HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska's Wind Energy Systems-Inventory & Economic Assessment 1984WIN 006 C.2 Alaska Er LIBRARY COPY 7" Please use BLUE SIGN-OUT CARD Alaska’s Wind Energy Systems State of Alaska Department of Commerce & Economic Development Finance and Economics Inventory and Economic Assessment January 1984 ALASKA'S WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS: Inventory and Economic Assessment by R. Steven Konkel, Energy Economist Department of Commerce and Economic Development Pouch D,Juneau 99811 (907) 465-2079 February 1, 1984 WIN OZ Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people contributed their time and energy to make this report accurately reflect the status of wind generator installations in Alaska as of January, 1984. Mark Newell, Pam Root, Jerry Larsen, Bob Loeffler, and wind generator owners throughout Alaska were generous in sharing their data and experiences. Bob Clark designed the computer tools used in this project and Nick Coti provided valuable data processing assistance on the computer. 8111 Marchese produced the artwork and covers from slides taken by the author. Gary Sofo collected some of the inventory and status information through a phone survey of wind generator owners and dealers. Review of the report by George Matz, Paul Engelman, Carl Laird, and Bil) Beardsley is also gratefully acknowledged. The economic analysis depends on information collected or reported in the last quarter of 1983: although it is the best information available on wind generation, it is recognized that implementing a dynamic system could improve the data _ base. Reference to a company or product does not imply a recommendation or approval. The contents of this report reflect the author's views rather than official policy of DCED. WIND GENERATOR in Bristol Bay, adajacent to the Nak- uek River. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems ALASKA'S WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS Table of Contents Executive Summary A. Introduction B. Inventory C. Methodology D. Economic Analysis 1. First-Year Case 2. Crossover-Year Calculations 3. Life-Cycle Cases E. Conclusion and Recommendations References Appendix A: Inventory of Wind Generators Appendix B: Wind Generator Project Statistics Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 4 Executive Summary A January, 1984 inventory of wind generators in Alaska with details on the location and technical characteristics of the Machines--such as manufacturer, rated kilowatt (kW) capacity, and whether the machine was a battery charger or intertied with the local utility--has been completed. Information on the working status, model, and kilowatt-hour (kWh) production of each wind generator was verified by site visits or in a phone survey of wind generator owners, municipal officials, and equipment dealers. By 1984, there were at least 140 wind generators rated at .5 kW or larger that had been installed in Alaska, a sizeable increase over the 82 wind generators listed in a previous survey (Alaskan Wind Energy Handbook, March, 1981). To put wind generator ratings (kW) for production into perspective, consider the kWh production from a 1 kW wind generator operating in Platinum. This wind generator has produced 2400 kWh in the period from January through October, 1983. This machine has achieved a capacity factor of 32.8 percent (2400 kWh divided by 1 kW times the product of 24 hours per day and 365 days per year). At 8760 kWh the Platinum machine would achieve a capacity factor of 100 percent. This machine is producing an average of 240 kWh per month. This exceeds the 1982 Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) village average residential consumption of 184 kwh per month. The kWh data base for this preliminary economic assessment was limited, in some cases containing only three months of meter readings and in one of the best cases not more than a cumulative reading at the end of 24 months. Estimates of annual kWh production were made for 24 of the 140 machines included in the inventory. Many machines have gone through an initial period of adjustment after installation, which has affected their reliability and production. Increased production can subjectively be attributed to improved blade, tail and inverter designs. These design changes have also resulted in a decrease in down time. By contrast, a machine installed in Unalakleet in June, 1983 has been operating for 7 months with no down time. UNALAKLEET #4-- Excellent winds and good planning results in high performance. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems pe 5 The economic assessment presented in this report is based on a comparison of the fuel and operation and maintenance costs of diesel-fired electrical generation to the capital, installation, and operation and maintenance costs of wind generators. The value of diesel-fired electrical generation is calculated by multiplying the kWh of production times the per kWh cost associated with diesel fuel and operation and maintenance. This is affected by the fuel conversion of the diesel generators in the community. The analysis excludes investment in the diesel generators because these are necessary to provide reliable capacity for meeting electrical loads on demand. If wind generators are able to demonstrate capacity factors of 30 percent or more, then there may be a basis for crediting them with a capacity value in addition to the fuel savings. Economic analysis was used on the limited kWh data to estimate the per kWh cost and value of wind generator production. Three techniques were used to put the costs into perspective. These include 1) first year costs of the wind generator compared to the value of the diesel fuel savings in the first year, 2) perspectives on the year that wind generator costs will be lower than the value of the fuel and operation and maintenance savings from the diesel generators for several of the better producing wind machines, and 3) the present value of the diesel fuel savings over the 15 year production period of the wind generator. The approach of including all of the costs of production and comparing them to the value of the diesel fuel and operation and Maintenance savings is appropriate in evaluating utility investment in wind generators. However, from the wind generator owner's point of view, the production from the wind generator displaces kwh that the owner would normally buy from the utility at residential or commercial rates--rates considerably higher than the cents per kWh estimated from the utility “fuel savings". For example, the Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative (AVEC) rate is 37.2 cents per kwh for residential customers. The results of the present value analysis indicate that there are places where the best wind generators can lower the cost of electricity over the next 15 years--both at their locations and possibly at other sites if the experience proves transferable. The economics for Naknek, Unalakleet, and Sand Point are favorable--with improvements in kWh production the wind generators can generate enough power to supplement existing diesel-fired generation at competitive prices. Gambell and Hooper Bay also appear to have the favorable conditions of high diesel fuel costs and existence of good wind regimes. Increases in production are necessary to improve the economics of the four machines at these two locations. Bethel, Kodiak, and Nome appear to have less potential than the locations noted above. There are many other places in rural Alaska that have good wind regimes and high diesel fuel prices, where feasibility studies may show wind generation to be one of the best alternatives based on the present value of costs to meet electrical loads. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 6 A. Introduction Electrical energy costs in rural Alaska are very high when compared with Juneau, Fairbanks, and Anchorage. There are numerous reasons. First, it is expensive to supply electricity for small demands. It is also difficult to match generator size to loads. To provide reliable backup often requires a standby generator which can carry the load in the event of a major mechanical failure. Therefore, there are large percentages of idle equipment. A single generator must frequently be run at inefficient loadings. The cost of buying and installing a generator in a rural community is expensive, as is operation and maintenance. Over the years diesel generators have proven to be a reliable source of electricity and when oi] was relatively inexpensive they comprised virtually all of the generation capacity in rural Alaska. Transportation charges from the regional centers of distribution, like Dutch Harbor, Nome, Barrow, Bethel, Kotzebue, and Kodiak, are significant--for example, it costs the utility about 43 cents a gallon to transport diesel fuel from Nome to Gambell. Total diesel fuel costs to rural utilities frequently exceed $1.50 per gallon--as is the case in over one-half of Alaska Village Electric Cooperative's villages in 1983--whereas the costs to individuals for heating 01] often exceed $2 per gallon. In recent years, the abrupt increase in 01] prices, coupled with high transportation costs of bringing 011 to communities, has caused the price of electricity to rise substantially. In 1979, AVEC's average diesel fuel price was $.97 per gallon; it was $1.56 in 1983. The State of Alaska has addressed the problem in several ways. First, through the Energy Program for Alaska, it has implemented alternative energy projects, waste heat utilization projects, jinterties, and hydroelectric projects. Second, there have been a variety of energy conservation projects, including weatherization, audits and grants, and retrofits of institutional buildings. Third, it has subsidized electricity costs through the Power Cost Assistance program. Fourth, it has looked for economically and technically viable alternatives to replace oi] used in electric generation. There are alternative sources of energy for electric generation that are renewable, indigenous, and appear to be compatible with cultural values and socioeconomic preferences of residents. Wind is one such resource. Interest continues to grow because in many cases it may be the best alternative to diesel-fired electric generation, especially where microhydroelectric or major regional projects are not feasible. Wind generation continues to evolve as a practical technology, although there have been numerous challenges’ to overcome. The commentary from a science teacher at Hooper Bay was typical of the nature of this challenge in some communities: "Everything had to be done by hand, and because it was a learning experience, almost everything had to to be done twice before it was correct." Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 7 The State, municipal governments, and utilities have been involved in research, development and demonstration. For example, the Appropriate Technology and wind demonstration projects administered through the former Division of Energy and Power Development (DEPD) included three machines at Unalakleet ($100,000), a $100,000 project at Skagway, the Bering Straits wind demonstration program ($400,000), and grants for Newhalen, Pilot Station, Nelson Lagoon, and other Alaskan communities. Private individuals have probably spent over a million dollars on wind projects: the Department of Commerce and Economic Development (DCED) has approved 35 Alternative Energy Loans for wind generation for $504,500. The community of Hooper Bay has a second 10 kW wind generator that is expected to be in service in the Spring of 1984. This report is designed to accomplish two objectives. First, the report sets out to inventory the wind energy conversion systems (WECS hereafter) in Alaska by region, community, manufacturer, make, and model, utility intertie or battery charging configuration, and status of operation. Second, the report sets out to provide a basic economic analysis of WECS, including appropriate caveats where there are insufficient data. The economic analysis compares current WECS costs. per kilowatt-hour (kWh) with the cost of diesel fuel oi] the WECS generation replaces, based on current information. Since wind prices are relatively stable and 011 prices inflate over time, the number of years it will take before each WECS produces electricity at a price equal to that of the fuel it replaces (i.e. the crossover point) will be determined by some factors outside of the wind generator owner's control--primarily world oi] prices-- and others such as the reliability and kWh production of the machine subject to improvement. Several graphs have been drawn that illustrate the results for some of the more successful wind installations. The economic assessment depends on a forecast of kWh based on the initial production experience; usually this consisted of 3 to 24 months of operation since almost all of the machines were installed in the last three years. It is likely that actual results will be better than these kWh forecasts based on a straight-line projection of this data. The life expectancy of 15 years has not been established to date, although it appears reasonable based on knowledge of major components of the systems. Finally, the total stream of costs from WECS are compared with the stream of costs of the fuel they replace: the “Life-Cycle" results are shown in present value terms. There are numerous other factors that are also deserving of consideration, ranging from assumptions about future oi] prices, WECS production, a capacity value for WECS, the effect of WECS on line voltage and transmission losses to and from the site, and the effect of wind generation on the efficiency of diesel generation. These subjects may be addressed in site-specific or generic analyses and are not incorporated in this assessment. