HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Final Risk Assessment 1990ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY FINAL RISK ASSESSMENT EVALUATION OF THE BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT JUNE 13, 1990 A STCN E & WEBSTER ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY FINAL RISK ASSESSMENT EVALUATION OF THE BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT JUNE 13, 1990 Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Stone & Webster Management Consultants, Inc. 5500 South Quebec Street Englewood, co 80111-1914 0 0 z -I m z -t 0 CONTENTS Page 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Introduction 1-1 1.2 Objective 1-1 1.3 Methodology 1-1 1.4 Engineering Analysis 1-2 1.5 Risk Assessment 1-6 1.6 Conclusions and Recommendations 1-8 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Background 2-1 2.2 Project Description 2-1 2.2.1 Reservoir 2-2 2.2.2 Dam 2-2 2.2.3 Spillway 2-2 2.2.4 Powerhouse 2-2 2.2.5 Tailrace 2-3 2.2.6 Substation 2-4 2.2. 7 Climate, Topography and Geology 2-5 2.3 Objective 2-7 2.4 Methodology 2-7 2.4.1 Work Planning Meeting 2-9 2.4.2 Data 2-9 2.4.3 Identify Project Facilities 2-9 2.4.4 Damage Assessment 2-9 2.4.5 Document Review 2-11 2.4.6 Literature Search 2-11 2.4. 7 Other Perils 2-11 2.4.8 Design Criteria 2-11 2.4.9 Damage Losses 2-12 3.0 Engineering Analysis 3.1 Overview 3-1 3.2 Earthquake 3-2 3.2.1 Damage Assessments 3-6 Civil Structures 3-7 Powerhouse Structure 3-9 Equipment 3-11 Transmission Line 3-15 3.3 Flood 3-16 3.3.1 Inflow Flood 3-16 3.3.2 Tsunami Flood 3-17 3.3.3 Landslide Induced Wave in Bradley Lake 3-20 3.4 Wind 3-21 3.4.1 General 3-21 3.4.2 Powerhouse 3-21 3.4.3 Transmission Line 3-22 CONTENTS (continued) Page 3.5 Other Perils 3-27 3-28 3-28 3-30 3-31 3-32 3-32 3-32 3.5.1 Internal Failure 3.5.2 Snow/Avalanche 3.5.3 Subsidence, Landslide and Rockfall 3.5.4 Volcanic Eruption 3.5.5 Ice 3.5.6 Fire and Lightning 3.6 Cost Estimates 4.0 Risk Assessment 4.1 Fire, Lightning and All Other Perils 4-1 4.1.1 Fire and Lightning -Average Number of Occurrences 4-4 4.1.2 All Other Perils -Average Number of Occurrences 4-4 4.1 .3 Loss Severity 4-6 4.1 .4 Fire and Lightning -Losses 4-7 4.1.5 All Other Perils -Losses 4-8 4.1.6 Fire, Lightning and AOP Probability Analysis 4-9 4.2 Natural Perils 4-11 4.2.1 Natural Peril Probability Analysis 4-12 4.3 Summary of Dollar Losses 4-12 4.4 Insurance Observations 4-12 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1 Conclusions 5-1 5.2 Recommendations 5-1 Exhibits Appendices A-Project Documents-Reference List B-References C-NERC Data i LIST OF TABLES H.Q... Description Page 1-1 Summary of All Perils 1-8 2-1 Project Data 2-5 2-2 Facilities and Perils 2-10 3-1 Seismic Classifications 3-3 3-2 UBC Equivalent Loads 3-9 3-3 Predicted Earthquake Damage Levels 3-10 3-4 Equipment Seismic Requirements 3-12 3-5 Earthquake Magnitude Ranges 3-14 3-6 Potential Wind Damage 3-22 3-7 Transmission Line-Wind and Ice Loads 25-year return period 3-24 3-8 Transmission Line-Wind and Ice Loads 50-year return period 3-25 3-9 Transmission Line -Wind and Ice Loads 1 00-year return period 3-26 3-10 Estimated Internal Failure 3-28 3-11 Estimated Snow Loads 3-29 4-1 Forced Outages Due to Fire and Lightning 4-4 4-2 Listing of Selected Forced Outage Causes 4-5 4-3 Fire and Lightning -Loss Assumption Summary -Percent 4-8 4-4 All Other Perils -Loss Assumption Summary -Percent 4-9 iii LIST OF EXHIBITS N..Q.. Description 1 Bradley Lake Project General Plan (MAP) 2 Earthquake Damage Versus Annual Probability 3 Annual Exceedance Probabilities 4 Annual Probability of Exceedence for Water Levels Due to Tide and Tsunami 5 Cross Section Detailing Estimated Tsunami Wave Heights 6 NERC Data 7 Earthquake Peril -Repair Costs and Out-of-Service Times 8 Flood Peril -Repair Costs and Out-of-Service Times 9 Other Natural Perils -Repair Costs and Out-of-Service Times 1 0 Fire and Lightning -Loss Multipliers and Damage Estimates 11 All Other Perils -Loss Multipliers and Damage Estimates 12 Fire, Lightning and All Other Perils-Total Expected Losses 13 Earthquake Peril-Total Expected Losses 14 Flood Perils-Total Expected Losses 1 5 Other Natural Perils -Total Expected Losses 16 Summary of All Perils-Total Expected Losses 17 Summary of Expected Losses by Year (Dollars) iv c ~ m (") c: -1 < m en c: s: 51: ::rl -< 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 . 1 Introduction The insurable risks of the Alaska Energy Authority's (Energy Authority) electrical systems are currently covered by a self insurance program supplemented by Commercial Property and Boiler and Machinery insurance. This risk assessment evaluation is designed to provide the basic information needed by the Energy Authority, its financial consultants, and the State Division of Risk Management to formulate the optimum overall risk management program for the Bradley Lake hydroelectric project after construction completion. The project, scheduled for completion in late 1991, will contribute to the electrical generating capacity of Alaska's Railbelt, serving customers from the Kenai Peninsula to Fairbanks. The project is located in the coastal area of Southern Alaska in close proximity to seismically active features. The Uniform Building Code places the project in Seismic Zone 4, the most severe classification. 1 . 2 Objective The objective of this study is to estimate the value, in 1991 dollars, of the losses from insurable risks that could be reasonably expected during the 30-year period, 1991- 2020, at the Bradley Lake hydroelectric project described in Section 2 of the report. The assessment will include the above ground transmission lines between the powerhouse and Bradley Junction. 1 .3 Methodology Stone & Webster's study methodology was designed to develop the value of the reasonably expected annual losses expressed in 1991 dollars. These potential disbursements estimated at low, likely, and high ranges, will be based on the results of a structural, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering, and probability analyses directed to assess property damage foss to the dam, spillway, tunnels, penstocks, powerhouse and equipment, transmission line, substation and equipment, barge dock, landing strip and permanent camp, resulting from: Earthquake, Flood, Other Natural Perils, Fire and Lightning, and All Other Perils. 1-1 The step-by-step procedure used to accomplish the study objective is outlined below : Obtain the Energy Authority's agreement on the study methodology, work plan and study results. Obtain project data (descriptions, background studies, design criteria, drawings, maps) from Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC) files. Identify all major structures, facilities and equipment, and relevant perils. Organize evaluation team effort and assign damage assessment responsibilities. Review project design criteria and data. Assign discrete ranges of peril magnitude and corresponding probability to each structure under consideration. Assess low, likely and high levels of damage for each range of peril magnitude. Estimate dollar cost of each damage level and corresponding plant downtime for repair or replacement. Tabulate peril magnitudes, probabilities, loss estimates and plant downtime estimates for each project. Compute annual probable loss from each peril extended over 30 years and present worth to 1991 dollars for the low, likely and high estimated losses for the Bradley Lake project. 1 .4 Engineering Analysis This phase of the risk assessment study was performed by engineers experienced in the design of hydroelectric structures and facilities. All disciplines reviewed the setting of the project as revealed by the Final Supporting Design Report, photographs, construction drawings, maps and background documents available at SWEC. The study team also reviewed the design criteria documentation to ascertain the threshold loading values for assessment of residual risk damage. Information was also previously obtained from various sources which documented cases of damage and failure of dams, penstocks, powerhouses and transmission lines from natural and inherent phenomena. 1-2 There is little historical data specifically relating structural damage to hydro facilities to the severity of natural perils; nevertheless, the magnitudes of the more devastating events such as flood and earthquake have a statistical record and techniques are in common use to predict their probability of future occurrence. Project structures and other features are designed to ensure that they will be able to withstand defined magnitudes of events during the project life. The design magnitudes of these events all have a probability of being exceeded, so there is still a potential risk to structures and facilities either from a single extreme event or a combination of extreme events. The event or combination of events for design is usually chosen by consensus based on judgment or dictated by FERC or the building codes. There were five main categories of perils studied as discussed below. 1.4.1 Earthquake The Bradley Lake hydroproject is located in the coastal area of Southern Alaska in close proximity to seismically active features. The Uniform Building Code (USC) places the project in Seismic Zone 4 for building design loading purposes. Documented earthquake experience indicates that structures founded on sound rock suffer least from high magnitude earthquakes. Since the main structures for all of the facilities are founded on sound rock, the damage should be slight from all but the most severe earthquakes. The effects of earthquakes on dams may be caused by ground shaking, fault offset, landslide into the reservoir and seiche (wave in reservoir). The two former effects are potentially the most damage causing. The kinds of structural failure which may result are embankment slump (possibly leading to loss of freeboard) resulting in consequent cracking of the concrete facing and/or cracking (possibly leading to piping) of the rockfill dam; and cracking, overturning and/or sliding of the concrete spillway. 1.4.2 Flood The very nature of hydro projects which are designed to store and/or divert flowing water, makes them susceptible to floods from high runoff. The FERC requires detailed flood studies for each licensed project to protect the public where the potential failure of a water retaining structure, such as a dam or spillway, may cause loss of life or property damage downstream. Guidelines establishing the magnitude of flood for the 1-3 design of spillways and dams are normally those proposed and recommended by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers which are based upon criteria such as dam height, volume of water impounded, possible extent of damage and loss of life downstream. The loss of the impounding structure itself is not a concern of FERC, only the loss to the public. However, in most cases the protection of the public from loss generally ensures adequate protection of the structure and so is very beneficial from a risk standpoint. The design criteria for the Bradley Lake dam and spillway requires that the spillway be adequate to pass the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) without overtopping the dam. The PMF usually is assigned a probability of 1 :10,000 (once in 10,000 years), and is determined by a statistical approach using historical flow data for the drainage basin under study. Related to earthquakes and floods is the tsunami which is a long-period tidal wave generated by several mechanisms: submarine earthquakes, submarine landslides, and underwater volcanos. Some of the facilities of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project will be built on the shores of Kachemak Bay. Examination of historical reports on tsunamis in Alaska, as well as the seismicity and tectonics of the Gulf of Alaska, suggests that these project facilities might experience tsunamis during their operating lifetime. The greatest risk of powerhouse and switchyard flooding is considered to be from a tsunami. Tsunamis were considered in the powerhouse design for the Bradley Lake project. This risk assessment evaluated the structural damage that may occur from higher than anticipated water loads due to tsunamis, and the consequent flooding which may result. 1.4.3 Other Natural Perils The site location generally experiences only moderate wind speeds, and events such as hurricanes & tornados typically do not occur along the coastline of the Gulf of Alaska. Apart from the dam and powerhouse most of the structures are of reinforced concrete, and little damage is expected due to wind. Wind loading on the dam and spillway is insignificant compared to other loads and may be neglected for this risk assessment. The only structures at risk would seem to be building superstructures consisting of metal panels, supporting girders (girts) and roof steel and transmission 1-4 line structures and equipment. Other 'natural' perils include ice, hail, subsidence, landslide, snow (including avalanche), volcanic eruptions and internal failure (dams). 1.4.4 Fire and Lightning Based on the National Weather Service data the isokerunic level for the Homer area is estimated at less than one mean annual thunderstorm per year. Therefore, no lightning protection was provided. The damage from a direct lighting strike on the transmission line can include insulator damage and damage to the conductors. A direct strike on the Bradley Junction switching station will likely damage insulators, switches, operators, power voltage transformers for the SCADA RTU and radio. 1.4.5 All Other Perils The 'all other' perils evaluated included both man-made as well as some additional external or natural perils. This category of perils also included those man-made perils that are not considered property perils, but are machinery and equipment related perils. This broad category of perils includes: explosion, vibration, electrical overload, rupture, electrical and mechanical breakdown, tearing apart, carelessness, as well as natural or external phenomena not including flood, fire, lighting and earthquake. 1.4.6 Cost Estimates The objective of this effort was to estimate the present day cost (per occurrence) for repairing and/or replacing plant facilities damaged by the various perils identified in this study. These replacement cost estimates assume replacement "in kind" rather than the actual replacement costs associated with meeting future codes for construction quality. These cost estimates were then used in the statistical risk assessment. The estimated type and amount (low, likely and high) of damage for each structure and piece of major equipment, for each peril was derived. Because construction is still underway, cost estimates for replacement of plant facilities were developed using actual or estimated installed costs and adjusted to reflect each situation. Where repair of the plant facilities was required, a reasonable method of repair was developed and the cost estimated. The plant time out of service for each item was also estimated using engineering experience and judgment. 1-5 1 . 5 Risk Assessment The risk assessment was completed in two parts (fire and lightning and all other perils, and natural perils) due to the data that is available for the various peril categories. The first part discusses the fire, lightning and all other peril categories. For these perils loss experience averages are available to assess the risk (dollar value) associated with a loss. The second part discusses the earthquake, flood and all other natural perils. The data available for these categories are in the terms of probabilities that a peril could occur in a stated number of years. These probabilities are then used to quantify the risk of a dollar loss. 1.5.1 Fire and Lightning, and All Other Perils Fire and Lightning damages or losses are estimated as follows: The probability of damage is assumed to be zero for the dam, power tunnel, diversion tunnel, spillway, and steel penstocks for all loss levels with the exception of the gate operating equipment related to the tunnels. The Maximum Possible Loss (MPL) for the structures with an assigned probability exceeds their replacement cost, as it is possible (while not probable) that a fire loss could destroy a structure to an extent that it would have to be taken down, debris would need to be removed, and a new structure would have to be built. In risk management, this is known as the Maximum Possible Loss (MPL). The MPLs are assumed to be 115 percent of the replacement cost values for power plant superstructure and generating equipment within the powerhouse. The MPL for switch yards and substations is 11 0 percent, for the transmission line is 30 percent, and for permanent camp buildings is 50 percent, respectfully. The Probable Maximum Loss (PML) ranges between 0 and 100 percent. From our experience we determined 30 percent of the replacement cost value for power plant superstructure, turbines, generators, switchyard and substations is reasonable, while the PML for the permanent camp buildings is determined to be 25 percent. With respect to annual frequent losses, or Burning Layer Losses (BLL), it has been assumed that the Bradley Lake Project will suffer no frequent losses due to the peril of Fire and Lightning to the dam, spillway, diversion tunnel, power tunnel, and steel penstocks. For power plant structures, turbines, generators, other equipment, switchyards, substations and other property the annual BLL are assumed to be one percent of the individual values. While a turbine or generator may suffer a fire loss, most likely this would be an internal fire to the units, and be considered a boiler and machinery loss, not a fire loss. Very little damage to the power plant structures and equipment would result from an external fire. 1-6 For the category of All Other Perils (AOPs) the MPL can again exceed the value of the individual power plant superstructure, turbines, generators, other equipment, switchyards, substations and permanent camp buildings. For the MPL an estimated 115 percent of the replacement cost values was used as an estimate. With respect to the dam, power tunnel, steel penstocks, diversion tunnel, spillway and other property, the MPL was estimated as 33 percent of the aggregate values. The PMLs for the dam, power tunnel, steel penstocks, diversion tunnel, spillway, and 'other property' are estimated as 15 percent of the replacement cost values. The PMLs for the power plant superstructure, turbines, generators, other equipment, switchyards, substations and permanent camp buildings are estimated as 30 percent. With respect to BLL, an estimated one percent of the values for all categories was used. The average number of occurrences for the fire and lightning, and "all other perils" were developed for these two categories based on the GADS data base. In order to convert the average number of occurrences into probability values a statistical approach was used via the Poisson distribution. The Poisson distribution assumes that the probability of an occurrence is the same during each exposure. For this study, it is assumed an exposure is one year of the study period. It is also assumed that the occurrences are independent of one another. The average outage figures were used in the Poisson distribution formula to derive the probabilities for one occurrence per year. Then, using these probabilities, the expected losses were calculated by multiplying the probabilities by the estimated damage cost. The probabilities derived from the Poisson distribution for the turbine/generator were multiplied by 2 to account for the two units at the site. The expected losses are reported on Table 1-1. The results were computed for the total losses expected over the 30-year exposure period in terms of 1991 dollars levelized and present-worthed to 1991. 