HomeMy WebLinkAboutCooper Lake Supplemental Design Report 1958r;;~~ • c...:__../ NSULTANTS COOPER LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA 8 11 H'' CHUGACi SUPPLEMENTAL DESIGN REPORT ON RESERVOIR STORAGE SllJDr AND SnJDY. OF DIVERSION FROM STETSON CREEK . .. JULY 15, 1958 1 ' . IVAN BLOCH ASSOCIATES N. W. HANER &. ASSOCIATES R. W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES G. E. WIELAND & ASSOCIATES Portland, Oregon -Ancho.rage, Alaska S~attle, Washington ,. • • . * \ COOPER ~ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA 8 11 H11 CHUGACH SUPPWIENTAL DES I GH REPORT on RESERVOIR STORAGE SnJDY AND STUDY OF DIVERS I OH FROM STETSON CAEEK (Ref. Art. II, Section 1, Sub-Par f .. of Engineering Service Contract for Design and Supervision of Construction of a Generating P1ant, dated Hay. 19. 1958) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Transmittal Letter 2. Concurrence Letter from B. E .. Torpen 3. Reservoir Storage Study 4. Study of Diversion from Stetson Creek S. Flow Study, Downstream from Cooper Dam .as Related to Stetson Creek Diversion 6. Study of Runoff of Cooper and Stetson Basins 7. Excess Annual Yield over 90,000 Ac:re•feet 8. Computations for Hass Diagram 9a. Chart I -Storage Area -Cooper Lake 9b. Char~ 2 -Flow Study • Limited by Flows Suggested by CEA 9e. Chart 3-Mass Diagram-All Available Diversion to 70' efs 9d. Chart 4-Mass Diagram-Flaws Limited by F&W Requirements 9e. Chart 5 -Mass Diagram -Flows Limited by CEA Suggestion 9f. Chart 6 • Cost Analysis -gg. Char~ 7 -Precipitation at Seward T IV AN !!LOCH AND ASSOCIATES PORTLAND, OII£GON N. W. HANER AND ASSOCIATES PORTLAND, OREGON NORTH PACIFIC CONSULTANTS PORTLAND CAll! ADDRESS NOPACO COMPLETE ENGINEERING, INDUSTIIAL, ECONOMIC SEIYICES oil PARK BUILDING PORTLAND 5, 011£GON (CAPITOL 2-3300) P. 0. BOX 3008, EASTCHESTER 8RANCH ANCHORAGE, ALASKA (PHONE ScWl) ;OBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOOAJES ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 611 Park Building Portland 5, Oregon 0131 AIICACE WILDING SEATTLE l, WASHINGTON (MAIN 3-3488) ,G. E. WIELAND AND ASSOCIATES • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON July 15, 1958 Board of Directors Chugach Electric Association, Inc. P. o. Box 3518 Anchorage, At aska Gentlemen: RE: A 1 aska 8 11 H11 Chugach In accordance with Article II, Section 1, and Its partial requirement of sub-paragraph 11 f'1 of Engineering Service Contract for Design and Supervision of Construction of a Generating Plant, dated Hay 19, 1958, the attached Supplemental Design Report is submitted on "Reservoir Storage Study and Study of Diversion from Stetson Creek". Mr. Ben E. Torpen, of the Board of Consu 1 tants of NORTH PAC I Fl C CONSULTANTS, has reviewed this report, and has Indicated his approval and concurrence as per attached letter. Partner-Administration NORMAN W. HANER Partner-Engineering _j f-• North Paclftc Consultants 220 S. W. Alder Street ~rtland 4, Oregon Gentlemen: Port I and, Oregon Ju I y 1 5, t 958 l