the dam. It does this by reading the water pressure (depth), which in turn is converted to an electrical signal provided to a computer. The computer directs the operation of a hydraulic pump driving a cylinder which controls the flow of water to the turbine. Usually for a run-of- river plant, the turbine runs at the maximum electrical production commensurate with its capacity or the flow of water ... which ever is less. SWITCHGEAR The switch gear will consist of several elements. One element will be a circuit breaker that will protect the plant if there is over-current. It will also have electronic equipment with relays to shut the plant off if there is over-or-under voltage or frequency. In addition, transducers can be provided, as they were at Larsen Bay, so it is possible to monitor the status of the plant from town or anywhere else. In a small plant such as this, the switch gear and the electronic controls for a load governor can be incorporated within a single enclosure, thereby saving space and costs. Modern low-cost electronic equipment can be installed to monitor the operation of a small hydro plant. For example, there is an inexpensive device that, when connected to the telephone system, will call designated people if the temperature is too high or too low or if there is too much noise. This device also has contacts where a fire detector or other off/on devices may be connected. One can also call and listen to the sound level at the plant. This is useful for periodic monitoring. The cost for this device is about $500 and is included in the cost estimate. Equipment that facilitates monitoring but is not included in the cost estimate arc real time monitoring devices. Transducers can be installed in the switchgear that will enable the operator to determine what is happening electrically. This type of system was installed at Larsen Bay. It is possible to install a pair of the new video phones, which will provide an inexpensive way of looking at the power house, intake or other plant features. The picture is transmitted over the telephone lines. Since the operator will be living in town and the weather is not always conducive to inspecting the plant, these remote devices will reduce the number of field inspections. Considerable time and effort will be saved. After the operator gains experience handling the plant, fewer observations will be needed. For example. the operator may find from experience. that after a heavy rain. the screens require cleaning, so the operator will not bother investigating the screens on a daily basis if the rains have been moderate. This means that the amount of labor required to keep the plant in operation will decrease \Vith time. The diesel back-up in the existing plant can be started and synchronized either manually or automatically when a power deficiency occurs. Using a load governor simplifies manual startup for diesel back-up. Since the hydro plant is always producing all of the pO\ver possible ( up to 271 k W). reading the power output gauges \viii provide the NOVF\IBER 27, 1996 P.·\GE 14 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN operator with the information to determine if there is sufficient water to produce the required (estimated) daily power. Early in the morning, given the traditional use patterns for the time of year, day of the week, and weather conditions (rain, snow, cold, cloud cover), a skilled operator \Yill know if a diesel generator will have to be added during the day. There will be times. while the engine is operating, when rain rapidly increases the flow and the hydro begins to generate sufficient power so that the diesel is no longer needed. Unless this condition is observed or there are automatic controls to shut off the diesel, there will be an occasional waste of diesel fuel. This condition is more likely than is one where a diesel must be added due to an unforeseen. sudden reduction in flow. This is because flow reductions occur more gradually than flow increases. Automatic diesel controllers are not included in the cost estimate. TRANSMISSION Different power line designs are possible. The most desirable one, considering aesthetics and potential damages. is buried cable. Buried cable is also the type of distribution used throughout Atka. An alternative design would be bare o\·erhead wire. For this study, it is assumed that the transmission line will be a buried line. ALTERNATIVE HYDRO An alternative intake for the hydro site is located about 1000 feet further upstream aboYe the last two falls. This intake location results in a project that has about 20% more head and will produce 20% more power. From appearances it will have equivalent storage to the lower site. It is estimated the cost to build at this site is essentially that of the additional pipeline as the rest or the project will cost near the same. The dam site is better as it is carved through rock without overburden. If money is available, estimated at $100,000 additionaL this site should be considered as it uses all of the available resource. NoVU·dBIR 27. 1996 r \(ii 1 ::-. POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. POWER GENERATION COSTS ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII3ILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN The value of hydropower is based on the cost to build the hydro plant versus the least- expensive alternate means of providing the same service. Diesel generation is currently the only feasible alternative to hydro. Diesel-generation costs were obtained from State of Alaska, Department of Community and Regional Affairs Power Cost Equalization Program (PCE). HYDRO Project costs are composed of two major elements. One element is material costs. These costs, if based on good quantities, can be fairly accurate. The second element is labor cost. This is a variable cost and is more difficult to estimate accurately. For example, heavy rain may reduce productivity to 36% of productivity during dry conditions. However, if most work is done during the months of June. July, and August, and the weather is not unusually wet. productivity can be good. The following describes how project cost was estimated. MATERIAL COSTS All of the material costs shown in the cost estimate derive from actual quotes or published price information. Frequently, quoted prices can be improved when an order is placed. Substitute items can also reduce the cost. As a general rule, these quotations are rounded to higher values. Quantities of materials are based on the design and construction materials shown in the drawings. Quantities have been rounded up and additional material is included where warranted. For instance. a significant amount of extra wood is listed in the cost estimate because this item usually has some waste. Equipment costs include purchasing the equipment which is new or slightly used. The only equipment that needs to be rented are the fusion machine. vehicles for handling the pipe in Dutch Harbor, and a backhoe. Freight costs are based on a single barge hauling in the majority of the material during one trip from Seattle. Costs are based on quotes from a barge operator. Rates ranged from $150 to $205 per ton/short ton. All rates have been set uniformly at $200 per ton/short ton for this analysis. With the exception of the equipment and the piping, all material costs and their associated shipping cost incorporate a 20% contingency. This is somewhat conservative but giYen the brevity of the cost estimate it is appropriate. FORCE ACCOUNT Title 36 is enforced when a contractor or subcontractor performs work on public construction in Alaska. Title 36 requires that contractors be paid the prevailing wage in the locality. This prevailing \\·age is set by the Labor Department's Labor Standards and NOVE\1l3ER 27, 1996 PAGE 16 POLARCONSULT ALASKA. INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII3ILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN Safety Division. For Atka. the average wage plus the fringes under Title 36 will be greater than 35 dollars per hour. Project costs for labor would increase by $44,000. Additionally, a contractor's profit would further raise this by $81,000. Savings in administration and inspection would be replaced by increased engineering design and specification costs and bid and contractor management costs. Force account, or turnkey work, is the only practical and cost effective way to construct a project such as this. Wage rates for Title 36, Little Davis Bacon, are high enough to make the project uneconomical. Force account optimizes the situation for local employment and avoids all of the added costs that contracting brings. Generally force account works well if it is well-managed. For the best interest of the project. the manager generally should not be from the community, as tough personnel decisions need to be made. It is better to be stern and bring the project in under budget and return money to the workers with a bonus or to the rate-payer, than it is to compromise during the execution of the project. A good manager, with experience in force account, can strike the balance between sensitivity for local feelings and needs, and the absolute need to complete the project on or under budget. The potential negative aspects of using force account are: LM30R • Primary risk is from cost overruns during construction. • !\ project such as this could be conceived as increasing stress within the community, because of the requirement to complete it on time and on budget. Further. if the community is divided on the project, there is always a possibility of increased political disagreements. !\ considerable portion of production efficiency depends on the quality of management and the authority granted to the management to remove unproductive workers. Labor costs are based on an estimate of the time to do the work assuming a 5 man crew and 1 supervisor. Wages are based on current private sector wages (non-Davis Bacon) and force account work in other communities. for wages. the following assumptions are made. Table 2 -Worker Wage Rates Worker 2 Skilled laborers 3 laborers I Foreman Pay per Hour $21.00 $17.00 $30.00 The average of the abo\·e wages is $20.50. Fringes estimated as follows: NOVE'\1BER 27. 1996 PAGE 17 POLARCONSlJLT ALASKA, [NC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN Table 3 -Additional Worker Expenses Workers Compensation Alaska Unemployment Employer Social Security Total 8.5% 3.1% 7.65% 19.25% Average rate per hour calculated is $24.45. The lowest wage used in this analysis is $25.00 per hour. In some instances a higher wage is used where it is anticipated that specialized work is involved. DIESEL Diesel-generation costs used in this analysis are derived from existing information and from detailed information from similar-sized communities. The primary cost with diesel- generation is the fuel. Other considerable costs include the operator's salary, parts and labor for maintenance, and lube oil costs. FuEL CosT Fuel is the single most expensive component in producing power with diesel-generating units. It is estimated that total-plant average yearly expenditures are approximately $59.380 (including generator replacement payments). Using a past fuel cost of $1.10 per gallon. $34,676 is estimated to purchase the 31,523 gallons consumed. This represents over half of the yearly cost of operating the diesel-electric plant. For this reason. it is important to have an idea of what fuel prices will do in the future. Recently. oil prices have dropped and leveled out to pre-1970 prices (adjusted for inflation). In the recent past. there was significant fluctuation ,as demonstrated in the follow·ing chart (Gas Research Institute (GRI)) of the history of oil prices. Novr~1BER 27. 1996 P;\(if 18 POLARCONSULT ALASKA. INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII31LITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN Figure 8 -Historical Crude Oil Prices 1950 1960 Crude Oil Prices (1994$/Bbl) 1970 1980 1990 2000 The Energy Information Administration's 1996 Annual Energy Outlook has one of the highest predictions for oil prices in the year 2025. with $25.43 per barrel of oil as compared with other organizations. The Gas Research Institute has one of the lowest predictions, with $16.17 per barrel of oiL For this analysis. an average price of $20.80 is used for the price of oil in 2025. Given the current price of around $18.00 a barrel this gives a gro"W1h rate of 0.5~'0 per year. This value is used in the economic analysis. EQUIPI\1ENT AND LABOR (OST Equipment and labor costs have been estimated from 1994 and 1995 PCE reports. Parts and lube oil costs are assumed to be a direct function of the amount of power that the diesel generator produces. The costs for lube oil is assumed to be $0.00221 per kWh. Replacement parts are also assumed to be directly related to the power produced and are $0.02000 per kWh. Thus. the cost for equipment amounts to $0.022. The cost tor the plant operator amounts to $15.000 per year. The plant operator salary remains constant for increases in diesel production but is lowered to $1.000 per year when the hydro plant is added. Hydro maintenance salary is assumed to be $10.000 in addition to the plant operator salary so there is little change in plant operator salaries. NOVEl\IBER 27. 1996 PMiF 19 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND rRELlMINARY DESIGN The cost for replacing the diesel generators is also included. They are assumed to be a part of the reported PCE operating cost and are estimated as follows. Replacements are scheduled for every 6 years. when operating just the diesel plant. When using the hydro plant, replacement of the diesel generators is assumed to occur every 18 years. The cost for replacing the diesel generators is assumed to be $20,000. This cost is amortized over the replacement period and is included in the economics. NOVE!\111ER 27. 1996 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ECONOMICS ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN The economics of the system are outlined below. See Appendix B for the Sensitivity Analysis which gives results for different economic assumptions. A hydro plant has high initial costs. Therefore, the hydro is more sensitive than other forms of generation to high interest rates. This analysis assumes that the hydro plant can be funded through a 30-year loan, with a basic discount rate of 3.5% above inflation. All of the monetary values in this analysis have been adjusted to present value using the discount rate. This means that inflation is not taken into account. This gives clearer resolution of variations in the dollar-quantities as it shows all costs in current values without the distortion of inflation. An explanation of some of the selected values follows: • Interest rates: A system was selected that does not use standard interest rates which include assumed factors for inflation. Everything is reduced to the opportunity cost of interest. which traditionally has been approximately 3 .5%. This results in costs that are in today's dollars throughout the analysis period. This achieves a more accurate understanding of project costs. • Power demand: A conservative figure is 1.5% growth. More grow1h favors the hydro over the diesel. Current energy-use growth-rates are approximately I% per year. Other economic values for the project can not be quantified. Some of these values are: • Money is retained w·ithin the community. When oil is purchased. most of the money lem·es the community and goes to the transporters, refiners. producers. and resource 0\mers. The labor will result in employment for people in the community. • People receive training in construction by doing the work. This training is valuable. It makes for salable skills and fosters independence. • Because less fossil fuels will be used, there is less strain on the environment. • Due to decreased handling of fossil fuels. there is less risk for environmental liability. • Fuel storage requirements are lower. NOVII\1111:R 27. 1996 p.\(ji 21 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII3ILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN PERMITTING FISH REQUIREMENTS Because the hydro plant is located above and just below falls that prevent the passage of fish, it is anticipated that the construction of the plant will have little impact on the fish habitat. FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION (FERC) Because this project is on a non-navigable stream and is located on private property, a FERC license will not be needed. A request for non-jurisdiction form FERC will be required. OTHER PERMITS AND CONSIDERATIONS Permits will be required as follows: 1. A water-use permit will be required from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR). DNR will ask for comments by the Alaska State Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) in the review of these permits. It is unlikely, but ADF&G may ask for special conditions such as minimum stream f1ows. 2. Alaska Coastal Zone Management Consistency Review Compliance. 3. DEC Clean Water Certification 401, which is done in conjunction with DNR's review. This permit is required only if a Federal permit is needed. A typical Federal permit, which will require a 401, is a 404 permit for action involving a wet land or fill in a stream. Without filL a 404 permit will not be needed. therefore a 401 permit will not be required either. 4. A 404 permit will be required for stream excavation. NOVEf\1BER 27, 1996 P \GF 22 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN CONCLUSIONS The analyses conclude that economically speaking and under conservative assumptions. a hydro plant is superior to the current diesel-generation (benefit to cost ratio= 1.28). A modest increase in fuel price, or a need for substantially more power in the community, would make the project significantly superior economically over current diesel- generation (see Sensitivity Analysis, Appendix B). Other advantages. which cannot be quantified or may be subjective, include: • An environmentally superior plant, as it will not discharge carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides. and sulfur oxides into the atmosphere; • Less dependence and concern with fuel cost and handling. • Less dependence on outside expertise (maintenance of engines). • A plant design which, in addition to reducing costs, fits into the terrain and requires the very minimum of earthwork. • A generation facility located outside the community, which will considerably reduce air and noise pollution in Atka. NOVEMBER 27. 1996 P.\GE 23 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. RECOMMENDATIONS ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN There are a number of advantages that can accrue to the people of Atka if a hydro plant is constructed. To attain these advantages, the following steps are recommended: • Continue recording the streamflow using a level recorder combined with several in-stream flow gauging. • If the people believe continuing the project is favorable, then the following steps should be taken. • Obtain a grant from the Legislature to design and construct a portion of the plant. King Cove has a grant which funds a large portion of their hydro plant's cost. The Railbelt has been granted money for Bradley Lake. Tazimina received 3.4 million in state grants and 5 million in federal grants. The 4 dam pool has received great amounts of largess from the state. It would seem equitable for Atka to receive equal consideration. Governor Knowles likes to keep money within Alaska and philosophically supports the concept of the plant. • Money can be borrowed from the revolving power loan fund at lmv interest or from the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority. the Farmers Home Administration, the Municipal Bond Bank. or other sources. • Consider doing the work only with force account. Be very careful v,:ith management of the project. Non-innovative construction people. who are accustomed to high-cost state government projects, can ruin this type of small project. Paraphrasing Ernst Schumacher, think small. Give the project manager absolute authority to fire people who are not performing. There is no money for feather-bedding. • Plan and execute methods of taking advantage of excess energy that becomes available to reduce costs. decrease pollution, and improve the quality of life in the community. NOVEI\1BER 27, 1996 P·'\Cil 2-+ POLARCONSliLT ALASKA. INC. NOVE!\!B!R ?.7. 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII31LITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN APPENDIX A-COST AND ECONOMICS APPE'\01\ A 1'01 \RCONSl II.T ,\J.\SK.\. INC. ITEl\1 l\IATERIAL LABOR Cost Labor Labor Item Quantity lin it Perl in it Rate llnurs 330. 1\IOBILIZ\TION & LOGISTICS ~ 11 heeler trailer II inch. h) draulic g<Jsolinc rnck drill pump. 11 <Jtcr tent 350 .ID 11 11inch trencher light pl<1nt 5 kW misc. h<Jnd tools Subtotal $ 0 hrs $ 331. STRUCTURES & II\1PROVEl\1ENTS Power House Floor. 3/4" treated 9 shts $ 35.00 $ 25 8 Roof. 5/8" CDX 12 shts $ 25.00 $ 25 10 I-"loor Joists 6oo bd ft $ 1.00 $ 25 10 Cilulam Be<Jms, 5.13x 16.5 68 linn $ 15.00 $ ·r _) 8 Cement floor 15 sacks $ 12.00 $ 25 60 Reinforcing 301 lbs $ 0.65 $ 25 20 Metal Roofing 360 sq n $ 0.80 $ 25 20 Wall Studs, 2x6 sH bd ft $ 1.00 $ 25 30 Plyllood 20 shts $ 25.00 $ 25 20 Vin) I Siding 5~~ sq li $ 2.25 $ 25 10 < ircenbo<Jrd 30 sills $ I 0.50 $ 25 15 Tre<Jted .Joists 06 bd n $ 1.40 $ 25 10 Door I C<l $ 200 $ 25 10 F<Jn & Thcrmost<Jt I C<J $ 250 $ 25 6 Windo11· 2 ca $ 130 $ 25 6 t\ Ictal floods I ea $ 300 $ 25 10 t\ Ictal Trim 360 1 r $ 2.00 $ 25 10 lnsui<Jtion 90~ sq li $ 0.60 $ 25 6 Subtotal $ 7.8~6 269 hrs $ 6.719 II /27/96 EQUIPl\IENT 11 of ATKA IIYDROELECTRIC FE:\SIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN SUBTOTAL SHIPPING CONTIN-TOTAL Matc:riaL Labor, GENCY nits Unit $per Unit Equipment Cost Wt Cost 3 ca $ 6.000 $ 18.000 1.800 $ I.HO 10% $ 21.384 2 ca $ 1.000 $ 2.000 400 $ 40 I0°AJ $ 2.244 I ca $ 6.000 $ 6.000 300 $ 1.250 10% $ 7.975 I ca $ 6.000 $ 6.000 150 $ 15 10% $ 6.617 I ca $ 1.500 $ 1.500 200 $ 20 10% $ 1.672 2 ca $ 600 $ 1,200 $ 40 10% $ I ,364 I ca $25.000 $ 25.000 $ 4.000 10% $ 31,900 I C<J $ 5.000 $ 5.000 1.000 $ 1,800 10% $ 7,480 I ca $ 900 $ 900 200 $ 20 10% $ 1,012 I C<l $ ~.000 $ 4.000 I ,000 $ 320 10% $ 4,752 $69.600 $ 69,600 $ 8,945 • $ 86.400 $ 503 562 $ 90 • 20% . $ 711 $ 550 624 $ 100 20% $ 780 $ 850 1,404 $ 250 i 20% $ 1,320 $ 1,208 14,951 $ 2,396 : 20% I $ 4,324 : $ 1,680 ' 1,410 $ 141 i 20% I $ 2,185 I $ 695 I 301 $ 30 20% $ 871 ' $ 788 $ 450 20% $ 1,486 $ 1,294 1,273 $ 227 20% ,$ 1,825 $ 1,000 1,040 $ 167 ' 20% ; $ 1,400 I $ 1.474 544 $ 54 20% i $ 1,834 I $ I 690 2,688 $ 269 1 20% i $ I, 151 I $ 342 154 $ 28 20% I $ 444 $ 450 150 $ 15 20% $ 558 $ 406 20 $ 2 20% ' $ 490 $ 416! 100 $ 10 20% ! $ 512 $ 550 50 $ 5 20% $ 666 $ 970 200 $ 20 20'Yo $ 1.188 $ 699 $ 2.260 20% $ 3,550 $ $ 14,565 $ 6.513 $ 25,294 PAGE AI POLi\RCONSULT ALASKA. INC. !TEl\ I l\IATERIAL Quantity Unit 332. RESERVOIRS, DAMS & WATER \VA YS Pipe ant.! Shipping to Dutch 60 " llcnJ 11 I Flange I· ibcrglass ( 'ouplings l·langcs. ,,: ba;;king ring Boil Sets Fusion r-.,]achinc Rental at Dutch Ttm up hill Tm1 tn :\tka Thrust Anchors Wnut.l Concrete J{cinfordng Rock ,\nchor Trestle ( ilulam. 3-l/l{x27 rrcatcJ Planks Concrete Dam DiYcrsion Concrete Bolts Timber lkmns ant.! Posts lace ( iate. Intake (late. I )rain lolts. Spikes i\ lise l\latcrial Subtotal II i27i96 1o6o n I ea 3 eu 2 eu 4 ca I ea 1-+4 bun I cu 63 lb 23 ea 170 linn 26-+o btl n I 1800 bd ft I cu I Is 13 cu yd 650 lb 9800 btl n I 080 bd li I 000 btl I ea I ea 500 ea 10oo bd n $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ LABOR EQLJIPl\JENT ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII3ILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN SIHPf•ING Cost Labor Labor Item #of SUBTOTAL ivlatcrial. Labor, CONTIN-TOTAL GENCY Per Unit 22.02 $ 2.250 $ 350 $ 600 $ 150.00 $ 3.500 $ $ $ Rate 25 25 25 25 25 60 .,-_) 25 1.00 $ 25 350 $ 25 0.65 $ 25 50.00 $ 25 17.00 $ 25 1.35 $ 25 1.000 $ 25 1.25 $ 25 350 $ 25 4.000 !lours 120 Loat.lcr -to 60 20 (J 76 Fusion 80 Truck I 00 Cat 16 -+8 g 18-t 48 10 () 480 240 350 $ 25 320 0.65 .25 $ 25 312 0.80 $ 25 113 .00 $ 25 72 2.000 $ 25 .f8 750 $ 25 72 050 $ 25 15 I .00 70.76 7 2.f98 hrs $ 65.110 nits Unit $per Unit Equipment Cost Wt 6 hrs I 111 OS 3 days 3 $ 120 $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,()()() $ $ 150 $ $ 400 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ . $ $ $ $ $ .. -~ s $ $ $ $12.370 $ 2 7,061 3,250 2,550 I ,700 750 . 4,560 2.-+50 3,700 3,500 544 1,550 241 5.750 4,090 3,814 1,250 14.250 6,350 12,550 423 20,050 3,689 2.!500 3.200 2,550 625 1.000 148,247 36,570 $ 50 $ 50 $ 120 $ 120 $ 5,000 $ $ $ $ 337 $ 4,050 $ 63 $ 600 $ 3.108 $ 6.178 $ 300 $ 12 $ $ 52,650 $ 650 $ 22.932 $ 2,527 $ 2,340 $ .000 $ 500 $ 250 $ 2.3-+0 $ $ Cost 11,828 94 281 188 20 2.400 10% 20% 20'Yo 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 60 20% 405 20% 6 20% 600 . 20% .f98 10% 1.100 I 0% 30 20% 750 20% 405 20% 5,265 ' 65 4.083 450 417 00 50 25 417 29.536 10% 20% 20% 10% 20% 20% 10% 20% 20% 20% $ 42,778 4,013 3.398 $ $ $ $ 2,265 924 $ 20,352 . $ 2,940 , $ 4.4-tO $ 4.200 $ 725 $ 2.346 $ 297 $ 7.620 $ 5,047 $ 5.-+05 $ 1.536 $ 18.000 $ 8,106 $ $ 21,378 $ $ $ 585 26,547 4.967 $ 3.860 $ 3.630 $ $ 3.120 780 $ 1.700 $205,357 PAGE ;\2 1'01:\I{CONSliiT .\L.\SK.-\. INC:. ITEI\1 1\I.\TERI\L (.luantit:-I 333. W.\ TEll WI! EELS, TlJRlliNES & GENERATORS Cross Flo11 Turbine: I c:a $ (knc:rutor I c:a $ Subtotal $ 33-t ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQllJPI\IENT ·1 ransformc:r l.oad ( io1 c:mor S11 itch ( ic:ar Station Pol\.:f F:\tra Controllc:rs llc:ad l.c:1 d Controlkr Fusc:d l.oad Brc:aJ...:c:r I c:a I ca I ea I c:a c:a c:a I ca .oad 1\ hmaL'.cmcnt 3 ..:a Subtotal 335. I\11SC POWER PLANT EQUIP!\lENT Piping Hydraulics Subtotal 357. UNDERGROUND CONDUIT Conduit Control Wire Powc:r Wire I ea I ea 1o6o n I060 n 1060 n s s ~ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Subtotal $ 358. UNDERGROUND CONDUCTORS & DEVICES Wire. #2 7875 li $ Wire. 3 pr phone t'onduit. 4" ( 'onduil. I" Splicc:s l.lhm1:-, l·ransformcr Box Subtotal I 1127 f<J6 2625 n -120 420 3 c;u 6 ..:a I ca I c:a $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ L\BOH. Cost l'c:r I .abnr l.ah;lr Rate: 25 25 90.000 $ 30.00() $ 120.000 192 hrs S 5.000 s 25 14.000 s -15 8.500 s -15 .. 50 $ 25 3.500 $ 25 5.000 9.500 3.300 56.550 $ ")-_) 243 hrs $ 2.500 $ 800 $ 3.300 0.60 $ 0.30 $ 0.60 $ 1.590 1.33 $ 0.32 $ 2.92 $ 0.3 5 $ 40.00 $ 45.00 $ 350.00 $ 25 25 81 hrs $ 25 25 25 106 hrs $ 25 25 25 25 25 25 ..,. _) lours 96 96 4.800 2-1 30 xo 24 25 (J() 8.275 65 16 2,025 35 35 35 2.650 597 46 480 20 8 16 12 300 $ 25 6 185 hrs $ 29.625 ltc:m i\TKA IIYDROELECTIUC F1 :\SIBil ITY STUDY AND I'RI:Lif'vliN.·\RY DESIGN EQlliJ'I\IENT SlllnOT.\L 1\ latc:riaL Labor nits !I nit $per Unit Equipmc:nt Cost 80 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ . $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 44 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3.520 $ 92.400 32.400 124.800 5.600 15.350 12.1 ()() 1.750 4,125 5.000 9.500 11.400 64.825 4,125 1,200 5,325 1,519 1.201 1.519 4,240 28,919 1,990 13,226 647 320 670 650 450 46.872 SJIII'I'ING Wt 3.500 $ 1.500 $ $ 3.000 $ 500 $ 750 $ $ $ $ $ 200 $ $ 3,000 $ 300 $ $ 318 $ 212 $ 212 $ $ 6.300 $ $ $ $ $ $ !59 $ $ $ Cost 350 !50 500 300 80 6-10 320 320 135 350 20 2.165 900 30 930 I 353 21 21 630 187 12 16 844 ('ONTIN-TOT\1, CENC\' 10% 10% 10% 10% 10')•(, 0% 20% 10% 10% 10% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% $102.025 $ 35,805 $137,830 $ 6.-190 $ I $ 14.01:.1 $ 2,277 $ 5,334 $ 5,649 $ 10.835 $ 12.562 $ 74.134 $ 6,030 $ I ,4 76 $ 7,506 $ 2.247 $ I ,345 $ 1.695 $ $ 32,504 $ 2,189 $ 16.096 $ 790 $ 384 $ 804 $ 799 $ 540 $ 54.106 PAGE A3 POI .\RCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ITE!\1 Sub Total .\dministrath c Fi~ld lnsp.::ction I :ngin...:.:ring TOTAL I I 27 ')() 1\L\TERJ..\L 10% 7.5% 11'!