HomeMy WebLinkAboutBay of Fundy Reassessment 1977I ,. . REASSESSMENT of FUNDY TIDAL POWER BAY OF FUNDY TIDAL POWER REVIEW BOARD NOVEMBER, 1977 The Honourable Alastair Gillespie, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources The Honourable Gerald A. Regan, Premier of Nova Scotia The Honourable Richard B. Hatfield, Premier of New Brunswick Gentlemen: December 2, 1977 We are pleased to advise that the investigations authorized under the terms of your agreement dated December 3, 1975, have now been completed. Our report, describing the principal aspects of these investigations, together with our conclusions and recommendations, is attached. The report of the Management Committee, providing a fully detailed technical description of the work undertaken and the results thereof, is now in the printing stage. It has been reviewed and accepted by the Board and will be forwarded when printed. All phases of our work have been marked by excellent co- operation between the agencies of the three governments, consultants, other organizations and individuals who have been involved in the investigations. Our ability to provide a firm assessment of the viability of exploiting the energy of the Fundy tides owes much to their interest and cooperation. Respectfully submitted, For Canada For Nova Scotia For New Brunswick f~or:r~~~ E.W. Humphrys L.F. Kirkpatrick /~~/'~~~ A. E. Collin R.B. Cameron Thompson REASSESSMENT of FUNDY TIDAL POWER BAY OF FUNDY TIDAL POWER REVIEW BOARD NOVEMBER, 1977 Contents INTRODUCTION ........... .. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS .... APPROACH TO THE STUDY .. THE TIDAL PLANT ............. . 1 5 11 . ................. 13 . .................... 14 UTILITY SYSTEMS ABSORPTION OF TIDAL ENERGY ... . ....... 24 ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS .. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS .... SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS ..................... . ANNEX A: TERMS OF REFERENCE . ANNEX B: PHASE II, PRE-INVESTMENT DESIGN PROGRAM ......................................................... . 32 37 41 ······ 46 . ............ 49 ··················· 56 THE ENERGY SITUATION 1 Introduction Since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, civilization has gradually grown remarkably dependent upon geologically-stored sources of energy; not only for its pleasures and comforts, but even for survival at present population levels. This period has brought about an exponentially-increasing use, enc ouraged by stable or gradually declining real prices, and supported by an increasing availability of energy resources. An expandi ng tech- nology has provided both the incentive and the means for exp-loit- ing stored energy reserves. Cost and convenience dictated the transfer of predominant use, first from wood to coal and, in this century, from coal to oil and natural gas. Adequate supplies of cheap energy came to be more or less taken for granted. However, events of the present decade have led to a vastly altered perception of the energy future. Concerns about atmos- pheric pollution temporarily , at least, inhibited the use of some fuels and caused greater consumption of petroleum products. Other concerns delayed the development of nuclear resources. Price stability vanished. It is now considered that recoverable reserves of oil and gas could become insufficient to meet demand in a few years or a few decades.* Security of energy supply and the stabilization of costs have become urgent concerns. Renewable resources have assumed added importance; not only because of present economic pressures, but also because of a growing aware- ness of the consequences to future generations of a policy of continuing massive withdrawals from the dwindling patrimony of traditional non-renewable energy resources. Such concerns are perhaps more keenly felt in the Maritime provinces , because of their relative scarc~ty of indigenous energy resources, than elsewhere in Canada. Primary energy demand for all purposes in the Atlantic Provinces exceeds 6.3 x 1014 British * The meeting of the Governing Board of the International Energy Agency in October 1977 chaired by the Honourable Alastair Gillespie, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, concluded that ·~ .. unless present energy poli- cies are strengthened there is a serious risk that as early as the 1980 's, the world will not have sufficient oil and other forms of energy available and that such a situation would have severe economic, social and political consequences throughout the world." In addition, the Ministers " ... noted that the current surplus of oil in the world market is a temporary condition and could lead to ill-founded complacency ... " and expressed the d e ter- mination" ... to reduce this risk by a strong concerted and sustained policy response designed to make more effective use of energy resources ... and to put more emphasis on development and use of less depletable energy sources." 2 TERMS OF REFERENCE thermal units (Btu) per year, (or 180 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) per year) of which only about 10% derives from renewable hydro resources, while the balance is made up from coal (6%) and im- ported oil (84%). Excluding Newfoundland and Labrador, there is relatively small potential for the development of indigenous energy sources to reduce oil dependency. Nova Scotia's coal output, recently averaging 1.6 million tons per year, (equivalent to 0.41 x 1014 Btu), may be capable of significant expansion. New Brunswick currently mines about 0.5 million tons per year (equivalent to 0.13 x 1014 Btu) and it is not likely that output will be expanded much beyond one million tons. About 1,500,000,000 kWh per year of additional hydroelectric energy potential has been defined in New Brunswick. Offshore oil and gas exploration has, as yet, met with only minor success. Inputs to electric utility systems in the Maritimes total 14.2 x 109 kWh (equivalent to 1.4 x 1014 Btu). Of this total, oil sup- plies 48%, coal 12% and hydro 40%. These figures include hydro energy imported to New Brunswick from Quebec but exclude thermal inputs related to exports from New Brunswick to New England. Nova Scotia's electrical utility production depends on oil to an even greater extent than the Maritimes as a whole, ie. 62% in contrast with 48%. The Fundy tides represent an unharnessed potential of hundreds of billions of kilowatt hours per year-a continuously renewable supply of energy. The large tidal ranges to be found in the upper reaches of the Bay of Fundy with its unique physio- graphic characteristics offer optimistic possibilities for harnessing at least a portion of this energy. If it can be demonstrated that a tidal power development is both economically feasible and financially viable then the Maritime provinces could have a pollu- tion-free and a relatively inflation-free contribution to their grow- ing energy needs. The tidal power resource of the Bay of Fundy has been the subject of sporadic interest for over half a century and the object of a number of investigations of successively greater scope and intensity, culminating in the work of the Atlantic Tidal Power Programming Board.* However, although its deve lopment has, in general, been held technically feasible, economic justification * "Feasibility of Tidal Power Development in the Bay of Fundy," Atlantic Tidal Power Programming Board, October, 1969. 3 could not be established. Nevertheless, under the revolutionary changes in energy economics brought about by the events of this decade, implicit faith could no longer be placed in previous con- clusions. Renewed interest in the possibility of developing energy from the Fundy tides was both natural and appropriate. Despite the fact that the period of energy stability had not come to an end when the Atlantic Tidal Power Programming Board (ATPPB) report was written in 1969, the authors envisaged, with some prescience, that changes might occur. They recommended additional studies in the event of significant changes in interest rate, construction costs, conventional energy prices, or threatened exhaustion of conventional supplies. Significant changes did occur in both energy prices and supply position within three years. Accordingly, the Bay of Fundy Tidal Power Review Board, hereinafter referred to as the Board, was created on February 29, 1972 by agreement among the Govern- ments of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The Board was directed inter alia to identify areas significant to the conclu- sions of the 1969 report of the ATPPB which should be re- examined in the light of current and projected conditions, and to undertake or recommend procedures for re-examination. After reviewing and updating ATPPB estimates of the cost of tidal power development, examining certain marketing possi- bilities and comparing the market value of tidal power with the value of energy from fossil fuels, the Board concluded that the relative economic merits had converged sufficiently to warrant the undertaking of more comprehensive studies on a phased basis. In this way, the investigation could be terminated if the results of any phase indicated that tidal power could not become competitive with alternate energy sources. Subsequently, on December 3, 1975, the three governments entered into an agreement directing the Board to carry out further studies with the object of " ... providing a firm estimate of the cost of tidal energy in relation to its alternatives, on which to base a decision to proceed further with detailed investigations and engineering design", and to report within two years.* The agreement established a Management Committee, herein- after referred to as the Committee, to carry out the studies under the general direction of the Board. The agreement also authorized * The full text of the Federal-Provincial Agreement, with its Amendment, is presented in Annex A. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS expenditure of up to $3,000,000 for the purposes of the investigation. This amount was increased, through an amendment dated June 24, 1977, to a total of $3,652,000 in order to provide for additional investigations needed to enhance the reliability of the estimates. The Committee's studies, taking fully into account the new energy perceptions and state-of-the-art technology, were com- pleted within the time and cost agreements as revised. Its technical report has been accepted by the Board. Due to the various complicating factors which can impact on energy economics of tidal power, including the large initial in- vestment, the cyclical nature of energy production, and the lengthy breakeven period, the Board was faced with a difficult, if not unique, task in evaluating the economic and financial feasibility of tidal power. The Board believes, however, that the sensitivity analysis used in the study has provided a reasonable basis for its conclusions and recommendations which are based on the Committee's findings. The Board's report also highlights the salient features of the Committee's report. The Board acknowledges the outstanding service rendered by the Management Committee and its Subcommittees and the Study Co-ordinator. The assistance of the consultants, the participating agencies and other organizations and individuals who contributed to the knowledge and understanding of the problems associated with Bay of Fundy tidal power development is also gratefully acknow !edged. ESTIMATE OF PROJECT COSTS ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY 5 Summary and Conclusions Of the tidal power sites which would be capable of producing significant amounts of energy, those at the mouths of Cumberland Basin (Site A8), Cobequid Bay (Site B9) and Shepody Bay (Site A6) wou ld provide the best prospects for development. The con- struction of a tidal power plant at any of these sites would be technically feasible. The use of "floated-in" caisson modules for the powerhouse and sluiceway sections, for which foundation conditions at these sites have been found to be suitable, would lead to lower capital costs than conventional in situ construction behind temporary cofferdams. In common with hydroelectric plants, a tidal power develop- ment would have a useful project life of about 75 years, and be relatively free from inflationary cost increases over this period. Firm estimates of the cost of tidal power developments in June 1976 dollars, as well as projected total in-service costs as of 1990, for the most favourable sites to provide minimum "at-site " cost of energy are: Net Average Costs in $Million Projected Site Plant Annual {June 1976 dollars) in-service Capacity Output Tidal Transmiss ion Total costt MW GWh Plant Link (1990) Cobequid Bay (B9) 3800 12,653 3637 351 3988 9290 Shepody Bay (A6) 1550 4,533 2160 37 2197 - Cumberland Basin (A8) 1085 3,423 1197 37 1234 3120 t Projected total in-service costs assume, for the purposes of the study, commissioning by 1990 and include escalation and interest during constr u c- tion; development of Site A8 would require about seven years to complete and that of Site B9 , about 11 years; in-service cost of A6 was not computed since a development at this site is not economic. Sites with potentials smaller than that for AB were found to be uneconomic on the basis of preliminary comparisons. More- over, sites having capacities significantly less than 1000 MW would be of limited interest to the Maritime utilities within the time frame considered. Under the economic conditions expected to prevail up to and beyond the end of this century, and based upon the likely expan- sion programs of the power utilities of the Maritime provinces, single basin schemes operated for maximum energy output would 6 offer the lowest unit costs of energy. The primary role for tidal power is displacement of energy generated by thermal plants, both fossil-fired and nuclear-fuelled. It would not decrease the role of nuclear generation in meeting base load, but it would result in a net elimination in the Maritime Integrated System* of oil-fired thermal of some 350 MW for a project at Site B9. Conclusion No.1: Tidal power, in its most economic role, would displace fossil-fuelled energy production. Although a tidal plant would eliminate some fossil-fuelled generation from the Maritime utilities expansion programs, it would neither eliminate nor reduce the need for nuclear generation. As of 1990, fuel consumption by the Maritime utilities is es- timated to be 8.3 million barrels of fuel oil and 3.8 million tons of coal, annually. Since most of the energy displaced by tidal for both Sites A6 and A8 would occur in the MIS, the tidal energy from these sites could displace about one-half of the estimated 1990 oil consumption for thermal generation. The estimated fuel savings from Site B9 are combined savings to the Maritime and New England systems; the fuel savings to the Maritimes would be proportionally greater than from Sites A6 or A8. The annual fossil fuel consumptions displaced by tidal power plants at Sites A6, A8 and B9 are estimated to be: Sites Fuel A6 AB B9 Oil (millions of barrels) 4 3 12 Coal (millions of tons) 0.45 0.38 1.3 The Maritime Integrated System is inherently capable of absorbing virtually all of the energy from sites with potentials of from 1000 to 1500 MW. However, the energy output of sites with larger potentials would necessarily depend to a greater extent on export markets or require extensive retiming. Sites with po- tentials larger than B9 could cause changes in tidal amplitudes on the coast of the Gulf of Maine, of a magnitude that might be * The Maritime Integrated System (MIS) has been defined as the combined New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island power utilities for the purpose of generation planning in this study. FINANCIAL VIABILITY 7 significant in the design and operation of the plant. Such larger sites are not considered by the Board to be attractive for develop- ment in the period 1990 to 2010. From a purely economic assessment of the conditions most likely to prevail during the planning period, up to 2010, viz. an intense * nuclear scenario, two per cent escalation of fuel prices after 1990, a real interest rate of 4.75 per cent, a load growth of slightly less than 7.2 per cent and export proceeds of 50 per cent of the value of the power that is exported, the probable benefit to cost ratios and associated breakeven periods for each of the preferred sites are as follows: Site B IC Breakeve n Bo t h S ites B9 and A8 are Period economic but Site A6 is B9 1.2 30-35 years uneconomic. A8 1.2 30-35 years A6 0 .9 non e Conclusion No. 2: The reassessment has conclusively demon- strated the fundamental economic feasibility of tidal power and the technical and economic feasibility of its integration into the projected generation supply systems of the Maritime Provinces. Annual revenues required to support the actual year-to-year development costs would make it very difficult, if not impossible, for a utility or a group of utilities in the Maritime provinces to justify a commitment to a tidal power development. The Maritime provinces would also find it impossible to raise the capital re- quired for an MIS expansion program with either tidal sites A8 or B9 and still maintain an "A " credit rating. Even though either project is economic in the long term compared to alternatives, each has a very high initial investment requiring a 30-to 35-year period for the early year disadvantages to be completely compen- sated by financial advantages. For example, a development at Site A8 could raise consumer prices of electricity in the Maritime provinces