HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Winter Flow Conditions for Salmon Egg Incubition 1995BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECI'RIC PROJECf INVESTIGATION OF WINTER FLOW CONDITIONS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT SALMON EGG INCUBATION FINAL REPORT Prepared by John W. Morsell N orthem Ecological Services ~chorage, AJaska Prepared for AJaska Energy Authority ~chorage, AJaska December, 1995 INTRODUcriON The Alaska Energy Authority is investigating various methods for measuring the adequacy of flow in the lower Bradley River during winter conditions. Minimum flows to maintain fish resources, as required by the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project license, have been measured at a gaging station near Tree Bar Reach (Figure 1). The amount of water to be released from the dam into the river is normally determined by the Tree Bar Reach gage measurement. However, in recent years ice cover during portions of the winter has altered the channel configuration at the gage site and caused the gage readings to give an inaccurate flow determination. During periods of ice cover, project managers have been required to release the entire minimum flow into the river at the dam to assure downstream compliance even though additional water is contributed by other portions of the watershed. This procedure is wasteful of water which would otherwise be available for energy production. It was suggested that a closer look at the impact of various flow levels and ice conditions on the physical characteristics of the stream during the winter might be appropriate to help resolve these difficulties in flow measurement with special emphasis on the habitat requirements of incubating salmon eggs and alevins (newly hatched fry). Such information might allow different methods of protecting fish habitat to be examined which would be based on objective criteria and eliminate waste. A study of winter flow conditions as they relate to the requirements of incubating salmon eggs was initiated in 1993 and continued through 1995. This cooperative study involved primary data collection by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) with interpretation regarding fish habitats by Northern Ecological Services. An annual progress report relative to fisheries aspects of the winter minimum flow study program was prepared in December, 1994 which summarized results through 1994. The current document provides an update to the 1994 report by analyzing hydrological information collected during the winter of 1994-1995, and provides a final summary discussion relative to project objectives utilizing information collected during the 1993-1995 period. This report represents the final input 1 to the effort from Northern Ecological Services. The USGS will continue to collect basic winter hydrologic information through 1998. It should be emphasized that USGS policy requires that all data collected by the agency be considered provisional until subject to in-bouse quality control and publication in an official USGS publication. Hydrological data reported herein should be viewed as preliminary. STUDY OBJECfiVES 1. To gain insight into the relationship of low winter flows to the physical habitat requirements of incubating salmon eggs with emphasis on ice cover conditions. 2. To determine whether an alternative method of measuring habitat protection, such as stage measurement or minimum dam releases, would allow adequate protection. 3. To determine whether a reduced flow requirement might also provide adequate protection. 4. To gain insight into the lower limit of flow that would provide some assurance of egg survival in the event of unexpected decreases in flow. BACKGROUND INFORMATION During the spawning process, salmon eggs are deposited in a depression excavated in the stream bottom. The spawning fish then cover the eggs by pushing gravel into the depression. Incubating salmon eggs are generally buried to a depth of 15-45 em within the stream bottom gravel. The interchange of water between the stream surface flow and the subsurface gravel environment is crucial to the survival of salmon eggs, providing oxygen to the eggs and carrying away .toxic metabolic products. Factors that control the water interchange between stream and gravel bed are: stream surface profile (including water 2 depth and velocity), gravel permeability, gravel bed depth, and irregularity of the stream bed surface (Reiser and Bjo~ 1979). The most important hydraulic component of the intragravel environment is the apparent velocity -velocity of water moving through the gravel. This velocity is a function of the hydraulic head (depth of water above the gravel) and the permeability of the gravel. If the apparent velocity is too slow then oxygen can become depleted due to oxygen demand from decaying organic matter in the gravel, and waste products from developing embryos or alevins can build up reaching toxic levels. It is not practical to measure apparent velocity under field conditions. However, other parameters such as wetted perimeter, water depth, velocity, and intragravel oxygen concentration can provide an indication whether the intragravel environment is suitable for