HomeMy WebLinkAboutTyee Lake Hydroelectric Project Final Design Report Vol 2 of 3 1984- - - ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WRANGELL AND PETERSBURG, ALASKA FERC PROJECT NO. 3015 FINAL DESIGN REPORT VOLUME 2 OF 3 MAY 1984 ~ l~!~.~~~!!l?~~!-.~NGINEERING COMPANY, INC. TYEE lAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAl DESIGN REPORT VOLUME II TRANSMISSION liNE CONTENTS Section Page 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 2 LONG SPAN DESIGN 2-1 2. 1 Long Span Deadending 2-1 2.2 Phase Spacing Requirements 2-3 2.3 Conductor Side Swing Clearance 2-3 3 BLIND SLOUGH REALIGNMENT 3-1 4 FOUNDATION AND ANCHOR DESIGN 4-1 5 INSULATOR HARDWARE ASSEMBLIES 5-1 6 TOWER DESIGN 6-1 A. Self-Supporting Deadend Towers 6-1 B. ST3-E55 Tower Design 6-1 c. Guying Requirements 6-1 D. Tower Vibration Protection 6-2 E. Guy Yokes of STX-ElO Towers 6-3 7 LONGITUDINAL LOAD CAPABILITY 7-1 8 SHOEMAKER BAY-WRANGELL TIE LINE 8-1 9 SUBMARINE CABLES AND SUBMARINE CABLE TERMINALS 9-1 10 COMPARATIVE LISTING OF CHANGES IN DESIGN ITEMS 10-1 i APPENDICES Appendix A BASIC DESIGN MANUAL REVISIONS B LONG SPANS No Exhibit B-1 included Exhibit B-2 Failure Containment Exhibit B-3 Summary of long Span Design Exhibit B-4 Self-Supporting Tower Design Criteria Drawing 2708-TS-150 Exhibit B-5 Summary of Clearance Studies C US FOREST SUPERVISOR's DECISION MARCH 15, 1982 {Blind Slough Realignment) D FOUNDATION DRAWINGS Exhibit D-1, 2708-TS-115 Exhibit D-2, 2708-TS-112 Exhibit D-3, 2708-TS-128 Exhibit D-4, 2708-TS-131 E ANCHOR DRAWINGS Exhibit E-1, 2708-TS-138 Exhibit E-2, 2708-TS-114 F SHOEMAKER BAY-WRANGELL TIE LINE TSF-6A TSF-7 TSF-7A TSF-88 TA-3BR TA-4S-55 Exhibit F-1, Basic Design Manual Exhibit F-2, Right-of-Way Requirements G BASIC DESIGN MANUAL i i SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION The Basic Design Manual (BDM) for the transmission line is the centerpiece of this final design report. Some aspects of the original BDM have changed and these are presented in Appendix A, Basic Design Manual Revisions. The BDM itself is found in Appendix G. The objective of this final design report is to document major changes made to the transmission line design in the course of the project. The major changes include a revised design of 13 long spans over 4000' to incorporate extensive deadending and increased phase spacing; several steel tower modifications such as the design of two self-supporting deadend tower types, revision of guying requirements and tower vibration protection; foundation and anchor changes to accommodate extensive poor soil bearing capacity; the Blind Slough Realignment implemented at the direction of the U.S. Forest Service; and, the addition of the Shoemaker Bay-Wrangell 138 kV tie line. In addition, a synopsis of longitudinal load capacity of suspension towers and discussion of submarine cable and cable terminals are presented. 1 - 1 B809/2145p0052:0141p SECTION 2 LONG SPAN DESIGN There are 13 extra long spans on the Tyee Lake transmission line ranging from 4,000 to 8,000 feet. 2.1 LONG SPAN DEADENDING A. Original Design The original design at the long spans called for a predominant use of strong, guyed w-frame suspension structures with V-string insulator assemblies (see IECO Drawing 2708-TS-2 or, for instance, ITT-Meyer erection Drawing 2572, Sheet 44). This original design reflected a design philosophy that longitudinal load unbalances are better absorbed by flexible suspension strings. Judicious placement of guyed deadends and the use of guy yokes on thew -frame structures was designed to limit catastrophic failures (see Exhibit B-2). B. Design Changes The design was changed to provide deadending at all long spans over 4000'. Field investigation of all long span tower sites revealed several sites whose narrow topography would not permit the use of guyed deadend towers. The deadending of the long spans was accomplished by: o Replacing running angle 3-column towers and strong suspension towers with guyed deadend structures where site topography permitted; 2 - 1 B809/2145p0052:0142p o Retaining strong suspension towers adjacent to long spans and backing them up with deadend towers; or o Using self-supporting tubular steel deadend towers at sites whose topography did not allow guyed deadend towers. In addition Tower 10-lAC was inserted between 10-lC and 10-2C thus dividing a 4747' span into a 3769' and a 978' span to avoid deadending and improve side swing conductor clearance. Refer to as-built structure sheets and plan and profile drawings for the final design of these long spans. Also see Exhibit B-3 for a summary of long span design. As-built stations and spans differ slightly from Exhibit 8-3. C. Self-Supporting Deadend Towers For six sites with steep topography two self-supporting deadend tower designs were utilized: a four-leg ~-frame structure (ST~-SSA) with 35' phase spacing and a design (ST3-SSA) using separate A-frame structures for phase spacing greater than 35'. Refer to Exhibit B-4 for tower outlines. Rockbolt foundations were used with a grout pad for each leg. Insulator assemblies for the self-supporting towers are similar to other deadend towers. Refer to IECO Drawing 2708-TS-122, 133, 150 and 151 as well as ITT-Meyer drawings 2572, Sheets 106 to 121 for various self-supporting tower details. ST3-SSA self-supporting towers were used at 02-lC and 03-lC. STw-SSA self-supporting towers were used at 04-lC, 30-lW, 34-2W and 35-2W. Use of a STw-SSA tower at 10-2C was avoided by inserting Tower 10-lAC. 2 - 2 B809/2145p0052:0142p 2.2 PHASE SPACING REQUIREMENTS A. Original Desisn The original design called for 35' phase spacing on the 13 long spans. B. Desisn Chanses The final design provides increased mid-span phase spacing, per Exhibit B-3 attachment, ranging from 35' to 65'. This revision increased clearing requirements along the right-of-way and expanded tower sites to accommodate increased pole spacing. GuYing became more difficult and in two cases ST3-SSA self-supporting deadend towers had to be used where deadend guYing was made impossible due to the need for increased phase spacing. 2.3 CONDUCTOR SIDE SWING CLEARANCE A study of side-swing conductor clearances on long spans was undertaken following the increased phase spacing. A summary of findings and design revisions is given in Exhibit B-5. Tower heights of 7-2C and 36-W were increased and towers 8-2C and 10-lC were inserted to ensure adequate side swing clearance. 2 - 3 B809/2145p0052:0142p SECTION 3 BLIND SLOUGH REALIGNMENT The Blind Slough section of the Tyee Lake transmission line is located between wood poles 64-lM and 66-JM on Mitkof Island. The transmission line right-of-way in this section passes through an environmentally sensitive part of the Tongass National Forest. 3.1 ORIGINAL DESIGN The original design alignment was routed on the uphill side (North and East) of Mitkof Highway, away from the Blind Slough sensitive area. Steel X-frame towers were specified (STX-ElO). 3.2 DESIGN REVISIONS The U.S. Forest Service refused to grant right-of-way for this alignment because of concern over severe and unmanageable soil stability problems·on the steep hillside portions of this route and fears that right-of~ay clearing would remove the only measure of soil stability. IECO implemented a decision by the U.S.F.S. Supervisor to reroute the line along Mitkof Highway on the downhill side (South and West) using wood pole construction. Refer to Appendix c. Exhibit C-1 for the forest supervisor's decision of March 15, 1982. The Blind Slough Realignment resulted in the replacement of 9 steel towers -which had been fabricated and were delivered-by 19 wood poles of predominantly HPT-lB pole top construction. Refer to as-built structure sheets and plan and profile drawings for final alignment details. 3 - 1 B809/2145p0052:0143p SECTION 4 FOUNDATION AND ANCHOR DESIGN Foundations and anchors underwent considerable revision to adapt to extensive poor bearing capacity soil (e.g. muskeg) and special construction circumstances. Foundations and anchors shown in the Basic Design Manual should be disregarded; complete final designs are shown fn the record construction drawings submitted separately. Selected final designs are shown hereafter in Appendices D and E. 4.1 ORIGINAL DESIGN The original design included the following: Foundations Unit TSF-1(*) TSF-lA(*) TSF-2 TSF-6 TSF-8 TSF-9 Anchors Unit TA-1-(*) TA-2A, B or C TA-lA, or B TA-45 Description Rockbolt (2) HP 8 x 36 Rockbolt (2) HP 14 X 89 Single Rockbolt Driven Pile Screw Tripod Battered Driven Piles Description Log Anchors Rock Anchors Plate Anchors Screw Anchors 4 - 1 Drawing 2708-TS-97 2708-TS-98 2708-TS-99 2708-TS-101 2708-TS-102 2708-TS-100 Drawing 2708-TS-49, 78 2708-TS-50, 81 2708-TS-79, 95 2708-TS-96 B809/2145p0052:0144p Miscellaneous units were also included for anchor rod extensions, pile-top cut and weld, excavation and backfill. 4.2 FINAL DESIGNS Several new designs and design modifications were developed to suit extensive muskeg and other poor soil conditions as well as special field situations. These design changes are described briefly below: A. Foundations {see Appendix D for Foundation Designs below} 1. TSF-6A-Battered pile with straight pile, Drawing 2708-TS-115. This battered pile design was issued for use in area of shallow muskeg, principally on Mitkof Island. The battered pile adds lateral support to the straight pile footing. 2. TSF-7 and 7A -Embedded pile foundations, Drawings 2708-TS-112 and 128. These foundations were designed for non-submerged and non-solid rock soil conditions for which pile driving would be difficult. In addition, grillage platforms consisting of HP segments welded to the pile footing were designed in the cases of two towers to increase bearing surface in poor soil situations. 3. TSF-88 -Screw Anchor Tripod Footing, Drawing 2708-TS-131. This foundation design was issued for use in areas of muskeg or other poor soil overlying firm bearing soil. 4. Miscellaneous Designs such as a 4-pile cluster at 17-3C were used. Please refer to record drawing 2708-TS-165. B. Anchors (see Appendix E for Anchor Designs below) 1. TA-3BR-Heavy log Anchor, Drawing 2708-TS-138. The heavy log anchor was designed using a typical 12 1 Alaskan yellow cedar log to replace plate anchors (TA-38) and barrel anchors (TA-4S-55}. 4 - 2 B809/2145p0052:0144p 2. TA-45-55 -Concrete Barrel Anchor, Drawing 2708-T5-114. The barrel anchor was designed for use in muskeg soil before the anchor testing program. This anchor failed to develop sufficient capacity where installed in muskeg, as revealed by late testing. The heavy plate anchor suffered similar failures. The TA-45-55 and TA-38 anchors which failed under test or were suspected of insufficient capacity were either replaced by heavy log anchors (TA-3BR) or stabilized by driving two log stakes ahead of the anchors and on each side of the anchor rod. 3. Miscellaneous Anchor Variations were implemented, such as a heavy triple plate anchor composed of 3 heavy plate anchors welded end to end. Please refer to record drawings. 4 - 3 B809/2145p0052:0144p SECTION 5 INSULATOR HARDWARE ASSEMBLIES Insulator hardware assemblies, as described in the Basic Design Manual and record drawings 2708-TS-51 through 69, were used extensively without changes. New designs for insulator reversal, a polymer insulator V-string, a tangent-strain assembly and special conductor stand-off units on ST3-E55 towers and jumper assemblies were among the major design changes. 5.1 ORIGINAL DESIGN Refer to record drawings cited above for original designs. The basic insulator hardware assemblies consisted of suspension !-strings with and without keeper strut insulators, a V-string, double and single string strain assemblies, and double and single string suspension running angle assemblies. Insulators are porcelain bell insulators of 15,000 -40,000 lb. M&E rating. 5.2 NEW DESIGNS AND DESIGN CHANGES a. Reversed Insulator Assemblies were designed for several standard assemblies for use where conductor departure angles for eve~day conditions are above the horizontal. Refer to IECO Drawing 2708-TS-118 for a typical reversed insulator assembly. Reversed insulator assemblies were installed at the two steepest tower sites only. b. Polymer Insulator V-String at 01-lC was designed to counter a potential bowing problem in the standard V-string due to insufficient vertical load, even with hold down weights attached. Refere to IECO Drawing 2708-TS-136. 5 - 1 B809/2145p0052:0145p c. Tangent-Strain Assembly TMI-20M was modified to adapt to the tangent tower crossarm vangs. Refer to IECO Drawing 2708-TS-120. d. The ST3-E55 Jumper Assembly was modified by the addition of an extra strut insulator and/or the emplacement of special conductor stand-off units at the lower yoke of the double string strain assemblies. Refer to IECO Drawing 2708-TS-160 for details. This design modification was required to correct insufficient jumper conductor to guy wire clearances discovered after stringing. A complete analysis of vibration effects on the conductor stand-off units was performed. 5 - 2 8809/2145p0052:0145p SECTION 6 TOWER DESIGN Tower design modifications and new designs included self-supporting deadend towers, a revision of the guying arrangement for ST3-E55 towers, manufacturer -imposed guying limitation changes, tower vibration protection, and STX-ElO guy yoke re-design. A. Self-Supporting Deadend Towers Refer to discussion under Section 2.1. ST •-SSA (4-leg, 35' phase spacing) towers and ST3-SSA (three independent A-frame} towers were designed to replace deadend towers at sites which precluded guyed deadend towers. B. ST3-E55 Tower Design As originally designed, the ST3-E55 tower had a guying arrangement similar to that of the ST3-E54 (deleted). Refer to IECO Drawing 2708-TS-10. The requirement of deadend capability for this design greatly increased pole size as well as guying loads and anchor capacity requirements for the outside pole. The ST3-E55 was re-designed to consist of three independently guyed poles with a guy spread angle of 30° each side of the conductor line. Refer to ITT-Meyer Drawing 2572, Sheet 101 for a typical ST3-E55 tower configuration. This resulted in a much less expensive tower. C. Guying Requirements Original guying design specifications called for stressing guys to no more than 90t of UTS, as allowed by NESC Rule 26l.C.l. 6 - 1 B809/2145p0052:0146p Specifications also called for a tower system design which would ensure the following failure sequence: guy yokeL crossarm, complete guy system, and last, tower body. The tower manufacturer could not ensure this failure sequence using the 9~ UTS as specified, and dictated a 65% UTS limit for g~ stress. This change substantially increased the number of g~s and anchors used on several towers. For instance, the ST3-E53 tower arrangement was revised from 24 guys and 20 anchors to 31 guys and 27 anchors. Refer to drawings 2708-TS-83 and 84 for guy arrangements. D. Tower Vibration Protection Control of wind-induced tower vibration was a major concern, especially in light of vibration -caused failures of similar structures on the Copper Valley transmission line. The addition of vibration spoilers was chosen over additional guying as the preferred vibration control method. Vibration spoilers consist of 5' sections of 2" x 2w angle fitted along the length of structure legs or poles in a staggered arrangement. Refer to ITT~~eyer Drawings 2572, Sheets 93, 95 and 104 for spoiler details and a list of those towers fitted with spoilers. Vibration spoilers wene designed to be attached via stud bolts welded to tower members or via bolts attached to bands fitted around tower members. The criteria used for determining which towers would be fitted with vibration spoilers were: 1. All ST3-E53 and ST3-E55 towers, thought most susceptible to vibration damage due to the pin-pin end fixity design; 2. Towers whose legs or columns had an L/D ratio greater than 30, where L is unsupported length and D is average outside diameter; 6 - 2 B809/2145p0052:0146p 3. Towers exposed to continuous laminar wind flow in more open areas. E. Guy Yoke of STX-ElO Towers The original guy yoke design for the STX-ElO towers did not yield under test at a load sufficiently low to ensure the required failure sequence. A guy yoke extender was designed to be inserted between the original guy yoke and the tail guy. The ~uy yoke extender is designed around a shear bolt tested to shear at 13 • The extender was required because all STX-ElO yokes per the original design had been installed on erected towers.· Refer to liT-Meyer Drawing 2572, Sheet 12 for deta i1 s. 6 - 3 B809/2145p0052:0146p SECTION 7 LONGITUDINAL LOAD CAPABILITY Suspension towers and their guy systems are designed for the following longitudinal load capabilities: Tower STX-ElO STX-E30 ST,..-ESO * per phase Longitudinal Load* The suspension tower guy system design includes a guy yoke to which attach two down guys from the tower crossarm and the tail guys to the anchors, ahead and back of each tower (refer to IECO Drawing 2708-TS-1, for instance). The guy yoke performs two functions: 1. Longitudinal Load and Guy Stress Relief-If the guy system is overstressed due to unbalanced ice loads or broken conductors, the guy yoke will buckle -or on the STX-ElO tower a shear pin will shear -allowing the tower to tilt and the guy system to extend thus reducing stress (see Exhibit B-2). 2. Guy Tension Equalization -Should one guy be stressed more than the other due to unbalanced loads on one phase only or foundation settlement the guy yoke freedom to rotate will tend to equalize guy tension. 7 - 1 8809/2145p0052:0147p The tower system with guy yokes provides significant protection against cascading failures due to longitudinal load imbalances. In a study made to determine the effect of unbalanced ice loading on STX-ElO towers it was found that longitudinal loads due to extreme cases of ice imbalance did not exceed 1.2k or 40% of the per phase design load (3K) for the tower system. 7 - 2 8809/2145p0052:0147p SECTION 8 SHOEMAKER BAY-WRANGELL TIE LINE The Shoemaker Bay-Wrangell 138 kV tie line is a 17,460 feet (3.30 mile) wood pole line and interconnects the North Wrangell Switchyard with the Wrangell Substation, located inside the City of Wrangell. Initial operation of the tie line will be at 69 kV. 12,270 feet (2.32 miles) of the Shoemaker Bay-Wrangell tie line is located in State of Alaska lands with the remaining 5,190 feet (.98 mile) running along the Zimovia Highway and requiring the incorporation of an existing 7.2/12.5 kV distribution line as underbuild construction. Design criteria for the tie line are contained in Exhibit F-1 of Appendix F, Basic Design Manual. Right-of-way width for land acquisition purposes was 80 feet from the Wrangell Switchyard up to the Zimovia Highway and 40 feet along the highway, where shorter spans were dictated by the distribution underbuild as well as the highway alignment. The determination of right-of-way requirements is detailed in Exhibit F-2 of Appendix F, Right-of-Way Requirements. As the transmission line runs adjacent to two rock quarries located inside State of Alaska lands, alignment details were submitted to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources for its review and approval. Also submitted to ADNR was a detailed evaluation of the impact of the transmission line on operations at the North Rainbow Quarry along with recommend~blasting guidelines. t~ 8 - 1 B809/2145p0052:0148p The entire alignment of the Shoemaker Bay-Wrangell tie line along the Zimovia Highway was reviewed in the field with representatives of the Alaska Department of Transportation and all ADOT requirements were incorporated into the final design of the line. Basic material substitutions that occurred during the construction of the Shoemaker B~-Wrangell tie line are as follows: 1. The substitution of Dove Conductor with UNOVA greased core for Dove/AW conductor for the 138 kV transmission. 2. The substitution of Ohio Brass NHi-Lite 11 polymer line post insulators for standard porcelain post insulators for the 138 kV transmission. 