hav.e rev tawed your reservol r storage studies for the Cooper lake Project, Alaska, and concur wfth your findings. Yours very truly, BET:ee RESERVOIR STORAGE STUDY Actual records of discharge are available for the outlet of Cooper Lake for the period of September 1949 to the present date. Records of rainfall are available for the period of 1909 to the present with the exception of 1912, 1917, 1910 and 1925 -1929 inclusive. However, Seward rainfall was estimated for all the missing years except 1912 from the record at a nearby station at Latouche. \~ith these rainfall records and the actual discharge records,a factor was developed and a hydrograph computed for the period 1913 to 1949. After the Cooper Creek hydrograph was completed, a hydrograph for Cooper, Ptarmigan and Stetson Creeks was computed by assuming that runoff would be proportional to the drainage area. Water yield was adjusted in accordance with condition 2 as discussed in the attached 11 Study of Diversion from Stetson Creek". A mass diagram was then p-repared for the years 1913 to 1957. This mass diagram is plotted on Chart 4 using 90,000 acre feet as the normal annual runoff. The deviation from this normal is then the plotted graph. A study of this mass diagram indicates that the critical runoff period is th~t from 1913 to 1921 and 1950 to 1957. The Chart also indi- cates that the mean draft of 115 cfs proposed could be obtained with a live storage capacity of 80,000 acre feet. The computations are based on the assumption that the runoff for 1950 will be no greater than that for 1957. Present indications are that this will be the case. In order to obtain this capacity with a maximum pool elevation of 1200, drawdown to elevation 1166 would be required. This drawdown is entirely feasible with the proposed design. Cost analyses also indicate that, with the - 1 - \AI <n;;:J ,.,. (!) c Ill C.Cb -<""' < 0 ""'; ....,. ' 0' ' • .. ... toad factor proposed, the reconmended installation and the pool elevation 1200 are approximately correct. A further study was made to detennine the value of additional storage • In making this study, the powerhouse, penstock, conduit and tunnel were assumed ·to remain as recon'11181'ided. Increased cost would be due to increased height of d•, increased clearing and Increased height of intake structure and surge tank. Using the mass diagram on Chart 4, required I iva storage for increases in power draft ware datennined. The required pool elevation was then determined from the storage area curve. The value of this increased flow was computed using 8 mills per~ for the value of power. To the capitalized value of this Increased flow~~ added.$7,500 per foot for increases in net head. These values were then plotted on Chart 6 ~ere a curve of dam costs were previously plotted. The slope of these two curves are then ~ared. 