HomeMy WebLinkAboutTyee Lake Hydroelectric Project Final Design Report Vol 1 of 3 1984ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WRANGELL AND PETERSBURG, ALASKA FERC PROJECT NO. 3015 FINAL DESIGN REPORT VOLUME 1 OF 3 MAY 1984 · ~!~!!f,'!N,~!~~~~;..~NGINEERING COMPANY, INC. FINAL DESIGN REPORT INTRODUCTION The main purpose of this report is to present the final designs adopted for the completed project. It also explains deviations from the design criteria. Detailed descriptions of the major features are included to show that the functional requirements of the project have been met. General descriptions of the entire project are given in the Operation and Maintenance Manual and also in the Design Criteria and therefore not repeated here. This report is divided into three volumes: I. POWER PLANT, SWITCHYARDS AND SUBSTATIONS II. TRANSMISSION LINE III. APPENDICES The Design Criteria and Geologic Report are included in the Appendices. i FINAL DESIGN REPORT VOLUME I POWER PLANT, SWITCHYARDS AND SUBSTATIONS CONTENTS PART A -CIVIL AND ARCHITECTURAL Section Page A. 1 INTAKE, GATE SHAFT AND GATEHOUSE A. 1-1 A.2 TUNNELS AND PRESSURE SHAFT A. 2-1 A.3 TUNNEL PLUG, PENSTOCK AND MANIFOLD A. 3-1 A.4 POWERHOUSE A.4-1 A.5 TAILRACE A.S-1 A.6 SWITCHYARDS AND SUBSTATIONS A. 6-1 A.7 MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND PERMANENT HOUSING A. 7-1 A.B CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS A.B-1 PART B -~tECHANICAL Section Page B.l TURBINES AND GOVERNORS B. 1-1 B.2 POWERHOUSE UTILITIES B. 2-1 B.3 CRANES B. 3-1 B.4 DRAINAGE AND UNWATERING SYSTEMS B.4-l B.5 FIRE PROTECTION B. 5-1 B.6 HEATING AND VENTILATING B. 6-1 B.7 GATEHOUSE AND MAINTENANCE BUILDING B. 7-1 ii B195/2145R0147:1417R CONTENTS PART C -ELECTRICAL Section c. 1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 C.9 GENERATORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT STATION AUXILIARY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CONTROL AND PROTECTIVE RELAYING GENERAL ELECTRICAL WORK TYEE LAKE SWITCHYARD WRANGELL SWITCHYARD WRANGELL SUBSTATION PETERSBURG SUBSTATION COMPUTER BASED SCADA AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM PART D -COMPARATIVE LISTING OF CHANGES IN DESIGN ITEMS Section 0.1 0.2 0.3 CIVIL AND ARCHITECTURAL 1.1 Powerhouse 1.2 Site Structures 1.3 Power Tunnel 1.4 Gate Shaft and Gatehouse 1.5 Tailrace Structures MECHANICAL 2.1 Gates and Trashracks 2.2 Turbines and Governors 2.3 Spherical Valves ELECTRICAL 3.1 Powerplant 3.2 Tyee Lake Switchyard iii Page c. 1-1 c. 2-1 C.3-1 C.4-l c. 5-1 c. 6-1 c. 7-1 c. 8-1 C.9-1 Page D. 1-1 D. 1-1 D.l-2 0.1-2 D.l-3 0.1-4 D. 2-1 D. 2-1 0.2-1 0.2-3 D. 3-1 D. 3-1 D. 3-1 B195/2145R0147:1417R Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VOLUME II TRANSMISSION LINE CONTENTS INTRODUCTION LONG SPAN DESIGN 2.1 Long Span Deadening 2.2 Phase Spacing Requirements 2.3 Conductor Side Swing Clearance BLIND SLOUGH REALIGNMENT FOUNDATION AND ANCHOR DESIGN INSULATOR HARDWARE ASSEMBLIES TOWER DESIGN A. Self-Supporting Deadend Towers B. ST3-E55 Tower Design C. GuYing Requirements D. Tower Vibration Protection E. Guy Yokes of STX-ElO Towers LONGITUDINAL LOAD CAPABILITY SHOEMAKER BAY-WRANGELL TIE LINE SUBMARINE CABLES AND SUBMARINE CABLE TERMINALS COMPARATIVE LISTING OF CHANGES IN DESIGN ITEMS APPENDICES iv Page 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-3 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 7-1 8-1 9-1 10-1 SEE VOLUf4E I I Bl95/2145R0147:1417R Appendix VOLUME III APPENDICES A. DESIGN CRITERIA (Except for Transmission Line) B. GEOLOGIC REPORT C. LAKE TAP REPORT D. TURBINE AND OTHER MECHANICAL DATA E. GENERATOR AND OTHER ELECTRICAL DATA F. CIVIL AND MISCELLANEOUS DATA y Bl95/2145R0147:1417R v TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL DESIGN REPORT VOLUME I POWERPLANT, SWITCHYARDS AND SUBSTATIONS VOLUME I INTRODUCTION This volume covers the power generating features from Tyee Lake through the Tailrace Channel, the Tyee Lake and Wrangell Switchyards, and the Wrangell and Petersburg Substations. Also included are the Maintenance Building and the Permanent Houses. Volume I is divided into three parts: A. Civil and Architectural B. Mechanical C. Electrical Representative drawings for each part are included at the end of Volume I. vi Bl95/2145R0147:1416R VOLUME I CONTENTS PART A -CIVIL AND ARCHITECTURAL Section A. 1 INTAKE, A. 1.1 A. 1. 2 A. 1. 3 A. 1. 4 GATE SHAFT AND GATEHOUSE AREA Intake Gate Support Structure and Gate Shaft Gatehouse Helicopter Pad A.2 TUNNELS AND PRESSURE SHAFT A.2. 1. Upper Power Tunnel A.2.2 Pressure Shaft A.2.3 lower Power Tunnel A.2.4 Access Tunnel A.3 TUNNEL PLUG, PENSTOCK AND MANIFOLD A.3.1 Tunnel Plug A.3.2 Rollout Section A. 3. 3 Penstock A.3.4 Manifold A.4 POWERHOUSE A.4. 1 Siting A.4.2 Design Concept A.4.3 Stability Analysis A.4.4 Unit 3 Energy Dissipator A.5 TAILRACE A.5. 1 Tailrace Structures A.5.2 Tailrace Channel A.6 SWITCHYARDS AND SUBSTATIONS A.6.1 Tyee lake Switchyard A.6.2 Wrangell Switchyard A.6.3 Wrangell Substation A.6.4 Petersburg Substation A.7 MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND PERMANENT HOUSING A.7.1 Maintenance Building A.7.2 Permanent Housing A.7.3 Utilities A.8 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS A.8.1 Fill Materials A. 8. 2 Ri prap A.8.3 Concrete vii Page VOLUME I CONTENTS PART B -MECHAI~ ICAL Section B. 1 TURBINES AND GOVERNORS B. 1.1 General B.l. 2 Turbines B. 1. 3 Governors B.2 POWERHOUSE UTILITIES B.2. 1 Cooling Water B.2.2 Service and Potable Water B.2.3 Compressed Air B.2.4 Oil Handling B.2.5 Sewage B.2.6 Powerhouse Standby Power Supply B.3 CRANES B.3.1 Powerhouse Crane B.3.2 Maintenance Building B.4 DRAINAGE AND UNWATERING SYSTEMS B. 4.1 Drainage 8.4.2 Unwatering B.5 FIRE PROTECTION B.S. 1 General B.5.2 Powerhouse B.5.3 Carbon Dioxide System 8.5.4 Maintenance Building B.5.5 Residences B.5.6 Main Transformer B.6 HEATING AND VENTILATING B .6. 1 General B.6.2 Design Conditions B.6.3 System Design B.6.4 Control Room and Maintenance Shop B.6.5 Controls B.6.6 Equipment B.7 GATE HOUSE AND MAINTENANCE BUILDING B. 7.1 Gate House B.7.2 Maintenance Buiding viii Page B.l-1 B. 1-1 B.l-3 B. 2-1 B.2-l B. 2-1 B.2-2 B.2-2 B.2-2 B. 3-1 B .3-1 B.4-l B. 4-1 B. 5-1 B. 5-1 B. 5-1 B. 5-l B. 5-1 B.5-2 B. 6-1 B.6-l B.6-2 B.6-2 B.6-3 B.6-3 B. 7-1 B.7-2 Bl95/2145R0147:1416R VOLUME I CONTENTS PART C -ELECTRICAL Section c. 1 GENERATORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT c. 1 • 1 General c. 1. 2 Generator C.1.3 Excitation System C.l.4 13.8 kV Switchgear & Neutra1Grounding Equipment C.2 STATION AUXILIARY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT c. 2.1 General C.2.2 Station Service Switchgear C.2.3 Power Distribution Panelboards C.2.4 125 V DC System C.3 CONTROL AND PROTECTIVE RELAYING c. 3.1 General C.3.2 Control C.3.3 Protective Relaying C.4 GENERAL ELECTRICAL WORK C.4. 1 Grounding System C.4.2 Lighting C.5 TYEE LAKE SWITCHYARD C.5. 1 General C.5.2 Power Transformers C.5.3 138 kV Oil Circuit Breaker C.5.4 Circuit Switchers C.6 WRANGELL SWITCHYARD C.6. 1 General C.6.2 Shunt Reactor C.6.3 Control Switchboard C.6.4 Circuit Switchers C.7 WRANGELL SUBSTATION C.7. 1 General C.7.2 Main Power Transformer C.7.3 12.5 kV Metalclad Switchgear C.7.4 Circuit Switcher ix Page c. 1-1 c. 1-1 c. 1-2 C.1-3 c. 2-1 c. 2-1 c. 2-1 c. 2-1 c. 3-1 c. 3-1 c. 3-1 c. 4-1 C.4-l c. 5-1 c. 5-1 c. 5-1 C. 5-2 c. 6-1 C.6-1 c. 6-1 C.6-2 c. 7-1 c. 7-1 C.7-2 C.7-2 B195/2145R0147:1416R VOLUME I CONTENTS PART C -ELECTRICAL (continued) Section C.8 C.9 PETERSBURG SUBSTATION C.8.1 General C.8.2 Main Power Transformers C.8.3 Vacuum Circuit Reclosers C.8.4 Circuit Switcher C.8.5 Control Switchboard COMPUTER BASED SCADA AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM C.9. 1 Scope C.9.2 General C.9.3 Communications System C.9.4 SCADA System Page c. 8-1 C.S-1 C.B-2 c.s-2 C.B-2 c. 9-1 c. 9-1 c. 9-1 C.9-3 X B195/2145R0147:1416R VOLUME I TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LIST OF DRAWINGS INCLUDED I. POWER GENERATION FACILITIES A. GENERAL AND CIVIL DRAWINGS DRAWING NO. TY-31-001 TY-31-011 TY-31-044 TY-31-061 TY-31-300 TY-41-102 TY-41-111 TY-41-112 TY-41-113 TY-41-115 TY-41-117 TY-41-118 TY-70-106 xi TITLE Power Tunnel, Plan & Profile Power Tunnel, Intake Sections Power Tunnel, Tunnel Plug Concrete Outline & General Arrangement Power Tunnel Steel Pipe in Tunnel Gate Shaft, Gate House, Site & Excavation Plan Powerhouse, Site Plan Powerhouse General Arrangement, Plan at Centerline Turbine EL. 29.00 Powerhouse General Arrangement, Plan at Machine Floor EL. 33.00 Powerhouse General Arrangement, Plan at Generator Floor EL. 43.50 Powerhouse General Arrangement, North Elevation Powerhouse General Arrangement, East & West Elevations Powerhouse General Arrangement, Transverse Sections Maintenance Building & Permanent Housing, Site Plan Bl95/2145R0153:5672R B. MECHANICAL DRAWINGS DRAWING NO. TY-45-102 TY-45-1 03-1 TY-45-103-2 TY-45-104 TY-45-106 B. ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS TY-47-102 TY-47-103 TY-47-104 TY-57-012 TY-57-019 TY-57-200 TY-57-205 TY-57-206 xii TITLE Powerhouse-Mechanical~ Cooling Water & Unwatering System Schematic Powerhouse-Mechanical, Utility Water Flow Diagram Powerhouse-Mechanical, Piping and Instrumentation Diagram, Plant & Instrument Air Powerhouse-Mechanical, Drainage Schematic Diagram Powerhouse-Mechanical, Heating & Ventilation Schematic Tyee Lake Powerplant, 125 V DC Distribution, Single Line Diagram Tyee Lake Powerplant, Main Single Line Diagram Tyee Lake Powerplant, 480 V Station Service, Single Line Diagram Tyee Lake Switchyard, General Arrangement, Plan Tyee Lake Switchyard, General Arrangement, Sections and Details Wrangell Switchyard, Main Single Line Diagram and Control Switchboard Arrangement Wrangell Switchyard, General Arrangement, Plan Wrangell Switchyard, General Arrangement, Plan -Sections and Detail Bl95/2145R0153:5672R DRAWHJG NO. TY-57-225 TY-57-230 TY-57-231 TY-57-250 TY-57-255 TY-57-256 TITLE Wrangell Substation, Main Single Line Diagram Wrangell Substation, General Arrangement, Plan Wrangell Substation, General Arrangement, Sections and Details Petersburg Substation, Main Single Line Diagram Petersburg Substation, General Arrangement, Plan Petersburg Substation, General Arrangement, Elevations and Details xiii B195/2145R0153:5672R A. 1.1 INTAKE PART A SECTION 1 INTAKE, GATE SHAFT AND GATEHOUSE The intake for the power tunnel is a blasted hole 177 inches vertical by 128 inches horizontal in the north bank of Tyee Lake. The intake was constructed by the Lake Tap method which is described in Appendix C. The top of the opening is approximately 15 feet below the minimum operating level of El. 1250. A coarse trashrack, resembling a pyramid with a triangular base, has been placed over the opening. Its function is to prevent sunken debris, such as logs, from entering the tunnel. The intake transitions to a rock trap (for lake tap debris} then to a 10-foot horseshoe tunnel identified as the upper power tunnel. A.l.2 GATE SUPPORT STRUCTURE AND GATE SHAFT The upper power tunnel transitions to a reinforced concrete gate support structure. A 12-foot diameter gate shaft connects the gate support structure to the gatehouse. The invert of the gate support structure is at El. 1206.0 and the floor of the gatehouse is at El. 1630.5. ~he lower portion of the gate shaft (below El. 1417} is lined with con- crete and divided into two chambers. The upstream chamber has a slot for a fine (l-inch opening} trashrack. This slot can also be used for cl 6-foot-wide by 10-foot-high stoplog gate if the trashrack is first a~emoved. The stoplog is nonnally stored at the room provided at El. 1417. The downstream chamber of the gate shaft is for the 5-foot- A. 1 - 1 RJn7/?14~~n147·14~~~ wide by 10-foot-high intake gate. This gate is the fixed wheel type and is capable of emergency closure. A hydraulic cylinder has been provided at El. 1442 to operate the intake gate. The intake gate is connected to the hyraulic cylinder by a segmented rod. Its normal dogged position is above the gate support structure. The segmented rod must be disassembled if the intake gate is to be removed from the gate shaft. A platform has been provided at El. 1430 for this. Room has also been provided at this level to store the rod segments. The cylinder and the intake gate can be lifted to the gatehouse by a 7.5-ton hoist provided there. The 7.5-ton hoist is also used to handle the fine trashrack and the stoplog gate. Further details of the gate operating systems are given in Part B, Mechanical. The upper portion of the gate shaft, above El. 1417, has been shot- creted. A.1.3 GATEHOUSE A steel framed, insulated panel building has been provided at El. 1630.5 to house the hoisting equipment. The building is supported by a rein- forced concrete slab which caps a concrete collar. The collar extends about 20 feet above the rock surface and provides a transition between the shotcreted gate shaft and the floor slab. An access platform as been provided on the downhill side of the gate- .house so that equipment can be handled by helicopter. Rails have been provided for the fixed wheel gate. The 7.5-ton hoist is floor mounted with a movable overhead trolley on a hoist beam. A.l - 2 B367/2145R0147:1433R A protective wall has been provided on the uphill side of the gatehouse to prevent pressure from the scree slope and snow from bearing on the gatehouse. A. 1.4 HELICOPTER PAD A 20-foot square helicopter pad has been provided at the gatehouse. It has a timber deck supported by steel beams and columns. Spread foot- ings have been provided under each column. A.l - 3 B367/2145R0147:1433R PART A SECTION 2 TUNNELS AND PRESSURE SHAFT A.2.1 UPPER POWER TUNNEL The upper power tunnel extends from the intake to the pressure shaft, a distance of about 430 feet. It generally has an unlined, 10-foot, straight legged, horseshoe section. Deviations from this section occur at the lake tap rock trap, the gate support structure and at the loca- tion of the temporary lake tap bulkhead. A.2.2 PRESSURE SHAFT The vertical pressure shaft extends from the upper power tunnel (inv. El. 1203.76) to the lower power tunnel (inv. El. 81.56) a distance of 1122.20 feet. This shaft generally has a 10-foot diameter, unlined, circular cross-section except where lining was required. A 1-foot- thick reinforced concrete lining has been provided from El. 246 to El. 314. Therefore the shaft has an inside diameter of 8 feet in this section. A.2.3 LOWER POWER TUNNEL The lower power tunnel extends from the pressure shaft to the upstream end of the manifold, a distance of about 6790 feet. The portion _upstream of the tunnel plug, 5388 feet, is an unlined, 10-foot, straight legged, horsehoe section. The 60-foot-long tunnel plug and the remainder of the tunnel have an unlined, 13-foot, straight legged horseshoe shape. A.2 - 1 8367/2145R0147:1433R At locations of poor rock steel supports and concrete or rock bolts, welded wire fabric and shotcrete have been provided. Details and locations are given in Appendix B, Geologic Report. A 5-foot-deep, 50-foot-long, three-celled rock trap has been provided 50 feet upstream of the tunnel plug. A.2.4 ACCESS TUNNEL The access tunnel extends from the lower power tunnel to the portal, a distance of about 200 ft. This tunnel has an unlined, 13 feet, straight legged, horseshoe section. Most of the tunnel has been shotcreted and rockbolted. The invert has been paved with about 8 inches of concrete. A reinforced concrete portal structure has been provided at the entrance. A security gate covering the entire opening has also been provided. A.2 - 2 PART A SECTION 3 TUNNEL PLUG, PENSTOCK AND MANIFOLD A.3.1 TUNNEL PLUG A 60-foot-long, reinforced concrete tunnel plug has been constructed at the upstream end of the 13-foot horseshoe tunnel. The plug provides a transition from the unlined tunnel to the steel penstock. An 84-inch I.D., l-inch-thick steel liner has been embedded in the upstream 50 feet of