1.5.2 Natural Perils The natural perils cover earthquakes, floods, snow, wind, ice etc. The probability data is used in this section to quantify the losses associated with these perils. The objective of the natural peril probability analysis is to determine the potential loss expected over the exposure period. Probability is the chance that something will happen, and is expressed as decimals between 0 and 1. A probability of 0.001 means that an event will occur once in 1 ,000 years and 0.1 will occur once in 1 0 years. For this study the range of probabilities extends from 0.00001 to 1.0. Probability analysis is applied in 1-7 this study in the assessment of the risk associated with several different categories of perils: i.e. earthquake, flood, and all other natural perils. In order to calculate the expected losses, the probabilities are converted into probabilities that represent a 30~year period and then multiplied by the replacement or repair costs. The 30~year expected losses in 1991 dollars are computed using this methodology for the project for each peril. These costs are escalated, and present worthed, then levelized over the 30~year study period. The costs for the natural perils are also reported in Table 1 ~1. 1.6 Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the engineering analysis, construction data, firsthand knowledge of the project and the statistical analyses, Stone & Webster has concluded that for the period 1991 through 2020 the total expected loss expressed in levelized 1991 dollars would be $142,146, $2,094,272 and $6,166,654 under the low, most likely and high loss scenarios, respectively. These costs are summarized in Table 1 ~1. To determine the levelized loss that can be expected to occur in each year of the study period, the total loss numbers are divided by 30 to obtain the annual figures of $4,738, $69,809, and $205,555 for the three scenarios. Peril Earthquake Peril Flood Peril Other Natural Perils Fire & Lightning All Other Perils Total Loss Estimate Table 1·1 Bradley Lake Summary of All Perils Total Expected Loss Total Expected Loss (1991 $) ( Levellzed 1991 $) Low Likely High Low Likely High $21,744 $93,486 $300,222 $38,361 $164,931 $529,661 $965 $128,859 $297,168 $1,702 $227,337 $524,273 $13,800 $77,790 $209,745 $24,346 $137,239 $370,038 $347 $8,818 $29,908 $613 $15,558 $52,765 $43,715 $878,121 $2,658,336 $77,124 $1,549,207 $4,689,916 $80,571 $1,187,074 $3,495,380 $142,146 $2,094,272 $6,166,654 While these are accurate averages based upon statistics, empirical evidence, and our assumptions where necessary, it must be cautioned that the occurrence of any major event could happen at any time. The statistics state that for the 28 hydroelectric utilities for the years 1982-1986 inclusive, very few outages were caused by external reasons. However, an occurrence could happen. Therefore, the insurance underwriters justify their premiums by the possible loss rather than historical loss experience. The losses derived in this study are only expected losses, which may differ significantly from actual future losses, thus the Energy Authority needs to formulate a risk management program based on these expected loss estimates. The ability to absorb losses is a function of the Energy Authority's liquidity, net worth, desire to maintain electric rate stability, bonding requirements, state requirements, and management's attitude towards risk. The Energy Authority should compare the total amount of estimated insurance premiums for the 30-year period to the expected losses to determine whether the economics justify a risk management program. 1-9 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Background The insurable risks of the Energy Authority's electrical systems are currently covered by combining a self insurance program with Commercial Property and Boiler and Machinery insurance. This risk assessment evaluation is designed to provide the basic information needed by the Energy Authority, its financial consultants, and the State Division of Risk Management to formulate the optimum overall risk management program for the Bradley Lake hydroelectric project after construction completion. 2.2 Project Description The Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project is located on the Kenai Peninsula, about 105 miles southwest of Anchorage, and 27 miles northeast of Homer, Alaska. Bradley Lake, situated in a glacial valley in the Kenai Mountain Range, has a maximum observed depth of about 270 ft. below the natural lake level of approximately project elevation 1080 feet.. Exhibit 1, General Plan, is a Project Map showing the project facilities. The project, scheduled for completion in late 1991, will contribute to the electrical generating capacity of Alaska's Railbelt, serving customers from the Kenai Peninsula to Fairbanks. Homer is the closest point of major road access to the region. There are no roads connecting Homer with the Project Site. Transportation of material and personnel will be accomplished via water, utilizing shallow draft barges unloaded at the barge dock, or by air, utilizing the temporary landing strip. The Bradley Lake level has been raised 100 ft. to a normal maximum surface elevation of 1180 ft. by constructing a dam and a spillway across the mouth of the Bradley River at the Lake outlet. A diversion tunnel has also been constructed at the Lake outlet to divert water during construction of the dam and spillway and to provide a means of drawing down the reservoir for purposes of repair or inspection of the dam and power tunnel facilities. An approximately 19,000 ft. long, 13ft. diameter, concrete lined power tunnel is being constructed to connect the intake works at Bradley Lake with a powerhouse being constructed concurrently which will contain two 63-MVA turbine- 2-1 generator units. The powerhouse will be located on the northeast shore of Kachemak Bay. 2.2.1 Reservoir The reservoir surface will be normally maintained between elevation 1080 ft. and elevation 1180 ft., except during flood conditions. The Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) condition (23,800 cubic feet per second passing over the spillway) would raise the reservoir water surface to a maximum elevation of 1190.6 ft.. The normal active reservoir storage capacity, which corresponds to a reservoir level of elevation 1180 ft., is 285,000 acre-feet. 2.2.2 Dam The Bradley Lake reservoir has been created by construction of a 125-ft. high concrete faced rockfill dam approximately 520 ft. downstream of the lake outlet. The dam is founded on and the abutments are comprised of bedrock. The proposed dam has a crest about 17ft. wide by 600ft. long, situated at elevation 1190 ft. The upstream face of the dam consists of a concrete parapet wall and a concrete face slab tied into bedrock. The parapet wall extends 4 ft. above the dam crest and has a bevelled upstream surface to act as a wave deflector. 2.2.3 Spillway The ungated concrete gravity ogee spillway is located on a saddle feature approximately 150 ft. to the right of the main dam and along the same general alignment. The spillway crest is set at elevation 1180 ft. and the overall length of the spillway including abutments is approximately 230 ft., of which 175 ft. is the ogee overflow crest. The spillway is founded on and its abutments are comprised of bedrock. The spillway chute directs the discharge onto exposed rock and into the large natural pool downstream. 2.2.4 Powerhouse The powerhouse has been designed to house two Pelton-type turbines with 63-MVA, A.C. generators and associated support equipment and systems. 2-2 The powerhouse is located at tidewater and consists of a reinforced concrete substructure founded in rock and a structural steel superstructure enclosed with insulated siding and roof. The structure is approximately 80 ft. wide by 160 ft. long. The substructure extends from project El.-9 ft. at the discharge chamber level to El.42 ft. at the generator floor level. The superstructure extends from El.42 ft. to approximately El.85 ft. The substructure consists of the generator floor at El.42 ft., the turbine floor at El.21 ft., and sumps, pits and chambers associated with operation of the turbine located at lower levels. The turbine floor, in addition to providing access to the turbine/generators, contains the lube oil processing and storage facilities, the battery room, the emergency diesel generator and other equipment associated with the plant operation. The generator floor consists of an open 56 ft. wide bay serving the two generators and control equipment, and includes a lay down and service bay, and a 24-ft. wide auxiliary bay housing the control and service needs of the powerhouse. The auxiliary bay contains support facilities including the control room, plant office, lunch room, locker room, toilets and the machine shop. The generator floor remains clear and unobstructed with access for a 160-ton bridge crane with an auxiliary 25-ton hook. The bridge crane can run the full length of the powerhouse. Hatches are provided to access lower levels. The auxiliary bay is designed to support a secondary floor at El.60 ft. which houses heating ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment and provides room for storage. The powerhouse substructure and superstructure are designed with the provision that a third 63 MVA unit may be added to the south side in the future. Excavation of the rock for the third unit's substructure was completed with the excavation for the first two units to avoid future blasting near operational units. The excavated area is to be backfilled until the third unit is installed. 2.2.5 Tailrace The tailrace is a pool downstream of the powerhouse designed to collect water released from the turbines and to provide a channel to transport that water away from the power house. The tailrace further acts as a stilling basin by reducing the turbulent flow of released water before it flows into Kachemak Bay. 2-3 The flow of water from the powerhouse will be channeled into the main flow path of the tailrace channel by the discharge chamber walls constructed as part of the powerhouse substructure. A concrete retaining wall is required to retain the fill material just north of the powerhouse and west of the substation. The retaining wall connects with the north end wall of the powerhouse. The tailrace will be excavated out of the mudflats immediately to the west of the powerhouse. Rock adjacent to the powerhouse will be removed to provide proper channel alignment. The sides and bottom of the tailrace basin will be riprapped for protection from scouring. The tailrace is presently sized for two units. 2.2.6 Substation The substation consists of a Compact Gas Insulated Substation (CGIS), transformers and line terminations on the powerhouse from the transmission system. The substation is adjacent to and tied into the north wall of the powerhouse and as such may be considered an extension to the powerhouse. The CGIS is housed in a reinforced concrete extension of the powerhouse, consisting of a 115-kV, 4 breaker ring bus. The substation area serves as the line terminals for two power transmission circuits which connect the powerhouse to the local utility transmission system. Three main unit power transformers (115 kV) will be mounted on concrete pads, located adjacent to the north wall of the extension housing the CGIS system. The transformers are provided with separation walls and containment basins filled with crushed rock. Approximately 20 miles of two, parallel, 115-kV transmission lines will connect the Project to a transmission line to be built by the Homer Electric Association. Power from the Project will be transmitted over these transmission lines to Soldotna and Diamond Ridge on the Kenai Peninsula and to other areas of the Railbelt electrical grid system. The Project further includes the construction of the Middle Fork Diversion and the Nuka Glacier Diversion. The Middle Fork Diversion will consist of a small diversion canal and a water flow system which will divert the flows from the upper Middle Fork of the Bradley River into Bradley Lake. The Nuka Glacier Diversion will divert flow from the Nuka Glacier pool into the Upper Bradley River. 2-4 Comoonent Dam: Spillway: Power Tunnel: Diversion Tunnel: Power Penstock: Middle Fork Diversion Channel: Nuka Diversion: Table 2-1 Project Data oescrlptlon Concrete-faced rockfill, 600 ft. long, 125 ft. high, 362,000 cubic yards rockfill, and 10,800 cubic yards concrete. Ungated concrete ogee section, 175 ft. long. 13-ft. nominal diameter, about 18,61 0 ft. in length. The tunnel will be concrete lined. The tunnel will be lined with concrete and a down- stream steel liner. Steel 9-ft. diameter, manifolds into 6.5-ft. diameter branches 10-50 ft. wide, 1,520 ft. long 9-ft. high gravelfill dike Component Powerhouse: Turbines: Generators: Annual Rrm Energy: Average Annual Energy: Transmission Une: Barge Dock: Landing Strip: 2.2.7 Climate, Topography and Geology oescrlptlon Surface, steel super- structure, 160 ft. long, 80 ft. wide, 92ft. high. 2 Pelton, vertical shaft, 6- jet, designed for 63,500 HP at 917 ft. net head and 300 rpm. 2 each, AC, vertical, designed for 63 MV A at 0.95 pf, 13.8 kV and 60Hz. 329 gigawatt hours 376 gigawatt hours 115 kilovolt, two parallel lines, 20 miles long Sheet pile, granular fill Gravel surfaced, 75 ft. wide, 2,400 ft. long. The landing strip is incorporated into the access road. The area surrounding Bradley Lake consists of steep-sloped mountains reaching 6,000 ft. in height, and is dominated by the lake and canyon of Bradley River. The lake is about three miles long and varies from approximately 0.2 miles to 1.2 miles in width. 2-5 The project is located in the coastal area of Southern Alaska in close proximity to seismically active features. The Uniform Building Code places the project in Seismic Zone 4, the most severe classification. The Kenai Peninsula is strongly influenced by the maritime climate that prevails along coastal regions adjacent to the Gulf of Alaska. Cool summers and moderate winter temperatures prevail, with occasional winter intrusions of cold Arctic air masses. Fog, rain, and clouds occur frequently and gusty, turbulent winds are common. Precipitation is light during late winter and early spring, and typically increases to maximum amounts from August through December, varying with geographic location and elevation. Precipitation in the lower elevations is predominantly rain with upper elevations receiving snow. Winds vary due to mountainous terrain and coastal changes. Wind speeds have been clocked at speeds as high as 95 mph in some of the mountain areas, with gusts at greater speeds. High winds in excess of 80 mph should be expected occasionally at the dam site, powerhouse, and other locations at the Project Site. The Bradley River flows from the lake through a steep, narrow canyon for much of its 1 0-mile length. This canyon is between 725 and 1 ,200 ft. deep and up to 750 ft. wide. In the canyon section, the river passes through several narrow reaches, resulting in a series of steep rapids and waterfalls. The lower reach of the Bradley River emerges from the canyon and crosses extensive tidal flats which consist mostly of sedge-grass meadows and mud flats. These tidal flats extend to the northwest across the head of Kachemak Bay where two major drainages, the Fox River and Sheep Creek enter the bay. The hydrology of the Bradley River is typical of the glacial streams in the Kenai Mountains. Approximately 90 percent of the annual discharge occurs from May through October. The highest flows generally occur during the late summer when glacial melt is most rapid and precipitation rates are high. A late spring runoff peak may also occur as the winter snowpack melts. Groundwater storage capacity is low in the Bradley River drainage and subsurface flow is limited, so most streamflow volume is from direct surface runoff. 2-6 Kachemak Bay is subject to tidal fluctuations of up to 27 ft.. Although some ice may form during cold winters, the major portion of the bay is essentially open all year. Ice and heavy snow may be accumulated in varying amounts from early fall to late spring, with the heaviest snowfall typically in December and January. Depths of snow at the Project Site may range from 60 in. at lower elevations to greater than 1 00 in. at higher elevations. 2.3 Objective The objective of this study is to estimate the value, in 1991 dollars, of the losses from insurable risks that could be reasonably expected during the period 1991-2020 at the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project discussed in the background portion of this section of the report. The assessment will include the above ground transmission lines between the powerhouse and Bradley Junction. 2.4 Methodology Our study methodology was designed to develop the value of the reasonably expected annual losses expressed in 1991 dollars. These potential disbursements estimated at low, likely, and high ranges will be based on the results of the peril probability analyses and by the structural, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering analyses directed to assess property damage loss to the dam, spillway, tunnels, penstocks, powerhouse and equipment, transmission line, substation and equipment, barge dock, landing strip and permanent camp, resulting from: 1 . Earthquake 2. Flood and Tsunami 3. Wind 4. Fire and Lightning 5. Other Perils -Natural -All others Analysis was performed for the facilities on an individual basis as well as combined to estimate the total risk to the Energy Authority. Losses are expressed in 1991 dollars, escalated for each year of the study and discounted to present value utilizing capital budgeting techniques recommended and approved by the Energy Authority. The results are based upon probability theory and the best information available at the time of the study. Notwithstanding the value of the losses determined by this study, there is always the possibility that a major event will occur sometime within the 30-year study period causing catastrophic losses to at least one project structure, far in excess of those estimated on a probabilistic basis in this study. The step-by-step procedure used to accomplish the study objective is outlined below and further elaborated in the following text. 1. Obtain the Energy Authority's agreement on the study methodology, work plan and study results. 2. Obtain project data (descriptions, background studies, design criteria, drawings, maps) from Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC) files. 3. Identify all major structures, facilities and equipment, and relevant perils. 4. Organize evaluation team effort and assign damage assessment responsibilities. 5. Review project data. 6. Review and tabulate design criteria for each facility. 7. Assign discrete ranges of peril magnitude and corresponding probability to each structure under consideration. 8. Assess low, likely and high levels of damage for each range of peril magnitude. 9. Estimate dollar cost of each damage level and corresponding project downtime for repair or replacement. 10. Tabulate peril magnitudes, probabilities, loss estimates and project downtime estimates for each project. 11. Compute annual probable loss from each peril extended over 30 years and present-worth to 1991 the low, likely and high loss for the project. 2-8 The following paragraphs present greater details on the above study procedure outline. 2.4.1 Work Planning Meeting A work planning meeting was held at the SWEC headquarters to make certain that the study team had a clear understanding on the desired study output. 2.4.2 Data The project data was obtained largely from SWEC's files and consisted of project description, project specifications, drawings, geotechnical studies, design criteria and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) License documents as listed in Appendix A. 2.4.3 Identify Project Facilities The major structures, facilities and equipment for the project were listed and the perils to which each would be susceptible were identified in tabular form in Table 2-2. 