-'(, lJnit $ LABOR Cost l.ahor Labor 1'-:r llnit Rate I lours 173.780 4574 hrs $119.204 Item EQlJIPl\IENT #of ATKA IIYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELII\IINARY DESIGN SUBTOTAL MateriaL SHIPPING CONTIN-TOTAL GENCY nits Unit $per Unit Equipment Cost Wt Cost $85.490 $ 478.474 $ 49,829 $595.912 $ 59,591 $ 44,693 $ 65,550 $765,747 1':\(iE ;\4 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. Yearly Summary HYDRO Year Average City Hydro Hydro Hydro Total Hydro Diesel Fuel Diesel Flow Needs Output Debt Maintenance Cost Makeup Cost Cost cfs 1,000 kWh 1,000 kWh thousands thousands thousands kWh tli"ousands 1997 23.24 268 879 $41.6 $0.0 $41.6 133,974 $1.100 $5.5 1998 23.24 272 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.106 $2.5 1999 23.24 276 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.111 $2.5 2000 23.24 280 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.117 $2.5 2001 23.24 284 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.122 $2.5 2002 23.24 287 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.128 $2.5 2003 23.24 291 1,757 $41.6 $\0.0 $51.6 0 $1.133 $2.5 2004 23.24 295 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.139 $2.5 2005 23.24 299 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.144 $2.5 2006 23.24 303 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.150 $2.5 2007 23.24 307 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $!.155 $2.5 2008 23.24 311 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.161 $2.5 2009 23.24 315 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.166 $2.5 2010 23.24 319 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.172 $2.5 2011 23.24 323 I ,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.177 $2.5 2012 23.24 326 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.183 $2.5 2013 23.24 330 I .757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.188 $2.5 2014 23.24 334 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.194 $2.5 2015 23.24 338 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.199 $2.5 2016 23.24 342 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.205 $2.5 2017 23.24 346 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.210 $2.5 2018 23.24 350 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.216 $2.5 2019 23.24 354 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.221 $2.5 2020 23.24 358 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.227 $2.5 2021 23.24 362 1.757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.232 $2.5 2022 23.24 366 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.238 $2.5 2023 23.24 369 I ,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.243 $2.5 2024 23.24 373 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.249 $2.5 2025 23.24 377 1.757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.254 $2.5 2026 23.24 381 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.260 $2.5 2027 23.24 385 1,757 $41.6 $10.0 $51.6 0 $1.265 $2.5 -----·····-----~--------- 11/27/96 Total Diesel Total Present Excess Power Cost Cost Value Present Value thousands thousands thousands thousands $22.8 $64.5 $64.5 $193.8 $2.5 $54.2 $52.3 $188.1 $2.5 $54.2 $50.6 $182.9 $2.5 $54.2 $49.0 $178.0 $2.5 $54.2 $47.5 $173.4 $2.5 $54.2 $46.1 $169.0 $2.5 $54.2 $44.8 $164.9 $2.5 $54.2 $43.5 $161.1 $2.5 $54.2 $42.3 $157.4 $2.5 $54.2 $41.2 $154.0 $2.5 $54.2 $40.1 $150.7 $2.5 $54.2 $39.1 $147.6 $2.5 $54.2 $38.1 $144.6 $2.5 $54.2 $37.2 $141.8 $2.5 $54.2 $36.3 $139.1 $2.5 $54.2 $35.5 $136.6 $2.5 $54.2 $34.7 $134.1 $2.5 $54.2 $34.0 $131.8 $2.5 $54.2 $33.2 $129.6 $2.5 $54.2 $32.5 $127.4 $2.5 $54.2 $31.9 $125.4 $2.5 $54.2 $31.2 $123.4 $2.5 $54.2 $30.6 $121.5 $2.5 $54.2 $30.0 $1 19.7 $2.5 $54.2 $29.4 $117.9 $2.5 $54.2 $28.9 $116.3 $2.5 $54.2 $28.4 $1 14.6 $2.5 $54.2 $27.8 $113.1 $2.5 $54.2 $27.3 $I 11.6 $2.5 $54.2 $26.9 $110.1 $2.5 $54.2 $26.4 $108.7 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN NO HYDRO Diesel Diesel Total Diesel Present Usage Costs Cost Value 1.000 kWh thousands thousands thousands 268 $24.7 $59.4 $59.4 272 $24.8 $60.1 $58.1 276 $24.9 $60.9 $56.9 280 $25.0 $61.7 $55.8 284 $25.1 $62.5 $54.8 287 $25.1 $63.3 $53.8 291 $25.2 $64.1 $52.9 295 $25.3 $64.9 $52.1 299 $25.4 $65.7 $51.3 303 $25.5 $66.5 $50.5 307 $25.6 $67.3 $49.8 311 $25.7 $68.1 $49.2 315 $25.7 $68.9 $48.5 319 $25.8 $69.8 $47.9 323 $25.9 $70.6 $47.4 326 $26.0 $71.4 $46.8 330 $26.1 $72.3 $46.3 334 $26.2 $73.1 $45.8 338 $26.3 $74.0 $45.4 342 $26.4 $74.8 $44.9 346 $26.4 $75.7 $44.5 350 $26.5 $76.6 $44.1 354 $26.6 $77.4 $43.7 358 $26.7 $78.3 $43.4 362 $26.8 $79.2 $43.0 366 $26.9 $80.1 $42.7 369 $27.0 $81.0 $42.4 373 $27.0 $81.9 $42.1 377 $27.1 $82.8 $41.8 381 $27.2 $83.7 $41.5 385 $27.3 $84.6 $41.3 --- PAGE AS POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN ATKA ECONOMICS Discount Rate (%) 3.5% Power demand growth(%) 1.5% Fuel cost increase in lst X years(%) 0.5% X years 5 Fuel cost increase thereafter 0.5% Length of study (yrs) 30 Price of Fuel ($/gal) $1.10 Diesel Efficiency (kWh/gal) 8.5 Price per kWh ($/kWh) $0.129 DIESEL Plant Operator $15,000 Replacement cost $20,000 Replacement frequency (yrs) 6 Debt payment for diesel purchase $3,753 Minimum Running Power Level (kW) 10 Lube Oil Usage ($/kWh) $0.00221 Parts Usage ($/kWh) $0.02000 Diesel lube and parts cost per kwh $0.022 HYDRO Initial hydro cost (loan amount) $765,747 Hydro loan payback time (yrs) 30 Hydro loan interest rate(%) 3.5% Hydro yearly payments ($41,635) Hydro 0 & M $10,000 Diesel replacement cost when using hydro $20,000 Diesel Replacement Freq with Hydro (yrs) 18 Debt payment for diesel purchase $1,516 Diesel O&M with hydro $1.000 RESULTS Net present cost of hydro $1,161,000 Net present cost without hydro $1.489.000 Net present ,·alue of excess power $4,388.000 Total savings. present value $328.000 Benefit to Cost Ratio 1.28 I I 27 96 PAGE A6 POLARCONSULT ALt\SKA. INC. NOVFMflFR 27. 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN APPENDIX B -SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS APPENDIX 8 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. OVERVIEW ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN The Sensitivity Analysis indicates which may be the most critical factors affecting the economic viability of the hydro plant project. For this project these are: • Project construction costs • Freezer Plant Loads • Fuel Cost One factor that is variable and subject to change is the amount of water available. However, analysis shows that a reduction of water by 50% does not change the benefit- to-cost ratio. PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS The project construction cost is not likely to differ much from the estimate. If it did, its effect on the benefit-to-cost ratio is presented in the graph below. Cost Sensitivity 1.35 1.30 1.25 .S! ..... 1.20 ~ " ..... "' 1.15 0 u .B 1.10 ..... 1.: Q,j 1.05 c:: Q,j CQ 1.00 0.95 0.90 $700,000 $750,000 $800,000 $850,000 $900,000 $950,000 $1,000,000 Hydroplant Cost FREEZER PLANT LOADS Loads generated by a freezer plant will substantially increase the demand for power during the summer months. The following chart shows these loads added to Atka's demand. \IOVE\IBER 26, 1996 APPE~DIX B I POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN Atka Power Consumption with Freezer Plant 70,000 ~----- 1 DFreezer Plant--1 60•000 -DCommunity Loads 1-------l ..c ~ 50,000 = 0 ~ 40,000 ---e = "' § 30,000 u ~ 20,000 -1 0 Q., 10,000 ·-1 0 ---]- Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month The result of this increased loading is swnmarized in the Table below. Hydro Yearly Output 1,757,412 kWh Atka 's Total Needs 491,144 kWh Diesel Yearly Makeup 5,174 kWh Average Savings per Year $64,566 kWh Benefit to Cost Ratio 2.05 FUEL COST Fuel cost is highly uncertain, but it is very unlikely it will drop in the future. A substantial increase is more conceivable. The following figure shows the impact on the benefit-to-cost ratio for different fuel rate increases. N O VE M BE R 2 6 , 1996 APPENDI X 8 2 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN Fuel Increase Rate vs. B/C Ratio 1.80 1.70 1.60 .2 -1.50 ell == -"' 1.40 Q u Q 1.30 --!;: Q,j 1.20 = ~----- Q,j CQ 1.10 1.00 -------- 0.90 -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% Fuel Increase Rate NOVEMBER 26, 1996 APPENDIX 83 POLARCONSlJLT ALASKA, INC. NOVFT\IBFR 27. ]996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN APPENDIX C-PHOTO APPEND!.'\ C PHOTO#Al Expanded view at the power p lant site. Plant to be located 50 feet downstream of Victor Golodo.ff's position. Chunisax Creek, Atka, Alaska PHOTO#A2 Note the rock canyon and rap- ids below this location. Pink Salmon do not ascend this far up the creek. Silver Salmon are reported to reach this far. Large rocks and boulders cover the bottom of the creek, making for poor spawning habitat. Chunisax Creek, Atka, Alaska PHOTO#A3 View of Powerhouse site, showing Nazan Bay where barge landing of materials will take place. Chunisax Creek, Atka, A laska ©Copyright 1995, P olarconsult PHOTO#A4 Transit Point "C" just below notch on pipeline route looking downhill. Chunisax Creek, Atka, Alaska PHOTO#AS Looking uphill toward Transit Point "C" from creek bank at Transit Point "D ". Chunisax Creek, Atka, Alaska PHOTO#A6 Powerhouse site on opposite bank as seen from Transit Point "D". Freight will disembark from shore along Nazan Bay in upper portion of photo. Chunisax Creek, Atka, Alaska ©Copyright 1995, Polarconsu/t PHOTO#A7 Pipeline will parallel the creek approximately at this location. Chunisax Creek, Atka, Alaska PHOTO#A8 Falls "D" in lower right of photo. Pipeline will pass through notch in hill in upper- center of photo. Note the gully crossing that will be required. Chunisax Creek, Atka, Alaska PHOTO#A9 Looking up at Falls "D". Vic- tor is walking just above pro- posed pipeline location. Chunisax Creek, Atka, Alaska ©Copyright 1995, Polarconsult PHOTO#AlO Chunisax Creek. Proposed Di- version Structure location is in right of photo. Rocky spine and beginning of falls on the left. PHOTO#All Falls "D". Note the rocky spine on jar bank of falls. Chunisax Creek, Atka, Alaska PHOTO#Al2 Falls "D". Pipeline will trav- erse opposite bank, just above water level. Chunisax Creek, Atka, Alaska ©Copyright 1995, Polarconsult PHOTO#Al3 Mouth of storage lake looking upstream on Chunisax Creek. Victor Golodo.ff is standing at outlet. PHOTO#Al4 Looking downstream on Chuni- sax Creek toward Falls "D", 50 cfs flow. Typical diversion sec- tion. PHOTO#Al5 Looking upstream on Chunisax Creek toward gauge site and storage lake. Victor Golodo.ff near Falls "F" ©Copyright 1995, Polarconsult PHOTO#Al6 Old Town in the foreground. Trail leading over ridge to Chuniisax Creek in photo cen- ter. Old hydroplant building and pipeline on the beach in middle-right of photo, new electrical connection will be made there to village power grid. PHOTO#Al7 Old Town in foreground. New church at middle-right. Chuniisax Creek drainage on this side of high ridge. Existing power plant is behind dark tanks in photo center. Large tan structure beyond power plant is IRA building. PHOTO#Al8 Cable route along ridge at top of trail shown in Photo #A16. Old Town in photo center. ©Copyright 1995, Polarconsu/t 1 ' I ... ~ ?;)- 1 f . . ' ~ I . POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. NOVEl\IBER 27. 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASII31LITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN APPENDIX D -DRAWINGS APPE:\Dl\ D '\) 0 BERINC SEA ,o REVISICJt;S OR-: OJRI CHECI<EO; ___ E_A f SCALE: ,·.,·-o· FILE: AHFI ARCTIC OCEAN FAIRBANKS • .lttJ:...Y6e BERING SEA A L E U T A N ISLANDs A N D R E A N 0 F SLANDs PACIFIC OCEAN polarconsult alaska. inc. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • ENERGY CONSULTANTS 1503 WEST 33RD AVE, SUITE 310 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 FAX (907) 258-2419 / SHEET INDEX 1 VICINITY MAP, SHEET INDEX 2 PROJECT PLAN AND CREEK SECTION 3 PENSTOCK PROFILE AND DAM PLAN VIEW 4 DAM SECTIONS 5 DAM SECTION AND TRESTLE DETAIL 6 TRESTLE PROFILE AND DETAILS """ 7 POWERHOUSE ELEV. AND ELEC. SCHEMATICS 8 POWERHOUSE PLAN AND SECTION DRAWING VICINITY, AREA, AND PROJECT LOCATION MAPS ~ c H T y PROJECT y 0 D R 0 Atka, F A T P 0 W E Alaska K A R OF SHEET 1 4 ,0 3.o WATEK.LE.YEL , " I , -_ o~ "1!'1'~"\ t .0 0 -1 .0 -2.0 -3,0 -4,0 ·--------------~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ 44. Oc f s N ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~( 11/fS/95 );:::_ ~~--~~-~~---------~~J STREAM BED -5 0 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 0 10 14 1 6 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 CREEK SECTION AT STREAM GAUGE L A K E / REVISIONS polarconsult alaska, inc. DRAWN: OJMI r---t------j[----------------------------1 ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • ENERGY CONSULTANTS fiLE: •~1\:::t=::=J=----------================== 1503 WEST 33RD AVE. SUITE 310 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 FAX (907) 258-2419 PIPELINE ANCHORS, PIPELINE~ / / I / / / I :P I I PEL I NE ANCHORS / v ; / SEE SHEET 9 ""'""" / ;' J / I / I / // / / / DRAWING PROJECT PLAN AND CREEK SECTION E YPICAL 0 I ~<...:_./ I --1;]' / POWERHOUSE, SEE ETS 7 AND 8 /' _... -' fO ....... II.T C I H 100 T y y D ES: 1RESTLE, SEE --t.::~~="ETS 5 AND 6 70' MINIMUM RADIUS AT ALL HDPE PIPE CHANGE OF DIRECT! 1 . FOR PIPELINE PROFILE, SEE SHEET 3. LEGEND WITH IN FEET /~ ---- -----CREEK EDGE -----PENSTOCK 300 SCALE IN FEET PROJECT 0 R 0 F A T K A P 0 W E R 400 SHEET 2 Atka, Alaska or 0 PLAN AT DAM 190 180J 170 160 5oj 140 130 120 0 1ooj· 90 80 1 0 20 SCALE IN FEET l \ I I i I ~ I I ,30 I I ~NCHOR I I I I 40 -----------~ I r190 180 170 160 50 140 1..10 120 110 100 90 80 ·_:_~~~~~~~_:__:_~ __ _:__~__l70 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------60 70 1 60 0 25 50 75 100 125 I~ I 1! I w I~ fj ~ < I~ ~1; 0 z IX) olo -~z +-+ 0 0 ~ -;: <( ~ < ~ V;lo tnl~ DATEr 6/17/~Vt' I "'""~ DES IGNEO: ___ E_A DRAWN: OJR CHECKED: ____ EA SCALE : AS HOT(O FIL(: -2 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 ..175 400 425 450 475 500 525 55C 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 2 polarconsult alaska, inc. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • ENERGY CONSULTANTS PENSTOCK P_R"'"O_F -'I L;.;;;E ____ __ DRAWING DAM PLAN VIEW AND 825 850 875 900 1075 1100 1125 FOR PROFILE OF TRESTLE ACROSS CREEK, SE1. SHEET 6 ~~~ ~,~ +"' Ol"' ~I* Vlu 0 0 ~~!v! ;lw NZVU'l +I~ +1 5 0 OI -::.:::..-oc <(~<(IJJ -1"' -~~ (/')U(/)0- PROJECT CITY OF ATKA H Y D R 0 P 0 W E R 1503 WEST JJRD AVE, SUITE ..110 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 FAX (907) 258-2419 PROFILE OF PENSTOCK Atka, Alaska SHEET 3 OF GENERAL NOTES: ALL WOOD IN DAM CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE ALL WEATHER WOOD (AWW). 2. ALL FASTENERS (LAGS, SHAll BE STAINLESS STEEL 'f ..., 00 I 2 X 6 AWW TOP RAIL 2 X 6 AWW MIDDLE RAIL 2 X 6 AWW PLANKED WALKWAY 2 X 4 AWW KICK PLATE BOTH SIDES ALONG WALKWAY 1 " ""' ".o·sz ~~ CREEK FLOW • ,c:, ") .. DATE: 6{!1{9' DESICNEO: ___ EA DRAM!: QJR CHECKED: ___ EA SCALE: 1{4"•1'-o" FILE: AHI'J 2" TONGUE & GROOVE DECKING-SPIKE TO HORIZONTAL Tlf.tBERS '/..:; ") NO. DATE REV IS IONS TYPICAL DAM SECTION SCALE: 1/4"=1 '-o· polarconsult 2 X 6 AWW DIAGONAL BRACING -SPIKED IN PLACE 10" SQUARE AWW T lf.tBER POST TYP X 6" STAINLESS LAG EMBEDDED IN AWW POST AND CONCRETE STREAM BED alaska. inc. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • ENERGY CONSULTANTS 503 WEST 33RD AVE, SUITE 310 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 FAX {907) 258-2419 · ... "' ;Cl 0 I 0 CREEK FLOW • ,c:, ") PLANKING DRAWING 0 I "') DAM SECTIONS <SO la:l If. /:r( <'~ ' . '· NOTE: C8:l WALKWAY / . ~/"">-WALKWAY SUPPORTS / ~ BEYOND / ~2· PLANKING ACROSS / SPILLWAY SECTION 2" TONGUE & GROOVE PLANKING BEYOND ·,,, • r DAM CONSTRUCT I ON BEYOND '((MASTIC SEAL • · 2" PLANKING /. . .. \ STREAM BED / ·. EXIST lNG ~'«;~~%%%~~~%~~ . '7«''8< '%<'1.:71.:~7...;:(0 7«?«0.: ·d0~~~~~~/;?~~~~~> CONCRETE FOR INFG~MATION SHOWN BUT NOT NOTE~. SEE DETAIL 1 THIS SHEET. c I H T y PROJECT y 0 D R 0 Atka, F A T P 0 W E Alaska K A R Of SHEET 4 GENERAL NOTES: ALL WOOD IN DA!A CONSTRUCT ION SHALL BE ALL W£ATHER WOOD (AWN), 2. ALL tASTENERS (LAGS, BOLTS, ETC.) SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL TYPE. 2 • TONGUE & GROOVE DECKING -SPIKED TO HORIZONTAL TI~BERS AWN T I lABER POST TYPICAL TRASHRACK CREEK FLOW SLIDE GATE OPERATION WHEEL STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS TO WOOD STRUCTURE UNIVERSAL JOINT NOTE: FOR INFOR~TION SHOWN BUT NOT NOTED. SEE TYPICAL DA~ SECTION ON SHEET 2. DAM SECTION AT INTAKE SCALE: 1/4"=1 '-0" TOP RAIL PLANKED WALKWAY DAlE: ·~"~r N0. 1 DATE 1 REVISIONS 1 polarconsult alaska, inc. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • ENERGY CONSULTANTS SCALE: •t•·-··-o· (--I I ) 1503 WEST 33RO AVE. SUITE 310 PHONE (907) 258-2420 FILE: AHF4 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 tAX (907) 258-2419 DAM ,... I 1 -le "ur ,. ·....,1 PIPELINE t t 4 X 4 AWN VERTICALS AT 48• O.C. GALVANIZED WIRE 2 X AWN DECKING 2 X 4 AWN PLATE STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS .!~! ~ ~~ GCu~{~·B~A~7~ ~"if"*\ _ __,.-2 x 4 AWN DIAGONAL BRACE EACH SIDE -~ 1 AND • I i I I ! ~I ~I I STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS EPOXYED INTO GlUlA~ AND 8 X 8 TIMBER DRAWING STEEL PLATE WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS 2 X 4 AWN 0 I AGONAL BRACE STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS -TYP I CAL 8 X 8 AWN SUPPORTS EACH SIDE 2 X 6 AWN DIAGONAL CROSS BRACING EACH SIDE OF SUPPORTS FOOTING SECTION AT TRESTLE MAIN SUPPORT SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" PROJECT c F A T TRESTLE SECTIONS 1-1 T y y 0 D R 0 P 0 W E K A R Atka, Alaska SHEET 5 Of 9' -7" 14 '-·4. 24'-o" AWW VERTICALS -fYP I CAL DATE: 5/17/9!1 r NO. I DATE I REVISIONs l DESIGN[D: ___ E_AI t DRAWN: OJR CHECKED: ___ E_A SCALE: 1/&"•1 '..;J"IJ--+--f-------------------; FILE: -5 TRESTLE MAIN SUPPORT SEE DETAIL 2 ON SHEET 5 polarconsult TRESTLE INTERMEDIATE SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL 1 THIS SHEET alaska, inc. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • ENERGY CONSULTANTS 1503 WEST 33RD AVE, SUITE 310 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 FAX (907) 258-2419 I GLULAM BEAM EACH SIDE OF P I PEL I NE J5'"'0" CHUNISAX CREEK DRAWING TRESTLE PROFILE AND DETAILS 3 1/8" X 27" GLULAM BEf.t.l EACH :; IDE 4'-0" 4 X 4 AWW VERTICALS AT 48" O.C. GALVANIZED WIRE 2 X AWW DECKING 2 X 4 AWW PLATE STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS STEEL ANGLE WI 4 X 4 AWY' HORIZONTAL SUPPORTS AT 48" O.C. 2 STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS INTO GLULAM 1 S.S. LAG BOLT INTO HORIZONTAL SUPPORT c I H T y SECTION AT TRESTLE INTERMEDIATE SUPPORT SCALE: 1/4"=1 '-0" 20'-0" PROJECT y 0 D R 0 Atka, F A T P 0 W E Alaska SEE 9 K A R OF SHEET 6 ... ~l U'><O .., I <.0 ~~ J' ~ -~=~ ~ II i I ! ~~~, 0 I "" TURBIN~J 18 ·-a· 30" DIA HOPE PIPE 13'-Q" J..-FLANGED CONNECT I ON 4'-4" r 30" ~ Dl' STEEl PIPE TRANS IliON 2'-4" 5'-Q" 3'-8" ... ~~---+ +c -~ EEL COLUMNS 6" SQUAREBU~~DING CORNER AT EACH 4 5 1/8" X 18" GLULAM SEA~: BEAM TO BE LOCATED OVER CENTERLINE OF GENERATOR SHAFT (FIELD VERIFY) l=t======tt==-------- f'\ GENERATOR I FLYWHEEL (IF REQUIRED) ----~-~ 0 I "" DOUBLE I I DOOR I I SLOPE DOWN N I co I SWITCHGEAR I I ,, ~~--~-----------~J==========~==========j_ ____ j_~~=====r~~~~j 1'\ -----t~--==~~~==~~J \ 1 I "'/ I I j 24" WALL VENT • : /' I \_ i I ~ <D I .., 1~. J ~ c WITH DOWN TURNED / ' I RAMP AS RcOU I RED TO HOOD AND BIRDSCREEN~ GRADE LEVEL l~1~. L- POWERHOUSE PLAN SCALE: 1/4";1 '-0" SCREENED VENT METAL FLASHING ALL AROUND DOUBLE 2 X 6 WOOD TOP PLATES BATT INSULATION VINYL SIDING OVER 5/8" EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD ., ./ 5/8" GREENBOARD ·· ALL AROUND AIR INLET J TRANSITION !/ ROOF CAP VENT DOUBLE DOOR BEYOND / / / SWI TCHGJAR ", ,- / / / / / CORNER CASING " '\~ " '\ '\ '\ '\ DOY<NTURNED VENT HOOD 2 X 6 WOOD STUDS AT 16" O.C. 3" CONCRETE WITH 0 I "' _" _ --#3 REBAR AT 6" O.C. SLEEVE AND CAULK / ~7' " I /. EACH WAY OVER 3/4. ALL WALL PENETRATIONS__/' '\ / AWN PLYWOOD FLOORING L LAP EXTERIOR_/, PL YVtQOD AND SIDING ~;:~:-----;:;;;:;:-:;--:;:;-;;:;-=--~~:-==-.=1------r--------_j~ OVER GLULAM BEAM -y· • DRAFT TUBE // 5 1/8" X 18" GLULAM BEAM 2 X 12 WOOD JOISTS TAILRACE SEE SHEET 3 6" PILEsguARE STEEL SIMP OLUMN WITH ,/~. SON POST CAP~ , %_~ • • I I\ ~ . COO!"G_/~ "-cl u ;~ BUILDING SECTION AI TURBINE SCALE: 1/4";1'-Q" 2X6WOOD BOTTOM PLATE nxm I'DATE: 6117191. NO DATE REVISIONS I I /-0 " DESIGNED: __ EA . p0 arCOnSU t alaSka, inC. .;' DRAWING PROJECT '\ ( SHEET DRAWN: D:R ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS. ENERGY CONSULTANTS !'.7:~. POWERHOUSE PLAN c I T y 0 F A T K A ~:~~~~D: 1 ,.·.1 ·-o~ I 1503 WEST 33RD AVE, SUITE 310 PHONE (907) 258-2420 ~~· AND SECTION H y D R 0 p 0 w E R 7 FILE: AHF6 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 FAX (907) 258-2419 4 Atka, Alaska OF TO ATKA ,\ * BREAKER ---------- 2 #19 TWISTEO ~ PRESSURE SENSOR I CURRENT LOOP SYNC MODULE SYNC LIGHTS G GENERATOR 350kW COMPUTER LOAD GOVERNOR CONTROL MOOULE INTEGRATE RELAY PROTECTION) SCR SCR PQWERHOUSE CONTROLS N. T.S. Y1 I TRANSFORMER ~ 7200/12470V I"V'V'V'VV"\ 300 k VA 6 480V i 51! BREAKER OVERCURRENT VOLTAGE RESTRAINT ~ j_ 1)-,_ ~ t[----{51vH .32 t----o=n-3 t=--l REVERSE POWER 1 r 40 LOSS OF FIELD .3 _tB T I ~ GROJNO W< ~ OVERCURRENT 8 7 } INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT DIFFERENTIAL DESIGNEO: ___ f_A G GENERATOR 350kVA POWERHOUSE PROTECTIVE RELAYS N.T.S. polarconsult NEW BURIED #2 WIRE trr=J -------------·---.-------·--...----------1' 7.2/12.4kV 4 li 3C10kVA "'~ * FUSED SECTIONALIZING CAB I NET ,------., 'J I I ---~-----·- r --L--, 1 OLD TCl\\N 1 I I _ _j .\ .\ .\ '/ '/ 'j #1 _j~" #2 /_j " /.J_" #4 _j " \/ \/ \/ \ 480V ...........L.u ~ G GENERATOR 350kVA ~/120V It) -l STATION I I SERVICE I i I L_ 75kW 1 1 1 25kW I 1 75kW 1 1 • 25kW I I I I I I I I I \I\ I\ I\ I , ___ / '--/ '--/ __ .... -EXISTING DIESEL PLANT - ISLAND ELECTRICAL SCHEM~ N. T .S. -, NEW TCl\\N 1 _ _j 11111111111111111111110111111111 H.liiii,II,IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllilllllllllllllllllllt-"'" ~, TREATED, SPIKED 2X4WOOD 1-----------·----------------! l::: = ~ 0->~W~ STEEL PILING~. DRAFT TUBE ---.,1 I I l I l I I l L----.J l l TREATED STOP LOGS TAILRACE lNG alaska, inc. ,--_~ ~~--'<J' ... POWERHOUSE ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1 '-a· DRAWING PROJECT -, SCHOOL 1 ' SHEET DATE: 6/17/9~ NO. DATE REVISIONS DRAWN': OJR CHECKED: ___ E_A ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • ENERGY CONSULTANTS ...... "'ii· . .-~ t/·~-~.t.~ ....... :;~. 'ii~:··;;;,~·::.::. .. .'i~ POWERHOUSE ELEVATION AND ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICS C I H T y y D 0 F R 0 P A T 0 W E K A R 8 SCALE: 11•'=1 '--j)' fiLE: »<r7 503 WEST 33RD AVE, SUITE 310 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 FAX (907) 258-2419 "":-.. .. ,..,_, ,,.,, ~·~::::::::~:; ~~ Atka. Alaska or ~ 30" DIA PIPE GALVANIZED STEEL BAND LAG BOLTS OR SPIKES 2 X 12 AYN/ EACH SIDE OF VERTICALS 6 X 6 AYNI VERTICAL SUPPORTS 2 X 6 AYNI DIAGONAL BRACE ELEVATION ~ roono; -m GALVANIZED STEEL BAND LAG BOLTS OR SPIKES 2 X 12 AYN/ EACH SIDE OF VERTICALS r-- , :tOPE PIPE I~ \~ I + ~-PIPELINE ' ROUGHEN PIPE I~~URFACE PRIOR TO APPLYING JOINT I • WELD ALL AROUND 16 GAGE SS COUPLER FIBERGLASS COVER OVER SS COUPLER FIBERGLASS JOINT COVER I STEEL COUPLER AT HOPE BUTT JOINT l I GALVANIZED CABLE ' I [ ·-t===t---~ GALVANIZED I :,TEEL CLAMP l ANCHOR CLAMP ANCHOR 30" OIA PIPE ~ ELEVATION TYPICAL PIPELINE SUPPORT N.T.S. ~ PIPE UNIONS AND ANCHORS N.T.S. PI PEL I NE A:.....,· ..::G~R:..::AD~E~---------------------; N. T.S. ------rT========----L---- 1 I STEEL ~--->+~ ,- BAND (TYP) _/ ~ J 30" OIA POLYETHYLENE PIPE GALVANIZED CABLE (TYP) ,~~ TYPICAL PIPE ANCHORS .... rDATE: 61171~ NO. DATE REVISIONS polarCOnSUit alaska inC. ~ DRAWING PROJECT "\( SHEET 1 DESIGNEO: __ A 0 fo,"'_.•' DRAWN: DJR ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • ENERGY CONSULTANTS !.f.~ c I T y 0 F A T K A ~~~~~D: 114 •• 1 .~~ 1503 WEST 33RD AVE, SUITE 310 PHONE (907) 258-2420 ~.: PIPELINE DETAILS H y D R 0 p 0 w E R rILE: AHFS ANCHORAGE . ALASKA 99503 FAX ( 907) 258-241 9 ~· Atka ' A I ask a 9 or POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. "JOVEl\1BER ?.7, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIIliLITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN APPENDIX E -STREAM GAUGING DATA APPENDIX E POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Dai~·Flow ~ Daily Flow % ft ciS ft cfS 5/25/95 17:51:50 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 5125195 21:51 :50 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 5/26/95 1:51:50 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 5/26/95 5:51:50 6.80 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 5/26/95 9:51:50 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 5126195 13:51:50 5.80 0.67 30....12 0.67 27.76 5/26/95 17:51:50 5.97 0.69 31.31 0.69 28.57 5/26/95 21:51:50 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 5/27/95 I :51:50 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 5/27/95 5:51:50 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 5/27/95 9:51:50 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 5/27/95 13:51:50 5.88 0.68 30.8--1 0.68 28.14 5/27/95 17:51:50 7.20 0.83 37.76 0.83 34.46 5/27/95 21 :51:50 9.07 1.05 --17.56 1.05 43.41 5/28/95 I :51:50 7.33 0.85 38....14 0.85 35.08 5/28/95 5:51:50 6.53 0.75 3--1.24 0.75 31.26 5/28/95 9:51:50 6.30 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 5/28/95 13:51 :50 6.10 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 5/28/95 17:51:50 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 5/28/95 21:51 :50 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 5129195 I :51:50 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 5/29/95 5:51:50 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 5/29/95 9:51:50 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 5/29/95 13:51 :50 6.33 0.73 33.20 0.73 30.30 5/29/95 17:51 :50 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 5/29/95 21:51:50 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 5/30/95 1:51 :50 6.35 0.73 33.30 0.73 30.39 5/30/95 5:51:50 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 5/30/95 9:51:50 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 5/30/95 13:51 :50 6.65 0.77 3--1.87 0.77 31.83 5/30/95 17:51:50 6.43 0.74 ...... ..,., _,.).I_, 0.74 30.78 5/30/95 21:51 :50 6.88 0.79 36.08 0.79 32.93 5/31/95 1:51:50 6.75 0.78 35....10 0.78 32.31 5/3 1/95 5:51:50 6.65 0.77 3-1.87 0.77 31.83 5/31/95 9:51:50 6.95 0.80 36....15 0.80 33.27 5/31/95 13:51:50 6.55 0.76 34.35 0.76 31.35 5/31/95 17:51:50 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 5/31/95 21:51:50 6.43 0.74 33.72 0.74 30.78 6/1/95 1:51 :50 6.35 0.73 33.30 0.73 30.39 6/1/95 5:51:50 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 6/1195 9:51:50 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 6/1/95 13:51:50 6.18 0.71 32.-11 0.71 29.58 6/1/95 17:51 :50 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 611195 21:51:50 6.20 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 612195 1 :51:50 6.15 0.71 '.., .., .:; _, ___ ,_, 0.71 29.44 612/95 5:51:50 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 612195 9:51:50 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 612!95 13:51:50 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 6/2/95 17:51:50 6.00 0.69 31...17 0.69 28.72 NOVEMBER 26. 