HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Subbottom Profiling 1986,,~ r ./ BRA 082 FINAL REPORT Alaska Power Authority LIBRARY COPY SUBBOTTOM PROFILING INVESTIGATIONS HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT Submitted to: BRADLEY LAKE HOMER, AK Rand M Consultants, Inc. 5024 Cordova PO Box 6087 Anchorage, AK 99502 Ocean Surveys, Inc. 100 East Water St. Wilmington, CA 90744 30 April 1986 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION •••••• 1 2.0 INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA ACQUISITION PROCEDURES 1 2.1 Horizontal and Vertical Control 2.2 Seismic Reflection Profiling 3.0 DATA REDUCTION AND ANALYSIS 3. 1 3 • 2 Trackl ine Reconstruction Seismic Reflection Data • 4.0 DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY •••• 1 2 4 4 4 5 4.1 Dam Site Investigations • • • • • • • • 5 4.2 Katchemak Delta Investigations • • • . 6 APPENDIX A-Survey Equipment Specifications FINAL REPORT SUBBOTTOM PROFILING INVESTIGATIONS BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT BRADLEY LAKE HOMER, AK 1.0 INTRODUCTION Ocean Surveys, Inc. {OSI) conducted a continuous seismic reflection profiling survey in support of engineering for the Alaska Power Authority Bradley Lake hydroelectric power project near Homer, AK. Field operations were conducted during the period 27-29 August, 1985. The objective of these investigations was overburden thickness and to map the bedrock to delineate profile along alignments at several sites including at the diversion tunnel intake locations. Additional subbottom profiling data were obtained in the Katchemak delta area as a portion of the effort to assessment of the thickness and volume of sediment accumulations at the upper end of Bradley Lake. During the three-day field period, continuous seismic reflection data were obtained along more than 10,000 feet of survey trackline. Approximately 7,000 feet of trackline data were obtained along a series of five traverses radiating out from the Katchemak delta shoreline and 3,000 feet of additional trackline data were obtained along a series of five traverses in the vicinity of the dam site. - 1 - 2.0 INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA ACQUISITION PROCEDURES 2.1 Horizontal and Vertical Control Horizontal and vertical control for this project was provided by R&M Consultants, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. In order to obtain data along the desired traverses, the survey vessel was "conned" by a theodolite operator in radio communication with the vessel along each preselected trackline. Location of the vessel along each traverse was measured at nominal 10-second intervals and simultaneous "fix" marks were placed on the graphic records to allow correlation with the positioning data. All distances were measured employing a Wild Model DI-1000 electronic distance meter (EDM). Vertical control was provided by referencing all depth and con t i n u o us ref 1 e c t i on prof i 1 e r me as u rem en t s to the me as u red lake elevation during the field data acquisition period. Lake elevation was measured by conventional levelling techniques from a benchmark located at the northwestern end of Bradley Lake. 2.2 Seismic Reflection Profiling Continuous subbottom profiling records were obtained employing an OS! 300-joule high resolution Boomer system. The Boomer system is comprised of a compa~t power supply, a medium energy seismic source, a multi-element hydrophone array employed to receive the reflected signals and an EG&G Model 255 engineering recorde~ which allows real-time, graphical presentation of the seismic reflection data along each survey line. A specification sheet for the OSI Boomer and for the EG&G Model 255 engineering recorder is included in Appendix A. - 2 - All normal incidence seismic reflection profiling systems operate in an essentially identical fashion. A