HomeMy WebLinkAboutSkagway Windgenerator Demonstration Project, October 1982 SKAGWAY WINDGENERATOR DEMONSTRATION PROJECT FINAL REPORT | OCTOBER, 1982 Prepared for the BECEIVED CITY OF SKAGWAY MEC 2.9 1982 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ra iit Z CK Le eT GA ; under contract to the DIVISION OF ENERGY AND POWER DEVELOPMENT DEPD PROJECT #82-313-R1 for the Alaska Power Authority polarconsult alaska, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS SKAGWAY WINDGENERATOR DEMONSTRATION PROJECT FINAL REPORT OCTOBER, 1982 prepared for the CITY OF SKAGWAY SKIP ELLIOTT, PROJECT COORDINATOR - UNDER CONTRACT TO DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENERGY AND POWER DEVELOPMENT DON MARKLE, DEPD PROJECT MANAGER DEPD PROJECT #82-313-R11 for the Alaska Power Authority polarconsult alaska, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS ANCHORAGE , ALASKA Mark Newell, editor William McDonald James Barkshire Peter N. Hansen © Copyright 1982, polarconsult inc. polarconsult EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After the completion of the warranty inspection, the 10 kW Jacobs windgenerator was brought on line December 13, 1981. High winds of 40-50 mph caused the rotor blades to strike the tower on December 31, 1981 and the blades were destroyed. No further damage was experienced, and new blades were ordered. These were delivered in March and the machine was brought back on line April 3, 1982. The new blades were stronger and stiffer and an increase in wind- generator output followed. This caused the inverter to overload on April 27, and a replacement had to be made. This was completed on May 14, and the windgenerator went back on line on this date. In mid-September the circuit breaker started disconnecting several times a day and for the next two months only very limited power was produced. At the end of the November, 1982, adjustments had been made, which seemed to solve the problems. This being done, the machine can now be considered fully operational, and a meaningful judgement of performance versus windspeed can be made. The data presented in this report does therefore, not reflect long term operational characteristics. Few conclusions were based solely on the data collected and many inferences were necessary to be drawn. To this date (November 29, 1982) the windgenerator has been approximately 50% available and has produced 8860 kWh. This corresponds to a yearly production of 17,670 kWh. This figure is however, not a realistic estimate on which economic conclusions can be made. The windgenerator has part of the time, been limited to 7 kW and also, the down time has been accumulated during the time of the year with the highest production potential. The economic analysis has been based on an optimistic annual production of 29,000 kWh per year. A sensitivity analysis was performed on the important variable parameters and scenarios developed. Based on the current kWh-price in Skagway of 13¢/kWh a pay back time of 15 years for this size turbine has been calculated using a “best case" analysis. Under a "worst case" scenario, the payback is 42 years. If a second larger windgenerator was built in Skagway, the most favorable system would have a pay back time of approximately 8 years in the best case scenario. polarconsult SECTION 1 Te eZ Le SECTION 2 SECTION 3 Sree Ww ee Wn SECTION 4 4.1 4.2 SECTION 5 Ono ee UO PWN 5.6 Sel TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION Project Coordinator's Summary Report........... eiere cle’ © Chronology of BvenUB........ccccces Suarel elie delat eisadl eiereloie o Lessons Learned/Recommendations for Others....... 5 Climatology and Wind Resource.......... $5 gis alcie orein ci o-c18 OTC SIMA LOM. re). sieol cic c,oleleoicie/oietsl ois wiclelere-cieeie eeccc cee eS O 1 Wand! MeSsQumees 27... cis \sciercicic! clots o.sielers iS aceleloielale: creioleleiene 8 Power Grid: Configuration... . ces csc ee eraierelohotara eieehels -20 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS O + EMEBOGMCELON 0) p15 clcc sc clelcie co leicicis telble.eie opie 6 oialeele ae O Preliminary Design. <2... cccccccces 018 oe/eiojele enpre: osar oie ON MII. < c,closclc-c.o scleie cc cletevelerelere “s@udedseuaes aa Oe CONS LR CLOM oi ahcicialc. tin slet0lc)o-o:4)01s)oiars\slorels a slepercrt oleic eisele oD) o Data Collection System........... eels (eke eishe ss oreicle 27 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Genera Weltrs os steicleiciene.-101cieke 6 sholeliorelofolcteleis telsVereiaie ois sj avcleiele 6S) Ps ORME SOUR ora o iol Volcioueloicl sieielolelel sensi olers pres lelsuerelonerotsiers siecle oO Opie TIMI s 5 298 6 cits) sis ole] cseie crete e) siehohelolels-olelsleleleieloleleeraieiels sto PRUGCCRICRS « gclcicci cco clseicie hel ohotohohoheysieretote)iniels. ete erotetellst ober a Data: GColleetion System............cs FOMIOKESOS SURIOOC 38 ©) DEBCHADELON .). <<< 10101 sieve sles clelc lc «6 coerce cc ccc cece 38 DATA REDUCTION AND ANALYSIS Wil taele Blatt Aico, a-o:101 of ove evnpouere] oceierer el of eyare ts (ore one of axet Sfelolelerelaveders|¢ Gtk BOWE -DALAa....s:ofcis.0 oo we © eee. 0 610 0 © © ae 6010 © giaicie's ects ale wlbioa ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Gieeabe ocak ened) ciao cht ie oes odes) ove o [01 ooelgis 0c a) 516 o1clel < afar aiciss0-sk ciekes iO Economic ASSumMpLIons < <-..0 <0... ste.c, 0 o-tn00 oie] or so onelon ciel ores cholic eo kWh-Price for Windgenerated Electricity............50 Break ven. POMC. 2 c1ccets ise eisie 6 = cickels oie o siete « cle scien OU Future-Windgenexrator in .SRAGWAY:< 3:0 << cdc « tet o.ceac 0 id o Cost Breakdown...... eb cece occ cee ie e 6) giere 0! efale 6:0 sik © Operation and Mainteranee < ~ .. o .cc.0's sccsicws wc ceca Sensstivity (ANGeySiG.. «fc «wheicas|s s.clcisicicie 6 cls .crclsle. oielsie 56 o kWh-Cost Dependence on Plant Cost............ 02256 o kWh-Cost Dependence on Actual Life Time.........63 o kWh-Cost Dependence on Yearly Production........66 Best Case - Worst Case. ..ccccccscee © oie fehev bre o\eiel Sher Generel ae 7 Meter Turbine (Demonstration Project)........ ue 7 Meter Turbine (New Installation) ............. eta 10 Meter Turbine: ..3..2.!.. slaleie/ofels oe ofetstele oueicie isles octS NAME COT 4s Das INSc sic srerslo tole lore ieici ofere’oselehelctsyere eis cnenerereree] So 2455. Meters Turbitieistsic.cretetes stevens olor et ozetenehensVernreronterere 6 tore TA o0000 polarconsult SECTION 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Present Wind System....... a lio ool e006 [olioliellole:eiololelelere consi?) BUPure- Wind <SYSCEMS scicrs 6:0 lee cl viele e0leclcicle ooo cislerc c-c sieuce 70 Data Collection System. ..:.....ccccccscccccscccccccce Id Q 3mno0 AWPY APPENDICES Jacobs Literature..... pielpre eter eteretetelelece cleicistsre sis roiateuee Aeblian Kinetics Literature... .....ccccccccccc Del Data Collection Software, Calibration, BRE BACAR COE occ ic 0m 6:0 6 vc win 0 oc cciccoecaceccccce’ Utility Intertie Agreement........cccccccccccee D Wee HI SCINGS onc ccc ots ois wie 6 ews 6 0 50 0 015 o.0cle ore te Correspondence and Miscellaneous DOGUMOAES. occ ccccccese iptoles Wile ollgieiel cia sisieiers orm cielerstere mad Phase If — Request for Preposal ... si... .0cds decisw es G-1 Introduction polarconsult FIGURE 1 LOCATION MAP ~~ 2 HAINE -) skagway ot q polarconsult SECTION 1.1: PROJECT COORDINATOR'S SUMMARY REPORT By Skip Elliott, City Manager City of Skagway o Chronology of Events In the Spring of 1980 the Alaska State Legislature appropriated funds to the Alaska Power Authority for a wind project in Skagway. These funds were subsequently transferred to the Division of Energy and Power Development and in December 1980 a contract was presented by them to the City of Skagway for signing. In March of 1981, the City was given its official Notice to Proceed with the project. The contract between the Division and the City was for $93,000 and was for "a vertical axis wind-powered electrical generation system unless it can be shown by engineering on a technical or economical basis that such a system is impractical in Skagway, Alaska". With assistance from the Division, the City solicited proposals from three Alaskan engineering firms for the project. On April 8, 1981 a contract was signed with Wind Systems Engineering, Inc. (ed. now Polarconsult). Their tasks included a Design Phase, a Construction Engineering and Inspection Phase, and a Preparation of Reports and Manuals Phase. The Design Phase began with site selection. It was determined that a tideland site near the Skagway sewage treatment plant provided a good combination of distance from obstructions and nearness to a usable structure for intertie and monitoring equipment. The engineer, after serious study, concluded that the state-of-art of the vertical axis machines was not sufficiently advanced to justify an Alaskan installation (ed. within the polarconsult budget). The Division agreed that such a machine had a high probability of failure and therefore allowed Skagway to select and install the more conventional and reliable 10 kW Jacobs machine. , Meanwhile, the City negotiated an agreement with Alaska Power & Telephone Co., the local Skagway utility, that would allow a utility intertie. Any excess energy would be purchased by the utility at its regular rate and the City in turn would provide AP&T with all its accumulated wind data. This agreement was finally executed in September, 1981. Selection and engineering of the Jacobs machine and Rohn tower were completed by June 1, 1981; however, the machines were back-ordered and were unavailable until early September, 1981. The windgenerator and tower were purchased from 4-Winds of Alaska. The tower arrived in August, and after a competitive bid process, a contract was awarded to Construction Art Company of Skagway for building the concrete foundation and erecting the first section of tower. After arrival of the generator itself in September, bids were again solicited for installation of all the electrical components, and in November 1981 Titan Enterprises of Anchorage was awarded a contract and began the electrical installation. Finally, a warranty inspection was made by 4-Winds of Alaska and the machine went on-line in December 1981. Beginning about this same time, Skagway experienced one of its most severe winters in recent memory. The winds blew almost continuously for three months with sub-zero temperatures more often than not. On the last day of December, in fairly turbulent winds, one of the windmill blades flexed too far and struck the tower. Because of the bad weather, we were unable to replace the blade until the end of March. Shortly thereafter, the Mastermind synchronous inverter overloaded and energy production was further delayed until it too could be replaced in May. Since that time polarconsult the generator has been working well, although various minor adjustments in spring tension must be made in order to optimize energy generation without endangering the equipment. Concurrent with installation of the electrical generating equipment, the City contracted with Wind Systems Engineering (ed. now Polarconsult) for the installation of a data collection system. Hardware was acquired from Aeolian Kinetics with Wind Systems Engineering making software modifications specifically for Skagway applications. Several equipment problems were experienced, including the inability of the microprocessor to read cassette tapes at temperatures below 35°. The sensor drives also failed during power outages and voltage fluctuations, nullifying the hoped-for advantages of the microprocessors' battery backup system. At times, the timing chip in the sensor terminal malfunctioned, thereby jamming the computer software. These problems have been corrected by replacing components, although this solution may only be temporary. Computer software problems were also experienced, but the bugs were eliminated over a period of several months. The engineers and myself felt it necessary to develop some means of measuring turbulence, and since no known turbulence parameter exists, we developed one of our own based upon a combination of wind speed and direction averaged over several short measurement intervals. This data has only recently been collected, and unfortunately is unavailable for inclusion in this report. Finally, in late June 1982, a protective fence was ordered for placement around the wind tower. Maintenance supplies for both the windgenerator and the microprocessor were also obtained. Hopefully, no further major expenses will be incurred over the next few years. polarconsult ° Lessons Learned/Recommendations -for Others Wind energy generation is still a surprisingly primitive technology. I say this as a scientist/manager who rather naively believed all the hype one reads in the popular journals on the wonders of wind energy. In fact, installing a windgenerator is neither easy nor cheap. Whereas the high initial cost might be amortized in a reasonable length of time in areas where energy costs are high, the initial costs themselves are much higher in these same remote locations. Even in Skagway, which is relatively accessible, there are no structural engineers or licensed electricians. Luckily, the availability of a crane alone saved us over $5,000 in installation costs. Concrete was also available locally at a reasonable cost. It is my hope and sincere belief, however, that grants for demonstration projects such as this one in Skagway will make valuable real experience information readily available to persons in remote areas interested in installing windgenerators. The dispersal of this information should greatly reduce construction costs in the years to come. The costs that can most readily be reduced are those that involve "specialists", particularly engineers and electricians. Our engineer selected a machine and designed a foundation. Neither task will now be necessary to anyone else desiring to erect a similar system in Skagway. Travel expenses are high in remote Alaska, and the more tasks that can be performed locally, the greater the savings. Whereas this installation cost approximately $90,000 (including the data monitoring package) another basic and unmonitored Jacobs 10 KW could probably be erected for $35-40,000. Construction management is one area where the layman clearly needs assistance, either by hiring a professional or by carefully studying the experience of others. Wherever possible, one should encourage manufacturer participation, especially for unproven polarconsult products. For those interested in installing a proven machine in a remote location cheaply, attempt to do everything except the warranty inspection yourself, although this may entail many phone calls to your dealer. The tower foundation and erection necessitate skills and equipment not possessed by most laymen. However, even small contractors can expertly handle these tasks and one need not bother with importing special labor. The electrical work is frightening to the ignorant layman without a model. Hopefully, wiring pamphlets will become available someday describing typical hook-ups. I would not hesitate now to hire a local unlicensed electrician to duplicate our current installation and then just set on it until a licensed electrician happened by that I could hire to do a final inspection. Another aid to wind energy development in Alaska would be a frequent compilation by the Division of the names of professionals interested in working on wind installations. The Division could attach a disclaimer to protect itself. The list would be most helpful to communities like Skagway which ended up hiring its professionals from Anchorage when unknown, but competent persons were available from Juneau which would have saved much money in travel expenses. The new owner of a windgenerator should be extremely careful about understanding equipment warranties before a purchase is made. Some dealers add on considerable extra costs for “warranties" in addition to the regular purchase price. Some warranties do not include installation costs, but require the dealer to inspect the installation of the replaced parts. This is very good for the dealer of an unproven machine and not-so-good for the owner's pocketbook. One should also carefully understand the owner's manual and be sure that the dealer spends some time explaining the nuances of maintenance and operation. polarconsult For those owners with data monitoring systems, the reasons for monitoring should be well-formulated beforehand. Simple parameters such as average energy output, direction, wind speed can be most easily recorded by hand with a pencil as part of a regular routine. If one is attempting to monitor a particular machine over a spectrum of conditions, a strip chart or microprocessor may be more in order. Our desire to define turbulence would be nearly impossible without a microprocessor. Not all microprocessors are alike, either, and given the rapidly evolving electronics market, one should not resign oneself to an old system. My opinion is that one should concentrate on acquiring solid hardware that is not temperature or power sensitive, and worry about the rather simple software later. (Of course, I'm an old computer programmer and not so afraid of computers as many people). One must also understand what sort of print-out format is desired for data examination. Formats on some machines are extremely limited because of tape size and so on. I would also suggest that one order extra boards and chips since these tend to burn out and render the computer useless. polarconsult SECTION 1.2 CLIMATOLOGY AND WIND RESOURCE ° Climatology Skagway is located at the Northernmost point of the inside passage in Southeast Alaska. The actual physical location of the city is at the mouth of a narrow valley, adjacent to the water and at the head of Taiya Inlet. The climate at Skagway is maritime, with weather patterns formed in the Gulf of Alaska dominating local conditions. Annual precipitation averages 30 inches, considerably lower than most of the southeastern region. Mean annual average temperature is 41 degrees fahrenheit, with an average high and low of 66 degrees (July) and 18 degrees (December) respectively. ° Wind Resource Wind patterns in Skagway are governed both by geographical location and local topography. Most of the wind power in southeast is generated by atmospheric pressure gradients; lowest pressure is associated with storms in the Gulf of Alaska, with relatively high pressure found over the mainland. These pressure gradient winds tend to blow along the isobars - mostly from the southeast - but in areas of rough terrain the wind will blow almost directly from high to low pressure. Consequently, winds in Southeast Alaska tend to blow parallel to the axis of a strait, channel or passage. This phenomena is found at Skagway, situated as it is at the head of a long and narrow channel. Prevalent wind direction in Skagway is from the northeast and the southwest, correlating with the orientation of the valley. However, the topography at Skagway often causes localized wind direction to vary. Figure 2 shows a typical sequence of wind patterns in a valley over the course of a 24 hour period. The solid black lines represent prevalent wind direction along the polarconsult FIGURE 2 DAILY SEQUENCE MOUNTAIN AND VALLEY WINDS Re Ree A. sunrise (early morning) B. forenoon C. early afternoon D. late afternoon RSS Re E. evening (after sunset) F. early night RSS ISS G. middle of the night H. late night polarconsult FIGURE 2A TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OF SKAGWAY AREA Gil Sas y yi ZL iy) ZZ; J ing Zs i ia ‘N f ) Tey i) Za i crm 84 li WZ \ ots Yh 2 ( Tl Gi - WA i Ed i i C— 2 a, 2 iy ZB a 10 Ii ~\\ SV SG LE \ UL YZ eo WEES) i) (\ ENS AN SR WS =e : Le 3 Vo Y SH v= < \ Ay aS) SX ‘4 of (CAS } 7D) / IC, iS a ~ 2 pean a c SE polarconsult valley axis, while the double lines show the travel of localized winds. These latter winds are usually much slower in velocity than prevailing winds. However, the interaction between the two can often cause a turbulent wind regime. Figure 3 helps illustrate this phenomena at Skagway. Data on wind velocity and direction is graphed for a six-day period in late December, 1981. A correlation between wind velocity and direction is readily apparent. Early in the recording period, the combination of lower speed prevailing winds and localized cross winds caused a huge swing in wind direction as recorded by the sensor; this variance often occurred during a very short time. As prevailing winds became stronger during the latter part of the recording period, they tended to "cancel out" the effect of the slower moving localized winds, and direction became quite steady from the northeast. Turbulence Turbulence caused by shifting winds can severely effect a windgenerator's performance. There are three general guidelines to follow in design of a windgenerator that will minimize negative effects: 8) Siting - careful siting of a system away from obvious obstructions will minimize turbulence. 2) Tower - towers of greater height than those normally used in flat terrain will minimize the effects of shifting winds closer to the ground. 3) Turbine - the windgenerator itself must be capable of handling many and sometimes sudden shifts in wind direction without loss of performance or breakdown. Power in the Wind Traditionally, wind speed is measured in miles per hour or meters per second. However, in defining the wind resource for use in estimating the potential power output from a windgenerator, a more useful measure is wind power density or the power per unit of cross-sectional area of the wind stream. 11 polarconsult FIGURE 3 WIND VELOCITY AND DIRECTION AT SKAGWAY FOR 6 DAYS DURING DECEMBER, 1981 wind velocity (avg. mph) wind direction 12 polarconsult The power in the wind can be derived from classic momentum theory where P represents power, m is the mass in the moving air, and V is the velocity or speed of the wind. Therefore: Mass is described by air density (p), the area through which the wind passes (A), and its speed (V). Substituting into the equation for Power: 3 Le} W we p AV 3 Ml we pv Piro Where P equals the power density. A This derivation illustrates the important influence of wind speed. Power in the wind is a cubic function of wind speed. A doubling of wind speed increases wind power eight times. Slight changes in wind speed produce a corresponding large change in power. For example, increasing wind speed one mph produces a 30% increase in the power available. Assessment of the wind resource in Alaska on a statewide basis was done in 1980. The results were published in a work entitled, "Wind Energy Resource Atlas: Volume 10 - Alaska."* Wind power class ratings were assigned to all areas of the state, based on several different factors dependent on the amount and type of * Prepared by Alaska Environmental Information and Data Center for Battelle Northwest Laboratory. 1i3 polarconsult data available in a specific area. For Skagway the rating was based on real recorded data during a 3 year period in the 1940's (See Appendix E for Summary). Figures 4 through 6 illustrate wind power classes at Skagway, both on an annual and then seasonal basis. Note that the power available in the wind is highest during winter and descends in this order: Fall, Spring, and Summer. Note also that this rating assumes that wind speed is measured at 10 meters height. It should be noted that the power classes shown for Skagway represent the range of wind power likely to be found at well exposed sites. These classes are approximations of the areal distribution of wind power, and the demarcation between them should not be construed to represent definite boundaries. Where the data was available, power density was based on the mean temperature, mean pressure (p), and elevation at. the station where the wind data was recorded. Because frictional effects of obstructions at the surface retard wind flow near the ground, anemometer height during the period of record was also taken into account. Wind power was adjusted to the 10 meter height using the 1/7 power law: Vo Ho Vv = (H) 1/7 That is, the increase in wind speed with height above the ground is the ratio of the new height (H) to the original height (Ho) raised to the 1/7 power. This is a conservative estimate of the increase in the wind speed with height. 