HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport on Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Design Earthquake Study 1981Woodward-Clyde Consultants REPORT ON THE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DESIGN EARTHQUAKE STUDY Submitted to Department of the Army Alaska District, Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Contract No. DACW85-79-c~oo45 Modification P-00005 , .. • - - -- - Woodward-Clyde ConsuHants REPORT ON THE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DESIGN EARTHQUAKE STUDY Submitted to Department of the Army Alaska District, Corps of Engineers P. o. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Contract No. DACW85-79-C-0045 Modification P-00005 - - ... - - - ... - - 4791 Business Park Boulevard Suite 1 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907-276-2335 10 November 1981 Project No. l4844B Department of the Army Woodward-Clyde Consultants Alaska District, Corp of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Attention: NPAEN-PM-PS SUBJECT: REPORT FOR DESIGN EARTHQUAKE STUDY Gentlemen: Enclosed is our report on the evaluation of the design earthquakes and our assessment of the likelihood of fault rupture at the Bradley Lake site. In this study, we have reviewed the available literature in order to update previous reports concerning the seismic hazard potential at the site. The most significant new data are from the microseismic network installed for the Bradley Lake project by the u.s. Geological Survey. There is still only limited information in.the literature regarding the geological characteristics of local and on-site faults, particularly with regard to their potential activity, and key parameters that provide input into an assessment of their potential maximum earthquakes and potential for surface fault rupture at the site. In order to conduct this evaluation, we have used what data are presently · available, and have made professional judgments and applied analogous data in order to estimate the maximum earthquake for each potential source fault considered, assuming that the faults are active~ These estimates led to the Corps of Engineers selection of two design maximum earthquakes: 1) a magnitude 8-1/2 event occurring on the Megathrust located approximately 30 krn beneath .the site, and 2) a 7-1/2 magnitude earthquake occurring on the Border Ranges fault or the Eagle River fault, both located within 3 krn of either the darn or power- house sites. We have provided estimates of expected ground motions at the site for these earthquakes, and have devel- Consulting Engineers, Geologists and Environmental Scientists Offices in Other Principal Cities - 111111 - --- 10 November 1981 Page 2 Woodward-Clyde Consultants ·oped corresponding response spectra. The results of this ground motion evaluation indicate that the local faults (i.e., the Border Ranges or the Eagle River faults) dominate the response spectra for the design maximum earthquake. If further field geological studies can demonstrate that these two faults are not active, then the response spectra for the site will be governed by the magnitude 8-1/2 event occurring on the Megathrust beneath the site. To assist the Corps of Engineers in their evaluation of a potential operational basis earthquake, we have provided: 1) a response spectra developed for ground motions approx- imately one-half those of the design maximum earthquake, and 2) a seismic exposure analysis. The results of the seismic exposure analysis are expressed as the probability of exceedence of given levels of ground motion at the site. From this information, an operational basis earthquake can be selected once the Corps has evaluated the relative risk deemed acceptable in the project design. The results of the seismic exposure analysis also provide a ranking of the potential source faults in terms of their relative contribution to the overall seismic exposure at the site. This ranking will be useful in prioritizing the local faults for future investigations that may resolve questions concerning the potential activity of the faults. If the local faults are active, as we have assumed for the ground motion assessment, then there is a potential for future fault rupture at the site during an earthquake generated on either the Eagle River, Border Ranges, Bull Moose or .Bradley River faults. By making analogies with other faults throughout the world where secondary fault rupture has been associated with an earthquake, and by providing assumptions concerning the fault characteristics at the Bradley Lake site, we have estimated the potential slip on surface ruptures may be in the order of 20 to 300 em, and the probability of these events occurring are in the order of 4 x lo-3 to 2 x lo-4. Ruptures of this nature could impact the proposed components of the project such as the dam, power tunnel, and the lake tap facilities that are crossed by faults or 1 ineaments that are suspected of being faults. This potential for fault rupture should be - --- - 10 November 1981 Page 3 Woodward-Clyde Consultants considered in the design evaluation of those facilities or evaluated in future geological field studies designed to resolve whether or not the faults are active. We appreciate the opportunity to have worked with you on this phase of the Bradley Lake project. Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Rupert G. Tart, Jr. Geotechnical Manager JLoL- s. Thomas Freeman Project Geologist - - - - ... -- - Woodward-Clyde ConsuHants TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................... 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Purpose ........................... · ....... . Scope of Work .••...•• ~ ..• · ••..•••.••.••...• Geologic and Seismologic Data Limitations ............................ . Report Organization •••••.•....••...•.•.••• 1-1 1-2 1-3 l-4 2.0 EVALUATION OF DESIGN EARTHQUAKES •.••••.•.••••.• 2-1 2.1 Seismic Setting .•..•..••...••••..•...•••.. 2-l 2 . 2 Approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2.3 Results................................... 2-4 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 Literature Review .••.•.••.••••••.•• Seismic Evaluation Assumptions •.••• Seismic Source Evaluation ..•..••••. 2-4 2-10 2-12 3.0 DESIGN GROUND MOTIONS •••.•••.••.••••••.••..•.•• 3-1 3.1 3.2 Maximum Earthquake •••••...•.••••.•.••••.•• Operational Base Earthquake •••••.••••••••• 3-1 3-2 4.0 SEISMIC EXPOSURE ANALYSIS...................... 4-1 4.1 4.;2 Seismic Exposure Inputs ••....••• ·· . • • . . • • • .. 4-2 Estimate of Total Seismic Exposure at Sites................................ 4-3 4.3 Relative Earthquake Source Contributions to Total Seismic Exposure •••••••••••••.• 4-4 4.4 Earthquake Magnitude Contribution to Acceleration Levels by Source ...••..•••. 4-5 5.0 LIKELIHOOD OF ON-SITE FAULT RUPTURE •••.••.•.•.. 5-l 5.1 Introduction ............................. . 5. 2 Assumptions .............................. . 5 • 3 Methode logy .............................. . 5.4 Results of On-Site Faulting •••..•••.•••.•• 5-l 5-2 5-3 5-3 ... ... ,. Woodward·Ciyde Consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 6.0 CONCLUSIQ_NS.................................... 6-1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Design Eartl1quakes ...•••..•.•...•.••...••. Ground-Motion Analysis .•.•.•..•••.•.•.•••. Seismic Exposure Analysis .•..•.•.•..•...•• Fault Slip Analysis ..••...••.•..••..•••••. Limitation of Results ••....•••.•••.•...•.. 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-3 6-4 7.0 RECOHMENDATIONS ..•.•••...•...•.•...•.•....•..•• 7-1 APPENDIX A -Methodology for the Seismic Exposure Assessment APPENDIX B -Methodology for Evaluations of Fault Slip and Its Likelihood of Occurrence APPENDIX C -Bibliography TABLE 1 -Earthquake Source Characteristics TABLE 2 -Summary of Possible Secondary Slip Occurrences FIGURE 1 -Southern Alaska Regional Faults FIGURE 2 -Lower Cook Inlet Region Section LA-LA' Schematic Tectonic Model FIGURE 3 -Schematic of Significant Local Faults and Project Components FIGURE 4 -Southern Alaska Historical Seismicity FIGURE 5 -Flow Diagram of Approach to the Design Earthquake Study FIGURE 6 -Seismograph Stations Near Bradley Lake FIGURE 7 -Microearthquake Epicenter Map FIGURE 8 -r1icroearthquake Epicenter Map FIGURE 9 -Seismicity Cross Section A-A' FIGURE 10 -Seismicity Cross Section B-B' FIGURE 11 -Seismicity Cross Section C-C' of the Aleutian Subduction Zone FIGURE 12 -Focal Mechanism Solutions FIGURE 13 -Mean Response Spectra for Maximum Earthquakes FIGURE 14 -one-Half of Response Spectra for Maximum Earthquakes FIGURE 15 Estimates of the Probability of Exceedence at Dam Site FIGURE 16 -Estimates of the Probability of Exceedence at Powerhouse Site FIGURE 17 -Distance to Secondary Faulting Versus Main Earthquake (Ms) FIGURE 18 -Slip on Secondary Fault Versus Main Earthquake (Ms), (Strike-Slip Faulting) FIGURE 19 -Secondary Slip as Percent of Maximum Slip on Main Fault Versus Maximum Distance to Main Fault - ... .. - Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results and conclusions of a design earthquake study completed by Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WCC) for the Army Corps of Engineers (COE), Alaska District. The study is part of the continuing investigations being performed by the Corps of Engineers for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project located in the Kenai Mountains of south-central Alaska. This report is presented to provide guidance to the COE in its evaluation of seismic design considerations for the various components of the project. These components include a small dam, power tunnel, powerhouse, and the related facilities. This report was preceded by several reports of previous investigations for the Bradley Lake project completed by the COE, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and WCC; these earlier reports are listed in the accompanying bibliography (Appendix C). This design earthquake report relies heavily on three of those reports: two completed by wee (Reconnaissance Geology Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project [1979] and Seismicity Study Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project [ 1980]), and a report completed by Lahr and Stephens (1981) of the USGS entitled "Review of Earthquake Activity and Current Status of Seismic Monitoring in the Region of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project." 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Design Earthquake Study was threefold: 1) to establish a design maximum earthquake based on the current level of knowledge and to provide data that will assist in the future selection of an operational basis (OB) earthquake; ... ... - - - - ·-... - Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1-2 2) to evaluate the expected ground motions at the site during the design maximum earthquake; and 3) to make an assessment of the likelihood of dis- placement and amount of slip on faults that intersect the power tunnel alignment and the dam· site. 1.2 Scope of Work This study was a level-of-effort investigation that relied on the available data obtained from existing literature, reports for the Bradley Lake Project, and consultations with individuals who have worked on the geology and seismicity in the area. No new geologic or seismologic field data were generated during this study. The "design maximum earthquake" is defined by the COE as the most severe earthquake that is believed to be possible at the site. In order to evaluate the factors that are likely to influence the design maximum earthquake for the Bradley Lake site, a review was completed of seiected literature regarding the regional and local faults and the tectonic regime in which the site is located. A review was also made of the historical seismicity in the area and ground motion attenuation relationships. On the basis of data collected and evaluated during this review, an estimate was made on the maximum earthquake for each known potential earthquake source fault that appear to be of significance to the project. These potential earthquake maximum magnitudes provided a base from which the COE could select the design maximum earthquake. Estimates including response spectra, have been made of site ground motions associated with the design maximum earthquake. ..• - .. - 1-3 Woodward-Clyde ConsuHants The OB earthquake is generally less severe than the design rna xi mum earthquake and is defined by the COE as the earthquake most likely to occur during the life of the project. The COE's guidelines for selecting an OB earthquake are that it should be based on a probabilistic evaluation developed from the understanding of regional and local geology and seismology. The selection of an operational basis earthquake depends largely on social and economic considerations that are beyond the scope of this study. To provide the COE with information that can assist in future evaluation and selection of an OB earthquake, we have provided response spectra that are equal to one-half the response spectra for the design maximum earthquake. We have also provided a seismic exposure analysis using specific input for the Bradley Lake project. Results of this analysis are presented as curves of probability of exceedance versus level of peak ground acceleration. The analysis also provides a mechanism for ranking the various potential earthquake sources in terms of their relative impact on the seismic exposure to the site. To make an assessment of the likelihood of displacem~nt on faults at the site, we have examined the literature for empirical data on fault ruptures occurring during historic earthquakes throughout the world. From this data base and our current knowledge of the site, we have made some judgments with regard to the likelihood of on-site fault displacements using both deterministic and probabilistic approaches. 1.3 Geolosic and Seismologic Data Limitations Although a large body of information on the geology of the region is available in the literature, the information is very general and regional in nature and does not directly ... - - -- , ... l-4 Woodward-Clyde Consultants address site-specific or project-specific seismic geology or seismic design concerns. This places limitations on the suitability of the data and, in turn, on the utility of the results. The short time period over which local and regional seismic data have been recorded also limits any evaluation of design earthquakes and the potential for future fault rupture. Thus, the scope of this study addressing design earthquakes and the potential for fault rupture at the Bradley Lake site is restricted by the limited body of data available on the seismic geology and the seismicity of the Kenai Peninsula. Data limitations have been considered in developing conservative assumptions regarding the activity of faults in the area. Specifically and most importantly, the major conservative assumption in the analysis is that the faults (i.e., Eagle River, Border Ranges, Bradley River, and Bull Mouse faults) were considered to be active for the seismic exposure study. 1.4 Report organization The main part of this report provides a summary of the methodology, limitations, and results of the study. Where more detailed discussion of methodology or procedures is warranted, it has been included in the Appendices. The report is organized to reflect the three primary purposes of the study. Section 2.0.of this report identifies, on the basis of data from the available literature and reports, the possible earthquake sources and associated maximum magnitude esti- mates for those sources. - • .. -- - Woodward· Clyde Consultants 1-5 After an assignment of the maximum magnitude earthquake for each specific source, the apparently most significant local and distant maximum magnitude earthquakes were selected for ground-motion analyses. Estimates of site ground- motions are presented for these maximum earthquakes in Section 3.0. Section 4.0 includes discussions regarding the seismic exposure analysis. Results are presented as curves of the cumulative probability of exceedence of peak ground acceleration at the site, based on the identified sources. We have also provided tabulations of the percent contribution to acceleration levels from various sized earthquakes postulated to occur on each of the seismic sources. Section 5.0 deals with the evaluation of the likelihood of future fault rupture at the site and the amount of expected slip. Sections 6.0 and 7.0 present our overall conclusions and recommendations regarding the seismic hazard potential at the project site. ... - Woodward-Clyde Consultants 2.0 EVALUATION OF DESIGN EARTHQUAKES 2.1 Seismic Setting Discussions of the regional seismic setting, regional tectonics, and local and on-site faults were presented in earlier reports (WCC, 1979 and 1980a). As presented in more detail in wee ( 1980a), the south-central Alaska region has a high level of seismic activity because of the northward underthrusting of the Pacific crustal plate beneath the North American crustal plate along the Aleutian subduction zone (Figures 1 and 2}. Great earthquakes (surface wave magnitude Ms 8 or greater) and large earth- quakes (greater thari Ms 7) have occurred historically throughout the region (Figure 4) and can be expected to occur in the future. Bradley Lake is situated on the overriding crustal block above the subduction zone and between the Castle Mountain fault to the north and the Patton Bay-Hanning faults to the southeast on Montague Island (part of the Offshore Deformed Zone); all of these faults have documented Holocene or historic surface ruptures (see Figures 1 and 2). Because of the active tectonic environment, it is prudent to be concerned about the activity of other faults, such as those found near or on the project site (see Figure 3), that are also located in the overriding crustal block and between these known active faults mentioned above. The concerns are amplified by the fact that several of the local faults--the Border Ranges, Bradley River, and Bull Moose faults--form striking topographic lineaments visible on the smallest scale satellite imagery. In addition, the Border Ranges and the Eagle River faults are major crustal structures several hundreds to a thousand -T--154o ' ~-' I 1520 ,, / 1~ ' '' 148' ' "" J"" ,> 1 .. ' , !