HomeMy WebLinkAboutChakachamna Hydroelectric Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska 1982IS TK 1425 .S8 A23 nO.578 ",..,ausl:1 2 I"-..... '"'"ll) 0..... 0 0 LO 1.0 P I"- M M ih ~'--~(iib '" I'- T'" 0) C') It)o T'"oo LO ~ ('I) ('I) '" Chakachamna Hydroelectric Alternative for the RaiJbelt Region of Alaska Volume XIV Ebasco Services Incorporated Bellevue,Washington 98004 August 1982 Prepared for the Office of the Governor State of Alaska Division of Policy Development and Planning and the Governor's Policy Review Committee under Contract 2311204417 Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories Rich1and,Washington 99352 ARL~S '"iI1rarv &!nfGTmiltion"SCrI;L"c UUflJlng,Sujtcl 11 ;);i'roviuente Drive 'We.AK 9950R-4614 It< IY2S ,S'6 A2 3 06.S'li _.,tr'1t1:nrmr.r iTS?'rr I ;7 -ni~],ir;;ii:-i'21 '" ACKNOWL EDGME NTS The major portion of this report was prepared by the Bellevue,Washington, and Newport Beach,California,offices of Ebasco Services Incorporated.Their: work includes the Introduction,Technical Description,Environmental and Engi- neering Siting Constraints,Environmental and Socioeconomic Considerations and Institutional Considerations.Capital cost estimates were prepared by S.J.Groves and Sons of Redmond,Washington,and reviewed by the Ebasco cost estimating department in New York City.Cost of energy estimates were pre- pared by Battelle,Pacific Northwest Laboratories of Richland,Washington. iii III ~:-nrnrrrr;;]tm nrl-f=~in1iT----1:-~:-6$-'P'tlI-'-Iug-,--4 PREFACE ./ The state of Alaska,Office of the Governor,commissioned Battelle, Pacific Northwest laboratories (Battelle-Northwest)to perform a Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study.The primary objective of this study was to develop and analyze long-range plans for electrical energy development for the Railbelt Region (see Volume I).These plans will be used as the basis for recommendations to the Governor and Legislature for Railbelt electric power development,including whether Alaska should concentrate its efforts on development of the hydroelectric potential of the Susitna River or pursue other electric power alternatives. Substantial hydro resources exist in the Railbelt Region.Many of these resources could be developed with conventional (-lS MW installed capacity or larger)hydroelectric plants.Several sites have the potential to provide power at first-year costs competitive with thermal alternatives and have the added benefit of long-term resistance to effects of inflation.However,high capital investment costs render many sites noncompetitive with alternative sources of power. Environmentally,hydroelectric options are advantageous because they produce no atmospheric pollution or solid waste.However,environmental disadvantages may include the destruction and transformation of habitat in the area of the reservoir,destruction of wilderness value and recreational opportunities,and negative impacts on downstream and anadromous fisheries. Based on environmental and economic considerations,the Chakachamna hydroelectric project was among several hydroelectric projects selected as possible alternatives to the Upper Susitna project.An individual study of the Chakachamna project was commissioned for several reasons.First,the prospective capacity and energy production of the Chakachamna project would be greater than for any of the other selected alternatives to the Upper Susitna project,yet not so large as to result in underutilization of the facility. Second,preliminary estimates of the cost of energy from the Chakachamna project appeared to be very favorable,partly because it would be a lake-tap project and no dam would be required.Finally,because it would be a v - I IIII!I I II lake-tap project,it appeared that the potential environmental effects of the project would be moderate compared to other alternatives.This report, Volume XIV of a series of seventeen reports,documents the findings of this study. Other power-generating alternatives selected for in-depth study included pulverized coal steam-electric power plants,natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plants,the Browne hydroelectric project,large wind energy conversion systems and coal-gasification combined-cycle power plants.These alternatives are examined in the following reports: Ebasco Services,Inc.1982.Coal-Fired Steam-Electric Power Plant Alternatives for the Railbelt Region of Alaska.Prepared by Ebasco Services Incorporated and Battelle,Pacific Northwest Laboratories for the Office of the Governor,State of Alaska,Juneau,Alaska. Ebasco Services,Inc.1982.Natural Gas-Fired Combined-Cycle Power Plant Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska.Prepared by Ebasco Services Incorporated and Battelle,Pacific Northwest Laboratories for the Office of the Governor,State of Alaska, Juneau,A1ask a. Ebasco Services,Inc.1982.Browne Hydroelectric Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska.Prepared by Ebasco Services Incorporated and Battelle,Pacific Northwest Laboratories for the Office of the Governor,State of Alaska,Juneau,Alaska. Ebasco Services,Inc.1982.Wind Energy Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska.Prepared by Ebasco Services Incorporated and Battelle,Pacific Northwest Laboratories for the Office of the Governor,State of Alaska,Juneau,Alaska. Ebasco Services,Inc.1982.Coal-Gasification Combined-Cycle Power Plant Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska.Prepared by Ebasco Services Incorporated and Battelle,Pacific Northwest Laboratories for the Office of the Governor,State of Alaska, Juneau,Alaska. During the course of this study,the Alaska Power Administration com- menced a full-scale feasibility study of the Chakachamna hydroelectric proj- ect,at a considerably greater level of effort than the present study.In the feasibility study,initial analyses of project configuration resulted in the selection of a configuration differing from that selected for the present study.Th~configuration selected for the Bechtel feasibility study would be vi tI ;ht 2UlldJJiJJllJiL e,r •.We of 330 MW installed capacity,with an annual average energy production of 1570 GWh as compared to the 480-MW installed capacity project dis~ussed in this report.Flow would be maintained in the Chakachatna River 10 support the native anaaromous fishery,resulting in a reduction in energy production and a need for less intalled capacity.Further information on the Bechtel feasi- bility study is provided in Section 7.0 of this study. vi i _nlnr i 7 i-·p:i::_rrmnrrmwrrrns:nr rrrW=i~i-7jfjrji--T'-~Ft .. SUMMARY .,.~~"------; ,;' Numerous sites showing potential for hydroelectric development have been identified in the Railbelt Region of Alaska.Many,however,appear at this time to be uneconomic due to high capital costs,or appear to have the poten- tial for unacceptably severe environmental impacts.Among the sites of suf- ficient size to be of interest in the context of a Railbelt-wide electric power planning and that present potentially competitive economic character- istics and acceptable environmental impacts is the proposed lake-tap project at Chakachamna Lake,located about 85 miles west of Anchorage. The proposed Chakachamna hydroelectric project would be a lake-tap hydro- electric development consisting of an intake structure at Chakachamna Lake,a transmountain pressure tunnel,approximately 10.8 miles in length,a surge tank,a vertical shaft to the powerhouse elevation,penstocks and a powerhouse discharging to the McArthur River.The installed capacity of the design examined in this report would be 480 MW. Power from the project would be transmitted at 230 kV,approximately 55 miles to the existing transmission corridor of the Chugach Electric Associa- tion Beluga Station,and thence to Anchorage along the common corridor.The estimated annual average energy production would be 1892 GWh and the estimated annual firm energy production would be 1859 GWh. Cost estimates for the proposed project indicate an overnight capital cost of approximately ~2100/kW,with operation and maintenance costs of 3.75 $/kW/yr.Assuming a 1991 in~service date,levelized busbar energy costs are estimated to be 25.5 mills/kWh (January 1982 dollars). Approximately 9-1/2 years would be required for project completion, including preconstruction studies,licensing,design,construction and startup.A 50-month construction period would be required.Under this schedule,the earliest in-service date,assuming a mid-1982 authorization to proceed,would be late-1991. Environmental effects of the Chakachamna project could range from modest to locally severe,depending upon project design and operation,the magnitude ix .. r·.i~·JI~ ,l j, i l l:,': t' II of the anadromous fisheries of the Chakachatna and McArthur Rivers and the impact of project operation on downstream fisheries.Principal potential environmental impacts include destruction of the existing sockeye run into Chakachamna Lake from the Chakachatna River;disturbance of the downstream Chinook and pink salmon fisheries of the Chakachatna and McArthur Rivers; disturbance of resident fisheries of Chakachatna and McArthur Rivers; terrestrial habitat changes due to dewatering of the Chakachatna River. drawdown of Chakachamna Lake and flow increases in the lower McArthur River; effects of vehicular access to the Chakachatna and McArthur River valleys and to Chakachamna Lake;and effects of the construction work force on local communities.Destruction of the Chakachatna sockeye run could be alleviated' by alternative project design and operational procedures allowing maintenance of Chakachatna flow during migration periods and control of lake level to facilitate spawning. Physical features of the site that may pose potentially severe engi- neering constraints include the general seismicity of the project area, potential faulting in the vicinity of the pressure tunnel,proximity of the Mt.Spurr Volcano and effects of Chakachatna River dewatering upon Barrier Glacier,which controls the outlet to Chakachamna Lake.Provisions for these engineering conditions,as they are currently understood,have been incor- porated into the proposed project design.Field investigation of site characteristics.particularly the geologic conditions along the route of the pressure tunnel.will be required,however,prior to arriving at a final project design. x ;i j £Ed laU;.hi U idU:iidLi LiJi .J .t j 'teiWi:fitwe twit'"'%'cWit ftC '" CONTENTS ACKNOWLE DGMENTS PREFACE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 SITE • 2.1.1 Geology,Seismology,and Volcanism 2.1.2 Hydrology 2.2 PLANT 2.2.1 Overview 2.2.2 Reservoir 2.2.3 Tunnel,Surge Tank,and Penstock. 2.2.4 Power Plant • 2.3 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM. 2.4 SITE SERVICES • 2.5 CONSTRUCTION 2.5.1 General Constructon Methods. 2.5.2 Construction Schedule • 2.5.3 Construction Work Force 2.6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 2.6.1 General Operating Procedures 2.6.2 Operating Parameters 2.6.3 Project Life. 2.6.4 Operating Work Force and General Maintenance Requirements xi iii v ix ..1.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.5 2.15 2.17 2.18 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.25 2.26 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.32 2.35 2.35 .... 3.0 COST ESTIMATES .3.1 3.1 CAPITAL COSTS .3.1 3.1.1 Construction Costs 3.1 3.1.2 Payout Schedule 3.1 3.1.3 Escalation 3.1 3.2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS 3.4 3.2.1 Operation and Maintenance Costs .3.4 3.2.2 Escalation 3.4 3.3 COST OF ENERGY .3.4 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING SITING CONSTRAINTS .4.1 4.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SITING CONSTRAINTS 4.1 4.1.1 Water Resources 4.1 4.1.2 Air Resources 4.2 4.1.3 Aquatic and Marine Ecology .4.2 4.1.4 Terrestri~l Ecology 4.2 4.1.5 Socioeconomic Constraints 4.2 4.2 ENGINEERING SITING CONSTRAINTS 4.3 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 5.1 SUMMARY OF FIRST ORDER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS .5.1 5.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC EFFECTS .5.1 5.2.1 Water Resource Effects .5.1 5.2.2 Air Resource Effects 5.3 5.2.3 Aquatic and Marine Ecosystem Effects .5.3 5.2.4 Terrestrial Ecosystem Effects 5.4 5.2.5 Socioeconomic Effects .5.5 xii .;i.i1 ZJ1J£LllJ !lUU ;11[[.X$1L],,£··1. '" 6.0 INSTITUTIONAL CONSIDERATIONS ·· ···6.1 6 .1 FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS ······../:·6.1 6.2 STATE REQUIREMENTS ····6.2 6.3 LOCAL REQUIREMENTS ·········6.5 7.0 ONGOING PROJECT STUDIES ·········7.1 8.0 REFERENCES · ···8.1 xiii ....... FIGURES 1.1 General Site Plan and Geologic Features • 2.1 Detailed Site Plan 2.2 Project Profile 2.3 Transmission Corridor and Plant Access Roads. 2.4 Powerhouse Plan 2.5 Powerhouse Section 2.6 Project Schedule 2.7 Construction Work Force Requirements 3.1 Cost of Energy Versus Capacity Factor 3.2 Cost of Energy Versus First Year of Commercial Operation . xiv 1.2 2.7 2.9 2.13 2.19 2.21 2.27 2.32 3.5 3.6 1 HI JUi JaL IUd: '" TABLES -------------------..__...._.-.._-------- 2 7 9 13 19 21 27 32 5 ) 2.1 Average Monthly Discharge at Outlet of Lake Chakachamna 2.2 Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Summary of Project Features . 2.3 Project Operation During Average Hydrologic Year 3.1 Bid Line Item Costs for the Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project 3.2 Payout Schedule for the Chakachamna Hydroelectric System 3.3 Year-of-Occurrence Energy Costs 5.1 Primary Environmental Effects. 