8 - 2 B809/2145p0052:0148p - ·- SECTION 9 SUBr~ARINE CABLES AND SUBMARINE CABLE TERMINALS The transmission system includes approximately 11.4 miles of submarine cable located in four crossings: Bradfield Canal, Zimovia Strait, Stikine Strait and Sumner Strait. The submarine cable is oil-filled with 500 kcmil, 46 hollow strand copper conductor (see attached Furukawa Drawing SOFL-8122). Each crossing consists of four cables, one for each phase and one spare cable. Cable separation is approximately equal to water depth. The transition to overhead transmission occurs via submarine cable terminals located at each end of each crossing. The submarine cable is terminated in a special pothead with parallel surge arrester. The submarine cable is linked from the pothead to the overhead conductors via a transfer bus with manual disconnect switches used to switch out a faulted cable and switch in the spare cable. Each terminal has outer gas type oil pressure tanks, an oil feeding system, cable terminations, an overhead transmission line terminal structure, and the transfer bus. In addition one terminal of each crossing is the location for a back-up bellows type oil pressure tank and the oil alarm system apparatus. The oil alarm system detects low oil pressure and transmits this information to the Wrangell Control Center via radio frequency signal. The RF signal is sent from North Cleveland to Wrangell Control via a repeater located on Etolin Island, while signal transmissions to/from the other three terminals are line of sight. For complete design details refer to the Furukawa record drawings and O&M Manual. 9 - 1 B809/2145p0052:0149p -.- Thickness, mils (mm) Diameter. mi1s(:nTi1) 0 Oil duct Min. 3.8(0.97} Min. 500(12.7)~.D ® Conductor 1017 (25.34) 0 Strand Shielding 10.2{0.26)}Min.Avg. 1038 (26.36) 0 Insulation 505(12.83) 505(12.83) 2048 (52.02) ® Insulation Shielding 15.7(0.40) 2080 (52.82) ® Lead Sheath Min.Avg. 110(2.8) 2300 (58.42) ,..... \2) Bedding for Reinforcement 18.1(0.46) 2336 (59.34) ® Reinforcement 11. 8( 0. 30) 2360 (59.94) ® Binder ior Reinforcement 18.1(0.46) 2396 (60.86) @ Anti-Corrosion jacket 157 (4.0) 2711 (68.86) @ Bedding for Armour 39.4(1.0) 2790 (70.86) @ Armour 238 (6.05) 3266 (82.96) @ ·serving 138 (3.5) 3542 (90.0) THE 3RD ANGLE FOR I I ·····-··· PROJECTION SCALE( D~EN~ON 18th -Nov:-1981 NOMENCLATURE Mils mm 1 1 APPO BY .!r. e.~:..L ............................ WT 138 kV Single Core 500 UCM 22.7 kg/m CHECKE0,. f;. ···/ SNO DESIGNEW,, JIJ ....... / Oil-filled Submarine Cable I -;J SoFL-8122 DNO TRACERY..,.k':e. k. / THE FURUKAWA ELECTRIC CO.,LTO. REVISIONS I SECTION 10 COMPARATIVE LISTING OF CHANGES IN DESIGN ITEMS The main purpose of this part is to present a quick reference and a guide in the design changes made to the transmission line and submarine cables and terminals in the course of the project. A. Overhead Transmission Lines Item Item No. Per Bid No. As-Bui 1 t 1.0 STEEL TOWERS 1.1 All deadend towers were of the 1.1 Self-supporting A-frame and guyed, 3-pole type (STE-E55, 1r -frame towers ( 6 total) -E53). were used where standard guying was impossible due to steep terrain. 1.2 No special vibration control 1.2 Vibration spoilers (steel method was specified except angles) were added to poles L/D ratios were given. of ST3-E55 and ST3-E53 tO\'Jers as well as X-frame and 1r-frame structures more exposed to laminar wind and with excessive L/D ratios. 1.3 STX-ElO guy yoke used square 1.3 STX-ElO guy yoke was modified tube. with extension plates and shear pins to attain desired buckling under design exces- sive longitudinal loads (N 131'). 1.4 Guys to be stressed no more 1.4 Guys are stressed no more than 90% UTS under maximum than 65% of UTS under maxi- 1 oads. mum loads. 2.0 FOUNDATIONS 2.1 Rockbolt footings designed 2.1 Limited exposure of rockbolts considering minimum rock and rock chipping allowed to excavation. facilitate easier construe- tion. 10 -1 B809/2145p0067:0175p -- Item No. Per Bid ----------~~~--------- 2.2 No embedded pile footings in bid. 2.3 No battered pile support for driven pile footing in bid. 2.4 No provision for tripod foot- ing installation through deep muskeg overburden. Item No. --------~A~s--B~u~i~l~t~-------- 2.2 TSF-7 and TSF-7a embedded pile footings added for use in non- submerged and non-solid rock- soil conditions upon disclo- sure of such soils. 2.3 Special driven footing alter- nate TSF-6A, 6B with battered pile added for use with STX-ElO towers in shallow mus- keg. 2.4 Tripod footing TSF-8B with pipe extensions introduced for use in situations of deep mus- keg disclosure. 2.5 No designs included for grill-2.5 Steel pile grillages installed age footings for extra on towers 30-2W and 41-W. compression strength in bear- ing type soils. 3.0 ANCHORS 3.1 No barrel anchor for use in muskeg situations. 3.2 Log anchors limited to TA-1-5 and TA-1-8. 4.0 INSULATORS AND HARDWARE 4.1 No self-supporting tower insulator assemblies in bid, due no self-supporting towers in bid. 4.2 Tower 01-lC used standard V-string with porcelain insulators and tie down weights. 3.1 Barrel anchor filled with con- crete (TA-4S-55) used in muskeg areas. Some were modi- field by driving two wood posts ahead of anchor for additional strength. 3.2 Heavy log anchor TA-3BR intro- duced using rot-resistant Alaska yellow cedar and up to 18 feet long. 4.1 TMI-21 and TMI-23 insulator assemblies added for use on self-supporting towers. 4.2 TMI-22 insulator assembly V-string with polymer insula- tors used with tie down weights to prevent excessive bowing of v-string. 10 - 2 B809/2145p0067:0175p' Item Item No. Per Bid No. As-Built 4.3 TMI-14 with strut insulator 4.3 Strut insulator deleted to used on ST3-E51 towers. eliminate undesirable bending in hardware connections. 4.4 TMI-20 designed for use with 4.4 TMI-20M modified for crossarm STX-E36 towers, crossarm vang hole orientation, perpen- vang hole oriented longitu-dicular to T/L centerline, per dinally {with T/L centerline). tower fabricator design. 4.5 No reversed insulator assem-4.5 TMI-02R, reversed insulator blies. assemblies for standard TMI-02 used at 40-5W and 41-lW upon disclosure of steeper slopes between towers. 4.6 TMI-18 and TMI-19 standard 4.6 Addition of extra strut insu- strain assemblies used on lator and installation of ST3-E55 towers. locally fabricated conductor stand-off units, used for increasing jumper conouctor to guy wire clearance. On tower 00-lC an aluminum bus was used with extra strut insulator. 4.7 Tie-down weights ranged from 4.7 Tie down weights up to TM-99 {1) to TM-99 {3.5), 650 pounds, TM-99 {6.5), used. 100 to 350 pounds. 4.8 Strut insulator used on 4.8 Strut insulator deleted from STX-E37 towers. center phase of all STX-E37 towers, due tower fabricator misplacement of strut vang. 5.0 TOWER SPOTTING AND WOOD POLE LINE MITKOF ISLAND 5.1 Blind slough area designed 5.1 Blind slough area constructed with STX-ElO structures on using wood poles, HPT-lB pole hillside, east of Mitkof top, west of Mitkof Highway. Highway. 5.2 Phase spacing at long spans 5.2 Phase spacing up to 65 feet limited to 35 feet. used for long spans per BOC/APA directive. 5.3 No towers 8-2C and 10-lAC. 5.3 STX-E36 towers 8-2C and 10-lAC inserted for side swing clearance reasons and in one case to avoid the use of a self-supporting tower. 10 - 3 B809/2145p0067:0175p Item Item No. Per Bid No. As-Built 5.4 24.9 kV underbuild included 5.4 24.9 kV underbuild in vicinity in vicinity of Petersburg of Petersburg substation substation. de 1 eted. 5.5 Long spans (over 4000') de-5.5 All long spans constructed sf gned with strong w -frame with deadend capability per suspension structures and BOC/APA direction. some guyed deadends. 6.0 SHOEMAKER BAY-WRANGELL TIE LINE 6.1 No tie line in original work 6.1 Tie line added. scope. 6.2 No guy insulators included in 6.2 "Johnny ball" insulators and original design. fiberglass insulator guy rods incorporated in a few in- stances for increased safety. 6.3 No guy and guy anchor at pole 6.3 Guy and anchor added at pole stub and overhead guy. 2-5 as poor soil conditions precluded the installation of a pole key. 6.4 Pole 2-11 designed with pole 6.4 Pole stub and overhead guy stub and overhead guy. deleted at pole 2-11 and con- crete backfill installed for transverse support. 6.5 Pole 3-8 was designed as 6.5 Deadending of 138 kV transmis- deadend structure for slack sion was changed to pole 3-7 span entrance into Wrangell as deadend guying at pole 3-8 Substation. would have interfered with substation roadway. B. Submarine Cable and Terminals Item Item No. Per Bid No. As-Built 1.0 Bradfield Crossing planned 1.0 Bradfield Crossing planned route. route revised to minimize hazards. 2.0 Roofed enclosure for oil 1.0 Roof deleted for cost savings. equipment. 10 - 4 B809/2145p0067:0175p Item Item No. Per Bid No. As-Built 3.0 Grips and anchors used for 3.0 All anchors and grips deleted submarine cable anchorage at except at Bradfield Canal shore ends. shore ends for cost savings. 4.0 Pothead supports were straight 4.0 Butt plates added for greater pile columns, no bearing plate. bearing support. 5.0 No protective cover for solar 5.0 Transparent polycarbonate panels other than glass. cover added for extra protec- tion. 10 - 5 B809/2145p0067:0175p APPENDIX A BASIC DESIGN MANUAL REVISIONS APPENDIX A BASIC DESIGN MANUAL REVISIONS The following list of annotations should be used as reference when using the Basic Design Manual. The annotations are presented by chapter with a page reference where appropriate. Chapter 2 p. 2-1 p. 2-3 Summary Data Line lengths and other data are no longer correct. Refer to Table A at the end of this Appendix for overhead line data. Drawing 2-1 does not reflect the final design using 37 No. 8 AW all the way to the powerhouse, the Blind Slough alignment changes, or the addition of the Shoemaker Bay-Wrangell tie line (refer to record drawings). p. 2-4, 2-5 Same comment asp. 2-1. p. 2-7 Final design also includes 3-column guyed structures and self-supporting deadend towers. Refer to record drawings. Note: The statement that w-frame towers are used for 37 No. 8 AW sections and X-towers for Dove sections is not exclusive. STX-E30 towers were used extensively in 37 No. 8 AW sections as well as the STw towers. Chapter 3 Basic REA and NESC Requirements NESC Rule 26l.C.l states guys shall not be stressed beyond 90% UTS. A 65% UTS limit was adopted for the present project to ensure design failure sequence. A - 1 B809/2145p0052:0150p Chapter 4 p. 4.2 p. 4.3 p. 4-7 p. 4-19 p. 4-21 p. 4-22 p. 4-23 Line Design Technical Analysis length of sections is revis~d. Refer to Table A. The unit weight of Dove ACSR/AW is 0.7291 lbs/ft. The unit weight 0.766 lbs/ft applies to the Dove ACSR used on the Shoemaker Bay-Wrangell tie line. Section 4.2 on Insulators does not discuss the numerous changes made to insulator assemblies. Refer to Section 5 of this report and record drawings. Section 4.5 on Footings has changed substantially. TSF-3, TSF-4 and TSF-5 (as shown in Exhibit A-10) are deleted. TSF-6 uses HP 8 x 36 instead of HP 10 x 42. TSF-2 and TSF-7 are revised. Refer to Section 4 of this report and record drawings. Section 4.6 on Anchors should be expanded to include barrel and log anchors. Refer to Section 4 of this report and record drawings. 19 No. 7 AW guy wire was used in place of 7 No. 9. Drawing 4-8 is no longer applicable due to guying changes mentioned in Section 6, Part C of this report. Refer to record drawing 2708-TS-83 and 84 for guying arrangement details. A - 2 B809/2145p0052:0150p TABLE A TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Overhead Transmission L1ne Data TOTAL C 0 N D U C T 0 R S TOWERS POLES VOLTAGE 1 SEGMENT .WGTH BETWEEN LENGTH TYPE MILES TOWERSiPOLES TYPE QTV LEVEL V No e 13.4 0-1 and 13-1 STX-El 14 ~ STX-E3 10 CLEVELAND 17.3 Toul !!:..!. SU-ES 12 138 kV PENINSULA MILES ~ ST3-El 2 ~ 3.9 3-1 end 17-3 SSA 3 ST .. -£~ 4 Total 3.9 SUBTOTAl 4!1 ~7 No 8 7.1 3-5 and 30-2 STX-El 46 WRANGELL ~ 4.8 34-1 and 38-1 STX-E3 8 ISLAND 23.5 Total ill ST3-El 6 excl. MILES - SHOEMAKER Dove ST3-£5 12 138 kV BAY-WRANGELL ~~ 4.5 9-1 end 23-5 STw-ES 3 TIE LINE 3.1 ~-2 end 34-1 SSA 3 4.0 8-1 and 42-5 Total 11.6 SUBTOTAl 78 Dove 3.3 ACSR 3.3 0-1 and 3-8 138 kV MILES Woodpoles SHOEMAKER (TRANS) Class BAY-WRANGELL Total !:.! Hl I H2 48 TIE LINE 1.1 12.5/7.2 kV MILES Raven ]ft 1.1 2-S and 3-7 Distribution (OISTR} Total Underbuflt !:.l See Note 2 SUBTOTAl 48 Dove 3.2 JlS'RJAW 3.2 45-1 and 49-1 STX-El 12 WORONKOFS KI MilES ST3-El 4 138 kV ISLAND Total ll SUBTOTAL 16 Dove VANK 2.8 ACSR/AW 2.8 52-1 and 55-2 STX-El 10 ISLAND MILES Total 2.8 ST3-E1 3 138 kV SUBTOTAL 13 21.3 .~ ~ MILES !\1.)1(/Aiif (TRANS ll.I 59-1 and 70-4 2.4 73-16 and 76-2 STX-El 43 ST3-El 8 Total 13.5 138 kV SUBTOTAL 51 HITKOF Dahl1a !2.l!l ISLAND -g:-3.6 70-4 and 73-!~ 4.2 76-2 and 80-28 Class Hl 168 Class 2 62 24.9/14.4 kV Total LJ!. Distribution 7.8 Underbuilt MILES muin See Note 2 (DlSTR) 3.6 70-4 and 73-!E 4.2 76-2 and 80-28 Total LJ!. SUBTOTAL 230 ·!!Qill. 1. Transm1ssio~ voltage level is design. Operating voltage w111 be 69 ~~ 6 0r an indefinite period. 2. The Cities of Wrangell end Petersburg are responsible for the operation and -.1ntenance of the distribution underbuild on APA transmission poles. B .·.·-··· .. ---.. APPENDIX B LONG SPANS (No Exhibit B-1 included) ~--~--' ,-l-' ·-- FIGURE 1. Longitudinal Guy i-'---l-L_ ~-- I __ FAILURE em ... !JNMENT DUE TO BROKEN CONDUCTOR __.lnsul a tor String SUSPENSION TOWERS WITH INTACT CONDUCTOR , B Conductor Break CONDUCTOR BREAKS, UNBAL. TENSION ~ 70% AVE. DAILY @ TOWERS A & B, GUYS SUPPORTING BWT > 3K /ft -~ Break B CONDUCTOR BREAKS, UNBAL. TENSION> 70% AVE. DAILY @ TOWERS A & B, YOKES YIELD BUT GUYS HOLD EXH" If B-2 I 'I I ~ rr"l X ::r: ...... co ,_. -f co I N SUMMARY SPAN ORIGINAL FINAL LENGTH SUPPORTING T<MER TOWER 1.f!ill __ t<MER STATION TYPE l!!L 02-1C 799+14.74 STW-E50 STJ-SSA 1) 6,024 03-1C 738+91.00 STf-E50 ST3-SSA TYEE LAKE 138 KV OF LONG REQ'D MID- SPAN PHASE SPACING 60 ft. liB 11 ·~- ' HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT TM -9/23/82 TRANSMISSION liNE SPAN DEADEND TOWER DESIGN Sheet_t_of_S_ FINAL MID- SPAN PHASE SPACING 60 ft. REMARKS Guying of ST3-E55 is not possible. A ST3-SSA self-supporting D.E. tower with 35ft. phase spacing will be used. Due to terrain limitations, a S~-SSA cannot be placed. Tower center has been relocated 10 ft. SE to better ground. Guying of ST3-E55 is not possible. A ST3-SSA self-supporting D.E. tower with 85ft. phase spacing will be used. Tower center has been relocated 70.5 ft. SE to better ground. --------------------------------------------------------------. . --------------- 03-1C (See description above) 2) 5,077 04-1C 688+13.94 ST3-E52 ST11"-SSA 35 ft. 60 ft. (See description above) Guying of ST3-E53 is not possible. A ST,·SSA self-supporting D.E. tower with 35 ft. phase spacing will be used. Tower center has been relocated 12.9 ft. NW to better ground. ----------------------------------. ----------------. --------------------------- 05-2C 624+64.00 STlr-£50 No Change Guying of ST3-E55 is not possible. Deadend will be placed at Tower 05-lC, 851 ft. upstation, and Tower 05-2C will remain a ST--E50 with 35 ft. phase spacing; to a STJ-£55. Tower 05-lC has been changed 3) 6,434 50 ft. 50 ft. 06-tC 560+30.20 ST3-E53 No Change Originally designed as a ST3-E53. Tower 06-lC has been re-staked at 65 ft. phase spacing to achieve midspan phase separation of 50 ft. 1 IT! >< :::t: ...... OJ ...... -1 OJ I w Vl ::r rT . ,_. SPAN LENGTH {feet} 4) 5,215 SUPPORT I 14G TOilER 07-2C 08-1C STATION ORIGINAL TOllER TYPE 512+00.00 STI-E50 459+85.08 STt-E50 ,. TYEE LAKE IIYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 138 t:V TRANSI1l$SIO~ LitlE E. IT -·h I TM • 9/23/82 SU~II4ARY OF LONG SPAN DEf.DEIID TO'.IER DESIG14 Sheet_1_" _of_s_ FINAL TOilER I!!L ST3·E55 ST3-E55 REQ'D MID· SPAH PHASE SPACING 35 ft. FINAL HID- SPAN PHASE SPf.CING 35 ft. ________ __:R: E M A R IC S Guying of ST3-E55 fs possible. Tower 07-2C has been changed to a ST3-E55 with 35 ft. phase spacing. Guying of ST3-E55 is possible. Tower 08-lC has been changed to 1 ST3-E55 with 35 ft. phase spacing. --. ----------. --------------------------------------------------------. -------- 08-lC (See description above) 5) 4,635 09-lC 413+50.00 ST~-E50 ST3-E55 35 ft. 35 ft. (See description above) Guying of ST3-E55 fs possible. Tower 09·1C has been changed to a ST3-E55 with 35 ft. phase spacing. ---- --------------------------------------------------------------. -. ---------- 10-1C 380+32.00 ST3-E53 6) 4,747 10-2C 332+85.00 STW-ESO ST3-E51 20 ft. STx-E30 Originally designed as a ST3-E53. However, due to stdehfll clear- ance problem~. a STX-E30 tangent has been inserted at Sta. 342+ 88.00 thus reducing the long span into two spans of 3,744 ft. and 1,003 ft. respectively. Tower 10-lC has been changed to a ST3-E51. _____ .,.. Tower Ib-lAC was added at station 342+61-~nd a self-supporting deadend at l0-2C was avoided. 2 ,., >< :J:: ...... ~ ...... -I ~ I w Vl :::r rt . N -,-. SPAN LENGTH ~ 7) 4,658 SUPPORTING TOWER 12-2C 13-1C STATION 252+72.00 ORIGINAL TOWER TYPE STt-E50 206+14.20 ST3-E55 -- - ---------------- --- - - 25-4W 901+39.71 STfJ'-E50 8) 4,625 26-1W 855+15.00 STfT-E50 r-, J TYEE LAKE HYDROELtCTRIC PROJECT 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE r:vuq)lJ " ~"+-j f r ~ TM -9/. }2 SUMMARY OF LONG SPAN OEADEND TOWER DESIGN Sheet_3_of_5_ FINAL TOWER TYPE ST3-E55 No change REQ'D MID- SPAN PHASE SPACING 35 ft. FINAL MID- SPAN PHASE SPACING 35 ft. REMARkS Guying of ST3-E55 is possible. Tower 12-2C has been changed to a ST3-E55 with 35 ft. phase spacing. Originally designed as a ST3-E55,·Tower 13-1C has been re-staked at 35 ft. phase spacing. ----- --------------- - -------- ----- ---- ----- - --- - - - - No change Guying of ST3-E55 is not possible. Deadend will be placed at Tower 25-3W, 787 ft. upstation, and Tower 25-4W will remain a STr-E50 with 35 ft. phase spacing. Tower 25-3W has been changed to a ST3-E55. 35 ft. 35 ft. ST3-E55 Guying of ST3-E55 is possible. Tower 26-1W has been changed to a STJ-E55 with 35 ft. phase spacing. -----·------- --------------- ------------------- --- ----------- ----- --- - --- 27-2W 815+86.00 STX-E30 9) 4,097 28-1W 774+88.68 STJ-E52 ST11'-E50 35 ft. ST3-E53 35 ft. Guying of ST3-E55 is not possible. Deadend will be placed at Tower 27-1W, 674 ft. upstation, and Tower 27-2W will be changed to a STV-E50 with 35 ft. phase spacing. Tower 27-1W has been changed to a ST3-E55. Guying of ST3-E53 is possible. Tower 28-1W has been changed to a ST3-E53 with 35 ft. phase spacing. IT! >< :::r: ...... c::o ...... -i c::o I w Ill =r rl- w l' fVII 11 I> •,_,..._,.._._ II TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TH -9/23/82 138 K\1 TRANSMISSION LINE SUMMARY OF LONG SPAN DEADEND TOWER DESIGN_ Sheet_4_of_5 _ SPAN ORIGINAL FINAL REQ'D HID· FINAL MID- LENGTH SUPPORTING TOWER TOWER SPAN PHASE SPAN PHASE {feet) TOWER STATION TYPE !!tL SPACING SPACING R E H A R K S 30-1W 685+32.99 ST3·E51 STtr-SSA Guying of a ST3·E55 is not possible. A ST•·SSA self-supporting D.E. tower with 35 ft. phase spacing w111 be used. 10) 4,773 35 ft. 35 ft. 30-2W 637+60.00 ST3-E55 No change Originally designed as a ST3-E55. Tower 30-2W has been re-staked at 35 ft. phase spacing. -------. ----. --------------. ------------------------------------. -------------- 34-lW 476+22.00 11) 5.120 34-2W· 425+02.12 ST3-E53 No change 35 ft. ST3-E52 STt'-SSA 35 ft. Orfgfnally designed as a ST3-E53 with 35 ft. phase spacing. Guying of ST3-E53 1s not possible. A ST«-SSA self-supporting D.E. tower wfth 35 ft. phase spacing will be used, ----------------. ------. ------. --------------------------. --------------------- 35-2W 390+02.17 12) 5,482 36·1W 335+20.00 ST3-E51 ST11-SSA 35 ft. STI'-ESO ST3-E55 35 ft. Self-supporting deadend placed at 35-2W. Guying of ST3-E55 is possible. Tower 36-1W has been changed to a ST3-E55 with 35 ft. phase spacing. , X :r: ....... co ....... --! co I w (/) ::::r rt ..r;:. ,, SPAN LENGTH SUPPORTING (feet} TOWER 37-2W 13) 8,087 38-lW STATIOH 302+44.00 221+57.10 ORIGINAL TOWER !!f! STft-ESO ST3·E53 r I:XH "" f 8-" j5ht "' TYEE lAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE TH -9/23/82 SUMMARY OF LONG SPAN DEAOEND TOWER DESIGN Sheet_s _of_5 _ FINAL TOWER !!f!_ ST3-E55 No change REQ'O HID- SPAN PHASE SPACING 65 ft. FINAl MID- SPAN PHASE SPACING 65 ft. REMARKS Guying of ST3-E55 is possible. Tower 37-2W has changed to a ST3-E55 with 65 ft. phase spacing. Originally designed as a ST3-E53, Tower 38-lW has been re-staked at 65 ft. phase spacing. ITJ X :c ....... co ..... -1 co I w Vl ::T ..... (JI APPENDIX C U.S. FOREST SUPERVISOR'S DECISION MARCH 15, 1982 (BLIND SLOUGH REALIGNMENT) ~ ({/!;"'~!\ U"'lt!ed States .