2.4.4 Damage Assessment The assessment of the type and magnitude of damage to each structure was assigned to experienced engineers in the geotechnical, civil, structural, electrical or mechanical disciplines, as appropriate. The evaluation of peril magnitudes and probabilities of occurrence for earthquake, flood and tsunami were obtained or developed from the background studies and design criteria for the project. Other peril magnitude/probabilities were obtained from published meteorological data, utility forced outage/loss records and insurance industry sources. 2-9 Table 2-2 Facilities and Perils Structural Subsl- Facility/ Earth-Salcha/ Snow/ dance/ Equipment gym .El2!2sl Wind .E.IJ:I Tsunami Avalanche ~ Landslide 2lb.ir Main Dam X X X X X X X Main Spillway X X X X X X Power Tunnel Intake X X X Power Tunnel X Power Tunnel Gates X X X Diversion Tunnel X X Diversion Tunnel Intake X X X Diversion Tunnel Gates X X X Diversion Tunnel Outlet X X Fishwater Bypass X Penstock X Powerhouse Substructure X X X X Powerhouse Superstructure X X X X X X X X Tailrace X X P/H Machinery & Equipment X X X X Substation & Equipment X X X X X X X X Transmission Line X X X X X X X Nuka Diversion Dam and LLO X X X X Middle Fork Diversion Channel X X Barge Dock X X X X X Landing Strip X X X X X Housing & Warehouse X X X X X X X 2-10 2.4.5 Document Review The engineer responsible for damage assessment of each structure or peril magnitude/probability evaluation reviewed the appropriate documents and drawings to extract information pertinent to his portion of the work. 2.4.6 Literature Search A literature search was previously carried out for the 1988 Risk Assessment Evaluation of Major Electric Systems for documented incidents of damage or failure to dams, powerhouses and associated facilities, their cause and the remedial action taken to return them to service. The documents listed in the bibliography presented in Appendix 8 were reviewed for applicability to the engineering assessment. We also contacted the utilities and agencies listed in the Risk Assessment Section to obtain forced outage and loss details. 2.4. 7 Other Perils Fire, lightning and "all other" perils are not amenable to the kind of probability evaluation which we applied to the natural perils, so the utilities and agencies contacted in 2.4.6 above were also requested to provide statistical loss data for these perils. 2.4.8 Design Criteria Pertinent design criteria were readily available for the project and are summarized in the text of Section 3. The assumption was made that all structures, facilities and equipment have been designed and constructed to the specified criteria, and that the design criteria were appropriately developed. Therefore, we did not prepare any detailed calculation reviews or inspections to verify that the structures were constructed to meet the design criteria. Design criteria reviews were carried out for the purpose of identifying the peril magnitudes which may be damage causing and to differentiate between these and the threshold magnitudes actually used for design and for which it is assumed no damage will occur. 2-11 In essence, this engineering evaluation estimated the "residual risk" to the project which has been defined by the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USSR) as-"The risk of adverse consequences that remains after the design loading conditions have been selected, appropriate designs prepared to accommodate the loading conditions, and safety precautions established." In addition, the design criteria reviews identified those potential natural hazards, if any tor which no design criteria were stated or found, and evaluated the need to consider their effects in the assessment and, if so, estimated the magnitude to be included. Design Factors of Safety were evaluated for applicability to threshold peril magnitude values and for a range of loss values. 2.4.9 Damage Losses This risk assessment adopts a qualitative quasi-engineering approach as distinct from the actuarial approach preferred and most often used by insurance companies. The actuarial approach relies on historical loss data from many events which have occurred and the law of large numbers to evaluate the risk of future loss occurring from specific perils. Unfortunately, the industry does not have the benefit of extensive historical, documented natural peril loss data for hydroelectric facilities and must utilize engineering judgment in estimating damage loss from perils which have statistically determined probabilities of occurrence in given magnitudes. The repair or replacement cost estimates used in this study are based on replacement "in kind" costs rather than the actual replacement costs associated with meeting future codes for construction quality. The annual value of probable loss is equivalent to the total area under the curve of damage cost versus probability of occurrence for each peril considered, as illustrated in Exhibit 2. In this approach probable annual loss estimates were assessed by summing the incremental damage which potentially could occur due to a series of discrete ranges of peril magnitudes. The total single year loss from all perils is obtained by summing the individual peril loss totals. It is assumed that this estimated annual value of total probable loss applies each year of the entire study period, years 1991 through 2020 adjusted for forecasted escalation of labor and materials. The present worth of the estimated probable loss is 2-12 then computed using an appropriate discount rate to provide the cumulative 1991 present worth of losses that were levelized over the study period so that an "average" loss number could be presented. "Average" is in terms of a cost that represents the repair or replacement cost over the 30-year study period. A more detailed description of this methodology is presented in the Risk Assessment section (4.0) of the report. 2-13 3.0 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 3.1 Overview This phase of the risk assessment study was performed by engineers experienced in the design of hydroelectric structures and facilities. Included on the team were geotechnical, civil, structural, electrical, and mechanical engineers who were assigned specific structures, facilities and equipment for analysis according to the methodology outlined in Section 2.0. All disciplines reviewed the setting of the project as revealed by the Final Supporting Design Report, photographs, construction drawings, maps and background documents available at SWEC. They also reviewed the design criteria documentation to ascertain the threshold loading values for assessment of residual risk damage. Material was previously obtained from various sources which documented cases of damage and failure of dams, penstocks, powerhouses and transmission lines from natural and inherent phenomena. In some instances these reports provided the basis for the damage estimates or were used as guidelines indicating the types of damage that could occur. Engineering judgment was used to estimate the extent of damage. There is little historical data specifically relating structural damage to hydro facilities to the severity of natural perils; nevertheless, the magnitudes of the more devastating events such as flood and earthquake have a statistical record and techniques are in common use to predict their probability of future occurrence. Project structures and other features are designed to ensure that they will be able to withstand defined magnitudes of events during the project life. The design magnitudes of these events all have a probability of being exceeded, so there is still a potential risk to structures and facilities either from a single extreme event or a combination of extreme events. The event or combination of events for design is usually chosen by consensus based on judgment or dictated by FERC or the building codes. 3-1 The assessment of damages from the various perils and their magnitude ranges, and the assignment of probabilities to these magnitude ranges is described in the following sections. 3.2 Earthquake The Bradley Lake hydroproject is located in the coastal area of Southern Alaska in close proximity to seismically active features. The Uniform Building Code (UBC) places the project in Seismic Zone 4 for building design loading purposes. Various classifications of earthquake magnitude are used in the design of structures. The most common classifications used by FERC and the industry in hydroelectric project design typically include an Operational Basis Event (OBE), a Design Basis Event (DBE) and the Maximum Credible Event (MCE) which is also referred to as the Extreme Basis. Table 3-1 provides definitions of these classifications as applied to the design of Bradley Lake structures and facilities. The following "Basis for Seismic Loading" is extracted from the Project Design Criteria: BASIS FOR SEISMIC LOADING GENERAL A number of investigations of the seismicity of the Bradley Lake project have been completed by the Army Corps of Engineers (COE), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WCC) and Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC). For information on seismotectonic setting, the reader is referred to Section 7 of the Final Supporting Design Report for the General Civil Construction Contract. SEISMIC DESIGN Design Condition The design earthquake studies (Woodward Clyde Consultants, 1980, 1981) examined possible earthquake sources and associated maximum magnitude estimates for each source zone. Probability curves and tabulations of the relative contribution from various size earthquakes were developed. An analysis of ground motion parameters was performed and response spectra curves were formulated for a maximum credible (continued on following pages) 3-2 Table3-1 Seizmic Classifications Operational Basis Design Basis Horizontal Ground upto.1g 0.1 gto.3Sg Acceleration Approximate Mean Amual 0.1-().2 0.007 Probability of Exceeding Specified (1·2 chances in 10 (7 chances in 1000 of Acceleration (based on 50-year of exceeding 0. 1 g) exceeding 0.35g) project life) Antiicpated Downtime Project resumes operation Inspection and checkout 30 days. within hou!'$ Repairs 1 to 6 months Allowable Damage Luel pro!tct Eaaturu Dam Spillway Power Tunnel Po-mouse (per UBC) Operational No significant damage Turbine/Generator/Governor Operational Controls No damage, requires integrity check to restart Minor adjustments/ reset con1ToV spares replacement Spherical Valves and Operators Operational Power Tunnel and Diversion Operational Tunnel Slide Gates and Operators, Diversion Tunnel Powerhouse Emergency Generator Operational 15-kV Switchgear and Bus Operational Main Powerhouse T ranslormers Operational Substation!T ransmission Line Operational Emergency lighting Operational, minor damage and light bulb replacements. Fire Protection Operational Environmental Systems Operational Middle Fork and Nuka Diversions Operational Permanent Camp Facilities Operational Including Permanent Housing Barge Dock Airstrip Access Roads Operational Operational Architectural damage. No significant structural damage. Minor damage, possible replacement of components with spare parts Limited damage, replacement of components with spares. Operational Operational Operational Operational Operational Potential interruption of service Operational • minor damage and light bulb replacement Operational Operational Operational Operational Soil failures possible. Will be repaired as needed. (1) While the retum period lor the DBE is usually 1 in 100 years, a retum period for the MCE is not always given. We have assumed a 1 in 10,000-year period. (2) The UBC also has an intermediate category described as 'major' with an assumed return period of about 1,000 years. In this category the s1Tuctures are required to resist earthquake without collapse, but with some structural as well as nonstructural damage. Structural damage would be limited to repairabie damage. 3-3 Extreme Basis .3Sgto.75g 0.0004 (4 chances in 10,000 of exceeding 0. 75g) Possibly greater than 6monlhs Limited s1Tuctural damage, no s1Tuctural collapse. Potential lor functional damage. Structural damage (no structural collapse). Significant architectural damage. Possible major damage Possible major damage Operational Operational Operational by manual start Manual cable reconnection may be required. Minor damage Minor damage Out of service, possible major damage. May require reconnection to emergency generator and light bulb replacement Possible damage Possible damage Potential for functional damage Potenliallor architectural and s1Tuctural damage Major soil failures possible. Will be repaired as needed. earthquake (MCE), producing a 0.75g peak horizontal bedrock acceleration. A response spectra curve was also formulated for a design basis earthquake (DBE) producing a peak horizontal bedrock acceleration of 0.35g. The study concentrates on regional faulting, (the Aleutian Megathrust/Benioff Zone), and four local faults (the Eagle River, Border Ranges, Bradley River, and Bull Moose Faults) as the controlling sources to be considered. Analysis indicated that a magnitude 8.5 event occurring on the megathrust beneath the site and a magnitude 7.5 event occurring on the Border Ranges or Eagle River Faults, dominate the total response spectra for the project design maximum earthquake. Seismic design parameters were developed from the horizontal response spectra at the project area. Both maximum expected magnitude and recurrence intervals were considered. Details of the seismic design spectra and design accelerogram were provided in Volume 3 of the Final Supporting Design Report for the General Civil Construction contract. The summary of the alternative design cases from which the maximum credible and design basis events were selected are detailed below: Design Earthguake Magnitude 7.5 (Local Fault) Magnitude 8.5 (Regional Fault) Peak Horizontal Acceleration J.g} 0.75 0.55 Magnitude 8.5 0.35 (Regional Fault Attenuated by Distance) Design Criteria Peak Velocity (In/sec) 27.6 21.6 10.1 Peak Displacement il1l 1.6 1.3 0.61 Significant Duration LaW 2 (MCE) 45 45 (DBE) Earthquakes will affect the operation of the Bradley Lake Project. Since the project site is located in a seismically active area, it is desirable for the plant to remain operational during and after minor earthquakes. A horizontal ground acceleration of 0.1 g has been selected for this operational basis earthquake (OBE). Minor damage can be expected during a moderate earthquake corresponding to a horizontal ground acceleration of 0.1g to 0.35g. This would involve possible repair to such items as relays, light bulbs and non- critical equipment. Architectural siding and windows may need repair. 3-4 Most repairs could be performed by plant personnel using spare parts or replacement equipment. During a major or extreme earthquake having a horizontal ground acceleration of 0.35g to 0.75g, increased damage may be expected to occur. An inspection of the plant structures and equipment will be required. Since damage may have occurred to the generating equipment, major repairs may be required. With a ground acceleration greater than 0.75g, which is greater than the mean maximum credible event presently predicted, increased damage would occur, varying with the earthquake magnitude and period. Table 3-2 is a seismic evaluation which addresses the project structures and equipment. This evaluation provides an approximate annual probability of exceedence, which is based on the 50-year project life, and the anticipated plant downtime for inspection and repair. It is not economically prudent to design all structures and equipment for the Maximum Credible Earthquake event. The critical structures and equipment including the main dam, spillway, low level outlet gates and operators, power tunnel, power tunnel intake and intake gate shaft, intake gates and operators, and spherical valves and operators are designed for the Maximum Credible Earthquake. Some repair may be required after the event. However, the operating integrity of these structures and equipment will be maintained during and after the Maximum Credible Earthquake. The generating equipment will be designed to remain operational during minor earthquake events up to a horizontal ground acceleration of 0.1 g. Minor damage can be expected from an earthquake with a horizontal ground acceleration of 0.1 g to 0.35g. Major damage may be possible to the generating equipment from an earthquake with a horizontal ground acceleration of 0.35g to 0.75g. The powerhouse and substation will be founded on or in rock. The powerhouse has been designed pseudostatically to maintain its structural integrity for a 0.75g horizontal acceleration and for an independently applied vertical acceleration of 0.50g. Ductility considerations have been provided for in design to enable the structure to withstand higher amplifications in acceleration. Additionally, the steel superstructure has been dynamically analyzed for a horizontal ground acceleration of 0.35g in accordance with the Project response spectra (Attachment A of the General Structural Design Criteria). Seismic loads were not considered in the design of the Middle Fork and Nuka Diversion. Unless specifically designated otherwise in design criteria or specifications, all major project facilities will be founded on or in rock and design acceleration values given below are for horizontal acceleration in rock. 3-5 Project Facility Main Dam and Spillway Intake Structure and Gate Shaft Diversion and Outlet Facilities Fish Water Bypass System Power Tunnel and Inclined Shaft Penstock and Steel Liner Powerhouse Other (Service buildings, roads and other non·operational facilities) Design Ground Acceleration(g) 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.35 Fully embedded -Not applicable 0.75 0.35 (No collapse at 0.75) U.B.C. Zone 4 standards (min.) The potential for future fault rupture, including sympathetic rupture initiated by Eagle River and/or Border Ranges Fault movements was evaluated for the Bradley River, Bull Moose, and minor faults in the vicinity of Bradley Lake. On this basis, the probability of rupture occurring at the power tunnel over the next 100 years was estimated at approximately 1 in 250 (or one chance in 25,000 of a rupture in any given year) due to movement either on the Bradley River or Bull Moose Faults. Along a minor fault, the probability of rupture is estimated to be approximately one in 5,000 for a 1 00-ear eriod. 3.2.1 Damage Assessments The coefficients which were chosen for design were assumed to be the threshold values where no significant loss will occur. The probability curves in Exhibit 3 were used for establishing the ranges of peril magnitude, up to the MCE, which may be damage causing. Documented earthquake experience indicates that structures founded on sound rock suffer least from high magnitude earthquakes. Since the main structures for all of the facilities are founded on sound rock, the damage should be slight from all but the most severe earthquakes. Earthquake induced regional subsidence is expected to be an event in which no differential movement would take place between the structures. Thus, no damage would result except tidewater may be relatively higher or lower which may effect loading on the powerhouse structure or turbine operation. 