incubation. Many studies have established suitability criteria for salmon spawning habitats but few have specifically addressed incubation habitats within ice covered streams. During the instream flow study conducted for the Bradley River prior to project licensing, spawning habitats were reduced to "effective spawning habitat" by applying incubation criteria (Woodward- Clyde Consultants, 1983). Habitats were considered unsuitable for incubation {and thus unsuitable for spawning) when depth was 0 ft. or velocity was less than 0.1 fps. At velocities between 0.5 and 0.1 fps, incubation suitability decreased because of the potential for silt deposition. Reiser and White (1981) suggested that a depth of greater than 6 inches and a stream flow velocity of greater than 1 ft./sec. is usually adequate to assure incubation success and prevent freezing of gravels. These guidelines assume that gravel permeability is sufficiently high to allow reasonable circulation. Stream bed composition (especially the proportion of fine materials) and permeability are important variables that are beyond the scope of this study program. Salmon streams in Alaska are subject to various climatic extremes and developing salmon eggs are often able to withstand adverse conditions for varying periods of time. Incubating eggs within a gravel redd can withstand dewatering for up to several weeks provided that the intragravel environment remains moist and does not freeze (Reiser and White, 1981). Reduced flow and reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations (as low as 5 mg/1) can also be 3 tolerated for substantial periods of time. Suboptimal but non-lethal oxygen conditions usually result in slower development rates and reduced fry size rather than drastically reduced survival (Reiser and Bjornn, 1979). Freezing (formation of ice crystals within eggs or alevins) is usually fatal. Ice conditions on the Bradley River are highly variable. The southern Kenai Peninsula experiences changeable winter weather with freezing periods often broken by periods of above freezing temperatures. In addition, extreme tidal fluctuations cause water levels to rise and fall within much of the study area. This combination of conditions causes ice cover to break up and reform several times in the average winter. Also, under conditions of extreme cold, anchor ice Can form on the stream bottom and reduce the exchange of water between the surface and intragravel environments. Anchor ice is usually a temporary condition. METHODS Study Sites The portion of the Bradley River utilized by spawning salmon has been well identified through studies of salmon escapement that have been conducted by the Alaska Energy Authority since 1985. Six transects were selected within this area that correspond to known pink salmon spawning areas (Figure 1). Survey techniques were utilized to establish vertical and horizontal controls within and between each stream cross section. The control survey was conducted on June 29, 1993. Data Collection The study plan requires that wetted perimeter, depth profile, stream-water velocity profile, and discharge be collected three times each winter at each transect beginning in late winter, 1993. Hydrological data collection procedures followed USGS protocol and methods will be detailed in the appropriate USGS data reports. During the period from November 1994 4 through April 1995, four field investigations were conducted: November 30-December 1, 1994; January 11-12, 1995; February 28-March 1, 1995; and April 4-5, 1995. Additional information collected at each transect included water temperature, specific conductance, surface water dissolved oxygen concentration, and intragravel dissolved oxygen. Ice conditions and ice impacts on channel configuration were noted and photographs were taken of each section. Water for intragravel DO measurement was collected by driving a custom fabricated stainless steel tube about 30 em into the gravel. The end of the tube was perforated to allow water intake. Water was slowly pumped from the tube into DO sample bottles using a peristaltic pump. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were determined using standard chemical fixation and titration methods. RESULTS Results of the winter 1994-1995 field investigations are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 presents selected hydraulic parameters for the 6 transect sites and Table 2 presents selected discharge and water quality information. Cross sections and velocity profiles for each date and transect are presented in Figures A through F. No cross section measurements were obtained at the Tidewater or Tree Bar Reach transects during the January survey because of deep water and unsafe wading conditions. A variety of conditions were observed in 1994-1995. During the November 30-December 1 survey, ice cover was complete and under ice flow conditions were stable. The January survey occurred during a period of rapidly forming ice following a thaw, resulting in variable ice cover and irregular flow patterns. During the March survey, ice cover ranged from 30 to 100 percent and was in the process of breaking up. The April survey occurred during open flow with ice only along the edges. 