HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Feasibility Study Vol 2 1983BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY VOLUME 2 APPENDICES OCTOBER 1983 ~Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation ....___ALASKA POW:t;R AITTHORITY _ ...... CONTRACT No. CC -08-3132 14500.14-H-(D)-1 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY VOLUME 2 APPENDICES OCTOBER 1983 .___ALASKA POWER AITTUORITY _...,. COPYRIGHT, 1983 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY AND IS TO BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST. ITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE COPIED, DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES, OR USED FOR OTHER THAN THE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT HAS BEEN PROVIDED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY. VOLUME 1 VOLut-1E 2 VOLUME 3 - BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT APPENDICES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDICES APPENDIX D APPENDIX E GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES FEASIBILITY STUDY -CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES TRANSMISSION LINE ANALYSIS FEASIBILITY STUDY OF TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEM BRADLEY RIVER INSTREAM FLOW STUDIES APPENDIX A GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project Geotechnical Studies Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. Bradley Lake Project Office September, 1983 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Geotechnical Consultants 511 Suite B 5621 Arctic Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99502 907-561-2120 .. Bradley· Lake Hydroelectric· Power Project . - Geotechnical. Studies . .. . • • • • • . , , ... • l • . . . . Stone & Webster · Engine~ring Corp . Bradley ~ Lake Project Office -1 ' ~.0. Box 14359 .. ~ .. ... ·Anchorage, Alaska 99501 September, 1983 SHANNON & WILSON , INC. • K•08 31 5111 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Geotechn1cal Consultants 2055 Hill Road. P 0 Box 843 • Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 • Telephone i907l 452-6183 September 30, 1983 K-0631-61 Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Rradley Lake Project Office P.O. Box 14359 Anchorage, AK 99501 Attn: Mr. J.J. Garrity, Project Manager RE: FINAL REPORT ON GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES, BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 14500.09-G004S Gentlemen: Attached is our final report describing the findings of Shannon & Wilson 1 S geotechnical studies for the Rradley Lake Hydroelectric Prwer Project. This report includes the results of our reconnaissance geologic mapping program of the tunnel alignment, and our subsurface explorations at the intake structure, powerhouse, and b~rge basin locations, as well as at the tunnel alignment crossings of the Bradley River and Bull Moose Faults. Laboratory test results on soil samples from the barge basin locatior are also presented. If you have any questions, please contact us at your convenience. Sincere 1 y, SHANNON & WILSON, INC. By~~'{:~ onE. Cronin, P.G. Associate -Engineering Geology ~a-t ... f'J~ ROhilD. AbbOtt, P.E. Vice President & Manager Encl . Rohn 0 Abbott, P.E. V•ce President and Manager Seattle • Spokane • Portland • Fa~rbanks • St. LOUIS • Houston TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . INTRODUCTION 2. 3. 1.1 Purpose and Scope 1.2 Limitations SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Site Description 2.2 Project Description 2.3 Previous Investigations FIELD EXPLORATIONS 3.1 General 3.2 Geologic Mapping 3.3 Subsurface Exploration Program 4. LABORATORY TESTING 4.1 Soil 4.2 Rock 5. GEOLOGY 5.1 Regional Geology and Tectonics 5.2 Seismicity 5.3 Site Geology 5.3.1 General Geologic Setting 5.3.2 Lithologic Units 5.3.3 Structural Geology General Faults Joints Lineaments K-0631 PAGE 1 2 3 3 4 6 7 8 12 13 15 16 17 18 22 23 23 24 6. 5.4 Geologic Conditions 5.4.1 Intake Structure 5.4.2 Tunnel Alignment General Intake to Bradley River 24 25 Fault Zone 26 Bradley River Fault Zone 27 Bradley River Fault Zone to Bull Moose Fault Zone 28 Bull Moose Fault Zone 29 Bull Moose Fault Zone to Powerhouse Site 30 5.4.3 Powerhouse 31 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Genera 1 Intake Structure Bradley River Fault Bull Moose Fault Barge Basin Powerhouse 32 34 35 37 38 41 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 7.1 General 42 42 44 47 49 7.2 Rockmass Characteristics 7.3 Rock Type Distribution 7.4 Tunneling Characteristics 7.5 Barge Basin Soil Properties Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3-7 Figure 8 Figures 9-11 Figure 12 Figures 13-15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Appendix A Appendix B Photos 1-6 Photos 7-11 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Summary of Subsurface Explorations Description of Rock Classification Methods Summary of Laboratory Test Results Location Map Geologic Maps Boring Logs Test Pit Log Grain Size Gradations Unconfined Compression Test Results Triaxial Compression Test Results Plasticity Chart Summary of Test Results Annotated References Glossary of Cataclastic Terminology Selected Core Photos Selected Site Photos INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, under contract to the Alaska Power Authority, is currently performing a Feasibility Study for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project. Shannon & Wilson, Inc. was retained by Stone & Webster to perform se 1 ected geotechni ca 1 studies related to the project. This report summarizes the results of Shannon & Wilson's studies, which were performed under Contract No. 14500.09- G004S, dated April 28, 1983. Shannon & Wilson's studies were directed at evaluating geologic conditions specifically at the location of the proposed intake structure, along the power tunnel alignment, at the proposed powerhouse location, and in the vicinity of the proposed barge basin. This work was accomplished through a reconnaissance level geologic mapping program and the drilling, sampling, and logging of exploratory borings at four locations. A fifth boring which had been planned to confirm the depth of bedrock at the location of the proposed powerhouse was replaced by a test pit because of the shallow depth of the overburden. Pertinent previous reports were reviewed during the course of work. The purpose of the geologic mapping and subsurface exploration at the intake structure and powerhouse sites was to identify conditions which might affect the design or suitability of the layout now being considered. Geologic mapping along the tunnel alignment was performed primarily to estimate the amount of various rock types that would be encountered along the alignment. Exploratory borings were drilled at the tunnel crossing of the two major identified faults in the area to investigate the nature of the rockmass and the character and thickness of any gouge zones in the faults. The boring at the barge basin location was drilled to determine if the nature of the tidal flat deposits was such that stability problems would affect the proposed basin development. To assist in this determination, a soil laboratory 1 K-0631-61 testing program was added to Shannon & Wilson's scope of work to define the properties of the soils from that boring. The scope of Shannon & Wilson's geotechnical studies specifically did not include relogging of core from previous borings; rock joint surveys; pressure or permeability testing of borings; investigation of geologic conditions at the dam site, quarry sites, or for the roads or other adjunct facilities; testing of the rock core obtained from the borings; or studies of seismic or other geologic hazards. 1.2 Limitations This report was prepared for use by Stone & Webster Ergineering Corp- oration, the Alaska Power Authority, or their consultants, and presents the results of surface and subsurface geologic explorations at a limited number of specified sites for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project. The geologic conditions in the project area are complex and variable, and the reconnaissance level geologic mapping and drilling program performed may not define the entire range of conditions which might be present. In addit1on, surface geology and conditions found in relatively shallow borings may not be wholly representative of con- ditions at tunnel depth. While this report is not a comprehersive study of the geology of the Bradley Lake project area, it should provide a basis for estimating conditions in the specific areas investigated. 2 K-0631-61 2. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Site Description Bradley Lake is located in a glacially carved valley on the Kenai Peninsula about 25 miles northeast of Homer, Alaska and about 110 miles southwest of Anchorage. The western end of the three-mile long lake is located about four miles east of the head of Kachemak Bay. Lake water surface elevation is 1080 feet, and the maximum depth of the lake is about 268 feet. Water sources for the lake are glacial meltwaters and runoff from the surrounding slopes of the Kenai Mountains. The lake is drained by the Bradley River, which runs north\vestward from the west end of the lake into tidal flats at the head of Kachemak Bay. The terrain between Bradley Lake and the tidal flats of Kachemak Bay rises to a maximum elevation of 2070 feet. Bedrock is found at or near the ground surface in most areas. The higher elevations consist of barren rock or low scrub vegetation, while the lower slopes support a heavy growth of large timber. The mud flats of Kachemak bay consist of an unknown maximum thickness of tidal flat or deltaic deposits. The maximum tide range in the Bay is about 28 feet, and, at the highest tides, the mud flats are submerged to a point very near the base of the surrounding low bluffs. 2.2 Project Description Plans for the development of hydroelectric power at Bradley Lake consist of raising the lake level with c. dam at the natural lake outlet, and diverting lake water through a tunnel to a powerhouse located adjacent to Kachemak Bay. Adjunct facilities include such items as a barge basin, access roads, an airstrip, and a construction camp. The project plan previously identified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers involved an intake structure on the right abutment of the dam, 3 K-0631-61 which required the power tunnel to cross the Bradley River on a bridge downstream of the dam. Previous geotechni ca 1 studies were confined to this route. The project plan currently being investigated by Stone & Webster Engi- neering Corporation involves an intake structure located on the left abutment of the dam, thus eliminating the crossing of the Bradley River. From this point, two possible tunnel alignments are being considered. The tunnel alignment investigated and presented by this report extends for approximately 14,050 feet along a N63°W trend to a proposed surge tank location. Northwest of the surge tank this alignment trends N47°W for about 4,250 feet to the proposed powerhouse location. Only the latter segment of this tunnel alignment closely parallels the alignment proposed and investigated by the Corps of Engineers. The alternative alignment would extend for approximately the same overall total length, and essentially follow the alignment investigated, on a continuous trend of N60°W. The depth and profi 1 e of the power tunne 1 is currently under study by Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. The purpose of these studies is to obtain a balance between hydraulic characteristics and construction considerations. At the present time, it appears that major portions of the tunne 1 may be 1 ocated at depths as great as 900 feet below the ground surface. 2.3 Previous Investigations Bradley Lake was first considered for hydroe 1 ectri c deve 1 opment by the Corps of Engineers in the early 1950 1 s. The project was dormant for a number of years, with renewed interest since the mid 1970 1 s. ~~ost of the Corps 1 work is summarized in their General Design ~1emorandum No. 2, published in 1982. This memorandum includes a summary of site geologic conditions, and the logs of 40 exploratory borings drilled during 1980 and 1981. Also of use during Shannon & Wilson 1 S studies were reports on various aspects of site geology prepared for the Corps of Engineers by Woodward-Clyde Consultants and DOWL Engineers in 1979 and 1983, 4 K-0631-61 respectively. The Woodward-Clyde study evaluated a variant of the most northerly power tunne 1 a 1 tern ate discussed in the Design Memorandum, while the DOWL study was restricted to the dam abutments and the recom- mended Corps of Engineers 1 tunnel alignment including the proposed crossing of the Bradley River. Other selected references to previous work in the area are listed in Appendix A. 5 K-0631-61 3. FIELD EXPLORATIONS 3.1 General The field explorations for Shannon & Wilson 1 S study of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project were accomplished during the summer of 1983 in two separate phases, geologic mapping and subsurface explorations. Geologic mapping was conducted from June 6 to June 16 by Dan Clayton of Shannon & Wilson and Paul Mayrose of Stone & Webster Engineering Corpor- ation. Boring locations for the subsequent drilling program were selected after that reconnaissance. Results of the geologic mapping effort are presented in section 5 of this report. Subsurface investigations were accomplished from July 5 to August 20. Three diamond core borings, ranging in depth of hole from 155.3 feet to 262.3 feet, were drilled along the tunnel alignment for a total drilled footage of 623.9 feet, including 63 feet of soil drilling and 561 feet of rock drilling. The cored holes were drilled at an inclination of 45° to cross the predominantly vertical geological structure typical of the project area, and to intersect and determine the horizontal extent of suspected shear zones. A fourth boring was dri 11 ed to a depth of 50 feet in the area of the proposed barge basin, and was advanced using soil sampling techniques. In addition to the four borings, a test pit was dug by hand in the area of the proposed powerhouse, in lieu of an additional boring, to verify the presence of shallow bedrock at that location. Drilling operations and geologic conditions were logged by experienced geologists from our firm. The first three borings were logged by Roger Troost, and the test pit and fourth boring were logged by Dan Clayton. Daily transportation of personnel and movement of drilling equipment was accomplished by helicopter based out of Homer. 6 K-0631-61 3.2 Geoloqic Mapping The geologic mapping was focused specifically on the intake structure, tunnel and penstock alignment, and powerhouse site for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. The purpose of this study was: 1) to identify conditions which might affect the design or suitability of the layout now being considered; 2) to map and describe the geologic units and structural features in the vicinity of the intake structure, along the tunnel alignment, and at the powerhouse site; 3) to estimate the amount of various rock types that can be anticipated along the tunnel alignment; and 4) to determine locations and orientations of borings to be drilled as part of Shannon & Wilson's studies. The geologic studies consisted of three main tasks; 1) a review of previous geologic work; 2) geologic mapping of the intake, tunnel alignment, and powerhouse sites; and 3) photogeologic interpretation of the project area. The review of previous work was accomplished prior to the other tasks. Both project-specific geologic reports and geologic studies of more regional significance were reviewed. Those studies which included information pertinent to this evaluation are identified in an annotated list of references in Appendix A. The scope of work did not include sufficient time to field check the geologic maps or joint studies of previous workers, except where their studies overlapped with the preser.t mapping program. Nor was there time to carefully inspect the rock core from previously drilled borings. The geologic mapping was accomplished by foot traverses throughout the intake and powerhouse areas and along the tunnel alignment. Mapping was done on 1:2400 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers topographic maps. Map locations were determined by compass triangulation from known locations supplemented by altimeter readings. The photogeologic interpretation of the project area was conducted concurrently with the geologic mapping task. Photogeologic mapping was 7 K-0631-61 accomplished during the evenings and when inclement weather prohibited helicopter access to the site. Stereo pairs of 1:12,000 black and white aerial photographs and a stereoscopic viewer were used for the photo interpretation. The photos were most useful for identifyin9 structural features and liPeaments, but also aided in determining the distribution of geologic units. Photogeologic interpretations were field checked as part of the geologic mapping task. The primary focus of the geologic mapping task was to develop a geologic map of a 200-foot-wide corridor along the proposed tunnel alignment and of the intake and powerhouse sites. Where bedrock a 1 ong the tunne 1 alignment corridor was obscured it was necessary to map adjoining areas in order to interpret the characteristics of the lithologic units along the alignment. Adjoining areas were also briefly examined to better understand the structural features and lineaments that trend through the project area. The scope of work for the study did not include geologic evaluation of the dam site or of potential quarry sites. Following completion of the field work, petrographic thin sections of several rock samples were prepared and examined microscopically by Paul Mayrose of Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. The results of this work were relayed informally to Shannon & Wilson and have been incorp- orated into this report where appropriate. 3.3 Subsurface Exploration Program Three diamond core borings, SW 83-1, -2, and -4, were drilled in the vicinity of the proposed intake structure and at the proposed tunne 1 alignment crossings of the Bradley River and Bull Moose faults, respec- tively. A Longyear 38 drill rig, adapted for helicopter transport, was used to drill the three angled diamond core holes along the proposPd tunnel alignment. Using fresh water from nearby lakes as a drill fluid, the holes began at the surface using an HQ 3 triple tube wireline core barrel, which yields a core diameter of 2.38 inches. The wireliPe system allowed relatively trouble-free advancement of the core barrel through fractured rock and other caving materia 1 s, and the triple-tube 8 K-0631 -61 design facilitated recovery of highly fractured materials in a rela- tively undisturbed state. When it became necessary, the coring system was reduced to NQ 3 sized coring apparatus, recovering a smaller diameter core of 1.78 inches. Both size coring systems used five-foot long inner barrels. When drilling action suggested zones of materials that could not be suitably recovered with an internal discharge bit, a five-foot long NWD 4 conventional core barrel (core diameter of 2.06 inches) with a face discharge bit was used. This minimized the exposure of fragile silty or clayey materials to the water used as a drilling fluid, in order to improve core recovery. Generally the core runs were photographed while still in the split innertube to record the natural state of the material as first observed in the field. Photographs were also taken of each box of core. Selected core photographs are included at the end of this report. A complete set of core photographs has been provided to Stone & \·i~=>bster Engineering Corporation for reference. The Rock Quality Designator (RQD) was measured on each run of rock core while still in the split innertube, using the method of Deere (Table 2). Values of RQD are recorded on the boring logs, Figures 3, 4, and 7. It should be noted that because of the different sizes and styles of coring systems used that it may not be possible to directly correlate RQD from one run or boring to another. Occasional instances of drill rod 11 Chatter 11 or vibration, or instances of "mudding" of the coring bit, may also have caused mechanical breakage of the core, locally reducing the RQD. In general, core recovery was excellent for all three diamond core borings, averaging 99% for the total 561 feet of rock drilled. Loss of drilling water was minimal. No pressure tests, permeability tests, or other in situ testing were performed in the core borings. 9 K-0631-61 Drilling techniques and geologic conditions are summarized on the boring logs, Figures 3, 4 and 7. The boring performed at the proposed barge basin, SW 83-3, was advanced using rotary wash techniques with a Simco 2400 drill rig. Samples were obtained at the base of the advanced casinq with either a 311 O.D. thin-wall sampler (Shelby Tube), or a 211 0.0. split-spoon sampler driven by a 140-pound hammer -~=a 11 i ng 30 inches onto the drill rods (Standard Penetration Test). For the split-spoon samples, the number of blows required to advance the sampler the final twelve inches is the pene- tration resistance, which indicates the relative consistency of fine- grained soils and the relative density of granular soils. Torvane shear tests and pocket penetrometer tests were performed on the end of each Shelby Tube sample in the field. In addition to the sampling of Boring SW 83-3, vane shear tests were performed at two depths in fine-grained material. Peak shear strengths were first obtained for the undisturbed material and the remolded strength was determined following 10 revolutions of the vane. The results of all field measurements are presented on the summary boring log for SW 83-3, Figure 5, and are summarized with laboratory test results on Figure 17. An additional shallow boring, numbered SW 83-3A, was drilled adjacent to Boring SW 83-3 specifically to obtain Shelby Tube samples from zones of fine-grained material not adequately represented in the sampling inter- val of Boring SW 83-3. The log of this boring is presented on Figure 6. All of the samples obtained from the barge basin location were sealed and returned to our Fairbanks office for laboratory testing. Because of the difficulty which would have been involved in setting up the drill rig at the proposed powerhouse location, and because of the shallow depth of the overburden, a test pit was dug at this location. The pit was dug by hand, beginning at an exposure of rock on the hi 11 side, and eventually exposing the rock surface about 2 feet below the 10 K-0631-61 colluvial soils over an area about 9 feet square. The log of this test pit is presented on Figure 8. The preliminary locations selected for exploratory borings during the geologic reconnaissance work were surveyed for horizontal location and elevation by R & M Consultants. In the case of all three core borings, the actual boring location was shifted from the surveyed location to enhance the quality of subsurface information. Actual core boring locations were determined by tape, compass and hand level from the survey maker. During the course of the exploration program, the proposed location of the barge basin was shifted from the south side of Sheep Point to the north side. The boring location was shifted accor- dingly, and the approximate location of the boring was established by triangulation referenced to features on the Corps of Engineers 1:2400 scale topographic base map. The coordinates and elevations given for each boring on the individual boring logs should be viewed as approx- imate, given the limitation of the locating methods involved. All elevations are referenced to the Bradley Lake Project Datum. The boring locations are shown on the Location Map, Figure 1, and on the appropriate sheet of the Geologic Map, Figure 2. Pertinent data re- garding the borings is summarized in Table 1. The classification methods used to describe rock properties such as hardness and weathering are described in Table 2. 11 K-0631-61 4. LABORATORY TESTING 4.1 Soil Tests Laboratory testing was performed only on soil samples obtained from boring SW 83-3, located in the vicinity of the proposed barge basin. The primary purpose of this testing was to establish the index and engineering properties of the tidal flat deposits, particularly their sensitivity, to determine if the stability of the proposed basin development would be affected. No laboratory testing was performed on the overburden soils from the diamond cored borings. Index property testing on both disturbed and undisturbed samples con- sisted of determination of water content, gr-1in size gradation (by both mechanical and hydrometer analyses), specific gravity, Atterberg limits, pore water salinity, and organic content. Unit weights were determined only on undisturbed Shelby Tube samples. Engineering property testing consisted of performing unconsolidated- undrained triaxial compression tests on both undisturbed Shelby Tube samples and on remolded samples for the purpose of determining the sensitivity of the materials. Remolding was accomplished by disag- gregating the sample by forcing it through a #4 sieve, followed by recompacting in a mold to approximately the unit weight and moisture content of the natural sample. A pair of unconfined compression tests (undisturbed and remolded samp 1 es) was a 1 so run. Laboratory Torvane tests, both natura 1 and remolded, were also run where possible to· obtain additional shear strength va 1 ues. The remo 1 ded strength was measured after 8 to 10 revolutions of the Torvane. Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with applicable ASTM or other generally accepted laboratory procedures. Water added to samples for determination of Atterberg limits was a solution of Sodium Chloride 12 K-0631-61 approximating the salinity of the natural pore water of the sample. Another modification to standard procedures was the application of back pressure to the unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test samples after the application of the confining pressure. This was done to prevent consolidation in the event the samples were not saturated when received in the laboratory. The laboratory test results are summarized on Table 3, Summary of Laboratory Test Results. Grain size gradations are plotted on Figures 9 through 11, compression test results are plotted on Figures 12 through 15, and Atterberg limit values are plotted on the Plasticity Chart, Figure 16. The soil properties and test results from Boring SW 83-3 in the proposed barge basin area are summarized and discussed in sections 6.6 and 7.5 of this report. Laboratory data relating to the sensitivity of the material are summarized in Figure 17. To our knowledge, no soil tests on samples of the tidal deposits have been reported in previous investigations. 4.2 Rock Tests With the exception of index property tests performed on a sample of gouge material from the Bradley River Fault from Boring SW 83-2, no other tests were performed by Shannon & Wilson on rock from the diamond core borings, as this was outside the scope of the present study. Water content, Atterberg limits, and grain size gradation \vere determined on a sample of gouge from the Bradley River Fault. Results of the first two tests are shown at the beginning of Table 3, and the grain size gra- dation is plotted on Figure 9. Tests on rock core were performed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and reported in Appendix 0 of General Design Memorandum No. 2. These tests consisted primarily of unconfined and triaxial compression tests, and splitting tensile strength tests. 13 K-0631-61 During the present Feasibility Study, Dr. Alfred Hendron, under contract to Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, performed addition a 1 tests on rock from the Corps of Engineers' borings. These tests consisted principally of unconfined compressive strength; Schmidt, Shere, and Abrasion Hardness; and longitudinal wave velocity. A brief discussion of the results of these rock tests by others is contained in Section 7 of this report. We understand that at least two manufacturers of tunnel boring machines have also tested portions of the Corps of Engineers' rock core, but we have not reviewed the results of these tests. 14 K-0631-61 5. GEOLOGY 5.1 Regional Geology and Tectonics The portion of the Kenai ~1ountains in which the Bradley Lake project area is located is composed of metamorphic rocks of upper Mesozoic Age named the McHugh Complex (Clark, 1973). These rocks are thought by Clark and others to have been deposited in deep water on the continental margin. The rocks have been uplifted, deformed, and shaped by erosional processes. Accentuated by glacial and colluvial influences, the local topography is dominated by conspicuous lineaments that are surficial ex- pressions of a complex network of faults or major joint sets that are resultant of the activity of the seismic region in which the area lies. An expression of the primary tectonic influence on the project area is found in the Gulf of Alaska, where, about 185 miles southeast of Bradley Lake, the axis of the Aleutian Arc-Trench occurs sub-parallel to the prevalent northeast-southwest strike of the prominent tectonic features found a round Bradley Lake and in the surrounding region. The convergence of the North American and Pacific lithospheric plates, marked at the earth's surface by the Aleutian Arc-Trench, is responsible for substantial regional tectonic activity as a result of the northward movement and underthrusting of the Pacific Plate at the rate of about 6 em per year. The resultant subduction zone of this regional megathrust system dips to the northwest from the Aleutian Arc-Trench, and a plane of seismic activity, called a Benioff Zone, marks the bourdary of the two colliding lithospheric plates. This Benioff Zone is the focus of several historical earthquakes in Southern Alaska, and at the project area occurs about 30 miles below the earth's surface. The immense compressional forces generated by the plate tectonics of the Kenai Region have resulted in deformation of the upper crust materials of the Kenai Peninsula in the form of folding, jointing and faulting. Of the several major regional fault systems that express this defor- mation, two faults are found in the vicinity of the Bradley Lake 15 K-0631-61 Hydroelectric Power Project. The Eagle River Fault crosses through the southeastern portion of Bradley Lake, and the Border Ranges Fault forms the northern front of the Kenai Mountains and flanks the northwest portion of the project area. Neither of these faults crosses the project area but their proximity suggests a relatiorship and possible influence on two other lesser, but still pronounced, faults that cia cross the proposed tunnel alignment, the Bradley River Fault and the Bull Moose Fault, found 3,900 feet and 9,800 feet, respectively, from the proposed intake area at Bradley Lake. Like the Eagle River and Border Ranges Faults, the Bradley River and Bull Moose Faults strike in the general northeast-southwest direction that is characteristic of the regional tectonic grain, and they have been suggested to be splays from the Border Ranges Fault (Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1979). Together with several other randomly oriented faults, these lineaments create the topography found in the Bradley Lake project area. The tectonic processes discussed above have also been responsible for the pervasive shearing of the rockmass itself, which is discussed in greater detail below and in section 6, Subsurface Conditions. 5. 2 Seismicity Shannon & Wi 1 son 1 s scope project site seismicity. Woodward-Clyde Consultants of work did not include an evaluation of This subject was considered in depth by (1981), and is summarized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in General Design Memorandum No. 2. Briefly summarizing this previous work, the Corps of Engineers selected two design earthquakes, a magnitude 8.5 event occurring on the megathrust beneath the site, and a magnitude 7.5 event ocurring on the Border Ranges or Eagle River Faults. Studies by Woodward-Clyde Consul- tants indicated that these latter two faults dominated the response spectra for the design maximum earthquake. 16 K-0631-61 None of the Border Ranges, Eagle River, Bradley River, or Bull t~oose Faults are known to be historically active according to the ~Joodward-Clyde report. t~i croea rthquake data avail ab 1 e at the time of the report revealed no association between the recorded seismicity and the mapped faults in the project area. In fact, the seismic activity appeared to be at a depth shallower than the subduction zone, defor- mation along which is thought to be the primary cause of motion on these faults. Since the Woodward-Clyde study in 1981, we understand that evidence has been found to suggest recent activity on the Eagle River fault near Eklutna, some 125 miles northeast of the project site. If the Border Ranges or Eagle River Faults are active, Woodward-Clyde concludes that displacement on either of them could induce movement on the Bull Moose or Bradley River Faults, or on other small faults in the project area. In addition, they state that independent fault rupture appears possible on the Bradley River or Bull Moose Faults, with amounts of slip ranging from 20 em to 300 em. They estimate the probability of displacements occurring on these faults in the next 100 years in the -3 -4 range of 4 X 10 to 2 X 10 . Woodward-Clyde Consultants report that data on the Border Ranges, Eagle River, Bradley River, and Bull Moose Faults is generally scarce. They suggest that further detailed geologic studies would be required if it becomes necessary to further quantify the dominance of the site response spectra by the first two faults, or to more precisely estimate the potential for surface rupture along the two on-site faults. 5.3 Site Geology 5.3.1 General Geologic Setting The project area is underlain by weakly metamorphosed sedimentary strata of the McHugh Complex. This bedrock is locally mantled by unconsolidated glacial, alluvial, and colluvial deposits and, below tree lines, is generally obscured by vegetation and soil cover. The 17 K-0631-61 McHugh Complex in the project area is comprised primarily of weakly metamorphosed graywacke, argillite, and cherty argillite. Locally these racks are intruded by dacite dikes. A metaconglomerate has been described in previous geologic studies of the Bradley Lake area, but was nat observed in the area of the proposed tunnel alignment, power- house, and intake. The graywacke, argillite, and cherty argillite of the McHugh Complex have a complex distribution as a result of their intense deformation and structural juxtaposition. Recognizable bedding planes and marker beds are generally absent or masked by tectonic foliation, making individual units very difficult to map. Many contacts appear to be tectonic rather than depositional, and individual lithologic units commonly are discontinuous over short distances. Many of the thicker lithologic units either pinch out or are truncated within a few hun- dred feet along their trend, whereas the thinner units often can be traced no more than a few feet to few tens of feet. Consequently, projection of lithologic units and rockmass characteristics from sur- face exposures laterally into areas where the rock is obscured and vertically into the subsurface is necessarily speculative. The rocks in the Bradley Lake area are predominantly cataclastic rocks that have been broken and granulated due to stress and movement during fau 1 t i ng. low-grade These broken rocks have generally regained cohesion through metamorphism. The deformational hi story of the rocks explains their sheared texture, extremely gradational contacts. intimate intermixing, and the often However, lithologic classifications were used during the geologic reconnaissance, rather than cataclastic nomenclature, for consistency with previous investigators. 5.3.2 Lithologic Units For the purpose of this evaluation we have subdivided the bedrock into five lithologic units based on their distinctive These units are graywacke, massive argillite, 18 rockmass properties. foliated argillite, K-0631-61 foliated cherty argillite, and dacite intrusives. The general char- acteristics of these bedrock units are discussed below. The graywacke is a highly indurated, dark gray to dark greenish gray, very fine to medium-grained, weakly metamorphosed sandstone. It typically contains dark gray, angular to subrounded, sand-sized rock fragments that, in hand specimen, appear to be argillite or slate. The graywacke grades in grain size to the massive argillite described below. In the finer grained samples lithic fragments generally were not observed. Fine irregular quartz and calcite veins are locally common in the graywacke. The graywacke is massive with little or no evidence of for lenses or detached remmants of beds of foliated cherty argillite that locally occur within the unit. bedding except a rg i 1 1 i t e and Although com- manly slickensided, tne graywacke in hand specimen and outcrop does not reflect the pervasive tectonic fabric that is strongly expressed in the foliated argillites. The graywacke is relatively resistant to weathering and generally .underlies the more prominent hills in the project area. Where exposed, the rock is fresh to slightly weathered. Moderately to widely spaced, partly opened to very tight joints are typical of the vertical exposures of the graywacke. The massive argillite is a strongly indurated, dark gray to dark greenish gray, weakly metamorphosed siltstone to very fine-grained sandstone. It is a fine-grained equivalent of the graywacke and has similar rockmass properties. Exposures of this unit are fresh to slightly weathered, massive, lack evidence of shearing or foliation in hand specimen and outcrop, and typically have moderately to widely spaced joints. The massive argillite occurs in juxtaposition with both graywacke and foliated argillite. Chert is noticably rare in the massive argillite, but in other respects this lithologic unit appears to be the relatively unsheared equivalent of the foliated argillite. 19 K-0631-61 A weakly metamorphosed tuff vias identified in a thin section sample taken from a location just northwest of hil 1 2036.3. from a In hand specimen this rock resembled a metamorphosed mafic intrusive, but in outcrop it appeared to grade into massive argillite. Tuff was also identified in a thin section of a sample of graywacke taken from a location midway between hil 1 2036.3 and the surge tank. Even at the microscopic level, the tuff appears to be intermingled with graywacke and/or argillite. The texture of the tuff is suggestive of deposition in a water medium. These observations suggest contemporaneous depo- sition of the various parent materials, a situation compatible with the geologic setting. The Corps of Engineers classified a thin sec- tion sample from their boring DH-11 as a "volcanic graywacke". Its occurrence is not noted on the log of that boring. Considering the appearance of the material in thin section, this term may, in fact, be more accurately descriptive of its origin than is the term "tuff". It is difficult to accurately determine regarding the aistribution of the tuff because it can only be positively identified in thin section. It appears to be present within both the graywacke and the massive argillite. Although its presence has been confirmed only in the area between hil 1 2036.3 and the proposed surge tank location, this may be a coincidence of locations from which thin sections were made and areas with abundant exposed rock. Because the tuff was not differen- tiated in the field reconnaissance, it is not indicated or referenced on the geologic maps. The foliated argillite and foliated cherty argillite are differen- tiated solely on the abundance of chert within the rock. For this evaluation we have considered the argillite to be "cherty" if inter- layered and lenticular chert exceeds about 10 percent of the outcrop. The argillite is a dark gray to black, weakly metamorphosed siltstone and very fine sandstone. Chert occurs throughout the rock (in various percentages) typically as discontinuous layers and elongated nodules up to a few inches thick and occasionally up to one to two feet thick. In a few instances, discontinuous, fractured chert layers as thick as 20 K-0631-61 10 feet were observed within the foliated argillite. Chert layers and nodules lie within the foliation plane, which strikes from N-S to N 20° E and dips steeply. With the exception of the few thick chert layers described above, the chert generally does not constitute more than about 20 percent of the rock in any one location. The foliated argillite is a highly sheared rock. While the foliation may conform in general with relict bedding, it is predominantly a shear foliation that has developed along the regional structural trend. This shearing resulted in the severe fragmentation of the chert layers and pervasive cataclastic texture of the unit as a whole. The rock breaks preferentially along a myriad of subparallel fractures that collectively define the foliation plane. Jointing is not fre- quently expressed in outcrops of the foliated argillites but where present the joints are typi-:ally widely to very widely spaced and very tight. Linear, soil-covered topographic depressions at various angles to the foliation suggest, however, that jointing may be more prevalent in this unit than exposures indicate. Outcrops of the foliated argillite are fresh to sli9htly weathered. Two dacite dikes were observed in the map area. One is known from a single small outcrop at the exit portal, whereas the other is exposed to the east near the middle of the tunnel alignment. The eastern dike trends northeasterly to easterly across the regional structural trend, cutting across both graywacke and argillite units. It is about 30 to 50 feet wide and can be traced to the northeast of the tunnel align- ment where it dips nearly vertically. Viewed from the air, this dike appears to bifurcate along its trend although this was not confirmed on the ground. It has apparently been offset about 1,000 feet in a right lateral sense across the Bradley River fault zone. The dacite is a light greenish gray, porphyritic rock. It is typically slightly weathered in outcrop, and appears to be slightly more resistant to erosion than the units it intruded. There is no obvious alteration of wall rocks resulting from the intrusion, nor does there appear to be any significant variation between the center and margins of the dike 21 K-0631-61 itself. joints. The dacite is a massive rock with widely spaced, very tight Its rockmass properties to be similar to the massive argil- lite and graywacke. Unconsolidated deposits in the project area consist of glacial outwash and till in the vicinity of the proposed intake and locally along the tunnel alignment, tidal flat deposits near the powerhouse site, and colluvium in the valleys and on the hillsides throughout the project area. The glacial deposits, intennixed with colluvium, occupy the smal 1 drainages and bedrock depressions adjoining the Bradley Kiver. These deposits consist of silt, sand, gravel, and boulders derived primarily from the argillite and graywacke, and probably range from less than a few feet to perhaps over 20 to 30 feet thick. Colluvial soils are prominent in the forested areas and on the lower hill slopes throughout the area. These materials are derived from the bedrock and contain sand to boulder sized clasts of argillite and graywacke in a rna t r i x of s i 1 t . 5.3.3 Structural Geology General The most prominent structural elements in the project area are the pervasive, closely-spaced shear foliation in the argillites and the complex structural distribution of bedrock units. The area is com- plexly defonned by the pervasive shearing, by two major fault zones, and by numerous smaller faults in a variety of orientations. The sig- nificance of folding in the project area is not apparent because; a) wel 1-defined marker horizons and bedding are lacking, b) vegeta- tive cover obscures much of the rock, and c) the bedrock units are complexly distributed. 22 K-0631-61 Faults The Bradley River and Bull Moose faults are the most significant faults in the project area. These faults zones are high-angle struc- tures that trend N5°E to N20°E and extend for at least a few miles outside the project area. These fault zones are described in greater detail in the discussion of the geologic conditions along the tunnel alignment. Several smaller high-angle faults and a few low-angle faults have also been identified in this and previous studies. The high-angle faults tend to fall into two general sets: those subpar- allel to the Bradley River and Bull Moose fault zones and those at about 90° to these larger structures. Only a few low-angle faults have been observed. This may reflect the general absence of these features, but is more likely indicative of their poor surface expres- sion. The low-angle faults that were observed are exposed in cliff faces. Joints Jointing is present in al 1 the rocks in the area although it is gen- erally best developed in the graywacke. Joint orientations are highly variable, and the joint orientations observed in a given outcrop are controlled to some extent by the orientation of the outcrop itself. Joint surfaces are generally relatively smooth, and range from very tight to open cracks about 2 inches wide. Where open, the joints are typically not filled except very near the surface where soil and organic matter have entered from overlying soil cover. Joint spacing is also highly variable, ranging from a few inches in local areas to several tens of feet in other areas. Generally at least three joint sets at high angles to one another can be found, resulting in a blocky rockmass. Detailed joint descriptions along transects at the damsite, powerhouse site, and intake and exit portals is presented in OOWL Engineers (January, 1983). 23 K-0631-6 1 Lineaments Many linear topographic depressions cross the project area in apparent random orientation. A few of the most pronounced and continuous of these lineaments are recognized as faults, but the origins of many of the others are not readily apparent. Most of the lineaments are prob- ably the surface expression of either faults, joints, or series of closely spaced joints where the surface has been differentially eroded by glaciation, frost action, and runoff along planes of weakness. Unfortunately rock exposures along the lineaments are commonly absent, and colluvial or glacial deposits obscure the evidence needed to determine the nature of these features. Nevertheless, the lineaments provide an indication of the frequency and extent of the relatively larger discontinuities, particularly in the areas lacking extensive soil and forest cover. 5.4 ~ologic Conditions -Surface Investigations 5.4.1 Intake Structure The intake to the power tunnel wil 1 be located in the area of the left abutment. Although its exact position has yet to be determined it will be situated in the lowland immediately north of hill 1270.7. This lowland area is covered by dense vegetation and an unknown thick- ness of colluvium shed from the adjoining highlands. The colluvium may directly overlie bedrock or it may overlie glacial till or outwash deposits which, in turn, rest on rock. The adjoining hills provide the best indication of the characteristics of the bedrock that wi 11 be encountered at the intake. This rock is ccrnprised of ccrnplexly mixed graywacke and foliated argillite ~vith less than 10 percent chert nodules and layers. The contacts between the graywacke and argillite roughly parallel the foliation in the argillite which typically trends N-S to N20°E and dips steeply. Hil 1 1270.7 iS also cut by several small faults and joint sets. These 24 K-0631-61 features have been described in some detail by Woodward-Clyde (1979) and OOWL Engineers (January, 1983) as part of their investigations for the left abutment of the dam. To tne north of hil 1 1270.7 the next bedrock exposure is on a small knoll that lies near the intake location. Like the rock to the south, this exposure consists of a mixture of graywacke and foliated argil- lite, but is not faulted and does not display the complexity of joint- ing that can be seen on the north side of hill 1270.7. The lowland between hill 1270.7 and the smaller knoll to the north lies along an east-northeast-trending topographic lineament that appears to be the surface expression of an east-northeast-trending rockmass discontinuity. About 1,000 feet to the west of ~radley River the lineament merges with an eQst-trending fault mapped by Woodward- Clyde (1979). Directly east across Bradley River, it trends into the vicinity of a small covered area which may be the surface expression of a joint or small fault. The lineament also parallels an east- trending fault located about 250 feet to the north on the east side of the river, and a series of lineaments of unknown origins to the south- west. It also roughly parallels a joint set exposed on the north side of hill 1270.7. As detailed in section 6.2, a boring oriented to cross this lineament indicated a zone of very closely spaced joints and fractures. 5.4.2 Tunnel Alignment General The tunnel alignment evaluated for this study extends for approxi- mately 14,050 feet along a N63°W trend from the proposed intake to the proposed surge tank location. Northwest of the surge tank the align- ment trends N47°W for about 4,250 feet to the proposed powerhouse 25 K-0631-61 location. For this discussion the surficial geology along the align~ ment is described in geologically distinctive segments beginning with the area closest to the intake portal. Intake to Bradley River Fault Zone This easternmost section of the tunnel alignment is underlain by interbedded graywacke and argillite. Because of their complex mixing, we have mapped these rock types as a single unit comprised of approxi- mately 50 to 65 percent massive graywacke and 35 to 50 percent argi 1- lite. The argillite is commonly foliated and contains less than about 10 percent chert nodules and thin interbeds of chert. The argillite is in gradational and irregular contact with the graywacke. It occurs as interbeds and pockets that range from less than a foot to as much as 100 feet thick. Jointing is more apparent along this section of the tunnel alignment than farther to the northwest. This apparent abundance of joints may be partially due to the relatively high relief and steep rock faces in this area, but the jointing also contributes to the high relief because many of the cliffs in this area are formed along joint faces. Several lineaments also cross this section of the tunnel alignment at various orientations. We suspect that some of these features may be faults, but there is generally insufficient rock exposure to determine whether they represent faults or major joint sets. One pair of par- allel lineaments, located about 1,700 feet northwest of the intake structure is particularly suggestive of a fault zone. These linea- ments, separated by about 100 feet, trend about N10°W for about 3,500 feet along parallel sets of aligned notches and valleys. These lineaments terminate abruptly to the south against a fault mapped by Woodward-Clyde (1979). Although this pair of lineaments was mapped by Woodward-Clyde (1979) as a fault, the origin of the lineaments is uncertain because of lack of exposure. If they are the surface expression of a fault, then the zone may contain highly fractured and 26 K-0631-61 crushed rock up to about 200 feet wide along the proposed tunnel alignment, which crosses these features at an angle. ~radley River Fault Zone At a distance of approximately 3,900 feet from the intake the tunnel alignment crosses the Bradley River fault zone. Two main branches of the fault are recognized in the vicinity of the proposed tunnel align- ment. The main trace, which can be followed for several miles along a trend of about N15°E, occupies the west side of a steep-walled, fault- controlled val ley. The other branch trends northerly through the cen- ter of the valley and merges with the main trace just south of the drainage divide in the val ley. Although these faults are mantled by colluvial and glacial deposits, they are believed to be nearly ver- tical because of their linear topographic expression. Exposures else- where along the Bradley River fault indicate that the main fault trace may have a gouge zone of finely pulverized material that is about 50 feet wide, with sheared argillite extending another 50 to 75 feet on either side (DOWL Engineers, January, 1983). It appears that the gouge zone along the present tunnel alignment may be more extensive than elsewhere owing to the wider zone of faulting. Limited exposure in the vicinity of the tunnel alignment indicates that the zone of shearing associated with the margins of the faults is also substan- tially wider than described elsewhere; strongly sheared argillite with nodules, boudins, and discontinuous layers of chert, appears to extend for about 400 feet on either side of the main fault trace. The amount and sense of displacement along the Bradley River fault zone is not well established. The only marker horizon that can be observed on both sides of the zone is a dacite dike which has appar- ently been offset about 1,000 feet in a right lateral sense. Slicken- sides noted by OOWL Engineers (January, 1983) and Woodward-Clyde 27 K-0631-61 (1979) rake from 0 to 30° along the fault suggesting a vertical com- ponent of up to 400 feet associated with the 1,000 feet of apparent horizontal displacement. The structure of the Bradley River fault zone-tunnel intersection is further complicated by several rockmass discontinuities of unknown origin, expressed at the surface as topographic lineaments, that trend into the fault zone near or through the proposed tunnel alignment. Two of these lineaments trend northwesterly across the fault zone without any apparent offset, and parallel a fault mapped about 1,000 feet to the north by Woodward-Clyde (1979) with a similar but stronger topographic expression. If these lineaments are faults, the amount of broken or crushed rock in the vicinity of their intersection with the Bradley River fault zone will probably be greater than pre- sently estimated. Subsurface conditions as defined by a boring in the fault zone are outlined in section 6.3. Bradley River Fault Zone to Bull Moose Fault Zone Northwest of the Bradley River fault zone the tunnel alignment crosses the highest elevations and best exposed bedrock along its route. This area is underlain predominantly by foliated argillite, with lesser amounts of massive argillite, graywacke, and a single dacite dike. Much of the foliated argillite contains nodules and thin discontinuous layers of chert comprising about 10 to 20 percent of the volume of the rock. A few massive lenses of very closely fractured chert up to 10 feet wide were also found interspersed with the foliated argillite in this area. The foliation in the argillite and cherty argillite strikes from N-S to N20°E and typically dips greater than about 75 degrees. Exposures of massive argillite occur primarily within about 1,000 feet of the Bull Moose fault zone and as isolated pockets within the foliated argillite. There are two main occurrences of graywacke in this area. They are unusually wel 1 exposed on hills 2036.3 and 2043.2, the highest points along the alignment. These graywacke masses are each about 300 feet thick. They are locally 28 K-0631-61 interspersed with foliated cherty argillite but in general are rela- tively homogeneous and massive. The dacite dike, although not exposed on the alignment itself, appears to cross the proposed tunnel align- ment along a N80°E trend with a nearly vertical dip. Bedrock outcrops along this segment of the tunnel alignment tend to be widely to very widely jointed. However, discontinuities in the rock mass are more significant than outcrops would suggest because the larger fractures are commonly masked by soil cover and slope wash. Hundreds of short, linear, soil-filled depressions can be seen in this area, many of which are presumably the surface ~xpression of bedrock joints and faults. Unfortunately, however, without better rock expo- sure it is not possible to distinguish which of these features are faults or joints. Larger lineaments, also common in this area, present the same problem for attempts to define their structural significance. A series of lineaments located east of and subparallel to the Bull Moose fault zone are likely to be the surface expression of smaller faults asso- ciated with the main faul-t trace, but exposures are insufficient to conclusively determine their origin. Similarly, several weaker northwest-trending lineaments recognized from air photos cross the alignment southwest of Lake 1542.3. But in spite of relatively good rock exposure in this area, we were unable to determine conclusively whether these represent minor faults or prominent joint sets. In either case exposures limit the width of these apparent discontinui- ties at the surface to less than about 10 to 15 feet where they cross the tunnel alignment. Bull Moose Fault Zone The main trace of the Bull Moose fault zone is located approximately 9,800 feet northwest of the tunnel intake. It is expressed as a narrow, topographic notch with a 200-foot-high, steep west wal 1. This 29 K-0631-61 area is densely vegetated and rock is exposed in smal 1 isolated out- crops. No exposures of gouge or broken rock were found in the fault zone; but relatively undeformed rock on either side of the main fault trace indicates that this zone must locally be less than about 50 feet thick. As discussed above, a series of lineaments subparallel to the main fault trace may represent fractures associated with the Bull Moose fault. If so, shearing along the fault may have affected the bedrock in discrete zones across an area over 1;000 feet wide. Sub- surface conditions defined by a boring are outlined in section 6.4. Bull Moose Fault Zone to Powerhouse Site The bedrock exposure is much more limited along this segment of the tunnel alignment than it is to the southeast. This is particularly true to the northwest of the surge tank location where forest and soil cover mantle all but a few small isolated rock outcrops. The avail- able exposures along this section of the tunnel alignment indicate that it is underlain predominantly by foliated and massive argillite. Cherty argi 11 i te (greater than 10 percent chert nodules and 1 ayers) and graywacke crop out in relatively small amounts, although boring data (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982) indicate that these rock types are more common than their surface exposure suggests. A creek, which roughly parallels the tunnel alignment about 450 feet to the soutnwest, provides the best bedrock exposures in the 1 owermost 1,000 feet of this section of the alignment. Bedrock is exposed along this creek essentially from the bay to the vicinity of ~oring OH 13EX. It consists predominantly of argillite with local cherty zones and about 10 to 15 percent fine-grained graywacke. The recognizable structural trends along this section of the alignment in this area conform to those elsewhere along the tunnel alignment. Foliation in the argillites is consistently oriented at N-S to N20°E. Jointing is widely to very widely spaced in most exposures, with a dominant strike of N75-85°E, and dip of 80 to 85° North. Lineaments 30 K-0631-61 are weakly expressed or absent owing to the dense forest cover and lack of rock exposure. 