HomeMy WebLinkAboutChakachamna Hydroelectric Project Interim Feasibility Assessment Report Vol.IV 1983CHAKACHAMNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INTERIM FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT REPORT VOLUME IV ADDENDUM BECHTEL CIVIL & MINERALS INC. ENGINEERS-CONSTRUCTORS OCTOBER 1983 PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ALASKA POWER AIJTHORITY --~ Y111 NICBl.NIHd ~ HJ.IWSHOIH I r ~ ·, l oJ.o3nsst 3J.YO j 'A CHAKACHAMNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INTERIM FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT REPORT VOLUME IV ADDENDUM BECHTEL CIVIL & MINERALS INC. ENGINE E AS-CONSTRUCTORS • OCTOBER 1983 ....___ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ __, ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA CHAKACHAMNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INTERIM FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT REPORT MARCH 1983 ADDENDUM TO VOLUME I VOLUME IV ADDENDUM -OCTOBER 1983 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.0 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STUDIES 3.5.3 Upstream Migrants Facility 4. 0 HYDROLOGICAL AND POWER S'rUDIES 4.6 Results 10.0 COORDINATION 10.3 Biological Studies 10.3.3 Meeting -December 9, 1982 Response Further Response -September 1983 10.3.4 Meeting -June 8, 1983 10.6 Distribution of Report -Comments and Responses National Park Service 3-1 4-1 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-4 10-17 10-18 TABLE OF CONTENTS ADDENDUM TO VOLUME I APA Response Department of the Army APA Response Department of Environmental Conservation APA Response Department of Fish and Game APA Response Community and Regional Affairs APA Response ·Department of Natural Resources APA Response Department of Natural Resources APA Response ADDENDUM TO VOLUME II 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Volume II, Errata Volume II, Supplementary Table References 6.10 Environmental Hydrology -1983 6.10.1 Introduction 6.10.2 Stream Flow Characteristics 6.10.3 Water Temperature 6.11 Aquatic Biology -1983 6.11.1 Introduction and Objectives Winter 1983 Study Spring 1983 Program Adult Anadromous Fish Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish Habitat Data Collection 10-19 10-20 10-21 10-23 10-24 10-25 10-30 10-34 10-36 10-38 10-39 10-40 10-41 6-l 6-l 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-7 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-9 6-9 6-10 TABLE OF CONTENTS AOD~NDUM TO VOLUME II 6.11.2 Methodology Salmon Spawning Escapement Fyke Nets Minnow Traps Electrofishing Gill Nets Inclined Plane Trap Outmigrant Sampling Habitat Data Collection Data Management and Analysis 6.11.3 Results Winter 1983 Studies Resident and Juvenile 6-10 6-11 6-11 6-12 6-12 6-13 6-13 6-15 6-15 6-16 6-16 Anadromous Fish 6-16 Habitat Data Collection 6-23 Spring 1983 Studies 6-25 Adult Anadromous Fish 6-25 Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish 6-27 Habitat Data Collection 6-41 Habitat Utilization Dolly Varden Coho Salmon Chinook Salmon Sockeye Salmon 6.11.4 Discussion Sockeye Salmon Chinook Salmon 6-42 6-43 6-45 6-46 6-47 6-48 6-48 6-50 TABLE OF CONTENTS ADDENDUM TO VOLUME II Pink Salmon 6.11. 4. 4 Chum Salmon Coho Salmon Dolly Varden Pygmy Whitefish Rainbow Trout 6.11.5 Summary and Conclusions 6.12 References TABLES FIGURES APPENI.HXES 6-52 6-53 6-53 6-54 6-55 6-55 6-55 6-57 ADDENDUM TO VOLUME I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA CHAKACHAMNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INTERIM FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT REPORT MARCH 1983 VOLUME IV ADDENDUM -OCTOBER 1983 3.0 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STUDIES 3.5.3 Upstream Migrants Facility The upstream migrants facility has been revised in response to comments received from the fishery agencies. Figures 3-9 Rev. 1 and 3-10 Rev. 1 included herewith in this Addendum supersede the original Figures 3-9 and 3-10 appearing in Volume 1, Section 3.0, after page 3-32. The written responses to the agency comments appear in Section of this Addendum. 3-1 I 1155 MAX . WL. 11'15 MIN. WL /122M~ I II 2 .MIN. WL. 113 3 MA~ /123 MIN. WL. / C.IJTED OIVFICE DR. VfoR.TICAL. SLOT TYPIC AL AT EACH POOL. ~/:"\.--"1-::\ PLAN EL. 11 4? -E L . 1133 /11 = 10' ---DENOTES DtR.ECTION OF WATER. FLOW FUGUR.€5 DENOTE WATER SURFACE ELE VATION I N FEET MS L PLAN EL. 1132 -EL . Ji ll , .. = 10 1 .4cu: S':> TuNNeL SECTION (TYPICAL OOWNSTR.E:AM Fll-O>Jl IIJTER.St;CTIOIJ WI TH IN '>TR.E:AM FLOW ll.t;L&A'>£ F'L..tJKE:) , •• -/0 WATER SUPPLY CHAMBER. 9 ' II 92 11 93 II 94 II 9s 11 96 II 97 II 98----l\=--!9 11 lrc;AATIN Jr TYP.J 09 08 07 _jl 06 Jl OS Jl 04-0 JJ 02 01 JJ II II II II II II II lL II WATER SUPPLY CHAMBER. Ill TUNNEL -. .. 1089 11 ---;- .11 !088 ,JJ 87 8t:. 85 84 .Jl 8~ Jl 82 -IH :-~--~~~-.-~11_,-~IIIIT<r--~11,_-~11 ,_-a,ll,__~~~-----l-_G_R_A_T_IN_G_r_r_~_-> ______ ~-f~----.--l 1089 MAX .WL Ill -WATER SUPPLy CIIAM8~R. \I /083A1fNWL ~~~~~.~~.-.~-~--------------------~} ~ PLAN EL . 1088 -~L .I082 1'' = 10 ' 10 No. DATE 10 GRAPHIC SCALE FEET 1" .. 10' REVISION 20 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA CHAKACHAMNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT UPSTREAM FISH PASSAGE FACILITIES PLANS AND SECTION BECHTEL CIVIL & MINERALS, INC. SAN FRANCISCO DESIGNED DRAWN CHECKED ENGR SUPY PROJ EN GR ... '0 DRAWING No. I REV . FIGURE 3-9 j I UAT. Gli!.OIJIJO LCVE.L • 5AIJO ~ G/i!AVE.L I .CIIAt:.ACIIAMUA LA E MAX. OF/ W.L . li.L>./155 MIIJ. W.l... EJ.. 1083 t R OCK. MOUNTAINSIDe AV. SUJP€ APPRO)(. 40• ScCTI0"-1 1''•10 ' No . DATE se.crtoA.L 10 10 GRAPHIC SCA LE FEET 1"•10' REVISION • 20 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA CHAKACHAMNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT UPSTREAM FISH PASSAGE FACILITIES SECTIONS BECHTEL CIVIL & MINERALS, INC. SAN FRANCISCO CHECKED ""'0 DRAWI NG No. REV . FIGURE 3-10 4.0 HYDROLOGICAL AND POWER STUDIES 4.6 Results Page 4-22, Volume I, Errata. The first three lines of the last paragraph should read as follows: "Alternatives A through D can firmly support the capacities termined from the 11 years of inflow during the 1981 studies. The recommended" 4-1 10.0 COORDINATION 10.3 Biological Studies 10.3.3 Meeting -December 9, 1982 Response See Volume I page 10-48. Further Response -September 1983. Following receipt of the NMFS February 1, 1983 letter and the u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service March 9, 1983 letter, the conceptual designs for the proposed fish passage facilities near the present outlet of Chakachamna Lake have been reviewed and certain revisions have been made at this time. In particular, the layout of the upstream migrant facility has been re~ised to increase the length of the turn pools at all ladder turns to at least 10 feet in compliance with the comments of both agencies. All ladders and channels will be lighted, this having been the original intent, but details are not shown on the drawings. The objective is to illustrate a concept for the movement of water and fish through the system. Full details of mechanical and electrical equipment will be developed in final design. Flow of water through the upstream passage facility could be controlled by throttling gates (not shown) installed a short distance downstream from the inlet bulkhead gates presently shown. Closure of the inlet bulkhead gates would enable dewatering to be performed for maintenance or repair of the throttling gates. 10-1 Access to the various levels of the upstream passage facility would be provided via the elevator and stairwell. Grating type walkways would be provided over all weirs and pools to give access by foot. The ladder exits to the lake, as presently shown are 60 feet minimum from the lakeside entry to the downstream passage facility. This distance could be increased if considered necessary, at the cost of increasing the volume of open cut excavation in the vicinity of the portals to the fish passage facilities. It is evident from the comments on the proposed schemes for the downstream passage of juveniles, that additional conceptual evaluation will be required and present funding limitations do not permit that to be done at the present tim~. The provision of conventional spillway crests downstream from the gates was purposely avoided in the proposed layouts because of reported heavy losses of fingerl1ngs. For example, in a paper entitled "Fish Handling Facilities for Baker River Project" published in the November 1961 Journal of the Power Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, it was reported that 64% of the sockeye fingerlings passing over the Lower Baker spillway were killed. In a subsequent test, it was found that 85% survival rate was achieved under conditions approximating free fall between the reservoir and tailwater, a drop of about 160 feet. Our consultants leaned toward the view that provided a sufficient depth of plunge pool were provided, some fish might be temporarily stunned when passing through the 80 foot free fall but that adequate time would be available for their recovery while passing through the 1-1/2 mile long flume in the tunnel to 10-2 the downstream portal where they would return to the river. Because of the divergences, it is considered advisable to defer resolution of this issue until such time as the project studies are resumed. For the time being, the breakwater in the lake has been deleted. It is to be noted, however, that waves of 5 feet to 6 feet in height have been observed on the lake during times of strong wind and for this reason, some form of wave protection may be necessary to prevent damage to the approach channel. With the parameters established for project studies, the maximum flow of water diverted for power generation would be approximately double the average annual inflow to the lake or 7200 cfs. The intake opening for power diversions is at depth to avoid, within practical limits, the attraction of fish into the power tunnel. New studies of ablation and ice movement in the Barrier Glacier near the lake outlet are planned to be performed when proJect studies are resumed. Flows in the vicinity of the rockfill fish barrier should be determined in the final design stage. The recommended fishway baffle design parameters have been noted for further consideration during the final design stage. Gates and their operating mechanisms would be simple and robust in order to give best assurance of trouble free operation. 10-3 The proposed fish ladder concept is based on a peak daily run of 4,000 fish, and a maximum hourly run of 1,000 fish and a rate of ascent of 5 minutes per pool. With 72 pools between maximum reservoir operating level, elevation 1155, and the bottom of the ladder, elevation 1183, the average number of fish per pool is 69, say 70. If 4 cubic feet of water is provided for each fish, the required pool volume is 280 cubic feet, and if the depth of the water in the pool is 6 feet, the required surface area is 47 sq. feet. For conservatism 60 sq. feet is provided in the layouts. The passage of ice through the system or its prevention are problems that may require special considerations in addition to those already given. The suggestion for an angled vertical rack in place of the horizontal grating shown is noted and will be considered in future studies. 10.3.4 Meeting -June 8, 1983 Representatives of interested agencies were invited to attend a meeting in Anchorage, Alaska on June 8, 1983 to discuss the proposed study plan for the Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project. At this meeting, representatives of Alaska Power Authority, Bechtel Civil & Minerals, Inc. and Woodward-Clyde Consultants summarized the results of Volumes I, II, and III of the March 1983 Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Interim Feasibility Assessment Report and described a proposed scope of continuing studies designed to meet the requirements of filing a Fede~al Energy Regulatory Commission Application for a license to construct the project. A copy of the invitation letter follows. The agencies invited are listed on the attachment to that letter which is then followed by a copy of the notes of record covering the meeting. 10-4 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE· ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 RECEIV~O MAY 3l 1983 R. T. LODER The Honorable Esther Wunnicke Commissioner Department of Natural Resources Pouch M Juneau, Alaska 99811 Dear Ms. Wunnicke: May 25, 1983 Phone: (907) 2n-7641 (907) 276-0001 Please reference my February 9, 1983, letter which transmitted a summary of our meeting with your staff on December 9, 1982. During the meeting, it was agreed that the Power Authority through its contractors, Bechtel Civil & Minerals and Woodward-Clyde, would develop a study plan which would encompass the necessary data collection and analysis on the Chakachamna hydroelectric project in order to meet the requirements of filing a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Application. I have attached a draft copy of the proposed study plan for the Chakachamna hydroelectr1c project for .your review. The budget and scope of work are included in this plan. This is the first draft and will be modified as necessary. I must stress that total funding for this plan in the upcoming year is unlikely and that a prioritization of the items will be required in order to make the best use of available funding. I would like to invite you and your staff to a meeting on Wednesday, June 8, 1983, to discuss this study plan. The meeting will be held at the Alaska Power Authority in the downstairs conference room at 1:30 p.m. If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please feel free to contact me or Mr. Eric Marchegiani of my staff. Eric P. Yould Executive Director Attachment as stated. cc: ~ lobert looer, Bechtel, San Francisco Mr. Wayne Lifton, Woodward-Clyde, Anchorage Mr. Roland Shanks, DNR, Anchorage 8873 Mr. Ty Dilliplane, Division of Parks, Anchorage Ms. Kay Brown, Division of Minerals and Energy Management, Anchorage 10-5 DISTRIBUTION LIST FOR THE CHAKACHAMNA STUDY PLAN The Honorable Esther Wunnicke Commissioner Department of Natural Resources Pouch M Juneau, Alaska 99811 cc: Mr. Roland Shanks, DNR, Anchorage Division of Research & Development 555 Cordova Street Pouch 7-005 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Mr. Ty Oilliplane, Division of Parks, Anchorage State Historic Preservation Officer 619 Warehouse Drive, Suite 210 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Ms. Kay Brown, Director Division of Minerals and Energy Management Pouch 7-034 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 ATT: Ms. Karen Oakley Mr. Keith Schreiner U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1011 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99501 cc: Mr. Gary Stackhouse, USF&WS, Anchorage 1011 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Mr. Lenny Carin, USF&WS, Anchorage 605 West Fourth Avenue, Suite G-81 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Mr. Roger J. Cantor Regional Director National Park Service 540 West Fifth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 cc: Mr. Larry Wright, National Park Service, Anchorage 540 West Fifth Avenue 8873 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. Paul Haertel Superintendent Lake Clark National Park 701 "C" Stteet, Box 61 Anchorage, Alaska 99513 10-6 The Honorable Richard Neve Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation Pouch 0 Juneau, Alaska 99811 cc: Mr. Robert Martin, Dept. of Environ~er~al Conservation, Anchorage Regional Supervisor 437 E Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Honorable Mark Lewis Commissioner Department of Community & Regional Affairs Pouch B Juneau, Alaska 99811 cc; Mr. Mark Stephens, OC&RA, Anchorage 225 Cordova, Bldg. B Anchorage, Alaska 99501 The Honorable Richard A. Lyon Commissioner Department of Commerce & Economic Development Pouch D Juneau, Alaska 99811 cc: Mr. Edward Eboch, DEPO, Juneau Director Pouch 0 Juneau, Alaska 99811 8873 10-7 Mr. Robert McVey, Director Alaska Region National Marine Fisheries Service P.O. Box 1668 Juneau, Alaska 99802 cc: Mr. Ronald Morris, National Marine Fisheries Service, Anchora 701 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99513 Mr. Brad Smith, National Marine Fisheries Service, Anchorage 701 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99513 The Honorable Donald W. Collingsworth Commissioner Alaska Department of Fish & Game P.O. Box 3-2000 Juneau, Alaska 99811 cc: Mr. Carl Yanagawa, ADF&G, Anchorage Regional Supervisor 8873 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alask?. 99503 Mr. Don McKay, ADF&G, Anchorage Habitat Division 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Mr. Phil Brna Habitat Division 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Mr. Ken Tarbox Alaska Department of Fish & Game P.O. Box 3150 Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Mr. Keven Delaney Sport Fish ADF&G 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 10-8 Mr. Curtis McVey U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Bureau of Land Management 701 C Street, P.O. Box 13 Anchorage, Alaska 99513 cc: Mr. John Benson, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Anchorage U.S. Bureau of Land Management 701 C Street, P.O. Box 13 Anchorage, Alaska 99513 Mr. Don Hendrickson Pennisula Resource Area U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management 4700 East 72nd Street Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Mr. Wayne Bowden Bureau of Land Management Anchorage District Office Manager 4700 East 72nd Street Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Mr. Fred Lohse Bureau of Land Management 4700 East 72nd Street Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Director of Indian Affairs, Dept. of Interior, Juneau P.O. Box 3-8000 Juneau, Alaska 99802 8873 10-9 DATE: LOCATION: SUBJECT: CHAKACHAMNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT MEETING NOTES June 8, 1983 Alaska Power Authority Office Anchorage, Alaska Chakachamna Project Review and Seeping Meeting PARTICIPANTS: Alaska Power Authority National Park Service Eric Marchegiani Floyd Sharrock Larry Wright Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Bureau of Land Management Bruce King Don McKay Mike Kasterin Kevin Delaney Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources Bureau of Indian Affairs Sam Murray Don Barrett U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bechtel Gary Stackhouse Bob Loder Jock Langbein Dudley Reiser National Marine Fisheries Service Woodward -Clyde Consultants Brad Smith Wayne Lifton Larry Rundquist Mike Joyce Paul Hampton Jon Issacs Representatives from the Alaska Power Authority, Bechtel Civil and Minerals, and Woodward-Clyde Consultants {WCC) met with representatives of various state and federal agencies to review and,~scuss the proposed environmental program for FY 1984 and the results of the 1983 Interim Feasibility Report. The purpose of the meeting was to present the individual components of the proposed program and to solicit and receive agency comments concerning the proposed studies. Eric Marchegiani of the 9597/020 10-10 Chakachamna Hydro List July 26, 1983 Page 2 Alaska Power Authority (APA) initiated the meeting with introductions of those present. Eric reviewed the funding prospects for FY 1984 and indicated that total funding was unlikely. Therefore, he wanted to use the meeting as a workshop in an effort to prioritize the various program elements. Eric noted that this would not be the only meeting for this purpose. 0 0 Gary Stackhouse (USFWS) asked about the present schedule for completing the FERC license application. -Eric Marchegiani (APA) responded by noting that if funding becomes available it would be about 1-2 years before the application would be filed. Gary Stackhouse (USFWS) inquired as to how long it would be before filing an application if sufficient funding is not obtained. -Eric Marchegiani (APA) noted that an additional 1-1/2 years would probably be required. Wayne Li~ton (WCC) then presented the aquatic biological studies proposed for FY-84 as contained in the Scope of Services document. This document had been distributed to the various agencies about two weeks prior to the meeting. Wayne briefly reviewed the major components of the program: Adult Anadromous studies would include the installation and operation of four fishwheels (3 on the McArthur River and one on the Chakachatna River), tag recovery operations, aerial surveys, mainstream electrofishing operations, and studies of Chakachamna Lake spawning; Outmi rant studies would include the use of two inclined plane smolt traps one on the McArthur River and one on the Middle River) Resident and Juvenile Anadromous studies would include minnow trapping, electro- fishing, Fyke nettings, and for Chakachamna Lake, electrofishing, gill netting, twawling and hydroacoustic surveys; Habitat studies would include the characterization of juvenile, spawning and egg incubation habitat. 0 0 9597/020 Bruce King (ADF&G) requested the locations of the fish wheels. -Wayne Lifton (WCC) noted that fish wheels would be located at Station 10 (3 wheels) and Station 6 (1 wheel); fyke nets would also be set in these areas. Brad Smith (NMFS) asked if the program described was for license application (i.e. no priorization of study com- ponents). -Wayne Lifton (WCC) acknowledged that the entire scope of work was being presented and that studies had not been prioritized. 10-11 Chakachamna Hydro list July 26, 1983 Page 3 0 Bruce King (ADF&G) asked if the level of hydroacoustic surveys proposed for the winter were the same as for the summer. -Wayne Lifton (WCC) noted that the winter studies would be at a lower level of effort. Lifton replied that the winter studies were designed to statistically describe the distribution of fish under the ice and near the proposed intake, however, it would not be possible to tow the transducers around on the ice. Larry Rundquist (WCC) then presented the hydrology and instream flow studies program and the proposed sampl~ng schedule. Rundquist noted that two continuous recording gages .would be operated, one at the location of the former U.S. Geological Survey gage on the Chakachatna River, and one on the upper McArthur River below the power house location. Staff gages would also be installed in various drainages to provide additional streamflow information. Rundquist described the proposed instream flow studies and indicated a preference for conducting the studies in the spring on an ascending limb of the hydrograph. He noted that the U.S.F.W.S. Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) was being proposed for the instream flow studies. Rundquist stated that presently 10 representative reaches and 5 critical reaches {for passage) had been selected for study based on various channel configurations. Rundquist also briefly described the ground water program which was proposed between the Chakachatna and McArthur River. 0 Gary Stackhouse (USFWS) asked where tidal influence occurs in the system and whether it might affect spawning. -Larry Rundquist {WCC) noted that tidal influence does not extend very far upstream on the Middle River and that the subtrate in the lower reaches of the system was poor for spawning. Rundquist indicated that the reaches for instream flow studies would be above tidal influence. -Wayne Lifton (WCC) added that to date the only species of fish using the lower reach of the system for rearing was stickleback. Mike Joyce (WCC) followed this discussion with a presentation of the wildlife program. Joyce reviewed the major wildlife issues which need to be addressed, including the effects of altered flows on moose and swan habitat, and the impacts of altered fish escapement and distribution on eagle and bear populations. Joyce then introduced and described the proposed use of the Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) for the wildlife studies. He stated that the existing models for the HEP model would be reviewed and appropriately modified to more accurately depict the wild- life species present in the Chakachamna Project area. Joyce noted that for this HEP study, no attempt would be made to evaluate the cumulative 10-12 Chakachamna Hydro List July 26, 1983 Page 4 impacts of other projects in conjunction with the Chakachamna Project; impact analysis would be limited to only the Chakachamna Project. Indicator species proposed for HEP analysis included: moose, trumpeter swan, bald eagle, brown bear, beaver and wolf. Joyce then reviewed other programs proposed for study including vegetarian mapping, bird studies (waterfowl nesting, and migration and staging activities) and mammal studies (bear denning and feeding; moose winter range and seasonal studies). Jon Issacs (WCC) then presented the proposed Human Resources pro- gram. He noted that the major components of the program as listed in the FERC requirements included evaluations of the project areas historic and archeological value, land use, socioeconomic structure, aesthetics and recreational use. Major project related issues identified by Issacs included regulatory compliance, construction and access impacts, effects of the project on Lake Clark National Park, project effects on the commercial and subsistence fishing, and project effects on viewer access and aesthetics. Issacs stated that, at the request of Eric Marchegiani (APA), the proposed study also included a public participation program which would involve 1-2 sets of meetings to occur in Tyonek, Soldotna and Anchorage. 0 Q Don Barrett (BIA) asked whether a specific time had been set for the meetings in Tyonek. -Jon Issacs (WCC) stated that the meetings would be scheduled when subsistence activities slow down, probably in the fall when villagers are present. Don Barrett (BIA) questioned whether ADF&G had done previous subsistence studies in the area. -Jon Issacs (WCC) noted that the Subsistence Division of ADF&G had been conducting studies in the area, as had Darbyshire and Associates for a coal development study. Eric Marchegiani (APA) commented that the question had been raised as to whether a fly-over of the area could be arranged. He noted that this had been done before, with the agency personnel providing their own transportation to Shirleyville and APA providing helicopter transport from there. He added that a site visit would be contingent upon receiv- ing funding for the project. Eric Marchegiani (APA) then opened the meeting for discussion and asked about the suitability of the programs. He stated that four areas of study had been identified including aquatic biology~ hydrology, terrestrial wildlife and human resources. He requested that any comments concerning the programs be brought out now for discussion, and that formal written comments could be submitted later. 9597/020 10-13 Chakachamna Hydro List July 26, 1983 Page 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 9597/020 Kevin Delaney (ADF&G) asked what type of studies were being proposed for pink and chum salmon? -Wayne Lifton (WCC) replied that outmigrant traps would be used to determine the timing and numbers of out- migrants. Kevin Delaney (ADF&G) stated that for the Susitna Project, Fyke nets had been successfully used to monitor downstream migrants, and therefore suggested they be used for the project. He cited the work of Dana Schmidt (ADF&G) which indicated that Fyke nets were more effective than minnow traps and electrofishing. -Wayne Lifton (WCC) indicated that use of this method would be investigated if funding becomes available. Kevin Delaney (ADF&G) also noted that from a priority standpoint, more years of aquatic information would be needed than for terrestrial studies. He stated that the objectives of the juvenile studies were right on line, including the studies of distribution, abundance, timing, smelting and habitat. Bruce King {ADF&G) concurred with the objectives of the program. In terms of priorities, King felt that primary emphasis should be on adult enumeration and spawning dist- ribution studies (last to be cut from the program). He believed that the smolt outmigration studies could be puton hold since outmigration is already ocurring. He recommended that outmigrant studies be postponed until next spring when the entire smolt outmigration could be monitored. As an alternative, he suggested looking at Chakachamna Lake fry. Kevin Delaney (ADF&G) agreed with these priorities and noted that the objectives of the resident and juvenile anadromous fish studies would be to define the extent of their distribution throughout the season. Brad Smith (NMFS) asked whether one winter trip would be sufficient for the studies. Kevin Delaney (ADF&G) indicated that if money is to be spent, it would be better to use it during the summer, at or prior to breakup, rather than on exploratory winter studies. He felt that during the winter, sample sizes are too small and therefore no conclusions can be made. Delaney felt that winter studies were best reserved for looking at habitat. 10=14 Chakachamna Hydro list July 26, 1983 Page 5 0 0 0 9597/020 Brad Smith (NMFS) noted that nothing specific was shown related to fish passage in the study plan and asked whether studies were planned. -Bob Loder (Bechtel) stated that the best way to address the problems of fish passage would be to meet with the appropriate agencies. He stated that the passage criteria would be based on the peak run with the facilities designed to meet the criteria. Loder noted that comments had been received concerning the proposed facility but that recommended changes had not yet been incorporated into the design. He stated that the changes would be addressed in the next few weeks and will be included in an addend~m report. -Eric Marchegiani (APA) agreed that the best way to establish criteria is to sit down with the agencies. He then requested comments specific to the Hydrology and/or the Terrestrial programs. Don McKay (ADF&G) recommended that the terrestrial wild- life program proceed using a planned approach. He stated that their (ADF&G) comments would probably increase the scope of work, and recommended a seeping session to pinpoint details. McKay felt that the intent of the study for FERC is to complete all required components. He thus felt somewhat uneasy about prioritizing the studies since the entire results would be needed at some time. -Eric Marchegiani (APA) explained the potential funding limitation for the Chakachamna Project, and stated that APA had been criticized in the past for wasting money on studies which had not been prioritized properly. He then asked if the National Park Service had any comments? Floyd Sharrock (NPS) stated he detected, in the present- ation on human resou.rces, some uncertainty as to whether FERC dictates requirements for inventory and analysis, or whether the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has a say in the FERC requirements. Sharrock recommended that the Advisory Council be approached first and ask them for what they will require. He noted that the Advisory Council will comment at any time and that they should have already been contacted. Sharrock felt that a statement of intent may be adequate and that it can make this whole process more simple and straightforward with less money being spent. He stated that the Compliance Officer for the western states is located in Denver and that he should be contacted. Sharrock asked Jon Issacs (WCC) how the Anchorage (WCC) office related to the San Francisco office, specifically to Ruth Ann Knudson? 10-15 Chakachamna Hydro List July 26, 1983 Page 7 0 -Jon Issacs (WCC) noted that Ruth Ann Knudson is the cultural resource specialist on the project and the project and that she wrote the human resources section. Issacs stated that Knudson would oversee the program. Don Barrett (BIA) asked several specific questions con- cerning the elevation of the lake, nature of the terrain downstrea~ of the lake, and land ownership. -Larry Rundquist {WCC) indicated the lake elevation to be 1142 ft; terrain downstream of the lake is relatively flat although the rivers are very steep in the Canyon. -Jon IssaGs (WCC) added that the area around the lake and 1/4 mile from the river floodplain is a federal power withdrawl area. Issacs noted that the remaining area belongs to a mixture of landowners. Eric Marchegiani (APA) reiterated the importance of providing comments which will be used in prioritizing the program. He stated that before going too far in defining and finalizing the program, another meeting would be held to better define priorities. He stressed however, that the availability of funds would largely dictate whether or not specific comments could be addressed. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. 10-16 9597/020 10.6 Distribution of Report -Comments and Responses The distribution for this Addendum, Volume IV, will be similar to that for Volumes I, II and III of the Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Interim Feasibility Assessment Report. Comments on Volumes I, II and III were received from the following agencies by letters dated as indicated. National Park Service, 20 May 1983; Department of the Army, 23 May 1983; Department of Environmental Conservation, 25 May 1983; Department of Fish and Game, 26 May 1983; Community & Regional Affairs, 31 May 1983; Department of Natural Resources, 9 June 1983; Department of Natural Resources, 14 June 1983. Copies of the above letters are reproduced on the pages following together with copies of the Power Authority's responses to the Agencies' comments. 10-17 IN R.EPLY REPY.R TO: United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Alaska Regional Office 540 West Fifth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 L3031 (ARO-P) 2 (l MAY )OC~ Mr. Eric P. Yould Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Yould: } Staff of this office and the Lake Clark National Park and Preserve have reviewed the Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Interim Feasibility Assessment Report. We have the following comments. The cultural resources section is composed of a brief overview of the prehistory and history of the project area, an evaluation that few factual data were (are) available for reconstructions or for estimating impacts, and a recognition of the need for field investigation prior to project activity. It would be desirable and beneficial for analytical purposes to also include a statement outlining the process that will be followed to inventory and evaluate cultural resources, including coordination with the appropriate state and federal agencies (the State Historic Preservation Officer and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation) should the project proceed. We are pleased to note the attention being given to coordination with the staff of the Lake Clark National Park and Preserve and to the analysis of existing recreational use within the project area. While the study report does recognize the close proximity of the project to the park, it does not attempt to identify the potential primary and secondary impacts to park (wilder- ness) resources. Perhaps the most obvious questions that should be addressed are: What effects, if any, will occur as a result of the project construction and operation to the fish and wildlife resources that normally gain access to the park from the project area? And what effect(s), if any, will result from an increased level of public use within the park as a result of improved ro~ access via the project roads which might later be linked to the Matanuska Valley and Anchorage via a road from the lower Susitna River Valley to Tyonek? Future study reports should attempt to quantify the potential project impacts to park resources. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, ~ ;,1 c...?k -1 t: IJ.lr:!~}C -fJ ~ Assoc&::: Regional Director Planning, Recreation and Cultural Resources cc: Superintendent, lake Clark 10-18 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE· ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Mr. Hugh L. Watson Associate Regional Director U.S. Department of the Interior National Park Service 540 West Fifth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 September 7, 1983 Subject: Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Dear Mr. Watson: Phone: (907) 2n·7&41 (907) 276-0001 Receipt is acknowledged of your May 20, 1983, letter conveying comments of your staff and that the Lake Clark National Park and Presence on the March 1983, Interim Feasibility Assessment Report of the above-referenced project. When funding permits, a study plan for the cultural resources studies to be performed in future project studies will be final- ized. A first draft of the proposed study plan was transmitted to you with our letter dated May 25, 1983. and discussed at the meeting in our offices on June 8, 1983. We are pleased to note that you were represented and participated in those discussions. The final study plan will include revisions to reflect your comments regarding the processes to be followed to inventory and evaluate cultural resources and to coordinate with the State Historic Preservation Officer and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Potential primary and secondary impacts on park resources will be addressed, particularly those on fish and wildlife arising from construction and operation of the project, and the effects result- ing from increased public use created by imprQved overland access. We appreciate having received your comments on the March 1983, report and look forward to working closely with your staff when funding permits some of these studies ~? proceed. c?.u~lY Eric P. Yould \ Executive Director cc:• Mr. Robert Loder, Bechtel, San Francisco Mr. Wayne Lifton, Woodward-Clyde, Anchorage 9782/057 10-19 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS POUCH 898 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99506 May 23, 1983 JUU•LY TO Hydropower and Comprehensive Planning Section Mr. Eric P. Yould Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Yould: hi::.. . \ -- '-' t: f L· I: • ..... l_l I appreciate the opportunity to review the Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Interim Feasibility Assessment Report furnished to this office on 12 April 1983. Much time and effort has obviously gone into the prepara- tion of this interim assessment report. I agree with you and other interested parties that there are some problem areas where more information and study are needed to permit a deter- mination of project economic feasibility. Such studies would include the considered outlet dike proposal, which would be very sensitive to possible dike failure, and the most effective movement of fishery resources through the outlet barrier. Also; 1 presume a rock trap would be provided to prevent b 1 as ted -,rock from being washed into the power tunne 1. Figure 3-4 of Volume I is unclear on this feature. If further assistance is required, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Carl Borasll of Planning Branch .at 5"52-3461. N E. Sa 1 i ng Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer 10-20 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE· ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Mr. Neil E. Saling, Colonel Alaska District Corps of Engineers Department of the Army Pouch 898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506 September 7, 1983 Subject: Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Dear Colonel Saling: Phone: (907) 2n·7641 (907) 276-0001 Receipt of your May 23, 1983, letter is acknowledged. Your comments on the Feasibility Assessment Report for the project are very much appreciated. You cited the proposed outlet dike as an area where more information and study are needed. We and our consulting engineers fully agree in this regard and plans for future studies of the project provide for additional surface and subsurface explorations to be performed in this area. We are thinking in terms of design- ing this dike as an 11 0verflow 11 or "flow through 11 type rockfill dike in order to reduce its sensitivity to the possibility of a dike failure. The provision of a spillway will limit the depth of overflow that can occur and thus prevent the onset of conditions that could lead to that type of failure. In the natural process presently working at the lake outlet, melting of the ice at the toe of Barrier Glacier causes the sand, gravel and boulders being carried along in the ice flow to be deposited in the outlet channel. A bar of gravel and boulders builds up until the lake water level reaches Elev. 1,155 feet, or thereabouts, after which a condition arrives where the gravel bar is overtopped to a sufficient degree to cause a significant part of it to be swept away and a lake outbreak flood such as the August 12, 1971, event occurs. The process then repeats itself. A barrier formed, as described above, would be composed of a random assortment of particle sizes, and being deposited without control, would be more sensitive to failure than an artificial barrier constructed of selected materials under controlled condi- tions. Subsurface explorations would be oriented to provide information that would enable the design to guard against a piping or blowout-type of failure. It should be borne in mind that dike failure would cause a downstream flood no greater than has occurred naturally with the breakout type of flood such as occurred in 1971. 9782/057 10-21 Mr. ~a 1 1 ng September 7, 1983 Page 2 No attempt has been made to finalize details of the rock traps for the lake tapping. Traditionally, the geometry selected would have been based on a trap below the tunnel, but it was noted that this arrangement may possess a number of disadvantages. When details are carried further forward, it was planned to engage Christian Groner as a special consultant in this field. He has been involved in a significant number of lake taps. It is intended to further study the provisions of fish passage facilities past the outlet barrier in response to a number of comments received from the State and Federal fishery agencies. These will be covered in an addendum to the report schedule to be issued in the near future. S t.ti'tere 1 y, ky~·d y '-_h 9 Executive Director fiP cc:-Mr. Robert loder, Bechtel, San Francisco Mr. Wayne Lifton, Woodward-Clyde, Anchorage 9782/057 10-22 rcDARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ME.MORANDUM State of Alaska TO: FROM. 437 E Street/Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 DATE: May 25, 1983 RL:CEIV~ Mr. Eric Yould, Director Alaska Power Authority FILE NO Chakachamna ~ .• ... ·. ·6: ~~ ·,r,;;~ \ ' -' _, ..... -~ Bob Martin, P.~ Deputy Directo~E6o TELEPHONE NO: SUBJECT: 274-2533 Chakachamna Iterim Feasibility Report March 1983 In reviewing the Chakachmna Iterim Feasibility Report, March, 1983, the study provides an interesting overview of potential project scenarios. However, in terms of detailed analysis, the report poses more questions thar. answers. The environmental field studies are extremely limited, providing a preliminary "reconnaisance level only" review of possible project impacts. Considering that the Department of Environmental Conservation was not invited to partici- pate in any "environmental field study scoping process," it would appear that what has been done to date was not intended to provide a detailed project assessment. Potential problems noted which would require a mitigation strategy are as follows: Exposure of the entire McArthur River stream delta during maximum drawdown (45 1 below pre-project minimum flow); -Inundation of lower stream reaches currently unaffected; Increased turbidity during winter months in the McArthur River; -Possible gas saturation in excess of 100% at powerhouse location; -Increase in water temperature by • go C at powerhouse, above ambient temperature in McArthur River; -Possible turbidity increase due to increased glacial meltwater; -Increased bed scour and bank erosion due to increased flooding of the McArthur River. In contrast to the excellent coordination and environmental field effort for the Silver Lake Hydroe 1 ectri c project, the Chakachamna project effort has been minimal at best. At such time as the Alaska Power Authority decides to give serious consideration to the Chakachamna project, the Department would be happy to work with you in scoping out an effective environmental studies program. 0\oi/BM/jfr 10-23 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE· ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Mr. Robert Martin~ P.E. Deputy Director, EQO State of Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation 437 E. Street -Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 September 7, 1983 Subject: Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Dear Mr. Martin: Phone: (907) 2n·7641 (907) 276-0001 Receipt is acknowledged of your May 25, 1983, letter conveying comments on the March 1983, Interim Feasibility Assessment Report for the subject project. You are entirely correct in noting that the project studies have thus far been quite limited in scope and consequently the report gives only a review of possible project impacts rather than a detailed impact assessment. The draft copy of the proposed study plan for the project transmitted with my May 25, 1983, letter contains study elements that will address the problems you noted requiring mitigation strategy. We regret that you were unable to be represented at the June 8, 1983, meeting when these plans for future studies were discussed in an open workshop. We shall be sure to notify you when further activities are contemplated and shall look forward to your participation when funding permits further studies of the project to go forward. s:::v. u '-l_,-X Eric P. Yould \ Executive Director cc: 4Mr. aobert loder, Bechtel, San Francisco Mr. Wayne Lifton, Woodward-Clyde, Anchorage 9782/057 10-24 1-t<12LH BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR Df:P.-\RT'tlf::'\T OF FISII :\ ~D Gt\ 'tiE PO BOX 32000 JUNEAU. ALASKA 99802 PHONE !907} 465-4700 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER ; 1·1ay 26, 1983 Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Mr. Eric P. Yould, Executive Director Gentlemen: Re: Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Interim Feasibility Assessment Report The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has reviewed the Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Interim Feasibility Assessment Report dated March 1983 and offers the fcl1mving comments for ycur consideration: A. General Overall, the paucity of quantitative data and general conclusions presented in this Interim Feasibility Report confirm the need for a far more encompassing and detailed level of study effort designed to document fully fish and wildlife species and their use of habitats within the study area. The minimal field studies accomplished to date evidence the need for more deta i1 ed, site-specific and 1 onger term inventory data before a thorough understanding of the pre-project and post-project conditions can be attained. Additional study elements which are needed include the collection of sufficient physical and biological environmental information to accomplish an instream flow analysis. This analysis would quantify the optimum flows required to maintain spawning, rearing, migration and incubation habitat for resident and anadromous fish species present within the Chakachamna and McArthur Rivers. In addition to the instream flow analysis, information sufficient to quantify potential impacts to fish and wildlife resources and public use attributable to the proposed project should be presented. This information should be developed in 10-25 Mr. Eric Yould -2-May 26, 1983 enough detail to provide for the development of an effective mitigation plan. We understand that a study plan for the 1983/84 field study program has been drafted and will soon be available for agency review and comment. We look forward to the opportunity to review and provide comments/recommendations on this study plan. B. Aquatic Biology 1. It does not appear that the study objectives outlined on page 6-28 have been accomplished. Specifically the text does not: a. evaluate those species and habitats potentially vulnerable to impacts that might occur during the construction and operation of one of the proposed alternatives; b. provide an evaluation of studies that would be minimum amount of water viable salmon fishery, the nature and extent of necessary to assess the necessary to maintain a c. identify critical habitats and · 1 ife functions occurring within the system in sufficient detail for use in evaluating potential impacts to such areas or 1 ife functions, d. address in adequate deta i 1 the hydraulic and biological studies initiate the proposed I nstream Flow the IFG Incremental Methodology. C. Juvenile Salmon Studies morphologic, required to Analysis using 1. The winter-spring sampling program was very sporadic. The information presented does not appear to be based upon a field program designed to sample systematically those stations in stream reaches which are believed to be important overwintering areas. 2. Presentation of the field data lacks pertinent analysis parameters including the omission of sample size data and the electrofishing and seining data are not addressed in terms of catch per unit effort (CPUE). The text discusses data without reference to tab 1 es or by referencing the wrong tables; and the report contains no summarization of juvenile catch data comparing seasonal variation by sampling station. 10-26 Mr. Eric Yould -3-May 26, 1983 3. Conclusions drawn about habitat utilization by juveniles during the winter and spring period are based on limited and inadequate sample sizes. It appears that no effort has been made to ana 1 yze the ravJ data to determine if hypothesized changes are statistically significant or simply a function of sample variability. 4. Techniques used to survey and evaluate smolt outmigration (use of plankton nets) are inappropriate. More effective and standard methods include the use of fyke nets, inclined plane traps, and rigid smolt traps. 5. Hydroacoustic sampling on Chakachamna Lake was very superficial and inadequate due to: a. Use of only one sampling period for the study duration; b. Inadequate number of transects; c. Species composition was not verified by other sampling means (tow-netting, etc.); d. Evaluation of juvenile presence and near surface water column fisheries use was not performed. An upward looking transducer would provide this information. D. Adult Salmon Studies 1. For the most part, fyke nets are not suitable for obtaining a representative sample of adult salmon migrating past sampling stations. Nets can only be placed in areas of minimal current and as such do not capture species which do not exhibit shore oriented behavior. 2. Some of the techniques used (overflights and netting) do not seem suitable for identification of potential mainstem spawning in glacially occluded areas (and subsequent enumeration of spawners). As a result, very little effort has been made to evaluate the extent of spawning in the mai"nstem Chakachamna and McArthur rivers. Further, the discussion assumes all spawning occurred in clearwater areas and, therefore, habitat requirements for spawning are limited to those areas. The ADF&G, through the Susitna Hydro Study, has developed highly successful and efficient electroshocking sampling techniques which would have application for the McArthur and Chakchamna River inventories. 10-27 Mr. Eric Yould -4-May 26, 1983 3. Potential lake spawning was addressed only superficially and in no way represents an adequate evaluation of that possibility. 4. No data are presented concerning the "correcting" of aerial counts by ground truthing (how much of each spawning area worked, how often repeated, how did counts compare, etc.). 5. No streaml ife data are presented in this report (number tagged fish observed, frequency of observation, etc.). This information directly affects escapement estimates and should be well documented. E. Terrestrial Vegetation and Wildlife -Mammals The information presented in this report pertaining to wildlife and human use of vii 1 dl ife does not meet the study objective on page 6-59 which states: " ... to identify important wildlife resources in the study area, their use of the area, and the importance of identified vegetative and aquatic communities to these resources." The data and conclusions presented will not enable a meaningful assessment of the potentia 1 project impacts on the wi 1 dl i fe resources, their habitats or the secondary effects of public use of these resources. The ADF&G believes that the level of effort used to define existing wildlife use was not adequate to evaluate fJlly wildlife use of the area. A two-week field program does n·Jt allow enough time to quantify terrestrial mammal use of S'JCh a large area displaying such a wide range of habitat types. The species list compiled lacks several species known to occur in this area including fox, hare, martin and weasel. Table 6.2, page 6-7 should be amended to include these species. Gray wolves are occasional users of this area and should not be considered common users as indicated in table 6.2. Moose, bear and furbearer harvest statistics for the study area should be included or summarized in this report. The limited aerial survey data are suspect due to seasonal and nocturna 1 variations. Methodologies used to identify moose calving and wintering areas are also questionable. The presence of juvenile skeletal remains should not be construed to confirm a calving area nor should shed antlers be relied upon to denote a moose wintering area. In surrmary, while there are a significant amount of new data in this report, they are not properly presented, and in some cases the conclusions based on the data are questionable. In addition, given the unplanned and sporadic nature of the data collection, conclusions drawn based on this information may be of little value in determining the potential effects of the proposed project on the anadromous fish resources of the two drainages studied. We suggest that the report data 10-28 Mr. Eric Yould -5-May 26, 1983 be used as background for preparing a more detailed study plan which will meet the objectives necessary to evaluate the project. We look forward to working with the APA and its contractors to develop a study plan to collect the information necessary to quantify impacts attributable to the project and to develop an acceptable mitigation plan. Should you have questions or require clarification regarding our comments, please contact Habitat Division Staff in Anchorage. Sincere 1 y, '0~ D ~J~.~ ,("L._oo~Coll i nsworY~ {' Commissioner 10-29 ALASKA POWER AUmORITT 334 WEST 5th AVENUE· ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 The Honorable Don W. Collinsworth Commissioner State of Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game P.O. Box 3-2000 - Juneau, Alaska 99802 September 12, 1983 Subject: Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Dear Conmi ss ioner Call inS\t~orth: Phone: (907) 2n·7641 (907) 276-«)01 Receipt is acknowledged of your May 26, 1983, letter conveying the comments of your Department on the Interim Feasibility Assess- ment Report for the subject project. During our December 9, 1983, meeting in Anchorage, it was agreed that the Alaska Power Authority would develop a study plan as considered necessary to meet Federal Energy Regulatory Commis- sion (FERC) license application filing requirements. Our consult- ing engineers and environmental advisors developed such a study plan and it was transmitted to the various resource agencies by letter dated May 25, 1983. Subsequently, a meeting was called in our Anchorage office on June 8, 1983. At this meeting a brief presentation covering the study plan was made and representatives of the resource agencies were then invited to participate in a workshop during which much useful dialogue ensued. The study plan specifically addressed collection of data that will provide the level of information needed for detailed impact assessment and mitigation planning. Commencement of the study plan is, however, dependent upon the allocation of funds for its implementation. We were pleased to receive your comments on the March 1983, Interim Feasibility Assessment Report and offer the responses discussed below by heading: (B) Aquatic Biology -The initial studies conducted in 1981 and winter/spring 1982, were designed to address and to meet the objectives mentioned insofar as the timing, budgets, and authorization of the studies allowed. It is recognized that such reconnaissance studies are not sufficient by themselves to meet all of the study objectives. The proposed studies for 1983-84 are an expansion of those conducted in the summer/fall 9782/057 10-30 uon Cot t1nswortn September 12, 1983 Page 2 of.1982, and are described in the recently prepared study plan wh1ch was presented to representatives of your agency on June 8, 1983. Instream flow studies have been identified as important to meeting the project objectives, and baseline data h~ve been collected on the morphology, hydraulics, and aquatic b1ology of the Chakachatna and McArthur River systems. This has led to a selection of river segments within which instream flow study reaches will be selected. As stated in the study plan, it is proposed to collect data in these study reaches for analysis using the IFG Incremental methodology. (C) Juvenile Salmon Studies - 1. The winter/spring 1982 sampling was conducted at a reconnaissance level and on an ad hoc basis as funds became available during the spring of 1982. These studies were primarily exploratory in nature, with most field programs of limited duration. The primary purpose of the winter studies was to discover areas of potential fisheries over-wintering habitat. 2. Since the data collected in winter/spring 1982 were basically exploratory in nature, seasonal comparisons with more detailed data collections were not warranted. Equal sampling efforts for seining and electrofishing were used at each station; catch per unit effort data for these techniques were presented in Volume III, Appendix AS of the March 1983 report. An errata sheet for incorrect table references will be prepared and issued with the Addendum to the report in the near future. 3. Because the study was largely exploratory in nature, no detailed prior statistical comparisons were planned and we do not believe they were warranted at that time. The data were purposely presented as observations related to species presence and timing so that the reader would not confuse the results with those of more detailed studies to be conducted later. 4. Outmigrant sampling, as stated in the text, was conducted briefly in different areas of the river systems and by helicopter to aid in evaluating timing of outmigration during a one-day investigation. We concur that an inclined plane trap is a superior method for conducting full-scale programs; an inclined plan trap was utilized in the spring 1983 work, and provision for this methodology is included in our 1983-84 study plan. 5. Weather and safety conditions during September 1983, limited the type and extent of hydroacoustic studies that Don Collinsworth September 12, 1983 Page 3 could be done. The studies were originally planned to be far more detailed. The hydroacoustic surveys proposed for 1983-84 and presented in the study plan, address all stated concerns. D. Adult Salmon Studies - 1. During 1982, fyke nets were the only gear available to the project. The nets provided useful data and, in some instances, fished 50 to 100 percent of the stream. As stated in the 1983 study plan, a combination of fish wheels and fyke nets will be used for more detailed studies. 2. Relatively low levels of effort were expended to sample for mainstem spawning in areas where there was no suitable substrate. Many areas of both rivers are also unsuitable due to velocity or depth. Such areas include the vast majority of both the McArthur and Chakachatna River mainstem areas. We concur that electrofishing is an efficient sampling technique in mainstem areas, and we have used it for that purpose in both rivers. An expanded electrofishing program is included in the 1983-84 study plan. 3. Lake spawning was only investigated in areas with substrate suitable for sockeye salmon spawning. The 1983-84 study plan calls for more intensive studies in the future. 4 & 5. These data will be supplied in a future report. E. Terrestrial Vegetation and Wildlife -During September 1981, a two-week reconnaissance level survey was conducted on the vegetation and wildlife at Chakachatna area. The intent of this survey was to gain a basic understanding of species presence and distribution, or absence. The results of the survey were to be used for planning the scope and level of effort for future studies. To date, funding for additional terrestrial studies has not been available • . A description of future studies was prepared and was discussed with ADF&G representative at our June 8, 1983, meeting. These studies included: 0 0 9782/057 The preparation of vegetation maps; Aerial and ground transects to quantitatively describe the wildlife resources; and 10-32 Don Collinsworth September 12, 1983 Page 4 0 The use of a modified Habitat Evaluation Procedures analysis to quantitatively describe anticipated project impacts. This program will be conducted during the course of a year to identify seasonal changes in habitat availability and use when funds become available. Again, thank you for your comments on the March 1983, report. We look forward to the continuing cooperation of your staff in the implementation of our future studies for this project. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me or Mr. Eric Marchegiani. CY .. ~ Eric P. Yould ~ Executive Director cc: •Mr. -Robert toder, Bechtel, San Francisco Mr. Way.ne Lifton, Woodward-Clyde, Anchorage Mr. Don McKay, ADF&G, Anchorage 9782/057 10-33 MEMORANDUM State of Alaska Community and Regional Affairs TO Eric P. Yould, Executive Director DATE Alaska Power Authority Department of Commerce and EconQA.~~o: Development REC Ef'VlfBNENo FROM ?' Lommi ss ioner suBJECT ~~~Regional JUN 0 9 1983 Affairs Al.J.SKA POWER AUTliORITY 31 May 1983 Chakachamna Interim Feasibility Study Thank you for the opportunity to review the Chakachamna Interim Feasibility Study. With regard to the study, and the major hydroelectric project which it presents, this Department submits the following comments for your consideration. The report's introduction (p. 1-1) presents a study objective: " ••• to provide a preliminary assessment of the effects that the project would have on the environment". Further in the report, the study environment is defined to include a component of "Human Resources", as well as hydrology and biology. In reading the study, we therefore anticipated the presentation of a preliminary assessment of the effects of the development on the human environment. In this case, the potentially~~ffected human environment is represented at four different levels: by the village of Tyonek; by the Kenai Borough: by the Matanuska-Susitna Borough; and by the Municipality of Anchorage. However, while this feasibility study did thorough baseline portraits of these four stopped short of any actual assessment of of project development, either beneficial the human .·resource. include reasonably human habitats, it the potential effects or detrimental, on A final feasibility study for this proposed project should include specific assessments of the effects of the development on the human resource. Such assessments should be undertaken and presented in such detail and manner so as to permit the potentially4~ffected populations and their representatives to clearly understand the implications of the development relevant to their community(ies). An example of the kind of further assessment that should be undertaken is a comparison of the existing and potential relationship between the wildlife resource and the use of that resource for subsistance and commercial purposes. The Interim feasibility study presents a detailed account of the area's wildlife, particularly its fisheries resources. The study also 10-34 Mr. Eric P. Yould 31 May 1983 Page Two indicates that the residents of Tyonek have a strong subsistance relationship to that resource. However, a next step should be taken which specifically relates the acquired data on fisheries to the data on human use of that resource. That is, who fishes for what kind of fish, when and where, and how is the-fish used? Knowing this, a further step should be taken which would superimpose the various development scenerios onto the existing framework; assessing the possible range of effects that the development could produce. The final feasibility study should carry the human resource assessments at least to this point. However, a further useful step in the feasibility process would be the formulation and assessment of possible strategies that~&ffected populations could employ to obtain the maximum benefit (and minimum detriment) from the development, should it actually occur. Most importantly, the above described assessment and strategy formulation process should include effective participation opportunities for potentiallyA&ffected populations. Three areas of concern for which the above process should be employed are: 1) Tyonek village subsistance activity; 2) the economics of commercial fisheries interests in Upper Cook Inlet; and 3} increased service demands on the Kenai Peninsula Borough resulting from construction and operations phases of the project. We feel that it is appropriate and necessary that the final feasibility study reflect a fundamental understanding of the potential futures of these areas of concern relative to the proposed hydroelectric project. Again, thank you for the opportunity to comment on the study. 