HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Final Supporting Design Report Vol 1 Report 1986A~skaPowerAu~orny FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT NO. P-8221-000 VOWME 1 REPORT Prepared By STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ANCHORAGE, ALASKA March, 1986 Alaska Power Authority FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT NO. P-8221-000 VOLUME 1 REPORT Prepared By STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ANCHORAGE. ALASKA March. 1986 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT VOLUME 1 REPORT 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 DESIGN AND GENERAL TECHNICAL DATA 2.1 DESIGN 2.2 DESIGN LOADS 2.3 STABILITY CRITERIA I 3.0 SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT 3.1 SPECIFIC ASSESSMENTS 3.2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF FINAL SITE CONDITIONS REPORT 4.0 BORINGS, GEOLOGICAL REPORTS, AND LABORATORY TEST REPORTS 5.0 BORROW AREAS AND QUARRY SITES 5.1 BORROW AREA LOCATION 5.2 BORROW QUANTITIES 5.3 QUARRY SITES 6.0 STABILITY AND STRESS ANALYSIS 6.1 GENERAL 6.2 DIVERSION TUNNEL INCLUDING INTAKE 6.3 DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT 6.4 MAIN DAM 6. 5 SPILLWAY 6.6 MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION DAM 6.7 POWERHOUSE 6.8 REFERENCES 7.0 BASIS FOR SEISMIC LOADING 7.1 GENERAL 7.2 SEISMOTECTONIC SETTING 7.3 SEISMIC DESIGN 8.0 SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOOD BASIS 8.1 STUDY METHODOLOGY 8.2 MODEL CALIBRATION 8.3 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOODS 8.4 STANDARD PROJECT FLOOD 8.5 SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOOD 2-379-JJ i TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT VOLUME 1 REPORT 9.0 BOARD OF CONSULTANTS 9.1 INDEPENDENT BOARD OF CONSULTANTS 9.3 FERC BOARD OF CONSULTANTS ii 2-379-JJ TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT VOLUME 1 REPORT APPENDIX A DRAWINGS Plate Title Exhibit F 1 General Plan 2 General Arrangement -Dam, Spillway and Flow Structures 3 Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam -Sections and Details 4 Spillway -Plan, Elevations and Sections 5 Power Conduit Profile and Details 6 Intake Channel and Power Tunnel Gate Shaft -Sections and Details 7 Site Preparation Excavation at Powerhouse -Plan 8 Site Preparation Excavation at Powerhouse -Elevations 9 90 MW Pelton Powerhouse -Elevation 10 Construction Diversion -Sections and Details 11 Middle Fork Diversion -Plan and Profile 12 Middle Fork Diversion -Elevation and Details 13 Main Dam Diversion -Channel Improvements 14 General Arrangement -Permanent Camp and Powerhouse 15 Barge Dock 16 Powerhouse Substation and Bradley Junction 17 Main One Line Diagram 18 Martin River Borrow Area 19 Waterfowl Nesting Area Figures F.6.2-5 F.6.2-6 2-379-JJ Mean Horizontal Response Spectrum Design Accelerogram iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT VOLUME 1 REPORT APPENDIX B LIST OF ATTACHMENTS B.1 Construction Schedule Contract Dates B.2 Independent Board of Consultant's Meetings: Meeting No. 1 May 12 and 13, 1983 Meeting No. 2 July 11 to 15, 1983 Meeting No. 3 September 25 to 27, 1984 Meeting No. 4 November 4 and 5, 1985 Meeting No. 5 January 28, 1986 B.3 FERC Board of Consultant's Meeting: Meeting No. 1 March 6 and 7, 1986 APPENDIX C The Final Site Conditions Report of Geotechnical Field Investigation for Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project -1984 and 1985 Programs is included with this report. iv 2-379-JJ TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT VOLUME 2 DESIGN CRITERIA 1.0 Design Criteria for Civil Structures: 1.2 Permanent Access Road 1.3 Permanent Bridges 1.4 Borrow Areas 1. 5 Barge Dock 1.6 Airstrip 1.7 Temporary and Permanent Camps 2.0 Geotechnical Design Criteria -Site Preparation 3.0 Structural Design Criteria -Main Dam Diversion 4.0 Hydraulic Design Criteria -Main Dam Diversion v 2-379-JJ TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT VOLUME 3 CALCULATIONS Title GEOTECHNICAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. HYDRAULIC 1. 2. 3. 2-379-JJ Main Dam Diversion Tunnel Alignment and Surface Excavation Stability of Diversion Tunnel Portals Design of Rock Reinforcement Support System for Main Dam Diversion Tunnel Gabion Stability Diversion Channel Alignment and Excavation Stability of Temporary Rock Plug for Main Dam Diversion Tunnel Powerhouse Benching Plan and Surface Excavation COE/BLHP Survey Datum Correlation -Damsite Rock Engineering/Design Criteria Parameters Design Channel Size Downstream of Diversion Tunnel Quantities of Excavation and Comparison of Quantities for Various Depth of Channel Quantities of Cofferdams vi Calculation No. G(A)-03 G(A)-07 G(A)-09 G(A)-14 G(A)-15 G(A)-17 G(A)-18 G(H)-19 G(A)-21 H-003 H-004 H-008 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT VOLUME 4 CALCULATIONS Title HYDRAULIC (Continued) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Water Surface Profile in Diversion Tunnel Fish By-Pass Pipe System Forcing Frequency for Diversion Intake Pier Lake Drawdown Design of Channel Downstream of Diversion Tunnel Water Surface Profiles Downstream of Diversion Tunnel 10. Bulkhead Gate Operation Diversion Tunnel 11. Water Surface Profile Diversion Tunnel 12. Riprap Design -Bank Across Pool from Diversion Tunnel 13. Relationship of USGS Gaging Stations to Bradley Lake Project Datum 14. Synthesize Flood of Record Inflow Hydrograph from Recorded Outflow Hydrograph at Bradley Lake 15. Flood Routing Flood of Record through Bradley Lake and Diversion Tunnel vii 2-379-JJ Calculation No. H-010 H-012 H-014 H-015 H-016 H-017 H-018 H-019 H-021 H-024 H-029 H-033 STRUCTURAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 2-379-JJ TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT VOLUME 4 CALCULATIONS Title Wind Loads for Design Criteria Snow and Ice Loads for Design Criteria Main Dam Diversion -Intake Portal Analysis and Design Main Dam Diversion -Intake Bulkheads viii Calculation No. SDC-1 SDC-2 SC-131-1 SS-132-2 INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION As part of the documents for the Application for License for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, the Applicant issued a "Preliminary Supporting Design Report." In that document the Applicant stated that a "Final Design Report'• would be submitted to the Commission for review and approval prior to the award of the construction contracts. There will be three major construction contracts awarded for project facilities. The scheduled dates for the submittal of Final Supporting Design Reports for each phase to the Commission for approval and the dates for starting each phase of construction are shown on Scheduled Contract Dates Appendix B (Attachment 1). The three phases of construction consist of: First Phase -Site Preparation Contract o Clearing, grubbing and removing overburden in diversion structure, camp, road, and powerhouse areas o Rock excavation o Construction of access road and bridges to permanent facilities and Martin River borrow area o Quarry and placing riprap o Site grading and stockpiling topsoil o Diversion tunnel excavation o Placing concrete and reinforcing steel for the intake structure of the diversion tunnel o Construction of the temporary and permanent camp facilities including utilities o Construction of the airstrip o Construction of the barge dock including sheet pile cells, approach roads and local dredging o Placing rock bolts and slope protection in powerhouse and diversion tunnel excavations o Improvement of channel downstream of diversion tunnel outlet 2-379-JJ 1-1 0 Installation of communication damsite power supply cable service microwave and light installed) tower power supply and main and install television/phone fiber optic cables. (Owner Second Phase -Civil Construction Contract o Construction of diversion outlet structure and gate shaft o Completion of the concrete and steel lining of the diversion tunnel o Excavation of the power tunnel o Construction of the power tunnel concrete and steel lining including intake and vertical gate shaft o Installation of the power penstock o Rock excavation for all permanent structures including tailrace channel o Construction of the dam, spillway and cofferdams o Construction of the powerhouse including installation of equipment o Construction of the Nuka Diversion o Construction of the Middle Fork Diversion o Construction of the Substation o Electrical work in all permanent facilities except for that installed as part of the Site Preparation Contract Third Phase -Transmission Contract o Construct transmission line o Construct Bradley Junction transmission line intertie This final supporting design report for the Site Preparation Contract is submitted by the Applicant to demonstrate that the work proposed under the Site Preparation Contract is safe and adequate to fulfill their stated functions. 2-379-JJ 1-2 The revised Exhibit F drawings for the First Phase Site Preparation Contract are included herein. Also some revised Exhibit F drawings for the Civil and Transmission contract are furnished, but will be further revised and resubmitted with the Civil Construction Contract Final Supporting Design Report. Second and Third Phase Final Exhibit F drawings and Final Supporting Design Report will be submitted by the Applicant for Commission approval in January 1987 prior to bidding the Civil Construction Contract. Unless otherwise noted. all elevations given in this report are based on Project datum. The Boring Logs. Geological Reports and Laboratory Test Reports were included in the Appendices in Volumes 5 through 10 of the License Application for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. The titles of these reports and the Appendix references are listed in Section 4.0. The "Final Site Conditions Report of Geotechnical Field Investigations 1984 and 1985 Programs" is included with this report as Appendix C. 2-379-JJ 1-3 DESIGN AND GENERAL TECHNICAL DATA 2.0 DESIGN AND GENERAL TECHNICAL DATA 2.1 DESIGN The following design data are furnished to indicate to the Commission staff the applicable codes, guides, regulations, and standards which are utilized in the engineering and design of the documents required for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Attached to this report are the Design Criteria that are the basis of the design of the Site Preparation Contract structures as listed below: 0 Permanent Access Road 0 Haul Road Bridges 0 Borrow Areas 0 Barge Dock 0 Airstrip 0 Temporary and Permanent Camps The Final Supporting Design Report for the Civil Construction Contract will be submitted for the Commission's approval in January 1987. Final geotechnical and geological investigations have been completed and the "Final Site Conditions Report of Geotechnical Field Investigations 1984 and 1985 Programs" is included with this report as Appendix C. 2.1.1 Codes, Guides and Regulations Where specific standards and design criteria are not covered in these design data, the latest edition of the following codes and standards will apply: 2-379-JJ 2-1 General ANSI A58.1 UBC AAC ABCC OSHA-AK OSHA-US Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures; American National Standards Institute Uniform Building Code; International Conference of Building Officials Alaska Administrative Code, Section 13AAC50 (incorporates UBC provisions for Alaska Building Code) Alaska State Building Construction Code General Safety Code, Vol. I, II, and III, Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Alaska Department of Labor, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, 1973 and as amended in 1983 and the Construction Code, 1974 and as amended in 1982 u.s. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA 2206 General Industry Standards (29 CFR 1910), and OSHA 2207 Construction Industry (29 CFR 1926/1910), as supplement to the State of Alaska's General Safety Code Concrete ACI 207. 1R ACI 207.2R 2-379-JJ Mass Concrete for Dams and Other Massive Structures; American Concrete Institute Effect of Restraint, Volume Change, and Reinforcement on Cracking of Massive Concrete; American Concrete Institute 2-2 ACI 210R ACI 211. 1 ACI 214 ACI 301 ACI 302 ACI 306 ACI 315 ACI 318.1 ACI 322 ACI 336.2R ACI 336.3R ACI 347 2-379-JJ Erosion Resistance of Concrete in Hydraulic Structures; American Concrete Institute Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavy Weight, and Mass Concrete; American Concrete Institute Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Strength Test Results for Concrete; American Concrete Institute Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings; American Concrete Institute Guide to Concrete Floor and Slab Construction Cold Weather Concreting; American Concrete Institute Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures; American Concrete Institute Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete and Commentary; American Concrete Institute Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete; American Concrete Institute Suggested Design Procedures for Combined Footings and Mats; American Concrete Institute Suggested Design Construction Procedures for Pier Foundations; American Concrete Institute Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork; American Concrete Institute 2-3 ACI 531 ACI 531.1 ASTM C33 ASTM C150 CRD-C119 Building Code Requirements for Concrete Masonry Structures, and Commentary on Building Code Requirements for Concrete Masonry Structures; American Concrete Institute Specification for Concrete Masonry Construction; American Concrete Institute Specification for Concrete Aggregates; American Society for Testing and Materials Specification for Portland Cement; American Society for Testing and Materials Method of Test for Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate; U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers CRSI CRSI Handbook; Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute 2.1.1. 3 Steel AISC AISC AISC AISC 2-379-JJ Manual of Steel Construction; American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc., 8th Edition Specification for the Design Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings with Commentary; American Institute of Steel Construction Codes of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges with Commentary; American Institute of Steel Construction Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 and A490 Bolts 2-4 AISI ASME VIII ASTM AWS Dl.l AWS Dl.4 AWWA C200 AWWA C206 AWWA C207 AWWA C208 AWWA DlOO AWWA Dl02 AWWA Mll 2-379-JJ Specifications for the Design of Cold-Form Steel Structural Members with Commentary; American Iron and Steel Institute Pressure Vessels; American Society of Mechanical Engineers Various Standards, American Society for Testing and Materials Structural Welding Code; American Welding Society Reinforcing Steel Welding Code; American Welding Society Steel Water Pipe 6 Inches and Larger; American Water Works Association Standard for Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe; American Water Works Association Standard for Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Services -Sizes 4 in. through 144 in.; American Water Works Association Standard for Dimensions for Steel Water Pipe Fittings; American Water Works Association Standard for Welded Steel Tanks for Water Storage; American Water Works Association Standard for Painting Steel Water-Storage Tanks; American Water Works Association Steel Pipe Design and Installation; American Water Works Association 2-5 Roads and Bridges AASHTO HB-12 AASHTO ISB AASHTO WSB-3 AASHTO LTS-1 AASHTO CD-2 AASHTO HDG AASHTO HDG-7 AASHTO GSH-4 2-379-JJ Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, Twelfth Edition; American Associations of State Highway and Transportation Officials Interim Specifications -Bridges; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Standard Specifications for Welding Structural Steel Highway Bridges; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs; Luminaires, and Traffic Signals; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Highway Drainage Guidelines; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Hydraulic Analyses for the Bridges; American Association Transportation Officials Location and of State Design Highway of and Guide Specifications for Highway Construction; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 2-6 AASHTO HLED-1 A Guide for Highway Landscape and Environmental Design; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO GWP-1 A Design Guide for Wildlife Protection and Conservation for Transportation Facilities Design Guides SEAOC-80 Recommended Lateral Force Requirements and Commentary, Structural Engineers Association of California, 1980 Edition ATC 3-06 NFPA DOT/PF SJI Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for Buildings; Applied Technology Council National Fire Protection Association Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Design Standards for Buildings Standard Specifications and Load Tables Steel Joist Institute (SJI) 2.2 DESIGN LOADS The following design loads are being considered with the loading combinations described in Section 2.3.2 for the Design of Structures. 2.2.1 Dead Loads Mass Concrete 145 lbs/ft 3 Reinforced Concrete 150 lbs/ft 3 Steel 490 lbs/ft 3 Water 62.4 lbs/ft3 Ice 56 lbs/ft 3 Salt Water 64 lbs/ft 3 2-379-JJ 2-7 Silt -Vertical 120 lbs/ft 3 -Horizontal 85 lbs/ft 3 Backfill -Dry 120 lbs/ft 3 -Saturated 135 lbs/ft 3 -Submerged 75 lbs/ft 3 Sound Rock 170 lbs/ft 3 2.2.2 Backfill Loads The lateral earth pressure against vertical faces of structures with cohesionless horizontal backfill is computed using the equivalent fluid pressures calculated from: p kwH Where: p = unit pressure k = pressure coefficient w unit weight of fill H = height of fill For structures free to deflect or rotate about the base the pressure coefficient is computed from Rankine's theory, using the following equation: 2 tan ( 45-0/2) Where 0 =angle of internal friction (degrees). For structures restrained from bending or rotation, the at-rest pressure coefficient is used: 2-379-JJ k = 1 -sin 0 0 2-8 Coulomb's theory is used for computing lateral earth pressures on wall surfaces with slopes flatter than lOV: 1H or with sloping backfill steeper than 1V:4H. Where vehicular traffic can run adjacent to the structure, a surcharge loading of 300 lbs/ft2 is applied. 2.2.3 Snow and Ice Loads Roofs. decks, and structural features which will carry snow or ice loads are designed in accordance with the technical document ETL 111Q-3-317, U.S. Dept. of Army with additional provisions where more severe icing is considered likely. 2.2.4 Floor Loads 1. Powerhouse Generator Floor Turbine Floor Spherical Valve Pit Floors Stairs Control Room Floor Tailrace Deck Service Bay Floor Equipment Floor Office and Lunch Room 2. Intake Gate Shaft Equipment Floors 3. Diversion Gate House Equipment Floor 2-379-JJ 2-9 300 lbs/ft2 300 lbs/ft 2 300 lbs/ft2 100 lbs/ft 2 150 lbs/ft 2 300 lbs/ft 2 800 lbs/ft 2 300 lbs/ft 2 100 lbs/ft2 300 lbs/ft 2 300 lbs/ft 2 4. Warehouse and Machine Shop Main Floor 2.2.5 Crane Runway Loads 2 250 lbs/ft The powerhouse crane runways and supporting structure are constructed of steel with the structural design based on: the runway-life span (50 years); crane type, classification and arrangement; number, width and diameter of wheels; rate at which hoists operate; and the number of anticipated load cycles. The structural design is based on the distance between wheels, number of wheels and maximum wheel loadings. Powerhouse cranes have relatively low hoisting speeds and DC controls, which provide for more precise handling. Values to be used for impact and horizontal forces for the powerhouse crane shall be as follows: Rated Load, Tons 150 *Impact % 10 **Lateral Force, % 10 *Based on maximum wheel loads. ***Longitudinal Force, % 10 **Based on rated loads plus trolley weight applied at top of crane rail, half on each side. ***Based on maximum wheel loads applied at top of rail. Impact and horizontal forces shall be included in the design of columns but not footings. simultaneously. Side thrust and impact shall not be considered Neither earthquake nor wind loads shall be considered acting simultaneously with crane live loads in designing columns and foundations. Full wind or seismic shall be considered acting with crane dead load. 2-379-JJ 2-10 Supports for hoist monorails shall be designed to include the trolley, hoist, and monorail loads, and any pipe loads. Impact for motor-operated hoists shall be 25 percent of the lifting capacity added to the hoist and trolley load. Deflections Cab or Pendant Operated (Live load without impact) Fatigue L/1200 Vertical Deflection L/400 Lateral Deflection Fatigue is evaluated in accordance with Appendix B of the AISC Specification for the Design, Fabrication & Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. The crane runway is comprised of suitably supported crane rail connected by joint or splice bars. The rail is supported directly on the top of the flange of a steel girder. The crane rail is fastened by means of rail clips which allow the rail to expand and contract longitudinally but hold the rail vertically and laterally. Bumper stops are provided at each end of the crane runway. Bumper stops are designed to withstand a 40 percent crane speed carrying the rated load. A spring or hydraulic bumper impacting a steel stop will be used. 2.2.6 Hydraulic Loads All structures are designed for full lateral water pressures, including hydrodynamic and uplift forces, where applicable. 2.2. 7 Uplift Uplift (or internal hydrostatic pressure) is assumed to act over 100 percent of the affected area of the structure. 2-379-JJ 2-11 Uplift pressure is equivalent to the full water pressure acting on a foundation or structure where no head differential exists across the structure. The foundations and structures are analyzed for flotation, if applicable. Foundation drain holes are provided for the spillway downstream of the foundation grout curtain. The drain holes are drilled into the foundation rock and extend through the concrete structure to the top of the ogee to permit inspection and maintenance of each drain. The drain top detail includes a removable cap. The drains are connected by headers and discharge downstream of the structure. The header outlets are accessible for clean-out if required. The uplift pressures under the spillway are considered across the complete rock/concrete interface with full headwater pressure at the upstream face to grout curtain then varying linearly to 1/2 headwater pressure at the line of drains to the tailwater elevation. The projected pressure at the drains is based upon the effectiveness of the drainage system expressed as drain efficiency. For example, a drainage efficiency of 100 percent corresponds to a reduction of the projected piezometric pressure elevation to tailwater elevation at the line of drains. The expression for the drainage efficiency is: where DW HW = DL = TW DE (HW-DL) X 100 (HW-TW) drainage efficiency, headwater elevation, projected piezometric of drains, feet tailwater elevation, percent feet elevation at the center line feet The drainage efficiency for the drains at the spillway is assumed to be 50 percent with the drains operative and with proper maintenance of drains. 2-379-JJ 2-12 The spillway aprons and walls on grade are designed for uplift conditions resulting from sudden changes in water level, as applicable as well as groundwater and seepage pressures. Suitable drainage is provided to equalize the water pressure on each side of the apron or wall to minimize the differential pressures which may be expected. 2.2.8 Seismic Loads The Bradley Lake Project is located in a seismically active region. All major Project structures except the barge dock and airstrip are founded on or excavated in rock. Design acceleration values given in this design data are horizontal accelerations in rock and are amplified or attenuated up through soil as applicable in design •• 1. Main Dam The main dam is designed for an earthquake with the response spectrum shown in Appendix A on Figure 6. 2-5, Mean Horizontal Response Spectrum, and a normalized peak acceleration of 0. 75 g which represents the maximum credible earthquake. The dam is designed for this severe acceleration to maintain water retaining integrity. The field studies conducted to date have not revealed any geological structure in the dam site area which could be considered active. 2. Intake Structure and Gate Shaft for Power Tunnel The power intake structure and gate shaft are designed for an earthquake with the response spectrum shown in Appendix A on Figure 6.2-5, Mean Horizontal Response Spectrum, and a normalized peak acceleration of 0.75 g with a 50 percent increase in allowable stresses. The intake gates are designed to operate after a major seismic event to close the water passageway of the power conduit. To assure the gates remain operable, separate air-oil accumulators are provided for each gate, with a tank size to permit independent closure of each gate before recharging is 2-379-JJ 2-13 required by the hydraulic power pack. This approach assumes that following power outage the hydraulic power pack become inoperable, but permits gate operation. 3. Permanent Outlet Facilities in Diversion Tunnel The permanent outlet facilities are designed for an earthquake with the response spectrum shown in Appendix A on Figure 6.2-5, Mean Horizontal Response Spectrum, and a normalized peak acceleration of 0. 75 g with a 50 percent increase in allowable stresses. The outlet gates are designed to operate after a major seismic event specifically to open the main (downstream) gate to effect reservoir drawdown. The guard gate (upstream) is normally open. To assure the gate remains operable, air-oil accumulators are provided with a tank size to permit one open-close cycle of one gate before recharging is required by the hydraulic power pack. This approach assumes that following power outage the hydraulic power pack become inoperable, but permits gate operation. 4. Power Tunnel Fully embedded installations will react in concert with the surrounding rock mass, unless actual rupture and displacement of the rock mass occurs. The power tunnel crosses the Bradley River and Bull Moose Faults, each of which are assumed to be capable of independent earthquake generation, implying surface and subsurface rupture potential. In addition, these faults are capable of rupture in response to events on adjacent larger faults. It is considered impossible for the design to withstand or accommodate rock mass rupture. Other than safety-related issues, no consideration other than those consistent with normal tunnel design is applied. In the event rupture should occur, the power tunnel will be dewatered and repairs made. 2-379-JJ 2-14 5. Steel Liner and Penstock The steel liner and penstock are encased in concrete in excavated rock tunnels as shown on Plate 9. Once installation is complete, the fully embedded installation will react in concert with the surrounding rock mass. For conditions during installation and testing, an effective seismic acceleration of 0.35 g will be considered with a one third increase in allowable stresses. The closure of two penstock inlets into the powerhouse is by the spherical valves located within the powerhouse. The future powerhouse penstock is closed off by a high pressure sperical head. 6. Powerhouse The powerhouse is designed for an effective seismic acceleration of 0. 35 g with material stresses not exceeding normal design working stresses, and for an earthquake with the response spectrum shown in Appendix A on Figure F6. 2-5, Mean Horizontal Response Spectrum, and a normalized peak acceleration of 0.75 g with material stresses not exceeding 150 percent of the normal design working stresses. The powerhouse substructure is constructed of concrete securely founded in rock. The powerhouse superstructure is an insulated steel framed metal clad enclosure of conventional design. 7. Middle Fork Diversion The Middle Fork Diversion Dam is designed for an earthquake with the response spectrum shown in Appendix A on Figure F6.2-5, Mean Horizontal Response Spectrum, and a normalized peak acceleration of 0.35 g. The proposed dam is designed for this severe acceleration to retain the reservoir impoundment. 2-379-JJ 2-15 8. Other Project Structures and Facilities (including Nuka Diversion) The other project structures are designed for an effective seismic acceleration of 0.35 g consistent with U.B.C. Zone 4. Some facilities including the barge dock, access roads, and the airstrip are founded on soil formations in the tidal flats. Local soil failures are anticipated for these facilities during seismic events and will be repaired as needed. 2.2.9 Temperature and Thermal Loads Expansion and contraction resulting from temperature changes, moisture changes, creep in component materials, and movement resulting from differential settlement will be combined with other forces and loadings for maximum effects. The minimum design temperature is -30°F and the maximum design temperature is +85°F. 2.2.10 Horizontal Ice Loads The design ice thickness for Bradley Lake is 28 inches. Using charts developed by E. Rose in the paper "Thrust Exerted by Expanding Ice Sheet" Trans. ASCE Vol. 1 and 2, 1947, page 871 and also included in the USBR book "Design of Small Dams" figure 220, the 28 inch thickness of ice results in a horizontal ice load of 12 kips per lineal foot, assuming no lateral restraint to ice and a temperature rise of 15°F/hour. Excessive ice buildup on trashracks, gates, gate guides, and critical areas of structures will be prevented by providing adequate submergence or heating of such equipment. 