HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeotech Invest and Pile Load Testing Program for The Bradley Lake 115 kV Trans Line Homer, Ak 1987BJlA 145 Alaska E~ergy Authority LIBIAI.Y COPY f I ] I I i I ~ II GEOTECBBICAL IRVESTIGATIOR ARD PILE LOAD TESTIRG PROGRAM FOR. THE BRADLEY LAD 1150 TRARSHISSIOR LlliE HOMER., AK DATE ·- BRA 145 ISSUED TO HIGHSMITH •2-222 I ~I I ~I Golder Associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MINING ENGINEERS REPORT TO: DRYDEN & LARUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND PILE LOAD TESTING PROGRAM FOR THE BRADLEY LAKE 115 kV TRANSMISSION LINE . HOMER, ALASKA Distribution: 5 copies -Dryden & LaRue Anchorage, Alaska 4 copies -Golder Associates Anchorage, Alaska 4 copies -Golder Associates Seattle {Redmond), Washington July 1987 873-5064 GOLDER ASSOCIATES, INC. • 410<1·1~TH AVENUE N.E., REDMOND (SEATTLE), WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. • TELEPHONE (206) 883-0777 • TELEX 5106002~4 OFFICES IN CANADA • UNITED STATES • UNITED KINGDOM • AUSTRALIA July 13, 1987 i 873-5064 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. FIELD INVESTIGATION 3 2.1 Drilling Program 3 2.2 Peat Probs 3 2.3 Geologic Mapping 4 2.4 Pile Installation and Extraction 4 2.5 Pile load Test Program 5 3. GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS 6 3.1 General 6 3.2 Plateau 6 3.2.1 Test Site GA-20 7 3.2.2 Test Site GA-40 7 3.2.3 Test Site GA-80 7 3.3 Uplands to Power House 8 4. RESULTS OF PILE DRIVING AND LOAD TESTING 9 4.1 Pile Driving 9 4.2 Uplift load Test Results 10 4.3 lateral Load Test Results 11 5. TOWER FOUNDATION AND ANCHOR SYSTEMS 12 5.1 Plateau 12 5.2 Fox River/Sheep Creek 12 5.3 Landslide 13 5.4 Uplands to Powerhouse Area 13 6. FOUNDATION AND ANCHOR DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 14 6.1 Plateau 14 6.2 Fox River/Sheep Creek Valley 17 6.3 Landslide Area 18 6.4 Uplands to Powerhouse 19 6.4.1 Rock Bolting Requirements 20 6.5 Factor of Safety 20 7. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING 21 8. USE AND WARRANTY OF REPORT 22 Golder Associates July 13, 1987 i i 873-5064 LIST OF TABLES 1. Summary of Pile Driving and Testing Golder Associates July 13, 1987 iii 873·5064 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Site Location Map 2. Field Exploration and Testing Location Map 3. Uplift Pile Load Tests -Test Site GA-20 4. Uplift Pile Load Tests · Test Site GA-40 5. Uplift Pile Load Tests -Test Site GA-80 6. Plot of Piles and Structural Interpretation-Headlands Area (Fox Farm to Powerhouse) 7. Summary Uplift Pile Load Tests Data 8. Recommended Design Criteria -Uplift Capacity H-Piles Plateau 9. Summary Lateral Pile load Tests 10. Recommended Design Criteria -lateral Capacity H-Piles Plateau 11. Typical Pile Foundation/Anchor System 12. Typical Soil Anchor Rock Bolt Foundation/Anchor System 13. Recommended Design Criteria for H-Piles in Fox River Valley Golder Associates July 13, 1987 iv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A. Field and Laboratory Data APPENDIX B. Pile Installation and Inspection APPENDIX C. Pile Load Test Setup APPENDIX D. Pile Load Test Results Golder Associates 873-5064 July 13, 1987 1 873-5064 1. INTRODUCTION The Bradley lake hydroelectric power project, under the overall management of the Alaska Power Authority, will produce 90 megawatts of power from a powerhouse located at the head of Kachemak Bay near Homer, Alaska. Golder Associates, under contract to Dryden & laRue Consulting Engineers, has conducted a two phase geologic and geotechnical investigation for the proposed Bradley lake transmission line. Phase I was completed in February·1986, and provided a detailed assessment of the geologic and geotechnical conditions impacting the selection of an appropriate transmission line route. The results of the Phase I investigation were presented in a report entitled "Geological and Geotechnical Site Investigation for the Bradley lake 115 kV Transmission line". Phase II, -which is summarized in this report, has included a field exploration and testing program to determine the constructibility and specific design criteria for the selected foundation systems. The combination of both Phase I and II provide a comprehensive evaluation of geological, hydrological and geotechnical conditions for the Bradley lake transmission line as well as expected construction constraints, and recommended foundation systems. Figure 1, shows the 20 mile long electrical power line which will connect the proposed Homer Electric-Soldotna transmission line wit~ the Bradley lake powerhouse. The Bradley lake transmission line route extends eastward from its future intersection with the Homer Electric-Soldotna line across a broad glaciated plateau which is part of the Caribou Hills upland. At the edge of the plateau the transmission line swings southeastward crossing Fox River/Sheep Creek and Sheep Creek traversing the low relief alluvial floodplain. On the south and east side of the Sheep Creek/Fox River lowland, the route traverses the foothills of the Kenai Mountains along the south side of Kachemak Bay until it intercepts the proposed powerhouse. Prior to the initiation of the Phase II investigation Dryden and laRue completed a study to determine the design criteria for the transmission line. The results are included in a report to the Alaska Power Authority entitled "Alaska Power Authority, Bradley lake 115 kV Transmission line, Basic Design Manual, February 1986". The study included a structure selection analysis which resulted in the steel X- Tower being selected. The steel X-Tower was designed to be installed on steel H-piles. In addition, steel H-piles would be used for anchors to support uplift loads. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 2 873-5064 The Phase II study consisted of a detailed field investigation including additional field mapping, borehole drilling and pile driving and testing. The primary purpose of the investigation was to ascertain the major soil and rock conditions as well as to determine the constructibility and design criteria for pile foundations and anchors. Specific objectives of the Phase II investigation are listed below: • Determination of subsurface stratigraphy at the pile load test locations and other locations along the transmission line route t Assessment of driveability of piles in glacial till and Kenai Group materials t Determination of uplift capacity for piles in the glacial till and Kenai Group materials t Determination of lateral capacity for piles in glacial till and Kenai Group materials Golder Associates July 13, 1987 3 873-5064 2. FIELD INVESTIGATION The Phase II field investigation was intended to supplement the existing information collected from previous studies and to investigate the specific stratigraphy at each test location. In addition, piles were driven to determine driving characteristics and tested to determine uplift and lateral capacities. Specific elements of the field investigation include t Drilling boreholes t Conducting peat probes t Geologic Mapping t Pile driving t Pile testing Each element of the field investigation is described in more detail below. 2.1 Drilling Program Our drilling program consisted of drilling, samp·l,ng and instrumenting a total of nine boreholes along the proposed transmission line route as shown in Figure 2. Six boreholes were drilled west of the Fox River Valley in the Plateau area using conventional auger drilling methods and Nodwell support vehicles. Three additional boreholes were drilled in the landslide Area, on the bluffs east of the Fox River Valley, using a combination of auger and rotary air drilling methods and helicopter support for the operation. The boreholes were drilled by Denali Drilling, Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska (subcontractors to Swalling Construction Company, Inc./Underwater Construction, Inc. joint venture). At the completion of each borehole, standpipe piezometers were installed, with the exception of Borehole GA-50, where a thermistor casing was installed. Further details of the explorations in each area are discussed in Appendix A, as are general procedures and instrumentation installation and monitoring details. The results of the drilling program are discussed in Section 3 and the borehole logs are presented in Appendix A. 2.2 Peat Probes A series of peat probes were completed along various portions of the proposed transmission line route using a Oakfield hand-operated solid flight auger and Chance Probe. locations of each probe and associated depths to the base of peat are shown on Figures A-12 through A-14, in Appendix A. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 4 873-5064 The purpose of each peat probe was to determine the depth and general spatial distr1i.i•ttion of fibrous peat deposits along the proposed route and in particular at or around each tower location. As shown on Figures A-12 through A-14, peat depths, in some cases, extended beyond 20 feet which exceeded the capacity of the probing device. 2.3 Geologic Maooing The regional geology of the project site has been discussed in detail in our Phase I report . In addition, the report generally characterized the geology of the project area based on the interpretation of aerial photographs and limited field mapping which was accomplished during the Phase I field study. Phase II field map·ping was conducted to provide additional ground truth confirmation of features identified during aerial photograph interpretations. In addition, field mapping was conducted in specific areas where unusual or difficult foundation conditions are expected or in areas where the proposed transmission line alignment has shifted from its original Phase I location. Field mapping was limited to the plateau area and the uplands area extending to the powerhouse. Field mapping along the forested section .of the route from the powerhouse to the landslide area west of GA-150 involved line surveys to collect structural geologic data and assist in determining unstable foundation conditions. Field mapping of the plateau area involved a tower by tower reconnaissance to confirm soil and foundation conditions. In the plateau area, the reconnaissance was restricted by a small number of outcrop exposures, and therefore, soil/rock foundation conditions have been estimated from a combination of field mapping, aerial photograph interpretation and drilling. The results of the field mapping are discussed in Section 3, and are presented on Figures A-~2 through A-14, in Appendix A. 2.4 Pile Installation and Extraction A total of sixteen test piles and sixteen reaction piles were installed at Test Sites GA-20, GA-40 and GA-80 during the period between March 19, 1987 and April 3, 1987. The test piles consisted of new H-piles (10- inch, 12-inch and 14-inch) and pipe pile (12-inch) sections that were driven to depths of 9 feet to 24 feet, as summarized in Table 1. All piles were driven with a Tramac BRH 750 hydraulic impact hammer with a rated energy of 3,000 ft/lbs per blow at a minimum frequency of 500 blows/minute. Predrilling (8-inch and 12 -inch) was required at some locations to extend the piles to their require depths. In addition, some piles were driven with protective pile tip. All piles were installed by Swalling Construction Company, Inc./Underwater Construction, Inc. joint venture of Anchorage, Alaska. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 5 873-5064 At the completion of the pile installation and load test program, a single pile at Test Site GA-80 was removed to inspect for any damage during driving. In addition, the weld on the pile section was removed and returned to Dryden & LaRue for further inspection and testing. Additional details regarding this installation of piles at each location are presented in Appendix B . . 2.5 Pile load Test Program lateral and uplift tests were performed on selected piles at Test Sites GA-20, GA-40 and GA-80, as indicated in Table 1. Both cyclical and quick uplift tests were performed in general accordance with the test methods outlined in ASTM 03689, Individual Piles Under Static Axial Tensile Load. The lateral tests were performed in general accordance with standard methods of testing outlined in ASTM 03966, Piles Under Lateral Loads. In addition to the tests performed in general accordance with ASTM methods, four additional simple uplift tests were performed on selected test piles and reaction piles after the completion of the initial phase of the test program. Throughout the testing, duplicate systems of data acquisition were maintained as checks on the accuracy of each, and as backup for the loss of any one system. Typically, two dial gauges were mounted on either side of the pile, along with two wireline systems. A third system, consisting of an engineer's level was also utilized to record displacements off of a scale mounted directly to the test pile. The engineer's level was also used to monitor movement in the reaction piles. The pile testing program was supervised by a geotechnical engineer who directed the testing and recorded the test data. Results of the pile load tests are discussed in Section 4. Further details of the test procedures, set-up and data are presented in Appendix C. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 6 873-5064 3. GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS 3.1 General The general geologic and hydrologic conditions along the proposed transmission line have been previously discussed in our Phase I report entitled "Geologic and Geotechnical Site Investigation for the Bradley Lake 115 kV Transmission line". A summary of these conditions along the plateau and the uplands areas extending to the powerhouse is presented below. With the exception of several shallow peat probes, no additional field work was performed in the Fox River/Sheep Creek area and, therefore, no further discussion of the geologic and hydrologic conditions in this area is provided. 3.2 Plateau The plateau area consists of a broad, rolling, swampy plateau which drains to the northwest into the headwaters of Sheep Creek ;nd to the south into the Fox River. Kenai group sediments, underlieJ,the entire plateau and are overlain by glacial till and peat. The geologic conditions along the proposed transmission line route are summarized on Figures A-12 through A-14, which are presented in Appendix A of this report. Glaciation has had a major influence on the present topography and subsurface soil conditions of the plateau area. A portion of the lower areas of the plateau are poorly drained resulting i n fibrous pelt d its whi c extend to depths in excess of twenty feet. The higher areas {maximum relief is approximately 200 feet) are typically well drained and support moderately dense stands of Sitka spruce and birch. The combination of geologic mapping and exploratory drilling along the proposed transmission line route indicates that the glacial till unit thins or is absent along the bluffs bordering the Fox River/Sheep Creek flood plain. The glacial till unit also appears to thin in those areas with the greatest relief. In general, the glacial till consists of a silty, sandy gravel with obse~ved boulders ranging up to a maximum dimension of ten feet. Interbedded layers of hard compact silt typically occur within the glacial till. Underlying the glacial till is the Tertiary Kenai Group consisting of gently dipping, poorly indurated, siltstones, sandstones, claystones, mudstones, coal and lignite. The Kenai Group generally forms the bluffs bordering the Fox River/Sheep Creek valley. Throughout the remainder of the plateau the Kenai Group generally has the thinnest mantle ·of glacial till along hill tops where the elevation is the greatest. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 7 873-5064 Most peat deposits have accumulated in poorly drained depressions left by glacial erosion or deposition activity, and in low gradient areas marginal to streams. These deposits contain abundant fibrous remains of mosses, reeds, sedges, grasses and other bog vegetation. The results of the peat probes conducted at all tower locations within or adjacent to peat areas are shown on Fi g e A-12 through A-14, in Appendix A. Groundwater conditions throughout the plateau area are controlled by the shape of the original topographic surface following deglaciation. A shallow water table is co~mon in peat areas, which are indicative of topographic depressions formed during the most recent glaciation. Shallow groundwater (less than 20 feet) was generally not en countered where the elevations were greatest. Groundwater conditions were estimated at each tower location based on visual inspection of the site, review of aerial photographs and correlation with boreholes and piezometric infor~~tion in the area. 3.2.1 Test Site GA-20 The stratigraphy at Test Site GA-20 consists of Glacial till overlying Kenai Group. The specific stratigraphy is shown on Figure 3. The water level measured in the piezometer at boring GA-20 indicated that the static water level is at approximately 30 feet below ground as measured in March, 1987. This is below the expec ted depth of any piles, and therefore a wet (unsubmerged) water condition was assumed. 3.2.2 Test Site GA-40 The stra~igraphy at Test Site GA-40 consists of Glacial till, to a depth of approximately 29 feet, overlying Kenai Group. The specific stratigraphy is shown on Figure 4. The water level measured in the piezometer at boring GA-40 indicated a static water level at approximately seven feet below ground surface as measured in March, 1987. This is within the depth of pile installation, therefore, it has been considered submerged for design considerations. 