6.1 Federal Regulatory Requirements 6.2 State Regulatory Requirements. 7.1 Project Development Alternatives xv -@Wtttl'zt-_TSFnt1J7n::lrl.mwprnrrrq r lTt·SPlill;;?"nTllpTTW .;'" .... 1.0 INTRODUCTION The proposed Chakachamna project is a transmountai n di vers i6n and hydro- electric power development project (refer to Figure 1.1).Chakachamna Lake, located about 85 air miles west of the City of Anchorage,would be utilized as a storage reservoir.Water would be conveyed through a pressure tunnel and penstock to a power plant located on the McArthur River at latitude 61~05IN, longitude 152°11 I W.The power output would be transmitted to Anchorage,the principal outlet for the sale of electrical energy to the Railbelt Region. The instal lea capacity of the project would be 480 MW. The advantages of the project may be categorized both generically,as related to hydro power,~nd on a site-specific level.In a generic sense,the pertinent advantages 'of hydro power include zero fuel costs,maturity of tech- nology,simplicity,reliability,and quick responsiveness of the generating equipment.The Chakachamna site is considered to be advantageous from cost, project size and environmental standpoints.A study of alternate non-Susitna hydro generating sources in Alaska identified a total of 91 potential sites. Of the 91 sites,10 were selected for more detailed development and cost esti- mates (Acres American,Inc.1981).From this study,Chakachamna was ranked as having the lowest economic cost of energy,and therefore represents a poten- tially attractive alternative to the Susitna project from an economic stand- point.The prospective size (480 MW installed capacity,1923 GWh average annual energy)is desirable in the context of the existing size of the Railbelt electric power system.The project would be of sufficient size to allow displacement of more expensive thermal generation (especially if the Anchorage-Fairbanks electrical intertie is completed as proposed)yet is not so large as to result in underutilization. Environmentally,the principal impact would be disruption of the flow of the Chakachatna River with resulting impact on the anadromous fishery of this stream.The facility could be operated,however,to maintain streamflow during critical migration periods.As the project is of the lake-tap variety, impacts of reservoir construction would be absent. 1.1 .... \.:....<)/ .:::;""I '-;:"'f'....-.,~'"/{\\'~'f (',o..·.!.'....A C I gR.;;1''::J I \"\6 -....,.)),"';':':'"'"."'...': --;,MOUNT'r .'~,,\~~)'" /'!CY\,.. \/'---'-,.'., ,~,"'-'":\.>r~'0,.,)\.; .'7-',""v '\";"'-~"..:::." 11 l"l .;':')\",,C',"~.'I ;)z :;:1:::;t".~:~\~,,;;'~~,;\),;,.?:.,.A ~"..,~I ,... W.\/.,~~.,j'%'\r ~~,.\.~ .t..,~.i.'--,/'0 ,,-."......'-•~"f ",..'-.,"_r-.....,.....,,'.. /.// J J '\,s I" J ) 06' 5 FIG~RE 1.1.General Site Plan and Geologic Features ,, ) 4+ '., ~:/ I"250, "",J" ,, .5(;A($o p/-'{ ;J -,,''f:>,-', G 11. •.J\) 5 ) z~.? ~ i ,(:';-~::_J),,'-;'J £._ ~~J t-'. N J ... The project site.however.possesses certain disadvantages.Geolog- ically.the Lake Clark-Castle Mountain fault zone.a seismically)active fault. < lies about 11 miles east of Chakachamna Lake (see Figure 1.1)and very close to the site of the proposed powerhouse.This fault may affect the stability of the Chakachamna storage reservoir.especially with regard to the Barrier Glacier ice-moraine dam that forms the downstream boundary of the reservoir. Approximately 5 miles to the northeast of Chakachamna Lake is the 1l.070-foot- high Mount Spurr,an active volcano.Ash falls and mud slides resulting from an eruption of Mount Spurr may seriously impair the operation of the Chakachamna reservoir as well as the integrity of the Barrier Glacier ice-moraine dam.Also,there is uncertainty about the composition of this ice-moraine dam and the possible effect that the proposed reservoir operation might have on future movement of the glacier tongue.especially if it proved to be active at its downstream extremity that presently forms the left bank of the Chakachatna River as it leaves Chakachamna Lake. Logistically.the location of the project presents some further dis- advantages.Due to the remoteness of the project.a considerable amount of road construction and communication and transmission facilities would have to be provided. These disadvantages,.both geologic and logistic,are discussed in more detail in the following sections. As an alternative to the selected transmountain diversion scheme.consid- eration was given to constructing a dam across the Chakachatna River 6 miles below the outlet of Chakachamna Lake,and developing the head along the river itself for power.This alternative was.however.subsequently abandoned becaus~of difficulties associated with constructing the dam.which were recognized during an Ebasco site reconnaissance visit.The foundation.and especially the left abutment geologic conditions.are unfavorable for con- structing a dam anywhere along the upper Chakachatna River.Also,the high seismic design factor due to the close proximity of the Lake Clark-Castle Mountain fault zone may seriously impair the stability of a dam built in this area. .. 1.3 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION .1 2.1 SITE 2.1.1 Geology,Seismology,and Volcanism The water storage reservoir for the project,Chakachamna Lake,is a glacier-formed lake surrounded by mountains that are part of the Alas~a Range near the Cook Inlet Lowlands.The mountains surrounding the lake rise to above 5,000 feet elevation and support many active glaciers,one of which dams the Chakachatna River at the outlet of the lake.The region is both seis- mically and volcanically active,with major northerly-dipping thrust of strike-slip faults paralleling Cook Inlet,and a line of active volcanoes landward of the faults.The dominant geologic features of the site area are as follows: •About 60 miles to the east of Chakachamna Lake,the Lake Clark-Castle Mountain fault zone,a 350=mile-long fault,is known to have offset Holocene sediments,and Recent sediments dated to between 260 and 1800 years ago.This fault passes within approximately 11 miles of Chakachamna Lake and a preliminary estimate of the potential magni- tude of a seismic event along this feature is 7+.The potential for seismic activity generally increases as one proceeds southward along the fault. •An active volcano,Mount Spurr,is located about 5 miles to the northeast of Barrier Glacier.This volcano erupted ash in 1953 and caused a mudslide that temporarily dammed the Chakachatna River 6 miles downstream of the lake outlet.Similar mudflows could conceivably alter the nature of the ice-moraine dam that forms Chakachamna Lake,render inservicable the intake structure to the power tunnel,and otherwise affect the feasibility or useful life of the project. •Lake Chakachamna is formed by a natural dam at its eastern end,con- sisting of glacial morainal deposits from the still active Barrier Glacier.This glacier is an active alpine-type ice stream that 2.1 ... r! II Ii I I I I I I I I I I I 1:1 1 1 'I I I Ii I! _411M3 descends the southwest slope of Mount Spurr and spreads into an expanded fan-shaped tongue for a distance of 2 miles across the Chakachatna River valley.This results in a confinement of nearly a 1 mile reach of the Chakachatna River into a narrow channel at the base of the steep mountainside on the south side of the valley. However,during the last 30 years,evidence points toward a trend of slow recession and shrinkage of the glacier •.The exception to this trend is the advancement of one ice lobe on the glacier that is believed to be the result of Mount Spurr's 1953 eruption.With the development of the Chakachamna powersite and the resulting long periods of lake drawdown,the erosive ~ffects of the existing Chakachatna River on the Barrier Glacier will be diminished.It is believed that this may result in the advancement of Barrier Glacier and closure of the short gap to the ~orth of the mountainside wher~ the river currently flows. Surperficial deposits in this area include gravels,sands,and silts that form river deltas and beach deposits at the entrances of the Nagishlamina, Chilligan,and Neacola Rivers.A large glacial moraine is present at the base of More Glacier.The streams that feed LakeChakachamna are all laden with sediment.The sediment is primarily II rock-flour ll of gl aci al ori gi n,and much of it seems to stay in suspension even after it reaches the calm waters of the lake.There are no firm data available as to the rate of accumulation of sedi- ment in the lake,but the abrupt IIl eve ling off"of the lake bottom at depths below 240 feet is an indication of a considerable-accumulation of sediment. Aerial photographs of this region show a series of parallel lineaments that trend roughly NW-SE.These features are quite evident in the field,and Seem to extend for some distance.They are nearly vertical,and close exami- nation shows severe fracturing and pulverization in the fault or fracture zone.A tunnel from Lake Chakachamna to the McArthur River Valley would roughly parallel the strike of these features. 2.2 L LiLiiLJiiiilJU bUlB:L jJL1LUltlquiU,Qaua_iL,ip!S ._Zl1JrfIrW_rnNrrrrrrnrrrnm!1 rr'i 1mf '7""1 ntt Tunnels and related structures would be excavated in granitic rocks as indicated on existing geologic maps of the region.These maps show that the alignment would cross a zone of contact between granitics of tw;'different periods of intrusion.Older greenstones outcrop directly to the north of Chakachatna River and these same rocks could conceivably outcrop along the tunnel route.Site inspections have shown generally favorable geologic conditions for tunnel portals where steep faces of relatively fresh to~k are exposed.The powerhouse would be located 11 miles south of the lake on the McArthur River,between the floodplain and an active talus slope. 2.1.2 Hydrology The entire drainage area contains lofty,rugged mountains with numerous large glaciers in the valleys and perpetual ice fields in the higher eleva- tions.These glaciers and ice fields comprise 20 percent of the 1,120 square miles of drainage area.Mountain peaks are in the range of 6,000 to 10,000 feet in elevation,with the highest peak being Mount Torbert at ele- vation 10,600.Mount Spurr,an active volcano just outside the drainage area, rises to elevation 11,070 feet.Merrill Pass lies 18 miles to the west of Chakachamna Lake at an elevation of about 3,100 feet. The generally southeastern exposure of the drainage area receives mois- ture from the storms moving inland through Cook Inlet.The principal streams contributing to Chakachamna Lake are the Neacola and Chilligan Rivers,each about 24 miles in length.Other streams include the Nagishlamina and the Igitna.Three of these streams terminate in Kenibuna Lake located directly to the west of Chakachamna Lake.Kenibuna Lake,in turn,empties into Chakachamna Lake.All streams except for the Chilligan River originate in glaciers. The U.S.Geological Survey established a recording stream gaging station on the Chakachatna River at the outlet of the lake on June 14,1959.This station,identified by the U.S.Geological Survey as "Chakachatna River near Tyonek,Alaska,"was in continuous operation until 1972.A tabulation of the monthly historical discharges at this gage is shown in Table 2.1.The average monthly discharge for the 13-year period of record (extending from water year 1960 through water year 1972)is 3651 cfs.The monthly discharges recorded at 2.3 ... ·''.J TABLE 2.1.Average Monthly Di scharge at Out let of Lake Chakachamna (cfs)(a) Water Year Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul ~Sep-- 1960 2022 992 658 504 381 325 250 1483 6368 10500 10300 4364 1961 1800 1116 882 817 780 544 394 876 5673 12090 12330 6989 1962 2638 1200 730 690 630 540 470 620 5222 13000 11060 6904,1963 1827 1144 744 553 387 361 332 748 3441 12640 12240 7737 1964 2768 1384 1007 618 436 424 370 471 6287 10590 12030 5654 N 1965 2026 1090 852 620 449 360 350 525 2117 10020 13810 10260. +>-1966 4072 1180 650 480 400 350 350 615 5995 10040 10310 7145 1967 3790 1100 820 600 500 430 380 935 6616 14380 16610 7333 1968 2939 1565 947 626 535 490 511 1695 6190 12580 12170 4369 1969 1552 939 723 639 550 500 533 1033 6548 13100 8416 3347 1970 3098 1822 1066 705 568 550 625 1285 4893 9960 8884 3587 1971 2201 1247 829 532 467 467 692 2381 10930 14470 16710 4513 1972 1351 902 726 585 484 446 481 906 4294 12860 12750 6995 (a)From USGS Gage No.15294500 -Chakachatna River near Tyonek. -rlr~nT i_rifT?if Inl n neanI, '" this gage have been used as monthly reservoir inflows in the power operation studies for the project and serve as a basis for the estimates of;"power output '"and reservoir fluctuation.As discussed in Section 2.6.2,using the recorded lake discharges to also approximate reservoir inflow values introduces some error into the results of the reservoir operation studies for very wet or dry hydrologic periods.More detailed feasibility analyses should therefore utilize derived reservoir inflows for the power operation studies,computed by adjusting the recorded discharge by the effect of storage in the lake. 2.2 PLANT 2.2.1 Overview Lake Chakachamna would be utilized as the storage reservoir for the project.Water would be conveyed from this reservoir via a 26-foot-diameter, 10.8-mile-long rock tunnel and a 26-foot-diameter vertical shaft,to the steel penstocks,and ultimately to the powerhouse.The powerhouse would be located on the McArthur River,approximately 25 miles upstream of the mouth of the river at Cook Inlet.The average net operating head for the project is estimated to be 867 feet.The major civil works are shown in plan and section in Figures 2.1 and 2.2,respectively.A summary of the principal project features is shown in Table 2.2. The total installed plant capacity of 480 MW would be developed by four 120-MW reaction turbine-generators.The annual firm power output of the project }s estimated to be 1,869,000,000 kilowatt hours. The transmission of power would be over a 23Q-kV double-circuit line, approximately 115 miles in length and terminating at a substation near Anchorage.One transmission corridor alternate as well as the preferred route are shown in Figure 2.3. Due to the remoteness of the project,approximately 40 miles of access roads will be required.The access road layout is also shown in Figure 2.3. 