~J, .. +:fi:i•t'i Oe;:>artment of ~ Agnculture ( Forest Service TYEE PO\/EP.LIUE IUfuT-OF-\IAY LOCATION ClltiD IUVEP. \ .SSFLATS AREA HITKOF ISLAUD FOREST SUPERVISOR'S DECISIO~ HAP.CH 15, 1902 Forest Supervisor John Hughes has se 1 ected a cor.1pror:1i se route for the Tyee po\/er transr:1ission line in the Blind River area of Hitk.of Island that r.1inir.1izes the r.1ajor ir.1pacts associated uith each of the three alternative alignr.1ents revieued. THE LINE HILL FOLL0\-1 THE ORIGltlAL ROUTE ALONG THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE HIGHHAY FROf·1 THE THP.EE LAKES LOOP ROAD UESTIIARD. CROSSING TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE HIGHUAY \lEST OF f.1AN-f1ADE HOLE. THIS PORTION OF THE ALIG~;rtEUT UILL TAKE ADVAtJTf\GE OF Atl EXISTitJG CLEAACUT EAST OF THE OVERSTEEPENED SLOPES, ~/HILE PRESEP.VltJG THE UILDLIFE, UETLAUDS, NW RECREATIOU VALUES OF THE 1-iAt~-tlADE HOLE Ar.EA. A POLE LltJE \liLL BE SPECIFIED FOP. THE P.ErtAHiDER OF THE ROUTE ALOIJG THE DOHUHILL SIDE OF THE HIGH\/1\Y TO HHIIHlZE RIGHT-OF-HAY ClEAP.IIiG UUTIL THE PO\-JEP.LIIIE CROSSES BACK TO THE PREFERP.ED tiOP.TH SIDE ALIGflf\EUT UEAR THE EAST EUD OF THE BLIND SLOUGH CLEARCUT. THE POLE LitlE \-JILL BE COt!STRUCTED US It~G STATE-OF-THE-ART DES IGtl TECH~JlQUES TO Ell11IW\TE THE POSSIOILITY OF RhPTOR ELECTROCUTIOtJ AtiD t1INIHIZE POTErJTIAL Blf~D STRIKES. VEGETATION OU THE DO\H!HILL SIDE OF THE ROAD\IAY HILL SE RETAHJED HHEREVER POSSIDLE AS A VISUAL Atm .ACOUSTICAL BUFFER BETI/EEt! THE HlGH\IAY ArlO BLIND P.IVEP. GP.t\SSFLI>TS. STAtWWG TREES \IILL OE REilOVED 0~1LY UHERE llEEDED FOR COtJSTRUCTIOtJ Arm PO',fERLWE SAFETY. The Forest Supervisor's decision is based on input frCQ 16 individuals, organizations, and agencies, and a re-exanination of alternative routes by Forest Service staff officers and resource specialists. During the 30-day revie\·t period leading ·to this decision, public cor.tnents and recom.1endations uere received fror.1: Petersburg City Council, Petersburg Utility Board, Thor.1as Bay Povrer 1\uthority, Petersburg Chanber of C01:tnerce, \lrangell Chanber of Cor.tr:te1·ce, Oistrict 2 Alaska State Representative, !..laska Departr.1ent of Fish and Gar.1e, U.S. Fish and \lil dl i fe Service, Petersburg Conservation Society, and seven individuals. SUHflARY OF ALTERNATIVES CmJS IOERED ALTEJ'!NATIVE 1 (Uphill Side of High\lay P.ight-of-ttay) Public Conr.1ent --A r.1ajority of those responding either preferred the original route adjacent to the high\lay, or expressed \lillingness to accept this alignr.1ent if their preferred route ttas not selected. Several group and individual responses further suggested that the dmmhill side of the highv1ay _., be considered, as an option that uight be less expensive to d~velop, uhi.le avoiding the hillside soil problBJs. Responses favored an al1gnuent adJacent to the highHay because of: loHer-cost construction and .n:inte~ance, .ease of access, r.1iniual \/ildlife wpacts. and the value of conf1mng v1sual mpacts to a corridor already developed for public use. . .. ( ( Forest Service Consideration --The uphill side of the highway was the original and preferred route thtough National Forest lands on Mitkof Island. J. The short section of line between the Three Lakes loop Road and the Blind Slough clearcut was relocated onto the grass flats only because of severe and unmanageable soil-stability problems along 65-75 percent of this powerline corridor. Although powerlines and towers could be designed to withstand any mass movement of soil and debris, the construction and clearing necessary for structural safety \·IDuld virtually assure accelerated erosion and mass soil failure along the entire forested portion of the hillside. Timber along this slope is not considered available for commercial harvest by standard clearcut methods because of overste~pene slopes and unstable soils; however, powerline construction \-.rould require right-of-way clearing similar to clearcut timber harvest, removing the only measure of soil stability nm·1 present on these slopes. (A similar problem of oversteepened slopes and unstable soils exists along the north side of the Bradfield Canal, the location originally proposed for the first section of the Tyee transmission line from the pm·:erhouse to Hrangell Island. It \·1as necessary to relocate this entire section of transmission line to the south side of Bradfield Canal because of soil-stability pt·oblems.} Although the high\·1ay route was re-examined along with the other alternative alignments, Forest Service staff officers remain unwilling to recom~end this hillside location because of the natural instability of the slope and the lack of any effective means to mitigate the problem. Only the uphill section already harvested {between Man-made Hole and the Three Lakes Loop Road) would be suitable for pm·1er 1 i ne cons true t ion. ALTERNATIVE 2 (Blind River Grass Flats) Public Comment --Responses were sharply divided between those who feared severe impacts to wildlife and waterfowl, especially bird strikes on towers and lines, and those who felt mitigation measures were available to make potential impacts negligible. Those strongly opposed to the route cited the unique, diverse. and fragile nature of the area; potential for eagle, trumpeter swan and other waterfowl collisions with transmission lines; and the visual and esthetic impacts of development in the pristine environment of the grass flats. Respondents who strongly supported the grass flats route cited lower development costs (tne route has already been surveyed and designed) and minimal resource conflicts d~e to proposed location and design requirements that would effectively minimize visual and wildlife impacts. Forest Service Consideration --While recognizing the unique wildlife and recreation values of the Blind River grass flats, Forest Service staff officers felt there were better opportunities to effectively mitigate anticipated impacts in the grass flats than along either of the other alternative routes. However, this was by far the most controversial of the alternatives considered, because of its unique habitat features, and its value and prominence as a recreat~on.area for local residents. Analysis of public comment on the grass flats route 1nd1cates that more than half the respondents \·IOuld consider the physical presence of the ·' pmverline a major, irrevet~sible impact, regardless of pm·terline location and d:sign, or the effectiveness of mitigative measures. (Nearly 20 years ago, ~hen ~he h1ghw~) was build through this area, the original route proposed was almost 1dent1cal to -2- . . . ( ( the Alter~ative 2 powerline route. Federal, state, and local officials, along with local res1dents agreed at ~hat time to locate the highway off the grass flats and onto the toe of the mounta1n slope to preserve the wildlife and recreation values of the grass flats.) ALTERilATIVE 3 (Ridge Route) Public Comment--A majority of comments rejected the ridge route as having unacceptably high development and maintenance costs ~1hich \·rould add to already huge project cost overruns, all of which would have to be paid by the consumer. Most who favored or would accept a ridge alternative suggested further study of a modified ridge route that would connect back to the original highway alignment near the Crystal Lake Power Plant. Respondents favoring the ridge route stressed the value of avoiding the grass flats, rather than any values associated with the ridge alignment itself. Forest Service Consideration --The ridge route would incur high development costs, require special equipment to access and maintain, and pose \·Jind damage and ice-loading problems that could significantly raise annual maintenance costs. Opportunities to mitigate these impacts are limited. In addition, Forest Service wildlife biologists see this route as bisecting an important wildlife range used extensively by deer, bear, grouse, and furbearers. Timbered areas on the upper slopes are used by deer in \'tinter as \'Jell as summer. This is not as emotional a wildlife issue as that represented by the flats alternative, because the area is relatively inaccessible to most recreationists. However, development of a ridge-line pm·ter corridor would open the area to more intensive use, both sumner and 1\inter. Selection of the ridge route would also require the development of a seperate right-of-\-:ay for Crystal Lake pov1er a distance of about 3.5 miles tm-1ard to·.·m until the ridge route descended back to the highway right-of-way. The proposal to modify the ridge route, returning to the preferred alignment near the Crystal Lake Hydro Plant, was also examined by Forest Service specialists. If feasible, this modification would at least allow power from the two sources to share the same right-of-way toward town. However, the shortened route would not eliminate any of the impacts associated with the ridg~ route alternative, it would simply ~hange their magnitude and order of importance. For example: while the shortened route would reduce impacts to the high country wildlife area, it would introduce serious soil stability and wind hazard problems in its descent toward Blind Slough. GENERAL ANALYSIS AND RECQi.NEHDATION PUBLIC CONCERNS Arto PREFERENCES The weight of public preference leaned strongly toward the original alignment on the uphill side of Mitkof Highway. However, most of these respondents seemed una\'Jare of the magnitude of the slope and soils problem, chose to ignore it, or assumed it \vas simply an engineering problem that could easily ~e res~lved. A fe\·1 respondents, acknowledging the difficulties inhel~ent in the uph11l a~1gnment~ ·' nevertheless recorrmended development as close to the highv;ay as poss1ble, h'hlchever side of the roadway was most feasible and least expensive. Development of the -3- • ( ( transmission line on the lower side of the roadway would avoid direct impacts to ~oth the grass.flats ~nd th: hillside. Ho;·tever, such an aligmnent \·Jould result 1n a more prom1nent v1sual 1r.1pact along the high1>Jay. ~Jhile so:ne respondents stated that this visual impact would be an acceptable tradeoff in order to preserve more highly regarded values in the grass flats, it can.be assumed that others would object to any development that tends to diminish the quality of the existing recreation experience in this area. STAFF DELIBERATimlS AND RECOHr1ENDAT10N After considering inputs from all sources, both Nithin and outside the agency, staff officers and resource specialists were unable to accept or recommend to the Forest Supervisor either Altemative 1 or Alternative 3, because the anticipated impacts cannot be satisfactorily mitigated. Alternative 2 is preferred by staff because, in their opinion, the anticipated impacts·can be reduced to an acceptable level. However, the Forest Supervisor and staff also recognize the strong concerns for preservation of the flats, expressed in the majority of public responses received. Analysis of these responses indicates that those opposed to the grass flats route \'rould not accept any degree of mitigation as sufficient protection for the existing fish, wildlife, and recreation values; and that the presence of the line itself would be an unacceptable impact. In effect, this situation left the decisionmaker \>Jith three alternatives Nith associated physical, biological, financial, and social in1pacts that could not be satisfactorily resolved. However, earlier in the field investigation for this section of right-of-way, specialists from a variety of disciplines examined the do\·mhi11 side of the road;·Jay as a possible alternative. At that time the group agreed that visual im~acts wculd be too severe, and they turned their attention to other options. Now, through this review process, several individuals and groups have indicated that the downhill option should be examined as a viable alternative. Staff revieh' of this option, in conjunction \vith the easterly portion of the uphill route, suggested a compromise alignment that might be more acceptable to all interested parties. \~hile reluctant to recommend this route because cf the visual impact along the grass-flats side of the roadway, the staff nevertheless acknov;1edged that this compromise alternative would significantly reduce the direct impacts to wildlife in the flats, and to the unstable soils on the uphill side of the roadway. Taking advantage of stable soils in the clearcut on the uphill side, an alignment could be developed that \'IDuld impact only the western two-thirds of the grass flats side, while avoiding any direct impacts to the t1an-made Hole area and the wetlands surrounding it. On March 15, the Forest Supervisor, in consultation with staff officers, selected this alternative alignment as an acceptable compromise which should be cost effective through the life of the project, while protecting the valuable and fragile resources of the area. Uo action will be taken prior to 45 days fro~ the, date of this decision. -4- a - APPENDIX D FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SELECTED) • E D c B A 10128 2 EXHIBIT D-1 4 .._: ':t: 11•" TYP ~ \.') ~ ll.t" TYP "<:(;; t Pll£ 2 ~ ·' ALTERNATE ULTIMATE DESIGN LOAD STRUCTURE TYPE STX-EIO STRUCTURE 5' e• ATTACHMENT HT. COMPRESSION 49k 34k HORIZONTAL rsk IOk SHEAR UPLIFT 29k 29k ; RECORD DRAWING f------------~~~~~~~ INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. ~ MQRR 50'' <NliDS£>.. COMPANY ARCTIC DISTRICT .13"0"STR£ET,PO.IUI410 ANC-ME Al.ASICA 9M10Z 1'111*£(tal')l74·lllll! PJOTES: 1. TSF-6A IS AN ALTERNATE TO FOOTING TYPE TSF-6 AND IS ONLY INTENDED FOR USE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE STX-ElO TOWER TYPE IN AREAS OF SHALLOW MUSKEG ON MITKOF ISLAND. 2. INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF CON- TRACT DOCUMENTS NO. 2708-8 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. BOTH PILES SHALL BE DRIVEN TO REFUSAL OR AS DIRECTED BY THE FIELD ENGINEER. 4. THE BATTERED PILE SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE TOWER LEGS. DRIVEN PLE ALTERNATE TSF-6A A .. P.A REV. 1 .... ,. I I I .. I lG~UNO LINE ~~~~~1-~~ : .. ~<rJJi ~·,~ I I I I I I I I EXFU9IT D -2 RECORD DRAWING ( -611 SQ. X ~· t. I SEC. A-A v~ 6 I /EXCAVATE TO SUIT 8 BACK FILL "" WITH COMPACTED MAT'L. r A I I I I i -'-1 ~~~::::::~I L _____ J • A ULTIMATE DESIGN LOAD I LEG STRUCTURE ' TANGENT TYPE COMPRESSION 33• NOTE: I. 2. ONE UNIT CONSISTS OF 12'-6" OF 8BP36 WITH 18 11 X 18 11 X 31-4 STEEL PLATE WELDED ON END FOUNDATION SHALL BE INSTALLED IN UNDISTURBED SOIL. '3. THIS FOUNDATION IS TO BE USED ONLY WITH STX-E 10 TOWER TYPE ----t----+----+ HORIZONTAL 11 11 2 1'1./'"i!i,'ii.ci:;~ DW6. ~ SHEAR 1 11/JO/G DESIGN LOADS PEO CHSIR~ UPLIFT 45 11 REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY APP'D STEEL PILING FOUNDATION ~~~~~~JJ~~~~.~!iiNEERING COMPANV FOR NON-S~BMERGED AND NON -SOLID ROBERT w RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES OfVISIOfll ROCK SOIL CONDITIONS DWN. BY L. 0. GRANT SCALE 1/2" = ,._ 0 II CKO. 1Y 0. BURLINGAME W.O. No •. ______ _ DATE SEPT. 30. I 9 8 2 TSF-7 DRAWING No. 2708·TS·II2 10828 E - .... :r: (!) ~ .... z LLI 2 :r: (.,) c( .... .... c( I {LEG BRACKET 7 :t I ~ N 2 (GRD. SURFACE lf,JHSH MUSKEG OR en NON BEARING t so:J c I 3 ULTfMATE DESIGN MIN. LOADS (KIPS) • L • COMPRESSION : 3 3 K HORIZ. SHEAR = II K UPLIFT = 45 K NOTES: (FT.) 16' 19' 22' 25' 1EXHIBIT 0-3 4 MUSKEG ATTACH MIN. DEPTH HEIGHT EMB .A.(Ft) •c• ·o•· 3' -s" s' 10' 5'. 6" e' II' 7'. 6" to' 12' 9'-6" 12' 13' {~ ' ;l{S(,~I,: .(ll ~~~·.0·:'.·1 . o; •;~~11'1" I. MATERrAL. CONSISTS OF LENGTH "L" OF HP 14 11 89 ·~v ~~::. ~:, ..... ". ~~ FIRM BEARING WITH IB"a IB"a 3/4" STEEL PLATE WELDED ON END. '.;~._ ·.:::~·.J SOIL. 2. FOUNDATION SHALL BE INSTALLED IN UNDISTURBED D I· . .;, . . .. I . • • • SOIL . . I. ::~ I ..J c s A - - - =:r: = jl ~ ~ I .,.. _o. I I ~ -i=~l I wa.l 0 I ~ ~ : ~ I g ; I G: I t-LIJ I ., .·.•·.1 ~ I • .·.:·-I z j 3. THIS FOUNDATION IS TO BE USED ONLY WITH STX-E 10 TOWER TYPE. 4. LEG BRACKET FOR HP 14 11 89 PlLE MUST BE ORDERED FROM TOWER FABRICATOR OR MODIFIED IN FIELD TO SUIT. 2 1 ~ :;·;I I · -~~EXCAVATE TO SUIT AND a. •. • .tl BACKFILL WITH I :r: . • I ··::.: COMPACTED MATERIAL t l;:.:.-.~ •• : + A..........____~!~··· I A I ... , • ·.• S I l.i:.'..._ .. _____ _, 1\ I V3/e l, I l >UJ i ... , RECORD CRAWING '-1'-6"sa. • 3/4 "It SECTION A-A ... TSF-7A INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. STEEL PILING FOUNDATION :. ·.•c><• '. •, ,.,. rs<-... COMPANY FOR NON-SUBMERGED AND NON-SOLID ARCTIC DISTRICT ROCK SOIL CONDITIONS 113 "0 STREET, PO I !1410, AN<:HOII ... £ At,.ASKA Mlt02 ~(907)274-1551 1-+---+---------1-+-t--f,D~E~SIGf-NHj' ("'' =·-t TYEE LAKE TIL 2145 '0 MT. N ,.,.,.., PROJECT NO. !REV. DWN.l.C.J. CKD. Cli•nt DRAWING NO. 1-...--+ 1""1l..j_-r.''5:?::;./'?I ""~<:'~--\-;;lii?."E"~-r;::;-;f<-C.-;:-r:D~iA;::::'N:-:-;I';'iN/:{:j-t-+-t--tA~P~P'~D.-----, ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 2 708 -TS-128 N0 1 DATE REVISIONS BY CK'O APl"D OATE:I-25-8! 2 3 l 1 1 EXHIBIT D- UPLIFT LIST OF MATERIALS ' t HORIZ. ~EAR REQ'D. DE SCRIPT ION ITa 'COMPRESSION Helix Section, DIXIE• (j) • 4 Pipe Anchor, DIXI~ (2) 0 Gr i llove Bose , Dl XIs:->< : -~ LGROIMD SURFACE >< drilled for 1'12 "bolt at center GD 13 : r(H\\~ ) HH\,\'1\~)) Anchor Cop, DIXIE."'" 4 ... ~E TABlE Pipe •• tensions· see table :: 5 <:)J AT aorro., il D -~ =c ~KEG OR I&J : 21 a NON-BEARING ~~ SOIL'\ ~ •. t((Hf : ( « \ f( f '~ ' lli~HB ~ S\, \ (.!) rr"\\~"' ., . '' 'll"' I~ '"'i?jT!Itii;jjf \ •• • z ~ ~ &;RM BEARING -2 'II 3: =o I SOIL1 -<( ..: z > 0::: -i Q)!"t SCHEDULE 80 0 0 <: ~ • 0 -lA) 0::: ... :. 2 0 , u c NOI&:2· LLJ t HARDWARE AS SPECIFIED OR EQUAL. a:: 2 FOUNDATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTAL LED TO THE MANUnlCTURER'S TOLERANCES AND SPECIFICATIONS SUCH THAT GRID GRILLAGE MAY BE FIELD FIT. - 3. PIPE EXTENSION MATERIAL SHALL BE PER ASTM A53, FY:: 35 KSI. 4 PIPE DIAMETERS SHOWN IN TABLE BELOW ARE NOMINAL. TOWER ULT. DESIGN ULT. LOAD/ PIPE EXTENSION SIZES AND ATTACH. HEIGHTS FOR VIAIOUS MUSKEG DEPTHS LOAD ON TRIPOD LEG A " 4 5-8 8 -II II -14' 14 -18' TYPE FOOTING ICCWR UPLIFT B ' 6 7 -10' 10-13' 13-16' 16-20 8 ' TANGENT COMPR.= '33K STX-EIO SHEAR:: IIIC 30K 32K I UPLIFT=45K ST3·EIJ COMPR.: 57K 3"t 3-1/2 ... :> ..... ~~D.80or SQB. 40 , ... I 6"+ -ST3-E12 SI£AR= 1.2.K 25K SCHED.80 > SCHED. 40 I> SCHED40 ST3-E13 UPLIFT::-SCI£0.40 I ST3·Et4 COMPR.=92 K 4 • ~HED.80 or ST3· El5 SHEAR:. 5 'K 45K 5 • UPLIFT: -ScHED. 40 A '. TSF·8B ~ INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. ALTERNATE TRANSMISSION LINE TOWER :. MQRR·s·:."-KNUDSEN COMi'ANY SCREW ANCHOR FOOTING -TRIPOD A.llCTIC DISTRICT llli"D" STREET, PD.I .• 410 AIICHQflMt ALASKA,_ ,...._{tar)Z74-Mil DESIGN ..... )loci TYEE LAKE TIL I'ROJECT NO . REI/. OWN. L.C.J. 2145 0 CKO. C:llllftl DIIAWING NO. I 1/..11"5/?;'f; ~ECO!t;' I'W(:,, A.PP'O. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 2708-TS· 131 NO. DATE REI/ISIONS IY CK'O A.l'f"O OA.Te: ' 3 APPENDIX E GUY ANCHOR DRAWINGS (SELECTED) -~~ -·= EXHIBIT E-1 Bt;..AR I tJ9 'bOI 1..-E;.QU IVAL.E:-~.rf l':.A~IH <?U~~HAK~e. q. 11-J PC? r AND Pt::::-A1 COVE-~ L.AYf=.IZ0 Of MLJ?KE:-6j D~PIH TYPf. 100 200 300 400 500 (p00 ·c /J (;=20° 10'-011 9'-ct>ll 9'-o• 8'-~" B'-0 7'-u/' UJ FT. ¢=2'70 8'-0'' 7'-~" 7'-on cl>'-(j/ to'-o ~'-O MINI-¢=30" (&,'-0" w'-o'' ?'-~II ?'-toll MUM ?'-0 ?'-o tfE;-M l?,;;.~c~t t?H o~ R~'t'l. (i) 1e'¢X1Z'~KA~ 1 >< 1...0& (LJ~f~E;AfE:-t;;:>) CZl ~ 1"1-AiJ..W(~O 1 >< 4" 1,..01-J()f 1 >< .11/4"c11 X 10'CfYP.J f5E:.A~l~t1 ~Il .. LHJ1f 1-J~1414f AIJ~l...f; Of t-------4l5 = fC.f !N1E:.~tJAL.- iYPf:. f~lt-HOtJ ME:-D1LJM 110 fiRM 120 HEAVY LOG ANCHOR SECTION X-X 1. .CAL..(,Ut...Aif. t:.:>U~C:HAf{6tE:-~ •.50 (at z.17b), ~XAt1Pl.b: MU~~~ PE:-PIH Q=Z'LF'E-AI Pe-MH b -4' ,.·.q. = !0 ( 2 + Z. .\7 X4) = .3.20 t?AY 300 f'r(OM fAOL,...i. ¢ "'ZO,eE.Afl{lt-J6j OI?;.FTH C .. c::t'-0" 2..16ji-JOt'<~ fl.lf.~f r:oof Or fOP '?Ol.l..-. lf Q=O, b=O,IH!';-~ MHJ~MLJM O~PiH H=C +1 0~ M1tJ. Q"tb?!:l'. CONSUl T!NG ENGINEERS INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. ·~lli.DMJt~ 180 HOWI>.RD STREET SII.N FRII.NCISCO C!>.UFORNtA 94105 DESIGNEOt.A'f'N loi1AWN E E S lcHwm)p..j) lRECOMMENOED f<l'v OA.TE '1.5 M """'( ~ B 3 I APPROVED TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TA-3 BR <•) TRANSMISSION LINE HEAVY LOG ANCHOR 2708 -TS -138 S>1EE1 Of \ RE• I tECO .. a EXHIBIT E-2 APF~JVEJ f~~ 3~ o"- COMPACTED r-ASRE~, BACKFILL~ --~~~~~-----''''l'l~"m"~f\ ~§-''~,~-,,~~·''' -- ~ ' UNDISTURBED SOIL I (TYP.) 0 _, U) ,~~~ ,m SEE 5HEEi 2. tJf Z FO~ BA!C:.~E.L AtJG.HOR I'-10DIFICA110t-J.S SQUARE NUT 8. WASHER~ (JAM THREADS) ELEVATION VIEW 55 GALLON DRUM@:----...._ FILLED w/ CONCRETE ~ -- --~~ ::· ;~·;.:"· :.: :"·:~ .. : r.t· ';-:: . 0. • • •• :;. \1> ••.• '.~·· .. ·' .. , .•••• ·!· -~ • • 0 •• : •• ~" ... · .. : .. :: ·. NOTES: I. THIS GUY ANCHOR TYPE MAY BE INSTALLED IN POOR SOIL CONDITION SITES AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER IN FIELD. +I 0 _, • ,.·:: •, • •. • • • 'd \ {r -~~~ .·,;..-_,J ,,.. -.,..-=:~~::--~~=:-:;_;:;-;:-:.:; ~ .• ~· 1-=-=-!(H'I:..~ .. : . '\ ....... 2. THIS ANCHOR TYPE IS INTENDED FOR LOW BEARING CAPACITY SOILS. IF INSTALLED IN GOOD SOILS, ANCHOR ROD SHALL BE TRENCHED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO NOT DISTURB THE SURROUNDING SOIL. , •. 0 ·: : -.! . .; . ' .. . ·. ··' . '-' .. • ;o •.... ,~ ::a .. -.: .. ·.•:. ... . -.. ., . 4. ~ ..