by about 15 per cent for the first few years of operation but lower them for the remainder of the plant life; a development at Site B9 could raise consumer prices of electricity to an even * This scenario assumes the maximum economic uses of nuclear generation within acceptable technical criteria and would lead to the lowest cost of service in the MIS. 8 greater extent. A cost of service equivalent to that resulting through optimal generation expansion without tidal power could only be maintained by means of extra-provincial financial partici- pation equivalent to one-third of the total capital investment for the development of Site AB or three-quarters of the capital invest- ment for Site B9. Conclusion No. 3: Because the minimum investment would be about $3 billion and because this would result in an inordinate financial burden being placed upon utility customers in the early years, financial feasibility of a tidal power plant would be condi- tional upon substantial direct participation by governments which would enable raising of the necessary capital and maintaining the cost of service to utility customers at annual levels not exceeding those which would be incurred by an optimal genera- tion expansion program without tidal power. MERITS OF TIDAL POWER In summary, the exploitation of tidal energy is attractive for the following reasons: (i) it would provide for exploitation of an indigenous resource of renewable energy and through reduction of demand for dwindling fossil fuel supplies conserve foreign exchange; (ii) the characteristics of hydroelectric plants, viz. long plant life and annual costs which are almost completely dependent upon the magnitude of investment cost, apply also to tidal power; (iii) the costs of tidal energy can be expected to remain relatively stable throughout plant life, whereas costs of thermal energy can be expected to increase with the passage of time; (iv) it would lead to a reduction of system generation costs in the Maritimes over the project life compared to those which would be incurred without tidal power; (v) it would provide some measure of security against unfore- seen escalation of generation costs; (vi) it would lead to lower environmental pollution loading com- pared to generation expansion programs without tidal power; (vii) it would place Canada in the forefront of a technology of worldwide interest and offer an opportunity to develop industrial capacity and technology applicable not only to tidal power, but also to low-head hydroelectric develop- SITE SELECTED 9 ments, which are of increasing interest and importance. Based upon a preliminary review of such information as exists and advice from federal and provincial environmental authorities as well as a broad spectrum of other scientific sources it appears there would not be any major environmental or social problems which would prohibit development at any of the sites. The Cumberland Basin Site (AB) would be the preferred can- didate project for initial development for the following reasons: (i) it is a joint site and affords an opportunity to equalize benefits between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia; (ii) an initial ranking of sites in order of merit from socio- economic considerations would indicate a preference for development of the Cumberland Basin site; (iii) the project is the smallest of the three projects considered potentially viable and would thus tend to minimize any technical problems of introducing a new generation source into the Maritime region electric supply; (iv) it is the largest and most economical site for which system benefits are at least 90 per cent derived from within the Maritime Integrated System; moreover, adjustments, such as retiming devices, within MIS can be foreseen which would eliminate dependence on an export market for surplus energy; (v) the changes indicated from the tidal regime studies do not suggest any measurable effects would be imposed beyond the limits of Canadian jurisdiction; (vi) the regime effects of development are considered to be less likely to give rise to significant environmental impacts than those imputed to developments at the other two sites; (vii) the capital investment requirements for Site AB would impose the least strain upon the borrowing capacities of the Maritime utilities (while undoubtedly any tidal power development may be perceived by North American financial sources as involving the introduction of a new technology, the smaller project would invoke the least risk); (viii) the project is large enough to provide a substantial contribu- tion to the energy requirements of the Maritime region as soon as its development could be completed and, if in service by 1990, would demonstrate the practicability of further exploitation of tidal power at a time when it is contemplated 10 the rapidly increasing depletion of sources of oil may provide additional incentives to development of indigenous renew- able resources. Pre-investment investigations and designs for Site A8 and an assessment of the practicality of the sequential development of further developments are likely to cost about $33 million, with allowance for inflation. Such definitive designs will require a minimum of three years to complete. A preliminary budget cover- ing pre-investment design activities, assuming authorization to proceed by mid-1978 and completion by mid-1981, is presented in Annex B. Conclusion No. 4: The results of the studies warrant proceeding with detailed engineering, socio-economic and environmental investigations and the financial planning expressed by Conclusion No. 3 for the development of a tidal power project at the mouth of Cumberland Basin. 11 Recommendations 1. It is recommended that funding be provided in 1978 to complete detailed investigations and definitive designs, including de- tailed specifications, for a single basin tidal power development at Site A8 in Cumberland Basin. These pre-investment design activities should be undertaken in accordance with a schedule which would be consistent with the earliest practicable in-service date subject to periodic evaluations of results. Such activities should also include appropriate ancillary studies to permit an assessment of the feasibility of subsequent future developments at one or both of Sites B9 and A6. 2. It is recommended that institutional arrangements be estab- lished for execution of the detailed investigations and definitive designs and which could also provide the appropriate basis for the development phase. 3. It is recommended that immediate consideration be given to the resolution of the financial constraints to developing tidal power. The solution, identifying government participation, should facilitate the raising of the necessary capital and also provide for maintaining the cost of services to utility customers in the Maritime region at levels which would not exceed, on an annual basis, the cost of service which would arise through an optimal expansion of generation facilities without tidal power. Approach to the Study The Terms of Reference for the study set three explicit requirements: a firm estimate of the cost of tidal energy; an estimate of the cost of energy from alternate sources; and a comparison between the two. It is an implicit requirement that the costs to be com- pared should be the lowest likely to be achievable in a practical sense. The cost-effective design of a tidal power plant is a complex undertaking involving the selection of an advantageous site; the selection of the appropriate development concept; the determination of the opti- mum sluice and turbine capacities; and the selection of an appropriate operating strategy. The results must be translated into sound civil. mechanical and electrical designs. with construction methods capable of achiev- ing closure of the barrage against exceptionally strong tidal currents. Moreover, since the market value of the output is influenced by the amount of energy produced, the whole design must be responsive to system require- ments in the region where the energy output is to be marketed. The nature of the demands imposed upon utility systems, together with the economic characteristics and technical limitations inherent in each type of genera- tion, usually require the integration of more than one type, particularly in the case of the Maritime provinces. For this reason, it is unrealistic to make one-to-one comparisons between tidal power and each single alternative. Rather, the Committee has considered that the alternatives are utility systems containing near-op- timal mixes of generating sources from which tidal power has been arbitrarily excluded and then arbi- trarily included. Recognizing the complexity of the problem set by the Terms of Reference, the Committee brought to bear upon it the skills of many disciplines. In addition to the obvious scientific and engineering aspects of the approach an adequately broad interpretation of costs and benefits brought into question many economic, social and biological aspects. Socio-economic and environmental considerations have been reviewed in a mainly qualitative sense, since their full quantifica- tion goes beyond the present authority. This assessment is described in two parts to ease the understanding of these complex issues. The first part deals with the selection of the better tidal plant sites and the establishment of firm estimates of their cost. The second part describes the systems analysis 13 to determine the viability of tidal developments as renewable generation sources to serve the electric needs of power utilities. Comparisons of alternative systems have been made both on an economic and on a financial basis. The economic comparison measures relative long-term costs and benefits from the point of view of the public interest, while the financial comparison reveals the funding requirements from the utility standpoint. In other words, the economic comparison shows the rela- tive costs as measured over the entire period of study but does not include the actual comparison, on a year- to-year basis, of the real annual costs that would apply to energy production from the projects. 14 The Tidal Plant Thr~ major elements of a tidal povver devdopment include the tidal hanier, the tidal basin and a transmis- sion link to the system grid. The barrier itself consists of a powerhouse. a sluiceway and dyke connections to the abutments of a natural embayment which, thus separated from thr~ sea. forms a controlled tidal basin. DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES The absolute predictability of the tides. and hence the head and flow available for use. is a significant advantage in estimating long-term availability. However, the lack of concurrence between thr) luna~­ dominated tidal rhythm (which has a period of 24 hours and 50 minutes) and the solar-dominated life stvle of mankind, poses problems unique to large "scale exploitation and the use of tidal energy. Literally hundreds of ideas, some of them ingenious. have br~r~n put forward from time to time for the capture of tidal energy and its conversion into mer.hanical or electrical form. These may he classified as schemes for utilizing tidal currents. or for impounding water and utilizing the head subsequently provided by the changing level of the sea. The economic drawbacks which have precluded the use of tidal power throughout most of the modern era stem essentially from the lmv concentrations of energy available. Since the concentration is much lower for typical currents than for typical heads, current generators are at a hopeless disadvantage. Previous evaluations of the more complex schemes have never proven them to be economically attractive. The present studies have confirmed that under economic conditions expected to prevail up to and beyond the end of this century, and the likely expansion programs of the power systems of the Maritime provinces only single basin schemes would attain feasibility. The present investigation, therefore. concentrated on schemes with a single tidal basin utilizing the tidal heads so created and the conversion of the energy by means of modern low-head hydraulic turbines. The basic operating strategy of the studies has been to maximize energy production for any given level of installation. A single basin scheme consists of a headpond, formed by a barrage or dam together with sluices for filling or emptying the basin, turbines and generators. Single-effect operation would entail filling the basin SINGLE BASIN Single-effect on Emptying (b) SiNGLE BASIN Double Effect Fig. 1. Single Basin Tidal Power Development, Single and Double Effect Operation. at high tide, holding the water until the falling sea level creates a hr~ad, then passing \Vater through thr~ turbines to generate electricity until the rising tide eliminates the head. Usually the generation is from the basin to the sea (on the ebb tide) to take advantage of the greater volumes and higher heads in the upper level of the basin. Double-effect operation vvould entail substan- tially the same operating sequence. except that on the Hood-tide. generation would also take place by filling thr~ basin through the turbines. as opposed to the exclu- sive use of sluices for this purpose, providing a second period of generation on each tide. In both modes of operation. the turbines could also be designed to oper- ate as pumps to "over-fill" or "under-empty" the basin, . . Dd • 0 ~ ; ~ i ~ c: 12 .. T!IJ'\1 ( Mrl-) s,nQhl eHecl Operohon en Emotyu;o D ... ~ j; e ' ' " .. Totnl ( Htt) Ooublt-effect Operot:on -!ltcl•~•l i ! .I .. " .. • 0 fl ~~ :~ ' I J ' .. " .. --&Qt•fl '·~·· i••'" Pvtnp·'IQ) Fig. 2. Single and Double Effect Operation Sequences. ... ... thereby increasing the gcn(1rating head and extending the period of generation. Sketches of singlr basin schemes for both single-and double-effect operations are shown in Fig. 1. The effects of such operations on the water levels in the controlled basin and the periods during which energy would he generated are illustrated in Fig. 2. In general. it has been found that single-basin devdopments. installed and operat£:d for singlc-eff£1CI ebb-11ow gcn£)ration. offer the greatest net system savings. Although marginally less attractive. single-basin developments installed for double-effect operation could offer a greater capacity support to the system and. more importantly. inherently offer th£: flexibility to vary output to meet variations in prevail- tEGEND TIDAL POWER SITES- INVESTIGATED TIDAL POWER SITES -SELECTED 0 15 ing cost differentials or other system conditions. As modern electrical systems have expanded and individual systems have become integralt~d and inter- connected to adjacent systems. the inherent 11£:xibility necessary to meet internal system dr~mands. as well as providing support for external demands. provides a basis for absorption of energy from an intermittent generating source. particularly when the output is en- tirely predictable in magnitude and time, such as from a sing]() basin tidal power plant. This understanding of system characteristics re- moved the preoccupation of previous studir:s with at- tempts to create an equivalence between a tidal power plant and conventional sources of generation. Conse- quently, the current studir:s were focussed on the 10 0 10 20 30 40 ... --SCALE IN KILOMETRES Fig. 3. Bay of Fundy. 