14 polarconsult FIGURE 4 SKAGWAY AREA ANNUAL AVERAGE WIND POWER 59° 58° RIDGE CREST ESTIMATES 10M (HEIGHT) WIND POWER WIND POWER CLASS DENSITY(WATTS/M2) om are oot mn 2 worcccccccccccccce 1 vd Beiistivessseseseee 2 So 4 nes ccessceeeueee 2 50 1 00 5 evcccccccccccsccce 300 Q 25 50 Glsincacesnscedseses 400 KILOMETERS 7 occccccccccccccces’ 1000 0 25 50 100 150 15 polarconsult FIGURE 5 SEASONAL AVERAGE WIND POWER IN THE SKAGWAY AREA WINTER SUMMER 58° 59° RIDGE CREST ESTIMATES : ) . = Tt ‘ ta RA = 58° 10M (HEIGHT) MILES WIND POWER WIND POWER Qo 25 50 100 CLASS DENSITY(WATTS/M2) WS vasscassiesecsdenenuees 100 | l f ] KILOMETERS D vcsccceccsccccereeees 150 0 50 100 150 By vscsresvesccsecssesan 200 4 errr r ere eee ee eee 250 5 Siniaie Wiela sie 6 ws 4 c's wire ww iSial 300 GB ocrtt ert t tee eee eens 400 aL cece erecccccccccccccce 1000 16 polarconsult FIGURE 6 SEASONAL AVERAGE WIND POWER IN THE SKAGWAY AREA (cont'd) FALL 58° SPRING IDGE CREST ESTIMATES SS 2 bn be j e “= Se — 58° _———— F WIND POWER WIND POWER MILES CLASS DENSITY(WATTS/M2) Oo 25 50 100 PL 1 KILomMETERS 0 50 100 150 17 polarconsult The power classes depend upon the subjective integration of several factors: quantitative wind data, qualitative indicators of wind speed or power, the character of exposed sites in various terrain, and familiarity with mesoscale as well as microscale meterological conditions, climatology and topography. Therefore, the abundance and quality of the data, the complexity of terrain, and the geographical variability of the resource together determine the degree of certainty that can be placed on the power classes shown in Figures 4 through 6. Certainty ratings range from a low of 1 to a high of 4. Wind power estimates in Southeastern Alaska have a uniform certainty rating of 2. This is considered a low-to-intermediate degree of certainty, and one of the following conditions exist: - little or no data exists, but there is little variability in the wind resource and the terrain is simple, or - limited data exists, but the terrain is highly complex or the mesoscale variability of the wind resource is large. In Skagway's case, the latter condition is relevant. It points out again that siting is very important, as wind conditions may differ drastically between two sites in close proximity. Figures 7 and 8 show a correlation between seasonal wind power and hydro power variation. Though the data on the two charts is not comparable, an important phenomenon is illustrated. During winter and spring, hydro power is capable of providing only a very low percentage of the load. It is during this time that potential power from the wind is greatest. As rainfall increases reservoir levels during summer and fall months, the contribution of hydro to the grid jumps dramatically. It is during this period (particularly summer) that power from the wind is lowest. 18 polarconsult FIGURE 7 SEASONAL HYDRO POWER VARIATION 100, % HYDRO winter spring summer fall emcee nceseone 1974 1978 eccccecccscecssscscccccse §=—6-. 7S 1979 ccceneccreeneeneene «= 1976 ——_———— + £1981 << —— 1977 —_—_-—-— ~—s-: 1982 summer 19 polarconsult SECTION 1.3 POWER GRID CONFIGURATION At present, the electrical load in Skagway is met by a combination of hydroelectric turbine generators and diesel generators owned and operated by Alaska Power and Telephone, the local utility. Hydroelectric power is provided by three Pelton turbines, with capacities of 100 kW, 410 kW, and 270 kw respectively. The latter unit was installed during 1981; the older turbines were reconditioned that same year. Hydroelectric power is supplemented by five diesel units. The two largest are 1,250 kW Fairbanks Morse Models which were installed during the late 1970's. The three remaining units are older and much smaller, with capacities ranging from 250 kW to 300 kW. Total present installed capacity of the system is 4,130 kW. As can be expected, the contribution of hydroelectric to power requirements at Skagway varies from year to year due to precipitation and its' impact on reservoir capacity. It also varies widely by season, with a lower percentage of hydro power supplied during winter, and the highest contribution coming during the summer-fall months. Figure 7 from the prior section, graphs the percentage of load supplied by hydro power annually from 1974 to the spring of 1982. The substantial higher percentage of hydro contribution to the grid during the summer-fall of 1981 is due to the addition of the newest Pelton turbine, as well as a wetter than normal year. The larger the diesel generator, the more efficient it is to operate. Yet even the cheapest diesel unit is more expensive to run than the hydropower. Thus, maximum use is made of the available hydro capacity when it is there. As can be seen from Figures 7 and 8, the best wind resources are available at times when the hydro power potential is limited. This will allow for a deeper than normal penetration of wind 20 polarconsult generation as wind generated electricity will tend to decrease the peak loads on the diesel/hydro system. Thus, a penetration of 60 to 70% could be within reach. It should however, be noted, that in a system with limited hydro power storage capacity, wind power cannot be considered firm power, and the most important effect of wind generation will be reduction in diesel oil consumption. Three scenarios for load growths in Skagway were developed by R.W. Beck and Associates, Inc. based on historical information (presented on the following page in Table 1) and expectations for future consumptive uses of power. The low growth assumptions were considered to be the most realistic, representing no wholesale conversions to electric heat and no major mining nor gas pipeline activity affecting load growth. The customers were divided into residential, commercial, government and railroad, and each sector was looked at independently. Based on the preliminary report done by R. W. Beck, Figure 9: Projected Total Electrical Energy Use was developed. 21 polarconsult Table 1: HISTORICAL ENERGY USE, ALASKA POWER AND TELEPHONE COMPANY, SKAGWAY* 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Average Number of Customers 317 347 359 369 413 422 378 399 = Average Use Per Customer 11.0 10.0 12.0 12.5 12.2 12.5 13.9 LZ - Energy Sales (MWh) 3,492 3,454 4,313 4,601 5,057 5,254 5,241 5,061 4,917 System Losses (MWh) 200 580 = 661 800 732 728 616 413 Total Require- ments (mWh) 3,962 4,034 - 5,262 5,857 5,986 5,969 5,677 5,330 Annual Peak Demand (kW) 900 900 - 1,100 1,300 1,400 - - [= System Load Factor (%) 46.8 51.2 - 54.6 51.4 48.8 - - - * Taken from "Haines-Skagway Region Feasibility Study, Vol. 1, R. W. Beck & Associates, Inc., for Alaska Power Authority, April 1982." 22 polarconsult FIGURE 9 PROJECTED TOTAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY USE Taken from Addendum to Haines-Skagway Feasibility Study Vol. III Dec. 1982 by R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. for Alaska Power Authority. AR - Based on June 1982 Scenario A for Skagway less RR load and remaining requirements in community reduced by 40% by 1984 and then held constant - also includes new Klondike restaurant. B- Based on June 1982 Scenario A for Skagway, dropping RR for two years and then including four months only each year of RR activity for tourism and some freight. New Klondike restaurant also included. C - Base on June 1982 Scenario A for Skagway plus new Klondike Hotel restaurant. 23 Sequence of Events polarconsult SECTION 2 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS o Introduction In the spring of 1980, the Alaska State Legislature appropriated funds through the Alaska Power Authority for a wind project in Skagway. These funds were subsequently transferred to the Division of Energy and Power Development. By December of 1980, the Division had negotiated a contract with the City of Skagway for signature. In March of 1981, the City was given its official notice to proceed with the project. The City was asked in the contract by the Division to pursue "a vertical axis wind power electrical generation system, unless it can be shown by engineering on a technical or economical basis that such a system is impractical in Skagway, Alaska." Additionally, the City was required to submit engineering drawings, a final report, and other technical information relating to the project. For this purpose, Polarconsult Alaska, Inc., was hired and given responsibility for the technical and reporting aspects of the wind system project. Details of the engineering services provided per the contract, signed the first part of April, is given in Appendix F. o Preliminary Design By the end of May, a complete survey of the available windgenerators with consideration for their cost, availability, and operating history in similar climates had been made. This evaluation included an extremely hard look at the vertical axis machines that were commercially available at that time. Unfortunately, the cost and risk associated with those machines forced the City into deciding not to select a vertical axis machine, based on the information Polarconsult provided. The City Council decided to go with the Jacobs Wind Electric 10kW generator because it appeared to be the most developed machine of 24 polarconsult its size at that time. A complete survey of the City's property and electrical consuming facilities was made, and the sewage treatment plant was chosen for both its constant load characteristics and its siting in an unobstructed wind regime. Because of the types of buildings in the area and the shape of the valley, an 80 foot tower was selected in an attempt to avoid destructive turbulence. A utility intertie agreement (see Appendix D) was negotiated by Skip Elliott and drafted through Polarconsult's office for signature by Alaska Power and Telephone Company, located in Port Townsend, Washington. o Final Design After the preliminary design and site evaluation were completed the final design commenced (a reduced set of final plans is in Appendix F). A concrete foundation system was designed based on soil conditions at the treatment plant site, which because of the proximity to the waterfront consisted of well washed gravel. The electrical design was performed to insure total National Electrical and Safety Code compliance. Additionally, provisions were made for meteorologic and power monitoring equipment to be installed. Polarconsult's contract was ammended to include software development and data reduction tasks (see Work Statement in Appendix F). o Construction Because of the long lead time anticipated for delivery of the windgenerator and tower, they were ordered immediately upon selection, in the first part of June. The foundation and tower work was performed by a local certified contractor (Construction Art Company, CAC), who was extremely conscientious and did a first rate job. CAC did the tower work in two phases. First they installed the foundation with 20 foot of tower attached - for alignment. Then they assembled the remaining 20 foot tower 25 polarconsult about three feet too short however, so a ramp was constructed to drive the crane up onto. The ramp can be seen in the foreground of the picture below (Figure 10) and the crane can be barely made out in the background. After the generator was installed, there were a few delays in getting the state certified electricians to perform their work, due to weather. Since the dealer was not involved in the installation, it was necessary to pay him to inspect the installation for warranty validation (a copy of the warranty is in Appendix F). FIGURE 10 WINDGENERATOR INSTALLED IN DECEMBER 1981 26 polarconsult Two weeks after the machine was officially operating, on Thursday December 31, the blades had a fatal accident. An eye witness saw the blades break and claims they hit the tower in about 40 mph winds. At that time, the microprocessor was collecting meteorologic data, and recorded 34 mph average winds over that two hour period. A reasonable gust factor of 1.2 would confirm that a 40.8 mph wind had struck the blades. If the winds were extremely gusty with a 1.5 gust factor, this would show 51 mph winds during that time the blades broke. The wind data for this time period is presented in Figure 3, Section 1. The day the blades broke, the winds varied in speed from about 22 to 34 mph. However, the wind direction on that day was an extremely steady 30 degrees northeast. Thus, while turbulent and gusty wind conditions are found quite frequently in Skagway, the day the accident occurred the winds were blowing very strong and steadily with a very dense air stream at ambient air temperatures of -13°F. The manufacturer was experiencing similar problems across the country - particularly in cold climates such as Alaska - where the blades would embrittle and break. New blades were ordered and a _ stronger/stiffer set was delivered in March. Shortly after installation of the new blades the output of the machine, having been increased, caused a failure in the "mastermind" synchronous inverter. A replacement was installed in the middle of May and the machine has been on-line since that date with only minor technical problems. o Data Collection System The data collection system had problems of its own as well. The power sensors were back-ordered from General Electric and were several months in arriving. Unexpected outages occurred because of software problems, cold temperatures, and power spikes picked up on data lines. The "bugs" appear to be worked out at this time, at Polarconsult's and Skip Elliott's expense in time, effort and frustration. A final version of the software has been written which allows the operator to access information directly 27 polarconsult off the computer without the expense of outside data reduction. All of the data collected to date is contained in Appendix E of this report. This same microcomputer will be able to handle the addition of a second windgenerator and its monitoring requirements at a reduced cost and increased reliability because of the lessons learned. FIGURE11 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 28 67 FIGURE 12:. SKAGWAY WINDGENERATOR PROJECT MILESTONES 1981 1982 }Nsuoo1ejOd mar | april| may | jun jul aug | sept| oct | nov | dec | jan | feb | mar | april | may | jun jul aug CONTRACT/ isis ne AGREEMENT = |ntp.|Gontragr DATES Tio ce pfo ce poccepoccepocccsocccs ofice SITE VISITS/ INSPECTIONS SITING. |APBROVAL |" INSPE DATA syst * * * WINDGENERATOR fa DELIVERY TOWER ORDEREt RAW RDERE RDER INSTALLED SCHEDULE coc cleediielecces - WINDGENERATOR FOUNDAT: TOWER GENERATOR |ELECT. New BLADES |MagTERMIND METER CONSTRUCTION TALLED| INSTALLED INSTALLED |INSTAL 7 INSTALLED INSTALLED INSTALUED SCHEDULE | 2 |_| INSPECTION . a — WINDGENERATOR) ie 2 pe * DA TIME ON-LINE — pare Down! ; a | DATA 8 . 7 2 COLLECTED ON DATE Ue z om MICROCOMPUTOR DATE Dow ae ped _—t 1 " oe) | 14 26 DATA COLLECTED BY nome neecntiial OPERATOR %6 DATAGOLLECT'N os vataitee FED STRU GADERED INSTALLED OPDATED attra SCHEDULE a----a . aa System Description polarconsult Section 3.1 GENERAL o Outside As seen on the Section 3 divider photo, the project (on the outside) consists of: one 74 meter diameter wind turbine (with tower) connected via underground cable to; one sewage treatment plant; which is connected via overhead cable to one wooden pole with meteorological devices on it (see Figure 16). Behind the building is one additional element: a detented kwh meter which measures power produced by feed-back into the utility lines (power the machine generated over and above what the building needed). FIGURE 13 : DETENTED KWH UTILITY METER a - CMRI CT 30° eae "A Bee oe eee B BA BA BS 86 BS BSG = FA AS 66 3 = eppegeee polarconsult Figure 14 on the preceding page gives the legal description of the lot location and windgenerator site. A reduced set of the construction drawings is included in Appendix F, which together with the technical specifications are the bid documents on which the project was built. The foundation design was based on the excellent soil conditions in the tidelands, which are not typical in Skagway. Additionally, the availability of reasonably priced concrete and local contractors were unique by Alaskan "bush" standards. The windgenerator was’ sited out of the direct path of the microwave receiver. It has not caused any reported electromagnetic interference with this dish or the T.V. equipment located in the treatment plant. FIGURE 15: WINDGENERATOR SITING IN REFERENCE TO MICROWAVE DISH 32 polarconsult FIGURE 16 METEORLOGICAL MONITORING SENSORS Air Temp. Anemometer Azimuth a A] 0 ensor ey MONITORING SENSORS 33 polarconsult | yy WINDGENERATOR i _\KWH METER nn aes ee |DATA COLLECTION > Atel hag | FIGURE 17 LOCATION OF CONTROLS AND MONITORING EQUIPMENT SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT — PLANT CONTROL/ LAB ROOM NORTH main lighting panel . ain | aa meteorlogical (circuit breaker location) @ sensors on pole microcomputer & (SEE FIGURE 16) 7] Power sensor (SEE PHOTO ABOVE) 34 polarconsult o Inside From the windgenerator the power goes inside the treatment plant's control room/lab. Figure 17 shows the layout of the "mastermind" synchronous inverter, kilowatt-hour meter, sensor terminal, and data collection computer. SECTION 3.2: ELECTRICAL The electrical system is relatively straightforward. The major components involved are 1) the windgenerator, 2) safety plug, 3) Jacobs "mastermind" static frequency changer (aka synchronous inverter), and 4) the lighting main panel. Power is developed at the windgenerator in the form of 3-phase AC at various frequencies and voltages (dependent on wind speed). The 3-phase power travels down the tower to a disconnect plug. The disconnect is a code requirement, and its use is not necessary unless emergency conditions exist or if extensive Maintenance requires that the unit be shut down in a manner that assures complete isolation from the rest of the circuitry (i.e., "megging out" buried cables). The 3-phase power then travels to the Jacobs static frequency changer where it is transformed into 220 VAC in sync with the utility reference. The field wires run directly from the generator to the static frequency changer. NOTE: It is absolutely necessary that utility power be present for the static frequency changer to operate. The 220 VAC power from the static frequency changer is then routed through a kilowatt hour meter and then to a 70 amp 2 pole breaker located in the sewage plant lighting panel. 35 polarconsult FIGURE 18 : WINDGENERATOR AT TOWER TOP In Figure 18, the attention to detail in electrical design that is necessary for a good installation is shown. The flex conduit coming out of the J-box is routed into rigid conduit which runs along the tower leg to a disconnect plug at the base (see photo on Appendix divider). This was done contrary to manufactaurers' recommendations of a rubber hose with the wires run in the tower leg. Code requires conduit be used for safety reasons. Galvanized tower legs have burrs that - with the vibration generated by a wind machine - could cut through the cables and cause the wires to short and the tower to become "hot". 36 polarconsult Electrical parts numbers: Main Breaker: Square D #Q01370 (Bolt on type) Outside enclosure: ASCO #20 x 20 x 6 NEMA 4 Inside enclosure: ASCO #24 x 24 x 6 NEMA 12 Warning light: Prevision #T-15 Photo-cell for warning light: Killak. Lense: #VRG-100 Body: #VFC-100 Box: #VGH-1 Refer to appendices A and B for system principles. 37 polarconsult SECTION 3.3: DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM o Description The data collection system is a microcomputer based device (see Appendix B for manufacturer's literature) that is designed to monitor up to 14 Analog or Digital sensors and up to 8 status (on-off) ports. The current maximum number of channels and ports possible are 56 and 32 respectively. The unit also has the ability to be modified to control up to 32 software selectable relays. Presently only the monitoring capabilities of the microcomputer are being utilized. The parameters monitored are: 1). Windspeed (Digital) 2). Wind Direction (Analog) 3). Sensor Environment Temp. - Inside Building (Analog) 4). Outside Air Temp. (Analog) 5). Windgenerator kWh (Digital) 6). Plant kWh (Digital) The data obtained is stored in "raw" form on cassette tape every two hours. "Raw" means it is in the form of pulse counts (the analog values [0-1 volt DC] being converted to "pulses" which are summed and stored as a scalar). Calibration constants are not used when storing these values. The value that is stored can be defined to be either an (hourly) average or a total, via the software. 38 polarconsult The data can also be processed as it is collected, and the results stored at an interval other than the bi-hourly interval now used in the storage of raw channel data. This system stores the processed data (called functions) at midnight of each day. Again, the cassette tape is used to store the daily functions. The data collection software, channel and function logs, and variable logs are presented in Appendix C. The operating system utilized offers the user 4 main options in running the data computer. These are: I. INITIALIZATION II. UPDATE III. DATA COLLECTION IV. DATA EXAMINATION Detailed operating instructions can be found in the Aeolian Kinetics manual. I. INITIALIZATION This procedure must be performed before any other option is exercised. It involves either loading of a cassette program tape or selecting the ROM (Read-Only Memory) program (a permanent "resident" in the computer's memory). The initialization procedure places in "volatile" RAM (Random Access Memory) the software necessary to run the data collection system. After initialization is complete the operating system provides three basic subroutines that allow the user to: II. UPDATE A. Input sensor calibration and definition (analog/digital) Be Define storage intervals - (2 hours for Skagway). Ce Define the scan rate (10 seconds for Skagway). 39 polarconsult III. DATA COLLECTION A. Enter current time and date. B. Force STORAGE of channels or functions. ce Force printout (2" paper tape) of functions and channels. D. Examine individual channels. E. Change specific variable in software. IV. DATA EXAMINATIONS A. Read data tapes. B. In software - perform new functions on stored functions. Perform functions on stored channel. FIGURE 19 SKAGWAY DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM KWH Wind Windgenerator Direction Sensor Terminal a ic one. aimee eee Temperature | Microcomputer 40 Data Reduction and Analysis polarconsult SECTION 4.1: WIND DATA The wind data presented below is typical of the kind of variability in the resource present in Skagway. As discussed in Section 1.2 (Climatology and Wind Resource), the local winds go through diurnal and seasonal variations with extremes in velocity and directional shifts. At the time of this printing data is being reduced to derive an empirical factor for sudden changes in wind direction and speed. This factor hopefully will give a relative significance to "gustiness" of the wind spectrum. FIGURE 3 WIND VELOCITY AND DIRECTION AT SKAGWAY FOR 6 DAYS DURING DECEMBER, 1981 (repeated from section 1) wind velocity (avg. mph) 41 polarconsult SECTION 4.2 POWER DATA Although the windgenerator system has not been operational long enough to form long range conclusions, several observations and correlations on the power it provides can be listed. Figure 20 shows the daily power usage of the treatment plant beginning in early 1981 and continuing through July 1982. Note that prior to the installation of the windgenerator, daily plant usage averaged a very constant 120 kWh. Never did it drop below 80 kWh. After installation of the system (and when it was operational), a significant decrease in utility supplied power can be seen; during several days of high winds, the generator supplied all or nearly all of the power requirements. Figure 21 gives a daily listing of kWh produced by the windgenerator for four months of 1982. Note that most of the days in late April and during May when no power was produced were in the period when the system was down. The figures are taken from daily logs compiled by the plant operator (a copy of the new operator's log form redone for inclusion of the windgenerator by Polarconsult can be found in Appendix F). We can compare the monthly kWh output from the windgenerator (as calculated from the operators log - see Figure 21A) with power output estimates by the manufacturer (Figure 22) to aid in determining average wind speed during the month. For instance, the 1648 kWh produced during April and July is very close to the 1688 kWh Jacob's estimates at a 13 mph monthly average. 1386 kWh in June corresponds to 1401 kWh at 12 mph monthly average in Jacob's literature. 42 polarconsult However, this correlation should be reviewed with caution at this early date. Recorded data to substantiate these estimates is spotty and somewhat lacking, due to problems with the monitoring system at Skagway. There is not at present a full month of wind speed versus power data available for comparison with Jacob's estimates. One of the purposes of the demonstration project is to determine the validity of manufacturers claims. As more computer generated data of monthly wind speed averages becomes available, some answers may be forthcoming. The last figure (23) in this section compares actual recorded wind speed to percentage of daily load supplied by the windgenerator. The data was recorded over two six day periods in late May and early June of this year. The most obvious correlation is between higher wind speeds giving higher degrees of windgenerator penetration. The highest daily penetration during this period occurred on May 24th. Average wind speed that day was 24 mph, causing the machine to run very near its maximum rated output. The astutue reader will notice some differences in total daily kWh productions between manually read data and computer generated data. These differences are due, we believe, to the fact that Manual readings are made at random times during the day, while the data collection system sums the daily kWh production at midnight. Thus, the two types of readings are not comparable on a short term basis. By comparing the two readings on a monthly basis, possible problems and needed refinements can be identified in either computer based or manual collection systems. Unfortunately, a full contiguous month of computer generated data is not available at this writing, due to past problems in the system. This underscores the need for further data collection and analysis, to more fully define the operating characteristics of the windgenerator project. 