HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley River Water Quality Report 1995ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1995 BRADLEY RIVER WATER QUALITY REPORT Prepared with assistance from: Northern Ecological Services Anchorage, Alaska December, 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION. . • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 METHODS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RESULTS ••••••••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Riffle Reach •.•• Tree Bar Reach •• North Fork ••••••••••• Miscellaneous Data •••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • .... 1 2 2 2 3 3 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE MONITORING •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 REFERENCES •••••••••••••••••••• ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 i LIST OP FIGURES Page Figure 1. Datapod locations, Bradley River •••••••••••••••••• Surface and Intragravel Water Temperature -Riffle Reach Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. December-1994 ••• January-1995 •••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . February-1995 •••••••••••••••• ....... . . March-1995 •••••• April 1995 ••••••••• May-1995 ••••••••••• June-1995 •••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July -1995 ......•........................••...... August -1995 •• September-1995 •••• october-1995 ••••• November 1995 •••• ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December-1994 through November-1995 ••••••••••• Surface and Intragravel Water Temperature Tree Bar Reach Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 23. Figure 24. Figure 25. Figure 26. Figure 27. December-1994 •••• January-1995 ••••• February-1995 •••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March -1995 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• April-1995 •••••• May-1995 •••••• June-1995 •••••• . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July -1995 ............•.......................... August-1995 ••••••••• September-1995 ••• october-1995 ••••• November 1995 ••••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December-1994 through November-1995 ••••••••••• Surface Water Temperature -North Fork Figure 28. Figure 29. Figure 30. Figure 31. Figure 32. Figure 33. Figure 34. Figure 35. Figure 36. Figure 37. Figure 38. Figure 39. Figure 40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December-1994 ••••••• January-1995 •••• February-1995 •• March-1995 •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . April-1995 ••••••••• May-1995 •••• .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June-1995 ••••••••• July-1995 •••••••• August-1995 •••• September -1995. October-1995 ••• November 1995 ••••• December -1994 through . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... November-1995 •••••• ..... ii 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Surface water temperature and turbidity measurements collected during the Salmon Escapement Monitoring Page study downstream from Riffle Reach ••••••••••••••••••• 45 iii INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to comply with Article 3 3 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) License which states that a water quality monitoring program must be developed to evaluate water temperatures in the lower Bradley River particularly as they may be related to the production of fish resources. The monitoring program was developed and presented in the Bradley Lake mitigation plan published in November 1985 (Alaska Energy Authority, 1985). This is the tenth and final annual progress report and covers water quality data collected during the period - December 1994 through November 1995. Information presented includes intragravel and surface water temperatures at two sites in the lower Bradley River and surface water temperatures in the North Fork of the Bradley River. Also included are surface water temperature and turbidity measurements collected at the Bradley River fish camp by the fisheries study crew during the July to September period. The Bradley Lake Hydroelectric facility began operation in the fall of 1991 and was operational during the period of this study • . Discharge volumes in the Bradley River during the 1995 water quality monitoring period were characteristic of operational flows. This annual report is the fifth to report on water quality during the operational flow regime. METHODS Surface and intragravel water temperatures continued to be collected at two-hour intervals utilizing Model DP212 omnidata Datapod digital recorders as described in the 1988 Annual Water Quality Report (Alaska Power Authority, 1988). Figure 1 depicts the locations of the temperature stations. The datapods were serviced at approximately monthly intervals. some variation in servicing interval occurred because of weather limitations. The longest period between servicing was approximately 5 weeks. At each servicing, the datapod surface temperature reading was compared with a reading obtained from a hand held thermometer in open water near the surface probe; during some of the winter readings, ice cover prevented use of the hand held thermometer. Additional surface water temperature and turbidity data were collected during the mid-July to mid-September period by field personnel associated with the Salmon Escapement Monitoring study. This information was collected at the fish camp which is about 150 ft. downstream from the Tree Bar Reach datapod station. 1 Temperature and turbidity readinqs were usually collected at about 9:00 am. RESULTS The intragravel and surface water temperature data for December 1994 throuqh November 1995 are presented in graphic form by month and by study site. An annual graph has also been produced for each study site. The monthly graphs were prepared usinq a computer proqram which plots each of the 2 hour temperature readinqs obtained from the datapods. Temperature readinqs that were obviously erroneous due to datapod malfunction or freezinq of the probes were filtered out of the data prior to plottinq. The annual graphs were prepared by computinq the averaqe daily temperature from the 12 daily temperature readinqs and plottinq the averaqe daily temperature for each day of the December to November period. Complete printouts of the data are not presented here due to their bulk, but are available upon request from the Alaska Energy Authority. Riffle Reach The record for the Riffle Reach intragravel probe is complete except for a period in late January. The record for the surface water probe contains several qaps includinq most of December and January and parts of October and November. The data qaps appeared to be due to datapod malfunction. Graphs of the surface and intraqravel water temperatures for the months December, 1994 throuqh November, 1995 are presented in Fiqures 2 throuqh 13 and the annual temperature record is presented in Fiqure 14. Inspection of the graphs for the open water period shows that the amplitude of diurnal temperature fluctuation was nearly the same for the surface and intraqravel temperatures. Since intraqravel temperatures normally show substantially less daily variation than surface temperatures, it is suspected that the intraqravel probe was actually measurinq surface temperature. The probe may have been partially pulled up by floatinq ice or erosion around the probe may have exposed it to surface flow. comparison of surface water temperatures as measured by the datapods with temperatures measured by the hand held thermometer sugqest that the surface probe was reqisterinq temperatures that were about 0.9 degrees c. too high for most of the year. Temperatures reqistered by the intraqravel probe were close to those measured by the hand held thermometer and, thus, the "intraqravel" temperatures probably represent a reasonably accurate record of surface water temperature. 