seismic source (pinger, boomer, sparker, air gun, etc.) is used to create an intense, shore duration (0.1 3.0 ms) acoustic pulse (signal) in the water column. This signal propagates downward to the lake or seafloor where it is partially reflected at the water-sediment interface while the balace of the signal continues into the subbottom. As the downward propagating signal encounters successive interfaces between materials of differing properties, successive similar partial reflections occur. The "interfaces" to which acoustic signals react are defined primarily by the cross-product of the bulk density and the compressional wave velocity of each material; a quantity called the acoustic impedence. As a first approximation, the percentage of an acoustic signal which is reflected from an interface is directly proportional to the change in acoustic impedence across the interface. For each pulse, the sequence of reflected signals from a series of interfaces is received on either a single hydrophone or a multi-element hydrophone array. Received signals are electronically filtered to remove noise and harmonics, amplified, and sequentially displayed, trace by trace on a graphic recorder to yield continuous display analogous to a geologic cross-section. however, is time. The vertical axis, As discussed above, the reflected signal consists of a continuous sequence of reflected energy which has a series of peaks nominally correlative in intensity with the magnitude of the change in acoustic impedence of the materials on either side of the interface. The timing of these "peaks" is also essentially directly proportional to the depth of the - 3 - interface, i.e., a reflector at 2t (time) is at 2d (depth). Admittedly, the above presentation is a simplification and a number of second, third and nth order effects must be addressed in a more rigorous treatment of the reflection process. Operationally, during data acquisition in support of this program, the high resolution Boomer system was programmed to repetatively generate a seismic signal at a 330 millisecond (ms) interval as the survey vessel traversed each selected trackline. The reflected signals were displayed on the Model 255 seismic recorder employing a 100 ms sweep rate resulting in graphic records having a nominal vertical scale of 1" = 30' (29.41') based upon an estimated average compressional wave sound speed of 5000 ft/sec. 3.0 DATA REDUCTION AND ANALYSIS 3.1 Trackline Reconstruction Generation of the survey vessel trackline maps required in support of the subbottom profiling analysis was done by R&M Consultants. Separate trackline maps at a horizontal scale of 1'' = 100' and 1" = 300' for the dam site area and for the Kachemak delta area, respectively, were generated. 3.2 Seismic Reflection Data The graphic records obtained along each survey trackline were analyzed to produce a listing of the thickness of overburden, depth of internal sediment interfaces and the depth to possible/probable rock along each survey line. The thickness of the unconsolidated layer(s) and/or the subbottom depth to the reflector interpreted to represent the top of rock or - 4 - ( . ' other very dense (hard) material was then plotted as a depth below the lake bottom at each measurement point to yield the continuous profiles presented in drawing nos. 85WS511-C47-50. 