43 polarconsult AemBbeysg ul ojly uo ese YyoIyM SHO} Ajpep si0o}esodo Oy} WO S! BYEP SIU) :90}0N ASVSN HM AVG LNVId LNAWLVSYL AVMDVS O02 aYNdIS cs86h LS6L SNA) AVN UWudv| YVAN | Gad | NVf | 930 | AON] 190 | d38 | ONV | AING | ANNE) AVN | TIdV) HV : @34 ie] i i 1 TW Maa a j i ve ll Ss4noy-}}E MOI} jeuojzesodo 10}eJ/0UeBpuym 44 polarconsult FIGURE 21 APRIL 1982 1648 TOTAL MAY 1982 880 TOTAL mon tue ‘e wed 2 a oD DAILY WINDGENERATOR kWHr READING thurs __ fri NOTE: This data was collected by the S.T.P. onerator (by hand) and polarconsult makes no assessment as to its accuracy. 45 polarconsult FIGURE 21A Wind power production in 1982. January 0 kWh February 0 kWh March 0 kWh April 1648 kWh May 880 kWh June 1386 kWh July 1648 kWh August 1627 kWh September 281 kWh October 623 kWh November 177 kWh December NOTE: These numbers are based on data collected by S.T.P. operator (by hand). 46 polarconsult FIGURE 22 JACOB’S POWER OUTPUT ESTIMATES The following estimates of wind speed durations are based on the theoretical Rayleigh wind speed distribution curve. Estimates of electrical output are based on typical efficiencies of each type of component. The actual output of our wind system can vary greatly for reasons cited above. We print this chart only for general information and do not consider the Rayleigh distribution to be accurate or relevant for estimating purposes at most sites. SYSTEN AND WINO OF SCRIPTION SYSIEN_ ANO_WIWO_OCSCRIPTION, Aotor Diemeter + 23 foot fotor Olena er = 23 feet Generator Sire -ioW Generator Size +100 Average Aamwel Wind Speed #12 Wiles Per Hour (at hub hetgne).. Average Anmwel Vind Speed +12 atles per howe (at hub netght). PURFOMUNCE {ESTIMATES PERFORMANCE (STIMATTS, Maylotgn Cot tmate Aoprenimate Cotineted Kiowet Rayleigh Estimate Avoros inate Catinated etowett of mmber of hours KHlowett Neves of number of hours Kilowatt hows hours oer veer using wine INS windespeed Produced at ints wine UNI wind- speed produced at ints Rayleigh distribution. Speed Occurs Fach yoer, red_ occurs rach year, Given wind speed ; Hs ot ilewt heors TeWrhove) ie ‘ a a 5 ws? 8 ” ? siz a ‘ 3 aT) 7 ‘ 39 2 ? as a ” ’ $33 ary ‘ an 32 18 0 se 4 ’ $03 ie 2s 0 0 s 10 sn ry 38 a 32 Mt " $10 ns os 3 se na 2 $00 ua se “ oe ur a «az a oy 1s a0 nn 1“ “sn uw 206 * ve ray 8 “9 zn a v ae 2 6 6 1081 . a6 ay v wn 38 " 3 aa 1090 3s 1216 a ns 1100 " 29 © 12 2 1 1089 70 233 sa 1301 z 130 1021 a 70 39 1307 a Wa ms n 189 ea 1290 m ” uw 2 180 ny 1280 3 ” 10 190 z 16 a8 tet * a 10 er s mt 10 Ms 2 a 10 ort % ” 10 us a a 10 a a ” 10 m3 nm ” 19 mz a ” 10 396 » n 10 am Fs a 10 or) n 1s 10 156 » » 10 mw @ nu 10 ne FT a 10 290 a ’ 10 o 2 n 10 Fi) » 5 10 9 a wv 10 170 % ‘ 0 a ” w 10 ve 3s ’ 0 * Cattmated Anevel Output © 16817 Ktlowett Moves. Estimated Aamval Oviput + 20761 Kitowett Hours, [stinated Average Monunly Outpat © 1401 Kilowett Hours. Estinated Average Monthly Output + 1688 Ktlowett Hours. vorzeer Lad edacobs Wind Electric Co., 1981 voyesra 6 Wacobs Wind Clectrie Ce., 1981 tice _$ Licvat_§ ‘The following estinates of wind sored durattens ove based on the theoretical Reyleigh The fallowing estimates of wind speed durations are based on the theoretical Royletgh wind spend dvirtbution curve. Istinaten of electrical evipyt are based on typical vind speed diitribution curve, {Atinates of electrical output are deted on (ypicel elticheneien at each type of senmaneat, the seth eutnat of aur wind system con ti HMetencies of each type of Component. The actuel output of ove wind systen con vary greatly for reasons cited shove, Me orint Ms chart only for general information very greatly for reasons cited above. We print this chert only or general Information and 40 not consider (he Reyleigh distribution te be accurate or relevent for and 40 not consider the Rayleigh distribution to be sceurete or relevent for estimating purpenes at mont sites. estimating purposes at mast sites. SYSTIN AMO WIND DESCRIPTION SYSITH AND MIND OF SCRIPTION fotor Dleneter 3 Feet fotor Oameter = 23 feet Generator Sire +100 Generator Sire +10 verge Amun! Vind Speed +14 Riles Per howe (at hub height). Average Annual Wind Speed + 15 Miles Per Hour (at hub hetgne). PERFORMANCE {STINATES PURFOPMANCE ESTIMATES, Rayleigh (stinate Avproninace Eatinated Eitowett Mayletgn Eatinete Aoprosinete [stineted KMowect of mmber of hours KNowatt hours Sours per year using of number of hours Kilowett hours hours per yeer using vine thts wind: speed onsale Mayletgh distribution, Wine ths wind-speed brosened ot tte Rayleigh distribution. % occurs rach year, ive wind. { eceurs each year, given wind speed. (lent- thous va T° “=a ies thowrs} Thi/iewe} [a ‘ uw 8 2s s 70 8 n ‘ ea at a ‘ 323 at) a ? ioe 2 “ ? 361 a s ‘ ae ey ne , 391 ce 128 ’ “7 aT 20 Hl as 6 190 1” uo 1 301 10 on 4 26 " us s oe n “ay as a5 ” HT 1 320 wv a uw ana ” “3 14 “as a a ua 7 “4 “an uy 762 “ “ m0 74 1s ar 2 298 ‘5 ae 2) oe 6 07 hb 1087 6 400 26 toay uv us a ne v us Mw 76 18 us a7 127 8 385 a? 1315 9 ne eI 1380 18 329 ry iia 7” Fd 1 yaar 70 yer $1 sas 2 a2 59 1486 2 a5 59 1628 2 72 a 1503 2 Py os 1690 n 9 "7 1493 2 ne ny 10 u ww ae 14s 2" 1% as 30 3 TH 10 1435 a] wn 10 7% % wa 10 1216 6 130 ie 1302 u 10? 10 1021 2 129 19 1297 Fs as io 0 a m 10 m0 a 70 10 y00 ” “ 10 az » 7 10 372 30 ” 10 793 n “ 10 ci u s @ oz a y 10 mn @ se 10 ses 2 » ie ms 3 6 10 “I ” a 10 Re » % 10 67 Fy 1s 10 iat s ” 10 Eo [sttmated Apmeat Output = 23632 Ktlowett Hours Eatinated Anna! Output = 26782 Kilowatt Hours [sUimeted Average Honthiy Output = 1969 Kflowett Hours. [atinated Average Monthly Output © 2231 Kilowett Hours. voy26y01 o-8 euecees ind Cleetrte Co., 1988 vores ts.0 eiaesbs Wind Pestete to., 198" NOTE: THIS IS TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM JACOB’S LITERATURE 47 Ecconomic Analysis polarconsult SECTION 5.1 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ° General For a proven commercial type wind system such as the Jacobs 10 kW Wind Generator an economic analysis is relatively straightforward. This analysis will be based on a number of assumptions and thus the analysis can be accurate only to the extent that the assumptions prove to be realistic. Since the installation of a wind system is very site specific the capital costs will vary considerably with the same machine at different installations dependent on logistics, equipment and manpower available. The installed "capital costs" of the Jacobs in Skagway are roughly 50% labor and 50% materials. This proportion is based on experience with this project and is a realistic assessment of the next unit cost. The cost of running a wind system over its lifetime will depend on the following parameters: a. Capital cost of system b. Interest rate cs Inflation rate on operation and maintenance expenses ae Actual life time e. Operation and maintenance expenses The benefits from running a wind system over its lifetime will depend on the following parameters: are The amounts of electricity produced b. The price on electricity Ce The inflation rate on the electricity price 48 polarconsult SECTION 5.2 ECONOMIC ASSUMPTIONS FOR SKAGWAY WINDGENERATOR DEMONSTRATION PROJECT Capital Cost for 10 kW Jacobs Wind Generator $37,100 Capital cost for this project $80,000 Interest rate (real interest) 3% per year Inflation rate (real inflation) on other expenses 0% per year Inflation rate (real inflation) on electricity 1.74% per year Life expectancy 15 years kWh-price in Skagway (average) 0.13 $/kWh Annual production (Wind class 3) 29,000 kWh The electricity inflation rate is assumed to be 67% dependent on the fuel inflation rate and 33% dependent on the general inflation rate. Thus the electricity inflation rate is = 0.67 x 2.6%8* = 1.74% O&M expenses have been estimated at approximately $2310 per year. * APA standard procedures for economic analysis outlines a fuel inflation rate of 2.6%. 49 polarconsult SECTION 5.3 KWH PRICE FOR WIND GENERATED ELECTRICITY WITH JACOBS 10 KW SYSTEM Using these assumptions it is possible to calculate the kWh-price for the electricity produced in Skagway. The demonstration project: For this project it will be reasonable to assume that other expenses will be a percentage of the price of a second wind system. Thus: O&M expenses: = $2310 Interest: 3.0% = $ 2,400 Annuity = $ 6,701 Total expense per year $ 9,011 kWh - Price: 9,011/29,000 $/kWh = 0.31 $/kwh SECTION 5.4 BREAK EVEN POINT The demonstration project will have a payback time of approximately 50 years. 50 polarconsult SECTION) |5;.5 FUTURE WINDGENERATOR IN SKAGWAY ° Cost Breakdown of Various Wind Installations 7-Meter Wind Turbine Installed cost in Skagway: Windgenerator, tower (80' self support.), controls $21,000 Foundation 2,500 Erection 3,200 Wiring and electrical 2,400 Spare parts 2,000 Freight, including barge from Seattle 2,000 Engineering and contingency 4,000 Total installed cost for 7 meter turbine $37,100 10-Meter Wind turbine Installed cost in Skagway: Windgenerator $18,000 Tower, folding type 60' 5,000 Foundation: Concrete 8,000 Controls 2,000 Erection 2,000 Wiring and electrical 1,800 Spare parts 3,000 Freight, including barge from Seattle 5,000 Engineering and contingency 6,700 Total installed cost for 10 meter turbine $51,500 SL polarconsult -17 Meter Turbine Installed costs in Skagway: Windgenerator, tower (folding 60'), controls: $ 90,000 Foundation: concrete 11,000 Erection 27,500 Wiring and electrical 12,500 Spare parts 10,000 Freight, including barge from Seattle 6,000 Engineering and contingency 23,000 Total installed cost for 17 meter turbine $180,550 24.5 Meter Turbine Installed costs per machine in Skagway: Windgenerator: $187,000 Controls (including loadbank and microprocessor) 25,000 Tower (100' self supporting with ginpole) 39,000 Foundation: concrete 20,000 Erection 50,000 Wiring and electrical 20,000 Special control housing at towerbase 52,000 Spare parts 40,000 Freight, including barge from Seattle 15,000 Engineering and contingency cost 67,000 Total installed costs for 24.5 meter turbine $515,000 52 polarconsult ° Operation and Maintenance Costs for Various Wind Turbines Operation and maintenance costs for 7 meter turbine: 1) Operating costs a. Saleries of operators, attendants and mechanics 1 hr/week inspection 52 hours/yr. x $25/hr. $1,300 Dis Administration negligible 2) Maintenance costs Ce Semiannual overhaul, cleaning and lubricating 2.% 16 hrs = 32 hrs/yr. : 32 hrs/yr. x $30/hr. = $960 Lubrication cost per year = 50 Total: $2310 per year for 7 m turbine or roughly 6.2% of the installed cost. Operation and Maintenance costs for 10 meter turbine 1) Operating costs a) salaries of operators, attendants, and mechanics: 1 hr/week inspection 52 hrs/yr x $25/hr $ 1,300 b) Administration cost per year negligible 53 polarconsult 2) Maintenance costs c) semi-annual overhaul - cleaning and lubricating 20 hrs x 2 = 40 hrs/year 40 hrs/year x $30/hr = $1,200 d) lubrication cost per year 100 Total $2,600 per year for 10 m turbine or roughly 5% of the installed costs. These 10 meter turbines are equipped with towers that are hinged at the base and have ginpoles attached so that no crane or tower climbing is needed to perform maintenance or installation. Operation and Maintenance costs for 17 meter turbine 1) Operating costs a) Salaries of operators, attendants, and mechanics: 1.15 hr/week inspection 60 hrs/year x $25/hr. $1,500 b) Administration cost per year negligible 2) Maintenance costs c) Semi-annual overhaul - cleaning and lubricating 40 manhours x 2/year = 80 manhours 80 hrs/yr x $30/hr = $2,400 d) Lubrication cost per year 100 Total $4,000 per year per machine for 17 meter turbine or roughly 2.2% of the installed costs. 54 polarconsult These 17 meter turbines are equipped with towers that are hinged at the base. This eliminates the need for climbing the tower thereby facilitating all maintenance work. Operation and Maintenance cost for 24 meter turbine 1) Operating costs a) Salaries of operators, attendants, and mechanics 2 hrs/week inspection + 16 hrs/mo. system check 296 hrs/year x $35/hr $10,360 by Administration costs per year (Utility system dependent) 2) Maintenance costs c) Semi-annual overhaul - cleaning and lubricating 100 manhours/overhaul 200 hrs/year x $40/hr $ 8,000 d) Lubrication cost per year 800 Total $19,160 per year per machine for 24.5 m turbine or roughly 2.7% of the installed costs. 55 polarconsult SECTION 5.6 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS kWh-prices and pay back time are obviously dependent on the assumptions made, and most likely some of these assumptions will not reflect real life. In order to illustrate the significance of the assumptions, a sensitivity analysis has been made for a second wind system using the assumptions previously mentioned and the capital and operations and maintenance costs derived in the cost breakdown of various wind installations and operation and maintenance costs for various wind turbines. ° KWh - COST DEPENDENCE ON PLANT COST. 7 m turbine, rated output, 10 kW. Life expectancy 15 years, O&M expense $2,310 per year. Production 29000 kWh per year. Plant cost kWh-cost $25,000 $0.152 $30,000 $0.166 $35,000 $0.181 $37,100 $0.187 $40,000 $0.195 $45,000 505210 $50,000 5 $0.224 $55,000 $0.239 56 polarconsult 10 m turbine, rated output 25 kW. Life expectancy 15 years, O&M expense $2,600 per year. Production 58,000 kWh per year. Plant Cost kWh-Cost $40,000 $0.103 $45,000 $0.110 $50,000 $0.117 $51,500 $0.119 $55,000 $0.124 $60,000 $0.131 $65,000 $0.139 17 m turbine, rated output 65 kW. Life expectancy 15 years, O&M expense $4,000 per year. Production 166,000 kWh per year. Plant Cost kWh-Cost $150,000 $0.100 $175,000 $0.112 $180,550 $0.115 $200,000 $0.125 $225,000 $0.138 So polarconsult 24.5 m turbine, rated output 200 kW. Life expectancy 15 years, O&M expense $19,160 per year. Production 297,000 kWh per year. Plant Cost kWh-Cost $400,000 $0.177 $450,000 $0.191 $500,000 $0.206 $515,000 $0.210 $550,000 $0.220 $600,000 $0.234 $650,000 $0.248 58 polarconsult FIGURE 23 KWH-COST VS PLANT COST FOR 7 METER MACHINE 6 ho we 120 lee 130 las [40 146 Is0 166 leo x 1000 $ 59 polarconsult FIGURE 24 KWH-COST VS PLANT COST FOR 10 METER MACHINE 60 polarconsult FIGURE 25 KWH-COST VS PLANT COST FOR 17 METER MACHINE 175 1200 1225 !250 61 polarconsult FIGURE 26 KWH-COST VS. PLANT COST FOR 24 METER TURBINE ¢/kwh x 1000 $ 62 polarconsult ° KWh_ - COST DEPENDENCE ON ACTUAL LIFE TIME 7 meter turbine, rated output 10 kW. Plant cost $37,100, production 29000 kWh per year, O&M expenses $2,310 per year. Life time KWh-Cost 10 years $0.230 11 years $0.218 12 years $0.208 13 years $0.200 14 years $0.197 15 years $0.187 16 years $0.182 17 years $0.177 18 years $0.173 19 years $0.169 20 years $0.166 10 meter turbine, rated output 25 kw. Plant cost $51,500, production 58,000 kWh per year, O&M expenses $2,600 per year. Life time KWh-Cost 10 years $0.149 11 years $0.141 12 years $0.134 13 years $0.128 14 years $0.123 15 years $0.119 16 years $0.116 17 years $0.112 18 years $0.109 19 years $0.107 20 years $0.105 63 polarconsult 17 meter turbine, rated output 65 kW. Plant cost $180,550, production 166000 kWh per year, O&M expenses $4,000 per year. Life time KWh-Cost 10 years $0.152 11 years $0.142 12 years $0.133 13 years $0.126 14 years $0.120 15 years 30.115 16 years $0.111 17 years 50% 107 18 years $0.103 19 years $0.100 20 years $0.097 24.5 meter turbine, rated output 200 kW. Plant cost $515,000, production 297,000 kWh per year, O&M expenses $19,160 per year. Life time KWh-Cost 10 years $0.268 11 years $0.252 12 years $0.239 13 years $0.228 14 years $0.218 15 years $0.210 16 years $0.203 17 years $0.196 18 years $0.191 19 years $0.186 20 years $0.181 64 polarconsult kwh-cost FIGURE 27 KWH-COST VS LIFE EXPECTANCY ——— 338 36 34 “a 3Q} 2al 26) 24 METER MACHINE 7 METER MACHINE 16] &, 1a} 12: 10 METER MACHINE "ay 17 METER MACHINE life time years 65 polarconsult ° KWH - COST DEPENDENCE ON YEARLY PRODUCTION 7 meter turbine, rated output 10 kW. Plant cost $37,100, O&M expense $2,310 per year, life time 15 years. Production per year kWh-Cost 14000 kWh $0.387 17000 kWh $0..319 20000 kWh $0.271 23000 kWh $0.236 26000 kWh $0.208 29000 kWh $0.187 32000 kWh $0.169 35000 kWh $0.155 38000 kWh $0.143 10 meter turbine, rated output 25 kW. Plant cost $51,500, O&M expense $2,600 per year, life time 15 years. Production per year kWh-Cost 40,000 KWh SO.172 45,000 kWh $0.154 50,000 kWh $0.138 55,000 kWh $0.126 58,000 kWh $0.119 60,000 kWh $0.115 65,000 kWh $0.106 70,000 kWh $0.099 66 polarconsult 17 meter turbine, rated output 65 kW. Plant cost $180,550, O&M expense $4,000 per year. years. Production per year 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 166,000 180,000 200,000 24.5 meter turbine, rated output 200 kW. Plant cost $515,000, O&M expense $19,160 per year. years. Production per year 200,000 250,000 297,000 350,000 400,000 KWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh KWh kWh kWh kWh kWh 67 Life time 15 kWh-Cost $0.191 $0.159 $0.137 $0.120 $0.115 $0.106 $0.096 Life time 15 kWh-Cost $0.311 $0.249 $0.210 $0.178 $0.156 polarconsult FIGURE 28 KWH-COST VS YEARLY PRODUCTION FOR 7 METER MACHINE x 1000 kwh 68 polarconsult FIGURE 29 KWH-COST VS. YEARLY PRODUCTION FOR 10 METER MACHINE ¢/kwh x 1000 kwh 69 polarconsult FIGURE 30 KWH-COST VS. YEARLY PRODUCTION FOR 17 METER MACHINE 100 1120 140 60 so i200 !220 x 1000 kwh/year 70 polarconsult FIGURE 31 KWH-COST VS. YEARLY PRODUCTION FOR 24 METER MACHINE 1650 200 250 300 350 400 x 1000 kwh/year 71 polarconsult SECTION 5.7 BEST CASE - WORST CASE ° 7 Meter Turbine (Skagway Windgenerator Demonstration Project Best Case: Life time 20 years. Yearly production 36250 kWh. (+25%) O&M expenses $2,310 per year. Buy back rate 13¢/kWh. Capital cost $80,000. kWh-Cost: $0.212 Pay back time: 32 years Worst Case: Life time 10 years. Yearly production 21750 kWh (-25$%). O&M expenses $2,310 per year. Buy back rate 13¢/kWh. Capital cost $80,000. kWh-Cost: ISO Soi Pay back time: 89 years ° 7 Meter Turbine (New Installation) Best Case: Life time 20 years. Yearly production 36,250 kWh (+25%). O&M expense $2,310 per year. Buy back rate 13¢/kWh. Capital cost $37,100. kWh-Cost: $0.133 Pay Back Time: 15.3 years Worst Case: Life time 10 years. Yearly production 21,750 kWh (-25%). O&M expenses $2,310 per year. Capitol cost $37,100. kWh-Cost: $0.306 Pay Back Time: 42.0 years 12 polarconsult ° 10 Meter Turbine Best Case: kWh-Cost: Pay Back Time: Worst Case: kWh-Cost: Pay Back Time: Life time 20 years. Yearly production 72,500 kWh (+25%). O&M expenses $2,600 per year. Buy back rate 13¢/kWh. Capitol cost $51,500. $0.084 7.8 years Life time 10 years. Yearly production 43,500 kWh (-25%). O&M expenses $2,600 per year. Buy back rate 13¢/kWh. Capitol cost $51,500. $0199 16.9 years 17 Meter Turbine Best Case: kWh-Cost: Pay Back Time: Worst Case: kWh-Cost: Pay Back Time: Life time 20 years. Yearly production 207,500 kWh. (+25%) O&M expenses $4,000. Buy back rate 13¢/kWh. Capitol cost $180,550. $0.078 8.3 years Life time 10 years. Yearly production 124,500 kWh. (-25%) O&M expenses $4,000. Buy back rate 13¢/kWh. Capitol cost $180,550 $0.202 15.8 years 73 polarconsult ° 24.5 Meter Turbine Best Case: Life time 20 years. Yearly production 371,250 kWh. (-25%) O&M expenses $19,160. Buy back rate 13¢/kWh. Capitol cost $515,000. kWh-Cost: $0.145 Pay Back Time: 18.2 years Worst Case: Life time 10 years. Yearly production 222,750 kWh. O&M expenses $19,160. Buy back rate 13¢/kWh. Capitol cost $515,000. kWh Cost: $0.357 Pay Back Time: 44.3 years 74 Recommendations & Conclusions polarconsult SECTION 6.1 PRESENT WIND SYSTEM In terms of location and siting of the windgenerator, the waterfront location has proven to be relatively obstruction free, and in a good wind regime. No complaints have been registered concerning noise or television interference to date. The tourists who come in off the ships find it to be somewhat of a novelty. Perhaps most importantly, the power bills for the treatment plant have never in its history been so low. While the windgenerator has yet to produce more energy in a month than the treatment plant could consume, it has not seen the strong winter winds as yet in continuous operation. As winter approaches, it will be important to watch the blades closely as the cold high speed winds start buffeting Skagway. An analysis of the failure of the first set of blades was presented in Section 2. The manufacturer is confident the new blades will withstand the punishment they'll receive and we hope he is right. To complete the present installation, it is important that the fence and signs (which were ordered) be installed at the earliest possible date, to deter somebody from climbing the tower and getting hurt. It is also very important that regular maintenance be performed on this wind system. A maintenance contract in draft form, which outlines the scope of work, is presented in Appendix F for reference and information. Additionally, an operations and maintenance manual is being prepared concurrently with this final report and it should be read and followed. A sewage treatment plant operator's log has also been included in Appendix F for Manually recording the data from the treatment plant and windgenerator. 5) polarconsult We have every reason to believe that once all the "bugs" are worked out of the system (most have already surfaced) the windgenerater will meet the power production expectations the engineers and project managers had for it. It is difficult at this time to accurately predict the economic break-even point for this project. As a demonstration project there were costs associated with the installation which would not be repeated: extensive siting analysis; competitive bid contracting procedures, detailed analysis for windgenerator selection, the microprocessor base data collection system, construction inspection, and reporting requirements. SECTION 6.2 FUTURE WIND SYSTEMS There is presently additional monies available for the City of Skagway to install another wind system, which with the lessons learned from the first installation should go quite smoothly. To this end a "Request For Proposal" has been drafted, based on the desires of the City of Skagway and the Division of Energy and Power Development, it has been attached to this report as a separate document. The site for the future wind system has been selected by the City and concurred by the engineers and is located in the tidewater zone, northwest of the sewage treatment plant. By keeping the system an economical distance from the sewage treatment plant, the present data collection system can be used. Also the functions of the sewage treatment plant can be expanded without 76 polarconsult the power bills going through the _ roof. Based on the reconnaisance work done by Polarconsult, if the sewage treatment plant is to be expanded into offices, garage facilities or whatever, a few energy conservation measures should be given high priority. The building is presently poorly insulated and upon gutting of the treatment equipment, will require a new mechanical system. By incorporating an energy management system into the new heating arrangement the building can make best use of available energy it has from the wind. With the addition of: more efficient lighting, power factor correctors on the motors (as they become tested and proven), and sensible designs for building use and energy utilization, another windgenerator could be very cost effective. Based on our experience with this first wind system installed in Skagway, we believe that if any tower height under a hundred feet is considered for a larger blade diameter, a location should be tested at a minimum with a kite anemometer, such as the TALA system or a tethered balloon type system. The rationale for this should be relatively clear in that with the turbulent winds coming up the Lynn Canal and down the valley a short tower will not achieve near the power production and will shorten the machine's life considerably. If a site is selected other than the tidewater area, and a machine is located up the valley in the more heavily wooded section, a tower taller than 100 feet will have to be considered. Because of the proximity of the proposed new site to the runway, it would be extremely important to install aircraft warning lights (as was done on this machine) for safety reasons. The Federal Aviation Administration does not require lights on any tower under 200 feet if it is outside of the clear zone, however, pilots landing in bad weather with squirrely winds have been known to fly relatively low in order to arrive safely under the weather. 