'The point wnere these curves become parallel,· poo I e J evat ion 121 0, indicates the maxi num ecanomi c height to ...., i ch the dam can be canst ructed. It Is recommended that the maximum pool elevation be 1210 feet mean sea leva 1. ' DrawdownwiJJ be limited to elevation 1166 feet. Thf s provides for an active storage of 108,000 acre feet. With this additional storage, regulation is effected over a greater·number of years, and the developed hydrograpn shows that the five years used in the DPR were extremely conservative. With this additional regulation, a higher annual yield Is available for power purposes. 'The intaka structure wi I 1 be designed ror a maxinum ice thick- ness of fi¥e feet. This design is considered to be very conservative since such a thickness would only occur if the powerplant were shut down for a conside~able pe~iod du~lng the coldest pa~t of the yea~. Expe~ience indi• eates the.outlets of deep Jakes sueh as this one a~o always iea f~ee during the eoldest pe~iods. Since the quantity of wate~ d~awn th~ough the outlet structure du~ing the winter months would be mueh greate~ than the outlet flow under natu~al conditions, the area a~ound this structure sh~uld be quite fee f~ee while the powerplant is operating. 51\JDY OF DIVERS I ON FROM STETSON CREEK The studies were prepared fo~ three conditions as fol tows: 1. Utilizing dive~sion of all waters of Stetson C~eek to a maxinum of 70 cfs for the months Hay th~ugh Novente~ .only and allowing all wate~s to pass the divei"Sion structure from December th~ugh Apri 1. 2. Diverting only that wate~ in Stetson C~eek to a maximum of 70 cfs ~ich would leave a ~esidual flow In Coope~ Creek at 0.7 of a mile f~m its mouth as proposed by u.s • .' Fish and Wfld.Jife Se~viea !I (Alaska) as·:tiollows: Hay June July August September October November Deeember through April 30 cfs 80 cfs- 70 cfs 40 cfs 35 cfs 35 cfs 25 cfs no divers i·on ll These flows were essentially incorporated by the u. s. Fede~al Power Conmission in its release of the construction permit fo~ the Cooper Lake hyd~Ject~ic p~ojeet on July 3, 1953. lt may be presumed that another year's study by fisheries interests will result in a somewhat lowe~ requirement for minimum flows. In any event, FPC eonside~s the stated flows as a top limit. - 3 - i I ·-1 !· / .:. . . .. ~ 3. Diverting only that water in Stetson Creek to a maximum of.70 cfs which would leave a residual flow in Cooper Creek at 0.7 of a mile above its mouth as proposed by Chugach Electric Assoc •. ll as follows: May through October November Oec:embe r through Apr i 1 30 cfs 20 cfs no diversion The results of these studies are shown in ·the attached charts 2, 3, 4, and S, wnich show a mean annual flow of J4o.l cfs, 130.0 cfs, and 134.5 cfs for each of the studies numbered above. Computation sheets are attached. The drainage areas used in these computations are as follows: Cooper Creek 0.7 mile above mouth Cooper Creek at dams i te Stetson Creek Ptarmigan Creek I 48.5 sq. mites 31.17 sq. miles 9.31 sq. miles 2.18 sq. mites ~ . "' The flows developed herein do not make allowance for loss due. to seepage and increased evaporation over the amount evaporating f~ the existing