HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Geotechnical Site Investigation 1986BRA 145 C .2 APPENDIX APPENDIX B GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATION FOR BRADLEY 115 kV TRANSMISSION LINES APPENDIX B GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATION FOR BRADLEY 115 kV TRANSMISSION LINES Golder Associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MINING ENGINEERS FINAL REPORT TO DRYDEN AND LARUE GEOLOGICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATION FOR THE BRADLEY LAKE 115 kV TRANSMISSION LINES Distribution: 2 copies -Dryden and LaRue Anchorage, Alaska 2 copies -Golder Associates Anchorage, Alaska 1 copy -Golder Associates Seattle, Washington February 1986 853-5011A Disk 147 GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC • 715 L STREET. SUITE 7 • ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 • TELEPHONE 9:>7-276-2878 • TELEX 32-1014 OFFICES IN UNITED STATES • CANADA • UNITED KINGDOM • AUSTRALIA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF WORK 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION 4 2.1 Field Investigation 4 2.2 Laboratory Investi9ation 5 3.0 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 7 3.1 Regional Geology 7 3.2 Geology of the Project Area 9 3.2.1 Geologic Map Units 9 3.2.2 Geologic Description of the 12 Transmission Line Route 3.2.3 Seismic Considerations 25 4.0 ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF SOIL AND ROCK 31 5.0 4.1 General 31 4.2 Kenai Group 31 4.3 Glacial Till 32 4. 4 Peat 32 4.5 Alluvium, Colluvium, and Marine Sediments 33 4.6 McHugh Complex and Valdez Group 33 4.7 Summary 33 POTENTIAL FOUNDATION SYSTEMS 5. 1 General 5.2 Wood Direct Embedment Poles 5.3 Driven Piles 5.4 Driven Piles and Wood Poles 36 36 36 36 37 6.0 RECOMMENDED DESIGN CRITERIA 6. 1 General 38 38 38 39 4 1 6.2 Liquefaction 6.3 Frost Heaving 6.4 Plateau, Bluff and Landslide Areas - Segments 1,2 and 4 6.5 River Crossing and Mudflats Areas - Segments 3 and 6 6.6 Forested Route to the Powerhouse - Segment 5 Golder Associates 45 47 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 7.0 PRE-CONSTRUCTION EXPLORATIONS AND TESTING 7.1 Pre-construction Explorations 7.2 Pre-construction Testing 8.0 USE OF THIS REPORT AND WARRANTY Figures References Appendix A -Field Data R & M Report Golder Associates 50 50 51 52 Figure # 2 3a,b 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 14 1 5 LIST OF FIGURES Title Bradley Lake Transmission Line -Site Location Plan Location Map -Borings, Test Pits and Seismic Profile Generalized Borehole Logs -Segments and 2 -Plateau and Bluff Areas Segment 1 -Plateau Area Rates of Slope and Cliff Retreat Generalized Borehole Logs -Segments 3 and 6 River Crossing and Mudflats Map of Channel Pattern 1950 and 1985 Fox River and Sheep Creek, Alaska Criteria for Scour Depth at Tower Locations Generalized Borehole Logs -Segment 4 - Major Landslide CU Triaxial Test Results -Glacial Till and Kenai Group CU Triaxial Test Results -Alluvium Results of Liquefaction Analysis Design Criteria -Direct Embedment Wood Poles -Kenai Group, Glacial Till and Peat Recommended Uplift Capacity for Direct Embedment Poles with Bearing Plates Design Criteria -Driven "H" Piles - Kenai Group, Glacial Till and Peat Golder Associates 1 6 17 1 8 Plate I-III LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Desiqn Criteria -Direct Embedment Poles -Alluvium, Colluvium and Marine Sediments Design Criteria -Driven "H" Piles - Alluvium, Colluvium and Marine Sediments Design Criteria -Direct Embedment Poles or Piles McHugh Complex or Valdez Group LIST OF PLATES Title Reconnaissance Geologic Map with Peat Probe and Borehole Locations Golder Associates Table 2 3 4 LIST OF TABLFS Title Design Ground Motions Geologic Units Along Proposed Alignment Summary of Design Strength Parameters Summary Depth of Frost Calculations Golder Associates February 1986 853-5011A 1.0 INTPODUCTION AND SCOPE OF WOPK The Bradley Lake hydroelectric power project, which is currently being managed by the Alaska Power Authority, will produce 90 megawatts of power from a powerhouse located at the head of Kachemak Bay near Homer, Alaska. Golder Associates under contract to Dryden and LaRue Consulting Engineers has conducted a geologic and geotechnical investigation for the proposed Bradley Lake transmission line. This 20 mile long electrical power line will connect the proposed Homer Electric -Soldotna transmission line with the Bradley Lake powerhouse, as shown in Figure 1. The Bradley Lake transmission line route extends eastward from its future intersection with the Homer Electric - Soldotna line across a broad glaciated plateau which is part of the Caribou Hills upland. At the edge of the plateau the transmission line drops approximately 650 feet over steep bluffs onto the Fox River Lowland. On the lowland the transmission line swings southeastward crossing Fox River and Sheep Creek traversing the low relief alluvial floodplain. On the south and east side of the Sheep Creek/Fox River Lowland, two routes were evaluated. The first route traverses the foothills of the Kenai Mountains along the south side of Kachemak Bay until it intercepts the proposed powerhouse. A second more direct route remains on the floodplain. This route extends along the east side of the lowlands onto the tidal mudflats at the head of Kachemak Bay and to the proposed powerhouse. This investigation consisted of conducting a geological and geotechnical study of the foundation conditions along the proposed transmission line routes. The geologic investigation consisted of reconnaissance geologic mapping and more detailed analysis of selected geologic hazards. The geotechnical analysis consisted of a borehole logging prograw, data analysis and preliminary design of alternate foundation systems for varying subsurface conditions. Precise tower locations were not known during this investigation, therefore, the geotechnical site investigation was designed to characterize the major terrain types and expected subsurface conditions. Boreholes were located in the field to verify terrain types and not to define soil engineering conditions at precise tower locations. The borehole data supported by numerous peat probes along the proposed transmission line corridor were used to substantiate aerial photographic analyses for the route. All borehole logging and drilling supervision for this project was completed by R & M Consultants, Inc. Golder Associates was responsible for selection of drillholes and for developing field testing criteria. Golder Associates February 1986 2 853-5G11P. Further, Golder Associates developed laboratory testing criteria for soil and rock samples retrieved during the geotechnical field investigation and was responsible for developing preliminary geotechnical design options for the transmission line. The objectives of the geotechnical investigation were to provide geotechnical engineering criteria for the preliminary design of the tower foundations and to assess geologic hazards which may affect the performance of the transmission line. Specific objectives of the study included the following: • Review high and low altitude aerial photography to identify potential geologic hazards and characterize surficial soil and rock conditions. • Conduct a geologic reconnaissance of the entire transmission route to verify contacts established on aerial photographs and confirm soil and rock conditions. • Conduct a subsurface exploration program to investigate and confirm each major soil type along the transmission line route. This program was designed by Golder Associates and Dryden and LaRue and implemented by R & M Consultants. • Perform peat probe investigations in lowland areas suspected of containing significant quantities of low strength organic deposits. • Evaluate the hydrologic regime, particularly related to the development of the Sheep Creek and Fox River floodplain and determine general erosion pattern and scour depths. • Determine the general engineering properties of the soil and rock and develop potential foundation types for each major soil type present. • Recommend generalized design criteria for several foundation systems including direct embedment poles and driven piles. Design criteria for anchors will be developed during final design, once a foundation system has been selected. • Develop preliminary design criteria for construction of structures in zones with potential geologic hazards (i.e. liquefiable soils, along receding bluffs, in historic landslide areas). • Recommend preferred foundation systems for site specific soil conditions. Golder Associates February 1986 3 853-5011A This report was prepared for the use of Dryden and LaRue Consulting Engineers to provide geotechnical assistance for the design of the Bradley Lake 115 kV transmission line. Based on discussions with Dryden and LaRue we have assu~ed all excavations for transmission line foundations will be carried out with augers. However, this does not preclude the use of other types of construction equipment. Golder Associates February 1986 4 853-5011A 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION 2.1 Field Investigation The field investigation was undertaken during the period May through October, 1985 and consisted of geological reconnaissance, a borehole drilling program, testpit excavations, seismic profiling and a peat probe investigation. The field reconnaissance was conducted with the assistance of a helicopter and included the confirmation of soil and rock contacts identified on aerial photographs and the confirmation of the existence and the extent of geologic hazards such as landslides, eroding bluff lines, and faults. Boreholes were drilled by Exploration Supply and Equipment Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska with a track-mounted Acker MP-3 and a helicopter transportable Longyear B-38. Each drill rig was equipped to take soil and rock samples. The borings ranged in depth from 23.0 feet to 60.0 feet. Hollow stem auger techniques were used to extend the holes to their maximum depth. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) using either a 140 lb or 300 lb hammer, with a 30 inch drop and either a 1.4 inch or 2.5 inch inside diameter split spoon samplers were conducted every five feet on the average or at major soil changes. Standard penetration test results recorded the number of blows necessary to drive the sampler for the final 12-inches of penetration. Split spoon samples were either retained in sealed brass liners or were transferred to plastic bags which were sealed, labeled and shipped to the laboratory for analysis. Shelby tube samples in fine-grained materials were attempted, however there was a low ratio of success in collecting samples with this method due to the presence of gravel within the fine grained material. Coring was attempted only at RM 204 (Figure 2) and resulted in no core recovery. Standpipe piezometers were installed in all boreholes except RM 201, 202, 203, 205, 208, 209, 214, 215 and 196. The piezometers consisted of 1 inch diameter slotted PVC pipe embedded in clean sand or pea gravel and sealed with bentonite above the slotted section to prevent surface water from entering the pipe. Piezometer installations were used to monitor the groundwater elevation. The water levels recorded in the field are shown on the borehole logs. Detailed logs of the R & M boreholes are presented in Appendix A. A series of test pits were excavated at the locations shown in Figure 2. The test pits were excavated by hand to depths ranging between 2.0 to 6.0 feet. The test pits were primarily intended to determine the depth of bedrock at the selected locations. Logs of the test pits are contained in Appendix A. In addition, one seismic profile line was Golder Associates February 1986 5 853-5011A conducted adjacent to RM-195 as shown in Figure 2. The intent of the profile was to determine the depth to bedrock within the Fox River/Sheep Creek lowlands. The results of the seismic profile are contained in Appendix A. Peat probes were accomplished using a Oakfield hand-operated solid flight auger and Chance probe. Locations of each borehole, testpit and seismic line are shown in Figure 2. Peat probe locations are identified on Plates I, II and III. Borehole and peat probe locations were placed on a photographic base by visual inspection and therefore, should be regarded as approximate. 2.2 Laboratory Investigation Golder Associates directed the laboratory investigation, which was performed by R & M Consultants of Anchorage, Alaska. The selected test program was conducted to evaluate the properties of the soil samples obtained during the field investigation. Correlations between the laboratory data and engineering properties of the various material types encountered are discussed in Section 4.0. Individual test results are presented in the report by R & M Consultants (Appendix A). Soil index tests were performed to determine the moisture content, dry density, grain size distribution and Atterberg Limits of selected samples. The above tests were performed in accordance with ASTM test methods. In addition to index tests, triaxial shear tests were conducted to evaluate the soil strength parameters under consolidated undrained conditions with pore pressure measurements. Three triaxial strength tests were performed on each of the following material types: 1) Brass liner samples of the Kenai Group, 2) Reconstituted samples of glacial till, and 3) Shelby tube samples of alluvium. Due to the coarse nature of the glacial till materials, representative undisturbed samples could not be obtained. Therefore, combined samples were sieved to remove material larger than a No. 4 sieve. The material was then recompacted to approximately the in-situ density and moisture content. Samples of the Kenai Group and alluvial materials were extruded, from either thin walled Shelby tubes or drive tube brass liners directly into triaxial cells. Golder Associates February 1986 6 853-5011A Samples were back pressure saturated and consolidated to stress levels of 2 to 8 kips per square foot (KSF). Details of the sample preparation and test methodology are discussed in the report by R & M Consultants in Appendix A. Golder Associates February 1986 7 853-501 U. 3.0 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 3.1 Begional Geology Southcentral Alaska, along the northern portion of the Gulf of Alaska, has a sedimentary and tectonic regime which reflects northwestward convergence of the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. This zone of convergence at the Aleutian trench is an active subduction zone where oceanic lithosphere is being thrust beneath the continental materials which compose the North American plate. As subduction occurs, accretion of deep sea trench deposits to the continent proceeds by the stacking of underthrust wedges of sediment within the trench. This major zone of underthrusting is seismically active and dominates the seismicity of southern Alaska. Alaska comprises various geologic terranes which have been accreted to the continent. Some of these terranes are represented by trench sediments which have been accreted to the continent, and other terranes consist of exotic blocks of continental material which have collided with the North American continent, as the result of plate movements. A major plate boundary representing an ancient subduction zone where trench sediments were accreted is expressed by the Border Ranges Fault (BRF). The BRF represents the structural contact between a late Mesozoic subduction complex and less deformed Paleozoic and early Mesozoic rocks. The subsurface trace of the BRF is approximately parallel to the border between the Kenai Mountains and the Kenai Lowland. Structurally complex accretionary terranes comprising the Cretaceous McHugh Complex and the Valdez Group (Chugach terrane) are exposed in the Kenai Mountains southwest of Kachernak Bay and the Fox River Flats (Fox River/Sheep Creek delta). Gently dipping, marine and shallow non-marine Tertiary sedimentary rocks of the Kenai Group are located northwest of Kachernak Bay and the Fox River flats. Over much of the Kenai Peninsula the Kenai Group rocks cover the BRF structural contact and portions of the terranes on either side. The BRF is not known to be active on the Kenai Peninsula, however, reactivation of this suture zone has been documented in the Anchorage area (Updike, 1985). Glaciers, glacial deposits, fluvial deposits, peat and other Quaternary deposits mantle the accretionary terrane and the Tertiary sediments throughout much of the Kenai Peninsula. The project area has been subject to four glacial advances during the late Wisconsin (Naptowne glaciation) and one during the early Wisconsin (Knik glaciation)(Karlstrorn, 1964). At various times the entire project area has been glaciated. An end moraine remanent from a late Wisconsin age advance forms the core of the Horner Spit. In areas Golder Associates February 1986 8 853-5011A immediately adjacent to Kachemak Bay -Fox River/Sheep Creek valley glaciation left steep topography. In the Kenai Mountains where the rocks are more resistant to erosion the topography remains largely unmodified. Glacial till, deposited by the advancing and receding ice, contained large boulders plucked frorr. the well indurated rocks of the Kenai Mountains. In the Kenai Lowland, where rocks less resistant to erosion are located, broad alluvial fans have formed at the base of headwardly eroding scarps. This modification of glacially oversteepened slopes progresses by frequent mass movement activity and active stream transport of the debris entrained in stream gullies. Deglaciation, after the most recent glacial advance, left a landscape of low end moraines, depressions, and underfit streams in the Kenai Lowlands. Peat has accumulated in the poorly drained areas. Some of the abundant fine sediment produced by glacial activity was carried by the wind and deposited as a thin blanket of loess over the topography. Concomitant with deglaciation was a worldwide rise in sea level as the ice melted and returned to the sea. This rise in sea level after the last glacial episode (Wisconsin) amounted to approximately 100 meters. Marine marginal valleys that had once been filled with ice became fjords. Kachemak Bay is an example of one of these drowned glaciated valleys. At the head of these valleys, deltas developed and supplied with abundant sediment from glacial activity they rapidly prograded seaward. As deglaciation continued glacial outwash prograded the Fox River/Sheep Creek delta; a process that continues today. The relative sea level in this region has also been affected by tectonic activity. Subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the North American Plate is accompanied by major earthquakes, the most recent of which occurred in 1964. The elevation of major areas of the earth's crust were lowered as much as 8 feet in some locations and raised as much as 33 feet in other locations (Plafker, 1964). In Kachemak Bay the land subsided by approximately 3-7 feet, thereby modifying the local sea level. Tectonic processes combined with fluvial/marine processes associated with delta formation have given rise to deltaic sediments which contain significant marginal marine as well as fluvial deposits. In addition to changes in elevation of the land surface earthquake activity in this region can generate seiches and tsunami which are capable of modifying the shoreline as well as triggering landslides. Extensive modification of the Homer Spit was reported as the result of the 1964 earthquake. The effects of seismic forces are discussed in more detail in Section 3.2.3. Golder Associates February 1986 9 853-5011A 3.2 Geology of the Project Area A reconnaissance geologic map of the proposed transmission line route is provided in Plates I, II, and III. Mapping was conducted by interpreting aerial photographs and by making field observations September 6-12, 1985 and October 8-9, 1985. Peat probe data was collected periodically during September and October, 1985. Black and white photographs (approximately 1: 12000) taken June 17, 1985 were used as the base for geologic mapping. For reference purposes and to determine geomorphic changes through time, black and white photographs taken on August 9, 1950: July 4, 1951: June 17, 1962; undated, 1980; and July 15, 1983 were also used. False color infrared images taken July 14, 1982 and August, 1984 were used. Geologic map units are described in this section along with the engineering geology of each major segment of the transmission line route. For the purposes of this discussion the route is divided into the following segments: Segment 1 Plateau Area -Homer Electric Intertie to Drillhole :RM 197 Segment 2 Bluff Area -In the Vicinity of Drillhole 197 Segment 3 River Crossing -Fox Fiver/Sheep Creek Segment 4 Major Landslide -Area of Drillholes RM 192 and 193 Segment 5 Forested Route from the Landslide to the Powerhouse Segment 6 Mudflats Route around the Landslide to the Powerhouse 3.2.1 Geologic Map Units Geologic map units shown on Plates I, II, and III are described as follows: Peat (Map Symbol -Pt) Peat accumulations significant to foundation design are present in Segments 1, 3, and 5. Peat in these areas is moderate brown in color and contains abundant fibrous remains of mosses, reeds, sedges, grasses and other bog vegetation. Peat accumulates principally in poorly drained depressions left by glacial activity and in low gradient areas marginal to streams. Peat in Seqment 5 is very limited (see Plate III) and is underlain by well indurated Valdez Group and McHugh Complex rocks. Segment 3 peat is located in a poorly drained area below the Segment 2 bluffs. Peat in this area is underlain by alluvial/colluvial Golder Associates February 1986 1 0 853-5011A fan deposits. Peat deposits in Segments 3 and 5 are minor compared to the extensive peat deposits located in Segment 1. Segment 1 peat, as shown on Plate I, is a dominant geologic unit with thicknesses up to 20 feet and perhaps deeper. Colluvium (Map Symbol -Qc) Colluvial deposits are present in all segments of the map area. These deposits are the result of slow downslope movement of soil and rock debris by creep and slopewash. In general the size of the material in these deposits are controlled by the size of the parent material available for transport. The thickest accumulation of colluvium occurs at the foot of slopes or cliffs and where subsequent fluvial transport is low. In Segments 1 and 3, the plateau areas shed sediment into poorly drained lowland areas at the base of the bluffs creating colluvial fans. Alluvium {Map Symbols -Ma, Mo, Qal) Alluvial deposits have been subdivided based on the approximate age of the vegetation (where present) established on these deposits. The ages were determined using visual inspection and tree- ring age dating techniques on a limited number of trees. Alluvium is present in all map segments, however it is most prominent in Segment 3 where the Fox River and Sheep Creek share the same valley. Size of the alluvial materials depends on the size of the material available and the stream power available for transport. • Ma refers to alluvial deposits of sand and gravel that are entrained in active stream beds and have not developed significant vegetative cover. • Mo refers to alluvial deposits which are transported during major flood events or have been actively transported during the last 35-50 years. Scattered vegetation may be present on this deposits with ages up to 35-50 years. • Qal is a general unit for alluvial deposits of Holocene age. Where present, trees developed on these deposits are greater than 35-50 years old. Alluvial Fans (Map Symbol-Qaf) Alluvial fan deposits are found in Segment 3, where they result from the headward erosion of the bluffs in Segment 2. They are also present in Segment 4 where they result from erosion of the glacial drift which composes part of the major landslide area (see Plate III). Alluvial fan deposits are distinct from other alluvial deposits because of their fan-shaped geomorphic expression and the restriction of this unit to areas of abrupt change in stream gradient at the base of steeper slopes. Golder Associates February 1986 11 853-5011A Due to the lack of stream power and vegetative cover in Segment 3, fluvial transport is not the only transport process and as a result these deposits have been mapped as a mixed unit comprising colluvial as well as alluvial materials. The bluffs predominantly comprise fine-grained sediments and the alluvial fan deposits reflect this size gradation. Alluvial fan deposits in Segment 4 represent another type of mixed unit. The till from which the fan deposits are derived contains numerous boulders which are too large to be transported by the available stream power and hence a lag deposit has developed where the finer portions of the till have been eroded away. The remaining boulders have been subject to little or no fluvial transport or are only transported during very high streamflow events. These lag boulders are mixed with fluvial deposits in the sand and gravel size range. Landslide deposits (Map Symbol -Qls) Landslide deposits are located in Segment 2 and 4. Due to the potential hazard to engineered structures as a result of landslide activity both landslide deposits and landslide scars are mapped under this unit. In Segment 2 the landslides are mostly surficial sloughs involving the soil and vegetative mat developed over the Kenai Group sediments (see unit description below). Larger rotational failures are present in areas where thick till deposits are exposed along the border of the plateau. Segment 4 contains one major landslide which is nearly a mile wide at the top. The landslide debris is relatively undisturbed and apparently moved as a coherent mass. Tidal Flat Deposits (Map Symbol -Utf) This unit is present in Segment 6 and consists of vegetated upper tidal flat deposits and associated overbank stream deposits. Because of the low energy of the transport media these deposits comprise fine grained sediments in the clay and silt size range. They are periodically underwater and generally have significant limitations for engineered structures. Glacial Till (Map Symbols -Qt, Qt 1_4 ) Glacial till is present in Segments 1, 4, and 5. Throughout the area it consists of a silty, sandy gravel with boulders which range up to a maximum dimension of 10 feet. Till thickness ranges up to at least 26 feet in some areas. Map Symbol Qt is used for undifferentiated glacial drift deposits and symbols Qt are used to indicate the relative age of glacial de~osits where age relationships Golder Associates February 1986 1 2 853-5011A could be determined based on a succession of end moraines. Qt 1 is the oldest deposit and Qt 4 is the youngest. Qt 1 is located beyond the limits of a major end moraine that represents the maximum limit of the late Wisconsin Naptowne glaciation and thus probably represents the early Wisconsin Knik glaciation. There is no apparent correlation or distinction between till deposits and engineering properties, hence glacial stratigraphy was not evaluated in great detail. Kenai Group (Map Symbol -Bx 1 ) Tertiary Kenai Group rocks are present throughout Segments and 2, although in most areas they are overlain by glacial till and peat. This unit is exposed prominently in the bluffs that constitute Segment 2. The Kenai Group consists of gently dipping, poorly indurated, siltstones, sandstones, claystones, mudstones, coal, and lignite. Rock strength ranges from extremely weak rock to very weak rock (ISRM, 1981) except where concretionary zones are present. In those zones rock strength may be in the range of medium strong to strong. McHugh Complex and Valdez Group (Map Symbol -Bx 2 ) Cretaceous McHugh Complex and Valdez Group rocks are exposed in portions of Segment 5. Due to the similarity of the rock types and the paucity of exposure, these two units were not differentiated during geologic mapping. As mapped the unit comprises well-indurated, graywacke, and argillite with local outcrops of chert. Rock strength ranges from medium strong rock to very strong rock (ISRM, 1981). Joint spacing is approximately 2.5 feet based on a transect taken near the proposed powerhouse. Many of the rock specimens examined show the effects of cataclastic deformation. 