/,' ' -~-1 1 , ' --?' ! .. 140° 142° __ ~ ...._...,....-. ' ....... ' ' / -'\! \. ,..ol' ', ',, ', ', -'\'<~. .Sc ', ', ',' I ,-,, •• ·-\ ',', '• '"' 1-o.q '---.... ', ' v -.., ........ " ', ', ', * ·--····:;;;--'lu( ~" ',, ', * ·· ...... No! '-.,, • * tAapped * J J / ' I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I '. ~.. ' • "" --o-// .• ;.-"' r: I I , ··-_.,..:::--r--'" • ""' ~ * D ... -/ , • I'J_,,<~>--•·~ ' ''fs ~ "';~\~ ... ···· ~-----· ... ------'- ... o\.1~ .• ••••• b ~ " ·" . ' ' • -... " ' I. '.Y ', --• '• / .• A> ..__; ' • " -, ' ' A ' ""' _,,/ ' c "'[! J!"' ' _.. ' ·-·-· " -•• ' ,.." e~ . 1 , •' JV tP · \l ... , " r ,.. ,..,.... ~......... y· ~..:: ' ' ---', k • ' _,_..... -----~ "• -- ' c ->•Y G<o .-, "' •• · ' ' •' .-". ' "·"· •• '""" (· ., "=''l'" "' .,._<:>)'<. 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H.churn ~tr ,...t~ly down dr~ t.idll of fauiL -_._ _._ ......_ · Thrust F&~lt. d.1llhtd ~ .,proaim.tltty k>c.atlltd, dott•tt *""""« c:onc:»•d 01 quntt<W'l•bk'. a.rt. •ndi~ matiwly ucnhrown li~ of tauh. ~ -Strlk?-SHp Fault. dastu:d whet• t~PC>toxinvtety- 10QteQ, dotted 'llthmt c.oneuhtd (II quntionable. Arrow. itw:heate: rd•tiwe tt•~tx:a-ment. - - --Svbmarine IUI"f~ fault or SCMP tecoqniud * from groph""''cal <"hlt•. H...chutft on dowothrc:nwl side. lliQIC<Jnlc ctnt~r. went Of c:one. 1------------1 LiM Of <:TCJ;!..~~~OM. NOTES· Ac1iw-Fault-A subaoerial or submarti'W buh: th.-t bt~Ollk$ 01 i! i11"'ned to ~.-.It Hoi~ or unoott10lid.a:ttd: sediments !Notub.lv young but without ""Y age de1l'rmtnatiD1'1) or a tubm.vi"C' t-.,tt is ~"'posol'd oo U. •• flocf". ln.cti~ Fault A $1Jbaerial cw submatiM f<MJit th•t dQe1i not btuk Holoune-nor uncornohdat~td wttifntf'\H tNot~.oiy young but without ;,ny age drttrmJn.-tionl not f't it e"'povd Oi'l !'he< •• floor 8..,r MJJp Comp)~ from World Aen;lntvtial Otwu. 2:5 o 25 50 N• .. ttcal ~hln 25 0 2:5 50 !00 Kd•••t•n 25 0 2:5 50 St•hlh -.ohln Source: Woodward Clyde Consultants, 1978, Offshore Alaska Seismic Exposure Study WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS SOUTHERN ALASKA REGIONAL FAULTS Project No. 148448 Fig. BRADLEY LAKE 1 LA ---N45W I Kenai Kenai Lowland Mountains Continental Slope Abyssal Plain Cook Inlet Continental Shelf o Kachemak I ~y ~ ~2§ I I BRADLEY~/(} .:::1 0 ~ $" ~ ~ LAKE ~ ~ ~ b A:! J........ .::; CQ ~fl.'? I ,!JJ..... ;;'~~ c:-0J..... <.."' 0 ~J..... § i;J..... R0J..... (:1-..J;;: ... ~,c:-$ ~ ._~ ~ CJ ~ ~ t.t ~ ~ QJO.f~ ~"r.; ~ DEFORMED -t ~ /1 I i I I / -~ ;-:"".·:::::::?:::::::<:~··...:.-'--' I 1 1: ~~ I / --=.~:~:s::~-·~_;,.-- N u j / --.-:-:-::-:.:-:-:-:-:-·-:~· j /"¢;E>o;;~ \SUBDUCTION ZONE . f' ~:::::::£=-~-~ North American Lithospheric Plate EXPLANATION Tertiary and younger bedded sedimentary sequence. l ~ • . . ·: ~ ·j Highly folded and/or metamorphosed ·_,_,,. .. -. . .. basement complex. ... -:._.::.·:.~..::~...,'-:--::~~:·, v:::::::::::::::::::::l Basalt or undifferentiated volcanic ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· rocks. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· I - -----Lithologic contact, dashed where inferred --~ --Fault, dashed where inferred. Single and double-sided arrows represent the relative component of displacement inferred for this cross-sectional orientation. Pacific Lithospheric Plate 25 0 25 50 100 Kilometers 25 0 25 50 Statute Miles '""'""' ----I I Vertical Scale Equals Horizontal Scale NOTE: Lithologies and structures that are not exposed at the surface are inferred. SOURCE: Woodward Clyde Consultants, 1978, Offshore Alaska Seismic Exposure Study LA' WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS ~~ ~~ Granitic Rocks [ ~J:~:~;jJ.t,~:.?:~ /Xl Magma or resorbed oceanic crust. LOWER COOK INLET REGION SECTION LA -LA' SCHEMATIC TECTONfC MODEL Project No. 148448 Fig. BRADLEY LAKE 2 Kachemak Bay Cl)' I.J.J· '"'· <:. <:(, a::. .~· #• Q~. c}· o"'l>. -§· . ... . ... < • • --~------------------------- Project: Project No. BRADLEY LAKE 148448 1- -1 :::J <{ L!.. UJ U) 0 0 ~ I I I I ,,, I I I I I I I -1---... ... ~ I '-~ 0 LEGEND __.....,..,. ~ ,, High angle fault, dashed where inferred, dotted where concealed, queried where uncertain Thrust or reverse fault, ·dashed where inferred, dotted where concealed, sawteeth on upthrown side -· -• -Lineament ... • • • • • • • • • • Lowland and Marshland Area :·KITE: For more detail refer to Drawing Nos. and 2 from wee (1979). ~ -N- ~ 2 Bradley Lake ~ ~~ \.1-~ <:Y..y ..... -"7~ ~ ................. &=;; I I V)~ %~ Scale in Kilometres SCHEMATIC OF SIGNIFICANT LOCAL FAULTS AND PROJECT COMPONENTS Fig. 3 WOODWARD· -CLYDE CONSULT ANTS lb'l 15t' l 1 f .:;_~-:·=~ cj" 9 OCTOBER 1900 600 4 SEPTEMBER 1899~ /-iL-;;MVA-~"if/ tl ~~~~:te .. -~~ co .. cC)'":__: w"l--./' r h' ' .. ' ' TJ -- '// C~ I>(" (J;;·l " w, ·--(f-(1-" & : ,, l, ·;~:~· ~-:!.-(' rc;"' ---li'J (l-) \-! ~~0"F ~~(·:~--~)ill~~\ ·--,-~~< ~-~," "'~" - 1 ... -• 1 '"rHI r;" '-" ... _ .. , ,;,C':J ·--'·_f) ~ l' ), W!i -~' .. ",J' -( b-.'' ' I ~~ G(T)" .. _., ,_ \, __ ,/, 01 -. ""' " m __ ,~n " ,. -- I ,.f /;\ 58~ '< ·:·.::~ , r ' --/i , .. I :""' ~ ll_) (D'" 'l'l1'br' ·- --•. ~) _,. J' -~ --~~~-" '"'"' rn;~ ) .. , ··-o' -, --. ( '! Jr ~-0 "' / ~-·'· :r '~!:h 1 ~ ! 'r 'I:\' \If~ ~·1; .. r !'"' / · . . J· ,_ ·>-~J . I~ ,i ·.@· .: ... r~.:.._~~~:< ~_),_!'· , y'f' r.) i ed;. ·v;;l-: I :· ' t\ , 0 ' . ·--~\ ~ .. ' f.-l' 1/ ' ' -v~f~S{·"i . '"'~-, ,. ";:;-;·: -, -, ,,. : ... , -- 0 ' _. -·' ,. ' w I I " .'-'--" o·· o·· ' , ·r-f 11 ·,, I'~'"' i l,l,c_tl i.' . I I r ~· \ • ~-, .,~.-, "~ , 'I, r ' ·. ~. ,, . ,''· -·~·'·i :,-lt~.E'~,.( • ' I' I I, ·' .~'1 •···' '' (' ' C)02 G U L F OF (£). ALASKA ~ -~~-,-·-' 1' .,.,,.: ' ' . 1 r ~1 ·, .{t''tt-?1···~ 1 I-;-~· ;• -r•.uc•· ~--• .-~ .. -~ \ . ·--""" '" II' ·-· . ,54 0 '1' I,·--··-I)',' rl ,,, r n·) _l :y-./ I I ' ' • 4 ' ·.':.L -./ ~I):-: .--· .·I ' I .-:-• 152° . ' ) I I , 1 >18° ' 1 I 1 146° ~---~---_L- 1440 142° 156° NOTES: EXPllMATION C) R!PORHO I I 8.Q (11 ' ' ),0 ~) C) 6.0 C) 5.0 MlGNITUO[ Magnitude symbol SllU 1ft !ltloWft on a ton11nuous ft0nline1r Stalt 1) Minimum magnitude = 5.0 2) Events are numbered chronologically. Numbers refer to entries in the Earthquake Data Bank catalog under The Lo_, Cook Inlet and Gulf of Alaska areas, which is included in WCC, 1978, Offshore Alaska Seismic Exposure Study Report. 3) Selected earthquakes have been added and are discussed in the text . 57° 1390 25 0 25 50 N<1.utrcet ._,r!ll '!""------2~ 0 25 50 !<?O K1lorut1rs 25 0 25 50 ~tatuta t.fllu -........._~ =-.! Source: Woodward Clyde Consultants, 1978, Offshore Alaska Seismic Exposure Study and NOAA Hypocenter Data File 1638-1975 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS SOUTHERN ALASKA HISTORICAL SEISMICITY Project No. 148448 Fig. BRADLEY LAKE 4 2-2 Woodward-Clyde ConsuHants kilometers long (see Figure 1). This observation, by itself, raises concerns regarding their impact on the seismic hazard potential at the site. Two primary considerations are involved in evaluating the seismic hazard potential of the Bradley Lake Project site: first, the maximum expected earthquakes and the related shaking that may be generated from movement on the local or regional faults: and second, the potential for surface rupture along the faults in and adjacent to the project site. This section of the report deals with the first concern7 surface faulting is addressed in Section 5.0. 2.2 Approach The approach used to develop a basis for evaluating the maximum design earthquake and to develop a basis from which the eoE can select an OB earthquake is summarized in Figure 5. As discussed in Section 1.2, the study is based entirely on available data from the open literature, project reports, or from consultations with individuals who have or are completing research in the Kenai Peninsula area. wee's (l980a) original report on the seismicity of the Bradley Lake area provided the initial springboard for this Design Earthquake Study. The wee ( l980a) report was primarily based on wee's work for the Offshore Alaska Seismic Exposure Study {OASES) ( 1978), which, at the time, was the most comprehensive seismic evaluation of Alaska's coastal areas. That 1978 report provided a basis from which more site-specific investigations for the Bradley Lake project could be directed; however, it was not a site-specific document and was intended only as a regional study. Therefore, a part of the effort for this study was to utilize the existing data to address more site-specific seismic concerns to the degree that the data base would allow. Project: TASK I TASK II Recent literat•Jre review and consultation with researchers M icroearthquake data analysis TASK VI Fault displacement assessment TASK Ill Update Existing Seismicity Study (WCC 1980) Refine estimate of: 1. potential source fau Its 2. source fault parameters 3. recurrence estimates Input TASK IV Conduct seismic exposure analysis to estimate probability of exceedence of different levels of peak acceleration TASK VIII Draft and F ina! Report pr,eparation Final Report TASK VII Design ground motion analysis Project No. BRADLEY LAKE 148448 FLOW DIAGRAM OF APPROACH TO THE DESIGN EARTHQUAKE STUDY Fig. 5 WOODWARO-CL YDE CONSULTANTS 2-3 Woodward-Clyde Consultants The initial steps in the process leading to the maximum design earthquake selection involved a rev1ew of the available literature, primarily the most recent literature, to provide data, for updating the earlier wee reports (1978 and 1980a). A key part of this process involved a review and analysis of the earthquake data collected for the eoE in the Bradley Lake area by the USGS ( Lahr and Stephens, 1981). The results of the review of the available literature led to updating and modifying some of the earthquake source parameters listed in the original Bradley Lake seismicity report {wee, 1980a). These revised earthquake source parameters are presented in Table 1 of this report. Some of the earthquake sources listed in the wee ( 1980a) report were not included for further consideration in the present study because their potential effects were judged to be negligible (that is, very low ground accelerations were expected at the site as a result of earthquakes on these sources). A more detailed review of those earthquake sources retained for consideration in this study is presented in Section 2.3.3. The apparently most significant earthquake sources and associated earthquakes were selected in collaboration with the eoE for development of seismic response spectra and ground motion parameters (discussed in Section 3. 0). The earthquake source characterization data presented in Table 1 were used as input to a seismic exposure analysis that uti 1 iz ed a computer program developed by \'lee for the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. The results of the analysis provide data on the likelihood of various ground acceleration levels occurring at the site. The seismic exposure analysis also allows a ranking of the TA[)LE l EARTHQUAKE SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS Minimum Minimum(a) Distance To Earthquake Type Name of Earthquake Distance to Powerhouse Source of Estimated Maximum Rupture Estimated(e) Historic Plane/geometry Area of Rupture(f) Rupture(g) Area/ Length/ Maximum Maximum Source Dam Site Site Len;1th Source Earthquake Length (dip) Rupture Magnitude Magnitude (km) (km) (km) (Ms) (km) (km2) (Ms) (Ms) Subduction Z0ne Aleutian (b) 30 30 Underlies Plate Megathrust (depth) (c) (depth) (c) entire boundary 8-l/2 22,400 8-l/2 N/A ( i) region megathrust fault Benioff Zone (b) 30 30 Underlies Deformation (depth) (c) (depth) (c) entire within 7-l/2 N/A ( j) N/ A ( j) 7-l/2 N/A (j) region Pacific Plate Local Sources Border Ranges fault 7-10 1-l/2 1,000+ Oblique --100 (d) 2 '100 7-l/2 7-l/2 Reverse? (70" dip) Eagle River fault l-1/2-2 4-1/2 750+ Oblique --? ? N/A 7-1/2 Reverse? Bradley River fault 1 4 19 Oblique --19 190 6-l/ 2 6-l/2 right lateral Bull Moose fault 3-1/2 2 ll Oblique --11 110 6-l/4 6 right lateral Random Source (k) 5 5 Underlies Nonassociated 5-3/4 N/A N/A N/A N/A(L) entire earthquakes region (a) Measured from Beikman, 1980 (b) The subduction zone is divided into two segments, each with its own seismic characteristics. The first segment is termed the Aleutian Megathurst, which separates the overriding North American Plate from the subducting Pacific Plate. The second segment termed the Benioff Zone is a zone of earthquakes corresponding to stress relief in the upper 20 km of the subducting Pacific Plate (Lahr and Stephens, 1981). (c) Estimated from data presented by Lahr and Stephens (1981). Approximately+ 10% of distance is judged to be the value for uncertainty in the estimate. (d) Estimated from data by WCC, 1978; WCC 1980a and 1980bi (U.S. NRC, 1981) and comparison to known length of Quaternary activity along the Castle Mountain fault. (e) Area of rupture based on length of rupture and 20 km depth for major faults and 10 km for minor faults. (f) Magnitude estimated from Wyss, 1979; rupture area, and expressed as Ms (surface wave magnitude). (g) Magnitude estimated from Slemmons, 1977 for strike-slip faults, reverse-oblique, and reverse slip, and expressed as Ms (20 second surface wave magnitude). (h) The Eagle River fault is divided into two segments to accommodate the computer seismic exposure analysis. (i) Maximum magnitude assigned on basic of historic earthquakes and area of rupture plane. (j) Maximum magnitude based on historic earthquake seismicity on this s?urce and is not associated with a rupture on any well defined fault plane. (k) The random source was not included in analysis. See .Section 2.3.3 ~n text for a discussion. (1) Maximum magnitude based on historic earthquake seismicity. --No available data or record of occurrence. N/A Not applicable. 