77 polarconsult With the introduction of a larger machine, it would behoove the City to make application as a "qualifying facility" under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) guidelines. Being a "qualifying facility" as outlined in PURPA 292.203 the City of Skagway will be entitled to have its generation facilities interconnected with the public electricity grid. Also, buy back rates shall be established as outlined in Chapter 50 of PURPA. At the time of this writing, there is a proposed $2,600 charge for filing for cogeneration or small power production status under PURPA with the FERC for "qualifying facilities" seeking FERC certification. However, there is no charge anticipated for the self certification option, which is the route Polarconsult recommends at this time. It will be extremely important to work closely with Alaska Power and Telephone (AP&T) in Port Townsend and the local Skagway representatives in order to gain their cooperation and understanding of a larger system. AP&T was extremely cooperative with an intertie agreement for this first system (Appendix D)and its successful demonstration has hopefully convinced them of the merit of windgenerators in Skagway. Under Phase II of this wind project, it will be necessary to negotiate a new agreement between the City and AP&T. Any new project undertaken that is of the magnitude perceived for the new windgenerator system should involve the services of a local contractor/coordinator during installation. This individual's purpose would be to free up the City Manager to enable him to deal in the larger picture, rather than having to cope with the daily details as was necessary the way the first project was set up. Additionally, it is Polarconsults' belief that with sufficient guidance initially, there is well qualified personnel in Skagway who can now handle all phases of this project from design through start-up. By maximizing the local effort, not only will money be saved and local jobs created, 78 polarconsult ‘but infrastructure will be built by free enterprise to assure the continued success of the project. Thus, it is recommended that a fixed-price, turn-key type contract be let for the second phase of this work. 6.3 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM As discussed in Section 3.3 (page 37) the microprocessor purchased for this project to monitor the performance has not been fully utilized. Several problems have been encountered which have now been resolved, enabling us to move forward. When this report is presented in Skagway, the software will be updated to allow the user to get meaningful information from the microcomputer without having to send a data tape to Anchorage for reduction. This software developed by Polarconsult includes some statistical analysis of meterological data for comparison purposes. While this report completes the data collection requirements of Skagways' DEPD contract, it should not signal the end of those efforts. AP&T has requested data be sent to them on a regular basis as part of their buy back agreement. Skip Elliot has shown strong interest in the microcomputer system and is expected to continue to support this vital research effort. As a new wind system is added to the treatment plant, the data collection/analysis software should be modified to include more sensors. This can be done for a nominal cost relative to the present investment, and would give invaluable comparative data between wind machines. Our recommendations is to maintain, operate, use, and expand the present system so that Skagway can continue to be a source of urgently needed technical data on wind systems performance. 79 ices Append eel a ® hes a _— wo how ® = oul ” Q Oo oO ow = IA COs ls~ an America’s Oldest Wind Electric Plant Manufacturer Pioneers in Designing, Developing and Perfecting America’s Finest Wind Electric Plants THE STANDARD OF COMPARISON .. . IMITATED BUT NEVER EQUALLED ANNCUNCES ITS NEW 10 KW WIND ENERGY SYSTEM FOR THE 1980'S * THE WIND ELECTRIC PLANT THAT HAS Every FEATURE COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC DEVELOPED FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF MORE THAN 50 YEARS OF MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING BY THE WORLD'S OLDEST MANUFACTURER OF WIND ELECTRIC SYSTEMS WITH VARIABLE PITCH PROPELLER SPEED CONTROL AND COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE AND CHARGING REGULATION. TENS OF THOUSANDS OF OUR EARLIER D.C. PLANTS IN 2,000 TO 3,000 WATT SIZES WERE PRODUCED IN OUR MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA FACTORY AND SOLD WORLD WIDE FROM 1930 TO 1960. AUTHORIZED DEALER DEPENDABILITY - World Wide - Time Proven - Gnequalled with Byrd at the South Pole— Many miles of American rail- Air Way Beacons. The light must Farm electrification. Many thou- It operated 22 years without way signals were operated by never fall — Dependability. sands throughout the world — any attention Jacobs™ Wind Electric Plants — Depended on the proven auto- Dependability. matic Jacobs™ Wind Electric r- Plant. A-1 IMPORTANT FEATURES OF THE NEW JACOBS™ 10 KW WIND ENERGY SYSTEM Designed for the future by the premier firm in the wind energy field PATENTED HYPOID GEAR DRIVE IS INCLINED UPWARD yw LONG LIFE GEARING PROVEN ON MILLIONS OF CARS x UPWARD ANGLE GIVES MORE POWER AND LESS VIBRATION BY ALIGNING INTO DOWNWARD , ANGLE OF WIND CURRENTS CAUSED BY GROUND FRICTION x OUR EARLY RESEARCH SHOWED ADVANTAGES OF AN UPWARD ANGLE OF 8° to 14°... . OUR NEW PLANT OPERATES IN THIS RANGE PROVEN 3 BLADE PROPELLER SYSTEM sx OVER SO YEARS OF EXPERIENCE WITH WIND SYSTEMS REFINED INTO OUR LATEST DESIGN % PROVEN UPWIND DESIGN WITH 3 BALANCED BLADES HAS LITTLE VIBRATION, WHEREAS ALL 2 BLADE OR DOWNWIND SYSTEMS PRODUCE SERIOUS VIBRATIONS PATENTED BLADE ACTUATED GOVERNOR sx GIVES POSTIVE SPEED CONTROL xx OVER 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE WITH BLADE ACTUATION SYSTEMS REFINED INTO OUR LATEST DESIGN % BASIC DESIGN PROVEN DEPENDABLE ON THOUSANDS OF PLANTS IN SERVICE WORLD WIDE INCLINED GEAR DRIVE PERMITS POWERHEAD TO BE MOUNTED CLOSE TO TOWER ® gai PASS ABOVE AND BEHIND TOWER CENTER GIVING BETTER BALANCE IN x MINIMIZES STRESS ON WHOLE SYSTEM IN STORMS OR DURING ICE FORMATION ON PROPELLERS sx NO OTHER SYSTEM HAS THIS CLOSE TO TOWER AXIS ADVANTAGE . . . AN EXCLUSIVE | PATENTED, JACOBS™ DESIGN. MANY OTHER DESIGNS, WITH PROPELLER POWERHEADS LOCATED MANY FEET OUT FROM THE TOWER, ARE FREQUENTLY DAMAGED OR DESTROYED IN STORMS. BRUSHLESS ALTERNATOR MOUNTED IN SPECIAL 6 FOOT TOP TOWER SECTION sx GREATLY REDUCES WEIGHT ABOVE TOWER SUBJECT TO STORM STRESSES x FURTHER STABILIZES TOWER AND SYSTEM BY PLACING GREATEST WEIGHT INSIDE TOWER AT CENTER AXIS % ELIMINATES ALL SLIP RINGS AND BRUSHES . . . WIRING IS DIRECTLY ATTACHED TO ALTER- NATOR FRAME FACTORY INSTALLED ALTERNATOR AND GEAR DRIVE IN TOP TOWER SECTION wx SIX FOOT TOP TOWER SECTION WITH GEAR BOX AND ALTERNATOR IS FACTORY ASSEMBLED AND TESTED wx COMPLETE UNIT IS SHIPPED AS A READY TO OPERATE UNIT THAT CAN BE LIFTED UP THE TOWER FOR QUICK INSTALLATION x PROPELLER BLADES AND TAIL ARE QUICKLY ATTACHED BEFORE UNIT IS LIFTED UP THE TOWER yx NO NEED TO HAND ASSEMBLE MANY PARTS UP ON THE TOWER A VERY SIMPLE AND AUTOMATIC STORM PROTECTION CONTROL tx FOLDS POWERHEAD AND GEARBOX AROUND TO SIDE OF TOWER IN WINDS OVER 40 MPH MAINTAINS OUTPUT, EVEN IN STORMS : NO "SHUTDOWN" IN HIGH WINDS MEANS MORE POWER PRODUCTION SIMPLE, FAILSAFE SYSTEM REQUIRES NO ELECTRIC OR OTHER COMPLICATED CONTROLS THAT CAN FAIL OR CAUSE MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS COUPLED WITH OUR BLADE ACTUATED GOVERNOR, THIS STORM CONTROL SYSTEM PREVENTS WIND PRESSURE STRESS ON THE POWERHEAD AND TOWER FROM EXCEEDING THAT OF A 40+ MPH WIND. DESIGNED FOR LONG LIFE AND TROUBLE FREE OPERATION tr ONLY ONE FIRM HAS A REPUTATION FOR LONG LIFE, TROUBLE FREE, WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS wx JACOBS™ SYSTEMS ARE DESIGNED TO RUN WITHOUT HUMAN SUPERVISION IN THE REAL WORLD OF MOTHER NATURE x NO OTHER FIRM, WORLD WIDE, HAS AS MANY OF ITS UNITS STILL OPERATING IN AS MANY VARIED LOCATIONS x NO OTHER AMERICAN FIRM HAS BEEN IN THE BUSINESS LONG ENOUGH TO GAIN EXPERIENCE IN DESIGNING TROUBLE-FREE WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS Jacobs WIND ELECTRIC COMPANY WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS wind electric plant research & engineering from 1922 manufacturing and world wide sales since 1931 % oH xy | SIDE VIEW SHOWING INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION JACOBS NEW 10 KW WIND ENERGY SYSTEM (Cover Removed) Drive pinion Is at top of gear case, no heavy oli drag power loss. The off-set Hypoid Drive System (patented) balances gear torque against propeller back thrust pressure to give a equalized power delivery to the alternator. Pinion gear shaft operates in sealed tube, eliminating any oil seal at bottom of gear case, thus, oll can never leak out of gear case and destroy gears. Brushiess alternator Is accessible In tower with no collector rings to ever give trouble. i © 1981 JACOBS WIND ELECTRIC COMPANY 2720 Fernbrook Lane « Minneapolis * Minnesota 55441 « Telephone (612) 559-9361 An independent, smail business portfolio investment of Control Data Corporation A—? Jacobs WIND ELECTRIC COMPANY WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS wind electric plant research & engineering from 1922 manufacturing and world wide sales since 1931 NEW 10 KW WIND ENERGY SYSTEM FOR THE 1980’s Designed by America’s Oldest Manufacturer of Wind Electric Systems Jacobs™ New Hypoid Gear Drive Systems off-set the Powerhead from the tower center. This patented feature allows the propeller back thrust to give a steady, equalized power delivery to the alternator. Increased torque from the alternator is automatically balanced at wind speeds up to 40+ MPH. Wind gusts of over 40 MPH fold the Powerhead and Gearbox around to the side of the tower. The Automatic Spring Snubber Control lets the Power System fold quickly as storm gusts instantaneously apply thousands of pounds of pressure on the System. The Snubber slowly returns the Powerhead into the wind as the gusts subside. Sustained high winds hold the Powerhead at an angle to the wind. By using these energy dissipation techniques, the wind pressure stresses on the rotating Powerhead and the Tower never exceed that of a40+ MPH wind. Use of an Inclined Propeller Angle allows the blades to pass above and behind the Tower Center, thus giving increased stability in storms. Our early wind research discovered increased power and less vibration were achieved by aligning the Powerhead upward. This alignment compensates for the downward angle of wind currents which is caused by ground friction. The brushless alternator is firmly mounted inside the tower and the wiring is directly attached to the alternator frame. There are no collector rings, brushes, or other rotating electrical connections to flash or burn in a Jacobs™ System. Jacobs™ Wind Energy Systems are based on 50 years of wind systems manufacturing experience. They are designed for use without human supervision in the real world of Mother Nature. No other American firm has been in the business long enough to gain the experience necessary to design trouble-free wind electric systems. © 1981 Jacobs Wind Electric Company 2720 Fernbrook Lane * Minneapolis * Minnesota 55441 © Telephone (612) 559-9361 Re) Form 104-181 J A COB S™ POWER SYSTEM FEATURES The Jacobs™ Power System consists of-three key elements: an Inclined Hypoid Gear Drive, a Powerhead using our Blade Actuated Governor, and an Automatic Storm Protection Control on the Folding Tailvane. By using the Inclined Hypoid design, our Powerhead is close to the tower. This allows the propellers to pass above and behind the tower center. The Powerhead can quickly turn about the tower center as turbulent storm gusts strike. Violent wind direction changes are inherent in storms and the free turning Jacobs™ Wind Energy System has a design based on our 50 years’ experience in minimizing storm damage potential to Wind Systems. Power System weight is also a major factor in designing long-lived Wind Systems. Our new Jacobs™ Wind Energy System has greatly reduced the free turning weight on the tower cap by mounting the heavy alternator down in the tower. The weight of the Power System that is free to track the wind is under 500 pounds. This is less than that of our older designs, where the generator was mounted above the tower, even though our new Systems have over three times greater output capacity. IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT THE NEW JACOBS™ 10 KW WIND ENERGY SYSTEM CUTAWAY DRAWING OF POWER SYSTEM a2) = a3 fj rl) i / in © 1981 Jacobs Wind Electric Company HYPOID GEAR DRIVE SYSTEM: Cutaway of Gear Case shows the Off-Set Hypoid Gear Drive System (patented) which balances gear torque against propeller back thrust prgssure to give a steady equalized power delivery to the alternator. Note that the drive pinion is at the top of the gear case, preventing oil drag powet losses. The sealed tube below the pinion encases the drive shaft. By eliminating any oil seal at the bottom of the gear case, oil can never leak out of the case and destroy the gears. Designed for long life and trouble-free operation, the Inclined Hypoid Gear Drive (patented) has wide spaced propeller hub bearings to withstand storm induced stresses. Short coupled bearing shafts, common on many inferior wind systems, can wear, allowing the propellers on such systems to spring and flop around after a few years. The Jacobs™ designed Gear Drive is made to operate year after year with no bearing maintenance. BLADE ACTUATED GOVERNOR: Our newly patented Blade Actuated Governor has a simple, failsafe design that improves on the governor that has already been field‘proven on Jacobs™ equipment since the early 1940's. Thousands of our Blade Actuated Governors have powered remote pipeline cathodic protection systems all over the world. Thousands more since 1950 have powered Jacobs™ Wind Energy Systems for remote farms and ranches worldwide. Note that there are no complicated electric or hydraulic governor systems to fail with Jacobs™ Wind Energy Systems, as are common on most newly designed Wind Energy Systems. Any Wind System propeller speed control method that does not turn all the propeller blades to regulate the speed cannot withstand high winds or storms without severely stressing the propeller and tower support systems. Jacobs™ Wind Energy Systems have led the industry in simplicity of design since we started the mass production industry for consumer sized wind electric plants fifty years ago. AUTOMATIC STORM PROTECTION CONTROL: The Spring Snubber Control on the Folding Tailvane automatically folds the Powerhead and Gearbox around to the side of the Tower in winds over 40 MPH. This simple and automatic folding system requires no electric or other complicated controls that can fail or cause maintenance problems. System output is maintained, even in storms. Properly designed wind systems do not need to “Shutdown” in high winds. Our pipeline wind plant systems in service since the 1930's never had the luxury of human supervision or shutdown controls. Automatic Shutdown controls presume a slowly increasing wind. Storm gusts, however, can occur almost instantaneously, before most manual or automatic controls have time to shutdown a Wind System or crank it out of the wind. These high wind gusts can instantly apply thousands of pounds of pressure that can strain or wreck the plant or the tower. The free turning automatic Jacobs™ Storm Protection Control, when coupled with our Blade Actuated Governor, prevents wind pressure stress on the Powerhead and tower from exceeding that of a40 + MPH wind. These design and construction features are the result of 50 years of experience in controlling propeller systems in storms. All Jacobs™ features are covered by current and pending patents. A-4 WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS Jacobs WIND ELECTRIC COMPANY _ -/ TRADEMARK REGISTERED 1935 Jacobs™ “Mastermind” Static Frequency Changer The Jacobs™ Wind Energy System requires a line commutated static frequency changer for connection to the homeowner's A.C. electric system. Jacobs™ "Mastermind" Static Frequency Changers feature an A.C. contactor that auto- matically disconnects the unit from the utility grid (when the powerline fails there is no feedback). This safety feature is important in satisfying utility requirements. The efficiency of our special inverter remains high over a wide range of wind system speeds. Useful power may be produced even during light wind conditions. A generous overload capability allows for maximum power conversion during brief wind gusts. The Jacobs™ ."Mastermind" Static Frequency Changer is easily installed because each is preset and factory tested with a Jacobs™ Wind Energy System operating over its entire output range. There is no need for on-site adjustments. Reliability and convenience are provided by solid state automatic protection circuitry. The block diagram below lists. the basic features of our Wind System as attached through our static frequency changer to the homeowner's A.C. system. HOME ELECTRIC LOAD “MASTERMIND” STATIC FREQUENCY CHANGER CIRCUIT BREAKER IN HOMEOWNER'S CIRCUIT BOX UTILITY METER A.C. CONTACTOR A-5 Jacobs Wind Electric Co. 1981 4% % * High efficiency over a wide load range * Leading power factor presented to capability. . utility line. aoa ° ’ = Automatic disconnect if utility Operation independent of power source line fails. Characteristics. Factory preset. ; ; ; Loads Wind Energy generating system Solid state protection circuitry in true cubic manner. with automatic reset. Sinusoidal current output. * Does not require external reactor. + + As an interface with the utility the "Mastermind" Static Frequency Changer presents between a 0.6-0.7 electronically controlled leading power factor at full power. This is a desirable feature as the changer thus helps to correct the lagging power factor produced by typical household loads such as induction motors and florescent lights. Changer efficiency is about 98% at full load. This high efficiency is maintained over a wide range of loads. At one twentieth (1/20) of full load the efficiency is still 97% Reliablility of the static frequency changer is ensured with a solid state protection circuit which makes fuses or circuit breakers unnecessary on the input power line. A convenient automatic reset feature starts the changer when fault conditions such as loss of utility power are corrected. Installation of the static frequency changer is simple as no on-site adjustments or external components are required. Installation requires connection of five leads from our alternator, and two leads (plus ground) to the A.C. line. Proper grounding requirements must be observed according to good wiring practice (on the output side only). Never ground the D.C. static frequency changer input or any portion of the electric circuit between Jacobs™ Wind Energy System components. This would void the warranty. The static frequency changer converts the power from the input source to A.C. power compatible to the utility line. The static frequency changer is a line commutated unit that achieves simplicity and economy by utilizing the A.C. utility line to operate. When the A.C. line is not present the line commutated static frequency changer cannot function. An A.C. contactor is interposed between the static frequency changer A.C. output and the utility line. The coil for the A.C. contactor is powered from the A.C. line and is opened when the A.C. line is not present as in a power outage. The A.C. power contactor serves as a backup for the normal shutdown experienced by the changer when utility power is not available. For most reliable and safe operation the static frequency changer should be connected to the A.C. line by its own circuit breaker. By wiring directly into the household breaker box there is no added expense for dual meters, special wiring or lockout boxes. The output is the sole property of the owner and is never under any utility control. Utility involvement is neither necessary or desireable because of the fully automatic nature of our changer. Maximum Power Rating of the "Mastermind" Static Frequency Changer is for up to 10 KW of power. Output at 220-240 volts single phase A.C. for up to 14 KVA to the nighline. Form 106-181 © Jacobs Wind Electric Co. 1981 Jacobs WIND ELECTRIC COMPANY — /=/ 1 WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS January 1981 = SL € TRADEMARK REGISTERED 1935 Jacobs™ Wind Energy Systems General Information BASIC DESCRIPTION: Jacobs™ Wind Energy Systems feature a special factory assembled and individually power tested design that is based on our 50 years experience in the wind electric manufacturing business. The large, 23 foot diameter, propeller efficiently harnesses all of the energy within its swept area (up to 25 MPH), unlike other brands that often let much of the wind energy slip through between their blades. Our system connects to the Jacobs™ "Mastermind" Solid State Control Unit that regulates the alternator output at all wind speeds to interface through our Static Frequency Changer with the 60 cycle highline current in the home. OUTPUT: Maximum ratings in approximate 25 MPH wind. Our 3 phase, 12 KVA, brushless alternator hooked to our "Mastermind" delivers up to 10 KW of power. Our changer's - efficiency is about 98%, and it delivers up to 14 KVA to the home as single phase 60 Hz., 220-240 volt A.C. We use a special line commutated changer that has a positive highline disconnect when the powerline fails (there is no feedback). This system does not function when the powerline fails. Stand alone systems which require batteries are under development and will be available in a few months. TOWER: Special Jacobs™ features, engineered and manufactured to our specifications by Unarco-Rohn. Available in approximate 60, 80 and 100 foot heights. (Tower height includes the 7 foot stub tower unit which is assembled and shipped from our factory). Tower is de- sianed to mate to special Jacobs™ stub tower. Shipped direct from Rohn after order is placed. STUB TOWER: Shipped from Minneapolis with factory tested Jacobs™ ‘Wind Energy System components installed. The complete assembly is power tested over its operating range (without propellers and tailvane), and then crated for shipment. The installer lifts the plant from its crate, attaches blades and tailvane, and then lifts the complete plant up to the tower top with a crane or gin pole. It quickly bolts to the three base plates on top of the tower. WEIGHT: Rotating plant weight on the turntable that tracks the wind is about 500 pounds. The total lifting weight at installation with governor, blades and tailvane attached to stub tower assembly is about 1000 pounds. Shipping weight of the entire wind system (less "Mastermind" controls and tower) is about 1300 pounds. PRICING: All prices are F.0.B. Factory. Suggested Factory List Price on a Jacobs™ System is currently $12000. Jacobs™ Mastermind Static Frequency Changer's have a suggested list of $2600. Tower prices vary with height and carry list prices of about $2300 to $4600. Anchors, freight, installation, wiring and connection charges are extra. Contact your local dealer for estimates. FINANCING: Current sales will be cash as listed above. Installment sales plans are now under review. Further details will be released when available. Financing through local sources may be available, ask your dealer. WARRANTY: Jacobs™ Wind Energy Systems carry a two year limited warranty. Dealers arrange installation and give purchasers a one year installation warranty. Form 105-181 @Jacobs Wind Electric Co. 1981 a. ~ af , cael ‘Ci yt =. Jacobs WIND ELECTRIC COMPANY sar ; =~ z tt WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS i 17 = — : 26 October 1981 =H J+ TRADEMARK REGISTERED * eat GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ON JACOBS™ WIND SYSTEMS MARKETING: Jacobs Wind Electric Company sells directly to authorized Dealers who in turn install and service equipment for the consumer. The company does not install directly for consumers. Tens of thousands of units were sold on this basis in the period 1930- 1960 from our old Minneapolis facility. We began shipping new units from our new Minneapolis facility in the fall of 1980. Several hundred are now sold and in the field (fall 1981). Jacobs™ Systems use an upwind, nominaly horizontal axis design. ELECTRONIC CONTROLS: The output that reaches the consumer's load depends on the model of electronic interface system used: Grid intertied systems put out 220-240 VAC single phase at 60 HZ for up to 10 KW of power (up to'15 KVA): to the highline. This unit can be hooked to single phase 220 VAC, three phase Delta 220 VAC or to three phase WYE 208 VAC by following procedures in our manual. Other voltages can be intertied through an appropriate transformer. Check with the factory on special requirements. WIND PLANT (10 KW SYSTEM): Note: Further information is included in our brochures and installation manual. ROTOR SPEED: The rotor operates in a range between zero and 210 + RPM. ROTOR DIAMETER: NUMBER OF BLADES: 23+ feet. Three. CONSTRUCTION OF BLADES: BLADE CHORD DIMENSIONS: Laminated wood, painted Varies from 4" at tip to 8.5" at root. ALTERNATOR DESCRIPTION: 20 KW, 3-phase, 1800+ RPM, 0-180 volt alternator. GRID _INTERTIE ELECTRONICS DESCRIPTION: Line commutated frequency changer. Changes the variable frequency output from the wind plant into single-phase 60 HZ 220-240 VAC which is utility grid compatable. It is also compatable when connected to two legs on the ‘neutral side of a three-phase Delta Utility Service 60 HZ 220-240 VAC. Connection to three-phase 208 VAC WYE utility service requires use of a step-down transformer. (see manual). 