HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Initial Independent Consultant Inspection 1996I I ~ I c::::::::::'L ~I __ :n~- INITIAL INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT INSPECTION REPORT BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC Project No. 8221-AK ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY OCTOBER 1996 DONALD E. BOWES, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON PAEABLOI 10/11/96 INITIAL INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT INSPECTION REPORT BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC Project No. 8221-AK ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY OCTOBER 1996 DONALD E. BOWES, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON Section No. BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC PROJECT NO. 8221-AK INITIAL INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT INSPECTION REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Description INTRODUCTION SECTION I SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS SECTION II DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT FEATURES SECTION III SUMMARY OF CONSTRUCTION HISTORY AND OPERATION SECTION IV GEOLOGIC AND SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS SECTION V INSTRUMENTATION SECTION VI FIELD INSPECTION SECTION VII STRUCTURAL STABILITY SECTION VIII SPILLWAY ADEQUACY SECTION IX ADEQUACY OF MAINTENANCE AND METHODS OF OPERATION SECTION X CONCLUSIONS SECTION XI RECOMMENDATIONS SECTION XII CERTIFICATION PAEABL02 l0/llf96 Section No. Description SECTION XIII APPENDICES TabJe No. IV-I PAEABL02 10/11196 A. FERC LETTER APPROVING CONSULT ANTS B. CONSULT ANT'S SCOPE OF WORK C. CONSULT ANT'S RESUMES D. REFERENCES E. PROJECT DRAWINGS F. INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS G. PHOTOGRAPHS LIST OF TABLES Description JAN I, 1991 -JAN 1, 1996, EARTHQUAKES-MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR GREATER 2 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC PROJECT NO. 8221-AK INITIAL INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT INSPECTION REPORT INTRODUCTION This initial independent consultant inspection report was completed in accordance with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Regulations, Part I 2, Subpart D, that require inspections and evaluations of hydroelectric facilities to identifY actual or potential deficiencies in the condition of project facilities, maintenance, surveillance, and operation that might endanger public safety. Except as required under the provisions of the FERC requirements found in 18 CFR, Part I 2, Subpart D, the consideration of the safety of the general public, the Alaska Energy Authority's (AEA) and Homer Electric Association (HEA), Inc.'s employees, or others as visitors or workers at the project facilities is not within the scope of this inspection. This initial independent consultant inspection report was prepared by Donald E. Bowes, P.E. The report presents observations of a two day physical field inspection of project facilities, review of engineering investigations and analyses as contained in reports available from the AEA, and results of evaluations by the independent consultant. The scope of the inspection included consideration of major project structural features and control features in regard to their adequacy against catastrophic failure due to natural or operational events. Conclusions regarding the condition and safety of the dam and related major structural features are not guaranteed, but represent the independent consultant's best judgment based upon this review. Inevitably, such best judgment must be recognized to be affected to an uncertain degree by the practical limitations that affect all such reviews and evaluations, relative principally to the approximate knowledge of the existing properties of the structures and foundations, the reliance on data and analyses by others as representative of project conditions, and the practical time limitations of the review process. This is the initial inspection report to be made pursuant to FERC Order No. 122 (18 CFR Part 12, Subpart D-Inspection by Independent Consultant). The physical field inspection of the project occurred on June 26 and 27, 1996. References furnished by AEA used in the preparation of this report are listed in Appendix D. PAEABL03 10/11196 SECTION I SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS A. FIELD INSPECTION A physical field inspection was conducted of the Bradley Lake Project (Project) on June 26 and 27, 1996. The field inspection included visual observation of the reservoir and reservoir rim, dam, spillway including gallery, outlet works, gatehouses and shafts for the outlet works and power tunnel, powerhouse, tailrace, Nuka Diversion, Middle Fork Diversion, and Upper Battle Creek Diversion. The field inspection noted that the concrete faced rockfill dam and the concrete gravity spillway, the primary water retaining structures, were in an excellent condition and functional for their intended purpose. No deficiencies were noted related to geologic foundation conditions, settlement, movement, uplift pressures, seepage or leakage, erosion, or the general condition of the facilities that would adversely impair their continued safe operation. No conditions were noted around the reservoir rim that would present a slide hazard sufficient to create a landslide wave that would be hazardous to the dam. B. STABILITYEVALUATION Data and reports on geology, seismicity, construction materials, construction, and stability and stress analyses by Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Bechtel, Corps of Engineers and others were reviewed for evaluation of the adequacy of stability. The foundations were judged adequate for the concrete faced rockfill dam and concrete gravity spillway. The seismicity investigations for the determination ofthe Maximum Credible Earthquake and Design Basis Earthquake were comprehensive, reasonable, and found acceptable for use in the stability analyses. The methods of analysis employed for the structural stability analyses of the concrete faced rockfill dam and concrete gravity spillway were comprehensive, appropriate and acceptable. The factors of safety criteria adopted for stability are consistent with the general standard of practice of the dam engineering industry and are acceptable. The computed factors of safety for stability for the concrete faced rockfill dam and concrete gravity spillway exceeded the adopted criteria minimums and therefore are acceptable. The structural stresses in the concrete gravity spillway for all loading conditions were found to be less than the adopted criteria maximum allowable stresses and therefore are acceptable. Structural deformation criteria for the concrete faced rockfill dam were found to be acceptable and predicted deformations of the embankment under the earthquake loading conditions were within the criteria and therefore are acceptable. Deformation of the concrete gravity spillway on its base is not expected to occur under earthquake loading conditions. The concrete faced rockfill dam and the concrete gravity spillway are considered stable and safe for continued use. PAEABL04 10/ll/96 1-1 C. SPILLWAY ADEQUACY Data and reports by the Corp ofEngineers, U.S. Weather Bureau, and Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation were reviewed for evaluation of the spillway adequacy. The use of Probable Maximum Precipitation developed by the U.S. Weather Bureau and the use of the Corps' SSARR model for development of the Inflow Design Flood was found to be acceptable. The selection of an August PMP with snowmelt only from glaciated areas is acceptable. The spillway rating curve that was confirmed by model study is acceptable. Routing of the 31,700 cfs Inflow Design Flood results in a maximum spillway discharge of23,800 cfs at El. 1190.65. The 3.5 feet of residual freeboard during the peak PMF outflow in conjunction with the wave deflector parapet is considered adequate to prevent overtopping. The spillway is capable of adequately passing the PMF. D. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The Project is operated in accordance with operation manuals and adopted procedures for the generation of hydroelectric power. The Project was found to be maintained in accordance with maintenance manuals and adopted procedures and was found to be in a good condition. Planned maintenance to remove reservoir floating debris, removal of an unstable berm above the power intake, installation of a permanent tunnel . drain in the outlet works, and installation of an insulated bulkhead in the North Adit will address these significant maintenance items. It was determined that the penstock tunnel drains, which are partially plugged with calcite deposits, will need to be cleaned out to maintain the effectiveness of the penstock tunnel drainage system. Recommendations for improvements to the surveillance and monitoring activities at the Project are contained in Section XI. E. MONITORINGDATA The survey data related to the movements of the concrete faced rockfill dam and concrete gravity spillway is plotted on time-history graphs. The data on the graphs indicates limited movements and no adverse trends. It was found desirable to improve the monitoring and measurement of the flows from the spillway foundation drains, the concrete faced rockfill dam, and the penstock tunnel drains. Recommendations for improvements to address these issues are contained in Section XI. PAEABL04 10/11196 I-2 SECTION IT DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT FEATURES The Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project (Project) is a two-unit, high head (Pelton Wheel) hydroelectric generation station with a nominal rating of90 MW. The Project is located at the northeast end ofKachemak Bay about 27 miles from Homer, Alaska. Major facilities include a dam, spillway, powerhouse, diversion tunnel, power tunnel, barge dock, permanent housing, airstrip, and three small diversion systems. The Project is the largest hydroelectric facility in the state of Alaska and the fifth hydroelectric project constructed by the Alaska Energy Authority. It is designed to generate approximately 365,920,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually with average water availability. The two generators that have been installed were sized with consideration for the possible future installation of a third turbine generator unit. A. DAMS AND DIVERSIONS 1. Dam The dam located just downstream of the natural outlet of Bradley Lake is a concrete faced rockfill embankment 600 feet in length and 125 feet in height. The upstream and downstream slopes of the 360,000 cubic yard embankment are at 1.6 : 1. The dam crest is 18 feet in width at El. 1190.0 with a 4 foot high parapet wall of reinforced concrete to El. 1194.0. The parapet wall is integral with a 2 foot 7 inch thick reinforced concrete crest slab. The downstream slope has a road berm at El. 1077 that provides access to the diversion tunnel outlet works portal. The reinforced concrete upstream face slab (28 day - 3,000 psi concrete) is nominally 12-inches thick and is supported by reinforced concrete plinth slabs that are anchored to the rock foundation. The face slabs are nominally 50 feet in width except at the extreme ends of each abutment. The reinforcement in the face slabs is #8's at 12 inches on center each way. The reinforcement continues through construction joints and no waterstops are provided at these joints. The plinths vary in width from just under 10 feet to 12 feet and range in thickness from 2 foot 3 inches to 2 foot 11 inches. There is approximately I 0,800 cubic yards of concrete in the face slab, plinth, and parapet. The reinforced concrete plinths (28 day-4,000 psi concrete) are anchored to the foundation by # 11 grouted anchor bar systems that vary from 4 rows of 15 foot anchors at 5 foot centers to 5 rows of 15 foot anchors at 4 foot centers. The perimeter joint between the face slab and plinth does not have reinforcement through it. The perimeter joint is sealed on the underneath side by a 12-inch double "U" shaped waterstop and on the top surface by 12-inch-wide rubber conveyor belting anchored with stainless steel bolts and plates to the surface of the face slab and plinth. Beneath the surface seal, in the void formed by the seal, a mastic sealant is provided to further make the joint watertight. The embankment consists primarily of three zones ofrockfill. The majority of the 360,000 cubic yards of rockfill fill was obtained from excavation of the power tunnel intake. The 12 foot PAEABL05 10/Il/96 11-1 wide bedding zone, Zone 1, was obtained from the power tunnel boring machine muck. The riprap zone, Zone 3, was allowed to vary between 8 to 20 feet in width. The specifications required the following for each of the embankment zones: I (BIA Fill) 2 (B2 Fill) 3 (Riprap) Gradation Size %Passing 3 100 1 112 70-100 3/4 50-80 3/8 30-70 4 20-50 10 10-30 40 5-20 200 0-8 max * 24 65-100 18 50-95 4 0-20 200 0-10 Lift (in.) 12 36 * maximum size function of lift thickness max 36 1 48 0-30 0-10 Compaction • 6 passes 10 ton vibratory • 4 passes 5 ton vibratory on face surface • 6 passes 10 ton vibratory • no compaction placement by backhoe The grout curtain under the perimeter plinth is described in Section IV. C. of this report. No drainage provisions were provided at the dam except the requirement for a 10 foot zone of very clean rock adjacent to the foundation. 2. Middle Fork Diversion The Middle Fork diversion redirects the water of the Middle Fork of the Bradley River to flow into the reservoir instead of its natural course into the Bradley River below the dam. The diversion consists of an intake basin and a 1, 600 foot long open cut unlined channel to Marmot Creek which drains into the reservoir. A stilling basin is provided just upstream of the channel intersection with Marmot Creek. 3. Nuka Diversion The Nuka Diversion regulates the flow from the Nuka Pool, a small body of water at the base of the Nuka Glacier. Prior to the Project the entire flow from the pool would flow into PAEABL05 10/11196 II-2 the Nuka River. The diversion structure is a low (about 5 foot high) gravel filled embankment on glacial outwash materials at the south end ofNuka Pool that is provided with twin 12-inch gated outlet pipes to permit a minimum flow of 5 cfs into the Nuka River. A geomembrane is utilized in conjunction with gabions to form a depressed outlet works facility for the diversion structure. At the north end of the Nuka Pool, a 100 foot long outlet weir excavated in rock at El. 1291 was constructed to hydraulically control flows to the reservoir. 4. Battle Creek Diversion The Battle Creek Diversion is a low (less than 10 foot high) dike to divert flows from the upper basin into the reservoir. The embankment is constructed of talus material with a membrane upstream liner embedded near the upstream slope. Riprap is provided on both embankment faces to armor the surfaces. A short channel, about 300 feet in length, was also excavated to improve flow conditions to the reservoir. B. SPILLWAY The concrete gravity spillway is located to the east of the concrete faced rockfill dam. It consists of four distinct sections. The left abutment non-overflow section is 72 feet long and attains a maximum height of about 3 0 feet to El. 1195.0 at the crest. The crest is 18.6 feet in width. The upstream face is vertical and the downstream face is vertical from the crest down to El. 1185.0 where it breaks to slope at 0.8 : 1 to the foundation. The right abutment non-overflow section is 30 feet in length and attains a maximum height of 50 feet. The section is similar to the left abutment non-overflow section. There are two overflow ogee shaped sections with a crest at El. 1180.0 for a total length of 175 feet. The right side is 70 feet in length and about 20 feet in height. The left side is 1 OS feet in length and a maximum height of about 80 feet above the rock foundation in a relic riverbed of the Bradley River. The bedrock slope of the foundation under the maximum section is steeply inclined upstream. The upstream face is sloped 0.3 : 1 and the downstream face is sloped 0.8 : 1 to a radius transition to the almost flat terminal lip at El. 1134.9, at the downstream toe. Keyed non-grouted contraction joints are provided at the junctions between the distinct sections, midway in each ogee section, and one in the left non-overflow section. The contraction joints are provided with double 12-inch "U" shaped waterstops on the upstream sides and a single waterstop on the downstream side ofthe ogee sections. Training walls are provided at each end of the ogee sections and at the contact between the higher and lower ogee sections. A drainage gallery is provided in the spillway and the seepage is collected and measured in a weir. The grout curtain and drainage curtain are described in Section IV. C. of this report. There is approximately 11,000 cubic yards of concrete in the spillway structures. The mass of the concrete was 3 1/2 inch 3,000 psi encapsulated in a 1 1/2 inch 4,000 psi outer 3 foot wide zone. The upper 5 feet of the ogee crest was 4000 psi concrete. PAEABLOS 10/12/96 11-3 C. POWERHOUSE The surface powerhouse is located at tidewater on Kachemak Bay. The structure, founded on rock, consists of a reinforced concrete substructure and a structural steel super-structure enclosed with insulated siding and roof. It is 80 feet wide, 92 feet high and I60 feet long. The substructure extends from El. -9 at the tailrace to El. 42 at the generator floor. The turbine floor is at El. 2I. Foundation excavation employed smooth wall drill and blast methods and pattern rock bolt support. Excavation of the rock for a third unit was performed and the area was backfilled. The two turbines are 45 MW vertical axis, six jet Pelton units with a design head of 1, I 00 feet, maximum head of I, I75 feet, and minimum head of920 feet. Each turbine is provided with a 60 inch diameter hydraulic oil operated spherical turbine shutoff valve. Each generator has an output of63,000 KVA at a voltage of 13.8 KV. Frequency is 60Hz, 3 phase with a power factor of0.95 and speed of 300 rpm. The excitation system is solid state. The substation that is tied into an extension of the north wall of the powerhouse is a compact gas-insulated installation. Three main power transformers step up the generator output to 1I5 KV. D. INTAKE AND OUTLET WORKS The intake and outlet works facilities at the Project consist of a reservoir outlet works installed in the diversion tunnel outlet and a power conduit system consisting of a tunnel intake, tunnel, and penstocks. 1. Reservoir Outlet The reservoir outlet, a low level outlet for reservoir drawdown and fishwater releases, is located through the rock knob between the right abutment of the dam and the spillway. The low level outlet is capable oflowering the reservoir to El. 1090 in about 45 days with lake inflow of 1500 cfs (July Aug. average). The tunnel, a little over 400 feet in length, originally was an unlined 21 foot horseshoe used for diversion during construction of the upper project works. The tunnel was later converted to an outlet facility by adding a concrete lining and construction of a gate control facility at about 1/3 the distance from the outlet end. The upstream end of the tunnel is provided with an intake structure with two water passages that can be closed with bulkhead gates. The bulkhead gates, that can also be installed in the power tunnel intake structure, are provided with a floatation tank system for installation and removal by divers. The concrete lined tunnel upstream is 7.5 feet in diameter. An 18 foot diameter concrete lined shaft provides access from the surface at El. 119 5 to the gate chamber that contains two hydraulically operated in-line bonnited high head slide gates. The slide gates are approximately 7.5 feet wide by 10 feet high. The 11 foot diameter steel discharge penstock extends to the downstream portal. Two 26 inch diameter fishwater bypass pipes are provided that extend from upstream of the intake structure to the downstream portal. The fishwater bypass lines are controlled by seven valves located in downstream tunnel portal service building and are capable of passing up to 100 cfs. PAEABL05 10/11/96 II-4 2. Power Tunnel intake The power tunnel intake is located upstream of the dam axis about 400± feet on the left abutment. The intake consists of a large open rock excavation used for the dam embankment rockfill. The channel invert is nominally El. I 026. Immediately upstream of the concrete intake structure is an excavated rock trap to El. I 0 I8. The reinforced concrete intake structure with an invert at El. I 030 is about 60 feet in length and transitions from two I6 foot wide by 29.5 foot high water passages to the II foot diameter concrete lined tunnel. Trashracks are provided across the water passage entrances. Two bulkhead gate slots are provided that are sized to receive the same bulkhead gates that are used at the reservoir outlet intake portal. The bulkhead gates and floatation tanks are stored outside at the left abutment of the dam. The power tunnel is controlled by two in-line high head bonnited slide gates installed in a gate shaft that intersects the tunnel 675 feet downstream from the intake portal and upstream of the upper vertical bend to the vertical shaft in the power tunnel. The gate shaft house is located just beyond the left abutment of the dam. The gate shaft is 22 feet in diameter and concrete lined. The slide gates are approximately 8. 5 feet wide by II feet high and capable of closing under the full generating flow of three units. Gate speed to close or open is I foot per minute. Tunnel filling and bypass pipe systems and a tunnel air vent are also provided. The power tunnel intake gates can be closed locally and remotely from the powerhouse. The gates can only be opened locally. Power for gate operation is provided primarily by a station service 7,200 volt armored cable laid on the ground. Backup power supply is a 480 volt, 280 KV A diesel-generator set located in the power tunnel gate shaft house. 3. Power Tunnel The power tunnel consists of the following: • An upper II foot diameter concrete lined tunnel, 738 feet long between the intake portal at Bradley Lake to the vertical shaft. • A II foot diameter concrete lined vertical shaft, 720 feet deep. • A I7,605 foot long 13 foot diameter concrete lined tunnel between the bottom of the vertical shaft and the powerhouse. The downstream penstock section, 2, 725 feet, is provided with a steel liner encased in concrete. A system of lateral drains is provided embedded in the concrete of the steel lined section with drilled drains into the surrounding rock. The downstream 435 feet contains the three wye-branch manifold sections to the powerhouse. The upper tunnel and downstream I,400 feet of the lower tunnel were excavated by drill and blast methods. 16,300 feet of the lower tunnel was excavated using a 15.1 foot diameter tunnel boring machine. The vertical shaft was excavated using a I3 foot diameter raise bore. Rock encountered in the tunnel was mostly graywacke with interbedded quantities of argillite with chert, argillite, and intermixed graywacke and argillite, and dacite. Rock quality ranged from sound Goint spacing greater than 3 feet) to highly fractured Qoint PAEABL05 10/11/96 II-5 spacing 2 to 12 inches). Most was sound to moderately fractured requiring minimal rock support and the Bradley River and Bull Moose fault zones did not present any unusual tunneling difficulties. Occasional intervals of highly fractured rock and narrow shear seams 3 to 12 inches were encountered. Joints open as much as six inches were encountered immediately upstream of the steel lined section. High pressure grouting of these open joints was performed for a distance of3,340 feet upstream of the steel liner to a depth of one tunnel diameter to fill the voids in the rock structure. In addition, reinforcing was added to the concrete lining for some 2,285 feet in the highly fractured rock zones. E. MAP OF VICINITY A map of the vicinity is shown in Figure E-1, Project Location Map. F. PLAN AND SECTIONAL DRAWINGS Appendix E contains Figures E-1 through E-19 that show general plans, sections, and details of the significant project features. G. STANDARD OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES The project is operated solely for power generation. It is normally automatically operated by remote dispatch by Chugach Electric Association from Anchorage via the SCAD A system. It can also be locally operated from the powerhouse control room. The normal maximum operating reservoir level is El. 1180, the crest of the agee spillway. The minimum operating reservoir level is El. 1080. The active reservoir storage between these limits is 285,000 acre-feet. During floods, the reservoir may rise above the normal maximum operating level to as much as El. 1190.6 that could occur during a Probable Maximum Flood event. The reservoir may occasionally be drawn down below El. 1080 for purposes of dam foundation inspection or maintenance. PAEABLOS 10/11/96 11-6 SECTION ill SUMMARY OF CONSTRUCTION HISTORY AND OPERATION The development of the Bradley Lake drainage basin as a hydroelectric project was first studied by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) as a possible hydroelectric site in 1955 and was authorized as a federal project in 1962. The Project was further studied by the COE from 1962 through 1982. The COE studies culminated with the issuance in February 1982 of the General Design Memorandum No. 2 for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Reference 10. In addition, the COE prepared a final environmental impact statement which was issued for review and comment on August 5, 1982. Interest in the Project by the State of Alaska (State) began in 1981. The State filed a request with the U.S. Congress to authorize the Corps of Engineers to design and construct the Project using State funds. The State initially appropriated $15,000,000 for this purpose. An additional $15,000,000 was authorized by the State in 1982, at which time the State assumed the Project for development. Because of the direct State interest and lack of funds from the U.S. Government for the Project, the U.S. Congress terminated the Bradley Lake development as a federal project in December 1982. This brought full responsibility for its development under the sponsorship of the State, and its entity -the Alaska Energy Authority (formerly known as the Alaska Power Authority). The AEA'S goal was to develop the Bradley Lake Project to fully utilize the hydroelectric potential of the water within the Bradley Lake watershed. In April1983, the AEA authorized Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC) to investigate the technical, environmental, costs, and economic feasibility for generating electrical power to support the energy needs of the Kenai Peninsula and Anchorage regions. In support of these efforts, an independent Technical Review Board was retained by AEA. This board, consisting of consultants expert in the fields of geology, geotechnical areas, tunneling and dam design was retained throughout the engineering-design efforts and through construction. The October 1983 feasibility study concluded that the preferred development should consist of a powerhouse located on the Eastern shore ofKachemak Bay and construction of a concrete-faced rockfill dam at the outlet ofBradley Lake to raise the lake level by 100 feet. The results and findings from this study became the basis for the preparation of the License Application to FERC which was submitted in April 1984. The FERC License was granted in December 1985. AEA awarded the contract for construction management of the Project to Bechtel Corporation (formerly Bechtel Civil Inc.) in January 1986. The Construction Manager mobilized its staff in Anchorage that same month and prepared construction procedures and participated with AEA and SWEC, the Design Engineer, in development of the contract for the Phase I-Site Preparation. The Construction Manager moved its offices to Homer, Alaska in April 1986, and the Site Preparation Contract was awarded in June 1986. Work under the Site Preparation Contract began in July and continued throughout the winter. Two additional contracts were awarded during 1986: the PAEABL06 10/11/96 III-I Transmission Line Center1ine Survey Contract and the Transmission Line Geotechnical Survey Contract. All work under Phase I was complete by June I987. Phase II construction, the General Civil Contract was scheduled to start in July I987, However, in the spring of 1987, construction was placed on hold pending execution of final power sales agreements with the Railbelt Utilities. In addition, a statutory change enacted during the 1986 legislative session added a requirement for review of the power sales agreements by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. On December I987, the Alaska Energy Authority and the Railbelt utilities signed final power sales agreements for the purchase of I 00% of the project•s power. In early I988, the Alaska legislature passed legislation reinstating the exemption of Alaska Energy Authority wholesale power sales agreements from APUC review. With the resolution of these two items, the Board ofDirectors ofthe AEA authorized resumption of construction. Bidding for construction contracts resumed immediately and the camp contract for Phase II construction was awarded in May I988. The principal contract for the General Civil Construction Contract was awarded in June I988. The contracts awarded during Phase II included the General Civil Construction Contract, the Transmission Line Clearing Contract, the Powerhouse Construction Contract, the Transmission Line Construction Contract, the Nuka Middlefork Diversions Construction Contract, the Camp Catering and Support Services Contract and two aviation services contracts. Construction continued year-round and all major facilities were essentially IOO% complete by June I99I. Startup of the two turbine generator units commenced in May I99I and both units were declared ready for commercial operation September I, 199I. The final onsite work consisted of revegetation and restoration which was performed by the Site Rehabilitation Construction Contractor. This contract was awarded in June I99I and completed in November I991. The project has commercially operated since September 1, 1991. Significant operational events since then are: • The spillway discharged during the period October I-3, 1991, and the maximum flow was 512 cfs. • In March and April of 1992, the Project tunnel was dewatered for inspection following discovery of concrete, grout, and rock debris in the discharge pit of turbine unit No. 2. • Four earthquake events ofMS or greater have occurred in the general vicinity as follows: Date I2/7/91 3/19/93 12/11/93 4/25/94 Magnitude 5.20 5.IO 5.00 5.40 The epicenter location of each event is reported on in Section IV. E. PAEABL06 10/11196 III-2 SECTION IV GEOLOGIC AND SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS A. REGIONAL GEOLOGY The portion of the Kenai Mountains in which the Project is located is composed of upper Mesozoic Age metamorphic rocks of the McHugh Complex. Figure E-20 presents a map of the regional geology. Contrasting depositional environments, mode of deformation and general lack of continuity of units indicate that the McHugh Complex, including the Bradley Lake area, represents a melange deposit in which rocks have been tectonically mixed, uplifted, deformed, and accreted onto the North American Plate. The primary tectonic influence on the Project area is the Aleutian Arc-Trench, which lies 185 miles southeast ofBradley Lake, and parallels the prevalent northeast-southwest strike of the prominent tectonic features found in and around the Project area. Figure E-21 is a map of Southern Alaska Regional Faults. The Aleutian Trench is a result of the northward movement and underthrusting of the Pacific Plate beneath the North American Plate, at an estimated rate of about 2.4 inches per year. The resultant subduction zone, called the Aleutian Megathrust, dips to the northwest and corresponds to a zone of seismic activity called the Benioff zone. B. LOCAL GEOLOGY The tremendous forces operating on the area during accretion created large tectonic features, and also imparted the melange and cataclastic structures on the rock, as manifested by the intimate shearing and flow mixing of a graywacke, argillite, metatuff and chert. This occurs at all scales ranging from tenths of an inch to hundreds of feet. The compressional stresses inferred to have been responsible for the geologic structure at the Project area do not appear to be active at this time. Although the overall stress regime for the Southcentral Alaska Area is compressional on a generally northwest-southeast axis, the current configuration of plate boundaries and the location and orientation of the subduction zone suggest that the regional stress regime of the Kenai Peninsula is, at least temporarily, in a low stress situation. Hydrofracturing tests conducted along the pressure tunnel alignment indicted that horizontal stresses are less than the vertical stresses. 