the plug. The thickness of the liner increases to 1-1/4 inches for the downstream 10 feet of the plug. This thickness continues for 20 feet downstream of the plug to the upstream end of the rollout section. A 20-inch manhole has been provided just upstream of the rollout sec- tion for inspection purposes. A 6-inch diameter steel pipe has also been embedded in the plug. It is controlled by a 6-inch gate valve at the downstream end. This will allow drainage of the tunnel water below the invert of the 84-inch steel pipe. A.3.2 ROLLOUT SECTION A 20-foot-long rollout section has been provided to allow access through the tunnel plug or into the penstock. This section also makes a reduction from 84 inch to 54 inch I.D. and is fabricated from ·1-1/4-inch steel plate. The rollout section has a bolted connection on the upstream end and a flexible coupling on the downstream end. It is equipped with wheels so it can be easily rolled out on embedded rails. A.3 - 1 The 54-inch penstock is located on the left side of the 13-foot horse- shoe tunnel and extends from the downstream end of the rollout section to the upstream end of the manifold, a distance of about 1382 feet. The penstock is fabricated from 13/16-inch steel plate and the typical segment (can) length is 60 feet. Flexible couplings are used at each end to connect the cans. Two steel saddles are provided to support each can and are anchored to concrete footings. Temperature changes are handled by designing the downstream support of each can to slide 1 ongi tudi na lly. Concrete anchor blocks have been provided at the angle points to pre- vent movement. Concrete was also placed on the invert of the 13-foot tunnel to facilitate the construction of the penstock. Therefore, the concrete footings for the penstock have gained additional lateral sup- port from the paving which is about 8 inches thick. Elastic filler material has been provided around the circumference of the pipe where it extends beyond the face of concrete encasement. The individual pipe segments were hydrostatically shop tested to pro- duce a hoop stress of 0.75 of the normal yield stress of the steel. A.3.4 MANIFOLD The manifold extends from the downstream end of the penstock to the powerhouse. It has three 31-inch I.D. branches with 7!16-inch thick walls and an intermediate branch of 44-inch I.D. with 5/8-inch thick walls. The manifold is located in various tunnels and is completely embedded in concrete to the powerhouse wall. Elastic filler material has been provided around the circumference of the pipe where it extends beyond the concrete encasement. A.3 - 2 B367/2145R0147:1433R The manifold was hydrostatically tested in the field to 990 psi. This was accomplished by welding a domed test head on the upstream end and using the turbine inlet valves to close off the downstream ends. A.3-3 B367/2145R0147:1433R A. 4. 1 SITING PART A SECTION 4 POWERHOUSE The powerhouse is located on an outcrop of quartz diorite at the base of a steep slope. The outcrop is bounded on the west by a steep, debris filled canyon and on the east by a weathered area. Therefore, it is the only suitable surface site in the iiJIJiediate area. An under- ground powerhouse would have been possible but was considered to be too expensive. A deep (100 feet), benched cut was made on the outcrop in order to pro- vide a site with a sound, bedrock foundation for the powerhouse. Extensive rock bolting was done on the slopes to stabilize the rock. Details are given in Appendix B, Geologic Report. A.4.2 DESIGN CONCEPTS .~ steep, concrete, snow shed roof has been provided. This concept was adopted when snow slides were observed during the first winter of con- :struction. The roof is a composite design with the concrete placed on !~alvanized sheetmetal decking which is fastened to W 36 x 150 steel beams. Shear studs were welded through the sheetmetal (before concret- ·i ng) to enable the deck to act in compression. Each wide flange beam -'h anchored to the rock by two 2-inch-diameter rock: bolts. A concrete wall and deck on a rock bench at about El. 103 support the wide flange beams and also provide a transition to the irregular rock slope. 1ne downhill end of the roof is supported by W 14 x 99 steel columns. These columns also support the W 18 x 106 crane rail beam. The uphill crane rai 1 beam is supported by W 8 x 40 columns. A.4 - 1 The powerhouse is enclosed on three sides (above El. 43.50) with fiber- glass insulated, aluminum panels. A shotcreted rock face forms the uphill wall. The substructure (below El. 43.50) is reinforced concrete. The uphill wall has been anchored to the rock face with grouted bars to resist the hydrostatic pressures possible. The turbine block has also been anchored to bedrock with grouted bars to resist thrust. A.4.3 STABILITY ANALYSIS The substructure (below El. 43.50) was analyzed for floatation, over- turning and sliding. The following factors and assumptions were incor- porated in the computations: o The concrete roof is securely anchored to the rock and will not induce lateral forces into the substructure. Only the downstream half of the roof dead load will react on the sub- structure, vertically. Also the lateral restraint that the columns and bracing may provide to the substructure, is not included. o The rock is assumed to be saturated to El. 43.50 and the hydraulic grade line is assumed to vary linearly with the tailwater elevation. o An earthquake (of 0.2 g) is considered likely at mean high tide {El. 16.5) but not at the maximum tide (El. 22.0) since it occurs only twice each year. o The dynamic turbine thrust (caused by sudden closure of the needle valves) is considered possible but not in combination with seismic loads or the maximum tide. o The static turbine thrust in combination with an earthquake is considered possible but not at the maximum tide. A.4 - 2 B367/2145R0147:1433R The following symbols are used herein: 0 ~drostatic Load (Latera 1 ) = H 0 Seismic Load = s 0 Turbine Thrust = T 0 Uplift = u 0 Dead Load = w 0 Anchor Bar Strength = R 0 Friction Force = F 0 Shearing Strength = v These forces are shown in the Idealized Loading Diagram, Fugure A.4-1. The following load cases were analyzed: o Case I = W + U o Case II = W + U + H + T o Case III = W + U + H + T + S Factors of safety against floatation, overturning and sliding were com- puted at both the maximum and the mean high tides. In addition sliding analyses were made by the shear friction method as well as the tradi- tional (friction only) method. Also overturning was investigated with and without an assumed shearing resistance at the upstream wall. This resistance was conservatively assumed to act only on 1/4 of that area of the upstream wall that is buttressed by the turbine block. A typical unit bay of 24 feet was analyzed as an isolated freebody. This is conservative since the resistance provided by the dead weight _on either side is neglected. The results of the stability analysis are summarized in Table A.4-l. All factors of safety are adequate. A.4 - 3 B367/2145R0147:1433R A.4.4 UNIT 3 ENERGY DISSIPATOR A temporary energy dissipater has been installed just downstream of the Unit 3 Runner Chamber. It consists of a 26-inch diameter steel pipe that has been perforated with small (1/2 inch diameter) holes that permit flow with the corresponding friction losses. Steel wear plates have been fastened to the concrete walls for protection. The flow to the energy dissipater is controlled by the 26-inch ball valve on the downstream end of the Unit 3 manifold pipe. A 26-inch steel pipe conveys the flow from the ball valve to the energy dissipater. This pipe has been embedded in concrete at its bend to dampen vibration and noise. The main purpose of the energy dissipater is to assist in drawing down Tyee Lake when underwater work becomes necessary there. It has been designed for a flow of 180 cubic feet per second. The energy dissipater would be removed before the installation of Unit 3. A.4 - 4 B367/2145R0147:1433R r--· TABLE A.4-l STABILITY ANALYSIS RESULTS MAXIMUM TIDE MEAN HIGH TIDE DESCRIPTION OF ANALYSIS CASE SAFETY FACTOR FLOTATION I I. 76 OVERTURNING CWITHOUT II I. 41 SHEAR STRENGTH OF UPSTREAM WALL) SLIDING CBY SHEAR-II 15.6 FRICTION METHOD) SLIDING CTRADITIONAL II I. so METHOD) OVERTURNING CINCLUDING II 3.51 SHEAR STRENGTH OF UPSTREAM WALL) CASE I = W+U CASE II = W+U+H+T CASE III = W+~H+T+S CASE SAFETY FACTOR 1 2.07 III l. 39 III J2.5 III I. 29 III 3.45 Rl -H 22' 5' EL. 43.50 s EL. 30.50 T EL. 29.00 !v 2 I n MAX. TIDE EL. 22.0 v, F 4.5 FT AT MAX. TIDE 1 0 AT MEAN HIGH TIDE H=HYDROSTATIC LOAD S=SEISMIC LOAD T=TURBINE THRUST U=UPLIFT W=DEAD LOAD R=ANCHOR BAR STRENGTH F=FRICTION FORCE V=SHEARING STRENGTH FIGURE A.4-l IDEALIZED LOADING DIAGRAM CCROSS-SECTION OF TYPICAL 24 FT UNIT BAY) A.5.1 TAILRACE STRUCTURES PART A SECTION 5 TAILRACE The tailrace bridge is a single laned, 60 feet long, reinforced concrete structure that crosses the discharge channels downstream of the powerhouse. It has been designed to carry either an H 20 truck, with a single 32,000 pound rear axle load, or a truck with tandem axles of 24,000 pounds each. The 14 feet wide, 1 foot thick deck has exterior spans of 16 feet and 18 feet and a central span of 22 feet. The deck has moment continuity across the two interior supports but is free at the abutments. The abutments and interior piers are founded on competent bedrock and are anchored by drilled and grouted reinforcing. The easterly approach has extensive retaining walls of various heights to accommodate the wide discharge channel. The westerly approach has some simple wing-walls because of the proximity of the bedrock there. Three discharge channels, one downstream of each unit, have been excavated in the rock downstream of the powerhouse. These channels were originally designed to be 10 feet wide and have nearly vertical side slopes. However, due to overbreak the channels are generally about 15 feet wide with little remaining side slope rock. Therefore, the abutments and piers form much of the actual sides of the discharge ~hannels. The total drop from the discharge weir (Elevation 21.60) to the energy dissipaters is 14.6 feet at Units 1 and 2 and 16.1 feet at Unit 3. The floor elevations of the energy dissipaters were set to provide sufficient tailwater elevations (at low tide) for hydraulic jumps to A.5 - 1 8367/2145R0147:1433R form. Impact blocks were provided to shorten the dissipater lengths. However, since the discharge channels have been widened the need for impact blocks has been somewhat reduced. The more widely dispersed flows will have less tailwater and length requirements. The rock between the powerhouse and the energy dissipaters has been shotcreted to prevent erosion. Downstream of the energy dissipaters a transition is made to a 30 feet wide tailrace channel. The entire transition has been coverea with Type A riprap. A.5.2 TAILRACE CHANNEL The tailrace channel has a 30 feet bottom width, 2 to 1 side slopes and a bottom slope of 0.001. It has a length of about 1140 feet from the downstream end of the transition to Airstrip Slough. Type B riprap has been provided for the entire length of the channel. The riprap gradation was modified to be suitable for salmon rearing at the request of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The grain size distribution is given in Appendix F. A.5 - 2 B367/2145R0147:1433R PART A SECTION 6 SWITCHYARDS AND SUBSTATIONS A.6.1 TYEE LAKE SWITCHYARD The Tyee Lake Switchyard covers a 88 feet by 116 feet area northwest of the powerhouse. It contains step-up transformers, switching gear and protective equipment. It also has a take-off tower from which the connections to the transmission line are made. The area containing the switchyard, the access roads and the powerhouse yard was stripped of poorer soils and replaced with about 6 feet of compacted granular material. This material is estimated to have a bearing capacity of at least 2000 psf. Therefore, spread footings and mat type foundations were used to support the major switchyard structures. The foundations for the transformers and oil circuit breakers also incorporate oil storage sumps to contain leakage. The above ground steel structures are generally made of structureal tubing for a more streamlined appearance. All structures and foundations are designed to withstand snows, winds and earthquakes as specified in the Design Criteria (Appendix A), in addition to equipment loads. The switchyard is enclosed by a 8 feet high chain link fence. The area within the fence has been surfaced with a 12-inch layer of coarse gravel to absorb oil spills and to control vegetation. The access road has been placed between the switchyard and the mountainside. This provides a buffer to absorb snow and debris that could slide from above. A.6 - 1 B367/2145R0147:1433R A.6.2 WRANGELL SWITCHYARD The Wrangell Switchyard occupies a 110 feet by 176 feet area located on the Zimovia Highway about 3 miles south of Wrangell. It provides a terminal for the transmission line from Tyee Lake and also divides the power to feed the lines to Petersburg and Wrangell. Therefore, it contains switching gear, protective equipment and two sets of take-off structures. The soil conditions and bearing valus for this site are given in detail in the "Information for Bidders" (Contract 2708:..10). The uper 4.5 feet is humus and sandy, clayey silt. It is underlain by sand containing stone fragments. The upper 4.5 feet is considered unsuitable for construction purposes. Therefore, the footings were placed on recompacted native sand or imported granular fill. This material has a recommended bearing value of only 1300 pounds per square foot (for a 6 feet wide footing with 2 feet of embedment). Therefore, the footings and mat foundations are relatively large in order to keep the bearing pressures within the allowable limits. The major steel structures are made of structural tubing and have been designed to meet the .. Criteria" (Appendix A), particularly the 100 mph wind. The switchYard is enclosed by a 8 feet high chain link fence. The area within the fence has been surfaced with 6 inches of 3/4 inch gravel. A.6.3 WRANGELL SUBSTATION The Wrangell Substation occupies a 48 feet by 82 feet area located near the existing city service center. Its primary function is to step down the power voltage and interface with the City of Wrangell's system. Therefore, it has a single take-off structure, switching equipment, a transformer and a small control building. A.6 - 2 B367/2145R0147:1433R The soil conditions and bearing values for this site are also given in the Information for Bidders referred to above. The site was raised about 2 feet with compacted fill. The bearing capacity of compacted granular fill or compacted native sand and gravel is given as 1800 pounds per square foot for a 6 feet wide footing with 2 feet of embedment. The spread footings and mat foundations were designed accordingly. The steel structures, fencing and yard surfacing for this site follow the same criteria given earlier for the Wrangell Switchyard. A.6.4 PETERSBURG SUBSTATION The Petersburg Substation occupies a 68 feet by 98 feet site located on the Mitkof Highway near Petersburg. Its main function is to step down the transmission voltage to the requirements of the local distribution systems. Therefore, it has take-off structures, a transformer, switching gear, and a small control building. The soil conditions and bearing values for this site are also given in the 11 lnformation for Bidders .. (Contract 2708-10). The site generally had about 2 feet of humus and clayey, sandy silt over a layer of hard, sandy, silty clay. The underlying layer is generally a rock with varying degrees of hardness. The upper 2 feet of overburden is considered unsuitable for construction purposes. The recommended bearing value for granular fill on this site is 1800 pounds per square foot. The native hard clay and soft rock have a bearing capacity of 4000 pounds per square foot. The footings were designed to be adequate on soil therefore making them conservative in the instances when rock was encountered. The descriptions of tubular steel structures, fencing and surfacing given for the Wrangell Switchyard also apply to this site. A.6 - 3 B367/2145R0147:1433R PART A SECTION 7 MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND PERMANENT HOUSING A.7.1 MAINTENANCE BUILDING The maintenance building is located about l/2 mile west of the powerhouse (at the old logging camp). It is a 40 feet wide by 60 feet long steel framed structure with a concrete slab and spread footings. Four moment resisting frames, with spans of 40 feet, provide a column free area for maintenance purposes. The walls and roof are covered with fiberglass insulated, aluminum panels. Bracing has been provided in the walls and roof to prevent distortion of the panels. Three 14 feet wide by 15 feet, 4 inches high doors have been provided in the north wall for vehicle access. Personnel doors are provided in the south and west walls. The building and foundation have been designed to meet the "Criteria", Appendix A. A.7.2 PERMANENT HOUSING Three permanent, three bedroom houses have been constructed about l/2 mile west of the powerhouse (near the maintenance building). They are prefabricated units designed for artie conditions. ~ome of the design parameters specified for the houses were: o Snow loads of 65 pounds per square feet. o R30 ceiling insulation and Rl9 wall and floor insulation. o All electric heating with an additional wood stove. A. 7 - 1 B367/2145R0147:1433R A. 7. 