5.4.3 Powerhouse The proposed powerhouse location is situated on a topographic bench above the Kachemak Bay tidal marsh. This bench is underlain by rock at shallow depth as witnessed by exposures along the shoreline bluffs. However, with the exception of the bluff exposures and outcrops along a stream about 450 feet to the south, the bedrock is almost completely covered by a veneer of soil. Based on these exposures and previous borings drilled to the south along the stream channel, the powerhouse site appears to be underlain by highly fractured argillite and lesser amounts of highly fractured graywacke. A dacite dike also occurs in the area based on a single exposure observed near the exit porta~. Near-surface conditions were investigated with a test pit, as dis- cussed in section 6.6. The rock along the bluffs, comprised primarily of argillite, contains numerous minor shear zones, slickensided fractures, and tight to open joints in various orientations. Further south along the creek, how- ever, the rock is less fractured and joints are generally tight to very tight. 31 K-0631-61 6. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 6.1 General The rocks of the McHugh Comp 1 ex encountered during Shannon & Wi 1 son's subsurface exploration program at Bradley Lake have been classified by the same lithologic descriptions such as graywacke and argillite that were used in the reconnaissance geologic mapping of surface exposures (see section 5.3.2) and by previous investigators. The decision to use these classifications was made for consistency and to facilitate the evaluation of the engineering properties of the rocks. In a geologic sense, the rocks in the Bradley Lake area are cataclastic rocks, or rocks which have been broken and granulated due to stress and movement during faulting, and which have regained primary cohesion through metamorphic processes to some extent. According to the classification system of Higgins,* the rocks in the Bradley Lake area would be classified as a protomylonite. The origin of the rocks explains their sheared texture, intimate intermixing, and the often extremely gradational contacts from one lithology to another. Of the previous investigators at the site, DOWL Engineers (January 1983) acknowledged the existence of cataclastic rocks in association with the Bradley River and Bull Moose Faults. In our opinion, the whole of the project area is most likely of cataclastic origin. Where appropriate in the logging of the three Shannon & Wilson rock core borings, cataclastic terminology has been used to describe textural features in the rock. A glossary of selected terms from Higgins is included in this report as Appendix B. The rocks in the Bradley Lake area have all been metamorphosed to some extent. But because it is difficult to assess the degree of metamorphism in hand specimen, and for simplicity, the prefix "meta-" * Higgins, Michael W. "Cataclastic Rocks," U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 687. 32 K-0631-61 has not been applied to the lithologic classifications. The major lithologies encountered in the Shannon & Wilson exploratory borings are discussed in the following paragraphs. Graywacke was commonly encountered in the three borings along the proposed tunnel alignment. This hard, light gray to gray material is generally fine-grained to very fine-grained. Its cataclastic texture with local fluxion structure commonly contains sand and gravel-sized clasts of argillite as well as stringers and wavy bands of argillite, as illustrated in Photo 1. Calcite veins are also common. Joint spacing in the graywacke is dependent on the occurrence of argillite within it, as it is generally closely jointed where argillite is common, but ranges to moderately close to widely jointed where the occurrence of argillite is not significant. Argillite was encountered throughout the borings in many different types of occurrence. This dark gray to black material is generally foliated due to shear stress (see Photo 2), but was encountered with massive texture in small zones usually associated with zones of massive graywacke. Elongated porph~roclasts of graywacke and chert are common in the foliated argillite, and fluxion structure is common. Argillite a 1 so commonly occurs as stringers and wavy bands within zones of gray- wacke or chert. Apparently the relatively lower strength of the argillite is responsible for its susceptibility to mechanical deformation, evidenced by its common shear-generated foliation and, more distinctly, its occurrence as fault breccia or gouge in the shear zones encountered (see Photo 3). The stringers of argillite within other more competent materials are genera1ly slickensided when broken, and most joint faces in all of the rock types encountered were coated with slickensided argillite, and commonly contained crushed argillite fragments. Where a significant amount of chert occurs in the argillite as porphyroclasts or lenses (over 10 percent chert), the resultant rock type is classified as cherty argillite, as shown in Photo 4. The very 33 K-0631-61 hard porphyroclasts of chert in a moderately hard foliated argillite matrix range from sand to cobble-sized randomly throughout the rock, and local small zones can contain up to 70 percent chert. Porphyroclasts of graywacke are also found in the cherty argillite. This rock is generally closely to very closely jointed. Very hard chert occurs in local zones up to 17 feet (12 feet horizontally) thick within the depth drilled at the Bradley River and Bull Moose fault zones. Although usually interspersed with stringers and local small zones of foliated argillite as illustrated in Photo 5, occasionally small zones of relatively 11 pure 11 chert were encountered. Joint spacing in this light gray rock ranges from very close to moderately close depending on the occurrence of argillite within it. Tectonically mixed graywacke and argillite as shown in Photo 6 was commonly encountered in the borings. The cataclastic texture and common fluxion structure of this material is composed of porphyroclasts and interlayered wavy bands of the two lithologies. The graywacke retains its massive texture in this material and the argillite can be massive to foliated. Joint spacing varies from close to locally very close. 6.2 Intake Structure Boring SW 83-1 was dri 11 ed in the vicinity of the proposed intake structure near the natural outlet of Bradley Lake. Oriented in a S5°E direction, the boring was drilled to a depth of 155.3 feet at an inclin- ation of 45°. The boring location is shown in Photo 7. About 28 feet (20 feet vertical) of overburden sands, gravels, cobbles, and boulders, including a 10-foot thick boulder, were penetrated before bedrock was encountered. Below the overburden, alternating zones of graywacke and tectonically mixed argillite and graywacke were encoun- tered throughout the boring. The contacts between the observed zones are usually gradational. 34 K-0631-61 Boring SW 83-1 was oriented to cross a north to northeast trending 1 ineament observed at the site. Although no distinct shear zone or thick gouge was encountered in the boring, the closely jointed argillite lithologies are locally very closely jointed, and slickensided argillite and fragmented, crushed argillite are common in joint apertures. Two borings completed by the Corps of Engineers in this area, DH-16 and DH-35, were drilled about 190 feet north-northeasterly of SW 83-1 on the left abutment of the proposed dam. Substantial zones of argillite were logged in these vertical borings, in contrast to the lesser amounts of argillite encountered in boring SW 83-1. 6.3 Bradley River Fault The Bradley River fault zone was explored by boring SW 83-2, which was drilled perpendicular to the fault trace at an orientation of N75°W and at an angle of 45°. Drilled to a depth of 262.3 feet, the boring penetrated two significant shear zones, the west and possibly east branches of the fault. The general location of this boring is shown in Photo 8. From the surface to a dri 11 ed depth of about 30 feet, 1 oose gravelly sands with cobbles and boulders were encountered above bedrock. Striations observed on a cobble from one of the two lengthy runs through the overburden material suggested that these materials are, at 1east in part • g 1 a cia 1 . Beginning at the top of bedrock, shear fo 1 i a ted cherty argi 11 ite was encountered, and encompassing the two shear zones, continued to a drilled depth of about 197 feet. Chert porphyroclasts typically consti- tute about 20 percent of this rock, however this occurrence varies randomly throughout the material explored, and locally can be as much as 70 percent of the rockmass. This rock is closely jointed to locally very closely jointed. 35 K-0631-61 Below a depth of 197 feet, alternating zones of graywacke and chert were encountered, with local zones of cherty argillite and foliated argillite. Joint spacings in these materials increase to moderately widely spaced joints when argillite materials are not significantly present. The two shear zones were encountered at drilled depths of 47.4 feet to 62.0 feet, and 138.0 feet to 175.6 feet (10.4 and 26.9-foot horizontal widths, respectively). The deeper shear zone correlates well with the observed side hill trace of the west branch of the fault, assuming a near-vertical fault plane. The trace of the east branch of the fault is not we 11 defined topographically, but the higher shear zone in the boring coincidentally correlates well with the mapped trace of the fault shown on Sheet 1 of Figure 2. However, it is possible that additional shear zones exist to the east of the upper one encountered in the boring. The material observed from these zones is predominantly brecciated argillite rock containing clasts of chert. Locally the rock has been reduced to fault gouge consisting of breccia fragments in a clayey silt matrix. The cherty argillite adjacent to the shear zones is generally very closely jointed and the argillite faces of the apertures are extremely slickensided, often containing crushed rock fragments as breccia and gouge. The Corps of Engineers' boring DH-lOEX was drilled in an easterly direction at an inclination of 31° approximately 1600 feet north of boring SW 83-2, on their tunnel alignment, north of the suggested convergence of the east and west branches of the Bradley River Fault. Significant core loss at specific locations in their bating suggests several shear zones that were penetrated at different depths. The lack of core recovery from these zones precludes specific information about the materia 1 s that were penetrated, and it can only be surmised that they were of a soft nature. 36 K-0631-61 The Corps of Engineers' summary boring log for boring DH-10EX describes the materials encountered as thinly bedded argillite, and no mention is made of secondary constituents. Examination of photographs of the core obtained from DH-lOEX shows significant amounts of what appears to be chert as porphyroclasts, including local zones of concentrated chert clasts, suggesting that subsurface conditions at that location may be similar to those encountered at the location of Shannon & Hilson's boring. 6.4 Bull Moose Fault The tunnel alignment crossing of the Bull Moose Fault was explored with boring SW 83-4 (see Photo 9). Drilled at an orientation of N80°W at an inclination of 45°, this boring was drilled to a depth of 206.2 feet. Bedrock was encountered after only 4.2 feet of penetration, and the shear zone of the Bull Moose Fault was encountered at a drilled depth of about 146 feet. A broad spectrum of occurrences for the typical lithological rock types encountered in the Bradley Lake area was observed in the core from boring SW 83-4. Random alternating zones of graywacke, argillite, and chert, as well as mixtures of these lithologies were logged within the depth explored. From the top of bedrock to a drilled depth of about 50 feet, zones of graywacke, argi 11 ite, and mixed graywacke and argi 11 i te were encoun- tered. These closely to very closely jointed zones contain porphyro- clasts of chert, and, below about 30 feet, local chert layers. Significant amounts of chert were commonly encountered below a depth of about 50 feet both as cherty argillite and zones of chert. These closely jointed rocks occur with zones of very closely to closely jointed argillite and graywacke to the bottom of the boring at 206.2 feet. 37 K-0631-61 Porphyroclasts of apparent altered dacite were encountered within cherty argillite from a depth of about 170 feet to 189 feet. The shear zone of the Bull Moose Fault was encountered from a depth of about 146 feet to 154 feet in the boring (horizontal width of 6 feet). The brecciated argillite and graywacke in this zone is locally sheared to silty sand and zones of clayey gouge. The rocks adjacent to the shear zone, argillite above and chert below, are highly fractured from considerable shear deformation. The vertically projected location of the shear zone encountered in boring SW 83-4 is consistent with the mapped location of the fault trace on Sheet 3 of Figure 2 for a near-vertical fault plane. The Corps of Engineers' boring DH-17EX, drilled across the fault at a location about 480 feet northeast of boring SW 83-4, inferred a 13-foot wide fault zone in a zone of total core loss from 210.7 feet to 229.2 feet. This location is also consistent with a near-vertical fault plane. Continued core loss below that zone in the Corps' boring sug- gests the possibility of highly sheared rock adjacent to the main fault plane. The rock in the Corps' boring is classified as a thin-bedded argillite, with some cherty zones. Photographs of the core appear to show 1 a rger concentrations of chert, suggesting that at least some of the rock could be classified as a cherty argillite, as found in the Shannon & Wilson boring. 6.5 Barge Basin Boring SW 83-3 was located about 700 feet northeast of Sheep Point in the mud flats on the east side of Kachemak Bay, in the area of the proposed barge basin (see Photo 10). A detailed description of the materials encountered can be found on the boring log for SW 83-3, Figure 5. 38 K-0631-61 From the surface to a depth of about 18 feet, clayey silt was encountered, containing scattered stringers and thin lenses of fine sandy silt, pockets and lenses of silty clay, and occasional small zones of clean sand. Below about 18 feet, interbedded sands and silts with random gradational changes were encountered to a depth of about 23 feet. From 23 feet to 29 feet, clayey, silty, gravelly sand wit:h zones of clayey silt was encountered. Below 29 feet slightly clayey, silty sand with local gravelly zones was encountered to the bottom of the boring at 51.5 feet. Another boring, SW 83-3A, was drilled about three feet to the north of boring SW 83-3 in order to obtain additional undisturbed Shelby Tube samples from shallow depths at this location. From the surface to a depth of 14 feet, slightly clayey to clayey silt with pockets and layers of clay, and small zones of clean to silty sand was encountered. From 14 feet to 16 feet, the bottom of the boring, clean fine to coarse sand with fine gravel was encountered. The laboratory test results are summarized on Table 3, Summary of Laboratory Test Results. Grain size gradations are plotted on Figures 9 through 11, compression test results are plotted on Figures 12 through 15, and Atterberg limit values are plotted on the Plasticity Chart, Figure 16. The sensitivity of the fine-grained soils was calculated from the results of natural and remolded field vane shear tests, laboratory Torvane tests, and unconsolidated-undrained triaxial compression tests. Strength and sensitivity data from these tests are summarized on Figure 17. The two pairs of field vane shear tests yielded the highest sensitivity ratios, 8.6 and 5.2. Ten pairs of laboratory Torvane tests yielded a relatively consistent average sensitivity ratio of 3.0. The three pairs of triaxial compression tests yielded an average sensitivity ratio of 2.3. A pair of unconfined compression tests yielded a sensitivity ratio of 1. 2, but this va 1 ue is suspect because the water content of the 39 K-0631-61 remolded sample was 3% lower than the natural water content of 24%, and because the undisturbed sample exhibited a relatively abrupt failure. The three undisturbed triaxial test samples all continued to deform until termination of the test at 20% strain (see Figures 13 through 15). Low undisturbed strength values obtained on the sample of silty, gravelly sand from a depth of 23 feet may reflect either disturbance of the material during sampling, weakness of the material due to interbedding, or the fact that only cohesive strength is being measured on a sandy sample. In order to evaluate possible errors caused by horizontal structure in the soils when running laboratory Torvane tests parallel to the axis of the sample, a pair of tests was also run perpendicular to the sample axis on a sample from a depth of 26.6 feet. Good agreement was found in the strength and sensitivity values from all four tests. The cleanest fine-sandy interbed noted in our boring was found in a sample from a depth of 26 feet. A mechanical analysis performed on this sample (see Figure 11) showed it to be a silty, fine to medium sand with medium and coarse sand-sized shell fragments. Cleaner sands were noted in our exploration, but the sand contained a significant medium to coarse fraction. The results of Atterberg limit determinations on five samples are also summarized on Figure 17 and on Figure 16. The materiels tested are both clays and silts of low to medium plasticity or compressibility. Borings performed by the Corps of Engineers in the tidal flats of Kachemak Bay describe the soils north of Sheep Point as "fat clai' becoming "lean" with depth, and the materials south of Sheep Point as "silty clai'. As laboratory testing was not reported on samples from the Corps' borings, it is difficult to equate their classifications to the material described in borings SW 83-3 and SW 83-3A, and suggestion of trends based on the present limited informatior would be conjecture. 40 K-0631-61 In two borings performed by the Corps near the shoreline, cr.e at the Corps' tailrace location and one south of Sheep Point, artesian water was noted above and near the soil/bedrock interface. Increased water flow was noted with depth. This was not observed in cur boring, however the soil/bedrock interface may not have been approached, or our boring may have been too far offshore to encounter such artesian water. Although bedrock was not encountered in the Shannon & Wilson boring, it should be noted that bedrock was observed in the banks of a drainage channel about 100 feet north of Sheep Point. 6.6 Powerhouse Site A hand dug test pit w~s located in the area of the proposed powerhouse. Shallow bedrock was confirmed at this site below about 1 to 2 feet of overburden material (see Photo 11). A log of the test pit is shown on Figure 8. The dacite bedrock encountered in the test pit is similar to other outcrops of dacite dike rocks observed in the Bradley Lake project area. Although the lateral extent of the material at the powerhouse site is not knowr, if it is a similar. dike rock, its width should not be expected to be too great. 41 K-C631-61 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 7. l Genera 1 Shannon & \~ilson 1 S field explorations at Bradley Lake were primarily designed to provide subsurface information at the proposed intake structure, powerhouse, and barge basin locations, to investigate the thickness of the brecciated zones at the tunnel alignment crossirgs of the Bradley River and Bull Moose Faults, and to provide an estimate of the percentage of various rock types exposed along the tunnel alignment. Subsurface conditions at the five sites which were explored are dis- cussed above in section 6. The general characteristics of the rock encountered are discussed Jelow in section 7.2. Our estimate of the distribution of rock types along the tunnel alignment is presented in section 7.3. Information on the tunneling characteristics of the rock, based on testing by others and the results of our subsurface explor- ations, is summarized in section 7.4. Stability of the proposed barge basin is discussed in section 7.5. 7.2 Rockmass Characteristics The three borings cored in rock during this study were drilled in knowr or suspected faults or shear zones, and the rock encountered in these borings should not be considered representative of the project as a whole, with respect to either lithology or discontinuities. llithin this cc·rstraint, rock encountered in the three explorRtory borings ranged from very closely to widely jointed, with joint sep- arations, exclusive of gouge-filled fractures in fault zones, ranging from tight to narrow (see Table 2 for description of classification systems). Rock qua 1 ity, after the method of Deere, was poor in a l1 three Shannon & Wilson borings, with the total RQD ranging from a low of 32% for bering SW 83-2 at the Bradley River Fault to a hi~h of 51~ for boring SW 83-4 at the Bull Moose Fault. The average tr.tal RQD of the 42 K-0631-61 three borings of 43% was significantly lower than an unweighted average RQD of 60~ calculatea for 23 borings drilled by the Corps of Engineers. In our opinion, this reflects the nature of the fau:":s or shear zones penetrated by the three most recent borings. Unweighted average RQD for the Corps of Engineers' borings ranged from a minimum of 29 to a maximum of 93. It is difficult to extrapolate the rock quality at a tunnel depth significantly greater than the maximum depth of the borir.gs drilled to date. The greatest penetration of a Shannon & \·iil son boring was 240 feet below the ground surface at the Bradley River Fault. Maximum penetration by the Corps of Engineers was 475 feet at the surge tank location. Trends of slightly increasing RQD with depth can be seen in at least the borings at the intake structure location ard the Bradley River Fault. However, such trends are difficult to assess v1hen the boring crosses a fault or shear zone. The penetration of boring SW 83-4 across the Bull Moose Fault was not great enough to revea 1 a re 1 i ab 1 e trend of RQD with depth. Such interpretations may also be complicated by the dependence of rock quality on lithology, given the variable lithologies found in the borings. Pocks of all major lithologic units identified in the surface geology reconnaissance (section 5) were encountered in the three borings, with the exception of the dacite which was encountered only in the tPst pit at the powerhouse location. In the core, f'ractures and joints were observed to be more widely spaced in the graywacke zones than in the argillite. This fact is also supported by a study of the logs of the borings drilled by the Corps of Engineers. rn their borinos in which graywacke predominated, the unweighted average RQD averaged 69%, while in borings in which argillite predominated, the RQD aver2.9ed 48~~. r.n our borings, joints or fractures in areas of mixed argillite and other rock types (graywacke or chert) most often occurred in either major zores or thin stringers of argillite. These surfaces were commonly slickensided, at a variety of rake angles. 43 K-0631-61 Boring SW 83-1, at the intake structure location, was oriented perpendicular to a lineament, and approximately parallel to the primary structural trend of the project area. Tn this bori~g, jointing at high angles to the core axis was interpreted as pertaining to the lineament (and/or the secondary joint set in the project area). Numerous joints at low angles to the axis of the core rnost 1 ikely reflect the primary joint set. Borings SW 83-2 and SW 83-4, at the Bradley River and Bull Moose Faults, respectively, were oriented perpendicular to the primary structural trend. In these two borings, joint angles near 45° tc the axis of the core predominated. ~Jhile it is not possible to establish the true orientation o~ these joints in a boring inclined at 45° without oriented coring, these joints most likely correspond to the predominant vertical, northeast-southwest trending joint system typical of the project area, especially since they are generally parallel to the lithologic grain of the core. Occasional joints sub-parallel to the core axis may correspond to the secondary east-west trending joint set. 7.3 Rock Type Distribution Based on reconnaissance geoiogic mapping, the footage and the percentage of the various rock types along the tunnel align~ent are as follows: Litho 1 ogy Massive Argillite Foliated Argillite ( <10% Chert) Foliated Cherty Argillite ( >10% Chert) Mixed Graywacke (50-65%) and Argillite (35-50%) Graywacke Dacite Chert Footage 5,400 3,660 3,740 3,550 1,600 100 50 Severely Brecciated Rock and Fault Gouge 50 18,150 feet 44 Percentage of Tunnel Alignment 30 20 20 20 9 <1 <1 <1 100~~ K-Cf31-61 This estimate is based on the observed and interpr8ted surficial geology. The length of each lithologic unit was measured from the geologic map with no attempt to correct for the angle of the tunnel. The degree of accuracy of this estimate is limited by a lack of bedrock exposure along much of the tunnel alignment, and by the possibility that the surface geology may not accurately represent rock ccrditions in a deep tunnel along the same alignment. The percentage of chert tabulated above reflects only observed or inferred thick layers of relatively massive chert. During the recon- naissance mapping, this chert, as well as the "cherty argillite," appeared to be more common in the vicinity of faults or major shear zones than elsewhere in the project area. During the mapping, rocks mapped as cherty argillite were observed with a maximum of only about 20 percent chert. However, in the borings at the Bradley River and Rull Moose Faults, rocks logged as cherty argillite commonly contained as much as 50 percent chert as porphyroclasts, lenses, or boudins, and in local zones contained as much as 80 percent chert. It cannot be said whether this high percentage of chert is confined tn the major fault zones, where surface exposures tend to be sparse, or whether general lack of surface exposure in the project area prevented the observai:ion of the very cherty argillite during the reconnaissance mapping. The very cherty argillite in the borings was not classified as 11 chert" or incorporated into the percentage of chert in the table above hecause the chert tends to be separated by masses or lenses of argillite and thus is not the massive, amorphous rock normally associated with the classification of chert. In our opinion it does not seem that this cherty argillite would be as hard as a pure massive chert. However, whether the "cherty argillite" will truly behave more like a chert or an argillite ir terms of tunreling characteristics should be the subject of ~urther study. The cherty argillite classification was not used by the Corps of Engineers in the 1 oggi ng of their borings, ard references to chert in 45 K-0631-61 the logs are limited. Observation of a limited amount o• the core from these borings shows a high percentage of chert in the borings at the Bradley River and Bull Moose Faults, borings DH-10 and DH-17, respec- tively. This observation tends to support the assumption that major amounts of chert are found near major fault zones. With the exception of the width of zones of fault breccia and gouge, subsurface information from Shannon & Wilson's borings was not used to modify the estimates tabulated above because their total horizontally projected length corresponds to only slightly more than 2 percent of the tunnel length. Likewise, Corps of Engineer's borings were not incorporated, because in our opinion their vertical orientation is not necessarily representative of the distribution of lithologies given the predominantly vertical structural grain in the area. The percentage of fault breccia and gouge may be greater than indicated above, because of the sparse subsurface information to date. Two major structures, the Bradley River and Bull Moose fault zones, are recognized. These faults may affect zones up to about 1,000 feet wide, and appear to consist of multiple fault planes. Presently known in- tensely crushed or gouge zones appear to be restrictfd to less than about 40 feet wide in the Bradley River fault zones and less than 10 feet in the Bull Moose fault zone, but the percentage in the table above excludes rock which is probably still more highly fracturP.d than normal for the project area. Several other strong lineaments that trend across the tunnel alignment are suggestive of faulting. One lineament that crosses the alignment between the intake and Bradley River fault zore could contain a broken and crushed zone up to 200 feet wide, making it potentially as significant as the larger kncwn faults. Oeterminat~on of the origin of this and other 1 ineaments awaits furtrer investigation because soil cover obscures the bedrock along their traces. As additional subsurface data becomes available, the estimate of rock type distribution given above should be modified as necessary, to reflect the additional information. Similarly, once the final grac'e of the tunnel has been established these numbers can also be refined. 46 1<-0631-61 7.4 Tunneling Characteristics The 1 imited subsurface exploration program carried cut by Shannon & ~lilson at Bradley Lake was designed to investigate conditions relative to tunneling only at the crossings of the Bradley River and Bull Moose Faults. Tunneling characteristics along the remainder of the power tunnel alignment are being evaluated by others. This work involves correlating surface geologic mapping by Shannon & Wilson with test results on rock core from borings drilled by the Corps of Engineers. A major concern with the crossings of the Bradley River and Bull Moose Faults was the possible presence of materials in the fault zone which r:ight 11 runu into a tunnel excavation. At the location explored, the Bull Moose Fault was found to cant a in a 6-foot wi cfe shear zone of argillite and graywacke which were locclly crushed to gravel and sand sized particles, within a matrix of silty clay. The western branch of the Bradley River Fault was found to contain a 27-foot ~tJide zone of crushed rock and slightly clayey, silty sand gouge. Neither of these fault crossings encountered gouge which appeared to have the potential for running at the depths and locations explored. The Corps of Engineers' borings at their proposed tunnel crossings of the two faults encountered almost complete core loss in what was interpreted as the fault zone, but the differert drilling techniaues used by the Corps may account for this core loss. Drilling water loss was not significant in either the Shannon & Wilson or Corp of Engineers' borings at the two faults. The Corps of Engineers did rot pressure test their boring at the Bradley River Fault, and what was interpreted as the fault zone in the Bull Moose Fault did not take significant water during pressure testing. Groundwater conditions were not tested in the Shannon & Wilson borings, and in any case might be significantly different at tunnel depth than at the depth explored. Significant zones of lo~t1er than average rock quality (RQO) for the project area were encountered in the vicinity of the two faults. Rock quality within the Bradley River fault zone was poor :o very poor (based 47 K-0631-61 on ROD after the method of Deere), whi 1 e the rock to the v!est of the fau 1 t zone i ncree.sed in qua 1 i ty from poor to good or very good with distance away from the fault. To the east of the Bull Moose Fault rock quality was geed to poor, and to the west was fair to very poor. Tentative penetration rates for a tunnel boring machine at Bradley Lake have been assigned to various rock types encountered in the Corps of Engineers' borings by Dr. Alfred Hendron based primarily on Total Hardness calculated from laboratory tests or samples of the rock. The results of these tests show reasonably distinct ranges of Tota~ Hardness for the three rock types tested, argillite, graywacke, and chert. The argillite originally tested was foliated argillite, and a single later test showed that rock classified as massive argillite was similar tc the foliated argillite in Total Hardness, but that its unconfined compressive strength fell within the range of strengths of samples classified as graywacke. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers did not test the hardness of the rocks, but did perform unconfined compression tests on rocks classified as "interbedded graywacke and-slate", "graywacke", and "quartz-graphitic slate". It is perhaps significant to note that ~he compressive strength values determined by these tests are somewhat higher and more scattered than those determined by Dr. Hendron. Whether this strength difference corresponds to a similar difference in hardness should perhaps be a topic of further study if it becomes necessary to refine penetr2tion rate estimates for a tunnel boring machine. No tests were run on rock classified as "cherty argillite". As discussed in section 7.3, this rock type was a major constituent of our borings in the Bradley River and Bull Moose fcult zones, and i•Jas ob- served to contain considerably more chert than was observed in surface geologic mapping. The possible unique properties and distribution of this rock type should be evaluated in further refinements of tunneling rates. 48 K-0631-61 Of perhaps less concern are the prrperties and distribution of the ''volcanic graywacke" identified in thin section and discussed in section 5.3.2. More needs to be learned both about its distribution and its strength and hardness properties before its tunneling characteristics can be properly evaluated. Another concern in evaluating tre tunneling characteristics of the rock types on the project is their cataclastic nature and sheared and interlayered texture. Lenses and stringers of argillite commonly occur within the harder graywacke and chert, and on a large scale may make excavation easier than test results might indicate. Conversely, such variation in rock types makes it difficult to select rock samples for testing in the laboratory and care must be taken to arrive at representative test results. 7.5 Barge Basin Soil Properties The potential stability of the soils in the vicinity of the proposed barge basin was evaluated by a laboratory testing program or samples from the single boring location in that area. These soils consist of soft to stiff, silty clny and clayey silt overlying silty and clayey sands. The sensit~vity of the fine-grained soils was calculated from the results of natural and remolded field vane shear tests, laboratory Torvane tests, and unconsolidated-undrained triaxial compression tests. Strength and sensitivity data from these tests are summarized on Figure 17. The two pairs of field vane shear tests yielded the highest sensitivity ratios, 8.6 and 5.2. Ten pairs of laboratory Torvane tests yielded a relatively consistent average sensitivity ratio of 3.0. The three pairs of triaxial compression tests yielded an average sersitivity ratio of 2.3. Another concern with regards to the stab i1 i ty of the proposed barge basin is the possible presence of interbeds of potentially licuifiable clean sands in the silts and clays. The cleanest fine sandy interbed 49 K-0631-61 noted in our boring was found in a sample from a depth o~ 26 feet. A mechanical analysis performed or this sample (see Figure 11) showed it to be a silty, fine to medium sand with medium and coarse sand-sized shell fragments. Cleaner sands were noted in our exploration, but the sand contained a significant medium to coarse fraction. The results of Atterberg limit determinations on five samples are also summarized on Figure 17 and on Figure 16. The materials tested are both clays and silts of low to medium plasticity or compressibility. These test results from soils in the vicinity of the proposed barge basin, while suitable for evaluation of feasibility, should not be used for design purposes. In addition to possible vari0tion of soil types between locations in the tidal flat deposits, not all representative soil types may have been sampled nr tested at this given location. While the Corps of Engineers' General Design Memorandum No. 2 does not contain soil test results, significant differences can be seen between the field classification of materials from north of Sheep Point and to the south of Sheep Point. The material to the north, in the area to the west of the Corps' proposed powerhouse location, is classified as "fat clay", while the material south of Sheep Point is classified es "silty clay 11 • Unfortunately, these groups of holes were logged by different geologists. Given the difficulty of field classifying borderline clays, it is difficult to state whether such variability actually exists in the tidal flat deposits. The soils from our boring in the barge basin area were found to have pore water salinity of 3.0 and 1.4 parts per thousand in the t~110 samples tested. Given the dependence of sensitivity of at least some clays on their salinity, consideration should be given to possible leaching of clays in the barge basin area as a result of the discharge of fresh water from the tailrace of the powerhouse. Artesian water flow was noted on the logs of two of the Corps of Engineers' borings located ,iust offshore in the tidal flats, one north 50 K-0631-61 of Sheep Point, the other to the south. No artesian water wa~ noted in the Shanncn & Wilson exploration at this site. 51 TABLES •· TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS Vertical Inclination Footage Depth of Boring Location Orientation ----of Boring Drilled Penetration Remarks S~/ 83-1 I nta l<e S true tu re S 5°E 45° 155.3 109.8 Rock coring sw 83-2 Bradley River Fault N 75°\.J 45° 262.3 185.5 Rock coring sw 83-3 13arge Basin Vertical Vertical 51.5 51.5 Rotary vJash; Soil sampling techniques S~l 83-3A IJa rge Basin Vertical Vertical 16.0 16.0 Drilled to obtain supplementary samples for SH 83-3 St•l-83-4 Bull t·1oose Fault N 80°~1 45° 206.3 145.9 Rock coring Table 2 Description of Rock Classification Methods Fresh Slightly wedthe red r~oder·a te 1 y ,;eat he red lliyhly weathered Extremely weathered Residua I Very tlard liard Med1um WEATHERING ---- tlo visible sign of rock lfldterial weathering; perhaps slight discoloration on major discontinuity surfaces. Discoloration indicates weathering of rock mdterial and discontinuity surfaces. less than thirty five percent of the rock material is decomposed and/or dis integrated to a soil. fresh or discoloured rock is present either as a continuous framework or as corestones. More than thirty five percent of the rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated to soi I. Fresh or discoloured rock is present either as a discontinuous framework or as corestones. All rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated to soil. The original mass structure is still largely intact. All rock material is converted to soil. The mass soil structure and "'"terial fabric are destroyed. There is a large change in volume, but the soil has not been significantly trdnSported . . HARDNESS Cannot be scratched with knife or sharp of hand specimens requires several hard geologists pick. Breaking of a Can be scratched wtth knife or pick only w1th difficulty. Hard blow of hammer required to detach hand specimen. or gou~tod 1/16 ln. deep by firm pressure point. tan be excavated 10 small chips 1 in. maximum size by hard blows of the a geologist's pick. Soft Can be youged or yrooved readily with knife or pick nt. Can be excaYated in chips to pieces several hes in size by moderate blows of a pick point. Small thin pieces can be broken by finger pressure. Very Soft Con be carved with knife. Can be excavated readily with putnt of p1d. Piece> an inch or '""re in th1c~ness can be broken by finger· pressure. Can be scratched readlly by finger na i I. For Engineer1ny Description of Rock • not to be confused with Mob's >cale for minerals. JOHI!__BEDO!NG AND FOI !ATION ~~ACING IN ROCK ~pac i n_9_ Beddiny and foliation Less than 2 in. 2 in to 1 ft. Joints Very c 1 ose Close Very thin Thin Medium Thick 1 ft. to 3 ft. 3 ft to 10 ft. More than 10 ft. Moderately close Wide Very wide Ver·y Thick After Deere, 1963 1 NOH: Joint spacing refers to the distance nonnal to the plane of the joints of a single system or "set" of joints which are parallel to each other or nearly so. M'~RTURf OF OISCOilTl!_!~!H ~URFACES TERM Very wide Wide Moderately wide Moderately narrow Narrow Very narrow Tight APERTURE Over 200 11r11 60-200 IIIII 20-60 nm 6-20 111n 2-6 mm Over 0 to 2 "'" Zero !3_Qf~.gtJAIITY DESIGNA_TOR l!!QQl RQO Itt :!. ~ !00 __ -: ___ ~!.Core in Pieces 4 in. and longer RQO Exceeding 90'1, 90-75 75-50 50-25 Less thon 25~ Length of Run Di~stic Description -Excen-ent:·- Good Fair Poor Very Poor After Deere, 196lb NOH: Diagnostic Description is Intended primari problems with tunnels or excavations in for evaluating aOeere, D.U. "Technical Description of Rock Cort•s for Engineering Purposes" felsmechdnik and lngenierg!Ooloyie, Vol. I, No. I, 1963, pp. 17-22. bOeere, D.O. et al., "Design of Sud<Jce and Neu Surface Coustruction in Rock Proceedings, 8th Symposium on Rock Mechanics. The American Institute of Hining, Metallurgical and Eny1neer, Inc., New York 1967. pp. 237-302 From: Society of Civil Enyineers, Journal of the Soil Mechdnics and Foundtaions Division, Vol. 98, No. 5Mb, pp. 568-569, June 1912. tD 0 ::D z C) z p ~ 00 w I N (/J ::t: ~ ~ I-' 'rABLE 3 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS BORING NO sw 83-2 . ~~ ifif;~;i ;{{~;if, o· ~ dl>.._J> ~~ u ~~ di> ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ v;; lit ""' ~.... ~ .... ~ ~ $ $' ~ ~ $' ~ if s .s: .f ~ /~· q,tlt-~ I# ~ ~ $' .r""~ tR ~I /ltf $.:!' .:;-~ ~, IF~ l' $ (j Q ~ u '1 ..., 8 ..;--q,"~ 0 (j R-31 158.9-8 Fig 9 18-13 158.2 --· ·--- - ------·-- ---· ----'-· -·-· -- --·------f-· -- -· -----·- ------· --------- --~ ~-~----- ~----~~-----·-- ··---·- . c---------. ----------------------.------·-·------ --------··------·--- 1--·-~--~--------·----------··· -----------·-·-.. SHANNON & WILSON JOB NO. K-0631 DATE Sept. 1983 --- CLASSIFICATION Gray, clayey, silty fine to coarse SAND (fault 9ouge with rock fragments) I I : .. --- f- --- ---~---~--··-------------·· ~-···------------------_______ ... ~---·-- ~ :n z G) z p ~ 00 w I w en :J: m ~ 1--' TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS SHANNON & WILSON . w~•-BORING NO s~J 83 -3 K-0631 JOB NO. oAn sept 1983 ~ tfif;lj;i ;~;~~ J! ~ ~ ... ; &~ u ~ .tP .... "'l ... " ~,t; ..\. ~ c.,.._.:t' "' ... ~~~ ~~ l/ .. ~~$ !1//ll/l~~ 11 ll CLASSIFICATION S-2 4.5-5.0 24 110 Fiq 10 2.63 27-21 19.2 5 Tv=0.35 tsf Dark aray t clayey SILT to silty CLAY 1 trace PP=0.9-1 25 fine sand tsf Salinitv=3.1%% S-2 Remold 21 109 16.0 Same S-2 5.0-5.5 24 106 18.1 Same S-2 Remold 24 104 6.8 Same S-2 6.2 27 Dark aray 1 clayey SILT with occ. lenses of silty fine SAND, occ. pockets of silty ClAY -------~---·- S=_4 12.0-22 107 13.4 Dark qrav. clavey SILT, trace of fine sand -· ---------12.5 26 ----------· ·-----------------.. S-4 Rerrold 23 103 24-21 5.2 Same ---S-4 13.0 29 Dark gr~y, slightly silty fine SAND with occ. --------··--· . --------lenses of sandy clayey SILT ~-~-· ------· .. -- ·-··--···-----· ---··~- S-7 22.9-21 103 Fiq 10 24-NP 5.1 Dark gray 1 sligb.tly__.c!_a_yey.Lsil!;yL__fine to -----~~-~-------1-----------23.6 coarse , fine to coarse SAND 1--------f--------1---·-----·--- -----·-----· ~--------------f---.-.------------------. ·--· -- S-7 Remold 24 101 3.5 Same -·-·----·--------------·--------------~--- l -------··---1--·--···-t------. 1---------1-------~---~-----·- --------·-···---.~-·-·---·····----I-.----·---·--~··----·····- ~ :::0 z C) z p ctl ~ 00 w I w (/) ::t: ffi z p N 'TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS BORING NO sw 83-3 . 11/J 1.4;1;~~ #;~~ $! o· ~ ()P ..._ .{' ~ ~ u c.;-aP ~ ~ ..... "' ~~ 4 4f ..,.::-(, ..... ~ II $'.! .... ~~ ~ .l ~~~ I~.~ ~~.~ .f 1.:-t .! ~ ~ '.i-'f: !' ~ ;; ~ 'f: li ~ $ :$ ~ .t ~ ' ~! ~ ~ c.;; Q ~ G "'i ~ 8 ~ q_'? 0 u S-9 26.0 17 Fiq 11 S-9 26.7 34 Salinity:::l.4% 'iV=O. 43 tsf 0.12 tsf Ran. 'IV=0.41 tsf 0.14 tsf Ran. - T\1=0.34 tsf - 0.12 tsf Ran. - T\!;;::0.40 tsf 0.12 tsf Ran. - S-16 35.5-16 Fig 11 37.5 , ___ -·----- -----~,·~ ----- ---· -- ------------, -------- -·---- --------·-·------------~,-·-------- --------f-- --·-·----·· ·------1----------------- --·----~---~-- ___ , __ ---··------------~-·- --------... ----~~--·-----------~ ---- -------·------··- SHANNON & WILSON JOI NO. K-0631 DAT£ Sept 1983 --·· I CLASSIFICATION Dark gray, slightly silty, clayey fine to coarse SANTI, with trace of fine gravel. Shells and fraoments throughout Dark gray, clayey SILT, trace of sand - Parallel to beddina -- - - i-Perpendicular to beddinq - -I l Dark gray, slightly clayey, silty fine to coarse SM'D with trace _Qf fine nr;:mp 1 ------ ··-- ----------- ----·-----~------------------· ------·----------~.-----~-----~---- ··-~------~----~-----·--·-· m 0 ::D z G) z p ~ 00 w I .w :to< C/) :I: m ~ z p ~ TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS BORING NO sw 83-3A lit jfif;~;i $~~;if o· dP p ~ c., (j ' ()(' ~ ~ ... f ,$' .$ v -~.. IS ~ ..... ~ v ...._ ,::J~ II $ ~ .~.. ;:j; ~ i 1 ! f I ~ -~ q.~ ~ l# !" ~ ~ ~.,. ~ ~ ~ ,rl .,. ~ ct $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~! 8 ~ v Q ~ u " ~ cSJ ~ q., 0 v S-1 1 n-1 R 29 1)-21 'I\r-=0.39 tsf 0.11 tsf Rem. S-1 3.0-3.1 35 Tv=0.27 tsf 0.10 tsf Rem. S-2 8.1 'I\r-=0.56 tsf 0.18 tsf Rem. S-2 8.5 24 25-17 Tv=0.62 tsf 0 20 tsf R£ID S-2 9.5 24 'I\r-=0.62 tsf 0.46 tsf Pem. S-3 14.6 17 SHANNON & WILSON JOB NO. K-0631 CLASSIFICATION DATE Sept 1983 Dark qrav, clavev SILT with\"-!," lavers of silty CLAY Same Grav sliqhtlv clavev SILT locallv with trace fine sand occ. nockets or lavers to k" thick of gray silty ClAY Same Same Dark qrav to black, clean fine to coarse SAND, trace of subqranular fine arqillite gravel ! FIGURES / I I KACHEMAK BAY \ \ / ;£, lj. . ( ~ . SHEEP POINT I \ ~\- ....... - ' / . . ; ' ( POWER HOUSE,_'· \] ~ TP-1 \ \ '-.\. I ( \ ··~ 0 ·o ·'b I / / I GEOLOGIC MAP\ FIGURE 2 SHEET 4 OF 4 ) / I I '-.... ) / / / / -----/ /' I~ / ~/ ' . \ . . I /' SU__f!GE ~ \ ', __.-/TANK GEOLOGIC MAP ~ ~ (~FIGURE 2 ~SW83-4 \ SHEET 3 OF 4 \ I / (- ' / 0 500 1000 2000 SCALE IN FEET \ \ \ 3000 I ' ~\ . \ 4000 / ( ---------12.50- ~!.5 00 --...../ I I \ \ ! \ \ _ _) / -1 7 .5 0 --------._/ ~ GEOLOGIC MAP 0 ~FIGURE 2 ) ~0° SHEET 2 OF 4 l ~ // / / \ \ \ ' \ // ./'/ . / .r \ ~ \ /GEOLOGIC MAP _;' SWB~-2 ·/ FIGURE 2 _ / \ SHEET 1 OF 4 \ ) \ J ./ INTAKE \ fV STRUCTURE~· \ '-·; ~ SW~3-1 \ BRA DLEY L AKE r 's~ / I ' \ \ \ \ \ \ ( _,--.-..., I ......... / (0 EXPLAJCATION BOUNDARY OF GEOLOGIC MAP AREA SHANNON & WILSON BORING SWBJ -4 LOCATIOlll A.ND NUMBER !'ij TEST PIT LOCATION AND TP-1 NUMBER STONE & WEBSTER Eft.CtNEERING CORPORATIO• BRADLEY LAKE HYORt:IELECTRIC POWER PROJECT GEOTECHXICAL STUDIES LOCATION MAP SEPTEMBER 1983 $.HANNON & WILSON , lftC. G eotechn iul C onsu lt.artt5 FIG. 1 'I ) . (" I I ' ( ' / /' )~ NOTES: 1 ) S e e Figure 1 lor loca tion o f g eolog ic map . 2 ) Topographic base hom U .S. Army Corps of Eng i n ee rs. Conto u r interval is 5 fe e t . ;;.--. / 0 200 <OO 6 00 80 0 SCALE IN FEET I I ----------- / I I ' ;(- . t .• ' ' . ' .. ~.(i\._ . ~-. ~~ !I '' :f ,, ; ' I. \\. \\. ' ' \ ' \ ' \ ~I \ ' / BRADLEY LAKE Qa Kg Ka Kaf Kac m:mfl ~ Kagrn Kd ED . . . ' L so __ ,.;;;!_ ~85 Yso ~ SW8J.4 --€:) DH·17EX EXPLANATION QUATERNARY OEl'DSIT S , undifferenuznd ; Includes glacial outwash , till, and ce~Anium. Shown oaty ._ .. i cinity of Intake. GRAYWACKE ; maant, weakly metamor;t-.ou:d sandstone with minor argillite liiiyen.. MASSIVE ARGIL LITE ; weak l y metamorpksed s i ltstone and 'lery fin e s;:~nd-s t one... FOliATED ARGILLITE ; Petv oniudy shev-ed, wuklv metamor - phose d siltstone and nrv fin e sandstonr •nil Ius th a n 10% nodules, b01.1dins, .... discontinuous layen af chert . FOLIA TED CH E A rr AA Gl L LITE ; u mo.e w1th 10 ·20~ nodules, boud i n1 , ani::l disco•tD:uous l ayers of chert.. ln~;ludes a few la yers of fr a ctured , mau;.e chert to 10ft. thidt.. GRAYWACKE&: ARGILLITE , undiffere•t:i:aUd ; com p l exly m ill e d ass e mbla g e cons ist ... of 50-65 % graywadr.e .and 35-50 % u g1 ll~e. Argilli t e is predom~tly foliated wilh ~ th.an 10% c ll u t . DACITE DIKE ; wuU'r metamorphosed . h11e grained , porph y otrc intrusiu~ rock . R o ck no t e11posed •itb in about 200 feet of tunnel alignm~:nt. L i thology inferred fro. more distant u :pasares , t o po g raphic ell:- preuio n , and /or adtoilling rock acr o ss stniC'hlr•l trend . R o ck upose d with• tunnel alignment con.tor or w1thin about 200 feel ol tunnel a l•m e nt. FAULT ; approx.imately located , show i n9 nte of slicken1tdu LINEAMENT; a p p ro:.imat el y located LITHOL O GIC CONTACT ; approximately iocaud STRIKE & DIP Of FOLIATION STRIKE & DIP OF JOINTS Shannon & W ihon BOA lNG LOCATION : arrow shows orientatton and hor izontal pro jec t i on of incl ined bor ing U .S. A r my Corps of Eng ineer! BOR lNG LOCATION lall borin g s at dam Ute not shown I STON E & W E B STER ENGINEER I NG CORPORATION BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJEC~ RECONNAISSANCE BEDROCK GEOLOGIC MAP DF THE INTAKE. TUNNEL ALIGNMENT. AND POWERHOUSE SITES S EPT E MBER 1983 SHANNON II WILSON ,INC .- G e o technic:al c;on-ltan tt K-0631·61 FIG. 2 SH EET 1 OF • ~\ ...._ \ ·o -...__ ' -~~ ,::..-... ' -· ..J ---.....____ •• (l•' 'X \ ""' ... , \ ' \ \ \ \ • I ,~-/·) l /_;...--' -"".,./- ' I 'r \ ' . I \\"'' .. \ ~~ \\ \ '-.., -;; ' ,_ ..... ~ '~'\. ~-- \ v t' 1 ·-........ \ v l \ -.;~oi:~'-\' ''\'', ' \ \ I I ' (. ', I ; .\ ' ~ -. . ,~ . --~ ..... -............ ~ ---=----.... f ' I ' . ·• f ~ ---~ ~ --........... ~ 1 f -· ·y ..; ~-"',/ --'~----~ --.:~,;------....'·.., ______ ~_·,\ .· . .~...-..-' .. J ., ~ -I / /' ( '_,..;•: I. ... /' ~ -;-~--....-' .,_,. ~-, .!<!, ·--~ \ -' /· 1 ' / ·o ~ ______ _:.....,,~--~----..... .... • ..........._ ------' ' p ."' ~-~___.,. .,. -=--· . ~' .... . ''/ /C ,"-.: ..._ ·• . .......... --,::..,~,, ' I •./ { -" ' ..-• ~ ~->-;:-..... ..._ ' -----..__ --.. f ' ___., I . i . I ...-:;,· .--' .. -~ ---. . ,· ---....:. .I ~ __. ' ) ~1. / . / . --• .. --~ ..._ ....._ . ;' --. . . '-.. ' . . . ,, . ---~ ..._ ·r ~ - c ' --/ -----......, -............ .......... •• --· -----• -:--------, -......_, -------·; -· ...... I I · . / _d. · ~~-• '• f • •'-. ., '-.. ~ ---.._ · ·. :::-:--.... · ---~ ,. I ;.· ')~·· 4- /:_,....--. I ' \, ...._, ' ... r ... _ ' J-· ~ ")0.: v ~ ....... '-.... '· ·"' ' ' '-.. ··o ' -., -., ---0 '-..-......· . . \ '~ ·-.. ' )\\ ~ \ I/ ~ II I • ~· • . / ) -..-:-. z-:.. ~~-/ ~~-/ -. ::-~---,._:·. -..._______-~ ·: __ :---. ~ ( ---""'------. I ----___ ~ • -~ , -I • ' ' . -'' I ·''r· . / ' C~~~ ' ' ·--,..