2.5 .. -- 13 ---.-----1---~_4I .. l ;~1 11~ ...'f'.,.~-.<..~~-.W \.-.,I1+--\-.....::-~~--'--~·-V -- \\(i N(f= 20·---- CONTOUR INTERVAL 100 FEET NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 FIGURE 2.1.Detailed Site Plan 2.7 18.5 <p STE EL PE NSTOCK WITH DOUBLE BIFURCATIONS INTO FOUR-8.5-FOOT~ DIAMETER STEEL PENSTOCKS ,/POWERHOUSE EL.I 85:!: ~_.MCARTHUR RIVER26'DIAMETER VERTICAL POWER SHAFT SLOPE261DIAMETERPOWERTUNNEL T~_._.T ~L-i_I..__~--.IT_'_~'---_~ GLACIERS INVERT EL.916 POWER TUNNEL INTAKE-------------------------------------------------------------------------- oo '\t ~Id ~ 5000 -----~I W -------------------------------------7--=;;;;-~--- -I U W~4000 --I j ~I ~------------------------------------------------~ """ex>t-3'W en~wO oc~m~X~WI~~OO--d d~~-----------------~-------------------~~-------~--------------~~--- ~.~~en 4 I ~34W 00~2000-~l g ~I g --~--------------------------------.--------------~..----~I ~--- ~1000 ~k::~GATE SH~:------------.-~.INVERT EL.862 ~ W LAKE CHAKACHAMNA o SCALE HORZ.1"=I MILE VERT.1"=2000' FIGURE 2.2.Project Profile 2.9 " TABLE 2.2.Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Summary of Project Features " Adit Tunnels Power Tunnel Power Shaft Gate Shaft Spi 11 way Tunnel 11,300 lineal feet 30 ft diameter 5 percent steel sets (W 12 x 65) 10 percent shotcreted and rockbolted (10-ft bolts) 57,000 lineal feet 26 ft diameter -circular cross section 10 percent concrete lined (1.5 ft)with steel sets (W 8 x 31 to W10 x 49) 20 percent shotcrete lined (4 in.)and rockbolted (10-ft bolts) 70 percent unlined 685 lineal feet,26 ft diameter 5 percent steel set supported (W 8 x 31) 20 percent rockbolted (10-ft bolts)10 percent shotcreted (4 in.) 500 lineal feet 20 ft diameter concrete lined (1.5 ft)for entire length 13,200 lineal feet 30 ft diameter 10 percent steel sets (W 12 x 65) 20 percent snotcreted (4 in.)over rockbolts (10-ft bolts) 80 percent unlined Surge Tank Steel Penstocks 70 ft diameter,400 ft high 50 percent rockbolted (15 ft bolts) 30 percent 2 ft concrete lined,60 percent unlined 1-18.5 ft diameter,700 lineal feet 4-8.5 ft diameter,100 lineal feet Powerhouse 480 MW installed capacity Francis Turbines 4 -166,000 hp,867 ft net design head Generators 4 -133,300 kVa,300 rpm at 0.9 pf Outside Powerhouse dimensions:width:120 ft length:320 ft hei ght:120 ft Switchyard dimensions:300 ft x 100 ft Tailrace Channel:width =200 ft depth =20 ft length =1000 ft Access Roads:40 miles;2 single span bridges near Lake Chakachamna Transmission Lines:115 miles,230 kV 55 miles of new corridor 60 miles adjacent to existing corridor 2.11 1520 R 15 W .' R.14 IN R.13 W.30'R.12 W.R.II .... .'.i d"-..-_0/=-- ~. .;..,-". R 10W 151" .... . FIGURE 2.3.Transmission Corridor and Plant Access Roads 2.13 "-, 2.2.2 Reservoir The reservoir is anticipated to have a normal maximum wate~iurface elevation of 1127 feet.At this elevation,the length of the lake is about 15 miles and the surface area is 15,250 acres.It is estimated that a total of 4,150,000 acre-feet of volume exists in the lake below elevation 1127.The lowest elevation obtained from soundings is 762 feet.Operation studies indicate that approximately 2,080,000 acre-feet of storage in the lake would be utilized for regulation of power releases. The reservoir would be operated to store as much runoff as possible during the summer months when runoff is high.Regulated flows would be released for power generation throughout the year.Normally,runoff would fill the lake from mid-May to October.Any flood flows would spill from the lake into the Chakachatna River through a natural spillway at elevation 1127 feet.This natural outlet is located at the east end of Lake Chakachamna.Beginning in October the lake would be drawn down gradually during the winter months,reaching minimum elevation in mid-May,when the cycle would start again.The results of reservoir operation studies performed for the project indicate that during an average hydrological year the lake would be drawn down to a minimum level of elevation 1019 in May with the average reservoir level for the entire year being elevation 1076.The minimum reservoir level determined in the operation studies was elevation 968,which occurred only once during the period of hydrologic record. An emergency spillway outlet has been included in the conceptual layout of the project in addition to the natural spillway that presently exists at the east end of Chakachamna Lake.The justification for including the emergency spillway outlet is based on the difficulty of predicting,with certainty,the future movements of the Barrier Glacier,especially when essentially all of the runoff into the lake becomes diverted for the production of power.Significant future glacier movement could cause it to completely seal off the only natural lake outlet.The uncertainties associated with the movements of this glacier and the need for additional studies are discussed in more detail in Section 4.2 of this report. 2.15 1jJ PSg ....1.,,1 1-, !Ifl' 11., II l H, It fl This concern is further emphasized by the USGS-1972 Water Resources Data for Alaska report,which describes the occurrence of a maximum lake discharge of 470,000 cfs.This flow was not measured at the outlet gauge,but was estimated through the observations of high water marks of the flood downstream of the lake.A flood of this magnitude would indicate that at some time in the past the glacier did,in fact,move sufficiently to close off the natural lake outlet.This would have subsequently resulted in a lake buildup that ultimately overtopped and then quickly eroded the glacier. For estimating purposes,a 3D-foot-diameter,2.5-mile-long emergency spillway tunnel located in the right abutment of the lake outlet has been indicated (see Figure 2.1).The actual required diameter may vary somewhat from 30 feet but this would have to be determined through detailed hydrologic studies.This tunnel would have an invert elevation of approximately 1130 at the upstream end and would sl.ope gradually to its outlet on the Chakachatna River.The upstream portal of this tunnel would be located in the steep granite face on the right bank of the outlet,roughly 500 feet south of the natural river channel at the outlet.For estimating purposes,it is assumed that the tunnel would be unlined for approximately 80 percent of its length. A reconnaissance level estimate of the 100-year sediment inflow to the lake has been determined as 1,350,000 acre-feet (USSR 1962).Of this total, only about 70,000 acre-feet would be deposited in the active conservation space.This is roughly three percent of the active storage capacity and is therefore considered insignificant.Also,the annual loss due to evaporation is estimated to be not more than one-half foot for a full reservoir.At elevation 1127 feet this would amount to an insigificant 7250 acre-feet per year,or 0.3 percent of the active storage capacity. The intake structure to the power tunnel would lie within the south bank of Lake Chakachamna,approximately 1 mile west of the lake outlet.This location woulo place the portal within a steep granite slope.During construction,the connection at the intake to th;tunnel would be formed by blasting(~plug of rock.Subsequently,loose rock might be removed from the intake by divers,but a concrete structure would not be built upstream of the gate shaft.The invert (lower lip of intake)would be at an approximate 2.16 m '" elevation of 916 feet.It would be provided with a coarse trashrack~which would be installed by divers.The purpose of this trashrack woul~be to prevent large logs from entering the tunnel. A gate shaft would be located in the power tunnel approximately 500 feet downstream of the intake portal.This gate shaft would rise from the tunnel line to above the water surface of Lake Chakachamna where an entrance structure would be constructed at an elevation of 1400 feet.The shaft would contain two fixed-wheel gates,30 feet high by 13 feet wide.These gates would normally function as remotely controlled service gates and would be used to close the tunnel only for dewatering and inspection.The gates could also be closed by remote control during an emergency. The shaft would also contain auxiliary gates immediately upstream of the intake gates that would be closed during maintenance work on the main intake gate.Finally,the shaft would contain a fine trashrack designed to withhold all debris that may pass the coarse trashrack at the intake. 2.2.3 Tunnel,Surge Tank,and Penstock Plan and section views of the water conductors are shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.2,respectively.Not shown in these figures,but immediately upstream of the surge tank,would be a 10D-foot-long rock trap,formed by deepening the tunnel to create a long shallow basin 3 feet deep.Rock pieces that enter the tunnel would settle into this trap and not be carried into the turbines. As discussed previously,the major portion of the power tunnel would be 26 feet in diameter and 10.8 miles long.The average flow in this main tunnel would be 3650 cfs. From a site reconnaissance level interpretation of geologic conditions, as well as a review of available literature~it is felt that the rock is sufficiently competent to allow the main tunnel to be unlined along most of its route.It is estimated that approximately 10 percent of the tunnel would require a reinforced concrete lining with steel sets.This lining would probably be required at the inlet portal~for short distances along the tunnel and at the tunnel-surge tank intersection.A minimal amount of shotcrete and rockbolting (approximately an additional 20 percent)has also been assumed,to 2.17 __1 _ fa ~. allow for jointing and changes in rock types.Lining and reinforcing at the entrance portal would be accomplished subaqueously. A 70-foot-diameter,40Q-foot-high surge tank would be located at the downstream end of the main tunnel.The assumed lining and support require- ments for the surge tank are shown in Table 2.2. Emerging downwards from the surge tank would be a 26-foot-diameter ver- tical shaft.For estimating purposes,it is assumed that this shaft would be unlined for approximately 90 percent of its length with supports and minimal shotcrete lining as defined in Table 2.2.Lower down,an l8.5-foot-diameter steel penstock would bifurcate into smaller 8.5-foot-diameter penstocks,which would connect to the powerhouse. Construction access to the water conductors would be via the 20-foot- diameter gate shaft,located approximately 500 feet south of the entrance portal,as well as by access from the powerhouse excavation.Additional access would be provided by two construction access tunnels.One access tunnel,6000 feet long,would intersect the main power tunnel approximately 6.7 miles downstream from the inlet portal.A second tunnel,5300 feet long, would provide access to the surge tank from the southeast.These construction features are illustrated in Figure 2.1. 2.2.4 Power Plant The powerhouse would be a semi-outdoor surface installation,located on the north bank of the McArthur River about 25 miles upstream of the mouth of the McArthur River on Cook Inlet.It will set into a side hill excavation and will be anchored to the rock slope to provide additional resistance against seismic forces.The structure would be reinforced concrete,and would be approximately 120 feet wide,320 feet long,and 120 feet high (see Figures 2.4 and 2.5).It would contain four unit bays and a service bay.The unit bays would house four vertical Francis turbines,each with an output of 166,000 horsepower under a net head of 869 feet,resulting in a total installed plant capacity of 480 ,000 kW.The total pl ant di scharge under these conditi ons would be about 7800 cfs.Generators would be umbrella-type,operating ata 2.18 iii"hi .. ~_.,t•.•J.,2•...•1211..a.aIlE.LL.b•..111_.;1I11111IilllLll:'21111bILIU'Ulkl':I",.,.•!._ttJ US 320' PLAN AT EL.~06 ...... -.,. '" DRAFT TUBE ACCESS GALLERY -1.. TYPICAL PLAN AT <t DISTRIBUTOR EL.176 NSTOCKI---i PE i I-J :L I rl- r ,...---........ "-......",",",,"//i '"1--','IT!!,,,----I,, I \ I \ I \,I,I,.in::,fl-,,I I ,.... l- t--I-1--1- L--- I~PLAN AT ACCESS ~GALLERIES ...... -.,. C\l STORAGE ROOM AUXILARY RELAY ROOM 80'J~ I I / \o ",./TURB INE '.... "FLOOR--~EL.189~ PLAN AT.EL.189 . ,I II II II II II I ...... -.., '" -~..l..-.....-~~L.--~"----- DRAFT TUBE ~60' SLOT FIGURE 2.4.Powerhouse Plan 2.19 i ~h 38'-6 3S-6 NORMAL TAILWATER EL.185 ~ ag;::::.....=~==H' EL.244 8-05-0 350t CAPACITY CRANE EL.254 ..c:::::l.[.._,.._--.'----' :36-0 I Id-o 60'-0 ·EL 206.::.:-""-:..,")':~..'/..