HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley River Water Quality Report 1989Alaska Energy Author1ry Bradley River Water Quality Report 1989 "RECORD COPY" Retu rn to Bradley Project Files BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. P-8221-000 "RECORD COPY" RETURN TO BRADLEY O&M FILES ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1989 BRADLEY RIVER WATER QUALITY REPORT 7366/1030(1) TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents •. List of Figures. List of Tables. Introduction • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATAPODS .•... Equipment •.. Location •..• Servicing ••.•. Results ........ Riffle Reach .•.•••.•.•. Tree Bar Reach .•..•. North Fork ..•••••••• BRADLEY LAKE WATER QUALITY SAMPLING. . ............. . Results •.••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Data. Future Studies ••••. References •..• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attachment 1: Bradley Lake Water Quality Measurements ••••.••.•••••• 7366/1030(2) Page i i iii 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 31 32 Figure No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7366/1030( 3) List of Figures Title Datapod Locations, Bradley River, 1989 .............. . Surface and Intragravel Water Temperature Riffle Reach: December 1988 ••..••..•..................•.......•... #' January 1989 ........................................ . February 1989 ....................................... . March 1989 .....•.•.•...............•................. April 1989 .......................................... . May 1989 .•.......••••.....•.••.....•..•.......•...... June 1989 ........................................... . July 1989 ........................................... . August 1989 ..•...•...••••.•....•....................• September 1989 .•...•••.••.•.......••.......•......... October 1989 •.••••••.•....••••••.•.•..•..•.••.•.•.•.. November 1989 ..••••.••....••.......•................. Yearly: December 1988 through November 1989 ..•.•.•.• Water Temperature North Fork Site: December 1988 ..•••.....•.••.•.....•.•.•.............. January 1989 .....•.•.•.•.....................•....... February 1989 •......•.•.......••..................... March 1989 ...•••••........•.....•.•.•......•.•....... May 1989 ......••.....•..••............•....•........• June 1989 •.....•..••....•.•.......•••........•.....•. August 1989 ••..••.••....••......•••.................. September 1989 •.••••••.•...••.•...•••••.•..•..•.•.... October 1989 •......•..•.......••......••............. November 1989 ••......••........••..•....•........•••• Yearly: December 1988 through November 1989 .....•••• Bradley Lake Water Quality Sampling Stations ..••..... -ii - Page 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 List of Tables Table No. Title Page 1 Water Temperatures and Turbidity Measurements for Bradley River...................................... 30 7366/1030{4) -i;; - INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to comply with Article 33 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) License which states a water quality monitoring program must be developed to evaluate water temperatures in the lower Bradley River and heavy metal and hydrogen sulfide concentration in Bradley Lake. The monitoring program was developed and presented in the Bradley Lake mitiga- tion plan published in November 1985 (Alaska Power Authority, 1985). This is the fourth progress report covering the water quality data call ected during 1989. Infonnation presented includes: (1) intragravel and surface water tempera- tures of the Bradley River and surface water temperatures of the North Fork of the Bradley River; (2) results of the analysis of water quality from Bradley Lake; and (3) turbidity measurements from Bradley River. OATAPODS Egui pment Surface and intragravel water temperatures continue to be collected utilizing Model DP212 Omnidata Datapod digital recorders as described in the 1988 Annual Water Quality Report (Alaska Power Authority, 1988). Location As Figure 1 shows, Riffle Reach and the North Fork temperature stations remain in the same location as reported in prior years (Alaska Power Authority 1987, 1988). However, the temperature station at Tree Bar Reach was discontinued. River unstability in the Tree