1. Surficial Deposits Unlithified surficial deposits in the Project area consist of glacial till and outwash, colluvium, alluvial channel, flood plain and deltaic deposits, peat and marine intertidal deposits as shown in Figure E-22. PAEABL07 10/11/96 IV-1 Locally these deposits and bedrock may be overlain by an organic mat generally not more than three feet thick, consisting of moderately to poorly drained silty loam soils with 112 in. to 1 in. layers of volcanic ash, and moderate to high organic content. Peat deposits 1 -10 ft. thick are found in topographic depressions and poorly drained areas that are generally saturated and characterized by lack of deciduous vegetation. They typically surround small ponds and locally, may be separated from bedrock by a thin layer of gravel till. Alluvial gravels and cobbles in a matrix of silt and sand occur as stream channel, flood plain deposits 5 -40 ft. thick. Gravel to boulder size talus with occasional very large blocks, derived primarily from argillite and graywacke, occurs within colluvial deposits. These deposits lie below steep slopes and rock exposures, such as at the damsite and in the Bradley River gorge areas. Deltaic deposits such as those at Battle Creek and Martin River are believed to average at least 40ft. thick. These deltaic fan deposits are composed of braided river deposits superimposed on deltaic sediments. Sediments in the Martin River delta vary from gravel with sand and cobbles to sand with gravel and occasional silt layers. The upper (near surface) portion of the delta generally consists oflarger gravel with less sand than in the deeper portion of the delta. Colluvial deposits consisting of sand to boulder size clasts in a silt matrix are generally 5 to 1 5 ft. thick. Colluvium may overlie other unlithified deposits and is commonly found along and below slopes. Glacial tills composed of poorly sorted silt, sand, gravel and cobbles are found along the shore ofKachemak Bay from Sheep Point to the Bradley River. The thickness of these deposits vary from zero to greater than 40 feet. 2. Bedrock The basic rock types identified in the Project area are graywacke, argillite, chert, dacite, metatuff, and greenstone. A detailed lithologic description of each rock type follows. PAEABL07 10/ll/96 a. Graywacke Graywacke is a dark gray, coarse-grained sandstone containing poorly sorted angular to subangular grains of quartz, feldspar, dark minerals and lithic fragments in a silt and clay matrix. The rock is generally massive and homogeneous, and displays no visible bedding. It is very poorly foliated to unfoliated, but may be locally strongly IV-2 PAEABL07 10/11196 jointed, with weathered and stained joint surfaces extending up to 100 ft. below ground surface. Discontinuous veinlets of quartz and calcite, generally less than 0. 4 in. wide and 2 -12 in. long, are common. As the grain size and sand fraction of the graywacke decreases, the graywacke characteristics grade toward those of argillite. In addition, soft-sediment compositional mixing between components of argillite and graywacke parent material creates a gradational series that combines the properties of the two end members. b. Argillite The argillite derived from mudrock, lacks fissility, is more highly indurated than shale or mudstone, but is not metamorphosed to the degree of slate and does not have the cleavage of slate. The argillite is a charcoal-gray to black rock composed of silt and clay-size grains with very few or no sand grains. The argillite is generally fresh to moderately fresh and moderately hard. Moderately weathered material may be soft. Bedding is rarely seen, and where visible, is poorly preserved. White quartz and calcite veinlets up to about 0.8 in. in thickness are common. Most weathering develops along fracture and foliation planes which may penetrate deep into the rock mass. The effects of weathering generally do not extend more than 0.05 in. from the plane. c. Chert The chert in the Project area, appears to occur most commonly as light to dark gray nodules, lenses and massive layers in the argillite and metatuff. The nodules are rounded and commonly have diameters ranging up to 6 in., although a few 40-in. thick nodules were noted. The nodules are elongated parallel to the foliation in the argillite, which is deformed in curves around the chert nodules. d. Dacite The dacite, a fine grained igneous rock, is very hard to extremely hard and generally fresh. No foliation is visible and joints are generally well developed. Several dacite dikes are structurally deformed (faulted and folded) but are generally continuous over a considerable length, and none display evidence of having undergone as extensive a deformational history as the surrounding country rock. The widths of the dikes range from 1 to 40 feet, generally not exceeding 1 0 to 20 feet in width. IV-3 e. Metatuff Metatuff, a rock composed of metamorphosed pyroclastic volcanic debris, is common throughout the McHugh Complex. In the Project area two varieties of metatuff were mapped, but comprise less than 5% of the total rock encountered in the investigations. Type I is megascopically described as pale green in color with a dull, earthy luster, and is intimately associated with argillite (mixed in approximately 0.05 in. to 1 in. discontinuous layers). Engineering properties are similar to argillite, and foliation is generally well developed. This variety represents a distinct but minor portion of the mapped metatuff The metatuff Type II variety is green to light gray in color, appears more massive in the field (occurring in 1 to 15 ft. thick layers), and is also associated with argillite. Engineering properties of the Type II metatuff are similar to those of graywacke, in that it is generally hard to very hard, strongly jointed, and poorly foliated. Chert nodules and lenses up to several feet thick are commonly associated with the metatuff. f Greenstone Greenstone is a field term generally applied to a dark green, metamorphosed, basic igneous rock that owes its color to the presence of chlorite, epidote, or actinolite. The units mapped as greenstone comprise less than 3% of the total rock encountered in investigations. The greenstone is dark green, very hard, massive, has a high specific gravity, and exhibits slightly iridescent weathering surface with a reddish tinge. The greenstone occasionally displays a pillow basalt type structure and it strongly jointed but not foliated. The greenstone is interpreted to have been subject to cataclasis but does not exhibit the extensive deformational effects of the other rock units in the project area. In addition, the greenstone does not occur intermixed with argillite, graywacke, or chert and appears to have an origin distinct from that of the other rocks in the Project area. C. FOUNDATION CONDITION The following descriptions of foundation conditions under the dam, spillway, diversion tunnel-reservoir outlet, intake, and powerhouse were obtained from the, Final Construction Geology Report, Reference 5. Emphasis in this report is on the dam and spillway structures retaining the reservoir. PAEABL07 10/11/96 IV-4 1. Dam PAEABL07 10/11/96 a. Foundation Excavation Foundation materials excavated in the river channel consisted of alluvial deposits and localized areas of glacial till. On the lower half of the left abutment slope, excavated materials consisted of colluvium and talus deposits whereas on the right abutment bedrock was exposed. The thickness of the excavated alluvial deposits was variable. It ranged from as much as 15 feet in a buried bedrock channel near the upstream toe on the east side of the existing river channel to generally one to three feet elsewhere. Excavated talus and colluvium deposits, which extended from the river channel to approximately 200 feet up the slope of left abutment, were as much as 10 feet thick locally, but more generally one to three feet thick. The quantity of talus excavated from the lower right abutment was relatively minor. The stripped bedrock foundation surface in the river channel area, with the exception of a large depression near the plinth line, was highly irregular, pock marked with large and small potholes and elongated, shallow, narrow erosion channels. Foundation preparation for the river channel portion of the embankment foundation consisted of machine cleaning of the bedrock. Rock excavation and rock surface preparation beneath the embankment portion of the dam was minimal. On the upper two-thirds of the right abutment slope, bedrock was widely exposed, as was the upper third of the left abutment. Requirements for excavation and rock surface preparation of the plinth foundation were considerably more stringent than for the embankment foundation. The depth of acceptable foundation rock varied, but in general rock excavation ranged from a few feet to as much as 10 feet below the original rock surface. Foundation excavation removed all the weathered, unsound rock as well as providing for a more uniform slope transition from one plinth segment to another. Careful controlled blasting was done to avoid excessive fracturing of the plinth foundation. Some over excavation occurred in portions of some plinth segments. Preparation of the foundation for concrete included scaling of all rock fragments loosened by blasting and cleaning with high pressure water jets. The actual foundation width prepared for detail cleanup was approximately 15 feet. An additional 10 to 20 feet of natural rock surface upstream of the plinth foundation was also sufficiently cleaned to permit inspection and delineation of any geologic features which could affect foundation treatment including curtain grouting. Minor quantities oflean concrete were placed locally in a number of plinth blocks to level out sharp irregularities in the plinth foundation. A dozen or so thin shear seams 6 to 12 inches wide crossed the plinth foundation. Several of the wider seams in IV-5 PAEABL07 10/11196 plinth foundation segments in the upper left abutment required minor foundation dental treatment, i.e. excavation to twice the width and filled with concrete. Owing to the weathered condition of the rock above an open joint near the top ofthe left abutment, approximately 60 cu-yd of rock was removed and subsequently replaced with concrete. At final excavation depth, the aperture of this particular joint was 1 to 3 inches. Borings for washing the joint were drilled further up the slope. Return water from the open joint did not appear for a couple of hours. The joint was only weakly responsive to air-water jetting. Special attention was given to treating this open joint during foundation grouting. A prominent erosion channel that crossed the plinth foundation at the east end of the river channel section at the base of the high rock face on the right abutment was found to be deeper than expected. At approximately El. 1038 the width of the rock channel narrowed from 8 to less than 4 feet and was filled with densely compacted boulders and gravel. Exploratory rotary percussion holes revealed infill bottomed at El. 1034. To facilitate infill removal, additional rock excavation by drilling and blasting was done. After excavation and cleanup, the shear seam along the bottom of the erosion channel at El. 1032 was found to be tight and less than 6 inches wide. Concrete backfill was placed in the over-excavated erosion channel. For the most part, the final plinth foundation on the right abutment was excavated and constructed along a narrow 4 to 5 ft., 30° upward sloping bench which had been drilled and blasted from the high precipitous rock face. With one exception, the condition of the rock both in slope stability and soundness was very good. Approximately two-thirds up the right abutment plinth slope, additional rock excavation was required in a 30-ft. wide zone. It was necessary to remove highly weathered, fractured and blocky rock associated with an open joint along one side of a huge, massive rock wedge. At the plinth foundation grade, the open joint pinched-out and was tight. However, upstream ofthe plinth the joint was 6 to 10 inches wide and was infilled with silty gravely sand up to the ground surface. Dental treatment of this open joint consisted of excavation of the infill material down one to two feet all along its surface exposure (approximately 50 feet) and backfilling with small aggregate concrete. b. Bedrock Geologic mapping was limited primarily to the plinth foundation where the excavated rock surface had been cleaned and prepared for concrete placement. Machine cleaning of the foundation surface beneath the rock-fill embankment IV-6 PAEABL07 10/ll/96 limited mappable exposures to gross geologic features. However, close inspection of the machine-cleaned foundation surface did not reveal any significant geologic features such as faults or soft materials. Where evident, lineaments were approximately N 10 W and almost vertical, joints were approximately N 84 W dipping S 84 and N 25 E dipping E 72. Several narrow erosion channels and a number of large, shallow potholes were present. The most prominent, undulating scour channel of I to 3 feet in depth is located along the base of the right abutment rock knob. It extends perhaps 50 feet upstream and downstream of the dam axis. Some of the scour channels were filled with dense clay till, others were infilled with densified sandy gravel. The orientation of the erosion channels appeared to be controlled by north-trending joints. The portion of the embankment foundation in the river channel and on the right abutment is almost entirely graywacke. Rock quality is good; weathering is minor. Primary joint spacing where it could be seen appears to be spaced several feet apart. Although the surface of the massive rock knob forming the right abutment had been discolored by weathering, the penetration depth of weathering is generally less than 12 inches. Above the channel on the right abutment, jointing on the precipitous rock wall is widely spaced, ranging from a few feet to as wide as I 0 feet or more. Foundation preparation for the rock-fill embankment against this right abutment area was minimal. On the left abutment slope above the river channel, graywacke predominates, but localized areas of argillite within the graywacke mass occur also. Exposed foundation rock on the left abutment after stripping was moderate to locally highly weathered. The dam plinth foundation consists of fresh to slightly weathered graywacke. The foundation rock is sound, but closely jointed, without major geologic defects. Minor defects were encountered in the form of shear seams 6 to I2 inches in width, most with intercalated I to 3 inches wide, discontinuous clay layers. In the upper left abutment plinth and the right abutment plinth, open joints were uncovered. These were treated by cleaning and grouting or partially excavating and filling with dental concrete. c. Grouting A single line grout curtain was completed through the concrete plinth along its entire length. The left and right abutment grout curtains were extended I60 and I20 feet, respectively beyond the ends of the dam. The split spacing method was used with the initial holes at 20-foot spacing and ranging in depth from a minimum nominal 30 to 90 feet. The secondary holes were at 20-foot spacing midway between the initial holes and were nominally three-quarters IV-7 the depth of adjacent holes. Tertiary holes, where necessary, were one-half the depth of the initial holes. The curtain was inclined upstream 30 degrees in the left abutment and river channel section and 45 degrees into the right abutment. At the toe of the steep right abutment a fan type of grout hole arrangement was utilized. Details of the dam foundation grouting are given in Reference 4. For this report, a generalized profile of the dam drilling and grouting program is shown in Figure E-24. Included on the profile in the figure and in the notes is a summary of grout takes by plinth segment. An approximate total of 680 sacks of cement were injected in the dam plinth foundation. Of this total approximately 85 percent ofthe sacks were injected in three holes. The majority of the grout holes were tight, taking no grout or a nominal amount. Grout take in the left and right abutment extensions were approximately 186 and 1,327 sacks, respectively. One hole on the right abutment extension took 736 sacks. d. Drainage There were no provisions for dam foundation drainage downstream of the plinth and grout curtain. 2. Spillway The length ofthe spillway structure at the crest is 277 feet. Curtain grouting was performed from the foundation rock surface. Drainage holes located in a gallery at the base of the spillway structures were drilled prior to completion of gallery roof construction. A plan and section of the spillway is shown in Figure E-6. PAEABL07 10/11196 a. Foundation Excavation The concrete gravity spillway structure was constructed across a narrow rock saddle between the massive rock knob forming the right abutment of the dam and the almost vertical rock cliff rising from the base of the mountain mass to the east. Crest elevation at the non-overflow abutments of the spillway is EL. 1090 and the overflow ogee crest is El. 1080. At the east abutment, there was a notable deep erosional feature at the base of the spillway right abutment. The erosional feature consisted of a deep, enclosed depression 15 to 25-ft. wide incised upstream by a deeper, narrower channel 2 to 5-ft. wide. The channel was filled with dense alluvial deposits. The lowest, elevation of the excavated incised channel at the upstream toe of the spillway was approximately 3 5 feet lower than the bedrock surface at the downstream toe. IV-8 PAEABL07 10/11196 West of the erosion channel to the end of the spillway left abutment, the stripped rock surface was highly uneven, in part due to past glacial action and in part to differential weathering. Drilling and blasting was necessary to remove excessively weathered, blocky rock and to satisfy design foundation elevations. In several local areas over-excavation of up to 10 feet was necessary to reach suitable foundation rock conditions. A high precipitous rock face existed on the right abutment of the spillway. Although the rock was massive and of good quality, the design called for a thin slice ofrock to be removed to develop a bench at the base at El. 1145. The rock slice was removed by pre-split blasting resulting in a continuous, even surface. Final foundation preparation included detail scaling ofloose rock materials and cleaning of the foundation surface with pressurized air and water jetting. b. Bedrock Bedrock in the spillway consisted entirely of graywacke. Lineation and jointing was similar to the dam foundation. At foundation grade the rock was generally fresh to slightly weathered for a I 00-ft. wide section east of the spillway right abutment including the deep erosion channel and the precipitous rock face. Over the next 175 feet of foundation to the end of the spillway left abutment, weathering was slight to moderate. The dominant geologic structure is the strong repetitious northwest trending joint system. This joint system prevails across the entire spillway foundation. Over most of the foundation area this persistent jointing was reasonably tight. Notwithstanding the generally tight jointing, there were a number of short sections (less than 5 feet) of individual joints that were open 1/2 to 2 inches in otherwise sound rock. The extent of the openness of these joints was further demonstrated by the relatively high grout takes in several holes during foundation curtain grouting. Special seam treatment was done in the incised channel and in several local areas where inverted V -shaped, elongated rock projections occurred in the foundation. Lean concrete was utilized to fill and even out these and other near surface irregularities. Several other shear seams, 3 to 12 inches wide were mapped in the final spillway foundation. Two of the seams traversed the full width of the foundation. The seam material consists mainly of finely fractured rock materials discontinuously interspersed with minor clay. As part of the foundation preparation, these seams were scaled and washed with air and water jets to a tight surface. IV-9 c. Grouting Curtain grouting and contact grouting was performed at the spillway and the spillway grout curtain was tied into the extended dam right abutment grout curtain. The grout curtain was generally located a minimum of 5 feet downstream of the spillway upstream heel contact. The grout program was similar to the program for the dam using the split spacing procedure with initial, secondary, and tertiary holes. The initial, hole spacing was 20 feet. Depth of grout holes varied from a minimum nominal of 30 feet to 2/3 the maximum head for the initial holes, 1/2 the maximum head for the secondary holes, and 1/3 the maximum head for the tertiary holes. The grout curtain between the left abutment and base of the right abutment was inclined 30 degrees upstream. At the base of the right abutment a fan layout of holes was utilized and in the right abutment the curtain holes were 15 degrees from the horizontal in an easterly direction. A profile of the grout curtain is shown in Figure E-25. As indicated on the figure, most of the grout take was consumed in seven holes; takes ranged from 93 to 3 56 sacks. These large grout takes closely corresponded to mapped locations of open joints in the spillway foundation. d Drainage A drain curtain was provided along the alignment of the drainage gallery trench. The drain holes were nominally spaced on 5 foot centers. Between the spillway left abutment and the base of the spillway right abutment the holes were a 30 feet deep from top of rock or the drainage gallery floor. In the steep right abutment a fan arrangement was utilized with 6 -60 foot and 4 -50 foot deep holes at approximate El. 1135. D. FAULTING The Project area on the North American Plate is situated on an overriding crustal block above the Benioff subduction zone. The Border Ranges Fault marks the northern margin and suture line of the McHugh Complex, while the Eagle River Thrust Fault and adjacent Valdez Group rocks mark the southern limit of the complex. In the vicinity of the Project, the Border Ranges Fault lies under Kachemak Bay, and the Eagle River Fault crosses Bradley Lake near its head. Both faults trend northeast-southwest. Within the Project area, the locally prominent Bradley River, Bull Moose and Battle Creek Faults, as well as a complex network of secondary faults, fracture zones, and major joint sets are expressed by lineaments that generally parallel the same regional structural grain. The Bradley River Fault and the Bull Moose Fault cross the power tunnel alignment about 4,200 ft. and 11,600 ft., respectively, from the intake area at Bradley Lake as shown on PAEABL07 10/12196 IV-10 Figure E-8. The Battle Creek Fault strikes north-south and cuts across the base of Sheep Point. The proximity and parallel orientation ofthe Bradley and Bull Moose Faults and associated lineaments, with respect to the two major regional fault systems which flank the Project area, suggest they share a common relationship and response to the tectonic regime of the region. Definitive data on the Border Ranges, Eagle River, Bradley River, and Bull Moose Faults is scarce. None of the Project investigation studies noted evidence of recent displacement on these faults. Microearthquake data available at the time of the studies did not reveal an association between recorded seismicity and the mapped faults in the Project area. In fact, the limited seismic activity appeared to be at a crustal zone depth shallower than the subduction zone which is thought to be the primary source of seismic activity. Some evidence has been found to suggest recent activity on the Eagle River Fault near Eklutna, some 125 miles northeast. If the Border Ranges or Eagle River Faults are active, it was concluded that displacement on either of them could potentially induce movement on the Bull Moose or Bradley River Faults, or on other associated small faults in the Project area. In addition, independent stress-related, fault rupture was reported as possible on the Bradley River or Bull Moose Faults, with amounts of predicted slip ranging from 3 in. to 48 in. The probability of measurable displacements occurring on these faults at any time in the next 1 00 years is estimated by Woodward-Clyde Consultants to be in the range of one in 250 to one in 5,000, Reference 3. E. SEISMICITY As noted earlier, the primary large-scale expression of the tectonic influence on the Project area is the Aleutian Arc-Trench. At the Project area, the Benioff zone lies about 30 miles beneath the earth's surface. This zone marks the boundary between the two colliding lithospheric plates, is an indicator of substantial regional tectonic activity, and has been the focus of several major historic earthquakes in southern Alaska. Historically ( 1899 to date), eight earthquakes ranging from Richter magnitude Ms=7.4 to 8.5 have occurred within 500 miles of the Project. Great earthquakes (surface