4.0 DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY 4.1 Dam Site Investigations Examination of ~ecords obtained on traverses approaching the diversion tunnel area indicates the bottom is floored with parallel bedded lacustrine sediments to within approximately 400' of the shoreline. Between 400' and 200', the lake bed consists of a convoluted mixture of lacustrine sediments and apparent talus deposits with evident slump features. Water depth in this zone ranges from 115' to 75 • bel ow 1 ake 1 evel (BLL). The third zone, from the shoreline out to 200' consists of a steep (25°-39°) slope covered with 10-25 feet of overburden inferred to be gravelly sand and/or sandy gravels. Records from the survey traverses in the area of the proposed cofferdam display a similar structure although the nearshore slope angle is somewhat steeper (35°-40°). As in the diversion tunnel area, the bedrock surface is overlain by 10-20 feet of unconsolidated material inferred to consist of coarse sands and gravels. The third area which was located immediately offshore of the proposed intake channel location also has a steeply dipping, thinly covered bedrock surface which descends from the shoreline to a depth of approximately so· within 175' of the shoreline. This surface, which has a slope o.f 25°, is covered with 3' to 10' of unconsolidated material inferred to consist of sandy gravels and coarser talus. - 5 - Cross-sections along the five seismic reflection profiling traverses from the lower end of Bradley Lake are presented in OSI drawing nos. 85WS511-C47 and C48. 4.2 Katchemak Delta Investigations Examination of seismic records obtained fr-om the offshore area contiguous to the Katchemak delta indicated that the depth to bedrock is significantly gr-eater along the SSW portion of the shoreline. Sediment accumulations are also measurably greater in this location which is near the mouth of the Katchemak River. Bedrock depths as great as 360' bel ow 1 ake level and sediment thickness of up to 230' (assumed sediment velocity of 5000'/second) were observed. The bedrock p,...ofile, the sequence of deltaic and lacustrine sediment and the morphology of the submarine delta slope are presented in drawing 85WS511-C49. Towards the central portion of the delta, bedrock depths are shallower ,...anging between 200'-240' (BLL) with maximum values of 250'-260' at a distance of 1800' off the present shoreline. Sediment thickness also is decreased averaging only 100'-150' with a maximum of 210' adjacent to the shoreline where delta accumulations are greatest. Delta face slope angles in each of the two areas average 20°-25°. A cross-section drawing generated from data acquired along seismic line no. 2A presents a graphical representation of the submarine delta, the unconsolidated sediments and the bedrock profile along a traverse oriented perpendicularly to the shoreline in the central portion of the Katchemak delta (drawing no. 85WS511-C49). Continuing to the NNE along the shoreline, bedrock depths progressively become shallower with values of 130'-180' being characteristic for the zone out to 1400' from the present - 6 - shoreline. Sediment accumulation within this zone are correspondingly reduced with thicknesses ranging from 35'-80' except near the delta shoreline where accumulations of 100'-120' exist. Notably, the delta face slope angles also exhibits a reduced gradient of only 10°-12°. In the zone immediately beyond the toe of the prograding delta, moderately common structures with associated prior sediment slumping, general mass movement of unconsolidated deltaic deposits and redepositions exist. Continuing offshore, significant deposition of deltaic sediments can be observed out to distance of 1500'-2000' from the present shoreline. Graphical representation of the bedrock structure and unconsolidated sediment accumulations for the area offshore of the NNE section of the Katchemak delta is presented in cross-section drawing no. 85WS511-C50. - 7 - ""'., Ft E T 400 150 r \ i ~~~---~+---~~~-----~--+--~ O(LE) ,_ w w "- z :t: 1--a. '" 50 0 100 400 + ~ti E 3'\5.62.&..9 3.50 + 300 + + '-iNTERMIX[) TALUS AND LACUSTRIIIE SEDIMENTS (SANDY SILT AND SILTY CLAY) + + + + POSS ISLE BOULDER ACCUMULATIONS PROFILE 7A DISTANCE IN fEET 250 200 {LE)0,----------+---~----~----------4----------+------ 50-l + >-I "" w IL. !; ;': 100--j + n. w 0 150 + + + / ~------7+/'(' INTERMIXED TALUS ANO SEDIMENTS + + + + + _../" \~' + / li TALUS (GRAVEL ANO COBBLES) •\ + + + + TALUS ACCUMULATIONS (GRAVEL AND COBBLES) + + + + 1150 1--w w "- z :I: f-u. w Cl O(LE) 50 ,_ w w IL. z 100 ;:: 150 0.. "' 0 200~-------L-------L------~------~----~ PROFILE 88 _.