HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Feasibility Study Vol. 3 1983BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY VOLUME 3 APPENDICES OCTOBER 1983 ~Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation ......___ALASKA POW:t~R AITTHORITY _ ..... .... CONTRACT No. CC -08·3132 14500.14-H-(D)-1 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY VOLUME 3 APPENDICES OCTOBER 1983 .___ALASKA POWER AITTHORITY _ _.. COPYRIGHT, 1983 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY AND IS TO BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST. ITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE COPIED, DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES, OR USED FOR OTHER THAN THE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT HAS BEEN PROVIDED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY. VOLUME 1 - VOLUME 2 - VOLUME 3 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT APPENDICES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDICES APPENDIX D APPENDIX E GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES FEASIBILITY STUDY -CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES TRANSMISSION LINE ANALYSIS FEASIBILITY STUDY OF TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEM BRADLEY RIVER INSTREAM FLOW STUDIES APPENDIX D FEASIBILITY STUDY OF TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEM August 30 7 1983 Mr. J. J. Garrity STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORP. P.O. Box 5406 Denver? Colorado 80217 Dear Mr. Garrity: Attached is a report documenting our findings on the feasibi I ity of constructing the transmission fac i I it i es associ a ted with deve I opment of the Brad I ey Lake Hydroe I ectr i c Power Project. The transmission I i nes from the powerhouse to Homer Junction have been found to be feasible with no unusual problems to con- struction. Detailed cost estimates and a conceptual I ine design are included in the report. Should you have any questions concerning this report or require clarification please contact us. sincere I y? DSL:mb Attachment I . I I . I I I . IV. v. VI. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SUMMARY A. Bradley Lake to Homer Junction B. Soldotna to Anchorage TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEMS A. Bradley Lake to Homer Junction ............... . 1. Genera I Routing ......................... . 2 . 3. Geology Conceptual Line Design Page 1 3 3 5 7 7 7 8 10 4. Construction Techniques . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . 16 B. 5. Cost Estimate . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. 16 Soldotna to Anchorage 1. 2 . 3. General Routing Geology, Conceptual Line Design and Construction Techniques ................. . Cost Estimate ............................ . 18 18 HISTORICAL REVIEW 18 19 23 23 23 24 25 26 A. Brief Summary of Existing Reports 1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2 . 3. 4. Ebasco Services R. W. Beck and Associates Gi I bert/Commonwealth B. Summary of Construction Projects .............. 26 1. Review of 115, 138, 230 and 345 kV Costs . . 26 2. Cost Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 REFERENCES 36 37 APPENDIX A. Design Computations B. Unit Drawings c. Cost Estimate Deta i I D. Maps - i - I. INTRODUCTION I. INTRODUCTION The transmission lines, associated with development of the Bradley Lake hydroelectric facility, are reviewed in the following report. The review includes a conceptual design and detailed cost estimate for the lines leaving the Bradley Lake powerhouse. The powerhouse is proposed to be located at the water 1 s edge, at the east end of Kachemak Bay. The power from this facility is proposed to be transported over two new parallel 115 kV trans- mission lines to a location (called Homer Junction in this report) approximately 20 miles northeast of the City of Homer. These 115 kV lines are conceptually designed in this report. The design is not intended to necessarily be the best possible design choice or to fix any part of the actual design process, but to insure a workable design before cost estimating. A structure, which has proven well suited to the Kenai Peninsula, is used to develop a reasonable conceptual line design. Pole sizes and strengths are roughly optimized with consideration to conductor char- acteristics and embedment depths. Anchoring is estimated from a cursory soil investigation and general area geology. Right-of-way width is determined from conductor displacement calculations and proximity for a double circuit line. A proposed study corridor is selected based on preliminary land status and a brief field reconnaissance. The conclusion of this effort is a line con- struction cost estimate from a detailed unit breakdown. If a significant amount of Bradley Lake power is to be transported to Anchor- age, it will probably be necessary to construct a new 230 kV line from Soldotna to Anchorage. In addition to the Bradley Lake 115 kV I ines, a cursory cost estimate is developed for a 230 kV line from Soldotna to Anchorage. Two routes are examined for this new line: one parallels the existing 115 kV line around Turnagain Arm; and the second follows the gas - 1 - line to a submarine cable crossing of the Arm. A detailed cost estimate for either of these routes is beyond the scope of this report. Instead, a very preliminary cost estimate is developed from an analysis of contruction costs of completed transmission line projects throughout Alaska. This analysis deter- mines a 11 cost per mile 11 for each project in 1983 dollars and develops some expected costs for different voltages and construction types. The new 230 kV lines are then divided into different construction type seg- ments and a 11 cost per mile 11 applied to each segment. The final section of this report presents a brief summary of the transmission line comments from previous engineering studies. The recommendations from these reports have been incorporated where they were determined appro- priate. The purpose of this report is to: 0 0 0 Develop a conceptual design and detailed cost estimate for two 115 kV parallel lines from Bradley Lake powerhouse to Homer Junction. Develop a cursory cost estimate for a 230 kV line from Soldotna to Anchorage along two different routes. Review previous reports on Bradley Lake and incorporate recommen- dations where they are determined appropriate. - 2 - II. SUMMARY II. SUMMARY A. BRADLEY LAKE TO HOMER JUNCTION Costs for the Bradley Lake line are developed from a detailed unit breakdown of a typical construction contract. Prices for each labor unit are estimated based on experience and material prices quoted from local distributors. Two costs are presented: a single 115 kV line; and a double 115 kV line. The double line is estimated by increasing the single line estimate for additional construction units only. The double line is assumed to be built in one construction effort, so items such as mobilization are not double that of the single circuit. Line Type 115 kV Single Line 115 kV Double Line Estimated Cost $4,754,000 $8,877,000 The above costs include labor and material, engineering, clearing, con- struction management, and owner 1 s cost. They do not include right-of- way cost, substation costs, or operating and maintenance costs. The following Plate 1 shows the line route selected for this estimate, a more detailed map is included as Plates 4.1 through 4. 5. -3 - fi'~ ' ,, I g3fi ! 937 g1R ~~\ ~~~ 1,~ ...... ~/ i-1 / . rr • /I I ...... _ ...... .:71!. ..... '-:--~\ \ } ' .,.f v QR() Ql"jl QH;> =t=· 276 277"' L-EGEND ----PROPOSED FRITZ CREEK - SOLDOTNA ) .. , ---PROPOSED 115kV BRADLEY LAKE I"= 4 MILES K A c Drvden & LaRue COIIl'SULTING ENGINEERS , " }I £ ft{ ~ ,, c '/I ' ~":~ ·"' "" .,, . ~ , .. \, C.hf>"JI~ 1( Gullltland t> ~ r "!, Cl ;;- ..... "" .. ... ,, ~. ""'· • --~. ':'~..L ~ ..... ~ ' I. J6t>' t B~AOLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY-TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE TO HOMER JUNCTION '.;;• B. SOLDOTNA TO ANCHORAGE Two routes are investigated for this line: route 1 follows the existing overhead 115 kV line; and route 2 follows the existing gas line to Chickaloon Bay and crosses Turnagain Arm with submarine cable. Line Type 230 kV Overhead -Route 1 230 kV Submarine -Route 2 Estimated Cost $62,500,000 $69,000,000 The above costs include labor and material, engineering, clearing, con- struction management, and owner•s cost. They do not include right-of- way costs, substation costs, or operating and maintenance costs. The 230 kV overhead estimate is based on comparing the construction requirements with those of other completed projects and then selecting a cost per mile. This method is further described in Section Ill. B. The estimate for 230 kV submarine cable is very preliminary. The con- struction technique required for cable laying will significantly impact the cost of this option. At this time, no effort has been made to investigate any cable laying techniques. The estimate presented here is based on information from the only 230 kV cable project in Alaska, the CEA cable crossing over the Knik Arm. Knik Arm and Turnagain Arm are quite different, and the estimate here assumes considerable savings in labor over the Knik Arm crossing. This assumption and all other aspects of the cable estimate will need considerably more investigation if this option is considered viable. The following Plate 2 shows the two routes used for this estimate. - 5 - .;. •.1> -t. -t. .... ~ .., t !.I .... H "<' ~ ~~ \ .;. -~ .,... \ .of. c- ~ \ ' • .. -(' it' t: ,.. ~if L .~ • • j¥ ~ ~ !r ~-a tr J ..,.. p~ 0 '\ "' ''"~ "' ... 6 ' ... "\ ... o#' 1. ot!' i• > "'~ .. -'•• ~ .:t&. ; 0 .: ,., + C\1 c-+ i u 0 (/) ~<I wN a>ffi • • ::::JI.t.l 6 ~ (/) (/) ow w a:~ c::::==::::::; !f ,--~ O..t-..J CC) 0:::::1 -.Jffi H a::o :::E o..a:: ~ .. 10 ~j CD c~ ... Q)~ : "C::J ->,(f) I ._z • .. o8 ... Ill. TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEMS Ill. TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEMS A. BRADLEY LAKE TO HOMER JUNCTION 1. General Routing The route of the transmission line is subject to many influences, a long list of compromises, and is seldom completely settled until just before construction. In this report we have not attempted to com- plete the routing effort. Instead, we have proposed a few changes to the Corps of Engineers' route from their August 1982 Environ- mental Impact Statement and offer some general routing observa- tions. The 11 Proposed Corridor" presented in Plates 4.1 through 4.5 is based on: two field trips, a brief review of land ownership, and preliminary soil probes. The routing changes from the Corps' effort will minimize private property crossings and avoid the southern boundary of the Kenai National Moose Range which has been given Wilderness Preserve Status. The proposed corridor has not been presented to any agencies, or the public. However, the findings from the Corps• Final E. I. S. wi II probably still apply. The E.I.S. concluded low potential for bio- logical impacts. Visual impacts should also be reduced across the Fox River because of a more northerly crossing. Probably the most significant visual impact will be due to the required right-of-way clearing in the first line section north of the powerhouse. This section is heavily timbered and may also be visible from the water at the end of Kachemak Bay. The proposed corridor is parallel to - 7 - the end of the bay to minimize visual impacts but because of the clearing width and heavy timber it may be visible. Existing land records have been reviewed and general land owner- ships are identified on Plates 4.1 through 4.5. This effort is not intended to be comprehensive, but to show the easily definable pri- vate interest and public lands. 2. Geology For purposes of estimating the cost of structure foundations, the route of the 115 kV transmission line, from the Bradley Lake power- house to the tie into the HEA 115 kV transmission line (Homer Junc- tion), may be divided into three distinct sections. The first section, from the powerhouse to the Fox River and Sheep Creek deltas, approximately 6 miles in length, traverses a heavily forested area along the lower slopes of the Kenai Mountains. The second section, across the delta at the head of Kachemak Bay, is approximately 3 miles long over open terrain. Toward the north- west, the third traverses a flat plain for about 10 miles from the delta to the tie at Homer Junction. Information has been gathered from several sources including: a helicopter overflight of the area; two geologic reconnaissance re- ports of the Bradley Lake project which concentrate on the dam and powerhouse sites; aerial photo interpretation of False Infra-Red photographs of the line route; a subsurface investigation at McNeil Creek (a site located some 10 miles south of Caribou Lake resting on the same geologic surficial deposits as exist along the route); and a brief soil investigation using a hand probe. A brief descrip- tion of the three line sections follows. In Section 1, from the powerhouse to the delta, the terrain is heavily wooded and covered with thick underbrush for a distance of - 8 - approximately 5. 9 miles. From all indications, this part of the line will be mostly in hard rock covered by shallow overburden consist- ing of organic material and gravelly till. Peaty bogs in undrained depressions and talus deposits of relatively loose granular material may be encountered. In Section 2, beyond the mountainous region, the line traverses the Fox River and Sheep Creek delta, a distance of approximately 3.4 miles. The crossing is located beyond the reach of the tidal waters of Kachemak Bay so inundation is unlikely unless the area subsides, as has happened during previous earthquakes. Previous investigations have shown that the intertidal and deltaic areas along the shore consist of alluvial deposits overlain by up to 6 feet of clay. From photo interpretation and the line being outside the .tidal reach, we expect the soil to be alluvial deposits of rela- tively loose to compact silty sands, gravels, and cobbles. In Section 3, the third and longest segment of the transmission line (approximately 9. 7 miles), is situated on a peneplain of relatively flat relief. Geologic maps show two main formations in this part of the Kenai Peninsula, the sandstones and siltstones of the Kenai group and the overlying quaternary surficial deposits. It appears, from studies of the aerial photographs, that the surficial deposits are relatively thin. Marshy areas surrounding Caribou Lake are extensive and consist of peat and soft organic silt. Transmission structures located outside the wet areas will probably be founded in a sandy silt or silty sand soil. The previously men- tioned subsurface investigation at McNeil Creek revealed a layered system of silty sand and sandy silt with traces of some gravel. To a depth of approximately 10 feet, the deposits are relatively com- pact and increase in density at greater depths. - 9 - Assuming similar soils exist in our area of interest there should be no difficulty in providing suitable foundations for the directly em- bedded pole structures. A second helicopter field trip was carried out to accumulate soil information for preliminary selection of anchor types. This proce- dure was accomplished by performing soil test probe readings and relating these readings back to general soil classifications for determining anchor holding powers. Soil probe readings in Section 1 were taken at two locations. The first, on a bluff near the Bradley River, consists of three test probes. The second, near the delta prior to leaving the timbered area, consists of three test probes. One soil probe reading was taken in Section 2, at the edge of the Fox River. Soil probe readings in Section 3 were taken at two locations. The first, in a swamp near the proposed airstrip, consists of one test probe. The second, on a knoll southwest of Caribou Lake and approximately 3 miles east of Homer Electric Assocation junction, consists of three test probes. The results and summary of all the probe readings are included in Appendix A of this report and the test probe locations are marked on Plates 4.1 through 4.5. 3. Conceptual Design The conceptual design is based on the National Electrical Safety Code ( N ESC 1981 Edition), Grade 11 B 11 Construction, the Design Manual for High Voltage Transmission Lines (REA Bulletin 62-1, revised August 1980), and engineering judgment for the local condi- tions. The design is by no means complete, it is only one logical -10 - approach for determining structure limits and miscellaneous hard- ware requirements for developing a unit cost estimate. The following discussion outlines the criteria, computations, and results of the line voltage, insulation level, conductor, span limits 1 foundations, anchoring, and right-of-way requirements of the con- ceptual design. A copy of these computations are in Appendix A. The line voltage of 115 kV 1 used in this study, was recommended by the Corps of Engineers 1 report and Stone & Webster. Salt spray contamination may be possible near the end of Kachemak Bay. Therefore 1 additional suspension insulators (10 units for tan- gent and 12 units for deadends) have been assumed. The conductor chosen in the Corps of Engineers 1 report was 556.5 kern ACSR 11 Dove 11 which will be used in this report. An actual conductor/structure study should be performed during the design stage of the Bradley Lake Project to determine the actual conductor that is cost effective for the system. The following characteristics apply to the conductor chosen for this study: 556.6 kern 26/7 Class ncu coating Rated Strength Diameter Weight Cross Section ACSR Code Name Dove = 21 1 200 lbs = 0.927 inches = 0. 766 I bs/ft. = 0 . 5083 sq . in . Current Carrying Capacity = 730 amps at 75°C. 1 2 fps wind, 25 C. ambient, 0.5 emissivity Alcoa Sag Chart 1-782 (Record No. 8) -11 - Utilizing an in-house computer system, sag/tensions were prepared on the above conductor. The program computes the sag and ten- sions using the Alcoa Graphic Method and Alcoa wire character- istics. The output data and input data is summarized in Appendix A with the first sheet being the input data for various loading conditions and the conductor characteristics required for operation of the program. The following loadings were computed for the conductor: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NESC Heavy; 0.5 inch radial ice, 4 psf wind, 0.3 constant at 0°F. NESC Extreme Wind; no ice, 26 psf wind at 60°F. Extreme Ice; 1. 0 inch radial ice, no wind at 32°F. Moderate Wind; no ice, 6 psf wind at 60°F. Minimum Temperature; 0°F I no ice, no wind. 32°F, no ice, no wind. 60°F, no ice, no wind. 90°F, no ice, no wind. 120°F, no ice, no wind. 167°F, no ice, no wind. 212°F, no ice, no wind. The maximum operating temperature that was used for this study is 167°F. The tension controls were input as a percent of the conductor rated strength. The controls used and their source are: Loading Percent Conditions Source Heaving Loading 45 Initial NESC (modified) Extreme Wind 70 Initial NESC/REA Extreme Ice 70 Initial REA/Engineer Minimum Temp. 20 Final Engineer QOF Unloaded 33.3 Initial REA QOF Unloaded 25 Initial REA -12 - Additionally, the sag runs were checked for creep condition at 60°F. Sag/tension runs were made for ruling spans beginning at 600 feet through 1,500 feet at 100 feet intervals. The controlling tension was 4,240 lbs. at -20°F, final, for ruling spans from 600 feet through 1,100 feet and 9,540 lbs. at NESC Heavy Loading, initial, for ruling spans 1,200 feet through 1,500 feet. Span limits were determined based on the sag and tension runs prepared from the above calculations. The span limit calculations assumed level ground and maintaining 24 feet ground clearance. This ground clearance corresponds to the required clearance for 115 kV over land that may be traversed by vehicles. Based on the above data and assumptions, the maximum span for various ruling spans were calculated and a copy of these calcula- tions and results are in Appendix A. Span limits were also determined by assuming that the maximum moment at the groundline of the structure produces the maximum bending stress in the poles. The groundline moment was deter- mined for both N ESC Heavy Loading and N ESC Extreme Wind Loading acting on the structure and on the supported conductors. The structure type chosen for the study is the REA TH -10, without the shield wire assembly (TH-10S). This structure has proven to be an economical and reliable unit for the existing transmission lines in the Kenai Peninsula for more than 20 years and even survived some large earthquakes with minimal damage. The structure calculations were performed only on a tangent struc- ture only with the following criteria used: Transverse Overload Capacity Factor NESC REA USED 0 Heavy Load 4.0 4.0 4.0 0 Extreme Wind 1. 0 1. 5 1 . 1 -13 - A copy of these calculations is in Appendix A. Span limits due to phase separation of the TH -1 OS configuration and a 1,000 1 ruling span were determined and checked against the span limits due to sag and due to pole strengths computed above. The controlling span limit was used for estimating a base pole height and class to be used for this cost study. Direct embedded wood pole structures are assumed for this study with the following conservative criteria: 0 0 0 Line Section 1 Surface rock assumed. 10% of pole height + 2 feet. Line Section 2 Poor soil assumed. 10% of pole height + 6 feet with gravel backfill and bearing plates. Line Section 3 Poor soi I assumed. 10% of pole height + 6 feet with gravel backfill and bearing plates. A method of determining the approximate embedment depth verses the pole load is shown in Appendix A and reflects very conserva- tive assumptions made for all of the line sections. These assump- tions were made due to the absence of any soil borings and during the design stage, this should be studied. A cursory classification of anchor types was performed for the line sections by utilizing the soil probe readings and A.B. Chance•s Encyclopedia of Anchoring. A table summarizing the soil probes and the type of anchoring along the alignment is in Appendix A. The criteria used to calculate the necessary right-of-way widths are the following: -14 - 0 0 0 0 0 Single Circuit Line Conductor, insulator, and structure displacement under 6 psf wind, 60° F, final, and the clearance required to buildings from REA 62-1, Table V-1 of 11.7 feet maintained. Conductor, insulator, and structure displacement under 26 psf wind, 60°F, final and allowing the outside phase to blow out to the edge of the right-of-way. Two Parallel Single Circuit Lines (Structures located opposite each other) Clearance between conductors carried on different lines, equa- tions V-8, V-9, V-10 from REA 62-1. Clearance as dictated by minimum clearance of conductors from one line to the supporting structure of the other, Equation V -1 2 , R EA 62-1 . Minimum clearance to the conductor of 2.5 feet if one of the structures opposite the other failed, also assuming the failed structure is 15 feet higher than the other. Calculations reflecting the above criteria are shown in Appendix A. To summarize the above conceptual design criteria and computa- tions, the unit cost estimate will be based on the following design results: 0 0 0 0 0 115 kV wooden 11 H11 frame construction. 556.5 Kcmil, 26/7 ACSR conductor, Dove. 1000 foot ruling span, 80 1 Class H1 for Line Section 1 and 80 1 Class 1 for Line Sections 2 and 3. Embedments of 10% pole height + 2 feet for Line Section 1 and 10% pole height + 6 feet for Line Sections 2 and 3. Two parallel 115 kV circuits on a right-of-way width of 225 feet. -15 - 4. Construction Techniques There are several possible construction techniques that could be used for this line and no two contractors will probably pick the same ones. However, in order to estimate the cost of construction for this report, it is necessary to make a selection of construction techniques. It is assumed that Section 1 will require helicopter construction be- cause of the difficult access and terrain. Section 2, across the river valley, can be worked with conventional track type equip- ment. The last section is also assumed workable for track type equipment plus some rubber tired equipment. Because of the prox- imity to the City of Homer and the possibility of a construction camp for the dam activities, a separate line construction camp has not been assumed. 5. Cost Estimate The cost data for materials was compiled from 1983 manufacturers suggested cost, F. 0. B. Homer, Alaska. The labor rates were arrived at by using past and present construction contracts. In addition to the summarized conceptual design, the following items were estimated as installed in this study: 0 0 0 One damper/phase/span Bearing plates X-Bracing The route itself was broken into three sections throughout this re- port, therefore the cost estimate will use a similar method. A com- plete unit cost breakdown is included in Appendix C and the unit drawings are in Appendix B. The following summarizes the cost estimates: -16 - SINGLE CIRCUIT, 115 kV, 11 H 11 -FRAME Labor and Material Section 1 -5. 9 miles $1,004,450 Section 2 -3.5 miles 376,950 Section 3 -9.7 miles 978,600 $2,360,000 Mob/Demob @ 5% 118,000 Subtotal $2,478,000 Labor, Material, and Clearing Owne'r• s Cost @ 8% Engineering and Construction Management @ 12% Subtotal Contingency @ 10% TOTAL Right-of-Way Clearing $ 481,550 151,050 491,400 $1 1124,000 $1,124,000 $3,602,000 288,000 432,000 $4,322,000 432,000 $4,754,000 TWO PARALLEL SINGLE CIRCUIT 115 kV, 11 H 11 -FRAMES Labor and Material Mob/Demobilization Right-of-Way Clearing Subtotal Owner's Costs @ 8% Engineering and Construction Management @ 12% Subtotal Contingency @ 10% TOTAL -17 - $4,720,000 118,000 1,887,000 $6,725,000 $ 538,000 807,000 $8,070,000 807,000 $8,877,000 The above costs include labor and material, engineering, clearing, construction management, and owner's cost. They do not include right-of-way costs, substation costs, or operations and maintenance costs. B. SOLDOTNA TO ANCHORAGE The Soldotna to Anchorage line investigation in this report is limited to an office review only. 1. General Routing Based on map review and local knowledge, two routes are selected for this line (see Plate 2), Route 1, around Turnagain Arm, follows the existing 115 kV line and it is assumed that a parallel right-of- way would be used for the 230 kV line. Route 2 is proposed to follow the natural gas line across the Kenai National Moose Range to Chickaloon Bay and then use submarine cable under Turnagain Arm. The submarine cable route is east of the gas line in order to reduce the required cable length. The cable is proposed to emerge near Potter and then somehow get to University Substation. 2. Geology, Conceptual Design, and Construction Techniques There is no effort to investigate geology, conceptual design, and construction techniques along the alignments for Soldotna to Anchorage. The in-office review of these alignments rely on fam- iliarity of the area and our attempted comparison with previous con- struction projects. This approach does not allow for an in-depth investigation of possible fatal flaws. Therefore, if a Soldotna to Anchorage intertie is considered viable to the Bradley Lake Project, these items should be studied in more depth. -18 - 3. Cost Estimate The following cost estimate is based completely on the Tabulation of Construction Bids in Section IV. The method used here is to select projects with similar construction conditions and then to use judg- ment for a reasonable cost per mile for a particular section. This method is not expected to be very accurate, but it should develop a good 11 ballpark 11 estimate. References in the following writeup to various construction projects can be found in Section IV. Soldotna to Anchorage -Around Turnagain Arm (Route 1) Data - Length: Voltage: Structure: Conductor: Foundation: Approx. 134 miles 230 kV Steel 'X' and Wooden-'H' 795,000 em ACSR Direct Burial and Driven Piling The proposed transmission line would connect the Soldotna Substa- tion and the University Substation. The routing would parallel the existing 115 kV line around Turnagain Arm. This cost estimate is divided into three types of construction to match the terrain. The first segment, approximately 30 miles, is through the Flat Moose Range country of the Kenai Peninsula, from Soldotna Substa- tion to Jean Lake. For this segment tracked type equipment is assumed suitable. Project 16 (CEA Pt. McKenzie to Susitna basin, 1982), recently completed near Anchorage, is representative of this type of construction, however, the prices for Project 16 were ex- ceptionally good. This proposed segment is more remote and esti- mated to be somewhat higher at $220,000/mile. -19 - The second segment traverses the mountains of the Kenai Peninsula up to Ingram Creek, a distance of approximately 60 miles. This segment is mountainous and access will be difficult in many places. The Tyee line, Project 13, is somewhat representative of this seg- ment if upgraded to 230 kV. Estimated cost is $300,000/mile. The third segment from Ingram Creek to Girdwood, approximately 14 miles, is similar to the first segment. Therefore, $220,000/mile is assumed. The fourth segment from Girdwood to Indian Creek is approximately 13 miles and especially difficult because of snow avalanche prob- lems. Reliability of this portion of the existing 115 kV line has been poor. Access to this segment will be good and it is close to Anchorage. However, construction will probably be along the edge of the water of Turnagain outside the existing transmission line. The double circuit 230 kV, Project 15 (CEA Fritz Creek to Univer- sity Substation, 1981), is most representative at $370, 000/mile with- out terrain problems. $450,000/mile. The estimated cost for this segment is The last segment from Indian Creek to University Substation will follow the existing line through Chugach State Park. This segment is 17 miles long, and because of the state park, we assume addi- tional right-of-way would be impossible. Therefore, it is assumed that the existing circuit will have to be changed to a double circuit line. The estimated cost is $380, 000/mile. This line is comparable to Project 15, but could probably be designed for longer spans due to the topography. Based on the above estimates, the construction and material costs for a 134 mile 230 kV line from Soldotna to Anchorage would be $40,000,000. Associated costs are assumed to be similar to the Bradley Lake line, similar percentages will be used for this line except for a larger contingency. They are: -20 - Labor & Material Clearing @ 16% $40,000,000 6,400,000 Engineering & Construction Management @ 12% 4,800,000 3,200,000 $54,400,000 8,100,000 $62,500,000 Owner Costs @ 8% Contingency @ 15% TOTAL Therefore, the estimated total cost for the 134-mile Soldotna to Anchorage 230 kV line is $62,500,000. Soldotna to Anchorage -Submarine Crossing (Route 2) Data - Length: Voltage: Structure: Conductor: Foundation: Approximately 73 miles 230 kV Steel 'X' and Wooden-'H' 4 -Single Conductor Armored Submarine Cable 795,000 em ACSR (overhead) Direct Burial and Driven Piling The first segment from Soldotna to Chickaloon Bay crosses the Kenai National Moose Range and is essentially the same as the first section of Route 1 above. The estimate of $220,000/mile will be used for this 56-mile segment. The second segment consists of a S-mile submarine crossing of Turnagain Arm. It is proposed to use 4 single phase conductors for one circuit with a single conductor spare. The cost estimate for this work is very preliminary. Based on the 230 kV cable job for CEA, the estimated costs for this segment are: cable (material only) $2,500,000/mife, termination stations -$3,000,000/each, labor -$2,000,000/mile. Therefore, the S-mile segment is estimated to cost $28,500,000. -21 - The third segment from Potter to University Substation, approxi- mately 12 miles, will have significant right-of-way problems. For this estimate, we have assumed a route along the Chugach foothills with a cost of $300,000/mile. Based on the above estimates, the labor and material costs for a 73- mile 230 kV line from Soldotna to Anchorage would be $44,400,000. OVERHEAD PORTION Labor & Material Clearing @ 15% Engineering and Construction Management @ 12% Owner Cost @ 8% Subtotal Contingency @ 15% TOTAL OVERHEAD SUBMARINE CABLE Labor & Material Engineering & Construction Management @ 15% Owner Costs @ 8% Subtotal Contingency @ 25% TOTAL SUBMARINE $16,000,000 2,400,000 1,900,000 1,300,000 $21,600,000 3,300,000 $24,900,000 $28,500,000 4,300,000 2,300,000 $35,100,000 8,9001000 $44,000,000 Therefore, the estimated total cost for the 73-mile Soldotna to Anchorage line is $69,000,000. -22 - IV. HISTORICAL REVIEW IV. HISTORICAL REVIEW A. BRIEF SUMMARY OF EXISTING REPORTS The following section presents a brief summary of recent reports by the Corps of Engineers, Ebasco, R. W. Beck, and Gilbert/Commonwealth. Information for the transmission facilities only have been extracted from these reports and summarized. The cost listings do not include right- of-way or substation costs. 1. U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Several reports on the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project have been published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the latest being the 11 General Design Memorandum No. 2 11 dated February 1982. This document presents the recommended plans for the development of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project with environmental con- siderations 1 views of interested parties 1 and cost estimates. With respect to the transmission faci I ities; a route has been sel- ected, aerial surveyed, and a topographic map prepared. The transmission line, approximately 19 miles in length, will link the powerhouse switchyard with Homer Electric 1 s 115 kV line to Soldotna. The report recommends a line voltage of 115 kV and a 556.6 KCM ACSR (Dove) conductor. Suggested support structures are wood H-frame type having a nominal height of 60 feet. Except for the river crossings, construction should not pose any difficulties, however, for a portion of the line, access will only be possible by helicopter and by all-terrain vehicles along the right-of-way. The project cost estimate does not provide a breakdown of the transmis- -23 - sian line items, but includes the line as part of the powerplant. Assuming a length of 19 miles from the swltchyard to Homer Elec- tric1s substation, the Corps of Engineers 1 cost estimate for the line was $4,276,000, including 15% for contingencies, as of October 1981. 