2 Tree Bar Reach The temperature record for Tree Bar Reach is complete except for a datapod malfunction which affected the intragravel temperature record for part of August. The temperature record for Tree Bar reach in 1995 is considered to be reliable and accurate to within 1 degree c. Graphs of the surface and intragravel water temperature for the months December through November are presented in Figures 15 through 26 and the annual temperature record for the full period December through November is presented in Figure 27. Nortb Fork of tbe Bradley River The-temperature record for the North Fork is complete except for late March and late November when the probe was evidently frozen. The temperature record for the North Fork in 1995 is considered to be reliable and accurate to within 1 degree c. Graphs of the surface water temperature for the months December through November are presented in Figures 28 through 39 and the annual record is presented in Figure 40. Miscellaneous Data Surface water temperature and turbidity data collected during the 1995 Salmon Escapement Monitoring Program at the fish camp near Tree Bar Reach are presented in Table 1. RECOHIIEHDATIONS FOR FUTURE MONITORING The 1995 temperature year (December 1994 -November 1995) is the last year of required temperature monitoring per the monitoring program presented in the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Mitigation Plan. Maintenance of the temperature monitoring stations has been costly because of the remote location, and the accuracy and consistency of the data were marginal. Data reliability was especially difficult to maintain during winter weather conditions due to the combined effects of cold, snow, moisture, and freezing of temperature probes. It is recommended that collection of data from the three datapod temperature monitoring stations be discontinued. · The U.s. Geological Survey currently maintains a temperature monitoring station within Tree Bar Reach. This station collects both surface and intragravel temperatures using procedures very similar to the stations described in this report. The USGS plans to continue maintaining this station at least until 1998. The station is located within a known salmon spawning area and will provide representative information relative to temperature impacts 3 on fish resources. The USGS temperature monitoring station will be adequate for future impact analysis. It is currently planned to prepare an analytical summary report in early 1.986 which compares pre-operational and post-operational stream temperatures and addresses the possible impact any such changes might have had on Bradley River fish populations. REFERENCES Alaska Power Authority, 1.985. Mitigation Plan for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Prepared by Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. Alaska Power Authority, 1.988. Bradley River Water Quality Report - 1.988. Bradley lake Hydroelectric Project, Federal Energy · Regulatory Commission Project No. P-8221.. 4 IRACI.EY RIVER SYSTEW e '.ISCS CiACi'ING SUTIQN A CATAPOO l PIGUal 1 Cataooct Location•. lracUty llllnr 5 u • 0 ffi UJ a: (!) UJ c I UJ a: 0\ ::> ~ UJ 0.. :::E UJ r- FIGURE 2. RIFFLE REACH-DECEMBER, 1994 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 2:.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1.~··-··--·····-·-····-····~···--····-····-·--·········-··--~-··--····-··-··········-··-··························--·-··--···-···-···--··-··-··-······-···············-····-········-············-·····-··············-··-···········-···-···-····-············ 1--t·-··-··················-···-···-····-····-···--···-··----··-··-···-···--·--·-··-·········-··········-····-·····-···-···-···----·-···-···--······-·····-·····--··············-····-·····-··--·······-·-··-·········-···-····-············· 0 . .__. ............................ ~ .................................. -···-··--·-·····-··········-··-··-·-···-····························-···--···-···-··········---·········---············-···--········-····-···-····-···-·····-···························-····-···················· .. . t1f"! ---ijl ~-~1 r----~ 1·-·-·-l:-----·-·------··-·------·-------·--·-·------\ f\ r··--u---LJ \ l _______ j t u L_ \____________ f 1 ----' i -0 ..................................... -. .. ·-·-----····-···-·-·--···-··-·-····-·····-···-···-···-·········-···············---·--········--····--·-···----········-·········-··-·-···---·······-···-········-····---··--·······················--···-····--······ 15 DECEMBER-1994 ,-=--SURFACE TEMPERATURE . .=::=-INTRAGRAVElTEMP.----I 30 d m w a: (!) w 0 I w ...., a: ::::> ~ w 0.. :E w 1- FIGURE 3. RIFFLE REACH-JANUARY, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 2~----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1 .................................................................................................. _ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .. 1-+-···--···-··-···---·----·--····-----··-··-----·-···--··--·-···-·-·---···---------~ ! o.5-1 ........................................................................................................................................................................... _ .. _____ .................................................................................................... _ .................... 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RIFFLE REACH-FEBRUARY, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 3.------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 2.5 .... ······-···················································--····---··-············-·········-···-··············-··········· .. ···--· .. ··"···-· .. ·····-·········-··-··········--··-····--·-··--··-····-·-···········-.. ····-······-··-···-··--····-··········-·-············ 2--f"'"""""-"""'" ........ ,._,...,.,.,.,. .. ,.,..,_.,,.,..,._,.,.,._,.,...,_.,.,.,...,.,,..,_,.,.,.,... ____ ,.,._,..,.__,.~••*U""ft""-""" .. _"_•••••••_..., .. ,..,_.,..,,.,. •• ., •• ,.,...ns•••••••••••••-•••••-•-••••••••••u-• .. •-•n•-•••-•"*•U•••••••••-""""-•••"•""'•IHO•••••-•-.,••-"""""'""'"'"""""'"""'*U••••--•uu•••"'•••••o»-..ooo•••••••••••••••U•• r• ................. ~ .............................................. i,. .. l .......... 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RIFFLE REACH-MARCH, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 2.5-·································-···--··-·················-·-··--··-···--.......................................................... _, _______ , ................................... ., ......................................................... -.. -............................................................ . 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. -............................................................................................................ . w a: 1. --.. ............................................................................................................... -................................................... -................... -.............. _ .................................................................................................................. . 0 w 0 I w a: \0 :;) ~ w 0.. :E ~ I o .5-l·· ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... j[ .................................................................... r ........ ~r······rr i= f\i r · '"'\r'1 \ ,,r-.r--·\ I-{'"'\ }1 J" l.{ll All 11-iAJ" ~1 ., I q r\ A. n ~ r\r-,.\ 1\ ·v~, r---·-·-------..1 -jj·-·----,,------· \ _____ ...: :.. ... ! 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RIFFLE REACH-JUNE, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 11.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1 o-f ............... -............................. -....................................... -............... " ................................. ~ .................... -................... ,~r· .. -1 .......................................................................... . ...... f ~~ ........................................ . ! . l l . ~ \ ~ . !\ .. /1 A , , . I 1A ! \ . i • • • I 'I I I I ............................................................................................................................... I ...... .... ........................................... ,· ................................... ''I .................. . ...... "\ ..... .. . ............... i .. ,..... ... ........ . t I I I • ! 0 . 1 I n I . A 11 I ~ ! CJ) '\ . 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RIFFLE REACH-MAY, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVELWATER TEMPERATURE 7.----------------------------------------------------------r--------------------------~ .. -···········-··-······-··-···-····-···-···-···t ,-··-·-·········-······111"'''''1''1"'''''''''''""-········1··•-···-············1>·•-········-··+.0••·-··h········· ·-·-··-·-·-----... ·---·-··-·----·····-· ~ A ~ 1 J1 1~1 II II I I I! ~ ~ Tl.ri'\M\VffA~Ir,·~JI\/~\~'\TJNflV,~VIV/\'1 \~1 \1 v v \1 \ 1\f\/ n v v \' v w ~ I 1\ \ 1. 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RIFFLE REACH-JULY, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 1~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 1 A-t·····-·················-··-············-·-·····-···-·····················-············-··-····-···-·--· .. ·····-·-·················-·················-··-·-············-····-···-···•·+···-··········-·····-·········-···-··········-······················-···········-···-·············-······ ,\ I 13-+··········-················-·················-···--····fl··-··-··········-··············-··---·····-················-·····················-····························--···l·l·-···~·+•·-··~·····-·•··~-····················-··················-······•··• I 1\ II' flllllllllh I IHIIIIIIIIU' IDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIDIIIIInll: -RIIIIDIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBII --BIIIIIIIIIIUIIIUIIUIIIIIIIIbDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIII~I:IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMICO. 6 lilllllllllmnn•••~~~~~~~;•••••••••rr.. 10 JULY-1995 1 E SURFACETEMPERATURf=·::~=··· INTRAGRAVELTEMP.--J 1"" - FIGURE 10. RIFFLE REACH-AUGUST, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 12-1-·····························-·····-··························-···-···························-···-·····-····-················-····-··-······················-·-···--····-··--·····-·-···-···-·-·····-····-···········-····-···-··-···················-····-··--···-·········-·····- • I 4 ,.., ... , ... _,.,._.,.,.._,.,....._,.,.,..,..,.,,. ... ,.j.J-••••••••••n-U•H•u••u•••-n••--••••••••••u•••••n+••uou.-"""""""""'"'",..~uuuuo•••A•n•••••••-••••••••••-d+,•••-••t•l-••-u••""''""*'"+•ln••n4•+n...,.•.t•••nnuA••••uu•uU•••~•I• .. •-•••-•••-••••••••ounouu 0 11~----··-... -·--·····-··-I I II ' ffi . l;g I ·-·-.................. -.. -.. --- -........................ ·-.... ··-.. -...... ·-· ............. ···-~ 1 ...... ····· ........ ·-·········-· ........... . w 1 r··············· ··········--·-· Cl I , ~ I A A A ' A • I\ I u r ~ :::> \/\ ~ W ~I V ~ ·····-···-······· ~ ~ --·\\I rv._:J_lj.L ........... l ~~---~~~~tl -·····-··-~=~: .. I ·-r·:::-:·;i ....... ··;··~i~~--1-\jj·-ltj··,L..),..;,.-.t . .r..J •••.•• J;..:".. .......... _. ____________________________________________________ _ UJ 8 ··---v..r-.. r J v-v '" \ \ ' n ~ v 1 . 7--l······-·--···-· ... ···-········-····-· ... ;.._. .... _ ............... _ ............. --.. ---··--·--····-··-····-··-··········-···-·'-1•-.......... _ .............. _ ..... _ .... -................................ -... -......................... -........................................................ _ ........... _. __ .......... ., ...... _,.*"'"'-· D. ... 1 10 IIIDIIIIIUIIHIIIIIIIIIliDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 5 10 IIIIIIIUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIII.IIII _ ... 15 20 AUGUST-1995 111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU I 25 -SURFACE TEMPERATURE-·-·-···-INTRAGRAVEL TEMP. 30 0 (f) w w a: (!) w 0 I w ....... a: Ul :::l ~ w a. :E w 1- FIGURE 11. RIFFLE REACH-SEPTEMBER, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 11.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1• J--f-•••-•~-"""n•••:A•••n•••f'\-•••-••••••-u•-•t.••-•••,..f'••J--•.,fofo••'"""""n-•••••••••••n*"'"'""'"'*""'"'u••••-•••-•n•n•nU•n•u•••••-••••••••u••••,.-•u••••A••••••-f•+•-"•~+•J•--•••-••-••••••••••-•••-••.,~••••"'-••n•••n•uno•••••n•o.,..,••-•••**••••n•no r-, r.vl ,r· V. ,."..'c /~ 1 r -"'J · . ·-·-.... -... -.... -. ,_ · •, I 1 1 ' 1 . .. -. ,,__ . \ r, ! ..r '/ F\Vl.:·\··············-.. ···1 -'A ,,I!'\ • I I ·, ~->k... .. , , 1 I ' ' ------<::! ~" \ rl \ \1 i J 't ' " --.--.. ·-·-.. I I ' >• ' f ..................... ,_, i r'\1 )) 'l II I li 8-l-.. -·-·1· -· · '" · 'v-'J . 1 ,, ............................ ~ ..... /.+····~·· u .............. _.......... t I I ...................................................... _, .. .._........... ..... .\ J ' .v....................... \J l f _____ ......... _, \ \I 7-+·---·-·--...... _ ........ -....... -·---·-,-----.. ·------.. ·--·-.... ·-.. ·-·-t-r .............. ,_ I I -.. ---·-.. ·---.. ·-·--·-·---... _, __ .. ,_,_,_,_,, ___ ,_,____ \} 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 SEPTEMBER ~ 1995 -SURFACE TEMPERATURE .............. INTRAGRAVEL TEMP. I -----------~-----------------~---· --------~---------.. 1 0 m w a: (!) w c I w 1-' a: 0\ :::> ~ w D.. :E w 1- FIGURE 12. RIFFLE REACH-OCTOBER, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 8-t·····-····-·····l·+·································--····-·····-······ .. ·--·······-····························-······"··············-· .. ·······-···-······-··--······················--·················-·································-· .. ························································ .................. . 5 10 15 OCTOBER -1995 f-SURFACETEMPE-RATURE ........ _. INTRAGRAVELTEMP.----J FIGURE 13. RIFFLE REACH-NOVEMBER, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 6,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ l . o \ I L 1 ~ rt---------------------~t~----- <!' \ ~ I I ll' I w \ ~ ·J \ o k . A 'v \ , . ~ ~ ·-\--·-····-··-··------···-·-.. ·-·-----·-··-·-·--··-·---·--·-t\r~tL ___ jt·\------.. ··-··-····- ~ \ r\ , ' . \II \ 0: \ . . . ~\ \ w L_, j \j 1 c.. 2 ···········-···[ .... 1. •••••••••••••••• ___________ , ......................... -·-··········-····-····-····-····-···-....................................... _ •••• ; ........ t-r .......................................................................... . :E 1\ f\ " NL F\.j I 1-J \ J" \ ·--·-' w J', rv· ··---. ; r'l ____ / \,\ 1 r----__r-·-1 \ ~v II 1 -l .............................................. l-L::~: ............................ _._ .............................................. _ ....................................... -..................................................................................................................................................... . 1 5 15 NOVEMBER-1995 F SURFACE-TEMPERATURE:::= ......... INTRAGRAVfLTEMP.-n~ J . 0 ffi w a: ·fa c • w ..... a: 00 :::> ~ w 0.. :::E w I- FIGURE 14: RIFFLE REACH -1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 14~----------~----------------------------------------------~ 12-~·······························-···········-·····-··-·--·····--······-···········-·-·····-····---······-····-·-···························-···-·-··-··-····-·······--·+·~-· .. ··-·····-··-··········-·····-··············-·····-········-···················-·················-·· ' J~ 1 o+-·-·-···-.. ----~--------·--.. --·-.. -·-------·-·-·--····-ij~;\~;-;;~~~v-·~·----------·-· .. J~ -· ' \ IJ. i. 84···················-···········-····-···-··········-···-··--·····-··-···········-··-·-·············-···········-···--············-··-········-····:-11A1f1t·--·-···········-·-···-: ... -~j·-················~i.J··v, ....................................................... . II v\lr• li rW 1 a 4··················-·················-···-··································-····-·····-···-··-···································-···················f-!