__• . < '... ' ' I I / / '" / ". ~-.. :. ' / "' / _.. I •. -----' ......... ..____,. I /-:" --' ---------------I i . -/ ,-;,r· .. ·1 • r 1·.--·"' • • --·," ----~---•• '~ ----------/ /•;/;·~~y'l . . ' ' ~~/ .·---""· . ' --~ ~~ .· -~ ::::--.::'· .~ -•\ /--/ • / • ' I /'' • 0 --' .. _ ' • . • ./' ..._ -I I ' / ' -• , / I' / -'-.. /' I • • ~ ---• :,_ ' • .......... -;.------., ;-... ---.---:----..., ---"\. /. • -~ /,'/ / '/ ·'/ .· I ' -. ~~ // ,--. -\ / . ,/ -,_ ·----~ ... ,, I.~'--...._'·· ... ·._ "<' -./ ~ ------:-_.....~ ·, ' -~-. . • / -~~- ' ' • ' . ~ I' • i ...._ -· ----........_ "' • ---' __,... ;/ __..: __ Y. ~-/· ' ,' //-::-~( ·~-,· . -·· . '. ~~:: -~--:::::-·-="· . . --... '·.-..... _':" I .~.1-~ '7--. -.· ~-J I'.... 7-'' ,. ! ;',,> -.. I/ (. I / ' -: I • / ,. // • ~-/ .... -"' ..:::..._ ·~ -"-"'-.. . ~ -. I / I ......__ -:: ---• ,·. • --·< .. //, If ; "\,; ,. ,.--,.. ~-' ~ , • .-;--..-.... _...---. --.. , / /' ( " ·' I 1 't /I -1 "'-''-, • --' • -:~~ ,· (.·1 •• :---_~...=.--'.-·'• --·/-~ ·' ' I ' . I I . '~ .... -' ' I --. . . -==---' • ' ' • ; / ~ / / ' -; .. t' • . ~... ' -.............. ' ' ' -/' ' ' ' -; J .. • • -----• -~---...--..__/ ,· ,·; ( / ""' I/-/ .-· .--'/ . ·' . /r,,,·..:..J -"'-.:-~--_. \ -· ·, ,•,~·. --~""' (' -\ ~J :::1 ..--' --~--":--~-~~~ / " \ . _,--.:,. -,: ' I 1 ,-....._ I ·"j ............ ..._.-...., ' .--.. 1 '"\... ___..-'/ ~----:-.-..... --..:;;:...._~ / GJ \ I\\ I ' ' ~ /.'/ /./"~ >' -\ I / --~'-,.\ '--. . ~'~~..... _-; ~-;:. !"':-.; -~ \ -0. '-</ "~' ' \ ' \ ' (..._ :-.. ' '., ...,, ~' . ' \' '-\ I ·, ·-......._-.....__,__,' ·~. . \ ....... , - --.......... , ' f I \ , ... , \ .<~\. \'~".\' ' \~\ ' ' -:/ i ( r · , ~li' . ~r . ~~.·'/ I I I ~ ---j / // ' ,, . . • -· ' ·~l, -' ' / . ( .-...·---: . --' ' ' . -I . ----/"' I -·· ' ( ..J • ~-I I'' I \ '""' /Y• -/-/ ~ ;' -I "'-.: -' ' ) .. -·~ \· -~ -· \ · .. ~il l I . J I '' -./ ~ ,__ I ' f ' .' • • -~ --. ' •• ~ '-. , , , , --...--... ._____......,._ ....__ 1 , 1 / ..:;/ ~ ./... ---I lj I I ...... ,.1..-....-~ ' ' "" '-,., \ ~ ~--~ ·~~ -' I f .....-... ~~ -, __ -' ; t ~---~_-_ . .. -, . ~.9 " \ ~ r----.. ::-._--_:... a ·~ \ ~ .... :---: /"' ----. ~- • I -• . '·. -:~~·:::::·;·;:.:/:-.:·;\i(f,;~:::::P:-~.-.. :' .. ~ ' l ._..__,,,-:.,;:-'."/-.-"· ~ •: ~·_.., •..: ."-:-~-:-:-::·.·-·~~-~ ... , 11 ::: -;::-=-;. , ·WI '\J\ \: J: . '·-... -Ill ,..-- ~ .. , \ \,\ .~---..... ... ,· ----'-----../ . --... ~ ,-, I ---.,_.)..........._ ,, ,/ f -~~: \ ~ \ ·, ~ ~~---~ .... /"':-_; -~· . ,.-------..., . :.-;---------. ~ '.·~, ! .. \ ' v·0:) '\. -'--r· / _;· .. / ~ -~ -/ . / / f of I .-' /r' ' . !"; . . I r• , -< ~ I <I J ~ . ..--:---- ' -· ~ •• -<l \ .•.:_...; , ---..:Y' -( /· 85~~ I· I . ~ --.---- -~ ·~ -~ ~'--· ' ! I ~"" ,o1 · . ... --,..-\ ~ ' - "'-.: . ,...-;--;,:/ •· ~" ! ~ ' ' -- ----· " ,_ !"; I ~ ,/ ,. ' ~ -..-r' -· "'~ NOTES : 1) See Figure 1 for lo c ati o n ol geologic map . 2) Topo!;Jraphic base from U .S. Army Corps of Engin ee rs. Conto "r int e rval is 5 f e et. ,I / I / ~.I \(- ', .--;. ~ _/' ' .li -~ ~~-J· ---~, ~ . -:::::::__...... __ •' l.-. , .. ;.. ~ //l~: :· 1 _, ·; ' !· . --! ' ·, / -\ r ' . - 3" . ;/ ) \ . ·\ <:l/ -I ; ' -/, ... . ' .' ~-----:-. ' I ' ' , l , , I I . 'I . ""'~ -: ~ .. ~ -~,. i~ --__ / -·/·. /7:-•" ~ '· I ' -----------_..--.... ~-_J ::-, I -. -. ../· ,--~-/--' I ~ . / // I ' ·. ' . ._...., .· ~ ----- / ~ / / I ,--' ,-· _, -~,__.. '~-.~-...-' ~. ~ -----... ~ ' \ J ;r • / }f ' I . I ~-.:._... -~ / • ; . I I . -II .. ,;, . --.:-? ~ _-__.. ·/: / . I ~-/ ~'/:·. / .I /,...-~ ' '. I ' I ... I ,· ... .:.__j,~ I \ .. ," __ . ~) I I . -------.;_ -.../ • ' ' ' c ~ ~--.-, ~ -' ' , ~-. "' ~~ .. o--c::::, ·--, ~ . . <=·.-"''....... .. ' .•. , ~-'v."?f· ~ .......----. . ' ,, ;-~ 1 / / -/-' / ·-/ ,· '· ~ _. .._ . ·-:,, ' ... , ... -.·. ·--"'_c.>:'~,-~0:~ / ./ r / . ' r r •._____-' _. ~-/ ... ~ .. -.. -• >' . / ·' c . t. f' 2-., I .. ""'---- o" ../ '•//, "' ' -.--...... _........ ~ -:-. '-..._.. ---. ___ ::. .::--:-. . . .. ··---:: / ... _, -. -..._ ___ ..,.n•~ •, ... .;~---, /j -, '-,'-............_ ---...... . ~ "' ,.y ' . ·) r"/..,. --{" ' I / /''• ... \ .• I /' ~.--~c·-..___ ,' Jl'"" ,6 .,., ·_, 0 100 200 400 600 800 • ' ' i SCALE t N FEET ~ --;-r '"'---.. -T ·":"/""~' \·I\ I --. ' '/ '- \ ~J '_-_.7 1 ' I/' .--------__ ../. / --"":l --------. ' ' / . .----.... ',_:, I ! l -~ . ' --~-::; ';'-'j t \ 1 .-I .;;r'!.-- '· / "/-' -·// I _:_. --. ,_.... ~ ... _, ......... ~..._----" // .~ i i) I /, -, -d --~ /f -...._ _ __..!, /i'' __ , --___,___--. ~ -·r;t;· ./-,,....--.. --;: r· ~--) ' .• ..../ i:: ;-;;r; ;...-.. -.. / I . ( __,. '--: I .r ·_· ) ~;; \·i<(_~ .... \, _/J/--~-~-,; -' .-·<-· ··., \"-~ .I :/~ "->/ .l(l t\ .:~ -J ./:/ (.·I---.-.. . • • r._, .r-' ,.--. . -----.,' :-... /fl ~~-______ .. _..., ' :·:~;?·\~· ./.y / '/, ,·· rJl-.. ~ ., ---- 0 ~ w z ~ Qa Kg Ka () .. -llo ~ Q • • • 0 •• 0 . ' c • " X ~ C1 Kat [I]~ "' , fiM!.JI Kac l'li!J:lj__J Kag[}] Kd [J 1 J: u ::;; L 50 --~- /as Yso ~ SWB3-4 --47 DH·17EX EXPLANATION QUATERNARY DEPOSITS, undiff~rentiaud; Includes glaci•t oulwashl, till, and CD••ium . Shown only • wicinity of Intake. GRAYWACKE ; milunt, weakly metamCKplloRd nndstone with minor argillite Layen.. MASSIVE ARGILLITE ; weakly metamorpMR"d siltstone and wery f i ne sandnone. FOLIATED ARGILLITE; Pervasively shured, weakly metamor - pho!ed 1iltstone and ury fine s01ndstone wirll len than 10%. nodules, boudins, .... discontinuous layen of chert. FOLIATED CHERTY ARGILLITE ; as ;~tun-e •ith 10-20 % nodules, b o udins , and discoRn-olls layers of che-rt... Includes a lew layers of fractured, mus.iu dte-rt to 10ft. thick.. GRAYWACKE & ARGILLITE , undiflere•t-l;.trd ; compi!!!Kiy miKed assemblage consiuicMI ol 50·65% graywadr.e aad 35-50% argillite . Argillite is predom i ~tfy foliated witt\ len th~n 10% chert. DACITE DIKE; wutty metamorphosed, f-.e gra ined , porphyritic intrusive rock. Rock not exposed wittlin about 200 feet of hlnnel ali-gnment. lithology inferred tro• more distant e•pos.res, topographic ex - preuion , and/or adio•ing rock acrou su•c-mnl uend. Rock exposed w ithill hnnel alignment conidor or within about 200 feet of tu nne I •U,.ment. FAUlT; approxim•tety loc;ated , showing ~lll:e of slicken1ides LINEAMENT ; approxi•ately locat e d LITHOLOGIC CONTACT; approximately '-:lcated STRIKE & DIP OF FOLIATION STA IKE & DIP OF JOINTS Shan non & W ilion BORING lOCATIOJI ;ilrtDw 1hows orient•tion •nd horizontal projectiOn of inclined bor ing U .S . Army Corps of E•qineers BORING LOCATION STONE & WEBSTER E NGINEERING CORPORATION BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT RECONNAISSANCE BEDROCK GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE INTAKE, TUNNEL ALIGNMENT, AND POWERHOUSE SITES SEPTEMBER 1983 SHANNON & WILSON . INC. Geohchnical Con"'tt..•hi K...0631·61 FIG. 2 SHEET 2 OF 4 • 't. 0 "~ /_ -,..~ ~ -..._ ---------=--·0 r---____-/ -~--::., ... -~ / .-------/ ~ -._ ~~/--~< -:- :-.,~-----/ / --/ ---------. --.... ___ . -----------.._ --=:-_ ----~-----/ .-----...... / -____ ;: .,----... / ~-- '· / ·' _,-----~ ~-~ ·--::-· I --~---~ •/ ~~~-I ,--------_ .... :-:--... -~---- -0 ••• ,o. -,.~ .. ----/ ...--__../· y: -. ' / / •' / """" -'~/ _.r_, ~ / PROPOS ED -.> SURGE "TANK Kac 1 ,/ ______...-/' """· ,.---... ...... _ / ! ~--- -~ ~--=-=-'-.. Ka --....... ' -,_ // -~ ' \ ', ~ -~ --.... •'. --~ -:::.: ,; '· -------.. -......_,_ __ -..,, .__.,/- NOTES : 1 ) See Figure 1 for location of geologic map , 2t Topographic base from U.S. Army Corps of E ngineeu. Contour interval is 5 fe e t. I ' .. '-. - • \ . ~ "-....-....... ""' ... -... -.. -'\ ---~ ./ ,:=' '. ·-~ ~ """' ... -/'-l -·o " "'\ \ ~ J \ \ ~,' • ' •<JI \-: -~ ~ • 0 ' -......___ .. . ..,l -___,:.: )--·-. -~ -~ ".\ ::----· J -__ -......._ '-... · ' ~o -. · · \ "····· .u', 1 ·.' ,' r '·"--:, --. -. · ._/ ' _j""' ==_· : ~~--. ' "' / -"-;:~/ i~ . -'\ \ ~ ·"· ,., . I!:. I( ; ;' / ,.---~0 ., ' •• ;~~) \ "'-'--........ \ ·· -· -....__ · ' .--.....__ .'-. • ' , I ' / I ' ---a·~-......__ \ "-"' • '\ \\ \ v _, ' .-,r.:.I..-~ -~\ "'--........__. \._,' \ -~\,Jr--.....'-\ '-. ' \\ ;, ·. ;' I I : I f I/ 0 fl' "'~ '.--??' : \ ~ .... v . -~ ""'---. ........ ' --.....,_ 'l ~ I ' . I ' / , f-.~\···. --:_z~< •!'"'I •· '\.\:·,' '-. ,\_ ·· .• ··\J -: •,!(/:/\!/ .---......-.. t I· )/1 •/ \ . . -~ ' / ~ '-'---• · . · · · . /· ·, • I I ' • :;. '-L I I · · I · ' • ,.·_ ./~ "<. :''""::'--. -"--../ ,,,, \.· ... ~ .· ,.,____: ' ·.'·; \I ' ,.~~ ... I I / : \\ "-.\._ ' ' ' ---~ ' ' . ' ,, I• I / I ~ ' • / ' '· ------ ~ (/ ' ' · ~ · -\' ~ .-... ' ' ED '-. li ·-' I I ( ~ , · \ \ \'\'"'....___ \,--~ '-, , ·-;· • .~ .\: . //-\ . ("""'-'\ , ,,\\_ \ _!JH-17EX ' \ '' i / (' \ ___ / r . / J \ ' // / ' -_.. .• -< • \· \ I ' • ~ -/' . ' ' ' . \ ,. ,·-II I . ' . ......-:1// ~ I . '''\\ \ I \ / ... I . '\ \ '. . -·, . : / \ '-----, .. ' • /•/; //. -. . . \ ~ -\ ' . I I I --..._....--. ' ... ~ / ' ' \:...--... ~ ~--• ' 1 -.. ' " BULL · ' r . • · ' I -' 1 · / -- . -( ('"", I . _/.. \ . '~ r-" . ,/-',, \\ -\ \·\\MOOSE ' \ --~ ,. ' '"....._\,'-~ ·_------( I :/// . // ---------" . --_ _ , . \:, _ , · , r . . 1 · -, \ . · \ FAULT \ 1 \.. ':---:---· , ~ .-· . ...--... \ 1 , ·· 1 . r 1 1 / 1 / -~ ·)·. \ _"'· \ __ _ _ / / ~./ -,, \ \ .\ , . 1 \. , , · ~ \ ... _,..-·,~ _ / . = '-.,_ .\ . I , / r' : ·, : r I '\ ' ....._ ~ 2! ---/ ' /-' " •, \ ' ' ' ' ' • ' / I \ I '-c--. '' \ ' I I I I 1 ' L\ . • . ---: ..___ '' .. / ' ', ' ' -.. • I ' I ' " -. : I I . : I -~ _-. ----... , -/ /"" ,, ' . \ t0 -85 ~ 'v .....-/\ . I ' ;' . • '-I ------\ I I ' I ' ' 1 '\ \ I ~ ' '-. ' -I / I " -·-" . . I ' ' ~ -' ' ' I ' I --"""' ' . ' I ' ~ . I I ' . I \ .. ~ ' I ' • I • . ---~ .• --~ .. " . ----...:. • -.. -I .___. \ ~----.. . \ II ' ' . I'\ '\\ I I I I·'' . \ ~ " ,. ' / -. --J ' . ' . I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' .. . . '--.. -" . I ' --. . I I 'I . ' ·-· .· " ' \ ' \ . ' -' ' ... ~ ' \ ' Kg -. . . I \ \ 1 -., • ' ' •• I • •': . ' I i -::-83>-4 K~ --...... \ \ \ I I \ \ /---.' \ . II . ' ' I I I I ) --· ' ,. ' Kat -' ' ,. ' · 1 · r .' ! I II l ['\~ L\l lOVII :U .j .: ... "/ l • ' •' Kai :-., ;'~ ' " ~~ .. _ . '"'\--\ t<a ~ --=--/ ., . /, I ' -\ Ka J \ \ ·\ ,' ...... : Kaf -' 'I i ! ,~"-...... .... _ -...\_.\ . ,,, ~-:-1· \,f \/-----~ l '·,, ',, . . \ I, • -::..... ___: • ( \ \\ / ~-at ~-\ . -1--_._I I \~\'·· ,· . ·\ / . ,-::' .~\\' / /'' ~:\: .I t ,-· •" . -' ' ' 85 ---\ ~,. ~---\ I ~--., l -"•• I • • \ ;,. -\, ~-, ~ .;::,::: -• -r~~ , ~ I . ·' \ · · · ~ =--..._ . :so , ~,76 I ~~ ~,_. '---.:._ ' \ . ' \Y I> ! I , ' ' :.----,... \ ---:... _,/ /\\ .. ' ! . \''--. ' ,~~ "??, '· ';--I '· o";_: "-. , I '-'-'""" -~-_· -----.. .' ·. ~-I \y i I I '~....., ,..........._ ~ ~ . ' --------......:._ . -..___./ . ... ...... \ 80 \ --.......... --\ . --·-·. ..... \ ~ -_ ·-.. -1""" .....v-~ " ____.... --.. 'J'"' ------~~ -, ----------\ r~ ~-, --I ---. -·~ 1r·,~ --1, I ._ .->r-: 1 ~~\' ~-,.., ~ i. r - """ \ , -· --_..... '•,•-I . ,_-' " . 3' ! ~ o-~ -.......... ' ' \. ...---... · '-..., , '........_ o'> · I -;? ....... "'\.... ""-_ ___.... ....... _ ...._ // ~ "'-,ot.,v--•""'~· 1 '~ '\ ~- . . '-........... -·--"'l-. ,. I ·,;;'----• /-----,·,...._"-----...._ ";·. __...-·' --\J " • ·----~-:; '\. ' ' -·----.-r ~. ' 0 100 :ZOO <11JO 6 1JO 800 SCALE IN FEET \ \, i ,, ',. • 1 ' / I ; . \ \', i . ' ,t' '\ i I .. /'l_; \. I ' I \ ~, '\ \ . I / . . . I ' ' ' ,:( .-' . / . . / I 1 · ., ... .--.... . " . . . ' ( ., ., \. <' ! / ' \ \\ / I ) . I; ,' /. (. . ' . I.' I' ' \ ' . ., ' \ ' ' \\ \ ' / ' •' ,. ! l '-:... ~ ~ • • r ~ 0 ~ • z ~ r u ~ < • Qa Kg Ka • • ,. a ~ • o . . . I>. Q 0 •t: • "'"•' o;:".~c • .!1 0. E Kat[TI~ Kag [ .. ] I Kd .. ' o I A A ·>>> . . . . " I u :;; L= 50 --....,;;;;;:- ""85 Yso ~ SW83-4 ---43 DH-17EX EXPLANATION QUATERNARY DEPOSITS, undifferentaud; lndudes glacial outwash , till, and eoa.wium. Shown only.-•ieinity of Intake. GRAYWACKE ; massrn , weakly rneumorpDo~ sandstone wath minor argillite laye~ MASSIVE ARGILliTE ; weakly mecamor-pbowd siltstone and wery fine undstone.. FOLIATED ARGILLITE ; Pervasiuly Jhurn:i . weakly metamor - phosed siltstone and nry fine sandstone wrtb ~~~than 10% nodules, boudins, aDd discontinuous layers of chert, FOLIATED CHERTY ARGILLITE ; as abon w1th 10-20% nodules, boudins , and d i scon o auous layers of chen.. lndudes a few layers of fractured , mass1wr chert to 10 h . thicll. GRAYWACKE & ARGILliTE, undifferentiand; complexly m ixed assemblage consiUIPfl of 50-65% graywac.ke and 35-50 % argillite . Argillite it predomt~tly fol iated with Jeu th~n 10% cllert. DACITE DIKE; wuil:ty metamorphosed , fine ~rained, porphyritic i ntrus ive rock . Rock not exposed wf'lilin about 200 feu of tunnel alignment . Lithology inferred fTO• more diuant exposures, topograph ic ex - pression, and /or adjo•ing rock across ltruC"tVr.~l trend . Rock e~~:posed withdl tunnel alignment _5orridor or within about 200 feet of tunnel al .. nment. FAULT ; approximaniT located , showing r.~kc of slicken1ide1 LINEAMENT ; approz•mately louted LITHOLOGIC CO NT A.CT; approximately locate-d STRIKE & DIP OF FOLIATION STRIKE & DIP OF JOINTS Shannon & Wilson BORING LOCATION;~rrow showsorientiltio• and horizontal projection of inc l ined bor ing U .S . Army Corps of Engineers BORING LOCATION STONE & WEBSTER ENGIN E ERING CORPORATION BRADlEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PRO J E C T RECONNAISSANCE BEDROCK GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE INTAKE, TUNNEL ALIGNMENT, AND POWERHOUSE SITES SEPTEMBER 1983 SHANNON & WILSON. INC. Gee technica l Con1ultants 11::·0631-61 FIG. 2 SHEET 3 OF 4 '' ~ ~. ln . ~~-j ,, \ I --...., /' ----· KACHEMAK BAY 0 ?' o(J ~­,, ... I> ,. ----~- '' " ~ " (' \ ·- ;( I // \ ,- . , ' " I I I ,, ·' \,, \, \ "\ \ . •, ·, \ \ K -~ " I EB · • DH-15 / ~ \ j' -· / ( / " ( / '/ /// ( /, ' ' \ I ~~ I / . I \ \. \, -· \ ' ( ~\ ~.·:\ -'-$--ffi_ . ..-/ ~ DH-38 '.Jf4 / //;. -I I '. / //. ~ ' [' /// '/ / ~ "'l "./ • -~ _c \ ,. , I '( ,r' -I I --._, ' ' ' ' 1 / ' '· \ I ~/~I . Qt:J_... '· I ( ------- ~-'/ ,, .... ' --- NOTES : 11 See Figure 1 for locat io n of geologic map . 2) Topographic base from U .S. Army Corps of Eng ineeu. Contour interval is 5 feet. .'-. \ 0 'i ' ' 11 I II I, \\ ' ' ' \ \ /' ; I' , I! I '' J/f / " ·' /)I ·:\ . ,.-/· i ( \ j I ' I' t I . , II ' ' II \, I )''I \J ' /' l j ' ' I ' I I \ ·\ I \ '" ' I \ DH-BEX '• I '· ~ .~c ~' -~~~ ~ -~-------·.' / ' r ,/ / I ', I / 0 100 200 400 \ ·~ • ·o 00 •, ' ' . I \ \~ I ' \ \ /, ', ' I \ ' I, ' :-;.,.-_.,..r ----~::>-:.__ /--~-·/·~-----/' ·, ..... // ' /; 600 --- SCALE IN FEET \ ' ' \ ' , I I ' l I I / ) ( Kat ' i I / 800 I' 1 ' ' ' I \ ',, ··\\ \ \ \ \ '' ' ' I I { j : ' \ ' I , ' : ) a .• l { .. ~. ,../-:: ~--1:/ ,.,-. /./../" / 'I/ --,j I I \\. "' ~-~--\:J \ --..._ I ----~·\\\ -..... ~\ ' ' . / "-J<a , ·, \ \ \ \ I I I I \ / '....- (\J, "/ l //·, /l u . / ' ' / ~ / / !:(/ I I I I ' ' j ' \ :J I,- j !'i ~'-· • i ,. /" . . -I j / / (It ( ~-·Y, " ' \ ,\ • ~ --,\ ~~. ,. ... ·,' .... " ' " ' ' '-'"', '\. :,~ ......_.. '" ~·'_j'\\\1 ~- ·, '---....... ' I \\ ........... '-...... ..._" ' '-' """ \ '\ ' ' ·, ' '>, \. \ \ ' -........._~----- \ "-......_ ·------ ' :~ ... -~; ',, --~ ---......., ., '-...... -~-,,' ··..._:::~--'" ...... "-----~'-. ... _ .... ' ~ \ ·,------__/ '• ~- \ ' ., ... ~ " w w z • 0 " w z -: " " • • Qa •• 0 0 (> "lo G o •~;~•oGt.,o ' • t. t Kg I <I I' : ·:-_:::·-_: .. Ka ~ ~ 0. Kat [I]~ "' Kaclill7ilfl ~ Kag[IJ Kd <<<· . ' .. ... .... i " :;: L 50 __ ..,..;:_ ~85 .Xo ~ SW834 ---€1 DH -17EX 110 TP-1 EXPLANATION QUATERNARY DEPOSITS, undifferentiated; Includes glacial outwash, till, and colhnrium . Shown only in •icinity of Intake. GRAYWACKE; manne , minor argillite layers. weakly metamorphosed sandstone with MASSIVE ARGILLITE; weakly metamorphosed siltstone and very fine sandstone . FOLIATED ARGILLITE; Pervasively sheared, weakly metamor - phosed siltstone and very fine sandstone with leu than 10% nodules. boudin1 , and di1continuous layers of chert. FO~IATED CHERTY ARGILLITE; as above with 10·20% nodules , boudins , and discontinuous layers of chert . Includes a hw layen of fractured, mani .. e chert to 10 ft. thick. GRAYWACKE & ARGlLLITE, undifferentiated ; comple•ly mind anemblage consisting of 50-65% graywacke and 35-50% argillite. Argillite is predominantlv foliated with leu than 10% chert. DACITE DIKE ; weakly metamorphosed, fine grained, porphyritic intrusive rock . Roek not e~tposed within about 200 feet of tunnel alignment . Lithology inferred from more distant e•posures, topographic ex - press ion , and/or adjoining rock acron structural trend . Rock e~tposed within tunnel alignment corridor or within about 200 fl!et of tunnel alignment. FAULT ; approximately located, showing rake of slickensides LINEAMENT ; approximately located LITHOLOGIC CONTACT ; approximatelvlocated STRIKE & DIP OF FOLIATION STRIKE & DIP OF JOINTS Shannon & W ihon BORING LOCATION ; arrow shows orientation and horizontal projection of inclined boring U .S. Army Corps of Engineers BORING LOCATION hll borings in mud flats not shown) TEST PIT LOCATION STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT RECONNAISSANCE BEDROCK GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE INTAKE, TUNNEL ALIGNMENT, AND POWERHOUSE SITES SEPTEMBER 1983 SHANNON 8o WILSON, INC. G •ouehnieal Con1u lt•nu K.0631·61 FIG. 2 SHEET 4 OF 4 ( SHANNON & WILSON. INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Sri 83-1 < ::m~ STRUCTUf£) PROJECT BRADLEY LAKE HYORQELECTR!C PO;;t:R PROJECi 1 ; oa NO. K-631 SHEET OF Cll EM T STONE ~ WESSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATlON I LOCITIOM (COOROIM~HS OR SUTIOMJ N 2,103 474/E 342,987 l 094 ft. ORilLING COMFlNI MFR. OESIGHITIOM OF DRILL ~RCT1C ALP.~~; TEST!:JG LABORATORIES Sll( UO TTPE OF !IT HOiriL "':tO 'lQ<>IL D IA~IONO LONGYE~'l 38 SOIL fOOTlGE l CORE FOOTlGE TOUt DEPTH I OEPTH TO UTER OlTE STlRTEO DEPTH IN fEET 28.4 ft. 7/U/83 126.9 ft. I DUE COMPlETED CllSSifiCATIOM OF •lTERIIL (DESCRIPTION) 7/17/33 I ELEV. IN FEET I ;::. ;::.. ~::;•, ~~n<1;• ~RAVELS with cobbles and boulders. :omposed 1094 !~ •. ·, r:~a1nly of graywaCKe gravels "'ith argillite fraa· 1 ....... ments. Subangular co angular, occasionally '.'.• subrounded, r· .. : .. Q • • I ;:- f- L::.o r.:.: ... • ... •• ... ·-+---------------------+11oss.s r-:.: ~ c-,; •.::~ GRAYWACKE -······ .. -.: ::· BOULDER r:-20 .•. • •• : f:'" 20.5 r-:o-r:+--------------------ti079. 5 f:" ::::~.Sandy GRAVELS with cobbles. Subangular, some ~ ,. • • • p1eces sue rounded to rounded. -........ ·. -28. 4 ,..,....,. ,:.··~·..;·r:-:--:--:---...,.----,-,..=""".,.,..=----.,-,---,--...,--+1073. g -~C [..>,: '.· Mod. nord to hard GRAYWACKE; ~ray, fir.e-g.-ained, -1>'··,'.':·· massive. Catac~astic texture "'ith local fluxion ~ ',·····"········ structur<?. contolning strH.~ers. and porphyroclasts ,... (' of 'llassive to locally fol1ated 3nillite. Calcite f:" . >· · · stri~gers and veins are cocr1on. Very closely to '-.... ·· closely JOinted. Fresh 'a sl1ghtly weathered. r-~o 39.6 P-'t-------------------tto66 f:. 1=-1:... - -::o ---- -60 - Moderately hard to hard SRAYWACK£ and ~RGILUTE, m1xed; Light gray to Jark gray. Arg1llite is massive to locally foliated. Cataclastic texture with local f1ux1on structure. Calcite veins are corrmon. Closely jOinted, locally very closely J01nted. Fresh to sl iqhtly weatherea. Below 54 feet joints are close to moderately close·. -s4.o r..-+--------------------+1o4a. 1 -\···: f:aro "RM>iACK~; gray, fine-f•rained, ;,;assive. '-/ ::atacl~stic texture Hlt~ sc;.l\ttered stringers and -70 sand-sned clasts of argiliite and occasional f-' ':: local zones containinn str1~qers anv wavy bands of :·;u r.;assive to foliate' argillite. C&lcite stringers -•·: and veins are co;r,on. Closelr jointed, locally f->· very closely jointec!. Fres~. ~ r : f-80 ,.,, f-' .: f-!·. r:-~,; - ::-90 ' -- r- r:-f-100 r:- i: · .... ·. ,· ~ ..•. '. ['< . :cE. 6 F-'--+--------------------11013.6 Hard f,RAn;ACKE, with zones of mixed ar~illHe and graywacxe; ·:Jray to black, 9raywacke is massive, fine-gra1ned, argillite is massive to ~oliated. Cataclastic texture with local ~uxion structure onere argi11ite occurs. Calcite stringers and veins are cotm1on. Closely jo1n:ed, loca1 1 y very cloself :ointed. •resn to sllgntly ~eatnered. F!GUf£ 3 155.3 ft. l lOTH CORE RECOHRT, ~ 94.8% SAMPlE N ~ REC laox I ORRUM ~"'"'iOGIMo.i I lOTH ROO. \ 45.6l I Began HQ 3\IL Oiorccnd ~or~ng J surface I 42 1A i I !Runs l ana 3: s11t and srnd portion !generally washed away auring cor1ng. I 4 5 6 7 f-a f-9 10 ll 12 ~ 13 - 14 15 f-, 16 1-' f-17 f- I I I 44 NA ~ NA 31 NA 32 '!A 100 "TT lOO a !00 -r5 ---1 ! 2 I I 3 i I 4 ! ~ I 5 j100% gray Hoedrocx 1oo 1 5 I J'5' I i lDO 60 ! 100 ~ 04 ' 8 i 100 65 -1 .!.QQ. 9 i 32 . I • 100 12 10 i if~ llff ~ I 100 12 1 24 l~O r-13 T7 f-!------1---1 13 i r-I 100 '----' f:" : 9 Tz ,........_, t-!00 g t.1 20 22 ---< f----1----l 21 22 .!.QQ. I. -l I 73 ~o 1 1 100 ! ~edu~';d -,::-6 ·116 114 .• I_:_. : returns during coring of to ,iQ 3 ~JL Cia'Tlond coring :;: BORING NO. Sli 33-l SHANNON & WILSON. INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING BORING NO. S'rl 83-1 Cce«r.) CNTM STRIJCTIJ!{) IROIECT BRADLEY LA:<£ HYDROELECTRIC ?O•!ER 0 ROJECT I lOB ~0. K-631 !MEET 2 OF 2 Cll EXT STONE ~ WE3STER ENGINEERING CQRPOR~T!ON LOCATION !COORDINATES OR STITIOM) HEY IT ION ~ 2,103,474 E 342,987 1094 ft. DRILLING COIPIK! MFR. OESIGNiT!ON Of DRILL ARCTIC ALASXA TEST!~G LAGORATORIES SIZ! AND TYPE Of SIT DIRECTION AKO INCL!HHIOH OF HOLE SOIL F:OUCE I CORE FOOTAGE TOTAL DEPTH 1 OEP!!I TO WUER DATE IUR!E~ I DUE COMPlETED I TO! IL CORE RECOVER!. s TOT H iQO, ~ 7/11/33 7117/83 DEPTH LOG CLASSIFICATION Of MlTERUl l ELEY. SAMPLE N ~\sax I REMARKS IN fEET (OEStRIPTION) I M FEET OR RUN ~ RQO NO. : I ! j::. 120 l'z,-,:. ;;ard GRAY~AC::£, as above 23 lQOJ~ j::. -go ' 1-1:4.7 1f(1r Hard GRAY\iACKE; gray, fine-grained, massive. 1005.8 r:-100 17 ) 1-Catacli'Stic texture with sand-sized clasts of 24 JJ r:. 130 argillite and local fluxion structure <4ith f-_j str1ngers, wavy bands and clasts of argillite. i= ~;','5 Calcite veins are comr.1on. l"oderate.ly c16sely to 100 r-closely iointed. Fresh to slinhtlv weathered. 25 74 I r-D5.0 998.5 100 18 i 1-'"oderately harct to hard 3RAY11ACKE and ARGILLITE, 26 76 : 1-va mixed; gray to blacK. Graywacke is c:assive, fine-' f:. grained, argillite is foliated. Cataclastlc 100 i f:. texture with co,r.oon fluxion structure of porphyro-27 19 I clasts and 1nterlayered wavy bands of tne -rr f 1 i thO lo1ies. 28 100 t-j::. 150 w-1od. hard to hard GRAYWACKE; gray, fine-grained, \ 41 1-- ~ massive. Cataclastic texture with scattered \ 100 -152.5 ~ sand-sized clasts of arg1l1ite, local fluxion 986.2 29 8b 2D structure with stringers and ,.,avy bands of =-155.3 ~argillite. Calcite ve1ns are cor..~on. Closely ( 984.2 -\jointed. Fresn. / -160 -Botto~ of txploration -1 ~ ~ r- I- f::" 1- r:-1- r:-1- ~ t- 1- 1- 1-I 1-I 1-i 1-! I r- 1-' I-! I r- t- t-I t" i 1-I I=" 1--! I I- I=' 1- 1- r- ~ 1- 1-I 1-' E:-1 I \_ I ~ 1-: I 1-' F!GU!t 3 BORING NO. Sl'i 83-1 (cooT,) SHANNON & WILSON. INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING BORING NO. SW 83-2 CBRAil.EY RivER FAULTl PROJECT 9R~OLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT ! JOB N 0. I ~~m QF K-OS31 ' 3 . CliENT LDCHIOM (COOROIHHES OR SUTIOH) l ELEYI!lil~ ... STO:IE i. 'AEBSTER Ertii<NEERING CORPORATION N 2,1()5,531/ E339,684 :~~, ft. OR ILL I MG C~MPlM! MFR. OESIGMATION OF DRill ARCTIC ALASXA TESTING L.I1SORATORIES LONGYEAR 38 Sll[ lKD TYPE OF BIT CONVENTIONAL OIRECTIOM lMO INC.IKATIOK Gf HOLE N7Sow @ 45° K0-;;;q3WL DIAI~ONO, NIW~ SOIL FOOHGE I CORE FOOHCE TOHL OEPTH I DEPTH TO WATER 30.3 ft. 232.0 ft. 262.3 ft. ~t Surface QUE STARTED 7/20/83 I CITE COMPlETED 7/28/83 I TOUL CORE RECOVERY. ' 1 TOTAL •ao. ' 98.! .' J2. 4~. DEPTH LOG CUSSIFICHIOM Of MATERIAL I !lEY. SAMPLE II ~ \aoxl REMAUS IN FEET (DESCRIPTION) IN FEET OR RUM \ RUD I KQ, I , ;::.. ... 1535 I ~ ~· ,• I Gr~velly SAND •lith cobbles ana boulders '3egan r:Q3WL diar,:ond coring at ;::. . ... "fJ ... surface . ~· -. . .. l 22 ri~ns l and 2; "cuttings are consi~-;::-... ,, 'j flA ten t.l ~~ su~anr:;u l a r .c . sana "'d f-10 . -0 •• Coobles are r,1ore ~ommon belo~1 10 feet I f. :Jravel. ~il t not signifkuntl,· ... l :-Ill"' ., present, washed away. Driller .. ' suggested that so·. e :oars~ :ateri a 1 -... , ... f- ... ". l is "pusne<i" out of the way by core ..... '~ ... I barrel. ~ ...... ·~ .. ' ~ 20 ..... ' r Orili actior. indicates ,__ • 0 ' • 2 3 re 1 at 1Ve 1 y ~ ... ,' ¢" rounaed GRAVEL with trace of str1at1ons 8 NA cobbly material oelow 1C ft. ........... recovered for Run 2 '. '" Cll I= j.· ~·· • . . . i:-. . . . . . I=' 30 . ~ . 1513.6 ~ 30.3 i(G\~{( t1od. ~ard to hard CHERTY ARGILLITE; dk. 3 100 lOOt drill water returns in Jedrock 1-wi1 1~ gray to -s9 :... black, foliated. Cataclastic texture with local fluxion structure containin~ high percen- 100 1 2 • -1\ \! \'\ tage of chert. Cloself ;ointed. :'resh to 4 -40 Ww\ slightly weathered. ~ -Chert generally constitutes l0-2C% of rock, with r-I ,__ ~~~~lll local zones containing up to 75% chert. 5 ; r-.7 ¢ ltL 1501.5 I ~ -~ 6 1~0 w ~so ~ ~f>EAR ZONE, Argillite 1:ith chert porpnyroclasts locally brer.~iated with rock fragments in silty i I=' ~ sandy matrix. r-7 ' 40 1@ 55.7 ft. co:~ve:'teo to NW04 CJ,-.• ~ ~ 0 4 1ventional aiLonu cor Hi';. ~ ~~~ r 94 I ~ ~ 8 0 ---i ~ 60 ~'\ r- 1491.2 r I I r:-62.0 '''(~( 100 5 1-t\\1, r~otJ. ilarCI ~o ~<lrti Cr:ERTY ARGILLITE, dk, gray to 9 1-,ti/1\j/,, black, foliated. Cataclastic texture with f-0 i ~ '•1''1''' porphyroclasts o,' cnert. an~ grayw<~cl<e, locally I r 10 ~ 70 111\l~fil •1ti1 flux1on structure, 'ocal concentratrations "''T' O'f chert oorph;,roclasts are cor.mon. :losely r 6 I=" ') " )I! ,lointe~. locally ver:; closely ;ointecl. Fres.1 r 100 r 11 1-1'1,~1 to slightly ...eathered. '10 ;iJ@ i6.0 tt. converted r:-\·11M I LO ~OJ''L 1-I ')\)' 12 100 i 7 !diamond coring. ':... 80 ~~~~;',I L5 -1\ '\\h E1 98 H -. ,. 13 15' !=" I 8 ,__ ~~~ ~elnw 88 ft., elonqated sand to cooble-sized 14 100 r:-30 'l ·J,\ clasts of fine-grained graywacke are cor.r.10n. 4J ~ 'tiT ,,,,! )' 15 100 I \\)' \ 44 9 I -•I• It 100 H ,-100 }\1~\Jll\ f-16 ""'48 ~ '-;,1\\1~\~ r 100 1 10 I ;l 1\ 1 17 40 r-~~~~~I I ,__ r }.\1. ~L lOO "j r 110 ;d;J~~~: 18 I 16 r dl i/1(1 ~ 100 ~ ill\f,,~l 19 JJ i I=' ! fi!((J .::rr r 120 iII/ ,,, t:" 20 12 ' BORING NO. Sl/ 83-2 SHANNON & WILSON. INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING P~OHCT BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PO\IER PROJECT Cll EM l STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEExiNG CORPOxATION ORilliNG COMPINT ARCTIC ALASKA TESTING LABORATORIES S llE ANO TlH OF SIT SOIL FOOUGE OAT£ STARTED OEPTH IN m:r ~ 120 ')it~{l: ~ !;i\;~l1 I CO~[ FOOTIGE I CITE COMPLETED ClASSIFICATION Of MHERIIL (DESCRIPTION) Moc>erately ;,ard to haro CHERTY ARGILLITE, as above I 108 HO, 1(-0631 lOCATION (CO ORO I HUB OR SUI ION) ~ 2, lOS 531 I E339 584 MfR. 0£SIGNlllOH OF DRILL DIRECTION IMO INCLINATION OF HOLE lOTH OEPTH EUV. IN FEET I TOT ll CORE RtcOVERT. s SAMPLE N U!£ IBOI II OR RUN I RQO NO. I ' .___:_: --1--10-o-1d r 30 I I 22 23 !CO 13 I J! 100 1-- 37. BORING NO. Sri 83-2 (rorr.) CBP/IllEY RivER ~NJLT) i mET 2 OF I UElATION 1535 ft. I OEPTH TO WATER 1 rouL qao, s REURJS ~ 130 ~~ ~ 13G 0 I::'>IJ\:-I.:\l.lt'::<~:i-·-----------------4 -1'0 , r::,:~:~,·~~\\ 1437.4 • I~' SHEAR ZONE, Argillite ~<ith porphryocl asts o·~ -~~\ chert. Predo.ninantly fault breccia with nur.1erous :=._ ~~~\;~ smaller zones of crushed rock ana silt repre- 24 10010 !4 J l~S. 3. ft. co.werted to 111<0 4 c;.-.;;. ,,,~...---~1:.;0;;01;,.;,0;..~~ convent 1 ona 1 d 1 amond carl ng 26 100 r-~~ senting all stages of shear, rangin<J in hardness f:. "'~"'~\:~' from c;edium nard to ver;• soft. Locally frag~ents \~ ~\ are contained in a clayey fault gouge. ::-150 ~" I=" \~ Occasional zunes of relatively competent chert ~ ~~ are contained within hignly sheared material. ~ 160 ~~ ~ ~~ t ~ -170 ~ = 11s.o ~mJi .. ~tt,;n-. ----------------4 ruiY('·"'i~'' 14to.s -Jl/l'ill Moderately hard to hard CH~RTY ARGILLITE, dark -130 ~~~·h. gray to black, foliated.C<Itaclastic texture with -/l ( ((1 elongatea porphyroclasts of gray•,laC~e. Local ,__ tV:J!I'.r··~.(l~l zones conuin concentrations of c;1ert porphyro-clasts. Very closely to closely jOir.ted. Fresh r-1'( to slightly weathereo. -1.1/ occasion a 1 1 oca I zones containing up to 70':: chert. = 190 1 1:((~~~.·l.' : 1 Chert constitutes about 20% of rock, ,,; th -l/\(.[ '. (1 -:,',.![',\\ _ 197,0 \!+, ~~ur •• ~l"r •• L:"';l •• L· r------------------\139:5, 7 _ ooo ! 1 .. . 'lery hard C!iERT; light gray. Cataclastic " • • • texture with stringers of argillite and scattered -;.;.·.· clasts of very fine-grained graywacke. Closely -1: '; ·: ·: to r.1oderate 1 y c 1 ose 1 y jointed. '"resh. :::: Z06.2 r'?:~;t·""'~:\:'-1-... ----'--------------!1339.1 . ··• i'oderately hard GRAYWACKE, gray to dark 9ray, f-210 massive, fine-gra1nea. Cataclastic texture with I=" stringers and clasts of argillite an<:: scattered t:" .. :·.·. small clasts of c11ert. Strin9ers ano veins of ~ : ·· .' calcite are cor,•non. Closely to very closely t-: , JOinted. Fresh. f-.. : ·. , 2ZO J-.--.r:"'r:+-------------------+1379.4 = ::::::1l r-' •. r-••. i:1 230 ••• C:-1 •• ·~ Very hara CHERT, lignt qray, Cataclastic texture with stringers of foliated argillite and zones of cherty arg111Ha. Closely joln~ed. Fresh to slightly weathered. ~ 237.0 r 1 z~o r-, .... ·.·--.1-------------------+1367 .4 .· Hard GRAY>IACKE 'lGUF£ 4 1--0- f-J--2-7--t--r;.!.!¥-~115 100 28 0 r-j 29 96to ts I 1ao 1 i 30 31 32 33 34 n. i 100 ! ol ~ 111 tgo I lls I I 100 0 35 cr-~3~6-~~--19 1 lG0/0 I, 37 38 !GO 01 84 1 @ 185.9 ft. converted to NQ 3wL 5T 20 I <liar.1ond cor1n9 C1--3-9 -l-9-4--l_J n 40 41 1 21 100 7'f I 96 4b 22 I f-lGO I I r-42 -rr i I ,_J----t----\-1-, f-43 wo I : J7 23 1 ~L c..J----+-___;_-1, I 44 9-f j24 i 1---+--i' ! I~ -45 ! 25 1 100 i 'if I 47 48 toon7 26 I BORING NO. Sri 33-2 (com,) SHANNON & WILSON. INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSuLTANTS LOG OF BORING BORING NO .Sri 8.3-2 Cccm.) (BRADlEY RI\'ER FIIIJLD ~ f:. f- - ,------ PROJECT 6RAOLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POIIER PRO~ECT CLIEHT STONE & •,;£SST£!< E~lGINEER!NG CORPORATION JRILL lNG CO~PIN! ARCTIC ALASKA TESTING LABORATORIES SIZE IHO TTPE OF liT SOIL FOOTAGE OIT£ STARTED DEPTH IN FEET 240 250 260 lOG }{2'· ;-<:' [;<:·. f ·. ~ .. ,;; I CORE FOOTAGE I DATE COMPlETED ClASSIFICATION OF MITERill (DESCRIPTION) Hard GRAYWACKE> 1 t. gray to ak gray, .r.assive, i·ine-crained. Cataclastic texture <~ith stringers and zones of r.1assive to foliatec:i argillite and local iluxion structure containing chert/ argillite and cobble-si~ed clasts of chert. Closely to very closely jointed above 247.0 feet, closely to moderately closely jointed below 247.0 feet. Fresh. Calcite stringers and veins are comon in massive ~raywacke zones. I I lOB ~ 0. ;<-0631 LOCHIOH (COORDINATES OR SHilOH) . '1 2.105,531 i E 339.684 WFR, 3£SIGUTIOM OF DRILl DIRECTION IHO IMCLINATIOH OF HOLE TOUL HPTH I TOTIL COR£ RECGYERT. ~ !LEY. SAMPLE N SREC SOl I I H FEET OR RUN UQD NQ, I 48 ,j 100 49 6U I 50 100 I 92 H 51 100 80 2a I 100 52 94 I SHEET CF 3 3 ElEYill OM 1535 ft . 1 DEPTH ro wHER TOT 1L ROO, ~ REIIRU =-262.3 p~-r--------------------11349.5 =-Oottor:: o·i Sxploration =-- ~ t" ~ 1-------::_ ----i=- f:" ~ ~ ----------- :::- f:" ~ f- --- ----::_ -...._ FlGU~ 4 BORING NO. S'li 33-2 <ccm, l SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ =(.Iii Q.. = .. _. -Surface Elevation: 2 feet (.1\1 //// Medium stiff, locally soft or stiff, ;;~;, clayey SILT, with scattered stringers;;;; and thin lenses of fine sandy silt, ;;;; pockets and lenses of silty clay, an j//~ occasional zones of clean sand. Scattered shell fragments. Interbedded loose, gray, slightly silty to silty,clayey, fine to coarse SAtlDS, and soft to medium stiff sandy to slightly sandy clayey SILTS. Random gradational changes throughout. Scattered shell fraoments. ~---~------- Medium dense, gray, clayey, silty ... gravelly, fine to coar.se SAND, with zones of clayey silt. Medium dense, gray, slightly clayey, silty SAND, random fine to coarse gradations with local fine gravelly zones. Frozen Ground LEGEND Gravel Sand r 111111trv' ous ua1 IIUr Inti PIUOIIII!tf 110 ~ Thermocouple = -.. ..... = 7 8 9 10 29:0 11 12 "'13 14 15 S I I t Clay I z"o.o. SQII! sooan sample II 3" 0. 0. tn• n-•&11 samp It • Samolt not recowtrea uuroera l•m•ts: ..... _. Q.. -.. ""' =-.. ..... =~--= .. ::- . STANDARD -PENETRATION RESISTANCE = (I•O ID. •••ant, 30" drop) -.A. Slows ur toot Q.. ~0 20 40 5 .... ..:...:. .. ___ . ~...:. .. Ll-!_· _· ·-·· • t ........ ' 10 .............. , __ , ___ :;,, __ .:... __ . ' I I I I I ,..., • • • 15 ··--·t-.. ··------·i-·------1 I \ 2 o ·····--r-·-·-·--~·--·--·-. . --··-·· • I I I I I 25 -··-A-------·i-·------ \ \ \ \ ~ I I I • • ... 30 ·--·······~-·····-·-·-·- • I 35 ........... ····--+--------- e ~ Water content Note: The strat>frcalron r,nes rel)reun: tnt aopro11mate ooundar.es oelwten sor' ttoes ana tnt transrt,on 113y 01 llfadual Stone & Webster Enoineering Corp. Bradley Lake Project 3arge Basin LOG OF BORING NO •. SvJ 83-3 Peat I. I•LIQUid 1 11111t '~later content ~Piast:c 11m11 September, 1983 K-0631 i"'~ 11 Organtc 15/1/•1! Content SHANNON & IILSON, INC. '£oncw••cu co•sut u•rs FIG.5 SOIL DESCRIPTION Surface Elevation: 2 feet Medium dense, sliohtly clayey, silty SAND, as above. Bottom of Exploration Completed 8/2/83 Depth (feet} 6.5 24.3 27.] Torvane Tests Shear Strength 0.9 0.24 0.36 (tsf) Pocket Penetrometer Tests Depth (feet) lam ressive Stren th(tsf) 6.5 3.0-3.25 24.3 0.5 27.1 1.0 Vane Shear Tests Depth (feet} Shear Strenoth (tsf) 7.2-7.8 10.5-11.1 Location: Frozen Ground N E Natura 1: 2.32 Remolded: 0.27 Natural: 0.73 Remolded: 0.14 2 '111 ,590 nLS40 LEGEND Grave I Sand S i It Clay Peat r IIIIOet••ous seat liter level PIUOIIIItll trp ~ Thermocouple I 2.'"0.0. spl1t sooon umpre II 3'" Q.D. tnrn-ull samole • samore not reeoveie~ AtttrQiri I IIIII ts: "• ~ 11 Oriantc ,:z 1/<,j Content I e I 11 L 1 qu 1 d I 11111 t "-.'-...:___later :on tent ~PlaStiC l1m1! STANDARD PENETRATIDH RESISTANCE = < 140 to. nqznt, 30" ~rocl ;:: A81aws pir toot ~ 0 20 40 3... · I 40 ;r_•· -----~ . . ' : 50 ..... ________ _ --·-------·~ ... ------- u e ~ Water content !Iota: Tne strat.t•cat1on ••nes represent tne IPOIOXH!Iate oounOafln netwten so• 1 types ana :ne trans1t1on may oe araoual Stone & Webster Engineer~ng Bradlev Lake Project Barge Basin Coro. LOG OF BORING NO. September, 1983 SHANNON t. WILSON, INC. sw 83-3 (Cont.) K-0631 FIG. 5 SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ -=c.:o ·= C...J -Surface Elevation: 2 feet c.:o ///// Gray to dark gray, slightly clayey ;~~~~ to clayey SILT, with ~ockets and ~~;;/ layers of silty clay, scattered ~~~~ strinqers·and thin lenses nf siltv '//;~ . ' ///// sand, occasional zones of clean sand.:.~~~J. ;(.,;";<"'/"' /// /·; ///// v~~/, "//// ///// . --.... ...J = ,_ A. .... .. • .. ~ Cl 1il -STANDARD =--PENETRATION RESISTANCE z,.,. = ~ ... < "o 1 b. .., zn t. 30H drop) = .. -:i• .. A 81 OW$ U r f 00 t :=:o 20 .10 ' ' • ' ' 5 ·- ~ ' ~~~ 2 ~ ~;;:;/ '//// v~~/, • 10 ········-----·--+--·-----~ //// //// ~(. !.(-.~ .•"Z•K,:~·,. ///// ///// f-iDark gray to black,clean,fine to ;,,~,;;',,_1 4 .0 IT coarse SArlO, trace of fine gravel. ~;St~~ 16 . 0 3 •• 15 ·-··-·-··-·--·-+-·-------! Bottom of Exploration Completed 8/3/83 Depth (feet) 3.6 10.1 16.0 Pocket Depth (feet) 3.6 10.1 16.0 Location: Frozen Ground Torvane Tests Shear Strength (tsf) 0.46 0.45 0.3 Penetrometer Tests : Compressive Strenath(tsf) 1.25-1.5 1.0 0.5-0.75 N 2,111,593 E 321,839 LEGEMO Grave I Sand S i It Clay Peat Organ1c Content r Jmpervtous nal liter IIUI PlUOtlllllr !tp ~ T~trmocouple I z: 0. D. spl 't spoon samp 11 II J... a. D • t n I n-u I I Slimp I I * SaiiiOit not rteourta lttllbtllf ltlllltS: 1 e l•liQUtdltmtt '-. ~llttr content ~PI&lttC ltl!ltl ·-··--·---·-;....--------! ~---·----~------·-- •. 20 .1 1 e ~ Water content ·~ Note: The strattltcat•on .nes reoruant tne aporuunate oounaan es oetween so, 1 types ana tne transt!<an may oe rraaual Stone & Webster Enaineerina Corp. Bradley Lake Project ~ Barge Basin LOG OF BORING NO. sw 83-3A September, 1983 SHANNON & lllSON, IHC. ;[Qf!CKMICH COMSU,lUTS K-0631 FIG.6 SHANNON & WILSON. INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING BORING NO. SW 83-4 (BULL ~m;E FAULD PROIECT BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC ?OWER PROJEC"'!' I JOI HO, K-0631 SHEET OF 1 2 Cll EKI STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATIO~ lOCATION (COORD 1Hil£S OR SHTION) ~ ?.ln~ liDO;£ 333.032 ElEV HI OK 1235 ft ORILLIHC :OMPIHI IFR. DESIGNATION OF DRILL ARCTIC ALASKA TESTING LABORATORIES I ONf.YEAR 38 I---~-1-1E--IN-D_r_r_PE--OF __ a_tr __ H~Q~,~~~L~,_N~Q~,'W~L~·,N~W~0~4~CO~N~V~E~NT~l~O~N~AL~-------------+~O~IR~EC~T710~N~IN-O-I-N-CL-1-NA-l-ID-N-O-F-H-O-lf--N~8r0~0~W;~~4~50~~~------------~ SOIL FOOUCE I CORE FOOTAGE lOTU DEPTH I OEPTH TO UT£R 4.2 ft. 202.1 ft. 206.3 ft. 3.5 ft. I O'TE co "LETED I TOTll C09R9E.~.E.;COYERI, s am mRTED 8/9/83 " Mr 8/17/83 : TOTH RQD, 1 so "~ DEPTH IN FE£! LOG CllUIFICUION Of MATERIAl (OESCR!PT!ON) ELEY. IN FHT • • • • i 1235.0 .... 4 • 2.~· :_.' ·~·~· ~-:----:-~TO::.:;P_,::;OF:_::R~OC=.:K~-:::-:7.':"::-:::::----:--:---j 1232 • o Moderately hard to hard GRAYwACKE; greenish gray, fine to medium grained. Cataclastic texture with porphyroclasts of graywacke and argillite col11110nly elongated along shear foliation, local fluxion structure of foliated argillite contains elongated chert clasts. Numerous stringers of argillite, 2 100 J"6' 100 -sf REUR~S I Beqan HQ 3 w1reline coring at 1 I surface, washed to top of rock- "0 sample Water loss 7.5-a.o ft., o1ugoed f--witn cuttings scattered calcite veins. Closely to very closely jointed. Very slightly weathered to fresh. 24.n~i:~~.~~~"~Me~dni~um~h~a~r~d~t~o~ha~r=d>7AR~G~r7L~L~IT~E~;~bl~a~c~k-,~v=e~ry~f~i~ne~-ilZlJ.6 grained, massive to weakly foliated. Cataclast1c 100 2 I CJ---3----~~-:--~ f-4 47 texture with porphyroclasts of grayw4cke and chert 30.6 scattered calc1te str1ngers. Closely JOinted { 1213.4 \With local clay filling. fresh Moderately hard to hard ARGILLITE and GRAYWACKE, r.lixed; black and greenish-gray. Cataclastic texture with shear foliation and local fluxion structure. Lithologies are tectonically mixed and occur as porphyroclasts dnd stringers elongated alona foliation. Scattered chert clasts to .2 feet dia., local chert layers to 1.3 feet thick. Closely jointed with local calcite and 49 •5 pyrite f11li nos. Moderately hard CHERTY ARGILLITE; black, foliated, Cataclastic texture with porpnyroclasts of gray- wacke, local fluxion structure. Moderately closel] K. jointed. Fresh. 1200.0 ~~~~~~~'Chert constitutes approx. 30-40% of rOCkQass, with 62.2 ~~ocal zones ranging from :0-60%. r 1191.0 64.9 ~ 'iery hard ChERi; light greenish-gray, nassive. /llll9·1· \ Cataclastic texture •·ith stringers of foliated argillite. Very closely to closely jointed. -70 fresh. f-H1_a_r_d_A_R~G-I-LL""t"'T"'E_a_n_d,.-GR-A""Y"'W"'AC""K':':E:-,-;n-ic-X-ec-d-; -g-r-ee_n_ic-s-:-h----J f-gray ana black, cataclastic texture with shear f-foliation and local fluxion structure; porphyro· f-clasts of graywacke and chert in arg111ite 1ayers, ana stringers and porphyroclasts of argillite and chert 1 n graywacke 1 ayers. Very c 1 ose 1 y to closely jointed. Fresh. 80 :_ ,:.. b f- 1-90 ~ 1-- Local zon~ contain un to 30k chert. 94 ... 1\W~~~\'I\ Hard CHERTY ARGILLITE. dark gray to black, 1]'\\,\\1 foliated .• Cataclastic te.xture w1th ~c~t.tere.d 1-\ \' ·~\ porphvroclasts of gray~acke and local zones of 1168.2 ~ 100 [,\ '1\\1 chert with arg1! 1 ite stnngers. Closely ~o1nted. Fresh to slightly weatherea. / 1164.3 ~ L-------------------------------~ -f~~ Hard ARGILLITE; gray to tJlack, massive to foliated. 'Cataclastic texture ~1th oorahyroclasts of r•:,.~ sraywacke and Chert, numerous calcite stringers, 1-110 ;•, local ayrite ;n1neral izat1on. Very closely to 1=-i ;'l,2J, closely jointed. rresn. 1-·:·;~T', Chert constitutes 5-10~ of rockmass in localized f 116.3 1 , zones. t:-120 (:.-~ard SRAYWACKE l Ll52.8 F!GU~ 7 6 _ji 100 fJ 100 " ft., prooaoly "57 1 ~ !100% water returns below 29 ft. 1-1----+--L-' r--j a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ~~ 19 20 21 22 [:"-r- 23 !-24 r-25 I 100 87 !00 30 6 i ~ • 7 I i I 3 I ·100/S3rl 1oo I 9 I 47 I 1.ao H I '75-I 10 i ~R 100 ---j \~o 12 i 100 Nl 90 l3 I~ i 1oo I jj 14 I ,_I 100 r- S'f i5 100 16 Oil BORING NO. SW 83-4 SHANNON & WILSON. INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Sf~ 83-4 (cONT.) (BULL rmsE FAULT) PRO I ECT I JOB !0. SHEET OF BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POiiER PRO.JECT K-0631 2 2 CLIEil LOCATIO! (COORDINATES OR STIIION) ELEVATION STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION N 2,108,500 I E 3~3,032 1235 ft. ORILLiiG COMPINT MFR. DESIGNATION OF DRILL 'RCTI C ALASKA TESTING LABOARTORIES S liE liD TTPE OF BIT DIRECTION liD liCLINATION OF HOLE SOIL FODTIGE I CORE FODTIGE TOTAl DEPTH I DEPTH TO WATER CITE STARTED I DATE COMPLETED I TOTAl CORE RECDYERT, s TOTAL ROD, s DEPTH LOG CLASSIFICITIDN OF MATERIIL I ELEY. SIMPLE N \REC 101 REMIR~S IN FEET (DESCRIPTION) I i FEET DR RUN \RQD NO. 1=. 120 k·" Hard GRAYWACK~; grayish oreen, fine to medium- f-grained, low-grade metar:10rphosed, r,Jassive to 26 100 17 f-foliated cataclastic texture wit,, porphyroclasts 6J 1-of chert, argillite, and qraywacke. Local fluxion - :gi structure, scattered calcite stringers and 27 100 -130 pockets . Closely jointed and fractured becoming 4'9' 18 =-very clostly fractured below !J3'. Fresh -· f-100 -;:;, 28 J7 -19 f:" 138.1 1::{;/i Hard ARGILLITo; black, very fine-grained, low-1137.3 100 grade metamorphosed, massive to foliated, cata-29 r:-140 W:.'' clastic texture wi~" argillite and chert porphyro "'TS' r-- ~ clasts. Very closely ;ointed and fractured 30 100 20 ~ 145.9 1132.0 20 I I=" ~ -S~EAR ZONE; brecciated ar7illite and nraywacke. - 150 Locally sheared to gravel y silty sand. Else-31 96 f:" ~ where rock is soft to medium hard, highly 5\r 21 r:-fractured rock franments held together with f-154.~ ~selvages of silty clay. Loca 1 gouge zones 0.6 fr 1125.3 f-32 100 f-th1 ck. f-44 r-- f-... Soft to r:1edium hard CHEqT with very hard rock f-22 .... 100 ... 33 t:' !50 .... fragments; lt. gray, hiqhly fractured chert in (.1 ... . . . . arqillite matrix, cataclastic texture, argillite t:" ... . . . . . . . matrix is commonly slickensided . local shear 100 f-.... 34 ... zones of sandy silt S1Ied aroillite. Very closely '74 23 .... ~ ... .... ~ractured, becoming closely jointed bel9w lb4.5 . . . f-.... ... feet. Fresh. 100 1--~ 170169.5 .... 1115.1 35 ~ 11,1~~ Hard to very hard CHERTY A~SILLITE; It. a ray to 69 24 I ~ ~~1\ black. Cataclastic texture ~ith norphyroclasts 36 ~ of chert and dacite locally, zone of mixed f-arnillite and nraywacke from 179 to 183, scattered I f-calcite qeins and strinoers. Chert locally 37 100/23 f-180 ~~~ constitutes 60 to 75~ of rock. Closely to very v 100 25 i f-closely jointed and fractured. Fresh. 38 -4-0 --1·May -100 be disturbed by drilling -~(\(\( 39 10• I -188.8 1101.5 f-80 -190 .•. · ..•... Hard GRAYWACKE; li~ht greenish gray, fine to ~P~. f-40 ZT 26 I -.o-'.: grained, massive, ~ixed with argillite below Switched to N\o/0 4 conventional -i: :; <: 196.4 ft .. Cataclastic texture, scattered calcite f-41 100 r--drilling stringers. Closelv to very closely jointed and 47 - . ,\, fractured, numerous slickensides. Fresh. -f-42 100 27 -200 .... ~-s- i f-201.?. ... 1092.7 ... Hard to very hard CHERT; lt. aray. Cataclastic 43 98 rzai f-... texture w1th stringers of moderately hard foliated 26 ... . . . I=" 206.2 . . . cherty arqillite. Close l' o1nted . Fresh. 1089.2 ... I=" BOTTO,~ OF EXPLORATIO~I f-210 ,:.. 1::- f- ~ 220 ~ f-,:.. f- f-f- f-1- f-230 f- 1- i f--210 I FIGUfE 7 BORING NO. Sf~ 33-4 (cONT, l ., t-i f'1 ro SHANNON I IILSON. INC. 5f0lf£HIICAl COMSUllAMll FIELD LOG OF TEST PIT TP-1 SOIL DESCRIPTION & REMARKS r.:r!toose, brown, silty, sandy, ~gravelly BOUlDERS (angular Dacite cobbles and boulders in silty sandy soil with numerous roots.) •• ~A 4 A4 A A Moderately hard to hard, greenish gray, fine-grained porphyritic DACITE, closely jointed, moderately to slightly weathered. ~"" =""' 0.._ c"' .,. -o QJ > L. QJ Vl ..0 0 QJ c:: 0 z c:: I QJ ..!o<: 11:1 1- ..... 0 z I JOB NO. K-0631 DUE August 8, 1983INSPECIOR 0. Clayton PROJECT Bradley lake Hydroelectric Power Project LOCATION PQWE:rhouse; N 2,}}?,~?2/~ 327,?71 ~til SKETCH OF North PIT SIDE SURFACE ELEVATION 78 ft. ...... w .,. "" 9 ~ HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET n 9 I" . . I . . . . . . . j I : . : . j I 12 ... ,. .. ; .. AA~A~b. •,_;,: : 61····· ''/A A A'"._A,."~4 •••••••••• h ................... ~ ............ uu ...................... .f .......... ~ ....................... '* •• ~ ...................................... ~u····.:l"',r"A"A•i.a.A.a.,_A.4A"·t;.·._A..~...i .... i•···· AAA4-"A·A.A:A.A,.,4 • .\.A AAAAAAAAA:AAAA A A A A .A A.A .... \lAoA·-'·A..4 A AA A A A A AA A Ao\ A ..A A .AA.A 1A -:A~AA.o\lt·t\ • AA ltAA4AitAAAAAAAAAt.A,-A'LA.AA·AA·AA•A • A A A A A A AA A It i\ .A AA AA It 4 "·A.,. "·A ··A"· A ~A'. A A: A: :A: A:A: A :A:A: A:l\:.-:r :·A1A:A~A:• A~ A= A: A A: A: A: A: A: A: A: A: A:,: A::~:~:~:~. _ · 0 • A A'\ 4 4 AA: :•: A:A = 4 = A:A :· ~.\:1\ '1• :·A ~·A:A :·A;~ • 31···•···"""••·n••···••H•••••••HH*1·······•••••••••·•"*""""'""""""n••• • • • O •. ;. A A :~:-<A·!·:!·:t·.-··:;:A:A:~:·:~:~:·~:·t·~~·~:~:~:=~::·: ............ . ............ • • " " " " ;;"' • 0 A 4' A A A 4 4 A A A A A A A A -A A A A IC A 4 A A A • • • .e. 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A~ ... ~A ~4~A ~ .. +.~ A~.tl' • A~A~Af'4~ ~/'*A A AA'4 A·" A A4 .tA ,C 4 .C 4 A 4 II A_A. A A 4 A " A 4 A A A A A A A .A A A~ A A A A 4 A"A A A A A 4 A A A A • '1" .\A .A ..A .A •-' •A •-' •A A ........ A•A•A•A•A•A~A A• A A' A• 4' A" A' A A .C ,C .C A: .( 1 .IA.A ".A".A ~A ~-~A~A ~A o\ ~.~~~~A~ A~ A~·" A' A~A A~4f.A~4~ A'AAfa Af A.A •• ~ ".c" .t" A" A" J A. • • • " ... " A A A A A " A A ' A A A • A ft A A A A 4 ":.c-' .... A:"K ....... ~ ............................... . ...... .\~A~i::~:·;~=~=~: =·~:~:·;·:i :·~:··: ~-= ;·: ;·: ·: ~: !':":":~::A :,A A .A A A It ,.A . . . . · ~ · • i\ A A • • • • ' • • • : ,. ~ .~ .J. ,/f. I< -" .* ' • . ' • • • • • • ' . ·-· SAMPLE NO. R-31 1- l: ~ ~ )- Ill a: w z u. !z w u ffi D. SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM I'll s .:tl!l!::! .., 8 0 <D .., (') N ll! Ill X !2 ('I 0 100.,.. Ul q M N --('1 Ja ...-~ ... ~ ~ ~ :6 '"' ~ q q q q Ci ~ q q ~ ~ q • I o t i 90 80 10 60 60 40 30 20 10 . ~ I I I t I ! ' . ' j I I I i . 1 ·• i I i ··f" I I I I I l I I I I I ! I I ·~i., .. l:;!,, ::; : : ! i : :" ' . I I , j i i i • .,. __ II\ I ; i I i , l i ! I i ; ! \ 10 20 30 40 60 60 10 so 90 i: o8~-8;---!g~g~S~~~~~~~~--o~~m~"';-~~~----~~~~~~----~~--l-~~------~~~~~--_j,oo (') N .. ~ ~ '"; ~ ~ ~ -QJ~ .,'1 ~ ~ q Ci • ~ ~ ~ ~ .., <') q GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COARSE I PINE FINE MEDIUM COBBLES FINES GRAVEL SAND !i: Q ~ )- Ill ffi Ill a: <( 8 !Z w u ffi Q. DEI'TH·FT. u.s.c. CLASS IF ICA TION NAT. w.c." LL PL PI Stone & \'-7ebster Engr. Corp. 158.9- 159.2 SM • Gray, clayey, silty, fine to coarse ~~~ (fault gouge witl1 rock fragments) 8 18 13 5 Bradley Lake Project GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Boring S'W 83-2 Sept. 1983 K-0631 SHANNON & WILSON. INC ... Geotechnical Consultants I FIG. 9 SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES NUMBER OF MESH f'ER INCH GRAIN SIZE IN MM ~ 'It "' ll)o:l :l!l"' 0 "' '~ ~ o o So 00 oo o .-4D V M N .-"'" M s .-~ .-• .-N $ ~ . • q 0. • • ~ • 100 , I , , 0 I I I 1 ' 1; l • 90 i I N ! i ; 10 ' 1 l ' I I 11 l . ! i l I j • 80 t . I I I 20 r ~ 70 ~ X . ~ ~ ! iii 60 : r 40 l!! ~ i ~ ~ ; m m I ~ ~ 60 i 60 ~ ~ ! ~ <;{ LL 8 ~ 40 60 ~ w z u w ~ u w ~ c.. 30 , 1 1 70 w I i C.. I ' 1 I I : j ; : I f I 20 I i i i 80 10 I QO i 1 i ; I 0 100 ~ 8 8 g s ~ ~ ~ ~ <I) II) ., "" "' ~ "l "! , "l '1 ': ~ ~ ~ q q ~ § § 8 8 s 8 N .. GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS • • • • C!, • COBBLES COARSE PINE I COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE _j FINES GRAVEL I SAND I SA::J.LE Of:.PTH·FT. U,S.C. CLASSIFICATION w~t.T% LL PL PI Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. s-2 4. 5-5. 0 CL-ML .... Dark gray, clayey SII.'l' to silty CLAY, 24 27 21 6 8 dl Lak P . t • · d ra ey e roJec trace f::~,.ne san GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 1 1 Boring 5\-J 8 3-3 S-7 122.9-IGM 1• Dark gray, slightly clayey, silty, fine I 21 1241NP 23.6 to coarse gravelly, fine to coarse SAND 1 1 Sept. 1983 K-0631 SHANNON & WILSON, INC~ I Fig. 10 Geotechnical Consultants " SAMPLE NO. S-9 S-16 t- I S! w ~ >-al a: w z u. t-z w u a: w 0.. SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS [ SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM I [! .., 0 0 1010 ..,M N ~ N ~ ..._e;l ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 .., M N ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-1D ,._ M N .-.-r) .a .-.-N ..,. CA .-N q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 • • • • • • • • • • I I 0 90 80 70 60 60 40 30 20 10 i I . j ( I , I I I I I I ' ' l ' I : I ! , I 'i ! I : l I ' : '' i I \ l , I 1 ~ ! I I 'I I I ' .l • ·~· . . .· .· ~. _____ ' ' ' 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 100 0 0 000 00 0 01010 'fM N ~m10 'fM N ~1!1"' 'fM N ~!II~ XM 0 0 0 CD U) • ("') N .-, • • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 ~ Q (5 0 M N ~ GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • q COBBLES I I I COARSE I PINE I COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE I FINES GRAVEL I SAND s q ~ ~ l!l ~ >-al a: w en a: <( 8 t-z w u a: w 0.. DEPTH·FT. u.s.c. CLASSIFICATION NAT. w.c."' LL PL PI 26.0 35.5- 37.5 SM SM • • Dark gray, slightly silty, clayey fine to coarse SAND, with shell fragments throughout Dark gray, slightly clayey, silty fine to coarse SAND, with trace of fine gravel 17 16 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. Bradley Lake Project GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Poring sw 8 3-3 Sept. 1983 K-0631 SHANNON 8o WILSON. INC~ I . Geotechnical Conaultanta Flg • 11 Boring S\4 83-3 Sample S-2: 4.5-5.0 feet • Undisturbed Sample Dry Unit Weight = 110 p::f Water Content = 24% o Rem:>lded Sample Dry Unit Weight = 109 p:f Water Content = 21% UNIT STRAm I % . Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. Bradley Lake Project UNCONFINED CCMPRESSION TEST K-0631 Geotec:hntcal Consultants FIG. 12 25 i ! I I ! I 1 ......... , ................... , ......... i·········! .:::::::::.:::::::::l:::::::::i:::::::::,:::::::::j ·········!········· .................. , ......... ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~::,~~~~~~~~~~ 20 I . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I • • • • • • • • • I . . . . . . . . . ! ., : : : : : : : :. : 'I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : l . .-~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . I a ~·········1········· ········· ····· ......... , ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~::~:~::i;::::~:~~~~~:~~~~:~l ! 15 ...... ···I···· · · · · ·! · · · · · · · ·I········· l · · · · · · · · ·! " ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::l::::::J ~ :::::::::,::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::,:::::::::,1 . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . • • . • . • I . . • . • . • . '! • . • • . • . . • I . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . j ·········!·· ...... ·········1·········1·········! 10 ................. 'I' ........ : ......... i ...... -:·:-:-j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l· . . . . . . . . . ! • . • • . . . . • . . • . • • . • . • . . . • . . . • . . • . • . . . • . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::·,:::::::::1 :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::1:::·::.::,:::::::::1 5 ::::: .. :: j::::::::: i::.: .. ::: i:::;:;;;; l;;;;; :-~;;; l . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . i 1:::·.::::1::::::::. :::::::::,:::::::::1:::::::::1 ,:::::::::1 .... :::: :::::::::,:::::::::j:::::::::! l . : .... : . i . : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : I O S 1 Q 1 I 2 ! ·--··-.. ·---· .. 23 Boring SW 83-3 UNIT STRAIN, % Sample S-2: 5.0-5.5 feet • Undisturbed .sarrple Dry Unit Weight = 106 p::f Water Content = 24% 0 Rarolde:l Sample D:ry Unit Weight = 104 p::f Water Content = 2 4% NOI'E: Unconsolidated -Undraine:l Test Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. Bradley Lake Project TRIAXIAL CCMI?RESSION TEST Boring SW 8 3-3 Sept. 1983 SHANNON & WILSON. INC. Geotechnical Consultant~ K-0631 FIG. 13 Boring S\>J 83-3 sar~~le S-4: 12.0-12.5 feet • Undisturbed Sample Dry Unit Weight = 107 pcf water Content = 22% o Raroldal Sample Dry Unit Weight = 103 pcf Water Content = 23 % UNIT STRAIN I % NOI'E: Unconsolidated -Undrained Test Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. Bradley Lake Project T.RIAXIAL CCMPRESSION TEST Boring sw 8 3-3 Se t. 1983 K-0631 Geotechnical Consultants FIG. 14 • 0 NOI'E: 2sl· ......... ,· ......... j •••...... ·········1·········1 "' .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ,. .. i . . . . . . .. .. . .. ~ . . .. .. . .. .. i .. . . . .. . . . . ~ ! ......... ! ......... !' . . . . . . . . . . ........ i ......... i l : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : 1 , ......... ! ......... , ......... ·········!······ ··! I : : : : : : : : : ! : : : : : : : : : ! : : : : : : : : : , : : : : : : : : : i : : : : : : : : : l I ......... I ......... I ......... I ......... I ......... i 20 · I ! j ! ·--· .... -..... ~ I . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . I • • • • • • . . . j , .......... 1·········1········· ·········!·········! i::::::::: :::::::::,:::::::::1:::::::::1::::::::·~ ! . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . , ; 151 : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : I : : : ~---. ' I : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : ,,i : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : I : . • . • . • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . I • . . . . . . . . : i·········!·········.·········l·········t·········l I . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . j I : : : : : : : : : ' : : : : : : : : : 1 : : : : : : : : : l : : : : : : : : : 1 : : : : : : : : . 1 I ......... I ........ 'I ......... ! ......... i ......... i 10 j I I '" ... ·••••• I : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : 'I : : : : : : : . : ! I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : I' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : j . . . . . . . . 'I' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . i I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . i sj : : . : : : : . : i : : .~ . : : : : ; : : : : : : : : : : l : : : : : : : : : : : : : : • ~ [ j I . . . . . . . . i ......... I . . . . . . . . . • • .... I ........ . I::: ... ::: I::::::: .. : .. : .... :: I::::::::: I::::::::: i I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I • • • • • • • • • i . . . . . . . . . i ,· ·····::1.::::::::1:::::::::j:::::::::j:::::::::j 0 10 15 20 ....... '""'25 Boring SW 83-3 UNIT STRAIN, % Sample S-7: 22.9 -23.6 feet Undisturbed Sample Dry Unit Weight == 103 pcf Water Content == 21% Rem:Jlded Sample Dry Unit Weight = 101 pcf Water Content = 24% Unconsolidated -Undrained Test Stone & t':ebster Engr. Corp. Bradley Lake Project TP.IAXIAL CO.PRESSION TEST Boring SW 8 3-3 Seot. 1983 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Geotechnical Consultants K-0631 FIG. 15 ~------~~-------------------------------------------------g ....I =· .. ....I - 0 = Cl CD 0 .... 0 CCI Cl ..., Cl """ 0 .., Cl =-----~~----~~----~------~----------------------Jo 0 Cl Cl Cl 0 Cl 0 .... CCI ..., """ .., . X30NJ UI311SY1d +.1 ~ 01"'-NNI"'-Ln . . . . . . :S 0'\<qONI"'"l...-!C:O Ln ...-tN ..... • ..... 0:::::0 a ..... Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. ...-! ~ -~ Nl"'"ll"'"ll"'"l~~ I I I I I I 1"'11"'11"'11"'11"'11"'1 c:oc:ococ:oc:oc:o ~~~~~~ . . . . . . ...-!NI"'"l<qOLn\.0 PLASTICITY CHART Bradley Iake Project Sept. 1983 SHANNON & III.SOH, INC • iEOTECHNICAL COMSULTlMT$ K-0631 FIG. 16 SHEAR STRENGTH (tsf) SENSITIVITY RATIO W~.TER CONTENT (%) LIQUIDITY INDEX 0 0 I 0.5 I 1.0 I I ......... ! . . . . .... i i ................... l ·······~ ... -......... , 3 6 i . 6-:-:--::--:-~. . •••.•..• i-. 0 I 20 I 40 I i · · · · · · · · · I · · · · · · · · · ; I : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ; I ~I; ~ ~~ ! ~ ~ ~ I i . . . 0.7 !:.;..:..:. .. :::: :::::::::j_ 2.7 ! ........• , ......... ; (i') ,········· ··········! lzb l · • • • • • • • • ·a-=• · · · · · 1 ---• I . . . . <..;· • :-. .-• -:. • • • • • • t -2 • 7 1:::::::::1::::::~:1 I : : : : . : : : : I~ • · : . ·I 0.5 5 10 15 20 25 i. . . . . . . . . . ........ I ! .... ~ . . . • . .•.... ·• i ................. (2.3)/8.6 i .... o--------------~-·-1 •• ·6-·--....................... !--3.1 I .. ·~------•· ...... 1--3 1 I · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I · i········e:.t-... ·······l-1.4 ! · · · · · · · · · I · · · · · · · · · I 5 2 l .. Q-r -:-:-.-.~, "'1"-:"'':'" ••••• ! -• !:::~::::~:::::::::!_ I::::::::: I:::::::::~ ! . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . ! ! . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . • ! i · · · ' · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I . I I . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I I ......... I ........ . • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • j j ••••••••• i ......... j ~ . . .. . .. .. . . .. I . . . .. ·.. . . . . i ~:::::::::,:::::::::1 I I . ! .. '" . . . . . . .. .. ........ -i I· . . . . . . . . . ........ I i • . . • • • • . • . .•..•..• ! I . . . . . . . . . I • • • • • • • • • i ! ......... I ......... ! i ......•.. l ......... ! ~ • ·o-e •'' •' I • • • • • ,•, • '~- ! ......... I ......... ! ! ::: :•:::: ;I·::::::::: I . . I 2.6 1.5 j . . . . ~ . ~ . .. i . . ~ . . . . . . : i " . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . i ~ . " . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . ! ! . . . . . . . . f-+-4lf. . . . . . . ! I::::::::: I :e::::::: i ! : : : : : : : : :I : : : : : : : : :I I :: :: ::: Jlr· ~ : H i ......... i ......... i ~ . . . . . . . . .. i . . . . . . . . . i ~~~~;;;~~;1~::~:~:::1 I : : : : : : : : :I : : : : : : : : :I i . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . l 1~:~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 i .....•... !4r-l ...•... i !·~··9····i·~~··~~··~ f • • • • • • • • • I · · · · · · · · ·! I · · · · · · · · · i · · · · · · · · · l 0.9 1.7 I : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : ! ' . ·o--·-·-· .... I ......... ' -I·.,.··· •. · · · · · · · · · · i I::::::: HI::::·+ :I 3. {1d I : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : ! I : : : : : : : : : i : : : : : : : : : ! : . : 30 i ......... ! . . ....... ! Remolded Natural Lab Torvane Field Torvane Field Vane Triaxial Comp. Unconf. Comp. t:::.r-------· • 0------. o-------· 0-------- CD Remolded test at 3% lower water content than natural. ~Average of 2 tests parallel to sample and 2 tests perpendicular to sample. i ~ . .. . .. . .. . . f . • . • • . . . . ~ j:::::::::l:::::::::j Plastic Limit "" 1-1 -/-tet---~1 Water Content 'Liquid Limit Stone & Y.Jebster Engineering Corp. StlMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Bradley Lake Project Sept. 1983 K-0631 r SHANNON & WILSON. INC. I FIG. 17 Geotechnu::al Consultants - - - - APPENDIX A REFERENCES K-0631-61 APPENDIX A ANNOTATED REFERENCE LIST Clark, S. H. B., 1973, The McHugh Complex of South-Central Alaska: u.s. Geological Survey Bulletin 1372-D. A brief description of the regional lithologic units within the McHugh Complex is presented. It is of limited value to this study. Cowan, D. S. and R. F. Boss, 1978, Tectonic Framework of the South- western Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulle- tin, Volume 89, p. 155-158. This paper presents a regional tectonic framework for the lithologic and structural units in the project area. Dowl Engineers, 1983, Bradley Lake Project Geologic Mapping Program: unpublished report to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. This is the most recent report on geologic mapping of proposed tunnel alignment, quarry, damsite, and powerhouse. Provides geologic maps of damsite and powerhouse locations corresponding to present SWEC layout, descriptions of lithologic and structural map units, and statistical joint studies for areas of present powerhouse, exit and intake por- tals. K-0631-61 Soward, K. S., 1962, Geology of Waterpower Sites on the Bradley River, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geologic Survey Bulletin 1031-C. This is the first reconnaissance geologic study of the Bradley Lake project area. It provides general geologic descriptions and a map of lithologic and structural features. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project General Design Memorandum No. 2, Volumes 1 and 2, Alaska District. This is a summary of most of the work done on the Bradley Lake project to date. Its most significant contribution to this study is boring logs from holes drilled in the vicinity of the present SWEC layout of project facilities. Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1979, Reconnaissance Geology, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project: unp~blished report to U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers, Alaska District. Results of this study are incorporated, in less detail, in the "Gen- eral Design Memorandum No.2". This report presents a general geo- logic map of part of the present study area, and a useful delineation and discussion of faults and lineaments. It also provides descrip- tions of lithologic units and rockmass characteristics, as well as results from seismic refraction surveys in the damsite vicinity. Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1981, Report on the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Design Earthquake Study: unpublished report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. Results of this study are incorporated, in less detail, in the 11 General Design Memorandum No. 2.11 This report discusses the evaluation of design earthquakes and the derivation of design ground motion for the project. It contains the calculation of seismic exposure, and discusses the likelihood of on-site fault rupture. Methodology used is detailed in two appendices. - - .... - APPENDIX B GLOSSARY APPENDIX B GLOSSARY OF TERMINOLOGY FOR CATACLASTIC ROCKS Cataclasis: The process by which rocks are broken and granulated due to stress and movement during faulting; granulation or comminution. Cataclastic Rock: A general term for any rock produced by cataclasis, regardless of whether or not the rock is coherent. Compositional Layering: Layering due to chemical and mineralogical differences in the adjacent layers, regardless of origin. May include color lamination. Fault Breccia: A rock composed of angular to rounded fragments, formed by crush1ng or grinding along a fault. Most fragments are large enough to be visible to the naked eye, and they make up more than 30 percent of the rock. Coherence, if present, is due to secondary processes. Fault Gouge: Pastelike rock material formed by crushing and grinding along a fault. Most individual fragments are too small to be visible to the naked eye, and fragments larger than the average groundmass grains make up less than 30 percent of the rock. Coherence, if present, is due to secondary processes. Fault Zone: As opposed to a fault which is by definition a plane of movement, a fault zone is a zone of faulting. A fault zone may consist of many separate fault planes concentrated in a relatively narrow zone or may be a zone of distributed movements with few or ,no distinct fault planes. Fluxion Structure (fluxion texture): Cataclastically produced directed penetrative texture or structure commonly involving a family or set of S-surfaces; cataclastic foliation. May be visible megascopically or only microscopically. Does not necessarily involve compositional layering or lamination, although many examples do show such layering. Foliation: Any type of recognizable S-surfaces of metamorphic (includes coherent cataclasis) origin. Mylonite: A coherent microscopic pressure-breccia with fluxion structure which may be megascopic or visible only in thin section and with porphyroclasts generally larger than 0.2 mm. These porphyroclasts make up about 10 to 50 percent of the rock. Mylonites generally show recrystallization and even new mineral formation (neomineralization) to a limited degree, but the dominant texture is cataclastic. Porphyroclast: A relatively large fragment of a crystal, mineral grain, or aggregate of crystals or grains, in a cataclastic reck. Porphyroclasts are not produced by neomineralization or recrystallization (as opposed to porphyroblasts), but may be recrystallized in blastomylonites and mylonite gneisses. Protomylonite: A coherent crush-breccia composed of megascopically visible fragments which are generally lenticular and are separated by megascopic gliding surfaces filled with finely ground material. The fragments, or 11 megaporphyroclasts,11 make up more than about 50 percent of the rock. Protomylonite commonly resembles conglomerate or arkose on weathered surfaces. Features of the original rock, such as stratification and schistosity, may be preserved in the larger fragments. S-Su rface: Any kind of penetrative planar structure in rocks. Shear Zone: A zone of shearing in rocks; essentially like a fault zone, but more specific because it excludes zones of faulting not associated with shear. See fault zone. Structure: The mutual relationships in space (geometric configuration) of various components of a rock (crystals, parts of crystals, multigranular aggregates, or microscopically irresolvable groundmass materials), and any characteristic features to which the arrangement of these parts gives rise. Europeans have traditionally used texture for what Americans ca 11 structure, and vice versa. Here, following Turner and Verhoogen (1960), the two terms are considered interchangeable when applied to metamorphic rocks. Ultramylonite: A coherent, aphanitic, ultracrushed pressure breccia with fluxion structure, in which most of the porphyroclasts have been reduced to breccia streaks and the few remaining porphyroclasts are smaller than 0.2 mm. These porphyroclasts make up less than about 10 percent of the rock. As in protomylonite and mylonite, recrystallization-neomineralization is present but is subordinate to cataclastic texture. In hand specimen and outcrop, ultramylonites are commonly homogeneous-appearing rocks (although many have compositional layering), easily confused with chert, quartzite, or felsic volcanic rock. Ultramylonite represents the highest stage in intensity of mylonitization in the series protomylonite-mylonite-ultramylonite. From: M.W. Higgins, 11 Cataclastic Rocks 11 , U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 687. PHOTOGRAPHS - - ::'.(:!~~· of fHIY-.tun !'::tllll·h \1:(: \·1\ t h PHaro 1 }it·3 · SW 83-1 Box 9 Intake Structure Massive graywacke fran this zone contains local zones of fluxion structure with foliated argil- lite. PHaro 2 SW 83-2 Box 28 Bradley River Fault Zone COntacts between foliated argillite (black material ) am massive graywacke (gray material) are shown in this core l:xJx, as well as snall zones of cherty argillite (upper left) am mixed graywacke and argillite (upper right). The white veins are calcite. PHaro 3 sw 83-2 Box 15 Bradley River Fault Zone Fault gouge arrl breccia are shown here with fragments of diert arrl cherty argillite. r '· ,,, : ;~:W i1 "! ·~ '• • .... l}")!Jf· 1'·' q,. . . ··' .• ·.t! J '•''" R • f•· .. i . ' .t.\•f.•r ~.-., 1 . '11.1 1: 'l<'oo. '" I. '~ ~·J o.., '-• ;''''1:.' ." ....... .. . ''1'-i4(~ t · . . c:...l ··· • .·J.~~::.-·i-:1 L '·'-"."Iii.. . . .::.! ~ ~··· ... ' '•Ui '•i.: ,'.:Ju:~r t . :.J·.••: 'Ji. ·.J.·t: v; • t -. .. .. tfj ·.~t·;· 1., . .f.l l , ··• ...... ·-r(l' I . • • • J l '-d. PHaro 4 SW 83-2 Box 7 Bradley River Fault Zone 'lbe dlerty argillite typically encountered in Boring SW 83-2 is shown here. • tD.E ,.,. 51M B3 -r 111x •· at t/ lrfERVAI. Iss: I " 10 /,i, I ' IN"ilol: cf t,f,.AI S 3 'J. ~ 3 3 PHOTO 5 SW 83-4 Box 22 Bu.ll Moose Fault ·zone Fluxion structure is well displayed , in this zone of chert with stringers of argillite. -j ~ ~· ... ,•lt. ·t.ot~ ........ 'l ... 'l.....nt:)e £ '"'"' . ..... •• ,_ "'fU.,,. t>'VV :!1 ,., .... \' .. • "'~ • \~ St."¥.\ (:It ...... ~ •. ~~ -~yf-'(;\~ ·6 · . (} '"''~: ·t"''\iCP. ~ ·' V '" · · ~ c\'l~1'"'t. · · --· · 't"..c' . -. sw.,.a.~~~.~~st!J o.... . . . W' · 1\t.AJ . .,.,, ·· ~ · t '' "~ t'={\·:J.V!' ilf'l.(! .~il ~-:l'eilit 7fbhe~:f C't:·. -· t.~:·r I :'...·J • -. , _.:t r•l!\..l 1.8 rola q~~$~Y ~~~4rff1· ~iXr~~~~e~ :);-srictn here ith .. -. ~·~it's\:!; gr chert Cli ht .. ., .. ,}111 '-"" .ilQ'+'~.l' .L""'-'.L g I , ol \'~l'(.;-~~):._. !" ... ~~~~Y.~~~t~l li~;.){'l!ae .. snall zone of chert fran ~m,ut -3~-37 .2 feet (third rON, right) is rela- tively "pure" ~to chert zones that were typical! y encountered. PHOTO 7 Boring SW 83-1 Intake Structure Site This photo looks approximately east at Bradley lake. A north -northeast trending lineamentt accentuated by a brushed trail, parallels the rock face at the right of the photo. rm.Ho 1 ~~l)r ha~ 5!-1 f(1-1 h. "' • .~ e $ !."111: t ~ ~ S ·, .tu 'l· .'1 ~~ .. ;;{riJ\J.X i:~i-l'i t:..' J .I POOID 8 Borin] SW 83-2 Bradley River Fault IDoking awrax~'mt~dsouth fran ~ ~.:-i':'IJ'o; location of ·:eo~~SJ::;-2, ~ arrCMS on .L~ lef~~~<Jfflytin .t'tbJ.ft pooto show ~ east 0 ~~,If .. .a. ~-j I --~·· o ' .. • ~ .. )) ~t wese·f1-a~"()f..:th&t~~ey _River Fault, ...c~.~..-_(~.~--til\.' ( ... ~ .... . r,... c-r- .-i?~~v.e.~~~'"·-~:~.~:~ 4"?~~ ~n~er~e very • ~j t.ba oo:Ii·hv··~ ·mlled.0Wl« {.1ft ...... ~ •LU':;;~-~,, ••·r· ___ , c -'l,~<:;1 · ~.. • ' ; "'""'-' .!!..~-tl ' --a~"' n,. '· L . ~!ti ~;.ll~• _. · '-• c; oo..t "'-l't. . ,.._ *-•eo;,,_,,.:,..._..,. -~~ iR.itr..:...· • .,.v~y • Tt -· "•"-4' .:.tl.iJ t ·. ~ tw.J t-r. . I' {, w·,. "'~"' •. .. Ck:66 IT....-.\,....tY:t:r ....... -~.---a b· . . ... • . ...,._ 'Vet • ~"it..~ ~t-c;;· ·'11·.~.!.. l .• • ' I.e&, .1,..;; i!.f:i(j . l ~1\.1~ '· . ~~ ; '\ ~ ·;1~ . • . ,n~ .. nt ~~~~ ..... ~-. • "!" ... 1..,..-'·' • ... r~~ ~~ \..-' _-· •'\ · · .. -,..,.,. ~!'. r • · . p; 11..11. _ ~· .... -.1 t'."-"1\..<-'· •; ··;;2. f'liiro . 9 ...... -1 • , ~..-·" • ~ ....,.._""""_ ,.,_u lt _,_;:, '-1• . • • -,. 1e~. 1: '1t; ·~ ;uli-"'f.lJ38r.ili;i Sij ... 8.3-:~ ~ ~\,'\ 1~ ' '11 v . p-r.;·~' ... • 1:! -~· ~;·,.J.Ifuii '1 M::i0Se Fault r1.~ " Y.i~·~ran ~North, the main trace of c;,T"t~' ~ Bull lb:>se Fault is quite d:>vious. Drill rig is shown on borin:;J location in lower left of plx>to. I.,_.,.. .. r,. \>"\H \.r; . \·:". ...... s: ... ~r~.,. ·· PHOin 1 n · . ' t· .. 'dt·::: f"· •· .., • --;"ie -~:~ r. ~ 91' . ,.,. ... ~It~'!)' \.' ·b•t \~ ~i-~L:sw '8.~-~.h.f:" (!~St ;;:iifC Of &, 1 roo·:~·.:'\ ~· '' · ·-· ' <-• :1 t •::ttci1 V,-t • .-,.., 'rkti · • · · ~e .R;:u~~"'~.Jr;l\ i.-.: J..Y')r .. i ... · ···-~· "'"j'-, ... ~-. ~-::~-~-.l -vc.~'\Poi.:rit: is shown at the right side of this b Jlli)to/:Wfi{(n looks south at the east side of Kachemak Bay. '!he ooring location is irrlicated by the arrow. APPENDIX B FEASIBILITY STUDY CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT PHASE I -FEASIBILITY STUDY FINAL REPORT R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERS GEOLOGISTS PLANNERS SURVEYORS r30/o1 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT PHASE I -FEASIBILITY STUDY FINAL REPORT Engineering Services for a Hydroelectric Power Project for Alaska Power Authority Contract No. 14500.11 -H112R August 1983 ~&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 5024 CORDOVA • BOX 6087 • ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 • PH 907·561-1733 ENGINEE~S GEOLOGISTS PLANNE~S SU~VEYORS August 31, 1983 Mr. J.J. Garrity, Project Manager Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Bradley Lake Project Office P.O. Box 104359 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Re: Contract No: 14500.11 -H112R Dear Mr. Garrity: R&M No. 351081 R&M Consultants, Inc. is pleased to submit our final Phase I -Feasibility Study report with your review comments incorporated. This report concludes our work efforts as described in the above-referenced contract. Very truly yours, VJG/RLA/rma ANCHORAGE ALASKA FAIRBANKS ALASKA JUNEAU ALASKA SALT LAKE CITY UTAH r30/o2 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 3.0 ACCESS ROADS (TASK 11.01) 3.1 Summary of Prior Work 3. 1. 1 Reports 3. 1.2 Maps 3. 1.3 Surveys 3.1.4 Soils Information 3. 1.5 Other Data 3. 2 Field Reconnaissance 3.3 Design Criteria 3.3.1 Review of Existing Criteria 3.3. 1.1 Corps of Engineers Beck 3. 3. 1 .3 Comments 3.3.2 Recommended Criteria i Page vi VIII 1-1 2-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-7 3-8 3-8 3-9 r30/o3 3. 4 Recommended Routes 3.4.1 Review of Corps of Engineers 3. 4. 2 Studied Routes 3 .4.2.1 Airport to Powerhouse Powerhouse to Lower Camp Lower Camp to Upper Camp Upper Camp to Dam Page 3-9 3-11 3-11 3-16 3-17 3-21 3-23 Martin River Material Site Access 3-24 Surge Shaft Access 3-25 3. 5 Modifications to Previous Studied Routes 3-26 3. 5.1 Changes in Project Facilities 3.5.2 Access Road Deletions 3. 6 Alternate Routes 3. 6.1 3.6.2 Bradley River Access Route Battle Creek Access Route 3. 7 Material Sources 3. 7.1 Review of Existing 3.7.2 Martin River Delta Site 3.8 Disposal Sites 3.8.1 Barge Basin Dredged Spoil Disposal Area 3.8.2 Permanent Camp Disposal Site 3. 9 Estimated Quantities and Cost Estimates 3. 9. 1 Review of Previous Cost Estimates 3.9.2 Current Estimated Cost Estimates Unit Prices Quantities and Estimated Costs 3.10 Access Road Summary and Conclusion ii 3-26 3-28 3-29 3-29 3-30 3-30 3-30 3-31 3-32 3-32 3-33 3-33 3-34 3-34 3-35 3-35 3-35 r30/o4 4.0 BARGE BASIN, ACCESS CHANNEL AND FACILITIES (Task 11.02) 4. 1 Scope of Work 4.2 Summary of Previous Barge Basin/ Access Channel/Dock Studies 4.3 4.4 4.2. 1 Hydrologic Considerations 4.2.2 4.2.3 4. 2.4 Operational Considerations Environmental Considerations Engineering Considerations 4.2.5 Cost Considerations Barge Basin/ Access Channel/Dock Studies Accomplished under this Contract 4.3. 1 Hydrologic Considerations 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 Operational Considerations Construction Considerations Alternatives Considered 4.3.4. 1 Access Channel/Basin Alternatives Dock Alternatives Dredged Spoil Disposal Area Recommended Alternatives Appurtenant Facilities Required Channel Markers Slough Crossing Barge Off-Loading Ramp Small Boats Ramp Cost Considerations Conclusions 4. 4.1 4.4.2 Summary Future Additional Work Required 4.4.2. 1 Hydrologic Concerns En vi ron mental Concerns Engineering Concerns iii Page 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-6 4-10 4-11 4-13 4-14 4-14 4-15 4-15 4-16 4-16 4-22 4-23 4-24 4-27 4-27 4-27 4-28 4-28 4-29 4-29 4-29 4-32 4-32 4-33 4-33 r30/o5 5 . 0 CAM P AN D FA C I L1 T I E S ( T as k 1 1 . 03) 5.1 Summary of Prior Work 5.2 Camp Loading 5.3 Number and Location of Camps 5.4 Field Reconnaissance and Map Interpretation 5.5 Facilities Costs 5. 6 Operational Costs 5. 7 Non-Monetary Impacts 5. 8 Summary and Recommendation 6 . 0 S U RV E Y I N G ( T as k 1 1 . 04) 7.0 6.1 Summary of Previous Work 6. 2 Summary of New Work 6. 3 Resu Its of the Readjustment 6.4 Project Datum 6. 5 Conclusion BASIN WATER YIELD (Task 11.05) 7. 1 N u k a G I a c i e r Run off 7. 2 Middle Fork Diversion 7.3 7.4 7.5 Lower Bradley River Evaporation References 8.0 GLACIER HYDROLOGY (Task 11.06) 8. 1 Introduction 8.2 Glaciers and Water Supply iv Page 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-7 5-9 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-4 6-6 6-8 7-1 7-1 7-3 7-5 7-9 7-14 8-1 8-1 8-1 r30/o6 8.3 Case Histories 8. 3. 1 Switzerland 8.3.2 Norway 8.3.3 Pacific Northwest U.S.A. 8.3.4 Glacier Contribution to Long-Ter·m Runoff 8.3.5 Summary 8. 4 Glaciers of Alaska 8.5 Tangborn Runoff-Precipitation Model 8.6 Application to Bradley Lake Basin 8. 7 References APPENDIX A -GLACIER ICE VOLUME CHANGE v Page 8-5 8-5 8-7 8-11 8-11 8-13 8-14 8-15 8-20 8-29 A-1 r32/k1 Figure 2. 1 3. 1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 6. 1 8. 1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 LIST OF FIGURES Title Bradley Lake Site Plan Access Road Typical Sections Access Road Typical Sections Access Road Typical Sections Tidal Elevation Exceedance Alternative Barge Basin/ Access Channels Recommended Barge Basin/Facilities Plan Ramp Profiles, Dock Plan & Section Horizontal and Vertical Control Diagram Variance of Summer Runoff v. s. Percent of Glacierized Areas Northern Hemisphere Annual Temperature A noma I ies Climate, Hydrologic, and Glacial Trends in the Swiss Alps Glacier Termin Variations/Swiss Alps Accumulated Extra Runoff from Folgefonni Glacier Corrected Annual Runoff Folgefonni Glacier Cumulative Balances Thunder Creek and South Cascade Glacier Station Location Map Used in Runoff-Precipitation Model vi ngborn Page 2-2 3-12 3-13 3 14 4-7 4-18 4 25 4-26 6-5 8-2 8-4 8-6 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-12 8-17 r32/j 1 Tables 3. 1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 4. 1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 LIST OF TABLES Title Recommended Access Road Criteria Summary of Unit Costs Comparative Access Roads Construction Costs Summary of Estimated Costs for Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Access Roads Estimated Quantities and Costs for Powerhouse to Lower Camp Access Road (Sta. 12+50 -138 ... 00) Estimated Quantities and Costs for Lower Camp to Upper Camp Access Road (Sta. 138+00 -375+00) Estimated Quantities and Costs for Upper Camp to Dam Access Road (Sta. 375+00 -436+00) Estimated Quantities and Costs for Airstrip to Powerhouse Access Road (Sta. 2+00 -12+50) Estimated Quantities and Costs for Surge Shaft Access Road (Sta. 0+00 64 ... 50) Estimated Quantities and Costs for Martin River Access Road (Sta. 0+00 -74+50) Design Windspeeds at Sheep Point Design Wave Characteristics Sheep Point and Chugachi k Island Barge Basin and Access Change Alternatives Descriptions and Estimated Quantities Barge Basin Access Channel Location Alternatives Cost Comparison Barge Basin/ Access Channel Depth Alternatives Cost Comparison Comparison of Dock Structure Alternadves Construction Cost Estimate Access Channel/Barge Basin/Facilities vii Page 3-10 3-36 3-37 3-38 3-39 3-40 3-41 3-42 3-43 3-44 4-4 4-5 4-17 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-30 r32/j2 Tables 4.8 5. 1 5.2 6. 1 6.2 7. 1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8. 1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 A-1 Title Comparison of Construction Cost Estimates Access Channel/Barge Basin/Facilities Camp Capital Costs Camp Operating Costs Horizontal Position Shift Shifts between Previous and Current Coordinate Values Bradley River near Homer Adjusted for Nuka Switch Middle Fork/Bradley Monthly Runoff Ratios Middle Fork Diversion Flows Estimated Average Monthly Flow Bradley Lake Evaporation Estimates A Ietsch Glacier Water Balances Contribution of Glacier Wasting to Runoff North American Rivers Verification Data, Wolverine Glacier Mass Balance Test Verification Test Results Summary of Estimated Glacier Mass Balance Changes Bradley River near Homer Adjusted for Nuka Switch and Glacier Balance Changes Bradley River near Homer Adjusted for Nuka Switch and for Trend of Glacier Wasting Volume Change of Glaciers in the Basins above Bradley Lake, 1952-1979 viii Page 4-31 5-6 5-8 6-2 6-7 7-4 7-6 7-7 7-10 7-13 8-5 8-13 8-21 8-22 8-25 8-27 8 28 A-3 r30/r 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Alaska Power Authority retained Stone & Webster . Engineering Corporation to perform professional services as required for the phase I . Feasibility Study of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project. Stone & Webster initiated professional services required under the Phase I Feasibility Study and entered into a Contract with R&M Consultants, Inc., in April of 1983 for engineering-design and other professional services. This report was prepared to present the results of these study efforts and to satisfy the requirements of the specific work tasks assigned in the scope of work outlined in Section 2.0. 1 -1 r30/m 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK R&M Consultants, Inc.'s work was to include, review and evaluation of previous studies, reports, data, and other information, gathering and . developing field and office data, and preparing conceptual design, quantity take-offs, and cost estimates for various construction facilities of the project. This work was divided into seven subtasks as 1s specifically described in the following paragraphs. Figure 2.1 is included to show the location of the facilities covered by this scope of work. 2.1 Subtask 11.01 -Access Road R&M Consultants, Inc., was to gather and review existing maps, reports and soils information for the development of engineering design standards and parameters affecting project access road design. This was to include a review of ground surveys, borrow sources and existing design criteria. A field reconnaissance was to be made and alternative design criteria addressed. Conceptual design drawings were to be prepared of selected alignments and road configurations. Cost estimates were to be reviewed and new cost estimates prepared for alternatives selected. 2.2 Subtask 11.02 -Barge Basin & Dock R&M Consultants, Inc., was to gather and review existing maps, reports, soils information and bathymetry data covering the barge basin and dock alternative locations. A field reconnaissance was to be made to examine field conditions at the various sites. Alternative 2 -1 z---- \ \ -.. _-/ ~ ' ) (_["~~ ~ \_) u i ... u w .... w 0 a:.,. au >w :z:.., wO :w::a:: cD. .... > w .... a c a: ID i i \ ~ ... z c .... D. ... ... :::") 0 > c .... .... c a: w z w 0 " "' l i I \ .. .... .. .. ~ r30/m dock types were to be considered and various basin configurations evaluated. Conceptual design drawings together with cost estimates were to be prepared for the alternative and their associated access roads. 2.3 Subtask 11.03 -Camp Facilities R&M Consultants, Inc., was to gather and review existing maps, reports, soils information and proposed construction manpower loading as it pertains to the proposed permanent and temporary camps and utilities. The construction camp was to be evaluated as a means of possible cost savings in operating a separate camp in the dam area thereby reducing helicopter transport costs until a usable road can be developed. Cost estimates were to be prepared for the permanent and temporary camps. 2.4 Subtask 11.04-Surveying R&M Consultants, Inc., was to gather and review survey data in the project area and provide surveying services necessary to locate the major test holes to be drilled by the geotechnical consultant. Maps were to be prepared showing locations of test holes. 2. 5 Subtask 11.05 -Basin Water Yield RS.M Consultants, Inc., was to collect data made available since publication of the Corps of Engineers Design Memorandum No. 1 - Hydrology and review its impact on water yield and downstream flow. Also an evaluation was to be made to ascertain the flows into the Bradley River from drainage areas downstream of the lake outlet. 2 - 3 r30/m 2. 6 Subtask 11.06 -Glacial Hydrology R&M Consultants, Inc., was to determine the volume of ice lost in the last 30 years by Bradley Lake Basin glaciers; determine if there were any major changes in the rate of ice lost during this period and adjust historical flow records accordingly. Control surveys of high-elevation points near the glaciers and evaluation of aerial photos taken in 1952, 1974 and 1977 or 1982 were to be used to .:lssist in determination of relative elevation changes of the glaciers over time. Photogrammetric mapping of 10 cross-sections/glacier were to be conducted by North Pacific Aerial Surveys. Determination of volume changes were to be· completed at the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska. Results of these studies were also to be applied to Wolverine Glacier, if possible. The results of the above studies were to be utilized to develop criteria and to adjust the summer flow records of the affected years. 2.7 Subtask 11.07-Report R&M Consultants, Inc., was to prepare and issue summary and/or letter type reports, discussing the evaluation of available data on Construction Facilities; studies performed and results; quantities and cost estimates and alternative cost savings; and, engineering-design criteria and/or parameters compiled for Project use in the development of the cost estimates. 2 - 4 r30/n 3.0 ACCESS ROADS 3. 1 Summary of Prior Work The Corps of Engineers, referred to in this and subsequent sections as COE, has prepared two reports addressing the Access Roads. Design Memorandum No. 2 contains 8 pages in Section 15 addressing the roads, barge basin and airfield. Design Memorandum No. 3 addresses access and construction facilities but is only in incomplete preliminary form. Discussions with COE personnel working on the project disclosed some important items not available in the published documents. The primary access road route from the powerhouse to the damsite had been selected after considering routes up the Bradley River and up Battle Creek. Aerial mapping of the area had been prepared at a scale of 1"=200' with a contour interval of 5 feet. This topo map was used to locate a road to the damsite; plan profile sheets were prepared and quantities were generated from which a cost estimate was prepared. Subsequent attempts to stake the alignment revealed major discrepancies in the mapping. A grade was then flagged up the hill to the dam followed by a surveyed line. Profiles and cross sections were taken and maps were prepared at a scale of 1 "=50' showing a narrow band of topography. The COE stopped work on the project prior to completing preliminary design along the newly surveyed route. R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc., prepared a preliminary report reviewing the work of the COE and made several comments and major cost estimate revisions concerning the access roads. The Environmental Impact Statement addresses the project as planned by the COE along with several alternative facility locations. 3 -1 r30/n Soils testing and reports for preliminary access road design were completed under the direction of the COE. The COE Bradley Lake general design memorandum number 2, Section 5 contains a history of geologic work. Appendix D of G.D.M. ::t2 contains geologic data compiled by the COE. Section 3.1.4 lists those known geotechnical studies completed, or on-going at the present time pertinent to access roads. The best soils information existing at present is that of 1982 Bradley Lake Access Road, Borings AP-98 to AP-116, Bradley Lake Access Road Laboratory results and Geologic Reconnaissance Bradley Lake Access Road. These combined with deep borings conducted by the COE provide the information for study of tidal materials. Woodward-Clyde also conducted se1sm1c testing of the surface layer along the tidal flat alignment. Deep borings by the COE were completed at the old tailrace site and one on Sheep Point. These borings are too localized to be representative of the tidal flat, but do indicate deep clay layers may be encountered in the tidal areas. 3. 1 . 1 Reports Following are reports reviewed as a part of this study 0 0 0 0 Design Memorandum No. 2; COE Design Memorandum No. 3 (preliminary); COE Environmental Impact Statement; COE Summary Report on Analysis of Construction Procedures and Schedule (Preliminary Draft); R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. 3 -2 r30/n 3.1.2 Maps Following are maps reviewed and as a part of this s.tudy. 0 0 0 Contour maps 1 "=200' 5' contours cover entire project area. Strip contour maps 1 "=50' 5' contour of main access road. Preliminary incomplete & unchecked plates for Design Memorandum No. 3, COE including: Main Access Road; Typical Section Sheet Main Access Road; 31 Plan-Profile Sheets Main Access Road; Drainage Basins Main Access Road; Detail Sheets Barge Basin & Dock; 3 Alternate Sites Barge Basin & Dock; Barge Basin Sections Barge Basin & Dock; Entrance Channel Plan-Pr·ofile Camp Facilities; Plan, Sections and Sewage Lagoon Sheets 3 -3 r30/n 3.1 .3 3. 1.4 Surveys Following are listed survey information reviewed as applicable to access road design. 0 0 0 USKH 1979 Survey !TECH 1980 Survey COE 1981 Survey Soils Information Following are listed specific geotechnical reports known ·to exist and reviewed as applicable to access road design. 0 0 0 Geologic Reconnaissance Bradley Lake Access Road. 1980. Woodward-Clyde Consultants. Bradley Lake Access Road Borings AP-98 to AP-116. 1982. COE Bradley Lake Access Road Laboratory Results. 1982. Alaska Testlab. 3.1 .5 Other Data Following are listed other data and documents reviewed as a part of this study. 0 Aerial Photographs of Project Area. 3 -4 r30/n 0 0 0 0 0 Computor quantity calculation sheets for access roads from COE Access Road cross sections from COE including field probe notes. U.S. Army Technical Manual 5-818-2, ''Pavement Design for Frost Conditions". U.S. Army Technical Manual 5-822-2, "General Provisions and Geometric Design for Roads, Streets, Walks, and Open Storage Areas. u.s. Army Technical Manual 5-822-5 "Engineering and Design Flexible Pavements for Roads, Streets, Walks, and Open Storage Areas". 3.2 Field Reconnaissance On June 30, 1983 a field reconnaissance was undertaken to observe the proposed access road and camp locations. The recommended access road route was flown from the proposed power b.ouse site to the damsite via the proposed Barge Basin and Lower Camp Site. The brushed out survey line for this route was visible on the upper portion of the route but was lost in the timber in the center section of the road. The upper portions of this route appeared feasible to construct as located, however, no determination was possible for the center section due to the heavy timber cover. 3 - 5 r30/n The Bradley River and Battle Creek Alternate for this route were also flown and it was apparent from the rough terrain why the COE had rejected these alternates. Time was also spent on the ground examining the terrain along the alignment between access road stations 125+00 and 154+00 and between 371 +00 and 379+00. The former area is adjacent to the lower camp area. Several active overflow channels, apparently from Battle Creek, were noted in the access road and camp area. Consideration of flood control in the design of the camp and access road in this area is included in this study and discussed in Section On July 14, 1983, a second follow up reconnaissance trip was undertaken to observe areas not looked at on the previous reconnaissance trip. During this trip the access road was walked thr·ough the thick timber cover beginning at approximate Sta. 330+00 to Sta. 134+00. From Sta. 330+00 to Sta. 288+00 no timber cover was found but extremely steep sidehill and thick alders were encountered. From Sta. 288+00 to Sta. 134+00 dense forest was encounter·edl however the steep sidehill was moderated somewhat. On July 15, 1983 a brief visit was made to Martin River delta site of the probable source of borrow material for the access roads I camps I and other project facilities as needed. The area appeared to be a good source of clean sand and gravels required for construction. 3. 3 Design Criteria Design criteria for the Bradley Lake project was originally developed by the COE and presented in their Design Memorandums #2 and ¢;3. This criteria was later reviewed by R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. I 3 -6 r30/n and modifications suggested. This review is presented in Beck's draft preliminary report dated September 1982. A brief review of these criteria 1s presented in following Section 3.3.1. R&M Consultants, Inc., as a part of this current task has developed what is felt to be the most appropriate criteria to be used on this project. This criteria is pr·esented in Section 3.3.2. 3.3. 1 Review of Existing Criteria The following sections present a brief review of the COE suggested criteria for the project and the R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc., suggested modifications to this criteria. 3.3. 1. 1 Review of COE Criteria The design criteria used by the COE for their preliminary design of access roads presented in Draft Design Memorandum #3 was derived primarily from the various applicable U.S. Army Technical Manuals, in particular TM 5-822-2, "General Provisions & Geometric Design for Roads,. Streets, Walks and Open Storage Areas"; TM 822 5" Engineering and design Flexible Pavements for Roads, Streets, Walks, and Open Storage Areas"; TM 5-818-2 "Pavement Design for Frost Conditions"; and the American Association of State Highway Officials Blue Book, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways. 3 -7 r30/n A two-lane gravel surfaced road was chosen by COE as the preferred road type as they felt they could not meet required traffic carrying capacity with a one-way haul road. Review of Beck Criteria R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc., in their preliminary draft report to Alaska Power Authority dated September 1982 suggested several modifications to the COE criteria which if implemented would reduce costs and time of construction. Beck referenced the adequacy of similar construction at Green Lake, Swan Lake and Terror Lake. The criteria modifications suggested by Beck included reducing roadway width to single lane 14-foot wide, increasing maximum allowable grade to 14°6, and minimum allowable curve radius of 60-foot. Beck also cautions that some environmental effects will be experienced associated with some side casting of earth and blasted material, which there is no practical way to avoid. 3. 3. 1 . 3 Comments on COE and Bee k Criteria The COE criteria appears to be more conservative than that used in existing practice as presented by Beck, and that currently used by the State of Alaska for resource development roads. Our review 3 -8 3.3.2 would indicate that due to the remote nature of the access roads, no public access and expected low traffic volumes after construction, a criteria less conservative that the Corps of Engineers criteria can be developed and still provide satisfactory access roads for the project. Additionally, in developing criteria recommendations we found that it will probably not be necessary to compromise the criteria to the extent suggested in Beck's report. A modified criteria incorporating review of these criteria has been developed by R&M Consultants, Inc. and is suggested for adoption to govern project design. This criteria is presented in the following sections. Recommended Criteria After reviewing COE, Beck, and State of Alaska Resource Development Road criteria, and after preliminary design completion of the access road on the surveyed topography, together with comparison of quantities and costs, a Design Criteria Modified to per·mit reasonable access considering cost as well as traffic was developed and is presented in following Table 3. 1. 3. 4 Recommended Routes This section will discuss the access road routes determined to be the most economical to build and best meet project need as it is currently defined. The estimated access road construction costs 3 -9 r30/n47 TABLE 3.1 RECOMMENDED ACCESS ROAD CRITERIA Item Road Type Design Speed Lane Width Shoulders Horizontal Curves = Sight Distance Vertical Curvature Grades Super-elevation Cross Slope Clearing and Stripping Surfacing Culverts Criteria Resource Development Road. Two-lane in higher traffic areas such as Power House to lower camp segment, and upper camp to dam segment. Single lane between lower camp and upper camp segment, power house to airport, and surge shaft access. Single Lane 20 14' 2' 100' min R 300' Two-Lane 20 12' 2' 100' min R 150' To be calculated in accordance with State of Alaska DOTPF Highway Preconstruction Manual procedure 11-10-5. Value dependent on Design speed and Grade difference. Note: K value for one-lane two directional roads four times that for two-lane roads. Desirable Not to exceed 6°o. 0. 02-foot per foot. 5' from edge of cut slope or 10' from toe of fill. 2" minus gravel 14" Min. CMP. 3 -10 r30/n developed in this study were based on these routes, their alignment as shown in Figure 2.1, "General Project Layout", and typical sections shown in Figures 3.1 -3.3. 3 .4. 1 3.4.2 Review of Corps of Engineers Recommended Routes The final access road route recommended by the COE to provide project access from the Airport to powerhouse to lower camp to Bradley Lake was selected, surveyed and cross sectioned in fall of 1981. The COE was able to complete some of the geotechnical investigation for this route. Design work beyond this stage however, was not completed. As a part of this study we studied the COE alternate routes on available maps and photos. After the field reconnaissance discussed in Section 3.2, it was concluded in this study that the routes selected by the COE were the most feasible to provide access to the dam area. Emphasis for this study then was placed on preparing preliminary designs, and construction cost estimates for access roads along these routes. Studied Access Road Segments The access road segments studied for this report were divided into s1x segments according to function and similarities of constrCJction of follows: 0 Airport to powerhouse 0 Powerhouse to lower camp 0 Lower camp to upper camp 0 Upper camp to dam 0 Martin river material site access 0 Surge shaft access 3 -11 18 1 if. I UNCLASSIFIED FILL FROM EXCAVATION 12" GRAVEL SURFACE LOWER CAMP TO UPPER CAMP AND SURGE SHAFT ACCESS STA. 138iOO TO STA 375-+00 STA. Oo+OO TO STA. 64-+50 28' CUT SLOPE DEPENDENT ON MATERIAL 12"GRAVEL SURFACE UNCLASSIFIED/ FILL FROM EXCAVATION UPPER CAMP TO DAM STA. 375+00 TO STA. 436-+00 28' ELEV. 14.00' SEE NOTE i IZ"GRAVEL SURFACE I -.., ! CBORROW EMBANKMENTc::::_ ~ .. / -.......Ji._Y.~ NOTE: ARMOR TO BE 3.5'THICK AND BROUGHT TO ELEV. 16.00 AT SHEEP POINT FROM STA. 75 +00 TO STA.I05 tOO OWN. O.E.P. POWER HOUSE TO LOWER CAMP ST A. 1:iH50 TO ST A. 38-+50 ST A. 75+ 50 TO ST A.138+00 FIGURE 3.1 CKD. R.A. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ACCESS ROAD TYPICAL SECTIONS DATE AUG.I983 «~0~,...1!81::18 QCOt..QOI•T• P\..AflltN··· SUIIII'V.YOAa SCALE I"= 10' Figure 3.1 3 -12 ARMOR 2.5' SEE NOTE • 6 12.5' FB. GRID. PRO.J.NO 351081 DWG.NO. OWN. C.J.R. CKO. T.S. OATE. AUG.I983 SCAL.E. :": :o' CUT SLOPE DEPENDENT ON MATERIAL 18 1 ~ 12" GRAVEL SURFACE AIRPORT ACCESS ST A. 1+00 TO ST A. 12 +50 28 1 DISPOSAL AREA STA. 38+50 TO STA. 75 +50 FIGURE 3.2 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. •NGU'-'e& ... a o•Dl..OQt.Ta Pt,.;.NN··· .\.lllltV.YOIIIt. 3 -13 ACCESS ROAD TYPICAL SECTIONS Figure 3.2 F. B. GRID. PROJ.NO 351081 OWG.NO OWN. C.J.R. CKO. T.S. DATE. A UG.I983 SCALE. t"=to' MARTIN RIVER ACCESS 12.00' BORROW FILL APPROX.ELEV. 4.00' 1 FILL SECTION ST A. 26+50 TO ST A. 67+00 GRADED EXISTING SURFACE ELEV. ABOVE 12. oo' GRADED SECTION ST A. 5+00 TO ST A. 26+50 STA. 67+00 TO STA. 75+00 FIGURE 3.3 3 -14 ACCESS ROAD TYPICAL SECTIONS Figure 3.3 FB. GRlD. PROJ.NO 351081 DWG.NQ r30/n Construction of these access roads will be a critical factor in beginning construction on other aspects of the project. Access roads will be needed to move equipment, men, and construction materials to the various required project locations. These will be particularly critical for those aspects of the project not located in the lower elevations, such as the dam, in-take structure, etc., for which there is no current ready access except by air because of the steep terrain and dense forest cover. As a result it is anticipated all access roads must be built in one season during the time frame shown in the SWEC proposal i.e. May through December of the year construction is started. The May 1 date is keyed to obtaining the FERC license also on May 1 of the year construction is started. Due to the amount of construction on the access roads and the critical timing a delay in obtaining the FERC license could have the effect of pushing critical portions of the access road construction into the following season. Consequently this could force a delay in beginning other portions of the project similarly a full construction season. In order to accomplish completion of the access roads in one season sever·al of the primary access roads must be constructed concurrently. As discussed in foilowing sections this will mean that some of the excavated rock material will have to be hauled to disposal since those portions of road where it could have been used will necessarily have been built. These routes, their construction, and quantities are discussed in the following sections. 3 -15 r30/n Airport to Powerhouse; Sta. 1+00-12+50 The recommended location of the landi.ng strip as chosen by the COE, north of the powerhouse has been reviewed and is believed to be a good general location. Considering available 1 "=200' topographic mapping on the tidal flats and 1 "=50' mapping a long the shore line, some modifications to the general location of the landing strip and airport access route have been recommended. It is recommended that the landing strip be moved approximately 500 feet south with a runway alignment of 23/5. Since predominant wind direction will require the use of R/W 23 for loaded landing, it is suggested that the parking apron be located in a natural bay on the southern one third of the landing strip. These two changes result 1n approximately 1000' of savings on airport access road length. A typical section for on the airport access road may be found on Figure 3.2. Changes suggested to the airport access road include; reducing the width to 18 feet and shaping the alignment to follow more tightly to the coastline. An 18-foot width for this section will provide suitable and economical access to the air·port facility. It IS suggested that the alignment for final design be changed to contour more closely to the existing shoreline, utilizing slight cuts and associated benching where possible. Such alignment will minimize settlement, which is felt could be significant 1n the tidal clay areas. Also this will take . advantage of the higher natural ground reducing required embankment material thus reducing costs. 3 -16 r30/n Cost estimates for the airport access route were derived from preliminary route alignment on available 1 "=50' topography with cross sections. plotted at 100 feet intervals. See Table 3.8 in Section 3.9.2 for airport access route; number of units, quantities and cost estimate summary. Powerhouse to Lower Camp Sta. 12+50-Sta. 138+00 Overall, the alignment of this section of the access route has been changed very little from the COE plan. The access route has been relocated to incorporate a barge basin disposal site of app r·ox imately 41 acres (see Sta. 38+50 to 75+50 Figure 3.2. Typical sections for the remaining portions of this access road are found on Figure 3.1. The typica I section has been modified to include two-foot shoulders on each side of two 12-foot lanes. Minor changes were made to the alignment incorporating the new powerhouse(s); Francis Powerhouse at Sta. 12+50, and Pelton Powerhouse at Sta. 14+00. Three major changes are suggested for cons ide ration and have been implemented for cost estimating purposes. The first of these changes is a revision to the design elevation for the access road. for the access road was 18 feet (project based on a "highest The COE suggested elevation in the vicinity of sheep point datum). This elevation was tide" of 25.0 feet (mllw) or 11.37 feet (project datum). No documentation could be found to support determination of this highest tide elevation. Referring to the COE . shore protection manual Volume 1, Table 3. 7, Page 3-110 3 -17 r30/n (1977) and interpolated highest tide of 4.5 feet above (mhw) was found. This 4.5 feet added to (mhhw) conservatively yields an elevation of 9.28 feet (project datum). This elevation of 9.28 feet project datum (22. 9' mllw datum) was checked with 4 years of extreme tides. The highest tide occurring over this period was 22.6 feet (mllw datum). Using 0.5 feet of freeboard and referring to COE Bradley Lake General Design Memorandum #3 titled. "Summary of Design Data" the fifty year design wave, including runup on Sheep Point, is 6.1 feet. For other areas the fifty year design wave is 3.9 feet including runup. The resulting access road design elevations based on project datum are 15.88 feet for Sheep Point and 13.68 feet for other areas (project datum). Elevation 16 feet (project datum) was used for the access road stations 75+50 to 105+50. Elevation 14 feet was used for all other locations on tidal effected areas except the Martin River temporary haulroad. The second major change is that of expecting significant settlement in those portions of access road located on the tidal clay deposits discussed in following paragraphs. At this time there IS insufficient soils information available for determination of expected settlement. Depending on the location, we feel this settlement may be as much as 2 feet in those areas with underlying deep fat clay, i.e. the disposal site area. Since 2 feet of settlement 25 percent represents an in borrow increase of quantities, approximately it IS our recommendation that settlement analysis be performed prior to final design. 3 -18 r30/n Consolidation settlement of access road embankments constructed on tidal flats in the vicinity of the powerhouse and Sheep Point should also be anticipated. The magnitude of this expected settlement is a function of soil properties, layer thickness, real or apparent preconsolidation and the load which will be imposed. Borings completed by others on the tidal flats area identify deposits of fine grained soils as "fat clay", "silty clay", and "silt". The variation of soil type will ca.use a variation in settlement magnitude. One consolidation test by others on a specimen from a "silt" stratum, Boring AP-118, Sample 3, Depth 2 feet indicates an apparent preconsolidation pressure of about 2. 7 tons per square foot. This exceeds the anticipated new fill load by a factor of about 2, hence, consolidation settlements of embankments constructed on such material should not occur. For the purpose of estimating increased embankment quantities to account for anticipated settlements, typical "fat clay" soil parameters were used in conjunction with an estimated clay layer thickness of 40 feet. For a normally consolidated deposit, approximately 2 feet of settlement could occur. Due to the unknown areal distribution of different soil types and consistencies, this study based estimates of quantities of embankment fill in tidal flats areas between Battle Creek and the proposed Powerhouse on an anticipated average settlement magnitude of 1 foot. Prior to final estimation of quantities, additional consolidation testing and layer thickness 3 -19 r30/n determination for fine grained soils is necessary and recommended. The third major change proposed IS the use of Martin River borrow for cost estimating purposes to provide the required embankment which cannot be suitably obtained from excess cut in the Lower Camp to Upper Camp segment of Access Road. The COE suggested sizing for filter rock was based on the assumption that in-situ clay material would be used to construct the embankment. Due to insufficient data and analysis on the moisture content and remolded strength of this tidal clay material, we feel it would be difficult to recommend usage of this clay for embankment. We suggest future soils work be implemented to determine these performance cha racteri sties. As a result of embankment and using Martin after rev1ew River borrow for of sieve analysis performed on the Martin River delta borrow material, it appears that filter material may not be required. No fi Iter material has been included for purposes of cost estimating. We concur with recommendations for higher access road elevation and erosion control protection in the vicinity of the lower camp stations 120+00 to 138+00 and have included such in our material quantities and cost calculations. Cost estimates for Station 12+50 to 38+50 and 75+50 to 138+00 were based on ground surveyed 1"=50' topographic mapping with cross sections constructed 3 -20 r30/n at 100 feet intervals. Estimates for Stations 38+50 to 75+50 were based on average elevations from 1 "=200' aerial mapping and a typical cross section. For a summary of number of units, quantities and cost estimates for Station 12+50 to 138+00, see Table 3.5 in Section 3.9.2. Lower Camp to Upper Camp Access Road; Sta. 138+00 to Sta. 375+00 This segment of access road begins at Sta. 138+00 which is just past the Lower Camp and at the point the access road goes from generally a fill type of construction to a cut/fill cross section and goes to Sta. 375+00 at the Upper Camp site. This section of road was designed as a two-lane road by the COE and costed in D.M. #2. Subsequent survey work revealed errors in the aerial topographic maps that precluded their use for design purposes. A "p" line survey with cross sections was then completed by the COE together with preparing strip topography maps at a scale of 1 "=50' for design of the road, however, the design and quantity calculations were not completed by the COE. Using this data, we have prepared a preliminary alignment along this route, calculated quantities and prepared cost estimates as part of this study. Most of this route is characterized by steep side slopes and shallow soils over bedrock. Thus construction in this segment will involve large quantities of rock 3 -21 r-30/ n excavation. Much of this excavated material wi II be used in fill portions of the road, and excess placed in areas set aside as disposal areas and turnouts. No avalanche hazards have been identified in our preliminary examination of this segment of road, however, this potential should be considered during final design phases. Two alternate width roads were investigated for this segment of access road, that of single-lane 18-foot wide r·oad and that of two-lane 28-foot wide road. The results of this study would indicate that the two-lane width road will cost $901,000 more than the single lane width due primarily to the additional amount of excavation required. Due to the large amounts of rock excavation required in this segment it is suggested that this segment be built as a one-lane road with turnouts. It is on this basis quantities and resulting costs were calculated. Quantities for construction for this segment were generated based on the typical section for one-way road as shown 1n Figure 3.1 presented in Section 3.3.2. A summary of these estimated quantities and resultant estimated costs for this segment of access road are as shown in Table 3.8 presented in Section 3.9.2. 