HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley River Water Quality Report 1988Alaska Power Authority liBRARY COPY A~skaPowerAu~ori~ Bradley River Water Quality Report 1988 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. P-8221-000 - - - • • • • .. • • • • 4728/0046/(1) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1988 BRADLEY RIVER WATER QUALITY REPORT T~RLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents. List of Figures. List of Tables. Introduction .................................................... . DATAPODS ....... . Equipment .. . Location .. . Servicing .. Results .... Riffle Reach. Tree Bar Reach .. North Fork ....•.. BRADLEY LAKE WATER QUALITY SAMPLING. Location .. Methods. Results ... Miscellaneous Data. Future Studies ......•••• References ... Attachment 1. 4728/0046/2 i Paqe ; i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 39 40 Figure No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 4728/DD46/3 List of Figures Title Page Datapod Locations, Bradley River, 1988 2 Surface and Intragravel Water Temperature Riffle Reach: December 1987...................................... 6 January 1988....................................... 7 February 1988...................................... 8 March 1988......................................... 9 April 1988......................................... 10 May 1988........................................... 11 June 1988.......................................... 12 July 1988.......................................... 13 August 1988........................................ 14 September 1988..................................... 15 October 1988....................................... 16 November 1988...................................... 17 Yearly: December 1987 th·rough November 1988........ 18 Surface and Intraqravel Water Temperatures Tree Bar Reach: December 1987 .................................... . January 1988 ..................................... . Apri 1 1988 ....................................... . May 1988 ......................................... . June 1988 ........................................ . Ju1 y 1988 ........................................ . Water Temperature North Fork Site: December 1987 .................................... . January 1988 ..................................... . February 1988 .................................... . March 1988 ....................................... . Apri 1 1988 ....................................... . May 1988 ......................................... . June 1988 ........................................ . Ju 1 y 1988 ........................................ . August 1988 ...................................... . September 1988 ................................... . Octoher 1988 ..................................... . Yearly: December 1987 through October 1988 ...... . Bradley Lake Water Quality Sampling Stations ..... . i i 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Table No. 1 4728/0046/(4) List of Tables Title Turbidity Measurements for Bradley River iii Page 38 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to comply with Article 33 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) License which states n water quality monitorino proqram must be developed to evaluate water temperatures in the lower Bradley River and heavy metal and hydrogen sulfide concentra- tion in Bradley Lake. The monitoring program was developed and presented in the Rradley Lake mitigation plan published in November 1985. This is the third progress report covering the water quality data collected during 1988. Information presented includes: (1) intragravel and surface water temperatures of the Bradley River and surface water temperatures of the North Fork of the Bradley River; (2) results of the analysis of water qua 1 ity from Brad lev Lake; and ( 3) turbidity measurements from Bradley River. DATA PODS Equipment Surface and intragravel water temperatures are collected utilizing Model DP212 Omni data Data pod di gita 1 recorders equipped with two connecting temperature probes. The datapods at Riffle and Tree Bar Reaches record every two hours and are accurate to 0.1 °C. The data pod on the North Fork is programmed slightly different and records the surface water temperature every six hours with a 0.5°C accuracy. Installation methods are described in the 1985 Water Quality Report (Alaska Power Authority 1985). Location Riffle Reach and the North Fork temperature stations are in the same locations as reported last year. (Alaska Power Authority 1987). The Tree Bar Reach station was washed out and replaced April 19, 1988, directly adjacent to the U.S.G.S. gaging station (Figure 1). The new temperature probes were placed in approximately three feet of water. The datapod was placed in an "ammo" box and secured to a small tree three feet from the bank. This station was also washed out on approximately June 12, 1988. The station was not replaced after that date due to high water. It will be replaced in early 1989 when the river recedes enough to allow for installation. Servicing Each datapod was serviced approximately every six to eight weeks by the Alaska Power Authority Environmental Field Officer (EFO). Servicing includes performing a short dump, (a display of the latest recorded data), checking the batteries and changing the data storage module (DSM). Any problems encountered are either taken care of immediately, 4728/0046 (1} Q BRADLEY RIVER SYSTEM MILES (I) USGS GAGING STATION A OATAPOO BRADLEY LAKE 2 FIGURE 1 Data pod Locatlona, Bradley River. 1988 -2- N .. or if new parts are needed, as soon after discoverv of the problem as possible. As indicated above, there were oroblems with the Tree ~ar Reach datapon a~ain this year. On January 28, 1988, the station was checked and the datapod was found to be malfunctioninq. A new datapod was installed and the temperature readinqs were verv high, 15°C to 19°C. Further investi- qation at that time revealed that the temperature probe wires had been severed. The entire station was therefore moved and re-installed in a new location on April 19, 1988. The service check on July 28, 1988 again yielded unbelievable temperature figures, 16.7°C and -5.0°C. The probe wires had again been severed. At this time there was no attempt to replace the station due to high river flows. New installation methods are currently being considered to try to prevent the probes from being washed out. There were no pro 1 onged prob 1 ems at the North Fork or Riffle Reach sites. Short data gaps caused by dead batteries or a full data chip occurred. The North Fork datapod was replaced due to a malfunction on December 20, 1988. Results The collected data for 1988 is presented here in graphic form by month, by study site. An annual graph was also produced for the Northfork and Riffle Reach temperature stations based on a daily average of the hourlv recordings. Complete print-outs of the data are not presented in this report due to their bulk, but are available upon request from the Alaska Power Authority. Riffle Reach -(figures 2 through 14) Surface water temperatures ranged from a low of just above 1°C to a hiqh of approximately 8.5°C. Temperatures rose steadily from July through August and then began to fall off again during September. Intragravel temperatures closely followed surface temperatures, but remained approx- imately 1°C to 3°C warmer throughout the year. Intragravel temperatures ranged from a low of just below 3°C to a high of approximately 10°C. There were two short data gaps at Riffle Reach during the past year. The first occurred from approximately July 12 through July 28 due to a full data chip (figure 9). The second data qap occurs from September 1 through September 15 due to dead batteries in the data pod. The data recorded from August 26 through August 31 is also questionable. This is the six day period prior to the batteries failing within the datapod. The temperatures during this time frame show a steady decline onlv to immediately jump back up to the previous temperature level upon instal- lation of the new batteries (figures 10 and 11). 