Bar Reach area has caused the temperature station to be washed out several times. Over the past two years the datapod has been moved to three different locations in an attempt to maintain the temperature station. Each time the temperature probes were washed out or broken off. The entire data record at this station is discontinuous, and much of it is in question. Rather than continue in what was, seemingly, a fruit- less effort, the temperature station was discontinued. In addition, the U.S. Geo 1 og i ca 1 Survey (USGS) rna i nta ins a flow gage in the Tree Bar Reach study area to monitor surface and intragravel water temperatures. USGS has also had problems with probes being washed out, however, the data collected by USGS is archived and is available for analysis should the need arise. Servicing Servicing frequency continues as described in the 1988 annual report (Alaska Power Authority, 1988). There were several malfunctions associated with the North Fork temperature station. The datapod was not showing the display during a routine check on November 30, 1988. The batteries were changed and there still being no display, the datapod was removed from the site and reinstalled on December 20, 1988. Again during a routine examination on April 19, 1989 the datapod did not show any display. Examination of the data 7366/1030( 5) -1 - 0 BRADLEY RIVER SYSTEM MILES Ci) USGS GAGING STATION A DATAPOD BRADLEY LAKE 2 FIGURE 1 Datapod Locatlona, Bradley River, 1988-1989 -2- N ., indicate the datapod malfunctioned on March 31, 1989. This datapod was replaced on April 21, 1989. A third malfunction was discovered on July 15, 1989. Examination of the data revealed the datapod had been operating sporad- ically, malfunctioning at times and working properly at other times. The datapod was replaced on July 28, 1989 and has worked without further problems through November 1989. There were no prolonged data gaps associated with the Riffle Reach datapod. Results The collected data for 1989 is presented here in graphic form by month, by study site. An annual graph was also produced for the Riffle Reach and North Fork temperature stations based on a daily average of the hourly recordings. Complete print-outs of the data are not presented in this report due to their bulk, but are available upon request from the Alaska Energy Authority. Riffle Reach (Figures 2 through 14) -Surface water temperatures ranged from a low of just above l°C in the winter months (December through March) to a high of approximately 10.5°C in August. Temperatures rose steadily from April through mid August then fell steadily through November. Intragravel water temperatures ranged from a low of just under 3°C in January to a high of about 13.5°C in August. The temperatures closely followed the surface water temperatures in their rate and timing of increases and decreases. The intragravel temperatures were approximately 1°C to 3°C warmer than the surface water temperatures until late September when the two began slowly diverging until there is almost a 7°C difference in November. A 7°C temperature difference between surface and intragravel water temperatures does not appear to be reasonable and the equipment will be checked. Tree Bar Reach -As previously mentioned, the temperature station at Tree Bar Reach has been discontinued. North Fork (Figures 15 through 25) -Water temperatures at the North Fork ranged from a low of 0°C during the winter months (December through March) to a high of 11.5°C in August. During January, February, and March (Figures 16 through 18) several temperatures are recorded as negative (below 0°C). This is probably due to the water column freezing solid and the data should be viewed with caution. Unfortunately there were several data gaps as described above. The graphs produced for May and June (Figures 19 and 20) reflect some of these problems. Only the data points that fall between 0.5°C and 4°C should be considered accurate. The remaining data shown on the graphs should be ignored. BRADLEY LAKE WATER QUALITY SAMPLING The final water quality sample was obtained from Bradley Lake on March 13, 1989. Sample collection methods and locations follow those outlined in the 1988 report (Alaska Power Authority, 1988). Figure 26 depicts the sampling locations. 