__ ___ __L ____ _~_ ____ j_200 DISTANCE IN FfE1 "Z 103 3n 4 ~[ ~~.3-,J09.6 -t-~----'--~-+------- 1-- w ~50 ~ r ,_ a. w Cl 100 I 150 J + GRAVEL + + i· + ,. w 50 ~ 100 z r ,_ "-w 0 --l-----------~-----------L----------~L-----------J_ISO f-w w "- z r.: 0. _!!_2:,10:5,,409.7 [ 343," 14.5 150 PROFILE 8A DISTANCE IN FEET 100 50 N 2,103,,69.2 It 34l,lOO.!~­ o 1-J-----___L----1!--·------+---------t-O(LE) ,_ w w "- z :r ,_ ~ 2 0. w 20 0 40 40 PROFILE 9 " NOTES I-DISTANCES ARE IN FEET MEASURED FROM INNER END OF PROFILE 2. DEPTHS ARE IN FEET 8£LO~ LAKE LEVEL AND ARE BASED UPON AN AVERAGE VELOCITY tSPEEO OF SOUNOl OF 5000'/SECONQ. LAKE ELEVATION AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY ~AS •1079.0 FEET. 3. COORDINATES ARE IN FEET AND ARE !N THE ALASKA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. 4. SURVEY VESSEL TRACKLINE RECONSTRUCTION IS BASED UPON NAVIGATION POSITIONING INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY R & H CONSULTANTS. INC .. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA. S. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ON THIS CHART REPRESENTS THE RESULT Of A SURVEY PERFORMED BY OCEAN SURVEYS. INC. ON 27 -29 AUGUST 1985 AND CAN ONLr BE CONSIDERED AS INDICATING THE CONDITIONS EXISTING AT THAT TINE. OCEAN SUI=lVEVS, INC. ~ e:J OLD SAYBROOK. CONNECTICUT PREPAREO P:OR R 6 M CONSULTANTS. INC. SEISMIC REFLECT19N PROFILE DAM SITE AREA PtlOJ MGR' O.L.BELL QR.VTEO BY J~A.OOYLE BRADLEY LAKE, ALASKA SUAV€Y QATE SCALE 27 -29·AUG-198 5 AS SHOWN DATE DWG NO 8 · APRIL-1986 85WS511-C4 7 ' / t ) ) ;, N 2,102,552.1 E 343,055.31 500 450 I 400 I 350 I 300 I DISTANCE IN FEET I 100 50 I ---------i ( (LE) 1-w w LL Z, J:: 1-a.. w 0 100- NOTES 1. DISTANCES ARE IN FEET MEASURED FROM INNER END OF PROFILE + 2. DEPTHS ARE IN FEET BELOW LAKE LEVEL AND ARE BASED UPON AN AVERAGE VELOCITY (SPEED OF SOUND) OF 5000'/SECONO. LAKE ELEVATION AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY WAS +1079.0 FEET. 3. COORDINATES ARE IN FEET AND ARE IN THE ALASKA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. 4. SURVEY VESSEL TRACKLINE RECONSTRUCTION IS BASED UPON NAVIGATION POSITIONING INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY R & M CONSULTANTS. INC., ANCHORAGE. ALASKA. 5. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ON THIS CHART REPRESENTS THE RESULT OF A SURVEY PERFORMED BY OCEAN SURVEYS. INC. ON 27-29 AUGUST 1985 AND CAN ONLY BE CONSIDERED AS INDICATING THE CONDlTIONS EXISTING AT THAT TIME. + + + + + - SEDIMENTS I 1 PROFILE lOB 1- w +~ 150 w u. I z - r 1- "\ ·TALUS (COBBLES l,oo ~ AND GRAVEL) + ----_J_I50 OCEAN SURVEYS, INC. @ OLD SAYBROOK, CONNECTICUT PREPARED FOR R 8 M CONSULTANTS, INC. SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILE DAM SITE AREA BRADLEY LAKE, ALASKA PROJ. MGR SURVEY DATE I D.L.BELL 27 1985 DRAFTED BY DATE J.A.D:JYLE 8·APRIL·I986 ! SCALE AS SHOWN I OWG NG I 85WS511-C48 ,. w I J l :800 ~-----·· ----- 100-+ t J8ABU. REDEPOSITED DELTA SLUMP MATERIAL {PROBABLE St.ND AND SlLTY SAND) + + + + \.e.~ONDED \EDIME:N1 ·t ----1-'""·---.-··· + ....:.----··-·· + BEDROCK FACE + + 400......t__ r--1 i __ ---··----1 ---_ __]_ __ ···--__ ,_L ____ , ____ L ___ _ >-w i:' " ;: 0. w 0 + zoo PROFILE I B DISTANCE IN fEET 1000 I ·---+-----+ + + / + + 400 zoo I I ----'-O(LEI DELTAIC .... w "' ... 100 !: " .... 0. w 0 _,--,--,--+ . / + ' ...,.__ _ ___}-zo 0 300-L_____·---~~----~ PROFILE 28 ~oo ·'I ~JOTE S STANCES ARE IN FEET MEASURED FROM INNER END OF PROFILE 2. DEPTHS ARE IN FEET BELO~ LAKE LEVEL AND ARE BASED UPON AN AVERAGE VELOCITY (SPEED OF SOUNDI OF 5000'/SECONO. LAKE ELEVATION AI THE TIME OF THE SURVEY WAS •10/9.0 FE£!. 