3.2.2 Geologic Description of the Transmission Line Route Segment -Plateau Area Segment 1 consists of a broad, rolling, swampy, plateau area, a portion of which drains to the northwest into the headwaters of Deep Creek and the remainder drains to the south into Fox Creek. Glacial activity has modified this plateau and left large poorly drained areas which have filled with peat in the period since deglaciation. Maximum relief along this segment of the proposed transmission line corridor is approximately 200 feet. The upland areas consist of Kenai Group sediments, generally overlain by glacial till. These hilly areas are typically well drained and support moderately dense stands of Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis) and Birch (Betula papyrifera). The glacial till may contain boulders and blocks with a longest dimension of up to approximately 10 feet, based on measurements of Golder Associates February 1986 1 3 boulders found at the ground surface. Locally, colluvial fans have accumulated at the base of the slopes. Narrow ridges less than approximately 50 feet high, which geomorphically represent end moraines, are also present. 853-5011A The irregular topography east of RM 207 is typical of end moraine deposits in this area. End moraines and depressions in ground moraines have formed impediments to drainage which have resulted in the development of lakes and peat bogs. Depth of peat in Segment 1 based on peat probe data is presented in Plates I and II. Generalized borehole logs for Segment 1 are shown on Figure 3. A schematic cross-section of the plateau is presented as Figure 4. Segment 2 -Bluff Area Segment 2 consists of steep slopes that form the transition between the plateau and the Fox River flats. Topographic relief of this segment is approximately 650 feet. Overall slope angle for the bluff is approximately 20 -25 degrees, however individual slope segments may range up to 65 degrees or more. The rock units consist entirely of Kenai Group sediments. Glacial till which is present over much of Segment 1 was either not deposited in this area or has been removed by erosion. Coal/lignite layers up to four feet thick are present in this portion of the Kenai Group. Bedding varies from horizontal to dipping into the slope at approximately 5 degrees to the northwest. Bedding dipping away from the slope was not observed. The exposed rock at the surface of the bluff face crumbles easily and can essentially be considered a soil. Beneath the weathered layer, rock strengths are classified as very weak (ISRM, 1981). Stability of these slopes over an assumed 50 year design life of the proposed transmission line is a major engineering consideration. In evaluating slope stability it is necessary to understand the erosion processes involved and the rate at which those processes proceed. Reconnaissance geologic investigations of the entire bluff area within the transmission line corridor identified the results of both surficial sliding and deep seated rotational failures. Evidence for rotational failures was observed in the landslides mapped south of RM 202. It appears that failures of this type are limited to areas where thick till deposits overlie Kenai Group sediments. Geologic mapping and detailed observations of the slopes in the area below RM 197 showed no till overlying Kenai Formation and a lack of evidence indicating historic, deep seated rotational failures. Golder Associates February 1986 1 4 853-5011A However, numerous shallow slide deposits and surficial failure scars in various states of restabilization were noted in this segment. Analysis of aerial photographs, tree ages, and field measurements in the slide scars suggested that failures are episodic and related to the surficial weathering of the Kenai Group bedrock where it is exposed and accumulation of a vegetative mat. Intact Kenai Group sediments are in general relatively resistant to landslide activity. However the rocks are poorly indurated and surface soils form rapidly once the intact rock is exposed to weathering activity resulting in build up of a a surface soil and vegetative mat which can become saturated and fail by surficial sliding. This sliding exposes relatively intact rock and the process begins again. The slide debris accumulates in the gullies and is transported by fluvial activity. Lignite layers within the Kenai Formation serve to impede drainage and may be important in the saturation of surficial soils. Because of their greater resistance to erosion these layers may support the soils on the slope prior to failure and provide a hydraulic barrier which increases soil moisture and may promote failure. The main stream valley south of RM 197 shows dramatic changes in the presence of slide scars between 1950 and 1985 and may indicate an episodic nature to the slide activity. In 1950 the south facing slope was entirely vegetated by trees with substantial crowns suggesting trees in the age range of approximately 100-200 years. Examination of 1962 aerial photographs showed a similar picture, however by 1983 this slope had been largely denuded of large trees and numerous slide scars were evident. This rate of denudation was accelerated by fire {and perhaps by earthquake activity), however the basic mass wasting processes remain the same. Examination of 1985 aerial photographs and field examination that same year showed that many of the slide scars had begun to heal. The healing process proceeded by the establishment of vegetation on portions of the soil that were not entirely eroded away from the slide scar. This remnant soil was present at irregularities in the bedrock surface and around vegetation which was not involved in the sliding. Slides that occur high on a slope may have slide debris that moves downslope between large trees without destroying them. In such a case the vegetative mat and soil cover downslope from the scar serves to buttress the accumulation of soil and thereby aid in the revegetation of the slope. Whether downslope vegetation is destroyed or not, soil and vegetation at the edge of the slide and soil remanents in the slide scar area are present and do aid in the revegetation process. Based on field work and aerial photograph analysis, reestablishment of vegetation is thought to be rapid, occurring in a period of 3 to 10 years. Golder Associates February 1986 1 5 853-5011A This lag period nevertheless, will allow erosion to take place. However, since the exposed rock is primarily intact, albeit poorly indurated, erosion rate caused by this process is considered negligible when compared to the erosion due to episodic sliding of surficial soil deposits. The primary engineering considerations in the determination of cliff retreat rates at this site are the thickness of surficial slides and the frequency of this sliding. Slide scars observed in Segment 2 had a thickness measured perpendicular to the slope of 2 to 6 feet. Trees on the slopes ranged up to approximately 200 years in age based on field dendrochronology. The time period of stability of the surface soils should be indicated by summing the longest period of known stability based on aerial photograph analysis with the age of the vegetation at the time of the first observation. Estimating tree ages and using aerial photograph analysis for the slopes east of RM 197 showed that stability of the surficial soils ranged from at least 60 to 100 years. A worst case estimate using these numbers is represented by 6 foot thick slides occurring every 60 years or an average erosion rate of 0.1 feet per year. Thus in an assumed 50 year service life for a transmission line the erosion might be expected to be on the order of 1 slide or up to 6 feet measured perpendicular to the slope. Corrected for 30 to 40 degree slopes, 6 feet translates into 9 to 12 horizontally at the top of the slope. Arbitrarily imposing a factor of safety of 2, then the minimum setback for a transmission line tower using these numbers would be on the order of 25 feet. The risk of being affected by shallow slide activity decreases as the distance from the cliff edge increases. Inspection of the final tower locations by a qualified engineering geologist or geotechnical engineer is strongly recommended. Slope and cliff retreat rates from other sites worldwide is summarized in Figure 5. Note that the cliff retreat rate estimates for this project are higher than all of the other data in the polar/montane (P/M) category. This suggests that a conservative value for cliff retreat has been selected relative to other retreat rates in this climatic zone, as reported by Saunders and Young, 1983. It is important to note that this approach to slope retreat uses average erosion rates to determine appropriate setback distances for specific structures at specific sites. If retreat is relatively uniform then the average retreat rate is a useful measure of the retreat that could be reasonably expected in the future. However, if erosion is much greater at a specific location, average rates may have less value in determining expected slope retreat at an individual tower location. The only large deep-seated landslides observed in the bluff area are located in an area with thick deposits of glacial Golder Associates February 1986 1 6 853-5011A till. Similar slope and lithologic conditions are not present in Segment 2. No specific concentrations of ~round water were observed that would indicate an increased probability of slide activity in one area over another. Zones of particularly weak rocks were not observed in Segment 2 and the orientation of the bedding in the Kenai Group sediments precludes the development of bedding plane slides. Thus, in this particular case the frequency of slide activity is thought to be similar enough over the area of Segment 2 to justify using an average erosion rate approach to determine cliff retreat rates. Segment 3 -River Crossing This segment contains alluvial/colluvial fans at the base of the Segment 2 bluffs as well as a broad delta containing the Fox River and Sheep Creek. The lowland area including the fans has a topographic relief of approximately 100 feet. During a late Wisconsin age (Naptowne) glacial advance a major tongue of ice issuing from the Kenai Mountains filled the area that is now Kachemak Bay (Karlstrom, 1964). During the present period of deglaciation the delta has been prograding and gradually filling in Kachemak Bay. Sandy gravel deposited from fluvial processes and silts deposited in the intertidal zone compose the delta. Generalized borehole logs for Segment 3 are shown on Figure 6. The potential magnitude of river channel changes and the depth of scour within this valley are significant engineering considerations for the transmission line towers that are proposed in this segment. Geomorphic evidence of channel changes interpreted from both aerial photographs and field investigations provide evidence for channel migrations through time across the entire valley area. Although careful placing of towers will decrease the risk of foundation erosion by stream activity, it should be assumed that any structures placed in the stream valley may be subject to the direct effects of stream action over time. An elevation of 10 feet above the bankfull discharge level of both streams is recommended to define the limit of the stream valley for foundation purposes. As elevation increases beyond the limit of the valley, the risk of eventual stream erosion decreases. Both the Fox River and Sheep Creek are meandering streams throughout the proposed crossing area, however Sheep Creek is close (Plate II) to an upstream transition zone where the stream switches from a braided to a meandering stream regimen down valley. The braided area of Sheep Creek has advanced approximately 1 mile in the last 35 years. Channel patterns in 1950 and 1985 are presented in Figure 7. The general migration of meanders downstream in both the Fox River and Sheep Creek channels over the past 35 years is consistent with the typical behavior of meandering streams. Golder Associates February 1986 17 853-5011A Meander loops of both streams are at one point within approximately 300 feet of each other and may in the future join as one stream. Portions of Sheep Creek currently flow into the Fox River approximately 2 miles north of the crossing area and portions of the Fox River flow into Sheep Creek approximately 1 mile southwest of the crossing area. A stronger connection between the two streams is probable and could have a destabilizing effect on channel patterns and scour depths. The most likely zones for a radical change in stream direction are those areas which have shown channel instability in the past and those areas that are currently lower than the rest of the valley surface. Lower elevation areas are present due to aggradation of the stream bed and non-deposition in areas that stream sediment has not recently reached. Referring to Figure 7, along Sheep Creek near the boundary between Section 7 and 18 there is evidence for past channel change and evidence for low elevations based on field observations, aerial photography, and the swamp symbols shown on the topographic map copied in this figure. In this area Sheep Creek could potentially spill in the low areas in the center of Section 18 and 19. A similar situation exists near the boundary between Sections 12 and 13 along the Fox River. Northwest of the Fox River in Sections 6 and 1 the modern floodplain area is subject to channel migration, however beyond the floodplain, the ground elevation rises and there is a source of sediment from alluvial/colluvial fans. Further northeast along Sheep Creek where there has been a rapid advance of the braided portion of this stream, channels will continue to shift, however a return to a meandering regime is not foreseen under current climatic and aggradational conditions. Tower locations will need to be chosen on the basis of detailed topography and proximity to the current channels. Inspection of these locations by a qualified geologist or geotechnical engineer is recommended. The abundance and size of the flood channels adjacent to the main stream channels in the Fox River/Sheep Creek valley is evidence for considerably higher streamflows than observed during the field reconnaissance. Spring snowmelt runoff may account for such channels. Although the specific mechanism was not stated, Karlstrom (1964) considers this lowland area subject to flooding by meltwater streams. In addition to normal variations in meltwater flow, ice jamming of Sheep Creek may account for flooding in this area. Glacial outburst flooding can alter stream geometry due to the large volume of water that can be generated rapidly. Published information (Post and Mayo, 1971) and field reconnaissance of the glaciers feeding streams into the valley did not show geologic or hydrologic evidence for flooding on the scale normally associated with outburst flooding. Although all of the mechanisms for flooding in this area are not entirely Golder Associates February 1986 1 8 853-5011A understood, the approach that will be given for determination of scour depths can be used if the flood levels associated with unusual discharge events are known. Within the Fox River/Sheep Creek drainage there are two mechanisms under which scour will occur. The first is natural streambed scour associated with higher stream velocities during peak flow periods or in localized bends within a stream channel. A second mechanism for stream scour is removal of materials from directly around a structure placed within the stream flow. The increased flow velocities around the structure will result in localized scour at the structure. Both of these mechanisms are discussed in more detail subsequently and methodologies are presented for predicting maximum depth of scour for each. Quantitative estimates of the depth of scour are difficult to make without considerable data on the hydraulic characteristics of the streams involved. Because of the lack of previously collected information on these streams a large number of assumptions would need to be made to undertake computer modeling of scour depths. The models are sufficiently sensitive to the necessary assumptions that this method of scour modeling was not considered applicable. In this report, depth of scour calculations were first approached using a model for streambed armouring which represents standard engineering practice in this field, and when that method failed by using a method which depends on estimates based on empirical evidence and direct field measurements. The streambed armouring method for scour depth calculations (Simons, et al, 1982) is based on the critical tractive force of sediment and assumes that the coarsening of bed material, and eventual bed armouring, will occur as the finer sediment is winnowed by a sufficiently high shear stress. It does not account for sediment transported to a site from upstream, nor does it account for the deceleration of flow into a deepening pool which decreases the average flow velocity and hence the shear stress. In some cases these factors can be ignored and a reliable depth of scour estimate can be obtained. When applied to Sheep Creek and the Fox River the armouring method suggests that based on the size of the available sediments an armour layer would not develop in either drainage and thus predicts continued scour as discharge increases above bankfull stage. Since scour depths, in all natural cases, are in some way limited, this standard method of scour calculation does not provide useful information. In the case of these two streams the critical tractive force method fails for two reasons: Golder Associates February 1986 19 853-5011A 1. The geomorphic character of these streams is one of net aggradation. This assessment is based on field observations of the abundance of sediment available for transport, the observation that the braided section of Sheep Creek is advancing down valley, and the rapid decline in the gradient and therefore the sediment transport competence and capacity of Sheep Creek from 0.00376 upstream from the proposed transmission line crossing to 0.00169 downstream of the crossing. The method of Simons, et al (1982) does not take into account this sediment influx to the site. 2. As streamflow approaches a pool that has been scoured, there is a deceleration of flow velocity which counteracts the tendency for shear stress to increase with increasing flow depth, and thereby limits further scouring. The method of Simons, et al (1982) does not take into account these changes in stream velocity due to pools. Another limitation of the critical tractive force method is that if it does apply to a particular stream it applies strictly to straight, flat-bedded channels which are subject to uniform degradation. However, the deepest scour in a river channel usually occurs near the outside of meanders where an inward-directed bottom current driven by the cross- channel pressure gradient set up by centrifugal acceleration of water at the surface causes sediments to be scoured from the bed near the outer bank and moved toward the inner bank. The deepest scour develops in the most tightly sinuous bends where centrifugal acceleration, cross-channel pressure gradient, and cross-channel flow are all greatest. The scour in such pools occurs at high discharge and they partially fill as flow declines. Thus, an indication of the maximum scour depth which could result from migration of such a tightly sinuous pool to a tower site could be obtained by measuring the depth of such a pool at high flow. Since the rivers were not at bankfull stage during the field work, such measurements were not possible. However, based on extensive field experience with similar rivers, Dunne, (written communication, 1985) states that a conservative estimate of the depth of pools at bankfull discharge can be obtained by doubling direct measurements of pool depths (measured from bankfull discharge level) taken at lower flows. Blench (1966) uses a factor of 1.7 as a worst case on natural meanders which is in basic agreement with the value provided by Dunne. Maximum pool depth of the rivers, with respect to the bankfull discharge level, was measured using a steel rod, marked off in feet. The rod was placed in the water from a helicopter and the maximum pool depths based on the water level were recorded. Subsequent measurements of the height Golder Associates February 1986 20 853-5011A of bankfull discharge above the water surface allowed calculation of the depth of scour below the bankfull discharge level. Maximum depth below bankfull discharge level for both the Fox River and Sheep Creek channels was measured at approximately 9 feet. Multiplying this value by 2 yields 18 feet. This value ignores, however, the scour due to the structure itself and any possible effects from the potential future joining of Sheep Creek and Fox River. In the absence of a structure, a pool in a meander bend is scoured at high flow. This occurs partly because the flow is diverted around the point bar, towards the outer bank side and a pressure gradient is set up against the outer bank because a centrifugal force drives water outwards as the flow travels around the point bar. The cross-channel pressure gradient drives a compensating inward-directed flow across the bed from the pool near the outer bank towards the downstream end of the point bar. This lateral bottom current (superimposed on the general downstream flow) scours sediment from the pool and deposits sediment of the downstream side of the point bar. If a structure were to be placed in the pool, it would partially block the mainstream flow there. There would be resistance to the lateral diversion of mainstream flow toward the pool by the point bar. More mainstream flow would be forced to travel over the point bar, so that the bar would be scoured more than in the undisturbed case. The result would be a weaker cross-channel circulation. The meander bend would operate like a straighter channel. Thus the scour depth of 2.0 x bankfull discharge which was chosen as a maximum scour depth for a highly sinuous bend seems unnecessarily large once the structure is placed in the pool. Blench's value of 1.7 is probably still conservative in this case, however without more detailed modeling studies, it is recommended. The presence of the structure will cause an extra highly localized scour. Figure 8 provides a methodology for the prediction of the depth of scour based on the mean flow depth and the shape and diameter of the structure placed within the stream. Where transmission line structures are assumed to be located within the stream valley the effects of scour from both mechanisms must be added. If a structure is assumed to be located within a meander bend then the mean flow depth should be assumed to be equal to the bankfull discharge depth. If the design assumes that structures will be located within the straight portion of the stream valley but not at a meander bend then the calculated scour will be less. However, it will still be composed of components of natural stream scour and scour from placement of a structure within Golder Associates February 1986 21 853-5011A the stream. The depth of natural stream erosion in straight channels is estimated to be equal to the maximum depth of meander pools measured during the field investigation. Values for the depth of scour due to the presence of the structure can be calculated from Figure 8. With respect to the possibility of the Fox River and Sheep Creek joining at some time in the future, the effect of the combined discharge on flow depth and hence scour depth can be estimated. As discharge increases at a point on a river, the mean flow depth increases as the 0.4 -0.5 power of discharge (Wolman, 1964). Thus, for an estimated mean flow depth of 9 feet and assuming that joining of the two rivers doubled the discharge, the mean flow depth would increase by a factor of 2E0.5; i.e. 1.4 times to 13 feet. This value of 13 feet can then be used to estimate straight channel scour depth using the equations in Figure 8. For a one foot wide blunt-nosed pier the scour depths are within the estimates for maximum scour in a meander bend pool for each of the present streams. Scour depths at meander bend pools, for the combined flow, would be greater than the single channel meander bend estimates. However, if the probability of the two streams joining and the structure ending up in that new stream and being located at a meander bend pool is considered to be sufficiently low, the designer/owner may elect to accept the risk for this potential effect. Segment 4 -Major Landslide A major landslide on the southeast slope of the Fox River/Sheep Creek valley is exposed over an area of nearly one square mile (see Plate III). Topographic relief over the exposed area of the slide is approximately 1200 feet. Generalized logs of two boreholes drilled in Segment 4 are shown in Figure 9. A major question for transmission line siting and engineering design is the probability of continued activity of this landslide. Evaluation of landslide activity was conducted by analysis of aerial photographs, drillhole investigation, and field inspection. Field methods included hand dug test pits and use of an increment borer on selected trees. All of the exposures of the material composing this landslide consisted of glacial till. Active mass movement features of this size in non-rigid materials such as glacial till typically show relatively uneroded head scarps, tension features, tilted grabens and pressure ridges or other buckling features near the base of the slide. If these features are missing then the slide is either inactive or the rate of erosion and other modifying processes is greater than the rate of production of geomorphic expressions of Golder Associates February 1986 22 853-5011A slide activity. This slow rate of production of geomorphic features may be related to very slow movewent of the slide or episodic movement with a long return period. Geomorphic indications of active sliding were not observed at this site. The head scarps for this slide, although steep, appear eroded. Scarp retreat is sufficiently active to preclude the dating of the scarp using tephrochronology or other means which depend on the accumulation of surficial deposits. The scarps are above the upper forest border and are either bare or have low brushy vegetation up to a height of approximately 10 feet. Active tension cracks were not observed in the scarp area. The toe of the exposed slide area did not show evidence of buckling features, but rather the front of the slide area was eroded and had a large alluvial fan {Plate III) present. Where bedding could be observed it was not noticeably disturbed. If slow movements are taking place those movements are so slow that they have not observably affected the physical characteristics of the trees on the slide. Healthy trees growing on the slide have straight trunks, do not appear to be leaning, and tree rings of approximately a dozen of the older trees show complacent growth rings that do not show the effects of stress due to leaning. Maximum age of the trees is on the order of 250-300 years, which suggests that slow mass movements have not significantly affected the site during that period. If episodic movements are present they apparently have a return period which is considerably longer than the assumed design life for the engineered structures. Evidence of long return periods of movement decrease the probability of a structure being affected during its design life, but do not preclude the possibility of reactivation of the slide mass. With respect to episodic movements, it is important to note that the Bradley River fault zone lines up with the head scarp for this feature. Although a relationship between the fault and this slide has not been established, should the recurrence interval for fault displacement be established as the result of studies at the darn site, that information should be assessed with respect to the activity of this slide. Since the slide may have occurred prior to the progradation of the delta, the toe of the slide may be buried and the apparent toe may be buttressed by the delta sediments. This could explain the observed lack of movement at the apparent toe of the slide, however since the slide deposit is not a rigid body some buckling would develop either at the apparent toe or further up on the slope if the upper portion of the mass were still moving. Evidence for that buckling was not apparent during field mapping. Thus based on the available evidence, there are reasons to treat Golder Associates February 1986 23 this slide as inactive for design purposes. It should be understood that future line maintenance due to slide activity has not been entirely precluded. 