10/26/81 A-8 Jacobs Wind Electric Co., 1981 WEATHER SHIELDING DESCRIPTION AND CONSTRUCTION: "Removable aluminum covers (qty. 3). TOWER HEIGHT: Nominal 60' to 160'. Height at rotor hub about 3 feet less thantominal height. (See manual). TOWER CONSTRUCTION: Three legged, galvanized steel, al] bolted, designed and manufactired by UNR-ROHN. (See drawing) FOUNDATION DESIGN: Three anchor, galvanized steel, with cement. Two models are avatable. (See manual) GUY ANCHOR DESIGN: Manufacturer does not recommend use of guyed towers, and will] notwarranty systems on guyed towers. GEARBOX DESCRIPTION AND CONSTRUCTION: Speed. increasing, offset hypoid gear drive in cast steel case. %e firm #104 for further data. BRAKE DESCRIPTION AND CONSTRUCTION: Disk brake, single calipers, manually operated. BEARING(S) DESCRIPTION: Governor assembly uses bushings. Gear drive uses tapered roller ‘tearings. Turntable assembly uses a tapered roller bearing and bushing. Alternator mes ball bearings. WIND ORIENTATION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: Unit freely tracks wind. Tailvane is used at low wind speeds to arient the rotor into the wind. OVERLOAD CONTROL DESCRIPTION: Rotor axis is offset from tower center so that excessive wind thnst will cause rotor to fold around the tower laterally to the wind. (See form #104) OVERSPEED CONTROL DESCRIPTION: Automatic, blade actuated governor. All three blades are mechantally interconnected to feather equally at preset speed (about 200 RPM in about 25 MPFwind). Centrifical force of blades powers the feathering mechanism, with no strain ehub. 10/26/81 A-9 OJacobs Wind Ele=ric Co., 1981 MAXIMUM WIND SPEEDS: Wind system is designed to withstand winds of at least 100 MPH and wind pressure of at least 30 pounds per square foot. Basic governor design in-use on thousands of our machines have regularly survived winds in excess of 100 MPH, over the past 40 years. New units have run under normal operating conditions safely in winds exceeding 90 MPH. WIND SPEED TO TURN BLADES: Under 5 miles per hour. WIND SPEED TO GENERATE POWER: On grid intertie model unit begins passing power to customer load in winds of 8 + MPH or greater, but then continues to make energy down to 5+ MPH before dropping off line. CUT-OUT WIND SPEED: Not applicable. System designed to continue operation unattended in any wind speed up to maximum design wind speed. RATED POWER OUTPUT: Full output of 10 Kilowatts is reached at 25+ miles per hour at sea level at standard temperature and pressure. DESIGN LIFE: Units are designed using basic principles which were proven on our older machines, some of which are still running in their 6th decade of continuous service. Newer units with normal repair and maintenance should run more than 20 years. MAXIMUM POWER OUTPUT: 10 Kilowatts at 25 miles per hour at sea level at standard temperature and pressure. WIND POWER OUTPUT VERSUS SPEED: Figures 1-6 provide charts of theoretical outputs which approximate the actual outputs from typical Jacobs™ Systems in use under normal operating conditions. Actual outputs can vary with temperature, atmospheric pressure, turbulence, Dealer installation procedures and normal parts tolerence. ANNAUL ENERGY OUTPUT VERSUS ANNUAL AVERAGE WIND SPEED: Figures 1-6 also provide estimates of annual energy outputs versus annual average wind speeds assuming Rayleigh distributions of wind speed probability density, and minimum turbulence. We print these charts only for general information and do not consider the Rayleigh distribution to be accurate or relevant for estimating purposes at most sites. The reason is that the actual wind resource varies greatly from site to site and year to year at a given site. The actual output of our equipment can vary greatly from this estimate. 10/26/81 A-10 ©Jacobs Wind Electric Co., 1981 fg = eg = ® hues _ —_ w a ® = onl ” 2 wr ® & b G © ‘Oo ® <x 4a ee ESN ALESS PDL-24 Solar Monitoring System PO. Box 100, Providence, Rhode Isiand 0290! / 401 421 S033 "It's easier than it first appears. Once you start using the system, its logic and flexibility become very clear." A PDL-24 user THE SYSTEM Aeolian Kinetics has combined state-of-the-art computer technology with sophisticated software to yield a powerful and easy-to-use data acquisition system. The PDL-24 Monitoring System both monitors the activity of sensors and performs analysis of the sensed data. Preliminary analysis occurs simultaneously with the collection of data; further analysis occurs by reading the stored data back into the System. Analysis, performed under user control, is fully programmable in the BASIC computer language. Data and results of preliminary analysis are printed on paper tape and stored on Magnetic cassette tape; results of further analysis are printed on paper tape. In its minimum configuration the PDL-24 can accept inputs from 22 sensors -- 14 analog or digital and 8 status. Any sensor generating an output which varies with the quantity measured can be used with the system. Expansion of the System can occur in several ways. It can be made to communicate with other computer systems, it can generate on/off outputs, and can accept up to 56 analog or digital sensors, 32 status sensors, and 32 output relays. B-1 Features e@ STATE-OF-THE-ART: Microcomputer based data acquisition system performs real time analysis while data is being collected. Data results are stored on cassette tape and printed on paper tape for further analysis. e FULLY PROGRAMMABLE: *FUNCTIONS - The user may create up to 50 functions which correlate sensor readings, alter output port conditions, and force printouts to record special events. *PRINT INTERVAL - The on-board printer can be instructed to print data summaries, time of events, sensor values at any interval of up to one year in duraction. *FUNCTION & DATA STORAGE INTERVALS - Data and function values are stored on cassette tape at user-specified intervals. *SENSOR CALIBRATION - The PDL-24 can accept slope and intercept data to linearize and calibrate sensor readings to engineering units. e SIGNAL CONDITIONING: All analog sensor levels can be matched to the PDL-24 using "plug-in" signal conditioning cards. e REAL TIME CLOCK: The PDL-24 maintains a quartz crystal clock and per- petual calendar (Leap Years included!) to an accuracy of +2 seconds/ day. e RAPID SCAN RATE: Each sensor is read for 1/30 second, every 15 seconds (user can re-program scan rate.) e DIRECT ACCESS TO SENSOR READINGS: Numerous keyboard options allow the users to examine sensor readings and perform special tasks without interrupting data collection. e CASSETTE STORAGE: Accumulated data is stored on cassette tape at reg- ular, user-specified intervals. The permanent data can be analyzed with the PDL-24 software or transferred to another system for further analysis. e BATTERY BACKUP: The PDL-24 contains a rechargeable battery pack to power the unit during power failures or remote use. e@ TRULY PORTABLE: The PDL-24 is packaged in a rugged aluminum carrying case and weighs 32 pounds. e EXPANDABLE: The PDL-24 can accept up to four Sensor Terminals and four Output Terminals, offering up to 56 analog/digital channels, 32 status channels, and 32 output ports. e@ OUTPUTS: The PDL-24 can generate binary outputs controlling relays which power furnaces, control processes or other electronic devices. e RS232 INTERFACE: The PDL-24 can be connected to other computer systems using the optional RS232 Interface (and modem, if needed). a8 a A) th os) Space heater Fan Lights Thermostat Daisy Chain Cable eS . - ~~ as op a Cassette Recorder®> Ab Sensor Terminal . Ss = SAN Ju s E RS232 Interface ) - Output Tarpinal ¢) O Jt (-) Ve Sa Sern OA To Expansion Sensor Terminals SSC Ca Zz and Output Terminals. _K \ 2 = = Cy) p - at 4 t \ sy = Heat Sensor Current Transducer Pyranometer _ Vane Anemometer SYSTEM OPERATION The PDL-24 Monitoring System has been designed so that it can be used by both the novice and the experienced user. For example, a homeowner or technician can set up the System and have it running in a short time using prepared programs stored on cassette tape. He/she can “initialize” the System and begin data collection by hitting only a few keys on the key- board. Accumulated data and functions relating the sensor readings to one another will automatically store on cassette tape and print out at regular intervals. This user need only change the cassette and paper tape at regular intervals. Depending on the extent of data being stored, a 69-minute cassette tape will store upwards of six weeks' data per side. After data has been collected, further analysis can be done using the System in "Data Examination" mode or by sending the cassette to more experienced personnel at a central location (or by transmitting the data over telephone lines using the optional RS232 Interface and eden. The more experienced user or researcher can perform on-line, real-time inspection and analysis of data. He/she can easily modify the sensor assignment and implement new mathematical and logic functions relating the sensor readings to one another. Furthermore, the researcher can perform on-line analysis of previously collected data. AEOLIAN KINETICS Pao Define Experiment, Assign Sensors & Write Functions Set up PDL-24 Microcomputer 65, Sensor Terminal, Sensors, and Optional Equipment Initialization File Stored On Cassette Tape Execute Initialization Procedure Redesign Experiment ? Modify Functions Functions Require Mod- in BASIC ification | | | | | | \ Do Execute YES Defaults PROG I: Require Mod- UPDATE ification ? ; STORE Write New Initialization Tape Execute PROG II: DATA COLLECTION Collect More Data ? Data Stored on Cassette Tape STORE i Modify Functions and Defaults as Required Connect RS232 Interface NO i Another Computer | | | | | \ LOAD ee ee + ees ees es eee Execute PROG II DATA EXAMINATIOI ee meee ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee Are Results Sufficient to Conclude Experiment ? Conclude Experiment The great advantage of a computer-based data acquisition system over a simple data logger is that the sensor data can be processed according to a user-specified program while data collection takes place. This allows function values to be calculated from the sensed data, decisions to be made according to the values, and special events to be recognized and noted by the computer. This program is written in the BASIC* computer language and is executed each time the sensors are read. The System offers the user tremendous flexibility within this arrangement. Functions which relate sensor readings to one another can be entered into the program; instructions can be entered to note the occurrence of special or unusual conditions; and signals can be sent to specific output ports to control other mechanical or electrical systems via relays. Four major components make up the PDL-24 Monitoring System: the sensors, the AK Sensor Terminal(s), the AK Microcomputer 65, and the Software. Each of these is discussed below. SENSORS and SENSOR TERMINAL(S) Some typical sensors (transducers) which can be used with the PDL-24 include temperature probes, pressure transducers, radiation sensors, electric current transformers, voltage sensors, electric power transducers, heat flow sensors, liquid or gas flow transducers, humidity sensors, on/off sensors and a wealth of others. Each sensor connects to the Sensor Terminal (or one of the Expansion Sensor Terminals). Signal conditioning cards, which fit into the Sensor Terminal, modify the sensor's electrical output so that it is compatible with the System. The interchangeability of signal conditioning cards (which each plug into a slot corresponding to a channel) allows a wide range of sensors to be connected to the System. In addition to analog and pulse counting (digital) sensors, status sensors (switches) which indicate on/off, closed/open, and yes/no conditions can be connected to the System directly without a signal conditioning card. OUTPUT TERMINALS Optional Output Terminals, which can be connected to the System, generate low level signals sufficient for operating relays to’ control a number of mechanical and electrical devices, such as solenoid valves, motors, thermostats, and others. Functions controlling the signals can be based on sensor readings, time-of-day, or other programmable relationships. * BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) AEOLIAN KINETICS = MICROCOMPUTER 65 The Microcomputer 65 includes the necessary electronic: hardware and software for acquiring, manipulating, and analyzing the data from the Sensor Terminal. With the optional RS232 interface, the Microcomputer 65 can act as terminal or input/output device to another computer. With a modem, this communication can take place over telephone lines. The battery backup allows the System to continue operating during a two-to-three hour power outage. SOFTWARE The Software is the collection of computer programs (in both machine language and in BASIC) that enables the components of the System and the user to interface with each other. The Software is comprised of an initialization procedure (start-up) and three routines -- a default updating routine, a data collection routine, and a data examination routine. INITIALIZATON In the initialization procedure, a file containing system operating para- meters is loaded from cassette tape into the Microcomputer 65. The initial- ization file includes default values for user-specified constants, channel processing directives, and sensor calibrations. - It also contains a default function program which relates sensor readings to one another and one-time values. The defaults supplied with the PDL-24 and explained in this manual are based on the SERI/DOE* Class "B" National Passive/Hybrid Performance Evaluation Program, explained in Appendix V. These defaults may be used as a departure point for creating similar programs or may be replaced completely. PROGRAM UPDATING "PROG I: Update" is used to enter sensor calibrations, specify channel processing options, and modify the intervals at which the functions are stored and printed. These values and the functions can be modified to fit the needs of the particular user or a particular run of the Data Collection or Data Examination routines. The modifications along with new or modified functions can be stored on cassette tape and re-entered into the System at a later date in place of the original initialization file. *Solar Energy Research Institute of the U.S. Department of Energy. w ' oO 40 Ses) DATA COLLECTION After the System is initialized and updated, the second routine, "PROG II: Data Collection" is run. During this routine sensors are read every fifteen seconds. Totals, averages and functions (defined in the function program) are computed at fifteen second intervals. At user-specified intervals, the channel totals and averages, and function values are printed; channel data is stored on cassette tape; and function values are stored on cassette tape. These data tapes can be used in later analysis. At a fourth inter- val, function values are zeroed. Zeroing the functions at specified inter- vals allows for automatic calculation of data totals for parts of the diurnal cycle or for periods of longer duration. Flow of information in the PDL-24 System During Data Collection Channel Total Immediate reading stored on and/or total or cassette tape average printed Digital Sensor Signal Accumulated Counts Analog Sensor Signal >Printed igits in —LyEngineering tpFunction = Memory Units Values “ G-1 Volt DC ——pFrequency Stored on Massette Tape SIGNAL VOLTAGE TO DIGITAL PDL-24 USER- CONDITIONING FREQUENCY MEMORY MONITOR FUNCTION CARD CONVERTER PROGRAM PROGRAM SENSORS SENSOR TERMINAL MICROCOMPUTER 65 With appropriate programming by the user, some functions can be computed at one interval and others computed at another interval. For example, averages of various temperatures and types of energy use may be computed daily while some complex interaction of these may be computed on a monthly basis. While data is being collected, the time of day is flashed to the display and printed after every reading. Typing single characters at the keyboard allows the user to instruct the System to perform various operations, such as examine the instantaneous readings of any or all sensors, or turn off the printer. One can also force a printout of totals and function values or a zeroing of totals and averages. It is also possible to stop the Data Collection routine, modify the function definitions in order to more closely examine some observed situation, and then continue collecting data. DATA EXAMINATION In the final part of the software, "PROG III: Data Examination," the data that has been stored on cassette is examined and analyzed. Data for a specified interval is read in, printed out, and operated on by user-defined functions. After all the data which is being examined has been entered, the computed function values are printed. Using the optional RS232 interface, data can be transferred to another computer during Data Examination. AEOLIAN KINETICS ora Hea NNN SUSSS PDL-24 Solar Monitoring System PO. Box 100, Providence, Rhode island 02901 / 401 421.5033 Specifications System Sensor Inputs: Analog Channels + 2 reference voltage levels + 14 single ended + Q-1 volt full scale + 250 MfLinput resistance Switch Channels + _ 8SPST (NO or NC) Analog to Digital Conversion + Resolution: 1 part in 3333 (11-1/2 bits accuracy) + Linearity error: < +.05% full scale + Temp. Coefficient: +30 ppm/°C + Conversion time: 33 Microseconds Hardware Physical Microcomputer 65 Sensor Terminal Width: 17.0 in 8.0 in Hei ght: 7.5 in 3.0 in Length: 21.0 in 8.0 in Weight: 27 1b- 2 1b Power Supply Power Requirements: Battery Pack Data + Rechargeable sealed lead-acid cells + Operates from AC while charging Battery test indicator . * 2 hour operation from full charge 120 VAC, 60 Hz Environmental Operating Temperature: O°C - 70°C . Storage Temperature: -40°C - 70°C + Humidity: 0-95% Rh without condensation Cassette Recorder Panasonic RQ-2785 Cassette Recorder Auto stop, built-in mi¢rophone Tape counter Automatic level control 5/81 Data Storage 30 days per side on C-60 cassette storing 10 channels and 10 functions hourly Programmable Variables + Sensor calibrations (slope + intercept) Channel totals/averages Print Interval Channel Store Interval Function Store Interval Function Zero Interval 100 user-defined functions User-defined constants 3 special variables Channel print/process/store RS232 interface (optional) Thermal Printer + 64 ASCII alphanumeric characters and symbols + 120 lines per minute + 20 column, 5X7 dot matrix Keyboard + Standard 54 key layout + full ASCII alphanumerics and symbols plus control and function keys Processor and Peripherals + 6502 8 bit CPU at 1 MHz + 6532 RAM Input/Output Timer 6522 Interface Adapters Memory 8K ROM System Monitor + 8K ROM PDL-24 Monitor + 8K BASIC Interpreter + 5K User RAM (expandable) Sampling Rate . One complete scan every 15 seconds Major Software Routines . Initialization/Update Defaults + Data Collection + Data Examination Real Time Clock & Calendar ° Quartz crystal timebase accurate to +2 seconds/day (battery backup provided) . Data filed by month, day, hour, minute for easy retrieval Expansion Capability + Up to 56 analog/digital and 32 status channels + Up to 32 output relays Input/Output . 20 ma. current loop TTY interface (RS232C optional) + Two audio cassette ‘interfaces + Two 8 bit bidirectional 1/0 ports (TTL levels) + 44 Pin Application Connector + 44 Pin Expansion Connector Document ation Full software and hardware documentation includes: PDL-24 User's Guide BASIC Programming Manual Hardware Guide : User Operating Manual Monitor Listing Machine Language Programming Manual System reference cards Data Collection Software, Calibration and Parameters Pe Nell 2 Bs ~ = DATA COLLECTION SOFTWARE LIST 1 END? ITSUSR(20): 2 REM sDTC1 3 REM 08/27/82 4 REM FOR S REM DATA COLLECTION & REM SKAGWAY 7 REM AK & REM VERSION 1 10 00=1000:01=100:02=10:04=0.05407 ?09=0:AD=130 2 AS$=CHR$ (44) 15 08=40:09=0:046=2: >DIMX(24) ?AA=07 30 DEFFNT1(V)=INT(V#O2) /02:DEFFNT2(V)=INT(V#01)/01 70 DEFFNT3(V)=INT(PEEK(V) /146) #02+(FEEK(V)ANDIS) 90 FORI=Z255TOSSTEP-4 : POKE40961» 1 2NEXT 99 130 135 140 145 150 160 170 175 180 185 190 200 PISUSR(24)+ - IFRD=07 THENMF =09 =MT=09:X(5S)=09:DT=09:REM ZERO VARIABLES REMXA=V>X(1)=V¥*4,X (3) =V*3 XA=FNC(1)/0/012X(1)=KA°42X (3) =XA°SIF (44) =F (44)4+0 REM MF/KF=SUMV"4 »MT/KT=SUMVCS KFSKF+X (1) SKTSKT+X (3) SMP =MF +X (1) SMT=MT+X (3) IFMT< SO? THENMV=INT ( (MF /MV) #02) /00 IFKT< DOP THENF (40)=KF/KT?REM DAILY MEAN POWER REM KWH PARAMETERS X (CS) =FNC(S)4+X (05) 2F (45) SF (45) 4+FNC (5) 2F (446) =F (446) +FNC (6) REM TS=WIND DIR. WR=WIND PWR. FC SO) =F (90)41 NO (2) 2F (26) =F (26)+XAtF (41 =F (26)/F (90) WP=X (3) #04#C2F (25) =F (28) +WP?CO=09 REM WIND POWER BIN FORT=09TO360S 7 EP45 :CO=C0+07 2 CK=28: IFTS< ITHENF (0%) =F (0%) +WPCo=09 2 GOTO240 NEXTI REM DIRECTION MAGNITUDE, DT=HOURLY SUM IFAA=07THENPF=TS? AA=09 2 GOT! DF=PF-TS: IFABS (DF) >ADTHENDF= DT=DT+ABS (DF) 2X(11)=ABS(DF)/C:FF= XCLS)SX(13)4XC110 XC 1S= XC7)=SINT(X(17) #01) 2X09) AA=09 =NO=09 15) +X(119°22X(17)=X(13)/RB R(X (15) /RD-X(17)°2)/02 O REM MAX&MIN TESTS 1000 © IS FCCK)=INT(X(S)/06)#02 1010 [FH=04THENGT 100: TIFF (90) =07THENF (40)=XA2F(43)=XA2F(66)=FNC(4) 2F(69)=F (66) IFF (40) >XATHENF (60)=XA207%=461 2 GOSUB1O60 IFF (42)< XATHENF (42)=XA2C%=4632GOSUB1060 IFF (44) >FNC (4) THEN(44)=FNC(4) 45:2 G50SUB1060 IFF (46)<FNC(4) THENF (64) =FNC (4) ?C%=67:G0SUB10460 IFF (48) <FNC(3) THENF (48) =FNC(3) £9? G503UB1060 IFF(70)<X (11) THENF (70) =X(11)2C 12 G0SUB1060 REM MAGNITUDE BINS 0-40 IN 5 DEG. FORISO7TO1L2:NU=S*12C1iZ=1406 IFABS (DF ) SNOANDABS (DF )<=NUTHENX (C1%)=X (01%) +072G0T0440 NO=NUtNEXTI 2X (0)=X(0)4+07 35 REM TEST FOR INTERVAL END IFRD>40CANDF =—- 1 THENGOSUB1000 . REM IF YES STORE VALUE IN FUNCTIONS i R(22) END 4=H/06447 201 %=H+04s W=H/064+752F (01%) =DT MV EF (C2Z)=X (7) +X (9) 4 2G0T01040 1020 IFF(C1%) oF (GT%) THENGTZ=01%2F (42)=012%260T01040 1030 RETURN 1040 FORI=07TO2SSTEFO 1045 F(25)=X(0) 2X(G)=09 1060 F(CK)=INT(H*O1+S/08) = RETURN F(1)=X(1+07) 2X(1+07)=09:NEXTI RETURN DATA EXAMINATION SOFTWARE <LIST 1 PEND? 1T=USR(20)2 2 REM SDTE1L 3 REM 08/27/82 4 REM FOR 5 REM DATA EXAMINATION & REM SKAGWAY 7 REM AK 8 REM verean AG 10 00: 15 08= 30 DEFFNTA(V 40 H4=75:9 =27206=2 a7 50 DATA" NNE “,"SSE"s "SSW 1 WSH" 5 "WNW + "NNW" 60 AS="AVG" EMIS="MIND" IMAS="MAXS" EC P"TEQS="=" I CRS=CHRS( 13) 70 DEFFNTS(V)= INT(PEEK(V) /16) 402+ ( PEEK (VIANDIS) 9? (24)? 110. IFP’ & THENL 990 120 IFP1L THENMM=FNT3(L+506) : DD= FNT3(L+507)-07 999 ISUSR(22) END 1050 PRINT EREREHRAREE RHEE ERE" SRETURN 1990 FORI=07TO90:F (1)=FNF (1) =NEXT 2000 GOSUBLOSO: 2010 GOSUBIOSO:PRINT!" “:FRINTI" " PRINT! SPC(3)"DAILY SUMMARY" PRINT! SPID(S)MM"/ "DD INT! "POWER PARAMETERS: OSUELOSO 2020 PRINT!" “:PRINT! "WINDGENERATOR":PRINT! "KWH TOT.="F(45):PRINTI" " 2030 PRINT! 2040 PRINT ILITY WER" PRINT!" PRINT! "KWH TOT F(46) SPRINT! “WIND POWER FOTENTIAL IN WATTS /SQ METER":FRINT!" " 2050 PRINT! "TOTALS"FNT1(F (28) PRINT!" “PRINT! “POWER % BY AZIMUTH" :RESTORE 2060 FORISO7TO7:READDS: LFF (FX%+1) S09 THENX 1 =09 2: G0TO2050 2070 X1=FNT2Z(F(FA+1) /F (23) #01 2080 PRINT! D$S$X1:NEXTISPRINT!" "SPRINT!" “PRINT! “WINDGENERATOR DATA" :GOSUBIC: 0 2090 PRINT!" "SPRINT! "MEAN POWER V “AS 2100 FORT=0¢6T024STEPO4C4=1/064+46:X1= “ AY KW" EPRINT! "HR KW"TAB(12)"V" NT(F(CK)) 2110 X2=INT((F(CK)-X1) #00) /022X3=FNT1(X1/(02*00) ) 2115 2120 2130 FORI=0?TO1 2140 X2=INT 2145 PRINT! 2147 PRINT! 2150 PRINT!" “:PRINT!" “SPRINT!SPC(S)"WEATHER DATA" :GOSUBLIOSO:PRINT!" “:PRINT’ PRINT! I-2TAB(S)XSTAB(11)X PRINT! NEXTI “IPRINT!" "SPRINT!" DEGREES / SEC.":FRINT!"HR D/S"TAB(12)"+-" AFT ICSL=1#O42 XL SF (CK) 2/1922 X3=FNT1((Xi-X2*02) #01) TAB(S)X2TAB(11)X3!NEXTI FNT2(F(70) )CHR$(44)F (71) A. 2140 PRINT! "WIND(MPH) “CRSTAB(S) "TIME Vs 2145 PRINT! ASSPC (3) EQSFNT1(F (41) OREMISF (41) SPO (5) 3 2170 PRINT! 20 FORT= OSFNT1(F (40) )CRSMASF (423) SPC(S)EQSFNTI(F(42))2P RINT!" “iPRINTI" & PRINT! "TEMPERATURE": PRINT!" “ PRINT! TAB(S) “TIME Te 20 PRINT! MI$F (45) SPC (5) EQ$FNT1(F (44) ) PRINT! MASF(467)SPIC(S)EGQHFNTICF(49))2PRINT!" “SPRINTI" " PRINT! "TURBULENCE Tests 0 RINT!" SPRINT S® “ INT! I~ O4TAB(10) INT(F (I) ) tNEXTI PRINT! “RINT! "MAX DEGREE CHANGE ATPERIOD ENDING “F(42)#01 PRINT!" ":PRINT!" "RINT! "DEG. CHANGE FREG.":FRINT!" " PRINT! "DE! S"TABR(10) "FREQUENCY"? T$="<D<¢=" :NO=09 FORI=07T0 1#04)-07 PRINT! N %) =NO=NUINEXTI PRINT! AB(11)F(42):PRINT!" “PRINT! " " FRINT! COLLECTED THIS DATE ="F(44) O PRINT! "TOTAL NS="F (90) 0 Lik LN iia nih ally SIBLOSOZPRINT!" "“sPRINT!" " POLARCONSULT’S DATA DUMP SOFTWARE <LIST 1 SEnp: rus (20) : 10 INPUT"“LOCATION » YEAR"S$LC$+YR:DIMX( 12) 2P1$=CHRS$(146)2X=1 11 DATAS + 6161817 1610717 1brbe7 2 P2S$=CHRS( 23) = DWS=CHRS (14) 12 SW$=CHR$( 15) =N1S2$=CHRS$ (2S) =NSOS=CHR$( ZS) 2H1$="WIND" 13 H2$="TEMPERATURE" :H2$="RAIN" :H4$="-—--- “2HS$="WINDGENERATOR" 14 H6$ 3$="PUMPS" :HOS="PLANT" =? D1¢="HOUR" 15 D2 D3$="DIRECTION" : D4$="INSIDE" : D5$="OQUTSIDE" 16 Dé AVG." :D3$="TOT. “:D9$="TIME-ON" 2A1$="(AVG.MPH)" 17 Az ASS="C INCHES)": A4¢=" (KW) SS=" (HRS) SA6S=" (KWH) " 18 Z1=10:722=100:73=1000: Z4=3846: 75=0.0547 2 DEFFNT3(V)=INT(V#Z1)/Z1 19 DEFFNT1(V)=INT(PEEK(V)/16)#2Z1+ (PEEK (V)AND15) :DS$="DAILY SUMMARY" 20 DEFFNT2(V)=INT(V#Z2)/Z2:CRS=CHRS (13) INF S=CHRS (12) =MNS="MIN" 21 CT=O0:D9¢$="% LOAD “:H3$="UTIL":Dés=Des:Ass=" (KWH) “ oy SISUSR(24)3 110 IFF1=ZTHENZ000 120 X(Q)=FNT1 (282) =MO=FNT 1 (280) :DA=FNT1(281) 2X (1)=FNTS(FNC(1)*C0/RD) 130 X(2)=INTCFNC(2)*24 (3)=FNTSCFNC(S) 2X (4)=FNTS(FNC(4)) 140 X(7)=FNT2(FNC(5) #0/23) 2X(S)=FNT2(FNC(4) #0/Z3) 145 X(11)=X(7)+X(5) 150 X(3) IFX(7) SOTHENK (3)=(X(7)/X(11) )#Z22X (3) =FNT3(X(3)) 155 X¢ 02X(9)=02X(10)=0 140 1 THENGOSUBISSO 170 1100 99e-t (22) :END 1100 RE: PRINTP1S3 1105 TO11 STRS(X (CI) SIFX CLI SOTHENRS=" 4" 1110 READST: TB=ST-(LEN(STRS(X(1)))) IF I=OANDX (0) =OTHENGIS="24" 1115 LFTBCOTHENRS="O0R" 2 TR=ST-2 1120 PRINTSPC(TE) $3 #NEXT?Y1=Y1+12FRINTCREP2¢ : RETURN 1130 Yi=VYi+1PPRINTF2$ RETURN 1550 PRINTPISDWSMO"/"DA"/"YRSPC(2)LC$SWS?PRINTN1S2$ 2 FRINTSPC (19) HI$SPC(1S)H2$3 1540 PRINTSPC(9 HSESPC(4) H4$HSSHessPc ( 4) H4$HS$SH4$SPC (4) HOSSPRINTSPC(4)0193 1570 PRINTSPC(4)D2$SFC (2) D2ssP0 (4) D4$sPc (4) DS¢SPc (4) O4¢SPC0 (7) D7$SP0(7) 3 1580 PRINTDS$3PC (4) D9$SPC (5) DE$SPc (4) DS$SPC0 (4) DS$:PRINTSPC(12)A1SSPC(S)AZS3 1590 PRINTSPC(7) AZSSPC (6) AZSSPC (4) ASSSPC (4) A4S$SPC(7) ASSSPC (4) ASSSPC(4) 5 1400 PRINTASSSPC(4) ASSSPC(S) ALS PRINTNGOSP2$ = X=O 2 RETURN 2000 CT=CT+1?X=12 LFCT=3THENPRINTP1 SNPSP2$2CT=O 2010 IFCT<>0THEN2020 2015 GOTOSe9 2020 FORI=1TO4:PRINTPISCRSP2$: NEXT 2030 GOTOSe9 Sensor Type Parameter and Measured Serial # Variable Name in Functions CE Ca a a eee SLOPE Ey feed as z oo Date Installed Signal Cond. Card Coef. Programmed Designation N/A Reads Hundredths Miles of Wind Anemometor Wind Speed > 2 S/S | Sensor -. S ] Slope Wind Direction 639.79|-443. 