3 UTILITIES A. Water Potable water is provided by a submersible, well pump located about 200 feet southwest of the maintenance building. It feeds the system through a buried 1-1/2 inch diameter line. A chlorinator and a 120 gallon, hydropneumatic tank are located in the maintenance building. Buried 1-1/2 inch diameter lines supply the 3 houses from this point. B. Sewerage The maintenance building and 3 permanent houses are connected to a gravity sewerage system. Waste water treatment is accomplished by a 3000 gallon septic tank and a drain field. An oil interceptor and collector have been provided in the maintenance building. C. Power Supply A buried cable from the powerhouse station service system supplies power to this area. A.7-2 B367/2145R0147:1433R A.8.1 FILL MATERIALS A. Type "Au PART A SECTION 8 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Type "A" compacted fi 11 was used under the switchyard. It is defined as a well graded material with a p-inch maximum particle size and not more than 10~ passing the No. 200 sieve. It was required to be compacted to 7~ relative density. About 6 feet or organic materials, silts and clays were removed before placing the fill. B. Type "8 11 Type "B" compacted fill was used as structural backfill and also as a substitute for aggregate base. The measured gradation for this material i s as f o 11 ows : Size ~ Passing 1-1 /2" 93.1 1" 86.1 No. 4 45 No. 16 37.3 No. 30 26.5 No. 100 3.9 No. 2 0.6 This material was required to be compacted to 7~ relative density. A.8 - 1 B367/2145R0147:1433R Type 11 C" compacted fill was added to the contract when it became apparent that approximately 6 feet of unsuitable soils would need to be removed from under the roads and yards near the switchyard and powerhouse. This fill was defined as material from tunnel excavation with a maximum size of 12 inches. The compaction was required to be same as for Type "A" compacted fill. D. Switchyard Surface Course A 12-inch layer of this material was placed within the fenced area of the Tyee Switchyard. It is a well graded material between 3-inch maximum and 3/8 inch minimum particle size. It was required to be compacted to 70% relative density. A.8.2 RIPRAP A. Type "Au Type '1A11 riprap was used at culverts and in the transition zone downstream of the energy dissipaters. It is defined as having a 90 pounds maximum size and with 40 to 50% greater than 12 pounds. It was required to be placed in an 18-inch layer. B. Type '*B'1 Type 11 8 11 riprap was used to line the tailrace channel. The rock size was reduced as requested by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The gradation and other pertinent data from 3 "as-built" samples are included in Appendix F. A.8.3 CONCRETE The following concrete related data was submitted by the contractor: A.8 - 2 B367/2145R0147:1433R o Certification of chemical composition and physical properties of cement. o Report on concrete mixing water. o Aggregate data. o 4000 psi concrete trial batch. o 3000 psi concrete trial batch. This data is included in Appendix F. A.8 - 3 45R0147:1433R I I 2/100 ~ I J_IJ I I J @ I I I I I_ J I ~ w u... ~!500 2 2 C) !( iii 1000 _j UJ 0 a.\Te-House 1YEE LAK.e t-.IORMAI-MA:ICIIW'UM OPERATII-JCS VIS EL..I9qG::; MltJ. OI'EIC'ATII-JS 'WS a_ l,2ei0'] "iii"' GONTROL-POINT F AT CE"NT&I=t Ut-.11!' OP GrATE-SHAFT CONTIWl-POINTe ® ® <D NOTES~ I i\JNt-lf!l-~ FIOII-JT~ I I C4lll1DL. NDIZ:I"H eA~ EU:VATIOI'J sr,mot-J lJIL)f! ~ UIGATION CCX?!W!~ COO!ZI?ItJATI!' P!SIANGS A tJOM!NAl-ACCeSS I PO!ZrAI-~4iOS,~6'f S 112'!A44 57 2600 ~ zee•z e lw1M.IIFOLP .JUt-ICTION 1,~~ S 11Zl1 S0'7 2731 2.+SS~I 3&4474 c 15BNP ,,&Q2,11!3 S !28 C!OO ~ 51-t as~ 0 ~Of#~J28' 94518 et-W'T 1,1&0~317SI a,12S ~s -a 81% 70+7SSO G~P SUJZF,.a.ce: I! TOP 0~ PI2E56UI2.E 1122.20 . SHAFT' .. ~.!1/~1 ~12&,!525~ 12tl!.7iir 70+-19.51 • I!S!SoD:Z. F eoTIZiM OF~~ ,,~d:rri ~12&4~ ~ 7Z+-16.33. I SE!Ad2Jt-JBS l SL.OP!Ulo AlD& s e" 2a o::1 "YY A"R'P DOe UF'WAIZO I'" "roC. , e ?1° ~~·w P TD e VERTIC~l- c 'Tl:"= e "S" 20 !J7 w Ei "1Z:' F • ~ lJ~ ~ I..Jio.IDERU"2D PIMI!!NSION& AA!' ~ ~ VAI..UI!e OTHE!i. DIMEI'olSioNS Aile DSRIV&P e !l..EVATIOtoJ& ~ 'TO THE NOio11t-..IAL. TU~B-INVER:r' VAUJEio, 4. E>TATIONit-.16 DIS.'TJ!oNCe& ~e HOIZI%.0NTP.L- ?1'\l OPOSE.O CAA~E FQO!f\ II'IGLINED "TO 1/'E.~"'I:\c.A\.. ~~AF"T (SEE ~e/HW 1...ETTEa ~"'''E"D _ e.~) ""''S AG!aE.~ TO_AND c.oN~\Q.I-1EO 8Y \e.:.Q 1.-EUE!i!. QE o).!Ly 14, "'e"Z I --------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------- DEVELOPED PROFILE. ALONG POWER TUNNEL ~ACCESS TUNNEL PL.AN § \ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA '\ \' § / \ I ~ \ \ \ .. § r~ T~~ z \ CHANI-JI:!-1.. \' \ \ \ \ \ \ CONT'I'!C\.. ::t:)li'JT ~ ----' \ ' ' " TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWER TUNNEL PLAN a PROFILE 2,qo() 2~00 @ 2,000 Iii D.1 IL 7 z 1!500 <;) ~ ~ _j UJ ~000 @ ® TV-31-001 L_l @ I I I I I I (-I ( I -~ I I -I I I ® - I I J I I_ I I I @ / 4 ! I @ I DIA IWGK~LT5, ~ FT LONG UNT!NSIONI!C71 ReSIN MCHOiteO AN11 lteSIN Gla)OTep AS DI2EG-reD l)f THE ENCOINEE!i.. e>CcAVATION LIN!. ~ TUNNe:.L. 1 I I I B~KSTS IS 8 1 ON CE}JTER SECTION @ seALe. ~ I .g• 2.1'2 .. DIA 11AAIN HOLeS 40 I"T DEi!.P OH GRID 20 FT BY 2.0 FT IIICUNI!!D 5° OM AN AR~ f;O FT WIDe. R.TWee.N E.L I~Cf~ 0 AND INTAKe. J / I I -~~ I 1 lr--------- COARSe TRA~~K. ~ee PWG TY-')1 OIC. / oro eoe. PAID A!> L.AKE. TAP EL 1'2.5000 WATER L..E.VEL ?EN~IC.S !SEE DETAIL 4 I DETAIL. E./ 144200 E/1417 00 DWG! "IY-~1-01?. L TUNNEL. I~VE.RT 70 IZ.7 SECTION OF LAKE TAP AND POWE.R. TUNNEL ~LE. I '2.0 o• t?ECORC· ... !iAWING D-'t..:::-+==.:::3--=::=:~::--,:~':=:-;u-------1=-:'P-':=..!--"'rb~ ~ ~~;~L ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC 1 ~ 'IIICI HOWARD STREET SNII'fWICDCO. Clo&E<R'M lloi05 0 ., a.D .. ,.,., MQHW .....c::HOAAall ~ 111102 II EXCAVATION LINE. t TUNNel-~ I"PIA ROCKBOL~, lOFT LONGo UNT!.N510N!D, f{r;,IN ANCHOReD AND RI!.91N GROUT!.C) A'5> DIRECTED B'r' THE ENGINEER. w=--+----------'lh!------------------- )ioN IP ~~~ a~~ ~~~ \08 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ,_I E.l. IZ03 0 10 1-0 SECTION NOTE'S IN?TAL.LATION OF '5UPPOF'T SYSTEMS SHALl-eoe AS DIR~I!!D Z 5E.COND STAGE EXcAVATION TO ee COMPLE.TEO AFTE:R LAKE. TAP LOCATION I~ FINALIZED AND ALL INVe5TIGATION I~ COMPL.ETe." :3 CONCReTE. SHAW-el!. CLA*> 1'\ o/4 EXcePT AS NOTE.D 4 THE MONrTOQING, f BUI.5TIN«, EQUIPMENT 'SHALL 6E HOUSED IN A T£MPORI>.R'f SHEUEIC PR.CVIceD e;y THE GONT~TOR 1>.1 /11. l.DGA"T\0'4 AT LEII.ST \001 J:ROM TilE G.A'Tl! HC)jSE. SCAL.E SCAL.E SCALE ~ 20 2~fil!iiO;z;:;~2~!!!4i;;:;;;;;m;i6!!:!!!!!5;8:;;;;;a' 0 FEET 1/4 G I -0 Bi!!lii02:!!;§:;;:;;E2~3E;;:;4E:::!~Si;:::;;;;;;i6~7 FEET 3/8 m I -0 TVEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWER TUNNEL~ INTAKE TY-31-011 SECTIONS R£V2. IKO NO. @) ® I I I I I I I I i I, I I I I I _! I 1-- ._, )- @ @ ® @ ' j ) PE~STO&t< ----llr-~- ToP OF ~1.. _z.__.:..;.__ ___ -t IZAIL. (~oa. OETAII-SEE PET 4) 12AIL. Gt.IP 103 ~I...ES PI-~ .c 10 • o'-~ <E!ROUT tiO -0 PLUG J A~ "Z L~ FI..OW II TUNNEl_ DRAIN UNE .3 MIN AU£5S / FOR PIPE Sl!e. "WG TY ~I 052. __..-REMOVABI..E 10 WHEEL- ----STOP@ EACH END - / L. & FOSTER OR EG! UAl- -~=====t:====7~o;•=A=5=G=E==~==II-==~======~--- -0 0 J.~ 0 0 ~ 1-lt I i-Ii 1-1\ ---'-G.V~ 1Y2 IP HOLES GPACE~ AS iNDICATED ON FUL.o... L.~NGT+j 28 o" DETA-IL ® 5CAL..e , 21 o' - ISSUED FOR c.DN'=>TRUC:noN REVISIONS SECTION SCALE Va' • 1'-o' F'l-lt.l<l&i..E ~ GOUPI..I'-IC::O ... !!! ROL.I.. Ol.lT SEC..TION IN PA~I<:EO POSITION PLA~ -- !-PTE FOI2. ~EINFOQ.GIII.I(;, I!' .. " TUNNEL DQAIN i I D ,j SEC.TION ® SGA.I.E !>ff -I 0" - RESIN ANCHOR BOL-T ?/eo ~ .. 3'-o' NOTES LOC.AL E.XC.AVATION Fa12. MOUNTING A.Nt:> ~ESS FO~ VAI_Vc OPEgATION I ALL. PLUG COIJCRETE SHALL. 8E Ct.A55 A ~ 2 FOR CURTAIN AND CONTACT GfWUTI NG, see. DRAWING T'(-31 046 _i. L--------.J ..9 z It:\_ L _jc-.~ -' 5TRUGTUM\-STr!E.L. 'SHAPE.5 AND PLAT!!~ SHALL ee: A~TM A ~G.- ~ n.JNNEI_ 11\'IE:.::.:;It;Ji;T~~iilm~ ELEVATION SECTIONAL VIEW ( 4 ALL EMBEDDED ~TAL. ANGHO~l. BoL.T~, ANt:> ETC. To BE ~T OIP G,AL.VANIZ.ED IJ.NO REFE:RENCE DRAWI~S.S TY-:31-0<tO TY-.31-0<l-1 T'r'-Sl oq.s T'r'-.31-0411 TY-51-0~Z TY-51 -0';'3 SCALE 3 SCALE EXCAVATION SHIOET 1 Of" Z EXCAVATION SHEET ~opz.. TUNNE.L. PU..IG R.EINFoli!~INGo GFWUTttJG POWI!:R. TUI'INEI.--"fut.II.IE.L PLUC:., STEEL-PIPE POWE~ \\.lt.!NEI--1\lt-INeL->'U.Jc:;., 5rEEL. PIPE: 0 3 6 9 INCHES 3 • I -0 0 2 3 FEET sEE DWCio 1'( "31 04~ \b,'"'l'l:;l';"""l77",..,.==.....1...,..~~ PULL.ING-E.YE -DEJAlL. ® 3/4 • I -0 SCALE 5 0 5 10 SCAI...E 3 ~l-o - ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 1/8 v I -0 TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWER TUNNEL TUNNEL PLUG CONCRETE OUTLINE a GENERAL ARRANGEMENT --------------~'-- 15 20 FEET TY-31-044 SHEETOf rwi2 ECONO @ I I _I r~l I -~~ "I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I _J @ @ ® \-- (J ~ ....... ~ ...... ........ i:!' .. ~1 $. SHIPPING L...eNiiT"H / &U!i!VE T'(f'lt cc:I!..JPI.-INS ("t'fP) !}'f LP erEa. PIPE """" -- -t 1'-f'll'Ca9 \ -"'f:)"~~'VIi\~ I!! ole :r. (TYP) TYPICAL SCAL..e. ys -1-o- 10-0 SECTION 'l_C -~ ---I ~~l -~ -~ P!Ze!/" i"FII(I!P Ff215 ..... - ------d ~=------= b-·--- l""'pncep .L) /~ ''" .... -,,.. .. ''"' t-~---·-r:::j b--Not.-1 I 15'-o.;B ... PENSTOCK.. SUPPORT PROFILE (NO"Je F'OIZ C&t-1PL-E~ ~ eo&;; ~ "TY-~~#~) 1 '<teoL..T N coNC.Re.Te \ CO< '50UNO ~ -z.'-~ Wf EF'OlC.Y ~OlJT -14,_:::..--ta----=---=.--..;....-~-----='-- SLIDING 1!S'-ole :f: I <t' I po>.e,. 60LT G!i<C T W/!!!PON SEE iY -!>1-o&'I- (TYP) I 1\JiJ I FIXED TYPICAL SADDLE SUPI=DRT SECTION REVISIONS 10 l__.we;wiS r.=::!:t:t::Y2c._ Jl? '\XCD>e01-IO-i (__ CL.IPft!-.s.>''I-110-SC"NP) ..A. TI1E OTHER I~ NOT ~>'OWN FOR c.L.ARIFICA"T10N 2-o'ct A~~"O -41..01'113 I'OL.T NUT ANO HAiiO WAei!i!R ® ~fl ... ~~~ ~ ~~ I TYPICAL MANHOLE SECTION I NaT "Tt' .s~ 1J0iE. ~lt-Jd; ~ Of' ~ f5l ~ &1!!1 S"PIMF'eD OIJ t-W.IHOLZ w{ ~ Pill!& SCALE SCALE SCALE Y+ I 7tl~ ~CII-IC!f ~NC!I PAC(~E.NOTe!£'>) s~~~!r~~@ 6 0 6 12 !8 INCHES I 112 • I -0 0 2 3 FEET 3/4 m I -0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 FEET TYPE A .JOINT lSHOP weL..D5) t-bi"W~ 20" MANHOL-E COy'Eg DErAIL NOT TO~ NOfES: ~ .:mEL. PIPe COiJCREi"a SAOOL.E ~T ee.s O\OoG TY Sl 04&4 :Z. OtJe: I'W'oJHOL.E eH6oU-eE INS'Tt"-U-EP HAU"\Io!AY ~ TLII-WCI... PL...l.IGJ ~ THE!. w.NiroaLO ~0 .J~notJ,A>Nb ONE: ~ 6HALL ee, ~D ...~~u~ OF'1HEI!!EiJp.JU~ S. ~ Sf'Eiel-PlATS JN PIP!! WAL..L.9TJF=f"'!!NEFl-~~ AND e~ St-\AL..I... COt-iF'OfCM ~ l"5iM pesjc$- rJI>-j!O!J AS37 CLASS 1 I(~ ~FICATIO!JS 4 ALL. WE1...CS~HAL.I.. ee cOMPL.STE f'E:tJ5TFZATION f'LlL-1-ST!l~ raun ~L..Oe1 Ja?f.,~F.APHED @ !5 611o5E f'l.ATES, CLIP~ PLATES.+ MISCELL..:AN!!OU~ 'STEeL. -eHAl...L. ~FORMTOA&TM DE':11'4-N.&.TION 1\~t.. (! ~ ~OFl ~L.T'D 5tiA~~ CD!-1~'-1 ,0 1>61);1 ~IGot-!Ai'IOJ'I A '!0; ~~s ~Ge ""'Tiii.O 1 1110 PI.KH MARK.5 S~ BE AU.Dweo IN PENSTOC.t< FABRICATIOP-t l>li..ESS.OTH~Wil:£ ~TEO. 6 )!.!DINS ~INGo P~ ~ ee ~N~ ~ f'I2EE!Oi'Jpe:o "1'Yf'a. MANLl~TU~ ~ ~~ ~PAN'Y ~AF'P~ep ~ 9 FC~ F'l!i.NSTOCI(. e.u~ '!>HOP Ol'il.....,.oNCllw ~ o-+ ... QQI ~N "''c.!!>Tii.'iiN C.0 t:lWG H0 5(, 1 -2-ooo REFERENCE DRAWIN6iS ~ iY-?11-<:.:0 I TY ~1-0C.O 1Y ~~-0~2. Fl7\oJ!!Fl-TLl~EL. f'I.AJ'I & FFOFII-E' R:>W!Oj2-"TUNNEL. 1 N [UNt-J E'L. OE"r.<\II.S ~WSJZ.. "fUNNEL. MANifOLD "T'Ut-IN a. f'I.AIJ .a. se:c.Tle>N f't:i'Ne.l2. ,Ut-lt-J~ 1 S,-t!!:&... PIPe. ~e: 5uppo~ TY-31-061 SHEET OF ECONO @ ·~ I I I SITE PLAN SCAL.e, 1' •101-o• ~~' \ J: ~ ; ,~s~"",oo~o "'",u \ \ SEE OWii T'(-!1-UO FOR HELIC.OPTER MD t- bl bl 1&. ~- ~ bl ..... ... 1- Ill UJ u. z Q j: § lll ...J Ill lwiO 1<#50 .:: I~ II#~ 1~20 11#10 '(i()O 11#!!0 IIPW IG>IO 11#00 SHORING 10 SE LEFT 1'-1 PLACe' ~-.;1--GAT!!. I'\OUS2. I ---t I ~ I ~ ~ SECTION SCALE I = 10'-O" /EXCAVATION LINE / tf GATE: SHAFT ........... .......... ............ ............ ..... __ ........... 14' o" '10 o -..... _ SECTION SCALE I 10-0 t£ GAT!t SHAFT ......... ' ' ' .... O~IGINA!-c:.ROUNP LINe. ----------- ~?-? -APPROXIMATe TOP OF SOUND ROCI< --EXCAVATION LINE: THIC.K EL 1&15 ! j, NOTES 1 4THE !:.X}'.CT LOCATION OF THE HEi'L.IFt:>RT SHAU. eEt" DETERMINED IN THE FIE!..P e,y Tl-11!0 ~II.E\S.R 2. iDcCAVATION ADJACENT TO THE GATE SHAFT COLLAR SHALL 6& DOWN TO SOUND ROCK 51-<lRIN6 IN!:>TALL.ISD A!& ~QUIR!i-D .3. L1r-11T.S oF e:xCAvATJON .sHOWN ARE MINIMUM CONTf"ACToR M.AY CLEAR P. WIDER ZONE AAOUI-JD THE SHAFT COLLAR TO PPOVIDE FOR HIS REQUIRE!D WOR!I<ING .5FIIICE /llir NO COST "TO THE OWNeR 4 F•wL IN THIS AREA SHALL BE NATIVE .STONES SELECTED =ROM cl(CAVATION OR FROM GROUND SURFACE WITHIN THE AREA CL.eAREtl 3 THE LIMrrS OF ~ ITEM NO 2·51 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION FOR THE GATE HOUSE SHALL 6E. THE TOP OF SOUND ROCK A~ DE.n:RMINe0 e.Y T\46' Ei'N<=IN!:.E.R.. A(...l. S.Y-CAVATION B6LO'W "TOP at= 601../lo.U:::· ~OC.K. eHAL..J.. \i!>E'o-GOtJSIPeFreD AS c:.AT5. SHAFT I!.)C.c.AVATION (PAY ITEOM 2.-'11) REFERENCE. DRAWING5 1Y ~~ 001 1 y-!>I -101 TY ~I ~~~ TY-31 301 TY -~I :!02. TY-31-330 I SCALE POWE.R TUNNEL-, PLAN 3-PROFILE:. GATE. SHAFT, PLAN ~ SE.CTIONS GATE SHAFT 1 GAiE. HOU5e. 1 PLAN 3-Dl!.iAIL..'S GATE. SHAFT 1 COL.LAR. • l'~N.DATIOI>.( GATE:. 'SHAFT GATE. HOUSE, FOUNDAiiON ~Ait.S C.ATE. HOU51: HE.LIC.OPTER PAD l I fA\ I I \CI EXCAVATION PLAN SECTION {15\ I i -------r~-SCALE 111 : 10 0 SCALE I : 10 -o r:::=;' RECORD DRAWING jl ' ~----------~~------~~-~------------~~--~~~~~~--------~--~ ~*-':::=.~~~...-!:~~-.,-----±~L!:::...Ii-.:!-~...j ~=;:~L ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC ~ OD 110WARD STJIIE£1' iSAN r:RAMCI&CO CAI.IR)ANIA 111015 tlll37 OlD aEWAAO HIOI'MAY ANCH0RA0L AI..A8KA !D602 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GATE SHAFT GATE HOUSE SITE 8s EXCAVATION PLANS TY-31-300 @ @ ® @ @ @ ® 1 I !So..._ / / ~ <:) <:) .. ~ <:) ~-::!' & / ;/ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ I REVISIONS ® / / / / / AILASKA POWER AUTHORiTY ANCHORAGE, AlASKA ..SCALE 2.eO~eo;;;iOE~~2!:i0~:;;;;:::;;;:;;340 FEET I D 20 TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRiC PROJECT POWERHOUSE SITE PLAN! SHEET OF <ECO NO. [ I ,- 1 ® @ ® @ .. _.,. -- L~~ND @-HANIF'Ol..O, ,1 1 DI"" ®-2.!>1 DIA~E.RIC:::AL VAI.VE. ~-1'1AI-JI-IOL.E. ®-c.:::>M~e>~ @-C:::OOUI.JG!! WA1"U. PUMP ~-COOl..INGi WA1'1ilt "!~'!"RAIN~ ffi -F"L.~ IAL.IIe !::>OX ~61~"'~ ~ee MUll ~IN"'f!' L41Htofl.l-f r'~ c::oAr1~ ~tt.. -,).'