853-5011A Water levels, within the landslide area as measured in piezometers installed in borehole RM-192 and RM-193 are below the maximum depths explored. Therefore, for engineering purposes it is expected that water levels will be below the base of the tower foundations. Seoment 5 -Forested Route to the Powerhouse Glacial till is present on the ridge adjacent to the major landslide in Segment 4. As the elevation of the ground surface decreases nearer the Bradley River the till becomes a thin surficial deposit mantling the bedrock and finally the till cover is almost non-existent between the Bradley River and the proposed powerhouse. The glacial till consists of a silty, sandy gravel with boulders of McHugh Complex/Valdez Group rocks. Boulders exposed at the surface range up to 10 feet in maximum dimension. Beneath the till lies bedrock which is composed of the McHugh Complex and the Valdez Group. These rocks consist of graywacke, sandstone and siltstone, argillite, and bedded chert. The rocks, where exposed, are very well indurated and locally show the effects of cataclastic deformation. Rock strength ranges from medium strong rock to very strong rock (ISRM, 1981) where outcrops are present. Virtually the entire area is covered by a vegetative mat and hence observations of these rocks have been made primarily at the edge of the mudflats and in stream valleys which cut into the bedrock and where exposure exists. Joint spacing measured near the proposed powerhouse is approximately 2.5 feet. Chert is composed of cryptocrystalline silica and represents a rock which is difficult to drill and causes higher than average bit wear. The actual amount of chert in this segment is unknown. A few peat deposits have been mapped on Plate III, however in general this area is well drained and not subject to significant peat accumulation. Ground water levels and flow volumes are unknown, however based on the lack of springs and seeps along the proposed route and the depth to major river channels the groundwater level is expected to be below the transmission line tower foundations. Segment 6 -Mudflats This area consists primarily of vegetated mudflats which have been formed by intertidal deposition of shallow marine deposits and by marginal marine fluvial deposits. Streams Golder Associates February 1986 24 853-5011A issuing from the mountain front discharge onto the mudflats and at the the break in slope fans of alluvial material are present. Because of the decrease in stream gradient at the mountain front there is a rapid change in grain size away from that front. In marginal marine deltaic environments such as this, the interfingering of shallow marine, floodplain, and coarser fluvial deposits exists. This environment is largely controlled by fluvial activity and by submergence of the delta as compaction of the sedimentary deposits occurs. Further, the tectonic processes of submergence are also active in the mudflats segment. During the 1964 earthauake this area was submerged with respect to its prior elevation by approximately 4 feet. Earthquakes capable of causing submergence or uplift of these mudflats are frequent on the time scale of development of the delta and hence the interlayering and interfingering of marine and non-marine rocks may be more complex than in deltas without significant tectonism. These deposits should be considered saturated for engineering design purposes. Although tidal levels were not precisely determined, field observations showed that much of this area is periodically inundated by tidal marine waters. Icing of transmission line towers will occur from overbank floodwaters and from tidal waters. Should future stream activity erode channels into areas occupied by transmission line towers then direct streamflow will also be a source of water which will contribute to icing during the adverse weather conditions. Generalized borehole logs for Segment 6 are shown in Figure 6. Golder Associates February 1986 25 853-5011A 3.2.3 Seismic Considerations Seismic activity in southern Alaska is predominantly associated with the relative motion of the Pacific and North American lithospheric plates (Section 3.1). Along the Alaskan panhandle and the eastern Gulf of Alaska this motion is expressed by high-angle strike-slip faulting. Along the Aleutian Trench, the relative motion is expressed by the underthrusting of the Pacific Plate beneath the North American Plate. This motion produces folds and high angle reverse faulting within the overlying crust. The boundary between the plates where the underthrusting occurs is a northwestward-dipping megathrust fault or subduction zone. The surface expression of the zone is a trench which is located on the ocean floor approximately 185 miles south of the Bradley Lake site. The orientation of the subduction zone at depth is inferred to be along a broad inclined band of seismicity that dips northwest from the Aleutian Trench, and is approximately 25-30 miles beneath the Bradley Lake site. Thus the tectonic setting within southern Alaska includin9 Bradley Lake is dominated by the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the North American Plate. Within the Bradley Lake Region, several seismic sources are considered to have the potential for earthquakes that could produce significant ground motion, surface rupture, and potential lateral spreading or compression along the transmission line route. These sources include: • Subduction Zone; • Castle Mountain/Lake Clark Fault System; • Bruin Bay Fault System: • The Border Range Fault Zone; • The Eagle River Fault; • The Bradley River Fault; and • The Bull Moose Fault These sources, are addressed in a series of seismic and earthquake reports completed for the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers by Woodward-Clyde Consultants (1979,1980,1981). The Bradley Lake site is exposed to both regional and local seismic sources. The regional sources include the subduction zone as well as the Castle Mountain/Lake Clark Fault System and the Bruin Bay Fault System. Local faults which may affect the Bradley Lake Transmission Line include the Border Range Fault Zone, the Eagle River Fault, The Bradley River Fault and the Bull Moose Fault. A brief discussion of each fault and its potential effect on the Bradley Lake transmission line follows. Golder Associates February 1986 26 853-5011A Regional Seismic Sources The controlling seismic source for large magnitude earthquakes at the project site is the subduction zone which is located approximately 25-30 miles beneath the project site. While no great earthquakes are known to have occurred in the Kenai Peninsula reqion which were associated with this zone during historic-time, the region is believed (Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1979) to be part of the area of aftershock activity that followed the 1964 earthquake. Based on the 1964 event, a design earthquake with a magnitude of 8.5 along the subduction zone has been assigned (Woodward-Clyde, 1980). In addition to faults associated with the subduction zone, the Castle Mountain/Lake Clark fault system and Bruin Bay fault systems lie within the southcentral region and are considered potentially active faults. They lie approximately 100 miles and 60 miles away from the site respectively. Based on known and inferred geologic evidence of past fault ruptures and displacement on both fault systems, the maximum earthquake along these faults range from 6.5 to 7.5 (Woodward-Clyde, 1983). This range is well below the maximum earthquake associated with the subduction zone and therefore, while both the Castle Mountain/Lake Clark fault system and Bruin Bay fault system are considered potentially active and may generate large magnitude earthquakes, they are not considered the controlling seismic source in terms of magnitude. Local Seismic Sources Several faults lie within or pass directly through the project area which are considered capable of producing major earthquakes. A brief discussion of each fault follows. Border Ranges Fault- MacKevett and Plafker (1974) mapped the Border Ranges Fault (BRF) as a north-dipping reverse fault that juxtaposes upper Paleozoic and lower Mesozoic rocks on the north over upper Mesozoic and Teritary rocks on the south. The northwest front of the Kenai Mountains forms an obvious topographic lineament that extends from northeast of Anchorage nearly the entire length of the Kenai Peninsula. This lineament has been interpreted to coincide with the BRF and has recently (Updike, 1985) been associated with Holocene displacement of surficial deposits in the Eagle River/Eklutna Lake area. Updike (1985) considers the BRF segmented and recognizes that Holocene activity may not be present along the entire extent of the fault. Golder Associates Februarv 1986 27 853-5011A Estimating the rupture length and style of rupture on the BRF remains speculative because of the lack of adequate geologic information. However, if one hypothesizes that the BRF is part of the same tectonic system as the Castle Mountain fault and that its characteristics are similar to that of the Castle Mountain fault, then, lacking any conflicting data, a rupture length of 100 km seems reasonable for the BRF. Using this rupture length and empirical relationships of fault rupture length related to earthquake magnitudes (Slemmons, 1977), a maximum earthquake magnitude of M 7.5 was estimated for the BRF (Woodward- Clyde, 1981 ). tf this fault is active, surface rupture could displace the Bradley Lake Transmission line where it crosses from the Kenai Lowlands to the Kenai Mountains. Eagle River Fault- The Eagle River thrust fault parallels the southern portion of the Border Range fault from the Matanuska Valley to Kodiak Island and passes within 25 miles of the project site. No Quaternary activity has been reported in the literature for this fault. Unlike the Border Ranges fault, there is no striking topographic lineament associated with the Eagle River fault. However, because of its mapped length (over 750 km) and its tectonic setting, it is appropriate to assume that it could be active until sufficient data to the contrary are accumulated. Although little is known about the present seismicity of the Eagle River fault, if it is active, its location, topographic expression, and mode of displacement suggest it is not a part of the same tectonic system as the Castle Mountain and Border Ranges fault. Thus analogies between the Eagle River fault and the Castle Mountain fault do not seem appropriate. However, based on the limited data which exists, the maximum magnitude earthquake on the Eagle River is probably no higher than the maximum magnitude earthquake on either the Border Ranges or Castle Mountain fault. (Woodward-Clyde, 1981). Therefore aM 7.5 was assigned to the Eagle River fault. (Woodward-Clyde; 1981). Bradley River and Bull Moose Faults- The Bradley River and Bull Moose faults are both considered high angle faults which extend north to northeast in a subparallel direction. The Bull Moose fault has been traced southwestward for approximately seven miles from near the proposed tailrace tunnel structure to the terminus of Dixon glacier. To the north the main trace of the fault appears to project beneath the unconsolidated floodplain and tidal flat sediments (between RM 213 and 215) northwest of the proposed powerhouse. No recent (Holocene) surface faulting Golder Associates February 1986 28 853-5011A of the floodplain and tidal flat deposits which overlie the Bull Moose fault within the Sheep Creek or Fox River valley has been identified. The Bradley River fault has been traced from Sheep Creek on the north to the Dixon Glacier. No visible surface displacement of Holocene floodplain deposits within the Sheep Creek drainage have been detected, however, as mentioned in Section 3.2.2, it is possible that the presence of the head scarp of a large landslide near the fault, may be related to Quaternary fault activity. The Bradley Lake transmission line does not cross the Bradley River fault zone, however should landslide activity be related to fault movement there could be displacement of the transmission line if a route across the slide is selected. Design Ground Motions The design maximum earthquake for the Bradley Lake Transmission Line has been previously established by Woodward-Clyde Consultants (1981) and the Corps of Engineers (COE). Utilizing this information, The Alaska Power Authority (APA) has established an effective seismic acceleration for ancillary structures (i.e. transmission lines) associated with the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. The design maximum earthquake established by the COE and accepted by APA includes: a magnitude 8.5 M earthquake occurring on the Megathrust zone beneath th~ site at a distance of approximately 30 km; and a magnitude 7.5 M earthauake occurring on a shallow crustal fault (i.e. focal sources) within a distance of 3 km from the site. Based on the level of data which exists on fault activity associated with local seismic sources, no attempt has been made to re- assign a maximum earthquake magnitude beyond what has been previously established by Woodward-Clyde, COE and the APA. Therefore, for the purposes of this study, an estimated 7.5 M maximum earthquake magnitude has been assigned to the l~cal seismic sources. Based on Woodward Clyde (1981) data, the following estimates of mean values of peak horizontal ground acceleration, velocity, displacement and duration are presented in Table 1. Golder Associates February 1986 Design Maximum Earthquake (Ms) Magnitude 8.5 on Megathrust Hagnitude 7.5 on shallow crustal fault 29 853-5011A TABLE 1 DESIGN GROUND MOTIONS Peak Peak Peak Significant Acceleration Velocity Displacement Duration* (g) ( em/ sec. ) (em) (sec. ) 0.55 55 40 45 0.75 70 50 25 * Significant duration is defined as the time required to build-up from 5 percent to 95 percent of the energy of an accelerogram (Dobry and others, 1978). The peak acceleration of 0.75 on a shallow crustal fault developed by Woodward-Clyde,(1981) corresponds with a normalized peak acceleration of 0.75g established by the Alaska Power Authority (APA) in the Bradley Lake PERC license document. The effective seismic acceleration used for this project is 0.35g. This value was determined by dividing a shallow crustal fault magnitude of 7.5 in half and equating an associated effective acceleration of 0.35g based on established acceleration curves {personal communication, L. Duncan, Stone and Webster, 1986). Seismic Hazards The best documentation of past seismic hazards in the project area were made following the 1964 earthquake. During that event ground shaking occurred for up to 3 minutes {Waller,1966). Terrestrial effects consisted of a 3 to 7 foot of subsidence and differential compaction of the mainland including the Homer Spit, an earthflow in the Homer area, several landslides on the Homer escarpment and along the sea bluffs and minor fissuring of the ground, principally at the edges of bluffs including the Homer bluffs. Hydrologic effects in the project area consisted of at least one and possibly two submarine landslides at the end of the Homer Spit, seiche waves in Kachemak Bay and ice breakage on nearby lakes. Golder Associates February 1986 3C 853-5011A Tsunami and subsidence related dama9e was considered light in comparison to other communities close to the epicenter (Valdez, Cordova) and primarily resulted in overtopping of the Homer Spit due to subsidence both tectonically (2-3 feet) and by differential compaction or lateral spreading (an addition 1-4 feet). In addition to the 1964 earthquake, historical records have shown that an earthquake and volcanic eruption which occurred in 1883 probably overtopped the Homer Spit with a tsunami wave having an amplitude of approximately 30 feet. In terms of future seismic hazards which may affect the Bradley Lake Transmission Line, events similar to those experienced in the 1964 earthquake should be expected. Severe and long ground shaking may result in regional tectonic subsidence or uplift, liquefaction of the saturated and generally unconsolidated fine sand material particularly in the Sheep Creek and Fox River floodplains, bluff failures in the weakly consolidated Kenai Group sediments and lateral spreading or offset of local faults which transect the proposed transmission route. In addition, tsunami waves or seiches could possibly affect portions of the transmission line sited in the mudflats or intertidal zone particularly if an earthquake coincided with a high tide. Golder Associates February 1986 31 853-SOllA 4.0 ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF SOIL AND ROCK 4.1 General As discussed previously in section 3.0, the alignment is divided into six segments. Each of the segments are listed in Table 1 along with the primary geologic units they contain. Segment Number 2 3 4 5 6 TABLE 2 Geologic Units Along Proposed Alignment Description Plateau Area Bluff Area River Crossing Major Landslide Forested Route to Powerhouse Mudflats Geologic Units Peat, glacial till and Kenai Group. Kenai Group Alluvium and colluvium Glacial till Glacial till, McHugh Complex and Valdez Group bedrock Marine and fluviomarine deposits The engineering properties of each of the geologic units listed in Table 2 are discussed below. 4.2 Kenai Group The Kenai Group bedrock unit has been described as consisting of poorly indurated siltstones, sandstones, claystones, mudstones, coal, and lignite. However, during the field investigation the materials in the Kenai Group were drilled and sampled as a soil. Therefore, while this material is geologically classified as a rock, for the purpose of this study its engineering characteristics are considered to be similar to that of a soil. Furthermore, the samples obtained from the drilling program indicated, at least to the depth explored, that the Kenai Group consisted primarily of coarser grained sediments (sands and silts). Based on the drilling characteristics of this unit it has been characterized it as a cohesionless soil. Golder Associates February 1986 32 853-5011A Samples of the Kenai Group materials recovered in the field indicate dry densities between 121 and 93 pounds per cubic foot (PCF) with an average of 108 PCF. Water contents of the recovered samples varied between 5% and 39% with an average of 17%. The results of the triaxial strength tests on samples of the Kenai Group bedrock are shown in Figure 10. These results indicate a effective friction angle of 39 degrees for the Kenai Group bedrock. The Mohr circles presented in Figure 10 are based on a failure criteria of the maximum stress ratio and therefore are different then the mohr circles presented in the R & M report (Appendix A) which are based on the maximum deviator stress. 4.3 Glacial Till Glacial till deposits are composed of silty, sandy gravel with boulders which range up to a maximum dimension of 10 feet. Samples of glacial till indicated densities in the range of 99 PCF to 140 PCF with an average of 126 PCF. Water contents were similar to the Kenai Group materials and varied between 3% to 20% with an average of 12%. The results of the triaxial strength tests on samples of glacial till are shown with the Kenai Group bedrock in Figure 10. These results indicate a effective friction angle of 40 degrees for the glacial till. The Mohr circles presented in Figure 10 are based on a failure criteria of the maximum stress ratio and therefore are different then the mohr circles presented in the F & M report (Appendix A) which are based on the maximum deviator stress. 4.4 Peat For the design of the transmission line structures we have assumed that the peat materials overlying the Kenai Group and the glacial till will not provide any support for the transmission line structure. Therefore we have not assigned strength properties to the peat unit. Undisturbed samples of the peat were not recovered during the field investigation and therefore, estimates of the dry density were made from water content determinations. Water contents varied between 190% and 665%. Based on these values a dry density of 24 PCF was determined from published correlations (MacFarlane, 1969). Golder Associates February 1966 33 853-5C11P. 4.4 Alluvium, Colluvium and Marine Sediments The material in the Fox River valley consist of alluvium, colluvium and marine sediments. Based on samples recovered from the drilling program the materials can be described as layered deposits of silt, sand or gravel. The lowest strength near surface materials, which are expected to be the primary materials in which the transmission line foundations will be embedded, consist of silt to clayey silt. Therefore, a series of triaxial tests were conducted on samples from this zone which were classified as clayey silt. The results of the triaxial tests are shown on Figure 11 and indicate an effective friction angle of 31 degrees and zero cohesion. The Mohr circles presented in Figure 11 are based on a failure criteria of the maximum stress ratio and therefore are different then the mohr circles presented in the R & M report {Appendix A} which are based on the maximum deviator stress. The materials did not indicate any cohesion. Intact samples of these materials indicated dry densities between 77 PCF and 141 PCF with an avera9e of 103 PCF. 4.5 McHugh Complex and Valdez Grour Material properties for the McHugh Complex and Valdez Group rocks were estimated based on descriptions of the material and comparison with published values {Poulos and Davis, 1980 and Hoek, 1983). For the purposes of determining the stren9ths of the samples in bearin9 and uplift we have conservatively estimated the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock as 290,000 PSF and a dry density of 135 PCF. For lateral capacity determination we have assigned an undrained shear strength of 20,000 PSF. 4.6 Summary Based on the results of the laboratory testing and our experience with similar materials, we have developed a set of strength properties for each material type for use in the design of the transmission line tower foundations. Due to the very similar nature of the engineering characteristics of the Kenai Group and glacial till materials coupled with the fact that there does not appear to be any consistent Golder Associates February 1986 34 853-50111, method for predicting the occurrence or thickness of the glacial till deposits overlying the Kenai Group bedrock, we have considered both of the units as having the same strength properties. For design purposes we have assigned a friction angle of 39 degrees to both the Kenai Group sediments and glacial till materials. Although these two materials may have similar engineering properties there performance during construction may be substantially different. These differences will be discussed in more detail in Section 7.0. Values of the friction angle, cohesion, unit weights and unconfined compressive strength that are recommended for use in the design are summarized in Table 3. Golder Associates a I C) 0 a: CD ... )> , Cl.l 0 n -.. -CD Cl.l I l I t ~ 2 l i TAP,LJS l Summary ol" Dcsi;;n ~trengtll Pnrameters SOIL UNIT UNIT WEIGHTS STREt-GTH PROPERI'IF.S COEF. OF HORI Z. WET! SUBMERGE!:l '&3 (PCF) (PCF) (D&;) GrACIAL TILL 119 68 39 AND KENAI ALLUVIUM, NA 64 31 COLUNilfo! AND MARINE SEDIMENTS PEAT 72 10 0 McHI.X1i a:MPLEX T35 73 NA AW VAlDEZ GNOOP NJTES: ( 1) Wet unit weight used above water table (2) Submerged unit weights used below water table (3) Effective stress friction angle (4) Effective stress cohsion c ,'I (PSF) 0 0 0 NA Sur; <ttl" SUBGRADE REACTION ., (PSF) (PSF) D.E.P. NAg. NA 30 -WET..t 20-su~ NA NA 10 -sUBM:' NA NA NA 20000 290000 NA (5) Undrained shear strength (6) Unconfined compressive strength (7) D.E.P. = direct embedment poles { 8) NA = Not applicable DRIVEN PILES 60-WET 1 40 -SUBM~ 10-sUBM: NA NA COEF. OF [.liTERAL EA.RTB PRESSURE 4.4 3.1 0 NA February 1 98 6 36 853-5011A 5.0 POTENTIAL FOUNDATION SYSTEMS 5.1 General Two types of structures are currently envisioned for the Bradley Lake Transmission Line; wood poles and steel "X" towers. The potential foundation systems for these structures include direct embedment for the wood poles and driven piles for the steel "X" towers. In addition, a composite structure consisting of wood poles above ground and driven steel piles below ground is also being considered. Details of the expected construction methods for each system and the material in which a particular foundation system is best suited are discussed below. 