• 0 •' 4 • " ......... -~ • • : .. :: .::·t.alt~ ..... ' PLAN VIEW INa. REVISIONS BY CK. APP'D. 1 ENGINEER STAMP 0.8. C.S. R.P.V. 2 llt~l'c; ~w~. rf.j1 F/63 INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPAN't' & "'(tf'~·~OO. lllfUDSt" COioll'oUn ROBERT W IIIETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION SCALE NONE MATERIAL LIST ITEM DESCRIPTION REQ'Q ( I J 1"1110' Rod Pi11ie 03380 I 2) H/4"1.0. x Req'd. Lentth Pipe I 3) 55 Gal. Drum ® Sq. Nut \.5 Sq. Waaher 65 GALLON DRUM SOIL ANCHOR I I I DRAWING DWN. BY L. D. GRANT CKD. 8Y D. BURLINGAME W.O. No •. ______ _ TA-4S-55 2708~;·S·II4 DATE 10/28/82 &Hi. 1 OF Z .::1 APPENDIX F -SHOEMAKER BAY-WRANGELL TIE LINE - - ,.. - B809/2145p0052:0148p EXHIBIT F-1 SHOEMAKER BAY -WRANGELL 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE CONTRACT NO. 2708-11 BASIC DESIGN MANUAL SCOPE AND GENERAL The Shoemaker Bay -Wrangell single circuit tie line is rated at 138 kV and will be approximately 17,400 feet (3.30 miles) in length. Power will be transmitted from the Wrangell Switchyard of the Tyee Lake 138 kV Trans- mission System to the new substation inside the City of Wrangell which will have transformers rated at 10 MW. Initial operation of the tie line will be at 69 kV. The attached vicinity map (Figure 1) shows the basic transmission line alignment, of which approximately one mile will be along the Zimovia Highway requiring the incorporation of an existing 7.2/12.5 kV distribu- tion line as underbuild construction. Figure 2 show the typical pole con- figurations for both sections. APPLICABLE STANDARDS All design and construction of the transmission line will conform to the minimum standards set forth by the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. RIGHT-OF-WAY The right-of-way width for the Shoemaker Bay -Wrangell Transmission Line will be 80 feet from the Wrangell Switchyard up to the Zimovia Highway and 40 feet along the highway where the distribution underbuild is incorporated into the line. LINE LOADING CRITERIA The transmission line will be designed for the following loading conditions: o NESC Heavy Loading -~~~ radial ice with 4 PSF wind at 0°F and 0 o Extreme Wind -21 PSF wind (90 mph) on bare conductors at 40 F F -1 MINIMUM SAFETY FACTORS The transmission line will be designed to the following minimum safety factors: Element of line Conductor, Splices and Fastenings Wood Poles Transverse Strength (Wind) Transverse Strength (Wire tension) Vertical Strength longitudinal Strength (In general) longitudinal Strength (At deadends) Guys and Guy Anchors Transverse Strength (Wind) Transverse Strength (Wire tension) longitudinal Strength (In general) longitudinal Strength (At deadends) Insulators Cantilever Compression Tension Minimum Safety Factor 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 1. 33 2.0 2.67 1.5 1.0 1.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 Line hardware will be compatible with the M&E ratings of the insulators used. CLEARANCES The following minimum conductor-to-2round clearances will be maintained: o Over areas accessible to pedestrians only o Over public streets and highways 19.1 feet at 120°F, final tension, bare conductors 24.1 feet at 120°F, final tension, bare conductors Minimum phase separations and clearances to guy wires required by NESC will also be maintained. F-2 CONDUCTOR SELECTION The characteristics of the conductors to be used are: For 138 kV Transmission o Code Name -Oove/AW o Type -Aluminum, Aluminum-Clad, Steel Reinforced (ACSR/AW) o Size -556.5 Kcmil o Diameter -0.927 Inch oRated Ultimate Tensile Strength-21,900 Lbs. o Stranding Ratio -26/7 For 7.2/12/5 kV Distribution Underbuild o Code Name -Raven o Type -Aluminum Conductor, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) o Size -1/0 o Diameter -0.398 Inch o Rated Ultimate Tensile Strength -4,380 Lbs. o Stranding Ratio -6/1 Limiting tension for the Dove/AW conductor will be 10 percent of UTS under everyday loading conditions. This will permit the use of excess owner- furnished suspension insulators {15,000 lb. M&E rating) from the Tyee Lake Transmission System Construction Contract at an estimated cost savings of $5,000. Due to the reduced tension, vibration dampers will not be required for vibration protection. The estimated cost savings is approximately $30,000. The neutral conductor of the distribution underbuild will be grounded at every pole. WOOD POLES Class Hl through Class H4 pressure-treated Douglas Fir wood poles will be used. Overall pole length will vary between 40 and 85 feet as dictated by terrain or clearance considerations. Standard pole embedment will be 10% of the pole length plus two feet. A reduced embedment will be used where poles are set in solid rock. F-3 DISTRIBUTION UNDERBUILD CONSTRUCTION All existing poles along the underbuild section of the line will be re- placed. Existing span lengths will be maintained to the extent possible to facilitate the transfer of existing services. New pole-top assemblies and conductors for the 7.2/12.5 kV primary dis- tribution will be provided under Contract 2708-11. Transfer of all second- ary distribution. service drops, transformers, meters. street lights, etc .• onto the new poles will be provided by the City of Wrangell. All mater- ials salvaged from the existing line will remain the property of the City of Wrangell. All construction work along the Zimovia Highway will be carefully coordi- nated with the City of Wrangell and the telephone and Cable TV utilities to prevent or minimize interruptions of existing services. F-4 RPV/TM -March 1983 ( SWITCHYARD ! "'"::+/'' -> ;~ ---· --.< "'?,_,; : -="'"" . ___ ,, -.:, ~-~ ... , ,, ~; ..- ~-····--~ ~----~\SUBSTATIOHL__~-~:\rc-~c::--~-~. SiJJii(F~~~ / ,---·t<>"o -\ ~ ~' /,~<fr · ~ I ~--~ __;>/;'----: /-. ~ / ___.----"-, It-~'" 'OVZq: J ' _ _j ( •<oo /'""''---.\ ---~ \ '"-=-= ~ p"':.TY Of WRANGELL '-/ ) ____.J) ( ( ; \ "~' )l c: / ____ ,J / \ \ ? \ ) r ..._________ / ----~ SHOEMAKER BAY -WRANGELL 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE -·----.. ----···-----~---. ---- vICINITY MAP FIGURE 1 -·· Ft?ST lt-e"I.,\TOR (1'YP.) ~ .. -:r:: ~ ~ ~~ ::r: ~ \.!) -w ' I I "l \9' w <\! .J C'j 0.. I i 'Y'i-,W/1\\'IIf:~ F'AV' l\'r/~ ~-BURIAL DEPTH I I (lo% OF "H'' f:'LU5 2" TYP,) ! ~~ ----j --'-~--I . II 40'-0 11 _ ·-t-_____ 40 '-()__ · --~BO •-o_"_( ~01111~ w IDT_~ L M~K. ___ _ TYPICAL T/L ~OOD POLt l-\JITHOUi UNDERBUILD N.T. S. FIGURE 2 • r ~ ,_ r ~ UJ .::t Lu ~ T----- 1 ~I ' i IIIli ...-.l :::\i ~­ t' ,j ' ! t,: ril I .-• ..,_c::::-POST IH!:>ULATOM: (r:. _. c-COMMUNIC.ATION .,._::,CABLES (TYP.) _l__,IA\\Yli\"Wl'j F"'"~ t=-BURIAL DEPTH I 1 __r~IO% OF',, ...... PLUS 2 1 lYP.) -----_LIJ ' II L -·2o'-o" ·-eo-o ---1 1--A0 1 -0 11 ( RO_'I'J_ ~~01'1-tj ---------1 TYPICAL T /L ~oo D POLE ~ITH UNDERBUILD N.T.S. EXHIBIT F-2, Sheet 1 SHOEMAKER BAY -WRANGELL 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE DETERMINJl.TION OF RIGHT -OF-WAY WIDTH REQUIREMENTS I. Wrangell Switchyard to PI-4 {State of Alaska Lands) Maximum Span -600 Feet Conductor -556.5 kcmil ACSR {Dove) A. Case I - 6 PSF Wind on Bare Conductor @ 60°F ~-43:~2 Ft. J · Right-of-Way Width B. Case II -Extreme Wind Condition {21 PSF) ~ I 5' ~ = Conductor Swing Angle Under 6 PSF Wind @ 60°F = 31.18° Sf = Conductor Final Sag With 6 PSF Wind @ 60°F = 15.64 Feet x = Minimum Reauired Clearance to Edge of Right-of-Way = 7.1 Feet y = Total Horizontal Distance From Conductor Attachment Point to Edge of Right-of-Way = 16.6 Feet ¢ = Conductor Swing Angle Under Extreme Wind {21 PSF) = 64.72° Sf = Conductor Final Sag Under Extreme Wind (21 PSF) = 16.53 Feet USE 80 FEET RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT F-2, Sheet 2 SHOEMAKER BAY -WRANGELL 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE DETERMINATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH REQUIREMENTS II. PI-4 to Wrangell Substation (Zimovia Highway) Maximum Span -325 Feet Conductor -556.5 kcmil ACSR (Dove) A. Case I -6 PSF Wind on Bare Conductor @ 60°F 1 Right-of-Way Width B. Case II -Extreme Wind Condition (21 PSF) 5' I. ::If\;_-'~~'-'2·' ~,'-',,,_~ ........ '":._ 36':2 Ft. Right-of-Way Width ~ = Conductor Swing Angle Under 6 PSF Wind @ 60°F = 31.18° Sf = Conductor Final Sag With .6 PSF Wind@ 60oF = 7.89 Feet x = Minimum Required Clearance to Edge of Right-of-Way = 7.1 Feet y = Total Horizontal Distance From Conductor Attachment Point to Edge of Right-of-Way = 11.9 Feet ~ = Conductor Swing Angle Under Extreme Wind (21 PSF) = 64.72° Sf = Conductor Final Sag Under Extreme Wind (21 PSF) = 6.19 Feet USE 40 FEET RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX G BASIC DESIGN MANUAL BASIC DESIGN MANUAL TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE PETERSBURG AND WRANGELL, ALASKA Project Number 2708 Prepared By: Robert W. Retherford Associates Division International Engineerin~ Company, Inc. P.O. Box 6410, 813 011 Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 NOVEMBER 1981 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE Abbreviations 1: Introduction 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Report 1-1 2. Summary Data 2.1 Description of Transmission Line Route 2-1 2.2 Description of Tower Structures 2-6 2.3 Transmission Line Design Data Summary 2-11 3. Basic REA and NESC Requirements 3.1 Outline of Requirements 3-1 4. ~ine Design Technical Analysis 4.1 Conductor Loading, Sag and Tension 4-1 4.2 Insulators 4-7 4.3 Insulator Clearance and Swing 4-9 4.4 Tower Body Maximum Loading Graph 4-15 4.5 Footings 4-19 4.6 Anchors 4-21 4.7 Guying Requirements 4-22 4.8 Conductor Vibration Control 4-24 4.9 Submarine Cable and Terminals 4-28 5. Sample Calculations 5.1 Calculations Used in Fundamental Design 5-1 i DRAWINGS Drawing Chapter 2 Drawings 2-1 Vicinity Map Tyee Lake Project Transmission System 2-2 Typical Single Pole 138 kV Post Type Insulators, HPT-1B 2-2 138 kV Guyed X Tower (Tangent) 2-4 Long Span Structure Conceptual Design · Chapter 4 Drawings 4-1 Angle vs Sum of Spans (Dahlia) 4-2 STX-E Insulator Swing Clearances 4-3 Insulator Swing Chart, Dove, 1320' R.S. ·4-4 Insulator Swing Chart, 37#8 AW, 8000' R.S. 4-5 Insulator Swing Chart, 120° Equivalent 4-6 Tower (STX) Selection Graph -"Dove" Conductor 4-7 ~Tower (STX) Selection Graph -37#8 AW Conductor 4-8 Guying Arrangements for Suspension Type Structures 4-9 Tension -Percent of Ultimate Strength, ACSR Lines Without Armor Rods or Dampers 4-10 Tension -Percent of Utlimate Strength, ACSR Lines Protected With Armor Rods. 4-11 Tension -Percent of Ultimate Strength, ACSR Lines 2-3 2-8 2-9 2-10 4-8 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-17 4-18 4-23 4-25 4-26 Protected by Stockbridge Dampers 4-27 4-12 138 kV Submarine Cable Terminal General Arrangement 4-29 Chapter 5 Drawin~ 5-1 Single Loop Galloping Analysis for HPT-1B Structure 5-11 5-2 Double Loop Galloping Analysis for Guyed X Tower 5-14 ii .;:. TABLES Table Cha~ter 2 Tables 2-1 Conductor, Structure, and Submarine Cable Locations · -2-4 2-2 Transmission Line Design Data Summary -Conductor: 11 0ahlia 11 2-12 2-3 Transmission Line Design Data Summary -Conductor: 11 0ove 11 2-14 2-4 Transmis-sion Line Design Data Summary -Conductor: 37#8 AW 2-16 Chapter 3 Tables 3-1 Clearances (in inches) in Any Direction From Line Conductors to Supports and Guy Wires Attached to the Same Support. 3-2 3-2 Recommended Minimum Vertical Clearances (in feet) Above Ground or Rails for Spotting Structures on Plan or Profile Sheets 3-3 3-3 Crossing Clearances (in feet) Of Wires Carried on -=Different Supports 3-4 3-4 Overload Capacity Factors for Wood Structures Chapter 4 Tables 4-1 Transmission Line Desing Criteria by Line Section 4-2 Conductor Characteristics 4-3 Conductor Loading/Tension Data 4-4 Ruling Span Data-Sag and Tension iii 3-5 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-6 APPENDIX A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-ll - B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 APPENDICES APPENDIX A -EXHIBITS TA-2 Rock Anchor Assemb1y TA-3 Stee1 Plate Anchor Assemb1y TA-5-8 Multiple Helix Anchor TSF-1 Footing TSF-lA Footing TSF-2 Footing TSF-2A Footing TSF-3 Footing TSF-4 Footing TSF-5 Footing Transmission Line Vibration Dampers APPENDIX B -EXHIBITS SAG Template Basic Equations SAG Template Coordinates -Dahlia SAG Template Coordinates -Dove SAG Template Coordinates -37#8 AW APPENDIX C -EXHIBITS STX-E 138 kV Guyed Tower (tangent) STn-E 138 kV Guyed Tower long Span (tangent) ST3-Ell 138 kV Guyed Column Small Angle Structure 0~-27~ ST3-El2 138 kV Guyed Column Medium Angle Structure 27~ -48~ iv PAGE ·- A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-ll B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 APPENDICES (Cont 1 d) c - APPENDIX :MGE ~ C-5 ST3-E13 138 kV Guyed Column Large Angle Structure 48° -goo C-5 C-6 ST3-E14 and E15 138 kV Guyed Column Oeadend Tangent Structure C-6 C-7 ST3-E51 138 kV Guyed Column Small Angle Structure 0~ -27° C-7 C-8 ST3-E52 138 kV Guyed Column Medium Angle Structure 27° -48~ C-8 c-g ST3-E53 138 kV Guyed Column Large Angle Structure 48~ -goo c-g C-10 ST3-E54 and E55 138 kV Guyed Column Deadend ~ Tangent.Structure C-10 v ABBREVIATIONS/SYMBOLS A AMPERES ACSR ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR, STEEL-REINFORCED -AW ALUMOWELO .. -':£ ?F DEGREES FAHRENHEIT FT FEET FT2 SQUARE FEET Hp HORSEPOWER In. INCHES K PREFIX MULTIPLIER (xlOOO) -METRIC KCM THOUSAND CIRCULAR MILS kV KILOVOLTS kW KILOWATTS kVA KILOVOLT AMPERES lb. POUNDS L. F. LINEAR FEET M -MULTIPLIER (xlOOO) -ENGLISH Max. MAXIMUM Min. MINIMUM Mi. MILES MVA MEGAVOLT -AMPERES MW MEGAWATTS OCB OIL CIRCUIT BREAKER PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH R.S. RULING SPAN Sq. In. SQUARE INCH u.s. ULTIMATE STRENGTH UTS ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH Yr YEAR vi - CHAPTER .l INTRODUCTION . :.. 3APA36/L1 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF REPORT CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This design manual presents the recommended design criteria for the 138 KV Transmission Line between the Tyee Lake Hydroelectric Station and the communities of Wrangell and Petersburg. The Tyee Hydroelectric Plant will provide 20,000 kilowatts of water turbine generation in its initial phase. Each generating unit will consist of a horizontal-axis, 13,800 HP Pelton-type impulse turbine, connected to a 10,000 kW generator. This hydroelectric power will replace the diesel generators as the primary source of power for the combined Petersburg- Wrangell system. The diesel generators will be retained as the secondary source of power within the system, making up power demand deficiencies, primarily at times of peak loads. Thi~transmission line design is considered the most-satisfactory of the twelve alternative transmission systems investigated.1 1 Transmission systems evaluation of conventional and unconventional configurations for interconnecting Petersburg, Wrangell and the Tyee Power Plant of the Tyee Lake Hydroelectric Project, International Engineering Company, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska, March 1981. 1-1 - - - 3APA36/L2 CHAPTER 2 SUMMARY DATA 3APA36/L3 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE CHAPTER 2 SUMMARY DATA Drawing 2-1, Vicinity Map Tyee Lake Project Transmission 5¥stem, displays the line route along Mitkof Island, Vank Island, Woronfski·Island, Wrangell Island and terminating at the Tyee Lake Power house. The transmission line route traverses terrain that ranges from sea level to 1850 feet above sea level. The soil conditions include patches of muskeg swamp, silty and sandy layers of varying depths, and solid rock with and without overburden. Brush and densely located trees of western hemlock and Sitka spruce occur at each end of the route. The transmission corridor has several access roads to limited parts of the line on Mitkof Island the transmission line parallels the main road to Blind Slough. Vank Island may provide some access via its established logging roads. Woronkofski Island has no access roads. Where the line tra~rses up the Bradfield Canal, logging roads provide limited access in two location. There is some possibility of access by of!-the-road equipment in some locations, but for a substantial part of the line, the terrain is interrupted regularly by precipitous stream basins. Helicopter construction is anticipated to be in portions of this project where ground based vehicles can•t be staged. They will be used for shuttle of construction and line materials, personnel support, and for emergency medical evacuation. The route includes 68.2 miles of overhead transmission circuit consisting of about 7.8 miles of 556.5 KCM all aluminum conductor (Dahlia). This will be on the single pole HPT-lB structures (Drawing 2-1). There will also be about 35.4 miles of 556.5 KCM ACSR (Dove) on hinged X-tower configeration (Drawing 2-2) and about 25 miles of high-strength 37 No. 8 Alumoweld on n structures (Drawing 2-3) for use on long spans. 2-1 3APA36/L4 Completing the circuit is 12.6 miles of submarine cable in four sections of 4.1, 3.32, 3.09, and 2.08 miles. These submarine cables consist of 4 .cables (3 operating witn one sp.are) of 500 KCM copper equi~alent, lead covered, wire armored and places with separations of 300 to 600 feet in water depths up to about 150 fathoms (900 feet). = A. Conductor and Structure Location Table 2-1 is a summary of the type of construction, distance, and number of structures planned for the transmission line. These may be related directly to the vicinity map -Tyee lake Transmission System, Drawing 2-1. 2-2 3APA36/L6 TABLE 2-1 Sheet 1 of 2 Conductor, Structure,_ and Submarine Cable LocatiQns Overhead Portions --- Island Location Miles Type of ·o; stance (Ml )/# .: Construction of Structures M1tkof Scow Bay to 76 to 80 Wood Poles 4.32/78 Twin Creeks Dahlia Cond. Twin Creeks to 73 to 76 X-Tower 2.61/10 Falls Creek Dove Cond. Falls Creek to 70 to 73 Wood Pole 3.45/60 Big Gulch Dahlia Cond. Big Gulch to 59 to 70 X-Tower 11.12/52 Cable term. Dove Cond. Vanr Cable term to 52 to 55 X-Tower 2.83/13 Cable term. Dove Cond. Woronkofsi Cable Term. to 45 to 49 X-Tower 3.18/76 Cable Term. Dove Cond. Wrangell Cable term. to 38 to 42 X-tower 4.2/20 Angle #2 Dove Cond. Angle #2 to 33 to 38 n -Tower 4.82/7 Angle #4 37#8 AW Angle #4 to 30 to 33 X -Tower 3.04/12 STA 637 + 60 Dove Cond. STA 637 + 60 to 23 to 30 X/rr-Tower 7.08/17 STA 1011 + 50 37 #8 AW 2-4 3APA36/L7 Submarine Portion Location Mile Distance Sumner Strait 55 to 59 4.1 Stikine Strait 49 to 52 3.32 Zimovia Strait 42 to 45 3.09 Bradfield Canal 17 to 19 2.08 2-5 3APA36/L8 2.2 Description of Tower Structures The basic structure designs have evolved from proven design techniques in Alaska and elsewhere'and hav~ demonstrated cost savings_and reliable operating records. There will be three basic types of tow~rs proposed. Drawing 2-1 shows the various segments of line using different structures. The three different types of towers are listed below. A. HPT -lB Structure This type of tower is shown on drawing 2-2 and is used quite extensively where the line passes through a population center, such as the line section south of Petersburg which follows the Mitkof Highway. This will also accommodate on the same structure some of the existing powerline in the same area. This post insulator, single wooden pole structure will be designed to accommodate underbuild of a distribution circuit and commu- nication cable. The construction will be 11 skip-span" in nature with 300 to 360 foot spans of transmission overbuild with 150 to 180 foot spans of unde?build. The conductor on this portion will be all aluminum "Dahlia 11 at modest tensions to minimize guying requirements. B. Guyed X-Towers . These type of towers have been used quite satisfactorily in Alaska before. Drawing 2-3 shows the basic tower. The transmission line continuing to Blind Slough changes to this guyed hinged X-tower with ACSR, 11 Dove 11 , 556.5 KCM conductor with an estimated ruling span of 1320 feet. Similar overhead line configurations are used for all remaining lines to the powerhouse, except for approximately 20 miles of high strength conductor crossings or where submarine crossings are involved. 2-6 3APA36/L9 C. Guyed n-Towers Drawing 2-4 shows these.special towers suitable for long span con- s~ruction. There are three sections of long span constr~ction with these towers; two on Wrangell Island and one a1ong Bradfi.eld Canal. Special high strength conductor, 37#8 Alumoweld, is used for these long spans which are estimated to be 3,500 feet average and with some spans long a~ 8000 feet. 2-7 • DRAWI:~G 2-2 HPT-18 ASSEMBLY (I ~PO=LrE~T~O~P-----+------; . . \ ..uu.u.. I \ •nm 138 KV BOTTOM ... .. ill1a PHASE ' rnrm·"·"·· ·- ~ 0 r, • 24.9 KV ·• I ! . j NEUTRAL 61'-s" 56'-s" I ~ 51'-stl c: TELEPHONE 49'-o" CABLES I .. 