3. COORDINATES ARE IN FEET AND ARE IN THE ALASKA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. 4. SURVEY VESSEL TRACKLINE RECONSTRUCTION IS BASED UPON NAVIGATION POSITIONING INFORMATION SUPPLIED BT R ~ M CONSUlTANTS. INC. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA. 5. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ON THIS CHART REPRESENTS THE RESULT OF A SURYET PERFORMED BY OCEAN SURVEYS. INC. ON 21 -29 AUGUST 1985 AND CAN ONLY BE CONSIDERED AS INDICATING THE CONDITIONS EXISTING AI THAI TIM£. OCEAN SURVEYSJ INC. f!J OSI OLD SAYBROOK. CONNECTICUT PRI;PAREQ FOR R ElM CONSULTANTS. INC SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILE KACHEMAK DELTA AREA ~~~~OJ MCR D.L .SELL ORAFT£0 BY J.A.OOYL E BRADLEY LAKE, ALASKA SURVEY OAf€ 27-29·AUG·I985 CAT£ S·APRIL 19SG SCALE AS SHOWN OWG "f0 8~WS511-C49 I ___1:!_1_..._!.QQ...0~3 ~ ( 3~7,!~ DISTANCE IN FEET ~ 2,098,392 .:. 6( 3~9,058 3 >-- w w "- 0: X >-- Q_ w 0 z61oo I z~ao z2oo :r--I ____ __j_ 1600 l.d 00 12po 1000 I j_____ ___l___ 400 200 1 J 800 600 _L__ _____ _L_ 18 )0 2 0 00 ____________j I_ (L EIO 100 200 300 400 I I ----+----! + ~ I ~~~ ~ """ ~~~--=-"'' -+---- + ~ ~'" "" "" """ e; "''; "'" ; -- "" """ """"',"'"' ~, + -"""" "" ~I ~~~~c;~~~ ---'C~~~~,~=~=~~' # ~~-0::c;:3-?~~# ----~~~-~c~c~+ ~ ~~~--~--~---'~ ~: ~--=--=~+~~ ~ ~=<->~ ~--~~~-' ' ' ' . -----------_.---;.. -----+ <---~c-~ -----~-~-:-----~ ~/_, / ---' , + ~~~-+ + -;;:-~ -----____ ,_,, ~~~-~ -/ "'""" + "''""'-,--~ + -----/_/ + ' """'" ./ I ' ~~ + . • + + -+ l200 + + + + + + + + + w "- ~ r >-- Q_ w 0 I ____!_ _ __[__ ___ __ I __ 400 PROFILE 5A NOTES I. OIS:ANCES ARE IN FEET MEASURED FROM INNER OF PROfiLE ENC 2. DEPTHS ARE IN FEET BELO~ LAKE LEVEL AND ARE BASED UPON AN AVERAGE VELOCITY ISPEEO OF SOUND! OF 5000"/SECONO. LAKE ELEVATION AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY ~AS •1079.0 FEET. 3. COORDINATES STATE PLANE ARE IN FEET AND ARE IN THE ALASKA COORDINATE SYSTEM. 4. 5. SURVEY VESSEL TRACKLINE RECONSTRUCTION IS BASED UPON NAVIGATION POSITIONING INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY R & M CONSULTANTS. INC .. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ON THIS CHART REPRESENTS THE RESULT OF A SURVEY PERFORMED BY OCEAN SURVEYS. INC. ON 27 -29 AUGUST 1985 AND CAN ONLY BE CONSIDERED AS INDICATING THE CONDITIONS EXISTING AT THAT TIME. ' 051 SUI=IVEVS INC. G::~ilili?~ OLD SAYBROOK, CONNECTICUT RaM CONSULTANTS, INC. SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILE KACHEMAK DELTA AREA BRADLEY LAKE, ALASKA ~GR I SuAVE""-- D.L. 8 ~I I SCALE AS SHOWN DWG NO 85WS511-C50 APPENDIX A SURVEY EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS I I ~I • I ~I I --FA+HOME+E-R®Dr 5 DEPTH SOUNDERS DESCRIPTION The Raytheon Model DE-7198 Fathometer® · Depth Sounder has been designed for use as a portable survey instrument to provide accurate, detailed permanent recordings of underwater topography. Its low power con- sumption, portability, ease of set-up and rugged construction make it ideal for use on small boats. The complete system consists of a trans- ducer and recorder. The transducer mount and rigging are stowed in the recorder case when not in use. In operation, the trans· ducer is mounted on the sectional tube supplied and the tube is then secured to the side of the boat. When the battery cable has been connected, the equipment is ready to operate. The DE-7198 is advance design equipment utilizing completely solid state circuitry, magnetic keying and electronically controlled stylus speed. The equipment is housed in a splash-proof aluminum cabinet required for operation in unprotected locations. High resolution chart recordings result from a combina- tion of very narr:ow transducer beamwidth, high sound- ing rate, fast stylus speed and fast chart paper speed. The DE-719B's flexibility is increased by a front panel tide and draft adjustment, speed of sound control and -- --·. ~ ·•t . . . ---· --.. ' --:--: -4~.