wave magnitude Ms=8 or greater) and large earthquakes (greater than Ms=7) have occurred historically throughout the region and can be expected to occur in the future. Because of this active tectonic environment, activity is also probable on other faults, such as those found near or within the Project area, located in the overriding crustal block above the subduction zone and between the known active faults. PAEABL07 10/11/96 IV-11 1. Design Earthquakes The design earthquake studies for the Corps ofEngineers by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Reference 3, examined possible earthquake sources and associated maximum magnitude estimates for each source zone. The studies concentrated on regional faulting, (the Aleutian Megathrust/BenioffZone), and four local faults (the Eagle River, Border Ranges, Bradley River, and Bull Moose Faults) as the controlling sources to be considered. Analysis indicated that a magnitude 8.5 event occurring on the megathrust beneath the site and a magnitude 7.5 event occurring on the Border Ranges or Eagle River Faults, dominate the total response spectra for design. Seismic design parameters were developed for what the Corps terms the "design maximum earthquake" and the "operational base earthquake" (herein called Maximum Credible Earthquake and Design Basis Earthquake, respectively). The Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) is defined as the most severe earthquake believed to be probable which could affect a site. The Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) is less severe, and is defined as the seismic level which is considered as likely to occur during the life of a project. Based on their work on the seismicity of the site, WCC proposed two possible response spectra for the "design maximum earthquake", the equivalent of the MCE. The one which was expected to control was based on rupture of one of the faults nearest the site. The resulting earthquake would have a magnitude ofMs=7.5. The other possible MCE was a Megathrust event tied to the Benioff Zone roughly 30 miles beneath the site. This event would have a magnitude ofMs=8.5. It was not expected to be the controlling event unless the faults in the immediate vicinity of the site could be shown to be inactive. A third response spectrum proposed by WCC was an event with a peak ground acceleration approximately one half that of the MCE (0.35g) for use as the DBE. A summary of the selected earthquake parameters follows: PAEABL07 10/11196 0.55 0.35 21.6 1.3 10.1 0.61 45 45 (DB E) IV-12 Since all critical structures of the Project are founded on bedrock, accelerograms recorded on rock from large magnitude earthquakes having similar peak parameters to those listed above for the crustal event would ideally be used for the required analyses. At the time the studies were performed, no accelerograms recorded on rock in the near field oflarge magnitude earthquakes (Ms=7.5) were available from anywhere in the world, including Alaska. Consequently, available accelerograms from historical earthquakes having appropriate peak and spectral characteristics over a broad period range, even when scaled, were not available for use. Since no actual accelerogram was available, a composite hybrid accelerogram was derived by SWEC for the dam stability analysis from the historical accelerograms of two earthquakes having appropriate characteristics. This approach has been previously used for other studies, including those performed by the California Department ofWater Resources for Oroville Dam, and is considered an appropriate state-of-the-art method for simulation of strong motion events. After examining the response spectra for recorded accelerograms from a number of earthquakes in the United States and abroad, it was concluded that a suitable accelerogram for the Ms=7.5 crustal event could be obtained. The resulting accelerogram, called the Hybrid record, is shown on Figure E-26. The significant duration of the Hybrid record is 28.8 seconds, which is slightly longer than the 25 second MCE proposed by WCC. This longer event duration, when combined with the greater density of high acceleration peaks from the combined records, results in a design record that is conservatively intense and definitely on the "safe" side when used to simulate the project MCE. The critical structures and equipment including the main dam, spillway, low level outlet gates and operators, power tunnel, power tunnel intake and intake gate shaft, intake gates and operators, and spherical valves and operators are designed for the MCE. Some repair may be required after the event. However, the operating integrity of these structures and equipment is expected to be maintained during the MCE. The powerhouse is designed for the DBE with some repair possible after the event and for the MCE with significant damage possible but no collapse. The Project has two seismographs installed that are part of a local network of 12 stations that record all events ofM 1.5+. Four events ofM 5+ that have occurred within a 100 mile radius of the Project have been recorded and these are shown in TABLE IV-I along with other events ofM 4+ since January 1, 1991. Review ofthe list indicates that all of theM 5+ events are beyond a 50 mile radius of the Project, which is the distance criteria limit for notification of an earthquake event to FERC for projects in Alaska. PAEABL07 10/ll/96 IV-13 3. Tsunami Hazard Project facilities including the powerhouse and barge dock could experience a tsunami associated with earthquake or volcanic activity. The probability of such an event occurring sometime during the 50-year design life of the Project is low. The wave height of a tsunami, with an annual probability of occurrence of 0. 007, the same as the DBE, is approximately El. 25. This design case resulted in a total dynamic force of 192 kps/ft that was applied in the stability analyses and structural design of the west wall of the powerhouse. 4. Reservoir Seiche Hazard A delta area within the reservoir was identified as most likely to experience a landslide during a major earthquake. An estimate was made of the volume of material in the delta which might liquefy during an earthquake, causing a subaqueous landslide, and thereby inducing a seiche wave in the reservoir. The 4,000,000 cubic yard estimated mass mobilized during this postulated subaqueous landslide would be a 200 foot wide band along two-thirds of the 5,500 foot width ofKachemak Creek delta. The MCE event was used to generate the landslide. The magnitude of the wave which would be generated by this landslide and the propagation of the wave approximately three miles along the lake to the dam was estimated. The use of three wave propagation methods yielded similar results, the largest of which indicated a 9. 7 foot wave height at the dam. The analysis was performed with the lake water surface at elevation 1180, the maximum normal operating level. No reduction in wave magnitude was made for the attenuating effect that the southwest portion of the lake shoreline, which juts out in front of the dam blocking the path of the wave. The analysis showed that the dam parapet with its wave deflector would not be overtopped and that the wave force would be less than that for which the parapet and crest were designed. F. SINKHOLE POTENTIAL The type of bedrock at the Project area does not have the characteristics of the type of rock that is subject to dissolution with associated sinkholes. No sinkholes were reported in the Project area as a result of geotechnical investigations. PAEABL07 10/ll/96 IV-14 PAEABL07 10/12/96 JAN 1, 1991-JAN 16, 1996 EARTHQUAKES-MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR GREATER org_time mag 1at 1on dep --------------------------------- 910411 12:30:43.66 4.10 59.64 -152.78 92.39 910421 09:24:25.82 4.10 60.30 -152.99 12.00 910825 04:32:13.69 4.00 60.07 -152.07 64.33 911205 03:52:07.26 4.10 59.62 -152.44 67.47 911207 11:42:29.73 5.20 60.95 -150.33 58.87 910219 08:19:20.81 4.30 60.96 -150.94 8.14 920120 10:26:08.54 4.20 60.10 -152.88 11.00 910613 01:22:46.98 4.90 59.81 -152.05 34.17 910622 02:34:11.88 4.40 60.44 -152.31 10.00 920615 10:46:12.50 4.10 59.15 -152.50 77.55 920319 15:06:01.44 4.20 60.12 -152.03 85.59 930202 07:35:10.18 4.70 59.08 -152.30 78.44 930212 00:30:35.03 4.00 60.00 -152.25 89.07 930319 12:20:51.11 5.10 59.54 -152.87 10.00 911108 05:28:02.73 4.60 60.73 -151.92 8.00 921127 16:46:50.06 4.20 60.19 -151.78 62.95 930507 00:52:37.39 4.50 50.31 -152.40 90.37 930720 00:42:56.54 4.40 60.35 -152.28 80.69 931211 00:07:23.07 5.00 59.56 -152.5 72.30 940201 20:20:03.93 4.10 59.83 -150.66 1. 00 940301 05:03:09.02 4.30 59.74 -152.72 92.23 940305 23:08:58.53 4.00 59.31 -152.53 73.29 940412 02:42:35.46 4.10 59.92 -152.65 86.86 940425 00:19:07.78 5.40 60.81 -151.03 48.88 940521 02:22:19.06 4.70 59.47 -152.78 9.00 940823 14:33:52.83 4.70 59.06 -152.40 87.72 940825 02:56:25.14 4.30 59.98 -152.59 81.76 940915 04:00:20.97 4.10 60.59 -151.55 62.52 941023 02:05:42.54 4.00 59.98 -152.68 89.73 941110 22:31:05.37 4.40 60.06 -152.89 97.48 950410 13:44:00.48 4.00 59.79 -151.99 59.19 950504 15:26:58.75 4.10 60.46 -151.44 48.64 950519 07:19:19.35 4.20 61.00 -151.24 67.56 950718 06:59:27.26 4.00 60.05 -152.71 98.29 911006 15:50:23.42 4.20 60.06 -150.58 45.71 950831 13:32:01.79 4.00 59.37 -150.99 41.06 950907 10:33:06.21 4.10 60.29 -151.06 39.71 950911 06:06:04.00 4.10 59.26 -151.83 57.11 951010 15:45:03.57 4.50 59.44 -152.94 82.24 951020 02:49:42.12 4.30 60.04 -152.23 65.06 951030 08:07:13.33 4.70 60.95 -150.19 3.00 960116 00:43:58.54 4.70 60.46 -151.11 45.19 TABLE IV-1 IV-15 TABLE IV-1 JAN 1, 1991-JAN 16, 1996 S2" 30' S2" 30' S1" 40' S1" 40' so· so· so· so· so· oo· so· oo· 59" 10' 59" 10' Gulf of Alaska sa· 2o· sa· 2o· -155" 00154" 1(}'153" 20!152" 30!151" 40-'150" 5()!150" 00!149" 10!148" 20!147" 3(}'146" 40!145" 50!145" 00' PAEABL07 10/12/96 IV-16 SECTION V INSTRUMENTATION A. LOCATION AND TYPE 1. Dam and Spillway Structure Movement Three lines of survey monuments to monitor horizontal and vertical movement of the dam and spillway are provided as follows: a. Upstream face at approximate El. 1120. Five movement monuments SP-1A through SP-1E. Two control monuments BL-1W and BL-1E. b. Along crest of dam and spillway. Two control monuments PCM-4 and PCM-2. Seven movement monuments SP-2A through SP-2G at approximate El. 1189.9. Four movement monuments on spillway SP-2H through SP-2K. Two at approximate El. 1195.0 on the non-overflow sections and two at approximate El. 1180.1 on the ogee crest sections. c. Along downstream Diversion Tunnel Access Road berm at approximate El. 1077. Two control monuments BL-3W and BL-3E. Three movement monuments SP-3A through SP-3C. The locations ofthe monuments are shown on Figure E-4. The monuments, except SP-1A through SP-1E, were initially surveyed at least twice a year for two years and subsequently once a year. 2. Dam Seismographs Two seismograph stations are installed at the dam. One station is located on the left abutment and the other is located on the dam as shown in Figure E-4. The seismograph stations are maintained and monitored by the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. The University of Alaska would notify the Project by fax when an earthquake event ofM 5 or greater occurs within a 50-mile radius of the site. Such notification would trigger a special inspection of the facilities for identification of any changes or damage. PAEABL08 10/12/96 V-1 3. Dam and Spillway Seepage No specific instrumentation provisions are in place to measure dam seepage. The seepage from the spillway foundation drains is measured in a V -notch weir in the spillway gallery before it is discharged downstream. The seepage is scheduled to be measured monthly when snow or weather does not preclude access. 4. Power Tunnel Six piezometers are located in the upper low pressure reach of the power tunnel. Two piezometers read the reservoir level. Two piezometers read the pressure downstream of the trashrack. Two piezometers read the differential pressure across the intake control gate. At the powerhouse, two piezometers are located on the penstock upstream of the spherical valve and one located downstream to measure the differential pressure across the valve. Four piezometers are located on the penstock between the turbine inlet and spherical valve. All piezometers are automatically read through the SCAD A system. Four drains installed behind the steel liner in the tunnel penstock section monitor ground- water inflow from the rock surrounding this portion of the tunnel. The drains were reported partially plugged with calcite and it is unknown from which drain an estimated 40 - 50 gpm is occurring. B. TIME VS READING GRAPHS OF DATA The movement of the monuments on the dam and spillway are plotted with respect to time and are shown in Figures F-1 and F-2. The monument line on the upstream face of the dam at approximate El. 1120 has not been resurveyed to date, therefore there is no movement data to plot as a function of time. Surveys are scheduled in the August-September period when the reservoir is normally at its highest. A special survey of the monument line at EL 1120 should be scheduled when the reservoir is sufficiently low to permit access to the monuments. The V-notch weir seepage measurements from the spillway foundation drains is not plotted. Data from the power tunnel piezometers is not plotted. Data from the tunnel penstock drains is not collected or plotted. C. EVALUATION Overall, the instrumentation data for the dam and spillway structures indicates that the structures are performing satisfactorily. Movements are quite small and the spillway seepage volumes are within anticipated values by SWEC. The only anomaly relates to the questionable status of the tunnel penstock drains that should be cleaned out and restored to operate as intended. PAEABL08 10/12/96 V-2 With respect to the dam and spillway movement monuments, the greatest variation appears to be between the positions shown as "ORIG. PLAN DATA" and the survey in the fall of 1992. This period encompasses the initial fill period when the structures adjusted to the first reservoir loading. The final report on the initial reservoir filling, Reference 11, concluded that for the period from October 30, 1990, the start of the reservoir filling, to September 25, 1991, reservoir at El. 1179.5, that the dam and spillway horizontal and vertical movements were very small without any obvious trends. Maximum settlement of0.07 feet and maximum lateral movement of0.03 feet downstream was reported. These movements are exceptionally small. Surveys initiated in the fall of 1992, indicated some differences from the "ORIG PLAN DATA" locations and the locations for that survey by the surveyor who has performed all subsequent instrumentation surveys. The movements of the dam monuments generally reflect normal survey variance and do not exhibit any trends. The movements of the spillway monuments are similar except for the backward movement of SP-2K. Surveys of SP-2K since the fall of 1992 indicate only survey variance. It is concluded that the original location of SP-2K may have been in error. The greatest recorded movements are related to the monuments along the diversion tunnel access road at approximate El. 1077. The upstream and downstream movement data essentially show no movement. The vertical data shows SP-3A down 0.07 feet and SP-3C down 0.14 feet between the "ORIG PLAN DATA" and the survey the fall of 1992. Subsequent surveys to date only show survey variance. The horizontal movement (forward and back) shows SP-3C moved back 0.21 feet. Again subsequent surveys show only survey variance. It is concluded that the larger movements of the SP-3A, SP-3B, and SP-3C monuments between the "ORIG PLAN DATA" and the survey in the fall of 1992 reflects either an error in the original data location or differences in the survey baseline. Monument BL-3E shows a cyclic variation in horizontal backward/forward movement of about 0.04 feet between several surveys. Discussions with the surveyor revealed that BL-3E is located on a rock cliff and very difficult to access and accurately locate the distance measuring prism. The variation is small and does not indicate any overall trend. In summary, the movements on the dam and spillway are small and do not indicate any trends. Spillway seepage measurements reported a maximum stabilized value of 40 gpm at the maximum pool level on initial filling of the reservoir. Subsequent recorded data does not indicate flows in excess of just under 20 gpm for maximum reservoir elevations in the range ofEI. 1171 ±to 1177 ±. The magnitude of the seepage is within the expected range ofless than 100 gpm by SWEC, the designer, and there is no reported foundation material being removed. The level of seepage is considered acceptable. Improvement in the data collection, measurement, and presentation of results is warranted. The actual foundation drains making water should be recorded as well as the reservoir elevation at the time of the observation. The flow in the V -notch weir should be plotted as well as the reservoir elevation for each observation. Lines connecting data points should not be used for the intermittent records as they could be misleading. Annually, at a reservoir maximum stage, the flow from each foundation drain should be recorded and plotted with reservoir head. With respect to the tunnel penstock drains that were reported partially plugged, they should be unplugged and returned to service as noted earlier. The design of the tunnel steel and concrete liner was based upon these drains remaining functional. In discussions with Project staff and the PAEABL08 10/12196 V-3 designer, it became apparent that there was a misunderstanding regarding the need to keep the drains operating. The Project staff was instructed to verify the functional status of each drain and if plugged, take steps to open the drains. It is recommended in addition to returning the drains to a functional condition, that they be observed on a monthly basis for continued operability. PAEABL08 10/12/96 V-4 SECTION VI FIELD INSPECTION The Project facilities were inspected on June 26 and 27, 1996. The weather on both days was cloudy with occasional light rain. The reservoir was at El. 1113.7 and El. 1114.3 respectively on each day. Stanley E. Siezkowski; Alaska Energy Authority; Manager, Operations and Maintenance participated full time during the inspection. Richard Turner, Acting Supervisor and Plant Operator, representing Homer Electric Association the contract operating agency, was available intermittently to respond to questions and provide information on the Project. On June 26, 1996, the powerhouse (exterior and interior), tailrace, power tunnel north adit, reservoir rim, Nuka Diversion, Middle Fork Diversion, and Upper Battle Creek Diversion were inspected. A helicopter was used for aerial inspection of the upper facilities. The Nuka Diversion River Outlet was inspected on the ground. On June 27, 1996, the upper facilities including the dam, spillway, reservoir outlet works gatehouse, fishwater bypass portal structure, and power tunnel gatehouse were inspected on the ground. The dam was observed from the crest and the toe and found to be in an excellent condition. Concrete on the upstream facing and crest was in good condition and did not exhibit signs of severe weathering from freeze-thaw attack. The thick concrete crest and parapet did not exhibit any unusual cracking or signs of structural distress. The upstream concrete facing contains what appears to be random shrinkage cracking that varies between an estimated 10 to 15 foot spacing dependent upon the particular face slab. The cracking was most noticeable in the vertical direction. None of the cracks appeared to be open significantly and no offsets between adjacent sections were noted. The crest or parapet of the dam did not exhibit observable settlement or upstream/downstream alignment movement. The plinth and transition joints covered by a surface mounted conveyor belting waterstop did not indicate any significant opening or offsets. The exposed waterstop appeared to be in a good condition. The downstream slope outer riprap zone appeared to be well placed and interlocked. The riprap rock appeared to consist of hard fresh rock with no indications of unusual weathering. No seepage was noted in the groins or at the toe of the dam. About 1 to 2 gpm of clear water was noted in a drainage ditch that crosses the lower berm access road about ISO feet downstream of the left side of the dam. It is not possible to attribute this flow to dam seepage as the ditch also drains a large area downstream of the left abutment. The spillway was observed from the crest of the left non-overflow monolith and the lower sill area of the spillway monoliths. The concrete surfaces of the non-overflow monolith did not exhibit significant weathering. The concrete surfaces of the overflow monoliths showed more surface weathering in general and particularly at the construction lift lines. A few vertical shrinkage cracks were noted in the left non-overflow monolith to the right of the drainage gallery access. The left monolith of the higher overflow monoliths contained a few notable vertical shrinkage cracks with calcite surface deposits. The cracks were not seeping during the inspection, however, the reservoir was below the area of cracking at the time. The most prominent crack was open about 0.025 inches at the downstream face of the lower flip. Some vertical and random cracks in the low PAEABL09 10112/96 VI-1 overflow monoliths and the joint with the left training wall had been sealed with a mastic. The mastic sealant appeared well adhered to the concrete and did not exhibit any signs of cracking. The right abutment training wall did not show any signs of unusual cracking and the five drains at the base of the wall were weeping to varying degrees. The water feeding the drains appeared to originate higher up on the abutment from joints in the rock. The water from the drains is believed to not be reservoir related. The 1 0-inch drain pipe at the base of the deepest section of the high monolith was dry. The drainage gallery contained several hairline type cracks in the roof and walls with calcite evidence of past seepage. During the inspection, the cracks were dry. All of the foundation drains in the gallery were dry during the inspection. There was no notable evidence of calcite buildup at the tops of the foundation drain pipes. There was no flow in the drainage gallery V -notch weir. The reservoir outlet works gatehouse structure was in a good condition. The shaft and valve chamber were viewed from the top. The shaft showed calcite deposits at a few horizontal construction joints and the protective coatings on the exposed valve operating cylinders appeared to be in a good condition. Calcite deposits and moisture were noted on the floor at the base of the shaft. The fishwater bypass portal structure was in a good condition. The concrete did not indicate any evidence of structural cracking or distress. Inside the lower end of the diversion tunnel that has been shotcreted, there are calcite deposits on the shotcrete surface at cracks and on the penstock surface. There is a prominent joint that crosses the tunnel at a NE-SW attitude that was emitting water on both sides of the tunnel. During the inspection, the seepage noted on both sides of the tunnel walls, was not under high pressure, nor was the volume significant. It was reported that this joint system seeps considerably when the reservoir is above El. 1170 ±. Sheet metal shields have been installed in the area of the joint to collect the seepage and reduce spread of the seepage water within the tunnel. A new gravity flow temporary PVC pipe drain system was installed through the downstream wall to handle the seepage as it exceeded the capacity of the sump pump. It was reported that it is planned to replace the temporary PVC pipe system with a more permanent system. The protective coating on the penstock and its supports was in a good condition and did not appear to be detrimentally affected by the calcite deposits from the seepage. The power tunnel gatehouse contains the backup power supply diesel-motor generator set for the upper facilities. The motor-generator set appeared to be in a good condition. It was not test run during the inspection. The gatehouse structure was in a good condition with no noted structural problems. The construction joints in the concrete lined shaft have more seepage than the concrete lined gatehouse shaft at the reservoir outlet works. The joints where seepage is occurring have larger and more frequent calcite deposits. The shaft walls below the steel grated operating floor have considerable deposits of calcite from the shaft wall seepage. The base floor was covered in seepage and calcite deposits to a depth of 114 to 112 of an inch. Some minor deterioration of the outer surface of the galvanized piping attached to the wall surface is occurring. Should the deterioration of the piping continue, it may be necessary at some future date to replace the piping. The protective coatings on the hydraulic cylinders and cylinder base supports were in a good condition. PAEABL09 10/12/96 VI-2 In the left abutment upstream of the dam between the dam and the intake area, there is an oversteepened earth and rock berm remaining from the construction activities. The berm exhibits a beaching erosion from the higher reservoir levels that adversely affects the stability of the material. It was reported that the maintenance budget for removal of the unstable material was approved. This is a prudent maintenance measure as a slide could possibly deposit debris into the power intake area. The left abutment area upstream ofthe dam contains a large deposit of floating debris, mostly consisting of what appears to be slash from the reservoir clearing and other dead trees, etc., from areas that were not cleared. It is also planned to remove this debris using a clam shell. It is unknown how much of this debris may have sunk in the area of the power intake or the reservoir outlet intake. The excavated rock surfaces upstream of the power house were substantially rock bolted, covered with wire mesh, and did not show any signs of distress, excessive seepage, or high groundwater pressures. The low exposed rock surface to the left ofthe future Unit 3 excavation that was bolted and covered with mesh, had one small rockfall (2-3 cy) that had occurred. The substructure ofthe powerhouse that extends from the rock foundation to the generator floor did not exhibit any signs of structural cracking or distress of significance. The only cracking in the substructure noted was primarily in the upstream wall at the spiral casing floor level (El. 15.00). The cracking was mostly associated with the penstock penetrations and other piping penetrations to a height of about 6 feet above the floor level. The cracking is judged to not be structurally significant. Seepage was present at most cracks and calcite deposits were on the surface and adjacent piping and equipment. There was slightly more seepage noted at the upstream wall ofUnit 1. Seepage was of a non- measurable magnitude. The only other crack noted was vertical about 3 feet in length in the upstream wall near Unit 2. The crack appeared sealed with calcite deposits. At Unit 1 there were two puddles on the floor at the joint between the turbine shutoff valve foundation and the general floor. The seepage was small and appears to evaporate in place. The powerhouse superstructure was judged to be in a good condition. The north ad it that provides access to the lower end of the power tunnel was in a satisfactory condition. The concrete lined section, and the ribbed and shotcrete lined section did not indicate signs of structural distress although a few cracks were evident. It was not possible to see the concrete surface of the concrete plug containing the steel penstock access section due to the almost complete covering of the surface by calcite from seepage. The seepage that in total is non- measurable seemed to mostly originate in the upper half of the plug at the contact with the tunnel lining. The floor of the adit was wet and covered with calcite. The short section of penstock with its ellipsoidal head appeared to be in good condition with no damage currently evident to the protective coating from the seepage and calcite. A temporary chain link fence and geomembrane barrier exists at the entrance to prevent freezing of seepage in the winter. It is planned to provide a permanent insulated wall at the entrance to replace the temporary barrier. The tailrace excavated into the surrounding tidal marsh is provided with a riprap channel for some 200 feet downstream ofthe powerhouse. The exposed riprap along the sides ofthe channel PAEABL09 10/12/96 VI-3 appeared to be in a good condition. A submerged rip rap berm exists across the lower end of the channel. At the right side, the riprap berm appears to have been locally dislodged for about 15 to 20 feet. In addition, in the same area on the right side the natural tideflat deposits have been eroded from behind the riprap channel side wall for about