4728/0046 (3) Tree Bar Reach -(figures 15 through 20) Problems at the Tree Bar Reach temperature station continued to plague the data collection program again this year. Only the data collected during the latter half of April through the first half of June are accurate. Problems this year centered around probe wires being severed by either high water or ice. During the time frame mentioned above, surface waters ranged from a low of 0.2°C to a high of approximately 3.9°C. The temperatures varied by as much as 3°C in a single 24 hour period. The near diurnal pattern of the surface water temperature is evident in figures 17 and 18. The intragravel temperatures do not fluctuate to the extent the surface water temperatures do and were between 0.2°C and 2.4°C before the probe failed on about June 12, 1988. The December 1987 and January 1988 graphs (fiqures 15 and 16) are included to indicate data was being collected. However, most of the data is useless. In the short time frame where good data exists, a comparison between temperatures from Riffle and Tree Bar Reaches indicate that the surface water temperatures are usually within 1°C of each other or less, with a greater daily fluctuation at Tree Bar Reach (1°C at Riffle compared to 3°C at Tree Bar). However, the intragravel water temperatures at Tree Bar Reach are as much as 4.5°C lower than at Riffle Reach. The daily fluctuations of the intragravel water are also less at Tree Bar than Riffle Reach (0.5°C to 1°C respectively}. North Fork -(figures 21 through 32) The Northfork site only records surface water temperature. Water temperatures ranged from a low of 0°C to a high of 9°C. (There are some data points below zero, however, this is probably attributed to the probe freezing and not the water becoming sup~r-cooled.) There is .one data gap from about October 18, 1988 to December 20, 1988, when the datapod failed.' Therefore, there is not a graph for November 1988. BRADLEY LAKE WATER QUALITY SAMPLING As indicated in last year's report, the Power Authority instituted the Rradley lake water quality sampling program durinq 1988. The water was analyzed for heavy metal and hydroqen sulfide concentrations. Samples were taken in June, September and December 1988. The final samples will be collected in March of 1989. The Mitiqation Plan (Alaska Power Authority 1985) identifies mercury and cadnium as representative metals to be analyzed over a one yP.ar period prior to reservoir filling. In addition to these metals, the Power Authority collected samples for a 25 element (metal) scan to ensure there were no unexpected heavy metals present. This test was only completed for the June sampling. 4728/DD46 ( 4) location Water samples were collected from three locations within Bradley lake (figure 33}. Site number 1 is located near the outlet of the lake; site number 2 near the center of the lake; and site number 3 is located near the head of the lake. Methods Water samples were collected from three depths (bottom, mid-column, surface) at each site using a Kemmerer bottle. The bottom sample was collected first to obtain a depth measurement which was used to accurately identify at what depth the mid-column sample should be obtained. The water samples were collected from a boat during June and September and by drilling through the ice in December. (The March 1989 sample will also be through the ice). Once the water was on the surface it was transferred to sample bottles, placed in a cooler and shipped to the 1 ab for analysis. The hydrogen su 1 fide samp 1 es were fixed with zinc acetate when the water was collected. There was no need to fix the mercury or· cadni urn samp 1 es. Water for the 25· e 1 ement scan was from the full water column (i.e., a small amount of water from each depth was included in the sample} while samples for the mercury, cadnium, and hydrogen sulfide were from each depth. Results Attachment 1 presents the results from all the water samples collected to date. There were no concentrations of any metals or hydrogen sulfide. As indicated above, the 25 element scan analysis was only completed for the June samples. The original reason for conducting this test was to ensure no unexpected metals were present in any quantities. This was conclusively shown by the June. sample results and therefore this test was discontinued for the remainder of the sampling period. MISCELLANEOUS DATA Several turbidity measurements were taken from the Bradley River. Table 1 shows the results of those measurements. FUTURE STUDIES Water temperatures will continue to be collected from the Bradley River and North Fork collection site. The temperature station at Tree Bar Reach will be re-established and hopefully become permanent. The final Bradley Lake water quality sample will be collected during March 1989. 4728/0046 (5) u C) w 0 w n:: I ::::J 0'1 ~ I n:: w a_ ::::!: w I- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1987 I II I I I I I I I I II ,' Ia I L I r._ j"l lr{f _I ~'~r-'I-I \ 1 •J I I .... I I I I I , .. I .. -II-., I II I I -r ' ' -1 r -.-' I 1 I 11 I 1 i I I "\ ... 1,--- L "' r "' r r -• : 1 -"' - - - -- 1 ~ .. ~ '__ r r --111 11l 1 / I J I I t ,... -J ~ III J II ~ '-_ -~~ ... 111 1.0 ~----------~----------~------------~----------~----------~----------~~ 01-Dec 06-Dec 1 0-Dec 15-Dec 20-Dec 25-Dec 30-Dec DATE SURFACE TEMP INTRAGRAVEL TEMP 'TI co II: ... CD 1\) u (!) w 0 I w n:: I ::J ...... ~ I w a.. ::E w I- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 5.0 ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1-, h \ I . \}_- 'I \ I \ I" I ,. \ ' r l ,. \ ,., ' ,._ \I \" -I "t I -.. \ \ .I \ J ..... \ " .,"} , ... _ I' --,--"",t.oLr(} "'] \ 1\J \ .!.. "' \-. .-1 -{\ __ r '... •1"\ -,'-... ,J ·~ .. 1 \ Jl \ ,, .. ,-, , } I I -\ \ - - -(-\ II I I \_\1 t -J .l I ' \1 0.0 ~---------r---------.---------.---------,----------.---------~ 01-Jan 06-Jan 11-Jan 16-Jan 21-Jan 26-Jan 31-Jan DATE SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP 0 c:, w 0 I w 0:: I :::J ()) ~ I 0:: w a.. ~ w r- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 5.0 ~--------------------------------------------------------~ 4.0 3.0 1\ , • 1'\ I, ,. -"lt-"1 -II ,. I'" ,. , "\ I 1 r r -1 " -.,.. J J- r-_..,, I I.-I - \ r\ r \ ,.. " ,,. •-t ---,.. r '1'1 " -_, ',.,..' • \.r" ..... I \ ' ,.. J \ J _., • r , \I _, \ } , I -.-,I \I ., I I r \ _ -,.. __ 1• 1 ,. -... I ' "'-,. .. \_. 2.0 1.0 0.0 ~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~------~ 01-Feb 06-Feb 11-Feb 16-Feb 21-Feb 26-Feb DATE SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP , 10 r::: .., (t) ~ I '-0 I u C) w 0 SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 ~ } ,, I J, l ,; r\ I I -. I l " ,. -I \ I I II f I -11 1\ 1\ 1 1 It ,. l J._11t,.t 1 I' f\ .q 1\1\1111,. I., ... , ""I I 1_1 ~ol \ 1'-r\ J \ t \.-'I .. J '-1 It I I ~lrl I 1,1, , I '-I I \ -1. ._ I 1 I 7 '-1. 1. 1. 1 .. 1 1 .,.,~ 'r I lj 1 t ~o 1 rl I ,. I r I ,., \ I ,, 0.0 01-Mar 06-Mar 11-Mar 16-Mar 21-Mar DATE r, I I I I ,. I I " I I I I : I I I \J I I 'I 'I i\ I \1 lll\1', It' r I II I I I I I I I II I '" 1} I I 1 I r I 'I I,) I I I. \I I I 26-Mar 31-Mar SURFACE TEMP INTRAGRAVEL TEMP ., (Q c: ... CD (11 I ...... 0 I u '-' w 0 w 0:::: ::J ~ 0:::: w a... ~ w I- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 • 1\ I I I \ I \1-\ I I \ I :1 I II II\ I I : \1 I I I I I "' I I I I I. • I\ I I \ 1 I 1'rl _,1 I \ 1\ I L ~ I I L ~ 1\'"1 I I_.V., r \ I I 1., ' I I I 11 I Ill I \ I • \ 1 ,... \ 1 \ ,' \ I \ 11 1 " I I 1 11 I I I I\ II I-\ I 1 V\ 1 ._ I I \ ,. 1 1 V I 1 ~ I(\\ I II 11 1J \ I \I 11 1 -1 \ I v1 II 11 \I II '1 1 ._1 L 1.0 01-Apr 06-Apr 11-Apr 16-Apr DATE 21-Apr r :II ' ~I II 1\ I I r' \ 11 I I I I I I I 1 II I II I I II I I I rl I I I \ I I I I I I I I I :I I ~ I 1\ I I I I I I I I I I I \ I \ I \1 I I I I I I I I \1 \I \1 I I \I 1 1 II \I I I \I I I .. " ~I 26-Apr SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP , (Cl c: ... (l) 0> I --I u (.!) w a w a::: :::> ~ w a.. ~ w 1- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 7.0 6.0 1\ ~ ~ .. r'1 I I I 11 I I I I II II II ~ II\ I' II II I I I I 1\ I ~ II II I I I I I I \ I I \ I I I I I I I L I II I I I I II I \ I I It II I I I I ~ I I : ~ 1; :\ llll : I I I I \ I 1 1 I I I \ I \ I I I I I I ., It I I I n I I I I I I I \ I I I I I I " : ",} 1"'1 I I II I I I "' I I I I I II r\ II 11 I I I I \ I Ll Ill lJ I I I ' I I I I 1\ • 1111 r\ I \ I L II II I I I I I I {t I I II I II 1\ " II I I I I \ I • \I '" r "\ I I I I ,. \1 \I \ I I I \ I I I I I II I I \ I -'" \1 I I 1\ 1\ I I I " I \ I \ I I I I "'t \\ I I I \ I I I I \ I \ r I I I I I I H \' 1._1 1.1 I I I I " I l I \ I II II Lr'l"'l 1 1 ' 1 \ 1 I I \ 1. \1 ... ..! \I I i ' ,I 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 01-May 06-May 11-May 16-May DATE 21-May 26-May 31-May SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP , 10 c '"'I <D ...... I -N I () (!) w D SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 7.0 \ "' I\ 1\ I \ I I I \ \ t"" I I II ~ 1\-' l,\1\1 ' r " ~ I\ r -I _, \ I L I I I 1'1 I I II \ I I \ 1\ l.J \ .... " \ I I \ I I 1 1 , 1\ II \ ' I \ I .1 I' II I I II 1\ r I I I I I II I I I\ -• -I I 11\\ I \ I \1 I I I 1 11 I 1" I " 1 1 r · 1\ I I I \_. 