3 -22 r30/n 3. 4. 2. 4 Upper Camp to Dam Access Road; Sta. 375+00 to Sta. 436+00 This segment of access road begins at Sta. 375+00 at the upper camp site and goes to Sta. 436•00 near the damsite. This route, chosen previously and surveyed by COE traverses intermittent areas of exposed bedrock, colluvium, talus and till deposits with some areas of peat bogs associated with the lakes and in undrained depressions as is described in COE OM =3. This section of road is designed as a two-lane road to accommodate the additional traffic going from the upper camp to the damsite. This section of road is designed primarily as a cut and fill type of section. Portions of the excavation are anticipated to be in bedrock. This excavated material is anticipated to be put in the roadway embankment and the excess hauled to nearby disposal sites. Quantities for construction for this segment were generated based on the typical section for upper camp to dam typical section as shown in Figure 3.1 discussed in Section 3.3.2. A summary of these estimated quantities and resultant estimated costs for this segment of access road are as shown in Table 3. 7 presented in Section 3. 9. 2. 3 -23 r30/n Martin River Access Road; Sta. 0+00-75+00 The alignment proposed by the COE "{aS reviewed and was determined to be reasonable. The route departs the dam access route at Station 133+50. A bridge crossing will be required at Battle Creek. The location for this crossing was not changed. It was noted that if the bridge could be moved approximately 150 feet downstream it may eliminate some excavation required south of Battle Creek. After crossing Battle Creek the route follows higher terrain to the east staying clear of the outwash fan where possible. The route continues east crossing a rather large tidal flat drainage slough at its upstream reaches where use of a drainage culvert will be possible. After consideration of the Martin River Access Routes, temporary usage, use limited to the contractor, and the requirement that this facility be removed and the surrounding terrain be rehabilitated, we feel that it would not be necessary to base its design requirements on those of a permanent facility. Thus, no rip rap protection or gravel top course were included in cost estimates for this section of access road. An elevation of 12 feet (pr·oject datum) has been used for cost estimating. The terrain on alluvial fans from Battle Creek and Martin River does not rise above elevation 12 feet. It IS assumed that leveling and grading of this material will suffice for a temporary roadway surface. That portion of the Martin River access route requiring fill/borrow has been cost estimated 3 -24 r30/n assuming a one lane road. this route assumes a two The graded portions of lane road. When the access route is in use, trucks will be h~uling gravel borrow and, maintenance could be provided as required. En vi ron mental considerations require that the Martin River road be removed and the land rehabilitated. Cost estimates for this effort were based on use of scrapers to remove fill and then rough grading of the final surface. Quantity estimates for the borrow required were based on the 1 "=200' topography with several typical sections being used. For a summary of; number units, quantities and costs for the Martin River Access Road, See Table 3.10 in Section 3.9.2. Surge Shaft Access Road; Station 0+00-64+00 This route departs the Dam Access road at approximately Sta. 288+00 and was not covered in the COE studies as it is a new consideration. Several alignments were considered including continuing upward fr·om the Portal Access route and one route lying further to the west which attempted to avoid sections of steep slope. Other alignments either pr·oved excessively long or encountered equal amounts of steeper rock cross slopes. Estimates for the surge based on proportional Sta. 315+00 of the dam shaft costs access access route were from Sta. 138+00 to route. No cross sections were constructed. For a specific typical 3 -25 r30/n section see Figure 3.1. units, quantities and Table 3. 9 in Section 3. 9. 2. A summary of costs may be number of found on 3. 5 Modification to Previously Studied Routes As a result of changes 1n size and scope of project and studies by others, some facilities associated with the project have had their locations changed or have been deleted as no longer necessary. The following sections discuss these changes and their impact on the access r-oads planned for the project. 3. 5.1 Changes in Project Facility Locations Several facilities have had their locations changed as a result of inputs from this study by SWEC and their subcontractors. These changes that have affected access road locations are: 0 0 0 0 0 suggested relocation of the landing strip, alternate powerhouse locations for Francis and Pelton types, barge basin, addition of the upper camp, addition of an access to the surge shaft from the higher elevations. 3 -26 r30/n The suggested relocation of the landing strip approximately 500 feet south of its prior location and modifications to the parking apron would result in shortening the ac~ess road by approximately 1000'. This change is discussed in further detail in Section Studies by SWEC have identified two alternate powerhouse locations depending on type of power unit to be used. The Pelton powerhouse location is approximately 300 feet North of the site originally recommended by COE. The Francis powerhouse location is approximately 200 feet North of the Pelton powerhouse location. For purposes of this study the access road was located just east of these two sites. Final selection of powerhouse location will enable modification of this alignment to provide the most economical location. These changes can be incorporated in the final design stages. Studies presented in Section 4.0 of this report have recommended changing the location of the Barge Basin to the vicinity of Sheep Point. The access road was subsequently moved out further onto the tide flat between Sta. 38+50 and Sta. 75+50 to accommodate an area for disposal of material created in dredging of the Barge Basin. This modification is discussed further in Section 3.6 and Section Studies of SWEC and discussed further in Section 5.0 of this report have recommended consideration of an upper camp to accommodate workers at the damsite. This camp would be located adjacent to the access road between Sta. 373+00 and Sta. 377+00. The access road was relocated slightly to the Northwest to accommodate this facility I however I the effect of cost on this portion of access road was negligible. 3 -27 r30/n 3.5.2 SWEC requested that an access road be provided to facilitate construction of the surge shaft. Two alternates were investigated. The first alternate considered was an extension of the COE portal access road. Subsequent deletion of the need for the portal access route is discussed in Section 3. 5. 2; steep grades, excessive length, and difficult construction eliminated this route alternative to the surge shaft. The second alternate is that of beginning at access road Station 288+00 and extending an access road to the North approximately 6,450 feet to the surge shaft. This alternate is discussed further in Section Access Road Deletions Several access routes considered earlier in COE and other studies have become unnecessary due to various changes in project scope and as a result have been deleted from the project. These access roads that have now been deleted are: 0 the powerhouse to lower portal access road, 0 damsite to power tunnel road, 0 damsite to Quarry Road. The lo\ver portal access road is no longer needed as SWEC has deleted the lower portal by extending the power tunnel to the powerhouse. Changes in location of the beginning of the power tunnel by SWEC has also negated the need for the Damsite to power tunnel access road originally planned. Similarly changes 111 planned construction by SWEC have eliminated the need for the damsite to quarry access road. 3 -28 r30/n Consequently costs for these three access roads were not included in this study. 3. 6 Alternate Routes Several alternate access road routes were considered in earlier studies by COE as presented in DM #2 and #3. The three major routes considered were up the Bradley River Canyon, up Battle Creek and an intermediary route eventually selected as the recommended route. This intermediary recommended route was the basis for cost estimates in this study and is discussed in Section 3.4.2. The Bradley River and Battle Creek alternatives and their deletion from consideration are discussed in the following sections. 3.6. 1 Bradley River Alternate Access Route This alternate route which was planned to extend north from the powerhouse up to the mouth of the Bradley River then up the Bradley River Canyon to Bradley Lake was deleted due to the extremely rough terrain encountered going up the Bradley River Canyon. Field Reconnaissance and examination of aerial photos, and existing topography maps revealed very steep terrain and a deep incised canyon that would make construction very expensive for this alternate. No apparent avalance chutes were identified along this alternate. 3 -29 r30/n 3.6.2 Battle Creek Alternate Access Route This alternate route would have used the existing recommended route from the powerhouse location to just past the lower camp at approximately Sta. 150+00 then proceed up the north side of Battle Creek Canyon to Bradley Lake. Although the terrain along this route did not appear as difficult as Bradley Canyon and similarly no avalance chutes were identified it is felt to be more expensive to build than the recommended intermediary route 3. 7 Material Sources for Access Roads 3. 7. 1 Review of Existing Recommended Sources Considerable amounts of excess excavation and possible fill material will be generated by construction of the access road from Station 138+00 to Station 375+00. Also significant quantities of excess fill material will be generated from the power tunnel excavation. The COE suggested use of this material were possible as well as use of in-situ tidal deposits for core embankment for fill sections on the tidal flat area. If moisture contents are as high as the samples discussed in Section 3. 1 the clay/ silt would have to be dried before possible use as embankment. As discussed in Section 3. 4. 2. 2 we feel too little information exists at present to recommend use of the tidal flat material. It is our recommendation that addition deep borings be performed along the access route to determine actual consistency and depth of tidal deposits and that the in-situ material also be analyzed to determine: moisture content and general workability, remolded strength for use as embankment material, and consolidation. 3 30 r30/n 3.7.2 Though we still recommend use of the excess excavation materials were possible, we believe that during construction, a first priority will be to construct access frofT1 the barge basin to the lower camp area. This route constitutes the majority of required embankment material. Therefore, we believe that actual construction requirements will hinder the use of portions of the available excess excavation material from Stations 138+00 to 375+00 for use in construction of Stations 1 +00 to 138+00. We do believe that some of the material may be utilized by first building up embankments on the tidal flats area to an elevation of around 12 feet with the use of borrow material. This would allow access to the lower camp region. Then as excavation is conducted in the upper stations the elevation of the lower portion of the access route could be raised to final grade. Since contractor scheduling is unknown at this time, for the purposes of cost estimating we have assumed all embankment on the tidal flats will be created using Martin River Delta borrow. Martin River Delta Site Fifteen sample borings were completed earlier in the Martin River Delta area by the COE, boring Numbers AP79 -AP93 to deter·mine the extent and availability of gravel materials. These samples were taken to a depth of 10 feet. Samples indicate generally wide spread good gravel in the Martin River delta region. Analysis of test hole locations and boring data could be performed to estimate quantities of gravel available. 3 -31 r30/n 3.8 Disposal Sites Five disposal sites were identified by COE to be utilized. for disposal of waste material generated during construction. Only two of these sites were associated with access roads. One located behind the road between Sheep Point and the powerhouse was designed primarily for waste material generated during dredging of the barge basin and entrance channel. This disposal site is discussed further m following Section 3.8.1. The additional disposal site primarily designated for access road waste material was located approximately between Sta. 160+00 to Sta. 170+00 just up from the permanent camp and is discussed in following Section 3.8.2. 3. 8.1 Barge Basin Dredged Spoil Disposal Area A disposal area for barge basin dredged spoil material was incorporated in the alignment of a portion of the powerhouse to dam access route along Stations 38+50 to 75+50. A natural bay area is contained by the access road which serves as a dike for containment of dredged spoil material. The enclosed area is approximately 41 acres with surface elevations varying from +8 to 0 feet providing a containment volume for approximately 500,000 cubic yards of dredged spoil material in its final state. The final elevations of dredged spoil material will be approximately 12 feet maximum near the access road/dike and will slope upward at 1-1:\-0 0 for drainage of the disposal area. Drainage culverts will have invert elevations of approximately g· and be placed at appropriate intervals draining into the natural drainage slough which lies immediately seaward of the access road. Ditches will be utilized in the disposal area to allow culverts to be placed at elevations which provide adequate top cover. For a typical 3 -32 r30/n 3.8.2 section of this area see Figure 3.2. The disposal site will be separated into several compartments by dikes to allow undisturbed settlement while continuing dredginQ operations. The cost of these dikes has been included 1n the cost estimates for the Barge Basin. Permanent Camp Access Road Disposal Site This disposal site located adjacent to the access road between Stations 160+00 and 170+00 will receive much of the waste material generated during construction of the access road. This will include primarily tree stumps and excess rock excavation. Actual construction schedules and methods may require designation of additional or temporary sites. This is particularly true if a portion of the road between the upper camp and lower camp is built from the top down. Dec is ions of this nature would be incorporated into the final design. As planned by COE originally, we would recommend that excavated material be used for fill purposes such as is practical. Care should be taken during construction to prevent spoil of shot rock downhill beyond construction limits although this may not be possible at all times. Where topsoil 1s available distu r·bed a rea and seeded it should be with grass. spread It is however, that topsoil will be very scarce in this area. over the probable 3. 9 Estimated Quantities and Cost Estimates As a part of this study, previous cost estimates were reviewed and an initial preliminary design completed for all portions of the access 3 -33 r30/n road system. This preliminary design formed calculation of estimated quantities of construction the basis for expected to be encountered during construction of the access road. These quantities and estimated unit costs for these were then used to update previous estimates of cost for these access road portions of the project. 3. 9.1 3.9.2 Review of Previous Cost Estimates The COE prepared estimates for access roads and presented these estimates in D. M. #2. These estimates were being updated for D. M. #3 but were not completed. The Alaska Power Authority then evaluated these estimates from DM #2 and made some minor modifications. R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc., reviewed these Power Authority modified costs and. suggested an alternate design which would reduce the costs anticipated by COE. The resulting estimate for construction by R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc., are then presented in their draft report to the Alaska Power Authority. Both the Power Authority estimates and Beck estimates are summarized in the following Section along with the initial estimates prepared by SWEC as part of their proposal and the estimates prepared as a part of this study. Current Estimated Cost Estimates As a part of this study a preliminary design was completed for access r·oads and quantities generated for these designs. Unit Prices for items in these designs were then developed 3 -34 r30/n and costs estimated in 1983 Dollars for access roads from these. The development of these unit cost are presented in following Section and quantities and estimated costs are summarized and presented in Section Unit Prices Previous COE unit prices developed for this project were for reviewed and compared to similar the on-going Alaska Power unit prices Authority hydroelectric project at Terror Lake and recent highway construction projects. Table 3.2 summarizes these unit prices and presents the estimated unit pr1ces used for this project. 3. 9. 2. 2 Quantities and Estimated Costs Preliminary designs for access roads completed 1n this study have been presented in Sections 3.3 and 3.4. Estimated quantities of construction materials generated by these designs and resultant estimated costs in 1933 Dollars are summarized and presented in following Tables 3.3 through 3.10. 3.10 Summary and Conclusion After consideration of the var1ous alternatives we recommend that with some modification, access roads for the project should generally 3 -35 r32/h 1 SUMMARY OF UNIT COSTS Estimated ni Unit Cost Mob. /Demob. Separate Estimate Clearing & Grubbing Light Acre 2,000 Heavy Acre 6,000 Unclassified Excavation C.Y. 20 Presplitting S.Y. 15 Borrow C.Y. 6 Gravel Surfacing C.Y. 12 Rip rap C.Y. 35 Filter Material C.Y. 20 Culvert 24" CMP L.F. 40 48" CMP L.S. 70 End Sections 24" CMP Each 250 48" CMP Each 400 Bridge S. F. 125 Grading L.F. 10 Marker Posts Each 50 3 -36 r32/i1 TABLE 3.3 COMPARATIVE ACCESS ROAD CONSTRUCTION COSTS Route/ Item APA 1 Beck 2 Airstrip to Powerhouse 397,100 397,100 Powerhouse to Dam 22,685,000 6,700,000 Portal Access Road 41281.,000 1,433,000 Surge Shaft Access Road Damsite to Power Tunnel 984,200 Camp to Martin River 1,210,700 1,210,700 Damsite to Quarry 985,500 985,500 Subtotal Direct Construction Costs $30,543,500 $10,726,300 Mob. I De mob . 1,494,900 577,300 Contingency 6,407,700 2,260,700 Total Construction Costs $38,446, 100 $13,564,300 =========== =========== Notes: (1) Alaska Power Authority, March 1982. (2) R.W. Beck & Assoc., Inc., September 1982. (3) Stone & Webster Engineering Co., December 1982. (4) R&M Consultants, Inc., August 1983. 3 -37 SWEC 3 93,000 .3,000,000 1,522,000 284,000 630,000 284,000 $5,813,000 468,000 1,256,000 $7,537,000 ========== R&M 4 172,500 6, 146,800 669,000 466,000 $7,454,300 500,000 1,590,900 $9,545,200 ========== r32/i2 TABLE 3.4 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COSTS FOR BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ACCESS ROADS Route/Item Powerhouse to Lower Camp (12+50 -138+00) Lower Camp to Upper Camp ( 138+00 -375+00) Upper Camp to Dam (375+00 -436+00) Subtotal (Powerhouse to Dam) Airstrip to Powerhouse (1+00 -12+50) Surge Shaft Access Martin River Access Total Direct Construction Costs Mob. /Demob. 20?o Contingency Total Construction Costs 3 -38 Estimated Cost 2,604,000 2,664,300 878,500 6,146,800 172,500 669,000 466,000 $7,454,300 500,000 1 1590,900 $9,545,200 r32/i3 TA LE 3.5 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND COSTS FOR POWERHOUSE TO LOWER CAMP ACCESS ROAD STA. 12+50 -138+00 Quantit:t Material Item No. Units Unit u it Price Cost S Light Clearing AC 2,000.00 Timber Clearing 2.44 AC 6,000.00 14,600 Unclass. Excavation 2750 Yd 3 20.00 55,000 Borrow 215,000 Yd 3 6.00 1,290,000 Gravel Surfacing 12,900 Yd 3 12.00 154,800 Rip rap 29,300 Yd 3 35.00 1,025,500 Filter Rock Yd3 20.00 Culvert 24" CMP 800 LF 40.00 32,000 48'. CMP 180 LF 70.00 12,600 Culvert End Section 24" CMP 13 Each 250.00 3,250 48" CMP 3 Each 400.00 1,200 Surface Grading 1 '500 LF 10.00 15,000 Total Direct Construction Costs $2,604,000 ======:::=== 3 -39 r32/i4 TABLE 3.6 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND COSTS FOR LOWER CAMP TO UPPER CAMP ACCESS ROAD STA. 138+00 -375+00 Quantity_ Material No. Units Unit Unit Price Cost $ light Clearing 7.62 AC 2,000.00 15,240 Timber Clearing 17.99 AC 6,000.00 107 f 940 Unclass. Excavation 110,916 CY 20.00 2,218,320 Borrow 0 Presplitting 8,502 SY 15.00 127 f 530 Gravel Surfacing 8,339 CY 12.00 100,068 Culverts (24" CMP) 1 f 632 LF 40.00 65,280 End Section (24" CMP) 96 Each 250.00 24,000 Marker Posts 119 Each 50.00 5,950 Total Direct Construction Costs $2,664,328 ========== 3 -40 r32/i5 TABLE3.7 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND COSTS FOR UPPER CAMP TO DAM ACCESS ROAD STA. 375+00 -436+00 Quantit:t Material nits Unit Unit Price Light Clearing 7.62 AC 2,000.00 Unci ass. Excavation 38,064 CY 20.00 Presplitting 278 SY 15.00 Gravel Surfacing 6,891 CY 12.00 Culverts (24" CMP) 264 LF 40.00 End Section (24" CMP) 12 Each 250.00 Marker Posts 31 Each 50.00 Total Direct Construction Costs 3 -41 Cost S 15,240 761,280 4, 170 82,689 10,560 3,000 1,550 $878,489 ======== r32/i6 TABLE 3.8 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND COSTS FOR AIRSTRIP TO POWERHOUSE ACCESS ROAD STA. 0+00 -12+50 QuantitY: Material No. Units Unit Unit Price Light Clearing AC 2,000.00 Timber Clearing 1.26 AC 6,000.00 Unclass. Excavation 2,800 Yd3 20.00 Borrow 1 1500 Yd 3 6.00 Gravel Surfacing 1,000 Yd 3 12.00 Rip rap 2,270 Yd3 35.00 Filter Rock Yd3 20.00 Culvert 24" CMP 118 LF 40.00 48" CMP 36 LF 70.00 Culvert End Section 24" 3 Each 250.00 48" Each 400.00 Total Direct Construction Costs 3 -42 Cost $ 7,600 56,000 9,000 12,000 79,400 0 4,700 2,500 750 400 S172,500 ======== r32/i7 TABLE 3.9 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND COSTS FOR SURGE SHAFT ACCESS ROAD ST A 00+00 -64+50 Quantity No. Units Un Unit Price Light Clearing 5. 12 AC 2,000.00 Timber Clearing 1. 70 AC 6,000.00 Unclass. Excavation 30,000 Yd 3 20.00 Borrow 0 Yd3 6.00 Gravel Surfacing 2,500 Yd 3 12.00 Rip rap Yd3 35.00 Filter Rock Yd 3 20.00 Culvert 24" CMP 330 LF 40.00 48" CMP LF 70.00 Culvert End Section 24" 22 Each 250.00 48" Each 400.00 Total Direct Construction Costs 3 -43 Material Cost s 10,250 10,200 600,000 30,000 13,200 5,500 $669,000 ======== r32/i8 TABLE3.10 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND COSTS FOR MARTIN RIVER ACCESS ROAD STA 0+00 -74+50 Qua ntit:x:: Item No. Units Un nit Price Light Clearing 0.9 AC 2,000.00 Timber Clearing AC 6,000.00 Unclass. Excavation 2,000 Yd 3 20.00 Borrow 25,000 Yd 3 6.00 Gravel Surfacing Yd 3 12.00 Rip rap Yd 3 35.00 Filter Rock Yd 3 20.00 Culvert 24" CMP 360 LF 40.00 48" CMP 240 LF 70.00 Culvert End Section 24" Each 250.00 48" 4 Each 400.00 Bridge 1,350 SF 100.00 Surface Grading 3,250 LF 10.00 Remove/Refurbish LS Total Direct Construction Costs 3 -44 Material Cost $ 1 '800 40,000 150,000 14,400 16,800 1, 600 135,000 32,500 74,000 $46G,OOO ======== r30/n be built along the COE alignment identified by their 1981 surveyed "p" line. Modifications to previously identified access road criteria is also recommended to be considered. Specific changes to the COE recommended access road design discussed in this report are as follow: In particular the Airport to Powerhouse road is recommended to be shortened by relocating the landing strip. It is also recommended this road to be a single-lane 18-foot wide road. The Powerhouse to Lower Camp road is recommended to be generally located as shown by the COE except for that portion just east of Sheep Point where the alignment is to be shifted to the north to accommodate the 41-acre disposal area for the dredged spoil material from the barge access channel. This road is r·ecommended to be two-lane 28-foot wide and built to an elevation of 14-foot (project datum) with the exception of the higher wave area in the vicinity of Sheep Point between Stations 75+00 and 105+00 where a final grade elevation of 16 feet ( pr·oject datum) is recommended. The Lower Camp to Upper Camp Road is recommended to be designed maintaining a grade as necessary to minimize required cut in r·ock. This road is recommended to be a single-lane 18-foot wide road. The Upper Camp to Dam Road is recommended to be a two-lane 28-foot wide road with grades designed to minimize the amount of required rock cuts. The Martin River Access Road is recommended to be a temporary one and two-lane road that is to be removed upon completion of use. 3 -45 The recommended Surge Shaft Road not previously considered will be required only if the Francis Powerhouse Alternate is chosen. The r·oad is recommended to be a one-lane 18-foot wide access road located approximately as shown in Figure 2.1. It is also recommended that additional geotechnical data be obtained before the final design process starts particularly in the areas where the roads will cross the low-lying tidal flats. 3 -46 r25/s 4.0 BARGE BASIN, ACCESS CHANNEL, AND FACILITIES Movements of heavy, bulky equipment, parts, and materials to, the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project will be done most economically and with least social and environmental impact by waterborne transportation. Such transportation movements would likely be hub bed through Homer, Alaska. Existing Kachemak Bay water depths between Homer and the project site decrease as the site IS approached. Of the approximately 20 mile voyage from Homer to the site, "deep water" conditions (i.e. greater than 10 fathoms below MLLW) exist for the first 15! miles. On a line connecting approximately Chugachik Island and the Russian Village on the west side of the Bay, the bottom rises sharply to "shallows'' (i.e. 0-2 fathoms below MLLW). Shallows taper gently to "mud flats" 1n H miles. Mud flats are exposed during periods of low water with many sloughs of various dimension remaining submerged and carrying drainage of the upper flats and river flows from the head of the Bay. In order to provide a reliable access to the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric site, channel dredging and improvements are required for the upper 4t miles of the voyage. As a minimum, improvements required for the channel will include dredging to a depth sufficient to allow barge and tug traffic; channel markings; barge docking and off loading facilities; and a materials !aydown area. Further, small boat facilities are desirable for construction and operations personnel use. 4. 1 Scope of Work Under the Phase 1 Contr·act for Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, the feasibility of construction of the Basin, Access Channel and Dock facilities was identified as a portion of R&M Consultants' scope of project work. Alternative locations for the facility as well as alternative conceptual layouts and structural types were to be 4 - 1 r25/s investigated for possible economic gain. Further, previous work accomplished by others was to be reviewed for the occurrence of "fatal flaws". Estimates of quantities and construction .costs of the design concept were to be prepared for use in the overall economic feasibility study. 4. 2 Summary of Previous Barge Basin/ Access Channel/Dock Studies Previous basin, channel and dock siting, conceptual designs, and cost estimating studies have been accomplished by the COE. The major responsibility for these project features was carried by the COE Hydrology Department. Some interfacing with other COE departments was done for survey, environmental, soils, and civil engineering considerations. The COE identified three basic alternative barge basin location from their conceptual studies. Additionally, several minor variations of alignment, lateral location and sizes of basin were considered for each of the basic alternates. Their final discussion of the alternative locations were as follows: a. Sheep Point North (Recommended Plan): Basin is located about 650 feet south of Sheep Point in the tidal flats. Channel axis is oriented at an azimuth of about N83°W. b. Sheep Point South: Basin and channel approximately 1300 feet south of Sheep Point. is oriented approximately due West. are located Channel axis c. Chugachik Island Site: A natural basin between the mainland and Chugachik Island with ea.sy barge access from Homer. Somewhat removed from the specific project site, the alternative would require a 3. 6-mile haul road for access. 4 -2 r25/s 4. 2.1 Hydrologic Considerations Extensive effort was exerted by the COE in ~tudying the hydrologic aspects of the design of the barge basin and access channel. Studies were accomplished regarding design parameter determination for winds, waves, and tides. These design parameters were then applied in studies of ingress and egress to the project site, selection of design tug and barge vessels, and determination of channel dimensions and depth. Prevailing winds are from the north during winter and southwest during summer in Kachemak Bay. Studies of the magnitudes and frequency of occurrence of winds were based on long-term ( 1965-1981) anemometer data from Homer Spit and on short-term ( 1980-1982) data from a temporary Sheep Point anemometer installation. Homer and Sheep Point wind, speeds were correlated for funnelling and overwater effects. Frequency & duration information was most heavily based on the Homer Spit information. Summertime windspeeds from the southwest were found to be 35 to 65 percent higher at Sheep Point than at Homer due to the funnel!ing effects of the terrain surrounding the Bay. Wintertime windspeeds were considered as equivalent at both locations due to no such funne!!ing effects. Table 4.1 presents and 12-hour duration winds for exceedence intervals of 2, 5, and 50 years. 4 -3 r25/s TABLE 4.1 DESIGN WINDSPEEDS (mph) AT SHEEP POINT KACHEMAK BAY, ALASKA (1) Exceedance Interval Duration (years) Orientation (hours) 2 5 50 210° -260° 1 57 62 68 (summer) 12 47 52 63 300°-30° 1 32 36 47 (winter) 12 21 26 36 (1) After Corps of Engineers, NPS, Design Report Access Channel and Moorage Basin Facilities. Data of Table 4.1 are indicative of an advantage of shelter from the relatively strong southwesterly winds. Lack of shelter may temporarily halt off-loading procedures and would require a more sophisticated dock structure and fendering system. COE documents refer to all alternative sites as being sheltered from southwesterly winds. Waves associated with winds discussed above were estimated using two wave theories. A tidal elevation of +25 MLLW (+11.4 BLPD) was assumed for the study. Shallow water wave analyses were applied for the COE Sheep Point sites and deep water analyses for the Chugachik Island alternative. Design wave heights (Hs) and periods (T), are presented in Table 4. 2. for 2, 5, and 50-year event frequencies. Wave estimates by the COE may be quite conservative with regard to the actual frequency of occurrence due to 4 -4 J;:. Ul r25/tl TABLE 4.2 DESIGN WAVE CHARACTERISTICS(1) SHEEP POINT AND CHUGACHIK ISLAND SITES KACI-IEMAK BAY, ALASKA _______________ Frequency_Lyear§J ____________________ __ -----~Qc a tj_QIJ _____ _ Sheep Pv'nt Chugachik Island Wave Qr_tg ina t ion 250°Al 2UJ 0 AZ 315°AZ 240°AZ 260°AZ 360°AZ !iL.Lfj,_l 4.4 3.5 2.0 6. 1 5.9 2.2 2 T (sec) 4.3 3.8 2.8 5.3 5.3 3.0 Hs ( ft) 4.7 3.8 2.4 6.7 6.5 2.5 5 T ( secl 4.5 3.9 3. 1 5.6 5.5 3.2 _____ ,2_0 Hs (ft) 5. 1 4. 1 2.9 7.4 7.2 3. 1 (1) After Corps of Engineers, NPS, Design Report Access Channel and Moorage Basin Facilit_ies. T (sec l 4.7 4. 1 3.4 5.8 5. 7 3.5 r25/s 4.2.2 differences between assumed and actual tidal elevations caused by continuous tidal fluctuation. Tidal exceedance curves were generated by the COE based on 1982 predictions of Seldovia Station. Three curves of Tidal Elevation vs. Percent Exceedance are presented in Figure 4.1. The three curves correspond to predicted hourly high tides, daily high water, and daily higher high water based on the Seldovia 19-year tidal record. Such curves are extremely useful in assessing the accessibility of the site on an hourly or high tide basis. lee observations on Landsat photography and conversations with tug captains familiar with Kachemak Bay conditions led the COE to the conclusion that floating and shore-fast ice should not impact winter shipping movements to the project area. The production of bottom-fast ice in the Bay may effect shipping movements in the shallow channel to the Sheep Point alternative barge basin sites. Such ice may be produced by increased frazil 1ce growth and adherence due to greater fresh water flows into the Bay from the power generation as well as by growth of surface ice lenses between high tide periods during extreme cold weather. Operational Conditions On the basis of the conceptual power project design, material and equipment quantities and movements across the wharf were estimated. Further, barge and tug sizes were studied and design vessels capable of handling the expected numbers and magnitudes of movements were selected. 4 -6 "' ~ (,/) 0 ("') 0 n l> "' ~ ~ ~ 0 z fT1 < · l>ro c . ~ p z !"" (I)~~~( 2n ~gl =~ • ~n ;o :iz ~m ;c :~ a.; ~2 :.,. a OJ c~ ·-;z go .. ~ rn-., )( c -· m co 0 c mm .. mr- CD em ~l>< . z l> .... o:j 0 ~ t;> z 0 mO z -o G> "' :;o ::0 to 0 p !'-z 0 (JI Ul 0 CD N "' ....... 0 AFTER: Corps of Engineers.NPA i Design Report Access Chonnel ond Moorage Basin Facilities. 25' 20'! ----~+--+- MHHW f-MHW ISj 171.6 -·-·--~ .,. __ _ + ---·--__ .§.,_E_' IXJ m l> :u 15' I 1--\-~ -; 0 n1 --+-~ X 0 0 < m .. 1'11 10' 1'11 :~,~~· ~ l> ·------------1> n :::! :r:: ~ m r fTI ~ ....... 0 z s: r r :E == 5 '1-------+---+---+-------1---l------1-----+----+-------l> ------;;: --+ +-~ HO RLY 1XJ o' ~tt-w-+--+---·----· -+·----1---·-1- l> -< .. l> -r- l> ,. f-- 1 1 ::~~~o•:r·~~~o~f.L~LA:~,:., -:1961 ;l---1-----+---_, ---J---------~!a.s:( (/) ;;: l> -10'1-----1--1---•. ----+·--· -------· ----·--f -------'----•----------~~:§f 001 005 0.1 02 05 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 98 99 99 9 PERCENT EXCEEDANCE r25/s The COE hypothesized that for the 6-year construction schedule, a maximum of 50 loaded barges would require off-loading at the project site. Most of such movements would be accomplished in spring, summer, and fall months. Materials and equipment would be off loaded from the barge by roll-off, pass-pass, or crane lift operations.' Roll-off operations include movement of wheeled vehicles from the barge deck via a ramp extending from the barge to an earthen ramp rising to an access road or staging area. Pass-pass operations include off-loading by fork lift trucks passing a load from the barge deck to the dock where a second fork lift truck further distributes load on the dock or to staging. Crane-lift operations would probably be required in conjunction with either or both of the other alternatives. Based on standard Alaska practice and barge loading assumptions, a design barge of size 250 feet length by 76-foot beam by 10-foot loaded draft was selected. Likewise, the design tug was selected to have dimensions of 90 feet length by 30-foot beam and 10-foot draft. On the basis of experience with Washington State tug/barge transit lines, as well as a COE Engineering Manual EM 140-2-1611, "Layout and Design of Shallow Draft waterways" and input from Seattle tug captains, a channel bottom width dimension of 200 feet was selected. This selection was based on a ~-knot tidal current assumption. The COE predicated the 200-foot width be reconsidered should tidal currents in the vicinity of the access channel be measured at greater velocities. Turning basin width equal to 350 feet was determined by the length of longest barge which may require use of the facility, i.e. 343 feet. 4 -8 r25/s Channel depth requirements were studied in somewhat greater detail with regard to access window periods and transit times. Basic rationale used by the COE for selection of. their design channel depth was as follows: 1. Minimize dredge quantities, hence cost. 2. Select minimum channel depth which would allow tug and barge transit, docking, and tug return on high tides within certain monthly "window" periods. On review of the tidal and design vessel data by the North Pacific, Seattle District (NPS) of the COE. A channel bottom elevation of +2 MLLW (-11.63 BLPD) would be acceptable for the design barge and tug of 10-foot draft. This would allow transit beginning 2 hours before and extending until 2 hours past predicted high tides of minimum elevation +18 feet MLLW (4.37 BLPD). The minimum tidal elevation of +18 would have been achieved on approximately 35 percent of all high water and about 46 percent of all higher high water tides for the years 1963 through 1981 (refer Figure 4.1). Such tides occur, however, on a consecutive 8 to 10 day period followed by a consecutive 5 to 8 day period of lower high tides. Thus, a channel designed for vessel movement at a +18-foot tide could accommodate movements made at full design draft during the for·mer 8 to 10 day period and then none during the subsequent 5 to 8 day period. Further considerations, particularly with regard to cost and the probability of not achieving full design draft, prompted North Pacific, Alaska District (NPA) of the COE to ammend the channel bottom recommendation. 4 -9 r25/s 4.2.3 NPA's suggested configuration has plan dimensions equivalent to the N PS recommendation. N PA, however, recommended a bottom elevation of +3.63 feet MLLW (-10.0 feet BLPD). Hence, this conforms to a design tide elevation for the 10-foot draft vessel of +19.63 feet MLLW (+6.0 BLPD) or a design draft of 8.4 feet for the +18-foot tide. From Figure 4.1 it is observed that +19.63 tides occur on about 17 percent of daily high water and 25 percent of daily higher high water tides. Dock design was not specifically dealt with by studies of the COE. Concepts incorporated into cost estimates for the barge facilities were a basic timber pile supported dock of plan dimensions of 100 to 200 feet by 50 feet. The early conceptual plans by NPA utilized a 200-foot dock length, but DM3 suggested a final dimension of 100 feet. Ramp design for roll-off unloading procedures was based on local practice and maximum practical grades of 10-percent. A crown width of 50 feet was established. No mechanical ramp system was designed or suggested. A small boat ramp of minimum width and grade was included 1n the COE conceptual design. This ramp was deemed useful for launching and storage of small boats and work skiffs as well as for use by landing craft. Environmental Considerations A study of environmental conditions for the alternative barge basin sites was accomplished by the COE. The COE published "Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Final Environmental Impact Statement", August 1982, which 4 -10 r25/s 4.2.4 documents in detail the findings and concerns of the affected environment. Pertaining to the barge basin alternatives, marine mammal, waterfowl and shellfish are the most affected life forms. The Chugachik Island basin was found to be in conflict with an archaeological site. Further, social impact and private lands are a factor on the Chugachik site. The environmental impact of the Chugachik Island site was considered as significantly greater than the Sheep Point alternatives. The Sheep Point alternative sites' most significant impact was considered as a minor displacement of marine mammals and waterfowl habitat. The final en vi ron mental impact statement filed by the COE indicates that any dredge disposal areas on the tidal flats are to be re-developed into waterfowl habitat at an appropriate time during construction. Such a measure would enhance the nesting habitat of the tidal flats which 1s currently non-productive due to periodic tidal submergence. During the first year of construction, to accommodate migrating shorebirds, all dredging, dock, and road construction on the tidal flats would be ceased from May through 15, in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife service recommendations. Engineering Considerations Detailed design of the barge basin and access channel were accomplished by the COE. Conceptual design of the wharf and ramp structures were completed for cost estimating purposes only. Bathymet_ric survey data for Kachemak Bay accomplished by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 4 -11 r25/s was in the form of advance information from a 1980 hydrographic survey. The survey included widely spaced soundings throughout the entire Bay, including .all accessible tidal flats areas. Higher tidal flats were topographically mapped during early COE studies from air photos. Detailed topographic survey (by !TECH) on the higher tide flats was limited to the Sheep Point alternate barge basin sites. Geotechnical exploration was accomplished in the vicinity of Sheep Point. Portable power auger borings with auger flight sampling was accomplished in seven locations on the south side of the Point. Explorations were advanced to a maximum depth of 37.6 feet. Soils encountered near the basin were described as "fat clays", "silts" and "silty clays" all with organics and occasional to some gravel and sand to the full depth of exploration. The consistency and strength of these deposits is not noted on the logs of exploration or in laboratory data. Quantity calculations for dredge excavation and disposal were based on the NOAA and I TECH surveys. Computed volumes of dredging for the alternatives were 250,000 cy I 450 1 000 cy 1 and none for Sheep Point North 1 Sheep Point South, and Chugachik Island site, respectively. These volumes are based on bottom elevation of +3.63 MLLW (-10.0 BLPD); 200-foot channel bottom width; 350-foot basin bottom width; 475-foot basin length; and side slopes of 3:1 (horizontal: vertical). In their final analysis, the COE recommended the Sheep Point North site for the basin and dock. The recommendation was heavily weighted on the bases of cost and environmental considerations. An analysis of the potential additional cost of shipping delays caused by missing a tidal access window was 4 -12 r25/s 4.2.5 not specifically undertaken except in the COE assumption that vessel movements could be easily scheduled to arrive within the acceptable tidal period. COE analyses of the location of dredge spoils disposal were based on consideration of suitable uplands, open water, unconfined and confined intertidal disposal areas. Their recommendation for Sheep Point barge basin spoils considered 400,000 cubic yards of material to be placed in two locations adjacent to Sheep Point, i.e. one north and one south of the point. The general site locations were recommended, but not specifically sized . Environmental concerns about utilization of the sedge-grass community for dredge disposal were discussed and resolved. It was determined that as a low percentage i.e. less than 2 percent of the available community would be buried, no detrimental effects would be felt by the filling. NPA recommended construction of a dimensions 100 feet by 50 feet for dock of approximate crane off-loading of barges. No detailed design was accomplished, but a timber structure was scoped in the cost analysis. Cost Considerations The estimated facility cost varied among COE documents. The apparent final cost estimated by the COE is as follows: Dredged Channel and Harbor Dock Facility Total 4 -13 $2,758,900 1, 1501000 $3,908,900 ----------_....,. _______ _ r25/s 4.3 Barge Basin/Access Channel/Dock Studies Accomplished under This Contract This section describes considerations operation and constructability factors channel and dock facilities completed regarding the sizing, siting, of the barge basin, access in this study. No further studies were accomplished with regard to environmental aspects, nor were COE generated tidal statistics re-analyzed. Of primary concern with barge basin and access channel was its ability to provide the function for which it was designed. Further, the ability to construct the facility as recommended by the COE was examined. Design parameters were reviewed for conformance with general practice. Dredge excavation quantities were computed for the COE defined alternative barge basin locations. New alternative barge basin and channel locations were investigated to realize any additional econom1es. Unit prices were determined to extend total cost estimates for dredge excavation and disposal for the basin and channel alternatives. 4.3. 1 Hydrologic Considerations Sedimentation 1n the basin and access channel was examined. Three water grab samples were obtained for testing and supplemental analyses. On the basis of very limited data from Kachemak Bay (significant scatter exists in the available data) our review concluded that the Corps COE estimation of 0. 2 feet per year may be low. Insufficient data exists to make an accurate quantitative determination of sedimentation rate. 4 -14 r25/s 4.3.2 Operational Considerations An estimated 50 barges will require off loading at the selected barge facility location at the Bradley Lake Project site over the duration of project construction. Of these 50, possible 45 of such movements would originate in Seattle. These would be sea-going barges drawn across the Gulf of Alaska by sea going tugs at a cost of on the order of $12,600 per day for barge and tug equipment only. The COE (NPA) final recommendation for channel bottom elevation is +3. 6 MLLW ( -10.0 BLPD) thus providing an 8 to 10 day accessibility "window" on daily higher high tides followed by 5 to 8 days of inaccessibility of the design vessel. Should the accessibility window be missed by one vessel, a penalty of $100,800 for unuseable barge and tug time would be suffered by the contractor for barge and tug time alone. An additional loss of up to 8 days of time of the equipment or materials aboard may also be a factor in completion of the project work. 4.3.3 Construction Considerations Channel excavation on the tidal flats is probably not feasible in-the-dry due to the sensitive, saturated nature of the silty clay, sandy silt and clayey silt deposits. Excavation by either barge mounted clam-shell or hydraulic suction dredging can be accomplished during tidal periods when sufficient water is available to float the dredge. A channel bottom elevation of 3.5 feet MLLW (-10.0 feet BLPD) will have sufficient water to float a 5-bot draft dredge approximately 54 percent of the time (based on the 4 -15 r25/s 4.3.4 hourly tidal exceedance curve presented in Figure 4.1). It is our opinion that dredging under such circumstances would be of at least double normal unit costs and would decrease dredging efficiency substantially beyond a somewhat deeper basin. Conversations with dredging contractors reinforced our position that the COE have verified and design depth is insufficient in terms of constructability of the excavation. Alternatives Considered Alternatives for access channel/basin, dock, and a dredged spoils disposal area were considered in this study and are discussed in the following sections. 4.3 .4. 1 Access Channel/Basin Alternatives Alternative basin and channel alignments as indicated in Figure 4.2 were evaluated on the basis of dredge excavation and embankment fill requirements. Both dredged basins and causeway type alternatives were considered for certain alignments. For comparison with COE quantities, channel bottom elevation was initially held at +3.6 feet MLL\\1 (-10.0 feet BLPD). Likewise, the planned 200 foot width of the channel bottom was also maintained. Table 4.3 presents descriptions and computed quantities for the various alternative basin and channel layouts. All quantities include neatline volumes plus 10-percent. 4 -16 .!:> I-' -1 r25/ul A I te rna t i ve __ NumQ£LL_ A B c D E F G TARLE 4.3 BARGE BASIN & ACCESS CHANNEL ALTERNATIVES DESC[ffffiONSMD ESTIMATED QUANTIIlES A I te rna t i ve ___Q~~gr..L.Rt i onL_ ____ _ Causeway Sta -1+50 to 3+30 Dredged Basin 3+30 to 8+33 Dt'edgetl Channe I 8+33 to 81 +68 causeway Sta -1+50 to 0+00 Dredged Basin O+OO to 6+25 Dredged Cha~nel 6+25 to 81+68 Causeway Sta -1+50 to 3+30 Dretlged Hasin 3+30 to 8+33 Dredged Channel 8+33 to 66+68 Dredged Basin 0+00 to 6+25 Dredged Channel 6+25 to 71+08 Dredge<J Basin lJ+OO to 10 + 25 Dredgetl Channel 10+25 to 71+08 Dredged Basin 0+00 to 6+25 Dredged Channel 6+25 to 50+00 Dredged Basin 0+00 to 6-25 Dredged Channel 6+25 to 76+68 ..Jllli!._n t i t y ( c u b i c _;ti! rd §j_ __l;!!L_ _F_i_l_l_ 2411,000 55,000 251,000 6,100 167,000 55,000 266,000 0 210,000 0 226,000 0 432,000 0 NOTE: Basin and channel bottom elevations +3.6 MLLW (-10.0 BLPD) assumed herein. Remarks 0 Stream Crossing Required 0 150'x350' Laydown Area Included Dock Bridges Stream 0 Stream Crossing Required 0 150x350' Laydown Area Included Follows Stream AI ignment Follows Stream AI ignment N PA Recommended A l i gnment "Sheep Point North" NPA "Sheep Point South" AI ignment I I '\ I \ I 000 0~£ s ~\ ..,. .., + CX) N \ § "' .... ... ... ... ~ ( \ 0. J oc +· 00 In'"" I ... 0 0 + I 0 0 0 + 0 . _ ..... _..,.._-:... ''--------··· I \ I I I /· I I I t j:; I r I I 3:1 ~I \ ~I \ c ~ ..J CD !; oj (!) 0 ~ 7 ~ > '"" '"" a: ..J c IIJ II. :z 0 0 1-0 1-z 0 11.1 CD '"" 1- 0 z z-.--~~~---"' • ...J .. u "' CX) I ol I <Dc:i I :\ ... . I <D~ I 000'>1£ DWN. O.E.P. CKD. L.N.P...:__ DATE. AUG. 1983 SCALE SHOWN ~ <DIU 3::/ ::!: 0.. .. ol 1<)/ I ltll 21 ;::'"" CX) • <De + . coC! r--w 0/ o. 01 ALTERN.\ TIVE ALIGNMENT 0 :> o_; "'' "'' R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. •NOIN •• II:I. a•OLC018T8 PLANN··· auA\1.'1"0118 gi ..;; ALTERNATE BARGE BASIN/ ACCESS CHANNELS Figure 4.2 d -18 FB. GRID. PROJ.NO 351082 DWG.NO r25/s Dredge quantities computed in this study for alternates "F" and"G", (COE, NPA; Sheep Point North and South, respectively) agree closely with quantities computed by NPA (250,000 and 450,000 cubic yards, respectively). Note that alternative "A" and "C" include a temporary lay-down area of approximately 150 feet by 350 feet. Likewise, they both also incorporate a crossing of the slough between the lay-down area and Sheep Point. On the basis of excavation and fill quantities and access road requirements, preliminary cost estimates were derived for each of the alternatives. Table 4. 4 presents these estimated costs. The two least cost alternatives, "C" and "E" were selected for further study. An infinite number of alternatives exist which couple causeways and dredged channels of differing lengths on each of the two best alignments. Some optimal causeway length may exist for the final basin/channel configuration. Definition of that optimum situation is however, beyond the scope of this study. Causeway construction on the tidal flats to a deep water basin has not yet been addressed by others. Of particular concern may be sedimentation, and hydrologic and en vi ron mental factors for long causeway alternatives. In light of operational and construction considerations discussed in the previous subsections of this report, deepening of the access channel and basin was considered. A dredged bottom elevation of -0.4 feet MLLW 4 -19 r25/s35 Alternative A B c D E F G TABLE 4.4 BARGE BASIN/ ACCESS CHANNEL LOCATION ALTERNATIVES COST COMPARISON Total Estimated Cost ( 1 ) Remarks $2,151,000 With laydown area (1,951,000) With no laydown area $1,756,000 Dock Bridges Slough $1,624,000 With laydown area (1,424,000) With no laydown area $1,822,000 $1,439,000 $1,548,000 $2,959,000 Note: Based on Table 4.3 Quantities and Unit Prices of: Cut Fill Bridge $6.85/cy $6.00/cy $150,000/Lump Sum 4 -20 r25/ s Dredge Alignment Alternative He" "Elf (-14.0 feet BLPD) was used for the purpose of computation of earthwork volumes for Alternatives "C" and "E". Based on the curves of Figure 4.1 With this bottom elevation, barge movements (at 10 foot draft) could be accomplished on 99 percent of all high tides, or on 49 percent of all hourly tidal stages. Due to the depth and extent of the "shallows" at the head of the Bay, deepening beyond elevation -0.4 feet MLLW would require an impractically long dredged channel to provide ''better yet" functional value of the facility. With deepening of the channel and basin, dredging operations may be continued for increased time periods between groundings, thereby resulting in significant excavation unit price savings. Table 4.5 summarizes excavation volume, unit and extended costs for Alternatives "C" and "E" for channel bottom elevations of +3. 6 feet and -0.4 feet MLLW. TABLE 4.5 BARGE BASIN/ACCESS CHANNEL DEPTH ALTERNATIVES COST COMPARISON Bottom El. Dredge Volume Unit Extended (MLLW) (cubic yards) Price Cost +3.6 167,000 6.85 $1,144,000 -0.4 464,000 5.00 $2,320,000 +3.6 210,000 6.85 $1,439,000 -0.4 535,000 5.00 $2,675,000 4 -21 r25/s Alternative Structure Timber Pile Supported Deck Anchored Pile Bu I khead This table demonstrates a 260-percent (average) increase in excavation volume accompanied by a 190 percent (average) increase in total dr:edging cost. The increased cost should be considered in the final analysis relative to the increased potential benefit. Dock Alternatives Dock structures considered for use in the barge bas in were a timber pile supported deck and an anchored sheet pile bulkhead. Based on preliminary designs of the alternatives, the cost of the two appear to be nearly equal. Advantages and disadvantages of the structural types are summarized in Table 4. 6. TABLE 4.6 COMPARISON OF DOCK STRUCTURE ALTERNATIVES Advantages 1. Short construction time .., Readily available materials 3. Phased construction feasible 4. Small environmental impact 1. Nearly unlimited deck load 2. Less sensitive to ice forces 4 -22 Disadvantages 1. Limited deck load 2. Possible increased main- tenance 1. Settlement potentially harmful to anchors and stability 2. Greater environmental impact r25/s Based on nearly equal cost of construction, it is apparent that· potential advantages of the timber dock structure outweigh those of the anchored bulkhead alternative. Further, potential disadvantages of the bulkhead are, in our opinion, more severe than for the timber dock. In order to provide crane-pick access to most of the surface area of the design barge, dock dimensions of approximately 200 feet length by 50 feet width are recommended. Dredged Spoil Disposal Area It is our opinion that the most likely dredge excavation technique which may be used for the barge basin and access channel is hydraulic dredging. Dredge size would probably be on the order of 16 inches and would be capable of pumping 5,000 to 8,000 cubic yards per day to disposal at approximately 5000 feet from the dredge. Channel dredging beyond 5000 feet from the disposal area would require utilization of a booster pump. Disposal of the dredged spoil could be accomplished by appropriately diking and pumping into a large compa rtmenta I i zed area. Based on two grain size tests of clayey silt soils performed during this study, in order to return dredge effluent to a suitable suspended solids concentration, the slurry would necessarily be retained for sedimentation for an estimated 18-hou r period. A detailed sedimentation basin design was not done under this 4 -23 r25/s 4.3.5 contract. A preliminary estimate of the size of the sedimentation basin was made. Based on 8,000 cy/day soil in 60,000 cy/day slu~ry, an area of about 40-acres would be required. On completion of disposal, the disposal area ground surface would have been uniformly raised by approximately nine feet. The disposal area North of Sheep Point shown in Figure 2. 