3.2.3 Test Site GA-80 The stratigraphy at Test Site GA-80 consists of Glacial till, to a depth of approximately 23 feet, overlying Kenai Group. The specific stratigraphy is shown on Figure 5. The water level measured in the piezometer at boring GA-80 indicated a static water l~vel at approximately five feet below ground surface as measured in March, 1987. This is within the depth of pile installation, therefore, i~ has been considered submerged for design considerations. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 8 873-5064 3.3 Uplands to Powerhouse The upland area is bordered on the north by the Fox River/Sheep Creek floodplain, and extends to the southwest to the proposed powerhouse. As shown on Fi~ures A-12 through A-14 and discussed in our Phase I report, this section of the proposed transmission line route includes McHugh Complex and Valdez Group rocks, generally southwest of the Bradley River and glacial till northeast of the Bradley River. A major landslide identified during our Phase I investigation is included in this segment of the transmission line. Bedrock exposed from the proposed powerhouse site to the Bradley River consists of graywacke, sandstone and siltstone, argillite, and bedded chert. Line surveys were completed along exposed outcrops and headland features where preliminary tower sites were located. The results of these line surveys indicate the McHugh Complex and Valdez Group rocks are generally medium strong to very strong rock (ISRM, 1981) with joint spacing approximately 2.5 feet. Figure 6, shows a stereonet plot of fractures, faults and joints which were mapped as part of the line survey. Random wedge and toppling failures have occurred along the headland bluffs and appear to be controlled primarily by mechanical weathering; i.e. Frost and root action. The portion of the uplands area extending from the Bradley River to the Fox River/Sheep Creek floodplain is characterized by glacial till consisting of silty, sandy gravel with boulders of McHugh Complex/Valdez Group rocks. A drilling program to determine soil/rock conditions, indicates that glacial till will form the foundation for most structures constructed in this section. Piezometers located within the section of the alignment indicated water levels at depths of 20 feet or greater. Since this is outside of the depth of expected foundation systems, wet (unsubmerged) conditions can be used for design purposes. - Golder Associates July 13, 1987 9 873-5064 4. RESULTS OF PILE DRIVING AND LOAD TESTING ·A total of 32 piles 'were driven at the three Test Sites, GA-20, GA-40 and GA-80, and 16 uplift pile load tests and two lateral pile load tests were conducted. A summary of the piles that were driven and the load · tests that were conducted are presented on Table 1. Listed below is a discussion of the results of the pile driving and pile load tests. 4.1 Pile Driving Prior to the start of this test program it was specified that piles be driven to their target depth, or to a refusal penetration rate of six minutes/foot. The refusal penetration rate was established to prevent potential damage to either the pile or the pile driving hammer. The < specific refusal criteria of six minutes/foot was based on experience ) with similar pile driving hammers. All of the piles driven at Test Site GA-40 and GA-80 achieved the ir ta rget depths prior to exceeding the refusal penetration criteria. Although the near surface stratigraphy at both Test Sites GA-40 and GA- 80 consists of Glacial till, with the groundwater table near the s urface, the specific materials at each site are different. Test~ Site GA-40 co nsists primarily of sandy silt, while at Test Site GA-80 it is primarily silty sandy gravel. Piles driven at these two sites included H-piles, (10-inch, 12-inch and 14-inch), and pipe piles (12-inch) with and without pile tips. The piles were driven to depths of between 9.5 to 24 feet. The specific driving records for each pile are shown in Figures 4 and 5, for Test Sites GA-40 and GA-80, respectively. The stratigraphy at Test Site GA-20 consisted of approximately seven feet of Glacial till overlying Kenai Group. The static groundwater table was at approximately 30 feet below ground surface. All the test piles were driven through the Glacial till but met the refusal criteria after penetrating only a couple of feet into the Kenai Group. After the initial piles indicated that penetration into the Kenai Group could not be achieved, a program of preaugering was implemented to determine if penetration into the Kenai could be achieved in a preaugered hole, and if additional penetration into the virgin Kenai material could be achieved with preaugering. The results of the preauger and subsequent pile driving are summarized on Figure 3. The results indicate that both H-piles (12-inch) and pipe piles (12-inch) can be driven through the Kenai Group in a preaugered hole as small as eight inches. However, additional penetration beyond the preaugered depth in the Kenai Group is limited to one to two feet. Summary plots of penetration rates are shown on Figure 3, 4 and 5 for all piles driven. Individual penetration records for each pile are presented in Appendix B. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 10 873-5064 Based on the pile driving conducted at the three Test Sites it is considered that H-piles up to 14-inches, and pipe piles up to 12-inch diameters can be driven through saturated Glacial till similar to that at tests sites GA-40 and GA-80 with a hydraulic impact hammer rated at 3000 ft-lbs, and operating at 450 blows per minute. However, neither H- piles (12-inch) or pipe piles (12-inch) can penetrating more than a couple of feet in the Kenai Group without preaugering. Both pipe piles (12-inch) and H-piles (12-inch) driven through a preaugered hole, as small as eight inch diameter, will penetrate both the glacial till and Kenai Group. 4.2 Uplift Load Test Results The measured ultimate uplift capacities from all of the uplift load tests are plotted· versus depth of the pile below the ground surface in Figure 7. Due to the limited data the results do not distinguish between pile section (either pipe piles or H-piles), or piles sizes (10- inch to 14-inch). Furthermore, no distinction has been made between piles driven in preauger or non-preauger holes. Inspection of the data indicates that there is no particular distinction between the data except as it relates to geologic materials and water conditions. Generally, piles in wet (unsubmerged) glacial till and Kenai Group have significantly higher uplift capacities than piles embedded only in saturated (submerged) glacial till. Our preliminary analyses presented in our Phase I report indicated that there would not be substantial difference in the ultimate capacity of piles embedded in either the glacial till or the Kenai Group, but there would be between piles embedded in wet (unsubmerged) conditions and piles in saturated (submerged) conditions. Therefore, we considered that a portion of the increase in uplift resistance is as a result of the wet (unsubmerged) versus saturated {submerged) conditions. Figure 7, shows the limits of the data for both submerged glacial till and wet (unsubmerged) Kenai Group. However, one data point does not fit within the general correlations shown. This anomalous result was recorded for test pile GA-80-1, which was installed adjacent to borehole GA-80. Given the proximity of the borehole and test pile, we suspect that the relatively low ultimate pile capacity measured at this location was related to disturbance of the soil caused by drilling the borehole. Ultimate pile capacities were determined from inspection of the individual load-deflection curves. Generally, the ultimate load was chosen as either the maximum test load if the deflections were less than 3/4-inch and there was no break in the load deflection curve, or at the intersection of two straight lines extending from the load deflection curve before and after the break in slope. Based on the test results presented in Figure 7 a series of design curves are presented in Figure 8. These curves should be used to estimate the required embedment for a given ultimate load. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 11 873-5064 4.3 Lateral Load Test Results The results of two lateral load tests are presented in Figure 9. The two tests were conducted at Test Site GA-80 and GA-40. A plot of ultimate lateral capacity versus depth of embedment is also presented in Figure 9. The ultimate lateral capacities were determined from the load deflection curves. Based on the relative insensitivity of the transmission line towers to lateral movement, an ultimate load was chosen as the load that resulted in approximately one inch of permanent set. Since only two tests were conducted there was insufficient data to develop a relationship between the ultimate lateral capacity and the depth of embedment. Therefore, we utilized an analytical model (Broms, 1964) for the prediction of ultimate capacity. Analyses were presented in our Phase I report which were based on parameters determined from laboratory tests, or assumed based on the field investigation data. Based on the results of the two field tests the input parameters were revised to produce results from the analytical media that would match the measured field data. The primary input parameter that was revised was the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction. The analysis ( considers the lateral capacity of piles to be similar for H-piles · embedded in either glacial till or Kenai Group. Values of the ultimate lateral capacity for both 10-inch and 12-inch piles for various lengths of reveal are shown in Figure 10. It is considered that these curves will be used to determine ultimate capacities for given water conditions, depths of embedments, piles sections and heights of reveal. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 12 873-5064 5. TOWER FOUNDATION AND ANCHOR SYSTEMS Based on the results of the piles driving test program and discussions with the transmission line designers it is our understanding that three foundation and anchor systems have been selected for the Bradley Lake transmission line. The three foundation and anchor systems are listed below: FOUNDATION SYSTEMS 1 Driven H-piles 1 Grouted soil anchors 1 Grouted rock anchors ANCHOR SYSTEMS 1 Driven H-piles 1 Grouted soil anchors 1 Grouted rock anchors The selection of the three foundation and anchor systems listed above was based on consideration of the various soil types along the alignment and also the accessibility of the r.equired equipment to install the foundation and anchor system. It is considered that track mounted equipment will be required along the plateau and in the Fox River/Sheep Creek Valley, and helicopter portable equipment within the landslide and uplands areas. 5.1 Plateau It is expected that either single or multiple H-pile installations will be suitable for the support of the towers and/or anchors along the plateau area. Piles are expected to consist of either ten-inch or 12- inch sections. It is expected that all piles will be driven vertical for both foundations and anchors. In areas where the Kenai Group is at or near the surface, and piles are unable to reach their minimum embedment depths, preaugering will be required. A typical foundation pile and anchor system is shown in Figure 11. 5.2 Fox River/Sheep Creek Within the Fox River/Sheep Creek it is also expected that driven H-piles will be used to support the transmission line towers and anchors. Due to the loose nature of the deposits within the Fox River/Sheep Creek valley, more than one pile may be required to resist either the uplift, bearing or lateral loads. Therefore, battered piles may be used to form a pile cluster. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 13 873-5064 5.3 landslide Even though the subsurface materials along the landslide are -similar to the materials along the plateau, due to the equipment access constraints, driven piles for foundations or anchors are not an acceptable system. Therefore, it is propo anchors will be used to secure a base plat~ Soils anchors will also be used to resist • expected that the soil anchors for the foui t vertically and that the soil anchors for g1 . 1 1 ine with the guy wire. · I· The horizontal load acting on the base pla1 base friction, and passive pressure of the typical soil anchor foundation and guy wire Figure 12. 5.4 Uplands to Powerhouse Area Within the uplands area extending to the powerhouse the towers will be located primarily on rock nabs or headlands at the base of the slope. These rock nabs consist primarily of graywacke, sandstone and siltstone, argillite and bedded chert. The foundation and anchor systems is expected to consist of a combination of rock bolts and a base plate. The construction will be very similar to that described above for so11 anchors and is shown on Figure 12. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 14 873-5064 6. FOUNDATION AND ANCHOR DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Design recommendations for each of the foundation/anchor systems presented in Section 5 are presented below. The recommendations are presented for each of the main segments of the alignment that are listed below: 1 Plateau 1 Fox River/Sheep Creek Valley 1 landslide 1 Uplands to Powerhouse In addition, generalized recommendations are provided for all foundations and anchors. 6.1 Plateau It is expected that the foundation and anchor systems along the plateau will consist of driven H-piles. Piles will be either HP 10x57 or HP 12x53 sections. Based on our experience during the test driving program, pile tips are not recommended for any of the pile installations. Piles should be driven utilizing a hydraulic impact hammer having a minimum hammer energy (manufacture's rated energy} of 3,000 ft-lbs per blow, at a minimum rate of 450 blows per minute. It was our experience that the hammer could not be operated at the full throttle setting for shallow embedment depths without bouncing excessively on the drive cap. In an effort to reduce the bouncing, we installed an additional 1,000 lbs. to 2,000 lbs. of dead weight on the hammer; however, we were still unable to achieve full frequency at all penetration depths. Therefore, performance of the hammer should be monitored during driving to confirm that the hammer is operating at full capacity for a minimum of the last one foot of driving. It is recommended by the manufacturer that the pressure at the hammer be monitored during driving. Piles should be driven to their design depths or to a refusal penetration rate of six minutes per foot. All piles should be driven to a minimum of ten feet of effective embedment in order to be an acceptable pile. The top one, to one and a half feet of material at most of the sites investigated consisted of peat or organic rich soil. Therefore, it is recommended that the top one and one half feet of material be ignored when calculating the required depth of effective embedment. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 15 873-5064 The piles should be driven to plumb within one quarter inch per foot, and they should be placed within one and one half inches of the planned location. Although no pile heaved during the test program, heave should be monitored for piles spaced closed than three feet. If heave of adjacent piles occurs during driving, piles that heave more than one quarter inch must be redriven to the original penetration rate (measured in seconds/foot). The tower foundations will be subjected to uplift, bearing and lateral loads, while anchors will be subjected to only uplift and lateral loads. It is expected that the bearing loads will not dictate the design embedment, but rather it will be dictated by the uplift or lateral loading condition. Figure 8, presents the recommended depths of embedment for a given ultimate uplift capacity for various materials and groundwater conditions. Figure 8, should be used to determine the required embedments depths to resist uplift loads. Figure 10, presents the recommended embedment depths to resist the ultimate lateral loadings for various pile sections, water conditions, and unsupported lengths. Although it is not expected to dictate the design, it is recommended that the criteria presented in our Phase I report regarding minimum depths of embedment to resist the bearing loads be checked. It is expected that some piles will exceed the refusal penetration rate prior to achieving the required depth of embedment. If this occurs two cases are considered which are described below: CASE 1 If pile meets refusal (penetration rate is greater than six minutes per foot), but has achieved a penetration of at least ten feet, then one of two options are available. Depending on whether the uplift or lateral capacity dictated the design embedment a quick proof test could be conducted in the field to verify that the pile has sufficient capacity in either uplift or lateral loading. Alternatively, a second pile could be driven adjacent to the first pile, and the two bolted together. It is expected that a quick proof test for uplift capacity could be conducted in the field. However, a quick proof test for lateral capacity is not expected to be as simple and it may be easier and more cost effective to drive a second pile adjacent to the first. The lateral capacity of two piles bolted together is considered to have two times the capacity of a single pile for the same depth of embedment provided the alignment of the two piles is such that a line connecting the two piles is perpendicular to the line of loading. However, due to the reduced surface area in contact with the surrounding soil the uplift capacity for two piles bolted together is only 1.5 that for a single pile. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 16 873-5064 CASE 2 If the pile meets refusal (penetration rate greater than six minutes per foot) at depths less than ten feet, the pile is not acceptable. The pile should be abandoned and the foundation location should be moved a minimum of four feet away. A hole should be preaugered to a minimum depth of ten feet, and a new pile should be driven. The preaugered hole should have a diameter four inches smaller than the largest dimension of the pile. Any voids remaining around the pile after driving should be backfilled with the cuttings and compacted. The first pile installation at each tower site to require preaugering should be proof tested for uplift capacity. If it is expected that the Kenai Group is at or very close to the surface, then preaugering could be specified prior to driving piles at the site. The preaugered hole should have a diameter four inches smaller than the largest dimension of the pile, and should extend to a minimum of ten feet below ground surface. In addition, the first installation at each tower location should be proof tested for uplift capacity. Proof tests of piles should consist of loading the pile to 100 percent of the design load and monitor deflections. The load should be applied in six increments and the final load held for five minutes. If total movements of over one inch are recorded then the pile should be considered unacceptable. Piles that deflect less than one inch, can be accepted. However, if deflections greater than one quarter inch are recorded the piles should be redriven to at or below the original embedment depth. If a foundation or anchor pile is located within a peat deposit the embedment depth within the peat should be ignored in determining either the uplift or lateral capacity. It is recommended that a peat probe be conducted at each pile installation that will be located within mapped peat deposits to determine the exact peat depth. It is expected that multiple pile installations will be required in deep peat areas. Furthermore, no aerial fills should be placed around the piles which might cause consolidation of the peat and substantial downdrag loadings on the piles. Recommendations regarding the potential for frost jacking of piles located within the plateau area are contained in our Phase I report. In addition, the results of analyses on the depth of frost penetration for various surface coverings are also presented. It is our understanding that the piles will not necessarily be designed to resist frost jacking forces, but that an effort will be made to place an insulating material around the piles to limit the depth of frost penetration. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 17 6.2 Fox River/Sheep Creek Valley It is expected that driven H-piles will anchor systems within the Fox River/Sheei tests were conducted within the Fox Rivei investigation, the recommendations conta· should be utilized for design of foundat· 873-5064 nd o field ing this rt The required depths of embedment for pilE ~ral and bearing loads, are shown on Figure 13. 1 _./ ! piles will be driven with the same hydraulic in \r._ tf · · ~ used to drive piles on the plateau. Due to th ~'x -tis type of hammer and the saturated conditions ex 'Sheep . ..) Creek Va 11 ey it is expected that the pile ·ab 1 e depths. Furthermore, it is our understan · s with the transmission line designer, that the will dictate the design embedments in the Fox 1 • Therefore, it is recommended that piles 01 . ths determined from Figure 13, regardless of tne penetration rate. The first pile at each tower site should then be left for a minimum of 24 hours, and tested to 100 percent of the ultimate load. The load should be applied in six increments and held for five minutes at the maximum load. The deflections should be recorded at each load interval and after every minute during the five minute holding period. If movements of over an one inch are recorded then an additional section of piles should be welded on and driven. The pile should again be left for 24 hours and tested. Piles that deflect more than one quarter inch, but less than one inch, can be accepted provided that they are redriven to at or below the original embedment depth. The first pile driven at each site within the Fox River/Sheep Creek Valley should be tested to verify it's capacity. Based on the results of the test on the first pile, the depths of embedment for the remaining piles at each tower location may have to be modified. Piles located within peat deposits in the Fox River/Sheep Creek Valley should be treated in the same way as peat deposits on the plateau. Any embedment depth in peat should be ignored as it relates to uplift, bearing or lateral capacity. Recommendations were provided in our Phase I report regarding scour depths for piles located adjacent to either the Fox River or Sheep Creek. These should be considered when selecting effective embedment depths. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 18 873-5064 6.3 Landslide Area It is our understanding that soil anchors with a prefabricated base plate will be used for both the tower foundations and guy wire anchors. Uplift loads will be resisted by the soil anchors, and bearing loads will be resisted by the base plate bearing on the native ground. Lateral loads are expected to be resisted by the sliding friction along the base, and passive pressures against the base plate. All loose and organic soils should be removed beneath the base plate. It is considered that base plates should be embedded a minimum of one foot, but not deeper than three feet. The maximum three foot criteria is considered to be a practical 'onstraint on the depth of a hand excavated pit. The base of the excavation should be compacted prior to placing the base plate. The base plates should be sized for an allowable bearing pressure of 5000 lbs. per square foot if very dense glacial till is exposed beneath the base plate and 2500 lbs. per square foot of compact gravelly silts are exposed. Base plates should have a minimum size of two feet square. Due to a variety of equipment and installation techniques available for anchors, the anchor design prepared during the design phase may not be applicable for every contractor, therefore, it is expected that the contractor will supply a design for the anchors which is consistent with the type of equipment that they will be using. The design loads should be specified by the designer and the anchor should be designed for a factor of safety of 2.0. The anchors should be designed with a minimum bonded length of ten feet. A corrosion protection system must be included in the design and construction of the tieback. As a minimum, it should include the complete encapsulation of the anchor in a cement grout. The anchors should not be pre-stressed; however, a minimum lock- off load of 500 lbs. is recommended. The contractor's design for the soil anchors should be submitted to the engineer for review and approval prior to construction. The design should include the following: 1 Complete design drawings and construction specifications. • Selected installation method • Selected anchor length 1 Proposed corrosion protection system • Guarantee of the tieback capacity 1 Methods for obtaining the required bonded length • Proposed proof testing method It is recommended that as a minimum the first three anchors installed be proof tested, and then two anchors at each tower location thereafter. In addition, an allowance should be made to proof test any anchors that may appear to be suspect during construction. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 19 873-5064 The proof tests should consist of loading the anchors to two times the design loads in six increments and held for five minutes at the final load. Deflections of the anchors should be measured at each load increment, and after each minute during the hold period. The deflection during the five minute hold period should not exceed 0.1 inches. To resist lateral loads, a passive earth pressure of 200 lbs. per cubic foot equivalent fluid pressure, and a base friction value of 0.4 may be assumed. The top 12 inches should be ignored when calculating passive pressures. 6.4 Uplands to Power House It is our understanding that a system of a base plate and rock bolts similar to that used in the landslide area will be used to support tower and guy wire anchors in the uplands area extending to the power house. Due to a variety of equipment and installation techniques available for anchors, the anchor design prepared during the design phase may not be applicable for every contractor. Therefore,it is expected that the contractor will supply a design for the anchors which is consistent with the type of equipment that they will be using. The design loads should be specified by the designer and the anchor should be designed for a factor of safety of 2.0. The anchors should be designed with a minimum bonded length of ten feet. A corrosion protection system must be included in the design and construction of the tieback. As a minimum, it should include the complete encapsulation of the anchor in a cement grout. The anchors should not be pre-stressed; however, a minimum lock- off load of 500 lbs. is recommended The contractor's design for the soils anchors should be submitted to the engineer for review and approval-pr;or to construction. The design should include the following: t Complete design drawings and construction specifications t Selected installation method t Selected anchor length t Proposed corrosion protection system t Guarantee of the tieback capacity t Obtain the required bonded length t Proposed proof testing method It is recommended that as a minimum the first three anchors installed be proof tested, and then two anchors at each tower location thereafter. In addition, an allowance should be made to proof test any anchors that may appear to be suspect during construction. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 20 873-5064 The proof tests should consist of loading the anchors to 2.0 times the design loads in six increments and held for five minutes at the final load. Deflections of the anchors should be measured a each increment, and after each minute during the hold period. The deflection during the five minute hold period should not exceed 0.1 inches. It is our understanding that a series of steel dowels embedded in the rock will be used to resist the lateral loads. 6.4.1 Rock Reinforcement Requirements Random wedge and toppling failures have occurred along the headland bluffs extending from the proposed powerhouse to the Bradley River. These failures are generally controlled by mechanical weathering; i.e. ice wedges and organic root action. Based on the presence of these random failures, each tower site located along the headland bluff should be inspected prior to construction to determine the presence of any potential instability. In areas where instability exists, rock bolting of the unstable mass may prove to be an acceptable stabilization technique. It is recommended that all bolting be completed prior to installation of towers, or tower foundation/anchors. Rock reinforcement through bolting is intended to prevent failure along discontinuities. The rock bolt should be designed to be ductile enough to absorb unavoidable movements without failure. Guidelines for anchorage selection indicate that in general, cement or epoxy are effective over a range of rock strengths. Based on the strength of the rock exposed along the headland bluffs, a cement or epoxy grouted bolt is preferable over a conventional expansion anchor. Rock bolts for reinforcement should be pre-stress to a nominal load of 15 kips. In addition, rock bolt design should incorporate a corrosion protection system. 6.5 Factors of Safety All capacities shown on Figures 7 through 13 are ultimate capacities and should only be used for loading conditions that already have an appropriate safety factor built into them. It is recommended that all static (working) loading conditions incorporate a factor of safety of 2.0. Transient loading conditions should incorporate a factor of safety of 1.5 for loads that could be maintained on the line for periods on the order of days, and will not drop off with the initiation of movement. However, very short term loads associated with wind gusts that will only be acting on the order of minutes and will be reduced if movement initiates can be designed for factors of safety of 1.1. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 21 873-5064 7. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING Since the performance of piles, soil anchors and rock bolts is dependent on the use of proper equipment, methods and techniques, in order to achieve a foundation/anchor that will perform as designed for the life of the structure, construction observation and testing is required. The primary responsibility of the inspector is to document that the foundations/anchors are installed according to the plans and specifications, and that due concern is given to unexpected conditions revealed during construction. Observation and testing of pile installations are generally limited to maintaining a complete record of the installation to assure that the piles are installed according to the plans and specifications and, failing the achievement of design embedments, acceptance testing of the piles. A complete record of the pile installation includes a wide array of information, including but not limited to such things as type of equipment, hours of operation, stops and starts, splices, unusual or unexpected conditions, accuracy of location, plumbness,a complete record of the penetration rate from the ground surface to final embedment, hydraulic system pressures and corresponding throttle setting of the hydraulic hammer and depth of pile driven. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 22 873-5064 8. USE AND WARRANTY OF REPORT This report has been prepared exclusively for the use of Dryden & LaRue Consulting Engineers. If there are any changes in the nature, design or location of the facilities, we should be notified so that we may review our conclusions and recommendations in light of the proposed changes and provide a written modification or verification of the changes. Within the limitations of the schedule and budget for the work we warrant that our work has been performed in accordance with generally accepted practice in this area. No other expressed or implied warranty is made. There are possible variations in subsurface conditions between the explorations and also with time; hence, a contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in the budget and schedule. Inspection and testing by a qualified geotechnical engineer should be included during construction to provide corrective recommendations adapted to the conditions revealed during the work. Sincerely, GOLDER ASSOCIATES Jim~~ Patrick Corser Associ at L ~r"""a"2;'u's_e,_ f' 1 Associate PGC/AK/le/084 Golder Associates TABLES Golder Associates TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF PILE DRIVING AND TESTING TEST PILE PILE DATE TIP PREDRill TEST DATE SITE NO. SECTION DRIVEN DEPTH PERFORMED TESTED GA-20 GA-20-1 HP10X57 3-31-87 13 10 QUICK 4-3-87 GA-20-2 12"PIPE 4-2-87 15.2 15 QUICK 4-4-87 GA-20-3 HP12X53 4-2-87 10 10 QUICK 4-4-87 GA-20-4 HP12X53 3-29-87 9 N/A SIMPLE 4-24-87 GA-20-5 12"PIPE 4-2-87 14.5 14.5 QUICK 4-4-87 GA-20-R1 HP12X53 3-31-87 8.5 GA-20-R2a HP12X53 3-31-87 10 SIMPLE 4-24-87 GA-20-R2b HP12X53 3-31-87 9 SIMPLE 4-24-87 GA-20-R3 HP12X53 4-1-87 8.5 GA-20-R4 HP12X53 3-31-87 9.75 GA-40 GA-40-1 HP12X53 3-26-87 12 N/A LATERAL 3-31-87 GA-40-2 HP12X53 3-26-87 20 N/A QUICK 3-31-87 GA-40-3 HP12X53 3-26-87 12 N/A CYCLICAL 3-30-87 GA-40-4 HP10X57 3-27-87 10 N/A QUICK 3-29-87 GA-40-5 HP12X53 4-3-87 14 14 SIMPLE 4-24-87 GA-40-R1 HP12X78 3-26-87 10 GA-40-R2 HP12X78 3-26-87 GA-40-R3 HP12X78 3-26-87 9.6 GA-40-R4 HP12X53 3-26-87 GA-40-R5 HP12X78 3-27-87 10.5 GA-40-R6 HP12X78 3-27-87 8.75 GA-80 GA-80-1 HP12X53 3-19-87 17.5 N/A CYCLICAL 3-24-87 GA-80-2 HP12X53 3-20-87 24 N/A QUICK 3-25-87 GA-80-3 HP14X73 3-20-87 22 N/A QUICK 3-27-87 GA-80-4 HP12X53 3-22-87 10 N/A N/A N/A GA-80-5 12"PIPE 3-21-87 18 N/A N/A N/A GA-80-6 HP10X57 3-21-87 16.5 N/A LATERAL 3-26-87 GA-80-1RW HP12X78 3-19-87 13.75 GA-80-1REa HP12X78 3-21-87 9.5 GA-80-1REb HP12X53 3-21-87 9.5 GA-80-3REa HP12X78 3-22-87 9.5 GA-80-3REb HP12X78 3-22-87 9.5 Golder Associates FIGURES Golder Associates ALASKA - PAOJ£CT NO 87 J-5064 0WG NO 2390 DAT E 7-13-87 ~AWN CB •PPIIO\IEO PC ~ N 0 5 Miles FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATION MAP BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates z ...... ~ z 0 ...... 1-u LJ.J --' Ll.. LJ.J Cl ~ z z 0 ...... 