16 system aspr~cts of intr~grating the output of a tidal generation plant into total system requirr~nwnts. and have established the inherr~nt capability of tlw MIS to absorb virtually all of the energy from a sitr~ with a potential of the order of 1000 MW. The primar~· role of tidal energy in the Maritimes would be in displacement of energy from thermal plants. fired either by coal or oil. and to a limited extent from nuclear thermal plants. SITE SELECTION Initially, consideration was given to every site of significant potential in the Canadian section of the Fundy system. In total, 30 sites, some with alternate alignments and construction approaches, were evalu- ated in terms of approximate development cost and output. Successive screenings, based upon progres- sively more detailed evaluations, showed that sites with potentials smaller than that for A8 would not be economic. It was recognized also that tidal power plants with installed capacities less than 1000 MW would be of limited interest to the Maritime utilities towards the end of the century. As a result of the screening process, three sites were selected for further study. These coincide with the selections made by the ATPPB. This review of site selection was under- taken in the event that differential changes in costs during the intervening years might have altered the relative attractiveness of various sites. The fact that no changes were indicated infers that the superiority of the selected sites is inherent and due to physio- graphical factors. The sites, as shown on Fig. 3, arc: Site A6-Shepody Bay, St. Mary's Point to Cape Maringouin; Site AS-Cumberland Basin, Pecks Point to Boss Point; Site B9-Minas Basin, Economy Point to Cape Tenny. These sites were subjected to more intensive study for the development of firm cost estimates and as a basis for the power systems analyses and the economic and financial analyses. TIDAL REGIME The tides of the oceans are produced primarily by variations in the gravitational attraction of the moon and the sun. These forces are directed outward from the centre of the earth and attain a maximum at the time of both upper and lower transit of the moon. The net tide-producing force is thus dependent upon the relative positions of these bodies and the distance of each from the earth. The tides themselves are responses to the generating force and vary not only in conformity with the intensity of the force from time to time, but also from place to place. due to physiographic con- ditions. Thus, the range of the tides in the headwaters of the Bay of Fundy would be affected both by the alteration of its physiography, implied by the construc- tion of a barrage, and by the extraction of energy from the tidal waters. Obviously. a firm estimate of the cost of tidal power must be based upon the best possible understanding of the tidal ranges likely to be available after the construction and coincident with the opera- tion of a tidal power plant. The tides in the Bay of Fundy-Gulf of Maine system are driven by the ocean tides impinging upon the Continental Shelf at the entrance to the Gulf of Maine, and not to any appreciable extent by direct action of the tidal forces upon the waters of that system. No measurements of the tides in the offshore areas of the Gulf of Maine had ever been made, and previous pre- dictive efforts were hampered by this lack of data. Because of the importance of reliable tidal predic- tions, the Committee instituted a program of data collection both from the edge of the Continental Shelf and at selected points within the Bay-Gulf system. These data were used to calibrate and verify a hydro- dynamic mathematical model embracing the whole of the system. Its predictions of regime changes resulting from the construction and operation of a tidal power plant have been taken into account in assessing the appropriate installation and operation of each site for both single-effect and double-effect modes of opera- tion. Verification procedures have indicated that con- fidence can be placed in the model results to within a few centimetres of tidal range and a few minutes of phase difference. In general, the model predicts a minor reduction of tidal range due to the construction of a barrage at economically favourable sites. Some further reduction may accompany an increase in the energy extracted. However, in areas of the Bay remote from tidal plants and in the Gulf of Maine, an increase of tidal range is predicted. Such changes are illustrated for Site A8 in Fig. 4. Table 1 presents the computed effects of the operation of tidal power developments at .. .. 17 TABLE 1 Computed Effects of Operation of Tidal Power Developments on Tidal Ranges at Selected Locations (Ranges given in metres) Natural Tide Location Site MT LT MT A6 Site 10.1 13.1 9.6 AS Site 10.5 13.5 9.9 89 Site 12.4 15.S 12.3 St.John 6.7 s.s 6.7 Yarmouth 3.1 4.1 3.1 Boston 3.1 4.1 3.1 Notes: MT -mean tide L T -large tide Sites A6, A8 and B9 on tidal ranges at selected locations in the Bay of Fundy-Gulf of Maine system. These values are considered to be accurate to ± 0.1 metre. These effects u pan the tides tend to increase for larger tidal developments and may impose a practical economic limit on the amount of energy eventually extractable from the headwaters of the Bay. CONSTRUCTION METHODS Recent advances in construction technology asso- ciated with marine structures, including those success- fully applied in the Netherlands Delta Plan and in ·>O ·20 ·•O 0 •o 20 ~ ., ·•o ., 0 ' •o "t. l'fiOYIO[MCE PII()YIO[MC( _N,S. SIDE _ N S SIDE ~ BOSTON _NBSIDE "'""" -• B SIDE ,......,., LIJIIE-.tRG """""" <f YARIIOUTH s.AIIIITJ~ IMUt'f JOMN ) CAP£ o'OR CAP£ o'OR ! GIIINOSTOME GRIIIIDSTOME SUMtCOAT ~AO BURIICOAT HIAD SITE A8 -AMPLITUDE CHANGE (em) SITE A8 -AMPLITUDE CHANGE (%) Fig. 4. Regimen Effects for Development at Site AS. A6 Tidal Developments at I Site AS I Site 89 LT MT LT MT LT 12.5 9.S 12.7 10.6 13.7 12.9 9.S 12.S 10.9 14.1 15.7 12.3 15.S ll.S 15.2 s.s 6.7 6.S 7.1 9.2 4.2 3.1 4.1 3.2 4.3 4.2 3.1 4.1 3.3 4.4 development of offshore oil installations in the North Sea, have indicated the practicability of constructing the powerhouse and sluiceway elements of a tidal power plant as floated-in caissons. This concept is estimated to be less costly than construction in situ behind cofferdams*, as well as affording an oppor- tunity for a wider distribution of construction bene- fits and a reduction of adverse local social impacts. The method envisaged would involve installation of sluice machinery and turbines in the caissons dur- ing offsite construction, towage to the site, sinking and ballasting the caissons in place on a prepared bed of selected fill. Feasibility of the method hinges upon load-bearing competency of the underlying strata. This competency was confirmed by subsequent geophysical exploration at Sites A8 and B9. A detailed drilling program would, however, be required as a basis for definitive design . Practicality of the design concept has been con- firmed to the extent possible by calculation, exper- ience and limited modelling. However, extensive physical modelling would be required, in the event of a decision to proceed with definitive designs, to pro- vide detailed solutions to construction scheduling and strategy, as well as to resolve closure, scour, and em- placement problems. Subject to these reservations, the Board concurs that the proposed construction methods are feasible and provide a reasonable basis for cost estimates. Typical powerhouse and sluice caissons are illus- trated in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. * Cofferdams are temporary works erected to exclude water from a construction site. 18 HALF PLAN AT HHWLT LEVEL NOTES- ALL ELEVATIONS ARE IN I\IETERS AND ARE REFERRED TO 0 AT ro AIO CLOSUit( GEODETIC SURVEY OF CANAOA OATUM ( G SC 0) HHWLT-HIGHER HIGH WATER, LARGE TIDES LLWLT-LOWER LOW WATER, LARGE TIDES BASIN y aA$1111 L(V(L. - ~·ooo OPJIIIGS TO J(T S.&JIO riLL CJtAii( lUI!. CAST lti !'lAC£ CLOt;.Mtl tlAI SOO-THtCJt CREST ELEV.:__I_Il~ OCEAN ------------------------------~H~H~W~L~T ELEV. 1.50 G.S.C.O. ELEV, 0.0 LlWLT ELEV. 6.93 PROTECTION SIMILAR TO OPPOSITE END Fig. S. Powerhouse, Floated-In Caissons, Site A8-Single Effect. .. HALF PLAN AT APPROX i OPENING HALF PLAN AT HHWL T MOTU- lhiWLT • ~lt"U Hit" WATE~, LA~IE TIOU LLWLT-l.OWE~ LOW lMTIII, LA-TIDES tit£ S T ( l IS 10 ..__ UIS Si..A.I ll I At ~000 • 40000 ~300 OSUR£ SLAt;$ 600 \T YP) AF'T[ff CLOSuRE SLABS ARE IN PLACE P L A N 2~000 ,,.oo 10000 BASIN :u!IOO 50500 liiO!Iiil!'!liJ'5il"!iiSi-..... -~~~~!io~~iiiiiiiiiiiit~O ..... -......... .....;'o ME T£1U ... GRAPH.C SCALf: Fig. 6. Floated-In Sluiceway Caissons, Site AS -Single Effect. PJtES!IJJt£ SYST£11 OCEAN C 0 CISCO tt..OW - 19 20 S ELEC TION OF E Q UIPMENT Of the various types of low-head turbogenerators, Kaplan or vertical shaft units were rejected on the basis of higher total civil and mechanical costs. The rim or flow-through type turbogenerator of innova- tive design was not adopted because it is still under development and because adequate cost and perform- ance data were not available. As a result, bulb turbines of the type used extensively in low-head hydro- electric developments, and as installed in the La Rance tidal generating station in France, were selected for design purposes. The turbine performance characteristics assumed were derived from a survey of all existing and com- mitted installations, while unit diameter, rated head and number of units were determined by the optimiza- tion methods described below. OPTIMIZATION OF DE SIG N The lowest unit cost of output was selected by the Committee as the criterion for optimization. This optimum occurs at some level of installed sluice and 25 22PH ~~v···~ 24 20 , .J: 24 ~ ~ ..... IJ) ...J ...J ~ ........... 27 PH I 23 )'..... .. 211 SL turbine capacities between high and low levels for the recovery of the energy in the tides. It is eco- nomically practical to recover only a small part of the natural energy available in the tides . Full recovery would entail the installation of infinite capacity at infinite cost. If, on the other hand, the installed capa- city is too low, then the overhead costs represented by the barrage lead to unacceptably high unit costs. The outcome is also influenced by the turbine character- istics. The optimum installation for each selected site was determined with the aid of mathematical models. The method involved a large number of trials, for each of which one parameter was systematically varied. For each trial the model was also required to determine and employ the operating procedure yielding highest output. The output was then compared with the cost of the facilities postulated in that particular trial to determine the cost per unit output. Finally, synthesis of the results indicated the required optimum com- bination of turbine characteristics, sluice and turbine capacity for each site. Figs. 7, 8 and 9 illustrate the 43 PH ~ I""' , .. / ·~ / _L ............ ,. ~~ ~IISl .. " >-1.:> 0: w z w Lo. 0 ..... Ill 0 u w ~ Ill ..:. ct 2 2 21 20 2000 0. 5 MILLS/o<Wt. SANO 2500 PH -POWERHOUSE UN IT SL -SLUICE UNIT ~.~r -........ ~ 24 ~ APPROXI MATE UPPER LIMIT OF INSTALLATION TO MEET ACCE PTA BL E CLOSURE CRITERIA I 3000 3SOO ANNUAL ENERGY GENERATED GW ... Fig. 7 . Site AS -Optimization Curve, Single Effect Installation. 4000 4500 .. • 33 32 PH 40SL ~ .... ", ', 74 PH ..c 3= 32 -" ...... (/) ...1 ...1 :i r--... ....... , 64 PH 43PH :~ ' :/SA. 53 PH --__.___ -~ ;!5 ~ " -~~ -.> ~--~~----30 ........... __ ~ 30" --- -L0.5 MILLS/KWh .,... • 31 )- (!) a: w :z w ..... 0 30 ~ (/) 0 (.) w BAND !::: (/) 29 t!- <( 28 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 L 3: .1€. ' V> ..J ..J ~ I ('; a: w z ..., Lo. 0 1- V> 0 u w 1- V> t!- <[ PH -POWERHOUSE UNIT SL -SLUICE UNIT 20 19 86 PH ....±...•o ?O ~ - 18 Lo.5 MILLS/KWh BAND 17 16 ANNUAL ENERGY GENERATED GWh Fig. 8. Site A6 -·Optimization Curve, Single Effect Installation. 96PH 106 PH 117 PH 128 PH SL . 40 r--~54, _:;_ w •o 7051.. !10 10 TO 11051.. 50 60 70 ~SL ..... ----.I y APPROXIMATE U~PER LIMIT OF INSTALLATION TO MEET ACCEPTABLE CLOSURE CRITERIA~ 40SL 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 PH-POWERHOUSE UNIT SL -SLUICE UNIT ANNUAL ENERGY GENERATED GWh Fig. 9. Site 89 -Optimi~ation Curve, Single Effect Installation. 21 22 OREOG1NG DiSPOSAL AREA \ PECKS POPiT +20 +10 0 ···ACCESS OIKE 1 ~ ACC£$$ Ott<E CREST • EL+l763M CLA'r'H SILT AM) SILTY CLAY TO BE RE...OY£0 SilTY SANO WITH sc.JlE GRAVEL AND ~ ;~At~~~~5CLAYEY : HORIZCJilTAL '? 0 VERTICAL CUMBERLAND BASIN CHIGNECTO BAY P l A N SKALE SAHOOTONE CLAY Stt.ALE SLTSTONE PROFILE GRAPHIC ScAtES I SLUtCE*Y I I I i I I I \._SHALE / I I j I I I /? I I / \ :> ' / BOSS POINT I NOVA SCOTIA I I .\ TA.j 8 ~ l87,190E ~ \ 5,~j430H .; ~-\, .. "' ~ 8H-C8 If' 80REH0LE LOCATION 30 48 TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOuRS ,N METERS ~·25M--"' 8ATH'!'\4ETRIC CONTOl..IRS lN METERS " SURVEY CONTR-OL ~T 9055 POINT NOTES l (LEVATIONS AREREFERREOTO GEODETIC SURVEY Of CANADA OAru..- 2 SOUNDINGS ARE GIVEN IH METERS Afrf0 ARE R£LATtVE fOG SCD 3 HWL REFERS TO HIGH HIGH W'ATER LARGE TIDE PLi...iS I 22M L WL REFERS TO LOW LOW WATER LARGE TIDE MINUS 16M COOiil'ruHATES ARE RELATE"O TO THE TEN Tt-OJSANO METER UNIVERSAL TRANSV£RSE MERC)TQR GRID REF AMHERST 21 H 6 SEA-BEO CONTOORS HAVE BEEN INTERPOLAl£0 FROW GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY t 1977) 1 POWERHOUSE ·· Wt0TH Of UNIT AS SHOWN SLUICEWAY TUR61NE 0lAMET£R 7 5 M WIOT H Of SlUiC£ AS SHOWN SLUICEWAY GAT£ 122M 11IZ 2M 80TH POWERHOUSES ANO SLUICEWAYS SHALL BE COfCSTRUCT£0 IN a.IOOULES OF TWO UNITS, ONE SERVICE a.A'f SHAll Bf PROYIOEO FO~ EVER¥ 16 POWERHOUSE UNIT$ 9 ,JNSTALI...EO CAP!IlCITY 1$ NUMBER OF UNJTS TIMES 31 MW 9 THE SERVICE BAY IS hCORPORAT£0 WITH TWO GENERATING UNITS IN A POWERHOUSE MODULE 10 THE LENGTH OF 01Jt[ REQUIRED FOR THE DRY OOCJC {ACCESS DiKE) SHALL BE BUILT BY END DUMPING THE BALANCE Of' THE Oil<[ SECT()N(CLOSURE Oft(£) SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN HORIZONTAL LIFT FROtrll THE SEA~S£0 USING h!IARINE TECHNIQUES !I All n£ FOONOATION INFORMATION ON SlTf AS IS BAS£0 ON THE RESULT OF INVESTIGATIONS CAARI£.0 c.JT c.JRING PHASE! SuPPLEMENTAL STUOY 12 SURfiCIAL DEPOSITS INCUOt.lG CLAYEY SILT ANC SUY CLAY, 00 NOT PRQvl()£ AOEQUAT£ FOUNDATION ~ htUST BE R!~D Fig. 10. Plan and Profile of Proposed Development for Cumberland Basin (Site A8). TABLE 2 Summary of Characteristics and At-Site Costs of Single-Effect Tidal Power Schemes Item Units Site 89 Site AG Site AS Total number of generating units 101) 53 37 Total number of sluices 60 30 24 Number of spare generating units 6 3 2 Turbine diameter m 7.5 7.5 7.5 Generator rated capacity MW. 38.0 31.0 31.0 Turbine rated bead m 7.5 6.5 6.5 Total installed capacity MW. 4028. 1643. 1147. Annual output kWhx108 12,653 4,533 3,423 Civil Works $X 10° 1,010 682 381 Mechanical and Electrical SX108 1,010 514 337 Total direct costs SX108 2,020 1,196 718 Indirect and contingency SX10" 964 479 _ ...... -.. _~ Total Capital cost $X 10 8 3,637 2,160 1,197 Annual cost (5'h% int.) sx 10 8 227 135 75 At-site cost of energy mills/kWh 17.9 29.7 21.8 Note: All costs are in terms of June 1976 dollars. final stages of the optimization procedure. and the optimum at-site solutions for Sites A6, A8 and 89. The optimization curves arc quite flat so that the installation can vary significantly without changing the at-sit!~ unit cost by more than 0.5 mills/kWh from the minimum. Using the same models, with optimum levels of installation and with due regard to the predicted tidal ranges, a series of hourly outputs for the 705 tides of a typical year was computed for each site and this in- formation was used in subsequent systems absorption and marketing studies. The general arrangement of a tidal power develop- ment is illustrated by Fig. 10 which presents the plan and cross-sect ion at Site AB. CAPITAL AND ANNUAL COSTS The optimum installation was also used, in con- junction with construction and unit equipment costs, 23 to estimate the capital cost associated with each de- velopment. Allowances were added as follows: Item Indirect construction items: Project management: Owners expense: Interest during construction: Contingency allmvance: 10% of total direct cost. lO'X, of total direct cost. 3% of total direct cost. accumulated at real interest rate according to disbursement schedules. 12.5'/(, of total direct and indirect r:ost. For the purpose of economic analysis, annual costs were computed as amortization plus 0.621 p(~r cent for operation and interim replacement. insurancE~ and overhead. resulting in a value of 6.2:n per cent per annum. Amortization was based on a 75 year life. The base case was considered at a reo]* interest rate of 5Vz'Yo, with parallel calculations at rates of 4% and 7% to assess sensitivity to rate changes. The optimum installation levels, costs and other data relating to each selected site, derived from the procedures described above, are presented in Table 2 for minimum at-site cost of energy. * In the estimation of future costs and lwndits. thp conncpt of reul interest was usr;d fur the economic portion of thPse in- vestigations. Reo/ inten;st is defined. to a close approximation. as the difference lwtwer;n the actual interest rate (taking into account the borrower's credit rating. the risk involved, and other related factors in the venture) and the mflation rate. 24 Utility Systems Absorption of Tidal Energy The principal function of a power utility is to en- sure that electric power is available to meet the load demands of the system, that is, the energy require- ments of its customers. The objective of the utility is to carry out this function at minimum cost which re- quires sound engineering planning. Generating facilities required to meet the growing load demands of major power utilities require large capital expenditures, with decisions and approvals to build such facilities made a decade or more in ad- vance of the facility becoming available to the system. The generating facilities must be optimum for the system from the points of view of economy and flexi- bility, at the time they contribute to system loads. In addition, to ensure that the system loads are supplied with adequate reliability and security, the system must always carry reserve capacity for possible equipment breakdown and scheduled maintenance. Power utilities involve their entire systems in their assessments of the economic, financial and technical feasibility of incorporating additional generating facilities. Accordingly, the Bay of Fundy tidal power reassessment studies were pursued within this frame- work. The methodology was developed with the full cooperation of the pertinent utilities and is, therefore, fully consistent with the accepted system planning practices of the major eastern Canadian and north- eastern United States power utilities. There are four areas basic to a utility's planning process: load forecasts: generation expansion plans; economic evaluations of alternatives; and financial evaluations of alternatives. LOAD FORECASTS Since, as stated previously, an electric utility ex- ists to supply the power needs of its customers, it is necessary that the probable future needs should form the foundation for system planning. The priority markets to be served by a tidal power development would be those served by the Maritime Integrated System (MIS) comprising the electrical utilities of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Surplus tidal energy that may exist in the short and intermediate term could be transmitted to contiguous systems of Quebec and the northeastern United States. The relationship of the potential markets to the se- lected tidal power sites is illustrated by Fig. 11. Fig. 11. Relationship of the Selected Tidal Power Projects to Contiguous Market Areas. , ... " .. " "'"" 2010 , .... Fig. 12. Peak Demand (MW) in the Market Areas. .. The load forecasts used for both the primary and secondary markets for tidal energy were based on 1976 load forecast information and are displayed in Figs. 12 and 13. Fig. 12 shows the annual maximum firm power demands, while Fig. 13 shows the corresponding annual firm energy requirements. The MIS system is expected to grow from 3200 MW and 18,000 GWh in 1980 to almost 23,000 MW and 125,000 GWh by the year 2010. This corresponds to an average rate of growth of the order of seven per cent. although it is recognized that the ne\v energy perceptions may lead to somewhat lower rates of growth. The effect of the latter has been taken into account in the analysis. The expected growth rates for the Hydro-Quebec system and the markets represented by the New Eng- land Power Pool (NEPOOL) are 7.7% and 5.6% per year, respectively. These two contiguous markets are 5 to 6 times larger than the MIS market and would ~ 70'1---------·········----+--~--+-----c;"'·-1--~---1----1 ! eol--~-~~----~~~~~~~~-~~----~--~ 10 .,L,"" __ _L,.