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tnne Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusred ~ Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 6/2/95 21 :51 :50 6.00 0.69 31.47 0.69 28.72 6/3/95 1:51:50 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 6/3/95 5:51:50 5.80 0.67 30.42 0.67 27.76 6/3/95 9:51:50 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 6/3/95 13:51:50 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 6/3/95 17:51:50 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 6/3/95 21:51:50 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 6/4/95 1:51:50 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 6/4/95 5:51:50 5.47 0.63 28.69 0.63 26.18 6/4/95 9:51:50 5.40 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 6/4/95 13:51:50 5.33 0.61 27.95 0.61 25.51 6/4/95 17:51:50 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 6/4/95 21:51:50 5.28 0.61 27.69 0.61 25.27 6/5/95 I :51:50 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 6/5/95 5:51:50 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 615195 9:51:50 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 615195 13:51:50 4.95 0.57 25.96 0.57 23.69 6/5/95 17:51:50 4.90 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 6/5/95 21:51:50 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 6/6/95 1:51:50 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 616195 5:51:50 4.83 0.56 25.33 0.56 23.12 616195 9:51:50 4.72 0.54 24.75 0.54 22.59 616195 13:51:50 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 6/6/95 17:51:50 4.60 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 6/6/95 21:51:50 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 617195 1:51:50 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 617195 5:51:50 4.60 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 617195 9:51:50 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 617195 13:51:50 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 6/7/95 17:51:50 4.40 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 617195 21:51:50 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 6/8/95 1:51:50 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.50 20.82 6/8/95 5:51:50 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 6/8/95 9:51:50 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 6/8/95 13:51:50 4.20 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 6/8/95 17:51:50 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 6/8/95 21 :51 :50 4.20 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 6/9/95 I :51:50 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 6/9/95 5:51:50 4.20 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 6/9/95 9:51:50 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 6/9/95 13:51:50 4.10 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 6/9/95 17:51 :50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.48 619195 21 :51:50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.35 6110195 I :51:50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.46 19.23 6110/95 5:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.46 19.11 6110/95 9:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.46 19.00 6/10/95 13:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.46 18.90 6110/95 17:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.45 18.80 6/10/95 21:51:50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.45 18.72 PAGE E1 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfs ft cfs 6/11/95 I :51:50 4.10 0.47 21.50 0.45 18.64 6/11/95 5:51:50 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.45 18.57 6/11/95 9:51 :50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.45 18.50 6/11/95 13:51:50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.44 18.45 6/11/95 17:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.44 18.40 6/11/95 21:51:50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.44 18.36 6/12/95 I :51:50 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 6/12/95 5:51:50 4.20 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 6/12/95 9:51:50 4.20 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 6/12/95 13:51:50 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 6/12/95 17:51:50 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 6/12/95 21:51:50 6.00 0.69 31.47 0.69 28.72 6/13/95 I :51:50 7.95 0.92 41.69 0.92 38.05 6/13/95 5:51:50 9.70 1.12 50.87 1.12 46.43 6/13/95 9:51:50 7.60 0.88 39.86 0.88 36.38 6/13/95 13:51:50 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 6/13/95 17:51:50 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 6/13/95 21:51:50 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 6/14/95 I :51:50 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 6/14/95 5:51:50 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 6/14/95 9:51:50 4.90 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 6/14/95 13:51:50 4.83 0.56 25.33 0.56 23.12 6/14/95 17:51:50 4.75 0.55 24.91 0.55 22.74 6/14/95 21 :51 :50 4.70 0.54 24.65 0.54 22.50 6/15/95 1:51 :50 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 6/15/95 5:51:50 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 6/15/95 9:51:50 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 6/15/95 13:51:50 4.50 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 6115/95 17:51:50 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 6/15/95 21:51:50 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 6/16/95 I :51:50 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 6/16/95 5:51:50 4.50 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 6/16/95 9:51:50 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 6116/9513:51:50 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 6116/95 17:51:50 4.43 0.51 ')'' 7'' _.) __ .) 0.51 21.20 6/16/95 21:51:50 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.50 20.82 6/17/95 I :51:50 4.30 0.50 22.55 0.50 20.58 6/17/95 5:51:50 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 6/17/95 9:51:50 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 6/17/9513:51:50 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 6/17/9517:51:50 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 6117/95 21:51:50 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 6118/95 I :51:50 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 6118/95 5:51:50 4.10 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 6/18/95 9:51:50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.48 6118/95 13:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.34 6/18/95 17:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.46 19.21 6/18/95 21:51:50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.46 19.07 6/19/95 I :51:50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.46 18.94 NOVEMBER 26. 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tune Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfs ft clS 61\9195 5:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.45 18.81 6/19/95 9:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.45 18.68 6/19/95 13:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.45 18.55 6/19/95 17:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.44 18.43 6/19/95 21:51 :50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.44 18.31 6/20/95 I :51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.44 18.18 6/20/95 5:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.44 18.06 6/20/95 9:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.43 17.95 6/20/95 13:51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.43 17.83 6/20/95 17:51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.43 17.72 6/20/95 21:51 :50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.42 17.60 6/21/95 I :51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.42 17.49 6/21/95 5:51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.42 17.38 6/21/95 9:51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.42 17.28 6/21/95 13:51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.41 17.17 6/21/95 17:51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.41 17.06 6/21/95 21:51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.41 16.96 6/22/95 I :51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.41 16.86 6/22/95 5:51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.40 16.76 6/22/95 9:51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.40 16.66 6/22/9513:51:50 4.00 0.46 20.98 0.40 16.56 6/22/95 17:51:50 4.00 0.46 20.98 0.40 16.47 6/22/95 21:51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.39 16.37 6/23/95 I :51:50 4.00 0.46 20.98 0.39 16.28 6/23/95 5:51:50 4.00 0.46 20.98 0.39 16.19 6/23/95 9:51:50 4.00 0.46 20.98 0.39 16.10 6/23/95 13:51 :50 4.00 0.46 20.98 0.39 16.01 6/23/95 17:51 :50 4.00 0.46 20.98 0.38 15.92 6/23/95 21 :51:50 4.00 0.46 20.98 0.38 15.84 6/24/95 1:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.38 15.75 6/24/95 5:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.38 15.67 6/24/95 9:51:50 4.00 0.46 20.98 0.38 15.59 6/24/95 13:51 :50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.37 15.51 6/24/95 17:51 :50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.37 15.43 6/24/95 21 :51 :50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.37 15.35 6/25/95 I :51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.37 15.27 6/25/95 5:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.37 15.19 6/25/95 9:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.36 15.12 6/25/95 13:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.36 15.04 6/25/95 17:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.36 14.97 6/25/95 21 :51 :50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.36 14.90 6/26/95 I :51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.36 14.83 6/26/95 5:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.36 14.76 6/26/95 9:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.35 14.69 6/26/95 13:51 :50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.35 14.62 6/26/95 17:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.35 14.55 6/26/95 21:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.35 14.49 6/27/95 I :51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.35 14.42 6/27/95 5:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.35 14.36 PAGE E2 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Trrne Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted IXpth Daily Flow IXpth Daily Flow % ft cJS ft c1S 6/27/95 9:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.34 14.30 6/27/95 13:51 :50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.34 14.23 6/27/95 17:51 :50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.34 14.17 6/27/95 21 :51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.34 14.11 6/28/95 I :51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.34 14.05 6/28/95 5:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.34 13.99 6/28/95 9:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.34 13.94 6/28/95 13:51 :50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.33 13.88 6/28/95 17:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.33 13.82 6/28/95 21:51 :50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.33 13.77 6/29/95 I :51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.33 13.71 6/29/95 5:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.33 13.66 6/29/95 9:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.33 13.61 6/29/95 13:51 :50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.33 13.56 6/29/95 17:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.33 13.51 6/29/95 21:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.32 13.45 6/30/95 I :51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.32 13.41 6/30/95 5:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.32 13.36 6/30/95 9:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.32 13.31 6/30/95 13:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.32 13.26 6/30/95 17:51 :50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.32 13.21 6/30/95 21:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.32 13.17 711/95 I :51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.32 13.12 7 I I /95 5:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.32 13.08 7/1/95 9:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.31 13.03 7/1/95 13:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.31 12.99 7/1/95 17:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.31 12.95 7/1/95 21:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.31 12.91 7/2/95 I :51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.31 12.86 7/2/95 5:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.31 12.82 7/2/95 9:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.31 12.78 7/2/9513:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.31 12.74 7/2/95 17:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.31 12.70 7/2/95 21:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.31 12.67 7/3/95 I :51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.30 12.63 7/3/95 5:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.30 12.59 7/3/95 9:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.30 12.55 7/3/95 13:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.30 12.52 7/3/95 17:51:50 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.30 12.48 7/3/95 21:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.30 12.45 7/4/95 I :51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.30 12.41 7/4/95 5:51:50 3.92 0.45 20.56 0.30 12.38 7/4/95 9:5 I :50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.30 12.34 7/4/9513:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.30 12.31 714195 17:5 I :50 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 7/4/95 21:51:50 7.72 0.89 40.48 0.89 36.95 715195 I :51:50 13.73 1.58 72.00 1.58 65.72 7/5/95 5:51:50 10.32 1.19 54.12 1.19 49.40 7/5/95 9:51:50 7.68 0.89 40.28 0.89 36.76 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED OAT A Date TIITie Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow IXpth Daily Flow % ft c1S ft cJS 7/5/95 13:51:50 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 7/5/95 17:51:50 5.00 0.58 26.22 0.58 23.93 7/5/95 21:51:50 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 7/6/95 I :51:50 4.40 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 7/6/95 5:51:50 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 7/6/95 9:51:50 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 7/6/95 13:51:50 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 7/6/95 17:51:50 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 7/6/95 21:51:50 4.40 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 7/7/95 1:51:50 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 7/7/95 5:51:50 4.90 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 7/7/95 9:51:50 5.30 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 7/7/95 13:51:50 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 7/7/95 17:51:50 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 7/7/95 21:51:50 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 7/8/95 I :51:50 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 7/8/95 5:51:50 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 7/8/95 9:51:50 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 7/8/95 13:51:50 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 7/8/95 17:51:50 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 7/8/95 21:51:50 4.95 0.57 25.96 0.57 23.69 7/9/95 1:51:50 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 7/9/95 5:51:50 5.15 0.59 27.01 0.59 24.65 7/9/95 9:51:50 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 7/9/95 13:51:50 4.95 0.57 25.96 0.57 23.69 7/9/95 17:51:50 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 7/9/95 21:51:50 4.85 0.56 25.43 0.56 23.21 7 /I 0/95 1:51:50 4.83 0.56 25.33 0.56 23.12 7 /I 0/95 5:51:50 4.80 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 7 /I 0/95 9:51:50 4.85 0.56 25.43 0.56 23.21 7/10/95 13:51:50 4.95 0.57 25.96 0.57 23.69 7/10/95 17:51:50 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 7/10/95 21:51:50 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 7/11/95 I :51:50 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 7111/95 5:51:50 4.78 0.55 25.07 0.55 22.88 7/11/95 9:51:50 4.70 0.54 24.65 0.54 22.50 7/11/95 13:51:50 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 7/11/95 17:51:50 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 7/11195 21:51:50 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 7/12/95 1:51:50 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 7/12/95 5:51:50 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 7/12/95 9:51:50 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 7/12/95 13:51:50 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 7/12/95 17:51:50 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 7112/95 21:51:50 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 7/13/95 I :51:50 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 7/13/95 5:51:50 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 7113/95 9:51:50 4.43 0.51 23.23 0.51 21.20 7/13/95 13:51:50 4.40 0.5 I 23.07 0.51 21.06 PAGE E3 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tnne Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 7/13/95 17:51:50 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 7/13/95 21:51:50 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 7/14/95 I :51:50 4.30 0.50 22.55 0.50 20.58 7114/95 5:51:50 4.30 0.50 22.55 0.50 20.58 7/14/95 9:51:50 4.30 0.50 22.55 0.50 20.58 7/14/95 13:51:50 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 7/14/95 17:51:50 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 7/14/95 21:51:50 4.20 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 7/15/95 I :51:50 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 7/15/95 5:51:50 4.20 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 7/15/95 9:51:50 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 7/15/95 13:51:50 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 7/15/95 17:51:50 4.20 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 7/15/95 21:51:50 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 7/16/95 I :51:50 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 7/16/95 5:51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.46 19.29 7/16/95 9:51:50 4.00 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 7/16/9513:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.46 18.91 7/16/95 17:51:50 3.92 0.45 20.56 0.45 18.77 7/16/95 21:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.64 7/17/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.50 7117/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.44 18.37 7/17/95 9:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.44 18.24 7/17/95 13:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.44 18.11 7/17/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.43 17.98 7/17/95 21:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.43 17.85 7/18/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.43 17.72 7/18/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.42 17.60 7/18/95 9:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.42 17.47 7/18/95 13:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.42 17.34 7/18/9517:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.42 17.22 7/18/95 21:51:50 3.90 0.45 20.45 0.41 17.10 7/19/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.4I I6.97 7/19/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.41 16.85 7119/95 9:5 I:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.40 16.73 7/19/95 I3:5I:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.40 I6.61 7/19/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.40 I6.49 7119/95 21:51 :50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.39 16.37 7/20/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.39 16.25 7/20/95 5:5 I :50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.39 16.14 7/20/95 9:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.39 16.02 7/20/95 13:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.38 15.90 7/20/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.38 15.79 7/20/95 21:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.38 15.68 7/21/95 1:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.38 15.56 7/21/95 5:51:50 3.90 0.45 20.45 0.37 15.45 7/21/95 9:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.37 15.34 7/21/95 13:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.37 15.23 7/21/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.36 15.12 NOVEMBER 26. 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tnne Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 7/21/95 21:51:50 3.90 0.45 20.45 0.36 15.01 7/22/95 I :51:50 3.90 0.45 20.45 0.36 14.90 7/22/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.36 14.80 7/22/95 9:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.35 14.69 7/22/95 13:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.35 14.59 7/22/95 17:51:50 3.90 0.45 20.45 0.35 14.48 7/22/95 21:51:50 3.90 0.45 20.45 0.35 14.38 7/23/95 I :51:50 3.90 0.45 20.45 0.34 14.28 7/23/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.34 14.17 7/23/95 9:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.34 14.07 7/23/95 13:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.34 13.97 7/23/95 17:51 :50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.33 13.87 7/23/95 21:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.33 13.78 7/24/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.33 13.68 7/24/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.33 13.58 7/24/95 9:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.33 13.49 7/24/95 13:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.32 13.39 7/24/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.32 13.30 7/24/95 21:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.32 13.20 7/25/95 1:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.32 13.11 7/25/95 5:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.31 13.02 7/25/95 9:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.31 12.93 7/25/95 13:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.31 12.84 7/25/95 17:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.31 12.75 7/25/95 21 :51 :50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.31 12.66 7/26/95 I :51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.30 12.57 7/26/95 5:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.30 12.49 7/26/95 9:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.30 12.40 7/26/95 I3:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.30 12.32 7/26/95 17:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.29 12.23 7/26/95 21:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.29 12.15 7/27/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.29 12.07 7/27/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.29 11.99 7/27/95 9:51:50 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.29 11.90 7/27/95 13:51:50 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.29 11.83 7/27/95 17:51:50 3.90 0.45 20.45 0.28 11.75 7/27/95 21 :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.28 11.67 7/28/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.28 11.59 7/28/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.28 11.51 7/28/95 9:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.28 11.44 7/28/95 13:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.27 11.36 7/28/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.27 11.29 7/28/95 21:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.27 11.22 7/29/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.27 11.15 7/29/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.27 11.07 7/29/95 9:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.27 11.00 7/29/95 13:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.26 10.93 7/29/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.26 10.87 7/29/95 21 :51 :50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.26 10.80 PAGE E4 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tnne Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 7/30/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.26 10.73 7/30/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.26 10.66 7/30/95 9:51:50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.26 10.60 7/30/95 13:51 :50 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.25 10.53 7/30/95 17:51 :50 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.25 10.47 7/30/95 21 :51 :50 3.90 0.45 20.45 0.25 10.41 7/31/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.25 10.35 7/31/95 5:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.25 10.28 7/31/95 9:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.25 10.22 7/31/9513:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.25 10.16 7/31/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.24 10.11 7/31/95 21:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.24 10.05 811/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.24 9.99 811/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.24 9.94 8/ I /95 9:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.24 9.88 811 /9 5 13:5 I :50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.24 9.83 811/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.24 9.77 811/95 21:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.23 9.72 8/2/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.23 9.67 8/2/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.23 9.62 8/2/95 9:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.23 9.57 8/2/95 13:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.23 9.52 8/2/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.23 9.47 8/2/95 21:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.23 9.42 8/3/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.23 9.37 8/3/95 5:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.22 9.33 8/3/95 9:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.22 9.28 8/3/95 13:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.22 9.24 8/3/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.22 9.20 8/3/95 21 :51 :50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.22 9.15 8/4/95 1:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.22 9.11 8/4/95 5:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.22 9.07 8/4/95 9:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.22 9.03 8/4/95 13:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.22 8.99 8/4/95 17:51 :50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.22 8.95 8/4/95 21 :51 :50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.21 8.92 8/5/95 I :51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.21 8.88 8/5/95 5:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.21 8.84 8/5/95 9:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.21 8.81 8/5/95 13:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.21 8.78 8/5/95 17:51 :50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.21 8.74 8/5/95 21 :51 :50 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 8/6/95 I :51:50 11.30 1.30 59.26 1.30 54.09 8/6/95 5:51:50 8.18 0.94 42.90 0.94 39.15 8/6/95 9:51:50 5.90 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 8/6/95 13:51:50 4.95 0.57 25.96 0.57 23.69 8/6/95 17:51:50 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 8/6/95 21 :51 :50 4.30 0.50 22.55 0.50 20.58 817/95 I :51:50 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tnne Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 817/95 5:51:50 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.39 817/95 9:51:50 4.00 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 817/95 13:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.46 18.91 817/95 17:51:50 3.92 0.45 20.56 0.45 18.76 817/95 21 :51:50 3.92 0.45 20.56 0.45 18.76 8/8/95 I :51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 8/8/95 5:51:50 4.60 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 8/8/95 9:51:50 14.20 1.64 74.47 1.64 67.97 8/8/95 13:51:50 7.90 0.91 41.43 0.91 37.81 8/8/95 17:51:50 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 8/8/95 21 :51:50 5.38 0.62 28.21 0.62 25.75 8/9/95 I :51:50 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 8/9/95 5:51:50 5.15 0.59 27.01 0.59 24.65 8/9/95 9:51:50 5.08 0.59 26.64 0.59 24.32 8/9/95 13:51:50 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 8/9/95 17:51 :50 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 8/9/95 21 :51 :50 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 8/10/95 I :51:50 4.95 0.57 25.96 0.57 23.69 8/10/95 5:51:50 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 8110/95 9:51:50 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 8110/95 13:51:50 16.63 1.92 87.21 1.92 79.60 8/10/95 17:51:50 11.63 1.34 60.99 1.34 55.67 8110/95 21:51 :50 7.75 0.89 40.64 0.89 37.09 8/11195 1:51:50 7.20 0.83 37.76 0.83 34.46 8111195 5:51:50 7.20 0.83 37.76 0.83 34.46 8/11/95 9:51:50 7.25 0.84 38.02 0.84 34.70 8/11/95 13:51:50 7.00 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 8/11195 17:51 :50 6.72 0.78 35.24 0.78 32.16 8/11195 21 :51:50 6.55 0.76 34.35 0.76 31.35 8/12/95 I :51:50 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 8/12/95 5:51:50 6.40 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 8112/95 9:51:50 6.30 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 8/12/95 13:51:50 6.20 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 8/12/95 17:51:50 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 8/12/95 21:51:50 5.95 0.69 31.20 0.69 28.48 8/13/95 I :51:50 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 8/13/95 5:51:50 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 8/13/95 9:51:50 5.80 0.67 30.42 0.67 27.76 8/13/95 13:51:50 5.75 0.66 30.15 0.66 27.52 8/13/95 17:51:50 5.70 0.66 29.89 0.66 27.28 8/13/95 21:51:50 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 8/14/95 1:51:50 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 8/14/95 5:51:50 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 8/14/95 9:51:50 6.10 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 8/14/95 13:51:50 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 8/14/95 17:51:50 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 8/14/95 21:51:50 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 8/15/95 I :51:50 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 8/15/95 5:51:50 