some 20 to 25 feet. The water in the tailrace is flowing through the riprap and eroding the material. At the time of the inspection, there was no evidence that eddy currents from the rip rap berm at the end of the channel were the cause of the erosion. Both sides of the reservoir rim were observed from the air. The slopes surrounding the reservoir have little overburden soil cover and sparse vegetation. Rock slopes varied from an estimated gentle slopes (20°) to slightly steeper (30°-35°) but were glacially semi-rounded in profile. There were no areas noted in the slopes that would be of concern regarding the possibility of a significant slide that could cause a wave that would overtop the dam. The Nuka Diversion was observed from the air and the ground. It was noted that considerable water was flowing from both branches of the Nuka Glacier and that the Nuka Pool was full and flowing out to both the Upper Bradley River and the Nuka River. It was estimated that about 4 to 6 inches of water was flowing over the Nuka Diversion Outlet Structure. The gabions on the crest at the structure appear to have lost some of the fines from the fill material and have consolidated due to their own weight and that of the snow load. The gabions at the end of the outlet channel also appear to have lost fines and consolidated. In addition, the consolidation has resulted in some sideways distortion toward the channel. It was reported that the deformation has not changed from that noted last year. The structure in its present condition is performing its intended purpose. Should the distortion increase in the future and the gabions become completely unstable, it will be necessary to remediate the problem. The Middle Fork Diversion was viewed from the air and appeared to be operating as intended. The diversion drop in the channel, the plug fill, and the downstream berm fill appeared to be in a good condition. The excavated channel is establishing itself, as would be expected, into a more natural eroded channel. The Upper Battle Creek Diversion was observed from the air and considerable flow was noted entering from the waterfall area on the south side. The dike appeared to be in a good condition. The Bradley River below the dam was flown and no unusual conditions were noted in this rugged uninhabited river stretch. The only development is a fish counting camp near the mouth that was reported occupied intermittently from July through September by fish counting crews of up to about three people. The following summary comments address the prescribed field inspection report elements: PAEABL09 10/12/96 VI-4 A. Settlement No settlement of the dam, spillway, and other structures was observed. B. Movement No evidence of movement of the dam, spillway, and other structures was observed. C. Erosion Erosion of fines from gab ion baskets at the Nuka Diversion River Outlet was noted. Erosion of the oversteepened construction fill along the reservoir side in the vicinity of the power intake was noted. Erosion was observed in the unlined Middle Fork Diversion channel. D. Seepage No seepage attributable to the dam or spillway was observed. Seepage was noted in the following structures but all were of a non-measurable magnitude during the inspection: • Reservoir Outlet Gatehouse Shaft • Diversion Tunnel Penstock Section • Power Tunnel Gatehouse Shaft • Powerhouse upstream substructure wall at the spiral casing floor level (El. 15.00). • North Adit tunnel plug. E. Leakage No flows noted were of a magnitude or pressure to be classified as a leak. F. Cracking Cracking of concrete was observed in most concrete structures. None of the cracking was judged to be currently structurally significant. PAEABL09 10/12/96 VI-5 G. Deterioration No deterioration of a structural significance was noted. Deterioration from corrosive effects of seepage and calcite deposits at present is limited due to short service life of the project. H. Geologic Conditions Geologic conditions observed in the dam and spillway abutments and downstream area, and the powerhouse excavated slopes are consistent with the description of the geology in Section IV. I. Foundation Deterioration No evidence of foundation deterioration was observed. J. Condition of Spillways and Outlets The spillway is in an excellent condition and is completely functional. The reservoir outlet appeared to be in a good condition and is reported functional. K. Observation of Operation of Representative Number of Spillway Gates and Standby Power Not applicable as the spillway is ungated. L. Reservoir Rim Stability No evidence of reservoir rim instability was observed and no slides were reported. M. Uplift Pressures in Structures. Foundations. and Abutments No indications of high or unusual uplift pressures were observed. N. Functioning ofFoundation Drains and ReliefWells No foundation drains are provided at the dam. The spillway drains were not functioning during the inspection due to the low reservoir. The drains are reported functional. The tunnel drains behind the steel liner in the penstock section ofthe power tunnel, due to calcite deposits, were reported partially plugged. 0. Other Significant Conditions The power tunnel was inspected in the spring of 1992, in response to finding concrete, grout, and rock debris in the turbine pit of Unit 2. The inspection was made to address concern of the PAEABL09 10/12/96 VI-6 possibility of a damaged or collapsed section of the tunnel. Reference 15 reports on the details and findings of that inspection. This report will briefly summarize the findings. • Most seepage inflow occurred in the lower tunnel section downstream of the lower elbow at the base of the vertical shaft (Sta 177+05±) and upstream of the steel lined section (Sta 31 +60). • Seepage inflow ranged from an initial 13.3 cfs to 8.0 cfs for the lower tunnel section. • Almost no seepage inflow occurred in the upper intake tunnel. • Very little seepage inflow occurred in the vertical shaft. • Seepage inflow occurred primarily at construction joints and secondarily at longitudinal cracks that followed the bedrock joint pattern. • Zones of moderate to major inflow seepage were noted as: Station 52+50 to 54+00 57+00 to 61 +00 85+00 to 98+00 102+50 to 111+50 131+50 to 134+50 Seepage Inflow Moderate Moderate Major Major Major • No change was noted in the flow of the penstock drains due to draining the tunnel. • The tunnel concrete lining as a whole was found to be in a good condition. • Construction repair patching of the concrete lining generally performed satisfactorily. • Many of the leakages were high pressure. • Grout repair patches that had thin feathered out edges peeled off due to poor bonding from poor surface preparation. • Nine areas of minor concrete distress damage were noted and are reported by the tunnel inspectors as caused by the tunnel dewatering. Either water pressures at depth in the concrete lining or lack of ability of the patch to transmit compression and shear stresses in weaker concrete zones was reported as the cause of small concrete pop out areas. Fresh concrete fracture surfaces were reported for the pop out areas. PAEABL09 10/12/96 VI-7 • The vertical shaft and upper intake tunnel sections were reported in a good condition. Problems with thin feathered grout patch surfaces were similar to the lower tunnel. • The power tunnel intake gate seals were reported as only having a very minor amount of leakage. As a result of the tunnel inspection the following conclusions and recommendations were reported: • The tunnel is expected to give satisfactory performance for 1 0 to 15 years. • It is not anticipated a large number of small isolated liner failures or a large failure will occur. • The tunnel is in an operational condition. • It is preferred to operate the tunnel in a pressurized condition. • It is expected continued minor grout patch removal will continue. • Future dewatering and inspection should only occur to evaluate an identified concern such as a major seismic event that could damage the lining or result in fault displacement, or an indication of unusual debris in the turbine pits or tailrace. • Perform future inspection in conjunction with a scheduled major shutdown such as installation ofUnit 3. • Areas identified for repair and any new areas should be repaired during the next inspection. PAEABL09 10/12/96 VI-8 SECTION VII STRUCTURAL STABILITY The structural stability inspection, review, and evaluation of the Project structures for this initial independent consultant's report focuses on the embankment dam and gravity spillway that are the principal water retaining structures. This report section will summarize the results of the SWEC design analyses of these structures and present the independent consultant's evaluation of those analyses. The primary references used were References 20 and 8 that are extremely well written and document in detail all information and analyses that are beyond the limited scope of the summary presented herein. If more detailed information is desired, these references should be consulted. A VISUAL OBSERVATIONS The previous Section VI reported the field inspection visual observations of the Project structures. The observations did not note any deficiencies related to geologic and foundation conditions, settlement or movement, drains or uplift pressures, seepage or leakage, erosion, or the general condition of the concrete faced rockfill dam or concrete gravity spillway that would indicate problems of stability or structural distress. The concrete faced rockfill dam and the concrete gravity spillway, are in an excellent physical condition. B. METHOD OF ANALYSIS 1. Concrete Faced Rockfil/ Dam The concrete faced rockfill embankment dam was analyzed by SWEC to determine its factor of safety under various static loading conditions and to predict its potential deformation under dynamic earthquake loading conditions. The basic structural stability requirement that must be met by the embankment design is that the reservoir must be retained under all loading conditions. For the embankment dam the static conditions of loading computed factors of safety must be equal to or greater than minimum criteria safety factors currently acceptable as industry standard practice. The static stability analyses were performed using the LEASE II computer program that uses the simplified Bishop method for circular surfaces and the Morgenstern-Price method for non-circular surfaces. The analyses were performed for both upstream and downstream slopes. Search routines were utilized to identify the selected most critical potential slip surfaces shown in Figure E-34. Under dynamic loading conditions, the safety criteria is related to adopted deformation limits since a safety factor is not relevant to embankment structures particularly when subjected to very high earthquake accelerations. The dynamic analyses were conducted using the LEASE II program to determine the static most critical potential slip surfaces and PAEABLIO 10/12/96 VII-I the critical or yield acceleration for each. Next the SARMA (Seismic Amplification Response by Model Analysis) method was utilized to predict potential deformations for the selected critical potential slip surfaces. The SARMA method first determines resonant frequencies and response shapes of the embankment for each frequency of the earthquake. Participation factors calculated for a given potential failure wedge or block describe how much effect each of the modes of oscillation will have on the potential failure wedge. The accelerations of the wedge in each mode in response to the earthquake accelerogram are then determined, and the modes combined resulting in a time-history of the accelerations that the wedge experiences. The cumulative displacement is then determined by Newmark's sliding block procedure in which excursions beyond the critical or yield acceleration are summed to arrive at the total movement or predicted potential deformation. 2. Concrete Gravity Spillway The concrete gravity spillway was analyzed by SWEC to determine factors of safety and stresses under static and dynamic loading conditions. The structure was also analyzed to predict maximum potential movement under dynamic loading conditions. The static loading conditions included the Case I-Usual (normal maximum reservoir level) and Case II-Unusual (probable maximum flood) conditions of loading. The dynamic loading conditions included the Case III -MCE with normal maximum reservoir level and Case V -MCE with low reservoir level. Although keys were provided at monolith construction joints, the maximum ogee section of the spillway was analyzed for static conditions ofloading using a unit-width method, neglecting any load transfer between monoliths and the abutments, and with a uniform flat foundation base. Whereas in fact, the foundation base beneath the maximum section of the ogee spillway is very rugged and in a deep V -shaped twisting channel that slopes down from the vertical approximately 25 degrees in an upstream direction. The thin right non- overflow section was keyed into the abutment over its entire length, was anchored to the abutment, and keyed with the adjacent maximum ogee spillway monolith. As such, overturning or sliding was deemed not to be critical for the section. The left non-overpour gravity spillway section was analyzed for the static conditions of loading neglecting any restraint effects of keys and varying heights of the monoliths. The short apron of the ogee section was neglected due to its relative flexibility so that the downstream toe was a hypothetical extension of the downstream face. Since the deadweight of the apron exceeded any potential uplift in the area, it was neglected. The static spillway model is shown in Figure E-36. For any Usual or Unusual condition of loading, if the minimum upstream face stress was less that the minimum allowable concrete stress, then reinforcing steel was added. The amount of reinforcing steel was based on working stress methods neglecting all concrete tensile capability. Shear-friction factors of safety were based on net uncracked areas. PAEABLIO 10/12/96 VII-2 Since large peak accelerations were expected at the site, the pseudostatic method of analysis was considered inappropriate for analysis of dynamic stability. Two-dimensional finite element time history analyses were performed for the ogee sections. The non-overflow sections were not analyzed for dynamic stresses but were considered adequate by comparison of cross sections and loadings with the analyzed ogee sections. The STARDYNE program was used for the two-dimensional linear elastic analyses to determine stresses and reactions at the base. The STAR program of ST ARDYNE was used for static analysis of water, ice thrust, and dead weight loads and to perform frequency and model shape analysis. Dynamic analysis was done by the DYNRE4 program of ST ARDYNE. The FEM dynamic analysis accounted for hydrodynamic effects of the reservoir water using the Westergaard added mass approach. To account for the stiffness of the rock foundation, it was included in the model to a depth equal to the height of the spillway. Three finite element models were analyzed for spillway ogee sections with bases at El. 1160, El. 1150, and El. 1124. The models for El. 1160 and El. 1124 are shown in Figures E-42 and E-43. The SARMA program was used to analyze the spillway for prediction of the maximum potential permanent deformation under seismic loading conditions. The following assumptions were made: I. The concrete spillway sections act as an intact failure wedge. 2. The failure plane is the bedrock/concrete interface or a horizontal approximation of same. 3. All downstream rock restraint was ignored. The critical acceleration of a wedge section is the horizontal acceleration necessary to initiate sliding and was determined by statics. Six spillway cross sections were evaluated in the deformation analyses, including four spillway ogee sections and two non-overflow sections. The SARMA program requires that the section be modeled as a symmetrical triangle. To model the spillway sections most accurately, the model triangle was configured to have the same center of gravity, base elevation, and area as the spillway section being modeled, as shown in Figures E-52 toE-54 Several loading cases and special conditions were considered in the SARMA deformation evaluations. In all cases the reservoir was at El. 1180. In Case 1, the static head was included and the only resisting force considered was the friction between the concrete/rock interface. The vertical earthquake acceleration, 2/3 of the horizontal acceleration, was used in the static analysis to determine the critical horizontal acceleration. In Case 2, the inertial force of the water created by the earthquake was also included by using Zangar's formula. In Case 3, the inertial force of water was again taken into account as well as 500 psf cohesion between the concrete/rock interface. The loading case providing the greatest cumulative displacement was Case 2 and that was analyzed for both peak horizontal ground accelerations of0.35g and 0.75g. PAEABLlO 10/12/96 VII-3 C. PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 1. Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam PAEABLIO 10112196 .a. Bedrock Ultimate Bearing Capacity = 40 ksf Allowable Bearing Capacity = 20 ksf Specific Gravity = 2.7 b. Concrete Face (12 inches uniformly thick) Compressive Strength :::::: 3,000 psi Reinforcement Horizontal Vertical c. Rockfill #8@ 12 #8@ 12 Properties for the rockfill were not based on actual testing of site materials for unit weight or strength. The bulk of the rockfill embankment was constructed of blasted dense angular rock that was extremely well compacted using a compactive effort higher than is commonly used in industry practice. The unit weight was based upon the tested specific gravity of the rock and assumptions relative to porosities in the rockfill. The strength values were selected based upon published information on large scale triaxial testing of numerous rockfills worldwide as related to confining overburden pressures, shown in Figure E-33. The reference "Review of Shearing Strength ofRockfill" by Thomas M. Leps is widely accepted within the industry as a reliable source of such data on compacted rockfills. ( 1) Zone 1 (tunnel muck bedding layer -minimum 12 feet wide Moist Unit Wt. Sat. Unit Wt. Friction Angle 125 to 150 pcf, most likely 13 5 pcf = 138 to 154 pcf, most likely 145 pcf = 44° to 48°, most appropriate 46° (2) Zone 2 (central main embankment zone) Moist Unit Wt. Sat. Unit Wt. Friction Angle :::::: 125 to 150 pcf, most likely 13 5 pcf :::::: 13 8 to 154 pcf, most likely 14 5 pcf 48° to 53°, most appropriate 48° VII-4 PAEABLIO 10/12/96 (3) Zone 3 (oversize riprap zone 8 to 20 feet wide) Same values as Zone 2 (4) Shear Wave Velocity, v. = 700-1000 fps, most likely 800 fps ( 5) Damping Ratio, D .R. = 12% to 20%, most likely 15% (6) Acceleration Ratio, av!Clb = 0-2/3, most likely tan (0-8) e = slope angle of sliding surface 2. Concrete Gravity Spillway a. Bedrock (graywacke) Ultimate Bearing Capacity = Allowable Bearing Capacity Unit Cohesion (C) = Deformation Modulus = Poisson's Ratio = b. Concrete Unit Weight = Compressive Strength = Unit Cohesion (C) = Static Tensile Strength Dynamic Tensile Strength = 40 ksf =280 psi 20 ksf 40 psi 160 psi concrete on rock 4 X 106 psi 0.27 static, 0.35 dynamic 145 pcf 3,000 psi 300 psi concrete on concrete 6% compressive strength = 180 psi 150% of static = 270 psi Minimum Allowable Stress :;;::: WH -f; W = unit weight water H = depth below reservoir surface f; = allowable concrete tensile strength at lift surfaces including safety factor. Zero at rock/concrete interface. Modulus of Elasticity Static = Dynamic Poisson's Ratio = 3 X 106 psi 5 X 106 psi 0.2 VII-5 D. UPLIFT ASSUMPTIONS The uplift pressures were assumed to act over 100 percent of the base area in the analysis of the concrete gravity spillway are as follows: • For normal reservoir conditions at concrete lift lines above the foundation, the uplift varied from full reservoir pressure at the upstream face and varied linearly to zero at the downstream face. • At the bedrock/concrete interface the foundation drains were assumed 50 percent effective. So uplift was assumed to vary linearly from full headwater pressure at the upstream face to 50 percent of the headwater pressure at the drains and then linearly to zero at the downstream face. • For static cracked sections, uplift was 100 percent of headwater pressure for the length of the crack then varying linearly to zero at the downstream face. • For PMF conditions the uplift at the upstream face was based on a 50 percent headrise above the normal headwater pressure. The uplift at the downstream face for the PMF was assumed negligible. • Uplift assumptions for dynamic conditions were the same as for normal conditions. E. PHREATIC SURFACE ASSUMPTIONS The concrete faced rockfill embankment is sufficiently pervious that for the stability and deformation analyses the embankment was considered dry and not capable of developing an internal phreatic surface. A special study was performed that assumed the embankment had a completely failed concrete face. Flow nets were drawn on the basis of no concrete face, permeability of the rockfill 10 times the bedding zone, and the rockfill horizontal permeability 10 times the vertical permeability. The resulting phreatic surface was found to have none to little effect on the selected critical potential downstream slip surfaces, see Figure E-35. F. FACTORS OF SAFETY 1. Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam The criteria minimum acceptable and calculated factors of safety for the static conditions of design analysis of the concrete faced rockfill embankment are: PAEABLIO 10/12/96 VII-6 LOAD CASE Usual - Usual - Unusual- Maximum Pool (El. 1180) Tailwater (El. 1 065) Minimum Pool (El. 1 090) Tailwater (El. 1065) PMF Pool Tail water (El. 1190) (El. 1082) Criteria Minimum 1.5 1.5 1.5 Calculated U/S DIS 1.66 1.78 1.66 1.78 1.66 1.78 The established acceptable deformation limits for the dynamic conditions of analysis for the concrete faced rockfill embankment was a vertical deformation less than one-half the freeboard or 5 feet and a horizontal deformation less than one-half the width of the bedding layer zone or 6 feet. The deformations for the selected critical slip surfaces shown in Figure E-34 determined from the dynamic analyses for the normal case using the most likely input parameters and the composite Hybrid accelerogram are: LOAD CASE Extreme Extreme Extreme PAEABLlO 10112196 (MCE-0.75g) (DBE-0.375g) (MTE-0.55g) SLIP SURFACE A B c D E F A B c D E F A B c D E F PREDICTED DEFORMATIONS (ft.) Vert. Hor. 2.8 5.0 1.1 2.5 0.3 0.6 1.2 3.2 3.2 5.7 0.8 1.0 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.1 1.2 2.2 0.4 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 1.2 1.4 2.5 0.3 0.7 VII-7 The maximum predicted deformations are all less than the 5 foot vertical and 6 foot horizontal criteria. It must also be recognized that the above values do not represent single surface point offsets but rather represent a bulging and settling distortion value that in essence is a more gradually varying surface from one location to the other along either the upstream or downstream slopes of the embankment. 2. Concrete Gravity Spillway The five stability loading cases that were analyzed for the concrete gravity spillway were: Case I Normal Reservoir -Usual Condition 1. Normal Max. Reservoir El. 1180 2. Uplift and seepage forces 3. Dead loads 4. Ice at El. 1179.0 Case II Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)-Unusual Condition 1. Max. Reservoir El. 1191 2. Uplift and seepage forces 3. Dead loads Case III Earthquake -Extreme Condition Case IV Case V PAEABLlO 10112/96 1. Normal Max. Reservoir El. 1180 2. Uplift and seepage forces 3. Dead loads 4. Ice at El. 1179.0 5. Maximum Credible Earthquake (0.75g) Construction Case-Unusual Condition 1. Reservoir water surface at EI. 1 065 2. Dead loads 3. Construction Condition Earthquake (0.1g) or wind load Low Reservoir with Earthquake -Extreme Condition 1. Reservoir below El. 1124 (no hydrostatic) 2. Dead loads 3. Maximum Credible Earthquake (0.75g) VII-8 The stability criteria minimum acceptable factors of safety and maximum allowable stresses used for the Usual, Unusual, and Extreme cases of design loading analysis of the concrete gravity spillway are: Usual Unusual Extreme Unusual Extreme Case I Case II Case III Case IV Case V Nor. Res PMF Earthquake Construction Low Res Stresses: Concrete (f 'c = 3000 psi) Safety factor 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 Compression, psi 1000 1500 3000 1500 3000 Tension, psi 60 90 270 90 270 Rock ( 40 ksf = 280 psi *** Safety factor 2.0 1.5 1.1 1.5 1.1 Compression, psi 140 185 250 185 250 Tension, psi 0 0 * 0 * Sliding: Shear -Friction in Concrete Safety factor 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 (in Concrete and at Rock/Concrete Interface On Rock Foundation Joints and Faults Safety factor 4.0 3.0 1.2** 3.0 1.2** * For dynamic analysis by FEM, the tensile stress at the rock/concrete interface shall not exceed the allowable tensile capacity of the concrete. * * Safety factors not relevant to SARMA analyses. *** Safety factors applied to allowable bearing capacity that is one-half the ultimate bearing capacity. The concrete gravity spillway was considered stable by SWEC against overturning when the minimum calculated stress, without uplift, met the minimum allowable stress criteria for concrete (WH-ft} and when the maximum compressive stresses were less than indicated in the previous table. The structure was considered stable by SWEC against sliding when the calculated shear friction factor of safety is greater than 3.0, 2.0, and 1.0 respectively for the Usual, Unusual, and Extreme cases ofloading. PAEABLIO !0/12/96 VII-9 G. STRESS ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION The static analysis spillway model, stability results, and stress results are shown in Figures E-36 through E-41. The maximum spillway ogee section static analysis results for the Case I-Usual (normal reservoir), Case II -Unusual (PMF), and Case IV -Construction (Unusual) are as follows: Shear-Friction F.S. Min Calculated Allowable Concrete Compression (psi): Max Calculated Allowable Concrete Tension, Including uplift (psi): Max Calculated Allowable Rock Compression (psi): Max Calculated Allowable Case I Usual 5.2 3 45 1000 3.6* 60 32 140 Case II Unusual 13.6 2 34 1500 (No Tension) 90 34 185 Case IV Unusual 61.0 2 48 1500 (No Tension) 90 48 185 * Maximum tensile stress due to uplift without cracking assumed is 3.6 psi. Maximum tensile stress including iceload and uplift is 7.3 psi, neglecting reinforcement. Section was reinforced in all tensile zones. The results indicate that the ice loading in the Case I Usual condition results in tension ( 5 psi) on the upstream face of the spillway ogee section at EL 1170 and El. 1175. However, stresses for the Usual condition without ice load or uplift were found to remain compressive. Reinforcing was added to control cracking due to the ice load, with resulting very low steel stresses (fs = 3.4 ksi). Since some reinforcing was being added in the upstream face near the crest due to the tension, it was extended down the upstream face to the base elevation and also over the crest to the point of inflection to limit thermal and shrinkage cracking and to improve the overall stability of the upper portion of the ogee. If the reservoir level were at El. 1178 with the corresponding iceload applied at El. 1177, the static analysis for the Case I -Usual condition, without uplift, indicates no concrete tension or cracking. Since ice will occur during winter months when the reservoir is lower, the potential for cracking due to ice load is minimal. PAEABLIO 10/12196 VII-10 The Case II and Case IV-Unusual conditions were found to meet the stability criteria without additional reinforcing. The effective stress, including uplift, for El. 1160 and El. 1165 in the normal reservoir case was tensile, but these tensile stresses were due to uplift so cracking was not assumed. With the exception of those levels requiring reinforcing due to ice load (El. 1170 and El. 1175), the resultants for all Usual and Unusual conditions (Case I, II, and IV) are located within the middle third of the section. No tension was indicated at the rock/concrete interface for any of the static analyses. The non-overflow spillway sections in the left abutment were analyzed with bases at El. 1160 and El. 1180 and were found to be statically stable for all cases. For Cases I & II the stresses at El. 1160 without uplift were compressive at 23 psi to 40 psi. The minimum shear-friction factor of safety for these cases was in excess of22. Case IV indicated stresses of 1 psi to 72 psi and a shear-friction factor of safety over 56. The right non-overflow spillway section was evaluated for seismic stability in the spillway axis direction using pseudostatically applied accelerations at 0.35 g and 0.75 g. As noted earlier, to improve the stability of this right non-overflow section, the concrete section was tied back into the