3-6 Civil Structures Due to the nature of their design, it was necessary to treat civil structures such as the dams and spillways differently from the powerhouse and gatehouse buildings and to treat equipment differently from either. In general, however, damage is predicted in a range from zero for the DBE to total destruction in some instances for the MCE. The dam at Bradley Lake was designed for stability under both static and dynamic (seismic) loads according to deign techniques unique to these structures that were developed with structural integrity and public safety foremost in mind. If the seismic design loadings are exceeded, it is possible to predict the kind of failure which may occur, and the extent of the damages. The effects of earthquakes on dams may be caused by ground shaking, fault offset, landslide into the reservoir and seiche (wave in reservoir). The two former effects are potentially the most damage causing. The kinds of structural failure which may result are embankment slump (possibly leading to loss of freeboard) resulting in consequent cracking of the concrete facing and/or cracking (possibly leading to piping) of the rockfill dam; and cracking, overturning and/or sliding of the concrete spillway. Damage to the dam may in the extreme require the reservoir to be drained for repair or replacement of the upstream face. Only minor damage would result from overtopping of the dam due to an earthquake induced seiche. There is no identified fault beneath the dam, therefore, there is no risk of a fault offset. A dynamic stability analysis was performed during the design of Bradley Lake Dam and suggests that for the most likely critical sliding surface a maximum of about 0.1 ft. vertical and 0.2 ft. total movement will occur for the OBE and DBE earthquakes, respectively. For the MCE a maximum vertical settlement of about 2 ft. and total movement about 5 ft. was calculated. Loss of freeboard is estimated to be about 20 percent (excluding the four ft. high parapet wall) which is acceptable. Total movement of five ft. does not jeopardize the 12ft. wide transition zone function beneath the concrete face. 3-7 The reservoir rim consists of a fairly stable rock mass. Other than some sloughing of talus slopes, no significant rock slides are postulated. This is an old reservoir with a large delta, so subaqueous sliding and wave generation is possible. The spillway agee section will only incur varying degrees of cracking for different magnitude events, but the training walls are expected to collapse at the "most likely" damage level for the MCE. As these are founded on and backed by rock, no subsequent damage of any significance can occur even if the reservoir is spilling at the time. The emergency outlet (diversion} in the rock abutment between dam and spillway is a steel pipe in an open concrete culvert, and has upstream gates which are normally closed. This pipe could fail; but if it did, there should be controlled flow in the concrete culvert which should not erode. However, repair would be needed for the pipe. The gate structure is situated in rock and should be quite stable; therefore, it should remain operational. The intake, gateshaft, concrete conduit and outlet for the outlet works are reinforced concrete structures in rock. The power intake and outlet works structures are of reinforced concrete submerged in rock trenches in the lake. The only threat to these structures is rock·fall into the trench. The power intake has a rocktrap upstream which will collect moderate amounts of rock debris. The main power tunnel is approximately 19,000 ft. long, and is mostly in hard rock and is fully concrete lined. A number of lineaments and two identified faults cross the main power tunnel. Possible modes of failure from earthquakes include offset along the faults, which in the worst case would require tunnel dewatering, mining the offset sections, bolting and concreting. An annual probability of 0.00004 (1 in 25,000 years} is assigned to this event. The steel penstock is embedded in rock except inside the powerhouse. The backfill concrete grout is provided with a drainage system. Except for the case of a large ground disruption such as faulting or subsidence, the chances for damage to the penstock are slight. The exposed portion of the penstock, and the emergency shut-off 3-8 valve in the powerhouse, are adequately supported and will likely experience little damage. Powerhouse Structure The powerhouse was designed by the more commonly applied techniques of structural analysis described in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) as it applies to reinforced concrete and steel frame buildings. Damage due to earthquakes on powerhouse structures is very difficult to predict. Variables include the area's seismicity, expected site earthquake motion, and the strength, ductility, damping, mass and rigidity of the structure, along with numerous other factors. In order to forecast the expected damage due to such a complex problem, the UBC was used as a guide when possible. The UBC defines equivalent pseudostatic loads as in Table 3-2 which may be applied to the structure for seismic design. Earthquake Type Max. Credible Major Moderate Minor Table 3-2 UBC Equivalent Loads UBC Loads 1.50 x UBC 1.00 X UBC Av. of Major & Minor= 0.71 x UBC UBC/2.35 = 0.43 x UBC The UBC loading for the various magnitude events was used to predict the damage levels shown on Table 3-3 for the powerhouse superstructure and substructure. A comparison was made of the UBC recommended loads versus the loads for which the actual structure was designed. Based on this comparison, a damage factor was determined to represent the probabilities of the expected damage occurring. This was an expedient to simplify the damage estimating process. 3-9 UBC Earthquake Magnitude Max. Cred. Major Moderate Minor Max. Cred. Major Moderate Minor Table 3-3 Predicted Earthquake Damage Levels Estimated Superstructure Damage Some steel members yield, some precast panels crack, con- siderable architect- tural damage. Minor cracking of a few precast pan- els, minor archi- tectural damage. No damage. No damage. LIke I y .l::lla..b Superstructure collapses, total archi- tectural damage. Some steel mem- bers yield, some precast panels crack, consider- able architect- tural damage. Minor cracking of a few precast panels, minor architectural damage. · No damage. Superstructure collapses, total architectural damage. Superstructure collapses, total architectural damage. Some steel mem- bers yield some precast panels crack, consider- able architect- Minor cracking of a few precast panels, minor architectural damage. Estimated Substructure carnage Some repairable cracks. Few repairable cracks. No damage. No damage. 3-10 Likely Major repairable cracking. Some repairable cracks. Few repairable cracks. No damage. Concrete floors collapse. Major repairable cracking. Some repairable cracks. Few repairable cracks. Equipment The equipment listed in Table 3-4 has been specified to be operational after the seismic event magnitude indicated. In addition, all equipment is anchored into concrete or rock, and the anchorage is designed to withstand DBE as a minimum, with most anchorages designed for MCE. Manufacturers and contractors were required to demonstrate that critical equipment designs meet the seismic criteria specified. Hydro-turbine-generators are conservatively designed as a general rule and many installations have been exposed to extreme events, such as earthquake and flood, without any serious damage. Cases have been documented of hydro plants in very close proximity to major earthquakes, for instance, the 1964 Alaska earthquake (Eklutna hydro), the Chilean (Rape! hydro) and Mexican (La Villata and El lnfiermillo hydro) earthquakes of 1985, and the 1987 New Zealand earthquake (Matahina hydro) in which no damage was sustained to the turbines and generators. We have been unable to uncover any cases of significant earthquake damage to this equipment. The reason is undoubtedly due to the normal practice of solidly embedding and anchoring the stationary parts into the concrete foundation. The rotating parts, the turbine runner and generator rotor, are connected by a slender but low stress main shaft, which is supported and guided by babbit lined bearings with close running clearances and oil film lubricating cushion. Exceptionally high impact loads due to ground motion may damage the bearing liners and/or supports and we have assigned this as the damage level for MCE. An external source of earthquake damage to this equipment would be from falling objects such as roof and wall panels or the complete superstructure. At high enough ground accelerations the substructure containing the turbines and generators could fail. The overhead bridge crane and supports have been designed to remain in place during the MCE. 3-11 Table 3·4 Equipment Seismic Requirements The equipment listed below is specified to remain operational during and after the event magnitude cited. Penstock, Manifold, and Steel Liner (Exposed Sections) Main Dam Diversion Penstock and Supports High Pressure Gates and Operating Systems Spherical Valve Compact Gas Insulated Substation Diesel Generator Firewater Equipment and Piping System Fire Suppression Systems Fuel Oil System (Supports) Turbine Generator Governor Powerhouse Bridge Crane Miscellaneous Hoists Bulkhead Gates and Guides for Power Tunnel and Diversion Tailrace Gates and Guides SCAD A Transmission Line Main Power Transformers 15.0 kV Switchgear Assemblies 15.0 kV Bus 480 Volt Station Service Switchgear and Transformers Project Facilities Stepdown Transformer 125 Volt DC Systems Fish Water By-Pass System Power Tunnel Intake Trashracks and Guides Main Control Board and Relay Panels Piping Systems -General Instrumentation Service Water System Sump Drainage and Unwatering System Service, Instrument, and Control Air System Oil Conditioning Systems Plumbing, Drainage, and Oil Separation systems Heating and Ventilation System Electric motors and Starters Tailrace Depression Air System Lighting Systems Operational Seismic Regu!rements (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) ( 1) (2) MCE MCE empty DBE full MCE MCE MCE MCE MCE MCE MCE DBE/MCE DBE/MCE DBE/MCE DBE/MCE DBE/MCE DBE DBE DBE DBE DBE DBE DBE DBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE OBE (1) After events of these magnitudes, the equipment will be shut down for routine damage inspections. (2) Cranes and hoists shall remain in place for all events. 3-12 The gas insulated substation is designed to operate during and after the MCE. It is expected that minor control devices (relays, etc.) will fail in the DBE and MCE. After each event, the substation should be inspected for any failed components, gas pressure, racked bus joints etc. Caution must be exercised due to the potential presence of highly toxic dust in the event of a fault and subsequent rupture of the bus containment. Auxiliary equipment such as transformers, circuit breakers, control panels, diesel generators, compressors and pumps are of fairly uniform design and construction whether used for hydroelectric, steam or nuclear power plants. An experience data base is being developed by an independent organization (EQE, Inc.) in which selected types of auxiliary equipment, which have experienced earthquakes of recorded intensities, are carefully checked for damage and operation, and categorized. The developing data base shows that no damage was sustained and operations continued for selected equipment during peak ground accelerations of up to 0.35g, and only a few items of installed equipment sustained damage or tripped off during peak ground accelerations of up to O.Sg. Based on this experience, we have used 0.35g peak ground acceleration as the threshold value for all equipment, at which no damage will be sustained. Degrees of damage will be assigned above this value. These conclusions are contingent upon the equipment being firmly anchored in place which has been carefully specified, for the Bradley Lake Plant. Three earthquake magnitude ranges were considered in Table 3-5 for equipment in this assessment. 3-13 Acceleration Range -g 0.10 to 0.35 0.35 to 0.50 0.50 to MCE Table 3-5 Earthquake Magnitude Ranges Probability 0.100 0.007 0.0004 likely Damage None Minor Damage ( 1 ) Major Damage (2) (1) Damage at this level might be expected to include the DBE based equipment listed in Table 3-4 such as main power transformers, excitation switchgear, 15.0 KV and 480-V switchgear, generator switchgear, main control board and relays, batteries and all OBE based non-critical systems. Damage will be minor as all equipment is anchored down and will not topple, but will have to be repaired and equipment and relays operationally checked for function. All relays should be recalibrated. There is potential for gas leakage in the substation. Gas density and pressure should be checked and the integrity of seals visually examined. (2} In addition to the equipment damage under (1 ), the turbines and generators will probably sustain minor damage to bearings and their supports, and equipment anchors designed for DBE will strain or fail. Substation damage might be expected to include the following: a. Additional damage to insulators on transformers and line terminations. b. Transformers will have to be drained of oil and checked structurally as a minimum, At higher levels, transformers and switchgear will have to be rebuilt or replaced. c. The entire gas bus in the substation will have to be inspected for damaged seals, breaker alignment, and gas leakage. The extent of damage which various magnitude earthquakes could potentially cause at the project are estimated generally based upon the foregoing. Described below are items which require special attention due to their design, location, foundation conditions or other factors. 3-14 The power tunnel intake gate is housed inside the reinforced concrete gate shaft founded in rock and is not expected to fail unless the gatehouse itself collapses. The gate is operated by a hydraulic cylinder mounted directly above the gate. We assume that the hydraulic operator may fail in an extreme earthquake above MCE. This same assessment applies to the emergency outlet works gates also. The design criteria indicates that the turbine inlet valve is to be designed to be operational during and after the MCE. However, the valve has a large counterweighted operator which may suffer damage, and the anchors may be strained or stripped for very high magnitude events. Transmission line Seismic loading was not considered, however, due to the design of the towers, seismic damage will be minimized. Up to 0.35g, no damage should occur. At 0.35g the angle structures and dead-ends are rigid and above 0.35g will have some damage (six towers). Tangent structures which are the majority will not incur any damage. At 0. 75g the angle and dead-end structures will be severely damaged, particularly those along the bluffs near the powerhouse (Section 3). The Fox river valley will liquify, and most (maybe all) of the tangent structures will fall down. The same for the structures on the Bradley Junction Plateau. Insulator and conductor damage should be minimal. The transmission line tangent towers are designed for controlled failures in the event of an earthquake. Above the design loads, the yoke shears, putting about three foot of slack into the tower. This will dramatically reduce the tension in the conductor and insulators. If that is not enough, and the tensions increase, the guy wires will break and the tower will fall. For the towers on the plateau and in the valley, this will minimize damage. For towers along the bluff, there may be some tower damage due to the rugged terrain. 3-15 As a minimum the anchorage and supports for all equipment designed for OBE was designed to meet DBE requirements, and for all equipment designed for DBE, the anchorage was designed to meet MCE requirements. The anchorages actually provided for most equipment has been designed for MCE. Relays may trip during cited events. 3.3 Flood 3.3.1 Inflow Flood The very nature of hydro projects which are designed to store and/or divert flowing water, makes them susceptible to floods from high runoff. The FERC requires detailed flood studies for each licensed project to protect the public where the potential failure of a water retaining structure, such as a dam or spillway, may cause loss of life or property damage downstream. Guidelines establishing the magnitude of flood for the design of spillways and dams are normally those proposed and recommended by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers which are based upon criteria such as dam height, volume of water impounded, possible extent of damage and loss of life downstream. The loss of the impounding structure itself is not a concern of FERC, only the loss to the public. However, in most cases the protection of the public from loss generally ensures adequate protection of the structure and so is very beneficial from a risk standpoint. The design criteria for the Bradley Lake dam and spillway requires that the spillway be adequate to pass the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) without overtopping the dam. The PMF usually is assigned a probability of 1 :10,000 (once in 10,000 years), and is determined by a statistical approach using historical flow data for the drainage basin under study. The dam is of the concrete faced rockfill type with adjacent mass concrete spillway all founded on and tied into rock. The spillway is of the simple ungated overflow type with a crest elevation of 1180 ft. The dam crest elevation is 1190 ft. with a reinforced concrete parapet wall on the upstreams side to elevation 1194 ft. Normal maximum pond level is 1180 ft. The probable maximum flood (PMF) pond elevation is 1190.6 ft. leaving 3.4 ft. freeboard on the parapet wall to prevent overtopping from wind driven waves. 