5.2 Wood Direct Embedment Poles This is probably the most common method of foundation for transmission line structures. Generally, this method consists of augering a hole into the foundation soils slightly larger than the diameter of the pole. The pole is then placed into the hole and the excavated material is backfilled and compacted around the pole. The poles are embedded sufficiently to resist vertical bearing and uplift loads as well as lateral loads and resultant moments. If the loading conditions are such that bearing and uplift pressures dictate the design then bearing plates can be added to the base of the poles. These effectively increase the end bearing area and will also increase the uplift resistance. However, the addition of end bearing plates will require that a larger hole be excavated in order to place the pole. 5.3 Driven Piles Steel "X" towers are normally supported on driven "H" piles designed to resist both bearing and uplift loads. Lateral loads on the "X" towers are resolved primarily into bearing and uplift loads, and therefore very little moment is transferred to the foundations. Depending on the type of foundation soils, piles can be installed with air, diesel or vibratory hammers. The required depths of embedment of the piles to resist bearing and uplift are generally calculated by static methods for estimating purposes; however, actual depths of embedments are determined in the field by a dynamic driving formula. These formulas account for the rated energy of the hammer, hammer efficiency, penetration rate and pile characteristics for diesel or air hammers. This information is then used to predict the bearing capacity of the pile. The uplift Golder Associates February 1986 37 853-5011A capacity of driven piles, calculated by static methods, is normally verified by field tests. These tests consist of determining the uplift resistance for piles driven to various depths. Tests should be conducted in each type of material expected across the alignment. In the absence of field testing, minimum depths of embedment determined from static analyses should be used. 5.4 Driven Piles and Wood Poles This foundation system consists of driven piles with wood poles lashed to the portion of the piles above ground. It is assumed that the connection of the pole to the pile would transfer all loading to the foundation pile. Therefore, the pile will be required to resist the design lateral loadings as well as bearing and uplift conditions. Golder Associates - ... - - - ... -- - February 1986 38 853-5011A 6.0 RECOMMENDED DESIGN CRITERIA 6.1 General Design criteria have been developed for the primary loading conditions associated with the expected foundation systems. These include uplift, bearing and lateral capacity. In addition to these design loading conditions the effect of other naturally occurring conditions have been assessed. These conditions include the potential for liquefaction of the sediments in the Fox River lowland and the potential for frost heaving of the poles along the entire alignment. 6.2 Liquefaction Preliminary reconnaissance of the transmission alignment indicated a potential for liquefaction of the sediments within the Sheep Creek/Fox River drainage. Therefore, the field investigation in this area was directed towards collecting data that could be used to evaluate the potential for liquefaction. In general this consisted of obtaining Standard Penetration Test (SPT) blow counts at regular intervals. In addition, samples were collected to determine the grain size distribution of the materials. Analyses were conducted to determine the liquefaction potential for each blow count according to the methods outlined by Seed and Idriss (1982). All blow counts were corrected to an effective overburden pressure of 1 ton per square foot (TSF). In addition, blow counts in materials that contained significant aMounts of silt were corrected to reflect their lower susceptibly to liquefaction. The criteria used for applying the correction is listed below. For samples with Where: n 50 < 0.15mm, then N 1 = Nc + 7.5 o 50 = Particle size with 50% finer than N1 = SPT blow count corrected for high silt content. N = SPT blow count corrected to an effective c overburden pressure of 1 TSF. As discussed in Section 3.2.3 the analysis was carried out assuming an earthquake of magnitude M7.5 and a maximum rock acceleration of 0.35g. Figure 12 shows all of the SPT data, corrected to an overburden stress of 1 TSF, that were collected in the Fox River/Sheep Creek drainage. Also shown in Figure 12 are the Golder Associates February 1986 39 853-50111> results of the liquefaction analysis that was conducted for each blow count recorded. Inspection of the data indicates that only 26% of the SPT blow counts have a factor of safety greater than 1.0. Furthermore, there does not appear to be a general trend of increasing factor of safety with depth. Therefore, there is a significant probability that at least partial liquefaction would occur within the sediments in the Sheep Creek/Fox River drainage under the design earthquake conditions. Remedial measures to mitigate the potential for liquefaction are not considered to be cost effective. Furthermore, if liauefaction does occur and the transmission towers within the liquefiable zone settle and tilt, they can be repaired. Therefore, it is considered that the most cost effective approach to addressing the liquefaction problem is to minimize the number of structures in the Fox River lowland and eliminate any line angles which would require additional guy lines and anchors. 6.3 Frost Heavina At the project site the daily mean air-temperature is expected to fall bela~ freezing for a portion of each winter, which will result in the ground freezing to various depths. Under certain conditions, ground freezing can result in ice lense formation and freauently leads to volumetric expansion of the soil and heaving of structures located above or adjacent to the freezing ground. This phenomenon has lead to the displacement and tilting of numerous structures founded within the seasonally frozen zones. Therefore, an analysis of the depth of frost for the various geologic units expected along the alignment has been carried out. In addition recommendations for design frost heaving forces are presented. The depth of frost penetration was determined for peat, glacial till or the Kenai Group and alluvium, colluvium and marine sediments. A multilayered solution of the modified Berggren equations was used to determine the depth of frost as outlined in the Department of the Army Technical Manual TMS-852-6 (1966). A design freezing index of 2300 °F-Days (Environmental Atlas of Alaska, 1978) was used to determine the depth of frost. The analyses were carried out for both bare ground conditions and for various surface coverings. The results of the depth of frost calculations are summarized in Table 4. Golder Associates February 1986 40 TABLE 4 Summary Depth of Frost Calculations Material Estimated Depth of Frost PEAT Bare ground conditions ALLUVIUM AND COLLUVIUM Bare ground conditions GLACIAL TILL AND KENAI GROUP Bare ground conditions GLACIAL TILL AND KENAI GROUP w/ 0.5 ft. of peat at surface GLACIAL TILL AND KENAI GROUP w/ 0.5 ft. of snow GLACIAL TILL AND KENAI GROUP w/ 0.5 ft. snow and 0.5 ft. peat GLACIAL TILL AND KENAI GROUP w/ 2" insulation GLACIAL TILL AND KENAI GROUP w/ 4" insulation 2.0 feet 3.0 feet 7.0 feet 5.5 feet 4.0 feet 2.5 feet 2.75 feet 2.0 feet 8 53-50111, A number of sources were reviewed to determine a desiqn tangential adfreeze factor for predicting frost heaving forces (Andersland and Anderson, 1978; Johnson, 1981 and Canadian Foundation Engineering, 1985). The data indicated a wide range of values depending on whether peak or average values were considered, the temperature data range and the particular pole material (ie. wood, steel or concrete). It is recommended that for wood direct embedment poles or steel "H" piles an average value of 15 psi should be used with a factor of safety of 2, which results in a design value of 30 psi. The design frost heaving force can be calculated according to the following equation: FH = 30 X C X L where, FH = Frost heave uplift force (lbs) c = Perimeter of pile or pole (inches) L =Depth of frost penetration (inches) Golder Associates February 1986 4 1 853-5011A Note: For "H" piles the outside perimeter should be used to determine C. Since a factor of safety was used to develop the design frost heaving force it is considered adequate to use the ultimate calculated uplift force when designing to resist frost heaving forces. Furthermore, if frost heaving forces are dictating the design embedment then various measures to reduce the depth of freezing should be considered such as placement of peat at the surface, placement of insulation just below the surface or a combination of the two. When designing against frost heaving forces, if the resisting forces are exceeded by the frost heaving forces, then by definition it is considered a failure. However, it must be realized that as soon as some movement is allowed the frost heaving forces drop drastically. Furthermore, the displacements associated with frost heaving will not constitute rapid or catastrophic failure of the line and can normally be corrected by maintenance. 6.4 Plateau, Bluff and Landslide Areas-Segments 1,2 and 4 The subsurface materials within these areas are composed primarily of peat, glacial till and the Kenai Group sediments. In areas mapped as peat, direct embedment poles may not be feasible to construct and, therefore, driven piles may be the preferred alternative. The hydrologic regime within the plateau, bluff and landslide areas is complex. The investigation conducted for this study did not encounter the regional groundwater table, however piezometers placed ~ithin peat deposits indicated water levels at or near the surface. It is our opinion that surface water is collecting in these areas and is migrating vertically but the exact zone of saturation around the peat areas is not known. Water levels are expected, in most cases, to be below the base of the foundations in areas mapped as glacial till or Kenai Group. However, as mentioned within the peat areas water levels are expected to be at or near the surface. Water level estimates are based on correlations with a limited number of piezometers installed during this field investigation; therefore, contingencies should be allowed for encountering differing conditions at particular pole locations during construction. Alternatively, a conservative approach could be taken during the design and assume water levels at the surface for all conditions. Towers or poles constructed near the bluff should be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the crest of the slope. This distance should be measured as the shortest horizontal Golder Associates February 1986 42 853-5011A distance to the edge of the bluff. In addition, if towers or poles are constructed closer than 2 times the maximuw depth of embedment to the crest of the slope than the depths should be increased as outlined below. The presence of the slope will act to reduce the size of the passive wedge resisting overturning moments. Therefore, we recommend that the depth of embedment be increased over that calculated assuming a horizontal ground surface by the following equation. D = D0 for D0 < or D = D 2 +s 2 /4 ; for G s = 12 feet D0 > or = 12 feet D = Depth of embedment accounting for sloped ground surface = Depth of embedment calculated assumin9 horizontal ground surface s = Set back distance Direct Embedment Poles The bearing ana uplift capacity of direct embedment wood poles was determined utilizing the strength properties listed in Section 4.0. Calculation of bearing and uplift capacities were determined from methods outlined by Poulos and Davis, 1980. These analyses assume that excavations are accomplished with large diameter augers and that the excavated material is also used as backfill. Furthermore, the backfill should be compacted to at least 95% of maximum modified Proctor density as determined ASTM test method D- 1557. Equations for the prediction of both ultimate and allowable capacities are shown in Figure 13. If the capacities calculated from the analyses presented on Figure 13 are not sufficient to resist the design loadings without excessive embedment then it is recommended that bearing plates be added to the base of the poles. These will increase the bearing capacity of the pole by increasing the bearing area and will also increase the uplift capacity by the weight of the soil overlying the bearing plate. Equations for the prediction of the ultimate and allowable bearing capacity are the same as those shown on Figure 13 but the bearing plate area should be used instead of the pole area. Production of uplift capacities with bearing plates is shown in Figure 14. For determining the allowable soil capacities for bearing and uplift, normally factors of safety of 2.5 and 2.0, respectively are applied to the calculated ultimate soil capacities. However, for this study we understand that the Golder Associates february 1986 43 853-5011A design loadings are transient and include overload factors. Furthermore, slight settlements due to the extreme loading conditions may not affect operation of the transmission line or the structure's integrity. Therefore, we recommended that a factor of safety of 1.5 be used to calculate the allowable capacities for both uplift and bearing. This safety factor covers uncertainties in our understanding of material properties at each structure location and in the methods of analysis to predict capacity. In regards to the design of soil anchors, it is recommended that a factor of safety of 2.5 be used. A higher factor of safety is considered prudent since anchor loads will be constant. Due to the silty nature of both the glacial till and Kenai Group sediments, compaction in the field to the required densities may be difficult, particularly during wet seasons of the year or if water is encountered in the excavation. If these conditions exist then it may be necessary to import a clean angular gravel to backfill around the poles. It is expected that excavation in the glacial till and Kenai Group sediments could be accomplished with conventional auger equipment. However, due to the dense nature of these materials it is recommended that once the particular equipment for excavation has been chosen, tests be conducted to determine the ability of the chosen equipment to penetrate these materials and to determine typical production rates. In general, it is expected that auger holes in the glacial till and the Kenai materials above the ground water table will not require structural support. However, slabbing of the side may occur and therefore, it is recommended that if this condition occurs that temporary casing be installed while the pole is set. All temporary casing should be removed prior to backfilling. It is expected that auqered holes below the water table will require casing. The lateral capacity of the piles was determined by methods outlined by Broms (1964) and The Federal Highway Administration (1977). Equations to predict both the ultimate and allowable capacities of the direct embedment poles in glacial till or Kenai Group materials is shown in Figure 13. This assumes that displacement of the towers under lateral loads is not a primary concern. However, it is recommended that once allowable lateral loads are determined, displacements should be calculated to determine if they are within allowable limits. Golder Associates Februarv 1986 44 653-5011A Driven Piles The bearing and uplift capacity of driven piles was determined utilizing the strength properties listed in Section 4.0. Calculation of bearing and uplift capacities were determined by methods outlined by Poulos and Davis, 1980. These analyses assumed that the driven piles were "H" section. Due to the dense nature and of both the glacial till and Kenai Group sediwents and numerous boulders and cobbles expected to be encountered in the glacial till, a steel "H" section was considered to have superior ability to penetrate these materials when compared to other pile sections and materials. Furthermore, it is recommended that the tips be reinforced with either weld plates or prefabricated pile tips. These will improve the chances of penetrating hard layers or pushing aside cobbles or boulders without damaging the pile. Equations for prediction of allowable and ultimate capacities for bearing and uplift are shown in Figure 15. Allowable capacities were determined using a factor of safety of 1.5 for the same reason as described above for direct embedment poles. The deFths of embedment calculated from the equations presented in Figure 15 are to be used for comparing and estimating pile lengths for bidding purposes. The actual depths to which the piles are driven should be determined in the field by a geotechnical engineer using the Danish formula, also presented in Figure 15. The uplift capacity is expected to determine the minimum depth of embedment for the driven piles; therefore, in order to more accurately predict the uplift capacity, pullout tests could be conducted to more accurately predict the required depths of embedment. A major concern with driving piles in the glacial till or Kenai Group is the possibility of encountering cobbles or boulders, which could cause pile refusal, deviation or possible damage. Therefore, it is recommended that once the pile section has been determined and the hammer selected, wave equation analyses be conducted to determine a blow count criteria at which driving should be halted to prevent damage to the pile. If a pile reaches the maximum allowable blow count criteria and still does not have the required uplift or lateral capacity then a new location should be selected and driving attempted again. The lateral capacity of the piles was determined by methods similar to those outlined for direct embedment poles. Equations to predict both the ultimate and allowable Golder Associates February 1986 45 853-5011A capacities of driven "H" piles in glacial till or Kenai Group materials is shown in Figure 15. It is expected that at least some poles will be sited in the peat deposits located along this portion of the alignment. The peat materials will not add to the bearing, uplift or lateral capacities of the piles. With regards to the lateral loading of piles within peat areas, the distance above ground where the lateral load is applied will be increased by the thickness of the peat. Since the thickness of the peat deposits is variable it is expected that pre- construction probes will be required at the proposed tower location to determine the exact depth of peat. With this information the allowable lateral load can be determined for the particular type of pile used. Construction of towers within the peat areas is expected to be difficult due to the low strength and high water content of the peat. It is expected that extensive preparation of working areas will be required in order for equipment to operate on the peat. Even during the winter, the relatively thin frozen layer (approximately 2 feet) may not be sufficient for the support of heavy equipment. Wood Poles Lashed To Steel "H" Piles Provided that an adequate connection is made between the pole and the pile, the allowable loads on the driven piles will be the same as those described above. 6.5 River Crossing and Mudflats Areas -Segments 3 and 6 The subsurface material within these areas are composed primarily of loose deposits of granular material with water levels are at or near the ground surface. It is anticipated that foundations systems within these areas will consist of either direct embedment poles or driven piles. However, due to the loose density of the deposits combined with the high water table conditions it is expected that excavations for direct embedment poles will be very difficult to accomplish. Auger excavations will require casing to support the walls of the excavations and in addition, measures will be required to prevent bottom heaving at the base of the excavation. Furthermore, because it may be very difficult to place and compact the excavated materials it is recommended that only a clean angular gravel be used as backfill. Due to the above listed constraints, with excavation and placement of direct embedment poles, driven piles may be the preferred foundation system. However, design criteria for both are listed below. Estimates of maximum scour depths are discussed in Section 3. 0. Golder Associates February 1986 46 853-5011A Direct Embedment Poles The bearing and uplift capacity of direct embedment wood poles was determined utilizing the strength properties listed in Section 4.0. Calculation of bearing and uplift capacities were determined from methods similar to those described for direct embedment poles in the plateau, bluff and landslide areas. Equations for the prediction of both ultimate and allowable capacities are shown in Figure 16. If the capacities calculated from the analyses presented on Figure 16 are not sufficient to resist the design loadings without excessive embedment then it is recommended that bearing plates be added to the base of the poles. These will increase the bearing capacity of the pole by increasing the bearing area and will also increase the uplift capacity by the weight of the soil overlying the bearing plate. Equations for the prediction of the ultimate and allowable bearing and uplift capacities with bearing plates are shown in Fiqure 14. The lateral capacity of the piles was determined by methods similar to those described for direct embedment poles in plateau, bluff and landslide areas. Equations to predict both the ultimate and allowable capacities of the direct embedment poles in the river crossing and mudflat areas is shown in Figure 16. A factor of safety of 1.5 was used to determine the allowable capacities for bearing uplift and lateral loadings for the reasons described previously. Again, due to the loose density of the deposits combined with the high water table conditions it is expected that excavations for direct embedment poles will be very difficult to accomplish. Auger excavations may require casing to support the walls of the excavations. In addition, measures may be required to prevent bottom heaving at the base of the excavation. Furthermore, it is recommended that only a clean angular gravel be used as backfill. Driven Piles The bearing and uplift capacity of driven piles were determined utilizing the strength properties listed in Section 4.0. Calculation of bearing and uplift capacities were determined by methods outlined previously for driven "H" piles in the plateau, bluff and landslide areas. Equations for prediction of allowable and ultimate capacities for bearing and uplift are shown in Figure 17. Allowable capacities were determined using a factor of safety of 1.5 for the same reason as described previously. Golder Associates February 1986 47 853-5011A The depths of embedment calculated from the equations presented in Figure 17 are to be used for comparing and estimating pile lengths for bidding purposes. The actual depths to which the piles are driven should be determined in the field by a geotechnical engineer using the Danish formula for air and diesel hammers, also presented in Figure 1 7. The uplift capacity is expected to determine the minimum depth of embedment for the driven piles. Therefore, in order to reduce the depths of embedments calculated from the equations shown on Figure 17, pullout tests could be conducted. Tests of the ultirr.ate uplift capacity may indicate modified embedments. Due to the loose nature of the deposits in the river crossing and mudflats areas and the apparent lack of cobbles and boulders in the materials, pile tips are not considered necessary, however, the occasional glacial erratic boulder may be encountered. The lateral capacity of the piles was determined by methods similar to those outlined previously. Equations to predict both the ultimate and allowable lateral capacities of driven "H" piles in the alluvium, colluvium and marine sediments is shown in Figure 17. Wood Poles Lashed To Steel "H" Piles Provided that an adequate connection is made between the pole and the pile the allowable loads on the driven piles will be the same as those described above. 