rock abutment using rock bolt anchors. The maximum ogee section dynamic analysis results for the Case III-Extreme (normal reservoir level) and Case V -Extreme (low reservoir level) are as follows: CASE III CASE V Extreme Extreme Base at: El. 1124 El. 1150 El. 1160 El. 1124 El. 1150 El. 1160 Concrete Compression (psi) Max Calculated 155.7 77.9 52.3 165.5 86.3 48.8 Allowable 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Concrete Tension (psi) Max Calculated: w/o uplift 87.3 32.1 45.4 77.5 18.3 22.5 Incl. uplift 111.6 45.1 54.1 Allowable 270 270 270 270 270 270 Rock Compression (psi) Max Calculated 155.7 77.9 52.3 165.5 86.3 48.8 Allowable 250 250 250 250 250 250 The detailed stress analysis envelope stress value results for the spillway ogee sections for Cases III and V are presented in Figures E-44 to E-51. All stresses at each of the sections analyzed under the extreme loading conditions were within the allowable stresses based on 3,000 psi concrete. Uplift pressures were combined by superposition with the computer analysis results for Case III to obtain maximum concrete tensions. For Case V the section was analyzed without hydrostatic PAEABLIO 10/12/96 VII-11 loads but for simplicity included the Westergaard added mass in the seismic analysis. This approach resulted in slightly conservative seismic stresses that were well within allowable values. The shear-friction factor of safety was not calculated using the finite element method. Sliding stability was evaluated by SWEC using the SARMA method of analysis. The results of the SARMA analysis for the prediction of the maximum potential permanent deformation under seismic loading indicated that the maximum displacement occurred for Case 2, with a peak horizontal ground acceleration of0.75g combined with the vertical acceleration. The potential displacement was found to be 0.5 feet. It should be noted that the inertial force of the water is not usually considered in such a dynamic analysis and resulted in slight decreases in the critical acceleration values for all sections. There was no potential movement predicted for the construction case earthquake ofO.lg and essentially no movement predicted for the DBE of0.35g, with its displacement being about 1/100 of a foot when no cohesion was assumed. It was concluded by SWEC that the potential movement of the spillway under earthquake loading will be small and considering the keyed and fixed-edge plate configuration will likely be zero for the MCE case. The amount of intact rock-concrete area needed to force critical wedge accelerations of a least 0.75g and 0.35g was evaluated by SWEC. The required amounts were 2.4% and 0.3% of the surface area respectively in Case 2 based on a rock shear strength of 1,500 psi. As intact shear- capable rock is expected to be in excess of 75% under all sections, the actual sliding stability is expected to be far in excess of that needed to prevent movement. Similarly, with no intact rock, but using a contact shear strength of 160 psi, the percent bonded area to prevent movement during the MCE and DBE would be 22 and 2.5 percent, respectively. The summary ofMCE predicted displacements for Case 2 is presented below: SARMA RESULTS -CASE 2 Critical MaxGnd Displacement Base El. Section Acceleration Acceleration ® 1160 Ogee 0.231 0.75g 0.51 1150 Ogee 0.282 0.75g. 0.32 1130 Ogee 0.258 0.75g 0.38 1124 Ogee 0.263 0.75g 0.37 1160 Non-overflow 0.443 0.75g 0.06 1124 Non-overflow 0.334 0.75g 0.20 H. LOADING DIAGRAMS AND SUMMARY OF RESULTS The loading diagrams and summary of results are shown in Appendix E, Figures E-34 through E- 54. PAEABLIO 10112/96 VII-12 I. LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL The foundation under the compacted rockfill embankment was excavated to bedrock under the entire footprint of the embankment. Liquefaction of the bedrock foundation or compacted rockfill embankment is not possible. PAEABL10 10/12/96 VII-13 SECTION VDI SPILLWAY ADEQUACY The basic hydrological studies and the development of the spillway inflow design flood for the Bradley Lake basin and the Middle Fork Diversion basin were performed by the Alaska District, Corps ofEngineers in the 1979 ~ 1982 period. Reference 10 presents the results of those very detailed studies. It was not possible to locate a copy of earlier studies by the Corps but the information that was available was sufficient to judge the adequacy of the hydrological studies. The design engineer (SWEC) reviewed the methodology, criteria, and results of the Corps of Engineers' flood studies and found them to be reasonable and acceptable for design of the Project spillway facilities. The design engineer, however, did not utilize the hydraulic discharge capacities of the reservoir low level outlet or the power tunnel to reduce the routed magnitude of the probable maximum flood (PMF) that was adopted as the inflow design flood. The Independent Consultant has likewise reviewed the Corps of Engineers hydrology studies and the site specific probable maximum precipitation study by the National Weather Service, Reference 12. The methodology, criteria, and results were also found to be reasonable and acceptable as a basis for the Project inflow design flood. The information on the inflow design flood presented herein is based upon those studies. A. FLOODSOFRECORD The gauge, Bradley River, at Bradley Lake Outlet was established in October 1957. The historical flood of record occurred October 10, 1988, with a peak discharge of8,800 cfs. The five largest events are: Date October 10, 1988 August 10, 1979 September 16, 1982 October 14, 1969 August 4, 1977 Flow (cfs) 8,800 6,020 5,830 5,480 5,120 The recorded peak flows recorded by the USGS since the Project reservoir was filled on September 25, 1991,are: Date October 3, 1991 September 15, 1993 August 12, 1994 PAEABLil 10/12/96 Flow (cfs) 512 Ill 140 VIII~l The annual maximum reservoir levels have been: Date October 1, 1991 September 3, 1992 October 11, 1993 October 12, 1994 September 29, 1995 Maximum Elevation 1180.0 1148.8 1176.0 1171.1 1177.5 B. INFLOW DESIGN FLOOD 1. Determination of Probable Maximum Flood The Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) was based upon developing a watershed model using the Corps' Streamflow Syntheses and Reservoir Regulation (SSARR) model. The watershed model was calibrated utilizing selected historical floods to establish hydrologic characteristics of the basin that would reconstitute the historical floods. The watershed model was also calibrated against a nearby glacial creek (Wolverine Creek) that had a good data base of daily streamflow, temperature, and precipitation that greatly improved the model in regards to these glacial melt aspects. The probable maximum precipitation (PMP) was determined by the NWS to be a combination of an orographic and non orographic storm event and the maximum precipitation was determined to occur in the August and September period that was also consistent with peak streamflow runoff periods. The PMP was applied to the SSARR model of the Project basin to determine the PMF inflow design flood. PAEABL11 10/12/96 a. Probable Maximum Precipitation As noted earlier the PMP was determined in 1961 by a site specific special study of the Hydro-meteorological Section of the National Weather Service, Reference 12. The estimates from this report were reviewed by the NWS in June, 1979 and found to be still valid. The PMP is a combination of orographic and nonorographic rainfall occurring in August or September. The total 72-hour precipitation for the PMF is 41.0 inches with a maximum 6-hour amount of 11.1 inches. Since the Bradley River drainage basin is within 10 miles to the lee of the northeast -southwest orientated mountain range of the Kenai Peninsula, the orographic component was based upon spillover from the South Coast area lying to the southeast. The inclusion of such orographic spillover has been found to be appropriate for up to 20 miles beyond mountain ranges along the West Coast of the United States. The PMP was distributed in 6-hour periods as prescribed by the NWS as follows: VIII-2 PAEABL11 10/12/96 Duration (Hours) 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Depth (Inches) 11.1 16.8 21.2 25.0 28.0 30.8 33.5 35.5 37.0 38.5 39.8 41.0 Technical Paper 47, Reference 13, was utilized by the Independent Consultant to estimate the 24 hour PMP for the basin and it was determined at 24.7 inches. This compares well with the 25 inches from the NWS special study, Reference 12. The NWS indicated that air temperatures during the August PMP were expected to be about 2 degrees higher than in September. Therefore, the PMP was forecast for August to reflect maximum glacial melt. A 3 day antecedent rainstorm was assumed to occur before the PMP storm, using the 1 00-year rainfall data from Technical Paper No. 47, Reference 13, and Technical Paper No. 52, Reference 14. Since the PMF was found to be relatively insensitive to the lag time between storms, a 48 hour lag time was utilized as a reasonable lag time period for the PMF derivation. Snowmelt was handled in the same manner as in the basin flood reconstitutions. The temperature index method was use to compute melt from the glaciers. Nonglacial areas were assumed snow free for the August PMP. b. Watershed Model For Converting Rainfall to Runoff As noted earlier, the watershed model that was used is the Corps' Streamflow Syntheses and Reservoir Regulation (SSARR) model. The model was calibrated using selected historical recorded floods at the outlet ofBradley Lake. These were three August -September period floods of record on the Bradley River as follows: Date 10-20 August 1958 8 -17 September 1961 10 -30 September 1966 Recorded Peak Flow (cfs) 4,220 4,890 4,230 VIII-3 In addition, the watershed model was calibrated against glacial runoff from the Wolverine Glacier to better establish glacial runoff parameters. Schematic diagrams of the basin models used for reconstitution of flows for the Bradley River at Lake Outlet and Wolverine Creek are shown in Figure E-27. The reconstituted floods are shown in Figures E-28 and E-29. Basin characteristics developed and used in the SSARR model for surface-subsurface split, evapotranspiration index, soil moisture index, snow cover depletion, melt rate index, and baseflow infiltration index are shown in Figure E-30. c. Runoff and Flood Routing Procedures The separation of flow and losses during the PMF were simulated in the SSARR model in the same manner as in the basin flood reconstitutions. The Corps' PMF inflow hydrograph, including the Nuka runoff and Middle Fork Diversion flows, was adjusted upward to 800 cfs to include 400 cfs additional inflow from the Middle Fork Diversion. The PMF was routed through the reservoir to determine the spillway design flood. Routing used a starting water surface at the uncontrolled ogee spillway crest El. 1180.0. The PMF peak inflow was 31,700 cfs and the routed spillway discharge was 23,800 cfs at El. 1190.65. The inflow and outflow hydrographs are shown in Figure E-31. 2. Freeboard Adequacy The dam is provided with a reinforced concrete crest 2.5 feet in thickness and with a reinforced concrete parapet wall from El. 1190.0 to El. 1194.0 The parapet is provided with a wave deflector at the top. Considering the location of the dam in a protected arm of the reservoir, wave overtopping during a PMF event should only be limited to spray created by the wave deflector on the parapet wall. The 3.5 feet of residual freeboard above the PMF reservoir El. 1190.65 is considered adequate. 3. Dam break analysis Not applicable as spillway capable of adequately passing the PMF. C. SPILLWAY RATING CURVE The spillway rating curve is shown in Figure E-31. The theoretical computed discharge relationships shown has been reasonably verified by model study, Reference 16. In fact, the model determined only 60 cfs additional flow at the theoretical maximum discharge of 23,800 cfs. The Independent Consultant has reviewed the spillway rating curve and found it reasonable and acceptable. PAEABLI1 10/12/96 VIII-4 SECTION IX ADEQUACY OF MAINTENANCE AND METHODS OF OPERATION A. PROCEDURES The Project is operated and maintained in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Project Plant Operation and Maintenance Manual, Reference 9. The Project is operated solely for the production of hydroelectric power. The normal maximum reservoir is El. 1180.0 and the normal minimum reservoir pool is El. 1080.0. The Project does not have a rule curve for operation of the reservoir. The Project generation is normally operated from the Chugach Dispatch Center. It can also be operated locally from the Powerhouse Control Room. The Project operating staff consists of three (3) operators on a rotational 8 days on 6 days off, 10 hours per day basis. Normally there are two (2) operators on site. At the time of the inspection only one operator was on site. The operators are available to, in case of need, operate the plant locally, take on-site readings of powerhouse instruments, perform surveillance duties, and perform general maintenance of facilities. Major maintenance crews, that have on occasion reached about 15 people, are supplied either by Homer Electric or from contracted services. There are procedures in place for notification of a significant earthquake event and special inspection as discussed in Section V. There are no formal procedures in place for notification to the Project of a Tsunami event. In the event of a notification, operators indicated they would abandon the powerhouse and housing facilities and seek higher ground until there is no longer a hazard. It would seem prudent that formal notification procedures be implemented. The construction of an insulated wall barrier at the North Adit is scheduled to prevent ice buildup from the leakage. This will replace the temporary barrier currently in place. B. MAINTENANCEOFDAM The dam, spillway, and outlet works facilities appeared generally well maintained. The facilities are new and as such maintenance is not a major current effort. As noted earlier, work on stabilizing the berm upstream of the dam left abutment and removal of floating debris is scheduled. The installation of a permanent drain for the reservoir outlet tunnel is also scheduled. The only maintenance item that needs constant attention should be the removal of calcite deposits in the reservoir outlet works gateshaft facilities to prevent deterioration of equipment and piping. PAEABL12 10/12/96 IX-I C. MAINTENANCE OFF ACILITIES The other facilities also appeared generally well maintained. A new project makes maintenance easy, but in this harsh environment the honeymoon will not last long. The wood type construction buildings are beginning to show signs of attack from the weather and will soon need repairs and treatment of the siding. As with the calcite deposits in the reservoir outlet works gateshaft, the power tunnel gateshaft has similar needs. Removal and control of the calcite deposits to prevent damage to equipment and piping will require constant attention. It is understood that studies are underway as the best way to address the erosion behind the riprap that is occurring at the downstream end of the tailrace. Since it is in a wetland area, these considerations must be included in any repair scenarios. The backup power supply source for operation of the upper facilities is tested on a monthly basis by running the diesel-generator set and testing of the transfer scheme for auto transfer in the event of loss of primary power. The backup power source for the lower facilities is run on a weekly basis and full load tested monthly. These procedures are considered adequate. During the inspection, a new road was being constructed to replace a construction road that was removed to the construction air strip. This will provide an air strip for transportation of crews and equipment that is believed will be more dependable from an operational basis. D. SURVEILLANCE Surveillance of project facilities is formally scheduled on work order forms that are issued as a function of the formal preventative maintenance program. On a monthly basis, when the access road is open, the dam, spillway, spillway gallery and drains, outlet works, outlet works gatehouse, and power tunnel gatehouse are inspected. The Nuka Diversion, Middle Fork Diversion, and Upper Battle Creek Diversion are inspected as a minimum semi annually. The powerhouse and tailrace are formally inspected annually. In reality, when the access road is open, most facilities are casually inspected as operating staff performs nearly weekly maintenance or checking of equipment nearby. However, the access road is normally not open from November through April. It is recommended that during this period a monthly fly over of the upper facilities be performed as operating staff are transported to and from the Project. The objective of the fly over is to note any unusual conditions that may develop so that corrective action, if needed, can be initiated in a timely manner. PAEABLI2 10/12/96 IX-2 E. EVALUATION The Project has a good system of operation and maintenance procedures in place with the preventative maintenance program and the Plant Operation and Maintenance Manual. The operation and maintenance procedures are considered adequate. Maintenance of the dam and other facilities is generally good. Certain features were noted as needing specific maintenance attention and these are outlined in Section XI. As the project ages, maintenance needs will increase. The need for additional permanent maintenance staff or contract services will become necessary in order to not compromise the quality of the facilities. Surveillance of the dam and other facilities is considered adequate with initiation of monthly flights for inspection during periods when the access road is closed. PAEABL12 10/!2196 IX-3 SECTION X CONCLUSIONS A ASSESSMENT OF DAMS AND OTHER WATER RETAINING STRUCTURES 1. Field Inspection • The concrete faced rockfill dam and concrete gravity spillway are in an excellent condition and functional for their intended purpose. • No deficiencies were noted related to geologic foundation conditions, settlement, movement, drains or uplift pressures, seepage or leakage, erosion, or the general condition ofthe concrete faced rockfill dam and concrete gravity spillway. • Cracking of concrete noted during the inspection was judged currently not structurally significant. • No conditions were observed around the reservoir rim that are considered to present a slide hazard sufficient to be a hazard to the dam. 2. Stability Analysis PAEABL13 10/12/96 • Foundations were judged adequate for the concrete faced rockfill dam and concrete gravity spillway. • Special drainage provisions for the concrete faced rockfill dam are not necessary for stability. • Foundations drains provided for the concrete gravity spillway are necessary to maintain uplift pressure reduction for stability. • The seismicity investigations were comprehensive and the basis for selection of the Maximum Credible Earthquake and Design Basis Earthquake is reasonable and acceptable for the stability evaluations. • Use of a Hybrid accelerogram for stability analyses to represent site rock conditions and the high frequency peaks is considered logical and acceptable. • The consideration of a reservoir Seiche and its effect on the stability of the concrete faced rockfill dam parapet is appropriate and acceptable. X-1 • The methods of analysis and the analyses employed for the structural stability analyses of the concrete faced rockfill dam and concrete gravity spillway were comprehensive, appropriate, and acceptable. • The assumptions and determinations of the properties of materials, uplift conditions, and phreatic surfaces for the concrete faced rockfill dam and the concrete gravity spillway are considered reasonable, appropriately conservative, and acceptable. • The factors of safety adopted for the minimum criteria for the concrete faced rockfill dam and the concrete gravity spillway stability are consistent with the general standard practice of the dam engineering industry and acceptable. • The computed factors of safety for stability of the concrete faced rockfill dam for the Usual and Unusual loading conditions exceeded the minimum criteria and therefore are acceptable. • The deformation limit criteria for the deformation of the concrete faced rockfill dam are reasonable and acceptable. • The predicted deformation of the concrete faced rockfill dam for the Extreme (Maximum Credible, Design Basis, and Mega Thrust) earthquake loadings were all less than the allowable deformation limits and therefore are considered acceptable. 3. Stress Evaluation PAEABLl3 10/12/96 • The factors of safety for the concrete gravity spillway of 3. 0, 2. 0, and 1. 0 for determination of minimum acceptable stresses for the Usual, Unusual, and Extreme loading conditions are consistent with the general standard of practice of the dam engineering industry and acceptable. • The computed factor of safety for stability of the concrete gravity spillway for the Usual and Unusual loading conditions exceeded the criteria and therefore are acceptable. • The addition of reinforcing steel in the upstream face and crest of the concrete gravity ogee spillway to resist potential tensile stresses and to limit thermal and shrinkage cracking is a conservative measure. X-2 • The computed shear-friction factors of safety for the concrete gravity spillway for the Usual and Unusual conditions ofloading exceeded the minimum allowable factors and therefore are acceptable. • The computed compressive and tensile stresses in the concrete and the compressive stresses in the foundation for the Extreme loading conditions of the concrete gravity spillway did not exceed the minimum allowable stresses and therefore are acceptable. • The SARMA analysis of the concrete gravity spillway for the prediction of sliding stability deformation and the associated assumptions are extremely conservative. It is believed that when all factors of foundation shape, roughness, and strength of concrete and rock at the interface are reasonably considered, that the predicted movement for the Extreme loading condition will be zero. 4. Spillway Adequacy PAEABL13 10/12/96 • The use of the Corps' SSARR model for the development of the Inflow Design Flood is acceptable. • The use of the Probable Maximum Precipitation developed by the U.S. Weather Bureau's special study remains consistent with currently published data and is acceptable. • The procedures used for modeling basin characteristics was reasonable and acceptable. • The selection of an August PMP and assumption of no snow melt except on glaciated areas is reasonable and acceptable. • The spillway rating curve that was confirmed by model study is acceptable. • The routing of the PMF Inflow Design Flood of 31,700 cfs resulting in a spillway discharge of23,800 cfs at El. 9190.65 is acceptable. • The 3. 5 feet of residual freeboard during the peak of the PMF in conjunction with the wave deflector parapet wall is considered adequate. • The spillway is capable of adequately passing the PMF. X-3 B. ADEQUACY OF INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORING OF INSTRUMENTATION • The three lines of movement monuments on the concrete faced rockfill dam and concrete gravity spillway are adequate to monitor movements of the structures. • It would be desirable to conduct a survey of the concrete faced rockfill dam monuments on the upstream face at El. 1120 at least once every five years to monitor deformation of the concrete face. • The installation of seismographs on the dam and its abutment is appropriate for a project located in an area of known high seismicity. • It is unfortunate that there is no specific installation to directly collect and measure dam seepage or leakage. It would be desirable at least once each year during a dry period to measure as reasonably as possible the dam seepage and leakage at the stream gauge downstream of the dam. • It would be desirable during the monthly inspection of the spillway gallery to note the flow from the individual foundation drains and the reservoir level at the time of the inspection. • It would be desirable to measure the flow from individual foundation drains at least once each year when the reservoir is at its maximum stage for the year. • It would be desirable to plot the V -notch weir flow measurements and reservoir level with respect to time. • The four penstock drains need to be rehabilitated by cleaning out the calcite deposits to permit monitoring of the effectiveness of the individual drains to control external pressures around the steel lined section of the power tunnel. C. ADEQUACYOFNUUNTENANCEANDSURVE~LANCE • The new Project is generally maintained in a good condition. • The scheduled surveillance of the Project facilities is generally adequate except for the dam and spillway during the winter when the access road is blocked by snow. • It would be desirable in the winter at least once a month to fly over and visually inspect conditions at the dam and spillway. • The planned maintenance consisting of removal of reservoir floating debris, removal of the unstable berm above the power intake area, installation of a permanent tunnel drain PAEABL13 l0/12/96 X-4 in the outlet works, and installation of an insulated bulkhead in the North Adit is appropriate. D. ADEQUACY OF PROJECT OPERATION The Project appears to be operated for its intended purpose consistent with the operation and maintenance manuals and procedures. No deficiencies were noted. E. ADEQUACY OF OPERATION OF SPILLWAY GATES AND STANDBY POWER Not applicable as the spillway is ungated. PAEABLI3 10/12196 X-5 SECTION XI RECOMMENDATIONS A. CORRECTIVE MEASURES REQUIRED FOR STRUCTURES No deficiencies were noted, therefore there are no corrective measures required. B. CORRECTIVE MEASURES REQUIRED FOR THE MAINTENANCE OR SURVE~LANCEPROCEDURES 1. Survey the movement monuments on the upstream face of the dam at El. 1120 at least once every five years when the reservoir, through normal operation, permits access to the monuments. 2. At least once a year, during a dry period to reduce the effect of local surface runoff, measure the dam seepage and leakage at the gauge downstream of the dam with computed adjustment for any flows required for stream releases. 3. During the monthly inspection of the spillway gallery foundation drains, record which individual drains have visible water in them or are flowing. Also record reservoir level at the time of the inspection. 4. At least once a year when the reservoir level is at its maximum for the year, measure and record the flow from the spillway gallery individual foundation drains and record the reservoir level at the time. 5. Plot the spillway gallery V-notch weir flow measurements and reservoir level with respect to time. 6. Visually monitor monthly and measure once a year the flow from the four individual penstock drains. Record the observations and flow measurements for evaluation of drain system effectiveness. 7. Monthly, fly over and observe conditions at the dam and spillway during winter periods when road access is not possible. C. CORRECTIVE MEASURES REQUIRED FOR THE METHODS OF OPERATION OF THE PROJECT WORKS No deficiencies were noted, therefore there are no corrective measures required. PAEABL14 10/12/96 XI-1 D. SCHEDULE TO CARRY OUT EACH CORRECTIVE MEASURE Corrective Measure B. I. B.2. B.3. B.4. B.S. B.6. B.7. Schedule Once each five years, reservoir level permitting Annually Monthly, when access permits Annually Monthly, when readings are obtained Monthly observe flow. Annually measure flow. Monthly, when road access is not possible E. ANY NEW OR ADDITIONAL MONITORING INSTRUMENTS. PERIODIC OBSERVATIONS. OR OTHER METHODS OF MONITORING PROJECT WORKS OR CONDITIONS Recommendations relative to these issues were made in Subsection B. PAEABLI4 10112/96 XI-2 SECTION Xll CERTIFICATION A. Statement of Independence The initial independent consultant's inspection of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No.8221-AK, and this report were made in compliance with Part 12 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission rules under Title 18 of the Code of Federal Regulations. All conclusions and recommendations in this report were made independently of the Licensee, its employees, and its representatives. B. List ofParticipants The inspection was performed and the technical material and data in this report were prepared by: Donald E. Bowes, P.E., Civil Engineer C. Signature oflndependent Consultant PAEABL15 10/12/96 PAEABL23 10/12/96 APPENDIX A FERC LETTER APPROVING CONSULTANT r:: .. . . ' ''fl f? r-.... FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSibW) \[ I; •!--: '. \~! lt ! ~ I WASHINGTON.DC.20426 w :;:,4:;~_;~ i__~J Mr. Stan Sieczkowski Manager, Maintenance and Operations Alaska Energy Authority 480 West tudor Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Sieczkowski: 'APR 19 199tf and Exporl Author it\.