{Af:;, p>J~ ®-O!U.INAo:::OIS F'l.li"1P ~-IZS VOL."T DC: e.A"T"T~Y li!At::l'. ®-I:>A1'"Te~ ~A~.:4Eit (!f)-DIE~EL. EiN.::al!oo!E:/ .:Eie't..IEUTO~ ®-F'UEL.. OIL.. t::III.Y "1'ANI'. @-f'I!WfAAWZ:I~ IA.t-il:- ®-Z.fl11 DIA ~U-1/AL.\/E F'L..AN MOVED 10 MAII'fTE'NANCE BI.Dc3 • ..) ®-10 1'ot-l 1-l"r"~AUUG PI!E6!!o ®-PIPE 1'1-l~lt-.161 l!!aUIPI"'IUJ"T ®-HAQC. '!:JAW ~-dlll:.ii>JOISC ®-DEJU. ~69 ~-WDftt. e-e~ wjv1se ~-OIL.. ~1'01!: ~MI"' ®-OIL. INT~Ofi. @ -..JeAfE. PI.A'fe<::~~ @-~e~1' ~IPAI.::>fZ. z~_oo Cl _, I \ I ~1' f""'t.l1" r11J~eP I"'L'(~P f'Afffi•fibN C ....lt·Mf) p~···n··n ~N A1" ~A1"1~R'( RM ~c:::Al.e, ~~ ... 1 !.o I RECORD DRAWINlq ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA I (f) I I I \ ..!At..l.. hLIK1'Ne N• lo><l' f'.AN HeAD S!i"Jt.l~ '-!eeL 1?-PI"'llol&! ~aeW ~texr,oii.IJ!.II'N Giiie.l,..&' I"CH~MIS. WAl-L. ~K~f ~-Y:;taf'l;(..J~o' ~ "fO~e.R., SCAI.E 51:3;:a::::ma::ii0~~~5E~~~I 0 FEET f m !> TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWERHOUSE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PlAi\l AT fl TURBINE EL 29 00 •n.'~ I' 1"1'tllo1 1 arwe 1"4:7 AU. A/CDIJtlr;:;> i"I-J ewqe. P-"'IN'f ~IN StEEl" OF @ ® @ ® ® J LE~END ~-eXG.I"f"A'T"ION !SaUIF'Me:I-J"T"" ( t)lai(A(Ic:'H (fZAHa.r.:ortMe:.f"" o-1.1171~) ®-6!0V6~NO~ ~-OIL. ~IS~'!:>U~ '!!:>Eil @-4~"'{ <?l-liiorla,c:M- ®-F'OWE~ ::;ll~t~le>U1'10N "ANEL...-F'OF' @-$TAllON <&Ei:~VIC6 "'I~N'!!:>FoeHE.t:. ~-!!>TAllON -r£AN6F'OitME.£ OIO:::u:::ONNI::C-r .. . 01 I JlJI 0 d 4 • • ..:. --------;ii.\~·~·~f.l\'(-~-- j j PLAN AT MACHINE FLOOR. EL 83 00 :>aAl..e: 1' .. 5-o~ @-Alit !ZECEIV6~ @ VI'U.Vt! CONTRoL C~ Sll.JE 1 @-e:L...e:.::::.Tt:eiC. WATE:I<: HE A. IE:~ ®-HYDWI"NE:UI'1AIIC. '"T"ANI(. @ -1-iYPoc.J.+L..OR.INAIO~ @-Ve:.N"f'"IL...A"f"ION UNC'T'" @-P£E"eeue6 TAN~:.. ® -TfLA~'fl<'N ~-.::::>IL LiFT rul'1r" ® -6{tNe.~tpl{ ~k.S. AI~ YALV~ @ -e..<>.ND .OecANTA.,-ior-1 V~e:L RECORD DRA'NlNC t========::=J Al.ASIKA POWER AUTHOR~TY ANCHORAGE, AlASKA 1.11 I SCALE 5Bi3!::5i3!'!!ol;:;.;;;;:;:::;=m;;;;;i5~~~~~ 0 FEET I Q 5 TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWIERHOUSE GENERAl ARRANGEMENT PLAN AT MACHINE FLOOR IEL 53 00 SHEET OF iECONO I I t .. -lt ® 1 I ,@ 7 'It REC.O~D DWG -..;:------ r Jl9~1 I e,L, .ot? ~ .... ~c::o~r:? ~ ,;:oA!l>INi!:j I I t..u H61 f;;:?pr1 ~~r?f fc::~e>r1 I H H hi c~l I ~ l I I T -_.__------------=;;-,..::-;:;;~:::..;;;--;;:;-;;;c=;;:;r'--y I ' ,, .... n1-p'atl\'< ... nK7 ' ~'~"' -t'"R· 1t'"~ . 14-'·o~ N It:; c::!;tiJfl-ort, A~fe,t&. c:;O!!?I~ ~i::N~lo?~ G-1~1/ ~tf 1'1 e.u'TP.AI.. c:;LJ ti'I~L..e. Cl'l~li~M)o?fl-l~klr to~ AI, ~.?)( t"1Ait-l ~o?~jp.o?l, ~lo4~~~M~t::'A~ ? a-~ljc:>t'lt::'4111'A~ t11~-.JMe. t6tulrr1t.:Hi rt.."' ~LJ1rr1~1 thc:;A?A fAr•JI:,I, Hdl'j 11'l ~tilrtAc:;j I'' I I v ~ f' f?At::!>f:. fA?It.? a.'fAilt.?H 'TI:ff11~ ~l<. "' tz.iHO!IHt:51 or~tfA'fe>j1- f'~l'-l6o c::'(l-t:' I I RECORD DRAWING I SCALE I • 5 @ --vq @ TY-41-113 SlEET OF REV7 IECOHO @ @ I ·I I I I I I II ! ' Jl I I eL. ~;;~ I ® II- ® '} _/fr.r; '"n.<-<--<-<.l b-J- I I II II 4 Z r1 S3 ~)(fe-RI.::>R ~"fAIR AO~D .AI L-liJf.. A S:l~ .Yy II"(" '? 1<>-fl_b: ~~~-?1 .. ~~-_,~ e.~~JCe f'~~~t' 1"1 A ,Jy t:'~ 2 o;~~ ~FU!a..,ll.""f"o~C:."j;Nii<~~c:l.o~.A90~11<-..YJI lt'"-t" 1 ""q~s tr.eJO<c:>I'-,.;;'A._.I?'"..Lt,~ .. ~,.~e ;·K Ju 1 Jet' NO OATC REVISIONS BY CHI< APP1l ® " I"A.C.f:.) ~ECORD DRAWING I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA I I I I I 11 '~111!!illil;'l!li!lliiillll IIIII II I 'I I IIIII \1' I'' I I ; I 'Ill II I I I I I I I ,, I ,I I I I 'I II I ,, I'' I I Ill II! •I, I I I I I ':1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I I II I I'' I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I ~~ I I I I I I· I I I I, I I I I I I I I I .L. L SCALE •1!!30<i~EOfi:c:===iS~~o91 0. FEET I a 5 TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWERHOUSE TY-4!-115 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SHEETOF IREV .J? !NORTH ELEVATION (DOWNSTREAM FACE) i-E-=-co_NO _ ___.___:.._- ~-----------_____ __._ ___ _ @ ® ® II II 'I! AJ.,\Jr1 " ~e:At1 II 1-JAL.l. f"At-l~ j; ~~ II ~ ~r1 L. rl!:f-b-q, l~ll!.-A11<='H c::~!-1 ou ® I' I II~ I 11'1 I I II I I I ® EL ~0 OJ \_ I .::>.>.::AU: 11 • -? I 0 I p;l.. 7b t?t? tr1~tt-l.:."( f;.ll.li PLATfORM• CONC CRAIIE TE5T e>LOCKS I II I'' I ill I I I 1,/1 1 : Ill, I 'I I I I II 1: rl I 'I' 'I I !I'll, I I I I I ~~ I ''I 11111' 1 1 I I I \' I I I I I I 1111, p I'd [i I I I 1111: I; I I 'I II 11,1 I !• I ,:; :1 ,II ii Jr j I! I II I, I ,, I AWr1 'I !?tAr'l io-JAU... f'AHe.l, '7 r.;' ~e.e.( Ai.r,r1 J,..IHe.f II IH<='>~l.A(~ ~~:_/ e.L 7~ ~R~~~ V!!II11LA"fiOH U~11 (~ ~Mre~t ~/eotRD ~)"f'IT ~M~II c:tl~ Jo.JR tfl"fAJ(e -ro eM~ ~PI':. I I I, I lilil I I I I I I I I I Iilii!\! ~H~f ~r1 F?Aftf-Y ~ ~~AIIa.'f F'l'<'r1 HW?i~ AF-f.A e:tt'IALI<aT ~r1 'jPI!.t'f f.>< llAr.J$1 flU'~ K 11".:: tle;H t:.::'H.::. WAL-l. l---c---------:r-------<---~ I ---------I I I I _,1. I ---+ '----------v , I "------fUU.. t;r.? )'( ___./': I L----·--+ --~--,__.1 L_-' ---' SCALE S!:s;;:;e:s:;aoom;;~~S ~~:31' 0 FEET r=;~~~====t I • 5 ~~~~~~---=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~R~EC~O~R~D~D§R~AW~IgNG~~~~~~~~~~~====j TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, AlASKA POWERHOUSE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT EAST & WEST ElEVATIONS TY-41-IIi' ® @ ® I I l' I " I I I I I I I 1 j I @ ® ® \ 0 f.!.. '?/PP \ T!JP'I:e>INE. e>fAAiN~ F~ eL 2 1717 J;. •f"'JIQ:JIIole \ et.. 'l1170 +-----1}1/~14& ~ .t:IH MeTAl.. De&tc:. +-----e,ree.L. &e,AM ~ -Ail..IV\Ge aAt.JNeL. ~ L'W~ 1'1'·1!1 110 ~IF.. ~f'f'l,. "( OIICT I RECORD DRAWING I ¢ 1Jt-l11""-' I ~f:C!ION ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA E.L 1b&>P SCALE 5S='E:E32!So;;;:;;:;=m:===:i5i:::E::=~I o FEET I m 5 TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWERHOUSE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT TRANSVERSE SECTIONS TY-4i-ii8 SHEET 01' ECONO @ @ ' I \ - @ @ / I I I \ \ / I I I \ I \ I \ \ ® FINISH 61\APE E\. TYP '!. C:.IDES -""" .............. \ _.............. \ ..... -\ ..... \ \ ----,...,... ___ ..... LEGEND -w-~~ NEW WATER LINE (NOT TREATED) ~Fw---NEW FIRE PROTECTION LINE -Pw--NEW POTABLE WATER LINE -s---NEIY DUCTILE CAST IRON SEWAGE LINE -~-D ---NEW DRAii>j FROM OIL SEPARATOR TRAP --PVC--EXISlli!G POTABLE WA"IDI (ABANDON) --w--EXISTING WATER LINE (ABANDON) ~-~s=--EXISTING SEWAGE LINE (TO REMAIN) ---s----EXISTING SEWAGE LINE (ABANDON) --- -NEW UNDERGROUND POWER FEEDER (MAINTENANCE BUILDING TO WELL) [!) !!0 KVA I Ill 480 120/22D DRY TYPE TRANSFORMERS * FOLLOWS ON SOUTH SIDE OF ROAD TO POWERHOUSE MANHOLE 02 NOTES. tarn)URS ARE TAKEN FRCN SOUTHEAST /HARRISON WESTERN EXISTING CAMP CONTOUR YAP DATED NDVE~BER I !I 1981 2 DELETED :3 WATER PIPES 2 AND UNDER SHALL BE TYPE K COPPER PIPE EXCEPT AS NOTED 4 4 WATER PIPES SHALL BE DUCTILE CAST IRON PIPE !! ALL SEWAGE PIPE SHALL BE DUCTILE CAST IRON PIPE 6 ALL WATER PIPE SltALL BE BLRIED A MINIMUM OF 6 BELDW FINISHED GRADE AND BACKFILLED WITH TYPE B FILL 7 ALL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS TOBE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LATEST NEC 8 BUILDINGS SHOWN WITH DASHED LINES SHALL BE REMOVED AT THE END OF THE CONSTRUCTION _..., 9 ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE BURIED A MINIMUM OF 6 BELOW FINISHED GRADE ---- FINISH GRADING OVER NEW BURIED UTILITY LINES SHALL MAINTAIN SURFACE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM PERMANENT BUILDINGS CONSTRUCT WATER LINE ABOVE SEWER LINE AT CROSSINGS AND MAINTAIN A VERTICAL SEPARATION OF 18 MINIMUM LAY SEWER PIPE WITH JOINTS A MINIMUM OF 9 FEET DISTANCE "r~:u" REFERENCE DRAWINGS TY 70-101 TO 10!! MAINTENANCE BUI.DING TY 70 107 PROFILES AND DETAILES TY-70-1011 DlSTlRIBLITlOH BOll TT-70 201 TT-TO 20Z I II!ECKANICAL-WATER SUPPLY PIPINII MECHANICAL-WATER SUPPLY !IIIECHAIIICAL-IJEW!:R PIPIJIUJ WATER SYSTEM DETAILS RESERVOIR TAla( I Pt:'::JRD DRAWINGj +3,127,SOO .......... _ ....... --:_......._-;;-:-------------------------------_...... ,..,.."' ~ ..... - TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA MAINTIENANCIE BUILD~NG & PERMA!NlENT HOUSU~G T'lt'-70-106 SITE !PLAN @ @ s PART B SECTION 1 TURBINES AND GOVERNORS B.l.l GENERAL The Tyee Lake powerhouse contains two turbines which are designed to operate with the Tyee Lake and tailwater levels and with flows described in the Design Criteria. 8.1.2 TURBINES The Tyee Lake Powerhouse consists initially of two identical 12,500 kVA hydraulic vertical shaft six nozzle Pelton type turbine/generators with space provided in the powerhouse for a third unit which will be installed later when the power demand increases. A. Nameplate Rating Manufacturer Type Serial Numbers Rated Head Design Output Rated Speed Year of Manufacture B. Turbine Operating Conditions Minimum Head Maximum Static Head Discharge at Rated Head B. 1 - 1 Bell/Sulzer Esher Weiss Vertical Shaft Pelton 2107, 2108 1 ,306 feet 16,750 HP 720 RPM 1983 1 ,250 feet 1 ,385 feet 127cfs. B367/2145R0147:1434R C. Description of Turbine The Pelton turbine consists of a spiral case embedded in concrete to which the six needle nozzles are bolted. Each nozzle is directed at a tangent toward the turbine runner buckets which will apply the motivat- ing force of the water to the generator. Movable deflectors are installed at the discharge of the needles which are activated, along with the needles, by the turbine governor and by links and levers to keep the speed of the turbine constant at various electrical loads. The generator is equipped with combined upper guide and thrust bearing and a lower guide bearing. The thrust bearing supports the generator rotating parts and the turbine runner and shaft which is bolted to the generator shaft. The turbine shaft is guided by a turbine bearing to maintain alignment. Each bearing has its own oil lubricating system. The bearings are capable of operation at all speeds up to full runaway speed of the turbine. It is recommended that the turbine and generator never be operated for more than a short period above the normal speed of 720 RPM. The bearings are arranged in three housings, one for the generator guide and thrust bearing, one for the generator guide bearing and one for the turbine guide bearing. B. Spherical Valves Each turbine has a 25.6 inch diameter, hydraulically operated spherical shutoff valve located inside the powerhouse between the spiral case of the turbine and the inlet manifold. This valve is capable of closing under 660 psig with the water flowing at 200 percent of the normal flow of water into the turbine. B.l-2 B367/2145R0147:1434R . 8.1.3 GOVERNOR A. Nameplate Rating Manfacturer Type Capacity Year of Manufacture B. Governor Operation Woodward UG-8 1,810 ft-lbs 1983 Each governor system is comprised of essentially two basic components: A speed measuring and control section which is the standard UG-8 gov- ernor and a hydraulic control section which operates the needle valve servomotors in direct relation to the unit speed and load. The main function of the governor is to position the turbine needle~ in order that the required power output of the plant and system frequency be maintained. The major components of the governor system are: The governor containing the electrical, mechanical and hydraulic control devices which drive the servomotors; A servomotor which positions the deflectors; A master needle servomotor transmitting needle position; A slave servomotor in each needle nozzle; An oil pressure unit to provide oil to the hydraulic con- trols and servomotors; A speed switch assembly mounted on the generator; A generator air brake control unit. B.l - 3 B367/2145R0147:1434R 8.2.1 COOLING WATER PART 8 SECTION 2 POWERHOUSE UTILITIES Cooling water for the generating units is supplied by means of individ- ual cooling water pumps, one to each unit, from the turbine discharge pit. Each pump discharges through a self-cleaning motorized strainer to the common cooling water header located on the turbine floor. The cooling water system supplies water to the generator air cooler and to the generator and turbine thrust and guide bearing oil coolers. A standby sump is provided with a pump that automatically starts in event of failure of either cooling water pump. B.2.2 SERVICE AND POTABLE WATER The powerhouse raw water for both the service water and the potable water systems are obtained by a branch connection from the cooling water header. From the branch connection the raw water goes through a duplex basket strainer and then is divided into separate lines, one for the service water and one for the potable water. The service water system is provided primarily for cleaning and wash- down at the powerhouse. The potable water system includes a hypoclor- inator and a hydropneumatic tank and supplies water to mechanical and battery rooms, the toilet, and the kitchen. B.2.3 COMPRESSED AIR Compressed air is provided to the station service air system by two air compressors each of which can supply 50 ACFM at 125 psig to the 120 gallon air receiver. B.2 - 1 B367/2145R0147:1434R The air receiver has a pressure switch which will actuate an alarm when system pressure drops below 80 psig. A separate 80 gallon air receiver is provided for operation of the gen- erator air brakes and has sufficient capacity to bring the rotating parts of a single generating unit to a stop from half rated speed fif- teen times with air compressors not running and final pressure in the air receiver not less than 85 psig. Service air outlets are provided at the main circuit breakers, the erection area, near the building entrance, on each generator room wall, near each turbine pit entrance, near the air handling unit, the mechan- ical equipment room and the workshop area. B.2.4 OIL HANDLING A portable oil purification system and pump is provided to empty, clean and/or refill the bearing reservoirs. Any oil that is removed will be pumped to the plant floor into collapsible rubber containers for transport from the site. B.2.5 SEWAGE The powerhouse sewer system provides for removing sanitary waste from all plumbing fixtures in the powerhouse to a lift station and then to the septic tank and leach field. 8.2.6 POWERHOUSE STANDBY POWER SUPPLY The powerhouse stand-by power is supplied by a 125 kW generator driven by a two-cycle turbocharged diesel engine. This unit is complete with a 25 gallon day tank, a 750 gallon fuel tank, a fuel pump and all auxiliary components to comprise a self-contained system which will automatically start in event of power failure. The location of the B.2 - 2 B367/2145R0147:1434R 750 gallon fuel oil tank was relocated from inside the stairwell to north of the powerhouse in a concrete block enclosure when the outside stairwell was removed. B.2 - 3 B367/2145R0147:1434R 8.3.1 POWERHOUSE CRANE PART B SECTION 3 CRANES A rail mounted bridge crane of 35 ton capacity is provided for installing and removing all major equipment in the powerhouse. B.3.2 MAINTENANCE BUILDING No crane is provided in the maintenance building. 8.3 - 1 B367/2145R0147:1434R 8.4. 1 DRAINAGE PART B SECTION 4 DRAINAGE AND UNWATERING SYSTEMS All galleries and floors have drainage gutters along the walls. Upper floor and gutter drains connect into common vertical drainage headers which in turn drain through common horizontal headers and an oil separator into the drainage sump. A vertical turbine pump is installed in the drainage sump. The pump has a capacity of 275 gallons per minute at 85 feet head and discharges into the plant tailrace. The pump control system consists of a displacer type float switch with an auxiliary relay, motor starters, and disconnect switches, and serves both the drainage and unwatering pumps. In operation the pump is started at high level in the sump and will stop at low level. If the water rises above E. 24.0 feet an alarm is energized. 8.4.2 UNWATERING The unit unwatering system drains the turbine spiral distributor and discharge pit when the turbine inlet valve is closed to allow for inspection and repair of the turbine parts and for replacement of the turbine runner. The cooling water pumps are used as unwatering pumps by valve manipula- tion and setting the pump controls to 11 Unwatering,11 allowing the level switch to control the pumps. The system is capable of unwatering the turbine distributor and the discharge pit in not more than 30 minutes. 