2-4 Woodward-Clyde Consultants various earthquake sources relative to their individual contribution to the total seismic exposure of the Bradley Lake project area. 2.3 Results 2.3.1 Literature Review This section summarizes the results of our review of the most recent data identified during the investigation that is of use in evaluating the level of activity of local faults and estimating the design maximum earthquake for the Bradley Lake project. The majority of new data are from a microearthquake network installed and operated for the COE by the USGS (Lahr and Stephens, 1981). The microearthquake data are derived from recordings made by the USGS at permanent, high gain seismograph stations (Figure 6) operating over two time periods. The first time period extended from October 1971 through November 1980, during which time a regional network of stations on and adjacent to the Kenai Peninsula was in operation. The station locations for the regional network are shown as diamonds annotated with the station name and year of installation in Figure 6. This regional network detected earthquakes in the approximate magnitude range of Richter .local magnitude (ML) 2.0 and greater. The second period of seismic network coverage discussed in this report extended from December 1980 through July 1981 and included data from five additional stations that were added to the original regional network by the USGS for the COE and the Bradley Lake Project (see Figure 6) . The augmented station array provided both an increased earthquake location accuracy (to a few kilometers within about 50 km of Bradley Lake) and a reduction of the 60 Project: Project No. MSP .... ..J (73l :::> _ ... ~ ~z u.. zw cc w:E w ~4. > w cc z 'J. cc, . w u· 4. ..J a.. <) Regional Seismograph Stations 0 Bradley Lake Seismograph Stations NOTE: 1. Fault locations modified from Beikman 1980; seismicity and base map modified from Lahr and Stephens (1981). BRADLEY LAKE 14844B SEISMOGRAPH STATIONS NEAR BRADLEY LAKE Fig. 6 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS 2-5 Woodward· Clyde Consultants earthquake detection level (to the ML l .0 to 1.5 range). Data collection and processing for the initial operation of the Bradley Lake stations was discussed in detail by Lahr and Stephens (1981). Data for the period January through July 1981 were provided to wee by Lahr and Stephens in advance of publication (Lahr and Stephens, open-file report in preparation, 1981). The available earthquake data were evaluated by wee in cooperation with the USGS to assess the nature of currently active deformation within the shallow crust of the southern Kenai Peninsula and to evaluate the seismic potential of the subduction zone underlying the peninsula. The results of our review regarding the seismic potential of the subduction zone are presented in Section 2.3.3 and serve to update the earlier wee (1980a) report. Microearthquake activity can generally provide usefu 1 information relating to the level of activity and charac- teristics of rupture on fault planes at depth. Functional associations between the seismicity and known faults may be inferred by examining spacial patterns of earthquake hypocenters in relationship to the fault plane. Analysis of the first motion characteristics of the events asso- ciated with the fault (focal mechanism solutions) can lead to judgments regarding the style of faulting, for example, strike-slip, thrust, or normal fault displacement. There are limitations in the use of microearthquake data. First, the number of events occurring in any spacial pattern around a fault must be sufficient to rule out random or fortuitous occurrences of events. Second, the geometry of the fault plane needs to be reasonably well known in order to relate it to focal mechanism Woodward-Clyde Consultants 2-6 information derived from the microearthquake data. Third, available microearthquake data are generally not conclusive with regard to demonstrating that a particular fault is not active over long-time periods. Long periods of relatively quiescent seismicity are known to occur on major active faults {for example portions of the southern segment of the San Andreas fault in California). Therefore, caution is required in using microearthquake data in resolving the activity of a fault. In the Kenai Peninsula, the earthquake activity shallower than about 20 km is considered to be distinct from the deeper, subduction zone activity and it is apparently associated with present-day deformation of the crustal rocks. In order to assess possible associations of this seismicity with the known faults in the vicinity of Bradley Lake, hypocentral plots and cross-sections were examined for spatial patterns that may be indicative of functional associations. Figure 7 shows the recorded data set for October 1971 through November 1980 from the regional networks. No clear spatial association between the earthquake epicenters and the Border Ranges, Sterling, or Eagle River faults is apparent. A few events lie generally along the trends of the three faults, but do not indicate a linear trend suggestive of active faulting. The greatest concentration of activity shown in Figure 7 is in the vicinity of the Kenai Lineament and the Placer River fault, as discussed by Lahr and Stephens (1981). In this group, the largest event, assigned a magnitude of 5 .1, occurred 5 February 1976 at a depth of 21 km. There is a broad zone of activity trending northwest near the center of Figure 7: this zone is not associated with any known geologic Project: ~i z OCT 71-NOV 80 DEPTH:$ 20 km _v 0 ~ 7 ~IJ/(o .!./ v PLACER RIVER FAULT A./ lA' ~" ~"?" c A.'?" ~ CJ ~~---------L--~----------------L---------~ uw rdw t:lw f:tlw 149'w NOTE: 1. Fault locations modified from Beikman 1980; seismicity and base map modified from Lahr and Stephens (1981 ). 0 25 km Project No. BRADLEY LAKE 148448 MICROEARTHOUAKE EPICENTER MAP ~ -N - ~ Fig. 7 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS 2-7 Woodward·Ciyde Consultants features and is probably a coincidental alignment. Most of the located earthquake activity lies in the topographically high pgrtion of the Kenai Peninsula, with little activity in the lowlands or in the adjacent portion of Cook Inlet. Figure 8 shows the later data set, recorded between December 1980 and July 1981. The features of the seismi- city in this period are generally similar to those of the earlier period, but the lower detection level and increased station concentration in the southern Kenai Peninsula have probably enhanced the numbers of earthquakes identified south of 60°N latitude. There is a tendency for the located earthquakes to scatter about the Border Ranges and Eagle River faults. This pattern is not coherent enough to define the presence of active faulting. There is a general pausity of earthquakes in other areas, including the Kenai Lowlands and around the Sterling fault. Three cross sections were plotted for the study area, as shown in Figure 8. Only the earthquake locations with epicentral errors less than 5 km were used in constructing these cross sections. In the more northerly section (Section A-A', Figure 9), through latitude 60°N, the crustal earthquake activity is seen to occur primarily above a depth of 20 km. The concentration of activity noted in the Placer River fault area does not clearly define a planar trend. No other suggestions of fault planes or localized deformation are obvious. In the southern cross section (Section B-B' 1 Figure 10), the crustal earthquake activity between the Border Ranges and Eagle River faults occurs primarily above a depth of 15 km. The clusters of events seen southwest of Bradley Project: 600N DEC 80-JUL 81 DEPTH :$· 20 km 0 SINGLE EVENT FOCAL MECHANISM ~ 0 PLACER RIVER FAULT KENAI LINEAMENT 0 8 EVENT@l0440 08.24.75 .... / J11'/fl-I I I \. 'vf ( I / ,B' i I \: I I 7 0 0 EVENTS INCLUDED IN COMPOSITE C' 590N~------------~--~~----------------------------------~ 153ow 152ow 151ow 150°W 1490W NOTE: 1. Fault locations modified from Beikman 1980; seismicity and base map modified from Lahr and Stephens (1981 ). 2. See Figure 10 for focal mechanism solutions. 0 25km Project No. BRADLEY LAKE 148448 MICROEARTHQUAKE EPICENTER MAP ~ N ~ Fig. 8 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS OCT 71-JUL 81 E-W SECTION 40 KM WIDE AT LATITUDE 60° 60 EVENTS PLACER A KENAI RIVER A' LINEAMENT FAULT 0.0 2~.0 59.0 ~ ~ 1y.O DISTANCE IN KM q ---, 0 -o 0 ... 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 6l 0 0 0 0 :E 0 0 Do 0 0 0 ::.::: 0 0 0 oo 0 z oo 0 80 0 0 -Q 0 0 00 0 8 :c 0 0 0 1-0 0 0. 0 w Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1.0- C? NOTE: 1. For location of cross section refer to Figure 7. Project: BRADLEY LAKE Fig. SEISMICITY CROSS SECTION A-A' 9 Project No. 148448 WOOOWARD-CL YDE CONSULTANTS OCT 71-JUL 81 E-W SECTION 40 KM WIDE AT LATITUDE 59°30' 92 EVENTS /BORDER rAGLE B ~RLING RANGES B' FAULT FAULT RIVER FAULT 0.0 25.0 50.0 75.0 100.0 DISTANCE IN KM q I I i _l j _l J 0 0 :I 0 • 0 " 0 t9 llj ~ o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 O z 0 % 0 0 0 -0 % c .... 0 0 0 0 Q. w Q 0 0 q 0 0 0 IlL 0 0 C'? NOTE: 1. For location of cross section refer to Figure 7. Project: BRADLEY LAKE SEISMICITY CROSS SECTION 8--B' Fig. Project No. 148448 10 , ... ,....,...,.....,.,.," nn ,.., vnc: f"'('\~IC:1tl TAfi.ITC: Woodward-Clyde Consultants 2-8 Lake, and noted in Figure 8, appear in Figure 10 as a near-vertical lineation just west of Bradley Lake and as a diffuse zone east of and beneath the Border Ranges fault. In the first case, the vertical lineation seen in Figure 10 does not strongly suggest the presence of an active fault because the epicentral locations of the events, seen in the map view (Figure 8), are so closely spaced; in the case of an active fault one would expect them to be distributed more along the map trace. The vertical lineation is likely the result of a combination of scatter, due to uncertainties in depth control for the individual event locations, combined with some true variation in depths. Such clusters are common in many tectonic environments and are not necessarily indicative of throughgoing faulting. In the second case, the events plotted near the mapped trace of the Border Ranges fault have hypocentral locations east of the postulated westward dipping plane for that fault. In addition, no consistent dip orientations can be inferred from the hypocentral locations seen in Figure 10. In cross-section C-C' shown in Figure 11, the shallow seismic activity is seen to occur primarily beneath the topographically high portions of the peninsula, with fewer events beneath the Kenai Lowlands or Cook Inlet. Several south-east-dipping alignments of hypocenters are seen, but they are defined by such a limited number of events that they appear to be coincidental. The deeper seismic zone is evident in this cross-section and is discussed in Section 2.3.3. Focal mechanisms were analyzed to assist in an assessment of possible associations of the microearthquake activity with the mapped regional and local faults. These focal Project: Project No. ::; ~ ~ J: I- C. w c OCT 71-JUL 81 80 KM WIDE 1031 EVENTS NW SE BORDER RANGES BRADLEY LAKE FAULT l rr: 200 km STERLING -:1 r:EAGLE RIVER TO TRENCH FAULT FAULT , Co 50 100 150 2oo 25oC Ql ~ ~ "I I I e 1 ~ :~g._oo ~ o 0 00 o n .~ ~ 0 0 00 o 0 o w ~o o io ,..t:J o o o o 0 ~o 1964 RUPTURExxxx 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0 -x.D -j} 0 ALEUTIAN MEGATHRUST 00 ZONE 00 0 .......,_ 0 0 ..... 50 .O 6.5 cm/yr 100 150 0 0 0 / / 0 ,t> // /// ~ / 0 // ..,"" /1" BRADLEY LAKE 14844B ,' /'' /' 0 0 ___ --a -cr------------------------------ NOTE: 1. Figure modified from Lahr and Stephens (1981). 2. For location of cross section refer to Figure 7. SEISMICITY CROSS SECTION C-C' OF THE ALEUTIAN SUBDUCTION ZONE I Fi;~ WOODWARO-CL YDE CONSULTANTS Woodward-Clyde Consultants 2-9 mechanisms are used to infer possible fault planes for the earthquakes considered as well as likely causative stress axes. To develop the focal mechanisms 1 first motions at the various seismograph stations for better-recorded events were plotted for individual events and for composite groups of nearby events. The second period of recordings (1980-81) provides the most useful data for assessing focal mechanisms because of the increased earthquake location accuracy that resulted from the increased station density. The composite focal mechanism solution shown in Figure l2A for the group of events nearest the Eagle River Fault (see Figure 8}. Other solutions are generally consistent with this one and indicate predominantly normal faulting, with the principal least compressive stress axis oriented approximately horizontal on a trend of N70°E 1 as shown in Figure l2A. This mechanism of faulting for the recent earthquake activity is not consistent with the geological history of the faults (thrust or left lateral oblique slip, see d cussion in Section 2.3.3) nor is it consistent with nOrmal slip on fault of the mapped orientation (northeast}. Focal mechanism solutions were developed for a few of the larger (ML 3.5 to ML 5.1), shallow events recorded during the time period between October 1971 and November 1980. One event 1 which occurred on 24 August 197 5 at 0440, yield~d sufficient data to allow for a focal mechanism solution. This solution is presented in Figure 12B and is essentially identical to the solutions obtained previously. The occurrence of normal-faulting focal plane solutions rather than thrust or lateral-slip solutions and the lack w N s A) E LEGEND A) COMPOSITE SOLUTION OF EVENTS OCCURRING NEAR THE EAGLE RIVER FAULT, DECEMBER 1980-JULY 1981. SEE FIGURE 7. NORMAL FAULTING, PRINCIPAL AXIS OF TENSION ORIENTED N60°E T Axis of minimum ~ horizontal compression stress 0 Axis of maximum P vertical stress C Compression first motion D Dilatation first motion + Low confidence compression -Low confidence dilatation N s B) B) SINGLE EVENT FIRST MOTION PLOT. EVENT OF 24 AUGUST 1975, h = 6.5 KM, ML = 3.8. NORMAL FAULTING, PRINCIPAL AXIS OF TENSION ORIENTED N70°E Project: BRADLEY LAKE FOCAL MECHANISM SOLUTIONS Project No. 14844B Fig. 12 WOODWAAD-Cl YDE CONSULTANTS 2-10 Woodward-Clyde Consultants of well-defined spatial association of the microearthquake activity with the mapped faults in the Kenai Peninsula suggest that the present mode of crustal deformation is different than that associated with primary movement of the regional faults. Due to the recent occurrence of rupture on the Megathrust in 1964, the current crustal microearthquake activity may reflect low-level adjustments to the 1964 stress release. The microearthquake data do not show a compelling associa- tion with the mapped faults in the area of the Bradley Lake Project. However, the period of relatively high-resolution monitoring was short and the limited existing data base with its inherent uncertainties of hypocenter locations, is not sufficient to rule out the association of micro- earthquakes with known faults. Additional monitoring time, with an increased number of recorded events, and improved knowledge. regarding the characteristics of faults in the area, may provide a more definitive data base. In addition, these microearthquake data are not conclusive with regard to the long-term seismic activity of faults. , As seen in other regions of the world, known active faults can have long periods of no appreciable microseismic activity, and networks monitored over short periods of time can give incomplete or apparently contradictory results. Thus the assessment of fault activity must combine an evaluation of the geologic data along the faults with the seismic data. 2.3.2 Seismic Evaluation Assumptions It is useful to review the key assumptions made during the course of this and past evaluations of seismic hazards at the Bradley Lake site before proceeding with the results of our reevaluation of the seismic sources that may affect Woodward-Clyde Consultants 2-ll the site. These assumptions were required because the available literature does not contain sufficient data regarding seismic geology particularly the characteristics of the faults in the area. For the purpose of this study, we have conservatively assumed (as was done in the wee [l980a] report) that several faults are potential earthquake sources even though the geologic evidence for or against their activity under the current tectonic environment is not presently available. This applies in particular to the near-site and on-site faults that have mapped lengths of hundreds of kilometers or that have distinctive topographic lineaments. We have also made assumptions regarding the nature of fault slip and the length of potential fault rupture on several of the near and on-site faults that are being considered as seismic sources. These parameters were used to estimate the maximum magnitude earthquake for a particular seismic source. To develop a reasonable basis for estimates of the charac- .teristics of some of the local and on-site seismic sources, a geologic model of the region was evaluated which incor- porated a fault with known Holocene surface rupture, the Castle Mountain fault. Using this model, estimates were made of the fault parameters for some of the faults near the site through analogies with the Castle Mountain fault. Two methods were used during this study to relate the size of the potential seismic source with an estimate of the maximum earthquake magnitude that can be generated by that source. Wyss (1979) provided relationships correlating the area of a fault rupture plane with earthquake magnitude. 2-12 Woodward· Clyde Consultants Slenunons ( 1977) provided a correlation between length of surface fault rupture and maximum earthquake magnitude. Both of these relationships are based upon empirical data, and both depend on judgments of what fraction of the total fault length will rupture during the maximum event. The Wyss (1979) relationships also depend on estimates of the down-dip depth of rupture during the maximum event. Aside from the Megathrust and Benioff zone, where the geometry of the rupture plane is estimated with reasonable certainty and where the maximum historic earthquakes govern our estimates of the magnitude of the maximum event, the estimates for maximum magnitude on the remaining seismic sources are based upon the surface rupture length criteria of Slenunons ( 1977) . The Wyss ( 1979) relationships were applied to these sources for comparison purposes. In using the Wyss (1979) relationships, the maximum depth to which a rupture plane on the local faults could extend was assumed to be 20 km for the long sources and 10 km for the shorter on-site sources. The specific assumptions made for each fault will be discussed in the following section. 2.3.3 Seismic Source Evaluation In the following section .we review the. changes and modifi- cations to the data, which were originally presented in Table 3, "Earthquake Source Characterization," of the WCC (1980a) report. These changes and modifications were incorporated into Table 1 of this report. The wee (1980a) report represented a preliminary regional evaluation of potential seismic sources that might affect the Bradley Lake Project~ its primary goal was to establish which sources were of priority concern to later, more Woodward· Clyde Consultants 2-13 detailed studies. These preliminary results largely were taken from the regional OASES report (WCC, 1978). We have reviewed the wee ( l980a) report, and it 1.s our judgment that several of the regional potential seismic sources presented in that report can be eliminated from further consideration. That judgment was based on the estimated maximum site ground acceleration as presented in the wee (l980a) report and a cutoff value equal to or less than 0.05 g. This procedure eliminated the Volcanic Chain, Bruin Bay fault, Castle Mountain fault, Contact fault, Johnstone Bay fault, Placer River fault, Kenai Lineament, and the Offshore Deformed Zone from further consideration. Five potential earthquake source faults remain after applying the screening criterion: l) the Border Ranges fault, located about 1.5 km west of the powerhouse site at its point of closest approach; 2) the Eagle River fault, which dips beneath the dam site with an estimated closest approach of l-l/2 to 2 km; 3) and 4) the Bradley River and Bull Moose faults, located between the powerhouse and the dam site; and 5) the subduction zone which underlies the entire region (see Table 1). The random source seismic event, or floating earthquake is that earthquake that has the chance of occurring anywhere in the upper crust including beneath the Bradley Lake site. In evaluating the seismic hazard potential of a given site the random source event is generally the largest historic earthquake within the region that cannot be justifiably assigned to a potential earthquake source fault. Given the historic seismicity in the Cook Inlet and Kenai Peninsula region of southern Alaska a Ms 5. 