lake. In the OPR, thi$ value was taken at 5.75 cfs continuous. Assuming that this value would be increased to possibly 6 or 6-J/2 cfs, the resultant continuous flows available are materially greater than con- sidered in the DPR. ' The available flows as developed, and utilizing an active storage of 108,000 acre feet, shows that slightly more power can be obtained from the yield of the Cooper lake basin plus Ptarmigan Creek than was used in the OPR for Cooper Lake, Ptarmigan Creek and estimated diver- sian fnom Stetson Creek. Therefore, it appears that the feasibility is slightly better without Stetson Creek than was developed in the DPR and l/ These flows were suggested by Chugach Electric to the u. s. Federal Power Commission prior to the recommendations of u.s. Fish and Wild• 1 ife Service. - 4 - subsequent studies in connection with the application for funds. The additional yield 'll'hich can be obtained from Stetson C'reek will materially improve the feasibility even though project operations will be required to maintain the minimum flaws recommended by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Alaska) and the u.s. Federal Power Commission. Referring to the minimum flows recommended by u.s. Fish and Wild- life Service and the u.s. Federal Power Commission, and referring to the copies of the calculation to determine the available yield from Stetson Creek, it can be seen under present conditions, accepting the fact that no flow would be available from Cooper Lake, there are periods during 'll'hic:h time the minimum flows required wautd not be. available!:!.!!!. though .!J2. diversion. were ~de from Stetson Creek. It would appear desirable therefore, after-another year• s study is made of flows required for the I preservation of fisheries on lower Cooper Creek, including the effects of its channelization, to sc:aie those mininum flows to a nr:Jre realistic: level. Material increases in the project•s revenues, over and· above feasibility, \tl!OUid result. -s- I t- ~ < Q ~--~ \,...)\.1.1 IJ..Jo.. J 8 Q \J 0::! ~ a.. 0 Cw u.. J.., i ~ < <t w (!It ..-J .... "' :z QL~ &.l.,O 0..')-oa Gj~ "-' 1 {' ! ~ 0 -· .. -~ eJ a >---t'Dt'w lb .... 02 LA-l-"'""' \ltQ '3 'l.,_ ':::la., 'flu. ;; Q 0 -:t "" ~UI ~ .... ...., w ')..;: ~ d)(!i -Ill D Col" w ~ C:Ha :;zu.. U1 ~ w-::1...1 Q'~ \.J ~~ :z c-_,. 0 ..,. ~ ··r: 0 u .... ., '!:2 u. - l.lJ _jO~ _ ... t-...... .,.;. \(' .>~- <(1.80 .J' 0... 1- 0 "1(\J.>-<r &-27'S. co'-' a ;..,..,. ......... \JJ 10U.u .... ::t-o <l elf',;: ...J tW:r \U v.,.. Dl :::::'» ate \ft u...~ c. --. ----w l2 'a'" ---h ~H,~' 1\'U~ 1 ·.L:s Ja JV e;,;..~Q. 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'<' "'Il \(" ·'! :!. 0" ..... ....,. ~ !:: 6'. ~ \('\ ('(\ N N t"' .. ........ ..... ........ - -..._ -. -. _.,.,. .-..: _,. ~,.... 0 ..a "" d' Q .._... <" ~ ~ ~ .-o '~ I) "" 1.(' -=-= Q Q)Qc() ""~" r-fJ ~ ~· q-f't' jilt'~-~ .... ,.... ...... ~-f'IT· l'f' !""-«) ~ rf\ t-.1 - -:; ~ .. .,. 0.. • '> v * :::::2 ... t'!) ,.. 01 ..,QJ >-1'1 ...::> 1-0 ~ c. 4. I· ::> ::> \U " lU -<I' ..... 