10-35 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE· ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 The Honorable Mark Lewis Corrrnissioner State of Alaska Community & Regional Affairs Pouch B Juneau, Alaska 99811 September 7, 1983 Subject: Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Dear Commissioner Lewis: Phone: (907) 277-7641 (S07) 276-0001 Receipt is acknowledged of your memorandum dated May 31, 1983. We were pleased to receive your comments on the March 1983, Interim Feasibility Assessment Report for the subject project and have carefully reviewed them. The Report had a limited set of objec- tives which included: 0 0 0 0 Identify issues and conflicts to be addressed by project studies; Summarize available environmental data with additional data gathered dependent on funding priorities; Identify potential impacts without detailed analysis; Compare project alternatives from engineering, economic and environmental perspectives. When sufficient funds can be allocated to this project, it is intended to prepare baseline data for a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission License application. At that time, impacts and mitiga- tion measures, including those cited in your memorandum, will be examined. Your concerns such as impacts on Tyonek, the Kenai Peninsula and Mat-Su Boroughs and the Municipality of Anchorage will be addressed as will the impacts on commercial fishing and Tyonek subsistence activities. The preparation of development scenarios, mitigation measures and public participation programs and the definition of project benefits, would also take place at that time. The draft of a proposed study plan for that work was transmitted to you with our letter dated May 25, 1983. It is regretted that you were unable to be represented at the June 8, 1983, meeting when that study plan was discussed. 9782/057 10-36 • The Honorable Mark Lewis September 7, 1983 Page 2 We shall look forward to your participation and cooperation when funding considerations permit some of these studies to pro- ceed. C\? J!L Eric P. Yould j Executive Director cc: Mr. Robert Loder, Bechtel, San Francisco Mr. Wayne Lifton, Woodward-Clyde, Anchorage 9782/057 10-37 ·MEMORANDUM DEPARTKEBT OP IATURAL RESOU'RCES TO: FROM: Eric Tould Executive Director Alaska Power Authority Roland Shanks l Director !{! State of Alaska DIVISIOR OF RESEARCH AID DEVELOPMENT DATE: June 9, 1983 FILE NO: TELEPHONE NO: SUBJECT: The Department of latural Resources has reviewed the Chackachamna Hydroelectric Project Interim Feasibilit,y Assessment Report. The 4epartment's clearinghouse, which is located in this division, has received the following information. The geologic hazards associated with this project are immense and difficult to predict. Effects of an eruption of Mt. Spurr on the Barrior Glacier and Chakach&mna Lake could be devastating to attempts to produce hydropower. The project's proximity to the Castle Mountain Fault also needs to be considered. I hope that the tardiness of these comments doe& not affect their usefulness. !he delay was due to probleu rl th the postal service and was beyond our control. cc: Gary Prokosch, SCDO Gail Karch, DGGS LV:rh 10-38 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE· ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Mr. Roland Shanks Director Department of Natural Resources Division of Research & Development 555 Cordova Pouch 7-0005 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 September 7, 1983 Subject: Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Dear Mr. Shanks: Phone: (907) 277·7641 (907) 276-0001 Thank you for your June 9, 1983, memorandum conveying your comments on the Interim Feasibility Assessment Report for the above referenced project. Please rest assured that the Alaska Power Authority staff, and our consulting engineers studying the project, are well apprized of the hazards associated with an eruption of Mt. Spurr, and with the seismic risk posed by the proximity of the Castle Mountain Fault. The underground arrangement presently proposed for the project should be less vulnerable than surface structures to seismic damage. For example, a surface powerhouse in the McArthur Valley would be subject to rock falls from the high valley walls above the powerhouse during a seismic event. Your comments are well taken and further investigations of these phenomena are planned when funding permits that to be done. C? ~ Eric P. Yould ~ Executive Director cc: ~r. iobert Loder, Bechtel, San Francisco Mr. Wayne Lifton, Woodward-Clyde, Anchorage 9782/057 10-39 MEMORANDUM State of Alaska DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT TO. ERIC MARCHEGIANI Alaska Power Authority FROM. ROLAND SHANKS I} Director j' /I DATE FILE NO TELEPHONE NO. SUBJECT June 1 4 , 1 983 RECEIVED DNR 83053102 276-2653 ,· ~ N 2 0 1983 AL.ASK.·, PQW!;.P. /'JTHORITY Chakachamna Hydro Project The Department of Natural Resources has received the draft study plan of the proposed hydroelectric project. Reviewers have two concerns: Page B-8 What is the purpose of building a dike at the end of the lake? If the dike is intended to raise the water level, this may create problems by making Barrier Glacier unstable. Page 13 We recommend that the study plan include an evaluation of whether the glacier is thickening or thinning. Barrier Glacier holds back the lake. If the glacier moves, then the lake moves also. Please contact Gail March at the Division of Geological and Geophysical Survey, 474-7147, if you have any questions. RS/LW/dpj 02-00IA (Rev 10179) 10-40 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE· ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Phone: (9<m 2n-7641 (907) 276-0001 September 7, 1983 Mr. Roland Shanks, Director Department of Natural Resources Division of Research & Development 555 Cordova Pouch 7-0005 SEP 1 9 1983 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Dear Mr. Shanks: ft T. LODER Receipt is acknowledged of your memorandum dated June 14, . 1983, conveying two comments on the Interim Feasibility Assessment Report. Our response is as follows: (1) (2) Page B-8. Building a dike at the end of the lake, near its present outlet, is proposed for several reasons, principal among which is the need to develop regulatory storage that will enable surplus water to be stored during the high runoff months and then be diverted for power generation during the low runoff months. The dike would not cause the water level in the lake to rise above the maximum level to which it has risen in the past under natural conditions. Thus, the Barrier Glacier would not be exposed to lake water levels any higher than it has in the past. As may be seen by reference to the Appendix to Section 4.0, Power Studies, in Volume I of the report, Alternative E, Page 1, the mean lake level during operation of the power plant in the 30-year period study would have been Elev. 1,130 feet. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) records, the mean water level at the lake outlet gauge was 1,139 feet so that operation of the lake for power generation would have caused a net lowering of about 9 feet in the mean water level during that period. Page 13. Plans for future studies of the project provide for measurements of ablation, advance or retreat of the glacial ice in the vicinity of the lake outlet. Ice thicknesses were measured by the USGS in 1981, but the results have not yet been released. ~rely,Q ~\. \~\._JJ Eric P. Youl d "\ Executive Director cc: ~r. Robert loder, Bechtel, San Francisco ~r. Wayne Lifton, Woodward-Clyde, Anchorage 9782/057 10-41 ADDENDUM TO VOLUME II 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Volume II, Errata Spring Studies June 8-11, 1982 Page No. 6-167 6-170 6-172 6-173 6-174 6-174 6-175 6-175 6-175 6-176 Page 6-170, Chi1ligan River, third line "Table 19" should read "Table 20." Page 6-171, Chakachatna River, second paragraph, third line, "Table 22" should read "Table 23." Page 6-173, McArthur River Drainage, second paragraph, first line, "Table 33" should read "Tables 32 and 33." Supplementary Table References Location Volume III Table Reference Straight Creek Appendix A3 -Table 13 Another River Appendix A3 -Table 18 Lower Chakachatna Appendix A3 -Table 26 River Straight Creek Appendix A3 -Table 31 McArthur R. Sta. 11.5 Appendix A3 -Table 36 McArthur R. Sta. 11 Appendix A3 -Table 37 Chakachatna R. Sta. 17 Appendix A3 -Table 39 Middle River Appendix A3 -Tables 40 & 41 Straight Creek Clear-Appendix A3 -Table 42 water Tributary McArthur River Appendix A3 -Tables 43, 44, & 45 6-1 6.10 6.10.1 ENVIRONMENTAL HYDROLOGY -1983 Introduction The purpose of this section is to describe the hydrologic studies conducted in the late fall, winter, and spring of 1982-83 (FY83) in support of the environmental program leading toward the feasibility assessment of the Chakachamna Lake Hydroelectric Project. The overall objective of the environmental hydrology studies was to collect baseline data to assist in future evaluation of the physical processes of the Chakachatna and McArthur River systems, correlation of these processes with fish and wildlife habitats, and to aid in the design of future studies. Previous environmental hydrology studies are summarized in Volume II, Sections 6.2 and 6.7 of the 1983 Interim Feasibility Assessment (1983 IFArt) Report. The study area is described in Volume II, Sections 6.1 and 6.2 (1983 IFAR). The FY83 winter/spring hydrologic studies were conducted on the Chakachatna River at the Chakachamna Lake outlet and on the McArthur River downstream of the powerhouse location. The studies at these sites concentrated on baseline data collection of stream flow and water temperature. Two recording gages (Datapod Model DP211SG dual channel recorders) were used to record water stage and temperature at the two study sites. The installation and initial data collection of these recorders is discussed in Volume II, Section 6.7.2 of the 1983 !FAR. 6-2 6.10.2 Stream Flow Characteristics Collection of streamflow data was initiated in 1982 with the installation of two recording gages and numerous staff gages distributed through the Chakachatna and McArthur River systems. A single discharge measurement was taken in October at a number of the sites to form the basis of preliminary rating curves. These discharges, along with comparable discharges measured in September 1981, were presented in Section 6.7 of the report. Additional discharge measurements were made in Spring of 1983 at five sites in the project area (Table 6.85}. Two of these measurements were conducted at the two recording gage sites; these were used to improve the reliability of the rating curves at these sites. Chakachatna River. The preliminary rating curve used to calculate the Chakachatna River discharges reported in Section 6.7 (1983 IFAR} was revised based on the additional discharge measurement conducted in spring of 1983 and on a review of u.s.G.s. rating curves. The stages corresponding to the two discharges were adjusted to approximately the same reference elevation as the u.s.G.S. gage reference elevation by adding 7 ft. to the datapod readings. The zero datapod reading does not correspond to a zero discharge because the datapod was installed in the existing u.s.G.S. gage stilling well, which did not extend all the way to the bottom of the channel. The adjustment shifts the stage corresponding to a zero discharge on the datapod to 7 ft. below the datapod, close to the actual stage for zero flow. The two measured discharges and corresponding 6-3 adjusted stages were found to fit closely to the rating curve developed for the period June 1959 to May 1960 by the u.s.G.s. This curve was based on six discharge measurements and was considered by the u.s.G.S. to be fairly well defined between 800 cfs and 14,000 cfs. Although the U.S.G.S. rating curves shifted from one year to the next, they tended to have similar shapes. It was assumed that using the U.S.G.S. rating curve for the 1959-60 period would be preferable to using a rating curve based on only two measurements in 1982-83. The resulting rating equations are: Q = 1.09 (Sd + 7)3.28 for 0 s 6.2 and -d-+ 7)2.34 Q = 12.26 (Sd for 6.2 sd 15 where Q = computed discharge, in cfs and Sd = stage recorded on the datapod, in ft. The rating curve equations were applied to the stage values recorded by the datapod from its installation on 11 August 1982 through 17 May 1983. The resulting mean daily discharges are presented in Table 6.86, which supersedes the Chakachatna River values presented in Table 6.26 (1983 IFAR) based on the preliminary rating curve. The discharge hydrograph for this period is shown in Figure 6.144. Discharge records for the period August through September are considered poor due to the lack of discharge measurements to verify the rating curve. Discharge records after November are considered very poor due to lack of discharge measurements and insufficient depth of water over the gage. 6-4 The stilling well housing of the Chakachatna River gage was destroyed by ice and/or rock falls on or about 17 May 1983. The lower sections of the stilling well were severed from the upper sections at a level roughly 10 to 12 ft. above the level of the gage. The transducer and connector cable for the datapod unit were damaged in the process. The unit was retrieved on 26 May 1983 for repair. The repaired unit was reinstalled on 18 June 1983 on the opposite bank with the pressure transducer at a lower level. The damaged unit precluded the opportunity to check the unit for drift of the transducer readings. McArthur River. The preliminary rating curve used to calculate the McArthur River discharges presented in Volume II, Section 6.7 (1983 IFAR) does not need to be revised based on the discharge measured in April of 1983. The measured discharge fit the straight line log-log relationship defined by a single field measurement, which was supplemented by a number of values computed using the Manning equation. The equation for this rating curve, which is applicable to the condition of having sand dunes in the channel (see Volume II, Section 6.7.3 1983 IFAR) for a discussion of these dunes), is as follows: Q = 6.59 sd 3.85 where Q = computed discharge, in cfs, and sd = stage recorded on the datapod, in ft. A rating curve was also developed for the period prior to the mid-September 1982 flood when there were no sand dunes in the cross section at the gage. This 6-5 curve was based only on discharge values calculated from the Manning equation. There were no measured discharges at this cross section prior to the mid-September flood. The resulting rating curve can be written: o = 141.1 sd 1 •81 where Q and sd are as defined above. It is assumed for both curves that the discharge is zero when the gage is zero (no offset constant); this assumption appears reasonable based on observations at the site. Surveyed water surface elevations were compared with datapod readings to check for drift on the datapod's pressure transducer; a drift of almost 1.5 ft. was calculated from June 1983 measurements. Adjustments to the datapod readings were made assuming linear drift at a rate equal to that during the period from 6 April to 19 June 1983. Based on these assumptions, the datapod readings were adjusted by a constant amount each day beginning on 24 September 1982. The Adjusted stage values were input to the applicable rating curve equation to compute the corresponding mean daily discharges (Table 6.87). This table supersedes the McArthur River values presented in Table 6.26 (Volume II, 1983 IFAR). The discharge hydrograph for this period is shown in Figure 6.145. Discharge records are considered poor due to the lack of discharge measurements defining the rating curves and the shifting bed. The datapod gage was replaced on 29 June 1983 to allow for servicing of the drift in the old 6-6 6.10.3 transducer. The new datapod unit was installed a short distance upstream of the previous gage. Selection of the new gage site was based on (1) the desire to install the gage in a way that it could more easily be removed for servicing and (2) finding a cross section with a lower potential for sediment deposition. Water Temperature Water temperatures were measured on a continuous basis at the recording gage locations on the Chakachatna and McArthur Rivers. The daily fluctuations during the late summer and fall are presented in Section 6.7.4, Volume II, 1983 IFAR. Water temperature data for the late fall and winter period at the Chakachatna and McArthur River gage locations are presented in Tables 6.88 and 6.89, respectively of this addendum. Water temperature in the Chakachatna River decreased to near 0°C by early December. Insufficient depth of water over the transducer limits the usefulness of the temperature data after that time. Water temperatures in the McArthur River decreased to 0°C by early November, began to increase in early April and exceeded 4.0°C by mid-May. 6-7 6.11 6.11.1 AQUATIC BIOLOGY -1983 Introduction and Objectives Two aquatic biology studies were conducted during 1983; one during winter 1983, and the other during spring 1983. Winter Study During April 1983 a brief winter field study was carried out with a limited scope of work. This study was carried out in conjunction with environmental hydrology studies and was designed to supplement work carried out during the fall of 1982 (Volume II, 1983 IFAR). The objectives of this study were: ~ Extend the data base on habitat use and seasonal distribution of fish; , Examine the success of spawning and incubation at selected sites; ~ Extend the data base on habitat characteristics and water quality including water temperatures in salmon incubation areas. Spring 1983 Study This study was carried out in the period of mid-June to early July, with the start date based upon permit authorization. Studies were carried out under FYB3 funds and were terminated when the authorized scope-of-work had been met. These studies were 6-8 conducted to the extent feasible, (and authorized} at the level of effort described in the 1983 study plan (Alaska Power Authority, 1983}. This level of effort included more stations than sampled during 1982 and more sample replicates. The study program objectives are described below by program task. Adult Anadromous Fish Although this program was not included in the original scope of work, the presence of adult anadromous fish within the river systems allowed opportunistic data collection to increase the information available about the early migration of salmon into the Chakachatna and McArthur River Systems. The objectives of the program were: ~ Determine the timing of upstream migrations by adult anadromous fish; ~ Determine migratory pathways within the Chakachatna and McArthur River Systems as efforts permitted; and , Estimate the escapement to spawning areas in sloughs, tributaries, and mainstream areas as time permitted. Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish This program was carried out at a greater level of effort than in previous studies (see Section 6.11.2). 6-9 Since the program consisted of only one time period it was designed to contribute to meeting the following objectives: ~ Determine the relative seasonal distribution and abundance of R&JA fish; , Identify important rearing areas of R&JA fish; and ' Identify movement patterns of R&JA fish. Outmigrants were also studied. Due to the timing and duration of the study, a limited amount of data was collected to meet the overall objectives of: ' Determine the timing of outmigration of salmon juveniles; and 1 Quantify the number of juveniles migrating to sea. Habitat Data Collection 6.11.2 This program was directed at measuring the physical characteristics of habitats at each sampling station. The overall objective was to Determine the use and characteristics of important habitats and characterize these in terms of stream-flow variables. Methodology Methodologies used during the winter and spring 1983 studies were basically similar to those used during the 1982 summer-fall fisheries program. Where methods used were the same these have been referenced 6-10 to Volume II, 1983 IFAR. Where methods or intensity differed, the differences are discussed below. The study periods during which each gear was operated are noted in Tables 6.90 and 6.91. The sampling stations used in this study are shown in Figure 6.146 with details of the McArthur tributaries shown in Figures 6.147 and 6.148. Salmon Spawning Escapement. Although estimation of salmon spawning escapement during the spring (June-July) 1983 studies was not included in the scope of work, observations and counts were made on an opportunistic basis. Methodology generally followed that used during 1982 (see Volume II, Section, 1983 IFAR). Ground-truthing was performed for species identification at each site, but counts were not ground-truthed during these surveys. Fyke Nets During the spring 1983 study, fyke nets were set as a supplement to electrofishing and minnow trap sampling. Nets were initially set at stations lD, 4, and 6 for dates shown in Table 6.91. The methodology used to fish and sample these nets was the same as that used during the summer-fall 1982 program (Volume II, Section 1983 IFAR). Difficulties with heavy debris loads associated with increasing flows occurred at all three stations, and moving sand dunes in the McArthur River were a problem at station lD. These problems resulted in early removal of the nets. 6-11 Minnow Traps Minnow trap methodology for the winter 1983 study was the same as that employed during the 1982 studies (Volume II, Section, 1983 IFAR). Four replicate traps were set at each station listed in Table 6.90. For the spring 1983 study, the methodology was altered in accordance with the draft Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Study Environmental Study Plan (APA, 1983). As stated in that plan, the number of sampling stations below Chakachamna Lake was increased from 26 to 40 (Figure 6.147). Ten baited minnow traps were set at each station (Table 6.91). The minnow traps used were 43.2 x 22.9 em (17 x 9 in), with 1.6 mm (0.063) in mesh. These traps were set overnight (24 hours) and each set was considered a unit of effort. Electrofishing Electrofishing during the April and spring studies generally followed the same methodology used during 1982 (Volume II, Section, 1983 IFAR). During the April study, electrofishing was used to supplement minnow trap collections, particularly in those areas where turbidity, cover objects, or depth did not allow an adequate determination of fish abundance by observation. During the spring 1983 study, electrofishing was used at all stations sampled (Table 6.91). Three replicate collections were made at each of the 6-12 resident and juvenile anadromous fish sampling stations below Chakachmna Lake. Electrofishing was generally used by means of localized intermittent application of electrodes to avoid the effect of "driving" the fish. Electrofishing collections were standarized to a catch-per-effort of number of fish/100 shocking-seconds/replicate (100/s-S). Gill Nets Vertical experimental gill nets were used for sampling fish in Chakachamna Lake during the winter 1983 study. The nets consisted of vertically oriented panels of nylon monofilament netting of varying mesh sizes. The mesh sizes on each net were ordered on the basis of a randomized block design with each mesh size appearing twice on each net. The nets were 3.0 m wide by 51.2 m long (10 by 168 ft). Meshes used were 1.3 em (0.5 in), 2.5 em (lin), 3.8 em (1 1/2 in), 5.1 em (2 in), 6.4 em (2 1/2 in), 7.6 em (3 in), and 8.9 em (3.5 in). Each net was made to be deployed using a weighted pipe at the bottom with rigid horizontal spreaders set perpendicular to the vertical axis along the length of the net. The top of the net was floated and anchored to the ice cover with ice screws. Net effort consisted of a 24 hour set. No fish were caught by this technique during the April study. Inclined Plane Trap Outmigrant Sampling An inclined plane trap was utilized to sample for outmigrants during the spring 1983 study. The trap was deployed at station lD and operated from mid-June 6-13 through early July (Table 6.91). The inclined plane smolt trap is similar in design to that used by ADF&G Commercial Fisheries Division at Crescent Creek. Similar designs have been shown to be effective for sampling the downstream migration of salmon smolt in turbid glacial rivers in Alaska (Meehan, 1964). The trap (Figure 6.149) is suspended in the water column on each side by floats (pontoons) made of styrofoam and plywood 2.2 m (86 in) long. A frame located slightly in front of the trap center supports a winch system to raise and lower the front of the trap. The trap consists of a perforated aluminum plate floor (0.8 em, 0.3 in dia. holes} 2.4 m (9.6 in) long and 1.2 m (4 ft) wide at the mouth tapering to the rear where it attaches to the live box. This floor is inside an aluminum frame to which 1.3 em (0.5 in) mesh wire netting is attached forming the trap sides. The live box is suspended in the water by adjustable styrofoam and plywood floats. The 1.2 m (4.0 ft) long, 0.9 m (3ft) wide, and 0.6 m (2ft) deep box has a plywood bottom and perforated aluminum plate sides (0.3 em, 0.125 in diameter holes). A 10.3 em (4.1 in) mesh net held in place by a frame is placed inside the box. This net is removable for fish collection. The entire assembly is anchored in place. Fish were removed daily from the live box and processed, water depth and velocity were also measured to estimate flow through the trap. The trap was cleaned daily and moved if the water depth had changed due to rising water or bed load movement. Such changes were not unusual due to the increasing flow and shifting sand in that portion of the river. 6-14 Habitat Data Collection Habitat data were collected in the same manner as described in Volume II, Section 6.8.3, 1983 IFAR. In addition to those data previously collected, measurements of incubation habitat were made during the winter 1983 field trip. Incubation data were collected by means of 2.5 em (1.0 in) inner diameter, 1.0-2.0 m (3.3-6.6 ft.) long standpipes installed in previously identified spawning areas. These standpipes were installed with their openings as deep as 0.4-1.0 m (1.5-3 ft) below the surface of the substrate. The standpipes were "bailed-out" by means of a hand pump and intergravel water temperature was measured within the standpipe. Data Management and Analysis Data management and analysis for the winter and spring 1983 studies had the same objectives and were generally similar to these reported in Volume II, Section, 1983 IFAR. Data management was conducted using the INFO database management system on the Prime computer. Statistical analyses were carried out using the Statpro and BMDP statistical packages. The basic analysis used was Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with individual comparisons made by group variance-adjusted (Bonneferoni) probabilities. Habitat utilization data were summarized by Woodward-Clyde Consultant's computer programs following methodologies described by Baldridge (1981) and Bovee and Cochnauer (1977). 6-15 6.11.3 Results The two studies conducted in 1983, were carried out at different levels of effort using a somewhat different set of stations and are therefore presented separately below. Winter 1983 Study Winter studies were carried out during April 5-11, 1983 primarily to provide supplementary information on the seasonal distribution and habitat use of fish in the study area. Site specific data collection on incubation and overwintering habitats were emphasized. Sampling was generally conducted where site access was available and at a reduced level of effort as compared to that used during the summer-fall 1982 studies. Oata collections were made on an opportunistic basis and emphasized those areas where spawning was observed or where potential overwintering sites had been located based on previous data (see Volume II, Section, 1983 IFAR). Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish Studies of seasonal fish distribution and examinations for successful incubation were conducted using a variety of methods including minnow traps, electrofishing, observation, dip netting and vertical gill netting. Stations were selected for sampling on the basis of accessibility, time, and budget constraints. Results of collections made by these methods are presented in Appendix B2, catch per effort (c/f) data for these results are presented in 6-16 Appendix B3. Vertical gill net results are not presented because no fish was caught using this method. Dates of gear deployment for this study are presented in Table 6.90. Results of the studies are discussed by species below. Dolly Varden. During April, age 0+ Dolly Varden had generally reached the stage of complete yolk-sac resorption. In some sloughs and tributaries, the age 0+ fish were found to be free-swimming in the water column, while in other areas they appeared to remain within the interstices of the substrate and could only be observed or collected by the use of electrofishing. Incubation was apparently complete at that time. Other Dolly Varden collected were limited to those fish no older than age II+. Older Dolly Varden had apparently moved to areas of the river systems that were still ice covered, or they moved into marine waters. There was mark-recapture evidence that at least one adult fish had moved through marine waters. Dolly Varden were widely dispersed throughout the river systems. Largest numbers of Dolly Varden collected by minnow traps were found in the upper Chakachatna River, Noaukta Slough, and the upper McArthur River. This distribution was similar to that found during the October 1982 sampling (Volume II, Section, 1983 IFAR). At that time, the largest catches of Dolly Varden were made in the Upper McArthur River, Noaukta Slough and mid- Chakachatna River reaches (Table 6.63, Volume II, IFAR) • 6-17 Dolly Varden were sampled at accessible sampling stations by means of observation, minnow traps, and electrofishing (Appendices B2 and B3). Minnow trap sampling indicated that Dolly Varden collections (Table 6.92) were not significantly different in c/f (pl0.90). Examination of the distribution of Dolly Varden caught by minnow traps among reaches (Table 6.93) indicated that the differences in c/f by reach were of marginal significance (p_0.09). However, the largest c/f for Dolly Varden, 2.25 fish/trap/day occurred in the upper Chakachatna River reach. The c/f was approximately twice as great as at any other station and was significantly greater than most stations (p_0.07 to 0.01). The exceptions were the Noaukta Slough (p_O.l4) and the Upper McArthur River (p_O.l8) reaches. The catches at those stations were 1.08 and 1.13 fish/trap/day, respectively. Electrofishing (Table 83-1, Appendix B3) conducted at the same time indicated the general absence of large Dolly Varden as were observed during the October 1982 field program. It is likely that the larger anadromous Dolly Varden had moved downstream to deeper, ice-covered waters, or had left fresh water by that time. The reduced turbidity present during the study period allowed aerial observations to be conducted to confirm the absence of these larger fish in the upper McArthur River. The recapture of an adult Dolly Varden tagged during August 1982 outside of the McArthur and Chakachatna River drainages during this period suggested movement of adult Dolly Varden into marine and other fresh waters. 