2. Ebasco Services Based on the findings and recommendations of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1 Design Memorandum, the Alaska Power Authority re- quested Ebasco Services, Inc. to prepare an independent cost esti- mate for the Bradley Lake Project using quantities and data pro- vided by the Corps of Engineers. Assuming a 19-mile long 115 kV single circuit transmission line on wood pole H-frame structures including six steel poles for special crossings, Ebasco estimated the cost of these transmission facilities to be $3,782,000. A 15% con- tingency was added to the total project construction cost. Assum- ing that the applicable contingency for the transmission facilities was also 15%, the total line cost estimate becomes $4,350 1 000 in November 1981 dollars. In addition, Ebasco was asked to prepare an estimate for a 115/138 kV transmission line intertie from Homer to Anchorage via Soldotna. The 138 kV line from Soldotna to Anchorage, consisting of 60 miles of single wood poles and 5 miles of steel towers for special cross- ings, was estimated to cost $20,628,000 which includes 20% for con- tingencies. This estimate assumed a 5-mile long submarine cable crossing of Turnagain Arm at a cost of $11,791,000. Including $3,600,000 for right-of-way clearing, the total estimated cost for this 138 kV line from Soldotna to Anchorage was $32,419,000. Subsequently 1 Ebasco was requested to submit an amended cost estimate for the project which included quantity changes as per the Corps of Engineers document titled 11 Construction Cost Estimate 11 and dated January 15 1 1982. No change was made to the cost of the transmission facilities in Ebasco 1 s amended estimate dated February 24, 1982. -24 - 3. R. W. Beck and Associates In March of 1982, the Power Authority requested R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. to review the studies completed to date and to analyze the economic viability of the Bradley Lake Project taking into consideration the possible development of major hydroelectric sites in the Railbelt area. Eight alternative generation and transmission plans were developed and an economic analysis performed on each using the Authority's 50 year economic analysis parameters. Transmission costs were proportionally allocated to the user utilities, based on their histor- ical peak and energy requirements. The report, dated June 1982, recommended that the project be developed at a capacity of 135 MW as part of the Rail belt resource plan. In addition to the foregoing, R. W. Beck was requested and auth- orized on July 30, 1982 to review the construction procedures and schedule on the project. Several alternative designs and schedule revisions were suggested and a revised estimate prepared. At the Authority's request, the Bradley Lake transmission line cost was estimated assuming a double circuit 115 kV line rather than the single circuit line considered previously. Beck's estimate for the double circuit line was $7,515,000 at September 1982. A supplemental report prepared by R. W. Beck, dated December 1982, analyzed the economic feasibility of the Bradley Lake project assuming reduced load requirements for the Kenai Peninsula and the Railbelt. The report continues to recommend the development of the project but suggests that further studies be performed to determine the capacity of the Bradley Lake Project based on the reduced loads forecast. -25 - 4. Gilbert/Commonwealth In October of 1982, Homer Electric Association contracted Gilbert/ Commonwealth to investigate the feasibility of constructing a new transmission line between the Soldotna and Fritz Creek substations. Their recommendation was to build the line at 115 kV if Bradley Lake is designed for 90 MW or less. Their findings show that the 115 kV plan (1 B) may not be acceptable if the Hydro Plant is de- signed to produce 135 MW and the Bradley-Soldotna circuit is out of service. A line voltage of 230 kV or a third 115 kV line may be needed. The cost estimate they used for the project was $18,492,000. This is $293,500 per mile, including right-of-way, clearing, engineering, owner•s cost, and a 20% contingency. Their estimate for labor and material only was $112,900 per mile. B. SUMMARY OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 1. Review of 115, 138, 230 and 345 kV Costs The following review is to generalize the tabulated costs into a rough approximation of transmission line construction costs in Alaska. These costs should not be considered sacred, there are many factors which go into the construction cost of any transmis- sion line. There are many indeterminable variables which can significantly impact the cost of line construction. Work load of the contractors at the time of bidding can be very important to the cost and its impact is almost impossible to judge, especially in an histor- ical review. For this and several other reasons, this review will only develop some 11 ballpark11 costs from the historical data. -26 - The table is a tabulation of construction cost/mile of transmission projects throughout the State of Alaska over the past 9 years. The list does not include all transmission projects, it is simply a listing of those available. The 11 cost per mile 11 is based on the apparent low bidder at the time the project was bid. The cost per mile in- cludes all labor and material and does not include: clearing, engi- neering, construction management, right-of-way and owner•s cost (except owner furnished material). The next to the last column shows the multiplier which was used to bring each project up to 1983. An arbitrary escalation value of 8% per year is assumed. The projects are grouped by voltage and similar construction con- ditions. The following discussion is an attempt to develop a rea- sonable explanation for the cost differences. This explanation is very arbitrary and is only presented as one opinion. 115 kV Projects 1 through 3 are all from the Matanuska Electric and are generally post insulator construction on a single wood pole. Access is very good and terrain is flat. Projects 4 and 5 are suspension insulator 1 H -frame type structures located in more hilly terrain and with more difficult access. Con- ventional road type line equipment and proximity to Anchorage helps to maintain an average cost for these projects at $80 1 000+/ mile. Project 6 was constructed in extremely difficult terrain and access. 138 kV Projects 7 through 10 are all suspension insulator type construction in fairly accessible locations and reasonably flat terrain. In addi- -27 - tion, these projects are close to the major cities of Anchorage and Fairbanks. Even though one project used helicopters, the costs are all reasonably close. Average cost is $120,000/mile. Project 11 and 12 are for suspension insulator type construction located further from the major cities with significant helicopter con- struction. Also 1 access was generally good, but some of the ter- rain is very severe. The average cost is $230,000/mile. Project 13 is a combination of suspension and post insulator design with extremes in access and terrain from good to very difficult. The cost is $275,000/mile. Project 14 is a suspension insulator type on a single shaft steel towers. Terrain and access are very difficult. In addition 1 the location on Kodiak Island probably contributes to the $600,000/mile cost. 230 kV Project 15 is the only double circuit line on this review. The steel towers are single shaft supporting suspension insulators. Access and terrain were very good with close proximity to Anchorage. Cost is $180 1 000+/mile per circuit. Project 16 represents a recent helicopter construction job close to Anchorage. Terrain and access were very good. Cost is $160,000/ mile. 345 kV Projects 17 and 18 include larger structures than any other job. Terrain is generally good with a few exceptions. Access is remote, but parallel to some existing corridors. Proximity to Anchorage and the large size of the project probably contribute to the $350,000/ mile cost. -28 - Following is a generalization of the reviewed projects. This sum- mary is a definite oversimplification of construction costs as they relate to voltage and conditions, but is intended to provide some ballpark costs. Approximate General Construction 1983 Voltage Conditions Cost eer Mile 115 kV Excellent $ 801000 115 kV Good 112,000 138 kV Good 120,000 138 kV Fair 230,000 138 kV Poor 275,000 to 600,000 230 kV Good 170/000 345 kV Fair 350/000 The following table (four pages), list the construction cost data from various projects throughout Alaska. -29 - w 0 Project No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Date 05/24/76 11/02/79 06/20/80 08/15/74 Voltage kV 115 115 115 115 Approximate Length (Miles) 17.7 3.9 6.5 4.2 Basic Structure Type HPT-1 Wood Single Pole HPT-1 Wood Single Pole STX~lO Tubular Steel X-Tower TH-1A Wood H-Frame PHASE I FEASIBILITY STUDY OF TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEM BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST DATA Project Q!!sc_a:iptlon MEA -Four Corners to Hernlng to Teeland Palmer area, construction located beside existing high- way. Flat to rolling hills. Highway/rubber tire equipment. No clearing required. Some work over energized distribution. Rebuild of existing 34 kV to 115 kV. Underbuild on BO'i. of line. Construction during summer to fall. Construction price shown does not Include con- struction cost of distribution work. MEA -LaZelle 115 kV Tap Wasilla area, construction located beside existing high· way. Flat to rolling hills. Highway/rubber tire equipment. Some clearing of birch trees by owner. Some work over energized distribution. Construction during winter. MEA -Eagle River Line Eagle River area, construction located parallel to existing road, but at a distance. Rolling hills. Helicopter equipment. Birch and spruce forest cleared by owner. No energized lines in area of construction. Construction during summer. MEA -Palmer to Four Corners Palmer area, construction located 1/2 mile off and parallel to existing road. Rolling hills with a few steep grades. Highway/rubber tire equipment with minimal track equipment. Clearing and separate construction road by owner. No energized lines in area of construction. Construction during summer. Approximate Construction Cost/Mile ($1,000) $53.7 $57.3 $95.2 $56.3 Adjustment Factor at BVYear 1. 71 1.36 1. 26 2.00 1983 Adjusted Construction Cost/Mile ($1,000) $92.0 $77.9 $119.9 $112.5 PHASE I FEASIBILITY STUDY Of TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEM BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST DATA (Continued) Approximate 1983 Adjusted Approximate Bnlc Construction Adjustment Construction Project Voltage Length Structure Cost/Mile Factor at Cost/Mile No. Date kV (Milesl T:i~e Project Descrl[!tiOn U1,000l 8%/Year {11,000} 5. 111011n 115 20.5 STX-10 MEA -Teeland to Willow Line $70.9 1.59 $112.5 Tubular Steel Willow area, construction crossed several existing roads, X-Tower terrain flat. Rubber tire equipment. Birch and spruce forest cleared by owner. Contractor plowed R /W with a cat and used for construction access. No energized line In area of construction. Construction during winter. First job with tubular X-Tower. I w 6. 02/23/82 115 30.5 Wood APA -Swan Lake Hydro $389.8 1.08 $421.0 H-Frame (25.5 Ketchikan area Miles H-Frame) (5 Miles Single) 7. 09/08/76 138 12.5 TH-105 GVEA -T line North to fairbanks $81.4 1. 71 $139.5 Wood H-Frame Fairbanks area, construction located beside existing levy and used as construction road. Flat terrain. Highway/rubber tire equipment. Clearing with hydro-ax by owner. No energized lines in area of construction. Construction during fall to early winter. Permafrost anchoring problem and very short construction time schedule. 8. 09/12/77 138 7.4 TH-105 GVEA -John:.on Road to Della -Part I $67.5 1.59 $107.1 Wood H-Frame Fairbanks area, construction located beside TAP & Single construction road. Rolling hills with a few steep Pole grades. Rubber tire and track equipment. Small trees, sparse to dense clearing. No energized lines in construction area. Construction during winter. PHASU FEASIBILITY STUDY OF TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEM BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST DATA (Continued) Approximate 1983 Adjusted Approximate Basic Construction AdJustment Construction Project Voltage Length Structure Cost/Mile Factor at Cost/Mile No. Date kV ~Miles} T;ree Pro!ect Descrletlon {!1,000} 8%/Year ~!1 ,ooo~ 9. 09/16/77 138 24.0 TH-10S GVEA -Johnson Road to Delta -Part II $66.0 1.59 $104.9 Wood H-Frame Same description as Project. 8. 10. 08/21/74 138 26.2 TX-10 AL CEA -Point McKenzie to Teeland $64.7 2.00 $129.3 X-Tower Goose Bay area, construction road access. Flat ter- rain. Track and helicopter equipment. Clearing through birch forest. No energized tines In area of construction. Construction during fall. w N 11. 08/07/79 138 55.8 STX-138 CVEA -Soloman Gukh. to Glennallen Phase I $112.3 1.36 $152.8 Tubular Steel Glennallen area, construction beside TAP construction X-Tower road. Flat to hilly terrain. Helicopter equipment. No energized lines In area of construction. 12. 11/29/79 138 50.1 STX-138 CVEA -Solomon Gulch to Glennallen Phase II $228.8 1.36 $311.2 TH-10 Thompson Pass -Valdez area, construction parallel to existing highway and TAP. Terrain mountainous. Helicopter equipment. No energized lines in area of cons tructian. 13. 05/18/82 138 68.2 STX-E APA -Tyee Lake Hydro $255.8 1.08 $276.2 Petersburg area, construction difficult In mountainous area. 14. 03/ /83 138 17.4 Tubular APA -Terror Lake Hydro $603.3 1.00 $603.3 -Self- Support-Kodiak area, construction difficult in mountainous area. lng Steel Track and helicopter equipment. Minimal clearing. Poles Construction during summer. w w Project No. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Date _/_/81 01/12/82 02/_/83 02/_/83 _1_/82 Voltage kV 230 230 345 345 230 Submarine Approximate length {Miles) 11.0 20.1 97 72 3.5 Basic Structure Type Double Circuit Single Shaft Pole STX-10 PHASE I FEASIBILITY STUDY OF TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEM BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST DATA (Continued) Project Description CEA -Fritz Creek to University Substation Anchorage to Eagle River area, construction beside existing highway. Flat terrain. Rubber tire equip- ment. Some spruce tree clearing. No energized line In area of construction. CEA -Six Mile line AL X-Tower Tubular Steel X·Tower Tubular Steel X-T6wer 4-Single Conductors Point McKenzie to Susitna River area, construction beside an existing transmission line. Flat terrain. Clearing birch and spruce forests. Construction adjacent to existing 138 kV lines. APA -Anchorage to Fairbanks lntertie (South End) Willow to Hurricane area, construction parallel to existing highway but from 1 to 10 miles distant. Parallel to existing railroad but from 1/2 to 4 miles distant. Flat to rolling hills. Clearing of birch and spruce on half or the right -or ·way. No energized lines In area of construction. APA -Anchorage to Fairbanks lntertie (North End) Hurricane to Healy area, construction parallel to existing highway but from 1 to 8 miles distant. Flat to mountainous terrain. Some helicopter construction. Some spruce trees clearing. No energized lines in area of construction. CEA -Six Mile Cable Crossing Knik Arm Anchorage area, construction of submarine c:-ossing Knik Arm. Installed using barge. Development of some cable laying technology. Approximate Construction Cost/Mile ($1,000) $318.2 (159.1/clr.) $146.8 $348.7 $345.8 $11,429 Adjustment Factor at 8't/Year 1.17 1.08 1.00 1.00 1.08 1983 Adjusted Construction Cost/Mile ($1.000) $371.2 (185.6/clr.) $158.5 $348.7 $345.8 $12,343.3 2. Cost Comparison The cost estimate for the Bradley Lake line is based on a detailed unit breakdown presented in Appendix C. This section will use the same cost estimating method used for the Soldotna to Anchorage line, namely a cost per mile based on similar projects, to develop a check on our other estimate. The following analysis is for the cost labor and material only, no clearing or associated costs is included in the tabulation. Bradley Lake to Homer Junction Data - Length: Voltage: Structure: Conductor: Foundation: Approximately 19.0 .miles 115 kV Single Circuit Wooden Pole -1 H 1 (TH-10) 556,500 em ACSR Direct Burial -Depth of Burial Varies With Soil Conditions. This estimate is based on three different types of construction dic- tated by the terrain and access. The first segment, approximately 6 miles, starting at the power- house will traverse heavily forested terrain with difficult access. It is assumed helicopter construction of direct buried poles will be used. There is considerable rock close to the surface which will require blasting for structure installation. This segment is similar to the Tyee Lake, Project 13, and the Glennallen end of the Glenn- allen Line, Project 11. The per mile cost for these projects was $275,000 and $153,000 respectively. A cost of $200,000/mile is esti- mated for this segment. The second segment, approximately 3 miles, consists of crossing the east end of Kachemak Bay. Since the area rarely floods, it is assumed conventional track type equipment and construction tech- -34 - niques will be satisfactory. Direct buried wooden poles will be used through this silty sandy soil, but burial depth is assumed in- creased. In addition, access will be somewhat impeded by the river crossings. This segment is similar to the Teeland to Willow line, Project 5, except the location is remote instead of adjacent to a major city. A cost of $120,000/mile is estimated for this segment. The third segment, about 10 miles long, traverses the flat terrain above Kachemak Bay to the proposed Homer Electric line. The ter- rain is moderately timbered and accessible with track equipment from existing roads. Direct buried wooden poles will be used through the sandy silty soil. Projects 5, 7, 8 and 9 are all repre- sentative of this type of construction. The estimated cost for this segment is $120,000/mile. Based on these estimates, the labor and material costs for the 19 miles of Bradley Lake line would be $2,760,000. This compares with $2,478,000 from the detailed cost estimate. -35 - V. REFERENCES V. REFERENCES U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Design Memorandum No. 2, February 1982, Two Volumes. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1 Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Final Environmental Impact Statement, August 1982. R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc., Kenai Peninsula Power Supply and Trans- mission Study 1 June 1982. R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc., Supplement -Kenai Peninsula Power Supply and Transmission Study 1 December 1982. R. W. Beck and Associates, ! nc., Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project 1 Sum- mary Report on Analysis of Construction Procedures and Schedule, September 1982. R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc., Letter Report to Mr. Eric Marchegiani of Alaska Power Authority re: Rail belt Economic Analyses, dated February 21, 1983. Alaska Power Authority 1 Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Findings and Recommendations, April 28, 1982. Dryden & LaRue Library -Historical Construction Bids. REA 62-1, Design Manual for High Voltage Transmission Lines, August 1980. REA 805-B, 115 kV through 230 kV specifications. Gilbert/Commonwealth, Engineering Report R-2518 for Homer Electric Associa- tion, June 1983. National Electrical Safety Code ( N ESC), 1981 Edition. A. B. Chance Company, Encyclopedia of Anchoring, Bulletin 424-A. -36 - VI. APPENDIX VI. APPENDIX A. DESIGN COMPUTATIONS B. UNIT DRAWINGS c. COST ESTIMATE DETAIL D. MAPS Plate 3 -Bradley Lake -Key Map (1 11 ::: 4 miles) Plate 4.1 -Bradley Lake Detailed (111 = 10001 ) Plate 4. 2 -Bradley Lake Detailed ( 111 = 1000') Plate 4.3 -Bradley Lake Detailed (1" = 1 ooo•) Plate 4.4 -Bradley Lake Detailed (111 = 1000') Plate 4.5 Bradley Lake Detailed ( 1" = 1000 1 ) -37 - A. DESIGN COMPUTATIONS DLC·OI·618l DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET CONSULTING ENGINEERS /1 JoB NAME ?./.!Rse-.Z: -8L./Wte-Y L;<;t.Ke /W.ORo k£J.r~r suBJEcT ~S/o.-v.S 0.Se£J ~~ .5',4.<; KuA~ ..s DATE 7-J9-8.:J JOB NO. 5w e:c./Bg/JI) I J SHEET NO._ OF --- (i 0 FOR SVECIBRAV---PHASE I BRAOLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT JUNE 1Y.1963 556 5 KCMIL '1.611 ACSR DOVE CLASS "C" COATING ULT =21200 LBS AREA :: 0 5083 DIAMETER: 0 9210 VEICHT= 0. 7660 STRESS-STRAIN DATA FROM CHART NO 1-782 CRECORD= 8> SPAN :: 600.0 OESICN POINTS TEMP ICE 0 . 0 0 50 60.0 0.00 32.0 1.00 60.0 0.00 -20.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 60 1 0.00 32.0 0.00 60.0 9 0. 0 120 0 1 67 . 0 2 1 2. 0 0. 0 0 0.00 0.00 0. 0 0 0.00 VIND CONST 4.0 0.30 26.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 6.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 FINAL SAC TENSION 12. 96 1J 23 1 5 . 9 8 12.44 8.14 9. 12 1 2 . 0 6 10.71 1 z. 0 6 13 44 1 4 . 7 4 15.75 16. 69 72 21. 6374. 8 9 39. 3245. 4240." 3783. 2863. 3224. 2864. 2571. 2346. 2197. 20?4. INITIAL SAC 12 60 1 4 . 51 1~ 98 10 77 6.95 7. 7 0 10. 24 9. 01 1 0 . 2 3 11 . 56 12.86 14 82 16 57 TENSION 7427. 6687. 8939. 3747 4 9 61. 4483 3372. 3830. 3374. 29 8 8. 2686. 23 34. 2089 V£IGHT 2.0740 2.14'16 3.1632 0 895 3 0.7660 0.7660 0 766 0 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 FOR SVEC/BRAD---PHASE I BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT JUNE 1¥.198~ S5b.5 KCMIL 26/? ACSR DOVE CLASS "C" COATING ULT =21200 LBS AREA= 0 5083 DIAMETER= 0.9270 VEICHT= 0 7660 STRESS-STRAIN DATA FROM CHART NO 1-782 <RECORD= 8> SPAN 700.Ci DESIGN POINTS TEMP ICE Q 0 0.50 60.0 0 . .00 32 0 1 DO 60.0 0 00 -20 0 0 00 0 0 0.00 60 1 0.00 32 0 0.00 60.0 0 DO 90.0 0.00 120.0 0.00 167.0 0.00 212.0 0.00 \rliND CONST. 4.0 0.30 Z6 0 0 DO 0.0 0.00 6 0 0.00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.0 0 00 0 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 SAC 16.62 1 9 1 4 20 12 1 5 8 4 11 . 0 8 1 2 . 18 1 5 4 0 1 3. 9 2 15.40 1 6 . 9 0 18. H 1 9. 4 7 20.52 FINAL TENSION 7 66 7 6907 9670. 3471 4240.• 3857 3054 3376 3055. 2784 2 56 8. 24 2 0. 2297. INITIAL SAC 16.09 1 8 . 2 1 2 0. 1 2 1 3 . 6 9 9.34 1 0 2 1 13.06 11.70 13 05 1 4 . 51 1 5. 9 4 1 s 1 0 20.05 TENSION 'i' 9 1 9 . 7255 9670. 40D. 5028. 4 6 0 1 3600. 4017. 36 01. 3 2 41. 29 51. 2601. 2350 \r.iEICHT 2 0740 2.1496 3 1 6 3 2 0. 8 9 5:; 0 76 6 0 0.7660 () 76 6 0 0.7660 0 76 60 0 ? 66 0 0.7660 D. 7660 0 7660 J 1 2 J 2 2 0 0 FOR SWEC/BRAD---PHAS£ I BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT JUNE 19.198~ 556.5 KCMIL 26/7 ACSR DOVE CLASS "C" COATING ULT =21200 LBS AREA :: 0.5083 DIAMETER= 0.9270 WEIGHT= 0 7660 STRESS-STRAIN DATA FROM CHART NO 1-782 <RECORD= 8) SPAN = 800.0 DESIGN POINTS TEMP ICE WIND CONST. 0. 0 60 0 3 2 . 0 6 0 . 0 -20 0 0.0 60 1 3 2 . 0 60.0 90. 0 120 0 1 6 7 . 0 2 1 2 0 0 50 0.00 1 . 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 0 0 0 00 0.00 0. 0 0 0.00 0 00 0.00 4.0 26.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 3 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 0 0 0. D 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 D. D 0 0. DO 0.00 0.00 SAG 20. 67 23 42 2 4. 6 4 1 9. 6 3 I 4 . 4 8 15.68 19.13 1 7 . s s 19 13 2 D. 7 5 22. Z9 23.53 24. 67 FINAL TENSION 8057. 7377. 10323. 3 66 0 4240.~ 3917. 3213. 3 s 0 1 . 3214. 2964. 2 760. 2617. 2497. INITIAL SAG 19.94 2 2. 2 7 24 64 1 6 9 7 1 2 1 2 1 3 . 11 1 6 . 2 4 14.75 16 23 17.81 1 9. 3 6 21 . 7 0 23 . 8 3 TENSION 8350. 7755. 10323. 4231 5061 46 8 2. 3783. 4 1 6 1. 3784. 3450. 3175. 2835. 2583. WEIGHT 2.0740 2.1496 3.1632 0 8953 0.7660 0.7660 0 766 0 0.7660 0.7660 O.?c\60 0.7660 0. 7660 0.7660 FOR SWEC/BRAD---PHASE I BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT JUNE 19.1983 556 S KCMIL 2617 ACSR DOVE CLASS "C" COATING ULT =21200 LBS AREA :: 0 5083 DIAMETER= 0.9270 WEIGHT= 0 7660 STRESS-STRAIN DATA FROM CHART NO. 1-782 <RECORD= 8) SPAN = 900 0 DESIGN POINTS TEMP ICE WIND CONST. 0 0 0 so 4 0 0 30 60 0 0 00 26 0 0.00 3 2 0 60 0 -2 D. 0 0 0 6 0 I 32 0 60.0 90.0 12 0 0 167. 0 21 2. 0 I 0 0 0. 0 0 0.00 0. 0 0 0 00 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 6 0 D 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0 00 0. 0 0 0.00 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.00 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 00 0 00 0. 00 FINAL SAG TENSION 25 11 8399. 28 07 7794. 29 53 10909 23.82 3820. 18.33 4240 II 19.61 3965 23.27 3345. 21.59 3603. 23.26 3346. 24.98 3117 26 63 2926. 27.94 2791. 29 16 2674 INITIAL SAG 24 D 26. 61! 29. 53 20 62 1:.. 32 1 6. 41 1 9. 7 9 18.20 19 79 21. 4 8 23.13 2 5. 6 4 27 93 TENSION 8727. 819 7. 10909. 4410 5070. 4735 3928. 4270 392 9. 3622 3365. 3038. 2 7 91 . WEICHT z 07 40 2.1496 3 1632 0 8953 0 766 0 0.7660 0.?660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0 7 66 0 0.7660 J 2 1 2 J 1 2 1 2 0 0 FOR SVEC/BRAD---PHASE I BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT JUNE 19.1983 556.!1 XCMIL 2617 ACSR DOVE CLASS "C" COATING ULT =21200 LBS. AREA: 0.5083 DIAMETER= 0.9270 'WEICHT= 0 7660 STRESS-STRAIN DATA FROM CHART NO. 1-782 <RECORD= 81 SPAN = 1 0 0 0 . 0 DESIGN POINTS TEMP ICE 'WIND CONST. 0.0 0.50 4.0 0.30 6 0. 0 32.0 60 0 -20.0 0 0 6 0 . 1 3 2 0 60.0 90 0 12 0' 0 167.0 Zl2. 0 0.00 1 . 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.00 26' 0 0. 0 6 . 0 0.0 0 '0 0.0 0 . 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0' 0 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0. 0 0 0. 00 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 DO SAC 2 9. 95 33.11 34.79 28.42 22 64 23 98 27.82 26.06 27.81 2?.62 31 . 3 2 3 2. 71 34. 02 FINAL TENS I ON 8698. 8163. 11437. 39 55. 4240.• 4004. 3 4 S6' 3687. 3457 3248. 3073. 29 4 4. 2832 lNITI AL SAC TENSION 2 8'? 5 31. 4 s 3 4. 7 9 2 4. 6 5 18. 96 20 14 23.75 2 2. 0 6 23.75 2 5. 53 2?.28 H. 94 32.38 9058. 8588 11 4 3 7 4554 5060 4 76 4 4043. 4 3 51 4044 3763. 3524 3213. 2974. 'WEIGHT 2 0? 40 2.1496 3 1632 0.8953 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0 7660 0 7660 0.?660 0.?660 0.7660 0.?660 FOR SVEC/BRAD---PHASE I BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT JUNE 19.1983 556.5 XCMIL 26/7 ACSR DOVE CLASS "C" COATING ULT =21200 LBS. AREA= 0.5083 DIAMETER: 0.9270 'WEICHT: 0.7660 STRESS-STRAIN DATA FROM CHART NO. 1-782 <RECORD= 81 SPAN = 1100 0 DESIGN POINTS TEMP ICE 'WIND CONST 0 0 60 0 3 2. 0 60 0 -2 0. 0 0.0 6 0 1 32.0 6 0 . 0 9 0. 0 1 2 0' 0 167.0 Z12. 0 0 50 0 '0 0 1 . 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.00 4 0 0.30 26.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 6.0 0 00 0.0 0 00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0 DO 0.0 0 00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0 00 0.0 0.00 FINAL SAG TENSION 35.19 38 54 40 45 3 3' 4 4 27.42 28.81 3 2. eo 30' 9 7 3 2. 19 3 4' 6 7 3 6 . 3 8 37's 5 3 9. 2 4 8963. 8 4 92 11 9 1 4 4069 4240.* 40 36. 35 49 3757. 3550. 3359. 3203 3080. 2972. INITIAL SAG 33.72 36 60 40 45 29 10 23 OS 2 4 32 28 1 s 26 35 2 8. 1 2 29.99 31 ' 8 3 34 62 3? . 1 9 TENSION 9 34 8 8935. 1 1 9 1 4 4 6 7 I 5037 477? 4 1 3 <l 4410. 4 1 34. 3 a ?S. 3364. 3134 'WEIGHT 2 0?4 0 2 14 96 3 16 3 2 0 8953 0.?660 0.7660 0 76 6 0 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 J 2 1 2 J 2 1 2 0 FOR SVEC/BRAD---PHASE I BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT JUNE 19.1983 556.5 KCMIL 26/7 ACSR DOVE CLASS ''C" COATING ULT =21200 LBS AREA 0 5083 DIAMETER= 0.9270 VEICHT= G 7660 STRESS-STRAIN DATA FROM CHART NO. 1-782 <RECORD= 8> SPAN 1200.0 DESIGN POINTS TEMP 0 0 60.0 32.0 60 0 -2 0. 0 0.0 60.1 32.0 60 0 90.0 12 0. 0 1 6 7 . 0 21 2. 0 ICE 050 0.00 . 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0. 0 0 WIND CONST. 4.0 0.30 26.0 0.00 0. 0 0.00 6.0 0 00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 0 0 0 00 SAC 41.09 44.60 46 70 3 9 1 7 32.97 34.40 38.50 36.62 3 8. 4 9 40.43 4 2 . 1 2 43.66 4 5 . 11 FINAL TENS I ON 91 4 2 . 8740. 12290 . 4 1 3 8 . 4 1 9 9 . 4026. 36 01. 3784. 3602. 3431. 3295. 3 1 8 0 . 3079. INITIAL SAC 39. 3 6 42 40 46.70 34 n 28.00 29.33 33.30 3 1 . 4 ~ 33.29 3 5 . 2 4 37. H 40.04 42.71 TENSION 9540.• 9187. 12290. 4 7 1 6 . 4939 4 7 1 6 4 1 57 . 4399 4 1 :58 . 3931 3 7 31. 3464 32!i0. WEICHT 2.0740 2.1496 3.1632 0.8953 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0. 7660 0.7660 0.7660 FOH SVEC/BRAD---PHASE I BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT JUNE 19.1983 556.5 KCMIL 26/7 ACSR DOVE CLASS "C" COATING ULT =21200 LBS. AREA= 0.5083 DIAMETER= 0.9270 VEIGHT= 0 7660 ST.R£SS-STRA 1 N DATA FROM CHART NO. 1-7 8 2 <RECORD= 8 l SPAN = 1300.0 DESIGN POINTS TEMP ICE WIND CONST. 0 0 0 50 4.0 0.30 60.0 0.00 26.0 0 00 32 0 1 00 0.0 0.00 60.0 0 00 6.0 0 00 -20.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.0 0 00 0.0 0 00 60.1 0.00 0.0 0.00 32.0 0.00 0.0 0 00 60.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 90 0 0 00 1200 000 167.0 0.00 212 0 0 00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0 00 SAG 4 8 . 1 9 51. 8 2 !")4 05 4 6 . 2 4 39.99 4 1. 4 3 45 56 4 3. 66 45.55 47.52 4 9 1 4 50.74 52.24 FINAL TENSION 9157. 8837 12477. 4 1 1 8 . 4067. 3927. 3575. 3 7 2 9 . 3576. 3430 3318. 3 2 1:; 3 1 2 4 . INITIAL SAG TENS I ON 46.23 49.43 54 05 4 1 . 1 0 34 6 5 36.03 40 08 38.20 40.08 4 2. 05 43 98 46.93 49.66 9 !i 4 0 * 9258 1 2 4 7 7 4 6 2 6 4687 4 s 1 0 . 4058. 4255. 4058. 3870. 3702. 3472. 3284 WEIGHT 2 0? 4 0 2.1496 3 I 6 3 2 0 8953 0 7 66 0 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 J 2 J 2 I 2 0 0 FOR SVECIBRAD---PHASE I BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT JUNE 19.1983 556 5 KCMIL 26/7 ACSR DOVE CLASS "C" COATING ULT =21200 LBS. AREA= 0.5083 DIAMETER= 0.9270 VEICHT= 0 7660 STRESS-STRAIN DATA FROM CHART NO. 1-782 <RECORD= 8) SPAN = 1400.0 DESIGN POINTS TEMP ICE 0 0 0.50 60.0 0.00 32.0 1.00 60.0 0 00 -20.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 60.1 0.00 32.0 0 00 60.0 0.00 90.0 0.00 120.0 0.00 167.0 0 00 212.0 0.00 VIND CONST. 4.0 0.30 26.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 6.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0 00 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.0 0 00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0 00 SAC 5!1 85 59. 58 61.93 53.86 4? 59 4 9. 02 ~ 3 . 1 8 51 . 2 7 53.17 55. 1 5 56.72 58.36 59. 90 FINAL TENSION 91? 5 . 8924. 1264~. 410~. 3968. 3853. 3556. 368?. 3557. 3 4 31. 3338. 3246. 31 6 4 . INITIAL SAC 53.68 57. 0 0 61. 9 3 48. 46 41. 9 6 43.35 47 45 45.55 47 45 49. 44 51 . 4 0 54.38 57 . 16 TENSION 9540.* 9 3 2 l. 126 45 4555. 4494. 4 3 51. 3 979 4!43. 3980. 3821. 3678. 3479 3 3 1 3 . VEICHT z 0740 2.1496 3.1632 0.8953 0 76 6 0 0 7660 0. 7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660 0.?660 0 766 0 FOR SVEC/BRAD---PHASE I BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO PROJECT JUNE 19.1983 556 5 KCMIL 26/7 ACSR DOVE CLASS "C" COATING ULT =21200 LBS AREA= 0 5083 DIAMETER= 0.92?0 VEICHT= 0.7660 STRESS-STRAIN DATA FROM CHART NO. 1-782 <RECORD= Bl SPAN = 1 50 0 . 0 DESIGN POINTS TEMP ICE VIND CONST II . 0 60.0 32.0 60.0 -20.0 0.0 60.1 32 0 60.0 90.0 120 0 167.0 21 2. 0 0. 50 0. 0 0 1 . 0 0 0. 0 0 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 4 0 26.0 0 0 6. 0 0. 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. li 0.30 0 00 0. 0 0 0.00 000 0 00 0.00 0 00 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FINAL SAC TENSION 64 07 67 89 70. 34 62.04 55 75 57 19 6 1 . 3 6 59.43 61 3 :i 63.35 64.85 66.53 6 8 . 11 9193 9003. 12797. 4096. 3893 379?. 354 3. 36 55. 3543. 3433 3355 3272. 3198 INITIAL SAG TENS I ON 61.69 6 5 1 3 70 34 56.42 49 88 51.28 55 . 4 1 53. 50 55 4 1 :57 42 59.39 6 2 . 41 65.22 9!!40 • 9376 1 2 7 9 7 4 49 7 434:5 4 2 2 7. 3916 4 0 54 39!?. 3782. 36 58. 3484. 3337 VEIGHT z 0740 2 145-6 3 1632 0.8953 0 76 6 0 0.7660 0. 7660 0 766 0 0.7660 0.7660 0 76 6 0 D 7660 0 76 6 0 J 2 I 2 J 2 I 2 DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET CONSULTING ENGINEERS '~, j..., r-L2 / , / 1/Wo 4, -.b-;'r .::::: J_.p 'IJ JOB NAME T t-.11'-fSe -'--O&ACJLcf9 L/.ht:G' /W~ rte'v...' '"'"' JOB NO. --'(.VeC../pf.A 7 suBJEcT ___d2_A,f, Jl,o;QN Ot<e-70 5A6 55{., ~ ''zh vc: /, sHEET No._/_ oF ---=3=----- DLC·OI-6/81 DATE _I_, -_.:i_a"-1 --=8c..::3:__ __ DESIGN BY -=:J:..::C..:=....\2..=--------------CHKD. BY ~~-~--~---~------·----,--------------------:----- Tfl-10 =--------..,.-----------.._ _____ _,__ ______ ..:._ ; . Z4.:.o" V' ' ; ' ___ <ae-o, CLit ~i 2:'3.11' ' I ___ .;__...;--:------'---.-+-.;..-...;------t-~.;__-+--~-+----;__-_ _;l ________ --·-------- 1 -----------"'-----'A=..I..l.OJ,J,J_~~~--_____ 'SA-~. ST . . \-4-T. ' · ' ./ ----'--"~-'--!'-'-'~,.._._..4--f-1...._-'--r-----:---"':-:-'f=:....,-~-'--'--f--T...l_.~"""-" ........ !...-...-"--~o!....U.L::..~-~---~ ' ' I . -------------.. --......:...-----~-+-~--~ __ {t_i<D' Cc.£:Atif-"!_-...,_r;_..._::-+_____..-----+---~ Pc. (./.s, . ~-~Y.~o<-~-;;.;e-,-f;;....~~O~wr.-· __ ~~-·-·_·-~~~---~----~. ~~~~~ ..... -~'jlf)~_e:i ~~"'~p~::~i-c;;..;;-<-·.:;:~-----~=~~~"E::~'"-"..:I_Z=~_ .. =:--~~-·: ..... ~---~--_----::::·: 5A.G::. J.:L'::C?~:-~-- = I _________ ..;__;__ _ __..._,r-~----+--i---'----+-~----~------------ -----+----=8::....:5::_1 --=o:o...".-.l ------r-3....,_1_·-..,.,:oc......"'_-+----l-t 4:::1..';::::...-"" -= I I -----------+--.--------+--+--'-----1-.,__----------~---------· ! l l ' -------------~------------+---~-----:---1--- ------------------:----<-------------------- -~-----+---------r---_,___,_-+.........-.----~-----.... DLC-01-6/82 DRYDEN & LARUE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CALCULATION SHEET JOB NAME P/lfo:rs£ r-i?R4DC5 y {..A-;<e #Y'DRo /:::ko-1& c. r JOB NO. ::5WGC /(!fi!,-40 7 SHEET NO. ~OF 3 DESIGN BY --""-j'---"'CI-'-/! ____________ CHKD. BY .z1-0 7p zyi 3 ---~MtLM~ __ P~eV'J()N.s" _ C34-LeJr~-:4l2o.uJ_i_?:'2t>A!ff_-§'otc:: ___ ~_G~o __ -~---S:Lei:9~_,_+~A.J.a . ; ;:;;tJ4e t1~P;§___~db~,______;r...6{;::__ ht.c..ec .. .;,.·A.,I~ Tt4t!t.e . &S. : • d.<: r#fE '-z:-h! -/c:::? .s C TH-1 o (YI.aJl' ,:-tg_f2:l__ _____ ~--~-- t;~.ut. 1 . /adA~ ~/~ . ~AJI @_' f'7" .. ; I _, l 9;;ii;-;--:y::_·--z-----. ~ SM =1 5.?t7/ ,.c~_ __ _!_ __ (;:L/aa1. __ _ .. !!;: h'l;~d n~ c¥V7T :-Ia~ -;-(.. )o ~ .,_,z l --'~~ tt._ ---·• _/0 7a ;.. P~~ i,t,t1t i I#M. W'&IS~. I ."5'~# /_.1!'-ll ! 'i I j i i i I i I l ! . ,. ... i ~,;j~ I i i ! I A? ol' ! 2/ r:> 7ea. 1 t ) ~-! ! I I ... 801.3 : I I ! I i ! ' I i I I ' i ' . l ; "51:. d>~ i ' I j ; Z'/-h~ !Zs-•l.. ' 8/I)L7 882.9 I ! I ! I I i ! . ' l I ! i : ! l 701'-~ .. ; • ; ' I I 2&. ~a .. l ?b '..,() I ~/.(, 957.7 . l : I I I ! 7::; ·., • ! i I '-3~ -~ ! ; • 34.:.6'' 't~.S: ~ 102~.'1 ! ; I ' : j ; &t;:..) . i ! ! ! 3;j ::.a..,' ! :~1/-~ /o3¢'d /09/.9 ' : I i j i . . 8.S"-' ' ; .3.~ ~~~ I ' ~3'-~ /' /~ 9g,'J /!53, 2 ' ' I I j I ------~3/J 'J(J ., tj. ~~~,... : . i</'8! CJ .. i //:S 9. /211. 4 I ; I ! . i I ' ' ... ; .,., L'"'A I ' i I I ! I ! I ! I ! ; : r ! I ' I 1 I I I l ' ! ' I I . ~ 4 ,t : ' -' : I • ~ i I_Q 07~ ... , /-_. -~ :s : I ' : I ,, . -. :~:---·..:.. i "5..1"' - ,c-~ ~i : I J-.. ~~-~ --~---! D,~" f,:j .AA . . ~ -, '~ I , .. ;.-r,;.-t-. -r ' l Ia'?-:: '\.; ! .... ' : I I ___ _____,----r-------: . l ' ! ~ ·-~ I : I A·~~~---------~----- ,. I to i ~ '0 l ' I : l : I ' : ' ' ' i ~ ... . l 1 ' .. • l ' l -: ' ' • l ! ' ' ·'· : : ! . : ' I : ' i ! ' l I i . :. I : ! I ----: I l . I ' l . I I 1 -,s: '.:ij ·~ ~ ·~ ~ ~ - ' I '7-~Jc 1-/(:.l'c:;H T ; ' ; ! : : ! I l DI.C .01_./12 DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET CONSULTING ENGINEERS DATE --=---=-?..:_0_-......:8:__J' __ _ JOB NAME _.:A::.._c~="""e....,:__..;;r==-----.8e4t'2.....,....czlt.a.<(:';--.!:e:::._.::_7'_==i.=LJ...G=E...._~d'--'LJ.:..!.'Ci(:,~"' b~--=-/2...:..::ccw~~ii?i.:..s.~...:r:.__ JoB No. 5Wec./O~ 7 SUBJECT _7,2'--',46=;_:;'-::..:E:.___.Q~/" __ _,s;"'-.O.:::.M=.:._AJ:::::.'S~-_:.~=-.!-/:.=M-'-'I'--'lj.w~o..~V:___a&~7>-.=::s;.:_A_G _____ SHEET NO. 3 OF _:! DESIGN BY _::=_..=::..:...;=---------------CHKD. BY ~ 7/!~ --t-.1 •.. .. ·c--N -~ -v1 i ~-. ~----R --~--------'i---~ ----~ . 0~ - \(\• --_, ~~--~--'---~---+-----.0------~ __ c._ri 0"' ; .. '_ ---. ___ ' ____ '-___ ______ ,:,_-.: -~----·----- ...... I c --" -.;t. \ ; ; --~0~+-~~----------------------------------~--------------------~-------------~ '! ,~ ! ro l-----~----~---~-_ _ ;~- !.: 0 -; ~ .: ..j , ,..,_; i ~ 0 : --~: ··. : ; ~~~-.:::s--~-~----+~ --+-.