·f···Y················-··············-···--··············-···············-··············.rl .. i\········· .. ····· .. ············ .. ·············· ! ' u, .t I 44·····:--· --·---·-···· . ---··------·-----.::~~:#y\~~-----------·-····-···----·----\1\,r·-;~·· 2 __1·····-···-·--·····-···--···-······-···-·······-··•···-·····-··-····-····-····-·-···&1··· ................................................................................................... _ ........................................................................... \ .......... ) ...... !t". I All .... \ l .. ,il ! • l A~Wi I/~ ft J . I ' t.t-r-·-·-,-'l r .. -.. ... .. _ .. J l ___ ~.., ..... _._ .. " ... ,-... "'~-r 0 • \o \ '-" W s _# v 2 I I -11111111111AIIDIII RllllllllllllldllllllllllllllllldiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIII I IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIRJIIIIII I I 111111111 II U n 11111111111111111111111111111118 U lilA 111811011111111118111111111 IU IIIII UH IIIIJU DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DECEMBER, 1994 THROUGH NOVEMBER, 1995 r=-sURFACE-TEMPERATURE ..... ~:.=~~ INTRAGAAVEL~TEMP. . j 0 m w cr: (.!) w 0 I w .... cr: \0 :> ~ w c.. ~ ~ FIGURE 15. TREE BAR REACH-DECEMBER, 1994 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 2:.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1.:>-1-···-···········-·········-·····-··--····-··-·-··-·-·-·-··-···-····-··············-··········-····-··········-········-···········-···-····--······-········-··-·····-···-····--·-···-·····-··-····-···--··············-·····-··········· .. ··-····-··················· 1-t···········-··········-··········-···-··-·-····-··--·-·····-·---··-·-·--··-······-·-................................................................................................................................ -.............................................................................. . 0.!"'>-f·····-.................................................... ._ ............................................................................................................................................ ._ ................................ -...................................................................................... .. "\ 'l' ... -, ,. .... \ j n ~ r\ J\(lf---·-' ..J .. J ...J \! ... II U ~-----· ---t -0. -·····-········--····-·········-····-····· .. ····-···-···-·-··-·····-···--···-········-···-· .. -····· .. ···--·-····-· ................................................. --················-.. ······-·--.................................................................................. .. ·1 ~IIIWIIIIBIIIIIIIBBDUBIIDIDIIDIIHIIIIIDIIBIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIUIIBIIIIDIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIDIIIIIIUIIIIBIIUIIRDIIIIIIIUDIDIIIHIDIIIIIIIIHUIIIIDIDIIII 1 1 5 10 15 20 ---- DECEMBER -1994 r=-suRFACE-TEMPERATUFu~-~ ... .:.-:...... INTRAGRAVELTEMP. --H~] 0 CJ) w w a: <!) w 0 I w N C.C 0 :::> ~ w 0.. ::E w t- FIGURE 16. TREE BAR REACH-JANUARY,1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 2:.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1. !"'>-f·································-····-····-··· .. -···-··-··········-··-·····-····-··········-· ... ··-··-···-················-···············-··········-··-·····-··········-···-····························-··-····························································-················-····-· 1-~··---.......................................................................... -................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ... 0 o-t''"''f"''"'"'""''''""''(''"''"'''''-··-······-····-~--~-····-·-........................................................................ _ ......... _ ........................................................................................................................................................ . . .--J-1\ , ___ _/ I I J ____ J n , , ~ --- -• . , --... -, - -• - . • 'i r;tt A VL._JL __ l/\U-un.• -A . -il l I r\ rlli.J--fl ~ q I I ,-JLJ YV\ , 11 u iLl L ____ JI. _____ j VLJLJL .-l ,JV\. ~ ud L __ JLJL..J 1 -o ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... -.................................................................................................................................... . 15 JANUARY -1995 ,_SURFACE TEMPERATURE ........... ~:. -iNfRAGRAVELTEMP:' ____ ] 0 m UJ t'C (!) UJ c I UJ 1\J t'C ~ ::> ~ UJ 0.. :?! UJ 1- FIGURE 17. TREE BAR REACH-FEBRUARY,1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVELWATER TEMPERATURE 2'.-------------------------------------------------~------------------------------~ 1.!"t-t····-··-···········-···········-··········-·-·····-·········-.. ··-················-···········-·-.. ········-···-····-············-···-·········-·····-···-····-·····--·--····-··-·······-·················-···--················-···· .. ···········-···-··--··-··············-··-······ 1-t~••••-•"•""""""""••••••••••-••••••~••••••'"'• ...... -•••-•• .. -•u-•••·--•••"••••,..._.,...,.. .. ,..,.,,.,._ ..... J•"w•••••••••••-••• ...... ••-f"••••••u••u• .... ••••-•••-•-••••••••"""""""""'"""''"••-•••••••,.••u•••"*u••••-•••••-'""""""'"'""'..__..,.,..,.,,.,. .... _.,...,.,.,,.,.,. • ...,..,.,,..,.,,...,,...,.,.u•u••••"',..."••••••••un•••••~•••••••••••o..•oH r-· 0 ......................................................... _ ......... -·······-··-· ----~~~~~~t·-1~-··-·--··-~···-··------·-··---·---·--·---- ....... , rr· 1 t u Ji.IUL .. I\r-·---\inr-·\ r\n A ,A .. ..iL. ...... JiL. V f _} J L .. l 1.. '----··------··-------····-- -0. --.. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... -·-···-·· .. ·····-··--·-··········-···--····-····--····· -1 ~II 0 M I DIIIID II 8 IIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDII diU lllldBIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111110 U 111111111111111 b 111111111111111111101101 I MlldiiUIIUIIIIdllllllllllllll 0 IIDIIDHIIIIIIII n 111101111 hhiiUIIIIIUBII 0181118111111110 1 1 5 10 15 ....... .... .. FEBRUARY-1995 1-suRFAcE: TEMPERATURE =-==--INrRJ\<iRJ\vEI.. TEMP. 1 d (f) w w a: (!) w 0 I w tv a: tv :::> ~ w a. :a: ~ FIGURE 18. TREE BAR REACH-MARCH, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 2.---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1.h-l·················· ....................................... _ .......................................... , ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .. 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . 0 ............................ -.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . nr----~ " ' ' I \i . -.. . . • I'' fi .-·-------•• --• -:l \1 --• • -.. -.. I jS Ll 1 1---• } _______________________ , • '"~ U1 l I ~ .--·--·-' j '1· II UVI -Jl -A I ,-, -1-11111 IIJI f\J {-'-V \J \_ .J\ ____ 1\._ __ ~--\{\{i W U IV YUh './ 1 ,_,, __ , ___ ,, __ _ -o . .J ......... --.... --·-·---.. ---.. ~·----·--...... -..... -......... _ ... _._, .. __ ._ ... __ ......... --....... ---.. ·-----.... ·-·-- ·1 hiiiiRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIBDDUIIBIIIIIIIIIIIhDIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIRIIIIIIIIhllll1 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 MARCH -1995 •-u -~-----------------~------~------1 1-SURFACE TEMPERATURE .............. INTRAGRAVEL TEMP: d (/) FIGURE 19. TREE BAR REACH-APRIL, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 3.5-····-······················--··-······-··········-·····-··--··-·····-··-·····-······················-··········-········-························-·····-·········-···--··-··········-··········-······················-·····-·······-························-··········-·························· 3---'••••••••••-•••••••••-•••••••.,••-••••u"""...,..."""""-""""""''""'"'-•"""...,"""""''""'"""'"""..,.""""""'"'""~""'"'""""'"".,.""""""'""""u"u-••••-•~•••••••••-•••••••••...,••,.••••••••••••••••u•••a.•••-•••••••«••-••••••••••-•••u•••••-•••••-·•~••~••••••• .... ,. ... ., ......... l•••••••l•• W 2.5-f••n••••n•••·-•n••'"•u••'"""""'"'"*'""""U-U•••n•••-•un••u-..uU••••••-u••••••--••u-••n••••••-••nn+••h•uoo*<O-o••••••••h••••u•••••••-nu•oun•nn•un•-.-•-••••n••u••••u•••••••••n•••¥•n•••••uno••-uf••l••••u•J••••••••+~+•••u•••••••••u•I-••,.Jo.••••l-~h~••.o• ... •••H••~f•••l•••h .. ~~• w a: ~ ····-·--··-·-····--·-····-····---·---··-··-·· ... ··--·-·-·-··· -·-··-····--··········--· ·-·· ·---·· -···w· ····· ·--· ··---~----~·-··;v-.