-.."';.. VALVE PIT ACCESS GALLERY EL.186 SECTION THRU CENTER-LINE OF UNIT NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 2.5.Powerhouse Section 2.21 --~"';;---~-_.._--_..-...._---------------------_..._--------- '" speed of 300 rpm.Turbine shutoff valves (either butterfly or spherical valves)capable of operating under emergency shutdown,would gUffird each unit .." Two main 260 MVA three-phase transformers would transform the voltage from 13 kV to 230 kV transmission voltage.A two bay,one and a half breaker" switchyard,containing six breakers and measuring approximately 300 feet long by 100 feet wide,would be located adjacent to the powerhouse. A tailrace channel with an average width of 200 feet would be excavated to the natural river channel from the downstream end of the powerhouse draft tubes.Draft tube gates would be serviced by a monorail hoist.The average tailwater elevation is estimated to be elevation 185 feet. 2.3 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Previous studies of the Chakachamna project have considered various alternatives for transmission line routes from the powerhouse to Anchorage. The 1962 Bureau of Reclamation Status Report (USBR 1962)on the Chakachamna project proposed 113.5 miles of 230-kV transmission lines with 1.5 miles of submarine cables to be used to cross Cook Inlet near Anchorage.A 138-kV line, presently being upgraded to 230 kV,now exists from Anchorage to the Beluga Station of the Chugach Electric Association.The station is located about 40 miles east of the Chakachamna powerhouse.This transmission line is owned and operated by the Chugach Electric Association.Therefore,only about 55 miles of new transmission line corridor have to be developed to extend from the Chakachamna powerhouse to the Beluga Station.Any additional transmission line required to deliver power from the Chakachamna Project to Anchorage will likely utilize the corridor of the existing Chugach line. Two possible routes (A and B)for the transmission line segment from the Chakachamna power plant to the Beluga Station have been established through an evaluation of topographic and geologic maps of the region.These routes are shown in Figure 2.3.Route A is slightly longer than Route B by about 2 miles;however,foundation conditions appear to be more favorable for the longer Route A and therefore Route A is recommended. 2.23 !~;'. If l ~l, Basically,an overhead line will start in the switchyard close to the powerhouse and head eastward just above the flood plain of the McArthur River for approximately 7 miles.At this point Routes A and B differ.Route A turns in a northerly direction for 2 miles,paralleling the eastern edge of the Tordrillo Mountains before heading north eastward 5 miles to a crossing of the Chakachatna River.Route B takes a more direct path to the Chakachatna River,approximately 6 miles across low lands and swampy terrain.The pre- ferred transmission corridor (Route A)will closely parallel the plant access road right-of-way,as shown in Figure 2.3. The transmission lines will then cross the Chakachatna River near its con- fluence with Straight Creek.The crossing will be above ground and in close proximity with an existing access road bridge crossing.From the Chakachatna River crossing the transmission corridor will parallel an existing road for approximately 40 miles to the Beluga Station. Selection of transmission line structures is based on strength require- ments,terrain,and visual appearance.Towers and angle structures will be composed of tubular steel-guyed columns,60 to 90 feet high and pin-connected to the foundation.These structures combine the necessary strength with an inconspicuous appearance and will be economical to construct in rugged terrain due to their unique anchoring methods.The ruling span for most of the line would be 1000 feet.Approximately 10 percent of the structures will be founded on rock and will require anchors to accommodate the uplift forces. Ninety percent of the towers will be founded on deep soil deposits possessing an active freeze-thaw zone.Steel H-pile foundations will be required for these soil-supported structures. ~.4 SITE SERVICES Site access will consist of an access road to the powerhouse as well as an access road to the power tunnel intake (see Figure 2.3).A total of about 40 miles of road will be required to connect the site facilities with an existing road crossing the Chakachatna River at its confluence with Straight Creek.No pipeline,air,or waterway access will be required.During constru9tion,electric power will be brought into the site from the nearby 2.24 .... Beluga Station.Living facilities during construction will be provided by either a trailer park-type arrangement,or by temporary housing at ~he powerhouse location and tunnel inlet. 2.5 CONSTRUCTION 2.5.1 General Construction MethodS The feature of primary importance and uniqueness,from a construction point of view,is the 10.8-mile-long power tunnel.For the purpose of this project evaluation,it is assumed that the tunnel will be excavated using two tunnel-boring machines (TBMs),each working 3 shifts per day.It is felt that this will result in the most expeditious performance of the work while minimizing tunnel lining requirements,tunnel diameter,work crews,and excavation spoil. Both TBMs will start from the central construction adit (see Figure 2.1) and excavate in opposite directions towards the ends of the tunnel.The upstream machine will excavate to within approximately 50 feet of the tunnel outlet and then be dismantled in the tunnel.It would subsequently be removed via the gate shaft shown in Figure 2.1.The tunnel will have to be locally widened in the area where the machine is to be dismantled to provide access. The last upstream 50 feet of the tunnel will be excavated by conventional drilling and blasting after the entire tunnel is completed and the powerhouse is nearly complete. The second TBMwill work downstream towards the surge tank.It would subsequently be removed from the tunnel via the access adit that enters the surge tank area shown in Figure 2.1. All other rock excavation,e.g.,for the surge tank,vertical shaft, penstocks,emergency spillway,and bifurcations,as well as the powerhouse and tailrace open cuts,and all construction adits,will be performed using conventional drilling and blasting methods.It is envisioned that this additional excavation (with the exception of the central adit)will be performed concurrently with the main tunnel excavation. 2.25 itf. i;~ i~ f \J' the The powerhouse will be conventional in size and location,and should therefore not require any unusual construction methods or techniques.The only special consideration is the harsh winter climate,which will shorten powerhouse construction year by approximately 4 months,particularly during its earlier stages of construction.To compensate for this,extended work shifts may be utilized in the summer months. The transmission corridor is quite lengthy,utilization of the existing Beluga corridor notwithstanding.In excess of 100 miles of transmission lines will have to be provided;however,access will not be a problem.The corridor will parallel existing or newly constructed roads.It is estimated that several work crews can be utilized concurrently to erect the transmission facilities from several locations. 2.5.2 Construction Schedule A complete project schedule from preliminary field studies through licensing,design,construction,startup testing,and commercial operation is presented in Figure 2.6.The schedule is broken down by major project activities versus calendar months;month zero representing July 1 of the base year. From the start of work authorization at month zero it is estimated that approximately 18 months will be required to perform the preliminary field and office work necessary to support the conceptual engineering and licensing efforts.Part of this work will consist of performing field surveying and mapping,as well as preliminary geotechnical,hydrologic,and environmental studies.These efforts will utilize existing published information,as well as data gathered through preliminary-level field work. Conceptual engineering will be performed concurrently with the field studies and will identify and evaluate possible alternative project layouts and features that best util ize the water resources in the Chakachatna River drainage basin.Power production analyses will consider a range of operational alternatives and installed capacities to define an optimal plant size and operation scheme.The selected plant size and operation scheme will maximize pow~r output benefits and also incorporate any identified 2.26 .li i laliiiB llUlldii!ittJC22i!!L i.JJUL lULl::H LUCU2iiJ Ljj;: o JUL I -\-JAN I---.- ---CALENDAR YEARS I I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I a I 9 I 10 ---CALENDAR MONTHS----0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 12 WORK ACTIVITY , I PRE CONSTRUCTION FIELD I STUDIES SURVEYING a MAPPING GEOTECHNICAL'(PRELIMINARY) ENVIRONMENTAL'(PRELIMINARY) HYDROLOGIC STUDIES I--- CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING -Review of License Application •IT LICENSING ~--------------------- ill DESIGN A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING·(FINAL) DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS !- nt PROCUREMENT -J GENERATING EQUIPMENT « ~-0 y.CONSTRUCTION -t( ACCESS ROADS a::: I w ACCESS ADITS FOR TUNNEL a. CONSTRUCTION I I 0 TUNNEL a SURGE TANK EXCAVATION POWERHOUSE AND PENSTOCK EXCAVATION IPENSTOCKS POWERHOUSE -r I SWITCHYARD I TRANSMISSION LINES - :2I START UP AND TESTING FIGURE 2.6.Project Schedule 2.27 am '" environmental constraints on project operation (e.g.,restrictions on drawdown of Lake Chakachamna,instream flow requirements in the Chakachatn~river,and restrictions to fluctuations in plant discharge into the McArthur River). Included in this level of engineering will be a more detailed development of transmission line routes,with emphasis given to routing the line clear of as many natural hazards as possible. The above IS-month effort will terminate with the preparation and sub- mittal of the necessary documentation for a FERC license application.For schedule estimating purposes,it is assumed that 2 years will be required for processing of the license application by the FERC.(If significant opposition to the project materializes the licensing phase may extend to as many as 4 years). Upon submittal of the FERC license application,detailed design will commence for the power plant and conveyance systems.This will also include design of the structures and the mechanical,electrical and control systems, as well as provision of support services to assure that the work is performed with appropriate management controls and that materials are available to sup- port project schedules.Specifically,this work will include the following: •Preparation of detailed design criteri a for use in the development of project design drawings.Design drawings will accommodate all of the construction-related activities required by the project.This includes solicitation of bids for services,construction and erec- tion activities as well as actual construction of the tunnel,power- house,and transmission facilities.In addition to the detailed design drawings,the architect/engineer will prepare bills of material for supply of miscellaneous electrical,mechanical,and civil materials. •Performance of engineering calculations required for preparation of drawings,specifications,and other pertinent data used in the design of the project,consistent with the requirements of regulatory bodies and design codes and standards. 2.29 -I'Ir .1 ,II j! j j IiiII I I·I~ ...... M •Preparation of technical specifications in sufficient detail to allow for project procurement and/or construction. •Review of vendor documents and drawings for conformance to architect- engineer (AE)-prepared specifications and for confirmation of phys- ical interfaces with related systems. •Establishment of quality assurance requirements based on the detailed design developed on the basis of the project description,performance calculations,as well as on information provided by vendors and con- tractors.These requirements will serve as a basis for construction and for erection of structures,for procurement,and for installa- tion,testing and operation of equipment. It is estimated that 2 years will be required to carry out these design efforts from the time of formal receipt of the FERC license. Procurement activities will run concurrently with detailed design and will consist of the following: •Preparation of bid documents and evaluation of bids. •Monitoring and control of procurement contracts. •Vendor quality assurance services to assure that purchased items are supplied in accordance with the requirements of applicable procure- ment documents. •Expediting services to assure the timely arrival of purchased items at the site. Construction activities will commence in the summer about midway through the design period and will consist of the start of access road construction, connecting the site with the Chakachatna River crossing.It is estimated that construction of the entire project can be accomplished in about 5 years from the start of access road construction.As shown on the project schedule (Figure 2.6},this estimate is based on the yearly cessation of outdoor con- struction activities for a 3-to 4-month period during the winter months. 2.30 ---------_._--_..,-,._.."._,....••I~~.