5 event was assigned as a maximum random source by wee (1978 Woodward-Clyde Consultants 2-14 and 1980a). At the present time larger events would be expected to be associated with mapped faults in the region. This maximum magnitude for a random source event is presented in Table 1. However, for the purpose of this investigation, the random source was not included in the analysis. Considering the nearby location of the Border Ranges, Eagle River, Bradley River, and Bull Moose faults, with respect to the site, these faults would probably over-shadow any effect from a random source event should these faults prove to be active earthquake generators. If these local faults prove to be inactive with additional field investigations, then the random source should be considered in the evaluation of the seismic design for the project. Table 1 summarizes the estimated characteristics of the five potential earthquake sources considered in the analysis. For cases in which the data were adequate, the characteristics were based on geological or seismological data; otherwise, they were based on our judgments, taking into consideration as many variables as possible. These source characteristics form the basis for the selection of the maximum design earthquakes and are key input data into the probabilistic assessment of the seismic exposure of the site. Detailed descriptions of these potential sources are presented in wee {1979 and 1980a). The following subsections address those characteristics of individual sources for which new information has been obtained since the wee {1980a) report was written or for which additional clarification is necessary for the purposes of this study. The Subduction Zone As noted in earlier reports {WCC, 1980a; Lahr and Stephens, 1981), the subduction zone lying beneath the Bradley Woodward· Clyde Consultants 2-15 Lake site is a major and frequently active source of earthquakes. The data obtained from the Bradley Lake Microseismic Network (Lahr and Stephens, 1981) have resulted in refinements to our estimates of the geometry of the. subduction zone and its location with respect to the Bradley Lake site. The earthquake data shown in Figure 10 clearly define the subducting slab. Several features of the zone are noted in Figure 10. Using the criteria of Davies and House ( 1979), we have divided the subduction zone into two portions--the main thrust zone (Aleutian Megathrust) that is the source of periodic very large earthquakes, and the Benioff zone that is the source of smaller and more continuous earthquake activity. The Aleutian Megathrust is the source area of the magnitude Ms 8-1/2 1964 earthquake, which ruptured along the inclined plate boundary from the eastern Gulf of Alaska to the vicinity of Kodiak Island. The 1964 rupture zone is indicated in Figure 10 by the "x"ed hachures. The western- most extent of the zone is not clearly known but was estimated on the basis of aftershocks (Plafker, 1971). The pattern of major earthquake activity reviewed by Davies and others ( 1981) suggests that the Mega thrust Zone in this area produces earthquakes of a size similar to the 1964 earthquake approximately every 160 years. Th~ maximum magnitude of the Aleutian Megathrust is estimated to be ~1s 8-1/2 for engineering purposes. The Benioff portion of the subduction zone is restricted to the upper 20 km of the descending Pacific Plate. Within the Benioff zone in the depth range of 40 to 70 km, no earthquakes larger than about Ms 7. 5 are known to occur. Therefore, a maximum magnitude of 7-1/2 is estimated for the Benioff zone. Slightly larger earthquakes may be Woodward· Clyde Consultants 2-16 possible at depths greater than 70 km due to increased shear modulus in that portion of the Pacific Plate. The boundary between the two zones is a poorly defined transition region. On the basis of the hypocentral pattern, the closest point of approach of the Benioff zone is considered to be the locus of increased down-dip seismicity, at a distance of about 30 km from beneath the Bradley Lake site. For all practical purposes, the boundary 1s located directly beneath the site; thus the closest approach of the megathrust and the Benioff zone to the site is essentially the same. The Border Ranges Fault The northwest front of the Kenai Mountains forms an abrupt topographic lineament that extends from northeast of Anchorage nearly the length of the Kenai Peninsula. MacKevett and Plafker (1974) mapped this lineament as part of the Border Ranges fault, which is a northwest dipping high-angle reverse fault that juxtaposes Paleozoic con- tinental sediments on the northw~st over Mesozoic deep water marine deposits on the southeast. MacKevett and Plafker (1974) reported that this fault zone is probably an ancient Hesozoic subduction zone. Tectonic activity has gradually diminished on the ancient subduction zone as crust has been accreted to the continent and the active subduction zone has migrated southeastward to its present location in the Aleutian trench. Magoon and others, 1976, have postulated that the Border Ranges fault, as exposed on the southwest end of the Kenai Peninsula, ties in with the Sterling fault located in the Kenai lowlands (see Figure 1 and 5). They base their interpretation on oil well and geophysical data taken from Woodward· Clyde Consultants 2-17 the Tertiary deposits that underlie the Kenai lowland. However, the location of the old Mesozoic suture line through the Kenai area is still not certain, and its association with the Sterling fault remains speculative. As yet, no offsets within Quaternary sediments along either postulated trace of the Border Ranges fault are reported in the literature. However, no detailed systematic investiga- tion geared toward resolving seismic hazard problems has been applied to the Border Ranges fault. John Kelley of the USGS, Anchorage office (oral communication, 1981) has suggested that the topographic lineament associated with the northwestern Kenai Mountain front may be, in fact, a younger high-angle oblique-strike slip fault that truncated and is on or near the ancient Mesozoic subduction zone. ' If this hypothesized younger Border Ranges fault is the cause of the sharp topographic lineament along the Kenai Mountain front, it would be consistent with other structural features in the Cook Inlet region. The Kenai Mountains' northwestern front appears to be the south- eastern boundary of the subsiding tectonic basin forming the Cook Inlet area. This basin has accumulated several thousand feet of Tertiary sediments and appears to be bounded on the northwest by the Bruin Bay and Castle Mountain faults. Thus, the Border Ranges and Bruin Bay- Castle Mountain faults could be complimentary structures on either side of a geologically young basin. The oblique right-lateral Castle Mountain fault is the only one of the three major faults along which Quaternary displacements have been reported and on which we have reasonable seismic geology data. By examining the charac- teristics of the Castle Mountain fault reasonable estimates can be made about the characteristics of the Border Ranges Woodward-Clyde Consultants 2-18 fault. Holocene evidence for displacement on the Castle Nountain fault is located in the Susitna Lowlands, north of Cook Inlet (see Figure 1), where treriching across a topographic lineament revealed evidence suggesting that 2.5 meters of apparent dip-slip separation has occurred within the past 255 to 1700 years (Detterman and others, 1974). A magnitude Ms 7 earthquake in 1933 has been associated with the Castle Mountain fault (WCC, 1980b). In estimating a maximum magnitude event on the Castle Mountain, we have estimated a rupture length of approximately 20 percent of the total fault length of 500 km, or about 100 km, based on fault-rupture-length versus total-fault-length relationship development by Slernmons (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion, 1981) . This is in reasonable agreement with the 80 km length of Holocene rupture reported by Evans and others ( 1972) for the Castle Mountain fault across the Susitna Lowland. A rupture length of 100 km leads to an estimate of Ms 7-1/2 maximum earthquake for the Castle Mountain fault (Slemmons, 1977), which appears reasonable when compared to the historical Ms 7 .0 recorded on the fault. Estimating the rupture length and style of rupture on the Border Ranges fault remains speculative because of the lack of adequate geologic information on the fault. If one hypothesizes that the Border Ranges fault is part of the same tectonic system as the Castle Mountain fault and that its characteristics are similar to that of the Castle Mountain fault, then, lacking any conflicting data, a rupture length of 100 km seems reasonable for the Border Ranges fault. Using this rupture length and empirical relationships of fault rupture length related to earthquake magnitudes (Slernmons, 1977), a maximum earthquake magnitude of Ms 7. 5 was estimated for the Border Ranges fault. Woodward-Clyde Consultants 2-19 Eagle River Fault The Eagle River fault is also an ancient Mesozoic, north- dipping thrust fault. No Quaternary activity has been reported in the literature for the fault. Unlike the Border Ranges fault, there is not a striking topographic lineament associated with the Eagle River fault. However, because of its mapped length (over 750 km) and its tectonic setting, we were conservative in assuming that it could be active until sufficient data are accumulated to warrant judgment about its state of activity. Although little is known about the present seismicity of the Eagle River fault, if it is active, its location, topographic expression, and mode of displacement suggest it is not a part of the same tectonic system as the Castle Mountain and Border Ranges fault. Thus analogies between the Eagle River fault and the Castle Mountain fault do not seem appropriate. However, it is our judgment that the maximum magnitude earthquake on the Eagle River is probably no higher than the maximum magnitude earthquake on either the Border Ranges or Castle Mountain fault. Therefore a Ms 7-1/2 was assigned to the Eagle River fault. On-Site Faults The information regarding the characteristics of the Bull Moose and Bradley River faults is essentially unchanged from its original characterization in the Woodward-Clyde (1980a) report. Woodward·Ciyde Consultants 3.0 DESIGN GROUND MOTIONS 3.1 Maximum Earthquake At the 8 October 1981 meeting in Anchorage, the COE reviewed the maximum magnitudes estimated for the various potential earthquake sources presented in Table 1 and discussed in Section 2.3.3. The following earthquakes were adopted as design maximum earthquakes by the COE for the purposes of this study: a magnitude 8-1/2 Ms earth- quake occurring on the Megathrust zone beneath the site at a closest distance of about 30 km; and a magnitude 7-1/2 Hs earthquake occurring on a shallow crustal fault within a distance of 3 km from the site. Data do not currently exist that would allow for a detailed estimate of the maximum earthquake magnitudes for the Border Ranges and Eagle River faults. In fact, the data base does not allow for an appropriately informed judgment as to whether or not these faults should be considered active. In view of the above, we believe that the 7-1/2 Ms estimated maximum earthquake magnitude assigned to these shallow faults is a conservative estimate. Considering the apparent conservatism in the selection of the design maximum earthquakes, the COE decided that the design ground motions should be based on best-estimates (i.e., mean or average values) of the ground motions for each earthquake. The following are our estimates of mean values of peak horizontal ground acceleration, velocity, and displacement, and the duration of strong ground shaking (significant duration) on rock for the design maximum earthquakes: Woodward-Clyde Consultants 3-2 Design Peak Peak Peak Significant Maximum Acceleration Velocity Displacement Duration* Earthquake (g) (em/sec.) (ern) (sec.) (Ms) Magnitude 8-1/2 0.55 55 40 45 on Megathrust Magnitude 7-1/2 0.75 70 50 25 on shallow crustal fault * Significant duration is defined as the time required to build-up from 5 percent to 95 percent of the energy of and accelerogram (See Dobry and others, 1978). Estimated mean horizontal response spectra (damping ratio of 0.05) of ground motions on rock for the design maximum earthquakes are presented in Figure 13. Based on the results of this analysis, if the nearby shallow crustal faults such as the Border Ranges or Eagle River faults are active, as we have assumed they are, then these potential earthquake sources appear to dominate the response spectra. Should the local faults prove to be inactive through additional field investigations, then the respons.e. spectra for the site would shift to the level defined by the 8-1/2 Ms earthquake occurring on the Megathrust. 3.2 Operational Base Earthquake At the 8 October 1981 meeting, the COE indicated that it was not an appropriate time to select an OB earthquake. To assist the COE in making initial assessments of possible ground motions for an OB earthquake, response spectra, are provided corresponding to one-half of those for the design maximum earthquakes. These response spectra are shown in '·~ ,, ':] l ~} Project: Project No. -o, -co CJ) c: 0 ·~ e QJ Q) (,J (,J <( 2.5 2.0 1.5 "§ 1.0 ..... ~ 0. CJ) 0.5 0 0.01 ap = 0.75g ap = 0.55g 0.03 BRADLEY LAKE 148448 0.1 Megathrust 0.3 Period (sec) Damping Ratio= 0.05 Nearby Shallow Crustal Fault MEAN RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR MAXIMUM EARTHQUAKES Fig. 13 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS Woodward-Clyde Consultants 3-3 Figure 14. This approach of using one-half of the maximum earthquake ground motion for an OB earthquake has been used for some critical facilities (e.g., for nuclear power plants). However, the COE may not wish to base the OB earthquake on the same methods used for nuclear power plants. Therefore, a seismic exposure analysis was completed and the COE can utilize the results of this analysis in selecting an appropriate OB earthquake once an acceptable level of risk established for the Bradley Lake project. I 1.25 I ---l I I I I I I I I I 1 I ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1.: Project: Project No. 2 co Cf) 1.00 c· 0.75 .2 ..... E ~ Q) (.) (.) <( E 0.50 ..... rrl a. Cf) 0.25 0 0.01 a~= 0.375g ap = 0.275g 0.03 BRADLEY LAKE 148448 0.1 Megathrust / 0.3 Period (sec) Damping Ratio= 0.05 Nearby Shallow Crustal Fault ONE-HALF OF RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR MAXIMUM EARTHQUAKES Fig. 14 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS Woodward-Clyde Consultants 4.0 SEISMIC EXPOSURE ANALYSIS The objectives . of the seismic exposure analysis are: ( 1) to provide estimates of the likelihood of exceeding various maximum ground acceleration levels at the Bradley Lake dam and powerhouse sites during a design period of 100 years; and (2) to provide estimates of the relative contributions of various local and regional earthquake sources to the seismic exposure at the site. The results of this analysis will be useful to the COE as an aid in selecting the operational basis earthquake. We emphasize that the results of this analysis should be viewed as best-estimate values in terms of useful comparisons of the impact of various sources on the seismic exposure of the site. As discussed in Section 3.0, the response spectra for maximum earthquakes are controlled by the local faults. These local faults were conservatively assumed to be active for the purposes of this study because data in the available literature are not sufficient to resolve questions of the potential fault activity. In addition to aiding in the selection of an OB earthquake, the results of the seismic exposure analysis also provide a means of ranking the earthquake sources with respect to their contribution to seismic exposure of the sites. This ranking of earthquake sources provides a basis for priori- tizing the local faults for future field investigations. Through such field investigations it may be possible to resolve the questions regarding the activity of the local faults and may allow the COE to eliminate some of those local faults from further consideration. The seismic exposure analysis was largely based upon results generated by the computer program SEISMIC-EXPOSURE, 4-2 Woodward· Clyde Consultants which uses seismic source geometry information and regional historical seismicity data as inputs. Results are ex- pressed in terms of the likelihood of exceeding various maximum ground acceleration levels at the Bradley Lake dam and powerhouse sites for design time periods of 40 and 100 years. The analysis was completed for the 100 year design period selected by the COE for the Bradley Lake project. For comparison purposes, the analysis was also completed for a 40 year design period which is typical of many other types of engineering projects. A summary of the methodology for applying the seismic exposure analysis is presented in Appendix A. 4.1 Seismic Exposure Inputs It is useful to briefly review some of the key input parameters to the analysis and also review the uncertain- ties and limitations associated with these parameters. Developing inputs for the analysis required the identifi- cation of the potential seismic sources and the estimation of fault plane geometry for each source. The input parameters for ·the five potential seismic sources identified in Table l are discussed in Appendix A and illustrated in Figure A-2. Each source was modeled in 3-dimensions as a series of planar segments with orienta- tions based upon available geologic data. Faults of short length, such as the Bradley River fault, were modeled with_ only one segment, while long faults that have a number of curves and bends in their mapped traces were modeled with several segments. Each segment was assigned a number for reference purposes (e.g. Eagle River fault, Segment 2) . 