\J-Ah--.. ,,\J! W ' rd \ 1 \r \ r \ ! \! •••. ·-·-... ----~ t' ' ~ N a: ,. ~~ "J V w ~ 1. ···--···-······················--·-··-··········-···· ·--· ........... -............. ·-··· ....... ·-· ........................ ·-···· ........ ····· ... . ............ -··[·L-1 ............................................................. ······ . ·············-·· ~ ~~ 0:: : ,;Y W '(LJ .. J 0.. ...................... ·-··········-· ........ .. .. -· ...... -····-...... ··--.............. ··-···-···-... ····-..... .. --}-·-···-·······-· .. ········ .. ····· .. ··-········ .. ·-····-····-········ .. ···················· .. ······ .............................. . ~ {, ; J \ \r w . r \ __ i,, f-. -·-:-:Lrrrvl=--P-L----·~---··~··-·-·---··--·----·---··-··--··-·-··---·-·- ;1._.) -0 • 5 b BIIIIDIIIIIIIB II IIID 10 111110 lllllllllllllllllld II II BIIIIIIIIIIIIUIBIIIIIH II IIIII II 11111111111111111111111111111111811111111111111111111111111111111111111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIUIIRIIIIIUIHIIID IIIII 011111 BIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIU 111111111' 1 5 10 15 20 25 -- APRIL-1995 F SURFACETEMPERATURE --·-··-INTRAGRAVELTEMP.~ --I d (/) w w 0: (!) w c I w 1\) 0: ~ :::> ~ w a. :e w 1- FIGURE 20. TREE BAR REACH-MAY, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE .. ··········-.. ····---·······-··.......................... ft • • -I \ I -·····-~-·······-···---.. ~-········-····-.. -···-···:···-\ I \ I \ r \ I \ I \ ......................... ~~ ~v~ -., .... ,._ .. ..... : r~ . . -·----·-• .. u 1. ~-'\ YJ,., __ f·\,J. ~ f\·(/1~~,r\_)\~f" \ }· .. ·\:: ... ····· ...... ·-r .. J-,t-1\i---~ .. r\_I ~ j \_.!. I \ r J' . \f.\ : . I • ,, , r ............. .. \ ' . -! -· ·" ~ -------·-- riJ rl/1 -~ -'-r \! • ... J-T-----~----·---------------------·---·-·: ___ ·_________ -------------··-'J'\~ r-t:l ,-.u ~J 'JL V ~--~, . . \; I \"J.... \v . . . N\ 2-1\1 .1.. . .1-.................. r·· ,.. ...... .. ........... .,L'L:l····· J._. .. "'I ~ I ' v r----\.1 1 ................................................................. -......................................................................................... _ ................................................................................................................................................................................... . 1 15 20 25 30 MAY -1995 r=-SURFACETEi,,-PERATURE .......... ~ ... INTRAGAAVELTEMP. -I 0 C/) w w a: (!) w Cl I w tv a: Ul :::> ~ w a.. :E w 1- FIGURE 21. TREE BAR REACH-JUNE, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 8.......f•••••~•••••-••n•,...•••••~••••••-••~••-n•-•••••n••-•-•••••""••••u-•ou-••-••••••••••-•u••l•f.n..,.o-••ol+•••-••••"'••••-• ... •l•••••n••n••n••-uoh•,..-u..,_•f-,.f~n-•4••+••••-*•••••u••••••--··--•--•4n-t•-•u•..o•••n-••-u•n•••4...,•••+-•i••n••••""u~•n•l•u•n••••o.'t-••••••-• 7 -l••••-..••o•hU"••u•o.fu•n•••-•un•-*'"'"""u••-•-•••••nu•••••n••••••-·~•U•4U••••I•••U••••••+u•o•+•~lu••••fu•4•••u•f••4•••••••u•o•••••••n•u•uu•f•• .. •-+••••lnu•f••••l••-•l•~•lwuu••l•••f•..,••••••+•-•u•n .. «n•n••~doHU .. •uf•••-f••o-ou\••"-tu•o..Jo,..._.• ... •><'>,...U•#•••H•tl>••l••u••.,_••••••• ••••••••'""""''""••••l••••-•...,•un-l••lu••-••f••+u••••*""'"••-•u•...,,.•.,..._., • ..f,f•u••••l••••+""•+••••+-•4•-•1••••4••-... •-•l•••-l••-..f"~•f••••--""*"-·+•••••+ 5--1 .... -1.\ ........ 1.1" ··-r:v·· I I . ~ /l''{ v r. I ' ' ...... . . --· . . H-. i T ,, ···--I u ' ' ' I' ' l·+··+ .. l·-·+·+++ .. ++·-++·+·-.. ·~-lV, .. , .. v. !~· /X ~ \J ~I 1 I ,j ' ,V-;~t~=~ ....... ,d1-} --L~ '· , I ....... : ..... 1. r . , . / " ./ " '" ' . ,_r, ' ··-·-·· i. , I Y V •....•...•. ·\ ·-· --L . ' ' ,/ . ••••-. •I '-' j" '"""n'-Ju•-•n .... , .............. ~ ... ·-·· .. ·--~·-... -· ... ~ ·-jJ II --···---·-·-··-··--···- • ·. .. . ...D.L I ' . -···--··-·-· !\\I 1 H 7 n}lt -" -.rl.l, --·· ·--·· .. ·-----.. i 1 i I \I( VV ' t_. ······---········-·· ---··- 15 JUNE -1995 (-==. s-uRFACETEMPERATifRE .::==:-.:~INTMGRAVEi TEMP. --- 1 0 (f) FIGURE 22. TREE BAR REACH-JULY, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL.WATER TEMPERATURE 14T------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1 ::'o4--.f•••.,""•••-•••••••~•·-••••••••••••-••-••<--••••••••~""""'"""""""~"•-•••-•••-•••--••••-••••••••·--••-•n•-~••••••*"'".._"~""'""""'"..,."""""-*"""••••••--..••••-•••-••-•••••---•••-•••••n•••-•f+•••••••••••••-••-•••••••••••••••n••••••••••••-•H•n•-••• ..... ,.,.,., • .,.,..,_....,., • .,.,h.,•ou•••••"'""""" 1 ,.,._.. ....... ·-············-··········-·····-····-···-··········-····-·········-····-··-·-···--··-··································-············-····-····-··-···········-···++·-·-·•··•···-····-··-··-···-···-···--····························-···-·········-························ W 11 -"•••-••••--•--••••••••••·-·---.. ~u-••-l•l-•ni••Ju•"'""'"-'"'""'"'""'",..""'-""'"'-oilo-•u•••••--•-•nn•-•••n••H•un••••••.,.....,.•...,••n•••u••u•n•-•••U•••&•--•••••••u-•••fo••+-•-uJ•••••--•-••••++•-•u•--•h•••o•n•u•••••••••••••-•"'"""'-.""oJ•I•u•-•u•*••Uoon••••••••n••••••-.•••• w a: (!) w c 1 f -....-..-~-•••••-•·•-•fl••-••"U...,..,,..-.. .. .fl•n••••l•••f.-•••.f-·l••••u•••--•-.J~I•••--I••I--•••-•••••-u-••••.,...••••-••-u.,n••••••••n,....,.-••••• uoo""""......,."-l••t-•••••4•f....,-·••••••t-•J..•u••<t•••,.u+-•-•••+-•••.,,..••••-.. ••••••••--*"••n•••••••••,.•••••J-• .. nnf.•+•"""""'".,.. • ._.,., • .,.., ............. . I w N 0:: 0\ :::> ~ w a.. :E w ~ I --··-··-······---------·---·-·-······-------·------·---------·-M----··-·--·---.... ----------·----·--------·---·--·r\J.--1:. x: ·7 :-·-·----------·-----·-----................................. .. . I W,D 8-l······l···l····l·····l·····l··~-·-+·-\+.. ~~-v V II v ~ v \1 \1 i v.r 'J..r)J \ 1 ~ \ 1 .... , • • ••• ~ ••• -1: ••• •••• ••••• ... •••• '.:-··· •• ··-·· ····-:v······--V-··· ·· ··-··V· ... .J J ... .n. .... .r.-......1 . \ ('·-./ '\r-. . . . . "' ~ -:U \ \:r···-····-······-··········-···-·-····· . ; I . "" . r\ J ·.. I 1 7 ·-· ·"' r' ~-'-IV .... / \: .J / ·~:-····· ·· ..... , -;· .. , ........................... L....!.\.i/ ... 1 { l/ · , ' 'cf -· ' v ...r". .. l'·,, IJ.. \ J ! ' / ·• 7 I f 0 0 •• ' ' ,< •' -.1 ' , ..... ·-··rr··r·.-.... , . .., . l'/ i-:;;;.r·--·----'---. ---·-------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------- ~ -:~:~t···········-··············-·-·········-··-·-·······-···-····-··········-··················-··············-······················-··-····-··-··-·····-····-···-··-······-··-·····-····-··-···········-··-·······-··-·····-·· .. ··········--·······························-··· 1 5 10 15 20 25 JULY -1995 E SURFACE TEMPERATuRE=-=-INTMGRAVEL TEMP. I (j m w 0: (!) FIGURE 23. TREE BAR REACH-AUGUST, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 141-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, 1 :-·················· ·····-·················-··········-····-····-····-···········-···-····-····-····-················--·····················-···············-········· .. ·········· .. ········-·-··········-·-·················-···············-·-···-····························-·· .. ····· .. ··-·············· 1 ~~ ............... 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INTRAGRAVELTEMP.u • I cj (/) w w a: (.!) w 0 I w N 0:: (X) ::,) ~ w 0.. ::E ~ FIGURE 24. TREE BAR REACH-SEPT., 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE \ \ ·-«••-••••••••••••-,.,.•-·••'"""""""""""n'""'""".._.,.,.,._,. • ., .. ,....,,..,.,n••••••-•••-••••-•••-•••-•••-u••••'*•"'-"""""""""",...""'"..,"'"'""••••••••••••,...._••••-••.,....,.•••-••u••••••-••--••••••••-••••"""'"*""._"_"""" _ _.,._..,..,.,,.,..,.,.,.,..,..,., .. .,_,.., • ..,.,,. • .,,_., •••• ,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,., .. _,.,...,.,.,.,.,.,. ......... .,.,.,., .. ...,.,,.u ...... ,._,. ... ~,. 1 5 10 15 SEPTEMBER -1995 r=--SlJRFACETEMPE-RATliRE-.:.-=: .. ~=: iNTRAGRAVEL TEMP. 1 ' FIGURE 25. TREE BAR REACH-OCTOBER, 1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 7.---------------------------------~------------------------------------------------, ·JT~-.. ·1·-··;t~-............................ -......................... ··--·············--········-··-·······--·········-····-·····-·--··--···--············-·····················-······················-··-····-···-·········································-·············-····-·····-··················· .. A .. , IJ • .. ·, . .: fu1 \ \ ~ s~-~--~----\~$rr~r+ a: (!) w c I w 1\J a: \0 ::> ~ w c.. :E w .... ···········-····-···········-···-··-':'-\.. i f 1 J I f ·L i ................................ I --\, I .. ' ' -' \ .. , -·· --·-·,..-··· \ • '· , \. I' l r· v-\ ;. 1 r1tJ. .. J~.:.~.~······-·······-r ·-v . .Jr -' I 1 · ~ ... l ... --r-\f ··c; , ,. \ . ' .. _:'! ___ .... _... ----_____ ,.. ' •i' \ .... , / -I r' ·~ \ I '• ,. .. 1 I v I BIIIIDIDIDIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIB IIIII III 011111 m IIIIIDIIDIIIIIUID IIIII 181111111111 I I IIIII DIRIIIUIUIIH IIIIIIIIIIDIID 111111111111 UIIIIIIBIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIn 1111111111111 UIIIIIIDIIIIBIIIIIIIIB 11111111 11111111111 UIIDIII HI IDIIIIIDIIUIIIIIIIIIIIII Dl I 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 OCTOBER -1995 F SURFACETE-MPERATURE--=-~: .. :=-·iNTRA-GRAVEL TEMP. I FIGURE 26. TREE BAR REACH-NOVEMBER,1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 4.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 3 .5-<·l······-·············-····--····----·---··········--······--··-····--·····--·-···--·----··--·····-·-····---·········---····--···--·····--·--·--····--···--·················--······--··--····--······---··-·--····--··-····--···--··--·--···----····--·····························-···---··--·----·········--·--·····-- ffi -\--·-·----··----v·---1\t, ~ ·~L·-·--··-··-----···--····--·---··--···--··-·· . cc=f _____ \---·----··----· a: -·-· 1 -·-· r ~ ~ ~ \.·-·········--··-·--·····-·---··--·-·-·--·-----··-. l ·-···-·-·---~;-·----·--·--·-~w ·--I I ' '-'··---·--C., -l ............. ,.... L----\ 0... \ -·-I --, A *' ---r ... :;: Ll, --·---(---" W . ''--1 I I U 1--·-·-····--·-··-··-· I....L--,c} 1 \Nl. ' &n j -·---v 11------ ·0 · 5 IIIIHIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIB 11111111 llllllllllliiiBIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RlllllllllllllllllllllftiiiiiDIIIIIIIIII 1111111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIID 11111111111111111111811111118 IIIIIIIIDIIIIII 111111111111111111111111 IR 111111' 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 NOVEMBER-1995 ,_. SURFACE TEMPERATURE ..... :=-iNTRAGRA\!ELTEMP. J 0 ru w a: C) w 0 I w w a: .... :::> ~ w 0.. ~ w 1- FIGURE 27: TREE BAR REACH -1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 12.-----------------------------------------------------------~ 1 o-1···-·····························-····-············-····-···--·········-········· .. ······~···············-······························-·······················-·········--···-···-·····t·I·--···F-·····t···f··-·····Y-,\"\Afrt .. ······-····--····-······································· !:~V \J \r\J tl l t•' • a-t-·····-·-·-·-····--··--·------··--·---····-·---·--··-···-···--~~..:J fL ______ Ll..·-·------------!0-1 \ I ' J. ~ ' II 6 -1 ....................................................................................................... -............................................................. f·H .. --i:t ................... ~ .................................................................................................................. . Vv ;1/ I v ~~ 4 -1 ........................................................................................................................................................ ;;:·~-rv-,-·-·· ......................................................................................................... \''" .......... ~ .......................... . ;./ \ /1/'' '~! .. . ... . ., 2-f··· ......................................................................................................................... ~;~;.!F{Fl ........................................................................................................................................................ \ ................... . r/ \ ,! r \ J ~~ \ ; r .... , N 2 101111 UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIU IIIII IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII 01111011111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID II 11111111111111 n 1111 1111818 IIIII 111111111111111111 1111111111111111 n U DIIIIIHIIIIIIIII 01111 0111111' DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT . NOV . DECEMBER, 1994 THROUGH NOVEMBER, 1995 F SLJRFACETEMPERATURE---=: . .=.=.-,f\JTRAGRAVEL~TEMP.------] 0 m w c:: (!) w 0 I w c:: w ::::> tiJ 1- ~ w a. ::E w 1- FIGURE 28. NORTH FORK-DECEMBER, 1994 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE 2:.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 1 ......................................................... _ . ._ .... -......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . 1-1·•••··-•-••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••-••••••-••-••••-•oo-•oo-••·--•-••••-•••••oooooooooooooo•••••••ooooooom•••••••••••••••m•oo•••••••oo...:.ooooooo••••••ooooooooooooooooooooooo•-•-•••"••••••oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo••••••oooooooooooooo•••••••••••-•••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o.~······~ ..................................... _... ................................. _.~·····--·-----··-.... -.... ,. ......... -... -... _..a..--.-· ...................... _ ....... -...... _ ...... ,. ......................... _ ...... ~ ............ ___ .... ,. ........................ -...... -... ,.,.-..... __ u•+•un ........ u ..... u .................. aa .. u ... uu•••-h-·-·······uuuu .. . -0 . ..,_. ......................................................................................................................... _ ................................................................................... -··-····-····-··-····-·········--··-................................................................... . ·1 11111111111110 ldldiiiiiD Ill diUIIIIII 01 Dl UIIIIDI 011111111111111111 B lllllllllllllllllll diiiUIIIB Ul 01 UIIOJIIIIIID 111111111111111 B HI IIIII 01111111111811 D ftHIIBIIIB II DIIIIUIIIDDII Bill Udlllld DB DIIIDIID IIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIDIIII' 1 10 20 .... 5 15 25 DECEMBER -1994 1--==-suru=P:cE fEMPEFIAl-uFIE--1 0 (() w w 0:: (!) w 0 I w w 0:: w :::::> ~ w 0.. :E w I- FIGURE 29. NORTH FORK-JANUARY, 1995 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE 2.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1. ~-··········································--···············-···········-····-····-·········-·······-·······-·················"···········-··-·-·-···· .. -·····-····-.. ··-····-··-······-···--··-·--·-···-····--···--···---··· .. ··-······-····-····-···········-· .. ·-··········--·--···- 1 _. ..... -......................................................................... -........ -........................................................................................................... -·-··----··---···-···-···--···--···· .. ·········--···· ................................................. -... . -o. --.. ........................ _ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... -............ . ·1 ~DIId ID 1D IU lllld ID 1181 111111111111 lllllld IIIII llllld IIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIDIIIUIIIII dlllllllllllllllllDIIII DD 111111 UIIIIIIIIIIIIDIUIIUID lUll UIIIHIIUIIIIIII 811 1 5 10 15 20 25 -- JANUARY-1995 ,== SURFACETEMPERATURE I 0 (j) FIGURE 30. NORTH FORK-FEBRUARY, 1995 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE 2:.---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1.,...._.·-·········-·-············-··········-·····-··········-····-····-·························-···-········--··········-··•-y•··-···········-···············-·····-····-···-····--··-··-····-·········-············-··········-·····-···-············-····-·····-·-···· .. -·····-······-·-· w 1--t· .. -···········'"···~~·····-····· ............... -....... -..... ..