2.2.11 Wind and Wind Related Loads Wind data at the site has been gathered since August 1979. The analysis of the limited data indicates that highest winds occur from October through April with several events exceeding 70 mph during this 2-379-JJ 2-16 period (maximum 106 mph recorded). The 100 year return period speed has been estimated at 115 mph in the area with the predominate direction of the winds toward the northwest. Wind loads developed for the Bradley Lake project are based on the 1985 Uniform Building Code formula for wind pressure: where: p C C q I e q s (UBC 11-1) p = design wind pressure C = combined height, exposure and gust factor coefficient as e given in UBC Table No. 23-G C = pressure coefficient for the structure or portion of q structure under consideration as given in UBC Table No. 23-H qs = wind stagnation pressure at the standard height of 30 ft as set forth in UBC Table 23-F I = importance factor as set forth in UBC Section 2311(h) Wind Load Application Wind loads are applied orthogonally to buildings and structures in only one direction at a time. For tanks or structures supported on four legs in an elevated position wind load is applied diagonally. Wind loads are not combined with earthquake loadings; however. they are applied in combination with snow loads. Wind Load Importance Factor Design Wind Importance Speed Area Exposure Factor (mph) Main Dam Diversion Outlet B 1.0 120 Structures Main Dam Diversion Gate House c 1.15 120 Main Dam Structures c 1.15 120 2-379-JJ 2-17 Wind Load Importance Factor (Continued) Design Wind Importance Speed Area Exposure Factor (mph) Powerhouse and Attached Average 1.15 100 Facilities of B+C Substation Average 1.15 100 of B+C Nuka Diversion Structures B 1.0 120 Middle Fork Diversion B 1.0 120 Structures Miscellaneous Structures B 1.0 100 Exposed Coastal Facilities c 1.15 100 2.3 STABILITY CRITERIA The stability analysis of the dam and spillway structures that will be constructed during the Civil Construction Contract are being conducted and these will be included as part of the Civil Construction Contract Final Supporting Design Report. The following describes the criteria being considered for the stability analysis. 2.3.1 Main Dam Stability The main dam is a compacted rockfill founded on competent bedrock with an upstream concrete face slab membrane. A general plan and sections of the dam are shown in Appendix A Exhibit F Plates 2 and 3. The following criteria is being considered in the stability analysis. 1. Reservoir Elevations 0 0 0 2-379-JJ Probable Maximum Flood Normal Maximum Operating Minimum Operating 2-18 1190.6 1180 1080 2. Tailwater Elevations 0 0 0 Probable Maximum Flood Normal Maximum Operating Minimum Operating 3. Uplift and Seepage Forces 1081 1067 1061 o At Base -full reservoir pressure at upstream face o Internal full reservoir pressure at upstream concrete membrane, .dropping to tailwater hydrostatic pressure within embankment o Upstream concrete membrane is impervious compared to rockfill. No excess pore pressures develop for construction or drawdown loading conditions. 4. Embankment Geometry o Crest Elevation -1190 o Foundation Elevation -1065 (Minimum) o Alignment of Axis -Essentially straight but with a slight upstream camber o Crest Width -16 Feet o Camber -Camber the dam crest to prevent loss of freeboard under static settlement and anticipated design basic seismic conditions. 5. Slope Protection o Upstream Slope -Reinforced concrete face slab membrane o Downstream Slope -Rockfill with heavy riprap below maximum flood level 2-3 79-JJ 2-19 6. Material Properties o Rockfill Dry/Moist Unit Weight Saturated Unit Weight Shear Strength o Internal Friction o Cohesion Shear Wave Velocity Damping 120 lbs/ft 3 135 lbs/ft 3 45° 0 1000 ft/sec 5% minimum Permeability -Previous relative to upstream concrete membrane o Upstream Concrete Membrane Strength -To be determined Permability -To be determined based on joint seepage and seismic cracked section o Water Unit Weight 62.4 lbs/ft 3 7. Silt o No silt loads 8. Ice, Wind, Hydrodynamic Load~ These loads are listed in Section for ice loads, Section for wind loads, and Section for hydrodynamic loads. 9. Earthquake o Horizontal earthquake with the response spectrum shown on Figure F6.2-5, Mean Horizontal Response Spectrum, and a normalized peak 0.75 g acceleration. 2-379-JJ 2-20 o Vertical earthquake acceleration is applied separately as two thirds of horizontal acceleration. 10. Method of Analysis o Static analysis -two dimensional simplified Bishop Method of Slices using circular sliding surfaces and infinite slope analyses, and sliding wedge failure analysis. 0 Dynamic Analysis two dimensional simplified permanent displacement method by Newmark, utilizing Sarma seismic amplification from base to top of dam. 11. Loading Combinations Case I -Normal Conditions o Normal Maximum Reservoir El. 1180 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Dead Loads o Ice at El. 1179 Case II -Unusual Condition -Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) o Maximum Reservoir El. 1190.61 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Dead Loads o Earthquake not considered Case III -Extreme Condition -Earthquake o Normal Maximum Reservoir El. 1180 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Dead Loads o Ice at El. 1179 o Maximum Credible Earthquake 2-379-JJ 2-21 Case IV -Construction Condition o Reservoir Water Surface at El. 1065 o Dead Load o Earthquake Case V -Reservoir Drawdown o Drawdown from spillway crest to minimum reservoir elevation 1080 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Ice Load o Dead Load o Design Basis Earthquake 12. Factors of Safety 0 Static Loading Condition Construction Condition Normal Operating Maximum Reservoir Reservoir Drawdown Maximum Reservoir Level o Dynamic Loading Condition Required Minimum Factor of Safety 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.4 The loss of freeboard and damage to the dam during an earthquake event described in the subsection 9. Earthquake should not cause catastrophic failure of the dam. 13. Sections to be Analyzed o The embankment is analyzed for a unit width slice through a section at the maximum height. 2-379-JJ 2-22 o Abutm~nt geometry is considered for strain compatibility o Crest conditions are considered for local topographic amplification effects 2.3.2 Spillway Stability The spillway is a concrete ogee section founded on competent bedrock in a saddle on the right side of the main dam. The spillway is shown in Appendix A Exhibit F on Plate 4. The following criteria are being considered for the stability analysis of the spillway. 1. Reservoir Elevation 0 0 0 Probable Maximum Flood Normal Maximum Operating Normal Minimum Operating 1190.6 1180 1080 2. Tailrace Elevation o Tailwater elevation will have no direct effects on spillway stability as the toe is well above tailwater pool level. 3. Uplift 0 0 2-379-JJ At Base Internal Reservoir pressure at upstream face to grout curtain then varying to 1/2 upstream face pressure at drains and to 1/2 flow depth pressure at downstream face of apron Full reservoir pressure at upstream face decreasing linearly to tailwater pressure at downstream face of spillway arpon Uplift assumed to act over 100% of base area 2-23 4. 5. 6. Dead 0 0 Silt 0 Ice In all cases, uplift on any portion of the base or section not in compression is assumed to be 100% of the assumed upstream head except when the non-compressive foundation pressure is the result of earthquake forces. During the earthquake loading condition, when the resultant is located outside the kern of the section, the uplift is not revised from that used in the normal operating condition. Weights Concrete 145.0 lbs/ft 3 Water 62.4 lbs/ft 3 No silt loads o 12 kips/ft applied at elevation 1179 (based on 28 inch ice thickness and developed as described in Section 7. Earthquake The horizontal earthquake loads are based on the response spectrum shown on Figure 6.2-5, Mean Horizontal Response Spectrum and a normalized peak acceleration of 0.75 g. The horizontal earthquake water loads are based on the formula as developed in USBR "Design of Small Dams" Chapter VIII Section 170 which is 2-379-JJ 2-24 where P = C E w h e P = increase in water pressure in psf at any elevation due e to horizontal earthquake C dimensionless coefficient from Figure 222 USBR "Design of Small Dams" E = earthquake intensity w =unit weight of water in pounds/cu. ft. h total depth of reservoir at section studied in feet The vertical earthquake loads are applied separately as 2/3 the horizontal earthquake load. 8. Temperature Minimum temperature Maximum temperature 9. Wind The wind loads are developed from the formula listed in Section 10. Loading Combinations Case I -Normal Conditions o Normal Maximum Reservoir El. 1180 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Dead Loads o Ice at El. 1179 2-379-JJ 2-25 Case II -Unusual Condition -Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) o Maximum Reservoir El. 1190.6 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Dead Loads o Earthquake not considered Case III -Extreme Condition -Earthquake o Normal Maximum Reservoir El. 1180 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Dead Loads o Ice at El. 1179 o Maximum Credible Earthquake Case IV -Construction Condition o Reservoir Water Surface at El 1065 o Dead Load o Earthquake Case V -Reservoir Drawdown o Drawdown from spillway crest to minimum reservoir elevation 1080 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Ice Load o Dead Load o Design Basis Earthquake 2-3 79-JJ 2-26 11. Factors of Safety o Allowable Stresses -Maximum Concrete 4000 psi Compression, psi Tension, psi Factor of Safety Rock Bearing Capacity, psf o Sliding Case I Case II Normal Unusual 1300 2000 0 0 3 2 12,000 15,000 Case III Extreme 3500 0 1.15 20,000 Case IV Construction 3000 30 1.33 17,000 Based on shear friction factor of safety computed by Q CA + N tan ¢ = H where Q = Shear Friction Factor of Safety c Unit Cohesion A = Area Base Section in Compression N = Summation Normal Loads Including Uplift 0 = Internal Friction Angle 35° Concrete at Lift Lines 35° Concrete on Sound Rock H = Summation Horizontal Shearing Loads 2-379-JJ 2-27 . . Case I Case II Case III Case IV Normal Unusual Extreme Construction Based on Adhesion and Friction 4 2 1.5 1. 25 Based on Adhesion 2 1.5 1.1 1.1 Only 2.3.3 Middle Fork Diversion Dam Stability The dam is a compacted rockfill with a central sheetpile cutoff wall and is founded on competent bedrock. Details of the dam are shown in Appendix A Exhibit F on Plate 12. The following criteria are being considered for the stability analyses. 1. Reservoir Elevations 2. 0 Design Flood 0 Normal Maximum Operating 0 Minimum Operating 0 Empty Tailwater Elevations 0 0 0 Flood Normal Maximum Operating •. Minimum Operating 2210 2204 2192 2192 2192 2192 2192 3. Uplift and Seepage Forces o At Base -Full reservoir pressure upstream of sheetpile wall varying to the base of the embankment. 2 feet downstream of sheetpile wall. o Internal -Full reservoir pressure upstream of sheetpile wall varying to the base of the embankment, 2 feet downstream of sheetpile wall. 2-379-JJ 2-28 0 The sheetpile cutoff wall will be impervious compared to rockfill (joints in the sheetpile will be sealed). No excess pore pressures will develop in rockfill during construction or drawdown. 4. Embankment Geometry o Crest Elevation 2212 o Foundation Elevation 2192 (Minimum) o Alignment of Axis -Straight o Crest Width -20 Feet o Camber -Camber the dam crest to prevent loss of freeboard under static settlement conditions. 5. Slope Protection o Upstream Slope -Rockfill o Downstream Slope -Rockfill 6. Material Properties 0 Rockfill Dry/Moist Unit Weight 120 lbs/ft 3 Saturated Unit Weight 135 lbs/ft3 Shear Strength 0 Internal Friction 45° 0 Cohesion 0 Shear Wave Velocity 650 ft/sec Damping 5% minimum Permeability -Pervious relative to central sheetpile wall o Sheetpile wall assumed to have the same strength as the rockfill and to be impervious relative to the rockfill o Water Unit Weight 62.4 lbs/ft 3 2-379-JJ 2-29 7. Silt o No silt loads. 8. Ice, Wind, Hydrodynamic Loads o The ice loads are as shown in Section 2. 1. 2. 10. The wind loads are as shown in Section 2 .1. 2 .11. The hydrodynamic loads are as shown in Sections and 9. Earthquake o Horizontal earthquake with the response spectrum shown on Figure F6.2-5, Mean Horizontal Response Spectrum, and a normalized peak 0.35 g acceleration. o Vertical earthquake acceleration applied separately as two thirds of horizontal acceleration. 10. Method of Analysis o Static analysis -two dimensional simplified Bishop Method of Slices using circular sliding surfaces and infinite slope analyses. 0 Dynamic Analysis two dimensional simplified permanent displacement method by Newmark. 11. Loading Combinations Case I -Normal Conditions o Normal Maximum Reservoir El. 2204 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Dead Loads o Ice Load 2-379-JJ 2-30 Case II -Unusual Condition -Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) o Maximum Reservoir El. 2210 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Dead Loads o Earthquake not considered Case III -Extreme Condition -Earthquake o Normal Maximum Reservoir El. 2204 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Dead Loads o Ice Load o Maximum Credible Earthquake Case IV -Construction Condition o Reservoir Empty o Dead Load o Earthquake Case V -Reservoir Drawdown o Drawdown from spillway crest to minimum reservoir elevation 2192 o Uplift and Seepage Forces o Ice Load o Dead Load o Design Basis Earthquake 2-379-JJ 2-31 12. Factors of Safety 0 Static Loading Condition Construction Condition Normal Maximum Reservoir Operating Reservoir Drawdown Maximum Reservoir Level o Dynamic Loading Condition Required Minimum Factor of Safety 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.4 The loss of freeboard and damage to the dam during an earthquake event described in the subsection 9. Earthquake. should not cause catastrophic failure of the dam. 13. Sections to be Analyzed o The embankment is analyzed for a unit width slice through the section at the maximum height. Powerhouse Stability The powerhouse has a concrete substructure and a steel superstructure as shown in Appendix A Exhibit F on Plate 9. It is basically rectangular in plan. approximately 163.5 feet long and 82.5 feet wide. The base of the turbine discharge chamber slab is at elevation -9. The concrete substructure will be founded in rock. The initial powerhouse bench excavation that will be part of the Site Preparation Contract is shown in Appendix A Exhibit F on Plates 7 and 8. The powerhouse is situated on an excavated bench with free drainage to tailwater. Due to the potential for the water passageways to be dewatered, the powerhouse is being analyzed for flotation using the following criteria. 2-379-JJ 2-32 1. Tailwater Elevation o The highest tide elevation is 11.4 feet. o Maximum storm surge elevation is 13.3 feet. 2. Uplift o Uplift assumed to act over 100 percent of the base area. o The uplift is considered equivalent to the full water pressure acting on the foundation or structure. o Post tensioned anchor forces may be used to increase factor of safety against flotation sliding, uplift, or overturning. o Certain floor slab areas are deliberately drained, so 50% drain efficiency is assumed in this case using maintained pipe drains 3. Dead Weights 4. 0 0 Reinforced Concrete Salt Water 150 lb/ft 3 64.0 lb/ft3 o The weight of the steel superstructure and the equipment is not considered to assist against flotation. o No silt loads. 5. Ice o Since ice weight can only add to the dead weight of the structure, it is not considered to assist against flotation. Rim ice on the face of the structure is not expected to form and will therefore not affect uplift. 2-379-JJ 2-33 6. Loading Combinations Case I -Dewatered Condition o Tailwater Elevation 11.4 feet o Uplift o Dead load due to concrete only Case II -Maximum Storm Surge o Tailwater Elevation 13.3 feet o Uplift o Dead load due to concrete only 7. Factors of Safety Factor of Safety Against Flotation = 1.5, where Factor of Safety Against Flotation Dead Weight (including post Buoyant Force tension anchor forces) Factor of Safety = 1.05 not including post tensioning anchor force 8. Sliding The powerhouse substructure below Elevation 23 is integrally keyed into the surrounding rock. 9. Earthquake The powerhouse is designed for an effective seismic acceleration of 0.35 g with material stresses not exceeding normal design working stresses, and for an earthquake with a response spectrum shown on Figure F6.2-5, Mean Horizontal Response Spectrum and a normalized peak acceleration of 0.75 g with material stresses not exceeding 150 percent of the normal design working stresses. 2-379-JJ 2-34 10. Section Analyzed o The entire two unit substructure is analyzed for flotation, and for overturning action due to the non-uniform distribution of weight and uplift. 2.1.4 Material Properties Concrete Materials As part of the Site Preparation Contract a concrete testing laboratory will develop concrete mixes for two design strength concrete mixes and one starter grout mix. These mixes will have the following design strengths at 28 days: Mix 1 3000 psi Mix 2 4000 psi Mix 3 Starter grout for horizontal construction joints Reinforcing Steel Reinforcing steel will be required in bar sizes No. 4 through No. 18 bars. All bars will conform to the Specifications for Deformed Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement, ASTM A615, Grade 60 including supplement S1. The maximum bar length will be 40 feet. Welded wire fabric will conform to ASTM A185. Water Stops Water stops are either natural rubber, synthetic rubber neoprene or polyvinyl chloride and satisfy CRD C513 for natural or synthetic and CRD 572 for polyvinyl chloride water stops. Water stops are provided in: o all expansion and contraction joints o all vertical construction joints communicating with dry interior spaces; 2-379-JJ 2-35 o all horizontal construction joints communicating with dry interior spaces where the concrete thickness is less than 10 feet. Structural Steel Structural steel will be ASTM A36 (Minimum yield stress ASTM A572 (Minimum yield stress= 50 ksi). Structural Connections 1. Bolted Connections 36 ksi) or Bolts and hardware will conform to ASTM A325 Type 1 Class E for high strength connections or ASTM A307 for normal strength connections. High strength bolted connections will be friction type joints due to reversible wind and seismic loading. 2. Welded Connections All structural welded connections will be in accordance with AWS D1.1 using prequalified welded joints. follow: Steel ASTM A36 ASTM 572 Electrodes E70XX E80XX Electrode requirements Pressure vessel welding requirements will be in accordance with ASTM VIII, Pressure Vessels. Tunnel Steel Liner and Penstock The tunnel steel liner and penstock will be constructed from high strength steel plates conforming to ASTM A710 with minimum yield strength for up to 1-1/4 inch plates of 90,000 psi, for over 1-1/4 to 2 inch plates of 75,000 psi, for over 2 inch to 4 inch plates of 65,000 psi. 2-379-JJ 2-36 2.2 GENERAL TECHNICAL DATA 2.2.1 Reservoir Elevation of Existing Lake Surface, feet Elevation of Maximum Operating Pool, feet Elevation at Minimum Operating Pool, feet Elevation at Emergency Drawdown, feet Elevation at Probable Maximum Flood, feet Area of Reservoir at Full-Pool, acres Area of Reservoir at Minimum Pool, acres Normal Active Storage Capacity, acre-feet Additional Storage for Emergency Generation, acre-feet 2.2.2 Bradley Lake Dam 1,080 1,180 1,080 1,060 1,190.6 3,820 1,598 284' 150 31,200 Type Length, feet Height of Maximum Section, feet Top of Dam Elevation, feet Concrete Faced Rockfill 610 125 1,190 2.2.3 Bradley Lake Spillway Spillway Type Spillway Crest Elevation, feet Gross Spillway Length, feet Spillway Crest Length, feet 2.2.4 Power Tunnel Length (concrete and steel lined), feet Inside Diameter (concrete lined), feet Intake Invert Elevation, feet 2-379-JJ 2-37 Ungated Ogee 1,180 260 175 18,820 11.0 1,030 2.2.5 Steel Liner and Penstock Liner Type Nominal Diameter, feet Length, feet Material Minimum Yield Strength, psi To 1-1/4 inch thick liner Over 1-1/4 inch to 2 inch thick liner Over 2 inch to 4 inch thick liner Penstock Length, feet Outside Diameter at Portal, feet Material Embedded 11 2,600 ASTM A710 90,000 75,000 65,000 230 11 ASTM A710 Minimum Yield Strength, psi (same as liner yield strength) Diameters of Manifold, feet 11 and 6.5, 9 and 6.5 Diameter of Inlet to Powerhouse, feet 6.5 2.2.6 Powerhouse Total Plant Nameplate Rating, KVA Number of Units Type of Turbine Turbine Rating at 1130 Feet Rated Net Head, hp Rating of Generating Unit, KVA (nameplate) Maximum Operating Pool Elevation, feet Minimum Operating Pool Elevation, feet Maximum Tailwater Elevation, feet Minimum Tailwater Elevation, feet Centerline Turbine Runner Elevation, feet Bottom of Turbine Chamber, feet Unit Spacing, feet 2-379-JJ 2-38 125,000 2 Pelton 82,000 62,500 1,180 1,080 11.4 6 15 6 60 2.2.7 Project Generation Flow regime is Bradley River, Middle Fork Diversion, Nuka Diversion and releases for fish habitat. Yearly Firm Energy, GWh Average Annual Energy, GWh Secondary Energy, GWh 2.2.8 Substation and-Transformers Generator Bus Type Rating Enclosure In powerhouse Outside powerhouse Main Transformers Number Rating Substation 334.1 369.2 35. 1 Copper Conductor Non-segregated Phase 15,000 volts; 3,000 amps Continuous; 80,000 amps Momentary Ventilated Enclosed and weatherproof 2 plus 1 spare OA/FA/FA 33.8/45/56.3 MVA Three phase, 60 Hz Type Configuragation Rating SF 6 Compact Gas Insulated Substation 4 breaker ring bus 121 KV, 1200 amp 2-379-JJ 2-39 2.2.9 Transmission Line Number of lines Type Voltage, kilovolts Conductor size, KCM, ACSR; uDrake 11 Overall length overhead section, miles 2. 2.10 _ Tail water Data for Powerhouse Bear Cove Bear Cove MLLW MSL Tides Datum Datum HT 25.00 15.39 MHHW 18.41 8.80 MHW 17.60 7.99 MSL 9.61 0.00 MLW 1.61 -8.00 MLLW 0.00 -9.61 LT -6.00 -15.61 2-379-JJ 2-40 2 parallel H-Frame/Wood Pole 115 795 20 Bradley Lake Project Datum 11.37 4.78 3.987 -4.02 -12.02 -13.63 -19.63 SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT 3.0 SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT This section addresses the geologic and soil conditions with respect to Lheir suitability to accommodate the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. This assessment is divided into two parts. The first part (Section 3.1) outlines the results of the geotechnical investigation that was made for the Preliminary Supporting Design Report as contained in the License Application for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. The second part (Section 3.2) is the executive summary of the "Final Site Conditions Report of Geotechnical Field Investigations for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project 1984 and 1985 Programs. The Final Supporting Design Report for the Civil Construction Contract will expand on these two sections. A detailed discussion of the determination of general seismic effects for the project area is included in Section 7. 3.1 SPECIFIC ASSESSMENTS FROM PRELIMINARY SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT 3. l. 1 Dam Site Surficial geology at the site and logs of borings in the area are included in the FERC License Application Volumes 5 through 10. Borings made in the vicinity include: D-1, D-2; DH-4, -5, -6, -?EX, -16, -30, -33, -34, -36, and SW 83-l. This boring information is shown in Appendix D of Volume 9 of the License Appliction as listed in Section 4. Additional borings are included in the Final Site Conditions Report of Geotechnical Field Investigations for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project 1984 and 1985 Program. Investigations indicate that the intake is in an area underlain 2-379-JJ location of the proposed dam and primarily by graywacke with some 3-l argillite. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) had previously conducted investigations in the general area of the dam. Field checks confirmed conditions delineated by the previous studies. Efforts for the 1983 Feasibility Study were concentrated in the proposed intake area, which is at a different location from that considered by the COE. Damsite exploration by the COE included eight holes spaced along the dam axis, which is very close to the selected dam axis. Drilling indicated alternating sequence of argillite and graywacke along the entire dam axis. Preliminary studies indicate generally good overall rock quality. Two 45° angle holes were drilled, one on the left river bank and one in the right abutment saddle, with lengths of 249.9 and 201.7 feet, respectively. Vertical holes at the left and right dam abutments and saddle penetrated 248.3, 133.0, 246.9 and 75.1 feet of rock, respectively. One short vertical hole (60 feet) was drilled in the middle of the river. The right (or east) abutment of the damsite is a continuous outcrop of massive graywacke, exhibiting poorly developed bedding, in association with thin lenses of cherty argillite. Bedding generally dips at high angles to the west with a variable strike of about N 10° E to N 10° W. Well developed joints are present; spacing varies from less than 1 feet up to 10 feet. Th . . . "k N 60°-70° SE. e two maJor JO~nt patterns str~ e Dip angles of these joint systems form an "X" and appear evenly divided between 60°-70° NE and 60°-70° SW with a few steep dips of 80°-84° NE and SW. Accessory joints are of minor importance. Overburden appears shallow, with observed depths of 5 feet or less except in the river. Joint rosette histograms were prepared for both right and left abutments. A number of minor shear zones or joint swarms were observed in the general area. The largest of these is located on the north flank of the left abutment knob, approximately 150 feet SW of the downstream end of the small rock island. This fault strikes N 4° E and dips vertically. The shear zone ranges from 1 to 15 inches wide and 2-379-JJ 3-2 contains a small amount of clayey, silt gouge. A crevice 15 inches to 3 feet wide is eroded 5 to 6 feet back from the face of the rock. A possible continuance of the shear zone exists on the river side of the left abutment knob. This zone is a linear feature about 3 feet wide at the top, tapering to a soil-filled depression 2 feet wide. This feature also approximately follows a minor joint trend and has a strike of N 23° E and dips between 48°-59° SE. This fault is a minor structural feature and is not considered to influence the proposed location or design of the dam. A borehole extensometer of the multiposition rod type, manufactured by Slope Indicator Company, was installed in Borehole DH-7EX. This boring is angled across the saddle where the spillway will be located. At one time this was thought to possibly be the location of a significant fault. Further studies indicate the existence of a major fault is unlikely at this location, however small gouge zone were encountered. The extensometer has not shown any significant movements since installation (December 10, 1980). Investigations in the right abutment saddle (spillway location) indicate 17+ feet of talus and overburden overlying moderately jointed, fractured graywacke. Minor weathering effects persist to the bottom of COE hole DH-33; (75.1 feet). Polished, grooved, and striated bedrock surfaces are present and are typical of areas recently vacated by ice. The right abutment appears to be satisfactory for the planned dam and spillway. Overburden on the left abutment appears generally shallower than on the right abutment and varies from 0.5 to 2.5 feet on the average in boreholes. COE drill hole DH-35, drilled in 1981, indicates a depth of 9.4 feet of overburden at one point. Unconsolidated materials appear in the saddles of both abutments. These materials include talus, sand, gravel, and topsoil. The left abutment is composed of a more argillaceous graywacke that contains thin beds of argillite and argillite-graywacke interbeds. 2-379-JJ 3-3 Aligned, pillow-shaped pieces of graywacke, in a boudinage structure, have been observed in exposed outcrops 600 feet to the south. COE drilling logs from DH-5 and DH-16 show alternating argillite and graywacke units and graywacke with various percentages of argillaceous material. Observed jointing is similar to that of the right abutment, with major joints cutting through bedding planes, striking N 55°-80° W and dipping 80° SW to vertical. Minor localized joints strike N 75° E with dips of from 78°-83° SE. The left abutment rock conditions are also considered to be satisfactory. The dam will be founded on bedrock composed chiefly of alternating sequences of argillite and graywacke. The in situ rock visible at the surface in the damsite area is all moderately hard to hard and is considered quite adequate to support a rockfill dam. Surficial weathering is generally confined to the upper few feet of rock; however, staining on joints and fractures in the rock indicates potential leakage channels from the reservoir and provision will be made for seepage control. A grout curtain will be required beneath the toe slab of the dam to control underseepage. 