>~.ll_Jl-'---+--f""'"' ...... · _____ ' ~------(]\ : --~--~--- 1 I I l <-1---+--+-__..;._----;.,----------,--. ~----:-----~,-:--------' --. -·- 1 ---·t-+-+--~-----~-:----....;_,----------------------i -'"" ~-2 --t---;r.J-HJ"'---,-1\-.1--------, ---.,,,..------:--f'---:-1 --0'---;--,.,----- 0..<1~ OL :~· i_J. -; &S,Ji • ·~~--f.------~ - ,.... ~ ----· ~~ ------tl{)f'r--i---l.' --_,,.-.01:---{) -----L \ ·\;) ""al ~ --, --· i C". 1 ;::. • :::; -----;::--~ --,_ '-.. --~ -~--- '-0 J•• i ~-" ' \tJ X ...J '' I a ""' -~ ~ r-z:r--r--r: - llJ 3 --~ f---j--(}--u:~.3. t1 i (\) -..J ..-rl C"'f'-I c I ! i -,~;--! ----'---'---.<9!+--' -+-tl -· _:__,,...,.g ____ L--.'1:.- _Qr-t--+i----.; _..,§l"'""·: -r-1 -''-, ........ ~-____ L_ -~ QQ. ' '\.){), f) ·-~- 1 I i 1 i ' I I ! : I I ·(f' ~ ._o --- I i I 1 l ~ -----Lr--- ~ I ! ~ I ' ! o<! i i t('l i '" I Q ;· Ji ~ I() I~ . ~--~-.----~u-------,.-~ -----: ~ ' L-. .J. u v ,----~ cr-(J"', II o , ..c -. -r C!I--.... -1--4N'\'1-'.'--+--------l-' -' ----~_.....------'--.,------..'------------i'---- i -~;---· --- _-t..J: ----- ~ ______ ___,..,.._ ______ .- -~---...; I 1 N i 1 I ; ~ ---~-r--~---------~----------~-----------·~--------------------~----------~ ll ~ I I :l,r 1 ,..J i r--tir~rJH-...;;J~~'+-~_.;.!--t-:~~'· -, ---"'lr~'T----'-,:t'\"'-:---i!-,-· ~----,~~t--'-: -rr~·' --! ---! ;~---~ 0 i ' ~ , 1-.......--:.-f>f-~~: +I ~; ....._; ~~:-: -+__;.....,j oif-r:----"--, --+J ~-7 --, -----1 __ j ! OLC..OI-6/82 DRYDEN & LARUE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CALCULATION SHEET JoB ~AME Pl-rfr:15e I -&AI2LE~ t4J::e /!a:Jxo fda.n:cr st;BJECT Z'i?AN5VEt<2SG ,yr,ec=Ne:.TI-I -.5rt4NO;Cl£D cf".MBcD. ,,, DATE _..:_7_-_::?~/_-:8:....::3':.__ JOB NO. Sc.vec /.B,e,.oL.'> I I SHEET NO._ OF __ _ 7'5)-(l~= '~5 . .5!-l ,-: l :;:;__' _,...~=c:..=..;l_:c:.~___.~--.__----.;._, ------~----~- . ' ~~---+----.----------,-----~---- 85 1 -{lo"lo Fl.) -::· r4; 'Sj It .. DLC-OI-'i82 DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET DATE (:. 2/-B :3 CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoB NAME PJ.Vf.St: I-&:Mc..EY tA.,cc= ~a .lilo:Tecr JoB No . .:::u;c:c./B.e.AIJ I suBJECT UAA.J.SVe&S€ Y~e'N6TI-I-S~AteO EH8cO. sHEETNo.LoF __ _ DESIGN BY ~J~C-..£~------------CHKD. BY ~ 7 /z I a 3 -....,..-------------~-~-----~-- -~--G:?_S__::L:__~_E'"R.oM -f2.e-A Ca2dJ M~ -=_L'Z._40J-BtS:_: _____ _ l ' 0 f = '4---:. --- ! 0 (. j::: ~ l 4- DLC-01-6/81 DRYDEN & LARUE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CALCULATION SHEET JoB NAME PI-#9-Se-.I-8R&tOt..cr !_4/ce h4a<:o H~.7e-cr suBJEcT U4N.Suetese ~TR!IN~TJI-57?9-/VOA-eiJ t?';~.;ee.a DATE -~7_---=::Z_:_I_-___,B.=I3'--- JOB NO. 5t.A.J t:?"C/L?I;? /-U) I SHEET NO._}_ OF --- DESIGN BY ...}C£. CHKD. BY ---4Tz.J3~..___:_,;/-A.::z~/.b_!!$~5<L-______ _ ----''--"'~---------------_____ __)_ ---~--r--- __ f9~ ___ s;_~~~-~ -~~__f2o_:_~l~t·~-~----'----+---- ~'-+-l ! i --------~ -~'-------t---c: __ ~_..,;______~-----+--~-- --G,s w il,:.. MAj = _ 2 ss} ;} ~0 ; • N U,)p =· ~ '-o o ; _ _ ________ _ M~p:= • rtJ '-(Ca.+ lTct) Lt41(~?)::~~~S~t2(Zq 2)~ e;z~o -----\-------'-____,.___.--f___,_-_____._"7~t~-n---f-'---~--+l---------_ ________J__""]_'Z.f!'__:____ -~-------- ! i i i rJ ~ ~~es.}s~:Joo2J~ ;3 ~~ F~. -~~~~==~~ ~ OLC-01-6182 DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoB NAME PMSE-I g~f' i4.ecr l-&o.eo ha./t:cT DATE 7· ? I -8 3' JOB NO. ::Jw e:z;_ )8/ZA,£) I SUBJECT z;€4AJSUC'R..:5~ ~fiF]I..J6Tr/-:5kaA€LJ ~CZJ SHEET NO. ____1:_ OF -- DESIGN BY ...:vic=C..:..::-'? __________ CHKD. BY ~JV&~""--_..!.--,+/.....=,zc..!.J-f-/~.aL....~:__ ___ _ ·---..,...--------~----' _ _!~-~---·· ilsA, fs;;;;J ~.ozs = 1d8'1 ;;-t -:---______ _ 7S·/! :: NlQ~; !~z-~¢:>9:;....' __,1-_~-~-~---i--- . -&~,i-. tr!J~t.S: i ' . . l . • . . ; ·-----~~···~·"' ..... . .· . I ; ·. '. I '. .' l l ' ' ' ; l ' l i I I : • I ' -~~-_;_A{ ~ z [jz}, 4i7 -{(. tff, 8~~;;_·····=-----= ...... . i ! . : : I vpz~3-fs-2 --~_foLI~~~s. -·-~---l.-_ _p~ _ _a_, (!)2'5 •/£~ I I I -·•-·~··•····• ' OLC·OI·6182 DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET DATE _-,"-' --""C:.c.._L_-_,8.,_,3""---- CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoB !\lAME ..... B~WS:.L.LL..-......-e____...C~_· -8~"£.,.,'4£1="""-"t=e-."""'J>'--~~..LAK-==e---<-lh~'L2R-"""-"o""---!~:....=:::..:::...!~=.LT_ JoB No . .:x...ec. k..eAo , St:BJECT bl{;5tH5E?S If!" SzRcAJ£7/1 -SmN.tJA;ICA btf3eii:J · SHEET !110. S OF --- DESIGN BY X£ CHI<D. BY T0 z,lz I /s 3 DtC-OH>/82 DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET CONSULTING ENGINEERS // JoB NAME P~e I-&6¥2LEY ~~E t'Y¥/Jie{) ~:Tec.T suBJEcT 74;::1tvsve£.5e SrteeAIGr""-S'J7..:WVP412t:> E~A/3ez:J DATE 7-c/-8J JOB NO. _5w e C / 8~ ~!j 7 SHEET NO . .£ OF --- DLC-01-6/82 DRYDEN & LARUE CONSULTING ENGINEERS JOB NAME ~!""' k -k&<?t..E't SUBJECT l£/11..J.Suee,$ E ~~AI 6 r # CALCULATION SHEET 14/CEF #.oAeo ~t>Jecr /0% I-' ~ EA-~tJet:J. DATE 7-ZI-83 JoB No. 5wcc I8MO I SHEET N0.1 OF __ DESIGN BY _X.....="£=-·-----------CHKD. BY ---'zt.!? __ -!.~f-JJ-=:2.:...:::~~).__:::::.$_::_3:__ ____ _ • ' i i ' ' i i ! ' 1 • ( l ; i l : ; \ : ; ' : DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET CONSULTING ENGINEERS II /) JOB NAME Pt.M.Se r-L3.eAa.n !cAtc: l:f:z:,(l_£() r.ec.:rec;r JOB NO. '5wcc.jBeA-o DLC-01-6/82 DATE 7-Z' I -8 3 suBJEcT ~5tccr~e ~C?tJG""rJ.J -/0% ,t-~ CAI,.£361"t:2 sHEET No. __a oF __ CHKD.BY ~ //22 ~,3 DESIGN BY ~="--------------~ / ~~~=~-~~2,_5._-_l:-1:~-1 _~·.---'--!-:__-_,_-----~~-:-· --~ P___;.'_..:_. -C-i)('--. ~-· -yt-t -;;-<tr-.~~.: -.,.,'--s2~{J-Z9:-)--:.::l~'-:s-.-ZS-;~~;~s, =7'Zrl i ----·-····~ DLC-111-6/il DRYDEN & LARUE CONSULTING ENGINEERS JOB NAME ~C .z: -84tJt.e"f SUBJECT ~Ucr£.5f!!" ::;-z:;e4'?Jt:'?"'H - CALCULATION SHEET DATE 7· ?/-83 C#tr ~o k~r JOBNo :5~/g~ - 7 t;Yt!Sdt) SHEET NO.~ OF -- DESIGN BY ~J~(':!L/l~----------CHKD. BY ---,LTZ&~~~7/4~UZ""-'Z,~)f-h..:::L...3L.._ ____ _ ! ) ____ ___,__-..4-0J.<.£..:-~~ :z~~· Goo 1 /Pi. , : l . ~ ·~~~-----_, _______ _ _ _____...__ __ &_8 = :z T;z~ ~t1a~~~J.4-· ~o~&·--;~-~---/ . . . l (7.TJt0'1.tS)----~--·--········--.... 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Clt£/1<./: I i --, ---- --..--·---- ' I ~ ·--~ ~ _DE.Prnt __ ) i r--o---------~- ' ' i ' ----L--!--+---j----"-----"----4--==:_--_-+-! -_--'--_ -_,.·==:=:=:-----------~--4_:_ ,---7' -_ ----.-:---~----;-- ----~ _j ------+--_L_-_, --l--'-+---~--~ I I 0 -·-,--------,·------------ I • --~'----- ;-5 --5 :_ ---0- , i 1 __ ...., ___ _ I ' . ,_ __ _ ; ___ _ ' ' ' ~,.,_____,_-4 _____ _; -~-- ~-/-5---/5' 20--ZO I ----·-. --.....,. Z5-Z5 ·30--3CJ DRYDEN & LARn. CONSl'LTING ENGINEERS CALCULATION SHEET DATE ------- JOB NAME _..8"----!.14':_:' :..-/i'-'S'-'t""---=I=-----B.:::::C..:.,c-'-,c:..'-'c=--"'<..'""'~t::_.y'-, ---=L-'-..4_,.,.._,.:;=-· ____./-lc''--'Y.'-~=-:..c;::-=o=--,:_'"""-=-/..-=-:.:~o~--_!' c:,_,-.:::..:=:..:..1_ JOB No. S 1/./ c C /8 R,:; D SHEET NO. ~F --- DESIGN BY ----------------CHKD. BY ___________ , ___ _ L-o--- :5-- ·/0---/,0 IC---/5 20-2.0 zs-zs- _=o--~~ IlL< ·UI-6/82 DRYDEN & LARt•E CONSl'L TING ENGINEERS CAHTLA TION SHEET DATI:: ------- JOB NAME PtrAS€. I-E,c,t:;.o,_Ey L,r.,.,._:-,.;;~;,.. .... J:o rA.:o_.,..t::-r JOBNo.swe-c/BRfiD , SHEET NO. iL'..3:;oF __ _ DESIGN BY ---------------CHKD. BY -------------- [_.A~ff-.CJtll(VC.~--4:s~~~hi · p::kit do. iQ-'f9:-~~~ !--~--­ . · D~?rc :-_ 1'/zf/&~ .· -·DM~: -tf-'154-J1/ti!J}:yee.-: . L.:;~,1n;;N:. if'1Dl(z:6{Fjj~vei (3T~AUkE"~ __ ;_ ·-.... . -:·_:-: ~ 1 ~~,¢~iJ. : . ~---~-1 :M~~--~/f;t·7c-j: {)the':---~-,---. -·--·--; ~ /V __ -;~------l_j _____ .... - -. _ _j • • ; I : . -; -~-~~-t)~H~--~· I I ---· .. ---. -.. ~, ------·-r--, -· ·--~·----.J..-' ------··---: ... o-- :-:5-- ·IC?-- ·16" !5 20-20 zs-zs- 1>1.1 ... , .... 12 DHYDEJ\ & LARlJE C'Ol\Sl'l.Til\G ENGINEERS (' AtC'ULATION SHEET DATE -------- JoB NAME _.A'---!.~-t..:..:"A:...:..!!'· .!_,6,__-'..L=..-----'=,B-'·,c'-=--4,:_:0~(..-"'E-'-Y'--"'-L'--.....;-,----"".:-._L,r_;_·: '_,_r;,_;;;:.:;._;_.<=-=o'--_;_r_;_":<::=a=--r._,~::"""= .=..==-r=---JOB No. :5" W t!f' C /8 R .4 D SHEET N0.1:-OF --- DESIGN BY ---------------CHKD. BY -------------- ' r-a-- :5-- /0---10 /~--/5 20-2.0 ZG-25-- . l ' z.;:so~---­ f'&tJ-'~ . zoo· zvo z.O 0 ' --~-------------, ·----~---~-· -----' I ! . DRYDE!" & LARUE CONSULTING E~ GINEERS CALCTLA TION SHEET DAH. ------- JOB NAMt: _.8'---....<n...!...' 'A:.....:.....:S'_,E~_.r=------=/3::..:.;:::::_:_~..:_· 0::::::__!;:L,_,.!:......Y<--..:__L..:_14_r.:::::.5"_..Lt6~s-.... -=D:..:./:_..:__ '-'::.._..:_1'"'.....:/.:=o:..::.-_,-E:::.;·-=~ _,_1_ JOB NO. ::5 w t:F c/BRA D DESIGN BY ----------------CHKD. BY --------------- 1~--A~£~A-~~e-ii¥""Sr ~#-~c~'-'-• L.Lf--""~_.._:: c~q9;-~~z~--"~---· " 1 ' : I , , ! : ' ,.....,/1n_:c: /2 /;:; ·· · -r/ · · q ·4 3 v-rr =f: 1 z:> 3 -.. 'M~ • · . . t I . . - _}V&,Ap~ee: ~--l . ' ... . . .. . ' .. .. . ····-!. ·--··· -...... .. Lt£h:;~T/&'.V: ~= t30' £± t_i.n..f"D.__ulJ.o_cc::Lo_j __ _]J_L_ _ _j _________ _ . . : +i---~ ___ · ---l___ _ __ i ---l·-' ,_C _______ +------. -;-~-·----. -T-·~:----"--~ -{----· ..... l -·------------·-· ~-'-'-- 1 DE/!TH. _I--· r--~-i-r-T-~+-_;__-+_,;__;_ _ _;__ ! i?EArlA-R,J<S --, -·~ ·--• ~ -~ l ·-' -·~ i !-o--- 5--6 ·/0--/0 /~ !5 zo-;zo ' 1>1( -01-6;82 DRYDEN & LARUE CALCllLATION SHEET CONSllL TING E~GINEERS DATE -------- JoB NAME _.8'--"n.-'-"--A'-"_<',_,€,__---=I::.__-_ _;.B.=---::_,c::-=--_,.:;-:....:o"'--"'~..C.!:£:,_.Y'------.::_L.c_A_~<-"'. :'---__.M'-'--'Y.'-D=--'-'12:-=o-'-'r--=-1::=--="-=--r_,c.:::.:-.::-~-.;:_,_ JoB No. :S: wE c,/ B R ,t:; D ~---.r--:::---::::::-----r--.,--r--r-r---r---.-.--r--:--;--:--r--:--:---:---.--,.....------r-------- 1---'-. .! ff~C-{It~~e-t-"'-F-~...-.L....:.-"'-"''1-----.-=-4--'•--<t----..c.....:...=~-""'-!"~~;-_~_pzJ ' ' ' ' ~Hre f: '~-i~/8.3 ___ :_~f~~-q;~} __ ~::f~r-__ _ tO_c."'fTioA/ r ___ loO _:£:f:l in±o : ~od.6! · · · : ___ -__ .. ___ _ I -: I < I < ' ' ; < I : I I . --r~-.-..,---1 --,---_ -r-; -;--- . { ! , I ! ! f ---~-===---==~~·---.---~-·:---~--------1-~-=------~--~ --~-. . : -rl_ -+---; -+--.-r----------t~-.----!----L-.. -----~----------. l C/fEJI(/ ~ I .-a---0 ! !.. ' t :5 5 -10----10 /!! 15 20-EO zs-zs ~ 100 aoa c;200 20 roc.J:.. -· - I Ill ( ·Ul-6.'82 DRYDE!" & LARUE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CALCULATION SHEET DATE ------- JoB NAME _..A'--..-!~-'-'-A'-"s"----'c.,__--=I=-----'8.:::__;_-c_·· _4:....;;0=c...=L...,E::.....Y'----'-L_A_K-"'6''---_.t0:....;_:Y._D;;;__;.IE_;;_CJ __ r-'--:<::"'-. =o=..r._,'IE:::.:-::..=-:._r_ JoB No. s w <!If c/ 8R .4 D SHEET No.l OF ·--- DESIGN BY -----------------CHKD. BY _.!.8i~AAIC:c i ~z± &....ae. · :c~J:P9.-~.3Z_j ___ ~~----- , j i ~ l I~' ; : ; : : i I 1 ! i I ~ j ' -~~-~-~ -·;·--~~-~·--J___ : : ·~·---+---:·----< -. ----. ---+ -~-' D/frc: _ 'l/~f./~-?.f-.-:-~-12tfC: :. 10 :'( l-~_J'f(_G.A-(1-!.ee_: . • I --~_j _ _; ; _..:.._J_;_ . i I I ' . ·----· ____ L._~- L(::;c,,/ITI'.C;;,V :__ · · ex£ r::=re!e.p Sliiv~___:_----~--. --,-·-,.·-"·--+--'--+-~i __,_1_+ _ _,_· -'·--~-_: j ' -·-_ _ : ..... . , I ·-o---0 .I 5--- /0 /0- 20-.£..0 zs-zs ---· DRYDEN & LARtr£ CONSVL TING ENGINEERS CALCULATION SHEET DATE JOB NAME _BL-Jrr.~·..[_lt:.__,.5e:_:€~~r~---=B.:...:,c:~4-D..:....::::::...!!C..'-.!:e:::...YL-..::.L:::A:_:_:_K.:.,:,C,___f6c...:....!..-1"'1=:.D~J€:..::Q:__:_1 ...... __:1:-::::·::::o~~~-c=:· -~· _:_T_ JOB NO. :s: wE c/&: h c. SUBJECT __,__.,..,c::-~O.£LI..=L:.-_7~_.L= ... =._.:s"'-L.r __ &'--=0=..13""'-!!t£..___./C.a.....l....-"'E,...r.A~D,..(.[.:.W:...::..;c;;.=.....,S:...-. ______ SHEET NO. _fj__ OF __ _ \ f ---~-- i C~t29_-:f::::+::::;>.PZ.: . I , j --~~--·---+ __ ..,__._~-i---+--+---l--;__-"-----+-----~--;--. ._____i __ ._ C ~-~-----'--~--~--i---+--r~--~~~~--~~-r----, . A£~1: . , : -1-+--k--.....l-~L>i~l'o<. """'&~€~~ DE?~rH , ?i~~--y-- o---o i -\ --+--,--+--l.---t--r--1-'--+--+-j__+-+---'--+-_j---'---4·~ ( T o.C. .z_ '"o.... i c..r I -t-----+--+--1---r--'---t>-.:--t--t--4--+--I--+--+-__;_-----4_J_ ... /0--- /~ /5, zc;-zo Ill ( -01-6, Kl DRYDEN & LARl'E CONSt;LTING ENGINEERS CALCULATION SHEET DAH: JOB NAME 81.41'€. r-. BA::--40(..£ y L~)'e &olEO ~o-re:.::-r JOB NO. 5W<!fc/8K~D ~~~~--~----~~~~~~~--~--~~--~--~~~~-. OF __ _ DESIGN BY ------------------CHKD. BY ---------------- .--o--- ··:5 ' . I --.... "··--~~--r--- ' I . .. --. ·-,- /0--- -15'--/5 20-Z.O DRYDE~ & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET CONSCLTJNG ENGINEERS DAH. -------- JOB :"< AME _.A~r~.~l'i:_,.,_,( c::.,_"' --=I=-----==B.:....::,c_::_:__.q.:..;o=-.:.I..~E~YL__-=L=-A_k_,.!"~.~ML':....:....~.:=D_:_If::...:-o:___:_r:....:L:.::...!:O:..::-_,rc=-===,;...=-'r-JOB so. s wE c/ 8/:'H D OF r---~--~--~~~-----r~----~~~--~~~----~~~----~--~--~--------.-~-------~ ~ : C.WAAICc '. r: ~A?.. (:;'), : c~.• rc:P-9 -~;z.~.~---· : \ r : l ; ; , 1 l . P~r£ .. : -;'=f}2i/B~-~ -~--n~;--lef~¥8-~N~~ie: L~C.~._r:;~-'t:/..-___ :-1 I ~--~-. ' : :-,·-:--~ --~ ~ 1-o---0 • }---------t--+--,..---+---f---t-~-f-_;_---r-f--1---+---f--·+-!...------·+-+--:---...,---·-7·--·C . --· -----·-- 1 ! 1---------"--+-""'~~.,_;.-r-...;._+--;--..__+-__J_-+-+--+---I--+--~--1---If-----'-· -'--...___ ~----_ ;,L -t 1, kL ruhP..J.OJ~~--: ---+--,.--+---+--+-~_. -~---1-; _tb.L::t.l4tL cb.cl-:-.:::;' ; ~_; ;!5-- ·lc::> 0- 20-;::.o 25-- DRYDE~ & LARl'l:: CONSULTING ENGINEERS CALCULATION SHEET JoB ~AM E _.A'----!w...:...:....c'A'"".f'-'€..,__--=.r=-----'8.==-:.1(!:.:::..." :_4-D:..=_,'-_,.::'--'y'---=L=-A_~<_,c'--Lh':...:.'-!Y.-'D=-r::c..:~-=o___;r:...:.-__:_;..C.=-· o:::o.::...-r..!::c,_,.:-==-r'--JoB No, s rv c: c /8 K ~ D svBJECT Sou.. "TE:sr &oeE SHEET ~o.ll__ OF __ _ DESIGN BY ----~-----------CHKD. BY ---------------- ;..-o-- ·5-- /0--- ·-IC--- B. UNIT DRAWINGS ~~---~:-10 f;!jJ ~u ---t : : {'!_3) . . . :.~ SECTION Y·Y ,. T'·9" 7' 9" ' 7'·9" I 7'·9" -• 6" ·1· ·--T---------r--"'i. II 1 ~L ~q v-, 0J S? rD. !I Jz IQ;o ' ..... R ~ m m . -o_O I . x-, SECTION X·X ~---------;· ...J ::: ·:--(i,. (16 ~ 1 1 y ::; l1' -5 1 1 I 1 ::::, 11 I : 13 ;:\ II ~ I ~ ,,, ~ II: j l' ,, II Ill I' i I Ill II II I I I 'I' ill II II I I' 'I' I I I I Ill I I x...J U[..;\ ~·~ :~-@ NOTES I X·broctd erructurtt a!'loll hawt tuitabt• polt foun(IQ1 ion to rtaitt uplift 2:. V·broctd ttructurtt rnoy rtquht tu1lng or K-bractt to wifhttand trantwtrlt load&, Utt or brottt muU bt tconomlcolly futtifltd. 4 FOf of!'ltr tfquirtmtnft of Otltmbliti taftf to Spac,f;cgtion T-7 ~For 4ttoilt of tpocert ond V"broct fittlnQt ut Orq. TM-111 * 6 For quctntititt required fer othtr Olltmblitt rtftt to table, total quantity tquah aurn of oppropriott colum!l!t i II • *1 41 rtquirtd, 111 Org TW-1 Ill I: I I; I IH IIi J I I d: ----...1.,.'\... ____ ---------..:....(·r)----- I I I Ill' • I' 1J I UJ 1.v t:tj 1f~ t.r~ b., u. ...:f 8 Cothr ktyl In ltuwtotor atrlnoa and c:lompa tholi bt orttn1td in tomt direction and ahalt foct C)Oit II. Att'l fttld drHitd polt holtt thoU bt preuure 1rtattd. 12. Ooublt crouofm• sholl bt thlpotd complete •lfh foe tory 01ttmbltd hardware, ...c: .. .-:..:~:..:.:..:.:.:.=.::__· T H ·I 0 S DESCRIPT lOll <;;;~..,m~3 ~~,..~ 9 112" • 32. '-o* lo•iT-:_ ~f~-~-~~-~-·}i~~~~!L.i!!!!.~l!n~~~-~r~Cld i r~ro~d!~_!!~~7/8 ..... ,,~1!"---~-~+ Nut lor 7{11 bolt . · L~<~~~·=!it..JLii_" •.•J'• J!L,.!ie•=: ~UHI!!!~~~~~~!Jk ····-----------,____ . ~i~.t~-­ S.~~f,~!'~!'_C_~~tr'll!_ attt.~:!!!.!l~i--.~~•t!!T .t -''· s~~!~~~~~·~-'!_!_or 5 lt~~.A.-~5qoo• .. sr. • Crossarm Type 71 !! for "IBIS" TRANSMISSION H-FRAME LINE TANGENT STRUCTURE SUSPENSION-TWO POLE (161 KV. IU){IMUM) sc:olt: 11eot•1'-o"' Oatt: TH-105 I f'f' f'" I "" 6" /f'.... /f'f' /t'.(' i ~~~ ' I ~~~ 4:: I ~~~ lT c -, NOTES / i' / f'.t' . .!".(' ' 12 I 1 ll I. A• roqulrtd, ut D•G TM -I I ~~~ / f ~ I ~~/ ~3 @I 1 . 1 2. Moke ont turn ot polo t•ovnd witt .I _ __j----...,.......,.. :::F-2..It \1 1 around m••••n9er damp I r.I----------~ .. : .. ------__ ~~ : ·-~---~ onoe~m•nt bon nut,. polo. '~ ' :0 -r•, '-.. ~ <' 3. Pole apoch"lQ fo conform to lpoc:lnQ ''.. -_/ \ \,'\; "-, ~ -· ~ ohown union olhtrwlu indlcaltd on pion ·, @ \ \,\, 1 1 ~ ond prolllt thotll. ' \ '..'-, I : 1 4. ollnr fltld drllltd polo holu oholl bt ,.,. ' '-..~ '\... / I t I "\. pr•••ur• ln<Jted. \ ... '-\;<..'-':<." / l_ :J ''.. 5 Tlghftn mochlnt bolla until grid goln lttlh oro lndtnltd lull depth Into polo. OEAOENOING ARRANGEMENT 3· . s·-s·~ Hf s ) I I I --:-:=::_ P-~-~. ~ 1 I ~ ::: t,i I -.. ~ ,.!_, __ 5 ·tttmmttt• '~=: ::Jmmmm ·~ --. • '\ tD 'I' :I\ II ' I :I •I 3' 6'-6• v·J jD '[@'' -~---r~ 0 ~ ''(19) @:::@ 'I/ ·~ Ml ~· I :::: ~~mmmn ~~ ·-· t~qrtt!trttt c~liil ':»' ;_· " I' '~~~ ~6/ \1~)1 I ~ .... 6'·6· r• 1 • ·, ,,., I! I: I 1' I I 1 I I 11 ~ 1 I: I l11 1 I Ill 1 1 1 I I IiI IiI i I II 1 I 1 I I 1 I: I ' lit ,II ---~~~----______ :_~~~-----------~~~--- 1 1 I 111 11 1 iII I l1 1: 1 1 I 1 I I II 1-lj --f ~J-~ L-''"t t •• , '-r 1-' -r-• ~-1 [1-l L .. :t t-.,t·J J...t·_. ____ I!~:_E;:_Mif1_138~•-17'-s:_J.~In 138 Kv. ~ i------------2Q~o:_~in 16!_'~•--------4-----------20'~0· Min 161 l<v. 1 TH-IS A , .. e, ENGINEER TO SPECIFY STRAP LENGTH IF LENGTH !IHOWN P-lOT S).j.JTABL.E. t t.;rossarm-Type ?t, ~!>I OF MATERIALS OESCRIPTIOH ITEM TRANSMISSION LINE DOUBLE OEADENO STRUCTURE-THREE POLE ( 161 KV. MAXIMUM) Scale 118"• 1'-o"' TH-1!55' /(,..-I LIST OF MATERIALS ORG. A !!. c. ~ DESCRIPTIO,. IT'EM OE:T. REF I ,_ r !) 4 !{~itf!L' '.3f' • lnlt f. . ., (/11,..,. ..-/l:t 'b 't s (.L Z, z. z. t. t. :;..,, (lip TT I d • 1 it. H H. ft t;.:/y Wit(! ~"'--'--""'t• d .• Mf "'"'' i ... 16--IA 7"t;.-18 !!!!!!: I. SUTIIS ASSl"ll US AI£ 10 If COOIIIaAT[D IIITII Ll'NT DUTT 'UY AIIACHII[IIS ,,.),. Nt OA'1r 76--1() :>c•c..-: COO£ No IG--1 7G--~-LIST OF MATERIALS OR<i A s c.. 0 E 0£ SCRIP110N ITEM OE:T COOE No. REF I I ( I I 1. &rtd .Dr. I c. il!CAI1 Au·~ w/7,.-j "L)o~..o 1-:ld .fv z I z. I L 4. ·LIn k.s -'u11 t.t.t.il' !_]._..J.t·s'-" .v L!~ ·h<,;~ d-1 :s ~· 4 5 • ? ~ ....... _ .... ~t:.~-... '1 ..::::-,-.... 1-1 I I I-; I /t l. I J I I z. : j I/ I I I I z~ooolll."' Jt I 1 l I I zs;coo tl 7. r; 000". -l (Ol _IIll\1 -e -(oJ _Ka~ _,a IoJ -e -a'! . --·=r ' . t .. r I l\1 h ~~~ I I \ l :\ I I I I I I I I tH I l I I I I L 1-J Js; ... O(J 1&. L_ ... .:J L...-.:.J - -NO'TC l 'T<C= ZG A Tf-tf8 7G--Z.GC, t ~~ c=.;-~/ t I I 1/ I z. r, JL. J "1 Z~400I6. 1', '~" .. ''--! (0( ··~..... a -·r I I~~ I ' 2 t •••"'·-: (oj l(G G)! l g) i _. _5 ~, ~. ~ •' $-·~. tJ I I :\ ~-~ I r l \_'",~ J~·~~~~· '£ '. I 1 I t'01'1 l ~ 1\ I ,~ I I I 1 I Ill l_ -;_ ... ) J 4 l_ -_-) s; DD lb. :rs; <f 00 ll. 'T<C-U 0 -rr-t& r; .!!!1!• 1. Til IIIICATIJ ~OAOS All 111111 I~TIIIATI, '· 'II IU' S~O•U 1101( TIIAI 1f TO 1 I Till IUlltATI ttlf1CA~ CAPACITf SMOULD lOT llCIII 11,000 ~as • •• Til LOII!I 11011 'GilTS ,., All ,01 I.OCATIOIS IIMtll TIIO lllf ATTAC~(ITS All llOVIll , tfe /)IV'rf Dll1'1' POLfT 8AWDS SCALE• .., II(YISION OAT( 7"~-t., 11 DESCRIPTION '-0" Twin E e Anchor Rod Grout Reissued REVIS roN ITEM MAXIMUM WORKING LOAD X 8 # TRANSMISSION LINE ROCK ANCHOR ASSEMBLY TA-2 I 2 3 No. 2 I 2 . ., I I I I I I I DESCRIPTION ~"xa'-o" Twin Eye Anchor Rod a''x8'-o" Anchor Log 4"x 4"x t/2" Galv. S . Washer: 13/16"Hole ITEM MAXIMUM WORKING LOADS X aooo• ~-1.::·--·-· z 16 000 • in average soil d TRANSMISSION LINE TWO ROO LOG ANCHOR ASSEMBLY Reissued Date: REVISION TA-1-8 • '""'" i 7' rt-lOA I 7'11-l.PI + ifl. I COI.Illl.lt.TD~ l'ltJ71A l-. . l I F==~~~~-~~~4~~~~====~ IIIIU: 1. COII'DUCTa. D.U.U LOCATJOII II IIID1CtTED IY •x• ITI'eOI... ~ D.u.E• LOCATIOII II IIIDICATID IY 0 IYNIOL. 2. D.u.EU ME TO II LOCATED &I 1_,. Alovt, L9CATIOII 0# D.u.UI IHAU. II 1• &CCOIID&MCE WITM IIIAIIUf&CTUIIUI UCOf'PilNDATIOIII, IIISTALI,ATIOII 0# D"'"U 1MAL.L II 1• &CCOIIDAIICI WITM llloUIUFAC- ru.E•I I~EtlfiCATIOIII, NO. REVIS!Ofl OAT[ 1'11-Zo o t '"· ~ . I I I ·o· \..----=-:::0:=---~ ---:=.i:J= =----~ ~----~---~~~~--~----~ SCAl[' Oou !c.C 0 A/"11'€~ ""f' 1"1-1." '- 7n-7.o 0 /) AMP£:/!S 711-Z.O J, I ' I I I $-·-+· f f I I 1 I t I I I I I I I t-. ; I ~J IOTU: '711-110 t, CIOSSIUCl Ul"ll SIIALL U SIIIT&Ill TO ACCO..IIOUTl Till I'OLI SP~CII' SHOWI 01 TM( llSP(CTIJ( TI~IS~ISSIOI Lll( STIUCTUII 1uwuu. I. llACIIUI IOL TS IIUST PUS TMIOUIII CliUI Of I'OLI AID 711 TII~TLY II TN£ MOL[$, 1, L0~£1 MOllS SMAiL II FIELD OIILLID AIO I( TMOIOUIIILT TIUTID. C, IS( Of CIOSSIUC( SIIOULD I[ lCOIO..ICALL t .IUSTIHU tr Til UIIIUI. I. 'OI DTIIlll ASU~Il Y UQIIIU~UTS SU IU SPICIFlCJITIOI f·J AID T-1. &, IIIJ~U. IUIII[I Of IOLTS fOI £10 fiTTI15S AI( SMOWI, 7, SU,lJU SMALL TUT Till tiiOSSIUCl AU£111Lt AID UUII IU STAIOAIO APPIOJAL, I. ILTIIIAT( T(ISILl•CDIIPI(SSift CAPACITY Of CIOSSIIACI US£MU T IS lO, 000 US. fOI Till fOllOW lifo IAIIIIU. POLl SPI.CIU: Sfi'UCTUI£ T"l TII•IIDA 1'11·1101 TII·II11C IIAI, POLl IPACIII ll•-o• n•-•• It'-·· seau:· LIST OF MATERIALS OE S CJ:IIPTIOH ITEM OET. 0 0 C£}ff~£ Ct.!< rtP l>lt.f#.. U''-II G£DH 81.A(,.Iii '-~' ootJ 11 •• HAxiHIIM CODE No r'(J Soil banked and tamped~ --~ 1'. -CD -_......_ ,; ~ !' f+-Well tamped (compacted) crushed stone or grovel aggregate to be interlocked with undisturbed earth. ~ .. ~ _J~ 4" Approx. NOTES I. The TM-JOI special bock fi II shall be specified by Engineer where rep! a cement of earth removed from hole wi I I not provide adequate pole stability. 2. The specific at ion for aggregate given below is minimum. In oreos where smaller fines con be procured at reasonable cost it Is recommended that Engineer so specify. 3. The aggregate shol I be well mixed in s1ock pile so that materials distributed to individual poles shall esseniiolly conform to specifications. SIZE OF GRAVEL OR CRUSHED STONE SIZE OF MESH IN INCHES 100% by weight to pass ,. screen 1.00 60%-90'% •• " ,, II 1/2 II .5 00 40"'/o-60% II II II II No.4 II .I 8 7 25%-50°/e> •• II ,, II II 8 It .0937 20%.-40%> II II ,. II I I 16 I I .0469 15 °/o-30% II II II II II 40 II .0165 FOUNDATION STABILIZER FOR BRACED H-FRAME STRUCTURE Scale: None Dote: 10·26-62 TM-101 T!1-LIST OF MATERIALS DRG REF /01 IOZ.A iCUl 103 DESCRIPTION ITDI OET. CODE Mo. z 3 4 ' 7 T -----~ ( ·~-I I I ~ .. (<-¥/.<:.,/~ ~ .· :: :~'L---:~~--0 •I - N07~ 3 Z. 1 "".!Q" DtA. j 11'1-IO't~ (t.S~UIV~ ""A'Te"t) 71'1-107.8 r4-SliAfl.JU&. ~A7rs; lt1-103 IIIUU: I. liiiADATIOII '01 I,.OIITtD UCit'JL.L II IHOIIII Ill THE TQLI, 1'MI AGGREGATE SHAI..L IE ~L.L "IXED Ill A STOCl 'ILl, AIID ,~~TI• CALLY 'LACED AND T.,.ED Ill t·l-cH LI,TI. 2. T1tE I'ECI,.CATIOII fOil AI511EIATE IIV'EII Ill THE TAIL£ II IIIII I-, Ill UUS WHERE SIIAU.U f IllES UE AIIAILAILE AT CCI"' MAILE COlT, IT IS IEC~IIDED THAT TH£ EIIGIIIE£11 S'ECI'Y $11ALLJI ,11111, l. COIICIETt IHAL.L IE 2000 'II HI&H E.t.IU ITU ... TM COIIOETt, IT IHALL I( Dl'OSITED Ill A IIAIIIIU MHICH •IL.L ,IIEV'EIIT SEillfiATIOII ~ TH£ AGGIIE&ATE AND CEI'IEIIT, CAllE SHOULD U TAUII TO AVOID &ET'TI114i DIU "IXED •ITH THE COI'ICIETt. TH£ 'OLE SHALL IIOT IE SET UIITIL TH£ CO!IaETE HAl AT'TAJIIf:D SUHJCIEIIT STIEIMiTM TO SU,OIT TN( 'OLJ , DUll I IMi 'LAC£1'1( liT ~ 'I'M£ 'OLE, AVOID I~ I Ill COliC RET£ lAS£, 4. lffLL T.,.ED IIATIV'E IAC&'ILL IH~ II I'LACED UOUWD 1'MI 'OLI AS IHOIIII, S. liiiOUIID COIIIIECTOII IHAI..L IE Cti"'ATJIU WITM 'OLE .. CJUIIIII, r [ I I f NO. I 11[\IIStO.. I OAT[ (}, 18 7 t:J. "ro ,& OVJ./lJ A 7t()J.I ()Nt"f'.S SCAt..[ I I LIST OF MATERIALS ORG DESCRIPTIO~ ITEM DET. COOE No. REF l I ii~t.lat.o~ )"''"" :nn ;':I '...;~"4 ·M.. •. /c. 2 H•2 t !t41l , J•, -.. '6 '· lA s 1 c;,,..~ ;., ,,..,,,.,. ' ,. '" r. .. ~ "·( ~. d , . I .. A", l.,f !;~""-tt._ 1,1,..;.< ~ ... ~&K: s 1!,.41 r,~~.-J?.,JI ~,. . .-..: I I'Ja,..P Sv~J>~H;nfl 4 :;:., ht t,..,t<...,;:;d) L. .,. AJ'),,;,,.,.. ~.-~!.i.. .54.~JW '. ~-.. :~&!£ I 8 /Ju&' bt!.-~1-:' Ut'"" .lid a l'/",.,.·/5altui .... tu.JJe,..J ~tt/_..te-,. . 10 t,,_,.:l!!.nd Cnmt>l't.« ;,.,, -r •• L- II ('fll.J!t!..+ ·,:-,L- I 12 J:•m<1lu• ~-,.,;,.../ l',,..~,.&r::., -;(., 13 l_ 'fl"f:U.f' C11uu~ ,,. /',.,..~n 1•4" -r:~~ -rn-o. !4 7'-Ch,.,t lltJII tiftJ()(}i( • ,·-: •. 1 I !1-1 B 15 'f-l.le."Fi:i. /!,()!/' f"(J oaoi!J "'l"lffill. I ~-4 <,-· i;~ JD" r.o• / 'fl ~ ~ ' I %/ ', ' !¥' "'I.... I I .... " ' \t)~.,. ' """ ~ ~ ' ' I \ r;: , ~-~ ? ·~--' ~ I \4 \1 1-10 • -4 ~ " L~J~ .. -<:'(,.. ' ·~ ', .j ,..---N071; $" ~<~ ... ~ I o., .... "t-"S. /~ e.. 'So I 7 • OJ(r l!:v'T A>SE",.,,i.'l" A"'~i.C:: 4 ~-€1"18\..r' T/'1-IC:, 711-JA (Oif.) 711-/8 ~ ~r /)~';.It;. V l..£1J&. iH "1 ~e.e 7'""~''!,.. I ~ =M £~-I -· , n I I TH-ID @-_\ f--~tr-~ j ---------\o"l I I ~ Ot"ADCUO <'>E"MBLr T/'1-tr Tlf-/A (ut.) 711-11& )!JJ ~-~ AHE"1'18i.Y '");;;s 7AW&.£.li'1 AN&.L£ lJeAbel'iO !!ill• O'TY. OF (/NITS l. TN( TAll[ AT TN( liGHT SHAlL 1£ CON,L[f[O fOI (ACM ,IOJECT. AWSI CZ.9. Z., C£.AH l. SUITAIU SUVUSIOI CLAM'S IIIUST I[ SHECTU fOI TM[ H f £" ~TU;J&.'TJJ (fl. COIOUCTOI I( IIi USED. Tilt fOUOWIIG U( TO U COISIDUUI: .mcn&t.., "'~'"""' (1&:. TT'E OF COIOUCTOI, OIA"( TU OF COIOUCTOI (COl~ IOU UG Al"OI IOOS AI0/01 Lli[IS), (TC. t::.ESJ'-JJ Lt:l.li> 'fJJ (tn.) J. COIOU·HU SUVUSIOI CLAI'I'S S"ALL I( USED fOI llO .. COL()l.. OF 1/1./rrs, TIAISMISSIOI Lll[$ • •• TM( CUACITY Of TN( MAIOWAU IIUST I( (QUAl TO 01 GAUTtl THAI TN[ IIIU $TIUGTII Of TH[ IISUlATOI UIITS $1401111 U TN( TAll[ AT TN[ I liNT • ..,.. ,.,....,, l•,.tll ........:, »,-14. AI~•"'-""'" 5. A"lOJM lATE ClAI'I'S SMAlL I( IISTAlUD FOI Lll( AUUS SMOIII /J.I~VLAT'tlll. A ~5EN81..1£S 01 TN( 'UI UO PIOfl L(: A. fOI Al'l (S fA Oil 0 O£iJI[U TO JO OHIHS VS( DU. IH, 3. •• FOI Uii.(S Fa Oil JO OEiJIUS TO 60 OE liiHS USE DU. IU. 6 • I 1.1 r 111. A 7tJI!. $7/l 11.1&-WI TN r v $ fl'e Jl He v &LAI"'P SCAI.£ NO 11£\IISION OAT£ 7?1-1 DATE ____,8=------· _4_---=--8_3 __ Swec./B~AD I DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET CONSllLTING ENGINEERS JoB NAME _:...A.._~H4'.JL:::J_..J_S!.<_t-=I=-_-____l.B~;{'AQ~~LE~'r'_.J,t~A~.c&E'----'t~~~v~RD~-=R~~eo.~w:.=:e~~_!_T ___ JoB No. t DESIGN BY _J=--=-C.:....:R:___ ___________ cHKo. BY --L.z:-;:,_::..........:::8::::..,,f-/""""'"5:'-~-1 A_,zs~3~-~D:...::5:..=c::.:..__....::sLy-+fh~ -------------· --· ----- I i l l I l ·--------------,---------~-----z----.., --s.-----:------~--.. .. ___ _ , _:/.Nct __ _ecrm N L L_ ________ . I ' I : :c~-11 ' ! !/ /#"), 1-FJ,., ;...e i I I ~Jj &of j.j()_'-' -z;t;~iitf;~~;;-~ ~I i La~;:nd-~ ' · Un/15 :UJb6r 1 AJak!-,al.s Ma 1!/td/< '· ' I I I ' I I ; ' I I I I I I I I i I I I ! i ---------~~- : 417~/J i :;z~-to! i 5'950 ---~----- ___ 8.£L~ IRB I ¢0~ 0 C2.J;;:..2_ -------' ! i I ' I i I i i I I ·----' ·------· i I ' I I I __ j __ •. I I ' I I ·• -~---- i ----- ' ' I ' ---------------------· £d-IQ£._ --_(9' ______ -~3_!pog_ _____ /5..00' __ -~45QQ _________ _85-r-50_0_ TI-!-.!.5S ____ ;.()_ ____ _____BpoQ ____ ..dZS_Q__ lZ .. Z.?O _______ /Z_2,_~oo __ --·--------------·----------··· --· ·---·-·. ------,--·---·-·----···-···-·· . . --··-·------~----------'--------··-····-·---··· . ·----------· -------,-- ' ' __________ • _____ ___J_ _____ ... __.. ~ ---------~------------~-~--~-------------- i · : , TorA.L ' 2 Oc.;,, _;:ao ./ ' I ' I ' ~ --------------.---_........._ ____ ' ----------:----------~ -~--_____; ------~-~ -----~-~---------' ----- j I ·----------~-.. ---·---+----~ -----·-··-----------'-----·--. ---_,. ---.. ~----·-· -···-----: ; . ' ' DLC-014>/82 DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET DATE 8-d-83 CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoB NAME PJI.A..sE L -B,eAJ:;iEY (A,ce 4eo PL:c:J.;e-c.r JoB No. 5wec /eeAtJ 7 strBJEn DeTA-;LeP G::s T EsT/M ,4-7e L { M sHEET No.----"£ oF 4 DESIGN BY ~J~C::.:..,{=-------------CHKD.BY e 8/5,-~3> _5:5.£_$~­ ~CMIL-:,--2_1./7 4c.s,e -· ··----~-- ! L4 bor 1 lt/a ~---t --------4-------+----'--f--'---+----1-__;_ ____ ..._, --------- ~~~--'-~-----+-"""-"'"-1----+--+-'-.w...,~-1--~~~~z_Q Q_ __ _ I I I , I ' ----+---.,.----t-.....;_-+--+--f-..;_,_.;___--1--------------------- ' I i . --·--------__..._l... __ --: I ' Uo1 I-_ No. ---------· ----------+-------1 _Ttr/___ _ _ __ LZO _________ Z.e!.O _ __5Q_ _ ___ 3o_..aoo _ ' . ' -------~-----------"-------------~--------------' --------: ~----- -----------------~ ___ 1 TOr,q_L ; · fq; tJO~ ; ; i ' ' __ __..__ ----____ .... ---+-------~.-----------------~-.----~---------~-----~ ------------ 1 I I ' . ---. --;·--·---. _________ _. --····-------------~ -----·---------.. ------ ou ·01-6182 CALCULATION SHEET DATE 8·4·8.3 DRYDEN & LARUE CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoB NAME P/-1;45E-I &AIJI..e't LAu 4oK.o f2oJe-GT JoB ~o. ~ e::. / BeAIJ I suBJEcT De::TAIL eD Cos r EsnMmr_ L { ~ ; SHEET ~0. 3 OF + DESIGN BY ..=.:o=-~---------CHKD. BY -~,c_::::.__......:t!f.t:.LM......:~::....c~....::S~~------ _· ~~~;;;-~---·-----~­ --···---~,._2CiQ_ ..... __ . -~=<lo.··-__ /~()-~ --t~.'.5; 7:50 ---c--19~--. .....LQOJd___ _.!!_1:$ ___ .. 221 32:$' . 8 ~,-·C?-=0-·--1--__:_:;;--1 .s-~,-"""----1--.....:J¢~£'2-----· ·-· ---------... -· ------__________ .;. ___ _ ·-use 4 Z, ¢50 / • __ ---····------------_____ ·----· ______ lkrA-L- ' I .. ------------;·----------- ----~----·-·-· --·-- ---------'----------·-··---------· ·- ou -ol-6182 DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET /J CONSULTING ENGINEERS ! JoB NAME ri#Jse :z; ~ L4i:e llu:;eo li()..l~ 1 suBJECT Der~+tLeO DATE 8-1/-83 JOB No. :5we-c /.#RAO 7 SHEET NO.-$[_ OF ---"--- DESIGN BY ~~~-------------CHKD. n 7Z.$ s/'5/s ~ j ~~~----·-t --·~~-·-: _J__ __ ·------~:---~~-~. __ , ~ot?aSAiLJ3u&MJ!i.RY ___ _ ·, ' j l i l : . . i I : ' . I -.1-. ! ---~ -~---~~~~=---u;Lri·~~~=T-r.f> ---¢0Y£-;&ho /. ; . 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BV ,7?-!? .3./s;/$ ~ --~' ····--. -r . ; /3/ I !S'O I ' --·-,--~-----~--. ---·"----. - 01.{ -01-b/82 DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET DATE 8-d-83 CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoB NAME Pf..h4sE L -BeAIJI Et LAKe !kJ.eo PU::J..Je=c. r JOB No. 5wec /eeA/J 7 SUBJECT DeT/JILt?iJ G5 T 6T/M ,4-75 L f M SHEET NO. ~ OF 4- DESIGN B V -=J....=(.:..:..:,{::__ __________ CHKD. BY ---<.2"1.....='-':_:r.:,c;__...=S~/_;;;5"'-I-,/--'~=---:::,------- ---------------~--------~---~--~----------------! I ---··----- ------i---+-___.;_-+-~---t---'----......_.~-··--------- "'-----f ~~t=-....;__+-.,....._...<.,,~:::-..;..-+.----£~=-=----~-· _&_<t;, 9~~-·-· -~t-----i---+-~--t--"7"""""---t-----t ---·-·-~- ---~----··---·-----.~·~·---' I -"----~---~-· ~ ! ·---~'--- ou -01-6182 DRYDEN & LARUE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CALCULATION SHEET JoB NAME PI-IA:s~-I ~ LAJ::..e /-4neo fl:.OJt:GT suBJECT De-TALLeiJ Cosr ES77M!!tf L ~ M ; DATE 8 ·t/ ·83 JoB No. ~ e::.l Be/JIJ I SHEET NO. _3_ OF __:__ DESIGN BY ..=.::=-----------CHKD. 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BY --'7U;~::::...__;.9=,<../.....:5.=.,0:......:::8~3---·---- i ·---~--____.--+--~-·-·--· ~ ---_--1=_-. =-=--M~~-tA-N-evlli_~Nfit.Y·~--:fiJ_&_:fc;··-/ I . -·-_____ . ____ ....____...;..._ __ _ ! --------------r L---I I , . ---··-----+---~-+----------+-----r--__;___-~------1---! I I , , -·--r---·---- . -____, -·----·---·---~----; ' -----·-__j_ _______ f-.-' ~ ---------r-·------~----- --~ ---..... --"-~~ ~-----------· __________ .. __ -- ' ' ----- --~----------··--------- ' -----.------- --~~----------~--·--' ' t ·····~---__._ __ __.._ ---·----------- ·-~-·- 1 -------~-. ' .. OH·OH>/82 DRYDEN & LARUE CALCULATION SHEET CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoB NAME P!tAst I -B/?A()L£Y !..Ar;E l-fc&o P~eoJec.T svBJEcT DerAN .. 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": '1' . ·-~· -. -· •;.... ·- . r " i-c:J,..-• • APPENDIX E BRADLEY RIVER IN STREAM FLOW STUDIES I I BRADLEY RIVER INSTREAM FLOW STUDIES 60980A Woodward-Clyde Consultants BRADLEY RIVER INSTREAM FLOW STUDIES October 1983 Prepared for: Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Bradley Lake Project Office 429 D Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska Prepared by: Woodward-Clyde Consultants 701 Sesame Street Anchorage, Alaska SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS FLOW RECOMMENDATION THE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES SCOPE AND STRUCTURE OF THIS STUDY FISHERY RESOURCES OF THE BRADLEY RIVER SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE IDENTIFICATION OF IMPORTANT HABITAT APPLICATION OF STUDY RESULTS TO BASIN PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS BASIN RESULTS LITERATURE CITED APPENDIX A -HABITAT CRITERIA FOR BRADLEY RIVER APPENDIX B -MAINSTEM HABITATS TREE BAR REACH RIFFLE REACH EAGLE NEST POOL REACH TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1 8 8 10 10 12 19 19 32 40 40 60 68 B-1 B-24 B-43 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) APPENDIX C -SLOUGH AND TRIBUTARY HABITATS BEAR ISLAND SLOUGH SHORT SLOUGH LONG SLOUGH FOX FARM CREEK APPENDIX D -FIELD SAMPLING AND DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES FISH PROGRAM HYDROLOGY PROGRAM ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES C-1 C-10 C-15 C-20 D-1 D-7 D-8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Bradley Lake Project Area. Figure 2. Instream flow study area. Figure 3. Selected habitat sites. Figure 4. Phenology chart for salmonids known to inhabit Bradley River. Figure 5. Distribution of pink salmon adults in August 1983. Figure 6. Distribution of adult and fry chum salmon within the Bradley River System. Figure 7. Distribution of adult and juvenile chinook salmon. Figure 8. Habitat utilization by young coho. Figure 9. Habitat utilization by young Dolly Varden. Figure 10. Habitat utilization by spawning salmon Figure 11. Habitat utilization by young coho salmon in August 1983. Figure 12. Habitat utilization by juvenile Dolly Varden in August 1983. Figure 13. Pre-and post-project streamflows. Figure 14. Tide height exceedance curves for March, July, and August 1983 (based on Seldovia tides). Figure 15. Conductivity and temperature sampling stations in the lower Bradley River Figure 16. Salinity profiles. Page 9 14 18 20 22 24 27 29 31 33 36 38 43 45 49 50 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure 17. Salinity vs. discharge as measured at Fox Farm Creek. 52 Figure 18. Upstream extent of salinities of 1.0 ppt as a function of streamflow. 53 Figure 19. Mean, maximum, and minimum daily water temperatures in Bradley Lake outlet, Lower Bradley River, and North Fork for August 1983. 56 Figure 20. Comparison of mean daily water temperatures in North Fork, Bradley Lake outlet, and Lower Bradley River for August 1983. 