6-18 Electrofishing operations resulted in the collection + of age 0 Dolly Varden that were apparently not vulnerable to minnow trap collections. The collection of small age o+ Dolly Varden from the substrate interstices was evidence of successful spawning and incubation in those areas. Collections of such Dolly Varden were made at stations 15, 17 (by dip net alone, Table B2-3, Appendix B2), 40A and 42. The distribution of Dolly Varden as collected by all sampling methods is shown in Table 6.94. The percentage occurrence of Dolly Varden at stations sampled during April was 66.7 percent (Table 6.95), which was only matched by coho salmon. Examination of Dolly Varden occurrence on a reach basis (Table 6.96) indicated that they occurred in all reaches sampled during this study. Coho Salmon. Coho salmon were widely dispersed in lower portions of both river systems. The greatest numbers of older fish (age II+) were collected in the Noaukta Slough and Middle River. Fry were found at varying stages of development in the spawning areas examined. These were found ranging from fry with prominent yolk-sacs to free-swimming juveniles with fully resorbed yolk-sacs. Coho salmon were widely dispersed during the winter. They were found at 66.7 percent of all sampling stations (Table 6.95) but were not found in all reaches (Taole 6.96). Coho salmon have not been found in the Chakachatna River Canyon during any study, nor have they been observed to spawn above this area. 6-19 Analysis of collections of coho salmon juveniles made by means of minnow traps indicated that there were statistically significant differences between stations (p 0.0001). Significantly greater (p 0.001) numbers of juvenile coho salmon were found in station 4 in the Middle River (c/f of 4.50 fish/trap/day) than at any other station. Collections of coho salmon from stations a and 16A in the Noaukta Slough were significantly (p 0.01} larger than those found at the remaining stations with c/f's of 1.75, and 1.25 fish/trap/day, respectively. Cono salmon collected at station 4 (Middle River) consisted primarily of a mix of age I+ and II+ fish. Coho collected from stations a and 16A were primarily age II+ fish. Coho collected from other locations were primarily age I+ fish. Examination of coho salmon captures by reach (Table 6.93} did not show a significant difference between reaches (pl0.66). This is likely attributable to the high variability in captures among stations within reaches. Comparison of the distribution of coho juveniles collected by minnow traps by reach between April 19a3 and October 19a2 (Volume II, Table 6.63, 1983 lFAR) shows some differences in c/f among reaches. The absence of significant differences between reaches precludes any meaningful interpretation of the numerical differences. Electrofishing was successful in collecting age 0+ and I+ coho from most other stations (Appendix B2l 6-20 sampled. + The presence of age 0 coho fry and parr at station 15, 17, and 42 suggested that successful spawning and incubation had occurred in these areas. At the time of collection, many coho had not completed yolk-sac resorption, while others had and were free-swimming in the water column. Chinook Salmon. Chinook salmon were caught at only two sampling stations~ station 15 in the McArthur River Canyon (one age a+ fry) and station 19 (one age I+ parr} in the clearwater tributary to Straight Creek (Figure 6.146). Some juvenile chinook salmon have been collected from station 15 previously (Volume II, 1983 !FAR), suggesting the probable presence of some limited spawning there. Extensive electrofishing at station 19 failed to detect any other chinook juveniles. Electrofishing in station 19 was conducted in an area where many chinook salmon had been observed spawning. Since this area was subject to a major channel alteration during September 1982 flooding (Volume II, 1983 IFAR}, it is likely that a significant loss of juvenile production may have occurred as a result of that flood (extensive sampling was also conducted through this area during spring 1983, see Section Sockeye Salmon. As in previous studies (Volume II, 1983 IFAR), sockeye salmon juveniles were not vulnerable to capture by minnow traps. Sampling by means of electrofishing and dip nets (Appendix B2) resulted in collection of age a+ sockeye at stations 15 (upper McArthur River), 17 (sloughs near 6-21 DNR bridge site, Chakachatna River) and 42 (Stream 12.1, tributary to the McArthur River, Figure 6.146). The sockeye collected, consisted of fish in varying stages of yolk-sac resorption, ranging from those with prominent yolk-sacs to those with yolk-sacs fully resorbed (button-up stage). At each location sampled, full development of sockeye fry was still incomplete. Chum Salmon. Juvenile chum salmon were collected at station 17 (Figure 6.146) in sloughs of the Chakachatna River. Chum salmon were collected by dip net and electrofishing. The age 0+ chum salmon were found in varying stages of yolk-sac resorption, although many of the chum salmon had fully resorbed their yolk-sacs. Chum juveniles, in general, were more fully developed than other salmon species. The mean length of chum salmon collected ranged between 3.90 and 4.05 em (Appendix B2). Rainbow Trout. One rainbow trout juvenile was collected during the April study. This was an age I+ juvenile found in station 40A (Stream 13u, Figure 6.147). Pygmy Whitefish. Pygmy whitefish have generally been abundant and widely dispersed in collections made in these river systems. However, during the April study only one juvenile pygmy whitefish was collected at station 22 (Table 6.94). The reason for the paucity of pygmy whitefish in collections is unclear. 6-22 Habitat Data Collection Detailed habitat observations and measurements were routinely made in conjunction with electrofishing and minnow trap collections to aid in establishing a data base for characterizing fish habitat relationships. Habitat data collected included water temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, turbidity, water depth, water velocity, river stage {staff gage reading) , substrate, cover and the presence/absence of upwelling or slough flow. Measurements were taken at the same locations at which fish sampling was conducted. The methodology employed in collecting habitat data was discussed in Section 6.8.2 {Volume II, 1983 !FAR). Water Quality. This section summarizes water quality for the April field trip at collecting stations {including Chakachamna Lake) during the time of sampling. As stated in Section 6.8.2 (Volume II, 1983 !FAR), water quality data were collected at each station at the time fish were sampled. A water quality profile was also taken in Chakachamna Lake near mid-lake {Table 6.97). At the time of sampling, there was a 0.6m {2.0 ft) ice cover present. Data collected from Chakachamna Lake indicated considerable variability among certain parameters. The water temperature profile indicated that the highest water temperature occurred close to the bottom, this was also observed during the March 1982 study {Table 6.34, Volume II, 1983 IFAR). Near- surface water temperature as measured may have been 6-23 anomalously higher than temperatures at similar depths under the ice during the April survey due to high air temperatures and the large size of the sampling hole. Dissolved oxygen values were well below saturation near the surface (Hutchinson, 1957) and well below gas saturation at greater depths. Water quality is presented for each river/stream station sampled in Table 6.98. Water temperatures varied extensively between stations and appeared to be greatly affected by the presence of local ice and other sources of inflow. The intergravel water temperatures present in salmon egg incubation areas were also studied (Table 6.99). Eleven salmon spawning areas were investigated including sloughs, side channels, tributaries to the McArthur River, and tributaries to the Chakachatna River. Water temperatures in all areas were well above freezing, even those areas with negligible water depths. Differences between intergravel waters and surface waters varied with location. With the exception of one area (station 42A}, intergravel water temperatures were similar to or lower than surface water temperatures. The lowest intergravel temperatures were measured in the Chilligan River and in the clearwater tributary to Straight Creek (station 19). Both of these areas had extensive ice and snow present. 6-24 Spring 1983 Studies Adult Anadromous Fish During the spring of 1983, the collection and observation of adult anadromous fish were conducted on an opportunistic basis (see Section Chinook Salmon. Chinook salmon were observed in fresh water at the start of the spring study. Milling chinook were observed in areas near the mouth of Streams 13x and 12.1 (Figure 6.150, Area A) on June 17. A total of 22 chinook salmon were observed in the Noaukta Slough/stream mouth area (Area B, Figure 6.150). No salmon was observed in spawning areas of Stream 13x at that time (Appendix Bl). By June 22, 180 chinook salmon were observed in the milling area near the mouths of Streams 13x and 12.1 (Area A, Figure 6.150) and 89 chinook salmon were observed further into the slough near the mouths of Streams 12.2 to 12.4 (Area B, Figure 6.150). No chinook salmon was observed upstream in any of the McArthur River tributaries during this period. An overflight made on July 20 resulted in the observation of chinook salmon in upstream areas of Stream 13x. Approximately one third of the stream was overflown and 72 chinook salmon observed (Appendix Bl}. During that same overflight, about 100 milling chinook salmon were observed at the mouth of Stream 13u (Figure 6.151). Tributaries of the Chakachatna River were examined for the presence of salmon. On June 22, only one chinook salmon was observed near the mouth of the 6-25 clearwater tributary to Straight Creek. One chinook salmon was collected moving upstream in the Chakachatna River {station 6) on the same date (Figure 6.146). On July 20, 335 chinook salmon were observed well upstream in the clearwater tributary to Straight Creek (station 19). No chinook was observed at any other location in the Chakachatna River. Sockeye Salmon. Aerial reconnaissance conducted on June 17, 1983 resulted in the observation of two groups of sockeye milling in the mouth area of Streams 13x and 12.1 (Area A, Figure 6.150). Approximately 750 sockeye salmon were estimated further to the northeast (Area B, Figure 6.150) near the mouths of Streams 12.2, 12.3, and to 12.4, another 93 sockeye were observed at area C (Figure 6.150). The milling sockeye were generally "fresh" showing little or no spawning coloration. No sockeye was present near the mouth of Stream 13u (Figure 6.147) at that time. No sockeye salmon was observed in upstream areas of any of the McArthur tributaries during that period. On June 22, 650 sockeye were observed milling in the mouth area of Streams 13x and 12.1 (Figure 6.150, Area A) and 950 sockeye were noted in the mouth area of Streams 12.2, 12.3, and 12.4 (Figure 6.150, near B and C). By June 24, approximately 900 sockeye were also milling near Area A (Figure 6.150). By July 20, sockeye had begun to ascend the McArthur River tributaries and 70 sockeye were observed in Stream 13x. Over 1,000 sockeye were observed in milling areas A and B at the same time. Many of the 6-26 fish showed spawning coloration. While other relatively "fresh" fish were also present, at that time, 16 sockeye were observed in upstream areas of Stream 13u, and approximately 300 were observed milling in the mouth area (Figure 6.151). Fyke net sampling (Table B2-8, Appendix B2) resulted in the collection of sockeye salmon at station lD at the mouth of the McArthur River (Figure 6.146). Sockeye were collected starting on June 18, these fish were "fresh" and copepods were sometimes attached indicating recent entry to fresh water. The sockeye were tagged and some were later observed in milling areas A, B, and C, shown on Figure 6.150. None of the overflights of the sloughs or tributaries of the Chakachatna River resulted in the observation of any sockeye. Only one sockeye salmon was collected by a fyke net set at station 4 in the Middle River on June 22. Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish As stated in Section 6.11.2, the intensity of sampling used in the spring 1983 study was greater than in previous studies. This greater intensity increased the sensitivity of statistical testing as well as increasing areal coverage. Results reported here consist primarily of minnow trap and electro- fishing collections as supplemented by fyke nets. Dolly Varden. Dolly Varden were abundant and widely dispersed in the study area during the spring study. Dolly Varden juveniles were collected throughout both 6-27 + + river systems and younger age classes (0 and I ) were found at high catch per effort (c/f) in areas where Dolly Varden spawning had occurred during 1982. This included the upper McArthur and middle Chakachatna Rivers. The Noaukta Slough also contained abundant younger Dolly Varden. Older juvenile Dolly Varden (age II+ and older) were found at higher c/f's in the upper Chakachatna River, the Noaukta Slough, and lower portions of the Chakachatna and McArthur Rivers. Adult Dolly Varden were only collected at stations lD and 4 by fyke nets. Dolly Varden were abundant and widely dispersed during the spring study being collected at 95.1 percent of all sampling stations below Chakachamna Lake (Table 6.100 and 6.101). The majority of Dolly Varden collected were juveniles. Adults were collected by fyke nets at stations lD, and 4. No movement of marked fish was detected between stations based on recaptures. By July, adult Dolly Varden were observed in the vicinity of salmon milling and spawning areas at Streams 13x, 13u, and the clearwater tributary to Straight Creek (station 19). Collections of juvenile {parr or smolting juvenile) Dolly Varden from minnow traps (Table B2-4, Appendix B2) were tested by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and found to be significantly different (p 0.001) among stations sampled. The c/f at station 13 (upper McArthur River), 5.33 fish/trap day, was significantly greater {p 0.003, maximum among stations) than all other stations except station 10 (Noaukta Slough), c/f of 3.80 fish/trap/day, (p_0.09, marginally significant). The c/f at station 10 was 6-28 greater than most other remaining stations (p 0.05, maximum) except station 12 (lower McArthur River near the Noaukta Slough), c/f of 2.40 fish/trap/day and station 40 (Stream 13u, downstream area), with a c/f of 2.60 fish/trap/day. Dolly Varden minnow trap c/f's tested by ANOVA among reaches were also significantly different (p_0.008). Data in Table 6.102 indicated that the largest c/f for a reach {2.18 fish/trap/day} occurred in the upper McArthur River. The c/f was significantly greater (p 0.009) than all other reaches except the Noaukta Slough (p = 0.29). The c/f in the Noaukta Slough,l.64 fish/trap/day, was significantly greater {p 0.06) than the remaining reaches except the lower Chakachatna River (p_0.49), c/f of 1.37 fish/trap/day, and the lower McArthur River (p_0.65), c/f of 1.42 fish/trap/day. The Dolly Varden collected by minnow traps in the upper McArthur River were primarily age o+ and age I+, with age II+ fish found primarily in the lower part of the reach. The Dolly Varden at station + 12, just below that reach, were also mostly age II + and I • The Dolly Varden collected in the Noaukta . . + . I+ Slough were pr1mar1ly age II w1th some age and few age 0+ fish. Dolly Varden c/f's collected by electrofishing varied significantly (p_0.0004} among the sampling stations. The largest c/f's were at stations 16A (Noaukta Slough), 17D (middle Chakachatna River), and 13 (upper McArthur River), c/f's of 5.48, 4.84, and 3.66 fish/100 shocking-seconds (s-s), respectively. Catch per effort at station 16A was significantly greater 6-29 p 0.03, maximum) than all other stations except station 17D {pl0.54). C/f at station 17D was significantly greater than most of the remaining stations {p_0.04) with the exception of stations 13, 10 and 21 (pl0.20), c/f's of 3.66, 3.41 and 2.21 fish/100 s-s, respectively. Electrofishing c/f's were significantly different (p 0.0001) among reaches {Table 6.103). The largest c/f's were found in the middle Chakachatna River {stations 17, 17D, 20 and 21}, the Noaukta Slough (stations 8, 9, 10, 16, and 16A), and the upper McArthur River (stations 13, 14, and 15), 2.56, 2.56, and 2.25 fish/100 s-s, respectively. The c/f for the middle Chakachatna River (2.56 fish/100 s-s) was significantly greater (p 0.003, maximum) than the lower Chakachatna, lower McArthur, and tributary reaches but not significantly greater than the upper Chakachatna River reach. The Noaukta Slough reach c/f was the same as that for the mid-Chakachatna Reach. It was not significantly different from the upper McArthur reach (p_0.37} or the upper Chakachatna reach (p_0.26), but was significantly larger than the remaining reaches (p_0.002). The upper McArthur reach had a c/f of 2.25 fish/100 s-s, which was not significantly different from the above reaches or the upper Chakachatna reach (p_0.83), but was significantly larger (p_0.05) than the other reaches (Table 6.103). Dolly Varden collected by electrofishing included age 0+ through III+ fish, with age I+ and II+ making up the majority, overall. Fish collected from the middle Chakachatna River reach were generally 6-30 dominated by age I+ with both age o+ and II+ + fish present. In the Noaukta Slough, age 0 and I+ made up the majority of the collection although fish to age III+ were present. Collections from the upper McArthur reach consisted entirely of age 0+ and I+ fish. Dolly Varden collected from the upper Chakachatna River reach consisted of approximately 2/3 age I+ fish and 1/3 age II+ or older. Coho Salmon. Coho salmon juveniles (parr and smolting juveniles) were widely distributed in the Chakachatna and McArthur River systems during the spring study. Large numbers of coho were collected from the upper McArthur River, Noaukta Slough, while fewer were captured in the lower river systems. Coho found in upstream areas were generally age 0+ fish, with older fish found in downstream locations. Age 0+ and I+ coho were found in the Noaukta Slough, and age II+ were more common in downstream areas. Outmigrants, as determined from inclined plane trap sampling, included age 0+ to II+ fish. Coho salmon juveniles were widely dispersed during the spring study and were found at most collection stations (Table 6.100). The percentage incidence of coho juveniles collected by all sampling methods was 68.3 percent (Table 6.101). Analysis of minnow trap collections of coho juveniles (Appendix B2) by ANOVA indicated that there were significant (p 0.0001) differences between stations. The largest minnow trap c/f (6.3 fish/trap/day) occurred at station 16A in the Noaukta Slough. This 6-31 was significantly larger (p_0.0002) than c/f at any other station. The second largest c/f, 3.11 fish/trap/day, occurred at station 14 in the upper McArthur River. This c/f was significantly greater (p_O.Ol) than stations other than 16A, 13(p_O.l0), or 12 (p_O.lO). Stations 13 and 12 are sequentially downstream of station 14 in the McArthur River. The c/f's at stations 13 and 12 were 1.67 and 1.40 fish/trap/day, respectively. Examination of the minnow trap c/f's on a reach basis indicated that c/f's were significantly different among reaches (p_0.002). The largest c/f (1.54 fish/trap/day) was found for the upper McArthur River which was significantly (p 0.05) greater than all other reaches except the Noaukta Slough. The Noaukta Slough had a c/f of 1.36 fish/trap/day, which was significantly greater than all but one of the remaining reaches (p_O.Ol, maximum) (lower McArthur River p_0.06, marginally significant). The juvenile coho salmon collected by minnow traps in + the upper McArthur River were primarily age 0 fish. These fish may have been produced in spawning areas in the McArthur River Canyon. Coho salmon collected in the Noaukta Slough were primarily age + + + + . 0 and I • Age I and II f1sh were more common in collections from lower portions of both the Chakachatna and McArthur rivers. Examination of electrofishing c/f's indicated results similar to those obtained from minnow trap collections. Electrofishing captures were significantly different (p_O.OOOl) between stations. 6-32 The largest c/f for coho salmon was found at station 14 with a c/f of 14.91 fish/laa shocking-seconds (s-s). This was significantly greater (p_a.aaal) than any other station. The c/f for station l6A in the Noaukta Slough, s.a3 fish/laa s-s, was the second largest. It was significantly larger (p_a.as, maximum) than c/f's at all remaining stations except 2a(p_a.a8 marginally significant, c/f = 1.79), 4(p_a.ll, marginally significant, c/f = 1.82) and S(p_a.Sl, c/f = 3.93). Examination of electrofishing c/f by reach (Table 6.la3) showed that there were statistically significant (p_a.aaa8) differences between reaches. The largest c/f was for the upper McArthur River, 4.97 fish/laa s-s. This was significantly greater (p a.a06) than c/f's for other reaches. The second largest c/f was for the lower Chakachatna reach with a c/f of 1.23 fish/laa s-s, and the third for the Noaukta Slough with a c/f of 1.18 fish/lOa s-s. However, these were not significantly greater than the c/f's for the other reaches (pla.lS). Coho salmon collected by electrofishing in the upper McArthur River were all age a+ fish caught at station 14 (lower McArthur River Canyon, Figure 6.146). Coho collected in the lower Chakachatna River consisted of a mix of age I+ and a+ fish. Coho collected in the Noaukta Slough were primarily age a+ with few age I+ fish present. Larger, older coho were generally poorly represented in electrofishing collections. 6-33 Collections from inclined plane trap outmigrant sampling at station lD (Appendix B2, Table B2-7) indicated that some older (age I+ and II+) coho + may have been migrating to sea. Age 0 coho were also represented in these collections. Sampling did not extend for a sufficiently long duration to determine if the peak outmigration occurs in spring or in the fall. Chinook Salmon. Chinook salmon juveniles were found in a limited number of locations during the spring study. Most chinook were age 0+ and were found in the tributaries to the McArthur River. Since all of the lower tributaries (13x, 12.1 through 12.5) share a common confluence area it is unclear what movements of chinook juveniles may have occurred subsequent to + emergence. Only one age I chinook was collected, this was found in the lower river system. One age 0+ chinook was collected in the outmigrant trap. No chinook was collected from the clearwater tributary to Straight Creek, despite observation of extensive spawning in that location. This may have been a result of the flooding and channel changes caused by the September 1982 storm. During the spring study, although chinook salmon juveniles were found at relatively few stations, these were many more stations than were found during previous studies (Table 6.100), 26.9 percent of the stations sampled (Table 6.101). However, this was the first study in which the McArthur River tributaries were intensively sampled. 6-34 Examination of minnow trap collections of chinook salmon indicated that there were significant differences (p_0.05) between collections made at the sampling stations. The largest c/f (14.60 fish/trap/ day) occurred at station 43A (upstream area of Stream 12.2, see Figures 6.146 and 6.148). This was significantly larger (p_0.025) than other stations. The next largest c/f, 7.60 fish/trap/day, occurred at station 42 (Stream 12.1, downstream area) this was significantly larger (p_O.Ol) than at stations other than 42A (Stream 12.1, upstream area), 44A (Stream 12.3, upstream area), and 44 (Stream 12.3, downstream area}, c/f's of 4.00, 5.88, and 3.40 fish/trap/day, respectively. When examined on a per reach basis (Table 6.102), the c/f (3.26 fish/trap/day) for the McArthur tributaries was significantly (p_0.05} larger than any other reach. Only a few chinook salmon (c/f = 0.03) were collected in the lower Chakachatna system. All of the chinook salmon collected by minnow traps in the McArthur River tributaries were age o+ fish. One age I+ chinook was collected at station 1 in the lower Chakachatna River. Electrofishing results for chinook salmon juveniles did not indicate a significant difference (p_0.31) by ANOVA between stations. The larger electrofishing c/f's were found at station 44A (Stream 12.3, upstream area; 9.65 fish/100 s-s}, 43A (Stream 12.2, upstream area; 5.83 fish/100 s-s), and 42A (Stream 12.1, upstream area; 3.09 fish/100 s-s). 6-35 Electrofishing c/f examined by reach showed a marginally significant (p_O.l2) difference. The c/f, 1.89 fish/100 s-s, of the McArthur tributaries was significantly (p_O.OS) larger than the other reaches. Electrofishing resulted in the collection of exclusively age 0+ fish at each station. One age 0+ chinook salmon was collected during outmigrant sampling at station lD on June 23, 1983. This was an insufficient sample from which to draw any conclusions concerning Chinook outmigrant patterns. Sockeye Salmon. Sockeye salmon were found in several areas of the river systems. The largest numbers were collected from Chakachamna Lake, which was also the location where age I+ and age II+ fish made up the largest percentage of the collection. Downstream of the lake at station 22 (the downstream end of the Chakachatna River Canyon), age I+ fish made up the majority of sockeye salmon collected. In other locations, age 0+ dominated the collections. Age 0+ sockeye were caught consistantly in areas near the confluence of the Chakachatna with the McArthur River, stations 1, lD, and 2. located in the vicinity of the station (near lD) which caught These stations are outmigrant sampling + + age 0 and I sockeye juveniles. Based upon the outmigrant collections, it appeared that the number of sockeye outmigrants was decreasing during the course of sampling. This indicated that the peak outmigation may have occurred prior to the sampling period. The apparent low numbers of younger age classes in the lower river system also suggests an earlier outmigration. The apparent movement of older fish 6-36 from Chakachamna Lake to station 22 (Figure 6.146), may be an indication that further outmigrations of sockeye may occur later in the year. Sockeye salmon juveniles were collected at 29.3 percent of the samples (Table 6.101) during the spring study. As in previous studies, minnow traps were a relatively inefficient method of collecting sockeye salmon (Table B2-4, Appendix B2). There were significant differences (p 0.001, by ANOVA) between cjf•s at the sampling stations. The largest c/f (1.10 fish/trap/day) was found at station 20 in the middle Chakachatna reach; the c/f was not significantly different from the other stations (p_O.lS). Examination of sockeye minnow trap c/f by reach (Table 6.102) indicated that the largest c/f (0.28 fish/trap/day) occurred in the mid-Chakachatna River reach. The only other reach where sockeye were collected by minnow traps (all age 0+ fish) was the lower McArthur River reach with a c/f of 0.09 fish/trap/day. Electrofishing resulted in the collection of sockeye salmon in more stations than minnow traps, a total of 12 as compared to four. There was not a significant difference (p 0.45) between c/f at the stations. The largest c/f (7.56 fish/100 s-s) was obtained from station 26 near the Nagish1amina River delta in Chakachamna Lake (Figure 6.146). The second largest c/f (3.03 fish/100 s-s) was collected at station 1 6-37 (Figure 6.146), c/f's of 1.43 and 1.41 fish/100 s-s occurred at stations 22 and 20, respectively. Analysis of c/f by reach including Chakachamna Lake indicated that there was not a significant difference among reaches (p_O.l9). The largest c/f was 1.89 fish/100 s-s in Chakachamna Lake, followed by the upper, lower, and rnid-Chakachatna River reaches with c/f's of 0.59, 0.53, and 0.43 fisn/100 s-s, respectively. The sockeye collected from Chakachamna Lake were . '1 + d + s d pr1mar1 y age I an II • ockeye foun downstream of the lake at station 22 were age I+. Sockeye juveniles collected at station 1 were age 0+, as were the sockeye at station 20. Outmigrant sampling at station lD resulted in the collection of numerous sockeye. The largest number (16 fish) were collected on June 19 (Table B2-7, Appendix B), these were age 0+ and I+ fish. The numbers of sockeye collected after that dropped off. + + All sockeye collected were age 0 and I • + In general, the age 0 sockeye appeared to have grown 5 to 10 mm since the winter study. However, since there were length differences between juveniles originating in different areas of the system it is difficult to ascertain the change after these groups have "mixed". Chum Salmon. Chum salmon were collected in numerous locations in the lower portions of the Chakachatna, Middle and McArthur rivers. Although some chum 6-38 juveniles were found in upstream areas, the majority were downstream. The mean lengths of the chum juveniles varied considerably, but were generally larger than fish collected during the winter study. Chum outmigration took place during the study but it is likely that the peak outmigration occurred prior to the sampling period. Chum salmon were caught in a limited number of stations (Table 6.100) during the spring study, occurring at 29.3 percent of the stations below Chakachamna Lake (Table 6.101). Minnow traps were relatively ineffective for collecting chum salmon juveniles (Table B2-4, Appendix BJ • Chum salmon were collected at stations lD (lower McArthur River), 8 (Noaukta Slough), and 13 (upper McArthur River) with c/f's of 0.22, 0.20, and 0.11 fish/trap/day, respectively. All three areas are located downstream of areas where chum salmon were observed to spawn in 1982 (Volume II, Section 6.8.3, 1983 !FAR). Electrofishing resulted in the collection of chum juveniles in many more locations. Comparison of c/f's among stations did not indicate a significant difference (p_O.l4) among the group of stations. Pair-wise t-testing did indicate that stations 4 and 5 (Middle River, lower Chakachatna River reach, Figure 6.146) had significantly (p_0.04) larger c/f's (2.45 and 2.31 fish/100 s-s, respectively) than all other stations except stations 2 (p_0.09) and 21 (p_O.l8) (with c/f's of 1.23 and 1.64 fish/100 s-s, respectively). 6-39 Examination of c/f by reach (Table 6.103), indicated that there were significant (p_O.OOS) differences between the reaches. The largest c/f was in the lower Chakachatna River reach (0.99 fish/100 s-s) which was significantly larger (p 0.04, maximum) than all other reaches. The middle Chakachatna River reach had the next largest c/f (0.41 fish/100 s-s) but this was not significantly different (p_0.36) than the other reaches. The only other reach chum salmon were collected from was the Noaukta Slough (c/f of 0.17 fish/100 s-s). Inclined plane trap sampling for outmigrants at station lD (Table B2-7) resulted in the collection of numerous chum outmigrants. The number of outmigrants decreased during the period of sampling from a high of 10 fish/day to 0 fish/day. The mean length of the outmigrants varied from 3.97 em to 4.74 em in length. Pink Salmon. Pink salmon juveniles were collected at station 40 (Stream 13u, downstream area; Figure 6.147) by electrofishing (Table 82-5) and by means of the outmigrant trap at station lD. Pink salmon outmigrants were collected during the first week of sampling with the numbers caught declining during that period. This indicates that the peak outmigration of pink salmon juveniles had occurred prior to mid-June. The pink salmon outmigrants were under 4.0 em in length. Rainbow Trout. Rainbow trout were only collected by means of fyke nets (Table 82-8) at stations lD, 4, and 6 during the study. During this period, adult fish dominated the catch. 