5.47 0.63 28.69 0.63 26.18 PAGE E5 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusred Adjusred ~ Daily Row IJe!jh Daily Row % ft ciS ft ciS 8/15/95 9:51:50 5.40 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 8/15/95 13:51:50 5.35 0.62 28.06 0.62 25.61 8/15/95 17:51:50 5.30 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 8/15/95 21 :51 :50 5.20 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 8/16/95 I :51:50 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 8/16/95 5:51:50 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 8/16/95 9:51:50 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 8/16/95 13:51 :50 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 8/16/95 17:51 :50 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 8/16/95 21 :51 :50 4.80 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 8117/95 1:51:50 4.78 0.55 25.07 0.55 22.88 8/17/95 5:51:50 4.72 0.54 24.75 0.54 22.59 8/17/95 9:51:50 4.70 0.54 24.65 0.54 22.50 8/17/95 13:51:50 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 8/17/95 17:51:50 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 8/17/95 21:51:50 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 8/18/95 1:51:50 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 8/18/95 5:51:50 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 8/18/95 9:51:50 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 8/18/95 13:51:50 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 8/18/95 17:51:50 4.50 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 8/18/95 21:51:50 4.43 0.51 ?"' ?"' --'·--' 0.51 21.20 8/19/95 I :51:50 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 8/19/95 5:51:50 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 8/19/95 9:51:50 4.30 0.50 22.55 0.50 20.58 8/19/95 13:51:50 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 8/19/95 17:51:50 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 8/19/95 21 :51 :50 4.20 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 8/20/95 I :51:50 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 8/20/95 5:51:50 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 8/20/95 9:51:50 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 8/20/95 13:51:50 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 8/20/95 17:51 :50 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.53 8/20/95 21 :51:50 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.46 19.29 8/21/95 I :51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.46 18.91 8/21/95 5:51:50 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.46 18.91 8/21/95 9:51:50 3.90 0.45 20.45 0.45 18.67 8/21/95 13:51:50 3.90 0.45 20.45 0.45 18.67 8/21/95 17:51:50 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 8/21/95 21:51:50 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 8/22/95 I :51:50 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 8/22/95 5:51:50 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 8/22/95 9:51:50 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 8/22/95 13:51:50 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 8/22/95 17:51:50 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 8/22/95 21 :51 :50 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 8/23/95 1:51 :50 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 8/23/95 5:51:50 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 8/23/95 9:51:50 4.20 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Acljusted ~ Daily Row De¢1 Daily Row % ft cfS ft cfS 8/23/95 13:51:50 8.45 0.97 44.31 0.97 40.45 8/23/95 17:51 :50 8.18 0.94 42.90 0.94 39.15 8/23/95 21:51:50 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 8/24/95 1:51:50 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 8/24/95 5:51:50 5.35 0.62 28.06 0.62 25.61 8/24/95 9:51:50 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 8/24/95 13:51:50 4.90 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 8/24/95 17:51 :50 4.80 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 8/24/95 21:51:50 4.72 0.54 24.75 0.54 22.59 8/25/95 I :51:50 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 8/25/95 5:51:50 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 8/25/95 9:51:50 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 8/25/95 13:51 :50 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 8/25/95 17:51:50 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 8/25/95 21 :51 :50 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 8/26/95 1:51 :50 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 8/26/95 5:51:50 10.03 1.16 52.60 1.16 48.01 8/26/95 9:51:50 11.60 1.34 60.83 1.34 55.52 8/26/95 13:51 :50 8.75 1.0 I 45.89 1.0 I 41.88 8/26/95 17:51:50 7.05 0.81 36.97 0.81 33.74 8/26/95 21 :51 :50 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 8/27/95 I :51:50 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 8/27/95 5:51:50 6.20 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 8/27/95 9:51:50 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 8/27/95 13:51:50 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 8/27/95 17:51:50 5.95 0.69 31.20 0.69 28.48 8/27/95 21:51:50 5.90 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 8128/95 1:51:50 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 8/28/95 5:51:50 8.50 0.98 44.58 0.98 40.68 8/28/95 9:51:50 15.80 1.82 82.86 1.82 75.63 8/28/95 13:51:50 11.38 1.31 59.68 1.31 54.47 8/28/95 17:51 :50 9.05 1.04 47.46 1.04 43.32 8/28/95 21 :51 :50 8.00 0.92 41.95 0.92 38.29 8129195 I :51:50 7.53 0.87 39.49 0.87 36.04 8/29/95 5:51:50 7.28 0.84 38.18 0.84 34.85 8/29/95 9:51:50 7.22 0.83 37.86 0.83 34.56 8/29/95 13:51:50 7.45 0.86 39.07 0.86 35.66 8/29/95 17:51:50 7.38 0.85 38.70 0.85 35.32 8/29/95 21:51:50 7.05 0.81 36.97 0.81 33.74 8/30/95 I :51:50 6.93 0.80 36.34 0.80 33.17 8/30/95 5:51:50 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 8/30/95 9:51:50 6.75 0.78 35.40 0.78 32.31 8/30/95 13:51:50 8.03 0.93 42.11 0.93 38.44 8/30/95 17:51:50 18.08 2.09 94.81 2.09 86.54 8/30/95 21:51 :50 11.45 1.32 60.05 1.32 54.80 8/31/95 1:51:50 9.10 1.05 47.72 1.05 43.56 8/31/95 5:51:50 8.60 0.99 45.10 0.99 41.16 8/31/95 9:51:50 8.43 0.97 44.21 0.97 40.35 8/31/95 13:51 :50 8.30 0.96 43.53 0.96 39.73 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Dare Trrne Avg Actual Actual Adjustro Adjustro Depth DailyF1ow Depth DailyF1ow % ft ciS ft ciS 8/31195 17:51:50 8.20 0.95 43.00 0.95 39.25 8/31/95 21:51:50 8.10 0.93 42.48 0.93 38.77 9/1/95 1:51:50 7.90 0.91 41.43 0.91 37.81 9/1/95 5:51:50 7.78 0.90 40.80 0.90 37.24 9/1/95 9:51:50 7.65 0.88 40.12 0.88 36.62 9/1/95 13:51:50 7.68 0.89 40.28 0.89 36.76 911/95 17:51:50 9.40 1.08 49.30 1.08 44.99 911195 21:51:50 14.07 1.62 73.79 1.62 67.35 912195 1:51:50 9.70 1.12 50.87 1.12 46.43 9/2/95 5:51:50 8.57 0.99 44.94 0.99 41.02 912195 9:51:50 8.25 0.95 43.26 0.95 39.49 9/2/95 13:51:50 8.10 0.93 42.48 0.93 38.77 9/2/95 17:51:50 7.95 0.92 41.69 0.92 38.05 9/2/95 21 :51 :50 7.85 0.91 41.17 0.91 37.57 9/3/95 1:51:50 7.78 0.90 40.80 0.90 37.24 9/3/95 5:51:50 7.65 0.88 40.12 0.88 36.62 9/3/95 9:51:50 7.53 0.87 39.49 0.87 36.04 9/3/95 13:51:50 7.43 0.86 38.96 0.86 35.56 9/3/95 17:51:50 7.30 0.84 38.28 0.84 34.94 913195 21:51:50 7.18 0.83 37.65 0.83 34.37 9/4/95 1:51:50 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 9/4/95 5:51:50 6.93 0.80 36.34 0.80 33.17 9/4/95 9:51:50 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 9/4/95 13:51:50 6.65 0.77 34.87 0.77 31.83 914195 17:51 :50 6.55 0.76 34.35 0.76 31.35 9/4/95 21 :51 :50 6.40 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 9/5/95 1:51:50 6.30 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 9/5/95 5:51:50 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 9/5/95 9:51:50 6.18 0.71 32.41 0.71 29.58 915!95 13:51:50 6.10 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 9/5/95 17:51 :50 6.00 0.69 31.47 0.69 28.72 9/5/95 21:51 :50 5.90 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 9/6/95 I :51:50 5.85 0.67 30.68 0.67 28.00 9/6/95 5:51:50 5.80 0.67 30.42 0.67 27.76 9/6195 9:51:50 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 9/6/95 13:51:50 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 9/6/95 17:51 :50 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 9/6/95 21:51 :50 5.47 0.63 28.69 0.63 26.18 9/7/95 1:51:50 5.40 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 9/7/95 5:51:50 5.35 0.62 28.06 0.62 25.61 9/7f95 9:51:50 5.30 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 917/95 13:51:50 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 917195 17:51 :50 5.20 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 9!7195 21 :51 :50 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 9/8/95 I :51:50 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 9/8/95 5:51:50 8.23 0.95 43.16 0.95 39.39 9/8/95 9:51:50 9.48 1.09 49.71 1.09 45.38 9/8/95 13:51:50 7.68 0.89 40.28 0.89 36.76 9/8/95 17:51 :50 7.65 0.88 40.12 0.88 36.62 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Dale Tone Avg Actual Actual Adjustro Adju.<m:! Depth DailyF1ow Depth DailyF1ow % ft ciS ft ciS 9/8/95 21 :51 :50 7.30 0.84 38.28 0.84 34.94 9/9/95 1:51:50 7.18 0.83 37.65 0.83 34.37 9/9/95 5:51:50 6.75 0.78 35.40 0.78 32.31 9/9/95 9:51:50 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 9/9/95 13:51:50 6.58 0.76 34.51 0.76 31.49 9/9/95 17:51:50 7.00 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 9/9/95 21 :51:50 6.78 0.78 35.56 0.78 32.45 9/10/95 1:51:50 6.72 0.78 35.24 0.78 32.16 9/10/95 5:51:50 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 9/10/95 9:51:50 6.43 0.74 33.72 0.74 30.78 9/10/95 13:51:50 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 9/10/95 17:51:50 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 9/10/95 21:51:50 6.72 0.78 35.24 0.78 32.16 9/11/95 1:51:50 6.60 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 9/11195 5:51:50 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 9/11/95 9:51:50 6.40 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 9/ll/95 13:51:50 6.33 0.73 33.20 0.73 30.30 9/11/95 17:51 :50 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 9/11/95 21:51:50 6.18 0.71 32.41 0.71 29.58 9/12/95 1:51:50 6.18 0.71 32.41 0.71 29.58 9/12/95 5:51:50 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 9/12/95 9:51:50 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 9/12/95 13:51:50 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 9/12/95 17:51:50 6.00 0.69 31.47 0.69 28.72 9/12/95 21:51:50 6.08 0.70 31.88 0.70 29.10 9/13/95 1:51:50 6.43 0.74 33.72 0.74 30.78 9/13/95 5:51:50 14.28 1.65 74.89 1.65 68.35 9/13/95 9:51:50 21.90 2.53 114.85 2.53 104.82 9/13/95 13:51:50 20.10 2.32 105.41 2.32 96.21 9113/95 17:51 :50 12.23 1.41 64.14 1.41 58.54 9/13/95 21:51:50 10.23 1.18 53.65 1.18 48.97 9/14/95 1:51:50 9.82 1.13 51.50 1.13 47.00 9/14/95 5:51:50 9.60 !.II 50.34 1.11 45.95 9/14/95 9:51:50 9.53 1.10 49.98 1 10 45.61 9/14/95 13:51:50 9.65 !.II 50.61 1.11 46.19 9114/95 17:51:50 9.45 1.09 49.56 1.09 45.23 9/14/95 21:51:50 8.88 1.02 46.57 1.02 42.50 9/15/95 1:51:50 8.60 0.99 45.10 0.99 41.16 9/15/95 5:51:50 8.43 0.97 44.21 0.97 40.35 9/15/95 9:51:50 8.20 0.95 43.00 0.95 39.25 9115/95 13:51:50 8.03 0.93 42.11 0.93 38.44 9115/95 17:51:50 7.83 0.90 41.06 0.90 37.48 9/15/95 21 :51:50 7.65 0.88 40.12 0.88 36.62 9/16/95 1:51:50 7.50 0.87 39.33 0.87 35.90 9/16/95 5:51:50 7.40 0.85 38.81 0.85 35.42 9/16/95 9:51:50 7.35 0.85 38.54 0.85 35.18 9/16/95 13:51:50 7.45 0.86 39.07 0.86 35.66 9/16/95 17:51:50 7.20 0.83 37.76 0.83 34.46 9/16/95 21:51:50 7.00 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 PAGE E7 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adju<;tai Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % fi ciS ft ciS 9117/95 I :51:50 6.90 0.80 36.18 0.80 33.03 9/17/95 5:51:50 6.88 0.79 36.08 0.79 32.93 9/17/95 9:51:50 6.80 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 9/17/95 13:51:50 6.80 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 9/17/95 17:51:50 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 9/17/95 21:51:50 6.53 0.75 34.24 0.75 31.26 9/18/95 I :51:50 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 9118/95 5:51:50 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 9/18/95 9:51:50 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 9/18/95 13:51:50 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 9/18/95 17:51:50 6.30 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 9/18/95 21 :51 :50 15.13 1.75 79.34 1.75 72.42 9119/95 I :51:50 16.75 1.93 87.84 1.93 80.17 9/19/95 5:51:50 19.65 2.27 103.05 2.27 94.05 9/19/95 9:51:50 19.52 2.25 102.37 2.25 93.43 9/19/95 13:51:50 15.63 1.80 81.97 1.80 74.81 9/19/95 17:51:50 11.98 1.38 62.83 1.38 57.34 9/19/95 21:51 :50 11.20 1.29 58.73 1.29 53.61 9/20/95 I :51:50 10.78 1.24 56.53 1.24 51.60 9/20/95 5:51:50 10.40 1.20 54.54 1.20 49.78 9/20/95 9:51:50 10.05 1.16 52.70 1.16 48.10 9/20/95 13:51:50 9.70 1.12 50.87 1.12 46.43 9/20/95 17:51:50 9.40 1.08 49.30 1.08 44.99 9/20/95 21 :51:50 9.15 1.06 47.98 1.06 43.80 9/21/95 I :51:50 8.93 1.03 46.83 1.03 42.74 9/21/95 5:51:50 9.07 1.05 47.56 1.05 43.41 9/21/95 9:51:50 8.85 1.02 46.41 1.02 42.36 9/21/95 13:51:50 8.75 1.0 I 45.89 1.0 I 41.88 9/21/95 17:51 :50 9.73 1.12 51.03 1.12 46.57 9/21/95 21:51:50 8.82 1.02 46.25 1.02 42.22 9/22/95 I :51:50 8.50 0.98 44.58 0.98 40.68 9/22/95 5:51:50 8.68 1.00 45.52 1.00 41.55 9/22/95 9:51:50 8.18 0.94 42.90 0.94 39.15 9/22/95 I 3:51 :50 7.93 0.91 41.59 0.91 37.96 9/22/95 17:51:50 7.78 0.90 40.80 0.90 37.24 9/22/95 21 :51 :50 7.63 0.88 40.01 0.88 36.52 9/23/95 1:51:50 7.47 0.86 39.17 0.86 35.75 9/23/95 5:51:50 7.38 0.85 38.70 0.85 35.32 9/23/95 9:51:50 7.28 0.84 38.18 0.84 34.85 9/23/95 13:51 :50 7.18 0.83 37.65 0.83 34.37 9/23/95 17:51 :50 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 9/23/95 21 :51 :50 6.97 0.80 36.55 0.80 33.36 9/24/95 I :51:50 6.88 0.79 36.08 0.79 32.93 9/24/95 5:51:50 6.85 0.79 35.92 0.79 32.79 9/24/95 9:51:50 6.78 0.78 35.56 0.78 32.45 9/24/95 13:51:50 6.63 0.76 34.77 0.76 31.73 9/24/95 17:51:50 6.58 0.76 34.51 0.76 31.49 9/24/95 21 :51:50 6.40 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 9/25/95 I :51:50 6.30 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 NOVEMBER 26. 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tune Avg Actual Actual Adju<;tai Acljusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % fi ciS fi ciS 9/25/95 5:51:50 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 9/25/95 9:51:50 6.18 0.71 32.41 0.71 29.58 9/25/95 13:51:50 6.10 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 9/25/95 17:51:50 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 9/25/95 21 :51:50 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 9/26/95 I :51:50 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 9/26/95 5:51:50 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 9/26/95 9:51:50 6.30 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 9/26/95 13:51 :50 9.40 1.08 49.30 1.08 44.99 9/26/95 17:51:50 12.43 1.43 65.19 1.43 59.50 9/26/95 21 :51 :50 7.45 0.86 39.07 0.86 35.66 9/27/95 1:51:50 6.65 0.77 34.87 0.77 31.83 9/27/95 5:51:50 6.30 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 9/27/95 9:51:50 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 9/27/95 13:51 :50 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 9/27/95 17:51:50 6.00 0.69 31.47 0.69 28.72 9/27/95 21 :51 :50 6.10 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 9/28/95 1:51:50 6.20 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 9/28/95 5:51:50 6.10 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 9/28/95 9:51:50 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 9/28/95 13:51:50 5.97 0.69 31.31 0.69 28.57 9/28/95 17:51:50 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 9/28/95 21 :51:50 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 9/29/95 I :51:50 6.30 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 9/29/95 5:51:50 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 9/29/95 9:51:50 6.58 0.76 34.51 0.76 31.49 9/29/95 13:51 :50 6.40 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 9/29/95 17:51:50 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 9/29/95 21 :51 :50 6.20 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 9/30/95 1:51:50 6.58 0.76 34.51 0.76 31.49 9/30/95 5:51:50 6.65 0.77 34.87 0.77 31.83 9/30/95 9:51:50 6.33 0.73 33.20 0.73 30.30 9/30/95 13:51:50 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 9/30/95 17:51:50 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 9/30195 21:51:50 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 10/1/95 I :51:50 6.00 0.69 J 1.47 0.69 28.72 I 0/1/95 5:51:50 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 I 0/1/95 9:51:50 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 I 0/1/95 13:51:50 5.97 0.69 31.31 0.69 28.57 1011/95 17:51:50 5.90 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 I 0/1/95 21:51 :50 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 10/2/95 I :51:50 5.85 0.67 30.68 0.67 28.00 10/2/95 5:51:50 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 10/2/95 9:51:50 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 I 0/2/95 13:51 :50 5.70 0.66 29.89 0.66 27.28 I 0/2/95 17:51:50 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 I 0/2/95 21 :51:50 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 10/3/95 I :51:50 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 10/3/95 5:51:50 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date TIITle Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 10/3/95 9:51:50 5.50 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 10/3/95 13:51:50 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 l 0/3/95 17:51 :50 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 I 0/3/95 21:51 :50 5.35 0.62 28.06 0.62 25.61 10/4/95 l :51:50 5.38 0.62 28.21 0.62 25.75 10/4/95 5:51:50 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 10/4/95 9:51:50 6.75 0.78 35.40 0.78 32.31 10/4/95 13:51:50 9.48 1.09 49.71 1.09 45.38 10/4/95 17:51:50 11.57 1.33 60.68 1.33 55.38 10/4/95 21:51 :50 8.10 0.93 42.48 0.93 38.77 10/5/95 1:51:50 7.85 0.91 41.17 0.91 37.57 I 0/5/95 5:51:50 10.88 1.26 57.06 1.26 52.08 l 0/5/95 9:51:50 8.07 0.93 42.32 0.93 38.63 I 0/5/95 13:51 :50 7.18 0.83 37.65 0.83 34.37 l 0/5/95 17:51 :50 7.05 0.81 36.97 0.81 33.74 I 0/5/95 21:51 :50 6.85 0.79 35.92 0.79 32.79 10/6/95 I :51:50 6.90 0.80 36.18 0.80 33.03 10/6/95 5:51:50 6.85 0.79 35.9.2 0.79 32.79 10/6/95 9:51:50 6.75 0.78 35.-W 0.78 32.31 10/6/95 13:51:50 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 1016/95 17:51:50 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 10/6/95 21:51:50 8.03 0.93 42.11 0.93 38.44 \017/95 I :51:50 21.43 2.47 112.38 2.47 102.57 1017/95 5:51:50 12.93 1.49 67.81 1.49 61.89 1017/95 9:51:50 12.03 1.39 63.09 !.39 57.58 1017195 13:51:50 10.80 1.25 56.64 1.25 51.69 1017/95 17:51:50 9.70 1.12 50.87 1.12 46.43 10/7195 21:51:50 9.55 1.10 50.08 1.10 45.71 I 0/8/95 I :51:50 9.65 1.11 50.61 1.1 I 46.19 I 0/8/95 5:51:50 10.32 1.19 54.12 1.19 49.40 10/8/95 9:51:50 9.82 1.13 suo 1.13 47.00 I 0/8/95 13:51:50 9.80 1.13 51.39 1.13 46.91 10/8/95 17:51:50 9.50 1.10 49.82 1.10 45.47 I 0/8/95 21:51 :50 9.05 1.04 47.46 1.04 43.32 10/9/95 l :51:50 8.85 1.02 46.41 1.02 42.36 l 0/9/95 5:51:50 8.65 1.00 45.36 1.00 41.40 10/9/95 9:51:50 8.50 0.98 44.58 0.98 40.68 10/9/95 13:51:50 8.32 0.96 43.63 0.96 39.82 10/9/95 17:51:50 8.35 0.96 43.-9 0.96 39.97 l 0/9/95 21:51 :50 8.15 0.94 42.-4 0.94 39.01 10/10/95 1:51:50 8.00 0.92 41.95 0.92 38.29 I 0/10/95 5:51:50 7.90 0.91 41.43 0.91 37.81 10/10/95 9:51:50 7.78 0.90 40.80 0.90 37.24 [0110195 13:51:50 7.65 0.88 40.12 0.88 36.62 10/10195 17:51:50 7.55 0.87 39.59 0.87 36.14 10/10/95 21:51:50 7.40 0.85 38.81 0.85 35.42 10/11/95 1:51:50 7.28 0.84 38.18 0.84 34.85 I Oil 1/95 5:51:50 7.13 0.82 37.39 0.82 34.13 10/ll/95 9:51:50 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date TIITle Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth DailyF1ow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 10111/9513:51:50 6.93 0.80 36.34 0.80 33.17 10/11/95 17:51:50 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 10/11/95 21:51:50 6.70 0.77 35.14 0.77 32.07 I 0/12/95 1:51:50 6.75 0.78 35.40 0.78 32.31 10/12/95 5:51:50 6.63 0.76 34.77 0.76 31.73 10/12/95 9:51:50 6.50 0.75 34.09 0.75 31.11 I 0/12/95 13:51:50 6.53 0.75 34.24 0.75 31.26 10/12/95 17:51:50 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 10/12/95 21:51:50 6.50 0.75 34.09 0.75 31.11 10/13/95 1:51:50 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 I 0/13/95 5:51:50 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 10/13/95 9:51:50 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 10/13/95 13:51:50 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 I 0/13/95 17:51 :50 5.97 0.69 31.31 0.69 28.57 I 0/13/95 21 :51 :50 5.90 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 10/14/95 1:51:50 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 10/14/95 5:51:50 5.90 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 I 0/14/95 9:51:50 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 10/14/95 13:51:50 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 10114/95 17:51:50 5.55 0.64 29. II 0.64 26.56 10/14/95 21:51:50 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 I 0/15/95 I :51:50 5.50 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 10/15/95 5:51:50 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 I 0!15/95 9:51:50 5.40 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 10/15/95 13:51:50 5.35 0.62 28.06 0.62 25.61 10/15/95 17:51:50 5.28 0.61 27.69 0.61 25.27 10/15/95 21:51:50 5.20 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 10/16/95 I :51:50 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 I 0/16/95 5:51:50 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 10/16/95 9:51:50 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 10/16/95 13:51:50 7.15 0.82 37.50 0.82 34.22 I 0/16/95 17:51:50 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 10i!6/95 21:51:50 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 10/17/95 I :51:50 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 10/17/95 5:51:50 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 10/17/95 9:51:50 5.40 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 10117195 13:51:50 5.85 0.67 30.68 0.67 28.00 10/17/95 17:51:50 6.85 0.79 35.92 0.79 32.79 10117/95 21:51:50 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 I 0/18/95 I :51:50 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 I 0/18/95 5:51:50 5.50 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 I 0/18/95 9:51:50 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 10/18/95 13:51:50 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 10/18/95 17:51 :50 5.38 0.62 28.21 0.62 25.75 10/18/95 21:51:50 5.28 0.61 27.69 0.61 25.27 10/19/95 1:51:50 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 I 0/19/95 5:51:50 5.30 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 10/19/95 9:51:50 5.38 0.62 28.21 0.62 25.75 10/19/95 13:51:50 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 PAGE E9 POLAR CONSULT ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tune Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted De¢1 D:UlyFlow De¢1 D:UlyFlow % ft ctS ft ctS 10/19/95 17:51:50 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 10/19/95 21:51:50 5.15 0.59 27.01 0.59 24.65 10/20/95 1:51:50 5.33 0.61 27.95 0.61 25.51 10/20/95 5:51:50 5.28 0.61 27.69 0.61 25.27 10/20/95 9:51:50 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 10/20/95 13:51 :50 5.40 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 10/20/95 17:51:50 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 I 0/20/95 21:51:50 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 10/21195 1:51:50 5.08 0.59 26.64 0.59 24.32 I 0/21/95 5:51:50 5.10 0.59 26.75 0.59 24.41 10/21/95 9:51:50 5.15 0.59 27.01 0.59 24.65 10/21/95 13:51:50 5.08 0.59 26.64 0.59 24.32 10/21/95 17:51:50 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 10/21/95 21:51:50 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 10/22/95 1:51:50 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 10/22/95 5:51:50 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 10/22/95 9:51:50 5.20 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 10/22/95 13:51:50 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 10/22/95 17:51:50 13.00 1.50 68.17 1.50 62.22 10/22/95 21:51 :50 11.35 1.31 59.52 1.31 54.33 10/23/95 I :51:50 7.18 0.83 37.65 0.83 34.37 I 0/23/95 5:51:50 6.60 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 I 0/23/95 9:51:50 6.43 0.74 33 .7.2 0.74 30.78 10/23/95 13:51:50 6.90 0.80 36.18 0.80 33.03 10/23/95 17:51:50 9.93 1.15 52.07 1.15 47.53 10/23/95 21:51:50 7.47 0.86 39.17 0.86 35.75 10/24/95 1:51:50 6.90 0.80 36.18 0.80 33.03 10/24/95 5:51:50 6.78 0.78 35.56 0.78 32.45 10/24/95 9:51:50 6.80 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 10/24/95 13:51:50 6.85 0.79 35.92 0.79 32.79 10/24/95 17:51:50 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 10/24/95 21:51:50 6.58 0.76 34.51 0.76 31.49 I 0/25/95 I :51:50 6.50 0.75 34.09 0.75 31.11 10/25/95 5:51:50 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 10/25/95 9:51:50 6.40 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 I 0/25/95 13 :51 :50 6.35 0.73 33.30 0.73 30.39 10/25/95 17:51:50 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 I 0/25/95 21 :51:50 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 10/26/95 I :51:50 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 I 0/26/95 5:51:50 6.20 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 10/26/95 9:51:50 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 10/26/95 13:51:50 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 I 0/26/95 I 7:51:50 6.18 0.71 32.41 0.71 29.58 I 0126195 2 I :51 :50 6.33 0.73 33.20 0.73 30.30 I 0/27195 I :51:50 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 10/27/95 5:5 I:50 I 1.32 1.31 59.36 1.31 54.18 10/27/95 9:51:50 9.25 1.07 48.51 1.07 44.27 10/27/95 13:51:50 8.00 0.92 41.95 0.92 38.29 10/2719517:51:50 7.18 0.83 37.65 0.83 34.37 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tune Avg Actual Actual Aqjusted Adjusted De¢1 D:UlyFlow De¢1 D:UlyFlow % ft ctS ft ctS 10/27/95 21:51:50 7.30 0.84 38.28 0.84 34.94 I 0/28/95 1:51:50 8.45 0.97 44.31 0.97 40.45 I 0/28/95 5:51:50 7.00 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 10/28/95 9:51:50 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 I0/28/95 13:51:50 6.65 0.77 34.87 0.77 31.83 10/28/95 17:51:50 7.50 0.87 39.33 0.87 35.90 10/28/95 2 I :51:50 26.75 3.09 140.28 3.09 128.04 10/29/95 1:51:50 20.52 2.37 107.61 2.37 98.22 10/29/95 5:51:50 17.35 2.00 90.99 2.00 83.04 I0/29/95 9:51:50 13.55 1.56 71.06 1.56 64.86 10/29/95 13:51 :50 12.07 1.39 63.30 1.39 57.77 10/29/95 I 7:51:50 11.55 1.33 60.57 1.33 55.28 I 0/29/95 21:51:50 I I.25 1.30 59.00 1.30 53.85 10/30/95 I :51:50 10.95 1.26 57.42 1.26 52.41 10/30/95 5:51:50 10.60 1.22 55.59 1.22 50.74 10/30/95 9:51:50 10.28 1.19 53.91 1.19 49.20 1 0/30/95 13:51 :50 9.93 1.15 52.07 1.15 47.53 10/30/95 17:51:50 9.75 1.12 51.13 1.12 46.67 10/30/95 21:51:50 9.60 1.11 50.34 !.II 45.95 I0/31/95 I :51:50 9.23 1.06 48.40 1.06 44.18 10/31/95 5:51:50 8.90 1.03 46.67 1.03 42.60 I 0/31/95 9:51:50 8.68 1.00 45.52 1.00 41.55 10/31/95 13:51:50 8.48 0.98 44.47 0.98 40.59 I0/31195 17:51:50 8.32 0.96 43.63 0.96 39.82 10/31/95 21:51:50 8.23 0.95 43.16 0.95 39.39 1111/95 1:51:50 8.03 0.93 42.1 I 0.93 38.44 II /1195 5:51:50 7.83 0.90 41.06 0.90 37.48 I I /li95 9:51:50 7.68 0.89 40.28 0.89 36.76 1]/1/95 13:51:50 7.63 0.88 40.01 0.88 36.52 11/1/95 17:51:50 7.78 0.90 40.80 0.90 37.24 llil/95 21:51:50 8.13 0.94 42.64 0.94 38.91 11/2/95 I :51:50 7.83 0.90 41.06 0.90 37.48 11/2/95 5:51:50 7.47 0.86 39.17 0.86 35.75 11/2/95 9:51:50 7.25 0.84 38.02 0.84 34.70 1112/95 13:51 :50 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 11/2/95 17:51:50 7.08 o:s2 37.13 0.82 33.89 11/2/95 21:51:50 7.15 0.82 37.50 0.82 34.22 II /3/95 1:51:50 6.90 0.80 36.18 0.80 33.03 11/3/95 5:51:50 6.72 0.78 35.24 0.78 32.16 11/3/95 9:51:50 6.70 0.77 35.14 0.77 32.07 11/3/95 13:51:50 6.80 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 11/3/95 17:51 :50 7.33 0.85 38.44 0.85 35.08 11/3/95 21:51:50 7.55 0.87 39.59 0.87 36.14 ll/4195 1:51:50 9.25 1.07 48.51 1.07 44.27 11!4/95 5:51:50 9.57 1.10 50.19 1.10 45.81 1114/95 9:51:50 8.63 1.00 45.26 1.00 41.31 11/4/95 13:51:50 7.78 0.90 40.80 0.90 37.24 11/4/95 17:51:50 7.33 0.85 38.44 0.85 35.08 11/4/95 21:51:50 7.13 0.82 37.39 0.82 34.13 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA [}ate Trne Avg Actual Actual Adjuslal Adjuslal Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 11/5/95 I :51:50 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 