58 Figure 21. Proposed monthly project contribution of North Fork Bradley River flows and reservoir releases 59 Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. LIST OF TABLES Proposed habitat maintenance flows for project planning purposes Effective pink salmon spawning habitat in the Bradley River under project operations Mean catch of young coho salmon per 24 hrs effort at minnow trapping stations in 1983 Mean catch of young Dolly Varden per 24 hrs effort at minnow trapping stations in 1983 Estimated pre-and post-project average monthly streamflows for the lower Bradley River Representative tide levels for the months of March, July, and August, 1983 Effective pink salmon spawning habitat in the Bradley River under present conditions Effective pink salmon spawning habitat in the Bradley River under project operations Page 2 5 35 37 42 46 62 63 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This report presents results of instream flow studies conducted in support of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project feasibility study. Studies were performed by Woodward-Clyde Consultants as subcontractor to Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation for the Alaska Power Authority. The purpose of this work was to recommend a month-by-month flow regime that will support salmon spawning and rearing in the lower reaches of the Bradley River. The Woodward-Clyde study supplements the previous assessment of the Bradley River conducted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in 1979, and 1980 (USFWS, 1982). FLOW RECOMMENDATION The instream flow studies were designed to provide an estimate of streamflows required to maintain salmon production in the lower Bradley River. Woodward-Clyde Consultants combined the information gained from incremental analysis of habitat with seasonal distribution and habitat utilization data for targeted species, streamflow estimates for present and project conditions, and potential changes in salinity and water temperature regimes to formulate a proposed flow regime for the lower Bradley River. (Table 1). In the lower Bradley River, the concern is to provide habitat for anadromous fish, particularly pink, chum, and coho salmon. Habitat requirements vary with season of the year, fish species, and life history stage. The proposed recommendation reflects the habitat requirements of the most sensitive (or limiting) life stage in the system by month. The Bradley River presently provides limited habitat for these species; some habitat will be lost under project operation, but there is an 1 Table 1. Proposed Habitat Maintenance Flows for Project Planning Purposes Activity Month (life stage) October Rearing November Incubation December Incubation January Incubation February Incubation March Incubation April Incubation/Outmigration May Outmigration June Rearing July Spawning August Spawning September Spawning/Rearing Recommended Streamflow 50 40 40 40 40 40 40/100 100 100 100 100 100/50 1 Instantaneous m1n1mum flows to be provided at the USGS gage (15239070) at RM 5.1 on the lower Bradley River 2 1 opportunity for utilization of replacement habitat that would become available if appropriate streamflows are provided. Adult salmon return to spawn in mid-July through August. The fish hold briefly in fresh water and then move onto their spawning grounds. Spawning activity may extend through mid-September. The embryos incubate in the streambed gravels through the fall and hatch in mid-winter. The alevins remain in the gravels until they emerge in April or May. After emergence, fry move to nursery areas (fresh or salt water depending on species) for rearing. Pink salmon fry outmigrate from the river almost immediately upon emergence. Chum salmon fry remain briefly in fresh water (less than 2 months) and then migrate to estuarine habitats. Coho salmon juveniles remain in fresh water habitats for two years. Thus, flows must be provided throughout the year, not only to allow for spawning activity, but also for successful incubation, rearing, and outmigration of the progeny. The flow recommendation focused on providing habitat for pink salmon production in the lower Bradley River. Pink salmon appear to have the best potential for production under project operation. A small population of pink salmon is presently spawning in mainstem habitats between river mile 4.6 and 5.2. A major limiting factor appears to be the lack of incubation success due to dewatering and sedimentation. An analysis of the effectiveness of spawning habitat as a function of spawning and incubation flows indicates an opportunity to improve production in pink salmon spawning areas in the lower Bradley River. Habitat requirements of chum and coho salmon were assigned a lower priority than habitat requirements of pink salmon. Few conflicts existed between pink and chum salmon. Chum salmon habitat encompasses a wider range of depths and velocities than pink salmon. The values of physical habitat characteristics (depth, velocity, and substrate) used by pink salmon are also acceptable to chum salmon (Refer Appendix A). In the Bradley River, chum salmon spawning habitat appears to be associated with upwelling intragravel flow or strong subsurface flow. The dependence of chum salmon on upwelling may be 3 limiting habitat availability under present conditions and would probably continue to limit it under project operation. Although upwelling areas have not been systematically located in the Bradley River, casual field observations of drainage patterns and present fish distribution indicate that few upwelling areas exist. There is probably little opportunity to provide replacement habitat by regulating streamflow. Rearing habitat for young coho salmon was also considered secondarily in the proposed flow regime. Most of the habitat utilization is in sloughs and tributaries in the lower portion of the drainage. Many of these areas will likely be only slightly affected by project operation. Coho salmon do not appear to be using available rearing areas in the mainstem under present conditions. Therefore, it appears unlikely that coho salmon production would be affected by altered habitat availability in the mainstem. The evaluation of effective spawning habitat values provided the basis for the selection of spawning and incubation flows. Table 2 presents weighted useable area (WUA) values for effective spawning habitat under the range of flows considered for project operation. Spawning habitat at flows of 100 to 150 cfs was analyzed at incubation flows of 30 to 50 cfs. Very little difference exists between WUA values of effective spawning habitat at these flows. WUA values for effective spawning habitat under project operation are higher than those presently available in the system. Therefore, the long-term gain by the fishery would be quite similar at any of these flows. Another consideration in selecting flows is the efficiency of the flow in providing habitat. By expressing WUA as a percentage of gross area, we can estimate the habitat efficiency of the flow. The efficiency of the flow to provide acceptable spawning and incubation habitat does not change significantly from one flow to the next. The efficiency of winter flows for incubation is high. It is apparent from a comparison of habitat values between spawning and incubation 4 Table 2. Effective pink salmon spawning habitat in the Bradley River under project operations Effective Spawning habitat Incubation habitat Spawning habitat Estimated Estimated Estimated Discharge Useable % gross Useable % gross Useable % spawning (cfs) Area area Area area Area habitat 100 27S80 13.9 26820 97.2 30 112980 69.9 100 27S80 13.9 27200 98.6 40 124120 72.6 V1 100 27S80 13.9 27300 98.9 so 135840 76.8 125 31840 14.0 29820 93.7 30 112980 69.9 125 31840 14.0 30S60 96.0 40 124120 72.6 125 31840 14.0 30560 96.0 so 13S840 76.8 150 3S060 16.0 31140 88.8 30 112980 69.9 150 3S060 16.0 32220 91.9 40 124120 72.6 150 3S060 16.0 32660 93.1 so 13S840 76.8 that spawning habitat is the limiting factor. Large substrates present in the thalweg will probably limiting spawning habitat availability under project operation. The percentage of original spawning habitat maintained by the incuba- tion flow are high as indicated by the last column on Table 2. In all of the combinations under consideration, over 90 percent of the spawning habitat was maintained by the incubation flows. Other physical characteristics of the basin which influence habitat conditions were also considered. Summer water temperatures may be cooler under project operations. North Fork flows will be augmented by releases from the reservoir. During August, the North Fork is expected to provide 53 cfs. Additional flow would come from the reservoir. Water temperatures of reservoir releases at the outlet are expected to be between 4-6°C. Water in North Fork is expected to be warmer than the reservoir release. Water temperatures at Tree Bar would be decreased as the quantity of water released from the reservoir increases. In order to ~educe the magnitude of temperature decreases, a lower spawning flow was selected. At 100 cf s, half of the water would come from the reservoir and half would be contributed from unregulated sources, principally the North Fork. Spawning flows would be required in late July through mid-September. From mid-September through October, juvenile fish move into overwintering habitats. Flows of about 50 cfs should provide these fish adequate passage to overwintering habitat. A flow of 50 cfs would also be sufficient to maintain incubation of salmon embryos. From November through mid-April, the embryos developing in the gravels are in their most important life stage. An incubation flow of 40 cfs was selected to maintain spawning habitat that is available at 100 cfs. An incubation flow of 40 cfs will maintain almost all (90%) of the spawning habitat currently available. In addition, present winter habitat conditions would be unchanged since the spawning flow would not permit further intrusion of salt water into the system. 6 Very little information exists regarding the appropriate flow levels for the remainder of the year. In late April and May, a flow of 100 cfs may be required for outmigration of young salmon. This flow must provide a spawning areas. stimulus for outmigration and allow passage from In June and early July, flow requirements for juvenile fish are the limiting factor as adults have not yet returned but juvenile fish are moving into summer feeding areas. Flow of about 100 cfs should be sufficient to accommodate this need. 7 THE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA The Bradley Lake project area lies at the head of Kachemak Bay, and is about 27 air miles northeast of Homer, Alaska (Figure 1). Bradley Lake is located about five elevation of about 1080 ft. air miles east of Kachemak Bay at an The Bradley River flows from the lake through a steep, narrow canyon for most of its 10-mile length before reaching the tidal flats of the bay. The surrounding mountain slopes are generally covered with mature spruce/hemlock forest with sub alpine shrub thickets at upper elevations. The lower reach of the Bradley River emerges from the canyon and crosses extensive tidal flats, which consist mostly of sedge/ grass meadows, and mud flats. These tidal flats extend to the northwest across the head of Kachemak Bay where two major drainages, the Fox River, and Sheep Creek enter the bay. The steep gradient of the Bradley River floodplain limits fish to the lower reach. Upstream movement of fish beyond mile 5.9 is prevented by a waterfall. In the lower reach the Bradley is a single channel, meandering stream, with moderate slope, and supports spawning by anadromous fish, primarily pink salmon and Dolly Varden. Other fauna commonly occurring within the project area include moose, bear, mountain goats, geese, ducks, and shorebirds. 8 '-'> Figure 1. Bradley Lake Project Area. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECT The Bradley Lake Project, as currently being reviewed, consists of the transfer of water from the lake through a tunnel to an above-ground powerhouse at tidewater on Kachemak Bay. A dam is proposed at the outlet of Bradley Lake to increase lake storage capacity. In addition, during May through October a tributary to the Bradley River--the Middle Fork drainage--will be diverted to the impoundment. Other project facilities to be constructed near tidewater along Kachemak Bay include a barge basin, construction camp, airstrip, powerhouse, tailrace, Martin River borrow pit, access roads, and transmission lines. When completed the proposed dam would raise normal lake levels about 100 feet to an elevation of 1,180 ft, creating a 3,820-acte reservoir. Some flow will be released to the Bradley River throughout the year to maintain fish habitat in the lower reach of the river. From the powerhouse an unlined tailrace would be constructed into the tidal flats, where discharge waters would flow to Kachemak Bay. The transmission lines would run from the powerhouse across the head of the Bay and the Fox River valley, to intersect with an existing transmission line. Primary access during construction and operation would be by water to the barge basin to be located near Sheep Point on Kachemak Bay, and by aircraft to the airstrip or helicopter pads. The airstrip will be constructed north of the powerhouse. On the flats along Kachemak Bay gravel access roads will connect all tidewater facilities, and the dam site. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Environmental aspects of all phases of the originally proposed Bradley Lake Project were assessed by the USFWS during their 1979 and 1980 10 studies (USFWS, 1982). The USFWS concluded that there were several issues where the available information did not allow accurate conclusions to be drawn regarding total project impacts: 1) Adequacy of flow regimes to support instream flow require- ments of spawning anadromous fish in the lower Bradley River; 2) Development of gravel mining and rehabilitation plans for the Martin River borrow site; 3) Development of a plan to establish waterfowl nesting and feeding habitat in the selected dredge spoil site; 4) Assessment of moose utilization of the area above Bradley Lake; and 5) Assessment of vegetation and general fish and wildlife resources along the transmission route. Prior to commencement of the Phase I study of the Bradley Project, the APA reviewed the list of anticipated environmental deficiencies and concluded that it was most important that the instream flow require- ments be evaluated during Phase I, so realistic project feasibility could be established. future study phases. Remaining issues would be dealt with during In designing an appropriate study to meet the needs of the Bradley project in establishing instream flow requirements, it was concluded that several questions had to be answered before estimates of necessary flow regimes could be prepared. The most important of these were the following: 1) Does any mainstem spawning occur in the river? 11 (2) Would reduced flows cause salt water intrusion to progress further upstream and potentially affect spawning and rearing habitat? (3) Would reduced river flows produce stream channel profile characteristics that provide fish spawning habitat? To answer these questions, Woodward-Clyde designed a study program to establish instream flow requirements for maintainance of anadromous fish spawning and rearing in the lower reach of the river under project operating conditions. Available instream flow assessment methods were reviewed and the instream flow incremental methodology (IFIM), developed by the USFWS Instream Flow Group, was selected for this purpose. A complete description of how IFIM was applied in this program was presented in the Woodward-Clyde Bradley Lake Study Plan (Wood~ard-Clyde Consultants 1983). A description of field techniques for fish and hydrology data collection and analysis is presented in an appendix to this report. SCOPE AND STRUCTURE OF THIS STUDY The incremental method has been most widely used to describe the effects of streamflow alterations on riverine fish habitat. It is based on the hypothesis that the quality and quantity of the physical habitat for a specified species/life history stage is determined by streamflow. Application of the incremental method is accomplished through several steps: (1) A scoping process to develop the framework of the analysis and identify components of the study. (2) River segmentation and study site selection. (3) Field data collection of physical and biological components. (4) Physical habitat simulation and determination of habitat availability. 12 (5) Interpretation of modeling results. (6) Recommendation of a flow regime. Scoping Process Application of IFIM begins with a five-step scoping process which establishes the objectives and the analytical framework of the study (Bovee 1982). Since the Bradley River instream flow study was conducted to support permitting and licensing of the proposed development, resource agency involvement was essential. An interagency meeting attended by the Alaska Power Authority (project sponsor), state and federal resource agencies, and project consultants was held on April 15, 1983 to discuss the instream flow studies. The general scope and focus of the study were established and the components of the study were identified (Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation 1983): Study Objective. For the Bradley Lake instream flow assessment the objective was to evaluate habitat as a function of flow in order to recommend a flow regime that will provide acceptable levels of habitat quality and quantity under post-project conditions. The Bradley River has a low fish productivity that is probably the result of large variation in flows between spawning and incubation periods. Stabilizing the flow regime may improve salmonid production in the system (USFWS 1982). Since most of the areas presently utilized by salmon are located on the lateral margins and peripheral areas such as backwaters and sloughs, project flows most likely will dewater much of the existing habitat. However, under the lower flow regime, replace- ment habitats may be available in mainstem areas. Geographic Area. The extent of the study area was established as that portion of the Bradley River between river mile (RM) 5. 9 and RM 2.9 (Figure 2). This segment encompasses most of the fish activity that occurs within the Bradley River. A barrier to upstream migration 13 o 2000n. SCAU Figure 2. Instream flow study area. 14 by anadromous fish occurs at RM 5.9. No fish exist upstream of this barrier. A tributary, Fox Farm Creek, that enters the river at RM 2.9, is probably the downstream extent of spawning habitat in the Bradley River drainage. Within the mainstem Bradley River the high percentage of fine particles in the substrate probably precludes spawning below RM 3.7 (USFWS 1982). Mainstem habitats below RM 3.7 are probably used by salmonids only as a migration corridor. Although data were collected between RM 5.9 and 2.9, the hydrology and fish components of the study focused on the reach of river from RM 5.4 to RM 4. 3 because this area presently provides the most important habitat and has the greatest potential for replacement habitat under post-project conditions. Analytical Framework. The analytical framework of the study was also addressed in the scoping proceds. Streamflow is the most significant variable influencing fish habitat. Therefore, the analysis centered on flow. During ~roject operation, the lower Bradley River will experience decreased streamflows throughout the year. Most of the flow in the lower Bradley River under project operation will come from the North Fork of the Bradley River. For the mainstem of the river, the analysis focused on the changes in hydraulic conditions and availability of suitable substrates with changes in streamflow. Numerical models (IFG-2 and IFG-4) were used to simulate the distribution of depth and velocity at different discharges. The output from these models was used in conjunction with the HABTAT model to predict the physical habitat available with incremental changes in streamflow. The project also could alter other habitat components such as thermal regime, sediment transport, and seawater intrusion. Data for each component were analyzed to estimate the change likely to occur, and to determine if that change would have a significant effect on fish production in the lower Bradley River. 15 Evaluation Species. Selection of the evaluation species is integral to the analysis as different species have different habitat requirements, which could result in conflicting optimum flow conditions. Presently the Bradley River provides limited habitat for pink, chum, and coho salmon. have potential for using These three species probably also would replacement habitat available under a post-project scenario, hence they were chosen as evaluation species. Sockeye and chinook salmon were not selected as evaluation species. Although adults of both species have been observed in the Bradley River, no evidence of reproducing populations were found by this study or USFWS (1982). Life history stages and attributes of microhabitat for evaluation species were examined. Data were collected on depth, velocity, and substrate for spawning pink, and chum salmon; depth and velocity for pink and chum salmon incubation; and depth, velocity, and cover for juvenile coho salmon. Study Site Selection Study site selection was conducted as a continuation of the scoping process. Alaska Power Authority, Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and USFWS staff reviewed selected study sites in the field. There are two approaches to study site selection --critical reach and representative reach (Trihey and Wegner 1981). Under the critical reach concept, study sites are selected on the basis that some physical or chemical characteristic of the reach is limiting the fishery resource. The critical reach concept requires an extensive knowledge of the stream's hydrology and channel geometry in addition to species-specific life history requirements. The representative reach approach reflects recognition of the importance of the structure and form of the entire stream in sustaining fish populations. The characteristics of the watershed and the resulting instream hydraulic and water chemistry conditions establish the limits of the species 16 distribution. The representative reach concept is particularly appropriate when only limited life history information is available and critical habitat conditions cannot be identified with any degree of certainty. Following a review of existing conditions, both critical and representative study areas were selected. These areas were selected to provide pertinent biologic and hydraulic information to address questions regarding habitat availability under project flows. A second criterion applied to the representative study reaches is that they had to reflect the range of physical conditions present in that segment of river. A total of seven different areas were selected for detailed habitat study (Figure 3). They can be divided into two types of study sites: habitat simulation for mitigation studies and habitat quantification for impact assessment. Three study reaches were established for habitat simulation using the IFIM computer models. Two of these are representative reaches, selected to describe habitat availability in the river segments from RM 5.3 to 4.9 and RM 4.5 to 3.9. The third habitat simulation study area is a critical reach, established near RM 4. 7 to evaluate its potential to provide replacement spawning habitat under post-project conditions. Four additional sites were established for impact assessment in slough and tributary habitats. A study site was established at Bear Island Slough to evaluate spawning and rearing habitat potentially dewatered under project operation. Two study sites were established at RM 3.5 and 3.8 to evaluate rearing habitat in backwater areas as a function of mainstem discharges. A study site was located at the mouth of Fox Farm Creek (RM 2. 9) to address questions concerning the effects of flow on access to spawning habitat in this tributary. 17 \ .1'' \ 0 500ft. SCALE -HABITAT-SIMULATION SITE HABITAT EVALUATION SITE STAFF GAGE ..___ u.s.G.S. STREAM GME (f) THERMOGRAPH STATION 3 • .5-RIVER. MILE A CQE. WIRE WEIGHT GAGE FOX FARM CREEK Figure 3. Selected habitat study sites. 18 FISHERY RESOURCES OF THE BRADLEY RIVER SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE The Bradley River drainage provides habitat and is utilized to some extent by all five Pacific salmon that spawn in North America. However, relative to other Kachemak Bay drainages, the Brdley River is not believed to be highly productive, and supports known spawning activity primarily only by pink and chum salmon. Utilization of the Bradley drainage by other salmon species apparently is mostly for juvenile rearing of fish spawned in adjacent drainages. Figure 4 presents the known phenology of salmon utilization of the Bradley River by species and by life history stage. Pink Salmon Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) appear to be the most abundant salmon in the Bradley River. An estimated 1,000 fish were spawning in the mainstem Bradley River during 1983. An additional 50 were found spawning in Fox Farm Creek. Pink salmon have the shortest life cycle of any Pacific salmon. The two-year life cycle has produced two genetically distinct populations because one year class is sexually segregated from the next. The two populations are referred to as odd or even year runs, based on the year that pink salmon spawn. Fish abundance between odd and even years varies and one run is consistently larger than the other. In Kachemak Bay and Cook Inlet even year runs are stronger than odd year runs (ADF&G 1978). 19 N 0 Figure 4. Life Stage Spawning Incubation Fry Emergence Rearing Outmigration . Jan ps cs ss Phenology chart for salmonids known to inhabit Bradley River Feb Mar ps cs ss ks dv - . pink salmon chum salmon coho salmon -- --- - Apr May Jun -- -·-- -- ---- r-- --·- ps -cs ss -I-- r---ks t-dv - cs ps cs t- -ss ks dv Jul Aug Sep ps -cs -ss -- ks dv- - ---------- - 1---ss KS dv --- - ks = chinook salmon dv = Dolly Varden Oct ps cs ss ks dv I Nov Dec Pink salmon may spawn from July to September but spawning typically occurs in August (Morrow 1980). Eggs usually hatch between December and February, depending on water temperature, with warmer water accelerating development (Bailey and Evans 1971). Alevin remain within redd gravels for several weeks. After emergence, fry usually move downstream at night to estuaries. Fry inhabit nearshore habitat during their first summer but migrate to deeper waters by September. They remain there until the following summer, when they return to their natal streams to spawn. Pink salmon begin entering the Bradley River in late June or early July and continue ascending the drainage through August. Peak numbers of adult fish entered the Bradley River in 1979 as determined by gillnet catches during late July and early August (USFWS 1982). In 1983 approximately 100-200 unripe pink sa~mon were found by electrofishing near or in spawning areas in early August. More pink salmon, at or near spawning readiness, were detected in dense spawning groups by electrofishing in late August. Pink salmon spawn in reaches of the Bradley River containing suitable spawning habitat from river mile (RM) 4.25 to 5.2. Most fish spawn within Riffle Reach, RM 4. 7, but smaller areas of suitable spawning habitat at RM 4.9, 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2 support lesser numbers of spawners (Figure 5). Approximately 50 pink salmon spawned within Fox Farm Creek during 1983. Pink salmon were not spawning in Fox Farm Creek in early August 1983, but by late August they had moved into spawning areas within Fox Farm Creek. Spawning was complete by the first week of September. No intensive pink salmon outmigrant fry sampling has occurred along the Bradley River. A modified otter trawl placed at RM 4.7 for 4 days in late April, 1983 did not capture any pink salmon fry. Pink salmon fry have been encountered within Fox Farm Creek during June of 1979, and April and May of 1980 (USFWS 1982). No pink salmon fry have been detected elsewhere within the Bradley River drainage. 21 LONG SLOUGH FOX FARM CREEK 0 500ft SCALE Figure 5. Distribution of pink salmon adults in August 1983. 22 Chum Salmon Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) are not abundant within the Bradley River. It is estimated that less than 50 fish spawned in the Bradley River during 1983 (Figure 6). Chum salmon have a three to five year life cycle. Adults return to natal streams for spawning after spending two to four years in the ocean (Morrow 1980). They usually spawn in lower reaches of relatively short streams, often in tidally influenced areas. Spawning may occur from August through October in south-central Alaska (ADF&G 1978). Eggs hatch between December and March. Fry may emerge from redd gravels in April or May. Fry remain in freshwater for a month or two, unlike pink salmon fry, before migrating downstream to estuaries. Fry generally vacate estuaries and move into deeper water by October. Spawning habitat selection by chum salmon is influenced by substrate, current velocity, water temperature and water depth as well as the occurrence of upwelling ground water and springs, as summarized by Hale (1981). The occurrence of springs/groundwater upwelling is a key factor influencing spawning habitat selection by chum salmon. Survival of chum salmon eggs and larvae within redds at upwelling sites is presumably enhanced by a reduced likelihood of freezing during winter (Sano 1964, Kogl 1965). Survival may also be enhanced within redds at spring or groundwater upwelling sites by mechanical removal of fine sediments, which when abundant, can reduce redd gravel permeability and subsequently smother eggs (McNeil 1966, Rukhlov 1969, Koski 1975). The presence of groundwater upwelling or subsurface flow has not been evaluated in the Bradley River. However, several ripe adult chum salmon were encountered in Bear Island Slough, along the Bradley River at RM 4. 9, and the Tree Bar backwater (RM 5. 0) during late August 1983. A small amount of chum salmon spawning probably occurs at those locations. Each area was noted to have upwelling or to have a good potential for upwelling. Clear water inflow was noted at Bear Island Slough and at the Tree Bar backwater. 23 t..ONG SLOUGH :~·;:~.;:·;.-:.:·; AOUL TS ~!!!I FRY 0 500ft SCALE ) Figure 6. Distribution of adult and fry chum salmon within the Bradley River system. 24 Age 0 chum salmon were noted in Fox Farm Creek on May 1, 1983, within Long Slough during June 2, 1983 and one was encountered in Muka Muka Slough during late August, 1983. Chum salmon fry were not captured in the trawl facing upstream in late April, 1983. The origin of these fish is unknown. Chum salmon fry are capable of moving considerable distances within Kachemak Bay (Tom Schroeder, pers. comm. 1983) and they were found in an area which is tidally influenced. The fry may have ridden the tide into the Bradley River. The small number of spawning chum indicate that little chum salmon production occurs in the Bradley River. Sockeye Salmon Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) enter Cook Inlet drainages from May through mid-August with spawning occurring from August to November (ADF&G 1978). Spawning habitat, depending on habitat al7ailability, includes lake shores, tributaries or sloughs along streams (McPhail and Lindsey 1970, Bechtel 1983). Although sockeye salmon have been found in the Bradley River, no spawning has been documented. Sockeye salmon enter the Bradley River in late June or July and continue through September (USFWS 1982). Gillnetting efforts at RM 4. 0 in 1979 and at RM 2. 9 in 1980 indicate that sockeye salmon enter the drainage in appreciable numbers in late July and early August and a second smaller peak in abundance occurs later, in August or September. However, tag and recapture efforts in 1979 suggest sockeye salmon mill in the Bradley River and eventually enter other streams, as several tagged fish were encountered elsewhere in Cook Inlet (Tom Schroeder, pers. comm. 1983). Few, if any, sockeye salmon spawned in the Bradley River during 1983. Ten fish, none of which were spent, were encountered in Bear Island Slough during late August 1983. One sockeye salmon was ripe but dead, whereas three other fish were alive but in a pre-spawning condition. On August 28 a ripe sockeye salmon that was dying unspawned was 25 observed. During 1979 several sockeye salmon were suspected to be spawning in Bear Island Slough, based on fish spawning condition and recapture data during 1979 (USFWS 1982). No juvenile sockeye salmon were encountered in the Bradley River drainage during 1979 and 1980 (USFWS 1982). Chinook Salmon Some chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) apparently ascend the Bradley River. Six adults and eight juveniles were captured during the entire field season (Figure 7). Chinook salmon begin migrating upstream to spawning destinations within Cook Inlet streams as early as May but usually become more abundant during June and July (ADF&G 1978). Most spawning occurs during August. Chinook salmon enter and spawn in the Bradley River in apparently low numbers during July and August (USFWS 1982). Six adult chinook salmon, in spawning and spent condition, were encountered in Bear Island Slough during early August, 1983. Young chinook salmon typically remain in freshwater rearing areas for about one year prior to smolting and migrating downstream to the sea. Some Age 0 chinook salmon, apparently in response to high food avail- ability and subsequent rapid growth, smelt and outmigrate by their first autumn (Delaney, Hepler, and Roth 1981). Fish may remain in the Pacific Ocean for one to four years prior to returning to natal streams to spawn. Several Age 0 chinook salmon were captured in Cut Off Slough and Eagle Pool during August, 1983. No other Age 0 or juvenile chinook salmon were encountered in the Bradley River, except for one precocious male captured in Bear Island Slough during late August, 1983. 26 \ .. "t' ... \ :i·f.:·;~~};;: ADULTS Jiif:i%'7ft~ifl JUVENILES 0 500ft SCALE FOX FARM CRE'El< Figure 7. Distribution of adult and juvenile chinook salmon. 27 Coho Salmon Within Cook Inlet drainages coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) typically return to spawning streams from August through October (ADF&G 1978). Adult coho salmon begin entering the Bradley River in late July or early August and continue through September 1979, when sampling ceased (USF\.J'S 1982). Peak numbers of adult coho salmon entered the Bradley River in 1979 during September. The only documented coho salmon spawning area within the Bradley River drainage is Fox Farm Creek (USFWS 1982), where fish spawn in September. Eggs usually hatch in early spring and alevin emerge from redd gravels from March to late July. Water temperatures determine egg development rates. Young fish may rear within Alaskan freshwaters for one to four years prior to smolting and entering the sea (Crone and Bond 1976). Juvenile coho salmon within upper Cook Inlet streams generally overwinter twice prior to outmigrating as smolts to the sea at age 2+. Outmigration may commence prior to ice-out in April and continue through July (Delaney, Hepler and Roth, 1981). Summer distribution of Age 0 coho salmon within the Bradley River sampling sites is limited. These fish were found in Fox Farm Creek, Muka Muka Slough and three upstream sloughs (Figure 8). Based on catch/ effort by minnow traps, Age 0 coho salmon were most abundant within Fox Farm Creek and become progressively more scarce in Muka Muka, Long, Short and Slippery Sloughs. Coho salmon from Fox Farm Creek may be emigrating to upstream areas. Movements of Age 0 coho salmon from nearby rivers, such as Sheep Creek and/or the Fox River, could also account for the presence of Age 0 fish within the lower Bradley River. Salinities in upper Kachemak Bay during the summer are low. Salinities of 1.5 ppt were measured near Sheep point in early August. Thus young coho would not encounter saline water in moving from Sheep Creek to the Bradley River and fish 28 OFF SLOUGH LONG SLOUGH SWPP€RY SLOUGH MUKA MUKA SLOUGH INTENSITY OF HABITAT USE HEAVY '.•:;:,:.:?:::.~i·O:. MODERATE LIGHT SCALE Figure 8. Habitat Utilization by young coho. 29 from Fox River would encounter only very low salinities. These fish have been captured in estuarine habitats and can apparently tolerate moderate saline conditions. Tests indicate pre-smolt coho salmon can survive in salinities of 10 to 15 ppt and higher, especially if they have access to lower salinity habitat (Otto 1971; Crone and Bond 1976). It is conceivable that ocean-going coho salmon fry from streams near the Bradley River could successfully rear in the estuary or migrate up the Bradley River to more suitable rearing areas. Juvenile coho salmon are found in upstream like Bear Island Slough, unlike Age 0 coho salmon. However, within sampling locations, juvenile coho salmon were least abundant in mainstem reaches and common within Long and Short Sloughs. Dolly Varden Char Resident and/or anadromous Dolly Varde1 ... char (Savelinus malma) spawn and rear within the Bradley River drainage. Although fish spawning activity, redds or spent Dolly Varden char have not been encountered, the presence of Age 0 fish within Bear Island Slough and Fox Farm Creek during August 1983 suggest Dolly Varden char spawn at these locations. Substrate at each location appears suitable for Dolly Varden spawning (Blackett 1968). Gravel 0.5 to 3.0 inches in diameter is present in Bear Island Slough and smaller gravel, 0.25 to 1. 