6-40 Marked rainbow trout were recaptured in other area of Trading Bay during the study. Three rainbow trout tagged at station 4 (Middle River) during 1982 were recovered in the Chuitna River during 1983. One adult tagged at station 6 (Chakachatna River) on June 20, 1983 was recovered in Chuit Creek on June 30, 1983. Another rainbow trout adult was recaptured having moved from station 6 to station 4, downstream. Such data suggest considerable coastal movement of rainbow trout between streams entering Cook Inlet. Pygmy Whitefish. Very few pygmy whitefish were collected during the spring study. None was collected by minnow traps and only two, one each at stations 6A and 12, were collected by electrofishing. One pygmy whitefish was collected by a fyke net at station 4 and three very small (less than 3.30 em total length) pygmy whitefish parr were also collected by the inclined plane trap. As in the winter study, the reason for the small c/f of pygmy whitefish is unknown. Habitat Data Collection Habitat data were collected in conjunction with fish sampling at most sites. Detailed habitat observations and measurements were routinely made with electro- fishing and minnow trap collects to add to the data base characterizing fish habitat relationships. Water Quality. Water quality data were collected at 41 stations in the spring study (Table 6.104). There was considerable variation in water quality among the stations. This is understandable as different 6-41 stations are subject to differing flows, riparian growth, and stream gradient conditions. Areas influenced by meltwater such as stations 15, 13, and 18A (Figure 6.146) had lower water temperatures. Sloughs and tributary streams generally had low turbidity, since they were not influenced by mainstem conditions. A water quality profile was obtained of selected parameters in Chakachamna Lake. These data are presented in Table 6.105. There was evidence of surface heating of the lake's surface with apparent mixing in deeper water. The turbidity data indicated the presence of extremely low turbidity water near the bottom (83.8 meters, 275.0 ft). Water temperatures were also measured for incubation areas at station 17 (see Section Intergravel water temperatures (Table 6.106) in the leftmost (LB+O) slough were 0.7-0.8°C lower than surface water temperatures. In the Chakachatna River side channel (LB+2) downstream of a slough area, intergravel water temperatures were similar to the surface water temperature. Habitat Utilization One of the objectives of the habitat data collection is to obtain information about the relationship of fish distribution to stream-flow related variables such as depth and velocity. These data would eventually be incorporated into the preparation of habitat utilization curves {Bovee and Cochnauer, 1981) for analyzing project effects (APA, 1983) • 6-42 The present analysis is a summarization of habitat utilization for those species and life-stages for which sufficient data have been collected. These are Dolly Varden juveniles, Coho salmon juveniles, Chinook salmon juveniles, and sockeye salmon juveniles. For ease of discussion, English units will be listed first. Observation (and collections) of these groups at various depths and velocities have been compiled and tabulated in intervals of 0.2 ft/s (0.5 crn/s) velocity and 0.3 ft (0.8 ern) depth. A statistically significant correlation of r = 0.09 (p_.006) exists between velocity and depth in the data base used to analyze habitat utilization. This is a result of lower velocities being found at the shallow edges of the streams studied, and higher velocities being found in the deeper mid-channel areas (relatively few, low velocity deep pools were present). The correlation between velocity and depth somewhat confounds the combined analysis of both. Dolly Varden Table 6.107 presents the distribution of observations of Dolly Varden among velocity intervals. The majority of Dolly Varden observed utilized velocities of 0.6 ft/s (18.3 crn/s) or less with 32.2 percent found in velocities of less than 0.2 ft/s (6.1 crn/s) and a total of 50.2 percent observed at velocities less than 0.5 ft/s (15.2 crn/s). The maximum water velocity used by juvenile Dolly Varden was in the interval 3.2-3.4 ft/s (97.5-103.6 crn/s). A plot of the number of observations versus velocity is shown in Figure 6.152. The shape of the plot clearly indicates that although juvenile Dolly Varden were 6-43 observed at velocities up to 3.4 ft/s (103.6 cm/s). Relatively high velocity waters were readily available as observed in the field, however, lower velocity waters were apparently used preferentially. The distribution of juvenile Dolly Varden at velocity intervals was also examined to determine the effect of object cover on velocity utilization (Bovee, 1982) • Data were sorted by the presence or absence of cover. Rank order tests were used and it was found that higher velocities were used to a significantly greater extent when object cover was present (O.l_p_O.OS). Observations of depth utilization by Dolly Varden (Table 6.108) indicated that 72.1 percent of the fish utilized depths between 0.3 and 1.2 ft (9.1 em and 36.6 em). Juvenile Dolly Varden, however, were found in each depth interval examined. Kruger's (1981) review of the available literature concerning velocity and depth utilization by juvenile Dolly Varden indicated a general preference for shallow areas and low velocity currents. Work performed at Terror Lake by Baldrige (1981) resulted in the development of habitat suitability criteria for juvenile Dolly Varden. The criteria derived were based upon frequency analysis of data resulting from a total of 344 observations (as compared with 1042 in this study). In the Terror Lake study, juvenile Dolly Varden were observed to primarily utilize lower velocities of 1.0 ft/s (30.5 cm/s) or less. The suitability curves in that case represented the frequency analysis corrected by the amount of each 6-44 habitat actually available to the fish. Apparent depth use in the Terror Lake study was greatest for depths of approximately 0.2 to 2.0 ft (6.1 to 61.0 em} • The data from this (Chakachamna) study indicated that utilization dropped off at depths greater than 1.2 ft (36.6 em}, and few juvenile Dolly Varden were found in depths in excess of 2.1 ft (64.0 em}. Coho Salmon. Coho salmon juveniles were observed to utilize the lower velocities found. 77.5 percent utilized velocities of 0.6 ft/s {18.3 cm/s) or less and 90.8 percent utilized velocities of less than 1.0 ft/s (30.5 cm/s, Table 6.109). Of the 422 fish observed, only one fish was found at velocities in excess of 2.0 ft/s (61.0 cm/s). A plot of the distribution of these observations is shown in Figure 6.154. The effect of the presence of object cover on velocity utilization by coho salmon was examined. No significant (p!O.l) difference was found in velocity utilization with or without the presence of object cover. Observations of depth utilization by coho salmon juveniles are tabulated in Table 6.110. The majority of fish (77.4 percent} were observed in the depth interval 0.3 to 1.2 ft {9.1 to 36.6 em), 96.6 percent of the coho occurred in depth of less than 2.1 ft {64.0 em) (Figure 6.155). Juvenile coho salmon habitat suitability curves from the Terror Lake study (Baldridge, 1981) indicated 6-45 apparent preferred utilization of velocities of approximately 0.0 to 0.5 ft/s (15.2 cm/s) based upon 199 observations. Results from this study were similar, however, maximum utilization occurred in the 0.0 to 0.3 ft/s (9.1 cm/s) range, with considerably lower utilization of velocities in excess of 0.5 ft/s (15.2 cm/s). Water depth utilization from Baldridge (1981) for the Terror Lake study indicated preferred depths of up to 2.0 ft (61.0 em). Peak utilization for this study occurred in a smaller interval, as discussed above. Chinook Salmon. Observations of velocities utilized by juvenile chinook salmon are presented in Table 6.111. There is preferential utilization of lower velocities, with 69.0 percent of the chinook juveniles observed, using velocities of less than 0.2 ft/s (6.1 cm/s) and 90.7 percent using velocities of less than 0.6 ft/s (18.3 cm/s). The utilization of velocities is depicted in Figure 6.156. Velocity utilization in the presence of object cover was also examined for chinook salmon juveniles. There was no significant difference (pi IO.l) in velocity utilization in the presence or absence of object cover. Depth utilization by juvenile chinook salmon is presented in table 6.112. Peak utilization of water depth occurred in the interval 0.6 to 1.5 ft (18.3 to 45.7 em), in which 69.2 percent of the chinook salmon were observed. Another 26.1 percent of the chinook were observed in depths in excess of 1.5 ft (45.7 em) • A plot of depth utilization is shown in Figure 6.157. 6-46 Generalized probability of use criteria derived by Bovee {1978} for juvenile chinook salmon indicated a high probability of use of velocities around 0.5 ft/s {15.2 cm/s). This is somewhat higher than indicated by the present study. Bovee's (1978} curves also indicated a high probability of use of depths in excess of 1.2 ft {36.6 em), while the present study indicates preferential utilization of depths of 0.9 to 1.8 ft (27.4 to 54.9 em). It is probable that Bovee's {1978) generalized curves are not applicable to the present study, based upon the 399 observations tabulated here. Sockeye Salmon. Observations of juvenile sockeye salmon velocity utilization are listed in Table 6.113. There appeared to be a preferred utilization of lower velocities, 64.8 percent of the sockeye juveniles observed used velocities of 0.4 ft/s (12.2 cm/s) or less. Over 80 percent of the sockeye observed occurred at velocities less than 1.2 ft/s (36.6 cm/s). No sockeye was observed at a velocity in excess of 1.8 ft/s (54.9 cm/s). Examination of the effect of object cover on utilization of velocities resulted in no statistically significant (pi 10.1) difference in velocity utilization in the presence or absence of object cover. Utilization of water depth by sockeye salmon juveniles is presented for observations not including Chakachamna Lake. Hydroacoustic observations (Volume II, 1983 IFAR) indicated that juvenile sockeye probably occur to depths of more than 100ft (30.5 m) 6-47 6.11.4 at times and such data would not be applicable in analysis of sockeye behavior in a riverine situation. Table 6.114 presents the water depth utilization data for sockeye juveniles as determined by observations in rivers and streams. A plot of this data is shown in Figure 6.159, and it clearly appears to be bimodal. However, this may be an artifact due to an insufficient number (138) of observations (Table 6.114). If more observations are added through additional studies, the distribution may change. Sockeye utilization of depths of 0.3 to 1.2 ft (9.1 to 36.6 em) represented 63.0 percent of the total and utilization of depths of 1.8 to 2.1 ft (54.9 to 64.0 em) represented 23.9 percent. Sockeye juveniles did not appear to utilize depths of less than 0.3 ft (9.1 em) or over 2.1 ft (64.0 em) to any great extent in riverine waters. Discussion The 1983 winter and spring studies provided additional information concerning the fish distribution and abundance in the Chakachatna and McArthur River systems. For various species, the data provide clarification of habitat use and timing of life history events. The following section provides a discussion of the new information. Sockeye Salmon During 1983 adult sockeye salmon entered the McArthur River prior to June 18. Sockeye continued to enter the McArthur River through early July and gathered at 6-48 the mouths of tributaries to the McArthur River in milling areas identified during 1982 and 1983 (Volume II, Sections, 1983 IFARr Fish continued to enter these areas to mill and mature through July 20 (the last date of sampling). During the period July 9-20, 1983, sockeye salmon ascended Streams 13x and 13u which are tributaries to the McArthur River (Figures 6.146, 6,147, and 6.148). Other sockeye salmon were observed milling in the mouth areas of those streams at the same time. The fish observed milling varied from those newly arrived from salt water to those of stage IV maturity (Nikolsky, 1963). Although the timing of the entry of sockeye into fresh water in the McArthur River appeared to occur earlier than during 1982, their ascent of Streams 13x and 13u was probably no more than seven days earlier than the comparable event the year before (Volume III, Tables A2-7, A2-8, 1983 IFR). During that same period, sockeye salmon were not observed in any of the known milling or spawning areas in the Chakachatna River drainage. This appears to be in agreement with data gathered during 1982 {Volume III, Appendix A, 1983 IFR). During 1982, sockeye adults were not observed in streams of the Chakachatna River drainage prior to July 31. The collection of only one sockeye adult in the Middle River during the sampling period, by a net blocking the entire stream, suggests that sockeye adults entering the Chakachatna River may ascend the Middle River subsequent to the period sampled. The majority of adult sockeye may also enter through the McArthur River where sockeye adults were caught regularly by a net blocking less than 5 percent of the river width. 6-49 Information on the timing of emergence and outmigration of sockeye was also gathered during the studies. Sockeye fry were in the process of emergence during early April 1983. In the incubation areas examined, both yolk-sac fry and fully emergent "button-up" fry were present. By mid-June the emergent sockeye fry had left their incubation areas below Chakachamna Lake and were found in mainstream areas of the middle Chakachatna and lower Chakachatna and McArthur River reaches. Outmigration of juvenile sockeye salmon occurred during mid-to late June; most likely prior to that period. Age 0+ and I+ outmigrants were observed. Older juveniles including age I+ and II+ sockeye were observed in and below Chakachamna Lake which suggests that at least some of these juveniles migrate to sea later in the year. Data compiled on habitat utilization suggest that juvenile sockeye prefer slow velocity, shallow water habitats. Chinook Salmon Chinook salmon adults had entered the McArthur River prior to June 17, 1983 when they were observed milling near the mouth area of Stream l3x (Figure 6.150, Area A). Numbers of milling chinook in that area increased through late June, but adults were not observed to have ascended the streams (specifically l3x) prior to early July. By July 20 chinook salmon adults were present in Stream 13x. This represents migration times comparable to 1982 (Volume III, Table A2-7, 1983 IFR). Chinook adults were not observed milling at Stream 13u until July 20. At that time, 6-50 no chinook had ascended the stream. This represents a delay in timing over 1982, when spawning chinook adults were observed in the stream on July 17. One chinook salmon was collected migrating up the Chakachatna River on June 22. This fish apparently entered fresh water in the McArthur River, since the Middle River was blocked by a fyke net and no chinook salmon had been caught. In the Chakachatna River drainage, one chinook salmon adult was observed in a spawning area in the clearwater tributary to Straight Creek on June 22, 1983. No other chinook salmon was observed either in the stream or in the milling area at the stream confluence with Straight Creek until July 20. At that time 335 chinook salmon were observed spawning. This timing was similar to that observed during 1982 when chinook salmon were first observed in this stream on July 22. Successful incubation of chinook salmon occurred in the McArthur River tributaries and to at least a limited extent in the McArthur River Canyon. No evidence of successful chinook incubation or fry production was found in the clearwater tributary to Straight Creek. It is likely that the stream channel changes which occurred during September 1982 may have seriously decreased chinook juvenile production from that stream. It is unclear if there was successful chinook fry production from Stream 13u, since no fry or juveniles was collected from there during 1983. The age 0+ chinook juveniles appeared to be rearing in many areas in the downstream areas of the McArthur tributary streams. Since these streams interconnect 6-51 at their mouths, it suggests that there may be considerable interstream movement. Age I+ fish apparently leave these streams at some point and either migrate to sea or rear in portions of the lower Chakachatna and McArthur Rivers. The age I+ chinook found in the lower river systems may however be outmigrants rather than rearing juveniles. However, the only chinook collected by means of the outmigrant trap was an age o+ fish. Only one age I+ chinook was collected from the clearwater tributary to Straight Creek during April, and no chinook was collected during the spring study, indicating both a paucity of juveniles and possible downstream movement of those present. Data compiled on habitat utilization suggest that juvenile chinook preferentially use relatively low velocities and relatively shallow water depths. Pink Salmon Pink salmon adults were not observed during the 1983 sampling programs. The first milling pinks observed during 1982 were found on the July 22 weekly survey. This may indicate a somewhat later entry into fresh water for the 1983 run in these rivers. Pink salmon fry were not collected during the April study in areas where pink salmon spawning had been observed (stations 13, 18, 19, 40A, and 42). However, during the spring study, pink juveniles were found in station 40 (Stream 13u) downstream of the April sampling area; and pink juveniles were collected by the outmigrant trap. Data from outmigrant trap 6-52 sampling suggested that the peak outmigration of pink salmon juveniles probably occurred prior to mid-June. Chum Salmon Chum salmon fry were found at varying stages of development during early April 1983. Many of the fry collected had fully resorbed their yolk-sacs and were free-swimming in the water column while others had prominent yolk-sacs present. By June, the chum salmon juveniles had migrated from their incubation areas and were found in the downstream areas of the system including the Middle River, lower Chakachatna River, and lower McArthur River. Outmigrant sampling results suggested that the peak chum outmigration probably occurred prior to mid-June. Analysis of lengths of juvenile chum collected during April and June suggested that growth of emergent fry occurs in fresh water. This supports similar observations made during 1982. Coho Salmon Development of coho salmon fry was still taking place during early April 1983. Many fry had fully resorbed their yolk-sacs while others had not. Age 0+ fish generally appeared to remain in the vicinity of their incubation areas at that time. Older juveniles were prevalent in the Noaukta Slough and Middle River. By June, coho juveniles were abundant and well dispersed, with age 0+ and I+ fish found in upstream areas of the McArthur River and the Noaukta Slough. Age I+ and II+ fish were most abundant in the 6-53 McArthur River tributaries and downstream areas of the Chakachatna, McArthur and Middle Rivers. Juveniles appeared to preferentially utilize very low velocities and relatively shallow depths. Outmigrant trap sampling indicated that age o+, I+, and II+ fish were migrating to salt water. Data were not sufficient to determine timing. Dolly Varden Dolly Varden continued to be the most widely distributed and abundant species collected. Development of Dolly Varden fry was completed earlier than the other species studied, and during early April all Dolly Varden collected had fully resorbed their yolk-sacs. During late winter, Dolly Varden juveniles (age 0+-II+) were generally more abundant in upstream areas of the McArthur and Chakachatna Rivers and the Noaukta Slough. Most + III and older fish apparently move to downstream areas of the river or enter salt water some time between October and April. By June, Dolly Varden have become more widely . + d + f" h dispersed, part1cularly age 0 an I 1s • Older juveniles (age II+) were found in the same reaches as in April but had also dispersed further downstream. Adult Dolly Varden were also collected in the Middle River and lower McArthur Rivers, and in July were found in the vicinity of salmon spawning and milling areas in both the Chakachatna and McArthur River systems. Juvenile Dolly Varden appeared to preferentially utilize relatively low 6-54 velocities, but may utilize higher velocities when cover is present. The juvenile Dolly Varden also appeared to utilize relatively shallow water. Pygmy Whitefish Few pygmy whitefish were collected during 1983. The reason for the paucity of this species compared to 1981 or 1982 collections remains unknown. Collections made by the outmigrant trap indicated that age 0+ juveniles were present in the lower McArthur River by mid-June. This supports preliminary observations made during 1982 about the timing of the completion of pygmy whitefish fry development (Volume II, Section, 1983 !FAR). Rainbow Trout As in 1982, few young rainbow trout juveniles were collected in areas of either the McArthur or Chakachatna River drainages. Mark-recapture information on adult rainbow trout suggested that there is considerable interdrainage movement between rainbow trout found in the ChaKachatna and McArthur Rivers and the Chuitna River and its tributaries. 6.11.5 Summary and Conclusions The 1983 studies provided additional information on the fisheries of the Chakachatna and McArthur River systems. These studies have also provided an 6-55 improvement in our understanding of the system. The findings of these studies include: o The movement of adult sockeye and chinook salmon into freshwater apparently occurred earlier in the season in 1983 than in 1982. o The timing of adult sockeye and chinook salmon ascents of spawning streams was similar to that of 1982, and in some cases slightly earlier in the season. o Spring rearing and distribution areas of resident and juvenile anadromous fish were identified. o Chinook salmon juvenile rearing areas were identified in the McArthur River tributaries. o Outmigrations of sockeye, chum, pink, and coho salmon were identified as taking place. The peak outmigration apparently took place prior to mid-June. Other findings summarized in the text include: o Habitats utilized by juvenile Dolly Varden and coho, sockeye, and chinook salmon were characterized. o Interdrainage movements of rainbow trout were identified. o Fish habitats were characterized including incubation areas. 6-56 6.12 REFERENCES Aquatic Biology Alaska Power Authority. 1983. Chakachamna Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Environmental Study Plans FY 1984. Prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants. Anchorage, AK. Baldridge, J. 1981. Habitat Suitability Curves, In Wilson, w., E. Trihey, J. Baldridge, c. Evans, J. Thiele and D. Trudgen. 1981. An assessment of environmental effects of construc- tion and operation of the proposed Terror Lake hydroelectric facility, Kodiak, Alaska. Instream flow studies final report. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center. University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska. 419 p. Bovee, K. D. 1978. Probability of use criteria for the family salmonidae. Instream Flow Information Paper 4. u.s. Fish Wild. Serv. FWS/OBS-78/07. Ft. Collins. Co. Bovee, K. D. 1982. A guide to stream habitat analysis using the instream flow incremental methodology. Instream Flow Information Paper 12. u.s. Fish Wild. Serv. FWS/OBS-82/16. 248 pp. Bovee, K. D., and T. Cochnauer. 1977. Development and evaluation of weighted criteria, probability-of-use curves for instream flow assessments: fisheries. Instream Flow Information Paper 3. u.s. Fish Wild. Serv. FWS/OBS-77/63. 38 pp. Hutchinson, G. s. 1957. A Treatise on Limnology, Vol. 1. John-Wiley and Sons. N. Y. 6-57 Krueger, s. w. 1981. Freshwater habitat relationships -Dolly Varden Char (Salvelinus malma) (Walbaum). Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Habitat Division. Anchorage, Alaska. 38 pp. Meehan, w. R. 1964. A modified scoop trap for sampling downstream migrant salmon in turbid glacial rivers. Prog. Fish. Cult. 42-46. Nikolsky, G. v. 1963. The Ecology of Fishes. Academic Press. N.Y. 6-58 • TABLES Table 6.85. Measured discharges in spring 1983. Sitea Date DJ.scharge Description 1983 cfs 6 Lower Chakachatna above Middle 6 April 71 13.5 Upper McArthur at Rapids 6 April 45 17 Spawning Channel at Source 26 May 0.79 Spawning Channel 26 May 2.3 Side Channel 26 May 2.3 22 Chakachatna below Canyon 6 April 440 c Chakachatna at Lake Outlet 26 May 1610 aFar location of sites refer to Figure 6.30. 0400c-20 Table 6.86 Mean daily discharges in cfs of the Chakachatna River at the Chakachamna Lake outlet for the period August 1982 through Hay 1983.a Day Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 1 7160 6180 1280 710 100 680 710 670 740 2 7570 5820 1280 110 700 /';,0 9:l0 710 110 3 7340 5570 1240 100 660 710 1020 100 840 4 7010 5300 1220 100 660 840 1030 780 660 5 6800 5070 1180 680 670 970 970 660 640b 6 7110 4660 1140 670 980 870 930 660 740 1 7290 4270 1090 680 900 100 970 100 680 8 7290 4000 1070 100 750 120 900 750 100 9 1010 3820 1090 100 930 870 710 100 660 10 6880 3520 1020 100 950 920 740 740 640b 11 8870 6660 3320 1020 660 670 870 720 100 640b 12 9710 6280 3210 1000 680 710 750 660 710 640b 13 9830 6010 2980 1030 100 900 1030 640b 640b 660 14 9710 5780 2810 1070 100 890 1360 670 670 120 15 9940 5850 2630 1000 100 820 1340 810 680 790 16 10160 7630 2500 1000 100 740 1160 890 780 900 17 9940 8920 2440 950 100 680 950 890 740 1000 18 9610 9830 2280 930 680 810 850 890 900 19 9390 10380 2200 920 640b 100 710 840 890 20 9130 10380 2170 870 640b 100 640b 710 860 21 8970 10450 2020 870 640b 660 680 670 100 22 8870 10500 1940 870 640b 720 660 710 640 23 8760 9990 1840 870 640b 810 810 710 680 24 8660 9390 1760 870 680 110 750 670 100 25 8610 8820 1650 870 640b 110 670 64ob 680 26 8450 8260 1590 870 640b 920 670 680 670 27 8260 7810 1450 840 640b 890 660 170 150 28 8140 1290 1410 810 640b 100 670 170 100 29 8060 6930 1380 810 680 680 790 640b 30 8060 6580 1300 810 100 660 110 640b 31 7960 1280 100 640b 640b a Records are poor during August and September and very poor after November. b Corresponds to 0.0 data pad reading. Table 6.87 He an daily discharges in cfs of the HcArthur River at the rapids for the period August 1982 through June 1983. a Day Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June 1 74:3 319 7:3:3 :341 72(1 364 61 40 123 859 ·-:· 791 3(11 78:::: 4"".-1 481 273 57 51. 129 716 .:-·..)..:.. 3 :339 278 74:3 . 504 291 192. 89 4;3 126 691 4 897 257 609 516 217 14:3 117 51 131 559 5 . 935 265 4~-ii9 497 327 118 74 52 137 596 6 983 236 52:2: 377 920 •:)•J ...... 53 5l) 136 640 7 1031 219 5:35 387 147 9:3 55 47 143 649 .-. 0:) 1(179 207 5:3:3 239 4:37 123 89 49 145 6"51" 9 1127 203 481 168 389 258 145 55 155 610 10 1175 1E:9 420 207 330 469 178 54 1 &:"iC' ·-''-J 565 11 1223 189 :37:3 16:3 ~:2(J 590 101 51 15() 55(1 1 ') 1271 197 428 159 265 t:1 (I 63 53 15'?' 552 . ._ 1 ~'3 1319 180 45:3 167 "'"':•?.":) ..... ~Jk 5:38 44 55 186 577 14 1-367 173 32C .. 24~f 23'~ 539 44 56 187 63:3 1 c.· ~· 1415 167 291 201 262 46:3 42 55 193 641 1.6 1463 157 348 167 273 307 4(1 55 235 625 17 23 1511 147 ~"387 14:2 150 210 44 52 231 697 1E: 71 1e.i43 1 e.~6 3::::3 1111 166 17:::: 45 54 212 1 19 •119 144 416 101 139 20'~ 4'~ 51 21(1 20 167 160 41:::: 9!1. 120 1~74 46 52 '243 • 84 117 134 :37 57 'r 21 215 222 32:=: 238 .... ,.-. 263 404 225 23(1 113 114 48 65 242 .,:.:. .. :.:. 2:3 311 (:.97 254 519 11.:::: 108. 3'~ 67 26:3 24 35·~-545 954 228 662 114 112 29 78 263 25 407 472 907 223 61e; 108 96 31 90 24:? . 2(:, 455 533 759 174 525 107 98 3;2 98 259 27 503 427 Et27 1"'"-1 6"" ... 11 119 ·~:3 32 107 273 -'•· ~...:> .,.... .. -. 551 407 8:37 ~34 759 105 69 35 105 I s:-•::-29~ 2'" 5'~9 :3·~7 766 177 1665 1·00 40 115 53~ 727 I 11 ::;;(:. :,::o 647 368 ~03 11:3 48 126 77:'fj 31 695 729 856 150 56 ·;:.28 a Records for the entire period are poor. Table 6.88 Day 1 •"") ..:.. 3 4 5 6 7 1 (l 11 l.2 1 ~'3 14 1 ::~ 16 17 1 .-. -=· L~(J 21 2:3 .-,r: .L.oJ 26 27 29 3(1 31 Hean daily water temperatures in °C of the Chakachatna River at the Chakachamna Lake outlet for the period August 1982 through November 1982. Aug 6.5 :3. 1 ::; . 1 :3. (J 8.4 :3.4 ::::. l. :3.3 :::. (J 7.6 7. 1 6.8 7. ~i :3.5 8.9 7. ·~ 6.1 7.6 8.5 Sept 8.4 7.9 8.1 8.(1 6.4 5.6 13.4 e:. s 7. '7 7.0 7.6 3. 1 5.8 6.5 6. t~ 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.9 6.6 6.6 7.1) 6.9 7.0 7.(1 7.o· 7.0 7.0 7.0 Oct 7.0 6.9 /.:. .• :3 6.5 6.5 (:. •• (I 6.0 6. 1 6.0 6.(1 6.0 5.9 5 .. 5 ... .:' ._ .. ~ C' C' ·-· .. _. s: c ·-..J. ·-· c:.· c- .:;) ..... 5.5 5.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.:3 4 •. 5 4.·5 4. 0· 4.:3 4.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 Nov 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 -· ,-, ._:.. C• .-. &:" .:.,. ...... 3.4 ~:. (J 3.5 .-. ~­... ") . ._.) 3.5 ..... a;. .. -~. -· :3.4 .-·, ..... .;. .. ...::• 2. () 1. ~j 1.1 1.9 l. • !::i ~:. 4 :3. (I :.;: • (J :3. I) 2. e: 2.1 1.9 1.0 (1.8 -0.3 -1.1 -1 .. 5 -(),. :.:: -12.5 0.5 1.:3 -0.1 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 (J. :3 0.9 0.5 0.0 -·0. 1 ·-0. 5 -12.8 -12.3 -25.1 -50.'0 -15.9 .-,.-. ~ -.:.·-=·· .J -:37.6 -50.0 0.6 -0.8 -0.6 ·-0. 5 -0 •. 8 -26.(1 -38.9 -12.6 -14.5 -12.4 -12.1 -.20. (l -11.. '?." -12.6 -12.:=: -9.6 C' "" -._ .. ·-· -7.0 -7.1 -16.0 -3.(1 -14.:3 -2.5 -1.6 -1.4 -1.0 -·1. 1 -4.6 -5. 9. -19.6 -12.5 -14.3 -15.1 -13.1 -15.6 -17.0 -17.4 -16.4 -15.6 -14.0 -10.0 -19. 1 -7.3 -4.5 -17.5 -·~. 6 -5.5 -9.9 -~5. 0 -1 7. 5 -6. :::: -5.0 -6.1 -3.4 -27.4 -3. 1 -15.5 -5.6 -3·~. 5 -50.(1 -4.6 -10.:3 -5.3 -12.1 -4.0 -10.3 -2.5 -7.1 -26.0 -·6. 9 -13. (;,. -·~. 3 -1.3 -11. 1 -1.5 -11.4 -2.0 -11.5 -3.1 -9.(1 -14.8 -28.8 -2.4 -5(1.(1 -38.1 -16.6 -15.3 -5.(1 -13.5 -4.9 -1. 1 -6.0 -2.'0 -6.0 -1.3 -5.9 -0.8 -4.6 -1.'1 -4. (:., -0.9 -5.9 -37.5 -6. (I o. (I -16.3 o.o -26.8 o.o -3. 1 -25. 1 -3.0 o. 0 -2.5 (1.(1 -3.11 -37.5 -5.3 -25.0 -5.6 Maya -o.1. 0.1 0.1 -37.5 -24.·~ -0.1 -0.1 0.3 0.6 -24.5 -50.0 -37.0 '-2:3. 1 2.0 1.4 1.3 alnsufficient water depth over transducer. Table 6.89 He an daily water temperatures in oc of the HcArthur River at. t.he rapids for the period August 1982 through June 1983. Day Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June 1 s. 2' .-, C• 0.5 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 1 .-, 3.9 3.3 . ....:•. v . .::~ 4 c: 3.8 0.6 o.o o.o o.o 1.4 "') o;;;J o.o 3 .. e . 4.0 ..:.. 3 4. 'il 3.6 1. 0 o.o o.o o.o o.o 1.5 3.8 3.1 4 .... 3.3 0.9 o.o o.o o.o 4 • ..:> 0.0 1.1 3.9 :3. 1 5 4.5 3.(1 0 c:.· o.o o.o o.o o.o 0.4 • 3. s 4.0 .;;;;) ~') 4.1 1.6 (1. (I o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o ... ~ .-. 5.4 woO 7 4.0 2.5 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 4.1 4.3 •'::> 4.0 :2.5 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 o.o o.o .4.1 4;-t· ''-' 9 :3. ';"/ 2.5 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.4· 4.3 4.4 ,1.(1 4.0 2.5 (1.(1 o.o· o.o o.o o.o 1.0 4.0 4.1 11 4.7 2 • .2 o.o o.o 0.0 (1. 0 o.o 1.0 -4.0 5.1 1 "'":• . ..:.. 3.0 2.1 o.o (1.(1 o.o (1.(1 o.o 1.0 .4.0 4.5 1 ~3 4.2 2.1 o.o (1.(1 o.o o.o o.o 1.5 4.0 4.5 14 4.4 2.0 o.o o.o 0.0 o. (1 o.o "1. 5 4.0 4.6 11:."" 5.4 1. 7 o.o o.o 0.0 o.o .o.o 1.5 4.0 4.0 ...... 16 4.8 1. 9 o.o o.o 0.0 o.o o.o 1. 5 4.0 3.9 17 5.9 6.3 2.0 o.o o.o 0.0 o.o. o.o 1. 6 4.3 5.~ 1 1€~ !5. 8 6.6 1.0 o.o. (1. (I o.o o.o 0.0 t. e: 4.4 5.0 19 5.7 1. 5 0.0 0.0 (1. (I o.o o.o 1. 9 .. 4.5 4.5 20 5.8 1.1 o.o (1.(1 0.0 o.o o.o 1. 3 4.8 21 5. e. o. :3 0.0 0.1 0.0 o.o o.o 1.6 4.6 ...... ,_, 4. ';il (1.9 (1.(1 o.o 0.0 o.o o.o 2.4 4.5 ..:: . ....:... 2:3 &::"' ....... o. :.;: c). (I o.o o.o 0.0 0.1) •") 1:" 4.4 ~ • ..:> .... ;;;;) ~:4 4.6 4.(1 (1. :3 (1. (I o.o o.o o.o o.o 3.(1 4.~ .-..-4.::: 3.1 1.0 0.0 o.o o.o o.o 0.1 3. 5· 4.5 ..:.;:) 2(.";1 c:" -, • .;J •.... 3.9 1.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o 0.3 3.5 4.5 27 5.4 3.7 1.0 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 O.c) 3.8 4.4 28 4.3 3.6 0.9 0.0 o.o o.o o.o 0.1 ..... c: .:J.;;;J .4. 4" 2';il 5.0 3.6 0.9 o.o o.o (1. (I 0.6 .3.5 4.1 30 4.2 4.0 0.5 (1.(1 o.o o.o 0.8 "3.5 .3.4 31 4.9 0.5 o.o o.o 0.8 3.0 0400c-7 Table 6.90. Stations sampled by gear type and date for April 1983 field program Minnow Electro-Dip Gill Station Trap Shock Net Net 1 4-10-83 2 4-10-83 3 4-9-83 4 4-9-83 5 4-9-83 6 4-9-83 8 4-9-83 11 4-10-83 12.1 4-5-83 13 4-5-83 13u 4-8-83 14 4-10-83 15 4-10-83 4-5-83 16 4-10-83 16A 4-10-83 17 4-10-83 4-10-83 4-10-83 22 4-10-83 4-05-83 25 Kid Lake 4-09-83 4-10-83 0400c-8 Table 6.91. Stations s~pled by sear type and date for June/July 1983 field program Inclined Minnow Electro-Fyke Dip Plane Station Trap Shock Net Net Trap 1 6-23-83 6-29-83 1D 6-19-83 6-23-83 6-18-83 -6-28-83 2 6-24-83 6-30-83 3 6-26-83 6-30-83 4 6-20-83 7-3-83 6-19-83 6-20-83 6-19-83 -6-28-83 -7-5-83 5 6-20-83 7-4-83 6 6-20-83 7-30-83 6-19-83 -6-28-83 6A 6-29-83 7-4-83 8 6-22-83 7-4-83 9 6-28-83 7-4-83 10 6-22-83 6-29-83 11 6-23-83 6-29-83 11.5 6-28-83 12 6-27-83 6-29-83 13 6-25-83 7-4-83 14 6-26-83 6-23-83 15 6-27-83 6-23-83 16 6-22-83 7-4-83 16A 6-22-83 7-4-83 17D 6-29-83 7-2-83 18 6-30-83 6-30-83 18A 7-1-83 7-1-83 0400c-9 Table 6.91. Stations s~pled by gear type and date for June/July 1983 field progr~ (concluded) Inclined Minnow Electro-Fyke Dip Plane Station Trap Shock Net Net Trap 19 6-30-83 6-30-83 19A 7-01-83 7-01-83 20 6-30-83 6-30-83 21 6-30-83 7-04-83 22 7-01-83 7-02-83 23 7-01-83 7-01-83 24 7-02-83 7-02-83 25 7-02-83 26 7-02-83 27 7-02-83 28 7-02-83 40 6-26-83 7-03-83 40A 6-26-83 7-03-83 41 6-23-83 7-03-83 41A 6-24-83 7-03-83 42 6-25-83 7-03-83 43 6-27-83 7-03-83 43A 6-27-83 7-03-83 44 6-28-83 7-04-83 44A 6-28-83 7-04-83 45 6-29-83 6-29-83 0400c-1 Table 6.92. Catch/effort by station for minnow traps -April 1983 Station 1 2 3 4 s 6 8 11 14 1S 16 16A 17 19 22 Dolly Varden 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1. so 0. 