4-3 Woodward-Clyde Consultants Earthquake recurrence and maximum magnitude earthquake assessments for each source were required. It was also necessary to specify fault rupture length versus earthquake magnitude information and to describe ground motion attenuation. The details on the definition and implemen- tation of these parameters are presented in Appendix A. 4.2 Estimate of Total Seismic Exposure at Sites Figures 15 and 16 summarize the seismic exposure results at the dam and powerhouse sites in terms of estimates of the probability of exceedance of various ground acceleration levels over 40-and 100-year design time periods. The dashed set of curves in Figures 15 and 16 represents the probability of exceeding a given acceleration level from all identified seismic sources. The solid set of curves represents the probability of exceedance of all sources except the closest segment of the Megathrust to the site (Segment 2). The greatest contributions to the seismic exposure of the site is from Segment 2 of the Megathrust (see Table A-1 and A-2). These tables are a breakdown of the percentage contributions by source to the accelerations at various probabilities shown in Figures 15 and 16. The historical seismicity data used for this study (from the wee I [1978 and 1981]) of the Bradley Lake project is dominated by the 1964 Ms 8.5 earthquake and its large number of aftershocks, which occurred on the Megathrust. To examine the effect of the Megathrust on the analysis results at the sites, a sensitivity study was made in which Segment 2 of the Megathrust was excluded (see Figures 15 and 16). However, segments 1 and 3 of the Megathrust Project: Project No. C1! u c: .,. "0 C1! C1! u X w 0 ;::- ii "' .0 e 0.. C1! > ·;::; ~ E :::J u 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 " ' ' ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ I \ I I I \ I I \ I I \ I I I \ \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I L~ \ \ \ \ All sources All sources except the megathrust (Segment 2) \ "'-----"'"? 100 year Period of Interest \ \ \ \ I \ I I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ ' ' ' 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g) BRADLEY LAKE 14844B ESTIMATES OF THE PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE AT DAM SITE Fig. 15 W00DWARD-CL YDE CONSULTANTS Project: Project No. "' <J c: "' '0 "' "' <J )( w 0 ~ ii "' .c 0 ~ "' ·~ "' E ::J u 0.5 0.1 0.05 ' 40 Year All sources "-.. -... -.. )~IL_5P.U!C:!!_5.!!)(C:ePLt!'Hl .. megathrust (Segment 2) Period of ln~erest · ~----'H-"'k--.....1 I 0.01 0.0 0.1 0.2 BRADLEY LAKE 148448 0.4 0.6 I I \ \ I I I I \ \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ 0.8 1.0 Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g) ESTIMATES OF THE PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE AT POWERHOUSE SITE Fig. 16 WOODWAR D-·CL YDE CONSULT ANTS 4-4 Woodward-Clyde Consultants were included as they contribute little to the exposure analysis. Results show that given their magnitudes and distances from the site, earthquakes occurring on Segments 1 and 3 of the Megathrust consistantly contributed little to the seismic exposure at the site for both time periods. The results presented in Figures 15 and 16, are summarized below for maximum horizontal accelerations for all sources combined and at probability of exceedance levels of 50 percent, 30 percent, and 10 percent for the design time period of 100 years: Maximum Horizontal Acceleration Probability of Powerhouse Site Dam Site Exceedance 100 xears 100 years 50% 0.37 g 0.37 g 30% 0.43 g 0.44 g ,'"'"~~, 10% c::. 58\ g 0.58 g These results illustrate that the total seismic exposure levels are similar for both the dam and powerhouse sites for a 100-year time period. If the Mega thrust were excluded, the values of the acceleration levels for both sites would be reduced by about 0.10 to 0.16 g. 4.3 Relative Earthquake Source Contributions to Total Seismic Exposure Tables A-1 and A-2 summarize percent contribution of various sources to the total seismic exposure levels at the site. These data are summarized below as a ranking of the closest segment of these sources from each of the sites. The ranking is ordered from the most dominant source contribution to the least dominant source cont.ri- bution: 4-5 Powerhouse Site/Dam Site Mega thrust Benioff Zone Eagle River Fault Border Ranges Fault Woodward-Clyde Consultants Refer to Figures l and 3 and Figure A-2 for identification of these faults. These results show that the closest segments of regional faults impact the sites base<;] upon their respective proximity to the sites, and the estimated levels of seismicity mode led on the faults. The Bull Moose and Bradley River faults are not indicated as being significant to the total seismic exposure at the sites. In terms of possible future field geologic studies on local faults that affect the design maximum earthquake (discussed in Section 3 .0), the relative ranking of the sources indicate that the Eagle River fault has more relative impact on the seismic exposure of the site than the Border Ranges fault. This suggests that future investigations should address the Eagle River fault first before concen- trating on the Border Ranges fault. 4.4 Earthquake Magnitude Contribution to Acceleration Levels by Source From the earthquake source ranking, insights can be gained as to what earthquake magnitude ranges contribute most to the seismic exposure at the sites due to the earthquake sources. These tabulations have been made and are included in Tables A-3 and A-4. A summary is presented below of these percent contribution data for acceleration levels of engineering significance ( 0. 5 g and greater). Since the nearby shallow crustal faults govern the response spectra presented in Section 3.0, only these sources are considered here. Source* Eagle River Fault Segment 2B Border Ranges Fault Segment 2 Eagle River Fault Segment 3A Woodward-Clyde Consultants 4-6 Dominant Earthquake Magnitude Ranges (Ms) Powerhous Dam Site 6-1/2 -7-1/2 6-1/2 -7-1/2 5-1/2 -6-1/2 *see Figure A-2 in Appendix A. This tabulation indicates which of the earthquake magnitude ranges associated with the local crustal faults contributes most to producing higher accelerations (in therange 0.5 g and higher) at the sites. As can be seen in Tables A-5 and A-6, at lower acceleration levels, the smaller magnitude earthquakes begin to have an important contribution to the seismic exposure because of their more frequent occurrence. Woodward-Clyde Consultants 5.0 LIKELIHOOD OF ON-SITE FAULT RUPTURE 5.1 Introduction The purpose of this section is to present the basis used for assessing the possibility of fault rupture at the facilities of the Bradley Lake project using data available in the literature and project specific reports prepared for the COE. The faults that might intersect the power tunnel and the darn site and that are considered in this assessment are shown on the reconnaissance geologic map of the Bradley Lake area (Drawing Number 1, wee, 1979) and are summarized in Figure 3. These faults are collectively evaluated in this study to provide an estimate of the amount of possible slip and the probability of occurrence of slip during the 100-year expected life of the project. The largest of the faults that intersect critical planned facilities are the Bradley River and Bull Moose faults. Both of these faults appear prominently in the topography and on aerial photographs, but data that might be used to evaluate their potential for future fault rupture do not exist. The other faults and lineaments on the geologic map are probably smaller faults than the Bradley River and Bull Moose faults and are likewise without data regarding future fault rupture potential. In order to provide an assessment of the potential surface rupture hazard, given the lack of data on specific faults, an empirical and probabilistic approach has been developed. The approach utilizes existing data on the seismicity, structure, and tectonics of the Kenai Peninsula in order to provide guidance for our attempt to compile compatible empirical data on historical faulting from throughout the world that is consistent with geologic. conditions at Woodward-Clyde Consultants 5-2 Bradley Lake. These empirical data are estimates of possible slip on the faults used to make in the Bradley Lake area should they be active. The evaluation then incorporates the probability of occurrence of various magnitude earthquakes based on regional seismicity combined with subjective judgments to yield a probability of fault rupture. 5.2 Assumptions In evaluating the fault rupture potential, assumptions about the behavior of the faults at Bradley Lake had to be made in order to accommodate uncertainties inherent in the data base. Of particular importance is whether or not the faults are active~ for example, it is assumed that the Border Ranges and the Eagle River faults have some possibility of being active and that the Bradley River and Bull Moose faults could respond as secondary ruptures to a large earthquake on either the Border Ranges or Eagle River faults. It is also assumed that the Bradley River and Bull Moose faults could generate their own earthquakes, and thus sur face fault rupture. Earthquakes of magnitude Ms 5. 5 or greater, up to the maximum magnitude assigned to each fault, are considered capable of surface rupture in this analysis (Table 1). The probability of occurrence of the various magnitude earthquakes on each of the faults is based on the same data base that was used in the seismic exposure analyses (Section 2.3.4). Finally, it is assumed that the smaller unnamed faults around the Bradley Lake site could be subject to slip as secondary faulting resulting from earthquakes on either the Bradley River or Bull Moose faults~ these smaller faults are assumed not to be capable of generating earthquakes independently. Woodward-Clyde Consultants 5-3 Inherent in this evaluation of the likelihood of fault rupture is the assumption that the characteristics of secondary or branch fault rupture seen during events ~n other parts of the world are similar to the characteristics that will occur at Bradley Lake in the event of a future earthquake on the seismic sources of concern. 5.3 Methodology The faulting evaluation is presented in two parts. The first part is a deterministic evaluation of whether or not faulting can reasonably be expected on faults at the site and the evaluation of the amount of slip possible. Empirical data collected for historical earthquakes throughout the world were analyzed for trends in the data that would help make estimates of faulting at Bradley Lake. The second part is an estimation of the probability of occurrence of faulting given certain geologic and seismologic conditions. The methodology for each of these evaluations is presented in Appendix B. 5.4 Results of On-Site Faulting The analysis of on-site faulting relies on a series of conditional steps summarized in Appendix B• Both the amount of displacement and the likelihood of occurrence were evaluated. The evaluation of amount of offset was based on several empirical relations developed from historical earthquakes throughout the world. The empirical data and the suggested bounding conditions are presented ~n Figures 17, 18, and 19. Figure 17 is a plot of earthquake magnitude on a main fault versus the maximum observed distance of secondary faulting -E ~ (!) z ~ .J ::::> <( u. >-a: <( 0 z 0 (.) w tfJ 0 .... w (.) z <( .... tfJ 0 ~ ::::> ~ -X <( ~ Project: Project No. 100 ,.---,.,-,........., ,,r--.--'1.---..,-........... ,,-.,.---, ,,r-r,-r--r,,-.. ,1-.,....-, ,,r-r,-r--r,,-r-r ,,-.,.--, ,,r-r,-r-r,,-r-r ,,-.,.--, ,r-r-,r-r,l Associated with Reverse and ~ 6 ........... Oblique Reverse Faulting ....... .? • Associated with Strike- 6 • ~ Slip and Oblique Strike- 6 6 .......... Slip Faulting • .......... 10 --6 • .......... A 6 6 • .......... • • . .......... 6 • • • 6 • • .......... • ~q 6. • 6 ~(JI) • • • 61 • • • • ~y • • ~'Ve 6 61 • • 6 I • .......... 1.0 • • ~-~ • • 6 • • • • • ·• • • • • A • • 0.1 -- I I I I I I I I I Ill 1l111 J 1 I I 0 I I I I 8.0 1.0 6.0 5.0 EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDE (M 5 ) NOTE: Data points with question marks are discussed in Appendix B. BRADLEY LAKE 148448 DISTANCE TO SECONDARY FAULTING VERSUS MAIN EARTHQUAKE (M 5 ) Fig. 17 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS 140 ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' 120 ,... • ' - " -" E u " -100 f--(.!) " z 1-' ....1 :::::> <t }. u.. 80 f-->-• " a: <( • "0<$)'-0 z ~ 0 • u 60 f-0~ -w ~ t/) Q)').. z • ·~ 0 • ~,., t-(9 0... . " ....1 40 -- t/) • " . • • • " • 20 -• • '\. - • •• • '\. • • • _j_Jt!l I I l I I I I ~ I I 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDE (M 5 ) I Project: BRADLEY LAKE SLIP ON SECONDARY FAULT VERSUS MAIN Fig. Project No. 14844B EARTHQUAKE (Ms),(STRIKE-SLIP FAULTING) 18 WOODWARD~CL YOE CONSULTANTS I 80 ' I I I I I I \ c. Associated with Reverse and 1-~\ Oblique Reverse Faulting ....J 70 ::J - <( \ • Associated with Strike-Slip LL \ and Oblique Strike-Slip Faulting z \ \ <( \ ~ 60 ~ \ \ - z \ 0 \ \ a.. \ ....J .\ (/) \ ~ 50 c. - \ \ ::J c. \~ ~ \~ -\L X \~ <( :P ~ 40 r--\~ \~ - LL \U, \ c.? 0 \~ ?f?. Vo ,~ (/) • • \ <( 30 f-\"j1~ VU'& -a.. ~ ,o ....J •\'00 '(} (/) / "j1 c. c. '"j1.)-' ~ >-• /o ',o1--a: "1--', . <( 20 ~· • c. 0 • '-'-...._ SData Boundary - z 0 .........._ ~ ''...o, Curves (.) • • w ....._ ...__ .......... (/) ~· • ---• •• ----10 ------·-• c. .. c. • c. •• j:> • c. •• 0 I I I I I I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 MAXIMUM DISTANCE TO MAIN FAULT (km) NOTE: Data points with question marks are discussed in Appendix B. Project: BRADLEY LAKE SECONDARY SLIP AS PERCENT OF MAXIMUM Fig. Project No. 148448 SLIP ON MAIN FAULT VERSUS 19 MAXIMUM DISTANCE TO MAIN FAULT WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS Woodward· Clyde Consultants 5-4 from the main fault trace. This graph was used to screen out the smaller earthquakes on the main fault that, because of distance, would have a low likelihood of resulting in secondary faulting at the Bradley Lake site. The other two graphs present two sets of empirical data that aid in evaluating amount of slip possible on secondary faults. Figure 18 is a plot of main-fault earthquake magnitude on strike-s lip faults versus measured slip on associated secondary faults. Reverse faults occasionally have associated secondary slip as much as three times greater than for strike-s lip faults. Figure 19 presents the offset on a secondary fault as a percentage of the max1mum slip on the main fault plotted against distance from the main fault. This is the same format as a graph presented by Bonilla (1970) except that the data set has been limited to the styles of faulting applicable at Bradley Lake, and the data have been brought up to date. In order to apply this relationship to the problem of faulting at Bradley Lake, the maximum slip on the main fault is estimated for various magnitudes using data from Slemmons (1977) and a regression of slip as a function of magnitude. The data that have been included for slip determinations relate to strike slip, reverse slip, and reverse-oblique slip faults. expressed in the following formula: logS= a+ b (Ms), This relationship is where "S" is the slip in centimeters and Ms is a selected magnitude. Based on the existing data base, "a" equals -3.106, and "b" equals 0.481. Applying the resultant slip on the main fault to the percent derived from Figure 19 yields the subsidiary slip estimate. 