~;::. : DE-7198 Interior Controls . '·' Model DE-1198 Fathometer® Depth Sounder four paper speeds. Calibration markers. that indicate phase in use, tide/draft and sound speed compensa· tion are permanently recorded on the chart for future reference. Equipment can be adjusted to e ither foot or metric scale recording . with use of chart paper of appropriate scale. FEATURES • Portable, compact, lightweight • Calibration marker • Tide and draft adjustment • Four selectable chart speeds • Hinged chart window for running chart notations • Fix Marker switch • Phase Marker • Remote fix-mark receptacle • Chart paper speed adjustable by external control • May be used with up to 1500 feet of transducer cable • Standby switch • Foot or metric scale calibration • Available for 12V DC, 115/2.30V AC '.operation, 50-60Hz • Plug-in printed circuits • Magnetic keying • Belt driven stylus • New stylus design -long life, quick replacement • Completely solid state RAYTHEON MARINE COMPANY • 6761SLAND POND ROAD • MANCHESTER, N.H. 03103 FATHOMETER® DEPTH SOUNDER PRODUCT OAT A -~ DE-7198 SPECIFICATIONS a ~ce:ra :-·f-1r Depth Range •••.••••••.•.••••••••.••••••••••••• 0.5 5 ,50.105,100-155, 150·205 Fee~i"' r 0.1 6.5, 15-31.5 ,30-41 .5,45-61 .5 Meters (Note 1) Sounding Rate ................ ~ ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 534 Soundings per minute Voltage Input •••••••.•••..• •.... • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • 12 Volts DC (Note 2) Cu rrent Input ••••.••.••••••••••••••••••.• , • • • • • 2 .5 Amperes Accuracy • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • ±0.5%±1" of indica t ed depth Operating Frequency . . . • • • . . • • • • • • • • . • . • . • • • • • • • • 208 KHz Tra nsducer • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • Barium titanate -model 200T5HAD i C.;~·· · ··~ ....... Optional model 7245A -1 .. I I Trarlsduce'r 'Beimwidth . • • • • . . • . . • • . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • • 8° at the ha lf power points t Chart Paper Speed ••••••.••.••••...••.•.•.•.•• ~ :. · 1, 2,*3, 4 inches per minut e -. ·.·~ i"'t.ft ~ ... -'·.• (' \ ''· _·, 4'~: •·. •·,, [' 7'',•J_>L-r_l..,~'.<~~ -I ' .. ~, , "":'l'lrt ~"~ktJ· ..... · .·. . . .. •. -~~-~ ...... , ... _,,. ... ~ .. ~ •..... ·'. _ ·r' .... ..:. •ncn~-ll~i:OU':lm~It \... ...L.l_ __ d A· }p • :. t 1 ~ . .;t ··II\ ~ : 1 H iid. JaJ,.. I ..... _-..'~... dl) 18" ...-· ~.. neciQl'· et u n•ons · ~-.... -~ . ': ..• ·. _.. .• • •.•• :':"'. ~; ·: • • •.••••. "' e.11 .. to""' Uuhf!!l .. an e - · --· · Width 1-5·3/8" :·~' ·: -~· }ltiJ-.;.;..W ·:.tk':~ ~1!;, 11 ;;". • . 1/ . •.· . • •· ·~,: ~:0.·~ .. ~-·-;.¥~1. -~~:_'L.Luc·.·.__·_~-~-~-jd. ~-~gg~ i~1ti lbs_ • ·I . r \ • 'ij . ~· 81'1''t ·,• ~ .~ • M • .. •., •,,. • .\,,,, •, •,,, •,,."',;,,,. • W!fiii\).~t ii<JMI v.· ··~ ,. . ' . ,, ReeorciJr onty '-3Sibs. '· : .· . ' . ··;h, Tide and Draft Adfustrnent: A minus 5 t o plus .4d f<;>ot adjustment :~~i:;~·--~· ill-bY means of a control .. ·~nob.~ Tt,is; varies., t~ pc)sit:lon on the chart o( ~~smitter sign~ I. but"'~li~ws~a sharp f.ixed reference r · Y .~. ,. · . -:. . ~ .. ~· . ~ · · -·. 'f·il'··· ., .; ~ . ~~~~~~~~~~. re~aJ~ :~'t the ·.chart ~ero calibration }jilt ,. . ' ;~ ·· ; • ·Soti1'16 ._Spet!d (;O.,Pensation;t: __ A control is provid~qfth compen$ilte for wat~ temperatur.e and salinity con- ~· , "t · ~ ~ent. ;Ad»-.4't~ -~()f:the control periTiits the rec~f.!tlg accuracy' to be · calibrated to a "check-bar" reading. . ,, ;,_,, ~ c~p~[a~1o_~;~~!'!'~ihat in.dl~tes the degree of co~nsa]ion. is per~n~ritly~(eeorded on the char~. 'N)t''llilarj_(i2 .:A ~t~qftt :panel switch is pro~ided to insCf'i.be a solid, vertital ·'nJfe;eJ'\ce line on the ehart. This line is used ' as ~bf.~~¥ ::~~rk:er or ti(tle reference. A rec~tacl.e is ifl.