3-16 Spillway model tests were carried out to refine the design of the spillway discharge area to prevent damage from PMF flows. The structures have been designed to prevent overtopping of the dam and downstream erosion so no damage is anticipated during the PMF. The small diversion dam at Nuka has no flood criteria for design. The gabion structure will overtop with a sufficiently high flood. Partial or complete replacement may be needed if damage occurs. Public safety is generally not an issue in connection with flood hazard to the other hydro facilities such as the powerhouse, so the owner and designer must set appropriate criteria. The powerhouse is located at tidewater and is situated so that the main access floor elevation is 25.6 ft. above maximum high tide including waves. Waves due to seismically induced Tsunamis are treated separately from a risk standpoint. A considerable number of hydro powerhouses throughout the world have been flooded by various natural or accidental events. Flooding to various levels have occurred, including complete submergence of generator and auxiliaries. In most instances the equipment only required cleaning, dry out, and testing, while in others some electrical equipment needed replacing or rebuilding. Oil spill from governor and bearing sumps during a flood may present the greatest difficulty during clean-up. 3.3.2 Tsunami Flood The southcentral Alaska coastal region, where the Bradley Lake hydro project is situated, is subject to seismic activity as detailed in the earthquake portion of this section of the report. A phenomenon associated with seismic activity is the tsunami which is a long-period tidal wave generated by several mechanisms: submarine earthquakes, submarine landslides, and underwater volcanos. These waves may travel distances of over 5,000 miles across an ocean with speeds at times exceeding 500 mph. In open oceans, the heights of these waves are generally unknown but small, while their run-up height in coastal regions have been greater than 100 ft. The wave may also be greatly amplified in shallow water by detraction, convergence, and 3-17 resonance when it reaches land. The Bradley Lake 'Tsunami Hazard' report dated September 1987 summarized and concluded that: [Some of the facilities of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project will be built on the shores of Kachemak Bay. Examination of historical reports on tsunamis in Alaska, as well as the seismicity and tectonics of the Gulf of Alaska, suggests that these project facilities might experience tsunamis during their operating lifetime. Some of the communities at the mouth of Kachemak Bay experienced a tsunami of about 20 ft in 1964. Port Graham on the lower Kenai Peninsula also reported a 25 to 30 ft tsunami associated with the eruption of the Augustine volcano in 1983. Therefore, in the future, the project facilities could also experience a tsunami of this magnitude from a similar eruption of Augustine. It can be concluded that the tsunami hazard to project facilities located on Kachemak Bay is real and that the tsunami may be generated by either the occurrence of large earthquakes in the Gulf of Alaska or by a severe eruption of Augustine volcano. Based upon the probability curve, Exhibit 4 which was developed for the exceedence of water levels from tide plus tsunami (including both seismic and volcanic sources), the impact levels on the powerhouse for two cases are shown on Exhibit 5. The two cases are: 1) total water height of 25 feet corresponding to an annual probability of 0.007, and 2) total water height of 44.2 feet corresponding to the maximum credible tsunami plus the calculated maximum historic high tide. The second case is given not to suggest that it should be used for design, but to provide the reader with a comparison of a reasonable design case (Case 1) to the upper possible limit, having a probability of essentially zero. A regional tsunami warning center for Alaska is located in Palmer, Alaska. This center is responsible for seismic and tidal gauge data collection, analysis of data, and issuance of tsunami warnings to the civil defense authorities of various coastal communities in Alaska (Sokolowski, 1985). It is recommended that a communication plan be established to ensure project personnel operating the power plant are evacuated to high ground in the case of tsunami generation in the Gulf of Alaska from (earthquake occurrence) or in Lower Cook Inlet (from the eruption of Augustine volcano). Empirical estimates of tsunamis generated by large earthquakes in the Gulf of Alaska were modified to take into account the presence of the Barren Islands and the constriction of Lower Cook Inlet. This modification was carried with the assumption of a diffraction coefficient 0.4 suggested by Wilson & Torum (1968). It would clearly be necessary to carry out detailed numerical modeling of the ocean floor in the area of Lower Cook Inlet in order to obtain a more precise diffraction factor. Therefore, it is recommended that such studies be carried out if the predicted recurrence of a major tsunami is felt to have significant effect on project capital or insurance costs. The effect of Homer Spit on tsunami propagation has not been considered in this study. Homer Spit reduces the width of Kachemak Bay and therefore will act as a topographic barrier to the propagation of a tsunami towards project facilities. Homer Spit will affect tsunamis generated by the eruption of Augustine volcano as well as by earthquakes in the Gulf of Alaska. It is recommended that the effect of Homer Spit be determined quantitatively by numerical modeling if further studies are conducted.] The greatest risk of powerhouse and switchyard flooding is considered to be from a tsunami. Tsunamis were considered in the powerhouse design for the Bradley Lake project. This risk assessment evaluated the structural damage that may occur from higher than anticipated water loads due to tsunamis, and the consequent flooding which may result. Simple flooding of equipment in the substation at Bradley Lake is unlikely to cause major damage. Oil samples should be taken and tested for both transformers and circuit breakers. The rest of the switchyard equipment should be washed to remove salt deposits before re-energizing. It is assumed that with sufficient warning, the on- site operations personnel will deenergize the equipment before the flood can cause electrical fault problems. We have assigned powerhouse damage levels from three wave heights as follows: a. Wave heights which are less than elevation 22 ft. are assumed not to collapse the access doors. Damage is zero. b. Wave heights to elevation 25 ft may fail the outer roll-up access door to the substation area and NE powerhouse access double doors at elevation 21 '. Damage is assumed to be limited to clean up, dry out and testing and replacement of 50% of the auxiliary motors, in addition to replacing the access doors. c. Wave heights to elevation 44.2 ft will result in failure of all elevation 21 ft doors, substation walls and transformer firewalls. Damage is assumed to be the same as in (b) above plus the need to rebuild some switchgear and motor control centers (MCC's). No damage to the powerhouse structure is anticipated, but some wall panels will need to be replaced. Serious damage to the substation due to falling walls will result. The effect on transformers is 3-19 likely to include the breaking of bushings and possible salt water infiltration into the oil. High buswork is likely to be mechanically deformed or broken, requiring replacement. 3.3.3 Landslide Induced Wave in Bradley Lake An investigation of landslide-induced waves in Bradley Lake Reservoir was carried out in 1987 as part of project engineering. The Executive Summary from the ensuing report is as follows: [By examination of the Bradley Lake reservoir rim and shoreline most likely to experience a landslide during a major earthquake, investigating the subsurface geology, and using both analytical and comparative techniques; an estimate was made of the volume of material in the Kachemak Creek Delta at the head of the lake which might liquefy during an earthquake, causing a subaqueous landslide, and thereby inducing a wave in the Bradley Lake reservoir. The estimated volume so obtained was 4,000,000 cubic yards. The mass mobilized during this postulated subaqueous landslide would be a 200 feet wide band along two-thirds of the 5500 feet width of Kachemak Creek Delta to the head of the lake. The extreme basis seismic event (normalized peak horizontal ground acceleration 0. 75g) was used to generate the landslide. The magnitude of the wave which would be generated by this landslide and the propagation of the wave approximately three miles along the lake to the dam were calculated. The use of three wave propagation methods yielded close results, the largest of which indicated 9. 7 feet wave height at the dam. The analysis was conservatively performed with the lake water surface at elevation 1180, the maximum normal operating level. No reduction in wave magnitude was made for the attenuating effect that the southwest portion of the lake shoreline, which juts out in front of the dam blocking the path of the wave, would have. The analysis showed that the dam parapet would not be overtopped and that the wave force would be less than that for which the top of the rock fill dam is presently designed.) The likely consequence of such an event would be zero damage. However, there is a possibility that Bradley Lake will be at flood level when the event occurs resulting in a wave elevation of up to 1190.6 ft. + 9. 7 ft. = 1200.3 ft. which would overtop the parapet wall on top of the dam (el 1194 ft.). The probability of these two independent events occurring simultaneously may be estimated by the product of their individual probabilities. 3-20 Overtopping the parapet wall by 6 feet may cause one or all of the following damage to occur: 1. Failure of the parapet wall 2. Erosion of the downstream face 3. Movement of the dam Industry practice does not normally consider extreme events as occurring simultaneously for design purposes, but a risk assessment should take this into account to ascertain if catastrophic damage can occur which may be statistically significant. 3.4 Wind 3.4.1 General The site location generally experiences only moderate wind speeds, and events such as hurricanes & tornados typically do not occur along the coastline of the Gulf of Alaska. Apart from the dam and powerhouse most of the structures are of reinforced concrete, and little damage is expected due to wind. Wind loading on the dam and spillway is insignificant compared to other loads and may be neglected for this risk assessment. The only structures at risk would seem to be building superstructures consisting of metal panels, supporting girders (girts) and roof steel and transmission line structures and equipment. 3.4.2 Powerhouse The wind speeds used in the design criteria for determining wind loads on the powerhouse are based on a basic wind speed at 30 feet above ground of 100 mph, with Unified Building Code (UBC) factors applied for heights other than this. This design wind speed has a 50 year recurrence interval. Wind gusts of 96 mph have been recorded during a short record period (1980-1982). The Climatic Atlas for the Gulf of Alaska (BLM) provides probability data for annual maximum sustained wind for Homer. Wind speeds are averaged over 1 minute and tabulated values are 60 mph, 67.5 mph and 88 mph for 50, 100 and 500 year return periods respectively. The 68 percent confidence limits for each of these return periods 3-21 show wind speeds ranging 49.7-74.6 mph, 50.7-90.1 mph, and 45.0-150.0 mph respectively. There is thus some probability that winds far in excess of the design criteria will occur. These will be damage causing especially as the relationship between wind load and wind speed is non-linear. According to UBC loads increase incrementally at a greater rate than the wind velocity. Damage from extreme winds is expected to strip wall and roof coverings off the powerhouse, substation and permanent camp buildings, but no structural damage is anticipated. Wind borne missiles may constitute a small hazard along with direct wind loads. The only damage to equipment inside structures would be from roof and wall panels off the building itself. Potential wind damage has generally only been assessed for these types of structures and typically will be as shown on Table 3-6. Wind Speed (mph) 100 150 probability 0.020 0.002 Table 3·6 Potential Wind Damage None Minor damage to metal wall panels & girts. Likely None Considerable damage to metal wall & roof panels & girts; some damage to outside windows & doors on powerhouse and permanent camp. Damage to transmission line structures and broken insulators. 3.4.3 Transmission Line Some damage to metal wall panels & grits. Wall and roof panels & girts destroyed; heavy architectural damage. Loss of permanent camp. Extensive damage to transmission line structures and broken insula- tors. Transmission line loss and insulator loss at high wind speeds are possible even though the line was designed to withstand 5 second wind gusts of up to 154 mph in high wind areas, based on a 50-year return period. Damage to equipment such as line terminals, disconnects, and transformers should be restricted to insulators broken due to overstress caused by buswork deformation or blowing debris. Ice combined 3-22 with wind can put extreme loads on the transmission conductor, insulators, and structures. Expected wind and ice loads are shown on Tables 3-7, 3-8 and 3-9. The conductor used has a tensile strength of 42,000 pounds. The line was designed for the 50-year wind and ice loading shown on page 3-25 with a 40-percent margin of safety. The Meteorological Evaluation of Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project 115-kV transmission line route, prepared by M. C. Richmond, dated December 19, 1985, was used to obtain values for wind speeds and loads, and return periods. Damage estimates are assessed using the meteorological report and the Transmission Line Construction Contract, and some engineering judgment. The meteorological study performed by M. C. Richmond under contract to Dryden & LaRue Consulting Engineers prior to transmission line construction, consisted of three parts. Field Survey Climatology Survey Analysis of data and application to the proposed route. Data was obtained from files formerly belonging to Meteorology Research, Inc., National Climatic Center, Arctic Environmental Information Center, and National Weather Service in Anchorage and Homer. Due to varying climatic conditions along the route, the line was divided into eight segments. Tables 3-7, 3-8 and 3-9 are the conclusions from the report for the eight segments of the transmission line. These conclusions are incorporated into the Basic Design Manual for the 115-kV Transmission Line. The Design Manual shows that the transmission line is designed for: I. NESC H -1984 NESC Heavy Loading 1/2" radical ice with 4PSF wind & 0.30 constant at 0°F, initial loading. II. NESC L-1984 NESC Light Loading No ice with 9PSF wind & 0.05 constant at 30°F, initial loading. 3-23 SEGMENT NUMBER 1 2 VJ I 1\) 3 ~ 4 5 6 7 ' 8 TRANSMISSION LINE-WIND AND ICE LOADS-25-YEAR RETURN EXTREME WIND ON BARE WIRE WET SNOW ICING 0.5 g cm-3 APPRO X-1-MINUTE ASSOCIATED MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM IMATE AVERAGE 5-SECOND ASSOCIATED WET SNOW VERTICAL TRANSVERSE TRANSVERSE LENGTH WIND SPEED GUST SPEED WINO THICKNESS ICE LOAD WIND SPEED WIND LOAD (miles) (mph) (mph) DIRECTION (Radial ln.) (!bilinear ft) (mph) (lbllinear ft) 2.1 80 109 NNE 1.5 2.5 35 1.0 2.2 110 145 SE 1.5 2.5 70 4.1 2.0 80 109 NNE 1.5 2.5 35 1.0 2.5 95 128 NNE 1.0 1.3 50 1.5 0.5 80 109 NNE 1.0 1.3 35 0.7 3.4 90 122 NE 1.5 2.5 40 1.3 2.8 60 83 ESE 2.0 4.0 30 0.9 4.7 92 125 NNW 2.5 5.8 45 2.5 -· ------- M0390031 -I s:u g: <D w I """-~ SEGMENT NUMBER 1 2 (A) I 1\) 3 01 4 5 6 7 8 TRANSMISSION LINE-WIND AND ICE LOADS-50-YEAR RETURN EXTREME WIND ON BARE WIRE WET SNOW ICING 0.5 g cm-3 1-MINUTE ASSOCIATED MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE 5-SECOND ASSOCIATED WET SNOW VERTICAL TRANSVERSE TRANSVERSE LENGTH WIND SPEED GUST SPEED WIND THICKNESS ICE LOAD WIND SPEED WIND LOAD (miles) (mph) (mph) DIRECTION (Radial ln.) (lb/linear ft) (mph) (lbllinear ft) 2.1 85 115 NNE 1.7 3.0 39 1.4 2.2 115 154 SE 1.7 3.0 75 5.1 2.0 85 115 NNE 1.7 3.0 39 1.4 2.5 100 135 NNE 1.2 1.7 54 2.0 0.5 85 115 NNE 1.2 1.7 39 1.1 3.4 95 128 NE 1.7 3.0 44 1.8 2.8 64 90 ESE 2.2 4.6 34 1.3 4.7 97 131 NNW 2.7 6.6 49 3.2 M0390032 -i m CT <D U) I co (1.) I I\) 0) SEGMENT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TRANSMISSION LINE· WIND AND ICE LOADS -100-VEAR RETURN EXTREME WIND ON BARE WIRE WET SNOW ICING 0.5 g cm-3 1-MINUTE ASSOCIATED MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE 5-SECOND ASSOCIATEO WET SNOW VERTICAL TRANSVERSE TRANSVERSE LENGTH WIND SPEED GUST SPEED WIND THICKNESS ICE LOAD WIND SPEED WIND LOAD (miles) (mph) (mph) DIRECTION (Radial ln.) (lbllinear ft) (mph) (lbllinear ft) 2.1 90 122 NNE 1.9 3.6 43 1.8 2.2 120 160 SE 1.9 3.6 79 6.2 2.0 90 122 NNE 1.9 3.6 43 1.8 2.5 105 141 NNE 1.4 2.2 58 2.6 0.5 90 122 NNE 1.4 2.2 43 1.4 3.4 100 135 NE 1.9 3.6 48 2.3 2.8 66 91 ESE 2.4 5.4 38 1.8 4.7 102 137 NNW 2.9 7.5 53 4.0 M0390033 -I $l) cr CD VJ I <.0 Ill. NESC W-1984 NESC Extreme Wind Loading of 26 PSF wind on bare conductor with gust factors for wire loading and structure loading. IV. MCR H-MCR 50-Year Return Period Combined wet snow and wind loading for eight (8) segments. V. MCR W-MCR 50-Year Return Period 1-minute wind loadings and 5 sec wind loadings for eight (8) segments. VI. CONST-Construction Loadings Structure erection and hauling. Maintenance and repair. Stringing VII. LONG -Longitudinal Loadings Extreme wind, combined snow and wind, unbalanced ice and/or snow, broken conductor, ice drop VIII. MISC -Miscellaneous Loadings Seismic, vibration, galloping conductors. The following overload factors were used. Ov~riQsU;I Csu~a~illl Factor Load Case Wind Tension Vertical II Ill IV v VI NESC H NESC L NESCW MCRH MCRW CONST 3.5 Other Perils 2.5 2.5 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.0 1.65 1.5 1.65 1.5 1 .1 1.1 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 2.0 2.0 The 'other perils' category to be evaluated in this risk assessment will be segregated into 'natural' and 'all other' perils. The 'natural' perils will include ice, hail, lightning subsidence, landslide, snow (including avalanche), volcanic eruptions and internal failure (dams). The 'all other' perils to be evaluated will include both man-made as 3-27 well as some additional external or natural perils. This category of perils will also include those man-made perils that are not considered property perils, but are machinery and equipment related perils. This broad category of perils is discussed in Section 4 and includes: explosion, vibration, electrical overload, rupture, electrical and mechanical breakdown, tearing apart, carelessness. Natural or external phenomena not including flood, wind, fire, lighting and earthquake are discussed below. 3.5.1 Internal Failure Perils such as earthquake and flood are considered to be random events. There is also a category of perils considered to be normal events which include failure of a dam due to deterioration or defects and is generally called internal failure. Internal failure of dams can occur typically due to piping, slope instability, foundation failure or failure of integral facilities. The methodology used to evaluate this risk was as developed in the publication "Preliminary Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams" Vols. 1 and 2, McCann, M. W. et al., which uses a Bayesian model. The methodology when applied to the rockfill dam yielded the probability of failure indicated in Table 3-10. Piping Slope Stability Foundation Total Table 3-10 Estimated Internal Failure Scale 2 2 1 Frequency of Dam Failure 0.0000110 0.0000028 0.0000039 0.0000177 The annual probability of failure is thus 0.00002 and the estimated damage would be complete dam failure. 3.5.2 Snow/Avalanche Apart from the dam, most of the structures considered are of reinforced concrete and the damage due to snow load will probably be minimal. However, the roofs of some 3-28 structures, such as the powerhouse and substations with metal deck roofs, are at risk. However, there is no threat of avalanche reaching any of the structures, including the transmission line. The project design criteria utilized Corps of Engineers ETL 1110-3.37 to determine the snow loads which are based on a 1 00 yr return period. Due to the scarcity of probabilistic data for snow loads, the ETL 111 0-3.37 data has been extrapolated to extreme probabilities. The Design Criteria for the powerhouse requires the roof to be designed for the 1 00-yr. storm and 85 pounds per square foot (psf) snow load. In addition the roof is sloped to reduce snow loads. The tailrace deck is designed for 11 0 psf snow load. Typically the damages shown on Table 3-11 were assessed for the powerhouse roof. Snow Loading U1.S.1l 85 120 probability 0.010 0.002 Table 3-11 Estimated Snow Loads None None Likely None Minor defor- mation of some roof panels Minor defor- mation of some roof panels Replace roof topping panels The intake and emergency outlet gatehouses are substantial reinforced concrete structures with a sloping concrete slab roof designed for 110 psf snow loads. Thus, no damage is anticipated. Tables 3-7, 3-8 and 3-9 show the expected wet snow, ice, and wind loads on the transmission line for the 25, 50 and 1 00-year return periods. The maximum expected loads are from a combination of snow and wind. The conductor is designed for the 50-year return snow and wind load with a 40-percent margin of safety. Insulator strengths were selected to match the maximum conductor tension. Towers were 3-29 designed for the combined wet snow and wind loading for the 50-year return. It is expected that the 1 00-year return storm would exceed the design strengths in some portions of the line causing some tower, insulator, and conductor damage. 