0 in. in diameter, are common within middle reaches of Fox Farm Creek. Dolly Varden char spawning within the Bradley River probably occurs in late September or October (Blackett 1968). Summer distribution of juvenile Dolly Varden within the lower Bradley River drainage is extensive and fish are especially abundant in Tree Bar and Bear Island Slough (Figure 9). Juvenile Dolly Varden consistently dominated the juvenile salmonid catch by minnow traps and/or fyke nets at Cut Off and Bear Island Sloughs and all mainstem sample stations during June and August 1983. 30 LONG SLOUGH INTENSITY OF HABITAT USE AiRM·d !1E.AVY : ':':'J:~l:~r:·;-:;.~~ MODERATe: ·:::::::::::;::::::::::::: t..lGHT 0 500ft s~ MUI<A MIJKA SLOUGH . . . ?'FOX FMM CRE::K i~f Figure 9. Habitat 'Jtilization by young Oo1ly '/arden. J L IDENTIFICATION OF IMPORTANT HABITAT Spawning Habitat Most of the spawning in the Bradley River occurs in the mainstem from RM 4.6 to 5.2 (Figure 10). An estimated 1000 pink salmon spawned in this reach. Of the mainstem spawning areas, Riffle Reach supported the most fish. Approximately 70 percent of mainstem spawning occurred in this segment. Fox Farm Creek (RM 2. 9) is also heavily utilized by pink salmon in 1983. Stream surveys showed a peak count of 52 fish in late August. Most of the spawning activity is concentrated in a small reach located 800 ft upstream of the mouth. Fox Farm creek also provides spawning habitat for coho salmon (USFWS 1982). Few, if any, coho salmon spawn elsewhere in the Bradley River drainage as indicated by the lack of Age 0 coho salmon in the upper reach of the Bradley River where rearing habitat is relatively abundant. Other spawning habitats were located in Bear Island Slough. Both chum and chinook salmon may spawn there. Few individuals of both species were captured in the slough. Due to substrate composition and subsurface flow, spawning habitat is probably restricted to a small portion of the slough in the second pool. Chum salmon were also found in the mainstem near the Corp of Engineers wire weight gage station (RM 4. 9) and in the Tree Bar backwater at RM 5.0. They appeared to be associated with areas with groundwater upwelling a subsurface flow that may be an important characteristic of chum salmon spawning habitat. Even though adult spawners are known to occupy mainstem areas, it is not known if these spawning habitats provide good incubation success. Early field trips by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in 1983 and USFWS in 1980 did not find concentrations of fry. The turbidity of the Bradley River makes visual observation difficult and no sampling effort specific to fry outmigration has been undertaken. 32 L.ONG SLOUGH INTENSITY OF HABITAT USE :'gB~ HEAVY FOX FARM CREEK :::::-:·~~:::~~·.::-~; MODERATE -:·:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:.;.;. L.JGHT ! l ' a sooft 1 SCALf I L_ _________ ~-:--~~---· Habl.tat utilization by spawning salmon. l='igure 10. 33 Age 0 coho salmon were found in Fox Farm Creek indicating relatively good coho production from that habitat. However, few pink or chum fry have been found in this area. Since Fox Farm Creek appears to have suitable conditions for coho production, we presume that some production of pink salmon is also occurring. The short residency of pink salmon fry in freshwater make them difficult to locate when they occur in relatively small numbers. Rearing and Overwintering Habitat Summer distribution of juvenile (age 1+ and older) coho salmon within the Bradley River is more widespread than that of Age 0 fish, although both age groups are apparently more abundant within selected down- stream sloughs and tributaries than in upstream slough and mainstem habitats (Table 3). Maximum catch per unit effort (CPUE) for juvenile coho salmon taken by baited minnow traps within the various upper Bradley River sites during June and early and late August never exceeded 0. 75 fish per 24 hrs. However, maximum CPUE values for juvenile coho salmon exceeded 2.0 fish per 24 hrs within Long and Short sloughs during early and late August, 1983. Age 0 coho salmon are abundant within Fox Farm and Muka Muka Slough, as evidenced by late August CPUE's of 18.17 and 7.33 fish per 24 hrs, respectively (Figure 11). Young coho have also been encountered within some upstream sloughs, including Slippery, Long and Short sloughs. Fox Farm Creek is the only documented coho salmon spawning area within the Bradley River and this probably accounts for the high densities of Age 0 coho salmon captured there. Dolly Varden were found in all habitats sampled in the Bradley River system during August but were consistently captured in greatest numbers at upriver stations, especially Bear Island Slough and Tree Bar Reach (Table 4). Summer rearing Dolly Varden were consistently scarce within selected downriver sloughs (Figure 12). They were found on the river margins with cover or along slow water gravel bars in the mainstem. Cut Off Slough, Bear Island Slough and Tree Bar Reach had a 34 Table 3. Mean catch of young coho salmon per 24 hrs effort at minnow trapping stations in 1983. Sample Mean Catch Station RM April June Early August Late August Age 0 & juvenile coho salmon Age 0 juv Age 0 juv Age 0 juv Age juv Fox Farm Creek 2.9 0 0 0 0 ---18.17 0.17 6.10 Muka Muka Slough ---------7.33 0.25 Slippery Slough ---------0.33 0.33 w Long Slough 3.5 0 0 0 0 0.00 3.38 1. 44 5.50 2.58 i..n Short Slough 3.7 0 0 0 0.25 0.83 2.08 0.06 2.88 1. 53 Cut Off Slough 4.5 0 0 0 0.75 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.20 0.32 Eagle Pool 4.5 0 0 0 0. 19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 Riffle Reach 4.7 0 0.25 0 0 0.00 o. 10 0.00 0.05 0. 10 Tree Bar Reach 5.0 0 0. 11 0 0 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.06 0.08 Bear Island Slough 5. 1 0 1.13 0 0 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.44 0.47 HOQ.JGAN SLOUGH INTENSITY OF HABITAT USE HEAVY MOOE~ATE LIGHT 0 500ft SCALE SLJPPE~Y SLOUGH Figure 11. Habitat utilization by young coho salmon in Jl.ugust 1983. 36 Table 4. Mean catch of young Dolly Varden per 24 hrs effort at minnow trapping stations in 1983. Early Late Mean Station April June August August Catch Fox Farm Creek (RM 2.9) 0 .33 ---3.33 1. 22 Muka Muka Slough (RM 3.0) ---------.so Slippery Slough ---------0 Long Slough (RM 3.5) 0 0 .63 0.13 0. 19 Short Slough (RM 3.7) 0 0 1.42 .25 0.42 Cut Off Slough (RM 4.5) 0 .75 10.83 7.27 4.61 w Eagle Pool (RM 4.5) 0 1.0 9.14 2.35 3.12 ---1 Riffle Reach (RM 4.7) .25 .75 5.8 3.11 2.48 Tree Bar Reach (RM 5.0) .96 2.5 10.64 6.56 5.17 Bear Island Slough (RH 5.1) 9.75 2.19 10.88 7.56 7.60 \ ~~- \ I SLIPPERY SLOUGH MUKA MUKA SLOUGH FOX FARM Ci1EEK INTENSITY OF HABITAT USE 'ii;J[!:':!?;:;,tr?;:1:W~~!~i HEAVY :~·::;:~;:;._::-.:.~·:.~' MODERATE :;::::::::::::::::::::::::: LIGHT 0 500ft. SCALE Figure 12. Habitat utilization by juvenile Dolly Varden in August 1983. 38 catch rate greater than 10 fish per 24 hrs during the early August field trip. Fox Farm was the only downstream station with consider- able numbers of Dolly Varden juveniles with an average CPUE of 1. 2 fish per 24 hrs. Slough areas were lightly used by Dolly Varden as rearing areas. It is suspected that as cooling occurs, and as streamflows drop in the fall, that coho salmon and Dolly Varden juveniles move into over- wintering areas. Fish tend to concentrate in downstream mainstem habitats and pool areas with spring-fed or subgravel flows. Although no sampling was conducted during the winter months, April data provide some indication of overwintering areas. Bear Island Slough had the greatest catch of coho salmon and Dolly Varden juveniles during April 1983. (See Appendix B) The highest mean CPUE, 16.3 Dolly Varden per 24 hrs, was recorded in the middle slough pool, with a peak catch of 46.8 Dolly Varden per 24 firs. The lower and middle pools were isolated from mainstem backwater and had temperatures of 7.1-7. 6 °C, compared to a mainstem tempera~ure of 2.4°C on May 2, 1983. Umeda et al (1981) reported that fish prefer warmer water areas in the winter. The average monthly temperatures in May 1983 for Bear Island Slough and Tree Bar Reach were 5.7°C and 2.4°C respectively. No juvenile Dolly Varden OJ' coho salmon were captured in the down- stream sloughs and tributaries during April 1983 minnow trapping. Relatively low April mainstem water temperatures may have reduced the effectiveness of baited minnow traps in areas of the Bradley River other than Bear Island Slough. Water temperatures at or near 5° to 7°C may trigger movement of juvenile salmonids to overwintering substrate/cover and reduce feeding activity (Armstrong and Elliott 1972; Chapman 1966). In the Susitna River, during the winter of 1981-1982, fish apparently sought out water with warmer temperatures in the lower part of the river. (ADF&G, 1983). This same behavior trait is suspected in the Bradley River. 39 APPLICATION OF STUDY RESULTS TO BASIN PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Under project operation, the mainstem Bradley River will provide most of the riverine habitat available in the system. Many of the peri- pheral habitats presently located in sloughs and side channels will no longer be available. Presently, the mainstem appears to provide the majority of spawning habitat for pink salmon. A limited number of chum salmon were also found spawning in mainstem habitats. The spawning habitat is restricted to a small portion of the drainage, principally between river mile 4. 3 and 5. 2. The river upstream from RM 5. 2 consists of steep gradient with riffles and rapids unsuitable for spawning salmon. The predominant substrate is large cobbles and boulders ranging from 5 to 30 in. mean diameter. Areas located below RM 4. 3 are heavily influenced by the tide. The substrates in this reach contain a high proportion of fines, which probably precludes spawning. Although spawning habitat is confined to a small segment of the total drainage, a considerable diversity of habitat exists within this segment. Two study sites were established to describe the availa- bility of spawning and incubation habitat in this reach under pre-and post-project conditions. Suitable rearing habitat exists in the mainstem of the Bradley River throughout the study area. Bank slumping has created small backwaters 40 and eddies. Pieces of the bank provide cover and shelter from high velocities. Pool habitat is found in most meander bends. Large pool habitats that appear to provide suitable rearing habitat are located in the upper portion of the study area. However, USFWS (1980) reported little use of mainstem habitat by young fish, particularly young coho salmon. wee found young Dolly Varden occupying mainstem habitats from RM 4.5 to RM 5.2 in moderate numbers. Few coho salmon were encountered in this reach. Availability of rearing habitat does not appear to be limiting coho salmon in the Bradley River; coho salmon production is probably limited by lack of spawning habitat. A study site was located at RM 4.5 to describe rearing conditions in the mainstem under present and project conditions. This site is representative of meander bend pools from RM 3.9 to 4.5. In addition, rearing habitat was evaluated at the study site located at RM 5.0. This site is representative of the pool-run, and riffle habitats. Streamflow Average annual flow in the Bradley River will be reduced under project operation by 81 percent from 422 cfs to 75 cfs. Table 5 presents the estimates of average monthly streamflows in the lower Bradley River under present and project conditions. Streamflow estimates for present conditions were computed by multiplying the average monthly flow measured at the USGS gage at the outlet of Bradley Lake by a drainage basin ratio to determine the flow in the lower Bradley River (R & M 1983). A specific proposal for project flows has not been advanced; therefore, the recommended flow regime has been used as the project flow regime. The largest reductions in streamflow will occur during the the summer high-flow months (Figure 13). Flows will be reduced 91 percent in the months of July and August, respectively. Flows in the winter months are essentially unchanged. Flow increases of 14 and 8 percent are expected in March and April on an average monthly basis. 41 Table 5. October November December January February March April May June July August September Estimated pre-and post-project average monthly streamflows for the lower Bradley River pre-project reconnnended post-project flow (cfs) (cfs) flow flow (cfs) 330 so 82 130 so 62 75 40 40 50 40 40 45 40 40 35 40 40 37 40 40 200 100 1 107 840 100 174 1100 100 102 1150 100 100 730 100/502 75 average annual 394 75 1 40 cfs for 5/1 -5/22 and 100 cfs for 5/23 -5/31 2 100 cfs for 9/1 -9/15 and 50 cfs for 9/16 -9/30 42 percent change -75 -52 -47 -20 -11 14 8 -46 -79 -91 -91 -90 -81 I I I I I I I I ...., I u ) QJ .,...., 0 I !-I c. I I ...., VI 0 c. ...., \ u \ QJ .,...., 0 !-i c. I QJ !-c. = i I VI ): 0 ,.... 10-e ro QJ !-...., VI ...., u QJ .,...., 0 !- ~ c. I ...., VI 0 c. "C c: ro I QJ !-c.. . M ~ QJ !- ;:::) Ol ~ 1.1... g I • I I I ! I I I I I • ------ 43 Tidal Influence Mainstem habitats in the Bradley River are influenced by high tides. Tidal effects in riverine habitats include intrusion of seawater, stage and velocity changes from tidal backwater, and sediment deposi- tion. The magnitudes of these tidal effects are governed by river discharge and tide height. An increase in discharge at a given tide height reduces the upstream extent of seawater intrusion, increases velocities, and decreases sediment deposition. An increase in tide for a given river discharge will increase slightly the upstream intrusion of seawater, increase depth, and decrease flow velocity at a given location, and increase the potential for sediment deposition. The lower Bradley River below RM 4.3 is most heavily influenced by the tide. This area experiences frequent seawater intrusion, backwater effects, and sediment depostion. The mainstem from RM 4.3 to 5.0 is about the upper limit of influence during most tides and experiences mainly backwater effects and sediment deposition. The portion from RM 5.0 to 5.2 experiences backwater effects only at tides above approximately 18.5 ft. Duration curves for Kachemak Bay tides were developed for the months of March, July, and August of 1983 based on tide tables for Seldovia. They show the percent of time that a given high tide is equaled or exceeded (Figure 14). This duration figure was used to: 1) assess the percent of time that each study area is influenced by high tides, and 2) evaluate the hydraulic and habitat characteristics at three representative tide levels. The representative tide levels include a high, relatively infrequent tide (20% exceedance), a median tide (SO% exceedance), and a low, relatively frequently exceeded tide (80% exceedance). These tide levels are summarized in Table 6. Siltation Siltation may be an important consideration in evaluating spawning habitat in the mainstem downstream from RM 4.3. Sediment transport in 44 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 0 24 22 ;:: 20 - ~ 18 0"1 ..... ~ 16 ,_ ~ 14 ..... 1-12 1 0 0 24 22 20 18 16 1 4 12 10 0 March 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 July 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 August 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Percent of Time Exceeded Figure 14. Tide height exceedance curves for ~1arch, .July, and August 1983 (based on Seldovia tides). 45 100 100 100 Table 6. Representative tide levels for the months of a March, July and August, 1983 Tide Level (Ft MLLW) Equaled or Exceeded Month the Indicated Percent of Time 20% 50% March 20.2 17.7 July 18.4 16.8 August 19.2 17.2 a From duration curves based on 1983 tide tables for Seldovia 46 80% 15.0 14.7 15.0 Riffle Reach is complicated by the tidal influence. For a glacial system, the Bradley River carries a relatively light load of suspended sediments, approximately 40 to 50 mg/1. Most of these particles appear to remain in suspension as long as velocities are greater than 0.5 fps. As the tide slows the river flow and increases depth and top width, the silt particles are deposited over a broad expanse of the channel. As the tide recedes, the discharge increases above that of low tide discharge and the velocities increase. The increased velocities attained as the tide recedes may not be sufficient to erode the deposited silts from gravel bars before they are dewatered. The normal flow velocities present in the main channel without tidal influence remove much of the silt from these areas and transport it downstream. The silt tends to accumulate in areas dewatered under low-tide conditions or in other low-velocity areas. In the Bradley River, as in most Alaskan glacial rivers, spawning occurs during the high flow period. A major factor influencing production of these spawning areas is the effect of low winter flows on embryo survival. As flows decrease during winter, spawning areas may become dewatered or silted. If intergravel flow in these areas is not maintained by subsurface flow, incubation would be adversely affected. The effect of streamflow on incubation was analyzed for Riffle Reach and Tree Bar Reach with respect to both dewatering and sedimentation. Incubation criteria were established to eliminate areas that are subject to dewatering and siltation. The depth criteria eliminated areas of zero water depth. The velocity criteria were based on the potential for silt accumulation. The incubation value of areas with velocities below 0.5 fps was reduced because silt begins to settle out at this velocity. Areas with velocities less than 0.1 fps were eliminated as silt is expected to accumulate there. Incubation criteria for depth and velocity were applied to areas previously identified as spawning habitat to determine the effect of lowered streamflow on these areas. 47 Salinity The intrusion of seawater into intertidal riverine habitats of the Bradley River is a function of discharge and tide height as well as the salinity structure of upper Kachemak Bay. Since the project will reduce flows in the Bradley River during much of the year, there is a potential for salt water to penetrate further upstream than under natural conditions. Salinity changes may be most significant in the spawning season when flows in the lower Bradley River will be reduced by approximately 90 percent from present conditions. Presently, the highest salinities occur in the system in the winter when river flows are lowest. Little change is expected in winter discharges, so upstream intrusion of seawater in winter is not expected to change. The salinity structure of upper Kachemak Bay also influences the extent of penetration of seawater. Colonel! (1980) found that salinities there varied inversely as the amount of freshwater inflow from the Fox, Sheep, and Bradley Rivers. Bay conditions observed by Colonel! were used to evaluate the influence of discharge during summer and winter conditions. Salinity and temperature were measured at 12 locations in the lower Bradley River (Figure 15). Four salinity profiles were measured at three different discharge levels and four different tide heights. Conductivities and temperatures were measured with a Horiba Model U-7 Water Checker. Both surface and bottom measurements were obtained; however, little difference existed between them. Conductivities and temperature were converted to salinities using tables prepared by Tiphane and St. Pierre (1962). Regression analyses of salinity against discharge at a specific location and river mile against discharge for a specific salinity were used to estimate salinities under post-project conditions. Discharge appeared to have a more significant effect on the upstream extent of salinity than tide height (Figure 16). At lower discharges, seawater penetrates further upstream. Salinity at the mouth of Fox 48 e SALINITY SAMPLING LOCATION HOOUGAN SLOUGH 0 2000ft. SCALE BRADLEY RIVER Figure 15. Conductivity and temperature sampling stations in the lower Bradley River. 49 SALINITY PROFILES SALINITY <PPT> 1. 5 990 CFS 15.6 FT TIDE ... ----I \ \ 63111 CFS 1.8 ~ \ ,\ \ 17 FT TIDE \ \ \ \ --· \ 628 CFS' r \ \ \ 18.6 FT TIDE \ \ \ \ V1 \ 0 ~-- JUt CFS 8.5 I \ \""'\\ 19 FT TIDE \ \ ·~ '\_ ""' ·--....... . ........_ I I I I I '---.......----~-----,-· 8.8 -8.5 8.8 8.5 1. 8 1. 5 2.8 2.5 3.8 3.5 4.8 4. 5 5.8 5.5 DISTANCE <RIVER MILES> Figure 16. Salinity profiles. Farm Creek (RM 2.9) was 1.4 ppt at a discharge of 110 cfs, but decreased to virtually zero at a discharge of 1000 cfs (Figure 17). Salinities at Hooligan Slough (RM 3.9) showed a similar pattern. Proposed flow regime changes are most significant during the summer period since proposed winter flows are virtually unchanged from natural conditions. Therefore, the greatest changes in the salinity profile of the Bradley River would be expected to occur during the open-water season. Intrusion of salt water in concentrations of 1 ppt or more is not expected to occur upstream of RM 4. 3 except under extremely high tides (Figure 18). Thus, no significant change is expected in spawning and rearing habitats in Riffle or Tree Bar reaches. Slight increases of salinity during the open-water season are unlikely to affect utilization or productivity of rearing habitats in the lower Bradley River. Salinity may be increased in Fox Farm Creek (RM 2.9) during the spawning season. Average salinities of 1.8 ppt may occur at this location during August and early September. Salinities measured at the mouth of the river and at Sheep Point during early August were quite low. Colonell (1980) reported similar results in his study of the estuarine environment. Colonell's results indicated that much of the water backed up by the tide into the Bradley River is relatively fresh. He attributed this to the slow dispersion of fresh water from Fox River, Sheep Creek and Bradley River in upper Kachemak Bay. The proportion of fresh water contributed to Kachemak Bay by these rivers changes seasonally. Due to their large drainage areas, the Sheep and Fox rivers appear to contribute a higher proportion of the freshwater inflow during periods of high flow. Since the proposed tail race will empty into Kachemak Bay near Sheep Point, the fresh water inflow to upper Kachemak Bay will be changed only in proportion to the change in the Bradley River flow regime. Summer flows will be reduced from present monthly means ranging from 815 to 1246 cfs to a constant 500 cfs from the tailrace and 100 cfs in the river. This amount of reduction is not anticipated to cause a significant change in the salinities of upper Kachemak Bay. 51 V1 N ppt 10.,--- I. )( (18.6) .I (15.6)x S= 1148Q-1.40 Q (eta) 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 110 Salinity (ppt) 9.96 6.66 4.88 3.78 3.05 2.53 1.85 1.62 x Measured data-numbers In parentheses are tide levels Dl~----------------,-----------------~----------~----~----------------------------------~ 10 100 DISCHARGE 1000 10,000 Figure 17. Salinity vs. discharge as measured at Fox Farm Creek. VI w 5~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 4 (1)3 ~ ~ 0:: w > 0:2 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 RIVER FLOW Figure 18. Upstream extent of salinities of 1.0 ppt as a function of streamflow. The salinity estimates for spawning conditions during project opera- tions were based on measurements taken at operational flow levels during spring when the salinities in upper Kachemak Bay are relatively high. Since Bay salinities are lower in the summer months, the predic- tions are likely too high and thus can be viewed as worst case estimates. Salinities during May and June are expected to be higher under project operation. Median monthly discharges for these months will be reduced from 200 and 840 cfs to 107 and 174 cfs, respectively. The salinities in upper Kachemak Bay would be higher in the spring due to low freshwater inflow. As the summer progresses, high flows in Sheep and Fox rivers are expected to reduce salinities in upper Kachemak Bay and the lower Bradley River. The predicted increases are small. A salinity of about 1.8 ppt is predicted for the river segment from Fox Farm to Hooligan Slough. Above Hooligan Slough, salinities would be negligible. Salinities in this range are not expected to affect the habitat utilization in the lower Bradley. The reach between Fox Farm and Hooligan Slough is mainly used by young fish for rearing habitat. Otto (1971) found that, although salinities of 20 ppt inhibited feeding in presmolt coho salmon, low salinities actually enhanced growth. Fish exposed to salinities of 5 to 10 ppt had higher growth rates and food consump- tion. Since salinities expected in the lower Bradley River are less than 5 ppt, young coho are not expected to be adversely affected by salinity increases. Salinities may be slightly higher in Fox Farm Creek during the spawning period. Salinities of 1.85 ppt may exist in Fox Farm Creek during August and September. Normal levels are probably about 0.10 to 0.15 ppt. Little information exists regarding the effects of salinities in this range. Pink salmon often spawn intertidally. No coho salmon spawning has been reported to occur intertidally. The effect of slight increases in salinity may reduce the utility of coho salmon spawning areas in lower Fox Farm Creek. 54 Since winter flows will not be reduced, salinities during the incubation period a·re not expected to change. Winter powerhouse discharges to Kachemak Bay may slightly reduce salinities in upper Kachemak Bay, but no change is projected for incubation conditions. Water Temperatures Water temperature in the mainstem habitats is anticipated to be reduced and to have a greater daily variation under project conditions. The amount of reduction is expected to be greatest during late summer and early fall, with little change anticipated during winter months. The reasons for the anticipated temperature reduction are: 1) a greater proportion of flow in the lower Bradley River will be contributed from the cooler North Fork Bradley River and 2) releases from Bradley Lake will be taken from a depth of about 150 .ct in August and September, which is likely to be several degrees cooler than the surface (pre-project water source). Few records are available to estimate the probable decrease in lower Bradley River water temperatures. Water temperature data were collected from 2 August to 26 August 1983 from the outlet of Bradley Lake (1090 ft. msl), the North Fork Bradley River ( 1650 ft. msl), and the lower Bradley River at RM 5. 1 ( 14 ft. msl). Additional data were collected from 2 May to 31 July 1983 in Bear Island Slough and from 2 May to 10 July in the lower Bradley River at RM 5.1. The station locations are shown in Figure 15. The location of the North Fork Station was the lowest point in the North Fork drainage basin that was accessible by helicopter. The data were collected using Peabody-Ryan Model J-90 continuous recording thermographs. The chart records were reduced by tabulating the recorded temperature at 2 hr intervals over the period of record. These data were analyzed to provide mean, maximum, and minimum temperatures on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. The monthly and most weekly values are based on incomplete periods due to the short length of record. August temperatures in the lower Bradley River at RM 5. 1, at the Bradley Lake outlet, and in the North Fork Bradley River are shown in Figure 19. 55 12 10 -..... ..._ ____ _ 8 6 4 2 Lake Outlet Day 0 7 1 4 21 28 12 10 (1) 8 s... ::l ..., ~ 6 s... (1) 0.. E (1) 1-4 2 Lower Bradley 0 Day 7 14 21 28 12 10 8 6 4 2 /\. ,-...., \ I : t .... ~ : \ \ ,\ ''-" f·\ ,'/ .\ I ·. ·--: ,. '-/ \ ,.· \ ' \ ;' -,, \ . , I : I. , : \:\/ \ ~ / 1 \ I '-J '-j I I \ I \ \ ~---v \/ \ \ _,-./'\. ;\ ;"'·'/\ \ ............. \ ._...._ ;·~. ' "'· ' \ ' v ./ \ . .-J '-./ North Fork 0 Day 7 1 4 21 28 Figure 19. Mean, maximum, and minimum daily water temperatures in Bradley Lake outlet, Lower Bradley River, and North Fork for August 1983. 56 Daily mean water temperatures over the period 2-26 August 1983 at the Bradley Lake outlet were within 1°C of the temperatures in Tree Bar Reach (Figure 20). Water temperatures of the North Fork Bradley River were as much as 3.6°C cooler than those at RM 5.1 of the Bradley River during the same period (Figure 20). It is anticipated that the North Fork temperatures increase between the thermograph location and its confluence with the Bradley River The North Fork contributes significantly less flow to the Bradley River than does Bradley Lake under present summer flow regimes and thus its influence on the temperatures in the lower Bradley River is proportionately less. The proposed monthly project contribution of North Fork Bradley River flows and reservoir releases is shown in Figure 21. Winter project water temperatures will likely resemble project conditions in the lower Bradley River, even though reservoir releases contribute up to 40 percent of total flows. Atmospheric cooling of the 1elatively warm, 2-4 °C reservoir water through the 3. 6 miles of steep gradient canyon will likely result in relatively cool water reaching the confluence with the North Fork. The near-zero temperature of the North Fork is anticipated to cause the temperature of the combined flow to be 1°C or less by the time it reaches Tree Bar Reach. Project temperatures during May, June, and July will be dominated by the temperature of North Fork flows. It is anticipated that the mean daily temperatures will be similar to present conditions since flows in both the North Fork and the Bradley River will consist primarily of low-elevation snowmelt runoff. Thus temperatures are anticipated to be cold (1-2°C) at the beginning of the period, warming to 6-8°C by the end of July. The diurnal variations of temperature are likely to increase during this period to a range that is larger than the current conditions. Project water temperatures during August and September, when reservoir releases will provide 47 and 33 percent of minimum Bradley River flows, respectively will likely be cooler than present conditions. Reservoir releases of 4-6°C water are not anticipated to warm 57 QJ ~ ::I ....., ttl ~ QJ c. E QJ 1- 12 10 8 6 4 2 Lake Outlet Day 0 7 14 21 28 12 10 -....... ........_, ____ _ 8 6 4 2 Lower Bradley 0 Day 7 14 21 28 12 10 8 6 4 2 North Fork Day 0 7 14 21 28 Figure 20. Comparison of mean daily water temperatures in North Fork, Bradley Lake outlet, and Lower Bradley River for August 1983. 58 • •• •• 171 1111 lSI 141 131 121 Ill •• • U1 • "" 71 61 58 48 31 28 II I OCT ~ Reservoir releases ---, ' •--- 1111 North Fork flOWS Recommended flow II£ JAil FEB MAR APR MAY JM Jlt Alii SEP Figure 21. Proposed monthly project contribution of North Fork Bradley River flows and reservoir releases. OCT significantly through the narrow 3. 6 mile long canyon. North Fork flows during late summer and fall are anticipated to be less than the present Bradley River flows during that period. The combined flows of the North Fork and the reservoir releases could be as much as 2-3°C· less and more variable than present temperatures in the lower Bradley River. Relatively cool August and September water temperatures could reduce the feeding activity and growth of juvenile Dolly Varden and coho salmon rearing in the Bradley River. Feeding and growth of fishes are related to water temperatures with cool water temperatures inhibiting fish feeding activity and subsequent growth (Clarke, Shelborne and Brett 1981). Decreased August and September water temperatures could impede the upstream migration of pink salmon in the Bradley River. Pink salmon ascend streams at relative warm water temperatures compared to chinook, sockeye and especially chum salmon (Bell 1983). Pink salmon encountering water temperatures below their minimum migration requirement could hold until waters warm or enter other streams to spawn. The project flows and temperatures during October and November will again be dominated by the North Fork. It is anticipated that temperatures during this period will be slightly less than the present temperatures, since Bradley Lake likely causes a slight lag in the present water temperature response to seasonal air temperature changes. The magnitude of the difference is expected to be less than during the August-September period. BASIN RESULTS Spawning Habitat Most of the spawning activity is restricted to a small portion of the Bradley River from RM 4.7 to RM 5.2. Under present flows, the Riffle 60 Reach area appears to be the most important in terms of numbers of spawning fish encountered. Tree Bar also provides spawning habitat under present conditions, but the spawning areas in this region support fewer fish. Under operational flows, the productivity of both Riffle and Tree Bar Reaches is expected to improve. Tables 7 and 8 present the habitat availability under present and project conditions for the entire Bradley River. Results from the reach analyses were extrapolated to the river segment represented by the study site and then combined. Riffle Reach represents habitat conditions in approximately 1000 lineal ft of stream while Tree Bar Reach characterizes habitat conditions in approximately 2000 lineal ft of stream. Although the availability of spawning habitat will be reduced by 55 percent under project operation, the productivity of the remainh.g spawning habitat is expected to increase. Much of the present spawning habitat appears to be unproductive. The combination of high summer flow and low winter flow that presently occur in the system appears to limit productivity in existing spawning areas. Many spawning areas available under summer high flow are dewatered or silted during low flow periods in the winter. Operational flows will provide spawning habitat on the floor of the channel rather than on the lateral margins. The winter flow will be able to support incubation in more spawning habitat than under present conditions. It is expected that the effectiveness of spawning habitat will increase under project operation. Extrapolation of the effective spawning habitat analyses to the river basin indicates that incubation will be maintained by operational flows in almost all of the available spawning habitat. Effective spawning habitat under project operation would be doubled. In addition, 98.6 percent of the original spawning habitat would be maintained by winter flow. Production should also increase because pink salmon will not have accesss to habitat that is susceptible to dewatering. The density of spawning also should increase providing better use of productive habitat. Weighted usable area values should 61 Table 7. Effective pink salmon spawning habitat in the Bradley River under present conditions Effective Spawning habitat Incubation habitat Spawning habitat Estimated Estimated Estimated Discharge Useable % gross Useable % gross Useable % spawning (cfs) Area area Area area Area habitat 900 52260 17.2 9720 18.6 30 112980 69.9 900 52260 17.2 10220 19.6 40 124120 72.6 . 