-7"'1 ""- Indoor activities such as tunnel and penstock construction will,however,be performed throughout the year.'\~ As discussed previously,the long tunnel is a unique construction feature of the project and could be a critical path item in the construction of the entire project.Therefore,it is assumed that work on the tunnel will be performed year-round,three shifts per day using two tunnel-boring machines simu1tanteous1y.Due to the length of the transmission line,it is also assumed that work will proceed on it from several locations simultaneously. Startup testing of all major equipment and auxiliary appurtenances will be performed before commercial acceptance.This testing will start during the last year of powerhouse construction and will continue for a period of approximately 4 months after construction has been completed. The total design and construction period including preconstruction fie1a studies,design,licensing,construction and startup would be approximately 9~1/2 years.A mid-1982 authorization to proceed(a)wou1a result in a fully operational facility about the end of 1991. 2.5.3 Construction Work Force The number of workers necessary for construction of the project will vary over the approximate 5-year construction period.The distribution of this work force over the schedule is shown in Figure 2.7.Construction is estimated to peak near the end of year 3,requiring a work force of approximately 1220 personnel. 2.6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 2.6.1 General Operating Procedures The Chakachamna project will be operated as a conventional hydroelectric facility,with releases being made through the power plant on a daily basis as required to meet load demands.The project will ordinarily operate 24 hours a day,with the greatest release being made during daytime periods of peak load.During off-peak periods,the plant discharge will vary depending on (a)Used as a basis for comparison in this series of studies. 2.31 Ali £_. 50 I?()O So 1100 54 /(){)(} S(} fa1 50 8f}O SO ~7(x)~50 ~'00 ~SO~.1'00 ~So -I(JO so Joo 50 2 O-+--r-T"""""~""""""T'....,..-r-~"""-~T""""'"1r--T--r---.-...,.--r--r-T""""'"1r--T-..,......,.....,.--r-.....-..-......,---r...l-- ~24~8MMU~~.nU~~.nUUM.Mu~n~Q~Q~U MONTHS NOTE:Oo~s not include v,,,dor pe,..so~",,~1-o,wner personAe/,A-£~Ag/nt!"erS'. or rro/1.S"mi,ssion Iti?e cansfrwt:f!o/7 l'e/'sOA/le//ocafec'af ..sife. FIGURE 2.7.Construction Work Force Requirements local characteristics but will never fall below a minimum discharge require- ment.The reservoir level would vary on a seasonal basis as a function of load characteristics and availab1e streamflow.The details of the operating characteristics are discussed in greater detail below. 2.6.2 Operating Parameters Forced Outage Rate The estimated forced outage rate for the project is 1 percent. Scheduled Outage Rate The s~Heduled outage rate for the plant is estimated to be an average of 5 days per year per unit over the life of the project. 2.32 iEtJjjj .&!!L ....jj t h1 11I11I iLl tUX 21JLLJiiii!liJUSSi 11 ~. Power Output and Project Operat i onCharacteri sti cs A hydropower simulation study was performed for:the Chakachamna project by Acres American,Inc.(1981).This study involved utilization of a reservoir and power plant simulation model that simulated the operation of the project on a monthly basis for the 13-year period of hydrologic record.The results of this study were obtained from Acres and reviewed by Ebasco.To provide an independent check to the Acres study,Ebasco performed a similar operation study using the 13-year record of streamflow at the lake outlet as inflow.As discussed below,the assumption will introduce some error into certain study results.Several parameters used in Ebasco's simulation study were obtained directly from the Acres study.These include storage-elevation data,maximum and minimum operating storages,average tailwater level,minimum powerhouse release requirements,monthly demands,load factor,the discharge coefficient,and average overall efficiency.The results of Ebasco's operation study have been utilized herein as a basis for estimating the power output and operation characteristics of the project. During an average hydrologic year,the reservoir level will vary between the normal maximum level of elevation 1127 feet and a minimum of elevation 1019 feet,with the average reservoir level being elevation 1076 feet.The estimated average tailwater level at the McArthur River of the powerhouse site is elevation 185 feet.The resulting average net power level (including allowance for friction losses in power conduit)is estimated to be 867 feet. Table 2.3 represents the estimated operational characteristics of the project during an average hydrologic year,showing the anticipated monthly values of generation and reservoir level.These values are obtained from the results of Ebasco's simulation study for the period of hydrologic record.The estimated average annual energy production from the project is 1,892 GWh,which corresponds to an annual plant factor of 45 percent.The firm annual energy is estimated to be 1,869 GWh. It should be noted that utilization of the recorded outflows at Lake Chakachamna as inflows into the reservoir in the operation studies will result in some error,because the recorded outflows are subject to the natural regulatory effect of the lake.Utilizing t~e recorded outflows as inflows in 2.33 & TABLE 2.3.Project Operation During Average Hydrologic Year Average Month ly Average End-of-Month Energy Generation Reservoir Elevation Month (GWh)(ft) October 166 1112 November 184 1102 December 207 1088 January 191 1075 February 163 1062 March 162 1047 Apri 1 140 1032 May 133 1019 June 124 1034 July 126 1075 August 137 1108 September 159 1116 Annual Average 1892 1076 the operation study will admittedly have negligible effect on the estimate of average annual energy,but the firm energy will tend to be overstated,since the actual inflows during the driest year of record would be less than the outflows recorded at the outlet of the lake.Therefore,the actual firm energy available from the project would be less than the 1,869 GWh obtained from the operation studies.Any further operation studies should use reservoir inflows that have been computed by adjusting the recorded outflows for the effect of storage in the lake. The plant discharge into the McArthur River will vary from a maximum of approximately 8,100 cfs,under conditions of maximum reservoir level and power output,to a minimum of 1000 cfs during offpeak hours.The naturally occurring discharges from Lake Chakachamna into the Chakachatna River will be ,essentially eliminated. 2.34 tLXii .J 2 LtJ.Jl i LJ12iLL JJ2L2iiJU£L:"UJJliitJii$i USJlIIbSd22LnUS:dllUlU_·Uea '" It should be noted that the simulation study results described above are based on the assumption that all of the available inflow into Ch~k'achamna Lake would be diverted to the powerhouse on the McArthur River,with no downstream fish release being provided in the Chakachatna River below the lake.This,of course,represents the most optimistic assumption regarding available flows for power generation.If a fishery maintenance release were provided in the Chakachatna River downstream of Chakachamna Lake,both the firm ana average annual energy production from the project would be reduced.Whether the proj- ect would be feasible with a .fish release requirement can only be evaluated by estimating the power output and resulting cost of power associated with the selected fish release schedule.The project construction cost estimate for such a scheme would have to include an allowance for flow control facilities at the outlet of Chakachamna Lake that would be capable of reliably releasing the desired amount of water. 2.6.3 Project Life The economic life of the project is considered to be 50 years. 2.6.4 Operating Work Force and General Maintenance Requirements It is anticipated that the Chakachamna project will be a remote- controlled facility and will not require resident operating personnel.Daily trips will,however,be made to the plant to perform routine maintenance and inspection.These inspections could be performed by one or two operators. Major overhauls and maintenance work will ordinarily be performed on an annual basis by a larger crew. Although the presence of rock flour in the reservoir water may cause some additional wear to the turbine parts,major components of the generating machinery are not expected to need replacement during the life of the proj- ect.Repairs to the runner blades are likely and certain parts of the turbine may have to be replaced during the turbine life,such as bearings, wicket gates,wear rings,and face plates.Generator bearings and windings are other items that may have to be replaced during the plant life.In addition,many pieces of auxiliary or supporting equipment may have to be replaced at least once during the project life.As frequently is the case, 2.35 ~:rrj __.1 .4 'r' this may,however,be caused by the equipment item having become obsolete and replacement parts not being available.Replacement is then often less costly than fabricating special parts. 2.36 tnlPI·nrm 'rrrn;··'-I ..... 3.0 COST ESTIMATES ,} -....,: 3.1 CAPITAL COSTS 3.1.1 Construction Costs Construction costs have been developed for the major bid line items com- mon to hydroelectric power plants.These line item costs have been broken down into the following categories:labor and insurance,construction sup- plies,equipment repair and labor,equipment rental,permanent materials,and subcontracts.Results of this analysis are presented in Table 3.1.Total overnight construction cost is estimated to be $1,010 million.(a)The equiva- lent unit capital cost is ~2104 per kilowatt. 3.1.2 Payout Schedule A payout schedule has been developed for the entire project and is pre- sented in Table 3.2.The payout schedule was based on a 60-month basis from start of project construction to completion. 3.1.3 Escalation Estimates of real escalation in capital costs for the plant are presented below.These estimates were developed from projected total escalation rates (a)January 1982 dollars,not including land or land rights,owner's costs or transmission costs beyond the switchyard. 3.1 ·n: "TABLE 3.1.Bid Line Item Costs for Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project{a) (January 1982 Dollars) Construction Equi pment Labor and Construction Repair Equipment Permanent Sub-Total Bid Line Item Insurance Supplies Labor Rent Materials Contracts Di rect Cost 1.'Improvements to Site 224.800 11,300 232,500 173,300 6,900 648,800 2.Earthwork and Piling 67,632,100 35,994,400 21,749,000 56,307,000 160,256,100 680,000 342,618,600 3.Concrete 29,666,200 1,201,900 4,621,900 2,973,300 17,864,400 56,327,700 4.Structural Steel and Lift Equipment 2,238,200 348,500 97,400 925,400 10,985,000 14,594,500,5.Bui ldi ngs 263,400 28,800 12,000 477 ,000 781,200 6.Turbine Generator 6,684,000 46,000 20,000 62,000,000 68,750,000 7.Other Mechanical Equipment 362,600 23,000 9,000 1,175,000 1,569,600 8.Pi pi ng 1,966,200 40,300 20,000 3,000,000 5,026,500 9.Instrumentation 93,500 3,500 1,500 100,000 198,500 10.Electrical Equipment 2,803,600 40,300 30,000 4,500,000 7,373,900 w 11.Painting 201,200 17 ,300 10,000 125,000 353,500. N 12.Off-Site Facilities 9,227,700 834,700 15,500,700 11,654,600 2,438,200 39,655,900 13.Substation 670,700 23,000 15,000 2,100,000 2,808,700 14.Const ruct i on Camp Expenses 9,791,400 36,700,700 46,492,100 15.Indirect Construction Costs a~d Architect/Engineer Services(b 134,277,800 22,730,500 5,201,100 2,723,000 ---164,932,400 SUBTOTAL 266,103,400 98,044,200 47,402,600 74,874,100 265,027,600 680,000 752,131,900 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 129,000,000 Contingencies 129,000,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST 1,010,131,900 (a)The project cost estimate was developed by S.J.Groves and Sons Company.No allowance haS been made for land and land rights,client charges (owner'S administration),taxes,interest during construction or transmission costs beyond the substation and switchyard. (b)Includes :i98,OOO,OOO for en9ineering services and :i66,932,400 for other indirect costs including construction equipment and tools'; construction related buildings and services,nonmanual staff salaries,and craft payroll related costs. ·""•.,i,WI r··1m',.r ····;i 7n Ii!IInns 1r -• '" .J TABLE 3.2.Payout Schedule for Chakachamna Hydroelectric System (January 1982 dollars) ".;j' Month l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4!. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 5!. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Cost per Month, Dollars 8,165,100 8,165,100 10,447,900 10,447,900 10,447,900 10,447,900 10,447,900 10,447 ;900 8,165,100 8,165,100 8,165,100 8,165,100 8,165,100 11,498,900 11,498,900 11,498,900 11,498,900 11,498,900 11,498,900 11,498,900 11,498,900 11,498,900 8,165,100 8,165,100 8,165,100 13,714,100 13,714,100 13,714,100 13,478,800 13,478,800 13,478,800 13,478,800 13,478,800 15,316,400 13,145,000 25,570,100 22,427,800 24,082,900 24,082,900 31,490,600 34,680,400 35,262,800 35,262,800 35,262,800 31,859,100 36,715,500 31,870,500 32,261,800 17,572,800 21,170,800 21,170,800 21,170,800 21,170,800 20,230,600 20,230,600 20,692,100 18,463,400 18,463,400 14,791,700 9,347,900 3.3 Cuinul at;ve Cost, Dollars 8,165,100 16,330,200 26,778,100 37,226,000 47,673,900 58,121,800 68,569,700 79,017,600 87,182,700 95,347,800 103,512,900 111,678,000 119,843,100 131,342,000 142,840,900 154,339,800 165,838,700 177,337,600 188,836,500 200,335,400 211,834,300 223,333,200 231,498,300 239,663,400 247,828,500 261,542,600 275,256,700 288,970,800 302,449,600 315,928,400 329,407,200 342,886,000 356,364,800 371,681,200 384,826,200 410,396,300 432,824,100 456,907,000 480,989,900 512,480,500 547,160,900 582,423,700 617,686,500 652,949,300 684,808,400 721,523,900 753,394,400 785,656,200 803,229,000 824,399,800 845,570,600 866,741,400 887,912,200 908,142,800 928,373,400 949,065,500 967,528,900 985,992,300 1,000,784,000 1,010,131,900 ~j; (including inflation)and subtracting a Gross National Product deflator series which is a measure of inflation. 