5 DISCUSSION OF WINTER 1994-95 RESULTS Hydraulic Conditions Discharge measurements during the 1994-1995 studies (Table 1) ranged from about 45 cfs to 63 cfs with most measurements in the 50-55 cfs range. The flows, while 20-30 percent above the required minimum, were lower than those encountered during the winter of 1993-1994 and, thus, were more representative of the winter minimum flow condition. It is instructive to compare the cross sections for each transect at the different survey times. The April survey was conducted during a period of nearly open flow, consequently the surface water elevation, wetted perimeter, and velocity profile is more or less indicative of "normal" conditions thus providing a useful baseline. Under the total ice cover conditions present during the November 30-December 1 survey period, most transects appeared to be characterized by higher water surface elevation and somewhat slower velocity than would occur under open flow conditions. Wetted perimeters were similar to open flow at most transects. A significant anomaly occurred at Tree Bar Reach (Figure C) where water surface was about 2ft. above normal and grounded ice in the middle of the stream split the channel in two causing zero velocity over part of the stream bottom. The conditions observed during the January survey were the most extreme of any seen during the three years of the study program. A long period of unusually warm weather had been followed by several days of extreme cold weather. Ice was forming rapidly causing anchor ice formation, irregular ice cover and flow patterns, water backup, and overflow. Although measurements could not be made at the Tree Bar and Tidewater sections, water surface elevation was about 2 ft. above normal, wetted perimeter was greater than open flow, and velocities were probably somewhat slower than normal. Higher then normal water surface elevation and water depth was seen at all sections suggesting that backup of water was caused by an ice dam downstream from the study area and, possibly, channel 6 constriction. Mean velocity was substantially lower at all measured sections (Table 1 ), in some cases less than half of the open flow value. In most cases wetted perimeter was increased. Conditions observed during the February 28-March 1 survey period included ice cover ranging from 30-100 percent with mild air temperature and some ice breakup occurring at the time of the investigation. Cross sections and velocity profiles were similar to those seen under open flow conditions at all transects. During the April survey little ice was present except for shelf remnants at the channel edges. Conditions were essentially open flow and cross sections were similar to those observed during the 1993 baseline survey. Some minor changes in channel geometry compared to the June 1993 survey were evident. Water Quality Dissolved oxygen concentrations for surface water samples (Table 2) were all essentially saturated as would be expected for waters in a shallow turbulent stream. Intragravel DO concentrations at all transect locations were somewhat lower than the surface water values. These small differences were likely caused by slightly higher water temperature and lack of supersaturation within the gravel; a small amount of oxygen demand within the sediment might have also contributed to the lower concentration. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the 10-14 ppm range are normal for cold intragravel environments and are more than adequate for egg incubation. The minor depression in DO would not be expected to affect survival, but could have a small effect on the growth rate of embryos and alevins (Reiser and Bjornn, 1979). There was no obvious relationship between oxygen concentration and either depth or velocity of water at the intragravel sampling sites (Table 2). Conductivity (specific conductance) was low and relatively uniform between sites. Some concern has been expressed that saline water from Kachemak Bay could enter the Bradley River during high tidal periods and affect the areas where salmon eggs are incubating. The 7 conductivity measurements showed no indication of salinity effects. Salmon Study Program vs. Wmter Survival Numbers of adult salmon utilizing the Bradley River have been estimated since 1986 including five years under the regulated flow regime. Pink salmon, the primary evaluation species, have a two year life cycle; consequently, adults returning in 1993, 1994, and 1995 were the result of eggs spawned during operational flows. Survival from egg to adult in all the above years appeared to be favorable. While there are many factors that affect escapement numbers, the favorable returns suggest that survival of incubating eggs was good. If fish production is considered to be the ultimate measure of the success of the fish water bypass system, then information to date indicates that the system is successful. There is no indication that the existing flow regime has created problems for the fish. SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS Wmter Flow vs. Salmon Incubation Habitat During the course of the study, intragravel dissolved oxygen concentrations were measured from six spawning ground transects under a wide variety of winter conditions. At