~.,--_.1,.-..,---'-,,.-, __ .L2ooo---':.::::oo--:-, -.......J2o1o YEAR Fig. 13. Annual Energy Requirements in The Market Areas. 25 offer the opportunity for energy sales surplus to the latter. However, Fig. 12 suggests that the total load growth of the MIS is expected to increase seven-fold over the 30-year review period which is indicative of the growth in potential capability of the MIS to ab- sorb tidal energy. SYSTEM EXPANSION PROGRAMS WITH AND WITHOUT TIDAL POWER As in the case of more conventional generating sources, the determination of tidal development fea- sibility required studies of the alternative generation expansion programs. However, the intermittent output from a tidal plant requires special attention in power production scheduling. The output, although entirely predictable many years in advance, follm-vs the lunar cycle and hence can occur at predictable, but differ- ent. times during successive nights and days. The amount of tidal energy that can be utilized by any system is thus related to that system's inherent retiming capabilities. Moreover, the amount that can be ab- sorbed is a function of the system size and load charac- teristics, the rate at which the output from other gen- erating units can be reduced or backed-off and dis- placed by tidal generation as well as the rate at which these units can be brought on line again when genera- tion from the tidal plant has terminated. To evaluate these aspects, computer models were developed with the capability to simulate on an hour-by-hour economic dispatch basis the operation of both conventional and tidal generation. These models were used firstly to determine alternative plans for the expansion period 1986 to 2010, which provided realistic mixtures of the types and sizes of generation facilities, as well as associated capital and energy production costs, needed to meet the fore- cast load requirements without consideration of tidal power. Generation programs were developed for the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island based on the coordinated planning of the MIS and for New England based on NEPOOL. The probable future generation expansion programs for Quebec were obtained from Hydro-Quebec and used directly in the systems analysis. Subsequently, representative small, medium and large tidal plants were fed into the system modelling process to determine when and how the output could 26 best be utilized in the MIS ;md export market systems. and the resulting modifications of the generation programs. Tidal energy absorbed \vithin the intercon- nected svstems has the ctlect of displacing or reducing a like an.wunt of conventional thermal energy produc- tion within the svstems. A significant portion of the value of tidal cnt:rgy can thus bt: m!~asured in tt:rms of the amount of thermal energy displaced and its type of fuel. For tlw purposes of the analysis the expansion period was assumed to start in 1986, when all com- mittr~d gem:ration would be in seryice. and continue to 2010. Studies relat!:d to the scheduling of construc- tion indicatr:d that a tidal power plant at any one of the selected sites could be brought into operation by about 1990. This year was assumed in all cast:s for cotW!:niencl:. !\simulation period of 25 yr;ars was thus used in the comparison of tlw altcrnatin:s. t\ furthr;r 35-vear Pvaluation period {2011-2045). during\\ hich the alt!.:rnativc programs W!:n: assumed to £'('!11ain fixed. was us!:d to r:stimatr; the long-lt:rm r:flccts of all the alternat ivcs. nu Fig. 14. Expansion Plan of Maritime Integrated System Without Tidal Development. Without Tidal Power The expansion plans lor th(: MIS. illustrated by Fig. l4. wert: assumed to include the dl:vdopment of thu remaining hydroelectric resources of the area, up to an ultimate installed capacity of 1200 MW. Additional fossil-fired generation of 475 M\V unit sizes would be utilized to supply the inlermediotc load generation requirements while additional base load capacity would be supplied by nuclear generation in unit sizes of 750 MW and 1250 MVV. Finally. gas turbines and enPrgy storage syst<:ms would be used for peaking and required generation reserve purposes. The projected mix of generation to meet the de- mands of th(; markets forming NEPOOL is similar to that of MIS (Fig. 14). However. because of constraints on availabilitv and usP of oil as a boiler fuel. no addi- tional uil-firr;d generation is anticipated within this region. N(:\'Prthclcss. recognition must be given to thn continued need for oil in existing steam turbine gener- YEAR Fig. lS. Expansion Plan of Hydro-Quebec System Without Tidal Development_ ation. for peaking combustion turhirws and ancillary purposes. In the e<Jse of Hydro-Quebec. its expansion pro- gram until 2010, illustrated on Fig. 15, will be larg!:ly based on the development of its immense hydroelec- tric potential. supplemented by nuclear generation to supply base load. Analysis sho\\'cd that. in view of this large hydroelectric compom~nt. absorption of tidal energy by Hydro-Quebec would not be economic be- cause then~ would be so little high-cost lht~rmal gener- ation that might be r!!placed and becaust! of tlw high cost of transmission required. As a result. the Hydro- Quebec system must. for th!~ time being at least. be set aside as a market for tidal energy. With Tidal Power For the generation expansion plans, the output of a tidal plant is imposed on tht~ MIS in 1990. If the tidal plant capacity is large enough. it forces the n~st of the generation program for MIS as well as the con- nected markets, to so that a near. least-cost plan is obtained. This was undertakt!n for several possible single-basin, tidal developments. under \·ar- ious planning and operating strategies, including the double-effect mode of generation. Some of the strate- gies considered were as follows:- (a) Raw Absorption: Power available from tidal was utilized directly by the systems. \Jo energy storage devices associated with a particular tidal plant for retiming tidal e1wrgy were permitted. However. energy storage facilities which were in the expansion plans without tidal. wr~re utilized to retimc tidal energy. (b) Retiming in MIS: Specific capacities of additional storage devices vvere installed in MIS for retiming the tidal generation which was not directly absorbable in the raw absorption scenario. TIDAL SITE-139 (:)800 MW) The studies have shown that for the us!;able capa- city of :3800 M\V. the best scr:nario for integrating tidal energy would be that of raw absorption, with 1'\EPOUL as the secondary market, rather than any form of IT- timing in MIS or by Hydro-Quebec. For the raw absorption scenario the optimum transmission capacity between MIS and NEPOOL would be 2500 MW while the gr~neration mix in MIS \•,:ould be affected in the following manner: (i) th;; nuclear installation schedule would remain unchanged: (ii) by the year 2010, two 475 MVV oil-fired units could 27 IH• t:lirninatr:d and tiOO M\\' of <HiditilJil<d gas turbines \\ ould he installt:d. n~sulting in a net tTducl ion of :150 M\Y of generating capacity. or about !()",of tlw uscablt: cdpacity of l3~. In :\EPOOL. some IPmpurar~· ddnr· nwnts of gas turbines would occur in lhP ~·ears of tlw life of the tidal plant: hut. by 2010. therP \\ould ht~ no capacil~' reduct1on lwcausc h~' tlwn the :VIIS would lw r:xpl:ctt:d to ha\P incn·ast'd significant!~· in size so thatthr: amount of surplus tidal t!IWrgy a\'ailalllc to NEPCJOL \\ould be rclati\'t:ly small. Tlw impact of singh: dluct tidal pLmts on tlw l:xp;1nsio11 program thus !; "" ... Ill _, ;!! ;: ! "" 0 1!1 ;:! 110 Ill ... ... ... ... 30 20 10 1990 1995 01 RECT A8SORPTIOM IK Ml 2000 YEAR 2005 NOTES I) RAW ABSORPTION IN MIS AND NEPOOL 2) 2500 MW MIS-NEPOOL TIE 3) GENERAL PURPOSE RETIMING FACILITIES ARE NOT INTRODUCED WITH THE RETIMING OF TIDAL POWER AS THEIR PRIME PURPOSE. 200 Fig. 16. Utilization of Tidal Energy from Site 89 (3800 MW). 28 100 90 -e eo ~ i 7 0 ;! 6 ;:: 0 ~ 5() 0 0 1990 I i I ~ 1995 •• '\___ UNUTILIZEO ENERGY ! I OIL I I I I --_____.J--- COAL ~ NUCLEAR 2000 YEAR NOTES-I) RAW ABSORPTION IN Ml S AND NEPOOL 2) 2500 MW MIS-NEPOOL TIE --- I I 2010 Fig. 17. Energy Saving by Energy Sources, with Site B9 (3800 MW). appears to be quite modest. However, the amount of thermal energy displaced by tidal output is significant. Fig. 16 shows the proportion of tidal energy output absorbed within MIS and NEPOOL. It is evident from the figure that because of the limited absorption capa- bility of the MIS in 1990. a significant portion of tidal energy. immediately following the commissioning of a development at B9, would have to be transmitted to NEPOOL for utilization in that system. Thereafter, the energy absorption in MIS would increase. Fig. 17 shows, as a percentage of the annual tidal output for B9, the value of tidal energy measured in terms of the amounts and types of thermal energy dis- placed in the interconnected systems. A significant quantity of the energy displaced by tidal output is oil-fired generation. However, by the year 2010 be- cause of the large number of nuclear generation addi- tions to the expansion program the nuclear energy displaced by tidal power reaches about 35% of the tidal output. TIDAL SITE -A6 {1550 MW) Studies have shown that for the useable capacity of 1550 MW, the best scenario for tidal energy utiliza- tion would involve retiming by a 500 MW storage device added to MIS in 1995 with NEPOOL as the secondary market. The optimal transmission capacity between MIS and NEPOOL would be 500 MW. For this scenario the generation mix in MIS would be affected in the following way: (i) the nuclear in- stallation schedule would remain unchanged; (ii) by the year 2010, two oil-fired units with a total capacity of 950 MW would be cancelled while 300 MW of additional gas turbines would be installed together with 500 MW of storage for retiming. This would result in a net reduction of 150 MW to the MIS expansion program. As in the case with Site B9, only some tem- porary deferment of gas turbine capacity for NEPOOL 100 90 eo J;:" ~ L ~ ~ -~ t-f-VRETINED IN MIS N.___ \L UICUT ILl ZED - TIDAL EIIERGY 70 ~ ... ... m ao _. i! ;::: ; ... 50 0 ... "' ;:! ........ ~ 01 RECT ABSORP.TION 141 S m ~ ., ... .. 3D 31 10 11190 1895 3100 21105 3110 NOTES -I) RETIMED IN MIS BY 500 MW STORAGE FACILITY AFTER 1995 2) 500 MW MIS-NEPOOL TIE Fig. 18. Utilization of Tidal Energy from Site A6 (1550 MW). 100 90 a 6 ;:: 0 0 ' ,___ .I ,r-10 0 1!190 I [ i I I I 7! 1995 UNUTILIZ~D OIL roAL NUCLEAR 2000 YEAR ENERGY-'" i I i I I =---------' I +------- i 2005 2010 NOTES-I) RAW ABSORPTION IN MIS AND NEPOOL 2) 1000 MW MIS-NEPOOL TIE Fig. 19. Energy Saving by Energy Sources, with Site A6 (1550 MW). would occur in the early years of the life of the tidal plant. Similarly, the capacity credit associated with the plant would also be equivalent to about 10% of the useable capacity. Fig. 18 shows the proportion of tidal energy output absorbed within MIS and NEPOOL. It indicates that the MIS alone would be capable of utilizing most of the tidal energy output. Fig. 19 shows the value of tidal energy measured in terms of the amount and type of thermal energy displaced in the interconnected systems. A major portion of the energy displaced by tidal power would come from oil-fired generation. Therefore, the value of tidal energy is significantly influenced by the price of oil. TIDAL SITE-AB (1085 MW) The best scenario found for Site A8 would involve retiming tidal energy by means of a 250 MW storage device added to the MIS in 1995 and with NEPOOL as the secondary market. The optimum transmission capacity between MIS and NEPOOL would be 500 MW. The generation mix in MIS with a useable capacity of 1085 MW at Site A8 would be affected in the follow- ing way: (i) the nuclear installation schedule would remain unchanged; (ii) by the year 2010, the net reduc- 29 lion of generation capacity vvould be 100 MW, which would result from the cancellation of two 475 MW oil-fired units, the addition of 600 MW of gas turbines and 250 MW of additional storage. The generation plan for NEPOOL would be un- affected since the surplus tidal output available for NEPOOL would be very small compared to its system size. Fig. 20 shows the proportion of tidal energy output absorbed within MIS and NEPOOL, while Fig. 21 shows the value of tidal energy expressed in terms of the amount and type of thermal energy displaced in the interconnected systems. The results are very simi- 100 ~ v ""'"'"' "'""/ 90 _~.=~ ~~ Jt::_" "' .., \;NUTILIZED ENERGY ., "" 50 VDIRECT ABSORPTION I~ NIS "' 20 10 1990 I!JII5 2000 2005 3110 YEAR NOTES -I) RETIMED IN MIS BY 250 MW STORAGE FACILITY AFTER 1995 2) 500 MW MIS-NEPOOL TIE Fig. 20. Utilization of Tidal Energy from Site AS (1085 MW). 30 100 I 9() ~ UNUTIUZED ENE~GY -- Oil I ro ' I 10 ! !() 1 ·--·· ~ i ~ --30: i 1-- ! COAl ---i 20, ~ --IOV MUClUR I : 0 1990 1!195 21!00 YUR lll05 2010 NOTES I) ~AW A8SOI1PT!ON 1"'1 MIS AND NEPOOL 2) 500 MW MIS~ NEPOOL TIE Fig. 21. Energy Saving by Energy Sources, with Site A8 (1085 MW). Jar to those indicated for Site A6, namely that the MIS would be large enough to absorb most of the tidal output and that a significant portion of the energy displaced would be oil-fired generation. Fuels Displaced by Tidal Power Developments: The amounts of fuels displaced by tidal developments at each of the three sites are displayed in Table 3. TABLE 3 Estimated Annual Amounts of Fuels Displaced in MIS and NEPOOL Systems by Selected Tidal Developments Fuel Oil Coal Item millions of bbls. -·-· Site 89 (3800 MW) Quantity displaced/yr 0.12 Site A6 (1550 MW) Quantity displaced/yr 0.4 Site A8 (1085 MW) Quantity displaced/yr 3 0.02 As of 1990. fuel consumption by the Maritime utili- ties is estimated to IH~ tl.3 million barrels of fuel oiL :l.B million tons of coal and 1.0 million pounds of uranium, annually. Since most of the energy displaced by tidal for both Sites A6 and AB occurs in the MIS, the tidal energy from these sites could displace about one-half the estimated annual oil consumption in 1990 for thermal generation. The estimated fuel sa\'ings from Site 89 are combined savings to the Maritime and New England systems: the fuel savings to the Maritimes would be proportionally greater than from Sites A6 or AB. Double Effect Operation: Studies for Sites 89 and A8 operated in the double-effect mode with pumping were also undertaken to evaluate the benefits from incrcaSl!d operational flexibility which permitted the plant to calur to capacity shortage situations. The analysis indicated that a 4019 MvV double- effect installation at Site 89 with a useable capacity of about 3782 MW would result in a net reduction of generation in the MIS of 1350 MW by the year 2010 by the elimination of two 475 oil-fired units and four 100 MW gas turbines from the MIS expansion program. The corresponding capacity reduction in the MIS as- sociated with a double-effect development at Site AB with a usable capacity of 1292 MW was calculated to be 675 MW as a consequence of the elimination of one 475 MvV oil-fired unit and tv,;o 100 MW gas tur- bines. Tidal plants operal!~d in the double-effect mode could thus have a capacity contribution or "capacity credit" to the power syst!!m equivalent to about 35'X, of the plant's output. However, studies indicated that these additional benefits were slightly more than offset by the higher capital cost of the double-effect over the single-effect plant. Although there appears to be no economic improvement in benefits from double effect develop men Is, the increased operating llexi bility they afford may dictate their selection over single-effect plants. TRANSMISSION Transmission planning for large power systems concerns the incorporation of generation additions so that the power produced from the total system genera- tion is delivered to the interconnected loads in an economical, flexible and reliable manner. For the incorporation of conventional genPration, a preliminary analysis was made of the internal transmission differ- ence between the altern at iv1:s "with" and "without" tidal power. The differenc1! was minimized by project- ing tW\V plant additions in the same general geographic area. However. the incorporation of tidal power plants into the power systems required an analysis of the transmission to link the output to both local and remote markets. Since tidal output from a single-basin development would occur in the form of isolated blocks of energy, the transmission facilities should be capable of transmitting the total power and energy output to the markets. In addition. these facilities should be able to receive energy from the system to operate the tidal power plant in the pumping mode, if the plant were designed for double-effect operation. Site 89 AB A6 TABLE4. Costs of Transmission Links to System Grid (all values in June 1976 dollars) MIS Internal Transmission MIS-NEPOOL Tie Costs Type Size Costs $42.8 million 765 kV AC 2 500 MW $308 million 7.8 mill ion 345 kV AC 500MW 29 million 7.8 million 345 kV AC 500MW 29 million ------------ Only the transmission necessary to incorporate the various tidal plants into the MIS system and the as- sociated tics between the MIS and secondary markets were considered in this evaluation. For study purposes, no free utilization of the existing 500 MW transmission tie between MIS and 1'\EPOOL or the 320 MW high voltage, direct current (HVDC) transmission link between MIS and Hydro-Quebec was assumed. Table 4 shows, for the base scenarios associated with each tidal development. the transmission capacity and corresponding costs required to incorporate the plant into both the local and export markets. These costs form an integral part of the overall cost of tidal projects. 