3.2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Estimated real escalation of operation and maintenance costs is as follows: Escal at ion Year (Percent) 1981 1.5 1982 1.5 1983 1.6 1984 1.6 1985 1.7 1986 1.8 1987 1.8 1988 2.0 1989 2.0 1990 2.0 1991 2.0 3.3 COST OF ENERGY The estimated busbar energy cost for the Chakachamna hydroelectric proj- ect is 25.5 mills per kilowatt-hour.This is a levelized lifetime cost,in January 1982 dollars,assuming a 1991 first year of commercial operation and full utilization of the average annual power output of the facility.Esti- mated busbar energy costs for lower capacity factors and other startup dates are shown in Figures 3.~and 3.2.First and subsequent year energy costs and capital a'1d:'O&M cost components are shown in Table 3.3.Year-of-occurrence 3.4 "'II JXj i;.d!bid iii !bILl J iLLJ ".'..;'...,.,..U parn TEH --J ... 100 60 40 20 ~i j oJ: ~I-!! Os 80-.... IIIo U > (.:J 0::w Zw 0::« CO III ;:) CO Cl W N ...J W>W ...J Cl W....« :2 .... III W o o 20 40 6~ CAPACITY FACTOR (%l 80 100 FIGURE 3.1.Cost of Energy Versus Capacity Factor (January 1982 dollars) costs are essentially flat over the economic lifetime of the facility,since O&M costs represent a small portion of the total costs. These costs are based on the following financial parameters: Debt Financing Equity Financing Interest on Debt Federal Taxes State Taxes Bond Life General Inflation 100% 0% 3% None None 50 years 0% 3.5 .-- 100 60 I-- 80 I-- 40 r-- FIGURE 3.2.Cost of Energy Versus First Year of Commercial Operation (January 1982 dollars) 2005 I 2000 I 1995 YEAR OF FIRST COMMERCIAL OPERATION I 1990 o 20 f-- .- .I:. ==,:,t,--~ 's J- til 0 U > t.:lc::wzw c:: e:( OJ til ~ al Cl W N ...J W>W ...J Clw l- e:( :;; ~J- til W ~ I i~ "~ ) The escalation factors given in Section 3.1 were employed.Weighted average capital cost escalation factors were derived using a labor/material ratio of 30 percent/lO percent. 3.6 1Nt1l1:1II:1I:•._m.iJ••:.aZII,IIJII,,"o,lItll,_til'.'.L.":lIli,II,JII"IILL.L.UlilUI.iLI,lIIJ.allll.LIJIilLI.••t.U.X.ki.lIU22,.........--. r t1r nT1CmnnrWTrin r T 7ti ·7 •••••I • j '" TABLE 3.3.Year-of-Occurrence Energy Costs (January 1982 dollars) ~< Unit Unit Un it'! Capi ta 1 Costs O&M Costs Total Costs Year (mi 11 sl kWh)(mill s/kWh)(mills/kWh)(a) 1991 23.8 1.1 25.0 1992 23.8 1.2 25.0 1993 23.8 1.2 25.0 1994 23.8 1.2 25.0 1995 23.8 1.2 25.1 1996 23.8 1.3 25.1 1997 23.8 1.3 25.1 1998 23.8 1.3 25.1 1999 23.8 1.3 25.2 2000 23.8 1.4 25.2 2001 23.8 1.4 25.2 2002 23.8 1.4 25.2 2003 23.8 1.4 25.3 2004 23.8 1.5 25.3 2005 23.8 1.5 25.3 2006 23.8 1.5 25.4 2007 23.8 1.6 25.4 2008 23.8 1.6 25.4 2009 23.8 1.6 25.5 2010 23.8 1.6 25.5 2011 23.8 1.7 25.5 2012 23.8 1.7 25.6 2013 23.8 1.8 25.6 2014 23.8 1.8 25.6 2015 23.8 1.8 25.7 2016 23.8 1.9 25.7 2017 23.8 1.9 25.7 2018 23.8 1.9 25.8 2019 23.8 2.0 25.8 2020 23.8 2.0 25.8 2021 23.8 2.1 25.9 2022 23.8 2.1 25.9 2023 23.8 2.1 26.0 2024 23.8 2.2 26.0 2025 23.8 2.2 26.1 2026 23.8 2.3 26.1 2027 23.8 2.3 26.1 2028 23.8 2.4 26.2 2029 23.8 2.4 26.2 2030 23.8 2.4 26.3 2031 23.8 2.5 26.3 2032 23.8 2.5 26.4 2033 23.8 2.6 26.4 2034 23.8 2.7 26.5 2035 23.8 2.7 26.5 2036 23.8 2.8 26.6 2037 23.8 2.8 26.7 2038 23.8 2.9 26.7 2039 23.8 2.9 26.8 2040 23.8 3.0 26.8 (a)Rounding errors may be present. 3.7 SlTTT!r u -..,--.I 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING SITING CONSTRAINTS ''rC' Council of Environmental Quality regulations implemented pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 require that an environmental impact statement be prepared for projects requiring licensing by a federal agency. The statement must include a discussion and evaluation of alternatives to the proposed action.This requirement is usually satisfied for hydroelectric projects through the evaluation of alternative sites (projects)and possibly through the evaluation of other energy-generating technologies.The purpose of such a siting study is to identify a preferred project and possibly viable alternative projects to supply the required amount of power.This process can contribute to reductions in project costs,through analysis of environmental and engineering siting considerations. This section presents many of the constraints that will be evaluated dur- ing a siting study.Special attention is given to the applicability of these constraints to the location considered in this study.It should be realized that many of the constraints placed upon the development of a hydroelectric plant are regulatory in nature and therefore the discussion presented in this section is complemented by the identification of power plant licensing requirements presented in Section 6.0. 4.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SITING CONSTRAINTS 4.1.1 Water Resources Water resource siting constraints generally center about two topics: water availability and water quality.With a hydroelectric project,there are additional locational constraints placed upon the water resource,e.g.,loca- tional suitability of the reservoir formed by the project.The Chakachamna project presents a variation in that a natural reservoir (lake)already exists, and evaluations would need to be made on impacts from changes on lake level to the local hydrology. The dewatering of the upper portion of the Chakachatna River may preclude the project development unless this environmental cost is deemed acceptable. Alternatively,controlled discharges could be made to the Chakachatna River to 4.1 p support the anadromous fishery.The tailrace discharges to the McArthur may result in water changes to this river system,which again would need considered in a feasibility study. 4.1.2 Air Resources River to be There will be no major environmental impact or siting constraints relat- ing to air resources. 4.1.3 Aquatic and Marine Ecology A detailed inventory of the aquatic species and habitat characteristics present in Lake Chakachamna,the Chakachatna River,and the McArthur River will need to be performed,with emphasis on andromous fish,significant benthos,and aquatic vegetation-supporting terrestrial life.Changes in the populations of these species due to the drastic changes in the hydraulic regimes must be estimated and weighed in the feasibility study,to ascertain if the project benefits outweigh potential environmental costs. 4.1.4 Terrestrial Ecology Since habitat loss is generally considered to represent the most signifi- cant impact on wildlife,the prime study activity regarding terrestrial ecology will be an identification of important wildlife areas,especially critical habitat of threatened or endangered species.Based upon this inventory,exclu~ sion,avoidance and preference areas for tunnel access points,access roads, and other components that do not require a specific location should be deline- atea and factored into the overall plant component siting process.Habitat losses due to the anticipated changes in river morphology for such important species as moose,caribou,and black bear need identification and evaluation in the feasibility study. 4.1.5 Socioeconomic Constraints Major socioeconomic constraints center about potential land use conflicts, and community and regional socioeconomic impacts associated with project activ- .ities.Potential exclusionary land uses will include lands set aside for public purposes,areas protected and preserved by legislation (federal,state 4.2 $j.k2ill.)j~!Ud~ tlttli 11 "enor,I!II '-pm r Tn n rrn;lin Itt l'ppm •-J or local laws),areas related to national defense,areas in which a hydroelec- tric installation might preclude or not be compatible with local;activities i/- (e.g.,urban areas or Indian reservations),or those areas presenting safety considerations (e.g.,aircraft facilities).Avoidance areas will generally include areas of proven archeological or historical importance not under legislative protection,and prime agricultural areas. Regarding other socioeconomic concerns,minimization of the boom/bust cycle will be a prime criterion.Through the appl ication of criteri a per- taining to community housing,population,infrastructure and labor force,this important consideration should be evaluated anu preferred mitigative measures identified.Because the potential power plant area is a remote site and will likely cause significant boom/bust-related impacts on nearby small population communities (i.e.,Tyonek),socioeconomic criteria will be heavily weighted in the overall site evaluation process. 4.2 ENGINEERING SITING CONSTRAINTS The Chakachamna site has some characteristics that could constrain the development of the project.These include seismic,volcanic,glacial,and hydrologic aspects. The Lake Clark-Castle Mountain fault passes within 11 miles of the site and is known to have been an earthquake generator.It is estimated that a potential magnitude-seven earthquake can occur along this feature.An earth- quake of this size can be adequately designed for but will require more costly and massive structures.Such an earthquake might also affect the stability of the Barrier Glacier that forms Chakachamna Lake.This could cause a potential hazard downstream of the project. The close proximity of the Lake Clark-Castle Mountain fault to the site increases the possibility that other faults may be present along the route of the power tunnel.To verify the existence of any such faulting,an aero- magnetic survey should be conducted along the power tunnel alignment.The survey should cover a distance of at least 5 miles outward along each side of the alignment.The results of the survey would be interpreted to yield magnetic contours to delineate the configuration of the various granitic rock 4.3 .. formations along the tunnel route,as well as overburden thickness.The presence of faulting (if any)would then be determined and subsequently confirmed by local seismic refraction surveys. Any faults confirmed would then be studied for capability by performing mineralogical dating studies at a surface expression of the faults.An alternative to the dating study is to assume that any faulting along the tunnel alignment is capable and then to statistically determine,through correlations with the Lake Clark-Castle Mountain fault movements and with area seismicity,when the next movement along the fault could be anticipated. Seismicity associated with this movement would also be determined. Based on information currently available,it is felt that the presence of faulting along the tunnel alignment should not alone preclude the feasibility of the project.Seismic loading to the project facilities caused by this movement could be incorporated into the design.Physical constrictions in the tunnel that might develop due to movements along the fault could,if significant enough,be repaired locally.Typically,however,movements and offsets in tunnels traversing areas of high seismicity and faulting are small. Mudslides,glowing avalanches (gases and solids flowing together in a liquid),and ash falls from an eruption of the active Mount Spurr volcano might similarly affect the stability of the Barrier Glacier,as well as the operation of the power tunnel intake and any lake outlet structure/emergency spillway that is provided.Mt.Spurr has a history of active ash eruptions, with the most recent occurring in'1953.The 1953 eruption caused mUdslides that temporarily dammed the Chakachatna River for a length of several miles below Barrier Glacier.Ash falls can also be quite disruptive to the operation of the switchyard and transmission lines,causing pole fires, flashovers,and on occasion,trip-outs.Trip-outs,however,are more predominant in non-vertical insulator arrangements. Design precautions may be taken to mitigate some of the effects that volcanic activity may have on the project.A potential ash fall depth should be considered as an added.normal live load for the design of the powerhouse and any othe.,r"plant facilities.Openings to the powerhouse should be kept to 4.4 .. '" a minimum.Since the facility would be remote-controlled,no win.dows should be provided.Equipment at the intake gate should be completely enclQ~ed. Also,protective measures should be made available for workers at th"e site (e.g,protective masks,air packs,etc.). Specifications for the generating equipment should include requirements for extra-durable runner and wicket gate seals.This will extend the life of the seals against the errosive effects of volcanic ash suspended in the water.In addition,special water filters should be provided for the unit bearing lubrication systems to assure that this water remains clear. The electrical transmission equipment will require special protective features,especially since volcanic ash may contain chemical components that, when in contact with water,will cause conducting films on the insulator surfaces.Therefore,insulators will have to be selected that have increased breakage distances and special anti-pollution shapes.In areas where ash buildup is likely to be high,which may include the switchyard and portions of the transmission line,additional preventative measures would have to be provided.Such measures include periodic lubrication of the insulators with silicone,hot-line washing of the insulators using a mobile hot-line washing truck (in the sWitchyard only)and,where acceptable,de-energized washing of insulators. Mudslides and glowing avalanches previously mentioned should not affect the powerhouse area due to the protective topography between Mt.Spurr and the site.These events could,however,greatly affect Chakachamna Lake,its outlet,and the power intake.The potential of a mudslide and/or glowing avalanche filling a portion of Chakachamna Lake and inundating its outlet and/or intake would have to be studied in detail.If these occurrences proved highly probable,the entire lake-tap design concept,as it presently exists, would have to be modified.A relocation of the intake structure several miles to the west,and a corresponding increase in the tunnel length could be required.If these events are significant enough to close the lake outlet,a temporary outlet would have to be provided by channeling or some other means until the existing outlet is reopened,or a new outlet constructed. 