6.6 Forested Route to the Powerhouse -Segment 5 The subsurface materials along the forested route to the powerhouse consist primarily of McHugh complex and Valdez Group bedrock. over the northern portion of this segment there is a thin layer of glacial till which overlies the bedrock. The till consists of a silty, sandy gravel with cobbles and boulders similar to that encountered in the plateau and landslide areas. The McHugh Complex and Valdez Group bedrock consist of graywacke, sandstone and siltstone, argillite, and bedded chert. The rocks, where exposed, are very well indurated. Water levels are expected to be below the levels of the transmission line tower foundations, however, local variations may exist. It is anticipated that foundations systems within this area will consist of direct embedment poles or piles. The poles or piles could either be backfilled with the excavated rock or a cement grout material. Golder Associates February 1986 48 853-5011A Excavation through the glacial till could be accomplished with augers. As previously mentioned the ability of an auger to penetrate the glacial till is uncertain and therefore, it is recommended that tests be conducted with the chosen equipment to determine penetration ability. Excavation within the McHugh Complex and Valdez Group materials may require the use of controlled blasting techniques or jack hammers particularly in areas where there is a high concentration of chert. Other methods for excavations of these materials are possible depending on the contractor's preference. The bearing and uplift capacity of poles or piles embedded into the McHugh Complex and Valdez Group materials was determined utilizing the strength properties listed in Section 4.0. Calculation of the bearing and uplift capacities were determined from methods outlined by Poulos and Davis, 1980. The analyses assumed that excavated holes were backfilled with a cement grout or resin material. Equations for the prediction of allowable bearing and uplift loads are shown in Figure 18. The ultimate uplift equations shown in Figure 18 are applicable to the design of anchors provided that they are backfilled with a cement grout, resin or other bonding material. The above recommendations are for poles located in a relatively unfractured material (approximate fracture spacing of 2 feet). However localized areas in the McHugh and Valdez Group may contain highly fractured or brecciated zones. If these are encountered during excavation some mitigation measures should be employed such as pole re- location to an area of less fractured material or by using lower allowable capacities. If the pole or piles are backfilled with the excavated glacial till or bedrock then allowable uplift capacities should be determined from Figure 13 (Same as direct embedded poles in plateau, bluff and landslide areas). However, allowable bearing capacities can still be determined from Figure 18. The lateral capacity of poles or piles along this section of the alignment will depend on the relative proportion of glacial till and bedrock in which the pole is embedded. In general, it is expected that if the majority of the pole is embedded in till then the lateral capacity of the till should dictate the design. However, if the glacial till is relatively thin then the overlying material could be ignored and designed as if totally embedded in bedrock. The lateral capacity of the piles was determined by methods previously described. Equations to predict both the ultimate Golder Associates February 1986 49 853-5011A and allowable lateral capacities of embedded poles in the glacial till should be determined from Figure 13 (for direct embedment poles in the plateau, bluff and landslide areas). For embed~ent in the McHugh Complex and Valdez Group materials, the lateral capacities should be calculated from the equations shown on Figure 18. Golder Associates February 1986 SG 853-5011A 7.0 PRE-CONSTRUCTION EXPLORATION AND TESTING This investigation was intended to identify, sample and characterize the primary geologic units along the proposed alignment. Furthermore, we have prepared general recommendations for the design of various types of tower foundations. However, since the type of foundation system and more specifically the tower locations have not been determined, at least over portions of the alignment, the designs cannot be finalized. It is recommended that in critical areas of the alignment, prior to or during the construction phase, site specific explorations be carried out to determine stratigraphy and water conditions. In addition, it is recommended that a field testing program be implemented prior to construction. The testing program would be conducted to determine the optimum method for construction. The proposed pre-construction site investigation and field testing program is discussed in more detail below. 7.1 Pre-construction Exploration The selection of the specific foundation system used for the transmission line towers will be dependent on a number of factors beyond geotechnical issues. These include the type of tower structure, required span lengths, requirements for guy lines and anchors, transmission line alignment, etc. These factors must be weighed against the cost and construction requirements of the potential foundation systems discussed previously. However, it is recommended that once a foundation system and tower location has been chosen for a particular portion of the alignment then the need to carry out site specific explorations should be evaluated. These explorations would be conducted to more accurately define the subsurface stratigraphy and water conditions at a particular location. The requirement for additional exploration is dependent on the sensitivity of the final foundation design to the expected stratigraphy. It is expected that as a minimum, additional explorations will be required for towers located in peat areas along the plateau (Segment 1) of the alignment. Our preliminary investigation indicated peat depths could be as deep as 20 feet or more. Since the peat materials are not considered to resist any loading, it is expected that the depth of peat will be critical in the final design. Additionally, shallow explorations along the forested route to the powerhouse (Segment 5) may be useful to determine the depth to bedrock at specific tower locations. Additional exploration along the remainder of the alignment, particularly along the plateau, bluff and landslide areas would further refine our preliminary estimates of the water conditions in these areas. Golder Associates February 1986 51 853-5011A --------~--------------------------------------------------------- In general, exploration could be carried out with simple equipment and would not necessarily require sampling or testing. The primary purpose would be to determine the specific stratigraphy at the tower location. The depth of peat could be determined with simple hand operated peat probes. Hand dug test pits that were excavated along the forested portions of the alignment indicated bedrock at depths less than 6 feet. Therefore, it is expected that similar exploration could be conducted at each of the proposed tower locations along this portion of the alignment. More extensive exploration would be required to define the water levels along the plateau portion of the alignment. These would require drilling equipment capable of installing piezometers. Precise placing of towers in the field will be critical in the geologically hazardous zones along the bluffs (Segment 2) and in the Fox River lowland (Segments 3 and 6). Visual inspection of proposed tower locations in these areas by a qualified engineering geologist or geotechnical engineer is recommended. 7.2 Pre-construction Testing As previously discussed in Section 6.0 it is recommended that a testing program be implemented to determine the most cost effective construction method and to more accurately determine the ultimate capacities of driven piles. Depending on the type of foundation system chosen for towers located in till or Kenai Group sediments, it is recommended that tests be conducted to determine if the chosen equipment is capable of penetrating these materials to the required depths. In regards to direct embedment poles, should an auger be used, it should be capable of dealing with a very dense material containing cobbles and boulders. With regards to driven piles, again there is some concern about penetration into the glacial till and Kenai Group sediments to the required depths without damage to the piles. Therefore, it is recommended that test piles be driven in these materials. The test piles could then be tested for uplift capacity to more accurately define the required depths of embedment. In regards to pre-construction testing it must be realized that no amount of pre-construction testing will eliminate the requirement for inspection and testing during the actual construction phase. Golder Associates February 1986 52 853-SOllA 8.0 USE OF THIS REPORT AND WARRANTY This report has been prepared exclusively for the use of Dryden and LaRue Engineers and its client, Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation. If there are significant changes in the nature, design or location of the facilities, we should be notified so that we may review our conclusions and recommendations in light of the proposed changes and provide a written modification or verification of the changes. Within the limitations of the schedule and budget for our work, we warrant that our work has been performed in accordance with generally accepted practice in this area. No other expressed or implied warranty is made. There are possible variations in subsurface conditions between the explorations and also with time; hence, a contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in the construction budget and schedule. Inspection and testing by a qualified geotechnical engineer and/or engineering geologist should be included during construction to provide corrective recommendations adapted to the conditions revealed during the work. We are available to answer any questions you might have concerning this report or to discuss our recommendations with you. Respectfully submitted, GOLDER ASSOCIATES ~. Senior Geotechnical Engineer Golder Associates FIGURES Golder Associates I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BRADLEY LAKE TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT LOCATION MAP N .. SCALE l":2A 000' .· .. ., • • ..tJ.,D • Figure 1 ._ ______________ Gol der Associates----------------' RM 193. RMI91. SP73~ N D SEGMENT LINE BORING LOCATION AND NUMBER TEST PIT LOCATION AND NUMBER SEISMIC PROFILE LOCATION AND NUMBER i .... ~ ' 0 2000 4000 "' ;;; 0 0 z SCHEMATIC CROSS SECTION, SEGMENT 1 -PLATEAU AREA Q) c:: I'J ... 0 ~ "0 c:: L.U E :l ~----r 0 u +" I'J Q) 0... f- I'J u I'J I..J Q) ~-----. ....J Figure 4 1/'1 ~ u 0 ~ >-... I'J .... c:: Q) E "0 Q) lll 0- :l 0 ... I..J I'J c:: Q) ~ 0 0 Ll') ' ~ ---------------------------------~ a: o L--------------------Golder Associates F w ! D ~~~ j> _& ~· ~~ t::., i "' .. m GJ >- 0 0 0 ' E E c it) GJ .b Ill .. Ill 0.. 0 UJ RATES OF SLOPE AND CLIFF RETREAT Figure 5 1.000.000 p I ! . : Ic . KEY TO SLOPE RETREAT SYMBCLS IIC Mean Range . Normal I . . elopes 0 . ic . 100.000 Bradley Lake . Project "worst" ! Steep I case estimate :c slopes • . ~ . • . . Jc Cliffs • • . IC Unconsolidated . . [' . rocks • 10.000 .. .. • ' c lc c 0 • ll • 1000 I 1' I • • c 0 fi ll .I :r c 0 • 100 . . . . . : . 0 Ic . . ic Lt . . I . ~ in 10 P/M Tm Tc S-A ST TrS TrR Marine Cliffs Med Arid KEY TO CLIMATE ABBREVIATIONS Climate Glacial Po I ar /montane Temperate maritime Temperate continental Mediterranean Semi-arid Arid Subtropice I humid Savanna Roinforcnt Abbreviation P/M Tm Tc Med S-A ST TrS TrR After Saunders and Young, 1g53 Comment Presently covered by ice. Periglacial: includes both polar regions and temperate-! atitude montane areas. Inc I uding Western Europe and the eastern seaboard of USA. Inc I uding Centra I and Eastern Europe and humid interior USA. Including similar climates in other continents. e.g .• California. Approximately rainfa II 250-500 mm in subtropica I and tropics I I atitudes. Below approximately 250 mm rainfall. E.g •• southeastern USA, Nata I. Tropics I c I imates with wet and dry seasons. Permanent I y humid tropics I c I imates. l '-------------------Golder Associates -----------------_.J I I I I t IU I .. ) { \..I ·.; I ,, " ,, '-J { ~ (1: Ci i I g MAP OF CHANNEL PATTERN 1850 and 1885 FOX RIVER -SHEEP CREEK, ALASKA U. S. Geclogical Survey Topographic Data Seldovia D-3 Based on August 9. 1950 aerfal photography -·-·-lfmit of Channel Mapping 0 Figure 7 1 2 Mfles 0 1 2 lt110Nters .__----------------Golder Associates----------------___. r w ! 0 0 z CRITERIA FOR SCOUR DEPTH AT TOWER LOCATIONS Figure 8 .n " U1 "0 5 r--------------------------------------------------------, 4 3 LAURSEN: :::::: 1.7[~ JO.IB b b ~ NEILL: d~ ::::1.2 [ ~ J0 •3 (round nose] 2 3 4 d/b b = pier diameter perpendicular to flow d = mean flow depth d 5 = scour depth below normal bed 5 This figure gives a rough estimate of scour which may occur as a result of a tower interrupting flow in a sand bed stream. Information is based primarily on model studies [Laursen. 1953: Ne iII. 1 961.! ). 6 7 8 g 10 i" o '-------------------Golder Associates--------------------' I- LL :r: 1-- 0.... w 0 0 10 20 30 ~~ I 1.1) -I ~ 6 <{ UJ ac 0 1- UJ _J co <{ z :::::> RM-192 o 10 20 30 40 50 6 0 70 @ Water Content, % I I I I I I I I 0 10 20 30 40 50 @ N-SPT I I I I I I ~N~ I ~ I I ~ \ ~H 0 I ~ td = 126.6 PCF \ t- 1 $----- 0--lfd = 136.4 PCF tt [J(i6J 0 z UJ ~ 0 ac co _J _J UJ 3 z 0 1-~ ac ~ c ·-l!\d co 0 RM-193 o 10 20 30 4 0 50 60 70 @ W <l ter Content, % I I I I I I I I o 10 20 30 40 50 0 N-SPT 1 I I I I I ~"' I "- 1 'c!\ I \ 'id = 118 .2 PCF 1d = 13 0 8 PCF ~ ~ I I ~ T l Jr__ 'td = 129.2 PCF GENERALIZED BOREHOLE LOGS SEGMENT 4 MAJOR LANDSLIDE AREAS Figur e 9 TYPICAL GEN ERA LIZED BOREHOLE LOG MA J O R L ANDSLI DE AREAS Stratigraphic Plot ----- Observation Well Installation \ ' I W»1 Bentonite Seal around observation well ------ Water level observed · WD while drilling __-" Water level measured on October 15,1985 ___.-' Slotted portion of observation well ------ RM-XXX Borehole Number o 10 20 30 40 50 6 0 70 @ Water Content, % 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 Standard Penetration Test o 10 20 30 40 50 @ N-SPT ___-blow count, blows/foot ~ }!J Non-Plastic s ample \; with liquid limit indicated >-.,.NP r;f ~ --1 ~d = 126 PCF Dry density of sample, 1 I pounds per cubic foot -~........ 6 5%-#200 Percentage of sample ", -...... passing the #200 sieve size 1 8'~ ~ I I I I ~ ~ Blow count exceeds I 50 blows/foot c!>--- - ---------------Bould e rs, others may b e pre sent STRATIGRAPHIC SYMBOL ~ ~ ~ D PEAT , ORGANIC SILT, or surficial organic material. (Pt) Till, c onsisting primarily of GRAVEL with varying amounts of sand, s i lt an d/o r c lay along with boulders and/or cobbles . Boulders other than th e discret e boulders indicated may also be encountere d. May al so m c lud e lay e r s of primarily SILT or s andy SILT with a trace c lay . (Qt ) Ken a 1 G r o up co n s i s ts o f w e ath e r e d a nd unw e ath e r e d p oorly com.o lidated sandston e , s iltston e and claystone with laye r s of lignit e t o se v e ral fee t thi c k . (B x 1) L---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gold e r Assoc ia t es ----------J CU TRIAXIAL TEST RESULTS -GLACIAL TILL AND KENAI en en w a: 1-... en Cf) .... a: <( w J: en en en w a: 1-... en Cf) a: .... <( w J: en 10 5 10 5 NORMAL STRESS tsf NORMAL STRESS tsf KENAI GLACIAL TILL Figure 10 ...., ______________ Golder Associates---------------' C/) C/) w a: 1--C/) Cl) a: < w ::t C/) .... CU TRIAXIAL TEST RESULTS -ALLUVIUM Figure 11 ALLUVIUM 10r-------~--------r-------~--------~-------, 8~------~--------~------~--------+-------~ er--------r--------r--------r--------+--------; NORMAL STRESS tsf --------------Golder Associates-------------_. RESULTS OF LIQUEFACTION ANALYSIS Flgure12 50 ~- N AT OVERBURDEN STRESS: 0 IT SF 40 0 0 0 0 .... ..... 0 0 ..... 30 ~ 0 0 D 0 0 -' 8 e 0 0 0 0 z 20 a 0 a 0 a ... .... a ..... 0 a 0 B a 0 10 0 n 0 lf:l 0 a 0 0 8" 8 Cl:l a a a 0 0 o~ 0 10 20 30 •o 50 60 DEPTH !FEET) SPT DATA FOX liVER VALLEY I RM -196 I RM-195, RM-19( RM-216, RM-215, RM-W, RM-213) 2.0 " 0 0 M1.5 " AI!OCIC: 0.35g I 1.5 o I 0 :;:; 0 .... " " c D ,... ... 1.0 " .... c ... " <I( c VI " D a 0 0 0 a c " 0 0 0 0 t:l 0 ... 0.5 0 " 0 ... D 0 0 a u 0 t:l D <I( c c .... c 0 0 " 0 0 10 20 30 ., so 60 DEPTH I FEET I FACTOR OF SAFETY AGAINST LIQUEFACTION .._ _______________ Golder Associates ______________ _. cil t ~ ! ~~ i BEAHING CAPACITY p -lJ 1 t B • 46Y.2d3 v, • P.!ld2 v,L P8 -allow • P 9 ~ult/1.5 fS•• f•xt For Definition) Ca•e Al .. ys • ~QIKil Unlt Welt11t L Ys • Unit W~lqht Soll Subm"rQ"d or ~et (Ptr) d • Oia•etat of Pole (F1) p • EmbAP~ent length (F1) l • 7d •1A S...rinq l'laterlal Ca!leBl p l ~m~ S...rirq fl'laterial l ____...l;r,___ NOTES (1) Use P8 -allow to resist design loadings. (2) Poles •hould be e•bedded • mlnl~u• of 7d. (J) For prell•lnory d••lgn pol•• locoted In areas ••Poed •• Pt should •••u•• the water t1ble at ~urface (C••• A). For polee loeat•d l" aree~ ~•pped •• Qt/8• should 11eu•e watar levels b•low pole bose (Ceoe B). (4) Allowance •hould be '"•d• ror different woter condition •• encount•red during construction. (S) P 8 -ult end P 8 -ellow do not lnclud• weight of pole. DESIGN CRITERIA DIRECT EMBEDMENT WOOD POLES -Figure 13 KENAI GROUP, GLACIAL TILL AND PEAT lJPL IF T r:APACITY Pnn-1Jlt ' 7 ,J ., d"-l If<; rj:l Pup-.-·tll11b1 "' ~up-1tlt/1.'j !Se• Text For Oef I nl tlon) y 'i !Jnit hlr:dnht •;ohmFHrJed nr 'ilP.t \Jnit. '!lP.t (Pcf) iametPr 0f :'niP (FT) f_m~PMrlPrl \_Pnnfh 0f Pnle (FT' min ~ 1ri Cos• f\) lsmJir;lal 0~ 8ftrinq fl'\atarlal 'IOHS (1 calculatinq re~l~tinq force due (2) See text for calculatton of frost hP.aving load~. ( J) ( 4) (5) (6) (7) Use Pup-allow fot re~i~tinq de~iqn upllft force~. Oeslgn uplift loadinq and fto't heevinq forces are not additive. For oreli~inary de,1an pole' located ln area3 ~•oped at Pt should ~ssuMe the w•ter table at the ~urfNce.. For poles loc•ted in orees ~epped es Ot/BK 'hould •••u•• ••t•r 1•~•1 b•low pole ha,e. Allo•ance ~hould be Made for actual water condition• @ncountered durinq ~on,tructlon. Pup-ult and Puo-sllow do not include weight of pole. LAH.RA.t CAPAC I Tl' ~) nAtsrmine pole \Pn~th ~la~giflcBtion. Kh ~ Cn~ffl~i~nt •lf Hortront~l Suhqr..,•1P .Jp..,~tion (P(l) .. f'lndul•J"l ,f r: l.l'IIJtLt:itv (PST} :j • ~om~nt ,,f InPrtl~ rtf rtlP ~~ ' K '11 2'0 P~: fSu b••r qed) " K.._, ")O PCI COrvl l.,..,..,irtr:ation: 2 Short 2 l/1 ( 4 Intermediate >4 Lonq q) Short frfte heeoed oile~. 0.5[ YsiiOifL31fKpl Pul t . fe•Ll Y, • Untt Wei9ht Soil {'lub$erqed or w~t) IPCf) I) • Poht 0 L'll'lleter ( F T) • Pole L~nqth ( F T) ~p •••• e • Heiqht of ~ult Abov8 r,round (~T) • Length of Pole Below ~rpund (~T) Pallow • Pult/1.5 fSee T••t For D•fJ~I11on) C) for interM~diBte cla~~ificatlon deterMine Pult fnr bath ~hort ~nd lono pile~ thfln take lower of the two value~. 0} long free heeded pilR~. My•eld Pult • e • 0.54 Pult YsO K 0 My,eh:l• Yield Re5l5tonco of Pile Section (LB-FT) e • Helqht of D1Jlt Above Ground {fT) Y• • Unlt Welqht (Sub,.orqed or Wet) (PCF) D • Pole Olometer (FT) l(p '5I ...... Pellow • Pult/t.S .t & Golder Associates-----' RECOMMENDED UPLIFT CAPACITY FOR DIRECT EMBEDMENT POLES WITH BEARING PLATE Figure 14 D .t d • POLE DIAMETER D • BEARING PLATE DIAMETER Pup-ult • WEIGHT OF SOIL CONE (SHOWN ABOVE) ACTING TO RESIST UPLIFT Pup-allow • Pup-ult/1.5 NOTE: DOES NOT INCLUDE WEIGHT OF POLE ..._------------Golder Associates--------------' ~ ~ w ~ . & OEAR!NG CAPACITY D_3-ult • 91.2Y 5 d2 L • 1732.8Y5 dJ D 1 -all~ .. P 8 -11lt/1.:: (See Text For Definition) Case AI Y5 •lkllt ~eict>t ~et or Slboorqed (DU) d • Mininuo Di-ter nf DUe (FT) L • E-Lenqth of "lle (FT) Lmin ,. 1 2d l ~ Case Bl l p r ... I Surf J r; J a I Org.nics I Surftctjl Org.nic!l l l L Beerlnq l'l'leterial Y s • Stbnergood l llnit ~i<tl~--<[l.-- MJITS Y s • Wet lklit L Weic;,t l ... -~ (1) U.. DB-allow to r•ist dnign loede, (2) --.. pil• -• llllniouo or 12d. Beerlnq ~eterhl (J) For prel~ry dlni"" pollt!l locat.d in a.--IIIOOll*l os Pt ohould a-the ,.torr tollla is ot tho """'""" (Co• A). For pollt!l loaitad in a....., ....,.,..:1 u Ot/B• ohould ,_.. ,.toor 1"""1 bel'"' pillt!l -(c.-B), ( 4) ~t length beyond odniouo ""' ,.,. ""U.Oting purposot5 only. TI-e octUIIl pUe -ohould be dl!te,...inad by o CjiOOtocmJ..cal enq1rwer in ttw field ueing tho -i<lCAOl pUe drlvino fO'IWU!• ~t.:t bela.. ( 5) DB -ul t end P B-allow do not include ,_ight of pile. DANISH FORI'I.l.A eh WH : Cj • Jeh WHL D • 5 + C 1 2AE -ret P • UltJJ.te File c.-=tty, !be. eh • -eHicil!llCYo giVIIn in Table B. 111 • .. tc;,t or -· lbe. H • drop or -· in::t... S • "sat" or point ~tr•tlan Pill' bl0111, 11'111CfW5/bltllll. L • pUe length, ~· A • pile e..re., 1~ • E • pile 1110111l .. or aluticity, PSI ~ '-Tn-"t. Sinllle-act!nq 0.75 -0.85 0.85 0.85 -1.0 D<U>le--=tlnq or dHfllnntilll 01-1 IJ'UFT CAPACITY 'W-ult • 60.8 Y 5 rt2 L -364.8 15 rtJ Pno-.:tllOIIf"" Pl.,-iJlt/1.5 !'i•• Text For 08tlnltlon) Case AI ..I Y5 ., Unit lll~ictlt ltJpt or St.hnP-roed (DCF) rt "'~tniii'UII Ol~ion of ''q" PilP. (CT) l "' ErriJedrled L~th of Pflp (FT) Lrnin "" 12d lp Case Bl 1 p T Y s • 5tbloBrqed I I I Bearing lklit l&leict>t l'laterial L rqonir:s -~ y = Wet U.:it I s Welqht L Bee ring Material i l_ -=-d.,.._._. .--d ... MJITS des (1) U. PtD-Ult ...nan calculatinq rl't!li!ltinq force due to frMt heavirq. ( 2) s-to•t far calculation or frt>!rt -vinq loem. (J) Use Dw-•llooo for rlt!listinq design uplift for,.,.. (4) Desiqn uollrt !...:ling end frO!It -•ing forcoa are not additi..,. (5) For preli.Jol.-.ry deslqn pU.., located in ore .. III8PP"d at Dt !lhould as~ tt.... ~ateT table 1!1 et the qrot.n:l ~urfact~ (Case A). For pUn located in annas maf]l»d •• Qt/Bx should ll~ Wll!!lter 1..,.1 below pUe bee (Co• B). (6) Dult -Dallow do not l.ncludo ,.ight or pUe. DESIGN CRITERIA - DRIVEN "H" PILES -Figure 15 KENAI GROUP, GLACIAL TILL AND PEAT LATERAL CAP~CITY 1-\ J Oeterm..l.nA ooles lf!I'Y:Jth cla~~if icnticY". " -t-:~ K = Coefficient nf '-lonzontal SubqradR Reacti,..,.., (PCI) " E ,. l'lrrl ... llu~ of flastir.tty (PSI) ', r::l ! .. l"'bnPnt af Im~rt ia of Pile ( I!lf·'J) K L10 PC! ( 'ltlhrtw!rqed) I(~ ~10 PCI ( nrv) r:la~sification: ·~ L 2 Short ., L 4 Inten.diate 'l L 4 Lry,q B) Short free headi!K:t pile-!!. Pult 0.5 I Ygi!OI!L 3JfKpl le • Ll 15 • llnll ''eict>t of SoU (Sut-roed or '"'tl (PCF) IJ • Pile Width (FT) l • DUe Lenqth (FT) Kp = 4. 4 e • Heict>t or Dul t A-Grot.rod ( FT) L • Lenqth or Dolo Elalow Grot.rod (FT) Pell~ • Pult/1.5 tSee Text For Lleflnltlon) C) For inter,..:UBte clB~iftc.tlon detemirw Pult f'or both ~rt and la'lg pill't!l then take 1~ of tt.... t..o vlll~. D) Lonq free heed!od pU~. Pult Myield le • 0.54/ pult 1 Y5 0 Kp My 1cld • Yield Re!!lhtance crf DUe Section (LB-H) e • Heict>t of Pult Above Grot.rod (FT) Ys • Unit l&leict>t (S.n.rQIIId or ldet) (PCF) D • DUe Width (FT) Kp "' 4. 4 Dollow • Pult/1.5 tSee Te•t For Defl•ltlo•) Pul.,.t_....,, --,1'1 e t 11/f/1· f "!1§111' L J --1d- • artorr Bowl..,., 1982 Golder Associates-------' ~ t ~ ~I j\~ 1\~ i OEARIM; CAPACITY y 9 • SlbNor.;!-T L L PA-u1t • 86.2 Y9 d3 + 4.7 \ d2L P 8 -aUC*!• P 8 -ult/1.S (See re:wf For Detlnltlonl " t-- Besrirq l'l&tarhl 15 • IJnit Welqht Soil Stbnerqed (PCF) r1 ~ Diameter of Pole (FT) L • E-m..nt Lenqth (FT) L = Sd min -ldL MJT£5 (1) Uw P8 -a1!010 to ""'bt dni"11 loedirq3. (2) Pol .. ohould be -o mint-of Sd. (3) P8 -ult and P8-o!l010 do not irclude ,..iljlt of pols. liP!_ IFT CAPACITY ! L L PtJP-ult J.Jn2 '(9 L -7.!JrtJ Y9 Pup-;Jl!CIIf' = Pt.JO-ult/,.S(See Text For Det lnltlon) t-- Bearlng l'l&terial (~ = Subrreroed llnit l~eioht (DCr) rl = OiametPr of PnlP (FT) L "'LP-noth nf 1-rrtleriT!Pnt (FT) L = Sd "lin - -ldL MJT(S ( 1) Uw Pup-ul t lltlen calculatinq r~i~tlnq force ~ to frO!It helluii"''Q. (2) 5ee text for calcul&tlon of frO!It heevinq lMd~. (3) ll!le Pup-allow far r~lstinq ~icp'l ~11ft fore~. ( la) De!llcp1 ~lift loadlnq and fr~t heevinq force~ :na not addithM. (S) ~It ond P,.,-ol1010 oo not irclude -lct>t of pole. DESIGN CRITERIA -DIRECT EMBEDMENT POLES -ALLUVIUM, COLLUVIUM AND MARINE SEDIMENTS Figure 16 LATERAL CAPACITY f\) 'Ptt>rminfl pole lerrqth cla~~iflcation. ~ ~ " Coefficient of HorizontAl 'luhqr:u1P -h ''P8Ction ~1-lC!) I E "'~Jlu., nf f la~ticitv (;-JCjJ) .:. I "'fl"'onpnt nf Inertia of Pll!'! (IN} \= 10 DC! (Stbnerqed) ':la~<Ji f icatioru n L < 2 Short 7' nL < Ll tntel'fiiiB'dhte •:L >4 L()l"lQ B) ~hnrt free headed oll~. Oult 0.5( Ys)[OJ[L31(Kp) [e • Ll Ys • Unit W..lct>t SoU (s..-rqed or tdwt) D • Pols Dl-ter ( FT) L • Pole Lerqth (FT) K0 • J, I e • Heict>t of Pu.lt -Grntrd (FT) l • lenqtn of Pole 111!1"" Gr....-.d (FT) Poll010 • Pu!t/1.S (PCF) C) For lntenN!Idlate cl•seification dBtenftine Pult for hoth qhort and lonQ pil~ then t-'<:• l~r of the t.u vall~. D) Long free -pil-. Myield Puit • (e •0.54 ~) Myoeld • Yield R..,iotarce of Pllo Section (LB-fT) • • Heict>t of Pu!t Above Gr....-.d (n) i'g • Unit ,.ict>t (St.t-rqed or iollrt) (PCF) 0 • Pole3 Oi-ter (FT) Kp • J. 1 Poi!OIO • Pu!t/1.S CSee T•xt for Oef lftlf I on) Pult rr;prrr 1 • I ' 'l,ytjf/1 I L J ~ol- i A Golder Associates ____ _..~ i«< .. c w ·~ ! !~ i REAAt~ CAPACITY P, 1 -ult • 390 y 9 d3 • 30 ;9 d2 l p ! I P 8 -dl01i1 -. PA-ult/1 .. 5 (See t••t f 9 • lln!t llle!<fit su-rged (PCF) d • l'llnl,... 01-...ian P!lA (rT) • Oeoth of E-t (FT) l • 5d min 'o• ootl•l"o"hu ~~l'lllt.ri•l ~~·~ Ys.s~ L Unit lllel<fit l .......joi- IJJTES (1) u-P8 -all"" to rMist <.IMl<J" l09rl!nqs. (2) P9 -ult and P8 -oll""' do rot includot ,..!<fit of p!h. ( 3) E-.t lonqtm bey<lnd "'lnl.Jouo "'"" for ntiJ.tinq pile lfti"Oth!l only. The actual pile -t '!Mould o. clot.noiroed hy • ql!<ltachnicel ..-.qt.-r ln the field ..,.inq tho .-lricol plle rlrlvinq fomula ~ aa thllt Deni!lh Fol"'ll.l.la p~ t.lo.. OANISH FOII'U.A p • """""'' e11WH s:c-C 1 • ~e,WHL1 2AE P • UltiJ.ta Flla C-ity, lb!l, "h • -etrlci"""Y• gi_.. 1n Table B. W • -1.;-.t of -.,, lbs. H • drop or "-r, lnr.::t'ln'. 5 • •..at• or point ~ntl.cn poor blOOf, 1-/bl""• L • pUa lonqtl>, 1~. A • pil• .,...., irl::tw'a • E • pila -.I._. of elutl.t:ity, PSI ~ -Typoo "M Sirlgle-IICt inq 0.'1'5 -O.BS ll<U>le-IICtlnq or ditf..-Lol 0.115 Ol-1 0.85 -1 .o • oftar !lawlft, 1982 111'1 IFT •:1\PAC!TY ~-tllt -= "20 ·1 t; d2 L -flO '• dJ DESIGN CRITERIA DRIVEN "H" PILES ALLUVIUM, COLLUVIUM AND MARINE SEDIMENTS "TEQAl CAPACITY Figure 17 A) Determine pole lAOQth cla-.,~Hi.catlnt1. n "5 {K;;-:j r1 · "<~-; " C:OFtfficiP.Ot of Pt.rr)-~llow ::r Pt..c-ult/1.5 1~-Ae ftotJtt for netl.,ltlon) "' :'1\'x~lu"" l)f (h~ticitv ~nsn j "~t..,r !r-.,rtil)nf:JUe :•J I 1 s " Unit IJ!@! 1 Cflt 5tilmerqPrl r Pr.F ) d "Mininun DifTIP.f'l~ion 11f ntle {!='T} ::r Eri':le<tnent LMTjth (J: i) t,in ., Gel p ~ n ----n 1-, ---- y s • Sl.bMrgad iu !! BeorlnJ l'lllteriol Unit lllel<fit L L .......jol-- NOTES (1 ) Use Pup-all"" to r"'l•t rlesl<J" l01tdlnqs. (2) Use ~-<Jlt """"' colculatinq r""lstinq fon:~ ri.Je to f'rmt heevi.nq. (.3) 5Mf text for caletJlation of frMt heavinq load'!t. (4) De!oi~ ~lift loodlnq and frost -vlnq forces are nQt additive. (5) Pup-u)t •nd Pup-"11"" rlO not lncludot ""'l<fit of pile. \ • 10 PC! ('it.bloorqed) Chssificetionr ., L 2 :2< ., 4 Short Inb!<l"!TTI!!dlnte lnnq Short free headad pUn. Pult t s • [),It IIIII I <fit Soil ( ~rqed or blot) ( PCF) D • DllM lllidth ( F T) L • Pllo LenQtl1 rn) Kp , ~ .. t e • Hei<fit of Pult Ab<Mt Groo.rorl (FT) • l"""Jtl1 of Pole Bel""' Groo.rorl (FT) Pellow • Pu.lt/1.5 (:i.e• Text for Oet In It I on) C) For int.tl"!WWIfdbt• cl•ssific.ation r.»tet"Mi,... Pult for botl1 .mrt •nd lc;nq piles tt-eo t.._ lCMer of the t..:J v•lt.es. ~) lonq fr"" he•u1ood pll.,.. Pult Myield • Yield Resl.lltance of Pllo Section (LB-FT) e • He! qht of Pult Abo\18 Groo.rorl (FT) Ys • lktlt W..iqht (Slboergad or Wet) {PCF) D • Pile Wldtl1 1FT) ~p • 3, I P•Llo. • Pult/1 .. 