¢.1~ed t~ permit connection' of an external fix-mark switch. available as an accessory . ' '·. ' . . ' : ~' ~ -~. ·Standby ·~l~: this switch eliminates warm-up d4~·during surv'y o.,J;atiQ~·s. ·-~........... .--..-· :----__ ,/ ~ 200T5HAD Transducer 7245A Narrow-Beam Transducer (Note 1) All of the above basic depth ranges may be multiplied by two by means of the range doubling switch. (Note 21 The system will operate within specifications between 11 .5 and 14.8V DC input. On order. the equipment can be furnished with a built-in power converter. The converter will permit operation on 115/230V AC, 50 to 60Hz, in addition to 12V DC. RAYTHEON MARINE COMPANY I I I I I I I I I I I 676 ISLAND POND ROAD • MANCHESTER. N.H. 03103 • 603·668·1600 I Raytheon Factory Sales & Service Facilities. Seattie, Wilmington (Los Angeles!; Houston ; New Orleans: Tampa ; Norlolk ; Brooklyn : Manchester • IN EUROPE Raytheon Service Co .. 6·8, Siliangade. 2300 Copenhagen S. Denmark , Telephone AM 3311 • OT~ER WORLD AREAS : Raytheon Company, lnternattonal Sales & Service. Lexington. Massachusetts, U.S .A., Telephone 617·862·6600. -,_c:;;_ca.A PRINTED IN U.S.A. I ... !!/.,JC~ ~-r<•.:JJ ®,3T3MO•;TA.~ ATAO T~:'-l;:.JOfl'~ n Et;;s..G 211!"'' . " 3q~ ~~-"'::: ao~-oat ,ezr .(l(j~ c.t '-;J;. ~<::-·~ . , •. t~-,.9~.-, a .. ~ v .. ~~ ~.c . ~\Jt ~a,·:.-~; t a .. ,:t ~ l s11mit't ·~-.v ··., .... ·' : ..... ~ f'•f.<': I'· ,-t(lti'. ; \::", t."IO ' ~I ~.~-:· 1'ni·· c ,.. rf1'~JS~; .-,,.tr"~,t.J~ tc· · ~::.. ,;.",.*'~· - . r ' r, ~· . ' tJ, • ~ ... r\ ~:J.J . ·"'~!P' .~·~ P"'i'Jt···!..· .. 0 0 • • ··sot .... of 1l ~··)i. ~.rn9o.~r 255 ~,,: ,' ·e,gl[leer ing . survey . ·reCOrde r \' n ~~EGC..G ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT DIVISION '' 1,: •. 1 ... 151 Bear Hill Road Waltham, Mass. 02154 (617) 890-3710 TWX: (710) 324-7648 TELEX: 92-3429 CABLE: EGGINTER Specifications Recorder Record Width Record Length Record Type··-- Record Density Paper Take-up Sweep ~peeds Scale Lines Print Programmer Record Annotation Hydrophone Input Impede nee Signal Threshold Frequency Variable Fil t~r Gain Time Variaple Gain Phase Discriminator Auxiliary OutJ.~.t Trigger Pulse Trigger Rat.e Event Marker 22cm {?:5 inches) ~f't>-:i _ -~ ·· 3'1 m/roiT {JOO feet/roll) t-? :· ,·<-; . -Dry Paper,' NDK or Alumi~h.ed':'Mvlar~~ ·- Variable, 20 to 80 lines/em (so' t~ 2oo-lines/inch) with push bu'tton rapid advance···~,: - Cons~artt '.tensi-on -reversiJ?fu' .·' _ ~- Selectable; -~0, 100, 200, ~00 milli~onds Variable; 601-b ,_soo-~illis~to~tls ' ·_. . _, Variable intensity; 10 milliseconds/division, alter· nating solid and d'ashed lines Adjustable, in !4 sweep steps and 3 sweep steps to give a delay of printing from 0 t~ 3Q sweeps Automatic annotation of Automatic G'ate Position every 4 minutes 5000 ohms 5 millivolts to 5 ':volts adjustable 50 Hz to 20 kHz with high pass filter Low cut-off 50 Hz to 2 kHz 0 to 60db (-20 to Odb ~ontinuous and 20, 40, 60db selectable steps) Initial Gain; -60db to .Odb Slbpe; Maximum 60db in 50 milliseconds selectable bypass in or out ' Plus, minus and ± phase +10 volts, 100 microseconds long, into 10K ohms Every 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27 or 30 sweeps Local or remote push bottom Tape Recording Capability Output Input Synchronized Power Requirements Voltage Frequency Physical Characteristics Dimension Weight Protective Case Processed Signal; 5 volts Sweep Control; 500Hz continuous plus 1 pulse/trigger Signal Level; 5 microvolts to 5 volts Automatic phasing, sweep speed offset until external and internal trigger pulses are synchronized 105 to 130, or 210 to 260 VAC 50 or 60Hz ± 5% 40cm. X 5Qcm X 3Qcm ( 16" X 20" X 11.5") 20Kg (45 pounds) Fiberglass Instrument Case 11/74 2M CH Printed in U.S.A. - J J J J J J J J J J J , cl -. OCEAN SURVEYS, INC. ,.,. ·,. TL''=llf . ' ·•(' ., -~ . ·\..!f1 SHEFFrEr.D STREET"'·. . . .