11/5/95 5:51:50 6.95 0.80 36.45 0.80 33.27 11/5/95 9:51:50 6.93 0.80 36.34 0.80 33.17 1l/5/95 13:51:50 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 11/5/95 17:51:50 13.05 1.51 68.44 1.51 62.46 1115195 2 I :51:50 20.00 2.31 104.88 2.31 95.73 11/6/95 1:51:50 18.50 2.13 97.02 2.13 88.55 I 1/6/95 5:51:50 20.73 2.39 108.71 2.39 99.22 11/6/95 9:51:50 14.63 1.69 76.72 1.69 70.03 11/6/95 13:51:50 12.93 1.49 67.81 1.49 61.89 11/6/95 17:51:50 12.32 1.42 64.61 1.42 58.97 I I/6/95 21:51:50 11.85 1.37 62.14 1.37 56.72 1117/95 I:5I:50 11.38 1.31 59.68 1.31 54.47 I 117/95 5:51:50 10.93 1.26 57.32 1.26 52.32 1117/95 9:51:50 10.53 1.21 55.22 1.21 50.40 1117/95 13:51:50 10.18 1.17 53.39 1.17 48.73 11/7/95 I 7:51 :50 9.80 1.13 51.39 1.13 46.91 1117/95 21:51:50 9.48 1.09 49.71 1.09 45.38 II /8/95 1:51:50 9.20 1.06 48.25 1.06 44.04 11/8/95 5:51:50 8.93 1.03 46.83 1.03 42.74 11/8/95 9:51:50 8.68 1.00 45.52 1.00 41.55 1118/95 13:51:50 8.45 0.97 44.31 0.97 40.45 11/8/95 17:51 :50 8.23 0.95 43.16 0.95 39.39 I I /8/95 21:51 :50 8.03 0.93 42.11 0.93 38.44 11/9/95 1:51:50 7.85 0.91 41.17 0.91 37.57 11/9/95 5:51:50 7.70 0.89 40.38 0.89 36.86 11/9/95 9:51:50 7.60 0.88 39.86 0.88 36.38 11/9/95 13:51:50 7.43 0.86 38.96 0.86 35.56 II /9/95 17:51 :50 7.28 0.84 38.18 0.84 34.85 11/9/95 21:51:50 7.13 0.82 37.39 0.82 34.13 11110/95 1:51:50 7.00 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 11110/95 5:5 I :50 6.88 0.79 36.08 0.79 32.93 11/10/95 9:51:50 6.75 0.78 35.40 0.78 32.31 11110/95 13:51:50 6.65 0.77 34.87 0.77 31.83 11/10/95 17:51:50 6.60 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 11/10/95 21:51:50 6.50 0.75 34.09 0.75 31.11 11/11/95 I :51:50 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 11/11/95 5:51:50 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 11111/95 9:51:50 6.20 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 11/11/95 13:51:50 6.15 0.71 ,') .., .:; -'-·--0.71 29.44 11/11/95 17:51:50 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 II I 11/95 21 :51 :50 5.97 0.69 31.31 0.69 28.57 11112/95 1:51:50 5.90 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 11!12/95 5:51 :50 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 11112/95 9:51:50 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 11/12/95 13:51:50 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 11/12/95 17:51:50 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 11112/95 21:51:50 6.35 0.73 33.30 0.73 30.39 11/13/95 1:51:50 12.32 1.42 64.61 1.42 58.97 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA [}ate Trne Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 11/I 3/95 5:51:50 9.78 1.13 51.29 l.l3 46.81 11113/95 9:51:50 10.48 1.21 54.96 l.2I 50.16 1 I/I3/95 13:51:50 I2.03 1.39 63.09 1.39 57.58 11/13/95 17:51:50 12.18 1.41 63.87 1.41 58.30 11/13/95 21:51:50 14.07 1.62 73.79 1.62 67.35 11/14/95 1:51:50 16.18 1.87 84.85 1.87 77.44 11114/95 5:5I:50 14.00 1.62 73.42 1.62 67.01 11114/95 9:51:50 13.23 1.53 69.38 1.53 63.32 11114/95 13:51:50 1 I .68 1.35 6I.25 1.35 55.9I I 1/14/95 17:51:50 10.63 1.23 55.75 1.23 50.88 I I/14/95 21:51:50 9.98 I.I5 52.34 1.15 47.77 11/15/95 1:51:50 9.50 I.IO 49.82 I.IO 45.47 11/15/95 5:51:50 9.20 1.06 48.25 1.06 44.04 11115/95 9:51:50 8.98 1.04 47.09 1.04 42.98 1 I/I5/95 I3:51 :50 8.75 1.0 I 45.89 1.0 I 41.88 11/15/95 17:5I:50 8.68 1.00 45.52 1.00 41.55 11/15/95 21:51:50 8.55 0.99 44.84 0.99 40.92 11/16/95 I :51:50 8.40 0.97 44.05 0.97 40.2I I III 6/95 5:51:50 8.15 0.94 42.74 0.94 39.01 I 1/16/95 9:5I :50 7.97 0.92 41.80 0.92 38.15 I I/I6/95 13:51:50 7.88 0.91 41.32 0.91 37.72 11/16/95 17:5I:50 7.85 0.9I 41.17 0.91 37.57 I 1116/95 2I:51:50 7.83 0.90 41.06 0.90 37.48 I 1/17/95 1:5 I :50 7.68 0.89 40.28 0.89 36.76 11/17/95 5:51:50 7.50 0.87 39.33 0.87 35.90 I 1/17/95 9:51:50 7.35 0.85 38.54 0.85 35. I8 I l!I7/95 13:51:50 7.20 0.83 37.76 0.83 34.46 I 1/17/95 17:5I:50 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 I I/17/95 2I:51:50 6.95 0.80 36.45 0.80 33.27 I 1/18/95 I :5 I :50 6.78 0.78 35.56 0.78 32.45 I 1118/95 5:5 I :50 6.58 0.76 34.5 I 0.76 31.49 II /I 8/95 9:5 I :50 6.60 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 I 1/18/95 13:51:50 7.40 0.85 38.81 0.85 35.42 11118/95 I 7:5 I :50 18.70 2.16 98.07 2.16 89.51 11118/95 21:51:50 23.85 2.75 125.07 2.75 114.16 I 1/19/95 1:51:50 18.52 2.14 97.12 2.14 88.64 I 1119/95 5:51:50 12.93 1.49 67.81 1.49 61.89 I 1/19/95 9:5 I :50 10.68 1.23 56.01 1.23 51.12 11/19/95 I3:5I:50 9.70 1.12 50.87 1.12 46.43 I 1119/95 I 7:5 I :50 9.40 1.08 49.30 1.08 44.99 I 1/19/95 21:51:50 9.13 1.05 47.88 1.05 43.70 11/20/95 I :5 I :50 9.00 1.04 47.20 1.04 43.08 I 1/20/95 5:51:50 8.82 1.02 46.25 1.02 42.22 I 1/20/95 9:51:50 8.55 0.99 44.84 0.99 40.92 11120/95 13:51:50 9.53 1.10 49.98 1.10 45.61 I 1/20/95 17:51:50 17.52 2.02 91.88 2.02 83.86 I 1/20/95 2 I :51 :50 I3.32 1.54 69.85 1.54 63.76 1 1121/95 1:5I :50 11.13 1.28 58.37 1.28 53.27 I 1/21/95 5:51:50 12.45 1.44 65.29 I .44 59.59 PAGE E11 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tnne Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted D;.pth Daily Flow D;.pth Daily Flow % ft ciS ft cfS 1112 l/95 9:51:50 11.48 1.32 60.20 1.32 54.95 11121/95 13:51:50 11.15 1.29 58.47 1.29 53.37 11/21/95 17:51:50 10.40 1.20 54.54 1.20 49.78 ll/21/95 21:51:50 10.00 1.15 52.44 1.15 47.86 II /22/95 I :51:50 9.65 1.11 50.61 1.11 46.19 11/22/95 5:51:50 9.48 1.09 49.71 1.09 45.38 I 1122/95 9:51:50 9.28 1.07 48.67 1.07 44.42 11/22/95 13:51:50 9.10 1.05 47.72 1.05 43.56 11/22/95 17:51 :50 8.88 1.02 46.57 1.02 42.50 11/22/95 21:51:50 8.68 1.00 45.52 1.00 41.55 11/23/95 1:51:50 8.43 0.97 44.21 0.97 40.35 11/23/95 5:51:50 8.20 0.95 43.00 0.95 39.25 11/23/95 9:51:50 8.05 0.93 42.22 0.93 38.53 11/23/95 13:51:50 7.93 0.91 41.59 0.91 37.96 II /23/95 17:51 :50 7.83 0.90 41.06 0.90 37.48 I 1123/95 21 :51 :50 7.70 0.89 40.38 0.89 36.86 11124/95 I :51:50 7.50 0.87 39.33 0.87 35.90 11/24/95 5:51:50 7.33 0.85 38.44 0.85 35.08 11/24/95 9:51:50 7.20 0.83 37.76 0.83 34.46 II /24/95 13:51:50 7.05 0.81 36.97 0.81 33.74 11124/95 17:51:50 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 II /24/95 21 :51 :50 6.93 0.80 36.34 0.80 33.17 11/25/95 I :51:50 6.78 0.78 35.56 0.78 32.45 11/25/95 5:51:50 6.65 0.77 34.87 0.77 31.83 II /25/95 9:51:50 6.53 0.75 34.24 0.75 31.26 11/25/95 13:51:50 6.43 0.74 33.72 0.74 30.78 11/25/95 17:51:50 6.43 0.74 33.72 0.74 30.78 11/25/95 21:51:50 6.30 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 11/26/95 I :51:50 6.20 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 11/26/95 5:51:50 6.10 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 11/26/95 9:51:50 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 11/26/95 13:51:48 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 11/26/95 17:51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 I 1/26/95 21:51:48 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 11/27/95 I :51:48 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 11/27/95 5:51:48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 11127/95 9:51:48 5.6 0.65 29.37 0.65 26.80 11127/95 13:51:48 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 11/27/95 17:51:48 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 11/27/95 21:51:48 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 11128/95 I :51:48 5.35 0.62 28.06 0.62 25.61 11128/95 5:51:48 5.28 0.61 27.69 0.61 25.27 I 1128/95 9:51:48 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 11128195 13:51:48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 11!28/95 17:51:48 5.1 0.59 26.75 0.59 24.41 11/28/95 21:51 :48 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 11/29/95 1:51:48 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 11/29/95 5:51:48 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 11/29/95 9:51:48 4.83 0.56 25.33 0.56 23.12 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tnne Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted D;.pth Daily Flow D;.pth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 11/29/95 13:51:48 4.85 0.56 25.43 0.56 23.21 11129/95 17:51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 11/29/95 21:51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 11/30/95 I :51:48 4.83 0.56 25.33 0.56 23.12 11130/95 5:51:48 4.75 0.55 24.91 0.55 22.74 11/30/95 9:51:48 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 11/30/95 13:51 :48 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 II /30/95 17:51:48 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 11/30/95 21:51:48 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 12/1/95 1:51:48 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 12/1/95 5:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 12/l/95 9:51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 12/1195 13:51:48 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 12/1/95 17:51:48 4.4 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 12/J/95 21:51:48 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 12/2/95 I :51:48 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 12/2/95 5:51:48 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 12/2/95 9:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 12/2/95 13:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 12/2/95 17:51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 12/2/95 21:51:48 4.2 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 12/3/95 I :51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 12/3/95 5:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 12/3/95 9:51:48 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 12/3/95 13:51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 12/3/95 17:51:48 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.53 12/3/95 21:51:48 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.39 12/4/95 1:51:48 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.46 19.05 12/4/95 5:51:48 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.46 18.91 12/4/95 9:51:48 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.39 12/4/95 13:51:48 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.39 12/4/95 17:51:48 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.46 19.29 12/4/95 21:51:48 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.53 12/5/95 1:51:48 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.46 19.29 12/5/95 5:51:48 4 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 12/5/95 9:51:48 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.39 12/5/95 13:51:48 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.39 12/5/95 17:51:48 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.39 12/5/95 21:51:48 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.46 18.91 12/6/95 1:51:48 3.92 0.45 20.56 0.45 18.76 12/6/95 5:51:48 4 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 12/6/95 9:51:48 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 12/6/95 13:51:48 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 12/6/95 17:51:48 5.4 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 12/6/95 21 :51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 1217/95 I :51:48 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 12!7/95 5:51:48 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 1217/95 9:51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 1217/95 13:51:48 7.53 0.87 39.49 0.87 36.04 E12 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tnne Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted De¢1 Daily Flow De¢1 Daily Flow % ft ciS ft ciS 1217/95 17:51:48 6.08 0.70 31.88 0.70 29.10 1217/95 21:51:48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 12/8/95 1:51:48 5.95 0.69 31.20 0.69 28.48 12/8/95 5:51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 12/8/95 9:51:48 5.35 0.62 28.06 0.62 25.61 12/8/95 13:51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 12/8/95 17:51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 12/8/95 21:51:48 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 12/9/95 1:51:48 6.65 0.77 34.87 0.77 31.83 12/9/95 5:51:48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 12/9/95 9:51:48 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 12/9/95 13:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 12/9/95 17:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 12/9/95 21:51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 12110/95 I :51:48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 12/10/95 5:51:48 5.5 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 12110/95 9:51:48 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 12110/95 13:51:48 5.4 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 12/10/95 17:51:48 5.35 0.62 28.06 0.62 25.61 12/10/95 21:51:48 5.3 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 12111/95 1:51:48 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 12/11/95 5:51:48 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 12/11/95 9:51:48 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 12/11/95 13:51:48 5.15 0.59 27.01 0.59 24.65 12/11/95 17:51:48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 12/11/95 21:51:48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 12112/95 1:5 I :48 5.08 0.59 26.64 0.59 24.32 12112/95 5:51:48 5.08 0.59 26.64 0.59 24.32 12/12/95 9:51:48 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 12/12/95 13:51:48 5.08 0.59 26.64 0.59 24.32 12/12/95 17:51:48 5.2 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 12/12/95 21:51:48 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 12/13/95 I :51:48 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 12/13/95 5:51:48 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 12/13/95 9:51:48 4.95 0.57 25.96 0.57 23.69 12/13/95 13:51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 12/13/95 17:51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 12113/95 21 :51 :48 4.83 0.56 25.33 0.56 23.12 12/14/95 I :51:48 4.8 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 12114/95 5:51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 12114195 9:51:48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 12/14/95 13:51:48 12.45 1.44 65.29 1.44 59.59 12/14/95 17:51:48 11.28 1.30 59.15 1.30 53.99 12/14/95 21:51:48 9.05 1.04 47.46 1.04 43.32 12115195 1:51:48 7.85 0.91 41.17 0.91 37.57 12/15/95 5:51:48 7 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 12115/95 9:51:48 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 12/15/95 13:51:48 6.88 0.79 36.08 0.79 32.93 12115195 17:51:48 7.22 0.83 37.86 0.83 34.56 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tnne Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Aqjusted De¢1 Daily Flow De¢1 Daily Flow % ft ciS ft ciS 12/15/95 21:51:48 7.13 0.82 37.39 0.82 34.13 12/16/95 1:51:48 6.97 0.80 36.55 0.80 33.36 12/16/95 5:51:48 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 12/16/95 9:51:48 6.8 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 12/16/95 13:51:48 6.5 0.75 34.09 0.75 31.11 12/16/95 17:51:48 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 12/16/95 21:51:48 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 12/17/95 1:51:48 6.53 0.75 34.24 0.75 31.26 12117/95 5:51:48 6.3 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 12/17/95 9:51:48 6.18 0.71 32.41 0.71 29.58 12/17/95 13:51:48 6.08 0.70 31.88 0.70 29.10 12/17/95 17:51:48 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 12/17/95 21:51:48 6 0.69 31.47 0.69 28.72 12/18/95 1:51:48 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 12/18/95 5:51:48 5.9 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 12/18/95 9:51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 12/18/95 13:51:48 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 12/18/95 17:51:48 5.7 0.66 29.89 0.66 27.28 12/18/95 21:51:48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 12/19/95 I :51:48 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 12/19/95 5:5 I :48 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 12/19/95 9:51:48 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 12/19/95 13:51:48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 12/19/95 17:51:48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 12/19/95 21:51:48 5.5 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 12/20/95 I :51:48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 12/20/95 5:51:48 5.38 0.62 28.21 0.62 25.75 12/20/95 9:51:48 5.2 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 12/20/95 13:51:48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 12/20/95 17:51:48 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 12/20/95 21 :51 :48 5.2 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 12/21/95 1:51:48 5.08 0.59 26.64 0.59 24.32 12/21/95 5:51:48 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 12/21/95 9:51:48 4.9 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 12/21/95 13:51:48 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 12/21/95 17:51:48 4.9 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 12/21/95 21:51:48 4.9 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 12/22/95 I :51:48 4.83 0.56 25.33 0.56 23.12 12/22/95 5:51:48 4.8 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 12/22/95 9:51:48 4.72 0.54 24.75 0.54 22.59 12/22/95 13:51:48 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 12/22/95 17:51:48 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 12/22/95 2 I :51:48 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 12/23/95 1:51:48 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 12/23/95 5:51:48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 12/23/95 9:51:48 4.6 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 12/23/95 13:51:48 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 12/23/95 17:51 :48 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 12/23/95 21:51 :48 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 PAGE E13 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tnne Avg Actual Actual Adju~ Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cts ft ciS 12/24/95 I :51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 I 2/24/95 5:51:48 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 12/24/95 9:51:48 4.4 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 12/24/95 I3:51:48 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.50 20.82 12/24/95 I7:51:48 4.3 0.50 22.55 0.50 20.58 12/24/95 21:51:48 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 12/25/95 1:51:48 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 12/25/95 5:51:48 4.38 0.5 I 22.97 0.5 I 20.96 12/25/95 9:51:48 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 12/25/95 13:51:48 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.50 20.82 12/25/95 17:51:48 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 12/25/95 21:51:48 4.6 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 12/26/95 I :51:48 4.4 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 12/26/95 5:5 I :48 4.33 0.50 22.7I 0.50 20.73 12/26/95 9:51:48 4.3 0.50 77 --__ ,)) 0.50 20.58 12/26/95 13:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 I2/26/95 17:5I:48 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 I2/26/95 2 I :5 I :48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 12/27/95 I :51:48 4.78 0.55 25.07 0.55 22.88 12/27/95 5:51:48 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 12/27/95 9:51:48 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 12/27/95 13:51:48 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 12/27/95 17:51:48 5.1 0.59 26.75 0.59 24.41 12/27/95 21:51:48 5.15 0.59 27.01 0.59 24.65 12/28/95 I :51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 12/28/95 5:51:48 4.83 0.56 25.33 0.56 23.12 12/28/95 9:51:48 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 12/28/95 13:51:48 4.6 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 12/28/95 17:51:48 4.58 0.53 2·L02 0.53 21.92 12/28/95 21:51:48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 12/29/95 1:51:48 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 12/29/95 5:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 121:.9/95 9:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 12/29/95 13:51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 12/29/95 17:51:48 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 12/29/95 21:51 :48 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 12/30/95 1:51:48 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 12/30/95 5:51:48 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 12/30/95 9:51:48 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 12/30/95 13:51:48 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 12/30/95 I7:5I:48 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 12/30/95 21:51:48 5.25 0.6I 27.53 0.61 25.13 12/31/95 I :5 I :48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 12/31/95 5:51:48 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 1:2131!95 9:5I:48 4.9 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 12131195 13:51:48 5.3 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 12/31195 17:51:48 5.7 0.66 29.89 0.66 27.28 12131 !9 5 21 :5 I :48 8.8 1.02 46.I5 1.02 42.12 I! 1!96 1:51:48 9.93 1.15 52.07 1.15 47.53 NOVEMBER 26. 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tnne Avg Actual Actual Aqjusted A<ljus!OO Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % fi ciS ft ciS 1/1196 5:51:48 7.55 0.87 39.59 0.87 36.14 1/1/96 9:51:48 9.38 1.08 49.19 1.08 44.90 1/1/96 13:51:48 8.43 0.97 44.21 0.97 40.35 111/96 17:51:48 9.35 1.08 49.03 1.08 44.75 1/1/96 21:51:48 8.32 0.96 43.63 0.96 39.82 1/2/96 1:51:48 7.68 0.89 40.28 0.89 36.76 1/2/96 5:51:48 6.75 0.78 35.40 0.78 32.3 I 1/2/96 9:51:48 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 1/2/96 I3:51 :48 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 1/2/96 I 7:5 I :48 6.4 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 1/2/96 21:51:48 6.33 0.73 33.20 0.73 30.30 I /3/96 I :5 I :48 6.3 0.73 33.04 0.73 30. IS 1/3/96 5:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 1/3/96 9:5I:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 1/3/96 I3:51:48 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 1/3/96 17:51:48 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 1/3/96 21:51 :48 6.08 0.70 31.88 0.70 29.10 1/4/96 I :51:48 5.95 0.69 3 I.20 0.69 28.48 1/4/96 5:51:48 5.95 0.69 31.20 0.69 28.48 1/4/96 9:51:48 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 1/4/96 I 3:51:48 5.9 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 1/4/96 17:51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.I4 1/4/96 2 I :51:48 5.8 0.67 30.42 0.67 27.76 1/5/96 I :51 :48 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 1/5/96 5:51:48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 1/5/96 9:51:48 5.6 0.65 29.37 0.65 26.80 I/5/96 13:51:48 5.47 0.63 28.69 0.63 26.18 1/5/96 17:5I:48 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 1/5/96 21:51 :48 5.47 0.63 28.69 0.63 26.I8 1/6/96 I :51:48 5.4 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 116/96 5:51:48 5.33 0.61 27.95 0.61 25.51 1/6/96 9:51:48 5.5 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 1/6/96 13:51:48 5.5 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 1/6/96 17:5 I :48 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 I/6/96 2I:51:48 5.2 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 Il7/96 1:51:48 5. I3 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 117196 5:5 I :48 5.08 0.59 26.64 0.59 24.32 117/96 9:51:48 5 0.58 26.22 0.58 23.93 117/96 13:51:48 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 117/96 17:51:48 4.9 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 1/7/96 21:51:48 4.85 0.56 25.43 0.56 23.21 1/8/96 I :51:48 4.8 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 1/8/96 5:51:48 4.75 0.55 24.91 0.55 22.74 1/8/96 9:51:48 5.18 0.60 27.I6 0.60 24.79 1/8/96 13:51:48 6 0.69 31.47 0.69 28.72 1/8/96 17:51:48 6.18 0.71 32.41 0.71 29.58 1/8/96 2 I :51 :48 6.13 0.71 32.I5 0.71 29.34 1/9/96 I :51:48 6.8 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 1/9196 5:51:48 7.75 0.89 40.64 0.89 37.09 PAGE 14 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tune Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Acljusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft ciS ft ciS 1/9/96 9:51:48 8.6 0.99 45.10 0.99 41.16 1/9/96 13:51:48 8.9 1.03 46.67 1.03 42.60 1/9/96 17:51:48 7.68 0.89 40.28 0.89 36.76 119/96 21 :51 :48 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 1/10/96 1:51:48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 Ill 0/96 5:51:48 5.47 0.63 28.69 0.63 26.18 1/10/96 9:51:48 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 1110/96 13:51:48 5.4 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 1110/96 17:51:48 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 1/10/96 21:51:48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 1/11/96 I :51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 1/11/96 5:51:48 4.43 0.51 23.23 0.51 21.20 1/11/96 9:51:48 4.4 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 1111/96 13:51:48 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.50 20.82 1111/96 17:51:48 4.43 0.51 23.23 0.51 21.20 1111/96 21:51 :48 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 1/12/96 1:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 I I 12/96 5:51:48 4.2 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 1/12/96 9:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 1112/96 13:51:48 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 1/12/96 17:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 1/12/96 21:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 l/13/96 1:51:48 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.53 1/13/96 5:51:48 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.39 1113/96 9:51:48 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.46 19.29 1/13/96 13:51:48 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.46 19.29 1/13/96 17:51:48 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.39 1/13/96 21:51:48 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.46 19.29 1/14/96 1:51:48 3.92 0.45 20.56 0.45 18.76 1/14/96 5:51 :48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 1/14/96 9:51:48 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 1/14/96 13:51:48 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 1/14/96 17:51:48 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.46 19.29 1/14/96 21:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 1/15/96 1:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 1/15/96 5:51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 1/15/96 9:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 1/15/96 13:51:48 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 1/15/96 17:51:48 4.78 0.55 25.07 0.55 22.88 1/15/96 21:51:48 4.72 0.54 24.75 0.54 22.59 I /16/96 1:51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 1/16/96 5:51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 1/16/96 9:51:48 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 1/16/96 13:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 1116/96 17:51 :48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 1/16/96 21:51:48 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 1117/96 1:51:48 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 1117/96 5:51:48 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 1117/96 9:51:48 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tune Avg Actual Actual Acljusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft ciS ft ciS 1/17/96 13:51:48 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 1/17/96 17:51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 1/17/96 21:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 1/18/96 I :51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 I /18/96 5:51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 1/18/96 9:51:48 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 1/18/96 13:51:48 4.7 0.54 24.65 0.54 22.50 l/18/96 17:51 :48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 1118/96 21:51:48 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.46 19.29 1/19/96 1:51:48 3.9 0.45 20.45 0.45 18.67 1119/96 5:51:48 4 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 1/19/96 9:51:48 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 1/19/96 13:51:48 4.2 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 1/19/96 17:51:48 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.53 1119/96 21:51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 1/20/96 1:51:48 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.46 19.29 1/20/96 5:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 1/20/96 9:51:48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 1/20/96 13:51 :48 10.57 1.22 55.43 1.22 50.59 1/20/96 17:51:48 8.13 0.94 42.64 0.94 38.91 1/20/96 21:51:48 7.8 0.90 40.90 0.90 37.33 1/21/96 I :51:48 6.65 0.77 34.87 0.77 31.83 1/21/96 5:51:48 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 1/21/96 9:51:48 5.28 0.61 27.69 0.61 25.27 1/21/9613:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 1121/96 I 7:51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 1/21/96 21:51:48 5.6 0.65 29.37 0.65 26.80 1/22/96 1:51:48 6.43 0.7-t. 33.72 0.74 30.78 1/22/96 5:51:48 7.13 0.82 37.39 0.82 34.13 1/22/96 9:51:48 7.75 0.89 40.64 0.89 37.09 1/22/96 13:51 :48 8.05 0.93 42.22 0.93 38.53 1/22/96 17:51:48 6.33 0.73 33.20 0.73 30.30 1/22/96 21 :51 :48 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 1/23/96 I :51:48 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 1/23/96 5:51:48 7 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 1/23/96 9:51:48 14.43 1.66 75.67 1.66 69.07 1/23/96 13:51 :48 18.7 2.16 98.07 2.16 89.51 I /23/96 17:51:48 11.4 1.32 59.78 1.32 54.57 1123/96 21 :51 :48 9.73 1.12 51.03 1.12 46.57 1124196 1:51:48 9.07 1.05 47.56 1.05 43.41 1/24/96 5:51:48 9.23 1.06 48.40 1.06 44.18 1/24/96 9:51:48 8.55 0.99 44.84 0.99 40.92 1/24/96 13:51:48 8.35 0.96 43.79 0.96 39.97 1/24/96 17:51:48 8 0.92 41.95 0.92 38.29 1/24/96 21 :51 :48 7.7 0.89 40.38 0.89 36.86 1/25/96 1:51:48 7.53 0.87 39.49 0.87 36.04 1/25/96 5:51:48 7.9 0.91 41.43 0.91 37.81 1/25/96 9:51:48 12.1 1.