31 32 Economic Feasibility The determination of the economic feasibility of tidal power or. in other words. its competitiveness over the long term with conventional sources of energy used by utility systems, involves the interaction of many factors under future conditions which cannot be pre- dicted with certainty. The primary objective of an economic analysis is to identify the generation programs which will provide a required service at the least cost. The series of with and without case comparisons carried out provides a measure of benefits attributable to tidal power in terms of present worth value of the differences in system costs between these two cases. These values when related to the cost of the particular tidal power development will provide the net benefits to the MIS and establish the relative economic feasibility among the three selected schemes. ASSUMPTIONS To avoid misinterpretations of the study results. it should be emphasized that the economic parameters used and assumptions made were for the purpose of the economic analysis. While appropriate for that pur- pose, it should be realized that the results differ materi- ally from actual costs that would be incurred in developing a project. Realistic comparisons were made for various changes in these parameters to which tidal power would be particularly sensitive, such as the cost of capital, cost of fuels, and the level of nuclear pene- tration in the generation expansion programs. The values of the parameters used and the assumptions made for the base or standard case are: a) The approach taken in these evaluations is con- sistent with the engineering economics used by the Maritime utilities. In other words, the value of tidal energy for the utilities is the tangible cost which they would avoid if a tidal power plant were built. As indicated by the differences between the "with" and ''without" tidal alternatives these have been found to arise from the displacement of thermal energy by tidal output and the elimination of some generation installations from the expansion programs. b) For some tidal plants a secondary market could be required to utilize tidal energy output surplus to the MIS. Under these circumstances, it was as- sumed that the value of the savings achieved through absorption of tidal energy in the secondary market would be credited to the tidal plant project. c) All costs used were in terms of June 1976 dollars and thus do not include future inflationary effects. Where costs and revenues concern NEPOOL, United States and Canadian dollars were assumed to be at par. d) In the estimation of future costs and benefits, the concept of real interest was used for the economic portion of these investigations. Heed interest is de- fined, to a close approximation, as the difference between the actual interest rate (taking into account the borrower's credit rating, the risk involved and other related factors in the venture) and the inf1a- tion rate, and was assumed to be 5.5"/,,, c) The general inflation effects on fossil fuel prices were also excluded in this economic analysis. However, differential changes between the esti- mated fuel prices and general inflation were es- timated and applied in the analysis. All fuels were referenced to the June 1976 world fuel prices. f) The economic costs associated with each of the "with" and "without" tidal expansion programs were derived by the summation of the annual fixed charges plus operation and maintenance charges associated with the capital additions and the total annual energy production costs over the period under review. In addition calculations of the present worth (PW) of the costs of the alternatives enabled equitable comparisons to be made of the economic differences between the "with" and "without'' tidal power alternatives. All PW costs have been referenced to the bench mark year 1985 which is the starting year for all the expansion programs. g) In order to compare on a single-valued basis the economic differences between the "with'' and "without" tidal plant alternatives over the terms of the expansion programs, it was useful to use the concept of the levelized value of benefits from tidal versus the corresponding levelized cost. These two quantities are expressed in mills/kWh and are obtained by dividing separately the total PW cost and benefits as determined in (f) by the present worth of the energy production of the tidal plant cumulated over the study period. It must be emphasized that comparisons of the PW dollar value of the benefits and costs, or the equivalent levelized mills/kWh amounts, with the current cost of alternative generation are not valid. The primary ob- jective of the economic analysis was to identify the generation program which would provide a required service at least cost over the total study period. Although the PW values arc primarily indicative of the relative magnitude of benefits and costs associated with each tidal development, the ratio of these quanti- ties is also an important indicator of economic viability. A tidal development is considered to be economic if the levelized benefit to levelized cost ratio is greater than 1, regardless of the capital intensive differ- ences between the "with" and "without" tidal programs. The latter is a financial consideration which is discussed in the next section. Another important 33 consideration in an economic evaluation is the "break- even" point, that is, the time when the total present worth of tidal benefits and costs would be equal. This permits an assessment of the period of time required for the benefits derived from tidal power to recover all the associated costs of the development. COMPARATIVE GENERATION COSTS The capital costs and associated annual charges for generating equipment used in the expansion programs are shown in Table 5. The projected average fuel costs for 1985 and 1990 are shown in Table 6. All costs are expressed in 1976 dollars and include only the real escalations that are estimated to occur within the planning period i.e. 1886-2010. TABLE 5 Capital and Annual Costs of Generating Equipment Capital Costs'" Annual Fixed Charges"' Description of Unit Size Per cent of Capital Facility MW $/kW $million Cost $million Gas Turbines 100 167 16.7 9.45 1.6 -"-- Oil fired thermal 475 311 147.7 8.90 13.1 (1st unit) ·------ CANDU Nuclear units 635 844 535.9 8.97 4B.1 (1st unit) 750 793 594.8 8.88 52.3 1250 665 831.3 8.63 71.7 --· ------------ NEPOOLLWR 1150 710 816.5 99.9 Nuclear units 1500 650 975.0 12.24'" 119.3 (1st unit) 1750 630 1102.5 134.9 --·--"---------r-------·-------------------------- Pumped Storage 200 305 61.0 6.231 3.8 ----------------------- Site B9 3800 MW"' 3637 227 SiteA6 1550 MW"' 2160 6.231 135 SiteA8 1085 MW'" 1197 75 ----· ------------------------------· - (1) Values in June 1976-dollars: includes interest during construction but excludes escalation. (2) Based on a real interest rate of 5 .5%, including amonization, interim replacement, insurance and other fixed costs of opera- tion and maintenance. (3) Fixed charges associated with both MIS and Hydro-Quebec do not include taxes as they are provincial utilities: NEPOOL is a private utility power pool and taxes are included in the annual fixed charge costs. (4) Useable plant capacity. 34 TABLE 6 Projected Fuel Costs (June 1976 Dollars) Fuel MARITIMES: Residual Oil (0.3% Sulphur) $/Million Btu $/Bbl. Distillate Oil $/Million Btu $/Bbl. Alberta Coal $/Million Btu $/short ton Uranium (U,O,) $/Million Btu $/lb. NEW ENGLAND: Residual Oil (0.3'Yo Sulphur) $/Million Btu $/Bbl. Distillate Oil $/Million Btu $/Bbl. W. Virginia Coal $/Million Btu $/short ton Uranium (U,O,)* $/Million Btu $/lb. * Includes processing cost of $0.20/million Btu RESULTS OF ECONOMIC EVALUATION The gross br~ndits dur~ to a tidal powr~r plant arc the differencr~s lwtwt~en the total prr~sent worth costs of thr~ "'with'' and "without" tidal plant expansion programs. Both the cost of retiming facilitir~s and thr~ transmission required for incorporation of the tidal plant to both local and external markets arr~ then de- ducted to determine the net benefit. These lwndits were compared subsequently to the cost of the tidal plant to de!f~rminr~ its economic viability. 1\ summary of the bcndits and costs arc provided in Table 7 for thr~ three sitPs with single-effect installations. A discus- 1985 1990 1991-2010 2.49 2.50 1% annual escalation 15.55 15.60 1'Y., annual escalation 2.85 2.86 1 'Y., annual escalation 16.65 16.75 1% annual escalation 1.81 1.83 1% annual escalation 28.95 29.30 1 Of<, annual escalation 0.21 0.21 0.21 45.00 45.00 45.00 2.53 2.54 1% annual escalation 15.00 15.85 1% annual escalation 2.89 2.90 1% annual escalation 17.00 17.10 1% annual escalation 1.55 1.64 1% annual escalation 36.40 38.55 1% annual escalation 0.41 0.41 0.41 45.00 45.00 45.00 ----------------------- sion of tlw evaluation is sr~t out in the following para- graphs. Tidal Site -89 (3800 MW) Fig. 22 shows the cumulative present worth of the gross benefits (unadjusted) from Site B9 in terms of both fuel costs and fixed cost components in the MIS and NEPOOL systems over the planning period. By the year 2045 the present value of the gross benefits are calculated to be $3,638 million. A significant portion of these benefits (i.e. 36'Yo) would be derived from the secondary NEPOOL market on the assumption that 100'/'o of the cost of energy displaced would be credited to the tidal power project. The competitiveness of Site 89 is therefore dependent on the sales contract with NEPOOL. Also shown are the total PW costs for 89 and associated transmission calculated to be $3,428 millions. Fig. 22 also shows that the cumulative present worth benefits surpass the corresponding cost of 89 in the year 2032. Based on an in-service date of 1990 and the base case scenario, the indicated breakeven 35 period is about 40 years for a tidal plant at this site with an assumed useful life of 75 years. A development at Site 89 is. therefore, economic over the long term. Tidal Site -A6 (1550 MW) Fig. 23 shows the cumulative present worth of the gross benefits (unadjusted) and corresponding costs for Site A6 calculated at $1,:~02 million and $1,866 million respectively by the year 2045. There is no breakeven TABLE 7 Economic Evaluation Summary of Benefits and Costs Site 89 Site i\6 Site AH Item Raw absorption Retimed Storage 500 MW* Retimed Storage 250 MW** MIS-NEPOOL TIE 2500 MW MIS-NEPOOL TIE 500 MW MIS-NEPOOL TIE 500 MW MIS gross value from tidal 2:~:~2.3 1242.3 950.7 NEPOOL gross value from tidal B06.0 59.7 48.6 Total gross value from tidal 36:~8.3 1302.0 999.8 MIS internal transmission cost 32.7 6.0 6.0 MIS-NEPOOL transmission cost 235.7 22.2 22.0 Total transmission cost 268.4 28.2 28.2 Net benefits from tidal (unadjusted) 3369.9 127:t8 971.1 Present worth of Energy, GWh 176,439 63.210 47,732 Lcvelized value of Energy. mills/kWh 19.1 20.2 20.3 Total capital cost of tidal plant 3637 2160 1197 Annual charge (fv 6.231% 227 135 75 Present worth in 1985 of annual charges (unadjusted) over the period 1990-2045 3160 1877 1040 At site cost of Energy, mills/kWh 17.9 29.7 21.8 Benefit/Cost ratio 3370/3160 = 1.07 1274/1877 = 0.68 971/1040 = 0.93 NOTES: 1. All present worth values and costs are in $million (June 1976 dollars); values are present worthed to mid-1985 at 5.5% discount rate over the review period (1986-2045). 2. Based on Intense Nuclear Scenario for the MIS. *Cost of 500 MW storage installed in 1995 has been subtracted to give MIS gross value from tidal. **Cost of 250 MW storage installed in 1995 has been subtracted to give MIS gross value from tidal. 36 point as the costs exccr~d the benefits. The development of Site AG \\'ould therefore be uneconomic. Tidal Site-AS (1085 MW) Fig. 24 shows the cumulative present worth of the gross lwncfits (unadjusll:d) and corresponding costs for Site i\8. These an~ indicated to he $1,000 million and $1.0GB million respectively by the year 2045. In this case 95'Xl of the calculated benefits are derived from the MIS alone. Such a size of clcvclopmcnt therefore can be integrated into the MIS without reliance on the secondary market. As the present worth benefits and costs arc about equal at the end of the review period it can be concluded that the hreakeven period is about 60 years. 4000 ~--.---.---,---,---,---.---,---,----r---r---, i 1 ! I I 3600 f---+-' -----+-J -t +-~ t---t--+----t-~ I l, •• ., ' I ---~ ! TOTAL SITE A .. D TRA~SSIO CO~ OF_ Ef-_ 4~ __ _ ~--~-r "-j-, -_p:--,- 3200 1---+---+-------+---~-l----fo--Y'-+---+---t----1 I : i ;:; i I f"' I ' I '~--: tA/1_, 1"1 "'"I~-2800 !::!: 2400 ~. l-1/V t I L--+-' --+--+-----:.i NEP10L FUt-VALUf I ~ --- ~ ,_ I ----- u: 2000 1/_..----~~, ----+~(----~~ ;_---t-I ~ ,_ z I I / ..... \_-MIS !''XED ~ALUE ---r-· ./ -r / ! /; 1 /v / 1 ! ~ 1600 1200 e-----+~-11 l /_L_ -----j ~--i BOO If \~v 1 ~ MIS FUEL 1 vALuE I 400 -,1/ ---+----+----1 ---+-----t--i v-_ ~02.!_ ~T~ SM~"!--1--____ _ --- 1990 9!5 2000 C6 10 20 2!5 30 40 4!5 YEAR NOTES-l)RAW ABSORPTION IN MIS AND NEPOOL 2) 2500 MW MIS-NEPOOL TIE Fig. 22. Site 89 (3800 MW), Cumulative Present Worth Value. 2000 1860 1600 1400 ~ 1200 ~ i 1000 600 400 1990 95 YEAR NOTES-l)RETIMING IN MIS AND NEPOOL 2)500 MW MIS-NEPOOL TIE Fig. 23. Site A6 (1550 MW), Cumulative Present Worth Value. 1400 !2 1200 X :;: 1000 0 ~ ~ BOO ~ ~ 600 400 200 ~I I I I I ..;._ l ' I ' I . I I T¢1TAL S I ----~ ~N~ ~~M.:::'~ ...:04 ~-_ -r----- TOTAL i hilS e NEPO L BE FITS~ l _: j-.: -i :::1:: = I 0(;---~l y ['---TO AL MIS BENEFITS L ~_i__rl~o:_ TR ~SMISSI~ J --+------ 1990 95 2000 05 10 20 YEAR NOTES-I)RETIMING IN MIS AND NEPOOL 2)500 MW MIS-NEPOOL TIE I I I ' i I ! I i __ J __ -- "' 30 ~-- I - 40 •• Fig. 24. Site A8 (1085 MW), Cumulative Present Worth Value. Sensitivity Analysis The Committee developed scenarios, that is, the delineation of hypothetical but feasible futures, to assess the economic feasibility of developments using the established site-optimum installations and firm cost estimates. Because of the unpredictability of the precise future values of parameters involved in a scenario, a range of values for each parameter was included in the analysis so that the effect of an individual param- eter on the economic feasibility could be assessed. In other words, a sensitivity analysis was carried out to provide as complete a picture as possible of the future consequences of including or of not including tidal prnver in the generation expansion programs of MIS. Because Site A6 was shown to be uneconomic, a sensitivity analysis to determine the effects of changes in assumptions on the study findings has been detailed only for tidal developments at Site B9 and A8. Analyses showed that the significant parameters that could inf1uence the benefit and cost determinations were as follows: 1. Extent of nuclear development (penetration) in the MIS expansion program 2. Loacl forecast changes 3. Marketing strategies for tidal energy in the secondary market 4. Fuel costs 5. Interest rates. The effects of these parameters are discussed hereunder and summarized in Table 8. The effect of appropriate adjustments to the unadjusted bene- fit-to-cost ratios in Table 7 are presented in Table 9. NUCLEAR PENETRATION Since the greater portion of the value of tidal bene- fits would be derived from the displacement of thermal energy, it is evident that the higher the nuclear penetra- tion in the expansion program, the greater the propor- tion of nuclear energy that would be displaced and consequently the lower the resultant tidal benefit. With regard to the extent of nuclear penetration, it should be emphasized that the base case MIS expan- sion program shown in Fig. 14 results in an increase in nuclear penetration, as a percentage of MIS peak load, of from 50°/r, to 73% from 1990 to 2010, respectively. This program is an intensive nuclear scenario with the extent of nuclear generation limited only by technical constraints of nuclear cycling. For this program, incre- mental nuclear generation additions would be required 37 to operate at about 65'X, capacity factor. This was considered to be the minimum technically feasible capacity factor for this type of generation. For the purpose of the sensitivity analysis. however. an all- nuclear generation scenario for MIS vvas developed which resulted in a range of 50% to 79% nuclear pene- tration as a percentage of MIS peak load from 1990 to the year 2010. However, this scenario would violate the nuclear cycling technical constraints since some units would be required to operate at 35% capacity factor. This scenario, therefore, is very unlikely to be developed. In addition a low nuclear scenario. with nuclear penetration limited to about 50% of the peak load was also examined. Such a hypothetical future might be seen as a possible result of resistance to continued development of nuclear plants. However, in this case, the objective function of the least-cost generation program would be violated. The Board concurs with the Committee that the most likely magnitude of the benefits from Sites A8 and B9 would be those calculated as the base case program of intense nuclear penetration followed by the low and all nuclear scenarios in order of likelihood. The benefit/cost (B/C) ratio could vary by + :30 '!;, to -20% depending on the scenario chosen. LOAD FORECAST CHANGES The sensitivity to variations in projected load growth was tested only for Site B9 by making alterna- tive assumptions regarding future demand in the Mari- time market. The base case load forecast assumed an average rate of growth of the MIS peak load of 7.2% per annum after 1985. For the sensitivity evaluation of alternative load growths, rates of 4% and 8.5% were used. The minimum rate was assumed to result from both a strong conservation program accompanied by a general slow clown in the economic growth, while the high rate reflected an increase in the market share of electricity clue to substitutions from fossil fuel to electric power use as well as a sustained high economic growth rate. The effect of the alternative assumptions regarding load growth is modest. The base case provided the lowest B!C ratio. This was due principally to the fact that the near-optimum generation expansion programs developed to meet the three load growth cases resulted in different mixes of generation. The Board considers that the assumed base case load growth rate may be slightly high. 38 MARKETING STRATEGIES The base cas(~ program assumed that the full value of tidal energy to the secondary markets was credited towards the tidal powm· proj(~Ct. In reality. hovvever. th(~ revenues gr~nerated by surplus tidal energy in the secondary market would, in all probability. he l!