1 "I I\ I I I I I I \ \ I \ I I I I I\ I I l I I '\ I \ I \ I l I I I ' \J ._ I I I I I I \,J \ I \1. II \ I I ) I \ I " I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I I \ I \ • \ " \ J \ 1 \ I \ I - \ I \I \I ._ ... .,. I \I , I I I \1 ., \ \1 I I " I \I I Ll \1 "J 6.0 5.0 \1 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 01-Jun 06-Jun 11-Jun 16-Jun 21-Jun 26-Jun DATE SURFACE TEMP lNTRAGRAVEL TEMP "TT (Q c: .... CD ()) I ...... w I u (.!) w 0 I w n:: ::J !< n:: w a.. :::!: ~ SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLE.Y RIVER 1988 11.0 10.0 " I -I 1... "\t I..., I I \ I "' I \I I'"' 9.0 I \_I I 1\ I I \ I 1'\ I \ I"' I .. I -.., \ -\ .,.\I ,. I'"' I \r \_I \ I I I ,. t 1 \ I \ I"-I " _, 'I I t\ 1' \ \ I \ (' \ \ I I \ I • I I 8.0 I I \ -\ \ I _,-"" I I II .,_1 \ I \ I " " " \-\ I I 7.0 I \ .1 I 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 01-Jul SURFACE TEMP I 06-Jul 11-Jul DATE INTRAGRAVEL TEMP 30-Jul u ~ w 0 w I 0::: ...... :::J ~ ~ I 0::: w 0.. ::!E w 1- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 11 .0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1 988 ,. \ I\ I \ 1\ -"' "1\ 1\ r 1\ "' I 1\ 1\ I" I '-"I .. ,, \_ a' 1 I I , I "" " I . - \ 1\ ,~--",'" , I "p" 1\ 1 1\ I " ~ a 1 .. 1 11 \ ,.1 I 1\ I \ I \ 1 \\ I I I I I 1 ' II ' I ' I I I \1 I 1 -1 \1 II 'I I II \f\1 .. " 1\1 \I 11 I 11 II , 1 11 II I II ' ' II • 2.0 01-Aug 06-Aug 11-Aug 16-Aug DATE 21-Aug 26-Aug SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP • • • • .. 31-Aug "TT Ul c: .., (I) .... 0 u " w 0 w 0::: I :::> ..... ~ (.71 I 0::: w a.. ~ w 1- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 10 ~----------------------------------------------------------~ 9 8 \ \I\ \ --, r-1\ '' \ ... I '" -'-,' -'-\ I \ I \-I \ • \_I \ I \_J \ I \ \ _ \ I \ \ - , 1-\ \ I _I \ I \ I ,_1 \_I '"T1 7 6 5 ~~~mm~~~mm~~~~~mm~~~~mm~~~~~mmmm~~~~~ 15-Sep 20-Sep 25-Sep 30-Sep DATE SURFACE TEMP ---~ INTRAGRAVEL TEMP co c::: ... CD .... .... a "' u " w 0 w I 0:::: ..... ::::> 0"1 ~ I w 0.. ::::?! w 1- .. J \ ' . SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 9.0 .. - 8.0 \I \ \ \ 7.0 6.0 5.0 \ \ I 1.-.. .. ' I- I \. RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 '-\ --\ I \1 I. ~ \-I"' \-\\ .. \ -I" I \ I I. ... \1\ \ J " I \ -I \ l -11 t I I -'It I I \ I" I " fo J \ " Itt,.\ _1 l.,l "\-I ~ '"'' IJ Ill \I I I 1 ., .1 \ I I I \ II " .I \I" -l Ill -{,'-I ~,I 4.0 ~------------~----------~-----------.------------.------------.------------~ 01-0ct 06-0ct 11-0ct 16-0ct 21-0ct 26-0ct 31-0ct DATE SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP "TT co c: ., CD 1\) 0 C) w 0 I w I a::: ...... :::J ....... !;( I a::: w D.. ::E w I- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 7.0 ~--------------------------------------------------------~ 6.0 5.0 .1\ ... V 1 -I \_" \ 1 I \1 I. \ .. I \ \ I \. \ " "•' \ \. • I • I\ • A.l \ I--_, ', ._ \ .. \ \,. \ \. I .. J v \ ,. .... \ 1\ - -J 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 \. .. ,, t\ ,-, 1. -I \ .1 \ \. \.. ..., ' \.-v 1 v----,--v,r,-\.,.. -.. ,1 0.04---------.--------.--------~---------r--------~----- 01-Nov 06-Nov 11-Nov 16-Nov 21-Nov 26-Nov DATE -SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP "TI fC c: .... (I) ..... (..) SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE RIFFLE REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 10.0 9.0 8.0 ~~ ~ ... I\ I \ I I ~ I I I \1\ II I I r I f \/ \ II'- : ~I \ I 11 I 11 1\1 II "\ I I I ' I '-1 ·' (.) 7.0 (!) w 0 6.0 I w I 0:: 5.0 ...... ::::> co ~ I w 4.0 0... :::!! w 1-3.0 I '\ ~~ I I I (\ Jl Ill ~ I " I I I I \ I " I \ ,.r \ 1\ I l I t , 11 1\ 1 I \I I' I 1~ It"'~\ 1\1 I Ill I 1\ I \ I I I I I '· ., ... \, I II 'II I l • I I I r f'1 I 11; II t\ 1 ~/, ,. I 1_ n /" I I~\ .,~\ , .. ,,.,",~1"\ i\1 ,I,. \1 I I \ "' I' \ I I I ',., I I t " ., ;r\ j\ ,.., I \1 IJ ,, ' ..... , f 2.0 1.0 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DATE SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP 0 0 w 0 w I 0::: ~ ::J 1.0 ~ I 0::: w (L ::::?! w 1- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 21.0 20.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 TREE BAR REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1987 .I "' ,. 'I .I ' .... ..,. , .... , ,. _ _, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill I I .. I I )I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1\1 I I ' I .,\,. .,. I \ I I l I I I I ' I ,, I I I I I I 1/' l ' • I-' ' l II II ., l I '"' 0.0 ~--------~---------.,---------~--------,--------~---------.~ 01-Dec 06-Dec 11-Dec 16-Dec 21-Dec 26-Dec 31-Dec DATE SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP , CQ 1: ., CD ..... (1r (.) (.!) w Cl I w et:: I :::;) N 0 ~ I w D.. :::!! w 1- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 16.0 TREE BAR REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1 988 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 f 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -5.0 01-Jan 06-Jan 11-Jan 16-Jan 21-Jan 26-Jan DATE SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP ., cc c: ... (I) ..... m SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE TREE BAR REACH: BRADLEY RNER 1988 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 () " 2.2 w 0 2.0 I w 1.8 n:: I ::J 1.6 N ...... ~ I w 1.4 a.. ::':!: 1.2 w 1- I I \ I "TT I I I \ I Ul \ ' r 1\ I I \ \ r c I \ , \ .., I t I \ I (1) I I I \ I t I I ' \ I ' I ..... I ' , I I \ I ..... I I \ I v \J r I I I \ I I \ , , \ I 1.0 I \ I I I 0.8 I 0.6 0.4 0.2 19-Apr 21-Apr 23-Apr 26-Apr 28-Apr 30-Apr DATE SURFACE TEMP ---* INTRAGRAVEL TEMP u (.? w 0 w I 0:::: .N :::> N ~ I 0:::: w (L ~ w I- SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 4.0 3.8- 3.6- 3.4- 3.2- 3.0- 2.8- 2.6 - 2.4- TREE BAR REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1 988 2.2 -: I Vii 0 : :~ :~ :, I : 1 I :, I i 2. -1 I I I I I I I I~ I I I • I I I I I 1 I~ I' I~ I I'~"~ I " I I I I I I I• : I :I I I I I I I I I I I 1 . 8 -I I 1 I I l I ll• I \-' I I I I ~I r I • I II I I ~ 1 I I ~ 1 l I ~ I ~ I I I ' I I I I ~ ' I ~ I I~ I , v \ i J ' I \1,1-I I , I 1, I " : ' : I I I ' I ' I ' : I'• ·~ I I 1 1 -/ ',I '&JI '~ I~ 1 6 _I I l 1 \J u ll U 1l ll I I , I l I l I I,' , I L L11 Ia U \\ v u~ \J V • I I l 1 I ll ~ 1 l I I \' 1~ 1 .4 -I l I I I \i U U I U \ : I u 1 .2 -~ v ~ u 1.0 - 0.8- 0.6 01-May T 06-May --SURFACE TEMP I 11-May I 16-May DATE I 21-May ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP I 26-May T 31-May ..... () (.!) w Cl I w I ~ N :J w ~ I w Q_ :::E w ..... SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 -6.0 01-Jun TREE BAR REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 J I ,. ... , I I , I I I ,. .. .. ~ ,,,,,,,, .,,,/ Ill I l "" 06-Jun SURFACE TEMP ~~ - II ,I ' ..,# ,,"-, / ' I .,,,..~~ • I l ., I \ I I .,"f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --- 11-Jun 16-Jun 21-Jun DATE ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP 26-Jun ,., I "" ,. .. , I , fQ c .., Gl. I N -l:lo I SURFACE & INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE TREE BAR REACH: BRADLEY RIVER 1988 21.0 ~--------------------------------------------------------------~ 20.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 ~~~nm~~~~~mnmn~~~nm~~mnmn~~~nm~~mnmn~~~~~ 01-Jul 02-Jul 03-Jul 04-Jul 05-Jul 06-Jul 07-Jul 08-Jul 09-Jul 1 0-Jul 11-Jul 12-Jul DATE SURFACE TEMP ----INTRAGRAVEL TEMP "T1 «l c ... CD fl.) 0 2.0 1.8 - 1.6 - 1.4 - 1.2 - (.) 1.0 C) - LLJ 0 0.8 - I LLJ 0.6 - I 0:: N ::J 0.4 U'l ~ I LLJ 0.2 0.. - - ~ 0.0 LLJ ...... -0.2 - -0.4 - -0.6 - -0.8 - -1.0 Ill" ..... 01-Dec WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1987 ,...., ,..----.. • "I' " • """" • I . """'"'""I""' '""""I,, • 06-Dec 12-Dec 17-Dec DATE SURFACE TEMPERATURE 23-Dec " .... . I • i I 28-Dec , co c ..... CD ..... () " w 0 w I lt: N ::::J 0'1 !4: I lt: w n. :::!! w 1- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1988 2.0 1.8 - 1.6 - 1.4 - 1.2 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 0.6 -., 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.0 J -0.2 - -0.4 - -0.6 - -0.8 - -1.0 II IIIII Ill,,""' '"'I"' " • '"Ill'" '"I,,'" """'""""I""""''""' "'"'I'"'"' I"'""' "'I,," " "' 01-Jan 06-Jan 12-Jan 17-Jan DATE SURFACE TEMPERATURE 23-Jan 28-Jan , co c ... Q) N N 2.0 1.8 - 1.6 - 1.4 - 1.2 - u 1.0 - " w 0 0.8 - I w 0.6 - I 0:::: N :::::1 0.4 '""-J ~ I w 0.2 a.. - - ::::.:!: 0.0 w ....... -0.2 - -0.4 - -0.6 - -0.8 - -1.0 I I 01-Feb WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1988 """'I""' 06-Feb ,-, u 'I ........ I 'I' 12-Feb 17-Feb DATE SURFACE TEMPERATURE n L- ....... ,. ...... '" ... 23-Feb 28-Feb "TJ co c: ., CD 1\) (.,) () C) w 0 w I 0::: N :::> co ~ I 0::: w c.. ~ w I- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1988 2.0 1.8 - 1.6 - 1.4 - 1.2 - 1.0 -n ,., n n ,., r---' n n n 0.8 - 0.6 - .........., r----A u u u n n n u 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.0 -0.2 - -0.4 - -0.6 - -0.8 - -1.0 ,, 111111 I II I II II""' '''"'I'"'"" I IIIII 'I" I I'" II,, 'I". II''"'"" ''I"'"",, I 01-Mar 06-Mar 12-Mar 17-Mar DATE SURFACE TEMPERATURE 23-Mar 28-Mar ., co c: ... CD 1\) ~ u '-' w 0 I w 0::: I ::J N 1.0 !;( I 0::: w 0.. ~ w 1- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1 988 3.0 ~----------------------------------------------------------------~ 2.5- 2.0 -n n 1.5 -n n n u n 1.0 -r u .., u u L I 0.5 -r--' LJ L 0.0 \ I -0.5 -u u -1.0 -n,,.,, ,rT,Tl ,,rr,ri.T1 ,,rr,n"'TT't oTlorrTT, ITTT o:TT ,,.+r'rn.-r •• rrnrr. oTTTI •. ,rr,,, ••. orToT1 ,,rTTJ, ,,.,.,.,,.,,,rr,rr, ,,., ,.rrn.,• ,rrn,, ,rrn-r,rr. ,n ,,rrrr,,., ,,rrn,TITTT1 •• ,rr,n '"-r: •• rr,,.,, ,rr,rr,,., •· ,rrrr. ,,., ,,.,.,,.,, .... n ,,Tri •• 01-Apr 06-Apr 12-Apr 17-Apr DATE SURFACE TEMPERATURE 23-Apr 28-Apr ., co c: '"" Q) 1\) (Jl WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1988 4.0 .-----------------------------------------------------------------, 3.5- 3.0- () (.!) 2.5 -w ,., 0 I w ., uU -· 0:::: 2.0-n 1.0 I ::::> c: w ~ .., 0 (I) I 1\) w u u U\, ......... L l Q) a.. 1.5 -n ~ ..... ~ ~ 1.0 -L l u 0.5- 0, 0 --+rn-.rr ,,TTT':,ITTT'TTT1,,, ,rr,rTTTnl,' oi'TTT, ,rTT'J ,,,-: ,, ,ITTT, oTT oTITliiTTTooTTTTT" orToTTTloTTT"rT,ITTTTT1oorTTT. oTTTl •· ,TTr,ITTTTTJTTT"rTTTTT,TTT"rTT'Jo, oTTT1 oorTJITTT.Tl ,,TTT", ,rrl 01-May 06-May 12-May 17-May 23-May 29-May DATE SURFACE TEMPERATURE (.) C) w 0 I w I 0::: w => ..... ~ I 0::: w n.. ~ w 1- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1988 6.0 ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------, 5.0- 4.0 -,., \J 3.0 -~ ,-1 A l u LJ ... 2.0 -y v 1.0 ,, ,, ,,,,,,,,, •• , •••• ,, •••••••• ,,,,,, •• , ••• ,,,,,,,,,''''''''I'''' Ill 111111111 ''I'' 11111111111 '''''I'''''' 01-Jun 06-Jun 12-Jun 17-Jun 23-Jun 28-Jun DATE SURFACE TEMPERATURE u C) w 0 w I 0:: w ::::> .N ~ I 0:: w a.. ~ w I- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1 988 8.0 7.0- 6.0- 5.0- Lj 4.0 - 3.0- 2.0 1111111 1111111111111111 ''''' • '' •'I II II ''I'''''''''''' '' ''''';I' '' ''' '' II IIIIIIIIJIIIII 1111111111 11 ''J'' 1111111111 01-Jul 06-Jul 12-Jul 17-Jul DATE SURFACE TEMPERATURE 23-Jul 28-Jul "TT 10 c::: ... CD 1\) (X) WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1988 9.0 ~------------------------------~~--------------------------------~ 8.0 -n () 7.0- (.!) \ w 0 I ., w 10 I 0::: 6.0 -M n c w ::::> "" w ~ \. (!) I 0::: u r\l w co 0.. ~ 5.0 -w 1- 4.0- 3.0 '"'"''""''""'I'""""'·'"' "'I'''""''''""'""!""'·"'"''' '"'!'''''"'' ''"" 'I"'' '"" 01-Aug 06-Aug 12-Aug 17-Aug 23-Aug 28-Aug DATE SURFACE TEMPERATURE (.) (.!) w 0 w 0:::: I w ::J ~ ~ I w a.. ::::! w 1-- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1988 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 01-Sep 06-Sep 12-Sep 17-Sep DATE SURFACE TEMPERATURE 23-Sep 28-Sep "TT -· co c ... CD c..> 0 u D w 0 w ll:: I w ::J U"' ~ I ll:: w a.. ::2: w I-- WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1988 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 -1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 01-0ct 06-0ct DATE SURFACE TEMPERATURE 12-0ct 17-0ct "T1 -· co c: ..., CD (A) ..... WATER TEMPERATURE NORTHFORK OF THE BRADLEY RIVER: 1988 8.0 .---------------------------------------------------------~ 7.0 6.0 u 5.0 C) w 0 4.0 'TJ w -· 0:: co I ::J c: w ... 0"1 ~ 3.0 (I) I 0:: (I) w I\) a.. ~ 2.0 w 1- 1.0 -1.0 ~----~----~--~----~----~----~----~----~--~----~~ DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT DATE --SURFACE TEMPERATURE 0 WILES e WATER QUALITY SAWPLING STATION 2 KACHEMAK BAY Figura 33 Bradley Lake Water Quality Sampling Statlona -37- N .. TMLE 1 Turbidity Measurements for Bradley River* Date of Sample 7-20-88 7-27-88 8-3-88 8-10-88 8-11-88 8-16-88 8-17-88 8-18-88 8-23-88 8-24-88 8-25-88 8-30-88 8-31-88 9-1-88 9-6-88 9-7-88 9-8-88 9-13-88 9-14-88 9-15-88 * all measurements taken at Tree Bar Reach. 4728/0046 (38) Turbidity (NTA) 124 151 173 186 138 120 124 124 120 116 116 148 146 220 142 144 148 144 142 142 References Alaska Power Authority, Mitigation Plan, 1985. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Report Prepared by Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. Alaska Power Authority, Bradley River Water Quality Report, 1985. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Report Prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Entrix, Inc. and Stone & Webster Engineering Corooration. Alaska Power Authority, Bradley River Water Quality Report, 1987. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. P-8221-000. 4728/0046 (39) 4728/0046 (40) Attachment 1 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907} 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 AIALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 t 15:31 Client Sample ID:SITE 11 PWSID : Collected t hrs. Received JUH 30 88 t 15:00 hrs. Preserved with :AS REQUIRED Analysis Completed :JUL 12 88 Laboratory Supe~~PBEN C. IDE Released By : ""'/--<::... ~ Special BRADLEY LAIE Instruct: Chealab Ref I: 1625 Parameter Tested ICP-25 ELEMENT SCAM !LUll MOl ARSElHC BARIUM BORON CALCIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM COPPER IRON LEAD MAGNESIUM MANGANESE MERCURY NIC!EL PHOSPHOROUS POTASSIUM SELENIUM SILICON SILVER SODIUM STRONTIUM TIN VAliADIUM ZINC ZIRCOIIUM Lab Sapl ID: 1 llatrix: Water Re1ult/Un1ts n/a n/a 1.8 mg/1 MD(O.OS) mg/1 HD(O.OS) mg/1 MD(O.OS) mg/1 8.9 mg/1 ND(0.01) mg/1 HD(O.OS) mg/1 0.055 mg/1 3.5 mg/1 MD(0.05) mg/1 1. 8 mg/1 0.089 mg/1 HD(O.OS) mg/1 HD(O.OS) mg/1 0.066 mg/1 0.40 mg/1 HD(O.OS) mg/1 3.1 mg/1 HD(O.OS) mg/1 1. 3 mg/1 0.088 mg/1 HD(O.OS) mg/1 MD(O.OS) mg/1 0.30 lllj/1 HD(O.OS) IIIJ/1 Client Name : A~ POWER AUTHORITY Client !cct : !IPWR!P P.O.t DAVE TRUDGEN Req I Ordered By : TOM ARMIMS!I * DAVE TRUDGEI Send Reports to: !)AI POWER AUTHORITY 2) Method ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP Allowable Limits CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92·0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 7602 Date Report Printed: JUt 14 88 I 15:32 Client Sample ID:SITE 11 PWSID : Collected t hu. Received JUH 30 88 t 15:00 hra. Preserved with :AS REQUIRED Analysis Co.pleted :Jut 12 88 Laboratory Sup~TEPHI~Ci~EDE~ Released By:~--C..~ Special BRADLEY LA!! Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 1625 Sa.ple Reltllrka: Parameter ·Tea ted 26 Teats Performed ND• Hone Detected NA· Not Analyzed Lab S.pl ID: 1 Natrix: Water Reeult/Units • See Special Instructions Above •• See Sample Remark• Aboye LT·Lesa Than, GT•Greater Than Client Name : AI POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : AIPWRAP P.O.I DAVE TRUDGEM Req I Ordered By : TON ARNINSll • DAVE TRUDGEN Send Reports to: l)Al POWER AUTHORITY 2) Net hod UA·Unanilable Allowable Lillita CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 lJALISIS REPORT BI SAMPLE for Work Order t 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 • 15:33 Client Sample ID:SITE 12 PW3ID : Collected I his. Received JUJ 30 88 I 15:00 hra. Preserved with :AS REQUIRED Analysis Completed :JUL 12 88 Laboratory Super~T~BEI C. ED! Releued By: ~C.~ Special BBADLEI LAKE Instruct: Chealab Ref I: 1625 Parameter Tatted Lab . Sapl ID: 2 Matrix: Water Rt~ult/Unita Client Name : AI POWER AUTHORITY Client lcct : AKPWBAP P.O.t DAVE TRUDGEJ Raq ' Ordered By : TOM ARMIJSII • DAVE TRUDGEJ Send Reports to: 1)AI POWEB AUTHOBITI 2) Method Allowable Lillita -----------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------- ICP-25 ELEBJT SCAlf n/a n/a ICP ALUMIIIUII 1. 8 ug/1 ICP ARSEJIC lfD(O.OS) ug/1 ICP BlRIUk lfD(0.05) ug/1 ICP BOB OJ lfD(O.OS) ug/1 ICP ClLCilll( 8.4 ug/1 ICP CADMIUk lfD(O.Ol) ug/1 ICP CBR ONIUk lfD(0.05) ug/1 ICP COPPER 0.050 ug/1 ICP 11\011 3.0 ug/1 ICP LEAD lfD(O.OS) ug/1 ICP MlGIIESilll( 1. 