54DEG -448.6 . - ne An alo g / Pulse Initialization FileName spTc1 : Date 8/27/82 PD [2 4 Site SKAGWAY Operator SKIP ELLIOT Cc ha nnel Loa Sensor Terminal # : Sensor Terminal Coefficient 1.467 fm A-OLIAN KINETICS Inside Air Temperature Temperature K Ki + | PRINT? 3 ia ee 4 C caSSEe: SESE Outside Air Temperature Temperature DEG F Windgenerator Output Plant Consump- tion Pos ANALOG PUL > fon dee St ck te Presently under going calibration. B Cc Function number FO-23 Description of Function Degree Change Magnitudes 5, 10, 15 ...60 (frequencies AG er PROGRAM np a 2 2 ASS(DF) — (AD #06) DF=PF-TS: IF ABS(DF) AD Then DF=ABS(ABS{DF-AB*66)-) If H=06 THEN GTZ%=06: GOTO 1949 IF F(C1%)>F(GT%) THEN GT%=C1%:GOTO164G FOR I=07 TO 23 STEP 06: F(I)=K(I+07) :X(I+07)=09 Fumertinn Prnoram ! ana ic Be el Ey ch | ele ey ee fe a ee Bg ee Initlalization File Name Date PDL-24 Operator Function number F(25) OCCURANCES OF DF>60 F(26) SUM OF WIND SPEED F(27) Description of Function i me F(25)=X(@) :X(@)=09: RETURN ay 2 > w _ & Ss a a c a 3 a — Oo 2 NOT USED F(28) Wind Power Total WP=X (3(*04*C:F*28)=F*28)+WP: CO=09 F(29-36)]Wind Power by Direction NOT USED i = SS = 2a FOR I=09 TO36@ STEP 45: CO=CO+07:C%=28+CO IF TSXKI THEN F(C%)=F€C%Z)+WP :CO=09 :GOTO24G NEXT I if kt4?09 THEN F(4¢)=KF/KT an~wy NOT USED NOT USED MPH KF /KT F (9G) =F (90)+1 : TS=FNC(2) :F(26)=F(26)+XA:F4(41)=F (26) /F(99) — wo a DAILY AVG. WIND SPEED — 2a i) _— HR. OF MAX SUM DF IF F(C1%)>F(GT%) THEN GTZ=C1%:F (25) =C1%:GOTO1G4G NOT USED — > 2a TOT. HOURS COLLECTED F (44) =F (44)+C (ii 2a 2a ee EP x — eo a F(45) =F (45)+FNC(5) Initialization File Name Date PD L-24 Site Operator Function Procram Loa ~ WIND GEN. KWH TOTAL. Description of Function PROGRAM 746) WG KW(AVG). MEAN POWER BY (47-59)| 9 wR, PERIODS F (46) =F (46)+FNC(6) IF RD?6G@ AND F=-1 THEN GO SUB 169¢ pe le a ae et Ww ~ < Qa é a a F(6@) Min. Wind Speed rs F(62) MAX WIND SPEED F(6@)>XA THEN F(6@)=XA:C%Z=61:GOSUB 160 a a F(69)3XA THEN F(69)=XA:C%Z=61:GOSUB 1460 F(62)<XA THEN F(62)=XA:C%=63: GOSUB 1660 F(63) HR & MINUTE F(62)<XA THEN F(62)=XA:C%=63: GOSUB 1660 F(64) MIN OUTSIDE AIR TEMP. F(65) HR & MINUTE F(66) MAX OUTSIDE AIR TEMP w Co = F(64)> FNC(4) THEN F(64)=FNC(4) :C%=65:GOSUB 1960 F(64) 7 FNC(4) THEN F(64)=FNC(4) :C%=65:GOSUB 1660 w e) 2a F(66)<FNC(4) THEN F(66)=FNC(4): C%=67:GOSUB 196d we wo 2a w oO a HR & MINUTE F(66)€FNC(4) THEN F(66)=FNC(4): CZ=67:GOSUB 196@ > 2 2a NIM EXCLOSURE TEMP. F(68)>FNC(3) THEN F(68)=FNC(3):C%Z=69:GOSUB 1660 > 2 2a HR& MINUTE F(C%)=INT(H*01+S/08) : RETURN ee a | | oo = = 2a a 2 Initlalization File Name Date PD L-24 - Site Operator Fumnrtian Prooram ! ana FMW Function number F(74) Not Used Last reading per interval F(75-87)] KW. Windspeed Not Used Description of Function PROGRAM a 2 X(7)=FNT1 (FNC (9)*12)*02:X(9)=XA/01 oe eee C2%=H/06475 ee ee eF(C2%)=X(7)+X(9) FLL | [eestenation | Not Used 8 ° co a = e = a 2a Ss 2 wn a Scan Counter F(99)=F(99)+07 ela 216 xc} ain te He Initialization File Name Date PDL-24 Site Operator Function Proaram Loa FIONN Varlable Namein Functions Designation € ry wn > _ Ww 2a DIMX(24) No. of occurances of lxcoy [Be 8 i xq) - |v! 149 = XA 4 See X(24) —— v? v° 149 See X(24) Wind Generator Kwh/2hr] KWH 18¢ X(5) = NC(5) + X(5) IFRD = 07 .... X(5) = 09 "Zeroed after store int" X(6) See X(24) End of Interval KW (Wind gen X77 Xx = FNT1 (FNC(9)*12g)_ *0 X(8) See X(24) Odd Not Used Freq. of occurances X(24) of DF at 5 Deg. Intervpls id icy X(11-23 wz = VARIARIE lan ste = Yer enor Initialization File Name Date PD L- 2 4 Variable Namelin Functions Description Designation} Numerical Value Program Number o BS % Nm 1 Number 160 N/A 1d Number 1¢ 02=1¢ W 0.05407 M’V> 1g 04=0.95467 04 Number 07 Number So co Number key | | eae > | Sl> Test for lst Reading Test for Azimuth 18¢ DEG a ° 5 ® co © 5 er rh ° 8 é = e 3 a Ce] g o Initlatization FileName sptci Date 8 /27/82 PDL-24 an secs mca oral ie Site | SKAGWAY Operator SKIP ELLIOT Utility Intertie Agreement re Alaska Panen ¥ Telophone Company 702 WATER STREET, PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON 98368 TELEPHONE (206)385-1733 \ SOUTHERN POWER COMPANY ARTHUR GARRETT RALPH J. WILSON (AY POWER & LIGHT SYSTEM Chairman President POWER & LIGHT SYSTEM NANCY GARRETT BROWN VERNON J. NEITZER 4 ONAL UTILITIES, INC. ee a = - hte Mpa eh Chief Engineer KA CENTRAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM cca os Vice President & Treasurer +WAY TELEPHONE SYSTEM ~-HERN ALASKA TELEPHONE SYSTEM KA POWER & TELEPHONE CORPORATION MARILOU K. RAYMOND GAIL BROWN HOBBS Senior Ass't. Secretary Ass't. Secretory & Ass't. Treasurer September 29, 1981 Mr. Skip Elliott City Manager City of Skagway P.O. Box 415 Skagway, Alaska 99840 Dear Mr. Elliott: Enclosed please find one AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY fully executed and signed by Mr. Wilson. Thank you very much, Sincerely, fe” a ! : / Robin L. Yanke ‘ for Ralph J. Wilson President RLY:gbh ENCL AGREEMENT’ FOR PURCEASE AND SALE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on the 29 day of September, 1981, at Skagway, Alaska, by and between CITY OF SKAGWAY ("SELLER") and ALASKA POWER AND TELEPHONE COMPANY ("UTILITY"), and is based on the following facts: Bw. SELLER is an Alaska municipal corporation, and in connection with its exercise of municipal powers, owns and oper- ates the Skagway sewage treatment plant in Skagway, Alaska. B. UTILITY is a privately owned public utility en- gaged in the business of providing electrical power, and is the electric utility for the Skagway, Alaska area. In connection with this service, UTILITY sells electrical power to SELLER for use by the sewage treatment plant. Cc. SELLER is in the process of purchasing and in- stalling a small wind energy conversion system ("SWECS") at its sewage treatment plant. The primary purpose of the SWECS is to generate electrical power for use by the sewage treatment plant. A secondary purpose of the SWECS is to generate electrical power for sale to UTILITY. The SWECS is a qualifying facility within the meaning of Sections 201 and 210 of the Public Utility Regu- latory Policies Act of 1978. Page 1 of 8 Dis Prior to the execution of this Agreement, SELLER has provided to UYILITY various plans, specifications and other data concerning the SWECS, including the manufacturer's specifi- cations for the yenerator, a description of the proposed site and the proposed means of interconnection with UTILITY. IT IS AGREED THAT: ARTICLE 1. Basic Agreement. ass Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, SELLER agrees to furnish and sell, and UTILITY agrees to receive and purchase all of SELLER'S surplus power produced by the SWECS to be owned and operated by SELLER at its sewage treatment plant. b. As used in this Agreement, the term "surplus power" shall mean all electrical power generated by SELLER and not used by the sewage treatment plant. ARTICLE 2. Availability. a. During the term hereof, SELLER shall endeavor, but shall not be obliyated to, operate its SWECS to the maximum extent reasonably possible under the circumstances and shall make available to UNJLINY all of its surplus power when in operation. Page 2 of 8 b. SELLER shall have the sole responsibility for operation and maintenance of its generating unit, including any relays, seals, breakers, and other control and protection devices that are necessary for the operation of SELLER'S SWECS in parallel with the system of UTILITY, and the SELLER will maintain its SWECS in good operating order and repair without cost to UTILITY. ARTICLE 3. Price. as The price charged by SELLER to UTILITY for sales of electric energy under this Agreement shall be 100% of UTILITY'S then prevailing retail rate. The parties stipulate that this rate is just and reasonable, in the public interest, and is nondiscriminatory to SELLER. loys As a matcrial portion of the consideration to be fur- nished to UTILITY, SELLER agrees that it will provide to UTILITY all reports, summaries, analysis, and other matter compiled in connection with the project. Because this project is one of the first SWECS to be cuogenerated in Alaska, UTILITY Has agreed to the price specificd so that it may receive the various materials. ARTICLE 4. Delivery and Metering. ae The point ot interconnection (the "Delivery Point") between the SWECS and UTILITY'S system is at the point of Page 3 of 8 connection of the sewage treatment plant and UTILITY'S system. The SELLER shall be obligated to pay all costs of interconnection with UTILITY. b. In addition to the meter now located at the sewage treatment plant to measure the flow of electricity sold by UTILITY to SELLER, SELLER shall install and own, at its sole cost and expense, a separate meter at the sewage treatment plant to measure the flow of clectricity sold by SELLER to-’UTILITY. Cs Each party shall bear the costs of any calibration and repair of its respective meters. ARTICLE 5. Billing. UTILITY shall read both meters at such periodic intervals as it deems appropriate and submit to SELLER a single net statement reflecting all power sold to SELLER by UTILITY and by UTILITY to SELLER. ARTICLE 6. Facilities. SELLER shal! install and maintain at its own expense such protective devices and equipment as are necessary for the protec- tion of the UTLLITY'S electric system and personnel. SELLER Page 4 of 8 shall also install capacitors and other equipment necessary to maintain SELLER'S power factor as close to 100% as reasonably possible. ARTICLE 7. Liability and Insurance. a. Each party be responsible for its facilities and the operation thereof to the Delivery Point and will indemnify and save the other harmless from any and all loss by reason of prop- erty damage, bodily injuries, including death resulting therefrom (and all expenses in connection therewith, including attorney's fees) caused by or sustained on, or alleged to be caused by or sustained on, facilities owned or controlled by such party, except that each party shall be solely responsible for and shall bear all costs of claims by its own employees or contractors growing out of any worker's compensation law. b. UTILITY shall not be considered to be in default here- under and shall be excused from purchasing electricity hereunder if and to the extent that it shall be prevented from doing so by storm, flood, lightning, earthquake, | explosion, equipment failure, civil disturbance, labor dispute, act of God or the public enemy, action of a court or public authority, withdrawal of facilities from operation for maintenance and repair, or any cause beyond the reusonable control of UTILITY. Page 5 of 8 c. (i) SELLER hereby agrees to maintain in force and effect for the duration of this Agreement, such general property damage and liability insurance, including worker's compensation, as UTILITY May reasonably require; and all such insurance will be carried in amounts sufficient to prevent SELLER from becoming a coinsurer. (ii) SELLER agrees to provide a certificate of such insurance to UTILITY upon reasonable demand. ARTICLE 8. Prior Ayreement Superseded. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof, and all previous agreements, discussion, communications and correspond- ence with respect to the said subject matter are superseded by the execution of this Agreement. ARTICLE 9. Waiver of Terms of Conditions. The tailure ot cither party to enforce or insist upon com- pliance with any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not constitute a general waiver or relinquishment of any such terms or conditions, but the same shall remain at all times in full force and eflect. Page 6 of 8 ARTICLE 10. General. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the respective successors and assigns of the parties hereto. ARTICLE 11. Applicable Law. This Agreement is made under the laws of the State of Alaska and the interpretation and performance hereof shall be in accord- ance with and controlled by the laws of the State of Alaska. ARTICLE 12. Mailing Address. The mailing addresses of the parties are as follows: SELLER: City of Skagway P.. 0. Box 415 Skagway, Alaska 99840 ULPIEETY's Alaska Power and Telephone Company 702 Water Street Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Page 7 of 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed the within and foregoing Agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF SKAGWAY Page 8 of 8 co. O. LW ae CO = OS ” od) £ — 2 —_ w ~~ wo a Hee Reap remrnreso ne age: mere ew: Station No. {7,7 Station Code SG, WBAN Station No. Station Name ,S\/ A ! Latitude (+DDWM) 7.517247) WiNnodD DATA 25335 S225 ‘ xrvee? _/ y maa) . 3 : Data Period A715 = = speep vyiTs MPH Longitude (4DDDMM) jt, /,3)5)/9, ' . i Station Elevation QaQ2i1, Units of elevation (l=Feet, 2=Meters) / i Data Source? ‘ Ne cee: ereen nreemmwene ame nes ss i Is Station Listed In: (0 =NO, 1 = YES) Has Station Nat'l Wind Data Index?/ Index-sunmarized Wind Data? _/ Has Station * ‘Index of Original Surface Weather Records? | _ Frequency of Observations @ No. of Location-Geenges / Site Location § Site Environment Location 4 sk Sevag = Site Exposure Rating 3 ° Location of Anenoneter O J Local Exposure Rating VY 3 Summary Period (MMYY) No. of years of Wind Records 0,3 Last Years for which No. of Wind Summaries Available 2 Units of Height (1 Duration |3 | TW's Average Anencneter Height (&)? B29 ‘Was Height Assumed? _y O (O=no, l=yes)- Been used in Nat'l Wind Power Cl imatologies? o Been Digitized ? _/ ((O=No, 1=NCC, 2=other than NCC) Wind Records were Obtained 1,5 No. of Anemometer Heights © * = Feet, 2 = Meters) (7 Height No. j 1: 2: 3 ! 4 | eight 1291 ' i | Start 1094.3) ~ 4 End 0.4457 ~~ > 3 its of Wind Speed [ “Q/=mph ~ 3 = sec = knots 4 = Beaufort RUN = |l/se4 lise set 15.87 V8 lise? |Ispolis9! \/seleses ler (is9slisel| |. Borers tohied sem fred [Hee [APL Peat [tune [Tal [Quy [Sept [Cet [rev | DEC tear hevaler Taponn | Svene| Gaze ‘Math, Yeon | ile ese T feldlla 74 pei is Re /BL7 Meer’ Vileety 7 216d Direction rlleolics | 3.41 53] ! . 719 | 10-8 8.3 124 18.81 8.01/31 110.3 P2 [it foto tol 7 ie i? 14 | ois |e 6 bol Paton (eas) TL | ELC el yee ——— asdzastin.7| m3] [|| 2 b23.(| ad nel ¢i.al4solsiq|soal4s.<] 315122 322 17.0132. APPENDIX E MONTHLY AP&T HYDRO/DIESEL GENERATION AND SALES STATISTICS (1973-1982) a Fuel Month Consumed Dec., 1973 27,890 Jan., 1974 26,480 Feb. 28,210 March 25,230 April 27,530 May 20,360 June 10,960 July 12,810 August 14,410 Sept. 13; 780 Oct. 19,960 Nov. 15:74:10 Dec. ,1974 21,250 TOTAL 263,950 Fuel Month Consumed Jan.,1975 33,170 Feb. 35,090 March 26,280 April 33; 550 May 27,480 June 17,080 July 17,280 August 18,650 Sept. 19, 790 Oct. 17,500 Nov. 317.120 Dec. 38,980 TOTAL 315,770 KWH Sold 251,771 257,530 278,358 276,906 290,837 282,634 270,929 274,314 318,035 259:,170 286,309 307,016 356,522 3,750,331 335,024 365,453 268,736 306,533 311,230 335,019 349,099 380,000 404,228 356,780 410,124 421,732 4,243,958 Hydro Generation 14,400 11,600 7,200 5,900 3,261 91,440 205,520 203,040 217,200 210,880 138,960 214,960 201,560 1,525,921 Hydro Generation 53,760 34,000 20,000 13,600 71,680 201,680 203,840 219,360 234,520 208,080 114,720 38,000 1,413,240 Diesel Total Percentage Generation Generation Hydro 173,120 315,700 338,100 298,960 322,839 234,000 111,800 126,640 138,180 144,680 232,520 175,160 249,400 2,860,099 Diesel Generation 392,160 410,580 304,900 386,000 309,300 191,900 193,340 211,680 225,800 196,940 355,040 453,560 3,631,200 187,520 326,300 345,300 304,860 326,100 325,440 317,320 329,680 355,380 355,560 370,480 390,120 450,960 4,385,020 Total 445,920 444,580 324,900 399,600 380,980 393,580 397,180 431,040 460,320 405,020 469,760 491,560 5,044,440 7% 3% 2% 1.9% 1% 39% 54% 62% 61% 59% 37% 55% 45% Percentage 12% 8% 6% 3% 16% SLt 49% 51% 51% 51% 24% 8% MONTHLY AP&T HYDRO/DIESEL GENERATION AND SALES STATISTICS (1973-1982) Con't. ee nee NEIL SEL IOS) Fuel Hydro Diesel Total Percentag Month Consumed KWH Sold Generation Generation Generation Hydro Jan. ,1975 39,890 335,024 53,760 392,160 445,920 12% Feb. 35,090 365,453 34,000 410,580 444,580 8% Marca 26,280 268,736 20,000 304,900 324,900 6% April 33,350 306,533 13,600 386,000 399,600 3% May 27,480 311,230 71,680 309,300 380,980 16% June 17,080 335,019 201,680 191,900 393,580 51% July 17,280 349,099 203,840 193,340 397,180 49% August 18,650 380,000 219,360 211,680 481,040 51% Sept. 19,790 404,228 234,520 225,800 460,320 51% Cet. 17 900 356,780 208,080 196,940 405,020 51% Nov. 31,120 410,124 114,720 355,040 469,760 24% Dec. 38,890 421,732 38,000 453,560 491,560 8% TOTAL 315,770 4,243,958 1,631,200 3,631,200 5,044,440 Fuel Hydro Diesel Total Percentag Month Consumed KWH Sold Generation Generation Generation Hydro Jan. ,1976 39,890 411,283 25,600 456,280 481,880 5% Feb. 38,670 381,958 17,200 440,720 457,920 4% March 34,980 368,168 13,200 396,000 409,200 3% April 38,490 385,404 23,200 424,060 447,260 5% May 24,640 367,359 159,360 258,380 417,740 38% June 17,940 377,380 2137600 201,640 415,240 51% July 20,420 382,303 228,640 228,880 457,520 50% August 20,400 412,315 224,960 231,440 456,400 49% Sept. 24,390 429,542 231,840 266,566 498,406 47% Ocr. 19,590 396,483 203,840 225,000 429,040 48% Nov. 17,100 355), 202 194,080 £97,120 391,200 50% Dec. 18,840 334,414 176,880 223,140 400,020 44% TOTAL 512,350 4,601,861 1,712,400 3,549,156 5,261,826 E-3 MONTHLY AP&T HYDRO/DIESEL GENERATION AND SALES STATISTICS (1973-1982) Con't. Fuel Hydro Diesel Total Percentag Month Consumed KWH Sold Generation Generation Generation Hydro Jan. ,1977 31,700 402,949 73,088 361,200 434,288 17% Feb. 33,010 417,515 87,920 392,280 480,200 18% March 26,090 309,080 64,720 293,240 357,960 18% April 35,830 383,073 41,440 415,420 456,860 9% May 23,650 427,449 189,360 256,260 445,620 42% June 23,450 436,043 227,840 249,440 477,280 48% July 24,940 416,193 236,480 268,120 504,600 46% August 25,390 449,935 238,080 276,900 514,980 46% Sept. 31,350 474,381 193,360 360,400 553,760 35% OGE: 31,220 426,507 113,920 368,300 482,220 23% Nov. 27,640 442,153 204,240 338,260 542,500 38% Dec. 45,290 485,424 38,000 568,800 606,800 71% TOTAL 359,560 5,070,702 1,708,448 4,148,620 5857 ,068 Fuel Hydro Diesel Total Percentag Month Consumed KWH Sold Generation Generation Generation Hydro Jan. ,1978 41,300 408,612 17,200 516,360 533,560 3% Feb. 41,100 449,115 21,300 511,320 532,620 4% March 37,880 424,504 14,800 466,180 480,980 3% April 40,390 418,570 16,000 492,460 508,460 3% May 28,230 404,125 108,720 321,360 430,080 25% June 23,140 428,855 254,160 268,660 522,820 49% August 24,470 445,489 240,400 268,680 522,820 46% Sept. 27,630 447,214 146,240 329,340 475,580 31% OEt. 25,790 529,628 184,240 303,340 487,580 38% Nov. 24,750 419,375 216,000 286,780 502,780 43% Dec. 36,260 450,779 37/7260 427,000 464,260 8% TOTAL 350,940 4,826,266 1,256,320 4,909,480 5,465,800 MONTHLY AP&T HYDRO/DIESEL GENERATION AND SALES STATISTICS (1973-1982) Con't. Fuel Hydro Diesel Total Percentac Month Consumed KWH Sold Generation Generation Generation Hydro Jan., 1979 41,840 459,412 20,000 517,900 537,900 4% Feb. 43,820 479,940 14,400 545,320 559,720 3% March 39,820 434,932 12,800 470,400 483,200 3% April 38,900 440,341 20,400 495,400 515,800 4% May 30,120 403,623 108,800 348,620 457,420 24% June 25,600 459,143 224,640 296,860 521,500 43% July 24,180 440,847 224,800 283,180 507,980 443 TOTAL 244,280 3,118,238 625,290 2,957,680 3,,583',520 Fuel Hydro Diesel Total Percentac Month Consumed KWH Sold Generation Generation Generation Hydro June. ,1981 18,650 433,397 278,000 202,140 480,140 58% July 20,900 486,843 370,600 227,400 598,000 62% August 10,500 469,857 431,080 103,500 534,580 813% Sept. 16,330 548,433 389,840 182,600 572,440 68% Oct. 17,010 446,757 336,800 186,200 523,000 643 Nov. 11,130 432,314 376,160 109,500 485,660 77% Dec. 27,450 415,490 193,600 306,800 500,400 39% TOTAL 121,970 3,233,093 237,680 1,318,140 3,694,220 Fuel Hydro Diesel Total Percentag Month Consumed KWH Sold Generation Generation Generation Hydro Jan. ,1982 41,550 46a, 271 53,240 520,800 574,040 9% Feb. 42,390 526,489 34,280 528,400 562,680 6% March 35,480 417,662 17,000 462,400 479,400 43% April 38,240 412,895 16,400 452,800 469,200 3% May 36,720 401,091 38,720 435,200 473,920 8% TOTAL 194,380 2,239,408 159,640 239:,960 2,559,240 METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY < 12 7 8 7 B81 SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——WINDGENERATOR———-_._ ——PUMPS—— PLANT HOUR VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE = OUTSIDE Tor. AVG. TOT. 1 LOAD TOT. ToT. ToT. (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 14 14.2 18 54.8 14.4 *e ** ** ee Re + +e 13 14.23 19 S5.4 13.4 et ee Hee ae ** ee ae 20 16 19 $3.5 14.1 + ** ** ** #* ae ** 22 «15.7 13 55.3 14.2 ** *e ** ** ** *e +e 2 17.1 19 SS.1 14.1 ** ** ** ** ** #% ** i2 /¢ 3 7 S21 SE AGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE. UTIL ——WINDGENERATOR————-_. PUPS PLANT HOUR VELOCITY DIRECTION «= INSIDE = OUTSIDE ToT. AVG. TOT. % LOAD ToT. ToT. ToT. (AVG.HPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 287 ae 54.9 13.8 ** ** ae ** ** ** +e 4 20.2 22 54.7 12.7 ** ** ** ** ** ee ** & 14.7 Si 54.6 12.46 #* ad ee ** +e +e ** $8 12.3 70 54.5 12.7 #* ee #* ee ** ee +e 4 42 54.7 12.5 He ** ** ee #* ** ** 7 45 51.8 49,4 ** ** ee +e ** +e ** 2 27 30.41 41.3 He ** ** +e +e ** +e 7 22 48 10.4 #* ee #* #* #* ** #* 7 27 FF 2.5 ee ** ** ** ** ** ** 2 22 47 8.32 ** ee #* ee ** #* ae 7 23 44.1 7.1 ** ** +e *% #* #* ae 8 3. 45.4 6.4 ee ee #* ** ** #* ** tz - 7-10 7 WIND TEAPERATURE UTIL ——-WINDGENERATOR---_._ PUPS PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION OUTSIDE ToT. AVG. ToT. 1 LOAD TOT. TOT. TOT. (AVO.MPH) = (DEG) (DEB) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 30 S.7. ** + ** ** ** *#* ** 34 3.3 ee ee ** ** ** *e ee 27 Soa ee ee ee ee +e ee ** 27 5.1 ** ** *# ** ** +e ** 39 Ss ** ** +e ** +e +e ** 29 5.2 ** ** ** +e ee ee *E 32 4.9 ae ** #* ** +e ee ee 27 4.7 ** ** ** ¥* ** ** ** 23 4.1 + ** ee ** +e ae 4% 25 3.4 ** ** ** *#* ** ** ** 19 2.3 ** ¥* ¥* ** ** ** ** 21 1.5 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 2 | 8 7 eee BSE AGWAY WIND TEPERATURE UTIL ——WINDGENERATR————-_ ——PUMPS— PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE §=— OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. 1 LOAD ToT. TOT. ToT. (AVG.MPH) (TE) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 13 22 45.9 Pf ee ** +e +e ** #* +e 4 10.5 19 47.8 go #* ** *e ** ** ** ee & 5.2 29 45.7 1.9 #% +* ** ¥% ** +e *% e 1 9 44.8 ol7 #* ee _** ** ** #* ** 10 «4 1 44.3 4.9 ## ** *% *# *% +* ** Lae Se Sf st SkLlAiway WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——WINDSENERATOR--——--__ ——-PUMPS-——— PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE § OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. % LOAD TOT. TOT. TOT. (AVG.MPH) (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (Kid) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 14 ord 1460 40.3 23.6 ¥* +e ** ** ** ** ** 16 3.5 21 39.7 22 ** ** ** #* ** +* ** 18 2.2 23 39.3 19.4 ** ** ** #* ** ** ** 20 4.3 13 18 ** ** #* ** ** +e #e 22 2.9 20 17.4 ** ** ee +e ** ee 7 ee 24 3.5 it 17.2 ** ae +* #* ** ** +* METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY Rae a aes ee Orpn 10 12 14 146 12 a 2 22 24 WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) (DEG) 3.4 18 1.8 11 4 14 2.8 24 3 a9 4 24 ara 17. +* 146 4.5 34 14.1 23 20 24 22.3 25 eee WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.HPH) (DE) 19.6 26 20.6 24 21.2 27 19.1 = 18.1 23 17.5 25 13.2 26 4.3 103 6.4 47 1.3 289 1.3 8 1.4 148 aca mee WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) 19.4 181 21.5 139 19.8 18s 14.5 173 15.7 179 4.7 114 2.5 225 #e ©6224 #* 225 #e 224 #e = 307 el Zee ae <a WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) 3.7 254 7 223 $.5 302 13.: 252 14.3 246 14.5 145 14.7 129 14.9 155 18.5 86 17.4 143 14.2 157 4 136 306 si SE AGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL INSIDE = GUTSIDE ToT. AVG. ToT. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 37.9 16.3 ** ** ** 37.7 14.4 ** ** +e : 15.8 ** ** ** 37.2 15.6 ** *e ** : 16.5 ** ** ** - > 14.8 ** *#* ** 37.3 18.4 *e ee +e 37.2 1962 ae “et ee 37.1 20.4 ** ** ** 33.5 20.7 ee ** ** 41.1 20.3 et ee He 42.4 20 Saliad ee e =S1 SE AGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR: INSIDE = OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. Tor. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 43.1 20.6 ** #* *e 43.2 21.2 ee ee *e 43.9 21.4 ee ee ae 43.9 21.1 ** ** +e 44.4 21.4 ** ** ** a4 8621.5 + ** +e 42.9 21 ** ** ** 41 2067 *e #* ** 39.5 2kok Saliel ee ee 39.1 20.2 ** ** ** 3.2 18.5 ** ** ee 38.1 19.1 ** +e ** 2) SE AGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL ——WINDGENERATOR--——-— INSIDE == QUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 39.6 2.9 ** +* ** -$.1 ** ** ** Mile, 2-9 ** ** ** 42.4 -1 * * * 42.7 -3.1 +t *e ¥e 41.1 5.9 * *e ** 40 -4.2 ** +e ** 39.4 3.6 ee ** ee 39 a ** +* e 33.3 3.7 ** ** ** 38.7 9 #* ad ** 32.5 5.5 a +* et 2 SK AGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR: INSIDE = GUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 33 .2 “* ** ** 20.3 ae ** ** 21 ** ** ** 3 21.1 ** ** ** 40.4 20.9 ** ** ** 41 20.2 ** ** +e 40.6 19.2 ** ** ee 40.7 17.4 ** ** ** 40.9 14.8 ** ee * 41.5 13.2 +e ** + 40.5 12.3 ** ** ** 39.3 11.2 ** ** + —HINDSENERATIR-———— _ —pinps— 1 LOAD (HRS) +** ** ** ** ** ** #* ** ** ** ** ** 1 LOAD (HRS) ** +* ** *#* ** ** #* *#* #* +e ** *#* % LOAD (HRS) ** ** ** #* ** ** ** ** ee ** ** ** 1 LOAD (HRS) ** +e ** + #* ** ** +e ** ** ** ** ToT. Tor. (HRS) (HRS) ** ** ** ** ** *e ** ** ** ** #* #* ** ** *e +e ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** —res— TOT. ToT. (HRS) (HRS) ** +e ** ** ** ** #* ** ** ** *e ** ** ** +e +e ee ** ** ** ** ** ** ** PLANT ToT. (KWH) ** ** ee ** ** ** ** ee ee ** ** ** PLANT ToT. (KWH) ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ee ee Tor. TOT. (HRS) (HRS) ** +e ** *e ee +e ** * ** ** +e +* ** + +e ** ** ** ** ** ee ** ** +* —— PPG TOT. TOT. (HRS) (HRS) ** ** ** +* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** +** ** +e ** +e #* ** +e +e ** #* ** +e TOT. (KWH) ** ** ** ** fel ** +e ae ee ** ** ee PLANT TOT. (KWH) ** +e ** ** ** +e ee *e +e +e ** +e METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY. 5 sae WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) 11.4 123 10.5 146 11.7 135 12.2 171 12.7 131 14.5 195 13.4 166 13.9 121 16.6 219 17.5 141 19 137 17.7 80 eS 7£ WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) (DEG) 14.6 42 17.9 34 19.4 38 20.9 72 21 aa7 21.9 143 22.6 60 25.4 te 26.1 73 24.3 5 21.9 3? 24.9 31 Sf EP F- WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) (DEG) 24.1 31 25.3 27 24 31 23.5 23 24.9 26 7 25 26 25 27 27 26 20 EK AGWAY S1 TEMPERATURE INSIDE = QUTSIDE (DEG) (DEG) BB.46 10.3 7.7 9 762 Tae 6D 6.3 36.9 4.8 37.2 3.4 34.9 2.9 34.5 1.3 34.6 -.5 34.5 -1.4 34.8 “Pat 346.8 -3 TEMPERATURE INSIDE == OUTSIDE (DEG) (DEG) 36 -4 35.9 -4.6 36.3 -5.3 36.4 -5.4 35.8 -5.8 34 -6.2 36 -6.3 34.4 -3.3 34.4 -5.9 34.2 -6.5 35.7 -6.7 35.5 -7.4 =S1 TEMPERATURE INSIDE OUTSIDE (DEG) UTIL ToT. (KWH) ** ** ** ee ** ee ** ** ** ee ¥* ee UTIL TOT. (KWH) #* ** ** ** ** +e ee #* ee #e ee UTIL TOT. (KWH) ** +e ee ** #* ** ** +e ** #% ee ** —HINDSENERATOR-———— AVG, TOT. (KW) (KWH) ¥* #* ** ** ** #* ** +e ** ** #* ** ** #* ** ** ** ** ** ** *e ee ** *e EKAGWAY SK AGWAY ——-WINDGENERATOR AVG, ToT. (KW) (KWH) ** +e *% ** ** ** ** ** ** ee ee ** ** ee ** +e +e ** #* +e ** ** #* ¥* % LOAD (HRS) ** +% ** ** +* ** ** ** ** ** #* +* 1 LOAD (HRS: ** ** ee ** ee ee ee ee ee + +e #*e ——HINDGENERATOR-—————— AVG. TOT. (KW) (KWH) +e *e ** *e ¥¥ ** ** ee *#* *e +e * #* ** ** ee #* ** *% ** ** ** #* *e % LOAD (HRS) #* *% #* ¥* ¥* ** #* +# ** ** ** ¥* — Tor. Tor (HRS) (HRS! ** ** #* ** ** ** +e + ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** +e +e ** ** ** ** PLANT TOT. (KWH) #* #* ** ** *e ** ** ** ** ** ee ** — firs — PLANT Tor. TOT (HRS) (HRS) ** ** ** +e ** ** #* #* ** ** +e +* ** #* ** #* ** #* ** #* ** *#* #* ** —rures— TOT. TOT. (HRS) (HRS) ad ** +e +* ** ** Sd ** ** ** ** ** ** ** +e #* ** ** ** ** #* ¥* ** ** TOT. (KWH) ** ** #* ee ee +e ee ae ee ee +e ee PLANT TOT. (KWH ** #* ** ** ** ** ee ee xe +e ** *% METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY iz A) aS | 7 WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) (DEG) 24.1 22 24.7 34 24.9 43 26.2 42. 28.1 25 31.7 2? 30.6 27 24.1 28 27 26 28 23 fo) Ae) WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.0PH) (DEG) 23.8 20 29.4 23 31.9 22 32.9 28 34 18 33.7 26 32.7 25 31.5 22 28.2 33 23.3 33 24.9 23 25.9 22 ee ae. WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.NPH) (DEG) 21.9 22 21.4 28 24 27 26.9 25 29.1 24 23.2 346 23. 24 24.2 24 26 30 2B.4 23 29.3 28 31.2 23 eo. SE AGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL INSIDE = QUTSIDE TOT. AVG. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) 33 -10.9 ** ** Ss 10.46 ¥H +e -10.7 ** ¥* =besil ** +t -11.6 *e ** 11.46 ** at -11.2 ** ** -10.7 ** ** -10.8 ** +* : -10.3 ad ee 32. -10.5 ¥* ** 32.2 -10.9 ** #* Sw SKEAGWAY TEMPERATURE TIL INSIDE OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) 32 -10.4 ** +e 31.8 -10.5 *e #e Sins , =ti ok ** ** 31.4° -12.1 ** ** 32.7 12.7 +e #* 32.9 -13 #e ** 31.6 -12.3 ** ** 31.4 -11.7 ee ee 31.4 -11.1 ** #e 31.6 =—P.1 #* ** 31.9 aa ee ee 32.1 —TeF #e ** 2 SEAGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL INSIDE OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (Kw) 32.5 -6.6 ** #* -6.7 ** ¥* 6.8 ** + & -6.9 ** ** 3. “7.6 ** ** 33.9 ** *% 24 ** ** iz -8.1 ** ** 3 eae ** ** 2 -9.5 +e ** $8 -10.2 ** #* 6. SSO. ** ** TOT. (Ki) *e *# ** +e ** ** ** +e ** ** ** ** 1 LOAD (HRS) ** *e ** ** #* ** *% +% ** ** ** +e —HINDGENERATOR————— ——HINDGENERATOR-———— 7 LOAD ToT. (KWH) ** ** ** +e ** ee ae * #* ae ** ee ToT. (KWH) ** ** #* ee ee ee ** ** ee ** ** ** % LOAD (HRS) ** ee ee £* #* *e He ee #* ** ee ** (HRS) ** ** ** ** ** ** ** #* ** ** ** ** TOT. (HRS) ee ** ** ** ** * ee ** ** +e ** ** ——HINDGENRATIR-———-_ —?NPs— TOT. (HRS) #* #* ea #* #* +e ** #* +e #* ** +#* PLANT ToT. (KWH) #* ae *e +e ae ** ee *e ee +e #* *e —s—— oe TOT. ToT. (HRS) (HRS) +e ** ** ed ** ** *% *% ** ee ** ** ee ** ** ** ** +e ** ** #* ** +* ad ——Punps-— ToT. ToT. (HRS) (HRS) ** ** ** *e ** ** ** +* ** ** ** #* ae ** ** ¥* ** ** #* #* ** *e ** #% TOT. (KWH) ** ee ** ** ** *e ee ** *#* #* ** ee PLANT ToT. (KWH) ** ** ** +e ** ** ee ** ** ** ee ** METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY 1 7 2 7 © SK AGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR——-_._. ——-PUNPS—— PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION © INSIDE = OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. 1 LOAD Tol. Tor. TOT. (AVG.HPH) (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 30 24 33.3 -11.7 #* ** ** ¥* ** ** ** 4 31 25 33 -12.6 +e ¥* ** +e * ** ¥* & 28.4 25 -13 ee ¥* ee #* ee +e ** & 27.9 25 -13.4 #* ** #* #e #* ee ee 10 246.8 28 -13.9 ** ** ** ae *e ee ** 12 24.9 26 -14.1 ** *#* ** ** ** ** ** 14 21.4 26 -13.4 ** ee ** #* ** ** *e 16 18.5 23 -11.8 ee +e ** ** +e ee ** 18 19.7 27 -11.8 ** ** ** ** ** *e *e 20. 20 26 “11.3 #* ** ** *% ** ** ** 22 17.6 32 -10.4 ** ad ee #e ** ** ** 24 14.5 37 -10.4 +* ** ** +e ** +e ** 1 7 3 47 52 SK AGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——-HINDGENERATOR—————-._. ——PUPS-——— PLANT HOUR VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE = QUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. 1 LOAD ToT. TOT. TOT. (AVG.MPH) (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (Kw) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 18.7 37 33.4 -10.7 ** +e ee ** ** ** ee 4 17.5 34 9336 -9.7 ** *% ee ** ** ee + & 19.1 28 33.7 -9.8 ** #* ** *% ** ee ** 8 13.8 22 33. -10 *e #e ee *e +H * ee 10 13.2 28 34 -10.6 we ** ** £* He #* #* 12 14.9 19 34.3 -9.8 +e #* ee #* ** +H ee 14 15.7 24 34.3 -8.2 ee ** ** ** ee lade bop 14 17.2 17 34.3 -7 +e +e ** #* #* *% +e is 27.9 18 35 -3 ee #e * #* ee #* ** 20 20.5 20 34.9 -9.2 #* #% *e *e #* #* ae 22 21 23 34.7 -9.8 ee ** RE ae ** ee ee 24 21.4 27 34.6 -B8.46 #e +e *e ** #e ** #e G 7 4 f/ Se EAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR—————-__ ——PUMPS—— HOUR VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE = QUTSIDE TOT. AVG, TOT. 1% LOAD TOT. TOT. a (AVG.MPH) (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 21.4 28 34.6 -2.3 ee *e *e ¥* ee *e ** 4 21.6 24 B46 -2.9 ** *#* *#* +e ** +e ee & 22. 23 34.6 -9.7 ** ad ** ** #* ** ae S 21.8 23 34.4 -10.1 ** ** ee ** #* ee ee 10 20.5 22 34.2 -9.8 ** ** ** ** ** #* ee 12 19.1 2t 3 -9.8 *e ee ** ** ** ¥* ee 14 18.4 21 3 -9.7 **e * ee ** #* ee He METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY a Tor, Tr. (HRS) (HRS ee ** et + ee ee ae Tor. = TOT. (HRS: (HRS) ae + “ ee + * ee ee a7 + ae ** ee ee ee a ad +* ee ee Bad + ee ae —res— Tor. Tor. (HRS) (HRS) +e ae ae *e ae ** et + ee Saal ee ae ae “ee ee ** ae * ae ae ee oad ee ee ToT. (HRS) ** ee *% ** #* ee #* #* +# ** ** ToT. (HRS) +e ** #e #e ** #* #* #* +e #* ** eS | | Ze | eee SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——WINDGENERATOR-—————— VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE OUTSIDE ToT. AVG. TOT. 1 LOAD ({AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (Ki) (KWH) (HRS) 22.4 191 62.5 46.9 1.29 **# 4.83 78.9 20 «187 62.3 46.2 4.72 ee 67.4300 (61.1 12.7 191 61.7 4S.1 4.65 +e 7.51 61.7 7 82 7 82 SKEAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR: VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE OUTSIDE Tor. ANG. ToT. 1 LOAD (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (Ki) (KWH? (HRS) 21.5 196 61.6 44.5 2.32. ## 869.76 80.7 18 «193 41.3 43.7 5.42 *e & 52.5 17.3 194 40 43 4.11 * S.19 45.9 17.8 185 S9.6 42.7 6.42 #* 5.3 44.4 15.2 189 58.2 43.5 8.18 -™ 3.28 26:6 iz 2 192 53.4 46.4 5.046 ** 4.91 49.2 21.3 192 S?.6 48.5 1.72 e344 33 21.7 195 40.9 48.7 793 #* 9.07 90.7 22.6 194 41.9 48.3 1.46 ** $8.92 95.9 17.5 190 61.3 48.4 S.41 *#* 4.27 43.2 15.7 192 60.3 47.1 46.09 +e 3.87 33.2 13.9 189 53.8 46.2 7.58 ** 2.467 26 Ys 7) as SKEAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——WINDRENERATOR———— VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE © OUTSIDE ToT. AVG. ToT. = LOAD (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DE6) (DEG) (KWH) (Kd) (KWH) (HRS) 13.4 192 57.3 45.4 6.32 ** 2.51 24.7 6.8 185 54.9 44.4 &.42 #* 254 6.2 1.9 175 3 42.2 7.04 #* +* #* 1.5 19% «1 43.5 10.27 #* ** ** 2.2 277 34.7 47.1 11.83 ee #* ae B.4 224 54.4 47.7 10.22 +* +463 5.5 12.6 222 54.3 50.1 10.47 ee 2.32 17.8 18.2 197 37.2 St.9 7.32 ** S.4 42.4 20.4 199 40 Si 2.44 ** 7.23 79.1 20.2 201 62.2 50.7 2.83 ** 9.07 76.2 15.9 191 42 S1.5 3.37 #* 4.14 33.2 12.2 189 Sv. 49.9 11.03 ** 1.83 14.2 FO) SF SS SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——WINDGENERATOR—-——— =e VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE OUTSIDE ToT. ANG. ToT. % LOAD (AVG.MPH) «= (DEG) (DES) (D6) (KWH) (Kid) (Ke) (HRS. 4.7 105 S8 45.6 12.2 *e -07 5S 3.7 a 54.9 44.4 11.64 ** #e ** 1.4 44 54.1 44.4 11.46 ** ee ** 5.3 244 55.7 44.9 12.33 ** 2 1.5 5.2 222 53.3 45.5 13.53 ** 23 1.4 8.6 243 55.3 50.9 11.03 ** 1.75 13.4 . 18.9 192 37.9 52.2 5.75 ee 6.43 52.7 17.4 200 S?.F S2 4.64 ** &.08 47.7 17.8 193 40.4 52.46 $8.59 #* 6.08 41.4 20.3 202 41.9 S3 $.35 #* 9.07 62.8 17.3 193 62.3 $2.3 9.23 ** 5.56 37.5 146 193 61.2 S1.4 11.44 ** S51 23.1 E-11 #* ee ToT. (KWH) 6.12 2.15 12.16 Tor. (KWH) 12.03 11.42 11.3 11.97 11.446 9.97 10.14 10 10.33 9.88 9.9% 10.25 Tor. (KWH) 9.39 B98 7.04 10.27 11.33 10.35 12.99 12.72 11.72 1202 12.53 12.546 TOT. (KWH) 12.35 11.44 11.446 12.53 13.746 12.78 12.13 12.72 14.47 14.42 14.7? 15.15 METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY & 2 4 4 8 10 12 14 16 13 20 22 24 7iits WIND HOUR VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.PPH) (DES) 4.3 194 1.6 326 2.4 255 6.3 165 3.4 240 4.4 224 18.1 198 20.3 196 16.4 195 14.2 194 15.3 189 10.2 168 Nee eee NSW anonmran > ZY A1’2z 7 S2 WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) 5.7 110 14 183 17.6 180 12.9 1646 13.9 192 19.4 188 14.5 191 14.9 189 16.7 197 17.7 192 13 187 2.3 231 a eee ee * WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) 1.5 27 *e 29 2 29 3 29 1.4 193 4 234 10.9 217 10.3. 212 3.4 240 7.2 218 9.7 206 12.2 188 WIND HOUR = - VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) 13 (DEG) 185 1469 132 180 192 Ss2 Ske AGWAY TEMPERATURE, UTIL ——WINIEENERATOR INSIDE = QUTSIDE ToT. ANG. ToT. (DEG) (DES) (KWH) (KW) (KW! S7.4 47.97 14.3 ** 71 sé 446.4 14.78 #* *e S7.1 446.5 14.71 ** +e 54.3 46.46 15 +* 28 55.9 44.9 12.12 ** 4H 55.6 48.5 10.24 ad 28 57.3 51.4 3.21 +e Tear 60.6 S3.7 1.72 ** 68.51 61.2 S2.5 4.76 *e 4A S9.8 51.4 7.34 #* 2.71 S9.5 49.2 6.07 ** 3.95 S9.1 46.7 $8.59 ** 1.72 SKAGWAY TEPERATURE UTIL INSIDE = OUTSIDE ToT. AVG. ToT. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KH) (KWH) 57.5 44.3 8.87 ** 1.52 5.1 46 +34 ** 3.48 58.3 44.3 #t #* = 6.03 58.5 45.2 7.29 #* = 2.463 53.7 46 7.41 ** 7.03 59.5 44.5 5.85 ** 7.16 60 44.3 9.55 #* 4,33 S9.1 49.9 12.28 ae = 3.32 S9.4 $1.6 9.71 ** 5.438 40.7 Si 10.15 **# = S.03 S?.9 49.4 13.34 #e 2.4 se 45.5 15.71 ** ** SKAGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL —HINDGENERATOR———— INSIDE = OUTSIDE Tor. ANG. ToT. (DEG) (D€6) (KWH) (Kw) (KWH) 56.5 42.4 14.37 + ee 55.9 40.6 11.3 ** ** 55.3 39.4 11.78 ** ee 54.38 40.8 12.49 ** ** 54.4 47.3 16 Sd +e 54.4 45.5 15.5 ** +02 34.5 47 14.06 +* Z 54.3 46.5 13.15 ## 62.28 3S.4 47.23 15.74 ** 03 55.4 50 14.44 * 1.14 53.5 47.2 14.14 ** 1.52 55.9 47.3 14.56 ** 1.52 = SE AGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL ———-WINDGENERATOR: INSIDE = OUTSIDE ToT. AVG. ToT. (DE6) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 56.2 45.2 10.384 #e = 2.346 Sé.1 43.7 10.07 ** 1.2 SS.1 42.4 11.71 *e *e SS5.1 42.9 12.21 ** 2.83 ie 42.1 10.19 *% tres 1 LOAD (HRS) 4.7 ee * 1.8 * a6 68.3 83.1 49.7 26.9 39.4 loathe ——PunPS— ToT (HRS: * ** +e ee +e ee +e ae + ** ee ee Tor. (HRS| #* ee * ee +e aad ** ** + ** ee ee ——WINDGENERATR————-__ ——PLRPS-——— % LOAD (HRS! 14.4 80.5 100 26.5 43.46 SS 33.5 21.2 34 33.1 15.2 “* 1 LOAD (HRS) 7 LOAD (HRS) 17.3 10.4 ** 18.8 43.1 Tor. ToT. (HRS) (HRS) |e +* ae * Saal * ee +t ae “* * ae Sid Sid *e ** ee et eet +t “* Sd ** Sd cee ToT. ToT. (HRS) (HRS| ae * ee + a ad Sd ae ee ee * ae ee + ae ae ee + “* ae ** ee Aad at ee FPS Tor. ToT. (HRS? (HRS) ** HE ** ** ae +s ee +e ee +e PLANT TOT. (KWH) 15.01 14.78 14.71 15.28 12.12 10.52 10.32 10.23 3.37 10.05 10.02 10.31 ToT. (KWH) 10.39 4.32 6.03 9.92 14.44 13.01 14.33 15.46 15.19 15.18 15.74 15.71 (KWH) 14.37 11.3 11.73 12.49 14 15.53 14.046 15.43 15.77 15.4 15.43 16.08 ToT. (KWH) 13.2 11.27 11.71 15.04 17.91 METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY &¢ 4 27 4 BS2 SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR———-__ —-—PLNPS—— PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE = OUTSIDE Tor. AVG, TOT. % LOAD Tor. TOT. TOT. (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 ot 60 58 49.9 13.87 ee #* ee! ** §=13.87 4 23.1 214 59.3 SS 29.25 #* 19.546 40 *# ee 45.81 & 25.4 204 65.7 S2.1 4.77 ** = §=10.23 68.2 ** ** is 3 4.6 280 61.9 49 25.24 +e ell 4 ** ee 625.35 10 1.4 282 40.2 46.9 11.06 +e #* ee ** *# 611.06 12 17 192 S2.5 47.3 & ee 3.44 1.4 +e #* 234.39 14 16.2 194 60.8 52.4 7.08 + 6 4.08) (34.5 ** #* 11.16 16 20.4 197 62.3 54 2.49 ee 3.83 73 ** *# 611.32 18 23.6 202 64.7 54.2 ~09 ## 612.12 99.2 ee ## 812.21 20 24.3 204 46.3 53.5 +23 ** 13 93.2 +e *## 13.23 22 23.5 202 68.1 54.5 +07 #* 612.55 99.4 #* ** 8612.62 24 23.6 203 69.1 S3.1 04 #* 12.67 99.6 ** #* 12.71 & 4 30 7 8S2 SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATIR——-__._ --PUNPS——— PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE §=— OUTSIDE ToT. ANG. ToT. 1% LOAD Tor. Tor. ToT. (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 11.2 209 68.1 S0.4 6.21 ee 4.11 39.8 ae ** 10.32 4 2.7 30 64.2 45.4 10.43 ** ae #* ee #* = 10.43 6 2 1s 62.3 42.1 10.34 ** ** #* ** #* 10.34 3 4 13 41 40.4 10.41 ** ee ee #e ee 8610.41 10 4 13 40 38.9 10.45 ** Re ae ee ## 10.465 12 3 13 S? 45.4 13.22 #e ** +e #* a# 13.22 14 2.7 135 58.5 56.9 10.99 ** = ** ** *## 810.99 16 6.7 220 53.4 52.3 10.51 ** 23 2.5 ** ** = =10.77 18 17.6 212 60.2 55.1 2.35 ** 8.47 78.4 ** a2 11,02 20 21.8 197 64.3 56.4 55 #* 12.12 95.46 ** et: 12.67 22 22.2 197 64.8 57.3 38 ## 12.12 96.9 ee #* 12.5 24 19.8 185 47.2 S7 2.35 +e 3s 77.2 ** *## 10.35 a de ee ae — 4 SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATIR: —— hres PLANT HOUR VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE = OUTSIDE ToT. AVG. Tor. 1 LOAD Tor. ToT. TOT. (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH 2 16.5 184 66.2 S4.9 S$.42 ** 4.43 45.2 ** ** 2:2 4 9.3 211 63.3 S1.9 3.44 + 1.35 13.5 ee ** 9.99 6 3 45 61.9 46.7 9.74 ** ** ** ** ee 9474 8 3.6 22 60.7 44.4 9.52 ** ** +e *e of, ‘Foe 10 3.7 23 59.8 42.4 9.89 ** ** +e ee st 869.88 12 1.2 34 S?.1 49.1 10.45 +e #* #* *e #* 810.65 14 3.4 190 58.7 $9.5 11.66 ** #* ee ae ## 811.66 146 S$.8 217 58.4 58.3 10.22 #* =52 4.3 ** ## 10.74 18 13.9 218 S9.7 57.4 6 #e 4.19 41.1 *e #*# 10.19 20 14.38 208 62.7 S9.6 3.16 eH 6.438 67.2 ** ** 9.64 22 415.2 209 64.2 40.7 4.15 + 5.4 54.5 ee +e 9655 24 13.7 205 64.4 S9.2 S.71 we 441600 42.1 ** ** = =9,87 F% ¢ 2 4 B2 SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR————-_ ——PUNPS— PLANT HOUR VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE = OUTSIDE ToT. ANG. Tor. 1 LOAD TOT. Tor. ToT. (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 15.4 194 64.9 54.1 4.94 ** S.11 51.3 ** ** 9.95 4 4.46 136 43.3 52.2 10.12 ee 4 3.8 ee #*# = 10.52 & 1.5 23 61.4 47.1 10.1 *e ** ee ** ee 10.1 3 oi 22 40.7 Soue Fist *e ** #* + ** 9.91 10 2 22 40 44.5 10.17 + #* ee ae ## 810.17 12 5 65 59.3 47.1 11.146 +e ** ee ** #e® 611.146 14 1.2 215 58.8 47.2 10.82 ** ** ** ** ** 10.82 16 1.3 218 58.4 47.7 10.87 #H ## ** ** ** 10.87 18 wat 233 58.4 45.6 10.1 ** 28 2.4 ** ** 10.39 2 1.3 200 58.2 53.4 10.34 ** ** ** #* ** = 10,346 22 1.3 212 58.3 52.8 10.32 +e ee #* ** ** 10.32 24 vi 204 58.4 52 3.97 *% 1.24 12.1 4 ee 610.21 METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY a 3 7 S32 SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL —HINDGENERATOR————— VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DE6) (DE6) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 4b at 53.38 50.1 10.12 #* 47 2el 41 58.4 47.7 10.46 ee ee 1.3 15 . 38 45.5 9.6 ** alial 3 12 57.7 42.2 11.146 ** ee 4 12 57.4 41.5 11.13 +e ae 22 12 S7 48.4 11.746 #e #* 2.1 134 S7 61.4 11.2 ** #* 6.2 204 57.1 63.5 10.75 ** AS 15.8 208 S8.6 Sé.3 6.42 +t 3.79 17.1 211 61.4 60.2 2.78 ed 6.83 17.46 212 63.7 60.9 24 #* 8.14 20.8 203 65.4 40 S52 *#* 10.28 4 4 jf B2 SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR-—— VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 19 189 66.2 58.3 3.07 ** 7.43 3.6 3 64.1 52.5 9.74 #* 2 4 16 62.2 47.3 9.423 ** ** 8 70 $1.1 44.9 9.43 #* ** 1.4 a 60.2 43.6 9.64 + ee +3 83 59.4 SO 17.32 #*e ee 2.3 207 S?.3 40.3 20.44 ** ee 7.5 223 59.2 53.3 11.87 +e -52 12 218 60.5 60.4 6.79 ee $.83 13.8 206 64.9 62.3 07 *#* 12.16 18.46 208 67.7 463.8 1.05 **® 611.92 21.4 203 69.9 462.4, .28 ee 613.48 4 35 7 B82 SKAGWAY _ WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR-————- VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. (AVG.HPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 7 227 43.9 $7.5 12.23 ee 2.2 7 70 635.3 54.9 11.54 ** ee a2 29 63.8 51.7 10.53 #* ** #* 29 42.7 50.1 10.55 *e ** & 26 61.9 49.6 11.48 #*e ee 7 9% 61.2 53.9 17.59 ** ** 4 213 40.9 62.4 21.4 ** ee 2.9 226 40.9 $2.4 21.38 ** +03 4.5 231 61 62.9 20.9 ee 3 19.6 197 47.1 55.1 1.31 * 1.43 11.6 195 6 Ss 12 #* 2.5 4 194 44.1 52.1 14.44 ee 23 & 230 62.9 50.7 14.83 #* #* 4 82 7 82 SKEAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR———- VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE OUTSIDE ToT. AVG. ToT. (AVG.MPH) (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 19.46 190 63.9 42.97 3.16 *#* 7.43 10.4 210 64.1 49.1 8.06 + 2.12 3.5 3s 42 45.7 10.29 +e 203 1.8 11 40.9 446.3 11.95 ** ee 4 37 40.2 49.9 13.44 ** ee 3 229 60.2 S9.% 10.55 ee ee 6.3 206 40 62.4 10.1 ee 231 17.7 209 61.7 57.5 2.546 ** 7.59 26 187 45.4 57.7 +93 ** 12.51 24.1 191 67.6 54.7 235 #* 12 15.4 189 64.7 55.4 6.24 ae 3.59 10.5 205 64.4 53.5 8.85 ee 1.24 1 LOAD (HRS) 4.4 ee ee #* #* +e #* 1.3 34.4 74.2 84.3 95.1 T LOAD (HRS) 70.7 ee He ee ee ee 4.1 46.1 99.4 F119 97.9 T LOAD (HRS) 15.2 ** ** ** **e ** #* al 3.4 52.1 17.5 1.5 ** 7% LOAD (HRS) 70.1 20.8 +2 #* #* ** 2.9 74.7 93 97.1 34.5 12.2 —res— Tor. TOT. (HRS) (HRS) ee ee +e ee ae ee ae +e ee + ad ee ae ee ** +t ee ee ee ee ee ee ee + —— PU Tor. = TOT. (HRS) (HRS) ae +e Sd ee ae +e ee * ee “* ae * ee ae +s + ae et ae + ae +e ae et es Tor. TOT. (HRS) (HRS) ae ee ee +e ee ee ee ae ae ee ee +e at ee ee +e ae ee +t ee ae ee +e +e ee +e — PS To. = Tr. (HRS) (HRS) ae ee ae ae ee +e ee ee +e ee ee ee id +e ee ae ae *e ee ae * +e ee ee PLANT TOT. (KW 10.59 10.44 9.6 11.16 11.13 11.746 11.2 10.9 10.41 2.64 9.4 10.8 (KWH) 10.5 9.94 9.43 9.43 2.64 17.32 20.446 12.39 12.42 12.23 12.97 13.76 TOT, (KWH) 14.43 11.54 10.53 10.55 11.48 17.59 21.4 21,91 21.7 2.74 14.55 14.27 14.33 ToT. (KWH) 10.59 10.18 10.32 11.95 13.44 10.55 10.41 10.15 13.44 12.35 7.23 10.09 METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY a tf BS —/— Oa SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINKENERATOR—————-__ ——PUuPS— PLANT HOUR VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE = OUTSIDE ToT. ANG. ToT. 1 LOAD ToT. ToT. ToT. (AVG.MPH).. (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 i) 133 62.7 50.4 10 ** ** ** ** ** 10 4 8 16 61.46 43.4 72 ** ** #* ** ** 9.5 b& 5 16 60.9 44.9 25 ** ee ** +* + 9.5 8 ** 16 40.3 47.5 9.81 ** #* ** ** se 69.81 10 +3 139 59.8 $2.6 12.19 #e #* ** *e #*® 12.19 12 2.1. 138 59.7 54.9 12.84 ** ** #e ** #* 12.56 14 4&7 214 59.7 55.5 12.43 ** 252 4 ** *# 12.95 164 17.7 207 61.7 57.8 5.3 ** 6.8 55.8 ** #e = 12.17 18 22.5 199 65.2 S?.3 +23 ** = 10.7 97.4 ** *#* 8611.04 20 14.8 207 46.9 S9.8 2.87 #e 6.67 69.9 *e e954 22 413.4 201 66.6 58.4 6.04 #e 63.59 9637.2 *e #* = 9.63 24 16.2 188 65.6 S6.3 5.25 ee 64.59 946.6 +e ee 9.84 Zz Ff 40 7 Ge SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR———-_._ ——PLNPS——— PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE = OUTSIDE Tor. ANG. ToT. 1 LOAD ToT. Tor. ToT. (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 3.3 190 65.2 52.8 7.46 ** 2.24 23 ** ** e.7 4 3.7 Se 63 49.2 8.83 ** 47 s ** +* 9.3 & 20.1 192 64.46 49.8 1.79 ** 3.23 82.1 ** *#* 10,02 8 19.3 192 45.5 48.2 2.13 ** 7.33 78.4 ** ** F.9b 10 20.5 194 45.3 48.5 2.71 ** 9.32 77.4 ** #* 12.03 12 22 197 66.5 50.3 4 #*# 10.76 94.7 ** *e 611.36 14 14.5 194 65.7 S2.1 6.26 + 3.71 37.2 +e ee 9.97 16 20.1 200 64.9 54.9 2.2 ** 9.16 80.46 ee ee 11.36 13 20.1 199 64.3 55.3 1.22 #e 3.33 37.8 ** #* 10.05 20 19.2 200 67.4 54.2 1.89 #e 7.72 80.3 ** #e 9.61 22 14.7 194 66.5 52.7 6.07 * 3.63 37.4 +e +e TT 24 12.9 194 64.1 51.3 7.465 ** 2.12 21.4 ** #* 9.77 at #¢ 41.7 G2 SkKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR———-__ ——PUNPS——— PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE OUTSIDE Tor. AVG. TOT. 1 LOAD ToT. Tor. ToT. (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 4.4 130 42.7 49 9.26 ** 74 4.1 ee ee 9.646 4 2:7 21 61.7 45.7 9.28 ee ee *e ee ae 7.28 6 1.3 14 40.9 44.2 9.146 ** ee ee ** ee P.16 8 22 8 60.3 45.1 9.62 #* ee #* ** ## 89.62 10 1.9 107 S?.7 51.5 11.32 +e ee ** 4 ## 11.32 i2 b F3 223 57.6 51.4 10.07 ee cee #* ** ** 10.07 14 2.3 220 53.4 54.4 10.1 ee 03 2 ** = 10518 16 29.5 192 62.8 52.3 aa? #* 14.76 98.7 ** ** 614,95 18 23.1 187 66.1 51.9 +36 ## 810.28 92.2 #% ae) 611,24 20 16.6 192 65.3 52.6 5.2 ## 84.35 0 45.5 ** (SS 22 9.5 207 62.7 51.8 8.3 #* 95 9.7 #* se S575. 24 3.2 235 41.5 50.2 9.93 ee +2 1.9 ** ## 10.13 7 ¢ 12 ¢ Be SEAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL —ene— ——— PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE § © WTSIDE ToT. AVG. TOT. 7 LOAD ToT. ToT. ToT. (AVG.MPH) = (DES) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) iz 3 329 60.9 47.3 9.74 ** #* ** +e % 9.74 4 1.7 37 60 4&4 9.19 #* ** ** ** #* 9.19 4 1.3 aaZ S?.3 45.6 9.19 ee ell 1.1 ** +e 9.3 8 ei 287 S9.4 94.3 9.64 ** **e ** ee #* 7.64 10 1 247 Ss? 45.3 11.16 *e #e ** ** ee 11.146 12. 9.6 204 S?.2 50.7 6.83 #* 82.87 29.5 ** ** 9.7 14 13.4 194 41.7 50.3 3.59 ee 1S 43.1 ** *% 9.75 16 12.3 225 42.4 S2.2 5.68 #* 3.83 40.2 ** #4 9.51 18 13.3 209 42.4 53.3 4.47 ee 2.91 30.3 ** e958 20 ate 63.1 54.5 2.463 *# 87.32 73.5 ** 6 6969S 22 «18.4 203 45.3 52.2 2.41 ee BL 72.5 * e952 24 #4.5 197 43.3 49.8 9.467 ** o31 3.1 ** et 9B E-15 METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY 7 5 Nee eee NSOtaNOMRAN A a oF} WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) 1.7 152 1.9 18 1 19 22 18 1.4 137 6.6 235 13.2 213 11.7 2138 * 135 7 WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) L757 191 17.2 193 14.4 190 14 192 13.5 193 ae ee WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.HPH) (DEG) 11.2 187 10.3 189 10.7 192 11.9 194 12.8 198 12 195 11.7 193 > 200 9.8 175 1S 196 14.3 194 17.2 194 ee ee WIND VELOCITY DIRECTION (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) 12.1 197 13.9 195 18.2 196 15.5 194 14.8 195 is 194 15.7 191 20.2 194 20.1 1946 20 197 17.5 137 14.8 195 Sz SKAGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL —HINDGENERATOR—————- INSIDE §=—OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 41.6 46.2 9.52 #* ¥* 40.5 44.4 9.31 #* ee S?.9 43.9 9.33 ** ee 59.4 45 9.49 ** ** 53.9 48.7 11.83 +e ee Ss? 52.6 8.73 #* 1.32 60.2 53.1 6.74 e 2.87 él 54.9 7.91 ae 3.44 Ss2 SKAGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL ——-WINDGENERATOR: INSIDE == OUTSIDE ToT. AVG. ToT. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 63.4 54.1 2.32 ee 6.64 71.4 54.3 57 ee 9.33 73.3 53.5 25 +e 3.5 72.4 52.9 71 #* 6.5 7.9 Ss2 3 ad 6.42 SS SKAGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL INSIDE OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) 70.2 51.4 2.45 ** 3.44 43.3 50.1 2.47 ** 3.14 47.9 49.2 2.42 #% 3.3 43.3 49.1 1.43 #* 4.74 49 49.7 1.24 #* 5.7 49 Si1.6 1.71 ** 4.41 45.6 SO.S 1.93 ** 4.21 47.4 49.3 4.11 #* 2.13 66.1 Si.2 2.99 #* 3.54 43.4 50.9 Al #* 7.35 70.3 50.2 215 ee 8.3 FAL.2 4P.? ell #* 3.93 sa SkAGWAY TEMPERATURE UTIL —WINDGENERATR-———— INSIDE §=— QUTSIDE ToT. AVG. TOT. (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (Kw) (KWH) aa 49.7 ee #* 2.45 72.6 49.3 ** #* 9.97 72a 49.1 «03 + 9.76 72.5 33.2 eC] #* 7.75 71 33.1 1.85 ** S96 71.7 31.2 209 ee 9.4l 7206 3.3 «04% ee 6965 73.7 33.3 ee ** 10.19 74.5 S3. ee #* 10.26 7S 52.7 +03 #* 10.24 74.9 51.7 Re #* 9.25 73.7 50.7 756 ee 4.9 T LOAD (HRS) +e ** #* ** ** 11.3 29.38 30.3 30.35 7 LOAD (HRS) 74.1 94.2 97.1 90.1 33.9 —FurrPs— PLANT TOT. TOT. ToT. (HRS) (HRS) (KH) +e #e 9.52 ee ** Fiat #* +e 9.98 ** *e 9.469 ** ae 611.83 ** RE 9.85 +e +e 9.41 ee #e 611.35 ——PuFS— PLANT ToT. (HRS) +e ee * ** *e Tor. (HRS) ee #* e* ee ee — WINS ERATR-——— —Pups— 1 LOAD (HRS) 56.4 54 57 76.3 82.1 72.9 68.5 34.1 54.2 94.7 98.2 98.7 1% LOAD (HRS) 100 100 IGE 96.2 ao 9? 99.3 100 100 99.7 100 92.4 TOT. (HRS) ee ** #* ee #* ee ** ee #* ** #* ** ToT. (HRS) ** +e ee ** ee ** #e ** ee ** ee *% Tor. (HRS) ee ee #* #* ** Sd ** #* ee ** ** ** ee *% ee #* ee ee ToT. (KWH) 3.96 9.F 2.75 7e2l 7.22 TOT. (KWH) 6.09 5.81 5.78 6.17 b.94 4.32 6.14 4.24 6.53 7.74 2.49 9.09 TOT. (KWH) 9.45 9.97 9.79 3.05 S.91 9.5 9.71 10.13 10.26 10.29 9.25 7.46 METEOROLOGICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA RECORDED IN SKAGWAY <cunatsernssoansedhestnsenanstensiestsaiupnaseutssecistinoushssaedesienstasonestentineteniiiinmeantiseestiasemsvestnainnstetaronnstinastaestninetbotastinies 7. 4 iS 7 _ Sa SKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR——-_. ——PUNPS—— PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE OUTSIDE TOT. AVG, TOT. 1 LOAD TOT. ToT. ToT. (AVG.MPH) (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (Kd) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 12 184 71.4 SO.1 2.097 ** 4.05 45.9 ** ** 6.14 4 5.$ 203 47.9 43.3 4.92 ee 285 14.7 ee e% $.77 & 1.6 120 65.3 45.1 5.83 ** ee ee ee ** 5.82 3 7 40 42.9 43.3 4.12 ** #e #* ** ee 6.12 10 #* 44 42.9 45.3 7.32 ee ae ** #* ee 7.32 12 4 153 62.4 47.3 46.42 ee ee ** #* ** &.42 14 64 224 42.2 48.1 4.92 #* 1.52 23.6 #* ** 6.44 14 13.1 210 65.3 48.4 54 ee 6.72 92.5 +e * 7.26 1 15 209 63.7 47.8 +e ee S.98 100 #* ee 8.98 3.5 192 63.4 47.1 3.546 ee 3.04 46 ** #* &.4& 15.5 1838 72.6 56.9 71 ee 5.25 8s He #* 5.96 22 14.3 192 72.3 34.9 294 ee 6.05 86.5 #* ae 6.99 24 11.1 1846 71.4 53.8 2.95 ee 3.33 S3 ee ** 6.28 77 => f Ba SkKAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR—-_. ——PLNPS-——— PLANT VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE OUTSIDE TOT. AVG. TOT. 7 LOAD ToT. Tor. Tor. (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) % 9.1 193 4? S3.1 4.2 ** 1.91 31.2 ** ** 6.11 8.2 191 47.7 52.2 4.3 * 1.46 25.3 ** #* 5.746 - 1s 102 44 50.7 6.0 + ae ” ae #6 (6201 1.4 249 64.9 50.4 6.2: #* #e ee ee 6.22 1.2 271 64.1 Si.7 2.03 +e +e ** ** 3.03 5.7 244 63.6 33.5 7.63 ** #* ee ee 7.63 3.5 2238 63.3 55.4. 7.74 ee 13 ee ee 7.39 10.5 210 64.1 54.9 3.95 ** 3.3 ee ** 7.25 14.4 211 69.4 57.2 ** ** Ter #* +e Pet 14.3 209 73.3 S7 212 ** 9.19 #* ee 9.31 B.4 191 73 SS.? 3.58 ee 3.45 ** ee 7.23 ¢ 13 194 73.5 74.2 ¥4 ee 1.94 ee ** 2.46 4 14.3 192 73.2 57 222 #* 3. *e ee 3.42 (\ 15.7 192 735.4 54.46 47 ** 7.73 ** *% $.25 14.3 192 74.1 54.1 «2 ee 3.53 #* ** 8.73 FT ¢ @2& ¢/ B2 SKEAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——HINDGENERATOR——-_. ——PLNPS——— PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE §=— OUTSIDE TOT. ANG. TOT. 1 LOAD TOT. TOT. ToT. (AVG.HPH) = (DEG) (DES) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 14.8 182 75.2 55.9 «52 ** 7.17 93.2 ad ** 7.69 4 14.9 190 75.4 SS A #* 7.33 94.3 ee #* 7.73 6 12 184 73.9 4.7 1.72 #* 4.32 71.5 ee ee 6.04 8 11.5 191 72.7 53.3 2.3 ee 4.24 64.3 ee +* 4.54 10 11 184 71.3 S54 3.04 #e 3.25 S1.4 ee ** 6.29 12 3.2 201 790.1 54.3 4.45 ee 2 30 ** ad 6.45 14 11.6 195 790 57.7 2.65 ** 3.73 52.7 ** #e 6.43 16 12.8 194 71 S?.1 1.56 ee 5.14 76.7 ad ee 6.7 12 15 193 72.3 S?.5 235 #* Fes 95.3 ** ** 7.4 20 14.3 134 74 S9.1 1.26 ** 5.73 81.7 ** ** 6.99 22 12.3 189 73.6 56.7 2.24 ** 4.26 65.5 ee *e &.5 24 8.4 194 71.2 54.3 4.44 ** 1.83 28.2 ** +e &.47 FJ 4 25 7 B82 SEAGWAY WIND TEMPERATURE UTIL ——-HINDGENERATIR-———-__ ——PUMPS PLANT HOUR = VELOCITY DIRECTION INSIDE §=—OUTSILE ToT. AVG. TOT. % LOAD TOT. TOT. ToT. (AVG.MPH) = (DEG) (DEG) (DEG) (KWH) (KW) (KWH) (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) (KWH) 2 2 70 63.9 51.5 4&4 #e- ee ee ae ** 6.4 4 #* 24 47.5 49.1 4.04 #* #e ¥* +e *e 6.04 4& o1 26 64.4 43 oer ee ** ee ee #* o.9 3 2 81 45.3 48.3 46.3 ee ee e* #* ** 6.35 10 4.6 212 45.5 S1.7 5.32 ** 1.09 17 ** #* 6.41 12 3.4 214 54.9 51.9 3.77 ee 2.446 41.3 ** #* 4.43 14 9.7 214 68 53 2.94 #* 4.18 58.7 ** ee 7.12 14 11.5 214 49.4 54.4 83 ** S.9l 37 ee #* 4.79 18 13.5 206 71.4 54.6 35 ae &.49 gS ** #* 7.04 2 13.2 203 72 54.7 254 ** 4.24 92 ** ** 4.73 E-17 Correspondence and Miscellaneous Documents Appendix F Table of Contents Work Statement for Engineer's Contract Jacob's Limited Warranty ° Reduced copy of Plans ° Wind System Maintenance Contract ° Operators Log polarconsult APPENDIX F: Work Statement for Engineer's Contract Part I DESIGN PHASE A. Preliminary Design ib) Conferences with the City of Skagway and project administrator, to review their wishes and requirements; and discussion of scheduling. 2) Conferences will also be held with various approving and regulator agencies including the State Division of Energy and Power Development. B. Site Evaluation 1) Survey of tower foundation location. 2) Foundations analysis including soils investigation and adequacy of any existing footings. 3) Survey and inspection of existing pole lines and transformers for electrical hook-up. Cc. Office Engineering 1) Design of foundation system to structurally support the wind generator tower. 2) Design of windgenerator tower. 3) Site layout and installation details. 4) Electrical specifications for wind generator. 5) Design of details for utility power grid interconnect including wiring, cable, and transformers needed. 6) Design of hardware and monitoring equipment needed for operation and testing of wind system to: a) obtain maximum performance of wind generators; b) determine wind system efficiency; and ic) amount of kwhr provided by wind system. 7) Preparation of a preliminary cost estimate of the project. Design Documents - We will prepare complete design criteria, specifications, and drawings to compliment the design of each element. We will furnish eight (8) copies of the design documents to the Power Authority for its review and approval. polarconsult Part II CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION SERVICES Periodic Site Inspection - The Engineer will make two visits as required to the construction site to: 1) Observe the progress. 2) Determine if the results of the construction work conforms to the drawings and the specifications. 3) Recommend necessary changes. Provide Technical Services as Required - Office Engineering 1) As technical questions arise, the engineer will provide solutions to the problems based on the information provided. Part III OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL and FINAL REPORT Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual - an O&M manual will be prepared specifically for the wind system to be installed and shall include: 1) start-up procedures. 2) troubleshooting guide with diagnostic procedures. 3) regular maintenance schedule suitable for posting in a conspicuous place. 4) list of spare parts and maintenance tools. 5) pictorial blow-up of wind system and parts list. 6) system shut-down procedure. m) sufficient pictures and illustrations to make the O&M manual clear and easy to read. Five (5) copies of the O&M manual will be furnished. Final Report - upon completion of the project a final report will be prepared which will meet the final report requirements of the legislative appropriation and _ shall include: 1) a thorough presentation of the project as it was designed and constructed. 2) an analysis of the operating data to determine wind generator system efficiencies and cost effectiveness. 3) recommendations as to how the system could be improved to increase its efficiency and effectiveness. 4) summary and conclusions. polarconsult FINAL REPORT DOCUMENTS We will furnish ten (10) copies of the final report and present the results to the City of Skagway, the State Division of Energy and Power Development, Alaska Power Authority, and any other approving or regulatory agency involved in the project. Work Statement for Engineer's Data Collection Ammendment PART I SCOPE OF WORK This proposal is for provision of data monitoring/analysis on the City of Skagway Wind Energy Project. The tasks to be accomplished are: System Design/Software On Site Testing - Integration Data Reduction User Accessible Data Reduction Software PWNHE € wee Each task will be performed as detailed in Part II of this document. Part II. provides*.a- detailed cost. listing: of .all components/labor hardware, software and travel required for the entire proposed project. Part III will show the estimated cost of the entire data collection system. polarconsult (1) (2) (3) (4) PART II TASK DESCRIPTION System design/software. This phase of the project will be used to identify and obtain sensors and other hardware to be used on the Data Acquisition System. Software for the computer based system will be developed after sensor parameters have been established. The sensors will include: 1. Windgenerator Output 2. Treatment Plant Power Consumption 3. Wind Velocity 4. Wind Direction Le Outside Air Temperature 6. Windgenerator On-Line The data obtained will be in the form of hourly reading either total or average depending on sensor type, i.e. wind velocity will be an hourly average while the kw sensors provide an hourly total. (NOTE: The wind data will also be in the form of a velocity spectrum). This phase also includes the sensor installation design. On-Site Festing/ttegration. This phase consists of the installation of the computer and its interface with the sensors. The system once completely installed will be tested for a minimum of 2 days to insure proper software operation. This testing period will also be used as a training session for the Data Collection Operator designated by the City of Skagway. Data Reduction This phase will begin after the system is Operational. It will involve the designated data collector operator who will remove a data cassette, replace it with a blank cassette, reset the system (as detailed during the training session) and mail the cassette with the data to Polarconsult. Polarconsult will then reduce the data to engineering units and compile it is table form for reference. This data will also be stored on _ floppy diskettes for further analysis. Copies of pertinent data will be submitted to The City of Skagway, Alaska Power & Telephone, and Alaska Division of Energy & Power. User Accessible Data Reduction This phase will take place after the final data tape has been filled. It includes the software and training necessary for the City of Skagway's designated data operator to produce monthly printouts of data. This data will be in the form of daily averages and/or totals. Training will take the form of software documentation and application manual. Jacobs WIND ELECTRIC COMPANY WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED WARRANTY Jacobs “Wind Energy Systems carry a two-year limited product warranty beginning upon the date of installation or ninety (90) days after shipment from the factory, whichever occurs first. This warranty covers the Jacobs™ Wind Energy System and Line Synchronous Inverter (exclusive of tower, foundation, and wiring). This limited warranty extends only to materials and workmanship provided or recommended by Jacobs Wind Electric Company. Use of components not sold by Jacobs Wind Electric Company voids this warranty. This warranty does not cover installation by the Dealer or any other party as regarding installation materials, components, workmanship, or installation design. These installation related items are covered by a Limited Installation Warranty when purchased from an authorized Jacobs™ Dealer. Service or installation by anyone other than an authorized Jacobs™ Dealer voids this warranty. ITEMS NOT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY INCLUDE: * ABUSE, MISUSE, OR VANDALISM. * WINDSTORM, LIGHTNING, AND HAIL DAMAGE OR ANY OTHER INSURABLE LOSS UNDER STANDARD FIRE AND EXTENDED COVERAGE POLICIES GENERALLY AVAILABLE FOR ENDORSEMENT TO THE WINDSYSTEM CONSUMER. TOWER SYSTEMS AND FOUNDATIONS. ALL ACTS OF GOD, INCLUDING TORNADOES AND ALL OTHER CYCLONIC WINDSTORMS. DAMAGE DUE TO VOLTAGE IRREGULARITIES, INCLUDING LIGHTNING OR UTILITY SYSTEM FAILURES THAT ENTER INTERTIED JACOBS™ SYSTEMS FROM THE OUTPUT (GRID) SIDE. * + This warranty is not applicable to any components which, in the opinion of the manufacturer, have been subjected to overload, mechanical abuse, improper installation, use with any unsuitable power sources, or any other non-warranted conditions. In the event that any component part or system covered under this warranty should prove defective, it will be repaired or replaced free of charge F.0.B. at our nearest factory upon the prepaid return of the defective unit. Factories authorized to make repairs or replacements are: Jacobs Wind Electric Company 2720 Fernbrook Lane Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 Written notice of any defect must be given immediately upon discovery of the defect by delivering notice to the local authorized Jacobs™ Dealer, or by mailing written notice by certified mail to the Jacobs Wind Electric Company. The consumer making the warranty claim shall pay any applicable Dealer service charge or taxes. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF. IMPLIED WARRANTIES REQUIRED BY LAW ARE LIMITED TO THE STATED DURATION OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. JACOBS WIND ELECTRIC COMPANY IS NOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. 11/19/80 ia OlAGUAL WIND ENERGY PROJECT Lot Mi MO SCALE NERS OR ROAD A 98007 <-mee? FA.n- + mane tae Q ac Rak IND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING RENEWABLE Ae WSE™! Skagway Wind Energy Project L-d WIND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING RENEWAGLE RESOURCE ENGINGERS WSE Skagway Wind §|| Energy Project Fl a ¢ je CaTaGoRv OC) * . “ . & : a « = 8 < . Q az Q 2 < Ci ©1081, wse,ine. Nore STALL 2P7OA TYPE QB BREAKER ON 240 SLOTS IN PANE. SERVICE wEAD oH iii . as oe we [oH ale om Sorte On 1 Fal weess Tamera. comet * Zn Se #aE ane mt Fd bis @ TW Eye DED SE / Q: oe Swe Mares CTS WN vores THEE THT auaaialaniae aes TERMINAL CABINET. WIRE 50 AS a FOR MMT NS CENCE als TD IMOCATE FOWER LEAVING BUILDING. a oe MSTAUATICN AT a4 4 USE RATCHETED METER TD PREVENT ee eee WATER CATE a i 0 «caus af MEIERNG ORCUT mwas Zi POWER SINGLE LINE ___so sar 5 INTERIOR WIRING SCHEMATIC wo sous OL Me UQUTITE Connector MOUNT WONT 45 CLOSE TD TOWER Ga AG FOOL 4 we erxy To PONCE FER omc: CORT TERNS An | / WSILCONE TD D Bsns, lows gr 4 I ope aE on) {i I ®D i 3 E 1 Nes rao tenet owe com comector- Esl Pens conatenreecsi| Racmsuie WSICONE Of EQUAL 7D PROVIDE GANT .“E WT ERPAE, ‘eHeert CONTENTS PROVIDE x pene ou 2, hae TOWER —— DETAN wo xue sae HOMZONTAL GRACES TO BE SSSTALLED WY TOP HOLES (DO CLIO USE HOLE NEAREST TO FLANGE PLATES: Skagway Wind Energy Project Al © 98+, war,ine polarconsult WINDGENERATOR SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CONTRACT City of Skagway PURPOSE: To provide maintenance services for the City of Skagway's 10kW Jacob's wind system. BACKGROUND: The City of Skagway (Owner) has contracted for the design, installation, and monitoring of a windgenerator intertied with their sewage treatment plant. The windgenerator was purchased from an authorized Jacobs dealer in Anchorage who has inspected the installation and validated the warranty. The Owner desires to maintain the two year limited warranty which requires service to be performed by an authorized Jacobs dealer. The Owner has an Operations and Maintenance manual for his entire system, which together with the Owner's spare parts, tools and lube supply should be checked for use by maintenance contractor. MAINTENANCE CONTRACT: 1) Semi-annual maintenance: Perform all factory recommended maintenance including: ° greasing and lubricating entire machine, changing of gearbox oil. torquing and checking all bolts and nuts. ° checking all terminal and electrical connections. ° check blades for wear and proper governor spring tension, check for out of balance condition. ° check and replace light and photocell if needed. ° inspect tower and generator for corrosion - spot cold galvanize as needed. F-10 polarconsult ° check "mastermind" synchronous inverter operation. ° make a complete and detailed report of the plant's condition and operation. 2) Perform any warranty work as needed. NOTE: This work is subject to renewal on a yearly basis. The contract will be for a fixed negotiated price to be paid upon renewal. Work shall be performed under dealer supervision. eT-ad Operator's L.og SKAGWAY WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT e198. bypass total is a “nil date| time |lift_|Pumps| total | flow* | Dump | solids | water| water| dies. | kwh by kwh kw #*1 #2 |hours | (mgd) | (hrs meter| used | gen. | meter| plant | meter|generd L 5 ml ist a | * flow =total hours x 17500 gph complied by polarconsult alaska, inc., september 1982 —[o08<WwW as Oo << © ” Oo a Oo a= ko = o» 0 |p & et a % oO — oO ® x SKAGWAY WIND GENERATOR, PHASE II REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL DRAFT SECTION 1 PURPOSE The primary purpose of this project is to demonstrate the use of a large scale wind generator installation in the City of Skagway. In addition, a program to train local residents in the proper maintenance and operation of wind generator facilities is to be developed, based on the operation of this installation. REQUIREMENTS Proposers shall have the total capability necessary to complete the project. The required capability may be in-house or acquired through joint venture or subcontracting. Proven capability in the following areas is necessary: i Preliminary and final design of large scale wind powered generating systems including foundations and supporting structures, and electrical intertie systems. 2. Construction of wind system support structures or similar structures in arctic conditions. 3 Instrumentation and monitoring of electrical systems. 4. Maintenance and operation of electrical/mechanical systems. ye Preparation and application of training and educational materials, including audio-visual presentation. Proposers must be properly licensed in accordance with State statute and regulation. All applicable licenses issued to the proposer will be listed on the proposal. Proposals must contain complete, accurate and verifiable information as required in Section II of the RFP. Proposal selection will be made by the City of Skagway in conjunction with the Division or Energy and Power Development, Department of Commerce and Economic Development. Closing date for receipt of proposals is: December 3, 1982, 4:30 P.M. G1 The City of Skagway and the State of Alaska reserves the right to support or not support any or all proposals in whole or in part. The City and State may required proposals to be clarified or supplemented either through written submissions or _ oral presentations. All proposers will be notified in writing of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal. This RFP does not obligate the City of Skagway nor the State of Alaska to pay any cost incurred in preparation of proposals, or to enter into a contract or arrangement with any proposer. Submission of Proposals Three (3) copies of each proposal shall be submitted so as to arrive at the following addresses not later than 4:30 p.m., local time, on the closing date noted above. Two copies: Division of Energy and Power Development Department of Commerce and Economic Development 338 Denali - 7th Floor MacKay Building Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2681 Attention: Don Markle Telephone: (907) 276-0508 One copy: City of Skagway P.O. Box 415 Skagway, AK 99840 Attention: Skip Elliot Telephone: (907) 983-2297 SECTION II STATEMENT OF WORK The primary work under this contract is the design and construction of a wind powered generator or generators with the Maximum possible total rated output allowed by the available funds. On-site field investigation of site conditions is a requirement prior to beginning preparation of the final design. The final design will be subject to approval by the Division of Energy and Power Development. The wind installation shall be instrumented to the extent necessary to obtain and record wind speed vs power output data and total power output. G2 The generator system will intertie with the local electric utility and be installed on City property. All equipment shall be warranted by the contractor or by the manufacturer. The contractor shall provide a one year warranty on workmanship. The contractor shall provide all necessary maintenance services for a period of six months from the completion of installation. Such services may be provided either directly or by arrangement with local entity. After allowances are made for the above items, consideration shall be given to developing a training course to instruct local individuals in the maintenance and operation of the wind generator. The extent and cost of this item will be subject to negotiation based on the availability of funds. Monthly summary reports will be required for each month in which activity occurs on the project. At the conclusion of the project the contractor shall prepare 10 copies of a final report detailing all events, problems, and data collected. Progress photographs shall be part of the report. BACKGROUND Complete background information on a 10 kW Jacobs’ system installed in Phase I is available in a Final Report dated October 1982, written by Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Copies of the report are available for inspection from the Division and the City. Contractors are urged to familiarize themselves with this report before submitting a response to this RFP. LICENSING The proposer shall have all licenses and registrations necessary to perform the required work. These shall include but are not necessarily limited to: business license, contractor license, and professional engineering registration. ORGANIZATION The City of Skagway will oversee the project but day to day Management will be the responsibility of the contractor. BUDGET State of Alaska funding for the project is $100,000 maximum. All costs above that amount shall be the contractors responsibility. If the contractor's budget total is greater than $100,000, the method of funding the overrun must be explained in the proposal. G3 PROJECT SCHEDULE The term of the project is 12 months. At the end of that period all tasks shall be completed. The proposal should contain a project schedule noting specific milestones and a simplified critical path. PROPOSAL FORMAT In order to allow efficient and fair review of proposals please keep proposals concise and in the following format. + Cover Sheet Zi Table of Contents a5 Narrative a. Proposer's background and qualifications. Include related projects and experience and all licenses, certificates and insurance necessary to legally perform the required services in Alaska. The expiration dates of licenses and insurance will also be listed. De A detailed description of how the proposer intends to perform the tasks required, including a critical path schedule. ce Organization and Management Plan. a. Key personnel and resources which will be available for the project including the projected amount of time to be worked on the project. 4, Cost Information a. List either the classes of employees or individuals with title, actual duties and hourly fee. bs Estimate the cost of the work, by task. For each task show the number of hours to be worked by each class of employees. Estimate the minimum amount of travel per task necessary to complete the work. SECTION III EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS Proposals will be evaluated for compliance with this request. Any significant variation from these requirements must be noted and justified by the proposer. G4 Proposals will be evaluated by three technical reviewers who will rate the proposals on a point basis in the following areas: Completeness - proposal covers all areas listed in the RFP; Maximum benefit to the State and local area - proposal provides maximum generating capability and utilization of local resources; Capability - proposer's ability to perform all tasks necessary; Experience - proposer's experience as an organization with similar projects, especially under sub-arctic conditions and Alaskan transportations constraints. Project Manager - the qualifications of the project manager which pertain to this project. Project Team - the qualifications of the individual members of the project team; Work Plan and Schedule - how and when will the tasks be accomplished; Cost Schedule - a detailed listing of the estimated cost per task showing labor, materials, travel and other costs. If a question arises concerning some portion of a proposal, the State reserves the right to request additional information from the proposer. The State reserves the right to waive minor irregularities in a Proposal when to do so is in the best interest of the State. G5