5-5 Woodward-Clyde Consultants The amounts of secondary slip corresponding to various earthquakes on different faults at Bradley Lake are presented in Table 2. The corresponding probabilities of occurrence of each slip event are also listed in Table 2. These probabilities are conditional: they depend on estimated earthquake recurrence and on several conditions that were assigned subjective values of probability. The probability analysis is based on a logic tree format that is described in Appendix B. The evaluation of potential future fault rupture at Bradley Lake has been made for the Bradley River, Bull Moose, and minor faults on the basis of various assumptions about fault activity and earthquake recurrence. Because there are several possible causes of rupture on each of these faults, each potential cause was evaluated for the amount of resultant slip and probability of occurrence. These data are presented in Table 2. The sum of the probabilities in each of the three columns provides estimates of the probability of surface faulting on each of the local faults. By adding the number of events for each possible rupture case, the summed probability of rupture at the power tunnel occurring in 100 years on the Bradley River fault is approximately 4xlo-3: the summed probability on the Bull Moose fault is also approximately 4xlo-3. If the power tunnel, lake tap, slide gate, or dam are located astride a mapped minor fault, the summed proba- bility of rupture at these facilities is estimated to be approximately 2xlo-4 during a 100-year period. TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF POSSIBLE SECONDARY SLIP OCCURRENCES MAIN FAULT ( 1) SECDNDARY FAULT RUPTURE SECONDARY FAULT RUPTURE SECONDARY FAULT RUPI'!JRE EARTHQUAKE (Ms BRADLEY IUVER BUlL MOJSE MINOR FAULT Sli;e (an) (2) No. of Events ·No. of Events No. of Events ;eer 100 Years Slip (em) ( 2) per 100 Years Slip (em) (3) per 100 Years BORDER RANGES 7.5 98 120 &do-4 98 174 8xlo-4 NA 66-96 4xlo-s 7.0 78 64 3xlo-4 78 100 3xlo-4 NA 35-55 7xlo-6 6.5 58 36 2xlo-4 58 57 4xlo-4 NA 20-31 8xlo-6 6.0 NA J::.1A NA 38 28 lxw-4 NA NA NA EAGLE RIVER 7.5 300 143 lxlo-3 300 117 lxlo-3 NA 79-64 7xlo-5 7.0 200 82 7xlo-4 200 67 6xlo-4 NA 45-37 4xlo-5 6.5 130 47 6xlo-4 130 38 4xlo-4 NA 26-21 2x1o-s BRADLEY RIVER 6.5 105 105 7xlo-6 58 58 3xlo-7 58 58 3xlo-7 6.0 60 60 lxlo-5 38 33 4xlo-7 38 33 4xlo-7 5.5 34 34 2xlo-5 18 19 3xlo-7 18 19 3xlo-7 BULL M:X)SE (1) (2) (3) (4) 6.0 38 33 2xlo-7 60 60 7xlo-6 38 33 2x1o-7 5.5 18 19 2xlo-7 34 34 Bxlo-6 18 19 2xlo-7 Earthquake magnitudes that have a likelihood of causing secondary faulting are screened by comparing distance to main fault to earthquake IllCignitude in Figure 18. · The tv.u estimates of slip are based on the oonibination of earthquake magnitude on rrain fault, distance to rrain fault, and Figures 19 and 20, respectively. The range of slip estimates is base::l on the am:unt of secondary slip on either the Bull Moose or Bradley River faults and on Figure 20. N.A. refers to being not applicable either because the slip cannot be estimated with the given geologic parameters or the secondary faults are too distant fran the main fault to be affected. Woodward-Clyde Consultants 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Design Earthquakes To evaluate the characteristics of the maximum design earthquake for the Bradley Lake site, a review was cor.~­ pleted of select literature regarding the regional and local faults and the tectonic regime in which the site is located. The literature review indicated that although pertinent information 1s available, it is general and regional in nature. Further, this information does not address seismic design issues of a site-specific or project-specific nature. The primary data missing from the available literature 1s adequate information on the characteristic of the Border Ranges and Eagle River faults and information from which judgments can be developed regarding the activity of these faults and the on-site faults. Review of the microearthquake data indicated that no associations could be made between the recorded seismicity and the mapped faults in the Bradley Lake Project area. First-motion plots indicate normal-faulting mechanisms on north to northwest trending failure plans for the low level of earthquake activity recorded in the Kenai Peninsula. These results are apparently contrary to the crustal deformation associated with primary movement of the regional faults. Shallow crustal seismic activity of less than 20 km focal depth appears to be distinct from the subduction zone, which is actively deforming in response to present day northwest-southeasterly trending compressive tectonic forces. The historical earthquake recordings by seismographic instruments for the Kenai Peninsula have been kept for less Woodward-Clyde Consultants 6-2 than 75 years. The microearthquake data cover a time period of 10 years for the regional network and of only a few months for the more accurate local Bradley Lake network. Seismicity data collected over these short time periods are inconclusive with regard to the potential long-term seismic activity of faults in the project area. Under these circumstances, an accurate assessment must ultimately come from an evaluation of the geologic data along the faults. However, such geologic data do not now exist. Because of the lack of data in the available literature on the level of activity of the local and on-site faults, a conservative position wa!3 taken in assuming that these faults are active. Table 1 lists the maximum magnitudes assigned to the regional, local, and on-site faults. The design maximum earthquakes for the purpose of this study, were selected during a meeting with the COE. The design maximum earth- quakes include a 8-1/2 Ms on the Mega thrust, located 30 km beneath the site, and a 7-1/2 Ms on either the Border Ranges fault or the Eagle River fault, both located within 3 km of either the powerhouse or the dam sites. 6.2 Ground-Motion Analysis Estimates of earthquake ground motions on rock at the site for the design maximum earthquakes are presented in Section 3.0. As shown in Figures 13 and 14, the response spectra of ground motions at the site are expected to be dominated by events occurring on either the Bradley River or Eagle River faults, for which the closest approach of the fault plane to the project facilities is less than 3 km. If this level of response proves to be unacceptable in the economic and Woodward-Clyde Consultants 6-3 design evaluation of the project, additional geologic studies on these nearby faults may produce data that could decrease or even eliminate the impact of these faults on the design ground motions. However, it is unlikely that any additional studies would have any impact on reducing ground motions below those associated with the maximum design earthquake of 8-1/2 Ms on the underlying Megathrust zone. 6.3 Seismic Exposure Analysis To assist the COE in its evaluation of the design OB earthquake, we have conducted a seismic exposure analysis. The results of the exposure analysis are expressed as probabilities of exceedence of different acceleration levels at the site. The exposure analysis indicates that the earthquake sources that dominate contributions to the probability of exceedence of a given level of ground acceleration at the site, over a 100-year period, are in order of their dominance the Megathrust, the Benioff zone, the F,:agle River fau 1 t I and the Border Ranges fault 1 respectively.· 6.4 Fault Slip Analysis To address the likelihood of future surface rupture along the on-site faults that may intersect key facilities of the Bradley Lake Project, we have reviewed the available literature on southern Alaska and other areas of the world in order to develop an empirical data base for making deterministic and probabilistic assessments of the problem. Assuming the faults in the project area are active as has been done in other sections of this study, the results of the analysis indicate that there is a possibility of subsidiary fault rupture on the Bradley River, Bull Moose, and other smaller local faults in 6-4 Woodward-Clyde Consultants response to displacement on the Border Ranges or Eagle River faults. In addition, fault rupture appears possible on the Bradley River and Bull Moose fault acting as independent structures and possibly inducing displacements on the minor faults located in the project area. If fault ruptures were to occur on these faults, it could directly affect structures such as the dam, the lake tap facilties, and the power tunnel. The impact of this potential for fault rupture problem should be addressed in the design of these structures. According to the results of our analysis, amounts of slip could range from as low as 20 em to as high as 300 em on the Bradley River and the Bull Moose faults, and from 20 to 100 em on the minor faults in the area. All of these estimates are derived by encompassing the upper end of the range in emperical data and are thought to be conservative. The probabilities of these displacements occurring in the next 100 years are estimated to be in the range of 4xlo-3 to 2xlo-4. These probabilities are largely controlled by the recurrence data based on historic seismicity. Because of the uncertainty associated with available recurrence data, it is our opinion that these bounding probabilities could be in error by as much as a factor of 10. 6.5 Limitation of Results The limitations imposed by the lack of adequate data in the available literature should be recognized in using the results of this study. This particularly pertains to the uncertainties in the level of activity, recurrence relationships, and characteristics of the local and on-site faults. Additional field geological studies on the Woodward-Clyde Consultants 6-5 Border Ranges, Eagle River, and the on-site faults may provide additional data that could alter the results and conclusions regarding the design maximum earthquake, the probability assessment of seismic exposure, and the potential and amount of possible on-site fault rupture. Woodward-Clyde Consultants 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Critical data regarding the level of activity, recurrence relationships, and displacement characteristics of the Border Ranges, Eagle River, Bradley River, and Bull Moose faults are either lacking, of poor quality, or of only a general character. It was not possible to develop new fault-specific field data within the scope of work addressed in this report. In order to proceed with the present exposure study, we made assumptions about fault parameters based on the regional historic seismicity and the current state of knowledge regarding the tectonics of the southcentral Alaskan region. Because of the character of the existing data base, the results presented in this report have large associated uncertainties; we have not attempted to quantify these uncertainties. As they stand, the results of this study should allow the COE to assess the general seismic exposure and identify the sources of greatest risk for their design evaluations. We make the following recommendations to expand the basic data base and to provide data to improve and perhaps modify the present conclusions stated in Section 6.0. 0 If the COE analyses suggest that the design alter- natives cannot economically accommodate the ground motion levels estimated in this report, or if the COE would like to reduce the uncertainties in the data, we recommend that geological field studies be performed to address the seismic geologic issues regarding the Eagle River fault, Border Ranges fault, and the several on-site faults. These field studies may produce data sufficient to reduce the size of the 0 7-2 Woodward-Clyde Consultants local seismic source design maximum earthquake or possibly even eliminate from further consideration, such as the Eagle River or Border Ranges faults that control the local source design maximum earthquake. If the COE elects to conduct additional seismic geology field studies on these faults, we recommend that the approach to the studies involve a series of tasks to be completed in sequencia! order. These ·tasks include: l) the analysis of existing remote sensing imagery; 2) a brief aerial reconnaissance; 3) low-sun-angle aerial photography aquisition, and analysis: 4) helicopter supported ground reconnais- sance mapping: and 5) trenching across selected fault traces. The goal of such a program is to collect as much data as possible on the characteristics of the fault ( s) utilizing the less expensive regional investigation methods first. This allows one to be more effective and efficient in the more expensive, site specific investigations such as trenching across fault traces. This approach is considered to be the current state-of-the-practice and it is generally well accepted and often required by regulatory agencies. We understand that at least a portion of task.s l and 2 have been completed during previous investigations by the COE. We recommend following through with the remaining tasks of the fault study sequence. Strong-motion instrumentation should be installed at the earliest opportunity on the abutments of the dam site. At least two instruments should be installed to maximize the likelihood of collecting data in the event of an earthquake sufficiently strong to trigger Woodward-Clyde Consultants 7-3 the recorders. Operation prior to construction could provide strong-motion data useful in comparison with the selected design motions. In addition to these recommendations, it would be useful to continue monitoring the microearthquake network established for the project at least until construction of the project begins. These data are useful for interpreting local stress fields and geological data on the activity of faults in the site vicinity. These data become more significant and more representative of the area the longer the survey continues. In conjunction with continuation of monitoring, the velocity models for the Kenai Mountains and Kenai Lowlands should be reviewed and calibrated in order to improve interpretation of earthquake locations and the possible associations with faults. Woodward-Clyde Consultants APPENDIX A METHODOLOGY FOR THE SEISMIC EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT INTRODUCTION The objective of the task described in this appendix was to assess the probability of exceeding various acceleration levels at the Bradley Lake dam and powerhouse sites during the design life of the project. METHODOLOGY Estimates of the probability of exceeding various levels of maximum ground acceleration at the sites were made using the approach illustrated in Figure A-1. As indicated in that figure, the probability analysis requires the characterization of certain input parameters. Speci- fically, these include: 0 0 0 0 0 identification and geometry of seismicity sources: seismic activity (recurrence and maximum magnitude) of each source; relationship between rupture length and earthquake magnitude: ground acceleration attenuation relationship; and selection of anticipated design time period of interest. INPUTS Source Seismicity • Location and Source Geometry • Recurrence • Maximum Magnitude Attenuation • Site Conditions • Transmission Path Conditions • Magnitude and Distance Exposure Evaluation Criteria • Period of Interest {40 and 1 00 years) Project: Project No. BRADLEY LAKE 148448 - ANALYSIS Exposure Analysis Obtain Cumulative Distribution Function based on Contributions from all Sources Repeat for Each Site RESULTS (For the Dam and Power House Sites) Peak Acceleration Levels • average return period in years • probability of at least one occurrence in period of interest Percent Contribution Tables for given Sources SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE SEISMIC EXPOSURE ANALYSIS Fig. A-1 WOODWAAD-CL YDE CONSULTANTS Woodward-Clyde Consultants A-2 Inputs we.re defined in a manner consistent with the present level of understanding of the tectonic environment of the sites, the seismology, and the attenuation of ground- motions. The exposure analysis was conducted with these inputs in order to calculate the mean number of occurrences for which a given level of ground motion would be exceeded at least once at each of the sites during the time period of interest~ this analysis was performed by combining the contributions of different magnitude earthquakes occurring on the various sources at different distances from the sites. The analyses were made for two possible design time periods--40 and 100 years. The calculations were made using the computer program SEISMIC-EXPOSURE that has been developed by WCC (1981) for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The program provides for a general earthquake hazard analysis methodology suitable to subduction zone and/or other tectonic environments. The theoretical basis for the analysis methodology can be found in Mortgat and Shah ( 1979) and Patwardhan and others (1980). The resulting mean number of occurrences by which a given level of ground motion at a site would be exceeded within the time period of interest may then be used to evaluate the average return period of that ground motion level and the probability of that level being exceeded at least once during that time period of interest. The analysis also provides an indication of the relative importance of an individual source based on its contribution to the total exposure at each site. ASSESSMENT OF INPUTS FOR ANALYSIS Identification of potential sources of earthquakes and their geometry with respect to the dam sites were provided A-3 Woodward-Clyde Consultants as a result of the seismic geology field and office work as reported in WCC {1979 and 1980). Conclusions from the reevaluation of available microearthquake data were helpful in refining the geometry of the regional and local faulting to be modeled as earthquake sources. Discussions of the reevaluation of the sources of earthquakes are included in Section 2.0 of the text. The sources modeled in the seismic exposure analysis were the Eagle River fault, the Border Ranges fault, Bradley River fault, Bull Moose fault, and the underlying Megathrust and Benioff Zone. Since it was necessary to model faults with dips that apparently vary along the length of the faults, such faults were modeled as segments consistent with dip and maximum earthquake assignments. The sources with long mapped traces were modeled using depths from 0 km to 20 km. The Bradley River and Bull Moose faults were modeled as vertical planes with a depth of from 0 km to 10 km. The Megathrust dips underneath the sites from a 6 km depth at the Aleutian Trench axis {see Figure 2 in text) to a 40 km depth about 30 km northwest of the sites. The Benioff zone dips from a depth of 30 km near the site to a depth of 125 km in the vicinity of the Iliamna Volcano {see Figure 1 in the text}. A schematic of the sources modeled are shown in Figure A-2 along with the project location. Maximum earthquakes assigned to the sources are given in Table 1 in the text. These maximum earthquake magni- tudes were used along with historical seismicity data to assess the recurrence character is tics of each of the sources used in the analysis. // A ~~~ / \ //\· _//' I 'IV' I / ~,·' ~.K _ .. / /A~' u' ... '(; '\ v v.; ~"-'~\ ~~ /~e~~ / se~ \ \ Border Ranges Fault Eagle River Fault \ \ \ \ \ / \ // \ \ \ Bull Moose Fault\ Approximate location Bradley Lake \ Project Site \ ~ ~fl's:-....Y se~ / / \ \ \ \ / y \ \ \ Bradley River Fault \ / \ \ \ / \ -<,Y..'