all times the intragravel environment appeared suitable for salmon egg incubation with no indication of marginal conditions. Problems related to sedimentation or low intragravel velocity often seen on other streams were apparently not a factor in the Bradley River study area. It appears likely that the most significant danger to salmon eggs or alevins in the Bradley River is freezing. Since surface and intragravel water temperatures remain near 0 degrees C. throughout much of the winter, freezing could occur rapidly if intragravel flow were greatly reduced or cut off. Loss of intragravel flow within spawning areas could occur if wetted perimeter was significantly reduced or if flowing water was diverted away from a stream area where incubating eggs were present. Protection of salmon incubation habitats should emphasize protection from freezing by assuring the presence of flowing water within spawning habitats. 8 Flow Measurement Alternatives As described in the Introduction, monitoring the stream flow in the Lower Bradley River to assure compliance with minimum flow requirements has not been consistently accurate in the winter. Ice conditions in the Lower Bradley River within the fish use area are highly variable within a given year and between years. Under some conditions ice effects can cause significant changes to channel geometry and hydraulics. The greatest changes occurred when extreme cold air temperatures were combined with open flow conditions, causing rapid cooling and ice formation. Such conditions most commonly caused backing up of water at some locations resulting in increased depth and reduced water velocity sometimes accompanied by increased wetted perimeter. Temporary channel constriction due to grounded ice or edge ice formation also occurred under some circumstances. Complete ice cover for an extended period combined with moderate weather conditions usually allowed the flowing water under the ice to eventually resume a configuration similar to open flow. Anomalous flow conditions were usually temporary lasting less than two weeks. While some patterns were noted in the ice and channel conditions, there was a definite element of unpredictability regarding the timing and exact nature of hydraulic changes. Because of this lack of predictability, measurement of stream flow within the Lower Bradley River channel in the winter using a stage recording device or other specialized method is not realistic. Establishing a minimum flow release at the dam is considered to be a more realistic and reliable means of assuring adequate downstream flow. Reduced Minimum Flow A reduction in the minimum flow requirement would allow more water to be available for power generation and, thus, is attractive to project operators. The Bradley River instream flow study completed prior to licensing (Woodward-Clyde, 1983) modelled the effective spawning area (based on incubation criteria) and found little difference in useable area 9 between minimum flows of 30, 40, or 50 cfs. While stream geometry has changed somewhat since the Woodward-Oyde study, it is likely that the same relationships hold under existing conditions. The Woodward-Oyde stream model suggests that minimum winter flow could be reduced somewhat from the existing 40 cfs requirement without significantly reducing wetted perimeter or velocity. Stream flows during the current study have been consistently well above the required minimums; consequently, little additional insight has been acquired regarding actual winter conditions during exceptionally low flows. The observations do indicate that conditions on the spawning areas under widely varying winter conditions were adequate for salmon incubation based on dissolved oxygen, depth and velocity criteria No marginal conditions were noted suggesting that flow could have been reduced somewhat without significantly affecting survival of eggs or alevins. One approach to developing a recommendation for a new minimum flow would be to construct a model of the hydraulic conditions at the six spawning area transects under varying discharge. The model would allow prediction of essential stream characteristics (wetted perimeter, depth, and velocity) at different flow levels. Applying incubation suitability criteria to the model would allow the selection of a minimum flow suitable for fish habitat. The difficulty arises in defining suitability criteria such as minimum acceptable depth or velocity; at this time there are no objective data that relate actual stream conditions to egg survival and development. Lower Limit of Flow Defining a short term or "crisis" low flow limit that would allow survival of incubating eggs under all conditions is probably not possible because of the large number of variables. Salmon eggs can withstand complete dewatering for periods of hours or days as long as the intragravel environment remains moist and does not freeze. However, on the Bradley River during periods of no insulating ice cover and very cold air temperatures, loss of flow would likely cause extensive freezing of stream bed gravels and loss of eggs. Therefore, flow 10 reduction to near zero would not be acceptable for any length of time. Flow reduction to the point where wetted perimeter would be significantly reduced would also not be acceptable since incubating eggs at the stream margins would likely freeze. Again, by using hydraulic models it might be possible to suggest minimum "crisis" flow providing that criteria could be agreed upon. For example, flow that maintains 80 percent of "normal" wetted perimeter and a minimum depth of 4 inches at channel center might be considered adequate in the short term. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE STUDY The Alaska Energy Authority currently plans to continue the USGS effort to collect hydrological data under winter conditions for an additional three years through 1998. This information will provide continuing documentation of winter conditions and will be especially valuable if winter flows are brought closer to required minimums. The USGS should be encouraged to utilize the information to construct hydraulic models at each cross section so that critical parameters can be predicted for varying discharge. It is recommended that AEA hold an annual working session that includes representatives from USGS, NES, Homer Electric, and Shannon & Wilson to discuss the information and ultimately develop flow management recommendations for presentation to the regulatory agencies. REFERENCES Bjornn, T.C. and D.W. Reiser, 1991. Habitat requirements of salmonids in streams. In: Influences of Forest and Rangeland Management on Salmonid Fishes and their Habitats, Am. Fish. Soc. Special Publ. 19, Bethesda, Maryland. Reiser, D.W. and T.C. Bjornn, 1979. Habitat requirements of anadromous salmonids. USDA Forest Service, General Tech. Report PNW-96, Pacific NW Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, Oregon. 11 Reiser, D. W. and R.G. White, 1981. Influence of streamflow reductions on salmonid embryo development and fry quality. Idaho Coop. Fish. Res. Unit, Res. Tech. Completion Rep., Project A-058-IDA Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1983. Bradley River Instream Flow Studies. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. 12 -0-R-A-F-T- Table 1. Selected hydraulic properties for the lower Bradley River, November 1994 -April 1995. [ft. foot; ft 2, square foot; ft/s; foot per second; ft 3/s. cubic foot per second;<. less than;>, more than} Transect site (fig. 3) Bear Island Tidewater Tree Bar Reach Below Fish Camp UpperRiffie Reach LowerRiffie Reach Date 12-01-94 01-11-95 03-01-95 04-05-95 12-01-94 01-12-95 03-01-95 04-05-95 11-30-94 01-12-95 02-28-95 04-04-95 ll-29-94 01-12-95 03-01-95 04-04-95 12-01-94 01-12-95 03-01-95 04-05-95 11-30-94 Ice cover Discharge (percent) (ft 3/s) 100 45.5 80 62.7 30 53.0 <10 56.7 100 55.2 90 1 100 52.5 0 57.1 100 51.8 90 1 100 56.5 <10 55.3 100 48.4 100 42.6 100 47.5 <10 57.9 100 47.1 100 50.5 100 47.5 <15 56.9 100 46.8 Discharge accuracy (percent) >8 8 8 5 >8 8 8 >8 8 5 >8 >8 >82 8 >8 2 >8 8 5 >8 Mean velocity (ft/s) 0.66 0.49 0.98 0.91 0.76 1.11 l.l3 1.19 0.97 1.24 0.67 0.34 0.79 0.81 0.72 0.33 0.81 0.70 1.00 Mean depth Top width (It) (ft) 0.80 93.0 1.22 lOS 0.67 81.0 0.72 85.8 1.74 41.5 1.25 38.0 1.26 40.0 0.93 59.0 0.84 69.0 0.65 69.0 1.22 59.7 1.95 64.0 0.98 61.0 1.23 58.0 0.79 77.6 1.43 116 0.69 84.5 1.00 82.0 0.55 84.0 Wetted Hydraulic perimeter radius (ft) (ft) 74.6 93.9 0.79 129 106 1.23 54.3 81.3 0.70 62.2 86.5 0.70 72.2 43.3 1.67 47.4 38.6 1.23 50.4 40.5 1.24 55.0 60.1 0.92 58.0 69.9 0.85 44.5 69.2 0.64 72.7 60.1 1.21 125 64.5 1.94 60.1 61.3 0.99 71.5 58.3 1.23 61.4 80.3 0.76 166 118 1.41 58.3 85.9 0.69 81.8 82.8 0.99 46.9 86.4 0.55 ·D-R·A·F-T· Table 1. Selected hydraulic properties for the lower Bradley River, November 1994 -April 1995. [ft. foot; ft 2 • square foot; fl/s; foot per second; ft 3/s, cubic foot per second;<. less than;>, more than) Discharge Mean Mean Wetted Hydraulic Transect site Ice cover Discharge velocity Top width Area (fig. 3) Date (percent) (ft3/s) accuracy (ftls) depth (ft) {ft2) perimeter radius {percent) (ft) (ft) (It) 01-12-95 100 61.4 8 0.42 1.69 86.0 145 88.7 1.63 03-0l-95 100 47.8 8 l.14 0.59 71.0 42.0 72.5 0.59 04-05-95 0 53.8 5 l.l4 0.57 82.0 47.0 82.3 0.57 1 Unable to measure all parameters because of thin ice and deep water. 2 Measurements may be tide affected. -- ·0-R-A-F·T· Table 2. Selected water-quality data and site characteristics for the lower Bradley River, November 1994 • April 1995. [mm Hg, millimeter of mercury; °C, degree Celsius; mg/L, milligram per liter; ~s/cm, microsiemens per centimeter; ft, foot; ft/s, foot per second; --no data] Transect site (fig. 3) Bear Island Tidewater Tree Bar Reach Date 12.01-94 01-11-95 03.01-95 04.05-95 12-01-94 01-12-95 03-01-95 04.05-95 11-30-94 01-12-95 03-01-95 Baro- metric pressure (mm Hg) 175 759 780 752 775 762 778 754 770 762 780 Temper- ature (OC) 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Surlace water Dissolved oxygen (mg'L) 14.8 14.4 14.4 14.1 14.8 14.3 14.4 14.0 14.7 14.8 14.4 Dissolved oxygen percent saturation 100 99 98 100 100 98 96 99 99 101 96 Specific conduct- ance (~s/cm) 70 75 62 64 69 68 62 74 69 62 Temper- ature (OC) 1.0 1.0 lntragravel water Dissolved oxygen (mgll) 13.3 12.1 14.1 12.4 11.4 13.0 12.4 13.4 13.0 Dissolved oxygen percent saturation 90 87 Depth of water above streambed at intragravel sample location (ft) O.!D