7366/1030(7) - 3 - Results Results of the final sample are consistent with the three samples collected during 1988. There were no concentrations of cadmium, mercury, or hydrogen sulfide. Only one sample, water from the bottom of sample site number three, contained 0.00022 mg/1 of mercury, an amount just above non-detectable limits. Sample results are included as Attachment No. 1. This final sample concludes the pre-reservoir filling sampling for Bradley Lake. As required by the mitigation plan, the second series of samples will be collected after the reservoir has been filled and the project is in operation. MISCELLANEOUS DATA Several turbidity and water temperatures were collected by the Bradley River fisheries study team from mid-July through early September. Table 1 presents the results of those measurements. FUTURE STUDIES Water temperatures will continue to be collected from the Bradley River at Riffle Reach and the North Fork. 7366/1030(8) - 4 - (J (!) w 0 I w n:: I ::::> (J'I 1-I <{ n:: w a... ~ w 1- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 5.0---- - 4.0 , 'I 1'1 I" I I I I I 1 I I -.. ,. I-I -l-1 1 I I I I \I ., I 1 I I ., 1. I J _I VI I \ I' I I \ I --I -IJ-,. -I --.-l I 1., V -I J l rr "\I I \J\ t 1"' ,,.. -,,..\ 1 r1 "I 1_, 1', 1 .,.----\., ~--.. --L .,-I l_ fJ 1 - 3.0 2.0 1.0 r-.. I I I I I I I I II ,_1 I 1-- I L J 0.0 ~--------~--------~--------~----------~--------.---------.-- 01-Dec 06-Dec 11-Dec 16-Dec 21-Dec 26-Dec 31-Dec DATE SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP , G) c :II m 1\) 0 CJ w 0 I w 0:.: I ::J 0') ~ I 0:.: w n. ::::E w I- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1989 5.0 --r------- 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 ,J \ ,-.I l \ ( \ .. J .. ,,. -\...1-l \. _.... I. \ ,JI \J -r J \~ ,..,-r-1\ - 1 -t ,1 ,.- ' ' ---' ,, -I , --I;__ 1-_ _. --- _ ... ' ·~·...-"-----'} "'---~· , .. -\. 0.0 ~----------.----------.----------.----------.-----------.----------~ 01-Jan 06-Jan 11-Jan 16-Jan 21-Jan 26-Jan 31-Jan DATE SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP "T1 Ci) c: ::0 m CN . SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1989 5.0 ~----------------------------------------------------------~ "1\-\ 4 0 _lhl •-. \ 1\ -,~ \ ----\ I---I I I -,.. - . I ----~/-------1\ • "\r"\\r,..r~r--... ----1 --'1'-1--1 \_, _I 1\1\l\ \}_. ,• I. \ ---_._ J-"'-t I '" I I 0 (.!) w 0 3.0 w "TI -0::: I :::J -....,J ~ G) I c 0::: I :0 w 2.0 m n.. I .,:... ~ w I- 1.0 0.0 ~----------~----------~----------~--------~~--------~----~ 01-Feb 06-Feb 11-Feb 16-Feb 21-Feb 26-Feb DATE SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP u "' w 0 w 0::: I ::J co ~ I 0::: w [)_ ~ w I- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1 989 5.0 ~------------------------------------------------------------~ 4.0 3.0 2.0 ~ 1.0 I' I' I I I II I I 1 I\ "'"I 1 1 "'~ r----J"----1\ ~ ' '•' l'lli!'li\11\--r----"'--"'-II II jVI II '1{~-.-~--- 1 1. I I -V -----I I I I - - - -_,_ '1\ 1-'"-~,t~~,.-llll 0.0 ~--------.--------.--------.---------r-------~--------~ 01-Mar 06-Mar 11-Mar 16-Mar 21-Mar 26-Mar 31-Mar DATE --SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP "TT G) c: lJ m 0'1 . u ~ w 0 I w a:: I ::J 1.0 1-I <( a:: w 0.. ~ w 1- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMP RATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1989 8.0 ... h. ,, 1 I 1' 1\ I \ ,. 1 I I I \J\ I\ I' I \ I I I I J I .., 1 I 1 ' I \ I I I \I I ~ ,, I -" , 1 \I \ ' I -I v ,, I I 11 II I 1\ , 11 1\ I \ I Ll \ , I \ ) II \ , \ 1 1~ 11 II ;fl Ill 1111/1\/ \f \1/'1\ ... I It II 1\ Ill\ Ill It I I " I I I 1., 1/ I I \I "' I " I \I I I I I 1 I I~ I I I I \I \ I I I \1 I 1 • I ~ \1 \ I I \ I 1 I I l '1\ 1 I 1 7.0 6.0 I "I I I I \ \1 II t., "' \1 I L I L 1 I I I I I( • \ I \ I I I 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 I .J • ,. I f\ f\ I 1\ I "-1 .. 1.0 01-Apr -,----- 06-Apr SURFACE TEMP I 11-Apr I 16-Apr DATE l 21-Apr INTRAGRAVEL TEMP ----1-·---- 26-Apr '11 G> c :::0 m 0> u " w 0 I w 0::::. I ::J ,..... ~ 0 I 0::::. w (L ::E w 1- SURFACE & lNTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1989 9.0 -----·--··---------------, II I • , I I 11 1 1 tl ' I 1 r I I I I 11 I I 1 I I I II n I I \ I I n I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I • ' I I I I II It I I n I I I I I I I I I I I '-1 " '-1 I I II 1 ', I ~ I I II : _I I : II \] \ : ',1 -• • ' II II : I : : ;11 (11 \ : 11 I 1 , I 1 I I 11 1 \ II I I 1 1 I I I I I A I > 1 ,' • I I', II I I ' II ' I I I V II I ·~ I I I II I t '' I I I Ill I I I • I I I ', y I I I II \ I ' \II (1 I j I \I I I II ll I I I I 'I 1 1 " I I I I I 1 , I I I I \ I II II I I \ I '( t\ 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2. 