3.1.2 Reservoir Rim Stability The entire reservoir rim except the delta area at the head of the lake consists of bedrock which is either exposed or very thinly mantled by collulvium and talus. The bedrock is insoluble and development of instability due to solution channeling is not considered to be a concern. There are no known points around the rim at which the bedrock barrier is thin enough to be breached due to increased hydrostatic pressure resulting from the increase in lake level. There are no known joint or fault blocks of sufficient size to produce catastrophic waves should sliding or toppling into the lake occur. A talus slide on the north shore of the lake, about 700 feet to the east of the dam is composed of small angular pieces mixed with coarse and fine sands. This material is derived from fractured argillite and graywacke and has formed a relatively stable slope reaching close to a bluff edge. Benched cliffs across the lake, on the north shore, could pose a threat because of their steepness; however, if failure occurred, 2-379-JJ 3-4 most of the material from the upper cliffs would fall on the rugged terrace below. The lower cliffs would have minimal rock fall danger or wave production potential because less than 200 feet of the cliff face would be exposed when the reservoir is filled. The reservoir rim is considered to be devoid of any potential for catastrophic failures. either by breaching or production of waves of overtopping proportions, and thus is suitable for the intended reservoir. 3.1.3 Intake and Power Conduit Borings SW 83-2 and SW 83-4 were made on the proposed tunnel alignment. Borings DH-8, -9, -10EX, -14, -17EX, -34, -37, and -38 were drilled by the COE along an earlier proposed alignment. Of those, DH-13 EX, -14, -17 EX, -37, and -38 are within 500 feet or less of the current alignment. Logs of these borings are included in Appendix H of the License Application. Laboratory tests and petrographic analyses were made of selected rock cores from various borings and from some surface samples; results of these are also included in Appendix H of the License Application. Interpretations based on data derived from the borings, tests, and analyses are incorporated in the following assessments. Subdivisions below are based on geographical terrain rather than design elements. Additional investigations from 1984 - 1985 are included in the Final Site Conditions Report, of Geotechnical Field Investigations for Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Section 3.2. Intake Area Surface reconnaissance reveals that the rock is comprised of complexly mixed graywacke and foliated argillite with less than 10 percent chert nodules and layers. The contacts between the graywacke and argillite roughly parallel the foliation in the a~gillite, which typically trends N-S to N 20° E and dips steeply. Several small faults and joints sets are present. These features have been described in some detail by Woodward-Clyde (1979), and Dowl Engineers (1983), as part of their 2-379-JJ 3-5 investigations for the left abutment of the dam. No faults are known to intersect the currently proposed location for the intake portal. An east-northeast-trending topographic lineament, which passes near the proposed location of the intake portal, was suspected to be the surface expression of a rockmass discontinuity. This lineament is the gully between Hill 1270.7 and Hill 1525.6. About 1,000 feet to the west of Bradley River the lineament merges with an east-trending fault mapped by Woodward-Clyde. Directly east across Bradley River, it trends into the vicinity of two small covered areas which are probably the surface expression of joints or small faults. The lineament also parallels an east-trending fault located about 250 feet to the north on the east side of the river, and a series of lineaments, of unknown origin, to the southwest. Boring SW83-2, oriented S6°W and angled at 45°, was made to define subsurface conditions causing the prominent lineament. The boring was oriented to cross the lineament described above and encountered 28.4 feet of colluvium and 126.9 feet of bedrock (20.1 feet and 89.7 feet vertical depth). Bedrock is primarily graywacke with varying amounts of associated argillite; the overall rock mass fabric appears to be cataclastic in origin. Close to very close jointing was encountered in portions of the boring; no indications of significant faulting were found. Since the feature sampled by Boring SW83-1 is the most prominent lineament in the intake area, it is considered that the intake facilities should not encounter any significant faults or shear zones. Several minor shears have been previously mapped in the intake area (Woodward-Clyde, 1979). These are well exposed and are not known to exceed one to two feet in width. Several of these may be expected to cross the intake channel but are not considered significant to construction or operation of the facility. Geologic conditions are considered to be satisfactory for construction of the proposed intake facilities. 2-379-JJ 3-6 Tunnel -Bradley Lake to Bradley River Fault Zone This easternmost section of the tunnel alignment is underlain by interbedded graywacke and argillite. Because of their complex mixing, these rock types have been mapped as a single unit comprised of approximately 50 to 65 percent massive graywacke and 35 to 50 percent argillite. The argillite is commonly foliated and occurs as interbeds and pockets that range from less than a foot to as much as 100 feet thick. Jointing is more apparent along this section of the tunnel alignment than further to the northwest. Several lineaments also cross this section of the tunnel alignment at various orientations. It is suspected that some of these features may be faults, but there is generally insufficient rock exposure to determine whether they represent faults or major joints. One pair of parallel lineaments, located about 1,700 feet northwest of the intake structure is particularly suggestive of a fault zone. Their origin is uncertain; if they are the surface expression of a fault, the zone may contain highly fractured and crushed rock up to about 200 feet wide along the proposed tunnel alignment. Tunnel-Bradley Lake River Fault Zone At a distance of approximately 3,900 feet from the intake, the tunnel alignment crosses the Bradley River Fault zone. The main trace can be followed for several miles along a trend of about N15°E. The fault is mantled by colluvial and glacial deposits, but is believed to be nearly vertical because of its linear topographic expression. Exposures elsewhere along the Bradley River Fault have suggested that the main fault trace can have a gouge zone of finely pulverized material that is up to 50 feet wide, with sheared argillite extending another 50 to 75 feet on either side (Dowl Engineers, 1983). The Bradley River Fault zone was explored by boring SW83-2, which was drilled perpendicular to the fault trace at an orientation of N75°W and 2-379-JJ 3-7 0 at an angle of 45 • Drilled to a depth of 262.3 feet, the boring penetrated two shear zones at 47.4 -62.0 feet and 138.0-175.6 feet, possibly representing branches of the fault. From the surface to a drilled depth of about 30 feet, loose gravelly sands with cobbles and boulders were encountered above bedrocK. Striations observed on a cobble suggested that these materials are, at least in part, glacial. Beginning at the top of bedrocK, shear-foliated cherty argillite was encountered, and encompassing the two shear zones, continued to a drilled depth of about 197 feet. This rock is closely jointed to locally very closely jointed. Below a depth of 197 feet, alternating zones of graywacKe and chert were encountered, with local zones of cherty argillite and foliated argillite. Joint spacings in these materials increase to moderately widely spaced joints when argillite materials are not significantly present. It is possible that additional shear zones exist to the east of the upper one encountered in boring SW83-2. The material observed in similar zones is predominantly brecciated argillite rock containing clasts of chert. Locally the rocK has been reduced to fault gouge consisting of breccia fragments in a clayey silt matrix. The cherty argillite adjacent to the shear zones is generally very closely jointed and the argillite faces adjoining shear planes are extremely slickensided, often containing crushed rock fragments as breccia and gouge. The amount and sense of displacement along the Bradley River Fault zone is not well established. Slickensides rake from 0 to 30° along the 2-379-JJ 3-8 fault suggesting a vertical component of up to 400 feet associated with the 1,000 feet of apparent horizontal displacement. Horizontal offset of a dacite dike tends to confirm this. A multi position, rod-type extensometer was installed in Boring DH-10EX by the COE. This boring crosses the Bradley River Fault and is located about 1250 feet (380 meters) north of the point where the presently proposed tunnel alignment intersects the fault. The extensometer was installed on December 13, 1980. recorded to date. No significant movement has been Tunnel-Bradley River Fault Zone to Bull Moose Fault Zone Northwest of the Bradley River Fault zone, the tunnel alignment crosses the highest elevations and best exposed bedrock exposures along its route. This area is underlain predominantly by foliated argillite, with lesser amounts of massive argillite, graywacke, and a single large dacite dike. Much of the foliated argillite contains nodules and thin discontinuous layers of chert comprising about 10 to 20 percent of the volume of the rock. A few massive lenses of very closely fractured chert up to 10 feet wide were also found interspersed with the foliated argillite in this area. The foliation in the argillite and cherty argillite strikes from N-S to N20°E and typically dips greater than about 75 degrees. The dacite dike, although not exposed on the alignment itself, appears to cross the proposed tunnel alignment along a N80°E trend with a nearly vertical dip. For tunneling purposes this rock will probably behave similarly to the massive argillite or graywacke. Bedrock outcrops along this segment of the tunnel alignment tend to be widely to very widely jointed. Hundreds of short, linear, soil-filled depressions can be seen in this area, many of which are presumably the surface expression of bedrock joints and/or minor faults. Unfortun- ately, however, without better rock exposure it is not possible to distinguish which of these features are faults or joints. 2-379-JJ 3-9 --• Larger lineaments, also common in this area, present the same problem for attempts to define their structural significance. A series of lineaments, occupying an area about 1,000 feet wide, located east of and subparallel to the Bull Moose fault zone are possibly the surface expression of smaller faults associated with the main fault trace, but exposures are insufficient to conclusively determine their origin. In spite of relatively good rock exposure in this area, it was not possible to determine conclusively whether these represent minor faults or prominent joint sets. In either case, exposures limit the width of these apparent discontinuities, at the surface, to less than about 10 to 15 feet where they cross the tunnel alignment. Tunnel-Bull Moose Fault Zone The main trace of the Bull Moose fault zone is located approximately 9,800 feet northwest of the tunnel intake. It is expressed as a narrow, topographic notch with a 200 feet high, steep west wall. This area is densely vegetated and rock is exposed only in small isolated outcrops. No exposures of the crush zone in the fault were found, but relatively undeformed rock on either side of the main fault trace indicates that this zone must locally be less than about 50 feet thick. The tunnel alignment crossing of the Bull Moose Fault was explored with boring SW 83-4. Drilled at an orientation of N80°W and an inclination of 45°, this boring was carried to a depth of 206.2 feet . Bedrock was encountered after only 4. 2 feet of penetration, and the shear zone of the Bull Moose Fault was encountered at a drilled depth of about 146 feet. Random alternating zones of graywacke, argillite, and chert, as well as mixtures of these lithologies were logged within the depth explored. The shear zone of the Bull Moose Fault was encountered from a depth of about 146 feet to 154 feet in the boring (horizontal width of 6 feet). The brecciated argillite and graywacke in this zone is locally sheared 2-379-JJ 3-10 to silty sand and zones of clayey gouge. The rocks adjacent to the shear zone, argillite above and chert below, are highly fractured with considerable shear deformation. The vertically projected location of the shear zone encountered in boring SW83-4 is consistent with the mapped location of the fault trace for a near-vertical fault plane. A multiposition, rod-type extensometer was installed in Boring DH-17EX by the COE. This boring is located about 500 feet (152 meters) south-southeast of the point of intersection of the proposed tunnel with the Bull Moose Fault. The boring was angled to cross the fault. The installation was made on December 15-17, 1980. No movement has been noted. Tunnel -Bull Moose Fault Zone to Powerhouse Site The bedrock exposure is much more limited along this segment of the tunnel alignment than it is to the southeast. This is particularly true to the northwest where forest and soil cover mantle all but a few small isolated rock outcrops. The available exposures indicate that this section of the tunnel alignment is underlain predominantly by foliated and massive argillite. Cherty argillite and graywacke crop out in relatively small amounts, although boring data indicate that these rock types are more common than their surface exposure suggests. The predominance of argillite is also indicated by natural outcrops visible 1000 -1500 feet southwest of the tunnel alignment in a gully which roughly parallels the alignment. The recognizable structural trends in this area conform to those elsewhere along the tunnel alignment. Foliation in the argillites is consistently oriented at N-S to N20°E. Jointing is widely to very widely spaced in most exposures, with a dominant strike of N75-85° North. 2-379-JJ 3-11 A multiposition, rod-type extensometer was installed in Boring DH-13EX by the COE. This boring is located about 700 feet (213 meters) southwest of the presently proposed tunnel alignment. The instrument was installed on December 11, 12, 1980. Initially, movement of the reference head resulted in false readings at the shallow anchor point. No significant movement has been noted at the two deeper anchors. Based on data from surface mapping, borings, field instrumentation, and laboratory tests it has been concluded that geologic conditions are adequate for construction of the power conduit system. It is further considered that it is feasible and preferable to excavate the tunnel using a tunnel boring machine. 3.1.4 Powerhouse The proposed powerhouse location is situated on a topographic bench above the Kachemak Bay tidal marsh. This bench is underlain by rock at shallow depth as indicated by exposures along the shoreline bluffs. However, with the exception of the bluff exposures and outcrops along a stream 500 feet to the south, the bedrock is almost completely covered by a veneer of soil. A joint rosette was prepared based on measurements made along the bluff. Based on these exposures and previous borings drilled to the south along the stream channel, the powerhouse site appears to be underlain by fractured argillite and lesser amounts of fractured graywacke. A dacite dike also occurs in the area and was seen only at a single exposure observed near the alternate COE Francis unit portal location. A hand-dug test pit was made in the area of the portal for the alternate COE powerhouse location. Shallow bedrock was confirmed at this site below about 1 to 2 feet of overburden material. The dacite bedrock encountered in the test pit is similar to other outcrops of dacite dike rocks observed in the Bradley Lake Project area. Although the lateral extent of this material at the powerhouse site is not known, its width would not be expected to be great. 2-379-JJ 3-12 Although the rock is typically fractured, it is considered satisfactory as a foundation material for the powerhouse. Higher cut slopes, such as above the power tunnel portal, may require some slope protection to control nuisance-level ravelling. 3.1.5 Transmission Line For purposes of delineating types of structure foundations, the route of the 115 kV transmission lines, from the Bradley Lake powerhouse to the tie into the HEA 115 kV transmission line (Bradley Junction), may be divided into three distinct segments. The first segment, from the powerhouse to the Fox River and Sheep Creek deltas, approximately 6 miles in length, traverses a heavily forested area along the lower slopes of the Kenai Mountains. The second segment, across the delta at the head of Kachemak Bay, is approximately 3 miles long over open terrain. Toward the northwest, the third traverses a flat plain for about 10 miles from the delta to the tie at Bradley Junction. Information has been gathered from various sources including: a helicopter overflight of the area; two geologic ground reconnaissance reports of the Bradley Lake Project which concentrate on the dam and powerhouse sites; aerial photo interpretation of false-color infrared photographs of the line route; a subsurface investigation at McNeil Creek (a site located some 10 miles south of Caribou Lake resting on the same geologic surficial deposits as exist along the route); and some soil exploration using a hand probe. A brief description of the three line segments follows. In the first segment from the powerhouse to the delta, the terrain is heavily wooded and covered with thick underbrush for a distance of approximately 5.9 miles. From all indications, this part of the line will be mostly in hard rock covered by shallow overburden consisting of organic material and gravelly till. Peaty bogs in undrained depressions and talus deposits of relatively loose granular material may be encountered. 2-379-JJ 3-13 In the second segment beyond the mountainous region, the line traverses the Fox River and Sheep Creek deltas, a distance of approximately 3.4 miles. The crossing is located beyond the reach of the tidal waters of Kachemak Bay so inundation is unlikely unless the area subsides, as has happened during previous earthquakes. Previous investigations have shown that the intertidal and deltaic areas along the shore consist of alluvial deposits overlain by up to 6 feet of clay. Based on photo interpretations it is expected that the soil outside the tidal reach, will be alluvial deposits of relatively loose to compact silty sands, gravels, and cobbles. In the third segment, the longest segment of the transmission line (approximately 9. 7 miles), the line is situated on a peneplain of relatively flat relief. Geologic maps show two main formations in this part of the Kenai Peninsula, the sandstones and siltstones of the Kenai group and the overlying Quaternary surficial deposits. It appears, from studies of the aerial photographs, that the surficial deposits are relatively thin. Marshy areas surrounding Caribou Lake are extensive and consist of peat and soft organic silt. Transmission structures located outside the wet areas will be founded in a sandy silt or silty sand soil. The previously mentioned subsurface investigation at McNeil Creek revealed a layered system of silty sand and sandy silt with traces of some gravel. To a depth of approximately 10 feet, the deposits are relatively compact and increase in density at greater depths. Assuming similar soils exist in the transmission corridor area, there should be no difficulty in providing suitable foundations for the directly embedded pole structures. A site investigation was carried out to accumulate soil information for preliminary selection of anchor types. This procedure was accomplished by performing soil test probe readings and relating these readings to general soil classifications for determining anchor holding powers. 2-379-JJ 3-14 For Segment 1, soil probe readings were taken at two locations. The first, on a bluff near the Bradley River, consisted of three test probes. The second, near the delta prior to leaving the timbered area, consisted of three test probes. For Segment 2, one soil probe reading was taken in at the edge of the Fox River. For Segment 3, soil probe readings in were taken at two locations. The first, in a swamp near the proposed airstrip, consisted of one test probe. The second, on a knoll southwest of Caribou Lake, and approximately 3 miles east of the transmission line tie with the Homer Electric Association, consisted of three test probes. The results and summary of the findings of all the probe readings are included in Appendix B of the License Application. Results indicate that the proposed transmission line corridor is suitable for routing and construction of the transmission line. 3.1.6 Barge Dock A boring performed in the area of the barge dock, SW 83-3, was advanced using rotary wash techniques with a Simco 2400 drill rig. Samples were obtained at the base of the advanced casing with either a 3" O.D. thin-wall sampler (Shelby Tube), or a 2" O.D. split-spoon sampler driven by a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches onto the drill rods (Standard Penetration Test). Torvane shear tests and pocket penetrometer tests were performed on each Shelby Tube in the field. In addition to the sampling of Boring SW 83-3, in situ vane shear tests were performed at two depths in the fine-grained material. Adjacent to boring SW 83-3 an additionai shallow boring, numbered SW 83-3A, was drilled specifically to obtain Shelby Tube samples. All samples obtained from the barge dock location were sealed and returned to the laboratory for testing. 2-379-JJ 3-15 The potential stability of the soils in the area of the barge dock location was evaluated by a laboratory testing program on samples from the single boring location in that area. These soils consisted of soft to stiff silty clay and clayey silt overlying silty and clayey sands. The sensitivity of the fine grained soils was calculated from the results of natural and remolded in situ field vane shear tests, laboratory Torvane tests, and unconsolidated-undrained triaxial compression tests. Details of the laboratory tests are available. In general, sensitivity ratios between 3.0 and 8.6 were measured. In one case, a value of 1. 2 was obtained. This may be anomalous since the water content of the remolded sample was 3 percent below the natural content. Unconsolidated/undrained triaxial test maximum unit stresses at 20 percent strain were as follows: Undisturbed 5 psi 13.5 psi 18 psi Remolded 3.5 psi 5 psi 7 psi Plastic limits ranged between 17 percent and 23 percent, while liquid limits ranged between 24 percent and 32 percent. It appears that soil conditions are adequate to accommodate the barge dock under normal conditions. It should be noted that it would probably be impossible to prevent slumping of this material if subjected to the forces of a large or major seismic event. The test results from soils in the vicinity of the proposed barge dock are considered suitable for evaluation of feasibility. however, additional borings and tests were conducted during the design phase. 2-379-JJ 3-16 3.1.7 Access Roads The data presented below were obtained along the general alignment of the access facilities proposed in the License Application.. It is expected that some minor alignment variations will occur during final design. A geologic reconnaissance mapping program utilized ground traverses along a brushed and surveyed line and in selected accessible areas. Aerial photographs and helicopter reconnaissance were used in inaccessible areas. Bedrock outcrops were mapped with particular attention to rock type and rockmass conditions that could influence road construction (i.e., hardness, weathering, joint altitudes, joint spacing, and foliation). Areas of talus, till, and alluvium, were mapped and estimates were made of the character and depth of surficial overburden. Visual estimates were also made on the amount of flow occurring in streams crossing the alignments. Seismic refraction surveys were used to evaluate the depth of overburden material over bedrock, to assess the types of material below the surficial cover and to evaluate the rippability of the rock mass. Seismic refraction lines were generally laid out parallel to the center line of the road alignment. In some cases line locations were adjusted to minimize the impact of complex topography that could cause interpretative difficulties. Despite these precautions, irregular topography and surface weathering caused large amounts of scatter in the seismic refraction data. Usually several inches of soft surface material was removed to place the geophones on rock or firm soil. The geophones were placed at water level in the bogs and mudflats. Two simplifying assumptions were made in the interpretation of the seismic refraction profiles: 2-379-JJ 3-17 o The upper weathered rock/soil layer, whose velocity varies between 1,000 and 2,000 feet per second, is assumed to have a constant 1, 300 feet per second velocity for all lines. This value is fairly typical and results in no significant errors in depth calculations. 0 All profiles were interpreted as simple two layer cases. This results in some errors in the profiles which show a continuous velocity increase with depth. In these cases, velocity errors of +30 percent may occur. The depth of penetration for the profiles in this investigation varied between 30 and 50 feet. After completion of the geologic mapping and the geophysical surveys, soil boring sites were selected to assess the physical characteristics of the near-surface soils. The soil borings also aided in geologic and seismic interpretations. Holes were drilled to a depth of 10 feet or to refusal using a hand-operated, gasoline-powered auger. A post hole digger was more effective in the higher elevations where cobbles impaired the use of the power auger. Along Kachemak Bay, caving and water-saturated soils limited the depth of drilling and sampling using the hand-operated drilling equipment. Soils from each boring were logged and a sample obtained of the most prominent soil horizon in each boring. Selected samples were analyzed in the laboratory to confirm field classifications. The alignment may be divided into three general geographic areas: 1) the high-altitude lakes adjacent to Bradley Lake itself; 2) the intertidal-delta area along Kachemak Bay; and 3) the forested area located between the two previous regions. 2-379-JJ 3-18 Topographically, the high-altitude lakes area consists of rounded hills or knobs of varying sizes. This area contains occasional steep cliffs and several small lake basins. The vegetation in this area is predominantly grass, low alpine brush, and patches of alders. Timber stands are usually small and spotty. Bedrock is exposed in approximately 20 to 25 percent of the area. Except for local occurrences of till in valley bottoms and some talus on slopes below steep bedrock outcrops, most of the high-altitude lake area has a very shallow colluvial or soil cover over bedrock. Although access is occasionally restricted by heavy patches of alders, the relatively open nature of the area allows for direct observation of geologic conditions. Unfortunately, the shallow soils and sediments that occur in the area usually contain cobbles and boulders, making penetration with hand-operated soil boring equipment difficult. In the intertidal-delta area of Kachemak Bay, most of the road alignment crosses the soils of the intertidal flats and the delta of Battle Creek. These areas are generally grass covered and open except for local stands of trees. Although very little of the proposed alignment crosses bedrock in this area, bedrock conditions are generally well exposed in the cliffs along the intertidal zone. The intertidal and deltic deposits were soft enough to be easily penetrated with an auger. However, groundwater made it difficult to keep the borings open. The forested area was the most difficult of the three areas to study. The dense cover of trees made access by helicopter impossible and aerial photography nearly useless. The dense trees also made locating the proposed alignment from the ground nearly impossible without a surveyed and brushed line. Few outcrops occur in the area because of the heavy vegetation and the existence of a thick organic soil mat. The few outcrops that do occur are generally located in vertical cliffs. In the forested area the depth to bedrock varies significantly depending largely on the topographic conditions. 