7 ug/1 ICP MllfGAIIESE 0.072 mg/1 ICP Mil\ CUll llll(O.OS) ug/1 ICP IHCIKL llll(O.OS) mg/1 ICP PHOSPHOl\OOS lfD(O.OS) mg/1 POtlSSilll( 0.21 mg/1 ICP SEL!Jllll( lfD(O.OS) mg/1 ICP SILICOII 3.0 mg/1 ICP SILVER lfD(O.OS) mg/1 ICP SODIUk 1.4 mg/1 ICP StROJTilll( 0.086 mg/1 ICP TIN lfD(O.OS) mg/1 ICP VllllDIUk lfD(O.OS) mg/1 ICP ZINC 0.085 Dg/1 ICP ZIRCOIIIlll( llll(O.OS) IIIIJ/1 ICP CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE fox Woxk Oxdex I 7602 Date Repoxt Pxinted: JUL 14 88 t 15:34 Client Saaple ID:SITE 12 PWSID : Collected t hrs. Received JUM 30 88 I 15:00 hrs. Pxesexved with :AS REQUIRED Analysis Completed :JUL 12 88 Laboratory Sup~~~~PHEM C. EDE Released By: ~t:. ~ Special BRADLEY LA!E Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 1625 Paxa.eter Tested Sample ie~~&rks: 26 Testa Performed MD· Hone Detected HA· Mot Analyzed Lab S11pl ID: 2 Matxiz: Watex Result/Units · • See Special Instxuctions Above •• See Sample Remark• Above LT•Less Than, GT•Gxeatex Than Client Name : AI POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : AlPWRAP P.O.I DAVE TRUDGEN Req I Oxdexed By : TON ARMIMS&I • DAVE TRUDGEN Send Reports to: l)Al POWER AUTHORITY 2) Method Ul•Unavailable Allowable Lilli ts CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 AllLYSIS REPORT BY SANPLI for Work Order I 7602 Date Report Printed: Jut 14 88 I 15:34 Client Sample ID:SITE 13 PWSID : Collected I hrs. Received JUN 30 88 t 15:00 hrs. Preserved with :AS REQUIRED Analysis Completed :Jut 12 88 Laboratory Sup~EPHEH C. !DE Releaaed By : nr T" -tC.-U-- Client Mama : AI POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : AlPWRAP P.O.I DAVI TRUDGEH Req I Ordered By : TON ARNIMSII • DAVE TRUDGIH Send Reports to: 1)Al POWER AUTBOBITY 2) ··························-········································································································· Special BRADLEY LAIE Instruct: Che.Iab Rtf I: 1625 Paraaeter Teated ICP-25 ELEIIEtrr SCAM ALUNIMUII ARSEIIIC Bll\IUN BOROH CALC IUN CADMIUN CHROMIUN COP PEl\ IROH LEAD MAGHESIUN MAHGAHESE IIERCURY NICOL PHOSPBOlOUS POUSSIUN SELEIIIUN SILICOII SILVER SOD IUN STROtrriUN TIM VAMADIUN ZINC ZIRCOIIIUN Lab Smpl ID: 3 Matrix: Water Result/Units n/a n/a 1. 9 IIIJ/1 HD(0.05) 119/l HD(0.05) 119/l HD(0.05) 119/l 8.1 IIIJ/l HD(0.01) 111)/1 HD(0.05) 111)/1 0.097 IIIJ/1 2.8 ~~g/1 HD(0.05) ~~g/1 1.8 111)/1 0.067 111)/1 IID(0.05) 111)/1 IID(0.05) 111)/1 IID(0.05) 111)/1 HD(l.O) 119/l HD(0.05) 119/l 3.2 ~~g/1 HD(O.OS) 111)/1 1. 6 111)/1 0.082 ~~g/1 HD(O.OS) 111)/1 HD(0.05) 111)/1 0.10 111)/1 IID(O.OS) 111)/l Net hod ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP Allowable Lillita CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 t 15:35 Client Sample ID:SITE 13 PIISID : Collected t hu. ReceiYed JUM 30 88 t 15:00 hra. Preserved with :AS REQUIRED Analysis Completed :JUL 12 88 Laboratory SuperY1aor :STEPHEN C. ED! Released By : ~ C · ~ Client Name : Al POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : AlPWRAP P.O.I DAVE TRUDGEN Req I Ordered By : TOK ARKIHSII ' DAVE TRUDGEN Send Reports to: 1)Al POW!& AUTHORITY 2) .....•....••....•••....•••...•••..••••..••••.......•••...•••........................................•••....•••.........•.....•...... Special BRADLEY LA!! Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 1625 Sample Re1111rka: Parameter Teated 26 Teats Performed HD• Hone Detected HA• Not Analyzed Lab Sapl ID: 3 Katr1x: Water Reaul t /Units ' See Special lnatruct1ona Aboye •• See Sample Re .. rks Above LT•Less Than, GT·Greater Than Method UA•Unava1lable Allowable Lilli ta CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 liALYSIS RIPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 I 15:36 Client Sample ID:SITE 11-SORFACE PWSID : Collected I lu:a. Received JOJ 30 88 I 15:00 lu:a. Preserved with :AS REQUIRED Analyaia Completed :JUL 11 88 Laboratory Sup~EPHII C. !DE Releued By : --~ ~ · ~ Special BRADLEY LAlE Instruct: Chealab Ref I: 1625 Paraa.ter.Tested CADIIUII IIIRCURY SULFIDE 3 teats Performed MD· None Detected NA· Not Analyzed Lab Sapl ID: 4 Matrix: Water R81ult/Un1h JD(0.002) ~~g/1 JD(0.0002) ~~g/1 JD(0.003) ~~g/1 • See Special Instructions Above • • See Sample Re•rb Above Lt•Leaa Than, GT•Greater Than Client Name : A! POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : AKPWRAP P.O.I DAVE TRUDGII Req I Ordered By : TOM ARMIMSll • DAVE tRUDGEN Send Reports to: 1)Al POWER AUTHORITY 2) llethod cr ll Ul•Unava1lable Allowable Lillitl CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 AMlLYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 7602 Date Report Printed: Jut 14 88 t 15:37 Client Sample ID:SITE 11-MID COLUNM PWSID : Collected t hn. Received JUV 30 88 t 15:00 hi•. Preaerved with :AS REQUIRED Analyaia Completed :JUL 11 88 L•bont"Y Su~tiPf!!l_,£; _IDI~ Released By : C.. ~ Special BRADLEY LA!! InstiUct: Che.!ab Ref I: 1625 Paraaeter Tested Lab.Smpl ID: 5 Katii:r: Water Re~ult/Units Client Name : Al POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : AlPWkAP P.O.I DAVE TRUDGEN Req I Ordered By : TOM l&MIKSll • DAVE TRUDGEH Send Reports to: 1)11 POWER AUTHORITY 2) Method Allowable Lillits --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CADMIUK NERCURY SULFIDE Sa.aple Re1111rks: 3 Tests Performed MD· None Detected KA· Hot Analyzed MD(0.002) mg/1 MD(0.0002) mg/1 MD(0.003) mg/1 • See Special Instructions Above •• See Sa.aple Re.arks Above LT•Leas Than, GT•Greater Than Gf li UA•Unavailable CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 AMALISIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 f 15:37 Client Sample ID:SITE 11-BOTTON PWSID : Collected I lu:a. Received JUM 30 88 I 15:00 lu:s. Preserved with :AS REQUIRED Analyaia Completed :JUL 11 88 Laboratory Supervisor :STEPREM C. IDE Releaud By : ~L_ ~ Special BRADLEY LA!E Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 1625 Para.eter Tested CADMIUM MERCURI SULfiDE 3 Testa Performed MD• Hone Detected NA• Not Analyzed Lab Sapl ID: 6 llatrilr:: Water Rt~ult/Unita · IID(0.002) mg/1 IID(0.0002) mg/1 MD(0.003) mg/1 • See Special Instructions Above •• See Saaple Remark• Above Lt•Leaa Than, GT·Greater Than Client Maae : A! POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : A!PWRAP P.O.I DAVE TRUDGEM Req I Ordered By : TON ARMIMSli • DAVE TRUDGEN Send Reports to: 1)Al POWER AUTHORITY 2) Method GF Al Ul•Unavailable Allowable Limite CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 AIALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order t 7602 Date &aport Printed: JUL 14 88 t 15:38 Client Sample ID:SITE t2-SU&FAC! PWSID : Collected t hn. Received JUI 30 88 t 15:00 hr1. Preserved with :AS REQUIRED Analysia Completed :JUL 11 88 Laboratory SuperTiaor :ST!PHEI ~:ED!~ &eleaud By : ~C,. ~ Special BRADLEY LAlE Instruct: Che.Iab &ef t: 1625 Paraa.ter Tested CADJIIUI N£&CURY SULFIDE Suple lellllrka: Lab Sllpl 1D: 7 Matrix: Water IID(0.002) -.r/1 IID(0.0002) -.r/1 lfD(0.003) -:J/1 Client lame : Al POW!& AUTHORITY Client Acct : AlFWRAP P.O.t DAVE T&UDGEI &eq t Ordered By : to• l&MIISli • DAVE t&UDG!I Send Reports to: l)Al POW!& AUTHORITY 2) Method GP u Allowable L1111tl ·································································-················-···············-··········· 3 Ta1t1 Perfor .. d ID• lone Detected lA· lot Analyzed • See Spacial Instructions Above •• See Sample &eaark1 Above LT•Leea Than, GT·Greater Than Ul•Unanilable CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 lllLYSIS REPORT BY SlNPLE for Work Order I 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 t 15:39 Client Sample ID:SIT! 12-NID COLUNI PWSID : Collected I hn. Received JOJ 30 88 I 15:00 hra. PreaerTed with :AS REQUIRED Analyais Co~leted :JUL 11 88 Laboratory Sup~PHEJ C. !D! Reltaud By : __ 7 C.~ Special BRADLEY LAKE Inatruct: Chealab Ref I: 1625 Parameter Teated CADIIIUII MERCURY SULFIDE Sample Rama.rka: 3 Taat1 Performed lfD· None Detected NA• Not Analyzed Lab Sllpl ID: 8 Matrix: Water Raaul t/Uni t1 lfD(0.002) IIIJ/1 lfD(0.0002) 111J/l lfD(0.003) 111J/l • See Special Instructions AbaTe •• Sea Sample Re .. rka AboTt LT•Less Than, GT·Graatar Than Client Name : A& POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : A&PWRAP P.O.I DAVE TRUDGEN Req I Ordered By : TOM ARMINSKI • DAVE TRUDGEN Send Report• to: 1)AK POWER AUTHORITY 2) Method GF li UA•Unavailabla Allowable Lillita CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Otder I 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 t 15:39 Client Sample ID:SITE 12-BOTTOM PWSID : Collected t hu. Received JUN 30 88 t 15:00 hra. Preaerved with :AS REQUIRED Analysis Completed :JUL 11 88 Laboratory SuperT~~TEPBEH.