3.5.3 Subsidence, Landslide and Rockfall All important structures are founded on good rock with the exception of the barge dock, access roads, landing strip, and some transmission towers. Only earthquake related subsidence could affect structures founded on rock and this would be regional so no differential displacement would take place between structures, and no damage is anticipated. Regional tectonic movements could lower the powerhouse and substation structures closer to tidewater and increase their risk of flooding, or raise these structures further above tidewater which should have no detrimental effect. Some of the facilities have potential for damage from subsidence and landslides most likely triggered by earthquakes. Significant damage would be expected to the barge dock, landing strip and transmission line towers across the Fox River valley due to liquification of the sediments on which they are founded. This is covered under earthquake. Normal tidal actions may result in slope instability of the barge dock beam causing sliding damage. The probability of this occurring is estimated as 0.0001. A few transmission line towers are founded on an old landslide and even though they did not move during the 1964 earthquake there is still a possibility of future movement and is accounted for with a probability of 0.0001. There is a potential risk to high, steep, rock cuts that rockfalls will occur under "normal" conditions. The risk would be greater for earthquakes; however, the combined risk of failure and recurrence interval of the earthquake are considered smaller than the "normal" condition. Conversations with a number of "experts" on tunnels and rock cuts suggest that an annual probability of 0.0001 would be appropriate for these occurrences. No published statistical information was located to support this assumption. 3-30 There is a possibility of a rockfall in the rock cuts at the power tunnel and emergency outlet intakes, although the rock cuts are bolted "as required". The worst case would be a rock slide that would clog the intake, requiring the lake to be drained and the intake cleared. The probability of such a landslide is estimated at 0.0001. There is some potential for a subaqueous landslide at the upstream end of Bradley Lake, and this is covered under Flood, but landslides into the lake from the steeper sideslopes are unlikely due to the thin ground cover, probably the result of glacial scouring. 3.5.4 Volcanic Eruption Active volcanoes are situated to the north of Kodiak Island in the mainland Aleutian Range. There is a threat of falling ash over the Bradley Lake project which may require some cleanup of the gatehouses for the power tunnel and emergency outlet, powerhouse, and switchyard. It may cause some turbine erosion after the ash has settled in the Lake and passed through the power tunnel and penstock. The powerhouse HVAC system maintains the building under positive pressure thus tending to exclude ash from entering, and the air intakes are equipped with filters. These would need to be changed repeatedly during ash fall. The control room air handling system is also equipped with an electrostatic filter to further minimize infiltration of ash deposits should they occur inside the powerhouse. Ash particles are not expected to affect the functioning of equipment. The turbines would be inspected periodically and shutdown if significant erosion is noted. Ash fall depends on the magnitude of the eruption, meteorological conditions (particularly wind direction), type of ash particle, and the probability of damage outside of the maintenance budget is considered to be nil. Some flashover and tracking of insulators on Kenai transmission lines using polymer insulators has been observed by Homer Electric Authority (HEA). The transmission line uses some polymer insulators. Thus, there is the possibility of tracking and flashover due to ash buildup, but no damage is expected that would not be covered by maintenance. 3-31 3.5.5 Ice Ice loading on the dams due to the winter ice sheet on the reservoirs is factored into the structure design and accounts for only a small portion of the total loading. A significant increase in the ice sheet thickness beyond design will also have an insignificant effect on the total loads. Ice storms may coat the structures and exterior equipment with ice. Structures and the transmission line have ice loading in their design criteria. For buildings the ice loading is assumed to result from a large ice block overhanging the roof. Snow loading on the transmission line is expected to be far more severe than ice loading according to the design criteria and is addressed in Section 3.5.2. 3.5.6 Fire and Lightning Based on the NWS data the isokerunic level for the Homer area is estimated at less than one mean annual thunderstorm per year. Therefore, no lightning protection was provided. The damage from a direct lighting strike on the transmission line can include insulator damage and damage to the conductors. A direct strike on the Bradley Junction switching station will likely damage insulators, switches, operators, power for the SCADA RTU and radio. 3.6 Cost Estimates The objective of this effort was to estimate the present day cost (per occurrence} for repairing and/or replacing plant facilities damaged by the various perils identified in this study. These replacement cost estimates assume replacement "in kind" rather than the actual replacement costs associated with meeting future codes for construction quality. These cost estimates were then used in the statistical risk assessment. To accomplish this objective, our engineers estimated the type and amount (low, likely and high} of damage for each structure and piece of major equipment, for each peril. Because construction is still underway, cost estimates for replacement of plant facilities were developed using actual or estimated installed costs and adjusted to reflect each 3-32 situation. Where repair of the plant facilities was required, a reasonable method of repair was developed and the cost estimated. The plant time out of service for each item was also estimated using engineering experience and judgment. The cost estimates were based on the following sources of information as applicable: Actual installed costs -Bid Abstracts and Contract Progress Estimates were used as the starting point in addressing the installed costs. After breaking out the costs, and putting them into a usable format. the applicable indirect costs were applied to develop the total costs. The bulk of the construction work was performed in 1989 and cost increases over the last six months have been minimal, so no escalation was applied. Estimated installed costs -Current material and equipment costs with appropriate installation and indirect costs were developed. Most of the electrical cost estimates were developed this way because of limited detailed cost information available from the above sources. Estimated repair costs -Based on the anticipated damage, a method for repair was developed and the required material, labor and indirect costs were estimated. These cost estimates were based on current material/equipment costs, labor requirements, construction labor rates. benefits and burdens. Allowances for construction equipment, contractor's indirects, mobilization/demobilization, engineering, construction management and owner's costs were then added as appropriate. On Exhibits 7, 8 and 9 we have detailed the cost estimates and the outage time associated with the perils and particular pieces of plant and equipment. 3-33 4.0 RISK ASSESSMENT The risk assessment is completed in two parts (man-made perils and natural perils) due to the data that is available for the various peril categories. The first part discusses the fire, lightning and all other man-made peril categories. For these perils loss experience averages are available to assess the risk (dollar value) associated with a loss. The second part discusses the earthquake, flood and all other natural perils. The data available for these categories are in the terms of probabilities that a peril could occur in a stated number of years. These probabilities are then used to quantify the risk of a dollar loss. 4.1 Fire, Lightning and All Other Perils Probabilities for the peril categories, Fire, Lightning and All Other Perils (AOPs) were developed based upon loss experience from the North American Electric Reliability Council's (NERC) Generating Availability Data System (GADS). The data used for this study is the same as used in the Risk Assessment study completed in March, 1988 for the Alaska Energy Authority. GADS was established to provide the electric utility industry with a comprehensive generation unit and equipment availability data base which includes over 91 percent of the installed generation capacity in North America. The GADS data base is to the electric utility industry as the Insurance Service Offices (ISO) is to the property casualty insurance industry. ISO collects loss data on numerous types of exposures and approximately 90 percent of the property and casualty insurance industry belongs to ISO. Unfortunately, ISO has not collected loss data from the insurance industry with respect to electric utilities since 197 4, and even these rates are judgmental rather than actuarially correct. The rates consequently are a function of the general insurance market, and not founded upon historical loss experience. Stone & Webster found that the insurance industry frequently utilizes loss experience, but only when it is poor experience. Empirical evidence suggests good loss experience does not receive the favorable rate treatment that is justified, while poor loss experience is usually reflected in higher rates. NERC has collected data from 28 hydroelectric utilities which represented 595 generating units for the five-year period 1982-1986 inclusive. This represents 2,396 unit years of experience. While the "Generating Availability Report" presents a variety 4-1 of performance indexes, outage and other information for various types of electric generating units, a computer sorting was prepared by NERC at our request to isolate full forced (unplanned) outages, the average number of occurrences per unit year, and the average duration hours per outage with respect to hydroelectric utilities. (See Exhibit 6.) A full forced (unplanned) outage is defined as: "The occurrence of an unplanned component failure (immediate, delayed, postponed) or other condition which requires that the unit be removed from service, immediately or before the next weekend." In reviewing the cause codes for full forced outages for hydroelectric utilities, it was apparent that the significant causes of forced outages are related to machinery and equipment problems, but not due to external phenomena such as fire or other catastrophes. In insurance terminology we observed that most losses with respect to frequency and severity are boiler and machinery insurance losses, rather than property losses. During the 1987-1988 study many risk managers, insurance underwriters, loss control engineers and other individuals knowledgeable of hydroelectric operations were contacted to verify the low probabilities of loss developed by the statistical data for All Other Perils, and the Fire and Lightning Perils. Criteria used to estimate the losses was also discussed. The empirical evidence also confirmed that most losses were boiler and machinery. The literature search, which included many utility trade journals, insurance journals, and reinsurance industry publications also confirmed the fact that most hydroelectric losses are equipment losses (boiler and machinery type of losses), and not property losses. While the risk management process is often more of an art than it is a science, Stone & Webster incorporated as much science as possible in developing the probabilities for Fire, Lightning and AOP. NERC is the sole entity that provides a database service or information on both internal and external causes of loss which force a hydroelectric facility to stop producing power. However, a cause of loss that does not effect generation would not be reflected in these statistics. For instance, there could be a fire in the power station that may not force the operator to shut down the generators. Thus, in this case a forced outage would not be reported. Similarly, external causes of loss such as a catastrophe or other event may cause damage to the dam, but not effect generation. 4-2 For the five-year period, 1982 through 1986, the 28 utilities that participated in the GADS data base of forced outages were: Alabama Power Co. Appalachian Power Co. B.C. Hydro Central Power & Light Co. Georgia Power Co. Idaho Power Co. Louisville Gas and Electric Co. Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power Montana Power Co. New Brunswick Electric Comm. Northeast Utilities Ontario Hydro Otter Tail Power Co. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Pennsylvania Electric Co. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Portland Gas and Electric Co. Portland General Electric Co. Public Utility District of Chelan County Washington Public Utility District of Douglas County, Washington SMUD Salt River Project South Carolina Public Service Authority Southwestern Power Administration Tapoco, Inc. Virginia Electric & Power Co. Western Area Power Administration Wisconsin Public Power Inc. During this period, most, but not all, hydroelectric utilities presented NERC with data on forced outages. For instance, Ontario Hydro joined the GADS system in 1985 and only 1985 and 1986 data were collected from this utility. Total period hours of 8713.54 were recorded based upon the five-year period. Refer to Appendix C for details on the formulas and definitions such as period hours and unit years. While it appeared that total available hours would be more appropriate to use in the calculations, many utility statistics utilize period hours as suggested by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard Number 762. To conform with the standard, the GADS statistics utilize period hours as a base. Of the total period hours of 8713.54, 240.87 hours or 2. 76 percent were recorded as unplanned or forced outage hours. Based on the total available hours of 7,967.3, the 240.87 forced outage hours represent 3 percent. While 2.76 percent may appear as a very low rate of failure, Stone & Webster's risk management and engineering experience confirmed that forced outages to hydroelectric utilities have the lowest incidence rate of all electric generating units. 4-3 The probability of an outage due to Fire, Lightning and AOPs represent only a portion of the 2. 76 percent rate. 4.1.1 Fire and Lightning • Average Number of Occurrences Utilizing this same methodology the average number of outages caused by Fire and Lightning is calculated as shown in the following table. Fire Lightning TOTAL Table 4·1 Forced Outages Due to Fire and Lightning Cause Code 9010 9020 Average Number of Occurrences Per Unit Year 0.0025 (1) 0.0200 Number of Occurrences 6 ~ (2) 54 (1) The GADS data base assigns a 0.000 to any value which is less than 0.005. Thus, we have assumed that the average number of fires could be 6 (0.0025 x 2,396 unit years). (2) Assumed to be 0 for Bradley Lake. Table 4-1 indicates that 54 occurrences over a five-year period have resulted from fire and lightning. However, in the Homer, Alaska region only 8 lightning strikes in the past 30 years occurred. For this reason we have assumed that there would not be any lightning strikes at this site in the category fire and lightning. Lightning is covered as a natural peril in Section 3.5. Thus there are only 6 occurrences per year. Based on 2,396 unit years of experience, this represents 0.0025 occurrences per unit per year (6 + 2,396), or for a two-unit power plant 0.005 Fire and Lightning occurrences per year. 4.1.2 All Other Perils .. Average Number of Occurrences Over 150 cause codes of failure are available for a hydroelectric utility to cite as a reason for a forced outage. For the group of perils AOPs, we selected cause codes that had average duration hours per outage that exceeded 200 hours, as well as all external causes of loss as shown on Table 4-2. 4-4 Table 4-2 Listing of Selected Forced Outage Causes Cause ~ Description 9040 Any Catastrophe, not including Average Duration Hours per Outage 4.77 flood, fire, lightning, earthquake 9320 Other external problems 9696 Miscellaneous operational environmental limits 9720 Other safety problems 9900 Other error 991 0 Maintenance error 9920 Contractor error 3670 Other voltage systems- volt transformers 3671 Other voltage systems- volt circuit breakers 4500 Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 4520 Stator windings, bushings, and terrrinals 4530 Stator core iron 7002 Bearings 7011 Other Runner Problems 7020 Nozzle assembly 7030 Vibration 7101 Lower reservoir dams and dikes 7124 Penstock 7220 Unit out due to common penstock with unit under repair TOTAL 12.68 .91 .23 1.82 .40 3.00 287.21 284.55 456.46 1291.13 1343.77 341.24 527.06 865.08 530.08 232.48 2,467.04 717.64 9,367.55 Average No. of Occurrences Per Unit Year 0.0025 0.0300 0.0025 0.0025 0.0300 0.0300 0.0100 0.0025 0.0025 0.6025 0.0300 0.0025 0.0200 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 No. of Occurrences(1) 6 72 6 6 72 72 24 6 6 6 72 6 48 6 6 6 6 6 (1) In all instances where 6 occurrences are shown this is an assumed figure because the data base showed a 0.00, while the true value could be between 0.000 and 0.0049. We have assumed six occurrences (0.0025 x 2,396 unit years). 4-5 Table 4-2 indicates that 438 occurrences have been experienced that may produce measurable losses. During the 1982-1986 period there were a total of 4,816 occurrences. Thus, 9.09 percent of the occurrences (438 + 4816 x 1 00) during the five years were due to the causes selected above. However, on an annual basis the average number of forced outage occurrences from these causes is 0.18 occurrences per unit per year (438 + 2,396 unit years). Since Bradley Lake has two generating units, 0.36 total occurrences (2 x 0.18) can be expected each year due to AOPs. These are non-insurance occurrences or at most, boiler and machinery types of causes. External or property types of losses make up very few outage hours. Based on Stone & Webster's experience, an average occurrence of an outage is 0.36 per year per hydroelectric plant for AOPs appears to be reasonable. Also, this average assumes losses arising out of other perils such as explosion, vandalism and sabotage. 4.1.3 Loss Severity The expected losses from Fire, Lightning and AOPs are developed based upon the probability of an event times the projected loss, and these products are summed. To develop the dollar amount of losses, historical loss data was not sufficient to justify our calculations. Once again, judgment was needed in this task of risk management. The Maximum Possible Loss (MPL), the Probable Maximum Loss (PML), and annual Burning Layer Loss (BLL) are developed based upon risk management experience and communications with reinsurers, insurers, and various utility risk managers. In risk management, Burning Layer Losses are the frequent small losses as compared with the severity losses (MPL and PML). The use of the term "burning layer" does not indicate that this risk management technique is applicable only to the fire peril. With respect to loss severity, Stone & Webster developed the MPL and PML and estimate these to be high and likely losses, respectively. While the PML developed is called a "most likely loss", in practice, the PML is usually greater than the most likely losses. However, since judgment in estimating dollar amounts of losses was a 4-6 significant factor, these estimates were conservative to utilize the PML as the most likely losses. 