0 -+-----------.----,-----------~ 0 1 -May 06-May 11-May 1 6-May 21-May 26-May 31-May DATE --SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP 11 G) c ::0 m ...... I ...... ..... I u (.!) w 0 w n::: :::J ~ n::: w [L :::::! w 1- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 12.0 11 .0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1989 ~ , I '\ \ -II It I I ., I\ I I r\ 'I I I II , ' I I II I I I I • I I " I I 'I I I I II I I ~I I, "' I I I \I 'I \ I 'I ~ I I I I I I I I II I II' •} II \1 •I I I I II I II I \ I I I I I II I I I I 1 I I I I I t, I I I : 1 1 I : I lr I I ~ I ~ \I I I I II ,. II ~ I \ I 1\ I \ I II I V II r I I 1\ 1... I II II I I ,. I' I I ' r\ I I I I I I I I I II I I \ I I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I II I \ I I I I I \ I \ I '..! I I 1 I I I Jl I \1 \I \I 11 II I 1 1 I I I I I I " II I 1 1 I I I I\ I I 1 I I I I I 1 lj 1 I I I I ~ I I I I I 1 I I I I I 11 I I I I 1 1 II I I I 11 I I I I 1 1 • I I I 11 I II I 1 1 I I I 11 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 II~ 11 I I 11 f\ 11 I I 11 I I 11 /I ' II I IIAII ·' II II I t 3.0 01-Jun 06-Jun 11 -Jun 1 6-Jun 21-Jun r----- 26-Jun DATE --SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP ., G) c: JJ m CD . I ....... N I u C) w 0 w 0::: :J ~ 0::: w 0.. ~ w ..__ SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1989 r., .,,r " -' I' ..., I \ I I\ I I I \ "' , I \ I \ -I -. tl~-\. , 1 1\ 1\ II I I .. \ \ I '-- -""' " 11 I lll\f\1 '-.. I .1\." 1 I \ I -, r\l'l I 1 \ \. I 1 \ '--"" I ' 1\-' " ., \ -I -\ -' ,.111 \1\l \r\1 I I \. I -... \1 • 'I I " I I I I \ I I I I 6.0 .. 01 -Jul 06-Jul 11 -Jul 1 6-Jul 21-Jul 26-Jul DATE SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP ., r \ .. \. I \ 31-Jul , G> c JJ m co I ....... w I u (.!) w 0 I w 0::: :::> ~ 0::: w 11.. ~ w I- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1989 14.0 13.0 12.0 11 .0 -i 10.0 9.0 1 _ II. I I • 1 " ,. I 1 I I I J I ,. -'-,.I J \ _ I I - I I. -" 1 _ _,-. I I I I Ill , I IJ -.. 11 11 1 l I' I J \ I I J I. --. 8.0 -+-------r- • \ --L~- t' _I \._1 .. , r Jl_l I --- "\ I I. - .. "-I ---, ,..-, • -I I"' "' _.,\I ----J'--.'-,.. "'- I I " I I • -'-' I 01-Aug 06-Aug I 11-Aug I 16-Aug I 21-Aug I 26-Aug 31 -Aug DATE SURFACE TEMP INTRAGRAVEL TEMP "TT G> c ::0 m .... 0 . I ...... .$:>. I u " w 0 I w 0::: :J ~ 0::: w a... ~ w 1- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1 989 1 4.0 -,-------- 13.0 .t ~ II i\ l"' I r-\ ,.V ... , -r\ ~"I'" r -r-1 ---~ ... -1 -1'1 '-I -vi \ ' 1\1 I \/\1 \ \. I -1-., -\ '-'-,. \ ..... I .}. "' I I I 1 I -_, f\ _ \ fl•t '-· ,, '~ ~ _ _, \ '--11 r--rl 1 ., ..... \. '\. ---,.. I 1 '"flt \ !.. '"'tV I' 12.0 11 .0 -l I 10.0 9.0 8.0 ,-- 01 -Sep 06-Sep 11 -Sep 1 6-Sep 21 -Sep DATE --SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP I 26-Sep ., I Ci) c ::c m ..... ..... u (.!) w 0 I w I 0::: ..... ::J U'l ~ I 0::: w a.. ~ w 1- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1 989 1 2.0 .. -' ... J J '' v" _,,-• "'-,~.,., -" J \ II. -I \ r '' \ 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 01-0ct I -,," \ I IJ\111\1 , I\ n .. 1,-1 I --., I I 05-0ct SURFACE TEMP '\ I I 1\. \ L .1 " -"' 1 ' \ r •'' 1 ll" .r \1" 1 "r "'' I \-\--"· 1 I ••''"'" H\\'~JI "It--1\. -I I lh.ll l I -I J 11 r1-l·• ' I llr ~~~ I I • "~ ,. I I ~ 'l ! ----------r··-· ------~ ~---···---··--r- 1 0-0ct 15-0ct 19-0ct 24-0ct 29-0ct DATE ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP ., C> c ll m ..... 1\') 0 0 w 0 I w I 0::: -::J 0"1 ~ I 0::: w a.. ~ w 1- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1989 12.0 11.0 I I ~ tl I tl I II' I tl.-1 I I r I I 11' ,, ,,. v A ,, I L '~'''' I , \1 I (I. 10.0 9.0 ', ,.. ,, ' '' ,,.._ • I I I~ I ' ' -' ' ! 