-t.O 63.45 1.40 57.92 I /25/96 13:51 :48 8.93 1.03 46.83 1.03 42.74 E15 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Trrne Avg Actual Actual Adji.J:i100 Adji.J:i100 ~ Dailyf1ow ~ Dailyf1ow % ft LiS ft cfS 1/25/96 17:51:48 7.78 0.90 40.80 0.90 37.24 1/25/96 21:51 :48 7.43 0.86 38.96 0.86 35.56 1/26/96 I :51:48 8.45 0.97 44.31 0.97 40.45 1/26/96 5:51:48 10.65 1.23 55.85 1.23 50.98 1/26/96 9:51:48 17.1 1.97 89.68 1.97 81.85 1/26/96 13:51 :48 11.35 1.31 59.52 1.3 I 54.33 1/26/96 17:51:48 10.07 1.16 52.81 1.16 48.20 I /26/96 21 :51 :48 9.2 1.06 48.25 1.06 44.04 1/27/96 I :51:48 8.78 1.01 46.04 1.01 42.02 1/27/96 5:51:48 12 1.38 62.93 1.38 57.44 1/27/96 9:51:48 21.25 2.45 111.44 2.45 101.71 1/27/96 13:51:48 13.23 1.53 69.38 1.53 63.32 1/27/96 17:51:48 11.03 1.27 57.84 1.27 52.79 1/27/96 21:51:48 10.57 1.22 55.43 1.22 50.59 1/28/96 1:51:48 9.73 1.12 51.03 1.12 46.57 1/28/96 5:51:48 9.38 1.08 49.19 1.08 44.90 1/28/96 9:51:48 8.98 1.04 47.09 1.04 42.98 1/28/96 13:51:48 8.68 1.00 45.52 1.00 41.55 1/28/96 17:51:48 8.65 1.00 45.36 1.00 41.40 1/28/96 21:51:48 8.5 0.98 44.58 0.98 40.68 1/29/96 1:51:48 8.15 0.94 42.74 0.94 39.01 1/29/96 5:51:48 7.93 0.91 41.59 0.91 37.96 1/29/96 9:51:48 7.8 0.90 40.90 0.90 37.33 1/29/96 13:51:48 7.55 0.87 39.59 0.87 36.14 1/29/96 17:51:48 7.43 0.86 38.96 0.86 35.56 I /29/96 21 :51 :48 7.28 0.84 38.18 0.84 34.85 1/30/96 I :51:48 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 1/30/96 5:51:48 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 1/30/96 9:51:48 7.43 0.86 38.96 0.86 35.56 1/30/96 13:51:48 7.8 0.90 40.90 0.90 37.33 1/30/96 17:51:48 7.38 0.85 38.70 0.85 35.32 1/30/96 21:51:48 6.55 0.76 34.35 0.76 31.35 1/31/96 I :51:48 6.35 0.73 33.30 0.73 30.39 1/31/96 5:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 1/31/96 9:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 1/31/96 13:51:48 6.3 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 J/31/96 17:51:48 6.35 0.73 33.30 0.73 30.39 1/31/96 21:51:48 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 2/1/96 1:51 :48 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 2/1/96 5:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 2/1/96 9:51:48 6.3 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 2/1/96 13:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 2/1/96 17·51 :48 6.18 0.71 32.41 0.71 29.58 2/1 i96 21:51 :48 6.2 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 2/2/96 1:51:48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 2/2/96 5:51:48 5.9 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 212196 9:51 :48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 212/96 13:51:48 5.85 0.67 30.68 0.67 28.00 2/2.196 17:51:48 5.75 0.66 30.15 0.66 27.52 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adji.J:i100 Adji.J:i100 ~ Daily Flow ~ Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 2/2/96 21 :51 :48 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 2/3/96 1:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 2/3/96 5:51:48 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 2/3/96 9:51:48 5.7 0.66 29.89 0.66 27.28 2/3/96 13:51:48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 2/3/96 17:51 :48 5.7 0.66 29.89 0.66 27.28 2/3/96 21:51:48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 2/4/96 I :51:48 5.47 0.63 28.69 0.63 26.18 2/4/96 5:51:48 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 2/4/96 9:51:48 5.28 0.61 27.69 0.61 25.27 2/4/96 13:51 :48 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 2/4/96 17:51:48 6.63 0.76 34.77 0.76 31.73 2/4/96 21 :51 :48 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 2/5/96 1:51:48 7.65 0.88 40.12 0.88 36.62 215196 5:51:48 9.2 1.06 48.25 1.06 44.04 2/5/96 9:51:48 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 2/5/96 13:51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 2/5/96 17:51:48 5.7 0.66 29.89 0.66 27.28 2/5/96 21:51 :48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 2/6/96 I :51:48 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 2/6/96 5:51:48 5.9 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 2/6/96 9:51:48 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 2/6/96 13:51:48 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 2/6/96 17:51:48 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 2/6/96 21 :51 :48 7 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 217/96 1:51:48 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 2/7/96 5:51:48 7.63 0.88 40.01 0.88 36.52 2/7/96 9:51:48 7.85 0.91 41.17 0.91 37.57 2/7/96 13:51 :48 7.65 0.88 40.12 0.88 36.62 2/7/96 17:51:48 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 2/7/96 21 :51:48 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 2/8/96 1:51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 2/8/96 5:51:48 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 2/8/96 9:51:48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 2/8/96 13:51:48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 2/8/96 17:51:48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 2/8/96 21 :51:48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 2/9/96 I :51:48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 2/9/96 5:51:48 5.6 0.65 29.37 0.65 26.80 2/9/96 9:51:48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 2/9/96 13:51 :48 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 2/9/96 17:51:48 6 0.69 31.47 0.69 28.72 2/9/96 21 :51 :48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 2/10/96 I :51:48 5.75 0.66 30.15 0.66 27.52 2/10/96 5:51:48 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 2110/96 9:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 2/10196 13:51:48 5.9 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 2/10/96 17:51:48 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 2110/96 21 :51 :48 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 PAGE E16 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date T1me Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted ~ Daily Flow ~ Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 2111/96 I :51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 2111/96 5:51:48 4.7 0.54 24.65 0.54 22.50 2111/96 9:51:48 6.5 0.75 34.09 0.75 31.11 2111196 13:51:48 7.63 0.88 40.01 0.88 36.52 2111/96 17:51:48 9.48 1.09 49.71 1.09 45.38 211 1/96 21:51:48 9.28 1.07 48.67 1.07 44.42 2112/96 I :51:48 9 1.04 47.20 1.04 43.08 2/12/96 5:51:48 8.7 1.00 45.62 1.00 41.64 2/12/96 9:51:48 8.28 0.96 43.42 0.96 39.63 2/12/96 13:51:48 7.85 0.91 41.17 0.91 37.57 2/12/96 17:51:48 7.55 0.87 39.59 0.87 36.14 2/12/96 21:51:48 7.2 0.83 37.76 0.83 34.46 2/13/96 I :51:48 6.95 0.80 36.45 0.80 33.27 2113/96 5:51:48 6.85 0.79 35.92 0.79 32.79 2113/96 9:51:48 6.75 0.78 35.40 0.78 32.31 2/13/96 13:51:48 6.65 0.77 34.87 0.77 31.83 2/13/96 17:51:48 6.63 0.76 34.77 0.76 31.73 2/13/96 21:51:48 6.85 0.79 35.92 0.79 32.79 2/14/96 I :51:48 7.45 0.86 39.07 0.86 35.66 2/14/96 5:51:48 7.18 0.83 37.65 0.83 34.37 2/14/96 9:51 :48 6.8 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 2/14/96 13:51:48 6.8 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 2/14/96 17:51:48 6.8 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 2/14/96 21:51:48 6.4 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 2/15/96 I :51:48 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 2/15/96 5:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 2/15/96 9:51:48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 2/15/96 13:51:48 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 2/15/96 17:51:48 5.5 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 2/15/96 21:51:48 5.38 0.62 28.21 0.62 25.75 2/16/96 I :51:48 5.33 0.61 27.95 0.61 25.51 2/16/96 5:51:48 5.5 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 2/16/96 9:51:48 6.63 0.76 34.77 0.76 31.73 2/16/96 13:51:48 7.88 0.91 41.32 0.91 37.72 2/16/96 17:51:48 8.32 0.96 43.63 0.96 39.82 2/16/96 21:51:48 9.53 1.10 49.98 1.10 45.61 2117/96 I :51:48 8.3 0.96 43.53 0.96 39.73 2/17/96 5:51:48 7.38 0.85 38.70 0.85 35.32 2117/96 9:51:48 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 2117/96 13:51 :48 6.8 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 2/17/96 17:51:48 9.03 1.04 47.35 1.04 43.22 2/17/96 21:51:48 12.63 1.46 66.23 1.46 60.45 2118/96 I :51:48 12.35 1.42 64.77 1.42 59.11 2118/96 5:51:48 10.05 1.16 52.70 1.16 48.10 2/18/96 9:51:48 7.97 0.92 41.80 0.92 38.15 2/18/96 13:51:48 6.85 0.79 35.92 0.79 32.79 2118/96 17:51:48 6.33 0.73 33.20 0.73 30.30 2/18/96 21 :51 :48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 2/19/96 l :51:48 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted De¢1 Daily Flow ~ Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 2/19/96 5:51:48 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 2/19/96 9:51:48 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 2119/96 13:51:48 4.95 0.57 25.96 0.57 23.69 2/19/96 17:51:48 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 2/19/96 21:51:48 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 2/20/96 1:51:48 7.8 0.90 40.90 0.90 37.33 2/20/96 5:51:48 8.38 0.97 43.95 0.97 40.11 2/20/96 9:51:48 8.68 1.00 45.52 1.00 41.55 2/20/96 13 :51 :48 8.88 1.02 46.57 1.02 42.50 2/20/96 17:51 :48 9.75 1.12 51.13 1.12 46.67 2/20/96 21 :51 :48 14.23 1.64 74.62 1.64 68.11 2/21/96 1:51:48 12.88 1.49 67.54 1.49 61.65 2/21/96 5:51:48 7.97 0.92 41.80 0.92 38.15 2/21/96 9:51:48 6.4 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 2/21196 13:51 :48 6.4 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 2/21/96 17:51:48 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 2/21/96 21:51:48 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 2/22/96 I :51:48 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 2/22/96 5:51:48 5.8 0.67 30.42 0.67 27.76 2/22/96 9:51:48 7.13 0.82 37.39 0.82 34.13 2/22/96 13:51 :48 7.83 0.90 41.06 0.90 37.48 2/22/96 17:51:48 5.7 0.66 29.89 0.66 27.28 2/22/96 21:51 :48 5.75 0.66 30.15 0.66 27.52 2/23/96 1:51:48 9.6 1.11 50.34 1.11 45.95 2/23/96 5:51:48 22.9 2.64 120.09 2.64 109.61 2/23/96 9:51:48 19.88 2.29 104.25 2.29 95.15 2/23/96 13:51 :48 10.68 1.23 56.01 1.23 51.12 2/23/96 17:51 :48 8.78 1.0 I 46.04 1.0 I 42.02 2/23/96 21 :51 :48 8.03 0.93 42.11 0.93 38.44 2/24/96 1:51:48 7.45 0.86 39.07 0.86 35.66 2/24/96 5:51:48 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 2/24/96 9:51:48 6.6 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 2124196 13:51 :48 6.4 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 2/24/96 17:51:48 6.65 0.77 34.87 0.77 31.83 2/24/96 21 :51 :48 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 2125196 1:51:48 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 2/25/96 5:51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 2/25/96 9:51:48 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 2/25/96 13:51 :48 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 2125196 17:51:48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 2/25/96 21 :51 :48 6.08 0.70 31.88 0.70 29.10 2/26/96 I :51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 2/26/96 5:51:48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 2/26/96 9:51:48 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 2/26/96 13:51 :48 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 2126196 17:51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 2/26/96 21:51 :48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 2/27/96 I :51:48 4.8 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 2/27/96 5:51:48 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 PAGE E17 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted [kpth Daily Flow [kpth DailyAow % ft ciS ft ciS 2/27/96 9:51:48 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 2/27/96 13:51:48 4.4 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 2/27/96 17:51:48 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 2/27/96 21:51 :48 3.73 0.43 19.56 0.43 17.85 2/28/96 1:51:48 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 2/28/96 5:51:48 5.97 0.69 31.31 0.69 28.57 2/28/96 9:51:48 9.03 1.04 47.35 1.04 43.22 2/28/96 13:51:48 6.43 0.74 ,.,.., ij .).)_,_ 0.74 30.78 2/28/96 17:51:48 6.75 0.78 35.40 0.78 32.31 2/28/96 21 :51 :48 6.63 0.76 34.77 0.76 31.73 2/29/96 I :51:48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 2129/96 5:51:48 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 2/29/96 9:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 2/29/96 13:51 :48 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 2/29/96 17:51:48 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 2/29/96 21 :51 :48 7.3 0.84 38.28 0.84 34.94 311/96 I :51:48 8.35 0.96 43.79 0.96 39.97 311/96 5:51:48 8.32 0.96 43.63 0.96 39.82 3/1/96 9:51:48 8.32 0.96 43.63 0.96 39.82 3/I/96 13:51:48 8.78 1.01 46.0-t 1.0 I 42.02 311/96 17:51:48 9.75 I.I2 51.13 1.12 46.67 3/1/96 21:51:48 10.1 1.17 52.97 1.17 48.34 3/2/96 I:51:48 8.88 1.02 46.57 1.02 42.50 3/2/96 5:51:48 7.88 0.91 41.32 0.91 37.72 3/2/96 9:51:48 7.9 0.91 41A3 0.91 37.81 3/2/96 13:51 :48 7.3 0.84 38.28 0.84 34.94 3/2/96 17:51 :48 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 3/2/96 21 :51 :48 7.47 0.86 39.17 0.86 35.75 3/3/96 l :51:48 7.5 0.87 39.33 0.87 35.90 3/3/96 5:51:48 7.25 0.84 38.02 0.84 34.70 3/3/96 9:51:48 7 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 3/3196 13:51 :48 6.78 0.78 35.56 0.78 32.45 3/3/96 17:51:48 6.75 0.78 35.40 0.78 32.31 3/3/96 21 :51 :48 7.05 0.81 36.97 0.81 33.74 3/4/96 1:51:48 7 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 3/4/96 5:51:48 6.75 0.78 35.-J.O 0.78 32.31 3/4/96 9:51:48 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 3/4/96 13:51 :48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 314196 17:51 :48 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 314196 21 :51 :48 6.63 0.76 34.77 0.76 31.73 3/5/96 1:51:48 6.35 0.73 33.30 0.73 30.39 3/5/96 5:51:48 6.08 0.70 31.88 0.70 29.10 3/5/96 9:51:48 5.85 0.67 30.68 0.67 28.00 3/5/96 13:51 :48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 315196 17:51 :48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 315196 21:51 :48 5.7 0.66 29.89 0.66 27.28 316196 I :51:48 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 3/6/96 5:51:48 5.4 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 3/6/96 9:51:48 5.3 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date T1111e Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Ac!justed [kpth DailyAow [kpth Daily Flow % ft c1S ft c1S 3/6/96 13:51 :48 5.2 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 3/6/96 17:51:48 5.33 0.61 27.95 0.61 25.51 3/6/96 21 :51 :48 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 3/7/96 I:51 :48 5.95 0.69 31.20 0.69 28.48 3/7/96 5:5I :48 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 3/7/96 9:5I :48 5.55 0.64 29. I I 0.64 26.56 317196 13:5 I :48 5.5 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 3/7/96 I 7:51:48 5.47 0.63 28.69 0.63 26.18 3/7/96 21 :51 :48 5.9 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 3/8/96 I :51:48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 3/8/96 5:51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 3/8/96 9:51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 3/8/96 13:51 :48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 3/8/96 17:51:48 8.03 0.93 42.11 0.93 38.44 3/8/96 21 :5 I :48 7.9 0.91 41.43 0.9I 37.81 3/9/96 1:51:48 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 3/9/96 5:51:48 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 3/9/96 9:51:48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 3/9/96 13:51 :48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 3/9/96 I 7:51:48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 3/9/96 21 :51 :48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.I9 3/10/96 1:51:48 5.5 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 3/10/96 5:51:48 5.38 0.62 28.21 0.62 25.75 3/I0/96 9:51:48 5.3 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 3/10/96 13:51:48 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 3/10/96 17:51:48 5.2 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 3/10/96 21:51:48 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 3/11/96 1:51:48 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 3/11/96 5:5I:48 5.2 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 3/11/96 9:51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 3/I 1/96 13:51:48 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.46 I8.9I 3/11/96 17:51:48 5.3 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 3/11/96 21 :51 :48 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 3/12/96 1:51:48 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 3/12/96 5:51:48 7.25 0.84 38.02 0.84 34.70 3/12/96 9:51:48 6.97 0.80 36.55 0.80 33.36 3/12/96 13:51:48 7.13 0.82 37.39 0.82 34.13 3112/96 17:51 :48 8.48 0.98 44.47 0.98 40.59 3/12/96 2 I :51 :48 8.73 1.0 I 45.78 1.0 I 41.79 3/13/96 I :51:48 7.72 0.89 40.48 0.89 36.95 3/13/96 5:51:48 6.88 0.79 36.08 0.79 32.93 3/ I 3/96 9:51:48 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 3/13/96 13:5I:48 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 3/I 3/96 17:5 I :48 6.43 0.74 33.72 0.74 30.78 3/13/96 2I:51:48 6.78 0.78 35.56 0.78 32.45 3/14/96 1:51:48 6.53 0.75 34.24 0.75 31.26 3/14/96 5:5I :48 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 3114196 9:5 I :48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 3114/96 13:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 PAGE E18 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date T1111e Avg Adllal Adllal Adjusted Adjusted IXp!h Daily Flow IXp!h Daily Flow % ft ciS ft ciS 3/14/96 17:51:48 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 3/14/96 21:51:48 6.55 0.76 34.35 0.76 31.35 3115/96 1:51:48 6.97 0.80 36.55 0.80 33.36 3/15/96 5:51:48 6.75 0.78 35.40 0.78 32.31 3/15/96 9:51:48 6.53 0.75 34.24 0.75 31.26 3/15/96 13:51:48 6.4 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 3115/96 17:51:48 6.58 0.76 34.51 0.76 31.49 3115/96 21:51:48 7.13 0.82 37.39 0.82 34.13 3/16/96 I :51:48 6.78 0.78 35.56 0.78 32.45 3/16/96 5:51:48 6.4 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 3116196 9:51:48 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 3/16/96 13:51 :48 6 0.69 31.47 0.69 28.72 3/16/96 17:51:48 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 3/16/96 21:51:48 6.2 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 3/17/96 1:51:48 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 3/17/96 5:51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 3/17/96 9:51:48 5.75 0.66 30.15 0.66 27.52 3/17/9613:51:48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 3117/9617:51:48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 3/17/96 21:51:48 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 3/18/96 I :51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 3118/96 5:51:48 6.97 0.80 36.55 0.80 33.36 3/18/96 9:51:48 9 1.04 47.20 1.04 43.08 3/18/96 13:51:48 11.07 1.28 58.05 1.28 52.99 3/18/96 17:51:48 10.23 1.18 53.65 1.18 48.97 3/18/96 21 :51 :48 8.63 1.00 45.26 1.00 41.31 3/19/96 I :51:48 8.43 0.97 44.21 0.97 40.35 3/19/96 5:51:48 8.55 0.99 44.84 0.99 40.92 3/19/96 9:51:48 8.65 1.00 45.36 1.00 41.40 3/19/96 13:51:48 11.38 1.31 59.68 1.31 54.47 3/19/96 17:51:48 26.7 3.08 140.02 3.08 127.80 3/19/96 21 :51 :48 27.5 3.17 144.21 3.17 131.63 3/20/96 I :51:48 32.5 3.75 170.44 3.75 155.56 3/20/96 5:51:48 31.23 3.60 163.78 3.60 149.48 3/20/96 9:51:48 23.33 2.69 122.35 2.69 111.67 3/20/96 13:51 :48 19.05 2.20 99.90 2.20 91.18 3/20/96 17:51:48 17.18 1.98 90.09 1.98 82.23 3/20/96 21 :51 :48 15.8 1.82 82.86 1.82 75.63 3/21196 I :51:48 14.68 1.69 76.98 1.69 70.26 3/21/96 5:51:48 13.65 1.57 71.58 1.57 65.33 3/21/96 9:51:48 12.75 1.47 66.86 1.47 61.03 3/2l/96 13:51 :48 12.13 1.40 63.61 1.40 58.06 3/21/96 17:51:48 11.57 1.33 60.68 1.33 55.38 3/21/96 21 :51:48 10.9 1.26 57.16 1.26 52.17 3/22/96 1:51:48 10.32 1.19 54.12 1.19 49.40 3/22/96 5:51:48 9.8 1.13 51.39 I. I 3 46.91 3/22/96 9:51:48 9.38 1.08 49.19 1.08 44.90 3/22/96 13:51 :48 9.13 1.05 47.88 1.05 43.70 3/22/96 17:51 :48 9.1 1.05 47.72 1.05 43.56 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date T1111e Avg Adllal Adllal Adjusted Adjusted IXp!h Daily How IXp!h Daily How % ft ciS ft ciS 3/22/96 21 :51 :48 8.88 1.02 46.57 1.02 42.50 3/23/96 1:51:48 8.4 0.97 44.05 0.97 40.21 3/23/96 5:51:48 8.1 0.93 42.48 0.93 38.77 3/23/96 9:51:48 7.9 0.91 41.43 0.91 37.81 3/23/96 13:51:48 7.83 0.90 41.06 0.90 37.48 3/23/96 17:51:48 8.75 1.0 I 45.89 1.0 I 41.88 3/23/96 21 :51 :48 16.6 1.92 87.05 1.92 79.45 3/24/96 I :51:48 15.55 1.79 81.55 1.79 74.43 3124!96 5:51:48 9.78 1.13 51.29 1.13 46.81 3/24/96 9:51:48 8.6 0.99 45.10 0.99 41.16 3/24/96 13:51:48 8.3 0.96 43.53 0.96 39.73 3/24/96 17:51:48 8.05 0.93 42.22 0.93 38.53 3/24/96 21 :51 :48 8.18 0.94 42.90 0.94 39.15 3125196 I :51:48 8.18 0.94 42.90 0.94 39.15 3/25/96 5:51:48 8 0.92 41.95 0.92 38.29 3/25/96 9:51:48 7.72 0.89 40.48 0.89 36.95 3125196 13:51 :48 7.63 0.88 40.01 0.88 36.52 3/25/96 17:51:48 7.9 0.91 41.43 0.91 37.81 3/25/96 21 :51 :48 8.43 0.97 44.21 0.97 40.35 3/26/96 1:51:48 7.7 0.89 40.38 0.89 36.86 3/26/96 5:51:48 7.28 0.84 38.18 0.84 34.85 3/26/96 9:51:48 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 3/26/96 13:51 :48 7 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 3/26/96 17:51 :48 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 3/26/96 21 :51:48 6.9 0.80 36.18 0.80 33.03 3/27/96 1:51:48 6.75 0.78 35.40 0.78 32.31 3/27/96 5:51:48 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 3/27/96 9:51:48 6.6 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 3/27/96 13:51:48 6.53 0.75 34.24 0.75 31.26 3/27/96 17:51:48 6.63 0.76 34.77 0.76 31.73 3/27/96 21:51:48 7.58 0.87 39.75 0.87 36.28 3/28/96 1:51:48 8.48 0.98 44.47 0.98 40.59 3/28/96 5:51:48 8.63 1.00 45.26 1.00 41.31 3/28/96 9:51:48 7.25 0.84 38.02 0.84 34.70 3/28/96 13:51:48 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 3/28/96 17:51:48 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 3/28/96 21 :51 :48 6.35 0.73 33.30 0.73 30.39 3/29/96 I :51:48 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 3/29/96 5:51:48 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 3/29/96 9:51:48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 3/29/96 13:51:48 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 3/29/96 17:51:48 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 3/29/96 21 :51 :48 6 0.69 31.47 0.69 28.72 3/30/96 I :51:48 6.08 0.70 31.88 0.70 29.10 3/30/96 5:51:48 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 3/30/96 9:51:48 6.08 0.70 31.88 0.70 29.10 3/30/96 13:51:48 6.18 0.71 32.41 0.71 29.58 3/30/96 17:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 3/30/96 21:51 :48 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 PAGEE19 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Aclllal Aclllal Adjusted Adjusted J:¥1 DailyF1ow J:¥1 DailyF1ow % fi cfS fi cfS 3/31/96 I :51:48 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 3/31196 5:51:48 5.93 0.68 31.10 0.68 28.38 3/31/96 9:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 3/31/96 13:51:48 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 3/31/96 17:51:48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 3/31/96 21 :51 :48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 4/1196 1:51:48 5.5 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 4/1/96 5:51:48 5.47 0.63 28.69 0.63 26.18 4/1/96 9:51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 4/1/96 13:51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 4/1/96 17:51 :48 5.33 0.61 27.95 0.61 25.51 4/1/96 21:51:48 5.3 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 4/2/96 I :51:48 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 4/2/96 5:51:48 5.1 0.59 26.75 0.59 24.41 4/2/96 9:51:48 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 4/2/96 13 :51 :48 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 4/2/96 17:51:48 4.95 0.57 25.96 0.57 23.69 4/2/96 21 :51 :48 4.83 0.56 25.33 0.56 23.12 4/3/96 1:51:48 4.83 0.56 25.33 0.56 23.12 4/3/96 5:51:48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 4/3/96 9:51:48 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 4/3/96 13:51 :48 5.1 0.59 26.75 0.59 24.41 4/3/96 17:51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 4/3/96 21 :51:48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 4/4/96 1:51:48 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 4/4/96 5:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 4/4/96 9:51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 4/4/96 13:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 4/4/96 17:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 4/4/96 21 :51 :48 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 4/5/96 1:51:48 4.43 0.51 ,~ ,~ "'"·-" 0.51 21.20 4/5/96 5:51:48 4.4 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 4/5/96 9:51:48 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.50 20.82 4/5/96 13:51 :48 4.4 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 4/5/96 17:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 4/5/96 21:51 :48 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 4/6/96 I :51:48 4.43 0.51 ,~ ,~ _, __ .) 