5 fS•• T•xt for D•t lnltlon) Pult ~----.. L J -M-- .f l Golder Associates ----..J ~I J~ Jo j~q ~I~ ~I(; ca ~ r----------------------------------------------------------------------~ . DESIGN CRITERIA - McHUGH COMPLEX AND VALDEZ GROUP Figure 18 DESIGN CRITERIA DIRECT EMBEDMENT POLES OR DRIVEN PILES Bearing Cepeclty AI towable Bearing Pressure • 86 KSF Assume Minimum Depth of Penetration • 5 FT Uplift Cepeclty Allowable Uplift Cepeclty • 70 PSI x C x L C • Perimeter fin) l • Embedment (fn) Notes: (I) Assume concrete or resin backfill Minimum Embedment • 5 FT c 2) If beckfl II consists or rock cuttings then design c~peclty wl II be the seme es for direct embedment poles In Kenel Group sedlments/Gieclel Till. t.)) Uplift valves ere elso eppllceble for anchors grouted Into rock. t4) Assumes thet rock Jointing et tower or pile location Is not perellel to the direction of loading. Leterel Cepeclty 2 . (2. 25l <SL!l (D) [L -htl t/ ( (9) <Sul <Dl) (1.5) (D Pult e + <1.51(0) + (0.5) fu t/((9l<SLtl<Dl~ Su • Total Stress Sheer Strength L • Embedment length fFt) D • Pole Diameter fFt) Pellow • Pult/1., tSee Text For Definition) Notes fl) Assumes thet pile/pole ect e1 rigid member. Pult --.....--f......-. e t ... 1,.,...,.,.,.1/ffilf___,__--1 1 'lf/1§1111 L ~J ~0~ Q v._ ________________________________________ _ Golder Associates -------------------' A ' 3 ' 5 -'i_ 6 ' 9 >, a 9860 .50 FILM \ ~~· ..; - ·; ' . . " ~ '. ! .~ . ''.£:" . '·•~ ,.,_ ... ! (I 't ~. . ,, f ~r • • • ' J • ' . , '• • ' }'' • '- ' . iJ" I ' 4 • ~~ I t' • ' ' • • ·~ .. ,.-ll- ·"-'.;, ' " ' :;._ ~ .... .,. Ikf" ... ~ - .... ~ ·' ' • , .. "" ' .. ~ ~ " . • , ' .. \ -" ~~ ...... ~-• • ,J" .. -.. " . -· :.~ .... , . . ~ , ' I,'M· ,-' ~ 1 I -~. i . " ~~ .J ' .... ..£ ,. • ' ·• J'ifj. ' t" '""\''>. ' ' .J._. uft_.,• . .. .,..., . ,. -~·rt I ' . • ' • ' if··· ~ •I -~ ' • . ' ~ • •• ... • • • • ~~ .. _;.y.~ .... __ , ; : ~-. (3-;.~ .. ~;,,. t·· ~~~:"~ -~·· o .. ,_' '"' .. ~.· .. . .. • ,., ' ' ~-j., . .r~·~:-~;:xYi,-~ . . ·';\~~~ ,, ! ~· ... ._ ll-., .. -~ ............ ' ~ .. • •• • ~: #. ... , '- ' . '. ' -.. • r .t ••• .. ' . t ·~ ... ~.7-~ "'-. , ... ,. .. '• ·;...,!"" . ~ ~' ,. ·'.J ',A 4' • . ¥;' ~ ·< • . T I IJ <• ' . ' .... • I( .. ..,. . ~~ ~ . • ... -, . ., .. If\ l't ~f.:. ;~-- ·~·. ....~ ;fi •. fl::.-· ' • .J ..:._ .. ' ' ' .•. ./ , ' . ' f ~ • I' ~.,• ·~::.~ !~ .. t/\ ',-}. • • •' If -.: ' ' ···-< ·1 . ; lr '· ~· .. . . ,,~ ..,.,. ' '. . .. 'l,f'-'111-,,--. y -' '9 5 .... "-f l.{:\ '"l' .... ~ ~ .. -·~'l ., \\-,.- -~;i~, ~~-\: yr .. ' .., ~¥.;-~" l. ..--. .. ' .-:.~) H ~ ... _, ,-:,..,'!~··" ••\ •• #,-, . ........ ~t'\-.:_-\: ~r ' .. . I -~ u; • • ~-;_,..... . -; ..... :..,:.:i • --~ ~r- • -~ • '* . il.:o-. W· • ,. ,' ~ ..... ~ ;1,): -~ 4 -""' 'Pt I I I . . ' 15.5 s •I • I ,j,6.5 I I }{'~ ~Jlf~~ P I • .. I . ~--;_t;/, -• .... -~~" ,. ' '· !'t.ol.• "' • . . ,.. ~ < .. ~,. ... ' . . .. ' . .;· ., 2L • • 4,1'li . 'ilJ ; • {111. ·~ I "\ ' ~ • "· ~··~· ....... • .~ \ '~~J. • t'i~ :~·N~-· ' " ... • J.l'I,J-'~" . ' . ' . ~ .. • n-~ • ' · ... ' ..... ,_~ "' t ' ~' H":'t.: .. , , .'#.. "'.<. •• ··f ..... 'l.l• '• l..• • ?"~'1 f ' • ~t ' ~·· ~-,, • " :;'!l'> .,.;,· . ' ~. -~ • , . ~,. " } Geneno Symbols '· ~· 'i' ~/B/C ~/B+:lorC ~/B+C/0 ~/B+C ""'"B/C Gee l ogic E<p'ono t;o n ~ " " " Qc o.; ,., "' .Jt< Qtl-ot4 ,,, ,,, " @RM 211 .3 .5 -- t 1000 .. 300 ···~··· .... ..., . ---"I . .-";-...i-'1.· . __ ..,.,, ~-·· ~.-.. j ... ·'"· ' ,'' ..... ;; .. ~,jt.f'.;'+~-~ "-..,_,..,~~- ·-~w -~ ' -' '"'<d ~~ ~..,.. .. ..,.;.~ ~ .,.,~ ,~ -~ .• '"' ~ c~--.,._s. .. '"" 1~_ ........ i ~,.. ' ' . ; .,1 '" , .• "'~~:~.r.;l\$~~-.1..' ,. , I ,; -~~!-,F;J·.~·-. ~·-:.. • ' "'''' • -....., . . , " I --k..'~' .i;-f1J~ • ·13-s-. • • RM '203 • . - t ' 7;) ~# ... \-Q ~t/a~::, -.;_:.,..._,..... .r -Pt/Qt2 ---.,./:;! . --.,_ lo II; , ., ,. . "' ' '' "" '' ' i9tf ·r., ·~MP ti Q_t, U> • ~ ..... -~ j *"'' ~ ~ . '· '-.:. ~ . ..... _ - w _. '· •• '"j.:. ... ,., EXPLANATION Grsot~r Ha n J '-10 ' o f m ter i ~· cont~in i ng up ~0 15~ of o:OC " u nit< Lni t cunto in; m>tur~ of A+B (I S-85!) Up to 7'-10' of A OYerly1ng B Up to 1~' of unit> A and B (not mixed) overlying un1t ( ~ixture of up to 1 0' of A/9 plu< B or C ~ixture of up to \5 ' of ~/B+C n•erlyln~ D Up tu 7'-\0' of un1t A ov~rly1ng • mixture of unit< B Plu< C Up to 7'-10' of • mi x tu~ of A+B overly1ng C lhickne« of ur.1t< -0< i nf~rtcd fr<>f"l limitod boreholll and p .. t probe dato •nd rray not a<eurndy indicate the octual thidnosse•. Percent•ges •re •ppr oximate . Descript;a n Oro•·-,;< -ter;a', ~~AH•11.r fibrou>. •otu•ot~d . Allu,·ial depo>Jt< cu r ren t ly in tran<port. r.o 5i9oHic~nt veoeta'.10fi . Alluvial deposits 1n tronsport during f l ocd events o r recentl~ in attive tron•port . ScOLte~ed v~get•t inn uo to 15-50 yeor< old. Colluvhl d<>oosil> wilh minor amounts of terrace depo~it< ond olluv1 u11, Alluviol depo~1t< o• Holocene a9e cover@d by vogetat1on w"icO t~ generally old~r lOon 35-SO years . Alluv10l hn depo~it; fo,...,ed tn the lote Ouoternory after deg l aciation . Lond•lido d@po>its o~ lond~lide scor~ left by rross n><»er.,.nt act,.ities . 'le~etoted "poer tidal fl~t d ~oosit< ~nd •Hocioted ove•ban~ floodplain deposits . G\ocio ; ti .l , h te Q"'t<>rnory , Ot1 nld~st to Qt4 ynunge;~. gere•o \l y ".hy . >Ondy , grao~l w1tf l:oJlde r s . Ot-urdifl'erentloted till . Kenat Group . Conposed of >ilt.>tun•. <and•tone , cl•y•tone , •nd cool depos1~•. poo•ly tndJrotc~ . ~eHu9h Co~ple> and V ~ldez Group . Groywade ond orglll1to , lo~•lly with ch•rt, well Indurate~. Water . Contoct {Ooohed where indefinite) . Lineament Bor~hole locot.ions . Appro<tmote Depth of pe"t (b">ed o' probe doto). l 1 ~it of r.eo l og;c Mopping . Key Map -·- PLATE I . . --. . PLATE II ;;: c.: PlH~ I I I Plate I\ PLATE HI 0 1000 2000 Feet 0 300 600 Meters RECONNAISSANCE GEOLOGIC MAP WITH PEAT PROBE AND BOREHOLE LOCATIONS PLATE I BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PREPARED BY• I ii)RYD[N t' LA12.Ut:,INC. CONSUL T!N6 I EN61NE£RS ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PREPARED FOR : ~ Stone & Webster ~ Enaineerinj2 Corporation ANCHORAGE , ALASKA ---1------1------~---V "'V "'~""""" ---1 ---DRAWING .. -86 DRAWING ~ 0 . I ---1---3 ---1---2 ---1---1 ---1 ---NUMBER • FEB ---19 NUMBER . ~ I I -I I I I ~ 1 1 POWER AUTHORITY c.. > ISS UE DESCRIPTION CHKO CORRECT .o.PPfl / I SSUE DESCR I PTION CHKO CORRECT .o.PPY ISSUE DESCRIPT ION CHKO COR RE CT ~PP>'I_./ ISSUE DESCRIPTION CHKD CORR ECT .o,p p ~ ISSU E DESCR I PTI ON CHK D CORR ECT "PP ')./ DRAWING NUMBER ~ ~ ..-ti .. r~ ~Q..,_!E /o.o.rE ... ·-·b uE /o "TE a: u: PC T AR C H C 1V1L c o Ne sT L L & P INS T M o P s sA FAc ELEC LTG MAT L PCT ARCH CIVIL coNe STL L aP INST 1 M .o 1 P s . s .A FAG ELEC L TG MA r PC T ARCH CIVIL coNe 1 STL 1 L & P I I NST 1 M .D . 1 P s . 1 sA. FAG ELEC L ra MAT "L PCT AR CH CIVIL coNe STL 1 L aP I I NST 1 M .D 1 P s ) sA 1 FAG 1 ELEC 1 LTG MA T L PCT ARCH 1 CIV IL 1 c oNe 1 srL 1 L & P I IN ST 1 MD 1 P s 1 sA 1 FAG 1 ELEC 1 LTG MA T L IIR EA S lEVElS w O "~"' Pt<;G DESIGNED 8'1" D RAWN 8 Y I I I I I I I I I I I I OSGN CH KD 8Y CHKO BY ' J ' 5 -Ci_ • '· 1 at • al R t( ... , " -~-•, -~ "C. I <,._· \' ! ·. ~-<fir-.! ai _ "' ' • ' a l .. '4 ·- " . ........ ',\ 1 J 1 / / ,.. I ~ .._ ---j ------1 ------]------j ---'-'''''-"''~""'-'~'-'U'----1 Genecic S)'lllbools ' ,,, 'I' ~jBl' ~/~+:lcrC A(B+C/0 ,,, .+B/C Geo loyic hJ!.l_an_atJ..Q!! ~ ,, ,, '" ,,, '" ,, Qtl-Qt .. , .. , ' @ 11 . ). -- JOU[) "' 300 EXPL ATION eat~r than 7'-10' of ~•t•r••l containing up to 15! of other unit• l co~t• i ture of A>B (i S -35~) Up to 7'-10' of.~ c•erl ' ' Up to 15' of units A""" (nuL ed) overlyin~ unit C Mutur~ of up to 15' of~/; plu> B or utur~ of up to IS' of A/BtC overlyin~ (} Up to 7'-10' of unit A overlyln9 o ~l•t unit< '" Up to 7'-10' of ture of •v.-lyi ' hicheoo of units w~S Inferred fro~ linHed bo r ehole ond peot probe d!ta and nay not accurately indicate th~ !Ctual ti11dne«e Perc cntoges ore ~poroxim•'"'· le<cription rganic matHia l , generally fibrou< • .ohrat.,u . ~l l uviol de~osit• currontly ~ronsporL , no •lg nif \cont veglttation . Al luYi•l de~osil> in tronsport dJr i nq flood even•.s or reoe·1!ly i ~Clive tron•port . Stetlered v•g•toloon up to ~5 SO J'•~r ·s old. Collu"ol dcpoSltS ~ith ninor •~ount• lluvium. terrace depos1t• •nd Alluvial deoo•its of Ho l ocene age covered by vegetation ~hich is gen~'O l ly older t~an 15-50 yMrs. Alluvial ;'"deposits •armed fn the late Oua~ernory after deglAc•oti Landsl>de rlero"'!' acti•:it hrrlslirl• •~•rs loft by moS< mo·••ment Veg~Ut~J uop~r t>dal flH dep~>il< d"d ossociat~d overbon< floodp l a>n deoo•>t Gl acio I till, late Quaternary, Ot1 oldest to Qt4 :roungest. generollly ty , <Ondy, gr,.el "ith houldus. Ot -und i fferenUoted till. nai Grou~. COO"posed of s i lls tune, sandstone, cloy•tone , ond coal dcoo<it•. oo-orly indur~ted • lc ~ugh Comnfe• anO '"ldez GroJp. Groy•;"c ~e ~o~ith ci"ert , w~ll indurAted. \Inter. Contact (Dashod ~o~here 1ndof 1mte). Linu11ent Bor~hule lucotions • ~ppro>imo~e Depth peot (bo;ed o; probe dota). Lin it of Geo 1 o~1c Moppi,g. ~rgi1lite, l ocoll K e y Map -- PLATE I . . -. PLATE II . . ;;:: ::;: Phte !I I PI ote I I N-- P\.ATE II 0 1000 2000 Feet 0 30 600 MPt Pr~ RECON IS OB ANCE GE NO BORE .OGIC MAP LE LOC T BRADLEY LAKE ALASK PLATE Ill WI HORITY TION JECT /ILA I ur, [. ~ Webster T'N6 E INEE:RS -•rat ' ANCHORAGE , ALASKA ANCHORAGE , ALASKA ' ' I DRAWING f£8 " 1986 DRAWING ~ fi.IIIUA~R · NIIUA~A · r.:} ---1---4 ---1---3 ---1 ---2 ---1---1 ---1 I I -I I I _,m, I ~ ' • POWER AUTHORITY c.. ISSUE DESCRIPTION CHKD CORRECT 1\PPR_.,........ ISSUE DESCRIPTIO N CH KD CORRECT A<'<''!---" ISSUE DESCRIPTION CHKD CORRECT "-""Y ISSUE DESCRIPTION CH KD CORRECT APPY ISSUE , DESCRIPTION CH KD CORRECT "'""'}../ DRAWING NUMBER ~ /5 "-TE /0"-TE /DATE /QATE /QATE a: J) PCT .>.RCH I CIVIL ICDNC I STL I L & p IINST I M 0 I p s I SA I FA G I ELEC LTG MAT"L PCT • .>.RCH I CIVIL I GONG I STL I L & pI INST I MD I p s I SA I FAG I ELECj LTG MAT" PCT ARCH I CIVIL I CONCI STL I L & pI INST [ M .O.j p S. I S.A FAG I ELEC I LTG MArL PCT ARCH I C IVIL ICONC I STL I L & pI INST I MD ! p s I S .A I FAG I ELEC I LTG MAT L PCT ARCH I CIVIL l CONC I STL l L & p j I !\1ST l MD l p s I s ... I FAG l ELEC j LTG MA T L DESIGN ED BY DRAWN BY AREAS LEIIECS WO'<K PKG I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DS ' CHI(Q BY 0 0 " m 0 " z 0 0 z I m > 0 0 • • < < 0 0 I I > > 0 > • z < • < r • < 0 " > ' > 0 m r m 0 0 m " 0 ~ ' " 0 z 0 I 6 0 0 • • m 0 " 0 m ~ • ~ 0 z 0 I ' 0 0 0 • • m ~ ' " 0 z 0 I ' 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I n I I 1 ~ I I 1 ~ 1--~-~·-'-I ~ I I I 0 m " 0 I " " 0 z ,, I > 0 0 0 ~ m 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I zc C:lO "'" =:e m-,z .. "' zc C:lO "'" =:t m-,z '""' -- "' =< ::1: "till mm )>(') -<o "OZ JJZ Q)> "'-m~ ,,. zz oo "'m OG"l JJm mo ::rr oo r-G"l m-5~ ('))> ,.., .... 0 z "' HA LF -SIZ APP CA 0 s 0 0 0 g 0 g 0 ~ 0 0 ---:z:---- = h r ' ' ' 0 ~-~ e > --< . --. ~ .. -· •• ,. -· ~-5_ t;;-. -. " eo " " . 0 ~ . . " . ~- ' . 0 . , g ' . . o . . '- ~-:; .. ,.. .. .. . i~ ':':"' <-. . • e -. • --:? .. .. .. ., -· . . =-'=' " -~ --·- • . . . ' . . " ! . cr ; • r . . <;~ :;_~ .. -· ' . . " ~ ' i e ~:!': ~"' >< 2-:: o. 00 ' . " , ' 0 • m -· --0- 0. .. 0 • !"!. . f ' » ,"! :: .. ~ ~-. "' .. • • '" "' 0 • . . -· . . '" 0-.. --:;::.;::; --.-~ c 8 ~ ., "' ~ • ' ' . . • < , [ [ • • ' -~ jg . ' . . .. g• '" -· ·' --• 0 .• - ~-"' . . ., .. • . " . ' , . • ' • ' > ' ' . . . -- ' 0 . ' .., ' . J ~- > ~f • " ;- • • . '•' , . . , ... ~ .. ; . . ' ·-• m >< 'tl r-> z > -1 -0 z w ' . -· ,, -- ' REFERENCES Golder Associates REFERENCES Andersland, Orlando B. and Anderson, Duwayne M., 1978, Geotechnical Engineering for Cold Regions, McGraw-Hill Inc. New York, N.Y. Blench, T., 1966, Mobile-Bed Fluviology: T. Blench and Associates, Ltd., Edmondton, Alberta, 300p. 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Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire Laursen, E.M., 1963, Analysis of Relief Bridge Scour: Proc. ASCE J. Hydraulics, Div. 89, HY3, 93-118. Neill, C.R., 1964, River-Bed Scour, A Review for Engineers, Canadian Good Roads Assn., Technical Publication 23. MacFarlane, Ivan C., 1969, Muskeg Engineering Handbook, By the Muskeg Subcommittee of the National Research Council Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada. Plafker, G., 1965, Tectonic Deformation Associated with the 1964 Alaska Earthquake: Science, v. 148, no. 3678, p1675- 1687. Post, A. and L.R. Mayo, 1971, Glacier Dammed Lakes and Outburst Floods in Alaska: Hydrologic Investigations Atlas, HA-455, u.s. Geological Survey. Poulos, H.G., and Davis, E.H., 1980, Pile Foundation Analysis and Design, John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York. Riehle, J.R., 1977, Airphoto Interpretation and Surficial Geology of Upper Kachemak Bay -English Bay Area, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Open- File Report 110 Reger, R.D., 1977, Photointerpretive Map of the Surficial Geology of the Southern Kenai Lowlands, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Open-File Report 111A Saunders, I., and A. Young, 1983, Rates of Surface Processes on Slopes, Slope Retreat and Denudation: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 8, p473-501. Seed H. Bolton, and I.M. Idriss 1982, Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Berkeley, California, USA. Simons, D.B., R.M. Li, and Associates, 1982, Engineering Analysis of Fluvial Systems: Simons and Li Associates, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, p11.15-11.19. Slemmons, D.B. (1977), Faults and Earthquake Hazards, Corps of Engineers Report No. 6 Golder Associates Stanley, K.W., 1968, Effects of the Alaska Earthquake of March 27, 1964 on Shore Processes and Beach Morphology: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 543-J, 21p. Updike, R.G. 1985, personal communication, Geologist, State of Alaska, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Waller, R.M.,1966, Effects of the March 1964 Alaska earthquake on the hydrology of south-central Alaska: U.S.G.S. Prof. Paper 544-A Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1980, Series in Geotechnical Engineering: New York, USA Woodward-Clyde Consultants, (1979) Bradley Lake Geologic Mapping Draft -Phase 1 Woodward-Clyde Consultants, (1980), Marine Geophysical Survey, Bradley Lake, Alaska Woodward -Clyde Consultants, (1980), Seismicity Study- Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Alaska Woodward-Clyde Consultants, (1981), Design Earthquake Study, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Golder Associates APPENDIX A Field Data R & M Report Golder Associates 6/71 1 INTERIM SITE CONDITIONS REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL FIELD INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TRANSMfSSION LINE Prepared for: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION 800 "A" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Prepared by: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. Anchorage, Alaska NOVEMBER 1985 November 27, 1985 R&M No. 551111 r-.1r. J.J. Garrity Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation 800 "A" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Interim Site Conditions Report -Transmission Line Dear Mr. Garrity: R&M Consultants, Inc. is pleased to subm1t our interim site conditions report for the Bradley Lake transmission line. The information contained here will also be included in our overall site conditions report for both Phases I (1984) and !I (1985) for the Bradley Lake Geotechnical field investigation. This report contains generalized descriptions of the proposed transmission line and of the various landforms encountered along the proposed alignment. Also included here is a description of the laboratory testing program undertaken on recovered samples from transmission line boreholes. Test types and methodology are briefly discussed. Final logs for all 2-t boreholes and 4 test pits are included in Appendix A. Lab data summary sheets, gradation plots, and triaxial results are also presented here. TRANSMISSION LINE The transmission line carrying power from the Bradley Lake project to the Kenai regional grid is about 20 miles long from its intertie with the Homer -Soldotna line to the project powerhouse on Kachemak Bay. The proposed transmission line route and approximate borehole locations are shown on the attached Location Map. The route extends eastward from the intertie across a broad glaciated plateau flanking the Caribou Hills. At the edge of the plateau the transmission line drops about 500 feet over the Kachemak bluffs onto the Fox River Lowland. On the Lowland the lines turn southward crossing Sheep Creek and Fox River traversing the nearly flat alluvial floodplain. On the east side of the Fox River Lowland, it is understood that two routes are to be considered: one climbs the low foothills of the Kenai Mountains and traverses the footslopes on high ground to the powerhouse. The proposed alternate route remains on the floodplain extending along the east side of the lowland onto th::: ::cal mud flats at the head of Kachemak Bay to the powerhouse. 6/71 f\1r'. J. J. G a rTI ty November· 27, 198~) Page 3 SITE CONDITIONS Uplands Plateau The uplands plateau is characterized as a disected glacial plain. This glacially fluted plain displays wooded low morainal ridges separated by intervening wet muskeg bogs. Fifteen boreholes were drilled along this section sampling each major landform. Surficial organics varied in thickness from about one foot on the ridges to over ten feet of peat in some of the adjacent low-lying bogs. Beneath the organic layer a fine sand or silty sand of probable eolian character (sandy loess) is commonly found. A silty-sandy gravel lies beneath the eolian sands over most of the area and is interpreted to represent moranial deposits of the Naptowne glacial advance during Late Wisconsin time. Thickness of these glacial deposits varied from zero near the bluffs and on a few low ice scoured ridges to at least several tens of feet in the broad swales. The till veneer overlies the Tertiary bed rock deposits of the Kenai Formation. The Kenai Formation consists of mi Idly deformed, very poorly con sol ida ted silts, sands and gravels with local coal beds. Due to the nature of these deposits, soil classifications were used in their description (these terms should be more useful for engineering purposes than rock classifications). Kenai For-mation rocks are covered along most of the plateau portion of the alignment, but are exposed in the bluffs east and south of the plateau along Kachema k Bay and the Fox River Lowland. Kachemak Bluffs The Kachemak bluffs lie at the east end of the plateau section of the alignment and abruptly drop approximately 500 feet to the alluvial valley floor of the Fox River Lowland. These bluffs expose poorly consolidated silts, sands and gravels with local coal beds of the Tertiary Kenai Formation. Landslide activity along the bluffs has maintained a steep face cutting back into the plateau and broadening the lowland. The recent mass wasting action appears to consist of shallow skin slides and not deep seated slumping. Fox River Lowland The Fox River Lowland is a broad floodplain at the head of Kachemak Bay separating the upland plateau area on the west from the foothills of the Kenai Mountains on the east. It channels the drainages of the Fox and Bradley Rivers and Sheep Creek. The lowland is underlain primarily by alluvial deposits interfingering and grading into muddy deltaic deposits of Kachemak Bay and interlayered glacial tills. Along the bluffs colluvial deposits and alluvial fan sediments are significant due to runoff and landslide activity. Boreholes drilled in the Lowland generally encountered sand and gravel with some silt and a shallow water table. Local surficial organic material may be several feet thick with sporadic minor organics occurring at depth. A seismic refraction Mr. J. J . Gar· 1·1 t \ November 21, 1935 Page 4 line run between the Fox River and Sheep Creek was interpr·eted to show thick alluvial deposits (approximate velocity 5,200 fps) and possibly a layer of till (velocity approximately 9,200 fps). The seismic profile is included in Appendix A. Kachemak Bay Mud Flats At the head of Kachemak Bay stream deposits of the Fox River Lowland grade into deltaic-marine tidal deposits. Boreholes drilled in this transition zone showed primarily silts and sands with some gravel and cobbles. Sporadic organics and clay are also evident within this section. Kenai Mountain Foothills and Landslide Area At the east end of the transmission line two route alternatives are considered. One proposed route climbs the foot slopes of the Kenai Mountains above and east of the mud flats. This route traverses an old probably inactive landslide feature and rolling to steep hills. North of t~e Bradley River thicker till deposts consisting primarily of silty and sandy gravel overlie rv1cHugh complex bedrock. A borehole in the landslide area and one to the south encountered primarily silty and sandy gravel beneath a thin organic mat with numerous cobbles and several boulders. Two test pits were excavated in the thicker till section north of the Bradley River. South of the Bradley River a thin veneer of till overlies bedrock of the Cretaceous McHugh Complex. LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM The transmission line testing program included extensive classification and index testing and nine consolidated-undrained triaxial compression tests. The number· and types of tests, sample selection, and test methodology for the triaxial tests were specified by Golder Associates. Descriptions of test types and procedur-es are presented in the following paragraphs. Labo- ratory results in both tabular and graphic formats are attached. Classification and Index Tests Tabular presentations of the standard classification and index property tests are presented in the laboratory data summaries in Appendix B. The test types and applicable ASTM designations are as follows: Test Type Moisture Content Sieve Hydrometer Dry Unit \\Ieight Atterberg Limits ASTM Designation D-2216 D-422 D-422 D-2937 D-423, D-424 Mr. J.J. Garrity November '27, 198!.> Page 5 Soil classifications from both the Unified Soil and Corps of Engineers Frost Classification Systems are also tabulated where applicable. Gradation analyses are plotted in Appendix C. Plots are presented on a per borehole basis, with all gradation information obtained from a given borehole presented on the same drawing. Triaxial Shear Strength Tests Triaxial shear strength tests were performed to evaluate stress-strain behavior for characteristic soil groups along the transmission line. Multi specimen, isotropically con sol idated-und rained ( CU) triaxial compression tests with pore pressure measurements were performed on Kenai Formation, glacial till, and alluvium soils. A series of three tests were run on intact brass liner or Shelby tube specimens of the Kenai Formation and alluvium soils, while three reconstituted glacial till specimens were tested. Descriptions of sample preparation, test methodology, and test results are presented below for all soil types. Results are also presented in Appendix D As curves of deviator stress, stress ratio, and pore pressure vs. axial strain. Mohr's circle diagrams for each test are also presented assuming maximum deviator stress failure cnteria. Kenai Formation The Kenai Formation fine sands and silts were tested using three intact brass liner specimens of 1.30-inch diameter. Sample heights varied from 2. 8 to 3. 0 inches. The specimens were extruded directly from the brass liner into a rubber membrane and placed into the triaxial cell. The consolidated-undrained test was then carried out in three phases: 1) saturation, 2) consolidation, and 3) shear. The saturation phase was conducted by applying both a total cell pressure and a slightly smaller back pressure to the sample. The resulting net effective stress on the sample was kept near 2 to 3 psi. Equal increments of both cell pressure and backpressure were applied to the specimen until saturated conditions occurred, as indicated by a B value of 0.95 or greater. After the saturation stage, the cell pressure was increased and the back pressure maintained at a constant value to achieve the specified effective consolidation pressure. The isotropic consolidation pressure was maintained until primary consolidation of the specimen was essentially complete. The specimen was then sheared by increasing the vertical stress while maintaining the confining pressure and backpressure. Excess pore pressures wer'e monitored and recorded during the shearing stage. The specimens were sheared at a nominal strain rate of about 1°0 /min. The above procedure was carried out for all three Kenai Formation specimens, with effective consolidation pressures varying from 2.0 ksf to 8.0 ksf. M I' . J . J . G a I' I' 1 t y November' '27, 1985 Page 6 Glacial Till The glacial till tests were run by reconstituting distu1·bed specimens back to natural moisture and density conditions. Similar soil specimens from boreholes Rr-.1 202, 203, and 207 were dried and mixed into one large batch. The specimens were than passed over a No. 4 sieve to remove large particles. The soil was then brought to natural moisture content of near lOOt:, and compacted into a 2.4-inch diameter brass mold. Compaction was done by tamping in lifts to achieve a dry density of near 132 pcf. The reconstituted specimens were then extruded and tested in the same manner as described for the Kenai Formation specimens. Alluvium A series of three consolidated-u nd rained t1·iax ial tests were performed on relatively undisturbed Shelby tube samples of the alluvium material from RM 196. The specimens were ext1·uded dir-ectly from the Shelby tube into a 1·ubber membrane and then tested as described previously. We trust that this report will satisfy your design needs. Please call us if you have any questions conce1·n in g these data. Very truly yours, R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ~~ill~ Senior Geotechnical Engineer KSM:GW;bje Attachments a{Etti! <f/, Charles H. Riddle, C.P.G. Senior Engineering Geologist APPENDIX A R&M CONSULTANTS, INC • • NGlf\IEERIIi O.CLOOISTa .. LANNil A S SUAV.VOR• SOILS CL\S::I riC.-\ TIO :\. CO\:S!STI:::\CY :\\: D SY~11B C:LS • CLASSIFICATIOX: tifica tion and classii:ication or the soil is acco accurd2.!lce \\·i~~ :::~1~ ·ni.fied ClZis tion Sys e:-:-:. :\or::-. .:dly, :ht: ~r.:m s1ze distribu a~ s classi:.=icatic!! the soil. The soil is defined accCJrdin~ t.J major and mir,or constit"..lents with the mi.r,or elerr.e:',ts sen·ing as modifiers the major elemer.ts. Fer cohesi\'e soils, the clay becCJmes the principal noun with the ot!-ler maior soil cCJnstituents as modi£ier; i.e. ty clay, when the clay particles are such tha:: the dominates soil properties. :\linor soil. constituents may be added to the cbssi£ica tion breakdown i11 accordance with the particle size pro port listed below: i.e. sandy silt w some , trace clay. no call -0 -3% trace -3 -12~0 some -13 -3 o·;< SOIL co:,JSISTEXCY -CRITERL\: Soil consistency as defined below and .ermi.'1ed by normal field and laboratory methods .:q::plies only to non-frozen material. For rhese materials, ::;,e in.::l'..:ence of such :=actors as soil struc::..;re, i.e. :=is;:;ure syst;;;ms, shrir.