2-379-JJ 3-19 In general, a variable thickness (0 to 20 feet) of overburden soils overlie bedrock or other stronger materials. The overburden soils consist of two major categories: 1) primarily granular soils consisting of sands, silty sands, gravels, cobbles and boulders (till, talus, alluvium, and colluvium). and 2) soft clays, organic silts, peat, and other organic soils (intertidal deposits and bogs). The bedrock consists primarily of argillite, graywacke, metaconglomerate, and igneous dikes. The considerations depending on rock types are rippability of rock, need for blasting, and stability of rock cut slopes. The primary considerations for the soils are the suitability as fill material, load supporting capacity, and settlement under load. Bedrock will generally be encountered at shallow depths for major portions of the alignment. Generally, the bedrock is expected to be hard with seismic velocities in excess of 9,000 feet per second. This . means that ripping will generally be difficult to impossible in most bedrock areas and that blasting will probably be required. The blasting of the massive graywacke will produce blocky material and could produce oversized boulders requiring secondary shots, depending on the degree of jointing and the blast design used. Although the intrusive dike rock is a different rock type from the graywacke, its engineering characteristics are expected to be similar and will probably not require any different treatment during construction. Locally, some of the argillite and metaconglomerate were weathered (seismic velocities of 7,000 feet per second) and may be marginally rippable with the heaviest equipment. However, the majority of this rock probably will require some blasting. Light shots may break up the argillite rock sufficiently to allow some ripping. General comments can be made about expected cut slope stability. The stability of the cut slopes will be a function of the type of material and the orientation of the cut with respect to foliation, joints, and other rock structure attitudes. Cut slopes that cut the foliation in 2-379-JJ 3-20 0 argillite or metaconglomerate at 90 should have few problems except for possible local ravelling of the rock. However, the closer the cut parallels the foliation attitude the more likely stability problems will occur. Joints in graywacke cuts may cause local block failure problems depending on the orientation of the cut slope with respect to the joint attitudes and the frictional resistance along the joint surfaces. Soil cover consisting of predominantly granular materials such as sands, gravels, cobbles, sandy and clayey gravels belonging to till, talus, alluvium, and colluvium geologic units are likely to provide firm foundations for the road bed or fill. It is anticipated that near-surface organic material and vegetation will be stripped and wasted. Road construction through talus, and possibly in some cases till, may be slowed by logistics of breaking large boulders or moving them to offsite disposal ireas. In some areas adjacent to lakes and other depressions bogs have formed in which silty, organic strata may be present to depths on the order of 15 feet. The soils in the intertidal deposits are also organic rich clays and silts. These soils are likely to be soft and highly compressible and may be subject to bearing failure and long-term settlement depending on the heights of fill placed on them. The bearing failure would likely result in mud waves and displacement of soft material under the weight of the fill. Consequently, these materials may have to be removed by excavation or displacement. If some of the clayey organic material are left beneath the fill, long-term settlements are likely to result and will be considered in the road design. Quantities of fill material will be estimated by taking into consideration possible removal and replacement of these soft soils. Alluvium, till, and talus should be easily excavated with conventional equipment. Larger boulders in talus and in tills may need blasting. 2-379-JJ 3-21 The access road routes are considered suitable given the following considerations: o In areas of exposed or shallow bedrock, road cuts will require blasting. The magnitude of the road cuts will be minimized as much as possible by placing the final road alignment in valley bottoms. The valley bottoms generally contain the granular deposits which provide an easier material to work with and will require less need for major terrain alteration. o Where the alignment crosses bogs and intertidal clays, analyses will be made to assess stability and the magnitude and potential impact of settlement. o A detailed geological/geotechnical survey of the final route will be made on the ground to verify the information presented. In addition, more route specific data will be obtained on the final alignment for determining volumes of rippable material, material needing blasting, and available fill materials. Where appropriate, route specific data will also be obtained for cut slope stability analysis in order that adequate slope angles or other stabilizing measures can be properly designed. 3 .l. 8 Airstrip Soil conditions at the airstrip are anticipated to be similar to those at the barge dock, described above. Since the site is somewhat closer to the mouth of the Bradley River, slightly coarser-grained materials may be encountered. No subsurface exploration has been done at this location, however subsurface exploration is planned during the final design phase. 3.1.9 Borrow Area A moderately extensive amount of fluvially transported glacial sand and gravel has been deposited in the typical fan shape delta of the Martin River. This material source covers a 288-acre area and was sampled in 2-379-JJ 3-22 11 locations by hand dug test pits to an average depth of 1 foot each. Both laboratory test results and microscopic examination of this material source shows it to be acceptable for concrete aggregate as well as other types of construction materials. Access to the source will be by a temporary haul road approximately 1.5 miles in length from the main Project access road. 3.2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE FINAL SITE CONDITIONS REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL FIELD INVESTIGATIONS 1984 and 1985 PROGRAMS The figures referred to in this executive summary are in the Final Site Conditions Report of Geotechnical Field Investigations for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project 1984 and 1985 Programs. Geologic and geotechnical field investigations were performed at the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Site by R&M Consultants, Inc. during the summers of 1984 and 1985. The 1984 (Phase I) investigations were conducted for the purpose of development of necessary geotechnical information prior to proceeding with design. The Phase II -1985 program was performed for the purpose of gathering additional pertinent geotechnical information necessary for the preparation of construction bidding documents. The field program consisted of geologic mapping, seismic surveys, borehole drilling, test pit excavation and associated field testing. The geologic mapping program was desiged and carried out at the sites of various proposed facilities in order to define the geologic conditions present, provide a basis for extrapolation of borehole data, and provide ground truthing and control for the seismic refraction surveys. The seismic refraction surveys were performed in order to evaluate the depth of overburden material over bedrock and to assess the general soil type and consistency of the subsurface material. Seismic reflection surveys were conducted in Bradley Lake to estimate sediment thickness, character, structure and slope. The borehole drilling program and field testing provided site-specific information 2-379-JJ 3-23 for use in the design of project facilities. A total of 139 separate boreholes were drilled during the 1984 and 1985 programs, totalling approximately 8,740 lineal feet. Laboratory testing of soil and rock samples obtained during the field mapping and drilling programs was undertaken for the purposes of material classification, evaluation of engineering properties and the assessment of materials for suitability as concrete aggregate and riprap. Testing was performed in accordance with the need for engineering data essential for the design of the proposed facilities. In order to maintain continuity of data and information developed in the past by others, the use of "Project Datum" for referencing elevations has been continued. Therefore, all elevation references throughout this report are given in Bradley Lake Project Datum, as developed in the Horizontal land Vertical Control Survey and Topographic Mapping performed in 1984/1985 by R&M. This report provides a summary of the scope of work, the methods used in completing both Phase I and Phase II field and laboratory studies, and a discussion of our findings at each of the proposed facilities. The Appendices contain data and seismic survey profiles developed in the course of the investigations. 3.2.1 Regional Geology The Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project site is located in the McHugh Complex, which is composed of metaclastic and metavolcanic rocks of Cretaceous age. The predominant rocks in the Bradley Lake area are graywacke and argillite; metatuff, greenstone and chert. These lithologies were intermixed and greatly deformed as they were accreted onto the North American Plate. A brief discussion follows of the conditions present at each project feature. 3.2.2 Dam and Spillway The proposed damsite knobs. A bedrock 2-379-JJ crosses the Bradley River between two bedrock ridge forms the intake structure site to 3-24 the southwest of the damsite. The knobs and ridges have a sandy, gravelly soil cover, and the valleys between them contain up to 20 feet of glacial, alluvial and colluvial materials. The area to the northeast of the Bradley River is composed predominantly of graywacke with small infrequent argillite lenses. The western three-quarters of the intake ridge, on the southwest side of the river, is predominantly graywacke. Between these massive graywacke outcrops, in a band trending roughly north-northw~st, the bedrock consists of mixed graywacke and argillite. R&M drilled 19 boreholes in the damsite area. Rocks encountered in the boreholes closely matched those identified during surface mapping. The boreholes drilled in the east abutment, diversion tunnel, spillway and in the river encountered mainly graywacke. Boreholes adjacent to the west side of the river and in the saddle area on the eastern portion of the intake ridge contained mixed argillite and graywacke in varying percentages. The west abutment is located in argillite and the intake will be excavated in graywacke. In general, all bedrock encountered in the damsite area was fresh to slightly weathered, hard and exhibited only rare open joints or fractures. 3.2.3 Power Tunnel Alignment The power tunnel, which will extend approximately 19,000 feet from Bradley Lake to the powerhouse at the tidal flats of Kachemak Bay encounters diverse geologic conditions. Site investigations including geological mapping along the alignment and drilling of boreholes in the vicinity of the gate shaft, inclined shaft, Bradley River Fault zone, Bull Moose Fault zone and downstream portal areas were performed. Rock units mapped along the power conduit alignment consist of argillite, graywacke, metatuff, chert, dacite and greenstone. All the rock types have been greatly deformed and intimately mixed, probably as they were accreted onto the continental margin by tectonic forces. The complexly mixed melange character of the area may be the most pronounced feature of the site geology. 2-379-JJ 3-25 Lithology data along the power tunnel alignment identifies the dominant map units as graywacke and argillite with chert, each comprising almost one third of the outcrops on the alignment. Argillite occurs mixed with graywacke, metatuff, graywacke and chert, metatuff and chert, and in a relatively pure form, making it the dominate overall lithologic rock type. Massive chert, dacite, metatuff and greenstone each comprise minor fraction so the exposures. Geologic structures along the power tunnel alignment include foliation, joints, fracture zones, shears and faults. Foliation is very well developed in the argillite and most lithologies mixed with argilite, 0 and has a general trend of N-S to N20 E, with a near vertical dip. Graywacke, greenstone and more massive metatuff do not commonly show foliation. The more massive and competent rocks (graywacke, greenstone and massive metatuff) shows longer, flater, more parallel joint development than argillite and rocks mixed with argillite. Small fracture zones and shears were observed 'in several outcrops and in the borehole rock core throughout the power conduit alignment, and may be expected to be a common occurrence. Numerous other small fractures and shears are thought to be masked at the surface by vegetation, colluvium, frost shattering and the overall texture of the rock. The two largest, and only major geologic structures intersecting the tunnel alignment are the Bradley River and the Bull Moose Faults. Each of these structures has a length of several miles and is topographically expressed as a linear valley. Each fault was investigated by a deep, inclined borehole which penetrated fault slip surfaces. The main fault zones of both the Bradley River and Bull Moose features were interpreted to be over 100 feet wide and contained several zones of gouge. Boreholes RM 19 and RM 21 penetrated the most significant geological structures along the power tunnel alignment and are therefore thought to portray the most highly fractured conditions likely to be encountered in tunnelling. 2-379-JJ 3-26 A third deep borehole was drilled on the approximate alignment of the inclined shaft. The inclined shaft boring did not encounter any major geologic structures, but did penetrate several fracture zones and thinner faults with clay coatings and gouge. It is probable that portions of the alignment between the major Bradley River and Bull Moose faults contain fracture zones and minor faults similar to those identified in the inclined shaft boring, RM 18. 3.2.4 Powerhouse and Tailrace Area The powerhouse site lies immediately adjacent to Kackemak Bay and extends from tidewater to about 100 feet above sea level. The area was densely forested with tall spruce. Semi-continuous bedrock outcrops occur along the cliff at tidewater, but exposures are rarely seen inland. Soil cover in the powerhouse area is generally 3 to 10 feet thick, but is locally believed to reach 15 to 20 feet. Outcrops along the cliffs at tidewater are composed of varying mixtures of graywacke and argillite. Some of the argillite contains up to 10% chert nodules. An exposure of greenish dacite porphyry extending 10 feet along the base of the cliff was noted directly below the powerhouse site and in a test pit several hundred feet inland. Six bedrock test pits, located 50 to 100 feet inland from tidewater, exposed mainly graywacke with some argillite. Predominant joints at the powerhouse trend N80E, and dip 80 degrees to the SE and N35E, dipping 70 degrees to the NW. Four boreholes were drilled at the approximate corners of the proposed powerhouse site. Three of these boreholes, RM 71, RM 72, and RM 74, encountered graywacke and argillite in varying amounts. At the fourth corner, boring RM 75 was drilled into dacite to its total depth. This dacite, when correlated with the observed outcrops, appears to be a vertical or near-vertical dike ap-proximately 15 feet wide. Five test holes drilled in the main power tunnel/mainfold intersection area encountered mixed graywacke and argillite with some chert. 2-379-JJ 3-27 3.2.5 Access Facilities The access roads from the Martin River to the lower construction camp site and from the lower camp site to the airstrip are located primarily on tidal flats and salt marsh. In a few places, where the road traverses close to or across points or headlands, bedrock outcrops were identified. Cherty argillite intermixed with graywacke was observed in these outcrops. Dacite dikes were mapped along the west side of Sheep Point. Soils on the tidal flats (at the barge access, airstrip and the roads) consist predominately of clayey silt, commonly with organics near the surface. encountered along portions of the road. silt, and fine sand, Some glacial till was Rock outcrops mapped on the access road between the lower camp and the dam are composed of cherty argillite and graywacke, and minor dacite dikes. 3.2.6 Middle Fork Diversion A diversion dam is proposed on the Middle Fork of the Bradley River near elevation 2200 feet. The course of the diversion generally parallels contour lines southward to Marmot Creek. The area is above treeline and contains drift and colluvium-filled valleys and small bedrock knobs which outcrop as frost-shattered rubble. Rock outcrops in the area are mostly argillite, and locally contain up to 80% chert nodules. Many outcrops and rubble piles also contain mixed graywacke and argillite. Two boreholes, RM 1 and RM 2, were drilled to depths of 30 feet and 17 feet, respectively, in the diversion dam area. They encountered cherty argillite with up to 80% chert, and minor graywacke. 3.2.7 Lower Camp and Staging Area Soils in the staging and lower camp areas are typically sandy gravel with traces of silt. The soils are interpreted as braided river floodplain deposits. 2-379-JJ 3-28 3.2.8 Martin River Borrow Area Soils in the Martin River Delta vary from sandy, cobbley, gravel to gravelly sand with interbeds of sand and silt. The near surface material in the delta generally consists of coarser gravel, with the percentage of sand increasing with depth. Data obtained from field and laboratory analysis indicates that average grain size decreases downstream within the study area. 3.2.9 Battle Creek Borrow Area Soils in the western portion of this proposed borrow area are similar to soils found in the lower camp area. These soils consist of sandy gravel with traces of silt. The soil is bedded and in general, gravel content decreases and sand content increases to the north. Occasionally silter soils were encountered in the areas adjacent to this proposed borrow source. 3.2.10 Transmission Line Twenty-four boreholes and four test pits were sampled along the proposed transmission line alignment. The transmission line will extend about 20 miles from the powerhouse to intertie with the Homer-Soldotna line. The route will traverse up to five (5) separate physiographic areas, including: the Uplands Plateau composed of organic loess and glacial drift overlying poorly consolidated bedrock; the Kachemak Bluffs where active, shallow skin slides expose poorly consolidated sands, silts, gravel and coal of Kenai Formation; the Fox River Lowland, composed of fluvial sands, silts and gravel with minor organics; the Kachemak Bay Mud Flats composed primarily of silt with some sand and a saturated surface organic layer; and the Kenai Mountain Foothills and Landslide area where glacial till overlies bedrock of the McHugh Complex. 2-379-JJ 3-29 BORINGS, GEOLOGICAL REPORTS, AND LABORATORY TEST REPORTS 4.0 BORING LOGS, GEOLOGICAL REPORTS AND LABORATORY TEST REPORTS The following documents are included in Appendices A through K of Volume 5 through 10 of the Application for License for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. These contain the boring logs, geological reports and laboratory test reports that are part of the License Application. Volume 5 A. DOWL Engineers (DOWL). Bradley Lake Project, Geologic Mapping Program. DOWL, Anchorage, Alaska, January 1983. B. Dryden & LaRue Consulting Engineers (D&L). Feasibility Study of Transmission Line System, Phase 1, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project, D&L, Anchorage, Alaska, August 1983. C. Hinton, R.B. Soil Survey of Homer-Ninilchik Area, Alaska, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, July 1971. Volume 6 D. Shannon & Wilson, Inc. (S&W). Project, Geotechnical Studies. September 1983. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power K-0631-61, S&W, Fairbanks, Alaska, E. Stephans, C.D., Lahr, J.C., and Rogers, J.A., Review of Earthquake Activity and Current Status of Seismic Monitoring in the Region of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Southern Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 82-417. 2-379-JJ 4-1 Volume 7 F. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC). Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project, Feasibility Study, Volume I, SWEC, Anchorage, Alaska, October 1983. Volume 8 G. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, General Design Memorandum. COE, General Design Memorandum No. 2, February 1982, Volume 1 of 2. Volume 9 H. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, General Design Memorandum. COE, General Design Memorandum No. 2, February 1982, Volume 2 of 2. Volume 10 I. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). Final Environmental Impact Statement, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, COE, Alaska District, August 1982. J. Woodward-Clyde Consultants Bradley Lake Access Road, Alaska, November 1980. (WCC). Geologic Project No. 14844A, Reconnaissance, WCC, Anchorage, K. Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WCC). Reconnaissance Geology, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Project No. 41193I, WCC, Anchorage, Alaska, December 1979. To supplement the above, we are submitting as Appendix C -The Final Site Conditions Report of the Geotechnical Field Investigations for Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project -1984 and 1985 Programs. 2-379-JJ 4-2 BORROW AREAS AND QUARRY SITES 5.0 BORROW AREAS AND QUARRY SITES 5.1 BORROW AREA LOCATION One borrow area has been located at the Martin River for embankment fill and concrete aggregate: The Martin River Borrow area is located in Appendix A, Exhibit F on Plate 1 with details of the borrow area shown on Plate 18. 5.2 BORROW QUANTITIES The Martin River Borrow has been designed based upon geotechnical field investigations to be able to provide up to 1,250,000 cubic yards of borrow material. The access roads have been designed in a manner which balances cuts against fills. Based upon the Site Preparation Contract requirements the Martin River Borrow would provide about 700,000 cubic yards of gravel fill and surfacing material. The Martin River Borrow area will be further developed during the Civil Construction Contract for concrete aggregate and additional gravel fill and road surfacing material. 5.3 QUARRY SITES Two quarry sites are proposed, a rip rap quarry and the quarry. The rip rap quarry will be developed during Preparation Contract. The main dam quarry will be developed the Civil Construction Contract. main dam the Site as part of The rip rap quarry is located on the access road between the construction camp and the dam site. Approximately 160,000 cubic yards of rip rap will be required. The main dam quarry will be developed to become the intake for the power tunnel. The main dam quarry will provide the necessary rock fill for the dam and cofferdams. 2-379-JJ 5-1 STABILITY AND STRESS ANALYSIS 6.0 STABILITY AND STRESS ANALYSIS 6.1 GENERAL The design analysis has been completed on project features which are part of the Site Preparation Contract. These project features are: o Diversion tunnel including intake structure (Section 6.2) o Downstream channel improvement (Section 6.3) The stability and stress analysis is being done now on the Bradley Lake Dam and Spillway, the Middle Fork Diversion, the Power Tunnel and Penstocks and the Powerhouse and other structures (Sections 6.4 through 6.6) that are part of the Civil Construction contract. The completed stress and stability analysis of these structures will be included as part of the Final Supporting Design Report for the Civil Construction that will be submitted for Commission approval in January 1987. 6.2 DIVERSION TUNNEL INCLUDING INTAKE STRUCTURE 6.2.1 Description The diversion tunnel, as shown in Appendix A, Exhibit F on Plate 10, is designed to pass Bradley Lake flows downstream during construction of the main dam and other associated structures. The tunnel will later provide a means of lowering the level of the completed reservoir at a controlled rate as required during the project life in an emergency condition. The tunnel facilities will allow downstream minimum flow releases for the maintenance of aquatic habitat in the Lower Bradley River. The diversion tunnel will be constructed in two phases, Preparation Contract phase and the Civil Construction phase. the Site The first or Site Preparation Contract phase consists of excavating the tunnel 2-379-JJ 6-1 and constructing the diversion tunnel concrete intake structure. The tunnel downstream of the intake structure is to be left unlined during the initial phase. The intake structure includes one set of two gate slots and the upstream portion of the fish release piping. The flow section at the portal inlet is rectangular with an arched ceiling. A transition at the intake to a horseshoe shape is provided. Temporary timber stop logs are available during the initial phase. If an emergency situation in the tunnel should require its closure. the stop logs will be lowered into the slots. The timber stop logs are designed for use during low flows. Water is discharged into a pool located at the exit of the tunnel. The side of the pool opposite the tunnel is riprapped to resist erosion caused by the tunnel discharge during the diversion flow. Water from the pool will discharge into the Bradley River channel improvement area. The Civil Construction Phase includes construction of a vertical shaft at 120 feet from the tunnel outlet. The shaft will contain two high pressure gates installed in a series. One gate will function as a control gate and the second as a guard gate. The upstream portion of the tunnel is lined with an 18-inch thick concrete lining. A steel penstock will be installed downstream of the control gate and will extend to the tunnel exit. Bulkhead gates will be provided during the Civil Construction Contract to close off flow from the intake structure to permit construction of the remainder of the structures. Minimum downstream flow releases to maintain aquatic habitat in the Lower Bradley River are through two steel pipes embedded in the concrete floor of the tunnel. The two pipe intakes are located upstream of the tunnel inlet. Minimum flow releases are controlled with valves and a system of nozzles at the downstream end of the pipes at the tunnel outlet. The capability is provided to adjust flow releases in 5 cfs increments. To attain this incremen.tal flow. two pipe manifolds are provided near the tunnel outlet with varying sizes of control valves and outlets. The manifolds are housed in a concrete structure at the tunnel outlet. 2-379-JJ 6-2 The intake structure, unlined tunnel. and downstream channel will be capable of passing up to 4,000 cfs by open channel flow during the main dam construction. The 4000 cfs flow corresponds to the routed flood of record which was selected as the design flood for the construction diversion. The bulkhead gates are designed to close against the diversion flow of approximately 500 cfs. The corresponding flow depth at the gate guide is five feet. To minimize the total vertical force on the gates during their lowering and raising, several design features are adopted. Teflon coated seals, and stainless steel sealing surface and teflon coated bearing blocks are provided. Seals against the sill are arranged to minimize the gate hydraulic downpull forces. 6.2.2 Design and Analysis The major features of the diversion tunnel are shown in Appendix A Exhibit F Plate 10. The design and analysis of the intake structure and diversion tunnel was based on the Alaska Power Authority design criteria for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project included in Volume 2 of this Final Supporting Design Report for the Site Preparation Contract and listed below. Geotechnical Design Criteria Hydraulic Design Criteria Structural Design Criteria Site Preparation Contract Main Dam Diversion Main Dam Diversion The following calculations are included in Volume 3 and 4 of this "Final Supporting Design Report for the Site Preparation Contract." 2-379-JJ 6-3 Title Geotechnical Calculations Main Dam Diversion Tunnel Alignment and Surface Excavation Stability Design of Rock Reinforcement Support System for Main Dam Diversion Tunnel Stability of Temporary Rock Plug for Main Dam Diversion Tunnel Rock Engineering/Design Parameters Structurual Calculations Diversion Intake Portal Analysis and Design Hydraulic Calculations Calculate Water Surface Profile in Diversion Tunnel Quantities of Cofferdams and Comparison of Quantities for Cost Estimate Fish Bypass Pipe System Forcing Frequency for Diversion Intake Pier Lake Drawdown Bulkhead Gate Operations Water Surface Profile Diversion Tunnel 6.3 DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT 6.3.1 General Calculation No. G(A)-03 G(A)-9 G(A)-17 G(A)-21 S-C-131-1 H-010 H-008 H-012 H-014 H-015 H-018 H-019 The layout and elevation of the diversion tunnel result in the need to excavate the river channel downstream from the diversion tunnel outlet. This downstream channel improvement is shown in Appendix A, Exhibit F on Plate 13. This downstream channel excavation allows a reduction in the size of the downstream cofferdam for main dam construction and was made with 2-379-JJ 6-4 sufficient cross section and bottom slope to pass 4000 cfs without causing a backwater effect in the tunnel at that flow. The channel is excavated in rock and lining is not required. 