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 8 In the conclusion, there is a brief discussion of the implications of the findings, a discussion of steps that could be taken to improve the performance of and knowledge about WECS, and a discussion of options for future action. The discussion covers only the experiences with wind generators smaller than 20 kW, as the viability of larger machines in Alaska has not been demonstrated to date. Further details on sensitivity analyses, the data base used in the economic assessment, and the status of individual wind installations are available from DCED. B. Inventory There are 140 wind generators included in the January, 1984 wind generator inventory (see the Appendix). There are about a dozen wind generators which are smaller than .5 kW and some in remote areas of Alaska that are not listed in the inventory. This information is dynamic, so that the working status may be expected to change according to machine performance and conditions at the site. Local knowledge is invaluable in assessing the experience at a specific installation. Although there are installations throughout the State, Southwestern Alaska has the most wind generators (30) that are in operation, planned, or were previously installed. The inventory contains at least 20 wind generators over 10 kW that are known to be working on a consistent basis: there are another 30 working wind generators with rated capacities of from 1 to 4 kW. There are wind generators in all regions of the State, as shown below: Number of Region Wind Generators Northern (Arctic) e 5 Northwest e 27 Western e 19 Southcentral e 23 Southwestern e 30 Southeastern e 1 Interior e 9 Aleutians e116 Total 140 THREE 10kW WIND generators in use at Unalakleet are barely visible behind the fish dry- ing rack. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems ped C.__ Methodology Estimates of annual kWh production were made for 24 of the 140 Machines included in the inventory. Of the 24 wind generators, all data was based on records for 3 to 24 months of operation. Utility Managers were contacted to update information on diesel fuel costs and fuel efficiency of diesel generators provided by the Alaska Power Authority. Information for 15 wind generators at nine locations was validated on site visits. The 15 machines are identified in Appendix B, which also lists the months of data used to estimate total annual kWh production. Site visits were planned to collect kWh data and validate information on the cost of generating electricity from existing diesel generators. Eleven of the 15 machines were working at the nine locations: the locations are Bethel, Nome, Gambell, Hooper Bay, Chevak, Kodiak, Naknek, King Salmon, and Unalakleet. These communities have several things in common: the bulk of their electricity is generated by diesel-fired generators, there is an adequate to excellent wind regime for the machines, and the communities have had individuals who were willing to tackle the challenge of making the wind generators work. The following methodology was used in evaluating the economics of wind generators. The cost of diesel-fired electrical generation, using projected diesel fuel costs in 1984 for the analysis, is compared to the first-year cost of generating the same number of kWh with a wind generator. The results of the "First-Year Case" are summarized in Table 1 in subsection 1 of the Economic Analysis section. In all cases the 1984 cost per kWh of diesel fuel is lower than the cost per kwh calculated using the capital, installation and estimated operation and maintenance costs for the wind generator. This is typical of capital-intensive technologies, such as wind generators and hydroelectric projects. In both cases, the initial investment is traded against the value of the fuel costs incurred by using diesel generators. This comparison is followed in the economic analysis, subsection 2., by calculations showing the crossover year when diesel fuel and operation and maintenance costs are greater than the wind costs ona per kWh basis. For the crossover analysis o1] is inflated at 6% per year (or 0% in real terms assuming a 6% inflation rate) and 8.5% per year. Operation and maintenance costs for both diesel generators and WECS are inflated at 6%. The recovery of the capital and installation costs of WECS assumes a principal and interest payment based on 10 percent interest. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 10 In the final part of the Economic Analysis, as summarized in Table 3 in the "Life-Cycle Cases", the present value of the diesel fuel and operation and maintenance costs over 15 years is compared to the present value of total costs for the wind generation system: the total wind generation costs include the capital, installation, and operation and maintenance costs. Both alternatives produce the same power output. The table shows the results based on a 10 percent interest rate (6% inflation plus a 4% real discount rate). Costs are inflated at the inflation rate and then discounted back to 1984 $ using a 4 percent real discount rate. For example, fuel and operation and maintenance costs are inflated at 6 percent (0% in real terms) and then discounted at 10 percent (4% in real terms). As the economic analysis is very sensitive to changes in 011 prices and kWh production from the wind generators, it should be interpreted as an initial forecast rather than as an evaluation based on extensive reporting and analysis. The result is that the economic viability of WECS may be understated. It would be useful to update these estimates based on new information from wind generator owners. THREE WIND MACHINES are part of utility demonstration project in Unalakleet. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 11 D. Economic Analysis 1. "First-Year" Case The sites chosen for the economic analysis all have working wind generators. Unalakleet has the largest number of working machines (4) in this assessment; whereas Sand Point and Naknek have two machines which rival Unalakleet for the location with the best performing wind generator in Alaska for which kWh data is available. This part of the economic evaluation of production from the wind generators compares the first-year diesel fuel costs to the capital, installation, and operation and maintenance costs of wind generators. The value of diesel-fired electrical generation is calculated by multiplying the kWh of production times the per kWh cost associated with diesel fuel and operation and maintenance. The analysis excludes investment in the diesel generators because these are necessary to provide reliable capacity for meeting electrical loads on demand. Findings are presented in Table 1. Of the 24 working wind generators for which annual kWh data is available, there are four different manufacturers' machines. The analysis includes one Bergey, four Enertechs, one Grumman and eighteen Jacobs machines. The 10 kW Jacobs is the most common working wind generator in Alaska. The kWh listed in Table 1 is estimated from actual readings taken off the mastermind of the wind generator during the site visits--or these estimates were based on owner or Division of Energy and Power Development records. In many cases, data for a period of less than a year was extrapolated to calculate an annual figure; in others, data for a period longer than a year was averaged to estimate annual kWh production. Appendix B contains indicators of the site location characteristics and machine performance that are relevant to interpreting the annual kWh production estimates. These indicators include average wind speed, the months of data used in extrapolating or averaging annual kWh data, working status, and capacity factors. Capacity factors vary for the wind generators included in the economic analysis. The capacity factors for Jacobs units ranges from 1 to 19 percent, whereas the Enertech units have experienced capacity factors of 8 to 34 percent. The 1 kW Bergey has had a capacity factor of 32 percent. The Grumman 20 kW machine has had a 12 percent capacity factor. Annual production for the 10 kW Jacobs machines varies by location and reliability of the equipment. It includes a low of just over 1200 kWh per year in Ketchikan. At the high end of the range are Naknek at 16,900 kWh per year (based on 24 months of operation), 17,020 kWh per year at the Sand Point location (based on 12 months of operating experience and including a large amount of down time), Unalakleet #2 at 16,520 kWh per year (based on 8 months of data) and Unalakleet #4 at 22,780 kWh per year (extrapolated from 6 months of operation from July through December, 1983). Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 12 A reference case is valuable source for projecting costs at different locations, especially when one examines the range of capital and installation costs. Reference case costs for wind generators are based on the four machines installed at Unalakleet. The reference case was identified based on the following criteria: the location should have more than one machine installed and operating, both private and public investments should be evident, and the wind machines should be producing at least 15,000 kWh per year. The private capital and installation cost (in 1984 dollars) for a 10 kW Jacobs wind generator and 60'-80' Rohn tower is $31,500. The cost (in 1984 dollars) for a 10 kW wind generator may be increased to $41,400 if the site requires additional interconnection equipment. These documented costs exclude siting and planning costs, such as installing and reading an anemometer. Operation and maintenance costs were estimated at $250 or $1200 a year based on actual experience, again at Unalakleet. The kWh production figures in Table 1 include significant periods of time when the machines were out of operation. This implies that the annual kWh estimates are probably not overstated. In some cases, one may expect significant improvements in performance now that some of the previous problems affecting the blades, inverters, governors, and feathering tails have’ been overcome through design changes. For example, in Unalakleet the production from the best producer of the three machines owned by Unalakleet Valley Electric Cooperative surpassed 2900 kWh in November of 1983. This is up 50 percent over the comparable two-month period last year. If this becomes a trend, then the benchmark calculations shown in Table 1 will prove to substantially underestimate the benefits obtainable from wind generation over the 15 year analysis period. The wind generator costs in Table 1 may also be overstating per kWh costs if the kWh production exceeds the estimates in Table 1. A good case in point is Unalakleet #2, a machine estimated to produce 16,520 kWh per year. At a 10 percent interest rate, the capital and interest charges on Unalakleet #2 are equivalent to an annual payment of $4950 a year for 15 years-- equivalent to 30 cents per kWh. This falls from 30 to 25 cents per kWh if production increase to 20,000 kWh per year. It falls further, to 21.7 cents per kwh, for production of 22,780 kWh per year. Diesel fuel delivered in bulk to the utility is estimated to cost $.90 to $2.05 per gallon in December, 1984 at the 17 locations with 24 wind generators that have been included in the following economic analysis. The diesel fuel prices for Dec., 1984 are shown in Table 1. Diesel fuel prices for Dec., 1984 were projected to be 8.5 % higher than the price in Dec., 1981. For example, AVEC's “average” diesel fuel cost per gallon was $1.67 in Dec., 1981: the forecast of Dec. 1984 prices at 6% over this average results in an average fuel price of $1.70 per gallon. An 8.5 % fuel price escalation over the Dec., 1981 price yields an estimate of $1.74 per gallon for the average fuel price. The historical price has shown some volatility, illustrated by the July, 1981 price for AVEC of $1.33 per gallon before the increase later that year to $1.60 per gallon. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems Dp. 13 AVEC's average fuel cost for diesel generation in 1982 was 19.2 cents per kWh--indicating that many of AVEC's 48 villages probably have higher fuel costs than the average of those shown in Table 1. According to Alaska Power Authority calculations, AVEC may receive 22.4 cents per kWh in FY 1985 for power cost assistance to help defray the burden these high fuel costs place on rural residents. There is a potential to reduce this cost, especially over a multi-year period, by improving generator efficiencies and implementing cost effective alternative energy projects. Wind generators are likely to be expensive to install in remote communities with high diesel fuel prices. However, if the kWh production and reliability of the most successsful wind generator projects could be replicated in these locations, wind could supplement the diesel-fired electrical generation and lower total electrical generation costs. Individual diesel generators serving a single residence are even more expensive than larger community generators; thus a comparison of isolated wind costs may yield some interesting results. DIESEL GENERATOR house and bulk fuel storage at Gam- bell. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 14 Table 1 Diesel Fuel Price, “First-Year Case" Comparing Diesel to the Total Cost Per KWh of the Wind System WECS Diesel Fuel Diesel WECS Total Cost Project kWh fuel ¢/kWh = Fuel & Cents per kWh per $/gal in Oper- yr 1984 ation& Capital Maint. O+M Capital Installn ¢/kWh +Instlin and O+M Q) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) GAMBELL 4120 $1.50 15.8 21.8 29 103.3 13263 GAMBELL 9940 1.50 15.8 2128) 12 42.8 52.8 GAMBELL 13800 1.50 15.8 21.8 9 30.8 39.8 KIVALINA 4800 5H 18.9 24.9 5% 39.8 44.8 NOME 11970 1.28 O57 12.7 2* 31.5 33.5 UNALAKLEET#1 4000 Ved W250 ie 30 2Sie) S37 UNALAKLEET#2 16520 1.37 12.1 1S) 7 30.0 37.0 UNALAKLEET#3 5460 To37 123 1S 22 90.6 112.6 UNALAKLEET#4 22780 1.37 V2 15.1 1* loa 17.5 BETHEL 1350 1.26 10.2 13.2 19* 58.4 77.4 BETHEL 4400 1.26 10.2 1332 27 73.9 100.9 CHEVAK 5400 1.60 17.8 23.8 5* 56.2 61.2 HOOPER BAY 10840 1.58 1352 19.2 eo 29:0 S120 PILOT STATION 7200 1.69 17.4 23.4 7 68.7 85.7: PLATINUM 2875 2.00 20.0 26.0 Ge 56.1 6551 PALMER 6800 1.00 all 1057 4* 34.6 38.6 KING SALMON 9290 1.28 92 T22 3* 39.8 42.8 KODIAK 7320 0.91 tol 10.1 3* 32-3 3553 NAKNEK 16900 1.28 9.2 V2.2 1* 18.1 1S} KETCHIKAN 1220 0.90 6.4 8.4 20* 247.9 267.9 KETCHIKAN 2600 0.90 6.4 8.4 10* b6.3 126.3 SKAGWAY 10370 0.94 7.8 10.8 12 118.0 130.0 NELSON LAGOON 21560 2.05 22.8 28.8 8 58.8 66.8 SAND POINT 17020 1.05 10.5 1625 q 18.5 25,35 (1) WECS kWh per year was extrapolated or averaged. Note caveats in Paragraphs two and three of subsection 1., section D. Economic Analysis. (2) Diesel fuel $/gal.