4.1.4 Fire and Lightning -Losses Throughout the remainder of the report we will refer to Fire and Lightning losses because this is a common insurance industry term, although there are no lightning losses, considered in this subsection, as this is a natural peril addressed in Section 3.5. Fire and Lightning damages or losses are estimated as follows: The probability of damage is assumed to be zero for the dam, power tunnels, diversion tunnels, spillways, steel penstocks and all other property for all loss levels, with the exception of the gate operating equipment related to the tunnels. The MPL for the structures with an assigned probability exceeds their replacement cost values derived by Stone & Webster, as it is possible (while not probable) that a fire loss could destroy a structure to an extent that it would have to be taken down, debris would need to be removed, and a new structure would have to be built. In risk management, this is known as the Maximum Possible Loss (MPL). The MPLs are assumed to be 115 percent of their replacement cost values for power plant super structure, generating equipment within the powerhouse, and tunnel gate operating equipment. The MPL for switchyards and substations are 110 percent of their replacement cost values, while the MPL for the permanent camp is 50 percent because these buildings are generally isolated from each other. The transmission line is assigned an MPL of 30 percent as fire could only destroy the line in one area. The Probable Maximum Loss (PML) ranges between 0 and 1 00 percent. From our experience we determined 30 percent of their replacement cost values as a reasonable PML for power plant structures, turbines, generators, switchyard and substations, and 15 percent for the transmission line. The PML for permanent camp buildings is determined to be 25 percent. With respect to annual frequent losses, or Burning Layer Losses (BLL), it has been assumed that the Bradley Lake project will suffer no frequent losses due to the peril of Fire and Lightning to the dams, power tunnels, and steel penstocks. For power plant structures, turbines, generators, other equipment, switchyards, substations, transmission line and other property the annual BLL are assumed to be one percent of 4-7 the individual values, while a turbine or generator may suffer a fire loss, most likely this would be an internal fire to the units, and be considered a boiler and machinery loss, not a fire loss. Very little damage to the power plant structures and equipment would result from an external fire. Table 4-3 summarizes the losses assumed for Fire and Lightning. Table 4-3 Fire and Lightning Loss Assumption Summary • Percent Items Low BLL Dams 0 Power tunnel (Gate Operation Only) 1 Diversion Tunnel (Gate Operation Only) 1 Spillway 0 Powerhouse (Except substructure) 1 Switchyard and substations 1 Transmission Lines 1 Permanent Camps 1 All other property 0 4.1.5 All Other Perils -Losses Likely PML 0 30 30 0 30 30 15 25 0 High MPL 0 115 115 0 115 110 30 50 0 For the category of All Other Perils (AOPs) the MPL can again exceed the value of the power plant super structure, turbines, generators, other equipment, switchyards, substations and permanent camp. For the MPL an estimated 115 percent of the replacement cost values would be a reasonable estimate. With respect to the dams, power tunnels, steel penstocks, diversion tunnels, spillways, and other property, the MPL was calculated as 33 percent of the aggregate values, since the major cause of a total loss to these components is an earthquake, and earthquake damage is analyzed in the Engineering Analysis Section of the report. The PMLs for the dams, power tunnels, steel penstocks, diversion tunnels, spillways, and other property are calculated as 15 percent of the replacement cost values. The PMLs for the power plant super structure, turbines, generators, other equipment, switchyards, substations and permanent camps are calculated as 30 percent of the replacement cost values. Once again the estimates are conservative and predict the most likely losses to be PML losses. 4-8 With respect to BLL, an estimated one percent of the values for all categories was used. As previously stated, and as indicated in the exhibits of losses, most hydroelectric losses are boiler and machinery types of losses, and not property losses. These losses for all other perils are shown on Table 4-4. Table 4-4 All Other Perils Loss Assumption Summary -Percent Items Low BLL Likely PML Dam 1 15 Power Tunnel 1 15 Diversion Tunnel 1 15 Spillway 1 15 Powerhouse (Except Substructure) 1 30 Switchyard and substations 1 30 Transmission Line 1 30 Permanent Camp 1 30 All other property 1 15 High MPL 33 33 33 33 115 115 115 115 33 Exhibits 1 0 and 11 summarize the cost of the Fire and Lightning, and AOP losses for the Bradley Lake project. Using the average number of occurrences, probabilities will be developed. These probabilities which will be applied to the cost figures are described in the following paragraphs. 4.1.6 Fire, Lightning and AOP Probability Analysis The other perils discussed include two categories: Fire and Lightning, and All Other Perils (AOP). As discussed earlier in this section, the average number of occurrences were developed for these two categories based on the GADS data base. However, it was assumed that there would be no lightning strikes on the Bradley Lake hydro project. In order to convert the average number of occurrences into probability values, a statistical approach was used via the Poisson distribution. 4-9 The Poisson distribution is useful in analyzing certain occurrences that have a small chance of happening. The Poisson distribution has the form: Poisson Probability = N = Number of occurrences per year M = Mean or average numbers of outages per unit year e = a constant 2. 71828 .. . ! = Factorial (1 x2x3x4 ... xN) The Poisson distribution assumes that the probability of an occurrence is the same during each exposure. For this study, it is assumed an exposure is one year of the study period. It is also assumed that the occurrences are independent of one another. The average outage figures were used in the Poisson distribution formula to derive the probabilities for one occurrence per year. Then, using these probabilities, the expected losses were calculated by multiplying the probabilities by the estimated damage cost. The probabilities derived from the Poisson distribution were multiplied by 2 to account for the two units at the site. The probability of a single unit at Bradley Lake being forced out of service due to fire and lightning is .0025, and for both units the probability of an outage is twice the previous value or .005. The associated probabilities for All Other Perils would be developed using the same process with one exception: AOP includes different probabilities for each of the 19 events. Therefore, the total probability of a single event occurring in the 30-year study is the sum of the 19 individual probabilities, which is 0.18. The damage costs were not differentiated among perils, thus, damage costs for fire were divided by 6 to represent the average for each portion of the project and then divided by 2 to separate the fire and lightning risks. Thus, the damage costs were divided by 12 to derive the repair/replacement costs taken from Exhibit 1 0. For AOP the costs were divided by the number of perils (19) to develop an average damage cost per peril. The expected losses are reported on Exhibit 12. The expected loss results were combined into the two categories: Fire and lightning, and AOP. The results were computed for the total losses expected over the 30-year exposure period in terms of 1991 dollars and levelized dollars present worthed to 1991. 4-10 The levelized amounts were calculated by applying a constant to the total expected loss in 1991 dollars. The constant was obtained by assuming that all of the losses that would occur on a probabilistic basis over the 30-year period will occur in 1991. The constant reflects the annual process of escalating the loss by 5.5 percent, cumulative present worthing that escalated value at 8.5 percent and levelizing by multiplying by the capital recovery factor. This calculation was performed in two steps. First, we calculated the 1991 cumulative present worth of an annual stream of year-end payments escalating at 5.5 percent. Second, we levelized that cumulative present worth by multiplying by the capital recovery factor. These two calculations are as follows: 1991 Cumulative Present Worth = Capital Recover Factor = where: E = 0.055, i = 0.085 and n = 30. i(1 +i)n (1+i)n -1 1990 CPW X CRF = 18.9599 X .09305 = 1.76422 = 18.9599 = .09305 A summary (Exhibit 12) lists the 1991 and levelized (in 1991 $) expected losses for these fire, lightning, and all other perils. The total expected levelized loss based on the probability analysis ranges from $78,000 to $4.74 million. This dollar figure represents the expected loss due to the fire, lightning and all other perils over the 30-year exposure period. 4.2 Natural Perils The natural perils cover earthquakes, floods, snow, wind, ice etc. The probabilities developed for these perils are explained in Chapter 3 of this report. This probability data is used in this section to quantify the losses associated with these perils. 4-11 4.2.1 Natural Peril Probability Analysis The objective of the natural peril probability analysis is to determine the potential loss expected over the exposure period. Probability is the chance that something will happen, and is expressed as decimals between 0 and 1. A probability of 0 means that an incident will not happen, while a probability of 1 means that the incident will happen. A probability of 0.001 means that an event will occur once in 1 ,000 years and 0.1 will occur once in 10 years. For this study the range of probabilities extends from 0.00001 to 1.0. Probability analysis is applied in this study in the assessment of the risk associated with several different categories of perils: earthquake, flood, and all other natural perils. The replacement or repair costs previously presented in Exhibits 7, 8 and 9 are used for this analysis. In order to calculate the expected losses, the probabilities are converted into probabilities that represent a 30-year period and are multiplied by the replacement or repair costs. The 30-year expected losses in 1991 dollars are computed using this methodology for the Bradley Lake project for each peril. Exhibits 13 through 15 show the total expected loss expressed in 1991 dollars and on a levelized 1991 dollar basis for the earthquake, flood and other perils. 4.3 Summary of Dollar Losses The losses for all perils are summarized in Exhibit 16. Exhibit 17 is a listing of the expected annual losses for the Bradley Lake Project for each year of the 30-year study period. The expected annual dollar loss was calculated by taking the single year loss numbers from Exhibit 16, escalating by 5.5 percent and dividing by 30 so that a single year average loss number could be derived. However, it must be noted that this expected loss figure may not be enough to cover some of the structures if a major catastrophe did occur. 4.4 Insurance Observations While these are accurate averages based upon statistics, empirical evidence and our assumptions where necessary, it must be cautioned that the occurrence of any major event could happen at any time. These statistics state that for the 28 hydroelectric 4-12 utilities for the years 1982-1986 inclusive, very few outages were caused by external reasons. However, an occurrence could happen. Therefore, the insurance underwriters justify their premiums by the possible loss rather than historical loss experience. Once again, these are only expected losses, which may differ significantly from actual future losses. The ability to absorb losses is a function of the Energy Authority's liquidity, net worth, desire to maintain electric rate stability, bonding requirements, state requirements, and management's attitude towards risk. 4-13 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion Based on the engineering analysis, construction data, firsthand knowledge of the project and the statistical analyses, Stone & Webster has concluded that for the period 1991 through 2020 the total expected loss expressed in levelized 1991 dollars would be $142,146, $2,094,272, and $6,166,654 under the low, most likely and high loss scenarios, respectively. To determine the levelized loss that can be expected to occur in each year of the study period, the total loss numbers are divided by 30 to obtain the annual figures of $4,738, $69,809, and $205,555 for the three scenarios. While these are accurate averages based upon statistics, empirical evidence and our assumptions where necessary, it must be cautioned that the occurrence of any major event could happen at any time. These statistics state that for the 28 hydroelectric utilities for the years 1982-1986 inclusive, very few outages were caused by external reasons. However, an occurrence could happen. Therefore, the insurance underwriters justify their premiums by the possible loss rather than historical loss experience. 5.2 Recommendation The losses derived in this study are only expected losses, which may differ significantly from actual future losses, thus the Energy Authority needs to formulate a risk management program based on these expected loss estimates. The ability to absorb losses is a function of the Energy Authority's liquidity, net worth, desire to maintain electric rate stability, bonding requirements, state requirements, and management's attitude towards risk. The Energy Authority should compare the total amount of estimated insurance premiums for the 30-year period to the expected losses to determine whether the economics justify a risk management program. .I I I I I I I BRADLEY JUNCTION 11-* * I I' HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION I FRITZ CREEK-SOLDOTNA 115 KV TRANSMISSION LINE * * * I I : I I REL" TIONSHIP OF VERTIC"L DATUMS Bear Cove I.ILLW Datum HT t 25.0 "'~•u• I.IHW 17.10 ProJect Datum 13.83 Origin (Auumod) I.ISL 1.11 I.ILW f 1.81 I.ILLW 0.00 LT l e.o ~ Bear Cove MSL Datum II.U 1.10 7 ••• 4.01 o.oo c ..... .... Brodloy ProJo~t Datum U.37 4.?1 ~.17 0.00 -4.01 r· •13.13 -tt.Q REFINED TRANSMISSION liNE ROUTE * * * MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION * • * *CONSTRUCTED UNDER SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT **PARTIALLY CONSTRUCTED UNDER SITE PREPARATION CONSTRUCTED UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACT . ' NUKA RIVER DIVERSION * * * 1, ~).\ \~ " ( "f/ "· '\ \ 'r'(," r-~~ j ~ ~I .. '. ~ v -~·----' , · ' r , QP..l.,(Y...,._ 10 0 :10 40 _60 ___ 80________!X)MIB ~ 0 1 2 3 ------SCALE IN MILES ..... ,, ........ , c::>""' .... ~~ '•-,,, '<"' ' .!~_.. '•,, '90...... \\ "' :\ I I I I I ' ' ' ' \ \ '.\ \ ...... 1' ........ --......... : \ \\ '•, '· l ~ \ ~ \ ' .. ?: ,, ,---... -.... , ! \ ~ I \ ... _.. \.. ~ ' . I I I \ ' ..... _ ... , \ I o ' \ \" \, ", ................... , ..... ) ' \ .. , : \ I o ' ..... ,..... ....... ,., \ '.! ----;.--::::::::::-.:.:=< :.~··' ~\_) f ' ,' ' . '' \ '"'' \ ' \ ... . ,~'-\.<:::··._ 'o GENERAL. PLAN ADDENDUM No. 1 March 1, 1988 PLATE 1 EXHIBIT 1 N Q Q ,... .. --a:l -----------------------------------------------------------,~ w 0 ::i .0001 ----DBE ...,..__ __ usc .001 .01 .1 LOG ANNUAL PROBABILITY TOTAL DAMAGE LOSS IS REPRESENTED BY THE AREA UNDER THE CURVE WHICH MAY BE APPROXIMATED BY THE SUM OF THE PRODUCTS OF AVERAGE DAMAGE COST AND THE PROBABILITY INTERVAL FOR EACHINTERVALCHOSEN EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE VS ANNUAL PROBABILITY AEA RISK ASSESSMENT ....__ ______________ EXHIBIT 2 1.0 0 0 • <'I 0 <( CIVIL DESIGN CATEGORY UBC DESIGN .....-----..--~------r------r-OPERATIONAL BASIS __ ....., MINOR 0.1 EARTHQUAKE (OBE) (UBC) 0.01 DESIGN BASIS MODERATE w EARTHQUAKE (DBE) (UBC) 0 z <( Cl w w 0 X w _J <( ~ :::J z ~ z <( ~ u. ;J- 0 0.001 ~ MAJOR ~ ~ (UBC) ::::i en <( en 0 a: a.. Cl w 1- <( :::2 1-en MAXIMUM w 0.0001 CREDIBLE MAXIMUM (UBC) CREDIBLE EARTHQUAKE (MCE) 0.00001 .____....L...---'-----1--..L..---'-----L--'---....L...---'----1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 HORIZONTAL ACCLERATION (g's) ANNUAL EXCEEDANCE PROBABILITIES AEA RISK ASSESSMENT ..__ ____________ EXHIBIT 3 ------------------------------------------------~0 ~ 1- .....J co ~ CL w u z ~ ~ X w ...J <3:: :) z z <3:: 0.1() I \ ~ "" ~ 0.01 ........... .......... .......... ........... K " ·- ""' "' - "\ \ 0.001 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.0001 \ 5 10 15 20 25 30 3 5 40 WATER LEVEL (FT. ABOVE BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT DATUM) ANNUAL PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDENCE FOR WATER LEVELS DUE TO TIDE AND TSUNAMI '-(R-'EF.-ER_F._IG-UR_'E_14_8_RAD __ LE_Y_LAK._'E_T._SU-'NAM-I R-'EP-0-RT)_____________ EXH I 8 IT 4 0 0 ... ... 0 o( ------------------~----------------------------~~ 0 CD MAXIMUM WAVE ELEVATION :::-25.0' FOR AN EVENT WITH AN ANNUAL PROBABILITY OF 0.007. @ MAXIMUM -WAVE ELEVATION .::-44. 2' '"' ........ FOR THE OCCURRENCE OF THE MAX CREDIBLE TSUNAMI AND THE MAXIMUM HISTORIC HIGH TIDE SIMULTANEOUSLY. . CROSS SECTION DETAILING ESTIMATED TSUNAMI WAVE HEIGHTS ._ ______________ EXHIBIT 5 0 0 .,. ~ 0 4: NORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC RELIABILITY COUNCIL PAGE Of OF 04 ----------...COMI'!.OHEIH--SUMI'IAR-'t--RER.ORT-- -~4¥~~~~4-*~one~~-Uab•t•~---~--------HydPO-~.mil:.s only,--!:.11 sizes -j 992-1 S.i:i6 ----- --·--~COMPONEIH OUTAGES -------··--- -·---------------lO.fAL---NUMBER 0~ -UI'UL---'tEAI'tS--lS---2390--------------595 TOTAL UHITS ' E-------~-----------------~-----~---------~-----------~~~~-_-~~_~=~-_~_~~=_----_--.,-~-.. -..,.----------_----_ -_---------_ --------------FULb---FORCED--<UNPL.ANNiii).)..-OUTA~ES--------------UNPLANNED--OERAT IHGS-----!:" . .ORCEO, NAINT, PLAIINEO & EllUl V DERAT I NGS --~~·· .. ---~· ---------------~--------... ---------------··--·----,.-~-----:-.... ~..----~~"':'-~=~~~~'!!':"!::.~-~~~!'!""-~-. ·--:::~---:~~":":-'!"'"-!":'~-::::------':""------------ -AYG--NO AYG-HRS--------A\1~-0UR-------------···· A'v'G H(l AltG-EQIII-----AIIG .. EOJV AVG .. 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II 30.57 I 047.60 41. 17 -om PJX (Q ::T roo= (A):::+' om -.b. HORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC RELIABILITY COUNCIL f'AGE 04 OF' 04 -r------·-----· -~--~ --·-----·-·-·-J:.QJ'!PJ)!H::!'!L ~JJ~tlf!R'LBEE'..QRL .... _ _ __ ____ _ __ ~iz~s _1992-1986 __ ---.COHPOHEHT OUTAGES .. ----·-·--____ TQTAL __ HUMBER .OF __ JJHJI .. '!'I':A~~-~~-$~1~---~9? _TO!AL UH~ t~ w:. ::~.-::_=!':'!-'::!':...:::~=·==~~~~=.::=~=-:::::._::::-::-::-:-~=..."':" '"'::-::=--,..:-_;:=.==_:::::~-------------~-':'--:: "':"'-::.=----_-.':""------------------------------------------- --__ £ULL_EJlRCE.IL (UHPLAHHEIH .. OUTaGES UNPLMiH!"I.) QER(HJN4~-_fyRCEO, MAIIH, PLANt-lED li. (;:QUIV DERAT IHGS ------~~.:--: "':""".::!!::.::::' ==--:.. -::.....::-=--=.':""~"':.~:::"": =:--=-= -_-:_-::.~ ::=.::::..=..=::..=-------==--= '::_:'"' ~.::-.::=.:: :"'.:-.::.::-:.:::---------"':.":.::': :-_-:::_.::~---: . . E ----~CL.HO ___ A'l/.G .. HRS _ _ll.IJjLfWR ________________ AYG NO .... JWG. 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II --~ --· +-----"' ----------- ·--·--~---~--·-··--·-·--- ------· ------------ +-----------------------------------· +------------·--- AVG DIJR HRS PER OUTAGE 9.35 4. 14 57.BB II. 77 125.28 4.92 0.82 152. 19 22.85 37.37 I, 47 I 9. 41 1 . 78 0' 40 3.uo 12.73 -urn ro>< (Q ::r me;: ~;:::o: om -A ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY BRADLEY LAKE-EARTHQUAKE PERIL REPAIR OR TIME PLANT ANNUAL REPLACEMENT COST (1991$l OUT OF SERVICE STRUCTURE MAGNITUDE PROBABILITY LON LIKELY HIGH LOW LIKELY HIGH DAM .75g 0.000400 $225,000 $2,900,000 $3,100,000 0 0 0 .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $225,000 0 0 0 .10g 0.100000 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 SPILLWAY .75g 0.000400 $0 $50,000 $500,000 0 0 0 NUKA DIVERSION .75g 0.000400 $10,000 $200,000 $200,000 0 0 0 MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION .75g 0.000400 $0 $50,000 $200,000 0 0 0 BARGE DOCK .75g 0.000400 $10,000 $30,000 $440,000 0 0 0 .35g 0.007000 $0 10,000 $30,000 0 0 0 PERMANENT CAMP .75g 0.000400 $20,000 $100,000 $250,000 0 0 0 .