~ss than its full value and would depend on the sales contract agreement between MIS and the external market. For the purpose of this analysis various markding strategies for sales to the secondary market were dev(~loped. It was assumed that tidal energy sales to NEPOOL would he based on an economy energy con- tract. with a price for energy equal to 50% and 80'7(, of the cost of the energy displaced. R<~-cxamination of Table 7 shows that the contribu- tion made to the total benefits by the NEPOOL secondary market is very significant (i.e. 36%) with respect to the large tidal development at Site B9, but is insignificant with respect to tidal Site A8 since the MIS system alone is large enough to absorb virtually all of the tidal output. For tidal Site B9. it should be noted the optimum scenario chosen was that of raw tidal absorption into the systems. It is evident that as the contribution of benefits by the secondary market decreases. retiming facilities tu enable more of the tidal enr~rgy to be ab- sorbed within MIS,rcsulting in less surplus energy for NEPOOL. would become mon; attractive. For example, a 500 MW storage facility would reduce the net con- tribution by NEPOOL from 30'Y., to 15%. Based on the optimum scenario for each marketing strategy. i.e. full credit. the B/C ratio for Site B9 would he reduced by about 8'X, under the 80% value assump- tion and by about 12% if the 50% value assumption were used, On the other hand, the B/C ratio \\'ould only be reduced by 1% for Site A8 under the 50'Yu value assumption case. For the purposes of the feasibility reassessment, the Board considers that a value of 50'X, of the cost of energy displaced would be the most likely condition. FUEL COSTS The value of tidal power is also very sensitive to fuel costs since a significant portion of the benefits would be derived from the displacement of fossil- fuelled thermal energy. With regard to fuel costs. the base case scenario assumed that the price of fuel for oil and coal would rise at the same rate as the general inflation to the year 1990 and then would increase by one per cent annually over inflation thereafter. Projections of future long term oil prices were subsequently re-examined to take into account the most recent studies by Canadian and United States authori- ties. the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and several specialized consul- tants. The results of this reappraisal indicate that the high fuel-price scenario of 2% real escalation over general inflation after 1990 is nmv considered a more realistic view of the future cost of oils. However, it should be emphasized that the short- term relative changes in the price of fuel with respect to general inflation may also have an effect on the relative long-term economics of tidal power. The likely price of fuel in the period under review is speculative but any increase over the rate of rise in fuel costs assumed for the base case will enhance the economic feasibility of a tidal povver development. The bene- fit/cost ratios can vary by about + 10% for the range of fuel prices assumed. The Board considers that, based on recent studies including that of the OECD, a two per cent inflation rate in fuel price after 1990 is a realistic view. INTEREST RATES The interest rate assumption exerts great influence on the benefit-cost ratio of a tidal power development because the cost of output consists almost completely of the annual capital cost, \'\'hile the benefits, largely derived from displacement of thermal energy. are unaf- fected by the interest rate. In the financial analysis, a direct approach was used. An estimated actual interest rate was applied and revenues computed in current dollars, taking into account an appropriate rate of inflation. A different approach was used in the economic analysis. Inflation was removed from both costs and revenues through the use of a real interest rate and constant dollars. The real interest rate was derived by eliminating from the actual rate of interest that part which is considered to represent the effect of general inflation. Real rates of interest on Government of Canada borrowings over the last quarter-century have ranged between 5 per cent and -1.5 per cent, with an average of just over 2 per cent. Risk factors result in higher real interest rates for borrowers of lower financial stability. The spread between Federal and Maritime provinces' borrowings over the last quarter-century has been about one per cent. From the point of view of the opportunity cost of capital. somewhat higher interest rates than those in- dicated above might be appropriate for an economic analysis. A rate of seven per cent or more would hf~ appropriate for work undertaken in a period when national productive capacity was almost fully utilized. However, this view of the cost of capital relatr~s more directly to the timing of a commitment decision than to the underlying economics of tidal pO\ver. 39 The Committee assumed 5.5 per cent inten:st for th(: base case and pr:rformed s(;nsitivity analyses for four per cent and seven per cent. finding that the bene- fit-cost ratios for tidal developnwnts would vary by :+ 20 per cent for each one per cent change in interest rates. A real interest rate was adopted in the f:conornic analysis solely for the purpose of reducing the two parameters of ar.tual or current interest rates and inf1a- lion to one parameter. In view of this. together with the fact that finanr:ial feasibility will depend upon some TABLE 8 Summary of Sensitivity Analyses Probability (1) Percentage Change to the Unadjusted Parameter and Ranking 8/C Ratios (Table 7) Sensitivity Range of Parameter Site 89 Site AB 1\!uclear Penetration Lovv Nuclear Scenario II 24 36 Base Case Nuclear Scenario I 0 0 All Nuclear Scenario III -8 -22 Load Growth I 4.0'l'o II 3 7.2'~{) I 0 8.srv,) III 7 Marketing Strategy Surplus Secondary Energy Valued at 100(;{) III 0 0 80'}·() II -8 -1 50% I -12 -1 Fuel Cost Oil/Coal 2'X, Esc ala lion 1990/2010 I 12 10 1%, Escalation 1990/2010 II 0 0 O'X, Escalation 1990/2010 III -12 -11 Real Interest Rate 4.0(}~. II 36 33 5.5% I 0 0 7.0';.{) III -23 -22 (1) I Probable !!-Less Probable III-Least Probable 40 measure of federal participation, the Board considers that a real interest rate of 4.75 per cent is sufficiently conservative for the purpose of making a firm estimate of benefits and costs. ADJUSTMENTS Based on an overview of the sensitivity analysis the results of which are summarized in Table S, the Board concludes that the benefit/cost ratios using the base case program appear to be understated rather than overstated. Using values of the parameters which the Board considers most likely to prevail over the next three decades, that is, an intense nuclear scenario, two per cent escalation of fuel prices after 1990, a real interest rate of 4.75 per cent, a load growth of slightly less than 7.2 per cent and export proceeds of 50 per cent of the value of the power that is exported, and the results of the sensitivity analysis, an overall improvement in the economic feasibility of about 10 per cent for Site B9 and 25 per cent for Site AS would be more repre- sentative of probable future conditions. The different adjustments used for Sites B9 and AS arc due prin- cipally to the different impacts in the results from changes in the marketing strategy (refer Table S). On this basis a final B/C ratio for Site B9 of about 1.2, and for Site AS of about 1.2 would, in the Board's judgement, be realistic. TABLE9 Final Benefit/Cost Ratios for Selected Sites Site B9 AB A6 B!C 1.2 1.2 0.9 Breakeven Period 30/35 years 30/35 years none Comparing the B/C ratios of Table 9 with those of Table 7, the economic feasibility of Site B9 is im- proved and Site AS becomes economic to the same extent as Site B9. The long-term economic benefits exceed the costs of a tidal development integrated with the MIS by a margin of 20 per cent for both Sites. Site A6, however, would remain uneconomic. Financial Analysis It is important to distinguish between an economic analysis and an analysis of the financial implications of alternative generation programs, particularly with respect to a utility's financing capability. A project, such as tidal power, which may be viable over its lifetime on the basis of an economic analysis, may require such initial heavy borrowing that it puts a severe strain on a utility's financing capability and so results in large rate increases to the consumers. The financial analysis can thus be thought of as identifying the impact of a new project on the cash requirements and on the annual costs which must be covered by revenues from the utility's customers. A financial analysis was undertaken for Sites 89 and AS only, as Site A6 was uneconomic. The objective of the financial analysis was: (i) to assess the impacts of tidal power plants on the cost of service in the Maritimes in terms of the electricity rates to customers as compared to alternatives considered; (ii) to examine the effects of the capital requirements of tidal power relative to other generation alter- natives; and (iii) to evaluate the impact of tidal developments on the provincial credit ratings in the Maritimes. ASSUMPTIONS Two methods of financing were assumed: in one case the Maritime Integrated System would own and operate the tidal plant while, in the other, ownership and operation would be through a stand -alone company. However, only the MIS case has been detailed hereunder. Key financial parameters used to calculate the cost of service of tidal power are summarized as follows: Rate of interest on bonds 10'% General rate of inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index 7'Yo before 19SO and 6'Yt, thereafter The financial analyses were based upon conven- tional criteria as currently adopted for publicly-owned utility financing in North America. The financial performance of the utilities was based upon the main- tenance of a debt to equity ratio of 90 to 10 or less. In addition, the interest coverage which, by definition is the ratio of net revenue to interest paid, was main- tained at 1.25. Based on these two constraints the total cost of capital at 90% debt was calculated at 11.25% while the rate of return on the 10% of equity was 41 estimated at 22.5%. In the economic analysis, the full vaiLw of tidal to the secondary markets was credited towards the tidal power projects for the base case. However, in the finan- cial analysis various marketing strategies for sales to the secondary market were developed to quantify the impact on the cost of power arising from revenues generated by such sales. For the marketing strategies for sales to NEPOOL, it was assumed that sales would be made on the basis of either economy energy interchange or by a fixed contract. The pricing assumptions for economy sales ranged from NEPOOL paying as low as 30% to a high of SO% of the cost of the energy displaced with a prob- able value of 50%. In the fixed contract alternative, it was assumed that NEPOOL would purchase 25% of the output of the tidal plant on a take-or-pay basis at SO% to 120% of the cost of the energy displaced with a mid- point value of 100% plus any additional economy energy available on the 50/50 basis outlined above. All monetary values used in the financial analysis are based on current dollars escalated over the period 19SO to 2010. This period covers a construction schedule for the plant of about 10 years together with the first 20 years of operation, which is considered to be the long- est bond issue period likely to be acceptable to financial institutions. Since all dollars are escalated over the review period, comparisons with those obtained from the economic evaluations are meaningless. In addition, comparisons between these results and the present cost of service in the Maritimes have no validity, since the current analysis relates to the cost of service for a tidal plant coming on line in 1990. The cost of service, revenue requirements and impact on provincial credit ratings are highlighted in detail for Sites 89 and AS with single-effect develop- ment schemes. COST OF SERVICE This is the cost which the customer must pay in order that the utility can meet its financial obligations. The effects of the cost of service to the customers of the MIS with a tidal development are discussed hereunder. Tidal Site B9 The total MIS annual cost of services in escalated dollars for the "with" and "without" tidal plant at Site 89 expansion programs is presented graphically in Fig. 25 based on the indicated marketing strategies. 42 20.0 IUS WITH TIDAL .I.MD ECOJIICMY IIITERCHANGE TO M[POOL (50/50) MIS WITH TIDAL AJID 25% FliED COIHRACT AT t~ AND ECOIICMY IIIITERCHM'GE (50/!:10) o.o+-~~-~--+--·1 ~5 ·-1111-00~' :_l~----~-1 1900 1990 2000 2010 "-'' Fig. 25. MIS Cost of Service With and Without 89. Fig. 25 shows that during the period 1980 to 1989 before the in-service date of the tidal plant the cost of service for both programs would be very comparable, rising from about $500 millions in 1980 to about $1.5 billions by 1989. However, interest paid on the outstand- ing debt associated with the tidal plant as well as main- tenance of the required interest coverage would result in a high level of financial charges immediately follow- ing completion of the project. These charges would gradually decline over the project life. As can be seen from Fig. 25, the 1990 cost of service for the case with Site B9 would be about $2.5 billions while the compar- able figure for the case without tidal would be about $1.7 billions resulting in a $800 million dollar difference between the two programs. Between the years 1997 and 1999 or after about 7 to 9 years of tidal plant operation the cost of service for both programs would become equivalent between $4.0 and $5.0 billions. By the year 2010 the cost of service for the "with" tidal plant scenario would be about $16.5 billions while the "without" case is estimated at 120 .------~--------· ·------n 90f------ ~ 80f----- tollS WITH TIDAL AND MIS WITHOUT TIOAL 20!)-~ --L---== 1980 1990 2010 YEAR Fig. 26. MIS Cost of Service With and Without 89. $18 billions. During the period ending in 2010, the MIS utilities would have accumulated an additional $3.4 billions of equity in fixed assets in excess of the equity without tidal. This is an inevitable part of the cost of service. Another cost of service comparison, but ex- pressed on a mills/kWh basis, is often a very useful indicator of the differences in the level of electricity rate increases between alternative programs. This information for the "with" and "without" Site B9 tidal plant program is displayed in Fig. 26. Fig. 26 indicates that the 1990 cost of service for the case "with" tidal power could range from about 66 to 69 mills/kWh while the comparable value for the "without" tidal alternative is estimated at 48 mills I kWh. This is equivalent to about a 41% differential increase in the level of electricity rates for that year for the plan with tidal power. The electricity rates for the "with" tidal alterna- tive would approach those of the "without" tidal scena- rio during the next 7 to 9 years of tidal plant operation, the rates for two scenarios becoming about equal at 20.0.-----------.------.