<-0"'"' «'~ / <::>t'-\ se<:$ \ ~'<(;: Y NOTE: Segment labels shown for each fault segment; / . dips of fault planes vary, see Table 1. // \, / \ / / .~ ~ Woodward-Clyde Consultants (I SCHEMATIC OF EARTHQUAKE SOURCES MODELED IN SEISMIC EXPOSURE ANALYSIS Project No. 14844B Fig. BRADLEY LAKE A-2 Woodward· Clyde Consultants A-4 Examination of historical earthquake data based upon instrumental locations and felt reports for the time period 1904 through 1978 (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- istration, 1980) has shown that no clear or compelling correlations can be made between historical seismicity and the faults as defined by geologic and seismicity studies to date. However, the rna jor i ty of the reported historical seismicity is associated with the Megathrust and the Benioff zone which underlie the region and the site. This interpretation is consistent with the more accurately located microearthquake data which were reevaluated for this study (see Section 2.3.1 of the text). To estimate the recurrence of earthquakes of different magnitudes for each source, the activity level of each of the sources was defined using procedures developed for OASES (WCC, 1978) and the NOAA studies (WCC, 1981), which involved normalizing regional historic seismicity to a given fault in terms of events per unit area per unit of time. Earthquake distributions for each fault modeled in the anlaysis is shown in Figure A-3. Recurrence of larger- magnitude earthquakes (Ms ~8.0) on the Megathrust was defined by NOAA project estimates of numbers of earthquakes and their likelihood of occurrence (WCC, 1981). These estimates were made on the basis of historical data for large earthquakes in the Gulf of Alaska region and on the basis of the waiting time since the last large earthquake (Ms 8-1/2 in 1964). In the analysis, it was assumed that on a given fault, earthquakes of a certain magnitude could occur with equal likelihood at any location on the fault. The release of energy during any such event was assumed to be along a surface rupture. The distance to the sites is an important 1000~---------------------------------------------------------, ... 1: E ::J z "' > ·;; "' ::J E ::J (.) Project: 0.0001 Project No. ' l E~gle Rjver Fault I r I I ! ' ! ; ! l i i- ' ' I /~radlev!·:. River Fault!. I . I i i ! j ' I ' I I ~ ~ I ! I l I Bu~l Moose Faul~ 4.0 BRADLEY LAKE 148448 I 5.0 6.0 7.0 Ms EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE RELATIONSHIPS Fig. USED IN SEISMIC EXPOSURE ANALYSIS A-3 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS Woodward-Clyde Consultants A-5 parameter in the attenuation of ground motion. Therefore, it was necessary to characterize the extent that the fault would rupture for given magnitude events. The relationship between rupture length and earthquake magnitude selected for the analysis is illustrated in Figure A-4. The approximate account for relationship was the observation used that in the NOAA work to along the Aleutian Megathrust, rupture widths seem to be limited to about 200 km. This relationship is empirical and is based on the Wyss (1979) relationship for rupture-area versus magnitude. ATTENUATION OF EARTHQUAKE GROUND MOTION Available literature and the results of on-going wee studies were used to select attenuation relationships to describe the variation of peak ground acceleration on rock at the sites with earthquake magnitude and distance of earthquakes from the site. The published work of Schnabel and Seed {1973), Seed and others {1976), Woodward-Clyde Consultants ( 1978) , Idr iss ( 1978) , Patwardhan and others (1978), and Crouse and Turner (1980) were reviewed, and two attenuation relationships were developed: 0 0 A relationship for earthquakes occurring on the Mega- thrust and Benioff zones beneath the sites was based primarily on analysis of recordings from South America and Japan for subduction zone earthquakes. A relationship for earthquakes occurring on the regional and local surface faults around the sites was based primarily on recordings from locations in California and other parts of the western United States. u, ... u. A L" w* --- 5.0 7.3 2.7 2.7 6.5 22.4 4.7 4.7 6.0 70.8. 8.4 8.4 6.5 224 15 15 7.0 708 27 27 7.5 2240 47 47 8.0 7080 90 80 8.5 22400 180 175 9.0 70800 400 t75 9.5 224000 1100 200 300 e 200~ ~ .r:: ; 3: -~ 0 i 1QO-0 0 0 I I I I I I I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Rupture length lkml *Fault rupture dimensions from Wyss (1979) and NOAA (1981). Project: BRADLEY LAKE FAULT RUPTURE LENGTH -Fig. Project No. 148448 MAGNITUDE RELATIONSHIP A-4 WOOOWARO~CL YOE CONSULTANTS Woodward-Clyde Consultants A-6 Several recordings from Alaskan earthquakes were also examined in developing these relationships. The mean (average) attenuation relationships used in this study are illustrated 1.n Figure A-5 for shallow focus crustal earthquakes and in Figure A-6 for Hegathrust and Benioff Zone earthquakes. For a probabilistic evaluation, it is also important to include the uncertainty of the predicted acceler ion values for any given earthquake magnitude and distance. A random error term was used in the analysis to represent that uncertainty as a statistical distribution about the median values. A lognormal distribution was assumed and the standard error term taken to be s 0. 40 for the shallow focus relationship and s == 0. 60 for the Benioff zone relationship. The methodology also provides for constraining the probability distribution of peak acceler- ation so that unrealistically high values of peak acceler- ation are not included in calculating probabilities of exceedance. Using bounds suggested by empirical data, an upper bound on peak acceleration was specified to be three standard deviations. SEISMIC EXPOSURE RESULTS Figures 15 and 16 in the text summarize the seismic exposure results 1.n terms of probability of exceedande of various acceleration levels over the 100-year design period of interest. Tables A-1 through A-6 provide a detailed breakdown as to the contribution of various sources to the total seismic exposure of the sites. These tables also provide the relative contribution to acceleration levels for specific earthquake rnagni tude ranges by source. These results provide a means of assessing the relative importance of earthquake sources and earthquake magnitudes to acceleration levels at the sites. Project: Project No. ::§ 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~-------.-----.--,---,-,-~,-IT--------~~--~ 0.8 Note: Curves are applicable only within the distance range shown; at distances less than 3 km. peak accelerations are constant and equal to the values at 3 km. c. I'll c: 0 ·;; I'll ~ QJ Qi (.) (.) <( ~ .... c: 0 N ·;: 0 ::c ~ I'll QJ 0.. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 3 BRADLEY LAKE 148448 10 30 100 Distance from Rupture (km) MEAN ATTENUATION RELATIONSHIPS FOR SHALLOW FOCUS EARTHQUAKES 300 Fig. A-5 wnnnWARO-f:l YOF f:ONSULTANTS C'l -a. ~ c:: .Q +-' ~ .... Q) Qj u u <t: ~ +-' c:: 0 N ·;: 0 I .:,t ~ Q) a.. Project: Project No. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 10 BRADLEY LAKE 14844B 30 100 300 Distance from Rupture (km) MEAN ATTENUATION RELATIONSHIPS FOR Fig. DEEP FOCUS (BENIOFF ZONE) EARTHQUAKES A-6 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS TABLE A-1 PERCENT CXNI'RIBUTIOO BY s::JURCE 'Kl 'IHE 'IDTAL PIDBl\BILITY OF EXCEEDENCE OF EACH LEVEL OF ACCELERATIOO FOR A 100-YEAR DESIGN TIME PERIOD BRADLE'£ LAI<E -I:W-1 SITE PFAK GROUND ACCELERATIOO LEVELS ( 9) 0.22 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.54 0.62 0.70 0.78 0.86 0.98 Eagle River Fault t 1 Eagle River Fault <1 <1 Segment2A Eagle River Fault <1 <1 <1 1.0 1.8 2.7 4.2 5.6 8.1 12.7 t 2B Eagle River Fault <1 1.2 1.5 2.1 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.9 t 3A Eagle River Fault <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 t 3B Eagle River Fault <1 t 4 Eagle River Fault t 5 Border Ranges Fault t 1 Border Ranges Fault <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.0 1.2 1.4 t 2 Border Ranges Fault <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 t 3 Border Ranges Fault <1 <1 t 4 Border Ranges Fault t 5 Bull Mcx:lse Fault <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Bradley River Fault <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Mega thrust 1.9 1.1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 t 1 Mega thrust 69.4 72.7 74.5 76.0 76.6 76.$ 76.8 76.6 76.0 74.2 t 2 Megathrust 1.2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 t 3 Benioff Zcne 1.2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 t 1 Benioff Z01e 24.9 23.1 21.6 19.6 17.7 16.3 14.5 13.1 10.8 7.4 t 2 Benioff Z01e <1 <1 <1 <1 t 3 TABLE A-2 PERCENT <XNI'RIBUTION BY SJURCE 'ID 'lliE 'IUI'AL POOBABILITY OF EXCEEDENCE OF EACH LEVEL OF ACCELERATION FOR A 100-YFAR DESIGN TIME PERIOD BRADLEY U\KE -~OOSE SITE PEAK GROUND ACCELERATIOO LEVELS (~) 0.22 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.54 0.62 0.70 0.78 0.86 0.98 Eagle River Fault t 1 Eagle River Fault <1 <1 Segment2A Eagle River Fault <1 <1 <1 <1 1.2 1.8 2.6 3.4 4.6 6.7 Segment 2B Eagle River Fault <1 <1 <1 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 t 3A Eagle River Fault <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Segment 3B Eagle River Fault <1 <1 t 4 Eagle River Fault t 5 Border Ranges Fault t 1 Border Ranges Fault <1 <1 <1 <1 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.7 3.4 4.7 t 2 Border Ranges Fault <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 t 3 Border Ranges Fault <1 <1 t 4 Border Ranges Fault t 5 Bull tob::se Fault <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Bradley River Fault <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Mega thrust 1.9 1.1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 t 1 Mega thrust 65.9 68.8 70.5 72.0 72.9 73.4 73.9 74.2 74.5 73.9 t 2 Mega thrust 1.2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 t 3 Benioff Z<ne 1.4 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 t 1 Benioff Zcne 28.4 27.2 26.0 24.3 22.6 21.3 19.7 18.2 16.0 13.2 t 2 Benioff Z<ne <1 <1 <1 <1 t 3 2 (Eagle River 2A) 3 (Eagle River 2B) 4 (Eagle River 3A) 5 (Eagle River 3B) 9 (Border-Ranges 2) 10 (Border Ranges 3) 13 (Bull Moose) 14 (Bradley River) 15 (Megathrust 1) 16 (Megathrust 2) 17 (Megathrust 3) 18 (Deep Benioff 1} 19 (Deep Benioff 2) 20 (Deep Benioff 3} TABLE A-3 PERCENT CONTRIBUTION OF EACH EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDE RANGE FOR EACH SOURCE TO THE TOTAL SEISMIC EXPOSURE FOR A 100-YEAR DESIGN THlE PERIOD BRADLEY LAKE -DAM SITE TABLE A-4 PERCENT CONTRIBUTION OF EACH EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDE RANGE FOR EACH SOURCE TO THE TOTAL SEISMIC EXPOSURE FOR A 100-YEAR DESIGN TIME PERIOD BRADLEY LAKE -POWERHOUSE SITE PEAK GROUND ACCELERATION LEVELS (g) Source 0.22 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.54 0.62 0.70 0.78 0.86 0.98 River 2A) <l <l 3 (Eagle River 2B) 5 -5-l/2 <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l 5-172 -6-172 <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l 6-172 7 172 <l <l <l <l <l 1.4 2.2 2.8 4.0 6.0 4 (Eagle River 3A) 5 -5-l/2 <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l 5-172 -6-172 <l <l <l <l l.l 1.2 l.l l.l l.l l.l 6 l 2 -7 l 2 5 (Eagle River 3B) 5 <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l 9 (Border Ranges 2) 5 -5-l/2 <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l 5-172 -6 172 <l <1 <l <l <l <l <l 1.0 1.3 1.7 6 172 7 17 2 <l <l <l <l <l <l 1.0 1.3 1.9 2.8 10 (Border Ranges 3) 5 -5-l/2 <l <l 5-172 -6-172 <l <l <l <l <l <l <l 6-172 -7-172 <1 <1 <l <1 <l <l <l <l <1 <l 13 (Bull Moose) 5 -5-l/2 <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l 5-172 -6-172 <l <l <l <l <l <1 <l <l <l <1 6-l 2 7 1 2 River) <1 <1 <l <1 <1 <l <1 <l <1 <1 <1 <1 <l <1 <1 <1 <1 <l <1 <1 15 (Mega thrust l) 5 -5-1/2 <1 5-172 -6-172 <1 <1 <1 <1 6-172 -7-172 1.0 <1 <l <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 16 (Mega thrust 2) \.' 5 -5-l/2 29.1-23.4 19.3 14.9 10.8 7.5 4.0 2.5 5-172 -6-172 23.3-24.6 25.4 25.6 25.2 24.6 23.6 22.5 20.5 15.8 6 172 7-172 14.1. 20.0 24.7 35.8 34.4 38.1 42.0 44.2 47.7 50.2 3) 5 <1 5 <1 <1 <1 6 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <l l) 5 <1 5 <1 <1 <1 6 1.0 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 19 (Deep Benioff 2) 5 -5-1/2 3.3 2.5 1.6 <1 <1 <1 5-172 -6 172 9.2 8.0 7.1 6.0 4.9 4.2 3.3 2.6 1.7 1.0 6-172 -7 172 14.9-16.6 17.3 17.6 17.3 17.0 16.4 15.6 14.3 12.2 3) 5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Source Eagle River 3A 5 -5-1/2 5-172 -6-172 6-172 -7-172 Eagle River 2B 5 -5-1/2 5-172 -6-172 6-172 -7-172 Border Ranges 2 5 -5-1/2 5-172 -6-172 6-172 -7-172 Border Ranges 3 5 -5-1/2 5-172 -6-172 6-172 -7-172 Bull MCX>Se 5 -5-1/2 5-172 -6-172 6 172 -7-172 Bradley River 5 -5-1/2 5-172 -6-172 6-172 7 172 TABLE A-5 EARI'HJUAKE Ml\.GNI'IUDE RANGE PERCENT CJJNTRIBUTION 'ID EACl-l ACCELERATION LENEL FOR LOCAL S:URCES 100-YEAR DESIGN TIME PERIOD BRADLEY lAKE-DAM SITE PEAK GROUND ACCELERATICN LEVELS (g) 0.22 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.54 0.62 0.70 51.1 44.6 39.7 35.2 31.5 27.2 22.9 49.9 55.4 60.3 64.8 68.5 72.8 77.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.9 28.8 24.6 21.3 18.7 15.9 12.9 31.0 29.9 28.7 27.4 26.5 25.4 24.3 35.1 41.3 46.7 51.3 54.8 58.7 62.8 31.8 19.4 10.7 5.5 3.4 1.8 0.8 42.6 45.1 43.2 39.2 35.1 30.4 25.6 25.6 35.5 46.1 55.3 61.5 67.8 73.6 31.8 42.6 32.7 21.1 12.7 10.6 6.8 25.6 67.3 78.9 87.3 89.4 93.2 100.0 78.0 74.7 69.6 62.7 56.6 49.8 43.1 22.0 25.3 30.4 37.3 43.4 50.2 56.9 65.8 60.3 54.3 48.4 43.3 37.0 30.9 34.2 39.7 45.7 51.6 56.7 63.0 69.1 0.78 0.86 0.98 20.2 16.3 12.0 79.8 83.7 88.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.1 8.8 6.6 23.7 22.8 21.6 65.2 68.4 71.8 0.6 22.9 19.3 14.9 76.5 80.7 85.1 100.0 100.0 39.8 36.4 35.0 60.2 63.6 65.0 27.2 22.9 18.9 72.8 77.1 81.9 TABLE A-6 E'.ARI'H;2UAKE MA.GNI'IUDE RANGE PERCENT ffiNTRIBUTION 'ID FAal Acx:ELERATICN LEVEL FDR LOCAL SCURCES 10(}-YEAR DESIGN TIME PERIOD BRADLEY LAKE -Pa\IERHOUSE SITE PEAK GIDUND ACCELERATION LEVELS (g) Source 0.22 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.54 0.62 0.70 0.78 0.86 0.98 Eagle River 3A 5 -5-1/2 44.4 34.6 25.9 19.2 15.0 11.4 7.3 6.1 7.3 o.o 5-172 -6-172 55.6 65.4 74.1 80.8 85.0 88.6 92.7 93.9 92.7 100.0 6-172 -7-172 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Eagle River 2B 5 -5-1/2 28.3 18.4 10.7 6.0 3.7 2.1 1.1 0.6 0.4 0.3 5-172 -6-172 31.4 31.8 30.4 27.5 24.4 20.8 17.2 15.0 12.4 10.1 6-172 -7-172 40.3 49.8 58.9 66.5 71.9 77.1 81.7 84.4 87.2 89.6 Border Ranges 2 5 -5-1/2 46.3 38.8 32.1 26.3 22.0 17.5 13.5 11.2 8.2 6.0 5-172 -6-172 35.5 38.2 39.6 40.0 39.9 39.7 38.9 38.0 36.9 34.7 6-172 -7-172 18.2 23.0 28.3 33.7 38.1 42.8 47.7 50.8 54.9 59.3 Border Ranges 3 5 -5-1/2 3.1 0.7 5-172 -6-172 42.8 29.0 18.7 12.9 9.5 7.3 5.4 6-172 -7-172 54.1 70.3 81.3 87.1 90.5 92.7 94.