8.4 - 1 8367/2145R0147:1434R A displacer type float switch controls the operation of each pump, pump 11 0n 11 at 23.0 feet, 11 0ff 11 at 19.75 feet, 11 HWL" alarm on at 24.0 feet. B.4 - 2 B367/2145R0147:1434R 8.5. 1 GENERAL PART 8 SECTION 5 FIRE PROTECTION All fire protection equipment complies with the applicable codes of the National Fire Protection Association. 8.5.2 POWERHOUSE Portable fire extinguishers are provided at strategic locations in the powerhouse. Smoke detectors energize alarm bells and shut down the circulating fans in case of fire. Fire dampers with fusible links automatically close when excess heat is detected to prevent the spread of fire through the ducts. 8.5.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SYSTEM A complete and independent carbon dioxide fire protection system is provided for each generator. The co 2 system consists of one bank of cylinders for both the initial and extended discharge, discharge noz- zles, pipe headers inside the generator, and all external interconnect- ing piping and controls. 8.5.4 MAINTENANCE BUILDING Portable fire extinguishers are located at strategic locations in the maintenance building. The fire alarm system consists of smoke detec- tors which activate alarms to alert personnel in event of a fire. 8.5.5 RESIDENCES Each residence is provided with smoke detectors, alarms and portable fire extinguishers located in the kitchen and main bedroom of each unit. B.5 - 1 B367/2145R0147:1434R B.5.6 MAIN TRANSFORMER No fire protection is provided for the main transformer. 8.5.7 GATEHOUSE No fire protection is provided in the gatehouse. B.5 - 2 B367/2145R0147:1434R PART B SECTION 6 HEATING AND VENTILATING B.6. 1 GENERAL The powerhouse and maintenance shop are provided with heating and ven- tilation systems, as outlined herein. 8.6.2 DESIGN CONDITIONS A. Outside Temperature As per ASHRAE Weather Data and Design Conditions the design tempera- tures are: B. c. Summer Winter Dry Bulb Plant Inside Ambient Conditions Max. Temp. Plant Area (OF) Control Room 86 Office and Toilet 86 Floor El. 43.5 86 Floor El. 31.0 86 Floor El. 23.5 86 Maintenance Building Control Room 86 B.6 - 1 Relative Humidity Not Available Relative Humidity Min. Temp. % (OF) 40 to 60 68 40 to 60 68 b5 55 55 40 to 60 65 B367/2145R0147:1434R 8.6.3 SYSTEM DESIGN A. Ventilation The powerhouse floors are ventilated with filtered air at the rate of approximately two air changes per hour during plant operation. An air handling unit with a mixing box, filter, and fan is provided for the air ventilation. The air handling unit includes a motorized damper operated by an outside air temperature thermostat. Air from the battery room is exhausted continuously to the outside and an alarm is activated in case of exhaust fan failure. A motorized damper is interlocked with the emergency generator and the welding hood to admit outside air to these areas when operating. B. Heating During winter approximately 90% of the plant air is recirculated. The recirculated air is filtered after mixing with the 10%outside air. Ventilating air will be heated by individual space heaters controlled by wall thermostats. C. Cooling The main floor will be warm in summer due to the heat from the genera- tors. 100% outside air will be drawn in from outside of the building by the air handling unit and exhausted by wall fans. No air will be recirculated in the summer. 8.6.4 CONTROL ROOM OFFICES AND MAINTENANCE SHOP The control room and office area are ventilated in summer and heated in winter. B.6 - 2 B367/2145R0147;1434R The maintenance shop is ventilated with outside air during summer con- ditions. The welding and grinding areas are exhausted separately. The maintenance shop is heated in winter by thermostatically controlled unit heaters to maintain the 65° temperature. B.6.5 CONTROLS The instruments for control and regulation of the system include: o Wall mounted thermostats control the unit and duct heaters to the various floor, control room, office areas and Maintenance building. o Outside air temperature sensing thermostats which will modulate louver and damper motors for air recirculation in the powerhouse. o Pressure switches are provided to activate alarms in case of fan belt rupture, battery exhaust fan failure or dirty filter conditions in the powerhouse. B.6.6 EQUIPMENT The equipment includes the air handling unit, duct heaters, wall mounted heaters, exhaust fans, filters. It also includes galvanized steel duct work, fixed and adjustable louvers, damper motors and instruments. B.6 - 3 B367/2145R0147:1434R PART B SECTION 7 GATEHOUSE, GATE SHAFT AND MAINTENANCE BUILDING 5.7.1 GATEHOUSE A. General The gatehouse at Tyee Lake, located near the lake outlet, was con- structed and equipped prior to opening the lake .to the power tunnel. B. Power Supply Power for the gatehouse equipment will be provided by a 45 kW enclosed propane powered engine generator (E.G.)set located on a concrete pad adjacent to the gatehouse. A thermostat operated propane powered catalytic heater is provided for minimal warmth in the enclosure. The propane tank fuel supply is located a minimum of 10 feet away on its own foundation. This engine generator set will be operated manually, with fully charged batteries, a portable 1.5 kW engine generator set and crew flown to the gatehouse by helicopter when required. The 45 kW unit will be operated to raise the gate, stoplog, or trashrack for maintenance or repair or to raise the gate after emergency closure. It shall also provide power for ventilation of the gate shaft when personnel access to the shaft is necessary. Before attempting to start the 45 kW, E.G. set in cold weather, the 1.5 kW set shall be connected to the fuel supply and electrically to the larger E.G. set water jacket heater, then started and run until the 4s kW unit is heated enough to start easily. After the 45 kW unit is started, the 1.5 kW unit is disconnected, and the gatehouse equipment can then be operated. After the gatehouse work is completed, the 45 kW unit shall be shut down and the crew, batteries, and 1.5 kW engine generator set flown back to the powerhouse. B.7-1 B367/2145R0147:1434R C. Emergency Gate Closure The gate oepration will initially be manual from the platform in the gate shaft, although the present design allows for additional equipment to be installed in the future to provide automatic operation of the gate from the powerhouse as follows: In the event of an emergency, a signal will be sent from the powerhouse which will start the small DC motor and lift the hydraulic gate until the dogging device is released. A limit switch will stop the DC motor and the gate will close under its own weight and by the use of the hydraulic throttling valves and piping. A gate monitor switch will signal the powerhouse when the gate is closed. This then completes the emergency closure and the gate can be reopened by operating the hy- draulic control vaves at El. 1442 and as noted in paragraph B, above. B.7.2 GATE SHAFT A. General Along with the hydraulic hoist and wheeled gate at the lower elevation, an additional gate slot extends from the storage floor at elevation 1417 to the power tunnel which allows insertion of a fine trashrack or stoplog into the tunnel upstream of the gate. Normally the trashrack will be installed in this position to stop small particles from entering the turbines downstream, and the stoplog will be stored at elevation 1417. The trashrack will be removed and replaced by the stoplog when the main gate is to be removed for periodic inspection. B. Hoist A 7-1/2-ton hoist located in the gatehouse is used to remove and replace all equipment at the lower levels. Rails are extended outside the gatehouse to provide transport of the gate shaft equipment to and from the gatehouse itself. B.7 - 2 B367/2145R0147:1434R 8.7.3 MAINTENANCE BUILDING A maintenance building is located near the living quarters which pro- vides for maintenance and minor repairs of mobile equipment. This building will also be used for mobile equipment storage in the winter. The building service equipment is as follows: 0 Air compressor 0 Grinder 0 Welder 0 Drill press 0 Work benches 0 Storage cabinets The building is insulated, heated and ventilated in accordance with ASRAE Codes, and has toilet and wash facilities for the personnel. B.7 - 3 B367/2145R0147:1434R I ' I I I I j ("-. ..._ I l I @ ® 11/1.1 cw 0 ---· 1'/41 CWO ---f---5~LJ. ~-~wo-----~~-1~~ THPLJST eEAAING ~ ~PA.IE.O 6Y ', GENER .. TOA MA.NUFACTUP.ER f'UMF' SUCTION ( jy'f'-4) ------ ® ~EF owe:. 1 T'!'·4'3-IOI--SYI'1eGL5 $ Ael'loeVI.A.TION5 RECORD oRAw:~·G (-;l~----------------~--~~~--~=---~~--~~----------------~~~~~---,----------------------~==----------~--~------------------------~----=-J;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~r-----~--~ I j TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT r 1-7--t::-=-~~~~77=:-=--::;;:::;-:::------F.:;::...r:-=t-':nr-i ~=-~;~LENGINEERINGCOiliPANY,INC ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY POWERHOUSE -MECHANICAL ::,~-....::.,...,.....= •• ~~:.: ANCHORAGE, ALASKA COOLING WATER 8 UNWATERING DESIGNED""' I. I Y. SYSTEM SCHEMATIc OY Ct« APP1l INSPECTED }LC.. TY-45-102 StEET OF REV 5 ECONO 5 1/31/84 REVISIONS I iJ -! ' II I ~ (, I .A I I \__ I @ ® ® EL 430 I E.L3:!1 0 I NO I I J~4 1 ijW l3'v I .<H1/4 1PW I REVISIONS BY Ctoc P.PP D NO DATE REVISIONS ® 3/¥PW Wz'v 2 sw TO DRAIN 3/4 sw I r-1-1•-j---l-l--i I I I I • I I I I I lkHW, I ~11t"I'J I I r----------If-+~ II I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I <D 3/4 sw ;EL31 0 -+3/'-:'4:-;;.-s w:-:--'--- FUTURE \ I I~ I I I ~ ~ I r ~ I 1------.L-----..--~----;-=-=.:-=~w..l:!,w ________ ~.--___J~..-______ .~..-____ -+~g~ I I '--I I lfWl .Yfll, (7. ~ 1 f l 1. I OF I 55 I -,::!) I' 4 >< 2 ~ 0 r:\ 4CWFROMfJ\ 4CWFROM 2 4.CWFROM0 1 _t1EC\1A.Nit..l:i.._j 6 ~v' 2CW RCONTSEE\..:.1 '--4_!___00M L---¥J rPG\..:_ ~ WG NOTY 45-102 :y4·HB!SlEL 27 50 i\..__/' If\._) l2PLACES) I:OP, DAAINAGE =.e TY-45-10~ BY CI1K APPD INSI'ECTED 71 r ~ 1 I 1 1/2~ '--DUPLEX STRAINER TO GUTTER RECORD DRAWING I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA __ ...~./_E_L ?3 0 REFERENCE PIPING 8. INSTRUMENTION DIAGRAM PLANT & INSTRUMENT AJ~ TY 45 103 SHT 7. 'f'(a~•IQf --SYMBOL'S $ Af>SREVfAT/ON6 lY 45-114--EXPOSED &. EMBEDDED PIPII-6 PLAN EL4'!lSO &. PAI<'TIAL PL.AN TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWERHOUSE-MECHANICAL UTILITY WATER FLOW DIAGRAM TY-45-103-1 SHEET OF IECO NO -------_____ _._ ____ _ @ \ I I)@ I l I) \ I ® ·~ I rEL 33 o ____ _ HYDRO PNEUMATIC TANK PIPE. PE~~Nr-.EL. AAOTECTION --- :v-'4 HC®EL 27 50 (2 PLACES) SERVICE AIR & WATER STATION <;EE DWG NOTY45103,SHTI rEL 25 0 '2. .J 01FO. T LEG _;-£L_2_3_o ___ _ TO ORAIN REVISIONS ® 1• SA C-2 A IF< u ... i'MP~E '5'50~5 SO AC. FM ,.a liS ~~I DESIGNED CL t.ISPECTEO I r CONN ~ l..EAO LAG CONTROL ---, 3/4. HC ~EL 4750 --(2 PLACES) (SERVICEAIRSTATIONS) -EL4356' ------------~ ~~=~------------------------------------------------------------~~~I/2'TOGOYAIR COM PRESSOR(UNIT 1) Vz" 1/:2 1 5W, FO~ CONT see o~~ i'!' 45-10:3-t 'Z'D1J<rL.ECJ (T'(P) W/1/'Z,I SL.OWOONN 'Z.ijC.~D lfz" c-1} PIPE "E~SON~EL 2!'A PF<.OrECiiON TO DRAIN ~ ,. 3/4 SA yzaTO GOV AIR COM PRESSOR(UNIT 2.) GEN BRAKE Alf2 VA!.VS 1/2 TO GEM BRAI\E (U .~IT 2) -3/1 1-il :a>tL 35 0 f/ (2 PLACES) ::,i::?VI CE AI R&WATERSTATIONS rEL,:, 0 , 3/4 SA REFERENCE UTILITY .VAT[" --~'1. D 1 A :?AM TY 45 103,SH-I TY-4'5-101 --':!YMt30LS ~ABBREVIATIONS [RECORD DRAWING I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWERHOUSE-MECHANICAL PIP!NG a INSTRUMENTION DIAGRAM PLANT 8 INSTRUMENT AIR TY-45-103 -2 "-tEET OF REVS ECONO I I I " I@ @ I 60 I 1'1'~"11 "'~A,.. eL. 23 o G.0-1 ToPEL. Z'leoY J ll 'I I I 1\ I I -® I I I I I I I ® r4"v' ... l E.L. "'"' 0 I I ~ I o.""-~gO l('~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA a"o '3TUI3-uF' 'Z.IA:fOJE Fl\.IISHEO WIC C.AP PIPE. E.NO FOP, FUTURE UNIT9!1 ~E:= 0'1\'~5 I TY-45-110 -Er-18E.DOE.D PIPING Pl..AN 2 T'l'-45-111-E."'18EOOED P1Pir-.~R.AN 3 TY ~:.-11~-=xro~~D ~ ar-~ee:ooEo P!PIN~ PLAI'I E.L 3~ Q.J ~ ~1ION 4 TY-45-101 '3YM60L.':;, !$ ~68P.SVIA.Ti0!6 TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWERHOUSE-MECHANiCAL DRAINAGE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM @ @ ® I I I I \ i I \ ,- I I I I I \ @) @ ® ® _j I I I I cL. 33 o Ei.. 25 o • r I.IH 2.F ~ 210 t:FM 2120 CfM F/:J Ufi-IA s,e :z ~ 250CrM UH /H ~ 244-0~PM 4.350CFM l.. I 'l~ I ~~ I ' I I I I I I I uENE!<ATtJR FLOOR IIH /8 ~ I I <b MACf-1/N£ FLOOR. IIJI 16 { ~· TU!<BINE FLOOR .. ,,, >d P.C.C.OP.O Of<.ANINC:, :3 SM/81. ReJI'I.St!R ;IS NOTGP z 1/IS/BJ fi?~W.S~R A.S N.arep I 14/'S/~ .e~VIS-£P AS NOT~P 0 gltom. ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION NO OATF RFVI~InNc; ~70 CFM = = ~ ~ u.. ~ a- L<' C6 r.c /.C. (;t) I« Lc. ""' 1cr RY f"HI( ....., ® 8700 CFM UH-28 - 8ATTERY RCXJM CONSlA.nNG ENGINEERS I~!4~~L ENGINEERING COMPANY, IMC 180 HOWARD ITRI!ET !1AH ~'RAJ< SCO Co\1. 'OfU'lA .. 05 8R1 OLD &niAAO OHWA AHCHORAOE.. ~ ~ ~ ~ I./HIE WORK .SHOP ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA NtJres- '-' ...- I. 1"1' Z. IS Tllll'l11 S~UP PAN INrl!.llLt:JCKllP WITH l:ri1"&NaN t!~HAI.IST rAN 2 c~N /f',IWS Jf/r .3A Wl"-38 4 WP"-.3C .SHALL 8£ t~I!I.JXJCep Wl'f'H SHdK4 PITT~& TORS J~ Wr :;,e l~ zroo c;:M (.SUMMe.l!. ONLY) ~6£ NO 7?!'-Z) .J. UNIT H!.ATI!.f!S UH ZA TNA!U Iii LJH .lr SHALt! HAV~ H/Al-1... \! /VIt:JUA/Tel? rHERMO$TAT.!. 2 , A.S SNtJWN tJN PWtS Tf ~ 13. ~~@ .:;;5i" t'h Wr'-28 t-1· v-...,..24._.,..().._()_.:._-;r._'M_ 12."xn. t:XHA/IST LOI.IY~,e. W/.5C,IZ46N 2.00 C./"M 12 11 KI2•$XHALIS! L.Ol.IVER W/%RSE:N 11o trM TOILET 5 x4'ouTSIP6" Ate L.OI/Vcti! W/.SCR£eN !*:():J Ct=M {~HMER) 900 CFM(WINTE~) 5'x-!-' OI/T51JM AIR LOUYER wjsc,eeEN /fifO CFM MAX 2400 Cr/'1 MIN ~ .Jr~ E%1/AUST LOUY.!i.e JY/.