1 would be enclosed by construction of the access road embankment in such a fashion as to retain dredge effluent behind the dike and to prevent intrusion of tide waters from the bay side of the dike. To create the desired bird nesting habitat the area will necessarily be graded to raise portions of the fill surface to above mean higher high water elevation, to provide surface drainage and ponds. Recommended Alternatives Based on the foregoing, we recommend final design and implementation of the access channel and basin alternative described herein as Alternate "C". A plan of the facilities is presented in Figure 4.3. In order to assure constructability and competitive bidding for harbor excavation; to increase the functional value of the facility; and to further insure the longevity of use, a dredged harbor bottom elevation of -0.4 feet MLLW ( -14.0 feet BPD) is recommended. A timber pile supported dock structure of approximately 200 by 50 feet dimension is recommended for final design and construction. Figure 4. 4, details C and 0 present a conceptual plan and sect1on of the structure. This structural 4 -24 I I I I I - I SOUTI"I 8~o 'IllEST ------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --+- CD~~ : ~: r .. ,. '""'" ·-'--.J 0 G> ,. t.'- SMALL BOAT LAUNCH RAMP-- 0 .... ,o _, .. ,... ~ ~ ~ GRAPHIC SCALE. ~ F[fT 00 25 !10 100 ~-\---~~~-Q-PILE MOORING DOLPHIN ...... ~~o'' o• 7i\--~~ .. -.... ) --(---- \ ,, ~ .. . '~ ·~ ... '~o '• \ uo·xre' \ \ \ \ DEStiN IAWIE ___.-\. 110' DR.,TJ ~ \ f'"""' _;<<--- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9-:~)liEP:I~ORUIII dW ----! •• o ~/ ,. ...... tl1.,.o'"• DCCI( ( 5[[ DETAIL I® DOCK ACCESS ROAD ~ R[CIPROCATUtl BARS[ O#F • LOAOINI RAMP _______ BARil OfF-LOADINI EARTH RAIIP BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RECOMMENDED SHIIT IW I ~ r I' I i ii i I I i l l 'l l TIDE tai. Bl.POl MLLW APPRO)( ORIG!IrrtAL GAOUNO .b .JJfl"''/ /~- STAGING ARI:A £1.. ,,i. Mll.W iii_Q, BLPO) SUAf'AC£ COIIICA'ET£ LOGS -·--~--~-....,.....---------· ------:ry------,...... --,r- --y-----·--;,- 11'' HULl. 8AitG£, [MPTY (j). HIGH TIO[ +~ DREDGE UJrrt£ ...... A ~ ~ t· PILE MOOAitiG DOLPHIN // ,I' , j' ~~I ~~-L. ~A" SMALL BOATS RAMP SECTION GRAPHIC SCALE ~11"b I~FT R£ClPROCATIJtG tAftG[ .. /'1 O"~t..OADU'G lllAIItP 68' X. tO' .-/ PlLIE SUPPORT£0 COIIII(';RET( AIUTMIIIT I 12' HULL lARGE @. LOW TIO[ I ~n=========~»~~~*Y~======7,j~~----~~'li: ll!lij(. I :11!11 I' I' ~--­,, ,,,,1 ';.A,-:::-"" \~......,- '\_oR£0G£ Llll•£ I I• ~ il ;; li J \ "----BOTTOM DRE.OG£0 PSIN EL •0.!, Wl LW { • 14 8LP0} '4.4 OFF-LOADING RAMP SECTION a IJtAPMIC IC:ALr "- APPROXIMATE ORIGINAL GROVf\10 RA.WP SUA,AC£ CONCR[T( LOGS FILL -..., E.L U: 1.. MLLWI8i:. 8LPO. .J.__,__ Oft!=N:; --· i It)'-~~~ / ,·,,v.· -q· !_6_!{!!!~®~?·-~ 'Q.&. r-,1 ~) I ,_ ~~-'--r-=='"---~')fy ,, ==~·'It =---- j I:~ :: • li ] : I ! ~! 1 1 :: d! i1 • ~ :1 : •; '; ~ ~~ ~~ \1 ~~ ~~j; 11 ~ II •; ,, •i '1 i• ,II• I • ~ I II il II II ·'r? ~ r' 1· 1 ~ r ~ ( T ~ ~ / -J'~t~-~J DltlftE•Ar ~~--~\f--- <;,~ { v\\ , I " II !I II" ~ ,I " II : I ~ : i ' ,I ,I ,I ill : OJ il jl 1 1 I' 11 J,, Lnw:::±L e ·!'! -11 II II ~ ~ ' L ..... c DOCK PLAN PiLES HIOIC:AT£0 ON BUilT "• TYPICAL SPACifriiG BIATTI:R PIL(S ARRANGEMENT AS UfOICATIO \ !HEEL CL£AfS; YtVt: TOTAL GRAPMIC SCALI FT. ... ---6"X S,.8ULL RAIL, ALL 610[$ // --••• J( 12·· A:()IJGH OtCki .. G, CCA TRI AT£0 ••all. ---~~ JoLWUrniiiiliixi~---IO"XIO" •OISTS@ 2'-0"0C, CftEOSOT£ TOUTU ' ,.,-'T~~r -~1 -r,-,0T_,....___ , ! \I 1 ! -~--12"x Jt' PtL[ tAP<.i) 12'·1,.0C • CR£0S0'f[ TREATED ~ 4" lU2" STRIJt$£ftS(9 1'-0"0.C ,CAIEOSOT£ Tllt(AT[D FEk0£111 PILES ---------I ~ I I UNTAEATEO,CL4SS"e" 1 I ; I VERTICAL .JSfT@tO'Oe \ I t-CLAIS'"8"CR:t;:OSOT( TRIUTtO TUt8£RPlLI:I XH' ' ~ • , 12 Y[RTtCAL PU.(S/8ENT i i ' 2 &ArTER P1L[S/8lNT (4M: l2V &•TTEJU I EL-O,ifiiLL.W(-14 8LPD) . l OREOGE .... ~~ I~ . I ·I I u ' I ·4 04) ::~~~~~.!E~~:~~ -~IL!:~:T ... 5 0 tO RAM CONSULTANTa. INC. BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RAMP PROFILES DOCK PLAN end SECTION Figure 4.4 tHI:tT a024 ConloYa atroot Anollorago. Alaoka 11M2 a .,.. 2 r25/s 4.3.6 type may be built in such a way that the construction effort is effected only minimally by daily tidal fluctuations and can provide use value for barge off-loading operations during construction. Appurtenant Facilities Required To complete the access channel and barge basin, several miscellaneous facilities are required. 4.3. 6.1 Channel Markers Marker bouys and piles were considered for marking the access channel. The pile alternative was selected for final design due to the limited channel width, hence increased marker accuracy requirements. Such piles would be equipped with light and radar reflectors. Single treated timber piles at 500 feet intervals would be sufficient for use in this regard. Slough Crossing The slough between Sheep Point and the recommended basin would require a crossing of an appr·oximate 100-foot length. The crossing should be of one lane width, or a minimum of 12 feet. The crossing could be accomplished by either a bridge or by earthfill above several large culverts. In 4 -27 r25/s either case the design must be capable of carrying extremely heavy vehicles and of freely passing slough flow. Based on minimal obstruction of the slough, we recommend a bridge alternative be designed in the final design phase. Barge Off-Loading Ramp To accomplish roll-on roll-off barge unloading operations, a ramp of maximum 15 percent grade is required. The conceptual design of the ramp is shown in Figure 4.4, detail B. The design combines an earth ramp above mean high water elevation with a reciprocating bridge structure of length 68 feet. This structure, of width 20 feet, was selected to accommodate the design barge draft range over the anticipated normal range of tidal elevation, i.e. 0 to 22 feet MLLW. A concrete log surface 1s recommended for traction on the earth ramp. Small Boats Ramp A small boat launching and mooring facility is required for use on the project. The recommended ramp location is shown in Figure 4.3. A typical ramp profile is shown in Figure 4.4, detail A. The cut and fill portions of the ramp should be final designed for side slopes of a maximum of 2:1 4 -28 r25/s 4.3.7 (horizontal to vertical). The launch ramp surface should be of maximum 15 percent slope and may be constructed of well compacted graded gravel. Cost Considerations Cost estimates for the dredged access channel, barge basin, dock and appurtenant facilities were generated. The bases of these estimates are recent job cost data, materials cost quotations, and local contractor input. Table 4. 7 presents our cost estimate for construction of the faci I ities as discussed herein. A comparison of cost estimates prepared by agenc1es during the course of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project studies is presented 1n Table 4.8. The tabular comparison demonst1·ates that the primary difference among the estimates of the various agencies lies in the dredging cost, related, in turn, to the estimated total quantity of dredging excavation to be accomplished. Note, too, that the R&M estimate contains a 350-foot by 150-foot laydown (staging) area in the total cost of the dredged basin. 4. 4 Conclusions 4. 4.1 Summary Barge transportation is the most economical mode of shipment of bulky materials and heavy equipment to the site of the proposed Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Various alternative barge basin locations were studied. The 4 -29 r25/v1 TABLE4.7 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE ACCESS CHANNEL/BARGE BASIN/FACILITIES Quantity Cost Extended Item No. Units Units Unit Price Price DREDGED HARBOR Mob. I Demob. Dredge Excavation & Disposal Classified Fi II Slope Protection Slough Crossing Channel Markers * SUBTOTAL DREDGED HARBOR DOCK & FACILITIES Mob. /Demob. Foundation Piling Dolphin Piling Deck & Substructure Bollards, Cleats & Misc. Ramp Surfacing Reciprocating RO-RO Ramp * SUBTOTAL DOCK & FACILITIES 1 464,000 55,000 2,000 1,200 20 1 224 27 9,850 . 1 1,000 1,360 LS CY CY CY SF Each LS Each Each SF LS SY SF 5.00 6.00 30.00 125.00 1,350.00 1 ,350. 00 1,350.00 50.00 12.00 100.00 566,000 2,320,000 330,000 60,000 150' 000 27,000 $3,453,000 126,000 302,400 36,450 492,500 5,000 12,000 136,000 $1,110,350 TOTAL DIRECT COST ACCESS CHANNEL BARGE BASIN & FACILITIES = $4,563,350 4 -30 r25/v2 TABLE 4.8 COMPARISON OF CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE ACCESS CHANNEL/BARGE BAS I N/FACI Ll Tl ES Item Dredged Harbor $2,758,900 $2,758,900 Dock & Faci I ities 1 1 150,000 1 1 150,000 TOTALS $3,908,900 $3,908,900 NOTES: (1) Alaska Power Authority, March 1982 (2) R.W. Beck & Assoc., Inc., September 1982 (3) Stone & Webster Engineering Co., December 1982 (4) R&M Consultants, Inc., August 1983 4 -31 $0 2,700,000 $2,700,000 $3,453,000 1,208,850 $4,661,850 r25/s 4.4.2 functional value and constructability of proposed designs were studied and the conceptual design revised from previous recommendations. Alternates were eliminated based on practical, environmental, and cost considerations. Detailed cost compansons of two basin sites and channel alignments were made. The alternative selected for further study and recommended for future detailed design is shown in Figure 2.1. A facilities layout plan, Figure 4.3 shows the recommended location and arrangement of the dock, ro-ro ramp, and small boats ramp. Typical profiles of the ramps, plan and section of the dock are shown in Figure 4.4. Based on the foregoing studies, this study estimates the direct construction cost, for the access channel, barge basins, dock, and facilities to be $4,661,850. Future Additional Work Required During the cour·se of our study of the barge basin project we have noted a distinct need for the following additional data. This data could be of extr·eme importance with regard to the alternative alignments, construction techniques, and facilities designed conceptually by this effort. The following paragraphs present a synopsis of the further studies requir·ed. 4.4.2. 1 Hydrologic Concerns A quantitative refinement of the rate of sedimentation rn the boat basin and channel is required. Additional sampling and testing of the water column at various tidal stages and locations 4 -32 r25/s are needed. Data derived in these efforts may be utilized in model studies for predicting sedimentation rates and maintenance .requirements for the proposed facility. Erosion of access channel cut slopes should be studied, primarily as a source of bedload sediments which may be trapped tn the channel by tidal currents. Year-round Bay circulation currents should be measured for use in prediction of operational constraints of the proposed facility. Environmental Concerns The impact of a suitably sized dredge spoils disposal area should be re-studied for the recommended area north of Sheep Point. Of particular· concern is the effect of elimination of 41 acres of sedge-grass vegetation from the Kachemak Bay ecological regime. Engineering Concerns A detailed bathymetric survey of the proposed basin and channel alignment is required in order to obtain in an accurate estimate of the dredge excavation and disposal quantities. A topographic survey of the tidal flats north of Sheep Point is required for disposal area design. 4 -33 r25/s Additional geotechnical engineering data is needed for timber pile design 1n the vicinity of the dock structure. Soil sampling to the anticipated dred~e depth is required along the channel alignment for detailed engineering and disposal area design. 4 -34 r31/k 5.0 CAMP AND FACILITIES 5.1 Summary of Prior Work The subject of camps was briefly addressed in COE Design Memorandum #2, published in February, 1983. D. M. #2 used a 730 man construction camp based on estimates completed for a similarly sized job, the Snettisham Dam. The cost estimate presented 1n D.M. #2 is fairly detailed and is summarized on Table 5.1. The Alaska Power Authority reviewed D. M. #2 and revised the camp and staging area estimate to $9,090,900. R. W. Beck's draft report suggested that there should be a small camp at the dam and a main camp at the site selected by the COE. No change was made 1n the camp total cost, since the total number of men was assumed to be the same as Design Memo #2. The estimate given was $9,090,900 for staging area and camps; identical to the Alaska Power Authority figure. In COE draft D.M. #3, dated July 1983, the camp loading was revised down to a single camp of 250 men. The reason was that the actual construction camp at Snettisham Dam turned out to be about one third the size previously estimated by the COE. 5.2 Camp Loading As mentioned in proposed at 730 Section 5.1 above, the camp size was men. D.M. i::3 suggested 250 men originally based on Snettisham experience. A preliminary review by Stone and Webster, based on the reduced scope of work and revised work schedule, suggested that there be 2 camps, with approximately 200 men at the upper camp and 250 men at the lower camp. 5 -1 r31 /k For this study we used the SWEC proposal schedule and cost estimate along with rough conversion of $1,000 work accomplished per man day (approximately a 50-50 split between labor and materials costs), to come up with the following loading: Upper Camp: 40 beds May '85 -Apr '86 210 beds May '86 -Oct '86 60 beds Nov '86 -Aug '87 Lower Camp: 240 beds May '85 -Apr '86 190 beds May '86 -Jun '87 90 beds Jul '87 -Oct '87 60 beds Nov '87 -Apr '88 If a single camp is used, the loading would be: 280 beds May '85 -Apr '86 400 beds May '86 -Oct '86 250 beds Nov '86 -Oct '87 60 beds Nov '87 -Apr '88 The actual camp volume would vary with the season but the number of beds and size of utilities must be designed for the peak loads. 5.3 Number and Location of Camps SWEC has proposed splitting the camps in order to locate the work force closer to the job sites. Approximately half of the work force will be working on the dam, upper tunnel works, concrete batch plant, intake structure, and upper access roads. The other half of the work force would be working on jobs either close to the lower camp, such as the powerhouse, lower tunnel and penstock or on remote:-sites only accessible by helicopter, such as the transmission I ine and the middle fork diversion. The main advantage of splitting the camp is to shorten the travel time and increase job accessibility 5 -2 r31/k during inclement weather. The disadvantages include duplication of utilities and the inaccessibility to the upper camp site before access roads are built. 5. 4 Field Reconnaissance and Map Interpretation During this study we looked at several locations near the dam for a suitable upper camp site. The site had to meet the following criteria: close to the access road, several acres of relatively flat ground and near a water source. The plateau around the west end of Bradley Lake is characterized by a relatively flat relief punctuated with small depressions and small knobs of bedrock out-crops. Most of the depressions contain lakes or marshes. Drainage from one depression to another is slight or non-existent. Both the west end of Bradley Lake and the upper end of Bradley River have steep banks. The only suitable upper camp site found in our reconnaissance trip of 7/13/83 was at access road station 380. The site has 4. 6 acres of land at under 209o slope, an apparent water supply, an area for a sewage lagoon that drains away from the water supply lake and it is proximate to the planned access road. The only other flat area found near the dam was at station 410, in a swale with a small lake. There were only 2 acres of fairly flat land, and the lake appears too small for a water supply. Though the chosen site at station 380 meets the bare minimum requirements for a camp, it will still present many difficulties. Soil borings by Woodward Clyde show the soils to be only 3' deep, with bedrock exposed in many places. For this reason, a standard septic tank/leach field system is not practical, and finding a suitable well for the water supply is unlikely. Because of the knobby terrain and forest on the lower slopes, a winter sled mobilization is not possible. Bradley Lake does not develop suitable ice in the winter for a large cargo plane to land. Therefore, all mobilization must be by helicopter or by access road when completed. 5 -3 r31/k The upper camp site is 1.2 miles from the dam and 4.8 miles (by road) from the lower camp site. The lower camp site, where shown in the COE report, is 2.4 miles from the powerhouse, but is only 1000' from open tide flats. All of the lower camp facilities can be mobilized by landing craft or barge, then skidded in with a cat or driven in by truck. The lower camp site was reviewed during the same 7/13/83 reconnaissance. As is mentioned in D.M. #3, the camp site selected by the COE is within the floodplain of Battle Creek. Unvegetated overflow channels were found throughout the east end of the camp site. Soils borings by Woodward-Clyde show excellent foundation material. The positive aspects of the camp, the soils, flatness, size, and proximity to road and barge basin, outweigh the negative aspect of being within the floodplain. With a properly designed road section, the camp site can be protected from floods. 5. 5 Facilities Costs Facilities costs were recalculated based on the permanent camp srze, the temporary and permanent office and warehouse areas, and the larger water tank (for fire storage), suggested in D.M. #3. Camp volumes are as discussed above. The three alternatives shown rn Table 5.1 are: 1. Single -One camp with a maximum of 400 beds, at the COE designated location. 2. Split -One 240 bed camp at the COE-designated location, and a 210-bed upper camp at Station 380. 5 - 4 r31/k Item Camp Size (beds) Construction Camp: Living & Dining Offices Warehouses & Shops Pad ( s) Sewage Lagoons Utilities Permanent Camp: Residential & Office Warehouse & Shop Fuel Storage Staging Area: Mob. and Prep a ration Subtotal Contingencies (20°6) Total (in thousands) TAB 5.1 CAMP CAPITAL COSTS in thousands of dollars D.M. #2 (COE) Single 730 400 $2,664 $1 f 877 99 254 990 43 1 f 161 404 385 253 627 517 312 524 385 0* 99 33 1265 1265 330 284 $8,317 $5,454 1, 663 1 '091 $9,980 $6,545 * Use construction camp warehouses. 5 -5 This Estimate Delayed Split Split 210/240 210/280 $1,917 $1,936 297 297 43 43 505 505 281 281 542 542 524 524 0* 0* 37 37 1265 1265 370 333 $5,781 $5,763 1 153 $6,937 $6,916 r31/k 3. Delayed Split One 280 bed camp at the COE designated location, and a 210 bed upper camp at Station 380 that is not put in until the access road is passable (October '85), and the trailers can be mobilized at a lower cost. The camp pad cost is lower than the COE estimate both because of the smaller camp size, and because the road estimate includes the special flood control section. The staging area was not within the scope of this report. Therefore, costs associated are included as previously estimated by the COE in DM #2. 5. 6 Operational Costs Operational costs are usually absorbed into other unit prices rather than bid as a separate item. But in order to assess the relative merits of splitting the camps, this cost must be considered. For the purpose of comparison, the same number of total manhours was used for each scenario. The items that did not change significantly from one scenario to another were those items based strictly on mandays: i.e. camp fuel, food, transportation of food to the main camp, transportation of off-shift workers to and from Anchorage, and helicopter transportation of workers to job sites inaccessible by road. Splitting the camps resulted in higher camp crew wages (smaller camps require a higher crew to bed ratio), and additional transportation costs associated with hauling food and fuel from the lower camp to upper camp. 5 - 6 r31/k In the delayed-split scenario, the 40 man upper camp is not built until 5 months into the project. This results in a slight savings of food & fuel transportation, and the 40 men can be more efficiently catered in the larger main camp. The difference in transportation of men from camp to job site is insignificant since all travel will be by helicopter for the first five months and the camps are only n airmiles, or about 1 minute flying time, apart. After the access roads are in, there is a slight savings tn splitting the camps due to the shorter distance to the job site and less idle time for the construction workers. The three scenarios are summarized in Table 5.2. 5. 7 Non-Monetary Impacts The major nonmonetary impacts associated with splitting the camps are environmental. The additional sewage lagoon, use of the upper camp Ia ke as a water source, additional water and fuel tanks at the upper camp, additional fuel and solid waste hauling on narrow roads, and access to the area surrounding the upper camp by off duty personnel, are all impacts that have not been addressed in the Environmental Impact Statement. Lack of baseline engineering and environmental data at the upper camp may cause delays in completion of the final camp design or the final E.I.S., both of which could delay FERC licensing. There appears to be an advantage to having a camp at the damsite, in that the workers can access the site even in weather unsuitable for helicopter transport. Unfortunately, finding a suitable site for a camp at the dam appears unlikely at this time. The closest suitable location, identified so far, is 1. 2 miles from the dam. Before the access roads are usable, all personnel will have to be flown to the 5 -7 r31/k TABLE 5.2 CAMP OPERATING COSTS in thousands of dollars Camp Scenario Item Single Split Crew Wages & Vehicle Rental $101849 $11,873 Camp Fuel (FOB Anchorage) 486 486 Helicopter Fuel (FOB Anchorage) 44 45 Fuel Transportation 214 228 Food (FOB Anchorage) 31445 31445 Food Transportation 451 521 Transportation of People 1 1 158 11073 Total (in thousands) $16,647 $17,671 5 -8 Delayed Split $11 1584 486 44 219 31445 506 1,073 $17,357 r31/k jobsite. In marginal weather, the lower camp would actually be more accessible than the upper camp, because the helicopter pilot can follow Bradley River from the coast up to the lake more confidently than he can fly cross country in limited visibility weather. After the access roads are passable accessibility should not be a problem for either camp scenario. 5.8 Summary and Recommendations A single 400 man camp at the site recommended by the COE appears to have the least capital cost, the least operating cost, the least en vi ron mental impacts and the least potential scheduling delays. The second best alternative is a 280 man camp at the lower site selected by the COE for the duration of the project, with a 210-man camp at the upper site only from October 1985 to August 1987 (the delay-split scenario). If the split or delayed-split option is chosen, additional baseline data will be needed tn order to better define the utility requirements of the upper camp. Additional en vi ron mental study will be needed on the upper camp site, the impacted lake(s) and the transportation corridor between the upper camp and the staging area. 5 -9 rG/1 6.0 SURVEYING In May and June of 1983, horizontal and vertical control surveys were performed by R&M to extend control up Nuka and Katchemak Glaciers . and to coordinate the positions of the proposed geologic borings. The glacier control was used to scale the photogrammetric models of the glaciers. Profiles of the glaciers were then digitized from the photogrammetric models to aid in calculation of volume changes in the glaciers (see seetion 8.0 --Glacier Hydrology). The geologic boring control surveys were per·formed to coordinate the positions of proposed boring locations as defined by Shannon & Wilson field personnel. All new survey work was tied to USC&GS/NGS and Bradley Project control points set and coordinated previously. For an overview of all survey control work, refer to the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Horizontal and Vertical Control Diagram located in the pocket at the end of this report. 6. 1 Summary of Previous Work In 1979, Unwin, Scheben, Korynta, and Huettl, Inc. (USKH) engineers performed a photogrammetric control survey under contract to the Corps of Engineers (COE). This work established the Bradley Project horizontal and vertical control datums. Horizontal datum is Alaska State Plane Coordinate System, Zone 4. The basis of coor·dinates is USC&G NGS station JEFF. The basis of azimuth is the line between JEFF and USC&GS/NGS station SHEEP. Vertical datum is arbitrary and is based on the published scaled elevation of JEFF --26.24 feet (see Table 6.1). 6 -1 r6/l HT MHHW MHW Project Datum Origin BEAR COVE MLLW DATUM (Assumed) MSL MLW MLLW LT TABLE 6.1 RELATIONSHIP OF VERTICAL DATUMS Scale: inch = 6 feet = 1 fathom 25.0 18.41 17.60 13.63 9. 61 1. 61 0.00 -6.0 BEAR COVE MSL DATUM 6 - 2 15.9 8.80 7.99 4.02 0.00 -8.00 -9.61 -15.61 BRADLEY PROJECT DATUM 11.37 4.78 3.97 0.00 -4.02 -12.02 -13.63 -19.63 r6/1 In 1980, International Technology Limited (ITECH) performed an inertial survey to control photogrammetry and to position cadastral corners for the proposed transmission line. This work was based on USC&GS/NGS station SHEEP, and U.S. Army control stations DEEP CREEK, CARIBOU HILLS, KATCHEMAK BAY and BALD MOUNTAIN. This inertial work is considered to be independent from the Bradley Project control; and since it is composed of entirely unconventional observations, no analysis of this work has been made. 6.2 Summary of New Work During the performance of the 1983 surveys, connections between previous USKH/COE stations were made. Errors were found in the previous work that made it impractical to adjust the new work to the previous work. Consequently it was decided that a thorough review of the previous work would have to be done in order to determine the relationship between the new work and the old work. The previous Fourth-Order. work was found to be Third-Order Class II or The new work was Third-Order Class I. Further analysis found the previous adjustment lacked strength both horizontally and vertically since reductions had not been made to the geoid or the spheroid and only a linear horizontal adjustment had been made. In order to make the control network useable for the current study, a new adjustment was performed that combined the old and the new observations. The adjustment was performed in two parts: 1) a vertical network adjustment using vertical angle observations; and 2) a horizontal network adjustment using triangulation, trilateration, resection and traverse. Both adjustments were simultaneous geodetic least-squares adjustments of all observations weighted relative to 6 -3 r6/l their respective strengths. Refer Hydroelectric Project Horizontal and (Figure 6.1). to the Vertical Bradley Lake Control Diagram In July of 1983 R&M performed a site topographic survey of the powerhouse area due to errors found in the topographic mapping prepared for the area by COE. The COE topographic mapping was prepared from cross-section surveys performed for the access road design work that COE was doing. Vertical errors up to twenty feet were found. The sources of these errors were primarily due to inappropriate extrapolating of the cross-section observations into a topographic base. 6.3 Results of the Readjustment Vertical Adjustment -Vertical angle observations are generally regarded as a Fourth Order method of obtaining vertical values, consequently there is no standard of error published by NGS The re-adjustment indicates that standard deviation of the vertical network station values is 2.54 feet. Stations SHEEP and JEFF were held fixed. Observation variances are between 0.00 and 0.52 feet for 75°o of nearly 100 observations. The mean error of observation is 0.29 feet. Twenty seven redundant measurements were made. The analysis indicates a relatively str·ong vertical network, at least as strong as could be expected for fourth -order obser·vations. Horizontal Adjustment Most of the observations were Third-Order. The specifications for Class I require 1:10,000 for traverse closures after the azimuth adjustment and no more than 3" azimuth error per station. All rough closures, before azimuth 6 -4 ~9 1n Th11 .,..P repre1ent1 the m.110r hor'llOfttel control eshbhshed to date for the Bro~dley Lek.e Wydi"'eJec1rtc ProJK1 In June of 1983 .1 re · adtustment was perfo"'""'d on the observo~ttons made by U .S .K .H , '" 1978 o~nd b y RU4 '" 1983 The re -~JUttment ~ncorpor.tted • geodetu: · bned ••mult•n.ous le•st squeres network •dJustment of both 'Yert•c•l •nd hor•lontel observ•t•ons All observehons mo~de by both "'""" were adJ~outed ••multan.oully U.S C ' C . S ./N .C S . Sht1ons AURORA BEAR ·2 . J EFF a n d SHEEP were constr.trned 1n the horuontal edjustment JEFF •nd SHEEP were constra~ned 1n the v e r ttc•l ldJustment Honrontal sh1fh for p r ev1ously publlshe;d monument~ st•t•on s •ere under two f eet Vert•cal l~'llftS were-9enerally under th r ee feet Theae sh•ht w •ll not app rec ~.tbly ·affect •••ttmg mepp~ng ; ho•ever . all subse-quent II.H''Yeys tnd mapp•ng sho u ld be referenced t o the new date 3 . The PFOj«:t horuont.ll datum •• b•,.d on Alo~ska St•t• Plane Coord•n•te Syst~ Zone-4 •h•ch " referenced to th• North Amer•c•n datum of 1927 I NA D 27 Cl •rl. Sphero1d of 1866). 4 . The proJect vert1c al d•tum " b•ud on •n .tUUifted loc.el datum for th11 p r OJect whtch was 1n 1t 1ated by uung the scaled ele•dt•o n of JE F F at 26 2• feet l•ter observlttons b)' N .O .A .A . pieced the local do~tum or1g1n for Mean Se.1 Level I ~Sl) ~ 0 2 f e-et tower MSL is a ~•I Metn s .. level d.tum that •pproxNMt., the se• level detu"' of 1929. The Me•n Lowe.- Low Weter d•tum (MllW) o rig i l\ it t3 .63 '"' lower th•n the Proj«:t detum o.-igin . Th• coordtnete t•ble on th •t shHt Hate the proj«:t, MSL •nd MLLW detulft owalues for eech controt po~nt. ~-The proj«:t gr1d shown her.on 11 en il\dexing syttMI only . hc:h ''bkKit H is RXJO t .. t eut••lt bv 5000 f"t I\Orthsouth . Orientatton 11 to tM Al•sk• St.tte Pl•ne Coordinate SyttMI (A .S .P .C .S .) Zon• 4 projection . ••• tr~Jleel .... ,14 ...... ,., •• _ LEGEND 1111 -OiuervettOn by U .S .C . ' G .$./N .G .S. held fi•.ct UIIM -Observltton by USI(H for US CE re#adjutted Jun•. liND •••-Ob .. r-,atiof'l by AI.M Consultlnts ~justed Jwne, 1983 4 -Cont~ point-., .. c:oordin1te li tt for fiiOI\~t•tton •nfonnahon IOOOf .. l -i r TYPICo\L ; f PROJECT F GRID SUBINDEX I ..L • s 4 •naTIOIUiMIIi" 0' 'WI .. TtC•L OATUMI .... _ .... ··- =•~: = 1!-:. .... _ ~~ ... .... .... ..... ..... ·~·., "='=-T ~ .. ~ .. ...... .... -- A ,----__ ·I --J ~.. OJ "'" .I --OF----;;r-a.,. •I aa zl aa al 100-----.r----roi----;r· 102 11 10~ sl 104 zl 10!'1----.r 1011: al 107 II lOA al IOQ al·---110 1. ,_ .... .... ''"' 1/l] ,. 11%1 11 1 , .. ,~ ·--~-·· lltJ Ja la'l•l ...... Dlll» ,,_ ,.,,.. llUM tnt ut '"" ..... -·· ...... ... ,. ..... ...... ..... ..... nu• ,.,. .... lUJM --...... ,. ,. ... ~ ~~ l m l» :5E l)llliOI ::= 1-StO _,. == ...... IJIOI'JI .... ... JJXI'II UJO.II'I tm.•to ,._ ,.,,u .... --,, ... ,.., .. ... ,. 13>111 .. -.... -·- ~ ) .,,. MAS\ CA~ J If. I•AU (A P •·•·•·••""""" )t••···-llo\1 (4P ••·•· •••n '"'' ) !Jt ••'*lo~ .. " ,_.,,-.. •u c. .. , l t••-.. •n "" )·II·· t•U\ (AP ,_., •. , .... n c .. , J -1/ ...... ,,, ... , )I/ •. lll.A\1 (4 P ).If ....... ~, .. ..., ~~· •••n ..._ .. , !-.~· , .. ~· ~· .,. .,. CIJtU• Of •._••u cc•n • Of '""ll cont•o' ••••u Cl .. ,,. Of """'- CIIoT(a OJ ''"•U CI .. 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( Lilt ..... , r'll" \~O"f o I' • 11'1 ll o \1> ~~··· L I I I 1'1 \) \ .. •i>O IIf L I I""',., l''"'', 1, • "'", u• ~I If I f'O' • • I I II • ' ,,,,,,.., .. _)11 .. , .•• ~~rl~ ''"" J I I h I \f' Hffl ..... ~ J I .f \, ,._.. .. ~HU hlo ~ J I I ""*--.: ..... ~~!" ,, ... ' J 1 ~ '' c•• ~ruo ''"" 'l , • :t.t ..._,.. SHU .... •JII .. ,,·.uo \fill ..... ~ J I I l l 1: \f' S flll ...... J I•I :t.l"-41' S lflLhll&)l.l " k..:&• \lUL .... lJ·tl··.u t.U ~~IMIIlt...at o"l&# " ,. .. I ' ~·· ~ .. =~ =* ~f: C<' " ' ~:! . .. ~: ~ .• ' .. , "' "' ::: 10 , ... f w o ~· ... , .... W ·> ~· DM"IIIl 1101001 .. , • ... ;· ;. .. .. .. n .. Figure 6.1 •RAaa..V LAK• H V D..,_LIICTIIUC :' L •. r6/1 adjustment, exceeded 1:27,000 and averaged 1:174,500 for the 19 traverses and loops analyzed. Angular errors were less than 3" per station in all traverses. The horizontal adjustment was performed on the Clark Spheroid of 1866 (NAD 27). The network contained 65 redundant observations. USC&GS/NGS. Stations AURORA, BEAR-2, JEFF, and SHEEP were held fixed. The horizontal and vertical adjustments added significant strength to the network. The affect of observation errors on future work will be minimized by use of the new data and the readjusted station values. See Table 6.2 for a summary of position value shifts for USKH/USCE monumented stations. 6.4 Project Datum The project horizontal datum IS based on Alaska State Plane Coordinate System Zone 4 which is referenced to the North American datum of 1927 (NAD 27/Ciark Spheroid of 1866). The project vertical datum is based on an assumed local datum for this project which was initiated by using the scaled elevation of JEFF at 26.24 feet. Later observations by NOAA placed the local datum origin for Mean Sea Level (MSL) 4.02 feet lower. MSL, as represented here, IS a local Mean Sea Level datum that approximates the sea level datum of 1929. The Mean Lower Low Water datum (MLLW) origin is 9.61 feet lower than MSL origin or 13.63 feet lower than the project datum origin. 6 - 6 r6/1 TABLE 6.2 Shifts between Previous ~ Current Coordinate Values This table summarizes the shifts between previously published coordinate values of USKH/COE monumented stations and the new adjusted values. The vertical position shifts represent the localized vertical errors in the topographic mapping. Horizontal Position Shift Station Resultant Vector Vertical N Bearing Position Shift BR 1 .900' N26°37'51 "W +4. 701 f BR 2 . 526' N74°22'08"E +1.170' BR 3 .502' S89°14'52"E + 1 . 681' BR 4 . 541' S7J024'39"E +1.352' BR 5 .827' S56°33'34" E +2. 309' BR 6 .242' S18°22'04"W + 1. 991' BR 7 .242' N51°35'37"W +1. 939' BR 8 1 . 687' S24°15'23"W +2. 971' BR 9 1. 661' S30°34'45"W +2. 570' BR 10 1 .337' S51°01'41"W +4. 500' BR 1 1. 1 77' S69°37' 1 O"W +4. 71 9' Mean Error .877' S13°20'36"W +2. 718' Standard Deviation :!: . 525' ±1 .336' of Errors 6 -7 r6/l The coordinate table on the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Horizontal and Vertical Control Diagram (Figure 6.1) lists the project, MSL and MLLW datum values for each control point. From the information gathered to date, the relative accuracy of elevation values should be within :!:2.5 feet. The differences between elevations shown on the topographic mapping done by COE and MSL or MLLW datums can be found as follows: MSL elevation = (Elevation from COE map) + (4.02) + (Vertical Position Shift of nearest station*) MLLW elevation = (Elevation from COE map) + (13.63) + (Vertical Position Shift of nearest station*) 6. 5 Conclusion The new adjustment provides coordinated stations that fit well together. Future surveys based on the new coordinates will have more consistency in position deviations. Previous mapping and P-line surveys based on the old station values will have errors but the errors will only be relative to the datum and should therefore not impact design work based on them. Also, most of the previous pre-design surveys were performed to relatively low-or·der specifications and internal errors will present as much relative discrepancy as datum errors. All future work should be based on the new values as listed on the control diagram included as part of this report. ition Shift of the nearest station can be found by cross-referencing the values in Table 6.2 with the plotted location of the points as shown on the Control Diagram (Figure 6.1). 6 -8 r6/1 It is recommended that a new, stronger control network be surveyed for all future design work. It is suggested here that specifications for horizontal control should not be less than NGS Second-order and that the new network should be based on stations tied together with first-order vertica I observations. A first-order level line should be run from the tidal area to the lake area and these observations should be included in the future network adjustment. The US KH/COE control work performed in 1979 and the R&M control work performed in 1983 should be included in the future adjustment, but respective weighting should be applied based on the specification of the surveys. The current network configuration is relatively weak, consequently the new observations should be designed to strengthen the network by including balanced quadrilaterals. 6 -9 r29/i 7.0-BASIN WATER YIELD Streamflow data has been collected by the U.S. Geological S~rvey at the Bradley Lake outlet since October 1957 and at the Middle Fork and Upper Bradley River sites since October 1979. However, there are several problems with the existing data. Anomalies exist in the Bradley River data due to runoff from Nuka Glacier switching basins in late 1970 or early 1971. The data base for the Middle Fork basin is very short, and must be extended to match Bradley River records. The basin below Bradley Lake outlet and Middle Fork Diversion has not been gaged at all, yet estimates are necessary for instream flow purposes. Evaporation has to be considered. Perhaps most importantly, the Bradley Lake basin may have been undergoing a significant "land use" change, due to potentially large changes in the amount of runoff available from the glaciers in the system .. In the following sections, the logic used in modifying and extending existing flow records will be presented. The resulting flow values will be used in conducting power studies. 7.1 Nuka Glacier Runoff The terminus of Nuka Glacier is located at the basin divide between Bradley River and Nuka River. Field notes from the USGS indicate that, from 1958 until 1971, only about 259o of the runoff from Nuka Glacier was flowing into the Bradley River. However, the drainage pattern of the subglacial channels changed as the glacier terminus receded, so that by 1971 virtually all flow was going into the Bradley River. In order to have comparable flow records for the periods before and after the basin switch, records prior to 1971 must be adjusted to include the flow previously going into the Nuka River. In 1983, runoff from Nuka Glacier was again primarily flowing into the Nuka River. However, it is assumed that the runoff from Nuka Glacier will be flowing into Bradley Lake during the life of the 7 -1 r29/i project. Due to lack of continuous runoff data from Nuka Glacier, the COE attempted to adjust runoff records by estimating the snowmelt runoff from Nuka Glacier in the following manner, as reported in Design Memorandum No. 1 -Hydrology. For the period October 1957 -September 1970, the Bradley River basin area was reduced by 75 percent of the area of Nuka Glacier (assuming that 75 percent of runoff from the glacier ran into Nuka River, with the remaining 25 percent running into Bradley River). Adjustments were then made for both the estimated precipitation runoff and glacial melt flowing into Nuka River. Precipitation runoff was estimated by first estimating the glacial melt from all glaciers in the Bradley Lake basin using the snow melt option of the Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation model (SSARR), and subtracting this from the recorded flows, leaving only the precipitation runoff component from Bradley Lake. The precipitaton runoff from Nuka Glacier was then directly estimated using the drainage area ratio. Glacial melt for Nuka Glacier was then estimated using the SSARR model. Both the estimated precipitation runoff and glacial melt flowing into Nuka River from Nuka Glacier were added to the recorded flows at Bradley Lake. The adjusted flows for the period June-October were used for the hydropower studies, with the flow for November 1957 also adjusted due to unusually warm temperatures. The flows were not adjusted for the winter months (November through May), as it was assumed that Nuka Glacier is resting on bedrock and that winter precipitation falls as snow, so that neither baseflow nor rainfall runoff came from Nuka Glacier dut·ing winter months. The estimated flow added to the annual runoff for WY 1958 -WY 1970 averaged about 46 cfs. Subsequent data collected by the USGS at the Upper Bradley River site (below Nuka River) indicate that this estimate was too conservative. The annual runoff from Nuka Glacier (measured at the Upper Br·adley site) has been 146 cfs, 153 cfs, and 174 cfs in Water Years 1980, 1981, and 1982, respectively, for an estimated average annual runoff of 158 cfs. Virtually all runoff from Nuka Glacier was flowing into Bradley River at this time. If basin conditions had been the same as during WY 1958 -WY 1970, then 75°o of this flow, or 119 cfs, would have been flowing into Nuka River, considerably more than the 46 cfs estimated by the COE. However, precipitation at Seward during Water Years 1980-1982 averaged 7 -2 r29/i 82.49 inches, as compared to 61.74 inches during Water Years 1958-1970. The ratio of Seward precipitation in WY 1958-1970 to that of 1980-1982 is 0. 75. If the differences in glacier mass storage are ignored, and allowing for changes in annual precipitation, the average additional runoff from Nuka Glacier which should be added to Bradley River flows during WY 1958-1970 is therefore estimated as 0.75 (119), or 89 cfs, an increase of 43 cfs over the estimate by the COE. The 43 cfs was added to the annual runoff for Water Years 1958-1970, and distributed as monthly flows based on the pattern estimated by the COE. The revised monthly and annual flows are shown in Table 7 .1. These records are revised again to reflect the year-to-year variation of the glaciers (Section 8). 7. 2 Middle Fork Diversion Estimates by the COE for monthly flows from the Middle Fork of the Bradley River were made using only WY 1980 data. The estimates were for the months of May through October, and were made using the ratios of average monthly flows of Middle Fork and Bradley River. The ratios have been revised using three years of data, and values for all months of the year have been estimated. The Middle Fork basin covers high altitude areas with a significant glacierized area. Since no data are available for mass balance changes in the glaciers of the Middle Fork basins or for WY 80-82 in the Bradley basin, monthly flows were estimated based on flows in Table 7.1. Monthly ratios comparing average monthly flows from the Middle Fork to those from Bradley River were developed for three flow ranges, with the ranges divided at the 33rd and 67th percentiles of average monthly flow. The ratios were developed in the following manner: 7 - 3 r29/11 TABLE 7.1 BRADLEY RIVER N[AR HOM[R ADJUSTED FOR NUKA SWITCH DRAINAGE AREA= 56.1 SQUARE MILES ADJUSTED MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND J!2~r 0C_k Nov QgQ Jan Feb Ma_r illU: May ,!un Ju I Aug full! Annual 19')8 rt5 577 1 11 79 lj2 32 74 389 1378 1410 1692 4116 587 1959 ?.75 102 60 33 25 22 33 308 1055 1 1 Oil 1 1119 371 1960 181 l)lj 60 39 35 24 33 593 900 1 1 1094 572 1!03 1961 2119 111 lj 1/Y 199 1 Wl 42 30 436 9118 1361 11 G6 1258 512 1962 311 I 116 71 55 31 22 39 177 852 1101 881 500 351 1963 269 317 121 11 3 87 67 45 237 781 1512 1118 1 1228 525 19611 562 911 108 75 63 40 33 87 841 1227 1597 1151 4911 1965 lj/-1 1 lj() 8') 64 50 5? 75 1 3 1 655 1153 1227 1756 490 1966 :>9'..i 165 70 39 32 3 1 Ill 150 966 1146 2162 1819 6()lj 1967 525 611 Ll3 35 31 29 36 253 910 12111 1562 1802 5116 1968 231 224 136 99 91 105 62 30 •t 739 1140 1287 513 1115 1969 211 73 ,,, 3') 35 34 43 310 16"13 1 106') 723 1189 19"/0 1900 211 239 118 1 16 109 103 331 895 1 1111 0 740 631 19 71 197 382 76 LJ5 36 31 3 1 115 6111 13911 1262 507 396 1972 376 108 5~ 32 20 17 17 141 517 1172 1378 1019 406 19"13 111 3 123 56 34 26 24 28 128 600 918 870 908 346 ._J 19l4 515 1"/3 5il 32 23 19 23 227 551 860 1000 1501 421 1975 3116 2211 112 55 113 311 30 355 1035 1068 861! 850 1120 19-16 4211 118 ')2 39 32 26 41 206 813 1107 1153 1293 4Li3 J;:. FJr! 1!20 1114 312 326 306 178 119 354 995 1653 20119 6116 652 19/8 40l 70 3 l 311 40 42 56 291 -(55 1081 1182 959 1115 19"/9 572 161 lOll LJ3 30 2·r 31 290 712 1 0011 1883 1357 521 1980* 11B 1111 e·· 67 81 -,I, 58 326 936 1332 1304 897 5611 -) 1981* 7/9 150 1 ]() 233 160 170 310 788 908 11190 1643 885 6110 1982* 298 251 98 52 73 1!5 37 138 677 1107 9011 1780 456 * He co r'ded r29/i 1. Monthly flow ratios for each month of the year (except April), were computed for Water Years 1980, 1981 and 1982, comparing average monthly flow from the Middle Fork to that at. the Bradley Lake outlet. 2. Monthly flow duration curves were derived for each month for Bradley River, using average monthly flow instead of average daily flow. 3. The percentiles for Water Years 1980-1982 were noted. If the three flows recorded for each month fell into different flow ranges, the appropriate ratios were applied to those flow ranges. If two values fell into one flow range, the flow ratios were averaged for that range, and engineering judgment used for the range with the missing flow ratio. The ratios used are shown in Table 7.2. 4. The 3 values of flow ratios for months were then applied to the 22 years of record 1n which Middle Fork flows were not recorded. 5. Flow for April was assumed to be 4 cfs, based on recorded flows from 1980-1982. The estimated average monthly flows for the Middle Fork Bradley River from 1958-1979 are shown in Table 7.3, together with recorded values for Water Years 1980-1982. 7.3 Lower Bradley River Estimates of flows from the unregulated portion of Bradley River are necessary for assessing in stream flow impacts. The unregulated portion of Bradley River covers about 17.95 sq. mi., and includes the 7 - 5 r29/ q 1 TABLE 7.2 MIDDLE FORK/BRADLEY MONTHLY RUNOFF RATIOS Bradley River Estimated Bradley River Estimated Flow Range Middle Fork Flow Range Middle Fork Month (cfs) Ratio Month (cfs) Ratio 0-346 . 125 October 347-550 . 100 April All Flows 4 cfs 551+ .075 0-120 .100 0-191 .055 November 121-219 .060 May 192-318 .045 220+ . 110 319+ .035 0-63 . 125 0-763 .100 December 64-109 . 115 June 764-927 .100 11 0+ .050 928+ .090 0-38 . 125 0-1118 .110 January 39-71 . 110 July 1119-1327 .130 72+ .075 1328+ . 150 0-34 . 150 0-1157 . 125 February 35 69 . 125 August 1158-1457 .135 70+ .080 1458+ .110 0-30 . 100 0-813 . 105 March 31-42 . 115 Sept. 814-1247 .120 43• .070 1248+ .085 Bradley River flow ranges determined by 33rd and 67th percentiles of monthly flow duration curves. 7 -6 r29/ s 1 TABLE 7.3 MIDDLE FOR~IVERSION FLOWS (Based on ratios developed for Bradley River flows adjusted for Nuka Glacier switching·lf) '!'.Qi!J: Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar M.I !:t!Y Jun J!.!l Aug ~gg 1 Q '.>!3 ~9 611 6 6 ~ 4 11 111 126 2111 188 47 19')9 311 10 8 4 II 2 4 14 93 11 3 127 113 1960 23 9 8 II 4 2 II 21 90 152 137 60 1961 3 1 9 9 15 9 5 4 15 85 204 157 107 1%2 3~ 12 13 6 5 2 II 10 8~ 121 110 53 19(>3 34 35 6 8 7 5 4 11 78 227 163 1 II 7 19611 112 9 12 6 8 5 4 5 134 160 176 138 1965 118 8 10 7 6 4 4 7 66 150 166 1LI9 1966 115 10 8 4 5 4 4 8 87 1119 238 15~ 1967 53 6 5 4 5 3 4 11 91 161 1 72 153 1968 29 25 7 7 7 7 II 111 74 1118 1711 54 1 <)(,9 35 7 5 II lj 4 II lli 151 231 1 3 3 76 Jg-(() 1 i,3 1 3 12 9 9 8 II 12 90 172 190 78 1971 25 42 9 5 5 4 4 6 611 209 170 53 197? 38 11 7 11 3 2 II 8 52 152 186 122 1973 41 7 7 4 4 2 II -I 60 101 109 109 -..J Jg-(lj 113 10 6 II 3 2 II 10 55 95 125 128 19/5 113 25 6 6 5 4 4 12 93 117 1()8 102 1976 112 12 -I 11 5 2 4 9 81 122 1114 110 -..J 1 9 1-1 112 116 16 211 24 12 II 12 90 2118 225 68 1978 111 7 5 lj 5 5 II 13 76 119 160 115 l<JIY 43 10 12 5 5 3 lj 1 3 71 110 207 115 1980"* 98 35 9 5 5 4 11 lLI 85 208 180 115 19131** 51 8 ~ 17 9 7 II 211 92 211 183 813 19132** l~ l.l u ~ _2 _2. __.!.! __li ___fli .1!!!.! l_ll l36 Ave rage 46 19 8 7 6 4 4 12 83 162 162 101 " Nuka Glacier basin switclling assumed to occur after WY 19-/0. ** Recorded monthly average~ r29/i portion of the basin below the Bradley Lake outlet and below the proposed Middle Fork diversion site. The basin is steep and rocky, with a thin soil mantle in the lower reaches. No discharge data are available except for isolated discharge measurements. Consequently, estimates of average monthly flows were made using data from Barbara Creek, located approximately 35 miles to the southwest. Barbara Creek covers 20.7 sq. mi., contains no glaciers or lakes and ponds, and has a similar basin elevation and aspect. Flows for lower Bradley River were estimated using only the basin area below the Bradley Lake outlet and the Middle Fork diversion. Flows generated above these two points are included as Table 7.1 and 7 .3. Average monthly flows at Barbara Creek were multiplied by the ratio of average annual precipitation and drainage areas of lower Bradley River and Barbara Creek in the following manner: Adjustment Ratio = Area {Bradley) X Area (Barbara) 17.95 sq. mi. = X 20.7 sq. m1. Ave. Ann. Prec. {Bradley) Ave. Ann. Prec. (Barbara) 67 in. = 0.62 93.6 1n. Average annual precipitation for each basin was estimated using the Water Resources Atlas, U.S. Forest Service ( 1979). Recorded values for Barbara Creek were used from June 1972 through September 1982. The streamflow for Barbara Creek was extended back to October 1957 us1ng linear regression with Ninilchik River and Anchor River. The ratio developed above was then applied to the simulated monthly flows, except in certain months and years where the data did not appear reasonable based on precipitation records at Homer or on runoff patterns. The following adjustments were primarily for. high flow periods and during breakup: 7 -8 r29/i a. Flows estimated based on the ratio May flow/June flow (Barbara Creek flows) times the estimated June flows at lower Bradley River. Technique was used for May, 1958-1972. b. Based on data from Anchor River at Anchor Point. Ratios of monthly flow to average monthly flow of Anchor River at Anchor Point were multiplied by the average monthly flow of lower Bradley River for specific periods. Technique was used for the following periods. Oct-Nov, WY 1958; Dec-Feb, WY 1961 and WY 1963. c. Technique (b) was used with data from Anchor River near Anchor Point during Dec-April, in both WY 1968 and WY 1970. d. Technique (b) was used with data from Bradley River during Nov, WY 1968; Oct-Nov, WY 1970; and Nov, WY 1971. The estimated monthly flows are shown in Table 7 .4. These flows are estimates for planning purposes, and may be refined once data become available from the lower Bradley River gage installed by the USGS in May 1983. 7. 4 Evaporation Evaporation significance, evaporation from Bradley Lake was evaluated using simplified methods. The pan to Bradley Lake is located to determine its nearest long -term at the Matanuska Agricultural Experiment Station. The Matanuska station has a through long-term average precipitation of 17.94 inches for May September (U.S. Dept. of Commerce). 7 -9 m6/hh2 TABLE 7.4 EST!MA TED AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW: LOWER BRADEY RIVER, UNREGULATED AREA BELOW BRADLEY LAKE DAMSITE AND MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul s 1958 125 190 40 36 23 28 65 113 182 103 63 53 1959 51 50 24 32 23 19 29 1 1 0 1 77 99 52 50 1960 52 51 29 36 25 20 28 11 5 1 86 1 04 58 63 1961 52 42 41 75 37 22 44 112 181 104 59 99 1962 55 53 27 34 24 22 39 115 185 99 55 38 1963 49 55 25 44 61 90 30 104 167 102 47 54 1964 61 20 24 38 29 16 13 149 240 115 61 50 1965 60 71 27 23 15 29 40 1 1 5 186 120 54 88 1966 59 23 13 27 26 18 24 125 202 113 74 94 1967 75 57 34 35 21 13 16 107 172 102 56 69 1968 48 123 48 45 32 18 38 105 169 94 41 33 1969 42 27 15 24 17 13 16 87 141 91 38 30 1970 270 58 46 49 45 52 43 94 152 98 46 47 1971 47 76 22 29 21 16 1 6 112 180 1 04 6 7 48 1972 50 33 29 39 27 18 1 7 7 1 1 1 4 8 7 34 58 1973 64 32 18 13 11 10 16 66 148 92 35 43 1974 41 30 22 17 13 12 21 97 135 53 22 52 1975 66 59 29 16 13 11 11 80 213 139 40 66 1976 80 30 20 15 13 11 ?? 87 184 106 35 117 1977 105 100 74 107 80 41 33 114 202 144 97 36 1978 107 32 14 14 15 12 15 99 180 82 34 41 1979 133 56 52 28 18 13 27 96 151 82 69 39 1980 156 175 52 23 36 24 29 127 215 131 104 76 1981 134 45 28 112 61 52 42 205 160 120 61 45 1982 58 69 36 29 20 18 59 77 29 99 Average 82 62 32 37 29 24 28 107 174 102 53 60 7 -10 r-29/i Evapotranspiration estimates for Alaskan location have been computed by Patrie and Black (1968). They used the Thornthwaite equation (Thornthwaite, 1948) to compute potential evapotranspiration (PET), which is the water loss from fully vegetated land surfaces always abundantly supplied with soil moisture. The estimated PET values for Matanuska and Bear Cove (head of Kachemak Bay) are 19.76 inches and 17.47 inches, respectively. Patrie and Black compared estimates of PET between high-elevation stations and nearby low-elevation stations. Their data suggested a decrease of about 1 inch of PET per year per 500 feet of elevation difference. As there is about a 1, 130-foot difference in elevation between the Bear Cove site and the maximum pool level at Bradley Lake, this would result in a difference of 2.26 inches in annual PET between the two site. Using the elevation relationship, this results in an estimate of 15.2 inches annual PET at Bradley Lake. Comparing the Thornthwaite estimate of PET to the actual historic evaporation at Matanuska, it is seen that the evaporation is less than the PET estimate. The estimate of evaporation at Bradley Lake should this be reduced by a similar proportion. Estimated pan evaporation at Bradley Lake = Pan evaporation at Matanuska [PET at Bradley Lake] PET at Matanuska = (17.94/19.76) (15.2) = 13.8 inches pan evaporation per year. 7 -11 r29/i The rate of evaporation from small areas is greater than that from large areas. Consequently, a pan coefficient of 0. 7 is normally recommended for converting from pan evaporation to lake or reservoir evaporation. The resulting annual evaporation estimate for Bradley Lake is 9. 7 inches. The monthly distribution of evaporation is assumed to follow that at Matanuska station. The resulting monthly evaporation estimates are tabulated in Table 7. 