7S 1.00 1. 2S 0. so 0.00 2.2S Coho Salmon 0.00 0.00 o.so 4.SO 0.2S 0.00 1. 7S o.so 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.2S 0.7S 0.00 0.00 Pygmy Whitefish 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.2S 0400c-4 Table 6.93. Mean minnow trap c/f for each reach for juvenile Dolly Varden and coho salmon -April 1983 Dolly Varden (parr & juveniles) Coho Salmon (parr) Upper Chakachatna River (Canyon) Mid-Chakachatna River Noaukta Slough Lower Chakachatna River Upper McArthur River Lower McArthur River Chdkachatna Tributaries Upper Chakachatna River (Canyon) Mid-Chakachatna River Noaukta Slough Lower Chakachatna River Upper McArthur River Lower McArthur River Chakachatna Tributaries 2.25 0.00 0.50 1.25 1.08 1.08 0.17 0.91 1.13 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.00 Stations 22, 23, 24 Stations 17, 17D, 20, 21 Stations 8, 9, 10, 16, 16A Stations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6A Stations 13, 14, 15 Stations 10(1). 11,12 Stations 18, 19 0400c-5 Table 6.94. Incidence of fish at sampling stations -Ap~il 1983 all collection methods Station Dolly Coho Chinook Sockeye Chum Rainbow Pygmy Numbe~ Va~den Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon T~out Whitefish 1 2 3 + 4 + + 5 + 6 8 + + 11 + 13 + + 14 + 15 + + + + 16 + 16A + + 17 + + ... + 19 + + 22 + + 40A + t 42 + + + 0400c-3 Table 6.95. Percentage incidence of fish species at sampling stations -April 1983 Species Percentage Do 11 y Varden 66.7 Coho Salmon 66.7 Chinook Salmon 11 .1 Sockeye Salmon 16.7 Chum Salmon 5.6 Rainbow Trout 5.6 Pygmy Whitefish 5.6 0400c-2 Table 6.96. Collection by reach for juvenile salmonids by all methods -April 1983 Dolly Coho Chinook Sockeye Chum Rainbow Pygmy Varden Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Trout Whitefish Upper Chakachatna River (Canyon) Mid-Chakachatna River + + Noaukta Slough + + Lower Chakachatna River + + Upper McArthur River Lower McArthur River + Chakachatna Tributaries + McArthur Tributaries + Upper Chakachatna River (Canyon) Mid-Chakachatna River Noaukta Slough Lower Chakachatna River Upper McArthur River Lower McArthur River Chakachatna Tributaries McArthur Tributaries + + + + + + + + Stations 22, 23, 24 Stations 17, 170, 20, 21 Stations 8, 9, 10, 16, 16A Stations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6A Stations 13, 14, 15 Stations 10(1), 11, 12 Stations 18, 19 + Stations 40, 40A, 41, 41A, 42, 42A, 43, 43A, 44, 44A, 45 0400e-ll Table 6.97. Water quality profile of Chakaehamna Lake-April 1983 1 Dissolved Specific Deeth Temeerature OX:J:&en Turbiditi Conducti viti 2114 (meters) (feet) (•C) (mg/1) (ppm) (mg/1) (umbos/em) o2 o2 0.8 10.8 57 42 4.94 0.32 12 0.8 11.5 55 35 4.64 0.62 22 o. 1 11.9 56 31 4.04 0.9 3 0.1 12.3 58 28 4.14 1.2 4 0.1 12.4 63 27 3.94 1.5 5 0.6 12.6 63 22 3.74 3.0 10 0.6 12.4 64 27 3.94 4.5 15 0.6 12.5 66 22 3.94 6.1 20 0.6 12.5 69 21 3.94 7.6 25 0.6 12.4 73 20 4.04 9.1 30 0.6 15.0 67 20 7.0 15.2 so 0.6 15.2 69 19 7 .o 22.9 75 o. 7 16.1 67 23 7.0 30.5 100 0. 7 20.5 65 21 7 .o 45.7 150 1.3 20.9 64 20 7.0 61.0 200 1.5 14.3 65 21 7.1 76.2 250 1.7 14.2 62 20 7.2 85.3 280 1.8 22.1 74 20 7.2 86.93 2853 1 1 ft of snow on top of ice 2 ice greater than 2 ft in depth 3 bottom 4 possible instrument malfunction 0400e-15 Table 6.98. Water quality data by station -April 1983 Water Dissolved Temeerature Ol!&en Conduetivit! Turbidit! Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Station <•c> (m&/1) (umbos/em) (m&ll) 1 2.7 1. 57 10.9 1.59 166.8 11.65 205.8 2 4.6 .12 12.6 .31 107.3 .83 104.3 3 3.9 .12 13.0 .11 103.0 1.23 61.5 4 4.5 .08 10.3 .96 93.0 1.0 75.5 5 .4 12.7 .80 41.0 18.0 73.5 6 3.6 .45 12.0 .75 104.3 .47 61.3 8 1.68 .11 12.9 .14 15.0 15.0 11 .77 .09 13.8 99.0 71.7 13 3.3 .85 11.05 1. 55 39.0 19.0 56.0 13U 1.8 12.5 13.0 2.0 14 3.5 .36 12.2 .51 15.8 .44 24.8 15 2.8 .52 12.3 .51 16.6 3.32 9.4 16 3.68 .18 12.4 .39 101.8 .74 43.8 16A 2.4 .43 12.5 .42 15.0 7.18 24.3 17 4.1 .09 12.7 .15 73.8 1.17 7.08 19 0.15 .09 13.9 .38 20.3 1. 79 25.5 22 1.4 .55 14.0 .68 117.6 7.78 34.9 24.11 16.4 8.3 27.0 83.0 24.2 2 14.2 7.9 855.0 84.0 1 Feeder stream from Mt. Spurr into Chakaehatna River near Station 24. 2 Another feeder stream from Kt. Spurr into Chakaehatna River near Station 24. 48.98 4.92 6.10 11.86 25.5 5. 71 2.00 15.09 2.00 6.83 12.40 3.42 7.50 3.42 6.80 14.22 0400c-12 Table 6.99. Standpipe readings for selected incubation locations -April 1983 Descri(!tion Side of Depth Velocity Bank Distance Temgerature °C Surface 8 0.6 Total Depth (Facing Up From Bank Surface Stand Water Surface Water Stationl Stream) (m) (ft) Water Pipe (m) (ft) (cm/s) ( ft/s) 42A 0.9 3 3.5 4.7 0.5 5 39.6 1.3 42 2Mc 4.7 4.4 0.3 1.1 42.7 1.4 43 MC 6.1 4.3 0.2 0.8 27.4 0.9 44 3RB 0.9 3 5.0 3.7 0.1 0.4 35.1 1.15 45 4La 1.5 5 4.2 3.9 0.2 0.5 12.2 0.4 15 MC 3.9 3.7 0.1 0.3 24.4 0.8 15A 4La 1.5 5 3.9 3.9 0.1 0.4 21.3 0.7 11A (LB+O) North LB 0.2 0.5 4.2 4.1 0.1 0.4 6.1 0.2 End Left Most Channel 17 ( LB+O) North LB 0.2 5 4.0 3.1 0.2 0.5 6.1 0.2 End Left Mqst Channel 17 (LB+O) to sRa <0.03 <0.1 6.9 3.1 South End of Left Most Channel 17 (LB+O) South RB 0.9 3 6.8 4.2 0.1 0.3 <3.0 <0.1 End of Left Most Channel 11 (LB+2) 5LB <0.03 <.01 4.7 3.7 Adjacent Channel Opposite 11 A 17 ( L8+2) LB 0.8 2.5 4.4 3.7 0.2 0.8 <3.0 <0.1 Adjacent Channel Opposite 17 A 0400c-13 Table 6.99. Standpipe readings for selected incubation locations -April 1983 (concluded) Description Stationl Side of Bank (Facing Up Stream) 19 lB 19A 2 miles lB North of 19 Chilligan River MC Slough - Upstream Portion Chilligan River lB Slough - Downstream Portion lsee Figure 6 2Mc = Mid-channel 3RR = Right Bank 4lB = left Bank 5wE = waters Edge Distance From Bank (m) ( ft) 0.6 2 1.2 4 0.9 3 Temperature oc Surface Stand Water Pipe 1.6 l.B 3.2 1.4 1.4 1.7 3.1 0.9 Depth Surface Water (m) (ft) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 Velocity @ 0.6 Total Depth Surface Water (cm/s) (ft/s) 21.7 30.5 1B.3 9.1 0.1 1.0 0.6 0.3 0400c-19 Table 6.100. Incidence of fish at sampling stations: all collection methods Spring 1983 Dolly Coho Chinook Sockeye Chum Rainbow Pygmy Pink station Varden Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Trout Whitefish Salmon 1 + ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 + + ... ... ... 2 + ... ... + 3 + + ... 4 + + A A ... ... ... 5 + + ... + 6 + ... + 6A + ... ... ... 8 + ... ... 9 + ... 10 + + 11 + + 11.5 + 12 + + + ... 13 + + 14 + + 15 + + 16 + + ... 16A + ... t 17 + + + 170 + + 18 + + 18A + 19 + 19A + 20 + ... + 21 + + .. 22 + + 23 + 24 + + 40 + + 40A + + ... 41 + ... 41A + 42 + + ... 42A + ... + 43 + + + 43A + + 44 + + + 44A ... + + 45 25 26 + + 27 28 + A = Adults only + = Juveniles with or without adults 0400c-18 Table 6.101. Percentase incidence of fish species at samplins station below Chakachamna Lake -June/July 1983 Species Percentase Dolly Varden 95.1 Coho Salmon 68.3 Chinook Salmon 29.3 {26.9)1 Sockeye Salmon 31.7 (29.3)1 Chum Salmon 29.3 Pink Salmon 4.9 Rainbow Trout 7.3 Pygmy Whitefish 9.8 1 Juveniles only 0400c-14 Table 6.102. Mean minnow trap c/f for each reach for juvenile salmonids -Spring 1983 Dolly Varden Coho Salmon Chinook Sockeye (parr & juveniles) (parr) (parr) (parr) Upper Chakachatna 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 River (Canyon) Mid-Chakachatna 0.81 0.28 0.00 0.28 River Noaukta Slough 1.64 1.36 0.00 0.00 Lower Chakachatna 1.37 0.37 0.03 0.00 River Upper McArthur River 2.18 l. 54 0.00 0.00 Lower McArthur River 1.42 0.51 0.00 0.09 Chakachatna Tributaries 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 McArthur Tributaries 0.88 0.22 3.26 0.00 Upper Chakachatna River (Canyon) Stations 22, 23, 24 Mid-Chakachatna River stations 17, 17D, 20, 21 Noaukta Slough stations 8. 9. 10, 16, 16A Lower Chakachatna River stations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 6A Upper McArthur River Stations 13, 14, 15 Lower McArthur River stations 1D(l), 11, u.s, 12 Chakachatna Tributaries Stations 18, 19, 18A, 19A McArthur Tributaries Stations 40, 40A, 41, 41A, 42, 42A. 43, 43A, 44, 44A, 45 0400c-17 Table 6.103. Mean electrofishing c/f for each reach for juvenile salmonids - Spring 1983 Pygmy Round Dolly Coho Chinook Sockeye Chum White-White- Varden Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon fish fish Upper Chakachatna 1.45 0.00 0.00 0. 59 0.00 0.00 0.00 River (Canyon) Mid-Chak.achatna 2. 56 0.52 0.11 0.43 0.41 0.00 o.oo River Noaukta Slough 2.56 1.18 0.00 0.05 0.17 0.00 0.00 Lower Chakachatna 0. 55 1.23 0.04 0. 53 0.99 0.03 0.37 River Upper McArthur River 2.25 4.97 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lower McArthur River 0.66 0.68 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.06 0.06 Chakachatna Tributaries 0. 54 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 McArthur Tributaries 0.30 0.03 1.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Upper Chakachatna River (Canyon) Stations 22, 23, 24 Mid-Chakachatna River Stations 17, 170, 20, 21 Noaukta Slough stations 8, 9, 10, 16, 16A Lower Chakachatna River Stations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6A Upper McArthur River Stations 13, 14, 15 Lower McArthur River Stations 10(1), 11, 11.5. 12 Chakachatna Tributaries Stations 18, 19, 18A, 19A McArthur Tributaries Stations 40, 40A, 41, 41A, 42, 42A, 43, 43A, 44, 44A, 45 0400c-l6 Table 6.104. Water quality data by station -Spring 1983 Water Dissolved TemRerature Ox~gen Conductivit~ Turbid it~ Mean SD Mean so Mean so Mean SD Station <•c> (mg/1) (umhos/cm) (mg/1) 1 9.8 10.8 41 83 lD 9.0 12.5 29 155 2 5.4 12.8 30 133 3 5.4 12.3 33 82 4 8.2 12.6 47 95 5 9.7 2.22 l 0. 5 1.98 54.7 24.99 85.7 49.98 6 7.4 12.8 39 92 6A 6.5 12.2 32 93 a 7.2 13.0 35 74 g 6.8 12.0 33 90 10 9.0 11.2 38 84 11 6.7 0.21 11.35 . 15 34.4 1.2 93.9 6.3 11.5 7.0 12.5 33 125 12 4.9 12.8 g 220 13 4.2 11 .1 ~2 160 14 9.6 9.4 16 19 15 3.5 12.7 12 194 16 5.3 13.2 31 86 16A 11 .7 3.06 10.3 1.96 70.3 24.42 54.1 18.32 11 5.9 10.5 31 74 30.00 110 5.7 12.3 31 112 18 6.7 10.7 42 51 18A 3.2 12. g 33 180 19 9.4 10.8 12 8 19A 5.8 12.3 8 11 20 11.3 11.7 65 3 21 6. 1 12.9 39 59 22 5.1 12.6 27 63 23 4.7 12.7 26 56 24 5.1 15.5 28 21 40 5.5 12.2 1 1 40A 5.2 12.4 1 4 41 6.7 12.6 1 16 41A 5.2 12.5 6 34 42 10.7 10.7 74 1 42A 7.2 12.1 64 12 43 9.3 13.3 76 1 43A 7.6 10.6 75 5 44 7.9 11.2 102 6 44A 7.0 12.5 102 12 45 9.2 7.0 46 18 0400c-10 Table 6.105. Water quality profiles of Chakachamna Lake, July 1983 Dissolved Depth Temperature Oxygen Conduct hity Turbidity (meters) (feet) c·Cl (mg/1) (umhos/cm) (mg/1) 0.0 0.0 11.1 10.8 35 36 0.3 1.0 9.5 11.3 35 40 0.6 2.0 9.1 11.2 35 39 0.9 3.0 8.9 11.1 33 40 1.2 4.0 8.9 11 .1 33 40 1.5 5.0 8.9 11.1 31 35 3.0 10.0 8.2 11 . 3 29 35 4.6 15.0 7.8 1l .3 27 38 6.1 20.0 7.7 11.4 26 36 9.1 30.0 7.1 11.3 25 31 15.2 50.0 7.0 11.6 25 14 30.5 100.0 6.9 11 . 1 32 11 83.8 27.0 6.5 12.3 28 3 0400c-6 Table 6.106. Standpipe readings for station 17 July 1983 Upstream Standpipe Downstream Standpipe Surface Water Temperature SIDE CHANNEL (LB+2) LEFT-SIDE CHANNEL -(LB+O) Left Standpipe 4.6°C Right Standpipe (closes to bank) 4.7°C Surface Water Temperature 5.4°C T~~LE b.l07e OISTRI6UTION OF CBSERVATIO~S JF DOLLY VA~C(N ay VELOCITY INTE~VAL liN Oe2 FT/S INTER~ALSJ v::LOCITY INTERVAL !IJU'IIII8ER OF PERCE:NTA:;E IF TS/SJ 06SERVATIO~S OF TlTAL -~--~--------------------------------- o.o 0.2 ~35 32.15 0.2 0.4 131 12.57 0.4 0.6 llq 11.tt2 c.& o.a 120 11.52 o.s 1.0 78 7 •'H leO t.2 60 :.76 1.2 1.11 45 4e.S2 1elt 1.~ 52 5.-35 t.:; 1.8 =-.,.:) 5.2S 1.3 2.0 ~ o.s~ 2.0 2.2 4 o.~s 2.2 2.'f 5 0.4~ z.tt 2.& 3 0.2~ 2.5 2.~ 8 0.77 2.8 ~.o " 0.38 3.0 3.2 3 Ce2? 3.2 3.4 1 o.to 3.4 3.6 0 c.ao 3.~ 3.6 0 o.co 3.!) 4.0 0 G.GO TOTAL = 1~lt2 TOT P::R = lCOeld TA3LE 6.10?. DISTRIBUTIO~ OF OBSE~VATIJ~S JF )JLLY VARDE~ ~y QEPTH I~TERVAL Cl~ 0.3 FT I~TERVAL$) JEOJI"f I'JTERV~L ( F T) a.J 0.3 0.3 0.6 D.~ 0.3 0.3 1.2 1.2 1.S 1.3 1.3 1.8 2.1 2.1 2.tJ 2.'1 2.7 2.7 .3.0 3.() .3.3 3.3 3.:, .3.:, "!. ·) NU"'BER OF OESERYATIO~S 14 2.36 2!34 29~ ~7 93 59 q 15 lit <;I 2 "3 T:JTAL = 1110 PERCENTAGE oF r::>u;.. 1 • 2 ~ 21.26 25.SQ 25.23 8.71+ 8.33 =s.32 0.3& 1.~~ 1.26 0 I Jl Q .l.~ 0.27 r:::r r-::R = l~J.Jl TA3LE 6.109. DISTRI3UTIO~ OF oqs£RVATIO~S OF COHO SAL140N qy VELOCITY INTERVAL CI~ 0.2 FT/S I~TERVALSJ V~LO:ITY l~T£RVAL f~TS/S) o.J 0.2 0.2 0.4 ,J.I+ o.G " , c.a .J•;) 0.3 laO t.Q 1.2 1.2 1.4 lei+ 1.6 t.s 1.B l.S 2.0 2.0 ?.~ 2.2 2.~ 2.4 2 • .; 2.!3 2.3 ~.~ "3.~ 3.J 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.'+ 3.6 3 • .; 3.0 3.'3 tt.:l -.uM~fR OF :JeS(RVATIO"'JS 205 7?. '+3 32 2'+ 21 7 '5 0 5 c 1 0 ,) 0 a 0 0 c \) TOTAL = 422 PERCE\ITAj( OF TO UL 43.32 19.'+3 1 0 .19 7.5~ 'i.G~ '+ • , •j l.GE: l.lq o.ao l.ld o.oo :J.2tt 0. 3 0 o.ca o. o a J.OO o.Jo J.oa o.oa o.cJ T)T p:::q = lCO.::::J TABLE 6.110. DISTRIBUTION OF JcSE~VATIO~S OF C011u SAL~Ol'.i BY OEPTH I~TER~AL <IN 0.3 FT I~TERVALS) DEPTH PHERVAL (fJ) o.u c.3 0.3 0.6 1.6 0.':1 !J.'; 1.~ 1.2 1.3 1.5 1. ,") 1.8 2.1 ?.1 2.4 2.4 ?..1 2.7 3.(1 3.J 3.~ .3.3 ? , ..;e.:> 3.!) 3.9 '.IU"'ciER OF OBSERVATIONS 2 96 153 107 2& 41 17 1 1 a 3 1 J G r ::r ~L = 447 ~ERC::"TA:iE OF TJU_ 0.45 13.24 ~4.23 23.34 5.::12 ~.17 3.>30 0.22 2.21+ a • ~, 1 3.:22 J • .)J o.ao TJT ~::R = HO .co TAOLE 6.111. DISTq{~UTIJ~ OF OJSE~V4TIO~S ~F CHI'IIJ)I( S.lU~0\1 3Y VELJCITY l~TE~VAL CIN 0.2 FT/S I~TER~ALS) V~LJ:ITY I~TERVAL ~U~SER OF C~TS/S) OSSERVATIONS o.o 0.2 260 0.2 o.ct 21 J.!+ o.s S1 ,., ' l • :I o.~ 8 G.3 1.0 5 1. 0 1.2 17 1 • 2 1.4 3 1.,. 1.S u 1.s 1. 3 1 l.R 2.0 1 z.o 2.2 0 2.2 2.4 J 2.4 2.S 0 2.; 2.':! 0 2.3 3.J c ~.o 3.2 0 3.2 3.4 D 3.4 3.6 a 3.6 3.g 0 3., 4.J :J TJTAL = 377 PER;:E-.TAGE JF TOTAL ::~.:n 5.37 16.1~ 2.12 1.33 4.'31 0."10 o.oo 0.27 0.27 0. 0 0 o.oo o.oo o.Jo :J. ;j J 0. G 0 o.oo o.Jo :J.QO o.oo T JT P::R = 1JO.J2 TJBLE &.112. DISTRI~UTION OF 08SERVATIO~S OF C'"ll"J1JK S4U10~ BY DEPTrl INTERVAL Cl~ 0.3 FT INTE~VALS) DEPTH PHE~V~L ( FJ) a.o 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.5 c.3 0. 3 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.3 1 ;:I . - 1.3 2.1 z.1 ?.4 2.4 2.7 2.7 3.J 3.0 3 •. 3 3.3 3.El 3.:, .3.7 '4U'1eEq ~F •JBSERVATIJ~S 1 18 95 65 116 21 42 1 0 .5 1 a 21 (1 T 0 T \L = 3q9 PERCE'1!Ta\3E OF TJTA!. J.25 4.51 23.gl 1f.2~ 2'-;.07 5.26 1~.5.5 ~.'it J.75 1. 75 c.oo 5.2:, c. c 0 T'JT p~~ = ''1.~~ TABLE &.113. DISTRIBUTIO~ OF ~SSERVATIO~S OF SOC«EYE SALMON qy VELOCITY I~TEqVAL CI~ Oe2 FT/S I~TERV4LS) v::LOCITY !'.jTERVAL \1~~:3ER OF PE C{C£\1 TA :;E lFTS/S) OSSE~VATI'JNS JF T::>U:_ -------------------------------------- o.~ o.~ 76 54.&8 J.2 il.'+ llt 13.07 0.4 G.F. 12 3.~3 8.6 o.a 1 0.72 G.9 t.o 11 1.:n t.o 1.2 ~ 6.47 1.~ lalt 1 0.72 t.4 l.S 7 5.0't 1.; 1.3 !::l 5.76 1.9 2.0 0 o.ao 2.0 2 ") .... c 0. 0 J 2.2 2.4 ·J o.':to ?.4 2.€:1 D o.oo 2.6 2.3 0 o.oo ::?.3 3.0 J o.oo 3.0 .3.2 0 a.oc 3.2 3.4 I) J.OO 3.~ .3. s G O.GO 3.:, 3.15 0 J.co 5.:i 't.O 0 o.oo TOTAL = 13 J TOT P::R = 1J0.}':: TABLE 6.114. DISTqi~UTI1l JF 03SE~VATtO~S JF S1C<EYE SAL~Q•J 9Y DEPTH INTERVAL (J~ 0.3 FT I~TERVALS) JE~T4 I~TERVAL ~U~dER OF <FT) J8SE~VAT1U~S :J.:J ::1.3 2 1.3 J.6 2'3 o.~ 0. '} ?.3 J. , 1.2 ~.5 1.2 1.3 5 1.3 1.6 9 1. 3 2.1 ~3 2.1 2.~ 0 2.4 2.1 1 .? • 7 3.() 1 ~.J .3.3 0 3. 3 3.b 0 3.S 3. ~ 0 TJTAL = 1.3~ PF.:RC~"TA::;E JF T')T!\L 1.45 21.01 1 ~ .• ~) 7 25.:.6 3eS2 s.s2 23.:;1 o.oo 0.72 ~.72 c.:!o G.oo c.oo TH P::ti = .:. 9 • LJ ( ... FIGURES 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 9000 -;;;-8000 -2 w 7000 (!) a: <( J: u 6000 (J) 0 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 August September October November December January LEGEND ('\ Hydrograph based on datapod records * Measured discharges Note: Records are poor during August and September and very poor after November. February March April FIGURE 6.144 May Discharge Hydrograph of the Chakachatna River at the Chakachamna * Lake Outlet for the Period August 1982 through May 1983 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 .!!! 1600 ~ w 1400 ~ a: <( J: 1200 u (/) 0 1000 800 600 400 200 0 August September October November December January February LEGEND ;"\ Hydrograph based on datapod records * Measured discharges Note: Records are poor. March April May June FIGURE 6.145 Discharge Hydrograph of the McArthur River at the Rapids for the Period August 1982 through June 1983 \ / -~-" ,/ .... : ' ' \ ' :-:¥ , ..... ·/.,/ } _.-"· .,. .,'')...,-L·- / ~ ., \ ···- \ 'I\ \ __ t) ( ':i \ ·' I n !f ", \' ' '" \ '~ . ' ' \ \. \ \ \ :~ \ ,, \ \ ', \ -· ~-\ , I I ~'?wf T R A D 0 0 Recording Gauge Location Staff ~auge Location and Sampl ing Station Samplmg Stat i on Only ... w . ·' ll ........ -' ;. FIGURE 6 .146 Location and Identification of 1983 Sampling Stations Stream Stations 18A, 19A and 40-45A Added to 1982 Stations D Recording Gauge Location Q Staff Gauge Location and Sampling Station Q Sampling Station Only 0 2 3 4 miles \ • ·' I ' •. .. ~ 5 I' , .,. .. ....... ., \ ·~ / ..-.. "· ,_ .c?/ .. __ -..... : : "' ~ •' ' • '~ '"<:' v •• . . t. .'· . J ~ ..., ..,. F I G U R E 6. 146 Location and Identification of 1983 Sampling Stations Stream Stations 18A, 19A and 40-45A Added to 1982 Stations 0 MILE 1/2 FIGURE 6.147 Detail of McArthur River Sampling Stations at Stream 13u 1982 Detail Area F 1~ MILE 0 1/2 1 ---==:=:l 13 18 ... --. "l -... 1. -· ~-·ltJr..- ..., ..., ·-__,~ ... _ .. :::.. .,1 ... -... FIGURE 6.148 Detail of 1983 Sampling Station McArthur River Tributaries E Flow A Frame with Winch System Plane Trap Floor T I FIGURE 6.149 Inclined Plane Outmigrant Trap 14 a Millino Areas ~ -N- MILE I 0 1/2 IJ 18 ----- FIGURE 6.150 ~ ... -... ,.._ " ,-. ., E E Chinook and Sockeye -Milling Areas Streams 13X, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 1983 Detail Area E 8 MUlino Areas MILE 0 1/2 FIGURE 6.151 Chinook and Sockeye Milling Area at Stream 13u 1983 Detail Area F tn c 0 +' 30 d 24 > L Q) tn ..0 0 ...... l 8 0 v 0) d +' c 12 v (J L Ct.) a_ 6 . 2 . 6 1.0 1. 4 1. 8 2. 2 2. 6 3. 0 3.4 3.8 Veloc1ty (ft/s) f1gure 6.152 Percentage of Cbservattons of Dolly Varden Juven1les by veloc•tu Intervals 1982 and 1983 data l 30~------------ Ul c 0 +' 25 0 20 > L v U'l ,.0 0 ....... 15 0 v IJ) 0 I fo1 o.. I 5 .3 . 9 1. 5 2. 1 Water O~pth 2. 7 ( f t) f•gure 6.153 3.3 3.9 Percentage of Observat1ons of Oollu Varden Juventles bu depth tntervals 1982 and 1983 data l I s 4 -r------------------------------·---I i Ill c 0 +' 4.5 d 36 > L (\.) lll ..0 0 (\.) C)) d +' c 18 (\.) (,) L (\.) Q_ 9 • 2 . 6 1.0 ' 1. 4 1. ~ 2. 2 2. 6 3. 0 Veloc1ty (ft/s) 3. 4 3.8 f1gure 6.154 Percentage of Observat1ons of Coho Salmon Juven1les by veloc1tu 1ntervals 1982 and 1983 data I I 361 I I 30 Ul c 0 I +' I d '"'4i > '· L I (\) Ul ! .0 0 I ...... 181 0 ! (\) I 0) l d +' ... ~ C L::: l\.) I 0 I L I Cl) a_ 6 I l i l 0 . 3 . 9 1. 5 2. 1 2. 7 3.3 3. 9 Water Depth (ft) frgure 6.155 Percentage of Dbservatrons of Coho Salmon Juvenrles bu depth rntervals 1982 and 1983 data 12~0 r I i I I 1001 IJ) c 0 +' d > L (\) IJ) ..0 0 ~ 60 0 ~ 0) d +' 40 c (\) 0 L (\) o_ 20 • 2 . 6 1.0 I 1. 4 1. 8 2. 2 2. 6 3.0 3. 4 3.8 Veloc1t~ (ft/s) f1gure 6.156 Percentage of Observat1ons of Ch1nook Salmon Juveniles by velocity Intervals 1982 and 1983 data ! i I i I l i I lll c 0 ..f-1 25 d 20 > L O.l lll ..0 I 0 I ~ 151 v I Ol I d I ] lOi u I L r O.l I CL i si ' . 3 . 9 1. 5 2. 1 2. 7 3. 3 3.9 Water Depth (ft) f1gure 6.157 Percentage of Observat1ons of Ch1nook Salmon Juven1les b~ depth Intervals 1982 and 1983 data 60T I ' I 50 Ul c 0 ..... d 40 > L Ill \II .0 0 ....... 30 0 Ill (J) d ...., ~)a c .:. (U 0 L ~ a_ :a • 2 . 6 1.0 1. 4 1. 8 2. 2 2. 6 3. 0 3. 4 3.8 Velocltl:J (ft/s) F 1 gure 6. 158 Percentage of Observations of Sockeye Salmon Juveniles by velocaty antervals 1982 and 1983 data l I I ! ' .iJ d 20 > '-~ I -g I '~-lSi 0 rv rn (j I ~ lOi (\) I 0 i '- (\) CL 5 0 .3 -.. 3.9 6 159 t ons of FIgure • Clbserva I percent age of J uven I l es Salmon Socke~e tervals d th In b,y ep 1983 data 1982 and .. APPENDIXES APPENDIX B Bl. ESCAPEMENT COUNTS BY STREAM TABLE Bl-1. Chakachatna Bridge Area Sloughs (Station 17) Escapement Surveys Date June 18 22 July 20 Chinook live carcass 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sockeye live carcass 0 0 0 0 0 0 Water Clarity Excellent Excellent Excellent Percent Surveyed 100 100 100 TABLE B1-2. Chakachatna Canyon Sloughs Escapement Surveys Chinook Date live carcass June 22 0 0 July 20 0 0 Sockeye live carcass 0 0 0 0 Water Clarity Good Good-Excellent Percent Surveyed 100 100 TABLE B1-3. Straight Creek Mouth and Sloughs Esca~ement Surve~s Chinook Water Percent Date live carcass Clarity Surveyed June 18 0 0 Fair 100 22 0 0 Good 100 July 20 0 0 Good 100 TABLE B1-4. Chakachatna Tributar~ C1, EscaEement Surve~s Chinook Socke~e Water Percent Date live carcass live carcass Clarity Surveyed June 18 0 0 0 0 Excellent 100 22 0 0 0 0 Excellent 100 July 20 0 0 0 0 Excellent 100 TABLE Bl-5. McArthur Tributary 13x Escapement Surveys Chinook Sockeye Date live carcass live carcass June 22 0 0 0 0 July 20 72 0 70 0 Water Clarity Good Excellent Percent Surveyed 100 33 TABLE 81-6. McArthur Tributary 13u Escapement Survey Date June 17 24 July 20 Chinook live carcass 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sockeye live carcass 0 0 16 0 0 0 Water Clarity Excellent Excellent Excellent Percent Surveyed 100 100 100 TABLE B1-7. McArthur Tributart 12.1-12.5 EscaEement Survets Chinook Sockete Water Percent Date live carcass Hve carcass Clarity Surveyed June 17 0 0 0 0 Excellent 100 24 0 0 0 0 Excellent 100 TABLE 81-8. Clearwater Tributary to Straight Creek {19) Chinook Date live carcass June 22 1 0 July 20 335 0 Sockeye live carcass 0 0 0 0 Water Clarity Good Excellent Percent Surveyed 100 100 APPENDIX B 82. CATCH SUMMARIES ",/ 2/83 HGE TABLE 82-1. SUI'l~A~Y OF RESULTS: !"lN"'O.I TRAP SA"!PLES • APRIL. 17'3 3 LE"iGTH (("') .. STATION DHE REPLlCHE SPECIES LIFE STAGE IIIUMf:.ER :~EA~ s.c. •; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • 1 DOH3 01 NI!\IE•SPI'fE STICKLEBACK Ji.JH'III:..E 1 0 02 'H"lE•SPI'IE STICI<LE8ACK JUt'EI•I LE :: 5.20 o.r.t~ ;) .. 0.5 'H~E-SPBE STICKLEBACK JUVENILE 6 5o'+k 0.30 c 03 "li'IE-SPIIIIE STICKLESA:K AOUL T 2 6.60 0.42 " 04 \IUC:-SPI"''E STICP<LEeA.CK JU\IE~HLE 9 :,.31' C·2C 04 \IUE-SPI\IE S TICKLEBAC ~ ADJLT 1 7.30 G. DO 1 • 2 ll04~3 Jl ~() FISH 1 G )2 \IJ FISH 1 ,:; B ljQ IZISH 1 "' i)lt 'lO FISt1 1 0 ·• 3 B0433 ()1 :::01-10 SAL"10"l PA~R 1 7.60 o.oo 1 02 SL PlY SCJL=>I'.! AJJL T 1 9.30 c.ro 1 03 CJHJ SAL 'IJ\1 PAU 1 12.3 a o.co 1 • (}3 SLI11Y SC:.JL'.:)IN JUt'ENILE 1 &.Oii lh~O 1 H NO FISH 1 0 J30433 Jl :::OliO SAL"!0\1 PA~~ ? 1C.35 0. lC " 02 :o~;o SAL~0'4 PA~R 8 7at'l 2.41 :;. :}3 JOLLY VARDE• ?A'<R 7 lC. 3 0 1.~~~ 3 03 COHO SAL"!O'.I I='A~R 5 8.31' 2.'+2 5 0'+ JOLLY VAROE-. ?A~R 1 ~.10 0. 10 1 • 04 COliC SAL "1J'i P4~R 5 r.oo 1.::1 j 0'+ SLl:"'Y SCJL=>I"' AJJ:...T 1 9.70 c. c c 1 ':i 030'133 J1 TRAP OUT :lF wATER c ' -' 02 ~~0 FISH 1 l 03 ~0 FISH 1 . ~ 04 Cv'"IO SAL"O'II PA~R 1 5.20 o.e:o 1 ') lJJI+g,) 01 'iJ FIS11 1 () • 02 ~J Fr Sl1 1 0 6 030'+33 :ll 'JO FISH 1 (' J2 TRAP MISsnG 0 .. 0.3 NO FISH 1 c H 'JI:'>iE-SPI\<E STICKLE BACK 4JJL T 1 E:. 6 0 0. 00 1 100H3 01 JOLLY VA.ROEN PUR 2 s.oa 2.55 2 01 COHO SAL"'O ... PARR 1 11.80 0. no 1 01 COHO SAL'10'l JUvENILE 1 12.1!3 0. 00 1 • 01 SLI~Y SCUL 0 IN JUVENILE E.OO o.co 1 Ot \II!IIE-SPI'IE STICKLEBAC< JUiE!III..E .. t:.oo O.!'C 3 '" 01 'IIINE-SPI'IIE STICKLE9ACi< ADJLT 1 7.10 0 • [J c 1 • 02 :JOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 1 Ua70 G.LO 1 02 COHO SAL"'O~ PARR 3 7.8C ~. (,4 3 02 "liNE-SPl'<E STICKLEBACK ADULT 2 7.10 0. 14 2 03 COHO SAL'10~ PA'lR 1 7.3G o.oo 1 0.5 SLI'4Y SCUL=>I'\1 AJJLT 1 ''h40 o.oo 1 "-·· ( .. --..... ~ . .., l c Rl 21R3 .J STATION DHE T49LE B2-1. SU~~ARY CF ~ESULTS: ~INN3J TR~P SA~PLES IIPR IL. 1983 REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUMBER L E'J G TH < C" ) s. c. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (. 11 1 '+ 15 16 c j 17 • 1 1 22 • J .. lJOl!-43 03 H 04 04 04 U04'n 01 02 02 03 04 Ott 1J0'+~3 01 01 02 03 0'1 1J0433 01 02 03 H 1J0'133 01 01 02 J3 04 1J0'+~3 01 n 03 04 100433 01 02 03 04 04 o• 1)0433 01 02 03 05 ~I~E-SPINE STICKLEBA:< COLLY ~AR:JEN COHO SAU101',1 ~I~E-SPINE STICKLEBACK ~l~E-SPI~E STICKLEBACK ~I~E-SPI~E STICKLEBA:< SOHO SAL~O~ NO FISH ::JOLLY VARDE~ '10 FISH J 0 L L Y V A R D E ~i ~0 FISH JOLLY YARDE~ SLI"Y SCJLillN JOLLY VARDE'II SLI~Y SCULPIN JOLLY VARDEN '10 FISH \10 FISH ~0 FISH ~'JLLY VARD~'I 'JO FISH \10 FISI-' JOLLY VA~DEN COrlO SAL"0'4 JOLLY VARDEf>4 'I::J FISH ~0 FISH TR4P FROZE'II TRAP FROlE'I SLI.11Y SCULPIN ~0 FISH JOLLY VARDEN DOLLY VARDE.,. '110 FISH JOLLY VARDE'II JOLLY VARDE!'l PYGMY wHITE FISii '10 FISH COHO SAL"~O'II J 0 LL Y VA 'l DE'~ JOLLY VARDEN A::JJL T P~H PAH JUVENILE AJJLT JU't'E ~H LE PAH PA~R PA~R PA~R JU~ENILE Po\~R JU~EIIIl:..E PA~R PA~R PARR PA~R JUV E''HLE PA~R Po\~R PA~R JU~El\IILE JUVE'III i.E PHR P~~R JU't'ENILE 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 '+ l 1 ~ 1 1 1 c 0 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 '+ 1 7.1::10 12 .7 0 5.30 6o07 to90 5o40 5o5u 10.C5 9o&5 7.70 9.52 9o20 3.93 11.40 llo :'>0 10.27 15o3C llo 10 Ool4 c.oo D • JO o.El o.co 0 • G 0 0.'+2 3. 33 3. f:2 2. 1 c; o.co CebA .::.co J • C G c 0 :-& Q o G 0 0. ::.2 o.co o.ao 0. 0 0 1. r.2 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 2. 7b 011 .., l ~· ~ o.cG 2 2 1 1 4 1 l 2 4 0 Q 2 l ? 1 1 c " r 0 1 0 0 1 1 ~ 0 2 " l .. ., 3/ 2/!33 • , STATI31'1 t 16 A " .. .. • •• • • ·~ • • 1 • , ··- c .. DHE 1J0~~3 TAaLE 32-1. SUM~ARY OF RESULTS: ~~~~JJ T~AP SA~FLES APRILo 1993 ~EPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUMBER 03 03 03 04 COHO SAU10~ ~I~E-SPI~E STICKLEGAC~ ~l~E-SPI~E STICKLEBAC< ~I~E-SPI~E STICKLEBAC< PA~R JJVniLE ADULT Ai:JJLT 3 5 3 2 LDlGTI-: I C1-4) s.r. 1 '::. 10 0.'78 5.52 1. lJ {.) ho30 u. 1 7 7.55 c. c;o 2 '?,/ 2/83 F~CE TABLE 62-2. SU'4~.\RY 'JF RESULTS: EL::CTRJFISHI'-IG SA"'PLES _f APRIL• 1B3 LENGTH ( C~D .. STATION DUE REPLICATE SPEC IE S L1 FE STAGE ~U'1£3ER 'lEAN s.c. N ------------------------------------------------------------------------,. 13 050~33 01 JOLLY VAil.DEN PARR 17 5. 82. Co OE: 17 • 01 SLI illY SCJL;)I'Il JUVENILE 1 6.oc c.cc 02 JOLLY VA'l0EI'4 PA~R 7 5.72 1. ~6 t .c 02 COHO SALI'I0'\1 PA~R 1 c 1 5 03H33 01 JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 3 ... Q~ 1oce1 ~ -. ~ ..... ( 01 COHJ St.L'101'4 Pll'lR 8 3.20 0.22 F 01 SOCKEYE SALMON FRY 1 3.3(' o.ro 1 01 SOCKEYE SAL'10N PA'l.R 2 3.15 0. l 0 2 01 :t-ti~OO'< SAL'10N PARR 1 :~. 8 G 0 • G C 1 17 1)0433 01 COHO SAL '10'11 FRY 2 3.0G o.~f' 2 J 1 COHO SAL'40'11 PARR 9 3.66 0. t6 0 1 SLI'1Y SCJLPI!If JUVE'IIILE 5 4o'l2 1. c;e, ., c J1 CHU~ SAL"'0'\1 PA~=t 2 4.05 0. 36 2 19 1J 0 4:!3 01 DOLLY VARDEI'4 PA=tR q e. o o ?. • 73 S· 01 :OHO SAL'10'\I PARR 1 7 • .50 o.co 1 01 :11INOOK SAL'1CN PARR 1 7o2G voi:C 1 01 SLI!'lY SCUL;) I.~ JJVENI:..E 1 6o4G O.;...C 1 01 SLI'1Y SCJL;)l"' AJJLT 1 8. 3 0 o.oc. 22 05H'J3 )1 DOLLY VAHDn PA~R 3 8.10 3.~B ?: J2 JOLLY VA ROE"-P\RR 5 11.42 2. u " ( J3 JJLLY VII=IDE'II P4il.R 2 lvo!'5 Q ol u ;: 03 JJLLY VARO::~ JUVE~ILE 4 12.'15 1. 71 '+ ~2 c 50 4g 3 01 ::J)LLY VA~DC::'II PA~R 7 5o29 0. 52 7 [)1 COHO SAL":J'II FRY 1 3.10 ~.oo 1 Jl COHO S.AL"'0'\1 Pb=tR 1 3.20 C.30 1 0 1 SOC'< EYE SAL "'ON FR 1 1 .! • 1 a G • C 0 l 40A 010'133 :n DOLLY VARDE:'ol PnR t '5.23 1 • 10 b <I 01 COHO SAL~O'II PAH :3 6o2C 1. t' 2 . _, 01 RAlii;BOW TROUT p~~R 1 ~.3C e.cc 1 01 SLl"'Y SCULPIN JUV~~ILE 3 5.65 L.. !.Jb. . _, • 01 SLI"'Y SCUL;)I'\1 ADJLT 1 c 01 ~IIIE-SPIIJE STICt<LEBAC< JUVENI ;.E 3 4.47 0 • ri 1 3 • I l -·,, H 2 I 9 3 F .:. C. E TA3LE 32-3. SUMMARY OF ~ESULTS: DIP ~ET SAMPLES ' APRIL, 1393 LE\GTH <U'l .j STATION OI!.TE REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NU~BER s. r. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- • 17 130~33 01 JOLLY YARDE'II P~~R 1 4.10 o.oo 1 ill CO>iO SAL'10~ PA~R 28 3.7"' Oo't2 01 SJC!{EYE SALI'ION n1 1 • n S::lCKEYE SAL'1QN PARR 12 4.01 o.~o F. 01 CHU'1 SAL'-10~ FRY 4 ~.92 0 • 3C 4 01 CnU:-1 SAL~ D ~ p~~~ &f' 3.90 0. 22 ?2 .. • • • • • ( ,~ ..... ( 3/ 2/83 r~:;E TA9LE 52-4. SJ'1'1AR't OF RESULTS: '41NNOii TRAP SA'1FLES ,_. JU"'Et 1983 LE:'IGTH ( CP•l) • STATION OHE REPLICATE SPECIES LlC'E STAGE NUH!?ER MEAN SoLo '· ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1 2H&n 01 THREE-SPINE STIC'<LEBACt< AilJLT p. a.oJ 1o 11 " 02 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADJL T 2 8.35 0 0 .:.6 <' 03 COHO SAL "'ON PARR 1 9o70 u. :j a .... 03 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 12.2 () Oo2C 04 DOLLY VA~ DE~ PA~R 2 l.3o50 0. lll 2 04 JOLLY VARDEN JUII;:NILE 2 13. 10 1o ge 2 • H THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK AJJLT q Ho2'S ()o42 4 05 DOLLY VAROEr• PAH 2 lloS 0 c 0 71 ;_ 0'5 COHO SAL~ON PA~R ? 9oo0 1 0 70 ~ ~ 05 COLLY VARDEN JU~E~ILE c 14.70 1o'JP. 2 05 THREE-SPII\IE STICKLEBACK AIJJL T 12 Ro15 Oo42 12 0& JOLLY VARDEN PA~R ;> llo 35 1 0 Q(, ? '~ ~5 JOLLY VAR::JE~ JUIJE~I LE 2 HolD 1o 13 2 J& THREE-SPI"E STIC'<LEB-'.CK AJULT 1 0 11.5.5 0. -~l:t 1 0 07 JOLLY VARDEIIi JUVENILE 2 15.15 1 0 "" .! • 07 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ACJLT 10 8.37 0. 24 1 0 09 'lilliE-SPINE STICKLEBACK JlH E"'I ~E 1 4.70 OoOO 1 t OS JOLLY VARDEN JUIIEr'H LE 1 13.10 0. c 0 1 09 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK AJULT 5 q.22 0. ::r:< r: OS SLIMY SCULPI"l ADULT 3 2o87 Go41 3 ~, 0, SLII"Y SCULP PI JUVENILE 2 5o8U G. 71 ; 03 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT 1 7.60 ooro 1 1 0 CHINOOK SAL "'ON PA~R 1 9 ol 0 O.CG 1 • 10 JOLLY VARDE'4 JUIJ£~1LE 2 14. 1 () Go C C 2 l 0 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK AD JL T 11 p,. 4 1 G •. ~ 1 11 2 23J~93 02 ~OLLY VAfiDEN PA~R 1 7o53 c.:r 1 J 02 COHO SAL'10N PA~R 1 10.00 o.cc 1 02 JOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 3 11 0 23 1o ':12 3 ,.,~,.., t 2 2'3533 01 '10 FISH 1 32 COLLY VAROE"' PA~R 3 4C.AO 51 ... 7 : 02 ;:>OLLY VAq DEN JUHNI LE 5 12.4 4 1. 44 5 • 03 LlOLLY VARDEN PII~R 2 9.3~ c. 7e 2 03 LlOLLY VARDEN JU~ENILE 1 1:!..50 o.co 1 03 SLI"'Y SCULPIN JUYE~ILE 1 bolO 0 0 ~ 0 1 .J G3 SliMY SCULPIN ADULT 1 e.3o OoCG 1 Jl+ DOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 1 11.30 0. 0C 1 01+ Sllfi1Y SCULPIN JUVENI:..E 1 f: .• 7 0 uoGC 1 ~ 0'5 SLIMY SCULPII\I AJUL T 1 7.90 0 0 00 1 06 ~0 FISH 1 c 07 DOLLY y.aqDE"' JUH'41 lE 1 1 0. 10 a.oo 1 J a~ THREE-SPI"JE STICI<LEBACK JUIIE~ILE 1 8.20 o.cc 1 08 SLI~Y SCULPIN ADJLT 2 8.30 u. 2e 2 Ol '40 FISH 1 r • 10 COHO SAL"10'4 PARR 1 3.30 o.oo 1 10 JOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 2 13. 1 '5 0. 1 c 2 10 SLI1'lY SCULPIN JUVE'4ILE 1 4.30 O.GC 1 10 THREE-SPINE STICKLE3ACK AJJLT 1 6 olC 0 • .j L, 1 .,.( ~-I '3/ 2/83 PA&E 2 Jt TABLE 32-4. SUM'1ARY OF RESULTS: "'lNNO.J TRAP SAI'!PLE S JUNE• 1993 LENGTr CC"1) • STATION OHE REPLICATE SPECIES LI=E STAGE NUMBER MEAN s. o. ~~ ------------------------------------------------------------• "5 2:.06133 1)1 ~OlLY VARDEN PARR 2 9.4~ 0.10 2 02 DOLLY YARDE'.~ PARR 2 11.'5~ 0. 10 2 .. (J2 DOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 2 12.25 2.33 2 03 'tO FISH 1 0 0'4 'tO FISH 1 0 • 05 DOLLY VARDEN PUR 1 5.8\l o.oo 1 05 SLIMY SCULPIN ADULT 1 7.10 0. 00 1 0!3 TRAP BURl EO 0 • 07 DOLLY VARDEN JUIJE'4I!.E 2 11.'+5 1.!03 2 H THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK AClJLT 1 s.oc a.co 1 ()9 NO FISH 1 c H OOLLY VAROE!<4 PUR 1 <>o5C O.GO 1 ·1 09 SLII'IY SCULPIN ADULT 1 1C obu Q • ilO 10 '\10 FISH 1 (j • 2il0593 01 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R ?. 9.45 lo 'il 2 01 THREE-SPINE STIC'<LEBACK AOJLT 1 F..oo 0 • OC 1 (12 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 3 Aol3 0. 79 7 • "" 03 JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 4 11.45 2. 51 '+ 03 SLIMY SCULPIN JUVENILE 1 8o10 o.uc 1 , 0'+ ~0 FISH 1 c 05 '\10 FISH 1 G or. !J()LLY \IAR0£'1 PA~R 1 11. 1 J 0 • G C 1 • 0!3 <;LIMY SCULPt"' AOJLT 1 10.40 n.;,; o 1 J7 JOLLY VARr>E'I P'~R 1 10.6:1 c. 0 0 1 01 COHO SAL..._0'4 P.\'R 1 8. 7C a. 8 c 1 07 DOLLY VARDEN PA'R 1 13.20 0. oc 1 .. 07 COHO SALMON PA~R 1 7.50 o.oo 1 07 SLIIIC't SCULPI"' A~JL T 1 lC • 0 !l 0 • GO 1 • JB DOLLY VARDE"J PA.U 1 13.3C 0. JC 1 OR SLIMY SCULPI"' AJULT 1 8.5G c.co 1 09 ·w FISH 1 0 1 0 COHO SAUI0'4 PAU 6 5.12 0. 92 6 J, 10 SLII"Y SCUL>'IN AJJLT 1 9.30 o.co 1 5 210!:.33 01 COHO SAL"'J'i PA~R 2 lloilii I;. 3~ ;' ., 01 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT 3 8.55 Oob5 3 02 COHO SAL !'ION PAitR 5 12.0'\ lo '+6 5 02 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK AOUL T 35 8o45 O.h5 .35 • 03 SOCKEYE SAL "'ON PHR 1 5.60 0. 