O.!D 0.45 1.10 0.4 1.6 <1.2 Surlace- water velocity at intragravel sample location (IVs) 0.6 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.2 1.0 -0-R-A-F-T- Table 2. Selected water-quality data and site characteristics for the lower Bradley River, November 1994 -April 1995. --Continued [mm Hg, millimeter of mercwy; °C, degree Celsius; mg/L, milligram per liter; jls/cm, microsiemens per centimeter; ft, foot; ft/s, foot per second; --no data] Surlace water lntragravel water Depth of Surface- Baro-water above water Transect site metric Dissolved Specific Dissolved streambed at velocity at Date Temper-Dissolved Temper-Dissolved intragravel intragravel (fig. 3) pressure oxygen conduct-oxygen (mmHg) ature oxygen percent ature oxygen percent sample sample (OC) (mgtl) a nee (OC) (mg/L) location location saturation (IJ.S/cm) saturation (It) (ft/s) Tree Bar 04-05-95 754 1.5 13.9 99 63 1.5 12.5 89 0.% 1.2 Reach, con 't Below Fish 12-01-94 774 0.0 15.0 101 70 --12.8 --0.4 0.6 Camp 01-12-95 762 0.0 14.8 101 69 03-01-95 781 0.0 14.5 97 62 --13.2 --0.4 0.5 04-05-95 754 l.O 14.0 100 ----12.5 --1.22 0.9 Upper Riffle 12-01-94 776 0.0 14.6 98 70 --!0.7 --OHl 0.4 Reach 01-12-95 762 0.0 14.7 101 71 --11.4 --QiU 0.2 03-01-95 782 0.0 14.2 95 64 --13.9 0.65 0.1 04-05-95 752 1.0 13.0 99 65 --12.2 --1.00 0.1 -D-R·A·F·T· Table 2. Selected water-quality data and site characteristics for the lower Bradley River, November 1994 • April 1995. --Continued [mm Hg, millimeter of mercury; °C, degree Celsius; mg/L. milligram per liter; ~/em, microsiemens per centimeter; ft. foot; ft/s, foot per second; --no data] Surface water lntragravel water Depth of Surface- Baro-water above water Transect site metric Dissolved Specific Dissolved streambed at velocity at Date Temper-Dissolved Temper-Dissolved intragravel intragravel (fig. 3) pressure oxygen conduct-oxygen ature oxygen ature oxygen sample sample (mmHg) percent ance percent (OC) (mg/L) saturation (J.Ls/cm) (oC) (mg/L) saturation location location (It) (ft/s) Lower RifH'e ll-30-94 767 0.0 14.7 100 76 --10.1 --09) 1.2 Reach 01-12-95 762 0.0 14.5 99 71 --12.5 --OJ{) <0.6 03-01-95 782 0.0 14.4 96 64 --13.3 --0.15 0.5 04-05-95 752 1.0 13.8 98 64 .. 10.8 --<1.2 <2.0 :z: PIGORB 1 0 300 Winter Study Transect Locations. Scale ill l'eet 20 1-:::E w:l WI-u..<( 16 i5:o ·>-Za; Qq: 1-G: <Ct: 16 >m Wa; uj<e 14 0 20 40 60 0 3 z 0 0 w (/) a: w 2 a.. 1-w w u.. l!l: ~ 8 -' w > 0 0 20 40 BRADLEY RIVER AT BEAR ISLAND 80 CROSS SECTION 100 120 140 160 180 200 240 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET VELOCfTY PROFILE Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline December 1, 1994, 1 00% ice cover Discharge, 45.5 cubic feet per second 180 200 240 DISTANCE FROM LEFT SANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge December 1, 1994, 1 00% ice Discharge 45.5 cubic feet per second Figure A. Cross·section and velocity distribution of the tower Bradley River at Bear Island 20 1-::s w::J w,_ IJ..<( 16 ~0 ">-Za: Q<e 1-0: <t: 16 >m Wa: u:J< 14 0 20 40 60 BRADLEY RIVER AT BEAR ISLAND CROSS SECTION Water surface 17.011. 60 100 120 140 160 160 200 220 240 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET VELOCITY PROFILE Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline January 11, 1995, 80% ice cover Discharge = 62.7 cubic feet per second ~ 3 r-~--.-~r--.--~-.---r--.-~--.--.---.--r--.--~-.~-r--,--.---.--~~--~~ 0 u w (/) a: If 2 1-w w IJ.. ~ ~ g ~ 0 ~~--~--~~-A~~~~--~~--~~~~~~~--~~~~--~~--~--~~--~~ 0 Figure A. Continued. 160 160 200 240 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge January 11, 1995, 80% ice cover Discharge= 62.7 cubic feet per second BRADLEY RIVER AT BEAR ISLAND CROSS SECTION 14 ~~--~~~~--~~--~--~~--~~--~--~~--~~L-~--~~--~--~~--~~ 0 20 40 60 eo 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET VELOCITY PROFILE Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline March 1, 1995, 30 percent ice cover Discharge, 53.3 cubic feet per second ~ 3 .-~--,-~---r--T-~--~--.--r--~~--.---r--r--~~---r--.-~--.---r--r--~~ 0 0 UJ (I) ffi 2 0.. tu UJ u. ~ ~ 9 ~ oL-~--J-~~-L--~~--~--L-~--~~--~--~~--~~~~--~~--J---~-L--~~ 0 20 Figure A. Continued. 140 160 160 200 220 240 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge March 1, 1995, 30 percent ice cover Discharge, 53.3 cubic feet per second BRADLEY RIVER AT BEAR ISLAND CROSS SECTION 20 1-:::E w::J WI-u.< 18 ~Cl ·>-Za: s~ <t:: 16 >m ~a: w< 14 ~~--~~---L--~~--~--~~--~~~-L--~~--~~~~--L-~--~--~~--~_J 0 20 40 60 eo 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET VELOCITY PROFILE Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline April 5, 1995, minor shore ice Discharge, 56.7 cubic feet per second ~ 3 r-~--~----~--~~--,---r-~--,-~.--.--~~--,-~.--.--~-.--,---r--.--~~ 0 0 w (/) a: If 2 1-w w u. ~ ~ 9 ~ 0~~--~~---L----~~--~--~~--~--~-L~._~--~~~~--~~--~--~~--~~ 0 20 40 Figure A. Continued. 