· Project No. 8221 Bradley Lake-NATDAM # AK83016 Alaska Energy Authority I By letter dated April 10, 1996, you proposed Mr. Donald E. Bowes, P.E. as the independent consultant to be responsible for the first Part 12 safety inspection of the Bradley Lake project. Mr. Bowes' resume confirms that he meets the Commission's independent consultant qualifications specified in Section 12.3l(a) of the regulations. Mr. Bowes is therefore approved as the independent consultant for this inspection. In accordance with Section 12, Subpart D, the approved independent consultant must either personally inspect the project or be present during the inspection to supervise those individuals that conduct the inspection. You are also reminded to instruct your consultant that should any condition be discovered that requires emergency corrective measures, he must immediately notify you, since you are required to submit a report to the Regional Director in accordance with Section 12.36. Three copies of the inspection report must be filed with the Portland Regional Director by December 31, 1996. The consultant's report must be formatted in accordance with the enclosed outline. In addition, your consultant should be prepared to submit, if requested, diskettes containing computer programs with documentation and input files for any of the computer analyses used to reach the conclusions in his report. You are reminded that not later than 60 days after the report of the independent consultant is filed with the Regional Director, you must submit to the Regional Director three copies of a plan and schedule for designing and carrying out any proposed corrective measures. Sincerely, ?on~ ~DITec~r Division of Dam Safety and Inspections Enclosure PAEABL23 10/12196 APPENDIX B CONSULTANT'S SCOPE OF WORK SPECIFIC SCOPE OF SERVICES In accordance with the procedures in.the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18, Part 12, Subpart D, the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project works, excluding transmission and transformation facilities and generating equipment, must be periodically inspected and evaluated by or under the responsibility and direction of an approved independent consultant, who may be a member of a consulting firm, to identify any actual or potential deficiencies, whether in the condition of those project works or in the quality or adequacy of project maintenance, surveillance, or methods of operation, that might endanger public safety. SPECIFIC INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS (1} SCOPE OF INSPECTION. The inspection by the independent consultant shall include: (a) Due consideration of all relevant reports on the safety of the development made by or written under the direction of Federal or State agencies, submitted under Commission regulations, or made by other consultants; (b) Physical field inspection of the project works and review and assessment of all relevant dat. concerning: (i) Settlement; (ii) Movement; (iii) Erosion; (iv) Seepage; (v) Leakage; (vi) Cracking; (vii) Deterioration (viii) Seismicity; (ix) Internal stress and hydrostatic pressures in project structures or their foundations or abutments; (x) Functioning of foundation drains and relief wells; (xi) Stability of critical slopes adjacent to a reservoir or project works; and (xii) Regional and site geological conditions; and (c) Specific evaluation of: (i) Adequacy of spillways; (ii) Effects of overtopping of non-overflow structures; (iii) Structural adequacy and stability of structures under all credible loading conditions; (iv) Relevant hydrological data accumulated since the project was constructed or last inspected under this subpart; (v) History of the performance of the project works through analysis of data fran monitoring instruments; and {vi) Quality and adequacy of maintenance, surveillance, and methods of project operations for the protection of public safety. (:L) EVALUATION OF SPILLWAY ADEQUACY. The adequacy of any spillway must be evaluated by considering hazard potential which would result from failure of the project works during flood flows. (a) If structural failure would present a hazard to human life or cause significant property damage, the independent consultant must evaluate the ability of project works to withstand the loading or overtopping which may occur from a flood up to the probable maximum flood or the capacity of spillways to prevent the reservoir from rising to an elevation that would endanger the project works. (b) If structural failure would not present a hazard to human life or cause significant property damage, spillway adequacy may be evaluated by means of a design flood of lesser magnitude than the probable maximum flood, if the report of the independent consultant provides a detailed explanation of the basis for the finding that structural failure would not present a hazard to human life or cause significant property damage. (3) EMERGENCY CORRECTIVE MEASURES If, in the course of the inspection, the independent consultant discovers any conditions for which emergency corrective measures are advisable, the independent consultant must immediately notify the Energy Authority. (4) REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT {a) General requirement. The independent consultant shall complete his inspection of the project during July 1996. Following inspection of the Bradley Lake Project, the independent consultant must prepare a report for the Authority. A draft report shall be completed by August 31, 1996. Following review by the Authority, to be completed by September 15, 1996 a final report, including the independent consultants revisions made in response to Authority review comments will be prepared. The original signed report and fifteen copies shall be provided to the Authority by October 15, 1996. The report must conform to the provisions of 18 CFR, Part 12. Subpart D and be satisfactory to the authorized FERC representative. An outline prepared by FERC of the required report is attached to this scope as Attachment A. (b) General information in the initial report. (1) The report prepared by the independent consultant must contain. (i) A description of the project development; (ii) A map of the region indicating the location of the project development; (iii) Plans, elevations, and sections of the principal project works; (iv) A summary of the design assumptions, design analyses, spillway design flood, and the factors of safety used to evaluate the structural adequacy and stability of the project works; and (v) A summary of the geological conditions that may affect the safety of the project works. (c) Information required for all reports. Any report of an independent consultant filed under this subpart must contain the information specified in this paragraph. (1) Monitoring Information. The report must contain monitoring information that includes graphs depicting data compiled from any existing critical or representative monitoring instruments tha measure the behavior, movement, deflection, or loading of project works or from which the stability, performance, or functioning of the structures may be determined. (i) Monitoring data plotted on graphs must be presented in a manner that will facilitate identification and analysis of trends. The data may be summarized to facilitate graphical representation. (ii) Plan and sectional drawings of project structures sufficient to show the location of all critical or representative existing monitoring instruments must be included. If these drawings have been included in a previous report prepared and filed by an independent consultant, they may be incorporated by specific reference to that earlier report. (2) Analyses. The report must: (i) Analyze the safety of the project works and the maintenance and methods of operation of the development fully in light of the independent consultant's reviews, field inspections, assessment, and evaluations. (ii) Identify any changes in the information and analyses required by paragraph (b) of this section that have occurred since the last report prepared by an independent consultant pursuant to 18 CFR, Part 12 and analyze the implications of those changes. (iii) Analyze the adequacy of existing monitoring instruments, periodic observation programs, and other methods of monitoring project works and conditions effecting the safety of the project or project works with respect to the development. (3) Recommendations. Based on the independent consultant's field observations and evaluation~ of the project works and the maintenance, surveillance, and methods of operation of the development, the report must contain the independent consultant's recommendations on: (i) Any corrective measures necessary for the structures or for the maintenance or surveillance procedures or methods of operation of the project works; (ii) A reasonable time to carry out each corrective measures; and (iii) Any new or additional monitoring instruments, periodic observations, or other methods of monitoring project works or conditions that may be required. (4) Dissenting views. If the inspection and report is conducted and prepared by more than one independent consultant, the report must clearly indicate any dissenting views concerning the analyses or recommendations of the report that might be held by any individual consultant. (5) List of participants. The report must identify all professional personnel who have participated in the inspection of the project or in preparation of the report and the independent consultant who directed those activities. (6) Statement of independence. The independent consultant must declare that all conclusions and recommendations in the report are made independently of the licensee, its employees, and its representatives. (7) Signature. The report must be signed by the independent consultant. PAEABL24 10/12/96 APPENDIX C CONSULTANT'S RESUME DONALD E. BOWES, P .E. CONSULTING ENGINEER 16225 S.E. 29th Street Bellevue, WA 98008 Phone: (206) 562-6093 Fax: (206) 641-3747 SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE: Mr. Bowes has over 35 years of ·broad civil engineering experience in water resources engineering. His experience includes planning, licensing, design, construction, operation, safety evaluations, and rehabilitation of multipurpose projects involving dams, conventional and pumped storage hydroelectric facilities, water supply facilities, flood control facilities, and irrigation facilities. His experience includes all types of embankment and concrete dams varying in heights to 770 feet (235 m) and hydroelectric projects up to 2,000 MW and 1,300 feet (396 m) of head. Technical experience encompasses hydrology, hydraulics, geology, soil mechanics, rock mechanics, stability and stress analysis, dam design, hydraulic structures design, construction contract documents, construction engineering management, operation evaluations, and dam safety inspections and evaluations. EDUCATION I SPECIAL TRAINING: Northeastern University, B.S. Civil Engineering, 1959 University of California, Advanced Soil Mechanics, 1966-1967 California Water Resources, Advanced Seepage and Drainage, 1967 Sacramento State College, Graduate Soil Mechanics Program, 1969 -1970 California Water Resources, Advanced Soils Mechanics Testing, 1968 Corps of Engineers -HEC, Flood Hydrograph Analysis. 1969 Pepperdine University, Construction Contract Litigation, 1980 University of Wisconsin. Pumped Storage Development, 1988 University of Missouri-Rolla, Seismic Design and Analysis of Embankment Dams, 1989 University of Washington, Rock Mechanics, 1991 Bureau of Reclamation, Safety Evaluation Existing Dams (SEED}, 1993 University of California, Advances in Earthquake Engineering Practice, 1994 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: California -14191 Washington -13284 Alaska -3273 Oregon-14110 MRES0196 Colorado-26180 Wyoming -1778 Utah-719809112 Arizona -23109 I PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: United States Committee on Large Dams • Life member, member since 1965 • President, 1991-1992 • Board of Directors; 1987-1992 • Committee on Materials for Embankment Dams -Member since 1982 -Chairman 1986-1989 • Committee on Dam Safety -Member since 1993 International Commission on Large Dams • Committee on Fill Dams; United States Representative 1986 -1989 • 16th Congress, Question 61 Session Officer; "Impervious Elements Other Than Clay Cores." • 18th Congress, Question 68 Chairman; "Safety Assessment and Improvement of Existing Dams." American Society of Civil Engineers • Member~nce1959 • Committee on Hydraulic Structures -Member 1976 -1983 -Chairman 1978 and 1982. Association of State Dam Safety Officials, Member American Concrete Institute, Member International Society of Soil Mechanics, Member EMPLOYMENT HISTORY July 1993 to Present President: Donald E. Bowes, P.E., Inc. Bellevue, WA March 1971-July 1993 R. W. Beck, Seattle, WA Principal Engineer to Partner July 1959-March 1971 California Department of Water Resources Civil Engineer to Senior Engineer MRES0196 2 EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: July 1993 to Present President: Donald E. Bowes, P.E. , Inc. Bellevue, WA Since July 1993, the following independent consulting services have been performed: 16 MW South Fork Tolt River Project-Consultation on design and construction engineering of a S-mile-long 68-inch steel pipeline/penstock and 986-foot head 16 MW surface power plant. Green River Headworks Project -450 MGD water supply project involving a diversion dam; river intake; and fish ladder, screening, and bypass facilities. Design and constructability consultation on raising of an existing gravity dam, new river intake, and new fish handling facilities. Portugues Dam Flood Control Project -220-foot-high arch dam, performed review of contract documents and consultation on design/constructability aspects of the project. 15 MW Terror Lake Project-193-foot-high concrete faced rockfill dam, 5.1-mile-long 11-foot- diameter unlined power tunnel, 3,1 00-foot-long 96 to 63 inch steel penstock to a 1,136- foot head 15 MW surface power plant. Design consultation on retro-fit installation of a de-sanding flushing system for the power tunnel. 1.9 MW Barber Project -Retained to perform geotechnical investigations of 28-foot-high homogenous embankment dam and alluvial foundation, embankment dam stability evaluation, seismicity evaluation, earthquake liquefaction evaluation, and wood timber crib dam spillway hydraulic and stability evaluation. Hog Lake Dam -Design consultation on rehabilitation alternatives to increase spillway capacity for the 25-foot-high embankment dam. Pyramid Dam Project-Independent safety adequacy evaluation of the 400-foot-high central core rockfill embankment dam. The 171,200 acre-foot reservoir forms the upper reservoir for the 1,250 MW Castaic Pumped Storage Project. 1,250 MW Castaic Pumped Storage Project -Independent safety adequacy evaluation of the project involving a 7.2-mile-long 30-foot-diameter unreinforced concrete lined power tunnel, six 13.5-foot-diameter surface steel penstocks, 1,078-foot head 1,250 MW surface pumped storage plant, and a lower reservoir impounded by the 1 07 -foot-high Elderberry Forebay earth/rockfill dam. 280 MW Devils Canyon Project -Independent safety adequacy evaluation of the 249-foot- high Cedar Springs earth/rockfill dam forming the upper reservoir for the 3.8 mile long 13.0-foot-diameter unreinforced concrete lined power tunnel and twin 6,750-foot-long 9.5 foot-diameter steel penstocks to the 1 ,430-foot head 280 MW surface power plant. MRES0196 3 6 MW Blue Lake Project -Independent safety adequacy evaluation of the 170-foot-high arch dam, 7,500-foot-long 11.5-foot-diameter and 10-foot modified horseshoe unlined power tunnel, and 323-foot head 6 MW surface power plant. 22.5 MW Swan Lake Project-Independent safety adequacy evaluation of the 174-foot-high arch dam, 2,300 foot-long 11-foot-diameter concrete lined power tunnel, and 304-foot head 22.5 MW surface power plant. 10.1 MW Pinnacles Project-Consultation on stability and structural adequacy of the 143.5- foot-high Talbott arch dam and the 133-foot-high Townes arch dam. 7.5 MW Hancock Creek Project-Technical and economic feasibility evaluation of the 7,830- foot-long 45 to 40 inch buried steel penstock and 1,136-foot head 7.5 MW surface power plant. 7.5 MW Calligan Creek Project-Technical and economic feasibility evaluation of the 6,450- foot-long 42 to 40 inch buried steel penstock and 1,041-foot head 7.5 MW surface power plant. Follow-up technical design consultation on alternative project arrangement to reduce capitalized cost. 3. 1 MW Chilkoot Project -Performed site reconnaissance and technical consultation on the project consisting of an upper reservoir embankment dam, 30-inch diameter 5,600-foot- long surface steel penstock and 2,000-foot head 3.1 MW surface power plant. Consultation focused on layout and design of the 41-foot-high concrete or steel-faced rockfill upper reservoir storage dam that is to be constructed in a remote area with no road access .. 1.040 MW Boundary Project-Independent safety adequacy evaluation of the project with a 340-foot-high arch dam, two radial gated spillways, seven gated spillway sluices, six 26- foot diameter concrete lined penstocks to an underground power plant with a capacity of 1,040MW. 30 MW Cedar Falls Project -Participated as a member of special consulting team to evaluate effects of high reservoir stages on stability of reservoir rim comprised of glacial outwash materials and the safety of long term operation of the reservoir at the high stages. The project involves a 215-foot-high gravity dam, 1,500-foot-long 11-foot- diameter concrete lined tunnel, two 78-inch steel penstocks 7,500 feet long to a 620-foot head 30 MW surface power plant. 6 MW Blue Lake Project -Preparation of designs, contract documents, and construction engineering consultation for rehabilitation of the power tunnel intake facilities involving repair of the fixed wheel gate rail system, replacement of fixed wheel gate seals and hoist cables, and installation of a hydraulic operated by-pass gate. MRESOI96 4 September 1990-July 1993 Partner; R. W. Beck, Seattle, WA Western Engineering Division, Director of Operations General management of facilities, human resources, engineering product production, and financial performance of the division consisting of 140 engineering and environmental staff. Division engineering and environmental services included water resources, municipal water/waste water, solid waste, hazardous waste, electrical generation and transmission, and construction management. March 1971 -September 1990 Partner; R. W. Beck, Seattle, WA Western Engineering Division, Principal Engineer to Partner Engineering and management responsibilities ranged over this period from design engineer, project engineer, project manager, to partner and manager of the firm's water resources engineering services. The services performed involved feasibility, licensing, design, construction, operation, and rehabilitation of water supply, flood control, and hydroelectric projects. Representative projects include: • Manitou Springs Dam -135-foot-high water supply zoned embankment dam • 2,000 MW AntHon Lake Pumped Storage Project-two 265-foot-high zoned embankment dams and 1,300-foot head 2,000 MW underground powerhouse • 2.1 MW Lake Silvis Power Plant-327-foot head surface power plant • 224 MW Chelan Falls Project- 200-foot-high zoned embankment dam • Wyoming Water Supply Project -three zoned embankment dams 120, 195, and 275 feet in height • 20 MW Thomas Bay Project -_gravity dam, 5,450 feet of tunnels, 590-foot head surface power plant • 12-MW Virginia Lake Project- 130-foot-high rockfill dam, surface power plant • 400 MW Clavey Wards Ferry Project -400- foot-high earth/rockfill dam, two concrete dams, 5 miles of tunnel, 2 underground powerhouses • 16.5 MW Green Lake Project -210-foot-high arch dam, 2,000-foot-long 9-foot-diameter concrete lined tunnel, surface power plant • 22.5 MW Swan Lake Project-174-foot-high arch dam, 2,300-foot-long 11-foot-diameter concrete lined tunnel, surface power plant • 70 MW Cowlitz Falls Project-140-foot-high gravity dam, surface power plant • 15 MW South Fork Tolt River Project - 5 mile pipeline/penstock, 986-foot-head surface power plant • 112 MW Sultan River Project -262-foot-high earth/rockfill dam • 54 MW Little White Salmon River Project -40- foot-high gravity dam, 4 mile pipeline/tunnel 1,000-foot-head surface power plant • 500 MW Mevo Hamma Pumped Storage Project -1900-foot head • 500 MW Parsa Pumped Storage Project-1,495 foot head and the • 500 MW Arbel Pumped Storage Project-1200 foot head. Participated in over 60 dam safety adequacy evaluations on all types of concrete and embankment dams for conformance with the National Dam Safety Act and FERC, Title 18, Part 12. MRES0196 5 March 1965-March 1971 Senior Engineer; California Department of Wafer Resources Division of Dam Safety Performed engineering design analyses of new and existing dam projects, inspected construction of new dams and rehabilitation of existing dams, performed annual safety evaluations of existing dams, and performed special investigations of dams under construction or in response to significant incidents. Dam projects included homogeneous and zoned earthfill, earth/rockfill, concrete-faced-rockfill, concrete gravity, buttress and arch dams. Engineering design analyses included hydrology; hydraulics: geological; seismicity; foundation evaluation; stability and stress analysis of dams; structural analysis of spillways, tunnels, outlet works; and adequacy of contract documents. Representative new projects included • Pyramid - 386-foot-high earth/rockfill embankment dam and the • Castaic Forebay -179-foot-high earth/rockfill embankment dam. Performed field reconnaissance evaluations of proposed sites for dams and reservoirs and evaluated contract documents for constructability adequacy. Inspected dams under construction to approve foundations and construction materials and to insure compliance of construction with contract documents and good construction practices. Performed construction inspections on new dams and rehabilitation or alterations of existing dams. Representative projects include: • Jackson Creek -193-foot-high zoned embankment • New Exchequer -480- foot-high concrete-faced-rockfill embankment • McSwain-97-foot-high zoned embankment • El Taro-106-foot-high zoned embankment and the • Cedar Springs -236-foot-high earth/rockfill embankment. July 1959-March 1965 Civil Engineer; California Department of Water Resources, Division of Design and Construction. Performed field investigations and office design analyses including preparation of designs and contract documents for embankment dams, concrete dams, and hydroelectric facilities associated with the California Water Project. Field engineering responsibilities included design related investigations for location of facilities, foundation investigations and construction materials. Design analyses performed involved hydrology, hydraulics, structural analysis, concrete and steel design, and embankment dam stability. Primary project involvement was on the 678 MW, 770-foot-high Oroville Dam and Power Plant Project, with major design responsibilities on the twin 35 foot diameter concrete lined diversion tunnels, reservoir outlet works facilities, underground powerhouse draft tube tunnels, and the service and emergency spillways. Other dams on which design activities were performed included the • Thermalito Diversion -143-foot-high gravity dam • Fish Barrier -91-foot-high gravity dam • Frenchman - 129-foot-high embankment dam • Antelope-113-foot-high embankment dam and the • Grizzly Valley-115-foot-high embankment dam. MRES0196 6 APPENDIX D REFERENCES 1. Tsunami Hazard to the Facilities of Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, September 1987 2. Investigation of Landslide-Induced Wave in Bradley Lake, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, December 1987 3. Report on the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Design Earthquake Study, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1981 4. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Main Dam and Spillway Grout Curtain Final Construction Report, Bechtel Corporation, May 1991 5. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Final Construction Geology Report, Bechtel Corporation, May 1991 6. Geotechnical Interpretive Report, General Civil Construction Contract Volume 6, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, June 1987 7. Final Supporting Design Report, Powerhouse Construction Contract, Middle Fork and Nuka Diversions and Reservoir Clearing Contract, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, July 1988 8. Final Supporting Design Report, General Civil Construction Contract, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, March 1988 9. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Plant Operation and Maintenance Manual, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, 1991 10. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, General Design Memorandum No.2, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, February 1982 11. 1Oth and Final Reservoir Filling Report, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, October 1991 12. Study of Probable Maximum Precipitation for Bradley Lake Basin, Alaska, National Weather Service, may 1961 13. Bradley Lake Project, Tunnel Inspection Report, Spring 1992, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, September 1992 14. Hydraulic Model Study of Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Colorado State University, January 1987 PAEABL20 10/12/96 1 APPENDIX D REFERENCES 15. General Civil Construction Contract, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Volumes 2, 3, and 6, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, June 8, 1988 16. Middle Fork and Nuka Diversions Construction Contract, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Volume 2, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, December 14, 1989 17. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Project Construction Historical Report, Volumes I & II, Alaska Energy Authority 18. Completion Design Report, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, January, 1992 PAEABL20 10/12/96 2 FIGURE NO. E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 E-10 E-ll E-12 E-13 E-14 E-15 E-16 E-17 TITLE PROJECT LOCATION MAP GENERAL PLAN APPENDIX E PROJECT DRAWINGS GENERAL ARRANGEMENT-PERMANENT CAMP & POWERHOUSE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT-DAM, SPILLWAY, AND FLOW STRUCTURES CONCRETE FACED ROCKFILL DAM -SECTIONS AND DETAILS SPILLWAY -PLAN, ELEVATIONS & SECTIONS CONSTRUCTION DIVERSION -SECTIONS AND DETAILS POWER CONDUIT -PROFILE & DETAILS INTAKE CHANNEL & POWER TUNNEL GATE SHAFT, SECTIONS & DETAILS 90 MW PELTON POWERHOUSE POWERHOUSE-GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAN, El. 15.00 POWERHOUSE-GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAN, EI. 21.00 POWERHOUSE -GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLANS, EI. 42.00 & El. 60'..0" NUKA DIVERSION, NUKA RIVER OUTLET STRUCTURE, PLAN NUKA DIVERSION DETAILS UPPER BRADLEY RIVER OUTLET WEIR, PLAN, SECTIONS & DETAILS MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION INTAKE BASIN & UPPER CHANNEL -PLAN, PROFILE & SECTIONS E-18 MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION INTAKE BASIN & LOWER CHANNEL-PLAN, PROFILE & SECTIONS E-19 UPPER BATTLE CREEK DIVERSION-PLAN, PROFILE & SECTION E-20 REGIONAL GEOLOGY MAP E-21 SOUTHERN ALASKA REGIONAL FAULTS E-22 SURFICIAL DEPOSITS MAP E-23 MAIN DAM AREA GEOLOGY E-24 MAIN DAM -DRILLING AND GROUTING, PLAN & PROFILE E-25 MAIN DAM SPILLWAY -DRILLING AND GROUTING PROFILE E-26 MCE RESPONSE SPECTRA -MEAN AND CHOSEN E-27 SCHEMATIC OF SSARR MODEL E.28 RECONSTITUTION OF 1958, 61, & 66 FLOODS FOR BRADLEY PAEABL2l 10/12/96 RIVER NEAR HOMER FIGURE NO. E-29 E-30 E-31 E-32 E-33 E-34 E-35 E-36 E-37 E-38 E-39 E-40 E-41 E-42 E-43 E-44 E-45 E-46 E-47 E-48 E-49 E-50 E-51 E-52 E-53 E-54 PAEABL2l 10/12/96 APPENDIX E PROJECT DRAWINGS TITLE RECONSTITUTION OF 1974 FLOOD FOR WOLVERINE CREEK NEAR LA WING BASIN CHARACTERISTICS FOR SSARR PROJECT DESIGN FLOOD SPILLWAY RATING CURVE ROCKFILL FRICTION ANGLES SELECTED SLIDING SURF ACES -MAIN DAM FLOW THROUGH DAM WITHOUT FACE STATIC SPILLWAY MODEL SPILLWAY STABILITY, ANALYSIS SUMMARY CASE I-NORMAL RESERVOIR, STATIC ANALYSIS CASE II -PMF, STATIC ANALYSIS CASE IV -CONSTRUCTION, STATIC ANALYSIS SPILLWAY STABILITY ANALYSIS SUMMARY, SHEET 2 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL, EL. 1160 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL, EL. 1124 CASE III-MAX VERTICAL TENSILE STRESSES W/0 UPLIFT, EL. 1160 CASE III-MAX VERTICAL COMPRESSIVE STRESSES W/0 UPLIFT, EL. 1160 CASE V-MAX VERTICAL TENSILE STRESSES, EL. 1160 CASE V -MAX VERTICAL COMPRESSIVE STRESSES, EL. 1160 CASE III-MAX VERTICAL TENSILE STRESSES W/0 UPLIFT, EL. 1124 CASE III, MAX VERTICAL COMPRESSIVE STRESSES W/0 UPLIFT, EL. 1124 CASE V, MAX VERTICAL TENSILE STRESSES, EL. 1124 CASE V, MAX VERTICAL COMPRESSIVE STRESSES, EL. 1124 SARMA ANALYSIS MODEL, OGEE SECTIONS, SHEET 1 SARMA ANALYSIS MODEL, OGEE SECTIONS, SHEET 2 SARMA ANALYSIS MODEL, NON-OVERFLOW SECTIONS 2 ·~ A STERLING HIGHWAY -< '" ··~ ~/ '----~ CARIOOU I --tc .. s />-L L KENAI' PENINSULA ( Y- I _./""'--·· .... ~ -v--~ \ .k::-v-FOX RIVER y-··"· // ----.... - . / · ..... ~ . [/LEY RIVER , · / ~_?:' . ; -.. LAKE EY .x~·;:::-K' ---4..