£~EDE ~ Releaud By : A/-C. ~ Special BRADLEY LAIE Inatruct: Chemlab Ref I: 1625 Parameter.Teated CADMIUM MERCURY SULFIDE Sample Remarks: Lab Sapl ID: 9 Matrix: Water Ruult/Units JD(0.002) -v/1 0.0002 111)/1 lfD(0.002) 111)/1 Client Name : AI POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : AlPWRAP P.O.I DAVE TRUDGEN Req I Ordered By : TOM ARMlHSli • DAVE TRUDGEN Send Reports to: 1)Al POWER AUTHORITY 2) Method GF u Allowable Lilli ts ...............•....................................•......•.............•.................................... 3 Testa Performed lfD• Hone Detected HA· Not Analyzed • See Special Instructions Above •• See Sample Rellllrka Above LT•Leaa Than, GT•Greater Than UA•Unavailable CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX I D # 92-0040440 lllLISIS REPOl! BJ SAMPLE for Work Order I 7602 Date leport Printed: JUL 14 88 I 15:40 Client Sa.ple ID:SI!E 13-SUlPlCI PWSID : Collected I hn. lece1Ted JUI 30 88 t lS:OO hr1. PreserTed with :AS REQUIRED Analy111 Coapleted :Jut 11 88 Lahoutory Supe!?JJ~::~.IPHEI C. EDI Releand By : ~~ -C. ~ Client M... : AI POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : AIPWBAP P.O.I DAVI TRUDGEN Req I Ordered By : !01( AUIMSII • DAVI !RUDGIM Send Report• to: 1)11 POIIR AUTBORI!J 2) ..•....••.....•••••..•••••..•••••..•••••.••••••••..••......••.....••........••....•••••..•••••....•••..•••••......•............•.... Special IUDLIJ LlD In~truct: Cbe~ab lef I: 162S Sa.ple Para81ter 'felted ClDIIUI JOICUII SULFIDI Re.arkl: Lab.~l ID: 10 llatr1x: ~ter lt~ult/Onitl ID(0.002) .;/1 ID(0.0002) .;/1 ID(0.002) .;/1 let hod Gr AA lllovable Li'lih ····••··••·•··•••···••••···••••···••·····•••····••·····••····•••·····••····•••····•••····••••·•·•••····••····· 3 !e1t1 Perforaed ID• llona Detected Ml• Mot Analyzed • See Special In~truct1on1 AbaTe • • See Sa.ple Re.arkl lhon L'f•Le•• !han, CT·Greater !han UA•UnaTailable CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 lllLYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 BB I 15:41 Client Sample ID:SIT! 13-MID COLUNI PWSID : Collected I hn. Received JUI 30 BB I 15:00 hra. Preaerved with :AS REQUIRED Analyaia Completed :JUL 11 BB Laboratory Sup~~~t!PBEN~. !DE Releaaed By : ~. ~ Client Name : A1 POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : AlPWRAP P.O.I DAVI TRUDG!I Req I Ordered By : TOM ARMINS1I • DAVI TRUDGEN Send Reports to: 1)A1 POWER AUTHOBITY 2) ••..•.•..•..•...............••••••••••....•.....••••••••••.......••••.•..•..........•......•..•.••••......•••.•••••.....•.....••.... Special BRlDLEY LAIE Instruct: Che.!ab Ref I: 1625 Para.eter Tested CADMIUM IBRCUP.Y SULFIDE Sample Remarka: 3 Teata Perfor .. d ID· None Detected 11· Not Analyzed Lab s.pl ID: 11 Matriz: Water R11ult/Un1ta · ID(0.002) 111J/l ID(0.0002) -,/1 ID(0.002) -,/1 • See Special Instructions Above • • S11 Sample Rl•r ka Abon LT•Leaa than, GT·Greater Than Method Gr 11 UA•Unavailable Allowable Lillita CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92·0040440 AIALYSIS RJPOR! BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 7602 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 t 15:42 Client Sample ID:SITE 13-Bot!OI PWSID : Collected t h:ca. Reetind JUll 30 88 t 15:00 h:ct. PrtttiTtd with :AS REQUIBID Analy•1• Co~ltted :JUL 11 88 Laboratory SuptrTiaor :S!IPBII C. IDE 1\eleaaed By : ~C,, ~ Client Name : AI POWER AutHORITY Client Acct : AIPWRAP P.O.I DAVE TRUDGEN 1\eq I Ordered By : TOM lRIIISII • DAVE TRUDGII Stnd Report• to: 1)AI POWER AutHORITY 2) ······················································································-············································· Special BRADLEY LA!I Inatruct: Cbealab Rtf I: 1625 Par ... ter Tatted CADIIIUil lllCUlY SULFIDE Sample lt~~arb: 3 !e1t1 Performed ID• lone Detected NA• Mot Analyzed Lab ~1 ID: 12 !latrix: Water 1\t~ult/Unih ID(0.002) WJ/1 0.0002 -v/1 ID(0.002) -v/1 • Stt Special Inatructiona AboTt • • Ste Suplt le•rkl Abon LT•Leaa Than, GT•Greater Than let hod G!' 11 UA•Unanilablt Allowable Liaih \. (J CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORt BI SlMPLI for Work Order t 9S73 Date Rapott Printed: OCT 12 86 t 17:00 Client Sample ID:SITE t1 TOP PWSID :UA Collected SEP 29 86 t his. Received SEP 30 88 t 09:00 hir. Preserved w1th :AS REQUIRED Analysil Completed :OCt 11 88 Laboratory Superv11or :STEPB!N C. !D! &tleattd By : Y:!Qt:-c. ':b-- 1 Client Hue. : AI POW!& lutHO&Iti Client lcct : liPWBAP P.O.I 099331 1\tq ' Ordered By : TOll lRM!liStl/DlV£ TRUDGEN Send Reports to: 1)AI POW!& AOTRORitT zr ........................................................................•...•••......•••............•••••••......................... Special BRADLEY LA!! Instruct: Chtmlab Ref l: 2841 Pararnet~! Teated CADMIUM li!&CURI SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 1 Sample SAMPLE COLL!Ct!D BI D. tRUDGEH bJaika: Matrix: WltiB Reault/Unitl 0.0053 mg/1 liD(0.0002) ~~g/1 ND(0.002) mg/1 Method GF ll Allowable Lilli ts ······-······································································································· l Teat• Perforaed MD• Hone Dttecttd ll• lfot Analyzed • s .. SpeCial Inetr\ICtioM lbon • • s .. Suplt 1\eatka lbon LI•L••• than, Gt.Creater than .. ) ) CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 !NllYSIS REPORt BY SAMPLE for Work Order t 9573 Date Report Printed: OCT 12 88 t 17:00 Client Sample ID:3IlE 11 MID COLUXN PWSID :U! Collected SEP 29 88 t hi1. &ectiYed SEP 30 88 t 09:00 bra. PrtaerYed with :AS REQUI&BD !nalyaia Coapleted :OCT 11 88 Laboratory Supe~~ :STEPHEN C. ED! Releand By : X~ C ~ / Client Name : !K POWER AUTHORitY Client !cct : !KPWRAP P.O.t O~J9331 Req I Ordered By : TOM !RMlNSII/D!VE TRUDGEN Send Reporta to: l)!I POWER !U!HORitT 2)" ···················································································-············-~---·····-························· Special BRADLEY L!!E !nJtruct: Chtnlab Rtf t: 2841 Parameter !ested C!DMlUl( KERCURY suum: Lab Smpl ID: 2 SAMPLE COLLECTED BI D. tRUDGE» llatrix: WAtER Reau1t/Un1ts 0.0048 mg/1 IID(0.0002) mg/l IID(0.002) mg/1 Method GF u Allowable ·························•································•··················································· 3 Ttata Ptrfor .. d liD• lion. Detected ll.l• lfot Analyzed ' See Special lnatructiona !boYt •' Ste Saaph leaarka !bon Lt•Leaa than, Gt-Greater than U!•Unava1lable ) CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORt BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 9573 Date Report Printed: OCT 12 88 a 17:01 Client Sample ID:SITE 11 BOTTOM PWSID :UA Collected SEP 29 88 I hn. ReceiTed SEP 30 88 I 09:00 hra. PreaerTed with :AS REQUIRED Analya11 Completed :OCT 11 88 Laboratory SuperTisor :STEPHEN C. !DE Rtltaud By : Jli;;t-~. -;-_L<-- 1 Client Kame : AI POW!! AUTHORITY Client Acct : liPWB!P P.O.I 099331 Reql Ordered By : TOM lP.MiliSU/DAVE t!UDGEII Send Report• to: 1)11 POtiER AUTHORITY 2f •.•••••.••.....•....................................••................................••.•...................•....................•. Special BRADLEY LAKE Instruct: Cheftlab Ref I: 2841 ClDIIIUX M!RCU!Y SULFIDE Lab Slllp1 ID: 3 Sa.plt SAXPLE COLLEctED BI D. t!UDGEll !nub: Katrix: WATER Ruul't/Un1ta 0.0043 ~~g/1 IID(0.0002) ~/1 ND(0.002) mq/1 Method GF u Allowable Lim1 ts ..••........•.........••..•............•........•.••••••..•..•..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•.•...•••.•.•.•. 3 !eata Performed liD-Hone Detected lll• Not Analyzed • Stt Special In~truct1on1 AboTt • • Set Suplt Remer b AboTt L~·Leaa Than, GT·Greater than Ul•Unarulable - ) CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 !H!L!SIS R!PORI BY SlMPLI for Work Order I 9S73 Date Report Printed: OCT 12 88 t 17:02 Client Sample ID:SI!! 12 TOP PWSID :0! Collected SEP 29 88 t hn. Recei~ed SEP 30 88 t 09:00 his. Preserved with :lS &EQOI&ED Analysis Completed :OCT 11 88 Laboratory Supet'}i1oz:L:S!!PHEH C. ED! Released By : ~ C ~ I Client Name : !K POWER !U!HORITI Client !ect : !KPWRAP P.O.t 099331 Req I Otdered 8y : tOM ARMINSKI/DAVB TRUDGZM Send Reports to: l)AK POWE! lUTHORITl 2f ·······-····-················-············-·-································································¥······················ Special BRADLEY LAlE Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 2641 Parl.llltter Teated C~DWIUX MER CUlt SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 4 Sample SAMPLE COLLECtED BY D. !lODGE> h•rkl: Matrix: WATER Rt~ul't/OnH• 0.0048 111J/l IID(0.0002) mg/1 lf0(0.002) mg/1 Method GF ,i.A Allowable L1m1 ts ·······························-··············--·············································-···-············ 3 teat• Petformed ID• lone Detected 11• Mot Analyzed • See Special Inatruct1ona lbove •• Stt Saaple Remarks lbove LT·L••• than, Gt•Greater Than \ \ J j CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 AHALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Otdtr 1 9S73 Date Report Printed: OCT 12 88 I 17:03 Cl1tnt Samplt ID:SITE 12 MID COLUMN PWSID :01 Colltettd SEP 29 88 t hn. Btet1Ttd S!P 30 88 t 09:00 hra. PtiiiiTtd Wlth :AS REQUIRED lnalyaia Completed :OCT 11 88 Laboratory Sup~rviaor :SY!PBEH C. ED! Relea .. d By : ~ C. £L-e.,____.