6.3.2 Design and Analysis The features of the downstream channel improvement are shown in Appendix A, Exhibit F on Plate 13. The design and analysis of the channel improvement was based on the Alaska Power Authority Design Criteria for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, included in Volume 2 of this Final Supporting Design Report for the Site Preparation Contract Report and listed below. Hydraulic Design Criteria Geotechnical Design Criteria Main Dam Diversion Site Preparation The following calculations are included in Volume 3 and 4 of this "Final Supporting Design Report for the Site Preparation Contract." Geotechnical Calculation Diversion Channel Alignment and Excavation Hydraulic Calculations Design Channel Downstream of Diversion Tunnel Quantities of Excavation Quantities of Cofferdam Design of Channel Downstream of Diversion Tunnel Water Surface Profiles Downstream of Diversion Tunnel Riprap Design Bank Across Pool from Diversion Tunnel Exit 2-379-JJ 6-5 Calculation No. G(A)-15 H-003 H-004 H-008 H-016 H-017 H-021 Calculation No. Hydraulic Calculations (Continued) Relationship of USGS Gaging Station to Bradley Lake Project Datum Synthesize Flood of Record Inflow Hydrograph from Recorded Outflow Hydrograph at Bradley Lake Flood Routing -Flood of Record through Bradley Lake and Diversion Tu~nel 6.4 MAIN DAM 6.4.1 Description H-024 H-029 H-033 A concrete faced rockfill dam is selected as the most technically feasible and economically suitable structure for increasing the storage capacity of the Bradley Lake reservoir. A plan of the dam and associated structures is shown in Appendix A, Exhibit F on Plate 2. The layout and conceptual details of the dam are shown in Appendix A, Exhibit F on Plate 3. The dam has a crest 18 feet wide and 610 feet long at elevation 1190.6. It has a height above the lowest average foundation level of 125 feet. The axis of the recommended dam is approximately 520 feet downstream of the natural lake outlet. This location and the axis orientation were selected to best utilize existing topographic features and to minimize the volume of rockfill in the embankment. The selected location also makes effective use of previously obtained geologic data and allows for the development of the embankment within the restricted area of the river. The axis orientation offers good alignment for the upstream toe slab, and results in toe slab construction without excessive three dimensional discontinuities. In addition, the alignment balances the upstream and downstream road access requirements for construction of the dam. 2-379-JJ 6-6 6.4.2 Foundation Conditions The dam will be founded on bedrock composed chiefly of alternating sequences of argillite and graywacke. In situ rock visible at the ground surface in the damsite area is all moderately hard to hard and is considered adequate to support a rockfill dam. Surficial weathering is generally confined to the upper few feet of rock; however, staining on joints and fractures in the rock indicates these are potential leakage channels from the reservoir. There will be adequate provisions made to provide positive seepage cutoff and control. A detailed description of the abutment and foundation conditions in the dam area is included in Section 3.1.1. 6.4.3 Foundation Preparation and Treatment The dam foundation must be stable under all conditions of construction and reservoir operation, and must limit seepage so as to prevent excessive uplift pressure, erosion of material, and loss of water. The embankment will be founded on competent rock. All overburden and unsuitable rock will be removed from beneath it. The near-vertical right abutment will be sloped back beneath the upstream concrete face slabs as necessary to provide a positive abutment contact and a gradual transition between the embankment and bedrock for consideration of th effect of embankment settlement on the face slabs. Any intensely sheared and altered rock zones exposed during foundation preparation will be treated. Beneath and immediately downstream of the upstream concrete toe slabs these excavated zones will be refilled with dental concrete, while under the main body of rockfill they will be protected with filter, if necessary, and allowed to drain. A grout curtain will be constructed under the upstream toe slabs for a seepage cutoff in the bedrock. A triple row grout curtain is presently anticipated. The maximum depth of the center grout line will be about 2/3H (where H is the maximum reservoir hydrostatic head at a particular location above the dam foundation). The minimum depth of grout holes will be equal to the width of the concrete face slabs. The grout holes will be orientated to intersect major joint sets. 2-379-JJ 6-7 6.4.4 Dam Cross Section and Materials The conceptual design of the embankment section shown in Appendix A, Exhibit F on Plate 3 is conservatively developed with selected zoned material to withstand hydrostatic, ice, earthquake, and other external loads. The dam is developed using three zones of material compacted to form upstream and downstream embankment slopes of 1. 6H: 1V. Zone 1, forming the upstream face of the rockfill, consists of selected 6 inch minus material. This zone is placed in 15 feet wide horizontal layers of one foot lifts and is compacted with heavy steel drum vibratory rollers. Zone 2 forms a highly pervious drainage band at the base of the central section of the dam. This zone is composed of selected 6 inch to 24 inch material placed in 3 feet lifts and compacted with vibratory rollers. Zone 3 is quarry material placed in 18 inch lifts and compacted with vibratory rollers. Material placement within this zone will be such as to direct the better quarry material to the upstream half of the zone. Oversized material will be pushed to the downstream face. The exact stone size and lift heights are in the process of being finalized and may vary from the data given above following final design. Use of the proper material gradation in these selected zones, coupled with controlled placing techniques and, proper spreading and compacting, will result in an embankment that is strong and dense and able to withstand the forces on the dam with minimum deformation. The gradation of the material within the selected zones distributes contact forces with smaller sized material occupying the voids between larger rock pieces locking both into position. At the same time adequate space is provided within the rockfill to ensure high permeability for the drainage of seepage water. The rockfill embankment is developed in an essentially continuous operation. Materials for its construction are readily available from quarry sources adjacent to the structure. The upstream face of the dam consists of a parapet wall, concrete face slabs, and toe slabs. The concrete parapet wall, extending 4 feet above the dam crest, is provided with a curved upstream surface to act as a wave and ice deflector. 2-379-JJ 6-8 The impervious concrete slabs. 50 feet wide upstream face is formed by a series of reinforced Central face slabs have been conceptually designed as monoliths. Abutment face slabs are narrower and articulated to accept greater deflections. The slabs are conceptually designed to have a nominal thickness of 12 inches at the top, near the parapet, varying linearly to a maximum thickness of 18 inches at the lowest elevation of the dam. Concrete toe slabs are constructed to connect with the face slabs and to form the watertight closure between the upstream heel of the embankment and its rock foundation. Concrete mixes particularly suitable for cold and harsh environments will be used in the construction of these members, offering excellent resistance to freeze-thaw action, ice buildup, and strains resulting from seasonal temperature variations. 6.4.5 Static and Dynamic Stability Analysis The preliminary slope stability analyses is included in Volume 4 of the Preliminary Supporting Design Analysis of the Application for License for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. The final stability analysis will be completed in the Final Supporting Design Report for the Civil Construction Report. 6. 5 SPILLWAY 6.5.1 Physical Description An ungated concrete gravity ogee spillway is located on the saddle feature of the right abutment approximately 150 feet east of the main dam and along the same general axis alignment. The overall length of the spillway including abutments is approximately 230 feet of which 175 feet is provided for the overflow crest. The height from foundation level to the crest varies from 50 feet for the low spillway section to 30 feet for the high spillway section. The spillway has an upstream sloping face and its concrete abutments will be rounded above the crest for hydraulic efficiency. The crest is shaped and contoured to produce gradually accelerating flow on the basis of a 10.6 feet design head. 2-379-JJ 6-9 Spillway discharges will be directed onto existing rock beyond the spillway apron. A plan of the spillway with elevations and sections is shown in Appendix A, Exhibit F on Plate 4. 6.5.2 Foundation Preparation and Treatment The spillway is founded on competent bedrock with its concrete gravity abutments keyed into the adjacent rocks. All overburden and unsuitable rock will be removed from under the spillway and along the abutments. It is estimated that a maximum of approximately 17 feet of overburden will be removed. A triple row grout curtain will be developed along the spillway below foundation level and extended from the right to the left abutment. The upstream and downstream grout rows will be developed for contact grouting operations and the center row will provide the primary seepage cutoff. The center row grout curtain will be designed to effectively cutoff seepage at the abutments and to maintain cutoff continuity between the spillway and the main dam. For additional safety, a foundation drainage system is provided downstream of the grout curtain. The system consists of vertical drain holes drilled into foundation rock, a collector pipe, and a lateral pipe to discharge seepage below the spillway chute. In addition, provisions are made to access the drain holes for pressure monitoring, cleaning, or re-drilling. 6.5.3 Stability Analysis The preliminary stability analyses is shown in Volume 4 of the Preliminary Supporting Design Report in the License Application for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. The final stability analysis is being designed at the present time and will be included as part of the Final Supporting Design Report for the Civil Construction Contract. 2-379-JJ 6-10 6. 6 MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION DAM 6.6.1 Project Description The Middle Fork Diversion dam is located approximately 1 mile north of Bradley Lake in an adjacent drainage at elevation 2200 feet on the Middle Fork stream. The Middle Fork Diversion facility is being designed and the final design will be part of the Final Supporting Design Report for the Civil Construction Contract. The design concept that was part of the preliminary support Design Report are shown in Appendix A, Exhibit F, Plates 11 and 12. 6.6.2 Foundation Conditions The bedrock in the area of the Middle Fork Diversion Dam is predominantly graywacke with argillite interbeds. Initial geological and visual observations indicate that the Middle Fork stream bed at the dam site consists of bedrock. Borings to further investigate the foundation condition will be made during the design phase of the project. 6.6.3 Foundation Preparation and Treatment The dam foundation will be made stable under all conditions of construction and reservoir operation, and will be designed to limit seepage so as to prevent excessive uplift~·pressure, erosion of material, and/or loss of water. The embankment will be founded on competent rock. All overburden and unsuitable rock will be removed from beneath it. A grout curtain will be constructed in the foundation rock below the dam to reduce seepage and downstream uplift pressures. 6.6.4 Dam Cross Section and Materials The dam will be approximately 140 feet long and 20 feet high rockfill embankment. Enbankment rockfill will be obtained from the required spillway excavation. The rockfill will be placed in thin lifts and compacted 2-379-JJ 6-11 with heavy steel drum vibratory rollers. Due to the remoteness of Middle Fork. Dam, this design was selected to provide the required durability and ability of the dam to resist the elements. 6.6.5 Static Stability Analysis The preliminary slope stability analyses is included in Volume 4 of the Preliminary Supporting Design Analysis of the License Application for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. The final stability analysis is being done now and will be included as part of the Final Supporting Design Report for the Civil Construction Contract. 6.7 POWERHOUSE The powerhouse is being analyzed at this time and the foundation conditions, the static and dynamic analysis will be a part of the Final Supporting Design Report for the Civil Construction Contract. 6.8 REFERENCES 1. Newmark, N .M., Effects of Earthquakes on Dams and Embankments. Geotechnique, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1965, pp. 139-160. 2. Sarma, S.K., Response and Stability of Earth Dams During Strong Earthquakes. Misc. Paper GL-79-13, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, 1979. 3. Seed, H.B. and Idriss, I.M., Soil Moduli and Damping Factors for Dynamic Response Analyses. Report No. EERC 70-10, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, College of Engineering, University of California, Berkley, CA, 1970. 4. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC). Slope Stability Analysis (LEASE II) -User's Manual. GT-018, Version 02 Level 00. SWEC, Boston, MA, August 1980. 5. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC). Seismic Amplification Response by Modal Analysis (SARMA) -User's Manual (Draft). GT-055, Version 00 Level 00. SWEC, Boston, HA, July 1983. 2-379-JJ 6-12 6. Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WCC). Report on the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Design Earthquake Study. wee. Anchorage J AK, November 1981. 7. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, "Design of Gravity Dams," 1976. 8. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, "Design of Small Dams," Revised Reprint 1977. 9. National Research Council, Committee on the Safety of Existing Dams, Water Science and Technology Board, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, "Safety of Existing Dams - Evaluation and Improvement", 1983. 2-379-JJ 6-13 BASIS FOR SEISMIC LOADING 7.0 BASIS FOR SEISMIC LOADING 7 .l GENERAL A number of investigations of the seismicity of the Bradley Lake project have been completed by the Army Corps of Engineers (COE), the US Geological Survey (USGS), and Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WCC). The USGS is conducting a seismic monitoring program in the vicinity of the site. Their most recent summary report is presented in Appendix E of the Application for License for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. 7.2 SEISMOTECTONIC SETTING The primary cause of seismic activity in southern Alaska, including the site area, is the stress imposed on the region by the relative motion of the Pacific and the North American lithospheric plates at their common boundary. The Pacific plate is moving northward relative to the North American plate at a rate of about 6 em/yr. causing the underthrusting of the Pacific plate. This underthrusting results primarily in compressional deformation which causes folds, high-angle reverse faults, and thrust faults to develop in the overlying crust. The boundary between the plates where the underthrusting occurs is a northwestward-dipping megathrust fault or subduction zone. The Aleutian Trench marks the surface expression of this subduction zone and is located on the ocean floor approximately 185 miles south of Bradley Lake. The orientation of the subduction zone is inferred along a broad inclined band of seismicity, referred to as the Benioff Zone, that dips northwest from the Aleutian Trench, and is approximately 30 miles beneath the Bradley Lake Site. Historically ( 1899 to date), eight earthquakes ranging between 7.4 and 8.5 Richter magnitude have occurred within 500 mi of the site. 2-379-JJ 7-l Great earthquakes (surface wave magnitude M 8 or greater) and large s earthquakes (greater than M 7) have occurred historically throughout s the region and can be expected to occur in the future. Bradley Lake is situated on the overriding crustal block above the subduction zone and between the Castle Mountain fault to the north and the Patton Bay-Hanning faults to the southeast on Montague Island; all of these faults have documented Holocene or historic surface ruptures. Because of the active tectonic environment, activity is probable on other faults, which are also located in the overriding crustal block and between the known active faults mentioned above, such as those found near or on the project site. Two faults of regional extent occur at or near the site. The Border Ranges Fault trend southwest beneath Kachmak Bay and the Eagle River Fault crosses the southeastern portion of Bradley Lake at about the same trend. While no direct evidence of recent activity along these faults is known in the site area, recently defined data indicates recent activity on the Eagle River Fault near Eklutna (125 mi NE of the site). Given the tectonic setting, it is reasonable to consider these faults potentially active. In addition to the nearby regional faults, the site is crossed by two large local faults, informally called the Bradley River Fault and the Bull Moose Fault, and a number of probable smaller faults. The dominant trend is northeasterly, paralleling the regional trend. The larger local faults, particularly the Bradley River, are probably capable of independent earthquake generation while any of the local faults could probably move in sympathetic response to earthquakes generated by the regional faults. It is therefore concluded that the site will probably experience at least one moderate to large earthquake during the life of the proposed project. The possibility of ground rupture exists but is much less subject to prediction. 2-379-JJ 7-2 7.3 SEISMIC DESIGN The seismic design criteria for the major project structures are described in Section 2-379-JJ 7-3 SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOOD BASIS 8.0 SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOOD BASIS Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) and Standard Project Floods (SPF) for the Bradley Lake basin and the Probable Maximum Flood for the Middle Fork Diversion basin were computed by the Alaska District, Corps of Engineers during its feasibility investigations of the project in 1979- 1982. The following summarizes the methodology, criteria, and results of those studies as presented in its reports entitled "Design Memorandum No. 1, Hydrology" dated June, 1981, and "Design Memorandum No. 2, General Design Memorandum", dated February, 1982. The Applicant has reviewed the methodology, criteria, and results of the Corps of Engineers flood studies and finds these to be reasonable and acceptable. Also, the Applicant has determined that the low level outlet or powerhouse hydraulic capacities were not utilized in reducing the PMF or SPF discharges, and will retain this approach when designing the Project spillway structure. 8.1 STUDY METHODOLOGY A mathematical model of the Bradley Lake basin was developed to compute the PMF hydrograph. The watershed model was established using the Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation (SSARR) computer program developed by the North Pacific Division, Corps of Engineers. In order to verify the characteristics of the reconstituted using the establish glacial runoff simulation of the physical and hydrologic basin, several historical floods were SSARR program. In addition, parameters, the model was also to better calibrated against runoff from Wolverine Glacier, located 25 miles northeast of Seward. Daily streamflow, temperature, and precipitation were available at Wolverine Glacier, greatly improving the reconstitution. Schematic diagrams of the basin models used for reconstitution of flows for Bradley River and Wolverine Creek are shown on Figure F8.1-l at end of Secion 8.0. 2-379-JJ 8-1 The Hydrometeorological Branch, National Weather Service (NWS), developed probable maximum storm criteria of the Bradley Lake basin in their report entitled "Study of Probable Maximum Precipitation for Bradley Lake Basin, Alaska," dated May, 1961. Estimates from this report were reviewed by the NWS in June, 1979 and found to be still valid. 8.2 MODEL CALIBRATION The SSARR watershed models for both the Bradley Lake basin and the Wolverine Glacier basin were verified by comparing the computed and observed discharge hydrographs at stream gauging stations on Bradley River near Homer and on Wolverine Creek near Lawing. The following events were selected for flood reconstitution studies: o August -September 1974 (Wolverine Creek) o 10-20 August 19058 (Bradley River) ~ 8-17 September 1961 (Bradley River) o 10-30 September 1966 (Bradley River) The streamflow hydrographs (observed and computed) for the above events for Wolverine Creek and Bradley river are shown on Figure F8. 2-1 and F8.2-2 at end of this section. 8.2.1 Computer Program Application The basins were subdivided into subbasins as depicted in Figure FS.l-1. These subbasins represent the glacial and nonglacial regions of the basin, with the glacial areas further subdivided into elevation zones in which temperature dependent processes can be simulated. Separate basin characteristics were derived of the glacial and nonglacial areas, and are illustrated on Figure F8. 2-3. Snowmelt and precipitation on each of the subbasins were input to the model and losses simulated to obtain the increments of excess water which were converted to surface, subsurface, and base flow. Moisture Index (SMI). 2-379-JJ Total runoff is dependent on the Soil 8-2 8.2.2 Precipitation Data from Homer and Seward were used as indices to precipitation. Since these stations showed variation in daily precipitation in the basin, station weights were adjusted on storm-by-storm basis to simulate storm runoff volumes. Reconstitutions were therefore made for individual rainstorms. 8.2.3 Temperature 0 Data from Homer, adjusted for a lapse rate of 2.9 F/1,000 feet, were used as an index to basin temperature. average daily temperatures. 8.2.4 Snow Melt rates were based on Since all reconstitutions were for rainfall events occurring in late summer, it was assumed that all nonglacial areas were snow-free. The snow covered area in each glacial elevation bank was set at 100 percent, with the snow water equivalent arbitrarily set at 300 inches for each band to simulate the effect of the glacier. The temperature index method was used for computing snowmelt utilizing a constant melt rate of 0.098 inches/°F -day. 8.2.5 Losses Losses were simulated for each time period in the program by the Soil Moisture Index (SMI). Runoff is a function of the SMI, which varies for each time period and which is derived from the SMI for the previous period, runoff generated in the previous period, and the evapotranspiration index. Both glacial and nonglacial areas assumed high runoff percentage. 8.2.6 Separation of Runoff The separation of total runoff into the components of flow is variable in the computer program. On the nonglacial areas, the portion of water input contributing to base flow decreases as the Base Flow Infiltration Index (BII) increases. On glacial areas, there were initial minor 2-379-JJ 8-3 decreases in percentage of runoff converted to base flow, but base flows were then held constant at 95 percent of total runoff, as it was assumed that most melt and rainfall runoff would flow into crevasses and emerge as subglacial flow. Although termed base flow, routing phases and periods were set such that glacial "base flow" still exhibited rapid runoff characteristics. The number of phases and the time of storage per phase used in the routings are: Runoff Component Surface Subsurface No. of Phases 4 4 Time of Storage/Phase (hrs) 3.3 10.0 Because the basin lacks any extensive soil cover, the surface-subsurface split for nonglacial areas assumed that most runoff occurs as surface flow. The base, subsurface, and surface flow for each subbasin were routed and combined to yield the total subbasin outflow. Subbasin outflows were combined with other subbasin flows to produce the total runoff hydrograph. 8.2.7 Flood Reconstitutions The Bradley Lake basin, because of its elevation, proximity to the Gulf of Alaska, and exposure to storms moving into the Gulf of Alaska, receives precipitation amounts exceeding those recorded at the coastal weather stations. Because of the difficulties of verifying computed hydrographs in early summer and in assigning proper precipitation weights over an extended period of time, individual storms were reconstituted for the August-September period (when rainfall is greatest), adjusting precipitation weights until computed runoff volumes matched observed runoff volumes. The reconstitutions are shown in Figures F8.2-l and F8.2-2. They follow the general timing and pattern sufficiently well to justify 2-379-JJ 8-4 applicat~on of the method to PMF derivation. in the glacial runoff characteristics Confidence can be placed as derived from the reconstitution for Wolverine Creek, where adequate data were available. Runoff characteristics for the nonglacial areas of Bradley Lake were estimated from hydrological reconnaissance studies, and are believed to be fairly reliable due to the impervious character of the basin. 8.3 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD The streamflow records for the Bradley River at the lake outlet indicate that the maximum annual peak discharge normally occurs between August 1 and October 31 from a summer rainfall flood. The National Weather Service estimated that the probable maximum storm would occur in either August or September. The probable maximum flood was developed utilizing storm criteria for August developed by the Hydrometeorological Branch, National Weather Service, with the 100-year storm assumed as an antecedent rainstorm. 8.3.1 Computer Program Application The SSARR model developed from flood reconstitutions was used for the PMF determination for Bradley River. The SSARR model for PMF determination of the Middle Fork Diversion was developed using basin characteristics derived for the Bradley Lake basin. 8.3.2 Precipitation The Hydrometerorological Branch, National Weather Service, determined that the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) would be a combination of orographic and nonorographic rainfall occurring in either August or September. The rainfall was distributed in 6-hour periods in the manner prescribed by the NWS. The total 72-hour precipitation for the PMF is 41.0 inches with a maximum 6-hour accumulation of 11.1 inches. As the NWS indicated that air temperatures during the August PMP are expected to be about 2°F higher than those during the September PMP, the PMP is forecast for August. 2-379-JJ 8-5 A 3-day antecedent rainstorm was assumed to occur before the PMP storm, using 100-year rainfall data taken from U.S. Department of Commerce, Technical Paper No. 47 and Technical Paper No. 52. The antecedent rainstorm was logged in 12-hour intervals to determine the sensitivity of the PMF to the timing of the antecedent storm. Since the PMF is relatively insensitive to the length of time between storm, a 48-hour lag time between storm was taken as a reasonable time period, and used in the derivation of the PMF. 8.3.3 Snow Snowmelt was handled in the same manner as in the flood reconstitutions. The temperature index method was used to compute melt from the glaciers. It was assumed that nonglacial areas were snow-free. The snow water equivalent for each glacial elevation band was arbitrarily set at 300 inches. inches/°F-day was used. 8.3.4 Temperatures A constant melt rate of 0.098 The NWS report includes the temperatures to be used during the probable maximum storm, and gives a temperature envelope to be used for the periods before and after the storm. The highest temperatures in the envelope were utilized to maximize snowmelt. 8.3.5 Ruonoff Separation and Losses Separation of flow and losses during PMF runoff were simulated in the same manner as in the flood reconstitutions. 8.3.6 Probable Maximum Flood Hydrographs The PMF Hydrographs are being developed now for the Middle Fork Diversion and the Nuka runoff into Bradley Lake. These hydrographs will be part of the Final Supporting Design Report of the Civil Construction Contract. 