0.51 21.20 4/6/96 5:51:48 4.3 0.50 21.55 0.50 20.58 4/6/96 9:51:48 4.25 0.49 22 . .29 0.49 20.34 4/6/96 13:51 :48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 4/6/96 17:51:48 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 4/6/96 21:51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 4/7/96 l :51:48 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.50 20.82 417196 5:51:48 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 4/7/96 9:51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 417/96 13:51 :48 4.2 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 417196 17:51:48 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 417/96 21 :51 :48 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 4/8/96 1:51:48 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Aclllal Aclllal Adjusted Adjusted J:¥1 Daily Flow J:¥1 DailyF1ow % ft cfS fi cfS 4/8/96 5:51:48 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 4/8/96 9:51:48 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 4/8/96 13:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 4/8/96 17:51:48 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 4/8/96 21 :51 :48 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 4/9/96 I :51:48 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 4/9/96 5:51:48 4.4 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 4/9/96 9:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 4/9/96 13:51 :48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 4/9/96 17:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 4/9/96 21 :51 :48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 4/10/96 I :51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 4110/96 5:51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 4110/96 9:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 4/10/96 13:51:48 4 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 4/10/96 17:51:48 4 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 4/10/96 21:51:48 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.46 18.91 4/11/96 1:51:48 3.9 0.45 20.45 0.45 18.67 4/1 1/96 5:51:48 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 4/11/96 9:51:48 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 4/11/96 13:51:48 3.75 0.43 19.67 0.43 17.95 4/11/96 17:51:48 3.75 0.43 19.67 0.43 17.95 4/11/96 21:51:48 3.73 0.43 19.56 0.43 17.85 4/12/96 1:51:48 3.78 0.44 19.82 0.44 18.09 4112/96 5:51:48 3.78 0.44 19.82 0.44 18.09 4/12/96 9:51:48 3.75 0.43 19.67 0.43 17.95 4/12/96 13:51:48 3.75 0.43 19.67 0.43 17.95 4/12/96 17:51:48 3.75 0.43 19.67 0.43 17.95 4112/96 21 :51:48 3.73 0.43 19.56 0.43 17.85 4/13/96 I :51:48 3.78 0.44 19.82 0.44 18.09 4/13/96 5:51:48 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 4/13/96 9:51:48 4.8 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 4113/96 13:51 :48 11.88 1.37 62.30 1.37 56.86 4/13/9617:51:48 9.63 1.11 50.50 I. I I 46.09 4/13/96 21:51:48 5.85 0.67 30.68 0.67 28.00 4/14/96 1:51:48 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 4114196 5:51:48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 4/14/96 9:51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 4114/96 13:51 :48 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 4/l4/96 17:51:48 4.43 0.51 23.23 0.51 21.20 4/14/96 21 :51 :48 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 4115/96 1:51:48 4.38 0.51 22.97 0.51 20.96 4115/96 5:51:48 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 4/15/96 9:51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 4/15/96 13:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 4/15/96 17:51:48 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 4/15/96 21:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 4116/96 I :51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 4/16/96 5:51:48 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.53 PAGE E20 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Ad_jt.md Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 4/16/96 9:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 4/16/96 13:51:48 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 4116/96 17:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 4/16/96 21:51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 4/17/96 1:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 4/17/96 5:51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 4117/96 9:51:48 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.53 4/17/96 13:51:48 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.39 4/17/96 17:51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 4/17/96 21:51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 4118/96 1:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 4/18/96 5:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 4/18/96 9:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 4/18/96 13:51 :48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 4/18/96 17:51:48 4.2 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 4/18/96 21:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 4/19/96 1:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 4/19/96 5:51:48 4.2 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 4119/96 9:51:48 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 4/19/96 13:51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 4/19/96 17:51:48 4.75 0.55 24.91 0.55 22.74 4/19/96 21:51:48 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 4/20/96 I :51:48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 4/20/96 5:51:48 5.6 0.65 29.37 0.65 26.80 4/20/96 9:51:48 5.3 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 4/20/96 13:51:48 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 4/20/96 17:51 :48 6.93 0.80 36.34 0.80 33.17 4/20/96 21 :51 :48 7.45 0.86 39.07 0.86 35.66 4/21/96 I :51:48 6.55 0.76 34.35 0.76 31.35 4/21/96 5:51:48 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 4/21196 9:51:48 5.3 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 4/21/96 13:51:48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 4/21196 17:51:48 6.6 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 4/21/96 21:51:48 7.7 0.89 40.38 0.89 36.86 4/22/96 1:51:48 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 4/22/96 5:51:48 5.5 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 4/22/96 9:51:48 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 4/22/96 13:51:48 5.1 0.59 26.75 0.59 24.41 4/22/96 17:51 :48 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 4/22/96 21 :51 :48 5.8 0.67 30.42 0.67 27.76 4/23/96 I :51:48 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 4/23/96 5:51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 4123/96 9:51:48 5.28 0.61 27.69 0.61 25.27 4/23/96 13:51:48 5.3 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 4/23/96 17:51:48 5.85 0.67 30.68 0.67 28.00 4/23/96 21 :51 :48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 4/24/96 I :51:48 5.6 0.65 29.37 0.65 26.80 4/24/96 5:51:48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 4/24/96 9:51:48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual AdjtNed AdjtNed Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 4/24/96 13:51 :48 5.78 0.67 30.31 0.67 27.67 4/24/96 17:51 :48 6.2 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 4/24/96 21 :51 :48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 4/25/96 1:51:48 5.85 0.67 30.68 0.67 28.00 4/25/96 5:51:48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 4/25/96 9:51:48 5.5 0.63 28.84 0.63 26.33 4/25/96 13:51:48 5.4 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 4/25/96 17:51:48 5.35 0.62 28.06 0.62 25.61 4/25/96 21 :51 :48 5.35 0.62 28.06 0.62 25.61 4/26/96 I :51:48 5.3 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 4/26/96 5:51:48 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 4/26/96 9:51:48 5.15 0.59 27.01 0.59 24.65 4/26/96 13:51:48 5.1 0.59 26.75 0.59 24.41 4/26/96 17:51 :48 5.1 0.59 26.75 0.59 24.41 4/26/96 21 :51 :48 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 4/27/96 1:51 :48 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 4/27/96 5:51:48 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 4/27/96 9:51:48 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 4/27/96 13:51:48 5 0.58 26.22 0.58 23.93 4/27/96 17:51:48 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 4/27/96 21:51:48 5 0.58 26.22 0.58 23.93 4/28/96 I :51:48 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 4/28/96 5:51:48 4.85 0.56 25.43 0.56 23.21 4/28/96 9:51:48 4.8 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 4/28/96 13:51 :48 4.75 0.55 24.91 0.55 22.74 4/28/96 17:51 :48 4.7 0.54 24.65 0.54 22.50 4/28/96 21:51 :48 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 4/29/96 I :51:48 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 4129196 5:51:48 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 4/29/96 9:51:48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 4/29/96 13:51 :48 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 4/29/96 17:51 :48 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 4/29/96 21 :51 :48 4.72 0.54 24.75 0.54 22.59 4/30/96 I :51:48 4.78 0.55 25.07 0.55 22.88 4/30/96 5:51:48 4.9 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 4/30/96 9:51:48 5.8 0.67 30.42 0.67 27.76 4/30/96 13:51 :48 8.78 1.01 46.04 1.0 I 42.02 4/30/96 17:51:48 11.53 1.33 60.47 1.33 55.19 4/30/96 21 :51 :48 14.88 1.72 78.03 1.72 71.22 511/96 I :51:48 20.83 2.40 109.24 2.40 99.70 5/1/96 5:51:48 20.3 2.34 106.46 2.34 97.16 5/ I /96 9:51:48 15.73 1.81 82.49 1.81 75.29 511/96 13:51:48 11.03 1.27 57.84 1.27 52.79 511/96 17:51 :48 9.82 1.13 51.50 1.13 47.00 511/96 21:51:48 9.43 1.09 49.45 1.09 45.14 5/2/96 I :51:48 9.07 1.05 47.56 1.05 43.41 5/2/96 5:51:48 8.9 1.03 46.67 1.03 42.60 5/2/96 9:51:48 8.7 1.00 45.62 1.00 41.64 5/2/96 13:51 :48 8.55 0.99 44.84 0.99 40.92 PAGE E21 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth DailyFiovv' % ft cfS ft cfS 5/2/96 17:51:48 8.55 0.99 44.84 0.99 40.92 5/2/96 21:51:48 14.9 1.72 78.14 1.72 71.32 5/3/96 I :51:48 26.77 3.09 140.39 3.09 128.13 5/3/96 5:51:48 22.2 2.56 116.42 2.56 106.26 5/3/96 9:51:48 20.95 2.42 109.87 2.42 100.28 5/3/96 13:51:48 20.73 2.39 108.71 2.39 99.22 5/3/96 17:51:48 19.52 2.25 102.37 2.25 93.43 5/3/96 21 :51 :48 23.6 2.72 123.76 2.72 112.96 514196 1:51:48 27.13 3.13 142.27 3.13 129.86 5/4/96 5:51:48 23.33 2.69 122.35 2.69 I I 1.67 5/4/96 9:51:48 22.9 2.64 120.09 2.64 109.61 5/4/96 13:51:48 20.4 2.35 106.98 2.35 97.64 5/4/96 17:51:48 24.7 2.85 129.53 2.85 118.22 5/4/96 21 :51 :48 24.63 2.84 129.16 2.84 I 17.89 515196 1:51:48 19.6 2.26 102.79 2.26 93.81 5/5/96 5:51:48 17.25 1.99 90.46 1.99 82.57 5/5/96 9:51:48 16.02 1.85 84.01 1.85 76.68 515196 13:51 :48 14.98 1.73 78.56 1.73 71.70 5/5/96 17:51:48 13.95 1.61 73.16 1.61 66.77 5/5/96 21 :51 :48 13.07 1.51 68.54 1.51 62.56 516/96 I :51:48 12.38 1.43 64.92 1.43 59.26 516196 5:51:48 11.75 1.36 61.62 1.36 56.24 516196 9:51:48 11.2 1.29 58.73 1.29 53.61 5/6/96 13:51:48 10.65 1.23 55.85 !.23 50.98 5/6/96 17:51:48 10.13 1.17 53.12 !.17 48.49 516196 21 :5 I :48 9.68 1.12 50.76 1.12 46.33 517/96 1:51:48 9.32 1.08 48.88 1.08 44.61 517196 5:51:48 9.03 1.04 47.35 1.04 43.22 517196 9:51:48 8.78 1.0 I 46.04 1.01 42.02 517/96 13:51:48 8.57 0.99 44.94 0.99 41.02 517196 17:51:48 8.43 0.97 44.21 0.97 40.35 517196 21 :51 :48 8.23 0.95 43.16 0.95 39.39 5/8/96 I :51:48 8.03 0.93 42.11 0.93 38.44 5/8/96 5:51:48 8.15 0.94 42.74 0.94 39.01 518196 9:51:48 8.28 0.96 43.42 0.96 39.63 5/8/96 13:51:48 13.15 1.52 68.96 1.52 62.94 5/8/96 17:51 :48 15.32 1.77 80.34 1.77 73.33 5/8/96 21:51 :48 18.15 2.09 95.18 2.09 86.87 5/9/96 I :51:48 12.35 1.42 64.77 1.42 59.11 5/9/96 5:51:48 10.43 1.20 54.70 1.20 49.92 5/9/96 9:51:48 9.82 1.13 51.50 1.13 47.00 519196 13:51 :48 9.3 1.07 48.77 1.07 44.51 5/9/96 17:51:48 9.85 1.14 51.66 1.14 47.15 519196 21 :51 :48 19.52 2.25 102.37 2.25 93.43 5/10/96 I :51:48 17.68 2.04 92.72 2.04 84.62 5110196 5:51:48 19.73 2.28 103.47 2.28 94.44 5/10/96 9:51:48 17.55 2.02 92.04 2.02 84.00 5/10/96 13:51:48 13.9 1.60 72.89 1.60 66.53 5/10/96 17:51:48 12.85 1.48 67.39 1.48 61.51 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tone Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Aqjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 5/10/96 21:51:48 12.45 1.44 65.29 1.44 59.59 5111196 I :51:48 11.85 1.37 62.14 1.37 56.72 5/11196 5:51:48 11.32 1.31 59.36 1.31 54.18 511 1/96 9:51:48 10.93 1.26 57.32 1.26 52.32 5/11/96 13:51:48 10.55 1.22 55.33 1.22 50.50 5/1 I/96 17:51:48 10.2 1.18 53.49 1.18 48.82 5/11/96 21:51:48 9.9 Ll4 51.92 1.14 47.39 5112/96 I :51:48 9.55 1.10 50.08 1.10 45.71 5/12/96 5:51:48 9.3 1.07 48.77 1.07 44.51 5/12/96 9:51:48 9.03 1.04 47.35 1.04 43.22 5112/96 13:51:48 8.75 1.01 45.89 1.0 I 41.88 5/12/96 17:51:48 8.53 0.98 44.73 0.98 40.83 5112/96 21 :51 :48 8.32 0.96 43.63 0.96 39.82 5/13/96 1:51:48 8.13 0.94 42.64 0.94 38.91 5/13/96 5:51:48 7.93 0.91 41.59 0.91 37.96 5/13/96 9:51:48 7.8 0.90 40.90 0.90 37.33 5/13/96 13:51:48 7.6 0.88 39.86 0.88 36.38 5/13/96 17:51:48 7.45 0.86 39.07 0.86 35.66 5/13/96 21:51:48 7.3 0.84 38.28 0.84 34.94 5/14/96 I :51:48 7.93 0.91 41.59 0.91 37.96 5/14/96 5:51:48 8.4 0.97 44.05 0.97 40.21 5/14/96 9:51:48 8.23 0.95 43.16 0.95 39.39 5114196 13:51 :48 7.75 0.89 40.64 0.89 37.09 5/14/96 17:51:48 7.55 0.87 39.59 0.87 36.14 5/14/96 21:51:48 7.53 0.87 39.49 0.87 36.04 5/15/96 1:51:48 7.43 0.86 38.96 0.86 35.56 5115/96 5:51:48 7.25 0.84 38.02 0.84 34.70 5/15/96 9:51:48 7.35 0.85 38.54 0.85 35.18 5/15/96 13:51:48 7.05 0.81 36.97 0.81 33.74 5/15/96 17:51:48 6.8 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 5/15/96 21:51:48 6.6 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 5/16/96 I :51:48 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 5/16/96 5:51:48 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 5/16/96 9:51:48 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 5116/96 13:51:48 6.22 o.n 32.62 0.72 29.77 5116196 17:51 :48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 5/16/96 21:51:48 5.97 0.69 31.31 0.69 28.57 5/17/96 1:51:48 5.95 0.69 31.20 0.69 28.48 5117/96 5:51:48 5.95 0.69 31.20 0.69 28.48 5/17/96 9:51:48 5.9 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 5/17/96 13:51:48 5.8 0.67 30.42 0.67 27.76 5/17/96 17:51:48 5.75 0.66 30.15 0.66 27.52 5117196 21:51:48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 5/18/96 1:51:48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 5/18/96 5:51 :48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 5/18/96 9:51:48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 5/18/96 13:51:48 5.6 0.65 29.37 0.65 26.80 5/18/96 17:51:48 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 5/18/96 21:51:48 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 PAGE E22 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted IXpth DailyF1ow IXpth DailyF1ow % ft cfS ft cfS 5/19/96 I :51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 5/19/96 5:51:48 5.4 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 5119/96 9:51:48 5.33 0.61 27.95 0.61 25.51 5/19/96 13:51:48 5.28 0.61 27.69 0.61 25.27 5/19/96 17:51:48 5.2 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 5/19/96 21 :51 :48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 5/20/96 I :51:48 5.1 0.59 26.75 0.59 24.41 5/20/96 5:51:48 5.08 0.59 26.64 0.59 24.32 5/20/96 9:51:48 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 5/20/96 13:51:48 5 0.58 26.22 0.58 23.93 5/20/96 17:51:48 4.9 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 5/20/96 21 :51 :48 4.8 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 5/21/96 I :51:48 4.78 0.55 25.07 0.55 22.88 5/21/96 5:51 :48 4.8 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 5/21196 9:51:48 4.78 0.55 25.07 0.55 22.88 5/21/96 13:51:48 4.7 0.54 24.65 0.54 22.50 5/21196 17:51 :48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 5/21/96 21:51 :48 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 5/22/96 I :51:48 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 5/22/96 5:51:48 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 5/22/96 9:51:48 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 5/22/96 13:51:48 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 5/22/96 17:51 :48 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.50 20.82 5/22/96 21 :51 :48 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 5/23/96 I :51:48 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 5/23/96 5:51:48 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.50 20.82 5/23/96 9:51:48 4.3 0.50 22.55 0.50 20.58 5/23/96 13:51 :48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 5/23/96 17:51 :48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 5/23/96 21 :51 :48 4.3 0.50 22.55 0.50 20.58 5/24/96 I :51:48 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 5/24/96 5:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 5/24/96 9:51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 5/24/96 13:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 5/24/96 17:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 5/24/96 21 :51 :48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 5/25/96 1:51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 5/25/96 5:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 5/25/96 9:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 5/25/96 13:51:48 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.53 5/25/96 17:51:48 4.03 0.46 21.13 0.46 19.29 5/25/96 21 :51 :48 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.46 18.91 5/26/96 I :51:48 3.9 0.45 20.45 0.45 18.67 5/26/96 5:51:48 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 5/26/96 9:51:48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 5/26/96 13:51 :48 3.8 0.44 19.93 0.44 18.19 5/26/96 17:51:48 3.8 0.44 19.93 0.44 18.19 5/26/96 21 :51 :48 3.8 0.44 19.93 0.44 18.19 5/27/96 I :51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted IXpth DailyF1ow IXpth DailyF1ow % ft cfS ft cfS 5/27/96 5:51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 5/27/96 9:51:48 4.6 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 5/27/96 13:51:48 4.43 0.51 23.23 0.51 21.20 5/27/96 17:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 5/27/96 21:51:48 3.92 0.45 20.56 0.45 18.76 5/28/96 1:51:48 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 5/28/96 5:51:48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 5/28/96 9:51:48 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 5/28/96 13:51:48 3.73 0.43 19.56 0.43 17.85 5/28/96 17:51 :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.42 17.57 5/28/96 21 :51 :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.42 17.44 5/29/96 I :51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.42 17.32 5/29/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.41 17.20 5/29/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.41 17.08 5/29/96 13:51:48 3.63 0.42 19.04 0.41 16.96 5/29/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.41 16.84 5129196 21 :51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.40 16.72 5/30/96 I :51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.40 16.60 5/30/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.40 16.49 5130196 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.39 16.37 5/30/96 13:51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.39 16.26 5/30/96 17:51 :48 3.63 0.42 19.04 0.39 16.15 5/30/96 21 :51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.39 16.04 5/31/96 1:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.38 15.93 5/31/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.38 15.82 5/31/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.38 15.71 5/31/96 13:51 :48 3.63 0.42 19.04 0.38 15.60 5/31/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.37 15.50 5/31/96 21:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.37 15.39 6/1196 I :51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.37 15.29 6/1/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.37 15.18 6/1/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.36 15.08 6/1/96 13:51:48 3.63 0.42 19.04 0.36 14.98 6/1/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.36 14.88 6/1/96 21:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.36 14.78 6/2/96 I :51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.35 14.68 612196 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.35 14.58 6/2/96 9:51:48 3.63 0.42 19.04 0.35 14.49 6/2/96 13:51 :48 3.63 0.42 19.04 0.35 14.39 612/96 17:51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.34 14.30 6/2/96 21 :51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.34 14.20 6/3/96 I :51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.34 14.11 613196 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.34 14.02 6/3/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.34 13.93 613196 13:51:48 3.63 0.42 19.04 0.33 13.84 6/3/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.33 13.75 6/3/96 21 :51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.33 13.66 6/4/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.33 13.57 6/4/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.32 13.48 PAGE E23 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date T1111e Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted IXpth Daily Flow IXpth Daily Flow % ft clS ft c1S 6/4/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.32 13.40 6/4/96 13:51:48 3.63 0.42 19.04 0.32 13.31 6/4/96 I 7:51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.32 13.22 6/4/96 21:51 :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.32 13.14 6/5/96 I:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.31 13.06 6/5/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.31 12.98 615/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.31 12.89 6/5/96 13:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.31 12.81 6/5/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.31 12.73 6/5/96 21 :5 I :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.31 12.65 6/6/96 I :51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.30 12.57 6/6/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.30 12.50 6/6/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.30 12.42 6/6/96 13:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.30 12.34 616196 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 I9.14 0.30 12.27 6/6/96 21 :51 :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.29 12.19 617/96 1:5 I :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.29 12.I2 6/7/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.29 12.04 617/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.29 11.97 61719613:51:48 3.63 0.42 19.04 0.29 11.90 617/96 17:51 :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.29 11.83 617196 21 :51 :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.28 11.76 6/8/96 I :51:48 3.7 0.43 19.40 0.28 11.69 6/8/96 5:51 :48 3.7 0.43 19.40 0.28 11.62 6/8/96 9:51:48 3.7 0.43 19.40 0.28 11.55 618196 13:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.28 I 1.48 6!8/96 17:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.28 11.41 618/96 21:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.27 11.34 6/9/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 I9.25 0.27 11.28 6/9/96 5:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.27 11.21 619/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.27 11.15 619196 13:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.27 11.08 6/9/96 17:51 :48 3.65 0.42 I9.14 0.27 11.02 619/96 21 :51 :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.26 10.95 6/10/96 1:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.26 10.89 6110/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.26 10.83 6/10/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 I 9.1-l 0.26 10.77 6/10/96 13:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.26 10.71 6/10/96 17:51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.26 10.65 6110/96 21:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.26 10.59 6/11/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.25 10.53 6ill/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.25 10.47 6/11/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.25 10.41 6!11/96 13:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.25 10.35 6111/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.25 10.30 6/11/96 "'lJ:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.25 10.24 6112/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.25 10.18 6;12196 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.24 10.13 6'12/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.24 10.07 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date T1111e Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted D:!pth Daily Flow IXpth DailyFlov,; % ft c1S ft c1S 6/12/96 13:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.24 10.02 6/12/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.24 9.96 6/12/96 21:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.24 9.91 6/13/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.24 9.86 6113/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.24 9.80 6/13/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.24 9.75 6/13/96 13:51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.23 9.70 6/13/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.23 9.65 6/13/96 21:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.23 9.60 6114/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.23 9.55 6/14/96 5:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.23 9.50 6/14/96 9:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.23 9.45 6114/96 13:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.23 9.40 6/14/96 17:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.23 9.35 6/14/96 21:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.22 9.30 6/15/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.22 9.26 6/15/96 5:5 I :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.22 9.21 6/15/96 9:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.22 9.16 6/15/96 13:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.22 9.12 6115/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.22 9.07 6115196 21 :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.22 9.03 6/16/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.22 8.98 6116196 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.22 8.94 6/16/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.21 8.89 6/16/96 13:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.21 8.85 6116196 17:51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.21 8.8I 6116196 21:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.21 8.76 6117/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.21 8.72 6/17/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.21 8.68 6/17/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.21 8.64 6/17/9613:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.21 8.60 6/17/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.21 8.56 6/17/96 21:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.21 8.52 6/18/96 1:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.20 8.48 6/18/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.20 8.44 6/18/96 9:51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.20 8.40 6118/96 13:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.20 8.36 6/18/96 17:51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.20 8.32 6/18/96 21:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.20 8.28 6/19/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.20 8.24 6119196 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.20 8.21 6/19/96 9:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.20 8.17 6/19/96 13:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.20 8.13 6/19/96 17:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.20 8.09 6/19/96 21 :51 :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.19 8.06 6/20/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.19 8.02 6/20/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.19 7.99 6/20/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.19 7.95 6/20/96 13:51 :48 3.65 0.41 19.14 0.19 7.92 PAGE E24 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date TllTie Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Row Depth Daily Row % ft cfS ft cfS 6/20/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.19 7.88 6/20/96 21:51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.19 7.85 6/21/96 1:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.19 7.81 6/21/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.19 7.78 6/21/96 9:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.19 7.75 6/21/9613:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.19 7.72 6/21/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.19 7.68 6/21196 21:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.18 7.65 6/22/96 I :51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.18 7.62 6/22/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.18 7.59 6/22/96 9:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.18 7.56 6/22/96 13:51:48 3.7 0.43 19.40 0.18 7.52 6/22/96 17:51:48 4.43 0.51 23.23 0.51 21.20 6/22/96 21 :51:48 11.1 1.28 58.21 1.28 53.13 6/23/96 I :51:48 6.55 0.76 34.35 0.76 31.35 6/23/96 5:51:48 5.28 0.61 27.69 0.61 25.27 6/23/96 9:51:48 7.43 0.86 38.96 0.86 35.56 6/23/96 13:51:48 8.13 0.94 42.64 0.94 38.91 6/23/96 17:51:48 7.22 0.83 37.86 0.83 34.56 6/23/96 21 :51 :48 12.35 1.42 64.77 1.42 59.11 6/24/96 I :51:48 9.73 1.12 51.03 1.12 46.57 6/24/96 5:51:48 8.07 0.93 42.32 0.93 38.63 6/24/96 9:51:48 8.73 1.0 I 45.78 1.0 I 41.79 6/24/96 13:51 :48 8.78 1.0 I 46.04 1.01 42.02 6/24/96 17:51:48 12.13 1.40 63.61 1.40 58.06 6/24/96 21:51 :48 8.18 0.94 42.90 0.94 39.15 6/25/96 1:51:48 7.35 0.85 38.54 0.85 35.18 6/25/96 5:51:48 6.97 0.80 36.55 0.80 33.36 6/25/96 9:51:48 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 6/25/96 13:51:48 6.8 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 6/25/96 17:51:48 6.6 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 6/25/96 21 :51:48 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 6/26/96 I :51:48 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 6/26/96 5:51:48 7.93 0.91 41.59 0.91 37.96 6/26/96 9:51:48 8.57 0.99 44.94 0.99 41.02 6/26/96 13:51:48 7.35 0.85 38.54 0.85 35.18 6/26/96 17:51 :48 6.95 0.80 36.45 0.80 33.27 6/26/96 21 :51 :48 6.7 0.77 35.14 0.77 32.07 6/27/96 I :51:48 6.63 0.76 34.77 0.76 31.73 6/27/96 5:51:48 6.55 0.76 34.35 0.76 31.35 6/27/96 9:51:48 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 6/27/96 13:51:48 6.33 0.73 33.20 0.73 30.30 6/27/96 17:51:48 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 6/27/96 21:51:48 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 6/28/96 1:51:48 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 6/28/96 5:51:48 5.95 0.69 31.20 0.69 28.48 6/28/96 9:51:48 5.85 0.67 30.68 0.67 28.00 6/28/96 13:51:48 5.75 0.66 30.15 0.66 27.52 6/28/96 17:51:48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tlffie Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Row Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 6/28/96 21 :51 :48 5.47 0.63 28.69 0.63 26.18 6/29/96 1:51 :48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 6/29/96 5:51:48 5.4 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 6/29/96 9:51 :48 5.33 0.61 27.95 0.61 25.51 6/29/96 13:51:48 5.22 0.60 27.37 0.60 24.99 6/29/96 17:51 :48 5.15 0.59 27.01 0.59 24.65 6/29/96 21 :51:48 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 6/30/96 I :51:48 4.97 0.57 26.06 0.57 23.79 6/30/96 5:51:48 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 6/30/96 9:51:48 4.85 0.56 25.43 0.56 23.21 6/30/96 13:51:48 4.8 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 6/30/96 17:51 :48 4.72 0.54 24.75 0.54 22.59 6/30/96 21 :51 :48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 7/1/96 I :51:48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 7/1/96 5:51:48 4.6 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 7/1/96 9:51:48 4.6 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 7/1/96 13:51:48 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 7/1/96 17:51:48 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 7/1/96 21:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 7/2/96 I :51:48 5.03 0.58 26.38 0.58 24.08 7/2/96 5:51:48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 7/2/96 9:51 :48 6.9 0.80 36.18 0.80 33.03 7/2/96 13:51:48 6.7 0.77 35.14 0.77 32.07 7/2/96 17:51 :48 5.9 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 7/2/96 21:51:48 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 7/3/96 I :51:48 5 0.58 26.22 0.58 23.93 7/3!96 5:51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 7/3/96 9:51:48 5.58 0.64 29.26 0.64 26.71 7/3%13:51:48 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 7/3/96 17:51:48 8.73 1.0 I 45.78 1.0 I 41.79 7/3/96 21:51:48 10.63 1.23 55.75 1.23 50.88 7/4/96 I :51:48 10.28 1.19 53.91 1.19 49.20 7/4/96 5:51:48 9.18 1.06 48.1..