-- / Client laae : AI POWER AUTHORITY Cl1tnt Aect : AIPWRAP P.0.1 099331 Beq 1 Ordered By : TOM l ::KSKI/DAVE !RUDGEK Send Btportt to: 1)~! POWEl AUTHORITY 2) •••••••••.....••.••••••.•.•..•..............•.............................•.••••••••••.........••••••..•..........•...•............. Spteie.l BRADLEY LAKE Irurtruct: Chemlab Rtf I: 2841 CADMIUM MEBC!JB.Y SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: S . !---~ s~~plt SAY?~i COLLEctED BY D. YlUDGEH Baarb: Matux: WATER Resu.l:t/Un1ta 0.0047 mg/1 0.0002 mg/l KD(0.002) 1'11:1/1 Method cr u All:lllable Llllits ···········································-·································································· 3 tests Performed HD-Jon. O.ttettd Ill• Hot lnalyud • See Spteial Inatruet1ona AboTt • • S11 Saaplt it1111IIu !bon Lt•Less Than, GT•Greattr than \ ..) CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 AMAL!SIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 9571 D~te Report Printed: OCT 12 88 t 17:03 Client Sample ID:SITE 12 BOTTOM PWSID :UA Collected SEP 29 88 I hra. Received SEP 30 88 I 09:00 hra. Preaerved with :AS REQUIRED Analyaia Completed :OCT 11 88 Laboratory Supervf'o~:ST!PHEM C. EDE Rehued By : k'~ C... ~ / Client Hame : AI POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct : A[pW&!P P.O.I 099331 Req I Ordered By : TOM ARMIMSII/DAVE TRUDGEN Send Report• to: l)AI POWER AUTHORITY 2)- -··································································································································· Special BRADLEY LAIE InJtruct: Che~ab Ref I: 2841 Paraaeter Ieattd CADMIUM MERCURY SULFIDE '.~-.... Lab Smpl ID: 6 Sample SANPLE COLLECTED BI D. TRUDGEM Reiii.Ib: Matrix: WATER Rt~ult/Onitl KD(0.002) mg/1 IID(0.0002) mg/1 KD(0.002) mg/1 Method GF il Allowable L1ru1 ts .....•.................•...........•..•...••.••....••.••...•....•....•.•••••.•.•.•.••.•.••..•••............•.. 3 Te1t1 Performed KD• Hone Detected MA• Vot Analyzed • See Special Inatructiona Above " s.. Saaple Rear b Above LT•Ltaa Than, GT•Greattr Than UA•Unarulable \ j CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 lHlLISIS REPORt BY S!MPLE for Work Order I 9573 Date Report Printed: OCT 12 88@ 17:04 Client Sample ID:SIT! 13 tOP PWSID :Ul Collected S!P 29 88 I lu:a. ReceiTed SEP 30 88 f 09:00 lu:a. PreaerTed With :AS REQUIRED Anal}'lil Completed :oct 11 88 Laboratory SuperT11or :StEPHEN C. EDE Releaud By : ~ C. tL"<---- Client !lame : U POW!! AUTHO!Iti Client Acct AKPWRAP P.O.I 099331 Req I Ordored Sy : IOM ARMINSKI/DAVE !&ODGEM Send Raporta to: l)A! POWZR AUTHORITY 2) ......•.••••••••.••••.••..•.................•...........•......................................•.....••..........................••. Special BRADLEY LlK! Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 2841 Parameter Tested ClDIIIIJ)( MERCURI SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 7 ,-.. _ ."· . 3ample SAMPLE COLLECtED 81 D. TRDDGIH Re.ub: Matrix: WATER Raaul t/Uni t ~ 0.0050 rtq/l ND(O.Q002) mg/1 IID(0.002) mg/1 Hethod GF Al Allowablt Limits .•.•.••••...........•...............................•......................................................... 3 Testa Perfor..d JD. None Detected ll1• lrot Anal yztd • See Special Inatructiona Above '' ~ee Sa.ple Remarks Above LT•Leaa Than, Gt•Greater Than UA•Unnailable --" ) j CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92·0040440 AIALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order t 9573 Date Report Printed: OCT 12 68 t 17:05 Client Sample ID:SI!E 13 MID COLUNX PWSID :UA Collected SEP 29 as t hrs. leee1Yed SEP 30 88 t 09:00 hrs. PreserYed with :AS REQUIRED lnalys1a Completed :OCT 11 88 Laboratoxy Super~J:T_EP~ S;EPE Releand By : ··C>6)/· -C.-· ~ / Client Vam. Al POWER AUTHORITY Client Acct !K?WRAP P.O.I 099331 bq t Ordered By : TOM !RMINS!I/DAVE TRUDGEH Send Reporta to: 1)11 POWER AUTHORITY 2). ···················~·-··························-··············-·····-··-~---~-·-··············-············-······················· Special BRADLEY LAKE hlltruct: Chelllab Ref I: 2841 Par~ter Teeted CADMIUM MIRCURY SULFIDE Lab Sapl ID: 8 Saaple S!MPLI COLLEC!ID II D. I&UDGIR 1-.ub: Matrix: lUTER lm(0.002) ag/1 0.0002 lllg/1 lm(0.002) IIIIJ/1 Method GF AA Allo11abh Llrllts ·····--···············································································•••M•••················· 3 teata Ptrfor..a ID-Jon. Dtttcttd 11• lot lnal:rztd • See Sptcial Inatructtona lboYe • • Stt Suplt &eaarka !bon Lt•L••• Th4n. Gt•Greattt than Ul•Unnailable - . . .. ~ \ ..) CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order t 9573 Dste Report Printed: OCT 12 88 t 17:05 Client Sample ID:SIT! 13 BOTTON PWSID :UA Collected S!P 29 88 e hu. Received SEP 30 88 • 09:00 his. Preaerved with :AS REQUIRED Analysia Completed :OCT 11 68 Laboratory Sup•F~~ :SI:P~ Sr~DE Released By : -t'~ · ~~ Client HaD. : A! POWER AUTHOBitl Client Acct : A!PWRAP P.O.t 099331 P.eq t Ordered By : ION llXIJIS!I/DAVE tBUDGEII Send Beporta to: l)A! POW!B AUTBOBitt 2)- ················································-··················································································· Special BRADLEY LA!E In.sttuc ~ · Cha~ab Ref t: 2841 ?arameter !e~ted MERCURY SULfiDE L~b Smpl ID: 9 Suple burltl: SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D. TRUDGEN Matrix: WAUB Result/Units liD(0.002) gg/1 0.0003 mq/1 liD(0.002) gg/1 Method GF u Allowable Limits ·······································································••·•••···•·•·••••···•···········•··•··· 3 teata Performed MD• lone Detected NA• Mot Analyzed • See Special Inatructiona lbove •• See Sample Bemarka AboTe LT•Leaa Than, GT•Greater Than OA·Onavailable CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Wor~ Order t 11007 Date Report Printed: JAN 5 89 @ 17:46 Client Sample ID:SIIE t1 IOP PWSID UA Collected DEC 20 88 I hrs. Rec8l ved DEC 20 88 I 16:00 hra. Preserved with :ZINC ACEIAIE/ACID Analysis Completed :DEC 28 88 Laboratory Sup~IEPHEN~/. EDE ~ Released By : f-C. -~ Special BRADLEY LAKE. Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 3780 Parameter Tested MERCURY CADMIUM HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 1 Sample Remarks: SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D. TRUDGEN. Matrix: WAI.ER Result/Units ND(0.0002) r~g/1 tm(0.002) r~g/1 MD(0.002) r~g/1 Cl1ent Name : AK POWER AUIH Cl1ent Acct AKPWRAP P.O.t NONE REC'D Req t Ordered By : Send Reports to: 1)H POWER AUTH 2) Method AA GF Allowable LlllltS ···•········••············•···•·················••••••••···············•·•·············••···••·•·······••••·•· 3 !eats Performed liD· None Detected NA• Not Analyzed • See Special Inatruct1ona Above •• See Sample Remarks Above LI·Less Than, GI·Greater Than UA•Unavailable 0 .,. 1 ,.0t''""o,~ .... CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC .. l ' .. -o ========================================================================/ e : 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 11007 Date Report Pr1nted: JAN 5 89 @ 17:47 Cl1ent Sample ID:SITE 11 MlD COLUMN PWSID :UA Cl1ent Name AK POWER AUTH Client Acct AKPWRAP Collected DEC 20 88 I hrs. Rece1ved DEC 20 88 I 16:00 hrs. Preserved w1th :ZINC ACETATE/ACID Analys1s Completed :DEC 28 88 Laboratory Sup~EPHEN C. EDE Released By : _7 C. ~ P.O.I NONE REC. D Req I Ordered By Send Reports to: l)AK POWER AUTH 2) .................................................................................................................................... Spec1al BRADLEY LAKE. Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 3780 Parameter Tested MERCURI CADMIUM HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab ~mpl ID: 2 Matrix: WAIER Result/Uru ts ND(0.0002) mg/1 ND(0.002) mg/1 ND(0.002) mg/1 Sample Remarks: SAMPLE COLLECTED BI D. TRUDGEN. 