00 1 03 SLIP'Y SCULPIN JUVENILE 1 3.50 c. ao 1 03 THREE-SPINE STICI<LEB,CK AJJLT 2 8o65 JolC 2 • 0~ THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADJL T 1 8.'+0 il. ()() 1 0~ THREE•SPINE STICKLEBACK AD:JLT 2 &.3~ 0.50 2 05 SLIMY SCULPIN ADULT 1 9.70 o.cc 1 • 05 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADJLT 1 8o2C o.co 1 0& COHO SAL "'ON PHR 1 8 .lll o.oo 1 IH, THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK AD LILT 4 7.07 1o 12 4 07 THREE-SPUE STICKI.EaACK AJJL T 1 8 • .30 0. \JC 1 OS JOLLY VARDEN Pfo'tR 2 10.85 2. 48 2 1 d/ 2/83 i'AGE 3 .. TABLE 82-'1. SJP414A R Y OF RESULTS: 14INNOil Tf< AP S~MPLES JUNEt 1993 LE~1GTh CC'-'l .I ST HI ·JN :::li\TE REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUMBER -.n~ s. r. N -----------------------------------------------------------------------··-r 5 2aOt>33 03 SLIMY SCULDIN JUVENI:..E 1 '+o6C o.oo 1 09 THREE-SPINE STICKLESo\CK A::l JL T 1 !:lo30 0. ~(l l 0~ THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT " 8.05 0.20 4 , 10 TRAP MANGLED 9Y BE fiR 0 210633 01 DOLLY VA~OEN PHR 2 10.90 1.:'11'1 2 '4l 01 SLIMY SCULPIN ADJLT 1 l G. 8 0 o.co 1 '.)2 ::lOLLY VA~OE-. Pl\~q 1 12.00 0 • GO 1 " 03 DOLLY VARDEN Pf;~R 5 ll • .3 u 2. ::& ';) (]I! SLIMY SCULPI"' uUIIE'HLE 2 5.'1~ a. 14 2 0'+ THREE-SPINE STIC'<LEBACK AO:JL T 1 8.70 0. 00 1 1 !)5 '40 FISH 1 c 06 JOLLY VARDEN PAqR 1 12.90 o.oo 1 06 :OHO SAL'10~ Po\~R 1 9.40 o.oc 1 06 SLI!o!Y SCULD ll'i JUVENILE 1 s.o:.o 0. co 1 ( 07 JOLLY VAil DEN PA~R 1 10.20 0. lJO 1 :J7 COHO SAL 140"1 PARR " 5.75 .3. 18 2 J 01 SLI~Y SCULPI!'t ADJLT 1 Fso6£i o.~:o 1 ~ 03 JOLLY VARDEN PHR 4 11.35 J.f5 q ll3 SLIMY SCUL;>I~ JUVENILE 1 5.00 o.co 1 [)3 JOLLY VARuEN ~ARR 1 3.0C 0. c 0 1 --: 09 THREE-SPINE STICKLE3ACK A!)UL T 2 8.25 J. 10 2 09 SLIMY SCULDIN ADULT 1 8.50 c.co 1 .. 10 ~0 FISH 1 0 nos33 a 1 CHlJ"' SAL~J\l PA~~ 1 3.30 (!. 0 0 1 ::11 SLIMY SCULPI'J JUH!'<ILE 1 e..sc G.uo 1 02 COHO SAL'~JN PA~R 1 4.10 0. (; 0 1 '.l.S THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK AD :JL T 1 Ro20 o.co 1 04 '40 FISH 1 0 ", 05 HtREE-SPP.IE STICKLE34CK A!)ULT 1 6.1C o.no 1 0& J;JLLY VA:/.ClE'11 PA~R 1 11 • 2 c c.oo 1 H '10 FISH 1 c • 'JB CHUI4 SAL"'O\j PARR l 'lo6C (J. [i(l 1 H NO FISH 1 0 1 0 :OHO SAL 'lOlii PA'I.'l 4 4.9'5 0. !,<; 4 1 0 SLI!'IY SCULPIN ADULT 1 Ro4C 0. c 0 1 9 2~%3.5 01 JOLLY VARDEN PA ~R 4 5.27 1. 37 4 02 DOLLY VARDEN PA'lR 2 9.75 3.(;4 2 03 NO FISH 1 0 04 :JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 4 9.35 1. 36 q c IH SLP1Y SC:JL 0 I'i JUV'E'H:..E 1 5.70 Oo(;C 1 05 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 11.0 c O.GO 1 0& 1110 FISH 1 0 .. 07 SLI~Y SCULPIN JUHNILE 1 5 • .50 o.co 1 08 '<0 FISti 1 G 03 SLIMY SCULPIN JUVENILE 1 4a'O'O 0 • 00 1 03 <;LI"'Y SC:JL:>n A)JLT 1 llo30 c. co 1 10 \10 FlSH 1 Q < '') 31 2/3j P ~ GE 4 TA3LE 32-4. SUM"'ARY OF RESULTS: _,I 'P4Jti TRIIP SA"'PLE S c JUNEt 1983 u.:~CTI-' (Cl'!) .. .... STo\TID~ DUE R-EPLICATE SPECIES LI>='E STAGE NU!1!6Ef? MEAN s.c. ~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------t 1 0 220&35 ()1 DOLLY VARDE:'>4 PA~q 2 10.:30 4 • ..::8 ;: 02 GOLLY VARDEN PA~R 4 13.j() lo'tl .. • 03 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 3 9.50 2. ()0 3 011 '(0 FISH 1 c 05 JOLLY VAROE!\4 PA~R 1 Hl.'H 2.2& 7 ( 0& DOLLY YARDE~ PA.~R p '?ol3l 1.6(. B 0& THREE-SPl'lE STIC!(LEBAC"< A3JLT 2 8.40 0.14 ::: 07 !:JOLLY VARDEIII PA~~ " 11.1+2 0.67 4 0:! JOLLY VA~ DEN ?4~~ 1 llo6U o.co l O:J DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 2 11.90 I. :1& 2: 10 ::lOLLY YARDE~ PA~R 7 '1.64 1 • .?~ 1 ,.r:; 10 THREE-SPINE STICJ<LEBACK AC!JLT 2 e.75 0. :<2 ~. <. 11 2306!!3 Ol \10 FTSH 1 ~ c 02 T!-tREE-SPUE STIC<L.EBAC'( AJJL T 1 l:lo30 0 • GO 1 03 COHO SAL'IO'l PA~R 5 9oOG 1. a 1 '5 J3 DOLLY VAROE"C PHR 1 10.80 !) • ~ 0 1 J3 COHO SAL "'ON PHR 1 9.00 J.:c 1 03 JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 1i.l.9C a.cu 1 ... 03 THREE-SPINE STICKL[EiACt< PA~R 1 8.50 0 • L·O 1 03 C O'iO SAL "'O!If PA~R 1 6.20 c. 00 l 03 SLil1Y SCUL.?I-. PA'Ht 1 2o6U 0. 0 c 1 03 'H'II£-SPINE STICKLE oACK JU~EI,IILE 1 '3.30 o.oc 1 c J3 TnREE-SPI:'iE STICI<LEBA~K A'JJL T -~ 8.33 "" '( ~ .5 .J ..... c.: 01+ DOLLY VAROE"l Ai:JJLT 1 9o40 c.co 1 05 .-.o FISH 1 0 05 "40 FIS11 1 () ill DOLLY VARDE'4 PA~R 1 13.'30 0. ~ Q 1 o-···-.. 07 ;:lOLLY VARDEN JU'iENI LE 1 14.00 o.c.o 1 OB 'iO FISH 1 c 03 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK A)~L T 1 8.50 u • L 0 c 10 TRAP MISSING 0 12 270!id3 Jl TRAP BUR I ED 0 J2 'JOLLY VAROE'i PHR 1 7.70 :;.co 1 -32 JOLLY VARDEN JU'iE,.I LE 2 11.9G 1. 27 2 03 TRAP BURIED 0 04 COHO SAL't0'4 PA~q 3 6.15 1ol+7 3 01+ JOLLY VARDE:N PHR 1 10.2 0 0. 00 1 01\ CJHO SAL"''::l'4 P&.~R 1 7.70 o.oo 1 01\ DOLLY VA~ DEN PA~R 1 10.10 0. 00 1 • 01+ COHO SAL"'O~ PA'R 3 s.oo C.<:~& 3 01+ DOLLY VARDE!II JUVENILE 4 12.75 1.16 4 04 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK AOJLT 1 B.E.O o.oo 1 • 05 'JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 10.3 0 a.co 1 05 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK AD~LT 1 a.so (). c 0 1 05 SLIMY SCULPI!\1 ADJL T 1 bo20 c.co 1 0!> J::ILLY YARDE~ PARR 1 Ulo8C G • GO 1 OS \lOLLY VARDEN JUYENIL.E 1 12.40 O.GO 1 1 t dl 2/83 P~GE c:; ' TARLE 82 _,.. SU'111ARY JF RESULTS: 'l["ll"':l~ HAP SA"PLES JUNE. 1983 LE'liiTH (C~, • ... STHl::J"ll <:I HE ~EPLICATE SPECIES LIc-e:: STAGE NUMEER .. EAN S.D. N ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 2706~3 0& SLIMY SCULPIN A):.JLT 1 <lo20 fJ. 00 1 07 SOCKEYE SAUl ON PA~~ 1 .s.so o.co 1 03 TRAP BUR lEv 0 I 03 TRAP MISSI~G 0 10 TRAP HISSI~G 0 ( 13 250633 01 DOLLY VA~DE"ll P4~R 4 6o50 2.13 '! ::12 CHUM SAL'10 .. PA~R 1 3.50 o.oo 1 02 !JOLLY VAROE"' PA~R 1 (,. 70 0. c 0 1 ()3 DOLLY VARDEN PHR 1 c..ttil G. C 0 l H JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 2 5.35 1. 63 2 05 "JO FISH 1 r '~ 0& 'tO FISI'i 1 c 07 TRAP our OF iiATER 0 03 CO'iO SALII!J't PHR 1 6.30 0. 0 0 1 ( 0~ DOLLY VARDEN P•HR 10 5.88 1. lilt 16 ~B COHO SAL'10~ PA~R 2 4.30 o.co 2 03 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 b.30 0.:::0 1 ::l~ COHO SAL~O"' PA~R 1 3.go o.cc 0~ OOLLY VARDEN PA~R 4 5o82 lo 14 4 • 09 COHO SAUl ON PAi'lR 4 '+o35 0. 2.6 4 oe JOLLY VARDEN PA'{R 1 5.30 o.::o 1 oa CJHO SAL"''O'II PA~R 7 4o33 0.35 7 08 JOLLY VA!10EN JUI/ENILE 1 11.20 c. co 1 iJ3 JOLLY VAROE\1 PA~~ 14 .'1.25 1.:3 14 H JOLLY VARDEN JuvENILE e 11.25 0. ')7 ~ 0~ SLIMY SCuLPIN A:CvLT 1 9.40 .:io~D 1 10 JOLLY VA~DEN P~~R 1 10.20 o.co 1 14 2506'!3 01 COriO SAL'I:l't PARR 7 :.59 3. 35 7 Jl J:lLLY VA~DEI'I PA.~R 3 4.47 0.1'1 3 01 COHO SAL'1J'i PA~1! 1 3o70 iJ.!;O l 01 JOLLY 'JARDE!'-4 PA'R 1 4.3:; 0.80 1 ' 02 JOLLY VA11DHI ?A~~ 1 7.30 J. ~0 1 03 \10 FISH 1 ll 'H JJLLY VARDE\1 J:.h'E'HLE 1 12.1+\l c.eJ 1 J5 COHO SAL "'ON PARR 1 s.<:Jo o.co 1 05 JOLLY VAR::JE::-.1 PARR 1 6.30 o.oo 1 05 JOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 2 11.35 0.10 2 Qf, COriO SAL '10, PA~R 1 3.30 o.oo l 07 'tO FISH 1 (j OS COHO SAL'!J, PARR 17 4.1+9 0. 30 17 .I as JOLLY VARDEN PA~R l :-.50 c. co 1 D~ COHO SAL"'0!\1 PA'l.R 1 'h10 c..oo 1 a~ \10 FISH 1 0 • 10 TRAP HISSl'tG 0 1:, 270o33 01 DOLLY VARDEN JUwE:.;ILE 1 7.00 o.oo 1 02 \10 FISH 1 " 03 !110 FISH 1 J. "1 8/ 2/33 FA..>!: f TA3LE 82-4. SU'1)lARY OF RESULTS: "'INNOW Tl<; AP SII,.FLES JUNE., 1363 LE'H7TH < C" > .. STATTON Do\TE REPLICATE SPECIES LI =E STAGE ~U~BER ~EAt-. s.o. '; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' 15 270€.93 04 'tO FISH 1 J 05 '10 FISH 1 c 06 '40 FISH 1 c ~· 07 'tO FISH 1 ~ OB 'lO FISH 1 : 09 :JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 <t.lG 0. 110 ' 10 ~0 FISH 1 ~ 1":. 220533 01 '110 FISH 1 (I r J2 JOLLY VAf!OE"l P4~R 1 flo20 0.!:0 03 -..o FISH 1 8 H JOLLY VARDEN PARR 1 'h1D o.r.o , .. il5 ... o FISti 1 0 01> SLIMY SCUL 0 I'II AOJLT 1 12.0 J o.oo 1 1)7 JOLLY VA~ DEN JUVE'III!...E 1 1~.130 0 • GO 1 ( 0'1 JOLLY VAROE'II PA~R 't 10.85 1. 44 4 H DOLLY VAROE~ PA~R 2 1C .'+5 0. 92 2 10 JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 3 9.40 1. 15 3 c 10 JOLLY VARDEN JUV£:t-41LE 13.80 o.c& 1 17 2'106~3 01 JOLLY VARDE'I PA~R 1 'lo'iG 0. C'O 1 ·"{ 01 ::lOLLY VAROE'II JUVE'I!LE 1 10.20 o.oo 1 02 JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 9.60 o.oc 1 03 :\10 FISH 1 C· ( Ofle COH(J SAL '10 ... PA~R 1 4.70 o. ou 1 05 \jO FISH 1 0 05 :JOLLY VARDEN N~R 1 9o3J 0. Q() 1 !'" (]f, JOLLY VA~ DElli JUVE"'ILE 1 11.5 0 :~.co 1 .. 07 JOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 1 11.0 c o • ..;o 1 B DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 <;.ao ::1. C·O 1 t B 'JOLLY VARDEti JUVE~lLE 1 1't.30 c..oc 1 ;1'1 JOLLY VA~ DEN JUVENI~E 2 11.1:> lo<.O L 03 SLl~Y SCUL.,II'-4 A~ULT 1 '::o90 o.oo 1 c 10 '10 FISti 1 c 1 8 3J0&33 :J1 vo FISH 1 c l 02 ~0 FISH 1 t 03 ~0 FISH 1 c '" 0'+ JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 !'io10 o.r;o 1 .. .. 05 SLII'IY SCULPI"4 ADULT 1 7.70 o.co 1 Of:. \jQ FISH 1 :1 07 'JOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 1 12.20 O.C\0 1 ' og :JOLLY VARDEI'O PA~R 1 9o90 o.cc H ljQ FISH 1 u .t 10 'iO FISH 1 0 l':J 3JJ!)33 01 TRAP HANGLEO BY BEAR 0 02 NO FISH 1 e 03 \JO FISH 1 G 04 \jQ FISH l () .{ ( 'l/ 2/83 PAGE. 7 TABLE 32-~. SJM"'ARY OF RESULTS: ~IN'IIOioi TRAP SA!'1PLE S .~ JUNE• 1983 LENGTH ( CM) .. STATIO\! DHE ~::PLICATE SPECIES LI "'E STAGE 'lUMBER "'E liJ s.o. ~1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 3JOo33 03 DOLLY VAROE'j JUVE'IILE 1 11.20 o.oo 1 06 '110 FISH 1 0 J7 '110 FISH 1 G I. J'3 DOLLY VARDE'II JUH~I !..E 1 12.60 o.oo 1 H ~•o FISH 1 ( 10 '110 {: FISH 1 0 10 1'10633 01 TRAP 8URIEQ 0 02 ~OLLY VA~O~'II Po\~ll 1 <:lo10 0. 2 0 1 J2 SOC<EYE SAL~0'-4 PA~'l. 1 lfo4C o.cc 1 02 ThREE-SPINE: STICKLEBACK AJ JL T 4 8.02 0.49 4 ~. J3 THREE-SPINE STICI<L~BACK ADJLT 2 8.50 u.oo " 04 THREE-SPINE STICKLEaAC'< AJJI.. r 20 7.99 0. :3.9 2G 05 CliUM SAU"O" PA~R 1 0 ( 05 'Jl'IIE-SPI'IIE. STICKLE:3ACI( JJV'E'IIli..E 1 3.qu o.co 1 05 THREE-SPI:'-<E STICKLEBACK AD JL T 3 8.13 o.~5 ~ Do DOLLY VA.,DEN PA~R " 11 • 12 2.32 4 0~ COHO SAL"'H PnR 1 3.90 o.oo 1 oo THREE-SPI~E STIC<LEBAC'< AJJLT 5 7.82 c. 50 5 37 DOLLY VAll DEN :>A~R 3 9.o7 0.'19 3 ""'' J7 COHO SAL "'0'11 PA~R 1 4.10 o.co 1 07 TnREE-SPINE <;T ICKLEBACK ADJLT 9 8.14 J. 40 c; 07 SLI!'IY SCULPIN ADJLT 1 7.00 o • r c 1 c 01 THREE-SPI'IIE. STICt<LEBACK ADJL T 2 e.3s J. 92 2 O'l JOLLY YARD::'~ PA~R 1 10.60 o.co 1 03 T-tPEE-SPii\E STIC-<LE3A:'< PA ~ R 1 9. 50 J.cc 1 D'l COHO SAL"'O"l PA~R 1 lle10 a • co 1 j3 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 s.oc 0 • ~ 0 1 og CHUM SAL~ON PAH 1 4.90 c.c:o 1 0~ THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACJ< AOJL T 6 !le08 0.~2 !': J3 JOLLY VA ROE~ PA~R 2 10. :'15 1oCt 2 03 JOLLY VARDE'J JUVE".ILE 1 13 • G 0 o.ca 1 09 T t-1 R ~E-SP I N E STICKLEBACK ADJLT e. sa o.co 1 € 10 JOLLY VA'! DE~ Po\q~ 5 11.00 1.41> :, 1 0 SLL"'Y SCJLPIN JUV'~'-iiLE 1 2.50 o.oo 1 20 3JJS~3 ll SLIMY SCULPIN ADJL T 1 R.au O.GO 1 02 COHO SAL~ON PA~R 3 4.80 () .72 3 02 SOCKEYE SAL Ill! ON PA'l.R 1 4.20 o.oo 1 03 JOLLY VAROE"4 PA~R 1 9.90 0. c 0 1 03 SOCr<EYE SALMON PA'lR 1 4.23 0.77 1 01+ JOLLY VARDEN PA.~R 1 8.£0 0 • G 0 1 ,, 04 SOCKEYE SAL"lJN PA~R 2 4 .3 3 0 • c 0 2 H COHO SAL!'10'4 PA~R 1 3.9G 0 • CG 1 04 Sll"'Y SCULPIN ADJLT 1 7.90 o.oo 1 • 05 SLH4Y SCULPIN AJJL T 1 6.60 ~. 0 0 1 05 '110 FISH 1 c 07 '10 FISH 1 0 3~ SOCKEYE SAL :-ION PA~R 1 't.2C 0. ,, 0 1 09 COHO SAL!'10"l Po\RR 1 3.60 o.co 1 L., .. a/ 2/83 PAGE B { TABLE 62-.11. SIH1HAR Y OF RESULTS: ~l\1\IJ'ol TR liP SA"'PLES JUNE, 1983 LE~>G Th (Clot) ~ "" STATIO~ OHE ~[PliCATE SPECIES LI:"E STAGE NUM6E~ MEAN s. u. '-4 ---------------------------------------------------------- 20 3aLl&83 08 SLIMY SCULPIN A::IJLT 1 8.20 0. 00 1 0'1 \10 FISH 1 i) ! 10 '>;Q FISH 1 0 21 .3()06~3 01 '10 FISH 1 Q 02 ~0 FISH 1 (] \_ 03 'lO FISH 1 c 0.11 \10 FISH 1 0 05 COHO SAL"'O'f PA~R 5 3.66 0. 14 '5 06 \10 FISH 1 c 07 \10 FISH 1 . 09 DOLLY VAROE:-4 JUvENILE 2 12.•H 2.26 ;': c a~ DOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 3 13.40 2. 14 ~ 10 DOLLY VARDEN PAU 1 '3.90 0. [lQ 1 ( 22 (!10H3 01 \10 FISH 1 0 02 '\10 FISH 1 c 33 DOLLY VAROE!II PA~R 1 4.00 0. 00 1 H :'lOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 .3.83 0. co 1 as \10 FISH 1 G 0~ TRAP OUT OF •ATER 0 s 07 \10 FISH 1 0 \13 '<0 FISH 1 D O'J \10 FISH 1 c ( 10 \10 FISH 1 0 23 ()10733 01 \lO FISH 1 Q 02 ':lOLLY YARDE"' PA~R 1 11.90 0. co 1 02 JOLLY VARD[ilj JUiDH LE 1 Lh50 0. cc 1 J3 -.o FISH 1 (j 04 IJOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 1.an 0. co 1 05 DOLLY VARDEt< PA~R 2 3.45 0. 22 2 06 \10 FISH 1 () ( 07 \lO FISH 1 0 09 \10 FISH 1 0 H DOLLY VA'lOEN JUVENILE. 1 13.20 o.uc 1 10 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 9.'50 o.oo 1 24 020H3 01 ~0 FISH 1 a 02 ~0 FISH 1 0 03 \10 FISH 1 0 !lit \10 FISH 1 c .. 1 05 ~0 FISrt 1 0 06 \10 FISH 1 0 07 -.o FISH 1 0 • 08 JOLLY VARDEN ..JUVENILE 1 10.80 G. 00 1 n NO FISH 1 0 10 ~0 FISH 1 G '+0 2:00&:l3 01 :JOLLY VARDEN PUR 1 E..lO o.co 1 1 :>.I 2/93 Pt.GE •7 TABLE B2-4o SJr-l"lARY '1F RESULTS: --r~~•ow TR ~p S AIIPLE S ( JUNE, 1993 LErvC.TH lCIO STliTI~'II DH:: R.::PLIOTE SPECIES LIFE STAGE i'4UMHR '1EAN s.o. ~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 2~069:5 H THREE-SPINE STICKLESACK AOULT 4 BollS ().to 4 02 .,a FISH 1 r: 03 ')JLL Y VARDEN PHR 1 llo30 0 • GO 1 ( 03 JOLLY VARDEN JUVE'HLE 1 12.2 0 o.co ' ... o• JOLLY VAR OE~I JUVENILE 4 12.67 u. ~~ 0 4 H T11REE-SF-INE STICKLEBACi< AJJLT 1 8.7!) (j. J (j 05 JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 3 7.83 1. 11 :3 05 JOLLY VARDEN JUIIENILE 1 12.6'i 1. jQ 7 05 THREE-SP!'IIE STICKLE3A:K JUVENILE 1 '!oOC o.t:o 1 05 THREE -SP I \IE STIC<LE'iAC< ~JJL T 11 e • .32 0.17 ! 1 05 'H ..,E-SPI \IE STIC'<LEEAC'< AJJL T 1 So20 o.co 1 05 TkREE-SPI~E ST1CI(LE:3ACI< AJJLT 1 8.70 c. co 1 I J!. :::OLLY VAROE~l PA~R 2 9.20 Go14 2 05 DOLLY VAQOE~ JUVEN!t..E 2 15,90 l. 7G ;;. H JOLLY VAROEi'i PHR 2 7o50 1.1:3 ' < \. 03 '10 FISH 1 [: H JOLLY VARDEN PARR l 5.10 o. ::c 1 03 )OLLY VA~DE~ JUVENILE 1 13.10 c. co 1 03 SLIMY SCUL~lN A)'JLT 1 7.90 c.uc 1 OJ THREE-SPU~E. STIC'<LE3ACI< A)JLT 1 7o!lG 0. r, c .!, lJ OOLLY VA~OEN PA~R 1 7.60 c. :.o II 1 230~d; a 1 \0 FISH 1 ( 02 \10 FISH 1 (' 03 .10LLY VA~DE~ PA~R 1 7.40 o.rc (13 :JOLLY VA·~JE~ JU\IENILE 2 13.4:J G • 14 2 04 SLI" Y SCJLPJ'I JU\IC:~HLE 1 f,.7 D 0. QC J5 00LLY VA~ DE'< PA~R 1 7.70 a. cc 1 tl5 Sllf"Y SCUL?I'>I A)JLT 2 e.1c 1.<:7 ;: J5 CJHO SAL '1J'i PA~R 2 4o5C Q. 't2 ? 05 JOLLY VAil DEN PH=! 2 1'1.05 1. 77 " ~5 ::OHO SAL "ON PA~R 3 '5.8C 1.~1 ~ 0 1 JOLLY VA:iOE11i JU'IE'H LE 1 14.10 o.co 1 ( as COHO SAL'1iJN PARR 1 3.70 0. c c 1 J'3 JOLLY VAROE.'~ PARR 2 q .n 1. ')6 ~ 03 JOLLY VA~ClE"' JV\IE'JILE 2 12.05 ().22 2 10 '10 FISH 1 c 42 2)~5'!3 01 CHINCOK SAL"'O"' PA'R 4 5o05 l· 2& 4 Jl COHO SALMON PAU 1 7.70 o.oo l 01 CHINOOK SAL~ ON PARR 3 4.40 0.40 3 01 THR~E.-SPI>ct: STICI(LEBACK ADULT 1 '?olO o.oo 1 • 01 'l IIIIE-SPV~E STlCI(LE!:!A:I< AJUL T 1 4.70 0. c (j 02 :HI NOOK SAL'1JN PI\U 1 4o70 c.co 1 02 su-.y SCUV I'll AJJLT 1 5.50 o.co 1 -03 !::OHO SAL"'J'If PA'R 1 bo70 c.oo 1 03 OOLLY VAROE~ PA~R 1 7.90 o.oo 1 03 CHI~100K S<\L"'ON PA~~ 1 'to40 O.GO 0:! COHO SALMO:<.I ?A~~ 2 E:-.'l:-(j.:'C ;; 03 ::HINOOK SAL~ ON PA~R lC 4o3'l (j. 44 1 G 8/ 2/83 PAGE l. c TABLE 82-4. SJ'1'tA'!Y OF RESULTS: ... I ~NJ 1o1 TRAP Sj\"lPLE S • JUNE• 1983 LENGH' tC!") • STATIO~ DHE REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUP1£ER I'IEAN s.r.. N --------------------------------------------------------------------- '+2 2:!0613 3 04 CHI"OOK SAL"'O'f PARR 3 4. 0 3 0. 2b 3 ~4 SLli'!Y SCUL~I"i .JUVENILE 3 5,.6j c;.::,g 3 05 CHINOOK SAUl:>N PA~R 10 8.15 ". 46 H • 05 'HNE-SPJ',IE STICKLEBACK JUliE NILE 2 '+.20 0. 71 2 35 "'INE-SPI"4E S T I CK L E 8 A C I( AOJLT 4 ">.47 1. i.l2 q OS CHINOOK SALMON PA.~R 21 <~.11€. 0. 71 21 • o& 'II-.JE-SPI"E STICKLEBACK ADJL T f, 5.25 1.32 ~ 07 ~0 FISH 1 ~ 08 CHINOOK SALMON PA~R 12 4.42 1. uS 1 2 G9 'H"4E-SPI'4E. S TI Cl(. L E 3 A C < ADULT 1 7.5J G.co 1 07 COHO S AU10'W PA~R 1 9.50 o.co 1 03 CHtr~OOK SAL "'ON PA~R 5 4,.02 o.:1 " .. 10 CHINOOK SALl<QN PA~R 5 6.56 3 .Hi " .; 10 JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 ... 20 0. 0 0 1 10 CHINOOK SAL).~ ON PARR 1 4.20 0. 00 . 1 • 10 JOLLY YARDE" .JUVENILE 4 ll.f>5 2. 't2 .. '+3 270633 01 C:lo-fO SAL"lJ'J PA~R 1 9.30 c.oo 1 J1 CHI~OOK SAL.,. ON PA~R 1 4.20 (). 00 l 01 :JOLLY VAROn .JUV!::NILE 1 13. 7G 0. co 1 02 JOLLY VA~DE'I PH~ 1 9.70 o.co 1 02 ;:JOLLY VARDEN JUVENL .. E 2 12.9 0 0. 28 2 03 CHINOOK SAL"~ON PA~R 4 4.52 o.:o; " 03 Sll~Y SCULPI!Il JUVE'H!..E 2 3.05 ColO 2 • 0~ SLI'"Y SCULPIIIl JUVE'HL.E 1 b.6G c.co 05 ~JLLY VARDEN Pt.RR 3 q.c..O 2.77 : O!:o JOLLY YA~DE'4 PA~R 2 8.35 0.10 2 -07 JOLLY YARDE~ PA~R 1 10 ob 0 c.uo 1 07 ')0LLY VARDEN JUYENH.E 1 14.10 o.:Jo t Qg DOLLY YARDE 'II PA~R 2 8.90 0 • .J5 2 H "40 FISH 1 r. 10 '10 FISH 1 G I 44 230&33 Ol CHINOOI( SALMON P4~R 5 4.01:1 0.40 <; 02 :HI-.OOK SALMON PARR ~ 3o7G ().':':6 ": 02 •I"4E-SPI\lE STICKLEBA:"<: AJULT 3 5.87 c. 24 7 " • 0 :s CHINOOK SALMON PUR 5 3.84 0. 33 5 H CHINOOK SALMON PUR 2 '+.15 1).64 2 05 COHO SALMO~ PARR l 10.50 0. co 1 05 CHINOOK SALMON PA'lR 12 4.00 0.49 12 05 SLII"IY SCULPIN ADJLT 1 6.90 o.oo l OS COHO SAL140'f PUR 1 7.10 0. 00 1 & 06 CHINC()K SALI-10114 PARR 2 4.05 O.Z2 2 07 :\10 FISH 1 c 08 CHINOOK SALMON PARR 3 3,87 OoE:O 3 I 09 '\10 FISH 1 () 10 DOLLY YARDE~ JUVENILE 1 to.eo o.co 1 45 210:>33 ()1 ·~I~E-SPII\it STICKLEBACK JUVENILE ~ 2.65 0.14 " 01 NINE•SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT 3 4o73 0. 95 3 '. >j/ 2/93 PAGE 1 1 • TAaLE 32-'+. SJ1111ARY :JF RESULTS! "I "H~::loi TRAP SA"'PLES JUNE• 1983 LENGTH (C~l J STATION DHE REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE ~UMbEr! MEAN s. (J. !lj ---------------------------------------------------------------<;-;<j ~ '+5 2Hon 02 "jl~E-SPINE STICKLEBACK AJULT '! 5.80 1.21 3 0:5 'H ~E-SPI"'E STICKLEBACK AOUL T 12 l+o9u 0. !0 12 .! Qlf 'H~E-SPI ~E STICKLE BAC< AClJLT 12 5.21 0.<+7 12 05 ~0 FISH 1 0 :IS \10 FISH 1 0 ':J7 NO FISH 1 .. 09 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADJL T 1 5.RO o.co 1 Oll 'H"'E-SPHlE S T I CK L E 6 A C K ADJLT 40 5o5R C.I:<B 4G 0~ "10 FISH 1 c 10 COiiO SAL\10'11 PA~R '+ f<!.&5 0. 72 4 • 6A 230!>'33 03 "0 FISH 1 !') 6.\ 2'10!)33 01 NO FISrl 1 G 02 DOLLY VARDE~ PA.'l.R 1 10. 0 c o.oo 1 • 02 JOLLY VARDEN JU~E~ILE 1 llo90 0 • GO 1 03 "jQ FISH ~ (I 011 DOLLY VAROE'\1 P~RR 1 9o7G 0. cc 1 01+ JOLLY VARJEI\i JUVE'HLE 5 12.56 Q. b3 !5 05 llOLLY VUOEN PARR 2 9olC 1. 70 ? .. 06 JOLLY VUDE"' PII'R 2 6.95 1 • .35 07 JOLLY VARDEN PHR 1 <;.7(1 o.co (lfi JOLLY VARDEN Ji.llfE~I -E 3 eo37 0. 71 3 J8 SliMY SCULPIIII ADJL T 1 "1.70 "" 't) 1 • .... vw 1 0 '10 FISH 1 [: loA 22053.3 01 :OHO SAL 'ION PAI:!::t 1 .3.60 0 • GC 1 02 SLIMY SC\JLi)l'-1 AJJL T 1 P..20 o.~o 1 03 SLH1Y SC\JL::OI'It JUVE~H LE 2 5.9') Oo't? 2 03 SLII'IY SCUL 0 n 1\DJLT 1 7.70 o.oo 1 011 DOLLY VA R Dnl PII~R 1 7.70 0. ~ 0 1 0\ DOLLY '/AROEN J\J~ E."'I L.E 1 10.70 o.oc. • 04 SLIMY SCULPIN ADJL T 't <t.oo 0 • 54 't J5 JOLLY VARJEN Pf.~R 'I '?.22 2.21 4 l5 :OHO SAL 11014 PA~R 6 Sol+? 1·1"' E 05 THREE-SPINE STICKLE311CK AD:.JL T 1 e.i":.O o.cc 1 0& COHO SAL"'O~ PARR 3 & .37 o.:-1 3 0& :lOLLY VA::tOE~ PII~R 1 '3.co 0. 00 1 06 ::OHO SAL'40'4 PA~R 11 4.5~ 0. ~·1 11 o;, THREE-SPINE ST IC!(LEBACK A:lJLT 1 8o30 o.oo 1 07 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 9.10 0. 00 1 07 COHO SAL "'ON PA~R 8 5.05 1.10 8 • 07 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADJLT 1 7o6C c.co 1 07 SLI!'!Y SCULPI"i ADJL T 1 R.2C 0. co l 08 :OHO SALI~0'4 PA.~R 4 11.32 0.45 4 ... 08 JOLLY VARDE'4 PA~R 2 ':.55 2ol9 2 08 COHO SAL~OI\I PA~R 8 1+ • .35 0 .·47 f' )8 JOLLY VARDE~ PII~R 1 3.8il 0 • vC 1 J~ COHO SAL'IO"f PA.B 2 .5.3~ 0. '72 2 03 :JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 1h10 o.oo 31 2183 P ~ SE lZ .. TABLE 82-'t. SJM'1ARY OF RESULTS: '1[N~(hl TR~P S.A"lPLES JUNE 9 19'33 LENGTti < c~o .. S TA Tl 01\1 JHE REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUM&ER MEA !It S.D • N ----------·---------------------------------------------------------------- 16A 2206B 08 COHO SAL"!O~ PUR 6 3.83 0. 49 & 08 'H~E-SPl~E STICKLEBA:< PHR 1 4.50 o.co l as COHO SALilO~ PHR 1 4.30 o.oo 1 • OB THREE•SPINE STICKLEBACK A)JLT 1 R.30 o.uo :J!l SLl!'4Y SCUL;:)I'.I ADJL T 'i !Jo68 1o18 5 O!l THREE-SP[NE STICi<LEBAC'( ADJLT 2 8.40 0 .14 2 • :n COHO SALMON PA~R 3 5.23 c.•o -~ 0~ SLIMY SCULPI!Il JUVENILE 2 7.45 0.22 2 10 COHO SAUI!O"' PtiRR 10 4.72 0.51 1(, 10 SLI~Y SCUL::III\4 t.)ULT l 7.1;) 0. co 1 170 2~0693 01 TRAP OUT OF lolA TE R 0 A (12 NO FISH 1 c (15 SlifotY SCULPIN ~OJL T l 9.30 c.co 1 Ott NO FISH 1 ,, c " 05 JOLLY VARDEI\I PA~R 1 8.40 0. 00 1 05 :JOLLY VA~O~I\4 JUVENILE 3 11.40 2.10 3 06 DOLLY VAROEI't JUII'ENILE 1 10.50 o.:Jo 1 ()7 :JOLLY VARDC:'I PI\~R 1 9.70 c.co 1 07 :JOLLY VARDEN JU~E\IILE 2 13.70 2.'lC 2 JR '.;0 FISH 1 H :JOLLY VARDEN P4U 2 10.8 0 c. ~7 (.: H JOLLY VARDEN JUVE"4L.E 3 12 .6 3 1. b6 3 ( 10 '10 FIS ... 1 J l '3A Jl073:5 !11 TRAP OUT o> IJATER c 02 DOLLY URDE"' PARR 2 ,:;.so 1o ,'4 :.: 03 NO FISH 1 0 04 JOLLY VARDEN PA.~R 1 7.20 C.t;O l H DOLLY VARDE~ JU~E~ILE 3 11. 1 a 0. 79 7 J5 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 10.30 0 • DO J =. JOLLY VARDE~ Pt.:t R 1 10.90 u • ~c 1 • 07 JOLLY VARDEN PARR 2 10.95 0.10 2 H TRAP OUT OF iiATER G 10 'fO FISH 1 c -l9A C1019 3 01 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 2 6.50 ilo2" 2 02 SLI11Y SCULPIN A::>JLT 1 8.10 o.c.c 1 J3 TRAP OUT OF WATER 0 ()4 NO FISH l D 05 -.o FISH 1 ~ OS '10 FISH 1 r I. 07 DOLLY VARDEN PA!:!.R 5 8.32 1. f" ~ OB '10 FISH 1 c 09 ~0 FISH 1 f! • lD .'lO FISH 1 0 4JA 2:>06~3 01 DOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 2 1". 55 o.::.~.t 2 02 'lOLLY VARDEN PII~R 2 9.::5 J.~z 2 02 :JOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 5 12.06 1.31 5 L. ( "'~"· 81 2183 PI\G£ 1 ~ TA3LE 82-'+. SJ"1"1ARY :>F RESULTS: "'['II'II:Jol TRAP SA"P LE S ,~ JUNE• 1,83 LENGTH (C~) ' S T UI ON D HE REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE I\IU"'BER MEAN s.u. \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ '+DA 2:>06'n 03 ::ot-to SAL"0"4 PAqR 2 3.30 0. ?8 -, <. 03 JOLLY YARDE~ PAqR 1 .3.30 o.no 1 04 'lO FISH 1 0 .t: 05 DOLLY VARDEN P<\~R 2 cio'35 2oC5 2 05 DOLLY VARDEN JUVEVI LE 1 1?.00 o. r c 1 o:. 'iO FISH 1 c c ()7 JOLLY VARDEN JUHNI LE 1 13.80 0. 00 1 OS DOLLY VARDEN PARR 2 iloR3 0. ':'2 2 08 ~OLLY VARDEN JUVE"'ILE 2 11.2 0 1. 27 2 08 SLIMY SCULPIN AJJLT 1 e.sa n.co 1 03 JOLLY VARDE'II PA~R 3 6.43 0. ~0 ~ J3 CHI'IIOOK SAL" ON PA~R 1 3."0 0 • GC 1 .r.:: 10 'iO FISH 1 0 4lA 2H533 01 '\10 FISH 1 0 c 02 '10 FISH 1 0 03 'lO FISH 1 0 04 '10 FISH 1 G 05 'lO FISH t "· ~ 06 TRAP OUT OF !lATE~ 0 07 \10 FISH 1 c B \iO FISH 1 <1 B DOLLY VARDEN PA~q 2 6.15 C. o4 2 ( 1 J ·~o FISH 1 (; 42A 2436'3.3 01 'lO FISH 1 G 02 JOLLY VARDEN PAqR 1 7.10 0. co 1 03 \10 FISH 1 c 04 CHINOOK SALMON PA~R 1 3.50 0 • G 0 1 H DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 4.00 o .... o 1 05 'JOLLY V_,RDE~ PAH 2 7.45 0. <;12 2 D& COHO SALI<ION PA~R 1 3.90 0. 00 1 • OS JOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 1 11.70 0. 00 1 0 7 JOLLY YARDE:-. PA~R 1 7.90 o.co 1 0 7 CHINOOK SAL"'ON ?ARR 1 3.90 0. 8 0 1 nB TRAP OUT OF liA TE R c .,J O'J CHINOOK SALMON PBR 1 3o80 0. 00 10 CHINOOK SAUl ON PA~R 6 3.ou 1. 66 b 10 DOLLY YARDE 'I PA~R 1 4.30 o.oo 1 1 0 CHINOOK SALMON PARR 4 4.47 1. 29 4 10 !JOLLY VARDEN PARR 2 3.95 0. 78 2 ,( 10 CHINOOK SALMO~ PARR 5 3.88 c. 26 5 10 JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 3o30 o.uo t 10 CHI .~OOK SALMON PARR 8 3.85 0. 46 3 10 !JOLLY VARDE~ PA~R 1 3 o9 0 0. 0 0 1 • 10 C!"I~OOK SALMON P~RR 3 3.73 0. ~~ :. 10 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 2 4.1~ 0.<:2 ~ 10 CHINOOK SALMON PAH 7 3.61 o.:<o 7 43A 270&33 01 CHINOOK SALMON PAH 37 11.38 0.57 37 I , .. ""'" 3/ ; 2/83 PAGE 14 T ~8LE 92-4. SJ"''4ARY :JF RESULTS: "'I~'.lD'.' TRAP S .f" r LE '5 c JUNE, 19S3 L[:~GTH ( c ~ ) p ... STHIOl'l ~HE REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE "'U"'bER 1-1EAIII s.:;. • . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''t 43A 270&33 02 ::HINOOK SALMON P~RR 79 4.50 Oo48 ?'? 02 I<I"'E-SPnE STICKLEBA:K A::JULT 1 1o00 o.co 1 a.s COHO SAL"'O,. P~RR 1 llo20 u.oo 1 ~ OIJ CHI.'~OOK SALf'ION PUR 3 3o67 0."15 3 05 ~0 FISH 1 G OS SOHO SAL'10"1 PHR 2 3.&0 0 "Q • 7-2 • "' 07 "10 FISH 1 0 og SLII'IY SCULPI"' ADJLT 1 'loOO o. c a 1 03 SLI f"Y SCULPI'4 ADULT 1 10.30 o.co 10 CMINOOK SAL~JN PARR 7 3.67 o.::c 7 44A 2 3 0 63 3 01 \10 FISH 1 0 • 02 CHI1'400K SALf'ION PUR 13 ~.A8 0. £9 13 02 SLI "!Y SCULPI\1 AJJLT 1 8.60 o.oo 1 J3 !\10 FISH 1 c c 011 CHINOOK SALMON PA~R ~ 4.47 0. 42 3 H SLIMY SCULPU ALJJL T 1 8.30 c.oo 1 0'5 CHINOOK SALMON PARR 1 4.70 o.co 1 05 JOLLY VARDE'l JUI/E~I LE 1 14oCD 0 • JO 1 :JS 110 FISH 1 c H CHINOOK SAL'10N PHR 3 '1.53 Oob4 ~ "6. 07 SLif'IY SCUL 0 I~ ADJL T 1 9.50 G.oo 1 J9 CHINOOK SALMON PHR 1S 3.72 0.47 16 ( 09 \liNE-SPINE STICKLEBACK PHR 1 4o'50 c. 0 c 1 B CHI'JGJK SALMON PA~R 17 3o4G Co ?E 17 08 '<!\IE-SPINE S TI C"(LEBAC'< ADJLT 1 ho30 o.co 1 09 SL[MY SCULPIN ADULT 1 7.70 0. 0 0 1 1 0 TRAP MISSIIIG 'l 11 • 5 230;33 ·-"" 0 1 JOLLY VAROE"' P4~R l 9.50 2. i\2 "'! ' 02 80LLY VARDE\1 PA~R 2 9.65 0.22 <- 0 3 NO FISH 1 L 011 SLIMY SCuLPIN AOUL T 1 bo30 o.ro « 05 JOLLY VAll DE'l p~~R 3 7. 2 -'3 0.49 .5 0& JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 2 A.15 0.10 2 D 7 ::JJLLY VAI<DE'l PA~R 1 f;o'30 uo80 j 03 SLIMY SCUL::II'I JUVENILE 2 5.~0 3.28 2 03 :JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 8.40 o.oo 1 ~ .. ,.__ ... 10 SLIMY SCULPIN JUvENILE 1 &.80 o.oo 1 • I • . ( '3/ 2/R3 PA c,r TAHLE 52-5. SU.'!Mf4RY OF ~ESULTS: EL::CTROFISHIIlG SA'· P Ll S ( JU~Et 1983 LENGTH (c .... ) .. STATI::l'll JH:: ~ EPLICHE SPECIES LIFE STAGE 'JUMBER t1EA~ s. ::=.~. '-: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2JOfd3 01 SOCKEYE SAL 'ION Pf4~R 1 4o'IO o.co 01 CHUM S Al'1 Jll P~~R 1 s.oc c.c.c ,{ 01 COHO SAL '10'11 PA''t 1 4.60 o.co J1 SOCKEYE SAL'10'11 CA:jR 6 4.55 c.:s 5 01 JOLLY VARDEN JUVE'III LE 1 14.2: c.co 1 32 SOCKEYE SALMON P.HR 2 4.9G C· • ::. C L 02 COHO SAL'10'11 PARP. 1 4oRC o.co 1 02 SOCKEYE SAL 'ION p~:jR 1 ~.a~ c. cc 1 02 ::OH':J SAL"lO'II PA~R 1 4of'C o.c0 02 SOC>< EYE SA'..~ON P~H 2 '+.30 c. 71 2 02 C:OHJ SAL "'J ... PA'R 1 4. ('. 0 c. c 0 0 3 ·~o FISH 1 ,, ~ 330:>33 Jl ROUND wHITE FISH PA~R 1 7.6G C.00 01 .::HUM SAL'10:\I PA'R 3 5.33 0. 22 3 01 CJHO SAL 'IJ'-6 PHR 1 4.3C 0. J 0 01 SOCKEYE SAL"lON Pt4il.R 2 4.'+5 u. 22 2 01 ROUNiJ IIHI TE FISH JUVEili LE 11.2 G c. co 01 JOLLY VARDEN JU'JE'1I LE 1 11. ~C ~ • 2 c 1 01 RJU'-60 lotH I TE FISH JUVE'IIIlE 1 u. 7 c 0. 0 c 1 A~ 0 1 SLI !'lY SCJLPI~ AJJLT 1 7.20 c. J 0 J2 JOLI. Y VA~D['j P"-n 2 '1.7a Jo'd 2 J2 CHUM SAL'!O'II PA~R 1 '+.3G 0.00 1 02 :::HP~OOK SAL"'ON PARR 1 4.BG ~.to ( 02 ::~;u~ SAL~O'I Pt.~!:( 'i • l c ( • :0 n '!JU'IIc::i .Jr.ITE F1SN JU't'E'.IILE ~ 12.5:1 c. 7f. ., (. '· 02 JOLLY VARDE~ JU't'E\IIL.E 1 12.6G c.:o 02 ~JU\iD IJH!E =-rsrt JUVEIIIL.E 1 i'o70 c. : c 02 Sll:-1Y SCUL;,I'II Ji.J V E ~II L E 1 ~.oc G • J C 02 SLI"'Y SCJLCI'II AJJLT 2 bo8;: c. 2: 2 03 'JO FISH 1 3 3DOS33 01 DOLLY VARDE~ PA~R 1 12.2 0 0. f! 0 1 ' 0 1 :::OHO SAL '10'1 PA~R 1 7o1G 0. G G 1 0 1 CHUf'l SAL~O'II PA~R l 3.RC u. c c 1 01 JOLLY VAR.D::'J JUVENILE 1 12.HG c ..... c 1 .. 01 ROU'IO IIHITE FISt-! JUVE~ILE 2 0 o30 2.23 2 01 Sll:-IY SCJL 0 IN JuvENILE 3 5.20 0. ~b 3 01 SLIMY SCJL"I'I AJJLT 1 7.60 c.cc 1 J2 '10 FISH 1 0 J 3 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 llo30 o.oo 1 03 CHUM SAL~ON PA~R 3 3.87 0. 14 3 I 03 JOLLY VAROEI'l JUVENILE 1 11o5J C • G Q 1 0:3 SL U1Y SCJU' I~~ AJJL T 2 b.2:, c. l 0 ;: • '+ 0 30 7'3 3 01 COHO SAL 'IJ'I PA'!R '+.60 0. c 0 01 CHUM SALIIIO'I PARR II ~.50 c. t.2 4 01 ROUND IIHlTE FISH PA:jR 1 e.Jo c. La l 0 1 CHUM SAL"'O'I PA~R 1 4o6C C • ~ G 1 01 JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 2 11.10 o.co 2 L ( . -. -- f3/ 2183 PAGE .. .., TABLE s2-s. SUMMARY OF FIE:SUL TS: ELECT~~fiSHING S~~PLES (" JUNE:, 1993 LE'iGTH (CI4) ST HION DUE REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUMBER ~EAN s. o. N ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11 270633 01 DOLLY VARDEN PAU 1 7.30 o.oo 1 01 COHO SAL!oiON PA~R 1 4o40 o.oo 1 02 :JOLLY VARO[tf PA~R 1 7o30 0 • 00 1 .. r 02 COHO SAL'tOI\I PA~R 1 4o40 0. co 1 03 JOLLY VARDEN PIIRR ;; 5.55 2. 48 2 0.5 JOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 1 10.50 o.uo 1 1 2 2~063 3 01 '10 FISH 1 0 a2 COHO SAL'10'1 P~H 1 s.go c. 00 1 02 :JOLLY VARDEN PA=tR 2 8.70 3 .:.A 2 02 THREE•SPINE STICKLEBACK AOULT ?. 8o07 0. 26 3 03 SOCKEYE SALMON PARR 1 'lo50 c. 00 1 I_ 03 COHO SAL'10'11 PUR 1 7.60 o.;:.o 1 03 SOCKEYE SALMON PUR 1 '+o20 0 • GO 1 03 COHO SAL"''O'II PfiU '+ '+.92 lo::lf .. ( 03 SLIMY SC.JL::IIN PHR 1 2.60 0. 00 1 03 ROUNO WHITE FISH JUVENILE 1 11.2J 0 • IJO 1 03 SLIMY SCULPIN JUVE~IL.E '+ 3.40 Oof1 .. 03 PYGMY WHITE FISH ADJL T 1 5.20 a.co 1 1.5 0 I+ 0 73 3 ill JOLLY VARDE'I p~~R :; bo33 0. 7': .3 02 DOLLY VARDE!\1 PARR It 8.07 1 .. 7l " 03 JOLLY VArlCEN PARR (, 5.87 J • .35 b ( 1 4 2~C6'J.3 01 C~HO SAL '10'1 P<\i<R 2 .5.75 0. 1 0 ·~ 02 COHO SAL~O~ PA~R ~8 3.79 (!. ~6 37 ll3 COHO SAL '10'1 p~~R 6 3."H\ 0.47 f:, iJ3 DOLLY YARDE~ PAR~ 2 10.0~ 3. 19 2 03 COHO SAL140N PHR 5 3.9~ Oo20 .. 03 JOLLY VARDEN PARR 1 5.30 c. co 1 03 COHO SAL"10"4 PAU 3 4.57 0. 7 2 5 15 230 6.,3 01 DOLLY VARDEI'4 PARR 3 7.93 2. 46 3 ( 02 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 3 7.10 1. 7l ,! 03 jOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 .3.60 o.~o 1 03 SLI~Y SC:JLPIN JuH"li LE: 1 3.90 G • C' 0 1 .. 0~ DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 D 04 SOCKEYE SAL110N PA~R 1 0 10 o~o H3 01 COHO SAL"lOIIl PA~R 1 3.qo 0 • !JO 1 02 :lOLLY VUOEN PA~R 2 7.20 0.28 2 03 JOLLY VARDEN PARR 1 SolO 0. 00 1 ,, 03 SOCKEYE SAL~ON PA~R 1 7.1G o.co 1 17 :J ?0 7!)3 01 NO FISH 1 0 • 02 COHO SAL'!OIIf PARR 1 5.50 0. co 1 02 DOLLY VARDEN PARR 3 6o07 2abl 3 02 DOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 5 llo 72 1. !l'? 5 03 JOLLY VARDEN PAqR 2 8.30 c.!'+ 2 03 SOCKEYE SALMON PAiiR 1 5.20 o.~o 1 {, l --~ ·---r -·-..---._or --"" '"•""-r • 81 2183 FAGE TABLE 82-5. SU'1!'!A~Y Of RESULTS: EL;:CTR:>FIStHNG SAI"PLES ,, JU~E, 1983 LENGTH C CM » ., STHI::lfll JUE REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUMBER I"EA't So Do ' " ------------------------------------------------------------------- t 17 0?07!33 03 JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 3.60 !1.00 1 03 DOLLY 1/ARDE:'i JJitE'H L.E 1 13.10 o.ro 1 1 18 310!>33 ill COHO SAL "'ON P6~R 1 4.40 0. ii!l 02 '10 FISH 1 c 03 COHO SAL "10~ PUR 1 &.70 G • 00 1 ( 03 JOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 6.40 o.ac 1 1 9 3)05.33 01 '10 FISH 1 02 '<0 FISH 1 .:, 03 \jQ FISH 1 "~ lD 2~0!d3 H DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 1 2 01 SOCKEYE SAL~JN PA~R 1 3.60 0. ::o 1 il2 DOLLY VAi1.0EN PA~R 1 c· c 02 ::OH\l SAL!II!C~ PARR 1 G 03 '10 f'I SH 1 C: 20 3CJOE.33 01 \JO FISH c n SOCKEYE SAL'4Q~ PAU 3 ~.07 Ool4 3 ...... J2 COHO SAL "10'1 FA~R 1 ~5o 4 G c.co l • 02 SOCKEYE S.I\LMOtf PA~R 1 3.'50 o.cc 1 02 SLI"'Y SCJLC)I'I JUVE"'ILE 1 lf.o'10 c.cc l il3 COHO SAL'10'4 PA~R 4 5o 55 c.-:.1 4 c B SOCK~YE SAL'~:JN PA~R 1 3 oll) J.cc ()3 COHO SAL "10~ FHR 1 4o'l0 G • C C l 03 DOLLY VAR0('4 JIJVE'\II.,.E 1 1.5.10 a.cc 1 j 03 SLII'!Y SCULPIN AOJLT ~ Ao70 o.~o :~ '""t 2 1 0f0H3 0 1 !JOLLY VARO£:\ PA~R E 7.97 c. ::.4 1:1 01 JOLLY VAf.1DE~ JUVENILE ~ 14 o43 c. h~ 3 02 CHU~ SAL"!0'4 PI\~R b 4.27 n.t-.3 b • 03 JOLLY VHDEN PA~R 1 7.60 o.so 22 J207'!3 H SOCKEYE SAL~:J!\1 P.I\H 3 £ .. "13 1 • ·~:: :s ' J2 SOCr(f.:'fE SAL~ OS PAH 2 7.35 c. 22 ~ • 03 10LLY VARDC:N JUVENILE 4 12.20 Oo'tl 4 03 SLI~Y SCULPIN AOJL T 2 8.85 Do?2 2 2.5 010 79 3 01 SLIMY SCULPII\I JUVENILE 1 4.60 0 o GO 01 SLIMY SCJL0['\1 A)JLT 1 6.60 c.cc 02 DOLLY VAil DE;>,~ PA=lR 3 E..sa 1 ollt 3 • 02 'JOLLY VA~OEN JU V €: ·'U LE 1 1.3.00 0. 00 1 oa SLIMY SC~LPI~ ADJLT 1 1C.l0 G • C C 1 03 DOLLY VAROEIIJ PA1R 4 9o40 0.69 4 • 24 020B3 01 ~0 FISH 1 a 02 SOCKEYE SAL'~ON PBR 2 5.45 0.10 2 02 JOLLY VARDf.:.'\1 JUVENILE 1 12.20 c • .:o l 03 JOLLY VAROn PUR 7 8.30 1oeli 7 I. ( l ~ 3/ 2183 PAC,£ "' TA!:lLE 82-5. SU ... MARY OF RESuLTS: EL~Cfq'JfiS!-il:\G SAII'PLES • JUNE, 1983 LEIIlGT!-1 tC~) ., STATIO-. DlTE REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUI"6ER MEAl\/ s.o. ~~ ---------·-----------------------------------------------------• 2/t 0~0733 03 SLIMY SCUL 0 lN JUI/S:~ILE 2 6.30 0.2~ " <- 0 :s OOLLY VAll DEN JU\IS:'IIILE 1 11.30 o.~o -• 03 SLIMY SCULPI~ AJJLT 4 9.00 0. '18 'I 25 HOB3 ill '10 FISH 1 [: .. n 'lO FISH 1 c 26 O?.OB3 01 SOCKEYE SAL 'ION PAqR 6 3.3: 0 • fou 6 01 SLIMY SCJL3IN PtdR 1 3o4i.J 0. ( 0 1 • 0 1 SOCKEYE SAL'1J'II PAiR 19 4 • .?5 0 • 7P 1" n SLIMY SCULP I'l PA~R 1 2.1:10 c. c c 1 Jlt 0 1 SOCKEYE SALI'!ON PAqR 2 4o'+G 0.14 2 01 SLPIY SCULPPI JUHNI LE 3 3.87 0. b5 ~ 02 I..A~E TROJT 1 :c.oo c.oo 1 03 JJLL Y VAROE'J PA~R 3 6o40 1 • ')"' 3 • 03 SLIMY SC:.JL 3 Pl PAiR 1 5.3C O.lO 1 03 SLIMY SCUl"I!If AJuL T 2 4.90 o. <:c 2 03 LAKE TROvT AJJL T 1 37.70 c. oc 1 2 7 020 B 3 01 '10 FISH 1 r ,_.., 02 '4\l FISH 1 28 020 7-33 01 'JO FISH c • 02 JOLLY VA~DE'I PARR c;.30 0 ·' ~ • '-'-I 1 4') 030B3 ~1 JOLLY VAROE'J PAH 4 7.22 2. ( 1 4 H Pl"'K SAL'-10'<1 P~iR 1 4.50 a.co 1 Jl JOL.LY VARDE~ JuvE'llLE 1 1 '5. 