1-u LJ.J --' Ll.. LJ.J Cl Summary of Pile Installations TEST SITE PILE NO. PILE SECTION DATE DRIVEN TIP DEPTH ( FT) PREAUGER - GA-20 GA-20-1 HP 3-31-87 13 10 GA-20-2 12" Pipe 4-2-87 15.2 15 GA-20-3 HP 12X53 4-2-87 10 10 GA-20-4 HP 12X53 3-29-87 9 GA-20-5 12" Pipe 4-2-87 14.5 14.5 GA-20-R1 HP 12X53 3-31-87 8.5 GA-20-R2a HP 12X53 3-31-87 10 GA-20-R2b HP 12X53 3-31-87 7 GA-20-R3 HP 12X53 4-1-87 8.5 GA-20-R4 HP 12X53 3-31-87 9. 75 Uplift Load Test Data Summary TEST PERFORMED -- Quick Quick Quick Simple Quick Simple Simple DATE TESTED 4-3-87 4-4-87 4-4-87 4-24-87 4-4-87 --- 4-24-87 4-24-87 Generalized Site Plan GA-20-Rl I GA-20-1 I GA-20-R3I GA-20-2 0 GA-20-5 0 GA-20-3 I Generalized Soli Profile ·(GA-20) Penetration Rates and Blow t GA-20-R2a GA-20-R2b I GA020-4 IGA-20-R4 Not to scale Counts DEPTH DEPTH ---o BLOW COUNTS (BLOWS/FT) QUICK UPLIFT LOAD TESTS 2.0To;~~~~~~-------~--------------(FT) (FT) 0.0 6" to 12" organic mat at ~ 0 --·----- l L5--l 1:o o: 5 o:o 6 20 40 60 80 100 LOAD (LBS) (THOUSANDS) 1.51 SIMPLE UPLIFT LOAD TESTS l.Oj 0.5 +-+ +--------+----+ . +"~' i §i :±-+ ;§2:£ jr;;-=:=t#l • 1 t~fx · 0.0-¥ I I 0 20 40 60 80 100 LOAD (LBS) (Thousands) LOAD TEST DATA SUMMARY LEGEND 0 GA-20-1 + GA-20-R2a 0 GA-20-2 • GA-20-4 1:!> GA-20-3 X GA-20-R2b \l GA-20-5 1.5 z ...... ~ z 0 ;::::: 1. 0 u LJ.J --' Ll.. LJ.J Cl -0.5 100 ~ C/) a:> --' ~ ~ Vl Cl z c( C/) :::> 0 :I: !::: 50 Cl c( 0 --' ---7.0 ground surface, fibrous Stiff to very stiff, olive SILT (ML) little to some f sand Hard, gray SILT (ML) (Kenai Group) closely spaced conical fractures throughout sample with thin· oxidation coatings to stains on fracture surfaces ~6-:-0 t H-;rd,-t;-n-t-;;-brow;,-~a-:;;dy 5 " --t- f---1----10 fl I 15 SILT (ML) (Kenai Group) . 20 40 60 80 I l Jclosely spaced conical IIIII Kenal LlJ I 20 TIME (MIN) fracture~ thro~ghout sample w1th th1n . -oxidation coatings to :-?i 21.0 1 stains on fracture 1 :?.: ~rfa~~------' :':;:: Ver-:t dense, brown, f SAND}~) ( SP) (Kenai Group) -~;.~;: · Wt "<!---+---25 27-:-oTvery-d~~.-d;rk 9ray_f_ ;~m SAND (SP to SP-SM) with .:::;:;. interbedded 1 ayers of :.':i; hard silt to 4" thick ~~::( 30.51 E.O.H. @ 30.5 1 ... .:. -·- I w * 30 NOTES: (1) Blow counts by SPT. o a 1 1 ~9 ... rv 1 F! ·'0 ('} r (2) Final penetration rates are at full throttle. All other rates may not be at full throttle 20 40 60 80 100 (See Appendix B). TIME (MIN) - ·-- 0 o,.. ..... ..... h ' ' ~~v ' ..... lM~~ ' ........ \X X~ ..... ~ ~<>"-::: ' " o-o X '-, x- !'-... \ \ 'I\ "' v--::;-.._ /z ' z· '\7 • ---~ I "· "--............. ................ / ~· / ,......_ ,, -420 -720 -720 / -452 / !p/ ........ ........ ............. !'-,......_ ,......_ ........ ..... J I . I PENETRATION RATE LEGEND o GA20-R2A o GA20-R2B I II' D. GA20-4 X GA20-R4 0 GA20-R3 + GA20-R1 v GA20-2 Preauger 10'(12")&5 1 (8") • GAI0-1 ,,, •• , •• 10'112") I * GA20-3 Preauger 10 1 8") • GA20-5 1 Preauger 1r (8") 100 200 300 400 PENETRATION RATE (SEC/FT) FIGURE 3 UPLIFT PILE LOAD TESTS TEST SITE GA-20 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT NO 873-5064 DWG NO 2343 DATE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APPROVED PC Golder Associates Summary of Pile Installations TEST SITE PILE NO. PILE SECTION GA-40 GA-40-1 HP 12X53 GA-40-2 HP 12X53 GA-40-3 HP 12X53 GA-40-4 HP 10X57 GA-40-5 HP 12X53 GA-40-R1 HP 12X78 GA-40-R2 HP 12X78 GA-40-R3 HP 12X78 GA-40-R4 HP 12X53 GA-40-R5 HP 12X78 GA-40-R6 HP 12X78 DATE DRIVEN TIP DEPTH { FT) 3-26-87 12 3-26-87 20 3-26-87 12 3-27-87 10 4-3-87 14 3-26-87 10 3-26-87 3-26-87 9.6 3-26-87 3-27-87 10.5 3-27-87 8.75 PREAUGER N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 TEST PERFORMED DATE TESTED Lateral Quick Cyclical Quick Simple 3-31-87 3-31-87 3-30-87 3-29-87 4-24-87 Uplift Load Test Data Summary Generalized Soil Profile (GA-40) DEPTH {FT) 3.0-r-------------~------------~ 0.0 Soft to firm, dark brown ORGANIC SILT {OL) trace ~2.0 :z 0 ....... 1-u i..U -' LL. ~1.0J.~ ~2.0 :z 0 f' o.o~o~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ '-"-! 1 0 I I I I 20 40 60 80 400 LOAD (LBS) (Thousands) ~ ~ LOAD TEST DATA SUMMARY LEGEND c ro ~ ~ 0 GA-40-2 (Quick Uplift) 0 ~ I-0 GA-40-3 (Cyclical Uplift) .__. GA-40-4 (Quick Uplift) .--. 50 6 ~ ~ Q GA-40-5 {Simple Uplift) -' 0 ~ 0 -' 200 400 TIME (MIN) PROJECT NO 87 3-506 4 OWG NO 2344 DATE 7-13-87 DRAWNCB APPROVED PC to little fibrous organics and roots 1-6-:5 r----------- Compact, dark gray, sandy SILT (ML) trace gravel and cobbles 15:"5 ----------- Dense, dark gray, sandy SILT (ML) trace to little gravel and cobbles. 14.0------------Dense, dark gray, sandy SILT (ML) trace to little angular gravel cobble layer at 20.0' -------------Y1~ 21.0 Compact, dark gray, sandy ~s GRAVEL {GP to GP-GM) ~ subangular qravel '!~ 0:.· '26.o ---'--_.,___------Dense, brown, sandy SILT (ML) increasing sand content at 29' --. ------------29.5 Dense, dark gray, SILT (ML) (Kenai Group) 31.5. E.O.H. @ 31.5' \\ /_)(\~I \\ ~ \1 r \ ll \ ... ~«\ ( i ~,.. .... ~ / ,-·-.. '-~ ~--.! f .r~ ! Till -r- KE t ·e at rates e Generalized Site Plan GA-40-R :I GA-40-4 I GA-40-R6 J: Not to scale :I GA-40-2 I GA-40-R4 I GA-40-3 I GA-40-Rl :I GA-40-R2 GA-40-1 I I GA-40-5 I GA-40-R3 Penetration Rates and Blow Counts DEPTH --o BLOW COUNTS(BLOWS/FT) (FT)o 20 40 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 80 " " 0 0 " o'-..... ·"- 0 / ox/ 0 / l / I / I " '\. '\. ' D.........._ PENETRATION RATE LEGEND ........... ........... X GM0-1 + GA40-R1 0 GM0-2 v GA40-R3 0 GA40-3 z GA40-R5 6 GM0-4 • GA40-R6 .., ~A40-5 1 (Preauger 14'(8") 100 200 300 PENETRATION RATE (SEC/FT) 400 FIGURE 4 UPLIFT PILE LOAD TESTS TEST SITE GA-40 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates i- 1 Summary of Pile Installations Generalized Site Plan TEST SITE PILE NO. PILE SECTION DATE DRIVEN TIP DEPTH ( FT) PREAUGER TEST PERFORMED DATE TESTED GA-80-lRrJI GA-80-1 ][GA-80-lREa I :CGA-80-lREb 4 Borehole GA-80 GA-80 GA-80-1 I'IP 12X53 3-19-87 17.4 N/A Cyclical GA-80-2 HP 12X53 3-20-87 24 N/A Quick GA-80-3 HP 14X73 3-20-87 22 N/A Quick GA-80-4 HP 12X53 3-22-87 10 N/A N/A GA-80-5 12" Pipe 3-21-87 18 N/A N/A .GA-80-6 HP 10X57 3-21-87 16.5 N/A Lateral GA-80-1RW HP 12X78 3-19-87 13.75 GA-80-1REa HP 12X78 3-21-87 9.5 . ------- GA-80-1REb HP 12X53 3-21-87 9.5 GA-80-3REa HP 12X78 3-22-87 9.5 GA-80-3REb HP 12X78 3-22-87 9.5 Uplift Load Test Data Summary- 2.0-.------__:___--~----, z: 1.5 .:::. 1. 5 z: z: Cl ;::: 1. 0 '-' w _, 1.1-w Cl 0. 5r ==kP -=& m=-===J '0 -;&b o.o~~J 1 1 1JP 1 1 1 1 I I I I 400 TIME (MIN) 0 20 40 60 LOAD (LBS) (Thousands) LOAD TEST DATA SUMMARY LEGEND 0 GA-80-1 o GA-80-2 6 GA-80-3 80 100 ~ V'i Cl z: c:( V'i :::> 0 :I: 1- ~ V'i co _, ~ Cl c:( Cl _, 200 600 100 50 0 ~ Qo I 0 b t;jlO Q I I I I ggg I I 400 TIME (MIN) 600 0 200 800 PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 DWG NO 2345 DATE 7-13-87 DAAWNCB APPROVED PC 3-24-87 3-25-87 3-27-87 N/A GA-80-2 I N/A 3-26-87 GA-80-5 Q Not to scale H GA-80-3 }.. GA-80-6 / GA-80-3REa ~ GA-80-3REb ..( GA-80-4 Generalized Soli Profile (GA-80) Penetration Rates and Blow Counts DEPTH DEPTH ---0 BLOW COUNTS {BLOWS/FT) (FT) (FT) 0 20 40 60 80 0.0 0 ~ r=--t--s ~?>"& .L = I I I 1-_ b~l~e~ at 2_1~1 -_ _ _ Till 13.0-rvery dense, dark gray, silty sandy GRAVEL (GM) -15 ·~1 ~1 ~ 1 ,0 I ,m-=~ =T ~-·Ex ! v~<fztpt+~x t '-;oC "(413 '23:" otD;;;s-;, da-;:-k ~ray~ ~ndy­ SILT (ML) little to some grave 1 0 I 25~~----~------~----~t------1 Kenai I I ~ I E 30. 5 E. 0. H. @ 30. 5 I I NOTES: (1) Blow counts by SPT. (2) Final penetration rates are at full throttle. All other rates may not be at full throttle (See Appendix B). 0 PENETRATION RATE LEGEND "' 0 ~8~1 0 ~8~2 6 ~8~3 X ~8~4 0 ~8~5 + ~8~6 z GA80-1RW v GA80-1REa • GA80-1REb * GA80-3REa + GA80-3REb ""'-,150/6" 100 200 300 400 PENETRATION RATE (SEC/FT) FIGURE 5 UPLIFT PILE LOAD TESTS TEST SITE GA-80 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates Traverse #1 -Headlands (Fox Farm) Great circles representing plane corresponding to center of pole concentration N (L.H.) Traverse #4 Vertical Face NllW N (L.H.) • Points on face at N30E X Points on face at N11W PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 DWG NO 2519 DATE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APPROVED PC Face Face Potential direction of movement Great circles Traverse # 2 (Fox Farm) N (L.H.) Traverse # 5 Vertical Face Sl3E N (L.H.) Vertical Face S48E Vertical Face S65E Potential fanure direction • X 6:. "'---\~~ \ L/" Points on face at S65E Points on face at S18E Points on face at Sl3E "'-Great circles Potential direction of sliding Traverse #3 N (L.H.) No face orientation given /4. \ "' Great circles Notes: (1) Traverses extend from the Fox Farm southwest to the proposed powerhouse. (2) Poles are plotted on an equatorial equal area stereonet, lower hemisphere. (3) Traverse lines are shown on Figures A-12, 13 .and 14. FIGURE 6 PLOT OF POLES AND STRUCTURAL INTERPRETATION HEADLANDS AREA (FOX FARM TO POWERHOUSE) BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates (,/) c.. -:><: >-1--u <C 0.. <C u 1.1.1 1- ~ 1- ....J :::> 150 125 100 75 50 25 NOTES: (1) Includes 10-inch, 12-inch and 14-inch H-Piles. (2) Includes 12-inch Pipe Piles. (3) Includes pre-drilled and non-predrilled holes. (4) Soil disturbed due to adjacent borehole. .c,.?{4) 0-+----------~----------~----------~----------~----------~--- 0 5 10 15 DEPTH BELOW GROUND (FT) • GA20 Wet Unsubmerged (Kenai and till) 0 GA40 Submerged (glacial till -fine grain) .6. GA80 Submerged (glacial till -coarse grain) 20 25 FIGURE 7 SUMMARY UPLIFT PILES LOAD TEST DATA BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE PROJEC' NO 87 3-5064 DWG NO 2361 DATE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB •PAACNED PC Golder Associates 150 125 100 V> Q.. -"' >-t--u -Q.. < u 75 t- 1.1.. -...J Q.. => L.IJ t- ~ t- ...J => 50 25 0 5 PPOJECTNO 873-5064 DWG NO 2360 NOTES: (1) All values are listed as ultimate capacities See text for further explanation. (2) Wet Conditions -Assumes water table below bottom of pile(Unsubmerged): (3) Submerged Conditions -Assumes water table at or near ground surface (Submerged). (4) Applicable for 10 -inch, 12 -inch and 14-inch piles. "' t::: ·~ !::'a, ·~ .o ti ·~ § !::'?$ (j q; ()0 ~a, ~0 ... ~ .~o S' / 0(':'- .-z$:' Q l> ~ ·~'1i 0,<:$ ~ ':O<S'" & e:,.:> 10 15 20 25 DEPTH BELOW GROUND (FT) FIGURE 8 RECOMMENDED DESIGN CRITERIA UPLIFT CAPACITY H-PILES -PLATEAU BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE DATE 7-13-87 ~AWN CB APPROVED PC Golder Associates Comparison of Lateral Load Test PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 DWGNO 2391 DATE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APPROVED PC Lateral Load Test Data Summary 4.0,------------,------------- FIGURE 9 SUMMARY LATERAL PILE LOAD TESTS BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates V> 0... ...... :><: >-1-...... u ...:: 40. 30 ~ 20 u L1J 1- ;E ...... 1- ....J => 10 Submerged Plateau HP 10 X 57 T - - - ""'7-"ef l ! ,_.... I -__ ,_ _ _,,;·.~· fl I e • 2 ' """'""'"' T I )I I '"" ~ V./ ~ -e • 4' ~• J'J'~"--e=6' ~~ -e-a• I ~~ . --e -10' 1 V./ / Y1 -e-15' 1 J 1 1 1 -~ l I -t---lf----1 j-- 0 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 40 -30 V> 0... ..... :><: >-1-..... u ...:: ~ 20 u L1J ~ ...... 1- ....J => 10 0 . 10 PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 14 DWG NO 2520 DEPTH OF EMBEDMENT (FT) Submerged Plateau HP 12 X 53 18 22 26 30 34 38 DEPTH OF EMBEDMENT (FT) DATE 7-13-87 DRAWN C8 APPROVED PC Vl 0... ...... :..: >-1-...... u ...:: 40 30 ~ 20 u LLJ 1- ;E ...... 1- ....J => Vl 0. ...... :..: >-1-...... u ...:: 10 0 40 30 ~ 20 u LLJ 1- ~ ...... 1- ....J => 10 0 I V; ~ v - 10 14 J 7J ~ ~ / I-""" fo 14 Wet Plateau HP 10 X 57 e ! e 2' ".(''-:.__ !--l.S'min:"'l'" --T- Embedment Depth e -4' _r_ e = 6' e = 8' e = 10 e = 15' I 1 I 18 22 26 30 34 38 DEPTH OF EMBEDMENT (FT) Wet Plateau HP 12 X 53 l e = 2' 1---- l I e H.("~-'---l.S'min."t' --T- e = 4' Embedment Depth f--- '---e = 6' I I e = 8' e = 10' e = 15' -------------------I·----f.- 18 22 26 30 34 38 DEPTH OF ENBEDMENT ( FT) FIGURE 10 RECOMMENDED DESIGN CRITERIA LATERAL CAPACITY H-PILES -PLATEAU BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates Comparison of Lateral Load Test PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 OWGNO 2391 DATE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APPROVED PC Lateral Load Test Data Summary 4.0,--------------r------------~ FIGURE 9 SUMMARY LATERAL PILE LOAD TESTS BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 DWG NO 2358 t Eccentricity Effective Embedded Length Tower Leg Ground Surface No Support Zone ____ 1 ______ _ '-_Driven H Pi1e A. Tower Foundation Pile Effective Embedded Length B. Anchor Plies No Support Zone __ 1 ______ _ Driven H Pile FIGURE 11 TYPICAL PILE FOUNDATION/ ANCHOR SYSTEM BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE DATE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APPROVED PC Golder Associates PROJECT NO 87J-5064 DWG "0 2358 t Eccentricity Ground Surface No Support Zone 1----1------- Effective Embedded length Driven H Pile A. Tower FoLrtdatlon Pile Eccentricity ---rr-- Effective Embedded Length B. Anchor Plies Ground Surface No Support Zone __ 1 ______ _ Driven H Pile FIGURE 11 TYPICAL PILE FOUNDATION/ ANCHOR SYSTEM BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE ::lATE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APM()IIEO PC Golder Associates PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 Tower Leg t Anchor Length .. -',; Bearing Soil/Rock .. · ... Anchor Grout A. Tower Foundation Soli Anchor/Rock Anchors ~Permanent Tiedowns B. Guy Wire Anchor Soli or Rock OWG NO 2359 OA'E 7-13-87 DRAWN CB 4PPROV€0 PC FIGURE 12 TYPICAL SOl L ANCHOR/ ROCK BOLT FOUNDATON/ ANCHOR SYSTEM BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates Vl Q.. ...... :..:: >-1-...... u <X: Q.. <X: u w 1- <X: :E -1- ...J :::> Vl Q.. -:..:: >-1--u <X: Q.. <X: u w 1- <X: :E -1- ...J :::> PROJECT NO. 87 3-5064 Utlmate Lateral Capacity. 40 30 20 10 ~ ~ 0 10 -~ ....J /" / ~ - ~ ~ ~ :;;." 14 18 DE Pi Ultimate Lateral Capacity 40 ~ ~_.--! 34 NOTES: (1} Driven H-Piles in Fox River Valley (2} Minimum embedment = 10 feet (3) Required embedment may be modified by field tests. NOTES: / /~ (1) Driven H-Piles in Fox River ValleY (2) Embedment Minimum = 10 feet 30 20 10 ~ ~ 0 10 L v. ~ "" ~ ~ 'it" 14 OWG.NO 2521 ~ 18 I 2 DEPT DATE 7-13-87 ...J v 38 FIGURE 13 RECOMMENDED DESIGN CRITERIA FOR H-PILES IN FOX RIVER/ SHEEP CREEK VALLEY BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates APPENDICES Golder Associates APPENDIX A Golder Associates July 13, 1987 A-1 873·5064 APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION A total of nine boreholes were drilled along the transmission line route, as noted in Section 4. of the test. Details of the field investigation are discussed below. Our explorations were supervised by a geotechnical engineer who logged the recovered materials, directed the drilling operations, and recorded indicators of drilling conditions. The soils encountered have been classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System, as summarized on the attached Figures. Logs of the Boreholes are presented as Figures A-1 through A-9. PLATEAU AREA Six boreholes (GA-20, GA-40, GA-50, GA-70, GA-80 and GA-90) were completed during the period March 10, 1987 through March 13, 1987 in the Plateau Area. The boreholes were drilled using a Nodwell-mounted Mobile B-61 drill rig that was equipped with eight inch outside diameter (0.0.) hollow-stem augers. Additional materials and equipment were also available for core drilling, but these were not required for the investigation in the Plateau Area. The boreholes in the Plateau Area were extended to depths of between 30.5 feet to 31.5 feet. Standpipe piezometers were installed in each of the boreholes, except for GA-50. A thermistor casing was installed in Borehole GA-50. LANDSLIDE AREA The three boreholes in the landslide Area (GA-150, GA-160 and GA-170) were completed during the period April 14, 1987 through April 20, 1987. A helicopter transportable CME 55 drill rig was used during this phase of the field investigation that was equipped with an eight inch 0.0. hollow-stem auger, and an air compressor for rotary air drilling. The boreholes in the landslide Area were generally extended to a depth of 50 feet. Standpipe piezometers were installed at the completion of each borehole. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 A-2 873-5064 GENERAL DRILLING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES Representative samples of the materials encountered were obtained by: I) driving a split-spoon sampler into undisturbed soil ahead of the augers, 2) collecting cuttings as they were brought to the surface by the auger flights or, 3) collecting rotary cuttings as they were brought to the surface by compressed air flow. Samples were generally obtained at five foot intervals, or where it was necessary to more accurately characterize the subsurface materials. After logging the recovered samples, the materials were either sealed in plastic bags or retained in brass liners, prior to being transported to our Anchorage laboratory for further examination, classification and testing. Drive samples retained in brass liners were logged by inspecting the tube ends before they were capped and sealed with electrical tape. Both two inch 0.0.; two and one half inch 0.0. and three inch 0.0. split-spoon samplers were used, depending upon the soil conditions encountered, the type of sample desired and the drilling method being used. Drive sampling was accomplished by either Standard Penetration Testing (SPT), which is performed by driving a two inch 0.0. split-spoon sampler using a 140-pound hammer free falling 30 inches, or by driving either the two and one half inch O.D. or the three inch O.D. split-spoon sampler using a 300-pound hammer free-falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive a split-spoon sampler the final 12 inches of each sampling attempt are recorded on the borehole logs. In addition, where very dense soil was encountered, the two inch O.D. split-spoon sampler was occasionally driven using the 300-pound hammer. The results of grain site analyses tests on selected samples are presented on Figures A-10 and A-11. STANDPIPE PIEZOMETER INSTALLATION AND MONITORING Standpipe piezometers were installed to monitor stabilized groundwater levels. The standpipes consist of ten foot lengths of one inch 0.0., Schedule 80 PVC pipe that were connected using solvent welded joints. The bottom two feet of each standpipe consisted of a section of machine slotted pipe with openings of 0.020 inches. After installation of the standpipe, a sand backfill was generally placed around the slotted section of pipe, and a bentonite seal was placed above this. The remainder of the borehole was backfilled with neat cement, bentonite or cuttings. Details of the piezometer installations are shown in the borehole logs. Generally, sandpack materials were placed through the hollow-stem augers. The remaining backfill materials were either placed through the augers or in an open borehole after the augers were removed. Where cuttings backfill are shown on the borehole logs, this may represent either portions of the borehole that collapsed during installation of the standpipe or cuttings that were shoveled into an open borehole. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 A-3 873-5064 After installation of the piezometers, they were allowed to stabilize for several days prior to taking the initial readings. PeriQdic readings were then made during the course of the program. The water level shown on the borehole logs was obtained at the end of the testing program and represents the most current set of data. Variations from this may occur due to seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels at the site. THERMISTOR INSTALLATION AND MONITORING A thermistor casing was installed in Borehole GA-50, instead of a standpipe piezometer on March 12, 1987. The casing consists of one inch diameter, Schedule 80 PVC pipe that is sealed at the bottom. After placement of the casing, the borehole was backfilled with a mixture of cuttings and cement, and the casing was filled with glycol. Temperatures were allowed to stabilize somewhat prior to obtaining the initial set of readings. Subsequent readings were made throughout the program. The most recent ground temperature readings are presented on the log of Borehole GA-50. Ground temperatures were obtained by lowering a thermistor to selected depths within the casing and measuring electrical resistance values. The electrical resistances were converted to temperatures using calibration data supplied by the thermistor manufacturer. Golder Associates SOIL DESCRIPTION INDEX TABLE A Unified Soil Classification System Soil ClassificatiOn Cnteria for As&igning Group Symbols and Names Generalized Group Descriptions Coarse-Grained Soils Gravels Clean Gravels GW More than 50% reta•ned on More than 50% of coarse !rae-Less than 5% fines No. 200 s•eve lion retained on No 4 sieve GP Gravels w1th Fines GM More than 12% fines GC Sands Clean Sands sw 50% or more of coarse fraction Less than 5% fines SP Sands with Fines SM More than 12% fines sc Fine-Gra•ned Solis S1lls and Clays Inorganic CL 50% or more passes the Liqu1d limitless than 50 ow No 200s1eve ML ow Organic OL Sifts and Clays Inorganic CH liqu1d limil50 or more MH Organ1c OH Highly organic soils Primarily organic matter. dark 1n color, and organoc odor PT TABLES Relative Density or Consistency Utilizing Standard Penetration Teat Values CohesiOnlen Soflst•l eon. .... Soil$10) Relative O.ns1ty N. blows/111<1 Consistency N, blows/111<1 Vary loose Loose Compact Dense Very Dense Ot04 4!010 101030 301oSO over SO Very ... fl Sol! F11m Stdl Very Sltfl Hard Oto2 2104 4108 8to15 161030 over30 (a) So•ls consisting olgreYel, sand. and 1111, eilher 111111rately or 1n comb1nat10n, PG$SeSs1ng nochara<:teiiS1icsOiplasucny. with average panu:te d .. mller greater than 0 002 moHuneters (b) Soils consisting generally olllle Clay fraction. possessong the characteristocs ol plasticity with all average oanoclfl d1ameter olless than 0 002 millimeters" (C) Relar tol .. l ot ASTM 0 1!'186-84 to .. dlllinoiJOO ol N TABLED Descriptive Terminology Denoting Component Proportions Trace Li!Ue ~·--'"' And Range ol PropottiOn ~5% 5--12% 12-30% 30-SO'MI (a) UH GraveHy, Sandy, SiHy. or Clayey u aopropr•ate TABLEC Component Definitions by Gradation Component Gravel Coarse gravel Fine gravel Sand Coarse sand I!Aed1um sand F1nesand S•llandCiey ~ Above3on. 3in toNo.4(4.76mm) 3on to'llotn ""tn lONe 4(4 76mm) No 4(4.76mm)toNo 200(0074mm) No 4(4"76mm)toNo 10(20mm) No 10(20mm)toNo 40(042mm) No 40(042mm)toNo 200(0074mm) Smaller than No 200 (0 074 mm) TABLEE Descriptive Terms Denoting Gradation of Granular Components Abbr-100 Gradatoon OesignaliOn SymbOl (oarsa to line ot c-1 COII158medtumtoline ~-m-1 coarse to medium e-m med1um to tone m-1 meduJm m fine I Oeltning PropontQnS (AIIIract•Oilsgreatertttan 10% of tne component. but the medium component dom•nates) less than tO•AIItne less than 10% coarse less than tO% coarse and hne less than 1~ coarse and med;um '-------------------Golder Associates I RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-20 Figure A-1 LOCATION See F tgure 2 DATUM Ground Surface SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT UO LB .. DROP 30 IN · 300 -LB 3-o iN DATE !mch 10, 1987 BORING METHOD HollCM-Stem Aucer I SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES STANDARD PENETRATION TEST A "N" BLOWS PER FOOT --~--------------~~~--~ 1-1,0 40 40 -4.0 0 . PIEZOMETER .f ELEVN a: 1-..J w 1.1.. t Q. WATER CONTENT,PERCENT -DEPTH DESCRIPTION a:l w -Q. I,/') .. 1-~ > ~ ~ "' ;:) ,... Wp J,O -Wn4_0 40 4.0 WL INSTALLATION ·I I I 0.0' 6" -12" organic mat at ground surface, fibrous Stiff to very stiff, olive SILT (r'll:..) little to sore f sand L----::::::!---:L=----.,~--;--4 16 O' Haru 1 tan uu Drown, S=~~ • SILT (HL) (Kenai Group) I closely spaced conical fractures throughout samplE with thin oxidation coat- a: 1- I,/') I-__ h ings to stains on fractur? )\ 0 z ..J a::l 1 2" 17 00 2" 2 lm 60 2" 3 !m D4 -10-r----+----+----+---~----~ • ..... ~ I a, -15~---4~--~--~----4--~1 ~ ~ I ~ 4 3" 40 + !oo • 4' -20-r-----r----r---~~---r~'\~~ \ 1 21 • 0 , ~urface§_ _____ .._J ~::::? @j 5 ~~ 3" ! ' ]"() .l) 0 + Very dense, brown, f SAND l:::=: (SP) (Kenai Group) .~~k' -25 ~----r---;----~----;----; ~ 'f,:.'~i -.':"'f-------------.. :. 27. 0' Very dense, dark gray f :.::::·;r-~-:-+-:rt SAND (SP to SP-SH) with i:~·f: 6 ?;; DO+ I interbedded layers of hard-:~:;·::·: silt to 4" thick :.·.~:.·: :·::::··: 30.5' E.O.H. @ 30.5' I REMARKS. * = 300 :r:ound harmer use:i. DO =Drive Open Sampler. ~~-V-E-R-TI_C_A_L_S_C_A--LE---- 1 IN TO 5 FT. o• • ~30 ~-----+---~----~----~---~ vlater level on 4-22-87 Golder Aasociates JOB # 873-5064 t ! ) RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-40 Figure A-2 LOCATION See Ftgure 2 DATUM Ground SUrface SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT UO LB .. DROP 3._0 iN 300 LB 30 IN DATE r·E.rch 11, 1987 BORING METHOD HollON-Stan Auqer SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES STANDARD PENETRATION TEST & "N" BLOWS PER FOOT ..... 10 ~0 ~0 4a0 0 . a: ..... WATER CONTENT.PERCENT -I w .... t PIEZOMETER 0. Q;l w -0. r.n ... Wp 1,0 -w"40 '\0 WL INSTALLATION ~ ..... _'\0 El.EVN -DESCRIPTION ..... < DEPTH a: ..... r.n 0.0' Soft to finn, dark brown ORGANIC SILT (OL) trace to .. " little fibrous organics and .. · roots .. '· " ,, !---1------------ 6.5' Ccropact, dark gray, sandy SILT (J:.IL) trace gravel and oobbles r---1------------10.5' Dense, dark gray, sandy SILT (ML) trace to little gravel and cobbles 1----------------14.0' Dense, dark gray, sandy SILT (I"lL) trace to little angular gravel >-~ ;::, ..... z 0 -I Q;l 1 AS- 2" 2 oc 18 3 2" oc 38 2" :r 4 ! 00 6~.. ~ -5 -10 -15 131 -4 ..... • •, ~ " " " " • '\ r---, \ \ • ;) ~ / oobble layer at 20. 0' -20-r----+----1----~--~+---_, !-:---~ ------------.:::ii 21.0 I 12:'/" Ccrnpact, dark gray, sandy ~~~ GRAVEL (GP to GP-GM) f):'!::t-5~3=--+-,, 1-:=r=i21J" subangular gravel r;/ 6 ool(l) >iz.·' r-25 -r----+---1-----:~---+--_, ~6:'0' - - - - - - - - - --- Dense, brown, sandy SILT (ML) increasing sand content ---a±.. 2.9'---------- 29. 5' Dense, dark gray, SILT (ML) (Kenai Group) 31.5' E.O.H. @ 31.5' REMARKS. AS = Auger c::"''"''"' 1 e * 300 POund~r used 00 = Drive Open Sampler ~---------------VERTICAL SCALE 7 2" 39 lm 8 2" 65 30 m (1) Blow oounts in heaved material \Jater level on 4-22-87 ~ ~ •.-I A.. ~ . n:l ·.-I Cl .-1 l 1 IN 1'0 5 FT. Golder Associates JOB# 873-5064 ( ~ ~ C) ) I RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-50 Figure A-3 I r LOCATION See F 1gure 2 DATUM Ground Surface DA iE l<Jarch 12, 1987 SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT UO LB .. DROP .38 IN. 300 LB 31 IN SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES .... 0 a: .... . BORING METHOD Hollow-Stem Auoer STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 6 "N" BLOWS PER FOOT _1_0 ~& 30 4.0 WATER CONTENT,PERCENT t _, w ~ THERr·'liS'IDR Q. a:l w ELEVN -Q. rJ) ... Wp 10 -w"20 40 WL INSTALLATION ~ ~ 3.0 -DESCRIPTION .... >-~ " ;:) .... _j_ a: z 0 .... _, • TEMPERATURE,°F a:l I DEPTH rJ) 31_ 34 3_.2_ 3~ I o.o' Soft, brown, ORGANIC SILT (OL) fibrous with roots • • I increasingly arrorphous ---+--=w_ith __ d_e_pth--::---:--:---------+·ft· 1'1 2 2 n 1 AS- 4. 5 1 Canpact 1 dark brown, grav-3 oo 3 1-5 I elly sandy SILT (ML) littlE ...., ........_ to sane cobbles, with ~" ........_ • ~vel ·· .. !" 7 5 I i-' - - - - -f~ '-., '- • Dense, gray, silty, sandy 'd)t r--, I GRAVEL (GH) trace to scrne ·~.~fid--+.:;27."-t--t • ~~ cobbles 4 00 61 r-10 -t---t-----+---+---+---1 I f subround gravel below 13 1 ;~. •. • • 1 I with decreased SILT con-llif ~V t~t ··~-+~2.~,--t 114 :s ;1-- - - - - - - - - -5 00 39r-15 -t-----tr---•-+---t---+----i 1 .... \ .-1 Canpact to d~e 1 dark 8 I (Glv1) :. ' l? gray, silty I sandy GRAVEL a • \ 4 __ i-(_Pos_sib_le~e::_a~ Group) __ .. ~ :t----t-:= 2 ::-r.,:+--1 \ :5 19. o' Dense to very d~e, black:·;·~::·:. 6 00 10 r-20 -t--~r--•-r---+--+----1 ... ~ ·i I to dark gray, m-e SAND (SP) ~;~:~. 'gj (Possible K~ Group) ~if: ....., 21.5' ""\.2:--------__ / 1:.t'.l~ • ~ I Very d~se, dark gray f-m f;t~· li< silty SAND (SM) gra~g to :t}.t·t---r,.-,~-4 ~ a sandy silt at 25 1 .~~f.f 7 &; ~0 _ 25 -+---t----+fe--+---+---:~rl.)-"£ I (Possible K~ Group) ·~:1f ~ --~j:li •• ts: ---ir:·J. ~ ----t~t: t:la 5 1 ~ :i.:f.~ 14 ' • Dense, dark gray, silty f ::':tt--+-=2-::-"-t---t SAND (SM) (K~ Group) .~tr 8 DO 1)2 1-30 • 130 ·0 ' E.O.H. @ 30.5 1 l to 1.5' and 3.5' to 4.5'. REMARKs . Seasonal frost between 0 1 DO = Drive Open Sampler l AS -Aliger sBmole Ground temperatures measured on 4-4-87 Golder Associates JOB # 873-5064 r ~ ) + RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-70 Figure A-4 LOCATION See Ftgure 2 DATUM Ground Surface SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT UO LB .• DROP 30 IN . 300 LB 30 IN DATE March 12, 1987 BORING METHOD Hollow-Stan A11aAr SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES STANDARD PENETRATION TEST A "N" BLOWS PER FOOT .... 1.0 2P 3{J 40 0 . cr .... WATER CONTENT,PERCENT _, w 1.1.. t -PIEZOMETER c. -a:l w c. (,/) .. Wp 10 Wn20 4p_ WI. INSTALLATION :1 ~ 3p ElEVN DESCRIPTION .... >-~ c( ::> .... cr z 0 _, .... Q) (,/) OEPTH 0. 0 1 4" to 6" thick organic mat fi} .. 1 at ground surface ~ft. I f:~-•. Conpact 1 brown, silty SAND ·r: (:~t--+--+---t L _ (SM) trace to little . h;~: 1 AS - J4. o' 1 gravel, gravel layer at 1 t--+--+---t I 13.5' I -5 I ~...:: _________ _ ' i I I Conpact to dense, br<::Jt.m 1 sandy SILT (II1L) little to some gravel and cobbles, with layers of sand and gravel estimated to 1' thick 2" 2 IX) 30-10 • • .. I-1 · I 112.5 1-~-- - - - - - - - ---·•1 , a Compact to dense, gray 1 ~jJ--horTrt--t I "£ silty sandy GRAVEL (GM) :-~~: 3 1 &:; 29 _ 15 -t--•-+--+--•~---1----1 ~ subround gravel, trace to ~~ " c.. little cobbles ~r~ " " -~ I :~1· ·,. --+~-----~ " " ~ l9. 5'--- - - - - - - - - - - . 4 fu 52 r 20 -+--....,•r--41-+-----4---+---\-1~ ~ I Dense to very dense 1 dark ~ ·~ gray, SILT (ML) trace flat, angular gravel -I 2 11 5 58 00 -25 -t---+---+---1---+---+--,...! r ~ J ML _ -~ __________ .-:::·~ r 27 5 ' CCmpact to dense, dark ·:;_;::: ~ · gray to black, m-e SAND ·;·:\~:;·.__-+=-=-+--t [75 I (SP) . angular to s~gular }.:{ 6 &; 53 f-30 • J 30 5 1 part~cles and occas~onal ~ ........ '1---t=-t--t---+----+--+--+---+--+__:::::....J...::=i._.:..~ • \silt layers to 1 .. thick. 1 . I E.O.H. @ 30.5' I REMARKS. DO = Drive Open Sampler AS = Auger Sample ----------------,, VERTICAL SCALE -1 IN. TO :::> FT. \•later level on 4-22-87 Golder Associates J08 # 87 3-5064 r RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-80 Figure A-5 J LOCATION See F •oure DATUM Ground Surface SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT j~g '&" DROP ~g I~ DATE 11arch 13, 1987 BORING METHOD Hollow-Stem A1cr~r f SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES STANDARD PENETRATION TEST --~------------~~~ 6 "N" BLOWS PER FOOT ..... lD 2l) 3D 40 0 . a: ..... WATER CONTENT.PERCENT ..1 w 1.1. t PtEZOMETE R a. I ELEVN IXl w -a. (/) .. ..... ~ > ~ ~ C( :I ..... 0 a: z ..1 ..... IXl (/) I -DEPTH DESCRIPTION 0.0' 8" to 12" thick organic :~:r;· ,·:rr I mat at the ground surface :of.£, compact, brown, silty SAND :iJ{I--+--+~ (SM) trace to little . ~#~ 1 AS - ~'.!.'! 211 I. gravel. ·~j J.J---+---+-----1 ~·~·-:f 2 __ -f-cobble layer at_!~· _ _ _ 1--+-=~~ 9 DO 1-5 I 6 • 0 1 Dense, brown, silty sandy :~1 GRAVEL (Gl-1) g~ zi~+=-~ I ~.il. 3 2" 53 ~,1--~"'+--t l:x:mlder at 11. 0 1 00 1-10 ~3:0·-~----- - ---- -~ Very dense, dark gray, ~~t--+---+-~ I silty sandy GRAVEL (G£'1) '4':\·,.,~i'.t--4-+-"=+~ 2" .?.Q. 00 R i-15 1~ I ~.·~ ~!(pl.t--h:-r:-1--....1 ~i~~ 5 lith 3" 96 00 I i'r-~~ i-20 23-:D 1 t----------- f Dense, dark gray, sandy SlLT (I-lL) little to sane gravel 6 ~ 541-25 I I 2 .. I~Q 7 oo R"l-30 30.5' E.O.H. @ 30.5 1 I REMARKS. 00 = Drive Open sampler R = RefusaL~~, cobble l:.x:>ulder AS -AunPr :::.arnole --: Wp 1/) Wn2!J 3D • • l ........ , ........ ........ r...... .......... • • ... Hater level on 4-22-87 I VERTICAl SCALE l IN TO 5 FT. Golder Associates 4,() WL INSTALLATION ~ & r I . ...; 0.. ~ u J . :--.., n:l . ...; ~ ~0 ~ t ~~ ~ -..j ~ ~ ( (!) ~ ~ ~+~ J -i ~a . ...; (' 0.. Cl.l ] ~ ·H ~ +J 1"=-s .s 1-u "li ~~ t-· ) -=-- JOB # 87 3-5064 r RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-90 Figure A-6 I LOCATION See F •guut 2 DATUM Ground Surface DATE ~arch 13, 1987 SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT UO LB .• DROP 30 IN. . 300 LB 30 in I SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES +-0 . BORING METHOD Hollow-Stem Auaer STANOAFIO PENETRATION TEST 6 ''N" BLOWS PER FOOT 10 20 3D AO a: .... t WATER CONTENT,PERCENT _. w ~ ... PIEZOMETER 1:1. w I ELEVN (D ... 2: 1:1. r/'1 ~ Wp1Q w~ 3Q 4p WL INSTALLATION ·-DESCRIPTION DEPTH --_,_ - ----- - - - - I 9. 0' Dense, dark gray sandy SILT (~) little to sare gravel +-< a: +-V) >-:= ~ +-z 0 _. (D 1 AS-• 2 &; 22 r-5 • 3 fu 72 i-10 J cobble layer at 13' decreased gravel content below 14' 2" f-15 -+---'•-t---t---+--+---= ... :-,11:....-4 00 73 sand and gravel layers to 2" thick below 20' 2" ... 20 +---·1---+--+-----4-......:--=31il:..ll""' 5 JX)65 ' ~4:-o• ------------g.· --+=-::-t--1 Very dense, dark gray 0~ 6 2" 92 ,.. 25 sandy GRAVEL (GP-Gi) ;oQ. m .o k-------------. 27 • 0 ' Dense to CCJJJpact, dark 31.0' I gray sandy, gravelly SILT (J.tL) E.O.H. @ 31.0 I 7 I~ 381-30 • • I REMARKS. 00 = Drive Open Sampler AS = Auger Sa.Irple ~·later level on 4-22-87 ---------------- . n:1 ·.-I Cl -.,...;.~ 1-:.. f-::: '""= ""= ' VERTICAL SCALE 1 IN TO 5 FT. Golder Aasociatea JOB # 87 3-5064 / ~ ) + ~ H i ca~ L.. UJ~ ~H li I" ~ - (' Cf} ~ H ~ C,) J RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-150 Figure A-7 LOCATION See Figure 2 DATUM Ground Surface DATE April 14, 1987 SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT 308 '11· DROP j8 I~ BORING METHOD Auger/Rotary Air SAMPLES STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 6 "N" BLOWS PER FOOT SOIL PROFILE .... 10 2Q 3Q 4Q 0 . a: .... WATER CONTENT,PERCENT _, t: PIEZOMETER Q. w 1.0. -w -al -: ~ Q. (/) .. WplQ w~Q 3Q 4Q WL INSTALLATiON ,_: ~ ELEVN DESCRIPTION > ~ c ::l ... 0 a: z _, .... a:l (/) DEPTH 0. 0 1 1" to 3" organic mat at ground surface Soft to finn, brown, sandy 1--;-1'.SILT (Z.U:..) /:if>.· 1 lAs -3.0 ,_----------.. ···~-·~-----~----+--1 Very dense, gray -brown, ~s::r~,;.>~~-_-~--.:-,,.,.~--+­ sandy GRAVEL (GP), with . ~~ 2 2m" 72 layers of increased sand [? ;....' J.---4-l-.!1.4-~ content to 4" thick, little~0~ to sore cobbles t~ • 5 +---..r-+--1---+-----,f----i .... ~ 8. ·.-i 0.. "--9:5 I - - -----------~.1---+--+--il-10 -+---.-f----+---+---+---1 Very dense, gray -brown g 3 ~· W. • ~~ .... sandy GRAVEL (GP-GM) trace ~ .. ..._, --¥-~~ to little cobbles ;~ . rt! ·.-i Q = increasing silt content ~~0 P.~. ~~~· .... -~2-,-1, p:o-to+-t>~~ 4 OOR ~l .... 15 +----.+---+--~--~-~ 1---- 20.0' ooulder at 18.5 1 ~v .·.;..·. ~ Very d~e, ~ai--brown,-~)t 5 2.9 !JQQ. 204-~.