----- i 3 ;; ~ ~ 10.0 i:j :; § IUS WITH TIDAL AIID '·'+------- MIS WITH T TIDAL 1000 1990 2000 2010 ,... Fig. 27. MIS Cost of Service With and Without AS. the 69 mills/ kWh level by 1999. By the year 2010 the cost of service in mills/kWh is estimated at about 110 mills/kWh for the "with" tidal power plant and 122 mills/kWh for the "without" tidal scenario. This is equivalent to about a 9'/'o differential decrease in the level of electricity rates for the plan with tidal power. It is evident that the impact of Site B9 on the total cost of service for MIS, particularly during the period 1990 to about 1998, would be very significant. However, beyond 1998, a development at Site B9 offers an im- provement in the cost of service over the expansion program without tidal. Tidal Site A8 The costs of service for the MIS on a dollar and mills/kWh basis '\vith" and "\vithout" Site A8 arc pre- sented graphically in Figs. 27 and 28. As both graphs show, the construction of the tidal plant would increase the cost of service to the MIS especially from 1990, and for the first 8 years of tidal plant operation. Fig. 28 indicates that the 1990 cost of service for 43 120 1 ! II 0 ! -j: I 0-- II )I 0 VI J, 0 ~ 1415 \liiTH TIDAL A.MD ECOM()(Y IIHERCHAMGE T 0 MEPOOL (50/50) -[1~ _ ----~~ -~---- ~ I I 100 / 1415 WITHOOT TIDAL 7 , -- -------~-30 20 1980 1990 2000 2010 YE.U Fig. 28. MIS Cost of Service With and Without AS. the case "with" tidal power is estimated at 55 mills I kWh as against 48 mills I kWh for the case ''without'' tidal power. This is equivalent tu a 14%, differential increase in the level of electricity rates for the "with" tidal plant alternative program. By the year 2010, however, the cost of service is estimated for the "with" and "without" tidal plant alternatives to be 120 and 122 mills/ kWh respectively. This is equivalent to about a 2% differential decrease in the level of electricity rates for the genera- tion expansion plan with tidal power. Since Site A8 would be considerably less costly than B9, the impact on the total cost of service would be correspondingly reduced. Nevertheless, even for this 1085 MW tidal development, a 14% differential increase in the level of electricity rates could be expected in 1990 if the plant were commissioned in that year. CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SITES A8 AND B9 Fig. 29 presents both the projected capital require- ment of the MIS "without" tidal power and "with" A8 and B9 as well as these requirements as a percentage 44 197S 1980 1985 1990 1995 200) YEAR Fig. 29. Projected Capital Requirements for Generation Facilities. of MIS's fixed assets. The total projected costs of A8 and I39. including escalation and interest during con- struction. would be $3.12 billion and $9.29 billion respectively. assuming commissioning in 1990. The capital costs as a percentage of fixed assets shm.vn in Fig. 29 relate these expenditures to the size of the MIS. Even without the construction of a tidal power plant, the ratio of expenditure to fixed assets during the period 1980 to 1990 averages 30'Yo which is above the long-term trend of about 20%. A8 increases the average to about 40% while I39 increases it to approxi- mately flO'Yr, with a peak at 110°1<,. EFFECT ON PROVINCES' CREDIT RATINGS To determine the feasibility of financing tidal power, one of the most important aspects is the effect the schemes would have on the total indebtedness of the provinces. Table 10 shovvs the projected debt for the generation facilities in the Maritimes "vvith" and "without" a tidal development. The 197() figure of $612 per capita represents about one-fifth of the provinces' total direct and guaranteed debt. As the table shovvs. even without a tidal plant the per capita debt for generation facilities in constant 197() dollars is projected to increase from $612 per capita in 1976 to $2,080 per capita by 1990. With A8 the 1990 amount is increased about 30':1., to $2710 per capita, and with 89 it is approximately doubled to $:1950 per capita. An analysis was undertaken of the potential effects of lhcs(' increases on the Maritime provinces· credit ratings based on the following constraints: 1. that the present direct and guaranteed debt per capita in the Maritime provinces should not exceed $4000 in order to maintain an "A" bond rating: 2. that the ratio of the per capita direct and guaranteed debt to the per capita personal income \vould not exceed 0.70: 3. that the provinces per capita debt for purposes other that generating facilities would remain constant at present levels. The results of the analysis indicated that: (i) The Maritime provinces should be able to raise the debt required for an MIS expansion without a tidal facility while maintaining an "A" bond rating. Hm.vever. in so doing they would be using up most of their available debt capacity. (ii) The Maritime provinces would find it impossible to incur the debt required for an MIS expansion program with either tidal site l\8 or 89 and still maintain an "A" credit rating. (iii) It is evident some form of participation from the governments will be required if a tidal develop- ment is to be undertaken. Under these conditions, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick should be able to raise the debt required for an MIS expansion with a tidal power development at Site A8 with support from the Federal Government such as a loan ·with repayment deferred for about 10 to 12 years from project commissioning, limited to about 33% of the tidal power facility. In this case the debt capacity of the provinces for other purposes would be limited if they are to maintain an "A" credit rating. 45 TABLE 10 Projected Debt for Generation Facilities in the Maritime Provinces 1976 1980 1985 1990 Escalated Dollars (millions) Without Tidal Pow~r 968.4 1,650.5 4.476.3 9,165.0 With A8 968.4 1,650.5 5,159.6 11,946.6 With 89 968.4 1,696.6 8,163.9 17,393.8 Consumer Price Index 1.035 1.36 1.82 2.43 Constant Dollars (millions) Without Tidal Pow~r 935.7 1,213.6 2,459.5 3,771.6 With All 935.7 1,213.6 2,834.9 4,916.3 WithB9 935.7 1,247.5 4,485.7 7.158.0 Population (millions) 1.530 1.591 1.699 1.814 Per Capita D~bt in Mid-1976 Dollars (SiCapita) Without Tidal Power 611.6 762.8 1.447.6 2,079.1 With All 611.6 762.8 1,668.6 2,710.2 With 89 611.6 784.1 2,640.2 3.946.0 Note: Per capita debt levels "with" tidal plants include only extra transmission requirements. General transmission and distribution for the MIS would increase capital requirements "with" and "without" tidal by 40% to 50%. (iv) With Federal Government participation, such as that suggested in (iii) limited to 75% for power Site 89, the provinces should be able to raise their portion of the debt while maintaining an "A" credit rating but they would almost exhaust their debt capacity for other purposes. Based on this financial review, the inclusion of either the A8 or B9 tidal development into the MIS generation program would create very high capital expenditure requirements during the period of construc- tion from 1980 to 1990. This would result in very signi- ficant increases in the cost of service and the corresponding electricity rates in the period starting from the commission of the tidal plant in 1990 through- out the first seven to nine years of plant operation. It is evident that these large costs incurred during the period of construction of a tidal development, or "front-end" costs as they are often referred to, would place a very severe strain on the utilities' financing capability, and would make a tidal project unsuitable as an undertaking solely as a utility-developed energy resource. There would have to be an effective involve- ment of governments, along with the utilities, possibly through a "regional power supply agency" in develop- ing the potential of the renewable tidal resource. The Board suggests that consideration must also be given to arrangements that will shift part of the financial burden from the years of construction and initial operation to a later period when benefits will become greater by virtue of increasing utilization and escalation of fossil fuels. Thus, direct government participation, estimated at 33% of the capital cost of the proposed Cumberland Basin development (Site AB), and 75% of the Minas Basin Scheme (Site B9), will be required if Bay of Fundy tidal power is to be developed. 46 Socio-Economic and Environmental Considerations SOCIO-ECONOMIC The socio-economic considl:rations associated with tidal developments huve rccr:ived prcliminar:;' wview. Sonw of the significant effr;c!s are discussed herein. Construction Labour Requirements Fig. :m gives an indication of the peak annual man- powr;r r!:quiremcnts dming tlw 19/J(J's for the MIS gunnation cxp<Insion plan without tidal as well as for those with I39 and ,c\IJ. 1\lthough this is an approxima- tion of labour n:quircmcnts. it nonetheless serves to illustrate the t:mploymcnt potential which could exist. particularly in skilled tradf?S. if either Site B9 or Site AS wr:rc to be undr:rtakcn. Until a more accur<Jte forecast of manpower availability by skill-type is developed, it is not possiblt: to predict the likelihood of bottlenecks in the labour supply. The potential impact of a Fundy tidal dcvdopment on employment during construction should not be viewed as a decisive reason for proceed- ing with the project. In <Jddition the vast scale of 89. including its man- power implications. suggests that from the vantage point of the Maritime provinces it would be far less "digestible" than Site A8. Manufacturing Potential Arising from Tidal Power Developments As shown in Table 11, the creation or maintenance of between 775 and 1500 jobs per year related to manu- TABLE 11 Estimate of Employment Impact by Type of Product I Activity Locational Prospects Employment Rang<~ * * Other :'>J.B. N.S. On!. Que. Canada A. Product I Acti\·ity Turbine-Ccncratm Manufdclun• 2b0-5·W X X XX XX * SF6 Switchgear 15-30 X X XX XX * SFf> Bus Duct 15<JO X X XX XX * Total Electrical 29()-600 Rebar Manufacture 50-100 XX XX " X * Rebar Fabrication 25-l10 XX XX X Structural and Mechanical Sled 175-250 XX XX X X * Total Steel Fabrication 250-410 B. Building Products Cement Delivery 7-24 XX XX Concrete Mfg I Delivery 8-11 XX XX T imbcr Mfg i Delivery 50-60 XX XX Total Building Products 65-95 C. Raw Construction Materials Sand and Gravel Production and Delivery 70-85 XX XX Rock Quarrying and Deli\'l:ry 100-300 XX XX Total Construction Materials 170-385 TOTAL JOBS 775-1.490 Legend: X possible; XX probable;* possible but less likely;** range of employment estimates smallest to largest of selected development. Foreign X X X X * 7 a oo 6000 SITl i\.8 ---WITHQUl TICAL 50 00 I 2000 occ 19?9 !963 I'' i "·, i \ / \ I 198:, I I \ 1987 o' I 1999 Fig. 30. Construction Labour Requirements for Sites B9 & AS. facturing could probably be directly related to a tidal project. Of at least 400 to 500 would be created in the Maritimes. To the extent that electrical and mechanical equipment could be manufactured for the projects in the Maritimes, thc~ employmenl impact r:ould be The remaining jobs could acr:ruc mainly to Ontario and Quebec. Table 11 indicates that electrical and mechanical equipment would most probably be manufactured in Quebec and Ontario whilr: steel fabrication, building products and rmv construction materials would prob- ably come from the Maritime provinces. There also appears to be existing capacity in Canada capable of supplying the electrical and mechanical equipment, fabricated steel and other materials and equipment needed for tidal plant construction. To a large extent a tidal development would tend to support exist cap- acities rather than require new facilities. Off-site Manufacture of Powerhouse and Sluiceway Caissons Off-site rather than on-site manufacturing strategy of powerhouses anu sluiceway caissons might offer some social and economic advantages. 47 Whih· tlw existing shipyards could not handle construction of these units and might he nductant to tak£~ on such a program that could b{' detrimental to th(•ir ship n:pair business. it vvould app{~ar that setting up ad jacunt. bu I separate, facil it ics may offer i rn mud iah~ advantages to th{~ tidal project and long-term advantages to the adjoining shipyard. lnvPsligation indicatt:s that Saint John ofl'!:rs the best possibility for this typ(: of construction strategy because of potentially a\ailablc space. Off-site manufacturing would also cas(: what could potentially be major social dislocations if on-site manu- facturing were considered. It would also provide a facility which could present long-h:rm employment possibilities in a nwtropolitan area after the initial tidal power program \vas completml. Balance of Payments Table 12 gives some indication of th!~ relative signi- ficance of the savings on imported oil due to tidal power in ndation to the balance of payments for 1970. Sit{~ 89 AB TABLE 12 Credit on Current Account from Displaced Oil as a Percentage of Total Current Payments (All values in millions of June 1976 dollars) Credit on Current Total Current P!:rcentagc Account Payments (1975) 258 51 ,O!l1 0.5 1 ~l 54 51.061 0.1(;{) It is evident from the table that the impact of tidal power on the balance of payments is modest. This impact thercfon: is not large enough to affect the basis upon which the decision to build tidal plants vvould be made. Based on this review it has been concluded that no critical socio-economic issues have emerged to indicate that Fundy tidal projects should not be regarded as a potentially desirable source of energy for the Mari- time region. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Engineering \\·orks of the type and magnitude of tht~ proposed tidal po\\'er plants would rwcessarily givt: rise to environmental impacts. Tht~se could be expected 48 to produce social costs und benefits requiring consid- eration in any compn~hensivc uppraisal of tidal power. Preliminar.y consideration was given to environ- mental matters to ensure that then~ were no drawbacks of such magnitude as to preclude the possibility of a tidal development at any of the sdected sit1;s and to obtain a relative rating of the environmental impacts among the sites. To develop this background and to prepare~ for the possible continuation of the design process. the Committee undertook preliminary environ- mental investigations intended to (1) identify the impacts likely to result from construction and operation of a tidal plant, (2) provide a rough ranking of their probable importance. and (3) obtain a preliminary outline of the requirements for a full environmental assessment. In an overall assessment of social costs and bene- fits, it Vl.'ould clearly b(~ necessary to consider environ- mental effects on a broader plane. The pertinent question would be whether the production of a given block of energy from the tide ·would have an impact greater or less than that involved in generating the same energy by other means. This question cannot be resolved without a detailed assessment. In pursuing the objectives defined above, the Com- mittee received generous support and assistance from federal and provincial government agencies. univer- sities and the scientific community in general. Many opinions were received from informed sources relating to environmental effects. their possible magnitude, their possible importance, and possible approaches to definitive resolution of the issues. Based on the information received, the Board con- cludes that construction and operation of a tidal povver plant would be unlikely to produce deleterious effects of prohibitive magnitude. Preliminary indications suggest that Site AB may have fewer and more moder- ate impacts than Site B9. It further appears that environmental impact assess- ment will be hampered by a relative lack of detailed knowledge concerning the Bay of Fundy-Gulf of Maine ecosystem. At the request of the Board, the parties to the Agreement have initiated the Environ- mental Assessment and Review Process and have formally established a joint Environmental Assessment Panel. The Panel is currently in the process of finaliz- ing assessment guidelines. It seems possible, and perhaps necessary in a practical sense, that assessment by a tidal power proponent would be based primarily on a full compendium of existing data and un present knowledge of the ecosystems involved. The desirability of a long-term program of basic scientific research has been represented, but the Board does not regard itself as a suitable agency for such an undertaking. 49 ANNEXA Terms of Reference AGREEMENT BETWEEN CANADA, NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA THIS AGREEMENT MADE THIS TJIIJ{D DAY OF DECEMBEK Hl75 BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF C:\NADA. hcrc;inaft!;r called "Canada", OF Tl !E FI!\ST PART. TilE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK.Iwreinafter called "New Brunswick", OF THE SECOND PART and THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA, h1;reinafter called "Nova Scotiu". OF THE THIRD PART. WHEREAS the Governments of Can<Jda. Ne\v Brunswick and Nova Scotia Pstablish!od jointly the Bay of Fundy Tidal Pow1;r Review Board in Fdmwry, 1972: WHEREAS the Bay of Fundy Tidal Power Review Board has r;xamined tlw conclusions of the Octolwr 19b9 report of the federal-provincial Atlantic Tidal Power Programming Board, in light of current and projected conditions; WHEREAS in its report to Covernmc;nts of September 1974, entitltod, "Preliminary Reassessrm:nt of Feasibility of Tidal Power Development in the Bay of Fundy". the Ray of Fundy Tidal Povver R(:view Board concluded that the economic position of Bay of Fundy tidal power has improved significantly since 1969: WHEREAS the: Bay of Fundy Tidal Power Review Board has recommended that further study will be required to dctermim; whethc:r or not the Pconomic viability gap between tidal energy and fossil-fuel based energy has or is likely to be overcome: WHEREAS the parties agree that further investigation is dc:sirable and in the public interest in view of the distinct possibility that tidal energy can be shown to be an economical contribution to energy n:sources in th1: Atlantic region: NOvV THEREFORE in consideration of the premises, covenants and agree- ments herein contained. the parties covenant and agree vvith each other as follows: 1. The objective of the studies authorized under this Agreement is to provide a firm estimate of the cost of tidal energy in relation to its altc:rna- tives on which to base a d(;cision to proceed furthPr with detailed investigations and engineering design. 