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $20,000 0 0 0 LANDING STRIP/LOWER ROADS .75g 0.000400 $10,000 $20,000 $40,000 0 0 0 .35g 0.007000 $0 $10,000 $20,000 0 0 0 OUTLET WORKS (DIVERSION) .75g 0.000400 $0 $100,000 $580,000 0 0 0 .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $100,000 0 0 0 POWER INTAKE .75g 0.000400 $0 $5,000 $320,000 0 0 2MO .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $5,000 0 0 0 POWER TUNNEL .75g 0.000400 $0 $50,000 $1,150,000 1 WK 2MO 6MO PENSTOCK .75g 0.000400 $20,000 20,000 $330,000 1 WK 2MO 4MO POWERHOUSE & TAILRACE .75g 0.000400 $100,000 $320,000 $640,000 0 0 0 .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $100,000 0 0 0 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT .75g 0.000400 $0 $75,000 $175,000 1 WK 3WK 2MO MACHINERY .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $25,000 0 0 1 WK ELECTRICAL-PH .75g 0.000400 $80,000 $100,000 $200,000 1 WK 2WK 4WK .35g 0.007000 $1,000 $3,000 $5,000 1 DY 2 DY 3DY .10g 0.100000 $0 $0 $1,000 0 0 1 DY SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT .75g 0.000400 $5,000 $15,000 $40,000 1 WK 2WK 4WK .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 SCADA REMOTES .75g 0.000400 $2,000 $3,000 $6,000 0 0 0 .35g 0.007000 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 0 0 0 TRANSMISSION LINE .75g 0.000400 $240,000 $1,200,000 $3,000,000 4WK 6WK 8WK ttl .35g 0.007000 $60,000 $120,000 $240,000 1 WK 3WK 4WK ~ ::T BRADLEY JUNCTION .75g 0.000400 $5,000 $15,000 $70,000 2DY 5 DY 6WK 1-'· cr 1-'· rt -...1 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY BRADLEY LAKE-FLOOD PERIL REPAIR OR TIME PLANT ANNUAL REPLACEMENT COST {1991$} OUT OF SERVICE STRUCTURE MAGNITUDE PROBABILITY LOW LIKELY HIGH LOW LIKELY HIGH POWERHOUSE EL44 0.000010 $40,000 $90,000 $100,000 0 0 0 EL 2S 0.007000 $0 $20,000 $30,000 0 0 0 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT EL44 0.000010 $4S,OOO $70,000 $13S,OOO 3DY SOY 10DY MACHINERY EL2S 0.007000 $0 $20,000 4SOOO 0 1 DY SOY ELECTRICAL -PH EL44 0.000010 $240,000 360,000 S50,000 4WK 6WK 6WK EL25 0.007000 $0 $240,000 360,000 0 4WK 6WK SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT EL44 0.000010 $120,000 750,000 1,500,000 2WK 6WK 6MO EL25 0.007000 $0 $120,000 $400,000 0 2WK 6WK SCAD A EL44 0.000010 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 0 0 0 EL25 0.007000 $2,000 $5,000 $60,000 0 0 0 BARGE DOCK EL44 0.000010 $300,000 $800,000 $2,000,000 0 0 0 EL25 0.007000 $0 $200,000 $500,000 0 0 0 PERMANENT CAMP EL44 0.000010 $300,000 $700,000 $2,500,000 0 0 0 LANDING STRIP & LOWER EL44 0.000010 $10,000 $1,800,000 $3,000,000 0 0 0 ACCESS ROAD EL 25 0.007000 $1,000 $2,000 $6,000 0 0 0 TRANSMISSION LINE EL44 0.000010 $0 $0 1S,OOO 0 0 4DY tx:l ~ ::r ~· 0" ~· rt 00 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY BRADLEY LAKE-OTHER NATURAL PERILS REPAIR OR TIME PLANT ANNUAL REPLACEMENT COST {1991$} OUT OF SERVICE STRUCTURE MAGNITUDE PROBABILITY TYPE OF DAMAGE LOW LIKELY HIGH LOW LIKELY HIGH DAM-NORMAL OPERATING 0.00002 Dam Break $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 0 0 0 OUTLET WORKS (DIVERSION) 0.00010 Rockfall $0 $0 $70,000 0 0 0 POWER INTAKE 0.00010 Rockfall $0 $0 $175,000 0 0 2MO TRANSMISSION LINE 0.00100 Landslide $0 $50,000 $100,000 0 1 WK 1 WK BARGE DOCK 0.00010 Slope Instability $0 $0 $20,000 TRANSMISSION LINE 0.02500 Lightning $0 $10,000 $15,000 0 0 0 BRADLEY JUNCTION 0.02500 Lightning $0 $15,000 $30,000 0 3DY 8DY POWERHOUSE 120#/SF 0.00200 Snow Load $0 $14,000 $150,000 0 0 0 85#/SF 0.01000 Snow Load $0 $0 $14,000 0 0 0 TRANSMISSION LINE See Table 3-9 0.01000 Snoww/Wind $0 $30,000 $60,000 0 3DY 5DY POWERHOUSE 150 MPH 0.00200 Wind $30,000 $420,000 $1,500,000 0 0 0 100 MPH 0.02000 Wind $0 $0 $30,000 0 0 0 TRANSMISSION LINE 150 MPH 0.00200 Wind $0 $125,000 $250,000 0 5DY 8DY rr:l X ::J"' 1-'· cr' 1-'· rt 1.0 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY FIRE AND LIGHTNING-BRADLEY LAKE (1991 $) REPLACEMENT FIRE AND LIGHTNING LOSSES COST LOSS MULTIPLIER {%} STRUCTURE VALUES LOW LIKELY DAM $12,600,000 0 0 POWER TUNNEL $2,240,000 1 30 (Gate Operation Only) DIVERSION TUNNEL $2,380,000 1 30 (Gate Operation Only) SPILLWAY $6,510,000 0 0 POWERHOUSE $41 ,300,000 1 30 (Except Substation) SUBSTATION/SWITCHYARD $8,540,000 1 30 TRANSMISSION LINE $24,01 0,000 1 15 PERMANENT CAMP $5,110,000 1 25 OTHER PROPERTY (1) $34,300,000 0 0 TOTAL $136,990,000 (1) Includes the following items: Barge Dock, Middle Fork!Nuka, Diversions, Roads/Airstrips. and miscellaneous property. BLL PML HIGH {LOW} (LIKELY} 0 $0 $0 115 $22,400 $672,000 115 $23,800 $714,000 0 $0 $0 115 $413,000 $12,390,000 110 $85,400 $2,562,000 30 $240,100 $3,601,500 50 $51,100 $1,277,500 0 $0 $0 $835,800 $21,217,000 MPL (HIGH) -··--····- $0 $2,576,000 $2,737,000 $0 $47,495,000 $9,394,000 $7,203,000 $2,555,000 $0 $71,960,000 tTl X ::r' t-'· 0"' t-'· rt ...... 0 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY ALL OTHER PERILS-BRADLEY LAKE (1991 $} REPLACEMENT ALL OTHER PERILS 'AOP) LOSSES COST LOSS MULTIPLIER (%} STRUCTURE VALUES LOW LIKELY DAM $12,600,000 1 15 POWER TUNNEL $90,510,000 1 15 DIVERSION TUNNEL $9,940,000 1 1 5 SPILLWAY $6,510,000 1 15 POWERHOUSE $41,300,000 1 30 (Except substructure) SUBSTATION/SWITCHYARD $8,540,000 1 30 TRANSMISSION LINE $24,010,000 1 30 PERMANENT CAMP $5,110,000 1 30 OTHER PROPERTY (1) $34,300,000 1 1 5 TOTAL $232,820,000 (1) Includes the following items: Barge Dock, Middle Fork!Nuka, Diversions, Roads/Airstrips. and miscellaneous property. BLL PML HIGH (LOW} (LIKELY} 33 $126,000 $1,890,000 33 $905,100 $13,576,500 33 $99.400 $1,491,000 33 $65,100 $976,500 11 5 $413,000 $12,390,000 115 $85,400 $2,562,000 11 5 $240,100 $7,203,000 115 $51,100 $1,533,000 33 $343,000 $5,145,000 $2,328,200 $46,767,000 MPL (HIGH) $4,158,000 $29,868,300 $3,280,200 $2,148,300 $47,495,000 $9,821,000 $27,611,500 $5,876,500 $11,319,000 $141,sn,soo ttl :>< ::r 1-'· cr' 1-'· rt 1-' 1-' BRADLEY LAKE FIRE & LIGHTNING AOP TOTAL Note (1) ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY FIRE, LIGHTNING AND ALL OTHER PERILS REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT COST (1991$)(1) LOW LIKELY HIGH $69,650 $1,768,083 $5,996,667 $122,537 $2,461,421 $7,451,463 TOTAL EXPECTED LOSS (1991$) LOW LIKELY HIGH $347 $43,715 $44,063 $8,818 $29,908 $878,121 $2,658,336 $886,939 $2,688,245 Repair or replacement costs were obtained by dividing the Fire & Lightning losses, as shown in Exhibit 10, by 12 and the AOP total losses, as shown on Exhibit 11, by 19. TOTAL EXPECTED LOSS (LEVELIZED 1991$) LOW LIKELY HIGH $613 $15,558 $77,124 $1,549,207 $77' 737 $1,564,765 $52,765 $4,689,916 $4,742,682 trl :< :::> 1-'· t1' 1-'• l"t 1-' N ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY BRADLEY LAKE -EARTHQUAKE PERIL REPAIR OR TOTAL ANNUAL REPLACEMENT COST {1991$~ EXPECTED LOSS (1991 $) STRUCTURE MAGNITUDE PROBABILITY LOW LIKELY HIGH LOW LIKELY HIGH DAM .75g 0.000400 $225,000 $2,900,000 $3,100,000 $2,700 $34,600 $37,200 .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $225,000 $0 $0 $47,250 .10g 0.100000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SPilLWAY .75g 0.000400 $0 $50,000 $500,000 $0 $600 $6,000 NUKA DIVERSION .75g 0.000400 $10,000 $200,000 $200,000 $120 $2,400 $2,400 MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION .75g 0.000400 $0 $50,000 $200,000 $0 $600 $2,400 BARGE DOCK .75g 0.000400 $10,000 $30,000 $440,000 $120 $360 $5,280 .35g 0.007000 $0 10,000 $30,000 $0 $2,100 $6,300 PERMANENT CAMP .75g 0.000400 $20,000 $100,000 $250,000 $240 $1,200 $3,000 .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $4,200 LANDING STRIP/LOWER ROAm .75g 0.000400 $10,000 $20,000 $40,000 $120 $240 $460 .35g 0.007000 $0 $10,000 $20,000 $0 $2,100 $4,200 OUTLET WORKS (DIVERSION) .75g 0.000400 $0 $100,000 $560,000 $0 $1,200 $6,960 .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $21,000 POWER INTAKE .75g 0.000400 $0 $5,000 $320,000 $0 $60 $3,840 .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $1,050 POWER TUNNEL .75g 0.000400 $0 $50,000 $1,150,000 $0 $600 $13,600 PENSTOCK .75g 0.000400 $20,000 20,000 $330,000 $240 $240 $3,960 POWERHOUSE&TALRACE .75g 0.000400 $100,000 $320,000 $640,000 $1,200 $3,840 $7,680 .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $21,000 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT .75g 0.000400 $0 $75,000 $175,000 $0 $900 $2,100 MACHINERY .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $5,250 ElECTRICAL -PH .75g 0.000400 $60,000 $100,000 $200,000 $960 $1,200 $2,400 .35g 0.007000 $1,000 $3,000 $5,000 $210 $630 $1,050 .10g 0.100000 $0 $0 $1,000 $0 $0 $3,000 SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT .75g 0.000400 $5,000 $15,000 $40,000 $60 $160 $460 .35g 0.007000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SCADA REMOTES .75g 0.000400 $2,000 $3,000 $6,000 $24 $36 $72 .35g 0.007000 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $210 $420 $630 TRANSMISSION LINE .75g 0.000400 $240,000 $1,200,000 $3,000,000 $2,860 $14,400 $36,000 .35g 0.007000 $60,000 $120,000 $240,000 $12,600 $25,200 $50,400 BRADLEY JUNCTION .75g 0.000400 $5,000 $15,000 $70,000 $60 $160 $840 TOTAL EXPECTED LOSS (1991$) $21,744 $93,486 $300,222 TOTAL EXPECTED LOSS (LEVELIZED 1991$! LOW LIKELY -HIGH $4,763 $61,395 $65,629 $0 $0 $83,360 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,059 $10,585 $212 $4,234 $4,234 $0 $1,059 $4,234 $212 $635 $9,315 $0 $3,705 $11,115 $423 $2.117 $5,293 $0 $0 $7,410 $212 $423 $847 $0 $3,705 $7,410 $0 $2.117 $12,279 $0 $0 $37,049 $0 $106 $6,775 $0 $0 $1,852 $0 $1,059 $24,346 $423 $423 $6,986 $2,117 $6,775 $13,549 $0 $0 $37,049 $0 $1,588 $3,705 $0 $0 $9,262 $1,694 $2.117 $4,234 $370 $1,111 $1,852 $0 $0 $5,293 $106 $318 $847 $0 $0 $0 $42 $64 $127 $370 $741 $1,111 $5,081 $25,405 $63,512 $22,229 $44,459 $88,917 $106 $318 $1,482 $38,361 $164,931 $529,661 tr:l ~ ::r 1-'• <:T 1-'· rt ...... w ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY BRADLEY LAKE-FLOOD PERILS REPAIR OR TOTAL ANNUAL REPLACEMENT COST (1991$} EXPECTED LOSS (1991$} STRUCTURE MAGNITUDE PROBABILITY LOW LIKELY HIGH LOW LIKELY HIGH POWERHOUSE EL44 0.000010 $40,000 $90,000 $100,000 $12 $27 $30 EL25 0.007000 $0 $20,000 $30,000 $0 $4,200 $6,300 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT EL44 0.000010 $45,000 $70,000 $135,000 $14 $21 $41 MACHINERY EL25 0.007000 $0 $20,000 $45,000 $0 $4,200 $9,450 ELECTRICAL -PH EL44 0.000010 $240,000 $360,000 $550,000 $72 $108 $165 EL25 0.007000 $0 $240,000 $360,000 $0 $50,400 $75,600 SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT EL44 0.000010 $120,000 $750,000 $1,500,000 $36 $225 $450 EL25 0.007000 $0 $120,000 $400,000 $0 $25,200 $84,000 SCAD A EL44 0.000010 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $18 $18 $18 EL25 0.007000 $2,000 $5,000 $60,000 $420 $1,050 $12,600 BARGE DOCK EL44 0.000010 $300,000 $800,000 $2,000,000 $90 $240 $600 EL25 0.007000 $0 $200,000 $500,000 $0 $42,000 $105,000 PERMANENT CAMP El44 0.000010 $300,000 $700,000 $2,500,000 $90 $210 $750 LANDING STRIP & LOWER EL44 0.000010 $10,000 $1,800,000 $3,000,000 $3 $540 $900 ACCESS ROAD EL25 0.007000 $1,000 $2,000 $6,000 $210 $420 $1,260 TRANSMISSION LINE EL44 0.000010 $0 $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $5 TOTAL EXPECTED LOSS (1991$) $965 $128,859 $297,168 TOTAL EXPECTED LOSS (LEVELIZED 1991 $} LOW LIKELY HIGH $21 $48 $53 $0 $7,410 $11,115 $24 $37 $71 $0 $7,410 $16,672 $127 $191 $291 $0 $88,917 $133,376 $64 $397 $794 $0 $44,459 $148,195 $32 $32 $32 $741 $1,852 $22,229 $159 $423 $1,059 $0 $74,098 $185,244 $159 $370 $1,323 $5 $953 $1,588 $370 $741 $2,223 $0 $0 $8 $1,702 $227,337 $524,273 tr1 :>< ::r' t-'· cr' t-'· rt ...... +:-- ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY BRADLEY LAKE· OTHER NATURAL PERILS REPAIR OR TOTAL ANNUAL TYPE OF REPLACEMENT COST j1991$) EXPECTED LOSS (1991$) STRUCTURE MAGNITUDE PROBABILITY DAMAGE LOW LIKELY HIGH LOW LIKELY HIGH DAM (NORMAL OPERATING) 0.00002 Dam Break $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 $12,000 $15,000 $18,000 OUllET WORKS (DIVERSION) 0.00010 Rockfall $0 $0 $70,000 $0 $0 $210 POWER INTAKE 0.0001 o Rockfall $0 $0 $175,000 $0 $0 $525 TRANSMISSION LINE 0.00100 Landslide $0 $50,000 $100,000 $0 $1,500 $3,000 BARGE DOCK 0.0001 0 Slope Ins tablllly $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $60 TRANSMISSION LINE 0.02500 Llghlnlng $0 $10,000 $15,000 $0 $7,500 $11,250 BRADLEY JUNCTION 0.02500 Llghlnlng $0 $15,000 $30,000 $0 $11,250 $22,500 POWERHOUSE 120 tt/SF 0.00200 Snow Load $0 $14,000 $150,000 $0 $840 $9,000 85tt/SF 0.01000 Snow Load $0 $0 $14,000 $0 $0 $4,200 TRANSMISSION LINE 0.01000 Ice $0 $30,000 $60,000 $0 $9,000 $18,000 POWERHOUSE 150 MPH 0.00200 Wind $30,000 $420,000 $1,500,000 $1,800 $25,200 $90,000 100MPH 0.02000 Wind $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $0 $18,000 TRANSMISSION LINE 150MPH 0.00200 Wind $0 $125,000 $250,000 $0 $7,500 $15,000 TOTAL EXPECTED LOSS (1991$) $13,800 $n,790 $209,745 TOTAL EXPECTED LOSS (LEVELIZED 1991$) LOW LIKELY HIGH $21,171 $26,463 $31,756 $0 $0 $370 $0 $0 $926 $0 $2,646 $5,293 $0 $0 $106 $0 $13,232 $19,848 $0 $19,848 $39,695 $0 $1,482 $15,878 $0 $0 $7,410 $0 $15,878 $31,756 $3,176 $44,459 $158,781 $0 $0 $31,756 $0 $13,232 $26,463 $24,346 $137,239 $370,038 1:':1 & r'• a' r'• rt ...... V1 PERIL EARTHQUAKE FLOOD OTHER NATURAL FIRE & LIGHTNING All OTHER PERILS TOTAL LOSS ESTIMATE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY Bradley lake SUMMARY OF ALL PERILS TOTAL EXPECTED LOSS TOTAL EXPECTED LOSS (1991$) (LEVELIZED 1991$) LOW LIKELY HIGH LOW LIKELY HIGH $21,744 $93,486 $300,222 $38,361 $164,931 $529,661 $965 $128,859 $297,168 $1,702 $227,337 $524,273 $13,800 $77,790 $209,745 $24,346 $137,239 $370,038 $347 $8,818 $29,908 $613 $15,558 $52,765 $43,715 $878,121 $2,658,336 $77,124 $1,549,207 $4,689,916 $80,571 $1,187,074 $3,495,380 $142,146 $2,094,272 $6,166,654 tr:l X :::r' 1-'· c:r 1-'· rt ,_. 0"> YEAR 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY BRADLEY LAKE SUMMARY OF EXPECTED LOSSES BY YEAR (Dollars) LOW LIKELY 2,686 39,569 2,833 41,745 2,989 44,041 3,154 46,464 3,327 49,01 9 3,510 51,715 3,703 54,560 3,907 57,560 4,122 60,726 4,348 64,066 4,588 67,590 4,840 71,307 5,106 75,229 5,387 79,367 5,683 83,732 5,996 88,337 6,326 93,196 6,673 98,321 7,041 103,729 7,428 109,434 7,836 115,453 8,267 121,803 8,722 128,502 9,202 135,570 9,708 143,026 10,242 150,893 10,805 159,192 11 ,399 167,947 12,026 177,184 12,688 186,930 Exhibit 17 HIGH 116,513 122,921 129,681 136,814 144,339 152,277 160,653 169,489 178,810 188,645 199,020 209,967 221,515 233,698 246,551 260,112 274,418 289,511 305,434 322,233 339,956 358,653 378,379 399,190 421,145 444,308 468,745 494,526 521,725 550,420 APPENDIX A Reviewed Project Documents-Reference List Stone & Webster Documents Application for FERC License -Bradley Lake -Hydroelectric Project Final Supporting Design Report -General Civil Construction -Contract -March 1988 Final Supporting Design Report -Powerhouse Construction -Contract -July 1988 General Civil Construction Contract Documents Powerhouse Construction Contract Tsunami Hazard to the Facilities of Bradley Lake Investigation of Landslide-Induced Wave in Bradley Lake Other Documents Design Earthquake Study -Bradley Lake 1981 Woodward-Clyde Consultants U.S. Corps of Engineers Bradley 115-kV Transmission Lines -Basic Design Manual Dryden & LaRue, Inc. APPENDIX B Lessons from pam !ncjdents, USA, ASCE/USCOLD 1975. Dams and Public Safety· Robert B. Jansen, U.S. Dept. of the Interior (USSR) 1983. Preliminary Safety Evaluation of Existing Oams Volumes 1 and 2-M. W. McCann, Jr., J. B. Franzini, E. Kavazanjian, Jr., H. C. Shah of Stanford University, FEMA, 1985. The Response of Concrete Dams to Earthguakes, K. D. Hansen and L. H. Boehm, Water Power and Dam Construction, April1979. Safety of Existing Oams. Evaluation and Improvement, National Research Council, 1983 Safety of Qams. Flood and Earthguake Crjterja, National Research Council, 1985 Publications by EOE Incorporated Summary of the March 3, 1985, Chile Earthquake Summary of the September 19, 1985, Mexico Earthquake Summary of the March 2, 1987, New Zealand Earthquake Detail of the Effects on the Rape! Hydro Plant of the March 3, 1985 Chile Earthquake A Summary of the Seismic Qualifications Utilities Group (SQUG) Program 1985 The Alaska Earthguake, March 27, 1964 Eklutna Power Project USGS Paper 545-A Climatic Atlas Vol. 1. Gulf of Alaska NOAA/BLM 1977 Insuring Dam Risks, J. P. Germond Water Power and Dam Construction, June 1977 Risk in Hydroelectricity Production, Herbert lnhaber, The International Journal Pergamon Press-Oxford, December 1978, p. 769 Schedule for Rating Electric Generating Stations Including Substations. Transformers. Storage Battery. Swjtchjng Stations and Central Heating Plants, Insurance Service Office, 1974 Edition APPENDIX C FORMULAS AND DEFINITIONS Number of occurrences 1) Average number of occurrences per unit year Number of unit years Since the number of unit years <2396, a constant) are known, the number of occurrences per cause code were developed by multiplying the average number of occurrences <decimal value> per unit year by 2,396 unit year. While the GADS data base assigns a value of·o.oo for all values less that 0.005, we took a conservative approach and utilized a 0.0025 occurence rate when the average number of occurrences was shown as 0.00. 2) Unit years= is as a common denominator used to normalize data from hydro units of the same type, but with different 1 engths of service during the reporting period. For instance four-unit years can represent four years of data from one unit or one year of data from four units. Example Unit Yrs. of data in Period A 5 B 3 3> Full forced <unplanned) outage- c 4 Total Unit Years 12 Unit Year = 12 The occurence of an unplanned component failure (immediate, delayed, postponed> or other condition which requires that the unit be removed from service immediately or before the next weekend. 4) Unplanned {forced derating) The occurence of an unplanned component failure (immediate, delayed, postponed) or other condition which requires that the load on the unit be reduced immediately or before the next weekend. 5) "Risk" is used in risk management and insurance literature and practice to mean: -the possibility of loss -the probability of loss -a peril -a hazard -the property or person exposed to damage or loss -potential losses -variation in potential losses -uncertainty concerning loss. C-1 APPENDIX C {continued) FORMULAS AND DEFINITIONS 6) Burning Layer Losses in risk management are known as the losses that are small, and frequent as compared to MPL and PML losses that are the severity losses. The use of the term 11 burning layer 11 does not indicate that this risk management technique is applicable only to the fire peril. 7> MPL =Maximum Possible Loss The worst dollar loss that could possibly happen in the period 1988-2010 inclusive. 8) PML = Probable Maximum Loss 9) <Also, referred to by some as the Maximum Probable Loss. However, since the above MPL has the same acronym, we took the approach in this report of referring to this as the PML, the probable maximum loss.) Lightning is considered as a fire peril. This property insurance policies for the last 100 years. included the lighting peril. is consistent with Fire policies always 10) A forced outage or unplanned derating results whenever a possible loss occurs. For example, if there is a fire to an irrsured property, we assume the fire will have an impact on the generation of electricity. 11) All perils are assumed to be mutually exclusive. 12) All risks <locations> are assumed to be independent exposures. That is, the probability of an occurence at one site, does not have any impact at another site. 13) We have only calculated direct damage losses, not indirect losses such as extra expenses, or loss of revenue. C-2