900 52260 17.2 11180 21.4 50 135840 76.8 1000 50300 15.9 8320 16.5 0'\ 30 112980 69.9 N 1000 50300 15.9 8740 17.4 40 124120 72.6 1000 50300 15.9 9440 18.8 50 135840 76.8 1100 50120 15.7 7320 14.6 30 112980 69.9 1100 50120 15.7 7700 15.4 40 124120 72.6 1100 50120 15.7 8220 16.4 50 135840 76.8 1200 49240 15.2 6260 12.7 50 112980 69.9 1200 49240 15.2 6600 13.4 40 124120 72.6 1200 49240 15.2 6980 14.2 50 135840 76,8 Table 8. Effective pink salmon spawning habitat in the Bradley River under project operations Effective Spawning habitat Incubation habitat Spawning habitat Estimated Estimated Estimated Discharge Useable % gross Useable % gross Useable % spawning (cfs) Area area Area area Area habitat 100 27580 13.9 26820 97.2 30 112980 69.9 100 27580 13.9 27200 98.6 40 124120 72.6 100 27580 13.9 27300 98.9 50 135840 76.8 0"\ 125 31840 14.0 29820 93.7 w 30 112980 69.9 125 31840 14.0 30560 96.0 40 124120 72.6 125 31840 14.0 30560 96.0 50 135840 76.8 150 35060 16.0 31140 88.8 30 112980 69.9 150 35060 16.0 32220 91.9 40 124120 72.6 150 35060 16.0 32660 93.1 50 135840 76.8 not be interpreted as absolute values of habitat since WUA is a combination of quantity and quality in habitat, and a very large area of marginal habitat may have the same value as a smaller area of optimal habitat. The fish utilization of these habitats may be quite different. When dealing with the population and lifestage that requires a certain amount of area associated with each fish or a group of fish, the effectiveness of marginal habitat may outweigh a smaller amount of optimal habitat. Weighted usable area values for effective spawning habitat describe the availability of original spawning habitat that meets the incubation criteria during winter flow. In establishing the incubation criteria, density and velocity parameters were considered. Incubation is terminated when the area is dewatered or when velocities are low enough to allow silt to accumulate. This analysis does not consider the presence of subsurface flow or groundwater upwelling, which may maintain incubation in dewatered or low-velocity areas. If dewatered areas are maintained by subsurface flow in the Bradley River, then gains in effective spawning WUA under project operational flow may be overestimated. However, since salmon production in the Bradley River appears to be quite low, it is unlikely that intergravel flow is maintaining a significant portion of the present spawning habitat. The loss of spawning habitat in Bear Island Slough would affect those species dependent on that habitat. Replacement habitat for these species does not appear to be available in the Bradley River. Production of chinook salmon may be lost. The small number of chinook salmon (six adults) indicate that under natural conditions continued production of chinook salmon is tenuous. Chum salmon are found spawning in other habitats within the Bradley River. WUA values indicate an increase of chum salmon spawning habitat as a result of project operation. Weighted usable area indicates the long-term habitat availability in the system as defined by hydraulic and substrate components of the habitat. Chum salmon appear to have additional habitat requirements. In the Bradley River and in other Alaskan rivers, chum salmon spawn in areas influenced by upwelling groundwater or subsurface flows (Kogl 1965 and Wilson et al.). Chum salmon habitat may require suitable hydraulic 64 conditions in areas with upwelling. Therefore, the availability of upwelling would influence the habitat utilization as predicted by WUA values. Although no data have been collected to determine the availability of upwelling areas in the Bradley River, the limited distribution of chum salmon indicated that very few upwelling areas are presently associated with hydraulics and/or substrate characteristics suitable for spawning. It is likely that the lack of upwelling areas will continue to limit chum salmon production under project operation. The WUA values for pink salmon appear to more accurately reflect the long-term habitat availability in the Bradley River. Pink salmon appear to respond directly to hydraulic conditions as evidenced by movement of spawning fish with changes in depths and ve·locities. Water temperature is an additional factor that likely would affect pink salmon habitat utilization. Water temperatures are expected to decrease under project operation. The magnitude of change may be sufficient to affect habitat utilization in the Bradley River. However, since predicted values, in the range of 6 to 8°C, are within the tolerance range of spawning pink salmon, the increased habitat availability (as predicted by the WUA values) will likely increase pink salmon production under project operation. Rearing Habitat Evaluation of WUA shows an increased availability of rearing habitat for coho salmon under post-project conditions; however, these increases are unlikely to result in increased production in the Bradley River. The field work completed by wee and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service indicated that coho salmon are not presently utilizing the rearing habitats available in the upper portion of the Bradley River. Since the available habitat is not occupied, an increase in habitat availability is not expected to affect juvenile coho salmon in the Bradley River.. No Age 0 coho salmon were found in the upper portion of the river, and few older juveniles were captured in this portion of the river. 65 The lack of Age 0 fish and the low numbers of older juveniles indicate that very little coho production, if any, is occurring in the upper portion of the lower Bradley River. Although adult coho have been captured in the Bradley River, no spawning areas have been located upstream of Fox Farm Creek (RM 2.9). Part of this absence of coho may be caused by the lack of sampling in mainstem during autumn when coho spawn. In other drainages, coho salmon principally utilize small stream habitats and spring areas for spawning. The Bradley River drainage does not provide many of these areas, therefore, it is not expected that large numbers of coho salmon spawn in this system. Operational conditions will probably not result in increased availability of spawning habitat for coho salmon. The loss of Bear Island Slough as an overwintering area may affect juvenile coho salmon utilization of the upper portion of the river. Although pool habitats suitable for overwinterin~ are present, water temperatures in the mainstem appear to be cooler. Therefore, the quality of mainstem overwintering habitat would be inferior to that in Bear Island Slough. Since densities of coho juvenile are low in this portion of the river, the loss of Bear Island Slough is not expected to significantly affect coho salmon production in the Bradley River. Young coho salmon are relatively abundant in the lower Bradley River. Coho salmon abundance in the sloughs and tributaries of the lower Bradley River was several times greater than in upper areas. Some of these coho salmon are probably produced in Fox Farm Creek. USFWS found spawning adults in Fox Farm Creek in 1979 and 1980. WCC found concentration of Age 0 coho salmon in Fox Farm in early and late August. Spawning area in Fox Farm Creek is limited due to its small size. Silts from tidal backwater would preclude spawning in the lower portion of this stream and the steep gradient and coarse substrate would prevent utilization of the upper portion. It was estimated that Fox Farm Creek could support at most 50 pairs of spawning coho salmon. It is unlikely that Fox Farm Creek could produce the numbers of coho salmon found in the lower Bradley River. 66 There is some speculation that coho salmon juveniles rearing in the Bradley River may be coming from adjacent drainages of the Fox and the Sheep rivers. Both rivers support runs of coho salmon. The low salinities that occur in the upper portion of Kachemak Bay during the summer months would not inhibit movements by juvenile coho salmon. Since only minor increases in salinity are expected during the open water season, the project is not expected to affect interdrainage movements of juvenile fish if they are presently occurring. Sampling efforts by the USFWS in 1979 and 1980 and by wee in 1983 indicated that the majority of coho rearing was occurring in the sloughs and tributaries in the lower portion of the river. Operational flows will reduce the backwater at the mouths of the sloughs and tributaries. Since coho salmon appeared to be more abundant in areas upstream of the backwater, it is not expected that the loss of these areas will affect juvenile coho salmon in the Bradley River. to upstream influence the Bradley River. Daily tidal inundation will continue to provide access areas. Thus, project operation is not expected to availability of coho rearing habitat in the lower 67 LITERATURE CITED Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). 1983. Resident and juvenile anadromous fish studies on the Susitna River below Devil Canyon, 1982. Volume 3. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Phase II Basic Data Report. Anchorage, Alaska 277 pp. ADF&G. 1983. Susitna Hydro aquatic studies. 126 pp. ADF&G. 1982. Aquatic studies procedures manual. Phase II. Prepared for Acres American, Incorporated, by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydroelectric Studies, Anchorage, Alaska. pp. ADF &G. 19 7 8. Alaska's Fisheries Atlas. Volume 1. Juneau, Alaska. 33 pp. and maps. Armstrong, R. 1970. Age, food and migration of Dolly Varden smolts in southeastern Alaska. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 27:991-1004. Armstrong, R. and S. Elliott, 1972. A study of Dolly Varden in Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Annual Progress Report, 1971-1972. 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Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska. 419 pp. 75 APPENDIX A HABITAT CRITERIA FOR BRADLEY RIVER HABITAT CRITERIA FOR BRADLEY RIVER The tables presented in this section identify the habitat criteria for pink and chum salmon spawning, coho juvenile rearing, and pink and chum salmon incubation for the Bradley River. These criteria were used to evaluate weighted useable area in the IFIM habitat modeling. A-1 WF ·1 . 25 1. 00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 WF 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 WF 1. 25 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 0 2 3 4 Velocity ( fps) 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Depth· ( ft) 1-..--,...._ i- 1-..-- 1- Code Pink salmon spawning habitat criteria. A-2 VEL WF 0.00 0. Ot:• 0. 10 o.oo 0.30 0.20 o. 50 0. 40 1. 00. 0.8(1 1.50 1. 00 2.70 1 . 00 4.00 o.oo 5 DEP WF 0.00 0 . (•(I 0. 20 0. (>(• 0.40 0. It) 0.50 o. 3(• 1. 00 1 . \:11) 3.50 1 . l)l) 10.00 0. 0(J 9 10 TYPE SUB l>JF Silt 1. 00 C•. 00 Sand 2.00 c.oo Sm. gravel 3.00 1. 00 Med. gravel 4.00 1 . l)Q Lg. gravel 5.00 0. :o Sm. cobble Lg. cobble 6.00 0.00 Bou 1 ders 7.00 0.00 Bedrock 8.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 1. 25 1.00 VEL WF 0.00 o.oo 0.75 0. 10 o.zo o.so 1. 00 2.50 1 • 0(> 0.50 3.00 1 • Qt) 5.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0 2 3 4 5 Velocity (fps) 1. 25 1.00 DEP WF o. 10 0.00 0.75 0. 30 0. 1 \:) 0. 50 0. 50 1. 00 1. 00 0.50 3.00 1. 00 4.00 0.75 6.00 0. 75 0.25 8.00 o. 75 9.00 0.00 0.00 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Depth (ft) 1.25 1.00 "" r---TYPE SUB WF 0.75 ~ Silt 1. 00 0. O•:• Sand 2.00 0. (11) Sm. gravel 3.00 , . c":' 0. 50 0.25 -~ ... Med. gravel 4.00 1 • c":· Lg. gravel 5.00 0. 5·=· Sm. cobble 8.00 0. ('1) Lg. cobble Boulders 7.00 o. 0 1:1 Bedrock 8.00 o. c":' 9.00 0.00 0.00 Substrate Chum salmon spawning habitat criteria. A-3 1. 25 1. 00 VEL WF 0.75 0.00 1. 00 0. 30 1. 00 0.50 0.80 1.00 0.50 0.50 2.00 0. 20 3.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0 2 3 4 5 Velocity { fps) 1.25 1.00 DEP WF 0.00 0.00 0.75 o. 40 1 . OQ 2.00 1. 00 3.00 0.50 0.50 6.00 0.20 :3. ljlj 0.00 0.25 0.00 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 Depth ( ft) 1. 25 1. 00 !-r--r--TYPE COVER WF 0.75 0.50 ,..-r-1 .00 0.20 Overhead bank 2.00 1. 00 Object bank 3.00 0. 3(1 Overhead veg. Object veg. 4.00 1 • J)(l Overhead log s.oo 0. 3(1 0.25 r--r--r--~ Object log 6.00 0. 3(1 Sweepers 7.00 o. 8(1 r-- 0.00 Cover Coho salmon rearing habitat criteria. A-4 WF 1 . 25 1.00 VEL WF" 0.75 0.00 0.00 0. 10 0.00 0.50 1. 0(J 0.50 8.00 1. 00 10.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WF Velocity ( fps) 1.25 1. 00 DEP WF" 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.20 1. 00 5.00 1. 00 15.00 1. 00 0.50 0.25 . 0.00 • • • • 1 t i 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Depth ( ft) Incubation habitat criteria for salmon embryos. A-5 APPENDIX B MAINSTEM HABITATS MAINSTEM HABITATS TREE BAR REACH Site Description Tree Bar Study Reach is located at RM 5.0 and represents the habitat characteristics of the river segment from RM 4.9 to 5.2. This reach was selected to evaluate the availability of replacement habitat for pink and chum salmon under project flows. The floodplain at this site is relatively narrow as the Bradley River canyon begins just upstream at RM 5. 4. This site represents the upstream extent of pink salmon spawning habitat. The stream channel in this reach consists of rela- tively straight segments connected by abrupt bends (Figure B-1). Average reach gradient is 3 ft/1000 ft and the reach is characterized by a riffle-run-pool sequences. Cross-sections in this reach are parabolic along the gravel bars in the straight reaches and triangular through the pools. The substrate changes from large cobble in the upper portion and in the thalweg to large and medium gravels along the gravel bars and in the pools. Streambanks are covered with cotton- wood, alder and willow. Several large exposed gravel bars are present in the reach. Bear Island Slough enters the river within this study site and a small overflow channel exists along the right bank. USGS installed a con- tinuous recording stream gage just below Bear Island Slough in June 1983. Flow through Bear Island Slough begins when Bradley River flow is approximately 700 cfs. At a mainstem discharge of 1250, the flow in the slough was 20 cfs. B-1 I I Figure B-1. Tree Bar Reach j B-2 No salinities were measured in this reach in late April. Based on an analysis of salinity and discharge. no intrusion of salt water is expected to occur here even under low river flows. Unlike downstream areas, deposition of silt occurred in this reach in dewatered areas. This indicates that the tidal influence does not appear to be a significant factor controlling habitat availability. During tides greater than 17.9 ft, the water surface elevation rises slightly in downstream transects and velocities are slowed. The duration of tidal influence appears to be short, less than 2 hours during a high tide of 20ft (at Seldovia). Because of this minimal effect, tidal influence was not evaluated in this reach. The IFG-4 hydraulic simulation model and the IFG-3 HABTAT model were used to evaluate the habitat in this reach. Eight transects were established to model the 950ft reach (Figure B-2). Transects 1, 3, 4 and 6 describe hydraulic and substrate characteristics of runs, 2 and 7 characterize riffles and 5 and 8 represent pool habitats. Figure B-3 presents cross-sectional profiles of the transects. Complete sets of hydraulic data were collected at flows of 93, 230, and 379 cfs. Additional measurements were collected at individual transects at flows of 50, 6 70 and 1250 cfs. The hydraulic models were used to simulate habitat conditions for streamflows ranging from 30 cfs to 2000 cfs. In order to evaluate flows over this range, two models were calibrated. A high-flow model was used to simulate flows from 250 to 2000 cfs, and a low flow model was used to simulate flows from 30 to 250 cfs. Fish Utilization Pink, chum and coho salmon and Dolly Varden·were found in this reach. Sampling efforts in April, June and August indicated that this reach provides habitat for Dolly Varden and coho salmon juveniles. No Age 0 salmonids were found in this reach. Spawning pink salmon were moderately abundant in this reach, however, few spawning chum salmon were present. Several chum salmon captured were not fully ripe B-3 II'C81 1( "SJ3 OOl JO a6JQ43S~P Q lQ 4~QaJ Apn+S J~~ aa..tl ·z-s aJn6 u . ' t I I I I • ll .... ll .. llttttl ,. tltttttltltlt lltlllllltllfl ltttltttllttttt' tttltttttllttltt' ttltlltltllltlttt' ':t·',,\(\:'{},\t Itt t t t t 11 .. 11 .. I It Itt t t II,' Ill t I ',',','l','t'l'l'lllttltltttt ~·· I I I I I t I t I I I I I t9 r i I .tttltttltttltttll lllltttltttttlll ltttltttttttttt lttllltttttttlt tttlttttttt 110\0 -<··'"'""'_._t It I I 1 Itt t tIt It ~ • tltlttll ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t . , __ •r---. ' t ' ' ' ' ' ,,,,,,,,,,, ·-v"-J lttttt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ' ' i .,,,, It t't'.'t't't't'lltlttltlllltflltltltlltt t I I tIt 31V~S ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lttttttttttttt ~ ..... -....-Tt'~ t t t t t t t t t I t t t I I I t t I t t I I t I I I I t t t t I I 't ,','•'1 1t't1t 1t 111t 1t 1 t 1t't: ll t tt1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 1 1 t't 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 t 1 1 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 1 1 t 1 .'t 1 1 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t'.'t'l '' ' 0 tttltttltlttttttttttt tttlttttttttlttltllltttttltlttlttttlttttttttttttl· t t I I t I t t I I I t t t t t t t t t I t tt I t I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I t t t t I I I I I I I I I I t t t 1•1 I t t I I t t t t t~li~6 I t t I I t I I I t t t t t t t t t t t t t t I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I f. ' I t I t t I I I I I I ,._ t I t I I t I I I t t t t t t t t I t I I t I t tl I t t I t t I I t t I I t I t t I I I t I I t I t t I t t I t I I I t I I t t I I I I t I I I I I t I ~~ . t'tlt't' t' t' t't' tttttl .. lt .'I',' ...... t't't'tltt It It,,',',',' t'ttlttttt ,'I',' t t t't' .'t't t,t .. lt .. ltlttt Ill tIll tIt ttltlt ltllt '.'II t't 't t, t t t tIt I till t 't t J J, I 11' t I I I I I I I t t t I I t t t t t t t t t t t 1 t t t t I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t t I t I I I I I I I t I I t I t t t t I I t I t t t t I "J"r I I I t I t I t I t t t t t t t t t t t t t I t t t t t t t tl t I t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t I t t t t I I I I t t I I I t I t I I t t I I t I t t t t t t ,,,,,,;::·:)7 /1 I I t I I I I I I I t I t I t I t I I t I I I t t t t t t I t t I t t t t t t I I t I t t I t t I I I t I ' I I I I t '",.,;r /."'.I I I I t I t I I I I I t I I t I I t t t I I I I t t t t t t I I I I t I I t ltttttttttttttt ttlttlltttt tltttlltttttt It tttttt ~_..~, t t I I t t I I I t ............ , ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, '·''''' -::t I ~ TREE BAR REACH STREAMBED ELEVATlON TRANSECT I 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 TRANSECT 2 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 28 TRANSECT 3 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 DISTANCE FROM LBHP Figure B-3. Tree Bar Reach cross-sectional profiles of the transects. B-5 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 TREE BAR REACH STREAMBED ELEVATION TRANSECT 4 0 20 40 60 Figure B-3. (continued). TRANSECT !5 TRANSECT 6 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 DISTANCE FROM LSHP B-6 2.8 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 0 TREE BAR REACH STREAMBED ELEVATION TRANSECT 7 20 TRANSECT 8 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 DISTANCE FROM LBHP . Figure B-3. (concluded). B-7 indicating that they may spawn slightly later than pink salmon in the Bradley River. Fresh coho salmon still carrying sea lice were encountered in this reach in late August. Dolly Varden juveniles were abundant in this reach. They were found in eddies created by bank erosion and log debris. They also occupied pool habitats located near Transect 5, the mouth of the overflow channel just below Transect 2, the main channel along gravel bars and other low-velocity habitats. Few coho salmon were found in this reach. Most were captured in low-velocity areas in association with log debris or other cover objects. Pink salmon spawning areas were found along the gravel bars. The right bank near transects 3, 4, and 5 appeared to support the majority of spawning in the study reach (Figure B-4). Additional ripe pink salmon adults were found along the left bank near Ttansect 6 and 7. A few chum salmon were found along the right bank between Transect 4 and 5. Results and Discussion Habitat conditions for spawning pink and chum salmon were predicted over the range of flows simulated at this site. Figure B-5, Part A presents the WUA in relationship to discharge for spawning pink salmon. The WUA function increases gradually with discharge and attains the highest value at approximately 500 cfs. Then, spawning habitat values remain approximately the same as discharge increases. This is probably due to the presence of large gravel bars in the reach. As the flow increases spawning habitat moves higher up on the gravel bars. Spawning areas available at lower flows would be subject to high velocities under higher discharges. WUA values represent a small proportion of the gross area. Spawning habitat in the site is probably limited by substrate at lower flows. Large cobble, ranging from 5 to 8 inches in diameter, occupy the thalweg of the channel. At higher discharges, water levels are high B-8 t1:l I \0 0 15011. SCALE f!JS;;rr;:J SPAWNING PINK SAl-MON Figure B-4. Pink salmon spawning locations at Tree Bar Study Reach WUA a. Pink Salmon 130000 120000 1 10000 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 600 800 1 000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 ·Discharge (cfs) WUA b. Chum Salmon 130000 120000 110000 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 1000 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Discharge ( cfs) Figure B-5. WUA for spawning pink and chum salmon at Tree Bar Reach as a function of discharge. B-10 enough to allow fish access to smaller substrate particles located along the gravel bars. Spawning habitat located in the left bank near Transect 6 is available over a wide range of discharges. The point bar near Transect 8 deflects high velocities away from the spawning area. Slower velocities exist along the left bank at high flows. At a discharge of 1000 cfs, simulated velocities ranged from 2. 5 to 3.0 fps. At a flow of 93 cfs, velocities ranging from 0.2 to 2.0 fps were measured. Changes in WUA values for spawning pink salmon were evaluated for estimated present and project conditions. Habitat values were projected for the months of July, August, and September. Although spawning generally occurs in mid-to late August, environmental factors can cause the spawning season to be earlier or later. Table B-1 presents WUA values for present and project median monthly streamflows. Reductions in WUA of nearly 60 percent are projected under project flow levels. Reductions of this magnitude may not result in a corresponding reduction of pink salmon production. Many of the spawning areas available at summer flows are dewatered by winter flows. Figure B-6 presents a comparison of Tree Bar Study Reach at discharges of 1250 and 50 cfs. Dewatering spawning areas may subject salmon embryos to dessication or freezing resulting in low incubation success. The loss of unproductive spawning habitat would not adversely affect pink salmon in Tree Bar Reach. Low water levels during spawning under project operation may result in fish using areas that remain wetted under low-flow conditions. Water surface elevations at selected transects for present and project flows are shown in Figure B-7. Transects 6 and 3 were located near spawning areas occupied at discharges near 600 to 700 cfs. A greater proportion of the wetted perimeter available at 100 cfs is maintained by winter flows of 40 cfs. To determine the effect of reduced spawning flows and increased winter flows, an analysis of the effect of incubation flows on spawning areas was completed. B-11 Table B-1. WUA values for spawning pink salmon at Tree Bar Reach under present conditions and project operation median monthly streamflows Month July August Present streamflow WUA (cfs) 1100 16000 1150 15900 Project streamflow WUA (cfs) 100 6700 100 6700 Percent change -58 -58 1 September 730 18000 100 6700 -63 1 Project flows in September would be 100 cfs for the first half of the month and 50 cfs for the last half. Pink salmon are expected to complete spawning during the first portion of the month. B-12 a. Low flow (50 cfs) b. High flow (1250 cfs) Figure B-6. Tree Bar Reach B-13 ELEVATION TRANSECT 6 28~--------------------------------------------------- 24 1150cfs 22 IOOcfs 20 40cfs 18 TRANSECT 3 26~------------------------------------------------ 18 1150cfs 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 DISTANCE FROM LEFT BANK HEAD PIN Figure B-7. Comparison of water surface elevations for present and project spawning flows at Tree Bar Reach. B-14 Successful incubation of embryos in spawning areas depends to a large extent on streamflow dependent variables. Sufficient water depth must be present to protect the embryos from freezing and dessication. Sufficient velocity must exist in the stream to prevent sedimentation of the spawning beds and sufficient intragravel flow must exist with appropriate levels of dissolved ox~gen for respiration and waste removal. Of these factors, water depth and surface velocities can be addressed with hydraulic models. Using the "effective spawning program", spawning areas identified under spawning flows are evaluated at other flows using incubation criteria to predict incubation success. Using computer simulation, WUA values are assigned to cells using spawning criteria (Figure B-8). Cells with spawning WUA values greater than zero are tested at the alternative flow using incubation criteria and a new WUA value is computed. The two WUA values assigned to that cell are compared and the lowest value is assigned to that cell as effective spawning WUA. This analysis ignores the role of intragravel flow in successful incubation. Incubation can be successfully maintained in areas where intragravel flow from upwelling groundwater or subsurface flows is sufficient to maintain oxygen levels and waste removal. Since sub- surface flow is not considered, productive areas may be missed. Effective spawning habitat at Tree Bar associated with spawning flows of 75 to 200, and 700 to 1400 cfs was evaluated at incubation flows of 30 to 70 cfs. WUA values are presented in Table B-2 with present and project ranges emphasized. Highest effective spawning habitat values for the flows analyzed occurred at spawning flows of 200 cfs and incubation flows of 70 cfs. The probability for this combination occurring in the Bradley River under natural conditions is small. Effective spawning habitat WUA values under present conditions are low, ranging from 2000 to 3000 units (Table B-3). Under project operations WUA values would be increased by a factor of 2 (Table B-4). Thus it appears that incubation success could improve under project operation. B-15 HABITAT EFFECTIVE SPAWNING HABITAT Figure B-8. Computer simulation of effective spawning habitat at Tree Bar Reach B-16 Table B-2. Spawning Flow (cfs) 75 90 100 125 150 175 200 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1 WUA values of effective spawning habitat at Tree Bar Study Reach as a function of discharge. Incubation Flow (cfs) 30 40 50 60 5200 5250 5250 5260 5730 5830 5840 5860 6030 6180 6190 6240 6580 6850 6900 7070 6840 7210 7290 7680 6940 7380 7490 8040 6870 7350 7480 8180 4490 4690 4850 5450 4000 4160 4310 4790 3540 3670 3810 4170 3140 3240 3360 3620 2860 2960 3070 3270 2600 2700 2800 2960 2290 2390 2480 2610 1690 1770 1830 1910 1 WUA values express reach lengths B-17 70 5260 5890 6280 7180 7900 8430 8720 6310 5550 4870 4260 3840 3450 3030 2190 Table B-3. Effective Spawning habitat under present conditions at Tree Bar Reach Effective Spawning habitat Incubation habitat Spawning habitat Discharge % gross % gross % spawning (cfs) WUA area WUA area WUA habitat 900 15900 18.4 3140 19.7 30 29250 73.6 900 15900 18.4 3240 20.4 40 32890 69.6 900 15900 18.4 3360 21.1 50 36060 73.9 1000 15470 17.4 2860 18.5 b:J 30 29250 63.6 I ....... 1000 15470 17.4 2960 19.1 00 40 32890 69.2 1000 15470 17.4 3070 19.8 50 36060 73.9 llOO 15170 16.4 2600 17.1 30 29250 63.6 1100 15170 16.4 2700 17.8 40 32890 69.2 1100 15170 16.4 2800 18.5 50 36060 73.9 1200 15050 15.8 2290 15.2 50 29250 63.6 1200 15050 15.8 2390 15.8 40 32890 69.2 1200 15050 15.8 '2480 16.5 50 36060 73.9 Table B-4. Effective spawning habitat under project conditions at Tree Bar Reach Effective Spawning habitat Incubation habitat Spawning habitat Discharge % gross % gross effective % spawning (cfs_) _ WUA area WUA area WUA habitat 100 6330 ll. 8 6030 95.3 30 29250 63.6 100 6330 ll. 8 6180 97.6 40 32890 69.2 100 6330 11.8 6170 97.5 50 36060 73.9 125 7370 12.9 6580 89.2 txl 30 29250 63.6 I ....... 1.0 125 7370 12.9 6850 92.9 40 32890 69.2 125 7370 12.9 6900 93.6 50 36060 73.9 150 8370 14.1 6840 81.7 30 29250 63.6 150 8370 14.1 7210 86.1 40 32890 69.2 150 8370 14. I 7290 87.1 50 36060 73.9 WUA for spawning chum salmon in Tree Bar Reach is presented as a function of discharge (Figure B-8). WUA values for chum salmon are higher than those for pink salmon, due primarily to the broad range of velocities included in the criteria for spawning chum salmon. The amount of WUA for chum salmon is fairly constant over a broad range of streamflows. Slight increases in availability of habitat are anticipated under project operation in August, with substantial increases in September (Table B-5). Habitat availability for pink and chum salmon fry was evaluated as passage conditions for outmigration rather than for rearing conditions. Pink salmon outmigrate almost immediately upon emergence. Chum salmon fry may remain in the system for several months before outmigrating. Observations of chum salmon fry in early June indicate that habitat preferences of the fry are similar to those of coho salmon (Wilson et al. 1981; ADF&G, 1983), thus rearing habitat values presented for coho salmon are probably applicable for chum salmon as well. Habitat availability for young coho salmon were evaluated for each month of the year. WUA values for rearing habitat in Tree Bar Reach is presented as a function of discharge (Figure B-9). WUA is a small proportion of the tidal area in the study reach. In Tree Bar rearing habitat is restricted to the lateral margin by high velocity. WUA values indicate that rearing habitat has approximately the same availability over a wide range of flows. Availability increases slightly at flows less than 100 cfs and at flows of 1800 cfs. Rearing habitat increases at lower flows as velocities drop in the main channel. At higher flows water begins to cover gravel bars creating large areas of low velocity water. Rearing habitat was evaluated for present and project average monthly flows (Table B-6). Values are higher under project operations indicating a general increase in rearing habitat in mains tern areas. It is expected that habitat values given for the winter months are less reliable than during the open-water season as overwintering fish generally occupy different habitat. B-20 Table B-5. WUA values for spawning chum salmon at Tree Bar Reach under present conditions and project operation median monthly streamflows Present Month streamflow WUA (cfs) August 1150 20,100 September (1-15) 730 20,400 September (16-30) 730 20,400 B-21 Project streamflow WUA (cfs) 100 8,840 100 8,840 50 6,190 Percent change -56 -57 -70 o::l I N N WUA 130000 120000 110000 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 f.. f- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1-l/ .;' 0 ,/, .. ~----~-----,.... .... ~ I I 200 400 GROSS ~Rt~ -~------................. ----,.--.---,.,.-----, WUA I I I 600 800 I I _I 1000 Discharqe (cfs) I 1200 _.,-.,.-.,----/--------· ....-----_...... ,.,. I I I I I I I 1~00 1600 1800 2000 Figure B-9. WUA for rearing coho salmon at Tree Bar Reach as a function of discharge. Table B-6. WUA values for coho rearing at Tree Bar Reach under present conditions and project operation median monthly streamflows Month October November December January February March April May June July August September Present streamflow WUA (cfs) 330 5100 130 5800 75 6400 50 6700 45 6800 35 6900 37 6900 200 5800 840 5100 1100 6000 1150 6200 730 5100 Project streamflow WUA (cfs) 82 6300 62 6600 40 6800 40 6800 40 6800 40 6800 40 6800 107 6000 174 5700 102 6000 100 6000 75 6400 B-23 Percent change +24 +14 +6 +1 0 -1 -1 +3 +12 0 -3 +25 RIFFLE REACH Site Description Riffle Reach study site located at RM 4.7 was selected to evaluate the the availability of replacement spawning habitat in this area under post-project conditions. This study site was selected as a unique or critical reach as it appeared to have the best potential to provide spawning habitat in the lower Bradley River for supporting pink salmon under project operation. Riffle Reach is a transition zone between the riffle-run-pool habitat of Tree Bar river segment to the meandering runs of the lower river. The channel alignment of this reach is straight with a slight bend in the lower portion. The average gradient of this reach is 2 ft/1000 ft. It is characterized by a run-riffle-run sequence. The streambanks along both sides in the upper portion of the site are vertical and vegetated with spruce/cottonwood trees with a tall grass understory (Figure B-10). A mid-channel gravel bar becomes exposed near the upper portion of the study site at mid to lower flows (600 to 100 cfs). Another gravel bar appears along the right bank of the mid portion of the study site as flows recede. A large gravel bar is located along the left bank near the lower end of the study reach. The right bank in the lower portion of the site is a vertical cut bank vegetated by tall grass and sedges. It is characterized by overhanging grasses and undercut banks, with some log debris and submerged roots. The left bank is vertical with few irregularities and no log debris. Substrate in this reach is fairly uniform consisting principally of small cobble and large gravel mixed with some medium gravel. A small overflow channel known as Cut Off Slough leaves the mainstem near Transect 4 and re-enters near RM 4.5. This reach of the river is subject to tidal influence. At high tides, the backwater causes an increase in stage and reduction of velocities. Salt water does not appear to intrude this far upstream under flows of B-24 Figure B-10. Riffle Reach at 250 cfs. I B-25 100 cfs or higher. Some intrusion might occur in this area during the low winter flows and high tides. The duration of tidal influence at this site was approximately 3 hrs for an 18.1 ft tide. During low flows tidal influence results in silts being deposited in low-velocity or dewatered areas. Sediments being transported by the river settle out in the calm tidal backwaters. As the tide runs out and the velocity increases in the reach, much of the silt is removed from the stream bed. Fine particles accumulate along the stream margins and over exposed gravel bars. These silts are eroded by the high summer flows. Since the tidal influence appears to affect habitat conditions in this reach, an analysis of habitat availability was included in the computer modelling process. The IFG-2 model was selected for hydraulic simulation to evaluate tidal effects . The IFG-2 model predicts depth and velocity from water surface elevation and discharge, thus as the tide changes the water surface elevation, the IFG-2 model can predict the hydraulics in the channel. The IFG-4 model does not have this capability. Analyses of salinity changes and increases in sediment deposition were also undertaken for this site. Six transects were established in Riffle Reach to describe the physical habitat (Figure B-11). The transect farthest downstream was placed at a hydraulic control caused by a constriction. Transect 2 describes runs while Transects 3, 4 and 5 were located to evaluate riffle habitat. Transect 6 is located in the downstream end of the pool. Cross-section profiles are presented in Figure B-12, Calibration measurements were obtained at high and low tide for discharges of 135 and 365 cfs. Discharge measurements were obtained at flows of 600 cfs for several transects and water surface elevations at each transect were surveyed for a discharge of 1250. Due to the changes in hydraulic conditions between low and high flow condition, two separate hydraulic models were calibrated. The low-flow model was used to simulate hydraulic conditions present in the study reach for flows between 30 cfs and 250 cfs. Hydraulic condition for flows from B-26 .. . f ....... f I f f·'t ..