--Dec. 1984 price, delivered to the utility. (3) Fuel ¢/kWh in 1984 is calculated by dividing the diesel fuel $/gal in column #2 by the kWh per gallon (column 3, Table 3 herein). (4) Estimated by allocating AVEC's 1982 operation and maintenance costs over total kWh sold. Transmission and distribution costs were subtracted from the results. Some of the O+M costs for regional centers were derived from Rural Electrification Administration data forms (REA form 12f). (5) *Wind operation and maintenance (0+M) costs were estimated at $250 per year for wind generators that had experienced very high reliability or had individuals on-site that did the 0+M work (designated by a * above). High O+M costs were estimated at $1200 per year for those without an *. (6) Data on the capital and installation costs of wind generators was escalated to January, 1984 $ using the Anchorage Consumer Price Index. There are some problems with this index (ISER Research Summary No.14, Jan., 1984. (7) The capital and installation cost was amortized over a 15 year period using a 10 percent interest rate (or “cost of capital"). Actual costs are different than these costs, since the machines were installed before 1984. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 15 2. “Crossover-Year" Calculations The graphs of the cost of wind generation show a comparison of the cost of wind generation, calculated on a per kWh basis, compared to the per kWh value of the diesel fuel and operation and Maintenance savings. The comparisons show that one of the wind generators at Unalakleet and the machines at Naknek and Sand Point are producing power at a rate that would make them attractive compared to diesel generation at or above 20 cents per kWh in 1984. Table 2 shows the crossover year of projected diesel fuel and operation and maintenance costs and wind costs for ten of the wind generators. It is interesting to note that Unalakleet #2, one of the “reference case" wind generators and the machine with one of the best performances so far, does not have the earliest crossover point. This occurs because diesel fuel costs are greater in many of the other communities. While wind generator units in Nome and Kodiak are moderately good producers, the crossover analysis is not favorable for wind because of the relatively low diesel fuel prices. This may not always be the case in the same geographic region, especially when there is no local utility. Also, the crossover analysis indicates that if the Sand Point wind generator had the same estimate for operation and maintenance costs as the Naknek wind generator, its crossover point would improve considerably. Table 2 Number of Years for Wind-Diesel Crossover, on a Per kWh Basis Diesel Fuel Cost with Diesel Operation and Maintenance Costs 011 011 Inflated Inflated Project at_6% at_ 8.5% Chevak none 14 Hooper Bay 10 7 Naknek 9 7 Sand Point 12 8 Unalakleet #2 none 15 Unalakleet #4 3 3 Platinum none none Kodiak none none Nome none 14 Gambel] #3 14 11 Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 16 Figure 1 displays the basic relationship between wind and diesel fuel and operation and maintenance costs graphically. The crossover points in Table 2 are shown at the intersections (scales vary; points are rough approximations). A significant increase in the kWh production of wind generators would lead to a downward shift in the wind curves, since they are very sensitive to this factor. On the other hand, tower or equipment failures resulting in destruction or dismantling of the wind generator would result in much higher costs than those shown. The likely shift in the wind generator cost curve, based on actual experience, demonstrates the need to develop better data for projecting kWh production. The average fuel costs for AVEC villages illustrate the fact that there are many places in rural Alaska with diesel-fired electrical generation costs greater than those at communities portrayed in this” report. However, this average comparison indicates a potential for wind generation based solely on diesel fuel costs--in order to present results in terms of project feasibility, the wind regime and wind generator costs need to be evaluated for individual villages at specific sites. TOWER FAILURE in Gambell results in a shambles. tllus Pur only ¢/Kwh — ¢/Kwh 2 xz = = ~ 50 \ Lemimres 30 20 0 5 10 15 Year 0 5 10 15 Year 5 10 15 Year 0 5 10 15 Year SAND POINT CHEVAK HOOPER BAY 48 AVEC VILLAGES (Average) WECS SUPERIMPOSED Pd Oil infl. at 8%4%, O & M at 6% , / Oil infil. at 6%, O & Mat 6% Wind, O & M at 6% Wind capital and installation recovery at 10% ¢/Kwh ¢/Kwh 50; | I | | ! | 1 5 Year 0 5 10 15 Year 0 5 10 15 Year 0 5 10 15 Year NOME UNALAKLEET No. 2 & 4 PLATINUM NAKNEK Figure 1. Crossover Analysis (Diesel Fuel and Wind) Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 18 3. “Life-Cycle Cases" The present value of the fuel savings must account for the fact that a dollar benefit received or cost incurred in the future is not considered to have the same value as a dollar that is invested today. The present value approach allows the decision maker to compare projects, with costs or benefits occurring at different times in the future, on a comparable basis. This is especially useful when projects will provide identical benefits. In order to make this analysis as useful as possible to the Alaska Power Authority, which has the major responsibility for conducting reconnaissance and feasibility studies for electrical energy in Alaska, the project evaluation criteria used here are almost identical to those being considered by APA analysts for the 1984 fiscal year. The economic analysis criteria used in this analysis are: inflation @ 6% real discount rate 0 4% diesel fuel escalation above inflation e0 to 2.5% implied opportunity cost of capital e 10 percent Also, in this economic assessment the present values of wind generators are “inflation free"--that is, it does not escalate todays dollars ($1984) to reflect general changes in the price level for goods and services produced in the economy. This is identical to the Alaska Power Authority project evaluation procedure. The analysis focuses on price changes relative to the general increase in prices due to inflation. Sensitivity analysis is an appropriate method to use to evaluate the effect of changing major assumptions, such as the kWh produced, real escalation of fuel prices, and real discount rate. A 25 percent increase in kWh production over the baseline, no real diesel fuel price increase over and above inflation, and a 3.5 percent real discount rate would be one interesting case to evaluate for specific installations. As another example, consider that if production from the Naknek wind machine increases 20 percent over that shown in Tables 1 and 3 and diesel fuel increases at a 6 percent rate instead of the forecasted 8.5% rate (showing no real price escalation), then the present value of diesel fuel (column 3 in Table 3) decreases from $20,820 to $20,770, less than a one percent change. Table 3 lists the present value of the diesel fuel savings over the 15 year period. This assumes that the historical kwh production for each wind generator would be produced instead by running the existing diesels--the value of the fuel savings is calculated using the diesel generator efficiency (kWh per gallon) shown in this table and the cents per kWh for fuel and operation and maintenance costs shown in Table 1. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 19 Qualitative factors are also important in evaluating wind generation. Wind generators are the only practical alternative in many villages without hydroelectric generation potential. Issues such as building bulk fuel storage, financing fuel deliveries, allocating operation and maintenance costs, and replacing diesel generators have not been explicitly addressed in this analysis. It is reasonable to assume some of these costs could be reduced, perhaps substantially, if reliable capacity were available to meet electrical loads at wind generator sites. It also appears that transmission losses and the effect of the wind system on diesel generator efficiency deserve attention--although this is perhaps best addressed in a testing facility under controlled measurement conditions. Experience has shown these considerations can be met in a manner that allows the wind generators to effectively function as part of the electrical generation system. The economic analysis includes a 2 to 6¢ credit for operation and maintenance cost savings associated with an ability to defer these costs because the diesel would not have to meet the load at the wind generator site--over 200,000 kWh of electricity demand in 15 years at 13,333 kWh of production per year. These costs are very dependent on site-specific characteristics, such as the size of the diesel engines and generators. The credit for rural villages, estimated at an average of 6 cents per kWh, is approximately correct, although it does not represent the costs at a particular or even typical village. One of the aspects of wind generation not addressed in this analysis is the issue of whether there should be a capacity credit for wind. Achieving high kWh production relative to the machines rated capacity depends on the average wind speed at the site. The capacity factors of the 10 kW wind generators at Sand Point, Naknek, and Unalakleet (19, 15, and 19 percent) compare favorably with diesel generators in villages which have 100 percent redundancy in the diesel capacity. The issue of the capacity value of WECS deserves further consideration, especially if data can be collected and analyzed for an on-line Alaskan situation using various load conditions. Diesel generators in rural Alaska can have total plant capacity factors of 10 to 20 percent due to the need for redundancy in generation capacity and the need to respond to emergency conditions or a mismatch between generator sizes and loads. This indicates that where there is a reliable wind regime, there may be a capacity value credit for the wind generators. Appendix B has statistics on average wind speed and capacity factors for the 24 wind generators evaluated in the economic analysis. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 20 Table 3 Present Value of Diesel Fuel and O&M Savings versus Present Value of Costs of Power Generated from Existing Wind Machines WECS Diesel Present Values: kWh Wind Generator Total kWh Operatn Fuel Fuel per Present Value of Costs Project per & Maint. sav- 2 gal. Range includes low year ings O&M and high wind O&M (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) GAMBELL 4120 $2750 $8700 $11,450 9. $38,380 to $48,940 GAMBELL 9940 6630 21000 27,630 9. $38,380 to $48,940 GAMBELL 13800 9210 29150 38,360 9. $38,380 to $48,940 KIVALINA 4800 3200 12120 = 15,320 8. $18,780 to $29,340 NOME 11970 5320 15530 20,850 13. $34,280 to $44,840 UNALAKLEET#1 4000 1780 6490 8,270 bile UNALAKLEET#2 16520 7350 26800 34,150 us UNALAKLEET#3 5460 2430 8860 11,290 1. UNALAKLEET#4 22780 5950 36950 42,900 ie $44,180 to $54,740 $44,180 to $54,740 $44,180 to $54,740 $34,280 to $44,840 BETHEL 1350 600 1850 2,450 2s $9,380 to $19,940 BETHEL 4400 1960 6030 7,990 25 $29,980 to $40,540 CHEVAK 5400 3600 12850 + =16,450 95 $28,180 to $38,740 HOOPER BAY 10840 71230 19100 26,330 12: PILOT STATION 7200 4800 16790 =21,590 9: $29,080 to $39,640 $44,180 to $54,740 PLATINUM 2875 1920 7690 9,610 10. $16,280 to $26,840 PALMER 6800 3020 7000 =10,020 13. $22,480 to $33,040 KING SALMON 9290 4130 11450) = 15,580 13. $33,680 to $44,240 KODIAK 7320 3250 6910 10,160 V2. $22,580 to $33,140 NAKNEK 16900 7520 20820 28,340 13. $28,380 to $38,940 KETCHIKAN 1220 270 1050 1,320 14. $28,080 to $38,640 KETCHIKAN 2600 580 2240 2,820 14. $28,080 to $38,640 SKAGWAY 10370 4610 10870 =15,480 ce $105,180 to $115,740 NELSON LAGOON 21560 14380 65710 80,090 SE SAND POINT 17020 =11350 23910 35,260 10. $125,400 to $144,700 $29,080 to $39,640 CSCOCOTOW WWD OAHOOWWWWWWNOUMNM (1) WECS kWh per year was extrapolated or averaged. Note caveats in paragraphs two and three of subsection 1., section D. Economic Analysis. (2) See Table 1, columns 3 and 4. Subtract the fuel cost component from the total on the right ("with O&M costs") to obtain diesel O&M. In general, AVEC village costs are set at 6¢ per kWh and Unalakleet, Kodiak, and other regional centers are estimated at 2¢-4¢ per kWh unless specific information was available (REA form 12f). Transmission and distribution O&M was excluded. (3) Fuel savings were calculated based on multiplying the WECS kWh per year times the diesel fuel $/gal (Table 1, column 2) divided by the kWh per gal. shown above. These 1984 diesel fuel costs were then escalated at 8.5 percent per year for 15 years. The total at the end of each year was discounted back to Jan. 1984 dollars using a 10 percent discount rate. This procedure has the same effect as escalating diesel fuel costs at 2.5 percent real cost escalation over the assumed 6% inflation, and discounting to 1984 $ using a real discount rate of 4%. (4) Column 2 plus column 3. (5) kWh per gal. was provided by the Alaska Power Authority. (6) The estimated capital and installation costs (1984 $), can be derived by subtracting $2780 from the lower end of the cost range for wind generators. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems pi. 21 E. Conclusion and Recommendations The economic assessment concludes that there are places where the best wind generators (those at Sand Point, Naknek and Unalakleet) could lower the cost of electricity over the next 15 years. At Sand Point and Naknek, changing the present value of diesel costs in Table 3 based on higher production levels--say to 20,000 kWh per year--would increase the present value of the diesel fuel and operation and maintenance savings over and above the high end of the total wind generator costs. Sites with excellent potential based on analysis of this data include Gambell, Unalakleet, Hooper Bay, Sand Point, Platinum, Chevak, and Naknek. There are many other places in rural Alaska with good wind regimes and high diesel fuel costs. One of the “reference case" wind generators, the Unalakleet #4 wind generator, is producing power at 17.5 to 21.5 cents per kWh. If this experience could be duplicated at Platinum, then the project would be cost effective based on constant diesel fuel prices--and even more attractive with escalating diesel fuel prices. However, it is prudent to check this type of initial analysis in feasibility studies evaluating specific sites, wind generation capital, installation, and interconnection costs, local interest and skills, and financing. In the specific case shown in Table 3, the high initial capital and installation cost for the 1 kW wind generator make it somewhat less attractive than a 10 kW machine at the same site, all other things being