4.5 't%i'!!IF!t#'-,7tt '~1Ij&.c'_ii7~~"',_"",~, - - -t Finally,the operating agency of the project should take practical measures to maintain a high level of awareness of the volcanic activity at Mt.Spurr.If an eruption seems certain,the operators of the project should be prepared to close the intake gates and shut down the plant on very short notice.This course of action should be implemented if the eruption is serious enough to significantly damage an operating plant,regardless of the above design considerations. The normal course of Barrier Glacier movements that will result from withdrawing water from Chakachamna Lake may present some difficulties that will need to be investigated.For example,the mitigating effect that power production might have on the natural erosion of the glacier by the Chakachatna River may cause the glacier to form a continuous ice dam across the outlet of Chakachamna Lake.The potential problem of glacier movements will require a detailed study into the mechanics and extent of these movements. Also related to the glacier-ice dam concern is the potential effect that a probable maximum flood (PMF)could have on the stability of the ice dam.If such potential formation of a continuous ice dam was proved to be likely,the emergency spillway would then have to be sufficiently large to accommodate the PMF. 4.6 !l;"LULLi. ~.li1J=-;;L.JJU!!!i§!lJiil\,LJW;~ "" 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 SUMMARY OF FIRST ORDER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The construction and operation of the proposed Chakachamna hydroelectric generating facility will create changes or impacts to the land,water,and socioeconomic environments in which it is located.These impacts are directly related to various power plant characteristics that represent the primary effects of the plant on the environment.A summary of these characteristics is presented in Table 5.1.In this section,the primary effects of the pro- posed hydroelectric projec are analyzed and evaluated in light of existing environmental conditions to determine the significance of the impact and the need for additional mitigative measures. 5.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC EFFECTS 5.2.1 Water Resource Effects The configuration of the hydroelectric project will have some signifi- cant,irreversible impacts on the local water resources.Diversion of the runoff into Lake Chakachamna to the ~lacArthur River via the proposed power tunnel will essentially eliminate discharge from the lake into Chakachatna River.In addition,under very dry hydrological conditions the lake will be subject to fluctuations in elevation of up to 160 feet.The McArthur River will expenience an increase in flow,corresponding roughly to the loss in the Chakachatna River.Should the water qualities of the lake and McArthur River differ significantly,the river will experience a charge in water quality as well. Parameters most likely to experience a change include temperature.dis- solved oxygen,total dissolved gases,and suspended sediment.Adverse aquatic impacts generic to most hydroelectric power plants and potential problems with the Chakachamna project include stabilized flow patterns,armoring and scouring of stream beds,reduced bedload movement,flushing,and high-pressure dis- charges that could cause gas supersaturation. 5.1 r"Vo'""~-"~'''''"'''''~'f'''1Hf#HRI'"liIlU_IliJ~.II.n''•••I::······..el!!!.....•..~£!.'..'.•-.:='.I!!.II!I!£E•.I!.~.QII•••••••••••••_-------------__t -r- TABLE 5.1.Primary Environmental Effects No first order impacts. Water Diversion to McArthur River Through Plant Water Qual ity Other Aquatic and Mari ne Ecosystems Anadromous Fish Other Terrest ri a 1 Ecosystems Wil dl ife Habi tat Food Chain Human Presence Rare and Endangered Species Pl ant Site Pl ant Access Transmi ss i on Relocations Socioeconomic Construction Work Force Operati ng Work Force Relocations Land Use Changes Recreation Capital Investment Operating Investment Ave rage:3660 cfs Maximum:8100 cfs Minimum:1000 cfs To be determined in siting and feasi- bi 1 ity studies;impacts anticipated to be changes in suspended sediment and increases in dissolved gas concentration. Fluctuation in lake level to 160 feet. Probable destruction of existing sockeye salmon run under proposed operating regime.Potential impact on Chinook and pink salmon runs of lower Chakachatna and McArthur Rivers. Likely impacts on lake trout,arctic char,whitefish,rainbow trout,scul- pins,blackfish and northern pike due to changes in water qnl ity,flow regime or lake-level fluctuations. Changes in riparian vegetation,loss of habitat at powerhouse,access road and sites. Effects of changes in fish population. Increased access to McArthur and Chakachatna River drainages and to Chakachamna Lake. No significant impact expected. Modest (tens of acres). Approximately 40 miles of road. Approximately 55 miles of 270-kV overhead 1 ine. None. Peak requirement of approximately 1220. 1-2 operators for daily inspection. None. Less of wilderness quality in Chakachatna and McArthur River valleys;and in valley of Chakachamna lake. Loss of wilderness quality as above. Increased access to Chakachatna and McArthur River valleys and tQ Chakachamna Lake. 65 percent within region 35 percent outside region. 89 percent wi thin region 11 percent outside region. 5.2 I j '" 5.2.2 Air Resource Effects Since the reservoir (Lake Chakachamna)already e~ists,ther~are no anticipated significant effects to the air resource or local climatology. 5.2.3 Aquatic and Marine Ecosystem Effects Potential aquatic ecological impacts of hydropower project construction on Chakachamna Lake center on lake level fluctuations as a result of reservoir drawdown (exposure of fish spawn and elimination of spawning habitat)and possible entrainment and impingement problems (fish eggs,larvae,and food organisms)associated with diversion of lakewater through the turbines. Potential aquatic ecological impacts to the lake inlet streams may result from decreased lake access due to reservoir drawdown at certain periods of the year. The primary inlet to the lake,the Chilligan River,serves as a spawning area for red (sockeye)salmon.Known spawning areas for Chinook (King)and pink (humpy)salmon exist in the lower tributaries of the Chakachatna and McArthur Rivers.The McArthur River will receive the tailrace flows from the project.The annual adult escapement for these species is unknown,as is their contribution to the Cook Inlet runs.Lake trout are resident within Lake Chakachama;Dolly Varden (Arctic char),whitefish,and rainbow trout are present in .the lower tributaries of the Chakachatna and McArthur Rivers. Information on anadromous species,including estimates of annual escapement, are not available for these drainage areas.Non-salmonid fish species that probably occur within project area waters include sculpins,blackfish,and northern pike.It is highly likely that all of the above species will be disturbed. Aquatic impacts on the Chakachatna and McArthur Rivers will be the most severe due to potential changes in existing flow regimes.For example,the design will essentially dewater the upper Chakachatna River and divert the lake outflow via a tunnel to the McArthur River.This operating scenario would most likely eliminate anadromous fish access,to the upper Chakachatna River and Chakachamna Lake and will alter the existing flow regimes and chemical makeup of the McArthur River,thus potentially altering fish production in that river as well. 5.3 It is possible that sockeye salmon runs blocked from entering Lake Chakachamna via the Chakachatna River would enter the McArthur River,homing to Chakachamna Lake water discharged at the powerhouse. A thorough study of the numbers and species of fish and their habitat requirements will be needed to assess potential mitigative measures for any losses due to project construction and operation.Depending on the results of this study,several types of mitigative measures could be used to offset any projected losses.These measures include:1)maintenance of acceptable streamflows (e.g.,in Chakachatna River)based on instream flow analyses; 2)trapping and transporting of both upstream and downstream migrants past project facilities;3)screening of the intake;4)fish passage facilities around dewatered areas;5)spawning channel s;6)new hatcheries at a number of potential locations;and 7)indirect enhancement to commercial and recrea- tional fisheries by enhancing resources in nearby rivers.Each alternative measure will have to be weighed against cost and effectiveness in determining the final one to be used. 5.2.4 Terrestri al Ecosystem Effects The primary potential wildlife impacts of hydroelectric development in the project area will be from riv'er level fluctuations and habitat loss. River level fluctuation may change the character of the riparian vegetation that is used by moose in the winter and marshes that are used by waterfowl during the spring,summer,and fall.Changes in the river level may also affect the fish populations utilized by brown and black bear and habitat used by beaver.Unexpected drawdown will expose beaver inhabiting lodges to predation. In addition to these impacts,hydroelectric faci 1ities and access roads will eliminate some wildlife habitat and open up the project area to increased hunting pressure.While increased hunting is detrimental to some populations, it is beneficial to others,and it provides additional hunting opportunity to Alaskans.Increased access and the associated use by people will also create more poa<;:,hing andhuman/bear conflicts.Project design will impact wildlife in two r4ver drainages.However,wildlife impacts resulting from alteration of Lake Chakachamna are expected to be small. 5.4 ... 5.2.5 Socioeconomic Effects The construction and operation of a large hydroelectric pla~f has a high potential to cause a boom/bust cycle,causing significant impact on community infrastructure.The site is located at or near communities with a population of less than 500.Peak construction crew requirements of approximately 1220 workers will be necessary for construction.In some of these remote communi- ties,the population could more than quadruple.The installation of a con- struction camp would not mitigate the impacts on the social and economic structure of a community. The expenditures that flow out of the region account for investment in equipment and supervisory personnel.For this large-scale project,a larger proportion of the expenditures can be attributed to the civil costs.Approxi- mately 35 percent of an investment in the project will be made outside the Railbelt Region,while 65 percent will be made within the Railbelt.The break- down of operating and maintenance expenditures for a hydroelectric project will be approximately 11 percent spent outside the Railbelt and 89 percent spent within the region. 5.5 -'~'.m;,,;trtt·7nIP··"··"'··inr·I ~ 6.0 INSTITUTIONAL CONSIDERATIONS This section presents an inventory of major federal,state of Alaska,and local environmental regulatory requirements that would be associated with the development of a 480-MW hydroelectric power plant at Chakachamna Lake.The inventory is divided into three subsections,setting forth federal,state,and local environmental requirements. 6.1 FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS The Chakachamna hydro project may be exempt from the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)permitting program that is operated for Alaska by the EPA pursuant to Section 402 of the Clean Water Act.The NPDES permit is required for discharges from a "po int source.1I As this term is defined (40 CFR 122.3)it is unclear whether this project would include a point source discharge into navigable waters,as EPA generally does not issue NPDES permits to hydroelectric projects if water merely passes through a turbine from the reservoir to the receiving waters.However,an NPDES permit will likely be required if during construction of a dam,water i~discharged from settling basins,or if floor drains,sanitary systems,etc.are dis- charged during operation.This issue can only be resolved with the devel- opment of additional information regarding project design. The most important permit appl i cab 1e to a hydroe lectri c project that could have a substantial impact upon the licensing schedule is the license that must be obtained for construction of a water power project of more than 2000 horsepower installed-capacity.These licenses are issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)as required by the Federal Power Act (16 USC 792-828c).FERC issues these licenses according to the regulation~in 18 CFR 4. An application for a FERC license for a new project is quite complicated, requiring the preparation of seven exhibits (18 CFR 4.41).