2-379-JJ 8-6 8.4 STANDARD PROJECT FLOOD The Standard Project Flood (SPF) for the Bradley Lake basin is being derived using the same initial basin conditions and antecedent precipitation as for the PMF. Precipitation for the SPF is 50 percent of the PMF and has the same distribution. The SPF inflow hydrograph is being developed now. 8.5 SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOOD The Spillway Design Flood (SDF) for the Bradley Lake basin is the spillway discharge when the PMF is routed through the reservoir. The most critical period occurs during late summer when the reservoir is at maximum level and the probability of receiving the PMP is greatest. The starting water surface is at spillway crest Elevation 1180.0. The spillway is an uncontrolled ogee type with a crest length of 175+ feet. The peak discharge of the PMF is being routed through the spillway now and the results will be described in the Final Supporting Design Report of the Civil Construction Contract. 2-379-JJ 8-7 1 ~~Ill' Bradleyj Lake Surface Bradley Nonglacial, Bradley Lake Bradley River at Lake Outlet Bradley Glacial Bands + I. _:.__ ~ ---··· --1 " '-/ /' I 1220\ I \ J I ?..._.., I // Adjusted .,...--'(/ Middle Fork (214 J '-.,./ Sign Change (a) BRADLEY RIVER Wolverine Nonglacial Wolverine Glacial Bands + I ------~ ~ nl Wolverine Creek near Lawing . (observed) 8 Middle Fork Glacial Bands (b)WOLVERINE CREEK LEGEND 0 BASIN OR SUBBASIN 0 COLLECT POINT L. RESERVOIR SCHEMATIC OF SSARR MODEL '----------------------------FIGURE F8.1-1.----... -· ,1, PLOT sTATION NAME STAll ON CHARACTER f\Ut'BER CGt\TROL C-~OLVERINE CREE" FLOW --CALCLLATED 11 0. 0 (; A-~OLVERINE CREEK FLO~ --CBSER~ED 110.: Q FLOW CFS 0. 1 0 0. 200. 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. BOO. .> T -2369 4 110. 20.00 26.00 32.00 38.00 44.00 so.co Sc.CO 62.00 6e.oo --236q 3 2.!0. o.o o.so 1.00 1 • 50 2.00 2.50 :!.00 :! .•5 0 4.00 1 ALG 74 1200 p 2 AUG 7ll 1200 p 3 Al!G 74 1200 . p 4 AUG 74 1200 p . . . ~~ . . T -5 AL:G 74 1200 p . • 6 At.;G 74 1200 p 7 AUG 74 1200 p . . • I . • 8 AL'G 74 1200 . p . . • T . . . • 9 AIJG 74 1200 p • . . • . . • 10 AL'G 7li 1200 p 11 AL'G 74 1200 p 12 AUG 7li 1200 p . . . ~::::-... . • T 13 AUG p . . . . . o I • 14 AUG 74 1200 p . . . . . . • T • 15 AUG 74 1200 p • lb AUG 74 1200 p . . • . T 1 AU 00 p • . . . 18 AUG 74 1200 p • . . T. p . . • 20 AUG 74 1200 p • . • . T • • p . . . • 22 AUG 74 1200 p . . . • p • 24 Al!G 7ll 1200 • p . . • I . . • • . . . . • . • 26 AUG 74 1200 p . . • T . • . . . . . . . . • ea ~t-o ;~ J.?DD , P. . . T p . . . I . I • 30 AL'G 74 1200 p . . . . T. • • . . • • 1 SEP 74 1200 p . . . T • . • 0 • . . . . • 3 SEP 74 1200 • p • . . T • p . . . . • 5 SEP 71.1 1200 • p . . . T • 7 SEP 71.1 1200 p . 8 s E P 7 4 I 2·0 o p . ;x , ...... ~ I . • . • 9 SEP 74 1200 p 10 SEP 74 1200 . P. . "' . • 11 SEP 74 1200 . • 12 SEP 74 1200 . . • . . 1 13 SEP 74 1200 . p . . . • T Ill SEP 7ll lt:OO • • • • F • 15 SEP 7ll 1200 . . • . . T . . ---p . • , ...... • . • . . . • 17 Sf.P 74 1200 . . . p . • • . . • • p . • . . • ., -.. -··-p . . . • 14 12QQ • p . . • -.. - - • 74 1200 • p 74 1200 . . p 24 SEP 74 1200 25 SEP 74 1200 26 SEP 74 1200 . .. • T 27 SEP 74 1200 • p • T • 28 SEP 74 1200 p . T. • 29 SEP 7ll 1200 p -T ":i":\ f.;. c: C) 'l L1 \ ;;. 0 (l p , lJ :E ..... m -G> ("') zO~o c m~~z :0 >m.,(l) llllr-1 m -rz0-1 >moe , =Eoo:::! (X) z:D.,o • C>moz 1\) m:oo I " ., ... . ·--- ., -G> c ]J m ., (X) • 1\) I 1\) FLO•~ CFS 10 AUG 56 1200 11 AUG 59 lt!OO 12 AUG :in 1200 13 AUG ':.13 1200 14 AUG :,a 1200 15 AUG 58 1200 16 AUG 58 UOO 17 AUG SB 1200 18 AUG 58 1200 19 AUG 58 1200 20 AUG ':)B 1200 FLOi'i CFS 8 SEP bl 1200 9 SEP b1 1200 10 SE.P bl 1200 11 SEP b1 1200 12 St.P b 1 1200 13 SE P 61 1200 14 SEP 61 1200 15 SEP 61 1200 1b SEP 61 1200 17 SEP t>1 1200 FLOW CFS 10 SEP bb 1200 11 SEP 66 1200 12 SEP bb 1200 13 St::P bb 1200 111 SEP bo 1200 15 SEP bo 1200 16 SE.P bb 1200 17 SEP ob 1200 18 SEP &b 1200 19 ::ii::P bb 1200 20 SI:.P bb 1200 21 S£P ob 1200 22 SEP &6 1200 2l SEP bb 1200 21.1 SEP bb 1200 25 SEP 1:>6 1200 cb St:P &b 1200 27 SEP &b 1200 28 SEP b& 1200 29 SEP bb 1200 30 SEP bb 1200 m ::0 ::0 > m 0 0>0 l-"0 m goZ -< (J) ::0 0> .... -0> =i < 11C m ,_. ::0 0- z o 0 m o 2 > (J) 0 ::0 11 11 :I: 0 ..... 0 ::0 co 3: 01 m ~e» ::0 o. bOO. o.o 1 0. 0 0 -----.....:. __ o. bOO. o.o 10.00 &-... ,.._ ----=. o. bOO. o.o 10.00 -- PLOT STATION NAMt CHARACTt::R C•FLO~ Af bKADLtY LA~l --CALCuLATED A-FLO~ AT bKADLlY LAKE --OBStKVEU 1200. !BOO, 2400. 3000. 3600. T 20.00 30,00 40.00 .._,.--...-50.00 --. --.e-.-----. .....-. . _c-/-,...cr""' • 0"' • PLOl STAilON NAMt:: CHAkAClE.K 60,00 . • r C-FLU~ AT ~RADLt::Y LAKE •• CALCULATED A•FLO~ AT tlRADLE.Y LAKE -· O~SERVED 1200. 1800. 2400, 3000. 3oOO. T 20.1)1) 30.00 40,00 50.00 ----c--- . -c-"' • ..f:(' • • • T • • T PLOt STATION NAME CHARACTtR oO,OO T • C-FLO~ AT 6RAOLEY LAKt:: •• CALCULATED A-FLUW AT BRADLEY LAKE •• OBSt::~vED 1200. 1800, 2400. 3000. 3600, T 20.00 30.00 -=-c-.....-...... . 40,00 5fJ.OO T T T bO,OO T • T • . . . ~ I A • • • . l!Jr-c .T '"i --:-c--:-y-o--:-• T • . _ ...... c--. . . T . • • • 1 ~~--~·-• 1 1 • • r T T STAllON NUMBER CJNTROL 4200, •3bb5 70.00 10.0 Q 10,5 J 41\00, 4 100. 60.00 STAT ION NU"'~EH CJI.lTROL 4200. -.31>65 70.00 10.0 Q 10.5 Q 4800. 4 100, 80.00 STAT I Or~ NUMBER CONTROL 4200. •3665 70.00 10.0 Q 10.5 Q 4800. 4 100. 80.00 5400. 6000. 90.00 100.00 51100. oOOO. 90,00 100.00 5400. 6000. 90.00 100.00 :J ~ ;::, 0 .r.:: ......... II) QJ .r.:: .. <..: c ..... I .f-l ;::, 0.. c ....... QJ u ., 1+- ~ ::l Vl >, ., "'0 ......... II) QJ .r.:: u c .,... I c 0 .... .f-l ., ~ 0 0. ., > LLJ SURFACE-SUBSURFACE SPLIT 1.51 I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I 1 1 1 1 :a 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Surface & Subsurface Input-inches/hour EVAPOTRANSPIRATIO~ INDEX .ts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I I I I I I ,NOn g 1 a C i a 1 ! I I I I .10 .OS 0 1 [ ' II I I J I I I J F MA M JJ AS 0 NO I~ on th s ...., c QJ u ~ QJ 0. 1+- 1+- 0 c ;::, 0::: 1+- 1+- 0 c ;::, 0::: -~ 0 I- I+- 0 SOIL MOISTURE INDEX 50 I I I I ll'l 5 Soii Moisture Index-inches BASE FLOW INFILTRATION INDEX ...., . I I I I '. I ! I ! I I ~ 50~ . 'I.' I I I: I I ' u '....j I I ; I :-1' i s.. ' ' QJ 0. c .... 3: 0 ..- 1+- QJ II) ., 1:0 0 1-! 0 .. "' 4 Baseflow Infilitration Index 6 +J c CIJ u s.. CIJ 0. c .... ., QJ s.. ex: "C E QJ > 0 u 3: 0 c Vl SNOW COVER DEPLETION so 100 Accumulated Runoff in Percent MELT RATE INDEX >? .10 ~ FFITltl'jl·~~~ff~ Ol Q) "'t~ ......... 1.1) (l) ..r::. g .OS .,.. ' (l) .p rd c::: .... ... - (U ~ so 100 Accumulated Runoff in Percent I BASIN CHARACTERISTICS FOR SSARR MODEL '-----------------------------FIGURE F8.2-3- BOARD OF CONSULTANTS 9.0 BOARD OF CONSULTANTS 9.1 INDEPENDENT BOARD OF CONSULTANTS An independent Board of Consultants was formed to review the engineering and design of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. This independent board has met five times since being formed in 1983. The reports of these meetings are included as part of Appendix B Attachment 2 of this report. The board meetings, convened at either the project site or in Anchorage, on the following dates: Meeting 1 May 12 and 13, 1983 Meeting 2 July 11 to 15, 1983 Meeting 3 September 25 to 27, 1984 Meeting 4 November 4 and 5, 1985 Meeting 5 January 28, 1986 9.2 FERC BOARD OF CONSULTANTS In February, 1986, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the use of the Alaska Power Authority Board of Consultants to be the FERC Board of Consultants. The first meeting of the FERC Board was held in Anchorage on March 6, 1986. The FERC Board of Consultants report has been included in Appendix B Attachment 3 of this report. 2-379-JJ 9-1 APPENDIX A DRAWINGS EXHIBIT F I I I I I I I I I I ·;..\ I' PROPOSED HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION FRITZ CREEK-I SOLDOTNA TRANSMISSION LINE* I ~ I II 1 '[_ J '( /) / PERMANENT FACI LI;riES ~ ~f;" _ ... o-.... ........ .._o .. .._., /J / ~ BARGE DOCK Hr~ ·,. .... , ......... -~ ~ lf<>rlh ~--. { \ ~t '( ~\.\ ~ \ I • "\ I \ ;~-~-~..,.-· \ ,. ""'-;---/ r----~· --···c.-. \ ('---~,.. -,_ ' ·~ _"-~r,.,.. , . ...-- / ,./·· / _,/ / .. ."' -,__ ----.s'~ -.. __ .... _ --~"'~ . ...._ "--'" '-. -~-------- .......... -:(~ -\__,.., ..-r-....___,~ - STAGING AREA -I L \_ ? -\ \. \ .__ -...____.- (. --DIVERSION *NOT INCLUDED IN SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT ,/ f .. I / \f / ~ NUKA RIVER -'Y:f DIVERSION*. ~...4 0 -. ~" '\\ , .. ; . ; \ . \ \ l, ','\. ' ' 0 ·. ·,,a; ..... .,-.... ..... -~ ............ ....... '• ' \ \ ~ 2 3 SCALE IN MILES ..... ,. ·-......... _ ·· .. , ·,' .. , .. ., ' ..... \. \ OI .. GL E STADT ' \ GLAC II!:It ·- \ ' , ... -..... ~ : \\ . . \ \ l, '! '·. \ ....... \ "' .............. , I \ " ............. \ •. \ '\ •. ' ' \ . \ ...... ,.. c ' ·~ '·-"'--·--., '·-, n \ r--·· .._:............ ... ,..,~) \"\ \ ~ ' ... -:.~;·::...., "..~ ........ .,.' I \ ' \ ., .. ,..;, ; j... \ .. ~ • /I ., \ ...... -...... ~ !I \.,-.._~'"' .. ... -...... __ t .. •, ......... • .... -... -. __ ) 1 BRADLEY LAKE ~~DROELECTRIC PROJECT I ........ ~ .... ........ ~. · .... \ 1 -, '• ,t ' \ . ' ' ALASI<A IPOW &:R AUTtt O FUTY GENERA L P L AN PLATE 1 , . ~ ~ ~ ~ 'b 0 NOTE: UNDERWATER TOPOGRAPHY NOT SHOWN IN DOWNSTREAM PCX>L AREA CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ON PLATE 13 BRADLEY LAKE ~ ROCK QUARRY EL 1150 I i'/ I I I I 'I ; L POWER CONDUIT SHOWN ON IJ/ PLATES 5 AND 6 ~''! I I I I ~ 0 0 """ \1 c::::E LON W.S.EL 1055' -------- H+--1 GROUT CUR'TAJN I I -------- -------- -------------------......._ ---......._ CONCRETE FACE SlAB -----....... ZONE 3A ZONE 3·B PIT RUN QUARRY MATERIAL PIT RUN OUARR'f MATERIAL ZONE 2 -SELECT COMA<ICTED ROCK (It 3' LIFTS 10 tt 5d = soo' 3 I 3 L _j MAXIMUM DAM PROFILE _rCONCRETE .,( FACE SlABS OVERSIZED ROCK // MAX.W.S. DURING DIVERSION [L 10a5.0} ~~J!R,o~ DUMPED !~PERVIOUS :;;> 5-'" DUMPED 1.5 ~1 UPSTREAM COFFERDAM PROFILE "5 ® 12' "6 x 6'-o· ® 6' \_MAIN RE-BAR "8 ~10' EW FACE OF SlAB f-------DOWNSTREAM COFFEROAIVI .I 9" NEOP. RUBBER WATER STOP (TYP.) .m riJ < --' Vl w ~ ,u riJ :'i Vl ~ (DUMPED IMPERVIOUS AND FILTER MATERLAL REPLACED WITH RIP-RAP AFTER CONSTRUCTION) •5 X 6'-Q' Iii ft •5~12' PR'EMCU>ED JONT FILLER (TYP) ------ ' 'o -.o 3-3 "9 HOOKED BARS-DRILL & GROUT TOE SLAB I TOE SlAB 'A' TOE SLAB •a• ~ =-:} TOE SlAB 'c' -, jj/ / < ,-..._GROUT -.........__ / CURTAIN -..................____ / -------------_......---- [li>.M 9' NECP R\.SBER 'l-ATER ST1)P (Typ) TOE SLAB 11 A1 =41 TOE SLAB "B'= 6' TOE SlAB 'C'• a' ·-.! P.V.C. GROUT SLEEVE (TYP.) •9 HOOKED BARS-DRILL & GROUT 3 E.<lCH FOR TOE SlABS 'B' & 'C' 2 ~o;~ctce: SLAB 'A' ~ f5-0' o.c. VIEW LOOKING DOWNSTREAM 9' NEOP. RUBEER WATER STOP (TYP.) , -, ·o -.:, MAIN RE-BAR •aiii10' E.W. '*56l12' MAIN RE-BAR •aiOl'O' E.W. "5 10l12' 2-2 'b -.: 4-4 THIS DRAWING SHOWS CIVIL CONSTRUCTON CONTRACT WORK. THE MAIN DAM IS BEING DESIGNED AND WILL BE A SUBJECT OF THE CIVIL CONSTRUCTIOI~ CONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT. BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY CONCRETE FACED ROCKFILL DAM SECTIONS AND DETAILS A ENOl=~~=~~ ~oe::o-r:noN PLATE 3 ;OJr"'f I RM3i N~10J978 RM 42 ~ 210J945 HM 43 N 2103817 OH 7 '14 2103750 DH JJ N 2103774 E 34 344a E J4 3538 E 343465 E: 343584 PLAN SCALE A TOP OF 0VER8URD£N , t: 119 s.o 95 , , I eo• EL 11950 ·1 \ I CREST EL 1180.0 }f---- 1 I I I 1 EL.ii350 U/S CREST ~ Y<::0.99' R1: 5.68' R2; :. 72 =•"·rc -~;--~:P:FFOUNDATION GRADE ON ROCK SECTION 1 -1 SCALE 8 \ ""--GROUT CURTAIN SECTION 3-3 y I ' . SECTION 5-5 SCALE B X 5' IN TO SOUND ROCK FLOW -f--.--------x UPSTREAM FACE DETAIL A NTS DOWNSTREAM FACE PC 2 0 20 FLOW SEE ~ONC. TRAINING WALL / -END OF UPPER SPILLWAY AREA ~ HOLE SECTION 2 -2 SCALE B r-SASE:LINE . _/DETAIL A CREST EL 11800 .?+: '\ .r-CLEANOUT 1155.0 ) GROUT CURTAIN/ SECTION 4-4 NTS DIS CREST COORDINATES X 0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 ;'CII5.07 P•;l 22.42 P 1 1 26.92 Pl1 34.13 PC2 35.41 P!2 42.92 P':'2 54.93 40FEET 0 0.07 0.24 0.52 0.88 1.33 t~86 2.47 3.16 3.93 4.78 5.70 6-69 7.76 8.90 10.19 19.37 2500 25.00 35.62 45.00 45.00 THIS DRAWING SHOWS CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WORK. THE SPILLWAY IS BEING DESIGNED AND WILL BE A SUBJECT OF THE CIVIL CONST- RUCTION CONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT. BRADLEY LAKE ALASKA SPILLWAY PLAN, ELEVATIONS & SECTIONS SCALE B: !"; 2C' 0 40 80FEET SCALE A 1": 40' ~< 8 ' ~ -2 ::: uJ ~ :t "o -~ 'o ~~ i 8 ~ 14'-u~ j2 'i I r;3 1.3 INTAKE DETAIL ..:..u .. , .. , J4!-U ~TUNNEL 2-2 " ,.. .. e•• I EA&..&., .. , --2!YJJ' -2000 NORMAL TRANSIENT PRESSURE GRADIE_N __ T_,l,_ __ _ ------------------------15001 C S7ATIC PRESSURE GRAOI ENT --1000' ,t-END CF 2600' I . 8 I i 71 61 I STEEL LINER ====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d ~ 7j ~ ~ ~ a.l~ ~ ~ ;J ~ ~ sJ § § TORCIUE~ SOlE HOLE FOR RAJSE ,, '" SEE EXHISfT F ·PLATE 6 FOR INTAKE GATE SHAFT UPPER BEND DETAJL ... JCA\..l•fUt 14-0 ! 3-3 c.M.t .. nn t TUNNEL JS'· 4"4 ... IC4lt•rU1' ~ ~ g :il 12 ii5 g ~ g g ~b 0 TUNNEL PROFILE 50CI o' sOCJ 1000' 1500' SCALE; ,•. 5CX:l 7·7 =-.,.? .. ~."'.':,:::,,===.;;;:::J CONCRETE LINING t TUNNEL & STEEL UNER 6-6 . . .. ~-22!!!5 f--END CF 2600' I l•14A50't • STEEL LINER MAIN tUNNEL •t S' -• LOWER BEND DETAJ L ,.. .,.. CAU:•ntt THIS DRAWING SHOWS CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WORK. THE INTAKE AND POWER TUNNEL ARE BEING DESIGNED AND WILL SUBJECTS OF THE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT. < STEEL SET &MANIFOLD SLOPE teN UNDER REVIEW 6'·8' TUNNEL & STIEEL UIER 6'-8' '1---t----+~-t--GROVT s-s ~ 1 lleA!Ll.¥Uf TUNNEL HOLES STEEL SET \--!---!1.--GRCIJT 8-8 . .. JIII50P'""! 3 CM..~•naY HOLES HOOP & LONGITUDINAL STEEL REINFORCING BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY POWER CONDUIT PROFILE & DETAILS PLATE 5 ~00' GATE SHAFT e-EL 1203' CONC COLLAR 2'-0'THICK j .l I 22'" ti'> 1'-0"NOMINAL ' CONCRETE LINING 1 - 1 ... ......._..nn EXISTING GROUND L~ / _...------· ---// ~--// ..//~INTAKE & / __ / I TUNNEL TRANSVERSE PROFILE . ,.. .. ~I ICAI.llllfrllT f_ COL ~·-I) I l:. ~uL ,----F { : q ~ :q. ..,. ~ .J:iln !: ~ 1 PuMP .?:::I CONTROLS SHAFT PLAN EL 1203.0' o' "' ww;;; ' U.:ilU•fUT SHAFT 3-3 . ,.. .. l§l!lJiiOiiiO I lltAU••nT OIL ACCUMULATORS I GAS BOTTLES TUNNEL PRESENT LAKE LEVEL EL 1080' \7 INTAKE CHANNEL SHAFT HYDRAULIC ~~ ~ ~, .. ::::_-~s-- ::£~=:-;-~-=--.::.;:.._- 2-2 ... JC.At.J•nu EXISTING / GROUNDLY/ // // ,,.'' _/ fEL 1115 • -~/-fTEMPORARY \ ROCK PLUG // I TOP EL 1090 ' / \ \ I LONGITUDINAL PROFILE ,.. IICAI.f IIJI$(tl ~ ACCESS ROAD TO GATE SHAFT ~ If GATE SHAFT NOT YET LOCATED MAIN DAM~ PLOT PLAN-GATE SHAFT w.-:223 1C:AlSNtUff THIS DRAWING SHOWS CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WORK. THE POWER TUNNEL INTAKE AND INTAKE GATE SHAFT IS BEING DESIGNED AND WILL BE A SUBJECT OF THE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY INTAKE CHANNEL & POWER TUNNEL GATE SHAFT SECTIONS & DETAILS PLATE 6 -, -r.illQQQ COOTROL NORTHING POINT A N 2112610 B N 2112305.79 c N 2112590 D N 2112534.36 E N 2112474.36 F N 2112374.36 G N 2112669 H N 2112613.8 I N 2112604.4 J N 2112575.99 K N 2112537.39 L N 2112592.0 x6.2-------------x"6(; 0 0 "' "' "' I='UTURE POWERHOUSE LOCATION EXCAVATE TO EL 390" ------l ~ 327000 EASTING POINT DESCRIPTION ~g;r,\'? NORTHING EASTING E 327240 POWER TUNNEL WORK POINT (FUTURE J M N2112700 E 32n65 25 E 327381.86 POWER TUNNEL P.C (FUTURE! N N 2112555.85 E 327265 25 E 327115 PH COLUMN LINE INTERSECTION-WORK POINT 0 N 2112437.34 E 327265 2 5 E 32 7194 PENSTOCK* 1/COLUMN LINE P.l (FUTURE J p N 2112355.27 E 3 27265.25 E 327194 PENSTOCK#" 2/COLUMN LINE Pl. (FUTURE} R N 2112226 E 32726525 E 327194 PENSTOCK#3/COLUMN LINE PI ( FUTUREl s N 2112150 E 327246.05 E 327218 SUBSTATION EL39/EL18 CUT SLOPE PI T N 2112700 E 327236 E 327248.16 TUNNEL PORTAL EL 60~/EL 39 CUT SLOPE P.l. N2112150 E 327193.65 E 327228 TUNNEL PORTAL EL60t/EL39CUT SLOPE P.l v N 2112700 E 327195 67 E 327228 ACCESS ROAD EL 60 i: I EL 39CUT SLOPE P.l w N 2112509.4 8 E 327286.8 8 E 327246 ACCESS ROAD EL 60 tIEL 39CUi SLOPE Pl. X N 2112440.91 E 327318.85 E 327196 SUBSTATION EL 391EL 18 CUT SLOPE P.l. y N 2112326.63 E 327312.14 ROCK DOWELS AND ROCK BOLTS 3TART AT N 2112220 AND CONTINUE TON 2112700 REF PLATES \_CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA EXCAVATE TO EL39.a\ \ POINT DESCRIPTION x6.o MATCH POINT ON TANGENT-ACCESS ROAD i POINTONACCESS ROAD(. & It_ POWER TUNNEL HIGH POINT ON TANGENT-ACCESS ROAD ([ "s.6 POINT ON ACCESS ROAD ot & ot PENSTOCK # 3 PC. ON LANDING STRIP ACCESS ROAD ot MATCH POINT ON CURVE-ACCESS ROAD <t. MATCH POINT ON TANGENT· PH ACCESS ROAD cr.- MATCH POINT ON CURVE-PH ACCESS ROAD (f" MATC!-1 POINT ON TANGENT-SUBSTATION ROAD~ P:.ENSTOCK f:f-11 POWER TUNNEL P.l. (FUTURE) PENSTOCK-*" 21 POWER TUNNEL P.l (FUTURE) PENSTOCK#31POWER TUNNEL P.l. (FUTURE) NOTE: EXCAVATE TC TOE OF ROAD SLOPE l. 4 0 20 40FEET I jjjjl SCALE: t•:: 20' A THIS PLATE SHOWS SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT ~ WORK. FUTURE EXCAVATION FOR THE POWERHOUSE AND PENSTOCK WILL BE PART OF CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT, BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SITE PREPARATION EXCAVATION AT POWERHOUSE PLAN PLATE 7 80 60 .. ~ FUTURE POWERHOUSE EXCAVATION F'!LL & RIPRAP DETAIL 1 • , SECTION £327156 ~ A 7) GA9!0NS-OET 0 {H~9; 0 ~I ~ ~ TO EL 2-2 SECTION @ N2112650 SCALE A (PLATE 7) I FUTURE POWERHOUSE 1 L~:·~ 3·3 SECTION@ N2112470 SCALE A (PLATE 7) 4·4 SECTION @I N2112225 SCALE A (PLATE 7) EXCAVATE TO EL 39.0' GAStON: TYP GAS ION: INSTALL.ATICN ITERMINATlON OETAIL"' ---j r--1.5' ( TYP) ,r-r,--.._,.._,~..,:..l-1----,ST AGGER I !! I II I I ELIMINATE BOTTO~ i \i!Y..i'ti&.:a\1 M;;t....,"t ROW WHEN SLOPE HEIGHT IS LESS THAN 15' DE TAIL A TYPICAL ROCK SUPPORT ASOVE LANDING STRIP ACCESS ROAD NTS f* TO ROCK DOWELS 10 LONG # 6 GRADE 60 THREAOBAR ROCK DOWE'lS 10' LONG· DET E # 10 ROCK _DOWEL (TYPl # 9 R'OCi< DOWEL(TYP) •a ROCK BOLTS ~ 5.0'0C EW STAGGERED FACE REOD ONLY r HE X NUT ------., !~~{~~lNG~ i~::h~:ILly~ 2) DETAIL B TYPICAL ROCK S.UPPORT ABOVE EL 39.0' BENCH NTS ROCK L~OLE GROUT OR SLOW RESIN FOR FULl -~-- ENCAPSULATION I THREAOBAR ,. 8 GRADE 60~ f.= ~ 2'' '* 6 ROCK SOL TS _fTfYPl ~ .. "G~E'i.~DEW f DETAIL E NTS 5.o· I (fYP) EL 39.0' .;.10 ROCK OOWEL(TYP) TYPICAL ROCK SUPPORT ABOVE: E L 180' BENCH SCALE B LANDING STRIP ACCESS ROAD-DETAIL D ELVARIES. (ROAO CUTl CHAIN Llt-'K MESH-OETAfL E 39.0 DETAIL C TYPICAL SENCH SUPPORTS SCALE B EXCAVATE TO STABLE CUT FOR CONSTRUCTIONJ11"""' {1H"1VOR FLATTER IN .~ ~~~~8~~~~~NU,~I'\ 10V lN BACKFILL W/E:XCAVATED RANOOM FILL TO TOP OF GAB IONS (MAX 2.0' LIF'T HEIGHT) GEOTEXTILE (TO 1.0' BELOW TOP OF ROCK, TYPE At) UP TO 6" BEDDING OF GRAVEL FILL OR fi!OCK $PALLS ALLOWABLE'. TO SMOOTH PLACEMENT SURFACE DE TAIL D TYP GA810N PLACE ME NT SCALE 8 (PLATE 7 ) PLACED WITH LONG AXIS PARALLEL TO WALL TOP ROW ONLY iOP OF EXISTING BEDROCK (SEE SLOPE NOTE, PLATE 71 0 10 20FEET I ;a SCALE B: t•:tO' 0 20 40 FEET I i2 SCALE A: t":20' DOWEL THIS PLATE SHOWS SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT WORK. FUTURE EXCAVATION FOR THE POWERHOUSE AND PENSTOCK WILL BE PART OF CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT. .A BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SITE PREPARATION EXCAVATION AT POWERHOUSE ELEVATIONS PLATE 8 6C6•j>STL PENSTOO< 6'-6" DIA PENSTOCK IN TRENCH 11 1 9 SlL LINER-- NTS i i_ PENSTOCK DRAIN {TYP) 11' DIA. PENSTOCK 0 10 20FEEf r 1 •• TERSE:CTlON f_ PENSTOC<IENCASED GRAVEL SI..AfAU:. i:.L 4Q'± ~ I'TERSE:CT!ON .NNEL I ' INTERSS::TION I ' IN CONCRETE r f--__ -·):;·---·""' .. . u .,.1 -"" -------::-. ..._ ---=-=---~-. ' •. . : OJT !.CQ'{ER SECTION hj ffir ·r-'"J""' --· ' ,, -, ' ' ± --l ···---· -, '---, -"< .,_--' '----~---j . :+ = = = ::.-_ =-:· _-><::.'~C:: o:.~::------___-.,_ ~ '_;____ -::::::::----::_-:-_:_-_ -:_-_ :_.---I : ----------_;_~·-----· PENSTOCK ORA IN (TYP) (OETAn.S LATER) PENSTOCK & POWERHOUSE 0 10 2Cl FEET ~"f,UtllTS EL40' E L .""'iNUS 9':L FUTURE UN! T EXCAVATION \ ~LD~~:;~~rs ,..J-o• ·.·-1, ·. • .. -4ll ~ 24'-0" GATE EL MINUS9'± THIS DRAWING SHOWS CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WORK. THE POWERHOUSE AND PENSTOCK ARE BEING DESIGNED AND WILL BE SUBJECTS OF THE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT. A BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 90 MW PEL TON POWERHOUSE STONE I. VWEBSTER ENGIN£ER1NG COf:tPORATIOIII PLATE 9 I \ I I ' ' \7 \7 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD LEVEL EL 1190.6' NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING RESERVOIR LEVEL EL 1180.0' ROCKFALL BENCH EL 1120.0' EXISTING GROUND LINE (APPROX) GATE HOUSE GAlE SHAFT EXISTING G~OUND LINE ( APPROX) ROCKFALL B~NCH E L 1 120.0' TEMPORARY ROCK PLUG / / ,..,..--- //' I GROUT RINGS____! / / / / //EL10965' I ' ' ' ' ' EL 1062.5 I I --- 1 \<{ cEL1076Q' SLP:1 0•1. ~~~~~~T~?NNE FLOW EL 10600' I GROUT CURTAIN~ I 11-~~--------------~-----------=---~~~--:,:H~A~~--- o 10 en 0 1(1 BY PASS ~~ :!'?~~ ;!~~"! ..,~ Vl~Vlt"'l V'Jt"'l V'Jt"'l "' ;!r: "''"' SITE PREPARATION CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT f CONTRACT EL 1076 0' CON CRETE I CONCRETE i2 DIVERSION TUNNEL SECTION SCALE B "' ~c; "'0 ~0 00 ++ 00 ;!;! "'"' -'-' ww H <( ~I u .. ~ 5j (};) '-0 -----FLOW -T-ri:J.;NEL ]0 ~~====~~~~.u ~2 ~ 5.J SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT v.oRK ON THIS DRAWING INCLUDES: EL10760' 'ro Jil TUNNEL >s 1-1 SCALE A r 2-2 SCALE A EL10890' EXCAVATION I ~ SPR!~GL~N~ "! "' •' PLAN OF TUNNEL SCALE B <t. SHAFT I PENSTOCK AIR VENT PIPE 10'-6" 3-3 SCALE A 4-4 SCALE A 11:. I I 40'-0" '.coNe I wALL"\ • EXCAVATION OF DIVERSION TUNNEL • CCNSTRUCTION OF INTAKE OF DIVERSION THIS DESIGN WORK IS PRESENTED IN THE SITE ~TON CONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT. CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WORK INCLUDES: •EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION OF GATE SHAFT •LINING OF TUNNEL DOWNSTREAM OF INTAKE • CONSTRUCTION OF DISCHARGE STRUCTURE THIS DESIGN WORK WILL BE SUBJECTS OF THE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT. BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY =TOC~ • G Htltl1 G • r .SL~ .& CONSTRUCTION DIVERSION SECTIONS AND DETAILS STONE & VI'EBSTEA ENGINEERING CORPORATION PLATE 10 E L 1063.0' 0 20 40 FEET I ...... SCALE B: 1 ·, 20' 0 8 16 FEET I iiiliiil 5-5 SCALE A SCALE A: 1":8'-0" ~ aoYELOPED PROFILE TYPlCAL SECTION -.. ,...., -:s ~CAU•nu CONDillONS IN CONDUIT DISCHARGE = 350 CFS CORRESPONDING DEPTH =4.13 FT VELDOTY = 16.9 FT/SEC. STATE-SUPERCRITICAL THIS DRAWING SHOWS CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WORK. THE MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION WILL BE A SUBJECT OF THE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT. BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION PLAN & PROFILE PLATE 11 ~ .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. SPILLWAY CHANNEL SALLWAY WIER CONCRETE APRON DOWNSTREAM OF LON LEVEL OUTLET PLAN-MIDDLE F~K DIVERSION INTAKE CENTER LINE NATURAL FUO'W ~ DETAIL A 41 MAX. HW. EL. 2210' ?:!x 7:! SLUICE WITH CIRCULAR WALL Tl-IIMBLE----- I r--;,71'----'1 \z I 1--- --.... T ---~LEVEL --J I l', ,. • "~ , -""' I I ' ,/i• "·" 04 ' l , ill r-, ~~LION"-. )-CONCRETE ROCK LINE ---' I \ -· . I ·~ .. ' 'I .. . I ' -, TOP OFD<W EL.2212' ---L I --- · · -~ <~/ Jt,J ---r~ .. r--T:n·--·-r-·-~T .. ('J<l----~lr 1 TJ·:---, ,--J 1j_L _j )..-.I..-_L_i _ _l_ Ll 1----' ~ru~•' -l--t-_l_L__> -/ -~c ~ w•rn ~m ® SHEET ALE INTO ROCK CUT-OFF WALL VI'EW LOOKING DOWNSTREAM MA~2210' 15 9 ' rCOMPACTEDJ •a .l ROCK FILL ,;"-(TYP) 1-1 M" 2;:.2 GROUT CURTAIN~ 3-3 ~I ~. MAX. H.W. EL.2210' EL.2200' LOW LEVEL OUTLET 31 VIEW LOOKING DONNSTREAM AT SHEET PILE CUT-OFF WALL ... PZ 38 CAULKED INTERLOCKS SHEET PILE CUT-oFF WALL GROUT CURTAIN ~D<W 4-4 EL.2204" EL.2200' DETAIL B DETAIL A SELECT BEDDING MATERIAL BELO'W PIPE SPRING LINE CONC. APRON (30"x15) Wz ~:3 ~a. zw ww OlVJ THIS DRAWING SHOWS CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WORK. THE MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION WILL BE A SUBJECT OF THE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DE SIGN REPORT. BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION ELEVATIONS & DETAILS PLATE 12 -- 1090 1050 ........... ~.... _, . b":"' ,.,..-/ ----...... ,;.Oo .,....... ,.,..-, -// .?'d," ,...---J ,.... / /">"' / L"'t ( / -~ / / !? Ji' / .---/ I ..p 0"" / 1L----/' //... ~d' /(t. "'/ / "' ( \...' ..... / I ;.. liMfT OF "' \ 1 I //' 1 ~ EXCAVATIO~ \ /1 I \ I I I f 1 \ \ ';; I 1 11 ,_ \ ~ / f ,, --', ', y,/ / -' ' -J ,,---,"". ', ' \ \ ' \ \ \ - \ \I '/--/-:.-.... -~,00:- ,, / / I / I / I I I I I r-·4f'P'IOX EXIST ·!'lATER APPROX TOP OF' ROCK EXCAVATE TOE/POSE ELEVATION OF RIPRAP TOP 01' BEDROCK FROM ro EL lOBO WASTE FILL DISPOSAL AREA B. FlLL TO £:...1100 MAX PLAN DIVERSION CHANNEL APPROX TOP OF COMMON MATERIAL-EX!ST ... , .... , '~ "',, ... ', '·, DISPOSAL '.,, WASTE :.'~tl.~ TO \ MAX \ (};) / 10801 ~ t ~. 1070 1060 i050J L 1-1 t:XTE:NO TO ~~~~~~~~~mq~~~==~~==========~~~~~~~~::~~~illi~~~;;::~~~:::;~~~~~~~~~·~~------_:E;;XCAVATION APPROX STA 14!+4 4 ---+ SLOPE ~ 0 33"f.c :::-+SlOPE z :lo •r .. THIS DRAWING SHOWS SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT WORK. '- ~ 1h00 tz.oo BRADLEY LAKE ALASKA DIVERSION CHANNEL PROFILE MAIN DAM DIVERSION CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS 0 40 80FEET I -SCALE:: l"~ 40' •, ~"'"'"" ---'~----r-~ ~· :112100 ~~~~:t '\ .. ~-:----~~ ·~----~ ~, ~. 30----- /' 40 60- -t;; 211'!600 ... r;: 8 BAY\ ---1; 2112600 ... "' "' .... 8 ~2112100 ... "' "' 8 SHGP/WAREHOUSE ~ _/~ ~/// ~2111600 70 ~ "' 8 FUTURE / TAILR..1.CE (CIVIL CONSTRUCT ION CONTRACT) ~g~,'i,RREHOU sE-=:1 {CIVIL CONSTRUCT tO CONTRACT) 0 50 100 FEET = SCALE; 1•: 50' -t~ 2111600 I~ 0 0 70 ELB THIS DRAWING SHOWS SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT WORK, ~ BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PERMANENT CAMP & POWERHOUSE PLATE 14 /? J x-7. 6 ~~.o x-7. 7 x-7. 4 0 OPTIONAL DQCI"i EXTENSION MAY BE INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR x-7.4 y; ~~EE0c"~LE -----;:::·" _...---/." ... ' . ·~·~'" ~,,.---.• ··Y ·~·"------/ '":'~""'~~ /~ +~ N2112000 / J .... . " /~--~ X -2.4 Jl(-2.8 ---~--- x-2.6 j ~~·20-------------x-1.6 Jl( -1.7 X -1.5 x-1.5 ·2.0 HORZ./VERT. CONTROL MONUMENT SHEEP POINT N 2111279.99 E :ffiT65:9'1 ELEV .• 14.48 I PROJ. DATUM x-1.5 X -1.5 x-.9 X•2.9 G~AOE THIS AREA AS REQUIRED TO PROviDE -RM 130 GRACING OF SILT~ SHALL BE BY CUT ONLY. ( UNIFORM BOTTOM FOR BARGE GROUNDING. MINOR FILLING TO OBTAIN GRADE SHALL UTILIZE MARTIN RIVER BORROW. UNIFORM GRADE TO EXTEND 100' BEYOND FACE OF CELLS ON BOTH SIDES OF CELLULAR x -2.7 / BULKHEAD. _;; x-2.2 I x-.9 Jl(-.4 x-.2 X -.6 x. 3 xl.O NOTE: END CHANNEL EXCAVATION AT ·6.0' CONTOUR lt!.LAT"IONSHtP 01 V[RTtCAL OATUNS APPROXIMATE STA. 9+60 x-2.2 ( x-2.3 j ... x-1.1 x-.9 x-.7 (9 RM 134 0 / __r _ __/x.2 r ~cii~~E~T~~~t!c[~~s tt. ROAD STA. !156+62.02 • BARGE ACCESS STA. B 0•00 N 2111339.43 E 321616.63 xt.O 0 ~OFEEf SCALE: 1•; 50' 0 0 2 X 2.1 x-1. 2 K.UCOVl WI.I.W .. ,... .. " ... ...... 11.60 N8N SLOUGH CHANNEL EXCAVATE TO EL -6 0 llA• COWl ... O&Tu• ~:: -ooo -911 ll:l'IOo..F.Y I'IIOJEo.T OATUII .,, '" PfiOJf.CT" OATUM ORIGIN (ASSUME( N ALL DREDGE MATERIAL REMOVED FROM SLOUGH CHANNEL SHALL SE STOCKPILED IN WATERFOWL NESTING AREA X .1 x.4 x.9 x.9 X 1.2 -......________ 5 ....____, ~ ~ L CHANNEL EXCAVATION INTERSECTION AT EXISTING CHANNEL STA 0• 30 (N2,111,.773* E322,183'*) CONTRACTOR TO FIELD LOCATE NOTE: A.LL ELEVATIONS ON THIS DRAWING ARE PROJECT DATUM. l""" THIS DRAWING SHOWS SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT WORK J,i, BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BARGE STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION DOCK PLATE15 ~ NOTE· REF PLATE;: 7 SEE MATCH 5HT 551095-AR ·4 ~ f327000 PLOT PLAN-POWERHOUSE SUBSTATION ... -u: .. nn GRACING lN PORTION OF SUBSTATION WILL BE PART OF CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ~ POWERHOUSE 0 5I ~ 327000 TO SOLDOTNA TO FRITZ CREEK PLOT PLAN -BPADLEY JUNCTION . . ... .... ~zc:::s --·WO,)D POLE STRUCTURE TYPICAL TRANSMISSION STRUCTURE ~IM/'fiT g TO BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT THIS DRAWING SHOWS CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AND TRANSMISSION CONTRACTS WORK. THIS WORK WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION FINAL SUPPORT!N DESIGN REPORT A BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY POWERHOUSE SUBSTATION AND BRADLEY JUNCTION PLATE 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I - 115KV LINES TO 8RAOLEY JUNCTION SA r-"~" • ov> v•uo·• E OYUE\-0 ~0$21 0YUB-PCB2 C: 0YUB-MOS22 MGS21 f-® OYUEI--! MGS22 r 0YUEI- OYU~1 ~ MGS~ 1 .,_Y 115KV BUS OYUS·JB B 115KV SUS OYUB·4B • Z~~~a@ t ~21~~1 ~tV~-~bus~2 lGMS-XV1 1YUE\-~i: WUB· MGS1T E MOSIT rOYUB-j® 0YUS-MGSJ1 MGSJ2 ,, ,. 1MTX-XM1 MN XFMRl 33.8145.1 156 :JMVA,,'.l8-TT5KV )PH,60HZ,l::-9•t,. 9' 1NPS-AC810 9"' 2NPS-AC820 120QA. 1200A OEGS·G, ~DIESEL GEN lk KVA, 480\1, ,. -~ ONJS·X$1 l ~O<X:V133JK'¥1 l10Q0.113331<VA 3PH.60HZ 9 STA SERVT 1JS00~480V 1J800·480V 'GMS-AC81 XF"MR1 JPH, 60HZ :) OEGS~ACS 301 T JPH,60HZ GEN BRKR NO. 1 f:--"< 3000A _ _ )oNJS-ACa•m ,) ONJS·ACB10J I) ONJS-ACa2o1 ONJS·VS2 _j_ ' 480V 00$ 1GMB-XV2 1GMS-G1 GEN NO 1 13.8KV, JPHJ>OHl 5.9MVA , 0. 95 Pf: '"~~.(n NEUTXFMR ru 9. 