equal. The economic assessment herein suggests that electricity generated by wind generators can displace significant quantities of diesel fuel, providing there is a management emphasis on proper siting and installation. The contribution from the 24 wind generators analyzed in this report amounted to 209,125 kWh in 1983. This is small relative to Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative's total diesel-fired generation in 1982 of 26,121,300 kWh to serve 48 villages: however, the total could reach 1,000,000 kWh a year by 2000 if four 10 kW machines were installed each year during the next 15 years. This would require an investment of approximately $3.0 million in 1984 dollars. Recommendations concerning advancing wind generator technology in Alaska include developing a program context for wind, building a testing facility or demonstration windfarm, and consolidating technical knowledge of wind generator technology within a division of state government. A programmatic context is needed for wind because there have been many unsuccessful projects built in communites where grants were transferred through the Dept. of Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 22 Administration or technical problems were encountered (some of these were Division of Energy and Power Development wind demonstration projects and others were DEPD Appropriate Technology grants). It is more efficient for one state agency to acquire expertise and technical assistance capability than to have wind generator owners and utility engineers addressing all technical problems individually. A windfarm or testing facility could take advantage of economies of scale in machine purchase and operation and maintenance. Production from wind generators could be integrated into the existing diesel-fired electrical generation, and load Management options could be tested for the diesel-wind electrical generation system. Good planning and management are important characteristics of the most successful projects in Alaska. An organized program, similar to the Waste Heat Utilization Program administered by the Alaska Power Authority, has promise as a means of successfully implementing wind generation projects based on economic and siting criteria. The future of wind generators as a viable alternative to oi] in rural Alaska depends on knowledge about the technology in Alaska. The economics could be improved through proper site planning and technical analysis, continuing an on-going monitoring program, and establishing a technical assistance and information program. A well-designed monitoring program would also resolve many of the deficiencies in the kWh production data base. The technology has not been assessed in a manner that technical advances and experience--particularly in Hawaii and California--will result in better Alaskan projects. There are more than 117 megawatts (ie. 1000 kW = 1 megawatt) of capacity in the U.S. according to "Alternative Sources of Energy", consisting of about 1900 systems. Alaska has about 50 projects of 350 kW capacity in working wind generators listed in the inventory. Knowledge of the extensive applications of the technology in Hawaii and California can add insight to decision making and applications in Alaska, provided close attention is paid to Alaskan weather and other special conditions (such as cost, construction techniques, air and barge shipment, and soil conditions) in transfering the most successful applications. Completion of a technology assessment is a necessary task before full implemention of a testing facility or construction of a wind farm. A testing facility may prove essential to improving Alaskan wind generator reliability, reducing maintenance costs, and addressing technical issues such as capacity credits and voltage levels associated with wind generator production. A testing facility would also lead to improvements in the economics of planned wind generator installations by allowing better estimates of cost and performance. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 23 This report completes an initial step in developing a programmatic context for wind generation. This approach focuses on consolidating technical siting and economic evaluation capabilities. Technical improvements in wind generator technology should result in projects that can lower electrical generation costs jin rural communities which have some of the highest electricity prices in the United States. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems p. 24 References Alaskan Wind Energy Handbook (Fairbanks, Alaska: Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities, by Mark Newell of Polarconsult and Matt Reckard of DOT/PF, July, 1981). Monitoring and Appraisal Evaluation of Wind Energy Potential for Electric Power Generation in the Bristol Bay Area (Juneau, Alaska: Alaska Power Administration, by Thomas Zambrano and Gary Arcemont of AeroVironment Inc., Pasadena, CA., February, 1983). "Appropriate Energections", issues starting in August, 1979 through May/June, 1983, State of Alaska, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Energy and Power Development. “Alternative Sources of Energy", published bi-monthly, ISSN-0146-1001, especially issues no. 61 and 63. Alaska's Wind Energy Systems Appendix A Inventory of Wind Generators Inventory of WIND GENERATORS in Alaska R. Steven Konkel, Energy Economist Department of Commerce & Economic Development Finance and Economics Juneau, Alaska January 1984 INVENTORY OF WIND GENERATORS IN ALASKA There are 140 wind generators included in the January, 1984 wind generator inventory. There are additional generators which are smaller and some in remote areas of Alaska where Owners were not available for interviews. The inventory information is dynamic, so that computer capabilities and developing a monitoring system can be quite useful in making decisions based on changing conditions: Local knowledge is invaluable in evaluating the ex- APPENDIX A perience at a specific installation. There are installations throughout the State, although southwestern Alaska with 29 machines in operation, planned or previously installed, leads all other regions. Included in the attached Alaska Wind Generator Inventory by Region are the following characteristics of the wind generators: e location; e identification number: e the manufacturer and model number; e = kilowatt rated capacity; @ working status of the wind generator: categories include working (W), occasionally working (OW), not working (NW), planned (PLND) and unknown (UNK); and e@ whether the machine is a battery charger or intertied with a utility. Ww NW ow PLND UNK N/A Ul BC KEY = Working = Not Working or Dismantled = Occasionally Working = Planned = Unknown = Not Applicable or Not Available = Utility Intertied = Battery Charger ALASKAN WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY BY REGION Utility Intertied Manufacturer Size or Battery Status ID Location and Model in kw Charger Code NORTHERN (ARCTIC) REGION 1 Barrow Enertech 1800 1.8 Ul Ww 2 Barrow Enertech 4000 4 Ul Ww 3 Kaktovik Enertech 1800 1.8 Ul w 4 Kaktovik Dunlite 2 Ul NW 5 Point Lay Enertech 4000 4 Ul NW NORTHWEST REGION 6 Ambler Jacobs 3 BC Ww 7 Council Aeropower SL1000 1 BC Ow 8 Elim Aeropower 2 N/A