(These regulations are presently under review.The format may be changed significantly.)Among these is a requirement that the applicant show evidence of compliance with requirements of state laws with respect to water appropriation and use of 6.1 01 [--E d water for power production (18 CFR 4.41 Exhibit D).This is accomplished by showing that state .permits have been obtained t and that the state has certi- fied that water quality will be maintained as is required by section 301 of the Clean Water Act.As a result t submission of a complete FERC permit cannot occur prior to receipt of the prerequisite permits and certifications.Fur- thermore t the FERC review process for application approval is lengthy even after a prospective permittee has exerted considerable time and energy in submitting all requisite documentation. Licensing of.a hydroelectric project in Alaska could be completed,barring any major difficulties in obtaining a FERC permit,in 42 months.The critical element in the schedule will be the FERC permit t which FERC cannot approve before the applicant has submitted its environmental report (18 CFR 4.41 Exhibit)and state water use permits.This schedule assumes that all neces- sary environmental monitoring can be completed in 12 months.As climatic conditions in Alaska could impede the collection of necessary field data,the licensing schedule could be delayed.Note also that NEPA compliance t includ- ing EIS preparation,for a hydroelectric project is generally the responsi- bility of FERC.In the scoping sessions between federal agencies and the applicant,FERC is generally selected as the lead agency for a hydro power project.These and other federal requirements are summarized in Table 6.1. 6.2 STATE REQUIREMENTS In addition to the FERC permit t a hydroelectric project will be subject to some specialized permits required in Alaska,such as the dam permit and water use permit issued by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources and the permit to interfer·e with salmon spawning streams and waters issued by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.The state of Alaska also imposes special requirements upon some projects if the project site is located on lands that have been reserved by the state requirements restricting use of land (due to preservation of the land by state government or native Alaskans) under one of several special programs.The state requirements are summarized i n Tab 1e 6.2. 6.2 TABLE 6.1.Federal Regulatory Requirements A~ Environmental Protection Agency US Army Corps of Engineers Federal Energy Regulatory Commi ss i on National Marine Fisheries Servicel Fish and Wildlife Service -.. Requirement National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Construction Activity in Navigable Water Discharge of Dredged or Fill Material Environmental Impact Statement License for Major New Hydropower Project Threatened or Endangered Species Review Statute Scope or Authority Discharges to 38 USC 1251 Water et ~.; sectlon 1342 Construction in 33 USC 401 Water et seq.; section 403 Discharges to 33 USC 1251 Water et seq.; section 1342 All Impacts 42 USC 4332 section 102 Construction of 16 USC 792 Hydropower et seq. Project Air,Water,16 USC 1531 Land et seq. ~ :~ I".) ,~ Advisory Council on Historic Preservation All Federal Agencies Determination that Site is not Archeologically Significant Determination that Site Does Not Infringe on Federal Landmarks Executive Order No.11990 Executive Order No.11988 6.3 Land Use Land Use Development in Wetlands Development in Floodplains 16 USC 402 aa et seq. 16 USC 416 et seq. TABLE 6.2.State Regulatory Requirements Agency Alaska Department of Environmental Conserv at ion Alaska Department of Natural Resources Alaska Office of the Governor Alaska Department of Fish and Game Requ irement State Certificate that Discharges Comply with CWA and State Water Quality Requirements Solid Waste Disposal Permit Permit to Interfere With Salmon Spawning Streams and Waters Water Use Permit Rights-of-Way Easement Dam Permit Coastal Use Permit Anadromous Fish Protection Permit Critical Habitat Permit Fishways for Obstruction to Fish Passage 6.4 Scope Discharges to Water Solid Waste Construction in Water Appropriation of Water Right of Way on State Lands Construction of Dam 10 Feet High or More Land Use Fish Protection Fish and Game Protection Fish Protection Statute or Authority 33 USC 1257 et seq.; section 1341 Alaska Statute 46.03.100 Alaska Statute Alaska Statute 46.15.030-185 11 Alaska Admi ni str at ive Code 58.200 Alaska Statute Alaska Statute 46.40 Alaska Statute 16.05.870 Alaska Statute 16.20.220 and .260 Alaska Statute "" 6.3 LOCAL REQUIREMENTS The Chakachamna hydroelectric project will be l~cated in the Kenai Peninsula Borough on Cook Inlet,and will be subject to the permitting and zoning restrictions imposed by the borough.In addition,the Kenai Peninsula Borough has a solid waste disposal program to which the project may be subject.Borough regulations require that the plans for any construction in the borough must be approved by borough authorities before construction can begin. 6.5 bWllrntrrnrnrrim·TTnnn·II >7";1::!:TCnrtr t w nct!vlir ,J 7.0 ONGOING PROJECT STUDIES ',,/' Bechtel Civil and Minerals,Inc.is currently performing under contract to the Alaska Power Authority a detailed feasibility analysis of the Chaka- chamna hydroelectric project (Bechtel 1981).This work commenced in the fall of 1981 and is scheduled for completion late in 1982.Bechtel submitted a letter report to the Power Authority dated November 23,1981,which-described studies of alternative development schemes for the project. Four alternative project layouts were identified in Bechtel·s report, with estimates of power output and construction costs provided for each.Two alternatives,identified as Alternatives A and B,involve diverting the basin flow from Lake Chakachamna via a pressure tunnel to a powerhouse on the McArthur River.Alternative A would divert all of the inflow to the power- house,while Alternative B would provide a downstream fish release to the Chakachatna River,thus reducing the amount of flow available to the power plant.Alternatives C and D involve developing the head along the Chakachatna River itself,by means of a pressure tunnel and powerhouse.Alternative C would provide a nominal downstream fish release,while Alternative 0 would provide no fish release.None of the four alternatives include a dam in the proposed layout and all would utilize a lake tap-type intake structure.A tabulation of the cost estimate and power output potential from each alterna- tive as presented in Bechtel·s report is shown in Table 7.1. Subsequent to receipt of Bechtel's report,Ebasco was verbally advised by Bechtel that as a result of discussions with the Power Authority,a decision was made to adopt Alternative B for further study.Ebasco was also advised that the cost estimate presented in the report had been revised to reflect an allowance of S50 million for fish passage facilities.The total project cost has been revised to $1.45 billion,with the total cost of energy estimated to be 43.6 mills/kWh. Of the four alternatives identified in Bechtel's report,Alternative A most closely resembles the scheme shown by Ebasco in this report.Both schemes involve diversion of all Chakachamna Lake inflow to the McArthur River,with 7.1 TABLE 7.1.Project Development Alternatives Identified by Bechtel(a) Item Installed Capacity (MW) Firm Annual Generation (GWh) Capital Costs (S billions)(b) Annual Costs (S millions){C) Net Cost of Energy (mills/kWh) Allowance for 0 and M (mill s/kWh) Total Cost of Energy (mills/kWh) Development Alternative/Powerhouse Location ABC 0 McArthur McArthur Chakachatna Chakachatna River River River River 400 330 300 300 1665.5 1374.1 1249.2 1249.2 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.6 59.9 55.9 63.9 63.9 35.9 40.7 51.1 51.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 37.4 42.2 52.6 52.6 (a)From letter report on Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Development Studies by Bechtel Civil and Minerals,Inc.,November 23,1981,Alaska Power Authority. (b)January 1982 price level,includes interest during construction at 3 percent per annum. (c)Equal to 3.99 percent of capital cost,includes interest,amortization and insurance for 50 year project life. no fish release allowance.While a detailed comparison of the project lay- outs,cost estimates and power output prepared by Bechtel and Ebasco is beyond the scope and purpose of this report,certain general observations are dis- cussed below. The two project layouts are generally similar.Both include a lake tap, gate shaft,pressure tunnel,surge tank,penstock,a four-unit powerhouse,a switchyar~,access roads,and a transmission line.The only significant dif- ferences between the two schemes are:a)Bechtel's Alternative A proposes an underground pOrJerhouse with a tailrace surge chamber and tailrace tunnel,while -Ebasco layout includes a surface-type powerhouse with a tailrace channel,and 7.2 liP·2L .lSlILliLii3U.~.~ b)Ebasco's layout includes a spillway tunnel at the lake outlet,while Bechtel's layout does not.Our assumption of a surface-type pow,erhouse is based on available mapping and a brief site visit to the general vicinity of the powerhouse.Wi th thi s information,we see no apparent reason that a sur- face powerhouse could not be constructed,and we have included this type of powerhouse in our conceptual layout because it is generally more economical than construction of an underground powerhouse,as the Bechtel report also acknowledges.Inclusion of a spillway tunnel at the lake outlet was consid- ered prudent in view of the uncertainty of the action of Barrier Glacier during the life of the project and the influence of the glacier on passage of flood flows through the natural outlet of the lake. Certain differences are also present between Bechtel's Alternative A and the Ebasco layout in the estimates of installed capacity,power output,and operational characteristics.Bechtel's scheme indicates an installed capacity of 400 MW and an estimated annual firm energy production of 1753 GWh (before transmission and station service losses).Ebasco has selected an installed capacity of 480 MW (the same as that shown in the Acres American,Inc.(1981) Development Selection Report)and has estimated the average annual energy to be 1982 GWh (before transmission and station service losses).While a detailed investigation of the reasons for these differences was not undertaken,certain reasons can be readily identified. The reservoir inflows utilized in Bechtel's power studies have been devel- oped by adjusting the recorded discharges at the outlet of the lake to reflect the effect of the storage in the lake.The scope of the Ebasco study being much more limited,such extensive in-house data adjustment has not been included and the lake outflows readily available as gaging station records have been taken to also directly represent the basin inflows.This less sophisticated approach will have the effect of slightly overstating the actual available inflow during dry years and understating the inflow during wet years.The long-term average available inflow should,however,be essentially the same for the two methods.The average annual inflow for the period of record used by Bechtel (calendar year 1960 through 1970)was 3,547 cfs,while the average inflow used by Ebasco was 3,651 cfs for the hydrological period of 7.3 -" water year 1961 through 1972.The average discharge for the entire period for the USGS gage at the lake outlet was 3,646 cfs. The active storage utilized in Bechtel1s proposed scheme lies between ele- vations 1128 and 1028,which corresponds to 1,526,000 acre-feet.The active storage used in the operation proposed by Ebasco is 2,080,000 acre-feet, between elevations 1127 and 968.The greater amount of active storage should make little difference in the estimates of average annual energy,but it will have the benefit of providing a larger proportion of firm energy,everything else being equal. Minor differences also exist between the two schemes in tunnel diameter and assumed tailwater elevation.Considering the scope of this study and the early stage of Bechtel's study as represented in their letter report of November 23,1981,the differences between the layouts and power output esti- mates of the two schemes are not substantial. 7.4 •, ;rmS'•• 8.0 REFERENCES - Acres American Incorporated.1981. Selection Report -Subtask 6.05. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Development Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage,Alaska. Bechtel Civil and Minerals.1981.Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project Interim Report.Prepared for Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage,Alaska. U.S.Bureau of Reclamation (USBR).1962.Chakachamna Project Status Report. U.S.Department of the Interior,Washington,D.C. 8.1