1 1\l 1 1J '1 1, 1 t•J"J"'I4-\ \JI '-rJ\.,\_, \\ I\ 1" r, 1 ' " ' ' , , lr '"•I '•1 ''""'"', ' ''"' ~ \1 •• ,~, t~J, ... \_ '·''\( •'! ,, J ,, _, '-'>'~ I tv 8.0 v 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 r-· I 15-Nov l 19-Nov I 24-Nov 01-Nov 05-Nov 1 0-Nov 29-Nov DATE --SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP , C> c :0 m ..... (1.) u "' w 0 I w I 0:::: ....... =:;) ....... ~ I 0:::: w 0... ~ w I- SURFAC & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATUR 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 -1 989 I I' \ I -I ""u It' ,~ ~, ,,, / ,,,, ,.. "' I I I ~ I I II-' Ill II I I I I 1 II' • I I I '- 1 ' hIt' ' I ' I II I II II I Ill\ r"'" I I I ,, ~~ I I , II "'I I ,. .... I l I \'"--I'\ I '\ 1\ I I '-\ I l It, I \ IIIII,' ~ \ r, U 1 I 1 1 I I \ \ • I ,o ~ I II II I ~ I I I \ I f\ I" I I "'J I \I I I I \ ,. _, ---..,.-,.-""-,.-..I ._r ~ I I 1/1 I v Dec Jan I Feb I Mar SURFACE TEMP ~--~--------1 I Apr May Jun Jul DATE I Aug --·-· Sep ----INTERGRAVEL TEMP I Oct Nov , (j) c :0 m ... ~ 0 (.!) w 0 I w I 0:: ...... :::J ()j !;( I 0:: w n... ~ w I- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1988 1 ------- 0.5 J ~ 0 j -0.5 ~ I j ------·-----l I -1 L.~--,-,~~-r~~~-·~~· ~r' ' ' ,-,-' ' ' ·~~·,-,-,--r~~ ,- 20-Dec 25-Dec DATE SURFACE WATER TEMP 30-Dec "TT G> c: lJ m -(71 . u . (!) w Cl I w I 0:::: -::::> t..O ~ I 0:::: w a.. :::E w f- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1 989 1 -..-------- 0.8 - 0.6 - M 0.4- 0.2 - 0 -L..-..1 -0.2- -0.4- L..., I -0.6 - -0.8 "'"'1 -1 - -1.2 - -1.4- -1.6- -1.8 - -2 ---1'"-I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITITTTfnTTTTnTTTTTTTlTTflTITfTTTl'TTTr-rTT TTfTTTTTTfTT1TITTTTTTffTITTTTriTTTrrn T I )I I I I I I I I I I I rTnTrTfTTTlTTTT 01-Jcn 05-Jcn 1 0-Jcn 15-Jcn DATE SURFACE WATER TEMP 20-Jcn 24-Jan 29-Jan ., Ci) c: :0 m .... (J) u C) w 0 I w I a::: N ::J 0 ~ I a::: w 0... ~ w I- o.:r I 0.61 0.4, 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 I WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1989 ----·-------------------·------·--·--·--------···----------------~ I I I I I I I I I I -1.4--1 r u , -1.6l I -1.8 ~ J -2 I•• 11 lrnrrmTTTTTfn iltilltrrrrrTTTTTflTTTrTTTmTTrTTT-rrn"mTTITTTTTlTTT""mTTimrTTfTTTTTTTTrrrn 01-Feb 05-Feb 1 0-Feb 15-Feb DATE SURFACE WATER TEMP 20-Feb 24-Feb "T1 G> c lJ m ~ ""~ u . (.!) w 0 I w I (}::: N ::J ~ ,_. I (}::: w 0... ::E w 1- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1989 ---· -----~--·--~ 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 I I ! -2 I -2.5 LrmrrrmrrrnTTrrnTrTTTTJTTflTTTITITTTTTTTTTTTflTTTTTm-rrrrTTTTT"'flTTnTTTTITIIIIIIIIJIIIIIITTTri.TTTTI'''''''' 01-Mar 05-Mar 1 0-Mar 15-Mar DATE --SURFACE WATER TEMP 20-Mar 24-Mar 29-Mar '11 G) c :::0 m ... ():) u '-' w 0 I w I a:: N ::J N ~ I a:: w [L 2: w ...._ WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1989 5 ....,.....--,-- 4- 31 2 -1 I r---'1 n l 1 -u 'l l I 0 L ................................................................................................................................ . 20-Apr 26-Apr 01-May 07-May 12-May 18-May 23-May 29-Moy DATE --SURFACE WATER TEMP , G> c ::0 m .... co u C) w 0 I w I 0:: N ::J w ~ I 0:: w a.. :::2 w ..._ 5 4 - 3 - 2 - - 0 01-Jun .. . I • 05-Jun WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1989 . , •t II Ill I I ill IiI Iii 111111 111111111111111J11111 J 1111111111111111111111111 I 1111111111 1 0-Jun 15-Jun DATE SURFACE WATER TEMP 20-Jun 24-Jun 29-Jun "11 Ci) c ::0 m 1\l 0 u (.!) w 0 I w I 0::: N :J ~ 1- I <{ 0::: w § w 1- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1989 12 ~--------------------------------------------------~ I I ! I 11 -; I I . ; I 10 ~ I j j ~ I I 1A j I n . I 9 I .., 8 7 6~ I I I I i " I I 5 ~m' om npttmnrn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U mnnm "'J' mn OTOTnnTOTOITmmn OTrronnrm OTn-OTTITOTTTrrpn 0 0 ITnTnTTn "J'J 28-Jul 02-Aug 06-Aug 11-Aug 16-Aug DATE -SURFACE WATER TEMP 21-Aug 25-Aug 30-Aug "TT -C,) c :0 m 1\l -4 0 (!) w 0 I w I 0::: N ::J r.r ~ 0::: w 0.. ::E w 1- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1989 10 ~----------------------------------------------------------~ 9 8 . I v 71 A AA A A A A A A A 6 5 4 'iiiiillilliiiiilllll 1 II I I I illiillllliiiiiililililll liiiiiiilllllilliliiiiillllllilliillililillllilliiiiillliiiiilliiili 01-Sep 05-Sep 10-Sep 15-Sep DATE --SURFACE WATER TEMP 20-Sep 24-Sep 29-Sep ., G> c ::c m 1\) 1\) u " w 0 I w 0::: I ::J N CT'I ~ I 0::: w a... ::!: w I- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1989 7 ~-------------------------------------------------------. 