4 ..., -« .(' 0 ? Cl "? --'% ~ :2 ! L.S ~I 9S,i71 . ' ' NORTH PACIFlC CONSULTANTS -ANCHORAGE, PORTLANQ, SEITTLE 3Y •. J.~~----OA TE.J:0 •. ? :.f 2 SUB.JECT .... ~-~--~m: ....................... SHEET NO ........... OF ......... _ :HKO. BY .ri~.t'J .. OATE_.7.:.~~-1_f ··-----~·-·--···----·· ,.,. .. _____ ,..,.. __ . .., ____ --··---,. ................................ _., ______ .... ,. .... -~. JOB NO ............................. - --------~~:--~~~pe~--~-~:-~~---~~;;---------····--~-~-·;··--~~. Date Precip. COGperL., A-" P'tl.:rma.pD, _A-P Stet.•, !.-P P1arnagan Cr. Pkr., & Ste-t.. 1913 67.0 n,500 5,005 21,378 76,505 91,88l 1914 51.0 60,800 4,326 18,119 65,126 83,305 1915 81.5 87,000 6,090 26,013 93,090 119,103 1916 56.0 "·IJ)O 4,186 17,880 63,986 81,866 1917 15.0 80,000 5,600 23,920 85,600 109,520 1918 66.0 7'0,«X> "'·9'28 21,050 n,32s 96,378 1919 81.0 86,.400 6,048 25,834 92,448 118,282 1920 41.0 50,100 3,570 14,980 53,670 68,650 19'21 51.0 60,800 -4.,256 18,179 65,056 83,234 1922 58.0 61,900 4,333 18,508 66,233 84,741 1923 90.0 96,000 6,720 28,704 102,720 131,424 1924 99.0 105,600 7,392 31,57-4 112,992 144,566 1925 '50.0 53,400 3';7'38 15,HT 57,138 13,105 1926 96.0 102,-400 7,168 30,618 109,568 140,186 1927 92.0 98,200 6,87'4 29,362 105,074 134,436 1928 90.0 96,000 6,720 28,704 102,120 131,424 1929 80,0 85,«X> 5,97'8 25,535 91,378 116,913 1930 -'75.0 80,000. 5,600 23,920 85,600 109,520 • 19ll 95.0 I 101,400 7,098 30,319 108,898 139,217 __ , 1932 67 .. 0 "II n,500 5,005 21,318 76,505 "',883 0' 1933 54.0 57,600 4,o32 17,222 61,632 78,854 . 19)4 70.0 ~I 1 .. ,100 5,229 22,335 79;979 102,264-I . Cb Cil'l 19:l5 89.0 ~ ~,ooo 6,650 28,-405 101,650 130,055 :::JI'1' Q.C c.. Ut'< 1936 58.0 61,900 4,333 18,508 66,233 84,741 .,.,. CD 0 1937 n.o 15,800 5,306 22,664 81,106 103,T70 ""' -tl en 1938 ~.o 80,000 5,600 23,920 85,600 109.,53)'. O::D :::J c 1939 71.0 I 75,800 5,306· 22,664 81,106 103,T10 :::J a:JO 19«) 88.0 9J,900 6,57) 28,076 99,87) 127',949 Cb-tl I Vt-tl j :::J 0 19<41 89.0 I ~,000 6,650 28,405 101,650 130,055 I pn ~ 1942. 74.0 l 78,900 5,523 23,591 84,423 108,014 i 1943 53.0 56,600 3,961 16,923 60,464 71,385 ·! • 1944 101.0 1aT,fKlO 1,546 32,.132 115,346 147,578 >...---1945 -n.o 80,000 5,60l 23,920 85,600 109,520 19-46 58.0 61,900 4,333 18,508 66,233 14,741 1947 65.0 69,400 4,858 20,751 74,.258 ~,009 1948 68.0 72,600 5,083 21, 7fJ1 17,682 99,38'9 1949 57.0 60,800 4,256 18,119 6,,056 83,234 1950 63.0 63,.620 4,-453 19,022 68,073 87,095 1951 49.0 -41,480 3,324 14,196 50,tn4 65,000 19~2 42.0 43,920 3,074 13,132 46,994 60,126 195J 100.0 109,500 7,665 32,741 117,165 149,906 1954 51.0 58,270 4,079 17,423 62,349 19,m 1955 56.0 62,730 4,.391 18,756 67,121 85,877 1956 45.0 55,470 3,883 16,586 59,353 75,939 1951 66.0 51,680 -4,032 l1 ,2-46 61,712 78,958 3,374,970' 236,375' 1,009,114• 3,611,345' 4,620,459' 'fetal 74,999 5,2.53 22,-425 80,252 1~6TT .l"ftr&ge (j)J< \1CG,O (Dl' 74:1 <DJC a ,q ~-t(t ~-.{4) NO~TM PAC I Fl C CONSUlTANTS -ANCHORAGE, POR'Tt.AHD • SEATTLE BY -~--~~-:tL ____ OATE.J.:.