160 160 220 240 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge April5, 1995, minor shore ice Discharge, 56.7 cubic feet per second BRADLEY RIVER NEAR TIDEWATER CROSS SECTION Water surface 15.6 rt. 14 12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 10 30 40 60 70 90 100 110 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions. and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline December 1 , 1994, 1 00% ice cover Discharge, 55.2 cubic feet per second VELOCITY PROFILE DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge December 1 , 1994, 1 00% ice cover Discharge, 55.2 cubic feet per second Figure B. Cross section and velocity distribution of the lower Bradley River near Tidewater 1-:::!! w::l ll:~ ;:;o ~~ j::~ <t: >m Wa: ul< BRADLEY RIVER NEAR TIDEWATER CROSS SECTION 20 18 16 14 12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 10 30 Figure B. Continued. 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 OIST ANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions. and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline March 1 , 1995, 40 percent ice cover Discharge, 52.5 cubic feet per second VELOCITY PROFILE OIST ANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge March 1, 1995, 40 percent ice cover Discharge, 52.5 cubic feet per second BRADLEY RIVER NEAR TIDEWATER CROSS SECTION 20 Water surface 14.81 ft. 12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-L~~~~~~~~~-L~~~~~~~~~~ 0 10 30 Figure 8. Continued. 40 50 eo 70 80 100 110 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline AprilS, 199S, no ice Discharge, S7.1 cubic feet per second VELOCITY PROFILE OIST ANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge AprilS, 199S,noice Discharge, S7.1 cubic feet per second 24 22 t;:j::; 20 ~~ ~~ 18 ·>-Za: g;;! 16 ~t: wal ... a: w< 14 12 10 0 20 0 2.0 z 0 () w (/) 1.5 a: w Q. 1-w 1.0 w 1.1.. ~ ~ 0.5 § w > 0 0 40 60 BRADLEY RIVER AT TREE BAA REACH CROSS SECTION ao 100 120 140 160 160 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline VELCX::rrY PROALE November 30, 1994, 100 percent ice cover Discharge, 51.8 cubic feet per second DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge November 30, 1994, 100 percent ice cover Discharge, 51.8 cubic feet per second Figure C. Cross section and velocity distribution of the lower Bradley River at Treebar Reach 24 22 1-:E 20 UJ::J UJ!-u..< :!!:a 16 ·>-Za:: g~ 16 <t: >m lila: u:l< 14 12 10 ,0 Figure C. Continued. BRADLEY RIVER AT TREE BAA REACH CROSS SECTION DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline February 28, 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 56.5 cubic feet per second VELOCITY PROFILE DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge February 28, 1995, 100 percent ice cover Discharge, 56.5 cubic feet per second 24 22 t;j:::; 20 ~~ ;?;~ 18 ·>-Za: ~ii 16 c(t: >m Wa: iilc( 14 12 10 0 20 40 60 Cl 2.0 z 0 u w (/) 1.5 a: w a.. 1-w 1.0 w LL. ;?; ~ 0.5 § w > 0 0 20 40 60 Figure C. Continued. BRADLEY RIVER AT TREE BAR REACH CROSS SECTION Water surface 13.21 n. eo 100 120 140 160 180 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline April 4, 1995, minor shore ice Discharge, 55.3 cubic feet per second VELOCITY PROFILE eo 100 120 140 . 160 180 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge April 4, 1995, minor shore ice Discharge, 55.3 cubic feet per second 20 18 f-~ UJ::;, UJf-u.< 16 ;;:;o .,_ Za;: ~~ 14 <f.. >-wCO _,a: w< 12 10 0 20 40 BRADLEY RIVER BELOW FISH CAMP CROSS SECTION Water surface 12.80 lt. 60 80 100 120 140 160 DISTANCE FROM LEFT SANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline November 29, 1994, 100 percent ice cover Discharge, 48.4 cubic feet per second VELOCITY PROFILE DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. lN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge November 29, 1994, 100 percent ice cover Discharge, 48.4 cubic feet per second Figure D. Cross section and velocity distribution of the lower Bradley River below Fish Camp 20 16 1-:::: w::> WI- IL<( 16 ~0 '>-Za: Q<e !-0: 14 <Cf::: >m Wa: U:<e 12 10 0 20 40 BRADLEY RIVER BELOW FISH CAMP CROSS SECTION Water sur1ace 13.9 n. 60 eo 100 120 140 160 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline January 12, 1995, 100 percent ice cover Discharge, 42.6 cubic feet per second VELOCrrY PROFILE 0 3.---~---.----~--~--~----~---r---.----~--~--~----.---~--~----~--· a (.) w Ul a: ~ 2 f- lii w !L ~ ~ (.) g ~ ~ oL---~---~'---'~--~ 'L---~--~----~~--~~~--~----~---~~--~---~~--~--~ o 20 40 eo eo 100 120 140 Figure D. Continued. DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge January 12, 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 42.6 cubic feet per second 160 20 18 1-::;: w::::> WI-u.<( 16 ;?;a ·>-Za: ~~ 14 <t->-waJ _.a: w< 12 10 0 20 40 BRADLEY RIVER BELOW FISH CAMP CROSS SECTION 60 80 100 120 140 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline March 1 , 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 47.5 cubic feet per second VELOCITY PROFILE 160 ~ J .----r---,----,---~----~--~----~---r--~.---,---~----~--~----~--~----, 0 u w (/) a: le 2 tu w u. ~ ~ u g w > 0 ~--~----'--~~--~----~--~----~--~----~---'L--~----~--~----~--~--~ 0 20 40 Figure D. Continued. 60 60 100 120 140 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge March 1, 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 47.5 cubic feet per second 160 20 18 1-:::;; UJ:l w,_ u.