6 5 4 3 2 n l A A 1 0 -1 \iiiiliilliiiiillillilllliiliiilliliillliillillillilliliilllllillllliilliiillliliiillliiilliliiliiiiiiiiilliiilllilliiilliil 01-0ct 05-0ct 1 0-0ct 15-0ct DATE --SURFACE WATER TEMP 20-0ct 24-0ct 29-0ct , Ci) c :u m 1\) (.) 0 C) w 0 I w I n:: N ::J "'-J ~ I n:: w £L :::! w 1- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1989 :r I I 3 -1 2~ 1~ I I u I o -1 I -1 L. m•m rrr= nm. rrpmm nnnn~rrnn rmnrrn mrprrrrrnrmmrrrpmrrrmrn-m,.J 01-Nov 05-Nov 1 0-Nov 15-Nov DATE --SURFACE WATER TEMP 20-Nov 24-Nov 29-Nov '"r1 (j) c: ::0 m 1\) ~ . 12 1 1 10 9 8 (.J (!) 7 w 0 I 6 w 5 I 0::: N :::> o:> ~ I 4 w a_ 3 ::.:! w 1- 2 1 0 -1 -2 Dec Feb WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1988 -1989 ~ar 1 Apr Jun JUL Aug DATE SURFACE WATER TE~P Sep I Oct Nov ., G) c :::0 m f\) 01 0 MILES e WATER QUALITY SAMPLING STATION BRADLEY 2 FIGURE 26. Bradley Lake Water Quality Sampling Stations -29- N • DATE July 11, 1989 July 12, 1989 July 13, 1989 July 14, 1989 July 18, 1989 July 19, 1989 July 20, 1989 July 25, 1989 July 26, 1989 July 27, 1989 August 1, 1989 August 2, 1989 August 3, 1989 August 7, 1989 August 8, 1989 August 9, 1989 August 15, 1989 August 16, 1989 August 17, 1989 August 22, 1989 August 23, 1989 August 24, 1989 August 29, 1989 August 30, 1989 August 31, 1989 September 7, 1989 September 8, 1989 September 9, 1989 TABLE 1 Water Temperature and Turbidity Measurements For Bradley River* WATER TURBIDITY TEMPERATURE (C) (NTU) 11 40 12 51 11.5 46 10.5 58 9 71 11 93 11 52 9 98 11 97 9 95 10 34 11 40 12 25 11.5 57 11 45 11 105 12 55 13 60 13 59 11 57 11 52 12 61 11 68 11 66 11 67 11 95 11 90 11 200 *All measurements obtained at Tree Bar Reach. 7366/1030(9) -30 - References Alaska Power Authority, Mitigation Plan, 1985. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Report Prepared by Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. Alaska Power Authority, Bradley River Water Quality Report, 1987. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. P-8221-000. ---------' Bradley River Water Quality Report, 1988. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. P-8221-000. 7366/1030 (10) -31 - ATTACHMENT 1 Bradley Lake Water Quality Measurements 7366/1030(11) -32 - .. AECOAOCOPY FILE NO . £1\.J II 1,-7 ~~~...:'\ CHEMICAL & GEOWGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92-0040440 llALJSIS REPORT BY S!KPLE for Work Order I 12147 Date Report Printed: MAR 22 89 t 10:17 Client Sample ID:SITE 11, TOP PWSID :UA Collected MAR 13 89 t hu. leeeiYed MAR 14 89 t 10:00 hrr. PreaerYed with :AS REQUIRED lnalyril Completed :MAR 20 89 Labot•toty Su~st!PBIM C. !D! Rdeaud By: C.,.~ Special Inatruct: Chemlab Ref I: 4519 Parameter Tested CADMIUM MERCURI HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab S.pl ID: 1 Sample SANPLE COLLECTED BI D.T. Re~~~arka: RECEIVED MAR 2 41989 ALASKA POWER AIJ11tORlTY Matrix: WATER Reault/Unita MD(0.002) '1111/l IID(0.0002) 119/l IID(0.002) 119/l Client Name : AI POWER lOTH Client Acct : AIPWRAP P.O.I NOME R!C'D Req I Ordered By : TOM ARMIMSU/Dl91 ftUIICII Send Report• to: l)U PONER lOTH 2) Method GF 1DEC18.UC80 Allowable Lilli ta 0.0002 ··········-···························································································-······· 3 Terta Perfor .. d MD· None Detected NA· Mot Analyzed ' See Special Instructions Aboye •• See Sample Remarks lboye LT•Leaa Than, GT·Greater Than UA·Unan1lable CHEMICAL & GEOWGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 I 92-0040440 AMALYSIS lEPORT 8Y SlKPLE for Work Order t 12147 Date Report Printed: Jll.R 22 89 I 10:17 Client Sample ID:SITE tl, MIDDLE PWSID :01 Collected MAR 13 89 f hrs. Received MAR 14 89 I 10:00 hrs. Preserved with :AS REQUIRED lnalyait Completed :MAR 20 89 Laboratory Sup~PHEH C. EDE Releaud By : / _ C~ ~ Special Inctruct: Chealab Ref t: 4)19 Para.eter Tetted CADMIUM MERCURY HYDROGEH SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 2 Matrix: WATER P.uul t /Un1 t 1 HD(0.002) ~~g/1 HD(0.0002) ~~g/1 HD(0.002) ~~g/1 Sample SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D.T. Re1111r ka: 3 Te1ts Performed MD• Hone Detected HA· Hot Analyzed • See Special Inatructlons Above '' See