$~.eeeN :.5,a &rM REF DN~5 I iY-45 -101 --SI"Mto:.S ~ J,68REV!ATIONS TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWERHOUSE-MECHANICAl HEATING a VENTILATION SCHEMATIC TY-45-!06 S>EETOF IECONO ( c C. 1 • 1 GENERAL PART C SECTION 1 GENERATORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT The Tyee Lake Powerhouse contains two generators, with prov1s1on for an additional unit to be added in the future. Each generator is provided with a static excitation system, 13.8 kV switchgear, and neutral grounding equipment. C.l.2 GENERATORS The generators are of the vertical shaft, synchronous type with combined upper guide and thrust bearing and lower guide bearing. The generators are coupled to and are driven by six nozzle pelton type turbines at a rated speed of 720 rpm. The basis for selecting the generator rating is outlined in the Design Criteria, Appendix A. The generator ratings are given in Appendix E. The generator consists of a stator, rotor, thrust bearing, two guide bearings, upper and lower brackets and sole plates which are bolted to the foundation and form supports for the stationary parts of the machine. Other components include a slip ring assembly with combination speed switch, combined brakes and jacks, foundation bolts, platform, stairway and handrails, and a totally enclosed ventilating system with surface air coolers. The stator and rotor coils are furnished with class B insulation and -are rated for 115 percent continuous overload capability without exceeding the temperature limits. The generators are protected against fires by a co 2 system. The generator is connected in wye and the generator line terminals are brought into the 13.8 kV switchgear. The c. 1 - 1 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R neutral terminals are connected together inside the housing and a common terminal is brought into the neutral grounding equipment cubicle. C.1.3 EXCITATION SYSTEM The generator excitation system is of potential source, static type, suitable for continuous stable operation under manual or automatic control at all load conditions. The excitation system receives power from the 13.8 kV switchgear through an excitation transformer. The excitation system consists of an excitation transformer, ac field breaker, power converter section, and an automatic voltage regulator including protective and electrical sensing devices. The following protective and monitoring devices are provided with the excitation equipment: o Field ground detector relay. o Field voltage relay for detection of sustained field overvoltage. o Overcurrent relays connected on the high voltage side of the excitation transformer. o Overexcitation limiter. o Maximum volts/hertz protection. o Minimum excitation limiter. o Loss of potential protection. o Line-drop compensation. o Reactive current compensation. C.l.4 13.8 kV SWITCHGEAR & NEUTRAL GROUNDING EQUIPMENT -The 13.8 kV switchgear assembly consists of one generator breaker cubicle, one generator surge protection cubicle, and one generator neutral grounding cubicle. These cubicles also contain the voltage and current transformers for metering, relaying and synchronizing. C.l -2 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R The generator line terminals are connected to the circuit breaker and the surge protection equipment. The connections to the main power transformer, the station service transformer, and the excitation service transformer are made from the switchgear assembly. The neutral terminal from the generator housing is connected to the grounding transformer rated 13,800-120/240 volts, with the secondary grounding resistor rated 0.5 ohms. C.l -3 B195/2145R0147:1441R PART C SECTION 2 STATION AUXILIARY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT C.2.1 GENERAL The station auxiliary power for the powerplant, maintenance building, and permanent housing is supplied by either of the main generators or by the diesel generator. Main generator power is fed to the station service bus through fuse-disconnect switches and 13,800-480 V, 750 kVA dry type transformers. C.2.2 STATION SERVICE SWITCHGEAR All loads are served from the 480 V breakers which are connected to the main 1200 A bus. An automatic throwover scheme determines which source feeds the bus (Unit 1, Unit 2, or diesel generator). C.2.3 POWER DISTRIBUTION PANELBOARDS Two 480 V panels in the powerplant and one in the maintenance building provide protection and disconnection means for the various loads, including the 480 V motors, power outlets, lighting transformers, battery chargers, and powerhouse crane. C.2.4 125 V DC SYSTEM Control for all major electrical devices is done by 125 V DC circuits. The 125 V circuits feed from a distribution panel which is supplied · from the main battery and two battery chargers. Ground and under- voltage protection are provided. C.2 - 1 B195/2145R0147:1441R PART C SECTION 3 CONTROL AND PROTECTIVE RELAYING C.3.1 GENERAL Control of the generators is switch selectable for local manual, local automatic, or remote/supervisory mode. The local operator controls the units from the main control switchboards while remote control is from Wrangell Control Center. C. 3. 2 CONTROL The main control switchboards contain the local control switches, indicating and recording meters, control wiring, synchronizing equipment, and protective relaying devices. The local operators are given all pertinent generator data on the front panels and may choose control actions as desired. The supervisory control signals are wired into the switchboards in a parallel fashion to the local control. C.3.3 PROTECTIVE RELAYING 1. Generator Protection-The following relays are furnished for each generator's protection: 0 Differential relay (87 G) 0 Voltage controlled overcurrent relay (51 V) 0 Negative phase sequence relay (46 G) 0 Ground fault relay (64 G) 0 OVervoltage relay (59 G) 0 Loss of field relay (40 G) 0 Field ground relay (64 G) 0 Temperature overcurrent relay (49 G) c. 3 - 1 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R o Voltage balance relay (60 G) o Reverse power relay (32 G) o Exciter overcurrent relay (50/51 E) 2. Main Power Transformer Protection -The following relays are furnished for the transformer protection: o Differential relay (87 T) o Neutral overcurrent relay (51 NT) o Thermal overload relay (49 T) o Sudden pressure relay (63 Tf) 3. Station Service Switchgear Protection -The following relays are furnished for switchgear protection: o Under/Overvoltage relay (27/59) o Transformer thermal protection (49 T) o Ground fault detector (64) 4. Switchyard and Transmission Line Protection -The following relays are provided for 138 kV transmission line protection: 0 Zone 1 -Distance relay ( 21-1 ) 0 Zone 2 -Distance relay (21-2) 0 Zone 3 -Distance relay (21-3) 0 fault detector relay (50) 0 Directional ground fault relay (67 G) 0 Bus differential relay (87 B) The protection system will detect and trip the breaker for phase-to- phase, 3-phase and all combinations of phase-to-ground faults. C.3 - 2 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R C.4.1 GROUNDING SYSTEM PART C SECTION 4 GENERAL ELECTRICAL WORK A complete grounding system for the powerhouse and switchyard including ground mats and driven ground rods is provided. The neutral terminals and housings of the generators, transformers, circuit breakers and all electrical equipment frames and enclosures are connected to the ground system. The resistance of the ground system to the absolute ground is not more than five ohms. C. 4. 2 liGHTING Lighting is provided at the powerhouse and switchyard and the illumina- tion intensities are consistent with the area functions. Fluorescent and mercury lamps are used for illuminating main operating and control areas to provide long range economy, pleasant working conditions and easy surveillance of the premises. Incandescent lamps are used for damp and wet locations and for emergency lighting. Convenient electrical outlets rated 120 V, 20 A are provided at numerous locations. Normal lighting is provided by lighting panels which are fed from the power distribution panelboard. Emergency lighting is provided by an emergency lighting panel which is fed from the 125 V DC station battery. C.4 - 1 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R C.5.1 GENERAL PART C SECTION 5 TYEE LAKE SWITCHYARD The switchyard at Tyee Lake Powerplant is designed to operate initially at 69 kV and later at 138 kV with minor modifications. The switcl~ard consists of two step-up main power transformers, two circuit switchers, 69/138 kV bus, one 138 kV oil circuit breaker, voltage transformers, disconnect, by-pass and ground switches, coupling capacitors and line traps, tubular steel structures and one 69 kV transmission line terminal to Wrangell Switchyard as shown on Drawing TY-57-012. C.5.2 MAIN POWER TRANSFORMERS The main power transformers are used to step up the 13.8 kV generated voltage to the transmission voltage level of 69/138 kV. The trans- formers are two-winding, 3-phase, 60 cycle, outdoor, oil cooled type rated 11.25/15 MVA and are equipped with no-load tap changers and with bracket mounted 60 kV lightning arresters adjacent to the high voltage bushings. The low voltage windings are connected in delta and connected to the generator terminals by 13.8 kV cables. The high voltage windings are connected in grounded wye and the line terminals are connected to the circuit switcher in the switchyard. The high voltage windings are suitable for series/parallel operation. Initially the winding will be connected in parallel for 69 kV operation. C.5.3 138 KV OIL CIRCUIT BREAKER The oil circuit breaker is used to connect the 69/138 kV transmission line to the 138 kV main bus at Tyee Lake Switchyard. The breaker is equipped with a pneumatic operating mechanism. C.5 - 1 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R Each bushing is equipped with two sets of current transformers which are used for either metering or relaying. The breaker is provided with a bypass switch which will be used for energizing the line when the breaker is out of service for repairs and maintenance. The breaker is provided with close and trip coils to operate the breaker electrically. The breaker can be controlled either locally or remotely from the Powerplant main control switchboard or from wrangell Control Center. C.5.4 CIRCUIT SWITCHER$ The circuit switcher is used to connect the high voltage winding terminals of the main power transformer to the 138 kV bus. The type MFB line backer circuit switcher is an outdoor high voltage switching device and with an in-series integral disconnect switch. Operation of the switcher unit is controlled by a motor operator with a shunt trip attachment for high speed tripping. The shunt trip device is connected in such a way that the interruptor will be tripped open before the disconnect switch opens. The disconnect switch provides visible isolation of the circuit only after the circuit has been switched open by the interruptor. On a closing operation the discon- nect switch closes first followed by interruptor closure. SF 6 gas is used as the interrupting medium. C.5 - 2 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R C.6.1 GENERAL PART C SECTION 6 WRANGELL SWITCHYARD Wrangell Switchyard is designed to operate initially at 69 kV and later at 138 kV with minor modifications. The switchyard consists of three circuit switchers, 69/138 kV bus, voltage and current transformers, disconnect and ground switches, coupling capacitors and line traps, tubular steel structures, two 69 kV transmission line terminals {one to Wrangell Substation and one to Tyee Lake Switchyard), and one submarine cable terminal {to Petersburg Substation), as shown on Drawing TY-57-205. C.6.2 SHUNT REACTOR The 7.5 MVAR shunt reactor is used to compensate capacitive reactance in the submarine cables while charging the transmission line, which thereby reduces the reactive loading on the Tyee Lake Powerplant generators to reasonable values. The shunt reactor is a three-phase, 60 cycle, outdoor, oil cooled type equipped with surge arrestors mounted on a bracket near the 69 kV bushings. The reactor windings are connected in wye and the neutral terminal is connected to ground. Ratings for the reactor are given in Appendix E. C.6.3 CONTROL SWITCHBOARD The Wrangell Switchyard is furnished with a dual type control switch- board to control and monitor the equipment in the switchyard. Located in the control building, the switchboard consists of one dual type panel with meters, indicating lights, control, selector, and instrument switches, annunciator, protective relays, pushbuttons, and other C.6 - 1 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R devices. All required meters and transducers are provided for the Petersburg transmission line to monitor watts, watthours, vars, amps, volts, and frequency. A two-zone distance relaying scheme and a ground overcurrent relay are provided to protect the Petersburg transmission line. Both ground and phase overcurrent relays are provided to protect the shunt reactor. C.6.4 CIRCUIT SWITCHERS Circuit switchers are used for Petersburg line and reactor fault clearing and switching. The Petersburg line req~ires connection of the shunt reactor so the controls are interlocked accordingly. The type and operation is the same as those at Tyee lake Switchyard. Grounding switches are provided at the submarine cable terminal structure (line to Petersburg) for use when the cables are deenergized. C.6 - 2 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R C.7. 1 GENERAL PART C SECTION 7 WRANGELL SUBSTATION The incoming line from Wrangell Switchyard is designed to operate initially at 69 kV and later at 138 kV with minor modifications. The substation consists of one step down main power transformer, one circuit switcher, 12.5 kV metalclad switchgear, one ground switch, coupling capacitors and line traps, tubular steel structures and one 69 kV transmission line terminal to Wrangell Switchyard as shown on Drawing TY-57-230. C.7.2 MAIN POWER TRANSFORMER The main power transformer is used to step down the 69/l3e kV incoming line voltage to the distribution voltage level of 12.47 kV. The transformer is a three-winding, 3-phase, 60 cycle, outdoor, oil cooled type, rated 8/10 MVA and is equipped with no-load (HV) and load (LV) tap changers and with bracket mounted 60 kV lightning arresters adjacent to the high voltage bushings. The low voltage windings are connected grounded wye and connect to the 12.5 kV switchgear by 15 kV cables. The high voltage windings are connected grounded wye and the line terminals are connected to the circuit switcher. The high voltage windings are suitable for series/parallel operation. Initially the windings will be connected in parallel for 69 kV operation. The embedded tertiary windings are connected in delta. C.7 - 1 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R C.7.3 12.5 KV METALCLAD SWITCHGEAR The 12.5 kV switchgear is a metal-enclosed building consisting of five breaker and control cubicles, an aisle, and assorted 125 V DC, 120/240 V AC, and SCADA equipment mounted near or on the wall opposite the cubicles. The switchgear contains both the 12.5 kV distribution equipment and the control devices for Wrangell Substation. The main incoming line and all feeder lines have indicating ampere, watt and var meters, as well as test switches at the bottom of the front swing panels for current/voltage testing. All air circuit break- ers (main and four feeder/supply lines) have provision for local and remote (from Wrangell Control Center) control. Inside each cubicle are amp transducers for SCADA system operation. The protective devices include the following relays: o Transformer differential (87 J) o t~eutral (ground} overcurrent (51 TNl, 2) o Phase overcurrent (51 T, 51 N) o Reverse power (32) o Overvoltage {59) o Underfrequency (81) o Phase and ground overcurrent (50/51 and 50/51 N) C.7.4 CIRCUIT SWITCHER A circuit switcher is used to connect the high voltage winding terminals of the main power transfonner to the 69/138 kV incoming line. The type and operation is the same as those at Tyee Lake Switchyard. A three-pole, group-operated, 13& kV ground switch is provided for grounding tne incoming transmission line when it is not in use. C.7-2 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R A three-pole, group-operated, 138 kV ground switch is provided for grounding the incoming transmission line when it is not in use. C.7 - 3 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R C.8.1 GENERAL PART C SECTION 8 PETERSBURG SUBSTATION The incoming line from Wrangell Switchyard is designed to operate initially at 69 kV and later at 138 kV with minor modifications. The substation consists of one step down main power transformer, one circuit switcher, three circuit reclosers, voltage transformers, disconnect, by-pass and ground switches, tubular steel structures and one 69 kV transmission line terminal to Wrangell Switchyard as shown on Drawing TY-57-255. C.8.2 MAIN POWER TRANSFORMER The main power transformer is used to step down the 69/138 kV incoming line voltage to the distribution voltage level of 24.9 kV. The transformer is a three-winding, 3-phase, 60 cycle, outdoor, oil cooled type, rated 12/16/20 MVA and is equipped with no-load (HV) and load (LV) tap changers and with bracket mounted 60 kV lightning arresters adjacent to the high voltage bushings. The low voltage windings are connected grounded wye and connect to the main bus through recloser RC-1. The high voltage windings are connected grounded wye and the line terminals are connected to the circuit switcher. The high voltage windings are suitable for series/parallel operation. Initially the windings will be connected in ·parallel for 69 kV operation. The tertiary windings are connected in delta and are brought out for future use. c.a -1 B195/2145R0147:1441R C.8.3 VACUUM CIRCUIT RECLOSERS The circuit reclosers are used to connect the power transformer to the main bus and the main bus to the outgoing distribution lines. The circuit reclosers are 11 reclosers 11 in their type only, as they are used without any reclosing functions at this time. Each recloser is equipped with an electronic automatic control and protection system, with replacable component trip setting plugs which sense any line problems and open the circuit recloser and alarm. C.8.4 CIRCUIT SWITCHER A circuit switcher is used to connect the high voltage winding terminals of the main power transformer to the 69/138 kV incoming line. The type and operation is the same as those at Tyee Lake Swi tchyard. A three-pole, group operated, 138 kV ground switch is provided for grounding the incoming transmission line when it is not in use. C.8.5 CONTROL SWITCHBOARD The control switchboard is a dual type with control, indication and protective relaying devices mounted on the front of the panels, with access doors in the rear. The annunciator for the substation is locatea on Panel 2, with 24 windows alarming points as detailed on the schematic diagrams. Protective devices include the following relays: 0 Transformer differentia 1 ( 87 T) 0 Neutral (ground) overcurrent (51 TNl , 2) 0 Phase overcurrent (51 T) 0 Reverse power (32) 0 Overvoltage (59) 0 Under frequency (81) C.8 - 2 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R PART C SECTION 9 COMPUTER BASED SCADA AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM C.9.1 SCOPE This section covers the final design of the communications and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCAOA} system for the Tyee Lake Powerplant, the Wrangell and Petersburg Substations, the Wrangell Switchyard, and the Wrangell Control Center. C.9.2 GENERAL The communications system provides voice and data circuits between the Control Center and the remote locations through a combination of cable, powerline carrier, and leased telephone facilities. C. 9. 