~~-~ i SUBJECTCO.QJ?.~--~-~E..__f?Ji._Q~.~ SHEET NO. __________ OF _______ _ CHKO. BY~:._ OATE.].:.HhS f2 .... S..T.EI..~.O...d .. O.lv.~.K..;..t.Q __ bj __ S_T.U.D y .JOII NO. _________________________ _ ··-------------------------------·-----------·---------·--------------··--·--·---------.. ----------------------- E:.:CES.3 .-4~rt:~ YI nD 0VE.ll 90,000 ACRE FEET Year Chart 3 Chnrt 4 :h3rt 5 1913 + ;a 0 + .30 14 -2'7 -334 -178 15 +239 + 62 +154 1916 140 . -85 }2 17 312 + 23 173 18 355 01 189 19 612 + 26 413 20 }84 -242 166 1921 2«]9 -}'16 + ;8 22 728 -497 --37 23 1,114 -188 +312 24 1,62' -+242 787 25 1,444 24 582 192, 1,916 ~14. 915 2'1 2,332 7.51 1,292 28 2' 718 1,060 1, 64-2 29 2, 962 1,236 1, a;·• 3-0 3,134 1,344 1,99.5 1931 3,597 1,72.5 2,419 32 3. ,,; 1,72.5 2,449 ;; 3 • .527 1,}50 2,228 34 3,628 1,.590 2,.360 3.5 4,000 1,888 2, G96 1936 3,939 1,76'1 2, 601 37 4,04.5 1,824 2, 687 38 4,217 1,932 2,828 39 4,333 1, 986 2' 914. 40 4, 68.5 2,263 3,230 1941 6,057 2,561 3,566 42 .5,213' 2 t 6.54 3,693 43 .5,071 2,466 3,529 44 5, 618 2,923 4,031 45 .5,790 3,031 4 ,2'72 1946 5, 719 2,910 4,07'1 47 .5,649 2,~84 4,180 48 5,822 2,898 4,126 49 5, 736 2, 764 4,:J18 50 .5,694 2,693 3,971. 1951 5,427 2,364 3,68'7 52 .5,114 1,993 3,252 53 5 '624 2,502 3,861 54 .5 t .502 2,33.5 3, 7'24 55 .5,428 2 ,_231 3,638 1956 .5,273 2,038 3,463 57 5,141 1,853-3,313 j_ ' ""'J ·~o • '< ~~ {og 'O 111 lo· 0)> 1>5 In r:: i"'t lll ·~-, I . ..., ~ ~­.Ill~ ,,.,._ ----. .......,..L - . ,. ••• •• • OOIIPIJ'I'Aft~ Jl'<li IIAS8 DlAORAII 1 ~:.,7..... I ,'' i !!e!f'dd.l Q~-l••t.; ') I 1,.., ; , OOOPIR I P'l'AIIIIGAJI l STB'JSCM oOOPd l Pr.AliUCAB OJI).Y ~· »tTirwloa 70 o.r.a. ~ D.P.R~ tta l WU4 Uti Klb. Fl011 SU«geet.a by Interior Dep,, I 1;;1~ : ,6UOO 76,!iOO U,JOO I; lA ' ,S,lOO U1,600 16,401} j 15 9J.100 2)4,100 u.soo 171' ,4,000 !,8,100' 16,100, 11 8J,~O )89,)00 21,,00 I, 18 ,,~,00 459,600 u,ooo u ,2,400 $J2,000 2),)00 ao.: 53,100 6os,1oo lJ,Jot I lf2.l . ,~,100 ,,0,800 l&i400 '! t2 • 64,too 1J1,ooo ••·'oo ~. zJ 102(100 8)9,100 . IJ,tGO !' '' UJ,ooo · ts2.1oo zt,soo r . 2' Jt;too 100, ,eo u ;400 . d' na' 109, oo 1,119,400 rJ,,oo ,. 2'1 lOJ,1oo 1,2n,soo u,Joo I.· · 28 102,.,oo 1,n7,aoo zs,too , 29 91,400 1,418,600 2J,OOO. ; lO 8.5,£00 1,504,200 21,600 1 1 un 1oa.,oo 1,6u.1oo t1,·4oo f J2 16,SOO 1,,891 600 1t.JOO »-i:J.f 51,600 l, 7.51,200 l5,6o0 ' J4 19,900 1,8}1,100 20,200 "· '' 'toi,6oo 1,tJ2;700 ts,6oo 19J6 66,200 1,998,900 16,700 ,, 81,100 2,080,000 20,500 J8 8S,6oo a.16S,6oo 21,&oo . '' .~1,1oo t,246,7oo !o,soo ; .••1 40 "• ,00 2 1JU, 6oo 2S,JOO ~. bt.1 1011600 2,418,zoo . ·u,£Oo I i--t.! 84,Aoo a • .s:u,6<XJ .~ o,too '~·· ., . ..,0, 2';,,.,,. t lf.JQt \ I:~ . .. US, JOG ..... «» lt,lOO . ,~ *I IS,60o 1 .......... .u.~ : ltd U,200 l,liO,IOO 16,700 ! 47 'f',JOO t, J)4,JOO 18,700 4e 11,100 ,,o12,200 1,,~ II 49 6S,1oo },crn,.Joo U,4oo I '·. ,fQ I •• ~ •• JOO }, 14f,400 11,100 11"1 ·Jo.aoo t,ltl,roo u.100 i • ~~ .. ,,eoo J,t4J,toe · u, ,.,a : : SJ h1,;100 J,J60,400 'IJ,toe j4 &Z,JOO ),421 1 100 1$,,00 '55' 61,100 J,48t,loe» . it.