2GMB-XV1 2GMS-ACB1 (;F.N BRKR NO.2 JOOOA -.c:=r vr 6 !<HIJJ---3 8>-VT 2GM8-XV2 TO DIAMOND RIDGE ~T~~-­ ":[ "'r LINE 2 TO 6RAOI..EY LAI(-E / BRADLEY JUNCTION ;r,2NPS-ACB40 ;r, 1NPS-I>CB30 Y. 1200A Y. 1200A T l 0NPS-XA1 ~PROJ.::CT f:"ACIUTIES SERViCE: XFMR NO 1 .ttf I~VA.138-l2_47KV JPH,&OHZ F'EEDER TO PERMANENT PROJECT f"ACILITIE:S BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJEC7 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY & MAIN ONE LINE DIAGRAM STONE l 'hEBSTER ENGINEERI._.G CORPORA TlON PLATE 17 MARTIN RIVER BORROW AREA 0 200' <100' ~I CAU! .. f'Uf )' 06] TYPICAL MARTIN RIVER OORRON AREA DIKE o s' HI' 1'5iiew-I ICAUWII'IU BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PROPOSED MARTIN RIVER BORROW AREA PLATE 18 ......_____ 20 . y<·77) <::~'if.: -~~/ '-.£.. ::;/ ------{-15) ;;; ~~--,7~ 1;----·200 _..r- ?ERM"-NEN11 CAMP SITE~ PLATE 14 LOWER CONCRETE SATCH PLANT SlTE ...._____, SPOIL DISPOSAL !!. WATERFOWL NESTING AREA CONCRETE DROP BOX TYPICAL ROAD SECTION ALONG 12 .. B£DOJNG BLANKET EA SIDE DREDGE DISPOSAL!!. WATERFOWL NESTING AREA 0 1()' 20' MtU ~ SCALE lN Ft;;ET 0 200 400 ~I SCALE IN FEET WATERFOWL NESTING ISLAND SCHEDULE TOP TYPE NUMBER WIDTH REO'D. '?.l'::' 1 64 1'-5' 2 64 5'-10' ~---64 10'-20' 4 40 5'-10' -- TOP LENGTH DIM. r -5' 5'-10' 10'-20' 20'-100' REMARKS SMALL MEDIUM -----LARGE ·-- PENINSULA 15' • 2.0' RECLAIMED DREDGE SEED TOP AND UPPER SLOPES FROM EL 10' TO EL 12' _.....,.:sz_ __ MA." ··-~. -• . ·~ ....& ... THE WATERFOWL NESTING AREA WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WORK AND WILL BE A SUBJECT OF THE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION C.ONTRACT FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT. a BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY WATERFOWL NESTING AREA ;:) I 1,/NJ: • 'hEBSll:!R EHGINE.I'£R1"+G CORPORATION PLATE 19 FIGURES .l CALCULATED FOR MODIFIED ACCELEROGRAM NORMALIZED TO 0.75g -5% DAMPING KERN COUNTY EARTHQUAKE 7-21-52 FRIULI, ITALY EARTHQUAKE 9-15-76 TAFT LINCOLN SCHOOL TUNNEL (S69E) SAN ROCCO (EW) SCALE FACTOR = 3.50 SCALE FACTOR = 3.18 2.25r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ -0) -z 0 1.88 t-1.50 < a: LU ....J LU (.) (.) < ....J < a: 1.13 t-(.) 0.75 LU a. en 0.38 ~RESPONSE SPECTRUM ~ FOR MODIFIED ACCELEROGRAM BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT MEAN RESPONSE SPECTRUM FOR MAXIMUM EARTHQUAKE (NEARBY SHALLOW CRUSTAL FAULT) DAMPLING RATIO = 0.05 REFERENCE: WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS REPORT: "DESIGN EARTHQUAKE STUDY" NOVEMBER 10, 1981 o.oo~----~------_.-------L------~------~------~----~------~-------L------~------~----~ 0.00 0.25 0.50 0. 7 5 1.00 1.25 1.50 1. 7 5 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 PERIOD (sec) 3.00 MEAN HORIZONTAL RESPONSE SPECTRUM ----------------------------FIGURE F6.2-5----- ' I I ,.... 0) .._, z 0 -r- <( a: UJ ...J UJ (.) (.) <( c z MODIFIED ACCELEROGRAM OBTAINED FROM THE FOLLOWING TWO ACCELEROGRAMS KERN COUNTY EARTHQUAKE 7-21-52 FRIULI, ITALY EARTHQUAKE 9-15-76 IIA004 TAFT LINCOLN SCHOOL TUNNEL, COMP S69E AND 1-3-169 ITALY SAN ROCCO, COMP EW SCALE FACTOR ::: 3.50 SCALE FACTOR ::: 3.18 0.75r---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 0.50 0.25 0.00 0.00 SEC TO 2.32 SEC OF MODIFIED = 0.00 SEC TO 2.32 SEC OF KERN CO. 2.34 SEC TO 4.30 SEC OF MODIFIED = 2.14 SEC TO 4.10 SEC OF FRIULI 4.32 SEC TO 55.14 SEC OF MODIFIED = 3.58 SEC TO 54.40 SEC OF KERN CO. THIS PLOT LIMITED TO FIRST 48.0 SECONDS OF THE MODIFIED ACCELEROGRAM :::l-0.25 0 a: c:J -0.50 -0.75~----~~------~~----~------~~----~L-------~----------~--------~--------~-------L---------L------~ 0.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 32.00 36.00 40.00 44.00 48.00 TIME (sec) DESIGN ACCELEROGRAM L__---------------~----------FIGURE F6.2-6- APPENDIX B CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE CONTRACT DATES APPENDIX B FINAL SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT VOLUME 1 ATTACHMENT 1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE CONTRACT DATES SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT Bid Advertisement Bid opening Contract award Construction start CIVIL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Bid Advertisement Bid opening Contract award Construction start TRANSMISSION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Bid Advertisement Bid opening Contract award Construction start March 10, 1986 April 15, 1986 May 1, 1986 June 1, 1986 February 1, 1987 March 15, 1987 June 1, 1987 July 1, 1987 August 1, 1987 November 15, 1987 December 1, 1987 January 1, 1988 The Final Supporting Design Report including final drawings for the Civil and Transmission Construction Contract will be submitted to the Commission for their approval in January 1987. 2-383-JJ INDEPENDENT BOARD OF CONSULTANT'S MEETINGS: . ' ;., ) ) MAY 17, 1983 Bradley Lake Project Dear Sir: We visited the site of Bradley Lake Project on May 12. Discussions were held with you and your staff on May 12 and 13. The present task is to evaluate the feasibility of the project. The following summary is our conclusions and recommendations. 1. We consider the geologic conditions favorable. There do not appear to be any physical conditions which would preclude development or result in excessive unanticipated costs from the estimates now being developed. 2. \~e concur· completely with the basic layout now being considered. We consider the revised intake design and location, spillway, powerhouse location, and method of diversion significant improvements. 3. We believe an embankment dam approximately at the axis nov con- sidered to be feasible and appropriate. We consider a concrete faced rockfill dam satisfactory. A rockfill with till core could also be considered. We note, however, such a design is subject to more delays in construction from ~.;eather and requires a larger total volume of fill and wider base width than a concrete faced dam. Thus space limitations, considering the location of the intake, cofferdam and topography of the right abutment, might result in significant problems in layout and greater costs for the rockfill dam with impervious core. 4. Studies on other projects have shown repeatedly significantly larger costs for concrete gravity dam as compared with an embank- ment dam where both are located along the same axis. At this site an alternative axis located upstream would offer abutments and crest length height ratio favorable to the use of a gravity arch with probably some saving as compared with a gravity dam at the present axis. We are not at all certain that space limitations would make this feasible considering topography, requirements of the cofferdam and intake to the power tunnel. We believe fea- sibility of this concept could be evaluated from a preliminary layout and suggest this be considered. ·. ·• . .. ) 5. Examination of the rock indicates a quarry can be developed which will produce excellent rock for a rockfill dam ~ith minimal zoning required. For estimating purposes for the concrete faced dam we suggest using only three zones: a zone of processed material under the slab, an oversize rock zone on the downstream face, and the remainder quarry run. 6. We concur with the tunnel alignment and suggest the section requir- ing steel lining upstream of the powerhouse be placed as low as is feasible to shorten the length of steel lining and to minimize the hazard of encountering low areas in the rock cover. Rail transport will be necessary in the tunnel which will generally require a grade not to exceed about one percent. 7. We concur with your plan to move the powerhouse into the rock slope to ensure rock foundations and a rock sill in the tail race to control tail water levels at the powerhouse. 8. We concur with your decision to use cwo units only. 9. The economics of the project is dominated by the cost of the power tunnel. Preliminary inspection of the rock from the Bull Moose and Bradley River Fault zones indicate that most of the fault zone material is rehealed breccia which shows neither hydrothermal alteration nor iron staining, from surface water. Although these zones will be crossed by the power tunnel; major support problems are not expected but more exploration in the fault zone are neces- sary to substantiate these opinions. To date the cores take in the fault zone do not show the high percentage of core loss and g~uge one would expect in such a major fault zone. The hardness of the rock is very important in determining if a TBM is feasible for this job. It is recommended that abrasion and Schmidt Hammer hardness tests be conducted on representative samples of the: 1) argillite, 2) graywacke, 3) chert and 4) argillite with chert bands. Unconfined strengths and sonic velocities of these materials should be determined on the same samples used for the hardness tests. The geologic investigation should emphasize identification of the argillite, grawacke, and chert units in the field such that the percentage of the proposed tunnel in each of the lithologic units can be estimated. The hardness of these units and the length of tunnel in each can then be used to estimate the daily progress of a TBH. The estimate of progress is the most impor~ant factor govern- ing the economics of the power tunnel as well as the project. ' . ... t .. In order to make the estimate more meaningful it would also be helpful to obtain samples from the Terror Lake Tunnel for hardness tests. The rate of progress in that tunnel is presently being recorded and a correlative between hardness and TBM advance costs for the most current TB~t would add to the credibility of an esti- mate of TBM rates for the Bradley Lake Project. 10. Undrained shear strength tests should be made of samples of the soils of the tidal flats to provide short term shear strengths of these materials. These data would provide a basis for designing slopes of the barge canal and basin. Respectively Submitted, ~-~·~)\· A. J. Hendr<1n, Jr. rz;~ -7' ~ __.-7 -r· , / . . . ·' · W. F. Swiger A.JH/\.fFW I FH \ ) ) July 18, 1983 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PO~ER PROJECT Dear Sir: The second meeting of the Board of Consultants convened in your office in Anchorage on July ll at 8:00am. There we were briefed on design studies for·the Bradley Lake project. On July 12 and 13 the site was visited. This included detailed ex- amination of rock outcrops to correlate descriptions of the various geologic units with laboratory tests which had been made to determine feasibility and rates of progress which could be anticipated for excavating the tunnel with a tunnel boring machine. The proposed exploratory program was reviewed and drill sites visited. Both the Bradley River Fault Zone and Bull Moose Fault Zone were examined on foot and from the helicopter. The proposed sites of the dam at Bradley Lake and the Power House were examined while referring to proposed layouts for these structures. Dam Preliminary layouts and typical cross-sections have been developed for the dam considering both a concrete faced rock filled embankment and a gravity concrete dam. For either, diversion would be a gravity tunnel through the right (north) abutment. The intake to the power tunnel would be in the left abutment just upstream of the dam. Borrow area for the embankment dam would be the 1270.7 ·rock hill on the left side, a very short haul. We consider the ·proposed layouts excellent. They ·are well adapted to the geologic and topographic conditions. We note that the embankment dam would permit lowering the low level of the lake to about El 1065 or lower thus increasing total generation at little cost without raising the dam. Also the spillway for the embankment dam is a simple and economical structure, but the concrete chute should be extended further downstream to protect the rock. This spillway design should be considered for the concrete gravity dam in studying comparative costs. The proposed cross-sections for the embankment dam is satisfactory. We understand that a brief study were made of a gravity arch structure. However, constructing the upstream cofferdam would be difficult and expensive and there were significant problems in providing a suitable intake to the power tunnel. Accordingly this need not be further considered at this time. Powerhouse The powerhouse is to be located north of the Corps of Engineers cation where a rock nose offers possibility of excavating much of tailrace in rock. Topography of the nose is being reviewed. lo- t he The 2 present map is not accurate enough to locate a field survey is necessary to locate the tailrace will be entirely in rock. The development is considered satisfactory. the powerhouse and we feel powerhouse such that the basic, proposed plan of Tunnel As previously indicated, the feasibility and rates of progress of using a tunnel boring machine are strongly influenced by the properties of the rock being excavated. Thus to evaluate this it was necessary to: 1. Classify the rock along the line of the tunnel and determine the amount of each rock type present. 2. Run tests on representative samples of the types. In these tests the Schmidt Hammer Hardness and Shore Hardness are measured. various rock Hardness, Abrasion Total Hardness HT is then defined as HR times the square root of HA where HR is the Schmidt Hammer Hardness and HA is the abrasion hardness. This has been correlated with penetration rates by tunnel boring machines on a number of other projects. Tests were also made on samples of rock from the Terror Lake Project at locations where the penetration rates were known. Penetra- tion rate is the advance in feet per hour of actual operation of the machine. The route of the tunnel was mapped by geologists of Shannon & Wilson from outcrops along or near the alignment and a map presented showing the distribution and extent of the several rock types present. This is based on surface exposures only of course, but the relative amounts of the various types present are considered adequate as a guide to the relative amounts of the various rock types present along the tunnel line. A number of samples of rock from the earlier core borings were selected as being representative of the rock types anticipated. These were tested at the Rock Mechanics Laboratory at the University of Illinois. Attached is a report by Dr. Hendron dated June 21, 1983 summarizing results of the tests on the rock from the Bradley Lake and Terror Lake projects. The tests on Terror Lake samples were conducted because the rates of penetration with a recently designed Robbins disk cutter machine were known. For example, the Total Hardness of samples at station 241+59 averaged about 115 for three samples and the rate of progress observed was 7.1 ft/hr. Table 1 attached summarized the geologic studies and rock tests to provide estimated penetration rates for each rock type and the estimat- ed amounts of each type along the tunnel. Also summarized on this table are estimates of widths of fault affected zones, gouge zones and temporary rock support required. These were developed in conference in your office on July 14. This table will provide a basis for compara- tive estimates to develop project capacity. ) ,) J It is understood that selected samples of the several rock types will be submitted to manufacturers of tunnel boring machines who will provide independent estimates of penetration rates. These later data will then be combined with Table l for use in preparing the final estimate. It should be noted that Table l was constructed on the assumption that the rock described in the field as "massive argillite" was as hard as the grayYacke. In fact the rock described in the field as massive argillite might well be a very fine grayYacke or a metamorphosed silicious siltstone. These studies indicate that the tunnel can be excavated using a tunnel boring machine. The rock here is significantly harder than that at Terror Lake and the rate of progress will be slower but should be much faster than drill and blast procedures. Th.e present estimate is based on a tunnel profile Yith at 1. 5% grade connecting to a steeply sloping shaft near the intake. The steeply inclined portion of the tunnel can be raise bored with presently available equipment and the same raise borer can be used to excavate most of the surge tank and the shafts for the intake gate structure. Boring Program The tunnel alignment was shifted northYard at the Bradley fault in order to cross the fault zone where the zone appeared to be narrower from field and airphoto observations; we concur in this change and with the present location of the boring relocated to the present position of the tunnel crossing. We also concur with the boring located at the Bull Moose Fault and the elimination of the boring at the powerhouse. The boring at the powerhouse is to be replaced by surface trenches to verify the existence of bedrock. Summary We were very favorably impressed by the proposed layouts and the work accomplished. As indicated in our opinion the tunnel can be excavated using a tunnel boring machine. Penetration rates for a TBM were developed for the several rock types. Respectfully submitted, ~9-~~, A.J. Hendron, Jr. _;7/}?:~y W.F. Swig~ TABLE ROCK CHARACTERISTICS & TUNNELING DATA TUNNEL FROM D/S PORTAL TO LOWER BEND OF INCLINED SHAFT BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Length ROCK TYPE (ft) Graywacke & Graywacke/Arg-illite 4300 Massive Argillite 5000 Foliated Argillite 3500 Foliated Cherty Argillite (includes Dacite) 3550 Chert 5xl0=50 Fault Zones Bull Moose Bradley River Random Lineament Gouge Bull Moose Bradley River Random D/S Portal TOTAL LENGTH 350 200 200 200 25 2x5•10 50 3x5=15 50 17500 ft. *Additional Testing to be done Penetration Delay Hardness Rate (ft/hr) time 130 6* N/A 130* 6* N/A 70 13* N/A 100(est) 9* N/A 190 3* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 130 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Drill and Blast Section 60 days Total .. II .. tt II tt Re-steel through fault area #8 @ 12" E.W. Temp.Supt Needs Select- ively located 3/4" d ia. 6' long Mech.Anc. 2 bolts every 4 feet for 1650 feet =825 bolt 2/3 sets t.'F4xl3 Full Circle Sets WF5xl9 Full Sets WF4xl3 ) -. - -------------------------------------------------------------No 4: CoH~Q& Park Court PO. Oo• l2S S•voy. llllno•• !>11174 Or. Gary Brierly Stone & Webster. Inc. P.O. Box 5406 Denver. CO 80217 Dear Gary: Phon•·f217J JSl-8701 June 21 • 1983 J352 T~I~copy; Pill 351·6100 Tettoa: 2 iOt~·PGeoc~ntt"f Svy f Cable: GEOCEN!ER Enclosed is a summary of Bradley lake Rock Tests. These include Schmidt Hardness, Shore Hardness, Abrasion Hardness, Unit Weight, Unconfined Compressive Strength, and longitudinal Wave Velocity test results. Calculated values of the total hardness are also included. At present the total hardness values are still the best index to correlate with machine tunnelling progress. In general it appears that the total hardness values of the argillite ranges between 50-100, while the total hardness of the graywacke ranges from 100-150, and the values for the chert-quartzite ranges from 170-200 . AJH:jk enc •• Respectfully submitted, ~J·~f?'· Alfred J. Hendron, Jr. -\!) 2 ::ll a. J . _... . . !}) .... i - s.: I I -'· "' . -. -.. ·---11]""--. rJ ' ttl I "' -i' "'"""'-1"-Q ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ lA ~ .0 ~· ·:;.- c'1 dJ (/] . 0 1) -0 ..::::r - ,_.) 1-: r') --r r ~--/) .. ----·--···-----~ ,.. t'1 ,.. -_, -.., -;:..-::! -;1:.-:J. :t: -:;t. -t:r D ll \.1. v \I v \J v 0 0 JJ --::=-... :::--~ ::: :f -:. F. v t.l v . ( ~ •> c ... j 4 .. .. ,· v LOCAT!OIJ ZiZ.+'r' 2.-12.'11 '2. i I r S'l Z .f I 1 ,.-~ Z i I~ S''l ~·~-. ··-·-~.....-..-·. 1\j ... ~ .. -••• "1.~ .•.. ...,._..,. ............. ,. ... -............. ,! ._ •. _ ....... ~"~·' ··- SUMMAKY OF K'"c7CK (ESTIAJ9 R£5UL TS '/£)i.nO'F\ LA Kf ~ A LASKA UN II UtJCO IJJ: I Nt:1J -ro rA '-LOIJ ~ 1 TV rmJ;1L Ct)l'"i P llE'.Sllt-wA.v~ SAM1LE DESCi\li'IIO,U \N£: 16 HT H-11\ 'tlunf v [1.0!.11 p 5 T R E' )J (1 T ll {pc.f) (f .. ;)d) .. Hr (11-/s.:L-) ·r---···--·-... ~ .. --··-·-. . .. -.... ---·· A )-/ YJ>f/..0-TJif RHAlL t I"" I _,-q ~i{A.V 1f1:--J1Lr<ll'b :B IJ Y}!e.o ·THE.l{~l\u r' u.:z.. 2. z.. ZZ 1 80'L1 -HJooo 11 L rt"t r h c,((Au nf A rRF5f.l (:, f.}.. u ff f ff1),~8 22.JS'i8. 3 l0b,10 14,8 Z-7.. ~ f R.F?s n GI..AI.Jirti "·1.18 Z2.,008,'0 1}9,) I !41'196 --·-_ ......... -...... -··--· c.. FFtE$1i 4-RA}..Jirr:.' J(p(,./1 ;l.3)J18.4-JZ.I. q:t IS1 /fS" H" ... " ~ 1 '::;( ~ "'"' ; ~ '"' () ..., ""' ~ ;; ;1 !<:: .a c ~ < ar .. fM! -:.. c.:: c:r <(. ~~ '.4 ·~ ~':1: \lj, ·--·-··. f ~I!> ~. 0" u.o+ --- 41. 7 C,SI es.z. c. --·~ 1(,,3 (,. 6 f t)8.1t7 ----- 4S.3 1. z.s 63.~ (!) -rorlft.. IIAe.'t:>JJEi'S J/T ::: J./p. 'I. [iJ;. \J}Ia.c 1//1(: 'Rt:!ovtJb #Atbu.n~ (Sc..J~I'H i!.IIMI".~"i{J ,_,.,J tfp, ':: Abtlli•O•J )ir,n,J,~: {f) A~ IS(X) ,..,_; t) .. ;"''~l Lc .. d d) /loT G.::."i\~.:aeb i='oR 1../l:l ':f Z-.... I· ~ Ef~HA I ).),d/'lfr!lt I L( ..;) M'Ht..E' 'I"'~ "\ Tl> ~4.z.+?-l B I 3,112.!1 I l,V .. ""'1 /. 374'~ 2.-41 t .Pl A +.4"U. 2, 2.'2..1Z. 2, 0 II} Z.. 2..41tS~ e 3.'l{.3~ .Z,l.4B+ /.1f..2..~ 2.f/tS"~ G 1.Hnl Z,,ZSJZ.. 11,'1+3!"" G~~------------~---------------0 ) '"'t ~ u {Q ~ 1'\1 N rc It) '-"1 .... + "' 1' .... "t-T 'q- t\.1 N .-..! ~ ~ ~ \,) ""'( () I ~ -I ~ I 1 ·~...U V\ -::::::> ~ <!> -.I v -.::::c ~ .... () lu V1 X ~ ' . -.1 V1 <) ~ > '(:, ~ IJ) {X 'w'l ~ - A 0 ~ <:: p c li: --1 ~ ""' ~ «: ..J _j 0 -.. c:;:: ~ '-..I ,._ X. .J ~ """ ~ ., .. ) - t- )(. ~ ~ ~ .. "')._ ID . ,_, ~ . -~ . . . _) Dr. A.J. Hendron, Jr. 28 Golf Drive Mahomet, ILL 61853 (217) 351-8701 September 27, 1984 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BOARD OF CONSULTANTS REPORT Dear Sir: W.F. Swiger Box 388 Buhl, Idaho 83316 (208) 543-4593 The third meeting of the Board of Consultants convened in your office in Anchorage on September 25. We were briefed on status and program of the Phase I geotechnical investigations. We visited the site on September 26. Further discussions were held and this report was prepared on September 27. The borings and field studies completed since our second report of July 15, 1983 were reviewed. G~E~ These further studies confirm the earlier preliminary design which served as a basis for the feasibility report for the project. We conclude: 1. The powerhouse location is satisfactory. 2. The axis of the dam is satisfactory and a concrete faced embank- ment dam is economical and preferred. 3. The tunnel can be excavated using a tunnel boring machine. ' . ' . ) .. ) 2 September 27, 1984 4. The thickness of fault zones and of gouge in the Bradley River Fault and Bull Moose Fault are in reasonable agreement with values previously assumed and can be tunneled through. 5. The location and proposed design of the spillway are satisfac- tory. 6. The present geotechnical investigations are directed to develop- ing information necessary prior to proceeding with design. We consider the program reasonable but do make below some sug- gestions regarding priority of the boring work and presentation of data. INVESTIGATIONS The present investigations reviewed by the writers included the geologic mapping, the drilling of exploratory core holes. and the description of the rocks encountered in both the field mapping and the rock cores. Core Holes Due to the liiiifted working time available this fall, it is extremely important to assign priority to the core holes to be completed at the high elevations. In our opinion, first priority should be assigned to Core Holes 9 and 14 to make sure the intake portal is in a location to provide stable slopes. We agree that Hole 9 should be inclined southward across the possible fault and we agree that Hole 14 should be inclined westward and should be revised to a length of 250 feet to compensate for being moved to a location approximately 50 feet higher than the original location. Core Hole 16 should be the next priority in order to define the depth of rock cover above the tunnel and to define the width of the possible fault zone. The location of Hole 16 should be moved far enough north in the valley in which it is located that it is located on the north side of the hypothesized fault and that it will cross the fault if it is inclined to the south. The present seismic surveys should be used to locate the most advantageous position for Core Hole 16. Core Hole 43 is next in order of priority and is necessary to define the extent of soft ( _) 3 September 27, 1984 materials in the area of the spillway. Core Hole 17 at the gate shaft is next in priority and is essential to furnish information on the quality of rock at the proposed gate shaft location. To provide time for completing the core holes listed this year, it is our recommendation that Core Holes 24 and 72 be deleted from this year's program. Core Hole 72 is not essential to locate the depth to bedrock at the powerhouse because of the outcrops and because of the planned trenching. Core Hole 24 is not necessary at this time. Early next year it is important to provide enough drill holes to determine the location of the toe slab of the dam in order that the design may be based on a fairly accurate geometry concerning the top of rock. We concur that two test trenches be excavated across the powerhouse location in order to define the top of rock. The rock discontinuities should also be mapped such that the orientations could be used to indicate orientation critical to any cuts in close proximity to the trenches. We recommend the overcoring and oriented core work be deferred. Field Mapping We have discussed in detail the geologic mapping with R&M Consultants and Stone & Webster personnel. One of the primary purposes of mapping in the areas of any proposed rock cut is to document the orientation of disconti- nuities such that appropriate wedge analyses can be conducted. It is also helpful to describe the continuity and planarity of the surfaces and the smoothness or roughness of these features. Another purpose of the continuous mapping along a Northwest-Southeast direction such as the power tunnel or access road alignment is to get an indication of the percentage of different lithologies which will be encountered by the tunnel. This is important because the tunnel most likely will be bid by a contractor based upon the use of a tunnel boring machine. The rate of progress will be sensitive to the type of rock encountered. According to hardness tests already conducted on this study, the hardness of the various rock types vary considerably and, therefore, \ 4 September 27, 1984 any estimate of average tunneling progress is highly dependent upon the percentage of each rock type encountered. It is also imperative that the rock outcrops in the field be consistently described lithologically such that it can be determined which rock type in the field is represented by certain laboratory core specimens selected for hardness testing. In past mapping and testing of the rock formations at the Bradley Lake site, ther~ have been no ambiguities concerning the descriptions in the field or cores of rock types designated as graywacke, massive chert, or foliated argillite. For these cases, we believe that the description of the field outcrops and rock cores has been consistent. We believe, however, that in past descriptions, the field outcrops described as .. massive" argillite, a rock type which all parties agree is very hard and silicious, may be more appropriately described as a very fine-grained graywacke. This is important because this in effect means that a larger percentage of the tunnel will be excavated in graywacke than was indicated in the feasibility report. It is recommended that these materials be described as very fine-grained graywacke when encountered. Large blocks of this material should also be obtained from the field to enable rock cores to be drilled for hardness tests. If these borderline materials are described as fine-grained graywacke, then the following guidelines should be used in designating the character of the following lithologic bands in field mapping. GRAYWACKE ARGILLITE CHERT ARGILLITE W/ CHERT NODULES DACITE Greater than 75% graywacke, less than 25% argillite. Greater than 75% argillite, less than 25% graywacke. Massive chert. Describe % of chert. 100% dacite. f • 5 September 27, 1984 It is our opinion that the hardness tests made on rock cores described as massive argillite and foliated argillite and which are presented in Tables 7.4-4 and 7.4-5 (S-A.J. Hendron, SWEC), are tests on samples which are properly described as argillite. This is confirmed by the fact that the hardness values shown for these materials in Tables 7. 4-4 and 7. 