• 'I "r · t f I(' • ' • t' ~ {I I • f·l •• • •• ' • 1 ' ' ..• ' f. • • ~ t' r • ' f f •• . ' . ' . . . ~ . ~.' (' f • ~ ( . ~:; . : .. . . . • < 4 ' B-27 RIFFLE REACH STREAMBED ELEVATION TRANSECT 1. 22 18 16 14 12 10~--------------------------------------------------------__. 24~--------------------------~----~CT--~2------------------~ I0~----------------------------------------------------------24~---------------------------~~~;EC~T~3~------------------~ 18 16 14 12 10~----~, ----~--~--~----~--~----~--~----~--~----r----r~ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 DISTANCE FROM LBHP 180 200 220 240 Figure B-12. Transect cross-section profiles at Riffle Reach B-28 RIFFt.E REACH STREAMBED El..EVATION TRANSECT 4 24 2.2 20 18 16 14 12 10 24 TRANSECTS 2.2 10._------------------------------------------------------~ 24 ~--------------------------~TR~ANS_.e_c_T~S~------------------~ 22 20 18 16 14 12 10------~----~--~----~----~----~----~----~--~~--~ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 DISTANCE FROM LSHP Figure B-12. (continued). B-29 250 cfs to 2000 cfs were simulated using a high-flow model. Tidally influenced hydraulics at the full range of flows were simulated on the high-flow model. Fish utilization This reach includes the most heavily utilized spawning area for pink salmon in the Bradley River. Relative to other sites in the Bradley River, large numbers of pink salmon (approximately 700) were spawning in this area. Location of spawning activity as sampled in late August is presented in Figure B-13. Areas at the tail of the pool upstream of Transect 6 and the gravel bars near Transects 6, 3, and 4 supported concentrations of spawning pink salmon. Several ripening chum salmon were found along the gravel bar between 5 and 6. An occasional fresh coho or sockeye salmon was encountered in this reach. Habitat Value A relationship between discharge and habitat value was developed for spawning and incubation of pink and chum salmon. Rearing habitat was limited to small eddies in bank irregularities and behind fallen trees. Since the transects were located to describe spawning habitat very few rearing areas are represented in the study site. Thus rearing habitat was not evaluated at this site. Habitat values in Riffle Reach for pink and chum salmon change as a function of discharge (Figure B-14). Pink salmon spawning habitat shows a rapid increase in WUA values as flows increase to 200 cfs. Maximum WUA values are obtained at flows of 600 cfs. At higher flows, the value of the spawning habitat gradually decreases. Flows of 1100 to 1200 cfs were observed in the study reach in early August and flows of 600 to 700 cfs were observed in late August. Spawning pink salmon were present in the reach at both flows but were located in different portions of the study site. At 1200 cfs, most of the fish were located along the gravel bars at Transects 6, 4 and 3. B-30 o:l I w .... SPAWNING PINK SALMON 0 50ft. SCALE Figure B-13. Pink salmon spawning locations in Riffle Reach. WUA a. Pink Salmon 130000 1- 120000 r- 110000 100000 90000 80000 70000 1-1\~t.P.. , ..... ~ "S S ~" ___.. ...... 1-r;:.?-.v ___.,.,.- '-_.,....,.- r-!"' 1-I ~ / I ~~ ~I r- 60000 ~ 50000 ~ 1- 40000 ~ 30000 ~ ~ 20000 !-.. 10000 ~ ........... ------ WUA 0 .. I I I I I I I I I ~~--~-*----~--~----~--~~--~------~--~~--~--~~~ 0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Discharge (cfs) b. Chum Salmon 0 200 Figure B-14. WUA 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Discharge (cfs) WUA for spawning pink and chum salmon at Riffle Reach as a function of discharge. B-32 Velocities in these areas are in the range of 2 to 5 fps. At flows of 600 cfs, fish were located across the main channel at Transects 6 and 3 and along the gravel bar at Transects 3 and 4. Velocity measured in these areas ranged from 1.5 to 4.0 fps at flows of 600 to 700 cfs. The longterm median monthly streamflows for July and August are 1100 and 1150 cfs, respectively (Table B-7). for spawning pink salmon of 18,300 These flows have WUA values and 18,000. Under project operation spawning flows would be reduced to near the 100 cfs range with WUA value of 14,000. This reduction in availability of spawning habitat is not expected to adversely affect pink salmon production in the lower Bradley River. Much of the spawning habitat available at 1100 cfs is dewatered under low winte..: flows. In addition, in Riffle Reach, tidal influence in conjunction with low flows causes deposition of fine sediments in areas of low veloeity. Figure B-15a is a photograph of Riffle Reach at a flow of approximately 1200 cfs. Spawning pink salmon were located along the mid-channel gravel bar near Transect 6. Figure B-15b, is a photograph of Riffle Reach at 50 cfs. At this discharge, most of the spawning habitat occupied at 1200 cfs and much of that used at 600 cfs is dewatered. Spawning areas located at the tail of the pool are still covered by flowing water. Figure B-16 illustrates the change in stage between 1150 cfs present during the spawning season and 40 cfs normally present during incubation. Much of the area available to spawning salmon is dewatered during incubation flows of 40 cf s. Embryos in dewatered areas may be subject to dessication or freezing if these areas are not maintained by intragravel flow. The change in stage between spawning flows of 100 cfs and incubation flows of 40 cfs is not as dramatic. Thus, more of the spawning habitat would likely remain wetted under project spawning flows of 100 cfs. Incubation success of spawning habitat in Riffle Reach was evaluated using the hydraulic models. The location of spawning habitat and B-33 Table B-7. WUA values for spawning pink salmon at Riffle Reach under present conditions and project operation median monthly streamflows Month July August September Present streamflow WUA (cfs) 1100 18300 llSO 18000 730 20100 Project streamflow WUA (cfs) 102 14100 100 13800 100 13800 B-34 Percent change -23 -23 -31 I b. Flow at 50 cfs I a. Flow at 1200 cfs Figure 15. Riffle Reach B-35 a..!VArtCN ~~----------------------------------------------------------~ 18-ttece tOCdl -!8- .;w,.j c::s v ~3 3:2· r ,.J tiSlc:f:t I ) I I I !6~ l ·= --.... I ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~ "" 2.0 4() 6C 3::l 100 l3J "' OIS"'!"ANC! ~M ~!="1'" 3AHK '..;£).0 ?•N Figure B-16. Comparison of water surface elevations for present and project spawning flows at Riffle Reach. B-36 140 sc subsequent incubation conditions within those spawning areas were compared. Various combinations of spawning flows and incubation flows were evaluated to determine the amount of productive spawning habitat. Table 8 presents the effective spawning habitat for several combina- tions of spawning and incubation flows. Under natural conditions, the Bradley River generally has spawning flows in the range of 900 to 1200 cfs and winter flows of 30 to 50 cfs. These combinations provide low WUA values for effective spawning habitat. A number of combinations of spawning and increase WUA for effective spawning habitat. incubation flows would It appears that under project operation, there is a potential to increase the pink salmon production of the lower Bradley River. Increased effective spawning habitat is assumed to result in increased salmon production. Combina- tions of spawning flows in the range of 100 to 150 and incubation flows in the range of 30 to 50 increase WUA values by three to four times over present conditions. Thus improved production is expected under project flows. Even under lower flows, the WUA for spawning pink salmon represents a relatively small percentage of the total area available in the study site. WUA values for spawning represent about 15 to 20 percent of the gross area (Tables B-9 and B-10). This is due, in part, to lack of suitable substrates in portions of the reach. Substrate particles that are too large for effective spawning are in the main channel of the river at most transects in Riffle Reach. The depths and velocities associated with these areas under project operation would be suitable for use by spawning salmon if smaller substrate particles were available. WUA values for spawning chum salmon at Riffle Reach indicate that suitable depths, velocities, and substrate exist over high proportion of the study site. Under present spawning flows, chum salmon habitat has WUA values of 20,800 and 21,500 for median flow levels in August and September. Under project operation flows, the chum salmon habitat value remains approximately the same with WUA values of 16,600 but would comprise a larger percent of gross area (Table B-11). B-37 Table B-8. WUA values 1 of effective spawning habitat at Riffle Reach as a function of discharge. Spawning Flow (cfs) 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 2000 30 6140 7380 8330 8730 8860 8760 8480 8320 8110 7920 5370 4220 3460 2780 2230 1720 1300 1060 840 650 540 460 310 Incubation Flow (cfs) 40 50 6150 6150 7430 7460 8430 8500 8900 9040 9060 9260 8980 9240 8730 9050 8590 8950 8400 8810 8220 8680 5750 6470 4520 5270 3730 4450 3010 3630 2420 2910 1870 2230 1410 1650 1150 1310 910 1011 690 770 580 620 480 500 310 310 1 WUA values express by reach length B-38 60 70 6150 6150 7460 7460 8520 8540 9090 9130 9360 9440 9370 9500 9190 9380 9100 9340 8960 9250 8810 9150 6610 6990 5400 5850 4550 4990 3710 4070 2980 3260 2280 2490 1670 1810 1330 1410 1030 1070 780 800 630 630 500 500 310 310 Table B-9. Effective pink salmon spawning habitat under present conditions at Riffle Reach Effective Spawning habitat Incubation habitat Spawning habitat Discharge % gross % gross % spawning (cfs) WUA area WUA area \mA habitat 700 10990 17.6 2780 25.3 30 27240 78.2 700 10990 17.6 3010 27.4 40 29170 76.8 700 10990 17.6 3630 33.0 50 31860 80.0 900 10230 15.8 1720 16.8 30 27240 78.2 t::J;I I 900 10230 15.8 1870 18.3 (....) \0 40 29170 76.8 900 10230 15.8 2230 21.8 50 31860 80.0 1000 9680 14.7 1300 13.4 30 27240 78.2 1000 9680 14.7 1410 14.6 40 29170 76.8 ' 1000 9680 14.7 1650 17.0 50 31860 80.0 1100 9890 14.8 1060 10.7 30 27240 78.2 1100 9890 14.8 ll50 11.6 40 29170 76.8 llOO 9890 14.8 1310 13.2 50 31860 80.8 t;1:l I +>-0 Table B-10. Effective pink salmon spawning habitat under project conditions at Riffle Reach Discharge (cfs) 100 30 100 40 100 50 125 30 125 40 125 50 150 30 150 40 150 50 Spawning habitat % gross WUA area 7460 16.4 7460 16.4 ' 7460 16.4 8550 17.7 8550 17.7 8550 17.7 9160 18.4 9160 18.4 9160 18.4 Incubation habitat % gross WUA area 27240 78.2 29170 76.8 31860 80.0 27240 78.2 29170 76.8 31860 80.0 27240 78.2 29170 76.2 31860 78.2 Effective Spawning habitat % spawning WUA habitat 7380 98.9 7420 99.4 7460 100.0 8330 97.4 8430 98.6 8500 99.4 8730 95.3 8900 97.2 9040 98.7 Table B-11. WUA values for spawning chum salmon at Riffle Reach under present conditions and project operation median monthly streamflows Present Month streamflow WUA (cfs) August 1150 20,800 September (1-15) 730 21,500 September (16-30) 730 21,500 B-41 Project streamflow WUA (cfs) 100 16,600 100 16,600 50 11,500 Percent change -20 -23 -47 Chum salmon habitat in Riffle Reach as described by depth, velocity, and substrate, appears to be under-utilized. Few chum salmon were found in Riffle Reach--probably less than 10 individuals were sighted during electrofishing. Chum salmon spawning has been linked with upwelling and springs (Wilson et al 1982, ADF&G 1983 -spawning habitat appendix). Upwelling areas or springs have not yet been identified in Riffle Reach. Tidal Influence Riffle Reach is influenced by tidal backwater during the spawning season. As the incoming tide raises the water surface elevation, the velocities decrease. A tide of approximately 14.5 ft in height affects the downstream transect, whereas it takes a tide of approximately 16.5 ft to affect the uppermost transect. Salmon spawning habitat in Riffle Reach during August would be influenced by tidal backwater during approximately 65 percent of the high tides. The duration of tidal influence in Riffle Reach is primarily a function of tide height--the higher the tide, the longer the duration. Tidal influence is inversely related to discharge. That is, for a given tide height, tidal influence decreases with increasing discharge. During low flows (134 cfs), tidal influence affected Riffle Reach approximately 2.5 hours in a tide of 18.1 ft. Although the duration of tidal influence is relatively short, it is a recurrent phenomenon which influences the habitat characteristics of Riffle Reach. Pink salmon spawning habitat was evaluated for three different tide levels: the frequent tide height, 15.0 ft (equalled or exceeded 80% of the time), an average tide height of 17.2 ft (equalled or exceeded SO% of the time), and a higher high tide, 19.2 ft (equalled or exceeded 20% of the time). The WUA values as a function of discharge for the 15 ft tide closely resembled without tidal influence. WUA values at higher tides are quite different. At lower flows, WUA values at high tide are lower than those without tidal influence, B-42 Flow velocities are probably responsible for the decrease in weighted usable area. At higher flows, the 17.2 ft tide does not have sufficient influence to maintain low velocities and the WUA function approaches that of the low tide. For selected discharges, the WUA for spawning habitat with no tidal influence was reevaluated under median tide conditions. Using the effective spawning habitat program, habitat conditions at low tide were compared with those at high tide. The cell was assigned the lower of the two values. This analysis indicates the effects of tidal influence on spa~ing habitat available when no tidal effects are present. Table B-12 presents the WUA values for discharge with and without tidal influence as defined by the criteria for spawning pink salmon. WUA does not appear to be adversely affected by tidal backwater over a broad range of flows. EAGLE NEST POOL REACH Site Description Eagle Nest Pool study reach is located at RM 4. 6 on the bend of an oxbow. It was established to represent mainstem rearing habitat in the lower Bradley River from RM 3. 9 to 4. 5. This reach is typical of pools located on the bends of the lower river. These types of areas were identified as potential rearing habitat under project conditions by USFWS. These habitats are heavily influenced by tidal activity. The right bank is covered with grasses and an overstory of mature and dead cottonwood trees. These large trees are falling into the river channel as high flows erode the bank. These semi-permanent debris jams throughout the channel form back eddies and create cover, greatly influencing the hydraulic and biological character of the reach. The left bank is an exposed gravel bar, which is normally inundated during high tide. This bank has some low velocity areas created by fallen trees, which cause the formation of small embayments. The substrate is principally large to medium gravel with mud bottoms found in pools along the right bank. B-43 Table B-12. The effect of high tide on WUA values for pink salmon spawning habitat. low tide high tide persistent spawning spawning spawning Discharge weighted weighted weighted (cfs) useful area useful area useful area so 8,450 5,260 8,330 100 13,850 14,320 13,850 125 15,860 18,430 15,860 600 21,300 43,000 21,300 800 19,900 37,700 19,900 1000 17,950 31,700 17,950 llSO 17' 970 27,380 17,970 B-44 Four transects were established in this reach (Figure B-17). Transect 1 was located at the hydraulic control for the pool, the head of a small riffle. Transects 2 and 3 describe the main body of the pool delineating changes in top width and cover. Transect 4 describes the habitat at the head of the pool. Cross-sectional profiles are presented in Figure B-18, Calibration flows were obtained at high and low tides at discharges of 180 and 340 cfs. Fish Utilization No adults were captured in this site. The abundant object cover such as root and log debris provide rearing habitat. Juvenile Dolly Varden and sculpin were relatively abundant in these areas with a few coho salmon juveniles found. An Age 0 chinook salmon. the only one encountered in mainstem habitats, was encountered in a backwater on the left bank gravel bar. Rearing Habitat Abundance The seasonal abundance of juvenile coho salmon rearing habitat within Eagle Pool will be altered by project flows (Table B-13). Present flow relationships are complex but habitat is most abundant during July and August and least abundant in October. Project flows will alter the seasonal abundance of rearing habitat with minimums occurring during June and peaks occurring during the winter. Project losses of rearing habitat from 26 to 32 percent will occur during June through August due to substantially reduced flows. Gains in rearing habitat from 20 to 68 percent are forecast during September through November, then progressively decline from 20 percent in November to three percent in February. Slight project losses of rearing habitat (less than 5%) will occur during March and April. Impacts of reduced rearing habitat on juvenile coho salmon abundance within Eagle Pool are speculative but juvenile coho salmon are not abundant within Eagle Pool. Summer project habitat reduction should not seriously impact relative abundance of juvenile coho salmon within Eagle Pool Reach. B-45 t:D I .p. a- ' ~ --:· ... · ... ~.--.. .a .. .. ..... {IJJf%iif-::~- ... .. .. _ .. .. -;._-_ .. -.. :: .. -_: . ... -:· :. ::_ ...... __ ....... -. . .. -:-~-_ ... __ ) ~ .. Figure B-17. ~ . . : ... Transect locations at Eagle Pool Reach . · .. ·~ .... ~ .. .. ... ":~~·-:.·~.:. -- ·:--~-.. ·-.... ··.-. . ./.'~-?:~Er·. ..:_._!<---~-= .. ~--:~;.-:_.F ·!~ . · .... •. : -:~.: . .. ... ::; ~ ?"·>~=:~. :~;.-_; . -... :-.·.<:.:: :~ .•. / ,· . ~ . / 20 Ill 18 14 12 10 • I so 0 2D <10 90 100 i2c 14o 1c i8C zoo 220 z.i!o OIITAHCZ F!IIOM 1..3HP s+---~--~. --~--~--~.--~.--~--~--~--~------~ 0 20 <10 90 90 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ OII'TANCZ Fl'I:IM UIHP Figure B-18. Cross-section profiles for Eagle Nest Pool Transects B-47 Table B-13. WUA values for coho rearing at Eagle Pool Reach under present conditions and project operation median monthly streamflows Present Project Percent Month streamflow WUA streamflow WUA change (cfs) (cfs) October 330 3100 82 5200 +68 November 130 4600 62 5500 +20 December 75 5300 40 6100 +15 January 50 5800 40 6100 +5 February 45 5900 40 6100 +3 March 35 6300 40 6100 -3 April 37 6200 40 6100 -2 May 200 3600 107 4900 +36 June 840 5300 174 3900 -26 July 1100 7100 102 5000 -30 August 1150 7300 100 5000 -32 September 730 4300 75 5300 +23 B-48 Slight predicted increases in salinity associated with reduced project flows are not expected to adversely influence rearing coho salmon at Eagle Pool (RM 4.6). Intrusion of salt water in excess of 1 ppt or greater is not expected to occur upstream of RM 4. 3 except during extremely high tides. B-49 APPENDIX C SLOUGH AND TRIBUTARY HABITATS SLOUGH AND TRIBUTARY HABITATS BEAR ISLAND SLOUGH Site Description Bear Island Slough, located near RM 5.1, is a unique aquatic habitat within the Bradley River. When summer flows exceed 700 cfs in the lower Bradley River, the slough is overtopped and becomes an overflow channel, while at winter flows, the channel is isolated from the mainstem river. The upper half of the slough is a steep, straight channel with a cobble-boulder substrate. Under present summer flows this segment contains primarily riffle habitat with occasional pools. The lower half of the slough is wider, has a relatively flat gradient and has two large, deep pools. Maximum depths within these pools during summer are about 6 ft. During winter flows, water within the two pools in the lower slough reach are maintained by subsurface flow while the upper channel of this slough is dewatered. Substrate in the lower pools is silty sands with small gravels and sand along the shallow edges and tails of the pools. Occasional boulders line the left pool margins. A bedrock face rises abruptly along the left bank and creates a steep and often deep bank on this side of the pools. Alders overhang the left side of the pool where the rock wall occasionally retreats. The right bank is a gradually sloping sand and gravel bar. Bear Island separates the slough from the main channel and supports willow and alder thickets and a scattering of white spruce and cottonwood trees. C-1 Study site methods The streambed elevation at the upstream end of the slough was surveyed to establish the stage required to overtop the slough. A staff gage was placed just upstream in the mainstem. Dewatering of the slough was observed during the late August field trip. The corresponding flow in the mainstem was evaluated at Tree Bar Reach. A thalweg profile was surveyed through the length of the slough. A transect was surveyed near the mouth to assess the streambed elevation required for the backwater to connect the lower pool with the mainstem. The stage at Transect 5 of Tree Bar Study Reach was used to determine the discharge required to create a backwater surface connection with the two lower pools of the slough. Aerial photography was used to quantify the surface area associated with spawning and rearing habitats as a function of streamflow. A planimeter was used to measure habitat areas associated with a parti- cular flow condition. Since habitat conditions change with changes in streamflow, the recurrence intervals were determined for discharge levels of importance to habitat conditions. Recurrence intervals of overtopping flows and backwater flows were used to estimate the percent of time that these specific habitat conditions existed each month. Monthly and annual flow duration curves based on daily stream- flow values were used for this analysis. Streamflow patterns Mainstem flow in the Bradley River influences aquatic habitats within Bear Island Slough in several ways. As flows in the mainstem river increase in the spring, the stage in the mainstem creates a backwater at the mouth of the slough. This backwater connects the two pools in the lower portion of the slough to the river at flows of 350 cfs for the first pool and 560 cfs for the second pool. Based on the stream- flow records, the lower end of the slough is generally connected to the river in early May. Both pools are joined to the mainstem river before the mainstem flows breach the head end of the slough. C-2 Mainstem flows enter the upper end of Bear Island Slough at flows near 700 cfs. The flow passing through the slough is a very small propor- tion of the total flow in the river. At flows of 1250 cfs in the Bradley River, Bear Island Slough carried less than 20 cfs. Based on flow records, mainstem flows generally breach the upstream entrance of the slough in late May or early June. Water temperature records indicate mainstem overflow into Bear Island Slough occurred about May 28 this year. Water flows through the slough until streamflows decline in fall. Some subsurface flow enters the slough. The subsurface flow apparent in the upstream portion of the slough is turbid. This indicates that the source is the mainstem Bradley River and the streambed materials are porous enough to pass the water quickly. An additional source of subsurface flow is a small intermittent stream that enters the slough in the upstream portion of the second pool. Subsurface seeps in this area were noted during Woodward-Clyde's field reconnaissance in late April 1983. During April Bear Island Slough contained three discrete pools. The upper pool was receiving turbid intragravel flow from the Bradley River, the middle pool was receiving clear water flow from a small drainage coming off the adjacent uplands and the lower pool, while turbid, was not receiving any noticeable inflow. On May 2, 1983 the water temperature in the middle and lower pool was between 7.1-7,6°C while the adjacent Bradley River was 2.4°C (Figure C-1). The turbidity in the two large slough pools was between 7-11 ppm while the turbidity in the Bradley River was 70 ppm. Conductivity was higher in the slough pool (51-54 micromhos/cm) than in the Bradley River (15 micromhos/cm). The water in the slough remains turbid even when the surface connec- tion to the mainstem is severed. This is caused in part by the turbid nature of the subsurface flow coming from the mainstem. The character of the glacial sediments carried by the Bradley River also contribute to the turbidity of the water. A portion of the glacial flour remains suspended in standing water. C-3 12 10 8 Bear Island Slough ....... u 0 ..._.. QJ s... :::1 6 .jJ "' s... QJ c. ('") E I QJ -""' 1- 4 2 lower Bradl . _..-. , • ..._,--...; \ ey RlVer • / •./ / .. " , ... / __ _,.--.._ -~--.... , :--.. / 'V-" "'' ' ..,.' .............. , , .... ---... / 0 1 lO 20 31 10 20 30 M A Y J U N E FigureC-1. Comparison of water temperatures between Bear Island Slough and lower Bradley River. Table C-1. Adult salmon fyke net catch at Bear Island Slough during August, 1983 Date Flow Adult Salmon 8/22/83 722 4 8/23/83 722 3 8/24/83 706 4 8/25/83 654 0 8/26/83 638 0 8/27/83 619 0 8/28/83 630 0 C-5 Fish Utilization Previous sampling by the USFWS indicated that this slough provides both spawning and rearing habitat for salmon and Dolly Varden char. During the 1983 field season small numbers of adult salmon, Dolly Varden adults, juveniles, and Age 0 fish, and juvenile coho salmon were captured by electrofishing, seining, fyke netting and minnow trapping. Although adults of all five species of salmon were found here, Bear Island Slough appeared to have limited use by adult salmon in 1983. Less than ten ripe and spent chum salmon were captured in the slough, indicating that some chum salmon spawning may occur here. Chum salmon spawning habitat seems to be evident in low-velocity segments with subsurface flow and small substrates. In addition, six spent chinook salmon were captured during early August, indicating that chinook salmon spawned in the slough. The other salmon species appeared to use the slough temporarily. The pink salmon and most of the sockeye captured in the slough were not ripe. The only ripe sockeye salmon captured was later found dead and unspawned. Captures of salmon in fyke nets decreased as flow decreased through the slough (Table C-1). No adult salmon were captured entering Bear Island Slough after August 25, 1983. This date corresponds with dewatering of the slough due to declining mainstem flows below 700 cfs. Although the field season did not overlap Dolly Varden and coho salmon spawning activity, some indication of their utilization of this habitat was collected. The slough appears to provide spawning habitat for Dolly Varden. Maturing Dolly Varden adults and Age 0 were captured in the slough during August 1983. Age 0 coho salmon were not captured in the slough, indicating that coho salmon probably do not spawn in this area. Bear Island Slough provides summer and winter rearing habitat for juvenile salmonids, primarily Dolly Varden. Juvenile Dolly Varden consistently dominated the juvenile salmonid catches by baited minnow traps during April, June and early and late August, 1983. During the late April field season, flows had not increased sufficiently to C-6 connect the mainstem with the two lower slough pools. Fish in the pools probably had overwintered there. The mean catch of Dolly Varden in the middle pool was 16.3 fish per 24 hr while in the lower pool the mean catch of Dolly Varden was 2.2 fish per 24 hr. The mean catch of Dolly Varden in the mainstem during the same period was 0.96 per 24 hrs. The same values for coho juveniles were 0.8 per 24 hrs in the middle pools, 1.7 in the lower pool and 0.11 in the adjacent mainstem. Considerably lower densities of juvenile coho salmon occupied Bear Island Slough during the summer and winter, and no Age 0 coho salmon were captured. The upper riffle-pool reach of the slough provides rearing habitat for juvenile Dolly Varden and the large lower pools are occupied by Age 0 Dolly Varden, juvenile Dolly Varden and coho salmon. Coho salmon juveniles were found in deeper low-velocity areas with cover. Age 0 Dolly Varden were found in shallow side pools with small debris-covered substrate adjacent to boulders. Juvenile Dolly Varden were most abundant along shallow edges of pools with no cover. Results and Discussion Summer Rearing Habitat. The amount of summer rearing habitat in Bear Island Slough was quantified by measuring the surface area from the mouth of the slough to the furthest upstream extension of the upper pool at a Bradley River flow of 970 cfs. A flow of 970 cfs is slightly less than the average of the mean monthly flow for June- September (1034 cfs). Habitat measured at this flow is an indication of persistent long-term summer rearing conditions. This 39,150 sq ft area was found to be the major juvenile use area during field sampling. Numbers of captured juveniles decreased markedly upstream of this area. Table C-2 provides information on the percent of time that flows in the mainstem provide backwater surface water elevations sufficient to allow access for fish into the upper and lower pools (560 cfs and 350 cfs respectively). The lower pool (15,050 ft 2 ) would be accessible to juveniles during 40 percent ( 4. 8 months) of an average year. The upper portion (24, 100 ft 2 ) would be made accessible approximately C-7 Table C-2. Percent of Time that Flow at Tree Bar Reach is Equal to or Exceeds 3 Selected Flows as Shown by Month Flows (cfs) 700 560 350 January 0 0 2 February 0 0 .8 March 0 0 0 April 0 0 0 May 7 13 29 June 68 84 97 July 99.7 100 100 August 93 100 100 September 54 65 92 October 16 24 48 November 2 3.5 9 December • 15 .5 2 Annual 25 30 40 C-8 30 percent (3.6 months) of an average year. Both pools would normally have water levels high enough to allow fish movement from June through September. During project operation, access to this habitat would be the eliminated. Since few juvenile coho salmon utilize this area for rearing, the major effect would be loss of Dolly Varden summer rearing habitat. Overwintering Habitat. The two lower pools provide overwintering habitat for juvenile coho salmon and Dolly Varden. This habitat was quantified by the surface area of these two pools with no mainstem influence. The downstream pool has a surface area of approximately 9, 400 ft 2 during the winter. The upper pool has a surface area of 2 8,000 ft .. The two pools will become inaccessible to fish in the late summer and fall because of the lower flows during project operation. Because of inaccessibility these overwintering areas would be lost at operational flows. Spawning Habitat. Examination of substrate within Bear Island Slough during low flow conditions in late April, 1983 revealed that the second pool upstream of the mouth (upper pool) was the only area suitable for salmonid spawning. Habitats upstream of this pool are unsuitable due to large substrates including cobble and boulder. Spawning would probably be precluded in the lower pool because of the sand and silt substrate. The surface of the upper pool at high flow is approximately 24,100 sq ft as measured from aerial photography. Table C-2 shows the exceedance level of overtopping flows into Bear Island Slough as determined from monthly and annual flow duration curves. Mainstem flows exceeding 700 cfs are required to overtop the slough and thus create spawning habitat. Since chum salmon and chinook salmon are suspected of spawning in the slough, the months of July, August and September are most important in this analysis. During July and August the slough is overtopped 99 percent and 93 percent of the time, C-9 respectively. About 24,100 ft 2 of spawning habitat is available to fish during these two months. September data show that the slough is overtopped by mainstem flows 54 percent of the time. A review of daily discharge hydrographs indicates that this reflects the year- to-year variation in flow more than a reduction of flow through the month. Thus, on the average, one might expect flow through the slough in September every other year. Since project flows are expected to be in the range of 100 to 150 cfs during spawning period, spawning habitat in the slough will be lost. However, salmon spawning is minimal in this area as described in the fish utilization section. The impact on salmon spawning habitat would be the loss of this area to chinook salmon during the months of July and August and to the later spawning chum salmon in August and September. It would appear that Dolly Varden spawning would be impac~ed to a greater extent. SHORT SLOUGH Site Description Short Slough enters the Bradley River at RM 3.8. The 450 foot-long, relatively straight slough has steep silt banks, approximately eight feet high. Channel width ranges from 2 to 4 ft in the runs and from 8 to 15 ft in the pools. Bankside vegetation consists entirely of tall grasses and sedges that overhang much of the channel. Banks undercut by tidal action are common along the slough. A mud and silt substrate is uniform throughout the reach. Slough habitats are influenced by the stage in the mainstem and tidal action. During summer flows, at low tide, the mouth of the slough is backwatered by the mainstem. The extent of the backwater is con- trolled by the stage in the mainstem Bradley River. During much of the summer, at mainstem flows of 700 cfs, approximately the first 200 feet of the slough was affected by the mainstem. Upstream of the backwater, the slough is a slow moving run with numerous small pools. C-10 At its head end the slough widens into a large pool approximately 3 to 4 ft. deep. A small surface drainage cascades into the upstream end of the pool (see Figure C-3). At high tide the entire slough becomes a deep, backwater area. Channel width is approximately 10 to 20 ft. and depths range from 4 to 8 ft. Physical Characteristics Short Slough drains the surrounding wetlands of the Kachemak Bay tidal flats. At low tide, the slough carries a small discharge (less than 1 cfs) of tannic-colored water. Water enters the slough from a small surface drainage at the head of the upstream pool and from seepage along the banks. Turbid water from the Bradley River inundates the slough at each high tide. Even at lower high tides, the turbid water generally extends to the upper pool, which often retains turbid water between high tide cycles. Water quality characteristics of Short Slough are influenced by the tidal action. At low tide, summer water temperatures in the slough ranged from 10 to l4°C. Dissolved oxygen was generally below satura- tion, ranging from 7.4 to 9.0 mg/1. Conductivities ranged from 600 to 700 micromhos implying salinities less than 0.1 ppt. At high tide, the water quality characteristic in the sloughs resembled those in the lower Bradley River. Temperatures were lower, generally from 8 to 10°C, while dissolved oxygen is near saturation. At high discharges (1200 cfs) conductivities were low, 30 to 50 micromhos, indicating salt-free water. Water quality characteristics did not appear to limit utilization of these habitats by young fish. Fish Utilization This slough was utilized mainly by young coho salmon and Dolly Varden. Three species of sculpins and two species of sticklebacks also occupied this slough. No adult salmon were observed in the slough at low tide and no suitable spawning areas occur. Adult salmon may use the mouth of the slough as a holding area, but none were observed. C-11 ') ' ......... :,./t~· t t :·~ ... ... Figure C-3. Pool in upper Short Slough remains turhid. C-12 ...... ~: -·~--·-.... · .. ·. -::..: -::·:.