33'-6' I 27'-6" 21'-o .. \ I GROUND --~----~~-L--~-------~~--------L--~L------~~LEVEL I I ~ I BASIC POLE-65 I CLASS 1 I l DOUGLAS FIR I , 1 CIRCUMFERENCE: I TOP= 27" LfJ GROUND LINE= 48.5 11 INTER~·!ATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC 2-8 PC>S~;;.'"' _.. F;:."':-!::F'rC•'\D -'SSOC'l"'!'"ES :JJVISION o:.;. ~ ~: C.E :: !"' • t..! :.•~: ... ~~=...:...Gt A.,A.5 .. e.~"":~ e>-::··._ ~: :~.:c ::,e.: :r: :..r): t?f JO: TYEE LAKE PROJECT TYPICAL SINGLE POLE 138 KV POST TYPE INSULATORS G D. DRAWING 2-a r}'-o" ~ s'-o" ~ ~-------~~~~~~·~~~===- 50'-o" TO ao'-o" -- 21'-o" 29'-o" TO 59'-o" I I I I I I I LJo" TYEE LAKE PROJECT 138 KV GUYED X TOWER (TANGENT) 2-9 ... \ so'-o" TO 60'-o .. 29'-4" 25'-o .. THIS TYPE OF STRU:Tu~E -:._t..\ T.; S C~'.:E? ... uA_ :JESG"'w t-.:.5 S-_-'";ES1t:: ~r lTT Nt::rEG 25'-o" TYEE LAKE PROJECT LONG SPAN STRUCTURE CONCEPTUAl DESIGN ST11-E 2-10 3APA36/Ll3 2.3 TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN DATA SUMMARY Recognition of special weather considerations along the route resulted in the establishment of'two desjgn loading criteria for the transmission 1 i ne. A. General Design Loading Criteria: 1. Conductor tension (final) not to exceed 20% of U.S. at 11 Every Dai' conditions (40°F), 60% of U.S. under extreme loads. 2. For line locations at elevations normally below 600 ft., but up to 1,000 feet, or in locations of equivalent weather conditions - (a) National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) Heavy Loading, and (b) 90 mph Extreme Wind at 40°F: (a) ~~~ radial thickness of ice, plus 4 LBS/SQ.FT. (at 0°F) of ~ wind,pressure, (b) 21 LBS/SQ.FT. at 40°F of wind pressure under.rule 250 C. 3. For lin~ locations above 1,000 Feet or for special navigable waterway crossings and long span high-strength conductor areas - (a) Special Heavy Ice Loading (b) and 140 mph Extreme Wind at 40°F: (a) 111 radial thickness of ice, plus 4 LBS/SQ.FT. at 30°F of wind pressure; (b) 50 LBS/SQ.FT. of wind pressure at 40°F on bare conductor. 4. Longitudinal imbalances will be assumed to be at 70% of the 11 Every Dai' design tension. Each conductor is evaluated on the following transmission line design data summary forms, Tables 2-2 through 2-4. 2-11 I f I I I I II. I .. I ·- I Ill. I \ ~ t I I I I I ~·· v. I L '<I, 1 -- TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN DATA SUMMARY HPT-lB Structure "Dahlia" Conductor ·. •. -- - I. GENERAL INFORMATION Tyee Lake Transmission LINE IDENTIFIC"-TION ~etersburg-Wrangell-Tyee VOLTAGE Tll4NSMISSION UNDERBUILD 138 kV 24.9 kV H'~tf/u1!'iNGENT HPT-1 DESIGNED BY Line Lake TABL.!::. L:-1.. Sheet 1 of 2 ' . DATE Oct. t.'HiGTH /.\fd••J 1981 TRANSMI!SION liNDER8UILO 7.7 Mi 7.7 Mi B~E POLE.fi.5._Hc 1 Cl . .. Robert lv. Retherford Associates CONDUCTOR DATA "Dahlia" COMMON TRANSMISSION SIZE t•~"'ll or IN. I 556.5 STRANDING 19 MATERIAL k\luminum OI"METER (IN.I 0.856 WEIGHT (LIJJFT.I 0.522 ll" TED STRENGTH ILIISI 9750 ' DESIGN LOADS TRANSh!ISSION (LBSrFTI NESC: liMV:i lOG. DISTRICT ''''·•·'>'••······ !'•?y;::;:::·•• .. :,'\•. .a. ICE: 11_2 IN V.niclll 1. 3651 1>. WINDON ICED CONDUCTOR 4 I' SF Tnnf'l.,.,. 0.6187 c. CONSTANT K: Jl....3. R•wlt.ant+ K 1. 7988 HEAVY ICE tNO WINDI __ IN Vrrtl~al HIGH WIND tNO ICEJ 21 PSF TrJhPene 1.498 OTHER ~ .. SAG E. TENSION DATA SPANS AVERAGE tEST.I 302 FT. MAXIMUM !EST.! SOURCE Of SAG-TEN~ION DATA: Comp. program TRANSl•IISSION TENSIONS ('Jf> RATED STRENGTH) lnlti.:~~J Fi:ul NESC:: HEAVY ~·······.:~{"~. .x.•:'•:: ,.,:,;. a. UNLOADED C0° U 0 Jo") -------o, * * b. LOADED C0° uo l0°J 1----!:.:~;~-~);iif ., * MAXIMUM ICE :n°f * .. •';·· ....... . HIGH WIND ti'IO ICE I Jill...:F 124.7 l:·v}······ . UNLOADED LOW TI!MI'ER4TURE -.2.0. o, 112.7 ''····'·i:•:··,..,.:_:., SAGS(FT} NESC DISTRICT LOAD EO 0 Of , .......... :.· •... 8.2 ··············::····:-;-. UNLOADED HIGH TE"'P. (1204 FOit OHGIII A U.lJ.I ~ ........ ,,. ..... ,< .... 10.4 M4XIMUM ICE )lOf •. ;·:::-.:?:~·:·:: 8. 7 LOADED~" ICE, NO WIND :nof I ::;,·_)-:·: 8.7 . ClEARANCES M!-IIMUM CLEARANCES TO liE MAINTAINED AT: 120°F Final Sag .. . CUlTIVATED CL£AR4NCES RAILROADS HIGHWAY fiELDS IN FEET TRIIN~MISSION n/a 28 24.1 liNOER8UILO n/a 22 22 RIGHT OF WAY ... ~ WIDTH: JU FT.tNIN.I . *See ruling span sag and tension table 2-12 60 OHGW IJNOEI!!lUil D NEt TR'-~ 1/0 6/1 ACSR 0.398 0.1452 4380 OHGW UNDERBUILD COM~ NEUTRAL tLBS!FTI lLBSIFTt il.851FTI . .. · .. :-:-:~. {?;;;;:J:;~;-z. : .: .. :::.(•:: ::: ;.: .. ··:··.:.•·. ·. 0.7036 0.4660 1.1439 0.6965 399 n. RULf'NG tEST.J 330 rr. OHGW UNOE' liUILD £n\~W.\1 tniti.,l Fin>l lniti.-1 Finlt lnitt.1of fi,ut . · ()c; ;.::, ' •r-<{:F 0'X.,•: .. .' >.:.·;. "·•'. . ·.· ... :: .. . · .... ·.:··· -----------------~- 1----1 .. ·\;·H::··;i}~ ·.;. i 1-----i\J~·i~: ): ---r :c~~\~3. r:....... • ••.. :• ,.,_.·······\·~ I' . : •; .. ·· •: .... :·· ,.'>·.:.:·:·:·•• ·,,._ -··. :.:.···~£ · ·· ·.;<.Sf:' 1.·.;..· . , .. :·~=·->\ .. ' ··:· .. :.•:: i·•·;,·.·~?LL li:•f<L 1:; 7_.: ···> l:~':+ti··· t< :.;!::: t ·-·• •••••··.· ,,:. 1'•\•f:'::':::•; •• :: f .. : : 1--,:·::\• c::..: •• ;: •. , .... ::·.';: t::•·· ... :· ADD. ALlOW . fORTEMP'lAH. +1 ---+1 Fl. (\lAX.) .. VII. "~ VIII. IX. X. XI. - CONDUCTOR MOTION DATA HISTORY OF CONDUCTOR GALLOPING~ No history HISTORY OF AEOLIAN VI !I RATION: ~1ild a. TYPE OF VIBRATION OA.MI'ERS USED ill' AHY1: To of be galloping determined TABLE 2_:.2 Sheet 2 of 2 b. TYfE OF ARMOR RODS USI!I>tlF A/'IYJ: Standard armor rods : . INSULATION . •- ·- -NO. OF THUNDERSTORM D4YS/YR ? ElEV. ABOVE SEA. LEVEL f • ., II>. MA.'C. TTJ ""U.: j bU -CONTAMIN"TION EXPECTED~ mild M4X. EST. FOOTING RESISTANCE ll SHIELD ANc;.I.E -STRUCTURE STRUCTURE NO. OF BELLS 60HZ DRY INSULATOR MI. E RATING TYI'E DESIGNATION PINORI'OST fLASHOVER SIZE OR C4NTilEVERSTil. TANGENT HPT-18 Post tvoe . 485 9~61 2800 ANGLE STRAIN STRUCTURE INSULA TOR SWING Not applicable -post type insulators CRITERIA: (l) ___ PSF ON BARE CONDUCTOR AT __ °F (Sp•f MIN) FOR IN. CLEARANCE (ll f'SF HIGH WIND ON BARE CONDUCTOR AT 0 f fOR IN. CLEARANCE . ALLOWABLE ANGLE OF SWING: ANGLE IN DECREES ~ •.. STRUCTURE TYI'E NO. INSULA TORS fi~t~~m· HIGH WIND (2) NOW:NO ENVIRONMENTAL AND METEORLOGICAL DATA ~PERATURE: MIN 18 ~r "'AX 63 or EXTREME WIND VELOCITIES (MPJi): AVERAGE YEARLY LOW ..ll_or 10YR.B.Q._ .SOYR l.O.Q_ 100 YR ll.Q_ MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF SNOW ON THE GROUND OESCRISE TERRAIN AND CHARACTERISTic's OF .SOIL UNDER THE CONDUCTOR fFTI 2 feet semi-steep terrain, heavily '"ooded, COitROStVENESS OJI' ATMO:SI'HERE: silty-sandy soil mild STRUCTURE DATA 0 -- OTHER OTHER bedrock, SPECI!S WOOD: POLE: 65-1 AR"': n7a DESIGNATED BENDING fiBER STRESS tPSIJ: I'OlE: 8000 ARM: n/a -· 6 ~ASE f'OtE OTHER HEIGHTS(CLASSES AND BR.O.CING SPAHS(FTJ FOR TANGENT TYPE HPT-1 FT CL NESC fuavv High \·dnd LEVEL GROUND SPAN MAX. HORIZON. SPAN LIMITED BY STRUCTURE STRENGTH 494 772.07 MAX. VERTICAL SPAN LIMITED BY STRUCTURE STRENGTH 1025 4291 MAX. HORIZONTAL SPAN LIMITED BY COND. SEPARATION n/a MAX. SPAN LIMITED BY UNDERI!UILO 413 MAX. SPAN liMITED BY GALLOPING £NI!EO,..,ENT OErTH: 2 ft. PRESERVATIVE: POLE Penta heav:J:: 10% L+ (Typr & R."t"'"ti""} ARM nla GUYING: TYPE OF ANCHORS: 8 Helix GUY SIZE AND R. B. S: 2-13 I I I I I If. I I I Ul. I ' I I I '. I l I v. I "'~ . ~-.... L J.ClULt .. .t...~-J Sheet 1 of 2 t GENERAL INFORMATION ---D .... l£ Tyee Lake Transmission Line Oct. 1981 TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN LINf IDENTIFICATION DATA SUMMARY Petersburg-~o/rangel1-Tyee Lake X-TOWER VOLTAGE LENGTH CM.Z••J "Do vet' Conductor lRANSMIS.SION UNOERIIUILD TRANSMISSION IJNDE RIIUILD . 138 None . 36.8 .. v .. v Mi Mi - TYI'f OFT ANGENT BA~E POLE tit Cl -STRUCTURE DESIGNED BY - -Robert w. Retherford Associates CONDUCTOR DATA TRANSMISSION SIZE fJ.o"'IJ '" 11<1.1 556.5 5TRA.NOING 26/7 MATERIAL ASCR-AW DIAMETER (IN.I 0.927 WEIGHT ILlJfFT.I 0.766 RATED STRENGTH ILIISJ 21 900 DESIGN LOADS TRANSMISSION fLBSIFTP NEsc: Heavy LOG. DISTRICT ·,/eX'.'·'' !··:{(.:~,'.'.,·,::::-; .. ,, .:.,,:·,:<c:<.c·:'/: •· ICE: ll21N Vtrticol 1.6164 b. WINO OH ICED CONOVCTOR.lJ:. PSF Tr.ntvrrw 0.6423 c. CONSTANT K: O._l R .... runt + K 2.0337 HEAVY ICE tNO WINDJ IN Ycrtk.wt HIGH WIND (NO ICE} ~.L PSF Tun-svtr)l' .L.OL:LJ OTHER ...... SAG !t TENSION OAT A SPANS AVERAGE IE:ST.t ]]QQ FT. MAXIMUM lEST./ SOURCE OF SAG-TENSION PAT A: Comp program TRANSMISSION TENSIONS(% RATED STRENGTH} lnitill1 ftnll NESC' Heavy . '<:<;:·o' .•••. , •••••••.. ·.·.>· a. UNLOADED to" u" )0") r---,--*--"'F * 1>. LOADED (0° u" )0") I ~~~~·~:l.il~~: ~--~-"F ,·,.;:,. MAXIMUM ICE 32"r n/a •'='':i :()< HIGH WINO tNO ICEI J&..:r 41.5 ·. :·c,)<·:,; .:,,:,_,,· UNLOADED LOW TEMPERATURE -20°F 24.8 .i:i:,})• SAGS(FI} N£SC DISTRICT LOADED Heavy ~ :;.;).·· 43 UNLOADED HIGH T£MP. u:roo FOlt OHC'ill" U.B.I ~ r< •':•\ 43 MAXIMUM ICE n" }e ,~ ~·· n/a LOADED ~-ICE, NO WIND ~1·<:¥:· 42 CLEARANCES MI'IIMUM CLEARANCES TO II! MAINTAIN£0 AT; 120°F Final sag .. ' CULTIVATED CLEARANCES RAILROADS HIGHWAY fiELDS IN FEET TRANSMISSION n/a 28.1 24.1 UNDERBUILD RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH: 50 FT. tJiUi.) LUU *See ruling span sag and tension table 2-14 COMMON OHGW tJNDEI't8UlL0 NEIJTR"'-L •.. OHGW UNO£ R!IUII..O COM ..... NEUTRAL ILBS!FTJ rLBStFTI tl.BSIFTI • :,·,: <;,;;: '(:(:; t <' ;, : i .' : ,; .. .. • ;<;·: ,::. :·; ) .. . ... 255] n. RUi..I'NG lEST./ l320 fT. OHGW UNDP I!UI!.D ~n'W.tL lni!iilf Firul lnitiJ:I firllt lnitilt fin:at . f,c , .c :: •• :: I· :::.:·· .. ... • .. .,._ ~· ·;. __ : ·:-: ... ---------r---------- r· .. ;i\:-_;;r; .. ;~:· ~· ; ~,(··'; ' !::~~/;': r-------\; . ---[·,•···::~: .. 2_• 1'';::·•:-:<:f;}'>·· 1./:·:,:.·\·:;.}; !'·(',,:.•.·: :. ! ..... ··:: ... ·,. ~··········.··· \ ; i'< .••• :,:, .. ,<:L_·.:l :·· \L'::/ .·.:·':· .:, :>:.· ' ! )/'-'2. r"'·'~<'·' • :-'::·•! :>:''"'::::: i ''::>~.··· :'0'· •'2::·-:::i ·:(.:,,·:. i.e•'••:· '•'::':·.''· : :: ::,) ... J ·.i.,, •• ,,,, ::::-.,, .......... : •··<.: .·:A' . '~~· .. ,, !?c./> . ADO. ALLOW. fOR 'tEMPLATE +1 FT.t~IA.X.I VII. VIII. IX. X XI. . CONDUCTOR MOTION DATA HISTORY OF CONDUCTO!l GALLOPING: HISTORY OF AEOLIAN VJBI!ATION: No history Moderate of galloping TABLE 2-3 Sheet 2 of 2 a. TYPE OF VIBRATION DAr.!PERS USED liF ANYJ: Stockbridge 1>. TYPE OF ARMOR RODS tiSED.IIF ANYJ: Standard armor rods or A.G.S. . . INSULATION . -.. . ·• -NO. OF THUNOERSTORI'I4 DAYS/YR 2 ELEV. A !lOVE SEA LEVEl t.\1/S, ,\lAX. FTJ 0 1200 -mild CONTAMINATION EXPECTED? MAX. EST. FOOTING RESISTANCE A SHIELD ANGLE -· STRUCTURE STRUCTURE NO. OF BELLS 160HZ PRY INSULJ.TOR M & E RATING TYF£ DESIGNATION PINORPOH FLASHOVER SIZE OltCANTILEVERSTR TANGENT STX-E 8 560 kV 5-3]4 xlO 15000/t ANGLE ST3-E53 9 560 kV 5-374"xl0 25000/t STRAIN STRUCTURE INSULA TOR SWING CRITERIA: (I)_§__ I'SF ON BARE CONDUCTOR AT bU °F (6 pJf MIN} FOR 30 IN. CLEARANCE (2) 21 I'SF HIGH WINO ON BARE CONDUCTOR AT 40 °F FOR 12 IN. ClEAR,."'CE ALLOWA8lE ANGLE OF SWING: ANGlE IN DEGREES STRUCTURE TYPE NO. INSUlATORS '~~~8'm· HIGH WIND (1) NOW:NO STX-E 8 59° 78° oo ENVIRONMENTAL AND METEORLOGICAL DATA ~PERATURE: MINJJl_ °F MAX..§l_°F EXTREME WIND VELOCITIES (MPH): -AVERAGE Y~ARLY LO~ _!Lor 10YR.JiQ._ .SO YR l.Q.Q_ 100 YR .li.Q_ MAXIMUM HEIGHT Of SNOW ON THE GROUND DESCRIBE TERRAIN AND CH,.'RACTERISTIC$ OF SOIL llND~R. THE CONDUCTOR fFTl 4 ft. Semi-steep terrain, heavily wooded, CORROSIVENESS OF ATMOSPHERE: silty-sandy soil, muskeg. mild STRUCTURE DATA Steel X-Tower . 0 -- OTHER OTHER bedrock, ~~ POLE:8 Oct. steel 60 KSI steel ARM: nZa DESIGNATEO BENDING FIB~R STRESS (PSI/: POLE: ARM: .. NESC ' ~- SPANS (FT) FOR TANGENT TYPE STX-E Heavy High i~ind .. LEVEL GROUND SPAN MAX. liORIZON. SPAN LIMITED BY STRUCTURE STRE:-IGTH 24qo 341 MAX. VERTICAl SPAN LIMITED BY STRUCTURE STRENGTH 3299 9975 MAX. HORIZONTAl SPAN LIMITED BY CONO. SEPARA liON 1 &7q &? 1170 14 MAX. SPAN LIMITED BY UNDERBUILD n/a MAX. SPAN LIMITED BY GALLOPING n/a ENIIEDM.ENT DEI"TH: PRESERVATIVE: POLE nLa (Typ~ 15-R.rtmricm) ARM. nLa GUYING: TYI'EOFANCHORS:Screw t,. rockbOltS GUYSIZE.ANOR.II.S: 2-15 I I I I I I I I J I ' I ·' J I .. I ' I ,. 1 I L I TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN DATA SUMMARY 1T-TotmR 37118 A\J Conductor· . . --- ~ I. GENERAL INFORMATION Tyee Lake Transmission Line LINE IDENTifiCATION e 0 TABLE 2-4 She t 1 f 2 . ' DATE Oct. 1981 Petersburg-t.J'rangel1-Tyee Lake VOLTAGE LENGTH f!dll••l TRANSMISSION I.INDERBUILO TRAN~~ISSIO!'t lJNDEilBUIL.D 13B kV none ltV .23.6 Mi none Mi lin8fu~1NGENT pie tower B.UE POLE Ht (I . -OBIGNEOBY . - Robert w. Retherford Associates . II. CONDUCTOR DATA 37/18 AW COMMON TR,t,NSMISSION OHGW UNOERBUILO NEUTRAL SIZE f~mll o• Pl'l.) 610.9 STRANDING 37 No. 8 MATERIAL IAlumm-reld DIAMETER tiH.I 0.899 WEIGHT (LBIFT.I 1.398 RAHD STRENGTH tl.B:fl 84.200 .. Ill. DESIGN LOADS TRAN.SMIS510N OHGW UNDERBUILD COM~ NEUTRAL. ltBSIFTI (l.BStFTJ trllS•FTI tLB!OlF'T.l NE5C: tteavy lOG. DISTRICT i:'iF:P6'i/iX :·?·:;:, i,,:·c-'::c·)) .:o\c.;_,::.:-·-c;:C.,.';:·)' ; :: .. ' ;;;--::;~}:·~ ''ih . ; : :, . · .. ·· .·., .... ·:,: •· ICE: 1/2,N V•rtfu1 2.2679 b. WIND ON ICED CONDUCTOR. PSF T.-.n.-.~"" 0.633 c. CONSTANT K: .J1....3. R""'lt-'"'+ K 2.6546 HEAVY ICE (110 Wli•IDJ __!_IN Vtrtiul 3.7595 HtGH WIND tNO ICE I 21 PSF Tnnf¥trw 1.5733 OTHER (142 mph) 50 PSF Trans. 3. 7458 ~ : SAG & TENSION OAT A SPANS AVERAGE tEST.! 2814 n. MAXIMUM IE"ST.I _§_087 n. IWLf;..;G lEST./ 8000 n. SOURCE OF SAG-TENSION OAT 11: TRANSMI5SIO:"i OHGW t!NDE'IlUft.O ~?G'ik0,;1 TENSIONS(% MT.ED STRENCTH) 1nitill Tirut ft'li:iJJ Fjnl! lnith.f Fin> I lnhilt FinAl NESC:~ [<;·.\{::•_; .',,••;.:::·_,':.'·· ··. -.. · ·•.•.·.· .... \.''·· i <<· .. ·. : -• <:. ·;_.•.• a. UNLOADED to" u" 30°) f-7/f-f-x---------!----1----------0 Of' (OD uo :JO"I !i:·k:::<\.:~;·: [.;;:' :~·;_;.~;;; ~:~t;:;:. > .;-c::·. •. b. LOADED ~---~-1-----f-------:/·,_: 0 °f :,") .. , ·. . :u"F * , ... -''.'·:':/' I·> :-:.:· ": I :.• . <: ·./. MAXIMUM ICE . HIGH WIND tHO lCEJ ~ 1:)4 r·· ;_ .:-::-: ',-.:.''.<·· I<· ,:,_-I: ;;. -20°1' 20.2 !·_,.:-<•. > ·. ·.,, r.;· >······ 1··,:.,: ·: .· ~ . . . : ' UNLOADED LOW TEMPERATURE / SAGS(PT) NESC DISTRICT lOADED ~ p;:O;:.;· 732 h<<<' :: ~·<:>:\·:,'•':-: J? · ....... < 120 Of f:•·•·,···· 725 · . .-•:::::. l""i•:?:• ;.• I ''•(······· UNLOADED HIGH TEMP. U2CI" FOl< OHGW .A !.1.1t.1 ... f ,: .~. ;' :. 1:>'·:. __ .,., .: FC-ft L.. .:,•. MAXIMUM ICE 32°1 756 lOADED lh" ICE, NO WIND 32°1 1::,":•,:_-,;, 730 1_.·_.:\·•-· ...• 1·::-: . l <': . .j v. ClEARANCES Ml -iiMUM ClE .. RANCE!io TOllE MAINTAIN ED AT: 120°F Final sag .. . CULTIVATED ADO. AI. lOW . CLEARANCE§ RAILROADS HIGHWAY fOR T£Ml'tATE IN FEET FIELDS n/a 28 24.1 +1 TRANSMISSION UNDERBUILD VI. RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH: lOU FT. (NIH. I 200 f"T.IAIA.'I.I *~ee ruling span sag and tension table 2-16 VII. VIII. IX. X '· XI. CONDUCTOR MOTION .DATA HISTORY OF CONDUCTOR GALLOPING: No history HISTORY OF AEOLIAN VIBRATION: moderate L TYPE OF VIBR~ATION DAMPERS USED 1/F ANY!: of galloping Stockbridge TABLE 2-4 ·sheet 2 of 2 b. TYPE OF ARMOR RODS USED (IF ANY/: Standard armor rods or A.G.S. INSULATION . . . - - NO.OFTHUNDERSTOR"' DAYS/YR z oz 1'<3::>0 -ELEV. ABOVE SEA LEVEL r.'f/N, MAX. FTJ -CONTAMINATION EXPECTED? mild MAX. EST. FOOTING RESISTANCE J\ SHIELD ANGLE -STRUCTURE STRUCTURE NO. OF BELLS 60HZ DRY INSULATOR M & E RATING TYPE DESIGNATION PIN OR POST FLASHOVER SIZE OR CANTILEVER STR TANGENT STrr 9 ·560 kV 5-3/4x10' 40,000H ANGLE STE-E53 9 560 kV 5-3/4x10' 40, 000/t STRAIN STRUCTURE INSULATOR SWING CRITERIA: (1)_6 __ . I'SF ON BARE CONDUCTOR AT __§Q_ °F (6 p•l MIN) FOR JO IN. CLEARANCE (2) 50 I'SF HIGH WINDON BARE CONDUCTOR AT 40 °F FOR 12 IN.CLEAR.r.NCE ALLOWABLE ANGLE OF SWING: ANGLE IN DEGREES STRUCTURE TYPE NO. INSULATORS ,~~~ti'm· HIGH WIND (2) NOW!ND 0 -- OTHER OTHER STrr n/a n/a V-string ENVIRONMENTAL AND METEORLOGICAL DATA ~PERATURE: MIN___l§_ ~f MAX..§l___0 f EXTREME WIND VELOCITIES (MPH): --AVERAGE YEARLY LOW ll_or IOYRJlQ__ 50 YR 100 IOOYR 110 MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF SNOW ON THE GROUND DESCRIBE TERRAIN AND CHARACTERISTICS OF SOIL VNOERTHECONDUCTOR(FTJ 4 ft. Semi-steep terrain, heavily wooded, bedrock, CORROSIVENESS OF ATMOSPHERE: silty-sandy soil, muskeg mild STRUCTURE DATA Jj>UJ~~ POLE: 8" Oct. steel 60 KSI steel ARM: n7a DESIGNATED BENDING FIBER STRESS 1!'51/: POlE: ARM: .. NESC OTHER HEIGHTS/Cl.t.SSES AND BRACING SPANS(FT) FOR TANGENT TYPE STTI-E Heavy Heavy Ice ,{treme wind LEVEL GROUND SPAN MAX. HORIZON. SPAN LIMITED BY STRUCTURE STRENGTH 6319 9407 -6067 MAX. VERTICAL SPAN LIMITED BY STRUCTURE STRENGTH 7349 6045 6503 MAX. HORIZONTAL SPAN LII .. ITED BY COND. SEPARATION 7536.11 n/a n/a MAX. SPAN LIMITED BY UNDERBUILD n/a MAX. SPAN LIMITED BY GALLOPING (N8EDMENT DEPTH: PRESERVATIVE: POLE ~z~ {Typtt & Retenrion) ARM GUYING: TYPE OF lo.NCHORS: Screw & rockboltq;UYSIZE lo.ND R. B. S: 2-17 3APA36/L14 . ·- CHAPTER 3 BASIC REA AND NESC REQUIREMENTS - 3APA36/L15 3-1 Outline of Requirements The Tyee Lake transmission line. is designed around the sta~dards and requirements outlined in the National Electrical Safety Co~e-1981 Edition, Rural Electric Association's Bul1etin, 62-1, 11 Des1gn Manual for High Voltage Transmission Lines 11 , and other documents. These succeeding requirements are summarized in Tab1es 3-1 through 3-4. o Clearances in any direction from line conductor to supports, and guy wires attached to the same support. o Recommended minimum vertical clearance in feet above ground or rails for spotting structures on plan or profi1e sheets. o Crossing clearances of wires carried on different supports. o Overload capacities for wood and metal structures (NESC --Grade B), .foundations and guys. 3-1 3APA36/Ll6 TABLE 3-1 TYEE LAKE 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE CLEARANCES (IN INCHES) IN ANY DIRECTIDN FROM LINE CONDDCIORs 10 50PP0Rf5 . ~ AND GUY WIREs AI IACAED 10 IRE SAME sUPPORT Voltage, kV (Line to line) 34.5 45 69 115 138 Number of suspension insulator units (REA)2 3 3 4 7 8 Weight of suspension insulator (lbs.) 38 38 48 78 88 Normal clearance to support (REA) 19 19 25 42 48 Minimum clearance to support 6 lbs/ft2 wind (REA) 12 12 16 26 30 - Minimum clearance to surface of support arms (NESC) 9 11 15 24 29 Minimum clearance to structure at extreme wind or other extreme conditions (REA) 3 3 5 10 12 Minimum clearance to span and guy wires attached to the same structure: When parallel to line (NESC) 23 27 37 55 64 Anchor guys (NESC) 13 16 21 33 38 Anchor guys (REA) 13 16 22 35 41 All other (NESC) 17 21 31 49 55 NOTES: 161 230 10 12-14 108 138 60 71-83 35 50-56 34 47 14 20 73 101 44 61 47 65 67 95 (1) The above data is taken from REA Bulletin 62-1, August 1980 Table VII-1, Page VII-4, and ANSI C2 1981 Edition of National Electrical Safety Code, Section 23, Table 235-6, Page 196-197. (2) Average conditions for a tangent structure. 3-2 3APA36/Ll7 TABLE 3-2 TYEE LAKE 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE RECOMMENDED MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCES (IN FEET) ABOVE GROUND OR RAI[S FOR SPOiliNG SIROC!ORES 0~ P[A~ OR PRQFI[E SHEETS (120~F, No Wind, Final Sag or 32~F, No Windi Radial Ice Thickness, Final Sag, Whichever is G·reater) Nature of Surface Nominal Voltage kV L-L Underneath Conductors 34.5 46 69 115 138 161 230 Track rails of railroads (REA) 31 31 31 31.7 32.1 32.6 34.0 Track rails of railroads (NESC) 30 30 30 30.7 31.1 31.6 33.0 Public streets and highways (REA) 23 23 23 23.7 24.1 24.6 26.0 Public streets and highways (NESC) 22 22 22 22.7 23.1 23.6 25.0 Areas accessible to pedestrians only (REA) 18 18 18 18.7 19.1 19.6 21.0 Areas accessible to pedestrians only (NESC) 17 17 17 17.7 18.1 18.6 20.0 Cultivated fields (REA) 23 23 23 23.7 24.1 24.6 26.0 Cultivated fields (NESC) 22 22 22 22.7 23.1 23.6 25.0 -Along roads in rural districts (REA) 21 21 21 21.7 22.1 22.6 24.0 Along roads in rural districts (NESC) 20 20 20 20.7 21.1 21.6 23.0 Residential driveways and commercial areas not subject to truck traffic (REA)3 23 23 23 23.7 24.1 24.6 26.0 Residential driveways and commercial areas not subject to truck traffic (NESC) 22 22 22 22.7 23.1 23.6 25.0 Water areas not suitable for sail- boating or where sailboating is 19.1 19.6 21.0 prohibited (REA)3 18 18 18 18.7 Water areas not suitable for sail- boatin9 or where sailboating is prohib1ted (NESC) 17 17 17 17.7 18.1 18.6 20.0 NOTES: (1) Sag templates should be cut to allow one foot greater clearance than shown above. (2) The above data is taken from REA Bulletin 62-1, August 1980, Page IV-4) and ANSI C2 1981 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code, Section 23, Table 232-1, pps. 142, 143, 144, 145, and 146. (3) NESC clearance is based on maximum operatinl voltage, equal to 1.05 times the nominal voltage line to line per REA Bu letin 62-1, August 1~80, Page IV-1. . 