4-5 are nearly identical. It is our opinion, however, that most of the field outcrops mapped previously as "massive" argillite are silicious and, as discussed above, should be classified as fine-grained graywacke. Probably this inconsistency developed because classifying these rock in hand specimens from outcrop is difficult. It is properly identified as graywacke in cores because the bit cutting through the sand grains, even though they are very fine, results in the gray color typical of graywacke. It is nevertheless unquestionable that, whether this material is called "silicious" or massive argillite as in past mapping or fine-grained graywacke, it is hard, very difficult to break with a hammer and has a hardness more in line with the 125-150 associated with graywacke than with the range of 60-90 associated with argillite and for the purpose of evaluating tunneling progress should be classified as graywacke. It is suggested that the R&M geologists visit several field outcrops previously' mapped as "massive argillite" such that they can calibrate their current descriptions with the previous mapping. core descriptions should also be checked. Several previous It is recommended that the current field mapping effort be extended next spring and summer to map the valley just to the southeast of the tunnel alignment from the powerhouse toward the southeast. This mapping should be continued up and over the top along the tunnel to Bradley Lake. The geologists should continue their practice of obtaining samples from designated observation points so that the information is not lost and such that discussion of rock identification can be continued in the office at any time. The current work being done is very well documented in this fashion and is commended. It is suggested that Stone & Webster Engineering make the samples which were tested for hardness at the University of Illinois available to the ) 6 September 27, 1984 R&M geologists. They should describe these samples lithologically in the same manner currently being used. It is also suggested that a thin section of the "massive" chert be studied to possibly refine or change that description. MARTIN RIVER DELTA The Martin River Delta appears to be a good source of road and concrete aggregate. The aggregate should be tested for possible alkali aggregate reaction as soon as possible because of the "cherts" Yhich are found in the formation. Respectfully submitted, / \,, -.e::~..LJ..d...C~~:i:t::.;W.L.....t::...J::::..;:::_::---J: ;;)' A.J. Hendron, Jr. AJH:WFS :md ) _.) November 7, 1985 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BOARD OF CONSULTANTS -REPORT 4 The fourth meeting of the Board of Consultants convened in your office on November 4, 1985. We were briefed on the findings of geotechnical investigations recently completed in 1985, status of laboratory testing programs and schedules for obtaining bids and undertaking the project. Prior to the meeting we were provided studies of certain action items on which our op1n1ons were requested. There was discussion of design of the dam, tunnels, roads, barge facilities and site work. There was a short discussion of the construction schedule. Action Items A. Lowering of Diversion Tunnel Studies have been made of lowering the Diversion Tunnel to invert elevation 1,068 and excavating the downstream Bradley River Channel to elevation 1,060. We concur with the Engineering studies and their recommendations that these be done. B. Economic Power Conduit Diameter c. BL-D-131 The Engineer's studies indicate 11.0 ft. ID to be the most economic tunnel diameter. We consider this the minimum acceptable diameter, but suggest that the diameter not exceed 12.5 ft. Penstock Safety Evaluation Five proposed alternative schemes of penstock arrangement at the powerhouse were presented. We concur that Alternative 4 as shown on SK-15500-FS-D with the tunnel and penstock grade lowered to El 20 is the preferred arrangement. 1 ) 2 November 7, l'Ji:\5 D. Turbine Setting Analysis Economic comparisons were presented of the effects of setting the centerline of the turbines at five different elevations from El 20 to El 10. These showed the originally assumed setting of El iS (BLPD) to be the most economical. We concur with setting the turbines at El 15 and installing piping for air depression should future experience show it to be desirable. E. Earthquake/Tsunami Review The outline of studies of Tsunami hazards for the powerhouse and seiche and slide hazards in the lake were presented. We concur that these studies are needed and that the approach is appropriate. Paver Tunnel Recent failures of unlined or plain concrete pover tunnels have occurred due to hydrofracturing in locations where the minimum principal stress · in the rock formations is less than the static pressure levels in the tunnels. To avoid this problem on the Bradley Lake project we recommend that the steel lining be lengthened to a point where the rock cover is 0.8 times the static head. We also recommend that a hydrosplitting test be conducted at tunnel grade in a vertical hole cored 50 feet off the centerline at station 24 + 00. The hole should be grouted when the tests are completed. If the minor principal stress, ~3 • determined from the hydrosplitting test is greater than 1.2V H . , then the steel liner should be reduced in ow stat1c length such that the end of the steel lining is at station 24 + 00. A transition section of reinforced concrete should extend from the end of the steel lining to station 36 + 00 where the static head and the rock cover are approximately equal. The circumferential reinforcement should be about 0.5 percent or one row 18 bars at 1 ft. center. The longitudinal steel should be the normal shrinkage steel of about 0.3 percent. Additional low modulus zones along the tunnel should also be reinforced such as at fault zones etc. These lengths and locations will only be known when the actual tunnel is driven and should be designated by the engineer between the time the tunnel is driven and when the concrete is poured. The contract must be flexible to accommodate this process. BL-D-131 2 ) l "Jovember 7, 19HS We recommend re-logging of all Corps of Engineers and Shannon & Wilson cores for lithological descriptions consistent with recent R & M logging. This re-logging should be by the same ?ersons who did the recent logging. An attempt should be made to develop a uniform notation in order to minimize the re-logging effort. ~Je recommend the preparation of a preliminary outline of a Geotechnical Report, to be included with the Phase II Contract Documents. This outline should be available for review prior to the next Board meeting and should be discussed at that meeting. An NX core hole should be cored through the prominent lineation at Station 115!. Attempt to cross the lineation in fresh rock about 100 feet below the surface. This will require about 400 feet of angled core hole. R & M to log as above. Preliminary data concerning the material to be tunnel liner were presented to the Board. considered appear to be suitable and we suggest in final selection should be weld-ability. DAM used The that for penstock and three materials the major factor The Board requests they be furnished with existing dynamic analysis of the dam and with details of procedures and parameters being used in any additional analyses being made. The Board would also appreciate being furnished detailed topography of the toe slab contacts, especially along the right abutment. ~shall be interested in reviewing details of joints and waters tops. We prefer rubber with sleeve joints for wate~ stops. Zoning of the dam should be kept to the necessary m1n1mum. We recommend Zone 1 be about 15 feet wide. This should be well graded material grading from not more than three-inch maxim~~ size to fines to achieve a permeability of not more than about 10 em/sec. This should be underlain by a Zone 2 which is 15 to 20 feet wide of rock grading to 12-inch maximum. Care must be taken in placing this material to prevent segregation at its contact with the Zone 1 material. These should extend to foundation level. From rock to about 10 feet above the foundation should be select, clean rock. The remainder of the dam may be constructed of quarry run using argillite, graywacke and other rock types as may be present. Rock sufficiently large that it would protrude above the surface of the lift after compaction should be placed in the oversize zone on the downstream slope. The boundary between the oversize and random zones should not be fixed on the drawings. BL-D-131 3 November 7. I 90 5 The flip bucket must be founded on sound rock. No special treatment in the design of the flip bucket is required to accommodate small spillway discharges; hovever the flip bucket should be designed to drain. Drainage should be provided under the spillvay chute. Power Intake We suggest that the design of the intake be predicted on good hydraulic engineering and constructibility considerations. Adequate space is needed for a substantial rock plug, rock traps and construction access. We believe all rock materials in the intake knob are suitable for the quarry run sections of the dam. We concur that a hydraulic model test of the area is required. Schedule For the next Board meeting revise schedule to: a. Lengthen tunnel boring machine excavation 3 months and revise impacted items. b. Shorten "concrete line paver tunnel" 3 months. c. Add "and erect" to "fab and del TBM". Switchyard We agree that the switchyard should be moved to the rock area northeast of the powerhouse, thus avoiding possible liquefiable material in the location north of the powerhouse. Quarry Discussions indicated present plans are to produce 70,000 cy of riprap by quarrying 150,000 cy of dacite dike. We believe that the quarry vill yield less riprap size material and that the under-run will not be made-up from the access road rock excavation. Transmission Lines We concur with the conclusion that the number of tovers in liquefiable soils should be minimized. Barge Facility We agree with the project team's conclusions regarding the concept and location of the barge unloading facility. BL-D-131 4 November 7, 1985 Road Cuts We agree that 0.5:1 average slopes for the road cuts are reasonable. For those areas where the road cuts are higher than 30ft., we suggest however, that possible wedges formed by the intersection of only "smooth" discontinuities, as plotted on stereonets, be checked to see if the lines of intersection of these smooth planes are such that they daylight into the proposed cut. If so, then the cut should be flattened such that daylighting of unstable wedges bounded by "smooth" planes will not occur. Borrow Areas We agree with the testing underway to check the adequacy of these materials for concrete aggregate. We agree with the possible use of low alkali • Type II cement. We concur with the engineer 1 s effort to select borrow area to minimize the chert content. We trust the foregoing discussion covers all of the material covered in our meeting of November 4 and 5, 1985 and suggest the Board reconvene on January 27, 1986. Yours very truly, A. J. Hendron •.· BL-D-131 5 ,, . _) A.J. Hendron, Jr. P. E. Sperry 28 Golf Drive 21318 Las Pilas Mahomet, IL Woodland Hills, 61853 91364 (217) 351-8701 (818) 999-1525 January 29, 1986 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BOARD OF CONSULTANTS -REPORT 5 J. N. White W.F.Swiger Rd PO Box 2325 Box 388 CA Boston, MA Buhl, ID 02107 83316 (208) 543-4593 The fifth meeting of the Board of Consultants convened in your office on January 28, 198.6. We were briefed on the status of licensing and permits for the work, schedule for the Phase I contract, status of studies previously discussed, review of drawings and work in progress for the Phase I contract, and ·a review of design activities for the Phase II work. Prior to the meeting we were furnished preliminary drawings for the Phase I work and an agenda for the meeting. Also we were furnished a copy of the FERC license, the Mitigation Plan, License Application to FERC -Volume 4 "Preliminary Design Report Design Criteria -Site Preparation Contract and an outline of the Geotechnical Report. PHASE I CONTRACT Barge Unloading Facilities A review of the proposed design of the barge unloading facility was initiated to investigate possible redesigns having lower costs. Suggestions by the CM and R&M were reviewed. The CM suggested using partial cells to provide a vertical face for unloading. R&M had proposed limited use of complete cells. A primary concern in design has been response of the structure to earthquake since liquefaction of the underlying loose sands probably would occur. Prevention of this is not economically feasible. Accordingly, it has been agreed this facility will be designed and accepted as a temporary structure for construction only. From our review and discussions we recommend that at least two barge unloading positions be available. Roll-off capability would be desirable. We believe a deck elevation of about El. 16 would be acceptable but a layer of rock should be incorporated near the top of 2-230-JJ ~ ' . ( ) () \ ·~ 2 January 29. 1986 the cells to minimize wave scour. We believe the partial cells with tie-back sheet pile walls would be significantly more susceptible to collapse under earthquake than complete circular sheet pile cells. Accordingly we recommend full circle cells be used. Possible plans were discussed. We understand R&M will make additional layout studies considering berthing of two barges and dock width necessary for truck turnaround and unloading cranes. Riprap Along Roads Present drawings of road embankments which could be subjected to wave action are to be protected by 2 layer riprap toed into the underlying soil. We suggest such toeing is not to be done. Rather the riprap and filter fabric be placed directly on the existing soil surface and carried out horizontally as considered necessary. Present studies of haul roads for construction of the main dam show the roads entering at the upstream face. This would require several crossings of the toe slab for the face since this toe slab must be in position before the fill can be placed against it. Such crossings pose severe hazards of damaging the water stops. We suggest this be reviewed further considering possibilities such as alternative roads into the dam or use of a movable bridge to span the downstream face of the toe slab. The Board requests they be furnished with the assumptions used in the dynamic analysis which will be used to judge the adequacy of the dam slopes under the Maximum Design Earthquake (MOE). The critical wedges considered should be shown; and, the calculated inelastic displacement should be shown for each wedge considered. The basis for the selection of the safe permissable inelastic displacement under the MOE should also be given. The dynamic analysis should be done as soon as possible because any change in the downstream slope would significantly affect the area available to pass the spillway flows or the emergency low level outlet flows. The basis for sizing the riprap at the downstream toe of the dam must be addressed. A hydraulic model study of the area downstream of the dam should be conducted for this purpose. Spillway Based on the review presented, we believe the infrequent use of the spillway does not require elaborate measures to protect the rock downstream of the agee. We therefore suggest the design of the spillway be based on the following principles: 2-230-JJ 3 January 29, 1986 1. The ogee should be straight. 2. The apron should be as short as possible and arranged to flip the flow onto the natural rock. This should be located on sound rock. We recommend a hydraulic model study be conducted to investigate the flow conditions at the downstream end of the emergency outlet tunnel and the flow over the natural rock downstream of the spillway. The principle need for these hydraulic model studies is to investigate flow velocities and wave action along the toe of the dam. BLASTING The Board recommends that the use of "line drilling" (reference Geotechnical Design Criteria, 12-18-85 (page 42) be changed to "cushion blasting with guide holes." "Cushion Blasting" (page 43) should be redefined to be nominal 3 inch holes drilled on maximum 24 inch centers at the excavation limit, loaded lightly and fired as the last delay of the round. A guidehole, used with cushion blasting, is drilled halfway between each pair of cushion blasted holes. Guide holes are not loaded. Burden on cushion holes should be 1.5 times the spacing (3' ) burden for the specified 2' loaded hole spacing). Blast hole maximum diameter in the powerhouse/switchyard area should be limited to 4" for excavation above El. 18 and 3" below El. 18. It is suggested that the specification for "smooth wall blasting" in the tunnel (page 43) include that the adjacent blast holes (first row in from the perimeter holes) are drilled parallel to the perimeter holes. This produces a uniform burden on the perimeter holes, resulting in less blast damage to rock outside the excavation limit. Considering the excellent quality of rock expected in the diversion tunnel, this "smooth blasting" technique should produce greater than 80% half casts. The specifications could require the contractor to change his blast design when half casts are less than 60% rather than 3 3% (page 4 3 ) • The Board understands that the peak particle velocity criteria (page 44) will be revised. Also that Note 5, drawing 171A and Note 7, drawing 171B will be rewritten. There was much discussion on design assumptions and blasting specifications for the excavation below El. 18 in the powerhouse. The Board suggests that additional study be made of the cost of vertical bolting reentrant corners {corners which protrude into the excavation) plus cushion blasting with guide holes, vs. directing the contractor to minimize damage to the remaining rock and to backfill all overbreak with structural concrete. Report at next meeting. 2-230-JJ ) January 29, 1986 Design recommendations are: 1. Show neat excavation line on the drawings. 2. Base the design on, and tell the contractor to anticipate overbreak on re-entrant corners of a chamfer of 30 degrees off vertical starting 6 feet either side of a re-entrant corner and extending to a depth of 6 feet below the bench. 3. The factor of safety of the powerhouse against uplift should be 1 • 05 times minimum dead weight of the structure. Use tied own anchors, rather than relying on rock friction, to increase FS against uplift to FERC standards. It was agreed the excavation walls above El. 18 should be vertical. Diversion Tunnel The diversion tunnel upstream of the gate shaft will be concrete lined. This liner should be contact grouted after curing with pressures of about 50 psi. If it is desired to grout some open fracture zones around this tunnel, the grouting should be done after the liner is poured. The grout curtain around the tunnel just upstream of the gate shaft should be done by grouting out from the tunnel. Tailrace Further study is needed on both the design slopes and the lining of the tailrace channel. The 2:1 slopes presently proposed need to be justified. It is our judgment that these slopes may not be sufficiently conservative. Fabriform should be considered as an alternate to replace the riprap which is currently the revetment material used in the proposed design. Aggregate Preliminary concrete mix data were presented together with a study by Mr. Van Epps of Stone & Webster. These showed the fine aggregate to be harsh and rather poorly graded. The fine aggregate is too coarse. The fineness modulus is 3.3 which is not within the limits of ASTM C-33. The grading curve shows the material to be deficient in material between 3/8 inch size and No. 16 and in minus 100 sizes. The design mixes showed adequate strength but the mixes were harsh and bled excessively. These mixes would not be pumpable. Further studies are needed of how to assure improved grading to improve workability and to reduce bleeding of the concrete. To minimize problems at this time it is suggested the Phase I contractor produce material from the Martin Creek borrow area as the available source there dictates. Additional sources should be identified with the 2-230-JJ .... '. ) 5 January 29, 1986 intent that blending sand be obtained and furnished by the Phas~ .. I contractor as necessary for his work. Blending sand could then be obtained and furnished by the Phase II contractor as necessary for his work. FERC Board Meeting The following. list of materials should be sent to the Board as soon as possible to enable review before the March 6 and 7 meeting. P~ase I Specifications Phase I Plans Geotechnical Report without Photographs Any other documents to be issued to Phase I bidders It is also required that Stone & Webster propose a definite plan for obtaining adequate quantities of concrete aggregates which satisfy the appropriate fineness modulus values. 2-230-JJ \ \ ) 6 January 29, 1986 The Board believes the above comments are self -explanatory but should you have questions please contact us and we will respond promptly. Yours very truly, A. J. Hendron / W. F. Swiger ~~ ~White 2-230-JJ FERC BOARD OF CONSULTANT'S MEETING: February 17,1986 Mr. Kenneth F. Plumb Secretary ~ Alaska Power Authority State of .1\losko Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 825 North Capital Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20436 FERC BOARD OF CONSULTANTS MEETING FERC PROJECT NO. 8221-000 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Thank you for the prompt approval of Messrs. W. F. Swiger, A. J. Hendron, Jr., and P. E. Sperry as the Bradley Lake hydroelectric Project FERC Board of Consultants. Per your direction, we are initiating the selection of an electrical/mechanical engineering consultant for FERC's approval. The first FERC Board of Consultants meeting is presently being scheduled for March 6 and 7. The Agenda for this meeting is attached. The purpose of this meeting will be to review and comment on the Site Preparation Bidding Document, Engineer's Drawings and Specifications. The Site Preparation Contract will be issued for bid on or about March 10, 1986 and bids are to be received for this work on April 15, 1986. Construction is scheduled to begin in late May 1986, immediately after -a contract award. We will be forwarding for your review and comment the following Site Preparation Contract related documents. a. Five draft copies of the bid documents for the Site Preparation Contract including technical specifications and design drawings. b. Two copies of the 1985 Geotechnical Investigation Report. c. Five copies of. the Final Design Criteria applicable to the facilities included in the Site Preparation Bid Documents. 2-328-JJ PO Box 190869 701 East Tudor Rood Anchorage. Alaska 99519·0869 (907) 561· 7 8 77 Mr. Kenneth r. Plumb rederal Energy Regulatory Commission 2 rebruary 17 1986 d. Five sets of applicable Checked Design Calculations. The above documents vill be reviewed as part of the March 6 and 7, 1986 Board of Consultant's meeting. The March 6th and 7th dates were selected by the Board members as the most suitable for an early schedule meeting. However, should these dates present some difficulty or conflict with your requirements, please call me at (907) 561-7877. Very truly yours, David R. Eberle Project Manager DRE/NAB/JJ Attachment cc: Mr. John Longacre Mr. W. F. Swiger Mr. A.J. Hendron, Mr. P.E. Sperry Mr. Arthur Martin 2-328-JJ Jr. AGENDA BOARD OF CONSULTANTS BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Meeting will be held at the offices of Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, 800 "A" Street, Anchorage, Alaska on March 6 and 7, 1986. Meeting will start at 8:30 AM on scheduled dates. MARCH 6, 1986 I. INTRODUCTION A. Opening Remarks B. Agenda and Overview of Meeting Discussions II. BID DOCUMENTS FOR SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT III. DESIGN DRAWINGS FQR S!TE PREPARATION CONTRACT IV. fERC SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT FOR SITE PREPARATION CONTRACT MARCH 7. 1986 V. HYDRAULIC MODEL STQDY OF DAM SITE PLAN VI •. .-.PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS RESULTS FQR MAIN DAM VII. GUIDELINES fROM BOARD VIII. BOARD PREPARES AND ISSUES ITS REPORT 2-329-JJ A.J. Hendron, Jr. 28 Golf Drive Mahomet, IL 61853 (217) 351-8701 Mr. D.R. Eberle Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 P. E. Sperry 21318 Las Pilas Rd Woodland Hills, CA 91364 (818) 999-1525 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 FIRST REPORT -BOARD OF CONSULTANTS BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC fROJECI W.F.Swiger Box 388 Buhl, ID 83316 (208) 543-4593 March 7, 1986 J.O. No. 15800 T2.2 The first meeting of the Board of Consultants for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project convened in the offices of Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation at 8:30 AM on March 6, 1986. All current members of the Board were present. Preparatory to the meeting we were sent drafts of the Specifications, Bidding Documents and Preliminary Drawings for the Site Preparation Contract (first phase of project) for review and comment. A list of attendees is attached. It is planned to place this first phase contract for bids on March 10 with bids due on April 15, 1986. The Board presented comments and suggestions on the Specifications, Bid Forms and Drawings. Four of the Board's recommendations are considered especially important. These are: 1. The provisions for changed site conditions and the consistency of wording between these provisions and descriptions of site conditions should be reviewed. 2. It is suggested that Bid Forms and appropriate paragraphs of the Specifications require that the Bidder certify that he has visited the s1 te, reviewed the Geotechnical Report and viewed the cores. 3. Environmental considerations require that material excavated under this contract be used in construction in embankments or wasted in specified areas. Side casting during road construction is not permitted. Since these requirements are unusual in highway construction, the wording of the Specifications should be strengthened to clearly state that side casting is prohibited and that excavation is to be end hauled and used in necessary fill. 2-372-JJ • Mr. D.R. Eberle 2 March 7, 1986 Alaska Power Authority 4. The sheet pile cells of the barge handling facility, once cell closure has been achieved, should be kept flooded to or above the external water levels at all times to maintain positive outward pressure until fill has been placed to above high tide levels. Fill material of relatively clean gravel, as is to be used here, can be placed by dropping from a clam shell or drag line. Care should be taken to keep the top of the fill reasonably level as the fill is placed. In addition to the above a number of comments on wording and details relating to tunnel construction, blasting, grouting and concrete work were made and notes provided to the Design Engineers. The program for hydraulic model studies of the intake to the power tunnel was described. A contract for this work has been placed and construction of the model started. Scale of this model is 1:50. It is anticipated witness testing will start about April 15. The Board is to be kept advised of progress so that individual members may witness the tests on the model. We were advised of progress on preparation of the Supporting Design Report for Site Preparation of the final Geotechnical Report and Design Criteria. Preliminary Dvnamic Ana1ysis for Main Dam Preliminary results of the calculations of dynamic displacements under the Maximum Credible Earthquake (M = 7. 5, • 75 g) were presented by Stone & Webster for the main dam. Calculations were presented for 0 . 0 angles of shearing resistance of the rockfill ranging from 45 to 50 ; three earthquake records were used for base motion; the amplification of motion were considered up through the dam; and, two different methods of calculating the yield acceleration were employed. In the Board's opinion the calculation of the "yield" acceleration assuming a constant vertical acceleration of 2/3 the maximum horizontal acceleration is too conservative and not realistic. When the horizontal motion record is used for calculating motion, it is appropriate to calculate the yield acceleration on the basis of the minimum dynamic resistance as defined by Newmark. This will give a yield acceleration slightly less than the yield acceleration Stone & Webster bas calculated when assuming the vertical acceleration to be zero. The ranges of angles of shearing resistance considered (45° to 50°) are reasonable; but more detailed justification is required if 0 values greater than 45 are to be used in the final calculations. The synthetic ground motion record used looks reasonable and appropriate. An attempt should be made to acquire a "rock" record from the recent earthquake in Mexico. The Helena record is from an earthquake of smaller magnitude than the design earthquake. The Taft ground motion scaled to 0. 75 g is probably conservative since it is 2-372-JJ • Mr. D.R. Eberle 3 March 7, 1986 Alaska Power Authority not a rock record. However, it is from an appropriately large earthquake (Kern County earthquake). The Board is primarily interested in the response of critical surfaces such as those shown for Case 2, see Fig. 1. It now appears that the dynamic displacement of these surfaces would be on the order of 1 to 2 ft if the downstream slope remains at 1.6:1. These values are acceptable to the Board but more analysis of other fracture surfaces need to be conducted in order to estimate the deflection of the concrete face as a function of depth below the water surface. The Board wishes to compliment the Engineers on their presentations and their courtesy in making arrangements. We understand the next meeting of the Board is scheduled May 28 through May 30, 1986. Respectfully submitted, A. J. Hendron, Jr. 2-372-J J • N w (j) <( u