~OO s' st,40o J.~'t,tl:IO · u,1oo .s1 · ,1,100 J,,to,;oo' 15,1oo . . . ,,,800 h,.soo • IUw'OO 80,100 101,100 .t4,)00 UJ,100 . 61,200 81,~00 lJI,tOO ~ 1t8,6oo Ul,.SOO 't1,500 U7,200 · U1,6oO u8,£0o 114,400 107,200 1),,}00 tS,IQo ,,,zoo 100,100 121,200 82,900 101,,00 101,200 101,600 l2S,t!jo 127,200 105,,00 . 1S,8oo 1 ... 100 lO'f,tOO 82. ,0<: ",001 77,}00 81,400 ,,,aoq ! Q,J\M) ... ,.,,~ 141,000 17,800 82,~00 14,500 16,800 u•ns• Aon Feet Air a rage o .t ,a. 9}8 1, '11J 2,9}9 J,?40 4,812 '·''' 6, 912 1,S84 '·'" 7,128 11,014 l2,42t; 1),144 1.4,516 15,8}2 17,118 18,262 19,U4 20, "1 21,6!iS 22,427 U,428 24. 'JbO 2.S,SU U,54' 27,611 28,UJ 2t,88S }l,lS? J2,2U )2,J1l J4,418 .~. "410 )(,,)U $1,U, )8,2l2 )'1,03C. u.e, .. :.to,tn 41,11• 412,514 4J,j02 44,128 44,81} 4.5,44.1 101,400 1AO.l, •" u.,oo u,soo u.~oo u.,oo 15,200 U,)oo u,-oo ,,500 u,soo 11,700 ,J.8 1 zoo to.ooo 10,100 1?,400 18,600 18,200 H,2oo 15,200 19,200 lJ,SOO 10,too 14,100 18,000 11,700 U,JOO 15,200 14,}00 17,8ob 11.ooo 14,tOO 10,100 i0,400 lS,IOO 11, ., •. H.l(l() U,'loo u.soo u,aoo ,,,00 J,fOO 23,100 u,ooo 12,000 11,200 9,8oo to.ooo ,,,,00 lOt 1 600 ',,,OQ " 100,800 88,600 u. '700 6},200 .,,,&oo 11. too 120, too 1)],000 68,100 127,000 121,700 120,tOO 10'},600 100,800 128,100 ,O,()(X) · n,Joo 94,000 119,800 17,900 "· 700 100,800 t.S,400 ~.:: 117,100 119,800 ,,,oo 11,200 . us. '100 100,800 11,900 81,400 91,<100 71l,b00 . 8~. '"¥) ,. 57,100 ,2, 700 14Q, tOO 1J,JOO 79,700 10,600 11,500 ')00 u,soo 1,666 14,100 . 2,162 ZO,lOO J,su u,aoo 4,,2) 18,,00 s,•ot 16,Joo ,,)26 tO,OO!J 6,958 u,~ 1,124 14.100 e,soJ l4,JOO .• 7,11z zt,,oo 11,041 14,$00 U,1N 12,400 1)1 014 IJ,100 JA,zn .. ~· 7CIO 1.5,4~ 2,200 16,)" 9,800 11.s« u,,oe~ 18 0 82J tJ;SOO U,'JU U.JOO Z0,4.S0 13,}00 u,no l1,Joo 22,S88 , II,Q09 IJ, J61 .. 14,JCIC) I4,JH ' 11,,00 2$ .na ·~ 1•,Jd0 26,186 ; 11,500 ~:tu ... U:3: 29,654 18,)00 lOiJ66 U,lOO . Jl~'JaJ ..... toO )t ,7J1 11,5GO JJ,SlO 14,)00 )4,)84 U,lOO JS, 2'8 u,aoo )6, 064 14,100 J,,an 11,200 .J1,464 10,800 n. "" ,,,oo . )9,402 IJ,'JOO •o,n.s u.ooo 40, 9-'2 'U,JOO •11, 6}8 u ,l<lO 41 1 )5) lJ,)OO 94,100 uo.o i t 9),000 no n,eoo 1,1u llJ,200 , t,IS' ,1,800 ),,JZ . 104,100 4,51) ., tl,600 '·''' I llt,400 '• 7U ,J,)oO '·J" ,,,too ,.ue. eo,soo '·'" lU, ,00 '1o,2.1.i 117,)® Ji,, • ., ''•'oo u,ur UJ,JOO lJtSU 127, Boo 14.1U 114-,,oo U.ott 1\1,2o0 17,154 )04,1od 18,1t.S U2 .4oo u.su f),OOO 20,44t 71,900 21,188 n.zoo 22,1£0 1U,600 ZJ,,, I eo,soo 2•.201 : t8,600 2},187 .101,100 26,228 ,8,600 21.~14 1U,600 zi,~JO Uj,6oo. tt,n6 102,100 JO.,,, ''·'oo n.dt 140,100 ,,,., lM,lOO n,IJ' . 80,500 ~.171 90,400 J5,Stl '"·~00 "·'" 17,200 .J7,H8 8!1, ~oo J8,171 . r· h.~ ,. •. .,.t:~ f6,SOO ,J.St• ' ·111ft 7. 00 ~.til.;; ,,,,00 . .ct,,S'f·. 81,.-oo 4~.Jt . 1a.~ ~,,o, · 1.S,ooo .t.3,8U · t1,4oo I ' ll'.J I weJ6eJo sseH JO.:J SUO! liZqndtliOJ I•· I ,,..,. ,·. '"·L»·· 'R i • \ . ' '~. ~· ~ . ~ ~ .·' ~i I ! ~ .. . . . -· .!I ·! n I I ra, • l ... 'I NORTH PACt Fl C CONSUl. TAI'fTS -ANCHORACC, P~RTLAHO, S£AntE ..: ~· I ~' ... . . . . --,.