-.... ,.. ............................ -.... -......... J .... ---•• " __ _._.JIItt_l••••••••••"'" ....... _ ... _ ................ _ ................ _ .... -.. ~--··· .... -.... -...... -........... ._ .............................................................. ~.-···-······ ... ··--~··············----····················· .. . w a: <!) w 0 I w 0. ~""""""'"'"*"'""""''"•••••-••Un•••u••·-•••-n•n••••-•••u••nu•-••u ........ •IJo•nn-•••-••••-•••,.....,,..,. •• J•u+"~"'""'""'"'"d"••u•-••••-•l••-•-•--•u••••->•u••n••••••u•••n•••uu,...,..,,..,,. .. _..,._., • .,,.. • .,nU•••••-u•••..-u••nun,..••n•••••••u•••••••••""'""'""""'"'"""'"'".....,h<nh••u•••••nHn•••U•••u•nu• w a: ol:o-::> ~ w a.. ~ w 1- -0 . ......_._ .................. ·--··-···--·····-····-·····-···----····-··--·-···-···········-····-·····-····-···---·---····-···------·············---···---·-·········-·---·-·--··-.. -··-··-·---····-·····-···-····-·--·····················--··-······-·······-···-.. -· .. ······ ............. . 15 FEBRUARY -1995 I =-=-SURFACE TEMPERATURE] FIGURE 31. NORTH FORK-MARCH, 1995 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE 2'.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 1. -······-····-···········-·····-···············-···················-·········--·····················································-····-··················-··········-·······················-····-····--····-·········--················-················-························-·"·-·········-·-··- 1 .......... -............. ·-·-···-······ ........................ -..................... _ ............................................................................................................................................... -........................................................................................... . d C/) w w ex: 0. ,......... ...... ~·--···~-................................... _ ................ -............................................................................ -........................................................................................................................................................................ . (!) w c I w w ex: IJl ::::> ..... ~ -0 w . c.. ::E w ,--- ..... •1-f••+•••••••••••.,••H-••••oo•u••oo.o.•••"*""•*••••••-• .. -••••n••"••n•••.....,•'"••-n•-•n-••O'U*UU•-•••-•l•••••nnu•••-••II'••••••••••••••-•U••••nu•-••-••,.-•n•-u•--n•• .......... •-·•--••• ... -• .... .,-.. ..,.,.,.,.. ... .,_..,,.,.._._,.,..,_.,.,.._.4,..,.,....,.-.. uo+u•u-••••-•u•,...n•••,.__..,,._..., ...... ,. .......... -•oou •1.::>--tJ••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••-•••-•••••••••-u•••,...,..,_...,u•••••-••a.....,., .. .,.,_,.,•-•••••••"••-•••••.,•-••t••••-+•+•n••+••••••••••••.,.•••'"'""""""+••• ...... •••--••-••u--·--••-·-•••-••-M•••ul,.••••~,.+--••l• ..... ...,f•••--••u••••••-u•u.o••••••-•••-••••-••n.,,..•••-•~•-••• 1 10 15 20 25 MARCH -1995 r==-suRFAC-ETEMPEAATURE I FIGURE 32. NORTH FORK-APRIL, 1995 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE 3.5.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 3-t••,.n.._.,..,,.,.,.,. .... ,.,.,. •• ,. • .,,._.,..,,. ..... u ..... .,,..,.,.,. .. ,...,..,.,,. .. .,.,.,.,.,.,.,. .. ,.,.,.....,.,.,..,_,.,._.,...,._ .. ,._.,,...,,.,...,,........,.,,._,.,.,.,.,._uu•••••-uu•ou••-•ou...,•""U",.."""UO••••-·U•••<>u-••UUa,_•••-•••u•••••..,.U•-nn•u•••••-••••••••••-••u-••o-&U,._,.,..,.,_..,. ... ._..,,.,. •• .,.,.,,...,,..,.., • ._,.,.,.,..,., .. u•o•~•-••...,_.••••Uno•••n•ououl•l• . 2.5-·····-····································-···-····-··--···-···-··-····-···-········-·······-·····-··-·····-·········-· ... ·-··········-·····-·········-····-·· ... ··········-··········································-···························-·-········-·····~····················· 0 C/) w w a: 2--t•••u .... .--... ,..,,.., ... -... ••• ,. .. ,..,,.,..,., • ., .. .,,.-.. .,..-,.~ ...... .,.._.,.,..,.,..,..,..-..,._.... •• ..,.,.,. • ., ... ,......__.,._,..,.,.,.,.u••-•••••••n••••••••_._._. .. .,,.,..,,.,.., ...... ,..,.,.._.,.,,.u•••h•-••u••nuu•••--n•••••••-u••--••••••U,....,,..,..,,....,,. .... ., • ._..,.,.,.,..,,.,._._., •••• ,...,.._. •• .,.,..,._,..IHI~••n•hl•\o•-•••+••••-•••••l••,...,~l••• (!) w 0 I W 1. ~•••••~n•on•u••••••••u•••u-•••-u•••••u•••••~n••••••-•••••-••••-u ... .._-o_U••••--uu-• .. u••••••-•U'"•-••n•n""*,..•••--••••••n••-•u-.. ~ .. ~-·••u•u•••-U••••••••••••••-••U•-••••I•I••-•un.,.uo .... •l••+•uonlui•..,•U•f••t-••••••lo•+••""~"•ul••••••u•l•-•ulo,.. .... _..,,Joo•-l•on••••~ w a: 0\ :::> ~ w Q. ::E w f- ·0 • 5 ~BIUIIId 111111 IIIII Dl II I Hllllllllllllllllllllllllll DIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I liB Will Dill II DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIII BIIIIIID I 11111111111111111 I IIIUIIIIIIIIIOIIIDIDIIIIIIIIIIIID 11111111 II II w 1111 Will IIIII 01 1 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 APRIL -1995 [==suRFACE-TEMPERAil.JRE:J d (() w w 0: (!) w 0 I w w 0: -..J :::> ~ w a.. :E w 1- FIGURE 33. NORTH FORK-MAY, 1995 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE 2_,f . .,.,,..,,...,.l••-4•••l••*••"'••l••-"l•••4u••••"'+••••••l••l•-•••l••-•••••+•••+••••+u•-••o. .. •••--••f-•• .. ••••to••-••-,......, .. +n+-••-••••-•~1~•••"'•••••4•+••u• .. •••f<>••••••-•-Un-•--•••-·•-••n••-••u,...nn•••••"""'"""u-uuo•n••u•••••-••••+•u-•n•••,.u•u••••-••u,....,.,...,..._.._. ... ,. •• n 1-fo..l.l.,.,.,...,,.,,..,..,,.,.. ...... ,. .. -,...,.,..,.,.,,.,.,.,.,. __ .., ... .,,._.,.,,..,,.,..,,..,,. __ ••-u••-••••••••-•--••••-•••-•••-"•••••••••••••••-•.,.-••n-••n•-•••--••••••••-•u•-•"••-••-•••-•--•u---•••-.,•-••-•-••---••••••--•••••••••••"'•u••*'"••u•-•••-••••n••·--••••••--••••-""'n• 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 MAY -1995 F-SURFACEUTEMPE~TURE--J 0 C/) FIGURE 34. NORTH FORK-JUNE, 1995 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE 1~------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ e.--~~"""~"-""'""._.""""'"•••~~·••~"'"'*"-""••••••><••••••••••'""U-••••••••••-u•-••--••'"'"'""'"U*'"""""'""'"'"~n,_.,,.,.,.,..,,.,.,.,...., •• _ •• .,. • ..,.,nuowu•••••••-•••.,.....,•u••••Unnoo••••••••oJ••\•••-nf•4•-••n•-•••u•••••••u•nnn•--•,.••w•••••••nn••n•••••u-...a..o•..,4o~l•-uul••~"'''"'"d'"'"'"•ou4U .. ..Jo•ln••-•4h•u•ou-•o W 7._.f•M>O"'""'-•••••••OH••••uu.-.•••••oo••••--..-•u-••••-""""-'""'-"•-•••••,...nn"""•".f+•u•"'"•ln .. •••-t-+•noo"""'"+n••••4u)o-n•••••••••••••••••n•••n••••••••••l•.,. .. -,. .. +u+•-•J•+••••-•••--••••-•n+n••u•uu•n•unoo+•••••••+u••••••••u••n•u•u•••-••J••n•..,••+u4•••••u••• w a: (!) w 0 6--'•••n"•••••••••••.Jl••u•-,.oanu••••~·-••n-oo.-4•I••U"',.""'"'"'"''" .. ~••-•••*>O<U<>•,.•-••••••••+•••I••-•f.-\•._.,.J••.f•nn .. o••4--•••l•u.fu..., .. uil•••••••••••••••nu•Ju•l•••uf.••nf•,...••l•-•+••ufouoJ•n•••f•u+•a•uf.•••l••••l••••••l••••u...,ouuoof•.,.,••l•••f'o••""""IH+u•••\•-•••+•~\•••+•o-•••u••••••••••••••• ... ._ I w (..) a: 0) :::> ~ w c.. :E w ..... ..... ,.._ • ....., ............. u.,.,•,.•+•-uf.,.. .. ~-..• .. ••~\•n...,no•••.,•n-+••--••-I-••J•-••I••u•}••.,4•-•\n• .. ••••.of••••l•noo+u•ln...,••4-•••l•-.,¥•••••f•u\•••••luooo+•"•l••"n•l•••l•"-•'"uMn••••of•••+n.....,<>4-•+•nnuoo-o .... oo.•n*•W•••n••~•l••••..,.,..._ • .,.,._. ......... ._.,ln•f•o-n•••j••n...,.,•••H•>'n•••••••n•••u 2-t··-········-tt··········-·-··--··-···-··-··----·····-·····-···-···-·-····-····-··-····-····-···-·-·········-···········---··-···-····-············-···-·-·······················-···-··························,··········-····-·························-·· 5 15 20 25 30 JUNE -1995 1-SURFI\6ETEMPERATlJRE I 0 ffi FIGURE 35. NORTH FORK-JULY, 1995 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE 1 ~...,._.. ............................ --........................................... ______ , ___ ................ -.............. ~ .. -· ...................... _ .... _ ..................................................................... -.................... _ ...... -.... _ ................. , ..... ._ ..... _ .................................................. -................................................... _ .. ._ ........................................ . 