-+---1------4---+-~ .... silty sandy GRAVEL (Gr1) ~tf~· ---IITY)~...,~;R~ little to sane cobbles, ;I>·· subangular gravels with i1! 1 SCire oxidation Stains on f...IJ.~ll--+-=-+--1 fractured surfaces ~ 6 1~· 1 ~ f-25 boulder at 24. 6 1 ooulder at 28' ~ 25"100 ~~ 7 m R'f-30 ~· ~·~ rf"" ~,.f1 8 Eo boo + • • • ~ REMARKS. 00 = Drive Open Sampler Hater level on 4-22-87 R = Refusal on cobble or ooulder during driving .._ _____ *__;;;=~3~00 round hamner used to drive SPT samoler ,.... ~ H ~ ~- m r ~ H ~1 JCO ~ H 1-~- tf .7 VERTICAL SCALE 1 IN. TO 5 FT. Golder Associates JOB # 873-5064 RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-150 Figure A-7 <cont.> LOCATION See Figure 2 DATUM Ground Surface DATE April 14, 1987 I SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT UO LB .• DROP 30 IN. 300 30IN BORING METHOD Auger/Rotary Air SOIL PROFILE I ----~----------------------~--~~~~ SAMPLES STANDARD PENETRATION TEST & "N" BLOWS PER FOOT DESCRIPTION .... 19 29 3p 4p 0 a: .... . WATER CONTENT.PERCENT .... w 1.1. t -·-' PIEZOMETER c. CD w -c. r.f) ....... Wp10 w'io 40 WL INSTALLATION .... ~ > ~ ~ 3\) o( ;::) .... 0 a: z .... .... CD 11.1 I ELEVN DEPTH 135.0' ~ ha.o1 Very dense, dark-gray,--~~·oA:t,·-..._.....__. ~-silty sandy GRAVEL (G-1). ~}i 9l&; 113 40 -+--·--i---t---+---1----f I little to sane cobbles and ~-1 :;.J---+==~--1 -"Ill t-2i. ( ~ ooulders, gravel typically?~ less than 1 11 diameter *} ~3. a; Very den-;e-; dark graY,--r:}-.tl---+.,..~--1 silty SAND (SM) m-e sub-:'~":r{10 2 11 10 ~ rt?und to subangular sand, :l~i: 00 J""-45 l~ttle gravel to cobbles .:;}~; ~i$ • -:1 ·r-i ~ ~ § .fl + ._\ ~ ~ -=-~ G: ) ~ s. o-; very dense-to dense .t.. ¢lark-~'(~i• gray, silty sandy GKA.VEL _....,:1---+--4---1 • lGM1 . 11 2" 50 ~ DO Rir----r--~~--~----~--~--~~------~ .., ....... 50.0' E.O.H. @ 50.0' REMARKS: oo = Drive Qpe:n Sampler d . . . R = Refusal on cobDle or ooulder urmg dr~ vmg t---------*-=-3=00 round ha:mrrer used. to drive SPT sa"'t!Pler VERTICAL SCALE , IN. TO 5 FT. Golder Aasociates JOB # 873-5064 RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-160 Figure A-8 LOCATION See Figure 2 DATUM Ground Surface DATE April 18, 1987 sAMPLER HAMMER-weaGH·T 10o 0 Vk DRoP i8 'ik BORING METHOD Auger/Rotary Air SOIL PROFILE ELEVN DEPTH DESCRIPTION 0.0 Soft, dark brown,ORGANIC SILT (OL) trace c sand and n:ots .... 0 ....I Q. .... <C a: .... 1/) f----------------'. SAMPLES a: .... • ~ w "' CD w -c. 1/) .. ~ >-~ ~ .':) .... z 0 ....I CD 1 AS-- 3. 5 ' Ccrnpact to dense, brown'· ···~',J----il---t---1 sandy GRAVEL (GP-G1) trace ~.{•c 1-5 to little cobbles ~;~ ~0 o O.r-.........,.,-+--t 0. 2" 25 ~~ 2 r:o rt ~10.~ -----------~: 3jPK-lO Ccrnpact to dense, gray, ~7.,1--+--+--t sandy GRA.VEL (GP-GM) little 1~_;.· .. · 4 1 ~ ~ to sare cobbles ~~ I.I...V 1 R STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 6 "N" BLOWS PER FOOT lp 2p 3p 4P WATER CONTENT.PERCENT ..a •. WplO w"2Q_ 40 WL 3_Q_ • • q~~ :~&, P:<; 1-15 -f-----lf----+-----1---+---j ~~ .Qt-5-+~'""t".....,..ISB-.,...; trace to sane cobbles and ~~'•.,:~ 3 .. ooulders ~:: 6 IDo 66 20 -1--·-+--1-----1---+--.r-1 O~; ~9 :0 ~~·11-·.· -7-+fn,..,.,11-+-*3-t9 • P.~ 2s :0 ;-- - - --- - - - - - -~~ 8 fAC -'"" 25 +---+--1----+---+:.,....---1 Dense to very dense, brown ~ sandy GRAVEL (GP to GP-GM) O;n.-~1--+--t little to same cobbles ~: ~·f-. --f->;;-n-t-..;.:~ t:s·.;• 9 ir:o 3l" ~~""" 30 +---•:;---+--+---+----t i ~~---r:::;~.!.....t o: ~ cobble layer at 33' • ~~· r---I -Derise to v--dense-orown ~ •. 4::;. 33 • O ~~~y 5~vW' (Q1) little .tc ~·fii-,l''.t-1-0+fu-.. --t-ll""'R"-11 • PIEZOMETER INSTALLATION REMARKS. 00 = Drive Open Sampler RAC = Rotary Air CUttings AS -Auoer SamPle * = 300 p:mnd haJ:rrc'er used to drive SPI' sampler VERTICAL SCALE 1 IN TO 5 FT. Golder Aasoclates JOB # 873-5064 r RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-160 Figure A-8 (cont.> LOCATION See Figure 2 o AruM Ground Surface OATE April 18, 1987 SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT UO LB .. DROP 38 IN. 300 LB 3 rn BORING METHOD Auger/%~ry SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES -~ ELEVN DESCRIPTION DEPTH 35.0 Boulder at 35.5' ·+-------------36. 5 Canpact to dense, gray, -I sandy gravelly SILT {ML) little to same cobbles 1- 0 ...J Q. 1- <I( a: 1- <I) a: 1- w 1.1. al w -~ Q. <I) )oo ~ ;:I 1-z 0 ...J al . ~ .. ~ STANDARD PENETRATION lEST & ''N" BLOWS PER FOOT ~0 ~0 ;30 40 WATER CONTENT,PERCENT - Wp ~0 wn fa / / / PIEZOMETER INSTALLATION r 1 ~ ~ tf.l r-:::. J 25 11 # , tF-!--::_ ----~----------------------~~·~·~.3 DO 8~i---~~--~--~~--~----+----+--~~~--~ ·-J 50.0 E.O.H. @ 50.0' I REMARKS: DO= Drive Open Sampler Water level on 4-22-87 * = 300 pound harrrner used to drive SPT sampler ~---------------·1 VERTICAL SCALE 'IN.TO 5FT. Golder Aasociates JOB # 87 3-5064 RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-170 Figure A-9 LOCATION See Figure 2 DATUM Ground Surface DATE April 20, 1987 SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT ~~~ L&· DROP 18 l!ii BORING METHOD Auger/Rotary Air . SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES STANDARD PENETRATION TEST .. "N" BI...OWS PER FOOT ... U> 21) lO 40 0 a: ... . WATER CONTENT,PERCENT ..J 1.1. t PIEZOMETER Q. w -w -"-1 ELEVN CD Q. ll) .. Wp 10 Wn2.0 4.0 WL. INSTALLATION -DESCRIPTION ~ ~ 3P DEPTH ... > ~ < ;::) ... a: z 0 ··I ..J ... CD ll) 0.0' 6" to 12" organic mat at ~1 ground surface Soft, bra..m, gravelly SILT I _ -. ...,.. lMLL ___ - - --- 3.0' ol.: 1 olive, sandy ~i:i Very dense, GRAVEL (GP) cobbles AS- trace to little&= c:e .... 2_..,_3....,.",-+D-3 .... ~~H-·' ----1-"00~--1 ~~ '¢;0 increased cobble and silt 5!•! content belOVJ 9' ~~1"":,11-:1-_3--+-+ -~~=~~:~:1~1--10 : 14~0 ~"::derto a:::. ~e, ~ay--~.· ..... 4-+1 ro-2-i" ~---~-0+-+ 15 brown, silty sandy GAAVEL ii(~ (GP-GM to GM) little to ~1 1 ~-cobbl~ and _boulders-~ :V·.t.f---+-3,..,,=-f, -+-20 ~ll9.5' Dense to very dense, olive, Jtt: 5 00 J2B silty gravelly SA.."'D l SH) {r:-.J:f·l--+=:::..t--1 trace to little cobbles and :}\: • ."j; lx>ulders ~: lx>ulder at 24 ' t-25 -------------- • • • . 129.0' Dense to very dense, olive, sandy SILT {!>IL) trace to SC'iTe subround gravel 7 ~,.ey .... 30 ~--~·---+---~---~--~~.~ ~ · L __ cobble_],.a..Y§!rJL3~ ___ _ · 33. 0' very dense to dense, light gray to tan, f sandy SILT (t;U:..) 2" 11, 8 loo nf"' • REMARKS. 00 = Drive Open Sampler * = 300 :p::>und hamrer used to drive AS = Auger Sample SPI' sampler R = Refusal on cobble or J::oulder durincr drivincr ~--------~~~~ VERTICAL SCALE 1 IN TO 5 FT. Golder Aasociates JOB # 873-5064 ( i I RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-170 Figure A-9 <cont.> LOCATION See Figure 2 DATUM Grotmd Surface DATE April 20, 1987 SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT UO LB .. 300 LB DROP 18 ':& SAMPLES I SOIL PROFILE ·---~--------------~--~ .... BORING METHOD Auger/Rotary Air STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 6 "N" BLOWS PER FOOT 10 2p ~0 "0 0 a: .... . ,_1 w 1.1. ~ Q. t:Q w -Q. 1,/) WATER CONTENT,PERCENT -I ELEVN PIEZOMETER INSTALLATION Wp lp Wn2,0 ...: 2 >-~ ~ <( ::') .... a: z 0 ....J .... t:Q 1,/) DESCRIPTION DEPTH 35. 0 1 layers of c sand to 6" Ill thick u~ l--r-- - --- - - - -.i:~.{ 37 0 • t 1=r • Very dense, gray, gravelly ~~t: silty SAND {SM) l;lif: 25, l2S :1'.11· 9 ~;;f. oo 'R,_ 40 • ~J.t. ~2-:D;-"very d.;;;se, 9ray ~liv;;--~ sandy ~VEL (GP to GP-Q1) ~-:....;a--+--+-....,. trace cobbles, trace c~ 10 25' 45 • ,.~ a oxidation coating on frac-~:·: 00 r-45 0:: ture surfaces of cuttings ~~ ~ r I ~:~ & i ~ 49-:-o• ve:r:{dense toCiense,olive,~~11 25' 55 •• .~I,..~ ) ISO 01 silty sandy GRAVEL (~) J 1\. 00 /~--+---+---1--+---+------"F'----........... ......_--t · trace cobbles I E.O.H. @ 50.0' REMAR;!.S. 00 = Drive Open Sampler Water level on 4-22-87 R = Refusal on cobble or boulder during drilling VERTICAL SCALE 1 IN 10 5 FT. Golder Aasociates JOB # 87 3-5064 .,, M. l T. GRAIN SIZE SCALE ., .... 0 0 __ ...__ Cl) Cl) (") (") --Size of opening, inches U.S. StcL Sieve size, meshes I inch tr1Z 6" :3'' 1.~2" 3t4" 3ta" 10 20 40 60 100 200 ti 0 4 pj' 100 e~ 'I' ~~ \ ~ R I ~~ 90 ~~ \ (i) ~-\ ~ 0 GA-50, S-5 :::u (I) 80 ~ ~\ )> (I) 0 GA-70, S-3 - 1-'· ~ z g 6 GA-90, 8-6 ~-70 ~ (/) 1\ -6 z N <( 1\ rrJ :I: t:l 0 ..... 60 a. 1\ I'-0 t'O a:: l't -.... w 1\1\ ~ (/) z 50 ..... -i )> u.. ' " :::u en ..... ~t\ -en I'-.._ CD 0 z \. [\. t: c (') w 40 u 1\ l" I'\ -i Q a:: --b_ 0 (I) w en Q. 4 f'... z 30 "" "'n ""' ...... r1n I 20 l I l l ! I I I I I! ~ II I I Ill I I I II I ! ! ' j, I l I 10 I mo . ' II i '< 0 I I I I l I -Cl)' ::s: 0 y e ~ 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 GRAIN SIZE, MM 'TI (I) G> 1-'· 1-' Ill 1..0 c ....... 00 ::0 ._J COBBLE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZE CLAY SIZE fl1 SIZE GRAVEL SIZE SAND SIZE FINE GRAINED • I ..... 0 ,, M. l T. GRAIN SIZE SCALE .., .., 0 0 ....... ---~ CD CD i;; Size of openino. Inches U.S. Std. Sieve size • meshes I inch p 6" 3" 1 h" 3/4" 3/e" 4 10 20 40 60 100 200 F 100 ~~ ~ ~ !-..., )....( t>-._ ~i 90 ~ l'l.. ~ 'I'-p GA-160, S-2 & S-4 ........ 6 G') ~. ~ "-.. D.. corrbined :;u ~ eo \ n_ ........... l> 0 GA-170, S-5 & S-5A -g' -z 1'--r-. r-.rc ........ canbined ~. L...l -70 ' ~ 0 GA-170, S-7 & S-7A (f) \ ~ -g z \ "' corrbined N <( 1'1'1 :t: 0 t-60 Q. \ \ 0 CD 0:: -... LIJ (f) z 50 ..... )> u.. ::0 • t-\ -• [\ !t aJ 0 z c (') LIJ 40 a u ~ \ ..... 0:: --!q 0 CD LIJ \ 0 Q.. z 30 '\ \ ~ .I 20 I II' Ill ~-.c,. J i I l II I I I : ~ 10 I ! mo II. I I '< 0 I I I -CD ~ 0 e: i 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 GRAIN SIZE I MM , m (5 ~· ~ c Ill ::0 I-' 00 -...1 COBBLE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZE CLAY SIZE m SIZE GRAVEL SIZE SAND SIZE FINE GRAINED ,.. I .... .... APPENDIX B Golder Associates July 13, 1987 B-1 873-5064 APPENDIX B PILE INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION As discussed previously in Section 4. of the text, a total of 32 test and reaction piles were installed at Test Sites GA-20, GA-40 and GA-80, with work beginning at Test Site GA-80 and ending at GA-20. The order in which piles were installed was a factor in details of the installation methods, which changed slightly as preliminary test results were generated and experience with installation was gained in the area; therefore, conditions unique to a particular site are discussed. In addition, further details of the materials, equipment and installation procedures are discussed below. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT New HP 10x57, HP 12x53, HP 14x73 and 12 inch pipe sections were used for the test piles. The steel H-piles used conformed to ASTM A36 material specifications, and the steel pipe piles conformed to the requirements of ASTM A252, Grade II materials. Where pile tips were used, they consisted of ICE cast steel points for H-piles and open-end pipes. The piles were driven using a Tramac BRH 750 hydraulic impact hammer, with a rated energy of 3,000 ft-lbs per blow at a minimum frequency of 500 blows per minute. The hammer and leads were installed on a Nodwell- mounted Mobile B-61 drill rig that was modified to accept the pile driving equipment and function as the hydraulic supply for the hammer. No cushioning was used between the steel drive head and top of pile. During driving, the pile was fixed at the drive head and at the bottom of the leads for the first length of pile driven. Because of the configuration of the pile driving set-up, lengths of pile other than the first could only be fixed at the drive cap. Given the configuration of the equipment, the maximum length of pile that could be taken into the leads was approximately 12.5 feet. leveling and positioning of the piles were accomplished using the drill rig slide base and three leveling jacks on the Nodwell carrier. PILE INSTALLATION Installation of all piles was supervised by a geotechnical engineer who directed the pile driving operations, recorded penetration rates and monitored heave during pile driving. Records of the pile driving plots of the pile penetration rates are shown in Figures B-1 through B-32. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 8-2 873-5064 Generally, the hammer was not operated at the full rated capacity during the initial stages of driving. It was generally necessary to begin driving at less than the rated frequency so that the hammer and drive head would not bounce excessively during driving. As penetration increased, it was generally possible to increase the hammer frequency to the rated setting. In an attempt to limit the length of pile driven at less than the full frequency, additional weights were added to the system. An additional 1,000 lbs. of dead weight was added to the hammer at Test Site GA-40. The additional dead weight on the hammer was later increased to 2,000 lbs. at Test Site GA-20. Pile tips were used on all test piles at Test Site GA-80, which was the first site where piles were driven. Based on the results of the initial driving, pile tip~ were subsequently not used on piles driven at either Test Sites GA-20 or GA-40. TEST SITE GA-80 As noted above, Test Site GA-80 was the first site at which piles were driven. Eleven test and reaction piles were driven in a roughly square pattern, as shown in Figure 5. A greater variety of pile sizes and shapes were driven at this site than at the others, in an attempt to assess the driveability in the glacial till of the Plateau Area. In addition, extra piles were needed at this site due to twisting that occurred in the pile for lateral load testing, which caused a misalignment of the pile with the reaction pile. Pile tips were used on all test piles at this site and no additional dead weight was added to the hammer, as noted above. In addition, minor difficulties were experienced with the installation, when the drive head broke apart and made· it difficult to fix the pile at the head. This probably contributed to the twisting that was experienced during driving of the piles for the lateral load test. TEST SITE GA-40 Ten test and reaction piles were initially driven at Test Site GA-40 during the period March 26 through March 27, 1987. An additional pile was driven in a predrilled hole on April 3, 1987. As noted above, pile tips were not used at this site; however, an additional 1,000 lbs. of dead weight was added to the hammer for driving of all piles. A new thicker and heavier drive head was also used for driving at this site to replace the one broken at Test Site GA-80. The predrilling performed at this site was not required for driving the piles; rather it was done for comparison with piles installed in predrilled holes at Test Site GA-20. Golder Associates July 13, 1987 8-3 873-5064 !EST SITE GA-20 Piles were also driven at this site in a roughly square pattern, as shown in Figure 3. Predrilling was used here to facilitate driving, due to the presence of relatively shallow materials from the Kenai Group. In addition, piles were driven with either 1,000 lbs. or 2,000 lbs. of additional dead weight on the hammer for to compare the effect of the dead weight on the driveability. Predrilled lengths and the dead weight used for driving are summarized in Table 1. PREORILLING Predrilling was utilized for installation of selected piles at sites GA- 20 and GA-40. Predrilling was accomplished with the same Mobile B-61 drill rig that was used for the pile driving. Both eight inch and 12 inch diameter augers were used to predrill holes with. Prior to driving the piles but subsequent to driving the predrilled holes were allowed to stand open for between a few hours to several days. PILE EXTRACTION At the completion of the test program, test pile GA-80-4 was extracted for visual inspection and the weld on the pile was returned to Anchorage for further testing by Dryden & larue. The pile was extracted by drilling four boreholes adjacent to the pile and pulling it from the ground with the drill rig hydraulics. Golder Associates .-.. t '-' J: 1-a. w 0 PIIOJECTNO 873·5064 PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS DRIVEN BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) PREDRILLED 10' WITH 12" AUGER GA-20-1 3/31/87 0 0 13.9 0.50 P:1000 PSI (HP 10x57) 0-8 PENETRATION UNDER HAMMER WEIGHT 0 -2 -4 -6 -a r:l.. -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -26 -30 0 OWG NO 2392 9 13 13.9 10 147 13.9 11 160 13.9 11.5 140 13.9 12 420 13.9 12.5 720 13.9 13 720 13.9 ... ~ 100 200 0.50 P=800 PSI 0.50 P=1600 PSI 0.50 P=1500-1600 PSI 0.50 P=1500-1600 PSI 0.50 P=1500 PSI 1.00 P=1300 PSI 1.00 P=1300 PSI LAST 0.5 FEET WITH 2ND WT. 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 GA-20-1 FIGURE B-1 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-20-1 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE DATE 7-13-87 [)AAWN CB APPROVED PC Golder Associates ,..... t ,..... ::r: i- Q. 1.1.1 0 PREDRILLED 10' WITH 12" AUGER AND 5' WITH 8" AUGER GA-20-2 4/2/87 0-10 PENETRATION UNDER HAMMER WEIGHT (12" PIPE) 11 24 11.9 l.OO P=l750 PSI 0 -2 -4 -6 -B -10 -12 -14 ~ rl r..... -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 0 OWG NO 2393 12 46 20.0 1.00 P=l750 PSI 13 41 20.0 1.00 P=1750 PSI 14 64 20.0 1.00 P=1750 PSI ~15 129 20.0 1.00 P•1550 PSI 15.2 452 20.0 1.00 P=1450 PSI - 100 200 2 WTS. USED FOR DRIVE 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 GA-20-2 FIGURE B-2 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-20-2 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE oore 7-13-87 OAAwN CB APPROVED PC Golder Associates .