5, together with estimated average monthly reservoir elevation and surface area and the adjustment to streamflow. As expected with the cool, damp climate and the cold water of Bradley Lake, evaporation from the reservoir is minimal. Flow adjustments for previously presented. below Bradley Lake, evaporation have not been made in records The str'3amgage site on the Bradley River is and thus already has evaporation subtracted from the flow. Additional evaporation due to the increased surface area of the lake will be quite small. 7 -12 r29/ rl TABLE 7.5 BRADLEY LAKE EVAPORATION ESTIMATES Average Inches of Average Lake Lake Surface Average Loss Month Evaporation Elevation ( ft) Area (acres) of Flow (cfs) May 2.4 1125 2810 9 June 2.3 1130 2920 9 July 2.2 1150 3350 10 August 1.6 1170 3570 8 September 1.2 1150 3350 6 7 -13 r29/i 7. 5 References 1. Patrie, J. H. and Black, P. E. 1968. Potential Evapotran~piration and 2. 3. Climate in Alaska by Thornthwaite' s Classification, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Research Paper, PNW-71, Juneau, Alaska, 28 p. Thornthwaite, C.W. 1948. An Approach Toward a Rational Classification of Climate, Geogr. Rev. 38: 55-94. U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. 1981. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Design Memorandum · No. 1, Hydrology .. 4. U.S. Department of Commerce. Annual. Climatological Data, Alaska, Annual Summary, Environmental Science Services Administration, Asheville, North Carolina. 5. U.S. Forest Service. 1979. Water Resources Atlas for USDA Forest Service Region X. 6. U.S. Geological Survey. Annual. Water Resources Data for Alaska. 7 -14 r29/k 8.0 -GLACIER HYDROLOGY 8.1 Introduction This section addresses the problem of the effect of glaciers on the proposed Bradley Lake hydroelectric power project. It does so with little field data, and is therefore severely limited. Since most North American hydrologists are relatively unfamiliar with the effects of glaciers on runoff, some general remarks about glaciers are first introduced, followed by several case histories in parts of the world where long-term effects of glaciers on water supply are much better known than in Alaska. This provides the perspective for the discussion of relevant Alaskan glaciers, and finally for the Bradley Lake glaciers themselves, and their effect on runoff since stream gauging began in 1958. 8.2 Glaciers and Water Supply Glacierized basins possess water reservoirs in solid form, which regulate runoff in unique ways. On the short time scale, there is the beneficial regulation due to the fact that the dry weather that would produce low streamflows in an unglacierized basin usually generates copious glacier melt water even in lightly glacierized basins (Figure 8.1). On the long-time scale there is the less beneficial effect of depletion of the ice reservoir that rna kes prediction of future water supply difficult by conventional techniques. Climate is clearly the ultimate control on glacier behavior, but before discussing it, the response of a glacier itself needs to be described. Consider the simplest climate change, a sudden and permanent one less favorable for the glacier. The glacier. will respond by shrinking its ablation area (that lower half or so of the glacier where melting exceeds snow accumulation) until its net annual balance of ice mass 8 -l OWN. CICil DATE. SCALE. • E ~ c: 2 10 ::e .c .. ucod• A. •&ohr R 0 N Fk. Nook•oc\ R. ~~----------~.~o~----------.,~o----------~.J~o-----------.~.o~----------..s~o----------~60 Variance of summer runoff versus percent of glacierized areas for several drainage basins in the North Cascades (Krimmel and Tangborn,l974) [ Figure a. 1 ] ::~~~ PRO.l.NQ ....___________.. 1--------iDWI.NQ R&.M CONSULTANTS, INC. •NGtN•••• ••GU:Ma••T• ~ANN«~-•w.-vavDIIa 8 - 2 r29/k lost is zero. At this point the glacier is in equilibrium with the new climate. An important practical point is how long this attainment of equilibrium requires, because during the equilibration tim~ the glacier continues to produce runoff out of storage, although at a steadily decreasing rate. The answer depends upon the details of the flow of ice from the upper, "accumulation" area of the glacier down to the ablation area. This is only partially understood. Theory suggests that typical response times may be on the order of a century for glaciers such as those 1n the Bradley Lake basin. Therefore water might be produced from storage for many decades after permanent climate change. However, the climate trends of the last century indicate that this simple scenario is extremely improbable. Starting from 1900, for example, the annual temperature of the Northern Hemisphere has not been steady, but instead has been steadily increasing up to about 1940 (Figure 8.2). This increase in temperature, if continued, would tend to remove water from ice storage until the glacier disappeared, although at a steadily decreasing rate. However, a marked cooling of the Northern Hemisphere began in the 1940's and continued until the mid 1960's, when temperatures became relatively stable. Obviously, the scenario is rather complex, and today's cooler temperatures suggest that significantly less water is being produced from storage than in the early 1950's, regardless of the uncertainty in glacier response time. Unfortunately, Figure 8. 2 represents only a Northern Hemisphere average temperature trend, while local temperature trends can be rather different and more complex. Nor is temperature itself a unique indicator of glacier behavior, with precipitation and other factors being equally important. For perspective on the Br·adley Lake problem, case histories where more data are available (and interpretation further advanced than in Alaska) have been examined. 8 -3 I I tSl I CD 1: I I i I iOl I I ...... I tSl l (J) til l.IJ Ol I ...... ...... ....J < I :X tSl 0 z U1 < Ol ...... w 0:: :::1 ...... (5I < ...r 0:: Ol w .... 0.. :::.!: w ...... ....J (5I < (T) :::1 Ol z ""!' z < tSl l.IJ N 0:: Ol w ...... :I: 0.. (J) .... tSl ::E -w Ol :I: z ..... 0:: w t$l :I: l:s1 ...... m 0:: 0 z -' I !$1 I (J) (I) .... I I {,';) I CD I CD I - I ISl Ill IS1 (,.) lSI Ill ~ . . ~ ~ .... 0 -I I I [ J F. B. OWN. GRill CKD. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. Figure 8.2 PRO.J.Nil .HGIN •• RS oecu.oateTs •t.ANN«•• •u•v••o•• DATE. OWG.NQ SCALE. 8 -4 r29/k 8.3 Case Histories 8.3. 1 Switzerland -Aletsch Gletscher and Grande Dixence Aletsch Glacier I the largest in Switzerland with an area of ? 65 km-1 has been very carefully studied for many years (Anonymous, 1983). The glacier-climate relationships, and the effect of the glacier on the hydrology of the 66% in Figure 8.3. glacierized basin, are summarized Figures 8.3.d shows that the glacier relatively stable since the early 1950's. volume has been The records in the figure have been divided into pre-and post-1952 categories, and the results summarized in Table 8.1. TABLE 8.1 ALETSCH GLACIER WATER BALANCES Basin Averages Precipitation Water from Ice Storage Runoff 1920-1952 2.22 m/yr 0.40 2.42 1952-1977 2.36 m/yr -0.05 2.08 Prior to 1952 Aletsch Glacier was supplying about 17°6 of the basin runoff from ice loss, but after 1952 the average was zero or even negative. The loss of runoff from ice melting was partially compensated for by a 696 increase in precipitation 1 but the runoff still decreased by 12%. The decreased runoff 1 rom Aletsch Glacier is fairly typical of conditions in the Swiss Alps. The 50°6 glacierized Grande Oixence hydroelectric project, the largest in Switzerland,· 8 -5 OWN. CKO. ., Summet eir t.,-,oerarures a.....-o~-............... -i ........ JWo,o,A\lQOalJ1r--"-...-~ 1'101-19600!'1'<:-;.--... bl SWiss climat1· ,864-1965 ................ ._. .... _._tal -Aif tempeniR.H .t in ~c C) Hydrologte regime •n me Aletsch reoton 1920/21-1976t n ~ ..... ~r~;_kwu.~~ l.~-.»~ Ct~-MA,iSA 8""-.o<tH.I..._ Swf.-..,._ ltsllm" ............. ~ ~d-~ Prec..,.taoon !Nl Run-oH !AI V•riation in •torl9• UU a...e ..,..._. 01--~ (-...... _...,... ~..,.oi21C11'100W.,..ea.MdD,- ~ ........ ,, R • /1.1 ~!A-+ ~H __ .., _ _,.,._ 19151.1/SJ-t!IIIBJJO' N • 222.3 em A • 20l.6 em A ... -0.3 em !Balanced tegtme) dl Variations 1n mass of the Aletsch gtac.an;: 1922 -t9n fqttl ...... _ .. [)Oft!£ 81 1oo'1QII l Oct- 192;2 .... ~1'ft"d.,.-,lt!oc•- IIbt<)'!oc:.,_.,.._.,..,. .. ol J9611m" Climatic, hydrologic, and glacial trends in the Swiss Alps. (Anonymous, 1983) R&M CONSULTANTS. INC. DATE. aNOtNaa~~t• o•aLoot•Y• .._ANN••• eu•v•vo•• [ SCALE. 8 - 6 ] OWG.NQ F. B. GRID. Figure 8.3 PROJ.NQ r29/k 8.3.2 suffered on unexpected 13% shortfall of water during its first 14 years of operation up to 1979, because of the loss of water production from ice storage (Bezinge, 1979). The mapping of terminal positions of Swiss glaciers indicates that, on the average, the glaciers are presently stable (Anonymous, 1983, and Figure 8.4). Norway Norway has a large glaciological program in connection with hydropower development. A product is shown in Figure 8. 5, which shows the long-term water production from storage from the glaciers in the 24% glacierized basin Oyreselv in western Norway (Haakensen and others, 1982). The negative of the slope of the curve in Figure 8.5 is the glacier balance on a yearly basis, (i.e. a positive slope from Figure 8.5 indicates a negative mass balance). The figure is based on only 6 years of balance data, which was used to determine a balance model from climatic data 1n order to reconstruct balance for the missing years. A break in slope is evident in the 1940's. Since then glacier balance has continued negative, so that water has still tended to be produced from storage, but at a smaller rate. Assuming the model is valid, these glaciers have produced only about 2°o of the runoff over the time period indicated, and their smoothing effect on yearly runoff has been only moderate. This is illustrated by Figure 8.6, which shows what the runoff would have been had the glaciers been stable each year. This only moderate influence of glaciers may be typical of maritime climates (as opposed to drier environments) due to the larger flow of water through the hydrologic system. 8 -7 Variations de Ia position des fronts gfaciaires dans tes Alpes Suisses 1890191 -1981182 ~lambre des glaciers en crue et en d~crue, en pcurcents du nombre total des glaciers observes 100 75 -w "" (.) ; 5(1 z < > Q c < ~ -~ OWN. CKD. DATE , SCALE. "' E 0 c -en -0 en <D '-. --·--------" 0 0 en en <D ....- 0 -en 0 en - 0 N 0 M 0 -.:r -en M en 0 0 <D I' --en en 1.0 <D en en - Variations in the positions of glacier termini in the Swiss Alps, 1890/81 -1981/82 (Anonymous, 1983) ~'!':~-c;,~~-~~~.;T~~.r~,.!~= [ ~--------------- Figure 8.4 8 - 8 0 <D en I' en 0 r~-0 i ! ; QJ I o II! ~ 25 ........ (1) ::l -0. :u (1) 0 m ~ 50 c -4 (1) (1) :u ::l m "" > 75 -4 - OWN. ---- CKD. DATE. SCAL.E ------ 1Q5 m) Joo~ + 100 l + 100+ I I ...!. 0 I '--1 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Accumulated extra runoff to the water gage no. 982 ¢yreselv from the glacier Folgefonni during the period 1923-1972. (Haakensen and others, 1982) [ ;;.. C:,!'!.'~-~!:' ':.T~~-T"!!.~'o'!!::: [ Figure 8.5 J 8 -9 FB. GRID. PROJ NO DWG.NO OWN. CKO. DATE. SCALE. MEASURED CORRECTED FOR GLACIER INFLUENCE 300 200 I ·' ~ I 1930 I I I/ y 1950 ·' 1960 Observed and glacier corrected annual runoff to the water gage No. 982 ¢yreselv during the period 1923-1972 (Haakensen and others, 1982) [ R&M CCNSULTANTS1 INC. Figure 8.6 .NO IN •• ,.. ca•aL.aateT• -"t..ANN··· aUIIIV.YD•e 8 -10 1970 l F. B. GRID. PROJ.NQ OWG.NQ r29/k 8.3.3 8.3.4 Pacific Northwest, U.S .A. Figure 8. 7 shows the cumulative balances for the Thunder Creek glaciers and for the South Cascade Glacier in basins 14.5% and 46% glacierized, both in the Cascade Mountains of Washington (Tangborn, 1980a). The Thunder Creek glaciers appear to have been storing, rather than releasing, ice since the mid-1940's. South Cascade Glacier, however, has continued to produce water from ice storage. This particular difference in glacier balance is thought to be mainly due to different glacier area-altitude distributions, rather than local climate variations. Since only recent glacier balance data are available, and only from South Cascade Glacier, Figure 8. 7 represents a reconstruction that is subject to serious uncertainty. Nevertheless, Tangborn's approach is of great interest, and later in this report it is applied to the Bradley Lake glaciers. His idea is to attempt reconstruction of glacier balances by comparing measured runoff with that from a nearby unglacierized basin. These reconstructed balances are then used to determine a balance -climate model, as done in Norway and elsewhere. Glacier Contribution to Long-Term Runoff The idea of the production of water from glacier ice storage is not new in North America, as illustrated by Table 8.2. Several authors have recognized its importance. In addition to the rivers cited, the effect of 0.49o glacierization also seems to have a significant effect on runoff from the Columbia River (Tangborn, 1980b). 8 -11 OWN. CKO. DATE. SCALE. "' w ~ 0 V> ~ ~ ;!; "'' w u z " ;t "' "' "' " ~ w > .... " ::; ~ :l " ·0 -10 ~ I I I -20 ~ I I -30 I I I -40 ~ I -so~ I I _ .. r -70 ~ THUNDER CRHK GLACIEnS -----PRECIPITATION-TEMPERATURE / ~RUNOFF MODEL ~\/ "-,, "-.. , \ 'l /·~, \• MODEL ~ SOUTf' CASCADE GLACIER PREC IPI T~T ION TEMPERATURE MODEL MEASURED ~ \ ,, I ~ I ~ I I I -a~8L8_0 -----,.~.-o--~~,9~oo--~--,.~,o------,.~,o------,.~lo------,.~.-o-----,.~s~o----~,~.o~--~ .• ~,o~--~ i'EAA Cumulative balances for the Thunder Creek glaciers (upper curves) and South Cascade Glacier (lower curves) for the 1884-1974 period. The solid lines are cumulative annual balances derived from the precipitation-temperature model. The dashed curve for the Thunder Creek glaciers is from balances calculated by the run-off model (1920-1974). The dashed curve for south Cascade Glacier is from actual field measurements of annual balance (1958-74). (Tangborn,l980a). F. B. R&M CCNSULTANTS1 INC. [ Figure 8.7 ] GRID. aNGINaeiiJia CilaCJLOGIWTa ..._ANN··· aUJIV.YOJIW PROJ.NQ OWG.NQ 8 -12 r29/k River Upper North Saskatchewan Tanana Susitna 8.3.5 TABLE 8.2 CONTRIBUTION OF GLACIER WASTING TO RUNO_FF, NORTH AMERICAN RIVERS 96 Glacier Time % Wasting Interval Glacierization to Runoff Reference 1948-66 20 4 Henoch ( 1971) (small) approx. 5 Anderson (1970) 1949-80 4 approx. 13 R&M and Harrison (1981) Summary These case histories illustrate that a major climate shift occurred around 1950, prior to which most glaciers had been producing water out of ice storage. Since then less water has been produced, but the pattern is complex, varying with local conditions and glacier area -altitude distribution. For a given amount of glacierization, glaciers seem to have less impact on water supply when the setting is maritime and there is heavy precipitation over all the basin. It seems evident, on the basis of this large scale geographic experience, that one cannot assume that glaciers will continue to produce water out of storage decades into the future. 8 -13 r29/k 8.4 Glaciers of Alaska Glacier balance data are available from the Brooks and Al?ska Ranges, Southcentral, and Southeast Alaska. Most relevant are the data from the Alaska Range and Southcentral Alaska. A large mass loss from East Fork Glacier, (in the Susitna River basin) crudely estimated to be an average of 50 m total between 1949 and 1980, indicates that significant water production from glacier ice storage occurred then (R&M and Harrison, 1981). However, the mass loss of Gulkana Glacier, 80 km to the east, has been relatively small si nee measurements began m 1966. This suggests that water production was considerably larger during the earlier part of the 1949-1980 interval. In fact, the balance of G ul kana Glacier seems to have been stable for the past few years, although the data are not yet completely reduced or published (Larry Mayo, private communication). Balance data potentially extremely useful for the Bradley Lake Project come from Wolverine Glacier on the Kenai Peninsula, where measurements began in 1966 (Meier and others, 1980). These data show a strongly positive balance since 1976, which Mayo and Trabant (1982) have analyzed in terms of a simple temperature model. This model should be valid as long as the strong southerly air flow responsible for these positive balances persists. In this model the behavior of balance on temperature is complex and not even monotonic. An important feature of this 72°o glacierized basin is that although precipitation has been lost into ice storage since 1976, the basin runoff has increased, because of the dominance of the increased precipitation. We recall that precipitation also increased after 1952 on Aletsch Glacier, but not sufficiently to compensate for the cessation of water production from ice storage. This illustrates that when considering runoff, the obvious question is not only how ice storage varies, but whether it is accompanied by a change in precipitation. 8 -14 r29/k The average water equivalent thickness change of the Bradley Lake glaciers between 1952 and 1979 has been estimated from sequential aerial photos. Details are in Appendix A. The loss amounts to (68±90) x 108 ft3 , or an equivalent water thickness of 14±18 ft. averaged over the glaciers. An important result is that although Kachemak and Nuka Glaciers have retreated, the upper basins have actually thickened. This suggests that the balances toward the end of the 1952-1978 interval have actually been positive, despite the cumulative negative balance. This seems consistent with the Wolverine Glacier observations, and with those from Gulkana Glacier that suggest little recent water from ice storage. In a longer perspective, it is possible that the switch to comparatively stable glacier balances that were typical of the late 1940's or early 1950's in much of the Northern Hemisphere may have occurred slightly later in Central and Southern Alaska. At any rate, when correcting the Bradley Lake flow records for the effects of glaciers, it is expected that the effects will be stronger in the earlier part of the records. This is probably a reasonably safe assumption that can be used as a check on the more detailed Tangborn balance model described in the following sections. 8. 5 Tangborn Runoff-Precipitation Model Tangborn (1980) has proposed a runoff-precipitation (RP) model for estimating long-term glacier balances by relating measured climatic variables with differences in runoff between a glacierized basin and nearby nonglacierized basin. Before applying the model to the Bradley Lake basin, the model was tested against the measured annual mass balances at Wolverine Glacier, located 25 mi (40 km) northeast of Seward and 75 miles (120 km) northeast of the Bradley Lake basin. 8 -15 r29/k The Wolverine Creek basin is heavily glaciated, with 72<?6 of the 9.5 sq. mi. (24.9 sq. km.) basin covered by Wolverine Glacier. Annual mass balance data on Wolverine Glacier exist since Water Year 1966 (Mayo and Trabant, 1982). The basin streamflow was gaged from Water Year 1967 to 1978. Two nonglacierized basins (Ship Creek and West Fork Olson Bay Creek) were used to calibrate the model. Seward was selected as the most applicable weather station, as it is a coastal station, measuring the major weather patterns from the Gulf of Alaska. The locations of the drainage basins and the weather station are shown on Figure 8.8. The mountain drainage basins used in this analysis are similar in most respects except that one basin is heavily glacierized and the others are not. If glacier cover were the only difference, changes in annual runoff could be attributed solely to the loss or gain in mass of the glaciers in the Wolverine Creek basin. precipitation between the basins make variable necessary (Tangborn, 1980a). However, differences in the inclusion of another The hydrologic balance of each basin is: s = p 9 g and Where: s = p = R = E = Subscript g = Subscript n = E g (glacierized basin) (nonglacierized basin) change in water storage (all forms) precipitation runoff net evaporation -condensation glacierized basin nonglacierized basin 8 -16 ( 1 ) (2) CX> I 1-' -...J . ... , ' . . . .-i ;·' ' . . .. " ' , , ., .,h·. ·: /.·.·: \·, ~ ·~2 .. :;';>~:.···•····;: ·\~" \~f~ .. ;,,:: .. ~~-~>:··:~~,;~~':::::.\;,~:.f.:;;.~~-:::.J:;.··;r;,;-.<,"~0<;·~~',~p'"(Ji.;~·:. { . 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'./ '\:"'"~1 /),c, f:'"(m'·'.''', • ---=,:-;~;;;--" ,,\I j-· \,. ~ \. , ~ ,., .._,.,,,,,,. ~~· ,,,,, ~. ";p:i r /' ·, ,1,1._0 ) )'•'"" •;,, c;.:J., l I_; c•'' 1 ' ,· '' \ ( lh ~ / ~·• n '\ .J."" :.. ' -" t' V " \I ..J V • '-' J \ ~ ,!1 ' ,. ( ~ " \ -1' . ~ ~ / ( ,, • ' :-. " I' 0 I I c' c~ riultJ I I} I yu / I ·' ) "• \ • -.-,,1• "'" ., u • ' · ;J f\. I_ , ' , ! ' I ( •\) \• ··:-· I' J ' ' I .. ·-::-::·o..,. ' ·· G ·1· .. 1~··oey ...... /) ~ ~.,~.:.t~<:~·~wOLVERINE·,m:vu,·lm.t./ \[!:,(!IJNIJ O" l· .· · ·;:-: •• t:::. ;~,;~~" <1~·~n,., 'r· ... : 1•• :-~· ,.:;, '"'>:) ~ S')'"'"""''"' r ,,,·'.-' 1 <;''~'"''' ·) . \ ) ,. ' ..... · ....... --..... I ,•, ~~GLACIER '(-I ·"'"""''' "•' ' I . -.. ' " '. ·:·'f''j'"' ;::· \~~::(:--......... -~· •. /-<-\~)· O· ' \ ,., •• >l''' I I'' ','' . ·r· r ·1 1 ·"" .\ !_ . ~ ~~o,-J : ... '-• "·:·<'.' r,' J''.'~·;\...,..!7~·&\ ( 1 ~'' \' ,. \ ,, 1. \ \ \\'""''' , ')·· -~-,.V) \ •, • ... '1 ··;'/· ~ ) . '"'"'", " I , • \. 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I ''-'~-·--J:·'\i,.'c\ \lu :f"\ , I t-, .. .;>-··--~·., '.J ,~.J (··c:.s-I · .. ~ • I ';'J .\o ..., _.. ~-.-.., I ~ ':: ~~· h ~~ . :'.1 ,r /__) ' ( 1 J ' 't-~ ,1 ; 1 , ..... · .,1:, ~~ , .,1. £1 •/', /11«nd 1 -. ! ~ ~ ; ' . '..:~· ' : ; ,-;_1 " .. ' J i, /·/ r., .. P i' ,\ ~. -u-·· . "'·' l ). N ''-' /,t,,,<l I _.-~J,.J: •.. /./.'. (} .. (!c...:· r· Location map for stations used in Tangborn Runoff-Precipitation model !) u r29/k The difference between s 9 and Sn for any time period is the difference in the water balance for the two basins. When the variables are summed over one hydrologic year: s = n (P - R - E ) 9 9 9 (P -R -E ) n n n (3) (4) where S and S are annual balances for the glacierized and 9 n nonglacierized basins, respectively. The annual balance of the nonglacierized basin (S ) is approximately n equal to zero. The difference between basin balances (S -S ) is g n then: s = 9 [(R - R ) -(P - P ) -(E - E )] n g n g g n (5) It is now assumed that the annual precipitation each basin receives can be related to the annual precipitation at an index weather station, multiplied by a unique coefficient for each basin. It is also assumed that the net evaporation-condensation in each basin is the same. These assumptions are expressed as: p = M X p g a p = N X p n a E - E = 0 9 n 8 -18 r29/k P is the annual precipitation (hydrologic year, October-September) a at a low-elevation index station and M and N are coefficients representative of the two basins. For a hydrologic ye':lr, Equation (5) now becomes: s :: g [(R -R ) -(M-N) P ] n g a (6) The glacierized portion of the Wolverine Creek basin is the major source of annual water-balance variations. The annual balance, Ba, is equal to the storage S divided by this glacierized fraction of the g total basin a rea. B = S I Af a g where Af is the fraction of glacier cover. The final expression for annual balance of the glaciers can now be simplified to B :: :;E ( ( R -R ) -k x P ]/ Af a n g a (7) Where B a I R n I R g , and P a are all hydrologic year (October 1 - September 30) values. The coefficient k can be determined if B , R , R , and P are all a n g a known for a period of time greater than one year. The annual values for each of parameters are summed over the calibration period, and the terms re-arranged to calculate k. k :: ( :;E Rn -:;E R -Af x :;E B )/ :;E P g a a (8) 8 -19 r29/k The value for the coefficient k was computed separately using data from Ship Creek (1967-1978) and West Fork Olsen Bay Creek (1967-1978). The data used for the computation of the ~ coefficients are shown in Table 8.3. Results for the 1967-1978 period are shown in Table 8.4. The Tangborn model appears to give reasonable results. Year-to-year variations may be caused by variations in the annual precipitation patterns. 8.6 Application to Bradley Lake Basin The Tangborn runoff-precipitation model was then applied to the glaciers of the Bradley Lake basin. Data were much more sparse for Bradley Lake than for Wolverine Creek. No annual mass balance data exist for glaciers in the Bradley Lake basin. To circumvent this problem, existing aerial photographs from 1952 and 1979 were used to photogrammetrically determine the change in mass Although not all of the glacierized areas were of the glaciers. covered by the photography, there are sufficient data to obtain an estimate of mass change. These were used tQ help determine the different responses of the glaciers to climate changes. The total water equivalent loss estimated for the Bradley Lake glaciers between 1952 and 1980 was (68±90) x 108 cu. ft., for an average thickness of 14::18 feet over the glacierized area. Details on the computation of the estimated volume change are in Appendix A. Although flow records from Bradley River in Water Years 1953-1957 are not necessary for the power planning studies, estimates are required for the flow records to match the balance estimates, in order to distribute the annual mass storage or loss of the glaciers. The only other glacial river on the Kenai Peninsu Ia with records back to WY 1953 is the Kenai River at Cooper Landing. Consequently, a linear regression equation relating annual runoff at Bradley River to 8 -20 r29/j1 Hydrologic Year 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Total 1967-1978 Total 1968-1978 Drainage Area (Sq. Mi.) Percent Glacierized Computed k TABLE 8.3 VERIFICATION DATA, WOLVERINE GLACIER MASS BALANCE TEST Annual Precipi- Ship West Fork Olsen Wolverine tation Creek Bay Creek Creek Seward R R n1 n2 Rg Pa (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) 27.9 81.59 173. 19 68.09 23.2 83.71 120.98 45.30 13.0 71.31 102.41 41.72 22.0 119.87 95.08 85.80 25.5 93.54 97.69 67.25 22.2 . 81.69 129.99 51.64 19.8 83.48 99.31 56.20 16.2 54.51 152.60 44.36 21.3 106.43 110.32 75.12 17. 1 75.44 134.05 61.69 33.1 164.70 140.61 111.76 21.9 73.51 122.09 50.37 263.2 1089.78 1478.32 759.30 1305.13 691.21 90.5 4. 78 9.51 0 0 72 -1.690 -0.602 8 -21 Annual Mass Balance Wolverine Glacier Ba (in.of Water) -61.4 -11.6 -2.6 76.8 25.6 -28.9 28.9 -40.7 8.5 -20.5 80.9 40.0 95.0 156.4 r29/}2 (1) (2) TABLE 8.4 VERIFICATION TEST RESULTS Estimated Balance.( B ) . a from Nonglacierized Basins Measured W. Fork Olsen Balance Ship Creek 1 Bay Creek 2 Year (in. of Water) (in. of Water) (in. of Water) 1967 -61.4 -41.9 -70.3 1968 -11.6 -29.5 -13.9 1969 -2.6 -26.2 -8.3 1970 76.8 100.0 106.2 1971 25.6 57.6 50.5 1972 -28.9 -28.5 -23.9 1973 28.9 21.5 25.0 1974 -40.7 -85.3 -99.2 1975 8.5 52.7 57.4 1976 -20.5 -17.6 -29.8 1977 80.9 113.1 126.9 1978 40.0 -20.9 -25.4 Total 1967-1978 95.0 95.0 95.2 B = 1 . 389 ( R - R ) + 2. 348 P a 1 n 1 ·g a B = 1 . 389 ( R - R ) + 0. 836 P a 2 n 2 g a 8 -22 r29/k that at Kenai River was established to extend Bradley River flows to WY 1953. The following annual runoff values (inches) were estimated: 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 141.5 106.9 105.7 96.0 116. 1 Details on modification of streamflow records for the switching of drainage basins of runoff from Nuka Glacier are included Section 7.1, Nuka Glacier Runoff. Ship Creek annual runoff data were used for the nonglacial flow data. Seward was selected as the nearest weather station for data representative of that at Bradley Lake. It was assumed that 38% of the Bradley Lake basin was glacierized. Using the above data, the following values and equations were determined: ~R = 640.8 n ~R = 3093.0 g ~Ra = 1704.06 ~B = -168 a The coefficient k was then estimated as k = -l. 402. This resu I ted in an equation for annual mass balance change of: B = 2. 632 ( R -R ) + 3. 689 P a a n g 8 -23 r29/k This equation was then applied to Water Years 1953-1979 to estimate annual mass balance of the Bradley Lake glaciers. The conversion from change in glacier mass balance to change in Bradley River flow is 1 inch/year (glacier balance change) = 1. 57 cfs (Bradley River gage). The results of the analysis are shown in Table 8. 5. Of the 168 inches of water equivalent contributed by the glaciers, 44 inches were distributed to Water Years 1953-1957. Consequently, the adjustment to streamflow during the period of WY 1958 -WY 1979 was (0.38) (-124) = -47 cfs. As can be seen from Table 8.5, there is considerable year-to-year variation. It is important to note that in years when the glacier mass balance is positive, streamflow records indicate flows lower than those which would have occurred if the glacier had not gained mass. Consequently, streamflow values were increased in those years. The change in annual runoff was distributed to the months of June-September, using a thawing degree-days index. Using average monthly temperature at Homer, the distribution of change in flow to each month was computed by: Monthly Proportion of Change = 12 :;E ( T m -38 ° F) m = 9 Where: T = average monthly temperature at Homer m = month (9 = June, 10 = July, 11 = August, 12 = September 38°F = Base temperatures for thawing degree-days, allowing for temperature lapse rate between Homer and glaciers. 8 -24 r29/j3 TABLE 8.5 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED GLACIER MASS BALANCE CHANGES AT BRADLEY LAKE, AND ADJUSTMENT TO FLOW RECORDS Estimated Glacier Balance Water Year (Inches of Water Equivalent) Adjustment to Annual Runoff (cfs) Adjusted Bradley River Runoff (cfs) 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Total 81 0 1 -43.2 28.2 -22.9 -87.2 11.0 5. 1 24.3 50.4 19.7 -68.8 -16.4 -9.5 -88.7 -23 .l -36.1 -123.2 -27.2 63.1 -9.5 39.1 -61.7 65.8 -9.6 84.3 -20.8 7.8 -168.0 (Prior to streamgage period of record) 8 -25 17 8 38 79 31 -108 -26 -15 -139 -36 -57 -194 -43 99 -15 61 -97 103 -15 132 -33 12 604 387 441 591 382 417 468 475 465 510 358 295 588 495 391 407 324 523 428 784 382 533 r29/k The change in annual runoff was multiplied by 12 to convert to total monthly runoff, and distributed to the months of June -September based on the percentages developed above. The values previously adjusted for the Nuka Glacier switch (Table 7.1) were then adjusted again for glacier balance changes, resulting in the recommended flow values in Table 8.6. The flow values in Table 8.6 are the estimated flows if the glacier did not change in mass in any year (i.e., no water was stored or released from ice storage in the glaciers). The monthly flow values in Table 8. 6 reflect a scenario where the glaciers do not change in mass from year-to-year, but instead remain in a static condition. As a planning tool, this scenario does not allow the major benefit of having a hydroelectric project on a glacial river, that of having a sustained water supply under normal drought conditions. If climate conditions during the first 25 years of the project life were similar to those of the existing period of record, then flows in Table 7.1 would be representative. However, it has already been shown that an estimated 14 feet of water equivalent has been contributed by melting away of the glaciers. A minor shift in climate could have caused the glaciers to be back at the same state as they were at the beginning of the period. Consequently, a second flow scenario has been developed in Table 8. 7, in which the trend of glacier wasting has been removed from flow records. The removal of this trend decreases average annual runoff by approximately 10 cfs from that in Table 7. 1. In this scenario, glaciers have the same mass at the beginning and end of the period of record. The flow records reflect the year-to-year storage or wasting caused by differences in climatic conditions, thus providing the increased water supply during drought conditions. 8 -26 r29/u2 TABLE 8.6 BRADLEY RIVER NEAR HOMER ADJUSTED FOR NUKA SWITCH AND GLACIER BALANCE CHANGES DRAINAGE AREA= 56.1 SQUARE MILES ADJUSTED MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND Year Oc_!, Nov De~ ,!a!} Feb Mar Allr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Annual 1958 715 577 111 79 42 32 711 389 1430 11,-ro 1750 475 604 1959 275 102 60 33 25 22 33 308 1070 1080 1070 436 379 1960 187 94 60 39 35 211 33 593 990 1320 1230 651 1!111 1961 2119 11!4 179 199 1 o·r 42 30 436 1160 1650 11140 1440 591 1962 347 116 71 55 31 22 39 177 937 1220 1000 541 382 1963 269 3H 12 7 113 87 67 45 237 560 1120 1090 944 4H 1961! 562 94 108 75 63 40 33 87 769 1140 1510 1090 1168 1965 477 140 85 6ll 50 55 "15 1 3 1 625 1100 1180 1710 475 1966 595 165 70 39 32 31 111 150 596 660 1690 1480 1165 1967 525 611 lt3 35 31 29 36 253 820 1110 11130 1730 510 1968 231 224 136 99 91 105 62 307 585 929 1060 416 358 1969 271 73 41 35 34 43 310 1080 820 466 308 295 1970 1900 211 239 118 11 109 103 331 T/1 1170 1250 660 588 1971 197 382 76 45 36 31 31 115 862 1750 1670 710 495 CD 1972 376 108 32 20 17 17 141 4811 1120 1320 987 391 19 7 3 413 123 34 26 24 28 128 760 1150 1090 1030 IW7 1974 575 173 50 32 23 19 23 227 309 530 652 1250 3211 "-> 1975 3116 224 112 55 43 34 30 355 1280 11150 1250 1090 523 ....... 1976 4211 118 52 39 32 26 lt1 206 7Tl 1050 1100 1260 1128 1977 420 414 312 326 306 178 119 3 511 1350 2100 2550 927 784 19"/8 407 70 31 311 40 42 56 291 670 966 1050 889 382 1979 572 161 1011 IJ3 30 27 31 290 739 1050 1930 1390 533 1980 1170 411 8~) 67 81 74 58 326 936 1332 1304 891 564 1981 779 150 110 233 160 170 310 788 908 1490 1643 885 640 1982 298 251 98 52 73 45 37 138 677 11 o·r 904 1"{80 1156 r29/u1 TABLE 8.7 ORAOLEY RIVER NEAR HOMER ADJUSTED FOR NUKA SWITCH AND FOR TREND OF GLACIER WASTING DRAINAGE AREA= 56.1 SQUARE MILES AD.JUSIED MONT11LY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YCQ!: Q£!. .t:fov QfJ9. Jan Feb Mar Apr May JUQ J.!!! Aug Seg Annual 19')8 775 577 111 79 42 32 711 389 1340 1360 16110 422 573 19':")9 275 102 60 33 25 22 33 308 1030 1020 1010 lJ02 363 1960 187 94 60 39 35 24 33 593 879 1130 1060 553 394 1961 2119 1114 179 199 107 42 30 lJ36 915 1320 1130 1230 500 1962 347 1 16 71 55 31 22 39 177 833 1070 853 491 344 1963 269 317 12/ 113 87 67 45 237 765 1480 1450 1210 517 1964 562 94 108 75 63 40 33 87 813 1190 1560 1130 1184 1965 477 140 85 64 50 55 75 1 31 635 1120 1193 1720 480 1966 595 165 'ill 39 32 31 41 150 942 1110 2130 1800 595 1967 525 64 113 35 31 29 36 253 885 1200 1520 1780 536 1968 231 224 136 99 91 105 62 307 720 1110 1260 501 1108 1969 277 73 Ill 35 35 34 43 310 1650 1520 10110 708 482 1970 1900 211 239 118 116 109 103 331 858 1280 1360 716 618 1971 197 382 .76 45 36 31 31 115 619 1360 1220 487 386 00 1972 376 108 ~5 32 20 17 17 141 500 1140 1350 1000 398 1973 1113 123 56 34 26 211 28 128 576 884 838 890 337 1974 575 173 50 32 23 19 23 227 534 837 975 1480 414 N 1975 31!6 224 112 55 43 34 30 355 1010 1020 821 821 408 00 1976 IJ24 118 52 39 32 26 41 206 792 1070 1120 1270 434 1977 420 41 !J 312 326 306 178 119 354 947 1590 1980 608 634 1978 407 70 H 34 40 42 56 291 888 1460 1610 868 ll07 1979 572 161 104 43 30 27 31 290 651 1060 862 1750 509 1980* 1173 411 8') 67 81 74 58 326 936 1332 1304 897 564 1981* 779 150 110 233 160 170 310 788 908 1490 16113 885 640 1982* 298 251 98 52 73 45 37 1 38 677 1107 9011 1780 456 * Recorded r29/k 8. 7 References Anderson. 1970. Hydrologic reconnaissance of the Tanana B_asin, central Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas HA-319. Anonymous. 1980. Die Gletscher der Schweitzer Alpen, 1973/74 und 1974/75. Glaziologishes Jahrbuch der Gletscherkommission der Natu rforschender Gesellschaft/SNG. VAW, ETH-Z, CH 8097 Zuerich, Switzerland. Anonymous. 1983. Excursion on Grand Glacier d'Aietsch, 28 juin 1983. Campagne HTE/83 du Department de genie civil de I'EPF a Lausanne. Bezinge, A. 1979. Grande Dixence et son hydrologie. La collection donnees hydrologiques de base en Suisse. Association Suisse pour l'amenagement des eaux. Service hydrologique national. Haakensen, N., 0. Liesfol, S. Messel, A. Tvede and G. Ostrem. 1982. G!asio!ogiske Undersokelser i Norge 1980. Henoch, W.E.S. 1971. Estimate of glaciers secular (1948-1966) volumetric change and its contribution to the discharge in the upper North Saskatchewan River. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 12, p. 145-160. Jones, P.O. and T.M.L. Wigley. 1980. Climate Monitor, Vol. 9, No.2, p. 43-45. Krimmel, R. M. and W. V. Tang born. 1974. South Cascade Glacier: the moderating effect of glaciers on runoff. Western Snow Conference, 1974. 8 -29 r29/k Mayo, L.R. and D.C. Trabant. 1982. Observed and predicted effects of climate change on Wolverine Glacier, Southern Alaska. Proceedings of the Conference on Potential Effects of Carbon Dioxide I nquced Climate Change in Alaska, in press. Meier, M., L. Mayo, D. Trabant and R. Krimmel. 1980. Comparison of mass balance and runoff at four glaciers in the United States, 1966 to 1977. Date of Glaciological Studies, Chronicle, Discussion. Academy of Sciences of the USSR Section of Glaciology of the Soviet Geophysical Committee and Institute of Geography, Publication No. 38, p. 214-219. R&M and W. Harrison. 1980. Glacier Studies 1981, Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Alaska Power Authority, Task 3 -Hydrology. Report for Acres American. Tangborn, W. V. 1980a. Two models for estimating climate -glacier relationships in the North Cascades, Washington, U.S.A. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 25, No. 91, p. 3-21. Tangborn, W.V. 1980b. Contribution of glacier runoff to hydroelectric power generation on the Columbia River. Data of Glaciological Studies, Chronicle, Discussion, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Section of Glaciology of the Soviet Geophysical Committee and Institute of Geography, Publication No. 38, p. 62. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We have been greatly aided by advice and information from abroad. We are especially greatful to Dr. G. Ostrem, Dr. H. Roethlisberger, and Dr. S. Omnanney. 8 -30 r29/n APPENDIX A GLACIER ICE VOLUME CHANGE The volume change between 1952 and 1974 of the glacier ice in the basin of the proposed Bradley Lake project was estimated from vertical photo sets taken in those years. On neither of the two major glaciers was stereo coverage complete, and no maps were made of the smaller glaciers in the basin. Thus the final result is very sensitive to the extrapolation method used. Topography was constructed from the photo sets by North Pacific Aerial Surveys, as described in the attached letter. The relative accuracy of the two sets was estimated by them to be :t10 feet, although some failure of bare ground to match to this accuracy suggests that the error may be somewhat larger. The volume change of the 65°o of the Kachemak Glacier which had complete coverage was estimated from 8 transverse altitude profiles. These profile data were also used to construct a relation between glacier thickness change and 1952 altitude. Such a relation is rather poorly defined since glacier ice flows and redistributes itself. This relation was used to extrapolate the volume change of the 35°6 of the glacier without stereo coverage. Volume change of Kachemak Glacier was also estimated by integrating the product of thickness change-altitude and the area-altitude relationships. This procedure was also followed for Nuka Glacier, using the Kachemak thickness change altitude relationship, and was in fact necessary because stereo coverage included only the lower half of Nuka Glacier. The volume changes of the smaller glaciers was estimated 1n a similar way, except that they were assumed to have all of their areas concentrated at their mean altitudes. The results are summarized in the following table. A r29/p 1 TABLE A-1 VOLUME CHANGE OF GLACIERS IN THE BASINS ABOVE BRADLEY LAKE, 1952-1979 Kachemak Glacier(1 ) Stereo Estimated 1952 Area 2.65x108 ft 2 Volume Change -64x108 ft3 (2 ) Average Thickness Change -24 ft -16 ft Nuka Glacier Estimated -29 ft Small Glaciers Estimated approximately -33x108 ft3 +39 ft (1) Includes small glaciers just south of main glacier, but connected to it by streams. (2) 65°o covered by stereo (-71x108 ft3 ); 35°o estimated (+7x108 ft3 ); Total = -64x108 ft 3 . A - 2 r29/n From this table it is evident that the volume change of Kachemak Glacier estimated from the thickness change -altitude relationship does not agree very well with the estimate obtai ned more directly from the repeated stereo coverage. This implies that the estimates for Nuka and the small glaciers are probably rather poor. The most striking feature of the glaciers is that there has been a gain of ice at the higher altitudes (typically 50 feet at 4000 feet altitude) while strong loss (typically 160 feet at 2200 feet) and marked retreat have occurred at the lower altitudes. This is why the small glaciers, which are typically rather high, have probably gained ice. The collected results in Table A-1 lead to the following totals for the 1952-1979 changes: s· 3 Volume (-75 ± 100) x 10 ft Average Ice Thickness -15±20 ft. Note that these are ice values, and must be multiplied by 0.9 to obtain water equivalent volumes. The errors arising from the limited stereo coverage, and from the limited relative elevation accuracy, seem to be on the same order of magnitude. To summarize, the glaciers seem to have undergone a net mass loss over the 1952-1979 interval, but it is on the same order of the uncertainty in the information available at present. A - 3 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERS GIEQLOOtSTa PLANNERS SURVEYORS APPENDIX C TRANSMISSION LINE ANALYSIS I I I I I I I I rl I BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT TRANSMISSION LINE ANALYSIS G EPTEMBER 1983 STDN E & WEBSTER BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT TRANSMISSION LINE ANALYSIS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA SEPTEMBER 1983 STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1 TRANSMISSION LINE ANALYSIS DESCRIPTION. 1-1 1.1 INTRODUCTION. 1-1 1.2 ASSUMPTIONS 1-1 1.3 DESIGN AND OPERATING CRITERIA 1-2 1.4 LOAD FLOW STUDY CASES 1-2 1.5 CONCLUSIONS 1-4 2 LOAD FLOW STUDY CASES 2-1 2.1 LIST OF CASES 2-1 1988 Peak Load 2-1 1995 Peak Load 2-2 2003 Peak Load 2-2 2.2 POWER FLOW DIAGRAMS 2-3 Case 1 2-4 Case 2 2-5 Case 3 2-6 Case 4 2-7 Case 5 2-8 Case 6 2-9 Case 7 2-10 Case 8 2-11 Case 9 2-12 Case 10. 2-13 Case 11. 2-14 Case 12. 2-15 Case 13. 2-16 Case 14. 2-17 Case 15. 2-18 Case 16. 2-19 Case 17. 2-20 Case 18. 2-21 Case 19. 2-22 Case 20. 2-23 Case 21. 2-24 Case 22. 2-25 Case 23. 2-26 Case 24. 2-27 2.3 LOAD FLOW STUDY CASE INPUT DATA 2-28 1988. 2-29 1995. 2-31 2003. 2-33 B1-1450098-4 i SECTION 1 TRANSMISSION LINE ANALYSIS DESCRIPTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The objectives of this analysis are to determine the suitable operating voltage for the transmission lines from Bradley Lake Hydro Project when it becomes operational in 1988, and also to determine the transmission facilities required on the Kenai Peninsula to economically transmit electric power from the project site to Anchorage, through the study period. The transmission required for plant capacities at 60, 90, and 135 MW has been developed. Transmission design has been based on conventional power system design and operating criteria. Load flow studies have been run to check that the design meets these criteria. The present peak load on the Kenai Peninsula is approximately 70 MW spread over a distance (north to south) of about 150 miles. About three-quarters of this load is near the town of Soldotna, 80 miles south of Anchorage. There is a single 115 kV transmission tie, extending 145 miles, from Soldotna to Anchorage. A portion of this line passes through rugged terrain at the north end of the peninsula. Load to the south of Soldotna is served by a single 115 kV line to the town of Homer. The Bradley Lake site is in the south near Homer. A second 115 kV, line from Soldotna to Homer, is planned to go into service before construction of Bradley Lake. Load on the peninsula is supplied by local generation, while the long tie to Anchorage serves several small load centers and provides about 40 MW of backup to the peninsula. The addition of new generation the size of Bradley Lake will result in power export from the peninsula to Anchorage until load growth on the peninsula absorbs the new generation. Thus, the new generation will impact transmission requirements from the hydro site all the way to Anchorage. 1.2 ASSUMPTIONS This study is based on the following assumptions: 1. The Bradley Lake Hydro Plant will consist of two units with a total capacity of 60, 90, or 135 MW, and is scheduled for commercial operation in 1988. 2. Projected peak load on the Kenai Peninsula is 87 MW in 1988, 103 r~ in 1995, and 120 MW in the year 2003. 3. The present transmission system on the Kenai Peninsula will be expanded to include a new 115 kV line from Fritz Creek to Soldotna before Bradley Lake is in service. 4. Existing generating capacity on the Kenai Peninsula is approxi- mately 85 MW, and plants are located at Bernice Lake and Cooper B1-1450098-1 1-1 Lake. No additional generation plants, other than Bradley Lake, will be installed on the Kenai Peninsula through the year 2003. 1.3 DESIGN AND OPERATING CRITERIA Transmission design for Bradley Lake has been based on a single contingency design and operating criteria. The transmission system has been designed so that the tripping of any single transmission line or any single generator will not create any of the following operating conditions: 1. Damage to equipment 2. Loss of customer load 3. Transmission voltage drop of more than 10 percent 1.4 LOAD FLOW STUDY CASES Twenty-four load flow study cases have been run to determine that transmission designs for the 60, 90, and 135 MW plants meet the power system operating criteria. Section 2.1 lists the load flow study cases. Cases were run for peak loads in 1988, 1995, and 2003. was developed for each load flow study case. Section 2.2. A power flow diagram These are shown in Section 2. 3 presents load flow study input data for each load level. The source of this data is a previous study by the Alaska Power Administration which was included in the Corps of Engineers Design Memorandum No. 2 for Bradley Lake, and additional updated line data from local power companies. Load data for the years 1988, 1993, and 2003 was developed from two sources. Peak load for the Kenai Peninsula was assumed to be 15 percent of the Anchorage area load and was based on the "Sherman H. Clark Association NSD Case" load forecasts. Breakdowns of individual bus loads on the peninsula were developed from Exhibit AI of the "Feasibility Study of the Soldotna- Fritz Creek Transmission Line" by Gilbert/Conunonwealth, June 1983. The computer program used for the load flow studies was the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) "Transient-Midterm Stability Program." Load flow study cases chosen were those which would stress the transmission system. With the installation of Bradley Lake, there will normally be power exported from the Kenai Peninsula to Anchorage. Essentially, the greater the power export, the greater will be the loading on the transmission system. The magnitude of the export will be determined by the economics of dispatch of all generation in the Railbelt Area of Alaska. The thermal generation at Bernice Lake can be expected to operate only when this power is competitive with other thermal generation in the Railbelt Area. This is expected to be a small percentage of the time, occurring primarily at peak load periods. For this reason, the load flow study cases chosen to stress the transmission system represent peak load periods with 70 MW generation at Bernice Lake, 15 MW at Cooper Lake, and 60, 90, or 135 MW at Bradley Lake. Power export from the Kenai Peninsula will be a function of generation and load on the peninsula. With future load growth, this export will decrease. Therefore, the first year of Bradley Lake's commercial service should BI-1450098-1 1-2 produce the highest export. For this reason, the maximum transmission requirements for the period 1988 to 2003 will be in 1988, and the emphasis in the load flow study cases is on this year. As long as power is being exported from the peninsula, the loss of a gene- rator on the peninsula will not be a problem since it will reduce, rather than increase, peninsula transmission loading. Therefore, the contingencies analyzed by load flows have been limited to transmission line outages. Transmission from Bradley Lake to Soldotna, and Soldotna to Anchorage are treated separately in the following discussion. With the installation of the planned 115 kV line from Fritz Creek to Soldotna, there will be two 115 kV circuits from Soldotna to the south. These were tested by load flows to check their adequacy for the largest Bradley Lake Station (135 MW). If they are adequate for this size station, they will be adequate for the smaller sizes. Load flow study case 3 illustrates the worst contingency, loss of the Bradley Lake to Soldotna line. The remaining line to Soldotna, along the west coast, is thermally overloaded and voltages on the peninsula are low but acceptable. A direct solution is to automatically trip one unit at Bradley Lake anytime the Bradley Lake -Soldotna line trips. A second, and probably acceptable, solution is to manually reduce generation at Bradley Lake whenever this line trips. With load growth in the Homer area, the loss of the Bradley Lake to Fritz Creek line becomes critical. Cases 19 and 23 illustrate that the existing line to Homer cannot carry peak load in 1995 and 2003. The solution to this is to establish a common 115 kV bus and install circuit breakers at Kasilof by 1995. Cases 18 and 24 illustrate this solution. Case 24 also shows that reconductoring of the existing Diamond Creek to Soldotna line may also be required by the year 2003. The addition of the new 115 kV Fritz Creek -Soldotna transmission line will improve operations and reliability in the southern part of the Kenai Peninsula. However, as recommended by the June 1983 Gilbert/Commonwealth study, this existing east coast 115 kV line would need to be reconductored at some future time, depending on load growth in that area. The transmission system could be improved by tying the two transmission lines, south of Soldotna, together at Kasilof so that reconductoring could be postponed until some future date. Transmission north from Soldotna to Anchorage consists of a single 115 kV line. Load flow study cases 8 through 14 were run to check the adequacy of this tie for a range of output at Bradley Lake ( 60 to 120 MW). At 120 HW (case 14) system voltage is too low and peninsula losses are approaching 30 percent of peninsula load. At 90 MW system voltage and losses are acceptable. Therefore, for the 60 and 90 MW plant sizes no further transmission north of Soldotna is required. However, loss of the one line to Anchorage will cause overspeed of peninsula generation, tripping of units, and possible blackout of the peninsula. This can be prevented by tripping a Bradley Lake unit whenever the Anchorage line trips. Stability studies will be required to establish the coordination necessary between peninsula power export and automatic tripping of generator units. B1-1450098-1 1-3 The 135 MW Bradley Lake plant will require additional transmission from Soldotna to Anchorage. This could be at a 115 or 230 kV transmission voltage, following the route of the present line, or a more direct route with a cable crossing of the Turnagain Arm. A 230 kV line over the direct route would provide the most transfer capability and reliability. For the same level of reliability, more transmission is required between Anchorage and the peninsula when power is being imported to the peninsula than when it is being exported. On loss of all ties to Anchorage, there will be an excess of generation on the peninsula in the export mode and a deficiency in the import mode. A generation deficiency will cause at least partial loss of load, while an excess will not if a generation tripping scheme is carefully planned and coordinated with export power. With two ties to Anchorage, import power should be limited to the capability of the weakest tie, so that tripping of the strongest tie will not cause separation from Anchorage. Export power, on the other hand, can be limited to the capability of the strongest tie, since the loss of this tie can be compen- sated by generator tripping to prevent any loss of load. Since power export is the expected mode of operation for several years, a 230 kV tie to Anchorage is very attractive as it will provide approximately four times the transfer capability of a 115 kV tie. For either voltage level, automatic generator tripping at Bradley Lake will be required when the new line to Anchorage is tripped. Stability studies will be needed to determine the coordination between export power and unit tripping. 1.5 CONCLUSIONS The results of the load flow study cases produced the following conclusions: 1. Two 115 kV lines are required from the Bradley Lake Hydro Station to the Fritz Creek to Soldotna 115 kV transmission line. Each line should be thermally capable of carrying the full output of the plant. 2. For the 60 or 90 MW Bradley Lake plant size, no additional trans- mission is required on the Kenai Peninsula or from Kenai Peninsula to Anchorage other than that transmission planned to be added prior to 1988. 3. For the 135 MW Bradley lake plant size, a new line from Soldotna to Anchorage is required in 1988, preferably rated 230 kV. 4. By the year 1995 a new switchyard will be required at Kasilof to interconnect the existing and new 115 kV transmission lines. 5. Automatic unit tripping should be installed at Bradley Lake to operate: 1) in the event of the loss of an Anchorage tie while it is exporting power, or 2) in the event of the loss of the Bradley Lake to Soldotna line. B1-1450098-1 1-4 SECTION 2 LOAD FLOW STUDY CASES 2.1 LIST OF CASES Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7 Case 8 Case 9 Case 10 Case 11 Case 12 Case 13 Case 14 Case 15 Case 16 1988 PEAK LOAD 135 MW Generation at Bradley Lake Two 115 kV Lines, Soldotna to Anchorage (Double Existing 115 kV Lines) Base Case -230 kV Line Soldotna to Anchorage (Plus Existing 115 kV Line) Bradley Junction to Soldotna Line Out Bradley Junction to Fritz Creek Line Out Soldotna to University 230 kV Line Out Soldotna to University 230 kV Line Out and Trip 68 MW at Bradley Lake Soldotna to University 230 kV Line Out and Trip 70 MW at Bernice Lake 60 to 120 MW Generation at Bradley Lake Existing 115 kV Line Onl~ 60 MW Generation at Bradley Lake 70 MW Generation at Bradley Lake 80 MW Generation at Bradley Lake 90 MW Generation at Bradley Lake 100 MW Generation at Bradley Lake 110 MW Generation at Bradley Lake 120 MW Generation at Bradley Lake 90 MW Generation at Bradle~ Lake 1 230 kV Line Soldotna to Anchorage (Plus Existing 115 kV Line) 152 MW Generation at Bradley Lake 1 230 kV Linel Soldotna to Anchorage (Plus Existing 115 kV Line) B1-1450098-3 2-1 Case 17 Case 18 Case 19 1995 PEAK LOAD 135 MW Generation at Bradley Lake Base Case - 1 230 kV Line, Soldotna to Anchorage (Plus Existing 115 kV Line) Bradley Junction to Fritz Creek Line Out (Bradley Junction to Soldotna Line Connected to Kasilof) Bradley Junction to Fritz Creek Line Out (Bradley Junction to Soldotna Line Not Connected to Kasilof) 2003 PEAK LOAD 135 MW Generation at Bradley Lake Case 20 Base Case - 1 230 kV line, Soldotna to Anchorage (Plus Existing 115 kV Line) Case 21 Soldotna to Anchorage 230 kV Line Out Case 22 Bradley Junction to Soldotna Line Out Case 23 Bradley Junction to Fritz Creek Line Out (Bradley Junction to Soldotna line not connected to Kasilof) Case 24 Bradley Lake Junction to Fritz Creek Line Out (Bradley Junction to Soldotna Line Connected to Kasilof) B1-1450098-3 2-2 2.2 POWER FLOW DIAGRAMS This section presents the power flow diagrams developed for each study case. Bl-1450098-3 2-3 BERNICE LAIC[ 1.021 22_62 SPORTS LAIC[ 24.00 26.97 -26.97 26.97 -26.69 0.992 12.20 18.12 -17.62 17.62 -17.96 21.05 26.69 ,g,().3 17.98 3.65 SOLDOTNA 0.988 20..82 0.976 26.65 20.J!) 5.31 -5.29 -1!!.01 -2.49 2 • .38 12.90 -~1 Tl51 114.11 ~ 16.80 -9.58 em -16.54 7.20 0.975 -1!!.47 .50 KENAI TIE 19.91 12.75 1t92 et ICV 18.55 ,~ ICV SKI HILL 3.70 -12.92 teo -2225 Q.987 '11.32 21.29 22.54 -1t67 KASILOF -XI.M 8.37 -31.04 3104 8.45 -a45 Q.999 31.69 24.26 -8.50 NINILCHIK UNIVERSITY 1.014 1.023 -6.85 -7.05 2JO KV 11& KV PORTAGE SW '----.0.994 96.74 -0.40 ~4.61 -----113.60 -112..