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 Bull Mcx:>se 5 -5-1/2 79.1 76.9 73.3 68.3 63.3 57.4 51.0 47.2 42.7 39.4 5-172 -6-172 20.9 23.1 26.7 31.7 36.7 42.6 49.0 52.8 57.3 60.6 6-172 -7-172 Bradley River 5 -5-1/2 60.6 49.6 38.3 29.0 22.1 17.3 14.4 11.2 7.3 7.5 5-172 -6-172 39.4 50.4 61.7 71.0 77.9 82.7 85.6 88.8 92.7 92.5 6-172 -7-172 Woodward-Clyde ConsuHants APPENDIX B METHODOLOGY FOR EVALUATIONS OF FAULT SLIP AND ITS LIKELIHOOD OF OCCURRENCE EVALUATION OF FAULT SLIP This study emphasizes the evaluation of slip on secondary faults as the result of an earthquake on an adjacent larger fault. This emphasis stems from our knowledge of the Bradley Lake project site. Most of the faults or lineaments that are suspected of being faults in the siting area are relatively minor features adjacent to two major faults, the Border Ranges and Eagle River faults. These minor faults or lineaments are of concern because several cross near or through the location of several key project components such as the power tunnel, dam, and lake tap facilities. Thus, the potential for surface rupture on these features are of concern in the design of the project. Secondary faulting can be defined in different ways according to varying casual mechanisms. These mechanisms include: 1) passive adjustments (slip) on local faults that are coseismic (may include some post seismic creep) to the main earthquake on the main fault: 2) triggering of earthquakes on adjacent faults after the main earthquake, due to changes in the stress field in the earth • s crust resulting from the main event; and 3) sympathetic, aseismic slip on adjacent faults. This study considers the passive slip on faults as the most likely nature of secondary faulting at the Bradley Lake site and it is most commonly observed in association with historic events on a world- wide basis. Triggered earthquakes may be possible on faults adjacent to the Border Ranges and Eagle River B-2 Woodward· Clyde Consultants faults; however, the possible structural relations of the Bradley River and Bull Moose faults to the larger regional faults does not seem comparable to structural relations of worldwide examples of faults that had triggered earth- quakes. In consideration of the third mechanism, sympa- thetic slip, too few instances of such occurrences have been recorded to be of use in this evaluation, and most often the slip is quite small {approximately l-2 em or less}. Thus, the possibilities of triggered earthquakes and sympathetic slip as secondary faulting are not treated in this evaluation. The evaluation of slip on the Bradley River, Bull Moose, and other minor faults is based on a compilation of data on historic secondary faulting observed throughout the world. The data have been selected so that they are consistent with the local structural and tectonic setting of the Bradley Lake area. The secondary faulting could relate to the Border Ranges' style of faulting, suspected of being an oblique reverse fault, or to the Eagle River style of reverse or thrust faulting. In addition, secondary faulting could result from primary earthquakes generated on the Bradley River or Bull Moose: the primary earthquake on these fault should not be confused with a triggered earthquake as discussed above. All of these possibilities were considered in data collec- tion. Three classifications of secondary faulting exist in the data: 1} branch faulting or splays from the main fault that have the same sense of slip, 2} conjugate faults that branch away from the main fault and have the opposite sense of slip but are responding to the same local stress regime, and 3} subsidiary slip that occurs on adjacent B-3 Woodward-Clyde Consultants faults regardless of style or known structural affinity to the main fault. These three classifications are shown graphically in Figure B-1 as they might occur in the two possible local structural settings being considered. Three graphs have been plotted from the worldwide data set collected from published literature (see Figures 17 through 19 in the text, Section 5 .0). The raw data are presented in Table B-1 for strike-slip and oblique strike- slip earthquakes, and in Table B-2 for reverse and oblique- reverse-s lip earthquakes. Figures l 7 through 19 in the text were constructed to aid in judgments of whether or not slip is possible, and if it is possible, of what the maximum slip might be. All three figures present a bounding limit to the data: however, in two instances data appear to exceed the bounding limit. These data are marked with question marks on Figure 17 and 19. This may be explained by inaccuracies in the data set, by special geological conditions not reported in the literature and thus not considered in screening the data, or by the possibility that there are rare cases that will exceed the majority of the data set. For example, the point plotted above the bounding line on Figure 17 results from a zone of secondary faults that apparently ruptured coseismically with the 1976 Motagua, Guatemala earthquake (Ms 7.6). However, this zone of faults also experienced a large triggered earthquake (Mb 5.8) that cause surface faulting. Maps of the secondary faulting do not differentiate between the coseismic ruptures and the triggered earthquake rupture. Thus, some uncertainty exists of the actual distance of coseismic rupture. The point plotted on Figure 19 that is above the line is from a 1957 earthquake (M 8.3) in Mongolia. Again Project: THRUST FAULT (CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW) Project No. BRADLEY LAKE 148448 OBLIQUE STRIKE-SLIP AND OBLIQUE REVERSE FAULT (PLAN VIEW) Subsidiary Fault /Branch Fault ,.......-Main Fault --.,;;;__ LEGEND __.:::::' Arrow Indicating Relative Slip U Up D Down (±) Block Moving Toward Viewer 8 Block Moving Away From Viewer SECONDARY FAULTING, POSSIBLE ASSOCIATIONS FOR TWO STRUCTURAL SETTINGS Fig. B-1 WOODWARD-CL YOE CONSULTANTS TABLE B-1 HISTORIC SECONDARY-FAULTING DATA Strike-Slip and Oblique Strike-Slip Faults Secondary Maximum Slip as % Distance To Slip on of Maximum Earthquake, ~lain Fault Secondary Ms Fau~~l Reference Sources ··---··--------- l Hayward, 1868 6.7 2.2 45.7 50 Bonilla, 1970 California 2 San Francisco; 8.3 2.4 61 10 Bonilla, 1970 1906, Califor-nia 2.1 15 3 . 5 122 20 . 3 30 5 1.0 122 20 1.0 76 13 3 Kagi, 1906 7.1 1.0 81 23 Bonilla, 1975 Taiwan Ambraseys and Tchalenko, 1968 4 Tagima, 1925 6.8 2.0 Research Group for Japan Active Faults, 1980 .6 Ambraseys and Tchalenko, 1968 5 Tango, 1927 7.5 1.3 Reseatcch Group for Japan Active Faults, 1980 5.0 70 20 Ambraseys and Tchalenko, 1968 6 lzu, 1930 7.0 4.0 30 8.5 Research Group for Japan Active Fault, 1980 4.5 Ambraseys and 4.0 Tchalenko, 1968 7 Taiwan, 1935 7.0 6.0 Bonilla, 1979 3.0 2.0 50 15 3.0 8 Ericincan; 1939 8.0 13.0 Ambraseys and Turkey Tcha1enko, 1968 27.0 9 Ambraseys, 1970 20.0 9 Ladik, 1943 7.6 3.0 Ambraseys and Turkey Tchalenko, 1968 5.0 Ambraseys, 1970 6.0 10 Gered, 1944 7.6 10.0 Ambraseys and Turkey Tchalenko, 1968 Ambraseys, 1970 ll Gonen-Yenice, 7.4 2.5 Ambraseys and 1953, Turkey Tchalenko, 1968 Ambraseys, 1970 12 Tur-key, 1957 7.1 1.8 Ambraseys and Tcha1enko, 1968 Ambraseys, 1970 13 Buy in Zara, 7.2 1.5 Ambraseys and 1962, Iran 1.5 Tchalenko, 1968 1.9 Ambraseys, 1963 4.8 13.4 15 Berberian" 1976 1.9 Ambraseys, 1965 .8 .8 3.2 14 Parkfield, 1966 5.6 1.3 2.4 32 Brown and Veddar, California 1967 TABLE B-1 (Continued) Secondary Maximum Slip as % Distance To Slip on of Maximum Earthquake, Main Fault Secondary Slip on Year, Location Ms Trace (km) Fault (em) Main Fault Reference Sources 15 Murundu, 1967 7.2 . 5 Ambraseys and Turkey 1.0 Tchalenko, 1968 1.0 5.0 16 Dasht-e, Bayaz, 7.2 2.0 Tchalenko and 1968, Iran 1.5 28 6 Ambraseys, 1970 1.6 20 4 Tchalenko and 7.5 Berberian, 1975 .6 32 7 .4 1.5 17 Borrego, 1968 6 .. 4 1.1 25 7 Clark, 1972 California 1 .8 40 11 • 5 50 13 .5 40 10 1.5 10 3 2.0 10 3 1.2 20 5 18 Motagua, 1976 7.6 28 15 4 Langer and Guatemala Bollinger, 1979 19 Homestead, 1979 5.2 .8 3.2 33 Hill and others, California (ML) . 7 1980 20 Imperial Valley, 6.8 5.3 10 l3 Lei vas and others, 1980 1979' California 4.5 15 19 Sieh, 1980 1.1 21 Livermore, 1980 5.8 .25 2 80 Bonilla and California (ML) . 3 . 5 20 others, 1980 .7 TABLE B-2 HISTORIC SECONDARY-FAULTING DATA Reverse and Oblique Reverse Faults Secondary Maximum Slip as % Distance To Slip on of Maximum Earthquake, Main Fault Secondary Slip on Year, Location Ms Trace (km) Fault (em) Main Fault Reference Sources -------- 22 Arvin-Tehachapi, 7.7 2.8 30 25 Bonilla, 1970 1952, California 1.4 30 25 Kupfer and others, 8.0 9 8 1955 23 Bagdu, 1957 , 8.3 20.0 500 39 Ambraseys and Mongolia 20.0 200 16 Tchalenko, 1968 7.0 250 20 15.0 200 16 5.0 650 50 24 Meckering, 1968 7.0 5.0 20 7 Bonilla, 1970 Australia 1.25 ----Everingham and 2.0 15 5 others, 1969 25 San Fernando, 6.6 2.7 15 6 Kamb and others, 1971, California . 3 5.8 2.4 1971 .9 113 47 26 Tabas-E-Golshan, 7.7 5.0 ----Berberian, 1979 1978, Iran 10.0 7.5 14.0 27 El Asnam, 1979, 7.3 7.0 100 20 Burford and Algeria 1. 5 ----others, 1981 2.0 B-4 Woodward-Clyde Consultants the data for this event show all surface ruptures in the vicinity of the earthquake without any differentiation of cause of rupture or possible effects from triggered events. For purposes of this analysis, the bounding limit line is considered to represent the worst case for the majority of data. For given earthquake magnitudes and geologic conditions, amounts of fault slip can be read directly from the graphs constructed from the empirical data. PROBABILITY OF FAULT RUPTURE In general, the surface-rupture capability of the small faults near the Bradley Lake project depends upon: 1) the capability of the Border Ranges and Eagle River faults to produce earthquakes; 2) structural relations to the major faults and regional stress regime; and 3) recurrence intervals of earthquakes in the region. However, large uncertainties exist in the literature concerning the activity of the faults, the structure, and recurrence intervals of earthquakes in the Bradley Lake region of the Kenai Peninsula. Therefore, in preparing an analysis of the probability of occurrence of slip on faults at the site, the basic approach has been expanded to allow for uncertainties 1n fault and earthquake parameters. These parameters include surface faulting capability, maximum earthquake magnitude, tectonic associations, and recurrence intervals of different magnitude earthquakes on the various faults. For this analysis, recurrence data of various size earth- quakes are derived from the data set used in the seismic exposure assessment where they are expressed as number B-5 Woodward-Clyde Consultants of earthquakes in the 7 5-year period of observation. The upper end of the magnitude range over which recurrence was considered is limited by the maximum magnitude assigned on each source. The maximum earthquake is defined 1n section 2.0 of the text for each source. The lower end of the magnitude range considered in this analysis is governed by the minimum magnitude earthquake that is suspected of having associated surface fault rupture for a particular style of faulting. It is generally accepted in the practice that magnitudes in the range of 5. 5 and 6.0 are the lower limits where surface rupture can be expected. For this study, we considered recurrence interval in terms of the number of earthquakes that might occur close enough to the site to affect secondary faults in a 100 year time period for each magnitude increment (i.e. the increment from 6. 755 to 7.25 is shown as Ms 7.0). This recurrence value also incorporates the effect of distance from the site to the main fault trace rupture shown in Figure 17 (Section 5.0). For example, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake could rupture on either side of the site on the Border Ranges fault and approach to within the distance shown in Figure 17; the recurrence estimate included the number of events in that combined area of rupture that could result in secondary faulting at the site. It is assumed that probability of subsidiary fault rupture depends upon the magnitude of earthquake on the main fault, the recurrence interval, and the distance from the main fault. The various geologic conditions fault parameter values and range of upon which the on-site offsets depend have been combined and presented in a logic tree format. An exar~le of a logic tree is presented in Figure B-2. The logic tree is constructed to provide a means of formally Secondary Fault Secondary Fault Project: Project No. No. Events That Earthquake Magnitude, Rupture on May Result in I Capability I Tectonic Association I No. Events in Specific Secondary 100 Yr. Period Secondary Fault Rupture in 100 yr. Period Yes 7.5 . ....,.--- No p(Nk I Tj• Ci) p(R 11Nk, Tj• Ci) CASEiikl Yes 7.0 I p(TIC-) J I Border Ranges Y 6.5 Yes ~ No Yes ~ 0 .,;; 5.5 No ·~ Capable ~ 0 7.0 Yes Ea~ ~ Yes ~ 0 I \ \ .,;; 6.0 No Independent <:; : Yes Yes Non-Capable Probability of CASEijkl = p(C1) • p(TjiCi) • p(NkiTj, C1) • p(R 11Nk, Ti• Ci) BRADLEY LAKE 148448 EXAMPLE OF LOGIC TREE FOR EVALUATION OF SECONDARY FAULT RUPTURE Fig. B-2 WOOOWARD-CL YDE CONSULTANTS Woodward-Clyde Consultants B-6 accounting for the uncertainty in input parameters of the probability assessment. A logic tree is composed of nodes and branches. Each node represents a point at which a choice is possible between alternative states or values of an input parameter. The branches represent discrete alternatives such as yes or no for the capability of a fault to sustain rupture. The alternatives may also represent a continuous distribution, such as recurrence rate for various magnitude earthquakes. At each node conditional probabilities are assigned to each branch that represent the likelihood of that branch being the best value of the input parameter. As the branches at each node are all possible alternatives, the sum of the conditional probabilities is equal to one. The probabilities at each node depend on the condition that the events leading to the node have occurred. For this study, several data gaps exist in the literature that affect the evaluation of potential fault rupture. Specifically, these data gaps are: 1) capability of the main fault; 2) tectonic association; and 3) the probability of the secondary fault rupturing if the main fault ruptures during an earthquake. To these unknowns, a conditional probability value has been assigned by several geologists who based their judgments on subjective evaluations of available data for the Cook Inlet-Kenai Peninsula area. By combining the recurrence probabilities with the sub- jective probabilities, a total probability of occurrence is obtained. In so doing, the logic tree utilizes all available data, as well as experience and professional judgment, in arriving at probability estimates. As such, Woodward-Clyde Consultants B-7 the probabilities reflect relative degrees of confidence in the parameter values on each branch. These probability data were evaluated in a logic tree format for the Bradley River and Bull Moose faults. Another logic tree was prepared to estimate the likelihood of slip on any one of the minor faults in the vicinity. Each option in the logic process is identified and account- ed for, thus probabilities of individual earthquake events and associated faulting can be identified separately or collectively, on the basis of a wide range of assumptions. A summary of the results of our assessment of the likeli- hood of fault slip are presented in Section 5.0 and 6.0 of the text. Woodward· Clyde Consultants APPENDIX C BIBLIOGRAPHY Agnew, J. D., 1980, Seismicity of the Central Alaska Range, Alaska, 1904-197 8: University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Thesis, 95 p. Ambraseys, N. N., 1963, The Buyin-Zara (Iran) earthquake of September, 1962, a field report: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 53, no. 4, p. 705-740. 1965, An earthquake engineering study of the Buyin- Zahra earthquake of September 1, 1962, in Iran: Third World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, New Zealand, 1965, Proceedings, v. III. 1970, Some character is tic features of the Anatolian fault zone: Tectonophysics, v. 9, p. 143-165. Ambraseys 1 N., and Tchalenko, J. 1 1968, Documentation of faulting associated with earthquakes (Part 1): London, Department of Civil Engineering, Imperial College of Science unpublished report, 37 p. Beikman, H., 1979, Preliminary geologic map of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey, scale 1:2,500,000. 1980, Geologic Map of Alaska: u.s. Geological Survey, Scale 1:2,500,000. Woodward-Clyde Consultants C-2 Berberian, M., 1976, The 1962 earthquake and earlier deformations along the Ipak earthquake fault: Geological Survey of Iran, Ministry of Industry and Mines, Contribution to the Seismotectonics of Iran (Part II), Report No. 39, p. 419-427. 1979, Earthquake . faulting and bedding thrust asso- ciated with the Tabas-E-Golshan (Iran) earthquake of September 16, 1978: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 69, no. 6, p. 1861-1887. Bonilla, M. G., 1970, Surface faulting and related effects, Chapter 3 in Earthquake engineering: Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, p. 47-74. 1975, A review of recently active faults in Taiwan: u.s. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-41, Menlo Park, California, 58 p. 1979, Historic surface faulting--Map patterns, relation to subsurface faulting, and relation to preexisting faults: u.s. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 79-1239, Menlo Park, California, 21 p. Bonilla, M. 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