~:-. . . . _·:;~-=-: ~-:.;:,~~~f~;5 ~:~~:f;:~· . .. . ··..e.-··::.r'~--. ~ . ~. ·.::~ ---~ ... .; . ·. ~~--~· -. -· ·. -..:.-... ! :.. . :..: . • . • . ...;;4 ·"·;..: ~~:r.:.:.~~~-·• :,.. · .. :-: -·; .·. · . ._: ....... : ... -.. -;;.: ........ -· .......... ·.. . •••• _,:. .•. --~~~-... -~.·-·1-··.--~.·: -~---~ ... = ·. =-~-~---·.·· : ... :.-:.· =···.:.·.--·.···-·:':'•;·.~~·-· ·-~~··. ····· ·:-. -~·1.:.r~-r.•·~ ~. ·. ·:· ..... -. ~:'4t· ... . . :-· .. -... · .... ·.·. ·. · ........ -.......... ~ ... -: ........ •.· __ ... ;,;~-:-'~·-· .· ·. ·-. · .. ·.·-·.· .•. ~ .. --· ........ . • • ·-• ·-• • -• • .,. • • .... • r. ... • • .... ·• • . • . ._ -. --:' . .,., .... .-•. _. ..... --=. • ... .-. • • • • .. • • • • • .. • • .. ~-:. · .. :-:-. ~~ ~. . .•. ~ -... ·-:. ~ ~~ --=~~·-~!;:a:~ . .,. ~ • : •;.. -=---~-i.i. ~.~~:. -:. ·. ~ .. -:· · .. --:=-... •:-.. ·--~ .• :-_--::-..... . • .. • ... --...... • •.• • ......... .• 'l-.•. ~.-._.. • .. _ .. ·• • 411' • - . -• • • • --~ .. .. • • ~ • ... · .• -·. ···~·· ... -.··-··· .. -· .. -~·· .. ~·--...... _-.-... i'P .. -.• .: ., ... · • .. ~. , •.... ·-~ .• -.. · -~ ..... :··· :.: :..:.·· •. =-~--~ :·--::;.:-~-......... ·-: .. ;.....: .· -~ : =· ~-. ~·-·: ._ :. : .. :--·~--· ..... : .··:-.-.......... . ·· .. ·.-....... :· ••.. ··· ..• ··~·~ ... ·.t~o:··.·:-.· ............. -..... -.~-~ -.• :..·-:..:-·:..-··~ ..... -:--·:-· ··-·--.··· -:.-;.:···-: -.--.···· ..... -:.~-.· ·::-··. ·:--·. -.. .:-.. _ ...... -~--· .. · ...... -. -· ·--:·. -~· •.·· .... · .. . . -. · . .-.·. ·. =·· -·~ ~: .. : ~ .... ·.-.~ .. :~ .... .:-.~--~ ... -: ...... :;·-...·-·~-·--: ..... _ ·:-··.7·:.· .. -:: ·7·.· .. ·;-::. 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Ex~en~ of backwa~er caused by ~inseem discharge a~ Shcr~ Slou~n C-13 Young coho salmon were the most abundant species. Both Age 0 and older juveniles were captured in this site, but during August Age 0 coho were considerably more abundant than older rearing fish. This was the furthest upstream sampling station where Age 0 coho salmon were encountered. Dolly Varden juveniles were also relatively abundant. Study Site Methods Project operation will reduce mainstem water surface elevations in the summer and fall. Thus the backwater would be expected to decrease in size and upstream extent. To determine the relationship between the extent of backwater and mainstem stage, a staff gage was installed near the mouth of the slough. During the field surveys the upstream extent of the backwater was correlated to the staff gage reading. A rating curve was constructed for the staff gage based on discharge at Tree Bar Reach. This rating curve was used to predict the stage at lower flows and to determine the extent of the backwater at the mouth of the slough. Tidal influence was estimated by using a crest gage in Long Slough and Fox Farm Creek to measure water surface elevations at high tides. Tide heights evaluated included 19.0 ft. (exceeded 20 percent of the time during August), 17.2 ft. (exceeded 50 percent of the time in August), and 15.2 ft. (exceeded 80 percent of the time in August), Results and Discussion Analysis of staff gage data show that water depths within Short Slough decrease by about 1.7 ft as Bradley River flows at Tree Bar decrease from 1,350 cfs to about 250 cfs. An additional 0.2 ft reduction in stage occurs as flows decrease from 250 to 100 cfs. The upstream extent of the turbid backwater within Short Slough also decreases with flow (Figure C-4). At approximately 1000 cfs, the backwater extends the entire length of Short Slough; at about 600 cfs the backwater extends to the lower one-half of the slough; at 250 cfs the backwater extends 50 ft. into the slough while at 100 cfs, no backwater exists. C-14 Under project conditions, no backwater would exist in this slough during the open-water season. This would probably have little effect on the rearing habitat as fish did not appear to exhibit a preference for the turbid backwater zone. The daily inundation by the tide may have more influence on habitat than the mainstem stage. During the open-water season, the high tide backs up freshwater into slough habitats. Since this water has greater amounts of dissolved oxygen and lower salinity, the backwater effect may serve to enhance the water quality in the sloughs. The duration of high tide in this area is approximately three to four hours. Since the upper pool serves as a catchment basin for the tidal backwater, the effects of the tide may last longer than the duration of the tide. LONG SLOUGH Site Description Long Slough is a 0.5 mile-long slough that enters the Bradley River at RM 3.5, 0.3 miles downstream from Short Slough. The lower 300 ft of Long Slough resembles habitat in Short Slough. The upper portion resembles a small tributary and is a free flowing system except when influenced by high tides. At tides of 18 ft and greater, the entire slough is inundated by the tidal backwater. The channel consists of straight sections approximately 100 ft in length connected by gentle bends of about the same length. The steep banks are composed of silt and are vegetated by grasses and sedges that overhang the channel. Banks undercut by seepage and tidal action are common. The mouth of the slough, as well as the area immediately upstream, is generally a backwater area, the extent of which is controlled by mainstem flows. Above the backwater, the slough is characterized by a riffle-pool habitat. The banks are generally 8 to 10 feet high in the C-15 lower segment of the slough (Figure C-5). Top width at low tide ranges from 8 to 15 feet in the pools and from 2 to 4 ft in the riffles and runs. Depths are generally less than 2-3 ft. The substrate in the lower segment is silt and silt covered gravels The channel of the upper portion of the slough is narrower and shallower than the lower portion. Banks are generally 3 to 6 ft high and the channel width is 2 to 3 ft. The overhanging tall grasses and sedges cover most of the stream channel. The riffle-pool sequence continues to the headwaters of the slough. The substrate in this section is composed of small gravel and sands. Large portions of the streambed were covered by algae. Physical Characteristics Long Slough carries tannic colored water originating in the peat wetlands of the Bradley River tidal flats. Several small drainages entering Long Slough carry flow as the tidal backwater recedes. Long Slough also receives subsurface flow from several isolated ponds in the upper portion of its drainage. These ponds are inundated and recharged during high tides. Discharges in Long Slough under low tide conditions are usually less than 2 cfs. At high tide, portions of Long Slough are inundated by tidal back- water altering the character of the habitats. inundation depends on the height of the tide. Fish Utilization The extent of the Habitat utilization of Long Slough by fish was similar to that found in Short Slough. The primary importance of the slough appears to be in providing summer rearing habitat. Young coho salmon were encountered during early and late August and both Age 0 and older juveniles were captured. In late August, Dolly Varden juveniles, sculpins, and sticklebacks were also common. Chum salmon fry were C-16 Figure C-5 •. Long Slough. c-17 found in this slough in early June. In addition, Age 0 Dolly Varden were found in upper Long Slough in August. Like Short Slough, the lowest section is suitable for use by adult salmon as a holding area, but no adult salmonids were found in the slough. Study Site Methods Backwater effects by mainstem flow were evaluated by installing a backwater staff gage approximately 200 feet from the mouth of Long Slough (Figure C-6). A relationship was then formed from water surface elevations indicated by the staff gage readings and flow in the Bradley River at Tree Bar Reach. Field observations were then made to determine how far upstream the mainstem backwater extended. Tidal influence on Long Slough was investigated by placing a crest gage next to the backwater staff gage. Water surface elevations caused by mainstem backwater were then compared with water surface elevations as influenced by tides. Water quality measurements were also taken in the slough. Temperature was monitored throughout the study period in the slough and mainstem. Dissolved oxygen and conductivity were taken at most minnow trap locations during the late August field trip. Water samples were taken at two locations in the slough during late August. Results and Discussion Water surface elevation within the Long Slough backwater area is controlled by the elevation of the water surface of the mainstem. Thus, slough water surface elevation changes as a function of mainstem elevations. Observations of the extent that turbid mainstem water intruded Long Slough give an estimation of this backwater habitat. At mainstem flow of 1,000 cfs the backwater extended approximately 700 feet upstream from the mouth of the slough. At 600 cfs mainstem flow the backwater was estimated to extend 400 feet upstream, and at mainstem flow of 250 cfs, the backwater extended 150 feet. Post-project flows will be considerably less than 250 cfs, thus eliminating this backwater effect in Long Slough. C-18 . . .. -...... . :..·:-""'·_-..... .. ~ ...... .. -:. • .. -.................. -.. ~ :.;;-'!!-•. -~ .... ~..::' "" ..._-,. ... .... ...._-·~-:_ ........... ::' . • "!-.. -... -·. ~ -,., ................... ~ .. .... :-"" ~ .. _ ..... · ..:-:... .. ,.. . -.... .. ...._ ... -... .... ... .. .. .......... _ ... ..,.-... -~ ...... __ ~-:~-.-~"""-~.~:~.~~-!·:~·=:~ .. ~:..·:=-:: -... .. ~_ ... _4 .. _.. --.. · ~ ............ "' ... _ ... -: .... _ _ .. ~ Figure C-6. Staff gage location .. ... -:. -~ ... :-_; _ ..... :. ~-:: .. -:-: ... ... -.. ... ............... : ... ~-...... ·: .... ~=-"' ·:.:..~ .... _: "!" .... ... -..... :::.. ----... ... :: ; .. -~ ~ ·~ ~- ..,a. .......... ~-·· ..... "' ~ ............ -... ·... .. .. .. -.... .... ,.. .... ----.... . ... - '""' .. . -. ... . .. .-. o!!!!!!!!liiiiiiiiiiiiii'oo n. SCALE on Long Slough. C-19 Long Slough is subjected to tidal influence on a twice daily basis. Tidal effect ranges from total inundation at a 17 ft high tide to no effect at low tide. An 18.8 ft tide at Seldovia on August 26, 1983 increased the water elevation at the staff/crest gage location in Long Slough by approximately 8 ft. The backwater in Long Slough from this tide extended to a point about 2000 ft upstream. Water quality patterns within slough habitats were found to be very dynamic and at times quite complicated. The normal run-off and seepage through adjacent peat bogs is influenced by tidal and mainstem backwaters. Under low-tide conditions, the water quality of the mid and upper portions of Long Slough appears to limit utilization of fish rearing habitat. On two occasions in early May, sticklebacks captured in minnow traps set in the middle reach of Long Slough died. In early August 1983 all fish captured in three minnow traps set in the upper section of Long Slough died. Species affected were juvenile coho salmon, adult sticklebacks and sculpins. In the late August field sampling, two dead juvenile coho were found in the middle reach of the slough. Upstream and downstream traps did not incur mortalities in any of these instances. In early August, dissolved oxygen of 7.4 mg/1 and water temperature of l2°C were measured during low tide at the location of the fish kills. These values are within the tolerance ranges of these fish. The temperature in the slough was generally warmer than in the mainstem and conductivities were high, 880 micro mhos. Water samples were collected and all measured parameters appeared to be within normal ranges. There are no additional site characteristics that imply parameters other than local water quality would have caused these mortalities. The specific water quality problem has not been identified. FOX FARM CREEK Site Description Fox Farm Creek is a small tributary that enters the Bradley River near RM 2. 9. It is a steep gradient stream that flows through a dense C-20 spruce forest. Average channel width is estimated to be from 6 to 10 ft wide. Log debris and large boulders are common in the stream channel. The substrate appears to be predominately large cobbles but numerous pockets of small gravels exist within tails of pools. Approximately 900 ft upstream from its confluence with the Bradley River, the gradient flattens and Fox Farm Creek begins to meander across the Kachemak Bay tide flats (Figure C-7). The substrate particle size grades into small cobbles and gravels and log debris is still abundant. The channel width increases to 15 to 20 ft. Stream banks are vertical and composed of silt with overhanging grasses and sedges. The lower 900-ft stream segment is greatly influenced by tide and resembles Long and Short sloughs in channel shape and width. The portion of stream from 500 to 900 ft upstream from its mouth has a riffle-shallow pool sequence of habitat. The substLate is large and medium gravels with silt and detritus in the bottom of pools. Two pools are found in this segment approximately 700 and 800 ft upstream from the mouth. These 1-2 ft deep pools have deeply undercut banks with considerable amounts of log debris and submerged tree roots. Pools increase in depth in the lower 500 ft of stream to 2-3 ft. Tidal backwater allows deposition of sediment over the substrates in this reach. Some of the silts deposited on the stream bed are removed by streamflow during low tide. The vertical banks increase in height to 6 to 8 ft. Streamflow Patterns Fox Farm Creek probably has near-zero flow during the winter months. Flow likely increases to a peak in May or June resulting from the melting snowpack and then fluctuates through the summer and fall in response to rainfall events. It is anticipated that near-surface bedrock and steep drainage basin slopes cause rapid response to rainfall events with low base flow between events. C-21 -..... --.... ...................... .. --. - - -.. -.. . . ---. -.. -------.. --. .. . --. ---. .. -----. .. ----.. . ---. .. . ----.. . .. -. -.. . .. .. .. -. . .. .. --- -. . . . . --.. -.. -.. -.. .. . .. . . ---. .. .. . -.. -.. . -.. .. .. --. --.. --.. ----. . . . . . -.. -.. .. .. . -.. ----.. ----. . -.. . . -.. ------.. .. . .. -. -. ---. . ---. -. . .. . ........... •·•-.... -. . .. .. . . .. . .. . -. .. .. .. . . .. -. -.. -.. .. .. -. -.. .. . .. . --.. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. -. . .. .. .. .. .. . -.. -. .. ... ... ... ... . · .... · ,· Jl.: ' •' ' ' '. SCAI...£ Figure C-7. LEGEND·----- E;:::::] GRASS/SEDGE WETLANDS rREES Fox Farm Creek. C-22 .. ' ... i. . . ·' .. ' '•· . ' . Surface runoff from rain in the summer and fall controls the wetted area of the upstream section. This is particularly true in the section of stream that is the transition from tidal floodplain (850 - 900 ft upstream). At low water levels this section is reduced to subsurface flows. The lower section drains tidal wetlands at low tide. A small surface drainage enters the middle part of this section on the right bank. The tidal backwater from a 20-ft high tide at Seldovia extends to the edge of the spruce forest, bringing with it turbid water from the mainstem Bradley River. A backwater extends 100-150 ft. upstream from the mouth at low tides and high mainstem flow. Under project operation the decrease in mainstem Bradley River flows would result in shallow depths in the lower portion of Fox Farm Creek at low tide. Fish Utilization Fox Farm Creek is the only Bradley River tributary that provides salmon spawning habitat. In August 1983, pink salmon were observed spawning principally in gravel areas encompassing a 500-ft section of stream, beginning 400 ft upstream of the mouth. Some suitable spawning habitat was available above this area, but low streamflows over a 100-ft riffle prevented upstream passage of adult salmon. An occasional adult chum was observed in the lower section. Sculpins were found throughout the study site and starry flounder were found near the mouth. Age 0 coho salmon were abundant in upstream areas with overhead and object cover. Large schools occupied pool areas with deeply undercut banks. Above the pool areas with the spruce overstory they were found in side pools or using large cobble and log debris. Age 0 coho were especially abundant in this upper section in August. Dolly Varden juveniles were encountered throughout the reach. A few Age 0 Dolly Varden were captured in upstream areas. C-23 Study Site Methods The lower portion of Fox Farm Creek was evaluated to assess the influence of mainstem discharge and tidal fluctuations on passage of adult salmon into this tributary. A thalweg profile was used to define the riffles that may be a problem for fish passage. Water surface elevations were surveyed at the mouth of Fox Farm Creek to correspond with mainstem flows of 600 cfs and 1080 cfs. Water surface elevations were estimated from aerial photography for mainstem flows of 50 and 250 cfs. These data were used to estimate the effect of mainstem discharge on water depths in the mouth of Fox Farm Creek. The influence of tide on water depths in the creek was assessed by developing a correlation between tide height and water surface elevations in Fox Farm Creek. A crest gage was placed approximately 200 ft upstream of the tributary mouth to record water surface elevations at high tide. Seldovia tides were correlated with crest gage readings. Results Effects of mainstem backwater on Fox Farm Creek can be observed by a clearwater "plug" that is formed. The clearwater plug is formed at the mouth of the tributary when flows in the mainstem reach 250 to 300 cfs. At flows less than this a clearwater wedge or stream can be seen entering the turbid waters of the Bradley River. Flows more than 250 to 300 cfs in the mainstem move this clearwater plug further upstream in the mouth of Fox Farm Creek. Thus, it is likely that pre-project flows during August and September will cause a backwater in the mouth of the stream, whereas operational flows will not. Entrance conditions at the mouth of Fox Farm Creek for different estimated mainstem flows are shown in Figure C-8. Long-term average monthly flows for August and September in the Bradley River are 1150 and 730 cfs, respectively. Two reaches can be identified as potential passage problems at operational flows of 100 cfs. One is a 25 ft long riffle with a gradient of 120 ft/mi located 160 to 185 ft upstream C-24 ('") I N Ln 58.8 45.8 48.8 35.8 Fox Farm Creek Elevation (ft.) 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 Dlet<l'lOe (ft) Figure C-8. Entrance conditions at Fox Farm Creek. Discharge in cfs 1080 00 75 50 25 0 -25 -50 from the mouth. The other is across the delta at the mouth of the stream; it extends 39 and 53 ft upstream and downstream from the mouth on an average gradient of 20 ft/mi. Upstream of these passage reaches is another reach that is not inundated under median monthly pre-project flows; it is 19 ft long with a gradient of 216 ft/mi located 211-230 ft upstream from the mouth. Tides also influence passage reaches in the Fox Farm Creek (Figure C-9). Seldovia tides greater than approximately 13.5 ft. will likely inundate the three passage reaches discussed above; such a tide height is exceeded by approximately 90 percent of the high tides. Tide heights of approximately 12.5 ft would inundate the two lower reaches that would be potential passage problems at low flows; this tide is nearly always exceeded twice daily. Thus, although post-project flows will create two reaches with potential passage problems, the tidal regime in Kachemak Bay is such that access would be provided past the problem reaches at nearly every high tide during the August-September spawning period. C-26 ("') I N -.1 58.1 45.8 48.8 35.8 Fox Farm Creek Elevation (ft) _______ ..,. _______________ 17ft._!IDE __ ---------_______________ _ 15ft. TIDE ------------------------------------------------------------------ 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 -25 -50 Oletanoe (ft) Figure C-9. Passage in Fox Farm Creek as influenced by tidal stage. APPENDIX D FIELD SAMPLING AND DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES FIELD SAMPLING TECHNIQUES FISH PROGRAM Sampling effort focused on (1) delineating pink and chum salmon spawning areas and (2) identifying habitat use by juvenile coho salmon. Distribution, relative abundance, and habitat utilization data were collected throughout the study area (RM 2.9 to 5.2) during four week-long field sessions in late April, early June, early August and late August. The sampling effort focused on adult and juvenile salmon but the incidental collection of other species was recorded. Data collection for habitat utilization and distribution centered on seven study sites: three mainstem areas, and four tributary and slough areas. Additional stations were sampled to address the range of habitat conditions present in the lower Bradley River. Distribution and Abundance Adult distribution and relative abundance was determined by electrofishing and fyke netting. Mainstem habitats were sampled primarily with a Smith-Root Model VI-A boat-mounted electro shocker, used in a pulsating DC mode. Reconnaissance sampling to locate concentrations of adult salmon was conducted throughout the lower Bradley River on both August field sessions (Figure D-1). Where concentrations of fish were located, detailed sampling was conducted to determine specific habitat utilization by spawning salmon. D-1 \ -~-. \ EFFORT OF SHOCKING 'Wi~RECONNAISSANCE :{:.":?::~~~::..;;INTENSE-SITE SPECIFIC 0 500ft. SCALE FOX FARM ~E'El< f----------------------------------------------------------------------~ Figure D-1. Areas sampled by boat shocking in August 1983 . D-2 I , Fyke nets were used to supplement electrofishing data on adult distribution. Fyke nets consisted of stainless steel 4 x 6 ft trap frames, flanked by wings approximately 50 ft long; the wings were covered with 1.0 inch bar mesh. The trap portion was constructed of 0.5 inch bar mesh knotless nylon with two funnels. Fyke nets were fished in Fox Farm Creek (RM 2.9), in Bear Island Slough (RM 5.1), in the mainstem Bradley River near Hooligan Slough (RM 3.9), and in Eagle Nest Pool (RM 4.5). The nets were set in less than 4 ft of water in velocities of approximately 3.0 ft/s or less. The mouth was catch fish moving upstream. Fish were removed open downstream to from the cod-end, processed and released upstream of the wings. Adult salmonids were identified, and sexed if possible, and reproductive condition noted. Fyke nets were also successful in retaining large juvenile salmonids. Juveniles were identified and measured to nearest millimeter (total length). Visual observations were made of adults in Fox Farm Creek. Two foot surveys were conducted during the late August field trip to enumerate spawning salmon. Juvenile salmon distribution was determined by minnow trapping, seine, modified trawl and backpack electrofisher. Relative abundance of young coho and chinook salmon and Dolly Varden was determined through minnow trapping. Standard 17 x 9 inch traps with 1/4-inch and 1/8-inch mesh were deployed in each trapping station overnight for two, approximately 24 hour, sets. Traps were emptied and rebaited after 24 hours. Eight to ten traps were fished at established stations during all four field sessions (Figure D-2). Two additional stations, Muka-Muka Creek and Slippery Slough were sampled with six traps each during the late August field trip. Juvenile salmonids were measured to the nearest millimeter (total length) and lifestage and species recorded. D-3 -MINNOW BRAOL.EY RIVER 0 500ft. SCA-Le: Figure 0-2. Minnow trap sampling locations. D-4 I 1 I A modified otter trawl was used in April and June 1983 to sample outmigrants. The boards were removed and the otter trawl was placed in the Riffle Reach (RM 4.7) facing upstream. The opening was 3 yd 2 and the body had a l-inch stretch mesh with an l/8-inch mesh liner in the cod-end. The trawl was fished in water depths of 2. 0 ft and velocities of 2.5 ft/sec. Habitat Utilization Habitat utilization information was needed to develop habitat criteria for use in simulation modeling. Spawning areas of adult salmon were located by electrofishing. Spawning activity was determined on the basis of criteria used in similar efforts in the Susitna River (ADF&G 1982): 1. fish exhibits spawning morphology and expels eggs or milt when slight pressure is exerted on the abdomen 2. fish is in vigorous condition with eggs or milt remaining in the body cavity 3. fish of both sexes are collected in the segment sampled. Where spawning activity is identified, point measurements were taken along transects to describe the existing hydraulic conditions in the habitat sampled. A Marsh McBirney 201 electromagnetic current meter and a 4-ft topset wading rod were used to obtain measurements of depth and mean column velocity. Where available, substrate maps prepared at lower flows were used to characterize substrates composition. In other areas, mean particle size of substrates were evaluated in the field from samples obtained using a post hole digger. Measurements were also obtained to define the characteristics of the available habitat in adjacent segments that were not utilized by spawning salmon. D-5 During electrofishing two people collected stunned fish by dip net as one person noted relative numbers of fish shocked. Netted fish were place in a live well inside the boat for identification and an assessment of reproductive condition. A numbered float on a lead line was dropped to mark locations of concentrations of spawning fish. Captured fish were examined for reproductive condition, sex and species, then released. A Smith-Root Model XV backpack electrofisher was used in areas inaccessible to the boat shocker to assess habitat utilization of spawning and rearing fish habitat. The shocker was particularly well suited for locating fish in riffles and in water depths less than 3 ft with log debris or large substrate where seining was impractical. To avoid driving fish by continuously energizing the electrodes, discrete spot applications of the electrical field were made throughout the reach. Sampling began at the lower end of the reach and slowly proceeded upstream. One person operated the portable electrofisher as two ~eople collected the stunned fish with dip nets. Fish were placed in a bucket with water, identified and then measured after each area was sampled. These areas included Bear Island Slough (RM 5.1), Tree Bar Reach (RM 5.0), Riffle Reach (RM 4.7), Cut-Off Slough (RM 4.5), Eagle Pool (RM 4.5), and Fox Farm Creek (RM 2.9). Point measurement of depth, velocity and substrate or cover were obtained at the point the fish was first seen. In addition to electrofishing, seines were used principally to collect juvenile fish within sloughs, overflow channels and stream margins. These seines were 3/8-inch mesh, 5.5 ft deep and up to 25 ft long. Since it is not possible to determine the actual location of individual fish captured by this method, it is important to ensure that a relatively small, homogeneous unit of habitat is sampled by a single seine haul. A short haul was made quickly with minimal disturbance. Captured fish were measured, counted, identified to species and placed in a water-filled container so that they could be released after the stream reach was sampled. Several sets of physical measurements were obtained at locations within the area swept by the seine haul to characterize the range of habitat conditions present. D-6 HYDROLOGY PROGRAM The two mainstem study sites were evaluated using the IFIM hydraulic models (IFG-2 and IFG-4) described by Milhous et al. (1981). The models selected for each reach were determined based on site characteristics. Since the flow conditions in the upper river segment at Tree Bar Study Reach (RM 5.9 to RM 5.2) include rapidly varied flow conditions, the IFG-4 model was used to analyze this reach. The IFG-2 model is not applicable to rapidly varied flow. Transects above the lowest transect in this reach were positioned to characterize the general cross-sectional shape and longitudinal streambed profile within the study reach. Additional transects were also selected to ensure definition of typical conditions within the study reach. Hydraulic field data were collected using techniques prescribed in Trihey (1980) and Wilson et al. (1981). A staff gage, comprised of a surveying rod facing attached to a steel fencepost driven into the streambed, was installed at each study reach. The staff gage provided an index to streamflow at the site. The IFG-2 model was used at the Riffle Reach study site as this segment is affected by tidal influence. The IFG-2 model can predict depth and velocities in a back water situation while the IFG-4 model does not have this capability. For study sites analyzed using the IFG-4 models, three full sets of calibration flows were collected. Since the analysis included an evaluation of tidal influence on the IFG-2 site, four calibration flows were collected in the middle segment to describe the water surface elevation and velocities for two discharges under a high and a low tide. Substrate and cover conditions were evaluated at each transect. Substrate was classified by mean particle diameter using a substrate scale adapted from Wilson et al. (1981). A simple cover code will be used to describe the presence of cover. D-7 ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES Utilization similar to Measurements functions techniques of each for spawning pink salmon were constructed described in Baldrige and Amos (1982). attribute collected at fish locations were subjected to a frequency analysis. Data were grouped to reduce variability. The "best" grouping was determined through an evaluation of dispersion and irregular fluctuations. enveloping the mode and by connecting intermediate class. Curves were developed by the mid-points of each Measurements were also taken to describe the range conditions present in the sampling area. Frequency analyses of the habitat characteristics of the fish locations were compared to those of available habitat similar to techniques used in Wilson et al (1981). Percent occurrence of utilized habitat was compared with the percent occurrence of available habitat to determine preference. Preference was assumed if the percent utilization was greater that the percent occurrence of that value in the available habitat (Wilson et al. 1981) . Habitat Data The incremental method utilizes habitat criteria to translate physical characteristics into an index of fish habitat availability. The criteria is generally a curvilinear mathematical function representing the response of a species/life stage (e.g., coho salmon juvenile) to a streamflow dependent variable (e.g., velocity). The curves are used within an analytical framework to represent the suitability of each flow-dependent variable as an element of the physical habitat requirements of the species/life stage of interest. These curves are based on the assumption that individual fish tend to inhabit the most favorable microhabitat conditions within the total range of conditions represent. They will use less favorable conditions with lesser frequency and will eventually leave the area, D-8 if possible, before microhabitat conditions become lethal. It is further assumed that individual fish will be most frequently observed inhabiting their most preferred habitat conditions (i.e., frequency of observations is accepted as being indicative of preferred habitat utilization). Habitat utilization criteria were developed for selected salmonid life stages known to inhabit the Bradley River. Curves were developed for spawning pink and chum salmon with respect to three variables--depth, velocity, and substrate (Appendix A). Fry and juvenile curves were developed for coho salmon with reference to depth, velocity, and cover (Appendix A). Preliminary criteria were developed from literature review, published criteria from Terror Lake and Susitna Hydroelectric projects and Willow and Deception C~eeks, and professional opinions of area biologists. The preliminary criteria were verified using field observations collected during the 1983 studies. Habitat characteristics (depth, velocity, substrate, and cover) were recorded at each fish location to develop a habitat utilization function similar to the technique presented in Wilson et Observations were subjected to a frequency analysis. al. (1981). The habitat parameters of the fish locations were compared to those of available habitat but a rigorous analysis of utilization and availability was not undertaken due to the difficulty of pin pointing the location of the fish in glacial water. Physical Habitat Simulation Habitat utilization criteria and hydraulic models were used to generate weighted usable area (WUA) as a function of discharge. WUA is calculated through the following four-step process: (1) the total surface area within the study reach is divided into a number of cells and the depth-velocity combination calculated for· each cell with respect to substrate at a given streamflow; (2) a weighting factor is obtained from the habitat utilization curves for each of the flow- D-9 dependent variables (depth, velocity, and substrate), and a composite weighting factor is calculated for each cell; (3) the total surface area of each cell is multiplied by its respective composite weighting factor; and (4) the resultant surface areas are totalled to provide an index of habitat availability within the study reach for each species/ life stage being analyzed. Calculation of WUA does not totally describe the actual quantity or quality of available fish habitat. It does, however, provide a structured analytical approach for utilizing commonly recognized streamflow dependent microhabitat conditions to describe fish habitat in riverine environments. Thus, a change in WUA can generally be accepted as a good indicator of the effect a change in streamflow would have on fish habitat. This parameter was used to evaluate the potential effects of the proposed Bradley Lake hydroelectric project on selected fish habitats in the lower Bradley River, and to select potential flow regimes that will reduce the identified effects. D-10