3 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTH1 The communications link between the Control Center and the remote stations are provided by Powerline Carrier and Leased Telephone Facilities. These facilities were designed for 99.99% availability (one hour per year downtime} to insure the reliability of voice and data communications. Communications between the Petersburg Substation and the Wrangell Control Center are provided by a combination of facilities leased from General Telephone Co. of Alaska and Alascom. The circuit is made up of a full period, full duplex, voice grade, microwave radio channel ·between Wrangell and Petersburg, and wireline (4-wire) telephone cable links from the Alascom sites in each town, to the Petersburg Substation and the Wrangell Control Center. C.9 - 1 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R This link was originally designed to be provided by a privately owned microwave radio system which was subsequently deleted from the Project as part of a cost reduction program. A Powerline Carrier System provides voice and data circuits between the Wrangell Control Center, the Wrangell Switchyard and the Tyee Lake Powerhouse. Two carrier channels link the Control Center and the Switchyard. Two additional channels link the Control Center with the Powerhouse. In the original design, the Wrangell Substation was located at Shoemaker Bay and the communications link from there to the Control Center was to be provided by a telephone cable installed on the distribution pole line. The decision to locate the substation in Wrangell, and to construct a new transmission line into the town, allowed the utilization of powerline carrier for communications betwen the Control Center and the Shoemaker bay Switchyard. This eliminated the previously planned cable system and resulted in a cost reduction. Direct telephone service is provided between the Control Center, the Wrangell Switchyard, and the Tyee Lake Powerhouse through the Powerline Carrier System, and by cable to the Wrangell Substation. Voice communication with the Petersburg Substation is accomplished through the Public Telephone Network. -A VHF radio system has been installed to provide mobile and portable radio communications throughout the project area. The Control Center and the Powerhouse are equipped with base station radios and a repeater is located on Etolin Island. This configuration supports portable radio communications from almost anywhere along the transmission line C.9 - 2 Bl95/2145R0147:1441R and provides an additional voice link between the Control Center and the Powerhouse. C.9.4 SCADA SYSTEM A computer-based Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system provides centralized remote control and monitoring of the Tyee Lake Powerplant, the Wrangell and Petersburg Substations, and the Wrangell Switchyard. The SCADA system consists of a Central Processing Unit Master Station at the Wrangell Control Center and Remote Terminal Units at the Powerplant, Substations, and Switchyard. The SCADA system is designed to provide highly reliable and secure operation. Functions provided by the SCADA system include control, status indication, alarm reporting, data logging, and strip chart recording of selected analog quantities from Tyee Lake Powerplant. C.9-3 B195/2145R0147:1441R @ ' I I ____) /--1. ( ~ '-.. I (!!) ~ ~ I 3 ~~ ~ }- ~ ;.,) ~ ... \-. ~ ";' :::s ' I ~s I ~~' ::..' @ ~~ -& I I I ~-' -II : I ~ ~ ~I ;:E ) I -§ --~ ~ ~ ~ \ > ~ '( ~ ~ I l® ® --------''=25.! f!.C DI$7/UBUriO/II ~/JQ411D--------- 1/!Y\ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ $ --..... ... ... i ~ i % ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :::s :::s ~ \) ~ (l § <( ~ :: 'd ~ § ~ ~ ~ I~ n ~-2. 24 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-:;s --~ fj t.: ~ § ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::3 <\l "l <\l "l <\l <\) ~ <\l <\l § 1.... ~ 1.... ~ § 1.... to-1-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :::s :::s :::s I RECORD DRAWING I ALASKA IPOWE!Ri AlirnORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ~ ~ ~ $ ~ "l ~ :::s ~ ~ ~ ~ !<ffet<EJyCE. DKAfd!/YGG, ELEC7RJCA/... ~11.ea..S ANO Ae:eiU;.VtATIO/Vb ______ JY-+7-101 MAtH ~N6tL.E. Ufle OIA&RAM-___ fY-+1-1a5 -f80.I ~ATION ~~~ ,AND lX-~/T(){/!;OMJ;JUifOLJr__ __ fY-1-7 107 TYEE LAKE HYDROB.ECTRIC PROJECT TYEE LAKE POWERPLANT 125V DC DISTRIBUTION SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM -- @ @) ® ® I I I I I I I I @ r- ' r:@ " G 1 2.1 ~ 501 f v r-, ~--1>----' p 1?2. lZOOA v IDZ 1 8a:7 !1>'f-.=~---l----_J r---~1A1'1~ ~ .,~! ulu~<-~ 1 : ('lll~ -~~ 1 ,_ I I ~ ~ I ~~-----M·-,--------~1 .NJ'l'O A r(rl 1 1 , ~ZG.I 40£01 +1 4G.t,l 4"'1&.1 'l'lT1 ~!!}JO ~£<1 511Jf .!'11V6rl .!'>Z .5'16,1 ~Go! "Z '-'>fr' ~r'l ci.4Gol fi>7Gt BIDI",P,T 671l>'-,1 6'1 ,., ~t(;) ~"*fL. 0 II!.E.VE:lt* rowl!lt. JU:l.A'f 1..0'?'? Of' FIE'lP ~y rua.otrl~~ H~'fNe~~'l' ?t'A"ftilt ~et1~1U::. IQ!:I..AY "f~Eit 01/E:~:TEMPEII:.AAI~ p:a~ "'--JL.:I' !:1e"TWOil. ~'I' E:lV..f!"Eil ~ RELA.T 1~~~~~ !!SAY vo...-w..e~~~ '-lftLLirT ~ ~OIC. ~(}L."fNi.!. IU:I.AY ~10ft va.:ru.e ~ I(EL.A'( 1111etr. 1"01(. w.:rrAJ.~ce lf.I!I..A'I'~ ~OitMI!R I'IWl:f ~ !WAY FIEUI ~~p tu:.LAY ~Oit. ?1"A101C. ~ llaA't PIRI:CfltWoL. ~ ~ F!&A'r flU<;I,t.a.J~ a. ~ Dlf~L. LA:.ItOIIT lll!U!t !l>IJ'P, t.aEtleii.JI.101t Olt ~e:R Dll"'"'aUHU!IJL. ~ ~~~rr~ ~~~!::' ~~-HO-l..Qd.j;>~D CMAII:f ~ RE.FE.RENGE. ~WIN~. etU"ff!.JCAl. ~M~ ~p ~IA"fl"'*'--------1'1"-47-101 4eOV ~AftON ~IQ!. !:>!~ L.JI-I~ ~AH ______ :fY-"17-la+ !Q<I.A'( ~1 A '*'17 I"'WTeufiON I'UHl-110HAL. ~JW-1-----__ 1'(-47-105 J .. - _ _.~ ) r------=---~--------------------=-~-,~---r--------------------~~~~--y-~--------------------~~----------~--------~----------~--------=----y--·---=TY~EE~LA~K~E~H~Y~D~R~O~E~LE~CT=R~I~C~P~R~O~J=Ec=T=---~r-----------1 \_ l J--,-,~-4----.,.--------+---+.,..,...J.---=---8 ~E::~~G==·~~ COMP.AtllY,II\tC ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TYEE LAKE POWERPLANT TY-47-103 --, I I I I ~ -""' ... ..., -· -,.._.. ,_ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA SHETOI' REV 2 MAIN SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM !ECO NO. ® @ I @ @ L L "ffiiV r"OWelt Pl~~e>U'fiOH f"AME.L. '1.6o' 1?-1jo-2.b0 Hc.i'1 ---.+ ,-----------, I ~~ I I ~ ) : "1l'A110N '/E:R.Vil-f:l--li ~~ t-L_l %l11~~ II I ______ _,_"160= V 'o11"MIOH ~v~ ~11~~ L L L ----+-<--10 8712 &~Ftl-Urr I ~~~ I I L __ _jj I I Pi~01~1~ I I 12.!;~ oerr -t80v 1 I ~¢ '-0 HZ. ____________ _j NO DATE R E V I S I 0 N S ALASKA POWEIR AUITHOIRBTY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA RE.FE.RENCf. t/R.AWI NGS e.u:cr!l:lCAL. "?fH~ N-!D ~VIA"fJOt¥.:) _________ -rY-4-7-101 MAIN ~Nr.ol..fO UNE:. ~ _____ f'(-47-10'} 460V ~/lfiOH ~ICe AND ~ ":>1-lrr~ t.AYa..tr _______ lf--ff-107 TYEE I...AitE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TYEE lAKE POWERPLANT 480 V STATiON SERV;CE S~NGliE liNE mAGRAM @ @) @ ~ I r ® 1- 1 I I @) \_,.-I -J I'® I I ~ ~ ~~ .-- ~--z$ 3 ~~ ~ <S:JZ ~~ ~~ \)' -:..1 ~, (:l' -~ J --s I t \) I :=I 11<1-0 -, ------~------~------r------l~----~------~~-----*-------~-------~~~~~~"~==~1---------~ I X I l t (:l -.o l I (:l -~ I I [E) (.ll!KV [a ~ VI ~ ~ [a ~ NO'f~.6 (1"1'~) I IX ~-J- ~ ·=<~·~1--t-·~i-=.t-.~-~--t; ~r--c--x~c------~-l!'-~--:--X:-~~ :-x:~-x---~~1 J, a'-o rs-o d-o a' o 11'-o 1' "fCI'-o 1s'-t. 9' c& J -~ ~--~-•14~----~~------~~+4~e~'-o~~~\~·~~~--·~~~~~~~·----~~------·~l·~~~~---~·-·~~~~- l ~ A't'R.Ar1E:: ~-OP"i"' ~T~~ a.t:;> ~~ PL.AN .. NOTE;~ 1 A u;HllHllru~ ~1'1-1 01" f"l..e.XII!':t-e. ("'-4f0 ~ Hl~) ~ AU.JHIH.II1 ~ ~ e;e. IH-:::>TAI..l..W lt¥.:>1~ ~ ~ '!::f'AH W ~re.H AOO..IAH \11~01- 2. ~ (1;4'D!A.) ~ ~ ~L..UO IH 1HI:i- ~011 a> eth Af 111::' '!::f'AH ~ ~~ ~~ ~~Gtl ~ I"PPOII~ ~ ~ 0¥-1J.IE. H/I.JH !:ll.k:> l:H~ ~~De~ ~'A'~ Ga-lH~ -4-"fl.!!!:' ~M"C.HT'~ ~ ~!-lEW 1"1:#.. 1~ I<.V VOI.:~e:-~ 6 I(Qf'Af~ G.A.1' 01' -rl-11!:-~ o&\JI"'"''C:( a...AHI"' w ..., HMB' rr ~ .. u:'l!:· I"'H' X:? ~ ~-I"''XW...U~ fia -<?U~ 1"'11' o;.U~~ e.t..E£;T ~LAL '?1'11~ .A}lD .A.re~VINIO~~-_______ l'f -lr7 -101 &:>liE:.. i"L.N-1_ ---------'N ...... 1 -101. 1'fet. LAf<,f;. ~ M,lo.JN '?IN~ L.Ne. 01~ ______ 1'(--1'1-10!> l(et:. I..AI<.e.. 'JIJIT u·rr ~ {,ftHE/V.L. ~6of.l1fm .<:;U,TIOt-!'7 ./>.No mNL? ______ __j'(-S7 -01"1 _) @ ® ® I :.-1 SCALE s'iil!!iil!!liiio2:!!!!!:!!siiii:iiiii:ii'i!!o!!!!!!!!!!'&siiiiiiiiii20 FEET RECORD. DRAWING t 11a .. 1 -o A :-----------------~--~------~------v-~--~--------~----------~-r~----y-------------------=-~--~~======~~>~-~~~!_~---------=--------------,-----~==~~~~~~~~~~~-------v-~~~-----1 r~-TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT i-=--1---1-----:--------J--:-I...,..,..d-...,.-1 ~;;:~~IENGINEERINGCOI!IPANY,RNC ALASKA pOWER AUTHORITY TYEE LAKE SWITCHYARD NOfW ~ ::,~...::..~::: ANCHORAGE, ALASKA GENERAL ARRANGEMENT TY-57-012 PLAN !ECO- ~ I ) @ @ ~ I 1 I ® J ~I ~Pi .. :ll!W lEe U?l-lHE<L-iOR. ~o (~ "N'~) , 1.z: AI... 1lJe;f; 'fE:e. GCHI-Ial..~ ~o (W~ Tf~) ~AI... 1\Je;€;. -41-._ -_ =_ =_ '-_ -----=-~-~~--:_"r- t?~TAIL-1 %TAIL. 4 ~;;:e GOHHE:L-IIOH -Je:>t::TOAl...~ t/t:::-IAIL Z ~ 1E:ro1iHAL-GOHH~~ mr-. 1:/l~e:t...i ~li6H DE:.-:-AIL S ® '?8-G-TIOf-1 A-A E?.X.P~ 1E;Mif.IAL. WH~E<CI"OR. ~ aMJrr ~~~~~ t::-~1? U'HP~Iot-1 q!'JV>.JN ~p ~ AU.lt10~e:;u:;;> C.Aeu:. UNE:-1RAP ( E:>'l' on-le::~~:?) "7f1JO WNIIIEv1l.A<-f'UI<.. 1~ 1'-.'/ ~AJ<U.. AA.i? ~OKMe:.K e>l' p,t~ ~tic:A-1 ~E:-TE:: ~~}t] ® do ~IOH 1 ,..,_\ ~~=0:3---=====lli IH':>l.JL.Aic:?R.'J (10 l.Mf1"::>) 1(?(...Jt-lf:, ~<"':::W ~AIL-(o I --i t:::>TRAI~ IN;;oL..AIO"-~t....~' ,RECORD DRAWING wrn.l U~E;.. "TRAP -, - I 11-0 (#0 C) --s .(\I I I G01'1f'I<.!..'?::>ION 1"'1:*.111 HAL- c:oHHE:L:.-ro~ l"t:)fl... AI... GAbt..e. H---AL-c.-A~ !?~AIL-9 f-IOT~0 1 AU... reTAIL'::> ARE HOf "V ~ 2..1"t1~ ~eft~ ct.-6!E*IE::~ f-m"'-~ ~ ~ 11 ?7012 !?~AIL-10 GONP~IOH ~ (OHH!U.-"'f~ .Q1""8 Au.Jt10Wl<:l.O ~ iO AIJ..... AL...:Abl...E:o S~E 5~~i0==~5~~10~~~5~~20Farr 1/8 a 1 -o TYEE lAKE HYDROElECTRiC PROJEC11' ALASKA I?OWEIR AUTHORI"'IY ANCHORAGE, AlASKA TYEE LAKE SWITCHYARD GENERAl ARRANGEMENT SECTiONS AND DETAilS !ECO NO. @ @ ® I I I I I I l'=- ,_ I \ I I_! I I ® I- I I SCONNECT SWITCH CIRCUIT I SWITCHER 1200A 89-3 I I I i I ' @ TO WRANGELL SUBSTATION COUP CAP ,,~ + M B TO COiol4. EtlUIPT 600A 69/138 KV BUS FUTURE TRANSFORMER SWITCHYARD ~,. c B A SPARE DETAIL A LINE TRAPS ~A B 0 2&So.H _y_ SURGE ARRESTORS ~PT "D... TO TYEE LAKE POWERPLANT .----cou...,: T'' TO COHM EQUIPT LINE TRAPS -A B 0 53mH 3-69KV-115/6708V V3 ,, r------ 1 I 1 L______...s A I •1,---------.: 60KV _LSEE DETAIL A CTHIS DWG) FOR CABLE TERMINAL TRANSFER BUS ARRANGEMENT ---, ~,.: I I L-----------.l TO PETERSBURG SUBSTATION ® Al'NJNCIATOR c:-J .c:-J __r:::::t WI>-IN ~ 62 CJ r J l J ..L J. 21ZI 21Z2 670 50 _l j_ 1 l 1 l ~ 50151f!C 50151 ft! 50151 ~ 50151 N L~----------~36~------------~ WRANGELL SWITCHYARD CONTROL SWITCHBOARD ,_ I RECORD DRAwiNG I 0 en 2" ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 21 43CS 50 50/51 SON/SIN 62 63B 67G 86R 89-1 2 <D DEVICE LIST LINE DISTANCE RELAY CONTROL TRANSFER SWITCH FAULT DETECTOR RELAY INST /TilliE OVERCURRENT INST/TIME GROUND OVERCURRENT TIMER FOR DISTANCE RELAY PRESSURE RELAY DIRECTIONAL GROUND OVERCURRENT LOCK-OUT RELAY CIRCUIT SWITCHERS 0 D METER AaAMioETER V•VDL TMETER FaFREQUENCY lfeWATTMETER VAR•VARMETER WHD-WATTHOUR DEMAND AS•AMMETER SWITCH VSmVOLTMETER SWITCH CSaCONTRDL SWITCH TS•TEST SWITCH fA\TDA TRANSDUCER AaCURRENT VmVOL TAGE FaFREauENCY ~ ~·WATT/WATTHOUR V/VARH-VAR/VARHOUR TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WRANGELL SWITCHYARD MAIN SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM AND CONTROL SWITCHBOARD ARRANGEMENT TY-57-200 @ © ® ® @ @ I I I ® I I I ,- e/ o eJ o 1:>.1 0 'o I I® 12! 0 a' o e' o 11-'-o CG'N"f~ I!:>UIL .. t:llt·l6j 1(g' >'2./)' ~ P1JC,j 1i <:J1-UJ7 i RECORD DRAWING I All..ASKA POWER AUTHOR!TY Ah\'JC~OIRAGIE., AIIJ\Sif(A ~~~LIIrt1e:Hf r~~~~~r-=.:..~ ____ :1'(-~-~ 111-JH UHf::. ~fi.J>o.ti ____ .J'i-!:>7-~ ~~ ~~~----T1-~7-2.Q(l. ~ e;l.lll...t1it'b1 I"!..,N4 _____ i(~~l-20l A:r~ N-117 ~~e:r? ~ U<:ll".~ 1 ~ '1'?~----f;..&-Jd a-le. U!-lf:,I"!.M,'IA~,~ ~ ~~1~ ..J:,tJZ..-7<9 'lnfiEIE lAiltiE niYDROIEliECTRIC I?IROJIEC"f WRANGElL SWITCHYARD G~NERAl AR~~NGEME~Y ~lti\N / I @ I I I @ ~ 1-\ t~ -( I \ I I ~ I I I I I )> I I I I _) ® ~ ~ Jl v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LActE I'I'IVDROE!J:CTRIC PROJEC"'!' WRANGEll S'W~TCHYARD GENERAL ARRA~GEMENu SECTIONS AND DETA~lS @ ® IS !tO FU1T I I I I I ,-~l&..-/ I I I t! ® I I TO IIIRANGEU. SWITQIYARO ® COUP CAP 51 TNI CIRCUIT SWITCHER 89 1200A L________...s A •I~ o------4 60 ICY M.R IQQJ60015 ,--------p T s~-<~~ 7 2ICV -120V ~)52-M 1200A ~ M.R 600•5 M.R Jtl!)f600• 5 .!QQ/ 200 I :!00 !!5 1-P T ~~~ 7 21CV-120V l--( --<:Pl----tll• MB TO COMI4. EQUIPT LINE TRAPS 0 2691!H tJA B TRANS FORCIER 6a/151111Y-12.SIICV :Sf!IIOHZ OA/FA/FA 8/IOIIIIVA 12 5 KV METAL CLAD S~ITCHGEAR ASSEMBLY --------------------------------------------, ~ ) 52-3 ~ 1200A 100/200/JOO !!5 7 2KV-120V M.R l.QQ/60015 !QQ/200/?DO 7 21CV-120V ~ ) 52-4 ~ 1200A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 32 49T 50/51 SON/SIN 51 TN 59 63T 86T 87T 89 CD DEVICE LIST DIRECTIONAL POWER RELAY TRANSFORMER DVERTEIIFERATURE RELAY INSTITIME DVERCURRENT RELAY INST /TIME GROUND OVERCURRENT TIME OVERCURRENT NEUTRAUGROUND RELAY OVERVOL TAGE RELAY TRANSFORNER FAULT PRESSURE RELAY TRANSFORIER DIFFERENTIAL AUXILIARY LOCKOUT RELAY TRANSFORIER DIFFERENTIAL RELAY CIRCUIT SWITCHER AaANi\ETER V•VOL TMETER FaFREQUENCY METER w-WATTioETER VAR•VARMETER. WHD-WATTHOUR DEMAND AS•AMETER SWITCH VS•VOL TIETER SWITCH AaCURRENT V•VOL TAGE. FmFREQUENCY TRANSDUCER W/IIH-WATT /WAlTHOUR. V/YARH-VAR/VARHOUR VOLTAGE STRIP CHART RECORDER FREQUENCY STRIP CHART RECORDER WAlTHOUR IN MAGNETIC TAPE KILOWATT CIRCULAR CHART RECORDER KILOVAR CIRCULAR CHART RECORDER ------------------------------------::;:--:-::;:---..,-----________ ...J,F.