1 (I 0. -:0 1 n SLI"Y SCULF'IN ADJLT 1 10.80 0. ~ ~ 1 ) 02 '110 FISH 1 03 SLI'1Y SCULPIN JU't'E~ILE l 6.6G [j • OL l 03 SLIMY SCULPIN A)JLT l 7olC c.~c 1 • 03 \II'.IE-SPI'4E S T l C'<LEBA:>< AJ JL T 1 4o70 0. c 0 1 41 G30 B3 a 1 ~0 FISH 1 " 02 C:hiO SAL "0'<1 PA~R 1 5o'tC C • L G 1 ..,) :J2 SLI~'+Y SCULF'IN AOJLT 1 7.20 c.~o 1 03 'lO FISH 1 Q '+2 030H3 01 \10 FISH 1 c 02 '<10 FISH 1 L • 03 SLIMY SCULPI~ JUVENILE 1 5.10 0. co 43 0!0733 01 CHINOOK SAL~o!ON Fl\'R 4 ll.82 8 •. c .3 4 01 SLIMY SCULPIN AJJLT 3 7.83 \Jo97 j .., ()2 NO FISH 1 03 CHINOOK SAL "tON PA'1R 1 'lo50 o. ~:o 03 SLI!'4Y SCULPIN JU'V'ENILE 2 6.00 0.14 2 03 SLIMY SCULPIN AJJL T 1 11.10 G. G 0 1 .. ( ':31 2/83 PAGE ;~ TABLE 62-5. SU"'I1ARY OF RESULTS: EL~CTRJFISHI~G SA "'PLES ( JUNE, 1983 LENGTH C CM) STATIJ~ DUE REPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUMEER "EAN s.o. r; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 HOB3 01 CHINOOK SAL "'ON PAU 2 3.95 O.f4 2 01 DOLLY VARDE"l PAH 2 '1.75 2. Gl2 2 Jl CHINOOK SALMON PA~R 2 <+.::>o 0. 14 2 ,f Jl SLII'IY SCULPIN JU~ENILE 2 <::.55 2.48 ~ "- 02 CHP.JOOK SALMON PARR 2 3.70 0.23 2 03 \10 FISH 1 ( '- 45 2306~3 01 \10 FISH 1 0 6A 8l on 3 01 DOLLY VARDEN PA ~ R 2 3.<+5 0.10 ;> 01 SLI1'1Y SCULP P.l JU'JENILE 1 3.20 0. : c 1 "~ 01 SLI ~y SCULPI!14 ADJLT 1 7.8') o • G a 1 02 COHO SAL"10'1 PAH! 1 <+.10 c.uo 1 02 SLIMY SCULPIN JUVENILE 1 4.50 c.cc 1 02 SLI "'Y SCuLPIN A::JJLT 3 9eb0 1.E:1 3 c G3 DOLLY VAR:JE"l PARR 1 3.90 0. c 0 ~ 03 SJCKEYE SALOl! ON PARR 1 <+.313 o.ao 03 SLIMY SCJL~ I:\1 JUVENILE 3 'lo53 1.~1 3 0 3 PYG:o!Y WHITE FISrt AJJLT 1 8.70 0. c c 0 3 SLIMY SCUL?I\1 AJJLT 2 8.6': 0. ~(, 2 « 1 b A OlJ73.5 01 DOLLY VARDE!\4 PAH 3 4.20 0. 10 :: 01 :01'10 SAL~ON PA~R 1 5.50 ~. 2 0 ' 01 JOLLY 'OR;:>E~ PA~R 3 4."'17 1 • 8 3 3 Q1 CJrlO SAL~O'l PAH 1 3o<'u 0 • G :J 1 01 'lOLLY VARJEN P~~R 1 5.01) a. c c 1 a 1 :::OHO SAL'10)ol PII.~R 3 5e17 0.20 .5 Jl JOLLY VARDEN PII.~R 4 5.65 2. 32 4 :n :::OHO SAL'10ill P4~R 1 4.80 c. c 0 1 Jl SliMY SC:.JL?I~ JUvENILE 1 3o4u J.co 1 D2 DOLLY VAKDEN PHR 5 "'.14 1.'"'3 : 02 COHO SAL ·~a 'I PA~R 11 ::.06 0.47 1 1 c 02 SLI"'Y SCULPIN ADJLT 1 8o30 o.oo 1 J3 ::JOLLY VA~DE~l PAi!R 1 3.50 c.co 1 03 ::HUM SAL~ON PARR 1 4.'JJ 0. c 0 1 0 3 JOLLY VA~DE-.t PA~R 5 3.72 0. ~.3 ., 03 COriO SAL"'0'1 PAH 1 '+olD o.co 1 03 CHU"' SAL '10~ PA~R 1 4.40 o.ro 1 03 DOLLY VARDE'4 PO.~R 1 4.10 o.co 1 J3 COHJ SAL "'ON ?A ;til 1 3.30 o.co 1 03 DOLLY VARDEN PAU 1 4.5C o.uo 1 ' 1 7 D non3 01 JOLLY VA~DEN PA~R 7 R.27 1.~2 7 01 JOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE ::'\ 12.7 3 1.29 ~ 01 SLIMY SCULCOI~ ADULT 2 7.80 0.71 2 • 02 DOLLY VARDE'I PA~R 7 9.63 3.t7 7 02 DOLLY VARDi:N JU~E~ILE 2 lC o1 0 5.52 2 ()2 SLIMY SCULPIN AD'JL T 1 8.30 o.co 03 CHI "'OOK SALMJN Pll.n 2 5.40 r 'c u. £:..._ 2 03 DOLLY VARDEN PA'R 2 8.95 J.':i2 2 ! l ·-·-.. --... ---.. -- ",r l 'JI 2/83 P H1[ • TABLE 82-5. SU ,414 AR Y OF RESULTS: EL.:::CTR:JFISHI:'>G SA~PLES JU'H, 19!13 LE~Gltl CCMJ " ST<\H::lN on:: REPLICATE: SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUMBER I" EA-.. S.D. ~; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- l 170 020733 03 ROUND WHITE Fl SH JUVENILE 1 18. 50 o.co 1 03 SLPIY SCJLPI'.i JUVDH I.E 1 ;.so c. c 0 1 •• 03 SLIMY SCULPt \I ADULT 5 8o36 \lo"3 ~ 15 A 011)733 01 '110 FISH 1 c 02 JOLLY VA'\ DEN JUV'EIIIILE 1 H.lo30 c .oo 1 • 0.3 '00 FISH 1 !: 19A 01:!733 01 'JOLLY VII ROE"' PA!lR 4 7.52 1.cq q 01 SLI~Y SCULPIN JUVENILE 1 E.1'J c.co 1 01 '>LII'IY SCUVI'II AO UL T l 9.10 c.r.o 1 02 \10 FISH 1 0 ,-. 03 DOLLY VARDEN PA~R 2 ::.70 0. 71 ~ If :lA osJ n 3 01 NO FISH 1 c • :12 ljQ FISH 1 () 03 JOLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 1 4o00 o.oo 1 'ItA 030733 01 DOLLY YARDE~ PA::tR 1 7e7G 0. co 1 02 JOLLY VA'lDE'I PA~R 2 (,.75 2. ;j5 2 J2 SLI'IY SCUL?I~ A'JJLT 1 5.70 c. l 0 1 ; J3 "lO FISH 1 !'! 42A 030733 :n SLIMY SCULPIN JUVE'.!L.E 1 5.10 O.JO l • 02 JOLLY VARJOJ PA~R 2 "ioOG 0. '" ( ? 02 Sll ~y SCULP I IJ II:IJLT 1 5.4C G • GO 1 C3 CHINOOK SALMON PA~R 21 ll • 0 1 c. 4'5 ~, ~L ..) 43 A 0 3 0 79 3 01 CHI~OOK SAL'1::lN PARR 2 4.80 0.~7 ? 02 CHI'\iOOK SAi..~JN PA'R 11 '+.35 0.28 11 02 'II'IIE-SPI~E S TICKLEBA::'( AJJL T 1 fu 8 G c. ( c 1 03 CHINOOK SAL 'I JN Pl'd~ 'l 4e12 .... j,.,., U • JU '"' .! 4 'I~ (;~3733 J1 CHINOOK SALMOI\I PA~R :.6 3.9!.1 o.~e, .:.~ 01 SLI'1Y SCULPI'\i JUVENILE ~ 3.80 1 • 74 ~ :J2 'j\) FISH 1 ( .,; 03 :;HI~OOK SALMON PARR 1 4o30 o.co 1 • • ''L ( i!,/ 2183 ( TABLE 82-6. SJ!'111ARY OF RESULTS: DIP NET SAMPLES JUNE• 1963 ' ~UTIJ'f !JUE ~EPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NU~eER l ( .I ( 200&~3 01 01 COHO SAL"'J'II CHUM SAL~O'll PA.~R PHR 7 1 PAC£ LDIGTk (C"l) s.o. c.sg Q • GO 7 1 I I. L.~ . • V,l 2183 PACE • TABLE 62-7. SUMMARY OF RESULTS: I"4CL1NE PLA~E TRAP SA!"FLES JUNE• 19S3 LENGTH coq • STATIIJ~ OHE REPLICATE SPECIES LFE STAGE NUI18ER /'lEAN s.c. ~; ---------------------------------------------------------------------~ 10 020133 til NO FISH 1 n - • 10 030H3 01 SOCKEYE SAL" ON PA~R 4o00 o.oo 1 lD G!t0793 01 C::l HJ SAL"':l'4 Pli~R 1 1+.20 C • C· 0 • 1 D Q 50 7::!3 01 COHO SAL"'O~ PA~R 1 f:.oo 0. J 0 1 :n THREE:•SPI~E STICII:LEBAC!< A::JJLT 1 7.30 o.:,o • lD U0533 IJ1 SOCKEYE SALMON JUVENILE ~ 7.07 0.77 b 01 CHU"' SAL!"ON JUVE'HLE 5 4.10 0. 6! ~ .. 01 EULACHON JUVENILE 1 !.40 G • 00 1 01 :HUM SAL\10'4 JUVENILE 1 4.50 G • (, 0 1 01 SOCKEYE SAL'40N JUI/E~I:.E 1 6.70 G. ;JO 1 01 CHUM SAL'10'1 JUI'E'HI.E 2 ~~.~c c. 71 2 • ::11 SOC)'( EYE SAL'40N JUH\L .. E 2 !o95 0. 50 2 01 CHUM SALl10~ JUH'IIILE 1 3.70 D.CG 1 01 PINK SAL.'40'11 JUVENILE 2 3oil5 0. 1() 2 01 SOCKEYE SALP"ON JUVENILE 2 4o.!O .:; • 71 2 01 :.:HUM SAL'10N JUVE"H LE 1 4.00 c. I) 0 1 •) 01 SOCKEYE SALMON JUVE~I:.E 2 3.50 C.lf2 c. :Jl OI'41( SilL "'Oll JUVE'HLE 1 3 ol 0 o.oo 01 SOCKEYE SAL"lO:II JJVESii...E 1 3.E.O 0. 00 • n PI"JK SAL'10'4 JU't'E'.ILE ;: 3.40 O.':G 2 01 THREE-SPI~E STICKLEBACK AJJL T lE E'oOT G. 42 H. 01 'II N E-SP I 'IE STICKLEBAC'< AJJLT 1 4.30 c • c 0 1 J 1!:1 2J0Eo'3i a 1 COHO SAL~O'I PARR 1 3.'10 0 • C· D l ill COHC SAL110N JUI'ENILE 1 11.3 0 o.cc 1 IJl THREE-SPI~E STICKLEBACK JLVENILE 1 7.6;; o.cu l • 01 SOCKEYE SAL 'ION JUVENILE ! 4.9iJ u.cc 3 01 CHUM SAL '10.\1 JIJVE"fii...E 5 lfob6 o. s& ~ • 01 SOCKEYE SALI10N JUI/E"'lLE 1 f-.90 o.co 1 til PI'IIK SAL .. ::l"' JUIIE'4I-E 1 3.7~ c. 00 1 ill CHUM SAL~O~ JUIIENILE 1 4.10 o.co ' .. n SOCK£. 'tE SAL'10N JUVE!ollLE 2 4o1!l (j. ::,o '"' ,.) 01 PINK SAL'10N .JU't'ENii..E 5 3.68 0.22 5 01 EULACHON ADJL T 1 21.40 c.co 1 1:) 210693 01 CHUM SAL'10 .. JUI'ENILE 2 5o45 0.22 2 01 SOCKEYE SALMON JUVENILE 1 7.70 o.co 1 01 PINK SALII!O"' JUVENILE 1 3.80 0. co 1 • 01 SOCKEYE SAL I'! ON .JUt' PH LE 1 6.80 o.uc 01 CHUI'I SAL"0.\1 JUI'E'Hi..E 2 o\.35 0. ')0 2 01 SOCKEYE SAL "'ON JUVENILE 1 6.90 0. co 1 • :n CHUM SAL 'ION JUVENILE 1 4o80 0. co 1 01 SOCKEYE SALMON JUVENILE 2 7.05 0.10 :2 01 CHUI'I SAL!o!O" JUVENILE :" 4.'50 0.35 3 01 SOCHYE SA.t..MON JU't'E:'tL .. E 1 7.70 G•GO 1 01 ThREE-SPINE STICI<LEBAC!( AJJL T 5 bo04 u.•H 5 • I tj/ 2/83 FAG[ 2 ,J TABLE 82-7 • SUMMARY OF RESULTS: I '.1 CLI ~E PL li\IE TRAP SA'1PLES .JUNE, 1993 LE"iGTH (C"') ..: ST HIOIII DHE ~[PLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUfo'BER III[AI\I s. J. '; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 2 2 0 &3 3 01 CHUI'I SAL .. ON JUIIE'HI..E 1 3.2 0 Q,:)Q 1 01 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK A!hll T 3 7.63 0. ~6 "5 ,,t:: lD 2~0 &H 01 SOCKEYE SALMON PARR 1 ... 20 0. co l 01 PI'.IK SAL "'ON PARR 1 3.9:1 o.c:~ 1 01 SOCKEYE SALMON PA~R 1 3o9C o.co 1 ( 01 CHU'1 SAL '10N PA~R 3 3.97 0.10 3 01 CHII\jQQI( SALMON PA~R 1 3.60 o.co 1 0 l PYGMY IJHITE FISH Pf.~R 2 2o65 o.tr 2 01 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADJL T If 7o8G 0. 36 4 10 21+0533 01 COHO SALMON PARR 1 3.7() o.oG 1 ,,(.". D1 PYGMY I.IHITE FISH PHR 1 3.30 0. co 1 01 THREE-SPINE S TICKL EB ACt< li:J J L T 1 8.10 0. 00 1 1 ;) 2:.0633 01 '10 FISH [ 10 270533 01 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ACJL T 1 8.50 0. ()0 10 23053 5 00 THREE-SPINE STICKLEBAC><: ADJI..T 1 5.30 0. GO 1 00 ~I~<E-SPI'lE STICKLEBA:l( ADJLT 1 lfo30 a.co 1 1n n06:13 01 'iO FISH 0 ( lD 3:!C633 01 COHJ S AL'Hl'4 PA ~ R 1 1 c. fl 0 0. ( 0 r • • I , B/ 2/83 Pdu~ 1 • TABLE 82-B. SJ'lMARY OF RESULTS: FYH NET SAMPLE.S JUNE• 198.3 LE~IGTH ( c~, J STATIO~ DUE ~EPLICATE SPECIES LIFE STAGE NUMBER MEAN s.o. ~j --------------------------------------------------------------------------"" • 4 U06~3 01 RAI1'4BOW TROUT JUVE"41LE 1 20.10 o.oo 1 () 1 RAI~BOW TROUT ADJL T 1 2 7 • ::Hj (·. ~ 0 1 • 01 PYGMY IIHITE FISH A:JJLT 1 0 01 ROUND OIHITE FISH AD~LT 1 .36.70 0. 00 1 01 RAINBOW TROUT A[hJL T 1 43.20 0. co 1 .,.) 20 0 69 3 01 :U I NBOW TROUT AJUL T 1 44.70 a. oo 1 01 OOLLY VARDE~ ADJLT 1 37.60 OoLC 1 D1 RAI~BOW TROUT o\JJLT 1 '11.20 Q. c 0 1 2:!0!>'13 01 'l.OU!\40 W~T TE FISH JU~E'JILE 2 1'1. 7 5 1o C6 2 • 01 RAI~BOW TROUT ADJLT 1 27.0C 0 0 oc 1 J1 SOCKEYE SALMON AJJL T 1 63.70 0. c 0 1 01 SLI""Y SCUL?IN ADULT 1 11.0 0 o.ca 1 • 4 2H6'l3 01 R4I!VBOW TROUT JUVENILE 1 26.50 0. c c 1 01 ~OUND IJHI TE FISH A;JtJL T 1 32.50 0. 00 1 01 RAINBOW TROUT AJULT 4 ~2.62 9. J5 q 4 z;a.;33 01 TRAP BURIED 0 • 4 2'30·S:LS J1 TRAP BURIED 0 6 130633 01 ROUND WHITE FISH JUIIENILE 1 24.70 c. c c 1 • 01 ROU~D ioj"f I TE: FIS-t 4 J JL T 2 32. 1C 1. 13 2 0 1 ~APIAOIJ TR<lUT AJuLT 5 3fl. 3f< 3.15 "· 01 RvU'JD WHITE FISH AJJLT 2 35 .sc 4.24 ;;_ 6 2~0!:.33 0 1 ROUND WHITE FISH A::IJL T 1 35o30 0 o GO 1 ··Jill 01 RAI"'BOW TROUT AJJL T 2 '13o'I'J h. 29 2 6 2~0533 01 ROU"'C WHITE FISH JJIIENILE 1 13.60 :.~o 01 ROUND IOHITE FISH ADULT 5 28.10 3. 36 5 • 01 ~AI'IIBOW TROUT ADJL T 1 '14.'10 c.co 1 01 CHINOOK SAL"'ON ~)JL T 1 59.0 0 O.GC 1 6 2~0 r,g 3 0 1 ROUND iiHITE FISH ACJJL T 7 23.57 11.'5!" 7 6 2~0!:.33 J1 TRAP BURIED 0 6 2H&33 01 ROUND WHITE Fl SH JUVENILE 2 16.15 Oo22 2 01 ~OUND WHITE FISH ~:lUL T 1 25.20 OoCO 1 • 01 RAINBOil TR'JUT AJULT 3 41.47 2o"C: 7 ... 10 BOE.~3 01 DOLLY VARDE~ JUVENILE 1 c 01 SOCKEYE SALMON ADJL T 3 50.7 3 5. 23 3 01 DOLLY VARDEN ADJLT 1 '17.60 Oo~c l 01 EULACHON ALJJL T 1 20.00 o.co 1 10 130!:.~3 01 SOCK EYE SALMON AD JL T 4 &3 • .30 2. '/8 " ~. "- ( ' • ' ·- 'J,f 2/8.3 STATION ------ 10 lQ 1 D lJ 10 OHE ------ 2H~B3 2 2 G 63 3 23C!.33 25~53.3 27063.3 TABLE 92-8. SJM"lARY OF RESULTS: FY'<E: NET JUNE• 1983 ~£:PLICATE SPECIES LIFE SUGE -------------------------------- 01 SOCKE:YE SAL 'ION ADULT 01 EULACHON ADJLT 01 RAINBOW TROUT AOJLT 01 !)OLLY VARDEN ADJLT 01 SOCKEYE SALl'll.iN ADJLT 01 :"ULACHON AJUL T 01 JOLLY VARDE'4 AJJL T 01 SOCt<EYE SAL"lCN AJJL T 01 EULACHON AJJLT ill C:ULACHON Ai) J L T 01 RAI'IiBOW TROUT AOUL T 01 JOLLY VARDEN AOJL T 01 TRAP BURIE::J PAGE 2 SAMPLI:.S LE~GTH <CIV) NUMBER MEAN s. o. N --------------------- 3 '=:7.57 s.F4 j 2 1~:>.65 d.~6 2 2 4!).20 l4ot::5 ? 3 42.'27 5.32 !· 2 59."5 So 27 2 1 2loOC 0. ()0 1 2 31.50 2 ~ 't •• w :2 3 '09.&3 '.2.f7 ~ 3 1'?.90 o.t:'< 3 14 C'lolb 0.1:9 l'+ ? 25 ol !J 2.69 2 1 42.50 o.Jo 1 0 APPENDIX B B3. CATCH PER EFFORT SUMMARIES 8/ 5/83 PAGE 1 TABi..E 83•1• CATCH PER EFFORT: ELECTROSHOCKl~G SAMPLES APRIL 1983 LBIGTH LIFE CATCH/ ST4 TI ON sc:.E.CIES STAGE EFFORT ME'. AN s.o. N ----.-.-------------_........_ ______ ......., __ ___ ....,..._ ....__._._....,..., ----------------... 13 DJI.LY VA~DEN PARR 2e49 5e 90 0.95 23 C)HO SAL'fON PARR OelO 0 SI...IHr SCULPIN JUVENILE Dell 6e00 OeOO 1 15 OJI.LY VARDEN PARR Oe38 3e93 le19 3 CJI"'J SAi.HON PARR 1.02 3e20 Oe21 8 SJC<;:YE SALMON FRY Oe13 3e30 OeOO 1 SlC-<~YE SALMON PARR Oe25 3.15 Oe07 2 C"ti"JOI( SALPfON PARR 0.13 3e80 OeOO 1 17 CJ-tJ SAL.fiiiON FRY Oe50 3e00 Oe28 2 C)Hj SAL.MON PARR 2.26 3e66 Oe70 9 SLIMY SCULPIN JUVENILE 1e25 lt.lf2 le96 ~ CHUI1 SALMON PARR Oe50 ~t.os Oe35 2 19 DJLLY VA~OEN PARR 1elf8 a.oo 2e73 9 CJH) SAL'!ON PARR 0 elel 7.30 o.oo 1 CHINJJI( SALMON PARR 0.16 7.20 OeOO 1 SI...IMY s:ULPUI JUVENILE 0 ell) 6elf0 OeOO 1 SI.IMf SCULPIN ADULT Oe16. 8e30 OeOO 1 22 D'JLL'f VARDEN PARR 3e66 10e31 2e63 1'J DJI.Lf YARDE~ JUVENILE 1.01 12.'45 1e77 It 42 DlL.LY V~RDP.I PARR 4e73 5.29 Oe56 7 Cl·O SAi..MON FRY 0.68 3.10 o.oo 1 CliofJ SA~t10N PARR Oe69 3e20 o.oo 1 SJCI(~YE SALMON FRY 0.68 3e10 0 .o 0 1 ttOA OJLLf V-ROEN PARR Oe25 5.23 1e08 6 ChtJ SAL.MON PARR Oe12 6e20 1e82 3 RIUNBO~ TROUT PARR o.o~t 5e30 o.oo 1 Sl...l '11 SCULPIN JUVENILE Oel2 5e63 2e57 3 Sa.IHr SCIJLPIN ADULT OeOtt 0 NINE-SPINE STICKLEBACK JUVENILE'. Oe12 lte47 Oe83 3 8/ 2/83 TloL~ 83-2. CATCH PER EFFORT: MINNOW TRAP Sl~PLES APRIL 19@3 PAGE LE~GTH STATION SPECIES LIFE STAGE CATCH/ EFFORT S.D. ---~---~~--~---~--------------------------------~------------ 1 3 4 5 6 11 14 115 16 17 19 22 16 A ~~~E-SPI~E STIC~LEBACK ~~~E-SPI~E STIC~LEBAC~ CJ-il SA .. ~ON S .. I14t S:JLPIN Sl..l~Y SCULPIN DJLLY YARDE ... C:HJ SAL.'tvN S~l"'Y S:uLPIN ~I~E·SPI~E STICKLEBACK D J L L 1 VA ~ D P.J DJLL.'f VA~uEN C:HJ SA.~ON C)-i') SA .. 'H)N S .. l14l' S:JLPii'll S~Pil' s:JLPIN ~1~£-SPI~E STIC~LEBACK NI~E-SPI~E STICKLESACK C::J~J SA.-..ON ~I~E-SPI~E STICKLEBACK :!:ILLY' V6.~DE".i S .. II1Y' S:JLPI'-.1 DlLLY' VA~~EN S .. l"'!t S::::.JLPI~ !JJLLY' VARDEN OlLL'f V'R:::>EN C:Hl SA.~'.l"'l S:..I'U S:ULPIN DJ~lf' VUDE~ OJLLY VARDEN PYG\41' IJriiTE FISH ':>lLL't VARDEN D>l..Ll' VI.RDEN CJ-tl SA._li!ON ~I~E-SPI~E STICKL~BACK ~I~E·SPI~E STICKL~&AC~ JUVENILE ADULT PARP JU._,ENILE A~ULT PAQ~ P!RF; ,t.OULT A:JULT PAR~ JJVnJlL E PAPR JuVENILE JUV[NILE A')UL T JuVrNILE AJULT PA~R JUV E'"HL [ PARR JUVE~ILE P4RR JUVE~ILE PARR PARR PARR JUV:::NILE PARR JUVENILE JUVENILE PARR JUVENILE PARR JUVENILE A~ULT 5.250 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.250 1.000 ~t.5:l0 0.250 0.250 0.333 0.750 C.250 1.500 0.250 0.250 0.250 1.75C 1.500 O.f-66 0.333 2.00::1 0.250 0.750 0.250 1.000 c.soo 0.750 0.50() 2. co 0 0. 2':1 0 0.250 1.0::10 0.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1o.co e.12 9.70 5.20 9.57 13.70 7.37 12.~0 f:.:JO 9.ft0 6.04 7.30 a.e.o 10.34 15.30 11.10 10.35 9.70 9.52 5.52 6.CJO 0.46 o.so 3.32 o.oc c.oo l.tl ::.21 c.cr c.oc o.oo .3e26 o.oo 2.~F­ c.c:o c.cc o.co c. 71 o.t.to Oe71 c.{, 0 0.56 o.oo o.se o.oo 1.48 o.oo o.oo 3.03 o.co 1.7lf 1.01 o.7~t 1 t' 1 1 4 1R 1 1 1 3 1 ~ 1 J. 1 7 f., ? 1 ~ 1 3 1 4 1 , " 1 !:S 1 1 8/ 2/83 PAGE 1 TAaLE 83•3• CATCH PER EFFORT: ELECTROSHlCKI~G SAMPLES .JUNE 1983 LENGTH LIFE CATCH/ STATION SPECIES STAGE EFFORT "EAN S.D. N ..,_...,_,...,_., ................ __ -_______ ._..._ ---....,_--------.. ....,....,_,....,_ .. 1 DlLL't' VAitDEN JUVENILE 0.23 14.20 o.oo 1 ClHJ SALMON PARR 1.07 4.75 o.to 4 S~CKEYE SAL"ON PARR 3.03 4.63 0.49 12 CriU,_. SAL-.ON PARR 0.23 5.oo o.oo 1 2 DJLLY VARDEN PARR 0.53 8.70 0.99 2 DJLL't' VAitOEN JUVtNILE 0.50 12.05 0.78 2 ClHl SAi..P10N PARR 0.23 4.30 o.oo 1 S)CI(EYE SALMO~ PARR OeHt 4.45 0.21 2 C-ti"4J01( SALII40"4 PARR 0.27 4.90 o.oo 1 RJUNJ W!iiTE FISH PARR Oe23 7.60 o.oo 1 RJU~) \HUT£ FISH JUVENILE le26 11.34 1.63 5 SL Hl't' SCULPIN .JUVENIL£: 0.27 s.oo o.oo 1 SLIP1Y SCULPIN ADULT 0.76 (u97 0.25 3 CiU't SAL-.ON PARR le23 5.oe 0.45 5 3 OJLL't' VARDEN PARR 0.37 10.25 2.76 2 DlLL't' VARDEN JUVENILE 0.37 12.15 0.92 2 CJ"tJ SALIItON PARR 0.20 7.10 o.oo 1 RlUNl WHITE FISH JUVtNILE 0.40 9.30 2.83 2 SLHI1 SCULPIN JUVE~ILE De59 5.20 o.3& 3 S.,.l'tY SCULPIN ADULT 0.55 8.D3 0.38 3 CiUM SAL'tON PARR 0.72 3.85 0.21 " OJLL't' VARDEN PARR 0.77 5.93 3.18 3 C:HJ SA:..'ION PARR le82 6.81 2.81 7 Rl.JNJ WHITE FISH PARR 0.24 e.oo o.oo 1 RJIJ',!i) WI'UTE FISH JUVENILE 0.48 7.60 0.71 2 S;..IIH SCULPIN JUVENILE o.1a 4.10 o.oo 1 S:..l~~tY SCULPIN ADULT Oe24 11.50 o.oo 1 CiU't SAL.,.ON PARR 2.45 4.77 0.45 10 5 ClotO SALII!ON PARR 3.93 4.64 o.s& 14 S.l .. 't s:ULPIN PARR 0.31 4.60 o.oo 1 CiU"t SAL.'ION PARR 2.31 4.25 0.40 10 6 DJLLf VARDEN PARR 0.36 8.50 o.oo 1 CJHJ SALP10N PARR 1e10 3.95 0.44 4 8 DlLLY VARDEN PARR 0.74 11.03 0.21 3 OJLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 0.25 14.80 o.oo 1 S;..l'tY S:ULPIN .JUVENILE Oe49 5.65 o.o7 2 CiU't SAL-.ON PARR 0.32 4.20 o.oo 1 DlLL.'t' VARDEN PARR 2e24 7.10 1e43 8 CJtil SA:.'ION PARR 0.31 il\e70 o.oo 1 SLI~f SCULPIN JUVENILE o.s7 5.30 Oe42 2 10 D:>L .. LY VARDEN PARR 3.41 7.09 1.92 12 8/ 2/83 PAGE 2 TA3l..E 33-3. CATCH PER EFFORT: ELECTROSHOCKI~G SAMPLES JUNE: 1983 LENGTH LIFE CATCH/ STATION SPECIES STAGE EFFORT 1111EAN s.o. N __......,...._,_.._ ........ --~-_.__,.........._.__, __ _,_ ___ .......... _., __ _ ... ...._ ...... _ -........ _. ___ 1D CJ-Il SAi..'tON PARR 0.32 6.90 o.oo 1 SL.HH SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.87 lte83 0.38 3 Si..l"J SCwLPIN ADULT 0.24 7.40 0 .o 0 1 11 OJLLJ VARDEN PARR 1.09 6.lt2 1.75 It DlLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 0.23 10.50 o.oo 1 ClrtJ SAL'tON PARR 0.63 lt.ltO o.oo 2 12 DJLLJ VARDEN PARR 0 ·" 2 8.70 3.5lt 2 CJ:iJ SA;..'tON PARR 1eD 8 5.52 1.49 6 Pfii"'f w;ITE FISH ADULT 0.17 5.20 o.oo 1 SJC<~YE SALH0"4 PlRR 0.35 lte35 Oe21 2 RJU~) WHITE FISH JUVENILE 0.17 11.20 o.oo 1 SL.l lit t SCULPIN PARR 0.17 2.&0 o.oo 1 SL.l,.Y SCULPIN JUV£:NILE 0.69 3.ltO 0.61 It T;RE~·SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT Oe6lt 8.07 o.os 3 13 DJL.LY VARDEN PlRR 3.66 7.12 1e52 13 llt DJL.L.f VA~DEN PARR 0.9. 8.47 3.55 3 CJ!i) SA;.. .. ON PARR 14.91 3.!37 0 • .39 53 15 DJL.LY VARDEN PARR 2e14 6e96 2.31 7 SJCI(t:YE SALMON PARR Oe25 0 SL.llllY SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.22 3.90 o.oo 1 16 DJL.Lf VARDEN PARR 0.68 7.50 Oe56 3 CJri) SA ... ON PARR 0.22 3.tto o.oo 1 SJC<£Y( SALHO~ PARR 0.23 7.10 o.oo 1 17 OJL.Lf VA~OE:N PARR 1.67 6.40 2.50 6 DlLL'f VARDEN JUVENILE 1.62 11.~5 1e79 6 C)iofl SAL.flfON PARR 0.27 s.so o.oo 1 SJC"(EYE: SALMON PARR 0.29 5.20 o.oo 1 18 O)L.L.Y VARDEN PARR 0.22 6.40 o.oo 1 CJ-tl SAL. .. ON PARR o.so 5.55 1.63 2 10 DJLLJ VARDEN PARR 0.65 0 C)rtJ SAl..'tON PARR 0.34 0 SlCKEYE SALMON PARR 0.31 3.60 o.oo 1 20 OllLY VARDEN JUVCNILE 0.30 13.10 o.oo 1 ClH~ SALfltON PARR 1.79 s.•o 0 ·" 1 6 SJCKEYE SALMON PARR 1.41 3.16 o.2~t 5 S-l"Y SCULPIN JUVENIL£: 0.28 lt.90 o.oo 1 S-I'tf S::UL.PIN ADULT 0.91 8.70 0.30 3 21 DlLI..f VARDEN PARR 1.70 7.93 0.4 3 9 81 2/83 PAGE Tl31..E 33-3. CATCH PER EffORT: ELECTROSHOCKI~G SAMPLES JUNE 1983 LENGTH LIFE CATCH/ STATION SPE'CIES STAGE EFFORT "EAN s.o. N ------,..,. __________ ..., ___ ,..._._ ...... _ ...... ------... ...... ___ ____ _.. _____ .-._,_,..._._.... .... 21 DlLLY VARDEN JUVENILE o.s1 ~~-~3 0.51 3 C:iU" SALMON PARR 1.64 ~-27 0.65 6 22 DJLLY VAitOE'N JUVENILE 0.86 12.20 0.41 • SJ:'C~YE SAL~ON PARR 1.,3 7.10 1.38 5 s:.I"tY SCULPIN ADULT 0.43 8.95 Oe21 2 25 DOLLY VARDEN PARR 1.78 8.16 t.8o 7 DJLLY VARDEN JUVENILE Oe24 13.00 o.oo 1 Sl..l'IY SCULPIN -JUVENILE 0.29 ~.60 o.oo 1 Si..IMY SCULPIN ADULT 0.53 8e35 2.47 2 24 Oli..LY VARDEN PARR 1.1~ 8.:50 1.60 7 DJLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 0.33 11.75 0.64 2 SJCI<::YE SALM0'4 PARR 0.33 5.45 o.o7 2 Si..l'h' SCJLPIN JUVENILE 0.33 6.30 0.28 2 s:.. I "fY SCULPIN ADULT 0.65 9e00 0.48 ' 25 N:l FISH o.oo 0 26 DlLL't VARDEN PARR 0.62 6.40 1.59 3 SJC<::YE SALH0'4 PARR 7.56 •• 19 0.71 27 S!..l"tY S:ULPIN PARR 0.77 3e83 1.30 3 S .. I"tY SC:iJLPIN JUVENILE o.s. 3.97 0.87 3 S:..l'lY SCULPIN Ai)ULT 0 •• 1 ~.90 0.28 2 Lli(E TROUT ADULT 0.21 37.70 o.oo 1 Lli<E TROUT 0.28 30.00 o.oo 1 27 Nl FISH o.oo 0 28 j)I..LY VARDEN PARR 0.38 9.30 o.oo 1 40 DJLL.Y VAJlOEN PARR 1.03 7.22 1.99 4 Dli..L.Y VARDEN JUVENILE 0.26 15.10 o.oo 1 S:..PIY SC:JLPIN JUVENILE 0.24 6.60 o.oo 1 SL.IHY SCULPIN ADULT o.so 8.95 2.62 2 ~I~E-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT 0.24 ~.70 o.oo 1 PJ-.K SAL!ItON PARR 0.26 •• so o.oo 1 ttl Cl-tl SA .. "tON PARR 0.27 5.40 o.oo 1 s:..IIIIY S:JI..PIN ADUlT 0.27 7.20 o.oo 1 42 Si..I'IY SCUlPIN JUVENILE 0.23 5.10 o.oo 1 43 C-tJa,)QI( SAlMON PARR 1.09 ··76 0.23 5 SI..IHY SCUlPIN JUVENILE Oe47 6.00 0.14 2 S:..I'1Y s:ULPIN ADULT o.a7 8e65 1.80 • ,.. DlL.L't VARDEN PARR 0.58 5.75 2.05 2 8/ 2/83 PAGE TABl..E B3-3e CATCH PER EFFORT: ELECTROSHlCKI~G SAMPLES JUNE 1983 LENGTH LIFE CATCH/ STATION s~>ECIES STAGE EFFORT MEAN S.D. N ................ -~ -------------....,_,.... -----.......--~....._..-........ _.... ....... ---------. 44 C"'IIVJOK SALMON PARR 1.11 3.~5 0.39 6 SL.IMY SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.58 6.55 2eft7 2 45 NJ FISH 0 .o 0 0 6A DJL.L.f VARDEN PARR 0.69 3.60 0.26 3 CJ:il SA:..'ION PARR 0.25 4.10 o.oo 1 Pf:illfY li"'ITE FISH ADULT 0.21 8.70 o.oo 1 SJCI(EYC SALI10N PARR 0.21 4.30 o.oo 1 S..I ~'f SCULPIN JUVENILE 1.12 4.26 1.21 ~ Sl..l~'f SCULPIN ADULT 1.42 9.08 1.33 & 1&A DJLLf VARDEN PARR 5.48 5.48 2.37 24 COiofJ SAl..,.ON PARR 5.03 4.88 0.&3 19 S~PIY SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.15 3.~0 o.oo 1 S ... I n SCJLP IN ADULT 0.32 8.30 o.oo 1 c .. u-. SA:..~ON PARR 0.54 4.20 0.28 2 170 DJL.Lf VARDEN PARR 3.70 8.95 2.57 16 OJLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 1.14 11.68 3.23 5 C-ti'4JOK SALMON PARR 0.46 5.40 0.28 2 R:>U~) WHITE FISH JUVENILE 0.23 18.50 o.oo l SI..I'fY SCULPIN JUVENILE ·0.23 5.50 o.oo 1 S...I llfY SCULPIN ADULT 1.81 8.21 0.79 8 18A DJL.LY VUtOCN JUVENILE 0.20 10.30 o.oo 1 19A DJL.l..f VA~DEN PARR 1.75 6.92 1.82 6 Sl..I'f't SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.33 8.70 o.oo 1 SL.l"Y SCULPIN ADULT 0.33 9.10 o.oo 1 40A DJLLY VARDEN JUYE:t4ILE 0.30 4.oo o.oo 1 41A DlL.L.'f VARDEN PARR 0.64 7.07 1.55 3 s;.. J'il '( SCULPIN ADULT 0.21 5.70 o.oo 1 42A DJLLf VAi\DEN PARR 0.45 5.00 0.42 2 C!iiNJOK SALMON PARR 3.09 •• 01 0.40 21 SL.l)ll'f SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.28 5.to o.oo 1 SL.l"'f SCULPIN ADULT 0.22 5.40 o.oo 1 43A C·U ~J 01( SALMO~ PARR 5.83 4.30 o ••• 22 Nl~E-SPI~E STICKLEBACK ADULT 0.24 6.80 o.oo 1 44 A C-ti~JJK SALMO,. PARR 9.65 3a91 0.58 37 Sd)IIY SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.78 3.80 1.74 3 8/ 2/83 PAGE 1 T4BLE 83-.-. CATCH PER EFFORT: "l'l'fOW TRAP SAIIIIPLES JUNE 1983 LE~GTH LIFE CATCH/ STATION SI>ECIES STAGE EFFORT "EAN s.o. N _....__.... ..... ~-~--.. -~---·-------. --------.... ....... _.__... .. ........ ..........., ....... .._...,.__......__ 1 DJLL't VARDEN PARR 0.70 12.21 1.06 7 DJLL't VARDEN .JUVENILE lelO 14.13 le31 11 CJHl SAL.'ION PARR 0.30 9.11 le20 3 C·ti 'fJOK SAL"O,. PARR 0.10 9.10 o.oo 1 SI..IPtt SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.20 5.80 0.71 2 S;.I'tY S:ULPUI ADULT Oe30 8.87 0.51 3 ~~~~-SPI~E STICKLEBACK JUVENILE 0.10 4.70 o.oo 1 TiRE~·SPlNE STICKLEBACK ADULT 6.30 8.28 o.s.-63 2 D:>LLf VA~ DEN PARR 0.60 24.77 36.BB 6 O:>LLY VARDEN JUVENILE 1.30 12.08 1.42 13 C:>rtJ SAI..!iiJ:lN PARR 0.20 6.65 4.74 2 S;.I!IIIY SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.30 5.70 1.25 3 S:..l!'IY SCULPIN ADULT 0.40 8.20 0.26 4 T~~ES-SPINE STICKLEBACK JUVENILE 0.10 8e20 o.oo 1 T1RE~·SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT 0.10 8.10 o.oo 1 3 Dli..LY V4RDEN PARR 0.67 10.22 1.0tt 6 D)LL't VARDEN JUVENILE 0.44 11.!5 1.71 It SL.PlY SCULPIN ADULT 0.22 8.85 2.47 2 TiREE•SPlNE STICKLEBACK ADULT 0 ell 8.oo o.oo 1 DlL.LY V4RDEN PARR 1.30 10.56 2.23 13 C)ofJ SA:..IIIION PARR o.ao 5.86 le63 8 S-l'tf SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.10 8e10 o.oo 1 s:..t"r SCULPIN ADULT Oe40 9e55 De83 It TiREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT Oe10 s.oo o.oo 1 5 DlL.LY VARDEN PARR Oe22 10.85 2 • .-7 2 Cl'il SAL. .. ON PARR 0.89 11e29 2.42 8 SJC'<E:YE SAL .. ON PARR Dell 5e60 o.oo 1 Sl..l 'IY SCULPIN JUVENILE Oe22 4.05 o.1a 2 S.I"tY SCULPIN ADULT 0 ell 9e70 0 .o 0 1 TiRE~-SPI'fE STICKLEBACK ADULT s.~g 8.32 0.74 54 6 D:>LL.Y VARDEN PARR le50 11.19 2.30 15 ClliJ SAI..'ION PARR Oe30 6e~7 3.08 3 SLI"Y SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.40 5.35 0.26 • Si..lMY SCULPIN ADULT Oe3D 9e30 le30 3 TiREE-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT De30 8e40 0.26 3 8 DlL.L.Y VARDEN PARR o.1o lle20 o.oo 1 Clri) SAI..'t~N PARR Oe50 4e78 Oe70 5 SL.I"lt SCULPIN JUVENILE OelO 6e50 o.oo 1 s .. I "'1 SC:JLPIN ADULT 0.10 a.oto o.oo 1 Ti~ES-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT 0.20 7el5 lelt8 2 C~U .. SAL. .. ON PARR Oe20 3e95 0.92 2 9 DJL.LY VARDEN PARR 1.10 8.09 2.69 11 8/ 2/83 PAGE 2 T'BL:: B3-4e CATCH PER EFFORT: PHN .. OW TRAP SA'tPLES JUNE 1983 LENGTH LIFE CATCH/ STATION SPE: Cl ES STAGE EFFORT MEAN s.o. N _...._. ____ ~~--~-~--~~~~---------... ------------_.._,._....._. ____ .......... ....._.__.. .. 9 Si..l'tt s::ULPIN JUVENILE 0.30 5.30 o .~o 3 S~HU s::ULPIN ADULT OelO 11.30 o.oo 1 10 DJL1..1 VA~ DEN PARR 3.80 lOeH:~ 2e00 38 TiRE!•SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT De40 8.57 De25 " 11 DJLL1 VARDEN PARR De33 11.87 1.76 3 DJLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 0 ell 14eDD D.oo 1 DJLLY VARDEN ADULT 0 ell 9.40 o.oo 1 C'J-IJ SA!..IIIION PARR 0.78 8.69 le39 7 S-11111 s:uLPIN PARR Dell 2.60 o.oo 1 NI~E·SPI~E STICKLEBACK JUVENILE Dell 5.30 o.oo 1 1-IRE!•SPINE STICKLEBACK PARR Dell 8.so 0 .oo 1 T-IRE~·SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT Oe55 8e36 0.13 !) 12 DJLLY VARDEN PARR leOO 9.82 le22 5 DlLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 1.~D 12eH:a 1.0!) 7 Cl..fl SA ... 'IION PARR 1.40 6e13 le50 7 SJCK~YE SALMO .. PARR Oe20 3e50 D.oo 1 Sl.l11t SCULPIN ADULT 0.40 7.70 2el2 2 T-I~EE-S~I~E STICKLEBACK ADULT 0 ·' 0 BeSS D e07 2 13 DlLLY VARDEN PARR 4e33 6eJO 1.65 39 DJLLY VARDEN JUVENILE leOO lle2t\ 0.91 9 Cl!il SA~IIIJON PARR 1.66 t\et\6 0 .6D 15 SLI!ItY S::ULPIN ADULT Dell 9.40 o.oo 1 CiU't SAL. .. ON PARR 0 ell 3.50 o.oo 1 14 OJL.L\' VARDEN PARR Oe78 4e93 leSS 7 DlLI..Y VA~DEN JUVENILE De33 lle70 Oe61 3 ClrtJ SAL.'tON PARR 3ell 4.76 le76 28 15 D'JLL1 VARDEN PARR 0 el 0 4.10 o.oo 1 DJLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 0.10 7.00 o.oo 1 16 DJLLY VARDEN PARR lelO 9e98 1.35 11 OJLL1 v•ROEN JUVENILE 0.2.0 13.80 o.oo 2 SLI'IY SCULPIN ADULT 0.10 12.00 OeOO 1 17 DJLL.'I VARDEN PARR 0 •• o 9.&5 0.26 4 OlLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 0.60 11.55 1.51 6 Clrtl SAL'10N PARR 0.10 4e7D OeOO 1 S:..I"Y SCULPIN ADULT 0 elO 5.90 o.oo 1 18 DJL.L.Y VARDEN PARR Oe20 7.50 3e39 2 OJL.L.'f VARDEN JUVENILE OelO 12.20 o.oo 1 S .. l'fY SCULPIN ADULT OelO 7.70 o.oo 1 19 DJL.LY VARDEN JUVENILE 0.2.2 11.90 0.99 2 8/ 2/83 PAGE TlBLE B3•4• CATCH PER EFFORT: MINNOW TRAP SA .. PLES JUNE 1983 LENGTH LIFE CATCH/ STATION SPECIES STAGE EFFORT Mf:&N s.o. N ___ ,_ ... ___ ....., _____ ._,...._...._...,_ __ ....... ---------....... ....._ ......... --~-.... -.... _...__._.._ ... 10 DJLLt V-RDEN PARR 1.89 10.44 1.58 17 DJLLY VARDEN JUVENILE 0.11 13.00 o.oo 1 Cl .. J SAI..'ION PARR 0.33 5.37 2.37 3 SlCKEYE SALMO'I& PARR 0.11 4.~to o.oo 1 S.I .. Y SCULPIN JUVENILE Oell 2e50 OeOO 1 S:.I .. 'f SCJLPIN ADULT 0.11 7e00 o.oo 1 NINE•SPI~E STICKLEBACK JUVENILE Dell 3e~O o.oo 1 T~REE•SPINE STICKLEBACK PARR 0 ell 9e50 OeOO 1 T-tRE~-SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT 5.77 8.07 0.38 52 C-tU!II SAL.!IION PARR 0.22 4.90 o.oo 1 20 OlL.Lf V-FtOEN PARR 0.20 9e25 0.92 2 Clrofl SAI..MON PARR Oe50 4e58 0.78 ~ SJC:!(E:YE SAL .. O~ PARR lel D 4.24 0.61 11 Si.l~H SC:JLPIN ADULT 0.40 7.!H 0.93 4 21 DlLLY V4~DEN PARR o.1o 9e90 o.oo 1 DJLLY VAFtOEN JUVHHLE 0.50 13.20 1.91 5 C:JrtJ SAI..MON PARR o.~o 3.66 0.17 5 22 OJ!..L.f VUDE .. PARR 0.22 3 .. ~0 0.14 2 23 DlL.Lf VA~DEN PlRR o.so 7.22 3e74 5 DJLL'f VARDEN JUVENILE 0.20 13.35 0.21 2 24 O:lLLY VARDEN JUVENILE o .to 10.80 o.oo 1 40 OlL.L.Y VARDEN PARR 1.10 7.~1 1.84 11 DH.LY VARDEN JUVENILE 1e50 12.84 1.46 15 S.l"f SCULPIN ADULT 0.10 7.90 o.oo 1 NI~E-SPI~E STICKLEBACK ADULT 0.10 6e20 OeOO 1 T-t~E~·SPINE STICKLEBACK JUVENILE 0.1 D 9.00 o.oo 1 T-t~EE•SPI~E STIC~LEBACK ADULT 1.90 8 • .56 0.27 18 '+1 DlL.LY VARDEN PARR 0.60 8e23 le27 6 OJLLY YARDE~ JUVENILE 0.50 13.00 0.92 5 C:lHJ SALMON PARR 0.60 5.02 le38 6 S;..l'11 SCJLPlN JUVENILE o .to 6.70 o.oo 1 S .. I'tf SCULPIN ADULT 0.20 8.70 1.27 2 42 DJLLY VARDEN PARR o.2o 6e05 2e62 2 DJLLY' VARDEN JUVENILE o.,o 11.65 2.~t2 " C:lttJ SAL. .. ON PARR o.so 7.56 1e17 5 C-tJ~:lOK SALMON PARR 7e60 s.o5 1.86 76 St..l"IY SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.30 5.63 0.55 3 S:..lll1't SCULPIN ADULT Oe1D 5.50 o.oo 1 Nl~~-SPI~E STICKLEBACK JUVENILE Oe20 ... 20 0.71 2 NI~E-SPI~E STICKLtBACK ADULT 1e20 5 •• 7 1.23 12 T .. RtE•SPINE STICKLEBACK Ai)ULT 0.10 9.10 o.oo 1 81 2/83 PAGE UBLE Bl-•• CATCH PER EFFORT: MINNOW TRAP SA'IPLES JUNE 1983 LENGTH LlFE CATCH/ STATION SCtECIES STAGE EFFORT MEAN S.D. N ___ .__._ .... --------~~-~~-~--~~--~ _______ ..._._ ----._._,-_,.......,..__,.,... ------- lfl DlLL'I VARDEN PARR o.CJo 9e36 1.61 9 DJLLY V-'ROEN JUVENILE o.•o 13.40 0.62 .. CJrtO SAi..'tON PARR 0.10 9.30 o.oo 1 C·U '40 Jl( SAUIO~ PARR o.so 4.46 0.26 5 S-I't'l SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.30 4.23 2..05 3 44 OJLLY VARDEN JUVENILE o .to 10.80 o.oo 1 CJ!iJ SA;.."10N PARR 0.20 8.!0 2elf0 2 C·U"JOK SALMON PARR 3.40 3.9. 0.46 34 Si.IIIIY SCULPIN ADULT Oe10 6e90 o.oo 1 NI~E-SPI~E STICKLEBACK ADULT o.:so 5.87 0.35 3 lf5 CJrt' SA;.-tON PARR 0 ... o e.es 0.72 4 ~~~E·SPI~E STICKLEBACK JUVENILE 0.40 2.65 0.13 .. "I~E-SPI~E STICKL~BACK ADULT 7.00 5.38 0.79 70 Ti~E~·SCli~E STICKLEBACK ADULT 0.10 s.so o.oo 1 6A DJLLY VA~DEN PARR 0.70 9.36 0.98 7 DJLL'f VARDEN JUVENILE Oe9D 11.09 2.17 9 S.I'tY SCULPIN ADULT 0.10 9.70 o.oo 1 16A DJLLY VlROEN PARR 1e10 7.4 3 2e62 11 OlL..Lt' VARDEN JUVENILE 0.10 10.70 o.oo 1 CJiiJ SAI.."10N PARR 6.30 ... so 1.13 63 S .. I"tt SCuLPIN JUVtNILE 0 •• o 6.67 0.94 If S.II41' SCJLPIN ArlULT 1.30 8.51 0.93 13 NI~E·SPI~E STICKLEBACK PARR 0.10 4.50 o.oo 1 T~RE~·SPl"E STICKLEBACK ADULT 0.60 8.30 0.39 6 17D :>:JLLY VARDEN PARR 0.44 9.92 1.19 If OJLLY VlROEN JUVENILE 1.0 0 12.22 1e93 9 S.l'lt' s:~LPIN ADULT 0.11 9.30 o.oo 1 18A OJi.LY VA~OEN PARR 1e00 9.70 1e64 7 DJLLt VARDEN JUVENILE 0 •• 3 11.10 0.79 3 lCJA DlLLt' VARDEN PARR 0.78 7.80 leTS 7 Si.. PlY SCULPIN ADULT 0 .u 8.10 o.oo 1 40A OJLLY VARDEN PARR 1.oo 7. 61 2e10 10 DlL.Lf VARDEN JUVENILE 1.10 12.51 1.54 11 CJ-t~ SAL'tON PARR 0.20 3.30 0.28 2 C-tl~J~I( SlLMO~ PA~R 0.10 3.90 o.oo 1 Sl.I!IIf SCULPIN ADULT 0.10 8.so o.oo 1 4lA DJLLY VI\ lit DEN PARR 0.22 6e15 0.64 2 424 DJLLf VARDEN PARR 1.33 5.18 1.74 12 DJLLf VARDEN JUVENILE 0 .u 11.70 o.oo 1 -. . - 8/ 2/83 PAGE 5 TABLE 83-4e CATCH PER EFFORT: MINNOW TRAP SA!1PLES .JUNE: 1983 LEN 6TH LIFE CATCH/ STATIO~ Si'~CIES STAGE EFFORT MEAN S.D. N ____ ......,..,.... ___ '-' ___ ._. ... _.,....,__....._._.... __ ....... ...._....._ -.-.-.... -----.-----....... -----.....-- ~2A CliU SA. 'ION PARR 0.11 9.90 o.oo 1 CHI'4)JK SALMO~ PARR 4.00 4.05 0.92 36 ~3A C:lHl SAL."ON PARR Oe30 10e27 1.07 3 C"fiNJOK SALMON PARR 14.60 4.41 0.56 146 s .. t!1Y SCULPIN ADULT 0.20 9.65 0.92 2 ~1'4E•SPI'4E STICKLEBACK ADULT 0.10 7.00 o.oo 1 ~4A Dll..LY VA!'« DEN JUVENILE Oe11 14.00 o.oo 1 C·fi1'4JQK SALMON PARR 5.88 3.76 o.s9 53 SL. I MY SCULPIN ADULT 0.44 8.52 0.75 4 NINE•SPINE STICKLEBACK PARR 0 ·11 4.50 o.oo 1 ~I'4E•SPINE STICKLEBACK ADULT o.u 6.30 o.oo 1 11.5 DJL.I..Y VARDEN PARR 1·20 8.42 1e64 12 s;..I "'' SCULPIN JUVENILE 0.30 5.93 0.78 3 Sl..l MY SCuLPIN ADULT o.to 6.30 o.oo 1 'dl 2/83 PtGE 1 TA9L.E 83-5. CATCH PER EFFOPT: FYKE ~[ T SAMPLES JuNE 1983 LE~GTH LIFE CATCH/ STATION SP~CIES STAGE E:FFORT MEAN s.c. ~ _____ .... -~~----~~~----~--------...-----~-- _ .... _____ _ __ ...,,.._.__ ------- It OJL.Lr VARDEN ADULT 0.14 37.60 o.oo 1 PYGIIi!Y w""ITE FISH AuULT 0.14 0 SJ:K::YE: SALMO~ A'ULT O.l4t 63.70 o.oo 1 RH 'BOW TROUT JUVE:NILE: 0.28 23.30 4t.~3 ? RAI'43)W TROUT ADULT 1.28 34.30 R.5P '? R)J'O iHI TE FISH JUVENILE 0.29 14.75 1.Cf "' .;. RJJ'4J IHITE FIS"i A:JULT 0.2S 34.50 ?.97 ;- So..1'4t SCJLPIN ADULT 0 .1,. 11.00 o.oo 1 ... 6 CiiNJOK SAL~ON ADULT 0 .tl 59.!:0 r.oo 1 RAI'l3JW T~OUT ADULT 1 .21 ttC.c9 ~.ec; 11 R:JU\fJ W-IITE FISH JUVE~ILE 0.44 l 7. 55 tt.ec: 4 R)J") W·H TE FISH AJUL T 1.,13 27.!l't p ·" :!-lP 1[1 JJLLt VARDEN JUVE~IL( 0.11 ~ ., DJL.L.t VA~ DEN ADULT 0.78 31?.!19 6e9'4 7 SJC<£YE SAL'10\I ADULT 1.:,7 5~.'+6 6.19 15 RAI\13JW TROUT A:JULT 0.44 3~.15 14 .:.t ~ EJLAC-i0'\1 A:JULT 2.3 .. 21:.~9 ;'1.61 21 1:31 2/83 PACE 1 TA9LE 83-5. CATCH PER EFFO~T: FYKE ~E T SAMPLES JuNE 1983 LE"'GTH LIFE CATCH/ STATION SPE:CIES STAG£ E:FFORT MEAN s.o. "' --------~-----~ .. ~----~-------- ,.. ______ ____ ..., __ --------__,.. ____ I+ OJLLY VARDEN ~OULT Oal4 37.60 o.co 1 PVG~Y 111-tlTE FISH AuULT G.14 0 SJ:K::YE SALMOI\J A'JULT Oal't 63.70 o.oo 1 R41'430W TROUT JUVENILE 0.28 23.30 4a!:3 I' RI\I 'BJil TROUT ADULT 1.28 34.30 Ra5F c: RJ:.J'O wil TE FISH JUVENILE 0.29 14.75 laCf "' .. R)J'O ililTE FIS'i AJULT Oa28 :H.f>O 1?.31 •, ~ S.l"ff SCJLPIN AOULT 0.14 11.00 o.oo , . 6 Cil~JOK SAL~ON ADULT 0 all 59.!:0 r.oo 1 Rq~3JIII T~OUT ADULT 1.21 4C.&9 ~.ES ll R)U'O W-IIT£ FISH JU~EI\JILE 0.4'4 17. ~5 ~+.ec: 4 Rl:.J'O il-tlTE FISH AJULT 1.3~ 27.Ptt p. 4 3 1F lD ::llLLf VU!JEN JUVE~ILf 0.11 :::lil..LY VA~OEN ADULT 0.78 39.=?9 6et;l'+ 7 SlC-<::YE SAL_.,O~ ~DULT 1.;7 5~.1+6 6.1'? 15 R&.PBJW TROUT AJULT 0.'14 35.15 l4 .51 4 EJL4C-t0~ A:JULT 2.~-2C. V7 ?ebl 2 1