}4 6.00 DAVES Cl< 115.70 0.965 -28.81 7.~ 7.21 0.35 122.92 26.46 -119.49 124.43 30.~ -23.7 D.i86 -14.94 ruo -6.30 OUARTZ CK 38.61 SEWARD COOPER LAKE KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 220 WW LOAD • 87 MW 1030 34.61 EXPORT • 112 MW LOSSES • 21 MW 1050 36.61 tOOB F'RIT Z CREEK ........ _,__,...,.........1135.00 26.74 U!O 1.022 -4 7.55 47.99 -132.89 135.00 9.73 080 3222~1~41~--0~·~67~-~3~.4~0~~9.~73~ . DIAMOND RIDGE -33.49 l4.01 ~5·06 45·35 220 BRADLEY BRADLEY 7.70 -7.65 2.69 -2.31 0.90 t---...,;.__ __ ._.;,;~~=--=~....;;;~• JUNC liON LAKE ANCHOit POINT t017 Tl05 J0.60 4.96 HOMER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE f\0. 1 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM '988 PEAt< LOAD 2-115 KV LNES SOLDOTNA-ANCHORAGE UNIVERSITY 1 1.012 i t024 I -6.12 1 -818 12.47 ~93.041 -12.61 8.65 ' BERNICE LAKE 1.030 70.00 4.85~ I I 2JO I<V 115 KV ! 1025 SPORTS LAKE I 24.00 j' 27.57 -27.57 27.57 _,..,. 1004 1 12.20 n 11 < -10.69 n.s9 -11.28 2.40 4.t) I. ' I 27.J4 I i 18.43 1t28 I jto2 I l d SOLDOTNA I 1.001 too9 1 0.984 -2~:.)1 1 94.82 -~:.:81 94.68 1 1 1.710 I 4.76 -4.75 -11.35 ~20.55( 24.54 L24.54 i-4.42 4.J1 l i <. I 12.110 1-, __ ;;..__.;..;;...;_12.05 12.05 ,19.46 230 ICV 5.50 I 16.80 -1151 < lt89 . -9 . .3::? I ~ ~ J KENAI TIE 0.985! -'18..28 t-80.75 1.220 14.1.) I 15 . .23 69 KV 18.36 SKI HILL 3.70 -14 .2B 1.60~ -33.91 3.86 ton ~-14.95 -1.51 -2.88 QUARTZ Cl< PORTAGE SW 1.009 12.73 l-6.38 -n04 I 1.3.60 _26.33 I o.oo • ~ SEVri\RO • COOPER ~ AKE ;~-~:I 22.36 1.3.04 760 KASILOF' -29.96 KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 220 WW LOAD • 87 WW 4.06~ -JO.es 30.as I 9.871 -9.87 31.501 . ~~ ~-9.941 NINILCHIK 1.015! F'RITZ CREEl< 1().051 1.80 1.026 -47 . .35 j 0.80 13.53 ! 2.88 DIAMOND RIDGE I EXPORT • 119 WW LOSSES • 14 WW 1.033 1.050 15.91 19.93 o.62 I I t35.oo 47.79 i -132.90 1.3500~ -2.16 i t56 4 72~ , I I i -33.30 33.82 -44.87 45.1!-l 2.20 I BRADLEY 1-...;.9;.;..14 ____ -.:.:9·.;,;:10+_..;.;4·.;..;14_-..:;3:.:.;.. 7..;;;;8+-' _0:.:,.9C~· J UNCTION BRADLEY LAKE 1.022 nos CASE NO. 2 ANCHOR POINT 11.91 1--4.-,96;;..;.._ __ HOMER I ! POWER FLOW DIAGRAM !ANCHJRAGE/KENAI PENIN. 1988 PE.AK LOAD BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BASE CASE 0.981 2.48 LAI<E Q.972 SPORTS LAI<E t67 24.00 26.92 -26.92 26.92 -26.61 0.941 12.20 '18..31 -17.75 17.75 -17.82 -0.07 0.924 -0..85 19.08 3.79 5.27 -2.5J -5.24 26.61 17.82 SOLDOTNA 0.9.37 0.960 -0.32 -2.20 26.57 67.76 -17.82 -51.00 67.63 54.49 UNIVERSITY 1.002 1.023 -7.12 -9.19 -66.,)4 -7.02 41.66 12.42 2.30 I<V 115 I<V DAVES Cl< 20.98 0.966 -1J . .'3S -5.15 7.22 0.45 28.20 9.91 PORTAGE SW 0.997 7.14 -7.95 -14.80 13.60 -20.74 6·00 B.BO SEWARD 12.90 t-.::;.;:;;:...__..:,;2.4.,;.::3~ -11.56 11.56 13.79 230 KV -tl43 28.37 '5.47 -tl.18 5.50 16.80 -9.63 9.99 -18.26 7.20 KENAI TIE 0.923 -66.54 -1.34 77.10 69 I<V ,...a..;..;.;.;.....;--..... 115 KV Sl<l HILL 68.46 -73.6.:3 0.922 0.923 1.92 7.60 3.30 -72.16 72.03 77.57 -62.12 KASILOF -65.17 58.62 -97.05 97.05 J6.66 -J6.86 0.892 23.07 NINILCHIK lJ5.46 -21.31 J3.oo 180 F' RITZ CREEK 0.980 -t29.26 44.70 -7.05 DIAMOND RIDGE 0.80 0.983 -14.94 -3.66 -6.29 QUARTZ Ck KENAI PE~NSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 220 WW LOAD • 87 IIIW EXPORT • 87 WW LOSSES • 46 MW 1020 1.050 51.41 55.32 135.00 132.80"""-"""o~z--.80...--13""'"5-.oo...j 28.56 Zt80 -21.80 28.56 COOPER LAKE -107.26 113.59 -124JS4 127.06 2.20 BRADLEY BRADLEY !-=2:.:::0.5:;:,.;..1 ___ -8;:::·;:::90+...:;3.;.;:.89.::.,___:::;6:.;::.15::.....f-....;0:.:..90:..::... .JUNCTION L AI<[ ANCHOR POINT o.961 n.oo 39.73 5.02 HOWER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE NO.3 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 'S88 PEAK LOAD BRADLEY Jl...t.CTON TO SOLDOTNA LNE OUT BERNICE LAI<E 1.030 70.00 usro 1.022 SPORTS LAKE 3.71 0.977 -27.02 27.02 -26.74 0.993 -17.09 17.09 -17.46 2.13 26.74 17.46 SOLDOTNA 0.989 1.90 26.70 91.21 1.4 3 5.27 -5.25 -f7.50 26.53 -2.64 2.53 12.90 5.50 KENAI TIE 0.976 0.98 69 KV 11.55 18.70 < 1).04 -11..34 < 27 . .:51 122.08 7.90 37.43 -27.17 115 KV SKI HILL -7.97 23.47 0.982 ~6~.37___, l46 I -23.20 -6.72 KASILOf 15.60 3.42 15.35 -15.35 4.65 -4.65 0.944 1.000 -0.37 91.08 30.45 230 KV UNIVERSITY 1.010 1.024 -6.25 -8.31 -89.50 -11.86 18.28 9.30 230 ICV 115 KV DAVES Cl< 25.90 1.006 -6.99 -3.38 7.24 2.12 -33.14 4.e8 PORTAGE SW 1.007 11.98 -6.59 -1169 13.60 -25.5!3 6.00 5.69 SEWARD I -18.93 33.341 9.03 . -5.05 l.OOB -14.95 -1.78 -3.98 QUARTZ Cl< KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 220 MW LOAD • 87 MW EXPORT • 115 MW LOSSES • 18 MW COOPER LAKE -15.T7 1.06 1.050 -5.45 NINILCHIK 27.84 0.927 fRITZ CREEK 135.00 -z.oa! 180 0.915 ~--"""'o"""2,....,.88~,3"""5.,....,oo~ 13.97 ! ~~~ -2.81 -7.57 13.97 ~ DIAMOND RIDGE 1----++--;---'...;.;;;..;.-=--1 I 13.37 -1.3.26 2.20 -2.20 2.20 BRADLEY BRADLEY I-4;.;,;.6;;;;;5 ____ -5::.;;.2:..::5+...:0;;.;.19;..__-...;:0;;.;:.9~0~0:.;;.9C:.::~:...,.· JUNCTION L AI< E ANCHOR POINT 0.916 11.06 -2.72 5.06 HOMER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE NO. 4 POWER FLOW OIAGRAt.A 1988 PEAK LOAD BRADLEY JI.KTOO TO FRITZ CREEK LINE OUT 0.9:35 62.09 8(RNICE LAI<E 0•925 SPORTS L AI<E 61.22 24.00 26.09 -26.09 26.07 12.20 19.22 -18.62 18.75 0.875 58.52 118.8.3 4 . .31 5.15 -2.20 -5.13 2.11 -25.73 0.892 -18.54 59 . .38 25.81 1 18.54 SOLDOTNA 0.887 59.11 I 25.76 I 0.00 -18.50 -0.00 0.887 59.11 -0.00 0.00 UNIV(RSITY 1 t012 i i.02o 1-7.35 ~~~0 c I<V 115 KV I 1 T DAVES Cl< 104.01 0.828 -26·10 24..36 7.48 -10.64 -110.lJ .36.44 PORTAGE SW 0.877 64.06 6.01 -65 . .37 1.3.60 -96.26 6.00 58.99 S(WARO 12.90 -n21 1121 1lJ.43 2 JO KV -99.53 113.72 ~·~~~1~7~.2~5--------------------~2~8~.96~--~20~·~ 5.50 KENAI TIE ~ '-19.62 77.84 0.624 -14.27 58.00 3.31 -1174 .32.61 -7.96 6 9 I< v r-----+-....;.;;.;.---, COOPER LAKE 51<1 HILL 7.60 3.30 19.70 -3.42 23.69 -t97 I<ASIL Or -3t27 -l.JO -32.40 32.34 .33.14 2.10 -tao t83 0.9.33 64.82 NINIL CHI!< 115 I( v 0.957 t F'RITZ CRHI< 67 . .31 I 180 o.9a9 -49.12 I 0 80 70,86 -9.77 . DIAMOND RIDGE 49.64 10.92 QUARTZ Cl< KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 220 MW LOAD • 87 MW EXPORT = 96 MW LOSSES • .37 MW -34.96 35.56 -46.55 46.89 2.20 -2.89 3.18 -8.i9 8.87 0.90 BRADLEY t-=.;;._----~~+-...;;;.;.;;._....::.:.~+-=:..... JUNCTION BRADLEY LAKE ANCHOR POINT 0.976 11.03 69.14 4.99 CASE NO. 5 HOMER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 1988 PEAK LOAD SOLDOTNA TO LNIVERSITY LINE OUT . --------'--------------- 1.030 19.48 BERNICE LAKE 1027 SPORTS LAKE '8.7."5 24.00 27.93 -27.93 27.93 12.20 6.92 -6.5.3 6.53 0.959 '6.27 4.46 -4.42 -5.58 5.47 -27.72 1.011 -7.21 16.95 27.72 7.21 SOLDOTNA 1.009 16.70 27.69 -0.00 -7.29 -0.00 1.009 16.70 0.00 0.00 UNIVERSITY 1.012 1.024 -8.."53 -9.42 -42.48 23.43 230 KV 115 KV DAVES CJ< 58.87 0.996 -10.51 3.83 7.22 1.26 09 9.25 PORTAGE SW 0.996 4."5.61 -3.5.3 -21.28 13.60 -57.21 6·00 15.28 SEW-'RD 12.90 12..38 53..95 230 I<V -51.97 66.92 12.04 -6.60 5.50 1J.'K) -6.93 -1.87 36.77 3.79 -2.66 0.992 KENAI TIE 15.76 19 KV 1.87 11~ KV SKI HILL 3.70 -4.13 t023 19.44 1.50 -5.57 1.008 2.53 16.77 5.59 -3.46 7.60 3.30 KASILOr -13.19 0.16 -13.34 13..34 1.78 -1.78 1.018 13.45 18.46 -2.94 NINILCHIK rRIT Z CREE I< taO 1.032 -28.70 21.15 -2.43 o.ao DIAMOND RIDGE 1.002 -14.95 7.07 -5.43 OUARTZ CK KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 1~2 MW LOAD • 87 MW EXPORT • :,7 MW LOSSES • 8 MW 1.050 24.50 .....,,.,.__....,_-I 67.00 28.86 -66.48 67.00 3.58 1.87 -4.43 3.58 COOPER LAKE -15.25 15.35 -26.40 26.50 2.20 BRADLEY ~2::.;..14;..;.... ___ -.:;2·;;;.;95~--.:;2 . .;;.01_...;;t;;;;5.3~_...;;,;0.90=-• JUNCTION BRADLEY LAKE ANCHOR POINT 1.027 11.05 20.24 4.95 HOMER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE NO.6 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 'S88 PEAK LOAD SOLDOTNA -UNIV. LNE OUT -68 KW TRPPED AT BRADLEY LAKE CL8S9 12.00 24.00 t2.00 D.857 lt75 BERNICE LAI'E ~': SPORTS LM£ 24.87 24.87 24.67 2!!>.'5 0.891 -n 12.41 -12.41 12.43 14.97 -25.15 0.87 -12.43 -o.JO SOLDOTNA 0.894 \5..25 25.19 -QJX) T2.42 -o.oo O.IM !1.25 Q.CIO 0.00 UNIVERSITY 1.011 1.023 -8.61 -9.87 DAVES Ck 48.&4 0..949 -t9..80 t97 7.24 -2.57 55.77 22.38 PORTAGE SW 0.973 l3.54 -4.86 -29.56 -47.14 23.56 13.60 6.00 SEWARD 12.90 43.51 2l0 av -4 '1.58 56.52 26.16 -20. 5.50 2V.63 KENAI TIE 18.12 -ll.26 19.66 11!1 KV SKI Hfll -4.07 -23.36 0.896 2.47 '5.74 23.67 -2.&3 KAStL Or -31.27 -D.67 -32.32 l2.l2 -t'5 t'5 0.937 JJD6 20.95 \41 NtNIL C HIK 0.1160 F'1t1TZ CM:U 23.44 1.80 0.191 -49.04 2e.98 -9.03 O.BO DIAMOND RIDGE O.!M1 -14.94 5.21 -6.18 OUARTZ CK tU:MAI P'EMINSut.A SUMMARY GENERATION • 1~0 IIW LOAD • 87 IIW tPOWT • 41 MW LOSSES • • MW \050 l3.28 13!.00 4U& t-_-::132~.&4~13!-r::-:00~ 46.99 l).e -l9.44 46.99 COOPER LAKE -34.86 35.45 -46..50 46.84 2.20 -2.21 2.•8 -7 . .4! 8.13 0.90 -ADLEY BRADLEY ~~~----~~~~~~+-~~..CT~ LAKE ANCHOR POINT OS?9 lt06 ~~ ..... BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PRO£CT CASE NJ. 7 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 'Q88 PEAl< LOAD SOLDOTNA -I.HV. LN: OUT -BERNCE LAK£ GENERATION TRFPEO 1.030 IUS BERNICE LAKE 1027 SPORTS LAKE '!l.-40 2-4.00 28.06 -28.06 28.06 -27.85 t014 12.20 5.+4 -5.06 5.06 -5.75 1.l60 D.991 12.91 12.90 5..50 17.94 -0.03 <4.34 -5.99 -4.30 5.89 -12.50 16.80 -13.09 7.20 0.99-<4 21.85 5.75 SOLDOTNA ton 13.35 27.82 -5.84 12.50 <47.<4, 13.53 -7.22 KENAI TIE -o.02 32.07 12.<40 3.09 -3.56 SKI HILL S9 KV tot) 'llJ8 O.D2 -3.4<4 -3.72 \.84 3.73 -2.78 KASILOF' -n.33 -o.52 -n.+4 1t+4 1.20 -1.20 1.019 1t52 14.74 -2.42 NINILCHtt< 11~ ICV \024 F'RITZ CREEJC ~7 t80 1.033 -26.73 0 80 17.09 -2.83 . DIAMOND RIDGE UNIVERSITY 1.024 -9.66 -J7.~ '9.73 PORTAGE SW DAVES CK 52.93 1.001 -9.57 2.00 7.23 t69 .16 U!S -45.89 60133 1J.27 -5.93 t006 -14.95 <4.92 -4.34 OUARTZ Cl< JB.OO -1!.83 KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERA liON • 1-45 MW LOAD • 87 MW 1.041 t!.J7 EXPORT • ~2 MW LOSS£5 • 6 MW t050 20.B 60.00 26.87 ... _-:59~.58'!i!""""!60.~00~ 3.36 2.18 -4.69 3.38 ~m SEWARD COOPER LAKE -13.32 13.40 -24.45 24.53 2..20 BRADLEY BRADLEY l-t;:;:6:::,2 ___ -...:2:.:.;.4:;.:::6+--.:::.2·:.;:.46:::._...:t;;::;93=...,j....::::0.90:::::.-JUNCTION L AI<E AHCHOR ~OINT 1.02e n05 15.26 4.95 HOMER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE NO. 8 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 1988 PEAK LOAD 60 UW GEI'£RA TON AT BRADLEY LAKE tOJO 20.91 BERNICE LAKE t02S SPORTS LAKE 20.15 24.00 27.57 -27.87 27.137 -27.66 t010 12.20 7.61 -7.22 7.2.2 -7.88 !UQ 0.988 17.70 12.90 5.50 !CENAI "6.13 0.60 4.51 -5.39 TIE SKI HILL 14.27 -.115 0.991 17.20 1!18 KV 2.65 3.70 ~.43 t60 -~ t007 2.83 1!.23 6..38 -3.74 27£,6 7.88 SOLDOTNA 1.008 1!.14 27.6:3 -7.97 12..:32 56.7.3 12.90 -6.7J, -2.65 .38. 77 4.09 -2.28 115 KV KASILOr -13.98 O.J.J. -14.15 M.'fl 2.02 -2.02 1.017 20.06 NHGLCHJK \022 FRITZ C1tE E K 2t t) taO \0.32 -29.54 22.!9 -2.27 0.80 DIAMOND RIDGE UMIVERSITY \02:3 -9.32 -44.70 25.09 DAVES Cl< 61.:37 0.994 -10.89 4.61 7.22 t06 68.59 9.83 -S4.54 69.49 12.80 -6.87 0.999 -~.94 7.99 -5.94 QUARTZ Cl< PORTAGE SW 0.994 45.96 -3.10 -22.J5 13.60 -59.56 6.00 ~.35 SEWARD COOPER LAKE KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 155 MW LOAD • 87 WW EXPORT • 80 MW LOSSES • 8 MW \Ql9 \050 24.31 26.37 ~~~~~70.00 29.7'1 -69.4.3 70.00 .3.74 t76 -4.38 3.74 -~7 16.19 -27.24 27.34 2.20 IRilDLEY t---:2:;;;.J:;.;:5;...... ___ -.:;.3·:.;;;13+--.;;.;t8:;.;:2~...:::t3;::.7~-0;;.;.90;:.;.,. JUNCTION BRADLEY LAKE ANCHOl' POINT t027 nos 2\95 4.95 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE NO.9 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 1988 PEAK LOAD 70 ~ GEI-I:RA TION AT BRADLEY LAKE BERNICE LAI<E ~·~ SPORTS LAKE 24.00 27.62 -27.62 27.62 -27 . .39 t005 12.20 10.57 -10.16 10.16 -10.76 2.3 . .31 27 . .39 16.38 10.76 t46 SOLDOTNA 1002 23.07 0.965 27 . .36 22.62 ~.74 -4.71 nB:3 -4.57 4.46 12.90 12.09 65.90 5.50 12.04 -4.99 0.986 -5.26 45 . .37 KENAI TIE 22.14 5.00 -121 u I<V 5.27 115 KV SKI HILL 3.70 -5..:3.3 1.60 -8.97 1.001 3.73 23.22 9.01 -4.58 7.60 .3.30 KASILOF" -15.61 1.26 -16.86 16.86 2.71 -2.71 101.3 17.04 25.51 -.3.72 NINILCHIK 1.019 F"RITZ CREEl< 26.77 t80 1.0.30 -.32.37 28.81 -1.90 0.80 DIAMOND RIDGE UNIVE ItS IT Y 1.02.3 -9.01 -5177 .3166 DAVES CK 69.51 0.982 -12.57 7.27 7.21 0.11 76.72 12.46 -62.9.:3 77.88 14.62 -8..'31 0.988 -14.94 n.15 -6..31 OUARTZ CK PORTAGE SW o.965 5.3.52 -1.66 -26.66 1.3.60 -67.12 6.00 20.66 SEWARD COOPER LAKE KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 165 MW LOAD • 87 MW EXPORT • 67 MW LOSSES • 11 WW 1050 .32.74 80.00 .32.571-_-=,:-:::9":::".2=-s -=8:-:::0_":::"0-::-i0 4.94 1.54 -4.79 4.94 -18.8~ 18.99 -30.04 30.17 Z.20 292 -'.61 -1."~5 tOO 0.90 BRADLEY BRADLEY ~:;;:· ;.:_ ___ .:;::~~-::::~:.:::__.::;::.:::..,~::.:;:;::..,. JUNCTION LAKE ANCHOR POINT t025 n.os 27.77 4.96 HOMER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE t\0. 10 POWER FLOW DIAGRA~ 1988 PEAK LOAD 80 WI GEt-i:RA TION AT BRADLEY LAKE B_ERNICE LAKE 1.0 2.3 SPORTS LAKE 30.03 24.00 27.:31 -27..31 27.:31 -27.06 0.999 12.20 14.14 -13.70 13.70 -14.20 28 . .38 27.06 18.69 14.20 2.50 SOLDOTNA 0.996 28.14 0.981 27.ro 27.68 5.01 -4.99 -14.26 -3.58 3.47 12.90 11.81 74.92 5.50 11.02 -2 . .34 0.981 -7.84 51.87 KENAI TIE 27.22 5.85 -0.27' &9 KV 7.85 115 KV 51<1 HILL 3.70 -6.17 1.60 -11.55 0.995 4.57 28.35 n62 -5.36 t<ASILOr -19.22 2.06 -19.56 19.56 J.2B -.3.28 1.008 19.80 31.12 -4.15 NINILCHIK 1.016 F'RIT Z CREEIC 32.59 1.80 1.027 -35.21 34.69 -1.69 O.BO DIAMOND RIDGE UNIVERSITY 1.02.3 -8.72 -58..J2 39.14 DAVES CK PORTAGE SW 0.975 60.67 -0.25 -31.45 13.60 -74."Z7 6.00 25 .. 45 0.968 77.J2 j...:..14:.::.3:::::3~ 9.97 84.5J 15.37 -71.04 65.98 16.13 -9.86 0.974 -14.94 14.40 -6.27 QUARTZ CK KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 175 MW LOAD • 87 WW EXPORT • 74 MW LOSSES • 14 MW 1.036 ~ 36.61 39.26 90.00 ~45~---89.~06~"""'90 ......... 00~ 6.82 1.51 -5.77 6.82 SEWARD COOPER LAKE -21.60 2181 -32·86 33·01 220 BRADLEY BRADLEY ~3.J=5;.._----.::::3·::..94+--.;:;1.0::.:2;.._..;:0·:.:..79~...::.:0.90;;.;..• JUNCTION LAKE ANCHOR POINT 1.022 11.05 33.74 4.96 HOMER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE NO. n POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 1988 PEAK LOAD 90 MW GENERA TON AT BRADLEY LAKE BERNICE LAKE ~~ SPORTS LAKE 24.00 26.96 -26.96 26.96 -26.68 0.992 12.20 lt28 -17.78 17.78 -18.13 .33.61 26.68 19.04 18.13 3.70 SOLDOTNA 0.988 33.39 0.976 26.64 .32.91 5.32 -5..30 -'8.16 -2.45 2.33 12.90 11.:i0 8.3.77 5.50 9.85 t05 0.975 -1).J8 58.26 ICENAI TIE 32.47 6.67 0.59 19 KV 1l.40 115 KV SKI HILL 3.70 -6.96 teo -M.tl 0.9e8 5.J6 l.l.65 14.21 -6.07 KASILOr -:zun 2.77 -22.25 22.25 3.76 -3.76 1.003 2'2..57 SIO ~.47 NINILCHIK t011 F' RITZ CR£ E K 38.5& U!O 1.024 -38.06 4t15 -1.62 O.BO DIAMOND RIDGE UNIVERSITY 1022 -8.45 DAVES Cl< 84.76 0.952 -1S.04 12.71 7.2~ -2.34 -9t99 18.J8 -78.85 9.178 f7 .53 -11.31 Q.957 -14.94 17.72 -6.22 QUARTZ CK PORTAGE SW 0.962 fi7.:J7 114 -.36.~1 13.SO -eo.97 6.00 .30.61 SEWARD COOPER LAKE KENAI ~NINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 185 MW LOAD • 87 MW EXPORT • 81 IIIW LOSSES • 17 MW t050 45.96 moo 38.J4t-_-:98.=a~4"""'=1CO.=oo::-i 9.37 1.64 -7..31 9.37 -24.37 24.64 -35.69 35.86 2.20 BRADLEY ~3;.;.;.6o..7 ____ -4_._o.....,.-_o_.83-...._.;;.;0.~72~-0~.90;;.;;..,. JUNCTION BRADLEY LAKE ANCHOR POINT t019 11.05 J9.90 4.96 HOliER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE~-12 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 1988 PEAK LOAD '()() tMi GEt-£RA TK>N AT BRADLEY LAKE tOOS -42.-41 BERNICE LAKE o.m SPOIITS LAKE -41.&4 24.00 26.9.1 -26.9.3 .26.9.3 -26.64 0.9e9 t2.20 1!1.34 -17.82 17.82 -18.04 Jg.gg 0.953 3~t26 t2.Sm ~ S.07 :3.76 5.31 -2.47 -5.2B 2.J6 o.gs1 215.54 18.04 SOLDOTNA 0.9e5 .39..78 2&.eO '8.011 n.52 ~ . .:w 9.e9 -4.-40 -1.3.09 .22 KENAI TIE :38.80 6.02 -2.25 &i I<V 13.1.3 11~ ICY SKI HILL 3.70 -6.27 1.60 -16.8.3 0.965 4.67 -40.07 1).98 -5.26 I<ASILOr -24.56 1.96 -25.15 25.15 2.62 -2.62 0.987 ~ 43.83 -3.11 NINILCHIK 0.999 rRITZ CMEIC -45.73 \80 1.016 --41.16 48.56 -3.34 O.~ DIAMOND RIDGE UNIVERSITY 1.022 -6.2:3 DAVES Cl< 91.50 0.92:3 -S.OI5 15.715 7.30 -4.45 23.51 -815m 1l1.03 20.55 -1-4.-41 0.926 -14.9.3 21.54 -6.14 QUARTZ CK PORTAGE SW 0.943 73.17 2.5-4 --43.95 '1.3.60 -!8.77 6.00 .37.gs SEWARD COOPER LAKE 1 KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 195 WW LOAD • 87 MW EXPORT • 87 WW LOSSES • 21 MW 1.050 53.79 m.oo 4 t50 t-_-:::ll:::e:-:.s=-=7:'"""::::oo=-.oo==i 18.28 3.61 -14.98 18.28 -27.35 27.70 -38.75 38.96 2.20 2.31 -2.61 -2.36 2.44 0.90 8RA-OLEY BRADLEY ~:.:=.;---.....:::=..:..t......::::::::....,_~~...::.:::.::... JUNCTION L AI<[ ANCHOR POINT tooe nos 47.18 4.97 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE f'.(). 1J POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 1988 PEAt< LOAD ro lAW GEt£RATCN AT BRADLEY LAI<E BERNICE LAKE 0 ·97 " SPORTS L AICE .o485o4 24.00 26.72 -26.72 26.72 12.00 18.53 -17.99 13.02 0.927 19.01 3.89 4 6.05 5.26 -5.23 '12.90 5.50 -2.42 2 . .:32 0.926 KENAI TIE 45.57 69 I<V 15.81 SKI HILL 3.70 -S,.4B teo 0.940 46.96 -19.50 J.88 '19.70 --4..33 KASILOF' -27.29 1.03 -28.04 28.03 \:50 -1.:50 ().969 28.56 53.25 -1.53 NINILCHIK 0.98!1 F'RilZ CREEK 53.38 tao t007 -44.29 56.46 -5..32 O.BO DIAMOND RIDGE UNIVERSITY 1.021 -8.01 -7~.48 71.11 PORTAGE SW 0.922 78.-45 3.96 -51.52 13.60 -91.68 6.00 -45.-43 SEWARD COOPER LAKE KENAI PE~NSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 205 MW LOAD • 87 MW t021 58.68 EXPORT .. 92 MW LOSS£S • :16 MW 1.050 82.13 1-:~:::-:::::::-::~120.00 «.68 -1'18.26 120.02 7.54 5.89 -23.68 28.46 -30 . .:36 30·79 ~'\.82 "2·08 220 BRADLEY !RADLEY t--'0;.;.;.7_4 ____ -0~.&4'""""i--4_,._14 __ 4.-.42~-0;;.;.90;;.;;..• JUNCTION LAKE ANCHOR POINT 0.998 tl05 54.98 4.98 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE NO. 14 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 1988 PEAK LOAD 120 WW GEt'-ERA TION AT BRADLEY LAKE 1.030 0.77 24.00 12.20 0.~2 -2.49 BERNICE LAKE 25.1.3 -26.1.3 4.62 -4.24 17.87 -0.26 4.28 -4.23 -6.22 6.12 1028 SPORTS LAKE 0.01 28.1.3 4.24 -27.92 t015 -4.94 -1.80 27.92 4.94 SOLDOTNA 1.013 -2.05 27.89 61.76 -5.04 -14.24 UNIVERSITY t015 1.025 -7 . .:33 -51.31 -6tOJ -6.88 -2.22 5.71 230 KV 115 KV DAVES CK 20.73 1.015 -4.35 -5.80 7.26 2.93 27.98 1.43 PORTAGE SW 1.01.3 6.513 -8.29 -8.45 13.60 -20.53 6.00 2.45 SEWARD 12.90 13 . .:30 -6.56 230 I<V -13.17 28.12 5.50 l-20 I 0.9951 KENAI TIE -:5.01 -7.04 -52.19 7.68 4.37 &i J<V 7.56 -8.00 Sl<l HILL 3.70 ~=-' 1.50 7.60 -tt26 6.40 tt34 -7.22 J.JO KASILOr ~ -18.94 -1.1.3 3.9.2 -'19.27 19 . .27 5.20 -5.20 1.020 0.94 NINILCHIK 115 I< v 1.025• F'RITZ CREEl< 2.44 1 tao t033 -34.91 oao 4.74 o.J2 I . • DIAa.tONO RIDGE 3.32 -1.91 t01!i -14.go -4.50 -1.41 QUARTZ Cl< KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 175 MW LOAD • 87 WW t039 6.45 EXPORT • 82 MW LOSSES • 6 MW t050 9.14 1-:::-:::-:::o::--::"::"'::'::-i 90.00 35.14 -89.07 90.00 -0.06 -0.5-4 1.06 -0.06 COOPER LAKE -21.31 21.52 -32.57 32.71 2.20 BRAOLE y BRADLEy 1-~5~ . .3~0~------5~·~90~~0~.9~5 __ -_,=.2~2+-0~.90~. ANCHOR POINT t029 1t05 3.60 4.95 JUNCTION LAKE HOMER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE N:J. 15 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 'S88 PEAK LOAD go MW GENERA TK)N AT BRADLEY LAKE • 24.00 12.20 0.981 3.25 BERNICE LAKE 27.31 -27.31 14.18 -13.74 "S.69 2.51 5.02 -4.99 1023 SPORTS LAKE 5.59 27.31 -27.06 0.999 1.174 -14.23 3.94 27.06 14.23 SOLDOTNA 0.996 3.71 1.005 1.09 106.51 28.01 -28.01 UNIVERSITY 1.011 1.024 -5.69 -7.78 -104.41 -14.63 18.85 9.68 230 I<V 115 KV DAVES CK 28.79 1.007 1-7.08 -2.16 7.24 2.22 36.03 4.65 PORTAGE SW 1.008 14.79 ,-5.70 -12.09 I 1.3.60 -,..,.16.00 • 6.09 I i SEWARD -3.57 3.45 12.90 -11.8'1 11.81 12\69 230 KV I -2\32 36.27: 5.50 16.80 -'0.66 11.01 -10.47 8.42 -4.87 7.20 0.9811 -22.10 ICE NAI TIE 2.78 16.73 -91.07 19.92 tOt:! -14.95 -0.43 -3.56 58 KV 22.23 SKI HILL 3.70 -1&.82 teo -25.93 15.22 26.34 ~.34 I<ASILOr -33.94 12.,04 -35.12 35.12 11.:>8 -11.:>8 1.002 35.97 1).06 -11.23 NINILCHik 115 KV OUARTZ CK KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 237 MW LOAD • 87 MW 1.029 19.49 £)(PORT • 133 WW LOSS£5 • 17 WW 1.050 24.02 tOt:! F'RITZ CREEK 15.2.00 12.92 tao 1.022 -52.05 52.58'""'-""!',4~9~.34~15:-.!2~.00~ s.J5 0 "'0 15.86 ~...;3;;.;.;.5;.;;6 __ -... ;;.;"'·_41-+.1~0.~49.;:..__8:::;..3::::.5::...; ·"' DIAMOND RIDGE j f -37.77 .38.45 -49.50 49.85 2.20 7 5 BRADLEY BRADLEY COOPER LAKE CASE NO. '6 ~10;.;.·4...;3;.._.----'X>.--.-0-+---.·11..__--...;4.;.;'4.;;;.6+-0;.;.·90;...;;_. JUHC T 10 N LAKE 1.018 11.05 ANCHOR POINT 15.06 4.96 HOMER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWER F'LOW DIAGRAM 1988 PEAK LOAD 152 MW GEI\ERA TION AT BRADLEY LAKE BERNICE LAI<E 1.030 2.93 t024 SPORTS LAKE 2.28 26.80 2~.91 -23.91 23.91 -23.73 t004 '12.'KJ n.s4 -11.31 n.J1 -'12.10 0.83 23.73 19.29 12.tl 2.63 SOLDOTNA 1.001 0.63 0.979 23.70 62.51 -0.26 3.15 -3.14 -'12.20 -20.81 -4.92 4.80 15.30 -16.66 16.66 17.93 6.90 19.80 -1.3.70 14.J5 -9.28 8.90 0.982 -.37.52 ~88 KENAI TIE -0.67 19.02 8.91 6& I<V 37.61 115 I<V Stet HILL 4.40 -18.81 2.00 -42.21 1.001 16.8'1 \49 43.12 -15.95 56.61 -6.97 KASILOF -87.05 1t40 1.006 -20.88 4.02 7.82 -23.33 21.33 7.94 -8.134 2.00 1.010 0.90 6.51 1.01<4 F'RIT2 8.40 2.20 1.023 tOO 1t29 DIAMOND RIDGE -25.91 26.23 -39.50 39.72 7.55 -7.91 1.58 -1.51 1.019 \3.28 ANCHOR 9.87 5.32 POINT 1.009 -t.38 -82.40 82.40 2.3.88 UNIVERSITY t0\3 1.024 -6.59 -6.6.3 -61.16 -9.76 9.45 7.66 230 I<V 115 KV DAVES CK 23.71 tOtl -5.81 -4.31 8.73 2.14 .32.43 l.66 PORTAGE SW 1.0() 9.~ -7.21 -t:>.22 \3.60 -23.44 6.00 4.22 SEWARD 230 KV -17.67 32.6.3 6.67 -3.90 K -42.32 0.31 2.60 1.20 HOMER t0\3 -14.95 -2.77 -2.77 QUARTZ CK KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 220 UW LOAD • 103 UW EXPORT • 105 MW LOSSES • 12 MW 1.032 1.050 COOPER LAKE 90.23 13.39 17.41 0.46 135.00 42.67 -132.90 135.00 6.77 0.01 -0.47 6.77 BRADLEY BRADLEY JUNCTION LAKE CASE 1'(). 17 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 1995 PEAK LOAD BASE CASE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BERNICE LAKE tOJQ~ 2.63~ 1022 SPORTS LAKE 1.99 26.80 23.5.3 -2.3.53 2.3.53 12.'0 15.99( -15.61 15.61 S.67 3.69 ' -2.3.32 0.997 -16.26 0.62 2~2 "6.26 SOLDOTNA 0.993 1.003 0.43 -1.55 -23.29 79.95 -79.84 79..84 UNIV(RSITY 1.011 1.024 -6.68 -8.73 -713.63 -9.22 13.33 ~ 230 I<V 115 ICV DAVES CIC 23.16 1.008 -6.26 -4.50 8.72 1.92 -.31.88 4.34 -18.79 0.97 4 -.l.l) -0.48 .3.49 -3.47 .3.61 -16.34 -24.81 {'27.8.3 !-27.83 15.30 6.90 -.3.74 -16..33 '16 • .3.3 17 . .39 19.80 -12.51 < 13.'0 -1).6-4 ~ < 0.976 -.35.52 1-54.85 -0.86 23.56 15.12 ICENAI TIE 151 I<V 35.82 Sl<l Hll L 4.40 -2.3.32 ..J.!}!L -40.22 0.991 21.32 t31 41.'15 115 I(" ' 230 kV -17.12 .32.07 6.10 -4.59 tOll -14.95 -2.97 -.3.51 OUARTZ Cl< PORTAGE SW 1.009 9.30 -7·35 -10.65 13.60 -22.90 6·00 4.85 SEWARD COOPE:R LAKE -20..39 8.20 55.60 '70 -1305 ~ KASILOF -T2~92 23.00 KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY CENERA liON • 220 MW LOAD • 103 WW 0.9.38 0.991 20.96 .3.91 6.74 18..52 -20.52 6.74 -7.&4 2.00 0.959 -18.25 0.90 3.12 -7 ·41 NMCHII< 0.97 2.20 1.029 132.89 17 .9.3 6.00 EXPORT • 102 MW LOSSES • 1!) WW 1.050 21.92 FRITZ CREEK 135.00 0.13 -6.00 12.37 1.00 16.05 5.41 0.923 II -132.89 135.00 12.37 0 DIAWONO RIDGE II ...----------___, -15.89 2.60 -6.20 2.60 BRADLEY E CASE 1'(). 18 ANCHOR POINT -6.93 0.46 -1.20 1.20 JUNCTION BRtAOI<LE y 0.924 13.29 0.23 6.46 HOMER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWER FLOW DIAGRAM ' 1995 PEAK LOAD BRADLEY Jl..N:TQ\1 TO FRITZ CREEK LINE OUT I \022 2.51 BERNICE LAKE 1.0t3 SPORTS L AI<E 1.86 26.60 2.3 . .37 -2.3..37 2.3..37 - 0.965 12.t:l 17.77 -17 . .36 17.36 -17.90 D.51 19.8.3 4.4.3 23.1.3 17.90 SOLDOTNA 0.981 0~ 0.96.3 -o.62 15.30 6.90 3.62 -.3.27 ICENAI TIE SKI HILL O.J1 -1.66 -3.60 .3.14 0.~ -tOO &9 KV -~.16 -13.26 29.76 o.~m 11.26 -0.22 -29.29 -11.1! 16.20 15.86 12.63 -12.66 ~..39 122.01 13.J8 .35.29 115 ICV KASILOr 0.947 2t09 -t51 H8 -20.58 -8.11 230 ltV UNIVERSITY t009 t02~ -6.76 -8.62 -76~ -8.69 19.51 8.83 230 KV 115 I<V DAVES CK 22.62 \004 -6.99 -·4.66 8.72 1.59 .31.34 5.40 -16.58 3\.52 ll.28 -5.65 \005 -14.95 -3.1.3 -4.6.3 OUARTZ Cl< PORTAGE SW 1.006 6.77 -7.49 -11..37 1.3.60 -22..37 6 ·00 5 . .37 SEWARD COOPER LAKE KENAI ~ENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 220 MW LOAD • 103 MW EXPORT • 19 MW LOSSES • 18 MW \050 26.J6 0.890 F'RIT Z CREE IC ..._..~...,....,.,.,........-~135.00 -4.72 2.20 0.874 -132.87 135.00 15.46 tOO -5.651---H--4--...:t:l::::·::::.01:,._16.::::,.;.;:_46:::...j DIAWOND RIDGE 16.0B -15.91 2 ·60 -2·60 2·60 BRADLEY BRADLEY t-5-.69;.;;.... ___ -.;..;7·;;;,;09~....;0..;.;;.5.;;.5_-_t;;;:20~__;;;t20;;.;;.-. JUNCTION LAKE ANCHOR POINT 0.875 1.3.30 -5.5.3 6.54 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE NO. 19 POWER F'LOW OtAGRAM 1995 PEAK LOAD BRMX..EY J.N:TOI TO FRITZ CREEK Lr£ OUT BERNICE LAKE ~~ 29.JO 120 . .36 -20.36 1.3.20 1.3.16 -12.88 1024 SPORTS LAKE 0.26 0.974 -2.44 1 20.:34 :3.74 t61 -t59 20 . .36 -20.20 t002 12.88 -1:3.80 -0.92 20.20 '1.3.80 SOLDOTNA 0.999 -t09 -20.18 68.47 -'1.3.92 -2t66 -5.07 17.80 21.41 15.8.3 4.95 ~~-~;....;-2141 8.00 KENAI TIE SKI HILL 23.00 -15.35 10.40 0.978 -2.76 ea t<V s.ao -15.66 -14.90 1.lJ6 0.996 ~=.;....-, -0.76 15.09 -0.93 16.:31 -9.75 15.42 115 KASILOF' 0.990 -24.59 0.:35 9.6:3 -9.46 75.79 0.29 KV -28.23 25.23 8.81 -1).21 3.00 0.995 140 3 . .}8 NINILCHIK t002 F'RITZ 5.70 2.60 t016 t20 9.23 DIAMOND RIDGE -31.38 3t85 -48.37 48.71 7.B:3 -7.87 -0.26 0.87 t009 '6.52 ANCHOR 7.49 8.0 POINT 1.008 -2.76 68.:39 23.85 UNIVERSITY t012 t024 -7.11 -9.14 -67.52 -6.75 7.20 6.81 :ZJO I<V 115 t<V DAVES CK 20.61 tOI) -5·38 -5.58 9.80 1.90 30.40 3.48 PORTAGE SW tO I) 6.81 -8.10 -9.51 1:3.60 -20.41 6.00 3.51 SEWARD 230 KV -15.62 .30.57 6.65 -3.81 CREEK -52.71 -2.67 4.00 t80 HOMER 5.3.25 3.89 1.00 -14.95 -4.13 -2.84 QUARTZ CK KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 220 MW LOAD • 120 MW tOJO 11.84 EXPORT • 88 MW LOSSES • 12 MW 1.050 15.84 135.00 -1:32.89 135.00 1).45 -4.n 1045 COOPER LAKE BRADLEY BR.t.DLEY JUNCTION LAKE CASE NO. 20 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 2003 PEAK LOAD BASE CASE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BERtUCE LAKE 0.959 .l?Jg SPORTS LAKE 29.JO 20.00 -20.00 20.00 13.20 15.29 -15.94 15.94 0.903 34.16 20.70 4.151 178 -4.32 -'!9.eo 0.933 -13.45 35.92 19.!0 13.4-5 SOLDOTNA 0.929 35.73 "19.n 0.00 -15.51 -o.oo 0.929 35.73 -0.00 0.00 UNIVERSITY 1.012 1.022 -7 .8.3 -8.62 -60.41 53.94 230 KV 115 KV DAVES CIC 80.98 0.919 -2179 12.67 9.94 -5.24 -W.91 27.04 PORTAGE SW 0.945 63.54 0.82 -42.87 \3.60 -77.14 e.oo 36.67 SEWARD 17.80 21.24 83.47 230 ICY -n.94 1112.88 25.23 -19.12 8.00 KENAI TIE SKI HILL 0.928 J6.06 0.929 J7.1S 15.69 -3.59 -10.51 -74.12 8.49 -4.08 IU55 115 KV -8.72 -15.95 6.42 16.10 -e.92 KASILOf" -25.60 2.62 0.917 -'M.9J e.o -6.n OUARTZ CIC KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GEN£RATION • 220 MW LOAD • 120 MW EXPORT • 71 MW LOSSES • 23 NW COOPER LAKE -29.28 26.28 1.54 -2.94 3.00 0.948 t-40 4Q.27 NINILCHtK F'RITZ CREEK 0.993 -53.88 46.17 -'1).55 DIAMOND RIDGE 1.050 52.73 ~::o:-::~~~\35.00 54.50 -1.:32.7.'3 135.00 36.:51 12.15 -31.18 38.31 32·98 -49'51 49.88 4 '00 BRADLEY BRA.DLEY ~------...;;0;;:·2:.;;;8+--...;.7.;.:;•9.;..1 ---=:8;..:.·7.:::.5 +-..;;;t80~ JUNCTION LAKE ANCHOR POINT o.saeo '6.53 44.36 8.19 HOMER BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE t-XJ. 21 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 200.'3 PEAK LOAD SOLOOTNA TO l.NVERSITY LN: OUT BERNICE LAKE 0.973 70.00 -t25~ I -0·965 SPORTS LAKE I -1.86 29 . .30 ::?0,01 -20.01 20.01 -19.81 0.938 1.3.20 . 16 . .30 -15.95 15.95 -16.49 -3.12 12.~:; ~ I SOLDOTNA 0.934 0.957 -.3 . .30 I --4.571 UNIVERSITY I tOOl I t02.3 -8.00 -10.05 I I -44.15 I -t6J r.89 1 l'J.95 I 2.30 KV 115 KV I I DAVES CK I ~~~~I 0.9e6~ -7.41 I 9.78 -0.12 25.2.3 9.65 1-19.76 145.01 -44.9.3 44.9.3 -t77 .-15.56 ?-51.47 <5.3.75 ~5.3.751 4.2o 1 ~ I ~.:=..:....-~;...~~-21.23 21.2.3 i 10.74 230 KV 2.100 -14.60 ( 15.66 ,-19 . .37 ~"0.40 I < 0.913 I -57.20 -5.20 70.74 ,_;....;;;;.;.._-+---. ei I<V . ~:?~. I SKI HILL 5.10 ~ 2 . .30 . ~ -6.3.84 0.921 I 65.71 -t321 115 KV -l'J.4.3 25.371 16.35 1 -10.os 0.9831-14.94 -6.07 -6.29 QUARTZ CK I 1.3.60 -15.30 I MO. 7.51 SEWARD COOPER LAKE KASILOr 0.894 -77.7.3 KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 220 MW LOAD • 120 MW 4.60 I 53.50 I E>CPORT • 59 MW LOSSES • 41 MW -90.65 87.65 34.01 -.35.41 .3.00 0.888 1.-40 17.9.3 I 1.017 45.33 t050 49.2.3 0.916 rRIT Z CREEK i--........ ----~~1.35.00 27.28 2.60 0.974 -129.18 132.77,-1.32.77 1.35.00 .32.80 t20 J/3.62 -10./39 25.89 I -25.8So .32.80 DIAMOND RIDGE j -100.6.3 106.25 -122.78 125.18 1 4.00 BRADLEY 1--19~·~31 ____ -~9.~05~....;;0....;;.8~0-~9:.=..0;;.,9 -1-,.;;;1.80:;.;;.,.· • J UNCTION ANCHOR POINT 0.9~3 16.54 .3.3.72 ~8.2=5 __ ., HOMER BRADLEY LAKE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE NO. 22 POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 200.3 PEAK LOAD BRADLEY Jt.N:TON TO SOLDOTNA LNE OUT • BERNICE LAKE 0.943 -2.9.3 17.80 8.00 KENAI TIE SKI HILL ANCHOR POINT 0·997 SPORTS LAKE -0.14 20.04 -19.85 0.971 16.04 -16.73 -1...32 19.85 n I SOLDOTNA 0.967 0.983 -1.48 -3.11 -19.83 62.05 -t81 -16.81 -37.11 4.12 I ,-21.19 21.19 14.35 23.00 14.52 ( 15.50 -14.78 1).40 ' 0.9<461 44.11 121.87 -3.25 21.42 31.77 &i I<V -43.69 5.10 -20.92 2.30 1 38.59 0.953 16 •62 -2.14 115 KV -37.69 -17.66 KASILOf 0.918 28.19 -3.79 '13.36 -27.15 -12.!!0 61.97 .39.48 230 ICV HOMER UNIVERSITY 1.007 I 1.024 -7 . .35 -9.40 -61.08 23.56 230 I<V 115 ICV PORTAGE SW 1.004 5.29 l-8.4 9 -11.39 I '13.60 ~ ~ DAVES19.~~ I 1.0001-7..2 9 I -6.06l I 9.79 1.02 28.66 6.27 -14.08 29.02 12.42 I -6.62 1.000 -14.94 -4.62 -5.80 OUARTl CIC KENAI PENINSULA SUMMARY GENERATION • 220 YW LOAD • 120 YW EXPORT • 150 MW LOSSES • 20 MW SEW A.RD COOPER LAKE CASE NO. 2.3 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWER FLOW DIAGRAM 200.3 PEAK LOAD BRADLEY Jt..N:TON T 0 FRITZ CREEK LINE OUT UNIVERSITY 1.00 t024 -7.2.3 -9.26 -64..35 -6.05 13.20 7.50 BERNICE LAKE 230 KV 1~ ICY PORTAGE SW t024 70.00 1.006 0.52 ro 6.10 -8.29 -10.18 ~~SPORTS LAKE 13.60 -19.70 6.00 4.E 29.30 20.06 -20.06 20.06 -19.88 o.991 13.20 16.41 < -16.09 16.09 -16.86 -t17 <.. 19.88 DAVES Cl< 19.89 20.64 15.86 -6.()8 1.007 4.69 -~82 SOLDOTNA 9.19 0.987 0.998 t57 SEW ARD -\33 -2!¥7 -19.65 !-29.68 0.9&4 -3..80 ~ -19.8'5 65.27 -ta.20 15.20 4.50 -2.12 \85 -UM -15.96 !-27.58(29.n !-29.77 -4.20 4.07 <.. 17.80 -2t16 2\16 'e.13 2.30 ICV -14.90 29.85 8.00 23.00 1-14.47 < 15.41 -11.49 8.81 -4.85 ~ <.. 0..967 -31..31 !-50.40 t008 -14.15 KENAI TIE -.3.02 24.03 16.59 -4.39 -.3.95 ~~ KV co OPER LAKE 31.57 11~ KV QUARTZ CIC SKI HILL 5.10 -23..85 ~ -36.67 0.984 21.55 -o.51 37.51 -20.82 9.50 5t06 ~ -'14.90 KENAI f!IENINSULA SUMMARY KASILOr CI:NERATION • 220 MW LOAD • 120 MW -t25.86 EXPORT • 84 MW 19.66 LOSSES • 16 MW Q.982 27.79 1.96 11.76 23.!M -26.SM '10.41 -1\81 J.OO 0.936 -2~.~ 1.40 -().36 1.027 t050 132.87 16.04 20.02 -1J.5S NINIL CHIIC 9.60 0.906 F'RIT Z CREEK 1.35.00 -1.88 2.60 0.884 -J..O& II -9.60 16.04 -132.87 ~00 16.04 0 t20 DIAMOND RIDGE II 20.~ -20.56 4.00 -4.00 4 ·00 BRADLEY BRADLEY 9.36 -9.56 1.15 -1.60 1.80 JUNCTION LA ICE Q.886 16.56 ANCHOR -2.!19 &41 HOMER POINT BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CASE NO. 24 POWER f'LOW 2CX>.J PEAK DIAGRAM LOAD BRADLEY Jt.N:Tk.JN TO FRITZ CREEK LINE OUT 2.3 LOAD FLOW STUDY INPUT DATA This section presents the load flow study input data for 1988, 1995, and 2003. B1-1450098-2 2-28 1988 LOAD FLOW STUDY INPUT DATA 198S PEAK LOAD -135 t!H AT 8PAOLEY LAKES ; 70 !IH (;EN AT 8EPn!:::E Ot..TA TABLE LIS It{G Pt..GE t~O. ;:30 Llt~E FPC!l SOLDCTNA TO AH:!-'C'!!AGE: N::H 115 l!r~!: FRITZ CP T'J ~OLDOTrl~ F c::~ c~.s p~tl ;:CI!9e3 1~:2u.:u. it.PPEO :..T i:~t.:lLEY L JUil. BL'T ~lOT T.:.Pr'ED AT KASILOF fGrL.APAllOJ BUS TYPE BE B BE B eo eo 5 eo e OW~ER •• BUS NAI!E •• A D AtlCHORGE 115 .0.'1CHR CT 115 eELUGA 138 E!ELL':;A. 230 BERr~CE 69 e.E!:HCE 115 e~AL'L Y 115 E<~l Y Jtl 115 :aocR LK 69 DAVES CH 69 B O.~'.'ES CK 115 0!!~~:~ P.G 69 O!l~P'J PG 115 A E. TE~I!~f!.. :30 4 2 5 s~~.·~n . , ••• LO.:.O .•••••• DEVICES •. ZC~E t!H" 0 !WAR ~IH HVAP P HA:O: 1.8 8. 0 2''1. 0 0. 8 3.4 12.2 3Z5. 7 70.0 135.0 15.0 0 SCHE'J VC'~..,T LI~'IT$ F'£l!CT£ E:'..:3 ~~:::: C ,, P GEN Q 1\A.X 0 ~liN V n~X V t-1IN ••.. r-1.:.~~:;.... v;.,;: tll-i 1-1\:'t..P HVt.~ VHOLD St.:":!~;_ ~0 ~.030 l. 050 34.3 50.0 -50.0 1.050 7.3 -l.S 1.030 so ~ 3 8 80 e A E!-'LUTNA 115 34.3 14. 6 30.0 26.6 -13.~ 1.030 3 3 B 3 B e e B e e e 0 F~ITZ CK 115 0 HO"EP 69 !UTP!"!ATL 138 A rnPrL~TL34. 5 C K;.S!LOF 115 r·£~{..:.: :r 69 1-.·;n: t..t:'t13'-~. s n:::_c:,:F !15 .t•.:,:~·r;z :-:;:o r:.:~.:.cr:~l: :30 p .•~:.CH~l: 138 c. HOR''l' 135 P .1-;C":!t;:: l ~ 5 P::JTGE S 1:..5 ~ o:.:::1.;: c~ 69 C .".='TZ. CK 1.!.5 sc;;~co e9 0 s:...·: HI!..L 115 C '::C'LDOTr;A 69 o s~:...~~n~A. 115 D SJLO~TtlA 230 S~RTS LK 115 A T~ELt..ND 115 A TEELAr.;::) 138 A U"I'J~STY 115 US!VRSTY 138 A Utl!VRSTY 230 A IJ"!!IJRSTY3Q. 5 A H. TER!!ttl 230 2. 2 0. 9 11.C 4.7 24'1.3 10~.1 7.6 3. 3 1:.9 13.6 /.!) 3.7 16".8 93.6 130.7 5.5 6.0 3.0 1.6 1. z 39.9 55.7 >1 ..•• FR011. • • . . •••• TO.. • • • LINE LINE T K BUS NAflE KV BUS NAt!E KV TYPE OHNER R T ANCHORGE 115 UNIVRSTY 115 L A EKL UTNA llS L A ANCHR PT 115 NINLCKIK 115 L D ItlND RG 115 L 14.4 46.5 38.9 -7.5 1.030 11~. 0 -11.0 -11.0 14.4 N •••••• Z:-PI. •••• RATE 0 ••• R •••••• X ••• 0.0014 0.0063 0.0462 0.1525 0.0619 0.1223 0. 0449 0. 0886 14.0 -4.8 1.030 l. 000 ••••• Y-Pil ••••• •.. G1 .•.•• Bl. . 0.0004 0. 0094 0. 0066 Q.0048 • •••• Y-PIZ ••••• • • • GZ ••••• B2 •• 0. 0004 0. 0094 0.0066 0.0048 TRAHSFORI~E:~ BUS 1 BUS Z • . TAP.. • • TAP .• RE>lARt-:S I REV. I BELUGA 138 BELUGA 230 T A 0.0010 0.0111 138.00 230.00 FIXED TAP I REV. I BELUGA 230 P .tlACKNZ: 230 9ELU'3A 138 L T BERNCE L 69 BERNCE 115 T KEN.:.I TI 69 BERNCE L ll5 BERNCE L 69 T SPRTS LH 115 L BRADL Y L 115 BRDL Y JN llS 6RDL Y JN llS BRDL Y JN 115 SOl~OTNA 115 L FPITZ CK 115 L EC~SLY L 1!5 :z:::-~:,_ Y L 1 ~5 COOPR LK 69 QOPTZ: CK 69 DAVES CK 69 DAVES C~ 115 T s~;..;.:~o 69 ~~V!:S CK 115 DC.r'TZ Ct-: 115 L IJA\.1!:5 CK 69 T po;-:-sE s u.s OI!1BD RG 69 DI~lnD RG 11.5 T !-i"'"~? 69 l.. D:lli'D RG 115 A!l:Hc PT 115 L O!rr:J PG 6? T Fi'I7;:: CK 115 L ~-7E'OH~JL 230 U~;~'.'t"STY :30 H. i1:'"'~~:1!.. :3 J =~:TZ C~ l~S D!!' ·J ;:~ 1:.5 L ~::-s:... Y ~·' 1.13 A A c c e e 100 100 10 10 30 30 0.0031 0.0010 0.0209 0. 0111 0.0500 O.Z300 0.3:50 0.0500 0.0272 0.1:20 0.0253 O.ll40 0.0253 0.1140 0.0~43 0.2907 0.0203 0.0913 o.c:53 0.1140 o.c:s3 o.1J40 o.o:1e o.C663 0.0420 0.3915 0. 5000 o. eon 0.0184 0.0~27 o.o~.~:c o.sc•oo c. 0464 0. 2086 0.1 ?33 0.0362 0.0511 o.o~49 o.Ciee6 0.1933 o.0144 o.c6-:3 O.CIG37 G.C'~-$6 C.O!Ui.O .i··~·U3 ::-.:·:~·: c .o::3 2-29 0.1824 0. 0025 0. 0079 0. 0073 0. 0073 0. 0189 0.0059 0.0073 0. 0073 o.oooe c. 0103 0. 0054 0. 0136 0. 0004 0. 0048 0. 0043 c.o:~s 0. C•CC: (1. OQ'H~ c. . -. 0.1824 0.0025 0. 0079 0. 0073 0. 00 73 0. 0189 0. 0 059 0.0(•73 O.C073 0.0008 0.0103 0. 0054 0. 0136 0.0004 0.0048 O.OC43 o.o:~s 0. occ:: c. ('('?4 c. c C':~3 C. '~C S9 230.00 138.00 FD~E'O Tt.P 69.00 115.00 FI~~~ TAP I PEV. I 115.00 69.00 109.00 69.00 FIXED TAP 109.00 FI~EJ TAP 69.00 FIXED Tt.P { P.E\1. J IHV.I I PE\'. l { ?£'.'.} I PC'!. I (PEV. J 6?.00 115.00 FIXED TAP 1,-EV. I IF oV. I 1:5. 0 0 69.00 F!X~O TA? ( f;Ev. ) ( i?~\.'. ) 1988 LOAD FLOW STUDY INPUT DATA (CONT) 1968 PEAK LOAD -135 HW AT BRADLEY LAK~S ; 10 tlW GE:i AT B£PtHCE :!30 L n>~: Ft:~tl SOLCOTNA TO A•;;:HCP~G£; t"iEl< llS L!N~ FR'ZTZ CP TO so:,..OOTNA ~:OOPED .!l.i 6~.!.Clf."' L J!JH, BUT tlOT TAP!'£0 AT H.t.SILC::C (GIJ:...APAllOl if c s DATA TAeLE LISTING PAGE NO. "':'I:::DI19S<!: 1~:~4!11 TRANSecp~:::: ..•. FPC•l. • .... TO ..... LINE I.INE THE N •••••• Z-PI. •.••••.•. Y-Pll .•••••••• Y-PIZ .•.. ::us 1 C"JS : E'.JS ~ltd:;, KV S~S ~-1.:~:~ t-:V TYPE(\~;~;::~ P T C PAiE 0 •.. !L ....• Y. •••••• Gl .•••. SH ••••. ,7 ....... SZ .• , .i:..=' .... 7AF •. RE:;L;:;r<:::; HO!!Et 69 Dll!tl? PG 69 L 0 0. 036~ 0. 0511 0. 0004 0. 000'1 i REV. I WrPNATL 138 U'fiVPSTY 138 L P. HO~:lZ.F 138 L P. h:::r~z:: l38 L INTP~'ATL34.5 T IHTRHATL34. 5 IHTRt!ATL 138 Kt.SII_OF 115 S><I HILL 115 L NitlLCHlK 115 KENAI TI 69 BEPNCE L 69 L SO~DOTNA 69 L KNIH ARHH.S UN1VPSTY34.5 NINI.CH!K llS KASii.O< 115 ANCHP PT 115 P .!IACKN~ 13$ P .flACHNZ :30 THLAr<O 138 P.wcor;zF 138 L p .IIACH!Z Z30 H. TEPllllL 230 P. t:f-CKllZ 138 T P. 11.:.c:-:n: 130 T 6EL',.IGA ::30 L P.nACXtf2 138 P.liACr<HZ 2~0 T P. ;.r:;;:::;c::: 13S 1.. P.HOPNZF 138 P.i!ACr:NZ 138 lNTPt:ATL 138 P .Hoqr;z: ne P .tiAC><N: 138 L INrRllATL 138 PORTGE S 115 DAVES CK 115 UtHVRSTY 115 -QARTZ CK 69 OA~TZ CK 115 T COCP~ LK 69 I. QARTZ CK 115 SOLDOTNA 115 L QARTZ CK 69 T DAVES CK 115 L SEI-IAPO 6'1 DAVES CK 69 SKI HILL 115 SOI.OOTNA 115 L KASilOF 115 L SOLDOTNA 69 KENAI TI 69 l SOlDOTNA 115 T SOLDOTNA 115 SOLDOTNA 69 T SOLOOTHA 230 T OARTZ CK 115 SPRTS LK 115 SKI HILL 115 ~ SROL Y JH 115 l SOLDOTNA 230 SOI.OOTNA 115 T UHIVRSTY 230 SPRTS LK 115 8ERNCE l 115 L SOLDOTNA 115 l TEElAND 115 TEELANO 138 T TH\.AllD 138 P. HACKHZ 138 l TE:::L/,~J~ l!S T UlllVRSTY 115 POPT~E S 115 L AHC~CF:GE 115 L Ut.j:VPSTY 138 T UHIVRSTY 136 U:i!VPSTY 115 T :.nc·~'r.'STY ;: :! 0 T u:;rc"RSTY34. 5 u~{!\IF'ST'l"340.S T um::"Tl 138 1.. ;,;~HV~STY 2.30 SOt..OC"Tt:t., :3c L u:HVP.STY l3S T E. TEP!!NL Z3~ UNlVRST"':'34.5 U!'tiVPS"!'Y 115 T WH:\1~~T'f !38 T l!~C\'0 STY l~ e T ;.~~i!!-. .t.OHJ4, 5 A c A 0 D A A A A A A A A A A A B e e e e e B 0 0 c c c c e c 0 E c E c A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 12 12 30 30 zoo zoo 100 100 0. 004' 0. 0038 0.0038 0.0~37 0.0189 0.0151 0.0151 0. Ot.t~O 0.0037 0.0440 0.0441 0.0571 0.0881 0.1?40 0.:~00 O.JZ50 0.0733 O.lC40 o.o<es o.1465 0.0881 0.1740 0.0619 0.1~:3 0. oczo 0. Oli6 0.0086 0. 0016 o. or.::~ 0. oo:o c. 003l 0. o::z 0 .1066 0. 0034 0.0108 0. o::: o.c::z o. o:D? 0 0020 0. 02:: 0.0018 o.oo:: 0. 0086 0. 0034 O.OC3e 0.0151 0.0018 o.oo:: 0.0038 0.0151 0.0464 0.2086 0.0486 O.Zl78 0. 3420 o.ou8 o.oeol 0.0684 0.3070 0. 3420 0.0184 0.08Z7 0.3915 0.809Z 0.0162 0.0319 0.0441 0.0871 0.0733 0.1040 0. 0015 0.0684 0. 0038 0. 0162 0. 0643 0.1333 0.1333 0.0425 0.3070 0. 01 il 0.0319 0. ~90"'1 0.0015 0.0425 0.0182 0.1097 o. ozn o .1220 0.0038 0.017l 0.0812 0.0176 0.1066 c. 081::: o.0486 o.:l7a 0.0014 0.0063 o. c:•o 0 .115S o. o:"o o.oo:2o o.o:::! 0.140 0.14 70 0.0047 C.Cl!!9 0.0182 0.1097 0.0020 0.02:2 0.0037 O.C:66 0. !!55 0.} 46i 0 .l4 7":1 o.::;as c.:..-~:,s 2-30 0.0027 0.04:69 o. o:69 0. 004 7 0.0094 o. oozs o. oooe 0.0024 0. 0094 0.0066 0. 0134 0.1400 0. 0!10 0.1824 0 .103"4 0.1400 0. 0:69 0.1034 0. 0269 0. 0136 0.0142 0. 0008 0. 0186 0.0054 0.0103 0. 0017 0. 004 7 0. 0008 0.0186 0. 0011 0. 0017 0. 0189 0.1073 0.0079 O.OOll 0.0134 0. 0!42 0.0004 0.00:?.7 0 .l0/3 o.o:6s 0. 0024 0. ooo: C. CillO 0. 0027 (J. o:69 o=69 O.OC47 0.0094 0. 0025 0. ocos 0. 0094 0. 0066 0. 0134 0.1400 0. ?llO 0.1400 0. 0 269 0.0136 o. Ol<+Z 0.0008 0. 0186 138.00 34.50 Fil<EO T~~ 34.$~ 138.00 FIXED T~P IRE'/.; 138.00 Z30. or :oo. 00 Z30.00 FIX!:O TAP ne.~o ci~~o TAP 13e. 00 ; n~:::. -;;.p (PEV. l r P~\i. l {REV. i rPE\1. l l38.QO :::3o.oo rn:c:: TAt:~ c::::::v.: ( ~E'\.'. t t:·.:. ) 69.00 115.00 FIY.ED TAP I REV. I 115.00 69.00 Fll<EO TAP 0. 0054 I REV. I 0.0103 0. 0017 0. 004 7 I REV. I I REV. I 0.0008 I REV. I 0.0186 0. OOll 0.0017 o. 0189 0.1073 0.0079 O.OOll 69.00 US. 00 FlXCD TAP I REV. I 115.00 115.00 69.00 F IXEO TAP 230.00 FIXED TAP UO. 00 llS. 00 FIXED TAP fREV. l ( ;:t~\J' J O?EV. J IRE\'. I iREV. I 115.00 138.00 FillED TAP I REV. I o.on• c~o·:.J 138.00 115.00 FIX~~ T~P O.C'l4Z (P.~V. l O.OOC4 (0£\', l 115.00 138.00 F!X~D T~P C~~~-l 1~5.(10 3~.50 FI~E~ TA'= 136.00 115.00 FI~E: r:e 1!8~00 ::30.0C't FIX::~ T~".? iR;v. t 136.0~ 34.50 FIY.tD T~P l38.00 34 .so rt~rc r.:.!:l O.OOZ7 (~tv. l C .1~73 U~E'.'. l Z30.00 138.00 FIY.EO TAP 0.0:::66 {~!V.) 0. OQC~ 0. c:: :r.: ".50 ~.so 15.00 F!Y.: Tt:'l l';'£1}. 1 3e.OO f"!~: T.:C! n~--·.l if:'2_ •• J ( P.:.·:. ) 1995 LOAD FLOW STUDY INPUT DATA 1995 PEAK LOAD -135 HH AT BRADLEY LAKES ; 70 HH &EN AT BERNICE DATA TABLE LISTING PAGE NQ. 230 LitlE FROH SOLDOTNA TO ANCHORAGE; NEW 115 LINE FRITZ CR TO SOLDOTNA FOR CASE RUN TAPPED AT 51! ADLEY L JUN ANn I<ASILOF I GO!. .APAl34 I 7125/1983 13:40 '"' SHUNT Q SCHEO P GEN Q f!-'<X VOLT LIHITS REHOTE BUS PER CENT BUS TYPE ••••• !.CAD. • • • • • • DEVICES •• Q HIH V f:t.X V ffiN .... IUliL... VARS C>lH~R •• BUS NAHE •• ZONE P HW Q lfVAR HW HVAR P HAX HW HVAR HVAR \/HOLD SUPPLIED BE 5 B~ B BQ B BQ 8 BQ 6 B B B B B:l 8 B B BQ B B BQ B 6 6 9 9 s B 8 B BE 6 6 B B 6 a B B B B B B A AHCHORGE 115 D AtiCHR PT llS A !lEI.UGA 138 A BELUGA 230 C 6ERNCE t 69 C BErtNCE I. 115 E B:<ADI.'I' I. 115 E !lROL 'I' JN 11S B COCPR LK 69 F DAVES CK 69 B DAVES CK US D DII!:lO RG 69 D crr:o RG 115 A E. TERIINL 230 A El<l..UTilA 11S D FRITZ CK 115 0 HOl-IER 69 A ItmlNATI. 138 A ItmlNA Tl.34. S D KASILOF 115 C KEHAI Tl 69 A KNIK AR!!34 .S 0 NWlCHIK llS A P .W.Ch11Z 138 A P .m.:KNZ 230 A P .I~C~~:z 138 A P. ~C:lN!F 131! A P .f;~~HZ~ 138 6 POP.TGE 5 US B QARTZ CK 69 B CARTZ CK 11S SEII~RO 69 D SXI HILL US C SOLDOTNA 69 D SCI.OOTNA 115 D SOI.OOTl'lA 23 0 C SPHS LK llS A TEEI.ANO 115 A TEELAHO 138 A UNIVRST'I' 115 A U!IIVRST'I' l38 A UNIVRST'I' 230 A UNIVRSTY34 .S A H. TERHIIL 230 1 4 z.z 1.0 1 e.o 3.4 l 3 26.8 12.1 3 4 4 2 5 z 4 <I 1 1 3'1.3 14.6 4 2.6 1.2 4 ll.Z 5.9 1 l 244.3 104.1 4 a.2 3.7 3 15.3 6.9 1 4 z.o 0.9 l l 1 1 l 2 13.6 6.0 2 2 5 8.4 3.8 4 4.'1 2.0 3 19.8 8.9 4 4 3 1 93.6 39.9 1 1 1 1 1 130.7 55.7 l H C S 1.030 340.9 1.050 70.0 3'1.3 -23.2 1.030 135.0 so.o -50.0 1.050 15.0 7.3 -1.5 1.030 30.0 26.6 -13.2 1.030 '!6.5 36.9 -7.5 1.030 14.0 14.0 -4.8 1.030 -11.0 -11.0 l.OOO .... FROH ......... TO ••••• LIHE LIHE T K E fi ...... Z-PI .......... Y-PI1 .... . TRAHSFORHER ..... Y-PI:..... BUS l BUS 2 ... &2 ..... BZ •••• TAP •••• TAP .. 0.0004 BUS NAHE KV BUS NAHE KV TYPE. OHNER ANCHORGE 115 UNIVRST'I' 11S L A EKLUTNA 115 L A ANCHR PT 115 HI!t.CHIK 115 I. DlHNO RG 11S L 0 D R T C RAT£ 0 ... R ...... X ...... G1 ..... Bl.. 0.001'1 O.DC63 0.0004 0.0'162 0.1S25 0.009'1 0.0619 0.1223 0.0'149 0.0886 0.0066 0. 00118 o. 0094 0.0066 0.0048 REtlARKS (REV. I BELUGA 138 6EI.UGA 230 T A 0.0010 0.0111 138.00 230.00 FIXED TAP fREV. I BELUGA Z30 P.HACKt!Z 230 L BELUGA 138 T BERNCE L 69 BEI!NCE I. 115 T KEtlAI TI 69 L BERNCE L 115 BERNCE I. 69 T SPliTS LK 1lS L BRADL Y L 115 BRDL Y JN llS L BRDL Y JN 115 1. BRDL Y JN 115 I<ASII.OF 115 L FRITZ CK 115 I. eRAOI.'I' L 115 L SRADL Y L 115 L COCPR LK 69 QARTZ CK 69 I. D•WES CK 69 DAVES ~ 115 T SEH:.RO 69 L DAVES CH 115 OARTZ CH 115 L DAVES CK 69 T PC~TGE S 11S I. OIHMl 1!&. 69 OIHND RG 115 T HC!~t;;R 69 L OIHND R& 115 AIIC.HR PT llS l Olt!!\1! RG 69 T FRITZ CK llS L _E. TERIINL 230 UNI\'llSTY 230 I. K. TERi:~r-230 L Er:l. U7NA 115 t.::CHOSG'E llS L FRITZ CK 115 Ol!~!il llG 115 L E:~:l!.. Y J~; llS L A A c c c c E D E E B F F e F B D D D D D A A A 0 D 1 2 100 100 10 10 30 30 0. 0031 0. 0209 0.0010 0.0111 0.0500 0. 2300 0. 32SO o.osoo 0.0272 0.1220 O.OZ53 0.1140 0.0253 0.11'10 0. 0'!16 0.1881 0.0203 0.0913 O.OZ53 0.11'10 0.0253 O.lli!O o.on8 o.0863 0. 0'120 0 .sooo 0.391S 0.809Z 0. 0184 o. 01!27 0.0420 o.sooo O~OtJ64 o.;::oe6 0.1933 0.036Z 0.0511 0.0<149 0.0886 0.1933 0.01'1'1 0.0643 0.0037 O.OZ66 0.0010 0.0056 0.0'162 O.lSZS 0.0144 0.0643 O~C:03 O.C:;'l3 2-31 o.oozs 0.0079 0. 0073 0. 0073 0.0122 0. 0059 0. 0073 0.0073 0.0008 0.0103 O.OOS4 0.0136 0.000'1 0.0048 0.0043 0. OZ6S 0. 0002 O.OON 0. 0043 C. QCS9 0.1824 o. aoz5 0. 0079 0.0073 o.oon 0.0122 0.0059 0.0073 0.0073 0. 0103 0.0054 230.00 138. 00 FIXED TAP 69.00 115.00 FIXED TAP !REV.! 115.00 69.00 FIXED TAP !REV. I !RE\1.1 !RE\1. l !REV. l 69.00 109.00 FIXED TAP (REV. l 109.00 69.00 FIXJ;:D TAP 0.0136 !REV. I 69.00 115.00 FIXED TAP (REV. l 0.0004 0.0048 (REV.! 0.00'13 0.0268 0. 0002 0. 0043 0. C059 11S.OO 69.00 FIXED TAP !REV. l 1995 LOAD FLOW STUDY INPUT DATA (CONT) 1995 PEAH LOAD -135 HW AT BRADLEY LAHES ; 70 HW GEH AT BERNICE DATA TABLE LISTING PAGE HO. '! :30 LINE FRO:-! SOLOOTiiA TO ANCHCRt.GE; NEH llS LINE FRITZ CR TO SOLDOTNA FOR CASE Rlm 7APPEO AT B<l-'.OLEY L JUtl AtO KASILOF (GO~.APAl34J 7/2511983 1J:qo:<n H C S TRANSFCRIIER ...• FROH ••••••••• TO ••.•• LINE LINE T H E H •••••• Z-PI. ••••••••• Y-Pil •••••••••• Y-PI2..... BUS l 6:JS 2 5US N.!.HE KV BUS N:.HE KV TYPE Of~ER R T CRATE 0 ••• R •..••• X ••..•• (;! ••.•• Ell. •.•• GZ ••••• 62 •.•• TAP •..• TAP .• REHARHS HOt!E~ 69 OifiND IIG 69 L 0 0.0362 0.0511 0.0004 O.OoOq (REV. J ItiTRNATI. 138 UNI\'RSTY 138 L P .HORtlZF l3S L P. riC~NZZ 138 L ItiTRIIATI.34.5 T !NTRNATI.34.5 ItiTRNATI. 138 T KASILOF ll5 SOLDOTNA llS L SKI HILL llS L Nit-LCHIH 115 L e'>RDL Y JN llS L KENAI TI 69 BERNCE L 69 t. SO'~DOTI'IA 69 t. KNIH A~H3'!.S UNIIIRSTY34.5 L Nit-LCHIH 115 KASILOF 115 L ANCHR PT llS L P. HACKNZ 13S P. HACKNZ 230 T TEELAlJ:l 138 L P.HC~:-lZF 138 L P .HACKl'U: :::SO H. TER~~":... :!30 L P .1-'.t.CHtiZ 138 T P.tl:.CK!i~ 138 T BELU:lA 230 L P .llACKN2 138 P. HACKNZ 230 T P .NO~NZ2 138 L P. 1-IDRNZF US P. t!ACKNZ 138 L Irm:-r::.n. 138 L o. HCRNZ2 .138 P .HACKN2 138 L ItiTRNA Tl. 138 L 'CRTGE S ll5 DAVE5 CK 115 L UNI\IRSTY 115 L QARTZ CK 69 QARTZ CK 115 T COOI'R LH 69 L QARTZ CK 115 SOLDOTNA 115 L QARTZ CK 69 T DAllES 0< 115 L SEfiARO 69 DAVES CK 69 L SHI HILL llS SOLDOTNA 115 L KASILOF 115 L SOLDOTNA 69 KENAI TI 69 L SOLDOTNA 115 T SOLDOTNA 115 SOLDOTNA 69 T SOI.OOTNA 230 T QARTZ CK 115 L SPRTS LK 115 L SKI HILL 115 L KASILOF 115 L SOLDOTNA Z30 SOLDOTNA ll.S T UtiiVRSTY 230 L SPRTS LK 115 6E1!NCE L 115 L SOI.OOTI'IA 115 L T~ELAIID 115 TEELAIID 138 T TEELA:-lO 138 P. ~lAC:KNZ 1'38 L TEELANO 115 T I.INIVRSTY 115 PORTGE S llS L Af;CHORGE 115 L L1(I\IRSTY 136 T UNIVRSTY3 4 • 5 T LJNIVRSTY 138 UNIIIRSTY 115 T U:IIVl'ISTY !30 T ~'NIVllSTY3 4 • 5 T ~~!IVllSTY3'!. 5 T !NT~NA 'tl. 1~8 L _·: ;r\IRSTY 230 SOLDOn!A 230 L U:UI:llSTY 138 T E. TERH~r~ 230 L -~NIVRSTY3~.5 l..mVRSTY 115 T U:>IVClSTY 138 T I..~!!'.'P.STY 135 T KlilK ARH34.5 L H. TERH:-;L 230 E. T!RI~:C 230 L ? .11.:.:~-Z;Z :JO L A A "A A A E 0 D E c c A D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B a B B F 0 0 c c c c B c 0 E c E c: c A A A B A A A A A A A A E A A A A A A A 1 2 12 30 30 zoo zoo 100 100 0.0047 0.0189 0.0038 0.0151 0.0038 0.0151 0. 0037 0. 0<1110 0.0037 0.0'+40 0.0227 o. 0441 0.0861 o. 0416 0,1026 0.0671 0.1740 0.1881 0. Z300 0.3250 0.0733 0.1040 0.0785 0.1'165 0.0881 0.17QO 0.0619 0.1223 0. oozo o. 0222 0.0176 0.1066 o.ooe6 o.oo3'< 0.0016 O.OlOS o.oo~o o.o::tz 0.0020 0.02:: 0. 0031 o. 0209 0.0020 0.0222 0.0016 0.0022 0.0086 0.0034 O.OOl8 0.0151 0.0018 0.0022 0.0036 0.0151 0.0464 O.Z086 0.0466 0.2178 0.3'120 0.0216 0.0663 0.06811 0.3070 0.3<120 o. 0184 0. 0627 0.3915 0.8092 0.0162 0.0319 0.0'+41 0.0671 0.0733 0.10'10 o.nn 0.1333 0. 0015 0. 0'125 0.068<1 0.3070 0.0038 0.0171 0.0162 0.0319 0.0227 0.1026 0.0015 0.0425 0.0182 0.1097 0.0272 0.1220 0.0038 0.0171 0.0812 0.0176 0.1066 0.0812 0.0'186 0.2178 0.0014 0.0063 o.o2qo 0.1155 0.02'10 0.0020 0.0222 0.1'167 0.1470 0.00'17 0.0189 0. 0182 0.1097 0.0020 0.0222 o.oo:n o.ou& o.usa O.H67 0.1410 0.0785 0.1465 0. 0010 0. 00!16 o. OC!6 o. c::.aa 2-32 0.0027 0.0269 0. 0269 0.0067 0.00<17 0. 0094 o. 0122 0.0025 0. 0008 0 .002'1 0.00911 o. 0066 0.0110 0.182<1 O.lqOO 0.0269 0.1034 o. 0269 0.0136 o.olqz o.ooo8 0.0186 0. 005'1 0.0103 0.0017 0.00<17 o. 0008 0.0186 0 .DOll 0. 0017 0. 0067 0.1073 0.0079 0.0011 0.01H 0.01<12 o. oooq 0.0027 0.1073 o. oo:;tt c. 0002 0. 0110 0. 0027 0.0269 0. 0269 0.0067 0. 00'17 0.009'1 0.0122 0. 0025 0.0008 0.00211 0.00911 0. 0066 0.0134 C.HOO 0. 0110 138.00 311.50 FIXED TAP 3'1.50 136.00 FIXED TAP (REV. I (REV. I !REV.l !REV. I !REV. I 136.00 230.00 FIXEO TAP !REV. I 230.00 138.00 FIXED TAP Z30.00 130.00 FIXED TAP 0.1824 !REV. I 0.103'1 0.1400 0.0269 0 .103'1 0. 0269 o.oooe 0.0186 138.00 230.00 FIXED TAP (REV. I (REV. I (REV.) (REV. J (REV. I 69.00 115.00 FIXED TAP (REV. I 115.00 69.00 FIXED TAP 0.005'1 !REV. I 0.0103 (REV.l !REV. l 0.0008 (REV.l 0. 0186 0. DOll 0. 0017 0.0067 0.1073 o. 0079 0. DOll 69.00 115.00 FIXED TAP !REV. I 115.00 69.00 FIXED TAP 115.00 230.00 FIXED TAP 230.00 115.00 FIXED TAP !REV.l !REV. J (REV. l !REV.l !REV.l 115.00 138.00 FIXED TAP !REV. I 0.0134 !REV. I 138.00 115.00 FIXED TAP 0.0142 (REV.l 0.000'1 (RE\1. J 0.0027 115.00 138.00 FIXED TAP (REV. I 115.00 l'I.SO FIXED Tt.l' 138.00 138.00 138. DO 138.00 115.00 FIXED TAP 230.00 FIXED TAP 3~.50 FIX~D TAP 311.50 FIXED TAP (REV. l !REV.I 0.1073 (REV. I 230.00 136.00 FIXED TAP 0.0268 !REV. I 3'1.50 115.00 FIXED TAP !REV.I 34.50 138.00 FIXED TAP !~E\1. I 3'1.50 138.00 fiXED TA 0 !REV. I O.OC::!4 CR~V.) 0. 0002 C. O!lO !REV. I !REV. I .. 2003 LOAD FLOW STUDY INPUT DATA 2003 PEAK LOAD -135 HH AT B~AOLEY LAKES ; 70 HH GEN AT BERNICE Z30 LinE SC~-A~iCH; llS LINE FC-SC:.. TA~PEO AT B~J t KASILCF TYPE 6 SQ 6 BO 0 BO s B B 5 e 6Q 6 6 6 50 s s 8 E 8 BE a B e !l 8 8 e 5 5 6 6 e OHNER •• BUS NA~IE .. A AtiCHORGE 115 0 AtlCHP PT 115 A e::...UGA :.38 A BELUGA ::>o C BE::::n::! L 69 C 6ERti:;E L 115 E e"'AC:.. Y L 115 E SROL Y JN 115 6 :OOPR LK 69 F Qt.VES CH 69 B O~VES CH 11S OH~t;J ?G 69 0!:~~;: RG ll.S A E. TE~t1N!.. ::30 A !::~LUTNA 115 o rR!TZ. c~ 11s 0 r<::::jER 69 A Itm;t;ATL 135 A !NTPfiATL34.5 0 KASILOF 115 H~nAI T! 69 :. xrnx AP.':34. s 0 N!HL:~:p.: llS A P. !~.:.::~:;;:: 13S A P.!•;.,:"':'lZ :'?C A P. ,;:c::;: 138 A F. ),"J"HZF 138 A P, HJ:!HZ2 138 8 PC~TGE 5 115 6 0L"7Z CK 69 B C~r:'TZ Cl-; 115 5EH!!:'Q 69 D ~;::: H!LL 115 C 30L:~Ttl"-69 o so~ com.:. ll5 o s:::..oon1;.. ::~o C SORTS LK ll5 A TEELC..tiO l!S A TEELAJ;D 135 A UI!IVRSTY 115 A UIHV?STY 138 A UNIVRSTY ZlO A UNIVRSTY34. 5 A H. TERtltlL 230 SHUNT ..... LOAO..... ..~EV!C!'S .. ZON! P t!H 0 HVAR !<>l tiVA<I P HAX 4 1 4 4 2 5 4 4 1 1 4 3 ~~6 a. o Z9. 3 34.3 4.0 16.4 244.3 9.5 l7.a 3. 0 l.Z 3.4 13.2 14.6 1.8 7.4 104.1 4.3 a.o 1.4 13.6 6.0 9.4 4.:! 5.1 =.3 :3.0 10.4 1 93.6 39.9 1 1 1 1 1 130.7 55.7 1 357 .a 70.0 135.0 15.0 30.0 14.4 46.5 14.0 -1l. 0 -11.0 14,4 DATA TABLE LISTING PAGE NO. 8/25/1963 15:30!40 0 SCHEO VOLT LII!ITS REHOTE BUS PER CEMT P GEN Q t!AX 0 I!IN V !tAX V HIN •• ~ .NA!!E.... \;';,~s II~ IIVAR HVAR VHOLO SU?PLIEO l. 030 l.050 34.3 -23.2 1.030 50.0 -50.0 1.050 7.3 -1.5 1.030 ~6.6 -n.z l.03o 38.9 -7.5 l.030 14.0 -4.8 l.030 l. 000 .... FROH ......... TO ..... LINE BUS NAHE KV SUS NAIIE KV TYPE ANC~ORGE llS UNIVRSTY 115 1.. H C LINE T K OHNER R T A N RATE 0 ...... Z-FI .......... '1'-Pll. .. .. , •••• Y-PI2 .... . TRAtlSFORt!ER BUS 1 SUS Z EKLUTNA 115 1.. ANCHR PT llS NINLCHIK 115 L OUIND RG 115 L BELUGA lJ& 6~LUGA 230 T BELUGA Z30 P .HACKNZ 230 1.. BELUGA 136 T 6ERNCE L 69 BERNCE L US T KENAI TI 69 L BEIINCE L 115 BEIINCE L 69 T SPliTS LK 115 L BRAOL Y L llS BROL 'I' JN 115 L SJ;OLY JN llS 1.. 6RDL Y JN 115 KASILOF llS L FRITZ CK 115 L BRAoL Y L llS L :;.:.::.CL Y L 115 L COOPR LK 69 OARTZ CK 69 L DAVES CH 69 DAVES CK 1l5 T $'EH;.~o 69 L DAVES CK llS Ot.:ITZ CK 115 L VA\!ES CK 69 T I'CRTGE S 115 L OI!lND RG 69 OHI:IO RG 115 T HGI!ER 69 1.. OI!I!ID RG 115 AtlCHR PT llS L 0!~!~\:i RG 69 T FI"!TZ CK l!S A A A A c c c c E 0 E E 6 B F 6 0 0 0 0 100 100 10 10 JO 30 ... R ...... x ...... Gl. .... 81 .. 0.0014 0.0063 0.0004 0.0462 0.15Z5 0.0094 0.0619 0.1223 0.0449 0.0886 0.0010 0.0111 0.0031 0.0209 0.0010 0.0111 0.0500 0.2300 0.3250 0. osoo 0.0272 o.uzo 0.0253 0.1140 0.0253 0.1140 0.0416 0.1881 0.0203 0.0913 0.0253 0.1140 0.0::53 0.1140 0. 0 Zl8 0. 0863 0. 04ZO 0. 5000 0.3915 0.&092 0. 01S4 0. 0827 o. o":o o. sc oo 0.0464 0.2086 0.1933 0.0362 0.0511 0.0449 0.0886 0.1933 0.01'~4 C.0:6:.t3 0.0066 o.oo•u1 0.1824 0.0025 0. 0079 0. 0073 0. 0073 0. 0122 o. 0059 0.0073 0. 0073 o. 0008 0. 0103 0.0054 0. 0136 o. 0004 0. 0048 0.0043 .. • Gz ..... az .. 0.0004 o. 0094 0.0066 0.0048 0.1824 0.0025 0.0079 0. 0073 0. 0073 0. 01ZZ 0.0059 0. 0073 c. 0073 0.0008 o. 0103 0. 0054 .. TAP .... TAP •• REHARKS (REV. l 13&.00 230.00 FIXED TAP lREV. l 230.00 136.00 FIXED TAP 69.00 115.00 FIXCO TAP tREV. l 115.00 69.00 FIXED TAP (REV.) lREV. l tREV. l (REV.) 69.00 109.00 FIXED TAP !REV. l 109.00 69.00 FIXEO TAF 0.0136 [R~V.l 69.00 llS.OO FIXED TAP tPEV. l 0.0004 0.0046 rR!V. l 115.00 69.00 FIXED TAP 0.0043 -E:. TERt~~iL Z30 UtU\!?STY Z30 L A 0.0037 0.0266 0.0010 C.OC!'6 0. 0:6!1 !J. C0~2 0.0266 0.0002 ~'LTE'Pt!t~l.. Z30 L Fr:;z CK llS ::i!~~;:J P.G 115 L e::::;:.."f ..;~; n'=" L A (L 0U6Z 0 .l$Z5 0.01"~ 0.0603 O.CZO:! O.C713 2-33 0. ~~'>3 O.O~E9 o. oo·~ 0. (1043 C. CCS9 rREV. l 2003 LOAD FLOW STUDY INPUT DATA (CONT) 2003 PEA'< LOAD -135 f!H AT B~~OLEY LAH~S ; 70 ~II< GEN AT BERNICE DATA TABLE LISTING PAGE NO. :":30 L!:r: SGl...-AHCH; llS LZNE !="C-SO~ it.F'PEO AT e~J S. KASILOF FQ" C!.~E KUN 11 c .•.• FPO~L ..•.. i"O ••.•. L!tiE Lia= T K 8"'JS tit.~1E KV SUS N:..n~ t-:V TYP= Ci::;:;p P T HOnEP 69 Oin~tO RG 69 L 0 INTI<HA71. 138 UNIV~STY 138 L P. HC~tiZ!' l38 L P. ~C?:iZ:~ 135 L Itm<NATL3'1. 5 T INTRNATL3'1.5 INTRNATL 138 T KASILOF llS SOLCOTliA 115 L S;{l HilL 115 L tiiNLCHIK 115 L 8ROLY JN ll5 L KEHAI TI 69 !lEPNCE L 69 L ~OLOOTNA 69 L KNIK ARI13'1.5 <J~liVRSTY3'1.5 L NHILCHIK 115 KASILOF 115 L AtiCHR PT 115 L o, HACHNZ 138 P, Ht,Cf<NZ 230 T TEEt...t.~lD 138 L ~ .llC?tt::F ::ss L ~ .~tACXNZ :30 K TE!='1 l~{:.., ~30 P.flt.C~HZ l3B T P.t:~:KN: 138 T 8ELUSA :::30 L P.:;:.crmz 136 P.tfA':K~1Z 230 T P .t:cr.:r~z:: 138 ?.HC,tiZF 138 P.ilt.Cf(t~Z 138 L ItfiRfiATL l38 L P. ~ORHZ2 138 P. t1ACHH2 138 INTRtiATL 138 PORTGE S 115 DAVES CK 115 UNIVRSTY ll5 GA~TZ CK 69 QARTZ CK 115 T COOP!? LK 69 L OARTZ CH 115 SOLDOTNA 115 L QARTZ CK 69 T DAVES CK llS L SEHA~D 69 DAVES CK 69 L SKI HI!.!. 115 SOLDOTNA llS !. KASil.OF llS L SOl.OOTNA 69 HEHAI TI 69 l. SOLDOTNA llS T SOLDOTNA 115 SOLDOTNA 69 SOI..OOT!IA 230 Qt~TZ CK ll5 l. 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Qq16 0. 0189 0. 0151 0. 0151 0. O'i40 0.1026 0. 0871 0.1740 0.1881 0. 2300 0. 32SO 0.0733 0.1040 0.0861 0.1740 0.0619 0.1::~3 0. 0020 0.0176 0. 0086 0. 0222 0.1066 0.0034 0.0016 0.0108 o.oozo o.o:::z o.oo:.:o o.o:~: 0.0031 0.0209 O.OQ;:O O.o:zz c.oo18 o.oo;:z 0. 0086 0. 0034 0.0038 0.0151 0.0018 0.0022 0,0038 0.0151 0. 0464 0. 2086 0.0486 0.2178 o. 34ZO O.OZl8 0.0863 0.0684 0.3070 0.3420 0.0184 0.0827 0.3915 0.8092 0.0162 0.0319 0.0441 0.0671 0.0733 0.1040 0.0015 0. 0684 0. 0036 0. Ol6Z 0. 0227 0.1333 0.1JJ3 0' 0425 0.3070 0. 017l 0. 0319 0.1026 0.0015 0.0425 0.0182 0.1097 0.0272 0.1220 0.0038 0.0171 0. 0612 0.0176 0.1066 0' 0812 0.0466 0.2178 0.001'1 0.0063 0 '(!;!40 0.1158 0. C240 0.0020 o.ouz 0.146 7 0.14 70 o.oo47 o.o1e9 0' 018'2 0. oo:o 0. 0037 0.1097 0. o:::: o. c::66 o .u;;a c .146 i' 0 .1'170 0.0785 0.1<i65 o.rno o.:'056 0. L~ 16 c. o:ce 2-34 0.0027 0. 0269 o. o:69 0. 006 7 0 '004 7 0. OC94 0 .OlZ::: 0. 0025 0. 0008 0. 0024 0. 0094 0. 0066 0.0134 0.1400 0. 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