~--·· . ..--I3RADL ~7 ~ . . "_/7 Qo \-.: •. , • I ~7 ·.· ) .. .__ i!J rr~fo: ... · . ~ --\.. ._ ---)J: I LBAmE :>. !.' CR•-K . I / ~ '.:.....--~ .,__ ___ ') ''. ~.· .. \~~ ~-,,:w "--~­:; ;';;)::;. -:::::: tl@ K p. ~ "<) . :'-.... MARTIN _to •PROJECT SITE RIVER ~' '(... ~~ '( -.J ..::> "' ~ ' ~ <v q "\ ('I 5 10MILES I ( ) I ~ "- I3RADLEY LAKE 'I_ ---'\ GULF OF ALt,SKA ~ 1Q. 0 20 40 60 80 100MILES 0 ~ I \ " BERING SEA I p"" """" «!)--.-c /' ALASKA CANADA \ I ANCHOR.OGE \ • ./'\,.',~JUNEAU I O; . ~"'--' ":2!0 ~"' HOMER-I ~ 'll~.; 1;:. 100 0 1()Q 200 JO() 400 500MILES NOTE: ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON PROJECT DATUM . MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM • PROJECT DATUM PLUS 4.02 FT. ~UILTEXHIBIT I PEND~G FERC APPROVAL ' FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PROJECT LOCATION MAP PLATE 1 FIGURE E-1 ... l '·~UPPEk BRADLEY RIVER ~\ O/~T WEIR / l··-~··· ) :(-( ( ~L-. ~ '~: l ~ ' {_I\ ', ·. vI GLACIER } NUKJ.. NUKA " / ' ···~ \ DIKE NUKA DIVERSION NTS KACHEMAK BAY ...... MUD FLAT ... ··· ABANDONED TEMPORARY LANDING STRIP (\AlA RIVER BARGE DOCK .... ··· ~~ ·"'''· ~ -4.!- .. ~, ~ ~ ~# -~sooL/ ~ rv J? " 0 ~ ; / ( Lb BRADLEY LAKE NORMAL <v~~ ~ ~ f9 ~ 0 '~ 0 .f) ~..{mrwER ~NNEL -""'l '"" "" I l,,o~ /~ ... ~B ~0 \.__----....) ~ ( DAM QUARRY F.2\ \\_ AREA ~ ~ MAIN DAM PSITE" ··~ INTA!\E ..--,S()O~ACCESS R0A 887) '-\--;;:~~A, NORMAL MAX. WS.EL.11 BRADLEY LAKE uJ (f) I ( f UPPER BATTLE ~~ AS-BUILTEXHIBIT CREEK DIVE:t[SION ... :=---::·~~ c:?Oc:, PENDINGFERCAPPROdL '\j ~1250-rc "~·.. FEBRUARY 1992 ,z<:>O --~ BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ... ./'. .. _/' GENERAL PLAN 1000' 1. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON PROJECT DATUM. MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM= PROJECT DATUM PLUS 4.02 FT. 0 1000' 200(j 300d 4rxxi SCALE IN FEET .& STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION FIGURE E-2 PLATE 1 // /'/ / ,· /~~~ ~--I)_ /; ·----· ~J ~ ' ~~~--:--KACHEI ..... AK 8t.r ~ 0 TAILRACE------- \. "' ~ "' .... 0 0 0 =--- 40 50 60 --~ 2111600 irn "' "' "' 8 70 MARSHALLING YARD N 2112100 ,rn SH..)~ ,\'.'l.R[HOL-'SE. --~ / /-~--.-·-·---~ //~- // ~· N ~1116JO ,rn "' "' C> .... 0 0 \ ' \ -~ -~~- bACKFILLED :EXCt.Vt.TCN 'F,JR FUTURE 3RO UNIT :...__-JS "/ ,LJ I v r 1 I ------· ---~~ I I I I [_41 LEACH >="IEL.C~ j: :: I_] STAGING :..REA 0 !lO 100 FEET SCALE l'o 50' --+" 2111600 .rn "' "' .... "' u 0 6_] \ -S:~' o'U,-;; -.:..-::_~cct:ss -:.u,r 0~ 0 -----....____--WET WELL FACILII Y AS-BUlL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PERMANENT CAMP & POWERHOUSE "' STONE I Y,EBSTER I I -. ENGINEERING CORPORATION EXHIBIT F PLATE 14 FIGURE E-3 j j ""'" ~'j / WASTE DISPOSAL AREA 8 . EL 1100.0'MAX ' "oo% ~---, '<~ ( I \ ASS.M-10 WASTE OJSPOS.AL .t.PEt.. ~h E:L 1090.0' MAJ ~-- 1 \ \ I \ \ \ \ I I I '' ............ ' ' ' \ \ '-.., \ \ I I \ \ \ \ I I 0 'b I I' I ' r.... 1 \J ,_.. \ ', MAXIMUM r~CRMAL OPERATING WATER SURFACE EL 1180 0' ASSM-8 / / ( \ \ ,....1-l--1\ 1 I f I I ''> 1 I ~/1 I I''~ I I~. I I I I ACCESS ROAD 0 40 80 FEET SCALE A. f' '40' RQ,<,D ' ' ' ',-,~,, ' ,, ' ' "\. ' ' ' ' '\ ' ,' ;-"-~ '~ '''' '' \ '' \' '·, ',' ;~"' ~','' ', ', ',,', .,70 ',, " ',~',',,', ','-.._ "'o," ','--,' ',',,-o .... b"', ...... , ' ' ' ' ' ', ti) SYMBOLS KEY • SEISMOGRAPH INSTALLATION 0 WORK POINT \ '-..'t>..;;,,',, ',, ' ' ' '-' '' '-...... ', ...... , ......... __ _ \' -::.'<,'._---__---__ ------ ', ------:::::._ ....... __ --- :::-..... __ '~:.: --...... ':',~',:', ',,' ', ",, ',,:',,',, ' ' ', ' " ' ',....._'',,',,, '' ', ............ ',, ...... 1--,o 'o ~~S0 ~IAGING AREA o 1194.7'' "., _,. ~ "'-, ®CCC I' STA 0•00 .-" ~....; ', \ \ \ \ \ 0 PEL)ESTAL ~ !:jRASS CAP ~ ALUMINUM CLP e Lh_""::L T '----\ \ ', / FIGURE E-4 I FILL TYPES lb~:~""'~ jl i B1AI SELECT TUNNEL MUCK B2 I 3&MA.X ROCK FiLL EL Mt..Y OPER ~~Ll190 1 rEL1186'' ' ________ l_ ____ _ "" "'-. "'-. CONC FACE SLAB 1'-0' THICK GROUT CURTAIN -TOE PLINTH_/ -...____ ------------ 1 56''!1-6" PARAPET WALL " ZONE 2 TYPE 82 F!LL II MAXIMUM DAM PROFILE SCAU IN fElT 50'-0' ~)j REINFORCED / CONCRETE FACE SLABS 1j 1..J 2i 2 SEGMENT SEGMENT B SEGMENT C SEGMENT D A 3-3 'ICAU • M:£1 ...____ ---------------VIEW LDOKING OOWNsrREAM--------- c •o· 10 ~ :s $CA.U HOI fl ( 'f RIGHT ABUTMENT ,--WATERSTOP PUNTH / 1 FACE sLAB I I ~ z 9 DISTANCE A L, 1 6'-7• 3L0• Lz J4'-10t SEGMENT 8 c D 4 1-72 4 8'-1-f 8'-0' 2'-4.;t' 4 2'3' 2' 3' 5'-10; 5'·3:f • 5' ----- ~- , ZONE 3 RlPRAP KtG~"T ABU7ME:NT PLINTH l I I -~.-=u / ./ I --A~~~-~-- L, MIN I 6'-e 1' I 2-2 t' •. st.Ar.laorrr,. r ROAD SUB GRADE & SURFACING F"LOW- } COFFERDAM 18' 1' TO 2 EA SIDE II I I /":" 0 5' TYPE 811 FILL .;.,..~_..,.._ ..,.-_,.k",.;,:____l; EL 1090' MIN -~<GEOTEXTILE \,/"' :x:::-COMPACTED RANDOM Fill ur"' ~~1 UPS"REAM COFFERDAM PROFILE o' to' 20' ~-I sc.•n.£ '"' F"EI:'T EMBANKMENT 1 - 1 0 ,. !"Sa--I sc•Lt '"" •t:t:T AS-BUll T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY A CONCRETE FACED ROCK FILL DAM SECTIONS AND DETAILS PLATE 3 FIGURE E-5 / / /0 --/ ~ /.~a/ / ----/ / I I , /--(/ / / jl, ~ / \ \ ,/// / ~/ / I I / / / / / "" ,\\\\\\ "' ) If // / ~ --~ / I / i I I // / / \,'-0\'\-,'-,--//-_..-I, \')\~~~"--/!;!I /:///~----II; / I / / N0~·0V[Rr:.'LOW \ ~\\\ "-"'-... .---// 1/ I 1 o / / ..---1 1 ' \\\ \_'( / / I t' / I \~\\~\''----/ /// / I I / !l I I --'/)~'\"-/ ( -J/ -I \1~\\__'-c_ ( /./ I \\\ ~ <--, \ \ I ""~YMQNlMEil"/ I \ \\ \\ \ / " \ \ if ~ \ \,1~111, SPH~:..WAY BASE UN[ -~~UI-IV>• Y MONJMEN"T ACCESS STAIRS EAST WALL E\ I ~~ \ \ oj \ \ u:. \\ I J /\. \ \ I \ ' \ lJ iii / • "'--- Jjl \\"'-. ~/ / \, ,__ - ///-./ (\ .__ -\I / '--. -- " \ \... c( "-- \ \ "' " \ \ \ 1 ) \ \ \ \ "-'".Jo----. J ! I I , ____ I I ~ \ \ -----. I ---~-1 -..__---/ /-~ --~ ------/ / I '-----._ ------...__ ____ _ // / ----11,0------- ;-/ PLAN-SPILLWAY ------- / EL 1195.00' !CONTRACTION :-::~':'::::":;==:;::~_j JOINT ;RAINING WA:...L [A$; TRAINING WALL E ~f.i':O~N'~3 WALL ELEVATION LOOKING UPSTREAM =-~;~:;g:=~ •·'1 : ~-6F1' R;· ! ( -r.£AI.', y lSPILL-Y ;BASEL H~E '~" L '·"- \I :,, ;, t F-~~ \i t l PC~ ::·j 1 PT 1 r'c 2 pI ;;.' P1 2 GAL:...::PY ~C/.:.::?5",:.:_, CJRVE EOUAT iON Y• 0.0678X '-848 OVERFLOW SECTION GEOMETRY .-SPILLWA'I Bt..S£:...1~~ 2'- ScOPe. ~•Gi-l ~"" E-'1 ~5.08 ~~ :..-L G:...~U:::h~ NON-OVERFLOW SECTION GEOME ~s NTS F!LL C:::'~·:RETE TRY 40~:-r: ..... :,:A:...E A: 1~~ :co• ;:ll AS.BUIL T EXHI PENDING FERC APP I FEBRUARY 1992 1 reRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT __j ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SPILLWAY PLAN, ELEVATIONS & SECTIONS ,4;, STONE • WEBSTER I I ENGINEERING CORPORATION EXHIBIT F PLATE 4 FIGURE E-6 r PROB_~~~~-FLOOO ~~.~ NORMAL MAXIMUM QPERATH~G Ff(S(RVO!R LEVEL EL 1180 o· / / / ROCKFALL EL tl20.0' /'~ ,~ "' / ~// EL\0965' '*-~=-'-"-'-"-" -----iH+H+-+- EL 1076 a· 'o >s 'i, TUNNEL 1 -1 SCAlE A "' "' ;!?~'!" 1/'1~11\f") N ~":" "'"" GRO liNt: (APPROX} 2-2 SCALE A RINGS r2 l.2 I I I I I r, GATf SHAFT---- EXCAVATION SPR!NGL lNf FLOW DIVERSION TUNNEL SECTION SCALE 6 FLOw. __ · i:-TVN'Nt:L PLAN OF TUNNEL SCALE B 1i SHAFT l () 3-3 SCAlE A AIR 4-4 5 CALE A -- (t_ ~ ~=i A-r"1---·--~ I I \ ~-\HYDRAULIC GATES -PENSTOCK VENT I DRESSER C 0 UP L..lNG F '1 XE 0 RING SUPPORT s Ll DING RING SUPPORT-- {TYP) r4 l.4 "' ' i 1 40 ·o·· BENCH \ ' "' ::c: V10 ' ' '\ 51 ' ' EL 1062.5' IEL 1060.0' (};) !IV ·~:::~] 101: o· AS·BUIL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION DIVERSION SECTIONS AND DETAILS '<!+-++ -_fl--'..Q~ 0 ~0 40 FtET SCALE B: 1": 20' 5 5 0 8 =it Ft.El SCAlE A I SCALE A' )",8'-0" A STONE & WEBSTER ENGt"''EER1N:G CORPOR~TtON FIGURE E-7 PLATE 10 w ~ _J ~~ ~ -' ""o !li <to:O lr LW~ o: ... -i ~~~;;j LLQ=¥- Q I -~ "Vl . , . ., ... "' 9 _t -SEE LOWER BEND DETAIL BELOW 0 9 g 8 6 !!I 8 0 ~ BRADLEY RI·JER FAULT ZONE I 0 0 6 ::: 1dLG,1"i!> ROCKBOlJS I 0 0 0 ~ . ~·.-;=-:.!,_~;-.;.~~:~o.;--·~~ ·a -' !!! "o -~ 1...3 INTAKE DETAIL ... 2-2 ... ~ -;=::::--::~ SCAl.-f•nn SEE EXHIBIT F-PLATE 6 FOR INTAKE &GATE SHAFT L UPPER SEND DETAIL ... 10' ,..,._. •• ------:=:s ICALI.fiiT 3-3 ... JO . Mf" I ~e-.a.t•un <0 ,.._ ., \!2 <( I- V) ---------------...... , ""17 SLOPE;--I 0 8 0 0 0 ~ ;: 1ci'IJ SCHEDULE 40 PiPE IN 14"(1) PILOT BOREHOLE- FOR SHAFT ACCESS 71 8 0 0 7j 6 0 ;:;.> Ol ,--------!----BULL MOOSE FAULT ZONE 0 I 0 . 0 0 0 I 0 0 R 0 <0 <D TUNNEL CONTACT ..,__-+ _ __.~GROUT HOLES CONCRETE LINING 0 0 0 .n --2500' --20001 NORMAL TRANSIENT PRESSURE GRADIEN--T-]L------ --15001 ffi z ::; w w <n g C STATIC PRESSURE GRADIENT ts.. ~r ., ......... _____ ·-"' ? 1.-:;0 0 J 0 <I' 8 0 CUTOFF l'l GROUT RINGS --10001 ~ ~ ~ 2 CONC --500' r 8 0 N TRANSITION FROM 13'0 CONC. LINER TO 1111> STEEL LINER STEEL PE~ &MANIFOLD TUNNEL & STEEL LINER e•.o• e'-o" l---t-----,'---t-~ STEEL SET STEEL LINER !\~ . ~ ---.,--, -+J-idl--- c;o r>- ¢ STA184•141 t TUNNEL m·· 4-4 ..- ~C.Au••ul' -MANIFOLD .. (HORSESHOE i:.~~~ce~~~~ON I POWER TUNNEL ---J I L---- -++-----+ \'' STA 177.67! ·~ \/* •. g ; ~ <[ .... "' REINFORCED LINER TRANSITION FROM 11'ill SHAFT TO 13' 1/! TUNNEL LOWER BEND DETAIL . ~ s DRAINS (TYP) 6-6 II 4 I' ~- 9-9 ~----...:::::::::s StA;.f N F'([T 1' THICK CONCRETE LINER 5-5 4' I' ~--i KAU•fln r ;. r ~~ HOOP & LONGITUDINAL STEEL REINFORCING TRANSITION TO STEEL LINER& AREAS OF LOW MODULUS ROCK 8-8 -.. AS.BUIL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 e-• ICALI •flU A BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY POWER CONDUIT PROFILE & DETAILS FIGURE E-8 PLATE 5 HOUSE y EL 1194.0' EL 1185.5' I I 22' <!I ·If':. 1'-0.NOMINAL l ' CONCRETE LINING l 1 ~ J Jr SPIRAl STAIR AIR VE'Nl ~1067.5Q;__~-" HA'l tP:I HYDRAUliC GATES , LADDER ' •n BY-PASS EL 1055.0' 2 ,, --:3>1'---·--t------~ TUNNEL GATE SHAFT CROSS SECTION .,. w--1 ·~·lt .. .-~ fT '/iTsiil•f TRASH ROCK- .. ~ INTAKE CHANNEL LONGITUDINAL PROFILE EL 101B 0' 0 15 32FEE1 ",....-----"'";,..,NNEL 8Y ·PASS -ACCESS MANHOLl PLAN GATE CHAMBER 10' tO' st•Lllk 'f.f" ACCESS HATC.-;~ ,. SCA:..E .;6" ~Gt.T" S..;AF' CAP S_AB I ,_TU~NEL AiR VENT TUNNEL R£j:"JLL YE~T~-. ,.,--GATE POSITIOI\: !ND!CATOR CAY7ANK~' 0 ~ GATE HOUSE FLOOR PLAN o 10' 'tO' y.-~ 1 r-TUNr-.JE._ EW-PA:,S MANHO~E :u:jNE~ REF1:._;_ "~"UN~J£i.. REFILL PiPE...,_~ ~ GATE SHAF'T PLAN EL 1053.50' w--r N' S!:lh.E 110 ft:lT PLATE 2 PLAN) A PLOT PLAN-GATE SHAFT c.:::a:: 1 ~•u ••ufT AS·BUIL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY INTAKE CHANNEL & POWER TUNNEL GATE SHAFT SECTIONS & DETAILS STONE I. WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORI'ORATION FIGURE E-9 PLATE 6 ------ -, ~~ rOAD ~· .TROLLEY, eo:., a" 12 -1 E 24'·0" c: "·r 1 T -----{ = _j_ <B?l~/ J: ; . 25 't HOOK T 1-GRAVEL SURF ACE E.L .!i '± ~11'.fERSTL 9'0 STL MANIFOLD 1 i INTERSECTION L ~ INTERSEOION 1: INTERSECTION \9' ~ STL MANIFOLD -·,.~l /POST-'ENSIONED i I r TUNNEL ANCHORS -l ~fif MANIF'OLDENCASED ;--6'-6't> STL ---------------------;----.... INCONCRETE ' PEN;TOCK -------1 -,....~ -r----r J-", ;--.. -.. EL 2505' 1 ' --·----~)· ""'I ----~------------------=;,~'2~:c-~--;'~d-_" --~:·rtt:~r~~ ·~ I /...._ l I J.;.._ "'-1-. • , ' ~=----=-' -·-' --------~~~~---~1:~---'-"'~'- LINER DRAI~sf If •k' REDUCER---'~ THRUSTBLOCK--' SPHERICAL VALVE -L,_, I 1 I I . 1 PENSTOCK THRUST RINGS PENSTOCK, MANIFOLD & POWERHOUSE ) lll 0 10 20 F'EET 30' LG POST TENSIONED 6'·6•jiSTL PENSTOCK ROCK ANCHORS 11' f SlL LINER-- 6'-6"DIA PENSTOCK IN TRENCH NTS I ~ STL LINER LINER eNCASED IN CONCRETE 11' DIA STEEL LINER 0 !0 20FEET DRAINS PENSTOCK CONC ENCASED 7(F'UTURE) t~ I I r HIC>H PRESS\jRE ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD r:·;·~l I I I 7 EL 1!\.0' FUTURE UNIT EXCAVATION 0 10 20 FEET £L41 1 ~16' TIDAL FLATS EL VARIES IEL 6•!) r---160 rN HOOK A ,• ~-: . ~ . s;:~oo.7 ~· GATE EL 21' RUNNER .j.-~~S~HIGHEST TIDE "il/. EL 11.4' ~ A5-BUIL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 90 MW PELTON POWERHOUSE STONE & WEBSTER ENGJ>fEEAING CORPORATION FIGURE E-10 PLATE 9 g FILL C(:,N('"(TYP) 1/ g6 "• ~~/ PENSTOCK(TYPJ 1 1 ° I I I .J ~~ ...-8----·£.._id_N_ITS ~I .,, :~~ I Y t J .. • . ! , ... 1'':' l .-----,L.---+:H \ ---+W ... l . -' L: .,\ ---+ 4 RUNNER REMOVAL I SUPPORT PL.ATFORtvl I EL 5.00' ! ~ I I ~ 1:1 ~~~\-; ,IJ•I .. .1 , ! .)j . .. . ,:;~~1 i ., • ~j;'~ : . ; .. :~~~ ·--+-· _L______l__-1 E TAILRACE TAILRACE SPIRAL CASING PLAN EL 15.00' 0 8 16 FEET SCALf A: {•,-·0' A A5-BUIL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY POWERHOUSE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAN EL 15.00' PLATE 24 FIGURE E-ll 3 MTX-XMl \SPARE) .,.......-TRANSFORMER PIT EL 18.00' T RANSFORM"R YARD TRUCK SlAB---I~"'l. FU!OL OIL DAY TANK GUARD SPH VALVE a, i PENSTOCK I ~SPHlRICAL TURBINE FLOOR PLAN EL 21.00' TOC EL 21.lX"i 1 IUNLCSS ,:-~ ... ~\·:S£ '\:.'7~0! LEGEND: MCC MOT C'fil CO!\. T ROL C£1\o 1 E'i !=HC :=-:fiE HOSE .:ABIN[~ ON DOWN !'-'H ""1.ANHOLE SPH SPHERICAL VALVE 0 B 16 r'€ET I iiil scALE A• f·r-o· A A5-BUIL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY POWERHOUSE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAN EL 21.00' ITON!i I ""£liSTER ENGINEEA ... G CORPORATION FIGURE E-12 PLATE 25 51'6 SUBSTATION ROOM l~c;;· .... CRANE STOP FAf'.: RM NO , STORAGE RM NO.1 2Q'·_o·-···· ···~-+·-~--··--'"':(. GENERATOR FLOOR PLAN EL 42.00' HANDRAIL FHC RM I~ --+- B7 ' MACH' NE SHOP I . ' ~--~s;-:.. __ . 1 ! t l ! _j1 (P._ATE 27) AS-BUll T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 :%I BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT "i ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY I POWERHOUSE . . PLANS EL 42.00' &. EL 60~0' 0 AIR INTAKE CANOPY___..,.."' ·-• ---r" GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ~ n~E~ ~=~~=~===-~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~---- PLAN EL FIGURE E-13 0 E\ 1€ '"EET ,~ . . SCALE A; 1!•1-0 ,,"'" ~­~~ ,"'' ., .... -- ' I 1 I I I I / ,/ \ I~ I~~ ~ ~ \ \ ,' / I 1 1 \ 1 \ I 1 I I I { \ ~ I I I \ I I I I I I \ I ', \ \ \ \ \ \ \ : : \ \ \ I \ \ I t \ \ \ \ \ I 1 I I \ I I \ 1 \ , /',,"""" I --\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ; \ \ ',, \,, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \. ', ... _ .. __ _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ', .... \ \ \ I \ \ I \ '-, \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \, -....... ______ ......... \ ,, ',,, \ \ ............ \ \ \ ' \ \ ' \ ' ,\ \ 1 , , 1 ' ' ' , NUKA POOL \ \ \ \ \ \ ',, ',, ',, ', ...... ', \ \ \ \ \ \ ', --------- \ ', \ \ \ ', ', ', ' \ ' \ \ ' ', ............. ',, \ '-, ',, \\. ',, ' .... , ..... ___ _ ', ', \., ', \'1. ' ... , ' ...... ... I \ \\ \ ', ', \ '...._ .. \ \ \ ' \ ' . \ ' \ \ \ ', ', \ \\ ', \ .... , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " \ ',,.. \\ \ ', \ \ ' \ ' ~ "' "' ~' w' I I l -~~ / ............. ---........... , ... ----,~) ////' / / ~~ + I ' I I ,' I / , I / / II I I I / I 'I I ,' /j 1/ I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I : I :~, 1 ttlo I ~I ,.., ' I I I I I ' /r-l ........ // ~LIMIT /:.. L~x~ 22) SLOPE 4H.1V a,• .0. EXISTING NUKA RIVER SHORELINE )) "'~ """" DO NOT EXCAVATE)' ( PILOT CHANNEL ltli.~7"' ~ ---r-~~-~ ___ L_ PLAN-OUlLET STRUCTURE SCALE A FLOW REGULATOR PIPES 2 EA 12'~ SCHE.DULE 40 STEEL PIPE \"'"" ~l o I o I t'"'~ <1 I ::y J 0 ~! 40 FEET SCAL[A:~ 6] '--·--y ·~,~·:('"UPPER E<"A[JLE• ,.\[<' -~\. ~O~~~ET WE1h _/' \ ·.. / 1 \~~~(· () .e . ~ .. NUKA '"'1 . GLACIER \ \ s· ' l C.J) ' . ) ) \ / t! NUKA POOL --~ / .. ..../) ( I I 1:. . I (.., ·. : I ·. / \ _jr_r~~J0NuRE DIK~j. K NUKA RIVER ;~·. AREA PLAN N.T.S. A5-BUIL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY NUKA DIVERSION NUKA RIVER OUTLET STRUCTURE PLAN ~ STOM: & •n.asTit:" I ~ ENOINEER .. G CORPORATION EXHIBIT F I PLATE 21 FIGURE E-14 L lxsT GRD:z 1L EL 1282.0' EL 129.::! Q' li_ DIKE I LinER SLOPE ...--APPROX T.W. LEVEL I EL 1290' 41-1 1V SLOPf / /·EXST GRD ~........ . •. ·.·I I -j:!: • =:.......c... . -. I ~ I I '"" I CH.L.t.J'.JEL ~ __...-GABION LAYOUT r SYMMETRICAL ABOUT CENTERLINE 35,,.0_' -----------~-1 E L 12 97.0' ---------------------~ •L ·<~"V lfl ~ <'"r J 0 11 I I · · · · .1 LIMITS OF----I MEMBRANE LINER : " ,: : 'T F -l-=c :.: 1r- jvn!~;:83tJ L.' 1~J":±.;l~w 1 \~> ! ''~xvL ~J~ I ~"1 , ., EXCAVATE TO STAB-E SLOPE EL 1277.0' FAR SIDE & NEAR SIDE 1-1 SCALE A c_ DIKE 4L1296.7 I 100' >jW I -o.. IO .-,-' "'. \_GABJ•)NS CUT Bi X:CTION [.....----MEMBRANE LINER I I I \ 12"x12" PRESSURE TREATED POSTS 2-2 SCALE A DIKE GABION LAYOUT DIKE 40'it1-, SYMMETRICAL A~OUT . li_ 1 CENTERLINES I llllllllo· D 1.5' ~ I 1-zQ._ II ! I~-~-~-( :g-·-li_ CHANNE1 CD EL 1282.0' @) EL 1291.0' 40'~ ]1 E~ ~29E: ,-EXS" GRADE !c:'/G I 1 =:,_cc=1~~--~--lf=4 '"7' 1 -t: I --1 I ·----__ _~. ___ ::.-.::: =====--.:z:-:::7 I fJ "'0 I )1 l II I I I I "0"' '" II \ I ~-~ I J ~ l I~~ I I l I I I I I ) I EL 1290:! 0 '" FLOW SLOPE 5H 1V 0 ---ail-I I f_ CHANNEL i2~ SHEAR GATE z-PILOT CHANNEL7 -( 'i_Qi__ @ EL 1285.0' i I 401 -----. n r~ I ----r D @ EL 1294.0' 3H:1V SLOPE ITYP) / .!..._TRANSITION FROM 3H:1V TO .::IH:1V SLOPE .::!H:1V SLOPE ITYPJ Ci!~ "''::;: I I -··1 ~ r I , LEL 1296.7 ~ ~ I+,......._._..-------- ENLARGED PLAN-OUTLET STRUCTURE SCt..LE A EXIS.,-ING GROUNC> EL VARIES It_ 3-3 SCALE A li_ CHANt<-~E~L ___ _ G) EL 1288.0' I I I GABION CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SCALE B 0 10 20 FEET SC.A-E 8: 1·-·~' ----5'--1C' FEE: ,._:- A AS-BUll T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY NUKA DIVERSION DETAILS FIGURE E-15 PLATE 22 0 0 ~ $~~::::;;~ g N $ M ~2078400 --..... PLAN SCALE A / I I I ' I I I I ' I I I / / I / / I I I I I / / I / / / / I I !,('::7V 1280 4-4 SCALE A 5-5 SCALE B A5-BUIL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT I ALASKA POWER AUTHORrTY UPPER BRADLEY Rr ·-- OUTLET WEIR PLAN, SECTIONS & DETAILS PLATE 23 FIGURE E-16 I ~\ -. ;----~.::_ "" ·~ 0 \ !...MF 1 , N2108180.0 "E356663.3 \ STA 9~00 \ . \ ~~~ ~ .. ) \·~ . s iNTAKE BASIN 2220 MIDDLE FORK BRADLEY RIVER CHANNEL 2200 2180 2170 2160 I 2140 2120 croo 1•00 - 0 :;: < .... "' 2•00 JoQO 2 -2 'I• SLOPE 4•00 5•00 STATION <i PROFILE I ---,o:---r' . 2' MIN TYPICAL CHANNEL EXCAVATION IN ROCK & OVERBURDEN (NTS) LOOKiNG UPSTREAM 6•00 ~p 7•00 8•00 "' ~ ;! "' -> Q_ ~ 1 sLOPE VARIE:O """'··~/[.>----2--r----:2.__-1 r;;;u-- -' :-11 1 ,-:; 2"LJ~ ~ MIN TYPICAL CHANNEL EXCAVATION IN OVERBURDEN (NTS) LOOKING UPSTREAM 9-00 3: )> .... n J: r z "' ~ ~ rn ;;0 ~ )> 'f 0 ~ WASTE FILL AREA 2 -------' 2-2 WASTE FILL AREA 1 (NTS) t WASTE ~ILL AREA i: CHANNEL ~ WIDTH 0 40 80FE:ET '--~-j SCALEA1"o40'-0" AREA PLAN INTS) SLOPE OF EXCAVATION STA 0•00 TO STA 1•70 AS PER· TYPICAL SECTION cOR EXCAVATION IN ROCK & OVERBUROEN Jl BASIN I 1 ~7r~" ,_, A5-BUIL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION INTAKE BASIN & UPPER CHANNEL PLAN, PROFILE & SECTIONS PLATE 11 FIGURE E-17 21BOL-~ 0> 2160 .. z .... 0 V> ;:: 2140 -.. -> w ~ 2120 ';;: w --' 10 2100 a_ w z --' I ~ .. ~ 11•00 12·00 13•00 14•00 STATION Cl PROFILE 15<+00 U' 0> CHANNEL CUT CHANNEL EXC I· 'ILL 1\ :-~ v,,,I~SI fi!~2 FOO'MAX 40'MIN -~SoO'MIN -----...:::-....... 2 .. ::;--,'7, ................ ...... D!FFEREt,JTI:,TED, '::_'' '' ~ ~~STE FILL~ ',, - EXST GRD 3-3 WASTE FILL AREA 2 I 500'MAX bO'MI~ I li!J I ~ MIN 6' SHOT ROCK 4-4 WASTE FILL AREA 3 40 BOF"EE T ----, A5-BUIL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY MIDDLE FORK D I VERSION STILLING BASIN & LOIVER CHANNEL PLAN, PROFILE & SECTIONS BTONE & =~;TION I EXHIBIT F AE .. _ PLATE 12 FIGURE E-18 r·· , 50.0' EXISTJN WORKING LIMITS CHANNE~ ... JI. I -------. ··r ------------,, : I"'"'~ \ : 0 ,/-______________ )_ GRADE !N 2.099,50~ • 0 ! ~ ~ ~ I "' I 1 I - I I I I / CHANN • 11'1!.1'' "~ '-r--+--;/ '" ,'\.\'i'" BOTTOM~ : I kJ E 3<4H5.55 N 20qqq37,43 t w u.J t~ ;:,1:),,5:)0 --·-.. ~-~·-.. --·-· ·-· ·-... -... -... -.. -··-··-.. -··-·· -.. ·----·. -~--~-----· ·--·-··--· -· ·--~----. ·----··-· --· ·-··-··-.. -· ·-· ·-··-·--· ·-·.-··-· ',,:I:ERSION DIKE ',, EL 1342.00' 2 i EXISTING GRADE~~-3 i TRAINING DIKE ~-~- /_.~j .,."'"'/ 31H8l ' --',,, ______ j __ _ 21E8> DIKE PROFILE NTS TALUS MATERIAl: EL 13<2.00' 2 IV 't. DIKE I 2 - 2 DIVERSION DIKE 188> NTS PLAN "" '"' }00 'SCAlE" rtn IMPERVIOUS LINER ARMOR U/S & DIS FACE OF DIKE 1/ITH BOULDERS 12.0'1 1 0 EL 1342.00' u.J -t gi-- :3 v ~ ----·--··-··-··-·--··-"·-··-··-··-··--·-··-··-··-·· \. BRADLEY LAKE DIKE I ~t m5 · 0 ' ~XCAVATE ADJACENT : TALLUS FOR TRAINING ---~----~£ CGNSTRUCTION nrsTIN~-r 1 • 0· 1 GRAOE~ ~ 3 -3 TRAINING DIKE IC7l NTS II t >-~ 0 ~ ... u "' ..., 0 a: Q._ AS-BUlL T EXHIBIT PENDING FERC APPROVAL FEBRUARY 1992 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY UPPER BATTLE CREEK DIVERSION PLAN, PROFILE & SECTION ~~ STCIJ: • Wllt$Ttlt £HGtNEERlNG C.CJfP(IRATION FIGURE E-19 6] II A C If Tri~ Jtk AfD -\...as ~-... : . ~ ·.. .....~~ :' KJnn ~ ••• ~.~~··•• : ~: . . Kjv .............. ........ ....... ............ · ... ', '·:::::~::~:_:~:;~ , KJ v-, , , , __ :Jt~f~~Bs~-::-:: ... :~ ...... ; .. :-:-... , .................... . : • 0 10 5 ·- ) --II SCALE A• i • • 10 MILES ;c. -t- -t- --- u i5 QUATERNARY N ~ TERTIARY u CRETACEOl.5 .AJRASSIC AND CRETAC£ClJS !..! 2 .A.IRASSIC 0 "' ~ oltiASSIC u 2 PALEOZOIC 0 AND OR ~ MESOZOIC c A. ~ Je ~ ilia ~ 19 ~ ' rriTfm Kjm ~~ ~ ~ l!~ Trm ~~ kzPz zo ~MILES --- ANTICLINE ·GENERALIZED ON SURFICIAL DEPOSITS AND IN THE OFFSHORE SYNCLtiE • GENERALIZED ON SURFICIAL DEPOSITS AND IN THE OFFSHORE NORMAL FIUU' ·DOTTED WHERE CONCE.lLED U, UPTHROWN SIDE D, DOWNTHROWN SIDE THRUST OR REVERSE FAULT· DOTTED WHERE ~AUD, SAWTEETH ON UPTHROWN IL.OCX CONTACT QUATERNARY DEPOSITS KENAI GROUP: SANDSTONE, SILTSTONE AND SOME COAL GRANITE, QUARTZ MONZONITE AND SYENITE ~frDfliL~~~NEMEI:r:~=h: MCHUGH COIIIPL£Xa WEAICI.l' ME'lliMORPHOSED SILTSTONEMGRAYWACX~ ARKOSE AND ~'i'fH~~ Tl<;.DSA::GI~f t CORE ENSTONE, LAVA FLOWS LIMESTONE AND CONTORTED AND FINE GRAINED TUFF SOME GR£ENSTONE MAFIC ROCKS • PIU.OW BASALT AND SOME GABBRO AND ULTRAMAFIC ROCKS ~ IT~a--~ IJ ---~1'10111 CHERT 6 GEOTECHNICAL INTERPRETIVE REPORT FIGURE E-20 62°~ 0 -7-..... . 152° (~, .. ---····· ··\.. ' 144' 142° ' , ·' ,, r----I --' __,.---, \_ .i .. -_,e• " I i • I ' >o • • ' ------' > ' . ' ', f, •• c~---~~~~ro o<• --~.,. ~'-; .te;, '>~'~' "'<,. ' ·~-____ ,. ...-~ • ~.... . . .. • ...... ... :::._ "+. ' ', ..... ,, ' ··-·· -/ y . ,--' • " ' ' "· ' ' , D -~ . ' ' ' .• -• ~~ , ' ' '·' ,• .... r -. ' • ' . • •> • ' "' ,, ; , , , 1,' I ' 'I I I )., ''\ ................ ... ~-··· ~· __ ....... · ... ·· ·, =>-"' ····~~--------( (~ ---...,J ~~,, . .......... ":"" ... , ~-~·.::.···· ' ,..__..' '--'-. / r • • • ~-•,•'• ', ,'/ /?ncl>o'/!·;-J'! '( ;-\.J· -, f' ~--~ '•. . ::::-•, CJt • ""' '-, '...: '\ _., , --i; I ~· ~ {"'-'·• ~ -····'-I.)> Nooood '- ' ' ~ . ' ' '~ . . . ,. ' /' -" $"' """ '" ..... . ,..._ •• • •, .4. """"" /\ -~ ~ ' -~-., , __ ' ~ "' . .. . / '-..-~ .. . ' ' . ,.,. • · •. -··· t;fk,jd"oo• i j ff"'=-. f P ~ , ~p \ ~~ '-.,_:ut. r c. ,"/' . . . .. f~.J"'"'~\\ i· ' 't "o/k J /jj ""' . ..... •, ~ '----- --·' ·• .n . -~· ,-. -~ ~ ~ -N- ~ ('"~,"' . .. r· . / ... ~: '"" ~· y 6 -.. ~--•. _ . .,.. ·-.. .s -;.?r ~<"" _ ({> Kenat ..., ./ #. ·,., ~nao ~~ ~ 1 ~~ ~ /--::.{," '··-..-:::--.... ' , . . ' ' "'' •.-" -> "'" • -"'~' C>!< f -:···· •? ~ " d' , ~. ·N' 0 •o ,o • ·o~;_/ ·--••' "· , ,, , r~-...-· , • • ,· o:a;, ·" ~ ,, ' '""'" " _, ~--• /' • '.::':. i~1 ·., / 'jp,::.,~')' .l ~1 ' 1 ~ ~ ·-c;j!ff--., -~.r~'~'~,-...~.::.:~---->·····----.. / 'i .. ' / ., .>--. '-'' •' •·-~·' ill / ~ PI "' '1_, ~ rl ,_~ (: ·" ...--...--...._ -~ ~ , jz'--j ,• ·.f ,/ :t #"!I '-! . \ It I J:"'l!l'::" .-~ ,-:;; •· . ...._ .-· .::-.:;;.,....-,' -~.;-:::.....=--:!. "--.. ( ,~.;'"14 ~ !'lf~:i --;: (;·:/ A~ ... ~;" ~~ .... "Bractley rv\\ .~t...i:QlJ a:rrJ7 il ,~~~~--__ ,._ '~ .N --;~ -~-~ '~\. ....\ 600 • .:~<> .. '"A.'P.'f...t.../ H ( '~ .... /-"' Lalit~ '' , ... ~" -"F ~ ... ~ --~---' . " -~ -~· ..... ~-,-.-~ ,U • omM . ..>< ' ~.. / ! ' ,• '"~ I __.,---· "'' ' ~ ,-J' -' ...... ......_,_ ..... ~ .... "" ~~chemak s~.Y. I 11 ~\ / / • /'/I ,' -... ---/ >-~!7.tf... .,•_./.---1-' ' ~---~ ' . ·rv .. -. • " . ) 11 .. . ·-~~-' • r. ' ' ' . ' '-:..~ : " .... ,. -,' . . ·;'""" ,, '" .: i ; ~----~-'" ' :.,,/ ·. . . f ,' ....... . ' .,~ r Seldovta~~ ]\"' :', : J I ,c.::?" 1 I' ' , . ., .. ,,I • ,---·--flAY '• ·· ~ ,• : "n -' / • 1 -.. --, -// , • "' "" •• tr '"' " ,_ ... +~ ' • ' " •-< "' ... ' --· ' ~ .... ,. • ... ·, , ..... ·"' .. . ' . .... ' .J:; -~. •/ ' i c..:o· ~ .. i / / --.::: ' '/ . . .. _.,.. ' ,: .. --' ""'~--. ' .... ;,.. . ." ' ·' ' ' --··-'· -~--~ ' <f,\ '--,• :---,\' i.. '/ ,_.•'/ / ___ ., __ .... ~ ~~••' ' * . ;,i / V_... } I //"""-···' T ~ f• • .. ~--.•:< ....... ,,.•;·. ' .. --------v C'l. / / / -.:. • .... ' ,..... -----... ,. : .. . ,, " ~:jr ~ / .. / , ' I ./ / ·-":y' /. 7 ........ 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'Vfll I .• .,. _./ .f/' LA (FIG 8) "" 1460 144° 142° 150° ... 1520 150° 148° E XP'l..AHA TIOH Ac1 .... ,...., ... --.-....,... ~ ...... ,...,.,, ~,.,.,.,.,... M!Ofo••,..,_,.,.., lWiit'N QIICM....,~ftWICI'~QII~l·~ ....,..,..., ·~· ..... , ..... ,. 00." ~.._otlwt. -......, ....... ...._,._ TPII'\Itf J. .... t. ~......,.. .JIPQI'Oalm..-.v l~. OOrtlfd ...,...,. ¢01'1c.•fl! 0t Qtlff'lfi(W>.O. BM!'A of'IQic.at• !'1'1,h_.V ~.-olt.....,t .......__ ---::::;,..-Stf'•ll•$110 FM~Jt. ~ .,...,. IOO"O••""'tfly louiN, OOtHO 1111"Wtt' C~....O Dt' QUftltOn_,... Affo-ot '"O•ut• t«Uh .. ... ~ .. Sa#Offtennt ..,n_.. t..,l, cw ~a ~llt'd trQII'I'Ii ~ Q.tt.l, t1.IICI'yfft""' dawfttt~tQWft IHII of ta.1' ~t • ..,,..,.,...bfl'l.rsm.MNta:l:. .. .......... .... OdUCtl'9 IIIII,IICt\jl,.-, 1........,. , ..... -~....--....--F...,t, ~......, _,..-..myloc.lmt, ~ ..... ~..,01~1~ ~~., .......... ~ ~--ott .... .. _ .................... ~-·· """'-'Mt. ........... .t~PCWG&~ ...... -.....:~. OOil1I'O ...,..,. c:GNII't*H or ...,.,101"1... .... llldte.ll ....... """. .......... _ .. , ..... _ -~-···-Stm,.Sho '..,,. _...., .,.,.... ~,,.,..,...,.. ~.CIQlll"'ttiG~~Of * ~,M)ollf Anc:llwoliJ'IChUft'fC'flif .... .... _ s...~ ...... ,.,, ., ~0 ~ltld hOM~ ~:t~Jta.. H.letlwtft Qlllt -.nt:rtf"o-ttaQf, VOI~C...N'I"l O....lft"t"'ff'V --~ ~tltf, W"f 01 cont. 1----------l l~of~, ,.OTESc A.n1-FMI4t-.-t.u~lllll « .,........,""' ....... l"''.-t MMtt 0t '* tn...,..,R to Of'WM HOii::la'f"'' QP ~fM'N'O w<l•~i;'f (.-.ot•.otv ~"• a.,t _.,.._,,""" Milt OP'It'f""•"•'""""'' Ot • ~,.,....... ,..,... ,. •• ......, 00 .,.. •• floof. ~~ ,:..,,,-.---~• Ot ......,.tl'llll' ,....., tftM clolrJ not.,,.. H~ I"'IOt ~-d.J ... Vdt,....,.tl 1/lsON..OV ·~ biwf-IPiCIIIIolf Ill'¥ -~IOI'Ii 1'101' II ft hDONCI «M ..... liOOf . -,.. .. ~--....... Wrottd ~...-0\are. 21 n z~ ~o Na•hul wtt .. 25 0 21 ~0 tOO "d•••t•'• Z' 0 Z' ~0 SU:t•tt Wllee A Source: ·Woodward Clyde Consultants, 1978, Offshore Alaska Seismic Exposure Study BRAOU:Y LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJeCT ALASKA POWI:Jit AUTHORITY SOUTHERN AI.ASKA REGIONAL FAULTS ITOICI. a> WUIT'DI INOIMUII-COIU'OU,notl FIGURE 7 GEOTECHNICAL INTERPRETIVE REPORT FIGURE E-21 0 0 0 z w § r-:70 ~0 ~ Q 0 ~ 0 c_ / I I ) ... :d -, ~~ 0.. <t ~ !,lilt ~0 VI 0~ !:: VI ~4 0 oat 0.. lXIII w o• 0 ~2 ...1 ~ 1114 ~~ !::! ~~ LL Q: ~ oooo~rf- ( \ . \ --- -· lD Q 0 r.d-,. v. 8 0 0 s;! N 0 0 Q 0 ~ v · .. -.) 8 Q Q 0 r. 0 ~--· ~ 0 ' ·, '+ 0 0 11 l_"-. 8 \ ~ N w Q: ::::> C> Li: il ., II .. '" I Q 0~ ;', r \ ( __t:i1 i;dU 0 . > ' • w > i= w Q: 0.. Q: w 1-1-Zo: -0 ...10.. <l:W uo: z :t u w 8 C> \ 0 0 / t:~ ,' ' '1 M M I ~ ~ ~ Co-' s 8 ;~~ 0 .~c.------ ·-·~ I I IIRAOLEY LAKE 0tV£F1510N TUNNEL INTAKE \ '" ' ' ' ' . . . '• 0~- .. ~. ~ .. ~ · ........ . . ··~ ( .... " ,. . . ... to •-•·'····~-~·~,~ 0 I . . . . . ''-..... '~-- DS·-4(FIGJ21 \ "'\!\ \\ f ·. ·.. \~ . (\ .. ~ ' \'•, -· '• -,, . --~ ,____ '• -· ~ : ~ ~-~ . I Y_ ······-, ' ---··-' l . . . / ·, .· / K', E _, .. __-""r' NOTE: ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON PROJECT DATUM • MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM • PROJECT DATUM • 4.02 FEET. 0 40 ,!. ,., .. '\ e] LEGEND i ARGIL.UTE GRAYWACKE ARGILLITE AND GRAYWACKE (2~'1o OR MORE OF EAC>4J MAPPED OUTCROP -----LITHOLOGIC CONTACT (AI'PRQl(I-TELY LOCAT£01 ----AERIAL PHOTO LINEAMENT (STRUCTURAL 'iiGNFICANCE NCI' M'LIECJ $ 0 <W<ERE INF'ERREOI BOREHOLE l.OCATlON ANO NUMBER LINEAMENT REFERENCE NUMBER <~E TEXT) MAIN DAM AREA GEOLOGY Fl GURE 25 GEOTECHNICAL INTERPRETIVE REPORT FIGURE E-23 ~ ""' ""' ., ,., w/~><~2tOJ ·~~ ; VEIIISIOI>i I NNEL \ : \ r~ OIVERSIO~_l'UNI'EJ,;' "'-V~~ .. :: 8 • AJ!U'Tlo4£WT ADA.I'TEO F ROll; I s.on.. w ..... !111111_.... C«pondoa -. ....... A=' 15eoo·F'Y·181A -4 S£0"'€ WT p wmft~t:~.:&i fl'I.,..IM'IN . ~SO 1 Gfi!QUI'"'t\lt'TA IC ~·r~ : \1!1~ ·- . .J l ~ .... G) S£GfwiE)(T D OE:J* f1.4 90' SG1 CiROJ1' Cl.lftA.I H ~U:A l e • -MJ.I).j C'.M Pt. AN ORIC.I. IlliG l GAOvr..G SCAL[ A 1. ! ~I 8 S£GM£HT e TYP HOLE SA1oC lNG USING If\"~ AHO S HOLES "; tO.E DEPTH . I J PA. tfO&.I ~I 1\ # T. Hcu: bEPn4 :r lf\ a-• ., I ~ ' .. a I · 1 ~ ~ 'It A l;r ! 10~ a I A ,: •«:1 0 10 20F'EET I 2 'SeAL[ • f I V C'\ SEG~. 5.0' .... 1 :z ~(l"VP) L "'I j'fPRIMARY GROJT MOLES I I IP, '~ l ' ·~ I I I -s e s~er:lz s ' p ~ lf2 __ _ \ SECONCA"' GOOV' CS' TERTIARY GROUT ..OLES y IT ) KJLES u ROI..J"T" CURTAIN ---E.II(TcN.S/ON lt60FT? oo 8~ a.J~ """T DETAIL A GROUTING PATTERN SCALE 8 - NOT£5: /. To7.11L e;.eoo r rAKES t!!Y .sec;..#I.&~VT ,4RE //VD,.CAT£0 c,tV .P-f'.e:,&'/.;~~.G 2. h'tt::>.t..£ LO.:::'Il//tJI!/.5 W<~'7H .t.ARG£.5/ C;,R()I.JT /AI( E. .5 //VOl& A 7£0 i3.