-.. t ..., :r 1-a. w Q PROJf:;TNO 87J-5Q64 -----------------------------------------------------------------------PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS DRIVEN BELOW RATE PILE THROTTLE LENGTH GA-20-3 4!2/87 ( HP l2X53) 0 -2 -4 \. \. -6 y -B '\(_ -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -2B -.30 0 OWG NO 2394 GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) ( FT) PREDRILLED 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100 10 I WITH 8" AUGER 1 12.5 0.75 P=900 PSI 7 12.5 0.75 P=900 PSI 9 12.5 0.75 P=900 PSI 18 12.5 0. 75 P=900 PSI 31 12.5 0.75 P=900 PSI 23 12.5 1.00 P=1400 PSI 3 1 12. 5 1.00 P=1400 PSI 47 12.5 1. 00 P=1400 PSI 2 WTS. USED FOR DRIVE 200 .300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) c GA-20-.3 FIGURE B-3 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-20-3 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE DATE 7-13-87 ORAWN c B APPROVED PC Golder Associates ,... t: ""' :r 1-a. LiJ 0 PAOJECT NO 87 3• 5064 PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS DRIVEN BELOW RATE PILE THROTTLE LENGTH GA-20-4 3/29/87 (HP 12x53) 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 [1 ' y tk ~ -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 0 OWG NO 2395 GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) ( FT) 0 0 12. 5 0.5 P:700 PSI 1 8 12. 5 0.5 P:700 PSI 2 4 12.5 0.5 P=700 PSI 3 14 12. 5 0.5 P=700 PSI 4 24 12. 5 0.5 P=700 PSI 5 46 12. 5 0.5 P=700 PSI 6 38 12.5 0.5 P=700 PSI 7 36 12.5 1.0 P=1400 PSI 8 76 12.5 1.0 HYO. LEAK 100 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 GA-20-4 FIGURE B-4 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-20-4 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE OAT< 7-13-87 Ofl4WN CB 4PPRO\IEO PC Golder Associates ,... ...: IJ.. "'"' :I: ... Q. w 0 PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 -----------------------------------------------------------------------PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS DRIVEN BELOW RATE PILE THROTTLE GROUND LENGTH (FT) ( SE C/fT) (FT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GA-20-5 4/2/87 ( 12" PIPE) 0 -2 -4 ~ -6 -a -10 -12 ~ i ' I ' ~ I I '&..L_ I -14 -16 I -16 I -20 -22 i ! -24 I ' -26 -28 -30 . 0 0WG NO 2396 PREDRILL 14 • s I WITH 8" AUGER 3 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 11 12 13 14 14.5 '-e..___ 100 3 10 0.75 P:950 PSI 16 10 0.75 P=950 PSI 20 10 0.75 P=950 PSI 15 10 1. 00 P=1450 PSI 16 20 l.OO P=1600 PSI 23 20 1.00 P=1600 PSI 26 20 1. 00 P=1500 PSI 38 20 1. 00 P=1500 PSI 40 20 1. 00 P=1500 PSI 95 20 1. 00 P=1500 PSI 12 1 20 1.00 P:1400 PSI 166 20 1. 00 P=1400 PSI 720 20 1.00 P=l200 PSI 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) C GA-20-5 FIGURE B-5 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-20-5 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE OATE 7-13-87 ORAWN CB APPROVED PC Golder Associates _.. ;-: IJ. .._, :r: l-a. LU 0 PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS GA-20-Rl (HP 12x53) 0 p -2 -4 -6 -8 ~ ' <" """El -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 0 0WG NO 2397 DRIVEN BELOW RATE PILE THROTTLE LENGTH 3/31/87 GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) ( FT) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8.5 100 0 12. 5 0.50 P=lOOO PSI 2 12. 5 0.50 P=1000 PSI 1 12. 5 0.50 P=1000 PSI 2 12.5 0.50 P=lOOO PSI 9 12.5 0.50 P=1000 PSI 18 12.5 0.50 P=1000 PSI 36 12.5 0.50 P=1000 PSI 22 12.5 1.00 P=1600-1700 PSI 30 12.5 0.50 P=1600-1700 p s l 36 12.5 1.00 P=1600-l700 PSI I 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./Fl.) 0 GA-20-R1 FIGURE B-6 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-20-R1 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE OATE 7-13-87 ORAWN CB APPRCNED PC Golder Associates ,... t: '"" J: .... a. L&.l 0 PROJECT NO 87 3• 5064 ·----------------------------------------------------------------------PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS ORIVEN BELOW RATE PILE THROTTLE GROUND LENGTH (FT) ( SEC/FT) ( FT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GA·20·R2A 3/29/87 0 (HP 12K53) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 ~ -2 -4 -6 -B ~ --iJ.l > --10 -12 -14 -16 -16 -20 -22 -24 -26 -2B -JO 0 100 0 12.5 0.50 P=600·1000 PSI 4 12. 5 0.50 P=600-1000 PSI 2 12.5 0.50 P=600-l000 PSI 5 12.5 0.50 P=600-1000 PSI 11 12.5 0.50 P=600-1000 PSI 66 12.5 0.50 P=600-1000 PSI 6 1 12.5 0.75 P=1100-1200 71 12.5 l. 00 p: 1600-1700 52 12.5 1. 00 P: 1600-1700 113 12.5 1.00 P=1500-1600 PSI 370 12.5 1.00 P=1300-1500 PSI ' 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) C GA-20-R2A FIGURE B-7 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-20-R2A BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE 0WG NO 2398 OATE 7-13-87 OA ..... N CB APPROVEO PC Golder Associates '""" t ._, J: .... ll. 1.&.1 0 PJ!OJEC'! NO 87 J-5064 -----------------·----------------------·--------------------PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. DRIVEN BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) COMMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GA-20-R2B 3/29/87 (HP l2x53) ·. 0 p -2 -4 -6 -B ~ --1-iiL --s. -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -2B I -30 0 100 0 0 12.5 0.50 P=700 PSI 1 \ 12.5 0.50 P•700 PSI 2 1 12.5 0.50 P:700 PSI 3 3 12.5 0.50 P=700 PSI 4 15 12. 5 0.50 P=700 PSI 5 6 1 12.5 0.75 P=1000 PSI 6 64 12. 5 0.75 P=1000 PSI 7 95 12.5 1. 00 P=1500 PSI 8 100 12. 5 1.00 P=l400 PSI 9 150 12.5 1.00 P=1300 PSI ~ 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) D GA-20-R26 FIGURE B-8 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-20-R2B BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE OWG NO 2399 DATE 7-13-87 OllAWN CB APPJ!OVEO PC Golder Associates ,.... t: .._. :r 1-a. LIJ Q Pf!OJECfNO 873-5064 PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. DRIVEN BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FTl GA-20-R3 4/1/87 1 10 (HP 12X53) 2 2 3 7 4 20 5 40 6 60 7 70 8 95 8.5 160 0 -2 -4 .fJ ' "'-s._ -6 -a ~ .,. -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 0 100 TOTAL APPROX. PILE THR0TTLE LENGTH ( FT) 12.5 0.5 12. 5 0.75 12. 5 0.75 12. 5 0.75 12.5 0.75 12.5 0.75 12. 5 l. 00 12. 5 l. 00 12.5 l. 00 200 COMMENTS P=1000 PSI P=1000 PSI P=lOOO PSI P=1000 PSI P=1000 PSI P=1650 PSI P=1650 PSI P=1650 PSI 2 WTS. USED FOR DRIVE 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) t:l GA-20-R3 DWG NO 2400 OAT£ 7-13-8 7 ORAWN c B APPROVED PC FIGURE B-9 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-20-R3 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates ,.... t .._, ::t 1-c.. w 0 PI!OJ£CT NO 87 3-5064 ·----------------~------------------·----------------------------------PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS GA~20-R4 ( HP 12x 53) 0 -2 ~ -4 ~ -6 -e -10 -12 -14 -16 -1B -20 -22 -24 -26 -2B -30 0 DRIVEN BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) 3/31/87 0 0 1 6 2 5 3 4 4 30 5 48 6 43 7 60 8 124 9 206 9.5 168 9.75 228 J -!'a--- 100 PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) 12.5 0.50 P=1000 PSI 12.5 0.50 P•1000 PSI 12.5 0.50 P=lOOO PSI 12.5 0.50 P=1000 PSI 12.5 0.50 P=lOOO PSI 12.5 0.50 P=lOOO PSI 12.5 0.50 P•lOOO PSI 12.5 0.50 P=1000 PSI 12. 5 0.50 P=lOOO PSI 12.5 1.00 P•l600-1700 PSI 12.5 1.00 P=1600~1700 PSI 12.5 1.00 P=1600-l700 PSI 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 Goii.-20-R4 FIGURE B-10 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-20-R4 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE llWG NO 2401 ~TE 7-13-87 OAAWN CB API'fiOVEO PC Golder Associates ,.... ...: lo. ..._, :r 1-a. w 0 PROJECT NO 873• 5064 PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS DRIVEN BELOW RATE PILE THROTTLE GROUND LENGTH (FT) (SEC/FTl ( FT) GA-40-l 3/26/87 4.5 1 1/2 PILE FALLS TO (HP 12x53) 5. 5 1 3/4 4.5' ONCE 6.5 4 THROUGH 7.5 11 1/2 FROZEN LAYER 8.5 37 9.5 36 10. 5 32 FULL lT. 5 36 25 12 58 0 -2 -4 -6 -B r ' !.1-- -10 --:::::oE! -12 ~ -14 -16 -Hl -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 0 DWG NO 2402 100 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) C GA-40-1 FIGURE B-11 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-40-1 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE DATE 7·13-87 ORAWN CB APPROVED PC Golder Associates ~ u.. '-" :I: ~ a. w 0 -----------------------~------------------------------------------------PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-40-2 3/26/87 (HP 12x53) 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 b Cs._ --;{ '\__ -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) [3( 0. 5 1.5 2. 5 3.5 4. 5 5.5 6. 5 7. 5 8.5 9. 5 1 d. 5 11.5 12. 5 13. 5 14. 5 15. 5 16.5 17. 5 18. 5 19. 5 20 ~ -s__ 100 2 2 2 2 2. 5 2.5 8 8 6 9 49 40 57 60 105 89 124 160 207 248 326 1-s- TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH (FT) 12.5 1/2 25 FULL :a--- 200 COMMENTS SURFACE FROZEN PILE FALLS TO 5' ONCE THROUGH FROZEN LAYER .~ ~ 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) D GA-40-2 FIGURE B-12 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-40-2 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE ~-·--'---•----!-.&.-- ,... ~ L.. ...... J: .... ll. w 0 -----------------------------·------------------------------------------PILE NO. DATE OEPTH PEN. DRIVEN BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT} COMMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GA-40 -3 3/26/87 4.25 (HP 12x53) 5.25 6.25 7.25 8.25 9.25 10.25 11. 25 12 0 -2 -4 -6 -B -10 -12 0 ' ~ ~ - -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -2B -30 :oo 3 12.5 1/2 PILE FALLS TO 21 4.25' ONCE 28 " THROUGH FROZEN 31 .. .. SURFACE 32 19 " 3/4 19 • M 21 25 FULL 30 " . l 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) C GA-40-3 FIGURE B-13 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-40-3 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE t '-' J: 1- 0.. w 0 -------~--------------·-------------------------------------------------PILE NO. GA-40-4 DATE DRIVEN 3/27/87 ( HP 10x53) 0 -2 -4 -6 -a -10 ~ ~ -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -26 -30 0 DEPTH PEN. TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS BELOW RATE PILE THROTTLE GROUND LENGTH (FT) (SEC/FT) (FT) 6 1 12.5 l/2 PILE FALLS TO 6. 7 8 • ONCE THROUGH 8 40 FULL FROZEN LAYER 9 28 u PRESSURE = 10 29 1,100ps1 AT 1/2 THROTTLE ·. PRESSURE • 1,700 psi AT FULL THROTTLE \ 100 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) o GA-40-4 FIGURE B-14 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-40-4 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE """ t: ,_, :r .... a. LtJ 0 PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-40-5 4/3/87 (HP 12x57) 0 -2 -4 -6 -B -10 -12 -14 -'"--JJ ~ y- -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -26 -30 0 DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT} PREDRILLED WITH 8" 0 -7 PILE FELL 8 28 9 65 10 60 11 50 12 72 13 55 14 51 I 100 TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) AUGER TO 14 I WITH WEIGHT OF HAMMER COMMENTS 12.5 1/2 PRESSURE = • " 700 PSI AT 1/2 THROTTLE 25 3/4 ' 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 GA-40-5 -- 7 OAAW" CB AP~O\IED p FIGURE B-15 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-40-5 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates ..,: Lt. ....... J: 1- 0.. w 0 -----··-O"''LI:'.I\1..11 ---·--------------------------------------------------------------------PILE NO. OATE DEPTH PEN. TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS DRIVEN BELOW RATE PILE THROTTLE GROUND LENGTH (FT) {SEC/FT) ( FT) ---------------------------·-------------------------------------------- GA-40-R1 3/26/87 { HP l2x 7 8) 0 I -2 -4 -6 -6 -10 b \ 0)1 L I -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 0 0\'IG NO 2407 3.5 4.5 5. 5 6.5 7. 5 8.5 9.5 10 100 1 12. 5 3/4 PILE FALLS TO 7 . 1/3 3. 5' AFTER 13 • THROUGH FROZEN 9 SURFACE 11 " 19 " l/2 7 12 " 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./fT.) 0 GA-40-R1 FIGURE B-16 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-40-R1 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE DATE 7-13-87 !)AAWN CB AFPRO\IEO PC Golder Associates PILE NO. OAT£ DRIVEN GA-40-R2 3/26/87 (HP 12x78) CMG NO 2408 DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) COMMENTS NOT ON SITE TO LOG REACTION PILE NO PILE DRIVING RECORD AVAILABLE DATE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APPROVED PC FIGURE B-17 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-40-R2 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates ""' ....: Lt.. '-" .,. ;:: c.. l.i.l 0 PROJECT NO 87 3• 5064 ----~-------------------------------------------------------------------PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-40-R3 3/26/87 (HP 12x78) 0 -2 'il -4 -6 -8 ~ L -10 ~ -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 0 OWG NO 2409 DEPTH PEN. COMMENTS BELOW RATE GROUND TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH .... (FT) (SEC/FT) 1FT) 1. 35 4.35 5.35 6.35 7.35 8.35 8.6 9.6 100 3 12. 5 1/2 2 II II 1 7 21 FULL 16 82 16 24 . INCREASE I i 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 GA-40-RJ FIGURE B-18 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-40-R3 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE [)AlE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APPROVED PC Golder Associates PAOJEC'TNO 873•5064 PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-40-R4 3/26/87 (HP l2x53) OWG ~0 2410 DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND (FTJ (SEC/FTI TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH (FTl COMMENTS SHORT PILE FOR REFERENCE BEAM NO PILE DRIVING RECORD AVAILABLE FIGURE B-19 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-40-R4 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE DATE 7-13-87 O"AWN CB APP~O>/ED PC Golder Associates "":' t- !.1. '-' :r: t- 0. w 0 PROJEChlO 87 3-5064 ---·---··--·------------------------------------------------------------ PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. DRIVEN BELOW RATE GROUND {FT) {SEC/FT) TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH I FT J COMMENTS ----------------------------------·------------------------------------- GA-40-R5 3/27/87 (HP 12x78) 0 -2 I -4 -6 -e -10 IGJ I [& % ~ "" -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 0 0WG NO 2411 3.5 5 12. 5 1/2 PILE KICKED TO 4.5 3 • II SIDE BY ICE LAVE 5.5 5 • PILE FALLS TO 6.5 11 3. 5' ONCE 7. 5 13 THROUGH FROZEN 8.5 7 LAYER 9.5 18 fo. s 53 100 200 300 400 F'EN. RATE (SEC./Fi.) C ~-40-RS ()ATE 7-13-8 7 OR AWN c 8 APPROVE 0 PC FIGURE B-20 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-40-RS BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates '"" ..: 1.!.. '-" J: 1- ll. w 0 PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-40-R6 3/27/87 (HP 12x78) 0 -2 -4 ~ -6 y -6 ri' -10 -12 -14 -16 -16 -20 -22 -24 -26 -26 -30 0 """"''"' ?41' DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND {FT) (SEC/FT) 4 5 6 7 8 8.75 100 2. 5 5 15 31 22 16 TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT J 12.5 1/2 200 COMMENTS PILE FALLS TO 4' ONCE THROUGH FROZEN LAYER PRESSURE AT l,lOOpsiAT 1/2 THROTTLE PRESSURE AT 1,300 psi AT 3/4 THROTTLE 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 GA-40-RS FIGURE B-21 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-40-R6 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE CAfE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APPROVED PC Golder Associates t ...., ::t 1-a. L.J 0 PROJECT NO 873-5Q64 ------------·--------------------------·--------------------------------PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-80-1 3/19/87 (HP 12x53) 0 -2 -4 -6 [3... I ?I ~I -B -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 0 DWG NO 2413 DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) 1.5 16 2.5 45 3.5 33 4.5 18 5.5 31 6.5 34 7.5 54 8.5 45 9. 5 65 10.5 70 11.5 83 12.5 67 13.5 68 14.5 63 15. 5 97 16.5 184 17.5 393 100 TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) 12.5 1/4 -1/2 . • M INCREASE • AS NEEDED • 25 . 200 COMMENTS REFUSAL AT LESS THAN FULL THROTTLE I 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 GA-B0-1 DATE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APP~OIED PC FIGURE B-22 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-80-1 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates ....... r;: .._, :r: ;... a. w 0 ~OJECTNO 87 3-5064 ----------------------------------------------·-------------------------PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-80-2 3/20/87 (HP 12x53) Q -2 -4 ! rt.p:J ~ ~ ' ! DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7. 5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13. 5 14.5 15. 5 16.5 1 7. 5 18.5 19.5 20.5 21.5 22.5 24 12 5 8 8 15 29 29 70 107 90 45 57 83 140 167 145 169 320 90 97 102 143 186 214 TOTAL APPRO X. P·ILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) 12.5 1/4-1/2 " " 25 .. II INCREASE II 1/2 • 3/4 .. • " INCREASE COMMENTS -6 -a ~ -10 -12 I ~ -14 I -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 0 0WG NO 2414 .-er :;£l --s--I --e.. [3 lS F---s 100 p -a.,__ r-..._ ..... 200 .:500 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 GA-80-2 FIGURE B-23 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-80-2 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE DATE 7-13-8 7 OAAWN c B APPROVED PC Golder Associates ...... t ._. ~ ;:: Cl. w 0 PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-80-3 3/20/87 (HP 14x73) 0 -2 -4 [l, ! l,_ \ -6 -B I -10 -12 £! ~ 1\_ DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) 3.5 4. 