Sample Remark• Above LT•Le11 Than, GT·Greater Than Client Ma.a : AK POMER lOTH Client lcct : lEPMBAP P.O.t MOHE REC'D Req t Ordered By : TOM ARMIHSKI/DAVE TRUDGEH Send Report• to: 1)Al PQIIIZP. AUTH 2) Method GP 1DEC18UC80 UA•Unanilable Allowable Liaitl 0.0002 CHEMICAL & GEOWGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92.0040440 ANALYSIS REPORt BY SiMPLE for Work Order I 12147 Date Report Printed: MAR 22 89 t 10:18 Client Sample ID:SltE 11, BOTtOM PWSID :UA Collected MAR 13 89 t hu. Received MAR 14 89 t 10:00 hu. Preaerted with :AS REQUIRED Analy111 Coaplettd :MAR 20 89 Laboratory Sup~BEM C. EDE Reltued By : _/ C. ... £,tt__- Client Mane : A! POWER AUTH Client Acct : A!PWRAP P.O.I NONE REC"D l\eq • Ordtrtd By : tON ARNI11Sli/DA VE tRUDGEN Send Report• to: 1)11 POWER AOTH 2) ····································------·-···································································-··-·············--·- Special Inatruct: Chemlab Rtf I: 4519 Parameter teated CADMIUM MERCURY HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Snpl ID: 3 Matrix: WAtER Reault/Un1 ta lfD(0.002) ~~g/1 lfD( 0 . 0002) 1119/1 MD(0.002) IIIJ/1 Suple Re111rka: SAMPLE COLLECtED BY D.T. 3 teata Performed MD· Mont Detected MA· Not Analyzed • See Special Instructions Above •• See Sa•ple Rem~rks Above Lt•Ltll than. Gt-Greater than Method GF ADEC18AAC80 UA•Unavailable Allowable Lilli tt 0.0002 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 tl 92..0040440 AllLYSIS REPORT BY SlNPL£ for Work Order t 12147 Date Report Printed: MAR 22 89 4 10:19 Client Sample ID:SITE 12, TOP PWSID :UA Collected MAR 13 89 4 bra. Received MAR 14 89 t 10:00 hra. Praaervad v1th :AS REQUIRED lnaly111 Completed :MAR 20 89 Lobo'''''' Su~!PHEN C. !D! Released By : C, (tt_-- Client Ha.a : l~ POWER AUTH Client lcct : A~PWRAP P.O.t HOWE REC'D Req. Ordered By : TOM ARMIHSKI/DAVE TRUDGEN Send Reports to: 1)11 POWER lUTB 2) ···················-····················-········-·····-·························--··········-······································ Special In~truct: Chealab Ref t: 4519 Para.ater Teated CADMIUM MERCURY HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Sapl ID: 4 Sample SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D.t. Renad:a: Matrix: WATER Reaul t/Uni ts ID(0.002) JaJ/1 HD(0.0002) mg/1 HD(0.002) mg/1 Method GF ADEC18l1C80 lllovable L11l1ts 0.0002 ··········•·•········•·······•··•·••···•·····•·•·················•··•··•···•········•·•···•··················· 3 Teata Perforned ID• Hone Detected MA· Mot Analyzed • See Special Instructions Above •• See Sample Reaarks Above Lt•Leaa Than, GT·Greater Than UA·IlMvailable CHEMICAL & GEOWGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE {907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 9.2-0040440 ANlLYSIS &!PORT Bt SAMPLE for Work Order I 12147 Date Report Printed: MAR 22 89 f 10:19 Client Sample ID:SITE 12. MIDDLE PWSID :UA Collected MAR 13 89 t bra. &eceivtd N!R 14 89 t 10:00 bra. Prtlttted With :AS REQUIRED !nalya11 Completed :MAR 20 89 Laboratory Sup~PBEN ~~EDE &eleattd By :~ ~, ~ Special Inttruct: Chealab &ef I: 4519 Parameter Tested CADMIUM MERCURI HtD&OGEN SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 5 Saaple haarka: SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D.T. Matrix: WltER Resul t/Un1 ts 111l(0.002) ~~q/1 111l(0.0002) ~~q/1 111)(0.002) ~~g/1 Client Jaae : A~ POWER AUTH Client Acct : A~PWRAP P.O.I NOME REC'D Rtql Otdered By : TON ARMINSli/DAVE TRUDGEN Send Rtporta to: 1)11 POWE& AUTH 2) Method GF ADEC18UC80 Allowablt Lilli ta 0.0002 ··················-····················-···················-·················································· 3 Test1 Perfor111d MD· Mont Detected NA• Not Analyzed ' See Special Inatruct1ons Abott •• See Saaple &eRerk• Abott LT·L•s• Than, GT·Greater Than UA·Unava!lable CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92.()()40440 AMALJSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 12147 Date Report Printed: MAR 22 89 t 10:20 Client Sample ID:SITE 12, BOTTOM PWSID :UA Collected MAR 13 89 t bra. Rece1Ted MAR 14 89 I 10:00 bra. Pre1erTed with :AS REQUIRED Analya1a Completed :KA& 20 89 L•>o•atoty Su~IPBEI.