3 Tests Performed ND· None Detected NA· Not Analyzed ' See Special Instruct1ons Above •• See Sample Remarks Above LT·Less Than, GT·Greater Than Method AA GF UA·Unavailable Allowable Lirni. ts CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 11007 Date Report Pr1nted: JAN ) 89 f 17:48 Cl1ent Sample ID:SITE 11 BOTTOM PWSID :UA Collected DEC 20 88 I hrs. Rece1ved DEC 20 88 I 16:00 hrs. Preserved with :ZINC ACETATE/ACID Analysis Completed :DEC 28 88 Lobo<•to<y Sup~ ~IPHEM C. IDE Released By : C ~ ~ Client Name : AK POWER AUTH Cl1ent Acct AKPWRAP P.O.t NONE REC'D Req I Ordered By : Send Reports to: l)AK POWER AUTH 2) ··············································-····························-························································ Special BRADLEY LAKE. Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 3780 Parameter Tested MERCURY CADMIUM HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab S!lpl ID 3 Sample Remarks: SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D. TRUDGEN. Matrix: WATER Result/Units 0.0002 ~~g/1 ND(0.002) mg/1 ND(0.002) mg/1 Method AA GF Allo11able Li!lits ...............................•••...........••.....••••...•.........••..........................•............ 3 Tests Perfor!lid ND· None Detected NA• Not Analyzed • See Special Instructions Above •• See Sa!lple Remarks Above LT•Less Than, GT•Greater Than UA•Unava1lable 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92·0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 11007 Date Report Printed: JAN S B9 @ 17:48 Client Sample ID:SITE 12 TOP PWSID :UA Collected DEC 20 88 @ hrs. Received DEC 20 88@ 16:00 hrs. Preserved with :ZINC ACETATE/ACID Analysis Completed :DEC 28 BS Laboratory Supe~PHEM C. EDE Released By • ~-.C:. ~ Client Name : AK POWER AUTH Client Acct : AKPWRAP P.O.t NONE REC'D Req I Ordered By : Send Reports to: l)AK POWER AUTH 2) ······•••·•··········••••····••••········•••···•·•·••••·········••••••••······••·····••·••••••••••······•••••••••••··••··········••• Special BRADLEY LAKE. Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 3780 Parameter Tested MERCURY CADMIUM HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 4 Matrix: WATER Re~ul t/Un.i ts liD(0.0002) liiJ/l liD{0.002) lll!ill liD(0.002) liiJ/l Sample Remarks: SAMPLE COL~ECTED BY D. TRUDGEN. 3 Tests Performed ND· None Detected NA• Not Analyzed • See Special Instructions Above •• See Sample Remarks Above LT•Less Than, GT·Greater Than Method AA Gf UA•Unavailable Allowable Limits CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order J 11007 Date Report Pr1nted: JAN 5 89 @ 17:49 Cl1ent Sample ID:SITE 12 ~ID COLUMN PWSID UA Collected DEC 20 88 @ hrs. Rece1ved DEC 20 88 f 16:00 hrs. Preserved w1th :ZINC ACETATE/ACID Analysis Completed :DEC 28 88 L•bot•toty Supi'~T!PHtH C. !D! Released By : ..JtL C. ~ Special BRADLEY LAKE. Instruct: Chemlab Ref l: 3780 Parameter tested MERCURY CADMIUM HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: S Sample Rernar Its: SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D. TRUDGEN. Matrix: WATER Result/Units ND(0.0002) mg/1 ND(O. 002) mg/l ND(0.002) mg/1 Client Name AK POWER AUTH Client Acct AKPWRAP P.O.J NONE REC'D Req I Ordered By : Send Reports to: l)AK POWER AUIH 2) ~ethod AA GF Allowable Llllu ts .........................................................................................•.................... 3 Iests Performed ND• None Detected NA· Not Analyzed • See Spec1al Instructions Above •• See Sample Remarks Above LT·Less Than, GT·Greater Ihan UA•Unavulable CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92·0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BI SAMPLE for Work Order I 1!007 Date Report Printed: JAN 5 89 @ 17:50 Client Sample ID:SITE 12 BOTTOM PWSID :UA Collected DEC 20 88 @ hrs. Received DEC 20 88 t 16: 00 hr 1 . Preserved with :ZINC ACETATE/ACID Analysis Completed :DEC 28 88 Laboratory Sup~~EPHEN ~1:DE ~ Released By '../'-VT-L:-.. ~ Client Name : A~ POWER AUTH Client Acct : A~PWRAP P.O.t NONE REC'D Req t Ordered By : Send Reports to: l)U POWER AUTH 2) ·············-·--··················································································································· Special BRADLEY LA~E. Instruct: Cheblab Ref I: 3780 Parameter Tested MERCURY CADMIUM HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 6 Matrix: WAtER Result/Units o.ooos mg/1 MD(0.002) mg/1 MD(0.002) mg/l Sample SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D. TRUDGEN. Remarks: 3 Tests Performed MD· None Detected NA· Not Analyzed ' See Special Instxuctions Above '' See Sample Remarks Above LI·Less Than, GT·Greatet Than Method u GF UA·Unavailabla Allowable Lillits ,,.o, CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. j/ ~-,~ 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 ~:~~ iJ · FEDERAL TAX 10 # 92·0040440 ~ ~.. -~.::,;, ~~h' AHALISIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order I 11007 Date Report Pr1nted: JAN S 89 t 17:)0 Client Sample ID:SIIE 13 TOP PWSID :UA Collected DEC 20 88 t his. Received DEC 20 88 t 16:00 his. Preserved w1th :ZINC ACETATE/ACID Analys1a Completed :DEC 28 88 ''b'""'' ,,,~m• 5,;-)" _ Released By : ~~ ~ Cl1ent Name : AK POWER AUTH Cllent Acct AKPWRAP P.O.I NOME REC'D Req I Ordered By : Send Reports to: l)U POWER AUTH 2) ·········-··········--·········································¥··································-································· Special BRADLEY LAKE. Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 3780 Para~~etn Test.ed MERCURY CADMIIJ)( HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab .S11pl ID: 7 Sa11ple SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D. TRUDGEM. Remarks: Matrix: WUER Result/Units ND(0.0002) mg/1 IID(0.002) mg/1 NO( 0. OQ2) mg/1 Method u GF Allowable Lillits .................•...........................................................•....••...........•...•.......... 3 Tests Performed MD· None Detected NA• Not Analyzed • See Special Instructions Above •• See Sample Re~~arks Above LT·Less Than, GT·Greater Than UA·Unavailable CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 I# 92-0040440 AMlLTSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order t 11007 Date Report Pr1nted: JAN 5 89 @ 17:51 Client Sample ID:SITE 13 MID COLUMN PWSID :UA Collected DEC 20 88 @ hrs. Rece1ved DEC 20 88 t 16:00 his. Preserved w1th :ZINC ACETATE/ACID Analysis Completed :DEC 28 88 Laboratory Sup~~PHEN C. EDE Released By : "'/ _ C.._ ~ Cl1ent Name : AK POWER AUTH Cl1ent Acct : AKPWRAP P.O.I NOME REC'D Req l Ordered By : Send Repor t8 to: l)AK POWER AUTH 2) ···································································································································- Special BRADLEY LAKE. Instruct: Chemlab Ref I: 3780 Par411tter Tested MERCURY CADMIUM HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab S11pl ID: 8 Sample SAMPLE COLLECTED BY D. TRUDGEN. Remrks: Matrix: WUER Ruult/Unlts 110(0.0002) ~~g/1 110(0.002) 1111)/l ND(0.002) ~~g/1 Method AA GF Allowable Limits ...................••................................••..............•••.....•••..........•.••......••.......• 3 Teats Performed MD· Mona Detected NA• Not Analyzed ' See Special Instructions Above •• See Sample Remarks Above LT·Lesa !han, GT•Greater Than UA•Unavailable CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562·2343 FEDERAL TAX 10 I# 92·0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order t 11007 Date Report Prlnted: JAN ) 89 @ 17:)2 Cl1ent Sample ID:SIIE t3 BOTTOM PWSID :UA Collected DEC 20 SS @ hrs. Received DEC 20 88 @ 16: 00 hr s. Preserved with :ZINC ACETATE/ACID Analysls Completed :DEC 28 88 Laboratory Sc. ~PHEN ~~E _ Released By: ,7 _ L~ ~· Special BRADLEY LAKE. Instruct: Chealab Ref t: 3780 Parameter Tested MERCURY CADMIUM HYDROGEN SULFIDE Lab Smpl ID: 9 Sample Remarks: SAMPLE COLLECTED 8! D. TRUDGEN. Matrix: WATER Result/Units ND(0.0002) qg/1 llD(0.002) mq/1 IID(O 002) qg/1 Client Name : AK POWER AUIH Client Acct : AKPWRAP P.O.I IIOIIE REC'D Req I Ordered Sy Send Reports to: 1)AK POWER AUIH 2) Method AA GF Allowable Liru ts -··-·········································································································· 3 Tests Performed liD• None Detected NA• !lot Analyzed ' See Special Inttructiont Above •• See Sample Remarks Above LT•Less Than, GT•Greater Than UA•Unavailable