3-3 3APA36/L18 TABLE 3-3 TYEE LAKE 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE CROSSING CLEARANCES (IN FEET) OF WIRES CARRIED ON OIFFERENI SOPPORIS • - - (120~F, No Wind, Final Sag or 32C?F, No Win·d~ Radial Ice Thickness, Final Sag, Whichever is Greater) Nominal Vo 1 tage kV L-L Nature of Wires Crossed Over 34.5 46 69 115 138 Communication lines (REA) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.7 8.5 Communication lines (NESC) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.7 7.1 Supply lines up to 50 kV phase to ground (REA) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.7 6.1 Supply lines up to 50 kV phase to ground (NESC) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.7 5.1 NOTES: 161 8.6 7.6 6.6 5.6 ~ o Where crossing occurs at midspan in the upper conductor, NESC requires that the upper conductor at 120°F, unloaded final sag or 32C?F, no wind, radial ice, final sag, whichever is 9reater, clears the lower wires when at 60C?F, no wind, no ice, 1nitial sag .. For a crossing which is not at midspan see Section 23, Rule 233, A.2.b.(5), Page 134. o The above data is taken from REA Bulletin 62-1, August 1980, Page IV-9, and ANSI C2 1981 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code, Section 23, Table 233-1 pps. 162, 163, & 164. o NESC clearance is based on maximum operating voltage equal to 1.05 times the nominal voltage line to line per REA Bulletin 62-1, August 1980, Page IV-1. 3-4 230 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 3APA36/L19 Vertical Strength Transverse Strength Wind load Wire tension load TABLE 3-4 TYEE LAKE 138 KV TRANSt~ISSION LINE OVERLOAD CAPACITY FACTORS (NESC -GRADE B) Metal Foundations Structures 1.5 1.50 2.50 2.50 1. 65 1.65 Wood Poles 4. 0 4.0 2.0 Longitudinal Strength a. At crossings 1. In general 1.10 1.10 1. 33 2. At deadends 1. 65 1.65 2.00 -b. flsewhere 1. In general 1.10 1. DO 1.33 2. At deadends 1. 65 1. 65 2.0 NOTES: ·• GUYS At Except Angles at Angles 2.67 1.50 1.0 1.5 2 1.0 1. 51 (1) If deflection of supporting structures is taken into account in the computations, the overload capacity factors of 1.5 shall be increased to 1.67. (2) The factors in the table apply for the loading conditions of Rule 2508, Page 726. For extreme wind loading conditions, see Rule 26DC, Page 235. Both rules are part of the ANSI C2 1981 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code, Sections 25 & 26 respectively. Document No. 2708 -TS Tubular Steel Structures 5100-27 3-5 3APA36/L20 CHAPTER 4 LINE DESIGN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS - r:· - - - 3APA36/L21 CHAPTER 4 LINE DESIGN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS 4.1 CONDUCTOR LOADING, .SAG AND TENSION Three different types of conductors wi11 be used on the Tyee Lake Transmission line Project. On the line s.ect ion south of Petersburg on the Mi tkof Highway, a single pole structure configeration (HPT) wi11 be used along with Dahlia conductor. The all aluminum conductor 11 Dahlia 11 (556.5 KCM) will be kept at modest tensions to minimize guying requirements. The conductor changes to ACSR "Dove" (556.5 KCM) where the routing does not follow the Mitkof Highway. At this point the HPT-1 structures are terminated and the guyed X-towers begin. This configuration is used for the remainder of the line except for 23.6 miles of high-strength alumoweld. For areas subjected to severe loading and/or long spans 37 No. 8 Alumoweld -. is used in conjunction with rr and X-towers. Tables 4-1 Transmission Line Design Criteria By line Design through Table 4-4 Ruling Span Data -Sag and Tension summarize the conductor loading, sag and tension parameters for each of three different conductors used on the line. 4-1 ~ l JAPA;>otl22 TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN CRITERIA BY LINE SECTION LINE SECTION LOADING CONDITIONS tt CONDUCTOR CONFIGURATION 1. SEA LEVEL UP TO 1,000 FT. NESC HEAVY DOVE X-TOWER, STEEL ELEVATION 2 .. ABOVE 1,000 FT. ELEVATION SPECIAL HEAVY 37#8 AW rt TOWER, STEEL LOADING X TOWER, STEEL 3. PETERSBURG TO TWIN CREEKS NESC HEAVY DAHLIA 65-1 WOOD AND FALLS CREEK TO BIG GULCH .;:.. I N LINE MILES 36.8 23.6 7.8 POLE ''I' ~ l;:d I:"' trl +="' I ,..... .p.. I w i3AP. ,.., ... ,l L23 NAME MATERIAL SIZE STRAND --- DAHLIA ALUM. 556.5 KCM 19 DOVE ACSR/AW 556.5 KCM 26/7 ALUMOWELD AW 610.9 KCM 37/No.8 * 0Ht4S PER MILE AT 20~C CONDUCTOR CHARACTERISTICS DIA. W~tiGHT (IN.) ( LBS/L. F.) 0.8~6 0.522 0.927 0.766 0.899 l. 398 AREA (SQ.IN.) TOTAL AL 0.4371 0.4371 0.5083 0.4371 0.4798 ---·-- STRENGTH RESISTANCE ULTIMATE(LBS.) OHMS/MI 50~C 9,750 0.186 20,900 0.1766 84,200 . 0.4496* 1' t' ~ • t t t 1: ' JAPA..,,, h~4 CONDUCTOR LOADING/TENSION DATA VERTICAL TRANSVERSij Kl RESULTANT DESIGN PERCENT OF DESIGN LOADING (LBS/FT.) (LBS/FT.) (LBS/FT.) (LBS/FT.) TENSION (LBS.) ULTIMATE 11 DAHLIA 11 330 FT. RULING SPAN (A) NESC HEAVY (!z 11 ICE, 4 LBS/FT 2 1. 3652 0.6187 0.3 1. 7988 3,000 30.8* WIND, O~F) (B) 40°F, FINAL UNLOADED 0.5221 0 0 0.5221 873 9 (C) 40°F, INITIAL UNLOADED 0.5221 0 0 0.5221 918 9.4 (D) 60°F, FINAL UNLOADED 0.5221 0 0 0.5221 816 8.4 (E) -20°F, FINAL UNLOADED 0.5221 0 0 0.5221 1,148 11.8 (F) SPECIAL LOADING-EXTREME WIND 0.5221 1,498 0 1. 5863 2,392 24.5 -'="' I (NO ICE, 21 LBS/FT~ WIND, 40°F) -'="' 11 DOVE 11 1,320 FT. RULING SPAN (A) NESC HEAVY (!z 11 ICE, 4 LBS/FT 2 1. 6164 0.6423 0.3 2.0393 10,512 48 (B) 40~F, FINAL UNLOADED 0.7291 0 0 0.7291 4,309 19.7* (C) 40°F, INITIAL UNLOADED 0.7291 0 0 0.7291 4,747 21.7 (D) 60~F, FINAL UNLOADED 0.7291 0 0 0.7291 4,156 19 (E) -20°F, FINAL UNLOADED 0.7291 0 0 0.7291 4;958 22.6 I 1 t' I (F) SPECIAL LOADING-EXTREME WIND 0.7291 1. 6223 0 1. 7786 8,945 40.8 ~ ~ : (NO ICE, 21 LBS/FT 2 WIND 40°F) (0 t;:;1 (0 t-' rtt:r:l 1-'.t:- I 1 From NESC 1981, pg. 230, constant added to resultant loading to obtain total load. 0 w 1-11 * Limiting condition. N .p. I U1 jhPA::st)/ L~5 CONDUCTOR LOADING/TENSION DATA VERTICAL TRANSVER~E Kl RESULTANT DESIGN LOADING (LBS/FT.) (LBS/FT.) ( LBS/FT.) (LBS/FT.) 37 #8 AW 8000 Ft. quling SEan (A) NESC HEAVY (~11 ICE, 4 LBS/FT 2 2.267 0.633 0.3 2.654 WIND, O~F) (B) 40~F, FINAL UNLOADED 1. 398 0 0 1. 398 (C) 40°F, INITIAL UNLOADED 1. 398 0 0 1. 398 (D) 60°F, FINAL UNLOADED 1. 398 0 0 1. 398 (E) -20~F, FINAL UNLOADED 1. 398 0 0 1. 398 (F) SPECIAL LOADING-EXTREME WIND 1. 398 3.745 0 3.998 (NO ICE, 50 LBS/FT 2 WIND, 40~F) (G) SPECIAL LOADING-EXTREME ICE 3.759 0.966 0 3.8817 (1 11 ICE, 4 LB/FT 2 \!liND, 30~F) 1 From NESC 1981, pg. 230, constant added to resultant loading t~ obtain total load. * Limiting condition. DESIGN TENSION (LBS.) 31,286 16,780 16,840 . 16,745 16 '959. 45,721 44,482 '• I PERCENT OF ULTIMATE 37.1 19.9* 20 19.9 20.1 54.0 52.8 t/)~ ::T> ro t;l:t ro c-< f"tttj N .p. I 0 w ...... " N TABLE 4-4 ·- 3APA3ii/L26 RULING SPAN DATA -SAG AND TENSION LOADING 330FT R.S. -"DAHLIA" 132D R.S. -"OOVEM 8000 R.S. • •3719 AW" TEHP CONDITIONS SAU ~FT) TENSION (LBS~ SAG {FT) TENSION {LBS} SAG {FT) TENSION (LES) ~ill WIND INITIAL FINAL .lliJ..D!b :WS FINAL %US INITIAL FINAL INITIAL :WS FINAL %US INil!Al FINAL INITIAL %US FINAL %US -----------0 It" 4 LB 8.2 8.2 3000 30.8 lOOO l0.8 43.0 ---10512 48.0 732 11286 37.1 40 0 0 7.8 8.l 918 9.4 873 9.0 34 37.0 4747 21.7 4309 19.7 713 716 16814 20.0 16780 l'U 40 0 21 LB 9.0 9.1 2413 24.7 2392 24.!i 43 44.0 9088 4L!i 8945 40.8 40 0 !iO LB --------7!i8 758 45721 54.0 45721 54 30 1" 4 LB ·---......... 756 44482 52.8 32 It" 0 8.7 ----2154 22.0 42.0 8393 '38.3 730 26798 31.8 60 0 0 8.4 8.8 856 8.8 816 8.4 3!i 38.5 4!i61 20.8 4l!i6 19.0 714 718 16819 20.0 16745 19.9 .J20 0 0 10.0~10.4 m 7.4 689 7.0 39 43.0 4083 18.6 3725 17.0 m ~Z!i 16672 19.8 16600 19.7 '0 0 0 5.8 6.2 1238 12.7 1148 11.8 29 32.0 543) 24.8 4958 22.6 705 708 17004 20.2 16959 20. l -20 0 9 LB ....... __ .,. __ 33 6760 30.8 708 18829 22.3 4-6 3APA36/L27 4.2 INSULATORS On the Tyee Lake Transmission Line Project, four different types of insulators will be used: - On Tangerft HPT-lB structures, pre-assembled horizontal mowit and vertical mount insulators will be used. These provide a much lower on-site installa- tion cost and presents a compact line design requiring less right-of-way. Drawing 4-1 shows the maximum angle allowable as limited by the insulator strength. Solid core line post and high strength line post insulators are evaluated against NESC heavy and extreme wind loading. The 138 KV guyed X-tower uses a 15,000 LB. mechanical and electrical rated suspension insulator. Each string will consist of 8-5 3/9" X 10 11 15,000 LB. ball-socket type insulating bells. The n-tower used for long spans uses a v-string insulator attachment. Each string is composed of 40,000 LB. 5 3/4 11 x 10 11 mechanical and bal1 socket type insulating bells. Insulators to be used on small, medium, and large angle structures will be 25,000 LB. mechanical and electrical ball socket suspension bell. A supporting strut will be used to prevent back-swing of the insulator on small angle structures. 4-7 24 22 20 18 C/) !6 LLl LLl ~ (!) 14 LLl 0 I 12 LLl _J (!) 10 z <{ LLl 8 z _J 6 4 2 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ 19+\ DRAWING <4-1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS -FEET INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY A MORRISON-KNUDSEN CON'PANY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION OWN. BY K. LANGMAN CKO. BY M. SICKLES DATE 11/9/81 SCALE ______ _ ANGLE vs. SUM of SPANS (DAHLIA) for HPT-18 (28001b.) a HPT-IBX (40001b.) TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT No. 2708 DRAWING No. 3APA36/L29 4.3 INSULATOR CLEARANCE AND SWING The angle of insulator swing on the tangent STX-E structure that is allowable under two conditions 9f clearance from structure .members is shown on the following Drawing 4-2. A. INSULATOR CLEARANCES 1. CONDITION 1 -This condition requires the minimum clearance to support at 6 LBS/SQ.FT. on bare conductor at 60~ F. Clearances are listed on Table 3-1, Clearances In Any Direction From Line Conductors To Supports And Guy Wires Attached To The Same Support. 2. CONDITION 2 -This condition allows the minimum clearance to decrease to the values listed on the Table 3-1, Minimum Clearance To Structure At Extreme Wind Or Other Extreme Conditions. B. INSULATOR SWING The following conditions are evaluated on the insulator swing charts: o ACSR 11 Dove 11 , 1320' R.S., 8 Suspension insulators no ice, 40°F, swing angle~= 78~, 92 MPH wind (21 LBS/SQ.FT.) (Drawing 4-3). o 37#8 AW, 8000 1 R.S., STX-E structure, no ice, 40°F swing angle $ = 78~, 141 MPH wind (50 LBS/SQ.FT.), (Drawing 4-4). Drawing 4-5 is plotted using the equivalent 120~ vertical (weight) span for ease in identifying potential uplift problems using the 120~F 4-9 3APA36/L30 sag template. Below is the general equation* used on the 120°f vertical (weight) span insulator swing chart. WHERE: av 120 (FT) =vertical (weight) span for 120~F, bare, no wind condition. 5vx (FT) = vertical component of the sag for the loading condition being equated to the 120~F, bare, no wind condition. s120 (FT) =SAG@ 120~F, bare, no wind condition. avx (FT) = vertical (weight) span length, of condition being equated to the 120~F, bare, no wind condition. =horizontal (wind) span for 120~F, bare, no wind condition. *NOTE: The loading condition described has been equated to the 120~F, bare, no wind condition through the following equation. 4-10 CONDITION 1 OUTBOARD a MIDDLE INSULATOR STRING ALLOWABLE SWING AT: 6 lbs /sq. ft WINO NOICE,60° F CONDITION 2 OUTBOARD & MIDDLE INSULATOR STRING ALLOWABLE SWING AT: 91bs /sq. ft. WIND NO ICE ,-20° F AND 211bs/sq. ft. WIND ( 1320' R.S.) NO ICE, 40° F 50 lbs/sq. ft. WIND ( 6000'R.S.) STX-E DRAWING 4-2 INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY A MORRISQN.K"JUDSEN COMPANY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION INSULATOR SWING CLEARANCES OWN. BY :__:::G:.::...OIAZ;;_;:;._ __ _ CKD. BY: M.SICKLES S C A L E : ---'N=O~N~E ,---- DATE: 11/9/81 TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT No. 2708 DRAWING No. a:: 0 ~ ...J 0 :::J (I) (I) ...... z II & z Q u.." (I) z 0 cri UJ 0 li a.. v (I) -:::J -0 (I) 0 C\1 ~ "" (I) ~ > en ,.; UJ :11:: .c > z 0 (I) 0 C\1 0 "" 1- 0 z 0 u DRAWING 4-3 0 0 0 v 0 0 It) "" 8 0 "" 0 0 10 C\1 0 0 0 C\1 0 0 10 0 0 0 8 10 !-= LL z z ~ en ...J ~ z 0 N 0:: 0 :I: .-------~------~------~------~-------Lo 0 0 It) C\1 0 0 0 C\1 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 VERTICAL SPAN IN FT. INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY A MORRISON-KNUDSEN COMPANY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION DWN. BY K. LANGMAN CKD. BY M. SICKLES DATE 11/6/81 SCALE ____________ __ INSULATOR SWING CHART 11 DOVE 11 CONDUCTOR TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT No. 2708 DRAWING No. 0 0 I() N en z 0 1- i5 z 0 u r.J) a:: 0 -coo ~'-o II 0 &co ftLIJ ~.~.., 0 X Ot--V(J) ft c 0 0 z i~ <I> CO :!# 01'- l()pt) 0 0 0 N 1-- z LIJ ...J ~'r/ ::lLIJ Oz LIJ- 0 ...J Oo ~0 'V LIJ z ...J 0 0 ~ 0 I() 0 0 0 '<t "' N 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 I() DRAWING 4-4 0 0 0 "' 0 0 0 "' 0 0 I() N 0 0 J-! 0 u. N z z <:( a.. en 0 ..J 0 I() ;:! z 0 N ir 0 I 0 0 Q 0 VERTICAL SPAN IN FT. INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY A MORAISO'I·KNUDSEN COMPANY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION OWN. BY K. LANGMAN CKO. BY M. SICKLES DATE 11/9/81 SCALE • NONE INSULATOR SWING CHART 3 7 # 8 AW CONDUCTOR TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT No. 2708 DRAWING No. DRAWING 4-5 a::: 0 1-<l ...J 0 ::> CD . (/) """~ z II a::: &-z ~0 0 1.1..0 (/) 0 o CD z 0 o-1.1..1 0 v ... 0 a. It) ~oocn C-::> ~ 2 " en 3: !!2 v CD~ ui > (f) .ci.I..II.IJ::.::; z ->zCD 0 0 -0- C\IC...J!!l 0 1-I() C\1 Q z 0 (.) 0 1-0 0 LL. C\1 z z a: (f) r_g ...J •I() ~ z 0 N 0::: 0 I 8 2 r---------~----------.-----------r---------~----------1-0 0 0 I() C\1 8 0 C\1 0 0 I() 0 0 0 0 0 I() 0 VERTICAL SPAN IN FEET INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY A MOAAISON·K~;JDSEN COMPANY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION DWN.BY K. LANGMAN CKD. BY M. SICKLES DATE 11/6/81 SCALE _______________ 1 INSULATOR SWING CHART 120° EQUIVALENT (TO BE USED WITH 120° TEMPLATE) TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT No. 2708 DRAWING No. 3APA36/L35 4.4 TOWER BODY MAXIMUM LOADING GRAPH The guyed, hinged X-Tower (STX) specifications provide for a structure that will produce footing reactjons that are approximately :constant for all tower heights with the same line loads. This character:istic will then allow structures to be selected by determining that the footing reactions produced by the various spans of line along the transmission route fall within the limitations of a particular tower type regardless of height. These footing reactions can be calculated from the vertical and horizontal (wind) loadings produced by the limiting design loads as fo 11 ows: R = (3 X T X 2.1) + (3 X V)/2 Where: R =Reactions at footing (LBS.) T =Transverse load per phase (LBS.) v =Vertical load per phase (LBS.) 2.1 =Tower characteristic height-to-width ratio (This may have small variations in actual tower) Drawings 4-6 and 4-7 are based on the above formula and provide a graphical method for the maximum loading of the STX Tower. Vertical and horizontal (wind) spans are shown for ACSR 11 0ove" and Alumoweld 37#8 conductors at the following loading conditions: 1) NESC Heavy-~~~ radial ice, 4 LBS/SQ.FT. wind, 0°F, plus NESC constant 0.31 2) High Wind -Bare wire 21 LBS/FT 2 wind @ 40°F 3) Extreme Wind -Bare wire, 50 LBS/FT 2 wind @ 40°F 4) Extreme Ice -111 radial ice, 4 LBS/FT 2 wind @ 30°F 4-15 3APA36/L36 Overload capacity facto~s used -yor each design are included in the loadings as follows: 1) NESC-Transverse x 2.5, vertical x 1.5 2) High wind -Transverse x 1.1, vertical x 1.1 3) Extreme wind-Transverse x 1.1, vertical x 1.1 4) Extreme ice-Transverse x 1.1, vertical x 1.1 4-16 1000 9CXXl 2000 8000 --7000 I» II') I»O u..z 1500 --z~ 6000 2000 >-w <(:X: ~ ~ a..(!) 5000 CI)J: w w :X: ~ -I 0:: 1500 <(0 u w 4000 0:: 1000 ~w II') 1-w )( t-~ z w CXw 3000 Wo:: >I-)( IW w 2000 1 500 > 0 500 0 1000 500 500 1000 500 HORIZONTAL LOAD LBS/~ 2000 3000 1500 2000 2SOO 3000 EXTREME ICE 1000 1500 2000 NESC HEAVY HIGH WIND EXTREME WIND 4000 2500 DRAWING 4-6 4000 30001 I I I I 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 <( 0 -I -I <( u t-ex w > '&. ....... Cl) co -I DOVE -HORIZONTAL SPAN (feet) HIGH WIND :: 21 lbs /ft2 at 40° F EXTREME WIND= 50 lbs/ft2 at 40°F EXTREME ICE= 1", 4 lbs/ft2 WIND at 30°F INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. e A MC8A!SON~KN!cDSEN COMPANY ' ROBERT W RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION DRAWN BY G. DIAZ CHECKED BY M. SICKLES SCAlE NONE DATE ll/9/81 TOWER (STX) SELECTION GRAPH loovE I -CONDUCTOR TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TRANSMISSION liNE PROJECT No. 2708 DRAWING DRAWING 4-7 HORIZONTAL LOAD LBS/~ 1000 2000 8000 7000 2000 -4000 -6000 .<I') •a a ~z <C( --1500 0 z~ 5000 -A 3000 >-w .cti ~ ~ -A a..<..'> <C( 1./')J: w w u I '! <lOOO ...... ac: 1- <tO ~1000 w a£: a.:: Uw 1-w 2000 w X > .... '! z w 3000 C:Xw '& Wac: >I-........ X 1.1) lw 2000 cc ~ 500 ...... 1000 <( 00 500 1000 it-r.... (W') EXTREME ICE l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I ' 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 NESC HEAVY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 HIGH WINO 500 EXTREME WINO 37#8 AW-HORIZONTAL SPAN {feet) HIGH WIND 21 lbs/ft2 ot 40°F EXTREME WIND= 50 lbs/ft2 ot 40"F EXTREME ICE= 1", 4 lbs/ft2 WIND at JO"F INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. A MORRISON-KNUDSEN COMP.ANY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION TOWER (STX) SELECTION GRAPH 137#81 AW CONDUCTOR TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TRANSMISSION liNE PROJECT No 2708 DRAWING 3APA36/L39 4. 5 FOOTINGS There are nine types of footings designed for varying field conditions. They are designed so that, wher~ required, most may be ins~alled with small equipment and hand tools. Below are nine footings to be used with the X tower and rr-tower shown in Appendix A: : o TSF-1 One unit footing of two rockbolt assemblies, one baseplate and grout pad. Used on X-tower and X-towers. (Exhibit A-4) o TSF-1A One unit footing of two rockbolt assemblies, one baseplate and grout pad used on n-towers and X-towers. (Exhibit A-5) o TSF-2 One unit footing consisting of one rockbolt assembly, one bearing plate, tower attachment bracket, grout and required hardware. X-tower only (Exhibit A-6) o TSF-2A This unit is an alteration of the TSF-2 unit. It is --the ~arne except it uses a 2 inch rockbolt and has some minor changes in hardware. (Exhibit A-7) o TSF-3 This assembly is designed for the downhill side of the X-tower or any other situation where up to 10 FT of elevation must be gained. (Exhibit A-8) o TSF-4 This unit was designed for areas of shallow muskeg with a clay bottom. This unit consists of 2-5 FT. long rectangular tubes with double 811 /10 11 helixes attached. (Exhibit A-9) o TSF-5 This unit is an extension of the TSF-3 and is used where heavy snowfall loads shall necessitate bracing the tripod legs. (Exhibit A-10) o TSF-6 This is a HP10 x 42 piling driven to submission with at least 19FT. of the piling in stable soil. (Not Shown). 4-19 3APA36/L40 o TSF-7 The HP14 x 89 piling is used where additional loading reaction is required. Its minimum penetration will depend upon site conditions. The penetration depth will be determiRed by the Field Engineer. (Not Shown) 4-20 3APA36/L41 4.6 ANCHORS Anchors are anticipated to be of three general types -rocks (TA-2}, plate (TA-3) and multiple helix. screw anchors (TA-5-8 x 8), all capable of developing 25,000 LBS. of holding power. Anchors for sp~cial long span structures will be specifically designed for each location and will be the rock anchor category unless conditions warrant otherwise. Appendix A contains typical drawings of the anchor assembly units. 4-21 3APA36/L42 4.7 GUYING REQUIREMENTS The guying for the STX-E series is part of the structure. The maximum guy load under unbalanced loading is about 6,345 LBS. It is proposed that a 7#9 Alumoweld guy strand (or equivalent) b~ used for this guying. Guying for the three-pole suspension type angles and dead-ends is schematically shown on the following drawing -guying arrangements. The guying for these towers may be met by 7#6 Alumoweld and 7#9 Alumoweld used as required for particular cases. In all cases it will be left to the tower manufacture to determine guying requirements. Guying for the high-strength, long span structure will be individually calculated (see following sample calculations) and will use a large wire rope-type guying arrangement capable of handling up to 150,000 LBS. of strain. 