\ 1.06 43.94 7/4/96 9:51:48 8.43 0.97 44.21 0.97 40.35 7/4/96 13:51:48 10.35 1.19 54.28 1.19 49.54 7/4/96 17:51:48 9.38 1.08 49.19 1.08 44.90 7/4/96 21:51:48 8.55 0.99 44.84 0.99 40.92 7/5/96 1 :51:48 8.13 0.94 42.64 0.94 38.91 7/5/96 5:51:48 7.9 0.91 41.43 0.91 37.81 7/5196 9:51 :48 7.75 0.89 40.64 0.89 37.09 7/5/96 13:51:48 7.6 0.88 39.86 0.88 36.38 7/5/96 17:51 :48 7.38 0.85 38.70 0.85 35.32 7/5/96 21:51:48 7.22 0.83 37.86 0.83 34.56 7/6/96 1:51:48 7.13 0.82 37.39 0.82 34.13 7/6/96 5:51:48 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 716196 9:51:48 6.93 0.80 36.34 0.80 33.17 7/6/96 13:51:48 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 7/6/96 17:51:48 6.7 0.77 35.14 0.77 32.07 7/6;96 21:51:48 6.6 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 PAGE E25 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft ctS ft ctS 7/7/96 I :51:48 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 7/7/96 5:51:48 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 7/7/96 9:51:48 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 7/7/96 13:51:48 6.5 0.75 34.09 0.75 31.11 7/7/96 17:51:48 7.53 0.87 39.49 0.87 36.04 7/7/96 21:51:48 10.48 1.21 54.96 1.21 50.16 7/8/96 1:51:48 12.38 1.43 64.92 1.43 59.26 7/8/96 5:51:48 8.53 0.98 44.73 0.98 40.83 7/8/96 9:51:48 7.63 0.88 40.01 0.88 36.52 7/8/9613:51:48 7.43 0.86 38.96 0.86 35.56 7/8/96 17:51:48 7.83 0.90 41.06 0.90 37.48 7/8/96 21:51:48 7.72 0.89 40.48 0.89 36.95 7/9/96 I :51:48 7.53 0.87 39.49 0.87 36.04 7/9/96 5:51:48 7.25 0.84 38.02 0.84 34.70 7/9/96 9:51:48 7.1 0.82 37.23 0.82 33.98 7/9/96 13:51:48 6.97 0.80 36.55 0.80 33.36 7/9/96 17:51:48 6.88 0.79 36.08 0.79 32.93 7/9/96 21:51:48 6.9 0.80 36.18 0.80 33.03 7/10/96 I :51:48 6.8 0.78 35.66 0.78 32.55 7/10/96 5:51 :48 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 7/10/96 9:51:48 6.6 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 7/10/96 13:51:48 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 7/10/96 17:51:48 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 7/10/96 21:51:48 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 7/11/96 I :51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 7 Ill /96 5:51:48 6.33 0.73 33.20 0.73 30.30 7/11/96 9:51:48 6.43 0.74 33.72 0.74 30.78 7/11;96 13:51:48 6.7 0.77 35.14 0.77 32.07 7/11/96 17:51:48 7.13 0.82 37.39 0.82 34.13 7/1 L96 21:51:48 8.05 0.93 42.22 0.93 38.53 7/12.196 I :51:48 7.22 0.83 37.86 0.83 34.56 7/12.'96 5:51:48 6.97 0.80 36.55 0.80 33.36 7/12/96 9:51 :48 7.25 0.84 38.02 0.84 34.70 7/12196 13:51:48 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 7/12/9617:51:48 6.68 0.77 35.03 0.77 31.97 7/12/96 21:51:48 6.53 0.75 34.24 0.75 31.26 7113 96 I :51:48 6.4 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 7113"96 5:51:48 6.33 0.73 33.20 0.73 30.30 7113196 9:51 :48 6.3 0.73 33.04 0.73 30.15 7113 96 13:51:48 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 7113/96 17:51:48 6.33 0.73 33.20 0.73 30.30 7/13./96 21:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 7/14 96 I :51:48 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 7114 96 5:51:48 9.75 1.12 51.13 1.12 46.67 7/14 96 9:51:48 10.5 1.21 55.06 1.21 50.26 7114 96 13:51:48 8.95 1.03 46.94 1.03 42.84 7/14 96 17:51:48 9.65 I. II 50.61 1.1 I 46.19 7114 96 21:51:48 9.45 1.09 49.56 1.09 45.23 7/15 96 I :51:48 12 1.38 62.93 1.38 57.44 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft c1S ft c1S 7/15/96 5:51:48 18.18 2.10 95.34 2.10 87.02 7/15/96 9:51:48 18.18 2.10 95.34 2.10 87.02 7/15/96 13:51:48 16.95 1.96 88.89 1.96 81.13 7/15/96 17:51:48 13.8 1.59 72.37 1.59 66.05 7/15/96 21:51:48 12.85 1.48 67.39 1.48 61.51 7/16/96 1:51:48 12.53 1.45 65.71 1.45 59.97 7/16/96 5:51:48 12.6 1.45 66.08 1.45 60.31 7/16/96 9:51:48 12.32 1.42 64.61 1.42 58.97 7/16/96 13:51:48 12.1 1.40 63.45 1.40 57.92 7/16/96 17:51:48 11.48 1.32 60.20 1.32 54.95 7/16/96 21:51:48 10.8 1.25 56.64 1.25 51.69 7/17/96 I :51:48 10.5 1.21 55.06 1.21 50.26 7117/96 5:51:48 10.3 1.19 54.01 1.19 49.30 7/17/96 9:51:48 10.13 1.17 53.12 1.17 48.49 7/17/96 13:51:48 9.65 I. II 50.61 I. II 46.19 7/17/96 17:51:48 9.3 1.07 48.77 1.07 44.51 7/17/96 21:51:48 9 1.04 47.20 1.04 43.08 7/18/96 I :51:48 8.78 1.0 I 46.04 1.0 I 42.02 7/18/96 5:51:48 8.55 0.99 44.84 0.99 40.92 7/18/96 9:51:48 8.35 0.96 43.79 0.96 39.97 7/18/96 13:51:48 8.15 0.94 42.74 0.94 39.01 7/18/96 17:51:48 7.95 0.92 41.69 0.92 38.05 7/18/96 21:51:48 7.78 0.90 40.80 0.90 37.24 7/19/96 I :51:48 7.6 0.88 39.86 0.88 36.38 7/19/96 5:51:48 7.45 0.86 39.07 0.86 35.66 7/19/96 9:51:48 7.3 0.84 38.28 0.84 34.94 7/19/96 13:51:48 7.15 0.82 37.50 0.82 34.22 7/19/96 17:51:48 7.05 0.81 36.97 0.81 33.74 7/19/96 21:51:48 6.95 0.80 36.45 0.80 33.27 7/20/96 I :51:48 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 7/20/96 5:51:48 6.72 0.78 35.24 0.78 32.16 7/20/96 9:51:48 6.6 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 7/20/96 13:51:48 6.5 0.75 34.09 0.75 31.11 7/20/96 17:51:48 6.35 0.73 33.30 0.73 30.39 7/20/96 21 :51 :48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 7/21/96 I :51:48 6.15 0.71 32.25 0.71 29.44 7/21/96 5:51:48 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 7/21/96 9:51 :48 5.97 0.69 31.31 0.69 28.57 7/21/96 13:51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 7/21/96 17:51:48 5.8 0.67 30.42 0.67 27.76 7/21/96 21:51:48 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 7/22/96 I :51:48 5.7 0.66 29.89 0.66 27.28 7/22/96 5:51:48 5.95 0.69 31.20 0.69 28.48 7/22/96 9:51:48 6.08 0.70 31.88 0.70 29.10 7/22/96 13:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 7/22/96 17:51:48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 7/22/96 21:51:48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 7/23!96 I :51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 7123196 5:51:48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 PAGE E26 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 7/23/96 9:51:48 10.18 1.17 53.39 1.17 48.73 7/23/96 13:51:48 8.18 0.94 42.90 0.94 39.15 7/23/96 17:51:48 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 7/23/96 21 :51 :48 5.97 0.69 31.31 0.69 28.57 7/24/96 1:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 7/24/96 5:51:48 5.7 0.66 29.89 0.66 27.28 7/24/96 9:51:48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 7/24/96 13:51:48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 7/24/96 17:51:48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 7/24/96 21:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 7/25/96 I :51:48 5.75 0.66 30.15 0.66 27.52 7/25/96 5:51:48 5.68 0.66 29.79 0.66 27.19 7/25/96 9:51:48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 7/25/96 13:51:48 5.4 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 7/25/96 17:51:48 5.3 0.61 27.79 0.61 25.37 7/25/96 21:51:48 5.2 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 7/26/96 I :51:48 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 7/26/96 5:51:48 5.18 0.60 27.16 0.60 24.79 7/26/96 9:51:48 5.15 0.59 27.01 0.59 24.65 7/26/96 13:51 :48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 7/26/96 17:51:48 5.1 0.59 26.75 0.59 24.41 7/26/96 21 :51 :48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 7/27/96 I :51:48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 7/27/96 5:51:48 5.4 0.62 28.32 0.62 25.85 7/27/96 9:51:48 5.63 0.65 29.52 0.65 26.95 7/27/96 13:51:48 5.25 0.61 27.53 0.61 25.13 7/27/96 17:51:48 5.05 0.58 26.48 0.58 24.17 7/27/96 21 :51 :48 4.9 0.57 25.70 0.57 23.45 7/28/96 I :51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 7/28/96 5:51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 7/28/96 9:51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 7/28/96 13:51:48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 7/28/96 17:51:48 4.83 0.56 25.33 0.56 23.12 7/28/96 21:51 :48 4.78 0.55 25.07 0.55 22.88 7/29/96 1:51 :48 4.75 0.55 24.91 0.55 22.74 7/29/96 5:51:48 4.7 0.54 24.65 0.54 22.50 7/29/96 9:51:48 4.68 0.54 24.54 0.54 22.40 7/29/96 13:51 :48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 7/29/96 17:51:48 4.6 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 7/29/96 21:51:48 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 7/30/96 1:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 7/30/96 5:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 7/30/96 9:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 7/30/96 13:51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 7/30/96 17:51:48 4.58 0.53 24.02 0.53 21.92 7/30/96 21:51:48 4.5 0.52 23.60 0.52 21.54 7/31/96 I :51:48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 7/31196 5:51:48 4.55 0.52 23.86 0.52 21.78 7/31/96 9:51:48 4.6 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 7/31/96 13:51:48 4.4 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 7/31196 17:51:48 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 7/31/96 21:51:48 4.2 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 8/1/96 I :51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 8/1196 5:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 8/1/96 9:51 :48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 8/1/96 13:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 811/96 17:51:48 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 8/1/96 21:51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 8/2/96 I :51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 8/2/96 5:51:48 4.05 0.47 21.24 0.47 19.39 8/2/96 9:51:48 4 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 8/2/96 13:51:48 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.46 18.91 8/2/96 17:51:48 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 8/2/96 21 :51 :48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 8/3/96 I :51:48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 8/3/96 5:51 :48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 8/3/96 9:51 :48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 8/3196 13:51:48 3.9 0.45 20.45 0.45 18.67 8/3/96 17:51 :48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 8/3/96 21 :51 :48 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.50 20.82 8/4/96 I :51:48 4.43 0.51 23.23 0.51 21.20 8/4/96 5:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 8/4/96 9:51:48 3.95 0.46 20.71 0.46 18.91 8/4/96 13:51 :48 3.92 0.45 20.56 0.45 18.76 8/4/96 17:51:48 3.9 0.45 20.45 0.45 18.67 8/4/96 21:51:48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 8/5/% I :51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 8/5/% 5:51:48 4.6 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 8f5i96 9:51 :48 4.8 0.55 25.17 0.55 22.97 8/5/% 13:51 :48 4.85 0.56 25.43 0.56 23.21 8/5/96 17:51 :48 4.47 0.52 23.44 0.52 21.40 8/5196 21:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 816/96 I :51:48 4.2 0.48 22.03 0.48 20.10 8/6/96 5:51:48 4.25 0.49 22.29 0.49 20.34 8/6/96 9:51 :48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 8/6/96 13:51 :48 4.88 0.56 25.59 0.56 23.36 8/6/96 17:51:48 4.65 0.54 24.39 0.54 22.26 8/6/96 21:51:48 4.28 0.49 22.45 0.49 20.49 8/7196 1:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 8/7.'96 5:51:48 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 8/7/96 9:51 :48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 8/7'96 13:51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 817/96 17:51:48 4.08 0.47 21.40 0.47 19.53 8/7/96 21 :51 :48 4 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 8/8/96 I :51:48 4 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 8/8/96 5:51:48 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.46 19.05 8/8/96 9:51:48 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.46 19.05 8/8/96 13:51 :48 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.46 19.05 PAGE E27 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tone Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow IXpth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft cfS 8/8/96 I 7:5 I :48 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.46 19.05 8/8/96 2 I :5 I :48 3.92 0.45 20.56 0.45 I8.76 8/9/96 1:51:48 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 8/9/96 5:51:48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 8/9/96 9:51:48 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 8/9/96 13:51 :48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 I8.43 8/9/96 17:51 :48 3.9 0.45 20.45 0.45 18.67 8/9/96 21 :51 :48 3.8 0.44 19.93 0.44 18.19 8/10/96 I :51:48 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 8110/96 5:51 :48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 I9.62 8/10/96 9:51:48 4.3 0.50 22.55 0.50 20.58 8110/96 13:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 8/10/96 17:51:48 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.46 19.05 8/10/96 21:51:48 3.9 0.45 20.45 0.45 18.67 8/11196 I :51:48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 8/11/96 5:51:48 3.8 0.44 19.93 0.44 18.19 8/11/96 9:51:48 3.83 0.44 20.09 0.44 18.33 8/11/96 13:51:48 3.8 0.44 19.93 0.44 18.19 8111/96 17:5 I :48 3.85 0.44 20.I9 0.44 18.43 8/11/96 21:51:48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 I 8.43 8/I 2/96 I :51:48 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 8/12/96 5:51:48 3.98 0.46 20.87 0.46 19.05 8/12/96 9:51:48 4 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 8/12/96 13:51:48 3.88 0.45 20.35 0.45 18.57 8/12/96 17:51:48 3.78 0.44 19.82 0.44 18.09 8112/96 21 :51 :48 3.7 0.43 19.40 0.43 17.71 8113/96 1:51 :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.42 17.57 8/13/96 5:51:48 3.7 0.43 19.40 0.43 17.71 8113/96 9:51:48 3.78 0.44 19.82 0.44 18.09 8/13/96 13:51:48 3.78 0.44 19.82 0.44 18.09 8/13/96 17:51:48 3.75 0.43 19.67 0.43 17.95 8113/96 21 :51:48 3.7 0.43 19.40 0.43 17.71 8/14/96 I :51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.42 17.57 8/14/96 5:51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.42 17.47 8/14/96 9:51 :48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.42 17.47 8/14/96 13:51:48 3.63 0.42 19.04 0.42 17.37 8/14/96 17:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.42 17.47 8/14/96 21:51:48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.42 17.57 8/15/96 I :51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.42 17.47 8/15/96 5:51:48 3.65 0.42 19.14 0.42 17.47 8/15/96 9:5 I :48 3.67 0.42 19.25 0.42 17.57 8/15/96 I3:51:48 3.73 0.43 19.56 0.43 17.85 8/15/96 17:51:48 3.8 0.44 19.93 0.44 18. I9 8!15/96 21:51:48 I 3.4 1.55 70.27 1.55 64.14 8/16/96 I :51:48 25.3 2.92 132.68 2.92 121.10 8/16/96 5:51:48 14. IS 1.64 74.36 1.64 67.87 8/I6/96 9:51:48 9.7 l.l2 50.87 1.12 46.43 8!16/96 i 3:51 :48 8.98 1.04 47.09 1.04 42.98 8/16/96 17:51:48 21.4 2.47 112.23 2.47 I 02.43 NOVEMBER 26. 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tone Avg Actual Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow IXpth Daily Flow % ft c:IS ft cfS 8116/96 21 :51:48 18.13 2.09 95.08 2.09 86.78 8/17/96 I :51:48 12.85 1.48 67.39 1.48 61.51 8117/96 5:51:48 12.18 1.41 63.87 1.41 58.30 8117/96 9:51:48 11.73 1.35 61.51 1.35 56.14 8117/96 13:51:48 11.53 1.33 60.47 1.33 55.19 8/17/96 17:5I:48 11.03 1.27 57.84 1.27 52.79 8/17/96 21:51:48 10.63 1.23 55.75 1.23 50.88 8/18/96 1:51:48 10.43 1.20 54.70 1.20 49.92 8118/96 5:51:48 14.63 1.69 76.72 1.69 70.03 8/18/96 9:51 :48 20.93 2.41 109.76 2.41 100.18 8/18/96 13:5I:48 I3.78 1.59 72.26 1.59 65.96 8/18/96 17:5 I :48 I2.15 I.40 63.72 1.40 58. I6 8/18/96 21 :5 I :48 11.55 1.33 60.57 1.33 55.28 8/19/96 1:51:48 11.15 1.29 58.47 1.29 53.37 8/19/96 5:51:48 10.78 1.24 56.53 1.24 5I.60 8119/96 9:51 :48 10.43 1.20 54.70 1.20 49.92 8/19/96 I3:5I:48 I0.03 1.16 52.60 1.16 48.01 8119/96 17:5 I :48 9.63 I. 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RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjusred Adjusred IXph Daily Flow IXph Daily Flow % ft c£; ft c£; 8/25/96 I :51:48 6.55 0.76 34.35 0.76 31.35 8/25/96 5:51:48 6.65 0.77 34.87 0.77 31.83 8/25/96 9:51:48 6.6 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 8/25/96 13:51:48 6.72 0.78 35.24 0.78 32.16 8/25/96 17:51:48 6.93 0.80 36.34 0.80 33.17 8/25/96 21 :51 :48 6.6 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 8/26/96 I :51:48 6.45 0.74 33.82 0.74 30.87 8/26/96 5:51:48 6.43 0.74 33.72 0.74 30.78 8/26/96 9:51:48 6.38 0.74 33.46 0.74 30.54 8/26/96 13:51:48 6.28 0.72 32.93 0.72 30.06 8/26/96 17:51 :48 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 8/26/96 21 :5 I :48 6.18 0.71 32.41 0.71 29.58 8/27/96 1:51:48 6.13 0.71 32.15 0.71 29.34 8/27/96 5:51:48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 8/27/96 9:51:48 6.05 0.70 31.73 0.70 28.96 8/27/96 13:51:48 5.97 0.69 31.31 0.69 28.57 8/27/96 17:51 :48 5.95 0.69 31.20 0.69 28.48 8/27/96 21:51:48 5.9 0.68 30.94 0.68 28.24 8/28/96 1:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 8/28/96 5:51:48 5.8 0.67 30.42 0.67 27.76 8/28/96 9:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 8/28/96 I3:51 :48 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 8/28/96 17:51 :48 5.65 0.65 29.63 0.65 27.04 8/28/96 21 :51 :48 5.55 0.64 29.11 0.64 26.56 8/29/96 I :51:48 5.47 0.63 28.69 0.63 26.18 8/29/96 5:51:48 5.45 0.63 28.58 0.63 26.09 8/29/96 9:51:48 5.43 0.63 28.48 0.63 25.99 8/29/96 13:51:48 5.35 0.62 28.06 0.62 25.61 8/29/96 I 7:51 :48 5.33 0.6I 27.95 0.61 25.51 8/29/96 21 :51 :48 5.2 0.60 27.27 0.60 24.89 8/30/96 I :51:48 5.13 0.59 26.90 0.59 24.55 8/30/96 5:51:48 5. 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RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Tune Avg Acll.lal Actual Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft cfS ft ciS I Oil 3/96 I :51:48 3.7 0.43 19.40 0.29 11.97 10/13/96 5:51:48 3.78 0.44 19.82 0.29 11.94 10/13/96 9:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 10/13/96 13:51:48 4.4 0.51 23.07 0.51 21.06 10113/96 17:51:48 4.53 0.52 23.76 0.52 21.68 I 0/13/96 21 :51 :48 4.35 0.50 22.81 0.50 20.82 10/14/96 1:51:48 4 0.46 20.98 0.46 19.15 10/14/96 5:51:48 3.85 0.44 20.19 0.44 18.43 10/14/96 9:51:48 3.8 0.44 19.93 0.44 18.19 10/14/96 13:51:48 5.53 0.64 29.00 0.64 26.47 10/14/9617:51:48 6.43 0.74 33.72 0.74 30.78 10/14/96 21:51:48 4.93 0.57 25.85 0.57 23.60 10115196 1:51:48 4.78 0.55 25.07 0.55 22.88 I 0/15/96 5:51:48 4.63 0.53 24.28 0.53 22.16 I 0/15/96 9:51:48 4.45 0.51 23.34 0.51 21.30 10/15/96 13:51:48 4.33 0.50 22.71 0.50 20.73 10/15/96 17:51:48 4.22 0.49 22.13 0.49 20.20 10115196 21:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 10/16/96 I :51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 I 0/16/96 5:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 I 0/16/96 9:51:48 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 10/16/96 13:51:48 4.1 0.47 21.50 0.47 19.62 10/16/96 17:51:48 4.13 0.48 21.66 0.48 19.77 10/16/96 21:51:48 4.15 0.48 21.76 0.48 19.86 10117/96 1:51:48 4.18 0.48 21.92 0.48 20.01 10/17/96 5:51:48 4.6 0.53 24.12 0.53 22.02 10/17/96 9:51:48 15 1.73 78.66 1.73 71.80 10/17/96 13:51:48 23.55 2.72 123.50 2.72 112.72 10/17/9617:51:48 23.73 2.74 124.44 2.74 113.58 10117/96 21:51:48 12.23 1.41 64.14 1.41 58.54 10/18/96 1:51:48 9.78 1.13 51.29 1.13 46.81 10/18/96 5:51:48 9.23 1.06 48.40 1.06 44.18 10/18/96 9:51:48 8.85 1.02 46.41 1.02 42.36 I 0/18/96 13:51:48 8.5 0.98 44.58 0.98 40.68 I 0118/96 17:51 :48 8.25 0.95 43.26 0.95 39.49 10/18/96 21:51:48 8 0.92 41.95 0.92 38.29 10/19/96 1:51:48 7.85 0.91 41.17 0.91 37.57 10/19/96 5:51:48 8.03 0.93 42.11 0.93 38.44 lOll 9/96 9:51:48 7.78 0.90 40.80 0.90 37.24 10/19196 13:51:48 7.85 0.91 41.17 0.91 37.57 10/19/96 17:51:48 7.6 0.88 39.86 0.88 36.38 10/19/96 21:51:48 7.38 0.85 38.70 0.85 35.32 10/20/96 1 :51:48 7.35 0.85 38.54 0.85 35.18 10120196 5:51:48 7.28 0.84 38.18 0.84 34.85 10120196 9:51:48 7.35 0.85 38.54 0.85 35.18 10/20/96 13:51:48 7 0.81 36.71 0.81 33.50 I 0/20/96 17:51 :48 6.83 0.79 35.82 0.79 32.69 I 0/20!96 21 :51 :48 6.7 0.77 35.14 0.77 32.07 10121/96 1:51:48 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 NOVEMBER 26. 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Acll.lal Adjusted Adjusted Depth Daily Flow Depth Daily Flow % ft ciS ft cfS 10/21196 5:51:48 18.25 2.11 95.71 2.11 87.35 I 0/21/96 9:51:48 10.35 1.19 54.28 1.19 49.54 10/21/96 13:51:48 8.7 1.00 45.62 1.00 41.64 10/21/96 17:51:48 8.93 1.03 46.83 1.03 42.74 10/21/96 21:51:48 8.38 0.97 43.95 0.97 40.11 10/22/96 I :51:48 8.03 0.93 42.11 0.93 38.44 I 0/22/96 5:51:48 7.83 0.90 41.06 0.90 37.48 10/22/96 9:51:48 7.72 0.89 40.48 0.89 36.95 I 0/22/96 13:51 :48 7.8 0.90 40.90 0.90 37.33 10/22/96 17:51:48 7.85 0.91 41.17 0.91 37.57 I 0122196 21 :51 :48 7.63 0.88 40.01 0.88 36.52 10/23/96 1:51:48 7.43 0.86 38.96 0.86 35.56 10/23/96 5:51:48 7.28 0.84 38.18 0.84 34.85 10/23/96 9:51:48 7.2 0.83 37.76 0.83 34.46 I 0/23/96 13:51 :48 7.15 0.82 37.50 0.82 34.22 10/23/96 17:51:48 7.25 0.84 38.02 0.84 34.70 I 0/23/96 21 :.51:48 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 IOn4/96 I :51:48 6.9 0.80 36.18 0.80 33.03 I 0/24/96 5:51:48 6.78 0.78 35.56 0.78 32.45 10/24/96 9:51:48 6.7 0.77 35.14 0.77 32.07 10/24/96 13:51:48 7.03 0.81 36.87 0.81 33.65 10/24/96 17:51:48 8.6 0.99 45.10 0.99 41.16 I 0/24/96 21 :51:48 10.28 1.19 53.91 1.19 49.20 10/25/96 1 :5!:48 12.23 1.41 64.14 1.41 58.54 10/25/96 5:51:48 11.05 1.::!7 57.95 1.27 52.89 10/25/96 9:51:48 11.78 1.36 61.78 1.36 56.38 10/25/96 13:51:48 14.75 1.70 77.35 1.70 70.60 10/25/96 17:51:48 13.43 1.55 70.43 !.55 64.28 I 0/25/96 21:51:48 12.13 1.40 63.61 1.40 58.06 10/26/96 I :51:48 10.28 1.19 53.91 1.19 49.20 10/26/96 5:5 I :48 9.6 1.11 50.34 1.11 45.95 10/26/96 9:51:48 9.32 1.08 48.88 1.08 44.61 I 0/26/96 13:51:48 9.03 1.04 47.35 1.04 43.22 10126196 17:51:48 8.88 1.02 46.57 1.02 42.50 10/26/96 21 :51:48 8.68 1.00 45.52 1.00 41.55 10/27/96 I :51:48 8.53 0.98 44.73 0.98 40.83 I 0/27/96 5:51:48 8.43 0.97 44.21 0.97 40.35 10/27/96 9:51:48 8.35 0.96 43.79 0.96 39.97 10/27/96 13:51:48 8.28 0.96 43.42 0.96 39.63 10127196 17:51:48 8.28 0.96 43.42 0.96 39.63 101271 96 21 :5!:48 9.53 1.10 49.98 1.10 45.61 10/28/96 1.51 :48 9.53 1.10 49.98 1.10 45.61 10/28/96 5:51:48 8 0.92 41.95 0.92 38.29 10/28/96 9:51:48 7.65 0.88 40.12 0.88 36.62 10/28/96 13:51:48 7.45 0.86 39.07 0.86 35.66 I 0/28/96 17:51 :48 7.3 0.84 38.28 0.84 34.94 I 0/28/96 21 :51:48 7.2 0.83 37.76 0.83 34.46 10/29/96 !:51 :48 7.15 0.82 37.50 0.82 34.22 10/29/96 5:51:48 7.13 0.82 37.39 0.82 34.13 POLARCONSUL T ALASKA, INC. RAW DATA CALCULATED DATA Date Time Avg Actual Actual Adjustfrl Ad justa! [);:pth DailyFIO\v [);:pth Daily Flow % ft ciS ft c1S 10/29/96 9:51:48 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 I 0/29/96 13:51 :48 7.1 0.82 37.23 0.82 33.98 I 0/29/96 17:51:48 7.08 0.82 37.13 0.82 33.89 10/29/96 21:51:48 6.88 0.79 36.08 0.79 32.93 10/30/96 I :51:48 6.7 0.77 35.14 0.77 32.07 I 0/30/96 5:51:48 6.6 0.76 34.61 0.76 31.59 I 0/30/96 9:51:48 6.47 0.75 33.93 0.75 30.97 10/30/96 13:51:48 6.4 0.74 33.56 0.74 30.63 10/30/96 17:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 I 0/30/96 21 :51 :48 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 10/31/96 1 :51 :48 6.2 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 10/31/96 5:51:48 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 10/31196 9:51:48 6.2 0.72 32.51 0.72 29.68 10/31/9613:51:48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 10/31/96 17:51:48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 10/31196 21:51:48 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 l 111/96 I :51:48 6.03 0.70 31.62 0.70 28.86 11/1/96 5:51:48 6.22 0.72 32.62 0.72 29.77 11/1/96 9:51:48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 11/1/96 13:51:48 5.88 0.68 30.84 0.68 28.14 11/1/96 17:51:48 6.1 0.70 31.99 0.70 29.20 1111/96 21:51 :48 6.25 0.72 32.78 0.72 29.92 11/2/96 1:51:48 5.97 0.69 31.31 0.69 28.57 11/2/96 5:51:48 5.8 0.67 30.42 0.67 27.76 1112/96 9:51:48 5.72 0.66 30.00 0.66 27.38 11/2/96 13:51:48 5.83 0.67 30.57 0.67 27.90 1112/96 17:51 :48 8 0.92 41.95 0.92 38.29 11/2/96 21:51:48 26.2 3.02 137.40 3.02 125.40 II /3/96 1:51:48 23.35 2.69 122.45 2.69 Ill. 76 11/3/96 5:51:48 12.43 1.43 65.19 1.43 59.50 11/3/96 9:51:48 10.07 1.16 52.81 1.16 48.20 11/3/96 13:51:48 9.55 1.10 50.08 1.10 45.71 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN POLARCONSUL T ALASKA. INC. ATKA HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN APPENDIX F-PUBLIC MEETING SUMMARY, NOVEMBER 1, 1996 NOVE!\trlFR 27. 1996 APPENDIX F Public Meeting Minutes on Chuniisax Creek Hydro Polarconsult, Alaska Inc. MINUTES FOR A PUBLIC MEETING ON CHUNIISAX HYDRO ATKA, ALASKA NOVEMBER 1, 1996 A public meeting was held in the Bingo Hall at the post office building. The meeting started about 6:30PM and preceded bingo. Earle Ausman from Polarconsult handed out drawings of the project. A presentation was made on the details of the project. Where it was, how it was to be built, cost, timing, the · amount of energy that would be produced, the amount the community currently uses, what can be done with energy excess to the typical needs of the community. Questions were answered during and after the presentation. Some of the questions were as follows: Will there be enough water? This question was likely prompted by the lack of water on the project built by the corporation just south of Old Town. The reply was the gauging has shown there is sufficient water to supply all of the communities current needs even during low flow periods. Because there is storage there the capability is available to provide power for a community twice the size of Atka's loads during low water periods. Will the diesels be needed? Yes they will be needed to back up the hydro plant during rare shutdowns for maintenance and if there is a failure. However they will be infrequently used. How will the pipe be assembled and moved up the hill? People remembered the difficulty in carrying pipe by hand for the Corporation hydro. It was explained that the pipe could be assembled in Dutch Harbor and towed in three sections to Atka using their boats. The sections of pipe would be winched up the hill to their location. A statement was made that Atka thinks they can get a John Deere wide pad tractor with winch for Nikolski. Using local aluminum lighters and two boats to tow the cat was discussed. A wide pad machine is very useful as it is able to travel over the tundra without bogging down. Grants were discussed: Other communities such as Iliamna, King Cove, Cordova, and others have received substantial grants from the Federal Government for small hydro. Atka because of its fuel cost, location, responsibility of the government dating from WWIL and the quality of its resource should be a grant recipient. The people in the meeting stated they would like to have a hydro plant and were in favor of the project. A list of participants is appended. -.-~--· ·----· ·~-----