£.N£A Th' PlfO.I=/i.. .C. 3. RANGE OF GROI.J7 7AK£.S l='ol':. If E M A JN DE. I{ oF H.:JL E..S NuMB£/<! aF #(J.t..ES SACI<.5 !08 -<:4 7 s-9 I 36 4. C 4/~ TI/JN 6ROVT L.IA!e £X.TE.NSJON.S TABLE 1 HOLE INCLINATI()H F'ACM vERTICAL STATIOH fi'Oli>CT I OI'IOITATION Cllt 1N1"Ell"'AI. STA 1·to TO POINT EH I'04HT ED POINT £tt tO ss.s. ~0 lO" ~ vt:JITICAL INCLINE \,PSTR~ CSCIVTH) ,....nl.D~O 4'!1* ~F' ~ATICALt N:l. NJ) IN'lO JIIGH .tBUTMEH1 !EAST ARE IA101<"~7EO ON P.LA N IECHTEL SAN FRANCISCO ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY A-. .. or•••• Al11ka BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PRO IIJ MAIN DAM DRILLING & GRCXJTING PLAN & PROFILE ....... .......... 17707 FIGURE 6-3 FIGURE E-24 ... ~ ,.... '-l d ~ /. .., " .... trj I N til • ( I tnl ~I ... ,Ill r/1 -"'I'D' ~I • -TO~ ()r; R('\("K -·· 111'1 .... 0 ... ~I I :! -< ~~ ·{ ;I 111'1.( ~I NOTE.S ~ 01 0'1 • ~I -c( ~ 11'1 HOLf C'f ~ T II P2 HOLE OEP TH P1 HOLE OfPTft ;r 11:\tl«l~l I ' I I I ~ ' L-..l" HOlE DEPTH LAR6E.R. GROUT TAKE..S /INIJ LOCATtOII/..5 CIRCLED ON PROFILE. GROUT TAKt::..S RAN<lE FOR f{E/IIfAINDE.R. OF HOLE. S NUMBE.If QF HOLE 5 ~ z..q 2.2. G~-<ou T TA K E:.S w-30 I - 5 <.I IY_JJ I I ~ • 01 E L 1100 ~ 'QlJ I 1,._...:..... IIIli Y' I l ' 1---,.,o I I I . ~llloO I I I .1 ,.......-JD 1.:::5~ ,,o;o IIOITIL SAN FRANCISCO ALAIICA ENERGY AUTHORITY ...... , ............ BRADLEY MAIN DAM SPILLWAY DRILLING&. GAOJTING PROFILE II --- FIG.G-6 i'J!j """" ~ ~ t;1 N <::1'1 2.25 -Ol -C'1l Vl1.88 z 0 ~1.50 a::. w _j w u 1.13 ~ ...J <( 0.75 a::. t-w Bl 0.38 0.00 RESPONSE SPECTRUM FOR HYBRID EARTHQUAKE -~-··~- BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT MEAN RESPONSE SPECTRUM FOR MCE (NEARBY SHALLOW CRUSTAL FAULT) - REF: WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULT REPORT1 "DESIGN EARTHQUAKE STUDv' NOV ID ,1981 SPECTRUM - o.oo 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 PERIOD (SEC} MCE RESPONSE SPECTRA- MEAN AND CHOSEN ~ ..... C") ~ ~ M I N -....l BradleyJ lake Surface Bradley lake ...... ./ /' I f220\ I ) I I ..._./ I ,/' AdJusted ,.,--,(' Middle Fork (214 J '-.../ Sign Change (a) BRADLEY RIVER Middle Fork Glacial Bands LEGEND Wolverine Glacial Bands Wolverine Creek near Lawing (observed) 8 (b)WOLVERINE CREEK 0 0 D BASIN OR SUBBASIN COllECT POINT RESERVOIR SCHEMATIC OF SSARR MODEL "%j """' Gi Cj ~ ~ N 00 FLU11 CFS 10 AlJI.i 56 1200 11 AUG 56 1200 12 AUG 58 1200 11 AUt> sa 1200 14 AUG 58 1200 15 AUG 58 1200 1& AUG 56 1200 17 AUG 58 1200 18 AUt> 58 1200 19 AUG 58 1200 20 AUG ';;8 1200 FLOw CFS 8 SEP &1 1200 9 SEP &1 1200 10 SEP &1 11?00 11 SEP &1 1200 12 SEf» bl 1200 U SEP 61 1200 14 SEP b1 1200 IS SEP &1 1200 lo SEP bl 1200 17 SEP ol 1200 FLOI'i CFS 10 SEP &o 1200 11 SEP && 1200 12 SEP bb 1200 13 SEP ob 1200 14 SEP bo 1200 15 SEP ob 1200 lo Sf:.P bb 1200 17 SEP &b 1200 18 SEP && 1200 19 SEP bb 1200 20 S!:P bb 1200 21 SEP ob 1200 22 SEP bb 1200 21 SEP bb 1200 24 SEP bb 1200 25 SEP b& 1200 cb st:::P &o 1200 27 SEP bb 1200 28 SEP &o 1200 29 SEP &o 1200 :SO SEP bb 1200 m :0 :0 > m c cno r-""o m sao z -< en :o en -4 -0)=4 < ,c m r-4 :o o- z o 0 m cz >en o :0 , , :I: 0 ..... o:oco s: 01 m !» :0 o. bOO. o.o 10.00 -----......... . . --:---&' o. " bOO. o.o 10.00 6-...----:. o. bOO. o.o 10.00 -- PLOT SIATlON NA~l C~ARAC TER C•FLO~ Af b~AOLEY LA~E --CALCuLATED A•FLO~ AT ~~ADLEY LAKE •• UBSE.RVEO lcOO. 1800. 2400, 3000. l&OO. T 20.00 30.00 40.00 so.oo bO,OO . ---·---------. --.e-__., __.. --• _c---/-,.e"" • o'" • T T • r PL~l STAIIUN NAME CHAkACIEH C•FLUw AT A•fLOi'i AT 1200. 1800, T 20,110 30.00 ~RAOL[Y LAKE --CALCULATED ~RADLEY LA~E •• OBSERVED c400, 3000. 3bOO, '10.00 so.oo bO,OO T • PLOf STATION NAME CHARACTER C•fLOW AT SRAOLEY LAKt •• CALCULATEO A•FLUW AT BRADL~Y LAKE •• OBSE~VEO 1200. 1800, 2400. 3000. 3&00. T 20.00 :su.oo 40,00 so.oo 60,00 T . T • --=--c..... . -T . -. . T -:c-T . . . ' I I' '~' • • .T r--~C ......c---:..-c--:-y-c--:--• T • . T • 1 • • • 1 • ....., • • I ...........,.. T , .r 1 T STATION NUMBER CJ:'-4TROL 4200. -3&&5 70.00 " . . 10.0 Q 10.5 ;I 41\00. 4 100. 8o.oo STAT IUN NUMbER c:.PHROL 4200. •.Sb&S 10.00 10.0 Q 10.5 Q 4800. 4 100. 80.oo STAT 1 01~· NUMBER CONTROL 4200. •36&5 10.00 • 10.0 Q 10.5 Q 4800. 4 100. 8o.oo 51100. 90,00 5400. 90,00 5400. 90.00 &ooo. 100.00 bOOO. 100.00 &000. 100.00 ~ ~ ~ d ~ M I N ~ FLOw CFS 1 ALG TZfl200 2 AI.!G 7Q 1200 3 A~G 7ll 1200 Q AUG 7ll 1200 -5 AUG 7ll 1200 6 A~G 7Q 1200 7 AUG 7Q 1200 8 A~G 7ll 1200 9 AI.!G 7Q 1200 10 Al!G 71.1 1200 11 AUG 7Q 1200 12 AUG 7ll 1200 1Q AUG 71.1 1200 15 AUG 7ll 1200 1b AUG 7Q 1200 17 AUG 74 1200 7Q 1200 7Q 1200 24 Al!G 71.1 1200 26 Al!G 71.1 1200 !8 ~tJO 7.11 l2D~ 30 AUG 7ll 1200 1 SEP 71.1 1200 74 1200 7ll 1200 5 SEP 7ll 1200 6 SEP 7/J lc:OO 7 SEP 71.1 1200 74 12 11.1 1200 11.1 1200 11.1 1200 00 13 SEP 71.1 1200 7/J 1c:OO 15 SEP 71.1 1200 SEP 7/J 1200 17 SEP 71.1 1200 SEP 74 1200 19 SEP 71.1 1200 0 SEP 74 1200 21 SEP 71.1 1200 22 SEP 71.1 1200 23 SEP 71.1 1200 24 SEP 71.1 1200 25 SEP 71.1 1200 26 SEP 71.1 1200 27 SEP 7ll 1200 28 SEP 71.1 1200 29 SEP 7ll 1200 ~n &..;.CO '7t1 1~0U ::0 =: ..... m zOcoo mr"""O )><~Z :om'Ticn :or -I rzo=i >moe ~ocj Z:O'T10 G>moz ~::00 'TI o. 20.00 o.o p p . p p p p p . p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p-- • p p , p p p p • p p • p p p p . . • . p . . . . . . p . . p • p . . p . • p p p p PLOT sTATioN N~P.E STATION CHARACTE11 ~Ut-'BER CO~TROL C-WOLVERINE CREEK FLO~ --C~LCLLATED 11 0. 0 c A-WOLVEkiNE CkEEK FLO~ --ceSE~vED 110.~ Q 100. 200. 300. QOO. soo. 600. 700. 800. T -2 36'~ 4 11 0. 26.00 32.00 38.00 llli.OO so.co SE:.OO b2.00 be.oo .., 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.~0 ::!.00 ::! .•5 0 L~.oo • • . . • • . . 1 • . • . . . ~ . . T • • . . • T . • • . . • . . • T • . . . • . • . • . T • . . • ~---. • T . • • . . . -~ . . T • . . . . . { J . . T . • • . • T • • • . . • • • ·r • . . . • . . ---------- . ~: .T • . • . • T • -. ~ p .• . . . T -~·-=-s: • . • . I . I • • . • . • T • • I • • • • ~ • 1 • . . . . 1 . . • . • . . T . . . . -~~-. T • • r • . " . . • • . • . . . . T • . • . . • . T . • ---p • • P. I • . • p .P • • • • p • ~-· . -------. --• I I . • • . p ~ • T . T • . T. -. • . 1 SURrACE-SUOSURFACE SPLIT I. 5 [ HU 1-EtfffEiEfHfllHHEf-HllJlEHH"H .... ::> 0 .c ..... 1.0 "' .. .c p " c: I .. ::> " ....... ~LU ,.c.. ,-e' ~~0~ a. c: -u 0.5 u .. .... .... ::> r.' ac.\ll' Vl 0 0 0.5 1.1 1.5 z.o Surface & Subsurface Input-Inches/hour EVAPOTRANSPIRATIO~ INDEX ,.., .. ., ..... "' ., "f&_· a.iim. .. . .... 1 . .10 I Hi tHiiiittH-1 t111-titHttiil·l ~H+t:1 .c u c: -H-+1-H-H-1-1-f-U: G 1 a c i a 1 I c: -~ ~ ... ~ .. C') .... 0 0. .oslllllllll H+H H 111111111++-t-t-t-1-1-++++-1 ~ ... > ~ "-' M O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ulilll J1 I I I !] I (,H J F H A H J J A S 0 N 0 = l~onth~ SOIL MOISTURE INOEX ~ c ., u .... ., ~ so ~ ~ 0 § ~ s 10 IS Soli Moisture Index-Inches ... ... BASEFLOW INFILTRATIOII INDEX 0 c ,. ~ ~ 100 1t:tt±t ~ IJl tl:: Glacial ,_ ~ 0 ~ c: ~ .... .. 0.. ~ s 0 :;: .. 4 • "' .. m Baseflow lnfllltratton Index SNOW COVER DEPLETION ti 100 r ' Glacial u .... ., ~ ~ ~ <( ., f ., > 8 s 0 c: "' ;:;> ., I ... .. ., ..... .. ., .c u c: I .. .. .. ~ .... i II~ - ~ -0~ :9~ 50 i '• Sl 101 Accumulated Runoff In Percent t£l T RATE INI£1 .10 H++++-Glacial .05 ttt:m:il'fH't,... \a' 1\,ac. ~ol\ 0 0 51 101 Accumulated Runoff In Percent BASIN CHARACTERISTICS FOR SSARR MODEL ~ -~ ~ M I (,H - ~-r-I. I ~~ LIJ D~Ll I I I I I I I I I 3· ,_ f-- 2 5-- ~-~ zO 00 2 -o 0--'- !;t-.... -ii:w (JO wa:: 0:<( a.::r; ·o a: en ::r:_ <00 I :>-t- 5-1- I 1/ 1\ I/ f! I---•. l-" / _j_ ----ti l/ lJ_v v ll. L-·. Jj . 1175' -~.':-~ •• " :f"' l ll'l<IAS --~--.'-PROBABLE MAX.FLOOO INFLOW(:'II,?OOCI'.! I I \ SPILLWAY DESIGN OISCHARGEI2J',800CFSI \ If \ \ ·, IJ r/ I I\ \ ~ \ I/ .r MAX. WATER SURFACE EU:V.III90.65 FT;) II 17 I" ~ \ II -, v j '.._ \, I -' r-').; f---r-r-Jz ~ ~, I ~ ""~ R-"" I' i . !. .• , ljJLU .. ~ PR~riT TIOi ! ""-... r-- i , ... I'll',.;-tit (I¥ '; 11' I il 14 " DURATION (DAYS) PROBABLE MAXIMUM AND SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOODS I I l 195 .... 190 ~ z 165 2 ~ w -' 160 w PROJECT DESIGN FLOOD "'!'j ..... G1 d ~ ~ t.H N 1"'\ ... w w Ll. v z 0 ... 4( > w .j w w :...: c ..J )-w .j 0 ~ CD 1,191 1,190 1,189 1,188 1,187 1,186 1,185 1,184l 1,183 1,182 1,181 I v 1,180 o.ooo / SPILLWAY RATING CURVE BRADLEY LA~E HYDROELECTRIC PROuECT• / ~ v / / I I / r""' / / / / / v / / ... ooo a.ooo 12.000 16,000 20,000 24.000 SPILLWAY DISCHARGE (CFS) - - LOW DENSITY I POORLY GRADED. -+---+ WEAK ROUNDED PARTICLES ANTICIPATED RANGE- BRADLEY LAKE MAIN DAM HIGH DENSITY, WELL GRADED, STRONG ANGULAR PARTICLES ROCK FILL 30~--~----+---~--~----~--+-----~--~ 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 NORMAL PRESSURE (PSI) FROM LEPS 1 1970 ROCKFILL FRICTION ANGLES FIGURE E-33 CIRCLE SLIP SURFACES USED IN THE DETAILED ANALYSIS 1250 1200 1150 1100 1050 NORMAL MAX OPER LEVEL EL 1180.0' \7 (PMF) EL 1190.01 \7 ~DAM SHELL~ CIRCLE X CENTER Y CENTER A 8 c D E F ~ s:;:>,c 8 POINT POINT 596.0 1450.0 596.0 1450.0 696.67 1249.33 24.50 2056.50 71.50 1609.33 71 .50 1609.33 MAX TAILWATER (PMF) EL 1077.0' '\7 1000;-------.------.------.-------~----~------~------~----~------~------.--------.-----~ 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 SELECTED SLIDING SURFACES -MAIN DAM FIGURE E-34 RADIUS 347.13 366.51 213.80 938.17 522.97 550.07 NORMAL TAILWATER EL 1061.01 \7 ~ """" C1 ~ ..... ,.... ~ ~ I ~ (Jl EL 1180 CONDITIONS : Kv = 1b K H K BEDDING = ;b K ROCKFfLL BEDDING LAYER = 12 FT HORIZONTAL D/S BERM IGNORED FLOW THROUGH DAM WITHOUT FACE MAX BEL 1066 \7 NEGLECT 1.00" CREST CREST EL 1180 ALL.ERY G_DRAINS \ NEGLECT APRON AT EL 1150 a 1160 ASSUMED GEOMETRY NEGLECT APRON -'-+----1--------~ -----..., EL 113!5 !51.7' \ \ \ \ SPILLWAY SECTION NEGLECT UPLIFT ON APRON STATIC SPILLWAY. MODEL FIGURE E-36 EL 1130 EL 1124 PMF EL 1191' ~-~..U:.:'---oo:::::-----r __ 5 I EST 0 RAW DOWN EL 1179 WATER SURFACE CREST EL 1180' EL 1130' LOADING DIAGRAM NOTES: 1. Stability analysis based on gravity method. Static analysis for Cases 1, 2 and 4. Finite element analysis for Cases 3 and 5. 2. Loads: D ~ Dead weight of structure at 145 lbs/cu. ft. (concrete). EH = Horizontal inertial force due to earthquake Ev = Vertical inertial force due to earthquake Hw= Horizontal hydrostatic force Vw= Vertical hydrostatic force I = Ice force at 12 kips/lin ft. HE= Hydrodynamic earthquake force U = Uplift force Numeral subscript indicates load case 3. Load Cases: Case 1 -Normal A. -Dead weight B. -Hydrostatic forces for normal maximum reservoir level of El 1180' C.-Ice D.-Uplift and seepage forces Case 2 -Probable maximum flood IPMF) A. -Dead weight B. -Hydrostatic forces for maximum reservoir level of El 1190.6'(rounded up to 1191') C. -Uplift and seepage forces Case 3 -Earthquake A.-Dead weight Case 4 -Construction A. -Dead weight B.-1) Earthquake inertial forces for operational basis earthquake 10.1 g horizontal) or; 2) Wind Case 5 -Low reservoir level earthquake A. -Deed weight B.-Earthquake inertial forces for maximum credible earthquake (0.75g horizontal & O.Sg vertical) 4. Base pressures for Case 3 and Case 5 determined by two dimensional finite element analysis with earthquake inertia load computed from response spectrum analysis and hydro- dynamic effects approximated by Westergaard added masses. 5. Uplift pressures assume a drain efficiency of 50% at the base. 6. Uplift assumed to act over 100% of base area. 7. Base pressures for uncracked sections calculated without in- cluding uplift as an active external force. Uplift pressures were combined with the resulting base pressures by the superposition method. 8. Allowable stress in PSI: Concrete (3000 PSI) Rock I40KSF = 280 PSI) Tension Compression Compression Case 1 60 1000 140 Case 2 90 1500 185 Case 3 270 3000 250 Case 4 90 1500 185 Case 5 270 3000 250 B.-Hydrostatic forces for normal maximum reservoir 9. Sliding factor of safety for Cases 1, 2 and 4 is based on shear level of El 1180' friction factor of safety formula with 160 PSI cohesion and C. -Ice an internal angle of friction of 45 degrees D. -Earthquake inertial and hydrodynamic forces for maximum credible earthquake (0.75g horizontal & O.Sg vertical) E.-Uplift and seepage forces SPILLWAY ANALYSIS STABILITY SUMMARY FIGURE E-37 CASE I -NORMAL RESERVOIR RESULTANT PRESSURES INCLUDING UPLIFT (psi) \7 WS EL 1180 EL 1175 3.6 psi TENSION EL 1160 1.1 psi TENSION EL 1150 3.2 psi EL 1140 l~psi · 16pai NOTE: GALLERY SLAB ISOLATED FROM STRUCTURE SO WILL NOT PROVIDE RESISTANCE. SLAB DEBONDED FROM ROCK SO ACTUAL UPUFT WILL BE NEGLIBILE (TYP), STATIC ANALYSIS BASE EL 1124 FIGURE E-38 CASE IT-PMF RESULTANT PRESSURES INCLUDING UPLIFT (psi) 'g WS EL 1191 EL 1180 0.3 pai EL 1170 0.9 pai EL 1160 I. 4 psi EL 1150 3.4 pai EL 1140 I !5 pai EL 1135 II psi EL 1124 I } CREST I STATIC ANALYSIS BASE EL 1124 FIGURE E-39 CASE BZ-CONSTRUCTION ( 0.1 g HORIZ ) RESULTANT PRESSURES (psi) CREST EL 1180 EL 1170 9.6 psi EL 1160 18.5 psi EL 1150 27.1 psi EL 1140 4:5 psi EL 1135 48pai GROUND ACCELERATION STATIC ANALYSIS BASE EL 1124 FIGURE E-40 STATIC STABILITY RESULTS BASE PRESSURE DIAGRAMS EL 1124 CASE I NORMAL . . , CASE 2 PMF . . , CASE 4 CONSTRUCTION CASE RESULTANT KIPS X . . ... 4o. • lr • • BASE EL 1124 BASE PRESSURE ·PSI SAFETY 1111/UPLIFT 1111/0 UPLIFT FACTOR CRACK LENGTH BASE PRESSURE DIAGRAMS EL 1135 ... +t' t j ttJtt t j lY CASE BASE PRESSURE DIAGRAMS EL 1150 DDJ DCD ~ [J7 v BASE EL 1150 BASE PRESSURE • PSI RESULTANT KIPS X 1111/UPLIFT 1111/0 UPLIFT NUMBER Ev l:H FT UIS D/S UIS DIS SLIDING FEET NUMBER Ev l:H FT U/S DIS UIS DIS 1 237 110 :'15.5 10 32 34 34 17.0 0 1 76 40 19.1 10 22 23 22 2 222 136 34.8 4 34 33 36 13.6 0 2 67 49 20.0 9 20 26 20 4 294 32 42.9 47 11 47 11 61.0 0 4 95 10 24.9 37 5 37 5 " BASE EL 1135 I BASE PRESSURE· PSI SAFETY CRACK CASE rESULTANT, KIPS NUMBER Ev I EH X 1111/UPLIFT 1111/0 UPLIFT FACTOR LENGTH FT UIS DIS U/S DIS SLIDING FEET 1 I 126 I 75 28.9 16 26 35 28 17.2 0 2 I 137 I 94 28.7 11 26 35 29 13.8 0 4 198 21 35.5 48 8 48 8 64.3 0 SAFETY FACTOR SLIDING 21.6 17.6 86.6 I CASE lNUMBER 1 2 4 BASE PRESSURE DIAGRAMS EL 1160 OU] om DUJ 1 CRACK LENGTH FEET 0 0 0 BASE EL 1160 BASE PRESSURE ·PSI SAFETY !RESULTANT KIPS X 1111/UPUFT W/OUPLIFT FACTOR Ev LH FT U/S DIS U/S D/S SLIDING 31 25 12.3 2 18 11 20 23.0 22 26 14.7 5 13 18 15 21.0 45 5 18.3 23 5 23 5 118 SPILLWAY STABILITY ANALYSIS SUMMARY SHEET 2 FIGURE E-41 CRACK LENGTH FEET 0 0 0 EL II 4 0 EL II 80 ...._ T l r---.... I 1 1'... J 1 l [".,_ ----~~CO~N~CR~ETE~]J~~~~~/--1-~~~~~--- ROCK I I l / ''t-+-+--t~.:\S::::::l+-.-_,...___.--.---. E L II 63 EL II 6 o : f ] ""~~ .I I~ 20' 39. 45' FINITE ELEMENT MODEL BASE EL 1160 20' ~I FIGURE E-42 E L 1068 I~ EL 1180 --=...::......:...:....::.:::.--. .,. r--. 1 J J. 56 I 79' FINITE ELEMENT MODEL BASE EL 1124 56' .. I FIGURE E-43 CASE ill-EARTHQUAKE (0.75g HORIZ +0.50g VERT) MAX VERTICAL TENSILE STRESSES W/0 UPLIFT (PSI) +45.4 -17.5 +TENSION -3.4 -COMPRESSION -22.2 -7.8 ~2.1 -23. a -10 .a -3.1 +1. 4 EL 1160 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS BASE EL 1160 FIGURE E-44 CASEIIT-EARTHQUAKE ( 0.75 g HORIZ• 0. 50g VERT) MAX VERTICAL COMPRESSIVE STRESSES W/0 UPLIFT (PSI) +TENSION -6.8 -COMPRESSION -9.3 -18.3 -36.8 -16.6 -44.4 -22.2 -17.3 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS BASE EL 1160 FIGURE E-45 -14.0 CASEY -EARTHQUAKE (0.75g HORIZ +0.50g VERT) MAX VERTICAL TENSILE STRESSES (PSI) CREST EL 1180 +TENSION -0.1 -COMPRESSION +0.5 . +0.8 -3.4 +5.8 EL 1160 -16.5 -4.9 +1.2 +3.9 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS BASE EL 1160 FIGURE E-46 CASEY -EARTHQUAKE (0.75g HORIZ +0.50g VERT) MAX VERTICAL COMPRESSIVE STRESSES (PSI) -29.5 -48.4 +TENSION -3.5 -COMPRESSION -5.3 . -11.8 -12.2 -37.1 -16.3 -13.0 -10.1 EL 1160 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS BASE EL 1160 FIGURE E-47 CASE ill -EARTHQUAKE (0.75g HORIZ + 0.50g VERT) MAX VERTICAL TENSILE STRESSES W/0 UPLIFT . (PSI) CREST EL 1180 (.~~+o.2 t21.. -0.2 +2~ +30.3 +3.9 +0.2 1.~ + TENSION -COMPRESSION +1!)4 .3 I +36.7 -t~.a -7.~ +13.6 1'\.. ~~~----~---+----+----+k~aa~~ ;_, +38.0 +7.1 -10.3 +2.9 ·125.3 ~ ... 9 f. ... +41.2 +3.8 -11.8 -6.0 +9.7 ~ . 1+62.71\tl•- 7 1-1.•/ -9.2 -12.0 +1-6 +23.0 ~ ~ay~~~~---+--+-~~--+---r ........ 1 +741 [:;; , -13.5 -17.0 -!5.9 +8.2 +21.1 I +87.3 I +3.4 '\fl.... -14.4 -21.1 -13.1 -1.6 +8.7 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS BASE EL 1124 +17.2 -+9.5 +1.4 ~ +15.7 FIGURE E-48 EL IIZ4 CASE ill -EARTHQUAKE (0.75g HORIZ + 0.50g VERT) MAX VERTICAL COMPRESSIVE STRESSES W/0 UPLIFT (PSI) -le.4 -t TENSION -COMPRESSION -23.9 -32.0 -24.1 -69.0 -39.3 -27.1 -43.3 -77.6 -33.4 -40A -40.7 -55.0 -70.6 -53.3 -45.6 -66.2 -63.9 -38.4 . -6 0.2 -50.7 -65.0 -64.1 -48.3 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS BASE EL 1124 FIGURE E-49 ~8.6 CASE V:. -EARTHQUAKE (0.75g HORIZ + 0.50g VERT) MAX VERTICAL TENSILE STRESSES (PSI) CREST EL II 80 (. ::--~ <6.0 tii.B +1.6 +9~ +21. 8 +3. 6 +5.9 /'\.. ~23.8'\ + TENSION -COMPRESSION +29.3 +4.9 -3.6 +21.3 hT38.3 -t-32.1 +5.9 -7.6 +8.7 +34.7 1\. ~so A +35.2 +3.1 -10.3 -2.0 +16.6 +~""" t5e 6 ~ ~:J-.--9_. 7~---9_._3 -+-+-7._8+-+-3_2-.3-+1 +-77-oo .. _ ~6--r-- / + 68.8 :::;. ' -12.8 -13.6 1-0.2 +16.1 +29.4 -t22.2 +2.3 ~----~~----~~----r----r--~----~----+-----~ I +77.5 /+6.2'\r 24"2~e.3 -14.6 -17.5 -7.6 +5.6 +16.2 -+14.9 ~ ~---------·--~&J' __ +------------~------~~--------------~ELII24 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS BASE EL 1124 FIGURE E-50 CASE -si. -EARTHQUAKE (0.75g HORIZ -+ 0.50g VERT) MAX VERTICAL COMPRESSIVE STRESSES (PSI) -13.6 ~ TENSION -COMPRESSION -48.6 -24.2 -21.1 -32.9 -20.2 -41.7 -74.9 -40.5 -24.4 -37.5 -83.6 -'31.9 -37.5 -48.8 -61.3 -52.6 -42.2 49.2 -58.3 -55.6 -60.4 -47.1 52.0 -57.8 -56.6 -42.9 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS BASE EL 1124 FIGURE E-51 CREST EL 1180 CENTER OF GRAVITY ACTUAL OGEE-----... , ASSUMED MODEL OF EQUAL MASS AND CENTER OF GRAVITY. GEOMETRY EL 1160 BASE EL1160 CREST EL 1180.0 ACTUAL OGEE~ /' GEOMETRY ;t' ASSUMED MODEL I 38.8' .. BASE EL 1150 SARMA ANALYSIS MODEL OGEE SECTIONS SHEET I EL 1150.0 FIGURE E-52 CREST EL 1180.0 ACTUAL OGEE--ASSUMED MODEL GEOMETRY 19.1 1 EL 1130 61.8' BASE EL 1130 CREST EL 1180 ACTUAL OGEE~, GEOMETRY ;' ---ASSUMED MODEL I I 69.0' BASE EL 1124 SARMA ANALYSIS MODEL OGEE SECTIONS SHEET 2 FIGURE E-53 ACTUAL~ NON OVERFLOW GEOMETRY ,- 1 I ASSUMED~ MODEL " EL 1195.0 ACTUAL~,----NONOVERFLOW : GEOMETRY EL 1195.0 I CG I 35.5 1 BASE EL 1160 LEFT ABUTMENT ASSUMED MODEL OF EQUAL MASS AND CENTER OF GRAVITY EL I 145.0 EL1124.0 EL 1168.0 EL 1160.0 BASE EL 1124 RIGHT ABUTMENT SARMA ANALYSIS MODEL NON-OVERFLOW SECTIONS . FIGURE E-54 APPENDIX F INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS FIGURE NO. F-1 HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL CONTROL, 1 OF 2 F-2 HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL CONTROL, 2 OF 2 PAEABL22 I0/12/96 I I I I BRADLEY LAKE DAM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ANNUAL SURVEY TO DETECT MOVEMENT U1 ..... z w ::::!' :J PCM-1 z 0 ::::!' -' PCM-2 < ..... U1 PCM-3 w 0 w PCM-4 !l. SP-2A SP-28 SP-2C ~ SP-20 SP-2E SP-2F SP-2G SP-2H SP-21 I SP-2J SP-2:.-: BL-3W BL-3E w Z Ol SP-3A z< ::JO f---0::: ZUl ~~I SP-38 Vlu a:::u <( -SP-3C ~ "' "' u ::J 0. 0. ... ... 0 ~ OR! C. PLAN I FALL I..AJL y I OCT. I OCT. I AUG. DATA 1992 199J 1993 1994 7995 .... 't ..... I ••••• . ......... -~ .... . . . . . . . ......... . ..... j .......... j····· .................... . .................. . .................... ............... , ..... :::::::::Y::::j::::: ..... , ..... ! .......... ·····~·"·· ..... ! .......... 1 ............. .. . ............................ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .............................. ..... . ... . ... .. ..... ..... . ... . ·~~ ,;..:.;: .,, . .:..:.; .;...* ;-:-:] -4-. :-:~ ;-:t :-:-:-;-;l :-:-;-:-:1' : : : :: j ::: :: ' ::::: _ .. "' .......... ~c..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ·j ... .. ·\_~ ";.~.;.-.. :.:.: ~ ;..:~ ~. :-:--: ;...· ;..:..;. ;...: ~.;. ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::: ::: :::: ::: :r::::: ::: : .J::: : :f: ::: 1 :: : : l:: : : : l::::: -o."o~ "!'";'~ ... ~ !'J:1 :-:-: J' :-:-: :-:t ~=-= :-:1:-:-:-:-:~: : : : : jl : : : : : l : :: : : ............................... ·····~····· ......... . _ .... ~,~~ .. ~:-:~.!:-:: .. :-:-::-: ~:-::-:t:-:7:-: ::::: ......... . +G.OZ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -a.~ 11!';~ ••• -=-~!-: ·-:-:""!!-. !-:~j-·: :-:..;;...: ~~:-: +402 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • •••• Q.O t1M.t7l "'-"' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ::: ::::: ·: :~]~~~~~: :-:~ .. ~~~t·~~~:~· .... ; ..... -o.~~ "~;·~ ••• 7:-:. . 7:-::-. ::-: J' ::-:-:-: :-:-:-:-:1: : : : : : : : : : •G.Ol • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• -..""~ "~":" .. ,. :-:-::1· ::-::: :-:-:-.. r :-:-::-:•! :-::-:-:~::::: ::::: +G.CIZ •••••I-••••• ••••• •••••~••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• o.a nao.002 •---~•· .....__.., ___ ., ___ ........... . -o.o.z •••• ·•· •••• ·•..... • •••• • ••••• •..... • •••• I .... . • ..... t ... ··{····j ..... L ••••• t·····l··· ....... j·····l· .. ··l····· -..""~ "~':" ... :-:-::: ::-::. :-:-::-=-'"t~-=-== ~7:-:t::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: +G.CII • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a.o n•I.JO _,... -r.• r---..--. --e. .--. .,. _ . . . .. . . .... 4 • • • • • • • • • • • •••• _ .. .., ........... , ..... , ..... r..... . . . . . . . . . . . ... ·1·.... . . . . . . ... . ........... ..... ~ .. ···1····· ·····!·· ... 1 ..... ~ ..... : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :j : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ..... 1 :::::.::::: ::::: :::::t::::: ::::: :::::j::::: ::::: 0.0 10?S.732 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• ' • • • • • • •••• ~::, ~~~::;~~:: ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~j:::::;::::: -:-~ '~'~ ... -:-:-z~· :.:..: .. :...::~~..::..; ;..;..;.;..-: ::::: ..... ...... , ... ··1·· .~ ..... 1 .. ···1·····!·. .. . I . ~ -o.~ ·~":"!'" ••. ~: : : : : : :: : : : :: : : : : : : : : :1 : l : :: :::. >. : : : :::: ::: :: ::: ::I: : : : : I ............... ····· ........ .. . !' • i ........ " .......... •••••t•. .. . l ... ..... . . .... ..... ... .. . . . . . •••••••••• .,...,.,.,... r-• .,. .... ~---:-. .. I LAKE SURFACE ELEVATION I I U4U 11.»..1 ,.,L t1~.2 11~.!1 ~ ~ ~ SP-2A -SP-29 PCM -4 0- BL :liJ SP-2C NOTES: 1. EU:VJ.TTONS ARE BASED ON BR.IJ)lZY LAKE PROJECT DATUJI. J/ONUJIENTS SP-P..A THROUGH SP-2}( ARE BASED ON BENCH JIAR]( "VENUs". THE TOP OF NUT ON ts/8" STAINLESS STEEL BOLT IN ROCK 0 APPROXlA/ATELl' 30' RJGJn OF STATION 2+20 JLAIN DAJI BASELINE (E:U:VATION 1179.942 AS SHO'IfN ON "JiAIN DAJI AREA SURVEY JIONUlfENTATIOJY, POWER AUTHORITY DJU.Jf!NG NO. H05-F-11-0012-R49). 2. EU:VATTONS OF MONUMENTS SP-3A '!'HROUGH SP-3C ARE BASED ON BJI 90-05-19, DESCR1BED AS: TOP OF NUT ON 5/8" STAINLESS STEEL BOLT IN ROCK AT APPROXDIATELY 220' u:rr OF STATTON 8+00 JlAJN DAJ/ BASEIJNE. EI.EV.-1080.657 (JIAD{ DAJI AREA SURVEY J/ONUJ.lENTA TION). 3. MONUMENT GRAPH P05mON 0.0 IS ESTABUSHED FROJI JIONUJIENT VALUES SHOWN ON "JIAJN DAJI ARU SURVEY JIONUJ/ENTATTON" POWER AUTHORITY DRAWING NO. H05-F-08-0037-R49. 4. ALL STATION AND OFFSET CALCULATIONS ARE REFERENCED FROJI THE 'JIAIN DAJI IJASEI.I1ir (P.RDI.ARY CONTROL JIONUJIENT 4 [PCJI-4) TO PCJI-2) WITH PCM-4 AS THE BASIS OF STATIONING. 5. POWER AUTHORITY DRAWING NO. H05-F-08-0037-R49 INCORRECTLY USTS ST..tTTON!NG OF PCJI-4 AS 10+43.354. THE 1992 DEFLECTION SURVEY ASSUJIES THE PCJI-4 STATION AS 0-43.353. DETERMINED BY SUBTRACTING THE HORIZONTAL INVERSE DISTANCE OF COORDINATE VALUES SHOWN FOR PCJI-4 TO PCJI-2 (1258.716), FROJI THE STATIONING SHOWN FOR PCJI-2 (12+15.383 ON POWER AUTHORITY DJUWING NO. H05-F-08-0037-R49}. 6. 1992 DEnECTJON SURVEY JIEASURED .AU. JIONUJIENTS ON SEPTEJIBER 21. JfJTH A LAKE SURFACE ELEVATION OF 1148.~. EXCEPTING SPILLWAY JIONVMENTS SP-2J AND SP-2K JrHJCH WERE SURVEYED NOVEJIBER 13. 1992 WITH A LAKE SURFACE ELEVATION OF 1140.1 . 7. THESE SURVEYS USE THE CENTER OF A STAJII'ED •o• ON THE TOP (OFFCENTER) OF 5/8" ST.AINLESS BOLTS FOR SPILLWAY JIONUJIENTS SP-2J AND SP-2K. ON SP-2J THE CEN'I'ER OF THE "()" IS OFFSET .005 LEFT OF '!'HE BOLr CENTER .AND .005 DOWNS1'ATION OF THE BOLT CENTER. ON SP-2K THE CENTER OF THE ·o· IS OFFSET .004 LEFT OF THE BOLT CENTER .AND .000 (NO) STATIONING DIFFERENCE. 8. ELEVATION OF POINTS NOT LOCATED ON THE DAJI ARE DESIGNATED AS NOT APPUCABLE. 9. ORIGINAL STATION SHOWN FOR A/ONUJIENT SP-2H IS SHOWN AS 9+29.962. 1992 SURVEY VALUE IS 9+29.926. ORIGINAL STATION SHOWN JlAY HAVE BEEN A TR.ANSPOSJTJON OF NUMBERS. ....,. --SP-2D 0 PCM 3 DIVERSION TUNNEL ACCESS RD. ~ ~ ~ ~ = \ '.0 -3A -JB -JC -\ \ BL 3E: \ \g\ \~\ \~\ \0\ ,z. \ ---~' \~\ \~\ 1"\ \ l ~ MAIN DAM BASELINE ~ SP-ZH-SP-21 \ I I -SP-2G SP-2E: SP-Zt \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I ~ ~~ ~ I SPILLWAY J - SP 2J-SP 2K\ BRADLEY LAKE I OA'L 8/19/95 I """'<J<S I SHttT ~ ~,._,.., G.O.N. NO. I OAT£ HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL CONTROL OIIA .. '"' T.S.M ~ CM<c:o<ED ., G.D.N. BRADLEY LAKE DAM N'-.o-«:D 8"r: 1"• 100' .,;.u, OR AS NOTED FIGURE F-1 -0 PCM 2 5H[['T NO. 1 OF 2 2a3.Z.DC BRADLEY LAKE DAM HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ANNUAL SURVEY TO DETECT MOVEMENT ' . ~=g DIVERSION TUNNEL ACCESS ROAD !.11 ., I ~ !.11 ., I !S ' . e:e ~ I u. .. J>oP eo:: HORIZON TAL MOVEMENT FORWARD (+) BACK(-) CD CD r-r-1 I .... ~ ..., ~ SPILLWAY VI !.11 ., ., I I "" "' ?< '- ~ I ~ ~ I "' :::1: ~ I "' (;) ~ I "' ..., DAM !.11 "tl I "' ,., ~ I !:l /:..,.¢. Sc2 ~=~ . . . g:~ §:S tg; *:~ ~g~ ~g~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ I "' n ~:i ~ ~ I I "' "' QJ > ~:~ t~~ PRIMARY CONffiOL PEDESTAL II.IONUt.AEN TS ., n .::: I ... "0 2 I "' 2 I "' g~~ *g~ ~g§ 1J ~ I ' + Sg§ :: ::::::::::: :=: ::: :::: : :;: :::::;:: :;: :::: :::: :: : : : ::: :~: :~: ::: :?: ::: :~: : : •• ~·········· .21:~ .! ................. :;r •• ·~· •• ; ••• s .... "' .... 8 .. ·!!5· .;: •• ;::. ·t.· .. p::. ·:;· •• :: ::::::::::: :~: :~: :::: : :!: :::::~:: :1: ::!: ::!: :: :: ::a: :!!: :§: :;: :~: :§: :~: : : ~:"tlc I :: ·:::::::::: : ; ; ; :::: ; ; ; ::::: ; • ; ; ;; : :: : ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; :; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; A~~ I ::::~~~:::::: :1: :1: :::·':: ;1: ::::1:: ;1 :r: ::c ::~: ::c :r: :r: :r: :1: :1: :1: :': :~: :~: :b!<:l=> . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . l. . l. ... ]. . . l. . .. .1. • • • l . [. . J. • • .J. • ..j. • • (. • [. • [. • l. .l. . I. . J. • ~ • .L. • ......... ._ .... ., •• , ...• ,. ... , .•.• , .... , ·r• •f'···~···, .. ·r··r· ·r· ., .. , .. , ••. , .. , ... , .. ;:;:;::"~ .......... '"'". . . . . •.• .. ... . . ... . .. ,.. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . \()~ .••..•.•..... ,. • ,. . ·r : : :: : : :: : :: : ;,: : :,: : =~ :::::::::::::1: :': ::r. ............ 'I' • '. .. t : : : : : : : : : : : : :,: : • : : =~ : : :: : : :: ::: : :1: : ': : :t : : :: : : ::: :: : :t: .. . . . . . .. . . . .. :::::::::::::t ............. I :::::::::::::. :::::::::::::1 .................... ................ . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . ........................ .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. " .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. : l: : :c • I· • •lo :t: ::1: : J: : :c • o!• • ·~ ::r: ::c • • .... • * . . . \, ... ...... .. "\'. •••• l..' "l'l''l"" ·1 .,. , ... ·c·· 'l" ·r· ·r· ·r· ., .. ,. ·1· "r l" l" 1\:!r-: :1: :; I: ::: : l : =~ ~:: : : I : : : ~: : : t: : C : C : : 1; : l; : : : :1: <:; l : ; ::1: ::t:::: :I ::t ;~::: :t:: :':: :r: :t: :c :t: :': :1: ::t: 1:: !" ~~ ::::t.: • ••I .. : : =~ :: "I' I"/''"' ., : :I: : i:: : :: : l ::r. :r.::::: :I ::x:: ::r. ... \ .... 1. : :: :.: : : ;t: .... , ... ,. ::::.: ::~ ::::r: ::c :r::::: :c •,. • •. • • •I• : :t:: :: ': .. ! .... ,. ::.:::: 1: :: [:: :: l: ::1 J::: :c:: :l:: :t: :r.: :t: :c: :l:l :1: :J: t:: 1:: • • I <I .. • • ~ .. ol.. • ~ • •I.. • ~ • • ~ • • < • • I • .. ,. lo.. 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""'" 2oS O.AM ~ ~ I I "' "' 1"'1 0 §:~ ;:§ PRI~ARY CONTROL PEDESTAL MONUMENTS ~ I "' ('") ~ ~ I I "' N CD > , ~ I .... 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I DAlE: B/19/9~ I ~ ,-T COfiEI01'S J)(SIQC • ., G.o.N. 1 •<>-I o•Ti HORIZONTAL & VERnCAL coNTROL _.,tm T.S.t.l O<ta<m ., G.O.N. ...,....,lrti:D ...... 1'• 100' SCAI.Eo OR AS NOTED ~ BRADLEY LAKE DAM FIGURE F-2 SHEET NO. 2 OF 2 HJa.OfiC PAEABL24 10/12196 APPENDIX G PHOTOGRAPHS AERIAL VIEW-DAM AND SPILLWAY AERIAL VIEW -RIGHT ABUTMENT, SPILLWAY, RESERVOIROUTLET SHAFT HOUSE AND DOWNSTREAM PORTAL STRUCTURE 1 UPSTREAM FACE OF DAM FROM RIGHT ABUTMENT UPSTREAM FACE OF DAM FROM LEFT ABUTMENT 2 LEFT ABUTMENT PLINTH JOINT W ATERSTOP RIGHT ABUTMENT PLINTH AND TRANSITION JOINT W ATERSTOPS 3 UPSTREAM FACING APPROXIMATE MIDDLE OF DAM. NOTE SHRINKAGE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL CRACKING CREST ALONG DOWNSTREAM SIDE 4 DOWNSTREAM RIP-RAP FACING ZONE DOWNSTREAM TOE ACCESS ROAD TO RESERVOIR OUTLET PORTAL STRUCTURE 5 I SPILLWAY FROM THE LEFT SIDE SPILLWAY LEFT NON-OVERPOUR SECTION. ACCESS DOOR IS TO DRAINAGE GALLERY. 6 GENERAL VIEW OF POWERHOUSE SPILLWAY IDGH OGEE SECTION. NOTE CRACKS WITH CALCITE EVIDENCE OF LEAKAGE . 7