4-22 S ~3-Ei· SMA~, AN:;_£ :0 "7RCJC' uRE tc•-zrl 9 G·JYS , 7 ~ ';CHJRS ..:: .:, ~ l. sn-::12 "-~S:IJ._. A~-:;;_E ST~J:TURE c~;7•-4e•) 9 GUYS, 7 A"-::HORS DRAWING 4-8 INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPAN GUYING ARRANGEMENTS FOR SUSPENSION TYPE STRUCTURES A MORAISC,'l·KNUDSEN COMPANY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION OWN. BY: -.::;.G.:_. D'-I_A_::Z ___ _ CKD. BY: M. SICKLES SCALE: ~N~O~N~E ___ __ DATE • 11/9/111 TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TRANSMISSION liNE PROJECT No. 2708 DRAWING No. 3APA36/L44 4.8 CONDUCTOR VIBRATION CONTROL In accordance with AIEE conference paper CP-61-1090 "Conductor Vibration -A Study of Field Experience",. submitted August 10l 1961. _Calculations have been made for ACSR 11 Dove" using the following paramertt:-rs: Where: Ls D/t~ = 115.5 !.: to = (tw/g) 2 = 10.58 Ls = Ruling span length in feet= 1,320 0 =Conductor diameter in inches= 0.927 T = Initial tension in LBS. @ 20°F = 4,950 TP = T as A% of ultimate strength@ 20~F = 22.6 W =Conductor weight ins LBS./L.F. = 0.7291 g = Acceleration due to gravity, FT/(sec)2 = 32.2 The following drawings 4-9, 4-10l and 4-11 are taken from the AlEE Conf~rence Paper 61~090 and have the values plotted on them corresponding for the ACSR 11 0ove" ruling span. Viewing the plots, coupled with previous experience, and recommendations from cable manufacturers, armor rod will be required with every insulator shoe installation. Much of the line is built along or near water among rolling hills and knobs. All of the factors would indicate that dampers would not be required, but because prevailing winds come off open water, some of these spans may experience aeolian vibration and "stockbridge 11 dampers will be specified. The manufacturer of the damper specified will be consulted for the dimensions used in placement. Vibration control for the long span Alumoweld will be designed specifically for each situation. There are no problems expected with the all aluminum "Dahlia 11 conductor. 4-24 • • c· • 0 • 0 0 EB 0 • 0 0 • •• ~·---------~------- 9 • o: • 0+ ,. ., 0 • .Q 0 :) 0 0 ::l 0 cO '£ Q 0 0 0 N "5:: ro "J3S-"8l ·N!-z·1.:1 INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY A \AORRISON·KNUDSEN COMPANY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION OWN. BY: __::G:..:.•..::.O.:.:.IA.:.:::Z:____ __ _ c K 0. BY: ~M::.:.·.::.S.:.::IC:.::K:.::lE:::.:S:__ __ SCALE: --~N~O~N~E~------ OATE' 11/9/81 <l) <t N oz a 5 1 TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TRANSMISSION LINE DRAWING 4-9 0 0 <t <l) r<') N r<') ro N <t N 0 N '£ N z 0 1- :I: <{ I-0::1.4-~ (!) moo z >t-0:: w z 0:: 1.4-u..O:: I-Ouo (f) wO::~ w uwa:: zr.<t I-Wzt-<( 0:::-::J ~ O::zO ~ ::l 0 :::c U-1-ulll-::> oz3: l.r... z;:Vl 0 w w I-wa 2 3;Z-l z t-« w w a:: u (IJ No (I) 0:: ', u w zo<t Cl.. 0 v; u) I ;:_j.-a:: z <1:-W..u 0 __j~r-Q_ w (.9 <( :::e (f) a:: <:[ :::e <1 z :!'-a a:: I-w O<l_j a: I-UCJ:J 0 lL 0 cr-o oN t-1 uz :J<{ OCL zlll w 8<!) z <!) a _J <( w IJJ~ ~ <!) <{ <{ >-0 ::::!' 00 0 <( ON z a : !2 0 • Ef) PROJECT No. 2708 DRAWING No. DRAWING 4 10 - co I I I l I I I ! <t I I I • <t ! I I I .~J <t I I I 0 I I I I <t I I • • I I I 0 • : I I I • • • lb. 41 z (/) 10 0 0 I ! I . ~-,., 0 1-a:: I I • 0 I ~ I i I 41 • 1-0:: . 0:: I i 0 •_tp ~ (.!) mo 0 l I i -~ ' ... f"'l z > 1-a:: r I ! T ! "t 00 ou NW LLZ<t I •I • I • r<'lo:: 0 ;j >- i I I !o ·~ 0 0 0 1- l l ! I 00 0 ~ f"'l~ (/) wa::ro r Q:l u lJJ 0 I • -~ oO w z 0.. lJJ , .. 0 op a) ~ Wzf- I I I ; I p It 0 oc 0 0 N 0::-<..l I i c bo ~ O::zw I }' -32 b I I ( 0 ~ 0 p lo t::i (.)(/)0:: I b ::I 0 z 0.. : •• • <t l I I I p u 0 I 0 (\J 1.1.. z ~ (/) ! ,/f ! o 0 lJJ w I I o ! () I wo z ! • c ? 0 ol I 1-~z ::::i I : 0! z i I l 1. ~ l 1-<( 0 w W all:: ':) I I I I or I I 0 o 1 N u CON (f) ' I GJ I Q)l I I a:: z' u ! lo w 0011)~ d I I '0 I io a.. I ; i I I j::.J·~ 0 r ! C:Q z <t ~w I () I l -' ! I 0 I 0 .J w ;- I I I ~ I i w (!I <( : I : ! I I I Vi 0:: ~ ~ ' I I I z 0::: :::!! ;- I ' I I I w 0 ~ .J I I I i l 1-uo :::::> 0 i ! ! I I I I ~ c i I I I ol ! i I I I I ' I I i I (1 ; I : I ! T co i I I ! ' I I I I I l l I I I <t lJ.. i I r I I 0 i I -o I I !l:(\1 I I o, I i I--uz ::JO: ':) 0 :;, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~U) 0 :!> ~ ;! ~ Q a) 10 <t N 0(.') N w (.')0 uz L 5 D 2 <(w .J :i(!l I.I.J::l FT. -IN. <(~ >a:: -o!i o-o z LB.-SEC. o<r: ON 0 zo = r:2 0 • Efj ~ INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY A MORRISON-KNUDSEN COMPANY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION OWN. BY: G.DIAZ TYEE LAKE PROJECT No. CKD. BY: M. SICKLES HYDROELECTRIC 2708 ·-PROJECT SCALE: NONE DRAWING No. DATE: 11/9/81 TRANSMISSION LINE ORA WING 4-11 420r---~-----:----~----r----------,----~----- 38C 220 z u ~~----· w (/) I 180 N r-: CD lL. ..J : 140 t~ o I 0 <II N _.J 100 o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~ 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 TENSION-PERCENT OF ULTIMATE STRENGTH CORRELATION BETWEEN OCCURRENCE OF V;BRAT ON DAMAGE,L 5 D/Z 0 AND TENSION IN PERCEN.,. OF ULTIMATE·, ACSR LINES 0 ROTECTED BY STOCK RIDGE JAMPERS. o NO DAMAGE e DAMAGED ffi" DOVE "CONDUCTOR, 'l7 1320' RULING SPAN,-20° F INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY A MORRISON·KNUDSEN COMPANY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION OWN. BY: __:G:..:.·.::..D.:..:..IA:.;;:Z __ _ CKO. BY:~M~.S~I=CK=L~E:..:.S ___ SCALE: NONE TYEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DATE: 11/9/81 TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT No. 2708 DRAWING No.; 3APA36/L45 4.9 SUBMARINE CABLE AND TERMINATIONS Type 0 Submarine Cable will be used on 12.6 miles of the transmission line in Sections of 4.1, 3.3, 3:1 and 2.1 miles. Each section will consist of 4 submarine cables (3 operating with one spar~)~of 500 kCM copper. The submarine cables are expected to be wire armored and laid with separation approximately equivalent to the depth in water of up to about 900 feet. Drawing 2-1 shows the crossings at Sumner Strait. Stikine Strait, Zimovia Strait and Bradfield Canal. Eight terminals will be used to connect the submarine cable to the overhead transmission line. Drawing 4-12 displays the general arrange- ment for the submarine cable terminals. Each cable will be protected by a lightning surge arresters mounted adjacent to the submarine cable pot-heads. A transfer bus is incorporated to allow for the use of the spare cable to be switched onto any of the overhead conductor phases. All switching is accomplished manually by single pole, single throw, hookstick switches. The submarine cables from the beach to the terminals will be buried to ' protect it from erosion by tidal action and currents. In the area above the mean low water zone the cables will be placed in a 42 inch deep trench. 4-28 ® @ ® ® ---Gt• @ I I I ~ f II I I i i I I \I \! ·----,, I ~ ~ ~~ ~1 ..... ,....._. PLAN w·i>'•""" El-E.VATIOW ~..Z·J,"•-;;:;:;- ~ ' I I I I I II II I N..lEIIIN.II."f'W: ~ ~ ~-~ -· LlRAWING 4-12 ---~..:._... ___ __:_______ ------l CNU~.tD l.!l'tl! ~ -h h h <A aiL Tf.lltl"\U~A.TIO"t tLf;CTRICAL DIAGRAM ....... <& ~ U(.NTH.MoiW AU!IbTotc. NOTE: ~~\ ~~ ~.~· ~f')~IW4!;l:l~-.... ~ ~I"'C'"'.ua.....a~ .. P".lloL'fl,l«..,.Cf!,. """''fitot4 CWO...'(, ""'''T 11'011\ Tf!JI'Jott........_ CON:~TIU:"'rliJt,,, ::il£i. ~~~ TY-S&·a>t ;c..,Q TliiiiMI~ OE:~iLS. TYU: LA.Kl HYDfi0£UCTJIIC ~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 138 KV SUBMARINE. CABLE I TY-at-<>U TERMINAL -....... 15 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT! ....... ,.. .. (j) I (!) 4-29 ® @ ® ® CHAPTER 5 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS • APA36/Nl CHAPTER 5 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS 5.1 CALCULATIONS USED IN FUNDAMENTAL DESIGN - Below is a sample listing of some of the more important caiculations and equations used in this design manual. For the purposes of this section ACSR 11 0ove 11 conductor, STX-E, STE-E53, and HPT-18 structures are used as examples. 1) Normal tangent span level ground. BASIC STRUCTURE VERTICAL CLEARANCE LIMITS: STX-E Lev~l ground conditions with clearance for cultivated fields (8 insul) Basic structure height 65.0' footing height +0.5' Conductor support below _ top of the structure -5.3' Ground clearance (Cultivated field) :24.0' Plotting tolerance -1.0' Net remaining for sag (final -S! 35.5 1 at 60~F, bare, no wind) Conductor: 11 Dove" Ruling Span: 1320 FT. Final sag of R.S. @ 32~F, ~·· ice, no wind: 42 FT. a! = [<•R~ sY<5 p~~ = 8 Rsr:P ]~ R. S. J l R. S where: = span length of a normal tangent span on level ground = span length of Ruling Span = 1,320 FT. 5-1 APA36/N2 = allowable sag in normal tangent span on span@ 120~F, no wind = 35.2 FT. level ground therefore: s R.S. = sag in Ruling Span @ 120°F, no wind = 43 FT. . = (1,'320 ft·.) [35. 2 ftl !.z 43.0 ft] 65 1 Tower = 1,194 FT. 70' Tower = 1,276 FT. 75' Tower = 1,353 FT. Sample Calculations: Check 1,194 ft. span ground clearance at NESC conditions (60°F, bare, no wind, and final sag). ' For 1194 Ft. Span Final Sag-(Ft.) 60° F, Bare, No Wind Final Sag, (Ft.) Diff. 120° F, bare, no wind 35.2 31.5 3.7 Sag increase per NESC Rule 232 B.2.C.(1) = ( 11 iti'-175 ' ) (.1) = 10.19 1 10.19 1 > 3. 71 Final sag@ 60~ F, bare, no wind Plus sag allowances Total Sag Allowance '31. 5 1 3.7 1 35.2' Therefore: Level 9round span with final sag of 35.2 Ft. @ 60~ F, bare, and no wind for a typ1cal tower of 65 Ft. is 1194 FT. 2) Maximum sum of adjacent spans.with side guys. This is not applicable. No side guys are intended for the STX-E tangent structure. 3) Maximum, sum of adjacent spans. The horizontal (wind) span is equivalent to the sum of the adjacent spans divided by two. The maximum horizontal (wind) span is limited by the strength of the structural body, which will be based on the footing reactions R. 11 Type Body" lines in Figure 3 are plotted using the following equation, and values of V and T as provided with the STX-E structure diagram. 5-2 APA36/N3 Sample Calculations: (R-lbs) (footing width-ft) = (3 conductors) (T-lbs) (Tower height-ft R = (3) (ToweF height) (T) = (3) (2.1) (T} Footing w1dth · Plus (3 conductors) (V lbs) (2 legs) Therefore: Total R = (3) (2.1} T + 3V l Where: T = Tranverse load per phase due to wind V = Vertical load per phase due to weight of loaded conductors 2.1 =Tower characteristic height to width ratio (This may have small var1ations in actual tower.) 4) ~aximum vertical span limited by strength of the crossarm. From the STX-E structure diagram, the crossarm has the following vertica1 loads: Crossarm Type 1 5-3 Case I 1200 Vertical Load Case II 8000 Case III 3000 APA36/N4 Sample Ca1cu1ations: Vertical load for NESC heayy loading is listed as 1.6533 lbs/LF. (Dove), O.C.F. is listed as 1.5. :.Maximum vertical span for the crossarm in Case II is: Max. vert. span {ft) = Max. load capacity of arm (lbs) NESC heavy loads (1bs/L.F.) x o.c.f. = (8000 1bs) (1.6533 lbs/ft) (1.5) = 3,225 FT. 5) Maximum span limited by conductor separation at the point of attach- ment. (Eq. VI-8, REA Bul. 62-1, pg. VI-4, Aug. 1980). where: {RS) { H-(.025)kV -!i sin $} F c .5(rs )!z =max. span as limited by conductor separation in feet RS = length of Ruling Span in feet SRS = sag of the Ruling Span at 60~F final sag in feet. H = horizontal separation between the phase con- ductors at the structure in feet kV = (for phases of the same circuit) the nominal line-to-line voltage in 1000's of volts for 4.5 and 46 kV and 1.05 times the nominal voltages in 1000's of volts for higher voltages. 5-4 APA36/N5 Sample Calcultation: <~>max =the experience factor (0.7 to 1.25)· = the maximum 6 lbs/ft2 insulator swing angle for the structure in question = the final sa~ of the conductor at 60°F, no load, in feet. t 1 = the length of the insulator string in feet, Qi = 0 for post or restrained suspension insulators. Example: Where: (1320')(16' -(.025)(138)-4.5 sin 59) = 1,479 FT. RS = 1.320 FT. SRS. = 38.5 FT. H :::: 16 FT. kV = 138 F = 1.25 c m = 59o '~'max Qi = 4.5 1 1 1.25 (38.5 1 ):--z 5-5 APA36/N6 Sample Calculations: 6) Guying calculations. Guy strength for angle structures are calculated as iollows: Required Ultimate Strength of Guy (RUGS) = a + b + c .9n cosycos ~ From the preceeding equation, we can evaluate each term. A. Evaluating Term 11 a11 a= transverse wind load on tower surface w/O.C.F. = (Ww)(d)(OCF) where: 2 Ww = transverse wind load on tower (lbs/ft2) d = projected surface area of tower (ft2) OCF =overload capacity factor, NESC heavy= 2.67, . extreme loads= 1.1 ~=constant, pole loaded uniformly as a simple beam secured at both ends. B. Evaluating Term 11 b11 b =transverse wind load on the conductors w/O.C.F. = (Wh)(ah)(OCF)(u) Where: Wh =transverse wind load on conductor (1bs/L.F.) ah = horizontal (wind) span (ft) (projected length for angle towers) 5-6 APA36/N7 \ Sample Calculations: Guying Calculations (Cont 1 d) . Where: ah 1 =horizontal (wind) span (ft.) ~ = line angle (deflection angle) D.M.S. O.C.F. =overload capacity factor, NESC heavy= 2.67, extreme loads= 1.1 u = number of conductors on the structure. (usually 1 each for 3 pole structures) C. Evaluating Term 11 c11 c = resultant of longitudinal loading due to horizontal tension in the conductor w/O.C.F., due to loading and line angle = (2)(0.C.F.)(T)(sin a)(u) "2 Where: T = maximum design tension of the conductor (both sides = 2 x T) «=line (deflection) angle (D.M.S.) O.C.F. = overload capacity factor, NESC -heavy= 1.50 D. Sample Guying Calculation OCF =overload capacity factor, NESC = 1.5, for extreme wind. u = number of conductors on the structure. (usually 1 for 3 pole structures). 5-7 APA36/N8 Sample Calculations: Guying Calculations (Cont'd) n = total number of down guys required per structure; note: w/~>0, n should be a multiple of 2 (one for each side of the angle bisector of ~). when ~=0, guys will be on the angle bisector. ~ = angle between double down guys, centered on the angle bisector. y =angle between the guy wire and the horizontal line and the ground (angle between the guy wire and the vertical line at the structure.) .9 =with O.C.F. guy strength not to exceed 90 percent of the rated breaking strength of the guy. **Example of guying calculation for an ST3-E53~ 65FT, 37#8A~, evaluated at 60~ For Extreme Wind Loading** RUSG = 1,787 lbs + 21,376 lbs + 50,293 lbs (.9) (2) (cos 45) (cos 120) = 73,456 lbs 0.6364 = 115,424 lbs -==-=-===== T Where: a= (50 lbs/ft2 )(65 ft2 *)(1.1) = 1,787 lbs *Estimated projected surface area of tower. 5-8 APA36/N9 Sample Calculations: Guying Ca1uclations (Cont'd) Where: Ww = 50 lbs/ft2 (extreme wind loading) · _ d = (1 1 Wide) (65' high) = 65 Ft 2 OCF = 1.1 (extreme wind loading) where: b = (3.74 lbs/ft)(5,196 ft)(1.1)(1) = 21,376 lbs Where: Wh = 3.74 lbs/ft (extreme wind loading) where~ ah = (6000 ft) cos(~)= 5196 ft Where: ah 1 = 6000 ft ,a: = 60~ OCF = 1.1 (extreme wind loading) u = 1 conductor c = (2)(1.1)(45,721 lbs)(1)sin ( ~ ) = 50,293 lbs Where T = 45,721 lbs (extreme wind loading-R.S. 8000 ft) OCF = 1.1 (extreme wind loading) n = 4 o:> = 120~ a: = 45~ 5-9 7) Single Loop Galloping Analysis.l A. Calculating the elliptical path of all aluminum 11 0ahlia 11 for R.S. 330 feet.· M = 1.25 Si +1 B = 0.25 Si 0 = o.4m ~ = Tan-1 ~ Where: Pc =wind load per unit length on iced conductor in N/m (lbs/ft). Assume a .0958 kPa (2 lbs/ft2) wind. We= weight per unit length of conductor plus 12.7 mm (.5 in.) of radial ice in N/m (lbs/ft) (for standard gravity 1 kg= 9.81 N). L = span length in meters (feet). M =major axis of Lissajous ellipses in meters (feet). Si =final sag of conductor with 12.7 mm (.5 in.) of radial ice, -no wind, at 0°C (32?F). 0 = minor axis of Lissajous ellipses in meters (feet): : l are as defined in figure above. Si= 8.7 Ft. M = (1.25) (8.7) + 1 = 11.87 B = (0.25) (11.87) = 2.967 0 = (0.4) (11.87) = 4.748 a_ Tan -1 ( 0.1427 ) = 5 967 a JJ -I. 365 • - Drawing 5-1 shows the Lissajous Ellipses for 11 Dahlia 11 conductor on the HPT-1B structure. 1 REA Bulletin 62-1, August 1980, 11 Desi9n Manual for High Voltage Transmission Lines 11 , Rural Electrificat1on Administration, U.S.O.A., Page VI-6. 5-10 APA36/o1 POINT OF CONDUCTOR ATTACHMENT I I I I I DRAWING 5-1 r-----FLJPSE OF MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR DISPLACEMENT I I I LPOLE I I \ I I \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I U-d I I I I I I I \ ' l I I I I -----, r---- 1 I L_l INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY SINGLE LOOP GALLOPING ANALYSIS A MORRISON~.;NUDSEN COMPAI\Y ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION FOR HPT-I 8 STRUCTURE TYEE LAKE PROJECT No. 2708 OWN BY: G. OIAZ CKO. BY M. SICKLES SCALE: 1"= 3' ·~--PROJECT HYDROELECTRIC DRAWING No. DATE: 11/9/81 TRANSMISSION l1NE 8. Double Loop.Galloping Analysis 1 A. Calculating the elliptical path for ACSR 11 0ove 11 for R.S. 1,320 feet. [ 3a (L + 8 s;z M = 1+ ~ a = ~ ~ ) 2 + Si2 J ~ B = .2M D = 2 .JT-1 0 = tan -1 ~ Where: l k -2a) j ' Pc = wind load per unit length on. iced conductor in N/m (lbs/ft). Assume a .0958 kPa (2 1bs/ft2 ) wind. We= weight per unit length of conductor plus 12.7 mm (.5 in.) of rad1al ice in N/m (lbs/ft) (for standard gravity 1 kg= 9.81 N). L = span length in meters (feet). M = major ax1s of Lissajous ellipses in meters (feet). _Si =final sag of conductor with 12.7 mm (.5 in .. ) of radial ice, -no wind, at 0°C (32~F). D =minor axis of Lissajous ellipses in meters (feet); ; } are as defined in figure above. 1 REA Bulletin 62-1, August 1980, "Design Manual for High Voltage Transmission Lines", Rural Electrificat1on Administration, U.S.D.A., Page VI-6. 5-12 APA36/o2 Si = 42 feet M = 27.7 feet a = 661.3 B = 5.55 feet D = 10.33 feet Drawing 5-2 shows the lissajous ellipses for double loop galloping on the X-tower structure. 5-13 APA36/o3 ELIPSE OF MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR DISPLACEMENT DRAWING 5-2 POINT OF .,_._--CONDU TOR ATTACHMENT CONDUCTOR INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING CO{VIPANY, INC. A MORRISON-KNUDSEN COMPANY ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION TYEE LAKE PROJECT DOUBLE LOOP GALLOPING ANALYSIS FOR GUYED X-TOWER 5-14 ·- . - APPENDIX · A - - -- - - APA 36/El c .. ---·------------- TRANSMISSION LINE ROCK ANCHOR ASSEMBLY ·je::.-s C: ~ e EXhl21T A-1 -----------------··~-~~~- AD INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. ROBERT V\i RETHER::ORD ASSOCIATES DI\/!SION A-I • EXHIBIT A-2 ----------------------· Hole may .be bored or dug. ----., I ll TRANSMISSION LINE STEEL PLATE ANCHOR ASSEMBLY A ~f----Mox;imum ofter load is opptied. P:i!:EFT \\ F-t:iH~PFOR:J ASSOCIATES DIVISION A-2 • EXHIBIT A-3 L) ~A '~ ~ )c 0 -. - 2.) D :) ~ MINIMUM AFTER LOAD IS APPLIED NO MAXIMUM 3.) D :> lr .... ~ L 0 ~ z _, 0' !': ~I G:l 01 ~· 0 / ....., / ~ / ~ :::> / 0 ..... ;I ~, - j_ ORWG REo'o DESCRIPTION ITEM WORKING LOAD REF. I I 8"MJ!'I._Ie He!i~ Anc.hor (7C:OC! ft It r-.01 torque; a ~ / 1-7' [Jiensior. Shcft; ~:r • "':t. · ~ e 1 s l 2~ ,DOC $:t ~m 3-1/2' Exteros.or. Sh·;-;1(::_~~!.-~ ----- 2 As!=:eo· 3 1/2) ·--------- 3• AsRe:t.l 7' [J!t"·SiOr· Sr J'' i·.:r • Tl.-5 7\ 'I ----·---~--------- ~ INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. TRANSMISSION LINE t-\'C'c;: ~ ::-1'\ t. .. ,._ ~-'SE'\ C('•.·:-~'\"1' ROBERT VII RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES D!\'ISION MULTIPLE HELIX ANCHOR 5:ole Dote: TA-5-8,.8,3112,7 A-3 • 0 w ~-&"GROUT Ll.. (.) 0 TUBE HOLES LIJ Q.. 0 0 U) fD (f) ~ 0 0 t- -~ ... 21" .., GROUN 0 LINE I I I BEARING I I I STRATA I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,_, ,_/ NOTE: Ma1eriol as Specified or Equivalent LIST OF MATERIALS REQ'D DESCRIPTION ITEM 2 r-i" Williams Rockbol1 Assembly I >< tt RIS-11-816 >< 2 1l" Williams H IF Hex Nu1s 2 2 Hardened Washer Williams# HW II 1-~ I 21'x 16'x!"Piate w/2-lt"holes (Fy;36ksi) 4 I Embeco 636 Grou1 Pod, 22",.. 17'~4"min. 5 S5Z Rockbolt Grout os Required 6 8411 I r Fillet Weld ~ -- A-4 D w 1.1.. (.) w a. (/) (/) <[ I I I I I I I I I I l I; : I I I \ I I I BEARING I I STRATA I I I I i Lfl I I I I I I I I I I d I ,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \._ J A-5 J Oi Nl I : .i 0 0 0 ' ~ . --.. . -· .. - 911 4-i6 GROUT TUBE HOLES 0 0 NOTE: Material OS Specified or Equivalent LIST OF WATERIALS cf T 8 F-I A ---~-s~-;" E T ----'------· ·--·-··--···-··---·~ J TOP ASSEMBLY '"' TO BE SUPPLIED n 1 !i:a!t :lUll l ------------~-- Oto 12" BY OTHERS GROUND LINE I I -~ I I I I I I I I DWN. BY ~_NGMAN -------SCALE_!ii_§. __ CI<D. BY D. BURLINGAME W.O. No. 2708-812 DATE B/18/81 A-6 NOTE: Material os Specified or Equivalent LIST OF MATERIALS REQ'O DESCRIPTION ITEM 1t Williams Rockbolt Assembly I # RIS-10-B 18 I" I;J Lockwasher TSF-2 SHEET of I .· I' I. I - i_-_· J TGF l.SSEr.•g:_y WITH THREl.DED PLATE TC SE SU?PLIED BY OTHERS f1 j' It I It II IIL-=:l.J I I L J ---------.--- c:..JNDLINE ! c -• c I --. - 2-~ ~:;=;--7 T G=~ ::J __ ES j ,. c •,- -. -· ~----· -------------=---~~=---------A-7 BEARiNG STRATA NOTE: 1\'c!er,al as Specif.ed or Equ·vclen1 S5Z Williams Rockbolt Grout '2" Lockwasher I ------. ----------------- l 1 -I ~-I j __ ' ~F-_2A __ _L_~~-J DETAIL "A" SEE DETAIL "s" SEE DETAIL "c" SEE DETAIL "o" DETAIL "A" FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW BEARif\IG STRATA / 2-~~~ GRouij ~:.' TUBE HOLES 6 DETAIL "s" DETAIL "c" DETAIL "D" UST OF l.