>, IDE Released By : C... ~ Client laae : A~ POWER AUTH Client Aect : A~WRAP P.O.t NOME REC'D Req I Ordered By : TOM ARMIRSli/DAvt TRUDGEN Send Report• to: 1)11 POWER AUTB 2) ·------·-···--·-·····························-·····················································································- Special Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 4519 Paraaete[ Teated CADMIUM MERCURY HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Sapl ID: 6 Sample SAMPLE COLLECTED BJ D.T. RaMtks: Mattix: WATER Result/Uni tl RD(0.002) 1111/l RD(0.0002) 1111/l ND(0.002) IIIJ/1 Xethod Gl lDlC18AAC80 Allowable L1111t1 0.0002 ···································································-··················-············-·········· 3 Tests Performed MD· None Dttected IIA· Not Analyzed • See Special Instruction• AboTt •• See Samplt Reaark1 AboTt L!·Lea• Than, GT·Greater Than UA•Unanilable CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92-0040440 AIALTSlS REPORT BT SAMPLE for Work Order I 12147 Date Report Printed: MAR 22 89 t 10:21 Client Saaple lD:SlTE 13, TOP PWSlD :UA Collected MAR 13 89 I bra. Received MAR 14 89 t 10:00 bra. Preaerved vith :AS REQUIRED lnalyaia Completed :MAR 20 89 Laboratory Supe~~EPBEM C. EDE Releaud By : """"T e. ~ Special lnltruct: Cbealab Ref t: 4S19 Parameter Tested CADMIUM NERCURT BIDROGEII SULFIDE Lab Sllpl ID: 7 Suple SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D.T. Rtaark1: Matrix: WATER Ruult/Unita ID(0.002) r.;/1 )11)(0.0002) r.;/1 )11)(0.002) r.;/1 Client II._. : l~ POWER AUTH Client Acct : l~PWRAP P.O.t MORE REC'D Req I Ordered By : TOM AIOOIISU/Dlvt TRUDGEII Send Report a to: 1)ll\ POWER AUTH 2) Method GF !DEC18llC80 lllovable Lillitl 0.0002 ·······················································································--··············-······ 3 Teat• Perforned ID· !lone Detected IIA• Mot Analyzed • See Special Instructions Above •• See Sample Reaark1 Above LT•Lea• Than, GT·Greater Than UA•Unava1lable CHEMICAL & GEOWGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASRA., INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92.(1040440 liALISIS REPORT II SAMPLE for Work Order I 12147 Date Report Printed: NlR 22 89 t 10:21 Client Sa.plt ID:SITE 13, MIDDLE PWSID :UA Collected NlR 13 89 I bra. Rece1Ytd NlR 14 89 I 10:00 bra. PreterYed with :AS REQUIRED Analytil Completed :MAR 20 89 Laboratory Sup~S=EPBEM C. ED£ Rtltand By : '/"' -C. r:tt---" Client Name : Al POWER AUTH Client Aect : AlPWRAP P.O.I NONE REC'D Reql Ordered ly : TOM ARMINSII/DAVE TRUDGEN Send 1\eportl to: 1)11 POWER AUTH 2) ·····································~·-·········-···············-·--·--···························································· Special In~truct: Chealab Ref I: 4Sl9 . Parameter Tested CADNIUX If!! CUR I HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Sap! ID: 8 Sample Re111rk1: SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D.T. Matrix: WATER Reault/Un1 t1 KD(0.002) mg/1 111)(0.0002) mg/1 111)(0.002) mg/1 Method GF ADEC18.UC80 Allowable L1111t• 0.0002 ··••·•··•······•····•··•····••·••·•··•·•··•·•·······•··•····•··•·•··•··············•··•·•·······•·•··········· 3 Te1t1 Perforn.d MD· None Detected NA· Not Analyzed • See Special Inatruct1ona AboYe •• See Sample Remarks Above LT·L••• Than, GT•Greater Than UA•Unan1lable .. CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 II 92-00.C0-440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order t 12147 Date Report Printed: MAR 22 89 f 10:22 Client Sanplt ID:SITE t3, BOTTOM PWSID :UA Collected MAl 13 89 f hit. Rece1Ted MAl 14 89 t 10:00 bra. PreserTed with :AS REQUIRED lnaly111 Coapleted :MAl 20 89 L•bo•ato•Y Supo~RIM C. !D! Relea1td By : C..,~ Special Inatruct: Chealab Ref I: 4519 Parameter Tested CADIIIDK KEBCIJRT HIDROGEN SULfiDE ~le SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D.T. Remarks: Matrix: WATER Result/Unite ND(0.002) ~~g/1 0.00022 IIIQ/1 ND(0.002) ~~g/1 Client Name : A~ POWER AUTH Client lcct : A~PWRAP P.O.t NONE REC'D Req t Ordered By : TOM ARMINS~I/DAVE TRUDGEN Send hporta to: l)A~ POWER AUIH 2) Method Gf ADEC18UCBO Allowable Lilli ts 0.0002 ··························•·•·•····•·············•················•·········································· 3 Teate Performed MD· None Detected MA· Not Analyzed • See Special Inatructiona Above •• See Sample Remark• Above LT·Laaa Than, CT·Greater Than Dl•Onanilable