~:;~;:======I F ltl FEED e2 FE 13--_: ~ ':. _, , 14 RECORD DRAWING TO WRANGELL TO WRANGELL TO WRAM:iELL.. ..:a ,-TO WRANGELL 3 3 30 RECORD OWG I "SIP ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 21201112 ISSUED FOR 8IODING 2708-10 OI='VTQT~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WRANGELL SUBSTATION MAIN SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM TY-57-225 @ © ® ® ~ 'I I I I \) -~ ® ® / / L ~ ~ ~ ~:t ::J"' ~~ ~~ :I ~ A L (tf-E>7 2.~1) -!I 8 1-0 fL.-AN ® -----...... ----\ \\ -·---~I 12.'-'7 AlASKA POWER AUTHOI!U'inf ANCHORAGE, ALASKA I I l )) ~ 1 @ ~171Qff::l(oTHe-J.fi!>t1 t-IUM~ f'OP- MUifME:.+If "='l..FfOfl' ~141UfUfl-i:- TYIEE lAKE HYDROIElECTAiC PIROJEC1' WRANGEll SUBSTAT;QN GENERAl ARRANGEMENT PLAN IECO NO @ @ ® ® REYt I l 1- I @ ) @ I ~® ";!?. .... _, .... ,,z' 0 I I ~I r~ I I I t?e::r AI~., II II ~========dk~==== AI!,ASM POWIER AIUmOR!1n? AINlCIJo!JORAG~ ALASOCA 1 SCALE 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 FEET 1/4 a 1 -o TYEE LAKE IHIYDIROIB.IECYRBC IPROJII:Cl" WRANGEll SUBSTATiON GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SECT~ONS AND DE'fA~LS @ ....~~,, ~ t , 'I _ .... ~ -c. ® I I I ~ 1 ; I I I I I I) I ,I r ' I I I I _ __,. ) @ © @ ~CABI~ oCGI-----<3~-----~ FUTURE w-120V PI'-& 600A 24 9KV BUS REQ.OSER 560A CTS 300/60015 f'1'2. ~~TOSYNI:M 1-PT 24KV-12trt CTS 300/18C015 2-PT s 24KV-120VT Pl'-1 ~ l STATION SERVICE TRANSf-OIU£R Ull 37 5 KVA ~ 24KV-120/240¥ ~ 3 WIRE BUS 32 48T 50 SIT 51 Till 59 63T BIU 86T I!ITT BS DEVICE LIST DIRECTIOi'W. POiiER RELAY TRANSFORMER OVERTEMPERATURE RELAY INSTAHTAAEOUS OVERCURRENT RELAV TIIi!E OVEROJRRENT RELAV TilliE OYEROJRAENT PEUTRALIGROUND AELAV OVEAVCI..TAGE RELAY TRANSFORMER FAIA..T PRESSUR£ REUIV UNDERFREQUENCY RELAY TRANSFORfER DIFFERENTIAL AUXILIARY LOQCOUT RELAY TRANSFORMER DIFFERENTIAL RELAY CIRCUIT SWITOIUI METER AaAI!ii£TER. V•VOI.. TIETER. F""REQUENCY leDWATTJI:ETEA. VAR<-VAROETER. NO-IIATTHOUR DEMAN) AS<>IUiiETER StiiTC& YS-Vm..lliETER SWITQf TRANSDUCER AaQJARENI' V•VOL TAGE. F-FAEQ\IENCY W/lllf<oliiATT /WATTHOUR. 11/VARifaVAR/VARHOUR 'MTTHOUR IN MAGf£TIC TAPE ~ FREGUENCY STRIP OfART RECORDER ~ VCLTAG£ STRIP QfART RECCRIER EJ ICILOMTT WTPUT CIRQA.AR CHAAT RECCRCER B ICILOYAR OUTPUT CIRQJLAR CHART RECORDER ,.., .J -..A.d......, ! TY-57-250 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGEs ALASKA TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PETERSBURG SUBSTATION MAIN SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM I MP--l~F.J.t>..L Llo/f (t"V'f~"'l.-"7lJf'f'~!l::O er-r A. "'"1'-fr1"""' f",'ll? A.l::>&:>0'-1 ...... ~~ :tl-lc,) 5 @ r :til~· IQI,() ,, ~~· ~~1;, ~~u:- ~--------x~ x-·------x------x-------" ------" ~ ~OP"E'f-"'1 1-'•JG; ® Pt...-AN VIBW I I .. ( ..:-~ a I p:COR9 flRAWtNG ·j 6CALIE s 0 s uo IS 20 FEET I G I -o \, r 91& ---- I ~ ~ .. ,.,.Til<(i E~Go~EERS TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ., .):?-o.; ~p..J.., :.~ t-v__j ~,.. I~!!!"!J.!2!:',AL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PETERSBURG SUBSTATION TY-57-255 F-...,.,.....,. Nc., <>-..H:::;W'-1 2. 1:) !'lb. ., AK I ~(._ 1(. to-~AJIO s u SA. ~ s...o CAl,. lie&\ lA ... 05 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA IREV ~ :>11r6>. ~a;> ~ ~"-'CC"" .o-1 t,.,'1 AP. I ~t &to' Cl., 1(--A.II~ G.,. 1-~L ~ ta"o'l:: S>EETOF 1 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAN 0 ot.~el ~~""' rz><-::>iW..,&I 2.7'/8 lO ._.., 1"'-" j -otso.E:> .Nt... ("""""'-'J .;;-:;, (CH<u<EO r/1 l•rco"'"ENOED IJ ECONO n r <" '"'.,. c:-v -~ ~ FO f\~ l~ovE.or ,.._ / T -------- I I I I_ J ) I J : I I I I I @ @ ® 6-L-e-VAfiOi..J :'7) 'fi: "'7 2-;.:; ~ r~t:-=F~,D r'RAWING ALASKA POWER At..TF~RITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA re;.-'"v-""!? ..... -& ... >;r:;r' ,..~<7'-l 6J;;i?;v..... ,..;.,w. -&c...."'1'-'iT "" ... AN ___ ii-~7-VS? ' ' . ) !CALE !5 0 $ 10 15 /0 -fp fiZ5iiilD"'"¥t""" "Jiiii: -~-a 118 ,. I -!:: TYEE LAKE tiYD"!PELEC :"RIC pqQJECT PETFRSBURG SUBSTATIO~J GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ELEVATIONS a OET.A LS T'f-57-2:56~ 'St .ET,:,. R!.\ ..... "'""' -----------------------------"----~--~------- D PART D VOLUME I COMPARATIVE LISTING OF CHANGES IN DESIGN ITEMS The main purpose of this part is to present a quick reference and a guide in design changes made during the progress of the project. The list is broken up by disciplines and into constituP.nt parts of the project. The Volume I covers all disciplines except for the Transmission Line. Section 10 of the Volume II covers the subject. D. 1 CIVIL AND ARCHITECTURAL Item Item- No. Per Bid No. As Built 1.1 POWERHOUSE A. The powerhouse sited as an A. The final siting for the independent four-wall struc-powerhouse is against the ture at the foot of the rock excavated rock outcropping, outcropping downstream of thus consisting of three wall manifold. structure with exposed rock- face as an upstream wall. B. The powerhouse roof consisted B. The roof is designed for snow of aluminum deck, V-beam type avalanche and is a cast in with liner and insulation, place composite concrete deck supported by 24-inch steel with precast rims 7-1/2 inches beams, and designed for snow thick slab with 2-1/2-inch and live load. wearing surface, and all sup- ported by 36-inch deep beams. The roof is also tied to the rock. c. The overall powerhouse con-c. The final powerhouse overall crete outline (substructure) concrete dimensions are dimensions are 123 1 -6" by 124 1 -6" by 40 1 3". 34 1 -0 11 • D. West elevation featured an D. The final design tot a 11 y exterior stair and a stair eliminated this feature. enclosure. D. 1-1 Bl95/2145R0147:1450R Item Item No. Per Bid No. As Built E. Fuel supply tank for the emer- gency diesel motor generator is located under the exterior stair enclosure at west eleva- tion of the powerhouse. E. Fuel supply tank for the emergency diesel motor gen- erator moved to north ele- vation of the building, and 1.2 SITE STRUCTURES A. The main access road to the A. powerhouse is located on the north side of the Tyee switch- yard. B. Tyee switchyard has a square B. configuration within the fenced area. Whole area covered with compacted granular fill. C. The drainfield is located on C. the west of the Tyee switch- yard area. D. In the Tyee switchyard take-D. off structure foundations are of drilled in pier type. E. The two transformer foundations E. are of integral type with oil detension sump as an adjacent F. open pan. A 300 gallon septic tank is F. provided at permanent housing and maintenance building area~ draining into an existing drain field. Throughout 4" diameter PVC pipes are used and connected to the exist- ing system. 1.3 POWER TUNNEL is placed in a separate, insu- lated concrete enclosure. The access road moved to the south side of the Tyee switch- yard. Tyee switchyard changed to rectangular configuration. Area covered by compacted granular fill was reduced, by moving north limit of the fill south. Drainfield moved to the east of the switchyard area. Take-off structure foundations changed to spread footing type. A separate foundation for each transformer with oil detention sumps built under- neath as an integral part. A 3000 gallon septic tank is supplied and ductile cast iron sewer piping of various diameters are used. Existing PVC sewer lines are abandoned. A. Pressure shaft is inclined at at 70° with horizontal. A. Pressure shaft is vertical and located at Station 70+78. D.l-2 Bl95/2145R0147:1450R Item No. Per Bid B. The lower power tunnel plug is located with its downstream end at station 22+50. C. The lower power tunnel plug features a 54-inch diameter steel pipe for water passage and a 7'-6" by 5'-0" access gallery with a gate on the upstream face. The width of the upstream face is approxi- mately 24 feet. D. Downstream the plug of a straight run of a 54-inch diameter penstock is provided. E. At access tunnel portal a single leaf iron bar gate is provided. F. All of the power tunnel has nominal diameter of 10 feet. 1.4 GATE SHAFT AND GATEHOUSE Item No. As Built B. The final location of the downstream end of plug is at station 16+30. C. The final plug features a 7-foot diameter steel lined water passage which also serves as an access gallery with a 20-foot long steel rollout section for access on the downstream side. The up- stream face as built dimensions are approximately 14 by 14 feet. The rollout section is in an over excavated cavern 25 feet wide. D. Downstream of the rollout section, a reducer from 7-foot diameter to a 54-inch penstock is provided. E. Two leaf iron bar gate is provided at portal. F For the convenience of pO\'Ier shaft construction at the base of the shaft a rock bolted, and shot creted, 20 feet high by 16 feet wide chamber was built. The extra width sec- tion extenrls downstream to station 69 + 40. A 40 foot large section centered at station 69 + 65 is supported by steel sets with center posts and all shotcreted to retain previous rockfall. A. Gatehouse structure consists A. A hoist room over the shaft with a completely separate building housing a diesel generator unit provided. of a hoist room over the shaft with an adjacent housing for the diesel generator set. D.l-3 Bl95/2145R0147:1450R Item Item No. Per Bid No. As Built B. No particular earth and snow B. A reinforced concrete pro- retaining structures are pro-tective wall against snow vided at the back of the gate-and earth slides is added at house. the back uphill side of the gate house. c. East of gatehouse a helicopter c. A helicopter pad consisting pad consisting of compacted of a wooden deck on an ele- fill is provided. vated steel frame is provided. 0. The hydralic hoist cylinder is D. The hydraulic cylinder has provided at El. 1437 to oper-been provided at El. 1442 ate the intake gate. to operate the intake gate. E. Gate shaft above maintenance E. Gate shaft above maintenance room at El. 1417 to be rock-area rockbolted with wire mesh bolted. and shotcreted. 1 . 5 TAILRACE STRUCTURES A. The bridge is located in con-A. The bridge is relocated when tact to the downstream face the powerhouse was moved. A of the powerhouse. 9-foot gap between the power- house and the bridge is provided. Counterforts are added to east abutment. B. Powerhouse tailrace energy B. The energy dissipators are dissipators are a part of independent of the bridge sub- bridge substructure. structure and are lowered. c. The bottom width of the tail-c. The bottom width of the tail- race channel is 15 feet. race channel is increased to 30 feet with smaller size riprap in the channel. 0.1-4 B195/2145R0147:1450R D.2 MECHANICAL Item Item No. Per Bid No. As Built 2.1 GATES AND TRASHRACKS A. The fine trashrack featured A. The final design eliminated a welded wire fabric mesh the wire fabric mesh and construction with 1-3/16" substituted steel bars spacing. 2" x 3/8" with 1" spacing. B. The hydraulic hoist for wheel B. The hydraulic hoist is placed gate operation is located at at El. 1442. El. 1437. c. Wheel gate hydraulic hoist c. Power cable eliminated and controls are based on a replaced by a 45 kW propane continuous supply of power powered engine generator set via power cable from power-located near the gate-house. house. D. Wheel gate hydraulic hoist D. Dogging beams are provided. is continuously monitored Normally gate is dogged and restored to the fully in the fully raised posi- raised position in case of tion under the lifting stem downward drift due to oil couplings at El. 1417. leakage. E. Wheel gate lowering is E. Removal of dogging beams initiated by pressing the must precede gate lowering. "CLOSE" push-button. F. The lower power tunnel F. The 54 11 diameter steel pipe plug features a 54 11 dia-is replaced by a 84 11 dia. meter steel pipe for water pipe and the access gate passage and a a· -0" by is replaced with a 20-foot 6 1 -011 access gate for long 84" diameter steel tunnel access and inspec-rollout section for access tion. into the tunnel. 2.2 TURBINES AND GOVERNORS A. A model efficiency test was A. The model tests were waived specified. after the turbine contractor submitted data from previous model tests which were deemed sufficiently homologous to assure satisfactory perform- ance of the Tyee Lake tur- bines. D.2 - 1 Bl95/2145R0147:1448R Item No. Per Bid B. Needle position was controlled by deflector position. C. The shaft coupling interface was at El. 40.0 feet. D. Needle position indicators are so placed that mirrors must be used to view them. E. Position indicators for each deflector were specified but not supplied. F. Upon examination it was deter- mined that the deflector closed and open position locks were underdesigned. G. Not specified. H. Not specified. I. Not specified. Item No. As Built B. A needle nozzle control servo- motor was added to the governor to improve speed sta- bi 1 i ty. C. At the request of the genera- tor contractor the coupling interface was lowered to 39.0 feet elevation. D. The turbine contractor was directed to relocate the indicators so that they are in plain view. E. The turbine contractor was directed to supply and install suitable indicators. F. The turbine contractor was directed to modify the locks so that each will withstand the maximum force of the de- flector servomotor. G. The governor oil pressure tank was changed from 18 11 diameter to 22 11 diameter. This decreased tank height from 8'-3-1/2 11 to 5'-6 11 permitting installation in the turbine bearing pits to avoid obstruction of the turbine floor stairway. H. The generator foundation above the turbine bearing pit was changed to allow greater head- room for inspection and main- tenance. I. The owner and engineer agreed not to install piping for turbine casing vent outside the powerhouse until a later date. The turbines will run with the vents drawing air from inside the powerhouse. D.2 - 2 B195/2145R0147:1448R Item Item No. Per Bid No. As Built 2.3 SPHERICAL VALVES A. The valves were specified with A. The valves were changed to movable body seals and a motor ring plate seals, with sequen- driven cam controller. tial logic control. The result was a much safer valve at a considerable cost saving. B. A laminated plastic valve B. The valve contractor was dir- operating schematic attached ected to supply and install to the valve control cabinet the schematic as specified. door was specified but not supplied. c. Not specified. c. A pressure switch was added to the spiral distributor, and a limit switch was added to the air release valve to prove complete filling of the spiral distributor and e~ualization of pressure across the spheri- cal valve before opening. 2.3 ENERGY ABSORBER A. The energy absorber was spe-A. The energy absorber was cified for a flow of 180 cfs. designed so that in the future it can be modified for a flow of 60 cfs without throttling the Grove ball valve. B. When operated initially, the B. Steel structures and concrete energy absorber vibrated at anchor blocks were added to a level considered dangerous. reduce the vibration to a safe level. 2.4 POTABLE WATER SYSTEM A. The potable water system was A. A booster pump installation to have taken water from the between the filter ana the cooling water pump, but hydropneumatic tank was filter loss higher than anti-recotmnended. cipated caused low water pressure in the upper levels of the powerhouse. 0.2 - 3 Bl95/2145R0147:1448R 0.3 Item No. 3. 1 A. B. c. 3.2 A. B. PART 0 VOLUME I ELECTRICAL Item Per Bid No. POWERPLANT Station service from a single A. transformer, 13.8 kV -480 V. Cable trays led to direct B. burial trench on side of plant to go to switchyard. Access to main control boards c. through conduit (rear panels). TYEE LAKE SWITCHYARD A 13.8 kV bus connects both A. units to step-up four single phase power transformers. Power transformer high voltage B. side connected directly to bus. 0.3 - l As Built Station service is double- ended, from Units l and 2. Cable trays lead to conduit duct banks and access man- holes. Cable tray extended under rear panels, sleeves put in floor. Each unit is connected direct- ly to its own three-phase power transformer. Transformer circuit switchers added. Bl95/2145R0147:1451R