~t.TERIALS D:::SCRI~TION Williams !" Rockbolt assembly 3 -:j::;: RIS-OSA-13 3 3 I --· ~~'. tf;[t,;t-.. ~~~:E~.·~~~~~(':~:"-.L E~" ;' \ r:' •l ~~;/ - ::. C G '.' ::-. t-~. Y , i . . l i-~-· •; !:.c"'Y i' L l!. ::•,-.:. !,._--•.:.. ::-:~ l ~ ~~ E ~ ~ Y!_' ---~-~ -------'--~·---·-TSF-3 A-8 ITEM ,---------, I ,----, I I I I I ~---_!.,.['::CD,.!. ___ ~ Material as Specified or Equivalent LIST OF MATERIALS CLAY ---------------~- A-9 DETAIL II A II Rt::::''D DE:.SCRJPTION DETAIL "c" GROUN LINE UST OF Mt.TERIALS ITEM R~'D EXHIBIT A-10 0 © 2-jf' GR~ TUBE HOLES DETAIL "e" D::.SCRIPTION Bolt with Locknut and Wasr,er TSF-5 (" ' -_ =--t l> I <t_ 0 F CU\MP ,-A +--B l--C --i '--_} _.:.J ~ ~---1L ·-c::;:rrc: c:::::.J.-lc::: END OF FITTING SUSPENSION TYPE SUPPORT ~ / (I) ~~C-";J ,.- .·.~·r. -l c _J_ __ c I '\1 c:::>IIC:::S DEAD END SUPPORT NOTE : LOCATION, NUMBER AND SPACING OF DAMPERS WILL BE SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. STM 30 CONSISTS OF 3 DAMPERS (I PER fl'} MATERIAlS ' DR'Gl No. I DESCRIPTION REFIReq<l I I 3 I VIBRATION DAMPER I • ' ITEM cud m X ~ INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY ~ A MORRISQN.I(NUDS~N COMPANY -f ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES DIVISION > ~M-F-G-.~-c~n~17n~Lo~G~N~o.~~A~~~~B~~~~c~~:T:R:A:N:S:M:JS:S:JO:N~L~I:NE~No scALE STM 30 ~ VIBRATION DAMPERS JAN. 1981 APPENDIX B - - APA 36/E2 SAG TEMPLATE EQUATIONS "BASIC EQUATIONS: Y = c (cosh (x/c) -1) WHERE: X=~ span, the level span length (FT.) Y =Sag for given x (FT.) c = H/W 0 H =Horizontal Tension (LBS.) W0 =Weight of the conductor (LBS/L.F.) SAG TEMPLATE DATA: Ruling Spans (FT.) Conductor loading Condition APA 36/M1 330 11 Dahlia 11 Final B-1 .. 1320 EXHIBIT B-1 8000 37#8 AW Final EXHIBIT B-2 SAG TEMPLATE COORDINATES DAHLIA-R.S. = 330 FT. SPAN SAG (FT.) {FT.) -20c:>F 60°F 120°F INITIAL FINAL FINAL 50 0.1321 0. 2011 0.2387 150 1.189 1.810 2.148 200 2.114 3.218 3.821 250 3.303 5.029 5. 972 300 4.757 7.244 8.602 350 6.476 9.863 11.71 400 8.468 12.88 15.30 45(r.=-10.71 16.31 19.38 500 13.22 20.15 23.94 600 19.05 29.04 34.52 700 25.94. 39~57 47.06 800 33.90 51. 7fi 61.57 900 42.93 65.61 78.09 1000 53.04 81.13 96.63 1200 76.51 117.3 139.9 1400 104.3 160.3 191.6 1600 136.5 210.5 252.1 1800 173.3 267.9 321.7 2000 214.5 332.9 B-2 APA 36/M2 EXHIBIT B-3 SAG TEMPLATE CO-ORDINATES DOVE -R.S = 1320 FT. SPAN SAG (FT.) (FT.) -20°F 60°F 120°F INITIAL FINAL FINAL 50 0.0421 0.0552 0.0617 100 0.1683 0.2208 0.2467 150 0.3788 0.4968 0.5552 200 0.6734 0.8832 0.9870 250 1. 052 1. 379 1. 542 300 1. 515 1. 987 2.221 350 2.062 2.704 3.023 40(b 2.693 3.533 3.946 450 3.409 4.471 4.997 500 4.208 5.521 6.169 600 6.061 7.950 8.885 700 8.250 10.82 12.09 800 10.77 14.13 15.79 900 13.63 17.89 19.99 1000 16.84 22.09 24.69 1200 24.25 31.82 35.57 1400 33.01 43.32 48.43 1600 43.13 56.61 63.29 1800 54.60 71.68 80.15 2000 67.43 88.54 99.01 3000 152.8 199.8 223.7 4000 270.9 356.9 399.9 5000 424.8 560.9 629.5 6000 614.3 813.5 914.5 7000 848.2 1,116. 1,257. 8000 1,103. 1,472. 1,662. B-3 APA 36/M3 EXHIBIT B-4 SAG TEMPLATE COORDINATES 37#8 AW-R.S. = 8000 FT. SPAN SAG (FT.) (FT.) -20°F 60°F 120°F INITIAL FINAL FINAL 500 2.727 2. 775 2.911 1000 10.91 11.10 11.64 2000 43.66 44.43 46.61 3000 98.32 100.1 104.9 4000 174.9 178.1 186.8 5000 273.8 278.6 292.4 6000 394.9 402.0 421.9 70.,Q_O 538.7 548.3 575.6 8000 705.3 717.9 753.9 9000 895.1 911.2 957.1 10000 1108. 1128. 1185. 11000 1345'. 1370. 1440. 12000 1607. 1636. 1720. 13000 1893. 1928. 2028. 14000 2205. 2246. 2364. 15000 2543. 2591. 2728. B-4 APA 36/M4 APPENDIX C - - - - 21!...0" Gt SECTION A·A '~ J I L,...L '4'-o" ' -. SQUARE TUBE WILL BUCKLE BUT BREAK. THE CENTER GUY ATTAUiMENT EYE SHALL BE FASTENED IN A MANNER TO ASSURE THAT THE BUCKLED TUBE WILL REMAIN INTACT BETWEEN GUYS. FOR DOVE CONDUCTOR 15,000 lb. M 8 E RATED INSULATORS SQUARE TUBE DESIGNED TO BUCKLE AT PREDETERMINED GUY LOAD • 'i.,SYM I AS REQUIRED BY MFGR. DETAIL 1 I I I I I I I I I I~ 1\ ACCEPT HEAVY DUTY GUY THIMBLE WITH 1 11 CHAMFER HOlE TO ' GUY WIRE, & PRE· fORMED GUY ATTACHMENT. NOTE TOWER LEG MOUNTING BRACKET MUST BE SELF -ALIGNING TO ALLOW FOR TWIST OF PILING. BRACKETS MUST ALSO ALLOW TOWER TO BE ATTACHED WHilE LYING ON GROUND AND THEN RAISED INTO FINAL POSIT 10~. 2 TOWER lEG ~cLEARANCE TO PILE CHAMFER HOLE TO ACCEPT HEAVY DUTY GUY THIMBLE WITH PILE HP 8x36 HP 10 x 57 ~~GUY WIRE, & PRE- SECTION B-B FORMED GUY ATTACHMENT. DETAIL 2 TOWER LEG TO PILE CONNECTION BRACKET SCHEMATIC ASSEMBLY DRAWING ... ",.,, .. n c-' TANGENT SUSPENSIO• ~WER SCHEMATIC OUTLINE AlLOWABlE CONDUCTOR lOAai 1 DESIGN LOADINGS CASE I: T = 4000 LBS V = 1200 LBS L = CASE li: I 1:'300 LAS V 8000 LBS L 0 CASE Ill' T 1500 LBS V = 3000 tBS L 3000 LBS (ANY ONE OR All PHASE) NOTES !."VAtuEsT:v a, L ARE PER .PHASE CONDUCTOR L.OADS ONLY & DO NOT INCLUDE THE lOWER WEIGHT, GUYING LOADS OR INSULATOR LOADS. 2.ALL VALUES SHOWN ARE ULTIMATE LOADS. (OVERLOAD FACTORS INCLUDED) 3 · ~fo5tf ~~~b<~T~;NJ~N~AJl~~fr ~~~~ CASE II REPRESENTS NE SC HEAVY LOADING CONDITIONS, CASE m REPRESENTS LOADING UNDER NESC HEAVY CONDITIONS WITH IMBALANCE As NOTED. ~ INTERNATIONAL ENGJN.EERINc:J COMPANY, INC. J!IOHJII't W, III£THUfORD ASSOC!&Tli t»VJWOH A.RCnc C»SfAM::1 OFFICE P 0 BOX t~o~tO A.NCHOAAG!. "4-ASKA 195m' PHONl (i01; 274~M5i lTELH 16-380 I 38 KV GUYED TOWER CTANGENT> SCALE.NONE MTE. FEB. 1981 STX-E DRAWING NO. 2708-TS-I C-1 ' ML• .. tll4' ' ' HTAI.I-1 { t H'-o" 36'-o" ® (See TMt-1Y .... O.toiltl TUBE WII .. L BUCKLE BUT NOT llfi,EAK. THE CEIIH.R qQV ATUCiiiENT 'ft S. H. A. 1... l BE FAST .. EHiO. IH ". ~. . NU 1f) ~"'If THAT TH£ IUCKI..IO T .ll ll'$f41N INU~T aET•UM fiU fUN QJ .... 5 51G·fii·E·D· TO BUCKLE AT PRi.DJTQIMJQO <$U¥ Lo•o . ~ \ A6 REQI.IIfllt !IV IIINfil. b=::~~·· (!) f'\ (il'lj 'YI • TAIL _., •. ,. I ~· DETAIL 3 V·lfR-MAitG DETAIL MATERIAL ASSEM8l.Y DRAWING (TYP.) STtr~ESOL MATE.RtAl LIST !!a OIIG II I PT 19f1' QUANTnvtrowe:a , ... ~·· a.AitC ST!itUCTUR£ (ALL. FASTtNERS lNCLUOEO) SU.,UISIOH IH:$VLATOR ,&.SS£MILV UMIT 'L.t.I:TtC 7' GUV GUARO IT.U(:TUIU INMitA SfGH (SEE TM•II) M .. fMG ltGH ( .. ADV 41001) NUTID J NI.ITIO .. .U't' 14UAlllli!R YOKE fl OUV ATTAC ..... HT FITTINGS 1.. CWY' ATT~HT FITT!f'o!G$ 11' ... fOINICO 41UV ATTAII;.lWENT IP ... ,_-ATT...,_HT lJ DILITIO 1.. """" GUV (-£ACH) 1.. TAIL euY (111' IACH) ... T-.... -TtNG UAC:OlT (COOII'LHI) 1111' l .. ._. •• .u IH-CIFtEO OA IQUAL. .... TIKICTUae IKI:fTS FOR •MtUlATOR AUlM8L Y Ut+IT ,._ L .. i..INOTH$ flliAATiCUL-Ait TO tTaVC::TI..fCI. LOCATIOH, --·-.UIIIIAL TO H -TAU.jll) M PllliT ·-·T---V-T . ·- IHTEIUIATIOHAL IN8MIIIING COMPANY, INC. A M~fliSOJ<i·UfUOSEN C~"NY IIOtf:~T W. RETH£R!'OIID ASSOC!iO.TU OIVISION 813 "0.' STR£ET P.O. BOX &410 ANCHORAGE. AlASKA 99fJO:i PHONE 1907) :z.7+e1 I 1!:LEX 26l'J) 138 KV GUVIO ToWER LONG SCALE: NON£ DATE: FE8.1tl2 ORAWINI 1110. 21oe-n-"' C-2 • ~-~·~~;~ VARIES "-50'-eo' I:XHIBIT C-3 TOP VIEW L NO SCALE PIN JOINT· SMALL ANGLE STRUCTuRE f>b]>'r J> / TIE / / / GUY / / • TYPICAL GUY ~ (-'--->20 SLOPE Ill NOTE: FOR DOVE CONDUCTOR 25,000 lb. M 8 E RATE INSULATORS~ \ \ \ Schemotic Outline & Allo~ahle Conductor Lo~ds ' " ~rl R = Resultant Design Load from conductor change in direc- tion, ~ the wind loading of the horizontal span. ' ' ' \ ' ' t> u5·· I> I> i/D~;!~11/-'-ALL STEEL A-588 ...-fl1 ~""' MODIF"IED WEATHERING L T-\ \ TIE \GUY"'\ ,-~ \ \ \ \ t> '\120' SIDE VIEW NO SCALE TIE GUY & FORE GUY ATTACHMENT DETAIL "B" NO SCALE DETAIL uou "'I DETAIL "A" DETAIL "c" NO SCALE HAND HOLE PLACEMENT OF DETAIL UAII NO SCALE \ \GUY \ \ \ \ \ \ t> KEEPER NUTW ;]. I II ,BASEPLATE '' .. in: n < DETAIL "D" ALTERNATE BASE CONNECTION NO SCALE HINGED COLUMN CONN. TO PILE ~~~BASEPLATE ~/, ' ~ '11~ r.:::n / v 7r~ /! II v = Vertical Design Loads produced by the vertical_, span weight. I v Note 1: Values R&V are per phase conductor loads only and do not include to~er weight or guying loads. Note 2: All design values listed below are.ultimate values that include the effect of overload capacity factors. NESC HEAVY LOAD VALUES R = 11,000 lbs. V = 6,000 lbs. HIGH WIND LOAD VALUES R = IO,uOO lbs. V = 7,590 lbs. ~1 --f-Bf¥\ ' I' RETAINING BOLT ~INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. ~ l 1 \ ROIIJ.UH W fiETHf .. FOAD ASIOCIATEI DIW'IIIOH 1.1 STEEL H-''"LES • ARC"C[uS/RIC'ClmC[ 7 1 """T"'1 P 0 BOX ~10 .t.NC~AGf ALAS.KA 99.'.02 I. li \ \ HP 8 X 36 PHON£Codii274"655l/1EL£' ''""" t! b t 4 ,\ HPIOX 57 I 38 KV GUYED COLUMN DETAIL "D" NO SCALE SCALE:NONE SMALL ANGLE STRUCTURE 0°-27° SCHEMATIC ASSEMBLY DRAWING DATE:FEB. 1981 ST3-EII DRAWING NO. 2708-TS-3 C-3 '. ... XHIBIT C-4 TOP VIEW PIN JOINT l1EDIUH ANGLE STRUCTURE ~~; ; SC~ALE (> r J> IT~ I , I (GUY / ')120• TYPICAL GUY [)----~----, SLOPE 1/1 NOTE: FOR DOVE CONDUCTOR 25,000 lb. M 8 E RATE INSULATORS~ \ \ \ Schematic Outline & Allowable Conductor Loads " ' ~Y11 R = Re•ultant Jesign Load from conductor chanae in direc-tion, plus the vind loading of the horizontal span. ' ' ' \ ' ' 't> n5· . t> t> DETAIL ALL STEEL A-588 I /~ MODIFIED WEATHERING \ -I' DETAIL11\ TIE I\ l10''\: I , • ~ '8' / ~)_ v' Df:;"AOl "'" I ' VARIESI <1" \ '\.S0'-80' f> SIDE VIEW NO SCALE TIE GUY a FORE GUY ATTACHMENT DETAIL "B" NOICAI.E DETAIL "C" NO SCALE \ \GUY \ \ \ >·I /f V= -"~0-9 e ..,,~~·~"" J·r4a") -+-,.,./.!) 3·f3o .. r 4(~ 9pll2") \ \ \ ",n~n~ I! t I It v I v t> Vertical Design Loads produced by the vertical· span weight. DETAIL "A" NO SCALE KEEPER NUT 8 DETAIL "o" ALTERNATE BASE CONNECTION NO SCALE BASEPLATE I'T ,1• ' T! HINGED COLUMN CONN. TO PILE . 0',// Note 1: Values R&V are per phase conductor loads only and do not include tower weight or guying loads. Note 2: All design values listed below are ultimatp values that include the effect of overload capacity factors. NESC l1EAVY LOAD VALUES R=ll,OOO lbs. V = 6,000 lbs. HIGH WIND LOAD VALUES R = 11,000 lbs. V = 10,000 lbs. ): ~J BASEPLATE t;;; ~ ~;::> ~=.--RETAINING BOLT ~ INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. t11~ ,', :, P;OtEIIIT W. FI£TlifRI'OIUl'ASIOClATfS DtVl510H :-,., ~. "'c~~-ST£EL H-PILES • .ru:••co'""'c'"'""' " ·-·· .__ ' / HP s x 36 ~o~~il;~,,~7:N~s~0~~~ ~:5;:99502 DETAIL "D" NO SCALE HPIO X 571--------::--------~=-:::---=-:=-:-7":'"::-::-::-:"----t I 38 KV GUYED COLUMN MEDIUM ANGLE STRUCTURE 27"-48° ASSEMBLY DRAWING ST3-El2 DRAWING NO. 2708-TS-4 ~, ...... >Jc&··,,,. ·-l·"'" "~ 'k ,,~ .. 'l$_.., ~.! . ·~'.:....tllll: ,, ..... C-1 VARIES ... 5o'-ao' TOP VIEW NO SCALE I I 4 I I I \ \ TIE \GUY'\ ,-..J- \ \ \ \ ~ DETAIL "0" 1. "' zo· ~ .. -~ 20' SIDE VIEW NO SCALE TIE GUY 8r FORE GUY ATTACHMENT DETAIL "B" NO SCALE \ DETAIL "C" \ \ \ \ \ ~ DETAIL "c" NO SCALE NOTE: FOR DOVE CONDUCTOR : 25,000 lb. M 8 E RATED ~STRING OF INSULATOR, OR 15,0001b. M 6 E RATED DOUBLE STRING, YOKED INSULATORS tP DETAIL "A" NO SCALE // / ' '~ ·r!'i'l"'n HANOH«.l ~l : i 1 :1 ar.:;,s=' i ~: 8AUPLATI7* .u~~ . _ ... ;-..;;,.-.~ lli'T.t.IL "rt ... ~= 100 IICAI.l BIT I LARGE ANGLE STRUC Schematic Outline & Allowable Co .. ~uctor Loads L = L L L '\_ '\_ '\. T= )m/~}1rT'" L L L Longitudinal "dead-end" design load of conductor. Transverse Design Load for wind loading of the horizon~al span. Vertical Design Loads produced produced by the vertical span weight. Note 1: Note 2: Values R&V are per phase conductor loads only and do no~ include to'->er weight or guying loads. All design values listed below are ultimate values the .,ffect of capacity fauors. NESC HEAVY LOAD VAL\JES L 18,000 T v = L ::o I T = v lbs. lbs. lbs. HIGH WHID LOAD VALUES lbs. lbs. lbs. 'i lW' <,. I' RETAINING BOLT .. ......____' \: .. 1 ;}( ~INTERNATIONAL. ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. --~-STEEL H-PILES • =~~~~~~>~f~~;~~~~~~OUSOCIAUSOIYIM:* HP 8 X 36 p (! 6Qlt to;ll(: ..,.; .. ;,JHA(>f. AtA.S,.A 99::.02 HP , 0 x 57 f'r-:~•f 19(~,274-ossvrrLt.t 2£> J&: I 38 KV GUYED COLUMN DETAIL "0" LARGE ANGLE STRUCTURE NO SCALE 48°-90° SCALE:NONE SCHEMATIC ASSEMBLY DRAWING OATE:FEB. 1981 ST3-EI3 DRAWING NO. 2708-TS-5 C-5 1>--- TOP VIEW NO SCALE VARIES I ... 5d-eo' <f I I I I I GUY ATTACHMENT \ ~)_ \ FoRE & AFT GUYS I \ \ \ ~ SIDE VIEW NO SCALE DETAIL. •c• NO SCALE I _f~x \ \ \ I \ I \ \ \ I I \ I I \ ~ i OETAI.. "E" NOTE; FOR DOVE CONDUCTOR : 25,000 lb. M a E RATED ~STRING OF INSULATOR, OR 15,0001b. M & E RATED DOUBLE STRING, YOKED INSULATORS DETAIL "D• DETAIL "JJi \ \ ~ HOLES TO ACCOMMODATE I INSULATOR STRING I .HARDWARE . i i ~ DETAIL "A" NO SCALE DETAIL •o• NO SCALE DETAIL "B" NO SCALE [rrr---n •--. ,I I !, oAUPcarr HINGED COLUL~N ::.__..,.~~ • ~ CONN, TO PI QDilt ti.k.L~ 2( .-,;,;;;;;:--~ .. .L.--•• r- IQ[(P£ftNL1T& • • ""E DETAIL [ BASEPLAo •= ~ // ETAI~NG BOLT IIOCAI.. v R il Jl , If/\\\\ ~ II 'If''"" it•_-.~~. "---PILES ~----STEEL ~~8X36 DETAIL "E" NO SCALE HPIOX57 SCHEMATIC ASSEMBLY DRAWING ..;."'•l'lt•" "'.XHIBIT C-(1 !;lEAD EIID STRUCTURE Scb~atic Out~ine & Allowable Conductor Load~ L = 1 /L£L£L L7(7(70j : • Longitudinal "dead-end" Design Load of con®ctor. Transverse Design Load for wind loading of the horizontal span. Vertical Design Loada produced by tbe vertical span weight. Note 1: llote 2: Values R&V are per phase conductor loads only and do not include tower weight or guyin& loads. All deaign value• hated below are ultimate value& that include the effect of overload capacity factora. NESC HEAVY LOAD VALUES L 18,000 lbs. T 3,ooo lbs. V = fi,OOO lbs. HIGH WIND LOAD VALUES L= 11,000 lbs. T = 3,500 lbs, V = 10,000 lbs. ~ INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERI.NG COMPANY, INC. IIIO.(IIIT W, fll!"f'HCRFO .. D AUOC1A1H ~ ARCTIC OfSlfl!CT ()FFI(;f .. Po eox A.t1o ~G£. AL"S~M.A .oil, fi'H()NEtt01127A·6'1~1/TftEIC ·-/ I 38 KV. GUYED COLUMN ST3-EI4(11i1Q!e dead a'ld) ST3~EIS(clouble dead end) TANGENT CONSTRUCTION SCALE;NONE ST3-E 14 a E15 DATE:FEB.I981 ,c,.. " ":,_;,1,$.. ·'-"·' VARIES II "'5o'-eo'. L L T-\ \ TIE \GUY'\ ,-J- \ \ \ \ ~ '1.125' SIDE VIEW NO SCALE TIE GUY a FORE GUY ATTACHMENT DETAIL "B" NO SCALE OETAL uou "11 NOTE: FOR 37'11' 8 CONDUCTOR 40~-.000 lb. M a E RATE tN:.ULATORS ~ ALL STEEL 4-588 MOOtFIEO WEATHERING \ \ \ \ \GAJY \ \ \ \ \ DETAIL ~A• \ \ It> \ \ \ \ \~ DETAIL "C" NO SCALE DETAIL "A" NO SCALE DETAIL "0" ALTERNATE BASE CONNECTION NO SCALE DETAIL "o• NO SCALE HINGED COLUMN CONN. TO PILE SCHEMATIC ASSEMBLY DRAWING E r c-· S":All. A\GLf ~l}H( f.'[ o.;, L··~~~..,t '.J!;Jne 0. _t.,;j('\o.,tf•Jt· f..ndtH:..,Jr LCLiJdS. ' ' R'i<!l , . ' ' R •<l 11 , I \ _,. ' 1 I I ' R.•......-4 .! ',t II "" ~~"""';, t1 ' I I 'I v I v I ~<•LP ]: Values k&V ar~ R Rt•sultcnt DeSJgn Ln<1d from cc•nduttar change in dir~r­llC•n, pl!l5 the ~tnd }c,ading of the hori:z.ontal 'Pan. V = Vrrtl<l} Dro1gn Lnads pr'oducf"d by the Vt-r t l ('3 1 sp•n ,. .. lght. iiote 2: c·<lrldtiCtor All des1gn ualur• l••ted Lf'lo""· .ilrf' ~.dllm.att-V<dut-s th1t 1nrludr the rllrrt of r.vrrlo&d. <"apac lly aod do tuwf't'r guying l~ado. d< tors, NLSC Hl.AI'Y LOAD \'AWES R " 34,000 I b• >~21,000!bs. EXTREME WIND LOAD VALUES ~ = 50,000 I b• V 10,000 I bs. t:XTR.EML ICE LOAD VALUES R = 30,000 lbs. \' ::. 25,000 11,.. ~ INTERNA. TIONAL E. NGINEEAING COMPANY, INC. hV•tn. MTtoltlltfOtiiP41-toCJ.TU DtYt&IOH "'"'<' ; 51~'(•ff•'• P(, b'.•'f/tl'' .._,,,... . .,_,.(M 4.1 ,t;~4.-_,(), ~"¥1·~"1" U•HU~fl'!ldX ?f>JIJ.:: 138 KV GUYED COLUMN SMALL ANGLE STRUCTURE 0°-27° SCALE:NONE OATE:FEB. 1981 C-7 ST3-E 51 DRAWING NO. 2708-TS-7 E n• , ...... f C-t. 48• N SCALE ..J:;,. J> MEDIUM ANGLE STRUCUTRE Schematic Outline & Allowable Conductor Loads I ' I' \ ' ~AX pr p ' TIE / TYPICAL GUY (>---'(GUY ~' ---:~20• SLOPE 1/l ' \ 'D \ \ \ \GUY ';--n'~r~11 : 0 Resultant [)~sign Load froa conductor ~bange in dire~­tion, p!~ the ~ind loading of the horizontal span. 'D e·5~ £D. -(> L STEEL A-588 Df!;l~lL"\. -(> . ~ ~lsDIFIED WEATHERING \ -'\ t' ~ \ TIE \ lO \ -DETAIL "A" \ APPRX \ "" -\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ~ s..,_,.li8"J ..r,.,£s J•~r3Q;ir 4fE' 9-,•tiZ"I \ \ \ \ \ \ lt> ?, '! II lv Note 1: Valuea_ R&V are per phase conductor loads only ond do Vertical DeSign Loads produced by tbe vertical span weight. Note 2: ~>1r~:~ VARIES' <f ~ f.K. "'50'-eo' tt:. DETAIL "A" NO SCALE not include tower wricbt or guy•ng loads. All design values l1sted below are uiUmat<' value5 that include the effect of ovrrfo •. dcapuity fa~tors. '\12". SlOE VIEW NO SCALE TIE GUY & FORE GUY ATTACHMENT DETAIL "B" NO SCALE DE TAM. uou ., 25' DETAIL "C" NO SCALE NOTE FOR 37 'II' 8 AW CONDUCTOR 40,000 lb. M a E RATED YOKED INSULATOR STRINGS HAND HOLE PLACEMENT OF KEEPER NUT KEEPER NUT & "D" DETAIL BASE MN c TI )CONN. NO SCALE )II R = 51,000 lb• V = 21,000 lbs. R = 64,000 I bs. v 10,000 lb•. ft = 46,000 I bs. V = 25,000 lbs. NESC KEAVY LOAD VALUES EXTIWII Wl)ID LOAD VALUES EXTREH£ ICE LOAD VALUES ALTE0RN~fJnoN 91 HINGEDTOC~~~E ' . ·()\ /BASEPLATE r:r.,f:~_ """···· '"'-T I =;-~ sTm H~,.;~ YEO COLUMN f ~..,(__ ,, ~ ::~. 57 1 I 38 KV GU LE STRUCTURE ~-~-MEDIUM AN,G7"-48" INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. J104f,_t. lt(TI41"'011D A&IOCI.UIJ ~ "'"~),, ( ~!1-!>~''tlf~·,...! P:. f«,J:I\.lH .t,~r'"">kA'>f ,._,.\!.oo,Jo!Nk;J ~~., . .._' :a<~·M5!rf.llt )'6-.:. ~ DETAIL "0" NO SCALE SCALE:NOII.£ SCHEMATIC ASSEMBLY DRAWING DATE: FEB. 1981 ST3-E52 DRAWING NO. 2708-TS-8 C-8 VARIES I "-5o'-80' TOP VIEW NO SCALE cf' ~(5118 "~;. TYPICAL GUY SLOPE 1/1 HAND HOLE PLACEMENT OF KEEPER NUT· · DETAIL NO" ALTERNATE BASE CONNECTION BASEPLATE , ~T \ TIE \ ~·~--.DETAIL "C" ~-\GUY)_ \ PPRX \ ,-NO SCALE I \ I I \ / \ <I ' '6 "' SIDE VIEW NO SCALE TIE GUY & FORE GUY ATTACHMENT DETAIL MB" NO SCALE \ \ \ \ ~ DETAL uou "1132' ' \ \ ~ DETAIL "c" NO SCALE \ ' ~ // / ' '~ NOTE: FOR 37# 8 AW CONDUCTOR 40,000 LBS. M & E RATED YOKED INSULATOR STRING. DETAIL "A" NO SCALE DETAIL "Du NO SCALE SCHEMATIC ASSEMBLY DRAWING •BIT t LARGE A!IGLE STRUCT Schematic Outline & Allowable Couyuctor Loads L = L L L ' ' ' T= /1i/1t:-~r', " L L L Longitudinal "dead-end" design load of conductor. Transverse Design Load for wind loading of the horizontal span. Vertical Design Loads produced produced by the vertical span weight. Note 1: Note 2: Values R&V are per phase conductor loads only and do not include tover weight or guying loads. All design values listed below are ultimate values that include the effect of overiOa<l'capad ty factors. NESC HEAVY LOAD VALL'ES L = 52,000 lbs, T 8,000 lbs. V = 21,000 lbs. EXTREHE WTND LOAD VALUES L = 51,000 lbs. T = 18,000 lbs. V = IO,OOOlbs. EXTREI'IE ICE LOAD VALUES L 50,000 lbs. T = 5,000 lbs. V = 25,000 lbs. ~INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. AOIIAT W At:tH£RfO~D AStoOCIATU OfYtaiiiOfri •RC:li(' [)l~l~i('l {.JHI(.f Jli, 80ilf>.oi:li! AN::><(~~~ .Alo\~A9\0~ PH":lr~fj9C?.~:r4-to~l nu• ~:M'k I 38 KV GUYED COLUMN LARGE ANGLE STRUCTURE 48°-90° SCALE:NONE DATE: FEB. 1981 C-9 ST3-E 53 DRAWING NO. 2708-TS -9 :A.; ~I~ I I == 1 == I / }:1 = =foETA NOTE. fOR 37 # 8 AW CONDUCTOR 40,000 LBS. M 8r E RATED YOKED J tJ' tJ .f --~--..{!{ )I TOP VIEW \ ;: ;:\ ~::: ::: \ \ ~ INSULATOR '--..__ STRING ~---- NO SCALE ~ ·~ \ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ \ --\ == \ == \ I \ l' \''-=( \ DETAIL "0" ·c·lr-~ _j__ / -;----\--/ \ / FORE & \ VARIES! <PI AFT GUl'S \ "5o'-ao' \ \ \ \ \ \ it I ~ DETAIL 'jE'~ '1.125' -···-·-· ·----·_,.----·-·--. SIDE VIEW NO SCALE \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ . I HOLES TO ACCOMMODATE I INSULATOR STRING I .HARDWARE ! i i J[m\ DETAIL "A" NO SCALE HANOHOLE I I il!Tn KEEPER NUT.._ Wl DETAIL "8' PLACEMENT Of · , BASEPLATE~ L_ NO SCALE 'F.-,~ # fJY, -~ ~ " I KEEPER NUT 6 BOLT DETAIL "A" HINGED COLUMN ~~CONN TO PILE DETAIL "E" ALTERNATE BASE CONNECTION ' ~,IT. J -~j L~' GUl' AT 1 ACHM[~'; T DETAIL "c" NO SCALE DETAIL.~ NO SCALE NO SCALE SCHEMATIC ASSEMBLY DRAWING ."'I "' ~ -,~ ;,-r...,. J \· DETAIL "E NO SCALE RETAINING BOLT .-_-BASEPLATE ' HPIO• 57 EXr,,_,. >10 DEAD EliD ~TfWCTLR£ Srhrffiatlc Outlin~ & Allo~able Conductor Loads L /L L"'L ...-::'L l¥j7(7f :: LongiLudinal "dead-~nd" Design Load of conductor. Tronsverse Desigo Load for wind loading of the horizontal spao~ Vertical Design Loads produced by tb~ vertical span "'ei gbt. Kote l l'iote 2: Values ll&\' are per phase conductor loads only and do not includ~ tow~r ~~ight or guying loads. All design values listed lo~]m; are ultimate valu .. ~ that include tbe effect of overload capacity hctoa. NESC H:EA\'1~ WAD \'ALUES t 52,ooo ~bs/, .~ T ~ 10,000 I bs .. \~ ~ 21,000 l bs, • ': :;t ~ ·~·~·.,r . " o/ ~ .: " Di1kl~ ~l"'ll LOAD \"AWES L : 51,000 I bs. 1 "26,0001b~. r = 10,000 I bs • ; EXTRF.I'IE ICE l.OAD VALl1£S 1 = 50,000 ll>s. 1 7,000 lbs. \' 25,000 I bs ~ ,\ ~ INTE~~~~:~::~;~\:":~~~::~=~·~: COMPANY, INC, " I 38 KV GUYED COLUMN ST3-E54(sng1e deoc! end)ST3-E55tdouble deod end) TANGENT CONSTRUCTION SCALE:NONE I DRAWING NO. ST3-E54 a E55 21os-rs-ro DATE: FEB~ I 98 C-10