<( 16 ;;!;o ·>-Za:: Q<( t-a:: 14 <(I->-UJaJ -'a: UJ<( 12 10 0 20 Figure D. Continued. BRADLEY RIVER BELOW FISH CAMP CROSS SECTION Water sur1ace 12.5 n. 40 60 eo 100 120 140 160 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 29, 1993, open-water baseline April 5, 1995, minor shore ice Discharge, 57.9 cubic feet per second VELOCrrY PROFILE DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge AprilS, 1995, minor shore ice Discharge, 57.9 cubic feet per second 18 1-::E UJ:> 16 UJI- 1.1.<( ;;:;o '>-Za: 14 Qii !;( :::>1::: will 12 _,a: w< Water surface 12.421!. 10 0 40 BRADLEY RIVER AT UPPER RIFFLE REACH CROSS SECTION 80 100 120 140 160 180 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 30, 1993, open-water baseline VELOCITY PROFILE December 1, 1994, 100 percent ice cover Discharge, 47.1 cubic feet per second DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge December 1, 1994, 100 percent ice cover Discharge, 47.1 cubic feet per second Figure E. Cross section and velocity distribution of the lower Bradley River at Upper Riffle Reach 20 1-:::E w::J WI-u.< 15 ~0 Water surface 13.0 ft. .,.. :Za: Q~ !<I-10 >-~~ w< 5 0 40 BRADLEY RIVER AT UPPER RIFFLE REACH 60 CROSS SECTION 80 100 120 140 160 160 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 30, 1993, open-water baseline VELOCITY PROFILE January 12, 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 50.5 cubic feet per second ~ 3 r---~--~--~--~--~r---r---~--~--,----r---r--~----r---~--,----r--~---. 0 &i (/) a: ~ 2 1-w w u. ~ ~ g ~ 0 L---~--~--~--~----~~~--._--~--~--~--_.~~----L---~--~~~--~--~ 0 20 40 60 Figure E. Continued. 100 120 140 160 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge January 12, 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 50.5 cubic feet per second 160 18 1-:::!l UJ::> 16 UJI-u.<( ~0 ·>-Za: 14 Q<( 1-0: <t: >CD UJa: 12 ul< 10 0 Figure E. Continued. BRADLEY RIVER AT UPPER RIFFLE REACH CROSS SECTION 80 100 120 140 160 180 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions. and discharge June 30, 1993, open-water baseline VELOCITY PROFILE March 1 , 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 47.5 cubic feet per second DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge March 1 , 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 4 7.5 cubic feet per second 18 1-:s w:J HI WI-u.<( ;<!;o ·>-Za: 14 s~ <t:: >co ~~ 12 10 0 BRADLEY RIVER AT UPPER RIFFLE REACH CROSS SECTION DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 30, 1993, open-water baseline April 5,1995, some ice debris in left channel Discharge, 56.9 cubic feet per second VELOCITY PROFILE ~ 3 r---~--~---r--~--~----r---~--~---r---.--~---,----r---~---r---.--~--~ 0 @ (/) a: ~ 2 1- UJ UJ u. ~ t g ~ oL---~L-J_--~--~--~--~~--._--~--~--~--_.--~--~~--~--~---A--~--~ 0 20 40 eo Figure E. Continued. 100 120 140 160 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge April 5, 1995, some ice debris in left channel Discharge, 56.9 cubic feet per second 180 I-:; 1.1.1:::> 1.1.11-u.<( !l:;o 14 za:"" Q <( 12 r-a: ;;t: ~12 w< 10 BRADLEY RIVER AT LOWER RIFFLE REACH CROSS SECTION Water surface 11.911. DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 30, 1993, open-water baseline VELOCITY PROFILE November 30, 1994, 100 percent ice cover Discharge, 46.8 cubic feet per second DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge November 30, 1994, 100 percent ice cover Discharge, 46.8 cubic feet per second Figure F. Cross section and velocity distribution of the lower Bradley River at lower Riffle Reach t-::; w:l w.-u..< £:a 14 :i >-a: Q < 12 t-a: <t-~iii ul~ 10 BRADLEY RIVER AT LOWER RIFFLE REACH CROSS SECTION Water surface 12.8 n. 8~--~--~--._--~--~--~--~---L--~--~--~--~--~--~--~~--~--._--~ 0 20 40 60 60 100 120 140 160 180 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 30, 1993, open-water baseline VELOCITY PROFILE January 12, 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 61.4 cubic feet per second ~ 3r---r---,---~--.---~---r--~---.---.---.--~---.--~---.----~--.---~--· 0 () w (/) a: :l: 2 t-w w u.. ;;:t; ~ ~ oL-~--~--~-'~--~--~~~~---W~~--~--~~--~--~~~--~~ 0 20 40 Figure F. Continued. 60 100 120 140 160 160 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge January 12, 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 61.4 cubic feet per second 1-:::!: w::> WI- 1.1..<( 6o ·;,. Za; g~ <(I->-~Q'l w~ SRADLEY RIVER AT LOWER RIFFLE REACH CROSS SECTION 14 12 10 8~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~~--~--~__J 0 40 Figure F. Continued. 100 120 140 160 180 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 30, 1993, open-water baseline March 1, 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 47.8 cubic feet per second VELOCITY PROFILE DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK, IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge March 1, 1995, 1 00 percent ice cover Discharge, 4 7.8 cubic feet per second BRADLEY RIVER AT LOWER RIFFLE REACH CROSS SECTION 14 ti:i::; w::J "-!;( ;E;o ·>-Za: 12 Q~ !;( >I:: wiD _ja: w< 10 8~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~~~ 0 20 40 Figure F. Continued. 80 100 120 140 160 180 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge June 30, 1993, open-water baseline AprilS, 1995,noice Discharge, 53.8 cubic feet per second VELOCITY PROFILE OIST ANCE FROM LEFT BANK. IN FEET Date of survey, ice conditions, and discharge April 5, 1995, no ice. Discharge, 53.8 cubic feet per second