PLND 9 Gambell IES Skyhawk 4 4 Ul NW 10 Gambell IES Skyhawk 4 4 UI NW 11 Gambell IES Skyhawk 4 4 Ul NW 12 Gambell IES Skyhawk 4 4 Ul NW 13 Gambell Jacobs 10 Ul Nw 14 Gambell Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 15 Gambell Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 16 Golovin Enertech 1800 1.8 N/A NW i Kivalina Enertech 4000 4 Ul Ow 18 Kotzebue Dunlite 2 Ul WwW 19 Kotzebue Enertech 1800 1.8 BC NW 20 Nome Aeropower SL2000 2 BC NW 21 Nome Bergey BWC1000 1 BC Ow 22 Nome Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 23 Selawik Enertech 1500 1.5 Ul ow 24 Selawik Enertech 1800 1.8 Ul UNK 25 Shishmaref Enertech 1800 1.8 UI Ww 26 Shishmaref Enertech 1800 1.8 Ul Ww 27 Teller Enertech 1800 1.8 Ul ow 28 Unalakleet Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 29 Unalakleet Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 30 Unalakleet Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 31 Unalakleet Jacobs 15 Ul Ww 32 White Mountain Enertech 1800 1.8 BC NW WESTERN REGION 33 Alakanuk Enertech 1800 1.8 Ul NW 34 Bethel Dunlite 2 BC NW 35 Bethel Enertech 1800 1.8 Ul NW 36 Bethel Enertech 4000 4 Ul Ow 37 Bethel Aeropower SL1500 1.5 N/A PLND 38 Bethel Jacobs 10 N/A PLND 39 Chevak Enertech 1800 1.8 Ul Ww 40 Hooper Bay Jacobs 10 Ul WwW 41 Hooper Bay Jacobs 10 N/A PLND 42 Newtok Enertech 1800 1.8 N/A PLND 43 Pilot Station Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 44 Platinum Bergey 1000-S 1 Ul Ww 45 Sheldon Point Aeropower SL2000 2 BC NW 46 Sheldon Point Aeropower SL2000 2 BC NW 47 Sheldon Point Northwind HR2 2 BC w Utility Intertied Manufacturer Size or Battery Status ID Location and Model in kw Charger Code WESTERN REGION (continued) 48 Sheldon Point Northwind HR2 2 BC Ww 49 Sheldon Point Northwind HR2 2 BC Ww 50 Sheldon Point Northwind HR2 2 BC Ww 51 Sheldon Point Northwind HR2 2 BC Ww SOUTHCENTRAL REGION 52 Anchorage Jacobs 1.8 BC w 53 ChinitnaBay = ———————— —— - BC UNK 54 Cordova Aeropower SL1500 1.5 BC UNK 55 Homer Paris Dunn 0.5 BC ow 56 Homer Jacobs 2 N/A PLND 57 Homer Enertech 1800 1.8 N/A PLND 58 Homer Enertech 4000 4 Ul Ww. 59 Homer Jacobs 3 BC UNK 60 Homer Composite 1 N/A NW 61 Kasilof Sencenbaugh 1 BC Ww 62 Matanuska Aeropower SL2000 2 BC NW 63 Ninilchik Bergey BWC1000 1 BC UNK 64 Palmer Bergey BWC1000 1 BC Ww 65 Palmer Bergey 1000-S 1 Ul Ww. 66 Palmer Aeropower 1500 1.5 Ul UNK 67 Palmer Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 68 Palmer Enertech 4000 4 Ul w 69 Palmer Jacobs 10 BC UNK 70 Palmer Aerolite 11 Ul UNK 71 Seward Aeropower 1500 1.5 BC w 72 Wasilla Jacobs 10 Ul NW 73 Wasilla Bergey BWC-Excel 10 BC PLND 74 Wasilla Dunlite 5 BC UNK SOUTHWESTERN REGION 75 Afognak Island Aeropower SL2000 iz BC Ww 76 Dillingham Jacobs 10 Ul We aa Dillingham IES Skyhawk 4 4 BC UNK 78 Egegik Aeropower SL1500 1.5 BC w 79 Fox Bay Jacobs 1.8 BC UNK 80 lliamna Jacbos 1.8 BC Ww 81 lliamna Dakota Wind & Sun 4 BC NW 82 lliamna Dakota Wind & Sun 4 BC NW 83 King Salmon Enertech 1500 1.5 Ul w° 84 King Salmon Enertech 4000 4 Ul OW 85 King Salmon Enertech 4000 4 N/A PLND 86 King Salmon Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 87 Kodiak Aeropower SL1500 1.5 BC w 88 Kodiak Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 89 Lake Clark Dakota Wind & Sun 4 BC w 90 Lake Clark Jacobs 3 BC Ww 91 Levelock Northwind HR2 2 N/A UNK 92 Naknek Jacobs 12.5 Ul Ww 93 Naknek Jacobs 12.5 Ul PLND 94 Naknek Bergey BWC-Excel 10 Ul PLND 95 Naknek Bergey 1000-S 1 Ul PLND 96 Naknek Jacobs 12.5 Ul PLND 97 Naknek Not Selected - N/A PLND 98 Nannek Not Selected - N/A PLND Utility Intertied Manufacturer Size or Battery Status ID Location and Model in kw Charger Code SOUTHWESTERN REGION (continued) 99 Naknek Enertech 1500 1.5 Ul NW 100 Naknek Enertech 1500 1.5 UI Ow 101 Newhalen Stormmaster 8 BC NW 102 Nondalton Bergey 1 Ul NW 103 Port Alsworth Jacobs 1.8 BC Ww 104 Togiak Aeropower SL2000 2 BC NW SOUTHEASTERN REGION 105 Haines Dunlite 1 Ul UNK 106 Haines Electro Z BC UNK 107 Ketchikan Jacobs 10 Ul PLND 108 Ketchikan Jacobs 10 ul Ww 109 Ketchikan Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 110 Ketchikan Aeropower SL1500 1.5 BC UNK 111 Metlakatla Jacobs 10 UI Ow 112 Petersburg Jacobs 1.8 BC PLND 113 Petersburg Dakota Wind & Sun 4 BC PLND 114 Port Alexander ——=-—-—————— - N/A PLND 115 Skagway Jacobs 10 Ul Ww. INTERIOR 116 Cantwell Dakota Wind & Sun 4 BC WwW 117 Cantwell Jacobs 10 N/A PLND 118 _ Cantwell Bergey BWC1000 1 N/A UNK 119 Delta Junction Electro 6 Ul NW 120 Delta Junction Jacobs 10 Ul UNK 121 Delta Junction Aeropower SL1500 1.5 BC UNK 122 Gakona Aeropower SL1000 1 BC UNK 123 McKinley Park Aeropower SL1000 1 BC UNK 124 Slana Aeropower SL2000 2 BC UNK ALEUTIANS 125 Adak Enertech 1800 1.8 Ul Ow 126 Chignik Aeropower SL2000 2 BC UNK 127 Cold Bay Dunlite 2 BC Ww 128 False Pass Dunlite 2 BC UNK 129 Nelson Lagoon Grumman Windstream 20 Ul Ow 130 Nikolski Aeropower SL2000 2 BC UNK 131 Port Heiden Aeropower SL2000 2 BC UNK 132 St. Paul Enertech 1800 1.8 Ul PLN 133 Sand Point Jacobs 10 Ul W- 134 Sand Point Jacobs 10 Ul Ww 135 Sand Point Jacobs 12.5 Ul Ww. 136 Sand Point Jacobs 15 Ul Ww. 137 Sand Point Jacobs 15 Ul Ow 138 Sand Point Jacobs 15 Ul Ow 139 Sand Point Aerolite 11 Ul PLND 140 Unalaska Aerolite 11 Ul PLND Alaska's Wind Energy Systems Appendix B Wind Generator Project Statistics APPENDIX B ALASKA’S WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS Average Capacity Project Site Wind Speed Factor Nelson Lagoon 15E 0.123 Sand Point 19 0.194 Naknek 13 0.154 Unalakleet No. 2 11 0.189 Gambell 18 0.158 Unalakleet No. 4 11 0.173 Nome 10 0.137 Hooper Bay 14 0.124 Skagway 10E 0.118 Gambell 18 0.113 King Salmon 11 0.106 Kodiak 10 0.084 Pilot Station 14 0.082 Palmer 6E 0.078 Unalakleet No. 3 11 0.062 Chevak 15 0.342 Kivalina 13E 0.137 Bethel 12E 0.126 Gambell 18 0.047 Unalakleet No. 1 11 0.046 Platinum 17 0.328 Ketchikan 8E 0.030 Bethel 12E 0.086 Ketchikan 8E 0.014 Note: = Estimated from data at other sites in the same geographic re- gion. Source for the data is the Alaskan Wind Energy Handbook, Capacity factor is calculated by dividing the estimate for annual kilowatt-hour production (KWH/Yr.) by the rated capacity of the wind generator multiplited by 8760 hours per year. APPENDIX B ALASKA'S WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS Wind Generator Project Statistics On-Site Months of Data Project Site ID Size (KW) Make Status KWH/Yr. KWH Data Collection Nelson Lagoon 1 20 Grumman Ow 21560 14 Sand Point 2 10 Jacobs Ow 17020 12 Naknek 3 12.5 Jacobs Ww 16900 24 x Unalakleet No. 2 4 10 Jacobs w 16520 8 Xx Gambell 5 10 Jacobs w 13800 16 Xx Unalakleet No. 4 6 15 Jacobs Ww 22780 6 x Nome 7 10 Jacobs WwW 11970 3 Xx Hooper Bay 8 10 Jacobs WwW 10840 18 x Skagway 9 10 Jacobs Ww 10370 10 Gambell 10 10 Jacobs Ww 9940 16 x King Salmon 11 10 Jacobs Ww 9290 7 x Kodiak 12 10 Jacobs WwW 7320 16 x Pilot Station 13 10 Jacobs Ww 7200 3 Palmer 14 10 Jacobs Ww 6800 9 Unalakleet No.3 15 10 Jacobs Ww 5460 8 x Chevak 16 1.8 Enertech 1800 Ww 5400 5 x Kivalina 17 4 Enertech 4000 Ow 4800 3 Bethel 18 4 Enertech 4000 ow 4400 6 Xx Gambell 19 10 Jacobs NW 4120 16 x Unalakleet No. 1 20 10 Jacobs Ww 4000 8 Xx Platinum 21 1 Bergey 1000-S Ww 2875 10 Ketchikan 22 10 Jacobs Ww 2600 7 Bethel 23 1.8 Enertech 1800 NW 1350 21 x Ketchikan 24 10 Jacobs Ww 1220 5