~,~:;:c> cracKs, slickensides, etc., must be taken into consiceradcr1 b making any correla with the consistency \·alues listed below. In permafrost zones, the co::siste:~cy a:1d strenf;th of froze:~ soils may \'ary ur.e>.:plainably wi;:h content, ther.nal regime and soil type. Coh~sior:less ?\" 1blows t:-1 Relati·;e Densi;::y Loose 0-10 0 to 40~:, lVIedium Dense 10-30 40 to 70% Dense 3 0 -60 70 to 90~:, Very Dense -60 90 to 100~) *Stand;.u:d Penetration ";\'': Blows per .toot a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch OD split-spoon except where noted. Co he T-(tsi.l Very Soft 0 -0. 25 Soft 0. 15 -0. 5 Sti£f 0,5 -1.0 Firm 1.0 -2.0 Very firm 2. 0 -4, 0 Hard -4. 0 DRILLING SYMBOLS WO: \\'ash Out: WD: \\l1ile DrCing \\' L: '.Vater Level BCR: Beiore C.::.:;ing Remo\·al \\'CI: \\'et Ca\'e In ACR: ter Casi.r1g Removal DC!: Dry Ci:!\·e In AB: After Bori:~g WS: \Vhile Sampling TD: Total Depth Note: \Vater le\'els cec on the boring logs are the levels measured i;-. the boring <1t the times indic.Jted. In per\'ious unfrozen soils, the i:1dic.J.ted tions are consid<.;red to represent actual ground water conditions. In impervious and frozen soil:::. accurate determinations ~round water ele\'at s c.:lnnot be obtained within a limited period obsen·ation and other evidence on ~round water cleve1tions and conditions are required. PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. IE.I"'IIQIL'\IIl.RS 0EOL.C:U::ii1ST9 PLA,NEtlS 'SUAVEYOAS ------·-----~ _ ... ---. i"REPAf\d) ti..T'(: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION • CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES ASTM Designation: D 2487 -83 (Based on Unified Soil Classification System) re:; ::o:: ,_ G·a.t-s •.~o·e '""" s:::---: re!al"~t>C C"'~ M:;•e rra'l so:::-coarse PREPARED BY: c• ...,0'€' ~a~es . ..,.., ';;(:>If! Sa•<::s ~:-· C' "'"~0'€' ::::1 CO<:!' Sf passes '.:: 4 s e-.e c <': .. ·ce·s c• "": ·~ •;;: g·c ... c •:: :2-, '"t"~ 'I"::J-to, :J~.S h....,:J<:l•S '5~" SV P<X•<·> \;':liOi.'O '$d'"'0 "';r, "> ' Sj:·SC :;.oono 9'0.01!!C' 'ki"G .,.,,.., <><h ;:;.o.~ (L( S Z£ '• ioi'LL .._,£ .. [~~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEaAB GIICLOGISTB ~t...Af'I..INEnS SURVE'f'CAS C!eJ~" Gra~els :..ess rr:an 5"-c G1 ave s w·'h r:."£>5 Fl.~ ore :nan 1 2c ~ f•nes Clear. S~ ""dS Less mar sc-: fP"''€5~ Sancs v•Hth F1nes More lha'"l 12°c fH'lSS" F•nes crassrty as CL or CH Pl > 7 arc orcts on or abovf' A PI <4 0' PlOtS Ce•ow A ; :1€' G'.V GP GM sw SP SM sc ML o~ Poorly gradeo sane Lean c•a.-·-'·' O•gar.,: z _3. • · Orga"'~•C s·:('" \' o• ...-.rn ora.f'· wn,c"'e .. e• s tHl!Qom,na·">' 'I' SO•· C'"lid<l'lS?;:JO~ Dii.,1"S ";: 200 pr~O"' ·;v•!•v '>d"C aoc sa"c~ ~c to o•ovo .... v~·.e ... i! SOn COI\IJ "'$;)(:~PIUS Nc 200 ore;;l;i""•·"<ll''-v 9r21w• ace ;J'.!H"' v tc grouo r:.amE ":>·~.; a":J OirHS on or abow~t P. hne ; t:lic4 tr r·;:-;~s t>e•o"'" A Pp, O<::Jtli :)~ 0' aDC'<'~ A 0 P1 tl•?'~ bt>·o,.. A l'nt' fv· c :H·'"d::ct•cr-;1 f'·nt~QrOI'Ifd \C··s or.d 1,..,1'-;nH•te 'f~c:t •(H'I c<f cocrv-gro·'~f! ~ Eauat•M o1 "t."' w l'l'<t l'tOI'IZOn'tat otP1•4 tol..l .. ·2~~. thtn Pl•O 73 ::.._-ZOJ t.,;QUlO LiMIT 1Lll PREPARED F'OR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION I I .. F I'OS t group U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS FROST DESIGN SOIL CLASSIFICATION Number Soil Type Pe r·centage finer than 0.02 mm, by weight Typical sod types under Lnified Soil Classification System F1 F2 F4 From: Non-frost suseptible ( r\ FS) G rave!ly soiis (a) Gravelly soils (b) Sands ( a ) G r· a v e II y so i I s (b) Sands, except very fine silty sands (c) Clays, PI '12 (a) All silts (b) Very fine silty sands (c) Clays, PI <12 (d) Varved clays and fine-grained banded sediments 3 to 10 10 to 20 3 to 15 )20 ) 15 G\v,GP,S\\i,SP GW, G P, G\v-Giv1, G P-GM GM I GW-GM, G P-G\1 SWI SP ISM, SW-Stv1, SP-SM GI\1,GC srvL sc CL,CH ML,MH SM CL,CL-ML CL and ML CL, ML, and SM; CL CHI and ML; CLCH,!v1L, and SM "Pavement Design for Fr·ost Conditions", 1965, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, T~1 5-818-2. PREPARED BY: PREPARED FOR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC . .. NGJNEEAS GEOLOGISTS PLANNEinS suAVE'YORS STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ORGANIC MATERIAL .. CLAY SILT SAND GRAVEL s! ..... 1.4" Ss ..••• 1,4" s1 ..••. 2 5" Sh •••.. 2 5" ~; b:Q] ~ pooool ~ WITH STANDARI) SYMBOLS COBBLES 8 BOULDERS m IGNEOUS ROCK CONGLOMERATE ~ METAMORPHIC ROCK ICE, MASSIVE MuDSTONE ~ ICE-SILT c.: MESTONE ~ ORGANIC SILT SAMPLER TYPE SYMBOLS SANDY SILT SILT GRADING TO SANDY SILT SANDY GRAVEL, SCATTERED COBBLES (ROCK FRAGMENTS) INTERLAYEREO SAND 8 SANDY GRAVEL SILTY CLAY w/TR SAND 47 # HAMMER Ts •••• SHELBY TUBE WITH 140 # HAMMER Tm •..• MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE Pb •••• PITCHER BARREL 'li!TH \'i! Trl 40 # HAMMER 340# HAMMER SA ••••• 2.0" WITH 140 # HAMMER Cs •••• CORE BARREL WITH SINGLE TUBE Cd . , , • CORE BARREL WITH DOUBLE TUBE Sz •• , •• 1.4" WITH 340# HAMMER Bs •.•• BULK SAMPLE SD ••••• 2.5" ::.uSHED A, . AUGER SAMPLE Hs ••••• 14" DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER G ..••• GRAB SAMPLE H! ..••• 2.5" SPLIT SPOC~J DRIVEN WITri AIR HAMMER NOTE: SAMPLER TYPES ARE EITHER ~JJTED ABOVE THE BORING LOG OR ADJACENT TO IT AT THE RESPECTIVE SAMPLE DEPTH. PREPARED BY: Ss Cd TYPICAL BORING LOG E'ev 2746 --ELEVATION IN "'EET .:::.:: Sam::Jies S 5 .,.-SA!4.;PLER TYPE ORGANIC MATERIAL O Cons1d V1s1b!e ice 0-7 !GE+ML 1 ICE-SILT Est1mate 65°/0 V1S1Die Ice r(i 90 S6 ~o,: /STRATA CHANGE \'...~ J ,c. 0 71 SANDY SILT -_ _ ~AP~!;~~TE STRATA CHANGE L11tle toNoVIs>ble Ice 13~30' Vx -ICE, DESCRIPTION a CLASSIFICATION (Jl\ 72, 571 %,85.9pcf, 28~ GP (CORPS OF ENGINEERS MET!-iOD) ""' TEMPERATURE. o,::- \\ ' ' ...._,_UNIFIED OR FAA CLASSIFICATION .._\ DRY DENSITY WATER CONTENT BLOWS/FOOT SAMPLE NUMBER SANDY GRAVEL 26' 95 SCHIST-GENERALIZED SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION 30' -DRILL DEPTH :... iY fJ ,-Vi-fiLE )RILLING, A B-AFTER BORING PREPARED FOR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ENGtN££DS c.I£01..0GIST5 P!..AI'\IN£~5 SUAV£V0f:IS PREPARED BY: RM 192 10/5/85 ORGANiC MA;ERIAL s 1 LT 2r! TA SOMS SANi) G) 46, 3.4~ CD 6. 41., GM, F-2 G~AV£!... WI TH SOME SAND :..tJD s:u 39, 5.77., 126.6 pet N~rous Cobbles 1 .5'-24. Ref. on Gravel 8oJlcer 15'-17' 0 0 ~ • 0 / 0 0 ~:0 ?:~ 0.0' 1 .0' 1.5' Ss s:r ® 7 4 , 9 . 77., 1 ;)6 • 4-p c f , SC , F -4 24-.0' No Gro~nd Water Ob5ervcd Obscrvot ion Well lnstclled BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 192 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED FOR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ENGINEERS GEOL.OGISTS PLANNE£:15 SURVEYORS PREPARED BY: RM 193 IQ-9-85 A I I Sal'l'l es Ss 8.0' c-~ , ~ J "c 0 0 0 / 0 0 CD 0 0 JRC:AN MA 'roR A .5' ORGANIC SILT 1 .5. a. 8. ,,; . 118.2 pcf GRAVEL WITH SOME SAND Af~D Sl L T Boulder 5.5'-7.2' Sand Layer 8.5'-9' 32 Ncmerous Cobbles ! .5'-23.5' Boulder 9.5'-1 1° Ref., 7.J~. 130.8 pet D: :r~[ ~Ref., 5.~~. 129.2 pcf 0 0 00 ......... ~ Q :J;: 0 D ::; c c 0 0 0 'J (' c c ~ _~:: r (5) Ref., 2 .97. No Groundwater Observed Ob:;orvct ion We! I Installed 23.5' BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 193 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED FOR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC:. STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ENGINEERS GEOLOGISTS PLANNEr:'IS SURVEYORS .. PREPARED BY: Ss G s~ Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh RM 194 lQ-02-85 ----"~""""--"""~-8j: SANDY SILT Trace Organics 6'-9' 0 5. ~~. iPt.fl g"f Po eke: Pon -0.75 Torvane "' 0.35 tsf SANDY GRAVEL WITH TRACE SILT CD • Minor Sand Lon1sea 9'-26.5' JO, 7.8::; 28, 77. Scattered Cobbloa 9'-26.5' SANDY S I !.. T WI TH TRACE ORGANICS 9.0' tat 26.5' 11. 28X, 97.2 pet Poc~et Pen-0.75 tat , Torvane • O.JO taf '----------29 .5' Observation Well lnatalled BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 194 TRANSMISSION LINE • Samplo Not Recovered Due To Water Sanda BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED FOR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ENC:iHNEEQS GEOL.OGISTS PLANNEf'IS SURVEVORS. " So G 6.0' .. W.O. S::; Sh RM 193 10-1-85 I ~.~~,~.~:. \Thin Loyer of Organic \Material ct Surface \SAND WITH TRACE Sl LT 0 , ' 0 . 0) 29 ® 3.67. SANDY GRAVEL WITH TRACE SILT Sand L9nseD 0.5'-27.5' 0 12. 8.9~ Sca:tcroc Cobbles 0.5'-27.5' 0 6, 15~ Observation W~l i installed o.o· 0.5' 27.5' BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 195 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. t:NU 1 ,'of:EI-..Ih ~·to:Co.::...:::loi'S1'-, uo_,tt.l'\,if">lF,.-,-; ~·"vi"v•):.ll"" PREPARED FOR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATIO~ • 0.0' 0.0' PEAT 1.5' !rae a to SCJTte Organics 1.5'-14·.5' CD 4-, 42.7; Pocket ?en. = 0.5 tsf Torvana "" O.J af 0 Pocket ?en. "-' 1. 0 tat Torvanc • 0.2 t:sf CLAYEY SJLT 0 a, 381:;, ML Pocket Pen. "' 1.5 hf Torvone ... 0.35 tsf CD J97., 84 pet Poc.ko~ P!~n . . , 1.0 t 6 t Torvane "" 0 . .35 tlst ® 6, 327. Pocket Pen. ~ 0.5 t~~ ~Torvane ~ O.J tsf SAND WITH SOME TO TRACE SlLT 14.5' 2, 30?. 18.5' 7' 417. Pocket ?en. ~ 0.5 tsf Torvano -O.J tsf CLAY~Y Sl L i 1!, 26%, 99.8 p~t. ML Pocket Pe~. = 2.0 ~~f Torvcno = 0.3 t~f Sene Layers to 0.5'T!1ick l8 . 5 . -5!1. 5 ' ® 7. 367. Tor von e = 0. 1 ~ e f @ 12, 427. Pocket ?en. a 1.5 tsf ~ Torvcne • 0.25 taf \ ----35.0' Ss Ss Sa BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 196 TRANSMISSION LINE Js.o· @ 10. 4-1% Pock~t ?en. • 1.25 tsf Torvane • 0.55 tsf @21. J2% Pocket Pen. • 2.0 taf Torvcne -0.45 taf ~ 12, 4-3%, 76.7 pcf, ML Pocket Pen. • 1.0 tsf Torvcne • 0.35 tat @ 19, J~ Pocket Pen.-1.75 taf Torvcne-0.45 tat @ 32, 29% Pocket Pen. • 2.i5 ~Torvone -0.65 taf hf 59.5' BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED BY: R&M CONSUL.TANTS, INC. IENGIN.E'AS GEOLOGISTS PLANf'\1£~5 SVRVEYORS A PREPARED FOR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION PREPARED BY: RM 197 9-28-85 AIl S~las Ss ~~~-------------~·~-----o.o· ORGANIC MATERIAL SANDY SILT WITH TRACE CLAY CD J. JJ!': 1.0' Sand Layers to 0.5' Thick 1'-9' Trace Organics 6'-9' _ __,® .:........__Re_f_._;_• _6_0_~----9 • 0 , .. · I . -~ .. i . . I · .• -. :_I ; / -I .... I Ll GN ITE 11.0' Poorly Conal idated Bedrock (KENAI FORMATION)• ~Ref., 24~. 99.1 pcf • Sand With Trace S i It -.. :g G) Rof., ! ! 34~ . ·' • S II t With Sane Sand ~Ref., 25~. 93.J pcf 21.0' --------------------26.0' • Sand With Trace Silt No Groundwater Observed Observation Woll lnatollod • Soil Terminolgy App! led to Bedrock BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 197 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINC.RS GEOLCICISTS PLAI'\If"WE~S SuQVEYODS A PREPARED FOR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION • PREPARED BY: RM 198 9-26-85 ORGAN!C SILT 1. 0' 2.0' SANDY' SILT WITH TRACE C!..A Y Ci) 6, 26X, 99.4 pcf Pocket Pen-1.0 tat "----------5,0 I BOULDER Poorly Consolidated Bedrock (KENAI FORMATION)• • S i It and Sana pcf Thin Lignite Layers 7'-28.5' Ret, 19!; @)Ref., 18%, 114.7 pet 6 Rof., 25~. 100.9 pcf Observation Well !natal lee 28.5' • Soil Terminology Appl icd to Bedrock BOREHOLE NUMBER J; RM 198 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. A PREPARED FOR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION E'NOINEEAS G£0L001STS PL.AN,.,£J1S SVRVEYORS • PREPARED BY: 0.5' ..... RM 199 9-24-85 AI I Samples Ss O.O' PEAT ~~- ~~~:--------------------6.0' ~ _ 9' S I!.. TY GRAVEL W! TH SOME C/ o ~ a SAND AND CLAY ~i3 ~ 25, 20~ i{,; 7:_ 0/ :::>_/ ,.f-r'/Q-J~ ;/ '? c >:_~c 0~~ Numerous Cobbles 6'-12.5' 12.5' R:~ ® 70, m /, / Poorly Consolidated Bedrock . ;j (KENAI fORMATION)• ~/~>-y:, 0 Ref •• 17~. 114.3 pcf l// '"/ ·). • Sf I t end Send ~;/~ s~ Cloy 20'-28.5' J) ~ 8 i<ef., 27!1, 97.3 pcf ~ ~ (s) Ref .. 20:0:, 95.9 pcf Observation Well lnatolled 28.5' • Soil Tenninology Applied to Bedrock BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 199 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. A PREPARED FOR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ENGINEERS GEOLOGISTS PLANNEJ:'IS SUAVEYO~s 0.5' y W.O. RM 200 9-24-85 1~"--~l ! ........................... t : ............ ""'-~1 j::~ ~~-1 ~ -~1 -----i ~---1 A l l S'"'" I es Sa -·... 0.0' PEAT N~rous Cobbles 7'-23.5' Boulder 15'-17' BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 200 TRANSMISSION LINE Observct ion Well Installed PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. I!'NDINEERS GEOLOGISTS PLANNEc:'IS SURVEYORS BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT A PREPARED FOR: STONE &c WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION 0.0' ... -W.O. PREPARED BY: RM 201 9-23-85 AI I Samples Ss O.O' ~ ""'~ ,.,..~- --~ ~~~ "'~- ~~- ~--PEAT _,__ .... ~- ~~""' -._._ "-~- ~-- ....,., .......,"""-"1 ---; --~1 ---,.... _ ___, .......... _! :~--1 I,.......-......... ! ~ ....,! N,.,..T"E...,..R.,...L....,AY'E.--.R""'E..,..Dr-...SA'"N"""O""Y..---..-S-nl t,.....T 1 1 · 0' r: ·TI >'l AND SAND WITH SOME ; 0 GRAVEL AND SILT 1 /~-CD 2s. 17~. ~~ ___ S_A_N-DY_S_i_L_T_W_I_T_H_ / . " TRACE GRAVEL [/"/ ,// ~ G):;' 0 78, 13"- ~ (~ ~% ~ S I L T WI TH SOME CLAY 0 37, 23~. ML Pocket Pen = 3.5 tsf Torvane • 0.5 tsf Gravel Layer 24.5'-25' Sand !ncreasing With Depth 0 66, 2J,; Pocket Pen -4.5 tsf Torvane • 0.65 taf 15.5' 20.0' 20.0' BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 201 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT~ PREPARED FOR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION S:NOtNESRB Cii:Ot.0Gt9TS Pl.ANNIIEc:'IS SLIQVEYOI:IS 0~ .. R•l. 202 0 '-,' 9-21--85 Ali Sanpies S!l Q~GANIC MATERIAL 0'1GA:< i C S I L. T CD .:3, 9.9~ S!LTY GRAVEL WITH SOME SANJ ~NJ TRACE CLAY E 9, 1 07. :L.1111e r o c; s Coo::> : e s 2'-24-.5' (j) Ref . , i 27.. 130. 7 pc;t aoc;:cer 16' ·,:-· :'4) 62, 12%, 130.6 pcf -__./ (j) 28. 7 27.. 1 2 9. 1 p c 1 0.0' 1. 0' 2.0' 24.5' BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 202 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC:. ENGJNIIEAS GECI..DGIS'TS Pt,.A.NN£~5 SUQVEYOAS PREPARED FOR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION .. PREPARED BY: 0.5' y W.O. RM 203 9-20-85 ~~-1. .-..... ........... ] ~--1 -- ~-- R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. .NOINI!ER& OEOL.OGtSTS PLANNEJ'lS SWRV£Y0QS BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 203 TRANSMISSION LINE All S<JT'4)1es Ss o.o' tJumerous Cooo i as 17.5'-28' 7.0' BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT A PREPARED F'OR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ~L---------------------------------------------------------'~ .. PREPARED BY: g :'<1.1 204 9-6-85 ~~ O~GM~ i C S I L T /-_./· SILTY SAND WITH 17)r (1),_1-'--3_9_7._. _T_R_A_C_E _C_L_A_Y __ ~ sA~~::l£0 ~~ LL'fi TH ~ ./.·~ .. -5~'1, . G.':J 17' 167., 102.9 pet 0.0' 0.8' 2.5' 4.0' ..Y__. :.·--::<:-: Poor lj Consol idcteo Bedrock -... <· (KErJA: FOR~1ATION) .. A.B. Co Cd Ss ::.<.'!-- . -.. . ·. ... ·· .• .. ..... ~· • Sene With Trace s; it ,-..._, (2-1 46 ' 9. 57. • S i I t G) t-<o Recovery • Send With Trace Si It (5) No Recover)' .._.., 0~ s c r ·:at i on We I I I n s t a I I e d 12.5' 14.5' 23.0' • Soi I Terminology Appl icd to Bearock BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 204 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED F'OR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ENIGI"'EERS GEOLOGISTS PLA"'"'ErlS SuAVEVOc:IS ~~------------------------------------------~ BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 205 • TRANSMISSION LINE o.o· RM 205 _ _y_ 9-20-85 All SO"T1JI ea Ss -~-----0.0' -W.O . .,....,..,_~ ....... ~ ..... 1--' ~ ~ ~---....... - PEAT ~--~~ I-"'--~,.-......,_ ~----"'-' ...... r-.-.-....-- !--'-'-- j.-.-"'-' t:--~~~ ~-j ~::: r--~----, 2,0 I ~/o :& (i) 52. 0 0 1 17. 0 ·, 5>', I~ SILTY GRAVEL WITH SOME 0 0 SA~;!) AND TRACE CLAY " " ~f ~-... ~~1 ~ 64, 8.97., 138.7 pcf r~ Sccttered Cobbles ~~ 0 . ~2'-26' c>"~ ~Ae/ ~ilt G) Ref., 9.67., 1 J2. i pcf I~ 0 Boulder 24.5'-26' " C> (4) Ref •• 6. 97. 26.5' BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT A PREPARED FOR: ~ l"' PREPARED BY: STONE & WEBSTER R&M cc~o~!o:'L:."!'~~.,'Y~~ .. ~~~~ ENGINEERING CORPORATION ENGINEERS GEOL \. --\. 52J~ .__. ........ \. • PREPARED BY: R~.1 206 B-7-135 cLJr;;er ous Cocb l es : = '-R' 8.0' /''. :• ., .. ::: .. [· ::>oor:y Conso!idcteo Becrock (r<~t:A; FORMATION)"' ... . • .. ' : · ..... .... . ·. ...... -::·.~. <· .' .. ·' '.,., . .. •,. '. .:.;.-·> ... • .. '' ., (j'j 57. 6. ~~. 113. 2 p c t ' . ...- • Sene w::~ Trc~e i.O Scrne S! t G:) Ret., E% ::.::: :5) ::.::{·. . '• .· '--""" 1CG+, 207. : .. ~··:: .. :· .. ,, : :':, ~ .. ·~ : .. . . ~ . ·~ . . /::· .~:: .ss .. :::.:· . .f (b; Ref .• 1.3% 0:.· s c r ·..; c t i c n ,·: e l 1 l n s t o J i e d 26.0' • :::oi; ie~m::-:ology AppJ iec to 3ecrocl\ BOREHOLE NUMBER ,. RM 206 . TRANSMiSSION L!NE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. A PREPARED FOR: STONE &c WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION I'NOINEI'RS GEOt..OOIST~ PLANNEPS SuAvEvos:as • G Ss Ss Ss A.D. PREPARED BY: RM 207 9-10-85 ii'<[~A~ MA · F R A[ GRAVEL WITH SOME SAND AND SILT, TRACE CLAY 8.0' .5' 1.0' 0 16, 10!i:, 127.1 pet Pocket Pen. = 3.5 tst Torvonc = 0.~7 tsf Scotterea Cobbles 1 I 15 I ~ 37, 8.9%, 133.3 pcf Pocket Pe~. = 4.5 tsf+ Torvo~e = 1.0 tsf+ (~ 42. 9. 57. N:.JITiorous Cobbles 15'-27' ® 57. 107. Pocket Pen. = 2.5 tst Tarvonc = ,,0 tsf+ I~ 53, 447. Pocket Pen. = 2.0 tsf Go:~ervotion Wei I Instal led 27.0' BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 207 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED FOR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION eNOlNE.ERS GED1..0GISTS PLANNE~S SURVEYOPS ... PREPARED BY: RM 208 '=1--19-Bb All S~!es Ss 0.0' ORGANiC MAIER:AL 0.4' ORGAN!C SILT 15, 217. SANDY SILT WITH TRACE CLAY AND GRAVEL Scotterco Cobbles 2'-16' 2.0' 13, 267., 103 pcf Pocket Pen. = 2.5 tsf Torvone = 0.25 tst lnterlayered With Silt Ana Sand Throughout 18, 23%, 101 . 2 pc f Torvcnc = 0.7 tsf 16.0' Poor:; Consol ldotcd Bedrock (r<E~A; FORMATION) • 90' 157.. 121 . 8 p c f • Sand Witn Trace Silt 97, 117., 113.3 pcf '. ' .......... '. ' ......... ' 26.0' • Silt With Some Clay And Thin Send Layers J3, 257. Pocket Pen. = 3.5 tsf Torvane = 0.5 tst 7:5, 21~. 108.2 pet No Grounawcter Observed • Soil Terminology Applied to Bedrock BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 208 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. A PREPARED FOR: STONE & WEBSTER EN'GINEERING CORPORATION IENGINIEEAS GEQLQOISTS PI,.ANNIE'J:lS SUAVEYOAS 0.5' .... N.D. 17.5' .... Vi. 8. RM 209 9--17-85 A l I Sanp I es Ss PEAT S I!... TY SAND WITH 7RACE C'-.AY 0.0' 12.0' 24.5' BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 209 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGtN.E.RB G&Oi..OGI5TS P1..ANNEJ:"'5 SURVEYORS PREPARED FOR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION G Ss Ss Ss Ss Ss PREPARED BY: RM 210 9-P-85 ~~~--~~~~~~~~--0.0' ~ "-"' l"'f;AN ~;J, , !:.r( . A' Q • 5, . ORGAN ! C S l LT r7\-, .37. ---------2. 0 • o/:;;o / • \,_}_) ' • ~/ S! LTY GRAVE.:~ WiTH SOME ~~~7o~ SAND AND TRACE SILT /0 .. :.·. """"'-,BOULDER .3.5'-4.5' · .. :1 >/: ® 26, 19~ ·~~''/. 4.5' ;;:/:-Poorly Conso:idoteo Bedrock 7/: (KENAI FORMATION)• ;.,·.;::· '·)/,' :;,:;1·..- rY.'::. l·, ·.>(.: l.,;::/··.1 !···./·/I >· ./ • o4, 8.77.. 109.9 pcf • S i J!; Send ,·/ .. / .. , /)' /~)~ i • l R 1 Y' ().'!-~/ e . ' ·• /:;/,' ; .. Y" ··/., ,. ·'/. /·'·:. :z:;: •;r (5) Rof. 5.57. 0. ... ¥:t~ : './:) (6) Ref., 5.87., 112.2 pc~S.O' :;o Gro.;nowoter O:Jserved Ob s e r v c t i on We l l ins to l I e d • Sol I Terminology Appl icd to Bedrock BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 210 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. A PREPARED FOR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION I!NDtNaERS G£0\.0GISTS PLANI'\f£F'l5 SUAVEYOAS • Ss Ss Ss 20.0' A.D. Ss PREPARED BY: RM 211 9-16-85 ~~~--~~~~~~~~--0.0' ----------0. 7' S I L T W! TH SOME SAN::> AND CLAY 3.5' ~~ ® 23, 247., 111 pcf Pocket Pen. = 4.5 \ Torvane = 0.6 tsf tst.o· 7.0' ~~0 ?~~ SI!..TY GRAVEL WITH SO"'E 01?~{]~, ·:,3} ::~D~.::ACE CLAY w'o/c' --~ %;''7-~d Numerous Coob 1 es and ol Scotterea Bouioers ·• . •I v 7'-18' ·tzo~o 0~ ,...-.... ~o;;A~ '~ 48, 167., 122.4 pcf ~ " ~>n/o, .·n>t> 18.0' Poor i y Canso! i dateo Bedrock (KENAI FORMATION)• ~ . ' •,' :::,; ~-: . · ... ... ·' G) 68, 207., 113.7 pet • Sond With Trace Si It ® 64, 197. Observct ion Well lnstclled 27.0' • So i I Tcrmi no I ogy App I i ed to Bedrock BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 211 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED FOR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. STONE & li'EBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ENGINEERS GECLOG!&TS PL.ANNE~S SURV£Y0FlS PREPARED BY: G Ss Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh ~:.1 2, 3 3~-,;1-fi5 SILT 'N! TH SOf.lE. Cl..AY Troce Sand 3'-5' 12, 307. SMI::JY GRAVEL WITH TRACE Sl LT 8 36 2.3, 117. 0.0' 5.0' 19 .5' Wl jH SOME SAND 20 _5 , :NTER~AYE.R€0 GRAVEL WITH SOME SAND & SIL.T AND SANDY GRAVEL Sccttered Cobbles 31'-33' @23, 117. Observot ion Well Installed 35.0' BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 213 TRANSMiSSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED FOR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION IENGINEEAS o•OLOOISTS PLANN£r1S SU&::IVEVOAS • 0.0' Ss Ss Ss 7s Ss Sn ~ ORGANIC MATERIAL 3, 32,.;, 94.3 pet Pocket Pen~ 1.0 tsf Tor vane 0.35 ~s' Si~T Wi~H SOME CLAY 7RACE: SAND 8, 317., 92 pcf Pocket Pen= 2.0 tsf Tor1cne = 0.55 tsf Trace Organics 1. 5 '--20' s . 2 e;r. , g a . 4 P c t Pocket Pen= 1.5 tsf Tor 'JO!le 0. 45 t s t 0.0' 1. 5' \.::J Pocket Per1 = 2.0 tsf Tor~cne ~ 0.6~ tsf Thin Sene Layers ~7.5'-20' ® 12, 23,.;, 104.8 ~cf Pocket Pen = 2.5 tsf Torvone = 0.9S tsf S; ~ T Vl i TH TRACE 20, 217., ~10.4 :sf Pocket ?en ~ 4.5 tsf Torvone = 1.0 tsf Occas1oncl S:'1el Is 20'-30' 19, 207. Pocket Pen = 4.5 tsf Torvone = 0.5 tsf GRAVELLY SAN~ WITH TRACE SILT 20.0' 30.0' .3.3.0' 12, 237., 105.8 pc~ Pocket Pen = 4.5 tsf+ :orvone = 1.0 tsf+ JS.O' Ss Sh Sn Sh Sh BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 214 TRANSMISSION LINE S I L T WI TH TRACE SAND 4, JO,.; Pocket Pen = 0.2 tsf Torvone = 0.25 tsf 4. 197. Trace Orgcr1ics 53'-60• 35.0' 60.0' BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. e:NGINt!:EAS GiiEOL.0CltST11 PLANN£ns suaVEVORS A PREPARED F'OR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION • BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 215 TRANSMISSION LINE 0.0' ..... RM 21.5 10-3-85 W.O. Ss Ss "c Sh Sh Sh PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. IIENDINEERS DIIEDL.DOISTB PLANNE~S SURVEYORS '" ORGANIC MATERIAL SiLT 2. 4-07. Pocket Pen = 1.0 tsf Torvone = 0.15 tsf Some Organics 1.5'-9.5' l~ 8 • .3 17. • 9 1 . , p c f 0.0' 1.5' Pocket Pen= 0.75 tsf --9 .5' SANDY GRAVEL WITH TRACE S! !...T 1 6 • 1 57.. 1 4 1 • 4 p c f Sccttered Coboles 9.5'-23.5' :'41 21 • 1.37. '.J CD 39, 9.67. ·'6-26 ' 1 67. 'v' 29.5' BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED fOR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ~L---------------------------------------------------------~ RM 216 10-3-85 Thin Organic Loyer at Surface Torvane = SILT WITH SOME SAND GRADING TO SANOY SILT Torvone = Scattered Cobbles 15.5'-29.5' Observation Well installed 0.0' 29.5' BOREHOLE NUMBER RM 216 TRANSMISSION LINE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. I!NQINtEeRS GEOLOGISTS Pl..ANNEa:'IS SUAVEVOAS A PREPARED FOR: STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ~~--------------------------------------------------------' .. Test Pit .\'o. RMlBB RM189 RM190 RM191 LOG OF TEST PITS ~ransmission Line :JeDtf: (feet! 0.0' -0.7' 0.7' -2.0' 2. c, 0.0' -2.2' 2.2' -2.5' 2.5-3.0 3.0' 0.0' -2., 0 I 2.0' -2.2' 2.2' -2 -I ,:;:; 2 -, .:;;) -3.2' "2 ..., I ~--" -, -I ..),;;) --, 5,:;) -6. 0' 6.0' o. , -0.2' 0.2' -t"'"; .Q, ~. v 0.8' -. ..., , ..!... • .::. ]. • 2 , -4. 2' Soil Description Organic Material Sandy Silt w/Trace Organics Bedrock Organic Material Ash w/Organics Weathered Graywacke Bedrock (Graywacke) Organic Material Charcoal Ash Silt w/Trace Organics Silty Sand Silty Sand w/Gravel & Cobbles Bedrock (Graywacke) Organic Material Ash w/some Organics & Silt Silt w/Trace Organ~cs Silty Sand w/Some Gravel & Cobbles, Few Boulders .. ~ '+"?; -~ -~ -:,.. ........ _:.::. .. '! .:.'1-"':ik~· ... · .. .... "" .. ~~-.... . .. ... ~ ~l ···v:;··. . ·:"'·-~ .j ' ... ·1: '• .. j~. ~ .-. .f ./ ... '. If, ~-ts.o ~~--! L~ . • ~ ;, . . -~~-. -~ :~ , . t - .' " 1;1 2 5 -~ ~"-~" ".-,., • 0 ... M. . I> .. ~ • e j: ~ "': ... -. c 0 0 .. • "' .. 100 - 1!. -· ,, • '>U - /! ..., 0 ~~- " ~ ........ ""'-.. ., , .. \ \ .., -:. " . ( .... · v •· -\I ~, ' <t f._:•/ I .., /!-I I I f I I • ~ f ..,. '? 100 ~~~ 3UO I 400 501! t.nO 7tHl BOO I 00 l O uu ' 1100 ;;"" ,_ ·~.. : ' .~'~·'b.· ·· ~ IIC>rizont•l Di s tance (f't) • ·• ·-·-114···- .... . I ---"0-~ -----., ·-----tl ' .. -~ -•o-1 v. -1SO- ~­.. " ... ... . . ' . N~0 W ------ ~ (A) . .. ... : . . / Crou11..t surfac·> If) CJ> 2 0:: -~ . ,. ~.ri ,.... -----_v~~·~~~~ ~-~--------------.'----------- ~ \"•·"'· s, .?oo r 1,s -· ---?·' ---7. -~. . v~-·1 .~u'l fr,to (lq • «. ·SEISMIC PROFILE NO. 7 2 ' ·.,'TIME DISTAl~CE PLOT · (A)· WITH INFERRED -SUBSURFACE PROFILE (B) ' f)-~ ! :;...-: t +il'. ~ ... ' . ~, :.~r .. ":' ... '.• TRANSMISSION LINE ··sl!liMIC~:PROl=li.~e -72_; ! .--L.---"-· ~ ' A l A S I( A ~P 0 WE A · AUT H O·R t T 'f a"A::atl' \..A"f .MYOROILI~t•ue Po•u• P'JtOJECl ·~··-•• •• I ,. .. ,......... r · r---r:::F~~f ;.1 ! i ;c.\ '-J-.::::.: \.. 'I .L~ ;.. ~.._~c~~!~~~~~ -~ ,, . ._.~.eA "t:I~Tt:.f Y..""ff U ~.:•;MI""ffl t "(lJfi•,UtA.TJU!' ......... ....... -~···-~···· -·-·· ... -~ ... ......• . ...... ;;.TJ " • ~ APPENDIX 8 R&M C ONSULTANT S , INC. aPII,,QIP~.I•e•a OaOLOOI.TS PLANNERS suavavoaa . ,--.., ... SAMPLE PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS II FINER) CLASSIFICATION TESTS I DEN TIFt CATION .ASSIFICATlON Ill 1&.1 ... t~" ! .. ! .. # # # # # # ~_lSl ATTERBERG LIMITS DRY ORG HOLE SAMP DEPTH 3" 2" I" 4 10 20 40 tOO 200 .02 005 .002 CONT FINE pENSITY CONT I • ' MM MH MM I LL. P.l. P. I. SPG PCF I a: 1&.1 tllFIEO FROSl :z: ... 0 :·,·.; ~~~ I 1.',-2.5 1 I :n.e 24 • l l. ., 1 11 .:2'3 2 l • ')-5 )ll !'.'. l' l ~) ll.5-15 100 38 07 B J 5 l )(; 22 1·1 H 5.9 II !r1 ,q f} I il. 5-19.5 ') . (, I;! '~~ d 2 l.S-2'> ') . ') j r' ~ '~ •) 2>.5-10 l? I ; : ::tl\ lll 33.5-35 II 1 .':192 I 2 . r; -4. r; 3.4 rrll92 2 2,r>-4,5 100 •H B 3 4':1 JO 24 <'I 16 11 J • 1 21. 7 llt' •M n• I'' :I 92 1 7.5-9.5 ~. 7 l2l>. h 1::1 'l2 s 17.'>-19.5 ll. t1 Fr~l 'P r, i 2 • 5 24 100 94 ':II 01 71 61 ') l 4 1 j/ 'J. 7 2 3 •. , I :, • .c ll.' l l ,, . 4 ·,c., F *l* fT 1 '1 J I 2ocrJ-4.5 100 <17 7'> 72 S7 4 l !4 2'J n l J H. 1 1 l ,; . .' ['itl ') l l 7.5-9.5 I • 3 1 J 0 . ,, r rc 19 l 4 l 7 , r, I a • "> 100 95 95 se 7l r) S 42 34 !4 20 'j .. 