5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 fo. 5 11.5 12.5 13.5 14. 5 15. 5 16.5 17. 5 18.5 19. 5 20.5 21.5 22 9 25 26 330 263 46 42 30 57 58 62 11 7 66 84 223 175 150 132 140 174 TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS PILE THROTTLE LENGTH (FT) 12.5 1/4 -1/2 STUMP @ SURFACE . " GRADUAL " INCREASE COBBLE/BOULDER 25 .. " NEAR • FULL - -14 -16 I a:---,:::::::=e -1B I -20 -22 -24 -26 -2B -JO 0 0WG NO 2415 - ~ 100 ::::=-t: I ~ ! -=- 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 GA.-B0-3 FIGURE B-24 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-80-3 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE DATE 7·13-87 DRAWN CB APP~OI/EO PC Golder Associates PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-80-4 3/22/87 (HP 12x53) 0 -2 -4 ~ I ~ -6 ! ' -8 i -10 l I -12 t -14 ...., I :t I I 1--16 a. UJ 0 -18 / -20 I -22 -24 I -26 -26 -30 0 PAOJEC!NO 873•5064 I 0WG NO 2416 DEPTH PEN. BELOW R.ATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FTl 0.5 12 1.5 12 2.5 16 3.5 9 4. 5 9 5.5 17 6.5 118 7.5 361 8.5 4 13 9.5 138 10 112 100 TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) 12. 5 l/4 -1/2 u M ( 1/4 • H l/4 • 1/2 I 200 COMMENTS CRACKED DRIVE HEAD. DRIVING WITHOUT SLEEVE DRIVE HEAD BROKEN. DRIVE ON WEIGHT. PILE TWISTING 10·15 DEG. I I I ' I JOO 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) Cl GA-B0-4 DATE 7-13-87 OAAWN CB APPRO\I£0 PC FIGURE B-25 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-80-4 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates ""' t ._ J: 1-a. w 0 PROJEC1' NO 8 7 3• 5064 -----------------·------------------------------~----------------------- PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-80-5 3/21/87 { 12" PIPE) 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 ILl j \ ~ ;r ~ ~ I ~· -16 -18 -20 I I -22 -24 I I i -26 -28 I ! -30 0 OWG NO 2417 DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) -"" 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6. 5 7 .. 5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12. 5 13. 5 14.5 15.5 16. 5 17.5 18 ~ -""' 100 8 3 10 10 1 7 31 28 39 3 1 22 24 32 45 1 15 143 175 139 82 ~ TOTAL APPROX. COMMENTS PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) 10 1/4 -1/3 SUBSTITUTE • FOR REACTION PILE 20 • INCREASE " 1/2 -3/4 DRIVE HEAD " NEAR CRACKING " FULL • ' I 200 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 GA-B0-5 OAT£ 7-13-87 OAAWN c B APPROVED PC FIGURE B-26 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-80-5 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMSSION LINE Golder Associates "':' '- "-'-" ::r ;... a.. w Cl PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. DRIVEN BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) {SEC/FT) GA-80-6 3/21/87 1.5 l4 { HP 10x53) 2.5 15 3.5 l3 4.5 8 5. 5 15 6.5 20 7. 5 36 8.5 130 9.5 119 10.5 72 11.5 57 12.5 55 13. 5 58 l4. 5 65 15.5 78 16. 5 172 0 -2 -4 -6 -B -10 -12 -14 -16 -1B -20 -22 c;l : I ~ I ~I I ! _;;r l~ I ~~ I~ i I "'tJ i I I l -24 -26 -2B -30 0 100 TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) 10 1/4 .. 20 INCREASE " .. 1/2 -3/4 200 COMMENTS DRIVE HEAD CRACKED. DRIVING WITHOUT SLEEVE PILE TWISTING. I I i I 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) D GA-B0-6 FIGURE B-27 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-80-6 BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE .-. t ._, ::t ..... tl. L!J 0 ---------------------------------·--------------------------------------PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. COMMENTS DRIVEN BELOW RATE GROUND TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH (FT) (SEC/FT) ( FT l GA-80·1RW 3/19/87 (HP 12x78) 0 -2 [;. ~ I 1.5 2.5 3.5 . 4. 5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12. 5 13. 5 13. 75 -4 -6 ~ I -8 -10 -12 -14 ~ 1? ~ ! --a-~ -16 I -18 ! -20 -22 ! -24 -26 -28 -30 0 100 I ! 3 14 20 22 84 82 90 76 56 77 53 90 138 12.5 1/4 -1/2 I 200 . II INCREASE • AS NEEDED 25 . REFUSAL AT LESS THAN FULL THROTTLE ' I 300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) 0 GA-B0-1RW FIGURE B-28 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-80-1RW BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE 01\TE 7-13-87 ()RAWN c B APPI!OIIEO PC Golder Associates PILE NO. OAT£ DRIVEN GA-80-1REa 3/21/87 ( HP 12 X 7 8) 0 -2 -4 -6 -B -10 ~ 1 : ~ ~ ,.... -12 ;-: L.. -14 .._, I ;--16 a. w 0 -16 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 0 DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) 1.5 1 2.5 16 3.5 16 4.5 14 5.5 11 6.5 14 7.5 23 8.5 18 9.5 31 I tOO TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH (FT) 12. 5 1/4 -1/2 " 200 COMMENTS REACTION PILE DRIVE HEAD CRACKED .300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) Cl GA-60-1 RE~;~ COTE 7·13·87 ~AWN CB APPROVED PC FIGURE B-29 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-80-1REa BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates .-. ,..: ... '-' :r ... ~ w 0 P!IOJECT NO 8 7 J-506 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------PILE NO. DATE DEPTH PEN. DRIVEN BELOW RATE · GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) GA-80-lREb 3/21/87 (HP 12x78) 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 :i. ,-! I ~ ! I m T -10 ! -12 ! -14 : I -16 : -18 -20 ! I -22 -24 -26 -28 -JO 0 I I 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8. 5 9.5 100 I I I 2 16 11 18 12 14 26 25 TOTAL APPRO X. COMMENTS PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) 12.5 1/4 -1/2 REACTION PILE 200 • DRIVE HEAD CRACKED ERRATIC RATE TO GET PROPER CUT-OFF I I I I I ! 300 i 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./FT.) OWG NO 2421 D GA-B0-1 REb FIGURE B-30 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-80-1REb BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE CAll\: 7-13-87 DA-N CB APP~oYEO PC Golder Associates PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-80-3REa 3/22/87 ( HP 12x78 WITH SHOE) 0 ! -2 -4 -6 -e ( I I ~ ' I ) ' ' ""'"EJ ' -10 ,...._ -12 : ,_; I 1.4. -14 '-' J: 1--16 0.. w 0 -18 -20 I I I ! -22 -24 -26 -26 -30 0 PROJEC1 NO 87 3-5064 0WG NO 2422 DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) 2 1 l 3 7 4 ll 5 13 6 13 7 20 8 20 9 35 9.5 I I l i I I I l I 100 TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE LENGTH ( FT) 12.5 1/2 -3/4 • • l I ! ' I 200 COMMENTS REACTION PILE DRIVE HEAD CRACKED ' I T I .300 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./Fi.) 0 GA-BO-JREc FIGURE B-31 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-80-3REa BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE [)ATE 7-13-87 DAAWN CB APPRO'VEO PC Golder Associates " t ...... :r: 1- fl. LIJ Cl PflOJEC' NO 87 3-5064 PILE NO. DATE DRIVEN GA-80-3REb 3/22/87 0 -2 -4 "' fl -6 -8 ; ! -10 -12 -14 -16 -16 I -20 -22 -24 I -26 I -28 -30 0 OWG NO 2423 DEPTH PEN. BELOW RATE GROUND (FT) (SEC/FT) 1 2 3 4.5 100 42 58 70 TOTAL APPROX. PILE THROTTLE' LENGTH ( FT) 12.5 1/4 -1/2 « 200 COMMENTS REACTION PILE DRIVE HEAD CRACKED STUMP AT SURFACE 300 I ' I 400 PEN. RATE (SEC./Fl.) Cl GA-60-.JREb FIGURE B-32 PILE PENETRATION RECORD GA-80-3REb BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE DATE 7-13-87 OAAWN CB APPA()'IEO PC Golder Associates APPENDIX C Golder Associates Plan Reaction Pile A I Reaction Pile A _t Reference Profile + Reference Beam Supports Wireline A----v Reference Wireline A---+' Lifting Assembly Hydraulic Test Beam Reaction Pile A Reference NOTE: Dial Gauges either attached to Web or Flange of Test Pile, Depending on configuration of Pile group. Reaction Pile B '--+--11---Engineer's Level Reference Channel Section Reference Beams I \_Reaction Pile B Reference Load Cell Pressure Gauge ,..,.-!+---Engineer's Level Reference B Reaction Pile B Reference '-----Wireline Reference ~-----Test Pile Pump FIGURE C-1 TYPICAL UPLIFT LOAD TEST SETUP BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 ClWG NO 2341 DATE 7-13-87 DI!AWN CB APPROVED PC Golder Associates Plan ;..,.----12' Mi n.-------~•~1 Ce 11 Profile Hydraulic Pump Load Cell ---...J. Pressure Gauge Hydrau1 i c Jack Pressure Gauge Pf<(3JE.C' NO 87 3-5064 O..G NO 2340 '----Wi reline Reference Engineer's level Reference ~---Engineer's level "Free" Pressure Connection OME 7-13-87 DI'~WN c B APPRO\! tO PC FIGURE C-2 TYPICAL LATERAL LOAD TEST SETUP BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates Pressure line Tee PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 UWG NO 2342 ~Hydra~lic Jack J Pressure Gauge Hydraulic Pur.1p FIGURE C-3 TYPICAL SIMPLE UPLIFT TEST SETUP BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates APPENDIX 0 Golder Associates July 13, 1987 D-1 873-5064 APPENDIX D PILE LOAD TESTS Both uplift and lateral load tests were conducted at Test Site GA-20, GA-40 and GA-80, as previously discussed. Details of the simple uplift loadstests are discussed below. The results of all load tests are presented in Figures D-1 through D-14. SIMPLE UPLIFT TESTS At the end of the test program and field explorations, it was decided that additional data was required for some pile configurations; therefore, equipment was mobilized for performing four additional simple uplift tests, as indicated in Table 1. The tests were performed by jacking against angle and/or channel ears that were welded on opposite side of the test piles. Two 55-ton jacks with a six inch stroke, connected to a single pump, were used. The jacks were supported on cribbing, which was periodically adjusted throughout the test. Deflections were measured using an engineer's level to read a scale mounted directly to the test piles. Typically, the ears welded onto the piles would break off prior to reaching failure of the pile or the maximum capacity of the jacks. Golder Associates 2.0 1,9 1.8 1.7 Ui 1,5 1.4 - 1.3 I 1.2 z 1.1 0 0:: 1.0 u w 0.9 -l "-0.!1 UJ 0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 20 40 60 BO (Thousands) LOAD {LElS) PROJECT NO 87 J-5064 DWG N(> 2555 ()At( 7-13-8 7 DRAWN c B APPROVED PC 100 110 100 90 80 ~~ 70 Ill. !:!" -l c ~~ 60 0 ~ <( 0 o.c 50 Jt. 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 TIME (MIN) 60 80 100 FIGURE D-1 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-20-1 QUICK UPLIFT BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates 2.0 1.9 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 '3 ~ 1.2 z 1.1 0 ;:; 1.0 u ~ 09 G: 08 "' 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 03 0.2 0 1 0.0 0 20 40 60 BO (Tt>ousondo) LOAD (LBS) PROJECt NO 87 3-5064 0WG NO 2556 DAtE 7-13-8 7 DRAWN c B APPfl(JVHJ PC 100 110 100 - 90 BO ~~ 70 "'" m" _J c ~0 60 . " 0 :> < 0 o.c 50 .Jt;, 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 TIME (MIN) \ ~ 60 BO 100 FIGURE D-2 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-20-2 QUICK UPLIFT BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates 2.0 1.9 1.6 1 '7 1.6 1.5 1.4 I.J ! 1.2 z 1.1 0 ;::: 1.0 u UJ 0.9 .J u. O.B UJ 0 0.7 _-a---- 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 ' 0 60 BO (Thousands) lOAD (LBS) PROJ£C1 NO 8 7 3-5064 OWG NO 2557 DATE 7-13-8 7 DRAWN c B APPROVFU PC 100 110 !00 90 BO ~~ 70 "'" m" Jc ~~ 60 0~ <( 0 or:. 50 J"' 40 30 20 10 0 0 70 40 TIM£ (MIN) 60 BO 100 FIGURE D-3 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-20-3 QUICK UPLIFT BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates 1£ST GA-20-·R2a SIMPLE UPLIFT 2.0 -. ------ 1.9 18 17 IS- 15 1.4 '.J ~ 1.2 z 1 1 c ;:: I 0 · -09 TEST GA-20-4 SIMPLE UPLIFT -2.0 08 ---- '" ::l 1.9 0.7 - 0.6 Ul 1.7 05 0.4 Ul 0.3 - 1.5 1.4 0.2 0.1 I.J 0.0 ! 1.2 0 20 40 60 eo 100 120 z 1.1 0 (Thousonds) ;:: 1.0 LOAO (LBS) u ~ 0.9 w O.B Q TEST GA-20-R2b SIMPLE UPLIFT 0.7 2.0 -~ ~~--~----·--.. .. --0.6 1.9 0.5 1.8 0.4 ~-~ 1 7 0.3 .L>-~ ~ 1.6 0.2 1.5 0.1 --- 1.4 0.0 I.J -0 20 40 60 BO 100 120 z 1.2 (Tnousonds) .;:;, LOAO (LBS) z 1.1 0 ;:: 1.0 u w 0.9 ..J "-0.8 w Q 0.7 0.6 05 0.4 D-4 O.J FIGURE 0.2 PILE LOAD TEST DATA 0.1 r.l--"1. _., 0.0 GA-20-R2a, GA-20-R2b and GA-20-4 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 (Tnousonds) SIMPLE UPLIFT LOAO (LBS) BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE PROJ£CTNO 873-5064 DWG NO 2558 DATE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APPRCl\lfD PC Golder Associates 20 19 1.8 1.7 1.6 1 5 1.4 1.3 z 1.2 "' z 1.1 0 I" 1.0 u w 0.9 -' lL 0.8 w 0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 O.J 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 (Thousands) LOAD (LBS) PRQJ(CI NO 87 3-5064 OWG NO 2559 DATE 7-13-8 7 OOAWN c B APPIKNEIJ PC 100 110 100 - 90 eo ~~ 70 "'" m" ...1 L '-'~ 60 0 ~ ~_g so -'C 40 JO 20 10 0 \ 0 20 40 TIME (MIN) 60 60 100 FIGURE D-5 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-20-5 QUICK UPLIFT BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates TEST GA-40-1 lATERAL TEST 4.0 J.5 3.0 z 2.5 v z 0 j:: 2.0 u w r!. w 1.5 0 1.0 0.5 0.0 JS 30 25 ~-"'" !llc -' 0 20 ~. 0, < 0 ot _J~ 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 TIME (MIN) PROJfCl NO 87 3-5064 DWG NO 2560 DAlE 7-13-8 7 DRAWN c B APPROVED PC J.O ·--· .. ~-~~- 2.B 2.6 2.4 2.2 20 ~ 1.8 - z 1.6 0 ;:: u 1.4 w ... ... 1.2 w 0 1.0 0 20 BOO TEST GA40-1 QUICK UPLIFT .. ______ ----------------- 40 60 (Thousands) LOAD (LBS) 80 100 120 FIGURE D-6 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-40-1 LATERAL LOAD TEST BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates JO 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 20 z 1.8 v z 1.6 c c: u 1.1. c !.2 c 1.0 0.8 __ ___.a- 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 c 20 40 60 80 (Thousands) LOAD (LBS) PROJECT NO 8] 3-5064 ()\IIG NO 2561 01\IE 7-13-87 DR..WN CB APPROVEO PC 100 110 100 90 80 ~~ 70 til~ m" -' c ~~ 60 0 ~ <( 0 os:: 50 ..Jt, 40 JO 20 10 0 0 200 TIM( (MIN) ----------------------. 400 FIGURE D-7 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-40-2 QUICK UPLIFT BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates 2.0 .......-----...-.--------------------------- 1.9 1.8 1.7- 1.6 1.5 1.4 z 1.3 c. 1.2 z 1.1 0 ;: LO u w 0.9 ...J "-O.B w a 0.7 0.6 05 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 20 40 60 eo 100 (Thousands) 110.0 LOAD (LBS) 100,0 90.0 &LO ~~ 70.0 ~~~· m-o __.c '-'l: 60.0 o:> <( 0 9t. 50.0 40.0 30,0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0 PROJECT NO 8 7 )-506 4 ~NO 2562 ()Aif 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APPA()\Iff) PC 200 400 TIME (MIN) FIGURE D-8 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-40-3 CYCLICAL UPLIFT BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates J.O 2.1! 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 z 1.8 ;:;. z 1.6 0 ;::. 0 1.4 w ~ 1.2 w 0 1.0 o.e 0.6 0.4 0.2 o.o 0 20 40 60 eo (Thousands) LOAD (LBS) PROJECT NO 87 3-5064 £MG NO 2563 ()O;TE 7-13-87 ORAW!\1 C8 APPROVED PC 100 110 100 90 eo ~~ 70 ,. m" ..J c ~2 60 0, ~.:1 50 -'C 40 JO 20 10 0 0 200 TIME (MIN) 400 FIGURE D-9 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-40-4 QUICK UPLIFT BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates J.O ,...........---------··-·---·-··-·------ 2.8 2.6 2.4 22 2.0 z 1.8 ;::;, z 1.6 0 i= u 1.4 "' -' ... 1.2 "' Q 1.0 --..... 0.8 r-~~ 0.6 /" ~ 0.4 / 0.2 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 (Thousands) LQAO (LBS) FIGURE D-10 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-40-5 SIMPLE UPLIFT BRAOLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE P"OJECT NO 87 3-5064 Ow{> N(l 2564 DAlE 7-13-8 7 DRAWN c B APPROVW PC Golder Associates 2.0 -------------------------- 1.9 t.B 1.7 1.6 D D a 1.5 1..1. 1 . .) ! 1.2 D z 1.1 g 1.0 (J "' 0.9 J D "-0.8 w 0 0.7 0.6-D 0.5 0.4 O.J 0.2 D 0.1 0.0 0 20 40 60 BO (Thou110ndo) LOAD (LBS) PROJECt NO 87 3-5064 C'WG NO 2565 DAlE 7-13-87 DRAWN CB APPRQvfO PC 100 110 100 90 80' ~~ 70 "'" m" _,c ~o 60 .. 0 ~ <( 0 O-" 50 -'C 40 30 20 10 0 ar 0 200 400 600 BOO TIME (MIN) FIGURE D-11 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-80-1 CYCLICAL UPLIFT BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates 2.0 1.9 1.8 L7 1.6 - 1.5 1.4 1.3 z 1.2 .;:;, z 1.1 0 1.0 I= 0 w 0.9 J ... 0.8 w 0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 O.J 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 20 PROJECT NO H7 3-5064 ()W<; NO 2!J66 ----~---------...-------------- 40 60 80 100 (Thousonds) 110 LOAD (LBS) 100 90 80 ~~ 70 "' . ,g f ;::::.~ 60 ::l ~ (!) <( 0 ot: 50 ~ l I ~o ~ ~ l !l JC t!: 12 I 20 (!) I 10 0 0 200 DATf .,_ 13-8-, DRAWN c B APPRtNlO PC 400 TIME (MIN) 600 800 FIGURE D-12 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-80-2 QUICK UPLIFT BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 ..... 1.3 z 1.2 ;::. z 1.1 0 I= 1.0 u w 0.9 r;' 0.11 ... 0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 J 0.0 0 20 40 60 BO {Thousands) LOAD (LaS) PROJfCl NO 87 J-5064 DWG NO 2567 [)11.1£ 7-13-87 DI!AWN CB APPA<:NEO PC 100 110 100 90 eo ~~ 70 "'" m" ... c ~~ 60 0 ~ <( 0 o.c so _jt .. 40 30 20 10 0 0 ~ ~ 200 400 600 1100 TIME (MIN) FIGURE D-13 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-80-3 QUICK UPLIFT BRAil..EY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates 3.0 2.!! 2~6 2.4 2.2 2.0 z 1.8 ;:;, z 1.6 a >= u 1,4 :.J ...J "-1.2 "' 0 1.0 oe 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 10 20 JO (Thousonds) LOAD (LBS) PROJfCT NO 87 3-5064 QW(; NO 2568 '"'f 7-13-8 7 DRAWN C B APPAOvfO PC -----,r-------~---- J!l 30 25 ~~ "'. m" ..Jc ~~ 20 0 ~ <( Q gt_ 15 r tO 5 0 0 100 200 TIME (MIN) ~ I I I ·---------, ~ I 300 -400 FIGURE D-14 PILE LOAD TEST DATA GA-80-6 LATERAL LOAD TEST BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE Golder Associates