11--f••••••~n••••••••-••••••••~--.••••••••~••••-•--•••••f-\•-•-••-•••••--••n••no<o••••-••-•n•-uu-.---•••••n•""""""""'.,.'"n"""'"""._...,_..,,.,....,n•a. ... oo••""U-••-••••-41•••••-+••I-•uo-..,n•••u•u•on.,._,..,.,..,,.., ... ,.._.,.,..,.,..,. .. .., .. .,,....,.,..,.,.,.,.~._...., • .,,.u.,.,,.._.._.,.u_..,U,..,•Uh•n•H•-••••-•• w c:J: 1• ............ ,.._,..,.,.,.,.,.u••••u•••••••••-••••-••••••n••-•l••--uf.•.t•-••--u-uu..,..n-fo.o .. noou-•••-••UU*'>"...,."""_,"""'""'".,.._"'""*'""-•••n-•n••••••-u••-•.,•-••-••·-•••••-+••.f•u•+•••+--••-••••-•"'•l•l••••--••••u•-••••••••n.,..•••n•u••u•..,•••• .. •'"•uu-•nn•ouuuu"'""""'"""u""""""n• (!) w Cl I w w a: 1.0 :::> ~ w c.. ::E w f-7-4•uuJ..••.&.u••"'••••lo•.,•'-••••• .. •l•••"''"""'"--••-•l·j.-••••l••l>-•••-l•••-•••.f•••----·"""'-•l••,..-l<,.j.••-•l-l--•4•j.•.....,.••I••.J•,.••••••J.•••""o\""+-•·l~••l••..,.n•-••-n•--•-••-u•-••-•-•u-•h••-•I..J·-·•-•t•-••l-"•l••"'n•.t-•••l••"*"-"••-• .. ,.,. ...... ....,..lh#o. ....... , .......... . 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 JULY -1995 [---=-. suilf=Ji.cEl"EMPERATUREf . FIGURE 36. NORTH FORK-AUGUST, 1995 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE 1c.------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 11-t••••-···•·••••-••·•·•-•••·--•--••·A·••••oo•·•·•·•-·---···-·-•"'"''''""''"""""""'''"'"""""""""""""''"""''" ................................................................ _,,,_ .. , ................... .-............... -............... .-.. ................................................................. . 0 1 (/) w w a: (!} w 0 I w ol:>o a: 0 :::> ~ w 0.. :::i: w 1- 7-+••••-~•••4·•••-••u .... ••--•I••J•u•o•••••u--.ue-••-••---••••-·•-""••-••••••••••"'""""-•l•••fo.n••••n•-••••-••••-•••••••-••••(•uJ•-••f.•••l••-utuf..•••-••n••••••"+t•-••••l,.••---•••,.,.••••••••••••-u•••••••••-n•-•o.••••••-•J..•-••••UU...,••••-•••-•••u•h•eu-...•n--•••u•H• 6--t••••-••••••••••-•••.,•••••••••••••,..,._••••••u•-•••-n•••••-""'""-""""'""'""""'"""',.."-•••••••••-••fo•""'""""'"""""'"""""'"..,"'"""_..".,._""'"_.._.,.,.,.,.,., •• -•• .-,. •• .,.,...,.,., • .._,..n•••••••M••••-••••--.-••n--•••-••-•"u••-••---·-•'>""",._., • .,.., • ., •••••••• .,_..,.00.-.. ,..,_., ..... .,., •• ..,.,. ..... -.,.•••~u•••u'"'"".,._'"•• 5 I · I lllllllftlllllllllll II ItA II Rllllllllllllll 1110 I IIIII diiBIIIIIIIIIIII B 11111110111 11111111 Ill Ulllllllllllll 011111111111111 UIIIIUIIIIIIIIBIIIIII 11111111111111111111111 DIIDIM 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DIID I IIIII 01 DIIUIIII 1 5 10 15 ------ AUGUST-1995 ~-==-suRFACE-TEMPERATURE.] 0 Cl) w w a: (!) w 0 I w ,.,. a: ,_. :::> ~ w a.. :E w ..... FIGURE 37. NORTH FORK-SEPTEMBER, 1995 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE 10.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 6......,•••••••"'••H• .. -I••••••••I+••••,.,.•,..•••-••••-·~-.,.,.•,..••••-••*--•·-•-·-••"""""""'""•-•u•""'""""""'""-""""*u••u.-ulo•••••••••••••••u•-•••••••••..-u•-uu•U••••-••••-•n••••-••••-nn~••u••-•••••••-u-u•••uuun••••u•,.•••••u••••4l•••••• .. •f•ou4•n•uuln•uu-. ......... ._._. s-.~ ..................... .._ ......................................... -.. n ....... _ •• _ ....... _ ...... u .......... _ ..................................... -............ _ ...... -...................... _ • .., .... ,. ... ,.._ ................ _ .... _ .... _,. ... _~_·····-··--·"--"·" ................................... _._ •• _ ••• _ .. ~ .............. _ .... _ ....................... .._ ............ _ •••• n ..... . 1 5 10 15 20 25 SEPTEMBER-1995 r=-SURFACE-TEMPERATURE 1 I.() 0') 0') ,.--a: w OJ~ O::J 5~ Ow ,a. ~:E a:~ Qa: LL~ ~~ a:w oo z~ .a: CO::J (f)(J) w a: ::::> (!) LL ·o S33~e3a -3~n..LW3dW3.1 42 a: w Ill 0 b 0 w a: ::J ~ w a. :E w t- w 0 ~ a: ::J (/) I i cj (/) w w FIGURE 39. NORTH FORK -NOVEMBER, 1995 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE 2 ........ ·-·····-············-···-············-····-··-········-···-···-···-····-··········-······--···--·····-·········-··-········-·--··--··-···-·-·--······-····-···-·······----····-···········-····-················-··-··-·-··-··········-··-····· 2-· .. ···--··-······-····-····-············-··-····----··-···-····-... -··-·····-·······--··-················-··--··-···-··············--···--·-····-······--······-··--·--··-·····-·········--····-····-····-·····-··········-·················-············ a: 1 .............................. -············-··----····-··-···--·······-···--·-···--··--········-·····--··-····-···-··········-················-·-·······--····---·····-·--········-···-···-····-···-·····-···-···--··········-···--·········--···-············· <.!:' w c I w ~ a: w :::> ~ w a. :E w 1- 1-·········-~---······-·-·····-·······-·····-··········-···---······-·······-····--····-··-···--················-·····-···-··············-······-····-····-···-··-······-····-··-···-··········-·--·······················-········--·····················-·-·· 0 . ..._. ..................... -............................. -........................................................................................................................... -................................................................................................................................................. . ~o ........................ ~ ......... ·--····-···-··--··--·-·-----··-·-···------···--··-···-······-···-···--·--·--·····-····-···--··--··----------·-···-·--·---···--·-·· ....................................... -............. -.................................. . 10 15 20 25 30 NOVEMBER-1995 c SURFACE TEMPERATURE -, . 0 fB w a: (!) w 0 I w ~ a: ~ :::> ~ w 0.. ~ w 1- FIGURE 40: NORTH FORK -1995 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 12~------------------------------------------------------------~ 1 0-~····-······-·--··············-·····-····-·-····---·-·······-················-····-···········-··-······-·········-·····-····-·-··-··--·-···-··-·--··· .. ····-····-·········-··-··········-··-····-···-·--···············--················-············ 8-~····--········ .... --····-···--··-·--··-·-····-··-····--·-·--···-·-···-············-·················-··-··········-·--····-····-····-···-···· 6-...t••....,•••••-~•~-•••••-·••••••••-•-••-•-•••••-••••-•"""-·--••·-••••-•••-•••-•u-.... •••-"*"'"""'""'"-""'"""""'"'""..__,"'"""""".._"'"'-""-"""''"--•-l•t•H•I*AI"•-••••-•••-·•---··-,..-·••-••-•••-•-•••••••••-•*·-•~•••-••..,•-"-'"""''""-•••••....,_..._,.,.,.~ ................... .. 4 --fu•-•••••••••••-••••-•••• .. ,.. ............... .,..,._. ... _u•M•n•••-••-•n••-••••••n••-•••--,..--.u••u••-••-•u•-•••••-••••••••u•uu ..... •••••noonu•••-•••-•uuuu•-•••••••n ........ _...,_.,. .. ,.,..,. .... .., ...... ,...__.__..,uu•._..,., .. ..., ... n••••-••••••••n•U••I"""""'""..,"""nuuno••...,••••••uu••••• .. nn 2.-f··•-••••-••••• .... -,.,.••••**•*'"••u•••••-·•••..__,.,.._ • ., •• ,.., ... _..,.._..,,..,.,.,.,._,. • ..,,.,..,,.,._ • .,,._,. •••• _.,.,.,.,..,.,,.. __ ,..,..,., • .,., .... .,., • .,...,.,.,. .. ,. •• f.\•lo••-•••u••••-..-•••-n••'""""'"'"'""-"""'"-••••-••,.••-.-••••"""''"""''"'""-••-••••••••nu•••••••••••••••--••-••u•••n•l•-"""•""'""""'"l•"'••••-•••••-••u-~··•• 0 -. -2 'aa Ulllllllllllllllll Dl hiiiiiiDIII 11111111111111111 1111111111111 10111111111111 BIIIIIUIIIII m hllllllllllllllllllllll 11101111 U I dID IIIIIIIUI 1111 d d DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIID IIIIIIIDIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIID 1/IIIDIIIIIi DIIU dB 11111111 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV . DECEMBER, 1994 THROUGH NOVEMBER, 1995 1-suRFAcE rEM-PERAruREI T .. TABLE 1 Surface water temperature and turbidity measurements collected during the Salmon Escapement Monitoring Study downstream from Tree Bar Reach. ~ Water Temperature (c.) Turbidity <NTYl July 19 8.8 40 July 20 10.0 32 July 25 8.4 24 July 26 8.0 28 July 27 7.2 Aug. 1 9.0 24 Aug. 2 9.2 27 Aug. 3 8.6 38 Aug. 8 9.0 46 Aug. 9 9.2 40 Aug. 10 7.6 38 Aug. 15 7.0 10 Aug. 16 7.0 6 Aug. 17 8.8 22 Aug. 22 8.2 40 Aug. 23 8.0 40 Aug. 24 9.2 34 Aug. 29 10.0 38 Aug. 30 9.0 34 Aug. 31 8.0 30 sep. 5 9.5 32 Sep. 6 10.0 26 Sep. 7 9.5 Sep. 12 8.2 Sep. 13 8.8 40 Sep. 14 7.0 45