4 l2 9 • .' I : '1 'J j ., 2 2 • ~ -~: l .. r) l .. ~) [NOT~ ] ~'~~-T{CH BRADLL'< t ~U --PR<.>JEt eMil ~~ .. c::.~.'::' .. !!.':''-:.T~~r~~-~~!:; -· 11 >T £ ~~.!..1_1_9S Sul"\Mf\R~ oF l~&. 0~1/\ ,_C&t.£ .1 RA H S.l'\!. ',.".:1. o t-l_\. J.. ~f. ··-~ ·~-:-·~=-~:--- ) ,, -- •••• I-IOI1f. 1'.. T SAMPLE IOENTIFICATJOH HOLE ISAMPI DEPTH JUII"J4 2 2 .. 5-4 .. 5 n:l'H 3 7.5-10 rr• l 94 'j 1 '5-17 1'"19-t 6 17.5-19.5 r:r-'1 ')4 7 22.5-24 .5 rrtl91 !l 27.5-29.5 Pi1951 ! I 2.5-4.5 r11l9 5 7.5-9.') f'·'l9 5 12 • 5-] 4 . 5 [1'19 51 i I 1 7 • 5-1 <) • 5 Ff·1l9 5 2 2. 5-2 4 • 5 r:ll9G 2.5-4.5 rr-!196 ] 7.5-9.5 P>ll 96 5 12.5-14.5 f', il9G 6 18-18.5 f'il% 7 13.5-20 I;: 1 9S J 2 2. 5-24 . 5 f'"l96 9 27.S-2'J.5 F'll96 10 32. 5-34. 5 r'1l 96 11 37.5-39.5 I: :196 12 12.5-44.5 f:f!l96 I 3 47,5-49.5 r·: 1196 ]4 52.5-54.5 rrll 96 15 57.5-59.5 r.a96 4-l 10-12 f't-1196 4 2 10-12 p~ll% 4-3 l 0 -12 f't 'I 'l7 l 2.S-4.5 F~:19 7 2 7.5-') F •: 19 7 3 12.5-13.5 H1l97 -1 17.5-113.5 f'<·~ 1 9 7 5 22.5-23.5 p; ll 'l7 r; 27.5-213.5 I PARTICLE I 3" I 2" I ti"l f" I ; .. I i" # 100 83 88 tl5 100 'l9 100 77 72 61 SIZE ANALYSIS (~ FINER) # # # # # 4 tO 20 99 98 96 72 65 53 84 6U ~6 44 34 23 100 ')\) 40 tOO 200 !) 4 tl] 65 47 21 11 26 9 5. 7 16 7 5. 1 97 91 1:]6 TECH CKO. OATE.\1/'!.'1/~,5 ------~------ 5CAL[ _____ _.. .02 MM 7lJ r,o d') ()7 74 7'' .) ... CLASSIFICATION TfSTS CLASSIFICATION "' UJ ... ~-o~~T~ ATlERBERG LIMITS r~ DAY ( 1 1DAG 1 ffi .005 ,002 CONTI I I l F lHE ENSITY CONT UNIFIED FROST '!: MH MM I l. l. P • l · P · I. SPG PCF I 0 2 3 2 til I I I I 94 .H 7. u 7. 0 12 281 I I I I •}/. 3.6 3.9 15 a. 31 • 5. '! I I I I 119.7 42 43 21 381 31. ul r:pl I I 1 I ~\L. 32 30 4 1 ? c -.> I l 261 2 3. <JI ,rrl I I 99. ·I I 1'1 L t Ji, 4L 41 32 5') 26 431 3 tl • 41 n .1! r) • Jl I 76 • 71 I t·', \.,. 32 2':1 40 14 ·n 32. 4 26 .2 G. 2 8 r I I I I : 3'> 12 '3 I Jl. fl 26.0 5 .. B 8~ ; l t) 13 If) 35. •I 24. 5 10. ') ;>,."'.e l l 23.0 r;p d '· 61! 2·1 I I I I ') :l .1 34 2 51 36. "I !·!1'1 I I ':13. 3 1 7 %.7 F.&. CONSULTANTS, INC. ""•cn.Qo•• •"' "'' "'"""'••• • .,.,...,.vo•• '09-H>lt. 'f L._\l.f_ PROH.c.l su""'"'~P." of L~s. c.,,,._ 1 i\ AN!:Lt\I!i':..l.O.N...J..1...1lf. G•IO >lokt. ~--- POOJNO.{;SIIi t !-:--~;­'!.~----~ SAMPLE IOENTIFl CATION HOLE SAMP DEPTH F."l •;a 1 2.S-4.S ~~·I 'J!l 2 7.5-9.5 ~~n 'JU l I 2 • S-J 4 I • 'I 'JF 1 l 7 . c,.. I ,, • 1''19:? 'i !2.S-'3. I :.; ! •) d ·, :.> 7. s-:::. I ' . ' 1 · i ~_I l I . ~-::. 'j I f J <: 1 ') 1 2. 'j 1 I r 1 1 r; <1 l l ·; • c; . 1 ') I'" 1 ') •) l n.s-;;~ 1'''19 C) 5 ')_ 7. CJ·~ 2:1. 5 1?112 00 l 7.5-':l.S I i i20•l 2 12.:i-J1.:i n•2on 3 17.5-19.5 [".1200 ~ 22.5-23.5 1"1201 1 12.5-H.5 f'f'20 l 2 17.5-]9 rn2o1 J 22.5-:>1.5 fY20l ·I 27.5-2S i•rt202 1 2. 5-L 5 !1·•20 2 2 7. ')-'). 5 1':1202 l 12.5-14 rli12 0 2 4 17.5-19 !'rl202 s 22.5-24.5 l'i'2 02 'J I: r 22.5-23.5 r;:2u J 1 7. 5-C) • 5 !<;!2{) J 2 l 2 • 5-14 . 5 I: 120) 3 17.5-1'1,5 ·:r'20 l l 2 2 • 5-2 3. 5 r ; :2 J l s '27,';-28 I '2(;~ I l.~-2.S "204 ) 5-7 ,i-7 .~ (i 1 l i ~;-1) I . 'l;.j .. ~ . )-;· J L' PARTICLE t!" !·· !·· 3" 2" t" I 4 I 100 100 90 ')() SIZE ANALYSIS II F"INERI # # # 4 to 20 70 66 G 3 7') 7) 67 # # .co r s:; (d f[CH c.o 100 IOU 4 .5 51 # 200 ')I 37 ~ r, OAf£.\ \/l'l I~'» -·-. !iCAL[ .02 .005 .002 ~015.1 CONT MM MM MM " 2~ 24 24 {, ~~ .: ) .; . I I'! llS !.') 21) 1 l 1 7 r; 2; 11 ,j. ·l 10 11 )l) 1'" .) d .2 17 lJ lUO (, 2 32 L3 21 :J • ') lU 12 12 J 2 2 • ') lL 10 u J. 1 3 J 16 ) *I) 20 CLASSIFICATION TESTS ATTERBERG LIMITS FINE L.L. P.L. P.l. SPG 29.0 26.0 2 •·• 27. J L] • 0 tJ .tl t 15.2 tH' u.n 21.6 tH u.u Of I I I l J I l J J 1 l CLASSIFICATION I IIRY ORG ISJTY CONTI UN IF" lEO I FROST .. r·cr 1 J9.4 2. I ·1. -1 dO.'.: I 4 , '3 ) 1 • 3 J s * ~; 3 5 • :, ;; -1 • ltl • ·; H). 0 ) ') .1 l • 3 j 2. ') '·r l. ( ~fc~;~r~Jl _____ ~ ~~~~~--C?.~~~~':!e~::Jj B~~b\.'E'f. \.~ll.t ~~oJtC.J ra G"IO HO"(,II £.\H\1'\~~'( .OF LAB. O~'t ~ . 't ~ ... t,J.,lil'\1'!6.l. Q_!L\.l..llf. '------- ...,,_ .. . ... _. l"J". l·.M.~. ·J..ui r --·---·. - IOEN~;~~~!TION PARTICLE SllE ANALYSIS (I FINER) CLA~ lFlCATlON TESTS CLASSIFICATION ffi ---a: 1 1 t # # # # # # ~OlST ATTERBEPt; liMITS DRY ORG .., HOLE SAMP DEPTH 3" 2" 1-" 1" -" -" .ol 10 20 <10 100 200 .02 .005 .002 CONl FINE DENSITY CONT UNtf IfO FROST ;_ 2 • I MH HM MH l L. L. P . L. P. l • SPG PCF l ~ ·::r)i I 12.·)-l·o.'. 11 i'<l)') ~ 17.',-J<I J.) l1J.1 I' ''l'i ] 7.'.)-'J.r, ),(, 132.1 ?il) 1 ;>",.5-.?G.S o.··.· I . W" l 2 2 • S 1 ·, ' .. 2 o 6 .> s -7 1 o a 9 a 9 5 ~JC, n2 1 9 7 5 s B 1 1 u 1 • '> l:ILUr, l lO-ll (,./ lll.J 1':1206 •I 15-16 n. 0 1'1120(. } 20-21.5 2;) !'"206 " 25 2\. 1 J 1 Pf·l2 0 7 1 2 -2 • 5 l ·1 n201 2 5-7 10 121.1 ['7'207 3 10-12 Cl.':J 133.1 rP207 ·1 15-17 100 97 91 72 6u 63 S'J 46 40 ':J,', l'i; 2 0 7 5 2 0-22 11) i '·' 2 0 7 6 2 5-2 7 4 4 r·r1203 1 2. c L 5 21 Ff-1203 2 7.5-S.S 99 99 63 20 6.U ~~. 25.3 IJP ··.~.~ • l'i·l203 3 12.5-14.5 99 93 59 2'1 19 23 28.0 23.5 4.5 101.2 .'';r __ t F''20l 1 17.5-19 15 121.<1 r;:2oa s 22.5-24 11 lH.' ;<::208 G 27.'>-29.~ 25 !'f•l20B 7 32.5-34 21 lUJ.2 n:209 1 7-9 14 120. f' r·:>20J 2 12.5-14 100 93 93 B6 B1 74 'iH ·I'J 37 11 126.7 1'.1209 3 17.5-1!3.5 l).J 140.1, • !ii209 4 22.5-~·~.5 • r::-:21 J 1 2 2 • 5 1 1 rr; 21 o 2 s-7 1 9 111210 3 10-12 ')9 (d 34 P.1 109.9 ii!21U 1 15-16 5.0 r:1210 s 20-21 s .s 11'210 G 75-26 5.0 112.2 t . J rtcH !RY.f:fiW/1 '8 ~.OTES. ·--. ----'~-'Vl 'C,!j),ku\.1:1 Lf<.U. Pllo.JE'i . CKO. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. GRtO II. c. 1 'i. IJ, ~ATE_lli.:L1l!U). .N ... N ... , ooacu• .. •·• •<ON-·· ov-~ho•• S\.11'\.MA p_'( 0 r L~B. t>"1" ••OJ. M0tl!;lr~_1_ -----------------------------scu£ / l1R~.H!L\:1.l,_",.,·~}..'l.M.£.... '-.:o:.:•:.:•.::".:.o. __ _,_/ . SAMPLE PARTIClE SIZE ANALYSIS (I F !NEAl ClASSIFICATION TESTS lDENTJFICA TJON 1,.. CLASSIFICAT10' • 1::1 i l- 1~" : .. ~ .. # # # # # .., koiST ATTEABEAG LIMITS DAY HOLE SAMP DEPTH 3" 2" t" 4 tO 20 40 tOO 200 .02 .005 .002 CONT FINE DENSITY ' 4 2 MM MM MM I l.l. P.L. P.I. SPG PCF -· a: ORG w ONT UNIFIED FROS7 I ... s 0 i ! 121 1 I 2 -2 . 'i JtJ l '12 11 2 1:'.5-14 l~U ,!(, I 1 ;; 'I 22.7 lo.u 4 • 7 1 :10.' . l .. 211 3 10-12 y. H I '12 1 l 4 l s-1 7 100 ')() 95 9) 92 89 l2 60 1(, 122.4 1':12 11 5 20 22 20 11 J. 7 r·:·?.Jl 6 2 ')-2 7 l'l I ;;2 14 l 1.5-4.5 uo 4tl 30 32 27. s 24. 1 Lo 94.3 f':'214 2 7.5-9.5 Jl 92.0 : 'l211 3 !2.5-11.5 2H 9i:l.4 ! ''2] 1 23 • ') 17.'>-19.5 I Ll4 • ,, 1'':214 :) 22 .5-24. 5 100 lOU ')() 96 94 21 llll. 4 Fl2 U 7 27.5-29.5 20 I , 214 ;j 12. 5-34 • 5 j()() 100 9:! ')7 2 3 l\J 5. d r 1·'2 14 10 1~.5-44.5 30 , .. :2 1-l 12 S.~.5-:Jd.5 l 'J I .21 l 1 l ~-• 5-G ll H li :2 15 l 2 . 5-4. 5 40 1'1215 2 7.5-9.5 ltlU 'J'J 93 31 ':ll .l 1'"215 3 [ 1 , r ··14 • 5 15 14 l • 1 1':;215 4 l/.5-19 l J l :·:2] :, ,. " 2 } 0 •, ~? <l • ') 9.6 1":2 I 5 (, :>:.s 2'J.', 16 11'215 1 ? • 5-4. r') 37 n21G 2 '· 't ,. ~ 17 7. 'J 32 2 '). 3 Ill' 0.0 l\J l. i: JL R ,., 11~ II , ... l'i. r. 'f,'' ' ' r;:2 l G 3 1~.5-14.5 2 3 Pt'215 5 22.5-24.5 l 3 121. 5 Ft 1216 G 27.5-2<).5 7.1 14 J .\1 I f(J / J;, / .X11Ur?. ~ c I"· I'". ,/ lu· 'I ) . ' ,. i 'I r;r; ,, 17 !-.l /0 ill, I.V) f./ /.) J. ;) • > l()l, I ,, 1 J < I <"') ,. 'I 1. (I., - _r_~cH _ _ F'~~:;}f\01_ ___ ~~ BP-.~tnr.v U\Y-.t c>R CK~ -----..,---R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. . .E>.~:l'~~'t::l~;.. [~"'~" "'• h'<u00<o 0 o •• •~•••• Ouovuooo SutV\ ~r '< cr. L~~. SCAlE i 0.. lie\, t•. 1 '.~ 1 t'l tL = lH.i •e ~- GAIO ~\()f\t~ ~ '{ " ,__.,---- P~OJ No.r $. II II l~t:. ~-----~-- DWG.ttO. \.. APPENDIX C R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. aNOINaE•& OECLDOIST. _,L AN NERS SURV.VDA e U.S. Inches • 100 ~ I ~' 90 ·-'~ -~ ' eo \ \ 70 .t-1 ~ D ; 60 ll: ' >-\ .a L 50 Ill c ... 1.1.. .t-1 c 40 Ill u L ID c. 30 20 10 0 100 10 GRAVEL Coarse I F1ne Sample I dent 1f 1cat ion Sym Hole Samp Depth A Rl.1192 2 2.5-4.5 Cl Rl-'192 6 22.5-24 OWN 1-------- CKO ._...... ____ _ SCALE ' I, \ ' 0 .... \ coareej U.S. S1ave S1zes ~ 0 C) 0 0 N 1"1 .., 111 I 1'- '"' " I~ C) C) .... I C) C) N ~ 00 ~ b<: ~ ~ 1 .1 Grain Size in Millimeters SAND Hed1UIJI I fine Clasa1f1cat1on Data Hydrometer 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 SILT DR CLAY Un1t1ed Claae Ae•arka cu Cz LL PI I Org 21.7 0 Gt-1 23.5 8.2 sc c~(>.DLEY L;>..KE P~c...;t.C"':' GR~.c r-..1;:c~ F'~c-TS BoRt."'-0\..':. 9-,:'-\ 1'1 2. FB. GRID. rCMt.l', PRO,I.NQ5Solll OWG NO '-- "l) 111 .., n II ::J ,... n 0 Ill .., Ill 111 , a ""' :a: 1'1 .... ICI =:1 ,... ~ .. 100 ~ s:. tJI 90 eo 70 i: 60 X ,.. .0 u.s. Inches .", I l \.Ia-~. I \ \ \ \ \ ~. ' \ \ I\ 0 ... \ U.S. S1eve S1zes \ 0 0 .. I 0 0 C\l Hydrometer 0 10 20 30 40 "0 Ill , t'l .. ;:, ~ n 0 i 50 \ \ Ill , c .... 1.1.. ~ i 40 u '-II a.. 30 20 10 0 100 \ \ \ ~~. 10 GRAVEL Coarse I Fine CoarseJ Sample Identit1cat1on Sym Hole Samp Depth cu "" RM193 1 2.5-4.5 !J RM193 4 I 17 5-18.5 ; I OWN CKO 1-----·- DATE. I ·:z.-.1~5 SCALE ...__ -----" \ \ 50 Ill II , Cl' "< ',"" r, it""'· 60 ::£ Ill .... Cl ~ ~ I'll I'. ~ ~ r" 70 eo 90 100 1 .1 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 Grain Size 1n M1111meters SAND I SILT OR CLAY Medium Fine Classi11cat1on Data Un1f 1ed cz LL PI I Org Class \?J R ~ 0 '-"S. 'l '-t-. V..E. P F C .; ::. C. T G RP\ 0 f, "1 :c N p L01 s ~c: P.:. L.\ c l r. ; M ; -1 ~ Remarks Fll. GRIO ld.ll"'~.._ PROJNQ S~ 1111 OWG.NO . 4J r:. 121 100 90 80 70 ; 60 ]I; >o .D i 50 c .. 11.. 4J i 40 u f.. :. 30 20 10 0 100 U.S. Inches - \ I I It-I-- \ rs-~ I i 1' I'. ' l I I I I l I 10 GRAVEL U.S. Sieve Sizes 0 ... ..___, r-- I''\ ~' I I 1 ~~ I 1\ l't \ ~ \ \ ~ 0 0 ... I f\ \ 'I.. \ ~ .1 \ 0 0 N Grain S1za in Millimeters SAND Hydrometer 0 10 20 30 .co 50 60 70 . so 90 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 I Coarse! I SILT OR CLAY Coarse F1na Medium F1ne Sallple ldant1 f icat ion Sym Hole samp Depth A RM194 2 I 2,5-4.5 0 RM194 7 22.5-24.5 OWN CKO SCALE cu Classu 1cat1on Oat a lJn1t1ad cz LL ' PI I Org Cla88 I BRt-.DU·.Y l/l\~t.. Pf..CJ:.c-:" \,R:....C'f\iiCN "LCTS 1:; C: s :. }.; c ~ :: :~: ., -. Re•arka FB GRtO. He Mt 11.. OWGNO "tl II ., n II :I ,.. n 0 Gl ., Ill II ., C' '< :E II -10 ::1 ,.. tl 100 90 80 70 "" z:. Cll -; 60 .. > J:l '-Gil c .... II.. "" c Gil u '-u Q.. 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 u.s. Inches II. I '\ i \ '· I \ f" .. \ \ 10 GRAVEL Coarse l Fine Sample Ident1f1cat1on \ ' \ ' 0 ..... ) U.S. S1eve S1zes I 0 0 .... .I 0 0 N ~ \ l \ \ I I \ \ 1\ \ ·.\'\ I\ ' \ f'. !!; ~"' l:\ l'!o ~ 1 • 1 Grain S1ze 1n Millimeters SAND Coarsej Heellum I F1ne Class1f1cat1on Data Hydrometer 0 10 20 30 "t1 Ill .., n ID 40 ;;:') IT n Cl Gl .., I 50 CD Ill ., cr '< 60 :E "' .... ID :1 IT 70 80 90 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 SILT OR CLAY Un1f1ed Cle .. Remarks Sym Hole sampj DePth cu Cz LL PI X Org .6. RM195 4 f 12.5-14. 5 g 9 D RM195 6 22.5-24.5 48 .9 l OWN FB CKO R&M CONSULTANTS, INC.) BRt>..Dl'C.'( \.. "~-~ '? ?.,c,;. 'E. c. -:-GRID >IOI'II'R DATE."' >-~I~'S ... .,....... u•a•Do•o • o •• ........ ou•.,noao ~ (; F\~ D.k. '"::c. N ~~-c·-·: PltOJ.HO SS II I I se:c,:. ·-~c •0:::: .-. "'·' ~~ --....... .. · OWGNO '-------·~--· SCALE • 100 .,., .r::. 01 90 80 70 : 60 3l > .0 i 50 c: ... Ll.. .;.J i 40 u c.. :. 30 20 10 0 100 ("' u.s. Inc:he!l N ' .. ~ NCD I ' '' N.,.. .... (0) ... (0) I II I I I I I, I l 10 GRAVEL Coarse I Fine Sample Iaant1flcat1on u.s. Sieve Sizes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ .. N ("' ~ I() ... N I I I I I I ' I I I I i 1 .1 Grain Size 1n Millimeters SANO coarse! Heelium I fine I Classification Data Hydrometer f''" I\ '" f'... f\ \ ·~ \ \ \ \\\ \ \\ \\ \ I\ \ I \ ~ II ' \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ 'I\ .02 .01 .005 SILT OR CLAY Unified ' 0 10 j 20 30 40 50 \ \ 60 \\ . \ 70 \ l 80 ' \ 90 100 .002 .001 I Sym Hole Samoi I Cl118B Remarks Depth cu cz LL PI I Or-g A I flloli 96 I 3 I 7.5-9.5 I I 31.6 I 0 I c AM196 I B I 22.5-24.5 I 23.9 0 0 Al-1196 I 13 I 47.5-49.5 ! 38.4 5.3 I j I i I i : I i I I I ' DWN FB OWGNQ '2;-:...~\~·--:..~ '..::..~E.. 9f.C~;.:.. ~ K ;,. :: ;... 1 :C. =,1 ~ '-C 7 =- ~ c k ~ ~' c: :... :.. :... ~~\ :. :. ~ '--- R&M CONSULTANTS, INC.l ............ ~"""'"···· .,......... . ............... , CKO DATE. 1 SCAI.E "tl Ill .., n tD :I .... n 0 ID .., Ill Ill .., r::r ""' X 111 ... ICI :r .... "" 100 90 eo 70 .... .c 1:11 -;; 60 :a > .a i 50 c .... u. .... c ID u L ., 11. 40 30 20 10 0 100 . ' U.S. Inches I I I '• I l I ! I ' i I I I I l i;' I I I i, I' l I i I':: I I I , I I I I I I II \I 10 GRAVEL Coarse I Flne Sample Ident111cat1on Sym Hole lsamp! Depth A RM196 4-1 I ! 10-12 j4-2 ' c AM196 ! 10-12 0 RM196 4-3 I 10-12 I I ' I I CKO 1------·- 0ATE ',,It "'I e:, SCALE I I 0 ... l I I Coarse! cu I : ! U.S. Slave S1zes I 0 0 0 0 (\J (T'J ..., U'l It i I i i I 1 1' II l 0 0 .... I I .1 0 0 (\J 1.> I'-, ~ [\ \ Grain Size in M1111meters SAND Hsd1um I F1ne Class1f1cat1cn Data Cz LL PI s; Org 32.4 6.2 131.8 i 5.8 I ]35.4 10.9 ! I i I I l I I I I I Hydr-ometer 0 ~ 10 I 20 30 ·~ I ~' \ '\ \ ',\ \ \\ ' \\ 40 .,, \~ '" \ 50 I I , . \ I I ', \ 60 ,~, Iii<{ \ \ ',I 70 ' . 02 .01 .005 SILT OR CLAY Un1f1ed Claaa I I '\\ \I.' \' I I \ ~\ eo :~ 90 100 .002 .001 Remarks ! I FB GRIO. H o "''E H. "tl II , n II ;:) ,... n c Ill , Ill ro , C' '< r ro ... c ;:r ,..,. PROJ.N0£;51111 OWG NO . • 100 .... s::. Ill 90 eo 70 ; 60 31: > .c i 50 c .... u. .... i 40 u L II 1:1. 30 20 10 0 100 U.S. Inches 0 ... I I I' J ll : I 1 l I 111· I I I I· I I I l I I I I I I I I I ' ' I II 1 I 1 II I ! I I i Ill I l I I i I I I . I I II I I 10 GRAVEL Coarse I F1ne CCIS!""SI!I Sample Ident1f1cat1on I Sym Hole I Sampj Depth I cu A RM197 ! s I 22.5-23.5 I I I I I I I ! I I i ' I I I I i I U.S. Slave Sizes I 0 0 0 0 C\l "' .., U1 I ~ I ~ ~ I T I I I I 11 i I !T 1 iIi I . I ' I I I i 0 0 .. l ~ .1 0 0 N I Gr~tin Size in M1111meters SANO Hadlum I Fine Clasa1f1cat1on Data I Cz LL PI I Org l 36.8 0 I I I I l I ! I i : I I Hydrometer I I I I ! .02 .01 .005 SILT OR CLAY Un1f1ed Class I I I 1-~_:_: ____ -11 ~ ~~~~-~~o..::!"~~T'!:.~~,!;:: l DATE ,,:: .. ·.te"> SCAI.E t; F r\ C. ~:.. '\ \.. ;... ·.Ve. P p, C .: S :. "7 Cd~, ;., D fl.. i l C ~\ P L C'"; :_ ~~ 0 hI_ \-1. 0 L. t:. !=\ M I q : 0 10 20 30 1J " ":! n til 40 :::1 ,..,. n c " ":! 50 II !II .., c:r "" 60 X !II ... ID :1 ,..,. 70 80 90 100 .002 .001 I A8111lll"kS I GRID. 1'\0 "'''h. DWG.NO U.S. Inches ll 100 I I I T 90 eo I 70 ... I \ \ \ \ 0 .... l \ U.S. Slave Slzes 0 0 0 0 N 1"'1 "f II'l I 0 0 .... I 0 0 N ~\ I Hydrometer 0 I i 10 \ \ \ 20 \ I 30 .. .1: 1--I\ tft -= 60 X > ,g i 50 t::. -b.. .. t::. 40 II u L II a.. 30 20 10 I j II I I I I I j I I I' I I I I I II II I I I 0 ' 100 10 GRAVEL coarse I F1ne Coarse/ Sample Ident111cat1on Sym Hole Same! Depth cu A RM20~ I I 1 I 12.5-14.5 210 C1 FlM201 3 I 22 5-24.5 I I I I i I I I I I ! 40 ~'\ I \ 50 60 i ~ I I ' I \ \ I 70 ........ , \ ~ i I ~ 80 "'r--. ~ " 90 1 .1 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 Sl"ain S1ze 1n M1111metera SAND l I SILT OR CLAY Medium Fine Clasa1f 1cat ion Data Un1t1ed Claaa Relll211''ks Cz .3 LL PI I Org 15.2 0 SM l 23.6 0 I I ! I SR~Dlt.\ Lt\.KE. 2 C\.OJ~~:.: ,:;RI\QP\i-:oN PLCT.S '2:-C. 9-, f.. ....... c ··~'=-0.. :··\ 2.0 :.. GRID. ,..o I'll'( j:t PROJ N0'5S II I 1 OWG NO ., Ill .., n Ill ::I ,... n Q Ill .., Ill til , C" '< ::1: Ill .... tD :::r ,... U.S. Inches 100 .. 1'\ ~I '\ 90 80 I . ' ,, I 0 ... U.S. Sieve Sizes 0 0 0 0 (\j 1"1 "'f Ill I 0 0 ... I 0 0 (\j I I Hydrometer 0 I ·~ ' 10 I l 20 30 II I II ~"-, ~ ' 70 .... .t:! Dl ;: 60 s > .a i 50 r:: _. IL. .... i 40 u c.. :. 30 20 10 0 100 II I I I I I I I I GRAVEL Coarse I ,I I I I I i! I! I II i II 10 Fine Coa,.se i sample Idant1f1catl~n I Sym Hole lsampi Depth I C1J J>. RM202 !TRI 22.5-23.5 i I I I I I I j I I OWN CKO DATE. , SCALE '..: 40 1'-~ ,," 50 60 70 ! "" ,, '-. I I jl I I I I i ' I I I I ! I j I I II I iIi I I 80 90 II I I I I I : I .1 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 1 Grain Size 1n M1111maters SAND I I SILi OR CLAY Medium Fine Classification Data unu 1eo j S Org Clus Re•arks Cz LL PI I i I I I I I I I j I I I I I F'B PltO.i NO !'-S 111 1 ~ c -;:. ":_ ...... c ·-::.. -:... '·' ;:. c ~ OWG NO "tl l't .., n Ql :I ~ n 0 01 .., 01 Ill .., C7 '< :E l't -10 :::r ~ .. 100 90 eo 70 ""' a -; 60 'S >- .D L II c -II.. ""' c II u L II a.. 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 U.S. Inches I, K I I I I 10 GRAVEL Coarse I Fine Sample Identification Sym Hale samp ' Depth .t> RM206 2 5-7 r--.. ~ 0 .... U.S. S1ave Sizes 0 0 0 0 N UJ "'' Ill l 0 0 .... l 0 0 N ~ ~ ~"" \ f\ '1.,. I .1 Grain Size in Millimeters SAND Coarsej Medium I Fine Class if 1cat 1on Data Cu Cz LL PI X Org I i Hydrometer 0 10 20 30 "0 no ., n no 40 :I ,... n Q Ill ., 50 Gil no ., c:r ""' 60 :a:: no ... ., ::l' ,... 70 BO 90 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 SILT OR CLAY Unified Class ReMarks FB GRID ""0H.10. R OWGNO .1.1 .c. Cll 100 90 80 70 .. 60 I > .a i 50 c::: ... II. .1.1 i 40 u '-II a.. 30 20 10 0 100 u.s. Inches I ~' I . .~ r' 1'\ 10 GRAVEL Co a!" sa j Fine Sample Ident1ticat1cn Sym Hole Sampi Depth A RM207 4 I !5-i7 ! ! i I l ; I II ~, \ \,\ ' 0 .. U.S. Sieve Sizes 0 0 .... I 0 0 N II ~ !"' " '' . I I 1 .1 Grain Size in M1ll1metel"a SAND Coeraej Heclium I fine Clus H icat ion Oat a Hydrometel" 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 SILT OR CLAY UM1f1ed Cllt88 Rellal"ka cu cz LL ' I I PI s Org ! 'c~~C:LE\ li\KE PRCJEC.i ::".:.P,.i\t:Jf'.TlOt\1 PLQ1:: SCR'E..~cu:. R~v\=-.ci FS. GRIO . .,.,o~o~,t.ll, PROJ. NO;r., · , , OWGNO "tl Ill , n Ill :I r1' n c Ill ., Ill Ill ., r:r ""' !E Ill .. tel ::I r1' • tOO ..... s:. 01 90 eo 70 ; 60 31: >- .D ~ 50 c: ... b.. ..... i 40 u L II c.. 30 20 10 0 100 «" u.s. Inches C\1 ' ... ..,. NCO I ' '' C\1 ... .... (0'1 ....(0'1 l l I I I ! i I I l I• I I 10 GRAVEL Coarse I Fine 0 ..,. .... I I I I I I I I : I I I I I I I l i I I I I I i I I I I ' I coarse\ Sample Ioent1f1cat1on Sym Hole Sampj Depth cu A RM208 I 3 I 12.5-14.5 I 0 AM208 2 I 7.5-9.5 I 7 I I I I 1 i I I I l I u.s. Sieve Slzes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C\1 ('1 .,. 10 .... C\1 ~ \ I\ I . . 1 Grain Size 1n M1111metera SAND Medium I Fine Class1t1cat1on Oat a Hydrometer 0 10 ·. 20 \ . \ ~\ 30 40 50 I~ \ \ \ 60 1\ \ 70 \ \ \ \ 80 f'\ '· ~. ,'\ '· '\ ' 90 '~ 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 SILT OR CLAY Un1f1ed Remarks Cz LL PI I Org Class 28 4.5 1.1 25.3 0 I I I I I I FB ,.. ~ ~~'0 ~---~:-;-E-.. ,-,-z.--1·,-;;;--~!':':!. ':~~ .. ~!;I':T~~!fi!;. .. t~!:; I SRt\L'L~'\' Lr\K[ PRCJ:::.~-:; __ G ~f.. D !\ ll. () ~\ ? t Cl' S :?,ORE.HC\..'!... ql"'.~C~ GRIO \-\CME." PROJ.NO !:;Sill I ..-..~-'"""""------! SCAL.E ·----·-~·-OWG NO "ll Ill .., M Ill ::l ,.... n 0 Ill .., Ill Ill .., tf ... s: Ill ... ID ::1 ,.... . , 100 90 eo 70 .l<J .c Dl : 60 s > J:l '-CD c::. ... ll... .l<J c::. CD u '-G) a.. 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 u.s. Inches I \ l ~ 10 GRAVEL Coarse T Fine Sample Ident1f1cat1on Sym Hole Samp Depth t. Rl~209 2 12.5-14 '• ' ' !'--.. 0 .. Coarsej Cl.l U.S. Sieve Sizes '· '"-. 0 0 0 0 N l'l .., ltl I )!; f\ ~ \ ~ 0 0 .... T \ . 1 0 0 N Grain Size in M1llimstsra SAND Hadium I F1ns Clllss1f 1cat1on Data Cz LL PI I Org Hydrometer 0 10 20 30 "D Ill .., n Ill 40 ::;, ~ n 0 Ill .., 50 lit Ill .., C' ""' 60 X Ill -tel :::f ~ 70 eo 90 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 SILT OR CLAY Unit 1ed Claaa Remarks 1'8 . G RIO "" C t-'1 E. P._ PROJHOSS:•i I OWG J;O ----~ ... ..c Dl tOO 90 80 70 : 60 11: > .ca i 50 c -\1... ... i 40 u L II Q.. 30 20 10 0 100 t"' i u.s. Inches N ...... .. "'t NIXl I ...... ............ N.,.. .. t"' .. t"' I I 10 GRAVEL Coarse T Fine Sample Identification 0 ~ .. Coersej u.s. S1eve Slzes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N t"' "'t Ill .... N I ~ \ \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ ' 1 • 1 Grain S1ze 1n Millimeters SAND Medium I Flne Class 1f 1cat1on Data Hydrometer .02 .01 .005 SILT OR CLAY Unified 0 . 10 20 . 30 40 . 50 60 70 BO . 90 100 .002 .001 'tl Ill .., n ID ::J ,... n 0 Gl .., Ill I'D .., C' "< :a:: Ill ~ a ::r ,... Sym Hole Class Re111arks Samp Depth cu Cz &.. RM210 3 10-12 I I OWN ~ J __ I~&M CONSULTANTS, IN]cl 1-:-::-~-E-'. _li_"l._'•_•_f:_~-1) Il•~ ... ~ .. •• "'""''""•••• •·•~~••• •~"wa•o•• J CKO '-------- LL PI s Org ' ; b R "-0 L E Y L.~ K E ? R 0.: E. .: "7 ~.,Rf\0 "-,\~ON ~LCTS . \30 R L H 0 L E R M 2.':.0 F'!l GRIO r<e 1'\ 1. 1\ PROJ.NO ,s;. 111 1 OWGNO . OWN ... 100 90 eo 70 "" s::. 01 ; 60 :s > .a '-ID c .... II.. "" c ID u L 41 Q.. 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 C"' u.s. Inches ('\) --.... ... ., ('\lt!J I --.... --....--.... ('\) ... .... C"' ... (") I ''·!..._ I I 10 GRAVEL Coarse I fine u.s. Sieve Sizes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .., ... ('\) C"' .., I() .... ('\) I I ~~--11'----. ~ ' t. \ \ " \ I 1 .1 Grain Size in Millimeters SAND Coarsej ~et11um l nne Hytlrcmeter \ ' 1\ \ \ \ \ \ It .02 .01 .005 SILT OR CLAY 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 \ 90 100 .002 .001 Sample Iclent1f1cat1on C:lass1 r 1cat1on Data Un1t 1ed Sym AI IJ Class Remarks Hole samp Depth Cu cz LL PI I Org Rl-12!1 4 15-17 I RM211 2 12.5-14 22.7 4.7 ' ~~ J II~~~. c:~~"7!~L:.T~~-YS!~.~~!?~ (I II '---------~) i:; R ,; C L;. \ I,;..:..,£... :,. F\r..C::E\i1C :--~. B c ~-:. '-\ o L.:.. P 1=\C ~ E ::..7_ ?\..C'"':";; R ~~ '2..:..:.. FB GR!O '-CM!'."- PROJ. NO !:; '!. 1 , • , OWG NO ~ 0 .., n 0 ::;) ,..,. n c ;;J .., :I " .., e "< :E ct -ICI :::1 ,..,. ·. I .. r. "' 100 90 80 70 i: 60 s > .a ; 50 c .... ~ .. ~ 40 u L • a.. 30 20 10 II 0 100 U.S. Inches •l I j \ l j ~ l ! 1: \I \ !....,_ "'" I \ l I I 'T I: I , Ill [\ 0 ... U.S. Sieve Sizes 0 0 0 0 N rt'l .., \fl ' I 0 0 ... ~T 0 0 N I\, l I I I \ I I . I I I I \ I L I \ ! 1\, I I I \ I I i I iljl \ I I I I i I I i I I I . ' ~ I "' """ II ~ 10 .1 Grain Size in M1llimatara GRAVEL SAND Coarse l Fine Ccarsej Hedium I Fine I Sample IdentH1catlon ClassH 1cat1an Data Sym Hole j samc1 Deeth cu Cz LL PI s Org t. Rf.\': • i 5 13.5-15 i 22 I 1.4 r I i . i . I I I i I I I I 1 I ! I •·::::;::H-;:\ I ·>-'-'I I vI ~ j '-----------.. OWN CKO I ~~~-~~~o~~L:.T~~T~~-~~;:,: SCALE l'---------'1 Hydrometer 0 10 I ! I l I I 20 30 "tl .. .., n Ill 40 :I ,... n 0 1:11 .., 50 ID I'D .., cr '< 60 :E II ... II) ::::r ,... 70 I I 80 90 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 SILT OR CLAY Unified Class Ra111arks I FB (;RIO '"'o 1"\ 1i. "- PltOJ NO';; I' I I OWG NO u.s. Inches (\j .. ...... ... ..... C\lCD I ...... ............ 0 !') C\l ... ... !') ...C"' ..... ... 100 -I I I, 90 80 70 I ~ .r. 1:11 ; 60 ... > .a i 50 c. ... u. .... c. 40 II IJ r.. II Q.. 30 20 ' ! II I i I I I ! : I I I I ' i I Ill I I iO 0 I I I 100 10 GRAVEL I I Coarse Flne Coarse! Sample Identit1cat1cn Sym Hole samp DePth cu t:.. AM214 1 2.5-4.5 Cl AM214 I 6 22.5-24.5 0 RM214 I B I 32.5-34.5 l : u.s. Slave Slzes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C\l !') ..... 10 ... C\l ~ ~ l ~ )<: f\ f\ I , I ' I I I 1 .1 Grain Size in M1111metars SAND Mecl1um I F1ne Claas1f 1caucn Data Cz LL PI ' Ol"'g 27.9 ' 3.8 ! I I i I i i ! ' l I I Hydrometer ) 0 10 \ 20 \ \ 30 40 I 50 I \ \ 60 \ . \ I \ I 70 I . 80 I 11 II 90 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 SILT OR CLAY Unified Clees Remarks ' F9 GAIO;.;.ol"'t.4"., PROJ.NO !i. ~11•• OWG HO "tl til .., n 111 ;I ,.,.. n c Ill .., Ill til .., D' "< :1: til ... = :::r ,.,.. ~ • 100 II 90 eo 70 u.s. Inches I ·~ \ \ I ! \. 0 .... ..... \ s:. til ; 60 :k >-.a ; 50 c: ... II.. ..... c ID u '-II Q_ 40 30 20 10 0 100 I I I 10 GRAVEL Coarse I Fine Sample I dent 1 f 1cat1cn Sym Hole samp ' Depth .t:.. RM215 1 2.5-4.5 0 RM215 2 I 7.5-9.5 i i OWN t---------- CKO r----·- OATE 11/<.."7/H: SCALE \ \ \ ~~ ' Coersej Cu 25 i l U.S. Sieve S1zes '~ 1 0 0 0 0 N l"' "f 111 1 I " l \ I\ '\ 0 0 .... ,\ ~ .1 0 0 N -- Grain S1za 1n M1111metera SAND Med1um I Fine Claaa1 t 1cat ion Data cz LL PI I Org I .5 I I ' I i I Hydrometer 0 10 20 30 ., .. ., n Ill 40 :I ,... n c Ill ., 50 Ill .. ., C' '< 60 s: .. .... CJ ::r ,... 70 eo 90 1---, 100 -r--. .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 SILT OR CLAY Unified Claea Re111arks ' F!l . GRID. ~-<CMt. ~ PRO .I. NO 4 'S I 1 1 1 OWG.NO ... 1:! 1:11 100 90 eo 70 ; 60 X ,.. .a i 50 c .. u.. ... i 40 u L II a.. 30 20 10 0 100 U.S. Inches I I l ' l I I II ; I I I I 10 GRAVEL Coarse I Fine Sample Ident1f1cat1cn Sym Hole jsampl Depth A RM216 I 2 I ! ! I l OWN CKO SCALE ' I I I I I I l 0 .. I Coarsej cu I I u.s. Sieve Sizes 0 0 0 0 N C'1 "' 111 I I : I . I I 0 0 .... I . 1 0 0 N i"' \ \ \ Grain Size 1n Millimeters SAND Medium I Fine Class1f1cat1cn oat a Cz LL PI s org 25.3 ! 0 I I i : Hydrometer 0 10 20 30 "D " ., 0 " 40 ::l ,... '\ \ n 0 Gil \ ., 50 • II ., 1:1 '< 1\\ 60 X " -\ \ IQ ::r .... 70 eo 1\ 1'1"-, f" 'j 90 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 SILT OR CLAY Unified Class Ae•erka i . APPENDIX D = R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. I!NGINEEAa O•OLOOI•T a PLANNERS SURVEVOJ:IS ()¥d<j: CKO: SCALE. 5. 0-=:::::::l===+==±;::;:=i ' h ' -1---_,. (/) 0 1. 0 '---/.,4::.::--_----if--~---~t_,-_-:_-_-_ ... _...i Q. lj/ g / ' I tt o.ol , I I I I 5,0;_-~l __ _,_ __ -;----., 4.0L---~~---~~,~.~-~.~.-+-----; I L..o...::-~7,;_-+ ·----t 3. oL-:.:.:.7.,!.'-:..-----1--~---; •f T :: -... ~1.aof::::±~:::::t~::::+:::::~ "' .,.. "' '--~-+-~-. ~ ~~:::j~::::~::::::f:::::=i . '.' .. wO.OO~[---::=:~~--~-~---·.~~--·~----~ 0 """""" ---=+---=::==1 0.. -t.oo 0[J-----~~------;~o----~~~,----~2o .:.x: al S!ra1n. 0 "o Sr.eor Values ~ =------ c 0 -------:ons,..,q ft '·' ':ormol Stress, tons/so 't LINE SYMBOLS: ········ ----·-- Tnt No. 1196-4-1 ;196-4-2 1196-4-3 Type Of SpeCiftlen I ST ST i ST C IOU! fiCO liOn Htltlll, in HoI 6.3 6.3 6.3 Oiometer,lll Oo I 2.8 ! 2.8 2.3 ~ Ll~w~o~t~e~r~e~o~n~t~e~n:t ___ ~·; ~W~o~~--~2~9~-o~~~~--23i7 ___ •~~+1--~¥0~-~-or------o/c-o~ !L_~v~o~ld~r~o~t~lo~----~l·~·~'_l/.J0~4~~r'~'~·£0~C~·~t-~/~,o~~~·c~j-----~~ I So I I 00 %1 lor; %\ I!JtJ "'o '% Soturotion Or y dtnllt lb/cu H I Yd I 53 1 a4., I ;:; ;; . 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PL 26.2 I 26 I 1-':) Pt ii.2 I /(:. 9 Gs I FB: ?ROJ.NO:!O'l>llll ::::"NC.NO: 25.0 • :: ~20.0 ' "' c: 0 - I ..l ' I 'C_ I I I )-I I . t ;._.L._ -----t--- .l .r I ==+: ~ I ~ 15. m=:j 0 : . ~-~ 1--r-:-' I c: .. ~~ .... u ~ 0 10. .. "' .. ... -(/I 0 0 5. 0 ~: <:1(0; c. u c: 0.:: ~ 11.1 -~-.. 6 .... 0 • ~ 0 .. Ita:: .. Ill ~ 2 -en " . l .l . [ DATE: 1\J::.t.te!S SCALE: I .. I~ ~! ,..,·1~ ·' 'll ' ' -mll • .......-:' . ' 1 ' :..;.--, ' I : I ll I ' :7: I .l i i 1 T I ' ' ' liT I I £. I rr """-""'-... ' ; I l,i '"'-......... t>_~ V I I I l I J. :I -~ ' ILl 7 lT 'T• :1 I I : i TT1 ' TT I· l I Shear Values 0=------ fon 0 C = --------tonohq II --0' "' ...... "' c: 0 ... 0 "' s:; (/I 3 ( . t ' ,, ! I TTl I I 2 ' ' ' ' I I 1 ' I I ' 2 ' I I I ' I I : I I I ! 1 I I I T I I I I •• ..-,, ' 1( ' '-I .T ''': , t I . . f I I I I ' v. "' I i v . ir T ·I I T -v r : ' TT 17: 'I I I 1 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 Normal Stress, 20.0 25.0 30.0 fonsisq tt LINE SYMBOLS· Tut No. COMB-2 . .\ ICOM6-2E r-n~AR-;:~r. 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