· -: . .,; -. ',' .,, ... ' '· .. -----·-~ -:~ .... •"-" > • I +--·-·---. ~·· ---... -~------------·-: ! i I l i . I· . I .,._-1 --~--.!. -· • L --- 0 0 N S J.l U 17 ':.L.J . ·~J.:; 17 ' ' l 0 0 i .......... ·-... '----· .... ! ·--·1--.. _. --·· .• .J a 1Vit1'1 u 1 o 1 :; r 1 0 ~: ~ .. ) i I \C 0" ... 0"<"' ::r Ql .,.., _,.. 0 I:N Ull I t f .,.. ! _____ i ~ NORTH PAC~FtC CONSULTANTS -ANCHORAGE, PORTLAND, SEATTLE ~--------··---------------~ / ' ... -.--...... --. .._.. \/; . ------.. . ----···--7 --·~-' / . ·-r-··· i·· ... ·-.... . ... ~--!.~ ---·r~--....... ·--·· .. ~-~-~ ~····-~·-.. ··--... r··---·----~~_.----------~---------------+----------------~----~,g I . ~ ! +- ~ '· \ ' . ------·-·-f i ~---_____ .,... ·-~ ; z ----~ "~,- ~ .. -:-l------+-----···--.. --------·-.-----;--·- -~ -------·-+-· _.. ___ ---·---..... \ ' ' . ' I . ~ ~ .... ~-~\ ---r--: -, ··-·-·· ~-\--J.-~ -------·- IL-0. -----::::1 ,.....cz:: Q. 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( (,J : " 0. 0 .. 1----.,.., -<>-. __ ........._ u c: ---t---4:-----~---- .. ,..., 1 ..... • o.s:;;. .., --l ·i-,.. \....Q m G"::i ...... " 'U 1ft 0 "" 0.. "" 0 • \.. X: 0. ..... UIUO :J'ti 0001 Ul ..:l'tt 000'06 WOJ" UOil&tA&O Pl'ili!Jo. -- 0 •.· .. , I '' NORTH PACIFIC CONSULTAtiTS -ANCHORAGE, PORTLAND, SEATTLE . // • P C I . 6 7 .. Ji.J:Y..J:f,_ OATE .. 'O..{.:~;..;...,._, SUB.J.ECT U 0 .f..?. . .E..R .... .'-f.\ . .t'S.._.E. .. :. SHEET NO.····--··· 01"' ·-···--·· :;: t: "' 1 r-::, ~ ,e'£',.., u' {'" n · ·-• ;' (,.fl..', ,·f ~ 1·4 {) K 0. BY ~-!oP ..:::,. , OA TE. _ .••••••••••• ·-{.L..Ii'o .... __ r..-.:..4~------~,r-c-l .............. J •••• t...l:. •.•• ; •••• ;......... .108 NO. ··--····:t:····-··········· . --·~ .. :---·-.... -----·---·-·r ... -................ ---... -------; ................... -... -.... --........ ; ' -~ ~----! ~ I I ~' \J,.----+ ·---·-.;...·----·-"'t-------.------......i---------4.----J. ..,~ I . I I I I i i I ~-----~----------~----------! I ! ·-+--·---_! -.. -"' 0 ~ :.;-·, --+------......j-----...;: -.q-o G ' (\1 - I ' v ., v ;_) ('j NORTH PACIFIC CONSULTANTS -AHCflORAGE, PORTLAND, SEATTLE l .... [:f, .... CATE __ ,/..t.;;fpua.JECT .. Cr;? __ f:? E:__,!J;.t:S: ___ Lf.!9..5::.~---SHEET NO ..... Z ... OF .. L ... _ ). BY~ CAT£.............. .. ··-·············-··-································-·~·-··-········ .JOB NO ....•• 'Z.:/.Q _____ ...... . . .. ~-' 1 I '· ' ' .. ; I < '. I I ! i ... I ! I . l 1 ' ! I ' i I : l I I j ' -: I v.;. I I i I I ~ ' I ' ' I l ' I ' ' -I r I I ; l ' ; l i ,.,., I . I . , - t ' I . i- t ' .. i t i . I I ; I i ~ ' ' I ... '?b j --.... --P--.l -1-..-. -· I --~ ......... ------I----r----~ ' ---,.... ~ -,_. .....,_. ---~ ...,.----~ --i -;_.-~ c . • I ! I j <~ ' I ' I ' f\ l i I -Zb ' ~ I -!----r -·-~-··t---.-....j--' ~ --------~....., ____ r--' j_ I ~ : I ' I ' I t i NO A'ECO!'r l) . I ( I l(j ; I .n,• b ' l i _, ~ ' I I i i I ! 'i I i tn ' ~ l \... I I (::J I ' ~ I I I ~ ~ I ! <0 () ¢. .., NNU/9L P!?£c;.-o;r.-t~TION llV