• -, ... OLD SA YBROOI(, CONNECTICUT 06475 ····-·r-•• _ .... ~----~· --·~-"'* -~ '· ·' SEISMIC PROFILING BOOMER The 100-1000 joule Boomer is a moderate :penetration, high resolution Sound Source transducer utilized for widely varied .. seismic profiling applications. The electromechanical sound transducer is mounted on a catamaran and is designed to operate with the capacitance Energy Sources, Seismic Recorder and matching Hydrophone streamer. Vl.l ·.•<!•.;· · t The unique electromechanical assembly consists of an insulated metal plate and rubber diaphragm adjacent to a-flat1-wound electrical coil. A short duration, high power electrical plil se --discharges :;from the separate Energy Sources into the coil and the resultant magnetfc ·fiE!':ld explosively repels 'the metal plate. The plate motion in the water generates a single broad band acoustic pressure pulse. ! ~ ~ ' • l -' The elimination:-; of .th'e , st,ro·ng .. ~¢:~.vitatiori · o;P· ringfhg pulse associated with Sparkers - combined with 'the broad band fre·quency spect.rum, (1) permits the bottom echo to appear as a fine line;.;.(2) provides _.a clear ,,ic r,oss-sectional record of the sub-bottom interfaces; and {3) penetrates most types.. of marine materials, including hard-packed sand, up to 75 meters. The Boomer operat~~~ · . equally well in ·salt 'wa'ter. or ·tr~~ water. ii .. i; ,il iij,.iie!iti~iiliji~jj8i~ilitiiJi'!itijj. ' .. • ,. . . t j Applications for the Boomer · include ~5::1:::::=$~:1::!~:=:=~~~=:::*==~ reconnaissance geological survey, mi neraln J: exploration. foundation -studies for offshore platforms, harbor d~ve'lop.nent and cable/pipeline crossing surveys ~~,·. SPECIFICATIONS Pulse Character Energy Level: @ 300 watt-seconds Duration: Source Level : 0.2 milliseconds 107 db ref. 1 microbar at 1 meter Spectrum: 400 Hz to 8 kHz Repetition Rate: 2 pulses/second ' ' . Dimensions: 84 em {w) to 59 em {H) x 158 em {L) {33" X 23" X 62") Weight: Cable Length: Towing Speed: 90 kg {200 lbs) 25 meters {80 ft) 2 to 8 knots .... I' ,:; : ·; ·~ .. . .. ; Chart Paper: Paper Width: Paper Feed Rates: Sweep Scales: Sweep Speed Accuracy: Sweep Speed Stability: Scale Lines: Scale Line Time Breaks: Speed of Sound Calibration: Program Length: Recorder Input Impedance: Recorder Input Sensitivity: Recorder Frequency Response: Keying Pulse Lengths: Internal Self-Check: Transmit Power Output: Output Impedance: Transceiver Operating Frequency: Transmit Overload Protection: Receiver Sensitivity: Receiver Band Width: Input Power: Power: Recorder Size: Transceiver Size: Weight: RECORDER SPECIFICATIONS Recorders are compatible with catechol, sepia and silver paper. (Special blade required for silver paper.) Model 4000 -19" .010 11 , .005", .003" or .002 11 per sweep. Model 4000 -20,40,200,400,1000 and 2000 Fathoms; or optional metric version -75,150,300,750,1500 and 3000 Meters -or optiona1 time version -1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1 and 2 seconds. 50 ppm 10 ppm 20 scale line divisions Precision 30 second and 5 minute breaks; 30 second breaks 18 seconds in duration; 5 minute breaks 30 seconds in duration. Accurate to within 1/10 second. Resetable to within one second. 800 fathoms/second Variable from 2 to 8 sweeps 500 ohms 150 mV for full dark marking Flat from DC to 50 kHz Variable 0.1%, 1.2%, 0.5%, or 1% or sweep time The crystal oscillator output may be fed to the printing electrodes to form a bar pattern on the chart. A stable pattern indicates precisely correct sweep speed. 800 watts peak power Variable 100 to 300 ohms with 8 position tap switch 12kHz normally provided. Any frequency from 3.5 kHz to 27 kHz is available on special order. Automatic collapse of ping; flashing overload indicator. 10 uV for full dark marking Variable, matched to pulse length 90-140 VAC, 45-70 Hz. Stepdown transformer for 220 VAC operation available as standard accessory. 70 watts 7-1/2" high, 15-1/2" wide, 9" deep 5-1/4" high, 17" wide, 9" deep 70 lbs.