2. The studies to be carried out shall be gnncrally in accordance with the investigational program. schedule ;md terms of reference outlined by 50 the Bay of Fundy Tidal Power Revie\\. Board in its report. "Preliminary Reassessment of Fl~asibility of Tidal Power Development in the Bay of Fundy", elated September 1974. 3. The Bay of Fundy Tidal Power Review Board. established by the parties hereto on February 29. 1972, and hereinafter referred to as "the Board", shall oversee the conduct of the studies. 4. (a) The Board, for the purpose of this Agreement shall consist of six members, two from each of the parties hereto. The members of the Board arc: For Canada: E. W. Humphrys, Senior Adviser Electrical Energy, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources: Dr. A. E. Collin, Assistant Deputy Minister, Fisheries and Marine Service, Department of the Environment. For New Brunsvvick: A. J. O'Connor, General Manager, New Brunsvvick Electric Povver Co mm iss ion: For Nova Scotia: Eldon Thompson, President, Trans-Canada Telephone System. L. F. Kirkpatrick, President, Nova Scotia Power Corporation: Dr. R. B. Cameron, President, Nova Scotia Tidal Power Corporation. (b) Chairmanship of the Board shall rotate from meeting to meeting vvith the follovving order of rotation: a member for Canada: a member for Nova Scotia, a member for Nevv Brunswick. This order shall be repeated for the duration of the study. (c) The term of a Chairman shall date from the termination of the preceding meeting to the end of the meeting which he is to chair. The Chairman for the first term following the date of this Agreement shall be Mr. Humphrys. (d) Meetings of the Board shall be held at least once every six months from the date of this Agreement unless the members unanimously agree to defer a meeting. The current Chairman shall, on the request of any two members of the Board, convene a meeting vvithin two \veeks following such a request. 51 (e) The members of the Board may name alternates to represent them at meetings vvhen they arc unable to attend. 5. The Board will determine, as results of the studies become available, whether or not it is justified to continue the studies to completion or to terminate them at an earlier stage. In any event, all reports on the studies authorized by this Agreement shall be submitted no later than two years following the date of this Agreement. 6. (a) The cost of the studies shall be borne as follows: Fifty (50) per cent by Canada, twenty five (25) per cent by Nova Scotia, and twenty five (25) per cent by New Brunsvvick, and such costs shall include, but shall not be limited to, administration, the cost of collection and analysis of data, field surveys and the cost of consultants engaged as part of the program. Salaries and related costs of federal and provincial civil servants engaged in the program shall not be paid from funds approved under this Agreement excepting staff specifically assigned to, or engaged in, studies under this Agreement. (b) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and subject to funds being voted by Parliament, the aggregate sum to which Canada shall be liable in respect of this Agreement shall not exceed $1,500,000. (c) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and subject to funds being voted by each of the Legislative Assemblies of New Bruns- wick and Nova Scotia, the aggregate sum to which Nevv Brunswick and Nova Scotia each shall be liable in respect of this Agreement shall not exceed $75'0,000. (d) This Agreement shall become binding on the date executed but costs incurred subsequent to June 1, 1975, shall be eligible for sharing under this Agreement, (c) Each party shall keep complete records of all expenditures made severally pursuant to this Agreement and shall support such expenditures with proper documentation. The parties agree to make these records and documents available to auditors appointed by each other. (f) Canada shall assume responsibility for the funding of this Agreement; the financial arrangements shall be established by the Committee. (g) New Brunswick and Nova Scotia undertake to pay promptly, accounts submitted for their share of the study costs. 7. To carry out the study programme under the general direction of the Board, there is hereby established a Management Committee, hereinafter called the Committee, composed of seven members, as follows: 52 For Canada: R H. Clark, Senior Engineering Adviser Inland Waters Directorate, Department of the Environment: *C. K. Hurst, Chid Engineer. Department of Public Works: A. N. Karas, Assistant Director. (Planning) National Energy Board. For New Bruns·wick: Frank MacLoon, Manager, Power System Development and Operation Division, For Nova Scotia: New Brunswick Electric Power Commission; D. G. Hayward. Senior Hydraulic Development Engineer. New Brunswick Electric Power Commission. **G. D. Mader. Vice President (Engineering}, Nova Scotia Power Corporation: G. C. Baker, Director, Nova Scotia Tidal Power Corporation. The Chairman of the Committee shall be R. H. Clark. In the event that Mr. Clark must relinquish the responsibilities of Chairman. the Board shall appoint his successor. The members of the Committee may name alternates to represent them at meetings when they are unable to attend. 8. Any of the parties may at any time, by written notice to the other parties, substitute a member in place of one of its members under Article 3 or 7. 9. In conducting its investigation and performing its duties in accordance \\'ith the Agreement, the Committee, subject to the concurrence of the Board by way of budget or explicitly. (a) may employ a Study Coordinator and such specialists, consultants or other personnel as it may deem necessary: (b) may incur such other expenses as may be required; and (c) may pay for such services, employment and expenses out of funds appropriated therefore. *Mr. K. A. Rowsell. Program Manager, Marine, Department of Pohlic Works, replaced Mr. C. K. Hurst, January 1976 **Mr. R P. DeLory. Manager, Project Diviston. Nova Scotia Power Corporation. replaced Mr. G. D. Mader, with effect from December 10. 1975. 53 10. The Committee may utilize the services of employees of the departments and agencies of the parties hereto. including engirwers, scientists and other specialists, wherever in the opinion of the party concerned the services of such employees are available. 11. The Board shall submit specific reports or recommendations with docu- mentation to the parties hereto at any time as the progress of the studies reveals information that may substantiate or negate the prospect of tidal energy becoming a viable competitor vvith alternative energy sources. 12. The Board may recommend to the three parties, joint participation in expanded studies, to include hydraulic model studies and engineering design for construction should the results of the authorized studies con- tinue to show tidal energy in a potentially competitive position taking into account economic costs and environmental effects. 13. (a) Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia shall exchange copies of all reports and related available informstion from prior and current studies for usc in the programme. (b) This Agreement may from time to time be reviewed by the parties hereto and may be revised as the parties hereto may unanimously agree. (c) r\o member of the Parliament of Canada or the Legislativr: Assemblies of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia shall hold. enjoy or be admitted to any share or part of any contract, agreement. commission or benefit arising out of this Agreement. IN WITr\ESS WHEREOF, the Honourable Alastair Gillespie, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources has hereunto set his hand on behalf of Canada, the Honourable Richard B. Hatfield, Premier of New Brunsv11ick, has set his hand on behalf of New Brunswick and the Honourable Gerald A. Regan, Q.C., Premier of Nova Scotia, has set his hand on behalf of Nova Scotia. Signed on behalf of Canada Alastair Gillespie Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Signed on behalf of New Bruns\vick Richord B. Hatfield Premier of New Brunswick Signed on behalf of Nova Scotia Gerald A. Regnn Premier of Nova Scotia Date DECEMBEF 3, 1975 54 AMENDING AGREEMENT This Amending Agrcerrwnt made as of 24th June, 1977, BETWEEN Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Canada, hert!in acting through and represented by the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, hereinafter called Canada, OF THE FIRST PART ller Majesty the Queen in Right of Ne'.>v Brunswick, hereinafter called New Brunswick. OF THE SECOND PART Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Nova Scotia. hereinafter called Nova Scotia. OF THE THIRD PART WHEREAS Canada. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia jointly established the Bay of Fundy Tidal Powf'r Review Board in February, 1972; WHEREAS the Bay of Fundy Tidal Povver Review Board examined the conclusions of the October 1969 report of the federal-provincial Atlantic Tidal Power Programming Board, in light of the then current and projected condi- tions: WHEREAS in its report to Governments in September 1975, entitled, "Preliminary Reassessment of Feasibility of Tidal Power Development in the Bay of Fundy." the Bay of Fundy Tidal Power Review Board concluded that the economic position of Bay of Fundy tidal power had improved significantly since 1969; WHEREAS the Bay of Fundy Tidal Power Review Board recommended that further study was required to determine whether or not the economic viability gap bet1.veen tidal energy and fossil-fuel based energy had been or \vas likely to be overcome; WHEREAS Canada, as authorized by Order in Council P.C. 1975-3/2823 of December 2. 1975, entered into an Agreement dated December 3, 1975 (hereinafter called the "Study Agreement"), with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, providing for further study of the cost of tidal energy in relation to the cost of alternative energy sources; 55 WHEREAS Canada, New Brunswick and \.!ova Scotia wish to expand th!~ said study: AND vVHEREAS Canada has been authorized by Order in Council P.C 1977-1511 of June 2, 1977. to enter into an Agreement vvith New Brunswick and Nova Scotia amending the Study Agreement: NOW THEREFORE the pHrties hereto covenant and agree with each other as follows: 1. Article 6 of the Study Agreement is hereby amended by deleting paragraph (h) thereof. and by substituting the following therefor: "(b) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and to the provisions of section 33 of the Finonciul Administrution Act RSC 1970 c.F-10, the aggregate sum for which Canada is liable in respect of its duties and obligations under this Agreement shall not exceed one million eight hundred and twenty-six thousand dollars ($1,826,000)." 2. Article 6 of the Study Agreement is hereby amended by deleting paragraph (c) thereof, and by substituting the following therefor: "(c) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. and subject to funds being voted by the Legislative Assembly of Nevv Brunswick and by the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, the aggregate sums for which New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are liable in respect of their duties or obligations under this Agreement shall not exceed, in the case of Nevv Brunswick, nine hundred and thirteen thousand dollars ($913,000), and, in the case of Nova Scotia, nine hundred and thirteen thousand dollars ($913,000)." 3. The Study Agreement as amended by this Agreement is hereby confirmed. This Agreement shall be read with and be deemed to be part of the Study Agreement. 56 ANNEXB Phase II: Pre-Investment Design Program The current studies have been carried out over the past two years under the direction of the Management Committee, whose report to the Board discusses in detail all aspects of the investigations and analyses leading to the foregoing conclusions and recom- mendations. The Board recognizes that in carrying out its responsibility to develop a firm estimate. of the cost of tidal power and to assess the implications of development of the last large remaining source of renewable energy supply in the Maritime region it has been necessary to forego pursuing in detail many aspects of concern to society as a whole as well as the detailed assessment of engineering aspects neces- sary to specify completely a development. To a consid- erable extent such omissions of detail have been delib- erate inasmuch as the time and funds required for successive refinements have been authorized only as reasonable justification to proceed with each stage was established. Thus the Management Committee in pursuing the studies to date have been conscious of the necessity to justify each progressive stage of refinement, and during the phase now completed have provided the Board with progressive interpretations and oppor- tunities to review the prospects for a favourable finding at each stage of expenditure. The first phase of investigations is now concluded -defined as the Phase I program by the Committee -and was carried out in three stages at a cost of about $3.4 million. The further investigations proposed properly iden- tify several areas which are germane to the current assessment of tidal power, but which embrace broad issues beyond the usual scope of project evaluations. Thus the projected role of tidal power within the future energy systems of the Maritime provinces requires confirmation of the assumed growth and mix of generation supplies, particularly in the light of changing perceptions regarding future energy availability and use and in the light of constraint which may be im- posed by economic conditions limiting investments in the utility sector. This aspect is of particular concern to utilities as preliminary studies suggest the system investment demands would require such large borrow- ings as to impinge upon the limits of debt servicing likely to be available to the provinces. The inclusion of these aspects in the scope of future studies is done on the basis that unless they are under- taken separately but concurrently they must be considered in order to place a tidal power development in proper perspective. That these questions should be addressed is evident and there is an opportunity to do so meaningfully from the specific base which has been established from the current studies and the studies carried out independently during the past year to assess the advantages of the proposed Maritime Energy Corporation. The results of further analysis in these areas may provide a model of use to other utility systems in Canada. The final design of a tidal power development at Site A8 in the Cumberland Basin could be influenced by consideration of the implications of future develop- ments of other tidal power sites. Such considerations could enter into determination of the choice of operat- ing requirements and hence the type of installation selected, transmission routes as well as consideration of many aspects of construction facilities such as the location and capacity of drydocks for caisson fabrica- tion, turbine assembly facilities, borrow and quarry sites and other specialized construction requirements. Since all such facilities have been independently in- Pre-Investment Design Program* Cost Estimate -Thousands of Dollars 1. Data Base 11. Regime Modelling 111. Engineering Design iv. System Design v. Socio-Economic & Environmental Studies vi. Supplemental Studies of Sequential Development at other Sites Contingency 20% Project Management 20'Yo Allowance for inflation @ 7% per annum $2,675 3,980 8,250 1,600 1,500 1,000 $19,005 3,800 $22,805 4,560 $27,365 5,400 $32,765 *Costs estimated in mid-1977 for program covering the period mid-1978 to mid-1981 with allowance for inflation. eluded in each project estimate at this time some econ- omies may be anticipated from multiple use and thus some further study in parallel with thlo detailr~d investigation and design of Site AS should be pursued to assess the feasibility of sequential development of Sites A6 and B9. Such assessments could be made primarily through the application of the refined design results for AS as these become available. However, supplemental additions to the data base to prrn·ide comparable information at each site may prove desir- able and \Vorthwhile where it vvould prove cost dfcc- tive to include such in the data base programs for AB. To undertake the detailed studies and design of a tidal power development a new hydraulic modelling facility is required. Although other uses for such facili- ties have not yet been identified, the lack of a suitable facility in Canada, or elsewhere, suggests the facility be located in the Maritime region. Before proceeding with design and construction, the Board feels the opportunity should be taken to evaluate the needs and potential use of such a facility serving as a major marine-oriented research institute. Siting such a facility in the Maritimes would facilitate immediate testing and evaluation of construction techniques as construction progresses, should a decision to proceed with tidal power development ensue. 57